Contemporary Theatre, Film and Televison: A Biographical Guide Featuring Performers, Directors, Writers, Producers, Designers, Managers, Choreographers, ... ; Volume 92

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Televison: A Biographical Guide Featuring Performers, Directors, Writers, Producers, Designers, Managers, Choreographers, ... ; Volume 92

ISSN 0749-064X A Biographical Guide Featuring Performers, Directors, Writers, Producers, Designers, Managers, Choreogra

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ISSN 0749-064X

A Biographical Guide Featuring Performers, Directors, Writers, Producers, Designers, Managers, Choreographers, Technicians, Composers, Executives, Dancers, and Critics in the United States, Canada, Great Britain and the World Thomas Riggs, Editor

Volume 92

Contemporary Theatre, Film & Television, Vol. 92 Editor: Thomas Riggs CTFT Staff: Erika Fredrickson, Mariko Fujinaka, Annette Petrusso, Susan Risland, Lisa Sherwin, Arlene True, Andrea Votava, Pam Zuber Project Editor: Michael J. Tyrkus Editorial Support Services: Ryan Cartmill Composition and Electronic Capture: Gary Oudersluys Manufacturing: Drew Kalasky

© 2009 Gale, Cengage Learning ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the publisher. This publication is a creative work fully protected by all applicable copyright laws, as well as by misappropriation, trade secret, unfair competition, and other applicable laws. The authors and editors of this work have added value to the underlying factual material herein through one or more of the following: unique and original selection, coordination, expression, arrangement, and classification of the information.

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While every effort has been made to ensure the reliability of the information presented in this publication, Gale, a part of Cengage Learning, does not guarantee the accuracy of the data contained herein. Gale accepts no payment for listing; and inclusion in the publication of any organization, agency, institution, publication, service, or individual does not imply endorsement of the editors or publisher. Errors brought to the attention of the publisher and verified to the satisfaction of the publisher will be corrected in future editions. EDITORIAL DATA PRIVACY POLICY. Does this publication contain information about you as an individual? If so, for more information about our editorial data privacy policies, please see our Privacy Statement at Gale 27500 Drake Rd. Farmington Hills, MI, 48331-3535 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER 84-649371 ISBN-13: 978-1-4144-3467-4 ISBN-10: 1-4144-3467-7

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Preface............................................................................................. vii Biographies........................................................................................ 1 Cumulative Index .......................................................................... 349 (Including references to Who’s Who in the Theatre and Who Was Who in the Theatre)


Preface Provides Broad, Single-Source Coverage in the Entertainment Field Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television (CTFT) is a biographical reference series designed to provide students, educators, researchers, librarians, and general readers with information on a wide range of entertainment figures. Unlike single-volume reference works that focus on a limited number of artists or on a specific segment of the entertainment field, CTFT is an ongoing publication that includes entries on individuals active in the theatre, film, and television industries. Before the publication of CTFT, information-seekers had no choice but to consult several different sources in order to locate the in-depth biographical and credit data that makes CTFT’s one-stop coverage the most comprehensive available about the lives and work of performing arts professionals.

Scope CTFT covers not only performers, directors, writers, and producers, but also behind-the-scenes specialists such as designers, managers, choreographers, technicians, composers, executives, dancers, and critics from the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and the world. With 214 entries in CTFT 92, the series now provides biographies on approximately 25,248 people involved in all aspects of theatre, film, and television. CTFT gives primary emphasis to people who are currently active. New entries are prepared on major stars as well as those who are just beginning to win acclaim for their work. CTFT also includes entries on personalities who have died but whose work commands lasting interest.

Compilation Methods CTFT editors identify candidates for inclusion in the series by consulting biographical dictionaries, industry directories, entertainment annuals, trade and general interest periodicals, newspapers, and online databases. Additionally, the editors of CTFT maintain regular contact with industry advisors and professionals who routinely suggest new candidates for inclusion in the series. Entries are compiled from published biographical sources which are believed to be reliable, but have not been verified for this edition by the listee or their agents.

Revised Entries To ensure CTFT’s timeliness and comprehensiveness, entries from previous volumes, as well as from Gale’s Who’s Who in the Theatre, are updated for individuals who have been active enough to require revision of their earlier biographies. Such individuals will merit revised entries as often as there is substantial new information to provide. Obituary notices for deceased entertainment personalities already listed in CTFT are also published.

Accessible Format Makes Data Easy to Locate CTFT entries, modeled after those in Gale’s highly regarded Contemporary Authors series, are written in a clear, readable style designed to help users focus quickly on specific facts. The following is a summary of the information found in CTFT sketches: •

ENTRY HEADING: the form of the name by which the listee is best known.

PERSONAL: full or original name; dates and places of birth and death; family data; colleges attended, degrees earned, and professional training; political and religious affiliations when known; avocational interests.

ADDRESSES: home, office, agent, publicist and/or manager addresses. vii

CAREER: tagline indicating principal areas of entertainment work; resume of career positions and other vocational achievements; military service.

MEMBER: memberships and offices held in professional, union, civic, and social organizations.

AWARDS, HONORS: theatre, film, and television awards and nominations; literary and civic awards; honorary degrees.

CREDITS: comprehensive title-by-title listings of theatre, film, and television appearance and work credits, including roles and production data as well as debut and genre information.

RECORDINGS: album, single song, video, and taped reading releases; recording labels and dates when available.

WRITINGS: title-by-title listing of plays, screenplays, scripts, and musical compositions along with production information; books, including autobiographies, and other publications.

ADAPTATIONS: a list of films, plays, and other media which have been adapted from the listee’s work.

SIDELIGHTS: favorite roles; portions of agent-prepared biographies or personal statements from the listee when available.

OTHER SOURCES: books, periodicals, and internet sites where interviews or feature stories can be found.

Access Thousands of Entries Using CTFT’s Cumulative Index Each volume of CTFT contains a cumulative index to the entire series. As an added feature, this index also includes references to all seventeen editions of Who’s Who in the Theatre and to the four-volume compilation Who Was Who in the Theatre.

Available in Electronic Format Online. Recent volumes of CTFT are available online as part of the Gale Biographies (GALBIO) database accessible through LEXIS-NEXIS. For more information, contact LEXIS-NEXIS, P.O. Box 933, Dayton, OH 45401-0933; phone (937) 865-6800, toll-free: 800-543-6862.

Suggestions Are Welcome Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television is intended to serve as a useful reference tool for a wide audience, so comments about any aspect of this work are encouraged. Suggestions of entertainment professionals to include in future volumes are also welcome. Send comments and suggestions to: The Editor, Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television, Gale, 27500 Drake Rd., Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535; or feel free to call toll-free at 1-800-877GALE.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television

Schmidt, Time under Fire (also known as Beneath the Bermuda Triangle), Royal Oaks Entertainment, 1996. Area 51 guard, Independence Day (also known as ID4), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. Frank, Crosscut, A–pix Entertainment, 1996. Macelroy, Snitch, 1996. Cop, The Peacemaker, DreamWorks, 1997. Michael Irish, The Get, 1998. Vinny Pallazzo, Lookin’ Italian (also known as Showdown), 1998. Jack, Molly, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1999. Peter the pilot, Cast Away, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. Eric, Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles, Paramount, 2001. Melvin Snow, The Seventh Sense (short), IFILM, 2001. Bennie, Collateral Damage, Warner Bros., 2002. Bobby Falcone, Studio City, 2003. Cop on Westside Street, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (also known as T3 and Terminator 3—Rebellion der maschinen), Warner Bros., 2003. Lear jet pilot, S.W.A.T., Sony, 2003. Captain Peters, Rancid, Nonstop Sales, 2004. Jesse, Traci Townsend, 2005. Molina, Sharkskin 6 (also known as Crime Guys), Columbia, 2005. Jackie, Mobsters and Mormons, Halestorm Entertainment, 2005. John Barrhauser, Paved with Good Intentions, 2006. Donna’s male neighbor, World Trade Center, Paramount, 2006. Eerie man, Shadow People, 2007. Wilson, The Hills Have Eyes II (also known as The Hills Have Eyes 2), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2007. Gerhard, InAlienable, 2008.


ACOVONE, Jay 1955– PERSONAL Born August 20, 1955, in Mahopac, NY; parents, owners of a dry–cleaning business; married Fonda St. Paul (a talent manager). Education: Studied at American Academy of Dramatic Arts and Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute. Avocational Interests: Boxing, swimming, skiing (holds instructor’s license), motorcycles, auto racing. Addresses: Agent—The Geddes Agency, 8430 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 200, West Hollywood, CA 90069. Career: Actor. Worked as a car salesperson, mechanic and filling station attendant, and surveyor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Skip Lee, Cruising (also known as William Friedkin’s ⬙Cruising⬙), United Artists, 1980. Plainclothes cop, Times Square, AFD, 1980. Cookie Manero, Cold Steel, Cinetel, 1987. Bobby Arms, Out for Justice, Warner Bros., 1991. Tony Gaudio, Doctor Mordrid, Paramount Home Video, 1992. Cercasi successo disperatamente, 1994. Opposite Corners, 1995. Chuck, Foxfire, Samuel Goldwyn, 1996.

Television Appearances; Series: Brian Emerson, Search for Tomorrow, CBS, 1982–84. Detective Jack Rado, Hollywood Beat, ABC, 1985. Deputy District Attorney Joe Maxwell, Beauty and the Beast, CBS, 1987–90. 1


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 ⬙I’ll Dance at Your Wedding,⬙ Jake and the Fatman, CBS, 1990. Ray, ⬙S.O.B.,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1991. Jake, ⬙Carol’s Carnival,⬙ Growing Pains, 1991. Detective Rudy Acosta, ⬙Bite the Big Apple,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1991. Neil Leeuwen, ⬙Hit the Road Jack,⬙ Civil Wars, ABC, 1992. Goucho, ⬙Forbidden Zone,⬙ Red Shoe Diaries, Showtime, 1992. Nick Colette, ⬙Family Business,⬙ The Commish, ABC, 1993. Tony Fielding, ⬙Crime of Love,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1993. Lieutenant Nick Acosta, ⬙Murder on the Thirtieth Floor,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1994. Brother Mike, ⬙Carrick O’Quinn,⬙ Renegade, 1994. Mr. Ahern, ⬙The Getaway,⬙ Matlock, ABC, 1995. Detective Ray Quiller, ⬙The Last Kiss Goodnight,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1995. Raymond DiSalvo, ⬙Large Mouth Bass,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1995. Fireman Charlie, ⬙The One with the Candy Hearts,⬙ Friends, 1995. Raymond DiSalvo, ⬙Cold Heaters,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1995. ⬙Down South,⬙ High Tide, 1995. Gary Hendrickson, ⬙Spare Parts,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1996. Dr. Tassler, ⬙Sole Survivors,⬙ Sliders, Fox, 1996. Detective Joe Curtis, ⬙Demons,⬙ The X Files, Fox, 1996. Victor Rand, ⬙Condor,⬙ Viper, 1996. Max Kinkaid, ⬙The Warren Omission,⬙ Dark Skies, NBC, 1997. Tommy Annunziato, ⬙Looking for Mr. Goombah,⬙ Total Security, ABC, 1997. Burglar, ⬙Sex, Lies, and Activewear,⬙ Renegade, 1997. Major Charles Kawalsky, ⬙Children of the Gods,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 1997. Major Charles Kawalsky, ⬙The Enemy Within,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 1997. Joey Pantangelo, ⬙Three Ring Circus,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1998. Captain Charles Kawalsky, ⬙The Gamekeeper,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 1998. Clifton Moloney, ⬙Trapped in Paradise,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1999. Vincent, ⬙Blind Faith,⬙ Providence, NBC, 1999. Vincent, ⬙Taste of Providence,⬙ Providence, NBC, 1999. Vincent, ⬙You Bet Your Life,⬙ Providence, NBC, 1999. Ben Siegel III, ⬙Way Out West,⬙ Sliders, Sci–Fi Channel, 1999. Major Charles Kawalsky, ⬙Point of View,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 1999. Frankie Beans, ⬙Honey, It Takes Two to Mambo,⬙ Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, 1999. Johnny Terelli, ⬙True Stories,⬙ Pensacola: Wings of Gold, syndicated, 1999. Stu, ⬙Eye of the Storm,⬙ Sliders, Sci–Fi Channel, 2000. Detective Stan Brookins, ⬙The Inner Sense: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 2000.

Del Brakett, As the World Turns, CBS, 2003. Joe Smith, General Hospital, ABC, 2008. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Quartermaster Maselli (Barracuda), War and Remembrance, ABC, 1988. Television Appearances; Movies: Leo, Parole, CBS, 1982. Captain Rader, Women of Valor (also known as Women of Valour), CBS, 1986. Detective Harris, Quicksand: No Escape, USA Network, 1992. Steve Davis, Stepfather III (also known as Father’s Day and Stepfather 3: Father’s Day), HBO, 1992. Detective Falcone, Conflict of Interest, HBO, 1992. Lieutenant Robert Carlino, A Murderous Affair: The Carolyn Warmus Story (also known as Lovers of Deceit: The Carolyn Warmus Story), ABC, 1992. Captain Evan Graham, Nails, Showtime, 1992. Richie, Born to Run, Fox, 1993. David Katz, The Magician, 1993. Minelli, Marked for Murder (also known as Hard Time and The Sandman), NBC, 1993. Bruno Romano, Columbo: Strange Bedfellows, ABC, 1995. Sergeant Wallace, Crime of the Century, HBO, 1996. Murphy, Crash Dive (also known as Crash Dive: The Chase Is On), HBO, 1997. Captain Unander, On the Line, ABC, 1998. Lieutenant detective Bob Mankowsky, Murder, She Wrote: A Story to Die For, CBS, 2000. The Dukes of Hazzard: Hazzard in Hollywood, CBS, 2000. Mr. Moltianni, The Amati Girls, Fox, 2000. Also appeared in Wolf. Television Appearances; Pilots: Mike Levine, Locals, Fox, 1994. Television Appearances; Specials: Beyond the Stargate: Secrets Revealed, Sci–Fi Channel, 2005. Television Appearances; Episodic: (Television debut) Hospital orderly, All My Children, ABC, late 1970s. Eddie, ⬙Jerry Jumps Right In,⬙ Down and Out in Beverly Hills, 1987. Dr. Bruce Jacobs, ⬙The Doctors,⬙ Matlock, 1987. Mick, ⬙Running with the Pack,⬙ Werewolf, 1987. Matelli, ⬙The Out of Towner,⬙ Hardball, NBC, 1989. Detective Sergeant Vinnie Grillo, ⬙O’Malley’s Luck,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1990. 2

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 David Haskell/Duffy Haskell, ⬙Per Manum,⬙ The X Files, Fox, 2001. O’Ryan, ⬙Money for Nothing: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Invisible Man, Sci–Fi Channel, 2001. Duffy Haskell, ⬙Essence,⬙ The X Files, Fox, 2001. Raymond DiSalvo, ⬙Waking Up Is Hard to Do,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2001. Agent Billingsley, ⬙A Place Called Defiance,⬙ 18 Wheels of Justice, 2001. Colonel Harry R. Presser, ⬙Dog Robber: Part 2,⬙ JAG (also known as JAG: Judge Advocate General), CBS, 2001. Keats, ⬙Bite Me,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2002. Aldini, ⬙Left–Overs,⬙ Providence, NBC, 2002. Jimmy Gentile, ⬙Quarantine,⬙ Strong Medicine, Lifetime, 2004. General Montrose, ⬙What If,⬙ JAG (also known as JAG: Judge Advocate General), CBS, 2004. Las Vegas, NBC, 2004. Paul Gionetti, ⬙Tri–Borough,⬙ CSI: NY (also known as CSI: New York), CBS, 2005. Ray Galardi, ⬙Mr. Monk Gets Stuck in Traffic,⬙ Monk, USA Network, 2005. Major Charles Kawalsky, ⬙Moebius: Part 2,⬙ Stargate SG–1 (also known as La porte des etoiles), 2005. Tom Collison in 2005, ⬙Kensington,⬙ Cold Case, CBS, 2005. Ray Abazon, ⬙Magic Carpet Fred,⬙ Las Vegas, NBC, 2005. Detective Morrison, ⬙Won’t Get Fooled Again,⬙ Criminal Minds, CBS, 2005. Tom Wagman, ⬙Day 5: 5:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.,⬙ 24, Fox, 2006.

ADAMS Danton (an actor, director, and writer), 1954 (divorced, 1981); children: Mitchell, Steven (an assistant director). Education: Studied drama at Little Rock Junior College, 1945–46. Addresses: Contact—Twentieth Century, 4605 Lankershim Blvd., Suite 305, North Hollywood, CA 91602. Career: Actress. Appeared in a television commercial for Tylenol PM pain reliever, 1996. Also worked as a secretary. Awards, Honors: Soap Opera Digest Award nomination, outstanding supporting actress in a daytime serial, 1986, for Capitol. CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Betty Adams) Polly Medford, The Dalton Gang (also known as Outlaw Gang), Lippert Pictures/Screen Guild Productions, 1949. (As Betty Adams) Starlet, Red, Hot, and Blue, Paramount, 1949. (As Betty Adams) Ann Green, Hostile Country (also known as Outlaw Fury), Lippert Pictures, 1950. (As Betty Adams) Ann Green, Colorado Ranger (also known as Guns of Justice), Lippert Pictures, 1950. (As Betty Adams) Ann Greene, West of the Brazos (also known as Rangeland Empire), Lippert Pictures, 1950. (As Betty Adams) Ann Hayden, Crooked River (also known as Guns of Justice), Lippert Pictures, 1950. (As Betty Adams) Ann, Fast on the Draw (also known as Sudden Death), Lippert Pictures, 1950. (As Betty Adams) Ann, Marshal of Heldorado (also known as Blazing Guns), Lippert Pictures, 1950. (As Julia Adams) Sally Rousseau, Hollywood Story, Universal International Pictures, 1951. Myra Wade, The Treasure of Lost Canyon, MCA/ Universal, 1951. (As Julia Adams) Sue Kipps, Finders Keepers, Universal International Pictures, 1951. (As Julia Adams) Chris Paterson, Bright Victory (also known as Lights Out), Universal International Pictures, 1951. Laura Baile, Bend of the River (also known as Where the River Bends), Universal International Pictures, 1952. Lorna Hardin, Horizons West, Universal, 1952. (As Julia Adams) Rosie, The Lawless Breed, Universal, 1952. Ann Conant, The Mississippi Gambler, Universal International Pictures, 1953. (As Julia Adams) Beth Anders, The Man from the Alamo, MCA/Universal, 1953.

Stage Appearances: Larry Mastice, Marlon Brando Sat Right Here, Boltax Theatre, New York City, 1980. Fifi La Belle, Cap and Bells, Judith Anderson Theatre, New York City, 1984. Also appeared as Johnny Del Gatto, Asphalt; Artie, Crooks; J. J., On Tina Tuna Walk. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Starlog, March, 1990.

ADAMS, Julie 1926– (Betty Adams, Julia Adams) PERSONAL Original name, Betty May Adams; born October 17, 1926, in Waterloo, IA; daughter of Ralph Eugene (a cotton buyer) and Esther Gertrude Adams; married Ray 3


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Allison’s grandmother, World Trade Center, Paramount, 2006.

Raquel Noriega, Wings of the Hawk, Universal International Pictures, 1953. (As Julia Adams) Valerie Kendrick, The Stand at Apache River, Universal, 1953. (As Julia Adams) Kay Lawrence, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, Universal, 1954. (As Julia Adams) Captain Jane Parker, Francis Joins the Wacs, Universal, 1954. Sheryl Gregory, The Looters, Universal International Pictures, 1955. Judith Watrous, One Desire, Universal International Pictures, 1955. Dr. Kay Lambert, The Private War of Major Benson, Universal International Pictures, 1955. Ellen Gallagher, Six Bridges to Cross, Universal International Pictures, 1955. Nadine MacDougall, Away All Boats, Universal International Pictures, 1956. Kathy Conway, Four Girls in Town (also known as 4 Girls in Town), Universal International Pictures, 1956. Dee Pauley, Slaughter on Tenth Avenue, Universal, 1957. Clover Doyle, Slim Carter, Universal, 1957. Ruth Nelson Campbell, Tarawa Beachhead, Columbia, 1958. Pauline Howard, The Gunfight at Dodge City (also known as The Bat Masterson Story), United Artists, 1959. Helen, Raymie, Allied Artists Pictures, 1960. Dr. Monica Powers, The Underwater City, Columbia, 1962. Gold, Glory, and Custer, Warner Bros., 1962. Vera Radford, Tickle Me, Allied Artists Pictures, 1965. Mrs. Anderson, The Last Movie (also known as Chinchero), Universal, 1971. Elaine Forrester, McQ, Warner Bros., 1974. Hannah McCulloch, The Wild McCullochs (also known as McCullochs), American International Pictures, 1975. Dr. Laura Scott, Psychic Killer (also known as The Kirlian Effect, Killer Force, and The Kirlian Force), Avco–Embassy, 1975. Mother, The Killer Inside Me, Warner Bros., 1976. Goodbye, Franklin High, Cal–Am, 1978. (In archive footage) Fade to Black, American Cinema, 1980. Nurse Hannelord, The Fifth Floor, Film Ventures International, 1980. Emma Hussey, Champions, 1983, Embassy Pictures, 1984. Mrs. Miller, Black Roses, Imperial Video, 1988. Martha, Catchfire (also known as Backtrack and Do It the Hard Way), Vestron Pictures, 1989. Herself, King B: A Life in Movies, 1993. Herself, Back to the Black Lagoon: A Creature Chronicle (documentary), Universal Studios Home Video, 2000. Herself, Creature Feature: 50 Years of the Gill–Man (documentary), 2004.

Television Appearances; Series: Amanda Eaton, Yancy Derringer, CBS, 1958–59. Denise Wilton, General Hospital, ABC, 1968. Martha Howard, The Jimmy Stewart Show, NBC, 1971–72. Ann Rorchek, Code Red, ABC, 1981–82. Paula Denning, Capitol, CBS, 1983–87. Eve Simpson, Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1987–93. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Queen, The Greatest Heroes of the Bible, 1978. Television Appearances; Movies: Joan Simon, Valley of Mystery (also known as Stranded), 1966. Dora Paxton, The Trackers (also known as No Trumpets, No Drums), ABC, 1971. Dorothy, Go Ask Alice, ABC, 1973. The mother, Six Characters in Search of an Author (also known as Hollywood Television Theatre: Six Characters in Search of an Author), 1976. Margaret, The Conviction of Kitty Dodds (also known as Conviction: The Kitty Dodds Story), CBS, 1993. Television Appearances; Specials: Scream Queens: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2004. Television Appearances; Pilots: Ann Rorchek, Code Red, ABC, 1981. Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Betty Adams) ⬙The Tenor,⬙ Your Show Time, NBC, 1949. Dr. Kay Lambert, The Colgate Comedy Hour (also known as Colgate Summer Comedy Hour, Colgate Variety Hour, and Michael Todd Revue), 1955. ⬙Appointment for Love,⬙ Lux Video Theatre (also known as Summer Video Theatre), 1955. Anne, ⬙Circle of Guilt,⬙ Studio One (also known as Studio One Summer Theatre, Studio One in Hollywood, Summer Theatre, Westinghouse Studio One, and Westinghouse Summer Theatre), CBS, 1956. ⬙Just Across the Street,⬙ Lux Video Theatre (also known as Summer Video Theatre), 1957. ⬙Design for November,⬙ Lux Video Theatre (also known as Summer Video Theatre), 1957. Coleen, ⬙Two Tests for Tuesday,⬙ Climax! (also known as Climax Mystery Theatre), 1957. Julie Brand, ⬙Man of Fear,⬙ Zane Grey Theater (also known as Dick Powell’s ⬙Zane Grey Theater⬙ and The Westerners), CBS, 1958. 4

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

ADAMS Helen Layton, ⬙The Courtship,⬙ Bonanza (also known as Ponderosa), NBC, 1961. Phyllis Kendall, ⬙Summer Shade,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, NBC, 1961. Merilee Williams, ⬙Facts on the Fire,⬙ Surfside 6, ABC, 1961. Julie Owens, ⬙Laugh for the Lady,⬙ Surfside 6, ABC, 1961. Gloria Matthews, ⬙Robinson Koyoto,⬙ Hawaiian Eye, ABC, 1961. Norma Kellogg, ⬙Open and Close in One,⬙ 77 Sunset Strip, ABC, 1961. Jill Wilbur, ⬙Return to New March,⬙ Outlaws, NBC, 1961. Mary Simpson, ⬙The County Nurse,⬙ The Andy Griffith Show (also known as Andy of Mayberry), CBS, 1962. Ginny Nelson, ⬙The Horn of Plenty,⬙ Dr. Kildare, NBC, 1962. Robin, ⬙330 Independence SW,⬙ The Dick Powell Show (also known as The Dick Powell Theatre), NBC, 1962. Jean Damion, ⬙The Someday Man,⬙ Checkmate, 1962. Captain Meg Thorpe, ⬙A Taste of Peace,⬙ The Gallant Man, 1963. Eleanor, ⬙Inquest into a Bleeding Heart,⬙ Arrest and Trial, 1963. Valerie Comstock, ⬙The Case of the Lover’s Leap,⬙ Perry Mason, CBS, 1963. Janice Barton, ⬙The Case of the Deadly Verdict,⬙ Perry Mason, CBS, 1963. Anne Kenzie, ⬙Alimony League,⬙ 77 Sunset Strip, ABC, 1964. Janice Blake, ⬙The Case of the Missing Button,⬙ Perry Mason, CBS, 1964. Ellen Yarnell, ⬙The Robrioz Ring,⬙ Kraft Suspense Theatre (also known as Crisis and Suspense Theatre), NBC, 1964. Joanne Clay, ⬙Kill No More,⬙ Kraft Suspense Theatre (also known as Crisis and Suspense Theatre), NBC, 1965. Patricia L. Kean, ⬙The Case of the Fatal Fortune,⬙ Perry Mason, CBS, 1965. Lieutenant Betty Russo, ⬙Big Brother,⬙ Twelve O’Clock High, ABC, 1965. Carla Cabrial, ⬙Deadlier than the Male,⬙ Burke’s Law (also known as Amos Burke, Secret Agent), ABC, 1965. Leona Mills, ⬙Bitter Harvest,⬙ The Long, Hot Summer, 1965. Merian Clay, ⬙No Drums, No Trumpets,⬙ The Virginian (also known as The Men from Shiloh), NBC, 1966. Edna Wesley, ⬙Target,⬙ The Big Valley, ABC, 1966. Liza Carter, ⬙Then the Drink Takes the Man,⬙ Mannix, CBS, 1967. ⬙The High and Deadly Affair,⬙ The Girl from U.N.C.L.E., 1967. Janet Masters, ⬙The Emperor of Rice,⬙ The Big Valley, ABC, 1968.

Janice Ohringer, ⬙The Dungeon,⬙ Playhouse 90, CBS, 1958. Carol Longsworth, ⬙Little White Frock,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, CBS, 1958. Amanda Eaton, ⬙Return to New Orleans,⬙ Yancy Derringer, CBS, 1958. Amanda Eaton, ⬙Gallatin Street,⬙ Yancy Derringer, CBS, 1958. Amanda Eaton, ⬙Loot from Richmond,⬙ Yancy Derringer, CBS, 1958. Nora Jepson, ⬙The Tall Shadow,⬙ Zane Grey Theater (also known as Dick Powell’s ⬙Zane Grey Theater⬙ and The Westerners), CBS, 1958. Marion Ewell, ⬙Points Beyond,⬙ Goodyear Theatre (also known as Award Theatre and Golden Years of Television), 1958. (As Julia Adams) Paula McGill, ⬙The Hidden One,⬙ Letter to Loretta (also known as The Loretta Young Show and The Loretta Young Theatre), 1958. Milly, ⬙Strange Money,⬙ Letter to Loretta (also known as The Loretta Young Show and The Loretta Young Theatre), 1958. Belle Morgan, ⬙The Brasada Spur,⬙ Maverick, ABC, 1959. Helen Archer, ⬙Epilogue,⬙ Alcoa Presents (also known as Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond and One Step Beyond), ABC, 1959. Amanda Crown, ⬙Project U.F.O.,⬙ Steve Canyon, 1959. Julie Brand, ⬙Man of Fear,⬙ Frontier Justice, 1959. Linda Webb, ⬙Experiments in Terror,⬙ The Man and the Challenge, 1959. Margo Wendice, ⬙The Fifth Stair,⬙ 77 Sunset Strip, ABC, 1959. Marie La Shelle, ⬙The Canine Caper,⬙ 77 Sunset Strip, ABC, 1959. Peg Valence, ⬙Dead Weight,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, CBS, 1959. Clara, ⬙Doc Booker,⬙ The Alaskans, ABC, 1959. Beatrice Drake, ⬙This Is It, Michael Shayne,⬙ Michael Shayne, NBC, 1960. Irene Travers, ⬙Gold, Glory, and Custer—Prelude,⬙ Cheyenne, ABC, 1960. Irene Travers, ⬙Gold, Glory, and Custer—Requiem,⬙ Cheyenne, ABC, 1960. Wilma White, ⬙The White Widow,⬙ Maverick, ABC, 1960. Miriam Galbraith, ⬙Safari,⬙ 77 Sunset Strip, ABC, 1960. Sarah Crane, ⬙Murder, Anyone?,⬙ Hawaiian Eye, ABC, 1960. Nora Sanford, ⬙Nora,⬙ The Rifleman, ABC, 1960. Eve Browning, ⬙The Affair with Browning’s Woman,⬙ Wrangler, NBC, 1960. (As Julia Adams) Mary Hardin, ⬙The Mary Hardin Story,⬙ Tate, NBC, 1960. Janet Evans, ⬙Face in the Window,⬙ Checkmate, CBS, 1960. Betty Fordham, ⬙Minister Accused,⬙ Alcoa Theatre, 1960. ⬙Crash in the Desert,⬙ Markham, 1960. 5


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Mother, ⬙Melinda and the Pinball Wizard,⬙ The Runaways (also known as Operation Runaway), NBC, 1978. Eleanor Simpson, ⬙Murder with Pretty People,⬙ Police Woman, 1978. Ellen, ⬙Life and Death,⬙ The Incredible Hulk, CBS, 1978. (As Julia Adams) Queen, ⬙Moses: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Greatest Heroes of the Bible, 1978. Laurie Malcolm, ⬙Hot Line,⬙ Trapper John, M.D., CBS, 1980. Sharon Ross, ⬙Honor Thy Elders,⬙ Quincy (also known as Quincy M.E.), NBC, 1980. Margaret Sorenson, ⬙Murder by Mirrors,⬙ Vega$, ABC, 1981. Sylvia Walker, ⬙A Fine Romance,⬙ Too Close for Comfort (also known as The Ted Knight Show), ABC, 1981. Helen Granger, ⬙Better Than Equal,⬙ Cagney & Lacey, CBS, 1982. Dr. Chris Winston, ⬙Science for Sale,⬙ Quincy (also known as Quincy M.E.), NBC, 1982. Sylvia Walker, ⬙Divorce Chicago Style,⬙ Too Close for Comfort (also known as The Ted Knight Show), syndicated, 1984. Grandma Beevis, ⬙So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1993. Grandma Beevis, ⬙Twenty Years Ago Today,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1993. Edie Fallon, ⬙Hard–Boiled Murder,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1997. Mrs. Damarr, ⬙A Fist Full of Secrets,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1999. Old Maggie Beckett, ⬙Roads Taken,⬙ Sliders, Sci–Fi Channel, 1999. Bonnie, ⬙Second Chance,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2000. Close to Home, CBS, 2005. Amelia, ⬙A Tale of Two Cities,⬙ Lost, ABC, 2006. Dottie Mills, ⬙Static,⬙ Cold Case, CBS, 2006. Betty Willens, ⬙Boo,⬙ CSI: NY (also known as CSI: New York), CBS, 2007. (Uncredited) Amelia, ⬙The Envelope,⬙ Lost: Missing Pieces, ABC, 2008.

Norma Howard, ⬙I, the People,⬙ Ironside (also known as The Raymond Burr Show), NBC, 1968. Laura Carlvic, ⬙One Long–Stemmed American Beauty,⬙ The Outsider, 1968. Samantha Semple, ⬙You Can’t Tell the Players Without a Programmer,⬙ The Mod Squad, ABC, 1969. Claire, ⬙Don’t Ignore the Miracles,⬙ Marcus Welby, M.D. (also known as Robert Young, Family Doctor), ABC, 1969. ⬙Married for a Day,⬙ The Doris Day Show, CBS, 1969. Denise Kriton, ⬙Blood Tie,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1969. ⬙Voices,⬙ My Friend Tony, 1969. Lynn Craig, ⬙Killer on the Loose,⬙ The Bold Ones: The New Doctors (also known as The New Doctors), 1970. Lynn Craig, ⬙An Absence of Loneliness,⬙ The Bold Ones: The New Doctors (also known as The New Doctors), 1971. Patricia Fairley, ⬙Epitaph for a Swinger,⬙ Dan August, ABC, 1971. ⬙And the Walls Came Tumbling Down,⬙ The Young Lawyers, ABC, 1971. The Mod Squad, ABC, 1972. Gay Melcor, ⬙The Miracle at Camafeo,⬙ Night Gallery (also known as Rod Serling’s ⬙Night Gallery⬙), NBC, 1972. Louise Rusk, ⬙The Press Secretary,⬙ The Doris Day Show, CBS, 1972. Mrs. Lucas, ⬙Child of Fear,⬙ Cannon, CBS, 1972. Edie Reynolds, ⬙Little Girl Lost,⬙ Mannix, CBS, 1973. ⬙Scion of Death,⬙ The Mod Squad, ABC, 1973. Jeanette Lewis, ⬙The Clayton Lewis Document,⬙ Search, 1973. Mrs. Walker, ⬙A Matter of Love,⬙ Lucas Tanner, NBC, 1974. Mrs. Avery Walker, ⬙Mr. R.I.N.G.,⬙ Kolchak: The Night Stalker (also known as The Night Stalker), ABC, 1975. Millicent Bladell, ⬙The Plastic Connection,⬙ Caribe, ABC, 1975. Judith, ⬙Labyrinth,⬙ The Streets of San Francisco, ABC, 1975. Lee Morgan, ⬙An End and a Beginning,⬙ Marcus Welby, M.D. (also known as Robert Young, Family Doctor), ABC, 1975. Jennifer Packard, ⬙The Adventure of Veronica’s Veils,⬙ Ellery Queen (also known as The Adventures of Ellery Queen), NBC, 1975. Sylvia Killian, ⬙The Wedding March,⬙ Cannon, CBS, 1975. ⬙The Pawn,⬙ Mobile One, 1975. Ellie Wilke, ⬙The Stranger,⬙ Medical Center, CBS, 1976. Eleanor Simpson, ⬙Murder with Pretty People,⬙ Police Woman, NBC, 1977. Dr. Winninger, ⬙Dark Sunrise,⬙ McMillan (also known as McMillan & Wife), NBC, 1977. ⬙Man in the Middle,⬙ This Is the Life (also known as The Fisher Family), 1977. Mrs. Daniels, ⬙Main Man,⬙ Quincy (also known as Quincy M.E.), NBC, 1977.

Also appeared as Anna, ⬙Girl’s Best Friend,⬙ King of Diamonds. Stage Plays: (Stage debut) Dear Sir, Redding, CA, 1960. Also appeared in Father’s Day, Chicago, IL. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Starlog, June, 1991. 6

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

ALEXANDER Kadeem, She’s All That, Miramax, 1999. Anthony, Out Cold, Buena Vista, 2001. Himself, Sweet Oranges, Tri Destined Studios, 2003. Damien, Gas, Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2004. Marty, Her Minor Thing, First Look International, 2005. (As Flex) Small change Willie, Shira: The Vampire Samurai, Hollywood Wizard, 2005. Three G’s, Snakes on a Plane (also known as SoaP), New Line Cinema, 2006. Himself, Snakes on a Set: Behind the Scenes (documentary short), New Line Cinema, 2006. Himself, The Snake Pit: On the Set of ⬙Snakes on a Plane⬙ (documentary short), New Line Cinema Home Video, 2006. Himself, Pure Venom: The Making of ⬙Snakes on a Plane⬙ (documentary short), New Line Home Video, 2006. Himself, Snakes on a Blog (documentary short), New Line Home Video, 2006. Himself, Meet the Reptiles (documentary short), New Line Home Video, 2006. Arnold, Love & Other 4 Letter Words, Image Entertainment, 2007. Ossie Paris, Poor Boy’s Game, THINKFilm, 2007. Sarge, The Hills Have Eyes II (also known as The Hills Have Eyes 2, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2007. Chet, The List, Shoreline Entertainment, 2007.

Electronic: Julie Adams Website,, January 11, 2009.

ALEXANDER, Flex (Flex, Mark ⴖFlexⴖ Knox) PERSONAL Original name, Mark Alexander Knox; born in the Bronx, NY; son of Alethia Knox; married Shanice Wilson (a singer), February 14, 2000; children: Imani Shekinah, Elijah Alexander. Addresses: Agent—Agency for the Performing Arts, 405 South Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager— Principato/Young Management, 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 880, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor. Performed as standup comedian at clubs, including Uptown Comedy Club, Stand Up New York, the Improv, Laugh Factory, Showtime at the Apollo, and on college campuses. Worked as dancer and choreographer with the rap music group Salt ’n Pepa, and for other recording artists, including Mary J. Blige, Heavy D. and the Boys, Queen Latifah, and Toni Tony Tone.

Also appeared in Ed TV. Film Work: (As Flex) Assistant choreographer, New Jack City, Warner Bros., 1991.

Member: Phi Beta Sigma. Awards, Honors: Image Award nominations, outstanding actor in a comedy series, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 2003, 2004, 2005, BET Comedy Award nominations, outstanding lead actor in a comedy series, Black Entertainment Television, 2004, 2005, all for One on One; Image Award nomination, outstanding actor in a television movie, miniseries or dramatic special, 2005, for Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story.

Television Appearances; Series: (As Flex) Various, Uptown Comedy Club, 1992. (As Flex) Reggie Coltrane, Where I Live, ABC, 1993. (As Flex) Tyberius ⬙Ty⬙ Walker, Homeboys in Outer Space, UPN, 1996–97. (As Flex) Neville Watson, Total Security, ABC, 1997. Mark ⬙Flex⬙ Washington, One on One, UPN, 2001–2006.


Television Appearances; Movies: (As Flex) Kelvin, Ice (also known as Eis—Wenn die welt erfriert), ABC, 1998. The Apartment Complex, Showtime, 1999. Pete, Santa and Pete, CBS, 1999. The Force, 1999. Title role, Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story, VH1, 2004. Chet, The List, ABC Family, 2007. Deef, Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office, 2007.

Film Appearances: (As Mark ⬙Flex⬙ Knox) Contest announcer, Juice (also known as Angel Town 2), Paramount, 1992. (As Flex) Hood, Money Train, Columbia, 1995. (As Flex) A Roc, City of Industry, Orion, 1997. (As Flex) The Sixth Man (also known as The 6th Man), Buena Vista, 1997. (As Flex) Trigger, Modern Vampires (also known as Revenant and Vamps), Sterling Home Entertainment, 1998. (As Flex) Backroom Bodega Boyz, 1998.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office, ABC, 2007. 7


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Television Work; Series: Producer, One on One, UPN, 2001–2002. Co–executive producer, One on One, UPN, 2002–2006. Consultant, Cuts, UPN, 2004–2006.

Television Appearances; Specials: It’s Hot in Here: UPN Fall Preview, UPN, 1996. Presenter, The 7th Annual Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards, syndicated, 2001. ⬙Source⬙ Hip–Hop Awards Pre–Show, UPN, 2001. The 4th Annual Soul Train Christmas Starfest, syndicated, 2001. Presenter, The 9th Annual Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards, The WB, 2003. I Love the ’70s, VH1, 2003. VH1 Big in ’O4, Vh1, 2004. The 2nd Annual BET Comedy Awards, Black Entertainment Television, 2005. Confessional number eight, Book of Love: The Definitive Reason Why Men Are Dogs, Black Entertainment Television, 2005. Made You Look: Top 25 Moments of BET History, Black Entertainment Television, 2005. An Evening of Stars: Tribute to Patti LaBelle, 2009.

RECORDINGS Music Videos: Queen Latifah’s ⬙Fly Girl,⬙ 1991. Also appeared in Shanice’s ⬙Every Woman Dreams.⬙ WRITINGS Television Episodes: (As Flex) Def Comedy Jam, 1995.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Flex) Himself, It’s Showtime at the Apollo (also known as Showtime at the Apollo), syndicated, 1992. Cold Dog, ⬙The Concert,⬙ Sister, Sister, ABC, 1994. (As Flex) Mecca, ⬙The Friendly Neighborhood Dealer,⬙ New York Undercover (also known as Uptown Undercover), 1994. (As Flex) Partygoer, ⬙The Medium Is the Message,⬙ The Cosby Mysteries, NBC, 1995. (As Flex) Himself, Def Comedy Jam, HBO, 1995. Dread, ⬙Cold Busted,⬙ Moesha, UPN, 1997. (As Flex) ⬙McMurder One,⬙ Brooklyn South, CBS, 1997. Andy, ⬙J. C. Bowl,⬙ The Parkers, UPN, 2000. Darnell Wilkes, ⬙The Remains of the Date,⬙ Girlfriends, UPN, 2000. Darnell Wilkes, ⬙Everything Fishy Ain’t Fish,⬙ Girlfriends, UPN, 2000. Darnell Wilkes, ⬙Never a Bridesmaid,⬙ Girlfriends, UPN, 2000. Darnell Wilkes, ⬙Bad Timing,⬙ Girlfriends, UPN, 2001. The Sharon Osbourne Show (also known as Sharon), syndicated, 2003. Pyramid (also known as The $100,000 Pyramid), syndicated, 2003. The Wayne Brady Show, syndicated, 2004. Dennis Miller, CNBC, 2005. The Tom Joyner Show, 2005. Flex Washington, ⬙Keeping It Real,⬙ Cuts, UPN, 2005. ESPN Hollywood, ESPN, 2006. Martin Wilson, ⬙Deep Freeze,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2007. American Idol: The Search for a Superstar (also known as American Idol), Fox, 2008.

Television Episode Stories: One on One, UPN, 2002. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: St. Petersburg Times, July 22, 2001.

ALEXANDER, Sasha 1973– PERSONAL Original name, Suzana S. Drobnjakovic; born May 17, 1973, in Los Angeles, CA; married Luka Pecel (a director and writer), September 18, 1999 (marriage annulled); married Edoardo Ponti (a director and writer), August 11, 2007; children: (second marriage) Lucia Sofia. Education: University of Southern California, B.F.A.; trained for the stage in London and with the Royal Shakespeare Company. Avocational Interests: Dancing and travel. Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 1 William Morris Pl., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Steve Dontanville, D/F Management, 8609 East Washington Blvd., Unit 8607, Culver City, CA 90232. Career: Actress and producer.

Also appeared in episodes of Def Comedy Jam and New York Undercover, Fox.

Awards, Honors: Festival Award, best actress, San Diego Film Festival, 2008, for The Last Lullaby. 8

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

AMELL Jackie Samantha Gold, All Over the Guy, Lions Gate Films, 2001. Susie, Lucky 13, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer Home Entertainment, 2005. Melissa, Mission: Impossible III (also known as M:i:III), Paramount, 2006. Sarah, The Last Lullaby, Chaillot Films/Timbergrove Entertainment, 2008. Lucy, Yes Man, Warner Bros., 2008. Carolanne, Play Dead, Compound B, 2008. Margaret, Tenure, WS Films, 2009. He’s Just Not That Into You, New Line Cinema, 2009.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Jesse Presser, Wasteland, ABC, 1999, then Showtime Next, 2001. Gretchen Witter, Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 2000–2001. Caitlin ⬙Kate⬙ Todd, Navy NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (also known as NCIS and NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service), CBS, 2003–2005. Television Appearances; Pilots: Jesse Presser, Wasteland, ABC, 1999. Chloe Jones, Ball & Chain, Fox, 2001. Expert Witness, CBS, 2003. Emily Atwood, The Karenskys, CBS, 2009.

Film Work: Coproducer, Lucky 13, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer Home Entertainment, 2005. Stage Appearances: Appeared as Katherine in a production of The Taming of the Shrew.

Television Appearances; Movies: Jazzy, Supply & Demand (also known as Lynda La Plante’s ⬙Supply & Demand, Raw Recruit⬙), 1997.


Television Appearances; Specials: Herself, Who’s Your Momma?, 2004. Presenter, The 39th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards, CBS, 2004. Presenter, The 31st Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 2005.

Film: Coauthor, Lucky 13, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer Home Entertainment, 2005.

Television Appearances; Episodic: District Attorney Robin Childs, ⬙Alter Boys,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les experts), CBS, 2001. The Test, FX Network, 2001. The interviewer, ⬙The One with Joey’s Interview,⬙ Friends, NBC, 2002. Laura Carlson, ⬙Surprise!,⬙ Greg the Bunny, Fox, 2002. Dr. Jackie Collette, ⬙This Baby’s Gonna Fly,⬙ Presidio Med, CBS, 2002. Dr. Jackie Collette, ⬙Second Chance,⬙ Presidio Med, CBS, 2002. The Wayne Brady Show, syndicated, 2004. On–Air with Ryan Seacrest, syndicated, 2004. Allyson Merrill, ⬙War Crimes,⬙ E–Ring, NBC, 2006. Juliana, ⬙Outsiders,⬙ The Nine, ABC, 2006. Voice of Lori, I Hate My 30s, VH1, 2007.

AMELL, Stephen 1981– PERSONAL Born May 9, 1981, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Addresses: Manager—EDB Management, 11301 West Olympic Blvd., Suite 449, Los Angeles, CA 90064. Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Gemini Award nomination (with others), best ensemble performance in a comedy program or series, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 2007, for Rent–a–Goalie; Gemini Award, best performance by an actor in a guest role dramatic, 2007, for ReGenesis.

Also appeared in an episode of The Tracey Ullman Show. Film Appearances: Karen Chambers, Visceral Matter (short film), 1997. Battle of the Sexes (short film), 1997. Miss America, Twin Falls Idaho, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1999.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Detective, The Tracey Fragments, THINKFilm, 2007. 9


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 London; the 2nd Annual HatcH audiovisual festival, Bozeman, MT, mentor. Also worked on AIDS commercials in England.

Teddy Gordon, Closing the Ring (also known as Richard Attenborough’s ⬙Closing the Ring⬙), Weinstein Company, 2007. Guy, Screams: The Hunting, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2009.

Awards, Honors: Samuel Beckett Award, 1984, for Romance, Romance; Television Award nomination (with Kenith Trodd and John Harris), best drama series, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1987, for The Singing Detective; Montreal First Film Prize, Montreal World Film Festival, 1989, and Grand Prix, Paris Film Festival, 1990, both for Queen of Hearts; Audience Award and Critics Award, both Deauville Film Festival, 1990, for Tune in Tomorrow; Audience Award, Cognac Festival du Film Policier, 1996, for Copycat.

Television Appearances; Series: Jason, Beautiful People, ABC Family, 2005. Billy, Rent–a–Goalie, 2006–2008. Nick Harwell, Heartland, TNT, 2007–2008. Television Appearances; Movies: Buddy Harrelson, The House Next Door, Lifetime, 2006.


Television Appearances; Episodic: Spinning instructor, Queer as Folk (also known as Q.A.F. and Queer as Folk USA), Showtime, 2004. Doorman, ⬙Ghost in the Machine: Part 2,⬙ Degrassi: The Next Generation (also known as Degrassi, nouvelle generation), CTV and Noggin, 2004. Ian Harrington, ⬙Paper Anniversary,⬙ 1–800–MISSING (also known as Missing and Porte disparu), Lifetime, 2005. Bellboy, ⬙Rivered,⬙ Tilt, ESPN, 2005. Adam, ⬙In the Beginning,⬙ Dante’s Cove, Here!, 2005. Adam, ⬙Then There Was Darkness,⬙ Dante’s Cove, Here!, 2005. Craig Riddlemeyer, ⬙Let It Burn,⬙ ReGenesis, TMN, 2006. Craig Riddlemeyer, ⬙Sleepers,⬙ ReGenesis, TMN, 2007. Matthew, ⬙Mouth Open Story Jump Out,⬙ ⬘da Kink in My Hair, Global, 2007. Matthew, ⬙Di Heart of Di Matter,⬙ ⬘da Kink in My Hair, Global, 2008.

Film Director: Queen of Hearts (also known as Cappuccino), Cinecom, 1989. Tune in Tomorrow (also known as Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter), Cinecom, 1990. Sommersby, Warner Bros., 1993. Copycat (also known as Copykill), Warner Bros., 1995. The Man Who Knew Too Little (also known as Agent Null Null Nix, Agent Null Null Nix—Bill Murray in hirnloser mission, and Watch That Man), Warner Bros., 1997. Entrapment (also known as Verlockende Falle), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1999. The Core (also known as Core), Paramount, 2002. Creation, 2009. Film Producer: Simply Irresistible (also known as Einfach Unwiderstehlich), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000.

AMIEL, Jon 1948–

Also producer of Vanilla Fog (also known as The Magic Hour), Twentieth Century–Fox. PERSONAL

Film Appearances: Director, To the Core and Back (documentary short; also known as To the Core and Back: The Making of ⬙The Core⬙), Paramount Home Entertainment, 2003.

Born May 20, 1948, in London, England. Education: Cambridge University, degree in English literature. Addresses: Manager—Sleeping Giant Entertainment, 5225 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 524, Los Angeles, CA 90036.

Television Work; Series: Producer, Tandoori Nights, Channel 4, 1985. Producer, Eyes, ABC, 2004–2005. Producer, Reunion, Fox, 2005–2006. Consultant, Three Moons Over Milford, ABC Family, 2005–2006. Executive producer, The Wedding Bells, Fox, 2006–2007.

Career: Director and producer. Oxford and Cambridge Shakespeare Company, worked as manager; Hampstead Theatre Club, worked as literary manager; Royal Shakespeare Company, worked as director; British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), began as story editor, became television director; composer for the stage in 10

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Television Work; Miniseries: Director, The Singing Detective (also known as Channel Crossings), BBC, 1986–87, PBS, 1988.


Television Work; Movies: Director, Lieve juffrous Rosenberg, waarde Mr. Koonig (also known as Dear Janet Rosenberg, Dear Mister Koonig), 1977. Director, Busted, BBC, 1984. Director, Romance, Romance, 1984. Director, The Silent Twins, BBC, 1985. Director, The Last Evensong, 1985. Executive producer, The Wedding Bells (also known as For Whom the Bells Toll), 2007.

Born February 19, 1950, in Rafsanjan, Iran; immigrated to the United States, 1967; son of Abbas and Nosrat Amin; married Susan, August 8, 1982; children: Soraya, Bijan. Education: University of Kansas, B.A., economics, 1972; University of California at Los Angeles, M.B.A., 1975. Addresses: Office—Lionsgate, 2700 Colorado Ave., Suite 200, Santa Monica, CA 90404; Sobini Films, 4553 Glencoe Ave., Suite 230, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292.

Television Work; Specials: Director, The Luck Child, NBC, 1988.

Career: Producer and executive. Vidmark Entertainment, co–founder and president, 1984–?; Trimark Pictures, Inc., chairman and chief executive office, 1985–2000; Lions Gate Films, Santa Monica, CA, vice president and member of board of directors, 2000—; Sobini Films, Marina Del Rey, CA, chairman, 2001—.

Television Work; Pilots: Director, Eyes, ABC, 2005. Television Work; Episodic: Script editor, ⬙Braces High,⬙ Premiere, 1980. Director, ⬙Lunch,⬙ BBC2 Playhouse 2, BBC2, 1982. Director, ⬙Preview,⬙ BBC2 Playhouse 2, BBC2, 1982. Director, ⬙A Sudden Wrench,⬙ Play for Today, 1982. Director, ⬙Gates of Gold,⬙ Play for Today, 1983. Director, Tandoori Nights, Channel 4, 1985. Director, ⬙The Luck Child,⬙ The Storyteller (also known as Jim Henson’s ⬙The Storyteller⬙), NBC, 1988. Director, ⬙1986,⬙ Reunion, Fox, 2005. Director, ⬙For Whom the Bell Tolls,⬙ The Wedding Bells, Fox, 2007. Director, The Tudors, Showtime, 2008.

CREDITS Film Executive Producer: Demonwarp, Vidmark Entertainment, 1988. The Sleeping Car, Triax Entertainment Group, 1989. Farendj, Trimark Entertainment, 1990. Servants of the Twilight (also known as Dean R. Koontz’s ⬙The Servants of Twilight⬙), Trimark Pictures, 1991. Whore (also known as If You’re Afraid to Say It ѧ Just See It), Trimark Pictures, 1991. Into the Sun, Trimark Pictures, 1992. Interceptor, Trimark Pictures, 1993. Leprechaun, Trimark Pictures, 1993. Deadfall, Trimark Pictures, 1993. The Philadelphia Experiment (also known as Philadelphia Experiment 2 and The Philadelphia Experiment 2), Trimark Pictures, 1993. A Million to Juan (also known as A Million to One), Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1994. Dangerous Touch, Trimark Pictures, 1994. Love and a .45, Trimark Pictures, 1994. The Stoned Age (also known as Tack’s Chicks), Vidmark Entertainment, 1994. Leprechaun 2, Trimark Pictures, 1994. Two Guys Talkin’ About Girls (also known as ѧ At First Sight), Vidmark Entertainment, 1995. The Maddening, Trimark Pictures, 1995. Leprechaun 3, Trimark Pictures, 1995. Aurora: Operation Intercept (also known as Operation Intercept), Trimark Pictures, 1995. A Kid in King Arthur’s Court, Buena Vista, 1995. Separate Lives, Trimark Pictures, 1995.

Television Appearances; Specials: Close Up: Dennis Potter under the Skin (also known as Dennis Potter: A Television Life), 1998. The Fine Art of Separating People from Their Money, Bravo, 1999. The 50 Greatest Television Dramas (also known as The 50 Greatest TV Dramas), 2007. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Jodie Foster,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 2005. ⬙The Singing Detective,⬙ Drama Connections, 2005. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: New York Times, September 10, 1989. Premiere, September, 1990, p. 55. 11


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Television Executive Producer; Movies: Mob Boss, syndicated, 1990. Psychic, USA Network, 1992. Extreme Justice (also known as S.I.S.—Extreme Justice), HBO, 1993. Night of the Running Man, HBO, 1994. Curse of the Starving Class, Showtime, 1994. Frank and Jesse, HBO, 1995. Evolver, Sci–Fi Channel, 1995. Crossworlds, HBO, 1996. Trucks, USA Network, 1997. The Dentist 2 (also known as The Dentist 2: Brace Yourself and The Dentist 2: You Know the Drill), HBO, 1998. The Simple Life of Noah Dearborn, CBS, 1999. Diplomatic Siege, HBO, 1999. Fear of Flying (also known as Turbulence II: Fear of Flying and Turbulence 2: Fear of Flying), Cinemax, 1999. Xchange, HBO, 2000. The Bogus Witch Party, 2000. After the Storm, USA Network, 2001. Framed, TNT, 2002.

Kicking and Screaming, Trimark Pictures, 1995. Iron Eagle IV (also known as Aigle de fer IV), Trimark Pictures, 1995. True Crime (also known as Dangerous Kiss and True Detective), Trimark Home Entertainment, 1996. Underworld, Legacy Releasing, 1996. The Dentist, Trimark Pictures, 1996. Sometimes They Come Back ѧ Again (also known as Sometimes They Come Back 2), Trimark Pictures, 1996. Never Ever (also known as The Circle of Passion), Trimark Pictures, 1996. Pinocchio’s Revenge (also known as Pinocchio), Vidmark Entertainment, 1996. Leprechaun 4: In Space (also known as Leprechaun 4), Trimark Pictures, 1997. Sprung, Trimark Pictures, 1997. Eve’s Bayou, Trimark Pictures, 1997. Star Kid, Trimark Pictures, 1997. Standoff, Trimark Pictures, 1998. Chairman of the Board, Trimark Pictures, 1998. A Kid in Aladdin’s Palace, 1998. Carnival of Souls (also known as Wes Craven Presents ⬙Carnival of Souls⬙), Trimark Pictures, 1998. Ground Control (also known as Jet), 1998. King Cobra (also known as Anaconda 2), Trimark Pictures, 1999. Warlock III: The End of Innocence, Trimark Home Video, 1999. Let the Devil Wear Black, Trimark Pictures, 1999. Held Up, Trimark Pictures, 1999. Cord (also known as Hide and Seek and Jeu mortel), Trimark Home Video, 2000. Skipped Parts (also known as The Wonder of Sex), Trimark Releasing, 2000. Attraction, Trimark Pictures/Lionsgate, 2000. Krocodylus (also known as Blood Surf and Crocodile), Trimark Pictures, 2000. Frida, Miramax, 2002. Streets of Legend, Lionsgate, 2003. Civil Brand, Lionsgate, 2003. Gardens of the Night, City Lights Media Group, 2008. The Prince & Me 3: A Royal Honeymoon, First Look International, 2008.

WRITINGS Screenplay Stories: The Prince & Me (also known as The Prince and Me), Paramount, 2004. Television Movies: Diplomatic Stage, 1999. Television Movie Stories: Diplomatic Stage, 1999.

ANDERS, Andrea 1975– PERSONAL Born May 10, 1975, in Madison, WI. Education: University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point, B.F.A., 1997; Rutgers University, M.F.A., acting, 2001.

Film Coproducer: Baywatch: White Thunder at Glacier Bay, Trimark Home Video, 1998.

Addresses: Agent—Abrams Artists Agency, 9200 Sunset Blvd., Suite 1130, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Film Producer: Trance (also known as The Eternal and The Eternal: Kiss of the Mummy), Trimark Pictures, 1998. The Prince & Me (also known as The Prince and Me), Paramount, 2004. Peaceful Warrior, Universal, 2006. Burning Bright, 2009.

Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Heather, The Stepford Wives, Paramount, 2004. 12

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Brandy, Sex Drive (also known as Sexdrive), Summit Entertainment LLC, 2008.

Addresses: Agent—TalentWorks, 3500 West Olive Ave., Suite 1400, Burbank, CA 91505.

Television Appearances; Series: Elaine, Starr’s nanny, One Life to Live, ABC, 1998. Ellie, Olivia’s assistant, The Guiding Light (also known as Guiding Light), CBS, 2001. Donna Degenhart, Oz, HBO, 2003. Alex Garrett, Joey, NBC, 2004–2006. Nicole Allen, The Class, CBS, 2006–2007. Inda, Better Off Ted, ABC, 2008.

Career: Actor. Appeared in a television commercial for Discover credit card, 1999. Antelope Valley College, Lancaster, CA, drama teacher, c. early 1970s. Member: Screen Actors Guild. Awards, Honors: Camie Award (with others), Character and Morality in Entertainment Awards, 2005, for Secret Santa.

Television Appearances; Movies: Spellbound, 2003.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Specials: The 31st Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 2005.

Film Appearances: Man in white, Airplane II: The Sequel (also known as Flying High II), Paramount, 1982. Duke of Albany, The Tragedy of King Lear (also known as King Lear), 1982. Ray Berg, Movers and Shakers, United Artists, 1985. Mr. Ludwig, La Bamba, Columbia, 1987. Mr. Morgan, Critters 2: The Main Course, New Line Cinema, 1988. Warren, I Come in Peace (also known as Dark Angel), Media Home Entertainment, 1990. Chairman of the House Committee, Memoirs of an Invisible Man (also known as Les aventures d’un homme invisible), Warner Bros., 1992. Culbertson, Robert A. Heinlein’s ⬙The Puppet Masters⬙ (also known as The Puppet Masters), Buena Vista, 1994. Principal, Forrest Gump, Paramount, 1994. Jimmy Walsh, After the Game (also known as The Last Hand), 1997. Dr. Olsen, Permanent Midnight, Artisan Entertainment, 1998. Steven, Perfect Game, Up to Bat Productions, 1999. Alex Holmes, Sonic Impact, New City Releasing, 1999. Ed, The Independent, Arrow Entertainment/New City Releasing, 2000. The man, The Shangri–la Cafe, American Film Institute/ Nice Girl Films, 2000. Steven, Perfect Game, 2000. John Harrison, The Distance, 2000. Charles Patton, Slackers (also known as Les complices), Destination Films/Screen Gems, 2002. Dr. Robert Roeder Shaw, The Commission, 2003. George, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover (also known as How to Lose Your Lover), New Line Cinema, 2004. Bishop, Dirty Habit, 2006.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Alex Garrett, Joey, NBC, 2004. Nicole Allen, The Class, CBS, 2006. Linda, Better Off Ted, ABC, 2008. Television Appearances; Episodic: Emily Hoyt, ⬙The Fire This Time,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2001. Cathy/Chris Barronson, ⬙Rear Window,⬙ Tru Calling, Fox, 2004. Canada A.M. (also known as Canada A.M. Weekend), CTV, 2006. Rena Vining, ⬙Power,⬙ Numb3rs (also known as Num3ers), CBS, 2008. Stage Appearances: (Broadway debut) Understudy for Catherine and Claire, Proof, Walter Kerr Theatre, New York City, c. 2001. The assistant desk clerk, and understudy Elaine Robinson, The Graduate, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 2002–2003. Also appeared in On the Jump, Arena Stage, Washington, DC; New Doors, Guthrie Theatre, Minneapolis, MN; Cold/Tender, New York Stage and Film; New World Rhapsody, New York Stage and Film.


Television Appearances; Series: Stanley, Mama Malone, CBS, 1984. Principal Willis DeWitt, Growing Pains, ABC, 1986–92. Sam Gorpley, Perfect Strangers, ABC, 1987–92.

Born May 13, 1945, in Wahpeton, ND; children: two (twins). 13


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Television Appearances; Episodic: Rex Erhardt, ⬙Rumors,⬙ WKRP in Cincinnati, CBS, 1978. Mason Nobel, ⬙Johnny Comes Back,⬙ WKRP in Cincinnati, CBS, 1979. Mr. Anderson, ⬙The Americanization of Ivan,⬙ WKRP in Cincinnati, CBS, 1980. Agent Berwick, ⬙Secrets of Dayton Heights,⬙ WKRP in Cincinnati, CBS, 1981. ⬙Dog Day Hospital,⬙ St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1983. Mr. Copley, ⬙An Uncredited Woman,⬙ Gloria, 1983. Store manager, ⬙Altared Steele,⬙ Remington Steele, 1983. Leo Santee, ⬙Death Strip,⬙ T. J. Hooker, 1984. Mr. Dobbs, ⬙All’s Well That Ends,⬙ E/R (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 1984. Benjamin Kelty, ⬙Arms Race,⬙ Blue Thunder, 1984. Kenny Sterling, ⬙Last Chance Salon,⬙ Hill Street Blues, 1984. Lon Schaeffer, ⬙Fallen Idols,⬙ Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s ⬙Hotel⬙), 1985. Inspector Frank Howard, ⬙Dead Ends,⬙ Dallas, CBS, 1985. Inspector Frank Howard, ⬙Deliverance,⬙ Dallas, CBS, 1985. Dr. Synapsis, ⬙Bigalow’s Last Smoke,⬙ Tales from the Darkside, 1985. Vinny Cochran, ⬙Case X,⬙ Hunter, 1985. Larry supporter, ⬙Candidate Larry,⬙ Newhart, 1985. Walter Biggs, Eye to Eye, 1985. Ray Jones and John Doe, ⬙Ms. Jones,⬙ Magnum P.I., CBS, 1985. Ellis, ⬙Down–Home Country Blues,⬙ Simon & Simon, 1985. Judge, ⬙Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Traffic Lights,⬙ You Again?, 1986. Teddy Peters, ⬙McCormick’s Bar and Grill,⬙ Hardcastle and McCormick, 1986. Customer, ⬙This Son for Hire,⬙ Valerie (also known as The Hogan Family and Valerie’s Family), 1986. Mr. Meyer, ⬙’Twas the Night before Christmas,⬙ The Golden Girls, CBS, 1986. Harrison Harper, ⬙Check This,⬙ Perfect Strangers, ABC, 1986. Ingraham, ⬙Raj on the Double,⬙ What’s Happening Now!, 1987. Mike, ⬙Easy Does It,⬙ Cagney & Lacey, CBS, 1987. Elias Turner, ⬙Sins of the Father,⬙ Buck James, 1987. Dan Finger, ⬙School’s Out,⬙ 21 Jump Street, Fox, 1988. Assistant manager, ⬙The Royale,⬙ Star Trek: The Next Generation (also known as Star Trek: TNG), 1989. Thomas Edison, ⬙The Game,⬙ Alien Nation, 1989. ⬙Dog Day Afternoon, Morning and Night,⬙ Hooperman, 1989. Kroger, Uncle Buck, 1990, 1991. ⬙Dances with Sharks,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1991. ⬙Something Old, Something Nude,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1991. ⬙TV or Not TV,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1991. Graphia, L.A. Law, NBC, 1991. Carl Stevens, Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1992.

FBI Agent Morell, Picket Fences, CBS, 1992–95. Dr. Jack Kayson, a recurring role, ER, NBC, 1994–2007. Marvin Seaborne, Live Shot, UPN, 1995. Kevin Davis, The Cape, syndicated, 1996. Voice of Will Hays, Sex and the Silver Screen, Showtime, 1996. President Wesley Butterfield, Boston Common, NBC, 1996. Holland Manners, Angel, The WB, 2000–2001. Dr. Paul Darwell, Pasadena, 2002. Bill Kelly, Married to the Kellys, ABC, 2003–2004. Bernard Nadler, Lost, ABC, 2005—. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Whitney Horgan, The Stand (also known as Stephen King’s ⬙The Stand⬙), ABC, 1994. Innocent Victims, ABC, 1996. Thomas Paine, From the Earth to the Moon, HBO, 1998. Fox, NetForce (also known as Tom Clancy’s ⬙Netforce⬙), ABC, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Joe Dancer: The Big Trade, NBC, 1981. Druggist, Policewoman Centerfold, NBC, 1983. Paul Iberville, Murder 1, Dancer 0 (also known as Joe Dancer III and Lights, Camera ѧ Murder), NBC, 1983. Judge Thomas S. Kirk, A Place to Be Loved (also known as A Place to Be and Shattered Family), CBS, 1993. Father Dominic, Confessions: Two Faces of Evil (also known as Mothershed or Berndt?), NBC, 1994. Dwight Cooley, The Man Next Door, ABC, 1996. Doctor, Norma Jean and Marilyn, 1996. Roth Lane, The Sleepwalker Killing (also known as Crimes of Passion: ⬙Sleepwalker⬙ and From the Files of Unsolved Mysteries: ⬙The Sleepwalker Killing⬙), NBC, 1997. Second congressman, The Pentagon Wars (also known as Situation Normal, All Fed Up and SNAFU), HBO, 1998. Mr. Gibson, Secret Santa, NBC, 2003. Dr. Reynolds, Touched, Lifetime, 2005. Television Appearances; Specials: ⬙Growing Pains⬙: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2001. The 44th Annual Los Angeles County Holiday Celebration, 2003. Television Appearances; Pilots: George Modell, Rowdies (also known as Hack It or Pack It), ABC, 1986. Dr. Peters, The Charmings, ABC, 1987. Kevin Davis, The Cape, syndicated, 1996. Mr. Dubois, K–Ville, Fox, 2007. Also appeared in Conspiracy. 14

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ANTONIO Dr. Thicketts, ⬙I See Dead Fat People,⬙ The Chronicle (also known as News from the Edge), 2002. White House Counsel Reinhart, ⬙Life Sentence,⬙ The Court, ABC, 2002. Agent Garfield, ⬙Lucky Suit,⬙ Everybody Loves Raymond (also known as Raymond), CBS, 2002. White House Counsel Reinhart, ⬙Life Sentence,⬙ The Court, 2002. Carlisle Tucker, ⬙Admissions,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2002. Arthur Van Halen, ⬙If These Wolves Could Talk,⬙ Wolf Take, 2002. Scott Sommer, ⬙Golden Parachutes,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2002. ⬙Pick Your Battles,⬙ Presidio Med, CBS, 2002. Girls Club, Fox, 2002. Gordon Kirby, ⬙The Best Interests of the Child,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2003. Congressman Whitehurst, ⬙Kam Li,⬙ Without a Trace (also known as W.A.T.), CBS, 2003. Scott Dawson, ⬙Monster’s Brawl,⬙ Boomtown, NBC, 2003. Scott Dawson, ⬙Blackout,⬙ Boomtown, NBC, 2003. Cinda’s father, ⬙Mother’s Daughter,⬙ Miracles, 2003. Dr. Mercer, ⬙Ch–Ch–Changes,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as CSI: Las Vegas, C.S.I., and Les Experts), CBS, 2004. Walter Fife, ⬙From Whence We Came,⬙ Boston Legal, ABC, 2005. Police commissioner, ⬙Billboard,⬙ Malcolm in the Middle, Fox, 2005. Dr. Eliot Peterson, ⬙Time Out of Mind,⬙ Medium, NBC, 2005. Ted Holden, ⬙Joseph,⬙ Cold Case, CBS, 2006. Dr. Richards, ⬙And Here’s to You, Mrs. Azrael,⬙ CSI: NY (also known as CSI: New York), CBS, 2006.

⬙Nightmare,⬙ Jake and the Fatman, 1992. ⬙Spanky and the Art Gang,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1993. Ethan Stevens, ⬙Dead to Rights,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1993. Neil Fraser, ⬙Murder at a Discount,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1993. Gerry, Home Free, ABC, 1993. Andre the Gourmet, ⬙An Old Friend for Dinner,⬙ Danger Theatre, Fox, 1993. Agent Hill, ⬙Cold Turkey,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1993. Agent Hill, ⬙Strange Bedfellows,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1993. Simon Wolf, ⬙Brooklyn Dodgers,⬙ The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. (also known as Brisco County Jr.), Fox, 1994. Drew Ward, ⬙Maybelle’s Return,⬙ In the Heat of the Night, CBS, 1994. Ernie Pitt, ⬙Many Happy Returns,⬙ Diagnosis: Murder, CBS, 1994. Mr. Riley, ⬙Speak No Evil,⬙ Thunder Alley, ABC, 1994. Stuart Himes, ⬙Twice Dead,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1995. Phil Lettamar, ⬙Trading Up in the Pale Moonlight,⬙ Pointman, 1995. The man, ⬙Through a Glass Darkly,⬙ Nowhere Man, UPN, 1996. Dan Laughlin, ⬙Murder in Tempo,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1996. Agent Jack Pierson, ⬙522666,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1996. Paul Gulliksen, High Incident, ABC, 1996. Narrator, ⬙Will Hays,⬙ Sex and the Silver Screen, Showtime, 1996. Leamus, ⬙The Pine Bluff Variant,⬙ The X Files, Fox, 1997. Criminal behaviorist, The Pretender, NBC, 1997. ⬙The Devil’s Rainbow,⬙ The Visitor, Fox, 1997. Larry Peters, ⬙Seize the Day,⬙ Fame L.A., 1997. Howard Sherwood, ⬙Liver, Hold the Mushrooms,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1998. Dr. Ian Copeland, ⬙Sleeper,⬙ Prey (also known as Hungry for Survival), ABC, 1998. Dr. Ian Copeland, ⬙Collaboration,⬙ Prey (also known as Hungry for Survival), ABC, 1998. Dr. Harad, ⬙The One Hundredth,⬙ Friends, NBC, 1998. Mr. Gable, ⬙Wishboned,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1998. Mark Harrison, ⬙In Dreams,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 1999. Ken Harker, ⬙Seduction,⬙ Profiler, NBC, 1999. ⬙Say Something,⬙ Any Day Now, Lifetime, 1999. Harvey, ⬙Love Shack,⬙ Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place (also known as Two Guys and a Girl), ABC, 2000. Dr. Yordsberg, ⬙Out of the Past: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 2000. John LaSalle, ⬙Shibboleth,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2000. Raymond Dart, ⬙Guilt,⬙ JAG (also known as JAG: Judge Advocate General), CBS, 2001. Judge Flanagan, ⬙One Angry Man,⬙ The Fighting Fitzgeralds, NBC, 2001. ⬙Age of Consent,⬙ First Monday, CBS, 2002.

Also appeared as Mike Beiderman, Married People; Arnold, ⬙Catch a Falling Star,⬙ The Stockard Channing Show. Stage Appearances: Nick, The Woods, Odyssey Theatre Ensemble, Los Angeles, 1986–87. Kingfish, Los Angeles Theatre Center, Los Angeles, 1988–89. RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice, Star Wars: X–Wing vs. TIE Fighter, 1996. Dr. Journey, Emergency Room: Code Red, 2001.

ANTONIO, Lou 1934– (Louis Antonio, Theo James) PERSONAL Full name, Louis Demetrios Antonio; born January 23, 1934, in Oklahoma City, OK; son of James Demetrios 15


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(a restaurant owner) and Lucille (a cashier; maiden name, Wright) Antonio; brother of Jim Antonio (an actor); married Lane Bradbury (an actress, writer, and producer; divorced). Education: University of Oklahoma, B.A., 1955 (some sources cite 1957); trained for the stage with Lee Strasberg, Lonny Chapman, and Curt Conway. Avocational Interests: Softball, basketball, reading, writing.

Polo, A Hatful of Rain, Cecilwood Theatre, 1957. Will Stockdale, No Time for Sergeants, Cecilwood Theatre, 1958. Sergeant Gregovich, Teahouse of the August Moon, Cecilwood Theatre, 1958. Brick, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Cecilwood Theatre, 1958. Cornelius, The Matchmaker, Cecilwood Theatre, 1958. Musician–husband, Middle of the Night, Cecilwood Theatre, 1958. Jake Latta, Night of the Iguana, Teatro Caio Melisso, Festival of Two Worlds, Spoleto, Italy, 1959. Member of ensemble, Album Leaves (revue), Teatro Caio Melisso, 1959. Cliff Lewis, Look Back in Anger, Capri Theatre, Atlantic Beach, NY, 1959. Nikita, The Power of Darkness, York Theatre, New York City, 1959. Lieutenant Ferguson Howard, The Golden Fleecing, Cecilwood Theatre, 1960. Jack, Amazing Grace, Cecilwood Theatre, 1960. Clay, Cry of the Raindrop, Cecilwood Theatre, 1960. Shady one, third patron, and Lecasse, The Good Soup, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1960. Clay, Cry of the Raindrop, Hedgerow Theatre, Moylan, PA, 1960, then St. Mark’s Playhouse, New York City, 1961. Stavros, The Garden of Sweets, American National Theatre and Academy Theatre, New York City, 1961. Member of ensemble, Brecht on Brecht (revue), Theatre De Lys, New York City, 1962, then Playhouse–on– the–Mall, Paramus, NJ, later John Drew Theatre, East Hampton, NY, both 1963. Sergeant, Andorra, Biltmore Theatre, New York City, 1963. Gaston, The Lady of the Camellias, Winter Garden Theatre, New York City, 1963. Marvin Macy, The Ballad of the Sad Cafe, Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, 1963. Faustus, Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, Phoenix Theatre, New York City, 1964. Jonas, Ready When You Are, C. B.!, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1964. Woody, The Buffalo Skinner, Theatre Marquee, New York City, 1969.

Addresses: Agent—Endeavor Talent Agency, 9601 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Actor, director, producer, and writer. Actors’ Studio, member, beginning 1958. Also worked as sports reporter, chef, waiter, ranch hand, bricklayer’s helper, junk and manure dealer, swimming pool inspector, and ⬙Fuller Brush man.⬙ Member: Actors’ Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Directors Guild of America, Writers Guild of America. Awards, Honors: Theatre World Award, 1969, for The Buffalo Skinner; Humanitas Award, 1977, Emmy Award nomination, outstanding directing in a special program—drama or comedy, 1978, both for Something for Joey; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding director, 1979, for Silent Victory: The Kitty O’Neil Story; Directors Guild of American Award nomination, outstanding directorial achievement in dramatic series—night, 1994, for Picket Fences; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding individual achievement in directing for a drama series, 1995, for ⬙Life Support,⬙ Chicago Hope. CREDITS Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) David Slater, The Moon Is Blue, White Barn Theatre, Terre Haute, IN, 1955. Sidney Black, Light Up the Sky, White Barn Theatre, 1955. Lord Byron, A. Ratt, Nursie, and the pilot, Camino Real, White Barn Theatre, 1955. Preacher Haggler, Dark of the Moon, White Barn Theatre, 1955. John Goronwyn Jones, The Corn Is Green, White Barn Theatre, 1955. Hotspur, Richard II, McCarter Theatre, Princeton, NJ, 1956. Soldier, The Secret Concubine, McCarter Theatre, 1956. Understudy for Mickey Argent and Tommy Brookman, The Girls of Summer, Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1956. Larrup Rule, Saddle Tramps, Cecilwood Theatre, Fishkill, NY, 1957.

Stage Work: Director, Missouri Legend, Cecilwood Theatre, Fishkill, NY, 1960. Director, The Chalk Garden, Elmwood Theatre, Nyack, NY, 1962. Producer, Hootsudie, Actors’ Studio West, Merle Oberon Playhouse, Los Angeles, 1972. Film Appearances: (Film debut) Cadet, The Strange One, Columbia, 1957. Roustabout, Splendor in the Grass (also known as Splendour in the Grass), Warner Bros., 1961. 16

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ANTONIO Danny Norton, ⬙The Crowd Pleaser,⬙ The Defenders, CBS, 1962. ⬙Color Schemes Like Never Before,⬙ Naked City, ABC, 1963. Tony, ⬙And Make Thunder His Tribute,⬙ Route 66, CBS, 1963. ⬙The Bull Roarer,⬙ Breaking Point, ABC, 1963. Camera Three, CBS, 1963. Vinnie, ⬙See Hollywood and Die,⬙ The Fugitive, ABC, 1963. Captain Wade Ritchie, ⬙The Men and the Boys,⬙ 12 O’Clock High, ABC, 1964. Captain Pollard, ⬙Target 802,⬙ 12 O’Clock High, ABC, 1965. Matt Mooney, ⬙A.P.B.,⬙ The Fugitive, ABC, 1965. Lupton, ⬙A Competent Witness,⬙ For the People, CBS, 1965. Harve Kane, ⬙Outlaw’s Woman,⬙ Gunsmoke (also known as Gun Law and Marshall Dillon), CBS, 1965. Niles, ⬙The Inchworm’s Got No Wings At All,⬙ The Virginian (also known as The Men from Shiloh), NBC, 1966. ⬙Liberty Was a Lady,⬙ The Wackiest Ship in the Army, NBC, 1966. Don, ⬙Devil’s Disciples,⬙ The Fugitive, ABC, 1966. Frankie Gellen, ⬙The Shivering Pigeon,⬙ Hawk, 1966. ⬙The Eighty–Seven Dollar Bride,⬙ The Road West, NBC, 1967. Jud Weskitt, ⬙Hillbilly Honeymoon,⬙ The Monkees, 1967. Rich, ⬙Prairie Wolfers,⬙ Gunsmoke (also known as Gun Law and Marshall Dillon), CBS, 1967. Charlie, ⬙Genie, Genie, Who’s Got the Genie?: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ I Dream of Jeannie, 1968. Curt Tynan, ⬙O’Quillian,⬙ Gunsmoke (also known as Gun Law and Marshall Dillon), CBS, 1968. Stefanoss, ⬙Two For Penny,⬙ The Danny Thomas Hour, 1968. Davey, ⬙In Defense of Honor,⬙ Bonanza (also known as Ponderosa), 1968. Telly Theodakis, ⬙Land Grant,⬙ Here Come the Brides, 1969. Smiley, ⬙Gold Town,⬙ Gunsmoke (also known as Gun Law and Marshall Dillon), CBS, 1969. Mace, ⬙The Long Night,⬙ Gunsmoke (also known as Gun Law and Marshall Dillon), CBS, 1969. Harry, ⬙Going Ape,⬙ Bewitched, 1969. Kee–Cho, ⬙Mark of the Arrow,⬙ Gentle Ben, CBS, 1969. Lokai, ⬙Let That Be Your Last Battlefield,⬙ Star Trek (also known as Star Trek: TOS and Star Trek: The Original Series), NBC, 1969. Telly Theodakis, ⬙To the Victor,⬙ Here Come the Brides, 1970. (Uncredited) Stone Mason, ⬙No Tears for Mrs. Thomas,⬙ The Flying Nun, 1970. ⬙The Long Road Home,⬙ The Mod Squad, 1970. Hal Ingersol, ⬙Murder Off Camera,⬙ Bracken’s World, 1970.

Abdul, America, America (also known as The Anatolian Smile), Warner Bros., 1963. Reverend Abraham Hewlett, Hawaii, United Artists, 1966. Koko, Cool Hand Luke, Warner Bros., 1967. Corrigan, The Phynx, Warner Bros., 1970. Himself, Frankie and Johnny Are Married, IFC Films, 2003. Himself, From the Midst of Pain (documentary), 2008. Himself, A Natural–Born World–Shaker: Making ⬙Cool Hand Luke⬙ (short), Warner Home Video, 2008. Film Work: (As Theo James) Director, The Gypsy Warriors, 1978. Production supervisor, Private Lives, 1983. Executive producer, Micki + Maud, Columbia, 1984. Television Appearances; Series: Barney, The Snoop Sisters, NBC, 1973–74. Detective Sergeant Jack Ramsey, Dog and Cat, ABC, 1977. Joseph Manucci, Makin’ It, ABC, 1979. Television Appearances; Movies: Donalbain, Macbeth, 1961. Tony, Sole Survivor, CBS, 1970. Barney, Black Day for Bluebeard, 1974. Hugo Jenkins, Where the Ladies Go, ABC, 1980. Movie producer, Agatha Christie’s ⬙Thirteen at Dinner⬙ (also known as Thirteen at Dinner), CBS, 1985. Dr. Calvin Finch, Face to Face, CBS, 1990. Television Appearances; Specials: The Power and the Glory, CBS, 1961. Television Appearances; Pilots: Road to Reality, ABC, 1960. Sam Hatch, Partners in Crime, NBC, 1973. Jack Ramsey, Dog and Cat, ABC, 1977. Television Appearances; Episodic: Love of Life, CBS, 1958. Tallahassee 7000, CBS, 1959. My True Story, CBS, 1959. (Uncredited) Civil service applicant, ⬙The Shield,⬙ Naked City, ABC, 1959. Love of Life, CBS, 1960. Grieve, ⬙The Tender Gun,⬙ Have Gun—Will Travel, CBS, 1960. ⬙A Piece of Blue Sky,⬙ Play of the Week, WNTA, 1960. ⬙The Wendigo,⬙ Great Ghost Tales, CBS, 1961. (As Louis Antonio) ⬙A Hole in the City,⬙ Naked City, ABC, 1961. ⬙Portrait of a Painter,⬙ Naked City, ABC, 1962. Bo Jackson, ⬙Death Takes the Stand,⬙ The Defenders, CBS, 1962. 17


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Walter Babson, ⬙Easy To Be Hard,⬙ Storefront Lawyers (also known as Men at Law), 1970. Robert Siomney, ⬙The Hostage,⬙ Mission: Impossible, 1970. Tommy Crawford, ⬙Stone Cold Dead,⬙ Cannon, 1971. Arlen parent, ⬙Superstition Rock,⬙ The F.B.I., 1971. Gordon Krager, ⬙Bullet for a Hero,⬙ Dan August, 1971. David Harper, ⬙The Burning Ice,⬙ Hawaii Five–O (also known as McGarrett), 1971. Rudy Blake, ⬙Double Dead,⬙ Mission: Impossible, 1972. Frank Cameron, ⬙Inferno,⬙ Cade’s County, 1972. Jay Warfield, ⬙Tarnished Idol,⬙ The Rookies, 1973. Jake, ⬙Death on a Barge,⬙ Night Gallery (also known as Rod Serling’s ⬙Night Gallery⬙), 1973. Parrish, ⬙Fools Gold,⬙ The F.B.I., 1973. Jack Lembo, ⬙An Ugly Way to Die,⬙ The Rookies, 1974. Burglar, ⬙The Theft,⬙ Insight, 1974. The director, ⬙Mystery of the Hollywood Phantom: Part 2,⬙ The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries (also known as The Nancy Drew Mysteries), 1977. Premier Zovostrov, ⬙How Diplomatic of You,⬙ Spy Game, c. 1997.

A Good Sport, CBS, 1984. Rearview Mirror, NBC, 1984. Threesome, CBS, 1984. Agatha Christie’s ⬙Thirteen at Dinner⬙ (also known as Thirteen at Dinner), CBS, 1985. One Terrific Guy, CBS, 1986. Mayflower Madam, CBS, 1987. Pals, CBS, 1987. The Outside Woman, ABC, 1989. Dark Holiday (also known as Never Pass This Way Again and Passport to Terror), NBC, 1989. Face to Face, CBS, 1990. Lies before Kisses, CBS, 1991. The Rape of Doctor Willis, CBS, 1991. This Gun for Hire, USA Network, 1991. The Last Prostitute, Lifetime, 1991. A Taste for Killing, USA Network, 1992. Nightmare in the Daylight, CBS, 1992. The Contender, 1993. Television Director; Specials: The Steeler and the Pittsburgh Kid, NBC, 1981.

Also appeared in Studio One, CBS; Suspicion, NBC; United State Steel Hour, CBS.

Television Director; Pilots: Fools, Females, and Fun: I’ve Gotta Be Me, NBC, 1974. Lanigan’s Rabbi (also known as Friday the Rabbi Slept Late), NBC, 1976. The Gypsy Warriors, CBS, 1978. Heaven on Earth, NBC, 1979. Boston and Kilbride, CBS, 1979. We’re Fighting Back, CBS, 1981. Gabe and Walker, ABC, 1981. Shell Game, CBS, 1987. Sporting Chance, CBS, 1990.

Television Producer; Series: Shell Game, CBS, 1987. Television Director; Miniseries: ⬙Chapter I,⬙ Rich Man, Poor Man—Book II, ABC, 1976. The Critical List, NBC, 1978. Breaking Up Is Hard to Do, ABC, 1979. The Star Maker, NBC, 1981.

Television Director; Episodic: Heroic Mission, 1967. Gentle Ben, CBS, 1967. ⬙Against a Blank Cold Wall,⬙ Then Came Bronson, 1969. ⬙Hector and the Brass Band,⬙ The Flying Nun, 1969. ⬙Armando and the Pool Table,⬙ The Flying Nun, 1970. ⬙A Gift for El Charro,⬙ The Flying Nun, 1970. ⬙The Age of Independence,⬙ The Young Rebels, 1970. Getting Together, 1971. Owen Marshall: Counselor at Law, ABC, 1971. The Partridge Family, 1971–73. ⬙To Steal a King,⬙ Banacek, NBC, 1972. McCloud, NBC, 1972–75. ⬙Easy Money,⬙ The Rookies, 1973. Griff, ABC, 1973. Fools, Females, and Fun: Is There a Doctor in the House?, NBC, 1974. Amy Prentiss, NBC, 1974. Sons and Daughters, CBS, 1974. The Rockford Files (also known as Jim Rockford, Private Investigator), NBC, 1974–76. Three for the Road, CBS, 1975.

Television Producer; Movies: The Outside Woman, ABC, 1989. Television Executive Producer; Movies: Dark Holiday (also known as Never Pass This Way Again and Passport to Terror), NBC, 1989. Television Director; Movies: Love Is Not Forever, 1974. Sin, American Style, 1974. Someone I Touched, ABC, 1975. Something for Joey, CBS, 1977. The Girl in the Empty Grave (also known as Abel), 1977. A Real American Hero (also known as Hard Stick), CBS, 1978. Silent Victory: The Kitty O’Neil Story, CBS, 1979. The Chinese Typewriter, 1979. Something So Right, CBS, 1982. Between Friends (also known as Nobody Makes Me Cry), HBO, 1983. 18

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 ⬙Love, Honor and Swindle,⬙ McMillan and Wife (also known as McMillan), NBC, 1975. ⬙Point of Law,⬙ McMillan and Wife (also known as McMillan), NBC, 1976. Delvecchio, CBS, 1976. The Contender, CBS, 1980. Picket Fences, CBS, 1993–96. ⬙Many Happy Returns,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1994. ⬙Life Support,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. ⬙Comic Book Murder,⬙ The Cosby Mysteries, NBC, 1995. ⬙Dial ’H’ For Murder,⬙ The Cosby Mysteries, NBC, 1995. Amazing Grace, NBC, 1995. ⬙Damned If You Don’t,⬙ American Gothic, CBS, 1995. Dark Skies, NBC, 1996. ⬙The Space Flight Episode,⬙ Mr. & Mrs. Smith, CBS, 1996. Party of Five, Fox, 1996–2000. ⬙With Friends Like These,⬙ Spy Game, ABC, 1997. ⬙Banshee,⬙ Roar, Fox, 1997. Michael Hayes, CBS, 1997. Vengeance Unlimited (also known as Mr. Chapel), ABC, 1998. ⬙The Dance,⬙ Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1998. ⬙Great Expectations,⬙ Wasteland, 1999. Get Real, Fox, 1999. ⬙Hello, I Must Be Going,⬙ Felicity, The WB, 2000. The Fugitive, CBS, 2000. ⬙Friends & Lovers,⬙ C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les Experts), CBS, 2000. ⬙Face Lift,⬙ C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les Experts), CBS, 2000. The Beast, ABC, 2000. ⬙Of Fathers and Sons,⬙ UC Undercover, NBC, 2001. ⬙To Halve and to Hold,⬙ C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les Experts), CBS, 2001. ⬙The Drop In,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2001. ⬙The Funnies,⬙ The Guardian, CBS, 2001. First Monday, CBS, 2002. Family Affair, The WB, 2002. ⬙Body of Evidence,⬙ The Handler, CBS, 2003. ⬙Uncertainty Principle,⬙ Numb3rs (also known as Num3ers), CBS, 2005. ⬙Sabotage,⬙ Numb3rs (also known as Num3ers), CBS, 2005. ⬙1990,⬙ Reunion, Fox, 2005. ⬙The Cancer Man Can,⬙ Boston Legal, ABC, 2006. ⬙Race Ipsa,⬙ Boston Legal, ABC, 2006. ⬙Whose God Is It Anyway?,⬙ Boston Legal, ABC, 2006. ⬙Green Christmas,⬙ Boston Legal, ABC, 2007.

ARTERTON WRITINGS Screenplays: Mission: Batangas, Manson, 1968. Television Episodes: ⬙The Framing of Billy the Kid,⬙ Griff, 1973. Also wrote episodes of Gentle Ben, CBS; The Young Rebels, ABC.

ARTERTON, Gemma 1986– PERSONAL Born January, 1986, in Gravesfend, Kent, England. Education: Graduated from Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, London. Addresses: Agent—Independent Talent Group, Oxford House, 76 Oxford Street, London, UK W1D 1BS. Career: Actress. Appeared in television commercial for Avon beauty products. Awards, Honors: National Movie Award nomination, best performance—female, Empire Award nomination, best newcomer, 2008, for St. Trinian’s. CREDITS Film Appearances: Kelly, St. Trinian’s, Sony, 2007. Frankie, Three and Out (also known as A Deal Is a Deal), World Wide Bonus, 2008. June, RocknRolla, Warner Bros., 2008. Strawberry Fields, Quantum of Solace (also known as B22, Marc Forster’s Quantum of Solace and QoS), Sony, 2008. Marc Forster–Der weg zu 007, 2008. Desiree, The Boat That Rocked, Universal, 2009. Television Appearances; Movies: Liza, Capturing Mary, BBC, 2007. Television Appearances; Episodic: Film 2008 (also known as The Film Programme), BBC, 2008.

Also directed Getting Together; ⬙Stuck in the Blizzard,⬙ To Have & To Hold. 19


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Television Appearances; Episodic: Dennis Clapp, ⬙Trapped,⬙ Critical Rescue, The Discovery Channel, 2003. Phillip Saul, ⬙Alfredo Lopez–Cruz,⬙ America’s Most Wanted (also known as America’s Most Wanted: America Fights Back and A.M.W.), Fox, 2005. Lieutenant Rick Cheever, ⬙Article 32,⬙ Without a Trace (also known as W.A.T.), CBS, 2008.

Entertainment Tonight (also known as E.T., ET Weekend, Entertainment This Week and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2008. Xpose, TV3, 2008. Elizabeth Bennet, Lost in Austen, ITV, 2008. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Tess Durbeyfield, Tess of the D’Urbervilles, BBC1, 2008.

Film Appearances: Gan/Marcus Pavlof, Aquarius, Helioglyph Films, 2000. (Uncredited) News camera man, Cecil B. DeMented, Artisan Entertainment, 2000. (Uncredited) One of the Sentinels players, The Replacements, Warner Bros., 2000. (Uncredited) SWAT team leader, The Watcher, MCA/ Universal, 2000. Surfer boy, Mafioso: The Father, the Son, American Cinema International, 2004. Derek, Hitch (short film), Tessa Productions, 2004. Eddie, Love Lies Bleeding, Screen Gems, 2007.

Television Appearances; Specials: Empire Movie Awards, ITV, 2008. Bond on Location (also known as Bond on Location: The Making of Quantum of Solace, Quantum of Solace: Bond on Location, The Making of Quantum of Solace and The Making of Quantum of Solace: Bond on Location), ITV, 2008. Quantum of Solace: Royal World Premiere Special, ITV, 2008. Stage Appearances: (Debut) Rosaline, Loves Labour’s Lost, Globe Theatre, London, 2007.

Stage Appearances: Appeared as Alex, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, Cherry Tree Playhouse; and as Bobby, The Writer Who Wrote Too Much, Bobby and Company.

ASHWORTH, Chris 1975–


PERSONAL Periodicals: Roanoke Times, January 12, 2008.

Full name, Christopher Michael Ashworth; born March 13, 1975, in Farmville, VA; son of Mike (in law enforcement) and Pat Ashworth. Education: Earned two associate’s degrees and a bachelor’s degree.

Electronic: Chris Ashworth Official Site, http://www.chrisashworth. com, November 29, 2008.

Addresses: Agent—Pantheon Talent Agency, 1900 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 2840, Los Angeles, CA 90067; Main Title Entertainment, 5225 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Los Angeles, CA 90036–4301.


Career: Actor.

PERSONAL CREDITS Married; children: two sons.

Television Appearances; Series: Sergei ⬙Serge⬙ Malatov, a recurring role, The Wire, HBO, between 2003 and 2008.

Addresses: Office—c/o NBC News, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Second Kreutzfeld guard, The Lost Room, Sci–Fi Channel, 2006.

Career: Broadcast journalist, correspondent, and producer. Also worked as scriptwriter and camera operator. Visnews, scriptwriter in London, 1970–71, scriptwriter and camera operator in Hong Kong, beginning 1971, camera operator in Southeast Asia until 1975; freelance camera operator in the Middle East, 1975–78; Columbia Broadcasting System, camera

Television Appearances; Movies: Frank Lipjanic, Sex and Lies in Sin City: The Ted Binion Scandal, Lifetime, 2008. 20

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

ASTIN tion, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Directors Guild of America.

operator for CBS–TV in Beirut, Lebanon, 1978–81; American Broadcasting Companies, television producer in Beirut, 1981–83; NBC News, New York City, producer for Cyprus bureau, beginning 1985, correspondent from Baghdad, Iraq, 1990–92, and Bosnia, beginning 1992.

Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best live–action short subject, 1969, for Prelude; Daytime Emmy Award nomination, outstanding performer in a children’s series, 1993, for The Addams Family.



Television Appearances; Series: Correspondent, NBC Nightly News, NBC, beginning 2001.

Film Appearances: The Pusher, 1960. Glad Hand (social worker), West Side Story, United Artists, 1961. Mr. Everett Beasley, That Touch of Mink, Universal, 1962. (Uncredited) Smoky Anderson, Period of Adjustment, 1962. Clyde Prokey, Move Over, Darling (also known as Something’s Gotta Give), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1963. Hector Vanson, The Wheeler Dealers (also known as Separate Beds), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1963. Dr. Frieden, The Spirit Is Willing, Paramount, 1967. Mr. Christian/Uncle Jack, Candy (also known as Candy e il suo pazzo mondo), Cinerama, 1968. Prelude (short), Excelsior, 1968. Sergeant Valdez, Viva Max!, Commonwealth United, 1969. Ad, Bunny O’Hare, American International Pictures, 1971. Mr. Turnbull, Get to Know Your Rabbit, Warner Bros., 1972. Vito Garbugli, Every Little Crook and Nanny, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1972. Pepper and His Wacky Taxi (also known as Wacky Taxi), 1972. Michael O’Toole/Dangerous Ambrose, The Brothers O’Toole, CVD, 1973. Bill Andrews, Freaky Friday, Buena Vista, 1977. Kent Winkdale, National Lampoon’s ⬙European Vacation⬙ (also known as European Vacation), Warner Bros., 1985. Scotty, Body Slam, DeLaurentiis Entertainment Group, 1987. Dean Dunn, Teen Wolf Too, Atlantic, 1987. Professor Gangreen, Return of the Killer Tomatoes! (also known as Return of the Killer Tomatoes: The Sequel), New World Pictures, 1988. Host, Night Creatures, 1988. Verlin Flanders, Night Life (also known as Campus Spirits and Grave Misdemeanors), RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video, 1989. Jeronahew/Professor Gangreen, Killer Tomatoes Strike Back!, Fox Video, 1990. Janitor, Gremlins 2: The New Batch, Warner Bros., 1990.

Television Appearances; Specials: Correspondent, Waging War, MSNBC, 2001. Television Appearances; Episodic: Meet the Press (also known as Meet the Press with Tim Russert), NBC, 2006. Hardball with Chris Matthew, CNBC, 2006.

ASTIN, John 1930– PERSONAL Full name, John Allen Astin; born March 30, 1930, in Baltimore, MD; son of Allen Varley (a former director of the National Bureau of Standards) and Margaret Linnie (maiden name, Mackenzie) Astin; married Suzanne Hahn, March 26, 1956 (divorced, 1972); married Anna Marie Duke (an actress; professional name, Patty Duke), August 5, 1972 (divorced, 1985); married Valerie Ann Sandobal, March 19, 1989; children: (first marriage) David, Allen, Thomas (an actor); (second marriage) Sean (an actor), Mackenzie (an actor). Education: Attended Washington and Jefferson College, 1948–50; Johns Hopkins University, B.A., 1952; University of Minnesota, graduate study, 1952–53; also attended Washington and Jefferson College. Religion: Buddhism. Addresses: Agent—Cunningham, Escott, Slevin and Doherty Talent Agency, 10635 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 140, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Career: Actor, director, producer, and writer. Appeared in television commercials, including FedEx, 1997. Johns Hopkins University, visiting professor of acting and directing, 2001—. Leader, with wife, Valerie, of a Buddhist group, Santa Monica, CA. Member: Writers Guild of America–West (member of board of directors, 1981–85), Actors’ Equity Associa21


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

Professor Mortimer Gangreen, Killer Tomatoes Eat France!, New World Pictures, 1991. Rollie, Dreamers, 1991. Minister, Stepmonster, New Horizons Home Video, 1993. Zach, Huck and the King of Hearts, Prism Entertainment, 1993. Ranger, Il silenzio dei prosciutti (also known as The Silence of the Hams), October Films, 1994. The judge, Robert Zemeckis Presents: ⬙The Frighteners⬙ (also known as The Frighteners), Universal, 1996. Himself, The Making of ⬙The Frighteners⬙ (documentary), Universal Studios Home Video, 1998. Title role, Kid Quick (short; also known as The Adventures of Kid Quick), 2000. President Sender, Betaville, PorchLight Entertainment, 2001. Father Reilly, Out of Habit (short), Hypnotic, 2002. Voice of Dr. Quantum, What the Beep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole (documentary), Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2006. Professor Peabody, Starship II: Rendezvous with Ramses, 2008.

Dr. Harvey Osterman, Only with Married Men, ABC, 1974. Andrew Tustin, Skyway to Death, ABC, 1974. Manny Wheeler, The Dream Makers (also known as Death of Sammy), NBC, 1975. Gomez Addams, The All–New Addams Family Halloween (also known as Halloween with the New Addams Family), 1977. Neil Witherspoon, Mr. Boogedy, ABC, 1986. Adventures Beyond Belief (also known as Neat and Tidy), syndicated, 1987. George LaFosse/Max Barret, ⬙The Blue Dulac⬙ (also known as ⬙The Saint⬙ and ⬙The Saint: The Blue Dulac⬙), The Mystery Wheel of Adventure, syndicated, 1989. First minuteman, Runaway Daughters (also known as Rebel Highway), Showtime, 1994. (Uncredited) Golf announcer, Harrison Bergeron (also known as Kurt Vonnegut’s ⬙Harrison Bergeron⬙), Showtime, 1995. Stormin’ Norman Warner, School for Life, ABC Family, 2005.

Film Work: Producer and director, Prelude, Excelsior, 1968. Creative consultant, Bunny O’Hare, 1971. Director, Pepper and His Wacky Taxi (also known as Wacky Taxi), 1972. Director, Night Creatures, 1988.

Television Appearances; Specials: Gomez Addams, Halloween with the New Addams Family (also known as The All New Addams Family Halloween), 1977. ABC’s Silver Anniversary Celebration, ABC, 1978. Mystery Magical Special (also known as Marc Summers’ ⬙Mystery Magical Special⬙), 1986. Harry Anderson’s Sideshow, NBC, 1987. Host, Night Creatures, syndicated, 1989. Presenter, Soap Opera Digest Awards, NBC, 1992. Host, Haunted Hollywood, E! Entertainment Television, 1993.

Television Appearances; Series: Harry Dickens, I’m Dickens—He’s Fenster, ABC, 1962–63. Gomez Addams, The Addams Family, ABC, 1964–66. Rudy Pruitt, The Pruitts of Southampton (also known as The Phyllis Diller Show), ABC, 1967. Various, Insight, 1971–78. Lieutenant Commander Matthew Sherman, Operation Petticoat (also known as Life in the Pink), ABC, 1977–78. Buddy Ryan, Night Court, NBC, 1984–90. Ed LaSalle, Mary, CBS, 1985–86. Uncle Charles, Webster, 1987–88. Voice of Dr. Putrid T. Gangreen, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (animated), Fox, 1990–91. Voice of Bull Gator, Taz–Mania (animated), 1992. Voice of Gomez Addams, The Addams Family (animated), 1992. Radford, Eerie, Indiana, NBC, 1992. Professor Albert Wickwire, The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. (also known as Brisco County, Jr.), Fox, 1993–94. Voice of Terry Duke Tetzloff, ⬙Caller Beware,⬙ Duckman (animated), USA Network, 1994–97.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Title role, Evil Roy Slade, NBC, 1972. Phillip Logan, Phillip and Barbara, NBC, 1976. Lieutenant Commander Matthew Sherman, Operation Petticoat (also known as Life in the Pink and Petticoat Affair), ABC, 1977. Television Appearances; Episodic: (Uncredited) Reporter, ⬙The Night America Trembled,⬙ Studio One (also known as Studio One Summer Theatre, Studio One in Hollywood, Summer Theatre, Westinghouse Studio One, and Westinghouse Summer Theatre), 1957. Joe Lambert, ⬙The Town That Wasn’t There,⬙ Maverick, ABC, 1960. ⬙Wilma’s Phantom Lover,⬙ Peter Loves Mary, 1960. Harlow, ⬙Strictly Solo,⬙ General Electric Theater (also known as G.E. Theater and G.E. True Theater), 1960. Charlie, ⬙A Hundred Yards over the Rim,⬙ The Twilight Zone (also known as The Twilight Zone: The Original Series and Twilight Zone), CBS, 1961.

Television Appearances; Movies: Roy Slade, Sheriff Who, 1967. Dr. Stanley Remington, Two on a Bench, ABC, 1971. 22

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ASTIN Jonathan, ⬙Pamela’s Voice,⬙ Night Gallery (also known as Rod Serling’s ⬙Night Gallery⬙), NBC, 1971. Hippie, ⬙Hell’s Bells,⬙ Night Gallery (also known as Rod Serling’s ⬙Night Gallery⬙), NBC, 1971. Keatley, ⬙The Father–Son Weekend,⬙ The Doris Day Show, 1971. Slick, ⬙Jump–Up,⬙ The Virginian (also known as The Men from Shiloh), 1971. Munsch, ⬙The Girl with the Hungry Eyes,⬙ Night Gallery (also known as Rod Serling’s ⬙Night Gallery⬙), NBC, 1972. Rex Bickers, ⬙Love and the Newscasters,⬙ Love, American Style, 1972. Voice of Gomez Addams, ⬙Scooby–Doo Meets the Addams Family,⬙ The New Scooby–Doo Movies (animated; also known as Scooby–Doo Meets the Harlem Globetrotters and Scooby–Doo’s New Comedy Movie Pictures), 1972. Charlie Mancini, ⬙Love and the Happy Medium,⬙ Love, American Style, 1972. Himself, ⬙Pluto,⬙ The Mouse Factory, syndicated, 1972. Himself, ⬙Hunting,⬙ The Mouse Factory, syndicated, 1972. Russo, ⬙The Muscle and the Medic,⬙ Temperatures Rising (also known as The New Temperatures Rising Show), 1972. Sykes, ⬙The Night of the Wizard,⬙ McMillan & Wife (also known as McMillan), 1972. Sykes, ⬙Cop of the Year,⬙ McMillan & Wife (also known as McMillan), 1972. Fred Colby, ⬙The Graveyard Shift,⬙ Ghost Story (also known as Circle of Fear), 1973. Millionaire, ⬙Diary of a Mad Millionaire,⬙ The Partridge Family, 1973. The Mike Douglas Show, 1974. Greenburg, ⬙Hard Day at Blue Nose,⬙ Wide World Mystery, 1974. Dr. Irv Kellerman, ⬙Miss Kline, We Love You,⬙ The ABC Afternoon Playbreak (also known as ABC Matinee Today), ABC, 1974. Quinn, ⬙Our Lady in London,⬙ Get Christie Love!, 1975. Donny, ⬙Nothing Left to Lose,⬙ Police Woman, 1975. Martin, ⬙The Unindicted Wife,⬙ Marcus Welby, M.D. (also known as Robert Young, Family Doctor), 1975. Lowen, ⬙A Case of Misdiagnosis,⬙ The Bob Crane Show, 1975. Museum curator, ⬙The Museum,⬙ Welcome Back, Kotter, ABC, 1976. Dr. Milford, ⬙Firebird,⬙ Police Story, 1976. Tattletales, 1976. ⬙Say It Ain’t So, Chief,⬙ Lanigan’s Rabbi, 1977. Dave the Hermit, ⬙Marooned: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1978. Charles Preston, ⬙Beachcomber/The Last Whodunit,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1978. Password Plus, 1979. Vito, ⬙Summer of ’84,⬙ The Facts of Life, 1984.

The coachman, ⬙The Terrible Clockman,⬙ Shirley Temple’s Storybook (also known as The Shirley Temple Theatre), 1961. ⬙Mouse at Play,⬙ The Donna Reed Show, 1961. Benson, ⬙Roommates,⬙ Harrigan and Son, 1961. Arnold Penn, ⬙The Scott Machine,⬙ The Asphalt Jungle, 1961. (Scenes deleted) Hotel clerk, ⬙Remember Pearl Harbor,⬙ Hennesey, 1961. Hal Gordon, ⬙The Investment Club,⬙ Hazel, 1962. ⬙King’s Random,⬙ 87th Precinct, 1962. ⬙A Quiet Evening,⬙ Dennis the Menace (also known as Just Dennis), 1962. ⬙Go Read the River,⬙ Route 66, 1962. ⬙Preferably, the Less–Used Arm,⬙ Ben Casey, 1962. ⬙Dress Rehearsal,⬙ 77 Sunset Strip, 1962. Gas station attendant, ⬙Journey to Nineveh,⬙ Route 66, 1962. ⬙Remember Pearl Harbor,⬙ Hennesey, 1962. Tim Poole, ⬙The Yacht–Club Gang,⬙ Checkmate, 1962. Dr. Carmichael, ⬙The Bird,⬙ The Gertrude Berg Show (also known as Mrs. G Goes to College), 1962. Bartley, ⬙An Echo of Faded Velvet,⬙ The Greatest Show on Earth, 1963. Joe Hastings, ⬙Bless Our Happy Home,⬙ The Farmer’s Daughter, 1964. Pete Daley, ⬙The Infernal Triangle,⬙ Destry, 1964. Frank Mastin, ⬙I Do, We Don’t,⬙ Occasional Wife, 1966. Count Sazanov, ⬙The Night of the Tartar,⬙ The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1967. Riddler Number Two, ⬙Batman’s Anniversary,⬙ Batman, ABC, 1967. Riddler Number Two, ⬙A Riddling Controversy,⬙ Batman, ABC, 1967. Title role, ⬙Hard–Luck Henry Haggen,⬙ Gunsmoke (also known as Gun Law and Marshal Dillon), CBS, 1967. Emil Kuchek, ⬙Czech Your Wife, Sir?⬙ Hey, Landlord, 1967. Father Lundigan, ⬙Flight of the Dodo Bird,⬙ The Flying Nun, 1967. Dr. Melvin Krillman, ⬙The Coming Out Party,⬙ He & She, 1967. Jesse Martin, ⬙The Gold Mine on Main Street,⬙ Death Valley Days (also known as Call of the West, The Pioneers, Trails West, and Western Star Theater), 1968. Himself, It Takes Two, 1969. ⬙The Experiment,⬙ CBS Playhouse, CBS, 1969. Title role, ⬙Abner Willoughby’s Return,⬙ Bonanza (also known as Ponderosa), NBC, 1969. ⬙Love and the Intruder,⬙ Love, American Style, 1970. The Andy Williams Show, NBC, 1970. Millionaire, ⬙Diary of a Mad Millionaire,⬙ The Partridge Family, ABC, 1970. Sykes, McMillan and Wife, NBC, 1971. Bo ⬙Buff⬙ Buffingham, ⬙Oscar’s New Life,⬙ The Odd Couple, ABC, 1971. 23


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Voice of Superintendent Skinner, ⬙Kids in the Mist,⬙ Recess (animated; also known as Disney’s ⬙Recess⬙: Created by Paul and Joe), 1998. Voice of Grampapa Addams, ⬙Grandpapa Addams Comes to Visit,⬙ The New Addams Family (animated), Fox Kids, 1998. ⬙Storm o’ the Century,⬙ The Hughleys, ABC, 1999. Voice of Grampapa Addams, ⬙Fester & Granny vs. Grandpapa Addams,⬙ The New Addams Family (animated), Fox Family, 1999. Voice of the Great Bangaboo, ⬙The Great Bangaboo,⬙ The Wild Thornberrys (animated), Nickelodeon, 1999. Voice of Superintendent Skinner, ⬙The Story of Whomps,⬙ Recess (animated; also known as Disney’s ⬙Recess⬙: Created by Paul and Joe), 1999. ⬙I Wear My Sunglasses at Night,⬙ The Strip, UPN, 2000. Richard Wilson, ⬙All the Rage,⬙ Becker, CBS, 2000. Voice of Dave Bishop, ⬙Blizzard Conditions,⬙ As Told by Ginger (animated), Nickelodeon, 2001. ⬙Carolyn Jones: Morticia and More,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 2002. Voice of Santa Claus, ⬙Twinkle’s Star,⬙ Higgleytown Heroes (animated), 2004. Himself, ⬙There’s Something About Mary,⬙ My First Time, 2006. Good Morning America, ABC, 2006.

C. W., ⬙A Haunting We Will Go,⬙ Diff’rent Strokes, 1984. Ross Hayley, ⬙Hooray for Homicide,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1984. Uncle Ray Simon, ⬙Revolution Ⲇ9 ½,⬙ Simon & Simon, CBS, 1984. Super Password, 1984, 1986. Kenny, ⬙Inside Harry Stone,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1985. Harry Pierce, ⬙Joshua Peabody Died Here, Possibly,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1985. Harry Pierce, ⬙A Lady in the Lake,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1985. Harry Pierce, ⬙Sticks and Stones,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1985. ⬙Baxter and Boz,⬙ Riptide, 1985. Akin, ⬙Mansion of the Beast,⬙ Otherworld, 1985. ⬙Egyptian Cruise: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1986. Kevin, ⬙Visiting Daze,⬙ St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1987. Jack/the Devil, ⬙The Witch Is of Van Oaks,⬙ The Charmings, 1987. Uncle Joe, ⬙The Pickle Plot,⬙ Charles in Charge, 1988. Win, Lose or Draw, 1988. Manager of gun club, ⬙The Priest Killer Mystery,⬙ Father Dowling Mysteries (also known as Father Dowling Investigates), 1991. Nelson Halliwell, ⬙Top Billing,⬙ Tales from the Crypt (also known as HBO’s ⬙Tales from the Crypt⬙), HBO, 1991. Neville Nessen, ⬙Sex, Lies & UFO’s: Part 2,⬙ They Came From Outer Space, 1991. ⬙Up All Night,⬙ Mad About You, NBC, 1994. Storytime, PBS, 1994. George Humphries, ⬙The Ice Cream Man Cometh,⬙ Step by Step, ABC, 1994. Alexander the Great, ⬙Who Killed Alexander the Great?⬙ Burke’s Law, CBS, 1994. Voice of the mole, ⬙Stessed to Kill,⬙ Bonkers (also known as Disney’s ⬙Bonkers⬙), 1994. Voice of doctor, ⬙Monster Make–Over/Airplane, a Wing and a Scare,⬙ Aaahh!! Real Monsters (animated), Nickelodeon, 1994. Storytime, PBS, 1994. George Humphries, ⬙The Flight before Christmas,⬙ Step by Step, ABC, 1995. Fritz Randall, ⬙Film Flam,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1995. Dr. Roberts, ⬙Your Feet’s Too Big,⬙ The Nanny, CBS, 1996. Dr. Roberts, ⬙Tattoo,⬙ The Nanny, CBS, 1996. Rhymer, ⬙The Adventures of Ratman and Gerbil or, Holy Homeboys in Outer Space,⬙ Homeboys in Outer Space, UPN, 1996. Voice, ⬙The Unusual Suspects,⬙ Quack Pack (animated), 1996. Voice, Johnny Bravo (animated), Cartoon Network, 1997. Rhymer, ⬙The Adventures of Ratman and Gerbil, or Holy Homeboys in Outer Space,⬙ Homeboys in Outer Space, UPN, 1997.

Also appeared in Hearts Are Wild; as voice of Sydney, Aladdin (animated; also known as Disney’s Aladdin). Television Director; Specials: Night Creatures, syndicated, 1989. Television Director; Pilots: Operation Petticoat (also known as Life in the Pink and Petticoat Affair), ABC, 1977. Rosetti and Ryan: Men Who Love Women, NBC, 1977. Ethel Is an Elephant, CBS, 1980. Getting There, CBS, 1980. Scared Silly, ABC, 1982. Two Guys from Muck, NBC, 1982. Television Director; Episodic: ⬙The House,⬙ Night Gallery (also known as Rod Serling’s ⬙Night Gallery⬙), NBC, 1970. ⬙A Fear of Spiders,⬙ Night Gallery (also known as Rod Serling’s ⬙Night Gallery⬙), NBC, 1971. ⬙The Dark Boy,⬙ Night Gallery (also known as Rod Serling’s ⬙Night Gallery⬙), NBC, 1971. ⬙Murder by the Barrel,⬙ McMillan and Wife (also known as McMillan), NBC, 1971. ⬙Death Is a Seven Point Favorite,⬙ McMillan and Wife (also known as McMillan), NBC, 1971. Holmes and Yoyo (also known as Holmes and Yo–Yo), ABC, 1976. Rosetti and Ryan, NBC, 1977. 24

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Operation Petticoat (also known as Life in the Pink), ABC, 1977. Mr. Merlin, CBS, 1982. ⬙Meet the New Guy,⬙ CHiPs, NBC, 1982. ⬙Rock Devil Rock,⬙ CHiPs, NBC, 1982. ⬙Brat Patrol,⬙ CHiPs, NBC, 1983. Just Our Luck (also known as Just My Luck), ABC, 1983. ⬙Stage Struck,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1986.

AUKIN AUKIN, David 1942– PERSONAL Born February 12, 1942, in Harrow, England; son of Charles and Regina (maiden name, Unger) Aukin; married Nancy Jane Meckler, June 20, 1969; children: Daniel, Jethro. Education: St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, B.A.; qualified as a solicitor. Avocational Interests: Golf.

Television Additional Voices; Episodic: The Twisted Adventures of Felix the Cat (animated; also known as The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat), 1995. ⬙While the City Snoozes,⬙ Aladdin (animated; also known as Disney’s Aladdin), 1995.

Addresses: Office—Mentorn International, 43 Whitfield St., London W1T 4HA United Kingdom; DayBreak Pictures, 43 Whitfield St., London W1T 4HA United Kingdom. Career: Producer. Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, Scotland, literary advisor, 1970–73; Anvil Productions (some sources cite Oxford Playhouse Company), Oxford, England, administrator and producer, 1974–75; Hampstead Theatre, London, administrator, 1975–78, artistic director, 1978–83; Leicester Haymarket Theatre, director, 1983–86; Royal National Theatre, London, executive director, 1986–90; Channel 4 Television, head of drama department, 1990–97; HAL Films, cofounder, 1998; Act Productions Ltd., partner, 2001; Mentorn International, London, head of drama department; DayBreak Pictures, London, principal and cofounder, 2007—. Oval House Arts Centre, chair, 1970–74; Freehold Company, administrator; cofounder, Joint Stock Company and Foco Novo.

Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Readymoney Matt, The Threepenny Opera, Theatre de Lys, New York City, 1954. (Broadway debut) Major Barbara, Martin Beck Theatre, 1956. Morrison, The Cave Dwellers, Bijou Theatre, New York City, 1957. Various, Ulysses in Nighttown, Rooftop Theatre, New York City, 1958. Collins, The Tall Story, Belasco Theatre, New York City, 1959. Also appeared in Look Homeward, Angel, Pasadena Playhouse, Pasadena, CA; A Sleep of Prisoners, Phoenix Theatre, New York City; as Ebenezer Scrooge, A Christmas Carol; Sir Joseph, H.M.S. Pinafore, New York City; Henry Saunders, Lend Me a Tenor; as Fagin, Oliver!; Vladimir, Waiting for Godot.

Member: Society of West End Theatre (president, 1988–90), Groucho Club, RAC. Awards, Honors: Evening Standard Drama Award, outstanding achievement, 1978, for work at the Hampstead Theatre; Television Award (with others), best single drama, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 2006, for The Government Inspector; Television Award nomination (with others), best single drama, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 2008, for The Trial of Tony Blair; Television Award (with others), best drama special, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 2008, for Britz.

Major Tours: Edgar Allan Poe: Once Upon a Midnight (solo show), U.S. cities, 1998–99. Stage Work: Assistant director, Ulysses in Nighttown, Rooftop Theatre, New York City, 1958.


Also worked as coproducer and director of A Sleep of Prisoners, Phoenix Theatre, New York City.

Stage Work: Cocreator, The Young Churchill, Leicester, England, then Duchess Theatre, London, 1969. Producer, The Elephant Man, Royale Theatre, London, 2002.

WRITINGS Screenplays: Prelude, Excelsior, 1968. (With Coslough Johnson) All Boxed Up, 1972. (With Johnson) Cummins and Kinneys, 1973.

Also worked as coproducer, The Black and White Minstrels, Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, Scotland; coproducer, Caravaggio Buddy, Traverse Theatre; coproducer, 25


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

The Novelist, Traverse Theatre; producer, Lay By, Portable Theatre Company; producer, Bodies, Hampstead Theatre, London, then West End production; Clouds, Hampstead Theatre, then West End production; Dusa, Hampstead Theatre, then West End production; Fish, Hampstead Theatre, then West End production; Gloo Joo, Hampstead Theatre, then West End production; Outside Edge, Hampstead Theatre, then West End production; Stas and Vi, Hampstead Theatre, then West End production. Also affiliated with Son of Man, 1969; Straight Up, 1971; Le Grand Magic Circus in Robinson Crusoe, 1974; and From Moses to Mao, 1974.

Film Appearances: Office worker, Dresden, 1999. Television Executive Producer; Miniseries: Britz, BBC America, 2008. Television Executive Producer; Movies: The Hamburg Cell, HBO, CBC, and France 2, 2004. The Government Inspector, 2005. A Very Social Secretary, 2005. Nostradamus, 2006. The Trial of Tony Blair, BBC America, 2007. Confessions of a Diary Secretary, 2007. Terrorists, 2008.

Film Executive Producer: The Break, Castle Hill Productions, 1998. Elephant Juice, Miramax, 1999. Mansfield Park, Miramax, 1999. About Adam, 2000, Miramax, 2001. Mrs. Henderson Presents, Weinstein Company, 2005. Endgame, Target Entertainment, 2009.

Television Appearances; Specials: Himself, All About ⬙Abigail’s Party,⬙ 2007.


B Patterson, L.A. Without a Map (also known as I Love L.A. and Los Angeles Without a Map), United Media, 1998. Tinker Connolly, Mystery, Alaska, Buena Vista, 1999. Rob Poirer, MVP 2: Most Vertical Primate (also known as MVP: Most Vertical Primate, MVP 2: Most Vertical Primate, and Mon primate adore II), Columbia TriStar Home Video, 2001. Standard Time, 2001. Himself, ⬙MVP 2: Most Vertical Primate⬙—Behind the Scenes (documentary short), Warner Home Video, 2001. Greg Ellenbogen, Standard Time (also known as Anything But Love), Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2002. Dr. Evan Gibbs, Simple Things (also known as Country Remedy), Screen Media Ventures, 2007.

BANCROFT, Cameron 1967– (Cam Bancroft) PERSONAL Full name, Cameron M. Bancroft; born May 17, 1967, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (some sources say Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada); son of Glen (an attorney) and Wendy (a nurse) Bancroft; married, September 1999; children: son, daughter. Education: California Institute of the Arts, B.F.A., theater. Avocational Interests: Hockey and music. Addresses: Agent—Don Buchwald and Associates, 6500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2200, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Manager—Kincaid Management, 43 Navy St., Venice, CA 90291.

Television Appearances; Series: Graham, The Beachcombers, CBC, 1987–88. Ray, General Hospital, ABC, c. 1989. Kyle Hansen, Extreme, ABC, 1995. Joe Bradley, Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1995–96. Captain Ezekiel ⬙Zeke⬙ Beaumont, The Cape, syndicated, 1996. Ethaniel, Code Name: Eternity (also known as Code: Eternity), Sci–Fi Channel, 2000. Lee Castle, 24, Fox, 2005. Joe Seplar, Beautiful People, ABC Family, 2005. Cameron, Hockeyville (also known as Kraft Hockeyville), 2006.

Career: Actor. National Hockey League’s celebrity hockey team, member, 1994—. Awards, Honors: State Award, California Independent Film Festival, best actor, 2007, for Simple Things. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Nicholas, Zoya (also known as Danielle Steel’s ⬙Zoya⬙), NBC, 1995. Charles Ingalls, Little House on the Prairie, ABC, 2005. Mike McCormick, The Path to 9/11, ABC, 2006.

Film Appearances: (As Cam Bancroft) Joe, The Boy Who Could Fly, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1986. Jack, Rock ⬘n Roll High School Forever, Live Entertainment, 1990. Bernie, Love & Human Remains (also known as Amour et restes humains), Sony Pictures Classics, 1993. Robert Reynolds, Dream Man, Republic Pictures Corp., 1995. Bruce, Sleeping Together, Trident Releasing, 1997.

Television Appearances; Movies: David Burdock, 83 Hours ⬘Til Dawn, CBS, 1990. Kurtis Stark, Anything for Love (also known as Just One of the Girls), Fox, 1992. 27


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 OTHER SOURCES

Eddie, Moment of Truth: To Walk Again, NBC, 1994. Mark, Moment of Truth: Broken Pledges, NBC, 1994. Patrick, For the Love of Nancy, ABC, 1994. Chad Billingsly, A Family Divided, NBC, 1995. Rocket, She Stood Alone: The Tailhook Scandal, ABC, 1995. Jack, The Other Mother: A Moment of Truth Movie, Lifetime, 1995. Roger Lewis, To Brave Alaska, ABC, 1996. Jeff Parker, Convictions, Lifetime, 1997. Jed Benton, She’s No Angel, Lifetime, 2001. (As Cam Bancroft) Scott Rivers, The New Beachcombers, 2002. Sterling Brooks, He Sees You When You’re Sleeping (also known as Mary Higgins Clark’s ⬙He Sees You When You’re Sleeping⬙), PAX, 2002. Duffy, The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth about Enron, CBS, 2003. Scott Shift, Undercover Christmas (also known as L’amour en cadeau and Undercover Lover), CBS, 2003. Larry, I Want to Marry Ryan Banks (also known as The Reality of Love), ABC Family, 2004. Scott Rivers, A Beachcombers Christmas, 2004. Ross, Don’t Cry Now, Lifetime, 2007. Bill, Left Coast, 2008. Brian, The Love of Her Life (also known as A Woman’s Rage), Lifetime, 2008. Beau Canfield, Mail Order Bride, Hallmark Channel, 2008. Daniel Laurens, Flirting with 40, 2008.

Periodicals: People Weekly, December 23, 1996, p. 60.

BANES, Lisa 1955– PERSONAL Born July 9, 1955, in Chagrin Falls, OH. Education: Juilliard School, graduated. Addresses: Agent—Tim Angle, Don Buchwald and Associates, 10 East 44th St., New York, NY 10017. Manager—David Williams Management, 9614 Olympic Blvd., Suite F, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress. National Shakespeare Festival, San Diego, CA, member of company, 1981; Acting Company, New York City, past member of company. Member: Screen Actors Guild. Awards, Honors: Theatre World Award, 1981, for Look Back in Anger; Obie Award (with others), best performance, Village Voice, 1982, for My Sister in This House; Drama Desk Award, outstanding featured actress in a play, 1984, for Isn’t It Romantic?

Television Appearances; Pilots: Captain Ezekiel Beaumont, The Cape, 1996.


Television Appearances; Episodic: Kemper, ⬙Payback,⬙ Tour of Duty, CBS, 1990. Malcolm, ⬙Evie’s Three Promises,⬙ Out of This World, syndicated, 1991. ⬙Yesterday We Were Playing Football,⬙ The Round Table, 1992. Robert, ⬙The Watchers,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1993. David Keogh, ⬙Obsession,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1994. Cryto, ⬙How to Make a Quilt Out of Americans,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2000. Craig Richards, ⬙The Pack,⬙ Special Unit 2 (also known as SU2), UPN, 2001. Ben Wilton, ⬙Dead Man Walking,⬙ Jake 2.0, 2004. Terry, ⬙The Campaign Manager,⬙ The Collector, 2005. Eric McManus, ⬙1986,⬙ Reunion, Fox, 2005. Byron Diller, ⬙Shattered,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2005.

Television Appearances; Series: Doreen Morrison, a recurring role, The Trials of Rosie O’Neill, CBS, 1990–92. Mayor Anita Massengil, Son of the Beach, FX Network, 2000–2002. Eve McBain, One Life to Live, ABC, 2004—. Television Appearances; Movies: Erica, One Police Plaza (also known as Song for Sara), CBS, 1986. Joanna Westrope, A Killer Among Us, NBC, 1990. Diana, Danger Island (also known as The Island and The Presence), NBC, 1992. Vi Sams, Revenge on the Highway (also known as Overdrive and Silent Thunder), NBC, 1992. Barbara Forester, A Family Torn Apart (also known as Sudden Fury: A Family Torn Apart), NBC, 1993. Marla Tolbert, Cries from the Heart (also known as Touch of Truth), CBS, 1994. Rebecca Heaton, The Avenging Angel, TNT, 1995.

Stage Appearances: Also appeared in A Lion in Winter; The Cherry Orchard; A Midsummer Night Dream. 28

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BANES Judge Cooke, ⬙Eat and Run,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 2002. Meredith Holt, ⬙Book of Virtues,⬙ Girls Club, Fox, 2002. Meredith Holt, ⬙Secrets and Lies,⬙ Girls Club, Fox, 2002. Meredith Holt, ⬙Hello, Goodbye,⬙ Girls Club, Fox, 2002. Viveca, ⬙Ready, Aim, Sing,⬙ It’s All Relative, ABC, 2004. Georgia Boone, ⬙Dugan Groupie,⬙ The King of Queens, CBS, 2004. Georgia Boone, ⬙Entertainment Weekly,⬙ The King of Queens, CBS, 2004. Valerie Page, ⬙Harpy Birthday,⬙ Jake in Progress, ABC, 2005. Victoria, ⬙Time Flies,⬙ Six Feet Under, HBO, 2005. Victoria, ⬙Eat a Peach,⬙ Six Feet Under, HBO, 2005. Victoria, ⬙The Silence,⬙ Six Feet Under, HBO, 2005. Chef Vivian, ⬙Key Ingredients,⬙ Out of Practice, CBS, 2005. Attorney Kimberly Mellon, ⬙Truly, Madly, Deeply,⬙ Boston Legal, ABC, 2005. District attorney Margaret Mannheim, ⬙Another Country,⬙ In Justice, ABC, 2006. Dr. Rhea Morrison, ⬙SERE,⬙ The Unit, CBS, 2006. Dr. Victoria Cole, ⬙Fog,⬙ Saved, TNT, 2006. Dr. Victoria Cole, ⬙Family,⬙ Saved, TNT, 2006. Vera Keck, ⬙Like It Was,⬙ Desperate Housewives, ABC, 2006. Edna Crocker, ⬙Forget Me Not,⬙ Psych, USA Network, 2007.

Jessica Lewisohn, Mother May I Sleep with Danger?, NBC, 1996. Elder, Last Exit to Earth (also known Roger Corman Presents ⬙Last Exit to Earth⬙), Showtime, 1996. Lisa Eubanks, My Son Is Innocent, ABC, 1996. Mayor Walker, Combustion, Lifetime, 2004. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Anne Kane, Kane and Abel, CBS, 1985. Martha Gellhorn, Hemingway, syndicated, 1988. Barbara Hutton, Too Rich: The Secret Life of Doris Duke, CBS, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Vanessa, Battle in the Erogenous Zone (also known as Combat in the Erogenous Zone and War in the Erogenous Zone), Showtime, 1992. Television Appearances; Pilots: Andrea Griffin, Close Encounters (also known as Matchmaker), CBS, 1990. Meredith Holt, Girls Club, Fox, 2002. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙No Room at the Inn,⬙ Spenser: For Hire, 1985. ⬙Nightscape,⬙ The Equalizer, 1986. Cat von Seeger, ⬙How to Survive in Vietnam: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ China Beach, ABC, 1989. Kathryn Henning, ⬙Paige’s Mom,⬙ Life Goes On (also known as Glenbrook), ABC, 1989. Liz Chapin, ⬙Don Chapin,⬙ Lifestories, 1990. Ms. Mitchell, ⬙Leap of Faith,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1993. Barbara Buckley, ⬙The Good Daughter,⬙ Sisters, NBC, 1993. Dr. Renhol, ⬙Equilibrium,⬙ Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (also known as Deep Space Nine, DS9, and Star Trek: DS9), syndicated, 1994. Mrs. Simms, ⬙White Men Can’t Kiss,⬙ Roseanne, ABC, 1994. Tippi Von Schlaugger, ⬙The Naked and the Deadline,⬙ High Society, CBS, 1995. Lucy Hendrix, ⬙Shooting in Rome,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1995. Vivien Barone, ⬙Chapter Ten,⬙ Murder One, ABC, 1995. Pamela, ⬙A Lilith Thanksgiving,⬙ Frasier, NBC, 1996. Madeline Wyman, ⬙Imagine: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Michael Hayes, CBS, 1998. Georgina Winters, ⬙The Rivals,⬙ Legacy, UPN, 1999. Georgina Winters, ⬙Winter’s Storm,⬙ Legacy, UPN, 1999. Georgina Winters, ⬙A New Beginning,⬙ Legacy, UPN, 1999. Georgina Winters, ⬙Where Spirit Lives,⬙ Legacy, UPN, 1999. Howard Stern, E! Entertainment Television, 2000. The Test, FX Network, 2001. Carolyn Minelli, ⬙Lies of Minelli,⬙ Philly, ABC, 2002.

Appeared in an episode of NYPD Blue, ABC. Stage Appearances: Isabella, The White Devil, Acting Company, American Place Theatre, New York City, 1980. The Admirable Crichton, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1980. Player Queen Elizabeth, Elizabeth I, New York City, 1980. Alison Porter, Look Back in Anger, Roundabout Theatre Company, Stage One, New York City, 1980. Margaret, A Call from the East, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1981. Christine, My Sister in This House, Second Stage Theatre Company, Park Royal Theatre, New York City, 1981–82. Title role, Antigone, Martinson Hall, Public Theatre, New York City, 1982. A Doll’s House, Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1982–83. Olga, Three Sisters, Manhattan Theatre Club Stage I, New York City, 1982–83. Moll, The Cradle Will Rock, Douglas Fairbanks Theatre, New York City, 1983. Harriet Cornwall, Isn’t It Romantic?, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, New York City, 1983, then Lucille Lortel Theatre, 1984–85. 29


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D. Raleigh Bell, Fighting International Fat, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, 1985. Mrs. Wire, ⬙The Lady of Larkspur Lotion,⬙ also Miss Lucretia Collins, Myra, Madame Duvenet, and Flora, Ten by Tennessee, Acting Company, Lucille Lortel Theatre, New York City, 1986. Ronee, Progress, Long Wharf Theatre, 1986–87. Mary, On the Verge, or, the Geography of Yearning, John Houseman Theatre, New York City, 1987. Title role, Emily, Manhattan Theatre Club Stage I, 1988. Cassie Cooper, Rumors, Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA, then Broadhurst Theatre, New York City, 1988–89. Portia and Lucilla, Julius Caesar, Center Theatre Group, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 1991. Vicki, Money and Friends, Center Theatre Group, Ahmanson Theatre, Mark Taper Forum, 1992–93. Lady Croom, Arcadia, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, Lincoln Center, New York City, 1995. Margaret Lord, High Society (musical), American Conservatory Theatre, Geary Theatre, San Francisco, CA, 1997, then St. James Theatre, New York City, 1998. Macbeth, Scottsdale Center for the Arts, Scottsdale, AZ, 2000.

BARKER, Clive 1952–

PERSONAL Born October 5, 1952, in Liverpool, England; settled in the United States; son of Leonard (a personnel director) and Joan Ruby (a school welfare officer and painter; maiden name, Revill) Barker; companion of David Armstrong (a photographer); stepchildren: Nicole. Education: University of Liverpool, B.A. Addresses: Office—Seraphim Films, 1606 Argyle St., Hollywood, CA 90028. Career: Writer, producer, director, and actor. Also works as illustrator and painter. Dog Factory (theatre group; also known as the Dog Company), London, cofounder, actor, and principal playwright; Seraphim Films, Hollywood, CA, founder and president; Midnight Picture Show, Hollywood, principal. Horror Fall of Fame, member of board of directors. Paintings and drawings represented in shows at Bess Cutler Gallery, New York City, 1993, Laguna Art Museum, South Coast Plaza branch, Costa Mesa, CA, 1995, and elsewhere; exhibitions include ⬙Frontier Tales,⬙ 1990, ⬙Los Angeles Art Fare,⬙ 1993, ⬙One Flesh,⬙ 1997, ⬙The Weird and the Wicked: A Halloween Exhibition of the Erotic and Fantastic,⬙ Los Angeles, 1998, and ⬙Visions of Heaven and Hell (and Then Some),⬙ 2005.

Film Appearances: Alison Porter, Look Back in Anger, 1980. Mary Berry, The Hotel New Hampshire, Orion, 1984. Toni Greer, Marie (also known as Marie: A True Story), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1985. Mallory, Young Guns, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1988. Bonnie, Cocktail, Buena Vista, 1988. Gynecologist, Miami Rhapsody, Buena Vista, 1995. Woman, Lieberman in Love, 1995. Elfriede Prefontaine, Without Limits (also known as Pre), Warner Bros., 1998. Chippy McDuffy, Pumpkin, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2002. Flora, Dragonfly (also known as Im Zeichen der libelle), Universal, 2002. Mom, A Good Day for Ted Schmetterling, Pass the Penny Productions, 2005. Karin Polachek, Freedom Writers, Paramount, 2007. Priscilla, Brothel, Mount Parnassus Pictures, 2008.

Awards, Honors: Two British Fantasy Awards, British Fantasy Society; World Fantasy Award, best anthology or collection, World Fantasy Convention, 1985, for Clive Barker’s Books of Blood; Critics’ Award and International Fantasy Film Award nomination, both Fantasporto, and Fear Section Award, Avoriaz Fantastic Film Festival, all 1988, for Hellraiser; Silver Scream Award, Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival, 1990, Saturn Award nomination, best director, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Films, 1991, Critics’ Award and International Fantasy Film Award nomination, Fantasporto, 1991, and Special Jury Award, Avoriaz Fantastic Film Festival, 1991, all for Nightbreed; Lambda Literary Award, science fiction or fantasy category, 1997, for Sacrament; Eyegore Award, Halloween Horror Night, Universal Studios Hollywood, 1998; International Horror Guild Award nomination, c. 2001, for Coldheart Canyon: A Hollywood Ghost Story; Bram Stoker Award, Horror Writers Association, 2004, for Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War; Davidson/Valentini Award, GLAAD Media Awards, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, 2004; best art award, International Horror guild, 2005, for exhibition ⬙Visions of Heaven and Hell (and Then Some).⬙

RECORDINGS Audio Books; Reader: Love in Another Town, by Barbara Taylor Bradford, HarperCollins, 1995. The Final Judgment, by Richard North Patterson, Random AudioBooks, 1995, abridged edition, 1998. The More Writers in the Garden: A Selection of Garden Writing, edited by Jane Garmey, HighBridge, 1998. 30

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BARKER Demons to Others: The Making of ⬙Hellraiser: The Prophecy⬙ (documentary short film; also known as Demons to Others), 2007. Into the Dark: Exploring the Horror Film (documentary), Blaze Films, 2009.

CREDITS Film Director: Salome (short film), Salvation Films, 1973. The Forbidden (short film), Salvation Films, 1978. Hellraiser (also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Hellraiser⬙), New World, 1987. Nightbreed (also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Nightbreed⬙), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1990. (And executive producer) Lord of Illusions (also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Lord of Illusions⬙), United Artists, 1995. (And producer) Tortured Souls: Animae Damnatae (also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Tortured Souls: Animae Damnatae⬙), 2002, Universal, 2009.

Television Appearances; Movies: Anesthesiologist, Quicksilver Highway (also known as The Body Politic and Chattery Teeth), Fox, 1997. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Host, A–Z of Horror (also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙A–Z of Horror⬙), BBC, 1997. The 100 Scariest Movie Moments, Bravo, 2004. Television Appearances; Specials: The Horror Hall of Fame II, syndicated, 1991. Fear in the Dark, 1991. The South Bank Show, Bravo, 1995. Anatomy of Horror, UPN, 1995. Host, Lord of Illusions: The Magic of Clive Barker, Sci–Fi Channel, 1995. The Making of ⬙Lord of Illusions,⬙ Sci–Fi Channel, 1995. Masters of Fantasy: Clive Barker, Sci–Fi Channel, 1996. Host, You Don’t Know Jack ѧ about MonsterFest, AMC, 2001.

Film Executive Producer: Hellbound: Hellraiser II (also known as Hellraiser II), New World, 1988. Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth, Dimension Films, 1992. Candyman (also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Candyman⬙), TriStar, 1992. Candyman II: Farewell to the Flesh (also known as Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh), Gramercy, 1995. Hellraiser: Bloodline (also known as Hellraiser IV: Bloodline and Hellraiser IV: Bloodlines), Miramax, 1996. Gods and Monsters, Lions Gate Films, 1998.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Late Show with David Letterman (also known as The Late Show and Letterman), CBS, 1995. The Big Scary Movie Show, Sci–Fi Channel, 1996. George Hutchinson, ⬙Don’t Dream It’s Over,⬙ The Others, NBC, 2000. Exposure, NBC, 2000. Real Time with Bill Maher (also known as Real Time with Bill Maher: Electile Dysfunction), HBO, 2003. The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, CBS, 2007.

Film Producer: Mule Skinner Blues, Sundance Channel Home Entertainment, 2001. The Plague (also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙The Plague⬙), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2006. The Midnight Meat Train (also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Midnight Meat Train⬙), Lions Gate Films, 2008. Book of Blood, Essential Entertainment, 2008. Dread, Matador Pictures/Midnight Picture Show/ Seraphim Films/Cinema Three, 2009. Tortured Souls: Animae Damnatae, Universal, 2009.

Television Work: Producer, Spirits and Shadows, Fox, 1997. Executive producer, Saint Sinner (movie; also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Saint Sinner⬙), Sci–Fi Channel, 2002.

Film Appearances: Salome (short film), Salvation Films, 1973. The Forbidden (short film), Salvation Films, 1978. Forensic technician, Sleepwalkers (also known as Sleepstalkers and Stephen King’s ⬙Sleepwalkers⬙), Columbia, 1992. Barn of the Blood Llama, 1997. Himself, Clive Barker’s Freakz (short film), Jets Productions/Universal Studios Hollywood, 1998. The Road to Dracula, Universal, 1999. She’s Alive! Creating the Bride of Frankenstein, 1999. Ringers: Lord of the Fans (documentary), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005. Voice of Edwin Morose, Teddy Scares (animated short film), DAVE School Students Productions, 2006.

Stage Appearances: Appeared on stage with the Dog Factory. RECORDINGS Video Appearances: The Making of ⬙Psycho,⬙ Lions Gate Films Home Entertainment, 1997. 31


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Author of numerous plays for the Dog Factory, including ⬙The Secret Life of Cartoons;⬙ other plays include ⬙Frankenstein in Love,⬙ ⬙The History of the Devil,⬙ and ⬙Subtle Bodies.⬙

(And executive producer) Narrator, The World of Gods and Monsters: A Journey with James Whale, Lions Gate Films Home Entertainment, 1999. The Road to Dracula, Universal Studios Home Video, 1999. (And executive producer) Hellraiser: Resurrection, Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2000. (And executive producer) Hellbound: Hellraiser II—Lost in the Labyrinth, Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2000. Voice of Ambrose, Undying (video game; also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Undying⬙), Electronic Arts, 2001. Clive Barker: Raising Hell, Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2004. Sweets to the Sweet: The Candyman Mythos, Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2004. Abarat: The Artist’s Passion (also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Abarat⬙: The Artist’s Passion), 2004. Fangoria: Blood Drive, Fangoria Films/Koch Vision, 2004. Halloween: 25 Years of Terror, Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2006.

Television Episodes: ⬙The Yatterling and Jack,⬙ Tales from the Darkside, 1987. Video Games: Undying (also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Undying⬙), Electronic Arts, 2001. Demonik, 2006. Jericho (also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Jericho⬙), Codemasters, 2007. Short Story Collections: Clive Barker’s Books of Blood, introduction by Ramsey Campbell, three volumes, Sphere, 1984, Berkley Publishing, 1986. Clive Barker’s Books of Blood, Volume Two, Sphere, 1984, Berkley Publishing, 1986. Clive Barker’s Books of Blood, Volume Three, Sphere, 1984, Berkley Publishing, 1986. Books of Blood, Volumes 1–3, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1985, published in one volume, Scream/Press, 1985. Clive Barker’s Books of Blood, Volume Four, Sphere, 1985, published as The Inhuman Condition: Tales of Terror, Poseidon, 1986. Clive Barker’s Books of Blood, Volume Five, Sphere, 1985, published as In the Flesh: Tales of Terror, Poseidon, 1986. Clive Barker’s Books of Blood, Volume Six, Sphere, 1985. Books of Blood, Volumes 4–6, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1986. Cabal (includes selections from Clive Barker’s Books of Blood, Volume Six), Poseidon, 1988. London, Volume One: Bloodline, Fantaco, 1993. Books of Blood (six volumes in one), Stealth Press, 2001. Tapping the Vein, Checker Book, 2002. (Coeditor) Clive Barker’s Hellraiser: Collected Best II, Checker Book, 2003.

WRITINGS Screenplays: Salome (short film), Salvation Films, 1973. The Forbidden (short film), Salvation Films, 1978. (With James Caplin) Underworld (based on a story by Barker; also known as Transmutations), Limehouse Pictures, 1985. Rawhead Rex (also based on a short story by Barker), Empire, 1987. Hellraiser (also based on his novella The Hellbound Heart; also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Hellraiser⬙), New World, 1987. Nightbreed (also based on his novella Cabal; also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Nightbreed⬙), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1990. Lord of Illusions (also based on his short story ⬙The Last Illusion⬙; also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Lord of Illusions⬙), United Artists, 1995. (With Bernard Rose) The Thief of Always (also based on his novel), Universal, 1998. Tortured Souls: Animae Damnatae (also based on his novella Tortured Souls; also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Tortured Souls: Animae Damnatae⬙), 2000, Universal, 2009.

Work represented in numerous anthologies, including Cutting Edge and I Shudder at Your Touch: Twenty–two Tales of Sex and Horror.

Stage Plays: Dog, produced by Dog Factory, 1978. Frankenstein in Love, produced by Dog Factory, c. 1980. Incarnations: Three Plays by Clive Barker (contains ⬙Colossus,⬙ ⬙Frankenstein in Love,⬙ and ⬙The History of the Devil⬙), HarperCollins, 1995. Forms of Heaven (contains ⬙Crazyface,⬙ ⬙Paradise Street,⬙ and ⬙Subtle Bodies⬙), HarperPrism, 1996. Subtle Bodies, off–Broadway production, 1998.

Novels: The Damnation Game, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1985, Putnam, 1987. The Hellbound Heart (novella; originally published in Night Visions 3, edited by George R. R. Martin, Dark Harvest, 1986, Simon & Schuster, 1988. 32

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Weaveworld, Poseidon, 1987, special self–illustrated edition, Collins, 1987. The Great and Secret Show: The First Book of the Art, HarperCollins (New York City), 1989. Imajica, HarperCollins, 1991, published in two volumes as Imajica I: The Fifth Dominion and Imajica II: The Reconstruction, 1995, published in one volume with new illustrations, 2002. The Thief of Always: A Fable (self–illustrated juvenile), HarperCollins, 1992. Everville: The Second Book of the Art (sequel to The Great and Secret Show), HarperCollins, 1994. Sacrament, HarperCollins, 1996. Galilee, HarperCollins, 1998. Coldheart Canyon: A Hollywood Ghost Story, HarperCollins, 2001. The Abarat Quartet (juvenile), Volume 1: The First Book of Hours, Joanna Cotler Books/HarperCollins, 2002. Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War (juvenile), 2004.

BARKER characters created by Barker; the film Hellraiser: Inferno, released by Destination Films in 2000, was based on Barker’s novella The Hellbound Heart. The film Candyman (also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Candyman⬙) was based on Barker’s short story ⬙The Forbidden;⬙ the film Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh was also based on a story by Barker; the film Candyman: Day of the Dead (also known as Candyman 3: Day of the Dead), released by Artisan Entertainment in 1999, was based on characters created by Barker. The 2002 film Saint Sinner (also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Saint Sinner⬙) was based on a story by Barker. The 2005 films Hellraiser: Hellworld (released by Dimension Home Video) and Hellraiser: Deader (released by Miramax and Dimension Films), and the 2006 film Hellraiser: Prophecy were all based on characters created by Barker. The film The Midnight Meat Train (also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Midnight Meat Train⬙), released by Lions Gate Films in 2008, was based on Barker’s short story of the same title. The film Book of Blood, released by Essential Entertainment in 2008, was based on Barker’s short stories ⬙On Jerusalem Street⬙ and ⬙The Book of Blood.⬙ The film Dread, developed by Matador Pictures, Midnight Picture Show, Seraphim Films, and Cinema Three for release in 2009, was based on a short story by Barker. The film Tortured Souls: Animae Damnatae, released by Universal in 2009, was based on Barker’s novella ⬙Tortured Souls.⬙ The television movie Quicksilver Highway, broadcast by Fox in 1997, was based on his short story ⬙The Body Politic.⬙ ⬙Haeckel’s Tale⬙ and ⬙Valerie on the Stairs,⬙ both 2006 episodes of the Showtime series Masters of Horror, were based on Barker’s short stories. Many of Barker’s works have also been adapted as graphic novels.

Comics: Saint Sinner, Marvel Comics, 1993–94. Barker has he has published several book–form comics through Eclipse Books, including Dread, Life of Death, Rawhead Rex, Revelations, The Son of Celluloid, Tapping the Vein, and The Yatterling and Jack; he has been involved with the publication of numerous other comics, including Book of the Damned, EctoKid, The Harrowing, Hokum & Hex, Jihad, Pinhead, Razorling, and Weaveworld; Other: Theatre Games, Heinemann, 1988. Clive Barker: Illustrator (illustrations), text by Fred Burke, edited by Steve Niles, Arcane/Ellipse, 1990. Clive Barker’s Nightbreed: The Making of the Film, Fontana, 1990. Clive Barker’s Shadows in Eden (autobiography), edited by Stephen Jones, Underwood/Miller, 1991. Pandemonium: Further Explorations into the World of Clive Barker, edited by Michael Brown, Eclipse, 1991. Illustrator II: The Art of Clive Barker, text by Burke, edited by Amacker Bullwinkle, Eclipse, 1993. Clive Barker’s A–Z of Horror (encyclopedia), compiled by Stephen Jones, HarperPrism, 1997. The Essential Clive Barker, 1999.

OTHER SOURCES Books: Authors and Artists for Young Adults, Volume 54, Gale, 2004. Badley, Linda, Writing Horror and the Body: The Fiction of Stephen King, Clive Barker, and Anne Rice, Greenwood Press, 1996. Barbieri, Suzanne J., Clive Barker: Mythmaker for the Millennium, British Fantasy Society, 1994. Barker, Clive, Clive Barker’s Shadows in Eden, edited by Stephen Jones, Underwood/Miller, 1991. Barker, Clive, Pandemonium: Further Explorations into the World of Clive Barker, edited by Michael Brown, Eclipse, 1991. Bestsellers 90, Issue 3, Gale, 1990. Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series, Volume 133, Gale, 2005. Contemporary Literary Criticism, Volume 52, Gale, 1989. Contemporary Popular Writers, St. James Press, 1997. Hoppenstand, Gary, Clive Barker’s Short Stories: Imagination As Metaphor in the Books of Blood and Other Works, McFarland and Co., 1994.

Cocreator of the serial novella Tortured Souls. Contributor to magazines, including American Film and Omni. ADAPTATIONS The films Hellbound: Hellraiser II, Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth, and Hellraiser VI: Hellseeker (released by Miramax/Dimension Films in 2002) were all based on 33


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Film Associate Producer: L.A. D.J., Enterprise Entertainment, 2004. In Justice, 2004. Fishing for Trauster (short film), 2004. A Walk in the Park (short film), W47 Films, 2007.

Newsmakers, Issue 3, Gale, 2003. The St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture, St. James Press, 2000. The St. James Guide to Horror, Ghost, and Gothic Writers, St. James Press, 1998. Winter, Douglas E., The Dark Fantastic (biography), 2001.

Film Work; Other: Coproducer, How to Be: Emo (short film), Something Directory, 2005. Producer and director, After School, Powerhouse Pictures, 2009.

Periodicals: Advocate, June 23, 1998, p. 99; January 18, 2000, pp. 105–107; December 4, 2001, pp. 69–70. Wicked, spring, 2000, pp. 22–26.

Television Work; Specials: Associate producer, Peoples, Starz!, 2006. (And director and cinematographer) Sundance 2006, Current TV, 2006.

Electronic: Clive Barker Official Site,, January 6, 2009.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Studio Y, 2000. News 12 New Jersey (also known as News 12), 2001. The Screen Savers, Tech TV, 2001. MSNBC Live (also known as MSNBC Dayside and MSNBC Right Now), MSNBC, 2001. Headline News, Cable News Network, 2001. I’ve Got a Secret, Oxygen Network, 2001. Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 2001. Fox and Friends (also known as Fox and Friends First and Fox and Friends Weekend), Fox News Channel, 2001. The Early Show, CBS, 2001. The John Walsh Show, syndicated, 2003. Inside Edition, syndicated, 2004. (In archive footage) Celebrities Uncensored, E! Entertainment Television, 2004. Fox News Live, Fox News Channel, 2005.

BARRETT, Chris 1982– PERSONAL Born July 24, 1982, in Bryn Mawr, PA. Education: Attended Pepperdine University. Career: Producer, director, and cinematographer. Powerhouse Pictures Entertainment, partner; creator and director of digital short film clips and other film segments that have aired on various television programs, including Art Fennel Reports, Extra, i–Caught, and The Rachel Maddow Show, as well as the YouTube internet site. (internet marketing company), cofounder and partner, 2003. Known as the first corporate–sponsored college student in America, 2001. Philadelphia Film Festival, member of jury, 2006–08. National Children’s Leukemia Foundation, fund–raiser for Teens4aCure.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The Teen Choice Awards 2001, Fox, 2001. 2005 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 2005. Television Appearances; Specials: MTV Presents: Xbox, the Next Generation Revealed, MTV, 2005. Sundance 2006, Current TV, 2006.

Awards, Honors: Audience Award, best documentary, Philadelphia Film Festival, 2004, for The Corporation. CREDITS

RECORDINGS Film Appearances: Himself, Dogma, 1999. Hotel guest, Godless (short film), 714pictures, 2005.

Videos: Appeared in the music videos ⬙Crawling in the Dark⬙ by Hoobastank, and ⬙Freakin’ It⬙ by Will Smith.

Documentary Film Appearances: The Corporation, Zeitgeist Films, 2003. This Land Is Your Land, Hard Working Movies, 2004. Maxed Out: Hard Times, Easy Credit, and the Era of Predatory Lenders (also known as Maxed Out: Our Credit), Truly Indie/Red Envelope Entertainment, 2006.

WRITINGS Books: (With Efren Ramirez) Direct Your Own Life: How to Be a Star in Any Field You Choose, Kaplan Publishing, 2008. 34

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Periodicals: CosmoGirl!, October, 2003, p. 106. Entrepreneur, April, 2001, p. 42. Fortune, September 3, 2001, p. 52. Los Angeles Times, July 9, 2001, p. E1. Money, October, 2001, p. 196. New York Times, July 19, 2001, p. B1. People Weekly, March 19, 2001, p. 119; December 31, 2001, pp. 126–127. Philadelphia Inquirer, July 2, 2001, p. B1. Psychology Today, October, 2003, pp. 72–77. Teen, June, 2001, p. 98. USA Today, February 17, 2001, p. D1.

Stage Appearances; Musicals: Billy Crocker, Anything Goes, Prince Edward Theatre, London, 1989. Title role, Matador, Queen’s Theatre, London, 1991. Raoul, Phantom of the Opera, Her Majesty’s Theatre, London, c. 1992. Claude, Hair, Old Vic Theatre, London, 1993. Chris, Miss Saigon, Theatre Royal, Drury Lane Theatre, London, 1993. Joe Gillis, Sunset Boulevard, Adelphi Theatre, London, 1994–95, then (Broadway debut) Minskoff Theatre, c. 1994–1997. Cal Chandler, The Fix, Donmar Warehouse Theatre, London, 1997. Barry, Putting It Together (revue), Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 1998, then Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1999–2000. Beast, Beauty and the Beast (musical), Dominion Theatre, London, 1999. Reflections from Broadway (cabaret performance), Arci’s Place, New York City, 2002. Bobby, Company, Sondheim Festival, Eisenhower Theatre, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, 2002. Billy Crocker, Anything Goes, National Theatre, London, 2002.

Electronic: Chris & Luke Web site,, December 9, 2008.

BARROWMAN, John 1967– PERSONAL Born March 11, 1967, in Glasgow, Scotland; naturalized U.S. citizen; father, in heavy equipment sales; mother, a singer and record store clerk. Education: Attended DePaul University and U.S. International University program in England; also attended University of Iowa.

Appeared as Che, Evita, Spektrum Arena Theatre, Oslo, Norway; appeared in the concert performances Call Me Madam and The Magic of the Musicals, Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Scotland. Stage Appearances; Other: Wyndham Brandon, Rope, Chichester Festival, Minerva Theatre, Chichester, England, 1993. Prince Charming, Cinderella (pantomime), New Wimbledon Theatre, London, c. 2005. Lieutenant Jack Ross, A Few Good Men, Theatre Royal Haymarket, London, 2005. Jack, Jack and the Beanstalk (pantomime), New Theatre Cardiff, Cardiff, Wales, 2006. Title role, Aladdin (pantomime), Hippodrome Theatre, Birmingham, England, 2006–2007. Title role, Robin Hood: The Pantomime Adventure, Hippodrome Theatre, 2008–2009.

Addresses: Agent—Gavin Barker, Gavin Barker Associates, 2D Wimpole St., London W1G 0EB, England. Career: Actor and vocalist. Concert performer with Boston Pops, Indianapolis Symphony, London Symphony, and National Symphony orchestras; cabaret performer, beginning at Arci’s Place, New York City, 2002, and including appearances throughout Europe; performed at Opryland USA and at Music under the Stars, Faenol Festival, 2008. Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme, member of youth support organization; presenter of Dreamers’ Workshops for high school students.

Major Tours: Toured as Alex, Aspects of Love, Irish cities; also toured U.S. cities in the cabaret show Reflections from Broadway.

Awards, Honors: Laurence Olivier Award nomination, best actor in a musical, Society of West End Theatre, 1998, for The Fix; Garland Award, Backstage West, c. 1998, for Putting It Together; Cymru Award, best Welsh actor, Welsh Division of British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 2007, for ⬙Everything Changes,⬙ Torchwood; gold record certification, Recording Industry Association of America, 2008, for the album Another Side.

Television Appearances; Series: Presenter of ⬙Electric Circus,⬙ Live and Kicking, BBC, 1993–94. Host, The Movie Game, BBC, 1994–95. 35


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Peter Fairchild, Central Park West (also known as C.P. W.), CBS, 1995–96. Presenter, 5’s Company, Channel 5, 1997. Peter Williams, Titans, NBC, 2000–2001. Captain Jack Harkness, Doctor Who, Sci–Fi Channel, 2005–2008. Himself, Doctor Who Confidential (also known as Doctor Who Confidential: Cut Down), BBC, several appearances, beginning 2005. Captain Jack Harkness, Torchwood, BBC America, 2006—. Himself, Torchwood Declassified, BBC3, multiple appearances, beginning 2006. Judge, How Do You Solve a Problem like Maria?, BBC, 2006. Dancing on Ice, ITV, 2006. Dancing on Ice: Defrosted, ITV, 2006. Judge, Any Dream Will Do, BBC1, 2007. Judge, I’d Do Anything, BBC1, 2008. Host, The Kids Are All Right, BBC1, 2008. Judge, How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?, CBC, 2008.

Children in Need, BBC, 2003, 2007. The Sound of Musicals, BBC, 2006. Never Mind the Buzzcocks, BBC, 2006. 8 Out of 10 Cats, Channel 4, 2006. The Big Questions, BBC, 2007. ⬙John Barrowman,⬙ A Taste of My Life, BBC, 2007. ⬙⬘Doctor Who’ Special,⬙ The Weakest Link (also known as Weakest Link Champions’ League), BBC, 2007. Would I Lie to You?, syndicated, 2007. Have I Been Here Before?, ITV, 2007. (In archive footage) Screenwipe, BBC4, 2007. Performer, ⬙Show 6 Results,⬙ Strictly Come Dancing, BBC, 2007. ⬙Round Five,⬙ Strictly Come Dancing, BBC, 2008. (Uncredited) Audience member, ⬙Round Ten,⬙ Strictly Come Dancing, BBC, 2008. ⬙Round Ten Results,⬙ Strictly Come Dancing, BBC, 2008. Simon, Hotel Babylon, BBC, 2008. ⬙John Barrowman,⬙ The Making of Me, BBC, 2008. Celebrity Ding Dong (also known as Alan Carr’s ⬙Celebrity Ding Dong⬙), Channel 4, 2008.

Television Appearances; Specials: Ira Gershwin: A Centenary Celebration—Who Could Ask for Anything More?, Arts and Entertainment, 1997. ⬙Hey, Mr. Producer⬙ (also known as ⬙Hey, Mr. Producer! The Musical World of Cameron Mackintosh⬙), Great Performances, PBS, 1998. The younger man, Putting It Together, Broadway Television Network, 2000. The 100 Greatest Musicals, Channel 4, 2003. Host, Keys to the Castle, Home and Garden Television, 2006. Presenter, The Royal Variety Performance 2006, BBC, 2006. The Big Finish, BBC, 2006, 2007. Audience member, An Audience with Joan Rivers, ITV, 2006. The 50 Greatest Television Dramas (also known as The 50 Greatest TV Dramas), Channel 4, 2007. Eurovision: Making Your Mind Up, BBC, 2007. Live Earth (also known as Live Earth Alert, Live Earth 7.7.07, Live Earth: The Concerts for a Climate in Crisis, and SOS: The Movement for a Climate in Crisis), NBC, 2007. When Joseph Met Maria, BBC, 2007. The Winner’s Story, BBC, 2007. (In archive footage) Buzzcocks ѧ Imagine a Mildly Amusing Panel Show, BBC, 2007.

Television Guest Appearances; Episodic: ⬙John Barrowman,⬙ Lauren Hutton and ѧ, 1996. Breakfast, BBC, 2005, 2008. Loose Women, ITV, multiple appearances, beginning 2005. GMTV, ITV, 2006. Richard & Judy, Channel 4, 2006. The Wright Stuff, Channel 5, 2006. Something for the Weekend, Channel 4, 2006. The Heaven and Earth Show (also known as The Heaven and Earth Show with Gloria Hunniford), BBC, 2006. This Morning (also known as This Morning with Richard and Judy), ITV, multiple appearances, beginning 2006. Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, BBC, 2006, 2007, 2008. The Charlotte Church Show, Channel 4, 2007. Totally Doctor Who, BBC Wales, 2007. Guest host, The Friday Night Project (also known as The Sunday Night Project), Channel 4, 2007. Happy Hour (also known as Al Murray’s Happy Hour), ITV, 2007, 2008. Ready, Steady, Cook, BBC, 2008. The Xtra Factor, ITV2, 2008. The Alan Titchmarsh Show, ITV, 2008. The Paul O’Grady Show (also known as The New Paul O’Grady Show), ITV, 2008.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Peter Williams, Titans, NBC, 2000.

Film Appearances: Broadway: The Golden Age, by the Legends Who Were There (documentary), Second Act Productions, 2002. Ben Carpenter, Shark Attack 3: Megalodon, Nu Image, 2002.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Surprise Surprise!, ITV, 1994. To Me, to You!, BBC, 1996. 36

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

BEGGS Periodicals: US, October, 1995; April, 1996. Vanity Fair, November, 1995.

(Uncredited) Reporter Time Stevens, Method (also known as Dead Even), DEJ Productions, 2004. Jack, De–Lovely, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2004. Lead tenor, The Producers, Universal, 2005. Broadway: The Next Generation (documentary), Second Act Productions, 2009.

Electronic: John Barrowman Official Site, http://www., January 6, 2009. Playbill Online,, March 12, 1997.

Radio Appearances; Specials: ⬙A Musical Christmas,⬙ Friday Night Is Music Night, BBC2, 2006. ⬙Jerry Herman Tribute Concert,⬙ Friday Night Is Music Night, BBC2, 2007.

BATES, Jeanne 1918–2007 (Jane Bates, Jeanne R. Bates)

Presenter of ⬙Elaine Paige⬙ for On Sunday, BBC2, and The Breakfast Show, Capital Radio; performed for concert broadcasts of Call Me Madam; The Magic of Musicals, BBC, and National Music Day.

PERSONAL Born May 21, 1918, in Berkeley, CA; died of breast cancer, November 28, 2007, in Woodland Hills, CA. Actress. Bates began her acting career while still a student at San Mateo Junior College, appearing on radio soap operas in San Francisco. Bates had the lead role, and provided the signature scream, on the radio mystery series Whodunit. In 1943 Bates married Whodunit’s writer Lew X. Landworth, and the pair moved to Hollywood. Bates’s film debut also came in 1943, in the Boston Blackie film The Chance of a Lifetime. Bates landed the role of Bela Lugosi’s first vampire victim in Return of the Vampire and had a bit part in the film version of Death of a Salesman in 1945. Bates found steady work in television beginning in the 1950s with guest appearances on numerous shows, including Perry Mason, Lassie, Gunsmoke, The Twilight Zone, The Rockford Files, Wonder Woman, Three’s Company, Dallas, and That ’70s Show. Bates portrayed Nurse Wills on the television show Ben Casey from 1961 to 1966. Bates was also the mother, Mrs. X, in the 1977 David Lynch cult classic Eraserhead. Bates passed away at the Motion Picture and Television Country House and Hospital.

RECORDINGS Albums: Member of ensemble, Hair: The Musical (original London cast recording), EMI, 1993. Member of ensemble, Godspell (London studio cast recording), TER, 1993. Danny Zuko, Songs from Grease (London studio recording), TER, 1994. Member of ensemble, The Fix (original London cast recording), 1997. John Barrowman: Aspects of Lloyd Webber, Jay, 1997. Reflections from Broadway (solo album), Jay, 2000. John Barrowman Swings Cole Porter, 2004. Another Side, 2008. Music, Music, Music, Sony BMG, 2008. Contributor to other albums, including Anything Goes (original cast recording); Matador (studio recording), Sony; The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber, TER; Phantom of the Opera and Other Broadway Hits, TER; Red Red Rose; and Songs from Webber’s ⬙The Phantom of the Opera, with Bonus Tracks from Sunset Boulevard.⬙ Also recorded the singles ⬙I Was Born to Be Me⬙/⬙I’ll Dress You in Mourning,⬙ 1991; and ⬙What about Us?,⬙ 2008.

PERIODICALS Los Angeles Times, December 1, 2007.

WRITINGS Books: (With sister, Carole E. Barrowman) Anything Goes (memoir), Michael O’Mara Books, 2008.

BEGGS, Kevin L. 1966(?)– (Kevin Beggs)



Books: Barrowman, John, and Carole E. Barrowman, Anything Goes, Michael O’Mara Books, 2008.

Born c. 1966. Education: University of California Santa Cruz, undergraduate degree, politics and theater arts, 1989. 37


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Television Work; Movies: (As Kevin Beggs) Producer, Steel Chariots, Fox, 1997. Producer, Assault on Devil’s Island (also known as Shadow Warriors), TNT, 1997. (As Kevin Beggs) Executive consultant, Shadow Warriors II: Hunt for the Death Merchant (also known as Shadow Warriors II and Assault on Death Mountain), TNT, 1999. Story consultant and executive producer, Cabin Pressure, ION, 2001. Executive, Infidelity, Lifetime, 2004. Production executive, Brave New Girl, ABC Family, 2004. Executive, Three Wise Guys, USA Network, 2005.

Addresses: Office—Lionsgate, 2700 Colorado Ave., Suite 200, Santa Monica, CA 90404. Career: Producer, executive consultant, production executive, and writer. Lionsgate, Santa Monica, CA, president (television programming and production), 2002—. Hollywood Radio and TV Society, Sherman Oaks, CA, president; National Association of Television Program Executives, cochairman, Los Angeles, CA. CREDITS Film Work: Coproducer, Thunder in Paradise, Trimark Pictures, 1993. Coproducer, Baywatch: Forbidden Paradise, Live Home Video, 1995. Producer, Baywatch: White Thunder at Glacier Bay, Trimark Home Video, 1998. Executive producer, The Void, 2001. (As Kevin Beggs) Executive producer, Grizzly Man, Lionsgate, 2005. (As Kevin Beggs) Executive producer, Leonard Cohen: I’m Your Man, Lionsgate, 2005. (As Kevin Beggs) Executive producer, The U.S. vs. John Lennon, Lionsgate, 2006.

Television Work; Specials: Executive, Dear Santa, Fox, 2005. Television Work; Episodic: (As Kevin Beggs) Production supervisor, ⬙River of No Return: Part 1,⬙ Baywatch, syndicated, 1992. Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Kevin Beggs) Sheriff number six, ⬙X–Cops,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 2000. WRITINGS

Television Work; Series: Associate to executive producers, Baywatch, syndicated, 1992–93. Producer, Thunder in Paradise, syndicated, 1994. Coproducer, Baywatch, syndicated, 1994–96. Coproducer, Baywatch Nights (also known as Detectives on the Beach), syndicated, 1995. Producer, Baywatch Hawaii, syndicated, 1999–99. Executive consultant, Sheena, syndicated, 2000. Executive producer, Mysterious Ways, NBC, 2000. Production executive, Missing, Lifetime, 2003–2004. Executive, Wildfire, ABC Family, 2004–2007. Production executive, Weeds, Showtime, 2005–2006. Production executive, The Dead Zone, USA Network, 2005–2006. Production executive, Lovespring International, Lifetime, 2005–2006. Executive, I Pity the Fool, TV Land, 2006. Studio executive, Mad Men, AMC, 2006—. Executive, Scream Queens, VH1, 2008. Studio executive, Crash, Starz, 2008—.

Television Movie Stories: (As Kevin Beggs) Cabin Pressure (also known as Hijack’d), 2001. Television Episodes: ⬙Baywatch at Sea World,⬙ Baywatch, syndicated, 1992. Sheena, syndicated, 2000. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Variety, October 2, 2004, p. 25; September 29, 2008, p. 16.

BELL, Jim 1967–

Also worked as legal affairs, Baywatch, syndicated.


Television Work; Miniseries: Production executive, 5ive Days to Midnight, Sci–Fi Channel, 2004. Studio executive, The Lost Room, Sky One, 2006.

Born July 20, 1967, in Branford, CT; married, wife’s name Angelique; children: four sons. Education: Harvard University, B.A., 1989. 38

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92


Addresses: Office—c/o NBC News, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112.

Television Appearances; Series: David Phillips, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les experts), CBS, 2000–2008. Agent Edward Dockery, Vanished, Fox, 2006.

Career: Broadcast journalist and producer. NBC News, New York City, production associate with Olympic Profiles Unit and producer for network affiliates in host cities, 1991–92, production associate for NBC Olympics, 1992–94, associate director and feature producer, 1994–96, producer, 1996–99, senior coordinating producer (including segments of the 2001 Wimbledon tennis championship matches), 1999–2004, executive producer, 2005—. WNBC–TV, New York City, creator and producer of Gameday NY and Mike’d Up. Worked as a football coach and English teacher in Barcelona, Spain, c. 1989.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Agent Edward Dockery, Vanished, Fox, 2006. Television Appearances; Episodic: Computer technician, ⬙Besieged,⬙ Profiler, NBC, 2000. Brian Davis, ⬙Chapter Ten ⬘Six Months Ago’,⬙ Heroes, NBC, 2006.

Awards, Honors: Daytime Emmy Award (with others), excellence in morning programming, 2007, for Today.

Film Appearances: Herb Mulligan, Outside Sales, Push, 2006.

CREDITS Internet Appearances; Series: Lead scientist, Gemini Division,, 2008.

Television Executive Producer; Series: Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 2005–2007. Weekend Today, NBC, 2006–2007.

BERRY, Halle 1968– Television Work Miniseries: Senior producer and editor, 2002 Olympic Winter Games, NBC, 2002. Producer, Beijing 2008: Games of the XXIX Olympiad, NBC, 2008.

PERSONAL Full name, Halle Maria Berry; born August 14, 1968, in Cleveland, OH; daughter of Jerome Jesse (a hospital attendant) and Judith (a psychiatric nurse; maiden name, Hawkins) Berry; married David Christopher Justice (a professional baseball player), December 31, 1992 (divorced, June 24, 1997); married Eric Benet (a singer), January 19, 2001 (divorced, January 3, 2005); children: (second marriage) India (stepdaughter); (with Gabriel Aubry, a model) Nahla Ariela. Education: Attended Cuyahoga Community College, c. 1986.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Broadcasting & Cable, November 6, 2006, p. 29. Crain’s New York Business, May 30, 2005, p. 37. USA Today, April 21, 2005, p. 6D.

Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 10250 Constellation Way, 9th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Manager—Vincent Cirrincione and Associates, 1516 North Fairfax Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90046.

BERMAN, David PERSONAL Brother of Josh Berman (a producer and writer).

Career: Actress. Appeared in one of Bob Hope’s United Services Organization tours; worked as a model; appeared in television commercials for M&Ms candy, Revlon cosmetics, 2000–08, Pepsi Twist soft drinks, and Martin Luther King Memorial Project, 2003; appeared in print ads for Revlon cosmetics, 2000–08, Army Air Force Exchange Service, 2004, and Versace clothing, 2006. Juvenile Diabetes Association, volunteer; Diabetes Award, ambassador, c. 2004.

Addresses: Agent—Michael Wilson, Agency for the Performing Arts, 405 South Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor. CBS–TV, head researcher for the series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, beginning 2000. 39


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

Awards, Honors: Winner of Miss Teen Ohio beauty pageant; named Miss Teen All–American, 1985; first runner–up for Miss USA pageant, 1986; winner of Miss USA pageant, 1987; Image Award nomination, outstanding lead actress in a motion picture, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 1992, and MTV Movie Award nominations, best breakthrough performance and most desirable female, 1993, all for Boomerang; MTV Movie Award nomination, most desirable female, 1995, for The Flintstones; Image Award nomination, outstanding actress in a television movie, 1996, for Solomon and Sheba; Image Award nomination, outstanding lead actress in a motion picture, 1996, for Losing Isaiah; Blockbuster Entertainment Award, favorite actress in an adventure or drama, 1997, for Executive Decision; Career Achievement Award, Acapulco Black Film Festival, 1997; Black Film Award nomination, best actress, Acapulco Black Film Festival, 1998, for B.A.P.S.; Distinguished Achievement Award, Miss USA Pageant, 1998; selected one of the ⬙50 most beautiful people,⬙ People Weekly, 1998; Image Award nominations, outstanding lead actress in a motion picture, 1999, for Bulworth, and outstanding lead actress in a television movie, miniseries, or drama special, 1999, for The Wedding; Emmy Award, Golden Globe Award, Screen Actors Guild Award, Image Award, and Golden Satellite Award nomination, all best actress in a television miniseries, motion picture, or dramatic special, and Emmy Award nomination (with others), outstanding made–for–television movie, all 2000, for Introducing Dorothy Dandridge; Special Image Award, entertainer of the year, NAACP, 2000; MTV Movie Award nomination (with Hugh Jackman, James Marsden, and Anna Paquin), best on–screen team, 2001, for X–Men; Academy Award, National Board of Review Award, Screen Actors Guild Award, Silver Berlin Bear, Berlin International Film Festival, Golden Globe Award nomination, Chicago Film Critics Association Award nomination, and Golden Satellite Award nomination, International Press Academy, all best actress in a motion picture drama, and Film Award nomination, female actor of the year—movies, American Film Institute, 2002, Film Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a leading role, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, ALFS Award nomination, actress of the year, London Critics Circle Film Awards, 2003, all for Monster’s Ball; Image Award, outstanding actress in a motion picture, 2002, for Swordfish; BET Award, best actress, Black Entertainment Television, 2002, 2004; Teen Choice Award nomination, choice movie actress— drama/action adventure, 2003, for X2 and Die Another Day; Saturn Award, best supporting actress, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, Black Reel Award nomination, theatrical—best supporting actress, Empire Award nomination, best actress, Image Award, outstanding supporting actress in a motion picture, Blimp Award nominations, favorite female butt kicker and favorite female actress, Kids’ Choice Awards, MTV Movie Award nomination, best female performance, 2003, all for Die Another Day; ShoWest Award,

female star of the year, 2004; Blimp Award nomination, favorite movie actress, Kids’ Choice Awards, 2004, for X2 and Gothika; Black Reel Award nomination, film—best actress, Image Award nomination, outstanding actress in a motion picture, MTV Movie Award nomination, best female performance, Teen Choice Award, choice movie actress—drama/action adventure, 2004, all for Gothika; Blimp Award nomination, favorite movie actress, Kids’ Choice Awards, 2005, for Catwoman; People’s Choice Award nomination, favorite female action movie star, 2005, 2007, 2008; Black Movie Award (with others), outstanding television movie, Emmy Award nomination (with others), outstanding made for television movie, 2005, Christopher Award (with others), television and cable, Independent Spirit Award nomination (with others), best first feature, Independent Features Project West, Television Producer of the year Award nomination in Longform (with others), Producers Guild of America, 2006, all for Lackawanna Blues; Black Movie Award nomination, outstanding performance by an actress in a leading role, Blimp Award nomination, favorite movie actress, Kids’ Choice Awards, Teen Choice Award nomination, movies—choice actress: drama/action adventure, 2006, all for X–Men: The Last Stand; Black Reel Award nomination, best actress—television, Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actress in a miniseries or a movie, 2005, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a miniseries or a motion picture made for television, Image Award nomination, outstanding actress in a television movie, miniseries, or dramatic special, 2006, all for Their Eyes Were Watching God; Woman of the Year, Hasty Pudding Theatricals, 2006; People’s Choice Award, favorite female action star, 2007; Star on the Walk of Fame—motion picture, 2007; Image Award nomination, outstanding actress in a motion picture, 2008, for Things We Lost in the Fire. CREDITS Film Appearances: Vivian, Jungle Fever, Universal, 1991. Cory, The Last Boy Scout, Warner Bros., 1991. Natalie, Strictly Business, Warner Bros., 1991. Angela Lewis, Boomerang, Paramount, 1992. Autumn Haley, The Program, Buena Vista, 1993. Kathleen Mercer, Father Hood (also known as Desperado, Honor Among Thieves, and Mike Hardy), Buena Vista, 1993. Herself, CB4, Universal, 1993. Miss Rosetta Stone, The Flintstones, Universal, 1994. Khaila Richards, Losing Isaiah, Paramount, 1995. Miss Sandra Beecher, Race the Sun, TriStar, 1996. Jean, Executive Decision (also known as Critical Decision), Warner Bros., 1996. Josie Potenza, The Rich Man’s Wife, Buena Vista, 1996. Herself, Girl 6, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. 40

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

BERRY Film Producer: Tulia, 2008. Frankie and Alice, 2009.

Nisi, B.A.P.S. (also known as B*A*P*S), New Line Cinema, 1997. Nina, Bulworth, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. Zola Taylor, Why Do Fools Fall in Love?, Warner Bros., 1998. Ringside, 1999. Welcome to Hollywood, Phaedra Cinema, 2000. Storm/Ororo Munroe, X–Men (also known as X–Men 1.5), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. Ginger, Swordfish, Warner Bros., 2001. Leticia Musgrove, Monster’s Ball (also known as Le bal du monstre), Lions Gate Films, 2001. Jinx, Die Another Day (also known as D.A.D.), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 2002. Herself, ⬙Die Another Day⬙: From Script to Screen, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2002. Herself, Shaken and Stirred on Ice (documentary short), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists Home Entertainment, 2002. Storm/Ororo Munroe, X2 (also known as X–Men 2, X–2, X–Men 2: X–Men United, and X2: X–Men United), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2003. Miranda Grey, Gothika, Warner Bros., 2003. Herself, X–Factor: The Look of ⬙X–Men⬙ (documentary short), Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2003. Herself, ⬙X–Men⬙ Production Scrapbook (documentary), Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2003. Herself, The Uncanny Suspects (documentary short), Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment), 2003. Herself, Inside ⬙Die Another Day⬙ (documentary short), Metro–Goldwwyn–Mayer Home Entertainment, 2003. Herself, Spike Lee’s ⬙25th Hour⬙: The Evolution of an American Filmmaker (documentary short), Touchstone Home Video, 2003. Patience Phillips/Catwoman, Catwoman, Warner Bros., 2004. (Uncredited) Herself, The Making of ⬙Catwoman⬙ (documentary short), 2004. Voice of Cappy, Robots (animated; also known as Robots: The IMAX Experience), Twentieth Century– Fox, 2005. Herself, The Many Faces of ⬙Catwoman⬙ (documentary short), Warner Home Video, 2005. Herself, The Making of ⬙Robots⬙ (documentary short), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2005. Ororo Munroe/Storm, X–Men: The Last Stand (also known as X–Men 3 and X3), Twentieth Century– Fox, 2006. Rowena Price, Perfect Stranger, Sony, 2007. Herself, Manufacturing Dissent, Liberation Entertainment, 2007. Audrey Blake, Things We Lost in the Fire, Paramount, 2007. Herself, A Discussion About ⬙Things We Lost in the Fire⬙ (documentary short), DreamWorks Home Entertainment, 2008. Frankie/Alice, Frankie and Alice, 2009.

Television Appearances; Series: Emily Franklin, Living Dolls (also known as Planted), ABC, 1989. Debbie Porter, Knots Landing, CBS, 1991–92. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Title role, Queen (also known as Alex Haley’s ⬙Queen⬙), CBS, 1992. Shelby Coles, The Wedding (also known as Oprah Winfrey Presents: ⬙The Wedding⬙), ABC, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Nikaule (the Queen of Sheba), Solomon & Sheba, Showtime, 1995. Title role, Introducing Dorothy Dandridge (also known as Face of an Angel), HBO, 1999. Janie Starks, Their Eyes Were Watching God (also known as Oprah Winfrey Presents ⬙Their Eyes Were Watching God⬙), ABC, 2005. Television Appearances; Specials: MTV Video Music Awards, MTV, 1992. Presenter, The 25th NAACP Image Awards, NBC, 1993. Presenter, The Essence Awards, CBS, 1993. Presenter, The 19th Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 1993. A Century of Women (also known as A Family of Women), TBS, 1994. Hollywood Women, ITV, 1994. Presenter, The 1st Screen Actors Guild Awards, NBC, 1995. The 21st Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 1995. The 27th Annual NAACP Image Awards, Fox, 1996. Presenter, The Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, UPN, 1996. Cohost, The 1996 Essence Awards, Fox, 1996. Celebrate the Dream: 50 Years of ⬙Ebony,⬙ ABC, 1996. Presenter, The Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, UPN, 1997. Presenter, The 54th Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 1997. Presenter, The 28th Annual NAACP Image Awards, Fox, 1997. Host, The 1997 World Music Awards, ABC, 1997. Host, The 10th Anniversary Essence Awards (also known as The 10th Essence Awards), Fox, 1997. Voices of Hope ѧ Finding the Cures for Breast and Ovarian Cancer, Lifetime, 1997. Christmas Miracles, ABC, 1997. Presenter, The 50th Emmy Awards, NBC, 1998. Quincy Jones—The First 50 Years (also known as Quincy Jones ѧ A 50–Year Celebration), ABC, 1998. 41


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Hollywood Celebrates Denzel Washington: An American Cinematheque Tribute, AMC, 2003. The 34th NAACP Image Awards, Fox, 2003. TV Land Awards: A Celebration of Classic TV (also known as The 1st Annual TV Land Awards), TV Land, 2003. Presenter, The 75th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2003. Presenter, The 9th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, TNT, 2003. Oscar Countdown 2003, ABC, 2003. John Travolta: The Inside Story, Channel 5, 2004. Presenter, The 2004 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 2004. 52 Most Irresistible Women, Spike TV, 2004. Presenter, The 2004 Teen Choice Awards, Fox, 2004. Ultimate Super Heroes, Ultimate Super Villains, Ultimate Super Vixen, Bravo, 2004. Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope, NBC, 2005. Presenter, The 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 2005. Presenter, The 77th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2005. Assembling ⬙Robots⬙: The Magic, the Music & the Comedy, Fox, 2005. Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards ’05 (also known as Nickelodeon’s 18th Annual Kids’ Choice Awards), Nickelodeon, 2005. BET Awards 2005, Black Entertainment Television, 2005. The Teen Choice Awards 2005, Fox, 2005. Presenter, The 57th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, CBS, 2005. The WIN Awards, PAX, 2005. Red Carpet Confidential, CBS, 2005. (Uncredited) The 78th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2006. Legends’ Ball (also known as Oprah Winfrey’s ⬙Legends’ Ball⬙), ABC, 2006. Bond Girls Are Forever 2006, AMC, 2006. Forbes Celebrity 100: Who Made Bank?, E! Entertainment Television, 2006. Just Another Day, 2006. 2006 BAFTA/LA Cunard Britannica Awards, 2006. Celebrity Debut, ABC, 2006. Happy Birthday BAFTA, ITV1, 2007. AFI’s 100 Years 100 Greatest Movies: 10th Anniversary Edition, CBS, 2007. AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Warren Beatty, USA Network, 2008. Stand Up to Cancer, NBC, CBS, and ABC, 2008. The 16th Annual Trumpet Awards, MyNetwork, 2008. On–camera host, For Love of Liberty: The Story of America’s Black Patriots, 2009.

Hollywood Glamour Girls, E! Entertainment Television, 1998. Women of the Net, E! Entertainment Television, 1998. The 47th Miss USA Pageant, CBS, 1998. AFI’s 100 Years ѧ 100 Movies, CBS, 1998. The Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, UPN, 1998. Intimate Portrait: Halle Berry, Lifetime, 1998. The 51st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 1999. The 30th NAACP Image Awards, Fox, 1999. The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1999. Dorothy Dandridge: Little Girl Lost, Arts and Entertainment, 1999. ⬙X–Men⬙: Mutant Watch, Fox, 2000. Presenter, The VH1/Vogue Fashion Awards, VH1, 2000. Presenter, The 6th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, TNT, 2000. The 31st NAACP Image Awards, Fox, 2000. Presenter, 2000 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 2000. The 52nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, ABC, 2000. Presenter, Lifetime Presents Disney’s American Teacher Awards, Lifetime, 2000. The 6th Annual Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards, syndicated, 2000. Great Streets: The Champs Elysees with Halle Barry, PBS, 2001. The 32nd Annual NAACP Image Awards, Fox, 2001. Presenter, The 73rd Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2001. The Concert for New York City, VH1, 2001. America: A Tribute to Heroes, multiple networks, 2001. The Making of ⬙Swordfish,⬙ 2001. The 2001 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 2001. Presenter, Nickelodeon’s 14th Annual Kids’ Choice Awards, Nickelodeon, 2001. Presenter, The 7th Screen Actors Guild Awards, TNT, 2001. The 59th Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 2002. The Orange British Academy Awards, E! Entertainment Television, 2002. The 74th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2002. The 2002 ABC World Stunt Awards, ABC, 2002. Essence Awards, Fox, 2002. The 54th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, NBC, 2002. Bond Girls Are Forever, AMC, 2002. The Bond Girls: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2002. Premiere Bond: ⬙Die Another Day,⬙ ITV, 2002. Happy Anniversary Mr. Bond, 2002. James Bond: A BAFTA Tribute, BBC, 2002. The Barbara Walters Special, ABC, 2002. Anatomy of a Scene: ⬙Monster’s Ball,⬙ Sundance Channel, 2002. AFI Awards 2001, CBS, 2002. Women on Top: Hollywood and Power, AMC, 2003. The Stars’ First Time ѧ On ⬙Entertainment Tonight⬙ With Mary Hart, CBS, 2003. Presenter, The 60th Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 2003.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Rene, ⬙Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow,⬙ They Came from Outer Space, 1991. Jaclyn, ⬙Love, Hillman–Style,⬙ Amen, NBC, 1991. The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, NBC, 1991. 42

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Jaclyn, ⬙Love, Hillman–Style,⬙ A Different World, NBC, 1991. The Word, CBS, 1993. Entertainers with Byron Allen (also known as Entertainers), syndicated, 1994. Late Show with David Letterman (also known as Letterman and The Late Show), CBS, 1994, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007. ⬙Race Issues in America,⬙ Dennis Miller Live, HBO, 1995. Herself, ⬙Where the Party At,⬙ Martin, Fox, 1996. The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 1997, 2001, 2003. Voice of Betsy, ⬙Room Service,⬙ Frasier, NBC, 1998. ⬙Lionel Richie,⬙ Behind the Music (also known as VH1’s ⬙Behind the Music⬙), VH1, 1998. Host, Mad TV, Fox, 1998. Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 2000, 2004, 2006. Mundo VIP, 2001. ⬙The Making of ’Swordfish,’⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2001. Herself, ⬙Handle Your Business,⬙ The Bernie Mac Show, Fox, 2002. ⬙Oscars 2002,⬙ Seitenblicke, 2002. Leute heute, 2002. Leticia Musgrove, ⬙Monsters Ball,⬙ Der Kabel 1 Kinotipp, 2002. ⬙Halle Barry,⬙ Revealed with Jules Asner, E! Entertainment Television, 2002. Mad TV, Fox, 2002. The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn (also known as The Late Late Show), CBS, 2002. The Oprah Winfrey Show (also known as Oprah), syndicated, 2002, 2004, 2005. Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway, 2003. ⬙Halle Barry,⬙ Style Star, Style Network, 2003. Extra (also known as Extra: The Entertainment Magazine), syndicated, 2003. Host, Saturday Night Live (also known as SNL), NBC, 2003. ⬙Gothika,⬙ Movie House, MTV, 2003. Punk’d, MTV, 2003. Tinseltown TV, International Channel, 2003. ⬙X2: X–Men United,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2003. ⬙John Travolta,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 2003. ⬙Peter Boyle,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 2003. Pulse, Fox, 2004. Richard & Judy, Channel 4, 2004. GMTV, ITV, 2004. T4, Channel 4, 2004. Rove Live, Ten Network, 2004. ⬙Parstakerroin voittaa aina,⬙ 4Pop, 2004. ⬙The Making of ’Catwoman,’⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2004. ⬙’Robots,’⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2005. Good Day Live, syndicated, 2005.

BERRY Good Morning America, ABC, 2005. Tavis Smiley, PBS, 2005. Corazon de ѧ, 2005, 2006. Live with Regis and Kelly, syndicated, 2005, 2007. Bl!tz (also known as Blitz), 2006. Le grand journal de Canal+, 2006. Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, BBC, 2006. The Insider, syndicated, 2006. Entertainment Tonight (also known as E.T.), syndicated, 2006, 2007, 2008. Miradas 2, 2007. Las mananas de Cuatro, 2007. The Daily Show (also known as A Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Global Edition), Comedy Central, 2007. iVillage Live, 2007. The View, ABC, 2007. Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show, syndicated, 2007. ⬙Halle Barry,⬙ Inside the Actors Studio (also known as The Craft of Theatre and Film), Bravo, 2007. ⬙Halle Berry,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 2008. Television Work; Movies: Executive producer, Introducing Dorothy Dandridge (also known as Face of an Angel), HBO, 1999. Executive producer, Lackawanna Blues, HBO, 2005. RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Patience Phillips/Catwoman, Catwoman: The Game, 2004. Music Videos: Limp Bizkit’s ⬙Behind Blue Eyes,⬙ 2003. Also appeared in Pras’s ⬙Ghetto Superstar (That Is What You Are).⬙ OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Black Biography, Volume 19, Gale, 1998, Volume 57, Thomson Gale, 2007. Newsmakers 1996, Issue 2, Gale, 1996. Notable Black American Women, Book 2, Gale, 1996. Periodicals: Ebony, February, 1992, p. 36; March, 1997, pp. 22–26. Empire, Issue 49, 1993, p. 59; February, 1999, p. 64. Essence, October, 1996, pp. 70–73. Glamour, August, 1999, pp. 208–11. Jet, January 20, 1992, p. 34; March 3, 1997, p. 39; April 7, 1997, pp. 22–25.



Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Crater, Winchester ’73 (also known as Montana Winchester), Universal, 1950. Frank Addison, Peggy, Universal, 1950. Naval lieutenant, Mystery Submarine, Universal, 1950. Cole Younger, Kansas Raiders, Universal, 1950. Sam, Comanche Territory, Universal, 1950. (Uncredited) Driver, One Way Street, Universal, 1950. Sergeant Ralph Phelps, Target Unknown, Universal, 1951. Bitter Creek Dalton, The Cimarron Kid, Universal, 1951. Bert Keon, Apache Drums, Universal, 1951. Jerry Connell, Air Cadet (also known as Jet Men of the Air), Universal, 1951. Joe Rakich (some sources cite Joe McNamara), Steel Town, Universal, 1952. Marvin Johnson, Ma and Pa Kettle at the Fair (also known as Ma and Pa Kettle at the County Fair), Universal, 1952. Corporal Ransom, Francis Goes to West Point, Universal, 1952. (Uncredited) Radar operator, Flat Top (also known as Eagles of the Fleet), Allied Artists, 1952. Corporal Hassett, The Battle at Apache Pass, Universal, 1952. Corporal Gerard, Seminole, Universal, 1953. Sidney K. Fuller, Riders to the Stars, United Artists, 1953. (Uncredited) Samuel Donaldson, The President’s Lady, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1953. Primrose, Column South, Universal, 1953. (Uncredited) Gig Davis, City of Bad Men, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1953. (Uncredited) Charlire, The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (also known as Monster from Beneath the Sea), Warner Bros., 1953. (Uncredited) Lieutenant Friday (some sources cite Lieutenant Finlay), They Rode West, Columbia, 1954. Barr, Return from the Sea, Allied Artists, 1954. (Uncredited) Lieutenant Junior Grade Jorgensen, The Caine Mutiny, Columbia, 1954. Lieutenant Robinson, The Raid, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1954. Private Bliss, The Yellow Tomahawk, United Artists, 1954. Jason Brown, Seven Angry Men (also known as God’s Angry Man), Allied Artists, 1955. (Uncredited) Man with Jane at youth rally, A Man Named Peter (also known as A Man Called Peter), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1955. (Uncredited) Jerry Ames, When Gangland Strikes, Republic, 1956. Jim, Gaby, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1956. Bill Jackson, Come Next Spring, Republic, 1956. Detective Arnie Arnholf, Calling Homicide, Allied Artists, 1956. (Uncredited) Crew member, Forbidden Planet, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1956.

Just for Black Men, January, 1999, pp. 32–35; September, 1999, pp. 28–30. Ladies Home Journal, May, 1997, pp. 64–66. Maxim, June, 2000, pp. 142–45. Movieline, August, 1999, pp. 58–63, 96; December, 2001, pp. 50–56, 98. New York Times, March 10, 2002. Parade, August 22, 1999, pp. 8–9. People Weekly, May 11, 1998, p. 164. TV Guide, February 21, 1998, p. 44; August 14, 1999, pp. 22–24; June 10, 2000, pp. 38–42. US, March 18, 2002, p. 22.

BEST, James 1926– (James K. Best, Jim Best, Jimmy Best) PERSONAL Original name, Jules Guy; born July 26, 1926, in Powderly, KY; raised in Corydon, IN; son of a coal miner; adopted son of Armen and Essa Best; married second wife, Jobee Ayers, 1959 (divorced, 1977); married Dorothy Collier (an actress and producer), August 15, 1986; children: (second marriage) two daughters, including Janeen (a producer, writer, and actress). Avocational Interests: Painting (oil and watercolor), songwriting, fishing. Addresses: Office—Best Friend Films, James Best Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 5325, Hickory, NC 28603. Career: Actor, director, writer, and producer. James Best Enterprises, Inc., Hickory, NC, cofounder and principal of Best Friend Films. Mississippi Film Commission, founder; Motion Picture, Television, and Recording Industry of Florida, member of advisory council. University of Mississippi, past artist in residence and acting teacher; also teacher at University of Central Florida, 1987, and in Los Angeles. Artist, with paintings displayed in exhibitions. Formerly worked as a magazine model and metalworker. Military service: U.S. Air Force, Military Police, 1945. Awards, Honors: Crystal Reel Award, best actor in a dramatic series, 1992, for In the Heat of the Night; elected to University of Mississippi Hall of Fame. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Police broadcaster in surveillance plane, I Was a Shoplifter, Universal, 1950. 44

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BEST Associate producer and (uncredited) director, The End, United Artists, 1978.

Millard Chilson Cassidy, The Rack, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1956. Kermit, Hot Summer Night, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1957. Ted ⬙Kid⬙ Hamilton, Last of the Badmen, Allied Artists, 1957. Doug Gerhardt, Man on the Prowl, United Artists, 1957. Rhidges, The Naked and the Dead, Warner Bros., 1958. Tom Folliard, The Left–Handed Gun, Warner Bros., 1958. Kit Caswell, Cole Younger, Gunfighter, Allied Artists, 1958. Sergeant David Brent, Verboten! (also known as Forbidden!), Columbia, 1959. Billy John, Ride Lonesome, Columbia, 1959. Thorne Sherman, The Killer Shrews (also known as The Attack of the Killer Shrews), McLendon, 1959. Sam Mullen, Cast a Long Shadow, United Artists, 1959. Niergaard, The Mountain Road, Columbia, 1960. Jericho Larkin, Black Gold, Warner Bros., 1963. Stuart, Shock Corridor, Allied Artists, 1963. Scotty Grant, The Quick Gun, Columbia, 1964. Sheriff Elkins, Black Spurs, Paramount, 1965. Carter, Shenandoah, Universal, 1965. Dr. Ben Mizer, Three on a Couch, Columbia, 1966. Sergeant Carnavan, First to Fight, Warner Bros., 1967. Drew, Firecreek, Warner Bros., 1968. Sheriff Young, Sounder, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1972. Dewey Barksdale, Ode to Billy Joe, Warner Bros., 1976. Jim, Nickelodeon, Columbia, 1976. Gator, United Artists, 1976. Texan, Rolling Thunder, American International Pictures, 1977. Reverend Emory Neill, The Brain Machine (also known as The E–Box, Gray Matter, Grey Matter, Mind Warp, and Time Warp), Howco Productions, 1977. Pacemaker patient, The End, United Artists, 1978. Cully, Hooper, Warner Bros., 1978. (In archive footage) It Came from Hollywood (documentary), Paramount, 1982. (Uncredited) Folliard (in archive footage), Gunfighters of the Old West, Simitar Entertainment, 1992. Wilbur Johnson, Death Mask, MTI Home Video, 1998. John Massey, Finders Keepers (short film), 1998. William Clancy, House of Forever (short film), Best Friend Films, 2004. Hank Larson, Hot tamale, Motion Picture Corporation of America, 2006. The doctor, Once Not Far From Home (short film), Stars North, 2006. Mr. McClancy, Moondance Alexander, Fox Faith, 2007.

Television Appearances; Series: Gotch, Temple Houston, NBC, 1963. Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane, The Dukes of Hazzard, CBS, 1979–85. Voice of Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane, The Dukes (animated), CBS, 1983. Television Appearances; Movies: Skip Taylor, 1953. Henry Burroughs, Run, Simon, Run (also known as Savage Run and The Tradition of Simon Zuniga), ABC, 1970. Sheriff Bert Hamilton, Savages, ABC, 1974. Bingo Washington, The Runaway Barge (also known as River Bandits), NBC, 1975. Deputy Mayor Pelligrino, The Savage Bees, NBC, 1976. Mr. Parkinson, Night Train, ABC, 1990. Rosco P. Coltrane, The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion! (also known as Reunion in Hazzard), CBS, 1997. Rosco P. Coltrane, The Dukes of Hazzard: Hazzard in Hollywood, CBS, 2000. Television Appearances; Pilots: Pony Express, NBC, 1957. Rio, 1961. Lamarr Skinner, McLaren’s Riders, CBS, 1977. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Night Strike,⬙ Cavalcade of America (also known as DuPont Presents the Cavalcade Theatre and DuPont Theater), ABC, 1953. ⬙McCoy of Abilene,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame (also known as Hallmark Television Playhouse), NBC, 1953. Rick Alston, ⬙Silent Testimony,⬙ Hopalong Cassidy, NBC, 1954. Dave Ridley, ⬙Little Britches,⬙ Stories of the Century (also known as The Fast Guns), 1954. Scott Warren, ⬙Outlaw Mesa,⬙ Annie Oakley, 1954. ⬙Annie and the Outlaw’s Son,⬙ Annie Oakley, 1954. Bank teller, ⬙The Hold–Up,⬙ The Gene Autry Show (also known as Melody Ranch), CBS, 1954. Ray Saunders, ⬙Hoodoo Canyon,⬙ The Gene Autry Show (also known as Melody Ranch), CBS, 1954. Henry Jordan, ⬙Frontier Empire,⬙ The Adventures of Kit Carson (also known as Kit Carson), 1954. ⬙The Phantom Uprising,⬙ The Adventures of Kit Carson (also known as Kit Carson), 1955. Tiny Stoker, ⬙Million Dollar Wedding,⬙ Death Valley Days (also known as Call of the West, The Pioneers, Trails West, and Western Star Theater), 1955. (As Jimmy Best) Larry Martin, ⬙The Death of Johnny Ringo,⬙ Buffalo Bill Jr., 1955.

Some sources cite unconfirmed appearances in other films. Film Work: (Uncredited) Director, Gator, United Artists, 1976. 45


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Garth English, ⬙The Andrew Hale Story,⬙ Wagon Train (also known as Major Adams, Trail Master), NBC, 1959. Dallas, ⬙The Lawbreakers,⬙ Laramie, NBC, 1959. Ben Travers, ⬙Client: Nelson,⬙ Black Saddle (also known as The Westerners), NBC, 1959. Pyke Dillon, ⬙The Three Graves,⬙ Frontier Justice, CBS, 1959. Private Boland, ⬙Portrait,⬙ The David Niven Show, NBC, 1959. Frank Simms, ⬙Good Deed⬙ (also known as ⬙Gentry’s People⬙), The David Niven Show, NBC, 1959. David Mallory, ⬙Maximum Capacity,⬙ The Man and the Challenge, NBC, 1959. Rhodes, ⬙Lonesome as Midnight,⬙ The Lineup (also known as San Francisco Beat), CBS, 1959. Duke, ⬙Cindy’s Fella,⬙ Startime (also known as Ford Startime and Lincoln–Mercury Startime), NBC, 1959. Ben Leach, ⬙Company Man,⬙ Laramie, NBC, 1960. ⬙The Story of Julesberg,⬙ Pony Express, 1960. Frank Cullen, ⬙Escort Detail,⬙ Overland Trail (also known as Overland Stage), NBC, 1960. Roy, ⬙The Beau and Arrow Case,⬙ Lock Up, syndicated, 1960. Jovan Wilanskov, ⬙Love on Credit,⬙ The DuPont Show with June Allyson (also known as The June Allyson Show), CBS, 1960. Ted Evans, ⬙Night on a Rainbow,⬙ The Rebel, ABC, 1960. Les Hardeen, ⬙High Lonesome,⬙ Stagecoach West, ABC, 1960. Bowman Lewis, ⬙The Colonel Harris Story,⬙ Wagon Train (also known as Major Adams, Trail Master), NBC, 1960. Art Bernard, ⬙The Clayton Tucker Story,⬙ Wagon Train (also known as Major Adams, Trail Master), NBC, 1960. (As James K. Best) Hennessey, ⬙Cell 227,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, CBS, 1960. Jim Lindsey, ⬙The Guitar Player,⬙ The Andy Griffith Show (also known as Andy of Mayberry), CBS, 1960. Waares, ⬙Deathwatch,⬙ The Rebel, ABC, 1960. Danny Dakota, ⬙Dakota Showdown,⬙ Bat Masterson, NBC, 1960. Hardy Couter, ⬙Aftermath⬙ (also known as ⬙The Code of Jonathan West⬙), General Electric Theatre (also known as G.E. Theatre and G.E. True Theatre), CBS, 1960. Clay Kirby, ⬙Killer’s Road,⬙ The Texan, CBS, 1960. Lieutenant John Leonard, ⬙Beyond the Stars,⬙ Men into Space (also known as Space Challenge), CBS, 1960. Carl Reagan, ⬙The Fugitive,⬙ Bonanza (also known as Ponderosa), 1961. Jack Craig, ⬙The Arsonist,⬙ Stagecoach West, ABC, 1961.

Jim Blake, ⬙Framed for Murder,⬙ The Lone Ranger, ABC, 1955. Paul Kenyon, ⬙The Stone Heart,⬙ The Adventures of Champion (also known as Champion the Wonder Horse), CBS, 1955. ⬙One Day at a Time,⬙ Cavalcade of America (also known as DuPont Presents the Cavalcade Theatre and DuPont Theater), ABC, 1955. Slate Morley, ⬙Women’s Work,⬙ Cavalcade of America (also known as DuPont Presents the Cavalcade Theatre and DuPont Theater), ABC, 1956. Perry Cochran, ⬙Gun Trouble Valley,⬙ Red Ryder, 1956. Ben Reed, ⬙The Texicans,⬙ Frontier, NBC, 1956. ⬙Andrew and the Deadly Double,⬙ The Adventures of Champion (also known as Champion the Wonder Horse), CBS, 1956. ⬙Anatol of the Bayous,⬙ Crossroads, ABC, 1956. ⬙Gingerbread Man,⬙ Telephone Time, CBS, 1956. (As Jim Best) Jason Cartwright, ⬙Out from Texas,⬙ Frontier, NBC, 1956. Pyke Dillon, ⬙The Three Graves,⬙ Zane Grey Theater (also known as Dick Powell’s ⬙Zane Grey Theater⬙ and The Westerners), CBS, 1957. Mike Norris, ⬙Lynching Party,⬙ Sheriff of Cochise, 1957. Jack Milhoan, ⬙Merry–Go–Round Case,⬙ Richard Diamond, Private Detective (also known as Call Mr. D.), CBS, 1957. Arkansas Trueblood, ⬙Death in an Alley,⬙ Code 3, 1957. Rand Marple, ⬙Marple Brothers,⬙ Trackdown, CBS, 1957. Andy Fisher, ⬙The Long Night,⬙ Have Gun Will Travel, CBS, 1957. William Purdom, ⬙Dragoon Patrol,⬙ West Point (also known as The West Point Story), 1957. Bob Ahler, ⬙The Mistake,⬙ Trackdown, CBS, 1958. Norman Frayne, ⬙Death Sentence,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, CBS, 1958. Stoner, ⬙Sheriff of Red Rock,⬙ Wanted: Dead or Alive, CBS, 1958. Matt Porter, ⬙Guilt of a Town,⬙ Tombstone Territory, ABC, 1958. Jim Kenyon, ⬙Jebediah Bonner,⬙ The Restless Gun, NBC, 1958. Joe Best, ⬙Stampede at Tent City,⬙ Bat Masterson, NBC, 1958. Joe Sunday, ⬙Sunday’s Child,⬙ Trackdown, CBS, 1958. ⬙Guys like O’Malley,⬙ Schlitz Playhouse of Stars (also known as Herald Playhouse, The Playhouse, and Schlitz Playhouse), CBS, 1958. Shag, ⬙The Secret Love of Johnny Spain,⬙ Climax! (also known as Climax Mystery Theatre), CBS, 1958. ⬙Assassin,⬙ Target, 1958. Title role, ⬙The Fred Morgan Story,⬙ The Millionaire (also known as If You had a Million), CBS, 1958. Webb, ⬙The Enemy on the Flank,⬙ Behind Closed Doors, NBC, 1958. Chad Kern, ⬙Trail by Fire,⬙ Rescue 8, 1959. Luke Perry, ⬙Six–Up to Bannach,⬙ Wanted: Dead or Alive, CBS, 1959. 46

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BEST Jim Campbell, ⬙Hero of Fort Halleck,⬙ Death Valley Days (also known as Call of the West, The Pioneers, Trails West, and Western Star Theater), 1964. Tom Carmody, ⬙The Jar,⬙ The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, CBS, 1964. Sam Beal, ⬙The Glory and the Mud,⬙ Gunsmoke (also known as Gun Law and Marshal Dillon), CBS, 1964. Private Meredith Trenton, ⬙Mail Call,⬙ Combat!, ABC, 1964. Curly Beamer, ⬙Go Away, Little Sheba,⬙ Destry, ABC, 1964. ⬙Incident at El Toro,⬙ Rawhide, CBS, 1964. Jethroe Wyatt, ⬙The Devil’s Four,⬙ Daniel Boone, NBC, 1965. Vince Zale, ⬙A Matter of Wife and Death,⬙ Honey West, ABC, 1965. Tucson (The Cowboy), ⬙Steam Heat,⬙ Burke’s Law (also known as Amos Burke, Secret Agent), ABC, 1965. Curt Westley, ⬙Letter of the Law,⬙ The Virginian (also known as The Men from Shiloh), 1965. Dr. Joe Sullivan, ⬙A Little Fun to Match the Sorrow,⬙ Ben Casey, ABC, 1965. Dr. Peter Kellwin, ⬙The Call of the Dolphin,⬙ Flipper, NBC, 1965. Allan Winford, ⬙The Case of the Unwelcome Well,⬙ Perry Mason, CBS, 1966. Sam, ⬙Lisa,⬙ I Spy, NBC, 1966. Chico, ⬙High Devil,⬙ The Iron Horse, ABC, 1966. Arnold Wyatt, ⬙Flame Out,⬙ Felony Squad, ABC, 1966. Yale Barton, ⬙Deadline for Death,⬙ The Green Hornet (also known as The Kato Show), ABC, 1966. Emile, ⬙Blind Man’s Bluff,⬙ Hawk, ABC, 1966. Rake Hanley, ⬙Meeting at Devil’s Fork,⬙ The Guns of Will Sonnett, ABC, 1967. The doctor, ⬙Suitable for Framing,⬙ I Spy, NBC, 1968. Sheriff Vern Schaler, ⬙The Price of Salt,⬙ Bonanza (also known as Ponderosa), 1968. George ⬙Lucky⬙ Collins, ⬙The Distant Shore,⬙ Felony Squad, ABC, 1968. Frank Lynch, ⬙The Price of Terror,⬙ The Mod Squad, ABC, 1968. Title role, ⬙Charlie Noon,⬙ Gunsmoke (also known as Gun Law and Marshal Dillon), CBS, 1969. Harley Bass, ⬙Robber’s Roost,⬙ The Guns of Will Sonnett, ABC, 1969. Clayt, ⬙Goodbye, Lizzie,⬙ Lancer, CBS, 1970. Wiley, ⬙In the Eyes of God,⬙ Dan August, ABC, 1970. ⬙Blood Feud,⬙ Hawkins, CBS, 1973. Sheriff Gruner, ⬙Luke,⬙ How the West Was Won, ABC, 1979. Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane, ⬙Grits and Greens Strike Again,⬙ Enos, CBS, 1980. The Midnight Special, NBC, 1981. Woody, ⬙Too Many Roscos,⬙ The Dukes of Hazzard, CBS, 1983. Mr. Parkinson, ⬙Night Train,⬙ B. L. Stryker (broadcast as a feature of The ABC Saturday Mystery), ABC, 1990.

Jim Lindsey, ⬙The Guitar Player Returns,⬙ The Andy Griffith Show (also known as Andy of Mayberry), CBS, 1961. Bish Darby, ⬙Make My Death Bed,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, NBC, 1961. Joe, ⬙The Choice,⬙ The Barbara Stanwyck Show, NBC, 1961. Mike Pardee, ⬙The Dead Don’t Cry,⬙ Stagecoach West, ABC, 1961. Title role, ⬙The Hemp Reeger Case,⬙ Whispering Smith, NBC, 1961. Ernie Jordan, ⬙One for the Road,⬙ Surfside 6, ABC, 1961. Johnny Rob, ⬙The Grave,⬙ The Twilight Zone (also known as The Twilight Zone: The Original Series), CBS, 1961. Roy Smith, ⬙Quiet Night in Town: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Have Gun Will Travel, CBS, 1961. Danny, ⬙Strike Out,⬙ Michael Shayne, NBC, 1961. Jeff Myrtlebank, ⬙The Last Rites of Jeff Myrtlebank,⬙ The Twilight Zone (also known as The Twilight Zone: The Original Series), CBS, 1962. Johnny Best, ⬙The Runaway,⬙ Laramie, NBC, 1962. Babe Mackie, ⬙The Long Shot Caper,⬙ 77 Sunset Strip, ABC, 1962. Bob Barrett, ⬙The Day a Town Slept,⬙ The Rifleman, ABC, 1962. Banton, ⬙Then the Mountains,⬙ Bronco, ABC, 1962. Ernie Riggins, ⬙Satonka,⬙ Cheyenne, ABC, 1962. Johnny Olin, ⬙Day in the Sun,⬙ Hawaiian Eye, ABC, 1962. ⬙Sweet Sam,⬙ Cheyenne, ABC, 1962. Ruel Gridley, ⬙The $275,000 Sack of Flour,⬙ Death Valley Days (also known as Call of the West, The Pioneers, Trails West, and Western Star Theater), 1962. Willy Cain, ⬙Incident at Spider Rock,⬙ Rawhide, CBS, 1963. Simon Waller, ⬙Six Impossible Things before Breakfast,⬙ Ben Casey, ABC, 1963. Billy–Ben Turner, ⬙Jess–Belle,⬙ The Twilight Zone (also known as The Twilight Zone: The Original Series), CBS, 1963. Private Hook, ⬙The Warriors,⬙ The Gallant Men, ABC, 1963. Martin Potter, ⬙The Case of the Surplus Suitor,⬙ Perry Mason, CBS, 1963. Dal Creed, ⬙With a Smile,⬙ Gunsmoke (also known as Gun Law and Marshal Dillon), CBS, 1963. Dan, ⬙Terror at High Point,⬙ The Fugitive, ABC, 1963. Les Fay, ⬙Little Angel Blue Eyes,⬙ Redigo, NBC, 1963. Brock Quade, ⬙Incident of the Rawhiders,⬙ Rawhide, CBS, 1963. Page, ⬙The Legacy,⬙ Bonanza (also known as Ponderosa), 1963. Ernie Swift, ⬙Open Season,⬙ G.E. True, CBS, 1963. Jimmy Burns, ⬙Sixty–Seven Miles of Gold,⬙ Death Valley Days (also known as Call of the West, The Pioneers, Trails West, and Western Star Theater), 1964. 47


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Nathan Bedford, ⬙Sweet, Sweet Blues,⬙ In the Heat of the Night, NBC, 1991. ⬙Dukes of Hazzard,⬙ Inside Fame, Country Music Television, 2005. ⬙Crime–fighters,⬙ After They Were Famous, ITV, 2005. ⬙Special Edition: The Dukes of Hazzard,⬙ CMT Insider, Country Music Television, 2006.

OTHER SOURCES Electronic: James Best Official Site,, December 3, 2008.

Also appeared in The Big Valley, ABC, and Riverboat, NBC.

BEY, John Toles See TOLES–BEY, John

Television Appearances; Other: Hank Garvey, Centennial (miniseries), NBC, 1978. TV Road Trip (special), The Travel Channel, 2002.

BIERKO, Craig 1964–

Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Diamonds in the Rough,⬙ The Dukes of Hazzard, CBS, 1981. ⬙Cale Yarborough Comes to Hazzard,⬙ The Dukes of Hazzard, CBS, 1984. ⬙Dead and Alive,⬙ The Dukes of Hazzard, CBS, 1984.

PERSONAL Surname is pronounced Bee–er–ko; full name, Craig Philip Bierko; born August 18, 1964 (some sources say July 18, 1965), in Rye (some sources cite Rye Brook), NY; son of Rex (a theatre operator) and Pat (a theatre operator) Bierko. Education: Northwestern University, B.S., theater arts, 1986; studied journalism at Boston University.

Stage Appearances: Appeared in Bus Stop and Goodbye Charlie, both Burt Reynolds Dinner Theatre, Jupiter, FL. Major Tours: Appeared in Marinka, U.S. cities; and My Sister Eileen, European cities.

Addresses: Agent—Endeavor, 9601 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Manager—Handprint Entertainment, 1100 Glendon Ave., Suite 1000, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Publicist—Baker/Winokur/Ryder, 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 550, Los Angeles, CA 90036.

Stage Work: Directed productions of The Fantasticks and Goodbye Charlie, both Burt Reynolds Dinner Theatre, Jupiter, FL.

Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Theatre World Award, outstanding Broadway debut, Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actor in a musical, Drama Desk Award nomination, Outer Critics Circle Award nomination, 2000, all for The Music Man; Screen Actors Guild Award nomination (with others), outstanding performance by an ensemble in a drama, 2007, for Boston Legal.

RECORDINGS Videos: Voice of Rosco, The Dukes of Hazzard: Racing for Home (video game), SouthPeak Interactive, 1999. The 20th Anniversary Hazzard County BBQ, Warner Home Video, 2004. Voice of Sheriff Rosco. P. Coltrane, The Dukes of Hazzard: Return of the General Lee (video game), Blindlight, 2004.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Craig Johnson, Love Note, 1987. Victimless Crimes, 1990. Timothy, The Long Kiss Goodnight, New Line Cinema, 1996. Christmas radio preacher, Johns, Metrodome/First Look Pictures, 1996. Jon Haas, ’Til There Was You, Paramount, 1997. Douglas Hall/John Ferguson/David, The Thirteenth Floor, Columbia, 1998. Richie Maxwell, Sour Grapes, Columbia, 1998.

Appeared in His Own Words and Rosco Remembers. WRITINGS Screenplays: Gator, United Artists, 1976. The End, United Artists, 1978. Hooper, Warner Bros., 1978. Death Mask, MTI Home Video, 1998. 48

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BIERKO Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙The Children’s Crusade,⬙ Our House, 1987. Bellman, ⬙A Slight Case of Murder (2),⬙ Amen, 1988. Waiter, ⬙Don’t Change a Hair for Me,⬙ Eisenhower & Lutz, 1988. Dirk, ⬙Ramblin’ Michael Harris,⬙ Newhart, 1989. Dirk, ⬙Malling in Love Again,⬙ Newhart, 1989. Johnny Ryan, ⬙Home Again,⬙ Paradise, 1989. Johnny Ryan, ⬙Common Good,⬙ Paradise, 1989. Johnny Ryan, ⬙The Return of Johnny Ryan,⬙ Paradise, 1989. Matt Sargent, ⬙The Puppet Master,⬙ Wings, NBC, 1990. Fred, ⬙The Man That Got Away,⬙ Empty Nest, NBC, 1990. Alex, ⬙Rootless People,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1990. The Golden Girls, NBC, 1991. Bill Noonan, ⬙Star Is Newborn,⬙ Baby Talk, 1991. Thomas Wilkes, ⬙Trial by Fire,⬙ Bodies of Evidence, CBS, 1993. Gardner Malloy, ⬙Weekend in L.A.,⬙ Mad About You, NBC, 1998. Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 1999, 2003, 2004. Dennis, ⬙In Search of Pygmies,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2000. Ray King, ⬙Defining Moments,⬙ Sex and the City, HBO, 2001. Ray King, ⬙What’s Sex Got to Do with It?⬙ Sex and the City, HBO, 2001. ⬙Salute to Meredith Willson,⬙ Evening at Pops, PBS, 2001. Deputy Marshal Andy Eckerson, ⬙Escape,⬙ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (also known as Law & Order: SVU and Special Victims Unit), NBC, 2003. The Tony Danza Show, syndicated, 2005. The Megan Mullally Show, syndicated, 2007. Bob Easton, ⬙Carly Summers,⬙ Nip/Tuck, FX Channel, 2007. The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, CBS, 2008. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2008. Easy to Assemble, 2008.

Lacerda, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, MCA/ Universal, 1998. Mitch, The Suburbans, Columbia TriStar, 1999. Douglas Hall, John Ferguson, and David, The Thirteenth Floor (also known as Abwarts in die zukunft), 1999. The Cherry Picker (short), 2000. (Uncredited) Boyfriend on test–screened movie, Kate & Leopold, Miramax, 2001. Peter, I’m With Lucy (also known as Autour de Lucy), Sony, 2002. George Finney, Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star (also known as Dickie Roberts: (Former) Child Star), Paramount, 2003. Voice of Sarge, Hair High, Hair High Corp., 2004. Max Baer, Cinderella Man, Universal, 2005. Tom, Scary Movie 4, Weinstein Company, 2006. Randy Merrick, Danika, First Look International, 2006. Talk show host, For Your Consideration, Warner Independent, 2006. (Uncredited) Sergeant, Bill (also known as Meet Bill), First Look International, 2007. Wolverine, Superhero Movie, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2008. Television Appearances; Series: Greg, The Young and the Restless (also known as Y&R), CBS, 1989. Matt Keating, Sydney, CBS, 1990. Joe Bowman, The Powers That Be (also known as Love Child), NBC, 1992. B. J. Cooper, Madman of the People, NBC, 1994. Greg Sherman, Pride & Joy, NBC, 1995. Harlan Brandt, The Court, ABC, 2002. Jeffrey Coho, Boston Legal, ABC, 2006–2007. Jack ⬙Gator⬙ Gately, Unhitched, Fox, 2008. Television Appearances; Movies: Spencer Hill, Star (also known as Danielle Steel’s ⬙Star⬙), NBC, 1993. Terry Hench, Hench at Home, 2003.

Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Gypsy (musical), Harrison Players, Westchester County, NY, c. 1974. (Broadway debut) Professor Harold Hill, The Music Man (musical), Neil Simon Theatre, 2000–2001. Laurent LeClaire, Thou Shalt Not (musical), Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 2001. Frank (special video appearance), Intrigue with Faye, Acorn Theatre, New York City, 2003. Ben Jacobson, Modern Orthodox, Dodger Stages, New York City, 2004–2005.

Television Appearances; Specials: Carl Warner, ⬙The Day My Kid Went Punk,⬙ ABC Afterschool Specials, ABC, 1987. The 54th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 2000. The Great American History Quiz: 50 States, History Channel, 2001. Host, Reel Comedy: ⬙Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star,⬙ Comedy Central, 2003. Evening at Pops: Keith Lockhart’s 10th Anniversary Special, PBS, 2004. Television Appearances; Pilots: Dave Lister, Red Dwarf (also known as Red Dwarf USA), NBC, 1992. The Great Malones, 2006.

Also appeared as Antipholis, The Boys from Syracuse, Los Angeles; in The Boys from Syracuse (staged workshop), Roundabout Theatre, New York City. 49


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Sara Buck, ⬙Seize the Day,⬙ Strong Medicine, 2003. The Oprah Winfrey Show (also known as Oprah), syndicated, 2005. The View, ABC, 2005. Becky Grolnick, ⬙A Day in the Life,⬙ Without A Trace (also known as W.A.T), CBS, 2005. Voice of teen girl, ⬙The Texas Panhandler,⬙ King of the Hill (animated), Fox, 2006. The Tony Danza Show, syndicated, 2006. The Megan Mullally Show, syndicated, 2006. Entertainment Tonight (also known as E.T., ET Weekend, Entertainment This Week and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2007 and 2008. Voice of teen girl, ⬙Luanne Gets Lucky,⬙ King of the Hill (animated), Fox, 2007. Michelle Clark, ⬙Cherry Bomb,⬙ The Closer, TNT, 2008.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Parade, June 24, 2001, p. 18. People Weekly, November 13, 2000, pp. 94–95; June 1, 2001, p. 32. Starlog, December, 1995.

BOWEN, Andrea 1990– PERSONAL Born March 4, 1990, in Columbus, OH.

Television Appearances; Movies: Child, Un Angelo a New York (also known as New York Crossing), 1996. Voice of Billie Bartley/Manifest Destiny, Party Wagon (animated), Cartoon Network, 2004. Rachel Sandler, Girl, Positive (also known as Girl Posi+I’ve), Lifetime, 2007.

Addresses: Agent—United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Publicist—McClure and Associates Public Relations, 5225 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 909, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Career: Actress.

Television Appearances; Specials: The 31st Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 2005. Emirates Melbourne Cup Day, 2006. Frosted Pink, 2007. 11th Annual Prism Awards, FX Channel, 2007. 11th Annual Ribbon of Hope Celebration, 2008. 12th Annual Prism Awards, FX Channel, 2008.

Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination, best performance in a television series—leading young actress, 2005, Screen Actors Guild Awards (with others), outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series, 2005 and 2006, Screen Actors Guild Award nominations, outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series, 2007 and 2008, for Desperate Housewives; Prism Award, performance in a television movie or miniseries (tied with Jennie Garth), 2008, for Girl, Positive.

Film Appearances: Witch/fairy, Highball, Shoreline, 1997. Ashley number two, Red Riding Hood, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2004. Patsy, Luckey Quarter, 2005. Voice of girl, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Sony, 2005. Voice of Faline, Bambi 2 (animated), Buena Vista, 2006. Candace, Eye of the Dolphin, Monterey, 2006.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Zooey Glass, That Was Then, ABC, 2002. Julie Mayer, Desperate Housewives, ABC, 2004—. Television Appearances; Episodic: Rankin child, ⬙Causa Mortis,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1996. Bess, ⬙Harvest,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1997. Sophie Douglas, ⬙Countdown,⬙ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (also known as Law & Order: SVU and Special Victims Unit), NBC, 2001. Rachel, ⬙Adam 55–3,⬙ Third Watch, NBC, 2001. JKX: The Jamie Kennedy Experiment, The WB, 2002. Ginny, ⬙In with the New,⬙ Arli$$, HBO, 2002. Riley Ellis, ⬙Chapter Fifty–Eight,⬙ Boston Public, 2003. Riley Ellis, ⬙Chapter Fifty–Nine,⬙ Boston Public, 2003. Riley Ellis, ⬙Chapter Sixty–Three,⬙ Boston Public, 2003. Stella, ⬙With Arms Outstretched,⬙ One Tree Hill, The WB, 2003.

Also appeared as little girl in New York Crossing. Stage Appearances: Marta von Trapp, The Sound of Music, Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, 1997–98. Adele, Jane Eyre, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 2000–2001. Also performed as young Cosette in Les Miserables, Broadway production. 50

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BOWEN Automated dialogue replacement (ADR), Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2, Artisan Entertainment, 2000. ADR, The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio, DreamWorks, 2005.

RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of young April/Alatien child, The Longest Journey (also known as Den Lengste reisen), 1999. Extreme Skate Adventure (also known as Disney’s Extreme Skate Adventure), 2003. Voice of Sally, The Cat in the Hat (also known as Dr. Seuss’ ⬙The Cat in the Hat⬙), 2003. Voice of Aerith Gainsborough, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, 2007.

Television Appearances; Series: Bob the Ball, A Little Curious, HBO Family, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Young Charlie, Flowers for Algernon (also known as Charlie), CBS, 2000.

Albums: The Sound of Music, 1998. Jane Eyre, 2001.

Television Appearances; Episodic: 7–year–old Rankin son, ⬙Causa Mortis,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1996. Billy Woodson, ⬙Refuge: Part 1,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1999. Boy number one, ⬙Journey to the Himalayas,⬙ Third Watch, NBC, 2000. Danny Winslow, ⬙Shallow Water: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 2001. Kevin Sheppard, ⬙Do It Yourself,⬙ The Education of Max Bickford, CBS, 2001. Young Frasier, ⬙Deathtrap,⬙ Frasier, NBC, 2002. Kevin Nolan, ⬙Pryor Knowledge,⬙ American Dreams (also known as Our Generation), NBC, 2002. Kevin Nolan, ⬙Solider Boy,⬙ American Dreams (also known as Our Generation), NBC, 2002. Kevin Nolan, ⬙Heartache,⬙ American Dreams (also known as Our Generation), NBC, 2003. Martin, ⬙A Saint in the City,⬙ ER, NBC, 2003. Kevin, ⬙Coach Tracy,⬙ The Tracy Morgan Show, NBC, 2004. Casey Ives, ⬙Sex, Lies and,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2004. Leader of quartet, ⬙Oliver & the Otters,⬙ Oliver Beene, Fox, 2004. Wayne, ⬙Tiki Lounge,⬙ Malcolm in the Middle, Fox, 2005. Ralph Pittino, ⬙Seeds,⬙ Law & Order: Criminal Intent (also known as Law & Order: CI), NBC, 2007.

Also recorded Sugarbeats and Broadway Kids.

BOWEN, Cameron 1988– PERSONAL Born September 13, 1988, in Columbus, OH; brother of Andrea Bowen (an actress) and Jillian Bowen (an actress). Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination, best performance in a television series—guest starring young actor, 2005, for Judging Amy. CREDITS Film Appearances: Voice of Periwinkle, Blue’s Big Musical Movie (animated), Paramount Home Video, 2000. Nick Baxter, Dynamite (also known as Family Under Siege), PorchLight Entertainment, 2002. Young Dave Boyle, Mystic River, Warner Bros., 2003. Pollard child, Seabiscuit, Universal, 2003. Big Kostya, Wristcutters: A Love Story (also known as Pizzeria Kamikaze), Autonomous Films, 2006. Voice of Nibs, Tinker Bell (animated), 2009.

Television Additional Voices; Episodic: ⬙The Drill,⬙ Avatar: The Last Airbender (animated), Nickelodeon, 2006. Stage Appearances: Tom Canty, The Prince and the Pauper, Fifth Avenue Theatre, Seattle, WA, 2001, and Ordway Theatre, St. Paul, MN.

Film Work: Additional voices, Kurenai no buta (animated; also known as Porco Rosso), Buena Vista Home Video, 1992.

Also appeared as poor baby, Whistle Down the Wind, Broadway production; Jojo, Seussical the Musical, Broadway production; Little Jake, Annie Get Your Gun, 51


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Television Appearances; Specials: Correspondent, Katrina’s Fury: A Dateline Special, NBC, 2005. Host, Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks Spectacular, NBC, 2006. CNN Nevada Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate, Cable News Network, 2007.

Lincoln Center; Chip, Beauty and the Beast, Broadway production; Gavroche, Les Miserables, Broadway production. RECORDINGS Video Games: Morty, Disney Golf, Ingram Entertainment, 2002.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Late Show with David Letterman (also known as The Late Show, Late Dhow Backstage, and Letterman), CBS, 2005. Atlanta correspondent, NBC Nightly News, NBC, 2005. Substitute anchor, NBC Nightly News, NBC, 2006. Access Hollywood, syndicated, 2006. Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 2006, 2007. Cohost, Weekend Today, NBC, 2006, 2007. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2007. Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2008. The Daily Show (also known as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Global Edition, and Jon Stewart), Comedy Central, 2008.

BROWN, Campbell 1968– PERSONAL Full name, Alma Dale Campbell Brown; born June 14, 1968, in Ferriday, LA (some sources cite Natchez, MS); daughter of James H. (a politician) and Dale Campbell (a painter; maiden name, Fairbanks) Brown; married (according to some sources) Peregrine Roberts (a realtor; marriage ended); married Daniel Samuel Senor (a news analyst), April 2, 2006; children: (with Senor) Eli James. Education: Regis College, Denver, CO, B.A. Religion: Jewish.

Film Appearances: Last Party (documentary; also known as The Party’s Over), Film Movement, 2001. Swing Vote, Buena Vista, 2008.

Addresses: Office—c/o Cable News Network, 820 First St. N.E., Washington, DC 20002. Career: Broadcast journalist. KSNT–TV, Topeka, KS, political correspondent, 1993; WWBT–TV, Richmond, VA, reporter, 1993–95; WBAL–TV, Baltimore, MD, reporter, 1995–96; NBC News, New York City, correspondent for news channel, 1996–98, reporter, 1998–2001, White House correspondent, 2001–03, talk show host, 2003–07; Cable News Network, Washington, DC, news anchor, 2007—. WRC–TV, Washington, DC, political reporter, 1995–96. Former English teacher in Prague, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic).

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Broadcasting & Cable, June 23, 2008, p. 23. Cleveland Jewish News, October 25, 2007. New York Times, April 9, 2006; October 4, 2008, p. B7. USA Today, July 4, 2007, p. 3D. Electronic: CNN Online,, December 6, 2008. Media Bistro,, February 26, 2007. Washington Post Online, http://www.washingtonpost. com, July 30, 2007.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Correspondent, MSNBC Live (also known as MSNBC Dayside and MSNBC Right Now), MSNBC, 2001. Correspondent, cohost, and substitute news anchor, Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, between 2003 and 2007. Correspondent, Dateline NBC (also known as Dateline), NBC, 2004–2006. Guest hostess, Hardball with Chris Matthews, CNBC, between 2004 and 2006. Anchor, CNN Election Center (also known as Campbell Brown: Election Center and Campbell Brown: No Bias, No Bull), Cable News Network, 2008.

BROWN, W. Earl 1963– PERSONAL Born September 7, 1963, in Murray, KY; married Carrie Pascall; children: one daughter. Education: Murray State University, graduated; DePaul University, M.F.A., 1989; studied improvisational theatre with Second City, Chicago, IL. 52

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BROWN Boss McGinn, Kids in America, Launchpad Releasing/ Slowhand Cinema Releasing, 2005. Earl, Waiting (short film), Lisa Campbell Filmagic Entertainment, 2007. Charlie, A Night at the Zoo (short film), Travelin’ Productions, 2008. Parson, Pickin’ & Grinnin’, Port Magee Pictures, 2009. Matthew, The Last Rites of Ransom Pride, Horse Thief Pictures/Nomadic Pictures, 2009.

Addresses: Agent—Douglas Lucterhand, Endeavor, 9601 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Manager—Lynn Rawlins, Lynn Rawlins Management, 3933 Patrick Henry Pl., Agoura Hills, CA 91301. Career: Actor and writer. Sacred Cowboys (band), founding member and performer. Awards, Honors: Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding ensemble in a drama series, and Writers Guild Award of America Award nomination, best dramatic series, both (with others), 2007, for Deadwood.

Television Appearances; Series: Vic, Sugar Hill, 1999. Shadrach, Push, Nevada, ABC, 2002. Dan Dority, Deadwood, HBO, 2004–2006. Television Appearances; Movies: Pete, The Woman Who Loved Elvis, ABC, 1993. Murder Between Friends, NBC, 1994. Ken, Dead Air, USA Network, 1994. Sheriff Boyd, Lily in Winter, USA Network, 1994. Dubois, Wiseguy, ABC, 1996. Calloway, The Cherokee Kid, HBO, 1996. Ernie, Project: ALF (also known as Alf—Der Film), ABC, 1996. Title role, Meat Loaf: To Hell and Back, VH1, 2000.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Paramedic, Backdraft, Universal, 1991. Herb Pennock, The Babe, Universal, 1992. Vinnie DiMarco, Excessive Force, New Line Cinema, 1992. Frick, Rookie of the Year, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1993. Morgue attendant, New Nightmare (also known as A Nightmare on Elm Street 7 and Wes Craven’s ⬙New Nightmare⬙), New Line Cinema, 1994. Thrasher, Vampire in Brooklyn (also known as Wes Craven’s ⬙Vampire in Brooklyn⬙), Paramount, 1995. Grace, Without Evidence, New Films International, 1995. Kenneth ⬙Kenny⬙ Jones, Scream, Dimension Films, 1996. Locksmith, Kiss the Girls, Paramount, 1997. Warren Jensen, There’s Something about Mary (also known as There’s Something More about Mary), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. (Uncredited) McCloud, Deep Impact, Paramount, 1998. First customer at J. M. Inc., Being John Malkovich, USA Films, 1999. William Kelson, Lost Souls, New Line Cinema, 2000. Bobby, Dancing at the Blue Iguana, Lions Gate Films, 2001. Hank ⬙Terminator⬙ Rogers, Sugar & Spice, New Line Cinema, 2001. Barman, Vanilla Sky, Paramount, 2001. Ronny Roy Pritchett (some sources cite last name as Pritcher), Dunsmore, 2001. Bucky from Kentucky, Pauly Shore Is Dead (also known as You’ll Never Wiez in This Town Again), Dimension Films, 2002. David Burnet, The Alamo, Buena Vista, 2004. Holister, Killer Diller (also known as Rockin’ the House), 2004, Freestyle Releasing, 2006. Willie Gratzo, The Lost Shot, Buena Vista, 2004. Jimbo, The Big White (also known as The Big White— Immer aerger mit Raymond and Le grand blanc), Capitol Films, 2005.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Fatty Malloy, A Season in Purgatory, CBS, 1996. Fredrico Luciano, Bella Mafia, CBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Pilots: Patrolman, Angel Street, CBS, 1992. Jimmy, Suspect, ABC, 2007. Owen ⬙Buzz⬙ Newitt, The Minister of Divine, Fox, 2007. Sailor, 1%, HBO, 2008. Television Appearances; Specials: Making ⬙Deadwood⬙: The Show Behind the Show, HBO, 2004. Television Appearances; Episodic: Hood, ⬙The Ex–Partner,⬙ Bakersfield P.D., Fox, 1993. Al, ⬙The Stand–in,⬙ Seinfeld, NBC, 1994. Security guard, ⬙Murder of the Month Club,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1994. Brian, ⬙Gladiators,⬙ Ellen (also known as These Friends of Mine), ABC, 1995. Cabbie, ⬙Neighbors,⬙ The Single Guy, NBC, 1995. Roy, ⬙It’s Not Such a Wonderful Life,⬙ Nowhere Man, UPN, 1996. Floyd Gerber, ⬙Caroline and the Therapist,⬙ Caroline in the City (also known as Caroline), NBC, 1996. Dusty Wilton, ⬙Murder, Country Style,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1997. Sonny, ⬙The Dating Game,⬙ Smart Guy, The WB, 1997. 53


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Raymond Boudreaux, ⬙The Sum of Her Parts,⬙ Profiler, NBC, 1998. Larry Gambozza, ⬙Big Trouble,⬙ Martial Law, CBS, 1999. Bruce Rhodes, ⬙Welcome to New York,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2000. Harry Cram, ⬙Cold Hearts,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 2000. Falcon, ⬙Subject: Desert Squid! Myth or Legend?⬙ FreakyLinks, Fox, 2000. Menlo, ⬙The Shroud of Rahmon,⬙ Angel (also known as Angel: The Series), The WB, 2000. Rock & Roll Jeopardy! (game show), VH1, 2000. Shadow/Warlock, ⬙Pre–Witched,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2001. Thomas Pickens/Roger Peet, ⬙Justice Is Served,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les experts), CBS, 2001. Bruce Cates, ⬙Excitable Boy,⬙ Wolf Lake, CBS, 2001. Victor ⬙Dizzy⬙ Korsky, ⬙The Problem with Corruption,⬙ Dead Last, The WB, 2001. Billy Temple, ⬙Brotherly Love,⬙ Philly, ABC, 2002. Robert M. Fassl, ⬙Underneath,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 2002. Pete, ⬙It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,⬙ Six Feet Under, HBO, 2002. Mike Parkhurst and Terry Parkhurst, ⬙22 Skidoo,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2003. Victor ⬙Vic⬙ Lake, ⬙Maternal Instincts,⬙ Cold Case, CBS, 2004. Jesse Kramer, ⬙Whacked,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2005. Doug Frohmer, ⬙Man of Steele,⬙ Standoff, Fox, 2006. Abner Stone, ⬙Nine Wives,⬙ Numb3rs (also known as Num3ers), CBS, 2007. Dwayne Tancana, ⬙Bounty Hunters!,⬙ Psych, USA Network, 2007. Rulon Farnes, ⬙Redwood,⬙ The Mentalist, CBS, 2008.

Chris Bruno (an actor); married Emmeli Hultquist, June 24, 2006; children: Demien Axel. Education: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B.S., 1993. Avocational Interests: Skiing.

Stage Appearances: Appeared in a production of A View from the Bridge, Steppenwolf Theatre, Chicago, IL.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Contestant, American Gladiators, syndicated, 1995. Scott, ⬙Past, Present,⬙ High Sierra Search and Rescue, NBC, 1995. Andy Lightner, ⬙The Lady or the Tiger,⬙ High Incident, ABC, 1996. Mickey Wallace, ⬙Intolerance,⬙ Promised Land (also known as Home of the Brave), CBS, 1997. Brad Armitage, ⬙Ripcord,⬙ Nash Bridges (also known as Bridges), CBS, 1997. Ricky, ⬙Most Likely to Succeed,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 2001. Todd, ⬙Hurricane Anthony,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2003. Detective Rollins, ⬙He Was a Friend of Mine,⬙ Karen Sisco, ABC, 2004. Trey Chase, ⬙Secret Service,⬙ North Shore, Fox, 2004. Trey Chase, ⬙Burned,⬙ North Shore, Fox, 2004. Narrator, ⬙Eleanor,⬙ Rides, Discovery Channel, 2004. Billy, ⬙Secrets,⬙ Sex, Love & Secrets, UPN, 2005. Billy, ⬙Ambush,⬙ Sex, Love & Secrets, UPN, 2005. Felps/Massey, ⬙Independence Day,⬙ The Dead Zone (also known as Stephen King’s ⬙Dead Zone⬙), USA Network, 2006.

Addresses: Agent—Carlos Gonzalez, Gersh Agency, 232 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210; (voice work) Danis Panaro Nist, 9201 West Olympic Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Principal Entertainment, 1964 Westwood Blvd., Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Career: Actor and producer. Appeared in commercials for Sunny Delight fruit drinks, Chevy cars, and Taco Bell restaurants; voice for Coors beer commercials. Previously worked as a photographer’s model. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Colby Granger, Numb3rs (also known as Num3ers), CBS, 2005–2008. Television Appearances; Movies: The Colony, ABC, 1995. Sergeant Talbot, When Trumpets Fade (also known as Hamburger Hill 2), HBO, 1998. Fresh Cut Grass, 2000, Showtime, 2004. Jake, Going Greek, 2002, Showtime, 2004. Blaine Mayhugh, The Pennsylvania Miners’ Story, ABC, 2002.

RECORDINGS Videos: The Making of ⬙Dunsmore⬙, Image Entertainment, 2005. WRITINGS Television Episodes: ⬙A Constant Throb,⬙ Deadwood, HBO, 2006.

BRUNO, Dylan 1972– PERSONAL Full name, Dylan A. Bruno; born September 6, 1972, in Milford, CT; son of Scott Bruno (an actor); brother of 54

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BURNS Education: Studied film and English at Hunter College, the City University of New York; attended the State University of New York College at Oneonta and the University at Albany, State University of New York. Avocational Interests: Cars, sports.

Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2007. Television Appearances; Other: Dane Patterson, The Break (pilot), Fox, 2003. Narrator, Chasing Baja (special), 2008.

Addresses: Office—Wild Ocean Films, 11–17 Beach St., Suite 400, New York, NY 10013 and 1158 26th St., Suite 880, Santa Monica, CA 90403. Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Publicist—I/D Public Relations, 8409 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90069.

Television Work; Movies: Producer, Fresh Cut Grass, 2000, Showtime, 2004. Coproducer, Going Greek, 2001, Showtime, 2004. Film Appearances: Private First Class Alan Toynbe, Saving Private Ryan, DreamWorks, 1998. Mark Bing, The Rage: Carrie 2, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1999. Willy Jack Pickens, Where the Heart Is, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. Billy, The Simian Line, Gabriel Film Group, 2001. Yates, The One (also known as Jet Li’s ⬙The One⬙), Columbia, 2001. Johnny Black, The Anarchist Cookbook, American World Pictures, 2002. Jake, The Fastest Man in the World, Little Fish Films, 2002. Traffic cop, Grand Theft Parsons, Swipe Films, 2003. Chet Dickman, Last of the Romantics, Gymnopedie Films, 2007. Scott, Quid Pro Quo, Magnolia Pictures, 2008.

Career: Actor, director, producer, and writer. Wild Ocean Films, partner. Irish Twins Productions, cofounder and partner. Affiliated with the production company Marlboro Road Gang Productions. Participated in film festivals and conventions. Worked as a production assistant, at a news outlet, as a van driver and bus person, and mowed lawns. Multiple Sclerosis Society, national ambassador. Member: Screen Actors Guild, Directors Guild of America, Writers Guild of America, East. Awards, Honors: Grand Jury Prize, dramatic category, Sundance Film Festival, 1995, Jury Special Prize and nomination for the Grand Special Prize, both Deauville Film Festival, 1995, Independent Spirit Award (with Dick Fisher), best first feature, Independent Feature Project/West, 1996, and Nova Award (with Fisher), most promising producer in theatrical motion pictures, Golden Laurel awards, Producers Guild of America, 1996, all for The Brothers McMullen; ShoWest Award, screenwriter of the year, National Association of Theatre Owners, 1996; nomination for the Grand Special Prize, Deauville Film Festival, 1996, for She’s the One; Online Film Critics Society Award, best ensemble cast performance, and Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by a cast, both with others, 1999, for Saving Private Ryan; Best Feature Award, Savannah Film and Video Festival, 2007, for Purple Violets; Teen Choice Award nomination, choice movie actor: horror/thriller, 2008, for One Missed Call; as a child, won poetry contests.

RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of barkeeper, Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom, Electronic Arts, 1995.

BURNS, Edward 1968– (Ed Burns, Edward J. Burns) PERSONAL

CREDITS Some sources cite full name variously as Edward J. Burns, Jr. or Edward F. Burns; born January 29 (some sources cite January 28), 1968, in Woodside, Queens, New York, NY; raised in Long Island, NY; son of Edward J. (a police officer and spokesperson) and Molly (a federal agency manager; maiden name, McKenna) Burns; brother of Brian Burns (a director, producer, and writer); married Christy Turlington (a model and entrepreneur), June 7, 2003; children: Grace, Finn.

Film Appearances: Barry and Finbar McMullen, The Brothers McMullen, Fox Searchlight Pictures, 1995. Himself, At Sundance (documentary), 1995. Mickey Fitzpatrick, She’s the One, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1996. Charlie Ryan, No Looking Back (also known as Long Time, Nothing New), Gramercy Pictures, 1998. 55


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 No Looking Back (also known as Long Time, Nothing New), Gramercy Pictures, 1998. Ash Wednesday (also known as Hell’s Kitchen), Focus Features/IFC Films, 2001. Sidewalks of New York, Paramount Classics, 2001. The Last Lane, 2002. The Groomsmen, Bauer Martinez Studios, 2006. Looking for Kitty, ThinkFilm, 2006. Purple Violets, One Movie, 2007.

Private first class Richard Reiben, Saving Private Ryan, DreamWorks, 1998. Francis Sullivan, Ash Wednesday (also known as Hell’s Kitchen), Focus Features/IFC Films, 2001. Jordy Warsaw, 15 Minutes (also known as 15 Minuten Ruhm), New Line Cinema, 2001. (As Ed Burns) Thomas ⬙Tommy⬙ Riley, Sidewalks of New York, Paramount Classics, 2001. Jake Vig, Confidence (also known as Confidence: After Dark), Lions Gate Films, 2002. Store clerk, Lethargy, 2002. (As Ed Burns) Tony Scanlon, Life or Something Like It (also known as Blonde Life), Twentieth Century– Fox, 2002. The Last Lane, 2002. Himself, The Breakup Artist, Lantern Lane Entertainment, 2004. Abel Grey, The River King, Alliance Atlantis, 2005. Dr. Travis Ryer, A Sound of Thunder, Warner Bros., 2005. (As Edward J. Burns) Ethan, The Holiday (also known as Holiday), Columbia, 2006. Jack Stanton, Looking for Kitty, ThinkFilm, 2006. (As Edward J. Burns) Paulie, The Groomsmen, Bauer Martinez Studios, 2006. Michael Murphy, Purple Violets, One Movie, 2007. George, 27 Dresses, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2008. Jack Andrews, One Missed Call (also known as Don’t Pick up the Cell Phone!), Warner Bros., 2008. John Reed, Echelon Conspiracy (also known as The Gift), After Dark Films, 2009.

Film Work; Other: Executive advisor, She’s the One, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1996. Television Appearances; Specials: Himself, Music in Movies ’96, ABC, 1996. Himself, The Beatles Revolution, ABC, 2000. Himself, New York at the Movies, Arts and Entertainment, 2002. (As Ed Burns) Himself, Edge of Outside (documentary), TCM, 2006. (As Ed Burns) Himself, AFI’s ⬙100 Years ѧ AFI’s ⬘10 Top 10’⬙ (also known as AFI’s ⬙10 Top 10⬙), CBS, 2008. Television Appearances; Episodic: Himself, Late Show with David Letterman (also known as The Late Show, Late Show Backstage, and Letterman), CBS, 1996. Himself, ⬙Filmen ⬘Saving Private Ryan’/Nyheter och vaeder,⬙ Nyhetsmorgon, 1998. Himself, ⬙Into the Breach: ⬘Saving Private Ryan,’⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 1998. Himself, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, multiple episodes in 1998. Himself, The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, multiple episodes in 1998. Himself, ⬙Edward Burns,⬙ Independent Focus, Independent Film Channel, 2001. Himself, ⬙Sidewalks of New York,⬙ Anatomy of a Scene, Sundance Channel, 2001. (Sometimes credited as Ed Burns) Himself, The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn (also known as The Late Late Show), CBS, multiple episodes in 2001. Himself, Live Lunch, 2001. Himself, The View, ABC, 2001. (As Ed Burns) Himself, The Daily Show (also known as A Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Global Edition, Jon Stewart, Ha–Daily Show, and I satira tou Jon Stewart), Comedy Central, 2001, 2006. Himself, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2002. Himself, ⬙Confidence,⬙ Anatomy of a Scene, Sundance Channel, c. 2002. Himself, Festival Pass with Chris Gore, Starz!, c. 2002. Himself, The Best Damn Sports Show Period, Fox Sports Network, 2003. Himself, The Caroline Rhea Show, syndicated, 2003.

Film Director: Brandy (short film), c. 1992. The Brothers McMullen, Fox Searchlight Pictures, 1995. She’s the One, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. No Looking Back (also known as Long Time, Nothing New), Gramercy Pictures, 1998. Ash Wednesday (also known as Hell’s Kitchen), Focus Features/IFC Films, 2001. (As Ed Burns) Sidewalks of New York, Paramount Classics, 2001. The Groomsmen, Bauer Martinez Studios, 2006. Looking for Kitty, ThinkFilm, 2006. Purple Violets, One Movie, 2007. Made other short films, including Hey Sco (also known as Hey Sco!). Film Executive Producer: The Brothers McMullen, Fox Searchlight Pictures, 1995. Film Producer: (With Dick Fisher) The Brothers McMullen, Fox Searchlight Pictures, 1995. She’s the One, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. 56

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Himself, Live with Regis & Kelly, syndicated, 2003, 2008. Guest star, ⬙Anacondas; A Sound of Thunder; The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie; Closer,⬙ Coming Attractions, E! Entertainment Television, 2004. Nick, ⬙The Birds and the Bees,⬙ Will & Grace, NBC, 2005. Nick, ⬙Dance Cards & Greeting Cards,⬙ Will & Grace, NBC, 2005. Nick, ⬙The Fabulous Baker Boy,⬙ Will & Grace, NBC, 2005. Himself, ⬙I Wanna Be Sedated,⬙ Entourage, HBO, 2006. Himself, ⬙The Release,⬙ Entourage, HBO, 2006. Himself, ⬙What about Bob?,⬙ Entourage, HBO, 2006. Himself, Jimmy Kimmel Live! (also known as The Jimmy Kimmel Project), ABC, 2006. (As Ed Burns) Himself, ⬙Operation: Romanocorp,⬙ The Knights of Prosperity (also known as I Want to Rob Jeff Goldblum, Let’s Rob Mick Jagger, and Untitled Donal Logue Project) ABC, 2007. Himself, ⬙The Return of the King,⬙ Entourage, HBO, 2007. Himself, Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2007, multiple episodes in 2008. (In archive footage) Himself, Cinema tres, Televisio de Catalunya (TV3, Spain), 2008.

Screenplays: Brandy (short film), c. 1992. The Brothers McMullen, Fox Searchlight Pictures, 1995, published in Three Screenplays by Edward Burns, Hyperion Press, 1998. She’s the One, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996, published in Three Screenplays by Edward Burns, Hyperion Press, 1998. No Looking Back (also known as Long Time, Nothing New), Gramercy Pictures, 1998, published in Three Screenplays by Edward Burns, Hyperion Press, 1998. Ash Wednesday (also known as Hell’s Kitchen), Focus Features/IFC Films, 2001. Sidewalks of New York, Paramount Classics, 2001. Flight of the Phoenix, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2004. The Groomsmen, Bauer Martinez Studios, 2006. Looking for Kitty, ThinkFilm, 2006. Purple Violets, One Movie, 2007. Made other short films, including Hey Sco (also known as Hey Sco!). Collected Screenplays: Three Screenplays by Edward Burns (contains The Brothers McMullen, No Looking Back, and She’s the One), Hyperion Press, 1998.

Television Work; Series: Production assistant and van driver, Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, until c. 1995. Creator and executive producer, The Fighting Fitzgeralds, NBC, 2001.

Teleplays; Pilots: (And story) The Fighting Fitzgeralds, NBC, 2001. Author of various pilots.

Worked on other projects.

Comic Books: (With Jimmy Palmiotti; art and color by Siju Thomas) Dock Walloper (also known as Ed Burns’ ⬙Dock Walloper⬙), Virgin Comics, beginning 2007.

Television Director; Specials: ⬙Lovely Day⬙ segment, The Concert for New York City, VH1, 2001.



Periodicals: Cosmopolitan, March, 1998, p. 242. Empire, October, 1998, pp. 100–110, 112, 114. Entertainment Weekly, November 18, 1996, p. 78. Glamour, February, 2002, pp. 80–83. Interview, July, 1996. Los Angeles Times, March 29, 1998. Maclean’s, April 27, 1998, p. 58; November 19, 2001, p. 114. Movieline, Volume 7, number 11, 1996, pp. 40–41. New York Times, January 30, 1995. Parade, April 14, 2002, pp. 4–5.

Videos: Himself, Making ⬙Saving Private Ryan,⬙ 2004. Himself, ⬙Saving Private Ryan⬙: Boot Camp, 2004. Himself, ⬙Saving Private Ryan⬙: Miller and His Platoon, 2004. Himself, ⬙Saving Private Ryan⬙: Re–Creating Omaha Beach, 2004. Music Videos: Sarah McLachlan, ⬙I Will Remember You,⬙ 1995. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, ⬙Walls,⬙ 1996. 57


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 entertainment special, 1977, for Raid on Entebbe; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding cinematography for a limited series or a special, 1983, for The Thorn Birds; Emmy Award, outstanding cinematography for a limited series or a special, 1984, for A Streetcar Named Desire; Stockholm Film Festival Award, best cinematography, 1997, for Deceiver; lifetime achievement award, American Society of Cinematographers, 2003.

People Weekly, September 4, 1995; November 18, 1996, p. 78; November 26, 2001, p. 186. Playboy, June, 2001, pp. 137–38, 182. Premiere, April, 1998, pp. 54–55. Red, October, 2001. Rolling Stone, August 24, 1995. US, September, 1996; August, 1998. USA Today, November 19, 2001. USA Weekend, March 29, 1998. U.S. News & World Report, March 30, 1998, p. 8.


Electronic: Edward Burns,, December 8, 2008.

Film Cinematographer: Fearless Frank (also known as Frank’s Greatest Adventure), American International Pictures, 1967. (As Wilmer Butler) The Rain People, Warner Bros., 1969. Adam’s Woman (also known as Return of the Boomerang), Warner Bros., 1970. Drive, He Said, Columbia, 1971. The Return of Count Yorga (also known as The Abominable Count Yorga and Curse of Count Yorga), American International Pictures, 1971. (As Wilmer Butler) Hickey & Boggs, United Artists, 1972. (As Wilmer C. Butler) Melinda, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1972. (As Wilmer C. Butler) Deathmaster, American International Pictures, 1972. (As Wilmer C. Butler) The Manchu Eagle Murder Caper Mystery, United Artists, 1973. The Conversation, Paramount, 1974. (Uncredited; with Haskell Wexler and William A. Fraker) One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, United Artists, 1975. Jaws (also known as Stillness in the Water), Universal, 1975. (With Fraker) Lipstick, Paramount, 1976. The Bingo Long Traveling All–Stars & Motor Kings, Universal, 1976. Alex & the Gypsy (also known as Love and Other Crimes), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1976. Sunshine, Part II (excerpts from unaired television series; also known as My Sweet Lady), 1976. Demon Seed (also known as Proteus Generation), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1977. Capricorn One, Warner Bros., 1978. Damien—Omen II (also known as Omen II and Omen II: Damien), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1978. Grease, Paramount, 1978. Uncle Joe Shannon, United Artists, 1978. Ice Castles, Columbia, 1978. Rocky II, United Artists, 1979. Can’t Stop the Music (also known as Discoland), Associated Film Distribution, 1980. It’s My Turn (also known as A Perfect Circle), Columbia, 1980. (With Fred Batka) The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia, Avco Embassy, 1981.

BUTLER, Bill 1921– (Wilmer Butler, Wilmer C. Butler) PERSONAL Born April 7, 1921 (some sources cite 1931), in Cripple Creek, CO; son of Wilmer Herb and Verca Amanda Butler; married Alma H. Smith, November 21, 1943 (divorced, 1983); married, wife’s name Iris (an actress), May 28, 1984; children: (first marriage) three; (second marriage) Genevieve (an actress), Chelsea (an actress). Education: Attended Iowa Wesleyan College and Iowa State University. Avocational Interests: Woodworking. Addresses: Agent—Innovative Artists, 1505 10th St., Santa Monica, CA 90401. Career: Cinematographer. Also worked as an electronics engineer, lighting consultant, camera operator, photographer, and second unit cinematographer. Worked at a radio station in Gary, IN; WBKB–TV, Chicago, IL; WGN–TV and Radio, Chicago; began in construction as builder of television station, then affiliate of radio station, later member of television station engineering staff and photographer. University of Arizona, Kodak Cinematographer in Residence, 2006. Military service: U.S. Army, Signal Corps, served during World War II. Member: American Society of Cinematographers. Awards, Honors: Local Emmy Award for electronic camera work in Chicago, IL; Academy Award nomination (with Haskell Wexler), 1976, and Film Award nomination (with Wexler and William A. Fraker), British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1977, both best cinematography, for One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest; Emmy Award, outstanding cinematography for an 58

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BUTLER Television Cinematographer; Movies: Something Evil, CBS, 1972. I Heard the Owl Call My Name, CBS, 1973. Deliver Us from Evil (also known as Running Wild), ABC, 1973. The Execution of Private Slovik, NBC, 1974. Indict and Convict, ABC, 1974. Fear on Trial, CBS, 1975. Hustling, ABC, 1975. Raid on Entebbe, NBC, 1977. Mary White, ABC, 1977. Killing at Hell’s Gate, CBS, 1981. Death Ray 2000 (also known as T. R. Sloane), NBC, 1981. A Streetcar Named Desire, ABC, 1984. When We Were Young (also known as That Magic Moment), NBC, 1989. A Walton Wedding (also known as John–Boy’s Wedding), CBS, 1995. Don King: Only in America (also known as Don King), HBO, 1997. Hendrix, Showtime, 2000.

Stripes, Columbia, 1981. Rocky III (also known as Eye of the Tiger), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1982. The Secret of NIMH (also known as Mrs. Brisby and the Rats of NIMH), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1982. The Sting II, Universal, 1983. Rocky IV, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1985. Beer (also known as The Selling of America), Orion, 1986. Big Trouble, Columbia, 1986. Wildfire, MCA/Universal Home Video, 1988. Biloxi Blues (also known as Neil Simon’s ⬙Biloxi Blues⬙), Universal, 1988. Child’s Play, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1988. Graffiti Bridge (also known as Purple Rain II), Warner Bros., 1990. Hot Shots! (also known as Hot Shots: An Important Movie!), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1991. Cop and a Half, Universal, 1992. Sniper, TriStar, 1993. Beethoven’s 2nd, Universal, 1993. (With others) Mother (also known as The Haunted Heart), Paramount, 1996. Flipper, Universal, 1996. Anaconda, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Deceiver (also known as Liar), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1998. Ropewalk (also known as Hanginaround), 2000. Frailty (also known as Daemonisch and Frailty—Nessuno e al sicuro), Lions Gate Films, 2001. Berserker (short film), 2005. Zombie Prom (short film), 2006. Funny Money, ThinkFilm, 2006. The Plague (also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙The Plague⬙), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2006. Redline, Chicago Releasing, 2007. Limousine (also known as Limo Driver), Ozumi Films, 2008. Looking Up Dresses (short film), Lodge Boy Productions, 2008. Evil Angel, Main Street Movie/Zion Films, 2009.

Television Cinematographer; Pilots: A Clear and Present Danger, NBC, 1970. Sunshine, CBS, 1973. Savage (also known as The Savage File and Watch Dog), NBC, 1973. The Big Rip–Off (also known as McCoy), NBC, 1974. Target Risk, NBC, 1975. Bates Motel, NBC, 1987. Dark Skies, NBC, 1996. Television Cinematographer; Specials: The People vs. Paul Crump, 1962. The Bold Men, NBC, 1965. Television Cinematographer; Episodic: ⬙Underworld,⬙ GvsE (also known as Good vs Evil), Sci–Fi Channel, 2000.

Documentary Film Appearances: Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography (also known as Visions of Light), American Film Institute, 1992. Tell Them Who You Are, 2004. Cinematographer Style, 2005.

Television Appearances: Hollywood: The Gift of Laughter (miniseries), ABC, 1982. Jaws: The E! True Hollywood Story (special), E! Entertainment Television, 2002.

Television Cinematographer; Series: Ghost Story (also known as Circle of Fear), NBC, 1972. Brooklyn Bridge, CBS, 1991–92. Dark Skies, NBC, 1996.

RECORDINGS Videos: The Making of Steven Spielberg’s ⬙Jaws,⬙ Universal Home Video, 1995. The Making of ⬙Frailty,⬙ Live Home Video, 2002. The Shark Is Still Working, Finatic Productions, 2006.

Television Cinematographer; Miniseries: The Thorn Birds, ABC, 1983. Passing Glory, TNT, 1999. Joe and Max, Starz!, 2002.



CARRINGTON, Debbie Lee 1959– (Debbi Lee Carrington, Debbie Deborah Lee Carrington)

Betty, Club Fed, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists Home Entertainment, 1990. (Uncredited) Crying midget, The Bonfire of the Vanities, Warner Bros., 1990. Emperor Penguin, Batman Returns, Warner Bros., 1992. (As Debbie Carrington) Bwaaa (Fishface), Mom and Dad Save the World, Warner Bros., 1992. Tumbler, Seedpeople (also known as Dark Forest), Paramount Home Video, 1992. Cattive ragazze, New Pentax Film, 1992. Branithar, The High Crusade (also known as High Crusade—Frikassee im weltraum), Pioneer Entertainment, 1994. (As Debbie Carrington) Member of gorilla team, Born to Be Wild (also known as Katie), Warner Bros., 1995. Alien father, Men in Black (also known as MIB), Columbia/MCA–Universal, 1997. A gorilla, Mighty Joe Young (also known as Mighty Joe), Buena Vista, 1998. Felicity, She’s All That, Miramax, 1999. Surfer girl, The Independent, Arrow Releasing, 2001. Kitty Katz, Tiptoes (also known as Tiny Tiptoes), Reality Check Productions, 2003. (Uncredited) Mini Tabitha, Scary Movie 3 (also known as Scary Movie 3.5 and Film de peur 3), Miramax/ Dimension Films, 2003. Gizzie Blunderbore, Big Time, Geofrey Hildrew, 2004. Elf, The Polar Express (also released as The Polar Express: An IMAX 3D Experience), Warner Bros., 2004. Receptionist, Sunstroke, 2006. (As Debbie Carrington) Booing goblin, Bedtime Stories, Walt Disney, 2008. Hot Pocket, Bitch Slap, 2009.


PERSONAL Full name, Deborah Lee Carrington; born December 14, 1959, in San Jose, CA; father, an insurance manager; mother, a schoolteacher. Education: University of California, Davis, graduated, 1982. Avocational Interests: Aerobics (certified instructor), sports. Career: Actress, stunt performer, and stunt double, sometimes credited as Debbie Carrington, Debbi Lee Carrington, or Deborah Lee Carrington. CREDITS Film Appearances: A Munchkin, Under the Rainbow, Orion, 1981. Ewok, Star Wars: Episode VI—Return of the Jedi (also known as Return of the Jedi and Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1983. (As Debbie Carrington) Drone, Invaders from Mars, Cannon, 1986. A duck, Howard the Duck (also known as Howard: A New Breed of Hero), Universal, 1986. Idee, Captain Eo (short film), Buena Vista, 1986. Little Bigfoot, Harry and the Hendersons (also known as Bigfoot and Bigfoot and the Hendersons), Universal, 1987. Voice of Valerie Vomit, The Garbage Pail Kids Movie (animated), Atlantic Releasing, 1987. Dr. Ziplock, Spaced Invaders (also known as Martians!!!), Buena Vista, 1990. Thumbelina, Total Recall (also known as El vengador del futuro), TriStar, 1990.

Television Appearances; Movies: Weechee Warrick, The Ewok Adventure (also known as Caravan of Courage and Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure), ABC, 1984. Weechee Warrick, Ewoks: The Battle for Endor, ABC, 1985. 60

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Television Appearances; Pilots: Zet, Earthlings, ABC, 1984. Sophie, Special Unit, Comedy Central, 2006.

Karen, ⬙Read between the Minds,⬙ Men in Trees, ABC, 2008. Herself, The Insider, 2008.

Television Appearances; Specials: The Making of ⬙Captain Eo,⬙ 1986. Gorah, The Christmas Secret (also known as Flight of the Reindeer), CBS, 2000.

Stage Appearances: Toured in Alvin and the Chimpkus Show. RECORDINGS

Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Debbie Carrington) Alien, ⬙Fine Tuning,⬙ Amazing Stories (also known as Steven Spielberg’s ⬙Amazing Stories⬙), NBC, 1985. Fifth Munchkin, ⬙The Improbable Dream,⬙ What’s Happening Now!, 1985. (As Debbie Carrington) Troll, ⬙Fools’ Gold,⬙ Monsters, 1989. Carla Sapper, ⬙Do the Wrong Thing,⬙ WIOU, 1990. Alien, ⬙Married ѧ with Aliens,⬙ Married ѧ with Children, Fox, 1990. Tiny avenger, ⬙The Adventures of Handi–Boy,⬙ In Living Color, Fox, 1991. Tiny avenger, ⬙Michael Jackson: Little Timmy’s Not My Lover,⬙ In Living Color, Fox, 1992. Tiny avenger, ⬙Anton and the Green Card,⬙ In Living Color, Fox, 1992. Tammy, ⬙The Stand–in,⬙ Seinfeld, NBC, 1994. Debbie, ⬙Silent Night, Baywatch Night: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Baywatch, syndicated, 1994. Title role, ⬙Frankenturkey,⬙ Bone Chillers, 1996. First alien, ⬙People’s Choice,⬙ Perversions of Science, HBO, 1997. Airplane passenger, Damian Cromwell’s Postcards from America, 1997. Raquel Gibson, ⬙Loss,⬙ Tracey Takes On ѧ, HBO, 1998. Meetra, ⬙Haunted,⬙ The Journey of Allen Strange, Nickelodeon, 1998. Doreen (Mini–Mimi), ⬙Y2K, You’re Okay,⬙ The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 1999. Doreen (Mini–Mimi), ⬙Drew’s Physical,⬙ The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 1999. Doreen (Mini–Mimi), ⬙Drew and the Racial Tension Play,⬙ The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 2000. Doreen (Mini–Mimi), ⬙Beer Ball,⬙ The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 2000. Creature, ⬙Listening to Fear,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as BtVS, Buffy, and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: The Series), The WB, 2000. Sadie Muckle, ⬙Madam, I’m Adam,⬙ The Lone Gunmen, Fox, 2001. Ginger Jones, ⬙A Simple Twist of Fate,⬙ ER, NBC, 2002. Stephanie Renato, ⬙Tall Tales,⬙ Philly, ABC, 2002. Alice, ⬙Small Packages,⬙ The District, CBS, 2002. Patty, ⬙Loose Lips,⬙ Boston Legal, ABC, 2004. Marla, ⬙Flashpants,⬙ Huff, Showtime, 2004. Merrily, ⬙Reefer,⬙ Nip/Tuck, FX Network, 2006. Patty, ⬙Truth Be Told,⬙ Dexter, Showtime, 2006.

Videos: Voice of Ewok (in archive footage), Star Wars: Battlefront (video game), LucasArts Entertainment, 2004. Appeared in the music video ⬙Love in an Elevator⬙ by Aerosmith. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, October 25, 1999, p. 97.

CERVERIS, Michael 1960– PERSONAL Born November 6, 1960, in Bethesda, MD; brother of Todd Cerveris (an actor). Education: Yale University, graduated, 1983. Addresses: Agent—Innovative Artists, 235 Park Ave. S., 10th Floor, New York, NY 10003. Publicist—I/D Public Relations, 150 West 30th St., 19th Floor, New York, NY 10001. Career: Actor, singer, guitarist, songwriter, and recording artist. Toured German cities with the band Lame, 1995–97; performed with the bands Retriever, c. 2001, and Cerveris, c. 2004; toured with Bob Mould in ⬙The Last Dog and Pony Show,⬙ 1998; toured with Pete Townsend. Appeared in commercials, including voice work for Eternity by Calvin Klein. Member: Actors’ Equity Association. Awards, Honors: Theatre World Award and Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best featured actor, both 1993, for The Who’s Tommy; Grammy Award (with others), best original cast recording, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, 1993, for the cast album from The Who’s Tommy; Antoinette Perry 61


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Award, best featured actor in a musical, 2004, for Assassins; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best leading actor in a musical, and Drama Desk Award nomination, outstanding actor in a musical, both 2006, for Sweeney Todd; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best leading actor in a musical, and Drama Desk Award nomination, outstanding actor in a musical, both 2007, for LoveMusik; Garland Award, Backstage West, for Los Angeles performance in Hedwig and the Angry Inch.

Giorgio, Passion (benefit concert), Ambassador Theatre, New York City, 2004. Children and Art (benefit concert), Young Playwrights, New York City, 2005. Title role, Sweeney Todd (musical; also known as Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street), Eugene O’Neill Theatre, New York City, 2005–2006. Father, An Oak Tree, Perry Street Theatre Company, Barrow Street Theatre, New York City, 2006–2007. Kurt Weill, LoveMusik (musical), Manhattan Theatre Club, Biltmore Theatre (now Samuel J. Friedman Theatre), New York City, 2007. Earl of Kent, King Lear, Public Theatre, New York City, 2007. Posthumus Leonatus, Cymbeline, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, Lincoln Center, New York City, 2007–2008. Wilson Mizner, Road Show, Estelle R. Newman Theatre, Public Theatre, New York City, 2008. Jorgen Tesman, Hedda Gabler, Roundabout Theatre Company, American Airlines Theatre, New York City, 2009.

CREDITS Stage Appearances: Moon, off–Broadway production, 1983. Malcolm, Macbeth, Ark Theatre Company, New York City, 1983. Arthur Rimbaud, Total Eclipse, Westside Arts Theatre, New York City, 1984. Astolfo, Life Is a Dream, Ark Theatre Company, 1985. Levi–Yitskhok, Green Fields, American Jewish Theatre, New York City, 1985. Crow, The Tooth of Crime, Hartford Stage Company, Hartford, CT, 1985–86. Romeo, Romeo and Juliet, Indiana Repertory Theatre, Indianapolis, IN, 1985–86. Frank, Abingdon Square, American Place Theatre, New York City, 1987. Blood Sports, New York Theatre Workshop, Perry Street Theatre, New York City, 1987. Romeo, Romeo and Juliet, Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL, 1988. Duke of Aumerle, Richard II, Center Theatre Group, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 1991–92. Tommy as a young adult, The Who’s Tommy (musical; also known as Tommy), La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla, CA, 1992–93, then St. James Theatre, New York City, 1993–95. Thomas Andrews, Titanic (musical), Lunt–Fontanne Theatre, New York City, 1997–99. Hedwig Schmidt/Tommy Gnosis, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Jane Street Theatre, New York City, 1997–2000, then Los Angeles and London, 2000. Narrator, Chess (benefit concerts), Broadway Cares/ Equity Fights AIDS, New York City, 1998. Joe’s dad, Joe!, Lamb’s Theatre, New York City, 1998. Tybalt and prince, Romeo and Juliet (staged reading), New York City, 1998. Bursie, Wild Party, Manhattan Theatre Company, New York City, 1998. Kenneth Talley, Jr., Fifth of July, Signature Theatre Company, Peter Norton Space, New York City, 2003. Francois, Wintertime, Second Stage Theatre, New York City, then McCarter Theatre, Princeton, NJ, 2004. John Wilkes Booth, Assassins (musical), Roundabout Theatre Company, Studio 54, New York City, 2004. The Booth Variations, off–Broadway production, 2004.

Also appeared as Claudio, Measure for Measure, Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA; as Bazarov, Nothing Sacred, Northlight Theatre, Chicago, IL; and in productions of Eastern Standard, Seattle Repertory Theatre, Seattle, WA; El Dorado, South Coast Repertory, Costa Mesa, CA; The Games, Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York City; A Little Night Music, Chicago Shakespeare Theatre, Chicago, IL; Much Ado about Nothing, La Jolla, CA; Passion, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, and Ravinia Festival, Chicago, IL; Puck, Dallas Theatre Center, Dallas, TX; and The Scottish Play, Brooklyn, NY; also appeared in productions of Anyone Can Whistle, Fiddler on the Roof, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, My Fair Lady, and Sunday in the Park with George. Major Tours: Tommy, The Who’s Tommy (musical; also known as Tommy), German cities, 1995–97. Film Appearances: Mike, Tokyo Pop, Spectrafilm, 1988. John Reece, Strangers, 1990. Daniel ⬙Danny⬙ Emerson, Steel and Lace, Cinema Home Video, 1991. Eaglebauer, Rock ’n’ Roll High School Forever, Live Entertainment, 1991. Paul, A Woman, Her Men, and Her Futon, Republic, 1992. Himself and Tommy, The Who’s Tommy, the Amazing Journey (documentary), 1993. Third restaurant man, Lulu on the Bridge, Trimark Pictures, 1998. Frank, The Mexican, DreamWorks, 2001. 62

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CHALK Greg Stipe, ⬙Depths,⬙ Law & Order: Criminal Intent (also known as Law & Order: CI), NBC, 2007. Broadway Beat, 2008.

Pablo, Temptation, 2004. Himself, Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, Salty Features, 2009. Mr. Destiny, Cirque du Freak (also known as Circus of the Freak), Universal, 2009.

RECORDINGS Television Appearances; Series: Ian Ware, Fame, NBC, 1986–87. Gary Forbush, The American Embassy, Fox, 2002. (Uncredited) The observer, Fringe, Fox, 2008.

Albums: (Contributor) BobMould Band: Live Dog, 1998. (With Retriever) Hinterlands, 2001. (With Cerveris) Dog Eared, 2004.

Appeared as Ian McLaren in the series General Hospital, ABC.

Member of ensemble for cast recording of The Who’s Tommy.

Television Appearances; Specials: Giorgio, ⬙Passion,⬙ Live from Lincoln Center (also known as Great Performances: Live from Lincoln Center), PBS, 2005. Broadway under the Stars, CBS, 2005, 2006. Himself, Mr. Prince, Ovation Channel, 2009.

Audio Books: Narrator of the audio book adaptation of Catch Me if You Can, by Frank Abagnale, Jr. WRITINGS

Television Appearances; Pilots: Gary Forbush, The American Embassy, Fox, 2002. (Uncredited) The observer, Fringe, Fox, 2008.

Albums: Songwriter, Dog Eared, 2004.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Gary Prine, Doubletake (also known as Switch), CBS, 1985.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Back Stage, April 30, 1993, p. 7. Out, April, 2002, pp. 26, 28.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 51st Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1997. The 58th Annual Tony Awards (also known as The 2004 Tony Awards), CBS, 2004. The 60th Annual Tony Awards, 2006.

Electronic: Cerveris Official Site,, January 6, 2009. Michael Cerveris Official Site, http://www., January 18, 2009.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Johnny Dark, ⬙The Best Couple I Know,⬙ Leg Work, 1987. Nick Kaminsky, ⬙Race Traitors,⬙ The Equalizer, CBS, 1989. Ray, ⬙Back to School,⬙ 21 Jump Street, Fox, 1990. Culp, ⬙To Catch a Con: Part 2,⬙ Gabriel’s Fire, ABC, 1990. Nick, ⬙Glitter Rock—April 12, 1974,⬙ Quantum Leap, NBC, 1991. Bobby Krull, ⬙And Bobby Makes Three,⬙ Dream On, HBO, 1993. The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, 1997. Syd Booth Goggle, ⬙The Strip Strangler,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les experts), CBS, 2001. Nick Crowley, ⬙Lust for Life,⬙ Dr. Vegas, CBS, 2004. Himself, Character Studies, PBS, 2005. Breakfast with the Arts, Arts and Entertainment, 2006.

CHALK, Gary 1953– (Garry Chalk, Gary Chaulk) PERSONAL Born November 13, 1953, in Southampton, England; immigrated to Canada, 1957; married. Avocational Interests: Golfing, reading, Russian culture. Addresses: Agent—Characters Talent Agency, 1505 West Second Ave., Suite 200, Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 3Y4, Canada. 63


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Sheriff Williams and some sources cite role of J. D., Freddy vs. Jason (also known as Friday the 13th Part XI, FvJ, A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 8, and A Nightmare on Friday the 13th), New Line Cinema, 2003. (As Garry Chalk) Brunelli, The Karate Dog, Screen Media Ventures, 2004. Police captain, SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (also known as Baby Geniuses 2 and Baby Geniuses 2: Return of the Super Babies), Columbia, 2004. Sergeant, Caught in the Headlights, Waterfront Entertainment, 2004. Dad, Fishbowl (short film), 2005. Bear, Under the Sycamore Tree, 2006. (As Garry Chalk) Boat captain, Eight Below (also known as 8 Below), Buena Vista, 2006. Mayor, Breakdown (short film), Oua Media, 2006. (As Garry Chalk) Sheriff Dave, Deck the Halls, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2006. Agent Gardenia, Blonde and Blonder, Empire Film Group, 2007. Bert, Taming Tammy, 2007. Himself, Adventures in Voice Acting (documentary), 2007. (As Garry Chalk) McCallum, Fierce People, Lionsgate, 2007. (As Garry Chalk) Chief Faherty, Battle in Seattle, 2007, Redwood Palms Pictures, 2008. Home track announcer, Free Style, Samuel Goldwyn, 2008. Christmas Town, Peace Arch Entertainment Group, 2008. Carson, Angel and the Badman, c. 2008. E. Herbert Mcinnis, The Saints of Mt. Christopher, c. 2008.

Career: Actor and voice artist. Appeared in advertisements. Provided the voice of Slash for the theme park attraction ReBoot: The Ride (also known as Journey into Chaos), IMAX Corporation. Delivered singing telegrams and telegrams while in costumes. Awards, Honors: Gemini awards, best performance by an actor in a featured supporting role in a dramatic series, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 2001 and 2002, both for Cold Squad. CREDITS Film Appearances: Police officer, Mr. Patman (also known as Crossover), Film Consortium of Canada, 1980. Oregon trail mail clerk, The Grey Fox, United Artists, 1982. Chicago worker, The Journey of Natty Gann, Buena Vista, 1985. Police officer, Certain Fury, New World Pictures, 1985. Third deputy, Fire with Fire (also known as Captive Hearts), Paramount, 1986. Courthouse reporter, The Accused (also known as Reckless Endangerment, Acusados, Angeklagt, Anklagad, Appel a la justice, Les accuses, Oi katigoroumenoi, Os acusados, Oskarzeni, Oskarzona, Sotto accusa, and Syytetty), Paramount, 1988. Canadian bartender, American Boyfriends (also known as My American Boyfriend and Mes copains americains), CBS Films, 1989. Scorby, The Fly II, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1989. Ambulance attendant, David, 1993. (As Garry Chalk) Paramedic, Intersection, Paramount, 1994. Wasser, Bounty Hunters (also known as Outgun), Dimension Films, 1996. Voice of Mosely, Warriors of Virtue (also known as Creature Zone and Magic warriors), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1997. Wasser, Hardball (also known as Bounty Hunters II and Bounty Hunters 2: Hardball), Dimension Films, 1997. (Uncredited) Coach, Disturbing Behavior (also known as Disturbing Behaviour), Columbia/TriStar, 1998. (As Garry Chalk) Ernie, Camouflage, PM Entertainment, 1999. Puppetman, Late Night Sessions, The Asylum, 1999. Police chief, The Guilty (also known as Coupable ou non–coupable), Eagle Pictures, 2000. Dale Dixer, The Shipment, Promark Entertainment, 2001. (As Garry Chalk) Jack Burtrell, Deadly Little Secrets, Good Morgan Productions, 2001. Unleashed, Apollo Media, 2001. (As Garry Chalk) Agent Bill Chalmers, Trapped (also known as Call, 24 Hours, and 24 Stunden Angst), Columbia, 2002.

Animated Film Appearances: (English version) Voice of King Gurumes, Doragon boru: Shenron no densetsu (anime; also known as Curse of the Blood Rubies, Dragon Ball: Curse of the Blood Rubies, and Dragon Ball: The Legend of Shenron), originally released in Japan, 1986. Voice of Captain Dogwood, The New Adventures of Little Toot, Starmaker Video, 1992. Voice, Cinderella (also known as La Cenicienta), GoodTimes Home Video, 1994. Voice, Happy, the Littlest Bunny, GoodTimes Entertainment, 1994. Voice, Leo the Lion: King of the Jungle (also known as Leo Lion), 1994. Voice, The Nutcracker, GoodTimes Home Video, 1994. Voice, Pocahontas (also known as The Adventures of Pocahontas: Indian Princess), GoodTimes Home Video, 1994. Voice, Sleeping Beauty (also known as La bella durmiente), GoodTimes Home Video, 1994. Voice, Alice in Wonderland (also known as Alicia en el pais de las maravillas), GoodTimes Home Video, 1995. 64

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CHALK Animated Film Additional Voices: (As Garry Chalk) Mummies Alive! The Legend Begins (consists of episodes of the series Mummies Alive!), Buena Vista Home Video, 1998.

Voice, Black Beauty (also known as Hermoso negro), GoodTimes Home Video, 1995. Voice, Curly: The Littlest Puppy, GoodTimes Home Video, 1995. Voice, Heidi, GoodTimes Entertainment, 1995. Voice, Hercules, GoodTimes Entertainment, 1995. Voice, Jungle Book (also known as El libro de la selva), GoodTimes Home Video, 1995. Voice, Little Red Riding Hood, GoodTimes Home Video, 1995. Voice, Magic Gift of the Snowman (also known as El regalo magico del muneco de nieve), GoodTimes Home Video, 1995. Voice, Snow White (also known as Blancanieves), GoodTimes Entertainment, 1995. Voice, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, GoodTimes Home Video, 1996. (As Garry Chalk) Voice of Blitzen, Rudolph the Red– Nosed Reindeer: The Movie, Legacy Releasing, 1998. Voice of Tattoo Joe, The Animated Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Artisan Entertainment/Family Home Entertainment, 1998. (As Garry Chalk) Voice of Papa, Mama, Do You Love Me? (short animated film), Sony Wonder, 1999. (English version) Voice of fish waiting for second bus, Hjaelp, jeg er en fisk (also known as A Fish Tale, Help! I’m a Fish, and Hilfe! Ich bin ein Fisch), 2000. (As Garry Chalk) Voices of Santa Claus and Bumble the abominable snowman, Rudolph the Red–Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys (also known as Rudolph & the Island of Misfit Toys), Golden Books Family Entertainment, 2001. Voice of baker, Barbie of Swan Lake, Artisan Entertainment, 2003. Voice of Bluto, Popeye’s Voyage: The Quest for Pappy (short animated film), Lions Gate Films Home Entertainment, 2004. (As Garry Chalk) Voice of Herve, Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper, Universal, 2004. (As Garry Chalk) Voices of Gerridommis and Capn’ Cragg, In Search of Santa, Buena Vista, 2004. Voice of El Haystack Grande, The Return of El Malefico (also known as Mucha Lucha!: The Return of El Malefico), Warner Bros., c. 2004. Voice of Frazer, Barbie as the Island Princess (also known as Island Princess), Universal Studios Home Entertainment, 2007. Voice of general, The Ten Commandments, Promenade Pictures, 2007. Voice of the king of the cats, Tom and Jerry: A Nutcracker Tale, Warner Bros., 2007. Voice of Nathan Nelson, Mosaic (also known as Stan Lee Presents ⬙Mosaic⬙), Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2007. Voices of Cavitus and Sol, I Scream, You Scream! (part of the 3–2–1 Penguins! video series), 2007.

Television Appearances; Live Action Series: Silver, Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation (also known as Hero Turtles: The Next Mutation, NT: TNM, Saban’s ⬙Hero Turtles: The Next Mutation,⬙ and Saban’s ⬙Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation⬙), Fox, 1997–98, also broadcast in other countries on other channels. (As Garry Chalk) Inspector Andrew Pawlachuk, Cold Squad (also known as Files from the Past, Cold Squad, brigade speciale, and Halott uegyek), CTV (Canada), 1999–2005. Lieutenant Walter ⬙Mr. Multiples⬙ Eastep, Dark Angel (also known as James Cameron’s ⬙Dark Angel⬙), Fox, 2000–2002. (As Garry Chalk) Colonel Chekov, Stargate SG–1 (also known as La porte des etoiles and Stargaate SG–1), Showtime and syndicated, 2001–2002, Sci–Fi Channel and syndicated, 2002–2006. (Sometimes known as Garry Chalk) Papa James Stillson, The Dead Zone (also known as The Dark Half, Dead Zone, Stephen King’s ⬙Dead Zone,⬙ La morta zona, La zona morta, La zona muerta, and Zona smrti), USA Network, 2002–2005. Television Appearances; Animated Series: Voice of Metal–Head, G.I. Joe (also known as Action Force, G.I. Joe: A Great American Hero, and Chijo saikyo no Expert Team G.I. Joe), syndicated, beginning 1984, 1990–92. Voice of King Hippo, Captain N: The Game Master (also known as Captain N and the Video Game Masters and Captain N: Game Master), NBC, 1989–90. (English version) Voices of Tiara and village elder, Dragon Quest—Yuusha Abel Densetsu (anime; also known as Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest—Legend of the Hero Abel, and Dragon Warrior), originally broadcast in Japan by Fuji Television, 1989–90, 1991. Voice, Camp Candy, NBC, 1989–91. Voice of King Hippo, Captain N & the Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3, NBC, 1990–91. Voices of He–Man, Artilla, President Pell, Alcon, Sergeant Krone, Andros, and Gross, The New Adventures of He–Man (also known as Le nuove avventure di He–Man), syndicated, 1990–91. Voice of King Hippo, Captain N and the New Super Mario World (also known as The Super Mario World), NBC, 1991–92. Voices of Al Negator, Commander Dogstar, Komplex, and Toadborg, Bucky O’Hare and the Toad Wars, syndicated, 1991–92. (As Garry Chalk; English version) Voices of Sir Brick, Sir Phil, Lord Viper, and Warlord Bash, Entaku no 65


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Voice of Jerry the parrot, Sitting Ducks, Cartoon Network, 2001–2004. Voice of Optimus Prime and (uncredited) voice of Grindor, Transformers: Armada (anime; also known as Super Living–Robot Transformer The Legend of Micron Transformers: Micron Legend, Cho robotto seimeitai transformer micron densetsu, and Toransufoma: Arumada), Cartoon Network, 2002–2003, also broadcast by YTV (Canada), and broadcast by TV Tokyo. (Sometimes known as Garry Chalk) Voices of Man–at– Arms (Duncan) and Whiplash, He–Man and the Masters of the Universe (also known as He–Man), Cartoon Network, 2002–2003. (Sometimes billed as Garry Chalk) Voices of El Haystack Grande and Protozoa, Mucha Lucha! (also known as Mucha Lucha! Gigante!), The WB and other channels, c. 2002–2005. (As Garry Chalk) Voice, Gadget and the Gadgetinis, syndicated, 2003. (Sometimes known as Garry Chalk) Voices of Man–at– Arms (Duncan) and Whiplash, Masters of the Universe vs. the Snake Man (also known as He– Man), Cartoon Network, 2003–2004. (English version) Voice of PET, Rockman.exe (anime; also known as Megaman, MegaMan NT Warrior, MegaMan NT Warrior Axess, and Rockman.exe Axess), The WB and TeleToon (Canada), 2003–2005, originally broadcast in Japan, beginning 2001. Voices of Connor Penn and Mortis, Dragon Booster, ABC Family Channel, Toon Disney, and CBC, beginning 2004. Voice of Optimus Prime, Transformers: Energon (anime; also known as Transformer: SuperLink and Transformer: Super Link), Cartoon Network, 2004–2005, also broadcast by other channels, including in Japan by TV Tokyo. Voice, Alien Racers, Fox, beginning 2005, also broadcast on TeleToon (Canada). Voices of Optimus Prime and Soundwave, Transformers: Cybertron (anime; also known as Transformers Cybertron: Robots in Disguise and Transformers: Galaxy Force), The WB, 2005, Cartoon Network and YTV (Canada), 2005–2006, also broadcast on other channels. Voices of Hercules (Herry) and Ares, Class of the Titans, TeleToon (Canada), beginning 2006. Narrator, Eon Kid, The CW, beginning 2007. Voice of Captain Pounder, RollBots, YTV (Canada), beginning 2009.

Kishi Monogatari: Moero Arthur (anime; also known as King Arthur, King Arthur and the Knights of Justice, and Round Table Knight’s Story: Burn, Arthur), syndicated, 1992–93, originally broadcast in other countries on various channels. Voices of Bruno, Madder, and Mayor Maynot, The Adventures of T–Rex (also known as T–Rex), syndicated, 1992–93. Voices of Conan’s father, Set, and grandfather, Conan: The Adventurer (also known as Conan l’aventurier), Fox, 1992–93. Voices of Chopper, Kona, and Wild Willy, Double Dragon, syndicated, 1993–94. Voice of Grounder, Sonic the Hedgehog (also known as The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic), ABC and syndicated, 1993–95. Voices of Exotrooper Marsala and Governor general Shiva, ExoSquad, syndicated, 1993–95. Voices of Guts Man and others, Megaman (anime; also known as Mega Man and Rockman), ABC Family Channel and syndicated, c. 1994–95. Voices of Slash, Turbo, Binome general, and others, ReBoot, ABC, 1994–2001. Voice of Donovan Bane, Dark Stalkers (also known as Darkstalkers and Night Warriors: Darkstalker’s Revenge), UPN, 1995. Voices of Mike Haggar and Abigail, Final Fight, beginning 1995. Voice of Sarge, The Littlest Pet Shop, syndicated, 1995–96. (As Garry Chalk) Voices of Norris and others, Action Man, syndicated (some sources cite Fox), 1995–96. Voice of Lieutenant Stone, G.I. Joe Extreme, syndicated, 1995–97. Voices of Burke (Colonel Keith Wolfman) and Dhalsim, Streetfighter: The Animated Series (also known as Street Fighter and Street Fighter: The Animated Series), syndicated, 1995–97. Voices of Optimus Primal, Protohuman, and others, Beast Wars: Transformers (also known as Beast Wars, Beasties, Beasties: Transformers, and Transformers: Beast Wars), syndicated, 1996–99. Voice of Bad Rap, Extreme Dinosaurs, syndicated, 1997. Voice of Emperor Femur, Shadow Raiders (also known as ShadowRaiders and War Planets), YTV (Canada) and syndicated, 1998–99. Voice of Sir Nigel, Pocket Dragon Adventures, syndicated, beginning 1998, BBC, 1999–2003. Voice of Optimus Primal, Beast Machines: Transformers (also known as Beast Machines and Beast Machines: Battle for the Sparks), Fox, 1999–2000. Voice of Uncle Huey, Weird–Ohs, YTV (Canada) and syndicated, 1999–2000. Voice of Dr. Ivo Robotnik, Sonic Underground (also known as Sonic le rebelle), UPN, BKN, Sci–Fi Channel, and TeleToon (Canada), 1999–2004. Voice of Mungus the giant, Dragon Tales, PBS, 1999–2005.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Second police officer, Hands of a Stranger, NBC, 1987. Boyd Paul Downs, Small Sacrifices, ABC, 1989. Physical education coach, It (also known as Stephen King’s ⬙It⬙), ABC, 1990. Sheriff Sine, Johnson County War, The Hallmark Channel, 2002. 66

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

CHALK Rasmussen, Mother Trucker: The Diana Kilmury Story (also known as Diana Kilmury Teamster, Teamster, and La route d’espoir), TNT, 1996. (As Garry Chalk) Sheriff Bill Evans, Abduction of Innocence (also known as Abduction of Innocence: A Moment of Truth Movie), NBC, 1996. (As Garry Chalk) Captain Durk, Five Desperate Hours, NBC, 1997. Detective Masters, Moment of Truth: Into the Arms of Danger (also known as Into the Arms of Danger and Running Wild), NBC, 1997. Coach, A Champion’s Fight (also known as A Champion’s Fight: A Moment of Truth Movie and Shattered Hearts), NBC, 1998. Colonel Gardener, Loyal Opposition: Terror in the White House, Family Channel, 1998. Detective Colin, The Spree, The Movie Channel, 1998. Eddie Sullivan, My Husband’s Secret Life, USA Network, 1998. Gardner, Silencing Mary (also known as Campus Justice), NBC, 1998. (As Garry Chalk) Sergeant Gabe Sawyer, I Know What You Did (also known as Crimes of Passion: I Know What You Did and Defense of Murder), ABC, 1998. (As Garry Chalk) Timothy Aloysius ⬙Dum–Dum⬙ Dugan, Nick Fury: Agent of Shield (also known as Nick Fury, Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD, and Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Fox, 1998. (As Garry Chalk) White Cloud, Floating Away, 1998. Oklahoma City: A Survivor’s Story, Lifetime, 1998. (As Garry Chalk) Colin Ziff, Quarantine, ABC, 1999. (As Garry Chalk) Edward Mason, Y2K (also known as Countdown to Chaos and Y2K: The Movie), NBC, 1999. (As Garry Chalk) Herb Kulcheck, My Mother, the Spy, Lifetime, 2000. Milt, Take Me Home: The John Denver Story, CBS, 2000. Walter Bradford, Shutterspeed, TNT, 2000. (As Garry Chalk) District attorney Jerry Jones, Video Voyeur: The Susan Wilson Story, Lifetime, 2001. Sheriff Sam, Touched by a Killer, Lifetime, 2001. Police chief Bud McGee, Bang Bang You’re Dead (also known as Bang, Bang, You’re Dead), Showtime, 2002. (As Garry Chalk) Sheriff Cal, Lone Hero (also known as Heroes solitaire), HBO, 2002. (As Garry Chalk) Fred Hodges, Thanksgiving Family Reunion (also known as Holiday Reunion, National Lampoon’s ⬙Holiday Reunion,⬙ National Lampoon’s ⬙Thanksgiving Family Reunion,⬙ and National Lampoon’s ⬙Thanksgiving Reunion⬙), TBS, 2003. Inspector Ken Dowson, Cowboys and Indians: The J. J. Harper Story (also known as Cowboys and Indians), CBC, 2003. Stuart King, Try to Remember (also known as Mary Higgins Clark’s ⬙Try to Remember⬙), PAX TV, 2004. Anthony Shepherd, His and Her Christmas, Lifetime, 2005.

Television Appearances; Movies: Gas station attendant, Into Thin Air, CBS, 1985. Police officer on bridge, Spot Marks the X, 1986. A Masterpiece of Murder, NBC, 1986. Pete, Stranger in My Bed, NBC, 1987. Search team leader, Deadly Deception, CBS, 1987. State trooper, Sworn to Silence, ABC, 1987. Captain Jenkins, Higher Ground, CBS, 1988. Hooter, The Red Spider, CBS, 1988. Carlyle, I Still Dream of Jeannie, NBC, 1991. Goss, Yes Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus, ABC, 1991. (As Garry Chalk) Kiminski, Blackmail, USA Network, 1991. Bryan Cassandro, Fatal Memories (also known as The Eileen Franklin Story), NBC, 1992. Ump, The Comrades of Summer, HBO, 1992. Battalion commander, Woman on the Ledge, NBC, 1993. (As Garry Chalk) Chandler (first mate), The Sea Wolf, TNT, 1993. Engineer, The Odd Couple: Together Again, CBS, 1993. (As Garry Chalk) Hard copy reporter, The Amy Fisher Story (also known as Beyond Control), NBC, 1993. Jim (Rescue 342 pilot), Ordeal in the Arctic, ABC, 1993. Tom Walton, Judgment Day: The John List Story, CBS, 1993. Woodfield guard, Without a Kiss Goodbye (also known as Falsely Accused and The Laurie Samuels Story), CBS, 1993. Andy Kaczmarek, The Disappearance of Vonnie, CBS, 1994. Detective Lewis, Betrayal of Trust (also known as Under the Influence), NBC, 1994. Lieutenant Bartell, Beyond Obsession (also known as A Daughter’s Secret: The Traci di Carlo Story), ABC, 1994. Coach Gilbert, Deceived by Trust: A Moment of Truth Movie, NBC, 1995. (As Garry Chalk) Lieutenant colonel Douglas Hart, Serving in Silence: The Margarethe Cammermeyer Story (also known as Serving in Silence and Serving in Silence: The Colonel Grethe Cammermeyer Story), NBC, 1995. (As Garry Chalk) Maude, Bye Bye Birdie (musical), ABC, 1995. Mike Dombrowski, Not Our Son, CBS, 1995. Mike Kinsey, Circumstances Unknown, USA Network, 1995. Parkinson, She Stood Alone: The Tailhook Scandal (also known as Tailhook), ABC, 1995. (As Garry Chalk) Coach Dufecki, Kidz in the Wood, NBC, 1996. Coach Peters, Stand against Fear (also known as Moment of Truth: Stand against Fear, Stand against Fear: A Moment of Truth Movie, and Unlikely Suspects), NBC, 1996. Detective Gaines, Generation X, Fox, 1996. Detective Larson, Justice for Annie: A Moment of Truth Movie, NBC, 1996. 67


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 (As Garry Chalk) First Secret Service agent, ⬙Beans for President,⬙ The New Adventures of Beans Baxter, Fox, 1987. Hired officer, ⬙My Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades,⬙ 21 Jump Street, Fox, 1987. ⬙Flowers of the Mountains,⬙ Airwolf (also known as Blackwolf, Lonewolf, Supercopter, and Lobo del aire), USA Network, 1987. (As Garry Chalk) Bartender, ⬙Dirty Little Wars,⬙ Wiseguy, CBS, 1988. Dave, ⬙The Currency We Trade In,⬙ 21 Jump Street, Fox, 1988. Tony Ellis, ⬙Thin Ice,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1988. (As Garry Chalk) Harry Dukowski, ⬙Value Judgment,⬙ Danger Bay, CBC and Disney Channel, 1989. Major Benteen, ⬙Guardian Spirit,⬙ The New Adventures of Davy Crockett (also known as Davy Crockett and Davy Crockett: Guardian Spirit), NBC, 1989. (As Garry Chalk) Police officer, ⬙Deadly Dreams,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1989. (As Garry Chalk) Sergeant Harold Gray, ⬙The Ten Percent Solution,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1989. (Uncredited) Detective Sweeney, ⬙Lesson in Evil,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1990. Jack Graynor, ⬙Father and Son,⬙ Neon Rider, CTV (Canada) and syndicated, 1990. Jeff Chandler, ⬙Just Say No! High,⬙ 21 Jump Street, syndicated, 1990. (As Garry Chalk) Sergeant Ty Carter, ⬙Chucky,⬙ Broken Badges, CBS, 1990. Sheriff, ⬙Who Framed Roger Thornton?,⬙ Booker (also known as Booker, P.I.), Fox, 1990. ⬙Murder Maybe,⬙ Mom P.I., CBC, 1990. Constable Stuart, ⬙Loyalties,⬙ Neon Rider, CTV (Canada) and syndicated, 1991. Lemoyne, ⬙Family Tree,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1992. Lemoyne, ⬙An Innocent Man,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1992. Shaye’s father, ⬙A Perfect 10,⬙ Neon Rider, CTV (Canada) and syndicated, 1992. Mr. Dubrow, ⬙Stoned,⬙ The Commish, ABC, 1993. Cavalry officer Chubb, ⬙O Western Wind: Part 1,⬙ Lonesome Dove: The Series (series later known as Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years), CTV (Canada) and syndicated, 1994. Cavalry officer Chubb, ⬙Down Come Rain: Part 2,⬙ Lonesome Dove: The Series (series later known as Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years), CTV (Canada) and syndicated, 1994. Coach, ⬙Learning Curves,⬙ Madison (also known as Working It out at Madison), CanWest Global Television, 1994. (As Garry Chalk) Detective Harold Reid, ⬙Faces in the Mask,⬙ M.A.N.T.I.S., Fox, 1994. Coach Vipond, ⬙Family Affairs,⬙ Madison (also known as Working It out at Madison), CanWest Global Television, 1995.

(Uncredited) Billy Marshall, Supervolcano (also known as Supervulkan), 2005. (As Garry Chalk) Steven Draper, Ladies Night, USA Network, 2005. Crouch, Christmas on Chestnut Street, Lifetime, 2006. Jack Lycar (some sources cite role as Jack Lyear), Truth, Lifetime, 2006. Jake, A Little Thing Called Murder, Lifetime, 2006. (As Garry Chalk) Captain Laughlan, Unthinkable, Lifetime, 2007. (As Garry Chalk) Warden Mayfield, Passion’s Web (also known as Uncaged Heart), Lifetime, 2007. Vice principal Grimes, Scooby–Doo: In the Beginning, Cartoon Network, 2009. Television Appearances; Animated Movies: Voice of He–Man, He–Man and the Battle for Primus (consists of episodes of The New Adventures of He–Man), 1990. (As Garry Chalk) Voice of Grounder, Sonic Christmas Blast!, 1996. Voices of Slash and Turbo, ReBoot: Daemon Rising (consists of episodes of ReBoot), Cartoon Network and YTV (Canada), 2001. (As Garry Chalk) Voices of Slash and Turbo, ReBoot: My Two Bobs (consists of episodes of ReBoot; also known as ReBoot: The Movie II), Cartoon Network and YTV (Canada), 2001. Voice of Warlock, Sabrina the Teenage Witch in Friends Forever (also known as Sabrina: Friends Forever and Sabrina the Teenage Witch: Friends Forever), 2002. Voices of Harry the Werewolf and Bug–a–Boo, Scary Godmother Halloween Spooktakular, Cartoon Network, 2003. Voices of Harry the Werewolf and Bug–a–Boo, Scary Godmother: The Revenge of Jimmy, Cartoon Network, 2005. Television Appearances; Specials: Voice, The Legend of Hiawatha (animated), CBS, 1983, NBC, 1984. Ron Roarke, Secrets of the Unknown, CBS, 1991. Television Appearances; Live Action Episodes: (As Gary Chaulk) Chef, ⬙Out of the Night,⬙ The Hitchhiker (also known as Deadly Nightmares and Le voyageur), HBO, 1985. Hubert, ⬙O.D. Feelin’,⬙ The Hitchhiker (also known as Deadly Nightmares and Le voyageur), HBO, 1986. Murdoch, ⬙Timber,⬙ Danger Bay, CBC and Disney Channel, 1986. Phil, ⬙Unlikely Allies,⬙ The Beachcombers (also known as Beachcombers), CBC, 1986. Burke, ⬙Blackjack,⬙ Airwolf (also known as Blackwolf, Lonewolf, Supercopter, and Lobo del aire), USA Network, 1987. 68

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CHALK (As Garry Chalk) FBI agent Forsch, ⬙Bad Water,⬙ Breaking News, Bravo, 2002, series originally produced for TNT. (As Garry Chalk) ⬙The Last to Know,⬙ Just Cause, PAX TV, 2002. Voice of the rod of Lethor, ⬙The Key,⬙ Zixx: Level One (live action and animated; also known as Phunkee Zee), YTV (Canada), 2005. Voice of the rod of Lethor, ⬙The Rod of Lethor,⬙ Zixx: Level One (live action and animated; also known as Phunkee Zee), YTV (Canada), 2005. (As Garry Chalk) Bill Bolan, ⬙And the Envelope Please,⬙ The Evidence, ABC, 2006. Mr. Polaski, ⬙Paintball,⬙ Alice, I Think, CTV (Canada), 2006. (As Garry Chalk) Arnie, ⬙Rocket Club,⬙ Aliens in America, The CW, 2007. General, ⬙A Clean Escape,⬙ Masters of Science Fiction, ABC, 2007. (As Garry Chalk) Police captain, ⬙Secrets and Lies,⬙ Flash Gordon, Sci–Fi Channel, 2007. (As Garry Chalk) Ruben Hennesy, ⬙Higher Court,⬙ Painkiller Jane, Sci–Fi Channel, 2007. Sheriff, ⬙Try the Pie,⬙ The 4400 (also known as 4400 and Los 4400), USA Network and Sky One, 2007. (As Garry Chalk) Sheriff Dietrich, ⬙Monster Movie,⬙ Supernatural (also known as Sobrenatural), The CW, 2008.

(As Garry Chalk) Detective Barnett, ⬙Caught in the Act,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and syndicated, 1995. (As Garry Chalk) Detective Harold Reid, ⬙The Delusionist,⬙ M.A.N.T.I.S., Fox, 1995. (As Garry Chalk) Detective Harold Reid, ⬙Spider in the Tower,⬙ M.A.N.T.I.S., Fox, 1995. (As Garry Chalk) Detective Harold Reid, ⬙Switches,⬙ M.A.N.T.I.S., Fox, 1995. Detective Ralph Hoberman, ⬙Brooklyn,⬙ The Commish, ABC, 1995. ⬙The Warrior,⬙ Hawkeye, syndicated, 1995. (As Garry Chalk) Art Sturges, ⬙Reunion,⬙ The Sentinel (also known as Sentinel), UPN, 1996. Desk sergeant, ⬙In Sickness and in Wealth,⬙ Strange Luck (also known as Drole de chance, Strange Luck—Dem Zufall auf der Spur, and Um homem de sorte), Fox, 1996. (As Garry Chalk) Lieutenant Graves, ⬙Time Again and World,⬙ Sliders, Fox, 1996. Sheriff Hank Parker, ⬙The Inheritance,⬙ Poltergeist: The Legacy (also known as Poltergeist, El legado, Poltergeist—Die unheimliche Macht, Poltergeist: El legado, and Poltergeist, les aventuriers du surnaturel), Showtime and syndicated, 1996. Richard Powell, ⬙A Single Blade of Grass,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1997. Sheriff Kinney, ⬙Forget Me Not,⬙ Two (also known as Gejagt—Das zweite Gesicht), CTV (Canada) and syndicated, 1997. (As Garry Chalk) General, ⬙Nightmare,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and syndicated, 1998. Sheldon Lamott, ⬙Second Wave,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. (As Garry Chalk) Sheriff Rice, ⬙The Mesmerizer,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime, 1998. (As Garry Chalk) Harry Lovejoy, ⬙Dead End on Blank Street,⬙ The Sentinel (also known as Sentinel), UPN, 1999. Lieutenant Mosh, ⬙The Ethel Merman Story,⬙ Beggars and Choosers (also known as TV business), Showtime, 1999. Lieutenant Mosh, ⬙Once More unto the Breach,⬙ Beggars and Choosers (also known as TV business), Showtime, 1999. Lieutenant Mosh, ⬙Sex, Drugs & Videotape,⬙ Beggars and Choosers (also known as TV business), Showtime, 1999. (As Garry Chalk) Quince Toland, ⬙People Like Us,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1999. Riley Cunningham, ⬙Sleepwalker,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime, 1999. (As Garry Chalk) Detective Frank Dayton, ⬙Something about Harry,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and syndicated, 2000. (As Garry Chalk) Major Vladimir Markovsky, ⬙X–35 Needs Changing,⬙ Seven Days (also known as 7 Days and Seven Days: The Series), UPN, 2000.

Some sources cite an appearance in Mysterious Ways (also known as One Clear Moment, Anexegeta phainomena, Les chemins de l’etrange, Mysterious ways—les chemins de l’etrange, Rajatapaus, and Senderos misteriosos), NBC and PAX TV. Television Appearances; Animated Episodes: Voice of Pathfinder, ⬙An Officer and a Viperman,⬙ G.I. Joe (also known as Action Force, G.I. Joe: A Great American Hero, and Chijo saikyo no Expert Team G.I. Joe), syndicated, 1990. Voice of Snagg, ⬙The Heart of Rakkir,⬙ Conan: The Adventurer (also known as Conan l’aventurier), Fox, 1992. Voice of Snagg, ⬙Once and Future Conan,⬙ Conan: The Adventurer (also known as Conan l’aventurier), Fox, 1992. Voice, Madeline, Fox Family Channel, c. 1993. Voice of Hugh Finster, ⬙20,000 Leaks under the Sea,⬙ Megaman (anime; also known as Mega Man and Rockman), ABC Family Channel and syndicated, c. 1995. Voice of original Megatron, ⬙The Agenda: Part 2,⬙ Beast Wars: Transformers (also known as Beast Wars, Beasties, Beasties: Transformers, and Transformers: Beast Wars), syndicated, 1998. Voice, ⬙When Wishes Come True,⬙ Stories from My Childhood (also known as Mikhail Baryshnikov’s ⬙Stories from My Childhood⬙), PBS, 1998. 69


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Voice, ⬙The Wild Swans,⬙ Stories from My Childhood (also known as Mikhail Baryshnikov’s ⬙Stories from My Childhood⬙), PBS, 1998. Voice of Mr. Meugniot/the Reverend, ⬙Where Evil Nests,⬙ Spider–Man Unlimited (also known as Spiderman Unlimited), Fox, 1999. Voice of Mr. Meugniot/the Reverend, ⬙Deadly Choices,⬙ Spider–Man Unlimited (also known as Spiderman Unlimited), Fox, 2000. Voice of Gangrene, ⬙Green Thoughts,⬙ Action Man: Doom Strikes Back (also known as Action Man), syndicated (some sources cite Fox) and YTV (Canada), 2001. Voice of Mr. Meugniot/the Reverend, ⬙Matters of the Heart,⬙ Spider–Man Unlimited (also known as Spiderman Unlimited), Fox, 2001. Voice of Mr. Meugniot/the Reverend, ⬙The Reverend— Sins of the Fathers⬙ (also known as ⬙Sins of the Fathers⬙), Spider–Man Unlimited (also known as Spiderman Unlimited), Fox, 2001. (Sometimes billed as Garry Chalk) Voice of El Kolor De Kurtz, ⬙How Rikochet Got His Move Back/Heart of Lucha,⬙ Mucha Lucha! (also known as Mucha Lucha! Gigante!), The WB and other channels, 2002. (Sometimes billed as Garry Chalk) Voice of Flea’s lungs, ⬙Big Worm/Medico Mayhem,⬙ Mucha Lucha! (also known as Mucha Lucha! Gigante!), The WB and other channels, 2004. (Sometimes billed as Garry Chalk) Voice of Tibor the Terrible, ⬙Election Daze/Los Pantalones (aka The Brat in the Hat),⬙ Mucha Lucha! (also known as Mucha Lucha! Gigante!), The WB and other channels, 2004. (Sometimes billed as Garry Chalk) Voices of General Ignacio Zaragoza and police officer, ⬙Cinco de Pinata (aka Day of the Pinata)/Poocha Lucha,⬙ Mucha Lucha! (also known as Mucha Lucha! Gigante!), The WB and other channels, 2004. (Sometimes billed as Garry Chalk) Voices of Tibor the Terrible and sentry robot, ⬙The Collector,⬙ Mucha Lucha! (also known as Mucha Lucha! Gigante!), The WB and other channels, 2004. Voice of the gilded dragon, ⬙All That Glitters,⬙ Dragon Tales, PBS, 2005. Voice of a wizard, ⬙To Fly with a New Friend: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Dragon Tales, PBS, 2005. Voice of first villager, ⬙Chaos 102,⬙ Class of the Titans, TeleToon (Canada), 2006. Voice of water drain pirate captain, ⬙H2O–NO,⬙ Team Galaxy (anime), YTV (Canada), 2006.

Captain Jim Archer, Tarzan (also known Tarzan and Jane and Young Tarzan Drama Project), The WB, 2003. (As Garry Chalk) Zimmer, Touching Evil, USA Network, 2004. Colonel Briggs, Eureka (also known as EUReKA and A Town Called Eureka), Sci–Fi Channel, 2006. Television Appearances; Animated Pilots: Voice, Barbie and the Rockers, syndicated, 1987. Voices of He–Man and Andros, ⬙A New Beginning,⬙ The New Adventures of He–Man (also known as Le nuove avventure di He–Man), syndicated, 1990. (As Garry Chalk) Voices of Man–at–Arms (Duncan) and Whiplash, ⬙The Beginning,⬙ He–Man and the Masters of the Universe (also known as He–Man and He–Man and the Masters of the Universe: The Beginning), Cartoon Network, 2002, series later known as Masters of the Universe vs. the Snake Man. Voice of Hercules (Herry), ⬙Chaos 101,⬙ Class of the Titans, TeleToon (Canada), 2006. Television Additional Voices; Animated Series: (As Garry Chalk) Mighty Max, UPN, 1993–94. Sonic the Hedgehog (also known as The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic), ABC and syndicated, 1993–95. Hurricanes, syndicated, c. 1993–97. (As Garry Chalk) Mummies Alive!, syndicated, 1997. (As Garry Chalk) RoboCop: Alpha Commando, syndicated, 1998–99. Sabrina the Animated Series (also known as Sabrina), ABC, 1999–2000. Sitting Ducks, Cartoon Network, 2001–2004. Firehouse Tales, broadcast on the Tickle U programming block on Cartoon Network, beginning 2005. Team Galaxy (anime), YTV (Canada), beginning c. 2006. Care Bears: Adventures in Care–a–Lot, CBS, beginning 2007. Stage Appearances: Appeared in stage productions, including improvisational productions and children’s theatre productions. RECORDINGS Videos: Voice of General Blitz, G.I. Joe: Sgt. Savage and His Screaming Eagles (animated; packaged with G.I. Joe toys), c. 1995.

Television Appearances; Live Action Pilots: Fred, Wiseguy, CBS, 1987. Security chief, The Omen, NBC, 1995. (As Garry Chalk) Lieutenant Walter ⬙Mr. Multiples⬙ Eastep, Dark Angel (also known as James Cameron’s ⬙Dark Angel⬙), Fox, 2000. (As Garry Chalk) Janitor, Haunted, UPN, 2002.

Narrator of informative videos. Video Games: Voice of Robert Ripley, Ripley’s ⬙Believe It or Not!⬙: The Riddle of Master Lu, 1995. 70

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(As Garry Chalk) Narrator, Making History: Louis Riel and the North–West Rebellion of 1885, 1997. Voice of Slash, ReBoot, 1998. Voice of Optimus Primal, Transformer Beast War Metals: Gekitotsu! Gangan Battle, Bay Area Media, 1999. (As Garry Chalk) Voice, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2, 2002. Voice of Optimus Prime, Transformers, 2004. (As Garry Chalk) Voice of Devil King, Devil Kings, 2005. (As Garry Chalk) Voice of Al Neri, The Godfather (also known as The Godfather: The Game), 2006. Voice of Al Neri, The Godfather: Blackhand Edition, 2007. Voice of Al Neri, The Godfather: The Don’s Edition, 2007.

Kristin, ⬙Still Bonding,⬙ Still Standing, CBS, 2005. (As Ashley Monique) Karen, ⬙Backpack,⬙ Zoey 101, Nickelodeon, 2005. Karen, ⬙Little Beach Party,⬙ Zoey 101, Nickelodeon, 2005. Teri, ⬙You Don’t Know Squad,⬙ The Bernie Mac Show, Fox, 2005. Teri, ⬙The Music Mac,⬙ The Bernie Mac Show, Fox, 2005. Teri, ⬙Prison Break,⬙ The Bernie Mac Show, Fox, 2005. Keisha, ⬙Believe the Unseen,⬙ ER, NBC, 2008. Eviqua Michaels, ⬙Hell Followed,⬙ Sons of Anarchy, FX Channel, 2008. Eviqua Michaels, ⬙Capybara,⬙ Sons of Anarchy, FX Channel, 2008. Eviqua Michaels, ⬙The Sleep of Babies,⬙ Sons of Anarchy, FX Channel, 2008. Eviqua Michaels, ⬙The Revelator,⬙ Sons of Anarchy, FX Channel, 2008.

CLARK, Ashley Monique 1988– (Ashley Monique)

Television Appearances; Movies: Kindergartner, Encino Woman (also known as California Woman), ABC, 1996.

PERSONAL Television Appearances; Specials: The 2nd Annual Soul Train Christmas Starfest, syndicated, 1999.

Born December 1, 1988. Education: Attended Carter Thor Studio, Los Angeles, CA.

Film Appearances: Letter to My Mother, 1997. Child at party and school, Liar Liar, Universal, 1997. Aretha Johnson, Love Don’t Cost a Thing (also known as Love Don’t Co$t a Thing), Warner Bros., 2003. Kee Kee Rodriguez, Domino, New Line Cinema, 2005.

Addresses: Agent—JLA Talent, 9151 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90069; Osbrink Agency, 4343 Landershim Blvd., Universal City, CA 91602. Career: Actress. Appeared in television commercials for Coke products. CREDITS

CLARK, Duane (D. B. Clark, Duane B. Clark)

Television Appearances; Series: Sydney Hughley, The Hughleys, ABC, 1998–2002.


Television Appearances; Episodic: Cara Littleton, Picket Fences, CBS, 1994. Little girl, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. Blue bird number three, ⬙I, Bowl Buster,⬙ The Fresh Prince of Bel–Air, NBC, 1996. Jaleen, a recurring role, Sunset Beach, NBC, 1997. Young Moesha, ⬙My Mom’s Not an Ottoman,⬙ Moesha, UPN, 1997. Hollywood Squares (also known as H2 and H2: Hollywood Squares), syndicated, 2001. Kristin, ⬙Still Negotiating,⬙ Still Standing, CBS, 2003. Teri, ⬙Laughing Matters,⬙ The Bernie Mac Show, Fox, 2003. Kristin, ⬙Still Parading,⬙ Still Standing, CBS, 2004. Teri, ⬙Big Brother,⬙ The Bernie Mac Show, Fox, 2004.

Son of Richard Wagstaff (a television personality and producer, as Dick Clark) and Loretta (maiden name, Martin) Clark; sister of Cindy Clark (a producer). Addresses: Agent—Andy Elkin, Creative Artists Agency, 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Manager—Andrew Wilson, Evolution Entertainment, 901 North Highland Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90038. Career: Director, producer, film editor, writer, and songwriter. Proletariat Filmworks, Studio City, CA, worked as director of commercials. Sometimes credited as D. B. Clark or Duane B. Clark. 71


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 ⬙Early Rollout,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les experts), CBS, 2004. ⬙Compulsion,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les experts), CBS, 2005. ⬙Dog Eat Dog,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les experts), CBS, 2005. ⬙I Married a Mind Reader,⬙ Medium, NBC, 2005. ⬙In the Rough,⬙ Medium, NBC, 2005. ⬙What You See Is What You See,⬙ CSI: NY, CBS, 2005. ⬙Bad Beat,⬙ CSI: NY, CBS, 2005. ⬙Up in Smoke,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les experts), CBS, 2006. ⬙Federal Response,⬙ Jericho, CBS, 2006. ⬙Not What It Looks Like,⬙ CSI: NY, CBS, 2006. Snow Day,⬙ CSI: NY, CBS, 2007. Cape Wrath (also known as Meadowlands), Showtime, 2007. ⬙Rum,⬙ Crusoe, NBC, 2008. ⬙Gunpowder,⬙ Crusoe, NBC, 2008. The Philanthropist, NBC, 2009.

Awards, Honors: Crystal Heart Award (with Cindy Clark), Heartland Film Festival, Gold Award, best independent theatrical feature film, WorldFest Houston, Audience Award, dramatic category, Sedona International Film Festival, Taos Talking Picture Festival Award, audience favorite, Palm Springs International Film Festival Award, audience favorite, and Best of the Fest Award, drama category, Breckenridge Festival of Film, all 1997, for Soulmates; Directors Gold Award, Santa Clarita International Film Festival, and Special Jury Award, best theatrical feature film for family or children, WorldFest Houston, both 2000, for Family Tree. CREDITS Television Director; Series: The Practice, ABC, between 2000 and 2003. CSI: Miami, CBS, between 2004 and 2006. Television Director; Movies: Valentine’s Day (also known as Protector), HBO, 1998. Kiss My Act, ABC, 2001. The Gilda Radner Story: It’s Always Something, ABC, 2002.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Marva, ⬙The Key of Cee,⬙ Rags to Riches, NBC, 1987.

Television Director; Miniseries: XIII, NBC, 2008.

Film Director: Shaking the Tree, 1990, Castle Hill, 1992. Bitter Harvest, Prism Pictures, 1993. (And coproducer and film editor) Soulmates, Curb Entertainment, 1997. Family Tree, Independent Artists, 2000.

Television Director; Pilots: Cape Wrath (also known as Meadowlands), Showtime, 2007. Television Director; Episodic: ⬙The Wrath of Kali,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1995. ⬙Timeless,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1996. ⬙Looking for Mr. Goombah,⬙ Total Security, ABC, 1997. ⬙Who’s Poppa?,⬙ Total Security, ABC, 1997. ⬙Secrets,⬙ Stargate SG–1 (also known as La porte des etoiles), Showtime and syndicated, 1998. ⬙The Unsinkable Sydney Hansen,⬙ Providence, NBC, 2000. ⬙Gobble Gobble,⬙ Providence, NBC, 2001. ⬙Rising,⬙ Dark Angel (also known as James Cameron’s ⬙Dark Angel⬙), Fox, 2001. ⬙Chapter Seventeen,⬙ Boston Public, Fox, 2001. ⬙Chapter Twenty–six,⬙ Boston Public, Fox, 2001. ⬙Secrets and Lies,⬙ Girls Club, Fox, 2002. ⬙Chapter Sixty–three,⬙ Boston Public, Fox, 2003. ⬙Ambition,⬙ The Guardian, CBS, 2003. ⬙All that You Can’t Leave Behind,⬙ One Tree Hill, The WB, 2003. ⬙Spirit in the Night,⬙ One Tree Hill, The WB, 2004.

Film Appearances: Logger, Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins (also known as Remo: The Adventure Begins, Remo: The First Adventure, and Remo: Unarmed and Dangerous), Orion, 1985. Radio voice, Judgement (short film), AtomFilms, 1995. Himself, Scene Smoking: Cigarettes, Cinema & the Myth of Cool (documentary), 2001. Real estate man, Crashing, Image Entertainment, 2007. WRITINGS Screenplays: Shaking the Tree, 1990, Castle Hill, 1992. (And songwriter, ⬙Catch Me When I Fall⬙) Soulmates, Curb Entertainment, 1997. Television Episodes: Writer for A Brand New Life, NBC. 72

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COLLIER Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 6th Annual Family Television Awards, The WB, 2004. The Teen Choice Awards 2004, Fox, 2004.

COLE, Taylor 1984– PERSONAL


Full name, Taylor Quinn Cole; born April 29, 1984, in Arlington, TX; daughter of Deborah Quinn; stepdaughter of Shawn Christian (an actor). Education: Student at University of Arizona, 2007. Avocational Interests: Martial arts, volleyball and other sports.

Videos: Appeared in the music videos ⬙Scars⬙ by Papa Roach and ⬙True⬙ by Ryan Cabrera.

Addresses: Manager—Burstein Co., 15304 Sunset Blvd., Suite 208, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272.

COLLIER, Mark 1970– (Mark C. Collier)

Career: Actress. Worked as a model in Europe and Australia; appeared in commercials for Crest toothpaste, Old Spice deodorant, and other products.



Born May 27, 1970, in Ocala, FL (some sources say Boynton Beach, FL). Education: George Southern University, degree in accounting, 1993; studied acting at the Actors Movement Studio and with William Esper. Avocational Interests: The Dallas Cowboys.

Film Appearances: Beautiful girl, That Guy (short film), Moonlit Images Productions, 2006. Movin G, Phoenix Entertainment Group, 2007. Alex, Loaded, Allumination Filmworks, 2008. Desiree Cartier, April Fool’s Day, Stage 6 Films, 2008. Jennifer, An American in China, Crossroads Pictures, 2008. Erica Kessen, 12 Rounds, Fox Atomic, 2009.

Addresses: Manager—John Crosby Management, 1310 North Spaulding Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90046. Career: Actor. Also worked as a bouncer, waiter, and Pilate’s instructor. Surfrider Foundation, member; supporter of Free Arts (a children’s charity).

Television Appearances; Series: Erika Spalding, Summerland, The WB, 2004–2005.

Awards, Honors: Soap Opera Digest Award nomination, outstanding newcomer, 2003, for As the World Turns.

Television Appearances; Movies: Kaitlan, All You’ve Got (also known as Rumble), MTV, 2006. Jessie Chase, Finish Line, Spike, 2008.


Television Appearances; Episodic: Brandi, ⬙Double Down,⬙ Numb3rs (also known as Num3ers), CBS, 2006. Bianca Desmond, ⬙Daddy’s Little Girl,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les experts), CBS, 2006. Sarah Blake, ⬙Provenance,⬙ Supernatural, The WB, 2006. Taylor, ⬙Dead Air,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2006. Voice, ⬙Prick Up Your Ears,⬙ Family Guy (animated; also known as Padre de familia), Fox, 2006. Tasha, ⬙Work Sex,⬙ Do Not Disturb, Fox, 2008.

Television Appearances; Series: Mike Kasnoff, As the World Turns, CBS, 2003–2007. Television Appearances; Specials: 18th Annual ⬙Soap Opera Digest⬙ Awards, SoapNet, 2003. The 31st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, NBC, 2004. The 31st Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 2005. Presenter, The 32nd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, CBS, 2005. Television Appearances; Episodic: (Uncredited) David the bartender, Sunset Beach, NBC, 1998.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Erika Spalding, Summerland, The WB, 2004. 73


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(As Mark C. Collier) Mitch Field, ⬙The Easter Bunny,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 2000. (As Mark C. Collier) Mitch Field, ⬙And Don’t Forget to Give Me Back My Black T–shirt,⬙ Beverly Hills 90210, Fox, 2000. SoapTalk, SoapNet, 2003, 2006. ⬙The Girl Whose Lip Puffed Up,⬙ America’s Next Top Model (also known as ANTM, America’s Next Top Model with Tyra Banks, and Top Model), UPN, 2004. Daniel Nash, ⬙Raging Cannibal,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2008.

CREDITS Television Work; Series: Producer, Father Dowling Mysteries (also known as Father Dowling Investigates), ABC, 1991. Supervising producer and producer, Under Suspicion, CBS, 1994–95. Creative consultant, Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1996–97. Supervising producer, Players, NBC, 1997. Co–executive producer, Diagnosis Murders, CBS, 1997–98. Co–executive producer, The Huntress, USA Network, 2000. Consulting producer, Law & Order: Criminal Intent (also known as Law & Order: CI), NBC, 2002–2003. Supervising producer, Law & Order: Criminal Intent (also known as Law & Order: CI), NBC, 2003–2004. Co–executive producer, Law & Order: Criminal Intent (also known as Law & Order: CI), NBC, 2004–2006.

Stage Appearances: Appeared in Lovers and Strangers; Lone Star; Children’s Crusade; Six Degrees of Separation; Portrait of a Madonna; David and Lisa. RECORDINGS Music Videos: Appeared in the Dixie Chicks’ ⬙Ready to Run.⬙

Television Work; Movies: Executive consultant, Perry Mason: The Case of the Skin–Deep Scandal, NBC, 1993.

OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Mark Collier Website,, January 10, 2009.

Television Work; Episodic: Executive story editor, ⬙The Royal Mystery,⬙ Father Dowling Mysteries (also known as Father Dowling Investigates), ABC, 1990.

CONWAY, Gerry 1952– Film Appearances: Pop group member, Who Dares Wins, 1982. Himself, Conan: The Making of a Comic Book Legend, 2002. Himself, Army of One: Punisher Origins, 2004.

PERSONAL Full name, Gerard F. Conway; born September 10, 1952, in New York, NY; married Carla (marriage ended); married Karen Britten, 1992; children: (first marriage) Cara; (second marriage) Rachel.


Addresses: Agent—Maggie Field Agency, 12725 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, CA 91604–2437.

Screenplays: Fire and Ice, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1983.

Career: Writer, producer, consultant, and actor. Writer for Marvel Comics, including volumes of Incredible Hulk, The Amazing Spider–Man, and Captain Marvel, 1970–75, 1985–89; created The Punisher for Marvel Comics, 1972; writer for DC Comics, c. 1975; writer of syndicated comic strips Superman and Star Trek, 1984–88.

Film Stories: Conan the Destroyer, Universal, 1984. Television Movies: Perry Mason: The Case of the Heartbroken Bride, NBC, 1992. A Twist of the Knife, CBS, 1993. Perry Mason: The Case of the Killer Kiss, NBC, 1993. A Perry Mason Mystery: The Case of the Jealous Jokester, NBC, 1995.

Awards, Honors: Edgar Award nomination, best television episode teleplay, 2004, 2005, both for Law & Order: Criminal Intent. 74

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CRANSTON (And story, with William N. Fordes) ⬙Hunters,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1999. (And story, with Fordes) ⬙Justice,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1999. ⬙Fade Out,⬙ Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, syndicated, 1999. ⬙My Best Girl’s Wedding,⬙ Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, syndicated, 1999. (And story, with Fordes) ⬙Collision,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2000. (And story, with Fordes) ⬙High & Low,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2000. Story, with Pamela Norris, ⬙Smartest Guy in the World,⬙ The Huntress, USA Network, 2001. ⬙Generations,⬙ The Huntress, USA Network, 2001. (With Chris Black) ⬙Ah, Wilderness,⬙ The Huntress, USA Network, 2001. ⬙Showdown,⬙ The Huntress, USA Network, 2001. (With Black; and story) ⬙With Great Power,⬙ The Huntress, USA Network, 2001. Story, with Black, ⬙The Quest: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Huntress, USA Network, 2001. Law & Order: Criminal Intent (also known as Law & Order: CI), NBC, 2003–2006.

Television Episodes: SuperFriends: The Legendary Super Powers Show (also known as SuperFriends V), 1984. G.I. Joe (also known as Action Force and Chijo saikyo no expert), 1985–86. Transformers (also known as Transformers: 2010, Tatakae! Cho robot seimeitai TRANSFORMERS, and The Transformers), syndicated, 1986. (With Carla Conway) The Centurions, syndicated, 1986. Matlock, NBC, 1986. My Little Pony and Friends, 1986–87. Father Dowling Mysteries, ABC, 1990–91. Matlock, 1992–93. ⬙Appointment in Crime Alley,⬙ Batman: The Animated Series (animated; also known as The Adventures of Batman & Robin and Batman), Fox, 1992. ⬙Stormy Weather: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Jake and the Fatman, CBS, 1992. ⬙I Can’t Believe I’m Losing You,⬙ Jake and the Fatman, CBS, 1992. (And story, with William Read Woodfield) ⬙A Twist of the Knife,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1993. ⬙Inheritance of Death,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1993. ⬙Murder with Mirrors,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1994. ⬙Flashdance with Death,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1994. ⬙Lily,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1994. ⬙Shaker,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1994. ⬙The Plague,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1994. ⬙A Very Fatal Funeral,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1994. ⬙Second Chance,⬙ Batman: The Animated Series (animated; also known as The Adventures of Batman & Robin and Batman), Fox, 1994. ⬙Night of the Lizard,⬙ Spider–Man, Fox, 1994. Under Suspicion, CBS, 1994–95. Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, 1995. ⬙Playing for Keeps,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1995. Baywatch Nights (also known as Detectives on the Beach), 1995. Pacific Blue, USA Network, 1996. ⬙Misdiagnosis Murder,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1996. ⬙Mind over Murder,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1996. (And story, with Steve Hattman) ⬙FMurder,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1996. ⬙Black Ops,⬙ Two, 1996. ⬙The Servant,⬙ Baywatch Nights (also known as Detectives on the Beach), syndicated, 1997. (With Joyce Burditt) ⬙In Defense of Murder,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1997. ⬙A History of Murder,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1997. ⬙Murder, Country Style,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1997. (And story, with Lee Goldberg and William Rabkin) ⬙Physician, Murder Thyself,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1997. (With Wayne Berwick; and story) ⬙Malibu Fire,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1997. Players, NBC, 1997. ⬙Somewhere over the Rainbow Bridge,⬙ Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, syndicated, 1998.

CRANSTON, Bryan 1956– (Lee Stone) PERSONAL Full name, Bryan Lee Cranston; born March 7, 1956, in Los Angeles, CA (some sources cite Canoga Park, CA); son of Joe Cranston (an actor) and Peggy Sell; brother of Kyle Cranston (an actor); married Mickey Middleton, November 10, 1077 (divorced April 8, 1982); married Robin Dearden (an actress), 1989; children: (second marriage) Taylor (daughter). Education: Attended Valley College. Avocational Interests: Baseball. Addresses: Agent—Brett Hansen, United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor, voice artist, director, producer, and writer. Producer, director, and actor at a local theatre in Daytona Beach, FL; Quintus Productions, cofounder, 1993. Appeared in television commercials for Excedrin pain reliever, 1996, and Honda Accord autos, 2000; appeared in the public service announcement campaign Express Yourself, 2001; occasional voice for English versions of Japanese anime cartoons, sometimes credited as Lee Stone. Awards, Honors: Best of the Fest Award, drama category, Breckenridge Festival of Film, 1999, and 75


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Bryce Baxter, Hard Four, Foo Dog Productions, 2007. Himself, Man of a Thousand Faces, Television Syndicated Co., 2008. Love Ranch, Capitol Films, 2009.

Audience Award, Valleyfest Film Festival, 2000, both for Last Chance; Television Critics Association Award nomination, individual achievement in comedy, 2001, Emmy Award nominations, outstanding supporting actor in a comedy series, 2002, 2003, 2004, Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actor in a series, miniseries, or movie made for television, 2003, Golden Satellite Award nomination, best actor in a series, comedy, or musical, International Press Academy, 2004, and Young Artist Award nomination (with Jane Kaczmarek), most popular mom and pop in a television series, 2004, all for Malcolm in the Middle; Emmy Award, outstanding lead actor in a drama series, 2008, for Breaking Bad; DramaLogue Award for The Steven Weed Show.

Film Work: Producer and director, Last Chance, Leo Films, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Darryl, Days of Our Lives (also known as Days and DOOL), NBC, 1982. Douglas ⬙Doug⬙ Donovan, Loving, ABC, 1983–84. Dean Stella, One Life to Live, ABC, 1985. Uncle Russell, Raising Miranda, CBS, 1988. Dr. Tim Whatley, a recurring role, Seinfeld, NBC, between 1994 and 1997. Curt Sincic, The Louie Show, CBS, 1996. Voice of Joe Thax, Eagle Riders (animated; also known as La patrouille des aigles), syndicated, 1996. Hal, Malcolm in the Middle, Fox, 2000–2006. Walter H. White, Breaking Bad, AMC, 2008.

CREDITS Film Appearances: First paramedic, ⬙Roast Your Loved One,⬙ Amazon Women on the Moon (also known as Cheeseburger Film Sandwich), Universal, 1987. The Big Turnaround, Dove Productions, 1988. Darren, Corporate Affairs, Concorde, 1990. Dr. Frank Darden, DeadSpace, Concorde, 1991. Dr. Robert Stern, ⬙Let’s Talk about Love,⬙ Erotique (also known as Let’s Talk about Sex), Odyssey Films, 1994. Club official, Clean Slate, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1994. (English version) Voice of Matti Tohn, Oritsu uchugun oneamisu no tsubasa (animated; also known as Starquest, Wings of Honneamise, and Wings of Honneamise: Royal Space Force), dubbed version, Tara Releasing, 1995. Virgil ⬙Gus⬙ Grissom, That Thing You Do!, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. Father Brophy, Street Corner Justice, New City Releasing, 1996. Phil Hertzberg, Strategic Command, Command Productions, 1997. War Department colonel, Saving Private Ryan, DreamWorks, 1998. Lance, Last Chance, Leo Films, 1999. Roberto Montalban, The Big Thing, K.M. Productions, 2000. Voice of Ram, The Prince of Light (animated; also known as Warrior Prince), Showcase Entertainment, 2001. David, The Illusion, Awakened Media, 2004. Peter, Seeing Other People, Lantern Lane Entertainment, 2004. Voice of Buzz Aldrin, Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D, IMAX, 2005. CSE radio host, Intellectual Property (also known as Dark Mind), Strategic Film Partners, 2006. Stan Grossman, Little Miss Sunshine, Fox Searchlight, 2006.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Colonel Austin, North and South II (also known as Love and War and North and South: Book II), ABC, 1986. Officer Dickenson, I Know My First Name Is Steven (also known as The Missing Years), NBC, 1989. Astronaut Edwin ⬙Buzz⬙ Aldrin, From the Earth to the Moon, HBO, 1998. The 100 Most Memorable TV Moments, TV Land, 2004. Television Appearances; Movies: Dr. Shepherd, The Return of the Six–Million–Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman, NBC, 1987. Professor Harris, Dead Silence (also known as Crash), Fox, 1991. Wilson, The Disappearance of Nora (also known as Deadly Recall), CBS, 1993. John Sellers, Prophet of Evil: The Ervil LeBaron Story, CBS, 1993. Alan, The Companion, USA Network, 1994. Benny, Days like This, 1994. Special Agent Falsey, Kissing Miranda, 1995. Patrick Dougherty, The Rockford Files: Punishment and Crime, CBS, 1996. Braddock, Time under Fire (also known as Beneath the Bermuda Triangle), The Movie Channel, 1996. Ron Gatley, ⬙Bobo,⬙ Terror Tract (also known as The House on Terror Tract), USA Network, 2000. Nick Wrigley, ’Twas the Night, The Disney Channel, 2001. Voice of Santa Claus, The Santa Claus Brothers (animated), The Disney Channel, 2001. Woodrow Snider, Thanksgiving Family Reunion (also known as Holiday Reunion, National Lampoon’s 76

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 ⬙Holiday Reunion,⬙ National Lampoon’s ⬙Thanksgiving Family Reunion,⬙ and National Lampoon’s Thanksgiving Reunion), TBS, 2003.

CRANSTON Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers, Mighty Morph’n Power Rangers, and Power Rangers Ninja), Fox, 1993. Garrett Berlin, ⬙Wheels of Fire,⬙ Viper, NBC, 1994. Hank Meese, ⬙Deadly Vision,⬙ Walker, Texas Ranger (also known as Walker), CBS, 1994. Dr. Tom Bryant, ⬙The Hero,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1995. Matt McCulla, ⬙Land’s End: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Land’s End, syndicated, 1995. Sheriff Norman Wade, ⬙The Alpha Strike,⬙ Nowhere Man, UPN, 1995. Russell Winslow, ⬙Such a Bargain,⬙ Brotherly Love, NBC, 1995. Parker Foreman, ⬙Something Foul in Flappieville,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1996. Walter Mason, ⬙Living on the Streets Can Be Murder,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1996. ⬙Wet Side Story,⬙ Total Security, ABC, 1997. Michael Burroughs, ⬙Clarity Begins at Home,⬙ Moloney, CBS, 1997. Ericsson, ⬙The Long Night,⬙ Babylon 5, syndicated, 1997. Record executive, ⬙Goode Music,⬙ Goode Behavior, UPN, 1997. Witch lawyer, ⬙Troll Bride,⬙ Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (also known as Sabrina and Sabrina Goes to College), ABC, 1997. Robert, ⬙Again with the Pilot,⬙ Alright Already, The WB, 1997. Ronny Shea, premiere episode, Dogs, ABC, 1997. Isaac Perlow, ⬙My So–Called Real Life,⬙ Pearl, CBS, 1997. Ronald ⬙Cheesy⬙ Meezy, ⬙Honey, I’m the Sorcerer’s Apprentice,⬙ Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show, syndicated, 1998. Internal Affairs Lieutenant Gordon Denton, ⬙Gay Avec,⬙ Brooklyn South, CBS, 1998. Internal Affairs Lieutenant Gordon Denton, ⬙Fisticuffs,⬙ Brooklyn South, CBS, 1998. Colt Arrow, ⬙Beats Working at a Hot Dog Stand,⬙ V.I.P. (also known as V.I.P.—Die Bodyguards), syndicated, 1998. Martin Rutgers, ⬙Blood Will Out,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1998. Patrick Crump, ⬙Drive,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1998. Jesus, ⬙Tantric Turkey,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1998. Larry Prince, ⬙The Consultant,⬙ Working, NBC, 1998. ⬙Behind the Scenes: Making ⬙From the Earth to the Moon,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 1998. Tim Sacksky, ⬙Dog Days,⬙ The King of Queens, CBS, 1999. Neil Diamond impersonator, ⬙Paranoid Dick,⬙ 3rd Rock from the Sun (also known as Life as We Know It and 3rd Rock), NBC, 1999. Neil Roberts, ⬙PTB,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 1999. Tim Sacksky, ⬙Time Share,⬙ The King of Queens, CBS, 1999. Tim Sacksky, ⬙Soft Touch,⬙ The King of Queens, CBS, 2000.

According to some sources, also appeared in Love without End and Shady Mountain. Television Appearances; Pilots: Ned Landry, Extreme Blue, UPN, 1995. Hal, Malcolm in the Middle, Fox, 2000. Walter H. White, Breaking Bad, AMC, 2008. Television Appearances; Specials: David, Men Who Hate Women & the Women Who Love Them (also known as Best Sellers: Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them; The Relationship), NBC, 1994. Intimate Portrait: Jane Kaczmarek, Lifetime, 2002. The Making of ⬙Breaking Bad,⬙ AMC, 2007. Live from the Red Carpet: The 2008 Emmy Awards, E! Entertainment Television, 2008. Television Appearances; Episodic: Billy Joe, ⬙Return to Death’s Door,⬙ CHiPs (also known as CHiPs Patrol), NBC, 1982. Frank Lawler/Tommy Maynard, ⬙Who’s Trying to Kill Miss Globe?⬙ Cover Up, CBS, 1985. Robert Hollis, ⬙Desperate Monday,⬙ Airwolf (also known as Lobo del aire), CBS, 1986. Brian East, ⬙Menace, Anyone?⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1986. Brian Emerson, ⬙The Gift,⬙ Matlock, NBC, 1987. ⬙A Pound of Flesh,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1987. Martin Randall, ⬙Enquiring Minds,⬙ Falcon Crest, CBS, 1989. Tom Logan, ⬙Cruise Ship,⬙ Baywatch, NBC, 1989. Jerry Wilber, ⬙Good–Bye Charlie,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1990. Lyle Wicks/Miller, ⬙Exactly Like You,⬙ Jake and the Fatman, CBS, 1990. Mr. McConnell, Hull High, NBC, 1990. Guest at Billy’s bachelor party, ⬙The Difference between Men and Women,⬙ thirtysomething, ABC, 1991. Philip ⬙Mark⬙ Moses, ⬙Be My Baby,⬙ The Flash, CBS, 1991. Dr. Harding Fletcher (title role), ⬙The Marriage Counselor,⬙ Matlock, NBC, 1991. ⬙All about Sleaze,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1992. Voice of Snizard, ⬙Foul Play in the Sky,⬙ Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (animated; also known as Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers, Mighty Morph’n Power Rangers, and Power Rangers Ninja), Fox, 1993. Voice of Twinman, ⬙A Bad Reflection on You,⬙ Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (animated; also known as 77


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Miscellaneous voices, ⬙A Dissertation on the American Justice System by People Who Have Never Been inside a Courtroom, Let Alone Know Anything about the Law, but Have Seen Way Too Many Legal Thrillers,⬙ Clerks (animated; also known as Clerks: The Cartoon, and Clerks: Uncensored), ABC, 2000. Voice, ⬙Leonardo Is Caught in the Grip of an Outbreak of Randal’s Imagination and Patrick Swayze Either Does or Doesn’t Work in the New Pet Store,⬙ Clerks (animated; also known as Clerks: The Cartoon, and Clerks: Uncensored), ABC, 2001. Voice of helicopter pilot, ⬙Dante and Randal and Jay and Silent Bob and a Bunch of New Characters and Lando Take Part in a Whole Bunch of Movie Parodies ѧ,⬙ Clerks (animated; also known as Clerks: The Cartoon, and Clerks: Uncensored), ABC, 2001. Tim Sacksky, ⬙Swim Neighbors,⬙ The King of Queens, CBS, 2001. Voice of Gary’s dad, Gary & Mike, UPN, 2001. Mad TV, Fox, 2002. Voice of Mr. Jameson, ⬙Nosy: Experiment Ⲇ199,⬙ Lilo & Stitch: The Series (animated), The Disney Channel, 2003. The Bronx Bunny Show, Starz!, 2003. Voice of publisher, ⬙Star Trek,⬙ American Dad! (animated), Fox, 2005. Contestant, Celebrity Poker Showdown, Bravo, 2005, 2006. Hammond Druthers, ⬙Aldrin Justice,⬙ How I Met Your Mother, CBS, 2006. Voice, ⬙I Take Thee, Quagmire,⬙ Family Guy (also known as Padre de familia), Fox, 2006. ⬙Soap Opera Starts,⬙ My First Time, TV Land, 2006. Hammond Druthers, ⬙Columns,⬙ How I Met Your Mother, CBS, 2007. Lucifer, ⬙The Time of the Redeemer,⬙ Fallen, ABC Family Channel, 2007. Lucifer, ⬙Mysterious Ways and All That,⬙ Fallen, ABC Family Channel, 2007. The Light Bringer, ⬙Someone Always Has to Die,⬙ Fallen, ABC Family Channel, 2007. The Light Bringer, ⬙Il Gran Rifuto,⬙ Fallen, ABC Family Channel, 2007. Interviewee, ⬙Finales,⬙ TV Land Confidential (also known as TV Land Confidential: The Untold Stories), TV Land, 2007. Voice, ⬙Long John Peter,⬙ Family Guy (animated; also known as Padre de familia), Fox, 2008. Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2008.

Hollywood Squares (also known as H2 and H2: Hollywood Squares), syndicated, 2000, 2002. Open Mike with Mike Bullard (also known as Open Mike and The Mike Bullard Show), Global (Canada), 2003. Guest host, Good Day Live, syndicated, 2003. The Wayne Brady Show, syndicated, 2003. The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn (also known as The Late Late Show), CBS, 2004. ALF’s Hit Talk Show, TV Land, 2004. The Tony Danza Show, syndicated, 2004, 2005, 2006. SoapTalk, Soap Network, 2004, 2005. Weekends at the DL, Comedy Central, 2005. Premiere episode, Thank God You’re Here, NBC, 2007. Sunday Morning Shootout (also known as Hollywood Shootout and Shootout), AMC, 2008. Talkshow with Spike Ferensten, Fox, 2008. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2008.

Appeared as a salesman in an episode of Davis Rules; also appeared in Capital News, ABC.


Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 4th Annual Family Television Awards, ABC, 2002. Presenter, The 55th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 2003. The 58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, NBC, 2006. 2008 Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards, E! Entertainment Television, 2008. The 60th Primetime Emmy Awards, ABC, 2008. Television Director; Series: Malcolm in the Middle, Fox, between 2003 and 2005. Television Director; Pilots: Special Unit, Comedy Central, 2006. Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Stolen Vows,⬙ Big Day, ABC, 2006. Stage Appearances: Appeared in Eastern Standard, The Steven Weed Show, and Wrestlers, all Los Angeles; appeared in A Doll’s House and The Taming of the Shrew, Santa Cruz Shakespeare Company, Santa Cruz, CA; appeared in Florida productions of Barefoot in the Park, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Damn Yankees, Death of a Salesman, and Night of the Iguana.

Videos: Voices of Launch Control Center technician and other characters, Morudaiba (animated; also known as Moldiver), Pioneer Video, 1993.

Television Guest Appearances; Episodic: The List, VH1, 1999. To Tell the Truth, syndicated, 2000. 78

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CROWLEY Awards, Honors: Antoinette Perry Award nominations, best scenic design and best costume design, and Drama Desk Award nominations, outstanding set design and outstanding costume design, all 1987, for Les liaisons dangereuses; Laurence Olivier Award, best designer, Society of West End Theatre, 1990, for Hedda Gabler, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, and The Plantagenets; Antoinette Perry Award and Drama Desk Award nomination, both best scenic design, 1994, for Carousel; London Critics Circle Award, best designer, 1991, for Murmuring Judges; Drama Desk Award nomination, outstanding set design, 1995, for Hapgood; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best scenic design, 1998, for The Capeman; Antoinette Perry Award nomination and Drama Desk Award nomination, both best scenic design, 1999, for Twelfth Night; or, What You Will; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best scenic design, 1999, for The Iceman Cometh; Antoinette Perry Award, best scenic design, and Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best costume design, both 2000, for Aida; Antoinette Perry Award nomination and Drama Desk Award, both best scenic design, 2001, for The Invention of Love; Laurence Olivier Award, best costume design, 2001, for Cresside and The Witches of Eastwick; Drama Desk Award nominations, outstanding set design for a musical and outstanding costume design, both 2002, for Sweet Smell of Success; London Critics Circle Award, 2003, and Laurence Olivier Award nomination, 2004, both best set design, for Mourning Becomes Electra; Antoinette Perry Award, best scenic design, 2006, for The History Boys; Antoinette Perry Award and Drama Desk Award, both best scenic design, 2007, for The Coast of Utopia, Parts 1–3; Antoinette Perry Award, best scenic design for a musical, Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best costume design for a musical, Drama Desk Award, outstanding set design for a musical, and London Evening Standard Award, all 2007, for Mary Poppins; Royal Designer to Industry Award.

Voice of imperial officer for English version, Chojiku seiki Ogasu 02 (animated; also known as Super Dimension Century Orguss 02), Manga Video, 1993. Voice of Eddie Borrows, Armitage III, Pioneer Entertainment, 1994. (English version; As Lee Stone) Voice of Iasmu Alva Dyson, Macross Plus, Manga Video, 1995. Voice of Eddie Borrows, Armitage III (animated; also known as Armitage III: Polymatrix), Pioneer Entertainment, 1997. (English version) Voice of Miles O’Rourke, Uchu no kishi Tekkaman Buredo (animated; also known as Starknight Tekkaman Blade and Teknoman), 2002. Producer and host, KidSmartz, Showtime Entertainment, 2003. Reflections on ⬙The X–Files,⬙ Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2004. The Bench: Life before ⬙Seinfeld,⬙ Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2004. Running with the Egg: Making a ⬙Seinfeld,⬙ Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005. Appeared in the music video ⬙Boss of Me⬙ by They Might Be Giants, 2001. WRITINGS Screenplays: Last Chance, Leo Films, 1999. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, October 16, 2000, p. 75.


Electronic: Bryan Cranston Official Site, http://www.bryancranston. com, January 7, 2009.

Stage Work; Set Designer and Costume Designer: Les liaisons dangereuses, Royal Shakespeare Company, London, then Music Box Theatre, New York City, 1987. Carousel (musical), Royal National Theatre, Olivier Theatre Upstairs, London, 1993, then Vivian Beaumont Theatre, Lincoln Center, New York City, 1994–95. Racing Demon, Royal National Theatre, then Vivian Beaumont Theatre, Lincoln Center, 1995. The Capeman (musical), Marquis Theatre, New York City, 1997–98. The Judas Kiss, Almeida Theatre, London, then Broadhurst Theatre, New York City, both 1998. The Iceman Cometh, Almeida Theatre, then Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1999.

CROWLEY, Bob 1952– PERSONAL Born 1952, in County Cork, Ireland; brother of John Crowley (a director). Career: Scenic (set) designer, costume designer, and director. Associate of Royal Shakespeare Company and Royal National Theatre, London. 79


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Set designer for Royal Shakespeare Company productions of The Crucible, Hamlet, Henry V, London, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Macbeth, Measure for Measure, and Othello; set designer for Royal National Theatre productions of The Designated Mourner and King Lear; The Cryptogram, London; The David Hare Trilogy, London and New York City; The Importance of Being Earnest, London; and When She Danced, London; set designer (and director, with Stephen Rea) of The Cure at Troy, Field Day Company, Ireland; set designer for operas, including The Cunning Little Vixen, Chatelet, Paris, Don Giovanni, Munich, Germany, The Magic Flute, English National Opera, and La traviata, Royal Opera House, Theatre at Covent Garden, London.

Amy’s View, Royal National Theatre, then Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1999. Putting It Together (musical revue), Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 1999–2000. Aida (musical), Palace Theatre, New York City, beginning 2000. Cresside, Albery Theatre, London, 2000. The Invention of Love, Lyceum Theatre, New York City, 2001. The Seagull, Delacorte Theatre, Public Theatre, New York City, 2001. Sweet Smell of Success (musical), Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, 2002. Mary Poppins (musical), London, then New Amsterdam Theatre, New York City, beginning 2006. (And director) Tarzan (musical), Richard Rodgers Theatre, New York City, 2006–2007.

Television Production Designer; Specials: Tales from Hollywood, PBS, 1992. Suddenly Last Summer, PBS, 1993. La traviata, 1994. (And costume designer) The Cunning Little Vixen (also known as La petite renarde rusee), BBC, 1995. ⬙King Lear,⬙ Performance, BBC, 1997. Set designer, Twelfth Night (also known as Twelfth Night; or What You Will and William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night; television broadcast of stage production), PBS, 1998. (And costume designer) Putting It Together (musical revue; television broadcast of stage production), Broadway Television Network, c. 2000.

Stage Work; Set Designer: Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, West End production, 1989. The Plantagenets, Royal Shakespeare Company, London, 1989. Hedda Gabler, Royal National Theatre, London, 1989. Murmuring Judges, London production, c. 1991. Richard III, Brooklyn Academy of Music Theatre, New York City, 1992. The Sea, Lyttelton Theatre, London, 1992. Hamlet, Royal Shakespeare Company, Barbican Center Theatre, London, 1993. Hapgood, London, then Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre, New York City, 1994–95. Twelfth Night; or, What You Will, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, Lincoln Center, New York City, 1998. Anastasia (ballet), Royal Ballet, London, then American Ballet Theatre, Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, 1999. The Witches of Eastwick (musical), Theatre Royal Drury Lane, London, 2000. Orpheus Descending, Donmar Warehouse Theatre, London, 2000. Mourning Becomes Electra, Royal National Theatre, Lyttelton Theatre, London, 2003. The History Boys, Broadhurst Theatre, New York City, 2006. A Moon for the Misbegotten, Old Vic Theatre, London, 2006, then Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 2007. The Coast of Utopia, Part 1: Voyage, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, Lincoln Center, 2006–2007. The Coast of Utopia, Part 2: Shipwreck, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, Lincoln Center, 2006–2007. The Coast of Utopia, Part 3: Salvage, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, Lincoln Center, 2007. The Year of Magical Thinking, Booth Theatre, New York City, 2007.

Television Appearances; Specials: Broadway ’99: Launching the Tony Awards, PBS, 1999. Film Work: Costume designer, The Crucible, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1996. Production designer, The Designated Mourner (film of live stage production), First Look Pictures Releasing, 1997. Production designer, The History Boys (film of live stage production), Fox Searchlight, 2006. RECORDINGS Videos: Costume designer, Arena (also known as Duran Duran: Arena (An Absurd Notion)), 1985.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Time, August 31, 1998, p. 72. 80

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CRUZ Narrator, MTV True Life: School’s Out; The Life of a Gay High School in Texas, MTV, 2003.

CRUCHE, Phina See ORUCHE, Phina

Television Appearances; Pilots: Enrique ⬙Rickey⬙ Vasquez, My So–Called Life, ABC, 1994. Himself, ⬙The Perfect Pitch,⬙ Brilliant but Cancelled, Trio, 2002.

CRUZ, Wilson 1973–


Television Appearances; Episodic: Donahue, 1994. Bobby, ⬙Double Double Date,⬙ Sister, Sister, ABC, 1995. Stephen/Stephanie Grant, ⬙Boy to the World,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 1997. Jeffrey Cruz, ⬙Orion in the Sky,⬙ ER, NBC, 2002. Jack Sosa, ⬙Access,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2004. Jack Sosa, ⬙No Exit,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2004. Man in bar, ⬙Batter Up,⬙ The Closer, TNT, 2005. Smoking technician, ⬙Mr. Monk Goes to a Fashion Show,⬙ Monk, USA Network, 2006. ⬙Not without My Daughter,⬙ Related, The WB, 2006. ⬙Geeks, Freaks, and Sidekicks,⬙ Child Star Confidential, E! Entertainment Television, 2006. Todd Ryder, ⬙Cover Story,⬙ Navy NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (also known as NCIS and NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service), CBS, 2007. Rafael de la Cruz, ⬙Guatemala Gulfstream,⬙ Raising the Bar, TNT, 2008. Rafael de la Cruz, ⬙Richie Richer,⬙ Raising the Bar, TNT, 2008. Rafael de la Cruz, ⬙Out on the Roof,⬙ Raising the Bar, TNT, 2008. Sid Tango, Pushing Daisies, ABC, 2008.

Born December 27, 1973, in Brooklyn, NY. Education: Attended California State University at San Bernardino. Addresses: Office—Latin Hollywood Films, 153 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 2G, Santa Monica, CA 90402. Manager—Tammy Rosen, Affirmative Action Entertainment and Productions, 425 North Robertson Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90048. Career: Actor and voice performer. Young Americans (touring group), performed as singer; Latin Hollywood Films, Santa Monica, CA, producer. Appears at public events and on radio programs as an advocate for gay teenagers. Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award (with others), best performance by a youth ensemble in a television series, 1995, for My So–Called Life; DramaLogue Award, outstanding performance, 1997, and Los Angeles Ovation Award, best featured actor in a musical, 1998, both for Rent; ALMA Award, emerging actor in a drama series, American Latin Media Arts Awards, 2000, for Party of Five; Visibilidad Award, GLAAD Media Awards, Gay and Lesbian Alliance against Defamation, 2008.

Also voice for American Dad (animated), Fox. Television Appearances; Specials: Totally Gayer, VH1, 2004. The Evolution Will Be Televised, 2005. Host, The Out 100, Logo Network, 2006. Fabulous! The Story of Queer Cinema, Independent Film Channel, 2006. (In archive footage), 100 Greatest Teen Stars, VH1, 2006. The Visible Vote ’08—A Presidential Forum, MTV, 2007. 11th Annual Ribbon of Hope Celebration, Here!, 2008.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Jonathan, a recurring role, Great Scott!, Fox, c. 1992. Enrique ⬙Rickey⬙ Vasquez, My So–Called Life, ABC, 1994. Victor, Party of Five, Fox, 1999–2000. Dr. Junito Vargas, Noah’s Arc, Logo Network, 2005–2006. Voice of Evan, Rick & Steve the Happiest Gay Couple in all the World (animated), Logo Network, 2007.

Film Appearances: Joaquin, Nixon, Buena Vista, 1995. Jesse, All over Me, Fine Line, 1996. Mikey, Johns, First Look Pictures, 1997. James, Joyride, Trillion Entertainment, 1997.

Television Appearances; Movies: Reuben Diaz, On Seventh Avenue (also known as 7th Avenue), NBC, 1996. 81


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Benj Sotomejor, Supernova, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/ United Artists, 2000. Angel Melendez, Party Monster, Strand Releasing, 2003. Tony, Bam Bam and Celeste, Salty Features/Nuit Blanche Productions/Cho Taussig Productions, 2005. Kelly, Coffee Date, Slowhand Releasing, 2006. Kyle, Green Flash, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer Home Entertainment, 2008. Gabriel, The People I’ve Slept With, Margin Films’408 Films, 2008. Adrian, The Ode, Kiran Entertainment/Mega Bollywood, 2008. Nathan, He’s Just Not That into You, Warner Bros., 2009.

Major Tours: Michael, Tick, Tick ѧ Boom! (musical), U.S. cities, between 2003 ans 2006. Appeared in a touring production of Rent.

RECORDINGS Videos: Clik Honors: Elite 25 Awards, Sizzle Miami, 2007. The Brewing of Coffee Date, TLA Releasing, 2007. Appeared in the music video ⬙What a Girl Wants⬙ by Christine Aguilera.

Stage Appearances: Angel Schunard, Rent (musical), Los Angeles production, 1997, then Nederlander Theatre, New York City, 1997–98.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Advocate, September 28, 1999, pp. 34–36, 38, 40. New York Times, January 1, 1998, p. E3.

Appeared in productions of Becoming Memories, Cradle of Fire, The Roar of the Greasepaint ѧ, Supporting Cast, and various Shakespearean productions.


D Television Appearances; Specials: 2005 MuchMusic Video Awards, 2005. The Teen Choice Awards 2006, Fox, 2006. 39th NAACP Image Awards, Fox, 2008.


Film Appearances: LaRhette, Take the Lead, New Line Cinema, 2006. China Doll, Honeydripper, Emerging Pictures, 2007.

Birth name, Camara YaYa DeCosta Johnson; born November 15, 1982, in Harlem, NY; father (a scholar) and mother (director and founder of The Central Harlem Montessori School). Education: Graduated from Brown University.

RECORDINGS Music Videos: ⬙Pullin’ Me Back,⬙ by Chingy, 2006. ⬙Beautiful Girls,⬙ by Sean Kingston, 2007.

Addresses: Agent—The Gershwin Agency, 232 N. Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Actress.

DAVIS, John (John A. Davis)

Awards, Honors: Teen Choice Award nomination, movies—choice breakout, 2006, for Take the Lead; Audelco Award, best supporting actress, 2008.


Born in or near Denver, CO; son of Marvin Davis (a studio executive and owner of movie theatres). Education: Bowdoin College, graduated, 1977; attended Amherst College; Harvard University, M.B.A., 1981.

Television Appearances; Series: America’s Next Top Model (also known as ANTM, America’s Next Top Model with Tyra Banks and Top Model), UPN, 2004. Cassandra Foster, All My Children (also known as AMC), ABC, 2008—.

Addresses: Office—Davis Entertainment, 10201 West Pico Blvd., Building 31, Suite 301, Los Angeles, CA 90035.

Television Appearances; Movies: Vanessa, Racing for Time, Lifetime, 2008.

Career: Producer. Twentieth Century–Fox, head of low– budget feature films division, 1982–84, vice president for production, 1984; Davis Entertainment, Los Angeles, founder, chair, and producer, 1985—. Also worked as line producer, production supervisor, and production manager. Pasta Pomodoro (restaurant chain), stakeholder.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Ms. Jenkins, ⬙Prom Night,⬙ Eve, UPN, 2005. ⬙America’s Next Top Model,⬙ E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2006. 83


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 First Daughter, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2004. Fat Albert, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2004. Flight of the Phoenix, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2004. When a Stranger Calls (also known as Bell Ringer), Screen Gems, 2006. Dr. Dolittle 3, Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2006. Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties (animated; also known as Garfield 2), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2006. Eragon, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2006. Norbit, Paramount, 2007. Garfield Gets Real (animated), Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2007. AVPR: Aliens vs Predator—Requiem (also known as Aliens vs. Predator 2, AvPR, and AvP2), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2007. Dr. Dolittle: A Tinsel Town Tail, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2008. Dr. Dolittle: Tail to the Chief, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2008. Garfield’s Fun Fest (animated), Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2008. The Express (also known as The Express: The Ernie Davis Story), Universal, 2008.

Awards, Honors: Silver Angel (with others), Excellence in Media Angel Awards, 1994, for One Christmas; Film Award (with Merrill H. Karpf), best feature drama film, Santa Clarita International Film Festival, 1998, for Miracle at Midnight; ShoWest Award, producer of the year, National Association of Theatre Owners, 2004; Andrew Carnegie Medal (with others), Association for Library Service to Children, 2008, for Jump In! CREDITS Film Producer: Predator, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1987. Coproducer, Three o’Clock High, Universal, 1987. License to Drive, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1988. (As John A. Davis) Little Monsters (also known as Little Ghost Fighters), United Artists, 1989. The Last of the Finest (also known as Blue Heat and Street Legal), Orion, 1990. Enid Is Sleeping (also known as Over Her Dead Body), Davis Entertainment/Vestron, 1990. Predator 2, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1990. Shattered (also known as Plastic Nightmare), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1991. Fortress, Dimension Films, 1993. The Firm, Paramount, 1993. The Thing Called Love, Paramount, 1993. Grumpy Old Men, Warner Bros., 1993. Gunmen, Dimension Films, 1994. Richie Rich, Warner Bros., 1994. The Hunted, Universal, 1995. Waterworld, Universal, 1995. The Grass Harp, Fine Line, 1995. Grumpier Old Men (also known as Grumpy Old Men 2), Warner Bros., 1995. The Chamber, Universal, 1996. Courage under Fire, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. Daylight, Universal, 1996. Out to Sea, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1997. Digging to China, Legacy Releasing, 1998. Doctor Dolittle, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. Dudley Do–Right, Universal, 1999. Coproducer, Labor Pains, USA Home Video, 2000. Heartbreakers, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2001. Dr. Dolittle 2 (also known as DR2 and DR.2), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Behind Enemy Lines, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Life or Something Like It, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2002. Daddy Day Care, Columbia, 2003. Devil’s Pond (also known as Heaven’s Pond), Artisan Entertainment, 2003. Paycheck, Paramount, 2003. Garfield (animated; also known as Garfield: The Movie), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2004. I, Robot, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2004. AVP: Alien vs. Predator (also known as Alien vs. Predator, AVP, and AVP: Alien vs. Predateur), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2004.

Film Executive Producer: Storyville, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1992. Denise Calls Up, 1995, Sony Pictures Classics, 1996. Lewis & Clark & George, Davis Entertainment/Dark Matter Productions, 1997. Bad Manners, Phaedra Cinema, 1997. Rites of Passage, World International Network, 1999. 29 Palms, Alliance Atlantis Communications, 2002. Happy Hour, Davis Entertainment–O’Hara/Klein Releasing, 2003. At Last, Anything for Love, 2005. Daddy Day Camp, Columbia, 2007. The Heartbreak Kid, Paramount, 2007. Television Executive Producer; Movies: Curiosity Kills, USA Network, 1990. Silhouette, USA Network, 1990. Dangerous Passion, ABC, 1990. Wild Card, USA Network, 1992. Caught in the Act, USA Network, 1993. Voyage (also known as Cruise of Fear), USA Network, 1993. This Can’t Be Love, CBS, 1994. Volcano: Fire on the Mountain (also known as Fire on the Mountain), ABC, 1997. Miracle at Midnight, ABC, 1998. The Jesse Ventura Story, NBC, 1999. The Settlement, Starz!, 1999. Little Richard, NBC, 2000. Bobbie’s Girl, Showtime, 2002. Nadine in Date Land, Oxygen Network, 2005. Life Is Ruff, The Disney Channel, 2005. Jump In!, The Disney Channel, 2007. 84

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Television Producer; Movies: One Christmas (also known as Truman Capote’s ⬙One Christmas⬙), NBC, 1994. Sunk on Christmas Eve, National Geographic Channel, 2001.

Member: American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Actors’ Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild.

Television Executive Producer; Miniseries: Asteroid (also known as Asteroid: The Sky Is Falling), NBC, 1997.

Television Appearances; Series: Attorney Margaret Finn, a recurring role, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les experts), CBS, between 2001 and 2006. Angie, The Rookie: CTU, Fox, 2007.


Television Appearances; Specials: The Making of ⬙Alien vs. Predator,⬙ Fox, 2004.

Television Appearances; Movies: Showgirl, Winchell, HBO, 1998. Angela Panati, The Perfect Husband: The Laci Peterson Story, USA Network, 2004. Female cop, Ordinary Miracles, Hallmark Channel, 2005.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙The Making of ⬘Dr. Dolittle 2’,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2001. ⬙The Making of ⬘I, Robot’,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2004. ⬙⬘Alien vs. Predator’: Behind the Scenes,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2004.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Zoner, ⬙The Forbidden Zone,⬙ Red Shoe Diaries, Showtime, 1996. Tacts officer, ⬙Class Strike,⬙ Pensacola: Wings of Gold, syndicated, 1998. Lucy, ⬙Perfect Frank,⬙ Cover Me: Based on the True Life of an FBI Family (also known as Cover Me), USA Network, 2000. A dancer, ⬙Won’t You Beat My Neighbor?,⬙ Nikki, The WB, 2000. Scotty’s mother, ⬙The End of the Power Rangers: Part 2,⬙ Power Rangers Wild Force, ABC, 2002.

RECORDINGS Videos: If It Bleeds We Can Kill It: The Making of ⬙Predator,⬙ Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2001. Predator: The Life Inside, Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2001. Predator: The Unseen Arnold, Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2001. AVP: The Beginning, Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2004. AVP: Production, Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2004. AVP–R: Preparing for War—Development and Production, Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2008.

Television Appearances; Other: Also performed as a dancer in scenes of other television programs. Film Appearances: A showgirl, What Women Want, Paramount, 2000. Darlene, Dark Streets, Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2008. Susan Forrester, The Last Blood Line, 2008.


Also performed as a dancer in scenes of other films.

Education: University of California, Los Angeles, B.A.

Stage Appearances: Appeared as Tess, Crazy for You, Sacramento Music Circus, Sacramento, CA; as Gymnasia, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum; member of ensemble, Mack n Mable, regional production; member of ensemble, Of Thee I Sing; as Brenda, Pajama Game, and as Dorcas, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, both regional productions; in Suburban Showgirl (solo show); performed as a Rockette, Radio City Christmas Spectacular, Radio City Music Hall, New York City.

Addresses: Agent—Brianna Barcus, Clear Talent Group, 10950 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, CA 91604. Career: Actress. Performer for radio programs, industrial films, music videos, and Internet productions; also voice performer; appeared in commercials for Doritos snack foods, Idaho potatoes, Philadelphia cream cheese, Radio Shack electronics stores, Toyota autos, and other products. 85


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 CREDITS

Major Tours: Performed as a Ziegfeld girl in a touring production of The Will Rogers Follies, U.S. cities.

Film Appearances: Delusional, Artist View Entertainment, 2000. Strings, 2001. Maddie, Backslide (short), 2003. Felicia, Final Sale (short), 2 Muse Productions, 2004. Penelope, Bring It On Again, 2004. Tiffany, The Mortician’s Hobby (short), 2004. Felicia, Short Story Time (short), Creative Fugitives, Inc., 2005. Trixie, God’s Waiting List, Codeblack Entertainment, 2006. Sugar girl, Splitting Hairs (short), 2007. Pipsy, Dear Me, 2008.

OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Palmer Davis Official Site, http://www.palmerdavis. com, December 21, 2008.

DAY, Felicia 1979– PERSONAL

Also appeared in Solo; A.W.K.

Full name, Kathryn Felicia Day; born June 28, 1979, in Huntsville, AL. Education: University of Texas at Austin, B.S., mathematics, B.A., music; studied improvisation at the Empty Stage Theatre and with the Groundlings, Los Angeles, CA. Avocational Interests: Professional– level violinist, playing video games, reading (particularly science fiction and fantasy), and writing and performing sketch comedy and improvisational comedy.

Television Appearances; Series: Vi, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as BtVS, Buffy, and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: The Series), UPN, 2003. Also appeared in Here Comes the Joneses, The WB. Television Appearances; Movies: Call girl, They Shoot Divas, Don’t They?, VH1, 2002. June Marie Jacobs, June, 2004. Eloise Hutchinson, Warm Springs, HBO, 2005. Emily, Mystery Woman: Vision of a Murder, Hallmark Channel, 2005. Blue, Prairie Fever, Ion, 2008.

Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 10250 Constellation Way, 9th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Manager—Frontline Management, 5670 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1370, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Career: Actress. Appeared in television commercials, including Diet Coke, Carb Countdown Yogurt drink, United States Postal Service, Clearasil Ultra Face Wash, T–Mobile communications, Extra chewing gum, Sears department stores, and Cheetos; appeared in a public service announcement for Parents: The Anti–Drug, 2003; wrote, produced, and appeared as Codex, The Guild (an internet series;, 2007–08; appeared as Penny, ⬙Act I,⬙ ⬙Act II,⬙ and ⬙Act III,⬙ Dr. Horrible’s Sing–Along Blog (an internet series;, 2008; appeared as fairy, ⬙The Fairy’s Obsession⬙ and ⬙The Beginning,⬙ The Legend of Neil (an internet series,– of–neilⲆ); ACME Bravo Sketch Theatre, Travis Oates, member of company.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Cherie, ⬙Whose Life Is It Anyway?,⬙ Emeril, NBC, 2001. Cookie, ⬙The Crazy–Girl Episode,⬙ Maybe It’s Me, The WB, 2002. ⬙Of Tombs and Pirates,⬙ Player$, Tech TV, 2003. Nicole, ⬙Nexus,⬙ For the People (also known as Para la gente), Lifetime, 2003. Jesse’s friend, ⬙Positive Results,⬙ Strong Medicine, Lifetime, 2004. Sarah, ⬙We’ll Take Manhattan,⬙ One on One, UPN, 2004. Mrs. Heidi Gefsky, ⬙Mr. Monk Gets Drunk,⬙ Monk, USA Network, 2005. Campus Ladies, Oxygen Media, 2005. Natalie, ⬙Hello, Larry,⬙ Love, Inc., UPN, 2006. Danielle, ⬙Changing Partners,⬙ Windfall, NBC, 2006. Danielle, ⬙Crash Into You,⬙ Windfall, NBC, 2006. Apple, ⬙Not Cancer,⬙ House M.D. (also known as House), Fox, 2008.

Member: American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Screen Actors Guild. Awards, Honors: YouTube Award, best web series, 2008; Yahoo Video Award, best web series, 2008; SxSW, best web series (On Networks/SXSW Greenlight Award), 2008.

Also appeared as Sheila, ⬙God Visits,⬙ Undeclared, Fox; Alyssa, ⬙The Trash ’N Treasures,⬙ Roommates, ABC Family; Alyssa, ⬙The Old and the New,⬙ Roommates, 86

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 ABC Family; Alyssa, ⬙The Game Night,⬙ Roommates, ABC Family; in Campus Ladies, Oxygen; Beyond, Fox; Century City, ABC.

de ALMEIDA Globos de Ouro Award nomination, best actor, 2000, for Inferno; Globos de Ouro Award and Cinema Brazil Grand Prize nomination, both best actor, 2002, for O xango de Baker Street; Screen Actors Guild award nomination (with others), outstanding ensemble in a drama series, 2005, for 24; Globos de Ouro Award nomination, best actor, 2006, for Um tiro no escuro; Avanca Film Festival Award, best actor, 2008, for Oscar. Una pasion surrealista.

Stage Appearances: Appeared in Waterbrains, Empty Stage Theatre, Los Angeles; Three, Empty Stage Theatre; as Luisa, Fantastiks, University of Texas at Austin; Cecile, Les Liasons Dangeureues, Austin Circle Theatre, Austin, TX.



Film Appearances: First Soldier’s Force member, The Soldier (also known as Codename: The Soldier), Embassy, 1982. Leon, The Honorary Consul (also known as Beyond the Limit), Paramount, 1983. Himself in ⬙1987,⬙ Cinematon, 1984. Andrea Bonnano, Good Morning, Babylon (also known as Good morning Babilonia), Vestron, 1987. David Garcia, The Sun and the Moon (also known as The Violins Came with the Americans and El sol y la luna), 1987. Reinaldo Ferreira, Reporter X, 1987. Tremaine, Milan noir (also known as Black Milan), 1987. Mateo, Terre sacree, Arion Productions, 1988. Honore Fragonard, Les deux Fragonard, Capital Cinema, 1989. Love Dream (also known as Priceless Beauty), Republic Pictures Home Video, 1989. Sebastiano Catte, Disamistade, Compania Lavoratori del Cinema e del Teatro, 1989. Luis Barreto, Segno di fuoco (also known as Signe de feu), 1990. Title role, Sandino, Globo Video, 1990. Pedro, A idade maior (also known as Alex and Am Ende einer kindheit), Coralie Films International, 1991. Father Almeida, El rey pasmado (also known as The Dumbfounded King, O rei pasmado, and Le roi ebahi), Golem Distribucion, 1991. Miguel Montenegro, Retrato de familia (also known as Family Portrait), Samsa Distributions, 1991. Pelayo Menendez, El dia que naci yo, Ion Films/Laszo Films/Reel Films, 1991. Francisco Frontaria, Amor e dedinhos de pe (also known as Love and Tiny Toes and Amor y deditos del pie), MGN Filmes, 1991. Leonardo, Terra fria (also known as Cold Land and Tierra fria), Lusomundo, 1992. Miguel, Una estacion de paso (also known as A Passing Season and Whistle Stop), 1992. Luis de Ayala, El maestro de esgrima (also known as The Fencing Master), Mayfair, 1993. Jose, Sombras en una batalla (also known as Shadows in a Conflict), Cayo Largo Films/Sogepaq, 1993. L’amant, Amok, Rezo Films, 1993.

Periodicals: Hollywood Reporter, November 24, 2008. Electronic: Felicia Day Website,, January 15, 2009.

de ALMEIDA, Joaquim 1957– PERSONAL Full name, Joaquim Antonio Portugal Baptista de Almeida; born March 15, 1957, in Lisbon, Portugal; naturalized U.S. citizen, 2005; son of Joao Baptista (a technical director of a pharmaceutical laboratory) and Maria Sora Portugal (a technical director of a pharmaceutical laboratory) de Almeida; married, wife’s name Maria Cecilia (a pianist; divorced); married Maria do Carmo Gaivao de Tavares Risques Pereira (divorced); children: (first marriage) two sons, including Lorenzo; (second marriage) Ana Gaivao Risques Baptista. Addresses: Agent—Barry McPherson, Agency for the Performing Arts, 405 South Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Estelle Lasher, Principal Entertainment, 1964 Westwood Blvd., Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Career: Actor. Appeared in numerous commercials in Portugal, 1993–99. Xurrascao do Tejo (Portuguese restaurant; also known as O Porcao), founder in the late 1990s. Formerly worked as a gardener at the embassy of Zaire in Austria; also worked as a waiter. Awards, Honors: Cairo International Film Festival Award, best actor, 1994, for Retrato de familia; Globos de Ouro Award (Portuguese Golden Globe Award), best actor, 1995, for Adao e Eva; Globos de Ouro Award nomination, best actor, 1997, for Sostiene Pereira; Globos de Ouro Award, best actor, 1998, for Tantacao; 87


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Hombres tranquilos (also known as Quiet Men), EPC Producciones/Fiction Line/Reaccion Films, 2002. Narrator, Demon Island (also known as Pinata: Survival Island), First Look International, 2002. Roberto Alua, Imortais, Os, Samsa Distributors, 2003. Lolo, Il fuggiasco (also known as The Fugitive), Istituto Luce, 2003. Pierre, Yo puta (also known as I, Whore, The Life, The Life: What’s Your Pleasure?, and Whore), Screen Media Ventures, 2004. The president, Blue Sombrero (also known as Blue Balls of Fire), Ego Check Productions/Insomnia Media Group, 2005. Rafael, Um tiro no escuro, Filmes Lusomundo, 2005. Yuri, Moscow, Valentia Pictures, 2006. Posdata, Geovision Films, 2006. Father Sanchez, The Celestine Prophecy, RAM Entertainment, 2006. Max Landa, Thanks to Gravity (also known as Love and Debate), Voyage Entertainment, 2006. Hugo, 53 dias de invierno (also known as 53 Winter Days), Ovideo, 2006. Baxter, El corazon de la tierra (also known as The Heart of the Earth), On Pictures, 2007. Don Huertero, The Death and Life of Bobby Z (also known as Bobby Z and Kill Bobby Z—Ein Deal um leben und tod), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2007. Marco Correia, The Lovebirds, Lisbon Village Festival, 2007. Michael, La cucina, Chianti Pictures, 2007. Mouros, Call Girl, Filmes Lusomundo, 2007. President Rene Barrientos, Che: Part Two, IFC Films, 2008. Nick, The Burning Plain, 2929 Productions, 2008. Escobedo, La conjura de El Escorial (also known as The El Escorial Conspiracy), Sony Pictures, 2008. Mangini, Holy Money, Moviestream, 2008. Robosapien: Rebooted, CatchPlay, 2009. Oscar Dominguez, Oscar. Una pasion surrealista (also known as Oscar: The Color of Destiny), Domain Entertainment, 2009.

(Uncredited) Voice of Spino, O fio do horizonte (also known as The Line of the Horizon, On the Edge of the Horizon, Le fil de l’horizon, and Fluchtpunkt), K Film, 1993. El baile de las animas, 1994. Miguel, Uma vida normal, MGN Filmes, 1994. Colonel Felix Cortez/Roberto Alonzo Landa, Clear and Present Danger, Paramount, 1994. Giovanni, Only You (also known as Him and Just in Time), TriStar, 1994. Voice of the Cat, Estoria do gato e da lua (animated; also known as Tale about the Cat and the Moon), Filmografo, 1994. Francisco, Adao e Eva (also known as Adam and Eve and Adan y Eva), United International Pictures, 1995. Bucho, Desperado, Columbia, 1995. Manuel, Sostiene Pereira (also known as According to Pereia, Pereira Declares, Afirma Pereira, and Pereira pretend), Mikado/Canal Plus, 1996. Gigi, Elles (also known as Women and Elas), WinStar Cinema, 1997. Father Antonio, Tentacao (also known as Temptation), Lusomundo, 1997. Emilio, Corazon loco (also known as Crazy Heart), 1997. Jose Guerras, La cucaracha, Atmosphere Films, 1998. Ignacio, On the Run (also known as Em fuga), Phaedra Cinema, 1998. Reynaldo, No Vacancy, No Vacancy LLC, 1999. Cortina, One Man’s Hero (also known as El batallon de San Patricio, Heroes sin patria, and Herois sense patria), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1999. Xana, Inferno, Lusomundo, 1999. Sherlock Holmes, O xango de Baker Street (also known as The Xango from Baker Street), 1999, Columbia TriStar, 2001. Narrator, Estoria do gato e da lua, Cinema Village Features, 1999. Narrator of Portuguese version, The Art of Amalia (also known as A arte de Amalia), Avatar, 1999. Gervasio, Capitaes de abril (also known as April Captains, Captains of April, Capitaines d’avril, Capitanes de abril, and Capitani d’aprile), Wanda Vision, 2000. Husband, Agua e Sal (also known as Water and Salt), Atalanta Filmes/Gruppo Pasquino/Gemini Filmes, 2000. Oliveira, La voz de su amo (also known as His Master’s Voice), Lolafilms Distribucion, 2001. Admiral Piquet, Behind Enemy Lines, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Fidel Rodrigo, Stranded: Naufragos (also known as The Shelter and Stranded), Sogepaq Distribucion, 2001. Noh, Sueurs (also known as Sweat), Metropolitan Filmexport, 2002. Radman/Constantin, Entre chiens et loups (also known as Break of Dawn), Moonstone Entertainment, 2002.

Television Appearances; Series: Caesar Nicoletti, a recurring role, Falcone, CBS, 2000. Ramon Salazar, 24, Fox, 2003–2004. Captain Manuel Valenza, Wanted, TNT, 2005. Also appeared in the series As the World Turns, CBS. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Major Laroche, Dead Man’s Walk (also known as Larry McMurtry’s ⬙Dead Man’s Walk⬙), ABC, 1996. Colonel Sotillo, Nostromo (also known as Joseph Conrad’s ⬙Nostromo⬙ and Nostromo–Der Schatz in den Bergen), PBS, 1996. 88

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DEMME Voices of Mattsson, Silencio, Zuni, and Fateen, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (video game), Tigon Studios, 2004. Voice of Hector, Saints Row (video game), THQ, 2006.

Gonzalo Leyva, Camino de Santiago (also known as The Road to Santiago), 1999. Colombian cocaine kingpin, Kingpin, NBC, 2003. Television Appearances; Movies: Andrea, A ilha (also known as The Island), YTV, 1990. Manuel, Aqui d’el rei! (also known as Lieutenant Lorena and El teniente Lorrena), 1991. Miguel Carmina, L’enfant du bout du monde, 1996. Avelino de Almeida, Fatima, 1997. Friar Ramon, Dollar for the Dead (also known as Un dolar por los muertos), TNT, 1998. Joseph Macheca, Vendetta, HBO, 1999. Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero, Have No Fear: The Life of Pope John Paul II, ABC, 2005.

DEMME, Jonathan 1944– (Rob Morton) PERSONAL Full name, Robert Jonathan Demme; born February 22, 1944, in Baldwin (some sources cite nearby Rockville Centre), NY; son of Robert (a public relations executive and magazine editor) and Dorothy (an actress) Demme; married Evelyn Purcell (a producer and director), 1970 (divorced, 1980); married Joanne Howard (an artist), 1987 (divorced); children: (second marriage) Ramona Castle, Brooklyn James, Josephine. Education: Attended University of Florida.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Captain Manuel Valenza, Wanted, TNT, 2005. Television Appearances; Episodic: Roberto ⬙Nico⬙ Arroyo, ⬙Bought and Paid For,⬙ Miami Vice, NBC, 1985. Carlos Cruz Quarta–Feira, RTP, 1992. Mundo VIP, SCI, multiple appearances, between 1996 and 2001. Joaquim Armel, ⬙Psychic Pilgrim,⬙ La Femme Nikita (also known as Nikita), USA Network, 1998. Noites Marcianas, SIC, 2001. HermanSIC, SIC, 2001, 2002. Cartaz, SIC, 2003. Carlos Carrio, ⬙Slow News Day,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2004. Voice of Bane, ⬙Traction,⬙ The Batman (animated), The WB, 2004. Joseph Trevi, ⬙Man Down,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2007. Exit, Barcelona Television, 2008. Cartaz cultural, SIC, 2008. Santos Santana, ⬙Long Pig,⬙ Crusoe, NBC, 2008. Santos Santana, ⬙Smoke and Mirrors,⬙ Crusoe, NBC, 2009.

Addresses: Office—Clinica Estetico, 521 North Broadway, 2nd Floor, Nyack, NY 10960. Agent—Jeff Berg, International Creative Management, 10250 Constellation Way, 9th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Director, producer, and writer. Avco Embassy Films, publicist, 1966; Pathe Films, publicist, 1966–67; United Artists, publicist, 1968–69; Clinica Estetico, Nyack, NY, principal. Worked in London as a promoter of American investment in British films and as a producer of commercials for a U.S. company; director of music videos; also worked as camera operator, second unit director, and music coordinator for films. Previously worked as salesman, kennel and animal hospital worker, and usher. Military service: U.S. Air Force, 1966. Member: Directors Guild of America, Writers Guild of America, American Ornithologist’s Union.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, VI premios Goya, Antena 3, 1992. Globos de Ouro, SIC, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2006.

Awards, Honors: New York Film Critics Circle Award, best director, 1980, for Melvin and Howard; National Society of Film Critics Award, best documentary, 1984, and Golden Spur Award, Flanders International Film Festival, 1985, both for Stop Making Sense; Grammy Award nomination (with others), best long–form music video, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, 1986, for Sun City: Artists United against Apartheid; Critics Award nomination, Deauville Film Festival, 1987, and Independent Spirit Award nomination, best director, Independent Features Project West, 1988, both for Swimming to Cambodia; honorary degree, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, 1990; National Board of Review Award, New York Film Crit-

Stage Appearances: Blood Wedding, Public Theatre, New York City, 1992. Appeared in The Count of Monte Cristo and in What Would Jeanne Moreau Do, Workshop of the Players Art Theatre, New York City. RECORDINGS Videos: Narrator, Amalia–uma estranha forma de vida, Arco Films, 1995. 89


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ics Circle Award, Boston Society of Film Critics Award, Silver Berlin Bear and nomination for Golden Berlin Bear, Berlin International Film Festival, all best director, 1991, Silver Scream Award, Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival, 1991, Hochi Film Award, best foreign language film, 1991, Academy Award, Saturn Award nomination, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Films, Kansas City Film Critics Circle Award, and Chicago Film Critics Association Award, all best director, Directors Guild of America Award (with others) and Golden Globe Award nomination, both best motion picture director, two Film Award nominations, best direction and best film, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Cesar Award nomination, best foreign film, Academie des Arts et Techniques du Cinema, London Critics Circle Film Award nomination, director of the year, and Blue Ribbon Award, best foreign language film, all 1992, all for Silence of the Lambs; Filmmaker Award, Gotham Awards, 1991; nomination for Golden Berlin Bear, 1994, for Philadelphia; Pare Lorentz Award (with others), International Documentary Association, 1997, for Mandela; nomination for motion picture producer of the year (with others), Producers Guild of America, 2003, for Adaptation; Gotham Award and Telluride Mountain Film Award, International Alliance for Mountain Films, both best documentary, 2004, for The Agronomist; Billy Wilder Award, National Board of Review, 2006; FIPRESCI Prize, EIUC Award, and Biografilm Award, all Venice Film Festival, 2007, for Jimmy Carter Man from Plains; nomination for Golden Lion, Venice Film Festival, 2008, and Independent Spirit Award nominations, best director and best feature film (with others), 2009, all for Rachel Getting Married.

Caged Heat (also known as Caged Females and Renegade Girls) New World, 1974. Crazy Mama, New World, 1975. Fighting Mad, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1976. Citizens Band (also known as The Great American Citizens Band and Handle with Care), Paramount, 1977. Last Embrace, United Artists, 1979. Melvin and Howard, Universal, 1980. Swing Shift, Warner Bros., 1984. Stop Making Sense (concert film), Island Alive, 1984. Perfect Kiss (music documentary), 1985. Swimming to Cambodia (also known as Spalding Gray’s ⬙Swimming to Cambodia⬙), Cinecom, 1987. Married to the Mob, Orion, 1988. Famous All Over Town, 1988. The Silence of the Lambs, Orion, 1991. The Complex Sessions (music documentary), 1994. Storefront Hitchcock (documentary), Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1998. Film Producer: Angels Hard As They Come (also known as Angels, Angels As Hard As They Come, Angels, Hell on Harleys, and Angel Warriors), New World, 1971. The Hot Box (also known as Hell Cats), New World, 1972. Miami Blues, Orion, 1990. One Foot on a Banana Peel, the Other Foot in the Grave: Secrets from the Dolly Madison Room (also known as Yksi jalka), Clinica Estetico, 1994. That Thing You Do!, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. Desolation Angels, McCann and Company Films/ Canosa, 1996. Mandela (also known as Mandela: Son of Africa, Father of a Nation), Island, 1996. Courage and Pain (documentary), Clinica Estetico, 1996. Into the Rope, Clinica Estetico, 1996. Ulee’s Gold, Orion, 1997. The Uttmost (documentary), Clinica Estetico, 1998. Six Ways to Sunday, Stratosphere Entertainment, 1999. Adaptation, Columbia, 2002. Beah: A Black Woman Speaks, Women Make Movies, 2003. I’ll Sing for You, First Run Features, 2004.

CREDITS Film Producer and Director: Something Wild, Orion, 1986. Cousin Bobby (documentary), Cinevista, 1992. Philadelphia, TriStar, 1993. Beloved, Buena Vista, 1998. The Truth about Charlie (also known as Die wahrheit ueber Charlie), Universal, 2002. (And cinematographer) The Agronomist (documentary), ThinkFilm/Palisades Pictures, 2003. The Manchurian Candidate, Paramount, 2004. Neil Young: Heart of Gold, Paramount, 2006. Jimmy Carter Man from Plains (documentary), Sony Pictures Classics, 2007. Rachel Getting Married, Columbia, 2008. Neil Young Trunk Show (music documentary), Clinica Estetico, 2008.

Film Executive Producer: (Uncredited) Amos & Andrew, Columbia, 1993. Household Saints, Columbia, 1993. Roy Cohn/Jack Smith, Strand Releasing, 1994. Devil in a Blue Dress (also known as Le diable en robe bleue), TriStar, 1995. Shadrach, Columbia, 1998. Maangamizi: The Ancient One, Gris–Gris, 2000. The Opportunists, First Look Pictures, 2000. Crude Independence (documentary), Couple 3 Films, 2009.

Film Director: (Opening sequence) Secrets of a Door–to–Door Salesman (also known as Naughty Wives), Cannon, 1973. 90

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

DEMME Bruce Springsteen: Blood Brothers, The Disney Channel, 1996. ⬙Tom Hanks: Hollywood’s Golden Boy,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 1997. Hollywood Salutes Jodie Foster: An American Cinematheque Tribute, TNT, 1999. Hitchcock: Shadow of a Genius (also known as Dial H Hitchcock: The Genius Behind the Snowman and Dial H for Hitchcock), Starz!, 1999. Jonathan Demme and the Making of ⬙The Manchurian Candidate,⬙ 2004. Ultimate Super Heroes, Ultimate Super Villains, Ultimate Super Vixens, Bravo, 2004. Legends Ball, ABC, 2006. San Sebastian 2006: Cronica de Carlos Boyero, Canal + Espana, 2006. 9th Annual State of the Black Union: Breaking New Ground, TV–One Lifestyle and Entertainment, 2008. 9th Annual State of the Black Union: Building Blocks for America, TV–One Lifestyle and Entertainment, 2008. 9th Annual State of the Black Union: Memorable Moments, TV–One Lifestyle and Entertainment, 2008. Ceremonia de inauguracion—56th festival internacional de cine de San Sebastian, TVE, 2008. Resumen—56th festival internacional de cine de San Sebastian, TVE, 2008. Ceremonia de clausura—56th festival internacionale de cine de San Sebastian, TVE, 2008.

Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Godzilla, Hollywood Boulevard, New World, 1976. Matt Winters, The Incredible Melting Man, American International Pictures, 1977. Roger Corman: Hollywood’s Wild Angel, Blackwood Films, 1978. (Uncredited) Man on train, Last Embrace, United Artists, 1979. Federal agent, Into the Night, Universal, 1985. Himself, Cousin Bobby (documentary), Cinevista, 1992. Narrator, One Foot on a Banana Peel, the Other Foot in the Grave: Secrets from the Dolly Madison Room (also known as Yksi jalka), Clinica Estetico, 1994. Dying Is Easy, American Giraffe Productions, 1995. Major motion picture director, That Thing You Do!, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. The Uttmost (documentary), Clinica Estetico, 1998. Himself, Pablo, Kihou Productions, 2008. Television Work; Movies: Director, Columbo: Murder under Glass, NBC, 1978. Producer, ⬙Women and Men 2⬙ (also known as ⬙The Art of Seduction,⬙ ⬙A Domestic Dilemma,⬙ and ⬙Women and Men 2: In Love There Are No Rules⬙), HBO Showcase, HBO, 1991. Executive producer (and director of ⬙Subway Car from Hell⬙ segment), Subway Stories: Tales from the Underground (also known as Subway), HBO, 1997. Television Work; Specials: Director, ⬙Who Am I This Time,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1982. Director, Alive from Off Center, PBS, 1984. Producer and director, Haiti Dreams of Democracy, Bravo, 1988. Segment director, ⬙In the Still of the Night,⬙ Red, Hot & Blue, ABC, 1990. Producer, Haiti: Killing the Dream, PBS, 1992.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙The Films of Roger Corman,⬙ The Directors, Encore, 1999. Commercial director, ⬙Gray Matter,⬙ Oz, HBO, 2000. Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 2004. Film ’72 (also known as Film 2004), BBC, 2004. Tavis Smiley, PBS, 2007. Dias de cine, TVE, 2008. Cinema tres (also known as Informatiu cinema), TV3, 2008.

Television Director; Pilots: Surviving a Family Tree, PBS, 1984, re–broadcast as ⬙A Family Tree,⬙ Trying Times, PBS, 1987.

Also appeared in ⬙The Films of Jonathan Demme,⬙ The Directors, Encore.

Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Murder in Aspic,⬙ Columbo, NBC, 1977. Segment director, ⬙Gidgette Goes to Hell,⬙ Saturday Night Live (also known as NBC’s Saturday Night, Saturday Night, and SNL), NBC, 1980.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Movie Legends in Conversation, 1995. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 64th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1992. Presenter, The 15th Annual Gotham Awards, NYC, 2005. Presenter, Premio Donostia a Meryl Streep, TVE, 2008.

Television Director; Other: Survival Guide, 1985. (And producer) Right to Return: New Home Movies from the Lower 9th Ward (miniseries), 2007.


Television Appearances; Specials: Night Times Magazine, PBS, 1988. Haiti: Killing the Dream, PBS, 1992.

Video Director: Sun City: Artists United Against Apartheid, Lorimar Home Video, 1986. 91


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⬙The Perfect Kiss⬙ music video, New Order: Substance, Warner Reprise Video, 1989. ⬙I Got You Babe⬙ music video, The Pretenders: Greatest Hits, Warner Music Video, 2000. Bruce Springsteen: The Complete Video Anthology 1978–2000, Columbia Music Video, 2001.

Fighting Mad, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1976. (As Rob Morton) Ladies and Gentlemen ѧ The Fabulous Stains, Paramount, 1982. (As Morton) Swing Shift, Warner Bros., 1984. Stop Making Sense (concert film), Island Alive, 1984. Perfect Kiss (music documentary), 1985. (Coauthor) Cousin Bobby (documentary), Cinevista, 1992. The Truth about Charlie (also known as Die Wahrheit ueber Charlie), Universal, 2002. (Uncredited) Intolerable Cruelty, Universal, 2003. Jimmy Carter Man from Plains (documentary), Sony Pictures Classics, 2007.

Director of the music videos ⬙Perfect Kiss⬙ by New Order, 1985; ⬙Murder Incorporated⬙ by Bruce Springsteen, 1995; ⬙If I Should Fall Behind⬙ and ⬙Streets of Philadelphia⬙ by Bruce Springsteen; and ⬙Solitude Standing⬙ by Suzanne Vega; also director of music videos for artists such as Fine Young Cannibals, Chrissie Hynde, and UB40.

Film Music: Songwriter, ⬙Stop Making Sense,⬙ An Everlasting Peace, DreamWorks, 2000. Composer, Neil Young Trunk Show (music documentary), Clinica Estetico, 2008.

Video Appearances: Sun City: Artists United Against Apartheid, Lorimar Home Video, 1986. Blood Brothers: Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, Columbia Music Video, 2000. (In archive footage), Inside the Labyrinth: The Making of ⬙Silence of the Lambs,⬙ Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer– United Artists, 2001. People Like Us: Making ⬙Philadelphia,⬙ Columbia TriStar Home Video, 2003. The Truth about ⬙The Truth about Charlie⬙ (also known as The Making of ⬙The Truth about Charles⬙), Universal Studios Home Video, 2003. Jonathan Demme & Jodie Foster: Making ⬙The Silence of the Lambs,⬙ Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer Home Entertainment, 2005. Jonathan Demme & Jodie Foster: The Beginning, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer Home Entertainment, 2005. Jonathan Demme & Jodie Foster: Breaking the Silence, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer Home Entertainment, 2005. Narrator, Heart of Gold: ⬙Rehearsal Diaries,⬙ Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment, 2006. Zoom In: Stories behind the Best Independent Films of 2007, NetFlix, 2007.

Television Movies: (With others) Haiti Dreams of Democracy, Bravo, 1988. Television Episodes: Segment ⬙Gidgette Goes to Hell,⬙ Saturday Night Live (also known as NBC’s Saturday Night, Saturday Night, and SNL), NBC, 1980. Other: Contributor of movie reviews to Film Daily, 1966–68, and rock music reviews to Fusion. ADAPTATIONS The film Black Mama, White Mama (also known as Chained Women, Chains of Hate, Hot, Hard, and Mean, and Women in Chains), released by American International Pictures in 1973, was based on a story by Demme.

Albums: Compiler, Konbir: Burning Rhythms of Haiti, A&M Records, 1989.

OTHER SOURCES Books: Authors and Artists for Young Adults, Volume 66, Gale, 2005. Bliss, Michael and Christina Banks, What Goes Around Comes Around: The Films of Jonathan Demme, Southern Illinois University Press, 1996. International Directory of Films and Filmmakers, Volume 2: Directors, St. James Press, 1996. Kael, Pauline, Pauline Kael on Jonathan Demme: A Selection of Reviews Accompanying the Retrospective Jonathan Demme, an American Director, Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, MN), 1988. Newsmakers 1992, Issue Cumulation, Gale, 1992.

WRITINGS Film Scripts: (With Joe Viola) Angels Hard As They Come (also known as Angels, Angels As Hard As They Come, Angels, Hell on Harleys, and Angel Warriors), New World, 1971. (With Joe Viola) The Hot Box (also known as Hell Cats), New World, 1972. Caged Heat (also known as Caged Females and Renegade Girls), New World, 1974. 92

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DICKERSON Film Festival Award, best feature, Grand Jury Award, outstanding American narrative feature, Los Angeles Outfest, and Rosebud Award nomination, best feature, Verzaubert—International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, all 1999, for Blind Faith; Black Reel Award nomination, best network or cable television director, 2000, for Strange Justice; Daytime Emmy Award, outstanding single–camera photography, 2003, for Our America; Black Reel Award nomination, best television director, 2004, for Good Fences; Black Reel Award nomination, best director, 2005, for Never Die Alone; Black Reel Award nomination (with others), best television director, 2006, for Miracle’s Boys.

Periodicals: Esquire, September, 1988, p. 207. Film Comment, January/February, 1991, p. 28. Interview, February, 1991, p. 16. New York Times Magazine, March 27, 1988, p. 48. People Weekly, May 25, 1987, p. 91. Premiere, September, 1988. Rolling Stone, May 19, 1988, p. 100; March 24, 1994, p. 60.

DePANDI, Giuliana See RANCIC, Giuliana

CREDITS Film Cinematographer: Joe’s Bed–Stuy Barbershop: We Cut Heads (student film), 1980, First Run Features, 1989. The Answer, 1980. Sarah (student film), 1980. The Brother from Another Planet, Cinecom, 1984. Desiree, The Movies, 1984. Krush Groove, Warner Bros., 1985. Almacita di desolata (also known as Almacita, Soul of Desolato), 1985. She’s Gotta Have It, Island Pictures, 1986. Enemy Territory, Empire Pictures, 1987. Eddie Murphy Raw (also known as Raw and Raw: The Concert Movie), Paramount, 1987. School Daze, Columbia, 1988. Vampires (also known as Fright House), Shooting Star Video Distribution, 1988. Negatives, 1988. The Laser Man, Peter Wang/Hong Kong Film Workshop, 1988, Original Cinema, 1990. Do the Right Thing, Universal, 1989. Ava & Gabriel: Un historia di amor (also known as Ava & Gabriel: A Love Story), 1990. Def by Temptation, Troma, 1990. Mo’ Better Blues, Universal, 1990. The Laserman, 1990. Jungle Fever, Universal, 1991. Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll, Avenue Entertainment, 1991. Cousin Bobby (documentary), Cinevista, 1992. Malcolm X, Warner Bros., 1992.

DICKERSON, Ernest 1951– (Ernest R. Dickerson) PERSONAL Full name, Ernest Roscoe Dickerson; born June 25, 1951, in Newark, NJ; mother, a librarian; married, wife’s name Annette (a college administrator; divorced); married again, wife’s name Traci (marriage ended); children: five, including (first marriage) Janet; (second marriage) Ernest III. Education: Howard University, B.A.; New York University, M.F.A., 1982. Addresses: Agent—Gersh Agency, 232 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Manager—Jennifer Levine, Untitled Entertainment, 1801 Century Park E., Suite 700, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Director, cinematographer, and writer. Original Film (producers of commercials and public service announcements), founder, 1992. Also works as camera operator and second unit director; work as director or cinematographer includes music videos and commercials for Nike athletic shoes and other products. Howard University, Washington, DC, worked as photographer of surgical procedures at medical school and, later, teacher of film classes. Sometimes credited as Ernest R. Dickerson. Member: American Society of Cinematographers.

Film Director: Juice (also known as Angel Town 2), Paramount, 1992. Surviving the Game, New Line Cinema, 1994. Tales from the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight (also known as Demon Keeper, Demon Knight, and Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight), Universal, 1995. Bulletproof, Universal, 1996. Bones, New Line Cinema, 2001. Never Die Alone, Fox Searchlight, 2004.

Awards, Honors: Graduate fellow of Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and Louis B. Mayer Foundation; New York Film Critics Circle Award, best cinematographer, 1989, for Do the Right Thing; Below– the–Line Award, Gotham Awards, Independent Features Project, 1991; Mystfest Award nomination, best film, 1993, for Juice; Austin Gay and Lesbian International 93


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Film Appearances: Dog 8, She’s Gotta Have It, Island Pictures, 1986. Himself, Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography (documentary; also known as Visions of Light), American Film Institute, 1992.

Television Cinematographer; Episodic: ⬙The Word Processor of the Gods,⬙ Tales from the Darkside, syndicated, 1984. H.E.L.P. (also known as 911), ABC, 1990. Law & Order, NBC, 1990.

Television Work; Series: Cinematographer, Law & Order, NBC, multiple episodes, 1990–91. Director, The Wire, HBO, multiple episodes, between 2003 and 2008.

Television Work; Other: Director, ⬙Spike & Co.: Do It Acappella⬙ (special), Great Performances, PBS, 1990. Cinematographer, ⬙Great Performances 20th Anniversary Special,⬙ Great Performances, PBS, 1992. Director, ⬙In the Game of Life⬙ segment, Miracle’s Boys (miniseries), N Network, 2005.

Television Director; Movies: Blind Faith, Showtime, 1998. Ambushed, HBO, 1998. Futuresport, ABC, 1998. Strange Justice, Showtime, 1999. Monday Night Mayhem, TNT, 2002. (And cinematographer) Our America, Showtime, 2002. Big Shot: Confessions of a Campus Bookie, FX Network, 2002. Good Fences, Showtime, 2003. For One Night, Lifetime, 2006.

Television Appearances: A–Z of Horror (miniseries; also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙A–Z of Horror⬙), BBC, 1997. J. J. Robinson, Ambushed (movie), HBO, 1998. Hitchcocked! (special), Starz!, 2006. RECORDINGS Video Appearances: Urban Gothic (also known as Urban Gothic: ⬙Bones⬙ and Its Influences), New Line Home Video, 2002. Diggin’ Up ⬙Bones,⬙ New Line Home Video, 2002. By Any Means Necessary: The Making of ⬙Malcolm X,⬙ Warner Home Vide, 2005. Making a Mark, Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2005. College Daze, Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2005. Birth of a Nation: The Making of ⬙School Daze,⬙ Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2005. Ben–Hur: The Epic that Changed Cinema, Warner Home Video, 2005. The Visions of Stanley Kubrick, Warner Home Video, 2007. View from the Overlook: Crafting ⬙The Shining,⬙ Warner Home Video, 2007. Standing on the Shoulders of Kubrick: The Legacy of 2001, Warner Home Video, 2007. Great Bolshy Yarblockos! Making ⬙A Clockwork Orange,⬙ Warner Home Video, 2007. Full Metal Jacket: Between Good and Evil, Warner Home Video, 2007.

Television Director; Episodic: The Untouchables, syndicated, 1993. ⬙My So Called Life and Death,⬙ Night Visions, Fox, 2001. ⬙Still Life,⬙ Night Visions, Fox, 2001. ⬙Greatest Detectives in the World,⬙ Third Watch, NBC, 2004. ⬙Luminous,⬙ The L Word, Showtime, 2005. ⬙Total Recall,⬙ Crossing Jordan, NBC, 2005. ⬙L.D.S.K.,⬙ Criminal Minds, CBS, 2005. ⬙The Cradle,⬙ Invasion, ABC, 2005. ⬙Middleman,⬙ ER, NBC, 2005. ⬙You Are Here,⬙ ER, NBC, 2005. ⬙Reason to Believe,⬙ ER, NBC, 2006. ⬙Silencer,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2006. ⬙And the Envelope Please,⬙ The Evidence, ABC, 2006. ⬙Chapter Four: Collision,⬙ Heroes, NBC, 2006. ⬙The V Word,⬙ Masters of Horror, Showtime, 2006. ⬙The Wrath of Graham,⬙ The 4400 (also known as Los 4400), USA Network, 2007. Tell Me You Love Me, HBO, 2007. ⬙Release the Hounds,⬙ Weeds, Showtime, 2007. ⬙The Dark Time,⬙ Weeds, Showtime, 2007. ⬙No Way Back,⬙ Lincoln Heights, ABC Family Channel, 2007. ⬙The Day before Tomorrow,⬙ Lincoln Heights, ABC Family Channel, 2008. ⬙Truth and Reconciliation,⬙ Burn Notice, USA Network, 2008. ⬙Show Me the Mummy,⬙ Eureka (also known as A Town Called Eureka), Sci–Fi Channel, 2008. ⬙Si se puede,⬙ Dexter, Showtime, 2008. Fear Itself, NBC, 2008.

Video Work: Cinematographer, One Night with Blue Note, 1985. Cinematographer, ⬙Born in the U.S.A.,⬙ Bruce Springsteen: Video Anthology 1978–1988, Columbia Music Video, 1989. Cinematographer, ⬙Fight the Power,⬙ And Ya Don’t Stop: Hip Hop’s Greatest Videos, Vol. 1, Palm Pictures, 2000. 94

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Cinematographer, ⬙Born in the U.S.A.,⬙ Bruce Springsteen: The Complete Video Anthology 1978–2000, Columbia Music Video, 2001.

DICKSON Satellite Award nomination (with Richard Taylor), International Press Academy, Saturn Award nomination (with Taylor), Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Films, and Phoenix Film Critics Society Award, all best costume design, 2002, for The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Film Award, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Saturn Award, Phoenix Film Critics Society Award nomination, Sierra Award, and Online Film Critics Society Award nomination, all best costume design (with Taylor), and Costume Designers Guild Award nomination, excellence in costume design for a period or fantasy film, 2003, all for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Academy Award and Film Award nomination, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Saturn Award nomination, Golden Satellite Award nomination, Phoenix Film Critics Society Award nomination, and Sierra Award, all best costume design (with Taylor), and Costume Designers Guild Award, excellence in costume design for a period or fantasy film, all 2004, for The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Golden Satellite Award, Academy Award nomination, and Phoenix Film Critics Society Award nomination, all best costume design, and Costume Designers Guild Award nomination, excellence in costume design for a period or fantasy film, all 2004, for The Last Samurai; Costume Designers Guild Award nomination, excellence in costume design for a period film, 2007, for The Illusionist.

Director of music videos, including ⬙Born in the U.S.A.⬙ by Bruce Springsteen, ⬙Royal Garden Blues⬙ by Branford Marsalis, ⬙Stir It Up⬙ by Patti LaBelle, and ⬙Tutu⬙ by Miles Davis. WRITINGS Screenplays: (Coauthor) Juice (also based on a story by Dickerson; also known as Angel Town 2), Paramount, 1992. OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Black Biography, Volume 17, Gale, 1998. Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, September 20, 1996, p. 50. Premiere, February, 1992, pp. 40, 42; September, 1996, p. 16. USA Today, September 6, 1996, p. D3.

CREDITS Film Costume Designer: User Friendly, 1990. My Grandfather Is a Vampire (also known as Grampire, Moonrise, and My Grandpa is a Vampire), Columbia TriStar, 1991. Crush, Strand Releasing, 1992. The Rainbow Warrior (also known as The Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior), Bonny Dore Productions, 1992. Jack Be Nimble, Cinevista, 1993. Heavenly Creatures (also known as Himmlische Kreaturen; also released as Heavenly Creatures: The Uncut Version), Miramax, 1994. Peach (short film), Oceania Parker, 1995. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (also known as The Fellowship of the Ring and The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring—the Motion Picture), New Line Cinema, 2001. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (also known as The Two Towers and Der Herr der ringe: Die zwei tuerme), New Line Cinema, 2002. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (also known as The Return of the King and Der Herr der ringe: Die Rueckkehr des koenigs), New Line Cinema, 2003. The Last Samurai (also known as The Last Samurai: Bushidou), Warner Bros., 2003.

DICKSON, Ngila 1958– PERSONAL First name is pronounced ⬙Nye–luh⬙; born 1958, in Dunedin, New Zealand; married Hamish Keith. Addresses: Agent—Marsh, Best and Associates, 9150 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 220, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Costume designer. Previously worked as a wardrobe supervisor, fashion magazine editor, and rock video stylist. Awards, Honors: Television Award, best contribution to design, New Zealand Film and Television Awards, 1998, and Cult Television Award, best costumes, both for Xena: Warrior Princess; Apex Award, best costume design, fantasy, science fiction, and horror category, Fennecus Award, best costume design for a fantasy, 2001, Sierra Award, Las Vegas Film Critics Society, Academy Award nomination, Film Award nomination, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Golden 95


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award (with others), outstanding young ensemble cast in a motion picture, 1991, for Kindergarten Cop; Young Artist Award nomination, best young voice actor in a television program or movie, 1995, for Problem Child.

Without a Paddle, Paramount, 2004. The Illusionist, Yari Film Group, 2006. Blood Diamond, Warner Bros., 2006. Fool’s Gold, Warner Bros., 2008. The International, Columbia, 2009. Television Costume Designer; Series: Mysterious Island, Fox Family Channel, 1995. Xena: Warrior Princess (also known as Xena), syndicated, 1995. Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, syndicated, 1995.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Animated Series: Voice of Junior Healy, Problem Child, USA Network, 1993–94. Voices of Numbuh 1 and Numbuh 2, Codename: Kids Next Door, Cartoon Network, 2002–2008. (English version) Voice of Kai, Blood+, Cartoon Network, 2007. Voices of Eddie Brock and Venom, The Spectacular Spider–Man (originally broadcast as an Internet series), CW Network, 2008.

Television Costume Designer; Movies: Young Hercules, Fox Family Channel, 1998. Superfire (also known as Superfire—Inferno in Oregon and Firefighter—Inferno in Oregon), ABC, 2002. The Extreme Team (also known as The X–Team), ABC, 2003.

Television Appearances; Movies: Charlie Spiegel, Just like Dad, The Disney Channel, 1995. Voices of Nigel ⬙Numbuh 1⬙ Uno and Hoagie Pennywhistle ⬙Numbuh 2⬙ Gilligan, Jr., Codename: Kids Next Door—Operation Z.E.R.O. (animated; also known as Operation: Z.E.R.O.), Cartoon Network, 2006. Voices of Numbuh 1, Numbuh 2, and ⬙delightful children from down the lane,⬙ The Grim Adventures of the Kids Next Door (animated), Cartoon Network, 2007.

Television Costume Designer; Miniseries: The Rainbow Warrior Conspiracy, Seven Network, 1989. Television Appearances; Specials: Passage to Middle–Earth: The Making of ⬙The Lord of the Rings,⬙ Sci–Fi Channel, 2001. The 76th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2004. Television Appearances; Episodic: 20/20, ABC, 1996. ⬙The Last Samurai: An Epic Journey,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2003. ⬙⬘Blood Diamond’: Making an African Epic,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2006.

Television Appearances; Specials: Voices of Numbuh 1 and Numbuh 2, The Kids Next Door (animated), Cartoon Network, 2000. Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Benjamin Diskin) Young Paul Arnold, ⬙Birthday Boy,⬙ The Wonder Years, ABC, 1989. (As Benjamin Diskin) Danny, ⬙Pile of Death,⬙ Get a Life, Fox, 1990. Voice of smart slobster, ⬙Smarten Up,⬙ Street Sharks (animated), ABC and syndicated, 1994. Young Aaron, ⬙Brain Salad Surgery,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1997. (As Benjamin Diskin) Willie, ⬙Susan’s Minor Complication,⬙ Suddenly Susan, NBC, 1997. Voice of Eugene Horowitz, ⬙Eugene Goes Bad/What’s Opera, Arnold?,⬙ Hey Arnold! (animated), Nickelodeon, 1997. Voice of Eugene Horowitz, ⬙The Aptitude Test/Oskar Gets a Job,⬙ Hey Arnold! (animated), Nickelodeon, 1998. Marvin, ⬙Personal Trainer,⬙ 100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd, Nickelodeon, 2001. ⬙Mean Teacher,⬙ Drake & Josh, Nickelodeon, 2004.

RECORDINGS Videos: The Making of ⬙The Lord of the Rings,⬙ 2002.

DISKIN, Ben 1982– (Benjamin Diskin) PERSONAL Full name, Benjamin Isaac Diskin; born August 25, 1982, in Los Angeles county, CA. Career: Actor and voice artist. 96

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Voice of Hahn, ⬙The Siege of the North: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Avatar: The Last Airbender (animated), Nickelodeon, 2005. Phillip and third geek, ⬙The Ex–Factor,⬙ The O.C., Fox, 2005. Voices of Benji, Travis, and first zombie kid, ⬙E– Scream,⬙ What’s New, Scooby–Doo?, The WB, 2006. Phillip, ⬙The Avengers,⬙ The O.C., Fox, 2006.

Voice of Jupis Tooki McGanel for English version, Rogue Galaxy, Sony Computer Entertainment America, 2005. (As Benjamin Diskin) Voice, Tony Hawk’s Project 8, 2006. Voice of Taejo Tokokahn, Speed Racer, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, 2008.

According to some sources, also appeared in Zoey 101, Nickelodeon.

DONIM, Sue See HARTH, C. Ernst

Television Work; Series: Additional voices, The Twisted Adventures of Felix the Cat (animated; also known as The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat), CBS, 1995.

DORKIN, Cody 1985– (Cody Lee Dorkin, Cody Lee)

Film Appearances: (As Benjamin Diskin) Ben, Baby Boom, United Artists, 1987. Sylvester, Kindergarten Cop, Universal, 1990. Henry, Out on a Limb, Universal, 1992. Stan at age nine, Mr. Saturday Night, Columbia, 1992. Little boy in 1945, The Pickle (also known as The Adventures of the Flying Pickle), Columbia, 1993. Voice of second teen, Fat Albert (animated), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2004. Voice of anteater, Dr. Dolittle: Tail to the Chief, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2008. Voice of goblin, The Spiderwick Chronicles, Paramount, 2008.

PERSONAL Full name, Cody Lee Dorkin; born July 6, 1985, in Shingle Springs, CA (some sources say Sacramento, CA). Career: Actor. Appeared in television commercials, including JCPenny department stores. CREDITS Film Appearances: Lead, The Taming Power of the Small (short), 1995. Robert, Village of the Damned (also known as John Carpenter’s ⬙Village of the Damned⬙), Universal, 1995. (As Cody Lee Dorkin) Child number three at toy store, Nine Months, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1995. Randy, Land of the Free, New City Releasing, 1998. Ethan Rourke, Paper Bullets (also known as American Samurai), MTI Home Video, 2000. Randy Barrington at age 13, The Painting (also known as Soldier of Change), Screen Media Ventures, 2001.

Film Work: Additional voices, Recess: School’s Out (animated), Buena Vista, 2001. RECORDINGS Video Games: (As Benjamin Diskin) Voice of fan boy, Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (also known as Ratchet & Clank: Locked and Loaded and Ratchet & Clank 2: Locked and Loaded), Insomniac Games, 2003. Voice, Underground (also known as Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 and Tony Hawk’s Underground), Neversoft Entertainment, 2003. Voice of Ota, Full Spectrum Warrior, Pandemic Production, 2004. Voice of Eric Sparrow, Underground 2 (also known as Tony Hawk’s Underground 2), Activision, 2004. Voices, The Bard’s Tale, InXile Entertainment, 2004. Voices of Nigel ⬙Numbuh 1⬙ Uno, Hoagie Pennywhistle ⬙Numbuh 2⬙ Gilligan, Jr., and ⬙delightful children from down the lane,⬙ Codename: Kids Next Door Operation—Video Game, Cartoon Network Interactive, 2005.

Film Work: Additional voice, Toy Story (animated; also known as Toy Story in 3–D), Buena Vista, 1995. Automated dialogue replacement (ADR), Washington Square, Buena Vista, 1997. ADR, The Proposition, PolyGram, 1998. ADR, Mighty Joe Young (also known as Mighty Joe), Buena Vista, 1998. ADR, The Story of Us, Universal, 1999. ADR, The Road to El Dorado (animated), DreamWorks, 2000. 97


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 KANU–FM Radio, Lawrence, KS, news director, 1966–68. University of Oklahoma, visiting professor, 1969–73; Colorado State University, faculty affiliate.

Television Appearances; Movies: Andy Knowlton, The Colony, USA Network, 1995. Randy, Land of the Free, HBO, 1998. Brandon Kniffen at age 9, Just Ask My Children, 2001.

Member: Writers Guild of America, National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, National Press Photographers Association, Radio and Television News Directors Association, International Platform Association, Explorers Club (New York City), Sigma Delta Chi.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Eric Gaines, ⬙Child’s Play,⬙ The Client (also known as John Grisham’s ⬙The Client⬙), CBS, 1995. Eric Gaines, ⬙Sympathy for the Devil,⬙ The Client (also known as John Grisham’s ⬙The Client⬙), CBS, 1996. Nick Brooks, ⬙Objects Are Closer Than They Appear,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1998. Urkel number two, ⬙Polkapalooza,⬙ Family Matters, CBS, 1998. Young Ethan, ⬙BoozeBournes,⬙ Passions, NBC, 2003. Patrick, ⬙Guess Who’s Coming ’Out’ for Dinner,⬙ South of Nowhere, The N, 2006. Patrick, ⬙Saturday Night Is for Fighting,⬙ South of Nowhere, The N, 2007. Danny, ⬙Quarantine,⬙ Zoey 101, Nickelodeon, 2007. Grand theft kid, ⬙News of the Future,⬙ Mind of Mencia, Comedy Central, 2007.

Awards, Honors: More than 100 broadcast journalism awards, including Emmy Award nomination, best community service program, 1972, for the story ⬙Still Got Life to Go⬙; Emmy Award nomination, best documentary, 1973, for story ⬙Smoke and Steel⬙; award from Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge, 1973; Emmy Award, best documentary, Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award, best program on the problems of the disadvantaged, and Broadcast Media Award, San Francisco State University, all 1974, for story ⬙Through the Looking Glass Darkly⬙; distinguished journalism citation, Scripps–Howard Foundation, 1974; certificate of recognition for ⬙positive contributions to brotherhood,⬙ National Conference of Christians and Jews (now National Conference for Community and Justice), 1974; Alfred I. DuPont–Columbia University Survey of Broadcast Journalism Award and Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award, outstanding television coverage of the problems of the disadvantaged, both 1975, for story ⬙The Urban Reservation⬙; silver medal, International Film and Television Festival of New York, 1976, for story ⬙The Cost of Loneliness⬙; Abe Lincoln Award, exceptional achievement as a broadcaster and citizen, 1976; Epilepsy Foundation of America Award, exceptional investigative reporting, 1977; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding program achievement, 1981, for story ⬙Sunshine Foundation⬙; Emmy Award nomination, best feature story, 1982, for ⬙The Sunshine Child⬙; Clarion Award, Women in Communications, 1983, certificate of merit, Gabriel Awards, National Catholic Association of Broadcasters and Allied Communicators, 1984, merit award, Daughters of the American Revolution, 1985, and George Washington Honor Medal, Freedoms Foundation, 1985, all for the television feature ⬙ ѧ In Pursuit of the American Dream⬙; Gabriel Award and Emmy Award nomination, best news story, both 1987, for ⬙People Who Make a Difference⬙; Media Access Award, 1987, Emmy Award nomination, best writing, and award from Ohio State University, both 1989, and National Headliners Award, National Headliners Club, 1990, all for ⬙Assignment America⬙; Sprague Memorial Award, National Press Photographers Association, 1989; Wilbur Award, U.S. Film Festival, CINE Golden Eagle, Council on International Nontheatrical Events, grand prize from Italian Film Festival, and grand prize from Union of Mountain Climbers, all 1990, as well as prizes from Indian, Japanese, and Spanish film festivals, 1991, all for El Capitan’s Courageous Climbers; Gabriel Award, 1992, for Bob Dotson’s

Also appeared as voice of Jungle Boy, ⬙Super Duped/ Bungled in the Jungle/Bearly Enough Time,⬙ Johnny Bravo (animated), Cartoon Network.

DOTSON, Bob 1946– PERSONAL Full name, Robert Charles Dotson; born October 3, 1946, in St. Louis, MO; son of William Henry and Dorothy Mae (maiden name, Bailey) Dotson; married Linda Gay Puckett, July 1, 1972; children: Amy Michelle. Education: University of Kansas, B.S., 1968; Syracuse University, M.S., 1969. Avocational Interests: History, films. Addresses: Office—c/o NBC News, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112. Career: Broadcast journalist, correspondent, and writer. KMBC–TV, Kansas City, MO, reporter, photographer, and documentary producer, 1967–68; WKY–TV (now KFOR–TV), Oklahoma City, OK, director of special projects, 1969–75; WKYC–TV, Cleveland, OH, correspondent, 1975–77; NBC News, New York City, correspondent for Central America from Dallas bureau, 1977–79, correspondent for national news programs, 1979—, and presenter of the occasional series of special reports ⬙American Story with Bob Dotson.⬙ 98

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DUFFEY Career: Actor.

America; Electronic Media Grand Prize, National Association for Year Round Education, 1993; Emmy Award, 1994, for story ⬙The River’s Edge,⬙ Dateline NBC; Edward R. Murrow Awards, Radio and Television News Directors Association, best network news writing, 1999, and best reporting, 2001, 2003; Diversity Award, Columbia University, 2001; Emmy Award, best story in a regularly scheduled broadcast, 2003; Daytime Emmy Award (with others), excellence in morning programming, 2007, for Today.

Awards, Honors: Bronze Wrangler Award (with others), television feature film, Western Heritage Awards, 1991, for Across Five Aprils. CREDITS Film Appearances: Jethro Creighton, Across Five Aprils (also known as Civil War Diary), 1990. Young Joseph, Carried Away (also known as Acts of Love), Fine Line Features, 1996. Brian, Chotchkie’s waiter, Office Space (also known as Cubiculos de la oficina), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1999. Kyle, The Black Rose, Dreamfactory, 2000. Harold’s boss, Buttleman (also known as Harold Buttleman, Daredevil Stuntman), 2002. Male student, A Whiter Shade of Loud (short), 2003. Scooter McNutty, Barney: Let’s Go to the Zoo, Hit Entertainment, 2003. Tommy, Burning Annie, Warner Home Video, 2004. Voice of concession guy, The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (animated), Paramount, 2004. Robert Lewis, Slaughterhouse of the Rising Sun, THINKFilm, 2005. Ken Vincent, Hollywood Kills, Shoreline Entertainment, 2006. Tommy, Burning Annie, Armak Productions, 2007.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Host, Bob Dotson’s America, The Travel Channel, 1996. Correspondent, Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 1978–85, 2008. Contributor, NBC Nightly News, NBC, beginning 1985. Also appeared as a correspondent for Dateline NBC (also known as Dateline), NBC. WRITINGS Books: ѧ In Pursuit of the American Dream, Atheneum, 1985. Make It Memorable: Writing and Packaging TV News with Style, Bonus Books, 2000. Other: Author of scripts for the video El Capitan’s Courageous Climbers, and for stories and reports broadcast by NBC News.

Television Appearances; Series: Scooter McNutty, Barney & Friends (also known as Barney), PBS, 1992. Murk, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as BtVS, Buffy, and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: The Series), The WB, 2001.


Television Appearances; Movies: Davey Coombs, In the Name of Love: A Texas Tragedy (also known as After Laurette), Fox, 1995.

Electronic: MSNBC Online,, October 20, 2008.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Paul Kelly Moore, ⬙Evil in the Night,⬙ Walker, Texas Ranger (also known as Walker), CBS, 1995. Mitch, ⬙Homecoming,⬙ ER, NBC, 2000. Lewis, Any Day Now, Lifetime, 2000. Dee Jay, ⬙Drew’s Girl Friday,⬙ The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 2002. Voice of teenage boy, ⬙Girl Fight,⬙ George Lopez, ABC, 2003. Satyr, ⬙Nymphs Just Wanna Have Fun,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2003. Guy number two, ⬙You Can’t Always Get What You Want,⬙ That ’70s Show, Fox, 2004.

DUFFEY, Todd 1974– (Robert Duffey) PERSONAL Original name, Robert Gordon Duffey; born April 9, 1974, in Raleigh, NC. Education: Attended the University of Houston, the University of Texas at Austin, and the University of Texas at Arlington. 99


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Also appeared as beer guy, ⬙Party,⬙ The O’Keefes, The WB.

Combat D Device, the Joint Service Commendation Medal, the Combat Action Ribbon, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, the Vietnamese Honor Medal first class, three Purple Hearts, and named a Legionnaire of the Order of Saint Maurice, the Ancient and Honorable Order of Infantrymen.

RECORDINGS Video Games: (As Robert Duffey) Voice, Tony Hawk’s Project 8, 2006.

Member: Screen Actors Guild, Directors Guild of America, Writers Guild of America, East, Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Association, 1st Marine Division Association, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), American Legion.

DYE, Dale 1944– (Captain Dale Dye, Captain Dale A. Dye, Dale A. Dye)



Film Appearances: Captain Harris, Platoon, Orion, 1986. Squad leader and dragon gunner, Invaders from Mars, Cannon Pictures, 1986. Captain Hill, Casualties of War, Columbia, 1989. Don (the fire boss), Always, MCA/Universal, 1989. French officer, The Favorite (also known as Intimate Power and La nuit du serail), 1989. General, Spontaneous Combustion (also known as Fire Syndrome), Taurus Entertainment Company, 1989. Infantry colonel, Born on the Fourth of July, Universal, 1989. Radio voice, 84C MoPic (also known as 84 Charlie Mopic), New Century Vista Film Company, 1989. A. K. McNeil, Fire Birds (also known as Wings of the Apache), Buena Vista, 1990. Sergeant major, The Fourth War, Cannon Films, 1990. Captain Rivers, Dead On: Relentless II (also known as Dead On, Relentless 2: Dead On, Relentless II: Dead On, and Sunset Killer 2), 1991. Garvey, Kid (also known as Back for Revenge), Intercontinental, 1991. General Y, JFK, Warner Bros., 1991, director’s cut also released. Police officer, The Servants of Twilight (also known as Dean R. Koontz’s ⬙The Servants of Twilight⬙), Trimark Pictures, 1991. Captain Garza, Under Siege (also known as Piege en haute mer), Warner Bros., 1992. Jack, Cover Story, 1993. Larry, Heaven & Earth (also known as Entre ciel et terre), Warner Bros., 1993. Senior National Security Council (NSC) officer, Sniper, TriStar, 1993. Brande, The Puppet Masters (also known as Robert A. Heinlein’s ⬙The Puppet Masters⬙), Buena Vista, 1994. Charles Ivy, Guarding Tess, TriStar, 1994. Colonel Michael ⬙Mike⬙ Anwalt, Blue Sky, Orion, 1994. Dale Wrigley, Natural Born Killers, Warner Bros., 1994, director’s cut also released.

Full name, Dale Adam Dye; born October 8, 1944, in Cape Girardeau, MO; son of Dale Adam and Della Grace (maiden name, Koehler) Dye; some sources cite a marriage to a gunnery sergeant with the surname of Chavez, 1979 (divorced); married Kathryn Gwen Clayton (an actress), September 17, 1983 (divorced); married Julia Dewey Rupkalvis (an actress), February 22, 2006; children: (second marriage) Adrienne Kate (an actress), Christopher (a composer). Education: University of Maryland, B.A., English, 1981; attended the Missouri Military Academy; received military training in several disciplines. Religion: Roman Catholic. Addresses: Contact—c/o 18208 Herbold St., Northridge, CA 91325. Agent—The Kohner Agency, 9300 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 555, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor, producer, and writer. Warriors, Inc. (technical advisory service), founder and principal, c. 1986, served as a technical and military advisor and military consultant for films and television productions; Soldier of Fortune magazine, executive editor, 1984–85; trained troops in Central America in guerilla warfare techniques, beginning c. 1984; affiliated with the Warriors Publishing Group; public speaker at various venues; participant at a variety of events relating to the military. Military service: U.S. Marine Corps., 1964–84, participated in thirty–one major combat operations (including duties as a correspondent) in Vietnam and with a multinational peacekeeping force in Beirut, Lebanon; served as a drill instructor and troop handler; served in various locales around the world; served in various ranks, including master sergeant, warrant officer, and first lieutenant, retired as a captain; staff member for the U.S. secretary of defense, the Pentagon; earned the Bronze Star with Valor, the Meritorious Service Medal, two Navy Commendation Medals with Combat D Device, the Navy Achievement Medal with 100

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DYE (As Captain Dale Dye) Technical advisor: military, The Last of the Mohicans, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1992. (As Captain Dale Dye) Technical advisor: military, Heaven & Earth (also known as Entre ciel et terre), Warner Bros., 1993. (As Captain Dale Dye) Technical advisor: military, Sniper, TriStar, 1993. Military advisor, The War, Universal, 1994. (Uncredited) Technical advisor, Blue Sky, Orion, 1994. (As Captain Dale Dye) Technical advisor, Forrest Gump, Paramount, 1994. Technical advisor, Guarding Tess, TriStar, 1994. Technical advisor, A Low Down Dirty Shame (also known as Mister Cool), Buena Vista, 1994. (As Captain Dale Dye) Technical advisor, Natural Born Killers, Warner Bros., 1994, director’s cut also released. Military technical advisor, Dead Presidents, Buena Vista, 1995. Military technical advisor, The Walking Dead, Savoy Pictures, 1995. (As Captain Dale Dye) Technical advisor: military, Outbreak (also known as A Virus), Warner Bros., 1995. (As Captain Dale Dye) Technical advisor: military, Sgt. Bilko (also known as Sergeant Bilko), Universal, 1996. (As Dale A. Dye) Technical advisor, Starship Troopers, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. (Uncredited) Technical advisor, Wag the Dog (also known as Bite the Bullet), New Line Cinema, 1997. Assistant military advisor, The Thin Red Line, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. Military advisor, Small Soldiers (live action and animated; also known as The Commando Elite), DreamWorks, 1998. (As Captain Dale Dye) Senior military advisor, Saving Private Ryan, DreamWorks, 1998. (As Captain Dale Dye) Military advisor, Rules of Engagement (also known as Les regles d’engagement and Rules—Sekunden der Entscheidung), Paramount, 2000. Military advisor, Tigerland, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. (As Captain Dale A. Dye) Senior military advisor, Alexander, Warner Bros., 2004, another version known as Alexander: Director’s Cut, another version known as Alexander Revisited: The Final Cut. (As Captain Dale Dye) Senior military technical advisor, The Great Raid, Miramax, 2005. Senior military advisor, La tigre e la neve (also known as The Tiger and the Snow), 2005, subtitled version released by Strand Releasing, 2006. (As Captain Dale A. Dye) Military advisor: the Philippines, Music Within, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2007. Senior military advisor, Tropic Thunder, Paramount, 2008.

Endangered (also known as The Hunted, The Most Dangerous Predator Is Man, and Uncivilized), New City Releasing, 1994. Captain Garza, Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (also known as Under Siege 2), Warner Bros., 1995. Lieutenant colonel Briggs, Outbreak (also known as A Virus), Warner Bros., 1995. First engineer, Sgt. Bilko (also known as Sergeant Bilko), Universal, 1996. Frank Barnes, Mission: Impossible (also known as Mission Impossible), Paramount, 1996. Dr. German Stone (a psychiatrist), Trial and Error, New Line Cinema, 1997. (As Dale A. Dye) General, Starship Troopers, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. War department colonel, Saving Private Ryan, DreamWorks, 1998. Vernon, A Table for One (also known as Wicked Ways), A–pix Entertainment, 1999. General Perry, Rules of Engagement (also known as Les regles d’engagement and Rules—Sekunden der Entscheidung), Paramount, 2000. Rescue Sequence: Commander Wiley, Spy Game, Universal, 2001. General Temekin, Missing Brendan (also known as Holding out Hope: A Family Crusade), 2003. General Kreuger, The Great Raid, Miramax, 2005. Harry, Naked Run, A Plus Entertainment, c. 2006. (As Dale A. Dye) Captain Ruzicka, Music Within, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2007. Voice of Erik ⬙The Wow Man⬙ Kernan, Sr., Resurrecting the Champ, Yari Film Group, 2007. Film Technical and Military Advisor and Consultant: Technical advisor, Invaders from Mars, Cannon Pictures, 1986. (As Captain Dale Dye) Technical advisor: military, Platoon, Orion, 1986. (As Captain Dale Dye) Technical advisor, The Beast of War (also known as The Beast), Columbia, 1988. Technical advisor, Casualties of War, Columbia, 1989. Technical advisor, 84C MoPic (also known as 84 Charlie Mopic), New Century Vista Film Company, 1989. (As Captain Dale Dye) Technical advisor: military, Born on the Fourth of July, Universal, 1989. (As Captain Dale Dye) Military consultant, Jacob’s Ladder (also known as Dante’s Inferno), TriStar, 1990. Technical advisor, Cadence (also known as Count a Lonely Cadence), New Line Cinema, 1990. Technical advisor, Fire Birds (also known as Wings of the Apache), Buena Vista, 1990. Technical advisor (military), The Fourth War, Cannon Films, 1990. (As Captain Dale Dye) Military consultant, Dogfight, Warner Bros., 1991. Technical advisor, JFK, Warner Bros., 1991, director’s cut also released. 101


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Major Jack Colquitt, ⬙Who Monitors the Birds?,⬙ Space: Above and Beyond (also known as Above and Beyond, Space, Space 2063, Space: 2063, Avaruus 2063, Guerra dos mundos, Gwiezdna eskadra, Rummet aar 2063, Slaget om tellus, and Space: guerra estelar), Fox, 1996. Colonel Bill Cobb, ⬙Mr. Rabb Goes to Washington,⬙ JAG (also known as JAG: Judge Advocate General), CBS, 1998. Himself, ⬙Into the Breach: ⬘Saving Private Ryan,’⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 1998. General Cole, ⬙Doppelganger: Part 1,⬙ Seven Days (also known as 7 Days and Seven Days: The Series), UPN, 1998. Captain Gage, ⬙The Court–Martial of Rio Arnett,⬙ Air America, syndicated, 1999. Voice of Lieutenant Tice Ryan, ⬙Happy Luau to You– Au/Rocket Rescue,⬙ Rocket Power (animated), Nickelodeon, 1999. Captain Ken Radley, ⬙Souls on Board,⬙ The Others, NBC, 2000. Himself, ⬙Charlie Sheen: Born to be Wild,⬙ Biography (also known as A&E Biography: Charlie Sheen), Arts and Entertainment, 2001. (Sometimes credited as Captain Dale Dye) Firearms instructor, ⬙Good Morning Saigon,⬙ Entourage, HBO, 2005. Narrator, ⬙General William Howe: Conqueror of New York,⬙ The Conquerors, History Channel, 2005. (Sometimes credited as Captain Dale Dye) Scuba instructor, ⬙Oh, Mandy,⬙ Entourage, HBO, 2005. Himself, Hannity & Colmes (also known as Hannity and Liberal to Be Determined), Fox News Channel, 2005. General Peter Allyson, ⬙Happy Birthday, Madam President,⬙ Commander in Chief (also known as Untitled Geena Davis Project, Welcome Mrs. President, Rouva presidentti, and Senora presidenta), ABC, 2006. General Peter Allyson, ⬙The Price You Pay,⬙ Commander in Chief (also known as Untitled Geena Davis Project, Welcome Mrs. President, Rouva presidentti, and Senora presidenta), ABC, 2006. General Peter Allyson, ⬙Unfinished Business,⬙ Commander in Chief (also known as Untitled Geena Davis Project, Welcome Mrs. President, Rouva presidentti, and Senora presidenta), ABC, 2006. Sergeant Burn, ⬙And Here’s Mike with the Weather,⬙ Las Vegas (also known as Casino Eye), NBC, 2006. Ralph Somkin, ⬙The Stranger,⬙ The Loop, Fox, 2007.

Some sources state that Dye served as an advisor for other films. Film Work; Other: Coproducer, Fire Birds (also known as Wings of the Apache), Buena Vista, 1990. Second unit director, Alexander, Warner Bros., 2004, another version known as Alexander: Director’s Cut, another version known as Alexander Revisited: The Final Cut. Television Appearances; Series: Captain Henry K. ⬙Hank⬙ Madigan (commanding officer), Supercarrier, ABC, 1988. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Defense attorney, Billionaire Boys Club (also known as Beverly Hills Boys Club), NBC, 1987. Chief Bates, The Neon Empire, Showtime, 1989. Colonel Leonard Wood, Rough Riders (also known as Teddy Roosevelt & the Rough Riders), TNT, 1997. Colonel Robert F. Sink, Band of Brothers, HBO, 2001. (As Captain Dale Dye) Himself, The 100 Greatest War Films, Channel 4 (England), 2005. Television Appearances; Movies: Colonel Bates, The Court–Martial of Jackie Robinson, TNT, 1990. Major Green, Mission of the Shark: The Saga of the U.S.S. Indianapolis (also known as Mission of the Shark), CBS, 1991. General Hurst, Within the Rock, Sci–Fi Channel, 1996. Captain Halsey Long, Operation Delta Force II: Mayday, HBO, 1998. Mutiny, NBC, 1999. SWAT lieutenant, 44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shoot–Out, FX Network, 2003. Television Appearances; Specials: Assistant director, ⬙The Closed Set,⬙ Tales from the Hollywood Hills (also known as Tales from the Hollywood Hills: Closed Set and Tales from the Hollywood Hills: The Closed Set), broadcast as part of Great Performances, PBS, 1988. (As Captain Dale Dye) Himself, The Making of ⬙Band of Brothers,⬙ 2001. (As Captain Dale Dye) Himself, The Price of Freedom: Making The Great Raid, FX Network, 2005.

Television Appearances; Pilots: General Stanfield, Chuck, NBC, 2007.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Colonel Paul David Mackay, ⬙Is Someone Crazy in Here or Is It Me,⬙ Raven, CBS, 1991. ⬙Rest in Pieces,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1991. Master sergeant Hollis, ⬙Desert Son,⬙ JAG (also known as JAG: Judge Advocate General), NBC, 1995.

Television Work; Series: Senior military advisor, Combat Zone, The Discovery Channel, beginning 2007. 102

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DYE Video Work: Training schedules, A Tour of the Inferno: Revisiting ⬙Platoon,⬙ 2001.

Television Work; Miniseries: Leader of the Rough Rider Corps, Rough Riders (also known as Teddy Roosevelt & the Rough Riders), TNT, 1997. Military advisor, Band of Brothers, HBO, 2001. (As Captain Dale Dye) Unit director and senior military advisor, The Pacific (also known as Untitled World War II Pacific Theater Project), HBO and Seven Network (Australia), 2009.

Video Games: Narrator in opening film, Medal of Honor, Electronic Arts, 1999. Voice, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, 2002. (As Captain Dale Dye) Voice of Jack ⬙Gunny⬙ Lauton, Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, 2003. (As Captain Dale Dye) Voice of OSS handler and military police officer narrator, Medal of Honor: European Assault, 2005.

Television Advisor; Movies: Military advisor, The Court–Martial of Jackie Robinson, TNT, 1990. Technical advisor, Mission of the Shark: The Saga of the U.S.S. Indianapolis (also known as Mission of the Shark), CBS, 1991. Technical advisor: military, Within the Rock, Sci–Fi Channel, 1996. (As Captain Dale Dye) Military technical advisor, Mutiny, NBC, 1999.

Video Game Work; as Captain Dale Dye: Military advisor, Medal of Honor, Electronic Arts, 1999. Project consultant: military field staff, Medal of Honor: Underground, 2000. Military advisor, Medal of Honor: Frontline, 2002. Military advisor, Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, 2003. WRITINGS

Television Work; Episodic: Military technical advisor, ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, episodes c. 2004–2005.

Screenplays: (Story) Fire Birds (also known as Wings of the Apache), Buena Vista, 1990.

Television Work; Pilots: (As Dale A. Dye) Producer, Semper Fi, NBC, 2001.

Novels; as Dale A. Dye: Run between the Raindrops, Avon Books, 1985. Platoon (based on the screenplay of the same name by Oliver Stone), Charter Books, 1986. Outrage, Little, Brown, 1988. Citadel, Grafton, 1989. Conduct Unbecoming, Berkeley Books, 1992. Duty & Dishonor, Jove Books, 1992. Laos File, Warriors Publishing Group, 2008.

Radio Appearances; Series: Host and military commentator for a program broadcast by KFI AM 640 (Los Angeles), c. 2003–07. RECORDINGS Videos: Himself, Return to Normandy (also known as The Making of ⬙Saving Private Ryan⬙), 1998. Himself and Captain Harris, A Tour of the Inferno: Revisiting ⬙Platoon,⬙ 2001. Himself, Death from Above: The Making of ⬙Starship Troopers,⬙ Columbia/TriStar Home Video, 2002. (As Captain Dale Dye) Himself, ⬙Saving Private Ryan⬙: Boot Camp, 2004. (As Captain Dale Dye) Himself, Perfect Is the Enemy of Good, 2005. (As Captain Dale Dye) Himself, Resurrecting ⬙Alexander,⬙ 2005. Himself, The Filthy Thirteen: Real Stories from behind the Lines, 2006. Himself, The Real Heroes of Stalag XVIIB, 2006.

Graphic Novels: (As Captain Dale Dye; author of introduction) Jason Aaron, The Other Side, illustrations and cover art by Cameron Stewart, Vertigo, 2007. Nonfiction: Wrote an autobiography; also wrote and posted material on the Internet. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, July 24, 1998. Premiere, January, 1990.


E Real Thing; Antoinette Perry Award, best featured actress in a play, and Outer Critics Circle Award nomination, best leading actress in a play, both 2007, for The Coast of Utopia.

EHLE, Jennifer 1969– PERSONAL

CREDITS Surname is pronounced EEE–lee; born December 29, 1969, in Winston–Salem, NC; daughter of John Ehle (a writer) and Rosemary Harris (an actress); married Michael Ryan (a writer), November, 2001; children: George. Education: Attended the Central School of Speech and Drama, London, England, and the Interlochen Arts Academy, Interlochen, MI.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Young Calypso, The Camomile Lawn, Channel 4 (England) and Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 1992. Melissa McKensie (title role), Melissa, Channel 4 (England), 1997. Elizabeth Bennet, Pride and Prejudice (also known as Jane Austen’s ⬙Pride and Prejudice⬙), BBC, 1995, Arts and Entertainment, 1996, part of The Complete Jane Austen broadcast on Masterpiece Theatre (also known as ExxonMobil Masterpiece Theatre and Mobil Masterpiece Theatre), PBS, 2008.

Addresses: Agent—Endeavor, 152 West 57th St., 25th Floor, New York, NY 10019; Independent Talent Group, Oxford House, 76 Oxford St., London W1D 1BS, England. Career: Actress.

Television Appearances; Movies: Nadine, La recreation, France 2, 1993. Tasmin, Micky Love (also known as Rik Mayall Presents ⬙Micky Love⬙ and Rik Mayall Presents ѧ ⬙Micky Love⬙), Granada Television, 1993. Emma Desneuves, Pleasure (also known as Alan Bleasdale Presents ⬙Pleasure⬙), Channel 4 (England), 1994. Meryl, Self Catering (also known as Alan Bleasdale Presents ⬙Self Catering⬙), Channel 4 (England), 1994. Penny McAllister, Beyond Reason (also known as A Casual Affair), Carlton Television, 1994.

Awards, Honors: Ian Charleson Award, outstanding classical stage performance in Britain by a performer under the age of thirty, 1991, for Tartuffe; Radio Times Award, best newcomer, 1992, The Camomile Lawn; Television Award, best actress in a television production, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1996, for Pride and Prejudice; Film Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a supporting role in a film, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1998, for Wilde; Genie Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a leading role, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1999, and Golden Satellite Award (with Rosemary Harris), best performance by an actress in a supporting role, drama, International Press Academy, 2001, both for Sunshine; Antoinette Perry Award, best lead actress in a play, Variety Club Showbusiness Award, best stage actress, Theatre World Award, and Outer Critics Circle Award nomination, outstanding featured actress in a play, all 2000, for The

Television Appearances; Specials: Phyllis Maitland, ⬙The Maitlands,⬙ Performance (also known as Performance: The Maitlands), BBC, 1993. (In archive footage) Constance Lloyd Wilde, Venice Report, 1997. 104

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(Uncredited; in archive footage) Elizabeth Bennet, ⬙Pride and Prejudice⬙: The Making of ѧ, BBC, 1999. (Uncredited; in archive footage) Elizabeth Bennet, The Real Jane Austen, BBC, 2002. (Uncredited; in archive footage) Elizabeth Bennet, Pride and Prejudice Revisited, 2005. Lorraine Morrisey, ⬙The Russell Girl,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 2008.

Natalie Herzen, The Coast of Utopia: Part 2—Shipwreck (also known as The Coast of Utopia), Lincoln Center Theater, Vivian Beaumont Theater, 2006–2007. Malwida von Meysenbug, The Coast of Utopia: Part 3—Salvage (also known as The Coast of Utopia), Lincoln Center Theater, Vivian Beaumont Theater, 2007.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 54th Annual Tony Awards, CBS and PBS, 2000. The 61st Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 2007.

Appeared in Laundry and Bourbon and 1959 Pink Thunderbird, both at the Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Empress Zita of Austria, ⬙Austria, March 1917,⬙ The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, ABC, 1992, later included in The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Adventures in the Secret Service, 1999. Herself, The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, 1997. Herself, Late Lunch, Channel 4 (England), 1998. (In archive footage) Elizabeth Bennet, Getaway (also known as United Travel Getaway), Nine Network (Australia), 2006. Herself, ⬙The Coast of Utopia,⬙ Working in the Theatre, CUNY TV, 2007.

Major Tours: Pat Green, Breaking the Code, Triumph Production tour, 1992. Film Appearances: Cynthia Powell, Backbeat, Gramercy Pictures, 1994. Rosemary Leighton–Jones, Paradise Road, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1997. Constance Lloyd Wilde, Wilde (also known as Oscar Wilde), PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, 1997, Sony Pictures Classics, 1998. Sally, Bedrooms and Hallways, First Run Features, 1998. Sophie, This Year’s Love, Entertainment Film Distributors, 1999. Young Valerie Sonnenschein, Sunshine (also known as The Taste of Sunshine, A Napfeny ize, and Sunshine—Ein Hauch von Sonnenschein), Ascot Elite Entertainment Group, 1999. A Good Baby, Curb Entertainment, c. 1999. Christabel LaMotte, Possession, USA Films, 2002. Betsy Chase, The River King, Alliance Atlantis Motion Picture Group, 2005. Alice Ferris, Alpha Male, 2006. Laura Moores, Before the Rains (also known as Kerala and Road to the Sky), Roadside Attractions, 2007. Abby Tierney, Pride and Glory, Warner Bros., 2008.

Stage Appearances: Elmire, Tartuffe, Peter Hall Company, Playhouse Theatre, London, 1991. Amanda, The Relapse, Royal Shakespeare Company, Swan Theatre, Stratford–upon–Avon, England, 1995, and Newcastle Playhouse, Newcastle–upon– Tyne, England, 1996. Lady Anne, Richard III, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford–upon–Avon, England, 1995, and Theatre Royal, Newcastle– upon–Tyne, England, 1996. Serafina, The Painter of Dishonour, Royal Shakespeare Company, The Other Place, Stratford–upon–Avon, England, 1995, and Gulbenkian Studio, Newcastle– upon–Tyne, England, 1996. Varya Mikhailovna, Summerfolk, Royal National Theatre, Olivier Theatre, London, 1999. Annie, The Real Thing, Donmar Warehouse, London, 1999, Albery Theatre, London, 2000, and Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 2000. Gilda, Design for Living, American Airlines Theatre, New York City, 2001. Tracy Samantha Lord, The Philadelphia Story, Old Vic Theatre, London, 2005. Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, Shakespeare in the Park, Joseph Papp Public Theater, Delacorte Theater, New York City, 2006. Liubov Bakunin, The Coast of Utopia: Part 1—Voyage (also known as The Coast of Utopia), Lincoln Center Theater, Vivian Beaumont Theater, New York City, 2006–2007.

Some sources cite an appearance in the film Gothika, Warner Bros., 2003. Radio Appearances: Voice of Amber, Keystone, 1992. Voice of Debra, Anniversary, 1992. Reader, Something Understood: An Anthology of Spiritual Verse, 1993. Voice of Harriet, Playing the Wife, 1997. Voice of Princess Mahjong, Aladdin, BBC Radio Four, 1999. Guest, Talking Movies, 2002. Appeared in other radio productions. 105


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Music director, Triumph of the Spirit, Triumph Releasing, 1989. Music director, Crazy People, Paramount, 1990. Conductor, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Paramount, 1991. Music director, Delirious, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/ Pathe, 1991. Conductor, Christopher Columbus: The Discovery (also known as Cristobal Colon: el descubrimiento), Warner Bros., 1992. Conductor, Leap of Faith, Paramount, 1992. Orchestrator, Untamed Heart (also known as The Baboon Heart and Real Love), Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1993. Arranger for song ⬙Red Is the Rose,⬙ A Simple Twist of Fate, Buena Vista, 1994. Conductor and orchestrator, Now and Then (also known as The Gaslight Addition), New Line Cinema, 1995. Conductor, The Beautician and the Beast, Paramount, 1997. Conductor, Free Willy 3: The Rescue (also known as Willy 3), Warner Bros., 1997. Conductor and orchestrator, One True Thing, MCA/ Universal, 1998. Orchestrator, Harrison’s Flowers (also known as Les fleurs d’Harrison), MCA/Universal, 2000. Conductor, An American Rhapsody (also known as Amerikai rapszodia), Paramount Classics, 2001. Conductor, The Lizzie McGuire Movie (also known as Ciao Lizzie!, Lizzie in Rome, Lizzie McGuire, Lizzie McGuire: Popstar, and Lizzie Superstar), Buena Vista, 2003. Conductor, He’s Just Not That into You, New Line Cinema, 2009.

RECORDINGS Videos: (In archive footage) Empress Zita of Austria, The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Adventures in the Secret Service (related to ⬙Austria, March 1917⬙ and ⬙Petrograd, July 1917,⬙ both episodes of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles), 1999. Some sources cite appearances in other recordings. Audiobooks: Celia Rees, Witch Child, Listening Library, 2001. William Shakespeare, The Tempest (also known as The Complete Arkangel Shakespeare: The Tempest), Audio Partners Publishing, 2004. Some sources cite appearances in other audio recordings. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Interview, July, 2000, p. 32. Newsweek, May 22, 2000, p. 47.

EIDELMAN, Cliff 1964– PERSONAL Born December 5, 1964, in Los Angeles, CA; brother of Robin Eidelman (a music editor). Education: Studied orchestration and composition at the University of Southern California; attended Santa Monica City College and the Guitar Institute of Technology; also had private music lessons.

Television Work; Movies: Orchestrator, Witness Protection, HBO, 1999. Musician (pianist and guitarist), Sexual Life, Showtime, 2005. Stage Work: Conductor at Pass the Baton, a benefit for the Young Musicians Foundation.

Addresses: Agent—First Artists Management, 4764 Park Granada, Suite 210, Calabasas, CA 91302. Publicist— Chasen & Company, 8899 Beverly Blvd., Suite 405, Los Angeles, CA 90048.


Career: Composer, conductor, music director, and orchestrator.

Film Music: Silent Night, TAT, 1988, released in the United States as Magdalene, Prism Entertainment, 1990. To Die For (also known as Dracula: The Love Story and Dracula: The Love Story to Die For), Skouras Pictures, 1989. Triumph of the Spirit, Triumph Releasing, 1989. Animal Behavior, Cinestar, 1990. Crazy People, Paramount, 1990.

CREDITS Film Work: Music director, Silent Night, TAT, 1988, released in the United States as Magdalene, Prism Entertainment, 1990. 106

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 (And song ⬙Beyond Our Wildest Dreams⬙ with Jim Peterick) Delirious, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/Pathe, 1991. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Paramount, 1991. Christopher Columbus: The Discovery (also known as Cristobal Colon: el descubrimiento), Warner Bros., 1992. Leap of Faith, Paramount, 1992. The Meteor Man, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1993. Untamed Heart (also known as The Baboon Heart and Real Love), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1993. My Girl 2, Columbia, 1994. A Simple Twist of Fate, Buena Vista, 1994. (Composer of unused score) Picture Bride, 1994, Miramax, 1995. Now and Then (also known as The Gaslight Addition), New Line Cinema, 1995. The Beautician and the Beast, Paramount, 1997. Free Willy 3: The Rescue (also known as Willy 3), Warner Bros., 1997. Montana (also known as Killer Games and Nothing Personal), Columbia/TriStar, 1998. One True Thing, MCA/Universal, 1998. Harrison’s Flowers (also known as Les fleurs d’Harrison), MCA/Universal, 2000. An American Rhapsody (also known as Amerikai rapszodia), Paramount Classics, 2001. Ocean Men: Extreme Dive (also known as Ocean Men), nWave, 2001. The Lizzie McGuire Movie (also known as Ciao Lizzie!, Lizzie in Rome, Lizzie McGuire, Lizzie McGuire: Popstar, and Lizzie Superstar), Buena Vista, 2003. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (also known as The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants), Warner Bros., 2005. Open Window (also known as Fever), Image Entertainment, 2006. He’s Just Not That into You, New Line Cinema, 2009.

ELFMAN Backfield in Motion, ABC, 1991. Witness Protection, HBO, 1999. Sexual Life, Showtime, 2005. Television Music; Episodic: ⬙Jacob Have I Loved,⬙ WonderWorks, PBS, 1989. ⬙The Reluctant Vampire,⬙ Tales from the Crypt (also known as HBO’s ⬙Tales from the Crypt⬙), HBO, 1991. Music for the Stage: Composed the music for a ballet and overture, Santa Monica College. Video Music: Music from Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Indiana Jed Bloopers, Mess–ups, and More!, 1992. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: American Premiere, March/April, 1991, p. 15. Electronic: Cliff Eidelman,, November 9, 2008.

ELFMAN, Bodhi 1969– (Bodhi Pine Elfman) PERSONAL First name is pronounced Boe–dee; born July 19, 1968 (some sources cite 1969), in Los Angeles, CA; son of Richard Elfman (a director and musician) and Marie– Pascale Saboff (an artist and gallery owner; various sources cite first name as Marie or Rhonda); nephew of Danny Elfman (a composer and musician); married Jenna (an actress and producer; original name, Jennifer Mary Butala), February 18, 1995; children: Story Elias. Education: Studied acting at the Beverly Hills Playhouse with Milton Katselas. Religion: Church of Scientology (some sources cite Elfman as the member of organizations affiliated with the religion).

Also composed music for Day of the Bird. Film Theme Music: Strike It Rich (also known as Loser Takes All and Money Talks), Millimeter Films/Miramax, 1990. Screenplays: Wrote Day of the Bird with Robin Eidelman. Television Music; Miniseries: The Final Days, ABC, 1989. If These Walls Could Talk, HBO, 1996.

Addresses: Agent—Stone Manners Talent and Literary, 6500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 550, Los Angeles, CA 90048; Writers and Artists Agency, 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 550, Los Angeles, CA 90211.

Television Music; Movies: Dead Man Out (also known as Dead Man Walking), HBO, 1989. Judgment, HBO, 1990.

Career: Actor. Appeared in advertisements. Appeared in the book The Hollywood Handbook (also known as 107


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

The Hollywood Handbook: The Insiders’ Guide to Success), by Robin Greer, Sarah Reinhardt, and Kevin Dornan, 1997.

Television Appearances; Series: Hiller and Diller, ABC, c. 1997–98. Sergeant first class Londo Pearl, Freedom, UPN, 2000.


Television Appearances; Movies: Joe, Doing Time on Maple Drive (also known as Faces in the Mirror), Fox, 1992. First burglar, Double Deception, NBC, 1993. (As Bodhi Pine Elfman) Gilmore, Pirates of Silicon Valley, TNT, 1999. Odell Redd, Coyote Waits, broadcast on Mystery! (also known as An American Mystery! Special), PBS, 2003, also Granada Television. Lou, Fielder’s Choice, The Hallmark Channel, 2005.

Film Appearances: Centurian Savings and Loan night guard, Sneakers, Universal, 1992. Photo cashier, Stepmonster, Concorde Pictures, 1993. Booger Martin, Shrunken Heads, 1994. Television studio production assistant, New Nightmare (also known as A Nightmare on Elm Street 7 and Wes Craven’s ⬙New Nightmare⬙), New Line Cinema, 1994. (As Bodhi Pine Elfman) Coffee customer, A Very Brady Sequel, Paramount, 1996. Daniel, Going Home, 1997. Sluggo, The Others, Cinequanon Pictures International/ The Asylum, 1997. Derek, Girl, Kushner–Locke, 1998. Freddie, Godzilla, TriStar, 1998. (As Bodhi Pine Elfman) Leo Pedranski, Mercury Rising, MCA/Universal, 1998. Math person, Armageddon, Buena Vista, 1998. (As Bodhi Pine Elfman) Tag, Slappy and the Stinkers (also known as Free Slappy and Stinkers), TriStar, 1998. (As Bodhi Pine Elfman) Van, Enemy of the State, Buena Vista, 1998. Max, Sand (also known as Sandstorm), Hard Sand Productions, c. 1998. Arno, Rituals and Resolutions, AtomFilms, 1999. Gilbert ⬙Skinny Freak⬙ O’Reiley, The Mod Squad, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1999. Alice’s manager, Almost Famous (also known as Something Real, Stillwater, The Uncool, and Untitled Cameron Crowe Project), DreamWorks, 2000, director’s cut released as Untitled: Almost Famous the Bootleg Cut. Fuzzy Frizzel, Gone in Sixty Seconds (also known as Gone in 60 Seconds), Buena Vista, 2000. Howard the Casanova, Keeping the Faith, Buena Vista, 2000. Charley, The Shrink Is In, New City Releasing, 2001. Hugh, Lost (short film), 2002. Hip, Edgy, Sexy, Cool, 2002. Drummond, Funky Monkey, Warner Bros., 2004. Young professional man, Collateral, DreamWorks, 2004. James, Love Hollywood Style, 2006. Krist Skolnik, Love Comes to the Executioner, 2006. Joel, Struck (short film), 2008.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 2001 IFP/West Independent Spirit Awards, Independent Film Channel, 2001. Television Appearances; Episodic: Mark, ⬙Life after Death,⬙ Life Goes On (also known as Glenbrook), ABC, 1991. Mark, ⬙Out of the Mainstream,⬙ Life Goes On (also known as Glenbrook), ABC, 1991. Busboy, ⬙The Best Intentions,⬙ Sisters, NBC, 1993. Messenger, ⬙Picture Imperfect,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1993. (As Bodhi Pine Elfman) Clerk, ⬙Dial B for Virgin,⬙ Married ѧ with Children (also known as Not the Cosbys), Fox, 1994. Garry, ⬙Great Expectations,⬙ Step by Step (also known as Eine Starke Familie, Kaos i familien, Notre belle famille, Paso a paso, Steg for Steg, and Una bionda per papa), ABC, 1994. (As Bodhi Pine Elfman) Garry, ⬙I’ll Be Home for Christmas,⬙ Step by Step (also known as Eine Starke Familie, Kaos i familien, Notre belle famille, Paso a paso, Steg for Steg, and Una bionda per papa), ABC, 1994. (As Bodhi Pine Elfman) Garry, ⬙Something Wild,⬙ Step by Step (also known as Eine Starke Familie, Kaos i familien, Notre belle famille, Paso a paso, Steg for Steg, and Una bionda per papa), ABC, 1994. Jan, ⬙Cry Baby Cry,⬙ Dead at 21, MTV, 1994. Sean, ⬙Confronting Brandon: The Intervention of an Addict,⬙ Lifestores: Families in Crisis, HBO, 1994. Augie Ziff, ⬙The Brain Teaser,⬙ The Faculty, ABC, 1996. Bob, ⬙Fake ID–ology,⬙ Hang Time, NBC, 1996. Clerk, ⬙My Mother the Alien,⬙ 3rd Rock from the Sun (also known as Life as We Know It, 3rd Rock, and Third Rock from the Sun), NBC, 1996. (As Bodhi Pine Elfman) Surfer, ⬙Too Hip for the Room,⬙ Ellen (also known as These Friends of Mine), ABC, 1996. Bellboy, ⬙The Halloween Show,⬙ George & Leo, CBS, 1997. Kevin, ⬙Breaking the Rules,⬙ Ink, CBS, 1997. Kevin, ⬙The Debutante,⬙ Ink, CBS, 1997.

Film Executive Producer: Struck (short film), 2008. 108

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Kevin, ⬙Going to the Dogs,⬙ Ink, CBS, 1997. Orderly, ⬙I Brake for Dick,⬙ 3rd Rock from the Sun (also known as Life as We Know It, 3rd Rock, and Third Rock from the Sun), NBC, 1997. Ted, ⬙A Closet Full of Hell,⬙ Dharma & Greg, ABC, 1998. (As Bodhi Pine Elfman) Trevor Blue, ⬙Genesis,⬙ Sliders, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. (As Bodhi Pine Elfman) ⬙Separation Anxiety,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1998. Himself, The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, 1999. Neil, ⬙Veronica Loses Her Olive Again,⬙ Veronica’s Closet (also known as Veronica, El secreto de Veronica, Les dessous de Veronica, Los secretos de Veronica, Os segredos de Veronica, and Veronican salaisuudet), NBC, 2000. Neil, ⬙Veronica’s Clips,⬙ Veronica’s Closet (also known as Veronica, El secreto de Veronica, Les dessous de Veronica, Los secretos de Veronica, Os segredos de Veronica, and Veronican salaisuudet), NBC, 2000. Toby Anders, ⬙The Kid,⬙ The Huntress, USA Network, 2000. Andre, ⬙Charity,⬙ Malcolm in the Middle (also known as Fighting in Underpants), Fox, 2001. Suspicious man, ⬙Falling,⬙ Providence, NBC, 2001. Terry, ⬙Home Is Where the Art Is,⬙ Dharma & Greg, ABC, 2001. Chris Roland, ⬙No Mas,⬙ Without a Trace (also known as Vanished and W.A.T), CBS, 2003. Fred Finch, ⬙Nobody’s Perfect,⬙ Karen Sisco (also known as Ofiter Karen), ABC, 2003. Kevin O’Malley, ⬙Daddy’s Girl,⬙ L.A. Dragnet (also known as Dragnet), ABC, 2003. Nicky, ⬙Finders Keepers,⬙ ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 2003. Steven, ⬙Donny, We Hardly Knew Ye,⬙ Las Vegas (also known as Casino Eye), NBC, 2003. Kyle Donie, ⬙Witch Wars,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2004.

ELLROY business manager) and Geneva Odelia (a nurse; maiden name, Hilliker) Ellroy; married Mary Doherty, 1988 (divorced, 1991); married Helen Knode (a writer and journalist), c. 1991 (divorced, 2006). Avocational Interests: Reading, classical music. Addresses: Agent—Sobel Weber Associates, Inc., 146 East 19th St., New York, NY 10003; Artists Management Group, 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 212, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Intellectual Property Group, 9200 Sunset Blvd., Suite 820, Los Angeles, CA 90069 Career: Novelist, screenwriter, and actor. Worked as a caddy at golf courses. Ellroy’s papers, including manuscripts and correspondence, are at the Thomas Cooper Library at the University of South Carolina. Military service: U.S. Army, 1965. Awards, Honors: Edgar Award nomination, Mystery Writers of America, 1982, for Clandestine; Prix Mystere de la critique, 1990, for The Big Nowhere; best book designation, Time magazine, 1995, for American Tabloid; USC Libraries Scripter Award (with Brian Helgeland and Curtis Hanson), Friends of the USC Libraries, University of Southern California, 1998, for L.A. Confidential. CREDITS Film Appearances: Himself, James Ellroy: Demon Dog of American Crime Fiction (documentary), First Run Features, 1993. Himself, Shotgun Freeway: Drives through Lost L.A. (documentary), Alpine Releasing, 1995. Wordfest party guest, Wonder Boys (also known as Die Wonder Boys), Paramount, 2000. Right, Stay Clean (short film), 2002. Himself, Das Bus, Corticrawl Productions, 2003. Himself, Vakvagany, Corticrawl Productions/Pathfinder Pictures, 2003. Himself, Bazaar Bizarre (documentary; also known as Bazaar Bizarre: The Strange Case of Serial Killer Bob Berdella), Corticrawl Productions, 2004.

Appeared as Will, Moloney, CBS; and as Burt, Phenom, ABC. Television Appearances; Pilots: Ray, Clerks (also known as Clerks.), 1995. Trey, Hollyweird, Fox, 1998. RECORDINGS

Film Executive Producer: Bazaar Bizarre (documentary; also known as Bazaar Bizarre: The Strange Case of Serial Killer Bob Berdella), Corticrawl Productions, 2004.

Videos: Himself (interviewer), Farewell: Live from the Universal Amphitheatre Halloween 1995, 1996.

Television Appearances; Documentary Specials: Himself, Besuch bei James Ellroy, [Germany], 2001. Himself, Feast of Death (also known as James Ellroy’s ⬙Feast of Death⬙), BBC Two, 2001, Showtime, c. 2003. Himself, Just the Facts, Court TV, c. 2003. Rankin on the Staircase, BBC Four, 2005.

ELLROY, James 1948– PERSONAL Original name, Lee Earle Ellroy; born March 4, 1948, in Los Angeles, CA; son of Armand (an accountant and 109


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Author of various screenplays, including Destination (based on his collection Destination: Morgue!), Land of the Living (based on the novel by Nicci French), The Man Who Kept Secrets, Mr. Smith, 77, and White Heat (based on the earlier film of the same name). Some sources state that with others, Ellroy wrote The Jackal (also known as The Day of Jackal; based on the earlier film The Day of Jackal), Universal, 1997.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Himself, ⬙James Ellroy,⬙ The E! True Hollywood Story (also known as James Ellroy: The E! True Hollywood Story and THS), E! Entertainment Television, 1997. Himself, ⬙Death of a Dream: Karyn Kupcinet⬙ (also known as ⬙Karyn Kupcinet⬙), The E! True Hollywood Story (also known as Death of a Dream: Karyn Kupcinet: The E! True Hollywood Story, Karyn Kupcinet: The E! True Hollywood Story, and THS), E! Entertainment Television, 1999. Himself, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, 1999, 2004. Himself, ⬙Jack Webb,⬙ Biography (also known as A&E Biography: Jack Webb), Arts and Entertainment, 2000. Himself, The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News Channel, 2004. Himself, The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson (also known as The Late Late Show), CBS, 2005. Himself, ⬙Will the US Lose the Terror War?,⬙ The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News Channel, 2006. Himself, Murder by the Book, Court TV, 2006. Himself, Durch die Nacht mit (also known as Into the Night with ѧ and Au coeur de la nuit), 2008.

Teleplays; Pilots: L.A. Sheriff’s Homicide (also known as County 187, LA County 187, and L.A. County 187), NBC, 2000, related pilot UPN, 2003. The Enforcers, c. 2004. The Lead Sheet, Arts and Entertainment, 2009. Novels: Brown’s Requiem, Avon, 1981. Clandestine, Avon, 1982. Blood on the Moon, Mysterious Press, 1984, part of the Lloyd Hopkins trilogy, published in L.A. Noir, Mysterious Press, 1998. Because the Night, Mysterious Press, 1985, part of the Lloyd Hopkins trilogy, published in L.A. Noir, Mysterious Press, 1998. Killer on the Road (also known as Silent Terror), Mysterious Press, 1986. Suicide Hill, Mysterious Press, 1986, part of the Lloyd Hopkins trilogy, published in L.A. Noir, Mysterious Press, 1998. The Black Dahlia, Mysterious Press, 1987, part of the L.A. Quartet series. The Big Nowhere, Mysterious Press, 1988, part of the L.A. Quartet series. L.A. Confidential, Mysterious Press, 1990, part of the L.A. Quartet series. (Author of introduction) Jim Thompson, Heed the Thunder, Armchair Detective Library, 1991. White Jazz, Alfred A. Knopf, 1992, part of the L.A. Quartet series. American Tabloid, Alfred A. Knopf, 1995, part of the American Underworld trilogy. L.A. Noir (consists of Blood on the Moon, Because the Night, and Suicide Hill), Mysterious Press, 1998. The Cold Six Thousand, Alfred A. Knopf, 2001, part of the American Underworld trilogy. Blood’s a Rover, Alfred A. Knopf, c. 2009, part of the American Underworld trilogy.

Appeared in ⬙L.A. Confidences,⬙ Great Writers of the Twentieth Century (documentary series); subject of the documentary ⬙White Jazz,⬙ The Red Light Zone, Channel 4 (England). Film Executive Producer; Pilots: The Lead Sheet, Arts and Entertainment, 2009. Ellroy has also worked on other television projects. RECORDINGS Videos: Himself, L.A. Confidential: Off the Record, Warner Home Video, 1998. Himself, Shadows of Suspense, Universal Studios Home Video, 2006. Himself, Sunlight and Shadow: The Visual Style of ⬙L.A. Confidential,⬙ Warner Home Video, 2008. Himself, Whatever You Desire: Making ⬙L.A. Confidential,⬙ Warner Home Video, 2008. WRITINGS

Author of the manuscript L.A. Deathtrap (also known as L.A. Death Trap); revised material from this manuscript appeared in other Ellroy novels.

Screenplays: (Story) Dark Blue (also known as 4–29–92 and The Plague Season), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2002. (With Kurt Wimmer and Jamie Moss; and story) Street Kings (also known as Fake City, Night Watch, and The Night Watchman), Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2008.

Short Story Collections: Hollywood Nocturnes, Alfred A. Knopf, 1994, also published as Dick Contino’s Blues and Other Stories, Arrow, 1994. 110

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 (With Otto Penzler) Guest editor and author of introduction, The Best American Mystery Stories 2002, Houghton Mifflin, 2002.

EMOND St. James Guide to Crime & Mystery Writers, St. James Press, 1996. Twentieth–Century Crime and Mystery Writers, third edition, St. James Press, 1991.

Fiction and Nonfiction Collections: Crime Wave: Reportage and Fiction from the Underside of L.A. (fiction and nonfiction; also known as Crime Wave), Vintage Books, 1999. Breakneck Pace (short stories and essays; originally published on the Internet at, Contentville Press, 2000. Destination: Morgue! (short stories and essays; also known as Destination: Morgue! L.A. Tales), Century, 2004.

Periodicals: Harper’s Bazaar, November, 1996, p. 180. Interview, December, 1996, p. 70. Los Angeles Magazine, November, 1996, p. 114. Los Angeles Times, April 6, 2008, p. E1. Nation, December 2, 1996, p. 25. New Statesmen, November 8, 1996, p. 46. Newsweek, November 11, 1996, p. 79. New York Times, November 3, 2003, p. E8. People Weekly, November 25, 1996, p. 93. Time, April 10, 1995, p. 74. The Writer, September, 2001, p. 28. Writer’s Digest, July, 1996, p. 26.

Nonfiction: Murder and Mayhem: An A–Z of the World’s Most Notorious Killers, Arrow, 1992. My Dark Places: An L.A. Crime Memoir (autobiography; also known as My Dark Places), Alfred A. Knopf, 1996. (Author of afterword) Bill O’Reilly, The No–Spin Zone: Confrontations with the Powerful and Famous in America, Broadway Books, 2001.


Contributor to periodicals, including the article ⬙My Mother’s Killer,⬙ published in GQ.

Born May 22, 1959, in New Brunswick, NJ. Addresses: Manager—Susan Smith Company, 1344 North Wetherly Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90069.


Career: Actress.

Ellroy’s novel Blood on the Moon was adapted as the film Cop, Atlantic Releasing, 1988; his short story ⬙Since I Don’t Have You⬙ formed the basis for an episode of the television series Fallen Angels (also known as Perfect Crimes, Crime perfecte, and 24 horas para a morte), Showtime, 1993; his novel L.A. Confidential was adapted as a film and released by Warner Bros., 1998; his novel Brown’s Requiem was adapted for film and released in 1998 by Avalanche Releasing; his novel Killer on the Road was adapted as the short film Stay Clean, 2002; his novel The Black Dahlia was adapted as film and released by Universal, 2006; his autobiographical work My Dark Places: An L.A. Crime Memoir formed the basis for an installment of Murder by the Book, Court TV, 2006; his novel White Jazz was adapted as a screenplay; Ellroy’s work has served as the source material for various film and television projects.

Awards, Honors: Drama Desk Award nomination, outstanding featured actress in a play, 1997, for Nine Armenians; Obie Award, best performance, Village Voice, 2001–02, Lucille Lortel Award, outstanding actress, Drama Desk Award nomination, outstanding featured actress in a play, 2002, L.A. Drama Critics Award nomination, and L.A. Ovation Award nomination, all for Homebody/Kabul; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best featured actress in a play, 2003, for Life x 3; Jeff Award, best actress, Joseph Jefferson Awards, for Pygmalion; Jeff Award, best actress, for The Winter’s Tale; three more Jeff Awards. CREDITS Film Appearances: Gwyneth, God’s Will, 1989. Martha Holmes, Pollock, Sony Pictures Classics, 2000. Nina Ellington, Almost Salinas, Curb Entertainment, 2001. Meredith Price, A Gentleman’s Game, First Look International, 2002.

OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Novelists, seventh edition, St. James Press, 2001. 111


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

Margery, City by the Sea (also known as The Suspect), Warner Bros., 2002. Dr. Marta Foss, The Dying Gaul, Strand Releasing, 2005. Mediator, Dark Water, Buena Vista, 2005. Leslie Conlin, North Country, Warner Bros., 2005. Herself, Wrestling with Angels: Playwright Tony Kushner (documentary; also known as Wrestling with Angels), Balcony Releasing, 2006. Patty Sheridan, Trade (also known as Trade—Willkommen in Amerika), Roadside Attractions, 2007. Lucy’s mother, Across the Universe, Sony, 2007. Ida King, Stop–Loss, Paramount, 2008. Megan Fullmer, The Missing Person, 2009. Simone Beck, Julie & Julia, Columbia, 2009.

Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Isabel Sanford, Lifetime, 2003. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Eve Ensler, Lifetime, 2003. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Erika Slezak, Lifetime, 2003. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Bo Derek, Lifetime, 2003. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Peggy Fleming, Lifetime, 2003. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Rosie O’Donnell, Lifetime, 2003. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Stockard Channing, Lifetime, 2004. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Missy ⬙Misdemeanor⬙ Elliott, Lifetime, 2004. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Dionne Warwick, Lifetime, 2004.

Television Appearances; Series: Kara Richardson, One Life to Live, ABC, 1997.

Also appeared as narrator, Intimate Portrait: Penny Marshall, Lifetime.

Television Appearances; Movies: Penny, I Can Make You Love Me (also known as Stalking Laura), CBS, 1993.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Maureen Bowman, The Good Life, NBC, 1994. Assistant district attorney Strictler, Wonderland, ABC, 2000.

Television Appearances; Specials: Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Tippi Hedren, Lifetime, 2001. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Sela Ward, Lifetime, 2001. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Rita Moreno, Lifetime, 2001. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Liz Smith, Lifetime, 2001. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Laila Ali, Lifetime, 2001. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Kim Fields, Lifetime, 2001. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Kelly Ripa, Lifetime, 2001. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Jasmine Guy, Lifetime, 2001. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Genie Francis, Lifetime, 2001. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Calista Flockhart, Lifetime, 2001. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Betsey Johnson, Lifetime, 2001. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Paula Zahn, Lifetime, 2002. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Marion Ross, Lifetime, 2002. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Lisa Gay Hamilton, Lifetime, 2002. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Kathy Ireland, Lifetime, 2002. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Jennie Garth, Lifetime, 2002. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Jane Kaczmarek, Lifetime, 2002. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Barbara Eden, Lifetime, 2002. The 57th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 2003. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Vicki Lawrence, Lifetime, 2003. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Rosanna Arquette, Lifetime, 2003. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Naomi Judd, Lifetime, 2003. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Mo’Nique, Lifetime, 2003. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Linda Lavin, Lifetime, 2003.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Dr. Emily Connor, ⬙Great Balls Afire,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1992. Monica Barker, ⬙Truth of Consequences,⬙ Mann & Machine, NBC, 1992. Pamela Reichel, ⬙Legacy,⬙ Reasonable Doubts, NBC, 1993. Laura Cochran, ⬙Savior,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1996. ⬙The War Against Crime,⬙ Feds, CBS, 1997. ⬙The Unthinkable,⬙ New York Undercover (also known as Uptown Undercover), Fox, 1997. Narrator, ⬙Gypsy Rose Lee: Naked Ambition,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 1999. Dahlia, ⬙Big Girls Don’t Cry,⬙ The Sopranos, HBO, 2000. Assistant district attorney Strictler, ⬙20/20 Hindsight,⬙ Wonderland, ABC, 2000. Carolyn Tyler, ⬙Panic,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2000. Francine Bradley, ⬙Duty,⬙ Third Watch, NBC, 2001. Dr. Christine Fellowes, ⬙Anti–Thesis,⬙ Law & Order: Criminal Intent (also known as Law & Order: CI), NBC, 2002. Voice, ⬙Emma Goldman,⬙ The American Experience, PBS, 2004. Dr. Emily Sopher, ⬙Hate,⬙ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (also known as Law & Order: SVU and Special Victims Unit), NBC, 2004. Dr. Emily Sopher, ⬙Mean,⬙ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (also known as Law & Order: SVU and Special Victims Unit), NBC, 2004. Dr. Emily Downey, ⬙Baby Boom,⬙ Law & Order: Trial by Jury, NBC, 2005. Rosalie Helton, ⬙Tombstone,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2005. 112

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Abigail Adams, ⬙John & Abigail Adams,⬙ The American Experience, PBS, 2006. Headmistress Queller, ⬙School Lies,⬙ Gossip Girl, The CW, 2008. Dr. Emily Sopher, ⬙Unorthodox,⬙ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (also known as Law & Order: SVU and Special Victims Unit), NBC, 2008.

ENGEL admiral in the Coast Guard) and Ruth Caroline (maiden name, Hendron) Engel. Education: University of Hawaii, B.A., drama, 1969; Academy of the Washington Ballet, graduate. Religion: Christian Scientist. Avocational Interests: Dancing, reading biographies. Addresses: Agent—Cunningham/Escott/Slevin & Doherty Talent Agency, 10635 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 140, Los Angeles, CA 90025; Peter Strain & Associates, 5455 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1812, Los Angeles, CA 90036.

Stage Appearances: (New York debut) Armine and mom, Nine Armenians, Manhattan Theatre Club Stage I, 1996–97. Woman, Baby Anger, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, New York City, 1997. Abigail Adams, 1776, Roundabout Theatre, New York City, 1997–98. Elaine, The Dying Gaul, Vineyard Theatre, New York City, 1998. Susannah Fenwick and Ellen, An Experiment with an Air Pump, Manhattan Theatre Club Stage I, New York City, 1999. Maggie Antrobus, Over and Over, Signature Theatre, Arlington, VA, 1999. The homebody, The Homebody/Kabul, New York Theatre Workshop, 2001, then the Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, and Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York City. Betty Dulfeet, The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, National Actors Theatre, Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts, Pace University, New York City, 2002. Inez, Life x 3, Circle in the Square Theatre, New York City, 2003. Aurelia, A Spanish Play, Classic Stage Company, New York City, 2007.

Career: Actress, singer, dancer, and voice artist. Provided voices for advertisements and promotional spots. Member: Actors’ Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Museum of Television Broadcasting, Actors Fund of America (life member and honorary member). Awards, Honors: Film Award nomination, best supporting actress, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1972, for Taking Off; Emmy Award nominations, outstanding continuing performance by a supporting actress in a comedy series, 1976 and 1977, both for Mary Tyler Moore; Emmy Award nominations, outstanding guest actress in a comedy series, 2003, 2004, and 2005, and Prism Award, performance in a television comedy series, 2006, all for Everybody Loves Raymond.

Also appeared in Pygmalion, Chicago, IL; The Winter’s Tale, Chicago, IL; Far East, Williamstown, MA; Ancestral Voices, Lincoln Center, New York City.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Georgette Franklin Baxter, Mary Tyler Moore (also known as The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Oh Mary), CBS, 1972–77. Regular, The Dean Martin Show (also known as Dean Martin Celebrity Roast, The Dean Martin Comedy Hour, and Dean Martin’s Celebrity Roast), NBC, 1974. Mitzi Maloney, The Betty White Show, CBS, 1977–78. Loretta Smoot, Goodtime Girls (also known as The Good Time Girls), ABC, 1980. Susan Elliot, Jennifer Slept Here, NBC, 1983–84.

RECORDINGS Taped Readings: Good Harbor by Anita Diamant, Simon & Schuster, 2002. Flirting with Pete by Barbara Delinsky, Simon & Schuster, 2003. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Linda Emond Website,, January 14, 2009.

Television Appearances; Movies: Claire Ruth, A Love Affair: The Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story, NBC, 1978. Kathy Scott, The Day the Women Got Even, NBC, 1980. Voice of Willow Song, The Special Magic of Herself the Elf (animated; also known as The Magic of Herself the Elf), 1983. Mama Porter, Papa Was a Preacher, 1985.

ENGEL, Georgia 1948– PERSONAL Full name, Georgia Bright Engel; born July 28, 1948, in Washington, DC; daughter of Benjamin Franklin (an 113


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Kathy, ⬙Burl of My Dreams/Meet the Author/Rhymes, Riddles and Romance,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1982. Susan Henderson, ⬙The Devil Stick/Touch and Go,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1983. Herself, ⬙Ted Knight,⬙ This Is Your Life, syndicated, 1984. ⬙Love Is Sweet,⬙ The New Love, American Style, ABC, 1986. Narrator, ⬙Chickens Aren’t the Only Ones,⬙ Reading Rainbow, PBS, 1987. Shirley Burleigh, Coach, ABC, multiple episodes, 1991–96. Joan Cosgrove, ⬙The Lying Game,⬙ Working, NBC, 1998. Voice of Evelyn (Cassandra’s mother), ⬙Hercules and the Big Kiss,⬙ Hercules (animated; also known as Disney’s ⬙Hercules⬙ and Hercules: The Animated Series), ABC and syndicated, 1998. Voice of old woman, ⬙Bag of Money/Principal Simmons,⬙ Hey Arnold! (animated; also known as Hey, Arnold!), Nickelodeon, 2000. Herself, ⬙The Mary Tyler Moore Show,⬙ Inside TV Land, TV Land, 2001. Pat MacDougall, Everybody Loves Raymond (also known as Raymond, Alla aelskar Raymond, Alle elsker Raymond, Alle lieben Raymond, Kaikki rakastavat Raymondia, Svi vole Raymonda, Todo el mundo quiere a Raymond, Tothom estima en Raymond, Tout le monde aime Raymond, and Tutti amano Raymond), CBS, multiple episodes, 2003–2005. Herself, The View, ABC, 2006. Esmeralda, Passions (also known as Harmony’s Passions and The Passions Storm), NBC, multiple episodes in 2007. Herself, Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2008. Herself, The Oprah Winfrey Show (also known as Oprah), syndicated, 2008.

Television Appearances; Specials: Dean Martin’s California Christmas, NBC, 1975. Dean’s Place, NBC, 1975. Dean Martin’s Red Hot Scandals of 1926, NBC, 1976. Dean Martin’s Red Hot Scandals Part 2, NBC, 1977. Herself, The Carpenters: A Christmas Portrait, ABC, 1978. Herself, Night of 100 Stars II (also known as Night of One Hundred Stars), ABC, 1985. The Thanksgiving Day Parade, Lifetime, 1987. Herself and Georgette Franklin Baxter, Mary Tyler Moore: The 20th Anniversary Show, CBS, 1991. Herself, The Mary Tyler Moore Reunion, CBS, 2002. Herself, CBS at 75 (also known as CBS at 75: A Primetime Celebration), CBS, 2003. Herself, TV’s Greatest Sidekicks, Lifetime, 2004. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 33rd Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1979. The 60th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 2006. Presenter, The 2007 Screen Actors Guild Awards, TBS and TNT, 2007. 11th Annual Prism Awards, FX Network, 2007. Television Appearances; Episodic: Georgette Franklin, ⬙Rhoda’s Wedding: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Rhoda, CBS, 1974. Herself, The Mike Douglas Show, syndicated, 1975. Herself, Tony Orlando and Dawn (also known as The Tony Orlando and Dawn Rainbow Hour), CBS, 1975. Various characters, The Captain and Tennille, ABC, 1976. Herself, The Jacksons, CBS, 1977. Ambrosia Malspar, ⬙A Bride for Exidor,⬙ Mork & Mindy, ABC, 1978. Maxine Bender, ⬙Escape/Cinderella Girls,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1978. Sheila Lawrence, ⬙Taking Sides/A Friendly Little Game/ Going by the Book,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1978. Yasmine and Brenda Rappaport (some sources cite role as Tracy), ⬙The Sheik/The Homecoming,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1978. Ambrosia Malspar, ⬙The Exidor Affair,⬙ Mork & Mindy, ABC, 1979. Ambrosia Malspar, ⬙Exidor’s Wedding,⬙ Mork & Mindy, ABC, 1979. Cathy Wilton, ⬙The Cheerleaders/Marooned,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1979. Wendy Turner, ⬙A Date with Johnny,⬙ The Associates, ABC, 1979. Herself, The Big Show, NBC, 1980. Karen Hughes, ⬙Isaac’s Teacher/Seal of Approval/The Successor,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1981. Sally Harris, ⬙Romance Times Three/Night of the Tormented Soul,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1981. Voice of Creole (an alligator) in ⬙Creole⬙ segment, ⬙Misunderstood Monsters⬙ (animated stories with live action introductions), CBS Library, CBS, 1981.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Cleo, The New Love Boat (also known as The Love Boat III), ABC, 1977. Mitzi Maloney, ⬙Undercover Woman⬙ (also known as ⬙Undercover Police Woman⬙), The Betty White Show, CBS, 1977. Loretta Smoot, Goodtime Girls (also known as The Good Time Girls), ABC, 1980. Susan Elliot, Jennifer Slept Here, NBC, 1983. Doris, The Beast, Fox, 2007. Stage Appearances: Lend an Ear (musical revue), Equity Library Theatre, New York City, 1969. Minnie Fay, Hello, Dolly! (musical), St. James Theatre, New York City, 1969–70. 114

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 The House of Blue Leaves, Truck and Warehouse Theater, New York City, 1971. Tip–toes (musical; also known as Tiptoes), Goodspeed Opera House, East Haddam, CT, 1978, and Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, New York City, 1978–79. Mickey (a mechanic), My One and Only (musical), St. James Theatre, 1984–85. Herself, Night of 100 Stars II (also known as Night of One Hundred Stars), Radio City Music Hall, New York City, 1985. Steel Magnolias, Coconut Grove Playhouse, Miami, FL, 1989–90. Cut the Ribbons (musical revue), Westside Theatre, New York City, 1992. Seeress, The Boys from Syracuse (musical), American Airlines Theatre, New York City, 2002. Mrs. Tottendale, The Drowsy Chaperone (musical), Marquis Theatre, New York City, 2006–2007.

ENGEL Mrs. Barnes, Un homme est mort (also known as The Outside Man and Funerale a Los Angeles), United Artists, 1973. Voice of Love–a–Lot Bear, The Care Bears Movie (animated), Samuel Goldwyn, 1985. Betty, Signs of Life (also known as One for Sorrow, Two for Joy), Avenue Entertainment, 1989. Voice of giraffe, Dr. Dolittle 2 (also known as Doctor Dolittle 2, DR2, DR.2, Docteur Dolittle 2, Elaeintohtori 2, and Il Dottor Dolittle 2), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Vera, The Sweetest Thing (also known as Untitled Nancy Pimental Project, Allumeuses!, Bonjour l’amour, Edes kis semmiseg, La cosa mas dulce, La cosa piu dolce, Puicute bune, Radalla, Snygg, sexig & singel, Super suess und super sexy, and Tudo para ficar com ele), Columbia/TriStar, 2002. Voice of Bobbie, Open Season (animated), Columbia, 2006. Sister Mary Leo (some sources cite role as Sister Marie Eugene), Nunsensations (musical; also known as Nunsensations!, Nunsensations: The All–New Nunsense Vegas Revue, and Nunsensations: The Nunsense Vegas Revue), 2007.

Major Tours: Mickey (a mechanic), My One and Only (musical), U.S. cities, 1987. Sister Mary Leo, Nunsense (musical), U.S. cities, 1990. Sister Amnesia and Sister Mary Paul, Sister Ambrosia’s Country Western Nunsense Jamboree (musical; also known as Nunsense Jamboree and Nunsense 3: The Jamboree), U.S. cities, c. 1997. The Odd Couple, U.S. cities, 2001–2002. Sister Mary Leo, Nunsense: The 20th Anniversary Tour (musical), U.S. cities, 2003–2004. Sister Mary Leo, Nunsensations: The Nunsense Vegas Revue (musical; also known as Nunsensations, Nunsensations!, and Nunsensations: The All–New Nunsense Vegas Revue), U.S. cities, 2005–2006. Mrs. Tottendale, The Drowsy Chaperone (musical), Canadian and U.S. cities, 2007–2008.

RECORDINGS Videos: Herself, Eight Characters in Search of a Sitcom, Twentieth Century–Fox Home Video, 2003. Albums: Various artists, Ben Bagley’s Cole Porter, Volume III, Painted Smiles Records, 1990.

Some sources cite an appearance as a nun in Nuncrackers: The Nunsense Christmas Musical (also known as Nuncrackers).

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Los Angeles, December, 1990, p. 229.

Film Appearances: Margot, Taking Off, Universal, 1971.


F Freddy, Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life Is Calling, Columbia, 1986. FBI Section Chief Jack Crawford, Manhunter (also known as Red Dragon: The Pursuit of Hannibal Lecter), DEG, 1986. Jimmy Serrano, Midnight Run, Universal, 1988. Bankie Como, Men of Respect, Columbia, 1991. Narrator, The American Gangster (documentary), 1992. Mr. Stunder, Mac, Samuel Goldwyn, 1992. Sal, We’re Talkin’ Serious Money, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1992. Brian O’Neal, Street Crimes (also known as Dead Even), PM Entertainment, 1992. Brian O’Hara, Another Stakeout (also known as Stakeout 2 and The Lookout), Buena Vista, 1993. (Uncredited) Nick Gazzara, Romeo Is Bleeding, Gramercy, 1993. Detective Captain Nick Detillo, Striking Distance, Columbia, 1993. George O’Farrell, Little Big League, Columbia, 1994. Ray ⬙Bones⬙ Barboni, Get Shorty, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer/United Artists, 1995. Coach Bailey, Eddie, Buena Vista, 1996. Dan De Mora, That Old Feeling, Universal, 1997. Marshall Sisco, Out of Sight, MCA/Universal, 1998. Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, Saving Private Ryan, Paramount, 1998. Captain Adam Greer, The Mod Squad, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1999. Jack Bangs, Reindeer Games (also known as Deception), Dimension Films, 2000. Dick Muller, Preston Tylk (also known as Bad Seed), New City Releasing, 2000. Cousin Abraham ⬙Avi⬙ Denovitz, Snatch (also known as Snatch: Pigs and Diamonds), Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2000. Carpo, Sidewalks of New York, Buena Vista, 2001. Henry Algott, Big Trouble, Buena Vista, 2002. Planet of the Pitts, Flatline, 2002. Mr. Warner, Stealing Harvard, Columbia, 2002. Detective Burton, Paparazzi, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2004.

FARINA, Dennis 1944– (Dennis G. Farina) PERSONAL Born February 29, 1944, in Chicago, IL; son of Joseph (a doctor) and Yolanda (a homemaker) Farina; married Patricia, 1970 (divorced, 1980); children: Dennis, Jr., Michael, Joseph (an actor). Education: Studied criminal justice at Truman College. Avocational Interests: Golf, cigars. Addresses: Office—You’re Faded Films, 468 North Camden Dr., Suite 220, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Agent—Endeavor, 9601 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Manager—Gateway Management Company, Inc., 860 Via De La Paz, Suite F10, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. Career: Actor. You’re Faded Films (a production company), Beverly Hills, CA, partner. Chicago Police Department, police officer, c. 1967–85; also worked at Chicago’s South Water Street produce market. Celebrity Chairman of National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C. Military service: U.S. Army, c. 1962–65. Awards, Honors: American Comedy Award, best supporting comedy actor, 1996, for Get Shorty; Award for Excellence in the Arts, Theatre School of Depaul University, 1997; Joseph Jefferson Award (with others), best ensemble, for Tracers. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Carl, Thief (also known as Violent Streets), United Artists, 1981. Dorato, Code of Silence, Orion, 1985. 116

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

FARINA Television Appearances; Specials: Harry Brennan, The Killing Floor, PBS, 1984. The Italian Passion for Life, PBS, 1999. The 1999 ALMA Awards, ABC, 1999. Anatomy of a Scene: ⬙Sidewalks of New York,⬙ Sundance Channel, 2001. The 54th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, 2002. NBC’s Funniest Out–Takes Ⲇ2, NBC, 2003. Narrator, Wait ’Til Next Year: The Saga of the Chicago Cubs, HBO, 2006. And They Came to Chicago: The Italian American Legacy, 2007.

Dr. Carlson, Scrambled Eggs (short), 2004. Himself, This Old Cub (documentary), Emerging Pictures, 2004. Himself, The Making of ⬙Heat⬙ (documentary), Warner Home Video, 2005. Edward O’Leary, You Kill Me, IFC Films, 2007. Gilmore3, Purple Violets, iTunes, 2007. L.B.J. Deuce Fairbanks, The Grand, Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2007. Marty Engstrom, Bag Boy (also known as National Lampoon’s ⬙Bag Boy⬙), National Lampoon, 2007. Maurice, Bottle Shock, Freestyle Releasing, 2008. Richard Banger, What Happens in Vegas, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2008.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Dennis G. Farina) Albert Lombard, ⬙One Eyed Jack,⬙ Miami Vice, NBC, 1984. Ed Coley, ⬙Undercover McCormick,⬙ Hardcastle and McCormick, 1985. Vic Terranova, ⬙The Snow Queen: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Hunter, 1985. (As Dennis G. Farina) Albert Lombard, ⬙Lombard,⬙ Miami Vice, 1985. Supervisor, ⬙The Killing Floor,⬙ American Playhouse, 1985. Cop, ⬙Steele Trying,⬙ Remington Steele, 1985. Joe Kaufman, ⬙Sylvie,⬙ Lady Blue, 1986. Lieutenant Colonel Edward Edward Vincent, ⬙All About E.E.V.,⬙ China Beach, ABC, 1988. Albert Lombard, ⬙World of Trouble,⬙ Miami Vice, 1989. Antoine, ⬙Werewolf Concerto,⬙ Tales from the Crypt (also known as HBO’s ⬙Tales from the Crypt⬙), HBO, 1992. The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, NBC, 1992. The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, 1997, 2000, 2002. ⬙Filmen Saving Private Ryan/Nyheter och vader,⬙ Nyhetsmorgon, 1998. The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn, CBS, 2003, 2004. Dinner for Five, Independent Film Channel, 2004. Voice of Wildcat, ⬙The Cat and the Canary,⬙ Justice League (animated; also known as JL and Justice League Unlimited), Cartoon Network, 2005. Detective Joe Fontana, ⬙Skeleton,⬙ Law & Order: Trial by Jury, NBC, 2005. Unsolved Mysteries, 2008.

Television Appearances; Series: Lieutenant Mike Torello, Crime Story, NBC, 1986–88. Title role, Buddy Faro, CBS, 1998. Victor Pellet, In–Laws, 2002–2003. Detective Joe Fontana, Law & Order, NBC, 2004–2006. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Kevin Kelly, Blind Faith, NBC, 1990. Elias Renthal, People Like Us, NBC, 1990. Tom Brereton, Cruel Doubt, NBC, 1992. Mike Cerone, Drug Wars: The Cocaine Cartel (also known as The Drug Wars: Columbia), NBC, 1992. Don Roberto Luciano, Bella Mafia, CBS, 1997. Walt Comeau, Empire Falls, HBO, 2005. Television Appearances; Movies: Patrolman, Through Naked Eyes, ABC, 1983. Hard Knox, NBC, 1984. The Impostor, ABC, 1984. Second policeman, Final Jeopardy, NBC, 1985. Veteran cop Ernie, Triplecross, 1985. The Birthday Boy, 1986. Robert Stroud, Birdman of Alcatraz, Six Against the Rock, NBC, 1987. Pete Carlson, Open Admissions, CBS, 1988. Angelo Buono, The Case of the Hillside Stranglers (also known as The Hillside Stranglers), NBC, 1989. Denton, The Disappearance of Nora (also known as Deadly Recall), CBS, 1993. Sidney Sheldon ⬙A Stranger in the Mirror⬙ (also known as A Stranger in the Mirror), 1993. Detective Harry Lindstrom, The Corpse Had a Familiar Face, CBS, 1994. Craig McKenna, One Woman’s Courage, NBC, 1994. Charley Siringo, Bonanza: Under Attack, NBC, 1995. Charlie Ingle, Out of Annie’s Past, USA Network, 1995.

Television Work; Series: Co–executive producer, Buddy Faro, CBS, 1998. Stage Appearances: The Time of Your Life, Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL, 1983. Cokes, Streamers, Steppenwolf Theatre, Chicago, then John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, 1985.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Lieutenant Mike Torello, Crime Story, NBC, 1986. William Kazan, Jack and Mike, ABC, 1986. Armand Zaro, ⬙Murder in Triplicate,⬙ Perfect Crimes, CBS, 1991. 117


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Television Appearances; Specials: Regional correspondent for the Midwest, Campaign ’86: Election Night, CBS, 1986. Correspondent, 48 Hours on Crack Street, CBS, 1986. Correspondent, Eye on the Earth, CBS, 1992. Correspondent, Decision ’96: The Republican National Convention, NBC, 1996. Correspondent, Decision ’96: The Democratic National Convention, NBC, 1996.

Also appeared in Some Men Need Help; A Class C Trial in Yokohama; A Prayer for My Daughter, Steppenwolf Theatre, Chicago, IL; Tracers, Steppenwolf Theatre; Bleacher Bums, Organic Theatre, Chicago, IL; Heat, Organic Theatre. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Chicago Tribune, October 3, 1998, p. 27; August 12, 2005. Entertainment Weekly, October 27, 1995, p. 65. People Weekly, September 18, 1995, p. 244.

WRITINGS Books: (With Nancy Skelton) Thunder in America: The Improbable Presidential Campaign of Jesse Jackson, Texas Monthly Press, 1986.


OTHER SOURCES Native of Salisbury, MD. Education: Davidson College, B.A.; London School of Economics and Political Science, London, M.Sc., 1968.

Electronic: MSNBC Online,, July 26, 2005.

Addresses: Office—c/o NBC News, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112. FEDERLINE, Kevin 1978–

Career: Broadcast journalist and correspondent. KING– TV, Seattle, WA, general assignment reporter and news anchor, 1969–70; WNAC–TV, Boston, MA, general assignment reporter and news producer, 1970–71; WBBM–TV, Chicago, IL, broadcast journalist, 1971–77; CBS News, national reporter based in Chicago, 1977–84, and New York City, 1984–94, including reports that were aired on the program 48 Hours; NBC News, New York City, national correspondent from Washington, DC, 1994—.

PERSONAL Also known as ⬙K–Fed⬙; full name, Kevin Earl Federline; born March 21, 1978, in Fresno, CA; son of Mike (a mechanic) and Julie (a bank teller) Federline; married Britney Spears (a singer and recording artist), September 18, 2004 (divorced, 2007); children: (with actress Shar Jackson) Kori Madison, Kaleb Michael; (with Spears) Sean Preston, Jayden James.

Awards, Honors: Local Emmy Awards, 1973, for a report on fraud in the pet industry, and 1976, for a report on a subway collision; Overseas Press Club Award, 1982, for report on conflict between Israel and Lebanon; Emmy Awards, 1984, for coverage of Jesse Jackson political campaign, 1986, for news series on racism, and 1988, for a report on 48 Hours; honorary doctorate, Western Maryland College, 1999; Overseas Press Club Award and Emmy Award, both 2000, for news report on Mozambique; also received awards from American Political Science Association, Illinois State Medical Society, Sigma Delta Chi, and other organizations.

Addresses: Manager—Dan Dymtrow, DMand Entertainment, 2425 Olympic Blvd., Suite 520E, Santa Monica, CA 90404; (voice work and commercials) Nina Nisenholtz, N2N Entertainment, 1230 Montana Ave., Suite 203, Santa Monica, CA 90403.


Career: Singer, dancer, recording artist, and actor. Toured as a backup dancer with Pink and other performers. Appeared in commercials for Nationwide insurance, Target department stores, and other clients; model for Five Star Vintage clothing. Formerly worked at various odd jobs.

Television Appearances; Series: Correspondent and commentator, NBC Nightly News, NBC, 1994—.

Awards, Honors: Teen Choice Award nomination, choice male television reality or variety star, 2005, for Britney & Kevin: Chaotic. 118

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

FERRER Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show, syndicated, 2005, 2006. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2006. The Tyra Banks Show, UPN, 2006. CD USA, DirecTV, 2006. The Megan Mullally Show, syndicated, 2006.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Miniseries: Britney & Kevin: Chaotic, UPN, 2005. Television Appearances; Specials: InStyle Celebrity Weddings, ABC, 2005. (In archive footage) Britney and Kevin: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2005. (Uncredited; in archive footage) Stars on Trial, MuchMusic, 2005. WWE Cyber Sunday, 2006. (In archive footage) Al TV, VH1, 2006. (In archive footage) Overrated in ’06, MuchMusic, 2006. (In archive footage) The Most Annoying People of 2006, BBC3, 2006. Britney: Off the Rails, Channel 4, 2007.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, MTV Video Music Awards, MTV, 2006. The Teen Choice Awards 2006, Fox, 2006. Television Work; Miniseries: Executive producer (with others) and photographer, Britney & Kevin: Chaotic, UPN, 2005. Film Appearances: Dancer, You Got Served, Screen Gems, 2004. Dancer, The Onion Movie (also known as News Movie), Fox Searchlight, 2008.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Dirt track dancer, ⬙Home Sweet Homeless,⬙ Nikki, The WB, 2001. ⬙Uneasy Rider,⬙ Nikki, The WB, 2002. (Uncredited) Party host (in archive footage), Video on Trial (also known as V.O.T.), MuchMusic, 2005. (In archive footage) Exclusiv—Das Star–Magazin, 2006. Cole ⬙Pig⬙ Tritt, ⬙Fannysmackin’,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les experts), CBS, 2006. Himself as mob member, 1 vs. 100, NBC, 2006. WWF Raw Is War (also known as Raw Is War, WWE Monday, WWE Raw, and WWF Raw), USA Network, multiple appearances, 2006–2007. Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, multiple appearances, between 2006 and 2008. So You Think You Can Dance, Fox, 2007. Accused, Video on Trial (also known as V.O.T.), MuchMusic, 2007. Jason, ⬙My Way Home Is Through You,⬙ One Tree Hill, CW Network, 2008. Jason, ⬙Its Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding),⬙ One Tree Hill, CW Network, 2008. Jason, ⬙In da Club,⬙ One Tree Hill, CW Network, 2008. (In archive footage) The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News Channel, 2008. (Uncredited; in archive footage) ⬙Child Stars: Where Are They Now?,⬙ 20 to 1, Nine Network, 2008.

Appeared in the music videos ⬙My Prerogative⬙ by Britney Spears and ⬙Port and Beans⬙ by Weezer; dancer in the music video ⬙Let’s Get the Party Started⬙ by Pink.

According to some sources, performed voice of Karl Rove for Lil’ Bush: Resident of the United States (animated), Comedy Central.

FERRER, Mel 1917–2008 (Melchior Gasto Ferrer, Melchior Gaston Ferrer, Melchor Gaston Ferrer)

RECORDINGS Albums: Playing with Fire, Reincarnate, 2006. Singles include ⬙Y’all Ain’t Ready,⬙ 2005, ⬙Popo Zao,⬙ 2006, and ⬙Lose Control,⬙ 2006. Videos: Groom, ⬙My Prerogative,⬙ Britney Spears: Greatest Hits—My Prerogative, BMG Distribution, 2004.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Interview, February, 2008, p. 112. Newsweek, February, 2008, p. 112. People Weekly, April 18, 2005, p. 21; September 10, 2007, p. 84; January 28, 2008, p. 87. USA Today, February 10, 2005, p. 3D; July 20, 2006, p. 3D; October 31, 2006, p. 4D.


Television Guest Appearances; Episodic: Late Show with David Letterman (also known as The Late Show, Late Show Backstage, and Letterman), CBS, 2005.

Full name, Melchor Gaston Ferrer; born August 25, 1917, in Elberon, NJ; died June 2, 2008, in Santa Barbara, CA. Darkly handsome with stunning features, 119


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Career: Production designer, art director, set decorator and designer, and costume designer.

Ferrer had a commanding film presence. His most notable cinematic achievements were often intertwined with those of his third wife, acting legend Audrey Hepburn.

Member: Art Directors Guild.

The son of a Cuban-born surgeon and a Manhattan socialite, Ferrer began working in summer stock at the age of fifteen and later attended Princeton University, where he won a playwright’s award during his sophomore year. Ferrer left Princeton after two years and spent time as a writer and editor. Ferrer made his screen acting debut in Lost Boundaries in 1949, portraying a light-skinned African American doctor who is able to pass for being white. A role as a heroic matador torn by inner doubts in The Brave Bulls in 1951 made Ferrer a star. Ferrer achieved his greatest critical success as an actor in 1953 with the role of a lame carnival puppeteer in Lili.

Awards, Honors: Silver Ribbon, best production design (migliore scenografia), Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists, 1980, for La citta delle donne; Premi David di Donatello, best production design (migliore scenografo), Accademia del Cinema Italiano, 1983, for La nuit de Varennes; Premi David di Donatello, best production design (migliore scenografo), and Silver Ribbon, best production design (migliore scenografia), both 1984, for E la nave va; Silver Ribbon, best production design (migliore scenografia), 1986, for Ginger e Fred; Premi David di Donatello, best production design (migliore scenografo), Film Strip in Gold (with Rainer Schaper; also known as Film Award in Gold), outstanding individual achievement: production design, German Film awards, and Silver Ribbon, best production design (migliore scenografia), all 1987, for The Name of the Rose; Film Award, best production design, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Silver Ribbon, best production design (migliore scenografia), and Academy Award nomination (with Francesca Lo Schiavo), best art direction–set decoration, all 1990, for The Adventures of Baron Munchausen; Premi David di Donatello, best production design (migliore scenografo), 1990, for La voce della luna; Academy Award nomination (with Lo Schiavo), best art direction–set direction, 1991, for Hamlet; Silver Ribbon, best production design (migliore scenografia), Academy Award nomination (with Robert J. Franco), best art direction– set direction, and Film Award nomination, best production design, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, all 1994, for The Age of Innocence; Film Award, best production design, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Silver Ribbon, best production design (migliore scenografia), and Academy Award nomination (with Lo Schiavo), best art direction–set decoration, all 1995, for Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Silver Ribbon, best production design (migliore scenografia), 1997, for Casino; Academy Award nominations, best art direction–set decoration (with Lo Schiavo), and best costume design, both 1998, for Kundun; Cinecitta Award, Premi David di Donatello, 1999; Silver Ribbon, best production design (migliore scenografia), 2000, for Bringing out the Dead and Titus; Golden Satellite Award nomination, best art direction, production design, International Press Academy, and Excellence in Production Design Award nomination (with others), feature film, Art Directors Guild, both 2000, for Titus; Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award, best production design, and Seattle Film Critics Award, best production design, both 2002, Golden Satellite Award, best art direction, Silver Ribbon, best production design (migliore scenografia), Academy Award nomination (with Lo Schiavo), best art direction–set decoration, Film Award nomination, best

Ferrer starred opposite Hepburn as Prince Andrei in War and Peace in 1956, in the Broadway play Ondine, also in 1956, and in the television version of Mayerling. Ferrer directed Hepburn in the hit film Green Mansions in 1959 and was producer of one of Hepburn’s greatest triumphs, Wait Until Dark, in 1967. Ferrer and Hepburn were married from 1954 to 1968; Ferrer would ultimately be married four times. Ferrer would also star alongside John Wayne and Richard Attenborough in the 1975 film Brannigan and in Lili Marleen in 1981, in which Ferrer portrayed a Swiss businessman who helps rescue Jews from Nazis. One of Ferrer’s more popular later works was his portrayal of lawyer Phillip Erickson on television’s Falcon Crest from 1981 until 1984. Ferrer officially retired from acting on his 80th birthday in 1997. PERIODICALS Chicago Tribune, June 4, 2008. Variety, June 9, 2008. New York Times, June 4, 2008.

FERRETTI, Dante 1943– PERSONAL Born February 26, 1943, in Macerata, Macerata, Marche, Italy; married Francesca Lo Schiavo (a production designer and set decorator); children: Edoardo (an assistant director and production assistant). Education: Earned a degree in architecture; also studied fine arts. Addresses: Manager—Marsh, Best & Associates, 9150 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 220, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Casarotto Marsh, Ltd., Waverly House, 7–12 Noel St., London W1F 7GQ, England. 120

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 production design, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Phoenix Film Critics Society Award nomination, best production design, and Excellence in Production Design Award nomination (with others), feature film—period or fantasy films, Art Directors Guild, all 2003, all for Gangs of New York; Outstanding Achievement Award, Los Angeles Italian Film awards, 2003; an exhibition of Ferretti’s film design work was featured in the exhibit ⬙Drawing Dreams: Dante Ferretti, Production Designer,⬙ at the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, Beverly Hills, CA, and an retrospective of his films was offered at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, both 2003; Achievement Award for Production Design, Palm Springs International Film Festival, 2004; Film Award nomination, best production design, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 2004, for Cold Mountain; Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award, San Diego Film Critics Society Award, and Phoenix Film Critics Society Award, all best production design, 2004, Academy Award (with Lo Schiavo), best achievement in art direction, Film Award, best production design, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Sierra Award, best art direction, Las Vegas Film Critics Society awards, Golden Satellite Award nomination (with Lo Schiavo), best art direction, production design, and Excellence in Production Design Award nomination (with others), feature film— period or fantasy film, Art Directors Guild, all 2005, and Special Silver Ribbon, 2006, all for The Aviator; Lifetime Achievement Award, outstanding achievement in production design, Camerimage, 2006; Behind the Camera Award, best production designer, 2006, and Silver Ribbon, best production design (migliore scenografia), 2007, both for The Black Dahlia; Hollywood Film Award, production designer of the year, Hollywood Film Festival, 2007; Washington, DC Area Film Critics Association Award, best art direction, San Diego Film Critics Society Award, best production design, and Phoenix Film Critics Society Award, best achievement in production design, all 2007, Academy Award (with Lo Schiavo), best achievement in art direction, 2008, and Excellence in Production Design Award nomination (with others), feature film—period film, Art Directors Guild, 2008, all for Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street; other awards and honors include multiple UBU awards, a special Leonardo Prize, and a Gold Band.

FERRETTI Assistant production designer, Uccellacci e uccellini (also known as Hawks and Sparrows and The Hawks and the Sparrows), 1966. Assistant production designer, Edipo re (also known as Oedipus Rex), 1967. Io non vedo, tu non parli, lui non sente, 1971. La classe operaia va in paradiso (also known as Lulu the Tool and The Working Class Goes to Heaven), Euro–International Films, 1971. I racconti di Canterbury (also known as The Canterbury Tales), United Artists, 1972. Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina (also known as Slap the Monster on Page One and Viol en premiere page), 1973. Storie scellerate (also known as Bawdy Tales and Roguish Stories), 1973. Crime of Love, Documento Film, 1974. Delitto d’amore (also known as Somewhere beyond Love), Documento Film, 1974. Il fiore della mille e una notte (also known as Arabian Nights, Flower of the Arabian Nights, A Thousand and One Nights, and Les mille et une nuits), United Artists, 1974. Mio Dio, come sono caduta in basso! (also known as How Long Can You Fall? and Till Marriage Do Us Part), 1974. The Night Porter, Avco–Embassy, 1974. Salo o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (also known as Salo, or, the One Hundred Days of Sodom and Salo ou les 120 journees de Sodome), Zebra, 1975. Todo modo, [Italy], 1976. Il casotto (also known as Beach House, The Beach Hut, Casotto, and In the Beach House), [Italy], 1977. Il mostro, 1977. La presidentessa, 1977. Ciao maschio (also known as Bye Bye Monkey and Reve de singe), Fida, 1978. Eutanasia di un amore (also known as Break Up), [Italy], 1978. Il gatto (also known as The Cat and Qui a tue le chat?), Rafran Cinematografica, 1978. Prova d’orchestra (also known as Federico Fellini’s ⬙Orchestra Rehearsal⬙ and Orchestra Rehearsal), 1978, subtitled version released by New Yorker Films, 1979. Il minestrone, [Italy], 1980. La citta delle donne (also known as City of Women), 1980, subtitled versions released in 1981. La pelle (also known as The Skin and La peau), Triumph Releasing/Columbia, 1981. Storie di ordinaria follia (also known as Tales of Ordinary Madness), 1981, Fred Baker Films, 1983. Oltre la porta (also known as Behind the Door, Beyond Obsession, Beyond the Door, Jail Bird, and The Secret beyond the Door), 1982. La nuit de Varennes (also known as That Night in Varennes, Il mondo nuovo, and La notte di Varennes), Gaumont, 1982, cut version released by Triumph Releasing, 1983. Desire (also known as Desiderio), Hemisphere, 1983.

CREDITS Film Production Designer: Assistant production designer, Il vangelo secondo Matteo (also known as The Gospel according to St. Matthew and L’evangile selon saint Matthieu), Arco Films, 1964. Assistant production designer, Il campagno Don Camillo (also known as Don Camillo in Moscow, Don Camillo en Russie, and Genosse Don Camillo), Francoriz Production/Rizzoli Film, 1965. 121


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 (Uncredited) Assistant art director, Fellini—Satyricon (also known as The Degenerates, Fellini Satyricon, Fellinis Satyricon, and Satyricon), 1969, subtitled version released by United Artists, 1970. (With Nichola Tamburro) Medea (also known as Medee), 1969, New Line Cinema, 1971. Il Decameron (also known as Decameron, The Decameron, Decamerone, and Le Decameron), United Artists, 1971. Delitto d’amore (also known as Somewhere beyond Love), Documento Film, 1974. Il fiore della mille e una notte (also known as Arabian Nights, Flower of the Arabian Nights, A Thousand and One Nights, and Les mille et une nuits), United Artists, 1974. Mio Dio, come sono caduta in basso! (also known as How Long Can You Fall? and Till Marriage Do Us Part), 1974. Salo o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (also known as Salo, or, the One Hundred Days of Sodom and Salo ou les 120 journees de Sodome), Zebra, 1975. Storie di ordinaria follia (also known as Tales of Ordinary Madness), 1981, Fred Baker Films, 1983. Oltre la porta (also known as Behind the Door, Beyond Obsession, Beyond the Door, Jail Bird, and The Secret beyond the Door), 1982. Desire (also known as Desiderio), Hemisphere, 1983.

E la nave va (also known as And the Ship Sails On, E la nave va di Federico Fellini, and Et vogue le navire), VIDES, 1983, subtitled version released by Triumph Releasing, 1984. Il futuro e donna (also known as The Future Is Woman), 1984. Le bon roi Dagobert (also known as Dagobert), Filmedis, 1984. Pianoforte, [Italy], 1984. Ginger e Fred (also known as Federcio Fellini’s ⬙Ginger & Fred⬙ and Ginger and Fred), Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer/United Artists, 1986. (With Rainer Schaper) The Name of the Rose (also known as Der Name der Rose, Il nome della rosa, and Le nom de la rose), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1986. (With Francesca Lo Schiavo) The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (also known as Die Abenteuer des Baron von Muenchhausen), TriStar, 1989. La voce della luna (also known as The Voice of the Moon), Cecchi Gori, 1989. (With Lo Schiavo) Lo zio indegno (also known as The Sleazy Uncle), [Italy], 1989, Quartet Films, 1991. (With Wolfgang Hundhammer) Dr. M (also known as Club Extinction and Docteur M.), Prism Entertainment, 1990. Hamlet, Warner Bros., 1990. (With Robert J. Franco) The Age of Innocence, Columbia, 1993. (With Lo Schiavo) Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (also known as Interview with the Vampire), Warner Bros., 1994. Casino, Universal, 1995. (With Lo Schiavo) Kundun, Buena Vista, 1997. Meet Joe Black (also known as Death Takes a Vacation), Universal, 1998. Bringing out the Dead, Paramount, 1999. Titus (also known as Titus Andronicus), Overseas FilmGroup, 1999. Gangs of New York, Miramax, 2002. Cold Mountain, Miramax, 2003. The Aviator (also known as Aviator), Miramax, 2004. The Fine Art of Love: Mine Ha–Ha (also known as The Grooming, Laughing Water (Mine Ha–Ha), and L’educazione fisica delle fanciulle), 2005. The Black Dahlia (also known as Black Dahlia and Die Schwarze Dahlie), Universal, 2006. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (musical; also known as Sweeney Todd), Warner Bros., 2007. Shutter Island, Paramount, 2009.

Film Set Decorator: Gli imbroglioni (also known as The Swindlers and Los mangantes), 1963. ⬙La moglie bionda⬙ segment, Oggi, domani, dopodomani (also known as Kiss the Other Sheik and The Man, the Woman and the Money), 1965. El Greco, 1966, dubbed version released by Twentieth Century–Fox, 1967. I bastardi (also known as The Cats, Sons of Satan, Der Bastard, and Le batard), 1968. Medea (also known as Medee), 1969, New Line Cinema, 1971. Film Costume Designer: Mio Dio, come sono caduta in basso! (also known as How Long Can You Fall? and Till Marriage Do Us Part), 1974. Kundun, Buena Vista, 1997. Film Work; Other: Assistant music arranger, Il campagno Don Camillo (also known as Don Camillo in Moscow, Don Camillo en Russie, and Genosse Don Camillo), Francoriz Production/Rizzoli Film, 1965. Set designer, Ginger e Fred (also known as Federcio Fellini’s ⬙Ginger & Fred⬙ and Ginger and Fred), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1986.

Film Art Director: Assistant art director, Lo sbarco di Anzio (also known as Anzio and The Battle for Anzio), Columbia, 1968. Assistant art director, Meglio vedova (also known as Better a Widow), 1968.

Film Appearances; Documentaries: (Uncredited) Himself, Ciao, Federico!, Carlotta Films/ New Line Cinema, c. 1969. 122

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Proprietaire, Mora, Tridis, 1982. Himself, La rosa dei nomi, Movie Movie, 1987. Himself, A la recherche de Kundun avec Martin Scorsese (also known as In Search of Kundun with Martin Scorsese), 1998, In Pictures, 1999. Himself (chef decorateur), Fellini: Je suis un grand menteur (also known as Federico Fellini: I’m a Big Liar, Fellini: I’m a Born Liar, I’m a Born Liar, Federico Fellini: Sono un gran bugiardo, and Fellini: Sono un gran bugiardo), 2002.

FISCHER Himself, The Madness and Misadventures of Munchhausen, 2008. WRITINGS Nonfiction: (Featured in interview in book) Peter Ettedgui, Production Design & Art Direction, Screencraft Series, RotoVision, c. 1999. OTHER SOURCES

Television Production Designer; Miniseries: Il segreto del Sahara (also known as The Secret of the Sahara), various channels in various countries, 1987.

Periodicals: Insight on the News, May 1, 1995, p. 26. MovieMaker, February 9, 2003. TCI, February, 1995, pp. 28–31.

Television Production Designer; Specials; Operas: La traviata, Radiotelevisione Italiana, 1992. Cavalleria rusticana, Radiotelevisione Italiana, 1996. Manon Lescaut, Radiotelevisione Italiana, c. 1998. Un ballo in maschera, Radiotelevisione Italiana, 2001. Il trovatore, BBC, 2002.

FISCHER, Jenna 1974– (Jenna Fisher) PERSONAL

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 77th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2005. The 80th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2008.

Original name, Regina Marie Fischer; born March 7, 1974, in Fort Wayne, IN; daughter of Jim (an engineer) and Anne (an acting teacher) Fischer; married James Gunn (a writer and director), October 7, 2000 (divorced, 2008). Education: Truman State University, B.A. Avocational Interests: Cartooning.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Himself, ⬙Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2008. Stage Designer; Operas: La fanciulla del west, Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1986. La traviata, La Scala, Milan, Italy, 1992, 2001. Cavalleria rusticana, Ravenna Festival, Ravenna, Italy, 1996, and Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Italy. Manon Lescaut, La Scala, 1998. Un ballo in maschera, La Scala, 2001. Il trovatore, Royal Opera House, London, Covent Garden, 2002. La Boheme, Opera Nationale de Paris, Opera Bastille, Paris, 2005. Carmen, Macerata Opera Festival, Arena Sferisterio, Macerata, Italy, 2008. The Fly, LA Opera, Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Los Angeles, 2008.

Addresses: Agent—Endeavor, 9601 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Manager—Naomi Odenkirk, Odenkirk Talent Management, 650 North Bronson Ave., Building B145, Los Angeles, CA 90004. Publicist—Lewis Kay, Bragman/Nyman/Cafarelli, Pacific Design Center, 8th Floor, 8687 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90069. Career: Actress. Appeared in commercials. Worker as a receptionist and temporary office worker. Volunteer with Kitten Rescue.

Stage designer for the opera Tosca, Buenos Aires, Argentina; designer for operas produced at various venues, including productions in Florence, Rome, and Turin, Italy.

Awards, Honors: Emerging Actor Award, Screen Actors Guild, and Tromadance Independent Soul Award, American Film Market, both 2006, for Lollilove; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding supporting actress in a comedy series, 2007, and Screen Actors Guild Award (with others), outstanding ensemble in a comedy, 2007, 2008, all for The Office.


CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Pam Beesly, The Office (also known as The Office: US Version), NBC, 2005–2008.

Videos: Himself, Climbing ⬙Cold Mountain,⬙ 2004. Himself, Casino: The Look, 2005. 123


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The WIN Awards 2006, Women’s Image Network, 2006. The 58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, NBC, 2006. 2008 Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards, 2008.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Rubbing Charlie, CBS, 2003. Pam Beesly, The Office (also known as The Office: US Version), NBC, 2005. Television Appearances; Movies: Whisper, Employee of the Month, Showtime, 2004.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: 30 Even Scarier Movie Moments, Bravo, 2006.

Television Appearances; Specials: Reel Comedy: Walk Hard, Comedy Central, 2007. Presenter, Movies Rock, CBS, 2007. Live from the Red Carpet: The ѧ Screen Actors Guild Awards, E! Entertainment Television, 2007, 2008. Live from the Red Carpet: The 2008 Emmy Awards, E! Entertainment Television, 2008.

Film Appearances: Rane, Channel 493, 1998. (As Jenna Fisher) Wendy Miller, Born Champion, 1998. College girl, The Specials, Regent Entertainment, 2000. First dog walker, Picking Up Chicks with Harland Williams (short film), IFILM, 2001. Bitchy French girl, Les Superficiales (short film), Open Road Films, 2002. Hostess, Melvin Goes to Dinner, Arrival Pictures, 2003. Leslie, The Women (short film), 2004. Jenna, Lollilove, 2004, Troma Entertainment, 2006. First sorority girl, Lucky 13, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer Home Entertainment, 2005. (Uncredited) First woman, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Universal, 2005. Shelby, Slither (also known as Incisions), Universal, 2006. Katie Van Waldenberg, Blades of Glory, Paramount, 2007. Michelle, The Brothers Solomon, TriStar, 2007. Darlene Madison, Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (also known as Walk Hard and Walk Hard: American Cox, the Unbearably Long, Self–Indulgent Director’s Cut), Columbia, 2007. Jen Stauber, The Promotion, Third Real Releasing, 2008.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Waitress, ⬙A Shot in the Dark: Part 2,⬙ Spin City, ABC, 2001. Sorority girl, ⬙Prototype,⬙ Undeclared, Fox, 2001. Betty, ⬙Sick in the Head,⬙ Undeclared, Fox, 2001. Melanie, ⬙The Backup,⬙ Off Centre, The WB, 2002. Kim, ⬙Copy That,⬙ What I Like About You, The WB, 2002. Camille Freemont, ⬙Maternal Mirrors,⬙ Strong Medicine, Lifetime, 2003. Connie, ⬙Kate in Ex–tasy,⬙ Miss Match, NBC, 2003. Dottie in 1943, ⬙Factory Girls,⬙ Cold Case, CBS, 2004. Stacy Wanamaker, ⬙Don’t Lie to Me,⬙ That ’70s Show, Fox, 2005. Sharon Kinney, ⬙A Coat of White Primer,⬙ Six Feet Under, HBO, 2005. Sharon Kinney, ⬙Dancing for Me,⬙ Six Feet Under, HBO, 2005. ⬙Tournament 8, Game 4,⬙ Celebrity Poker Showdown, Bravo, 2006. ⬙Breaking News,⬙ Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (also known as Studio 60), NBC, 2007. (Uncredited) Pam Beesly (in archive footage), ⬙The Office,⬙ Comedy Connections, BBC, 2007.

Film Director: Lollilove, 2004, Troma Entertainment, 2006. RECORDINGS Video Appearances: Kelsey, Doggie Tails, Vol. 1: Lucky’s First Sleep–over, Troma Entertainment, 2003. Make Your Own Damn Movie!, Troma Entertainment, 2005. The Making of ⬙Lollilove,⬙ Troma Team Video, 2006. The King of Cult: Lloyd Kaufman’s Video Diary (also known as ⬙Slither⬙–ing through Hollywood, ⬙Slither⬙–ing through Hollywood Uncut, and ⬙Slither⬙–ing through Tinseltown), Troma Team Video, 2006. Herself and Katie Van Waldenberg, The Making of ⬙Blades of Glory,⬙ Paramount Home Video, 2007.

Television Guest Appearances; Episodic: Last Call with Carson Daly, NBC, 2006. The Tony Danza Show, syndicated, 2006. Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 2006. Late Show with David Letterman (also known as The Late Show and Letterman), CBS, 2006, 2008. The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, CBS, 2006, 2008. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, multiple appearances, beginning 2006. Live with Regis and Kelly, syndicated, 2007. Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2007, 2008.

Appeared in the music video ⬙Through Any Window⬙ by Willie Wisely. 124

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

FRIEDMAN age, 1993, for reporting on flooding in the Midwest; Emmy Award nomination (with others), outstanding instant coverage of a news story, 1999, for reports on shooting at Columbine High School, Dateline NBC; Gracie Award, 2001, for reporting on World Trade Center attacks of September 11, 2001; Edward R. Murrow Award; honorary doctorate in journalism, St. Ambrose University.

Video Work: (Uncredited) Cinematographer, The Making of ⬙Lollilove,⬙ Troma Team Video, 2006. WRITINGS Screenplays: Coauthor, Lollilove (also based on a story by Fischer), 2004, Troma Entertainment, 2006.



Television Appearances; Series: Anchor, News 4 New York, 1991–94. Reporter and substitute anchor, Today, NBC, 1991–93. Substitute anchor, NBC News at Sunrise, NBC, 1991–93. Dateline NBC (also known as Dateline), NBC, 1996—.

Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, October 20, 2006, pp. 40–42. Hollywood Reporter, February 21, 2001, pp. 10, 35. Interview, April, 2007, p. 84. Los Angeles Times, August 29, 2003. Parade, December 9, 2007, p. 26. People Weekly, March 13, 2006, p. 124. TV Guide, March 6, 2004, pp. 36–38.

Also reporter for NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, NBC. Television Appearances; Episodic: Hardball with Chris Matthews, CNBC, 2006.


OTHER SOURCES Electronic: MSNBC Online,, January 2, 2007.

FRATANGELO, Dawn 1960– PERSONAL Full name, Dawn Marie Fratangelo; born June 5, 1960, in Savannah, NY; married second husband, Eric Wishnie (a television news producer), October 11, 1997 (died, 2007); children: (second marriage) three. Education: State University of New York College at Plattsburgh, graduated.

FRIEDMAN, Andrew PERSONAL Son of Elliot I. Friedman; married Cara DiPaolo (a writer), 2003.

Addresses: Office—c/o NBC News, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112.

Addresses: Manager—Odenkirk Talent Management, 650 N. Bronson Ave., Building B145, Los Angeles, CA 90004. Agent—Greene and Associates, 190 N. Canon Dr., Suite 200, Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

Career: Broadcast journalist and news anchor. WPTZ– TV, Plattsburgh, NY, news anchor, 1983–85; KFMB–TV, San Diego, CA, reporter and news anchor, 1986; WCVB–TV, Boston, MA, weekend new anchor; WNBC– TV, New York City, reporter and news anchor, 1991–93; NBC News, New York City, correspondent from Chicago, IL, 1993–96, reporter, 1996, including reports for the cable network MSNBC.

Career: Actor, producer, writer. CREDITS Television Appearances; Episodic: Tuttle friend with glasses, ⬙Grinding the Corn,⬙ Six Feet Under, HBO, 2004.

Awards, Honors: Southern California Golden Mike Award, 1986, for reporting on an AeroMexico plane crash in California; Emmy Award, outstanding cover125


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

Emergency medical technician, ⬙My Last Chance,⬙ Scrubs, NBC, 2004. George, ⬙A Fan for All Seasons,⬙ Stacked, Fox, 2005. Charlie’s uncle, ⬙Charlie Got Molested,⬙ It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (also known as It’s Always Sunny), FX Channel, 2005. Henry, a recurring role, Twins, The WB, 2005. Captain Spic, The Underground, Showtime, 2006. Photographer, ⬙The World According to Garf,⬙ Big Day, ABC, 2006. Photographer, ⬙Skobo and Alice Hooked Up,⬙ Big Day, ABC, 2006. Andy, ⬙The New Boss,⬙ 10 Items or Less, TBS, 2006. Father O’Leary, ⬙Troubled Times: Part 2–Murder & Deception,⬙ Derek and Simon: The Show, TBS, 2007. Merl Berger, ⬙The Anonymous Donor,⬙ Curb Your Enthusiasm, HBO, 2007. City clerk, ⬙The Game,⬙ Dirty Sexy Money, ABC, 2007. Doctor Thompson, ⬙Sonata in Three Parts,⬙ Men in Trees, ABC, 2008. Doctor Thompson, ⬙A Tale of Two Kidneys,⬙ Men in Trees, ABC, 2008. Andy, ⬙Star Trok,⬙ 10 Items or Less, TBS, 2009. Andy, ⬙Eye Can See Clearly,⬙ 10 Items or Less, TBS, 2009.

Television Appearances; Movies: Burnout number one, Since You’ve Been Gone (also known as 10 Years Later), ABC, 1998. Television Producer; Specials: Killer, Dinner Date 1, 2002. Killer, Dinner Date 3, 2002. Television Producer; Movies: Guardians of the Book, 2001. Film Appearances: Soup for One, Warner Bros., 1982. Sarah’s Fantasy Player, 1996. Lionel, Lionel on a Sunday, 1997. Simon, Guardians of the Book, 2001. Lee, Another Flush, 2003. Pablo, Terry Tate, Office Linebacker: Sensitivity Training, Hypnotic, 2004. Frank, Office Court, 2005. Bed, Bath and Beyond shopper, Bewitched, Sony, 2005. Tom, Closing Escrow, Magnolia, 2007. Casper, Live Free or Die Hard (also known as Die Hard 4.0 and Die Hard 4: Live Free or Die Hard), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2007. Nervous dad, The Brothers Solomon, Screen Gems, 2007. Trevor Duncan, Max Payne, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2008.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Desk clerk, Uncommon Sense, NBC, 2005. Alan, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (also known as Studio 60), NBC, 2006.


Television Appearances; Specials: Killer, Dinner Date 1, 2002. Killer, Dinner Date 3, 2002.

Television Specials: Killer, Dinner Date 1, 2002. Killer, Dinner Date 3, 2002.


G Jamie Rodrigue, ⬙Bound and Gagged, Your Husband Was Snagged,⬙ Wild Card (also known as Zoe Busiek: Wild Card), Lifetime, 2004.

GAREL, Saskia 1977– PERSONAL

Stage Appearances: Mimi Marquez, Rent (musical), Canadian production, 1998. Nala as an adult, The Lion King (musical), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2000.

Born December 9, 1977, in Kingston, Jamaica. Career: Actress and singer. Love & Sas (singing duo), performer and recording artist.

Appeared as Mercedes in Up from the Downs, Watts Village Theatre Company, Los Angeles.

Awards, Honors: Two Juno Awards, best rhythm and blues recording, Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, both for Call My Name.

RECORDINGS Albums; Singer and Songwriter: Recorded (with Love & Sas) Call My Name, BMG, and (solo album) Movin’ On.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Singer, Night Man, syndicated, 1998–99. Usher, Spynet, CBC, 2002. Danielle, One on One, UPN, 2004–2006.

GIUNTOLI, Neil 1959– (Neil Gray Giuntoli) PERSONAL

Television Appearances; Movies: A reporter, Mistrial, HBO, 1996. Judy, A Tale of Two Bunnies (also known as The Price of Beauty), ABC, 2000.

Born December 20, 1959, in Chicago, IL. Addresses: Agent—Mitchell K. Stubbs and Associates, 8675 West Washington Blvd., Suite 203, Culver City, CA 90232.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Claire, ⬙Deep Sleep,⬙ Earth: Final Conflict (also known as EFC, Gene Roddenberry’s ⬙Earth: Final Conflict,⬙ Invasion planete Terre, and Mission Erde: Sie sind unter uns), syndicated, 2002. Gina Newcastle, ⬙Eye of the Storm,⬙ Tracker, syndicated, 2002. ⬙Loyalty,⬙ Platinum, UPN, 2003. Gina Dominic, ⬙Remember When,⬙ She Spies, syndicated, 2004.

Career: Actor and writer. CREDITS Film Appearances: Eddie Caputo, Child’s Play, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1988. Shorty, Next of Kin, Warner Bros., 1989. 127


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Digger Wade, The Hat Squad, CBS, 1992. Private Ryder, ⬙The Leap between the States— September 20, 1862,⬙ Quantum Leap, NBC, 1993. Frank Jordan, ⬙Everybody Lies,⬙ Sirens, ABC, 1993. Lieutenant Jessup Rienhardt, ⬙The Fear that Follows,⬙ SeaQuest DSV (also known as SeaQuest 2032), NBC, 1994. Alan, ⬙Luck of the Draw,⬙ ER, NBC, 1995. Larry Maldoon, ⬙Hello Goodbye,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. Brody, ⬙The Little Kicks,⬙ Seinfeld, NBC, 1996. Michael Hayes, CBS, 1997. Voice of Wheezie, ⬙Texas City Twister,⬙ King of the Hill (animated), Fox, 1997. Voice of second closer, ⬙Hilloween,⬙ King of the Hill (animated), Fox, 1997. Ross Cheswick, ⬙Seminal Thinking,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1998. Paramedic, ⬙Dude Act like a Lady,⬙ House Rules, NBC, 1998. Ralph Witton, ⬙You Never Can Tell,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 1998. Detective Ryan, ⬙Moment of Truth,⬙ Sons of Thunder, CBS, 1999. Detective Ryan, ⬙Daddy’s Girl,⬙ Sons of Thunder, CBS, 1999. Detective Ryan, ⬙Underground,⬙ Sons of Thunder, CBS, 1999. Detective Ryan, ⬙Thunder by Your Side,⬙ Sons of Thunder, CBS, 1999. Joey Boyle, ⬙Philly Folly,⬙ Philly, ABC, 2001. Vincent Drake, ⬙Dead Ringer,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les experts), CBS, 2004. Mark Stutz, ⬙Recycling,⬙ CSI: NY, CBS, 2005. First attendant, ⬙Mr. Monk and the Election,⬙ Monk, USA Network, 2005.

Sergeant Jack Bocci, Memphis Belle, Warner Bros., 1990. Scully, The Borrower, Cannon, 1991. Snyder, CrissCross (also known as Alone Together), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1992. Sammy, Leather Jackets, 1992. Jigger, The Shawshank Redemption, Columbia, 1994. Hellfire gunner, Waterworld, Universal, 1995. Trailer park manager, Up Close & Personal, Buena Vista, 1996. Title role, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, Part 2 (also known as Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, Part 2—Mask of Sanity), 1996, Margin Films, 1998. The Wetonkawa Flash, Indican Pictures, 1999. Mac, Palmer’s Pick Up, Winchester Films, 1999. Midwestern Myth, Players Workshop Productions, 2003. Harry Grmusa, Love Comes to the Executioner, Velocity Home Entertainment, 2006. Television Appearances; Series: (As Neil Gray Giuntoli) Donny, a recurring role, Wiseguy, CBS, 1990. Florus Workman, The Jeff Foxworthy Show (also known as Somewhere in America), NBC, 1996–97. Television Appearances; Movies: (As Neil Gray Giuntoli) Dutch Schultz, The Revenge of Al Capone (also known as Capone), NBC, 1989. (As Neil Gray Giuntoli) Sam Scoggins, A Killer Among Us, NBC, 1990. Goldstein, Mission of the Shark: The Saga of the U.S.S. Indianapolis (also known as Mission of the Shark), CBS, 1991. (As Neil Gray Giuntoli) Jerrod, Steel Justice, NBC, 1992. Ice Box, Keys (also known as Keys to Her Past), Lifetime, 1994. The lawyer, The ’70s, NBC, 2000.

Stage Appearances: Title role, Hizzoner, Prop Theatre, Chicago, IL, 2006. WRITINGS

Television Appearances; Pilots: Officer Kupchek, The Bakery, CBS, 1990.

Stage: The Wannabe Wiseguy (workshop performance; also based on a story by Giuntoli and Gordon Clapp), Prop Theatre Group, Chicago, IL, 1999. (Contributor) The Farmington Armada, Farmington, NM, 2002. Hizzoner, Prop Theatre Group, 2006.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Neil Gray Giuntoli) Walker, ⬙Watchdogs,⬙ Sable, ABC, 1987. (As Neil Gray Giuntoli) Mike, ⬙The World: Part 2,⬙ China Beach, ABC, 1989. (As Neil Gray Giuntoli) Frank, ⬙Shelter Me,⬙ Baywatch, NBC, 1989. Jack, ⬙In Confidence,⬙ Equal Justice, 1991. Judd Taylor, ⬙The Assassination: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Matlock, NBC, 1992. (As Neil Gray Giuntoli) Billy Quintaine, ⬙Showdown,⬙ Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1992 (some sources cite ⬙Showdown⬙ as a segment of the pilot Two– Fisted Tales, Fox, 1991.

GLEASON, Joanna 1950– PERSONAL Original name, Joanna Hall; born June 2, 1950, in Toronto, Ontario, (some sources cite Winnipeg, Manitoba) 128

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Canada; daughter of Monty (a television game show host and producer) and Marilyn Doreen (an actress, writer, and producer; maiden name, Plottel) Hall; sister of Sharon Hall (a writer and director) and Richard Hall (a writer and director); married Paul G. Gleason (an acting coach and director), 1975 (divorced, 1981); married Michael Bennahum (an investment banker and producer), 1984 (divorced, c. 1990); married Chris Sarandon (an actor and producer), 1994; children: (first marriage) Aaron David (a musician and bandleader); (third marriage) three stepchildren. Education: Attended University of California, Los Angeles; Occidental College, graduated, 1972.

GLEASON Pam, A Day in the Death of Joe Egg (also known as Joe Egg), Roundabout Theatre, Haft Theatre, New York City, 1985, then Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1985. Virginia Noyles, It’s Only a Play, Manhattan Theatre Club Stage I, New York City, 1985. Trudy Heyman, Social Security, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 1986. Baker’s wife, Into the Woods (musical), Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA, 1987, then Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, 1987–88. Melissa Gardner, Love Letters, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1988, then Promenade Theatre, New York City, 1989. Artie, Eleemosynary, Manhattan Theatre Club Stage II, New York City, 1989. Nora Charles, Nick & Nora (musical), Marquis Theatre, New York City, 1991. Pigeon sister, The Odd Couple (benefit), National Actors Theatre, Belasco Theatre, New York City, 1991. Baker’s wife, Into the Woods (benefit performance), Broadway Theatre, New York City, 1997. Dr. Emma Brookner, The Normal Heart, Worth Street Theatre Company, Public Theatre, New York City, 2004. Muriel Eubanks, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (musical), Old Globe Theatre, then Imperial Theatre, New York City, 2005–2006. The Cartells, 2006. Alison, Something You Did, Primary Stages Theatre, New York City, 2008. Happiness, Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre, New York City, 2009.

Addresses: Agent—Innovative Artists Talent and Literary Agency, 1505 10th St., Santa Monica, CA 90401. Manager—Elin Flack, Elin Flack Management, 435 West 57th St., Suite 3M, New York, NY 10019; Vera Mihailovich, Forward Entertainment, 9255 Sunset Blvd., Suite 805, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Career: Actress and director. Also teacher of acting classes and workshops. Member: Actors’ Equity Association. Awards, Honors: Theatre World Award, 1977, for I Love My Wife; Clarence Derwent Award, Actors’ Equity Association, 1985, and Drama Desk Award, outstanding featured actress in a play, both for A Day in the Death of Joe Egg; Drama Desk Award, outstanding featured actress in a play, 1986, for It’s Only a Play and Social Security; Outer Critics Circle Award, best actress in a musical, Drama Desk Award, best featured actress in a musical, and Antoinette Perry Award, best featured actress in a musical, all 1988, all for Into the Woods; Antoinette Perry Award nomination and Drama Desk Award nomination, both outstanding featured actress in a musical, 2005, for Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

Also appeared in a production of Thorn & Bloom. Stage Work; Director: A Letter from Ethel Kennedy, Manhattan Class Company Theater, New York City, 2002.


Also directed a production of Call Waiting, Tiffany Theatre.

Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Promises, Promises, Long Beach Opera Company, Long Beach, CA, then San Francisco Light Opera Company, San Francisco, CA, both 1972. Hamlet, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 1974. (Broadway debut) Monica, I Love My Wife (musical), Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 1977–79. Hey, Look Me Over!, Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center, New York City, 1981. The Real Thing, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1983–85. Jill, A Hell of a Town, GeVa Theatre, Rochester, NY, 1984, then Cheryl Crawford Theatre, Westside Arts Center (now Westside Theatre Upstairs), New York City, 1984.

Film Appearances: Diana, Heartburn, Paramount, 1986. Carol, Hannah and Her Sisters, Orion, 1987. Wendy Stern, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Orion, 1989. Assistant District Attorney Liz Kennedy, FX2: The Deadly Art of Illusion (also known as F/X2), Orion, 1991. Adult Gertrude, Mr. Holland’s Opus, Buena Vista, 1995. Dirk’s mother, Boogie Nights, New Line Cinema, 1997. Shirley Dutton, American Perfekt, American Perfekt Productions, 1997. Dr. Rona Harvey, Let the Devil Wear Black, Trimark Pictures, 1999. 129


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Television Appearances; Pilots: Geri Sanborn, Why Us?, NBC, 1981. Jennifer Simpson, Great Day, CBS, 1983. Kimberly Cleaver, Still the Beaver (also known as The New Leave It to Beaver), CBS, 1983. Connie Randolph, Bette!, CBS, 2000.

Mrs. Kitty Donolly, The Wedding Planner (also known as Wedding Planner–verliebt, verlobt, verplant), Columbia, 2001. Lois, The Pleasure of Your Company (also known as The Next Girl I See and Wedding Daze), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 2006. Sarah Graczyk, The Girl in the Park, Weinstein Company, 2007. Therapist, Sex and the City (also known as Sex and the City: The Movie), Warner Bros., 2008. Kitty and Aunt Sally, My Sassy Girl, Gold Circle Films, 2008. Barbara Delacorte, The Women, Picturehouse, 2008. Roberta, The Rebound, Film Department/Process Productions, 2009. Broadway: The Next Generation (documentary), Second Act Productions, 2009. Broadway: Beyond the Golden Age (documentary; also known as B.G.A. 2 and Broadway: The Golden Age Two), Second Act Productions, 2009.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Julia, ⬙1974,⬙ If These Walls Could Talk, HBO, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: Morgan Winslow, ⬙The New Kid,⬙ Hello, Larry, NBC, 1979. Morgan Winslow, ⬙Peer Pressure,⬙ Hello, Larry, NBC, 1979. Morgan Winslow, ⬙The Trip: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Diff’rent Strokes, 1979. Morgan Winslow, ⬙Feudin’ and Fussin’: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Diff’rent Strokes, 1979. Morgan Winslow, ⬙Thanksgiving Crossover: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Diff’rent Strokes, 1979. (Uncredited) Faith Crane, ⬙What Price Glory?,⬙ Bosom Buddies, ABC, 1981. Password Plus, NBC, 1981. ⬙The Activist,⬙ Love, Sidney, NBC, 1982. LeAnne the stewardess, ⬙Family,⬙ Tracey Takes On ѧ, HBO, 1996. Leslie, ⬙Inconstant Moon,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and syndicated, 1996. Iris, ⬙The Match Game,⬙ ER, NBC, 1996. Iris, ⬙Fire in the Belly,⬙ ER, NBC, 1996. Iris, ⬙Take These Broken Wings,⬙ ER, NBC, 1996. Mrs. Rabe, ⬙Anatomy Lesson,⬙ Perversions of Science, HBO, 1997. Eileen Borman, Michael Hayes, CBS, 1997. Athena Gillington, ⬙Petty Woman,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1997. Voice of Della, ⬙Generosity,⬙ Adventures from the Book of Virtues (animated), PBS, 1997. ⬙The Teacher,⬙ George & Leo, CBS, 1998. Katherine Hawkins, ⬙Age,⬙ Tracey Takes On ѧ, HBO, 1998. Kim Clozzi, ⬙The One Where Rachel Smokes,⬙ Friends, NBC, 1999. Kim Clozzi, ⬙The One with Ross’ Teeth,⬙ Friends, NBC, 1999. Charlotte, ⬙What It Should Be and What It Is,⬙ Oh Baby, Lifetime, 2000. Defense Attorney Henrietta Lightstone, ⬙Vanished: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 2001. ⬙Every Dog Had His Day,⬙ The Apprentice: Martha Stewart, NBC, 2005. Muriel Eubanks (in archive footage), La mandragora, TVE, 2005.

Television Appearances; Series: Chain Reaction, NBC, 1980. Nadine Berkus, a recurring role, Love & War (also known as Love Is Hell), CBS, 1992–95. Joan Silver, Temporarily Yours (also known as Temp Yours, Temp Mine), CBS, 1997. Voices of Maddy Platter and other characters, King of the Hill (animated), Fox, between 1997 and 2007. Connie Randolph, Bette!, CBS, 2000–2001. Attorney Jordan Kendall, a recurring role, The West Wing, NBC, 2001–2002. Also appeared as host of Personal Side. Television Appearances; Movies: Marie Margulies, The Boys (also known as The Guys), ABC, 1991. Irene, For Richer, For Poorer (also known as Father, Son and the Mistress and Getting There), HBO, 1992. Annemarie, Born Too Soon, NBC, 1993. Shirley, For the Love of Aaron (also known as The Creature, the Kid, and Margaret), CBS, 1994. Maude, Edie & Pen (also known as Desert Gamble), HBO, 1997. Armacost, Road Ends (also known as Safe House), Cinemax, 1997. Silvia, Fathers and Sons, Showtime, 2005. Television Appearances; Specials: Jinx, ⬙Life under Water,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1989. Baker’s wife, ⬙Into the Woods,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1991. Beverly Hills High, E! Entertainment Television, 1997. ⬙Monty Hall: Let’s Make a Deal,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 1999. AFI’s 100 Years ѧ 100 Passions, Channel 4, 2002. 130

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

GLENN Long John, Angels Hard as They Come (also known as Angels, Angel Warriors, Angels as Hard as They Come, and Angels, Hell on Harleys), New World, 1971. Jimbang, Hex (also known as The Shrieking, Charms, and Grasslands), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1972. Private Glenn Kelly, Nashville, Paramount, 1975. Charlie Hunter, Fighting Mad, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1976. Bill Lester, She Came to the Valley (also known as Texas in Flames), R.G.V. Pictures, 1977. Captain Richard Colby, Apocalypse Now (also known as Apocalypse Now Redux), United Artists, 1979. Newt, leader of Electric Haze Band, More American Graffiti (also known as Purple Haze), Universal, 1979. Wes Hightower, Urban Cowboy, Paramount, 1980. Bill Dalton, Cattle Annie and Little Britches, Universal, 1981 Rick Murphy, The Challenge (also known as Equals and Swords of the Ninja), Embassy, 1982. Terry Tingloff, Personal Best, Warner Bros., 1982. Alan Shepard, The Right Stuff, Warner Bros., 1983. Glasken Trismegestus, The Keep, Paramount, 1983. Joe Wade, The River, Universal, 1984. John Haddad, Wild Geese II, Universal, 1985. Emmett, Silverado, Columbia, 1985. Creasy, Man on Fire (also known as Absinthe and Un uomo sotto tiro), TriStar, 1987. Colonel Dexter Armstrong, Off Limits (also known as Saigon and Saigon: Off Limits), Twentieth Century– Fox, 1988. Title role, Verne Miller (also known as The Verne Miller Story and Gangland), Alive, 1988. Mac Sam, Miss Firecracker, Corsair, 1989. Captain Bart Mancusco, The Hunt for Red October, Paramount, 1990. Jack Crawford, The Silence of the Lambs, Orion, 1991. John ⬙Axe⬙ Adcox, Backdraft, Universal, 1991. H. D. ⬙Shotgun⬙ Dalton, My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1991. Himself, The Player, Fine Line, 1992. William B. Rickman, The Flight of the Dove (also known as The Spy Within), New Horizons Home Video, 1995. J. P. Stiles, Tall Tale (also known as Tall Tale: The Unbelievable Adventure and Tall Tale: The Unbelievable Adventures of Pecos Bill), Buena Vista, 1995. Lloyd, Reckless, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1995. Tony Gartner, Courage under Fire, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1996. Bradley, Carla’s Song (also known as La cancion de Carla), Shadow Distribution, 1996. Iggy, Lesser Prophets (also known as The Last Bet), Prophetable Pictures, 1997. Bill Burton, Absolute Power, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Senor Grem, Larga distancia, Vagabond Films, 1998. Wynt Perkins, Firestorm, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. Cole, The Last Marshal, 1999.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 56th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 2002. The 59th Annual Tony Awards, 2005. Presenter, The 60th Annual Tony Awards, 2006. Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Take Two Donuts and Call Me in the Morning,⬙ The Louie Show, CBS, 1996. Oh Baby, Lifetime, 1998. Also directed an episode of Love & War (also known as Love Is Hell), CBS.

GLENN, Scott 1941– PERSONAL Full name, Theodore Scott Glenn; born January 26, 1941, in Pittsburgh, PA; son of Theodore (a business executive) and Elizabeth (a homemaker) Glenn; married Carol Schwartz (an artist), September 10, 1968; children: Dakota Ann (an actress), Rio Elizabeth (an actress). Education: College of William and Mary, B.A., English; trained for the stage at the Actors Studio with Lee Strasberg, 1968. Religion: Jewish. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 10250 Constellation Way, 9th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Manager—Parseghian–Planco, 322 Eighth Ave., Suite 601, New York, NY 10001. Career: Actor. Appeared in productions with La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club and in Seattle stage productions; narrated television commercials for the U.S. Navy, Siebel software, Ruby Tuesday restaurants, and Merrill Lynch investment firms; cohost of video for Universal Studios Hollywood Backdraft attraction. Previously worked as a reporter, mountain ranger, and bartender. Military Service: U.S. Marine Corps, c. early 1960s. Member: Actors’ Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Actors Studio (lifetime). Awards, Honors: Drama Desk Award nomination, outstanding actor in a play, 1999, for Killer Joe. CREDITS Film Appearances: Tad Jacks, The Baby Maker, National General, 1970. Pursuit of Treasure, 1970. 131


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 John Cain, Shadowhunter, Showtime, 1993. Stephen Broderick, Slaughter of the Innocents, HBO, 1993. Dan Vaughn, Extreme Justice (also known as S.I.S. Extreme Justice), HBO, 1993. Gene Ralston, Past Tense, Showtime, 1994. David Eckhart, Night of the Running Man, HBO, 1995. Harry Hawkins, Edie & Pen (also known as Desert Gamble), HBO, 1996. Sergeant Muldoon, Naked City: A Killer Christmas, Showtime, 1998. Sergeant Muldoon, Naked City: Justice with a Bullet, Showtime, 1998. Owen Quinn, ⬙The Seventh Stream,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 2001. Eli ⬙Pappy⬙ Chandler, A Painted House (also known as John Grisham’s ⬙A Painted House⬙), CBS, 2003. Joe Johnson, Homeland Security, NBC, 2004. Jack McCain, Faith of My Fathers, Arts and Entertainment, 2005. Coach Earl ⬙Red⬙ Blaik, Code Breakers, ESPN, 2005.

Father Moody, The Virgin Suicides (also known as Sophia Coppala’s ⬙The Virgin Suicides⬙), Paramount Classics, 1999. Montgomery Wick, Vertical Limit, Columbia, 2000. Roger, Training Day, Warner Bros., 2001. Sergeant Robert Lee, Buffalo Soldiers (also known as Army Go Home! and Buffalo Soldiers—Army Go Home!), Miramax, 2001. Jack Buggit, The Shipping News, Miramax, 2001. Inside the Labyrinth: The Making of ⬙The Silence of the Lambs⬙ (documentary), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/ United Artists, 2001. Clayton Price, Puerto Vallarta Squeeze, Showcase Entertainment, 2004. Voice of Charles Duke, Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D, IMAX, 2005. Sinatra, Journey to the End of the Night (also known as 12 Horas ate o amanhecer), First Look International, 2006. Himself, ⬙Backdraft⬙: Bringing Together the Team (documentary short), Universal Studios, 2006. Himself, ⬙Backdraft⬙: The Explosive Stunts (documentary short), Universal Studios, 2006. Himself, ⬙Backdraft⬙: Creating the Villain—The Fire (documentary short), Universal Studios, 2006. Steve Gruwell, Freedom Writers, Paramount, 2007. Sheriff Foster, Camille, A–Mark Entertainment, 2007. Ezra Kramer, The Bourne Ultimatum (also known as Das Bourne ultimatum), Universal, 2007. Surfer, Dude, Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2008. Robert Torrelson, Nights in Rodanthe, Warner Bros., 2008. Donald Rumsfeld, W., Lionsgate, 2008.

Television Appearances; Specials: Narrator, Discoveries Underwater, PBS, 1988. Presenter, The 21st Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 1995. Intimate Portrait: Mariel Hemingway, Lifetime, 1998. Voice, Ernest Hemingway: Wrestling with Life, Arts and Entertainment, 1998. Intimate Portrait: Connie Chung, Lifetime, 2000. Narrator, Extreme Alaska, Discovery Channel, 2000. Narrator, Navy SEALS: Untold Stories, The Learning Channel, 2000. Narrator, Failure Is Not an Option, History Channel, 2003. Narrator, Beyond the Moon: Failure Is Not an Option 2, 2005. Hollywood’s Greatest Villains, 2005.

Also appeared in Home Town; Two Telegrams. Film Work: Stunts, Backdraft, 1991.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Harry, ⬙The Perfect Hostess,⬙ The Patty Duke Show, 1965. Waiter, ⬙Cathy, the Rebel,⬙ The Patty Duke Show, 1965. Hal Currin, ⬙Wall of Silence,⬙ Hawk, 1966. Nick, ⬙The Outspoken Silence,⬙ The Young Lawyers, ABC, 1971. Lonnie Burnett, ⬙Escape,⬙ Ironside (also known as The Raymond Burr Show), 1971. Mark Hall, ⬙And Scream by the Light of the Moon, the Moon,⬙ The Sixth Sense, 1972. (Uncredited) Forklift driver, ⬙Seance,⬙ Emergency! (also known as Emergencia and Emergency One), NBC, 1973. Lenox, ⬙Another Shell Game,⬙ Ironside (also known as The Raymond Burr Show), NBC, 1973. (Uncredited) ⬙The Big Ripoff,⬙ The Rockford Files (also known as Jim Rockford, Private Investigator), 1974. ⬙Triad,⬙ Khan!, 1975.

Television Appearances; Series: Calvin Brenner, The Edge of Night, CBS, 1969. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Martin Darius/Peter Lake, Gone But Not Forgotten (also known as Philip Margolin’s ⬙Gone But Not Forgotten⬙), Lifetime, 2004. Television Appearances; Movies: James Reeger, Gargoyles, CBS, 1972. Michael Boyle, Countdown to Looking Glass, HBO, 1984. Willie Croft, As Summers Die, HBO, 1986. Crawford, Intrigue, CBS, 1988. Jesse Smith, The Outside Woman, CBS, 1989. Henry, Women and Men 2 (also known as Women and Men 2: In Love There Are No Rules and The Art of Seduction), HBO, 1991. 132

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Dave, ⬙A Bite of the Apple,⬙ Baretta, 1975. Narrator, Discoveries Underwater, PBS, 1988. ⬙Firestorm,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 1998. Voice, Mobile Suit Gundam (animated), 1999. The Howard Stern Radio Show, 1999. ⬙Surviving Vertical Limit,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2000. ⬙The Silence of the Lambs,⬙ Page to Screen, 2002. The Daily Show (also known as A Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Global Edition), Comedy Central, 2003. Narrator, ⬙Seabiscuit,⬙ The American Experience, PBS, 2003. Narrator, ⬙Bataan Rescue,⬙ The American Experience, PBS, 2003. Tavis Smiley, PBS, 2008. Sheriff Rollins, ⬙Mr. Monk Is On the Run: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Monk, USA Network, 2008.

GORDON GOLOMB, Cazzy PERSONAL Born in Honolulu, HI; father, an anthropologist. Education: Earned undergraduate degree in biotechnology; studied acting at Playhouse West. Addresses: Agent—Media Artists Group, 6300 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1470, Los Angeles, CA 90048; Osbrink Talent Agency, 4343 Lankershim Blvd., Suite 100, Universal City, CA 91602; Sports Unlimited, 1911 NW Upshur St., Suite B, Portland, OR 97209. Manager—Start Talent Management, 2901 West Coast Highway Ⲇ200, Newport Beach, CA 92663.

Also appeared as himself, ⬙The Films of Jonathan Demme,⬙ The Directors.

Career: Actress. Previously worked at a biotech company in San Diego, CA. CREDITS

Stage Appearances: The Impossible Years, Playhouse Theatre, New York City, 1965. Zoo Story, Cherry Lane Theatre, New York City, 1966. Alice and Wonderland, Actors Studio Theatre, New York City, 1968. Edmund, Long Day’s Journey into Night, Actors Studio Theatre, 1968. Larry, Angelo’s Wedding, Circle Repertory Company, Circle Repertory Theatre, New York City, 1985. Pale, Burn This, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1988. Ray, Dark Rapture, Second Stage Theatre, New York City, 1996. The Sad Lament of Pecos Bill on the Eve of Killing His Wife’s Killer’s Head/Action, Signature Theatre, New York City, 1997. Killer Joe Cooper (title role), Killer Joe, Soho Theatre, New York City, 1998–99. Finishing the Pictures, Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL, 2004.

Film Appearances: Waitress/make–up artist, Under the Gun, 2004. Elena, That Game of Chess, 2005. Julia, Spaghetti vs. Noodles (short), 2005. Natasha, Fragments of Daniela, Omni Media Distribution, 2006. Tricia, Agatha (short), 2006. Mindy’s mother, Cult, Gabriel Film Group, 2007. Angela, Pastor Jones 4: Sisters in Spirit, Lightyear Entertainment, 2007. Avila, Road Side Assistance, 2008. Audrey, The Vampire’s Dance, 2008. Deluvina, The Hunter’s Moon, 2008. Also appeared in Jealous. Television Appearances; Episodic: (Uncredited) Ice cream girl, ⬙You’re My Best Friend,⬙ That ’70s Show, Fox, 2005. Girl number two, ⬙The Devil’s Lube,⬙ Two and a Half Men, CBS, 2008.

Also appeared as the title role, Jack Street, Perry Street Theatre, New York City; Smitty, Fortune in Men’s Eyes; in Collision Course, Actors’ Playhouse, New York City.


RECORDINGS Electronic: Cazzy Golomb Website,, January 14, 2009.

Music Videos: Bob Seger’s ⬙American Storm,⬙ 1986. OTHER SOURCES

GORDON, Joel 1975–

Periodicals: Back Stage East, May 31, 1996, p. 48. Entertainment Weekly, August 11, 1995, p. 62. Variety, February 2, 1998, p. 37.

PERSONAL Born November 15, 1975, in Toronto, Canada. 133


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Leap Years, Showtime, 2001. Darwin, This Is Wonderland, CBC, 2004. Reverend Reese, The Line, TMN, 2008.

Career: Actor, director, producer, cinematographer, and writer. Awards, Honors: Audience Award, Toronto ReelWorld Film Festival, 2002, for Superbob; Gemini Award nomination (with Gabriela Schonbach and Michael Chechik), best sports program, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Televison, Leo Award (with Schonbach), best sports program or series, Motion Picture Arts and Sciences foundation of British Columbia, 2005, for ⬙Wrestling with Destiny: The Life and Times of Daniel Igali,⬙ Life and Times; Leo Award (with Schonbach), best sports program or series, 2005, for Life and Times; Gemini Award nomination (with Richard Nielsen), best biography documentary program, 2007, for ⬙Leading Man: The Life and Times of William Hutt,⬙ Life and Times; Gemini Award nomination, best performing arts program or series, Golden Sheaf Award (with Trey Anthony), documentary—arts/culture, Yorkton Short Film and Video Festival, 2008, for Embracing Da Kink.

Television Producer; Episodic: ⬙Wrestling with Destiny: The Life and Times of Daniel Igali,⬙ Life and Times, CBC, 2004. ⬙Leading Man: The Life and Times of William Hutt,⬙ Life and Times, CBC, 2006. Television Producer; Specials: Turning Pages: The Life and Literature of Margaret Atwood, Bravo, 2007. Television Executive Producer; Specials: Embracing Da Kink, Global, 2008. Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Wrestling with Destiny: The Life and Times of Daniel Igali,⬙ Life and Times, CBC, 2004. ⬙Leading Man: The Life and Times of William Hutt,⬙ Life and Times, CBC, 2006.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Movies: Machine, Gang in Blue, Showtime, 1996. David Mercer, Blind Faith, Showtime, 1998. Curtis, My Date with the President’s Daughter, 1998. Young Terry, Dangerous Evidence: The Lori Jackson Story, 1999. Love Songs, Showtime, 1999. William, Vendetta, 1999. Mr. Rock ⬘n’ Roll: The Alan Freed Story (also known as Mr. Rock and Roll and The Big Beat Heat), NBC, 1999. Hugo, Changes: An Animorphs Movie, Nickelodeon, 2000. Livin’ for Love: The Natalie Cole Story (also known as The Natalie Cole Story), 2000. Party guest, Sanctuary (also known as Nora Robert’s ⬙Sanctuary⬙), 2001. Petty Officer Third Class Terry Peel, Danger Beneath the Sea, 2001. Shooting victim, The Day Reagan Was Shot, 2001. Circumspect porter, 10,000 Black Men Named George, 2002.

Television Director; Specials: Turning Pages: The Life and Literature of Margaret Atwood, Bravo, 2007. Embracing Da Kink, Global, 2008. Television Cinematographer; Special: Embracing Da Kink, Global, 2008. Television Cinematographer; Episodic: ⬙Wrestling with Destiny: The Life and Times of Daniel Igali,⬙ Life and Times, CBC, 2004. Film Appearances: Gameshow, Jungleground, Image Entertainment, 1995. Youth at wall, Rude, A–Pix, 1995. Machine, Gang in Blue, Evergreen, 1996. Reggie, Night of the Demons III (also known as Demon House, Demon Night, Night of the Demons 3 and La Nuit des demons 3), Republic, 1997. David Mercer, Blind Faith, Evergreen, 1998. Brian Winters, This Is My Father (also known as L’ Histoire de mon pere), Sony, 1998. Jesse in 1865, Down in the Delta, Miramax, 1998. Jock on plane, Urban Legends: Final Cut (also known as Legendes urbaines 2, Legends urbaines: la suite and Leyendas urbanas: corte final), Sony, 2000. Owen Green, Max Payne, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2008.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Smokescreen,⬙ Katts and Dogs (also known as Rin Tin Tin: K–9 Cop), CTV and Family Channel, 1990. Billy, ⬙The Tale of the Dream Machine,⬙ Are You Afraid of the Dark?, YTV and Nickelodeon, 1993. Josh, ⬙The Tale of the Long Ago Locket,⬙ Are You Afraid of the Dark?, YTV and Nickelodeon, 1994. Marcus, ⬙Flagrant Foul,⬙ The New Ghostwriter Mysteries, 1997. Hugo, ⬙Changes: Part 3,⬙ Animorphs (also known as AniTV), Nickelodeon, 2000.

Film Director: Red, White & Maple, 2001. Superbob,. E–Males, 2008. 134

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

GOULET church, his father, who would die shortly after, told Goulet that God had given him a voice and he must sing. The family then moved to Edmonton, Alberta, and Goulet won a singing scholarship to attend the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto, Ontario. With his velvety baritone voice and matinee-idol looks, Goulet quickly became a television star in Canada while still in his late teens.

Film Producer: Red, White & Maple, 2001. Film Executive Producer: E–Males, 2008. Stage Appearances: Derek, Heaven, Canadian Stage Company, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2000.

During the 1950s Goulet made dozens of appearances on television, radio, and the stage, ultimately becoming host of he CBC production of General Electric’s Showtime. In 1960 Goulet landed the coveted role of Lancelot in the Broadway musical Camelot opposite Richard Burton and Julie Andrews; the role made him a marquee star. Goulet’s success led to the recording of more than 60 albums as well as movies, television specials, concerts, and guest performances. He appeared seventeen times on The Ed Sullivan Show alone. In 1962 Goulet won a Grammy Award for best new artist and a Tony Award in 1968 for best actor in a musical for his performance in Happy Time. Between 1962 and 1970 Goulet had seventeen albums make the popular charts. Goulet’s stage credits include Dreamgirls, Little Women, The Fantastiks, Gentleman Prefer Blondes, The Man of La Mancha, and South Pacific.

WRITINGS Screenplays: E–Males, 2008. Television Specials: Turning Pages: The Life and Literature of Margaret Atwood, Bravo, 2007. Embracing Da Kink, Global, 2008. Television Episodes: ⬙Leading Man: The Life and Times of William Hutt,⬙ Life and Times, CBC, 2006.

In 1970 Goulet gave up recording to concentrate on television, concerts, and, later, Broadway shows. In 1982 Goulet was named Las Vegas entertainer of the year. Goulet’s film credits include Beetlejuice and Scrooged in 1988, Naked Gun 2 1/2 in 1991, Mr. Wrong in 1996, and, as the voice of Wheezy, the Penguin in 1999’s Toy Story 2. Goulet returned to Broadway to star in Camelot, this time as King Arthur, in 1993 and in La Cage aux Folles in 2005. During his career Goulet performed at the White House for three presidents and appeared in a command performance for Queen Elizabeth II.

Television Music; Specials: Embracing Da Kink, Global, 2008.

GOULET, Robert 1933–2007 PERSONAL Full name, Robert Gerard Goulet; born November 26, 1933, in Lawrence, MA; died of pulmonary fibrosis, October 30, 2007, in Los Angeles, CA. Actor and singer. Born in Lawrence, MA, the son of FrenchCanadian parents, Goulet began singing at family gatherings at age five but had a deep fear of singing in public. At age eleven Goulet was forced to sing at a church function. Upon hearing Goulet sing at the

PERIODICALS USA Today, October 31, 2007. Variety, November 5, 2007.


H Amanda, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as BtVs, Buffy, and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: The Series), UPN, 2002–2003.


Television Appearances; Episodic: Girlfriend number three, ⬙Love’s Illusions,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 1999. Panelist, The List, VH1, 1999. Jordanna, ⬙Eric Visits Again,⬙ Undeclared, Fox, 2001. Melissa, ⬙Chapter Thirty–Five,⬙ Boston Public, Fox, 2002. Maggie Parsons, ⬙Christenings,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2004. Devo Friedman, ⬙Save Me,⬙ Grey’s Anatomy, ABC, 2005. Young Suzannah, ⬙Sweet Dreams,⬙ Medium, NBC, 2005. Patricia, ⬙Drink the Cup,⬙ Close to Home, CBS, 2007. Voice of Lola Ilama, ⬙Save the Drama for Your Llama/ Hornbill & Ted’s Bogus Journey,⬙ My Gym Partner’s a Monkey, Cartoon Network, 2007.

Full name, Sara Margaret Hagan; born May 24, 1984, in Austin, TX; sister of Katie Hagan (an actress). Avocational Interests: Painting and photography. Addresses: Agent—Coast to Coast Talent, Inc., 3350 Barham Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90068. Manager— Evolution Entertainment, 901 North Highland Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90038. Career: Actress. Appeared in television commercials, including Volkswagen Beetle automobile, AskJeeves website, and Cingular GoPhone. Awards, Honors: YoungStar Award nomination (with others), best young ensemble cast—television, YoungStar Award nomination, best young actress/performance in a comedy television series, Young Artist Award nomination (with others), best performance in a television series—young ensemble, 2000, all for Freaks and Geeks.



Full name, Scott Scovell Hamilton; born August 28, 1958, in Toledo, OH; raised in Bowling Green, OH; adopted son of Ernest (a professor of biology) and Dorothy (a professor; maiden name, McIntosh) Hamilton; married Tracie Robinson, November 14, 2002; children: Aidan McIntosh, Maxx. Education: Attended Metropolitan State College, 1979. Politics: Republican.

Film Appearances: Faith at age thirteen, Faith, American Film Institute, 1997. Susan the awkward girl, Architecture of Reassurance (short), 1999. Sarah, Orange County, Paramount, 2002. Natalie, Thunder Geniuses, 2008. Truvy, Spring Breakdown, Warner Bros., 2009.

Addresses: Agent—Harry Gold, TalentWorks, 3500 West Olive Ave., Suite 1400, Burbank, CA 91505. Manager—Larry Thompson, Larry A. Thompson Organization, 9663 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 801, Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

Television Appearances; Series: Millie Kentner, Freaks and Geeks, NBC, 1999–2000. 136

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Career: Professional ice skater, actor, broadcaster, and producer. Ice Capades National Arena Tour, skater, 1984–86; Scott Hamilton’s Amateur Tour, skater, 1986–87; Stars on Ice (touring show; also known as Discover Stars on Ice), cofounder, 1986, performer, c. 1986–2001, producer, 1999–2002; also performed with Broadway on Ice, Festival on Ice, and numerous other groups. (Internet Web site), founder, 2002; involved with many charitable organizations, including Adult and Pediatric AIDS Research, American Cancer Society, Big Brothers, Make a Wish Foundation, March of Dimes, Special Olympics, and Starlight Foundation.

HAMILTON Judge, Miss Teen USA (also known as The 1988 Miss Teen USA Pageant), CBS, 1988. The Ice Capades with Kirk Cameron, ABC, 1988. Christmas on Ice (also known as Disney’s ⬙Christmas on Ice⬙), CBS, 1990. Cohost, Vail Figure Skating Festival, HBO, 1990. Host, A Gold Medal Tradition: Lake Placid Figure Skating, HBO, 1991. Christmas Fantasy on Ice (also known as Disney’s ⬙Christmas Fantasy on Ice⬙), 1992. Skates of Gold, 1993. Nancy Kerrigan & Friends, CBS, 1994. Greatest Hits on Ice (also known as Disney’s ⬙Greatest Hits on Ice⬙), CBS, 1994, syndicated, 1995. Commentator, Ice Wars: the U.S.A. vs. the World (also known as Ice Wars: Four the World), CBS, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002. Holiday Festival on Ice, syndicated, 1994. The Gold Championship, NBC, 1994. Host, The Eighth Annual Genesis Awards, Discovery Channel, 1994. ѧ Stars on Ice (also known as The Discover Card Stars on Ice, Discover Stars on Ice, and Target Stars on Ice), CBS, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999. Nancy Kerrigan Special: Dreams on Ice (also known as Disney’s ⬙Nancy Kerrigan Special: Dreams on Ice⬙), CBS, 1995. Ice Stories (also known as Peggy Fleming’s ⬙Ice Stories⬙), 1995. The Houston Symphony Concert on Ice (also known as The Houston Symphony Concert on Ice Presented by Office Depot), Arts and Entertainment, 1995. Halloween on Ice, TNT, 1995. Host, Too Hot to Skate, 1995, CBS, 1997. Commentator, Skates X 2: World Team Skating Challenge, CBS, 1995. The Planets on Ice, Arts and Entertainment, 1995. Fox’s Rock ’n’ Roll Skating Championships, Fox, 1995, 1996, 1997. Skates of Gold II (also known as AT&T Skates of Gold II), NBC, 1995. Skates of Gold III, ABC, 1995. Sergei Grinkov: Celebration of a Life, CBS, 1996. Scott Hamilton: Upside Down (also known as Disney’s ⬙Scott Hamilton: Upside Down⬙), ABC, 1996, CBS, 1997. Host, Champions on Ice (also known as Disney’s ⬙Champions on Ice⬙), ABC, 1996. Lumiere, Beauty and the Beast: A Concert on Ice (also known as Disney’s ⬙Beauty and the Beast: A Concert on Ice⬙), CBS, 1996. Starlight Skating Championship, Fox, 1996. The Northwestern Mutual Life World Team Championship, CBS, 1996, 1997. Cotton Incorporated Ultimate Four (also known as The Cotton Incorporated Gold Championship), 1996, NBC, 1997. America’s Choice: The Great Skate Debate (also known as The Great Skate Debate), CBS, 1996, 1997. Scott Hamilton: Back on the Ice, CBS, 1997.

Awards, Honors: Numerous figure skating awards, including four U.S. figure skating championships, 1981–84, four world figure skating championships, 1981–84, and Olympic gold medal, 1984; March of Dimes Achievement Award, 1984; named professional skater of the year, American Skating World, 1986; Jacques Favart Award, International Skating Union, 1988; inducted into World Figure Skating Hall of Fame and U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame, 1990; Spirit of Giving Award, U.S. Ice Skating Association, 1993; Ritter F. Shumway Award, U.S. Figure Skating Association, 1994; Scott Hamilton CARES Initiative was named in his honor by Cancer Alliance for Research, Education, and Survivorship, 1999; Emmy Award nomination (with others), outstanding special class special, 2005, for An Evening with Scott Hamilton & Friends; Friends of Scott Hamilton Foundation (to benefit children’s hospitals) was named in his honor. CREDITS Television Appearances; Miniseries: Figure skating analyst, The 1992 Winter Olympics, CBS, 1992. Legends Championships, ESPN, 1996. Commentator, Olympic Winter Games XVIII (also known as Nagano 1998: XVIII Olympic Winter Games), CBS, 1998. Figure skating analyst, 2002 Olympic Winter Games (also known as Salt Lake City 2002: XIX Olympic Winter Games), NBC, 2002. Turin 2006: XX Olympic Winter Games (also known as Torino 2006: XX Olympic Winter Games), NBC, 2006. 17th Annual American Century Championship, NBC, 2006. Television Appearances; Specials: The 10th Annual Circus of the Stars, CBS, 1985. Liberty Weekend, ABC, 1986. The Calgary Olympic Holiday Special, ABC, 1987. A Very Special Christmas Party, ABC, 1988. Host, Salute to Dorothy Hamill, HBO, 1988. 137


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Himself, ⬙Movie Dinosaurs/Bread Chemistry/Scott Hamilton/Wallaby,⬙ Newton’s Apple, PBS, 1994. Famous Homes & Hideaways, syndicated, 2000. Hollywood Squares (also known as H2 and H2: Hollywood Squares), syndicated, between 2000 and 2004. First guest caller, ⬙Frasier Has Spokane,⬙ Frasier, NBC, 2002. Voice of announcer, ⬙Dances with Dogs,⬙ King of the Hill (animated), Fox, 2002. Pyramid (also known as The $100,000 Pyramid), syndicated, 2002. ⬙Stars on Ice,⬙ Family Feud, syndicated, 2004. Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 2005, 2007. Host, ⬙Debut,⬙ Skating with Celebrities, Fox, 2006. Celebrity jury member, Jury Duty, 2007. Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2007, 2008.

Scootch, Snowden on Ice, CBS, 1997. MCI Presents Three Masters on Ice, TBS, 1997. The Battle of the Sexes on Ice, 1997, Fox, 1998. Vail Figure Skating Festival, TBS, 1997. E! Specials: Ice Skating, E! Entertainment Television, 1998. Presenter, The Walt Disney Company Presents the 8th American Teacher Awards, The Disney Channel, 1998. Doc, The Snowden, Raggedy Ann, and Andy Holiday Show, CBS, 1998. Oksana Baiul: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 1998. My Sergei, CBS, 1998. Nagano: Gateway to Glory, CBS, 1998. The Great Skate Debate, CBS, 1998. Battle of the Sexes on Ice II, 1998. Discover Stars on Ice Presented by Smuckers, TBS, 1998. Tara Lipinski: From This Moment (also known as From This Moment), CBS, 1999. Intimate Portrait: Oksana Baiul, Lifetime, 1999. A Home for the Holidays, CBS, 1999. Christmas in Rockefeller Center, NBC, 1999. Scott Hamilton: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2000. Voice of sideline announcer, Big Game XXVIII: Road Runner vs. Coyote (animated), Cartoon Network, 2000. Target Presents: Scott Hamilton’s Farewell to Stars on Ice, CBS, 2000. Fire on Ice: Champions of American Figure Skating, Arts and Entertainment, 2001. A Skating Tribute: The Legacy of the 1961 U.S. World Team, ABC, 2001. Kristi Yamaguchi’s Golden Moment, Fox Family Channel, 2001. Presenter, A Home for the Holidays with Mariah Carey, CBS, 2001. Allstate Presents an All–Star Olympic Salute: Countdown to Salt Lake City, 2002. OL Salt Lake City, 2002. Lead figure skating analyst, XIX Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony, CBS, 2002. Intimate Portrait: Kristi Yamaguchi, Lifetime, 2002. Tai and Randy: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2002. Smucker’s Stars on Ice, Arts and Entertainment, 2003. An Evening with Scott Hamilton & Friends, NBC, 2004. ⬙Katarina Witt,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 2004. Ice Storm: The Sale and Pelletier Affair, 2006. Olympic Ice, USA Network, 2006. Kristi Yamagushi: Friends and Family, NBC, 2006. Cohost, Frosted Pink with a Twist, ABC, 2008. A Capitol Fourth, PBS, 2008.

Celebrity judge for Wanna Bet?, ABC. Television Producer; Specials: Sergei Grinkov: Celebration of a Life, CBS, 1996. Snowden on Ice, CBS, 1997. The Snowden, Raggedy Ann, and Andy Holiday Show, CBS, 1998. Discover Stars on Ice Presented by Smuckers, TBS, 1998. Television Executive Producer; Specials: Battle of the Sexes on Ice II, Fox, 1998. Tara Lipinski: From This Moment (also known as From This Moment), CBS, 1999. Film Appearances: Ricky Medford, On Edge, Andora Pictures International, 2001. Voice of Buzz, Nine Dog Christmas, 2001. Sports anchor, Blades of Glory, Paramount, 2007. Himself, Pop Star on Ice, Sundance Channel, 2009. RECORDINGS Videos: 1992 Winter Olympics Figure Skating, 1992. 1994 Winter Olympics Figure Skating Competition and Exhibition Highlights, 1994. 1998 Olympic Winter Olympics Figure Skating Competition Highlights, 1998. The 2002 Olympic Games Figure Skating Competition/ Exhibition, 2002. WRITINGS

Television Appearances; Episodic: Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?, PBS, 1991. Feed Your Mind!, TBS, 1994.

(With Lorenzo Benet) Landing It: My Life on and off the Ice (autobiography), Kensington, 1999. 138

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HARTH Correspondent and investigator, Dateline NBC (also known as Dateline), NBC, 2005–2008. Anchor, Dateline NBC (also known as Dateline), NBC, 2007–2008.

OTHER SOURCES Books: Hamilton, Scott, and Lorenzo Benet, Landing It: My Life on and off the Ice (autobiography), Kensington, 1999. Newsmakers 1998, Issue 2, Gale, 1998. Notable Sports Figures, Gale, 2004.

Television Appearances; Specials: Host and correspondent, Court TV’s Safety Challenge, Court TV, c. 2003. Correspondent, Dateline NBC: Going for Gold, NBC, c. 2007.

Periodicals: People Weekly, April 23, 2001, p. 130.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Himself, ⬙The Break–up,⬙ 30 Rock, NBC, 2006.

Other: Scott Hamilton: The E! True Hollywood Story (television special), E! Entertainment Television, 2000.

Full name, Christopher Edward Hansen; born March 26, 1959, in Lansing, MI; married Mary Joan Gleich; children: two sons. Education: Michigan State University, B.A.

Television Guest Appearances; Episodic: The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2007. Larry King Live, Cable News Network, 2007. Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 2007. The Daily Show (also known as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Global Edition, and Jon Stewart), Comedy Central, 2007. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2007. American Gangster, Black Entertainment Television, 2007. ⬙To Catch a Predator,⬙ Tonight with Trevor McDonald (also known as Tonight), ITV, 2008.

Addresses: Office—c/o NBC News, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112.



Books: To Catch a Predator: Protecting Your Kids from Online Enemies Already in Your Home, Dutton, 2007.

Career: Broadcast journalist. Began career as a radio and newspaper reporter in Michigan; worked as a reporter for WILX–TV, Lansing, MI, WFLA–TV, Tampa, FL, and WXYZ–TV, Detroit, MI; WDIV–TV, Detroit, investigative reporter and news anchor, 1988–93; NBC News, New York City, correspondent and hidden– camera investigator, 1993—.

OTHER SOURCES Electronic: MSNBC Online,, August 7, 2007.

Awards, Honors: Two Emmy Awards, c. 2004, for reporting on the child sex trade in Cambodia; seven Emmy Awards for investigative reporting, coverage of a news story, and coverage of breaking news; Overseas Press Club Award; National Press Club Award; award from International Consortium of Investigative Journalists; journalism awards from Associated Press and United Press International; four Edward R. Murrow Awards; three Clarion Awards; and several National Headliner Awards.

HARTH, C. Ernst 1970– (Sue Donim, E. Ernst Harth, Ernest Harth, Ernst Harth, Bruno Nicols)



Television Appearances; Series: Correspondent, Now with Tom Brokaw and Katie Couric, NBC, 1993.

Full name, Cary Ernst Harth; born February 2, 1970, in Galt, Ontario, Canada; married, wife’s name Lea (an actress), June 2, 2002. 139


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Barry Neiman, Dreamcatcher (also known as L’attrapeur de reves), Warner Bros., 2003. Phil, Air Bud: Spikes Back (also known as Tobby 5: L’as du volley–ball), Dimension Films, 2003. John at Cervantes’s bar, Tilt (short film), Starstruck Pictures, 2003. Nathaniel Ipswitch, Art History (short film), Gold Star Productions, 2003. Miner 49er, Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed, Warner Bros., 2004. Ernst, Are We There Yet?, Columbia, 2005. Gang member, The Long Weekend (also known as Un long week–end), Gold Circle Films, 2005. Lowell Lee Andrews, Capote, Sony Pictures Classics, 2005. The pedophile, The Entrance, Entrance Productions, 2006. Little Pigeon, Love and Other Dilemmas, Maple Pictures, 2006. Laurie’s blind date, Trick ’r’ Treat, Bad Hat Harry Productions/Legendary Pictures/Little Sam Films/ Warner Bros., 2008. Herbie, Impulse, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2008. Guard, Space Buddies, Walt Disney Home Video, 2009.

Addresses: Agent—Audra Jager, Double Agents Talent, 2265 West 41st Ave., Suite 8, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6M 2A3. Career: Actor, producer, and writer. Also worked as still photographer, casting director, production manager, set builder, and project accountant, sometimes credited as Sue Donim or Bruce Nicols. Appeared in numerous television commercials and print ads in Canada, the United States, and elsewhere, including commercials for Armstrong flooring, 2002, and Sunny Delight fruit juices, 2004. Previously worked as a bouncer at a nightclub and as a professional wrestler under the name ⬙The Bible Thumper.⬙ CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Ernst Harth) Trucker, Strangeview (short film), Omigod Productions/University of British Columbia, 1993. Neo–Nazi grocer, The Scarecrow and the Rainbow Kid (short film), Black Crow Productions/University of British Columbia, 1993. Ponech, Alien IV? (short film), All Talent Productions/ Brown Bag Productions, 1994. Doorman, Crash (also known as Breach of Trust and Dirty Money), Lions Gate Studios, 1996. Trucker, Excess Baggage, Columbia, 1997. (As Ernst Harth) Large man, Henry’s Cafe (short film), Greasy Spoon Films, 1997. Wayne Newton, Zacharia Farted, Jupiter Films/ Windowshot Productions, 1998. Horst Himmelferger, Saving Grace, Bradeway Pictures, 1998. Bedroom ghost, Best Buds (also known as Tommy Chong’s ⬙Best Buds⬙), filmed, 1998, edited for release, Bong Productions/Coyote Films, 2003. Shane, Dudley Do–Right, Universal, 1999. Ed, Noroc, Versatile Pictures, 1999. Bearded guy, Camouflage, PM Entertainment Group, 1999. Casino guard, Little Boy Blues, Stage 18 Pictures, 1999. (Uncredited) Streeter, Dark Water, Simpatico Pictures, 2001. (Uncredited) Doorman, Valentine, Warner Bros., 2001. Mr. Campisi, Say It Isn’t So, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Harold Shelburne (The Great Child), Thir13en Ghosts (also known as Thirteen Ghosts and 13 fantomes), Warner Bros., 2001. Repair man, Ignition (also known as Mise a feu), Lions Gate Films, 2001. ⬙Buffalo⬙ Sedwick, The Barber (also known as Le barbier), Universal Pictures Canada, 2001, ThinkFilm, 2005. Dirk, Stark Raving Mad, Newmarket Capital Group, 2002.

Film Coproducer: (Uncredited) Saving Grace, Bradeway Pictures, 1998. Dark Water, Simpatico Pictures, 2001. Television Appearances; Movies: (As E. Ernst Harth) Giant, Green Dolphin Beat (also known as Green Dolphin Street), Fox, 1994. Luther, Catch Me if You Can (also known as Deadly Game, Hide and Seek, and Jeu mortel), Fox Family Channel, 1998. Esposito, The Wonder Cabinet, Fox, 1999. Club manager, Blacktop (also known as Blacktop: Murder on the Move and La route de la peur), HBO, 2000. Eightball, Monster Island, MTV, 2004. Earl, The Muppets’ Wizard of Oz, ABC, 2005. The janitor, Scooby Doo: In the Beginning, Cartoon Network, 2009. Television Appearances; Pilots: Mr. Alistair Q. Fink, The Froome Room, 1994. Leon, Two, syndicated, 1996. Patrolman Wenkel, ⬙Rats of Rumfordton,⬙ It’s True, CBS, 1998. Orderly, The Heart Department, CBS, 2001. Television Appearances; Episodic: (Uncredited) Ranch kid, ⬙On the Line,⬙ Neon Rider, syndicated, 1992. 140

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HATCHER Appeared in the music videos ⬙Cyclops⬙ by User; ⬙Justify⬙ by Sound Pressure Manifest; and ⬙Superman’s Dead⬙ by Our Lady Peace.

Henry Perez, ⬙Blinded by the Son,⬙ Strange Luck, Fox, 1996. Huge man, ⬙The Post–Modern Prometheus,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1997. Saloon worker, ⬙The Gambler,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime, 1998. Bear, ⬙The Pest House,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1998. Mel Ludwig, ⬙Book of Shadows,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Large man, ⬙Boo,⬙ So Weird, The Disney Channel, 1999. Second Zip Fighter and second Zip Wrangler, ⬙Inga Fossa,⬙ Harsh Realm, Fox, 1999. (As C. Ernest Harth) Astrid Troll, ⬙Troll,⬙ So Weird, The Disney Channel, 2000. Silverface, ⬙Down to Earth,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and syndicated, 2000. Jerry Diamond, ⬙On My List,⬙ Hollywood Off–Ramp, E! Entertainment Television, 2000. Himself, Urban Rush, 2001. Man on bench, ⬙The Candidate,⬙ The Chris Isaak Show, Showtime, 2004. Tiny the Biker, ⬙The Cold Hard Truth,⬙ The Dead Zone (also known as Stephen King’s ⬙Dead Zone⬙), USA Network, 2004. Himself and Miner 49er, ⬙Inside ⬘Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed’,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2004. Ronnie, ⬙The Junkie,⬙ The Collector, 2006. Teddy, ⬙Fog,⬙ Saved, TNT, 2006. Neal Handler, ⬙The Marked,⬙ The 4400 (also known as Los 4400), USA Network, 2007. Security guard, ⬙Psy vs. Psy,⬙ Psych, USA Network, 2007. Heavyset man and sloth, ⬙The Magnificent Seven,⬙ Supernatural, CW Network, 2007. (Uncredited) Himself, ⬙Vancouver,⬙ Rocky + Drago, TV6, 2007.

WRITINGS Television Episodes: ⬙The Show’s a Bomb,⬙ The Froome Room, 1996. Film Music: Songwriter, ⬙Last Train to Trussberg,⬙ Camouflage, PM Entertainment Group, 1999.

HATCHER, Teri 1964– PERSONAL Full name, Teri Lynn Hatcher; born December 8, 1964, in Sunnyvale, CA; daughter of Owen (a nuclear physicist) and Esther (a computer programmer) Hatcher; married Marcus Leithold, June 4, 1988 (divorced, 1989); married Jon Tenney (an actor), May 27, 1994 (divorced, March 5, 2003); children: (second marriage) Emerson Rose. Education: Studied mathematics and engineering at Deanza Junior College; studied acting at American Conservatory Theatre. Avocational Interests: Playing golf and fishing. Addresses: Office—ISBE Productions, 500 South Buena Vista St., Animation Bldg., Suite 1G–9–11, Burbank, CA 91521. Agent—Special Artists Agency, 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 470, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Paradigm, 360 North Crescent Dr., North Bldg., Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

Television Appearances; Other: Mr. Alistair Q. Fink, The Froome Room (series), 1994. Olaf the Ogre, Voyage of the Unicorn (miniseries), Odyssey, 2000.

Career: Actress. ISBE Productions, Burbank, CA, president. Appeared in television commercials, including Bally Total Fitness Clubs, 1995, Discover card, 1997, and Radio Shack, 1999–2000, 2002, and California Travel & Tourism Board, 2006; appeared in print ads for Ray Ban sunglasses, 1995, Repeat Cashmere, 2006, and Clairol’s Nice N Easy hair color, 2006–07. Gold Rush, professional cheerleading squad for San Francisco 49ers, cheerleader, 1984; previously worked as a dancer.

RECORDINGS Videos: (Uncredited) Thir13en Ghosts Revealed, Columbia TriStar, 2002. (Uncredited) Second Zip Fighter (in archive footage), Inside ⬙Harsh Realm,⬙ Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2004. (Uncredited) Lowell Lee Andrews (in archive footage), Truman Capote: Answered Prayers, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2006.

Awards, Honors: Golden Apple Award, female discovery of the year, 1996; Saturn Award nomination, best supporting actress, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, 1998, for Tomorrow Never Dies; World Actress Award, Women’s World Awards, 2005; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actress in a 141


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comedy series, Golden Globe Award, best performance by an actress in a television series—musical or comedy, Golden Satellite Award nomination, best actress in a series, comedy or musical, Screen Actors Guild Award, outstanding performance by a female actress in a comedy series, Television Critics Association Award nomination, individual achievement in comedy, 2005, Screen Actors Guild Award (with others), outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series, 2005, 2006, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a television series—musical or comedy, Teen Choice Award nomination, television— choice actress, 2006, Screen Actors Guild Award nomination (with others), outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series, 2007, 2008, Prism Award nomination, performance in a comedy series, 2008, all for Desperate Housewives; People’s Choice Award nomination, favorite female television star, 2006.

Angelica Clegg, Capitol, CBS, 1986–87. Laura Matthews, Karen’s Song, Fox, 1987. T. T. Fagori, Sunday Dinner, CBS, 1991. Lois Lane, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (also known as Lois & Clark and The New Adventures of Superman), ABC, 1993–97. Susan Mayer, Desperate Housewives, ABC, 2004—.


Television Appearances; Pilots: Lauri Stevens, ⬙Baby on Board,⬙ CBS Summer Playhouse, CBS, 1988. Teresa Gennaro, Salvatore’s sister, The Brotherhood, ABC, 1991. Say Uncle, CBS, 2001.

Television Appearances; Movies: Laura Stewart, Dead in the Water, USA Network, 1991. Maria Goldstein, Since You’ve Been Gone (also known as Ten Years Later), ABC, 1998. Shawna Morgan, Running Mates, TNT, 2000. Jane, Jane Doe (also known as Runaway Jane), USA Network, 2001. Jordan Ripps, Momentum (also known as Momentum— Wenn gedanken toten konnen and Projekt Momentum), Sci–Fi Channel, 2003.

Film Appearances: Katherine ⬙Kiki⬙ Tango, Tango & Cash, Warner Bros., 1989. Gretchen, The Big Picture, Columbia, 1989. Ariel Maloney/Dr. Monica Demonico, Soapdish (also known as Sopa de jabon), Paramount, 1991. Janice, Straight Talk, Buena Vista, 1992. Dani, The Cool Surface, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1992. Linda, All Tied Up (also known as Un soltero con mucha cuerda), Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1992. Samantha Crain, Brain Smasher ѧ A Love Story (also known as The Bouncer and the Lady and Brainsmasher: A Love Story), Trimark Pictures, 1993. Claudette Rocque, Heaven’s Prisoners, Savoy, 1995. Becky Foxx, 2 Days in the Valley, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1996. Dead Girl, American International Video Search, 1996. Paris Carver, Tomorrow Never Dies (also known as TND), United Artists, 1997. Herself, Highly Classified: The World of 007, 1997. Charlotte Parker, Fever, Lions Gate Films, 1999. Ms. Gradenko, Spy Kids, Miramax, 2001. Two Girls from Lemoore, Old School, 2001. Megan Margulius, The Chester Story, Velveteen, 2001. Megan Marguilas, A Touch of Fate, PorchLight Entertainment, 2003. Andrea Flak, Resurrecting the Champ, Yari Film Group, 2007. Voice of Coraline’s mother and other mother, Coraline, Focus Features, 2009.

Television Appearances; Specials: The 45th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, ABC, 1993. Presenter, The 47th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 1995. Presenter, The Walt Disney Company and McDonald’s Present the American Teacher Awards, The Disney Channel, 1996. Presenter, The 53rd Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 1996. Presenter, The 54th Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 1997. The Secrets of 007: The James Bond Files, CBS, 1997. James Bond: Shaken and Stirred, ITV, 1997. Presenter, Divas Live: An Honors Concert for VH1 Save the Music (also known as VH1 Divas Live and Celine, Aretha, Gloria, Shania, and Mariah: Divas Live), VH1, 1998. (Uncredited) Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary, NBC, 1999. Presenter, The 56th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, ABC, 2004. Presenter, The 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 2005. The 11th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, TNT, 2005. The 77th Annual Academy Awards—UK, Sky, 2005. The 3rd Annual TV Land Awards, TV Land, 2005. Presenter, The 57th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, CBS, 2005. The Women of ⬙Desperate Housewives⬙: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2005.

Television Appearances; Series: Amy, Love Boat mermaid, The Love Boat, ABC, 1985–86. Penny Parker, MacGyver, 1985–90. 142

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HATCHER Liz, ⬙I Remember the Coatroom, I Just Don’t Remember You,⬙ Two and a Half Men, CBS, 2004. The Tony Danza Show, syndicated, 2004, 2005. The Oprah Winfrey Show (also known as Oprah), syndicated, 2004, 2005, 2006. Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show, syndicated, 2004, 2006. The View, ABC, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008. Entertainment Tonight (also known as E.T.), syndicated, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008. Corazon de ѧ, 2005, 2006. Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, BBC, 2005, 2006. Primetime Live, ABC, 2005. Caiga quien caiga, 2005. Access Hollywood, syndicated, 2005. Extra (also known as Extra: The Entertainment Magazine), syndicated, 2005. Live with Regis and Kelly, syndicated, 2005, 2006, 2007. Amazon Fishbowl with Bill Maher, 2006. ⬙Rock the Night Away ѧ,⬙ In the Mix (also known as In the Cutz), Urban America, 2006. ⬙A Santana Wins, a Bishop Named Don Juan and Amy’s B–Day,⬙ In the Mix (also known as In the Cutz), Urban America, 2006. ⬙Teri Hatcher,⬙ Inside the Actors Studio (also known as Inside the Actors Studio: The Craft of Theatre and Film), Bravo, 2006. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2006, 2007. Rachael Ray, syndicated, 2007. Wiener Opernball, 2008. ⬙Idol Gives Back,⬙ American Idol: The Search for a Superstar (also known as American Idol), Fox, 2008. ⬙Live Results Show: One Contestant Eliminated,⬙ American Idol: The Search for a Superstar (also known as American Idol), Fox, 2008. ⬙The Top Seven Finalists Perform,⬙ American Idol: The Search for a Superstar (also known as American Idol), Fox, 2008. ⬙Desperate Housewives,⬙ Infanity, 2008.

⬙Barbara Walters’ Oscar Night Special,⬙ The Barbara Walters Special, ABC, 2005. ⬙The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2005,⬙ The Barbara Walters Special, ABC, 2005. The 63rd Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 2006. Live from the Red Carpet: The 2006 Golden Globe Awards, E! Entertainment Television, 2006. The 12th Annual Screen Actors Guild Award, TBS, 2006. Presenter, The 48th Annual Grammy Awards, CBS, 2006. Celebrity Debut, ABC, 2006. The 17th Annual GLAAD Media Awards, 2006. The 59th Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 2007. Presenter, The 2007 Screen Actors Guild Awards, TNT and TBS, 2007. Presenter, Fashion Rocks, CBS, 2007. The 6th Annual TV Land Awards (also known as TV Land Awards 2008), TV Land, 2008. Presenter, The 60th Primetime Emmy Awards, ABC, 2008. ⬙TV Guide⬙ Live at the Emmy Awards, 2008. Television Appearances; Episodic: Kitty, ⬙Who Was That Mashed Man?⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1987. (Uncredited) Transporter Chief Lieutenant Bronwyn Gail Robinson, ⬙The Outrageous Okona,⬙ Star Trek: The Next Generation, 1988. Tracy Shoe, ⬙I’m in the Nude for Love,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1989. Donna Eleese, ⬙Star–Crossed–June,⬙ Quantum Leap, NBC, 1989. Madeline Stillwell, ⬙Fax or Fiction,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1990. Stacy, ⬙The Thing from the Grave,⬙ Tales from the Crypt (also known as HBO’s ⬙Tales from the Crypt⬙), HBO, 1990. Marissa, ⬙The Eclipse,⬙ The Exile (also known as Paris Steele), CBS, 1991. Sidra, ⬙The Implant,⬙ Seinfeld, NBC, 1993. Sidra, ⬙The Pilot,⬙ Seinfeld, NBC, 1993. Good Morning America, ABC, 1993, 1995, 2005. Host, ⬙Teri Hatcher/Dave Matthews Band,⬙ Saturday Night Live (also known as SNL), NBC, 1996. Showbiz Tonight, CNN, 1996. The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000. Late Show with David Letterman (also known as Letterman and The Late Show), CBS, 1996, 2005, 2007, 2008. Sidra, ⬙The Finale,⬙ Seinfeld, NBC, 1998. Marie, ⬙First Do No Harm,⬙ Frasier, NBC, 1998. Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 1998, 2004. Hollywood Squares (also known as H2 and H2: Hollywood Squares), syndicated, 2001. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. Howard Stern, 2004.

Stage Appearances: Sally Bowles, Cabaret, Pace Theatrical Group, Wilshire Theatre, Los Angeles, 1999. Also appeared in The Vagina Monologues, Westside Theatre (Downstairs), New York City. Major Tours: Sarah Bowles, Cabaret, U.S. cities, 1999. RECORDINGS Music Videos: Appeared in Michael Bolton’s ⬙Missing You Now⬙ and Elton John’s ⬙Turn the Lights Out When You Leave.⬙ 143


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Taped Readings: Burnt Toast: And Other Philosophies of Life, Hyperion, 2006.

Career: Actor, writer, and director. Malaparte Theatre Company (nonprofit theatre company), New York City, cofounder, 1992, and artistic director, 1992–2000. Involved with charities.


Member: Screen Actors Guild, Actors’ Equity Association, Directors Guild of America, Writers Guild of America, East.

Television Episodes: ⬙It’s a Small World After All, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (also known as Lois & Clark and The New Adventures of Superman), 1993.

Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination, best starring performance by a young actor—motion picture, Young Artist Foundation, 1986, for Explorers; Young Artist Award nomination, best young actor in a supporting role in a motion picture, 1990, for Dad; MTV Movie Award nomination (with Winona Rider), best kiss, 1994, for Reality Bites; MTV Movie Award nomination (with Julie Delpy), best kiss, 1995, for Before Sunrise; Academy Award nomination, best actor in a supporting role, and Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by a male actor in a supporting role, both 2002, for Training Day; Open Palm Award nomination, Gotham awards, Independent Feature Project, 2002, for Chelsea Walls; inducted into the Texas Film Hall of Fame, 2004; Academy Award nomination, best writing, adapted screenplay, Independent Spirit Award nomination, best screenplay, Independent Feature Project/West, Writers Guild of America (WGA) Screen Award nomination, best adapted screenplay, and Online Film Critics Society Award nomination, best screenplay, adapted, all with others, 2005, for Before Sunset; Lucille Lortel Award nomination, outstanding lead actor, League of Off–Broadway Theatres and Producers, 2005, for Hurlyburly; Boston Society of Film Critics Award and Gotham Award, both best ensemble cast, both with others, 2007, for Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best featured actor in a play, 2007, for The Coast of Utopia.

Autobiography: Burnt Toast: And Other Philosophies of Life, Hyperion, 2006. OTHER SOURCES Books: Newsmakers, Issue 4, Thomson Gale, 2005. Periodicals: Cosmopolitan, March, 1994, p. 106. Esquire, December, 1993, p. 98.

HAWKE, Ethan 1970– (E. Hawke) PERSONAL Full name, Ethan Green Hawke; born November 6, 1970, in Austin, TX; son of James Steven Hawke (an official) and Leslie Carole Green (an activist and involved in charitable and humanitarian work); married Uma Thurman (an actress), May 1, 1998 (divorced, July 20, 2004); married Ryan Shawhughes, June 18, 2008; children: (first marriage): Maya Ray Thurman– Hawke, Roan Thurman–Hawke (some sources cite name as Levon Roan Thurman–Hawke); (second marriage): Clementine Jane. Education: Graduated from the Hun School of Princeton, 1988; studied acting at the McCarter Theatre in Princeton, NJ, and at Carnegie Mellon University; also attended New York University and Harvard University; some sources state that Hawke studied in Great Britain.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Ben Crandall, Explorers, Paramount, 1985. Chris, Lion’s Den (short film), 1988. Billy Tremont, Dad, Universal, 1989. Todd Anderson, Dead Poets Society, Buena Vista, 1989. Jack, White Fang, Buena Vista, 1991. Tom McHugh, Mystery Date, Orion, 1991. Matthew Price, Waterland, Fine Line Features, 1992. Will Knott, A Midnight Clear, InterStar Releasing, 1992. Nando Parrado, Alive (also known as Alive: The Miracle of the Andes), Buena Vista, 1993. Wayne Frobiness, Rich in Love, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1993. (Uncredited) Don Quixote student, Quiz Show, Buena Vista, 1994. (Uncredited) Jack Conroy, White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf (also known as White Fang 2), Buena Vista, 1994.

Addresses: Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Publicist— I/D Public Relations, 8409 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90069. 144

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HAWKE Film Director: Straight to One (short film), 1993. Chelsea Walls (also known as Chelsea Hotel, Hotel Chelsea, and Last Word on Paradise), Lions Gate Films, 2001. The Hottest State, THINKFilm, 2006.

Jimmy, Floundering, A–pix Entertainment, 1994. Troy Dyer, Reality Bites (also known as Generation 90), Universal, 1994. Himself, At Sundance (documentary), 1995. Jesse, Before Sunrise, Columbia, 1995. Roger, Search and Destroy (also known as The Four Rules), October Films, 1995. Vincent Freeman and Jerome, Gattaca, Columbia, 1997. Finnegan ⬙Finn⬙ Bell, Great Expectations, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. Jess Newton, The Newton Boys, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1998. Nat, The Velocity of Gary (also known as Gary and The Velocity of Gary (Not His Real Name)), Next Millennium Films, 1998. Ishmael Chambers, Snow Falling on Cedars, MCA/ Universal, 1999. Len Coles, Joe the King (also known as Joe Henry), Trimark Pictures, 1999. Title role, Hamlet, Miramax, 2000. Tell Me, 2000. Officer Jake Hoyt, Training Day, Warner Bros., 2001. Vince, Tape, Lions Gate Films, 2001. Voice of Jesse, Waking Life (animated), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. (Uncredited) Voice of Sam, Chelsea Walls (also known as Chelsea Hotel, Hotel Chelsea, and Last Word on Paradise), Lions Gate Films, 2001. Himself, All the Love You Cannes! (documentary), Troma Entertainment, 2002. Ray, The Jimmy Show, First Look Pictures Releasing, 2002. Himself, PollyDAYS (also known as Pollydays), 2003. James Costa, Taking Lives, Warner Bros., 2004. Jesse, Before Sunset, Warner Independent Pictures, 2004. Jack Valentine, Lord of War, Lions Gate Films, 2005. Sergeant Jake Roenick, Assault on Precinct 13 (also known as Assaut sur le central 13), Focus Features, 2005. (Uncredited) Earl Jamieson, One Last Thing ѧ, 2005, Magnolia Pictures, 2006. Pete, Fast Food Nation, Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2006. Vince, The Hottest State, THINKFilm, 2006. Hank Hanson, Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead, THINKFilm, 2007. Himself, Chelsea on the Rocks (documentary; also known as Chelsea Hotel), 2008. Lefty, Tonight at Noon, 2008. Paulie, What Doesn’t Kill You, Yari Film Group, 2008. Staten Island, EuropaCorp., 2008, 2009. Himself, Corso: The Last Beat (documentary), Arkwright Ventures, 2009. Sal, Brooklyn’s Finest, Warner Bros., 2009. Researcher, Daybreakers, Lions Gate Films, c. 2009. New York, I Love You (also known as New York, je t’aime), Palm Pictures, c. 2009.

Film Work; Other: Editor, Straight to One (short film), 1993. (As E. Hawke) Pixelography worker, Hamlet, Miramax, 2000. Executive producer of other projects. Television Appearances; Specials: Himself, Poetry, Passion, the Postman: The Poetic Return of Pablo Neruda, 1996. Himself, ⬙Sam Shepard: Stalking Himself,⬙ Great Performances, PBS, 1998. Himself, Spotlight on Location: Snow Falling on Cedars, 2000. Himself, Willie Nelson & Friends: Live and Kickin’, USA Network, 2003. (In archive footage) Himself, ⬙Pulp Fiction⬙ on a Dime: A 10th Anniversary Retrospect, 2004. Himself, Fashion Week Diaries, 2005. (Uncredited; in archive footage) Jake, Boffo! Tinseltown’s Bombs and Blockbusters, HBO, 2006. Some sources cite appearances in other programs. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: (In archive footage) Todd Anderson, The 62nd Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1990. Presenter, The 72nd Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2000. The 2000 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 2000. Presenter, 17th Annual IFP/West Independent Spirit Awards, Independent Film Channel, 2002. Presenter, The 74th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2002. Hollywood Celebrates Denzel Washington: An American Cinematheque Tribute, American Movie Classics, 2003. Presenter, The 58th Annual Tony Awards (also known as The 2004 Tony Awards), CBS, 2004. Presenter, 50th Annual Drama Desk Awards, 2005. Presenter, The 59th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 2005. The 61st Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 2007. Television Appearances; Episodic: Himself, The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, 1997, 2002.

Appeared in other projects. 145


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Himself, Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2007. Himself, Jimmy Kimmel Live! (also known as The Jimmy Kimmel Project), ABC, 2007. (In archive footage) Troy Dyer, ⬙La Nova Canco i el karaoke,⬙ 60/90, 2008. Himself, Eigo de shabera–night, 2008. Himself, TMZ on TV, syndicated, multiple episodes in 2008.

Himself, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 1997, 2002. Himself, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 1997, 2000, multiple episodes in 2004, multiple episodes in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008. Himself, Late Show with David Letterman (also known as The Late Show, Late Show Backstage, and Letterman), CBS, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2005. Himself, ⬙Training Day: Crossing the Line,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2001. The Early Show, CBS, 2001. Freeride with Greta Gaines, Oxygen, 2001. Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 2001. Himself, Bo’ Selecta!, Channel 4 (England), 2002. Himself, Breakfast, BBC, 2002. Himself, Inside the Actors Studio (also known as Inside the Actors Studio: The Craft of Theatre and Film), Bravo, 2002. Himself, The View, ABC, 2002, multiple episodes in 2004, 2005, 2007. CIA agent James L. Lennox, ⬙Double Agent,⬙ Alias, ABC, 2003. (In archive footage) Himself, Celebrities Uncensored, E! Entertainment Television, 2003. Himself, Extra (also known as Extra: The Entertainment Magazine), syndicated, 2003. Himself, ⬙Kurja muodonmuutos,⬙ 4Pop, 2004. Guest star, ⬙The Chronicles of Riddick; I, Robot; Before Sunset; The Village,⬙ Coming Attractions, E! Entertainment Television, 2004. Guest star, ⬙Secret Window; Taking Lives; Harry Potter 3; Scooby–Doo 2,⬙ Coming Attractions, E! Entertainment Television, 2004. Presenter, ⬙America: The Book,⬙ Book TV, C–SPAN, 2004. Himself, The Daily Show (also known as A Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Global Edition, Jon Stewart, Ha–Daily Show, and I satira tou Jon Stewart), Comedy Central, 2004. Himself, On–Air with Ryan Seacrest, syndicated, 2004. Himself, T4, Channel 4, 2004. Himself, 20/20 (also known as ABC News 20/20), ABC, 2004. Himself, ⬙Assault on Precinct 13: Caught in the Crosshairs,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2005. Himself, The Charlie Rose Show (also known as Charlie Rose), PBS, 2005. Himself, Live with Regis & Kelly, syndicated, 2005, 2007. Himself, ⬙The Coast of Utopia,⬙ Working in the Theatre, CUNY TV, 2007. Himself, ⬙Ethan Hawke,⬙ Sunday Morning Shootout (also known as Hollywood Shootout and Shootout), American Movie Classics, 2007. Voice of Jason, ⬙Squaw Bury Shortcake,⬙ Robot Chicken (animated), Cartoon Network, 2007.

Appeared as himself in ⬙The Films of Richard Linklater,⬙ The Directors, Encore. Television Work: Worked on projects for television. Stage Appearances: Saint Joan, McCarter Theatre, Princeton, NJ, 1983. Young Casanova, Casanova, New York Shakespeare Festival, Joseph Papp Public Theater, Martinson Hall, New York City, 1991. Memo, A Joke, Malaparte Theatre Company, New York City, 1992. Konstantin Treplev, The Seagull, National Actors Theatre, Lyceum Theatre, New York City, 1992–93. Xavier ⬙Ex⬙ Reynolds, Sophistry, Playwrights Horizons, New York City, 1993. Max, Sons and Fathers, Malaparte Theatre Company, 1994. Vince, Buried Child, Steppenwolf Theatre, Chicago, IL, 1995. Homer Wells, The Cider House Rules, Seattle Repertory Theatre, Seattle, WA, 1996. Kilroy, Camino Real, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Main Stage, Williamstown, MA, 1999. Ray Moss, The Late Henry Moss, Signature Theatre Company, New York City, 2001. The Late Henry Moss (reading), Americana: Play Reading Season, Peacock Theatre, Dublin, Ireland, 2003. Henry Percy (Hotspur), Henry IV, Lincoln Center, Vivian Beaumont Theater, New York City, 2003–2004. Eddie, Hurlyburly, New Group, Acorn Theatre on Theatre Row and 37 Arts Theatre, both New York City, 2005. Michael Bakunin, The Coast of Utopia: Part 1—Voyage (also known as The Coast of Utopia), Lincoln Center Theater, Vivian Beaumont Theater, 2006–2007. Michael Bakunin, The Coast of Utopia: Part 2—Shipwreck (also known as The Coast of Utopia), Lincoln Center Theater, Vivian Beaumont Theater, 2006–2007. Michael Bakunin, The Coast of Utopia: Part 3—Salvage (also known as The Coast of Utopia), Lincoln Center Theater, Vivian Beaumont Theater, 2007. 146

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Peter Trofimov, The Cherry Orchard, The Bridge Project, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Harvey Theater, Brooklyn, New York City, 2009.

HEADLEY Novels: The Hottest State, Little, Brown, 1996. Ash Wednesday, Alfred A. Knopf, 2002. Manhattan Story, Fayard, 2003.

Appeared in other productions. Author of the unpublished novel Eleven Waverly Place, a novel rewritten as The Hottest State.

Stage Director: Wild Dogs, Malaparte Theatre Company, New York City, 1994. Things We Want, New Group, Acorn Theatre on Theatre Row, New York City, 2007.

OTHER SOURCES Books: International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, Volume 3: Actors and Actresses, fourth edition, St. James Press, 2000. Newsmakers, issue 4, Gale, 1995. The Writers Directory, twenty–fourth edition, St. James Press, 2008.

RECORDINGS Videos: Himself and Jesse, On the Set of ⬙Before Sunset,⬙ 2004. Himself, Dead Poets: A Look Back, 2006. Himself, The Making of ⬙Lord of War,⬙ 2006. Himself, The Manufacturing of ⬙Fast Food Nation,⬙ 2007. Himself, Directed by Sidney Lumet: How the Devil Was Made, 2008. Do Not Alter, Paramount Home Entertainment, 2008. Welcome to Gattaca, Paramount Home Entertainment, 2008.

Periodicals: Chaplin, Volume 37, number 2, 1995. Details, January, 1998, pp. 79–83, 120–21. Detour, November, 1997. Empire, April, 1998. Entertainment Weekly, December 27, 1996, p. 143. Interview, April, 1998. Newsweek, September 30, 1996, p. 80. Premiere, March, 1998; October 2, 2002; July/August, 2004. Rolling Stone, March 9, 1995, p. 44. Sun–Times (Chicago), January 3, 2000. Time Out New York, October 16, 1997. US, January, 1998; October 29, 2002.

Music Video Director: Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories, ⬙Stay⬙ (also known as ⬙Stay (I Missed You)⬙), 1994. Soundtrack Albums; with Others: Performer of ⬙I’m Nuttin’⬙ and reader of ⬙Marriage,⬙ Reality Bites, RCA, 1994. Reader of ⬙Fable of the Mermaid and the Drunks,⬙ Il postino, Hollywood Records, 1995.

HEADLEY, Heather 1974–

Audiobooks: Robert Stone, Damascus Gate, Publishing Mills, 2000. Scott Lasser, Battle Creek, Publishing Mills, 2001. Jack London, The Call of the Wild, Ultimate Classics, New Millennium Audio, 2002. Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse–Five, Caedmon, 2003.

PERSONAL Born February 8, 1974, in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago; immigrated to the United States; daughter of Iric (a minister) and Hannah (a minister) Headley; married Brian Musso (a consultant and former professional football player), September 6, 2003. Education: Studied musical theatre and communications at Northwestern University; also studied the piano.

WRITINGS Screenplays: Straight to One (short film), 1993. (With Richard Linklater and Julie Delpy; based on a story by Linklater and Kim Krizan) Before Sunset, Warner Independent Pictures, 2004, published with Before Sunrise in Before Sunrise & Before Sunset: Two Screenplays, Vintage Books, 2005. The Hottest State (based on his novel), THINKFilm, 2006.

Addresses: Agent—Paradigm Talent Agency, 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 2500, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Actress, singer, and songwriter. Involved in the ⬙I Want My 9 Months⬙ campaign, the March of Dimes; also affiliated with other charities. 147


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Awards, Honors: Won second place in a radio talent show for children, Trinidad, 1970s; Grammy Award (with others), best musical show album, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, 1998, for The Lion King; Antoinette Perry Award, best actress in a musical, Drama Desk Award, outstanding actress in a musical, Drama League Award, Jeff Award, best actress in a principal role in a nonresident production, Joseph Jefferson awards Committee, and Sarah Siddons Award, all 2000, for Aida; named one of thirty women to watch, Essence magazine, 2000; Soul Train Award nomination, best R&B/soul or rap new artist—solo, 2002, Soul Train Lady of Soul Award, best R&B/soul or rap new artist—solo, 2003, and Soul Train Lady of Soul Award nomination, best R&B/soul single—solo, 2003, all for ⬙He Is⬙; Grammy Award nomination, best R&B vocal performance, 2003, for ⬙I Wish I Wasn’t⬙; Grammy Award nomination, best new artist, 2003; Image Award nominations, outstanding female artist and outstanding new artist, both National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 2003; Billboard Music Award nomination, R&B/hip–hop new artist of the year, 2003; Soul Train Lady of Soul Award nomination, best R&B/soul album—solo, 2003, for This Is Who I Am; This Is Who I Am received a gold certification from the Recording Industry Association of America; Cool Like That Award, BET J (Black Entertainment Television jazz channel), 2006.

Film Appearances: Herself, Breakin’ All the Rules (also known as The Break Up Handbook, The Sexpert, and Untitled Jamie Foxx Comedy), Screen Gems, 2004. Rosa Negra singer, Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (also known as Dancing Havana, Dirty Dancing 2, Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights, and Havana Nights: Dirty Dancing 2), Lions Gate Films, 2004. Film Work: (With Kenny Lattimore) Performer of song ⬙Love Will Find a Way,⬙ The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride (animated musical; also known as The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride and Simba’s Pride), Buena Vista Home Video, 1998. Performer of song ⬙He Is,⬙ Breakin’ All the Rules (also known as The Break Up Handbook, The Sexpert, and Untitled Jamie Foxx Comedy), Screen Gems, 2004. Performer of songs ⬙Represent Cuba⬙ and ⬙Represent— Havana Nights,⬙ Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (also known as Dancing Havana, Dirty Dancing 2, Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights, and Havana Nights: Dirty Dancing 2), Lions Gate Films, 2004. Performer of song ⬙Ain’t It Funny,⬙ Diary of a Mad Black Woman (also known as Tyler Perry’s ⬙Diary of a Mad Black Woman⬙ and Tyler Perry’s ⬙Diary of a Mad Black Woman: The Movie⬙), Lions Gate Films, 2005.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Specials: Herself, ⬙My Favorite Broadway: The Love Songs,⬙ Great Performances, PBS, 2001. Herself, Walt Disney World Christmas Day Parade, ABC, 2002. Performer, The 2003 Essence Music Festival, UPN, 2003. Herself, ⬙Andrea Bocelli: Amore under the Desert Sky,⬙ Great Performances, PBS, 2006. Herself, An American Celebration at Ford’s Theatre, ABC, 2006. Herself, ⬙Vivere: Andrea Bocelli Live in Tuscany,⬙ Great Performances, PBS, 2007. Herself, Christmas in Washington, TNT, 2007. Herself, We Are One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial, HBO, 2009.

Stage Appearances: The World Goes Round (musical revue), Marriott Lincolnshire Theatre, Lincolnshire, IL, c. 1990. Member of the chorus and understudy for the role of Sarah, Ragtime (musical), Marriott Lincolnshire Theatre, 1996, and Ford Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1996–97. Nala, The Lion King (musical), New Amsterdam Theatre, New York City, beginning 1997. Aida, Elaborate Lives: The Legend of Aida (musical), Alliance Theatre Company, Atlanta, GA, 1998, produced as Aida (musical), Cadillac Palace Theatre, Chicago, IL, beginning 1999, and Palace Theatre, New York City, 2000–2004. Tilda Mullen, Do Re Mi (concert production of musical), City Center Encores! (also known as Encores! and Encores! Great American Musicals in Concert), City Center Theatre, New York City, 1999. Lorrell Robinson, Dreamgirls (benefit concert production of musical), Ford Center for the Performing Arts, New York City, 2001. Herself, We Are One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC, 2009.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 55th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 2001. The First Ten Awards: Tony 2001, PBS, 2001. Cohost, Ninth Annual Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards, The WB, 2003. Presenter, 17th Annual Soul Train Music Awards, The WB, 2003. An Evening of Stars: Tribute to Stevie Wonder, 2006. The Mark Twain Prize: Neil Simon (also known as The Kennedy Center Presents: The 2006 Mark Twain Prize), PBS, 2006.

Appeared in other productions. 148

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

HEADLEY Aida (original Broadway cast recording), Walt Disney Records, 2000. My Favorite Broadway: The Love Songs, Hybrid/Sire, 2001. Disney on Broadway, Walt Disney Records, 2002. Dreamgirls in Concert: The First Complete Recording, Nonesuch, 2002.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Herself, The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, multiple episodes in 2000. Herself, Soul Train, syndicated, 2002, 2006. Herself, ⬙Heather Headley,⬙ Sidewalks Entertainment (also known as Sidewalks and Sidewalks Entertainment Hour), syndicated, 2003. Herself, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2003, 2006. Herself, Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show (also known as Ellen and The Ellen DeGeneres Show), syndicated, 2006. Herself, It’s Showtime at the Apollo (also known as Showtime at the Apollo), syndicated, 2006. Herself, Martha, syndicated, 2006. Herself, Tavis Smiley, PBS, 2006. Herself, Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 2006.

Performer of ⬙I Know the Lord Will Make a Way,⬙ Oh Happy Day, EMI Gospel/Vector. Singles: ⬙He Is,⬙ 2002. ⬙I Wish I Wasn’t,⬙ 2003. ⬙In My Mind,⬙ 2006. ⬙Me Time,⬙ 2006. Videos: Pocket Queen, Elmo’s Magic Cookbook, Sesame Workshop, 2001. Herself, Smokie Norful: Live in Memphis, EMI CMG Distribution, 2009.

Appeared in other programs, including Good Morning America (also known as GMA), ABC; Late Show with David Letterman (also known as The Late Show, Late Show Backstage, and Letterman), CBS; Live with Regis & Kelly, syndicated; and The View, ABC.

Music Videos: ⬙He Is,⬙ 2002. ⬙I Wish I Wasn’t,⬙ 2003. ⬙In My Mind,⬙ 2006. ⬙Me Time,⬙ 2006.

Radio Appearances: Radio appearances include performing in a talent show for children, Trinidad, 1970s. RECORDINGS

WRITINGS Solo Albums: This Is Who I Am, RCA, 2002. In My Mind, RCA, 2006. Audience of One, EMI Gospel, 2009.

Albums; Songs with Others: This Is Who I Am, RCA, 2002. In My Mind, RCA, 2006. Audience of One, EMI Gospel, 2009.

Albums; with Others: Ragtime (Toronto cast recording), RCA, 1996. The Lion King (original Broadway cast recording), Walt Disney Records, 1998. The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride (soundtrack recording; also known as The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride), Walt Disney Records, 1998. (With Kenny Lattimore) ⬙Love Will Find a Way,⬙ From the Soul of a Man (album by Lattimore), Columbia, 1998. (With Lattimore) ⬙Love Will Find a Way,⬙ Return to Pride Rock: Songs Inspired by ⬙The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride⬙ (also known as Return to Pride Rock: Songs Inspired by ⬙The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride⬙), Walt Disney Records, 1998. Do Re Mi (New York cast recording; also known as Do Re Mi: 1999 Original Cast Recording), DRG, 1999. ⬙Elaborate Lives,⬙ Aida (concept recording; also known as Elton John and Tim Rice’s ⬙Aida⬙), Rocket Records, 1999.

Singles: ⬙He Is,⬙ 2002. ⬙I Wish I Wasn’t,⬙ 2003. ⬙In My Mind,⬙ 2006. ⬙Me Time,⬙ 2006. OTHER SOURCES Books: Who’s Who among African Americans, twenty–second edition, Gale, 2008. Periodicals: Essence, January, 2002, p. 45. Newsweek, April 3, 2000, p. 76. New York Times, April 6, 2000. Parade, January 25, 2004, p. 18. 149


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Doc, ⬙Justice,⬙ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (also known as Law & Order: SVU and Special Victims Unit), NBC, 2002. Quite Frankly with Stephen A. Smith, ESPN, 2006. Carnell, The Game, UPN, 2007. ⬙On a Heroic Scale,⬙ Heroes Unmasked, BBC, 2008. ⬙Shock of the Old,⬙ Heroes Unmasked, BBC, 2008. Corporal Adams, ⬙Patriots and Tyrants,⬙ Jericho, CBS, 2008. Benjamin ⬙Knox⬙ Washington, a recurring role, Heroes, NBC, 2008.

Electronic: Heather Headley,, January 15, 2009.

HECTOR, Jamie 1975– PERSONAL Born October 7, 1975, in Brooklyn, NY.

Television Appearances; Movies: Devon, Everyday People, HBO, 2004. Rasheed, Blackout, Black Entertainment Television, 2007.

Addresses: Agent—Don Buchwald and Associates, 6500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2200, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Manager—Roberson’s Artist Management, 630 9th Avenue, New York, NY 10036.

Television Appearances; Specials: The Wire: It’s All Connected, HBO, 2006. The Wire Odyssey, HBO, 2007.

Career: Actor. Opened a store for his line of clothing ⬙Royal Addiction⬙ in Brooklyn, NY. CREDITS

RECORDINGS Film Appearances: ⬙I Love You⬙ Leech, He Got Game, Buena Vista, 1998. Gangsta in red, Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (also known as Ghost Dog, Ghost Dog–Der weg des Samurai and Ghost Dog, la voie du samourai), Lions Gate, 1999. T. K., Prison Song, New Line Cinema, 2001. Jogger number two, Central Park Jog, 2002. Dunn, Paid in Full, Miramax, 2002. Danny, The Fast Life, 2003. Banny, Five Deep Breaths, 2003. Dante, MVP, Xenon, 2003. Devon, Everyday People, HBO, 2004. Courtland, Brooklyn Bound, Image, 2004. Lincoln DeNeuf, Max Payne, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2008. Damien ⬙D–Rock⬙ Butler, Notorious, Fox Searchlight, 2009.

Video Games: The Warriors, 2005. Pedestrian, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (also known as GTA: Liberty City Stories), 2005. Videos: How We Live: The Reality of ⬙Brooklyn Bound⬙, Image, 2005. Narrator, Life After Death: The Movie (also known as Life After Death: The Movie–Ten Years Later), Fontana, 2007. Music Videos: ⬙A Dozen Roses,⬙ Monica, 2006.

Film Work: Automated dialogue replacement (ADR), Slow Burn, Lionsgate, 2007.

HEIMANN, Betsy (Betsy Faith Heimann)

Television Appearances; Series: Marlo Stanfield, The Wire, HBO, 2006—.

PERSONAL Born in Chicago, IL; daughter of Herman Heimann and Florence D. (maiden name, Petacque)) Stern. Avocational Interests: Playing fiddle.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Rasta, ⬙They Say It’s Your Birthday,⬙ The Beat, UPN, 2000. Jean Marchier, ⬙Burn, Baby, Burn,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2000. Legros, ⬙ ѧ And Zeus Wept,⬙ Third Watch, 2001.

Addresses: Agent—United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. 150

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

HEINDL Film Costumer: Women: Tom Horn, Warner Bros., 1980. The Competition, Sony, 1980. UFOria, Universal, 1985.

Career: Costume designer. Los Angeles County Museum, member of costume council, 1989. Awards, Honors: Sierra Award nomination, best costume design, Las Vegas Film Critic Society Award nomination, 2000, Costume Designers Guild Award nomination, excellence in costume design for film— period/fantasy, 2001, both for Almost Famous.

Film Assistant Costumer: Homework (also known as Growing Pains and Short People), Jensen Farley Pictures, 1982. Film Appearances: Herself, A Director’s Journey: The Making of ⬙Red Dragon⬙ (documentary short), Universal Home Video, 2003.

CREDITS Film Costume Designer: Skatetown, U.S.A., Sony, 1979. High Road to China, Warner Bros., 1983. Sky Bandits (also known as Gunbus), Galaxy International Releasing, 1986. Surrender, Warner Bros., 1987. Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (also known as Elvira), New World Pictures, 1988. Medium Rare, 1989. Tune in Tomorrow ѧ (also known as Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter), Cinecom International Films, 1990. Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael, Paramount, 1990. One Good Cop (also known as One Man’s Justice), Buena Vista, 1991. Reservoir Dogs, Miramax, 1992. (As Betsy Faith Heimann) The Adventures of Huck Finn (also known as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn), Buena Vista, 1993. Gunmen, Dimension Films, 1994. Pulp Fiction, Miramax, 1994. Renaissance Man (also known as Army Intelligence and By the Book), Buena Vista, 1994. The Tie That Binds, Buena Vista, 1995. Get Shorty, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1995. 2 Days in the Valley, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1996. Jerry Maguire, TriStar, 1996. Switchback, Paramount, 1997. Going West in America, Paramount, 1997. Mercury Rising, Universal, 1998. Out of Sight, Universal, 1998. Simon Birch (also known as Angels and Armadillos), Buena Vista, 1998. Anywhere But Here, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1999. Almost Famous, DreamWorks, 2000. The Family Man, Universal, 2000. Vanilla Sky, Paramount, 2001. Stealing Harvard, Sony, 2002. Red Dragon (also known as Roter Drache), Universal, 2002. Man of the House, Sony, 2005. Be Cool, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2005. Art School Confidential, Sony, 2006. Lady in the Water, Warner Bros., 2006. Rush Hour 3, New Line Cinema, 2007. The Happening, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2008.

Television Costume Designer; Series: Karen Sisco, ABC, 2003. Television Costume Designer; Movies: This Girl for Hire, CBS, 1983. The Dirty Dozen: The Next Mission, NBC, 1985. Stranger on My Land, ABC, 1988. One Against the Wind, CBS, 1991. Television Work; Movies: Costumes, The Girl, the Gold Watch & Dynamite, syndicated, 1981. Costumes for Richard Dreyfus and Elijah Wood, Oliver Twist, ABC, 1997. Television Costume Designer; Pilots: Prison Break (also known as Prison Break: On the Run), Fox, 2005. Television Work; Specials: Production coordinator and costume designer, The Pee–wee Herman Show, 1981.

HEINDL, Scott PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—Kirk Talent Agencies, Inc., 134 Abbott St., Suite 402, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 2K4 Canada. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Ron, The Falling (also known as Faithless), 1998. 151


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Television Appearances; Episodic: Billy, ⬙Unruhe,⬙ The X Files, Fox, 1996. Jacob Tyler, ⬙The Thin White Line,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1997. Damon, ⬙Like It’s 1999,⬙ The Crow: Stairway to Heaven, syndicated, 1998. Jimmy, ⬙Fallen Angel,⬙ Poltergeist: The Legacy, Showtime, Sci–Fi Channel, and syndicated, 1998. Long–haired man, ⬙A Room with No View,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1998. Danny, ⬙The Judgment of Joe Bean Bonner,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, 1998. George, ⬙Lunatic Fringe,⬙ The Net, USA Network, 1999. The long–haired man, ⬙Antipas,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1999. ⬙Red Flag,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 1999. Lance Rivet, ⬙Deadbeat Walking,⬙ Cold Squad, CTV, 1999. Dorian, ⬙The Demons of the Night: Part 1,⬙ The Immortal, syndicated, 2000. Dorian, ⬙The Hunted,⬙ The Immortal, syndicated, 2000. Lance Rivet, ⬙Death by Intent: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Cold Squad, CTV, 2000. Jack, ⬙Gill Girl,⬙ Dark Angel (also known as James Cameron’s ⬙Dark Angel⬙), Fox, 2001. Goth guy, ⬙Dire Straits,⬙ Big Sound, 2001. Eddie Wolcott, ⬙Here There Be Monsters,⬙ The Dead Zone (also known as Stephen King’s ⬙Dead Zone⬙), USA Network, 2002. The Kreetor, ⬙Hunted,⬙ The Twilight Zone, UPN, 2002. Tommy, ⬙At First It Was Funny,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest (also known as Coroner Da Vinci), 2002. Tommy, ⬙Doing the Chicken Stratch,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest (also known as Coroner Da Vinci), 2003. Tommy, ⬙For Just Bein’ Indian,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest (also known as Coroner Da Vinci), 2003. Bruce Tobek, ⬙Reasonable Doubts,⬙ Just Cause, Court TV, 2003. Trent, ⬙Deux Ex Machina,⬙ Jeremiah, Showtime, 2003. Father Neil Ennison, ⬙The Exorcist,⬙ The Collector, 2006. The White Prince, ⬙Hunters,⬙ Blade: The Series, Spike TV, 2006. Guard number one, ⬙Combat,⬙ Smallville (also known as Smallville: Beginnings and Smallville: Superman the Early Years), The CW, 2007. Harry Beeman, ⬙Ghost in the Machine,⬙ Painkiller Jane, Sci–Fi Channel, 2007.

Floyd the Fisherman, Along Came a Spider (also known as Im Netz der spinne and Le masque de l’araignee), Paramount, 2001. Second man in restaurant, Freddy Got Fingered, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Snownook guy, Out Cold, Buena Vista, 2001. Steve Spizak, The Stickup, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2001. Papa, Blue Boy and Girl in Pink, 2002. NS5 robot, I, Robot, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2004. Gedge, Blade: Trinity, New Line Cinema, 2004. Zack, ⬙The Girl with Golden Breasts,⬙ Trapped Ashes, Lionsgate, 2006. James Doyle, You Kill Me, IFC Films, 2007. Chase, The Betrayed, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2008. Jake, Dancing Trees, 2008. Graham, The Art of War II: Betrayal, Stage 6 Films, 2008. Television Appearances; Series: Bob, Viper, syndicated, 1996. Goth guy, Big Sound, Global, 2000. Kyle Mackenzie, Falcon Beach, Global Television Network, 2006. Wraith, Stargate: Atlantis (also known as La porte d’Atlantis), Sci–Fi Channel, 2006–2008. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Drug enforcement agency supervisor number two, Traffic (also known as Traffic: The Miniseries), USA Network, 2004. Thomas Lebeck, Into the West, TNT, 2005. Television Appearances; Movies: Carl, Survival on the Mountain, NBC, 1997. Messenger, Jitters, Lifetime, 1997. Werner Von Stucker, Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (also known as Nick Fury and Nick Fury: Agent of Shield), Fox, 1998. Bar patron, Shutterspeed, TNT, 2000. Mine worker, Blacktop (also known as Blacktop: Murder on the Move and La route de la peur), HBO, 2000. Bobby Satchel, Alaska, 2003. Jed Kaplan, Before I Say Goodbye (also known as Mary Higgins Clark’s ⬙Before I Say Goodbye⬙ and Mary Higgins Clark: Avant de te dire adieu), Court TV, 2003. Lieutenant Hutton, The Colt, Hallmark Channel, 2005. Kyle Mackenzie, Falcon Beach, 2005. Ray Oakum, Safe Harbor, Lifetime, 2006. Jesse Carne, Montana Sky (also known as Nora Robert’s ⬙Montana Sky⬙), Lifetime, 2007.

HENNAH, Dan PERSONAL Born in Hastings, New Zealand; married Chris (an art department coordinator), March 17, 1973. Education: Studied architecture at the Wellington Polytechnic School of Architecture.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Thug number two, Dark Angel (also known as James Cameron’s ⬙Dark Angel⬙), Fox, 2000. Harvey Rockwell, Wolf Lake, CBS, 2001. 152

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Career: Production designer, art director, and set decorator.

HENNAH as The Fellowship of the Ring and The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: The Motion Picture), New Line Cinema, 2001. Supervising art director and set decorator, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (also known as The Two Towers and Der Herr der ringe: die zwei turme), New Line Cinema, 2002. Supervising art director and set decorator, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (also known as The Return of the King and Der Herr der ringe: die ruckkehr des konigs), New Line Cinema, 2003. Assistant art director, The Long and Short of It (short), 2003. Supervising art director, set decorator, and vehicle assistant, King Kong (also known as Kong: The Eighth Wonder of the World and Peter Jackson’s ⬙King Kong⬙), Universal, 2005. Supervising art director and set decorator, The Water Horse (also known as The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep), Sony, 2007. Production designer, Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, Sony, 2009. Production designer, The Laundry Warrior, 2009. Production designer, Dante’s Inferno: Documentary (also known as Dante’s Inferno), 2009.

Awards, Honors: National Board of Review Award (with others), best production design/art direction, 2001, Academy Award nomination (with Grant Major), best art direction–set decoration, Golden Satellite Award nomination (with Major), Excellence in Production Design Award nomination (with others), feature film—period or fantasy films, Art Directors Guild, 2002, all for The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Excellence in Production Design Award (with others), feature film—period or fantasy films, Art Directors Guild, Academy Award nomination (with Major and Alan Lee), best art direction—set decoration, 2003, both for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Academy Award (with Major and Lee), best art direction—set decoration, Excellence in Production Design Award (with others), feature film—period or fantasy film, Art Directors Guild, Golden Satellite Award (with others), best art direction, International Press Academy, 2004, all for The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Sierra Award (with Simon Bright), best art direction, Las Vegas Film Critics Society, 2005, Academy Award nomination (with Major and Bright), best achievement in art direction, Excellence in Production Design Award nomination (with others), feature film— period or fantasy film, Art Directors Guild, 2006, all for King Kong.

Also worked as dressing prop, Mutiny on the Bounty. Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Man of Rohan, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (also known as Der Herr der ringe: Die zwei turme and The Two Towers), 2002. Himself, The Making of ⬙The Lord of the Rings⬙ (documentary), 2002. Himself, Kong’s New York, 1933 (documentary short), Universal, 2006. Himself, Skull Island: A Natural History (documentary short), Universal, 2006. Himself, Recreating the Eighth Wonder: The Making of ⬙King Kong⬙ (documentary short), Universal, 2006.

CREDITS Film Work: Art director, Nate and Hayes (also known as Savage Islands), Paramount, 1983. Location manager, Second Time Lucky, 1984. Production designer, Mesmerized (also known as Shocked and My Letter to George), Vestron Video, 1986. Art director: white water unit, White Water Summer (also known as The Rites of Summer), 1987. Supervising art director, The Rescue, Buena Vista, 1988. Production assistant, Huo shao dao (also known as The Burning Island, Island of Fire, Island on Fire, The Prisoner, and When Dragons Meet), New City Releasing, 1990. Art director, The Rainbow Warrior (also known as The Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior), 1992. Production designer, Cumulus 9 (also known as C–9, Cloud 9, and Cumulus 9), AML Productions, 1992. Art director, The Frighteners (also known as Robert Zemeckis Presents: ⬙The Frighteners⬙), MCA/ Universal, 1996. Supervising art director and set decorator, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (also known

Television Production Designer; Series: A Twist in the Tale (also known as William Shatner’s ⬙A Twist in the Tale⬙), 1998. The Legend of William Tell, 1998. The Tribe, Channel 5, 1999. Treasure Island, 1999. Television Work; Movies: Production designer, Adrift, CBS and CTV, 1993. Associate designer, 99–1, 1994. Production designer, Return to Treasure Island (also known as Jim Hawkins–Ruckkehr nach Treasure Island and Die Ruckkehr zur schatzinsel), 1996. 153


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 (As Elden Ratliff) Fulton Reed, The Mighty Ducks (also known as Champions and The Mighty Ducks Are the Champions), Buena Vista, 1992. (As Elden Ryan Ratliff) Fulton Reed, D2: The Mighty Ducks (also known as The Mighty Ducks 2), Buena Vista, 1994. (As Elden Ratliff) Bobby, Foxfire, Samuel Goldwyn Films, 1996. (As Elden Ryan Ratliff) Fulton Reed, D3: The Mighty Ducks, Buena Vista, 1996. Narrator and Maxwell ⬙Max⬙ Kane, The Mighty, Miramax, 1998. Jesse Jackson, She’s All That, Miramax, 1999. Pnub, Idle Hands, Columbia, 1999. Elden Madden, Cast Away, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. Michael ⬙Mike⬙, Manic, IFC Films, 2001. Roger Rodriguez, O (also known as The One), Lions Gate Films, 2001. Sammy, Cheaters (also known as Chea+ers), Destination Films/New Line Cinema, 2002. Ron, Evil Alien Conquerors, First Look International, 2002. Sheep, Pack of Dogs (short film), 2002. Turk, Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd, New Line Cinema, 2003. Bart Bowland, The Battle of Shaker Heights, Miramax, 2003. Author, Under the Tuscan Sun (also known as Sotto il sole della Toscana), Buena Vista, 2003. Lenny, The Butterfly Effect, New Line Cinema, 2004. Samson and (in archive footage) Steve Mills, Marilyn Hotchkiss’ Ballroom Dancing and Charm School (feature film), Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2005. Salesman, The Moguls (also known as The Amateurs and Dirty Movie), Newmarket Films, 2005. Billy Z, Lords of Dogtown (also known as American Knights and Dogtown Boys), Columbia, 2005. Gunnars, Deja Vu, Buena Vista, 2006. Taylor, Rise (also known as Rise: Blood Hunter), Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2007. Fudge, Not Since You, Wonder Entertainment, 2008. Plastic, Plastic Films, 2009.

Television Work; Miniseries: Art director, Heart of the Country, 1986. Television Appearances; Specials: Passage to Middle–Earth: The Making of ⬙The Lord of the Kings,⬙ Sci–Fi Channel, 2001. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Return to Middle Earth, The WB, 2002. The 76th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2004.

HENSON, Elden 1977– (Elden Ratliff, Elden Ryan Ratliff) PERSONAL Original name, Elden Ryan Ratliff; born August 30, 1977, in Rockville, MD; mother, a professional photographer; brother of Garette Ratliff Henson (an actor) and Erick Ratliff (an actor). Education: Attended Emerson College, 1996–97. Addresses: Agent—Sheree Cohen, Kohner Agency, 9300 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 555, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor. Roulette Entertainment (production company), cofounder. Began working as a model at age two, including work for the Ford Agency, New York City; appeared in numerous commercials. Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination (with others), outstanding young ensemble cast in a motion picture, 1993, for The Mighty Ducks. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut; uncredited) Ring bearer, A Little Sex, Universal, 1982. (Uncredited) The Verdict, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1982. (Uncredited) Daniel, Paramount, 1983. (As Elden Ratliff) Eric Boyett, Turner & Hooch, Buena Vista, 1989. (As Elden Ratliff) Steve Mills, Marilyn Hotchkiss’ Ballroom Dancing and Charm School (short film), Carousel Films and Video, 1990. (As Elden Ratliff) Third fisher friend, Radio Flyer, Columbia TriStar, 1992.

Some sources cite an appearance in Radioactive Dreams, 1985. Film Work: (As Elden Ratliff) Additional voices, Jaws: The Revenge, Universal, 1987. Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Elden Ratliff) Freckle–faced boy, ⬙Mummy Daddy,⬙ Amazing Stories (also known as Steven Spielberg’s ⬙Amazing Stories⬙), NBC, 1985. 154

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 (As Elden Ratliff) Matthew, ⬙All I Want for Christmas,⬙ Fame, syndicated, 1986. Alan Bailey, ⬙I Was a Middle Aged Werewolf,⬙ Highway to Heaven, NBC, 1987. (Uncredited) Cub Scout, ⬙A Few Good Scouts,⬙ The Ben Stiller Show, Fox, 1993. ⬙Breaking Bread,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1998. Will Caray, ⬙Brotherhood,⬙ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (also known as Law & Order: SVU and Special Victims Unit), NBC, 2004. Matthew Marley, ⬙Four,⬙ Smith, CBS, 2007. Matthew Marley, ⬙Five,⬙ Smith, CBS, 2007. (Uncredited) Matthew Marley, ⬙Six,⬙ Smith, CBS, 2007. Matthew Marley, ⬙Seven,⬙ Smith, CBS, 2007. Fingerless guy, ⬙The War Comes Home,⬙ ER, NBC, 2007. Damon, ⬙In Which Sam Gets Taken for a Ride,⬙ Private Practice, ABC, 2007.

HILDRETH Addresses: Agent—Characters Talent Agency, 150 Carlton St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5A 2K1; Russ Mortensen, Pacific Artists Management, 1285 West Broadway, Suite 685, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6H 3X8. Career: Actor and voice artist. Savage God (resident performance ensemble), member of company. Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination (with others), best young acting ensemble in a television comedy, drama series, or special, 1989, for After the Promise; Jessie Richardson Theatre Award, best leading actor in a leading theatre, Vancouver Professional Theatre Alliance, 2001, for Candida; Leo Award nomination, best actor in a feature–length drama, Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Foundation of British Columbia, 2005, for Everyone; Leo Award nomination, best supporting actor in a feature–length drama, 2005, for Earthsea; Leo Award nomination, best supporting actor in a dramatic series, 2006, for ⬙DaVinci’s Notebook,⬙ Young Blades.

Also appeared in Project Greenlight, HBO. Television Appearances; Other: As the World Turns (series), CBS, c. 1983. (As Elden Ratliff) Don Beaulieu at age ten, Elvis and Me (miniseries), ABC, 1988. Daniel Huffman, A Gift of Love: The Daniel Huffman Story (movie), Showtime, 1999.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Voice of Beany, Beany and Cecil, ABC, 1988. Voice of Caz, The New Adventures of He–Man (animated; also known as Le nuove avventure di He– Man), syndicated, 1990. Finger, The Odyssey, CBS, 1992–94. Voice of Ziv ⬙ZZ⬙ Zulander, The Bots Master (animated; also known as The Botz Master, ZZ Bots, and Le maitre des bots), syndicated, 1993. Voice of Ingred, Hurricanes (animated), 1993. Cody, Final Fight, 1995. Voice of Dr. Briefs, Dragon Ball Z (animated; also known as DBZ), Cartoon Network, 1996–97. Voice of Vega, Streetfighter: The Animated Series (animated), USA Network, 1997. Voice of Heero Yuy, Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (animated; also known as Gundam Wing), Cartoon Network, 2000. Stanton, Call of the Wild (also known as Jack London’s ⬙Call of the Wild⬙), CBS, 2000. Voice of Alex Mann, Action Man (animated), Fox, 2000–2001. (English version) Voice of Adams, Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy (animated), Fox, 2002. Voice of R. J. Harrison, Stargate: Infinity (animated), Fox, 2002. Voice, Gadget and the Gadgetinis (animated), 2003. Siroc, Young Blades, I Network, 2005. River Sorenon, This Space for Rent, CBC, 2006.

RECORDINGS Videos: The Making of ⬙The Mighty,⬙ Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 1999. Audio Books: Narrator of Freak the Mighty. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: San Francisco Chronicle, October 11, 1998.

HILDRETH, Mark 1978– PERSONAL Born January 24, 1978, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Education: National Theatre School of Canada, graduated. 155


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Mark, ⬙Each Tub Must Stand on Its Own Bottom,⬙ Hope Island, PAX, 1999. Jack McKenna, ⬙Honey, I Shrink, Therefore I Am,⬙ Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show, syndicated, 2000. Raymo, ⬙Digital Babylon,⬙ Level 9, UPN, 2000. Tim, ⬙Rest Stop,⬙ Night Visions, Fox, 2001. Danny, ⬙Zero Option,⬙ UC: Undercover, NBC, 2001. Voice, Alienators: Evolution Continues, Fox, 2001. Voice of Angel/Warren Worthington III, ⬙On Angel’s Wings,⬙ X–Men: Evolution (animated), The WB, 2001. Voice of Angel/Warren Worthington III, ⬙Under Lock and Key,⬙ X–Men: Evolution (animated), The WB, 2002. Brendan Lahey, ⬙Bunker Hill,⬙ Andromeda (also known as Gene Roddenberry’s ⬙Andromeda⬙), syndicated, 2002. Malcolm, ⬙Enemy Mind,⬙ The Dead Zone (also known as Stephen King’s ⬙Dead Zone⬙), USA Network, 2002. Ted Kasselbaum, ⬙Lies, Speculation & Deception,⬙ Just Cause, PAX, 2003. Voice of Angel/Warren Worthington III, ⬙Ascension: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ X–Men: Evolution (animated), The WB, 2003. Sickert, ⬙The Ripper,⬙ The Collector, 2005. Chuck, ⬙Phased and Confused,⬙ Eureka (also known as A Town Called Eureka), Sci–Fi Channel, 2008. Voice of Quicksilver, ⬙Hindsight: Part 2,⬙ Wolverine and the X–Men (animated), 2008. Voice of Quicksilver, ⬙Time Bomb,⬙ Wolverine and the X–Men (animated), 2008. Voices of Quicksilver and Pietro Maximoff, ⬙Past Discretions,⬙ Wolverine and the X–Men (animated), 2008.

Also voice for Kido senshi Gandamu (animated; also known as Mobile Suit Gundam). Television Appearances; Miniseries: Lieutenant on air base, Taken (also known as Steven Spielberg Presents ⬙Taken⬙), Sci–Fi Channel, 2002. Jasper, Earthsea (also known as Legend of Earthsea), Sci–Fi Channel, 2004. Television Appearances; Movies: Bradley Ryder, ⬙Love Is Never Silent,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame (also known as Hallmark Television Playhouse), NBC, 1985. Raymond at age ten, After the Promise, CBS, 1987. Johnny at age twelve, My Son Johnny (also known as Bad Seed), CBS, 1991. Voice of Terry Bogard, Fatal Fury: Legend of the Hungry Wolf (animated), 1992. Jeremy, Relentless: Mind of a Killer, NBC, 1993. Craig Grant, Shock Treatment, 1995. Joe Saeba, City Hunter: Secret Service (also known as City Hunter and Secret Police), 1996. Rusty Walker, Past Perfect, HBO, 1998. Second young soldier, Y2K (also known as Countdown to Chaos and Y2K: The Movie), NBC, 1999. Voice of Heero Yuy, Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: The Movie–Endless Waltz (animated; also known as Endless Waltz and Gundam Wing: The Movie– Endless Waltz), Cartoon Network, 2000. Voices of Dasher and Dancer, Donner (animated), ABC Family Channel, 2001. James Gilman, No Night Is Too Long, BBC, 2002. Voice of Hightech, G.I. Joe: Spy Troops the Movie (animated), 2003. Voice of Sutton, Jammin’ in Jamaica (animated), Nickelodeon, 2004. Voice of Prince Dev, Dragons: Fire & Ice (animated; also known as Dragon—Feu et glace), Teletoon, 2004. Voice of Prince Dev, Dragons II: The Metal Ages (animated), YTV, 2005.

Also appeared in episodes of Birdland, ABC; and Falcon Beach, Global. Television Appearances; Specials: The Making of ⬙Eighteen,⬙ 2006.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Camp Candy, NBC, 1989. Allan, ⬙Playing Solitaire,⬙ Madison, 1994. Allan, ⬙Junior Partner,⬙ Madison, 1994. Mick, ⬙Time Bomb,⬙ The Odyssey, CBS, 1994. Gabriel, ⬙Hester,⬙ Hawkeye, 1995. Voice, ⬙The Wild Swans,⬙ Stories from My Childhood (animated; also known as Mikhail Baryshnikov’s ⬙Stories from My Childhood⬙), 1998. Jack McKenna, ⬙Honey, It’s Quarkzilla,⬙ Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show, syndicated, 1998. Jack McKenna, ⬙Honey, You’re Driving Me like Crazy,⬙ Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show, syndicated, 1999.

Television Additional Voices; Animated Series: Conan and the Young Warriors, CBS, 1994. Action Man, Fox, 1995. Sabrina’s Secret Life, 2003–2004. Krypto the Superdog, 2005. Film Appearances: Troy, They (also known as Wes Craven Presents ⬙They⬙), Miramax/Dimension Films, 2002. Grant, Everyone, TLA Releasing, 2005. Macauley, Eighteen, TLA Releasing, 2005. 156

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HILTON (Uncredited) Voice of Heero Yuy, Battle Assault 3 Featuring Gundam Seed, Bandai Games, 2004. Voice of Roy Jones, Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts, THQ, 2007. Voices of soldiers, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (also known as Metal Gear Solid 4 and MGS4), Konami Digital Entertainment, 2008.

Cryer, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (also known as Pirates 3 and P.O.T.C. 3), Buena Vista, 2007. Stage Appearances: Eugene, Candida, Vancouver Playhouse, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2001. Christopher Marlowe, Dead Reckoning, Performance Works at Granville Island, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2002.

OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Mark Hildreth Official Site, http://www.mark-hildreth. com, January 24, 2009.

Also appeared as Silvio, Carlo Goldonis: The Servant of Two Masters; Cale Blackwell, Fire; Macduff, Macbeth; and Richard of Gloucester, Richard III. RECORDINGS


Animated Videos: Voices of Sir Gallop, Sir Zeke, and Sir Trunk, King Arthur and the Knights of Justice (originally an animated television series), 1992. Voice of Jack, Kishin Heidan (also known as Alien Defender Geo–Armor: Kishin Corps, Kishin Corps, and Machine God Corps), Pioneer, 1993. (English version) Voice of Terry Bogard, Fatal Fury 2: The New Battle, 1993. Voice of Terry Bogard, Garou densetsu (also known as Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture), 1994. Voice of Terry Bogard, Fatal Fury 1, 1995. Voice of Issei Nishikiyori, Please Save My Earth, Viz Video, 1996. Voice of Terry Bogard, Fatal Fury 2, 1996. Voice of Terry Bogard, Fatal Fury 3, 1998. Voice of Stefan, Barbie as Rapunzel, Artisan Entertainment, 2002. Voice of Prince Daniel, Barbie of Swan Lake, Artisan Entertainment, 2003. Voice of Hi–Tech, G.I. Joe: Valor vs. Venom, Paramount Home Video, 2004. Voice of Dominic, Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper, Lions Gate Films Home Entertainment, 2004. Voice of Sutton, My Scene Goes Hollywood, Buena Vista Home Video, 2005. Voice of Aiden, Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus 3–D, Lions Gate Films Home Entertainment, 2005.

Full name, Tyler James Hilton; born November 22, 1983, in Palm Springs, CA. Education: Attended high school in La Quinta, CA. Addresses: Agent—Jim Ornstein, William Morris Agency, 1 William Morris Pl., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Victoria Blake, Victoria Blake Management, 23622 Calabasas Rd., Suite 230, Calabasas, CA 91302. Career: Actor, singer, guitarist, songwriter, and recording artist. Performer at clubs and on concert tours. Awards, Honors: Teen Choice Award nomination, choice crossover artist, 2005; Teen Choice Award nomination, choice male television breakout performance, 2005, for One Tree Hill. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Chris Keller, One Tree Hill, The WB, 2004–2006, then CW Network, 2006–2007. Television Appearances; Specials: The Teen Choice Awards, Fox, 2004, 2005. Himself as Elvis Presley, Celebrating the Man in Black: The Making of ⬙Walk the Line,⬙ 2005. New Year’s Eve Live!, Fox, 2005. Host, Where Music Meets Film, Fuse, 2008.

Also voice of Eric for English version of The Humanoid, Central Park Media. Video Games: (Uncredited) Voice of Heero Yuy, Gundam: Battle Assault 2, Bandai Games, 2002. Voice, SSX 3, Electronic Arts, 2003.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Folk singer, ⬙Old Enough to Fight,⬙ American Dreams (also known as Our Generation), NBC, 2004. 157


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

Television Guest Appearances; Episodic: The Tony Danza Show, syndicated, 2005. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2005. All That, Nickelodeon, 2005. Total Request Live (also known as Total Request with Carson Daly, TRL, and TRL Weekend), MTV, 2005, 2006. The Bonnie Hunt Show, CBS, 2008.

Awards, Honors: Lumiere Award, New Orleans Film Festival, and Special Festival Award, Stony Brook Film Festival, both 2000, for Last Request; Audience Award, best short film, Deep Ellum Film Festival, and Bob Award, Crested Butte Reel Fest, both 2003, for Stunt Cocks.

Film Appearances: Elvis Presley, Walk the Line, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2005. Murphey Bivens, Charlie Bartlett, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 2007.

Film Appearances: (As Thomas E. Hodges) Bruno, Lucas, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1986. Tiny, Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1987. Wesley, Critters 2: The Main Course, New Line Cinema, 1988. Louis ⬙Louie⬙ Jones, Steel Magnolias, TriStar, 1989. Aunt Sparkle and Butler, Tales of Two Sisters, Vista Street Entertainment, 1989. Bob and Schecky’s mother, Going Overboard (also known as Babes Ahoy), 1989. Marjorie Zipp, The Dark Backward (also known as The Man with Three Arms), Strand Releasing, 1991. Don Curran, Frame Up, Poor Robert Productions, 1991. Dylan, Excessive Force, New Line Cinema, 1992. Les Parker, The Baby Doll Murders, Republic, 1993. Lars, Heavyweights, Buena Vista, 1995. The Killers Within, 1995. Groom, Michael, New Line Cinema, 1996. Shoot the Moon, Sugardaddy Productions, 1996. Third ⬙asshole,⬙ I Love You, Don’t Touch Me!, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1998. Emergency room nurse, Stigmata, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1999. Bork, Homo Erectus (also known as National Lampoon’s ⬙The Stoned Age⬙), National Lampoon, 2007. Tim ⬙Tiny⬙ Wonders, The Grand, Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2007. Stuart, Look, Liberated Artists, 2007. Eric, Overnight, Red Eye Productions/Fusion Film Group, 2009.


RECORDINGS Albums: Tyler Hilton, 2001. The Tracks of Tyler Hilton, Maverick Records, 2004. One Tree Hill: Music from the WB Television Series, 2005. One Tree Hill, Volume 2: Friends with Benefit, 2006. Singles include ⬙How Love Should Be,⬙ 2005. Videos: Appeared as Drew in the music video ⬙Teardrops on My Guitar⬙ by Taylor Swift, 2006. WRITINGS Songwriter: Songs include ⬙Glad⬙ and ⬙When the Stars Go Blue.⬙

HODGES, Tom 1965– (Thom Hodges, Thomas E. Hodges)

Film Producer: (And director) Shoot the Moon, Sugardaddy Productions, 1996. (And director) Last Request, Kismet Productions, 1999. Humanoid, Johnny Plastic Productions, 2003. (And director) Stunt Cocks, Broken Glass Pictures/ Legacy Group Productions, 2004. Fly Like Mercury, Johnny Plastic Productions, 2008.

PERSONAL Born July 1, 1965, in Chicago, IL. Addresses: Manager—Verve Entertainment, 6140 West Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232.

Television Appearances; Movies: Rob, Night of Courage, ABC, 1987. Ray Jacobs, In the Best Interest of the Children, NBC, 1992. Mark Schwartz, It’s Nothing Personal, NBC, 1993.

Career: Actor, producer, director, and writer. Sometimes credited as Thom Hodges. 158

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HOPKINS Third pool player, ⬙On the Road,⬙ Mad About You, NBC, 1997. Mr. Copely, ⬙Civil Wars,⬙ Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, CBS, 1997. Jasper, ⬙An Angel on the Roof,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1998.

Condo manager, The Disappearance of Christina, USA Network, 1993. Jim Schoenfeld, They’ve Taken Our Children: The Chowchilla Kidnapping (also known as Vanished without a Trace), ABC, 1993. Second soldier, Blind Justice (also known as Canaan’s Way), HBO, 1994. Pat Prince, Since You’ve Been Gone (also known as Ten Years Later), ABC, 1998. Jake, Judas Kiss, Cinemax, 1998. Passenger cop, Late Last Night, Starz!, 1999.

Also appeared in an episode of Eddie Dodd, ABC. Television Work; Series: Producer and director, Titans of Justice (animated), 2006.

Television Appearances; Series: Rich, a recurring role, Valerie (also known as The Hogan Family, The Hogans, and Valerie’s Family), NBC, between 1986 and 1989. Bob, Damian Cromwell’s Postcards from America, 1997. Voice of computer, Titans of Justice (animated), 2006.

Stage Appearances: Keith, D Girl, Century City Playhouse, Los Angeles, 1997. WRITINGS

Television Appearances; Specials: Tom, ⬙A Family Again,⬙ ABC Afterschool Specials, ABC, 1988. Matt, Another Round, 1992. Title role, The Great O’Grady, Showtime, 1993. Karl, Seed: A Love Story, Lifetime, 1998.

Screenplays: Shoot the Moon, Sugardaddy Productions, 1996. ADAPTATIONS ⬙The Best of Friends, Worst of Times,⬙ an episode of the television series Valerie (also known as The Hogan Family, The Hogans, and Valerie’s Family), broadcast by NBC in 1990, was based on a story by Hodges.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Jeff, Nutcracker: Money, Madness & Murder, NBC, 1987. Television Appearances; Episodic: Hal, ⬙Where Have All the Children Gone?⬙ Airwolf (also known as Lobo del aire), CBS, 1985. Tiny, ⬙No Day at the Beach,⬙ Amazing Stories (also known as Steven Spielberg’s ⬙Amazing Stories⬙), NBC, 1986. Not Kuzak, ⬙Gibbon Take,⬙ L.A. Law, 1986. Ernie, ⬙A Winter’s Tale,⬙ The Facts of Life, NBC, 1987. Cole, ⬙Papa Simon,⬙ The Wizard, CBS, 1987. Mike Parker, ⬙In with the ’In’ Crowd,⬙ Highway to Heaven, NBC, 1987. ⬙Dusk to Dawn,⬙ Vietnam War Story, HBO, 1988. Corporal Nichols, ⬙Who’s Happy Now?⬙ China Beach, ABC, 1989. Alexander Duckworth, ⬙Vietnam Rag,⬙ Tour of Duty, CBS, 1990. Mark, ⬙Start of the Fire,⬙ Equal Justice, 1990. Carl Slotkin, ⬙Julie Gets Validated,⬙ Nurses, NBC, 1992. Carl Slotkin, ⬙Love and Death,⬙ Nurses, NBC, 1993. Billy Clancy, ⬙Crime Wave Dave,⬙ Walker, Texas Ranger (also known as Walker), CBS, 1993. Lieutenant Hogan, ⬙High Ground,⬙ JAG (also known as JAG: Judge Advocate General), NBC, 1996. Pechetti, ⬙Empok Nor,⬙ Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (also known as Deep Space Nine, DS9, and Star Trek: DS9), syndicated, 1997.

HOPKINS, Anthony 1937– (Sir Anthony Hopkins) PERSONAL Given name is pronounced An–tony; full name, Philip Anthony Hopkins; born December 31, 1937, in Port Talbot, South Wales, England; son of Richard Arthur (a baker) and Muriel Annie (maiden name, Yeates) Hopkins; immigrated to the United States, naturalized citizen, April 12, 2000; married Petronella Barker, 1967 (divorced, 1972); married Jennifer Lynton (a production secretary), January 13, 1973 (divorced, 2002); married Stella Arroyave (an antiques dealer), March 1, 2003; children: (first marriage) Abigail. Education: Graduated from Cardiff College of Music and Drama, 1957; graduated from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, 1963. Avocational Interests: Piano, reading, painting. Addresses: Agent—Independent Talent Group, Oxford House, 76 Oxford St., London W1D 1BS United Kingdom; Endeavor, 9601 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Floor, 159


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 in a miniseries or motion picture made for television, 1989, for The Tenth Man; Academy Award, best actor, National Board of Review Award, best supporting actor, New York Film Critics Circle Award, best actor, Film Award, best actor, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Boston Society of Film Critics Award, best supporting actor, 1991, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a motion picture, ALFS Award nomination, actor of the year, London Film Critics Circle, and Saturn Award, best actor, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, 1992, all for The Silence of the Lambs; Knighted, 1993; Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award, best actor, National Board of Review Award, best actor, 1993, and Film Award, best leading actor, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1994, all for Shadowlands; Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award, best actor, 1993, ALFS Award, actor of the year, London Film Critics Circle, Academy Award nomination, best actor in a leading role, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a motion picture—drama, Southeastern Film Critics Association Award, best actor, David di Donatello Award, best foreign actor, Film Award nomination, best leading actor, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1994, all for The Remains of the Day; Bronze Wrangler Award (with others), theatrical motion picture, Western Heritage Awards, 1995, for Legends of the Fall; Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by a male actor in a leading role, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a motion picture—drama, and Academy Award nomination, best actor in a leading role, all 1996, for Nixon; Commander, Order of Arts & Letters, France, 1996; ShoWest Award, actor of the year, 1998; Donostia Lifetime Achievement Award, San Sebastian International Film Festival, 1998; Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by a male actor in a supporting role, Online Film Critics Society Award nomination, best supporting actor, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a supporting role, Broadcast Film Critics Association Award, best supporting actor, and Academy Award nomination, best supporting actor, 1998, for Amistad; Saturn Award nomination, best actor, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, 1999, for Meet Joe Black; Virginia Film Award, Virginia Film Festival, 2000; Man of the Year Award, Hasty Pudding Theatricals, Harvard University, 2001; ALFS Award nomination, British actor of the year, London Film Critics Circle, 2001, for Titus; MTV Movie Award nominations, best kiss (with Julianne Moore) and best villain, 2001, Saturn Award nomination, best actor, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, 2002, for Hannibal; People’s Choice Award nomination, favorite motion picture star in a drama, 2002; Master Screen Artist Tribute, USA Film Festival, 2002; Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame, 2003; Hollywood Film Award, outstanding achievement in

Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Publicist—Rogers and Cowan Public Relations, 8687 Melrose Ave., Pacific Design Center, 7th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Career: Actor and director. Appeared in repertory with Nottingham Repertory Company, Nottingham, England; Phoenix Theatre, Leicester, England; Liverpool Playhouse, Liverpool, England; and Hornchurch Repertory Company, Hornchurch, England; Royal Shakespeare Company, member; National Theater ensemble, member; appeared in television commercials for Agilent Technologies, 1999, and Barclays Bank, 2000. Library Theatre, Manchester, England, assistant stage manager, 1960; Ruskins School of Acting, Santa Monica, CA, volunteer instructor. Also worked at a steel factory near Port Talbot, Wales. Military service: British Army, bombardier in Royal Artillery, 1958–60. Member: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, American Film Institute, British Academy of Film and Television Arts. Awards, Honors: Film Award nomination, best supporting actor, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1969, for The Lion in Winter; Plays and Players London Theatre Critics Award, most promising newcomer, 1971, for work with the National Theatre; Television Award, best actor, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1972, for War and Peace; New York Drama Desk Award, outstanding actor in a play, American Authors and Celebrity Forum Award, and Outer Critics Circle Award, distinguished performance, all 1975, for Equus; Emmy Award, outstanding lead actor in a drama special, and Outer Critics Circle Award, both 1976, for The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case; Los Angeles Drama Critics Award, best actor, 1977, for Equus; Saturn Award, best actor—horror, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, 1978, for Audrey Rose; Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture actor, and Film Award nomination, best actor, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, both 1979, for Magic; Emmy Award, outstanding lead actor in a limited series or special, 1981, for The Bunker; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actor in a limited series or special, 1982, for The Hunchback of Notre Dame; Film Actor Award, Variety Club, 1984, for The Bounty; British Theatre Association Award, best actor, Laurence Olivier Award, Society of West End Theatre, Plays and Players London Theatre Critics Award, best actor, and Stage Actor Award, Variety Club, all 1985, for Pravda; CableACE Award, best actor in a movie or miniseries, 1986, for Mussolini; Best Actor Award, Moscow Film Festival, 1987, for 84 Charing Cross Road; Commander, Order of the British Empire, 1987; honorary D.Litt., University of Wales, 1988; Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actor 160

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HOPKINS Dr. Hannibal Lecter, The Silence of the Lambs, Orion, 1991. Professor Abraham Van Helsing/Ships captain/Cesare, Bram Stoker’s ⬙Dracula⬙ (also known as Dracula), Columbia, 1992. McCandless, Freejack, Warner Bros., 1992. Henry Wilcox, Howards End, Sony Pictures Classics, 1992. George Hayden, Chaplin (also known as Charlot), TriStar, 1992. Voice of reader, Earth and the American Dream, 1992. Priest, The Trial, Angelika Films, 1993. James Stevens, butler of Darlington House, The Remains of the Day, Columbia, 1993. C. S. ⬙Jack⬙ Lewis, Shadowlands, Savoy Pictures, 1993. Bob Glass, The Innocent (also known as Und der Himmel steht still), 1993. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, The Road to Wellville, Columbia, 1994. Colonel William Ludlow, Legends of the Fall, TriStar, 1994. Himself, A Century of Cinema, 1994. (As Sir Anthony Hopkins) Actor, In Ismail’s Custody, 1994. Richard M. Nixon, Nixon, Buena Vista, 1995. Ieuan Davies, August, Samuel Goldwyn, 1996. Pablo Picasso, Surviving Picasso, Warner Bros., 1996. John Quincy Adams, Amistad, Dreamworks SKG, 1997. Bookworm, Fox Film, 1997. Charles Morse, The Edge, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1997. Narrator, The Lost Children of Berlin, 1997. Don Diego de la Vega/Older Zorro, Mark of Zorro (also known as The Mask of Zorro), Columbia, 1998. William Parrish, Meet Joe Black, MCA/Universal, 1998. Himself, Junket Whore, 1998. Himself, The Uttmost, 1998. Ethan Powell, Instinct, Buena Vista, 1999. Narrator, Siegfried & Roy: The Magic Box (also known as The Magic Box), IMAX, 1999. Titus Andronicus, Titus, 1999. Himself, The Making of ⬙Amistad,⬙ 1999. (Uncredited) Mission Commander Swanbeck, Mission: Impossible (also known as M: I–2), Paramount, 2000. Narrator, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (also known as Dr. Seuss’ ⬙How the Grinch Stole Christmas,⬙ Der Grinch, and The Grinch), MCA/Universal, 2000. Conversations with Jon Turteltaub (also known as Spotlight on John Turteltaub), Buena Vista, 2000. (Uncredited) Himself, The Making of ⬙Titus,⬙ 2000. Hannibal Lecter, Hannibal, MCA/Universal, 2001. Ted Brautigan, Hearts in Atlantis, Warner Bros., 2001. Himself, Blind Loyalty, Hollow Honor: England’s Fatal Flaw (documentary short), Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2001.

acting—male performer, 2003; Hollywood Film Award (with others), ensemble of the year, 2006, Screen Actors Guild Award nomination (with others), outstanding performance by a cast in a motion picture, 2007, both for Bobby; New Zealand Screen Award, best performance by an actor in a leading role, 2006, for The World’s Fastest Indian; Cecil B. DeMille Award, Golden Globe Awards, 2006, for lifetime achievement; Youth Jury Award and Golden Leopard Award nomination, Locarno International Film Festival, 2007, both for Slipstream; Academy Fellowship, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 2008. CREDITS Film Appearances: Voice of Marcus Crassus, Spartacus (restored version), Universal, 1960. Brechtian, The White Bus (also known as Red, White and Zero), 1967. Prince Richard the Lionhearted, The Lion in Winter, Avco–Embassy, 1968. Claudius, Hamlet (also known as Shakespeare’s ⬙Hamlet⬙), Columbia, 1969. John Avery, The Looking Glass War, Columbia, 1970. Philip Calvert, When Eight Bells Toll (also known as Alistair Maclean’s ⬙When Eight Bells Toll⬙), Cinerama, 1971. David Lloyd George, Young Winston, Columbia, 1972. Torvald Helmer, A Doll’s House, Paramount, 1973. Kostya, The Girl from Petrovka, Universal, 1974. Superintendent John McCleod, Juggernaut (also known as Terror on the Britannic), United Artists, 1974. Elliot Hoover, Audrey Rose, United Artists, 1977. Lieutenant Colonel John Frost, A Bridge Too Far, United Artists, 1977. Captain Johnson, International Velvet, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer/United Artists, 1978. Corky/voice of Fats the dummy, Magic, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1978. Adam Evans, A Change of Seasons, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1980. Dr. Frederick Treves, The Elephant Man, Paramount, 1980. Lieutenant William Bligh, The Bounty, Orion, 1984. Bill Hooper, The Good Father, Skouras, 1986. Frank Doel, 84 Charing Cross Road, Columbia, 1987. Dafydd Llewellyn, A Chorus of Disapproval, Southgate Entertainment, 1987. Major Angus Barry (⬙Cassius⬙), The Dawning, TVS Entertainment/Vista, 1988. Tim Cornell, Desperate Hours, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/ United Artists, 1990. Errol Wallace, The Efficiency Expert (also known as Spotswood), Miramax, 1991. 161


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Himself, Behind the Scenes: ⬙Hannibal⬙ (documentary), 2001. Himself, Inside the Labyrinth: The Making of ⬙The Silence of the Lambs⬙ (documentary), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists Home Entertainment, 2001. Himself, ⬙The Remains of the Day⬙: The Filmmaker’s Journey (documentary short), Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2001. Himself, Breaking the Silence: The Making of ⬙Hannibal⬙ (documentary), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer Home Entertainment, 2001. Gaylord Oakes, Bad Company (also known as Ceska spojka), Buena Vista, 2002. Dr. Hannibal Lecter, Red Dragon (also known as Roter Drache), MCA/Universal, 2002.

Coleman Silk, The Human Stain (also known as La couleur du mensonge and Der Menschliche Makel), Miramax, 2003. Himself, Noin, 2003. Himself, A Director’s Journey: The Making of ⬙Red Dragon⬙ (documentary short), Universal Home Video, 2003. Daniel Webster, The Devil and Daniel Webster (also known as Shortcut to Happiness), Yari Film Group Releasing, 2004. Old Ptolemy, Alexander (also known as Alexander Revisited: The Final Cut, Alexander: Director’s Cut, and Alexandre), Warner Bros., 2004. Himself, On the Set of ⬙Alexander⬙ (documentary short), Warner Home Video, 2004.




Daphne, Toxic, Weinstein Company, 2008. Beautiful girl, The Fish, 2009. Uwamma Layne, Steppin: The Movie, Weinstein Company, 2009.

JACKSON, Shar 1976– (Sharisse Jackson)

Television Appearances; Series: Niecy Jackson, Moesha, UPN, 1996–2000. Celebrity Rap Superstar, MTV, 2007. Herself, Ex Wives Club, ABC, 2007.

PERSONAL Television Appearances; Movies: Carlene, Grand Avenue, HBO, 1996.

Original name, Sharisse Jackson; born August 31, 1976, in Boston, MA; children: (with Kevin Federline, an actor and singer) Kori, Kaleb; Donnie, Cassie. Education: Studied acting with the Al Fann Theatrical Ensemble and Bob Feldman; earned bachelor’s degree in psychology and master’s degree in forensic science.

Television Appearances; Specials: It’s Hot in Here: UPN Fall Preview, UPN, 1996. The 67th Annual Hollywood Christmas Parade, UPN, 1998. VH1 Big in ’04, VH1, 2004. Wendy Williams is on Fire on the Red Carpet, VH1, 2005. 50 Shocking Celebrity Confessions, E! Entertainment Television, 2006.

Addresses: Agent—Sovereign Talent Group, 10474 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 301, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Publicist—It Girl Public Relations, 5301 Beethoven St., Suite 220, Los Angeles, CA 90066.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Tammy, Minor Adjustments, NBC, 1995.

Career: Actress. Previously worked as a model; appeared in television commercials, including the Jack LaLanne Power Juicer.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Rhonda, ⬙Up in the Attic,⬙ Roc, Fox, 1993. Monica, ⬙Boyz in the Woodz,⬙ Hangin’ With Mr. Cooper, ABC, 1993. Charlayne, ⬙Get the Jet,⬙ Tall Hopes, CBS, 1993. Juanita, ⬙In the Driver’s Seat,⬙ Getting By, NBC, 1994. Janelle, ⬙Dad,⬙ South Central, Fox, 1994. Janelle, ⬙Dog,⬙ South Central, Fox, 1994. Crystal, ⬙Guns and Gossip,⬙ My So–Called Life, ABC, 1994. Crystal, ⬙Father Figures,⬙ My So–Called Life, ABC, 1994. Sara Louise, On Our Own, ABC, 1994.

CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Sharisse Jackson) Tamika, CB4, Universal, 1993. Monique, Good Burger, Paramount, 1997. Felicia, Love & Basketball (also known as Love and Basketball), New Line Cinema, 2000. Family Reunion: The Movie, Artisan Entertainment, 2003. Alexa, The House That Jack Built, FourTwoFive Films, 2008. 163


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Addresses: Agent—Greene and Associates, 190 North Canon Dr., Suite 200, Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

Teen girl, Me and the Boys, ABC, 1994. Cicely, Me and the Boys, ABC, 1994. Tammy, Minor Adjustments, 1995. Lynette, The Parent ’Hood, The WB, 1995. Carol, Hangin’ With Mr. Cooper, ABC, 1995. Angel, ⬙That’s My Mama,⬙ The Steve Harvey Show, The WB, 1996. Desire, ⬙Young at Heart,⬙ Sister, Sister, The WB, 1998. Stacey, ⬙Achy Breaky Heart,⬙ Smart Guy, The WB, 1998. Niecy, ⬙Prom Misses, Prom Misses,⬙ Clueless, UPN, 1999. Niecy Jackson, ⬙Kimberlae,⬙ The Parkers, UPN, 1999. Niecy Jackson, ⬙Scary Kim,⬙ The Parkers, UPN, 2000. Celebrity contestant, ⬙Mazatlan, Mexico (I),⬙ Search Party, E! Entertainment Television, 2000. Celebrity contestant, ⬙Mazatlan, Mexico (II),⬙ Search Party, E! Entertainment Television, 2000. Niecy Jackson, ⬙Old Dog,⬙ Girlfriends, UPN, 2001. Voice of Bethany, ⬙Hip–Hop Helicopter,⬙ The Proud Family (animated), The Disney Channel, 2002. Valerie, ⬙Spinning Wheels,⬙ The Bernie Mac Show, Fox, 2006. ⬙Painful Celebrity Breakups,⬙ The Dr. Keith Ablow Show, The WB, 2006. Entertainment Television (also known as E.T.), syndicated, 2007. ⬙Top 25 Heartaches,⬙ BET’s Top 25 Countdown, Black Entertainment Television, 2008. ⬙The Package Deal: Dating Someone with Kids,⬙ Baisen After Dark, 2008. Alyson, ⬙Everybody Hates Ex–Cons,⬙ Everybody Hates Chris, The CW, 2008.

Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Red Crown operator number one, Behind Enemy Lines, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Captain R. G. Sisk, Hart’s War, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2002. Deputy, Blood Work, Warner Bros., 2002. Colt Skyler, Advantage Hart, 2003. Jerry’s best friend, Sexual Life, Sexual Life, Inc., 2005. Nick Fisher, Lucky Number Slevin (also known as Lucky Ⲇ Slevin, Lucky Number S7evin, and The Wrong Man), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2006. The filmmaker, S.C.R.E.W.E.D. (short), Nurick Films, 2006. Dennis, Catch and Release, Sony, 2006. Max, Breaking Down Carla (short), 2007. Nathan Weiss, Within, 2008. Thom, Take Me Home, 2009. Film Work: Producer, Advantage Hart (short), 2003. Director and producer, Take Me Home, 2009. Also worked as coproducer, Quiz Bowl (short); director, Untold (short).

RECORDINGS Television Appearances; Series: Kevin O’Neil, Girls Club, Fox, 2002. Matt Dowd, Eli Stone, ABC, 2008–2009.

Music Videos: Appeared in Missy Eliot’s ⬙One Minute Man.⬙

Television Appearances; Pilots: Kevin O’Neil, Girls Club, Fox, 2002. Tom, More, Patience, Fox, 2006. Matt Dowd, Eli Stone, ABC, 2008.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Essence, January, 2005, p. 158. USA Today, May 25, 2007, p. 2E.

Television Appearances; Movies: Double Platinum, ABC, 1999. Dave Reichert, The Riverman, Arts and Entertainment, 2004.

JAEGER, Sam 1977– Television Appearances; Episodic: Bill Conway, ⬙Admissions,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1999. Bill Kelley, ⬙In This White House,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2000. Andy Paulsen, ⬙Something Battered, Something Blue,⬙ That’s Life, CBS, 2001. ⬙Quo Vadis?,⬙ ER, NBC, 2001. Steve Larkin, ⬙My Philosophy,⬙ Scrubs, NBC, 2003.

PERSONAL Full name, Samuel Heath Jaeger; born January 29, 1977, in Perrysburg, OH; son of Charles and LeAnne Jaeger; married Amber Marie Mellott, August 25, 2007. Education: Otterbein College, B.F.A., 1999. 164

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Kevin the Bellman, ⬙Lucky Strike,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les Experts), CBS, 2003. Kamal ⬙Tim Garrity⬙ Muhammad, ⬙Passing the Stone,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2004. Vince’s partner, ⬙Ties That Bind,⬙ Commander in Chief, ABC, 2006. Tom, ⬙Heather’s Visit,⬙ Notes from the Underbelly, ABC, 2007. Current TV, 2007.

JENNEY Hearts and Diamonds (also known as Ocean City), East 7th Street Productions, 1984. Olivia, The Whoopee Boys, Paramount, 1986. Rosalie Testa, Peggy Sue Got Married, TriStar, 1986. Bobby, The Verne Miller Story (also known as Gangland and Verne Miller), Manson International, 1987. Iris, Rain Man, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1988. Judy Jacklin Belushi, Wired, Taurus Entertainment, 1989. Second passerby at Democratic Convention, Born on the Fourth of July, Universal, 1989. Lena, Thelma & Louise, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1991. Charlotte, American Heart, Triton Pictures, 1992. Anne Loomis, Matinee, Universal, 1993. Christine, Mr. Jones, TriStar, 1993. Weird woman, Leaving Las Vegas, United Artists, 1995. Marion, Grace of My Heart, Gramercy, 1996. Heidi Halleck, Thinner (also known as Stephen King’s ⬙Thinner⬙), Paramount, 1996. Rosie Trickle, The Last Time I Committed Suicide, Kushner–Locke, 1997. Lieutenant Blondell, G.I. Jane, Buena Vista, 1997. Jenny Baily, Mad City, Warner Bros., 1997. Kate Amerson, Loved, Imperial Entertainment, 1997. Caroline Baxter, Desert Blue, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1998. Mrs. Jacobs, What Dreams May Come, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, 1998. Sara as an adult, Practical Magic, Warner Bros., 1998. (As Lucinda Jenny) Actress at Alison Ander’s house, Welcome to Hollywood, Phaedra Cinema, 1998. Kate, Sugar Town, October Films, 1999. Laurie, The Deep End of the Ocean, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1999. Vincent’s mom, Crime and Punishment in Suburbia, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 2000. Trina Walsh, How to Kill Your Neighbor’s Dog (also known as Mad Dogs and Englishmen), Artistic License, 2000. Arleen Yoast, Remember the Titans, Buena Vista, 2000. (Uncredited) Helen O’Donnell, Thirteen Days, New Line Cinema, 2000. Courtney Oakley, Crazy/Beautiful, Buena Vista, 2001. Denise Smallwood, The Mothman Prophecies, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2002. Kathy, S.W.A.T., Columbia, 2003. Betty, Hide & Seek, DaDoo Productions, 2006. Sheryl ⬙Chic⬙ Van Scoyoc, The Final Season, Yari Film Group, 2007. At the Beach, 2007.

RECORDINGS Video Games: Greg Tikara, Code Blue, 2000. WRITINGS Screenplays: Advantage Hart (short), 2003. Take Me Home, 2009. Also cowrote Quiz Bowl (short).


JENNEY, Lucinda 1954– (Lucinda Jenny) PERSONAL Born April 23, 1954, in Long Island City, NY; children: Marion Moseley (an actress). Addresses: Agent—Domain, 9229 Sunset Blvd., Suite 415, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Manager—J. B. Roberts, Thruline Entertainment, 9250 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 100, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress. Awards, Honors: Independent Spirit Award nomination, best supporting actress, Independent Features Project West, 1994, for American Heart.

Television Appearances; Movies: Wanda, The Kid from Nowhere, NBC, 1982. Mary, Out of the Darkness, CBS, 1985. Carolyn, First Steps, CBS, 1985. Neighbor lady, The Thanksgiving Promise, ABC, 1986. Beth, Shoot First: A Cop’s Vengeance (also known as Vigilante Cop), NBC, 1991.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Imposters, International Film Circuit, 1979. 165


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Angela Jamison, ⬙Germ Warfare,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 2000. Teddy Green, ⬙The Race,⬙ Gideon’s Crossing, ABC, 2001. Allison Cossey, ⬙Not Stumbling, but Dancing,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2002. Karen Kroft, ⬙Swiss Diplomacy,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2002. Flora Hawkins, ⬙Milfay,⬙ Carnivale (also known as La feria ambulante), HBO, 2003. Helen Singer, ⬙Day 3: 1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.,⬙ 24, Fox, 2003. Helen Singer, ⬙Day 3: 2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.,⬙ 24, Fox, 2003. Helen Singer, ⬙Day 3: 3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.,⬙ 24, Fox, 2003. Helen Singer, ⬙Day 3: 6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.,⬙ 24, Fox, 2003. Renee Bishop, ⬙Married with Children,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2004. Judy Strand, ⬙Missing Pieces,⬙ Crossing Jordan, NBC, 2004. Kenneth’s ex–wife, ⬙Untitled,⬙ Six Feet Under, HBO, 2004. Sister Mary Eucharist, ⬙Damned if You Do,⬙ House M.D. (also known as House), Fox, 2004. Elise Garrett, ⬙In the Wee Small Hours: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Law & Order: Criminal Intent (also known as Law & Order: CI), NBC, 2005. Sheriff Beth McGuire, ⬙Leaving Las Vegas,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les experts), CBS, 2007. Shirley Reed, ⬙8:03 AM,⬙ Cold Case, CBS, 2007. Carolanne Adama, ⬙A Day in the Life,⬙ Battlestar Galactica (also known as BSG), Sci–Fi Channel, 2007. Allison, ⬙Sea Change,⬙ ER, NBC, 2007. Zena Davis, ⬙Mr. Monk Is Up All Night,⬙ Monk, USA Network, 2007.

Gross’s secretary, The Water Engine, TNT, 1992. Bernice Dayton, The Habitation of Dragons, TNT, 1992. Marci Benedetti, Next Door, Showtime, 1994. Elizabeth ⬙Liz⬙ Knowlton, Eye of the Stalker (also known as Moment of Truth: Eye of the Stalker), NBC, 1995. Jeanine, A Stranger in Town, CBS, 1995. Debbie Vickers, The Late Shift, HBO, 1996. Sharon, First–Time Felon, HBO, 1997. Molly, Scattering Dad, CBS, 1998. Ella’s mother, ⬙2000⬙ segment, If These Walls Could Talk 2, HBO, 2000. Cindy Thomas, The Pennsylvania Miners’ Story, ABC, 2002. Television Appearances; Series: Lanie Kellis, a recurring role, The Shield, FX Network, 2003. Television Appearances; Specials: Diane, Two Over Easy, Showtime, 1994. ⬙Patricia Heaton,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 2003. Television Appearances; Pilots: Lucy, ⬙Microcops,⬙ CBS Summer Playhouse, CBS, 1989. Officer Anne Bonner, High Incident, ABC, 1996. Nadine Walden, The Visitor, Fox, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Hell Hath No Fury,⬙ Spenser: For Hire, ABC, 1986. Annie Pierce, ⬙Vote of Confidence,⬙ Miami Vice, NBC, 1988. Pamela Wilgis, JMJ Wilgis, Isbella Wilgis, and Sister Mary Maude, ⬙Extreme Unction,⬙ Homicide: Life on the Street (also known as Homicide), NBC, 1994. Ginny, ⬙The Black Bargain,⬙ Fallen Angels, Showtime, 1995. Officer Anne Bonner, ⬙Till Death Do Us Part,⬙ High Incident, ABC, 1996. Officer Anne Bonner, ⬙Coroner’s Day Off,⬙ High Incident, ABC, 1996. Officer Anne Bonner, ⬙Sometimes a Vague Notion,⬙ High Incident, ABC, 1996. Mrs. Dog Face, ⬙Every Dog Has Its Day,⬙ EZ Streets, CBS, 1997. Nadine Walden, ⬙Fear of Flying,⬙ The Visitor, Fox, 1997. Rose Carlton, ⬙Hammer Time,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1998. Rosalind, ⬙A Prayer for the Lying,⬙ L.A. Doctors (also known as L.A. Docs), CBS, 1998. Linda Palmer, ⬙First Love: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Cracker (also known as Cracker: Mind over Murder), Arts and Entertainment, 1999. Angela Jamison, ⬙Summary Judgments,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 2000.

Also appeared in All My Children, ABC; and As the World Turns. Stage Appearances: Gemini, Little Theatre, New York City, 1977–81. Cinderella, Cinders, New York Shakespeare Festival, LuEsther Hall, Public Theatre, New York City, 1984. The woman, ⬙True to Life,⬙ and Tanya, ⬙The Ground Zero Club,⬙ Young Playwrights Festival, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, New York City, 1985. Ann, Aven’u Boys, John Houseman Theatre, New York City, 1993. Title role, Miss Julie, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Williamstown, MA, 1996. Also appeared in Rosemary with Ginger, Met Theatre. 166

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

JENSEN Joshua Carter, The Meeksville Ghost, 2001. Nick Carlton, Target of Opportunity, Nu Image Films, 2004. Ben Stiles, Raging Sharks (also known as Shark Invasion), Nu Image Films, 2005. Harry Prince, Zodiac Killer (also known as Curse of the Zodiac and Ulli Lommel’s ⬙Zodiac Killer⬙), 2005. Parks, The Cutter, Nu Image Films, 2005. Agent Smith, End Game, Millennium Films, 2006. Dream City, Concorde/New Horizons, 2006. Captain Sandman, Finding Rin Tin Tin, Nu Image Films, 2007. Security chief Valentine, Nightmare City 2035, 2007. Coach Harris, Train (also known as Terror Train), Lionsgate, 2008. Detective Wallace MacTee, Hero Wanted, Nu Image Films, 2008. John Polonius, The Prince & Me 3: A Royal Honeymoon, First Look Pictures Releasing, 2008. Wray, The Shepherd: Border Patrol (also known as The Shepherd), Stage 6, 2008. It’s Alive, Millennium Films, 2008. Thick as Thieves (also known as The Code), Millennium Films, 2008. Agent Fletcher, Echelon Conspiracy (also known as The Gift), After Dark Films, 2009. Detective Traxler, Ninja, Nu Image Films, 2009. U.S. marshal, Wrong Turn 3, Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2009.

JENSEN, Todd PERSONAL Education: San Diego State University, B.A., finance, 1985; University of Capetown, M.B.A., international business, 1994; studied with the Groundlings, at the Joanne Baron Studio, and at the William Esper Studio. Addresses: Contact—5058 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 205, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Career: Actor. Appeared in industrial films and worked as a voice artist. Member: Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Actors’ Equity Association. CREDITS Film Appearances: Dune Surfer, Moviworld, 1988. Forced Alliance, Trident Releasing, 1989. Jason, Night of the Cyclone (also known as Perfume of the Cyclone), 1990. Simon Rush, Prey for the Hunter, Power Pictures, 1993. Wendell Huston, Woman of Desire, Nu Image Films, 1993. Joe Hutton, Project Shadowchaser II (also known as Armed and Deadly, Night Scenes: Project Shadowchaser II, Night Siege, and Shadowchaser II), Nu Image Films, 1994. Michael Edelander and Throne, Armageddon: The Final Challenge, 1994. Miguel Rodriguez, Trigger Fast (also known as Guns of Honor: Trigger Fast), Trimark Pictures, 1994. Phillip Ryan, Cyborg Cop (also known as Cyborg Ninja), Trimark Pictures, 1994. Rick, Freefall (also known as Firefall), Nu World/ October Films, 1994. Second detective, Fleshtone, 1994. Roger Martin, The Mangler, New Line Cinema, 1995. Roper, Never Say Die, Nu Image Films, 1995. Michael Cavanaugh, Orion’s Key (also known as Alien Chaser, Project Shadowchaser 4, and Shadowchaser: The Gates of Time), Nu Image Films/Unapix Films, 1996. Tomas ⬙Tom⬙ Lansdale, Warhead, Trimark Pictures, 1996. Ashley, Breeders (also known as Deadly Instincts), 1998. Bob Johnson, Operation Delta Force 5: Random Fire (also known as Operation Delta Force 5 and Operation Python), Martien Holdings, 1999.

Television Appearances; Series: John Hammond, Rhodes, BBC, CBC, and South African Broadcasting Corporation, 1996, broadcast on Masterpiece Theatre (also known as ExxonMobil Masterpiece Theatre and Mobil Masterpiece Theatre), PBS, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Lon Ysabel also known as Ysabel Kid and Miguel Rodriguez, Guns of Honor (also known as Guns of Honour: Rebel Rousers), 1994. Television Appearances; Movies: Hutch, Operation Delta Force (also known as Great Soldiers), HBO, 1997. William, Bridge of Time, ABC, 1997. Lombardi, Operation Delta Force II: Mayday (also known as Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday), HBO, 1998. Sean, Sabretooth, Sci–Fi Channel, 2002. Big Bo, Mega Snake (also known as Megasnake and MegaSnake), Sci–Fi Channel, 2007. Colonel, Bats: Human Harvest (also known as Bats 2), Sci–Fi Channel, 2007. Sheriff Mercer, Copperhead, Sci–Fi Channel, 2008. Monster Ark (also known as Genesis Code), Sci–Fi Channel, 2008. Hudson, Termination Shock, Sci–Fi Channel, 2009. 167


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Lisa (Jeff’s date at the barbeque), Martian Child, New Line Cinema, 2007.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Scott Hewlett, ⬙Chapter Four, Year Two,⬙ Murder One, ABC, 1996. Second reporter, ⬙Part VI,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 1997. First FBI agent, ⬙Back to Business,⬙ CI5: The New Professionals, Sky, 1999.

Television Appearances; Series: Meaghan Lee Rose, a recurring role, Jeremiah (also known as Jeremiah—Krieger des Donners), Showtime, 2002–2003.

Stage Appearances: Appeared in stage productions.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Autumn Robber, Snow Queen, The Hallmark Channel, 2002.


Television Appearances; Movies: Cord’s secretary, Diagnosis of Murder (also known as A Diagnosis of Murder), CBS, 1992. Woman at bar, Born to Run, Fox, 1993. Mary Simpson, Guitarman, [Canada], 1994. Carmen, Circumstances Unknown, USA Network, 1995. Florence Bisaillon, Falling from the Sky: Flight 174 (also known as Freefall: Flight 174), ABC, 1995. Jennifer, A Family Divided, NBC, 1995. Detective Sandy Unger, Mother, May I Sleep with Danger?, NBC, 1996. Linda Collings, Maternal Instincts, USA Network, 1996. Kathy Hewitt, The Alibi, ABC, 1997.

Music Videos: Appeared in music videos.

JOACHIM, Suzy PERSONAL Career: Actress. Awards, Honors: Leo Award nomination, best performance by a female in a motion picture, Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Foundation of British Columbia, 2000, for A Twist of Faith.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Diana, ⬙The Twelfth Step,⬙ Neon Rider, CTV (Canada), 1991. Inez Valens, ⬙Loyalties,⬙ Street Justice, syndicated, 1991. Gracie, ⬙Dog Days,⬙ The Commish, ABC, 1994. Connie Martel, ⬙Brooklyn,⬙ The Commish, ABC, 1995. Jennifer, ⬙2Shy,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1995. Graphologist, The Marshal, ABC, 1995. Dr. Manson, ⬙Leap of Faith,⬙ Two (also known as Gejagt—Das zweite Gesicht), CTV (Canada) and syndicated, 1997. Merylee DeCesare, ⬙Go Like You Know,⬙ The Net, USA Network, 1998. Virgin Mary holograph, ⬙Our Lady of the Machine,⬙ Welcome to Paradox (also known as Betaville), Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Female Gua agent, ⬙All about Eddie,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 1999. Putrescence, ⬙Keeping up with the Joneses,⬙ The New Addams Family, Fox Family Channel and YTV (Canada), 1999. Adele Pearson, ⬙Crystal Clear,⬙ Mysterious Ways (also known as One Clear Moment, Anexegeta phainomena, Les chemins de l’etrange, Mysterious ways— les chemins de l’etrange, Rajatapaus, and Senderos misteriosos), NBC and PAX TV, 2000. Catherine Walsh, ⬙Decompression,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime, Sci–Fi Channel, and syndicated, 2000.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Catherine Sienna, Impolite, 1992. Vicky, Ultimate Desires (also known as Beyond the Silhouette), 1992. Dorothy Raynor, Time Runner (also known as In Exile), North American Releasing, 1993. Caroline, Crackerjack, 1994. Sales clerk, Flinch, 1994. Dr. Kari Dovell, Hideaway, TriStar, 1995. Sheila Wills, Unforgettable, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1996. Trish, Barbecue: A Love Story (also known as Barbecue ѧ A Love Story), Prophecy Entertainment, 1997. Doctor, Disturbing Behavior, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1998. Tina, Rupert’s Land, 1998. Monica Storks (some sources cite role as Monica Stoeks), A Twist of Faith (also known as Beyond Redemption and Crack in the Mirror), 1999. Allana, How to Kill Your Neighbor’s Dog (also known as Mad Dogs and Englishmen), Artistic License Films, 2000. Elaine Vandergeld, White Chicks, Columbia, 2004. 168

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Juliette’s mother, ⬙Daised and Confused,⬙ Higher Ground, Fox Family Channel, 2000. Juliette’s mother, ⬙Mended Fences,⬙ Higher Ground, Fox Family Channel, 2000. Juliette’s mother, ⬙What Remains,⬙ Higher Ground, Fox Family Channel, 2000. ⬙Death by Gossip,⬙ Hollywood Off–Ramp, E! Entertainment Television, 2000. Diana Murphy, ⬙Of Father and Sons,⬙ UC: Undercover (also known as Undercover), NBC, 2001. Dr. Mary Matisse, ⬙The Brink,⬙ Seven Days (also known as 7 Days and Seven Days: The Series), UPN, 2001. Dominique Cullen, ⬙The Box,⬙ Cold Squad (also known as Files from the Past, Cold Squad, brigade speciale, and Halott uegyek), CTV (Canada), 2001. FBI agent Rebecca Goldstein Whitney, ⬙The Wives of Christmas Past,⬙ Just Cause, PAX TV, 2002. Lorraine Hansen, ⬙Azoth the Avenger Is a Friend of Mine,⬙ The Twilight Zone, UPN, 2002. Casting director, ⬙Criminal Favors,⬙ The Chris Isaak Show, Showtime, 2004. Doctor professor Kor–Kavo, ⬙Machinery of the Mind,⬙ Andromeda (also known as Gene Roddenberry’s ⬙Andromeda⬙), syndicated, 2004.

Career: Actor. Very Busy Productions (a production company), cofounder; appeared in television commercials, including Ford automobiles, 2006.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Waitress, Party of Five, Fox, 1994. FBI agent Rebecca Goldstein Whitney, Just Cause, PAX TV, 2002.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Strong Medicine, Lifetime, 2000.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Soldier on the beach, Saving Private Ryan, DreamWorks, 1998. Barry, Love, Lust & Joy, 2000. (As Shane Mikael Johnson) Red crown operator number two, Behind Enemy Lines, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Jeremy, Pumpkin, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2002. Scott, Black Cadillac, First Look International, 2003. Runyan, Take, Liberation Entertainment, 2007. Las Vegas producer, The Great Buck Howard, Magnolia Pictures, 2008. Television Appearances; Movies: (As Shane Mikael Johnson) Timothy Wilkison, The Big Time, TNT, 2002.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Arli$$, HBO, 1996. Good–looking guy, ⬙Kim Kelly Is My Friend,⬙ Freaks and Geeks, NBC, 2000. (As Shane Mikael Johnson) Necrotic fasciotomy patient, ⬙A Hopeless Wound,⬙ ER, NBC, 2002. (As Shane Mikael Johnson) Colin, ⬙Primal Scream,⬙ Birds of Prey (also known as BOP), The WB, 2002. Kyle Richardson, ⬙Mother and Child in the Bay,⬙ Bones, Fox, 2006. Liam Griffin, ⬙Love Run Cold,⬙ CSI: NY (also known as CSI: New York), CBS, 2006. Sean ⬙Coop⬙ Cooper, ⬙Forever Blue,⬙ Cold Case, CBS, 2006. Bones, Fox, 2006. T. J. Pratt, ⬙To Kill a Predator,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2008. Will Cooper, ⬙I Will, I’m Will,⬙ Raising the Bar, TNT, 2008. Will Cooper, ⬙Richie Richer,⬙ Raising the Bar, TNT, 2008.

Appeared as Hannah in the unaired pilot for Wolf Lake, CBS. RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Robin Morales, The 11th Hour, Virgin Interactive Entertainment, 1995.

JOHNSON, Shane 1976– (Shane Mikael Johnson) PERSONAL Born in 1976; married Keili Lefkovitz (an actress); children: one. Education: Graduated from Whitman College, 1998.


Addresses: Agent—The Geddes Agency, 8430 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 200, West Hollywood, CA 90069. Manager—Joan Sittenfield Management, 8350 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 108, West Hollywood, CA 90069.

Video Games: (English version) Voice of Megumi Kitanji, Sabarashiki kono sekai (also known as The World Ends With You), Square Enix, 2007.


K Roommate, Right Hand Woman, 1998. Driveway announcer, BASEketball, MCA/Universal, 1998. (Uncredited) Kree, The Decade, Coyote Arm Films, 1999. Himself, Perfect Fit, Atmosphere Films, 1999. Himself, Pauly Shore Is Dead, CKrush Entertainment, 2003. Himself, Mayor of the Sunset Strip, Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2003. Himself (segments), Strip Poker (also known as Girls of National Lampoon’s ⬙Strip Poker⬙), National Lampoon Productions, 2005. Himself, Hookers Inc., Cinema Epoch, 2006. Celebrity judge number three, Dorm Daze 2 (also known as Dorm Daze 2: College @ Sea and National Lampoon’s ⬙Dorm Daze 2: College @ Sea), Hill & Brand Productions, 2006. Jonathan, Revamped, Millennium Concepts, 2007. Photographer, The Still Life, Warner Home Video, 2007. Living ⬙The Still Life⬙ (documentary short), Polychrome Pictures, 2007. Himself, Stuntmen, Shoreline Entertainment, 2008.

KAELIN, Kato 1959– (Brian ⴖKatoⴖ Kaelin) PERSONAL Original name, Brian Kaelin; born March 9, 1959, in Milwaukee, WI; married Cynthia Coulter, July 9, 1983 (divorced, 1989); children: one daughter. Career: Actor, television show host, and extras casting. KLSX–FM, Los Angeles, CA, disc jockey, 1995; appeared in television commercials, including Trivial Pursuit 90s edition, and website; appeared in an episode of the internet series Tom Green Live!, Conducted The 16th Minute (a lecture tour), 1998. CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Brian ⬙Kato⬙ Kaelin) Chat Frederick IV, Beach Fever, 1987. Dean Lesher, Night Shadow, Quest Entertainment, 1989. Regalia, Prototype (also known as Prototype X29A), Vidmark Entertainment, 1992. Bond trader number one and police officer, Save Me, 1993. (Uncredited) Party guest, Hail Caesar, Turner Home Video, 1994. Surf, Sand and Sex (also known as Sex on the Beach), 1994. Beggar, Cyborg 3: The Recycler (also known as Cyborg 3 and Cyborg 3: The Creation), Warner Home Video, 1994. (Uncredited) Extra, Inner Sanctum II (also known as Inner Sanctum 2), MDP Worldwide, 1994. Soul of the Avenger, 1997.

Film Work: Extras wrangler, Save Me, 1993. Extras casting, Possessed by the Night, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 1994. Extras casting, Red Sun Rising, Imperial Entertainment Corporation, 1994. Extras casting, Bad Blood (also known as Viper), Live Home Video, 1994. Extras casting, Inner Sanctum II (also known as Inner Sanctum 2), MDP Worldwide, 1994. Television Appearances; Series: Host, Talk Soup, E! Entertainment Television, 1994. Host, Eye for an Eye, syndicated, 2004–2005. Television Appearances; Specials: A Night to Die For, 1995. 170

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Corey Feldman: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 1998. People v. Simpson: Unfinished Business, Court TV, 1999. Cohost, Celebrity Homes, E! Entertainment Television, 1999. Houseguest, FX Channel, 2002. Celebrity Boot Camp, Fox, 2002. Jonathan, Fatal Kiss, 2002. Gossip: Tabloid Tales, Arts and Entertainment, 2002. I Love the ’90s, VH1, 2004. Burn, 2007. The Fantastic Two, 2007.

Music Videos: Appeared in Moby’s ⬙We Are All Made of Stars,⬙ 2002. WRITINGS Nonfiction: Wrote articles for Details, 1996, 1999; POV, 1998. OTHER SOURCES

Television Appearances; Episodic: Mad TV, Fox, 1995. ⬙We Regret to Inform You,⬙ Mr. Show with Bob and David (also known as Mr. Show), HBO, 1995. Joseph Weston, The Watcher, UPN, 1995. Politically Incorrect, 1995, 1999. Howard Stern, E! Entertainment Television, 1997. Pictionary, 1998. Happy Bender, game show host, ⬙Smart and Stupid,⬙ Unhappily Ever After (also known as Unhappily ѧ ), The WB, 1998. Smoking teacher, ⬙Tiffany Tutors the Teachers,⬙ Unhappily Ever After (also known as Unhappily ѧ ), The WB, 1999. Himself, ⬙The Getaway,⬙ It’s Like, You Know ѧ, ABC, 1999. Himself, ⬙Always Leave’ Em Laughing,⬙ Beggars and Choosers, Showtime, 1999. ⬙Newsmakers Edition,⬙ Weakest Link (also known as The Weakest Link USA), NBC, 2001. Rick, ⬙Norm vs. Homelessness,⬙ The Norm Show (also known as Norm), ABC, 2001. The Test, FX Channel, 2001. ⬙Surviving the Glare,⬙ 20/20 (also known as ABC News 20/20), ABC, 2002. Dog Eat Dog, NBC, 2002. Instructor, ⬙Present Perfect,⬙ Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (also known as Sabrina and Sabrina Goes to College), The WB, 2003. House of Clues, Court TV, 2004. SoapTalk, SoapNet, 2004, 2005. Mind of Mencia, Comedy Central, 2005. Rita Cosby Live & Direct, MSNBC, 2005. The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, CNBC, 2005. ⬙Olly’s Follies,⬙ Sunset Tan, E! Entertainment Television, 2007. ⬙The Reveal,⬙ Sunset Tan, E! Entertainment Television, 2007. ⬙Hunting with the Stars,⬙ Reality Bites Back, Comedy Central, 2007. Gimme My Reality Show!, Fox Reality, 2008.

Periodicals: Esquire, June, 2002, p. 102. People Weekly, March 13, 1995, p. 39; December 25, 1995, p. 148. .

KARNES, Jay 1963– PERSONAL Born June 27, 1963, in Omaha, NE; married Julia Campbell; children: twin girls. Education: Graduated from University of Kansas, 1989. Addresses: Agent—Innovative Artists, 1505 10th St., Santa Monica, CA 90401. Lawyer—Lichter, Grossman, Nichols, Adler and Feldman, Inc., 9200 Sunset Blvd., Suite 1200, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Manager—Framework Entertainment, 9057 Nemo St., Suite C, W. Hollywood, CA 90069. Career: Actor. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Detective Holland ⬙Dutch⬙ Wagenbach, The Shield, FX Channel, 2002–2008. Television Appearances; Episodic: Brad Anderson, ⬙Collateral Damage,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 1998. David Ross, ⬙Physician, Heal Thyself,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1998. Lieutenant Ducane, ⬙Relativity,⬙ Star Trek: Voyager (also known as Voyager), UPN, 1999. Jonah Stoddard, ⬙Tattoo,⬙ Pensacola: Wings of Gold, syndicated, 1999.

Television Work; Movies: Assistant to the executive producer, Savate (also known as The Fighter), HBO, 1995. 171


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Jerome Parker, ⬙Even Better Than the Real Thing,⬙ The Strip, UPN, 1999. Dr. Mcgrath, ⬙Short Calendar,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 1999. Simon Prune, ⬙Boy Next Door,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2000. Mark Torry, ⬙Hard Cell,⬙ Nash Bridges (also known as Bridges), CBS, 2000. Don Russell, ⬙Dog Days,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2000. Corporate guy, ⬙Bully for Martin,⬙ Frasier, NBC, 2001. Artie Russo, ⬙It’s Raining Men,⬙ Cold Case, 2004. Assistant State Attorney Ron Russell, ⬙Dream a Little Dream,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2005. Martin Rausch, ⬙Bettor or Worse,⬙ Numb3rs (also known as Num3ers), CBS, 2005. ⬙Sins of Omission,⬙ Burn Notice, USA Network, 2008. Internal Affairs officer Wagenbach, ⬙For Gedda,⬙ CSI: Criminal Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas and Les Experts), CBS, 2008. Agent Scott Kohn, a recurring role, Sons of Anarchy, FX Channel, 2008.

Awards, Honors: Screen Actors Guild Award (with others), outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series, Young Artist Awards nomination, 2005, for Desperate Housewives. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Robert ⬙Robbie⬙ Miller, Normal Ohio, Fox, 2000. Tom Butler, Out There, 2004. Zach Young, Desperate Housewives, ABC, 2004–2007. Television Appearances; Episodic: Kid, Martial Law, CBS, 1999. Jason Bender, ⬙Family Matters,⬙ ER, NBC, 2000. Wounded boy, ⬙Luciferous,⬙ The Others, 2000. ⬙Heist,⬙ Nash Bridges (also known as Bridges), CBS, 2000. Scott Simpson Jr., ⬙Death Penalties,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 2000. Brian, ⬙Love Is Love,⬙ Any Day Now, Lifetime, 2000. Austin Cooper, ⬙Chapter Thirty–Five,⬙ Boston Public, Fox, 2002. Josh Stover, ⬙Better Laid Than Never: Part 1,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2002. Devin, ⬙Miss Turnstiles,⬙ Family Affair, The WB, 2003. Trevor ⬙T. J.⬙ Jankowski Jr., ⬙Haystack,⬙ Boomtown, NBC 2003. Troy, ⬙Future Jock,⬙ Phil of the Future, The Disney Channel, 2004. The Oprah Winfrey Show (also known as Oprah), syndicated, 2005. Kyle Ackerman, ⬙Raw,⬙ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (also known as Law & Order: SVU and Special Victims Unit), NBC, 2005. Max Kalen, ⬙Early Bird Catches the Word,⬙ Side Order of Life, Lifetime, 2007. Owen Savage, ⬙Elephant’s Memory,⬙ Criminal Minds, CBS, 2008.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Investigator, From the Earth to the Moon, HBO, 1998. Film Appearances: Donald Trout, The Joyriders, Porchlight, 1999. Kevin’s lawyer, The Next Best Thing, Paramount, 2000. Holland ⬙Dutch⬙ Wagenbach, Under the Skin (video), Twentieth Century–Fox Home Video, 2005. Michael Levy, Broken Angel, Warner Bros., 2008. Adult Roger, Chasing 3000, 2008. RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Detective Dutch Wagenbach, The Shield, 2007.

Television Appearances; Specials: The 31st Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 2005. KASCH, Cody 1987–

Film Appearances: Jake, Homefront, Bull Creek, 2005. String, Asylum, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2008. Neil Conners, Chain Letter, 2008. Doofus, The 2 Bobs, 2009.

PERSONAL Born August 21, 1987, in Camarillo, CA; son of Taylor (cofounder of Flying H Theater Company) and Jodi (cofounder of Flying H Theater Company).

KASSAR, Mario 1951– (Mario F. Kassar)

Addresses: Agent—Talentworks, 3500 W. Olive Ave., Suite 1400, Burbank, CA 91505.

PERSONAL Full name, Mario F. Kassar; born October 10, 1951, in Beirut, Lebanon; married Dina.

Career: Actor. Part of a band called ⬙The Flying H.⬙ 172

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KASSAR Stargate (also known as Stargate, la porte des etoiles), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1994. Cutthroat Island (also known as Corsari, L’ile aux pirates, and Die Piratenbraut), Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1995. Last of the Dogmen, Savoy Pictures, 1995. Showgirls, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1995.

Addresses: Office—Magnetik Media, 2308 Broadway, Santa Monica, CA 90404. Career: Producer. Kassar Films International (foreign distribution company), founder, c. 1969; Carolco Pictures, cofounder, 1976, partner (with Andrew Vajna), cochair, 1976–89, chair, 1989–95; MK Productions, Santa Monica, CA, founder, c. 1995, producer, c. 1995–?; C–2 Pictures, co–president, 2002—; Columbia/TriStar, executive, 2003—; Mangetik Media, Santa Monica, CA, president.

Film Producer: (With Richard Attenborough and Terence Clegg) Chaplin (also known as Charlot), TriStar, 1992. Lolita, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1997. I Spy (also known as I–Spy), Columbia, 2002. (As Mario F. Kassar) Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (also known as T3 and Terminator 3—Rebellion der maschinen), Warner Bros., 2003. (As Mario F. Kassar) Basic Instinct 2 (also known as Basic Instinct—Neues Spiel fur Catherine Tramell and Instinto basico 2—adiccion al riesgo), Sony, 2006.

CREDITS Film Executive Producer: The Silent Partner, EMC Film Corp., 1978. The Changeling, Associated Film Distribution, 1980. The Amateur, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1981. Victory (also known as Escape to Victory), Paramount, 1981. First Blood (also known as Rambo: First Blood and Rambo), Orion, 1982. Superstition (also known as The Witch), Almi Pictures, 1982. Rambo: First Blood, Part II, TriStar, 1985. Extreme Prejudice, TriStar, 1987. Angel Heart (also known as Aux portes de l’enfer), TriStar, 1987. Red Heat, TriStar, 1988. Iron Eagle II, TriStar, 1988. Rambo III (also known as Rambo: First Blood Part III), TriStar, 1988. Johnny Handsome, TriStar, 1989. DeepStar Six, TriStar, 1989. Total Recall (also known as El vengador del futuro), TriStar, 1990. Narrow Margin, TriStar, 1990. Mountains of the Moon, TriStar, 1990. Jacob’s Ladder (also known as Dante’s Inferno), TriStar, 1990. Air America, TriStar, 1990. (With Gale Ann Hurd) Terminator 2: Judgment Day (also known as T2, El Exterminator 2, and T2— Terminator 2: Judgment Day), TriStar, 1991. (With Steve Martin) L.A. Story, TriStar, 1991. (With Nicholas Clainos and Brian Grazer) The Doors, TriStar, 1991. Rambling Rose, Seven Arts, 1991. Light Sleeper, Fine Line, 1991. Basic Instinct (also known as Ice Cold Desire), TriStar, 1992. Aces: Iron Eagle III, New Line Cinema, 1992. Universal Soldier, TriStar, 1992. Cliffhanger (also known as Cliffhanger—l’ultima sfida and Cliffhanger, traque au sommet), TriStar, 1993. Heaven & Earth (also known as Entre ciel et terre), Warner Bros., 1993.

Film Appearances: Your Ticket Is No Longer Valid (also known as Finishing Touch, A Slow Descent into Hell, and L’ultime passion), 1979. Himself, Guts and Glory (short; also known as Guts & Glory), Artisan Entertainment, 2002. Himself, We Get to Win This Time (documentary short), Artisan Entertainment, 2002. Himself, Drawing First Blood (documentary short; also known as Drawing First Blood: 20 Years Later and Making of ⬙First Blood⬙), Artisan Entertainment, 2002. Himself, East Meets West: ⬙Red Heat⬙ and the Kings of Carolco (documentary short), Lions Gate Films, 2004. Television Work; Series: (As Mario F. Kassar) Executive producer, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Fox, 2008—. Television Work; Movies: Executive producer, Robin Hood, 1991. Television Work; Pilots: (As Mario F. Kassar) Executive producer, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Fox, 2008. Television Appearances; Specials: (As Mario F. Kassar) Himself, Inside ⬙Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines,⬙ 2003. Television Appearances; Episodic: Himself, ⬙Inside Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2003. Breakfast, 2003. 173


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Education: Graduated from the University of Southern California School of Theatre.

Sentry, ⬙Kill Billie: Vol. 1,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2005. Roger Holstein, ⬙Soft Target,⬙ Numb3rs (also known as Num3ers), CBS, 2005. Louie, ⬙Ames v. Kovac,⬙ ER, NBC, 2006. White guard, ⬙Chasing Ghosts,⬙ The Shield, FX Channel, 2007. Amped up guy, ⬙Grin and Bear It,⬙ Ugly Betty, ABC, 2007. Gang member, ⬙Oversight,⬙ Jericho, CBS, 2008. Detective Garrity, ⬙Good Cop, Dead Cop,⬙ In Plain Sight, USA Network, 2008. Clozza, ⬙Eagles and Angels,⬙ Prison Break (also known as Prison Break: On the Run), Fox, 2008. Chad, ⬙Love/Hate,⬙ General Hospital: Night Shift, SoapNet, 2008.

Career: Actor. Evidence Room Theatre company, member; spent four summers in repertoire at Theatre at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland and at the Espace Pierre Cardin in Paris.

Stage Appearances: Appeared as Bradley, Buried Child; Kip, Raised in Captivity; Darth Vadar and Chewbacca, Star Wars Trilogy in Thirty Minutes.

OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Mario Kassar Website,, December 5, 2008.



Film Appearances: Becky’s husband, Buttleman (also known as Harold Buttleman, Daredevil Stuntman), 2002. Jump Rope MC, The Ropes (short), 2005. Department of motor vehicles photo subject, Validation (short), 2007. Leader, Carriers, Paramount Vantage, 2007. Bitten man, The Flock, Genius Products, 2007. Josh, Linda, as in Beautiful (short), 2007. Hendricks, Love Lies Bleeding, Screen Gems, 2008. Davis office man, The Phone Book (short), 2008. Boyfriend, Tennessee, Vivendi Entertainment, 2008. Masked Warrior, The War of Game (short), Tough Guppy Productions, 2008. Gestapo officer, Brother’s War, Artist View Entertainment, 2009. Train guard, Game, Lionsgate, 2009.

KNOX, Mark ⴖFlexⴖ See ALEXANDER, Flex

KOTB, Hoda 1964– PERSONAL Surname is pronounced ⬙Kot–bee⬙; born August 9, 1964, in Norman, OK; married Burzis Kanga, December 3, 2005 (divorced, 2007). Education: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.A., 1986.

Television Appearances; Series: Victor, 24, Fox, 2007. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Captain Fetterman, Into the West, TNT, 2005. Matt, ⬙The Key and the Clock,⬙ The Lost Room, Sky One, 2006. Denton Fogg, Comanche Moon, CBS, 2008.

Addresses: Office—c/o NBC News, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112. Career: Broadcast journalist and news anchor. CBS News, news assistant in Cairo, Egypt, 1986; WXVT–TV, Greenville, MS, news anchor, between 1986 and 1989; WQAD–TV, Moline, IL, general assignment reporter and morning news anchor, between 1986 and 1989; WINK–TV, Fort Myers, FL, reporter and weekend news anchor, 1989–91; WWL–TV, New Orleans, LA, reporter and news anchor, 1992–98; NBC News, New York City, reporter and correspondent, including reports for the cable channel MSNBC, 1999—.

Television Appearances; Movies: Sergeant Teegarden, Living Hell (also known as Organizm), Sci–Fi Channel, 2008. Television Appearances; Episodic: Fuzzy, The Young and the Restless (also known as Y&R), CBS, 2004, 2005. 174

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KRENZ Career: Actress.

Awards, Honors: Journalism awards include Edward R. Murrow Award, Radio and Television News Directors Association, 2002; Gracie Allen Award, Foundation of American Women in Radio and Television, 2003; National Headliner Award, 2004; George Peabody Foster Broadcasting Award, Henry W. Grady School of Journalism and Mass Communications, University of Georgia, 2006, for a report ⬙The Education of Ms. Groves,⬙ Dateline NBC; Alfred I. duPont–Columbia University Award, 2008; also received at least four Emmy Award nominations.

Awards, Honors: Blizzard Award, best performance by a Manitoban actress, Manitoba Motion Picture Industry Association (MMPIA) 2001, for Milgaard.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Teacher, The Crown Prince (short; also known as Le prince heritier), National Film Board of Canada, 1988. First woman, The Hands of Ida (short), 1995. Landlady, Heater, The Asylum, 1999. Mrs. Cohen, Nostradamus, Regent Entertainment, 2000. Woman in tub, Bad Girls from Valley High, Universal Home Entertainment, 2005. Housekeeper, Catch and Release, Sony, 2006. Mrs. Logue, Blue State, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer Home Entertainment, 2007. Auntie Doll, The Stone Angel, Vivendi Entertainment, 2007. Auntie, My Winnipeg, IFC Films, 2007.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Correspondent, Dateline NBC (also known as Dateline), NBC, beginning 1998. Host, Your Total Health, syndicated, beginning 2004. Correspondent and substitute news anchor, Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, beginning 2007. Television Appearances; Specials: Correspondent, Katrina’s Fury: A Dateline Special, NBC, 2005. Host, The Quill Awards 2007, NBC, 2007. Correspondent, Dateline NBC: Going for Gold, NBC, 2008. Host, ⬙The Baby Borrowers: Lessons Learned,⬙ The Baby Borrowers (also known as The Baby Borrowers Town Hall Special), NBC, 2008.

Television Appearances; Movies: Personnel woman, Nights Below Station Street, Lifetime, 1998. Landlady, Life in a Day, UPN, 1999. Evelyn Culver, Milgaard (also known as Erreur judiciaire: l’histoire de David Milgaard and Hard Time: The David Milgaard Story), Lifetime, 1999. Mrs. Taweel, Naughty or Nice, ABC, 2004.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2008.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Clerk, ⬙The Case of the Liberated Beasts,⬙ The Adventures of Shirley Holmes, YTV, 1997. Cat owner, ⬙The Case of the Doggone Cats,⬙ The Adventures of Shirley Holmes, YTV, 1998. Cal, ⬙This Shit Is Evil,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest (also known as Coroner Da Vinci), CBC, 2000. Jay’s mom, ⬙One Night at Mercy,⬙ The Twilight Zone, UPN, 2002. Nadia, ⬙Doing the Chicken Scratch,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest (also known as Coroner Da Vinci), CBC, 2003. (Uncredited) Old lady, ⬙Chemical Reactions,⬙ Men in Trees, ABC, 2007.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Broadcasting & Cable, August 13, 2007, p. 3; August 20, 2007, p. 3. People Weekly, August 4, 2008, p. 97. Electronic: MSNBC Online,, February 6, 2008.

Also appeared as loud woman, ⬙The Fugitive,⬙ My Life as a Dog.


Stage Appearances: Mrs. Schumacher, Dirty Dancing, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2007–2008.

Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; married Victor, August 26, 1977; children: two. 175


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Entertainment Tonight (also known as E.T., ET Weekend, Entertainment This Week and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2008. ⬙The South Bank Show: Bond,⬙ The South Bank Show, ITV, 2008. ⬙Bond Girl Special,⬙ Made, 2008. Xpose, 2008. ⬙Roger Moore,⬙ Vivement dimanche, 2008. Cartelera, 2008. Quelli che ѧ il calcio, 2008. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2008. Cinema tres (also known as Informatiu cinema), 2008. Dias de cine, 2008.

KURYLENKO, Olga 1979– PERSONAL Born November 14, 1979, in Berdyansk, Ukraine; daughter of Kostyantyn and Marina; married Cedric Van Mol, 2000 (divorced, 2004); married Damian Gabrielle, 2006 (divorced, 2007). Addresses: Contact—Creative Artists Agency, 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067.

Television Appearances; Movies: Sophia, Le Porte–bonheur, 2006.

Career: Actress. Awards, Honors: Certificate of Excellence, best actress, Brooklyn International Film Festival, 2006, for L’ Annulaire.

Television Appearances; Specials: Bond on Location (also known as Bond on Location: The Making of Quantum of Solace, Quantum of Solace: Bond on Location, The Making of Quantum of Solace and The Making of Quantum of Solace: Bond on Location), ITV, 2008. Quantum of Solace: Royal World Premiere Special, 2008. Bond Girl Diaries, 2008.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Iris, L’ Annulaire (also known as The Ring Finger), 2005. Sofia, Le Serpent (also known as The Serpent and The Snake), 2006. The vampire, Paris Je t’ame (also known as Paris I Love You), First Look, 2007. Nika Boronina, Hitman, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2007. Natasha, Max Payne, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2008. Marc Forster–Der weg zu 007, 2008. Camille, Quantum of Solace (also known as B22, Marc Forster’s ⬙Quantum of Solace⬙ and QoS), Sony, 2008. Galia, Kirot (also known as Murs), 2009.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Eva Pires, Suspectes (also known as Secrets), 2007. RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Camille, Quantum of Solace (also known as 007: Quantum of Solace, James Bond: Quantum of Solace, QOS, Quantum of Solace: The Game and Quantum of Solace: The Video Game), 2008.

Television Appearances; Series: Mina Harud, Tyranny, 2008.

WRITINGS Television Appearances; Episodic: Tout le monde en parle, 2005. La Matinale, 2005.

Television Series: Tyranny, 2008.



Addresses: Office—The Sherry Lansing Foundation, 2121 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 2020, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067 (personal appearances); Jankow & Nesbit Associates, 445 Park Ave., New York, NY 10022 (literary agent).

chairperson, beginning 2005, cofounder of Stand Up to Cancer (SU2C) and affiliated with PrimeTime LAUSD (a group placing retirees to work with the Los Angeles Unified School District, the LAUSD). Cofounder of Stop Cancer, a philanthropic organization; cofounder of the Big Sisters of Los Angeles Future Fund. Member of the board of trustees for the American Film Institute, Teach for America, the University of Chicago, QUALCOMM, and the American Association for Cancer Research; member of the executive committee of the board of directors of the Friends of Cancer Research; board member of the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation and The Carter Center; affiliated with the American Red Cross Board of Governors and Civic Ventures. Regent for the University of California, beginning 1999, and chairperson and vice chairperson of various committees. California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CRIM), member of the independent citizens’ oversight committee, beginning 2004, and chairperson, cochairperson, and patient advocate for various groups within the committee. Member of the California governor’s advisory committee on educational excellence and affiliated with other groups relating to education; member of the advisory committee for Donors Choose and RAND Health.

Career: Executive, producer, and actress. Los Angeles Public Schools, teacher, 1966–69; model and affiliated with the Max Factor Company, 1969–70, and the Alberto–Culver Company, 1969–70; worked as a script reader; Wagner International, executive story editor, 1970–73; Heyday Productions, Universal City, CA, vice president of production, 1973–75; Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer (MGM) Studios, Culver City, CA, executive story editor, later vice president of creative affairs, 1975–77; Columbia Pictures, Burbank, CA, senior vice president of production, 1977–80; Twentieth Century–Fox Productions, Beverly Hills, CA, president of production, 1980–83; Jaffe–Lansing Productions, founder, 1983, president, 1983–92; Paramount Pictures, chairperson of motion pictures group, 1992–2005; The Sherry Lansing Foundation (fund–raising and informational organization), Los Angeles, founder, 2005,

Awards, Honors: Economic Equity Award, Women’s Equity Action League, 1980; Crystal Award, Women in Film Crystal awards, 1981; Distinguished Community Service Award, Brandeis University, 1982; Academy Award nomination (with Stanley R. Jaffe), best picture, 1988, for Fatal Attraction; Alfred P. Sloan Memorial Award, 1989; Simon Wiesenthal Center Distinguished Service Award for the Performing Arts, 1992; Pioneer of the Year, Foundation of the Motion Picture Pioneers, 1996; received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, 1996; Overcoming Obstacles Achievement Award for Business, 1996; Silver Achievement Award, Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA), 1996; named one of the fifty most powerful women in entertainment, Hollywood Reporter, 1999; Milestone Award, Producers Guild of America, 2000; named one of the thirty most powerful women in America, Ladies’ Home Jour-

LANSING, Sherry 1944– PERSONAL Full name, Sherry Lee Lansing; born July 31, 1944, in Chicago, IL; daughter of David Duehl (in real estate; some sources cite surname as Heimann) and Margo Lansing (in real estate and business); stepdaughter of Norton L. Lansing (in sales and business); married Michael Brownstein, 1960s (divorced); married William Friedkin (a director, producer, and writer), July 6, 1991; stepchildren: Josh. Education: University of Chicago Lab School, graduated, 1962; Northwestern University, B.S. (cum laude), speech and theatre, 1966.



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nal, 2001; President’s Award, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, 2002; honorary doctorate in fine arts, American Film Institute (AFI), 2003; All– America Advertising Award, Parade magazine, 2003; Woodrow Wilson Award for Corporate Citizenship, 2003; named one of the one hundred most powerful women in entertainment, Hollywood Reporter, 2003 and 2004; Horatio Alger Humanitarian Award, 2004; Legacy Award, Big Brothers Big Sisters (Los Angeles), 2005; Exemplary Leadership in Management (ELM) Award, Anderson School of Management, University of California, Los Angeles, 2005; handprints and footprints at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, beginning 2005; Cancer Research Public Service Award, American Association of Cancer Research, 2006; Jean H. Hersholt Humanitarian Award, Academy awards, Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, 2007; named one the fifty most powerful women in business, Fortune magazine, 2007; Paltrow Mentorship Award, Women in Film, 2008.

Television Coproducer; Specials: Stand Up to Cancer, CBS, 2008. Television Appearances as Herself; Documentary Miniseries: Hollywood Women, Independent Television, 1994. The Jewish Americans, PBS, 2008. Television Appearances as Herself; Documentary Specials: A Father ѧ a Son ѧ Once upon a Time in Hollywood, HBO, 2005. Boffo! Tinseltown’s Bombs and Blockbusters, HBO, 2006. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 79th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2007. Television Appearances; Episodic: Bridget, The Good Guys, CBS, 1968. Jennifer Britain, ⬙The Titan,⬙ Dan August, ABC, 1971. Marcia Yeager, ⬙A Killing at the Track,⬙ Ironside (also known as The Raymond Burr Show), NBC, 1971. Guest, At Rona’s, NBC, 1989. Voice of Angela, ⬙The Focus Group,⬙ Frasier (also known as Dr. Frasier Crane), NBC, 1996. Voice of Angela, ⬙You Can Go Home Again,⬙ Frasier (also known as Dr. Frasier Crane), NBC, 1996. Herself, ⬙Dawn Steel,⬙ The E! True Hollywood Story (also known as Dawn Steel: The E! True Hollywood Story and THS), E! Entertainment Television, 1998. Herself, ⬙Kurt Russell: Hollywood’s Heavy Hitter,⬙ Biography (also known as A&E Biography: Kurt Russell), Arts and Entertainment, 1999. Herself, The Hollywood Fashion Machine, American Movie Classics, 1999. Herself, ⬙The Films of Adrian Lyne,⬙ The Directors, Encore, 2003. Herself, Sunday Morning Shootout (also known as Hollywood Shootout and Shootout), American Movie Classics, 2004. Herself, ⬙Fatal Attraction,⬙ Movies That Shook the World, American Movie Classics, 2005. Herself, Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2008.

CREDITS Film Executive Producer: Firstborn (also known as First Born and Moving In), Paramount, 1984. Racing with the Moon, Paramount, 1984. Film Producer: Fatal Attraction, Paramount, 1987. The Accused (also known as Reckless Endangerment, Acusados, Angeklagt, Anklagad, Appel a la justice, Les accuses, Oi katigoroumenoi, Os acusados, Oskarzeni, Oskarzona, Sotto accusa, and Syytetty), Paramount, 1988. Black Rain, Paramount, 1989. School Ties, Paramount, 1992. Indecent Proposal, Paramount, 1993. As a studio executive, worked on other projects. Film Appearances: Amelita, Rio Lobo (also known as San Timoteo), Paramount, 1970. Susan, Loving, Columbia, 1970. Film Appearances as Herself; Documentaries: Calling the Shots, World Artists, 1988. Coming Attractions: The History of the Movie Trailer, The Andrew J. Kuehn Foundation, 2006. The Brothers Warner, 2008.

Appeared as Doris (a temporary secretary), in Banyon, NBC.

Television Executive Producer; Movies: Mistress, CBS, 1987. When the Time Comes, ABC, 1987.

Videos: Herself, Black Rain: Making the Film—Part 1, Paramount, 2006.



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LARSON Second racing girl, Madison, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2001. One of the Six Chicks, 13 Going on 30 (also known as Suddenly 30), Columbia, 2004. Liz, Sleepover, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2004. Beatrice Leep, Hoot, New Line Cinema, 2006. Voice of a penguin, Farce of the Penguins, ThinkFilm, 2006. Angie, The Beautiful Ordinary (also known as Remember the Daze), First Look International, 2007. Allison, The Babysitter (short film), Atom Films, 2008. Kate, Tanner Hall, Two Prong Lesson, 2008. Suzy Decker, House Broken, Echelon Entertainment, 2008. Emily, Just Peck, Jerry Leider Productions, 2009.

Herself, Black Rain: Making the Film—Part 2, Paramount, 2006. Herself, Black Rain: Post–Production, Paramount, 2006. Herself, Black Rain: The Script, the Cast, Paramount, 2006. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Chicago Tribune, July 15, 2002. Films in Review, November, 1984. Harper’s Bazaar, April, 2005, pp. 121–22. Hollywood Reporter, December, 1999, pp. 11–50. Newsweek, January 24, 2005, p. 60. New York Times, March 23, 1984. Variety, April 13, 1977; July 15, 2002, pp. S8–S9.

Film Work: Additional voices, Dudley Do–Right, Universal, 1999.

Electronic: The Sherry Lansing Foundation, http://www., September 12, 2008.

Also worked on other films as post–production voice performer in automated dialogue replacement loop groups. Television Appearances; Series: Emily Stewart, Raising Dad, The WB, 2001–2002. Kate Gregor, The United States of Tara, Showtime, 2008–2009.


Television Appearances; Pilots: Samantha, Schimmel, Fox, 2000. Emily Stewart, Raising Dad, The WB, 2001. Kate Gregor, The United States of Tara, Showtime, 2008.

Full name, Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers; born October 1, 1989, in Sacramento, CA. Education: Trained as a child at American Conservatory Theatre. Addresses: Agent—Chris Fioto, Gersh Agency, 232 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Manager— Anne Woodward, Station 3, 8522 National Blvd., Suite 108, Culver City, CA 90232.

Television Appearances; Movies: Courtney Enders, Right on Track, The Disney Channel, 2003.

Career: Actress, voice performer, singer, and songwriter. Performs as a singer on concert tours.

Television Appearances; Specials: The Teen Choice Awards 2004, Fox, 2004. 79th Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, NBC, 2005.

Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination, best leading young actress in a television comedy series, 2002, for Raising Dad; Young Artist Award nomination (with others), best young ensemble cast in a feature film, 2005, for Sleepover; Young Artist Award nomination, best leading young actress in a feature film, 2007, for Hoot.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Girl scout, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 1998. Lily Quinn, ⬙Right My Fire,⬙ To Have & to Hold, CBS, 1998. Lily Quinn, ⬙The Kids Are All Right?⬙ To Have & to Hold, CBS, 1998. Rachel, ⬙Into the Fire,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1999. Robin Robin, ⬙Fall on Your Knees,⬙ Popular, The WB, 1999.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Little Angel, Special Delivery, Calling Productions, 1999. 179


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Tony, Ich und Er (also known as Me and Him), Columbia, 1987. Perry, Moving, Warner Bros., 1988. Spooky, Short Circuit 2, TriStar, 1988. Blade, Rooftops, New Visions Entertainment Corporation, 1989. First mugger, Penn & Teller Get Killed (also known as Dead Funny), Warner Bros., 1989. (As Robert Lasardo) Luis, True Blood (also known as Edge of Darkness), Fries Entertainment/Movie House, 1989. Skinhead, Renegades, Universal, 1989. (As Robert Lasardo) Italian guard, King of New York, Seven Arts, 1990. Punk, Hard to Kill (also known as Seven Year Storm), Warner Bros., 1990. (As Robert Lasardo) Bochi, Out for Justice, Warner Bros., 1991. ATM robber, Jimmy Hollywood, Paramount, 1994. Deputy Dog, Drop Zone, Paramount, 1994. (As Robert Lasardo) First client, Leon (also known as The Cleaner, Leon: The Professional, and The Professional), Columbia, 1994. Smitty, Waterworld, MCA/Universal, 1995. (As Robert La Sardo) Tattoo artist, One Tough Bastard (also known as North’s War and One Man’s Justice), Live Entertainment, 1995. Paulo, Tiger Heart, PM Entertainment Group, 1996. Angelo Castillo, Under Oath (also known as Blood Money and Urban Justice), 1997. Eric, Livers Ain’t Cheap (also known as The Real Thing), Trimark Pictures, 1997. Sarkasian, Gang Related, Orion, 1997. (As Robert A. LaSardo) Candyman, Carnival of Souls (also known as Wes Craven Presents ⬙Carnival of Souls⬙), Trimark Pictures, 1998. Diesel, Love Kills, Trident Releasing, 1998. Leo, Crossfire, Scorpio Production, 1998. Manuel, Running Woman, Concorde Pictures, 1998. Matt Myers, Strangeland (also known as Dee Snider’s ⬙StrangeLand⬙), Raucous Releasing, 1998. Pub thug, Nightwatch, Dimension Films/Miramax, 1998. Felipe Batista, In Too Deep, Dimension Films/Miramax, 1999. Nervous suspect, Blue Streak, Columbia, 1999. Tony, Four Faces of God, 17 Productions/Four Face Films/Galilay Entertainment, 1999. T. J., Mercy Streets, Providence Entertainment, 2000. Thin biker, Bubble Boy, Buena Vista, 2001. Rico, Pandemonium, LKH Films/Resilient Films, 2002. (As Robert Lasardo) Usup, In Hell (also known as The Savage and The S.H.U.), Nu Image Films, 2003. Paco, Latin Dragon (also known as La justicia del dragon), Screen Media, 2004. Roland, Dirty, Silver Nitrate Entertainment, 2005. Rico, Never Down, Vanguard, 2007. Rivera, Half Past Dead 2 (also known as Justified), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2007. Hector Grimm, Death Race, Universal, 2008.

Hollywood Squares (also known as H2 and H2: Hollywood Squares), syndicated, 2001. Judge, Pet Star, Animal Planet, 2005. Krista Eisenberg, ⬙Slam (aka Slambook),⬙ Ghost Whisperer, CBS, 2008. Television Work; Movies: Song performer, ⬙She Said,⬙ Go Figure, The Disney Channel, 2005. RECORDINGS Albums: Finally Out of P.E., Casablanca, 2005. Singles include ⬙Life after You⬙ and ⬙She Said,⬙ both Casablanca, 2005. Videos: Appeared in the music video ⬙She Said,⬙ Casablanca, 2005. WRITINGS Songwriter: ⬙Coming Around,⬙ Hoot, New Line Cinema, 2006.

LaSARDO, Robert 1963– (Robert La Sardo, Robert A. LaSardo, Robert Lasardo) PERSONAL Born September 20, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York, NY. Education: Studied acting at the Stella Adler Conservatory and the Actors Studio; graduated with honors from the Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, New York City; studied acting with Anthony Abeson. Addresses: Agent—Silver Massetti & Szatmary, 8730 West Sunset Blvd., Suite 440, West Hollywood, CA 90069. Manager—Kass & Stokes Management, 9229 Sunset Blvd., Suite 504, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Career: Actor. Worked at a video store, c. 1980s. Military service: U.S. Navy, served c. 1981–85. CREDITS Film Appearances: Carlo Forza, China Girl, Great American Films Limited Partnership/Street Lite/Vestron Pictures, 1987. 180

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

LaSARDO Torres, ⬙Fear of Flying,⬙ L.A. Doctors (also known as L.A. Docs, Kliniken, Kohtaloni Los Angeles, and Medicos de Los Angeles), CBS, 1998. Crowe, ⬙Valma and Louise,⬙ V.I.P. (also known as V.I.P.—Die Bodyguards), syndicated, 1999. Freddie Ascencion, ⬙Show & Tell,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1999. Hector Flores, ⬙End Game,⬙ Martial Law (also known as Le flic de Shanghai, Ley marcial, and Piu forte ragazzi), CBS, 1999. Hector Flores, ⬙Requiem,⬙ Martial Law (also known as Le flic de Shanghai, Ley marcial, and Piu forte ragazzi), CBS, 1999. Adam Beckwith, ⬙Kidnapped,⬙ Pacific Blue, USA Network, 2000. Cissy Alvarez, ⬙The Amazing Maleeni,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 2000. Doyle, ⬙Jackpot: Part 1,⬙ Nash Bridges (also known as Bridges), CBS, 2000. New World Order leader, ⬙V.I.P., R.I.P.,⬙ V.I.P. (also known as V.I.P.—Die Bodyguards), syndicated, 2000. Ray Murphy, ⬙Road to Hell,⬙ 18 Wheels of Justice (also known as Highway to Hell—18 Rader aus Stahl, La loi du fugitif, and Oikeutta tien paeaell), The National Network, 2000. Anzuelo, ⬙The Siege,⬙ UC: Undercover (also known as Undercover), NBC, 2001. Diego Flores, ⬙Fork You Very Much,⬙ Philly, ABC, 2001. Hector ⬙Kiki⬙ Acevedo, ⬙Johnny Got His Gold,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2001. Lowry, ⬙Maximum Byers,⬙ The Lone Gunmen (also known as Lone Gunmen, Au coeur du complot, and Die Einsamen Schutzen), Fox, 2001. Sanchez Ramirez, ⬙The Problem with Corruption,⬙ Dead Last, The WB, 2001. Jojo Rizal, ⬙Two Days of Blood,⬙ The Shield (also known as The Barn and Rampart), FX Network, 2002. Owen ⬙Shadow⬙ Little, ⬙Things Done Changed,⬙ Fastlane, Fox, 2002. ⬙True Val Story,⬙ V.I.P. (also known as V.I.P.—Die Bodyguards), syndicated, 2002. Hector ⬙Kiki⬙ Acevedo, ⬙Shear Stupidity,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2003. Lionel, ⬙As It Is in Heaven,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 2003. Pope, ⬙Execution,⬙ Boomtown, NBC, 2003. Jesus Torres, ⬙Hubris,⬙ Cold Case (also known as Anexihniastes ypothesis, Caso abierto, Cold case—affaires classees, Cold Case—Kein Opfer ist je vergessen, Doegloett aktak, Kalla spaar, Todistettavasti syyllinen, and Victimes du passe), CBS, 2004. Arturo, ⬙Ambush,⬙ Sex, Love & Secrets (also known as Sex, Lies & Secrets and Wildlife), UPN, 2005. Arturo, ⬙Secrets,⬙ Sex, Love & Secrets (also known as Sex, Lies & Secrets and Wildlife), UPN, 2005. Gary Helms, ⬙Happy Borthday,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2005. Johnny Currea, ⬙Doggone,⬙ Blind Justice, ABC, 2005.

Mo, Tortured, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2008. Scott, Autopsy, Seven Arts, 2008. Maurice Keenan, Uncle Bob, 2009. Bobby Boy, Double Tap (also known as Clean Sweep), Ginepri Pictures Releasing, c. 2009. Film Executive Producer: Never Down, Vanguard, 2007. Television Appearances; Series: Corporal Jesus ⬙Answer Man⬙ Zappara, a recurring role, China Beach, ABC, 1989–90. Escobar Gallardo, Nip/Tuck, FX Network, 2003–2007. Manuel ⬙Manny⬙ Ruiz, General Hospital (also known as Hopital central and Hospital general), ABC, 2005–2006. Father Mateo Ruiz, General Hospital (also known as Hopital central and Hospital general), ABC, beginning 2007. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Osvaldo Cesarus, Murder One: Diary of a Serial Killer, ABC, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Spike, Blood Run (also known as Outside the Law), 1994. Second robber, ⬙Anger⬙ segment, Favorite Deadly Sins (also known as National Lampoon’s ⬙Favorite Deadly Sins⬙), Showtime, 1995. Kazz, Last Man Standing, HBO, 1996. Agent Rodriguez, Double Tap, HBO, 1997. Gries, Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies, HBO, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Garage attendant, ⬙Renunciation,⬙ Law & Order (also known as Law & Order Prime), NBC, 1991. Luis Hernandez, ⬙Tempest in a C–Cup,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1993. Sol, ⬙Them Bones,⬙ Harry and the Hendersons, syndicated, 1993. (As Robert Lasardo) Tattoo artist, ⬙Portrait by the Artist on the Young Man,⬙ Dream On, HBO, 1993, also broadcast on Fox. Felipe, ⬙Most Wanted,⬙ Renegade, USA Network and syndicated, 1995. Baby Boy Doe, ⬙Skirt Chasers,⬙ Nash Bridges (also known as Bridges), CBS, 1996. Jake, ⬙Code Name: Scorpion,⬙ High Tide, syndicated, 1996. Chaz (muscle person), ⬙Blind Man’s Bluff,⬙ The Sentinel (also known as Sentinel), UPN, 1997. Jesus, ⬙Imagine: Part 1,⬙ Michael Hayes, CBS, 1997. Osvaldo Cesarus, ⬙Chapter Fourteen, Year Two,⬙ Murder One, ABC, 1997. Osvaldo Cesarus, ⬙Chapter Eighteen, Year Two,⬙ Murder One, ABC, 1997. 181


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

Julian Borgia (tattooed man and crash victim), ⬙Hope and Mercy,⬙ Ghost Whisperer, CBS, 2005. Julian Borgia, ⬙On the Wings of a Dove,⬙ Ghost Whisperer, CBS, 2005. Santo, ⬙Shots,⬙ Eyes, ABC, 2005. Memmo Fierro, ⬙One of Our Own,⬙ CSI: Miami (also known as CSI Miami), CBS, 2006. Memmo Fierro, ⬙Rampage,⬙ CSI: Miami (also known as CSI Miami), CBS, 2006. Miguel Villeda, ⬙The Woman in the Garden,⬙ Bones (also known as Brennan, Bones—Die Knochenjaegerin, Dr. Csont, and Kondid), Fox, 2006. Paulie, ⬙The Serranos,⬙ Mind of Mencia, Comedy Central, 2006. Himself, Soap Talk, SOAPnet, 2006. Busando Maldito, ⬙Let Her Go,⬙ Life, NBC, 2007. (As Robert Lasardo) Hector Hernandez, ⬙For Whom the Skel Rolls,⬙ Shark, CBS, 2007. Emilio Alvarado, ⬙Grissom’s Divine Comedy,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI, CSI: Las Vegas, CSI: Weekends, and Les experts), CBS, 2008. Jack, ⬙Here Comes the Boom,⬙ The Cleaner, Arts and Entertainment, 2008.

Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Banger number one, Highlander III: The Sorcerer (also known as Highlander III, Highlander 3: The Final Conflict, Highlander 3: The Sorcerer, and Highlander: The Final Dimension), Dimension Films, 1994. Buster Powell, Underworld, Legacy Releasing, 1996. Perierra, See Spot Run, Warner Bros., 2001. Tony Franco, Out of Line, Curb Entertainment, 2001. Drunk guy, Liberty Stands Still (also known as Liberty Stands Still—Im visier des morders), Lions Gate Films Home Entertainment, 2002. Man in elevator, Final Destination 2, New Line Cinema, 2003. Brian, The Lost Angel, Franchise Pictures, 2004. Smitty, Walking Tall, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2004. Convict, The Chronicles of Riddick (also known as The Chronicles of Riddick: The Director’s Cut), Universal, 2004. (As Darcy Lawrey) Biker, Chaos (also known as Hit & Blast), Lionsgate, 2005. Timothy Laurents, Hollow Man II, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2006. Spoonie, Vice, 2008.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Adam Beckwith, Pacific Blue, USA Network, 1996. Escobar Gallardo, ⬙Pilot–McNamara/Troy,⬙ Nip/Tuck, FX Network, 2003. Silvio Machado, Wanted, TNT, 2005. RECORDINGS

Television Appearances; Series: Gideon, SK8 (also known as Skate), NBC, 2001. Dix, Dark Angel (also known as James Cameron’s ⬙Dark Angel⬙), Fox, 2001–2002. Bob Tremblay, Intelligence, CBC, 2006–2007.

Videos: Himself, The Making of ⬙Mercy Streets,⬙ 2001. Video Games: Voice, Scarface: The World Is Yours, Vivendi Universal Games, 2006.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Simonelli driver, Vendetta II: The New Mafia (also known as Bride of Violence 2 and Donna d’onore 2), syndicated, 1993. The prisoner, Atomic Train, NBC, 1999. Lucien Auguste, Into the West, TNT, 2005.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Venice, March, 2006; September, 2008.

Television Appearances; Movies: Omar/Chris, Meltdown (also known as Angst uber Amerika), FX Channel, 2004. Second guy, The Wool Cap, TNT, 2004. Bob Tremblay, Intelligence, CBC, 2005. Lawrence Malishak, A Job to Kill For, Lifetime, 2006.

Electronic: Robert LaSardo,, January 16, 2008.

LAURIE, Darcy 1966– (Darcie Laurie, Darcie Lawrey)

Television Appearances; Pilots: Biker guy, The Chronicle (also known as News from the Edge), Sci–Fi Channel, 2001.

PERSONAL Born March 28, 1966, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Avocational Interests: Writing, collecting box films and memorabilia.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (Uncredited) Engineer number two, ⬙Piper Maru,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1996. 182

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Harry Kant, ⬙Something Wicked,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1996. Bum, ⬙Dark Priest,⬙ Poltergeist: The Legacy, Showtime, 1996. Bartender, ⬙A.D.,⬙ Two, syndicated, 1996. Cave dweller, ⬙The First Commandment,⬙ Stargate SG–1 (also known as La porte des etoiles), Showtime, 1997. Tony Grant, ⬙His Brother’s Keeper,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1997. Trini, ⬙Forget Me Not,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1997. E. Jacob Woodcock, ⬙The Pest House,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1998. Tin–Tin/Mike Tremayne, ⬙The Soul Can’t Rest,⬙ The Crow: Stairway to Heaven, syndicated, 1998. Tin–Tin/Mike Tremayne, ⬙It’s a Wonderful Death,⬙ The Crow: Stairway to Heaven, syndicated, 1999. Mick Meloni, ⬙Safe House,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1999. Narc, ⬙This Shit Is Evil,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest (also known as Coroner Da Vinci), CBC, 2000. Hoppy, ⬙Loyalties,⬙ Cold Squad, CTV, 2000. Tasker, Call of the Wild, Animal Planet, 2000. Garth, ⬙Life on the Wire,⬙ UC: Undercover, NBC, 2001. Meyers, ⬙The Straw,⬙ Special Unit 2 (also known as SU2), UPN, 2002. ⬙Sayid,⬙ ⬙The Story Vanishes,⬙ Breaking News, Bravo, 2002. Santos, ⬙Tagged,⬙ The Twilight Zone, UPN, 2003. Officer Marques, ⬙Doe or Die,⬙ John Doe, Fox, 2003. Norad guy, ⬙Letters from the Other Side: Part 2,⬙ Jeremiah, Showtime, 2003. Andrew Chennery, ⬙Y Me,⬙ Touching Evil, USA Network, 2004. Murph, ⬙Mr. Ellis Himself Would Been Proud,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest (also known as Coroner Da Vinci), CBC, 2004. Murph, ⬙That’s Why They Call it a Conspiracy,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest (also known as Coroner Da Vinci), CBC, 2004. Mortician, ⬙Borders,⬙ Cold Squad, CTV, 2005. Ivan, ⬙The Superhero,⬙ The Collector, City TV, 2005. Tass’an, ⬙Babylon,⬙ Stargate SG–1 (also known as La porte des etoiles), Sci–Fi Channel, 2005. Paul Marshall, ⬙Down for the Count,⬙ The Evidence, ABC, 2006. (As Darcie Laurie) Jakob, ⬙Delivery,⬙ Blade: The Series, Spike TV, 2006. Jimmy Stryon, ⬙Vortex,⬙ The Dead Zone (also known as Stephen King’s ⬙Dead Zone⬙), USA Network, 2006. Rusty, ⬙No Man Is an Island,⬙ Men in Trees, ABC, 2007. Pawnshop owner, ⬙Come to Your Senses,⬙ Kyle XY, ABC Family, 2007.

LEE LEE, Cody Benjamin 1997– (Cody Lee) PERSONAL Born July 18, 1997, in CA; twin brother of Brody Nicholas Lee (an actor) Addresses: Agent—Hervey, Grimes Talent Agency, 10561 Missouri Ave., Suite 2, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination, best supporting young actor in a television movie, miniseries, or special, 2008, for The Last Day of Summer. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: One of the fifth–graders, Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?, Fox, 2007. Television Appearances; Movies: Travis, The Last Day of Summer, Nickelodeon, 2007. Television Appearances; Episodic: Nicholas, ⬙The Truth about Cats and Dogs,⬙ For Your Love, The WB, 2000. Nicholas, ⬙The Replacements,⬙ For Your Love, The WB, 2001. Logan, ⬙The Son Also Rises,⬙ Invasion, ABC, 2006. (As Cody Lee) Danny Tavez, ⬙No Man’s Land,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2007. Journeyman, NBC, 2007. Yo on E!, E! Entertainment Television, 2007. Dancer, ⬙Boogie Toasties,⬙ Just Jordan, Nickelodeon, 2008. First boy, ⬙Happy Birthday Nate,⬙ Eli Stone, ABC, 2008. Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2008. Guest on talk shows. Film Appearances: (As Cody Lee) De las Calles (short film), 2006. Mateus, Amarelinha (short film), Shorts International, 2007. (As Cody Lee) Indian boy, The Shiftling, Digital Shadow Films, 2008.

Also appeared as Reyas, ⬙The Grand Alliance,⬙ Tom Stone (also known as Stone Undercover), CBC. 183


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 (As James Le Gros) Metron, Solarbabies (also known as Solar Warriors), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1986. Buddy MacGruder, Real Men, United Artists, 1987. Second tough person, *batteries not included, Universal, 1987. Teenage cowboy, Near Dark, De Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1987. (As James Le Gros) Zack Jaeger, Fatal Beauty, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1987. Mike Pearson, Phantasm II (also known as Phantasm II: The Never Dead Part Two), Universal, 1988. Member of Vietnam platoon, Born on the Fourth of July, Universal, 1989. (As James Le Gros) Rick, Drugstore Cowboy, Avenue Pictures, 1989. Carl, Hollywood Heartbreak, 1990. Lance, Blood and Concrete (also known as Blood and Concrete, a Love Story), IRS Media, 1991. Roach, Point Break, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1991. Tommy, The Rapture, Fine Line Features, 1991. Andy, Singles, Warner Bros., 1992. Carl, Leather Jackets, 1992. Crasher, Where the Day Takes You, New Line Cinema, 1992. Rusty, Nervous Ticks, IRS Media, 1992. Skippy, My New Gun, IRS Media, 1992. Deems Taylor, Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (also known as Mrs. Parker and the Round Table), Fine Line Features, 1994. Dodger, Don’t Do It, Triboro Entertainment Group, 1994. John Boyz, Floundering, Strand Releasing, 1994. William Tucker, Bad Girls, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1994. Mike, Jr., The Low Life, 1994, Cinepix Film Properties/ Cabin Fever Entertainment, 1996. Avakian, Panther, Gramercy Pictures, 1995. Chad Palomino, Living in Oblivion, Sony Pictures Classics, 1995. Chris, Safe, Sony Pictures Classics, 1995. Thoreau, Destiny Turns on the Radio (also known as Johnny Destiny and Mister Destiny), Savoy Pictures, 1995. John, Just Looking, Black Crow Productions, 1995, Sony Pictures Classics, 1997. Fenton Ray, Boys, Buena Vista, 1996. Grill, The Destiny of Marty Fine, Castle Hill Productions, 1996. John Wheeler, Infinity, First Look Pictures Releasing, 1996. Lieutenant Michael Killip, Countdown (also known as Serial Bomber, Two—One—Zero, and Kurisumasu mokushi–roku), 1996. Cezanne, The Myth of Fingerprints, Sony Pictures Classics, 1997. Max, Wishful Thinking, Miramax, 1997. (As James Le Gros) Billy Hill, Thursday, Legacy Releasing/Volcanic Films, 1998. Charlie (the car dealer), Psycho, MCA/Universal, 1998.

Daniel, The Human Contract, 100% Womon/ Overbrook Entertainment/Tycoon Entertainment, 2008. Brian, Broken Windows, Meherio Productions/Sightline Entertainment, 2008. (As Cody Lee) Jared, Blood and Bone, Remarkable Films/Michael Mailer Films, 2008. Young Alexander, Sutures, Sutures LLC, 2008. (As Cody Lee) First twin, Wreck the Halls, Ouat Media, 2009. Stage Appearances: Appeared in a lead role, The Cinderella Story, Madrid Theatre; as a member of ensemble, Kids of the Kingdom; and as a singer and dancer, LA Hip Kids.

LeGROS, James 1962– (James Le Gros, James Legros) PERSONAL Born April 27, 1962, in Minneapolis, MN; raised in Redlands, CA; father, a real estate broker; mother, a teacher; son–in–law of Robert Loggia (an actor); married Kristina Loggia (an actress and photographer), 1992; children: two sons. Education: Attended the University of California, Irvine. Addresses: Agent—David Lillard, IFA Talent Agency, 8730 Sunset Blvd., Suite 490, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Manager—Louise Spinner Ward, Talent Entertainment Group, 9111 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Publicist—Matt Labov, Baker Winokur Ryder, 9100 Wilshire Blvd., Sixth Floor West, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor. South Coast Repertory Theatre, apprentice. Member: Screen Actors Guild. Awards, Honors: Independent Spirit Award nomination, best supporting actor, Independent Feature Project/ West, 1996, for Living in Oblivion; Screen Actors Guild Award nomination (with others), outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series, 2001, for Ally McBeal; Gotham Award nomination (with others), best ensemble cast, Independent Feature Project, 2007, for The Last Winter. CREDITS Film Appearances: Jewe, The Ladies Club (also known as The Sisterhood and The Violated), New Line Cinema, 1986. 184

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

LeGROS (As James Legros) Raylan Givens, Pronto, Showtime, 1997. Dan McIvers, Border Line, NBC, 1999. Hunter, The Pass, Showtime, 1999. Amos, ⬙Andy & Amos⬙ segment, Common Ground, CBS, 2000. Doug Peeno, Damaged Care, Showtime, 2002. Troy, Big Shot: Confessions of a Campus Bookie, FX Network, 2002. Matthew Paradise, Paradise, Showtime, 2004. Josh, Sexual Life, Showtime, 2005.

D. J., There’s No Fish Food in Heaven (also known as Life in the Fast Lane), Lionsgate/Storm Entertainment, 1998. Hunter, The Pass (also known as Highway Hitcher), York Entertainment, 1998. Jerry Miller, Enemy of the State, Buena Vista, 1998. (As James Le Gros) Takowsky, L.A. without a Map (also known as I Love L.A. and Los Angeles without a Map), United Media, 1998. Bicker, Jump, Arrow Releasing, 1999. Peter Barnes, Drop Back Ten, Outrider Pictures/E Films, 1999. Jack, If You Only Knew (also known as Ein Apartment zum Verlieben), Eternity Pictures, 2000. Jack, World Traveler, ThinkFilm, 2001. Joe ⬙Mac⬙ McBeth, Scotland, PA, 2001, Lot 47 Films, 2002. (As James Le Gros) Paul, Lovely & Amazing, 2001, Lionsgate/Good Machine, 2002. (As James Le Gros) Ferrell, Catch That Kid (also known as Mission without Permission and Mission: Possible—Diese Kids sind nicht zu fassen!), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2004. (As James Le Gros) Hugh, November, Sony Pictures Classics, 2004. Soldier, Straight into Darkness, Screen Media, 2004. (As James Le Gros) Dante, Trust the Man, Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2005. James Hoffman, The Last Winter (also known as Sioasti veturinn), Antidote Films, 2006, IFC First Take, 2007. (As James Le Gros) Officer George Bawart, Zodiac (also known as Chronicles), Paramount, 2007. Paul Dewey, Cough Drop, 2007. Julieen, Visioneers, 2008. Palmer, Sherman’s Way, 2008. Stil, Dry Rain, 2008. Ted Heinkin, Vantage Point, Columbia, 2008. Dan, Winged Creatures, Peace Arch Entertainment/ Columbia, c. 2008. Clive Burkham, Skateland, 2009. Revis, Welcome to Academia, 2009. Rupert, Thicker, 2009.

Television Appearances; Specials: Freddie Cruz, ⬙Ace Hits the Big Time,⬙ CBS Schoolbreak Special, CBS, 1985. Himself, Sleeper Cell: Know Your Enemy, Showtime, 2005. Television Appearances; Episodic: Trasher, ⬙The Rotten Apples,⬙ Knight Rider, NBC, 1984. (As James Le Gros) Blade, ⬙Fenster Hall: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Punky Brewster, NBC, 1985. Punk boy, ⬙Slither,⬙ Simon & Simon, CBS, 1985. Lucas Miller, ⬙When Whitney Met Linda,⬙ Class of ’96, Fox, 1993. Mr. Schlosser, ⬙Springtime for David,⬙ Roseanne, ABC, 1996. Lieutenant Ben Conklin, ⬙Dead Man’s Switch,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime, Sci–Fi Channel, and syndicated, 1997. Dr. Max Rocher, ⬙A Hole in the Heart,⬙ ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 1998. Dr. Max Rocher, ⬙Of Past Regret and Future Fear,⬙ ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 1998. Dr. Max Rocher, ⬙Suffer the Little Children,⬙ ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 1998. Dwight Anthony, ⬙Under the Radar,⬙ L.A. Doctors (also known as L.A. Docs, Kliniken, Kohtaloni Los Angeles, and Medicos de Los Angeles), CBS, 1998. Jim, ⬙The One with the Tea Leaves,⬙ Friends (also known as Across the Hall, Friends Like Us, Insomnia Cafe, and Six of One), NBC, 2002. Himself, Intimate Portrait: Diane Lane (also known as ⬙Diane Lane,⬙ Intimate Portrait), Lifetime, 2002. (As James Le Gros) Dwight Jacobs, ⬙Red Ball,⬙ Law & Order (also known as Law & Order Prime), NBC, 2005.

Television Appearances; Series: Mark Albert, Ally McBeal, Fox, 2000–2001. Special agent Raymond ⬙Ray⬙ Fuller, Sleeper Cell (also known as Sleeper Cell: American Terror), Showtime, 2005.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Jackie Frye, The 900 Lives of Jackie Frye (second pilot), ABC, c. 1997. Barry, The Street Lawyer, ABC, 2003. Rabbi, 1%, HBO, 2009.

Television Appearances; Movies: Car attendant, The Ratings Game (also known as The Mogul), The Movie Channel, 1984. First boy, Kicks (also known as Destination Alcatraz), ABC, 1985. Howard Hickock, Guncrazy, Showtime, 1992. Cougar, Marshal Law, Showtime, 1996.

RECORDINGS Videos: Himself, ⬙Psycho⬙ Path, Universal Studios Home Video, 1999. 185


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Bernadette ⬙Bernie⬙ Walsh, Candyman (also known as Clive Barker’s ⬙Candyman⬙), TriStar, 1992. Nina Blackburn, Fear of a Black Hat, Samuel Goldwyn, 1993. Marie Mitchell, Hard Target, Universal, 1993. June Vanderpool, DROP Squad, Gramercy, 1994. Madonna, Gridlock’d, Gramercy, 1997. Angenelle, ’Til There Was You, Paramount, 1997. Teresa, Liar’s Dice, 1998. Herself, Sisters in Cinema, Our Film Works, 2003. Angry black woman, Waist Deep, Focus Features, 2006.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, May 19, 2000, p. 55. Premiere, February, 2002, p. 25.


Film Director: (And cinematographer, film editor, and sound editor) Fall from Grace, 1987. Eve’s Bayou, Trimark Pictures, 1997. The Caveman’s Valentine (also known as The Sign of the Killer), Universal, 2001. Talk to Me, Focus Features, 2007.

Original name, Karen Lemmons; born February 24, 1961, in St. Louis, MO (some sources cite Boston, MA); father, a biology teacher; mother, a poet and psychotherapist; married Vondie Curtis–Hall (an actor, writer, and director), 1995; children: Henry Hunter, Zora. Education: Attended New York University, University of California, Los Angeles, and New School for Social Research; trained for the stage at Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute, New York School of Ballet; Circle in the Square Professional Theatre School; and Alvin Ailey American Dance Center; studied mime with Marcel Marceau.

Television Appearances; Series: Nella Franklin, As the World Turns, CBS, 1986–89. Tess Parker, Another World (also known as Another World: Bay City), NBC, 1989–90. Television Appearances; Movies: Hostage, 11th Victim (also known as The Lakeside Killer), CBS, 1979. Rachel Isum Robinson, The Court–Martial of Jackie Robinson, TNT, 1990. Carol North, Afterburn (also known as The Janet Harduval Story), HBO, 1992. Grace, Zooman (also known as Zooman and the Sign), Showtime, 1995.

Addresses: Agent—Frank Wuliger, Gersh Agency, 232 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Manager— Stephanie Davis, 3 Arts Entertainment, 9460 Wilshire Blvd., 7th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress, producer, director, film editor, and writer. Boston Children’s Theatre, Boston, MA, former child actress; Film Independent, Los Angeles, secretary and member of executive committee.

Television Appearances; Specials: Subaya, ⬙The Gift of Amazing Grace,⬙ ABC Afterschool Specials, ABC, 1986. Host, Puzzle Weekend, syndicated, 1987. Lifetime Women’s Film Festival, Lifetime, 1998. Clerk, ⬙Override,⬙ Directed By, Showtime, 1994. In the Company of Women, Independent Film Channel, 2004.

Awards, Honors: National Board of Review Award, outstanding directorial debut, 1997, Independent Spirit Award (with others), best first feature, Independent Features Project West, and Black Film Award, best director, Acapulco Black Film Festival, 1998, all for Eve’s Bayou; Image Award, outstanding directing in a motion picture, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 2008, for Talk to Me.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Resurrection,⬙ Spenser: For Hire, ABC, 1985. Miss McKegney, ⬙The Birth: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Cosby Show, NBC, 1988. Zandili, ⬙The Day of the Covenant,⬙ The Equalizer, CBS, 1988. Lois, ⬙Life after Death,⬙ A Man Called Hawk, 1989. Alex Robbins, ⬙Spy Games,⬙ Under Cover, ABC, 1991. Alex Robbins, ⬙Before the Storm,⬙ Under Cover, ABC, 1991. Alex Robbins, ⬙Sacrifice,⬙ Under Cover, ABC, 1991.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Perry, School Daze, Columbia, 1988. Jackie, Vampire’s Kiss, Hemdale Releasing, 1989. Cookie, The Five Heartbeats, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1991. Special Agent Ardelia Mapp, The Silence of the Lambs, Orion, 1991. 186

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Paula Raynor, ⬙The Survivor,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1993. Diane Warren, ⬙Night of the Gladiator,⬙ Walker, Texas Ranger (also known as Walker), CBS, 1993. Chemotherapy technician, ⬙It’s All in Your Head,⬙ ER, NBC, 2002. ⬙The Silence of the Lambs,⬙ Page to Screen, Bravo Canada, 2002.

LOWE OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Black Biography, Volume 20, Gale Group, 1998. Periodicals: Los Angeles Times, November 6, 1997, p. 12.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 2001 IFP/West Independent Spirit Awards, Independent Film Channel, 2001. The 17th Annual Gotham Awards, 2007.

LOWE, John B. (John Lowe)

Television Appearances; Other: Marcy Potts, Adam’s Apple (pilot), CBS, 1986. Melanie Bryant, The Big One: The Great Los Angeles Earthquake (miniseries; also known as Earthquake Los Angeles: The Big One and The Great Los Angeles Earthquake), NBC, 1990.

PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—Characters Talent Agency, 1505 West 2nd Ave., Suite 200, Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 3Y4 Canada.

Television Director; Specials: Dr. Hugo, Lifetime, 1994.

Career: Actor. Formerly the artistic director of St. Albert Children’s Theatre; Broccolo Creative (a film development company). Acting teacher, 1989—; Stage One Theatre School, Western Canada Theatre, lead instructor.

Stage Appearances: Shakespeare’s Sonnets, Globe Playhouse, Los Angeles, 1980. Balm in Gilead, off–Broadway production, 1984.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Train conductor, Heart of the Sun, 1998. Conductor, MVP: Most Valuable Primate, Keystone Family Pictures, 2000. Delaney, The Operative, Studio Home Entertainment, 2000. Executive, Slap Shot 2: Breaking the Ice, Universal Home Entertainment, 2002. Professor Carter, The Butterfly Effect, New Line Cinema, 2004. Priest, Fido, Lionsgate, 2006. Pappa, Night Travellers (short), 2008. Rueben Markel, The Hessen Affair, 2009. Mr. Sinclair, The Haunting in Connecticut, Lionsgate, 2009.

Also appeared in a Los Angeles production of Romeo and Juliet. RECORDINGS Videos: Bernadette Walsh (in archive footage), Boogeymen: The Killer Compilation, Paramount, 2001. Sweets to the Sweet: The Candyman Mythos, Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2004. WRITINGS

Film Work: Director and producer, Windows of White (short), 1999.

Screenplays: Author of narrative text, Fall from Grace, 1987. Eve’s Bayou, Trimark Pictures, 1997.

Also worked as director and producer, Broccoli (short); director and producer, With AB (short).

Television Specials: Dr. Hugo, Lifetime, 1994.

Television Appearances; Series: Rupert Mowat, Nothing Too Good of a Cowboy, CBC, 1998–2000. Arthur Kirkland, Less Than Kind, 2008.

Television Episodes: According to some sources, writer for episodes of The Cosby Show, NBC. 187


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Stage Appearances: Appeared in Here on the Flight Path, Sunshine Theatre, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada; An Inspector Calls, Chemainus Theatre Festival, Chemanius, British Columbia, Canada; Measure for Measure, Citadel Theatre, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; For the Pleasures of Seeing Her Again, Sunshine Theatre; The Drawer Boy, Sunshine Theatre; Dear Santa, Western Canada Theatre, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, and the Gateway; Over the River and Through the Woods, Western Canada Theatre and the Gateway; Greater Tuna; Giant Ants!

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Small Sacrifices, ABC, 1989. The priest, Atomic Train, NBC, 1999. David Ziff, Living with the Dead (also known as Talking to Heaven), CBS, 2002. Dr. Findlay, ⬙Maintenance,⬙ Taken (also known as Steven Spielberg Presents ⬙Taken⬙), Sci–Fi Channel, 2002. Television Appearances; Movies: (Uncredited) Jumpmaster, Ordeal in the Arctic, ABC, 1993. Dr. Lawrence Andruss, Voyage of Terror (also known as Die Schreckensfahrt der Orion Star and The Fourth Horseman), Fox Family, 1998. Golden Ridge official, Golf Punks (also known as National Lampoon’s ⬙Golf Punks⬙), Fox Family, 1998. British vice counsel, The Linda McCartney Story (also known as L’histoire de Linda McCartney), CBS, 2000. Santa Claus, The Ultimate Christmas Present, The Disney Channel, 2000. Harry Maculwain, Trapped, USA Network, 2001. Mr. Brand, Shadow Realm, Sci–Fi Channel, 2002. Professor Miller, Critical Assembly (also known as Ground Zero), NBC, 2003. Man in audience, The Goodbye Girl (also known as Neil Simon’s ⬙The Goodbye Girl⬙), TNT, 2004. Dr. Aldaron, Absolute Zero, Sci–Fi Channel, 2005. Gary, The Secrets of Comfort House (also known as Sombres Secrets), Lifetime, 2006.

WRITINGS Screenplays: Windows of White (short), 1999. Also wrote Broccoli (short); With AB (short).

LUHRMANN, Baz 1962– PERSONAL Original name, Mark Anthony Luhrmann; born September 17, 1962, in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; son of Leonard (a farmer, filling station owner, and operator of local movie theatre) Luhrmann; mother, a dress shop owner and ballroom dance teacher; married Catherine Martin (a production designer, costume designer, and producer), January 26, 1997; children: Lillian Amanda, William Alexander. Education: Attended National Institute of Dramatic Arts, Sydney, Australia, 1985.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Reverend Sam Hanes, ⬙Anamnesis,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1998. Dr. Leavitt, ⬙The Pine Bluff Variant,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1998. Judge Hargrove, ⬙Hangman,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime, 1998. Steven Deville, ⬙Lights, Camera, Addams!,⬙ The New Addams Family, Fox Family, 1999. Engineer, ⬙Sacrifice,⬙ Poltergeist: The Legacy, Sci–Fi Channel, 1999. Priest, ⬙Mabus,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 2000. Drunk, ⬙Wicked Wicked West,⬙ The Immortal, syndicated, 2000. Dr. Ernie Haas, ⬙The Long Goodbye,⬙ Beggars and Choosers, Showtime, 2001. Mr. Brand, ⬙Patterns,⬙ Night Visions, Fox, 2002. Ian Northby, ⬙True Believers: Part 1,⬙ Cold Squad, CTV, 2003. Husband, ⬙The Candidate,⬙ The Chris Isaak Show, Showtime, 2004. Nelson, ⬙A Shock to the System,⬙ Saved, TNT, 2006.

Addresses: Office—Bazmark Films, 10201 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035. Agent—Endeavor, 9601 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Director, writer, producer, production designer, and actor. Six Years Old Company (theatre group), founder and artistic director, beginning c. 1985; Bazmark Films, Los Angeles, cofounder and president, 1997—. Director of commercials, including a long ad for Chanel No. 5 perfume featuring Nicole Kidman and Rodrigo Santoro, 2004. Bazmark Music, owner of record label; BazMark.Inq., founder, 1996. Named ambassador of Australian Theatre for Young People, 2005. Former political campaign manager for Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating.

Also appeared as Rich, ⬙The Tux,⬙ The Sausage Factory (also known as MTV’s ⬙Now What?,⬙ Much Ado About Whatever, and Special Ed), MTV.

Awards, Honors: World Youth Theater Festival Awards, best production and best director, 1986, for Strictly Ballroom; Mo Award, operatic performance of the year, 188

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 1990, for La Boheme; Victorian Green Room Award, best director, c. 1990, for Lake Lost; Prix de Jeuness (youth award), Cannes Film Festival, Audience Prize, Sydney Film Festival, Audience Prize, Melbourne Film Festival, Calsberg People’s Choice Award from Toronto International Film Festival, Australian Film Institute Awards, best director and best screenplay (with Craig Pearce), and Vancouver International Film Festival Award, most popular film, all 1992, Robert Festival Award, best foreign film, Film Award nominations, best adapted screenplay (with Craig Pearce) and best film (with Tristram Miall), British Academy of Film and Television Arts, London Critics Circle Film Award, newcomer of the year, and Golden Aphrodite, Love Is Folly International Film Festival of Bulgaria, all 1993, and Golden Precolumbian Circle nomination, best film, Bogota Film Festival, 1994, all for Strictly Ballroom; Critic’s Prize, Edinburgh Festival, 1994, for A Midsummer Night’s Dream; Film Awards, best adapted screenplay (with Pearce) and David Lean Award for Direction, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Alfred Bauer Award and nomination for Golden Berlin Bear, Berlin International Film Festival, Screen International Award nomination from European Film Awards, Australian Film Institute Award nomination (with Gabriella Martinelli), best foreign film, 1997, London Film Critics Circle Award nomination, director of the year, 1998, all for Romeo + Juliet; Byron Kennedy Award, Australian Film Institute, 1999; World Soundtrack Award (with others), most creative use of existing material on a soundtrack, Screen International Award, nomination for Golden Palm, Cannes Film Festival, Australian Film Institute Award nominations, best direction and best film (with others), IF Award nominations, best direction and best feature film (with others), and Hollywood Film Festival Award, Hollywood movie of the year, all 2001, Golden Laurel Award (with others), motion picture producer of the year, Producers Guild of America, Robert Festival Award, best non–American film, Screen Award nomination (with Pearce), best screenplay written directly for the screen, Writers Guild of America, Golden Satellite Award, best director, International Press Academy, and Golden Satellite Award nomination (with Pearce), best original screenplay, Film Critics Circle of Australia Award, best director, Film Critics of Australia Award nomination (with Pearce), best original screenplay, Empire Award, best director, Critics Choice Award, best director, Broadcast Film Critics Association, Academy Award nomination (with others), best picture, David Lean Award for Direction nomination, and Film Award nominations, best film (with others) and best original screenplay (with Pearce), British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Golden Globe Award nomination, best director of a motion picture, Directors Guild of America Award nomination, outstanding directorial achievement in a motion picture, Cesar Award nomination, best foreign film, Academie des Arts et Techniques du Cinema, Chicago Film Critics Association Award nomination, Phoenix Film Critics Society Award nomination, Vancouver Film Critics Circle Award, and Online Film Critics Society Award

LUHRMANN nomination, all best director, Bodil Award nomination, best non–American film, Film Award nomination (with others), American Film Institute, nomination for Silver Ribbon, best director of a foreign film, Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists, 2002, all for Moulin Rouge!; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, 2001, for La Boheme; Auteur Award, Golden Satellite Awards, and Golden Satellite Award nomination, best original screenplay (with others), 2008, for Australia; Golden Satellite Award nomination, best original song (with others), 2008, for ⬙By the Boab Tree,⬙ Australia. CREDITS Film Director: Strictly Ballroom (short film), 1986. Strictly Ballroom (feature film), Miramax, 1992. (And producer) Romeo + Juliet (also known as Romeo and Juliet and William Shakespeare’s ⬙Romeo + Juliet⬙), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. (And film producer and song producer) Moulin Rouge!, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. (And producer) Australia, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2008. Film Appearances: Pete, Winter of Our Dreams, Enterprises/Satori, 1981. First student, The Dark Room, 1982. Able Seaman A. W. Huston, The Highest Honor—A True Story (also known as Minami Jujisei and Southern Cross), Nelson Entertainment, 1982. William Shakespeare (documentary), Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 2000. Himself, Oh My God (documentary), Rodger Pictures, 2008. Television Appearances; Specials: 20th Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years, AMC, 2000. The Night Club of Your Dreams: The Making of ⬙Moulin Rouge,⬙ HBO, 2001. Baz Luhrmann: The Show Must Go On, 2001. Spinning Around: The Kylie Minogue Story, Channel 5, 2002. Bollywood for Beginners, 2002. Nicole Kidman: An American Cinematheque Tribute (also known as The 18th Annual American Cinematheque Award), AMC, 2003. The 100 Greatest Musicals, Channel 4, 2003. AFI’s 100 Years ѧ 100 Songs, CBS, 2004. My Shakespeare, 2004. ⬙The World of Nat King Cole,⬙ American Masters, PBS, 2006. (In archive footage) Boffo! Tinseltown’s Bombs and Blockbusters, HBO, 2006. Nicole Kidman: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2007. Television Appearances; Episodic: Jerry Percival, ⬙The Itinerants: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ A Country Practice, Seven Network, 1981.



Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

Jerry Percival, ⬙Pig in a Poke: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ A Country Practice, Seven Network, 1982. Jerry Percival, ⬙Come Blow Your Horn: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ A Country Practice, Seven Network, 1982. ⬙The Night Club of Your Dreams: The Making of ⬘Moulin Rouge!’,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2001. Pop–komissio, 2001. Havoc’s Luxury Suites and Conference Facility, 2001. Rove Live, Ten Network, 2001. Tinseltown TV, International Channel, 2003. ⬙Michael Powell,⬙ Artworks Scotland, 2005. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2008. Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, multiple appearances, 2008. Le grand journal de Canal+, 2008. Dias de cine, 2008. ⬙Baz Luhrmann Special,⬙ The Culture Show, BBC, 2008. Cinema tres (also known as Informatiu cinema), 2008. Cartelera, 2008.

RECORDINGS Album Producer: Baz Luhrmann Presents ѧ Something for Everybody, EMD/Capitol, c. 1999. Also producer of the single, ⬙Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen,⬙ 1999. Videos: Leonardo DiCaprio: A Life in Progress, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. Director of music videos, including ⬙Beat Me Daddy⬙ by Ignatius Jones, ⬙Come What May⬙ by Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman, and ⬙Love in the Air⬙ by John Paul Young. WRITINGS Screenplays: Strictly Ballroom (short film; based on previous stage play), 1986. (With Craig Pearce; and lyricist, ⬙Rumba de Burros⬙) Strictly Ballroom (feature film; based on short film), Miramax, 1992. (With Pearce) Romeo + Juliet (also known as Romeo and Juliet and William Shakespeare’s ⬙Romeo + Juliet⬙), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. (With Pearce; and songwriter) Moulin Rouge!, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. (And songwriter) Australia (also based on story by Luhrmann), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2008.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: AFI Awards 2001, CBS, 2002. The 74th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2002. The 57th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 2003. Television Appearances; Other: Kids of the Cross (movie), 1983. (In archive footage) Long Way Round (miniseries), Sky, 2004. Television Director: Kids of the Cross (movie), 1983. ⬙La Boheme⬙ (special; broadcast of 1993 stage production), Great Performances, PBS, 1994.

Songs have also been featured in other films. Stage Plays: (With Craig Pearce and Andrew Bovell) Strictly Ballroom, produced at National Institute of Dramatic Arts, Sydney, Australia, then World Youth Theatre Festival, Czechoslovakia, c. 1986, later Wharf Theatre, Sydney, and World Expo, Brisbane, Australia.

Stage Director: Crocodile Creek, New Moon Theatre Company, Australia, 1987. Dance Hall, Sydney Festival, Sydney, 1989. (And production designer) La Boheme, Australian Opera, Melbourne, Australia, 1990, revived, 1993. Lake Lost (opera), Australian production, 1990. A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Australian Opera, then Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1994. La Boheme, Broadway Theatre, New York City, 2001.

Also cocreator of the opera The Pure Merino Fandango. Other: (With Miro Bilbrough and Sue Adler) Moulin Rouge: The Splendid Illustrated Book that Charts the Journey of Baz Luhrmann’s Motion Picture, Newmarket Press, 2001.

Major Tours: Director, Strictly Ballroom, National Institute of Dramatic Arts, Sydney, Australia, then World Youth Theatre Festival, Czechoslovakia, c. 1986, later Wharf Theatre, Sydney, and World Expo, Brisbane, Australia.

Guest editor of the first issue of the periodical Australian Vogue. 190

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LUX loween: Evil Never Dies, Halloween: Homecoming, Halloween: The Homecoming, Halloween H2K, Halloween H2K: Evil Never Dies, and Halloween:, Miramax/Dimension Films, 2002. Performer and producer of song ⬙If We Build It,⬙ The Benchwarmers, Columbia, 2006.

OTHER SOURCES Books: Authors and Artists for Young Adults, Volume 74, Gale, 2007. Cook, Pam, Baz Luhrmann, BFI Publishing, 2006. Luhrmann, Baz, Miro Bilbrough, and Sue Adler, Moulin Rouge: The Splendid Illustrated Book that Charts the Journey of Baz Luhrmann’s Motion Picture, Newmarket Press, 2001. Newsmakers, Issue 3, Gale, 2002.

WRITINGS Television Music; Series: Silk Stalkings, CBS and USA Network, 1992–93. L.A. Law, NBC, 1993–94. NYPD Blue, ABC, 1994–96. The Jeff Foxworthy Show (also known as Somewhere in America), ABC, 1995–96, NBC, 1996–97. NewsRadio (also known as News Radio, The Station, Dias de radio, and Dies de radio), NBC, 1995–97. Party of Five, Fox, 1996–97. Sliders, Fox, 1996–97, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998–2000. Profiler, NBC, 1996–2001. Crisis Center (also known as The Center), NBC, 1997. Ally McBeal, Fox, 1997–2002. Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (also known as Sabrina and Sabrina Goes to College), ABC, 1997–2000, The WB, 2000–2003. Significant Others, Fox, 1998. Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1998–99. Profiler, NBC, 1998–2000. Ally (edited from the series Ally McBeal), Fox, 1999. Young Americans (also known as Monkey Writer from Goonies), The WB, 2000. Million Dollar Mysteries, Fox, 2000–2001. Boston Public, Fox, 2000–2004. Robotica, The Learning Channel, 2001–2002. State of Grace, ABC Family Channel, 2001–2002. The American Embassy (also known as Emma Brody), Fox, 2002. John Doe (also known as Der Fall John Doe! and Mies vailla nimeae), Fox, 2002–2003. The Bachelor (later season known as The Bachelor: London Calling), ABC, 2002—. Strong Medicine, Lifetime, 2003. Karen Sisco (also known as Ofiter Karen), ABC, 2003, USA Network, 2004. Century City, CBS, 2003–2004. The Bachelorette, ABC, 2003—. Medical Investigation (also known as The Cure), NBC, 2004–2005. Boston Legal (also known as Fleet Street, The Practice: Fleet Street, and The Untitled Practice), ABC, 2004–2008. The Law Firm, NBC and Bravo, 2005. Grey’s Anatomy (also known as Complications, Procedure, Surgeons, Under the Knife, and Grey’s Anatomy—Die jungen Aerzte), ABC, 2005—.

Periodicals: Billboard, April 10, 1999, p. 11. Newsweek, May 28, 2001, p. 58. Variety, April 2, 2001, p. 35; April 16, 2001, p. 7.

LUX, Danny (Danny Scott Lux) PERSONAL Raised in CA. Education: Graduated from Granada Hills High School. Addresses: Manager—International Creative Management, 10250 Constellation Way, Ninth Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Composer and musician. Worked for the composer Mike Post. Awards, Honors: Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) awards (with Mike Post), 1995 and 1996, both for NYPD Blue; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding main title theme music, 1997, for the pilot of Crisis Center; BMI TV Award, 1999, for Ally McBeal; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding main title theme music, 1999, for Profiler. CREDITS Television Work; Series: Song engineer, Cop Rock (musical), ABC, 1990. Music editor, Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (also known as Sabrina and Sabrina Goes to College), ABC, 1997–98. Film Work: Score mixer and score producer, Halloween: Resurrection (also known as Hall8ween, Halloween 8, Hal191


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My Name Is Earl (also known as Earl), NBC, 2005—. Pepper Dennis, The WB, 2006. The Wedding Bells (also known as The Wedding Planners and The Wedding Store), Fox, 2007. Canterbury’s Law, Fox, 2008.

Breaking the Magician’s Code 2: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed, Fox, 1998. Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 3 (also known as Breaking the Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 3), Fox, 1998. Breaking the Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 4—Unmasking the Magician: The Final Reveal), Fox, 1998. World’s Worst Drivers Caught on Tape (also known as World’s Worst Drivers), Fox, 1998. World’s Worst Drivers Caught on Tape 2 (also known as World’s Worst Drivers), Fox, 1998. Exposed! Pro Wrestling’s Greatest Secrets, NBC, 1999. Cheating Spouses: Caught on Tape, 2000. Sexiest Bachelor in America Pageant (also known as The Sexiest Bachelor in America), Fox, 2000. Surprise Wedding, Fox, 2000. Unauthorized Brady Bunch: The Final Days (also known as Unauthorized: Brady Bunch—The Final Days), Fox, 2000. Who Wants to Marry a Multi–Millionaire?, Fox, 2000. Cheating Spouses: Caught on Tape 2, 2001. Surprise Wedding II, Fox, 2001. Who Wants to Be a Princess?, Fox, 2001. World’s Worst Drivers Caught on Tape 3 (also known as World’s Worst Drivers), Fox, 2001. The Bachelor: The Women Tell All, ABC, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007. The Bachelor: Aaron and Helene Tell All, ABC, 2003. The Bachelor: After the Rose, ABC, 2003. Psychic Secrets Revealed, NBC, 2003. The Bachelorette: The Men Tell All, ABC, 2003, 2005. The Bachelor: Where Are They Now?, ABC, 2003, 2008. The Bachelorette: After the Final Rose, ABC, 2004. Countdown to the Emmys, ABC, 2004. The Bachelor: After the Final Rose, ABC, 2004, 2007. The Bachelor: The Final Rose Live, ABC, 2005. The Bachelor: Paris The Women Tell All, ABC, 2006. Getting into Grey’s Anatomy, ABC, 2006. (As Danny Scott Lux) Grey’s Anatomy: Complications of the Heart, ABC, 2006. (As Danny Scott Lux) Grey’s Anatomy: Every Moment Counts, ABC, 2006. (As Danny Scott Lux) Grey’s Anatomy: Straight to the Heart, ABC, 2006. (As Danny Scott Lux) Grey’s Anatomy: Under Pressure, ABC, 2006. (As Danny Scott Lux) Come Rain or Come Shine: From Grey’s Anatomy to Private Practice, ABC, 2007. Magic’s Biggest Secrets Revealed, MyNetworkTV, 2008.

Television Themes; Series: Spellbinder, Nine Network (Australia), 1995, Disney Channel, beginning 1996. Sliders, Fox, 1996–97, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998–2000. Profiler, NBC, 1996–2001. Crisis Center (also known as The Center), NBC, 1997. Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (also known as Sabrina and Sabrina Goes to College), The WB, 2000–2003. Strong Medicine, Lifetime, 2002–2006. Medical Investigation (also known as The Cure), NBC, 2004–2005. Boston Legal (also known as Fleet Street, The Practice: Fleet Street, and The Untitled Practice), ABC, 2005–2006. Television Main Title Music; Series: Million Dollar Mysteries, Fox, 2000–2001. Television Additional Music; Series: Pointman, syndicated, 1995. Television Music; Miniseries: Trista & Ryan’s Wedding, ABC, 2003. Television Music; Movies: Sabrina Goes to Rome, ABC, 1998. Lucky 7 (also known as Lucky Seven), ABC Family Channel, 2003. I Do (but I Don’t), Lifetime, 2004. Infidelity, Lifetime, 2004. Campus Confidential, ABC Family Channel, 2005. Spring Break Shark Attack (also known as Dangerous Waters: Shark Attack), CBS, 2005. Widow on the Hill, Lifetime, 2005. Read It and Weep, Disney Channel, 2006. Relative Chaos, ABC Family Channel, 2006. Holiday in Handcuffs, ABC Family Channel, 2007. The Circuit, ABC Family Channel, 2008. Television Additional Music; Movies: Camp Rock (musical; also known as Rock Camp Rules), Disney Channel, 2008. Television Music; Specials: Cop Files, UPN, 1995, 1996. Breaking the Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed, Fox, 1997.

Television Main Title Music; Specials: The Bachelor: After the Final Rose, ABC, 2004. The Bachelorette: After the Final Rose, ABC, 2005. 192

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Television Music; Episodic: ⬙How Am I Driving?,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1994. ⬙Gun of a Son,⬙ 10–8: Officers on Duty (also known as 10–8 and 10–8: Police Patrol), ABC, 2004.

Film Appearances: (As Tiffany Knight) Mob woman, I, Robot, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2004. (Uncredited) Gloria Guiness, Capote, Sony Pictures Classics, 2005. Miss Mills, Fido, Lionsgate, 2006. Humongous, U.S.A. (short), 2007. Actor number two in play, Elegy, Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2008. Kate, Mothers & Daughters, 2008. (As Tiffany Knight) Darla the teacher, Case 39, Paramount, 2009.

Television Music; Pilots: Sabrina the Teenage Witch (also known as Sabrina and Sabrina Goes to College), Showtime, 1996. Ally McBeal, Fox, 1997. Crisis Center (also known as The Center), NBC, 1997. Hack, CBS, 2002. My Name Is Earl (also known as Earl), NBC, 2005. Canterbury’s Law, Fox, 2008. Film Music: Score with Chicks, 1994. Has–Been, 1998. Halloween: Resurrection (also known as Hall8ween, Halloween 8, Halloween: Evil Never Dies, Halloween: Homecoming, Halloween: The Homecoming, Halloween H2K, Halloween H2K: Evil Never Dies, and Halloween:, Miramax/Dimension Films, 2002. Stolen Summer, Miramax, 2002. Song ⬙If We Build It,⬙ The Benchwarmers, Columbia, 2006. Nine Dead, Hartbreak Films/Louisiana Media Productions, 2008. Verboten (short film), 2008.

Television Appearances; Series: Billie Simms, Da Vinci’s City Hall (also known as Le maire Da Vinci), CBC, 2005–2006. The Hybrid, Battlestar Galactica (also known as BSG), Sci–Fi Channel, 2006–2008. Television Appearances; Movies: (As Tiffany Knight) Sally McDonald, Y2K (also known as Countdown to Chaos and Y2K: The Movie), NBC, 1999. (As Tiffany Knight) Journalist, A Little Thing Called Murder, Lifetime, 2006. Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Tiffany Knight) La Moore, ⬙Touchstone,⬙ Stargate SG–1 (also known as La porte des etoiles), Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. (As Tiffany Knight) Hargo, ⬙Second Chances,⬙ Mercy Point, UPN, 1999. (As Tiffany Knight) Gua technician, ⬙Target 117,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 1999. (As Tiffany Knight) Technician, ⬙Zig Zag,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime, 2000. (As Tiffany Knight) Television commercial lady, ⬙Brainiac,⬙ Dark Angel (also known as James Cameron’s ⬙Dark Angel⬙), Fox, 2002. (As Tiffany Knight) Nurse, ⬙Reaper,⬙ Smallville (also known as Smallville: Superman the Early Years), The WB, 2002. (As Tiffany Knight) Samantha, ⬙Sensuous Cindy,⬙ The Twilight Zone, UPN, 2002. (As Tiffany Knight) Evalla, ⬙Revisions,⬙ Stargate SG–1 (also known as La porte des etoiles), Sci–Fi Channel, 2003. Lucy Sondheim, ⬙Send in the Clown,⬙ Dead Like Me, Showtime, 2004. (As Tiffany Lyndall Knight) Lenore Jarvis, ⬙Day 1,370: Part 2,⬙ The Days, ABC, 2004.

Lux’s songs and music has appeared in various films and television programs.

LYNDALL–KNIGHT, Tiffany (Tiffany Knight, Tiffany Lyndall Knight) PERSONAL Born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada; children: two. Education: Graduated from George Brown Theatre School, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; studied journalism at an Australian university. Career: Actress. Spent a season at Bard on the Beach (a Shakespeare festival), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Awards, Honors: Gemini Award nomination (with others), best performance in a performing arts program or series, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 2003, for Year of the Lion; four Jessie Theater Richard Award nominations. 193


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Legal aid number one, ⬙O Brother, Where Art Thou,⬙ Killer Instinct, Fox, 2005. Sirenelle, ⬙Guardian of the Golden Gate,⬙ Zixx: Level Two, YTV, 2005. Doctor, ⬙Faith,⬙ Supernatural, The WB, 2006. Caroyla, Beautiful People, ABC Family, 2006. Female lab tech, ⬙Descent,⬙ Blade: The Series, Spike TV, 2006. Jessica Ellis, ⬙Angels & Demons,⬙ Blade: The Series, Spike TV, 2006. Verden mother, ⬙Pride,⬙ Flash Gordon, Sci–Fi Channel, 2007.

Stage Appearances: Appeared as Maria, Twelfth Night, Bard on the Beach, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; Regan, King Lear, Bard on the Beach.

WRITINGS Stage Plays: Cowrote Turning the Tempest, Curtain Call Company.


M Film Director: Kung Fu Corleon & the Video Bandits (video), 1999. TV: The Movie (also known as National Lampoon’s ⬙TV: The Movie⬙), Xenon, 2006. The Life of Lucky Cucumber, 2008.

MACCARONE, Sam 1975– PERSONAL Born March 14, 1975, in San Jose, CA.

Film Editor: TV: The Movie (also known as National Lampoon’s ⬙TV: The Movie⬙), Xenon, 2006. Ziggy Marley: Love Is My Religion Live (video), Tuff Gong, 2008. The Life of Lucky Cucumber, 2008.

Addresses: Lawyer—Morris, Yorn, Barnes, and Levine, 2000 Avenue of the Stars, 3rd Floor, N. Tower, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Actor, director, editor, producer, writer.

Television Appearances; Series: Brad T, Saved by the Bell: The New Class, NBC, 1993. Mall Jerk, Hang Time, NBC, 1995. Captain Jackson, Captain Jackson, 1999. Writer, I Really Wanna Direct, E! Entertainment Television, 2007. The Preston Lacy Show, MTV, 2008.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Baggy skater, Clueless, Paramount, 1995. Stu, High School High, TriStar, 1996. Eddie Spender, Kung Fu Corleon & the Video Bandits (video), 1999. Kip, Gung Fu: The New Dragon, 2000. Mr. Freaky, Tales from the Crapper (video), Troma Team Video, 2004. Tucker, Pledge This! (also known as National Lampoon’s ⬙Pledge This!⬙), 2006. TV: The Movie (also known as National Lampoon’s ⬙TV: The Movie⬙), Xenon, 2006. Billy Bob the bartender, Electric Apricot (also known as National Lampoon Presents ⬙Electric Apricot: Quest for Festeroo⬙), National Lampoon, 2006. Scott, Gangsta Rap: The Glockumentary, THINKFilm, 2007. Stevens, Waylaid, Unified, 2007. Phillip Fellini, The Life of Lucky Cucumber, 2008. Tony, Tom Cool, Shoreline, 2009.

Television Appearances; Specials: MC Amish, The Hot Show, 2002. Celebrities Uncensored, E! Entertainment Television, 2003. The Teen Choice Awards 2006, Fox, 2006. Jason Smith in Geiko insurance spoof, The 2006 Billboard Music Awards, Fox, 2006. Customer, Arby’s Action Sports Awards, 2006. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Prey Nightclub,⬙ Home James, VH1, 2005. Reality Mix, 2006. Extra (also known as Extra: The Entertainment Magazine), syndicated, 2006. KTLA Morning News (also known as KTLA Morning Show), KTLA, 2006. ⬙Best of 01/08–01/11, 2007,⬙ Howard Stern on Demand (also known as Howard TV on Demand), 2007.

Film Executive Producer: Kung Fu Corleon & the Video Bandits (video), 1999.



Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 (As James G. MacDonald) Luke, ⬙The Black Cat,⬙ Due occhi diabolici (also known as Two Evil Eyes), Taurus Entertainment Company, 1990. Funeral director, Riff–Raff, Fine Line, 1991. Lieutenant, Malcolm X (also known as X), Warner Bros., 1992. (As James G. MacDonald) Park ranger baker, Broken Arrow, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. (As James G. MacDonald) Sick Sean’s dad, The Fan, TriStar, 1996. First Officer Ted Kary, Turbulence, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1997. (As James G. MacDonald) Terry Jasper, Volcano, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1997. SWAT team leader Francis, Mercury Rising, Universal, 1998. Detective Frehil, Sour Grapes, Sony, 1998. Capcom, Space Cowboys, Warner Bros., 2000. (As James McDonald) Staff Sergeant Thomas, Tigerland, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. Local in Nebraska bar, Joy Ride (also known as Road Kill), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Negotiator, Phone Booth, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2002. SWAT team commander, Hostage (short; also known as The Hire: Hostage), BMW Films, 2002. Danny Broome, Hollywood Homicide, Sony, 2003. Ray, Home of the Brave, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2006. Paul Grunning, Fissure, 2008. Henrick, Montana Amazon, 2009.

⬙Steve–O,⬙ Howard Stern on Demand (also known as Howard TV on Demand), 2007. Television Producer; Series: Captain Jackson, 1999. Television Producer; Specials: Disco Masters, MTV, 1999. Television Director; Series: Captain Jackson, 1999. The Preston Lacy Show, MTV, 2008. Television Director; Specials: Disco Masters, MTV, 1999. Television Editor; Series: Captain Jackson, 1999. WRITINGS Screenplays: TV: The Movie (also known as National Lampoon’s TV: The Movie), Xenon, 2006. The Life of Lucky Cucumber, 2008. Television Series: Captain Jackson, 1999. The Preston Lacy Show, MTV, 2008.

Television Appearances; Movies: N.Y.P.D. Mounted (also known as N.Y. Mounted), CBS, 1991. Class of ’61, ABC, 1993. Charles Stanton, One More Mountain, ABC, 1994. (As James G. MacDonald) Area 51 officer, Roswell (also known as Incident at Roswell and Roswell: The U.F.O. Cover–Up), Showtime, 1994. Gerry, Eclectic cafe, Eye of the Stalker (also known as Moment of Truth: Eye of the Stalker), NBC, 1995. The businessman, The Ultimate Lie, NBC, 1996. Mechanic, Blackout, HBO, 1996. (As James G. MacDonald) Vanishing Point, Fox, 1997. Charlie Orr, Rose Hill, CBS, 1997. Detective Mark Beckner, Perfect Murder, Perfect Town: JonBenet and the City of Boulder, CBS, 2000.

Television Specials: Disco Masters, MTV, 1999. The 2006 Billboard Music Awards, Fox, 2006. Arby’s Action Sports Awards, 2006. Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards ⬘08, Nickelodeon, 2008.

MacDONALD, James (James G. MacDonald, James G. Macdonald, James McDonald) PERSONAL Born in Oconomowoc, WI.

Television Appearances; Specials: Vince Tabor, ⬙Soldier Boys,⬙ CBS Schoolbreak Special, CBS, 1987. Earl, Seed: A Love Story, Lifetime, 1998.

Career: Actor. Appeared as Agent C, Gemini Division (an internet series), CREDITS

Television Appearances; Pilots: Jim Patterson, ⬙B Men,⬙ CBS Summer Playhouse, CBS, 1989. Detective Joe Franklin, Justice, Fox, 2006.

Film Appearances: (As James G. Macdonald) Hardy’s friend, Some Kind of Wonderful, Paramount, 1987. 196

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MACHT Richard, ⬙Wishing,⬙ Cold Case, CBS, 2005. FBI Incident Commander Hall, ⬙Delta Does Detroit,⬙ E–Ring, NBC, 2005. Kevin, ⬙Odds or Evens,⬙ Without a Trace (also known as W.A.T.), CBS, 2006. (As James MacDonald) Willis Meeks, ⬙Morale, Welfare, and Recreation,⬙ The Unit, CBS, 2006. Agent Bennett, ⬙The Elephant in the Room,⬙ Commander in Chief, ABC, 2006. Man chasing Sara, ⬙The Velocity of Sara,⬙ Vanished, Fox, 2006. Man chasing Sara, ⬙Warm Springs,⬙ Vanished, Fox, 2006. Detective Dennison, ⬙Profiler, Profiled,⬙ Criminal Minds, CBS, 2006. (As James MacDonald) Gunnery Sergeant Hill, ⬙Semper Fidelis,⬙ Jericho, CBS, 2007. Lionel Struthers, ⬙No Strings,⬙ Standoff, Fox, 2007. Second cop, ⬙Go,⬙ Weeds, Showtime, 2007. Peter O’Dell, ⬙Don of the Dead,⬙ In Plain Sight, USA Network, 2008. Dan Becks, ⬙Cheating Death,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2008.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Vance, Sweet Justice, NBC, 1994. (As James G. MacDonald) Gerald O’Brien, ⬙Order on the Court,⬙ Courthouse, CBS, 1995. (As James G. MacDonald) Wainwright, ⬙Little Green Men,⬙ Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (also known as DS9, Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: DS9), syndicated, 1995. Officer Pratt, Moloney, CBS, 1996. (As James G. MacDonald) Detective Stein, ⬙Ted,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as BtVS, Buffy, and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: The Series), The WB, 1997. Walt Rockwell, ⬙Against All Enemies,⬙ JAG (also known as JAG: Judge Advocate General), CBS, 1997. (As James G. MacDonald) Detective Stein, ⬙Becoming: Part 2,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as BtVS, Buffy, and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: The Series), The WB, 1998. ⬙Fools Russian,⬙ Brooklyn South, CBS, 1998. Rex Raskin, ⬙Superfriends,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1998. Eitner, ⬙Heat in the Hole,⬙ Pacific Blue, USA Network, 1998. (As James G. MacDonald) Detective Stein, ⬙Consequences,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as BtVS, Buffy, and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: The Series), The WB, 1999. (As James G. MacDonald) Will Richmond, ⬙Wagon Train: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Magnificent Seven, CBS, 1999. Garth, ⬙Escape from New York,⬙ Sex and the City, HBO, 2000. Lenny, Nash Bridges, CBS, 2000. Bartender, ⬙The Dry Spell,⬙ Three Sisters, NBC, 2001. Gary McGregor, ⬙The Birthday Present,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 2001. Officer number one, ⬙3:00 a.m.–4 a.m.,⬙ 24, Fox, 2001. Mike Bigelow, ⬙Baby Love,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2001. Staff Sergeant Wakefield, ⬙Guilt,⬙ JAG (also known as JAG: Judge Advocate General), CBS, 2001. Caleb Pierce, Family Law, CBS, 2001. John Ruark, ⬙Blood Lust,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les Experts), CBS, 2002. Bob Jenkins, ⬙Cold Comfort,⬙ The Division (also known as Heart of the City), Lifetime, 2003. Caleb McGinty, ⬙29 Seconds,⬙ Peacemakers, USA Network, 2003. ⬙Street Boss,⬙ The Handler, CBS, 2003. Captain Faul, ⬙Hung Out to Dry,⬙ Navy NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (also known as NCIS and NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service), CBS, 2003. Detective Leclaire, ⬙Grief,⬙ Touching Evil, USA Network, 2004. Staff Sergeant Timothy Mallory, ⬙This Just In from Baghdad,⬙ JAG (also known as JAG: Judge Advocate General), CBS, 2004. Officer Gary McWayne, ⬙Shot in the Dark,⬙ ER, NBC, 2004.

Stage Appearances: Chris Boxer, Mark, Ray, Television attendant, and waiter, The Heidi Chronicles, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, c. 1989–90. Skyler, ⬙A Man At His Best,⬙ Young Playwrights Festival (1991), Playwrights Horizons Theatre, New York City, 1991. Stage Director: A Number, New York Theatre Workshop, New York City, 2004.

MACHT, Gabriel 1972– (Gabriel Swann) PERSONAL Full name, Gabriel S. Macht; born January 22, 1972, in the Bronx, New York, NY; son of Stephen (an actor, director, and instructor) and Suzanne Victoria Pulier (an archivist and museum curator) Macht; married Jacinda Barrett (an actress), December 29, 2004; children: Satine Anais Geraldine. Education: Carnegie Mellon University, B.F.A., drama. Avocational Interests: Watching films, spending time with family members, billiards, whitewater rafting, snowboarding, traveling, rooting for the New York Yankees. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 10250 Constellation Way, Ninth Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067 and 825 Eighth Ave., New York, NY 10019; 197


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United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Fifth Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Management 360, 9111 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90210; 3 Arts Entertainment, 9460 Wilshire Blvd., Seventh Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Publicist—PMK/HBH Public Relations, 700 San Vicente Blvd., Suite G910, West Hollywood, CA 90069 (some sources cite 8500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 700, Beverly Hills, CA 90211).

Television Appearances; Movies: Spooky Hallstead, Guilty until Proven Innocent, NBC, 1991. Johnny Draper, Follow the River, ABC, 1995. William Holden, The Audrey Hepburn Story (also known as Audrey Hepburn and Untitled Audrey Hepburn Bio), ABC, 2000. R. J. O’Brian, Archangel, BBC, 2005.

Career: Actor. Mad Dog Theatre Company, New York City, member. Appeared at conventions.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Tal Weaver, ⬙Leading from the Heart,⬙ Beverly Hills 90210, Fox, 1991. Naked man, ⬙Snowbound,⬙ Spin City (also known as Spin), ABC, 1997. Barkley, ⬙Models and Mortals,⬙ Sex and the City (also known as Sex & the City, Sex and the Big City, O sexo e a cidade, Seks i grad, Sex og singelliv, Sexo en la ciudad, Sexo en Nueva York, Sinkkuelaemaeae, and Szex es New York), HBO, 1998. Luke, ⬙Best Laid Plans,⬙ Wasteland (also known as wasteLAnd), ABC, 1999. Himself, eTalk Daily (also known as eTalk and e–Talk Daily), CTV (Canada), 2007. Himself, Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2008. Himself, Jimmy Kimmel Live! (also known as The Jimmy Kimmel Project), ABC, 2008.

Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination, best young motion picture actor, Young Artist Foundation, 1982, for Why Would I Lie? CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Gabriel Swann) Jorge, Why Would I Lie?, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1980. Steve Castillo, The Object of My Affection, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. Troy, The Adventures of Sebastian Cole, Paramount Classics, 1998. Charlie, Simply Irresistible (also known as The Magic Hour, Vanilla Fog, and Einfach unwiderstehlich), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1999. Mickey, The Bookie’s Lament (also known as Not for Nothin’), 1999. Dirk, 101 Ways (The Things a Girl Will Do to Keep Her Volvo), The Asylum, 2000. Frank James, American Outlaws, Warner Bros., 2001. Stackhouse, Behind Enemy Lines, Twentieth Century– Fox, 2001. Officer Seale, Bad Company (also known as Black Sheep, Czech Mate, The Double, and 9 Days), Buena Vista, 2002. Gram Parsons, Grand Theft Parsons, Swipe Films, 2003. Zack, The Recruit, Buena Vista, 2003. Lawson Pines, A Love Song for Bobby Long, Lionsgate, 2004. John Russell, Jr., The Good Shepherd, Universal, 2006. Johnny, Because I Said So, Universal, 2007. The Spirit/Denny Colt (title role), The Spirit (also known as Will Eisner’s ⬙The Spirit⬙), Lionsgate, 2008. Bo Durant, One Way to Valhalla, 2009. Buck Dolby, Middle Men, 2009. United Nations operative, Whiteout, Warner Bros., 2009.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Dr. Mark Gabriel, The Others, NBC, 2000. Appeared as Don Emrick in the unaired pilot for Numb3rs (also known as Numbers and Num3ers), CBS. Stage Appearances: What the Butler Saw, Arena Stage, Kreeger Theater, Washington, DC, 1994–95. The visitor (Elvis), Picasso at the Lapin Agile, Promenade Theatre, New York City, 1995–96, and Theatre in the Square, San Francisco, CA, 1996. to whom it may concern, Mad Dog Theatre Company, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Williamstown, MA, 1996, produced in an office building in Manhattan, New York City, beginning 1996, and at the BITEF (Belgrade International Theatre Festival), Belgrade, Serbia, 1997. The soldier, La Ronde, Williamstown Theatre Festival, The Other Stage, Williamstown, MA, 1997. Christian, Cyrano de Bergerac, Roundabout Theatre Company, Laura Pels Theatre, New York City, 1997–98.

Film Producer: The Bookie’s Lament (also known as Not for Nothin’), 1999.

Appeared in other productions, including Molly’s Dream and Twelfth Night (also known as Twelfth Night, or What You Will), some sources state that both were produced at the Williamstown Theatre Festival.

Television Appearances; Series: Dr. Mark Gabriel, The Others, NBC, 2000. 198

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McCULLOUCH Phineas, Phineas & Ferb, The Disney Channel, 2007–2008.


Television Appearances; Episodic: Scoop, ⬙Sick Days & Spelling Bee,⬙ Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide (also known as Neds ultimativer schulwahnsinn), 2004. Scoop, ⬙Rumors & Photo Day,⬙ Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide (also known as Neds ultimativer Schulwahnsinn), 2004. Scoop, ⬙School Websites and Valentine’s Day,⬙ Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide (also known as Neds ultimativer Schulwahnsinn), 2006.

Son of Frank Mankiewicz (a politician). Career: Correspondent. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Correspondent, Front Page, Fox, 1993. Correspondent, Dateline NBC, NBC, 2004–2008.

Also appeared as Robin Reveta, ⬙The Bully,⬙ Cracking Up, Fox.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Correspondent, ⬙Cold Water Survivors,⬙ Living Dangerously, 2003.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Stacked, Fox, 2005. Television Appearances; Movies: Scott, Bait Shop, USA Network, 2008.

Television Appearances; Specials: Anchor, Values and America: An MSNBC Town Hall Meeting, MSNBC, 1998. Correspondent, Michael Jackson Unmasked, NBC, 2003. Correspondent, Katrina’s Fury: A Dateline Special, NBC, 2005. Correspondent, Dateline NBC: Going for Gold, NBC, 2007.

Born October 15, 1992, in Rochester, NY.

Television Appearances; Specials: The 31st Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 2005. 36th NAACP Image Awards, Fox, 2005. 2005 BET Comedy Awards, Black Entertainment Television, 2005. The 7th Annual Family Television Awards, The WB, 2005. The 32nd Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 2006. The 37th NAACP Image Awards, Fox, 2006. The Teen Choice Awards 2006, Fox, 2006. 8th Annual Family Friendly Awards, CW 2006. 38th NAACP Image Awards, Fox, 2007. The 59th Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 2007. 39th NAACP Image Awards, Fox, 2008. The 60th Primetime Emmy Awards, ABC, 2008.

Addresses: Agent—UTA, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—A Management, 500 S. Buena Vista St., Production Bldg., Suite 357, Burbank, CA 91521.

Film Appearances: Billy, Duece Bigalow: European Gigolo, Sony, 2005. Scott, Bait Shop, Lionsgate, 2008. Artonius, Role Models, Universal, 2008.


Career: Actor. Appeared in many television commercials.

MASON, Sarah See WRIGHT, Sarah

Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination, best performance in a television series, 2006, 2008, Teen Choice Award nomination, choice sidekick, 2006, for Everybody Hates Chris.

McCULLOUCH, Gerald 1967– (Gerald McCullough) PERSONAL


Born March 30, 1967, in Los Angeles, CA. Education: Studied musical theatre at Florida State University.

Television Appearances; Series: Greg, Everybody Hates Chris, 2005—. 199


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 FBI agent, ⬙Yankee White,⬙ Navy NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (also known as NCIS and NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service), CBS, 2003. Kevin Quinn, ⬙Amends,⬙ Law & Order: Criminal Intent (also known as Law & Order: CI), NBC, 2007.

Addresses: Agent—Stone Manners Talent and Literary, 6500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 550, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Career: Actor. Sang in the country western revue at Six Flags Over Georgia amusement park; appeared in television commercials, including UPS delivery service, Tylenol pain reliever, Payless Shoes stores, Dunkin’ Donuts, AOL internet service provider, and Saab autos; appeared in numerous print ad campaigns.

Also appeared as contestant, The Price Is Right. Stage Appearances: Jesus, Jesus Christ Superstar, European cities.

Awards, Honors: Special Interest Programming Award, best short film, Rhode Island International Film Festival, 2002, for The Moment After.



Screenplays: The Moment After (short), 2002.

Film Appearances: Reporter, Smut, 1999. Medium cop, Home the Horror Story, 2000. Mr. Lark, Auggie Rose (also known as Beyond Suspicion), 2000. Tracey, The Moment After (short), 2002. Rhys O’Connor, Locked, 2006. Himself, The Making of Michael Lucas’ ⬙Dangerous Liaisons,⬙ 2006.

MENDOZA, Natalie 1978– (Natalie Jackson Mendoza) PERSONAL Born August 12, 1978, in Hong Kong; sister of Rebecca Jackson Mendoza (an actress and singer); married Eliot Kennedy, April, 2006. Education: Studied acting at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre, 2003.

Film Work: Director, The Moment After (short), 2002. Television Appearances; Series: Dan McGrath, Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1995. Bobby Dawson, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as CSI: Las Vegas, C.S.I., and Les Experts), CBS, 2000—.

Addresses: Agent—RGM Associates, 64–76 Kippax St., Level 2, Surrey Hills, New South Wales 2010 Australia. Career: Actress. Jackson Mendoza (a pop group), former member; sang with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. Appeared as the face of Voodoo Dolls surf/ ski apparel clothing line.

Also appeared as guest host, FYE!, E! Entertainment Television.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Movies: Rod Brock, Pirates of Silicon Valley, TNT, 1999.

Film Appearances: Tran, Muggers, REP Distribution, 2000. (As Natalie Mendoza) China Doll, Moulin Rouge, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. (As Natalie Mendoza) Jade, Horseplay, 2003. (As Natalie Mendoza) Sphinx receptionist, Code 46, United Artists, 2003. (As Natalie Mendoza) Juno, The Descent, Lionsgate, 2005. (As Natalie Mendoza) Mina, The Great Raid, Miramax, 2005. Cecilia ⬙Chill⬙ Reyes, Surviving Evil, Fries Film Group, 2008. Juno, The Descent: Part 2, 2009.

Television Appearances; Pilots: (As Gerald McCullough) Technician number two, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1994. Television Appearances; Episodic: Tom, ⬙Home Is Where the Heart Is,⬙ In the Heat of the Night, NBC, 1990. John Gorman, ⬙ ѧ And a Nice Chianti,⬙ 7th Heaven (also known as Seventh Heaven), The WB, 1998. Frank, ⬙Suddenly Sperm,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1998. Frank, ⬙Unpleasantville,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1999. 200

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MENOUNOS Awards, Honors: Teen Choice Awards nomination, choice personality, 2006, for Access Hollywood.

Television Appearances; Series: Kyra, BeastMaster, 1999–2000. Jackie Clunes, Hotel Babylon, BBC American and BBC1, 2006–2008.


Television Appearances; Miniseries: Appeared in Dancin’ Daze, ABC [Australia].

Television Appearances; Series: Host, Channel One News, 1990. Correspondent, Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 2005—. Access Hollywood, syndicated, 2005—. Host, Clash of the Choirs, NBC, 2007. Host, Hollywood Green with Maria Menounos, NBC, 2008.

Television Appearances; Movies: Jade, Fearlesss, syndicated and pay per view, 1999. (As Natalie Mendoza) Liat, South Pacific (also known as Rodgers & Hammerstein’s ⬙South Pacific⬙), ABC, 2001.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Reporter, ⬙Free Sabrina,⬙ Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (also known as Sabrina and Sabrina Goes to College), The WB, 2002. Correspondent, Entertainment Tonight (also known as E.T., ET Weekend, Entertainment This Week and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2002–2005. The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn (also known as The Late Late Show), CBS, 2003. Chris Sanders, ⬙Trip Box,⬙ Without a Trace (also known as W.A.T), CBS, 2003. Judge, Pet Star, Animal Planet, 2003. Punk’d, MTV, 2003. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2003. The View, ABC, 2003. Glinda, ⬙We’ll Take Manhattan,⬙ One on One, UPN, 2004. Jules, a recurring role, One Tree Hill, The WB, 2004–2005. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2004. Howard Stern, E! Entertainment Television, 2004. The Tony Danza Show, syndicated, 2004 and 2005. Last Call with Carson Daly, NBC, 2004. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2005. ⬙Aquamom,⬙ Entourage, 2006. Tamara, ⬙My Extra Mile,⬙ Scrubs, ABC, 2006. ⬙Day 1: Behind the Scenes,⬙ Howard Stern on Demand (also known as Howard TV on Demand), 2006. ⬙Debut Press Conference,⬙ Howard Stern on Demand (also known as Howard TV on Demand), 2006. ⬙Beer League Special,⬙ Howard Stern on Demand (also known as Howard TV on Demand), 2006. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2007. The Morning Show with Mike & Juliet, Fox, 2007. The View, ABC, 2007. Last Call with Carson Daly, NBC, 2007, 2008.

Television Appearances; Specials: The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber (also known as The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber starring Sarah Brightman and Anthony Warlow), 1995. Television Appearances; Pilots: Ellie, Hard Knox, syndicated, 2001. Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Natalie Mendoza) Sim, Wildside, ABC [Australia], 1998. (As Natalie Mendoza) Lishala, ⬙Jeremiah Crichton,⬙ Farscape, Sci–Fi Channel, 1999. Stage Appearances: Cats, Australian production, 1993. Miss Saigon, Sydney, Australia, 1995. Les Miserables, Sydney, Australia, 1998. Also appeared in Sweet Charity, Australian production.

MENOUNOS, Maria 1978– PERSONAL Born June 8, 1978, in Medford, MA. Education: Graduated from Emerson College, Boston. Addresses: Agent—CAA, 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067; Special Artists Agency, 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 470, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Television Appearances; Specials: VH1 Goes Inside the Miss America Pageant, VH1, 2003. John Ritter Remembered, VH1, 2003. Host, Countdown to the Emmys 2003, Fox, 2003.

Career: Correspondent, actress. Miss Massachusetts Teen USA, 1996. Appeared in television commercials for Pantene hair care products. 201


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Music Videos: Appeared in Jessica Simpson’s video ⬙A Public Affair.⬙

Presenter, 17th Annual Soul Train Music Awards, The WB, 2003. Host, Countdown to the Oscars, ABC, 2004. The Teen Choice Awards 2004, Fox, 2004. The 5th Annual Latin Grammy Awards, CBS, 2004. The 76th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2004. Maxim Hot 100, VH1, 2004. Host, Countdown to the Emmys, ABC, 2004. Video Game Awards 2005, Spike TV, 2005. Presenter, VH1 Big in ⬘05 Awards, VH1, 2005. Host, The Eurovision Song Contest Semi Final, 2006. Host, The Eurovision Song Contest, 2006. AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Sean Connery, 2006. Correspondent, The 2006 Emmy Red Carpet Special, NBC, 2006. Spike TV’s Video Game Awards 2006, Spike TV, 2006. Lucky Shops, CBS, 2007. Presenter, The 34th Annual People’s Choice Awards, 2008. Starz Inside: Fashion in Film, Starz, 2008. Host, New Kids on the Block Live from Boston, VH1, 2008.

OTHER SOURCES Publications: Fitness, October, 2008, pp. 54–58.

MIKLASWESKI, Jim 1949– PERSONAL Born in 1949. Career: Correspondent. CREDITS

Film Appearances: Sexy nurse, Fantastic Four, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2005. Gladys,, 2006. Jennifer, Kickin It Old Skool, Yari, 2007. Voice of Risandra, In the Land of Merry Misfits, 2007. Tropic Thunder, Paramount, 2008.

Television Appearances; Series: Correspondent, NBC Nightly News, NBC, 1998–2006. Hardball with Chris Matthews, CNBC, 2006–2007. Chief Pentagon correspondent, Today, NBC, 2008. Television Appearances; Episodic: Countdown w/ Keith Olbermann, MSNBC, 2006. MSNBC Live (also known as MSNBC Dayside and MSNBC Right Now), MSNBC, 2006.

Film Executive Producer: Longtime Listener, 2006., 2006. In the Land of Merry Misfits, 2007. Operation Shock and Awe ѧ some, 2008.

Television Appearances; Specials: Inside Television, PBS, 1988. Reporter, Presidential Inauguration, NBC, 1989. Correspondent, Decision ⬘96: The Democratic National Convention, PBS, 1996. Correspondent, Waging War, MSNBC, 2001.

Film Producer: Longtime Listener, 2006., 2006. In the Land of Merry Misfits, 2007. Operation Shock and Awe ѧ some, 2008.

MIROJNICK, Ellen 1949– Film Director: Longtime Listener, 2006.



Born July 7, 1949, in New York, NY; daughter of Abe (a garment industry executive) and Sunny (maiden name, Schneider); married Barry (marriage ended, c. 1987); children: Lili. Education: Attended the Manhattan High School of Music and Art; attended the School of Visual Arts, New York City, 1967–68; studied fashion design at the Parsons School of Design, 1968–70. Avocational Interests: Painting.

Video Games: Voice of Eva Adara, James Bond 007: From Russia with Love (also known as From Russia with Love, From Russia with Love 007, From Russia with Love: The Video Game and From Russia with Love: The Game), 2005. 202

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

MIROJNICK Starship Troopers, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Face/Off (also known as Face Off), Paramount, 1997. A Perfect Murder (also known as Dial M for Murder), Warner Bros., 1998. Mickey Blue Eyes, Warner Bros., 1998. The Haunting (also known as La maldicion), DreamWorks Distribution LLC, 1999. Hollow Man (also known as Hollow Man—Unsichtbare Gefahr), Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2000. What Women Want, Paramount, 2000. One Night at McCool, USA Films, 2001. America’s Sweethearts, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2001. Rat Race (also known as Course folle), Paramount, 2001. Don’t Say a Word, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Unfaithful (also known as Infidele and Untreu), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2002. It Runs in the Family (also known as Family Business), 2003. Twisted (also known as Twisted—Der erste verdacht), Paramount, 2004. The Chronicle of Riddick (also known as The Chronicles of Riddick: The Director’s Cut), Universal, 2004. Failure to Launch, Paramount, 2006. The Sentinel, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2006. Deja Vu, Buena Vista, 2006. King of California, First Look Pictures, 2007. Cloverfield (also known as 1–18–08 and Monstrous), Paramount, 2008. Mirrors (also known as Oglinzi malefice), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2008. G–Force, Buena Vista, 2009. G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra, Paramount, 2009.

Career: Costume designer and actress. Happy Legs, Inc., New York City, head designer, 1970–76. Member: International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees, Costume Designers Guild. Awards, Honors: Cutty Sark Men’s Wear Award, 1988; Film Award nomination (with John Mollo), best costume design, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1993, for Chaplin; Saturn Award, best costume design, Academy of Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantasy Films, 1997, for Starship Troopers; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding costume design for a variety or music program, 1997, for Rodgers and Hammerstein’s ⬙Cinderella⬙; Costume Designers Guild Award nomination, excellence in costume design for film—contemporary, 2003, for Unfaithful. CREDITS Film Costume Designer: French Quarter, Crown, 1978. The Flamingo Kid, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1984. Reckless, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1984. Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins (also known as Remo: Unarmed and Dangerous, Remo Williams: The Adventures Begins and Remo: The First Adventure), Orion, 1985. Nobody’s Fool, Island, 1986. Fatal Attraction (also known as Diversion), Paramount, 1987. Wall Street, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1987. Talk Radio, Universal, 1988. Cocktail, Buena Vista, 1988. Always, Universal, 1989. Black Rain, Paramount, 1989. Jacob’s Ladder (also known as Dante’s Inferno), TriStar, 1990. Narrow Margin, TriStar, 1990. Mobsters (also known as The Evil Empire), Universal, 1991. Switch (also known as Blake Edwards’ ⬙Switch⬙), Warner Bros., 1991. Basic Instinct (also known as Ice Cold Desire), TriStar, 1992. (With John Molla) Chaplin (also known as Charlot), TriStar, 1992. Cliffhanger (also known as Cliffhanger–l’ultima sfida and Cliffhanger, traque au sommet), TriStar, 1993. Speed, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1994. Intersection, Paramount, 1994. Exit to Eden, Savoy Pictures, 1994. Strange Days, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1995. Showgirls, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1995. Twister, Warner Bros./Universal, 1996. Mulholland Falls, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1996. The Ghost and the Darkness, Paramount, 1996.

Film Assistant Costume Designer: Fame, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1980. Endless Love, Universal, 1981. Film Costume Consultant: Agent Cody Banks (also known as L’Agent Cody Banks), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2003. Film Appearances: Physics teacher, Reckless, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/ United Artists, 1984. Herself, ⬙Black Rain⬙: The Script, the Cast, 2006. Herself, ⬙Black Rain⬙: Making the Film—Part 1, 2006. Television Work; Movies: Costume designer, Rivkin: Bounty Hunter, CBS, 1981. Wardrobe, Brass, CBS, 1985. Costume designer, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s ⬙Cinderella⬙ (also known as Cinderella), ABC, 1997. Television Costume Designer; Episodic: ⬙Metamorphosis,⬙ Fame, 1982. 203


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 commentary (new for DVD), 2003, all for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; National Board of Review Award (with others), best acting in an ensemble, 2003, Screen Actors Guild Award (with others), outstanding performance by a cast in a motion picture, Phoenix Film Critics Society Award nomination (with others), best acting ensemble, Critics Choice Award (with others), Broadcast Film Critics Association, best acting ensemble, 2004, all for The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Saturn Award nomination, best supporting actor on television, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, Prism Award nomination, performance in a drama series storyline, 2005, Screen Actors Guild Award (with others), outstanding performance by an ensemble in a drama series, 2006, all for Lost.

Television Appearances; Specials: Hollywood Fashion Machine Special: The Costume Designer, 2000. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Costume Design,⬙ The Hollywood Fashion Machine, AMC, 1999. Movies That Shook the World, AMC, 2005. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: American Film, June, 1989, p. 46. Theatre Crafts, January, 1984, p. 57.

CREDITS MONAGHAN, Dominic 1976– Film Appearances: Etienne, Monsignor Renard, 1999. Meriadoc ⬙Merry⬙ Brandybuck, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (also known as The Fellowship of the Ring and The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: The Motion Picture), New Line Cinema, 2001. Meriadoc ⬙Merry⬙ Brandybuck, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (also known as The Two Towers), New Line Cinema, 2002. Himself and Meriadoc ⬙Merry⬙ Brandybuck, The Making of ⬙The Lord of the Rings,⬙ (documentary), 2002. Himself, A Day in the Life of a Hobbit (documentary short), New Line Home Video, 2002. Jack, An Insomniacs Nightmare (short), Jagged Edge Films, 2003. Himself, J.R.R. Tolkien: Origins of Middle–Earth (documentary short), New Line Home Video, 2003. Meriadoc ⬙Merry⬙ Brandybuck, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (also known as The Return of the King), New Line Cinema, 2003. Goat, Spivs, Image Entertainment, 2004. Sol, The Purifiers, New Line Home Video, 2004. Owen Scott, Shooting Livien, TLA Releasing, 2005. Narrator and himself, Ringers: Lord of the Fans (documentary), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005. Himself, Du kommst nicht vorbei–fans im bann des ringes (short), Traumflieger, 2005. Himself, The Ring Comes Full Circle (documentary short), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005. Himself, Before They Were Lost: Personal Stories and Audition Tapes (documentary short), Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 2005. Himself, Welcome to Oahu: The Making of the Pilot (documentary short), Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 2005.

PERSONAL Full name, Dominic Benard Patrick Luke Monaghan; born December 8, 1976, in Berlin, Germany; immigrated to England, 1989; son of Austin (a teacher) and Aureen (a nurse) Monaghan. Education: Attended Sixth Form College and Aquinas College, 1994–95. Religion: Roman Catholic. Avocational Interests: Writing, music, fashion, soccer, video games, and surfing. Addresses: Agent—Special Artists Agency, 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 470, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Agency for the Performing Arts, 405 South Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212; United Agents, 12–26 Lexington St., London W1F 0LE United Kingdom. Publicist—PMK/HBH Public Relations, 700 San Vicente Blvd., Suite G910, West Hollywood, CA 90069. Career: Actor. Worked in youth theatres in Manchester, England, 1995. Previously worked as a mail sorter at the post office, in British Home Stories, and as a saute chef at Quincey’s, Didsbury, Manchester, England. Awards, Honors: Empire Award nomination (with Billy Boyd), best debut, Screen Actors Guild Award nomination (with others), outstanding performance by the cast of a theatrical motion picture, Phoenix Film Critics Society Award (with others), best acting ensemble, 2002, all for The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Screen Actors Guild Award nomination (with others), outstanding performance by the cast of a theatrical motion picture, Phoenix Film Critics Society Award (with others), best acting ensemble, Online Film Critics Society Award (with others), best ensemble, DVDX Award nomination (with others), best audio 204

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

MONAGHAN Television Appearances; Episodic: SM:TV Live, ITV1, 2001. Richard and Judy, Channel 4, 2001. ⬙Troldspeijlet special: Ringenes herre–Eventyret om ringen,⬙ Troldspejlet, 2001. Total Request Live (also known as TRL, TRL Weekend, and Total Request with Carson Daly), MTV, 2001, 2003. ⬙Voodoo That You Do ѧ with Hobbits!,⬙ Player$, Tech TV, 2003. ⬙Grind,⬙ Player$, Tech TV, 2003. Punk’d, MTV, 2003. The Sharon Osbourne Show (also known as Sharon), syndicated, 2003. ⬙Filmland Special–Ringenes Herre: Kongen vender tilbage,⬙ Filmland, 2003. ⬙Kuninkaan paluu—tarun paatos,⬙ 4Pop, 2003. Tinseltown TV, International Channel, 2003. (Uncredited) ⬙New Orleans, Mardi Gras Orpheus Parade,⬙ Get Out, 2004. Film 2004 (also known as The Film Programme), BBC, 2004. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008. On–Air with Ryan Seacrest, syndicated, 2004. Good Day Live, syndicated, 2004. Entertainment Tonight (also known as E.T.), syndicated, 2005. Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show, syndicated, 2005, 2006, 2007. The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, CBS, 2005, 2006. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008. Mad TV, Fox, 2005, 2008. Corazon de ѧ, 2006. Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, BBC, 2006. Live with Regis and Kelly, syndicated, 2006. Rachael Ray, syndicated, 2006. Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 2006, 2007. The View, ABC, 2007. Tyler Martin, Chuck, NBC, 2008.

Himself, Rock & Ringers (documentary short), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005. Himself and Charlie Pace, Fire + Water: Anatomy of an Episode (documentary short), Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 2006. Arthur Blake, I Sell the Dead, 2008. Barnell Bohusk and Beak, X–Men Origins: Wolverine, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2009. Seth, Pet, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2009. Television Appearances; Series: Geoffrey Shawcross, Hetty Wainthropp Investigates, BBC1, 1996–98, then PBS, 1997, 1999, 2000. Charlie Pace, Lost, ABC, 2004—. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Jimmy Furey, This Is Personal: The Hunt for the Yorkshire Ripper, 2000. Television Appearances; Movies: Sasha, Hostile Waters (also known as Im Fahrwasser des todes and Peril en mer), HBO, 1997. Television Appearances; Specials: Etienne Pierre Rollinger, Monsignor Renard, PBS, 2000. Himself and Meriadoc ⬙Merry⬙ Brandybuck, Quest for the Ring, Fox, 2001. Himself and Meriadoc ⬙Merry⬙ Brandybuck, National Geographic: Beyond the Movie—⬙The Lord of the Rings,⬙ 2001. Passage to Middle–Earth: The Making of ⬙The Lord of the Rings,⬙ Sci–Fi Channel, 2001. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Return to Middle Earth, The WB, 2002. Making the Movie (also known as Making the Movie: ⬙The Lord of the Rings⬙), MTV, 2002. G–Phoria, G4, 2003. ⬙The Lord of the Rings⬙: The Quest Fulfilled, 2003. The 2004 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 2004. I Love the ’90s, VH1, 2004. VH1 Big in ’04, VH1, 2004. Journey to Middle Earth: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Arts and Entertainment, 2004. I Love the ’90s: Part Deux, VH1, 2005. The 57th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, CBS, 2005. The 32nd Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 2006. Presenter, VH1 Big in ’06 Awards, VH1, 2006. (Uncredited) The 64th Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 2007. ⬙Steven and Liv Tyler⬙: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2007. AFI’s 10 Top 10 (also known as AFI’s 100 Years ѧ AFI’s 10 Top 10), CBS, 2008.

Stage Appearances: Appeared as Harry, The Resurrectionists, Bolton Octagon/Croyden Warehouse; Chuck, Annie and Fanny from Bolton to Rome, Bolton Octagon; in Whale, UK production. Radio Appearances: Narrator, Stockton, BBC Radio 4, 1999. RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Meriadoc Brandybuck, Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth II—Rise of the Witch King, Electronic Arts, 2006.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Host, CQC, 2008. 205


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 ’84 Shorts, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Louisville, KY, 1984–85. Astronauts, Actors Theatre of Louisville, 1985–86. Oil City Symphony, Circle in the Square, New York City, 1987–88. Mother, And the Air Didn’t Answer, Young Playwrights Festival, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, New York City, 1988. The Beach, Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1988–89. Mrs. Boyle, Prelude to a Kiss, Helen Hayes Theatre, New York City, 1990. Sara Jane Moore, Assassins, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, 1990–91. Lily Connors, Nick and Nora, Marquis Theatre, New York City, 1991. Jan Kirkland, Man in His Underwear, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, 1992. Mame, The Innocent’s Crusade, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1992. Geneva Simonson, Redwood Curtain, Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA, 1992–93, then Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1993. Barbara Hoyle, Three Hotels, Circle Repertory Company, New York City, 1993. A Cheever Evening, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, 1993. Rosemary Sydney, Picnic, Center Stage Right, Criterion Theatre, New York City, 1994. Easter Bonnet Competition: Back to Basics, Palace Theatre, New York City, 1995. Phyllis, ⬙Central Park West,⬙ Death Defying Acts, Variety Arts Theatre, New York City, 1995–96. Joanne, Company, Center Stage Right, Criterion Theatre, 1995. Shelby Stevens, Steel Pier, Richard Rodgers Theatre, New York City, 1997. Essie Miller, Ah, Wilderness!, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, New York City, 1997. Leona Samish, The Time of the Cuckoo, Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre, New York City, 2000. Madame Raquin, Thou Shalt Not, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 2001. Polina Andreyevna, The Seagull, Delacorte Theatre, New York City, 2001. Doctor, Reckless, Biltmore Theatre, New York City, 2004. Matron Mama Morton, Chicago, Ambassador Theatre, New York City, 2006. Marnie, Show People, Second Stage Theatre, New York City, 2006. Carmen Bernstein, Curtains, Al Hirschfield Theatre, New York City, 2007.

MONIQUE, Ashley See CLARK, Ashley Monique

MONK, Debra 1949– (Deborah Monk) PERSONAL Born February 27, 1949, in Middletown, OH; married John Miller (a music coordinator; divorced). Education: Graduate of Frostburg State College and Southern Methodist University. Religion: Southern Baptist. Addresses: Agent—Gage Group, 14724 Ventura Blvd., Suite 505, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403. Manager—Principal Entertainment, 1964 Westwood Blvd., Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Career: Actress, director, and writer. Colonnades Theatre Laboratory, member of company, 1978–79; Arena Stage, Washington, DC, member of company, 1979–80; Actors Theatre of Louisville, Louisville, KY, guest artist, 1983–86; appeared with Seattle Repertory Company and Bay Street Theatre. Previously worked as a waitress, secretary, and rockabilly singer. Awards, Honors: Drama Desk Award (with others), best ensemble, 1988, for Oil City Symphony; Antoinette Perry Award, best featured actress in a play, 1993, for Redwood Curtain; Helen Hayes Award, leading actress, 1994, for Three Hotels; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best supporting or featured dramatic actress, 1994, for Picnic; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best featured actress in a musical, 1997, for Steel Pier; Emmy Award, outstanding guest actress in a drama series, 1999, for ⬙Hearts and Souls,⬙ NYPD Blue; Obie Award, Village Voice, 2000, for The Time of the Cuckoo; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best leading actress in a musical, Drama Desk Award, outstanding featured actress in a musical, 2007, both for Curtains; four Drama Desk Award nominations, c. 1981–82. CREDITS

Also appeared in A Narrow Bed, off–Broadway production.

Stage Appearances: Moliere in Spite of Himself, Hartman Theatre Company, Stamford, CT, 1981. Prudie Cupp, Pump Boys and Dinettes, Westside Arts Theatre, New York City, then Colonnades Theatre, later Princess Theatre, New York City, 1981–82.

Stage Director: Pump Boys and Dinettes, Pennsylvania State Company, Allentown, PA, 1985–86. 206

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MONK ⬙Public Law 106: The Becky Bell Story,⬙ Lifestories: Families in Crisis, HBO, 1992. The 47th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1993. ⬙A Tribute to Stephen Sondheim,⬙ A&E Stage, Arts and Entertainment, 1995. The 51st Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1997. The 51st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 1999. The 61st Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 2007.

Film Appearances: Aunt Dorothy, Prelude to a Kiss, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1992. Mrs. Wegman, For Love or Money (also known as The Concierge), Universal, 1993. Alison, Fearless (also known as Joyride), Warner Bros., 1993. Kintner’s secretary, Quiz Show, Buena Vista, 1994. Skeptical therapist, Reckless, Samuel Goldwyn, 1995. Madge, The Bridges of Madison County, Warner Bros., 1995. Mom, Jeffrey, Orion, 1995. Lewis’s mom, Bed of Roses (also known as Amelia and the King of Plants), New Line Cinema, 1996. Martha Hackett, The Substance of Fire, Miramax, 1996. Lieutenant Ambrose, Mrs. Winterbourne, TriStar, 1996. Jilted lover, The First Wives Club, Paramount, 1996. Dr. Judith Gruszynski, Extreme Measures, Columbia, 1996. Pam Garrety, The Devil’s Advocate (also known as Devil’s Advocate and Im Auftrag des teufels), Warner Bros., 1997. Mrs. Lester, In and Out, Paramount, 1997. Helen, Bulworth, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. Nancy Cummings, Center Stage (also known as Centre Stage), Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2000. Edna Burroughs, Milwaukee, Minnesota, Tartan Films (US), 2001. Officer Avon, Briar Patch (also known as Plain Dirty), 2002. Mama Sunshine, Palindromes, Wellspring Home Entertainment, 2004. Young Dahlia’s teacher, Dark Water, Buena Vista, 2005. Lick Me–Bite Me, The Producers, Universal, 2005. Nancy Lachman, The Savages, Fox Searchlight, 2007.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Prudie Cupp, Pumpboys and Dinettes on Television, NBC, 1983. Television Appearances; Episodic: Kathleen ⬙Kate⬙ O’Brien, ⬙Coma,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1994. Katie Sipowicz, ⬙A Death in the Family,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1996. Madison Harcourt, Dellaventura, CBS, 1997. The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, 1997, 2000. ⬙Breaking In, Breaking Out, Breaking Up, Breaking Down,⬙ Trinity, NBC, 1999. ⬙My Favorite Broadway: The Leading Ladies,⬙ Great Performances, PBS, 1999. Jeannie Yancey, ⬙The Mother,⬙ Kristin, NBC, 2001. Dr. Madelyn Stahl, ⬙Born Again,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2002. Nurse Karen, ⬙No Sex Please, We’re Skittish,⬙ Frasier, NBC, 2003. Judge, ⬙In God We Trust,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2005. Marcella, ⬙Children and Art,⬙ Desperate Housewives, ABC, 2006. Andrew’s mom, ⬙Mother’s Milk,⬙ Notes from the Underbelly, ABC, 2007. Deniece Parsons, ⬙A Regular Earl Anthony,⬙ Damages, FX Channel, 2007. Deniece Parsons, ⬙Blame the Victim,⬙ Damages, FX Channel, 2007. Warden Pellis, ⬙Untethered,⬙ Law & Order: Criminal Intent (also known as Law & Order: CI), NBC, 2007.

Film Work: Executive producer, Landlocked, 2007. Television Appearances; Series: Sandra Thorpe, Loving, ABC, 1994. Katie Sipowicz, NYPD Blue, ABC, 1996–2001. Various, A Nero Wolfe Mystery (also known as Nero Wolfe), Arts and Entertainment, 2001–2002. Louise O’Malley, Grey’s Anatomy, ABC, 2006–2008.

Also appeared in ⬙Yankee Glory,⬙ New York News; as Clare Cunningham, ⬙Requiem for a Horse,⬙ LateLine. RECORDINGS

Television Appearances; Movies: Geneva Simonson, ⬙Redwood Curtain,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame, ABC, 1995. Nadine, Ellen Foster, CBS, 1997. Mrs. Paroo, The Music Man, ABC, 2003. Maggie, Eloise at the Plaza, ABC, 2003. Maggie, Eloise at Christmastime, ABC, 2003.

Taped Readings: Low Country by Mark Pumphrey, HarperAudio, 1998. WRITINGS Plays: (With others) Pump Boys and Dinettes, produced at Westside Arts Theatre, 1981, then Colonnades Theatre, later Princess Theatre, all New York City, 1982.

Television Appearances; Specials: Psychiatrist, ⬙Women and Wallace,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1990. 207


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Pre–crime public service announcer, Minority Report, DreamWorks, 2002. Amy Lear, Full Ride, Allumination Filmworks, 2002. Ms. McKenna, Shadow Man (short), 2004. Amanda, Vampires: The Turning, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005. Suzy Beacon, bgFATLdy, 2008. Phaedra, Wake, 2009. Sara Crane, Nowhere to Hide, 2009.

(With others) Oil City Symphony, produced at Circle in the Square, New York City, 1987–88. Television Pilots: Pumpboys and Dinettes on Television, NBC, 1983.

MONROE, Meredith 1968– (Meridith Monroe, Meredith Munroe)

Film Work: Coproducer, G–S.P.O.T. (also known as The Girl, the Swank, the Poet, the Old Man & the Thespian), 2002.

PERSONAL Full name, Meredith Leigh Monroe; born December 30, 1968 (some sources say 1969), in Houston, TX; married Steven Kavovit (a massage therapist), August, 1999.

Television Appearances; Series: Tracy Daiken, Dangerous Minds, ABC, 1996–97. Andrea ⬙Andie⬙ McPhee, Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1998–2001. Haley Hotchner, Criminal Minds, CBS, 2005–2007.

Addresses: Agent—Agency for the Performing Arts, 405 South Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager— Thruline Entertainment, 9250 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 100, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Television Appearances; Movies: Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder, Beyond the Prairie: The True Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder, CBS, 2000. Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder, Beyond the Prairie, Part 2: The True Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder, CBS, 2001. Leah Karniegian, 111 Gramercy Park, 2003. Gail Hollander, The One, ABC Family, 2003. Clare, Manhood, Showtime, 2003. Young Nora, Fathers and Sons, Showtime, 2005. Alison Morgan, Not My Life, Lifetime, 2006.

Career: Actress and producer. Appeared in television commercials, including the Illinois Lottery, Tide detergents, Walt Disney World, Tylenol sinus medications, Dove personal care products, Route 66 Clothing, L’Oreal personal care products, Ford Explorer sport utility vehicle, Mentos breath mints, and 7–Up beverages; appeared on five book covers in the Nancy Drew/ Hardy Boys series; appeared on packaging for such products as the Conair hair crimper.


Television Appearances; Specials: The 1999 Teen Choice Awards, Fox, 1999. Andie McPhee and herself, Dawson’s Creek: Behind the Scenes, The WB, 1999. Presenter, The 2nd Annual TV Guide Awards, Fox, 2000. (As Meredith Munroe) Jenny, 2000 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 2000.

Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Finale trumpet player, Il silenzio dei prosciutti (also known as The Silence of the Hams), October Films, 1994. Weather girl, Strong Island Boys, 1997. Trudy Kockenlocker, Norville and Trudy, 1997. Karissa, Fallen Arches, A Plus Entertainment, 1998. Amy, Full Ride, PorchLight Entertainment, 2001. Judy Woods, The Year That Trembled, Novel City Pictures, 2002. Hadley Weston, New Best Friend, TriStar, 2002. ⬙The Girl⬙ Jesse, G–S.P.O.T. (also known as The Girl, the Swank, the Poet, the Old Man & the Thespian), 2002.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Tracy Daiken, ⬙Everybody Wants It,⬙ Dangerous Minds, ABC, 1997. Jill, ⬙Kristy’s Other Mother,⬙ Hang Time, NBC, 1997. Brianna, ⬙A Girl’s Gotta Pierce,⬙ Jenny, NBC, 1997. Meredith Bix, ⬙Brushed,⬙ Promised Land (also known as Home of the Brave), CBS, 1997. Rachel, Sunset Beach, NBC, 1998. ⬙You Are Too Beautiful,⬙ Night Man (also known as NightMan), The Disney Channel and syndicated, 1998. Claire Mosley, ⬙Manhunt,⬙ The Magnificent Seven, CBS, 1998. Sarah Nolan, ⬙Con–undrum,⬙ Players, NBC, 1998.

Member: Alpha Chi Omega. Awards, Honors: Teen Choice Award nomination, Television—breakout performance, 1999, for Dawson’s Creek.


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Devon Booker, ⬙Faustian Fitz,⬙ Cracker (also known as Cracker: Mind Over Murder), ABC, 1999. RoveLive, Ten Network, 2000. Andrea ⬙Andie⬙ McPhee, ⬙The Graduate,⬙ Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 2001. Jeanette/Carol Manning, ⬙Illusions,⬙ The Division (also known as Heart of the City), 2002. Olivia Haynes, ⬙Statewide Swing,⬙ Mister Sterling, 2003. Michelle Turner, ⬙Double Dutch,⬙ Joan of Arcadia, CBS, 2004. Claudia Sanders, ⬙Under the Influence,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2004. Kate Ross, ⬙Snack Daddy,⬙ Kevin Hill, UPN, 2004. Lola, ⬙Sports Medicine,⬙ House M.D. (also known as House), Fox, 2005. Lilly, ⬙Broken Hearts,⬙ Strong Medicine, Lifetime, 2005. Cindy Mulvaney in 1965, ⬙A Perfect Day,⬙ Cold Case, CBS, 2005. Beth, ⬙Masquerading with Fran,⬙ Living with Fran, The WB, 2006. Sister Bridget, ⬙Double Crass,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as CSI: Las Vegas, C.S.I., and Les Experts), CBS, 2006. Celia Fuller, ⬙Family,⬙ Masters of Horror, Showtime, 2006. (As Meridith Monroe) Clarissa Bancroft, ⬙The Man in the Mansion,⬙ Bones, Fox, 2007. Rebecca, ⬙Fall from Grace,⬙ Crossing Jordan, NBC, 2007. ⬙The Fantasy,⬙ The Wedding Bells, Fox, 2007. Nina Weber, ⬙In Abstentia,⬙ Shark, CBS, 2007. Cynthia, ⬙The Mortal Cure,⬙ Moonlight, CBS, 2008. Chloe Metz, ⬙Vaginatown,⬙ Californication, Showtime, 2008. Leah, ⬙Know When to Fold,⬙ Private Practice, ABC, 2008.

MORALES air force career officer) and Penelope Morales; married Joe Rhodes, August 22, 1998; children: Joseph ⬙Josh⬙ Steven, Luke Hudson. Education: Rutgers University, B.A. (summa cum laude), 1994. Addresses: Office—c/o NBC News, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112. Agent—Rick Ramage, N. S. Bienstock, 1740 Broadway, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10019. Career: Broadcast journalist, correspondent, and news anchor. Court TV (now truTV), marketing and public relations assistant, 1997–98; News 12—The Bronx, Bronx, NY, news reporter, producer, photographer, and editor, 1998–99; WVIT–TV, Hartford, CT, correspondent and coanchor of morning news, c. 1999–2002; NBC News, New York City, anchor and correspondent for the MSNBC channel, 2002–06, national correspondent, 2006—. WNBC–TV, New York City, reporter and cohost for the documentary campaign Save Our Sound. Chemical Bank, worked as member of management training program, 1994–96. Awards, Honors: Daytime Emmy Award (with others), excellence in morning programming, 2007, for Today. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Anchor, MSNBC Live (also known as MSNBC Dayside and MSNBC Right Now), MSNBC, 2002. Correspondent and substitute news anchor, Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 2003–2008. Host, Early Today, NBC, 2004. Cohost, Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 2007—.

Also appeared in Cracker, Arts and Entertainment. RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Virginia ⬙Pepper⬙ Potts, Iron Man, Sega of America, 2008.

Television Appearances; Specials: Host, Quest for Atlantis: Startling New Secrets, Sci–Fi Channel, 2006. The Red Dress Collection 2007 Fashion Show, 2007. Host, Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks Spectacular, NBC, 2007, 2008.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, May 21, 1999, p. 58.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Correspondent, Countdown w/Keith Olbermann, MSNBC, 2006. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2006. News anchor, Weekend Today, NBC, 2006. Correspondent, ⬙Going for the Gold,⬙ Dateline NBC (also known as Dateline), NBC, 2007. Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 2007. Substitute anchor, NBC Nightly News, NBC, 2008.

MORALES, Natalie 1972– PERSONAL Full name, Natalie Leticia Morales; born June 6, 1972, in Taipei, Taiwan; daughter of Mario, Jr. (an American 209


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 OTHER SOURCES MORTON, Rob See DEMME, Jonathan

Periodicals: Broadcasting & Cable, August 13, 2007, p. 3; November 19, 2007. TV Guide, February 27, 2006, p. 10; December 24, 2007, p. 70.


Electronic: MSNBC Online,, June 8, 2006.

Full name, Mark W. Moses; born February 24, 1958, in New York, NY; father, in advertising sales; brother of Burke Moses (an actor and singer); married Annie La Russa (an actress); children: Walker. Education: Attended Ithaca College; New York University, B.F.A., drama; studied acting with Olympia Dukakis.

MORRISON, Keith 1934– Addresses: Agent—Innovative Artists, 1505 10th St., Santa Monica, CA 90401.

PERSONAL Born in 1934, in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan, Canada; married Suzanne Perry; children: six.

Career: Actor. Also worked as a house painter.

Career: Correspondent, actor.

Member: Screen Actors Guild.

CREDITS Awards, Honors: Screen Actors Guild awards (with others), outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series, 2005 and 2006, both for Desperate Housewives; Screen Actors Guild awards (with others), outstanding performance by an ensemble in a drama series, 2009, for Mad Men.

Television Appearances; Series: CTV National News, CTV, 1961. Canada A.M. (also known as Canada A.M. Weekend), CTV, 1972. Correspondent, Real Life with Jane Pauley, NBC, 1990. Mr. Balinikoff, Good Advice, CBS, 1992–93. Blossom, NBC, 1992–93. Journalist, Dateline NBC (also known as Dateline), NBC, 2006.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Richard Peyton, Grand, NBC, 1990. Matt Parker, The Single Guy, NBC, 1995–96. Paul Young, Desperate Housewives (also known as Beautes desespereees, Desperate housewives—I segreti di Wisteria Lane, Desupareto na tsuma tachi, Esposas desesperadas, Frustrerte fruer, Gotowe na wszystko, Kucanice, Meeleheitel koduperenaised, Mujeres desesperadas, Noikokyres se apognosi, Szueletett felesegek, and Taeydelliset naiset), ABC, 2004–2006. Herman ⬙Duck⬙ Phillips, Mad Men, American Movie Classics, beginning 2007.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Keith Morrison, a newscaster, ⬙The Trip: Part 1 & 2,⬙ Seinfeld, NBC, 1992. Television Appearances; Specials: Correspondent, The Renewal at Easter, NBC, 1988. Reporter, Treasure at the South Pole, NBC, 1990. Correspondent, Voyage of Mystery, NBC, 1992. African–American Artists: Affirmation Today, PBS, 1996. Correspondent, ER 200: A Dateline Special, NBC, 2003.

Appeared in recurring roles in the series Guiding Light (also known as The Guiding Light), CBS; and One Life to Live (also known as Between Heaven and Hell and One Life to Live: The Summer of Seduction), ABC.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: America’s Top Sleuths, The Sleuth Channel, 2006.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: General Ulysses S. Grant, North and South (also known as Fackeln im Sturm, Jaettu maa, Nord et sud, Nord och syd, Nord og syd, Nord si sud, Nord y sur, Pohi ja louna, and Polnoc poludnie), ABC, 1985.

WRITINGS Television Specials: Real Life with Jane Pauley, NBC, 1990. 210

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MOSES Mark, Winnetka Road, NBC, 1994. Ben Atkins, ⬙It’s Not Easy Being Green,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1995. Reverend Charles Buchanan, ⬙Becoming a Buchanan,⬙ The Five Mrs. Buchanans (also known as The 5 Mrs. Buchanans), CBS, 1995. Reverend Charles Buchanan, ⬙The Heart of the Matter,⬙ The Five Mrs. Buchanans (also known as The 5 Mrs. Buchanans), CBS, 1995. Stuart Tyler, ⬙How to Murder Your Lawyer,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1995. Jack Hunter, ⬙Al Anonymous,⬙ LateLine, NBC, 1998. Ron Greenfield, ⬙Wag the Doc,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1998. Agent Margolis, ⬙Rules of Engagement,⬙ Pensacola: Wings of Gold (also known as Pensacola), syndicated, 1999. Fred Swedlowe, ⬙Hollywood Shuffle,⬙ It’s Like, You Know ѧ, ABC, 1999. Gary Moses, ⬙Damages,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 1999. Naroq, ⬙Riddles,⬙ Star Trek: Voyager (also known as Voyager), UPN, 1999. Seth, ⬙The Last Day of the Rest of Your Life,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1999. Deke Carson and Earl Ticktin, ⬙Real Deal SEAL,⬙ JAG (also known as JAG: Judge Advocate General), CBS, 2000. Frank (mystery book writer), ⬙The Wailing,⬙ Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction (also known as Beyond Belief and Strange Truth: Fact or Fiction), Fox, 2000. Mark Pruitt, ⬙Shaken, Not Stirred,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2000. Scott Shelton, ⬙Sex, Lies and Larvae,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI, CSI: Las Vegas, CSI: Weekends, and Les experts), CBS, 2000. Assistant district attorney, ⬙Hats Off to Larry,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2001. Don Schneider, ⬙Coyote,⬙ Boomtown, NBC, 2002. Nathan, ⬙Once upon a Family,⬙ Presidio Med, CBS, 2002. Nathan, ⬙Secrets,⬙ Presidio Med, CBS, 2002. Opposing lawyer, ⬙Woman,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2002. ⬙It’s Raining Men,⬙ Providence, NBC, 2002. Dan Harris, ⬙Gimme Shelter,⬙ 10–8: Officers on Duty (also known as 10–8 and 10–8: Police Patrol), ABC, 2003. Dr. Rosenfeld, ⬙Life’s Illusions,⬙ American Dreams (also known as Bandstand, Miss American Pie, and Our Generation), NBC, 2003. Donald Richter, ⬙Abu el Banat,⬙ The West Wing (also known as West Wing and El ala oeste de la Casablanca), NBC, 2003. Henry Winslow, ⬙Character Evidence,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 2003. Mr. Marks, ⬙When Night Meets Day,⬙ ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 2003. Mr. Smith, ⬙Long Bad Summer: Part 1,⬙ 7th Heaven (also known as Seventh Heaven and 7th Heaven: Beginnings), The WB, 2003.

Sergeant Owen, Gettysburg (also known as The Killer Angels), TNT, 1994, originally released as a feature film by New Line Cinema, 1993, director’s cut also released and broadcast. Woodbury Kane, Rough Riders (also known as Teddy Roosevelt & the Rough Riders), TNT, 1997. Voice, The Roman Empire in the First Century (documentary; also known as Empires: The Roman Empire in the First Century), PBS, 2001. Television Appearances; Movies: Tom Adams, The Tracker (also known as Dead or Alive), HBO, 1988. Alan, Battle in the Erogenous Zone, Showtime, 1992. Joel McKelvey, Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Framing (also known as Perry Mason: The Case of the Posthumous Painter), NBC, 1992. Michael Turner, A Kiss Goodnight, 1994. Dick Clayton, James Dean (also known as James Dean: An Invented Life and The James Dean Story), TNT, 2001. Saving Jessica Lynch (also known as Saving Jessica Lynch: The Rescue of an American Soldier), NBC, 2003. Charlie, Ice Twisters, Sci–Fi Channel, 2009. Television Appearances; Specials: Ira Martin, ⬙The Silence at Bethany,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1988. Paul Young, ⬙Special: The Juiciest Bites⬙ (also known as ⬙The Juiciest Bites⬙), Desperate Housewives (also known as Beautes desespereees, Desperate housewives—I segreti di Wisteria Lane, Desupareto na tsuma tachi, Esposas desesperadas, Frustrerte fruer, Gotowe na wszystko, Kucanice, Meeleheitel koduperenaised, Mujeres desesperadas, Noikokyres se apognosi, Szueletett felesegek, and Taeydelliset naiset), ABC, 2007. Television Appearances; Episodic: Rich Albert, ⬙Teacher’s Pet,⬙ Family Ties, NBC, 1986. David, ⬙An Illegitimate Concern,⬙ The Golden Girls (also known as Golden Girls, Miami Nice, Bnot Zahav, Cuori senza eta, Las chicas de oro, Les craquantes, Los anos dorados, Oereglanyok, Pantertanter, and Tyttoekullat), NBC, 1990. Donald Ware, ⬙The Cookie Monster,⬙ Matlock, NBC, 1990. ⬙The Movie Mystery,⬙ Father Dowling Mysteries (also known as Father Dowling Investigates), ABC, 1990. Brad, ⬙George Looks down the Wrong End of a Thirty– Eight,⬙ The George Carlin Show, Fox, 1994. Paul Dyer, ⬙Love Bandit,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1994. Robin Westlin, ⬙The Restless Remains,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1994. Stuart Walsh, ⬙The Letter of the Law,⬙ The Commish, ABC, 1994. 211


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

Andrew Moss, ⬙Who’s Your Daddy?,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2004. Dr. Miles Marks, ⬙Things That Go Jump in the Night,⬙ Las Vegas (also known as Casino Eye), 2004. Richard, ⬙The Block Party,⬙ Malcolm in the Middle (also known as Fighting in Underpants), Fox, 2004. Richard Lowe, ⬙Party Favors,⬙ The District (also known as Washington Police, The District—Einsatz in Washington, Mannions distrikt, and Poliisipaeaellikkkoe Mannion), CBS, 2004. ⬙Catskills,⬙ Oliver Beene, Fox, 2004. Contestant, ⬙Tournament 7, Game 1,⬙ Celebrity Poker Showdown, Bravo, 2005. Himself, Good Morning America (also known as GMA), ABC, 2005. Himself, The Oprah Winfrey Show (also known as Oprah), syndicated, 2005. Himself, The View, ABC, 2005, 2006. Attorney George McDougal, ⬙Hope and Glory,⬙ Boston Legal (also known as Fleet Street, The Practice: Fleet Street, and The Untitled Practice), ABC, 2007. Rob Darcy, ⬙Without You,⬙ Without a Trace (also known as Vanished and W.A.T.), CBS, 2007. Himself, Jimmy Kimmel Live! (also known as The Jimmy Kimmel Project), ABC, 2007. Paul Young, Desperate Housewives (also known as Beautes desespereees, Desperate housewives—I segreti di Wisteria Lane, Desupareto na tsuma tachi, Esposas desesperadas, Frustrerte fruer, Gotowe na wszystko, Kucanice, Meeleheitel koduperenaised, Mujeres desesperadas, Noikokyres se apognosi, Szueletett felesegek, and Taeydelliset naiset), ABC, multiple episodes, beginning 2007. Attorney George McDougal, ⬙Roe,⬙ Boston Legal (also known as Fleet Street, The Practice: Fleet Street, and The Untitled Practice), ABC, 2008. James Grall, ⬙Inconceivable,⬙ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (also known as Law & Order’s Sex Crimes, Law & Order: SVU, and Special Victims Unit), NBC, 2008.

Enterprise, Star Trek: Series V, and Star Trek: Untitled Fifth Series), UPN, 2001. Teacher at the Learning Annex, What’s Up, Peter Fuddy?, Fox, 2001. Albert McCullough, In My Life, The WB, 2002. Paul Young, Desperate Housewives (also known as Beautes desespereees, Desperate housewives—I segreti di Wisteria Lane, Desupareto na tsuma tachi, Esposas desesperadas, Frustrerte fruer, Gotowe na wszystko, Kucanice, Meeleheitel koduperenaised, Mujeres desesperadas, Noikokyres se apognosi, Szueletett felesegek, and Taeydelliset naiset), ABC, 2004. Senator Trent Rogers, The Hill, ABC, 2007. Made an uncredited appearance as Paul Young in the unaired pilot for Desperate Housewives, ABC. Film Appearances: Lieutenant Wolfe, Platoon, Orion, 1986. Win Hockings, Someone to Watch over Me, Columbia, 1987. Optimistic doctor at veterans hospital, Born on the Fourth of July, Universal, 1989. Jordan, Dead Men Don’t Die, Academy Entertainment, 1990. Randy Derringer and Abbey, Hollywood Heartbreak, 1990. Jac Holzman, The Doors, TriStar, 1991. Sergeant Owen, Gettysburg (also known as The Killer Angels), New Line Cinema, 1993, director’s cut also released and broadcast, broadcast as a television miniseries, TNT, 1994. Michael Bedford, Just in Time, Leucadia Film Corporation, 1997. Tim Urbanski, Deep Impact, Paramount, 1998. Colonel Benton Lacy, One Man’s Hero (also known as Heroes sin patria), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/Orion, 1999. Rick Taylor, Treehouse Hostage, Trimark Pictures, 1999. Alan Shepard, Race to Space, Lionsgate, 2000. Father in video, Red Dragon (also known as Roter Drache), Universal, 2002. Jonathan Clifton, The Remembering Movies, Hypnotic, 2002. Dr. Norris, A One Time Thing, 2004. FBI agent, After the Sunset, New Line Cinema, 2004. Coffee shop customer, Monster–in–Law (also known as Das Schwiegermonster), New Line Cinema, 2005. Narrator, Forgotten China (documentary), Pretty Dangerous Films, 2005. American officer, Letters from Iwo Jima, Paramount, 2006. Football dad, Two Tickets to Paradise (also known as Life’s a Trip), First Look Pictures Releasing, 2006. Tom Fuller, Big Momma’s House 2, Twentieth Century– Fox, 2006.

Appeared as a teacher, Davis Rules, ABC and CBS; some sources cite an appearance in As the World Turns, CBS. Television Appearances; Pilots: Man, Big Shots in America, NBC, 1985. Richard Peyton, ⬙A Tale of One City,⬙ Grand, NBC, 1990. Empire City (also known as Deadly Instinct), CBS, 1991. Jake, ⬙Revised ⬘Old’ Pilot (aka Invitation to a Wedding),⬙ The Crew (also known as Cabin Pressure), Fox, 1995. Matt Parker, The Single Guy, NBC, 1995. World on a String, Fox, 1997. Henry Archer, ⬙Broken Bow: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Enterprise (also known as Enterprise: Broken Bow, Star Trek: 212

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Attorney General Wyatt, Swing Vote, Buena Vista, 2008.


MUNROE, Meredith See MONROE, Meredith

Film Work: Director of the film Asphalt Cowboys.

MURPHY, Dennis

Stage Appearances: Barclay, Another Country, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1983. Understudy for the role of Paul, The Lady and the Clarinet, Lucille Lortel Theatre, New York City, 1983. Slab Boys, Playhouse Theatre, New York City, 1983. King of Navarre, Love’s Labour’s Lost, New York Shakespeare Festival, Joseph Papp Public Theater, New York City, 1989. Our Country’s Good, Center Theatre Group, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 1989. Peter, The Pavilion, Old Globe, Cassius Carter Center Stage, San Diego, CA, 2001. Title role, Burleigh Grimes (also known as Burleigh Grime$), New World Stages Stage III, New York City, 2006.

PERSONAL Married Marilyn. Education: Graduated from Williams College, Williamstown, MA. Career: Correspondent. Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nomination (with others), outstanding instant coverage of a news story, News and Documentary Emmy Awards, 1999, for Dateline NBC. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Correspondent, Now with Tom Brokaw and Katie Couric, NBC, 1994. Correspondent, Dateline NBC, (also known as Dateline), NBC, 2004—.

Appeared in summer stock and regional productions. WRITINGS

Television Appearances; Specials: Reporter, Decision ⬘88, NBC, 1988. Correspondent, Katrina’s Fury: A Dateline Special, NBC, 2005. Correspondent, Remembering Tim Russert, NBC, 2008.

Screenplays: Author of the screenplays Chuckles, The Last Order, and Playable Lies.


N W. Griffith Award, and National Board of Review Award, best supporting actress, 1991, all for Frankie and Johnny; Genie Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a leading role, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1991, for White Room; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actress in a drama series, 1992, and Gemini Award, best guest performance in a series, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1993, for Road to Avonlea; Genie Award, best performance by an actress in a supporting role, 1996, for Margaret’s Museum; Gemini Award nomination, best supporting actress in a drama, 1996, for Million Dollar Babies; Screen Actors Guild Award nomination (with others), outstanding performance by a cast, 2000, for The Cider House Rules; Gemini Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a leading role in a dramatic program or miniseries, 2001, for Blessed Stranger: After Flight 111; Gemini Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a leading role in a dramatic program or miniseries, 2004, for Human Cargo.

NELLIGAN, Kate 1950– PERSONAL Original name, Patricia Colleen Nelligan; born March 16, 1951 (some source say 1950), in London, Ontario, Canada; daughter of Patrick Joseph (a municipal employee in charge of ice rinks and recreational parks) and Josephine Alice (a schoolteacher; maiden name, Dier) Nelligan; married Robert Reale (a pianist and songwriter), February 19, 1989 (divorced); children: Gabriel Joseph. Education: Attended York University, Downsview, Ontario; trained for the stage at Central School of Speech and Drama, London. Avocational Interests: Reading, cooking. Addresses: Agent—Great North Artists Management, 350 Duponte, Toronto M5R 1V9 Canada. Career: Actress. Previously a competitive amateur tennis player.


Awards, Honors: Plays and Players London Theatre Critics Award, most promising actress, 1978, for Knuckle; Evening Standard Award, best actress, 1978, London Critics Award, best actress, Laurence Olivier Award, best actress, Society of West End Theatre and Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actress in a play, 1983, all for Plenty; Distinguished Performance Award, Drama League of New York, 1983; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actress in a play, 1984, for A Moon for the Misbegotten; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actress in a featured role, 1988, for Serious Money; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actress in a play, 1989, for Spoils of War; Academy Award nomination, best supporting actress, 1992, for The Prince of Tides; Film Award, best supporting actress, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, D.

Film Appearances: Isabel, The Romantic Englishwoman (also known as Une anglaise romantique), New World, 1975. Anna Seaton, Licking Hitler, British Film Institute, 1977. Lucy Seward, Dracula, Universal, 1979. Peabody, Mr. Patman (also known as Crossover), Film Consortium of Canada, 1980. Agent, 1980. Vivien Lanyon, Forgive Our Foolish Ways, 1980. Lucy, Eye of the Needle, United Artists, 1981. Susan Selky, Without a Trace, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1983. Eleni Gatzoyiannis (title role), Eleni, Warner Bros., 1985. The Mystery of Henry Moore (documentary), TV Arts, 1985. 214

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

NELLIGAN Kay, Terror Stalks the Class Reunion (also known as For Better and for Worse, For Better ѧ and for Worse, and Mary Higgins Clark: Pour le meilleur et pour le pire), syndicated, 1992. Holly Plum, The Diamond Fleece, USA Network, 1992. Stephanie Chadford, Shattered Trust: The Shari Karney Story (also known as Conspiracy of Silence: The Shari Karney Story), NBC, 1993. Susan Miori, Liar, Liar (also known as Liar, Liar: Between Father and Daughter), CBS, 1993. Kate, Old Times, syndicated, 1993. Elise, Spoils of War (also known as In Spite of Love), ABC, 1994. Sheila Walker, A Mother’s Prayer, USA Network, 1995. Elizabeth Mink, Captive Heart: The James Mink Story, CBS, 1995. Margaret Pfeiffer, Calm at Sunset (also known as Calm at Sunset, Calm at Dawn), CBS, 1996. Kathryn McClain, Love Is Strange, Lifetime, 1998. Justice Sara Marie Brandwynne, Swing Vote (also known as The Ninth Justice), ABC, 1999. Kate O’Rourke, Blessed Stranger: After Flight 111, 2000. Elizabeth, Walter and Henry, Showtime, 2001. Vera Miller, In from the Night, CBS, 2006.

Sarah Howell, Il giorno prima (also known as The Day Before, Controle, Mind Control, and Control), Columbia, 1987. Jane, The White Room, 1990. Lila Wingo Newbury, The Prince of Tides, Columbia, 1991. Cora, Frankie and Johnny (also known as Frankie & Johnny), Paramount, 1991. Eve, Shadows and Fog, Orion, 1992. Lana Ravine, Fatal Instinct, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1993. Narrator, Into the Deep, Sony Picture Classics, 1994. Charlotte Russell, Wolf, Columbia, 1994. Narrator, By Woman’s Hand, 1994. Constance Saunders, How to Make an American Quilt, Universal, 1995. Catherine MacNeil, Margaret’s Museum (also known as Le musee de Margaret), Cinepix, 1995. Joanna Kennelly, Up Close & Personal, Buena Vista, 1996. Narrator, Stolen Moments, National Film Board of Canada, 1997. Narrator, Rape: A Crime of War, 1997. U.S. Marshal Catherine Walsh, U.S. Marshals, Warner Bros., 1998. Mrs. Jones, Boy Meets Girl, ARTO–Pelli, 1998. Olivia, The Cider House Rules, Miramax, 1999. Joanne, Premonition, Sony, 2007.

Television Appearances; Specials: Laura, The Arcata Promise, PBS, 1974. Marguerite, The Lady of the Camellias, 1976. Backstage at Masterpiece Theatre: A 20th Anniversary Special (also known as Backstage at Masterpiece Theatre), PBS, 1991. The 49th Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1992. The 64th Annual Academy Awards, 1992. Narrator, Marcel Proust: A Writer’s Life, PBS, 1993.

Television Appearances; Series: Leonora Biddulph, The Onedin Line, syndicated, 1973–74. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Title role, ⬙Therese Raquin,⬙ Masterpiece Theatre, PBS, 1981. JoAnn Thatcher, Love and Hate: A Marriage Made in Hell (also known as Love and Hate: The Story of Colin and JoAnn Thatcher), NBC, 1990. Anne Balfour, Golden Fiddles, 1990. Helena Reid, Million Dollar Babies (also known as Les jumelles Dionne), CBS, 1994. Mrs. Which, A Wrinkle in Time (also known as Un raccourci dans le temps), ABC, 2003. Nina Wade, Human Cargo, 2004.

Also appeared in Dreams of Leaving. Television Appearances; Episodic: Alice Keppel, ⬙Daisy,⬙ The Edwardians, 1973. Christine, ⬙The Four Beauties,⬙ Country Matters, 1973. Laura, ⬙The Arcata Promise,⬙ Great Performances, PBS, 1977. Hilary, ⬙Do As I Say,⬙ Play for Today, 1977. Anna Seaton, ⬙Licking Hitler,⬙ Play for Today, 1978. Caroline, ⬙Dreams of Leaving,⬙ Play for Today, 1980. Barbara Hoyle, ⬙Three Hotels,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1991. Sidney Carver, ⬙After the Honeymoon,⬙ Road to Avonlea (also known as Avonlea and Tales from Avonlea), 1992. The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, 1997. Emily Murphy, ⬙Emily Murphy,⬙ Heritage Minute, 1998. Gepetto, ⬙Resurrection,⬙ Eleventh Hour, CBS, 2008.

Television Appearances; Movies: The Four Beauties, 1973. Mercedes, The Count of Monte Cristo (also known as Il conte di Montecristo), NBC, 1975. Bethune, 1977. Isabella, Measure for Measure (also known as The Complete Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: ⬙Measure for Measure⬙), 1979. Ruth Hession, Victims (also known as In Our Hands), NBC, 1982. Kitty Keeler, Kojak: The Price of Justice, CBS, 1987.

Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Corrie Bratter, Barefoot in the Park, Little Theatre, Bristol, England, 1972. 215


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Reginald Daniel (a truck driver) and Mabel Lillian (maiden name, Fry) Neville; married Caroline Hooper (an actress), December 9, 1949; children: three sons, three daughters. Education: Trained for the stage at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. Avocational Interests: Music and opera.

Hypatia, Misalliance, Bristol Old Vic Company, Bristol, England, 1972–73. Stella Kowalski, A Streetcar Named Desire, Bristol Old Vic Company, 1972–73. Pegeen Mike, The Playboy of the Western World, Bristol Old Vic Company, 1972–73. Grace Harkaway, London Assurance, Bristol Old Vic Company, 1972–73. Title role, Lulu, Bristol Old Vic Company, 1972–73. Sybil Chase, Private Lives, Bristol Old Vic Company, 1972–73. (London debut) Jenny, Knuckle, Comedy Theatre, 1974. Ellie Dunn, Heartbreak House, National Theatre Company, Old Vic Theatre, London, 1975. Marianne, Tales from the Vienna Woods, National Theatre Company, Olivier Theatre, London, 1977. Rosalind, As You Like It, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford–upon–Avon, England, 1977. Susan Traherne, Plenty, National Theatre Company, Lyttelton Theatre, London, 1978. (Broadway debut) Susan Traherne, Plenty, New York Shakespeare Festival, Public Theatre, 1982, later Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1983. Josie Hogan, A Moon for the Misbegotten, American Repertory Theatre, Cambridge, MA, then Cort Theatre, New York City, both 1984. Virginia Woolf (title role), Virginia, New York Shakespeare Festival, Public Theatre, 1985. Marylou Baines/Mrs. Etherington/Dolcie Starr, Serious Money, Royale Theatre, New York City, 1988. Elise, Spoils of War, Promenade Theatre, then Second Stage Theatre, later Music Box Theatre, all New York City, 1988. Melissa Gardner, Love Letters, Edison Theatre, New York City, 1989. Ruth Benson, Bad Habits, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1990. Pigeon sisters, The Odd Couple, Belasco Theatre, New York City, 1991. Lyssa Dent Hughes, An American Daughter, Cort Theatre, 1997.

Addresses: Contact—24 Wellesley St. W Ⲇ511, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2X6 Canada. Career: Actor and director. Lowestoft Repertory Company, England, member, 1948; Birmingham Repertory Company, England, member, 1949–50; Bristol Old Vic Company, England, member, 1950–58; joined Nottingham Playhouse Company, England, 1961, director, 1963–68; Citadel Theatre, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, artistic director, 1973–78; Neptune Theatre, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, artistic director, 1978–83; Stratford Shakespearean Festival, Ontario, Canada, artistic director, 1984–90; directed productions for the Stratford Shakespearean Festival, 1987–90. Nottingham University, honorary professor of drama, 1967—; Howard and Wyndham, Ltd., drama advisor. Military service: Served in the Royal Navy for two years during World War II. Member: British Actors’ Equity Association, Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (associate membership). Awards, Honors: Order of the British Empire, 1965; honorary doctorates of fine arts, Lethbridge University, Alberta, Canada, 1979, and Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1981; Gemini Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a continuing leading dramatic role, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1999, for Emily of New Moon; Member of the Order of Canada, 2006. CREDITS


Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Walk–on, Richard III, New Theatre, London, 1947. Lysander, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Open Air Theatre, London, 1948. Chatillon, King John, Open Air Theatre, 1948. Gregers Werle, The Wild Duck, Bristol Old Vic Theatre Company, Old Vic Theatre, Bristol, England, 1950–53. Marlow, She Stoops to Conquer, Bristol Old Vic Theatre Company, Old Vic Theatre, 1950–53. Richard, The Lady’s Not for Burning, Bristol Old Vic Theatre Company, Old Vic Theatre, 1950–53. Dunois, Saint Joan, Bristol Old Vic Theatre Company, Old Vic Theatre, 1950–53. Edgar, Venus Observed, Bristol Old Vic Theatre Company, Old Vic Theatre, 1950–53.

Books: International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, Volume 3: Actors and Actresses, St. James Press, 1996. Periodicals: People, January 27, 1992, p. 57.

NEVILLE, John 1925– PERSONAL Born May 2, 1925, in London, England; immigrated to Canada, 1972; naturalized Canadian citizen; son of 216

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NEVILLE Orgilus, The Broken Heart, Chichester Festival, 1962. Petruchio, The Taming of the Shrew, Nottingham Playhouse Company, 1962. D’Artagnan, The Three Musketeers, Nottingham Playhouse Company, 1962. Joseph Surface, The School for Scandal, Nottingham Playhouse Company, then Haymarket Theatre, London, 1962. Title role, Coriolanus, Nottingham Playhouse Company, 1963. John Worthing, The Importance of Being Earnest, Nottingham Playhouse Company, 1963. Title role, Alfie, Mermaid Theatre, then Duchess Theatre, both London, 1963. Bernard Shaw, The Bashful Genius, Nottingham Playhouse Company, 1964. Moricet, The Birdwatcher, Nottingham Playhouse Company, 1964. Title role, Oedipus the King, Nottingham Playhouse Company, 1964. Title role, Richard II, Nottingham Playhouse Company, 1965. Corvino, Volpone, Nottingham Playhouse Company, 1965. Barry Field, The Spies Are Singing, Nottingham Playhouse Company, 1966. Title role, Doctor Faustus, Nottingham Playhouse Company, 1966. Willy Loman, Death of a Salesman, Nottingham Playhouse Company, 1967. Iago, Othello, Nottingham Playhouse Company, 1967. Kolpakov and others, Beware of the Dog, Nottingham Playhouse Company, then St. Martin’s Theatre, London, 1967. Henry Gow, ⬙Mr.⬙, and Alec Harvey, ⬙Mrs.⬙, in Mr. and Mrs. (double bill), Palace Theatre, 1968. King Magnus, The Apple Cart, Mermaid Theatre, 1970. Garrick, Boswell’s Life of Johnson, Edinburgh Festival, Scotland, 1970. Benedick, Much Ado about Nothing, Edinburgh Festival, 1970. Macheath, The Beggars’ Opera, Chichester Festival, 1972. Sir Colenso Ridgeon, The Doctor’s Dilemma, Chichester Festival, 1972. Prospero, The Tempest, National Arts Centre Theatre, Ottawa, Canada, 1972. Judge Brack, Hedda Gabler, Manitoba Theatre Centre, Winnipeg, Canada, 1972. Oh, Coward, Citadel Theatre, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 1972. Bethune, Citadel Theatre, 1972. Pygmalion, Citadel Theatre, 1972. Sherlock Holmes, Broadway production, 1975. Willy, Happy Days, Citadel Theatre, then National Theatre, London, 1977. Othello, Neptune Theatre, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1978. Staircase, Neptune Theatre, Halifax, 1978.

Valentine, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Bristol Old Vic Theatre Company, Old Vic Theatre, then London, 1950–53. The Duke, Measure for Measure, Bristol Old Vic Theatre Company, Old Vic Theatre, 1950–53. Title role, Henry V, Bristol Old Vic Theatre Company, Old Vic Theatre, 1950–53. Fortinbras, Hamlet, Old Vic Theatre Company, London, 1953–54. Bertram, All’s Well That Ends Well, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1953–54. Ferdinand, The Tempest, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1953–54. Macduff, Macbeth, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1954–55. Title role, Richard II, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1954–55, revived, 1955–56. Berowne, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1954–55. Orlando, As You Like It, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1954–55. Henry Percy, Henry IV, Part I, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1954–55. Marc Antony, Julius Caesar, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1955–56. Autolycus, The Winter’s Tale, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1955–56. Alternated as Othello and Iago, Othello, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1955–56. Troilus, Troilus and Cressida, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1955–56. Romeo, Romeo and Juliet, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1955–56. Title role, Richard II, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1955–56. Macduff, Macbeth, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1956. (Broadway debut) Romeo, Romeo and Juliet, Winter Garden Theatre, New York City, 1956. Thersites, Troilus and Cressida, Old Vic Theatre Company, London, then Winter Garden Theatre, 1956. Title role, Hamlet, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1957–58. Angelo, Measure for Measure, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1957–58. Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Twelfth Night, Old Vic Theatre Company, 1957–58. Victor Fabian, Once More with Feeling, New Theatre, London, 1959. Nestor, Irma La Douce, Lyric Theatre, London, 1959. Jacko, The Naked Island, Arts Theatre, London, 1960. Title role, Macbeth, Nottingham Playhouse Company, England, 1961. Sir Thomas More, A Man for All Seasons, Nottingham Playhouse Company, 1961. The Stranger, The Lady from the Sea, Queen’s Theatre, London, 1961. The Evangelist, The Substitute, Palace Theatre, London, 1961. Don Frederick, The Chances, Chichester Festival, Chichester, England, 1962. 217


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Romeo and Juliet, Citadel Theatre, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 1972. Les Canadiens, Neptune Theatre, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1978. The Seagull, Neptune Theatre, 1978. Hamlet, Grand Theatre, London, Ontario, Canada, 1983. Mother Courage, Stratford Shakespearean Festival, Ontario, Canada, 1987. Othello, Stratford Shakespearean Festival, 1987. The Three Sisters, Stratford Shakespearean Festival, 1989.

Pastor Manders, Ghosts, New York and Washington, DC, 1982. Don Armado, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Stratford Shakespearean Festival, Ontario, Canada, 1983. Dear Antoine, Grand Theatre, London, Ontario, Canada, 1983. Arsenic and Old Lace, Grand Theatre, 1983. Shylock, The Merchant of Venice, Stratford Shakespearean Festival, 1984. Anton Chekhov, Intimate Admiration, Stratford Shakespearean Festival, 1987. Henry Higgins, My Fair Lady, Stratford Shakespearean Festival, 1988. Sir Peter Teazle, The School for Scandal, Royal National Theatre, London, 1990. The Winter’s Tale, Barbican Theatre, London, 1993. Richard de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, Saint Joan, Lyceum Theatre, New York City, 1993.

Also directed the opera Don Giovanni, Festival Theatre of Canada. Film Appearances: Lord Alfred Douglas, Oscar Wilde (also known as Forbidden Passion and Oscar Wilde: The Movie), FAW, 1960. Roger, Mr. Topaze (also known as I Like Money), 1961. Julian Ratcliffe, second lieutenant, Billy Budd, Allied Artists, 1962. Dr. Mark Davidson, Unearthly Stranger (also known as Beyond the Stars), American International, 1964. Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Terror (also known as Fog), Columbia, 1966. Wellington, The Adventures of Gerard (also known as Adventures of Brigadier Gerard), 1970. General Wolseley, Riel, 1979. Baron Karl Friedrich Hieronymous Munchausen, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (also known as Die Abenteuer des Baron von Muenchhausen), Columbia, 1989. Mr. Andrews, the butler, Baby’s Day Out, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1994. Mr. Laurence, Little Women, Columbia, 1994. Mr. Endymion Hart–Jones, The Road to Wellville, Columbia, 1994. Waiter, Dangerous Minds, Buena Vista, 1995. Cruzzi, Swann, Norstar, 1996. Thaddeus, High School High, Columbia, 1996. Follenfant, Sabotage, New City Releasing, 1996. General Staedert, The Fifth Element (also known as Le cinquieme element), Columbia, 1997. Dr. Yealland, Regeneration (also known as Behind the Lines), Alliance, 1997. Shopkeeper, Shadow Zone: My Teacher Ate My Homework, Catalyst, 1997. The well–manicured man, The X–Files: The Unopened File (also known as Aux frontieres du reel), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. Dean Adams, Urban Legend (also known as Mixed Culture), TriStar, 1998. Bradley, Goodbye Lover, Warner Bros., 1999. Gustave Sors, Sunshine (also known as A napfeny ize and Sunshine–Ein Hauch von Sonnenschein), Paramount, 1999.

Major Tours: Romeo, Romeo and Juliet, U.S. cities, 1956. Title role, Richard II, U.S. cities, 1956. Macduff, Macbeth, U.S. cities, 1956. Thersites, Troilus and Cressida, U.S. cities, 1956. Title role, Hamlet, Old Vic Theatre Company, U.S. cities, 1958–59. Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Twelfth Night, Old Vic Theatre Company, U.S. cities, 1958–59. Title role, Macbeth, Maltese cities, 1961. Thomas More, A Man for All Seasons, Maltese cities, 1961. Title role, Macbeth, Nottingham Playhouse Company, West African cities, 1963. Humbert Humbert, Lolita, U.S. cities, 1970. Stage Director: Henry V, Old Vic Theatre, London, 1960. Twelfth Night, Nottingham Playhouse, England, 1962. A Subject of Scandal, Nottingham Playhouse, 1962. Concern, Nottingham Playhouse, 1962. The Importance of Being Earnest, Nottingham Playhouse, 1963. Memento Mori, Nottingham Playhouse, 1964. The Mayor of Zalamea, Nottingham Playhouse, 1964. Listen to the Knocking Bird, Nottingham Playhouse, 1964. Richard II, Nottingham Playhouse, 1965. Collapse of Stout Party, Nottingham Playhouse, 1965. Measure for Measure, Nottingham Playhouse, 1965. Saint Joan, Nottingham Playhouse, 1966. Moll Flanders, Nottingham Playhouse, 1966. Antony and Cleopatra, Nottingham Playhouse, 1966. Jack and the Beanstalk, Nottingham Playhouse, 1966. Death of a Salesman, Nottingham Playhouse, 1967. Honour and Offer, Fortune Theatre, London, 1969. The Rivals, National Arts Centre Theatre, Ottawa, Canada, 1972. 218

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NEVILLE Television Appearances; Movies: Henry V, The Life of Henry V, BBC, 1957. Robert Browning, The Barretts of Wimpole Street, 1961. Wilkie, Shaggy Dog (also known as The Company of Five: Shaggy Dog), 1968. General Wolseley, Riel, 1979. Voice of Viktor, Johann Gift to Christmas, 1991. Dr. Cecil Chambers, Journey to the Center of the Earth, NBC, 1993. Lord de Quincy, Stark (also known as Ben Elton’s ⬙Stark⬙), 1993. General Sir Alan Brooke, Dieppe, 1993. Frilo, the magnificent, The Song Spinner, Showtime, 1995. Judge Mulhauser, Time to Say Goodbye?, Lifetime, 1997. Bosch, Johnny 2.0, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Judge H. Chadwick, Custody of the Heart, Lifetime, 2000. Voice, Gahan Wilson’s ⬙The Kid,⬙ Showtime, 2001. Mr. Cunningham, The Stork Derby (also known as Course a la cigogne and La course aux enfant), Lifetime, 2002. George’s father, Escape from the Newsroom, 2002. Director, Control Factor (also known as Cortex controle), Sci–Fi Channel, 2003.

Duke of Dingwall, The Duke (also known as Hubert and Hubert, son altesse canine), Buena Vista Home Video, 1999. Jock Beale, Water Damage, Critical Mass Releasing, 1999. Uncle Henrick, Dinner at Fred’s, Imperial, 1999. Bishop George Bell, Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace (also known as Bonhoeffer–Die letzte stufe), Norflicks, 2000. Judge H. Chadwick, Custody of the Heart, 2000. Marmeladov, Crime and Punishment, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 2000. Dr. Reese, Harvard Man, Lions Gate Films, 2001. Spider, Odeon, 2002. Preacher, Time of the Wolf (also known as L’enfant et le loup and L’heure du loup), Third Millennium, 2002. Terrence, Spider, Sony Pictures Classics, 2002. Narrator, Sea and Stars (animated short), National Film Board of Canada, 2002. Orson Stewart, Between Strangers (also known as Coeurs inconnus and Cuori estranei), Equinox, 2002. Henry Neville, Hollywood North, Franchise Pictures, 2003. Malcolm Woodward, Moving Malcolm, Mongrel Media, 2003. Old man, The Statement (also known as Crimes contre l’humanite), Sony Pictures Classics, 2003. Narrator, White Knuckles, Tulchin Entertainment, 2004. Lord Rawston, Separate Lies, Fox Searchlight, 2005. Voice of Donkey, The Tragic Story of Nling (animated short), 2006. Himself, Hamlet (Solo) (documentary), 2007. Himself, The Madness and Misadventures of Munchhausen (documentary), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2008.

Television Appearances; Specials: Romeo, Romeo and Juliet, NBC, 1955. Hillsborough, The Rebel, CBS, 1975. The World’s a Stage with John Neville, 2007. Television Appearances; Episodic: Peter, ⬙The Bachelor,⬙ BBC Sunday–Night Theatre, 1951. Paul Gardiner, ⬙A Question of Fact,⬙ ITV Television Playhouse, ITV, 1955. Romeo, ⬙Romeo and Juliet,⬙ Producers’ Showcase, 1957. Ejlert Lovborg, ⬙Hedda Gabler,⬙ ITV Play of the Week (also known as Play of the Week), ITV, 1957. Title role, ⬙Hamlet,⬙ DuPont Show of the Month, CBS, 1959. Maxime/Saint–Just, ⬙Poor Bitos,⬙ Theatre 625, 1965. Inspector Franz Mittermayer, ⬙The Order,⬙ The Wednesday Play, 1967. The man, ⬙George’s Room,⬙ Half Hour Story, 1967. Wilkie, ⬙Shaggy Dog,⬙ The Company of Five, 1968. Pickering, ⬙The Death Watcher,⬙ Shadows of Fear, 1971. Dr. Thorndyke, ⬙A Message from the Deep Sea,⬙ The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes, 1971. Andrew, ⬙Third Party,⬙ Love Story, 1972. Sir Everard, ⬙Knightmare,⬙ Shirley’s World, 1972. ⬙Triple Cross,⬙ The Protectors, 1972.

Television Appearances; Series: The Company of Five, 1968. Desmond, Grand, NBC, 1990. The well–manicured man, a recurring role, The X–Files, Fox, 1995–98. Uncle Malcolm, Emily of New Moon, CBC, 1998. Voice of Eternity, The Silver Surfer, Fox, 1998. First Elder Cole, Amazon (also known as Amazonas– Gefangene de Dschungels and Peter Benchley⬘s ⬙Amazon⬙), syndicated, 1999–2000. Voice of Sparky, Rockabye Bubble, 2000. Deaton Hill, The Eleventh Hour, 2002. Television Appearances; Miniseries: John Churchill, ⬙The First Churchills,⬙ Masterpiece Theatre, PBS, 1971. Professor Billby, By Way of the Stars (also known as Der Lange weg des Lukas B.), 1992. Dwight Sanderson, Chercheurs d’or (also known as Adventures of Smoke Bellew and Jack London’s ⬙Wilderness Tales⬙), 1996. British High Commissioner, Trudeau, 2002. 219


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⬙Richard Burton: In from the Cold,⬙ Great Performances, PBS, 1989. ⬙Acid Test,⬙ E.N.G., 1992. Percy Methley, ⬙A Dark and Stormy Night,⬙ Road to Avonlea (also known as Avonlea and Tales from Avonlea), 1992. Professor Hilton, ⬙The Accused,⬙ Class of ’96, 1993. Isaac Newton, ⬙Descent: Part 1,⬙ Star Trek: The Next Generation (also known as Star Trek: TNG), 1993. Leonard Price, ⬙Thief of Hearts,⬙ Viper, NBC, 1994. Sir David Browning, ⬙Message for Posterity,⬙ Performance, 1994. Oscar Hammond, ⬙F/X: The Illusion,⬙ F/X: The Series, syndicated, 1996. Arthur Jameson, ⬙Past, Present, Future,⬙ The Education of Max Bickford, 2002. The seeker, Odyssey 5, Showtime, 2002. Mr. Wiley, Queer as Folk (also known as Q.A.F. and Queer as Folk USA), Showtime, 2002.

Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actor in a drama series, 1975, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best television actor—drama, 1976, both for Petrocelli. CREDITS Film Appearances: Al Riccardo, Pretty Boy Floyd, Continental Distributing, 1960. The Moving Finger, Moyer Productions, 1963. Anthony J. ⬙Tony⬙ Petrocelli (title role), The Lawyer, Paramount, 1969. Kowalski, Vanishing Point, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1971. William ⬙Bill⬙ Mathison, The Salzburg Connection (also known as Top Secret), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1972. John Talbot, Fear Is the Key, Paramount, 1973. Dr. Frank Whitman, City on Fire, Avco–Embassy Pictures, 1979. Dr. Ben Corcoran, Amy (also known as Amy on the Lips), Buena Vista, 1981. Norman Bassett, Daylight, Universal, 1996. Jack Skolnick, Brown’s Requiem, Avalanche Releasing, 1998. Senator Lassetter, Goodbye Lover, Warner Bros., 1998. Dr. Chamberlain, Fugitive Mind, Royal Oaks Communications/Flashstar, 1999. Hal (Kit’s agent), Bowfinger (also known as Big Movie and Bowfinger’s Big Thing), Universal, 1999. Jim Avery, The Limey, Artisan Entertainment, 1999. Greydon Lake, G–Men from Hell, Government Action, 2000. Monty, True Blue, Columbia/TriStar, 2001. Simon, Jack the Dog, Jung N Restless Productions, 2001. Walter Sullivan, 40 Days and 40 Nights (also known as 40 jours et 40 nuits), Miramax, 2002. Boris, Grilled, New Line Cinema, 2006. Frank, What the Ⲇ$*! Do We (K)now? (also known as What the Bleep Do We Know!?), Samuel Goldwyn, 2006.

OTHER SOURCES Books: Gaines, Robert A., John Neville Takes Command: The Story of the Stratford Shakespearean Festival in Production, William Street Press (Stratford, Ontario, Canada), 1987. International Dictionary of Theatre, Volume 3: Actors, Directors, and Designers, St. James Press, 1996. Trewin, J. C., John Neville, 1961. Periodicals: Theatre Week, July 31, 1989, p. 26.

NEWMAN, Barry 1938– PERSONAL Full name, Barry Foster Newman; born November 7, 1938, in Boston, MA; son of Carl Henry and Sarah (maiden name, Ostrovsky) Newman. Education: Brandeis University, B.A., anthropology. Avocational Interests: Jazz saxophone, golf, tennis.

Television Appearances; Series: John Barnes, The Edge of Night (also known as Edge of Night), CBS, 1964–65. Anthony J. ⬙Tony⬙ Petrocelli, Petrocelli, NBC, 1974–76. Dr. Garrett Braden, Nightingales, NBC, 1989.

Addresses: Agent—The Gersh Agency, 130 West 42nd St., Suite 1804, New York, NY 10036; Greene and Associates, 8899 Beverly Blvd., Suite 705, Los Angeles, CA 90048–2428. Manager—N2N Entertainment, 1230 Montana Ave., Suite 203, Santa Monica, CA 90403.

Television Appearances; Movies: Alan Fitch, Sex and the Married Woman, NBC, 1977. Johnny Campana, King Crab, ABC, 1980. Barney Duncan, ѧ Deadline ѧ, Nine Network (Australia) and CBS, 1982. Detective Flynn, Fantasies (also known as The Studio Murders), ABC, 1982.

Career: Actor. 220

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NICKALLS Frank Askoff, ⬙How Am I Driving?,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1994. Frank Askoff, ⬙Whistle Stop,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1994. Jimmy Wexler, ⬙A Sudden Fish,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1994. Andrew Bascombe, ⬙Game, Set, Murder,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1995. Mark Radner, ⬙Top Gum,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1998. Bill Allen (Claire’s father), ⬙Grand Delusions,⬙ Cupid, ABC, 1999. Professor Max Bloom, ⬙The Accomplice,⬙ The O.C. (also known as California Teens, Newport Beach, O.C., O.C., California, Orange County, A Narancsvidek, O.C.—Um estranho no paraiso, and Zycie na fali), Fox, 2005. Professor Max Bloom, ⬙The Lonely Hearts Club,⬙ The O.C. (also known as California Teens, Newport Beach, O.C., O.C., California, Orange County, A Narancsvidek, O.C.—Um estranho no paraiso, and Zycie na fali), Fox, 2005. Professor Max Bloom, ⬙The Second Chance,⬙ The O.C. (also known as California Teens, Newport Beach, O.C., O.C., California, Orange County, A Narancsvidek, O.C.—Um estranho no paraiso, and Zycie na fali), Fox, 2005.

Peter Baylin, Having It All, ABC, 1982. Bernie Segal, Fatal Vision, NBC, 1984. Richard Chapman, Second Sight: A Love Story (also known as Emma and I), CBS, 1984. Ben Taylor, My Two Loves, ABC, 1986. Jason Rudd, Miss Marple: The Mirror Crack’d from Side to Side (also known as Miss Marple), BBC, 1992, broadcast as Miss Marple: The Mirror Crack’d, Arts and Entertainment, 1993, also broadcast on Seven Network (Australia). Axel Trank, Der Blaue Diamant (also known as Hunt for the Blue Diamond), 1993. Andy Capasso, MacShayne: Winner Takes All, NBC, 1994. Donald Simpson, Good Advice, HBO, 2001. Simon, Manhood, Showtime, 2003. Television Appearances; Specials: Night of 100 Stars III (also known as Night of One Hundred Stars), NBC, 1990. Himself, Movies’ Greatest Cars, Sky, 2005. Himself, ’Tis Autumn: The Search for Jackie Paris, 2006. Kowalski, Wanderlust, Independent Film Channel, 2006.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Anthony J. ⬙Tony⬙ Petrocelli, Night Games (pilot for the series Petrocelli), NBC, 1974. Dr. Garrett Braden, Nightingales, NBC, 1989.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Police officer, ⬙Hush–Hush,⬙ Way Out, CBS, 1961. ⬙Secret Document X256⬙ (also known as ⬙Secret Document⬙), The Armstrong Circle Theater (also known as Armstrong Circle Theater and Circle Theater), NBC, 1963. Assistant guru, ⬙The Groovy Guru,⬙ Get Smart (also known as Superagent 86), NBC, 1968. Himself, Film Night, BBC, 1973. Himself, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (also known as The Best of Carson), NBC, 1973, multiple episodes in 1975. Himself, The Irv Kupcinet Show, syndicated, 1975. Himself, The Mike Douglas Show, syndicated, 1975. Himself, Dinah! (also known as Dinah and Dinah and Friends), syndicated, multiple episodes in 1975, 1976, 1977. Himself, The Peter Marshall Variety Show, syndicated, 1976. Cohost, The Mike Douglas Show, syndicated, 1976. Himself, Celebrity Sweepstakes, NBC, 1977. Himself, The Alan Thicke Show (also known as Prime Cuts; recut version known as Fast Company), 1980. Dr. Gabe McCracken, ⬙The Cutting Edge,⬙ Quincy M.E. (also known as Quincy), NBC, 1983. Himself, ⬙Private Eyes,⬙ The Fall Guy, ABC, 1984. Former police lieutenant Ed McMasters, ⬙Snow White, Blood Red,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1988. Lieutenant Amos ⬙Jake⬙ Ballinger, ⬙Class Act,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1989. Guest, The New Hollywood Squares (also known as The Hollywood Squares), syndicated, 1989.

Appeared as George, Wilder Days, ABC. Television Work: Producer, Everybody Happy, 1991. Worked on various projects. Stage Appearances: The musician, Nature’s Way, Coronet Theatre, New York City, 1957. Larry, Maybe Tuesday, Playhouse Theatre, New York City, 1958. Detective sergeant Trotter, The Mousetrap, Maidman Playhouse, New York City, 1960–61. Young man and understudy for the role of Sonny, Night Life, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1962. Sheik Orsini, What Makes Sammy Run?, 54th Street Theatre, New York City, 1964–65. Night of 100 Stars III (also known as Night of One Hundred Stars), Radio City Music Hall, New York City, 1990.

NICKALLS, Grant PERSONAL Born in Huntsville, Ontario, Canada. 221


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Journalism student, ⬙The Miracle Worker,⬙ The Eleventh Hour, CTV, 2005. Keys, ⬙Through the Looking Glass,⬙ Kevin Hill, UPN, 2005. Jim Hartfield, ⬙The Strip Club Murder,⬙ Til Death Do Us Part (also known as Love You to Death), Court TV, 2007.

Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Scott, Speciman, Ardustry Home Entertainment, 1996. Jason, Dirty Work (also known as Sale boulot), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1998. Joe, Angel Eyes (also known as Ojos de angel), Warner Bros., 2001. Jack Bridges, Glitter, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Helicopter pilot, The Incredible Hulk, Universal, 2008.

NICOLS, Bruno See HARTH, C. Ernst

Television Appearances; Series: David Silverman, Paradise Falls, Showcase, 2001. Matt and lawyer, Doc, PAX, 2002–2003. Constable Ian Faraday, This Is Wonderland, CBC, 2005.


Television Appearances; Miniseries: Jed, Seasons of Love (also known as Love on the Land), CBS, 1999.

Birthname Amaury Nolasco Garrido; born December 24, 1970, in Puerto Rico. Education: Studied biology at University of Puerto Rico.

Television Appearances; Movies: Marty, A Husband, a Wife and a Lover (also known as A Strange Affair), CBS, 1996. Steve Ellinger, My Date with the President’s Daughter, ABC, 1998. Paul Jarvis, Hangman, TMC, 2001. Billy Campbell, Power and Beauty, Showtime, 2002. Richard Devries, Comfort and Joy, Lifetime, 2003. Simon Castillo, Obituary, Lifetime, 2006. David Foster, Celine, CBC, 2008.

Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 1325 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019. Manager—Untitled Entertainment, 1801 Century Park East, Suite 700, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Actor. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Specials: Snow Hunter, Dear America: Standing in the Light (also known as Standing in the Light, and Dear America: Standing in the Light—The Captive Story of Catharine Carey Logan, Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania, 1763), HBO, 1999.

Film Appearances: Waiter, Fall, MGM, 1997. Victor, Brother, Sony, 2000. Hector Arturo, Final Breakdown (also known as Truth Be Told and Turnaround), 2002. Orange Julius, 2 Fast 2 Furious, Universal, 2003. G–man, The Librarians (also known as Strike Force), Lions Gate Films Home Entertainment, 2003. Minadeo, Mr. 3000, Buena Vista, 2004. Carlos, The Benchwarmers, Sony, 2006. ACWO Jorge ⬙Fig⬙ Figueroa, Transformers (also known as Transformers: The IMAX Experience), Paramount, 2007. Detective Cosmos Santos, Street Kings, Fox Searchlight, 2008. Jack Lupino, Max Payne, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2008. Palmer, Armored, Screen Gems, 2009.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Jerry Wakowski, ⬙The Prom,⬙ C.B.C.’s Magic Hour, CBC, 1990. John Spencer, ⬙What’s Up Doc,⬙ Side Effects, CBC, 1994. Young Pete Hogan, ⬙A Match Made in Heaven,⬙ Twice in a Lifetime, CTV and PAX, 1999. Adam Lyons, Queer as Folk (also known as Q.A.F. and Queer as Folk U.S.A.), Showtime, 2001. Wild Card, Lifetime, 2003. Playmakers, ESPN, 2003. Robert Newell, ⬙Sea of Love,⬙ 1–800–MISSING (also known as Missing and Porte disparu), Lifetime, 2004.

Television Appearances; Series: Fernando Sucre, Prison Break, Fox, 2005—. 222

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NOLASCO Ruben DeRosa, ⬙The Closer,⬙ CSI: NY, CBS, 2005. ⬙⬘Transformers’: Their War. Our World,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2007. Last Call with Carson Daly, NBC, 2007. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2008.

Television Appearances; Movies: Cypriano, The Dukes of Hazzard: Hazzard in Hollywood, CBS, 2000. Television Appearances; Episodic: Shadow’s accomplice number one, New York Undercover, Fox, 1997. Ivory Ortega, ⬙The Stories You Don’t Hear About,⬙ Arli$$, HBO, 1999. Pedro Mendoza, ⬙Take Me Out to the Ballgame,⬙ Early Edition, CBS, 1999. Flaco Rosario, ⬙Bad Boys & Why We Love Them,⬙ The Huntress, USA Network, 2000. Waiter, That 80’s Show, Fox, 2001. Hector Delgado, ⬙Slaves of Las Vegas,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas and Les Experts), CBS, 2001. Ricky, ⬙Dead Again,⬙ ER, NBC, 2002. Young Manny, ⬙Long Time No See,⬙ George Lopez, ABC, 2002. Adrian, ⬙Love TKO,⬙ Eve, UPN, 2004.

Television Appearances; Specials: The 2006 Teen Choice Awards, Fox, 2006. Presenter, 2006 Alma Awards, ABC, 2006. 2007 NCLR Alma Awards, ABC, 2007. RECORDINGS Videos: 2 Fast 2 Furious: Driving School, Universal, 2003. Inside ⬘2 Fast 2 Furious’, Universal, 2003. Fernando Sucre, Making of ⬙Prison Break,⬙ 2006. Our World, 2007. Yes We Can, 2008.


O–R Lamont, ⬙A Friend in Need,⬙ The Big House, ABC, 2004. Sergeant Adams, ⬙The Crossing,⬙ Threshold, CBS, 2006. Quentin Walsh, ⬙Bridesmaids Revisited,⬙ Gilmore Girls, The WB, 2006. Jordan Carter, ⬙Prodigal Son,⬙ Close to Home, CBS, 2006. Mr. Pratt, ⬙Good People,⬙ The Bill Engvall Show, TBS, 2007. Mr. Pratt, ⬙Feel Free to Say No,⬙ The Bill Engvall Show, TBS, 2007. P. J. Walling, ⬙There’s No ’I’ in Team,⬙ Grey’s Anatomy, ABC, 2008.

ODOM, Leslie, Jr. 1981– PERSONAL Born August 6, 1981, in Queens, NY. Education: Carnegie Mellon University, B.F.A. (with honors), drama; studied dance with Philadanco’s Training Company; studied voice at Freedom Theatre; studied drama at Capa. Addresses: Agent—Bauman, Redanty and Shaul, 5757 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 473, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Manager—Joan Sittenfield Management, 8350 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 108, West Hollywood, CA 90069.

Stage Appearances: (Broadway debut) Paul, Rent, 1998.

Career: Actor. Eleone Dance Theatre, former member of company; Kariamu and Company, former member of company.

Also appeared in shepherd boy, Black Nativity, Freedom Theatre; Luis, West Side Story, West Virginia Public Theatre, Morgantown, WV; Victor, Smokey Joe’s Cafe, West Virginia Public Theatre; member of ensemble, Jersey Boys, La Jolla Theatre, La Jolla, CA; Danny and member of ensemble, Applause, Reprise Theatre, Los Angeles; Rodrigo, Venice, Kirk Douglas Theatre, Los Angeles; Agwe, Once on This Island, Reprise Theatre; Marion, Letters from ’Nam, Pittsburgh CLO, Pittsburgh, PA; Shaun, CAMP: The Movie; member of chorus, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Nederlander Theatre, New York City; Seaweed, Hairspray; in Being Alive, Westport Playhouse, Westport, CT.

Awards, Honors: Princess Grace Award for Excellence in the Arts, 2002–03; Grace LaVine Theatre Award, for achievement in acting. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Joseph Kayle, CSI: Miami, CBS, 2003–2006. Malik Christo, Vanished, Fox, 2006. Freddy, Big Day, ABC, 2006–2007.

ORUCHE, Phina 1972– (Phina Cruche, Phina)

Television Appearances; Pilots: Freddy, Big Day, ABC, 2006. Also appeared as Marcus, Supreme Courtships.

PERSONAL Born August 31, 1972, in Liverpool, England; married first husband, August, 2007; children: one son. Education: Studied acting at the Actors Studio.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Lamont, ⬙Almost Touched by an Angel,⬙ The Big House, ABC, 2004. 224

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OZAKI Victoria, ⬙In Concert,⬙ Players, NBC, 1997. Daysha Lang, Nash Bridges, CBS, 1997. Ellen Martin, ⬙Rain of Terror,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1998. Olivia, ⬙The Freshman,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as BtVS, Buffy, and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: The Series), The WB, 1999. Olivia, ⬙Hush,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as BtVS, Buffy, and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: The Series), The WB, 1999. Olivia, ⬙Restless,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as BtVS, Buffy, and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: The Series), The WB, 2000. Mercy, ⬙Val Point Blank,⬙ V.I.P. (also known as V.I.P.— Die Bodyguards), syndicated, 2000. Adult Virginia, ⬙Subject: Fearsum,⬙ Freakylinks, Fox, 2000. Doctor, ⬙The Inner Sense: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 2000. Asia, ⬙Sleight–of–Hand,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 2000. Jada, ⬙Lucky Charmed,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2003. Mia, ⬙Cliff Mantegna,⬙ Nip/Tuck, FX Channel, 2003. Female guard, ⬙Crossed Out,⬙ She Spies, syndicated, 2003. Heather Lees, ⬙403,⬙ The Bill, ITV1, 2006. Heather Lees, ⬙405,⬙ The Bill, ITV1, 2006. This Morning (also known as This Morning with Richard and Judy), ITV, 2006. Herself and Lauryn Hill, ⬙2006 Celebrity 4,⬙ Stars in Their Eyes, ITV, 2006. Female chieftain, ⬙The Outsiders,⬙ The Unit, CBS, 2007. Little Miss Jocelyn, BBC3, 2008.

Addresses: Agent—Silver, Massetti, and Szatmary, 8730 West Sunset Blvd., Suite 440, West Hollywood, CA 90069. Career: Actress. Also worked as a model. Qualified Hatha yoga instructor. Member: The Actors Studio. CREDITS Film Appearances: Model, Sabrina, Paramount, 1995. Leslie James, How Stella Got Her Groove Back, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. (As Phina Cruche) Lowanda, Out in Fifty, Avalanche Home Entertainment, 1999. Citizens of Perpetual Indulgence, 1999. Amanda, The Sky Is Falling, Showcase Entertainment, 2000. Female super model, Punks, Urbanworld Films, 2000. Cym, The Forsaken (also known as The Forsaken: Desert Vampires, Desert Vampires, and Vampires of the Desert), Screen Gems, 2001. Scouse’s girl, Who’s Kyle? (short), Vanguard Cinema, 2004. Emily, Happily Ever Afters, Buena Vista International, 2009. Television Appearances; Series: I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! (also known as I’m a Celebrity), ITV, 2006. Liberty Baker, Footballers’ Wives, ITV, Trio, and BBC America, 2006. Panelist, The Wright Stuff, Channel 5, 2007–2008.

WRITINGS Nonfiction: Wrote weekly column for the Liverpool Echo; wrote column for Aspire magazine.

Television Appearances; Movies: British stewardess, If Looks Could Kill (also known as If Looks Could Kill: From the Files of ⬙America’s Most Wanted⬙ and If Looks Could Kill: The John Hawkins Story), Fox, 1996. Sexy woman, High Freakquency (also known as 24/7 Radio), Black Entertainment Television, 1998. Isabella, Blade Squad, Fox, 1998.

OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Phina Oruche Website,, January 15, 2009.

Television Appearances; Specials: An Audience with ⬙Coronation Street,⬙ ITV, 2006. Screen Nation Television and Film Awards 2006, 2006.

OZAKI, Eijiro

Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Phina) Ashley, ⬙No Smoking,⬙ Saved by the Bell: The New Class, NBC, 1995. Beautiful woman, ⬙Tales from the Dark Side or, Ty Takes the Redeye,⬙ Homeboys in Outer Space, UPN, 1997.

PERSONAL Born in Japan. Education: Attended University of Nebraska as an exchange student; trained with Yoko Narahashi and Frank Corsaro. 225


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Addresses: Agent—Hervey/Grimes Talent Agency, 10561 Missouri Ave., Suite 2, Los Angeles, CA 90025.

PAVAROTTI, Luciano 1935–2007

Career: Actor and voice performer. Appeared in several Japanese films and television programs, beginning in the 1990s; appeared in commercials. Also works as interpreter and stunt performer.

PERSONAL Born October 12, 1935, in Modena, Italy; died of pancreatic cancer, September 6, 2007, in Modena, Italy. Opera singer. Blessed with a voice that had a rare range, bell-like clarity, and pristine beauty, Pavarotti is often hailed as the greatest operatic tenor of all time. With his outsized frame and a charismatic personality to match, Pavarotti brought an appreciation of opera to millions of people.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Kunihilo, Gaijin—Ama–me como sou (also known as Gaijin—Love Me as I Am), Scena Filmes, 2005. Lieutenant Okubo, Letters from Iwo Jima, Warner Bros., 2006.

Born in the small town of Modena, Italy, Pavarotti began singing in the church choir at the age of five, imitating his father, a baker and amateur tenor who often sang in the chorus at a Modena opera house. Pavarotti decided at nineteen to become a professional opera singer and began studying seriously with Arrigo Pola. In 1961 Pavarotti won the Concorso Internazionale prize, which included a role in a forthcoming opera; hence, Pavarotti made his professional debut as Rodolfo in Puccini’s classic story of impoverished artists, La Boheme, a part that became Pavarotti’s hallmark role. Pavarotti made his international debut as Rodolfo in 1963, stepping in for Italian opera great and mentor Giuseppe di Stefano in a televised performance of La Boheme at London’s Royal Opera House.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Young Kaito Nakamura, ⬙Chapter Ten: Truth & Consequences,⬙ Heroes, NBC, 2007. Maitre d’, ⬙The Commitments,⬙ The Game, CW Network, 2008. Himself, Heroes Report, Super! Drama TV, 2008. Television Appearances; Other: Agri (series), NHK, 1997. Uesugi yozan (special), NHK, 1998. Kunio Takakura, Haru to Natsu (miniseries), NHK, 2005. Stage Appearances: Jim, Rebel without a Cause, Model Language Studio, Japan, 1994. Shuriken, Shavian Theatre Company, New Zealand, 1995. The Winds of God, Judith Anderson Theatre, New York City, then American Place Theatre, New York City, 1999.

Pavarotti made his American debut in 1965 at the Miami Opera opposite soprano Joan Sutherland in Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor; Sutherland and Pavarotti formed a vocal partnership that endured over the decades. Pavarotti performed for the first time at the New York Metropolitan Opera in 1968; in was to become his ⬙home,⬙ a venue in which Pavarotti performed more than 375 times during his career. In 1972 Pavarotti returned to the Met to perform a mystical feat: he was able to hit nine consecutive high c notes with full voice as Tonio in Donizetti’s Daughter of the Regiment, earning Pavarotti the nickname ⬙king of the high c’s.⬙ This impressive performance brought Pavarotti even greater recognition outside of the opera world and led to an appearance with Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show.

Also appeared in Japanese productions of Dog Day Afternoon, Theatre V Akasaka; Fast Forward, Sparks Third Stage; Hello X’mas, Theatre Apple; and Way of the Sword, Shinsengumi Festival Theatre. Major Tours: The Winds of God, Japanese cities, 1999. RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Yoto, Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, Atari, 2009.

By the early 1980s Pavarotti had become a household name with numerous successful concerts, operas, and recordings. In 1990 Pavarotti teamed with fellow tenors Palcido Domingo and Jose Carreras in a performance at the World Cup in Italy. The enormous success of this performance led to concerts and a tour headlined as the Three Tenors; the Three Tenors became a phenomenon, selling millions of recordings and reaching an even wider audience. In the early 1990s Pavarotti

OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Eijiro Ozaki Official Site,, December 11, 2008. 226

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POOLE debut came in 1965 with The Slender Thread, starring Sidney Poitier and Anne Bancroft. His first Academy Award nomination as best director came in 1969 with They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?, a Depression-era drama about marathon dancers starring Jane Fonda. Pollack’s next Academy Award nomination for best director came in 1982 with Tootsie, a gender-bending comedy in which Pollack also acted alongside Dustin Hoffman. Tootsie earned ten Academy Award nominations and was picked in a subsequent American Film Institute Poll as the second funniest comedy film ever made. Pollack cast his friend Redford in 1966 in This Property is Condemned opposite Natalie Wood. Pollack and Redford collaborated on six more films together, including The Way We Were with Barbra Streisand, Jeremiah Johnson, Three Days of the Condor with Faye Dunaway, The Electric Horseman with Jane Fonda, and Havana with Lena Olin. The PollackRedford pairing also produced the enormously successful 1985 picture Out of Africa, starring Redford and Meryl Streep, which garnered eleven Academy Award nomination and seven wins, including two top prizes for Pollack, best film and best director.

founded and starred in Pavarotti & Friends, an annual charity concert featuring Pavarotti singing with current superstars as a way to raise money for many United Nations charities. Pavarotti’s popularity skyrocketed, and in 1993 his performance at New York’s Central Park was attended by more than 500,000 fans, while millions more watched on television. In 2004 Pavarotti sang in his last opera, as the painter Cavaradossi in Pucini’s Tosca at the New York Metropolitan Opera. Pavarotti started a 40-city farewell tour in 2005, but his last public appearance was a performance at the opening of the Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy, in 2006. In July 2006 Pavarotti had emergency surgery for pancreatic cancer. Pavarotti was still teaching students for several hours a day until only a few weeks before his death. PERIODICALS New York Times, September 6, 2007. Variety, September 10, 2007.

In the latter part of his career, Pollack became a prolific producer, partnering with director Anthony Minghella to form Mirage Enterprises, a film production company that backed top movies such as Sliding Doors in 1998, Random Hearts and The Talented Mr. Ripley in 1999, The Quiet American in 2002, and Cold Mountain in 2003. In 2007 Pollack produced and acted in the dramatic legal thriller Michael Clayton, starring George Clooney. Michael Clayton earned seven Academy Award nominations, including best picture and best actor for Clooney. Pollack’s last screen appearance was in Made of Honor, playing the father of leading-man Patrick Dempsey’s love-stricken character.


POLLACK, Sydney 1934–2008 PERSONAL Birth name, Sydney Irwin Pollack; born July 1, 1934, in Lafayette, IN; died of cancer, May 26, 2008, in Pacific Palisades, CA. Director, producer, and actor. A meticulous craftsman, Pollack achieved acclaim with many of the most memorable and successful mainstream movies starring some of the biggest Hollywood names of the 1970s and 1980s. Born to first-generation RussianAmerican parents, Pollack developed a love of theater in high school and, upon graduation in 1952, decided to forgo college and move from Indiana to New York to study acting at the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre with Sanford Meisner.

PERIODICALS Newsweek, June 9, 2008. Variety, June 9, 2008. New York Times, May 27, 2008.

POOLE, Aaron Pollack began his professional acting career by appearing on Broadway in the 1950s but turned to directing by the 1960s. He directed episodes of television series such as The Fugitive and Ben Casey, winning an Emmy for an episode of Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theater. In 1962 Pollack made his film acting debut alongside a little-known actor named Robert Redford in War Hunt; the pair formed a friendship that would endure both professionally and personally for more than forty years. Pollack’s big-screen movie directing

PERSONAL Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Award of Excellence, best actor, Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television, and Radio Artists (ACTRA), 2008, for This Beautiful City. 227


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 CREDITS RANCIC, Giuliana 1975– (Giuliana DePandi)

Film Appearances: Beagle—flat critter, Strike! (also known as The Hairy Bird, All I Wanna Do, College femminile, and Les filles font la loi), Alliance Atlantis Motion Picture Group, 1998. Michael Lawson, Slice, 2000. Smitty Jacobson, The Circle (also known as Fraternity and La fraternite), Screen Media Films, 2001. Z–100 judge, The Safety of Objects, IFC Films, 2001. Sean, White Light (short), Bloomsday Pictures, 2005. Duncan, The House, Aquila Media, 2006. Ryan Bladder, Killing Zelda Sparks, Shoreline Entertainment, 2007. Adoration, Sony Pictures Classics, 2008. Norm (short), 2008. Big Dave, Gangster Exchange, 2009.

PERSONAL Born August 17, 1975, in Naples, Italy; daughter of Edoardo DePandi (a master tailor and business owner); married Bill Rancic (a business executive), September 1, 2007. Education: University of Maryland, B.A.; American University, M.A. Addresses: Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067; (voice work and commercials) Alix Gucovsky, Special Artists Agency, 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 470, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Pam Kohl, 3 Arts Entertainment, 9460 Wilshire Blvd., 7th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Film Work: Producer, This Beautiful City, Seville Pictures, 2007.

Career: Actress, producer, news anchor, and writer. Often credited as Giuliana Rancic after 2007. Worked in the mail room of a talent agency.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Private Nash, ZOS: Zone of Separation, TMN, 2008. Television Appearances; Movies: White kid number one, Blind Faith, Showtime, 1998. The assistant director, Bojangles, Showtime, 2001. Bobby, The Defectors (also known as Crime School), 2001. Chris Morris, Touch on Top of the World, Arts and Entertainment, 2006.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Host, E! News Daily (also known as E! News Live and E! News Live Weekend), E! Entertainment Television, between 2002 and 2006.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Eightball, ⬙Pilot: Part 2,⬙ Doc, PAX, 2001.

Television Appearances; Specials: Host, Nicole Richie: Her Simple Life, E! Entertainment Television, 2004. Correspondent, American Idol: Live from the Red Carpet, E! Entertainment Television, 2004. Host, E!’s Live Countdown to the Golden Globes, E! Entertainment Television, 2004. Host, E!’s Live Countdown to the Academy Awards, E! Entertainment Television, 2004, 2007. Host, Live from the Red Carpet: The ѧ Emmy Awards, E! Entertainment Television, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008. CMT: The Greatest—Sexiest Southern Men, Country Music Television, 2006. Host, Live from the Red Carpet: The ѧ Screen Actors Guild Awards, E! Entertainment Television, 2006, 2007, 2008. Host, Live from the Red Carpet: The ѧ Academy Awards, E! Entertainment Television, 2006, 2007, 2008. Host, E!’s Live Countdown to the Grammys, E! Entertainment Television, 2007. Backstage: Hollywood Fashion, Style Network, 2007.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (Uncredited) Bystander, ⬙D.P.O.,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1995. Ritchie Patterson, ⬙Fallen Angel,⬙ Twice in a Lifetime, CTV and PAX, 2000. Vic, ⬙Lost Contact,⬙ Relic Hunter (also known as Relic Hunter—Die Schatzjagerin and Sydney Fox l’aventuriere), syndicated, 2000. Peter Morton, ⬙The Breed,⬙ Mutant X, syndicated, 2003. Grant Wheeler, ⬙Chemistry,⬙ Strange Days at Blake Holsey High, The Discovery Channel, 2003. Grant Wheeler, ⬙Technology,⬙ Strange Days at Blake Holsey High, The Discovery Channel, 2003. Allan Gold, This Is Wonderland, CBC, 2004. Jason Gamby, This Is Wonderland, CBC, 2006. Danny Anderson, ⬙Good Doctor,⬙ 72 Hours: True Crime, CBC, 2006. Also appeared as Grant Wheeler, ⬙Echolocation,⬙ Strange Days at Blake Holsey High, The Discovery Channel. 228

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Host, Live from the Red Carpet: The 2007 Golden Globe Awards, E! Entertainment Television, 2007. Host, E!’s Live Countdown to the SAG Awards, E! Entertainment Television, 2007. Host, Live from the Red Carpet: The ѧ Grammy Awards, E! Entertainment Television, 2007, 2008. (In archive footage) Renee Zellweger: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2008.

Print Materials: Think Like a Guy: How to Get a Guy by Thinking Like One, St. Martin’s Griffin, 2006. Contributor to periodicals, including Detour.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Interviewer, ⬙Monster’s Ball,⬙ E! Behind the Scenes, E! Entertainment Television, 2001. (Uncredited) ⬙The Brad Gluckman Special,⬙ The Jamie Kennedy Experiment, The WB, 2003. Pyramid (also known as The $100,000 Pyramid), syndicated, 2004. (Uncredited) The Young and the Restless (also known as Y&R), CBS, 2004. ⬙Tournament 6, Game 6,⬙ Celebrity Blackjack, Game Show Network, 2004. Journalist, ⬙Claude Wants to Know,⬙ Less than Perfect, ABC, 2004. Tammy Townsend, ⬙Rock the Vote,⬙ One on One, UPN, 2004. Presenter, ⬙Derailed,⬙ E! Behind the Scenes, E! Entertainment Television, 2005. Weekends at the DL, Comedy Central, 2005. Scarborough Country, MSNBC, 2006. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2007. The View, ABC, 2007. (In archive footage) The Daily Show, Comedy Central, 2007. E! News (also known as E!), E! Entertainment Television, 2007. Entertainment anchor, ⬙Dirty, Slutty Whores,⬙ Dirt, FX Network, 2008. The Chelsea Handler Show, E! Entertainment Television, 2008.

RASUK, Victor 1984– PERSONAL Born January 15, 1984, in New York, NY. Addresses: Agent—The Gersh Agency, 232 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Publicist—WKT Public Relations, 335 North Maple Dr., Suite 351, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Independent Spirit Award nomination, best debut performance, 2004, for Raising Victor Vargas; Teen Choice Award nomination, choice movie breakout performance—male, 2005, for Lords of Dogtown. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Kid from neighborhood, Flawless, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1999. Victor Vargas, Raising Victor Vargas (also known as Long Way Home and Raising Victor Vargas), Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2002. Roc, Rock Steady, 2002. Fritz, Haven, Freestyle Releasing, 2004. Tony Alva, Lords of Dogtown (also known as American Knights and Dogtown Boys), Sony, 2005. Himself, The Making of ⬙Lords of Dogtown⬙ (documentary short), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005. Himself, Dogged on Dogtown (documentary short), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005. Frank Cortez, I’m Reed Fish, Screen Media Films, 2006. Bo Douglas, Bonneville, SenArt Films, 2006. Emil (short), 2006. Fritz, Haven, Yari Film Group, 2006. Simon Colon, Adrift in Manhattan, Screen Media Films, 2007. Patrick Chibas, Spinning Into Butter, Screen Media Films, 2007.

Television Appearances; Movies: Florida reporter, Spring Break Lawyer (also known as I’m a Spring Break Lawyer), MTV, 2001. Television Executive Producer: Nicole Richie: Her Simple Life (special), E! Entertainment Television, 2004. Celebrity Rap Superstar (series), MTV, 2007. Film Appearances: Massage therapist, Malibu’s Most Wanted, Warner Bros., 2003. Herself, Paparazzi, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2004. Entertainment reporter, 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (also known as Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2007. 229


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 10010. Manager—Lillian LaSalle, Sweet 180, 141 West 28th St., Suite 300, New York, NY 10001.

Javi, Feel the Noise, Sony, 2007. Private Rico Rodriguez, Stop–Loss, Paramount, 2008. Rogelio Acevedo, Che: Part One (also known as Che— l’ere partie—L’Argentin and Che, el Argentino), IFC Films, 2008. Manny, Life Is Hot in Cracktown, 2008. Greg, The War Boys, 2009.

Career: Actor. Appeared in numerous commercials, including Visa check card, Heineken beer, Burger King restaurants, Campbell’s soup, United Parcel Service, and other products and services.

Television Appearances; Series: Dr. Ryan Sanchez, ER, NBC, 2008. Cam, How to Make It in America, HBO, 2008.

Member: American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Screen Actors Guild. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Movies: Victor, Five Feet High and Rising, Sundance Channel, 2000.

Film Appearances: Soldier, Alien: Resurrection (also known as Alien 4), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1997. Donnie, Falling Sky, DEJ Productions, 1998. Clown, Special (short film), Chanticleer Films, 2003. Brian, Sticky Fingers (short film), 2003. British man, View from the Top, Miramax, 2003. Makeup artist, Freaky Friday, Buena Vista, 2003. Bob, The Entrepreneurs (also known as Just One Look and The $cheme), Artisan Entertainment, 2003. Warmup comedian, Carolina (also known as Carolina— Auf der suche nach Mr. Perfect), Miramax, 2004. Warren, Recycling Flo (short film), Chiaroscuro Productions, 2004. Buddha, Roadie (short film), Seventy–One Productions, 2004. Gee, The F Word, DitlevFilms, 2005. Commercial guy, Watching the Detectives, Peace Arch, 2007. Ray Wyatt, BuzzKill, Buzz Kill, 2008. Markus, The Good Heart, Zik Zak Kvikmyndir, 2008. Colorist, Bride Wars, Fox 2000, 2009. Dr. Kenneth Noonan, Harvest, Ibid Filmworks, 2009.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Cam, How to Make It in America, HBO, 2008. Television Appearances; Specials: The 2004 IFP/West Independent Spirit Awards, Independent Film Channel and Bravo, 2004. Television Appearances; Episodic: Leon Ardilles, ⬙Choice,⬙ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (also known as Law & Order: SVU and Special Victims Unit), NBC, 2003. Luis Ramirez, ⬙Boys Will Be Boys,⬙ Law & Order: Trial by Jury, NBC, 2005. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Interview, April, 2003, p. 62.

Appeared as Steve, College Road Trip, Walt Disney; in title role, My Name Is Nigel Cook, Working Pictures; and as Wyndell Stames, Twist of Fate, Milagro Films.

RATLIFF, Elden Ryan See HENSON, Elden

Television Appearances; Series: Miles Bergamont III, a recurring role, Home James, VH1, between 2005 and 2007. Wing and director, The Naked Brothers Band, Nickelodeon, 2007–2008.


Television Appearances; Episodic: Cousin Guido, ⬙All’s Well that Ends Well,⬙ Crossroads Cafe, PBS, 1996. Doorman, ⬙The Aretha Theory,⬙ Felicity, The WB, 2000. Motel receptionist, ⬙Hello Hollywood,⬙ L.A. 7 (also known as S Club 7 in L.A.), Fox Family Channel, 2000.

Born July 28, 1969, in New York, NY. Education: Colby College, B.A., 1991. Addresses: Agent—Don Buchwald and Associates, 10 East 44th St., New York, NY 10017; (commercials) Paradigm, 360 Park Ave. S., 16th Floor, New York, NY 230

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Motel receptionist, ⬙Goodbye Hollywood,⬙ L.A. 7 (also known as S Club 7 in L.A.), Fox Family Channel, 2000. David, The Young and the Restless (also known as Y&R), CBS, 2001. Javier, ⬙House Arrest,⬙ The Orlando Jones Show, FX Network, 2003. David Sellers, ⬙All that Glitters,⬙ Dragnet (also known as L.A. Dragnet), ABC, 2003. Calvin, ⬙Operation: Deliver the Case,⬙ The Knights of Prosperity, ABC, 2007. Schmulie/Hassid, Head Case, Starz!, 2007. Ken, Lipstick Jungle, NBC, 2008.

RICHMOND Voice of Tommy, Pippi Longstocking (animated), Lyeegacy Releasing, 1997. Voice of Franklin Turtle, Franklin and the Green Knight: The Movie (animated), 2000. Voice of Franklin Turtle, Franklin’s Magic Christmas (animated), 2001. Voice of Screwy, Rolie Polie Olie: The Great Defender of Fun (animated; also known as William Joyce’s ⬙Rolie Polie Olie: The Great Defender of Fun⬙), Walt Disney Home Video, 2002. Television Appearances; Series: Voice of Franklin Turtle, Franklin (animated), CBS, 1997–2004. (As Noah Reed) Voice of Tommy, Pippi Longstocking (animated), HBO, 1998. Voice of Scrul Droptail, Mattimeo: A Tale of Redwall (also known as Brian Jacques’ ⬙Mattimeo: A Tale of Redwall), Teletoon and PBS, 2000. Keyla, Martin the Warrior: A Tale of Redwall (animated), Teletoon and PBS, 2001. Elmore ⬙Tater⬙ Brochet, The Strange Legacy of Cameron Cruz, Nickelodeon, 2002. Marshall Wheeler, Strange Days at Blake Hosley High (also known as Black Hole High), The Discovery Channel, 2002–2006. Voice of Gunther Breech, Jane and the Dragon (animated), YTV, 2006.

Television Appearances; Other: Officer, The Pentagon Wars (movie), HBO, 1998. Max Filshie, New Amsterdam (pilot), Fox, 2008. Appeared as Lazlo in The Big Picture Show, and as a librarian in Angeles. Stage Appearances: Appeared in the solo show The Store, Peoples Improv Theatre, New York City; appeared in title role, Coriolanus, Gascon Theatre, Los Angeles, and Dreamcatcher, Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, MA; as magistrate, Lysistrata, Wilshire Ebell Theatre, Los Angeles; and as Andy, Sex, Zephyr Theatre, Los Angeles; also performed in the sketch comedies Finger Chicken Bush, Second City, Los Angeles, Hot Tamales Live, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, Let Freedom Bling Bling, Second City, Los Angeles, and Stovetop Happy, Second City.

Television Appearances; Movies: Darrell Fox, Terry, CTV, 2005. Television Appearances; Episodic: Kyle, ⬙Treason,⬙ La Femme Nikita (also known as Nikita), USA Network, 1997. Young Perseus, ⬙Perseus: The Search for Medusa,⬙ Mythic Warriors: Guardians of the Legend, CBS, 1998. Mark, ⬙Things That Go Bump in the Night,⬙ In a Heartbeat, The Disney Channel, 2000. Mark, ⬙Cinderella Syndrome,⬙ In a Heartbeat, The Disney Channel, 2000. Mark, ⬙The Boy’s No Good,⬙ In a Heartbeat, The Disney Channel, 2000. Ritchie Stein, ⬙Who Do You Know?,⬙ Soul Food, Showtime, 2001. Todd, ⬙As the Whirly Turns,⬙ Naturally, Sadie (also known as The Complete Freaks of Nature), The Disney Channel, 2007.

RECORDINGS Videos: Hairdresser, The Extreme Adventures of Super Dave, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2000. (English version) Voice of Ikkyu, Read or Die (animated), Manga Video, 2001.

REID, Noah 1987– (Noah Reed) PERSONAL Born May 1987, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Career: Actor and voice artist.

RICHMOND, Tequan 1992–


PERSONAL Given name is pronounced ⬙Tuh–kwon;⬙ born October 30, 1992, in Burlington, NC; son of Temple Poteat (an

Film Appearances: Boy, In Love and War, New Line Cinema, 1996. 231


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 RECORDINGS

actress). Avocational Interests: Sports, music, amusement parks.

Videos: Presenter, 15th Annual Inner City Destiny Awards, Tri Destined Studios, 2006.

Addresses: Agent—Nancy Chaidez, Nancy Chaidez and Associates, 1555 Vine St., Suite 223, Hollywood, CA 90028.

Appeared in the music video ⬙Hate It or Love It⬙ by 50 Cent.

Career: Actor. Toon Disney Channel, host of programs for young people. Appeared in commercials for Spalding basketballs, Verizon Wireless, Nintendo DS game system, Brand Jordan, and other products, as well as in print advertisements.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Jet, October 10, 2005, pp. 56, 60–64. Word Up, June, 2006, p. 71.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Drew Rock, Everybody Hates Chris, UPN, 2005–2006, then CW Network, 2006–2008.

RILEY, Jack 1935– (Jack B. Riley)

Television Appearances; Pilots: Andre Lee, The Law and Mr. Lee, CBS, 2003. Drew Rock, Everybody Hates Chris, UPN, 2005.

PERSONAL Original name, John Riley; born December 30, 1935, in Cleveland, OH; son of John A. and Agnes C. (maiden name, Corrigan) Riley; married Ginger Lawrence, January 3, 1970; children: Jamie, Brian. Education: John Carroll University, B.S., English, 1961.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Boy, ⬙Chaos Theory,⬙ ER, NBC, 2002. Tramelle Willis–Tombs, ⬙Lucky Strike,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les experts), CBS, 2003. Tyson, Mad TV, Fox, 2003. R. J. Holden in 1999, ⬙The Plan,⬙ Cold Case, CBS, 2004. Young ⬙Game⬙, ⬙The Game Featuring 50 Cent: Hate It or Love It,⬙ Access Granted, Black Entertainment Television, 2005. Lionel, ⬙Bang,⬙ The Shield, FX Network, 2005. Lionel, ⬙A Thousand Deaths,⬙ The Shield, FX Network, 2005. Shay Williams, ⬙Clinical Risk,⬙ Strong Medicine, Lifetime, 2005. Levi Bishop, ⬙Checkmate,⬙ Numb3rs (also known as Num3ers), CBS, 2008.

Addresses: Agent—House of Representatives, 1434 6th St., Suite 1, Santa Monica, CA 90401; Cunningham, Escott, Slevin and Doherty, 10635 Santa Monica Blvd., Ⲇ130, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Career: Actor and writer. Sherwood Oaks College, instructor of comedy acting; ⬙Rolling Along of 1960,⬙ Department of the Army Traveling Show, member, 1960; Blore and Richman, Los Angeles, CA, copywriter, 1966–84; voice–over actor for television and radio commercials, including CompUSA computer stores, website, Mitsubishi, Country Crock food products, and Three–Day Blinds home furnishings. Military service: U.S. Army, 1958–61.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 31st Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 2005. The ѧ NAACP Image Awards, Fox, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008. The 7th Annual Family Television Awards, The WB, 2005. The 20th Annual Soul Train Music Awards, syndicated, 2006.

Member: Screen Actors Guild, Actors’ Equity Association, Writers Guild of America, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. CREDITS

Film Appearances: Ray Charles, Jr. at age nine or ten, Ray, Universal, 2004. Basketball principal player, The Celestine Prophecy, RAM Entertainment, 2006.

Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Waiter, Days of Wine and Roses, Warner Bros., 1962. Doctor, Catch–22, Paramount, 1970. 232

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RILEY Television Appearances; Series: Cohost, Baxter and Riley, WERE (Cleveland, OH), 1961–65. Wally Frick, Occasional Wife, NBC, 1966–67. Regular, Rowan & Martin’s Laugh–In, 1968–70. Elliott Carlin, The Bob Newhart Show, CBS, 1972–78. Keep on Truckin’, ABC, 1975. Ed Sweetzer, Joe and Valerie, NBC, 1978–79. The Tim Conway Show, CBS, 1980. Mr. Worthington, All Night Radio, 1982. Leon Buchanan, Roxie, CBS, 1987. Voice of Stu Pickles, Rugrats (animated), Nickelodeon, 1991–2002. Various characters, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 1992–99. Chappy, Son of the Beach, FX Channel, 2000–2002. Voice of Stu Pickles, All Grown Up (animated; also known as Rugrats All Grown Up), Nickelodeon, 2003.

The Todd Killings (also known as A Dangerous Friend and Skipper), National General, 1971. Riley Quinn, McCabe and Mrs. Miller, Warner Bros., 1971. Piano player, The Long Goodbye, United Artists, 1973. Second bartender, California Split (also known as Jackpot!), Columbia, 1974. Jackson, Bank Shot, United Artists, 1974. Executive, Silent Movie, United Artists, 1976. Projectionist, The World’s Greatest Lover, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1977. The desk clerk, High Anxiety, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1977. Agriculture official, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!, Four Square, 1978. Messenger, Butch and Sundance—The Early Years, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1979. Stoned soldier, History of the World, Part I (also known as Mel Brooks’ ⬙History of the World: Part 1⬙), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1981. Bob Barnes, Frances, Universal, 1982. Dobish, To Be or Not to Be, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1983. Agent Ormond, Finders Keepers, Warner Bros., 1984. Dr. Ziegler, Night Patrol, New World, 1984. Television journalist, Spaceballs (also known as Space Balls), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1987. Homeowner, Gleaming the Cube (also known as A Brother’s Justice and Skate or Die), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1988. Herb (the auditor), Rented Lips, Cineworld, 1988. Wado, C.H.U.D. II: Bud the C.H.U.D, Vestron, 1989. Coroner, Payback (also known as Revenge), 1990. Himself, The Player, Fine Line, 1992. Bandleader, A Dangerous Woman, Gramercy, 1993. Alaric, Theodore Rex (also known as T. Rex), New Line Cinema, 1995. Lawyer of Amber Waves ex–husband, Boogie Nights, New Line Cinema, 1997. Mr. Leach, Venus Envy, 1997. Voice of Stu Pickles, A Rugrats Vacation (animated), Paramount, 1997. Voice of Stu Pickles, The Rugrats Movie (animated), Paramount, 1998. Condom boss, Chairman of the Board, Trimark Pictures, 1998. Voice of Stu Pickles, Rugrats in Paris: The Movie (animated; also known as Rugrats in Paris–Der Film and Rugrats in Paris: The Movie–Rugrats II), Paramount, 2000. Voice of Golfer number one, Recess: School’s Out (animated), Buena Vista, 2001. Voice of Stu Pickles, Rugrats Go Wild (animated), Paramount, 2003. Gym instructor, Burl’s (short), 2003. James Brewster, Room 6, Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2006.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Herb Gallup, The Rules of Marriage, CBS, 1982. Television Appearances; Movies: Mitzi, 1968. Director, Columbo: Candidate for Crime, 1973. Owen, Marriage Is Alive and Well, NBC, 1980. Alex, Love in the Present Tense, 1982. Ralph, When Your Lover Leaves, NBC, 1983. Marvin, Lots of Luck, The Disney Channel, 1985. Freeman, Brothers–in–Law, ABC, 1985. Scientist, The History of White People in America (also known as The History of White People in America; Volume I), HBO, 1985. Scientist, The History of White People in America: Volume II, HBO, 1986. Martin Mull in Portrait of a White Marriage (also known as Portrait of a White Marriage and Scenes from a White Marriage), Cinemax, 1988. Alex, McBride: The Doctor Is Out ѧ Really Out, Hallmark Channel, 2005. Elder, Avenging Angel, Hallmark Channel, 2007. Television Appearances; Specials: Wolf Man/Warren the Werewolf, The Halloween That Almost Wasn’t (also known as The Night Dracula Saved the World), ABC, 1979. Mr. White, ⬙First the Egg,⬙ ABC Afterschool Specials, ABC, 1985. This Is Your Life, NBC, 1987. ⬙Martin Mull Live! From North Ridgeville,⬙ HBO Comedy Hour, HBO, 1987. Himself and Elliott Carlin, The Bob Newhart 19th Anniversary Special (also known as The Bob Newhart 20th 19th Anniversary Special), CBS, 1991. Voice of Stu Pickles, A Rugrats Passover (animated), Nickelodeon, 1995. 233


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Officer O’Reilly, ⬙The Deadly Dares,⬙ Happy Days, ABC, 1974. Joe, ⬙Anatomy of Two Rapes,⬙ Police Woman, 1974. Braddock, ⬙Can I Save My Children?,⬙ The ABC Afternoon Playbreak (also known as ABC Matinee Today), ABC, 1974. Eddie Stern, ⬙Silent Kill,⬙ Harry O, 1975. Barney Hamilton, ⬙The Madonna Legacy, Harry O, 1975. Frederick Clooney, ⬙Fear of Flying,⬙ Barney Miller (also known as The Life and Times of Captain Barney Miller), ABC, 1976. Richard Atkins, ⬙A Call to Arms,⬙ Alice, 1976. Tattletales, 1976. Adrian Lyman, ⬙There’s One in Every Port,⬙ The Rockford Files (also known as Jim Rockford, Private Investigator), 1977. Miles Monroe, ⬙Goodbye Dolly,⬙ Diff’rent Strokes, NBC, 1978. Robert Lovell, ⬙The Counterfeiter,⬙ Barney Miller, 1979. Charles Sutton, ⬙The New Landlord,⬙ Diff’rent Strokes, NBC, 1979. Mr. Crocker, ⬙The Girls School,⬙ Diff’rent Strokes, NBC, 1979. Harold J. Crocker, The Facts of Life, NBC, 1979. Joe Roth, ⬙Bradfordgate,⬙ Eight Is Enough, 1980. Bank robber, ⬙Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?⬙ Too Close for Comfort (also known as The Ted Knight Show), 1980. Norman Culp, ⬙⬘Tis the Season to Be Murdered,⬙ Hart to Hart, ABC, 1980. The Love Boat, ABC, 1980. ⬙Night in the Harem/Druids,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1981. Dr. Robert P Medlow, ⬙Ashes to Ashes and None Too Soon,⬙ Simon & Simon, 1982. Earl, ⬙Have Gun, Will Unravel,⬙ Family Ties, 1982. Mr. Gonagin, ⬙Travel Agent,⬙ One Day at a Time, CBS, 1983. Mr. Gonagin, ⬙The Nearness of You,⬙ One Day at a Time, CBS, 1984. Sexton/Deacon, ⬙The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers,⬙ Faerie Tale Theatre (also known as Shelley Duvall’s ⬙Faerie Tale Theatre⬙), 1984. Agent, ⬙Only the Good Die Young/The Light of Another Day/Honey Beats the Odds,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1984. Emil Dutton, ⬙Wonder Drugs,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1984. Deep Throat, ⬙The Candidates,⬙ Domestic Life, 1984. Warren Wilson, ⬙The Blizzard,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1984. Phil, ⬙Gone with the Wind,⬙ Down to Earth, 1984. Pete, ⬙Blue Collar Drummond,⬙ Diff’rent Strokes, NBC, 1985. Elliot Carlin, ⬙Close Encounters,⬙ St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1985. Mr. Snodgrass, ⬙All the Principal’s Men,⬙ Silver Spoons, 1985. Dr. Flick, ⬙Dan’s Operation: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1986.

Voice of Stu, A Rugrats Chanukkah (animated), Nickelodeon, 1996. Voice of Stuart ⬙Stu⬙ Pickles, The Rugrats: All Growed Up (animated), Nickelodeon, 2001. Announcer, 100 Years of Hope and Humor, NBC, 2003. TV Land Landmarks: Breaking the Mold, TV Land, 2004. The 3rd Annual TV Land Awards (also known as TV Land Awards: A Celebration of Classic TV), TV Land, 2005. Presenter, The 12th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, TNT, 2006. Television Appearances; Pilots: Murphy, the friend, Bumpers, NBC, 1977. Evan Murray, Lil’s neighbor, Mother and Me, M.D., NBC, 1979. Mr. Worthington, All Night Radio, HBO, 1982. Tom Mimelman, Washingtoon, Showtime, 1985. Television Appearances; Episodic: Larry, ⬙Gomer, the Beautiful Dreamer,⬙ Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., 1967. Larry, ⬙The Great Talent Hunt,⬙ Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., 1967. (As Jack B. Riley) Leo, ⬙Ah Love, Could You and I Conspire?,⬙ The Flying Nun, 1967. Frank, ⬙Abdullah,⬙ I Dream of Jeannie, NBC, 1968. Captain, ⬙Operation Hannibal,⬙ Hogan’s Heroes, 1969. Guard, ⬙At Last–Schultz Knows Something,⬙ Hogan’s Heroes, 1969. S.S. Man, ⬙The Big Record, Hogan’s Heroes, 1970. Mr. Jeffrey, ⬙Whatever Happened to Happy Endings?,⬙ Bracken’s World, 1970. Danny, ⬙Love and the Good Samaritan,⬙ Love, American Style, 1970. Gunslinger, ⬙The Magic Act,⬙ The Red Skelton Show (also known as The Red Skelton Hour), 1970. Gunslinger, ⬙Freddie’s Desperate Hour,⬙ The Red Skelton Show (also known as The Red Skelton Hour), 1970. Gunslinger, ⬙The Private Detective,⬙ The Red Skelton Show (also known as The Red Skelton Hour), 1970. Corporal Wrzesinkski, ⬙See Here, Private Partridge,⬙ The Partridge Family, 1970. Eldon Colfax, ⬙Didn’t You Used to Be ѧ Wait ѧ Don’t Tell Me,⬙ The Mary Tyler Moore Show (also known as Mary Tyler Moore), CBS, 1971. Captain Kaplan, ⬙Chief Surgeon Who?⬙ M*A*S*H, CBS, 1972. Barry Barlow, ⬙Rhoda Morgenstern: Minneapolis to New York,⬙ The Mary Tyler Moore Show (also known as Mary Tyler Moore), CBS, 1972. Mel, ⬙Breaking Up Is Hard to Do,⬙ Getting Together, 1972. Programmer, ⬙Catch Me If You Can,⬙ Cannon, 1973. Royal, ⬙The Gunman,⬙ Kung Fu, 1974. 234

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RILEY Piney, ⬙Lie, Cheat & Deal,⬙ Lucky, FX Channel, 2003. Old Man Shinsky, ⬙Rip This Joint,⬙ That ’70s Show, Fox, 2004. Mr. Shipley, ⬙High School Reunion,⬙ Yes, Dear, CBS, 2005.

Mr. Carlin, ⬙Going out of My Head Over You,⬙ ALF, 1987. Professor Kleeman, ⬙Grading Papers,⬙ Charles in Charge, 1988. Director, ⬙Brandon’s Commercial,⬙ Punky Brewster, 1988. Patient, ⬙I Married Dick,⬙ Newhart, 1988. Mr. Ledbetter, ⬙The Case of the Deceptive Data,⬙ Mathnet, 1988. Herb, ⬙Confidence Game,⬙ Throb, 1988. Mr. Ledbetter, Square One TV, 1988. Ray Ragalito, ⬙Th–Th–Th–That’s All Folks,⬙ A Fine Romance (also known as Ticket to Ride), 1989. ⬙Death Do Us Part,⬙ Hard Time on Planet Earth, 1989. Beepo, ⬙Clip Show: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1989. Dave, ⬙It’s My Art, and I’ll Die If I Want To,⬙ My Two Dads, 1990. Voice of Tyrone, ⬙Count Lasanga/U.S. Acres: Mystery Guest/Rodent Rampage,⬙ Garfield and Friends, 1990. Jim Wimberly, ⬙To Sleep, No More,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1991. Babes, Fox, 1991. Evening Shade, CBS, 1992. Mr. Graves, ⬙How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying,⬙ Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper, ABC, 1992. Jack Cort, Civil Wars, ABC, 1992. Wayne, ⬙The Way the Ball Bounces,⬙ Family Matters, NBC, 1993. Bob, The Boys Are Back, CBS, 1994. Wendell, ⬙Business Sucks: Part 1,⬙ Married ѧ with Children (also known as Married with Children), Fox, 1994. Guy, ⬙You Can’t Always Get What You Want,⬙ Dave’s World, CBS, 1994. Bob, ⬙Searching for Sarah Hansen,⬙ The Boys Are Back, CBS, 1994. Howie, ⬙The Hit Parade,⬙ Hudson Street, ABC, 1995. (Uncredited) Airline passenger, ⬙The One Where Rachel Finds Out,⬙ Friends, NBC, 1995. Oliver O. Olson, ⬙Just Short of the Goal,⬙ Coach, ABC, 1996. Mr. Jones, ⬙What the Zoning Inspector Saw,⬙ The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 1996. Rider, ⬙The Muffin Tops,⬙ Seinfeld, NBC, 1997. Himself, ⬙The Cameo Episode,⬙ George and Leo, CBS, 1997. ⬙Del Nino,⬙ Baywatch, 1997. Mr. O’Reilly, ⬙Driving,⬙ The Secret World of Alex Mack (also known as Alex Mack), Nickelodeon, 1997. Leo, ⬙Sandcastles,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1997. Puff Puff the bunny, ⬙A New Leaf: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Mike Hammer, Private Eye, CBS, 1998. Chaplain, Working, NBC, 1998. Harry Tatham, ⬙Timbo,⬙ Oh Grow Up, ABC, 1999. ⬙Tim Conway: Just Clowning Around,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 1999. ⬙Bob Newhart: The Last Sane Man ⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 2001.

Also appeared as guest in Body Language; ⬙The Jacket,⬙ Too Something (also known as New York Daze); as voice of Feldman Battery 5 and crowd member 5, ⬙Hole–in–One,⬙ Rugrats (animated), Nickelodeon. Stage Appearances: Small Craft Warnings, West coast production, 1975. 12 Angry Men, Los Angeles, 1985. Zeitgeist, 1990. House of Blue Leaves, Cleveland Playhouse, Cleveland, OH, 1993. The Odd Couple, Beck Center, Cleveland, OH, 1999. Major Tours: House of Blue Leaves, Eastern European cities, 1993. RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Stu Pickles, Rugrats Go Wild!, 2003. WRITINGS Television Specials: The Many Sides of Don Rickles, 1970. Television Episodes: The Mort Sahl Show, 1967. The Don Rickles Show, ABC, 1968. The Tim Conway Show, CBS, 1980.

RILEY, Michael PERSONAL Born in London, Ontario, Canada. Education: Graduated from the National Theatre School (Montreal, Quebec, Canada), 1984. Addresses: Agent—Gary Goddard Agency, 10 Saint Mary St., Suite 305, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1P9 Canada; Global Artists Agency, 6235 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 235


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508, Los Angeles, CA 90028. Manager—Thruline Entertainment, 9250 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 100, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Roy Timmons, The Prince, 1996. Card player number three, Hard Men, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1997. British officer, Amistad, DreamWorks Distribution, 1997. Dody, Pale Saints, Norstar Entertainment, 1997. Chip, The Grace of God, 1997. Father Ed, Heart of the Sun, 1998. Derek, Mile Zero, Wellspring Media, 2001. Sam, Punch, THINKFilm, 2002. Carl, Black Swan (also known as Murder in Hopeville), Lions Gate Films, 2002. The man, Sugar, TLA Releasing, 2004. Jax, Cube Zero, Lions Gate Films, 2004. Carl, Normal, Porchlight Home Entertainment, 2007. Dr. Edgar O. Laird, What You’re Ready For (short), 2007.

Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Genie Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a supporting role, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1991, for Diplomatic Immunity; Gemini Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a leading role in a dramatic program or miniseries, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1993, for To Catch a Killer; Gemini Award, best performance by an actor in a leading role in a dramatic program or miniseries, 1996, for Adrienne Clarkson Presents: The Lust of His Eyes; Gemini Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a guest role—dramatic series, 1996, for ⬙Hawk and a Handsaw,⬙ Due South; Gemini Award, best actor in a dramatic program or miniseries, 1996, for Helsinki Roccamatios; Gemini Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a featured supporting role in a dramatic program or miniseries, 1999, for Win, Again!; Genie Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a supporting role, 1999, for Pale Saints; Gemini Awards, best performance by an actor in a continuing leading dramatic role, 1999, 2000, both for Power Play; Gemini Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a guest role in a dramatic series, 2002, for The Associates; Gemini Award, best performance by an actor in a leading role in a dramatic program or miniseries, 2003, for The Interrogation of Michael Crowe; Gemini Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a continuing leading dramatic role, 2004, Gemini Award, best performance by an actor in a continuing leading dramatic role, 2005, both for This Is Wonderland; four Dora Mavor Moore Award nominations, best actor, Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts.

Film Work: Associate producer, Black Swan (also known as Murder in Hopeville), Lions Gate Films, 2002. Television Appearances; Series: Brett Parker, Power Play, CTV and UPN, 1998–2000. Title role, Ace Lightening, 2002. Elliot Sacks, This Is Wonderland, 2004–2006. Being Erica, 2008. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Chris Blaine, Chasing Rainbows, CBC, 1988. Lieutenant Joseph ⬙Joe/Polock⬙ Kozenczak, To Catch a Killer, CTV, 1992. Hamilton K. Fisker, The Way We Live Now, BBC, 2001, PBS, 2002. Harry Stein, St. Urbain’s Horseman, 2007. Rick Erwin, Race to Mars (also known as A la conquete de Mars), 2007.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Movies: Rick Morrell, Many Happy Returns, CBS, 1986. The Private Capital, CBC, 1989. Paul Devereaux, Lifeline to Victory, 1993. Boss, Race to Freedom: The Underground Railroad, CTV, 1994. Dr. Nick Galler, The Possession of Michael D. (also known as Legacy of Evil), Fox, 1995. Rick Neufeld, Heck’s Way Home (also known as Un drole de cabot), Showtime, 1996. Adam Shuster, Crimes of Passion: Voice from the Grave (also known as From the Files of ⬙Unsolved Mysteries⬙: Voice from the Grave, Unsolved Mysteries: Voices from the Grave, and Voice from the Grave), NBC, 1996. Russell Cameron, Butterbox Babies (also known as Les nourrissons de la misere), Arts and Entertainment, 1996.

Film Appearances: Horton, No Man’s Land, Orion, 1987. Tucker: The Man and His Dream, 1988. Renzo Parachi, Perfectly Normal, Four Seasons Entertainment, 1990. Les Overtone, Diplomatic Immunity, 1991. Clive Walton, The Making of ѧ And God Spoke (also known as ѧ And God Spoke), Live Entertainment, 1993. Matthew Linden, Mustard Bath (also known as Bain de moutarde), 1993. Alex, Because Why (also known as Pourquoi pas), 1993. Campbell, French Kiss (also known as Paris Match), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1995. Rick Neufeld, Heck’s Way Home, Hallmark Home Entertainment, 1996. 236

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ROBINSON Also appeared as Robert Fraser, ⬙Sangraal,⬙ Veritas: The Quest.

Ray, Every 9 Seconds (also known as A Call for Help), NBC, 1997. Win, Again!, 1999. Dennis Winslow, Dogmatic, ABC, 1999. Greg, Ice (also known as Eis–wenn die welt erfriert), ABC, 2000. Jack Turpin, The Last Debate, Showtime, 2000. Rod Dunbar, 100 Days in the Jungle, 2002. Stephen Crowe, The Interrogation of Michael Crowe (also known as L’interrogatoire de Michael Crowe and Un coupable a tout prix), Court TV, 2002. Rod Dunbar, 100 Days in the Jungle, 2002. Douglas Conte, Kennedy biographer, America’s Prince: The John F. Kennedy Jr. Story, TBS, 2003. Peter, Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story, Lifetime, 2003. Ty Kellington, The Perfect Husband (also known as Her Perfect Spouse and Le mari ideal), 2004. Kurt, Saving Emily, Lifetime, 2004. Richard ⬙Rick⬙ Lieberman, Supervolcano (also known as Supervulkan), BBC and The Discovery Channel, 2005. Mike Bartholomy, The Tenth Circle, Lifetime, 2008.

Stage Appearances: You Can’t Take It with You, 1988.

ROBINSON, Jane PERSONAL Daughter of Cliff (a rugby coach) and Mary Evans; married; children: three. Education: Attended Adelphi House and Manchester Regional School of Art. Addresses: Contact—Costume Designers Guild, 13949 Ventura Blvd., Suite 309, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423. Career: Costume designer and producer. Previously worked in fashion.

Television Appearances; Specials: Johann Strauss Jr., Strauss: The King of 3/4 Time, HBO, 1995. The 1996 Gemini Awards, 1996.

Member: Costume Designers Guild, Association of Cinematography, Television, and Allied Technicians. Awards, Honors: Television Award (with Jill Silverside), best design, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1975, for Jennie: Lady Randolph Churchill; Emmy Award (with Silverside), best costume design for a single episode of a drama, comedy, or limited series, 1976, for ⬙Recovery,⬙ Jennie: Lady Randolph Churchill; Emmy Award nomination, best costume design for a single episode of a regular or limited series, 1982, for ⬙Home and Abroad,⬙ Brideshead Revisited; Television Award, best costume designer, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1982, for Brideshead Revisited; Emmy Award, best costume design for a single episode of a miniseries or a special, 1987, for Part 1 of Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna; Academy Award nomination, best costume design, 1988, and Evening Standard Award, both for A Handful of Dust; Emmy Award, best costume design for a single episode of a miniseries or a special, 1988, for Part 2 of Poor Little Rich Girl: The Barbara Hutton Story; Emmy Award nomination, best costume design for a miniseries or special, 1993, for Mrs. ’arris Goes to Paris; ACE Award, for Separate Tables.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Gary, Fast Food, ABC, 1985. Television Appearances; Episodic: Gary, ⬙Fast Food,⬙ Comedy Factory, 1985. Medical student, ⬙Kayo on Call,⬙ Kay O’Brien, CBS, 1986. Adam Ruskin, ⬙Fit Punishment,⬙ Street Legal, 1993. Adam Ruskin, ⬙What’s Love Got to Do With It,⬙ Street Legal, 1993. Walter, ⬙Hawk and a Handsaw,⬙ Due South (also known as Direction: Sud), CBC, 1995. Michael, ⬙Chelsea Gets an Opinion,⬙ Style and Substance, CBS, 1998. Gerard, ⬙Better Luck Next Time,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and Sci–Fi Channel, 1999. Jon Tarkman, ⬙Decompression,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and Sci–Fi Channel, 2000. Gary Singer, ⬙Mea Culpa,⬙ The Associates, 2002. Steven McCormick, ⬙Lady Heather’s Box,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as CSI: Las Vegas, C.S.I., and Les Experts), CBS, 2003. Steven Dawson, ⬙Off the Grid,⬙ 1–800–MISSING (also known as Missing and Porte disparu), Lifetime, 2005. Doctor Burrit Greyson, ⬙Bad Medicine,⬙ Murdoch Mysteries, 2008.

CREDITS Film Costume Designer: (With Luster Bayless and Edna Taylor; for Lee Remick) Telefon, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1977. 237


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (also known as Laurence Olivier Presents: ⬙Cat on a Hot Tin Roof⬙), NBC, 1976. Daphne Laureola (also known as Laurence Olivier Presents: ⬙Daphne Laureola⬙), 1978. Philip Marlowe—Private Eye, HBO, 1983. Agatha Christie’s ⬙Murder with Mirrors⬙ (also known as Murder with Mirrors), CBS, 1985. Agatha Christie’s ⬙Thirteen at Dinner⬙ (also known as Thirteen at Dinner), CBS, 1985. Behind Enemy Lines (also known as 92 Grosvenor Street), NBC, 1985. Nazi Hunter: The Beate Klarsfeld Story (also known as The Beate Klarsfeld Story), ABC, 1986. Cold Sassy Tree, TNT, 1989. Murder by Moonlight (also known as Dark of the Moon and Murder on the Moon), CBS, 1989. Mrs. ’arris Goes to Paris (also known as Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris), CBS, 1992. Hope, TNT, 1997. The Cater Street Hangman (also known as The Inspector Pitt Mysteries), Arts and Entertainment, 1998. The Virginian, TNT, 2000. Murder on the Orient Express (also known as Agatha Christie’s ⬙Murder on the Orient Express⬙), CBS, 2001. Celebration, 2006.

(For Lee Remick) The Medusa Touch (also known as La grande menace), Warner Bros., 1978. Moonlighting (also known as Schwarzarbeit), Universal, 1982. (With Jean Muir) Betrayal, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1983. Sahara, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists/Cannon, 1984. 1919, British Film Institute, 1984. Secret Places, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1985. Dreamchild, Universal, 1985. A Handful of Dust, New Line Cinema, 1988. Scandal, Miramax, 1989. Memphis Belle, Warner Bros., 1990. Rambling Rose, Seven Arts, 1991. The Public Eye, Universal, 1992. Indian Summer (also known as L’ete indien), Buena Vista, 1993. Angie, Caravan Pictures/Hollywood Pictures, 1994. Blue Sky, Orion, 1994. Speechless, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1994. Haunted, October Films, 1995. Larger Than Life (also known as Large As Life and Nickel and Dime), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1996. Out to Sea, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1997. Picture Perfect, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1997. Ordinary Decent Criminal (also known as Ein Ganz gewoehnlicher dieb), Miramax, 2000. Breathtaking, IAC Films, 2000. The Keeper: The Legend of Omar Khayyam, Guide Company Films, 2005. From Time to Time, Delanic Films, 2009.

Television Associate Producer; Movies: Liz: The Elizabeth Taylor Story, NBC, 1995. Television Costume Designer; Specials: Women and Men: Stories of Seduction, HBO, 1990.

Television Costume Designer; Series: Philip Marlowe, Private Eye, 1984.

Television Costume Designer; Episodic: ⬙The Landlady,⬙ Tales of the Unexpected (also known as Roald Dahl’s ⬙Tales of the Unexpected⬙), 1979. ⬙Rocket to the Moon,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1986. ⬙Strange Interlude,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1988. ⬙Suspicion,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1988. ⬙The Heat of the Day,⬙ Masterpiece Theatre, PBS, 1990. ⬙The Best of Friends,⬙ Masterpiece Theatre, PBS, 1992. Egypt, 2005.

Television Costume Designer; Miniseries: (With Jill Silverside) Jennie: Lady Randolph Churchill, PBS, 1974. Brideshead Revisited, PBS, 1981. Costumes for Deborah Kerr and Jenny Seagrove, A Woman of Substance, syndicated, 1984. Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (also known as Anastasia: The Story of Anna), NBC, 1986. Poor Little Rich Girl: The Barbara Hutton Story (also known as The Barbara Hutton Story), NBC, 1987. Beryl Markham: Shadow on the Sun (also known as The Beryl Markham Story and Shadow on the Sun: The Beryl Markham Story), CBS, 1988. Liz: The Elizabeth Taylor Story (also known as Destiny), NBC, 1995. Attila (also known as Attila the Hun), USA Network, 2001. Spartacus, USA Network, 2004.

Also designed costumes for Magpie; The Benny Hill Show. Television Appearances; Specials: The Human Language (documentary), PBS, 1995. ⬙Attila⬙: The Making of an Epic Miniseries, USA Network, 2001. Stage Costume Designer: The Ring of Stones, Charter Players, Lowry Theatre, 2000.

Television Costume Designer; Movies: Caesar and Cleopatra, NBC, 1976. 238

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ROSS Billy T, ⬙The Other Slide of Darkness,⬙ Sliders, Fox, 1997. Mathias, ⬙Primal Scream,⬙ Profiler, NBC, 1997. Pirate captain, You Wish, ABC, 1997. ⬙Red Sonja,⬙ Conan (also known as Conan the Adventurerer and Conan, der abenteurer), syndicated, 1998. Pirate captain, ⬙All in the Family Room,⬙ You Wish, 1998. Nauhgton, ⬙Vanishing Act,⬙ ER, NBC, 1998. Bush pilot, The Young and the Restless (also known as Y&R), CBS, 1999. Sonny Saunders, ⬙The Midterms,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2000. Jack, ⬙Just Harried,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2001. Bartender, ⬙Drew and the Motorcycle,⬙ The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 2001. Man number two, ⬙Glengarry Glen Dick,⬙ 3rd Rock from the Sun (also known as 3rd Rock and Life As We Know It), NBC, 2001. Luther, ⬙Den of Thieves,⬙ The Invisible Man (also known as I–Man), Sci–Fi Channel, 2001. Frank Z, ⬙Heebee Geebee’s,⬙ Dead Last, The WB, 2001. Razor, ⬙Bargaining: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as BtVS, Buffy, and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: The Series), UPN, 2001. Wade, ⬙Two Clarks in a Bar,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2001. Jesse Johnson, ⬙It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,⬙ Six Feet Under, HBO, 2002. Monty Reynolds, ⬙Trash,⬙ Firefly (also known as Firefly: The Series), Fox, 2003. Samuel Byler, ⬙Rumspringa,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2003. Bill Crawford in 2005, ⬙Blank Generation,⬙ Cold Case, CBS, 2005. Wayne Osborne, ⬙Sniper Zero,⬙ Numb3rs (also known as Num3ers), CBS, 2005. Grizzled human, ⬙In the Mirror, Darkly: Part 1,⬙ Enterprise (also known as Star Trek: Enterprise), UPN, 2005. Pawn shop owner, ⬙Motivational Worker,⬙ Malcolm in the Middle, Fox, 2005. Clinic doctor, ⬙Mr. Monk and the Class Reunion,⬙ Monk, USA Network, 2006. Louis the bank guard, ⬙Amateur Night,⬙ Deadwood, HBO, 2006. Louis, ⬙The Catbird Seat,⬙ Deadwood, HBO, 2006. Louis, ⬙Tell Him Something Pretty,⬙ Deadwood, HBO, 2006. Victor, ⬙A.K.A. the Plant,⬙ Weeds, Showtime, 2006. Danny Pine, ⬙Villains,⬙ Heroes, NBC, 2008. Danny Pine, ⬙Chapter Thirteen ’Dual,’⬙ Heroes, NBC, 2008.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Manchester Evening News, November 22, 2000.

ROSS, Franc 1954– (Franc A. Ross) PERSONAL Full name, Franc Albert Ross; born April 6, 1954, in San Diego, CA; married Deborah L. Rinner, September 7, 1973 (divorced, December 29, 1980); married Christy Barrett, October 15, 2004. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Franc A. Ross) Centurion, Quest of the Delta Knights, Hemdale Home Video, 1993. Tobias, Amityville: Dollhouse (also known as Amityville Dollhouse: Evil Never Dies), Republic Pictures, 1996. Trucker, A Fare to Remember, 1998. Crackhead, Special, Magnet Releasing, 2006. Generator repairman, The Perfect Sleep, 2008. Hack, Uncross the Stars, 2008. Television Appearances; Series: Duck, Days of Our Lives (also known as Days and DOOL), NBC, 2007. Television Appearances; Movies: A Whisper Kills (also known as Whisperkill), ABC, 1988. Project manager, Stolen: One Husband (also known as I Want Him Back!), CBS, 1990. Fred, The Reading Room, Hallmark Channel, 2005. Cleon Winters, Desolation Canyon, Hallmark Channel, 2006. Sheriff, A Gunfighter’s Pledge, Hallmark Channel, 2008. Television Appearances; Episodic: Biker, ⬙Uneasy Rider,⬙ Misery Loves Company, Fox, 1995. Zero, ⬙Against the Wall,⬙ Malibu Shores, NBC, 1996. ⬙Dean’s Office,⬙ The Guilt, 1996. Rauschling, ⬙Her Houseboy Coco,⬙ Mad About You, NBC, 1997.

Also appeared as doctor, ⬙Fathers and Sins,⬙ Midnight Caller, NBC. 239


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Desantis, Code Breakers, ESPN, 2005. Greg Berlin, House of the Dead 2 (also known as House of the Dead 2: All Guts, No Glory and House of the Dead II: Dead Aim), Sci–Fi Channel, 2005. Antonio Ruiz, Jane Doe: Yes, I Remember It Well, Hallmark Channel, 2006.

ROSSI, Theo PERSONAL Born June 4, Staten Island, NY. Education: Studied acting at The Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute, New York City.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Nurses (also known as Philadelphia General), Fox, 2007.

Addresses: Agent—Greene and Associates, 190 N. Canon Dr., Suite 200, Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

Film Appearances: Montilli, The Myersons, 2001. Teddy, Buds for Life, Maverick Entertainment, 2004. Antonio, Cloverfield (also known as 1–18–08 and Monstrous), Paramount, 2008. Spaz, The Informers, Senator Entertainment, 2008. Carlos, Kill Theory, Lionsgate, 2009. Tino Hull, Red Sands, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2009. Fencewalker, 2009.

Career: Actor. Appeared in television commercials for McDonalds restaurants, Nissan automobiles, and Budweiser. CREDITS Television Appearances; Episodic: Brandon Webber, ⬙Chapter Twenty–Nine,⬙ Boston Public, Fox, 2001. Brandon Webber, ⬙Chapter Thirty,⬙ Boston Public, Fox, 2002. Senior, ⬙Humilithon,⬙ Malcolm in the Middle, Fox, 2002. Pete Amici, ⬙Chatty Chatty Bang Bang,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2004. Private First Class Joe Vasquez, ⬙Coming Home,⬙ Medical Investigation, NBC, 2004. Bobby Santos, ⬙So Long, Farewell,⬙ American Dreams (also known as Our Generation), NBC, 2004. Eric Fitzgerald, ⬙Rub a Tub Tub,⬙ Blind Justice, ABC, 2005. Norris Clayton, ⬙Weapons of Class Destruction,⬙ Veronica Mars, UPN and CW, 2005. Corey Williams, ⬙Odds or Evens,⬙ Without a Trace (also known as W.A.T), CBS, 2006. Sergeant Buccelli, ⬙One of Them,⬙ Lost, ABC, 2006. Vinny Momo, ⬙Sex, Lies and Vinny Momo,⬙ Heist, NBC, 2006. Vinny Momo, ⬙Strife,⬙ Heist, NBC, 2006. Nick Arno, ⬙The Woman in the Sand,⬙ Bones, Fox, 2006. Randy Payton, ⬙Rogue River,⬙ Jericho, CBS, 2006. Danny Vargas, ⬙Here Comes the Judge,⬙ Shark, CBS, 2007. Stan Giamatti, ⬙Crash Into Me: Part 1 & 2,⬙ Grey’s Anatomy, ABC, 2007. Juan Carlos ⬘Juice’ Ortiz, a recurring role, Sons of Anarchy, 2008.

ROTH, Matt 1964– PERSONAL Born September 15, 1964. Married Laurie Metcalf (an actress), 1993; children: (stepdaughter) Zoe, Will, Mae. Addresses: Agent—Bauman, Redanty and Shaul Agency, 5757 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 473, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Manager—Joan Sittenfield Management, 8350 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 108, West Hollywood, CA 90069. Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Olly Award nomination, best actor in a comedy, 1989, for Noises Off. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Clark Munsinger, The Antagonists, CBS, 1991. Russell Evans, Blue Skies, ABC, 1994. Dr. Rick Buckley, Crisis Center, NBC, 1997.

Television Appearances; Movies: The Mook, Big Shot: Confessions of a Campus Bookie, FX Channel, 2002. Anthony, The Challenge, ABC, 2003.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Paul Brubecker, ⬙Lonely Hearts,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1992. Fisher, a recurring role, Roseanne, ABC, 1992–1993. 240

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Dan Waters, ⬙Heart of the Matter,⬙ Cupid, ABC, 1998. Ted, ⬙The Dog That Rocks the Cradle,⬙ Frasier, NBC, 1999. Michael, ⬙About a Girl,⬙ According to Jim, ABC, 2003. Michael, ⬙What Have I Done to Deserve This?,⬙ Grey’s Anatomy, ABC, 2006. Mike Belweather, ⬙Undercurrents,⬙ Numb3rs (also known as Num3ers), CBS, 2006. Art Shepherd, a recurring role, Desperate Housewives, ABC, 2006. Big Shots, ABC, 2007. Dave Gilbert, ⬙Shattered,⬙ Crossing Jordan, NBC, 2007. Sam Cooper, ⬙Fallen Idols,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as CSI: Las Vegas, C.S.I., and Les Experts), CBS, 2007. Greg, ⬙Tucked, Taped and Gorgeous,⬙ Two and a Half Men, 2007. Derek Benjamin, ⬙Slam (aka Slambook),⬙ Ghost Whisperer, CBS, 2008.

ROWLAND Atlanta, GA; daughter of Doris Garrison (some sources cite Doris Lovett). Education: Attended high school in Houston, TX. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 10250 Constellation Way, 9th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Actress, singer, and recording artist. Girls Tyme, former member of singing group; Destiny’s Child, singer and recording artist, 1992–2005; solo artist, 2005—. Appeared in commercials for McDonald’s restaurants and WalMart discount chain; Music Television Network, AIDS awareness ambassador for the program Staying Alive, 2008; also appeared in commercials for other charitable causes. Knowles–Rowland Center for Youth, Houston, TX, cofounder; Survivor Foundation, cofounder (with other members of Destiny’s Child).

Television Appearances; Movies: Michael Stuart, Goodnight Sweet Wife: A Murder in Boston (also known as The Charles Stuart Story), CBS, 1990.

Awards, Honors: Awards for Destiny’s Child include American Music Awards, favorite rhythm and blues group, 2001, 2002, 2005; Black Entertainment Television award, best female group, 2001; Image Award, outstanding duo or group, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 2001, 2005, 2006; Teen Choice Award, choice pop group, 2001; Black Reel Award nomination, best song, 2001, for Charlie’s Angels; MTV Video Music Award, best rhythm and blues video, 2000, and two Grammy Awards, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, 2001, for the song ⬙Say My Name;⬙ Sammy Davis, Jr. Award, entertainer of the year, Soul Train Awards, 2001; MTV Video Music Award, best rhythm and blues video, 2001, and Grammy Award, best rhythm and blues performance, 2002, for the song ⬙Survivor;⬙ American Music Award, favorite pop album, 2002, for Survivor; Brit Award, best international group, 2002; World Music Awards, world’s best–selling group, 2002, world’s best–selling pop group, 2002, 2006, world’s best–selling rhythm and blues group, 2002, 2006, and best–selling female group of all time, 2006; Ebel Award, 2003; Artist Achievement Award, Billboard Music Awards, 2004; American Music Award, favorite rhythm and blues album, 2005, for Destiny Fulfilled; Black Entertainment Television Award, best vocal group, 2005; American Music Award, favorite rhythm and blues band, duo or group, 2005; American Music Award, best rhythm and blues album, 2005, for Destiny Fulfilled; received star on Hollywood Walk of Fame, 2006; also received Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards; record sales certifications from Recording Industry Association of America include platinum record for Destiny’s Child, and multi– platinum records for Survivor and The Writing’s on the Wall. Solo awards include Grammy Award, best rap/ sung collaboration, Grammy Award nomination, best rap performance by a duo or group, Capital FM Award, London’s favorite international single, Dutch TMF Awards, best international rhythm and blues song and

Film Appearances: Officer Crowe, Blink, Encore, 1994. Todd, ⬘Til There Was You, Paramount, 1994. Male advertising executive, Chicago Cab (also known as ⬙Hellcab⬙), Castle Hill, 1998. Client, Where’s Marlowe?, Paramount, 1998. Bank worker number one, Pups, Allied, 1999. Greg, View from the Top, Miramax, 2003. Josh, Forever, 2007. Stage Appearances: Appeared as Phil, On the Mountain, South Coast Repertory, Costa Mesa, CA; Purdy, Purple Heart Steppenwolf Theatre, Chicago, IL; Homer, The Dazzle, South Coast Repertory; Peter Sloan, Light Up the Sky, Pasadena, CA; Gene, Pot Mom, Steppenwolf Theatre; Jim, Us and Them, Hudson Theatre, New York City; Cristoforu, The Public Eye, Interplay; Ted, Private Ear, Interplay; Demetrius, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Steppenwolf Theatre, Chicago, IL; Garry Lejuenne, Noise’s Off, Pegasus Players, Chicago, IL; Egor Timoveyeyevich, The Suicide, BDI Theatre Company; Wifeswappers, Third Stage; Oklahoma, Third Stage; Zombie Attack, Third Stage.

ROWLAND, Kelly 1981– PERSONAL Full name, Kelendria Trene (some sources cite Kelandria or Terene) Rowland; born February 11, 1981, in 241


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Presenter or performer, The ѧ Annual Grammy Awards, CBS, 2001 (with Destiny’s Child), 2003, 2006. BET Awards, Black Entertainment Television, 2001, 2005, 2007. The ѧ Annual American Music Awards), ABC, 2002, 2005. MTV Video Music Awards, MTV, 2003. 2003 Trumpet Awards, TBS, 2003. The ѧ Soul Train Music Awards, The WB, 2004, syndicated, 2006. ESPY Awards, ESPN, 2005. (With Destiny’s Child) Presenter, The 2005 World Music Awards, ABC, 2005. Presenter, The British Soap Awards, ITV, 2008. Presenter, 2008 Brit Awards, BBC America, 2008.

best international video, and Billboard Award, hot rap track of the year, all (with Nelly) 2003, for ⬙Dilemma;⬙ Recording Industry Association of America certifications include gold record certification for Simply Deep, CREDITS Television Appearances; Specials: Christmas in Rockefeller Center, NBC, 2000, and (with Destiny’s Child) 2001. (With Destiny’s Child) Walt Disney World Summer Jam Concert (also known as Summer Jam), ABC, 2000. VH1 Divas 2000: A Tribute to Diana Ross (also known as VH1 Divas 2000), VH1, 2000. Gale King Interviews ѧ On the Road with Destiny’s Child, Oxygen Network, 2001. (With Destiny’s Child) MTV Icon: Janet Jackson, MTV, 2001. (With Destiny’s Child) Joan Rivers: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2001. Destiny’s Child Live, MTV, 2001. This Is Destiny’s Child, Fox, 2001. (With Destiny’s Child) The Concert for New York City, VH1, 2001. (With Destiny’s Child) Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration, CBS, 2001. Intimate Portrait: Destiny’s Child, Lifetime, 2001. (With Destiny’s Child) Nobel Peace Prize Concert, USA Network and Trio, 2001. (With Destiny’s Child) Pop Goes Christmas, BBC, 2001. (With Destiny’s Child) The Record of the Year, ITV, 2001, 2004. The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, CBS, 2002. Lighting Up Fifth, 2003. The ѧ Annual Sears Soul Train Christmas Starfest, UPN, 2003, The WB, 2004. Maxim Hot 100, NBC, 2003. Jingle Ball Rock, Fox, 2003. E! Entertainer of the Year 2003, E! Entertainment Television, 2003. Urban Soul: The Making of Modern R&B, BBC, 2004. Motown 45, ABC, 2004. (With Destiny’s Child) Live 8, multiple networks, 2005. An All–Star Salute to Patti LaBelle: Live from Atlantis, UPN, 2005. The Story of Beyonce, E! Entertainment Television, 2006. 100 Greatest Songs of the 90’s, VH1, 2007. The British Soap Awards 2008: The Party, ITV, 2008. T4 on the Beach 2008, Channel 4, 2008.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Herself, ⬙Backstage Pass,⬙ The Famous Jett Jackson, The Disney Channel, 2000. Carly, ⬙Smells like Free Spirit,⬙ The Hughleys, UPN, 2002. Carly, ⬙You’ve Got Male,⬙ The Hughleys, UPN, 2002. Carly, ⬙It’s a Girl: Part 2,⬙ The Hughleys, UPN, 2003. Martha Reeves, ⬙City on Fire,⬙ American Dreams (also known as Our Generation), NBC, 2003. Martha Reeves, ⬙Life’s Illusions,⬙ American Dreams (also known as Our Generation), NBC, 2003. Cleo, ⬙Twas the Fight before Christmas,⬙ Eve, UPN, 2003. Tammy Hamilton, ⬙Oh, Hell Yes: The Seminar,⬙ Girlfriends, UPN, 2006. Tammy Hamilton, ⬙I’ll Be There for You ѧ but Not Right Now,⬙ Girlfriends, UPN, 2006. Tammy Hamilton, ⬙I Don’t Wanna Be a Player No More,⬙ Girlfriends, UPN, 2006. Television Talk Show/Variety Show Appearances; Episodic: (With Destiny’s Child) ⬙A Date with Destiny,⬙ Smart Guy, The WB, 1998. (With Destiny’s Child) ⬙Ghost Town,⬙ Pacific Blue, USA Network, 1999. (With Destiny’s Child) The Martin Short Show, syndicated, 1999. ⬙Destiny’s Child: Independent Women, Part 1,⬙ Making the Video, MTV, 2000. (With Destiny’s Child) T4, Channel 4, 2001. Revealed with Jules Asner, E! Entertainment Television, 2001. Wetten, dass ѧ?, 2001, and (with Destiny’s Child), 2004. Sen kvaell med Luuk, 2001. (Uncredited) Musical guest, Saturday Night Live (also known as SNL), NBC, 2001, 2002, 2004. ⬙Destiny’s Child: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Taff, 2002. Judge, Star Search, CBS, 2003. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2003.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: (With Destiny’s Child) The 1999 Malibu MOBO Awards, 1999. 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, Fox, 2000. The 2000 Billboard Music Awards, Fox, 2000, 2005. (With Destiny’s Child) The Teen Choice Awards 2001, Fox, 2001. 242

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

ROWLAND I Love the ’70s, VH1, 2003. Clash of the Choirs, NBC, 2007.

The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn (also known as The Late Late Show), CBS, 2003. The Sharon Osbourne Show (also known as Sharon), syndicated, 2003. Cribs (also known as MTV Cribs), MTV, 2003. The Michael Essany Show, E! Entertainment Television, 2003. The Saturday Show, BBC, 2003. CD:UK, ITV, 2003. Boogie (also known as Boogie Aarhus, Bookie Listen, Boogie loerdag, and Boogie Update), 2003. Stjerne for en aften (also known as Stjerne for en aften—Den sidste mission), 2003. Tinseltown TV, International Channel, 2003. (With Destiny’s Child; in archive footage) Celebrities Uncensored, E! Entertainment Television, 2003. Top of the Pops (also known as All New Top of the Pops and TOTP), BBC, 2002, 2003, (with Destiny’s Child) 2004. ⬙Kentucky Derby,⬙ 10 Things Every Guy Should Experience, Spike, 2004. (With Destiny’s Child) 20/20 (also known as ABC News 20/20), ABC, 2004. (With Destiny’s Child) GMTV, ITV, 2004. (With Destiny’s Child) Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway, ITV, 2004. (With Destiny’s Child) The National Lottery: Wright around the World, BBC, 2004. The View, ABC, 2004, 2006, 2007. The Oprah Winfrey Show (also known as Oprah), syndicated, 2004 (with Destiny’s Child), and 2005. (With Destiny’s Child) Top of the Pops Saturday, BBC, 2005. ⬙Destiny’s Child II: Encore!,⬙ Diary, MTV, 2005. (With Destiny’s Child) 106 & Park Top 10 Live, Black Entertainment Television, 2005. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2005 (with Destiny’s Child), and 2007. ⬙Secrets of Music Superstars,⬙ The Tyra Banks Show, UPN, 2006. Chancers, Channel 4, 2006. (With Destiny’s Child; in archive footage) ⬙Holiday Crap,⬙ Video on Trial, MuchMusic, 2006. Access Granted, Black Entertainment Television, 2007. Punk’d, MTV, 2007. Loose Women, ITV, 2007, 2008. This Morning (also known as This Morning with Richard and Judy), ITV, 2008. TRL Italy (also known as Total Request Live and TRL Italia), MTV, 2008. Good News Week, 2008. Never Mind the Buzzcocks, BBC, 2008. (In archive footage) The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News Channel, 2008.

Television Appearances; Other: Herself, Liza and David (pilot), VH1, 2002. Judge, Born to Diva (series), VH1, 2003. Film Appearances: Second girl, Beverly Hood, 1999, York Entertainment, 2002. Kia Waterson, Freddy vs. Jason (also known as FvJ), New Line Cinema, 2003. Jhnelle, The Seat Filler, DEJ Productions, 2004. Bling: A Planet Rock (documentary), Image Entertainment, 2007. The Beyonce Experience (concert film), Bigger Picture, 2007. Asterix aux jeux olympiques (also known as Asterix at the Olympic Games, Asterix alle olimpiadi, Asterix bei den Olympischen Spielen, and Asterix en los juegos olimpicos), Pathe, 2008. Film Work; Song Performer: ⬙Train on a Track,⬙ Maid in Manhattan (also known as Made in New York), Columbia, 2002. ⬙Im Beginning to See the Light,⬙ Mona Lisa Smile, Columbia, 2003. ⬙This Is How I Feel,⬙ Hitch, Columbia, 2005. ⬙Love Again,⬙ Tyler Perry’s ⬙Meet the Browns,⬙ Lionsgate, 2008. Also contributor of previously released songs to soundtracks of other films, including Charlie’s Angels, 2000. RECORDINGS Albums with Destiny’s Child: Destiny’s Child, Columbia, 1998. The Writing’s on the Wall, Columbia, 1999. Survivor, Columbia, 2001. 8 Days of Christmas, Columbia, 2001. This Is the Remix, 2002. Destiny Fulfilled, Columbia, 2004. Live in Atlanta, 2007. Mathew Knowles and Music World Present, Vol. 1: Love Destiny, Sony, 2008. Several unauthorized albums have also been released by third parties. Singles include ⬙Killing Time⬙ and ⬙No, No, No,⬙ both Columbia, 1997; ⬙Bills Bills Bills,⬙ ⬙Bug– a–Boo,⬙ ⬙Get on the Bus,⬙ and ⬙Say My Name,⬙ 1999; ⬙Independent Woman⬙ and ⬙Jumpin’ Jumpin’,⬙ 2000; ⬙Bootylicious,⬙ ⬙Emotion,⬙ and ⬙Survivor,⬙ 2001; ⬙Lost My Breath,⬙ 2004; and ⬙Soldier,⬙ 2005.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: (With Destiny’s Child) 100 Greatest Dance Songs of Rock & Roll, VH1, 2000. I Love the ’80s, VH1, 2002. 243


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 ⬙Substitute Love⬙ with Estelle, 2008; ⬙Dilemma⬙ with Nelly; ⬙Get Me Bodied⬙ with Beyonce; and ⬙Here We Go⬙ by Trina.

Solo Albums: Simply Deep, Columbia, 2002. Ms. Kelly, 2007, expanded all–digital version released as Ms. Kelly: Diva Deluxe, 2008.

OTHER SOURCES Singles include ⴖStole,ⴖ 2002, ⴖCan’t Nobodyⴖ and ⴖTrain on a Track,ⴖ 2003, and ⴖWork;ⴖ also recorded ⴖDilemmaⴖ with Nelly, 2002.:

Books: Contemporary Musicians, Volume 64, Gale, 2009. Newsmakers, Issue 3, Gale, 2001. Rowland, Kelly, James Patrick Herman, and other members of Destiny’s Child, Soul Survivors, HarperCollins, 2002.

Videos: Destiny’s Child: Say My Name Multimedia Single (video game), 2000. The Platinum’s on the Wall, 2001. Survivor, Pt. 1, Sony, 2001. This Is the Remix, Sony, 2002. Destiny’s Child World Tour, 2003. (With Destiny’s Child) SingStar Party (video game), 2004. Before, During, and ⬙After the Sunset,⬙ New Line Home Video, 2005. Destiny’s Child: Live in Atlanta, Sony BMG Music Entertainment, 2006. Destiny’s Child: A Family Affair, Channel 4 Television Corp., 2006. World Tour, 2007.

Periodicals: Black Men, April, 2001, pp. 28–29, 86. Current Biography, August, 2001, pp. 27–31. Daily Mail (London), January 4, 2008, p. 70. Jet, July 2, 2007, p. 60. Teen People, March, 2001, pp. 204–210. USA Today, February 13, 2006, p. 2D. Electronic: Kelly Rowland Official Site, http://www.kellyrowland. com, December 24, 2008.

Music videos include ⬙Say My Name⬙ with Destiny’s Child, 2000; ⬙Bootylicious⬙ and ⬙Survivor⬙ with Destiny’s Child, 2001; ⬙Izzo (H.O.V.A.)⬙ with Jay–Z, 2001;

Other: Intimate Portrait: Destiny’s Child (television special), Lifetime, 2001.


S Television Appearances; Pilots: (Uncredited) Roland, The Loop, Fox, 2006.


Television Appearances; Episodic: Lieutenant Nortski, Navy NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (also known as NCIS and NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service), CBS, 2003. Bruce Kelso, ⬙The Box,⬙ The Division (also known as Heart of the City), Lifetime, 2004. Oleg Karponov, ⬙Unscheduled Arrivals,⬙ LAX, NBC, 2004. Adam, ⬙The Fantasy,⬙ The Wedding Bells, Fox, 2007. Brett’s assistant, ⬙The Prince’s Bride,⬙ Entourage, HBO, 2007. Dr. Mason/Number Ten, ⬙The Right Stuff,⬙ House M.D. (also known as House), Fox, 2007. Laszlo Mahnovski, ⬙Chuck Versus the Sandworm,⬙ Chuck, NBC, 2007. Sayles, ⬙Gnothi Seauton,⬙ Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Fox, 2008. Sayles, ⬙Dungeons & Dragons,⬙ Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, 2008. Sayles, ⬙Vick’s Chip,⬙ Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, 2008.

Born November 23, 1979, in Chicago, IL. Education: University of Illinois, B.F.A., theater. Addresses: Agent—Agency for the Performing Arts, 405 South Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212; William Morris Agency, One William Morris Pl., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Benderspink, 110 South Fairfax Ave., Suite 350, Los Angeles, CA 90036; Essential Talent Management, 6565 Sunset Blvd., Suite 415, Los Angeles, CA 90028. Career: Actor. Previously worked as the Griddle Cafe (a diner), West Hollywood, CA. CREDITS Film Appearances: Paul, She’s the Man, DreamWorks, 2006. Trey, Live Free or Die Hard (also known as Die Hard 4.0 and Die Hard 4: Live Free or Die Hard), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2007. Wade, Friday the 13th, Warner Bros., 2009. Blake, The Goods: The Don Ready Story, Paramount Vantage, 2009. Doug, Spring Breakdown, Warner Bros., 2009.


Television Appearances; Series: ET on MTV, MTV, 2000. Jefferson, American Dreams (also known as Our Generation), NBC, 2004. Gary, Miss/Guided, ABC, 2007–2008.

Born in Hungary; immigrated to United States, 1989; daughter of Paul and Agnes (maiden name, Laszlo) Sandor; married William Gough; children: Rachel. Education: University of Windsor, B.A., 1971. Additional interests: music, reading, ballet.

Television Appearances; Movies: Olufssen Machachi, Squeegees, 2008.

Addresses: Agent—The Sarnoff Company, 10 Universal City Plaza, 20th Floor, Universal City, CA 91608. 245


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Career: Writer.

Molly: An American Girl on the Home Front, The Disney Channel, 2006. Mom, Dad and Her (also known as Me, Mom, Dad and Her), Lifetime, 2008. Accidental Friendship, 2008. A Kiss at Midnight, Hallmark Channel, 2008.

Member: Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Crime Writers of Canada, Writers’ Guild of Canada, Writers’ Guild of America. Awards, Honors: Gemini Award nomination, best writing in a dramatic program, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1987, for The Marriage Bed; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding individual achievement in writing, 1992, Humanitas Prize, ninety– minute category, Writers Guild of America Award nomination, adapted long form, 1993, for Miss Rose White; Gemini Award nomination (with William Gough), best writing in a dramatic program, 1994, for Family of Strangers; Margaret Collier Award, Gemini Awards, 1996; Daytime Emmy Award nomination, outstanding writing in a children’s special, Humanitas Prize, children’s live–action category, Writers Guild of America Award, children’s script, 2002, for My Louisiana Sky; Humanitas Prize nomination, children’s live–action category, 2006, for Felicity: An American Girl Adventure; Humanitas Prize, children’s live–action category, 2007, for Molly: An American Girl on the Home Front.

Television Episodic: ⬙The Running Man,⬙ For the Record, CBS, 1981. ⬙The Dying Swan,⬙ Danger Bay, CBC and The Disney Channel, 1987. ⬙Love Game,⬙ Danger Bay, CBC and The Disney Channel, 1987.

SAXON, Rolf 1955– PERSONAL Born in 1955, in Alexandria, VA; children: Reuben. Education: Graduated from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama; studied acting with the American Conservatory Theatre. Career: Actor. Appeared in television commercials for Diet Coke and Stride; performed with the California Shakespeare Festival.

WRITINGS Screenplays: Charlie Grant’s War, 1984. Martha, Ruth & Edie, 1988.

Awards, Honors: Manchester Evening News Theatre Award, best actor in a leading role, 2005, for The Price.

Television Series: King of Kensington, CBS, 1976–80. Hangin’ In, syndicated, 1981. Seeing Things, syndicated, 1981. Tarzan, syndicated, 1991.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Dick, Little Lord Fauntleroy, 1980. (Uncredited) Second speedboat man, Curse of the Pink Panther, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1983. Rowland, The Lords of Discipline, Paramount, 1983. Patrolman, Nineteen Eighty–Four, Atlantic, 1984. French guard, The Tripods, 1984. Peter, Invitation to the Wedding, 1985. Kentucky, A Time of Destiny, Columbia, 1988. First American sailor, Joyriders, 1989. Yuhudi, Wild West, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1992. C.I.A. Analyst William Donloe, Mission: Impossible (also known as Mission Impossible), Paramount, 1996. Philip Jones, Tomorrow Never Dies (also known as TND), United Artists, 1997. Lieutenant Briggs, Saving Private Ryan, Paramount, 1998. Director, Entrapment (also known as Verlockende Falle), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1999.

Television Movies: Charlie Grant’s War, CBC, 1984. The Marriage Bed, CBC, 1986. Mama’s Going to Buy You a Mockingbird, CBC, 1987. Two Men, 1988. Tarzan in Manhattan, CBS, 1989. Stolen: One Husband (also known as I Want Him Back!), CBS, 1990. Miss Rose White, NBC, 1992. A Family of Strangers, CBS, 1993. For the Love of My Child: The Anissa Ayala Story, NBC, 1993. Amelia Earhart: The Final Flight, TNT, 1994. A Gift of Love: The Daniel Huffman Story, Showtime, 1999. My Louisiana Sky, Showtime, 2001. Tiger Cruise, The Disney Channel, 2004. Felicity: An American Girl Adventure, The WB, 2005. 246

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SAXON Charlie Bodine, ⬙Can’t Keep a Dead Man Down: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ She–Wolf of London (also known as Love & Curses), syndicated, 1990. Dr. Ames, ⬙The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb,⬙ Poirot (also known as Agatha Christie: Poirot and Agatha Christie’s ⬙Poirot⬙), ITV and Arts and Entertainment, 1993. Verro Walker, ⬙Predator and Prey,⬙ Space Precinct, syndicated, 1995. Mr. Roach, ⬙The Rameses Connection: Part 2,⬙ The Tomorrow People, 1995. Tom Reid, Crown Prosecutor, 1995. Murray, ⬙Brief Encounter,⬙ Goodnight Sweetheart, BBC, 1999. Jerry Corvitz, ⬙Protesting Hippies,⬙ Hippies, BBC, 1999. Art Spellman, ⬙The List,⬙ Ultimate Force, 2003. Sam Johnson, ⬙Kodevavn: Kerkes—Del 15,⬙ Ornen: En krimi–odysse (also known as Ornen and The Eagle), 2005. Sam Johnson, ⬙Kodevavn: Kerkes—Del 16,⬙ Ornen: En krimi–odysse (also known as Ornen and The Eagle), 2005.

Alden Wheaton, Honest, Winchester Films, 2000. Herbie Clayton, Obedience (short), 2000. Hollywood producer, Einstein (also known as The Furnace), Fortissimo Film Sales, 2000. Narrator, Teletubbies: Christmas in the Snow, Warner Bros., 2000. Television Appearances; Series: French guard, The Tripods, BBC, 1984. Jerome Summers, Pulaski (also known as Pulaski: The TV Detective), 1987. Hudson J. Talbot III, Capital City, 1989–90. Sam Levinson, Love Hurts, 1994. Narrator, Teletubbies, BBC and PBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Coldfelt, The First Olympics: Athens 1896 (also known as Dream One and The First Modern Olympics), NBC, 1984. Hollywood director, Lace II, ABC, 1985. American in bar, Tender Is the Night, BBC, 1985.

Stage Appearances: Laughter on the 23rd Floor, Library Theatre, Manchester, England, 1995. Dionysos, The Frogs, Barbican Centre, London, 1998. The Seven Year Itch, Queen’s Theatre, London, 2000. Dinner with Friends, Steppenwolf Theatre Company, Hampstead Theatre, London, 2001. Polixenes, The Winter’s Tale, Royal Shakespeare Company, London, 2002. Simonides, Pericles; Prince of Tyre, Royal Shakespeare Company, 2002. Billy Flynn, Chicago, West End Production, London, 2003. Stephen Marx, Three on a Couch, King’s Head Theatre, London, 2004. Victor Franz, The Price, Library Theatre, Manchester, England, c. 2005. Gerardo, The Death and the Maiden, New Wolsey Theatre, London, 2005. Title role, Jerry Springer: The Opera, British production, 2006. Hello Dolly, Theatre Royal, London, 2006.

Television Appearances; Movies: Dick, Little Lord Fauntleroy, CBS, 1980. Robert E. Wright, The Dirty Dozen: The Next Mission, NBC, 1985. Robert Elwell, Afterwards, 1985. Frank, Tailspin: Behind the Korean Airliner Tragedy (also known as Coded Hostile), HBO, 1989. Professor Ronald Dworkin, The Trials of Oz, BBC, 1991. Plaskett, Hostages, HBO, 1993. Fisk, Night Watch (also known as Alistair MacLean’s ⬙Night Watch,⬙ Detonator II: Night Watch, and Detonator 2: Night Watch), USA Network, 1995. Captain Marks, The Affair, HBO, 1995. (Uncredited) Carl Dolby, London Suite (also known as Neil Simon’s ⬙London Suite⬙), NBC, 1996. Hiram Otis, The Canterville Ghost, ABC, 1997. Flunkie number one, RKO 281 (also known as RKO 281: The Battle Over Citizen Kane), HBO, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Soldier, Displaced Person (also known as D.P.), PBS, 1985.

Major Tours: Title role, Jerry Springer: The Opera, U.K. cities, 2006.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙The Limehouse Connection,⬙ Q.E.D., CBS, 1982. Chemist, ⬙Shall I Be Mother?,⬙ Play for Today, 1983. Mike Klobucki, ⬙Digging Up the Future,⬙ Chessgame, 1983. Black guard, ⬙The English Channel: July, 2089 AD,⬙ The Tripods, 1984. Luke Hennessey, ⬙One Reborn Every Minute,⬙ Boon, ITV, 1989. Rodney Kauffman, ⬙Women’s Troubles,⬙ Birds of a Feather, 1989.

Radio Appearances: Reader, Stanley William Galeras Struggle for Survival, BBC Radio 4, 2001. RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of George Stobbart, Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (also known as Broken Sword: Circle of Blood), 1996. 247


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Voice of George Stobbart, Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror, 1997. Voice of George Stobbart, Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon, THQ, 2003. Voice of George Stobbart, Broken Sword: The Angel of Death (also known as Secrets of the Ark: A Broken Sword Game), The Adventure Company, 2006.

Bohemia in New Orleans, 1990; named distinguished Virginian, Virginia Association of Broadcasters, 1990; Daytime Emmy Awards (with others), outstanding special class program, 1997, 1998, both for The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade; inducted into Newspaper Carrier Hall of Fame, Newspaper Association of America, 2001.

Albums: Appeared as narrator, Teletubbies: The Album, Kid Rhino.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Substitute weather reporter and regular contributor, Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 1980—. Peter Poole, a recurring role, Valerie (also known as The Hogan Family and Valerie’s Family), NBC, 1987–89. Host, The New Original Amateur Hour, The Family Channel, 1991. Host, Willard Scott’s Home and Garden Almanac, Home and Garden Television, 1994.

SCOTT, Willard 1934– PERSONAL Full name, Willard Herman Scott, Jr.; born March 7, 1934, in Alexandria, VA; son of Willard Herman (an insurance sales representative) and Thelma Matti (a telephone operator; maiden name, Phillips) Scott; married Mary Ellen Dwyer, August 7, 1959 (died October 28, 2002); children: Mary Phillips, Sally W. Education: American University, B.A., 1955. Religion: Episcopalian.

Also appeared as Bozo in the syndicated series Bozo the Clown, and as a weather reporter on the series Early Today, NBC. Television Appearances; Specials: Christmas in Washington, NBC, 1985. Host, Today at Night, Volume II, NBC, 1986. Today at 35, NBC, 1987. Cohost, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, NBC, annually, 1987–97. Walt Disney World 4th of July Spectacular, syndicated, 1988. Presidential Inauguration, NBC, 1989. Host, The 1990 Clio Awards: The Best TV Commercials in the World, NBC, 1990. 2 Years ѧ Later, NBC, 1990. Host, The Pillsbury Bake–off, CBS, 1990, 1992. Today at 40, NBC, 1992. Hats Off to Minnie Pearl: America Honors Minnie Pearl, The Nashville Network, 1992. Great Chefs, Great Bar–B–Q: A Great Chefs Special, PBS, 1992. Host, An American Celebration, The Nashville Network, 1992. Host, Kentucky Derby Festival Parade, The Nashville Network, 1992, 1996. Today at Night, NBC, 1994. Host, Tax Break ’94, PBS, 1994. Host, Tax Break ’95, PBS, 1995. Host, Christmas across America (also known as HGTV’s ⬙Christmas across America⬙), Home and Garden Television, 1998, 1999, 2000. Host, Generation H: National History Day, History Channel, 2001.

Addresses: Office—c/o NBC News, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112. Agent—William Morris Agency, 1 William Morris Pl., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Broadcast journalist, weather forecaster, television host, and author. NBC News, Washington, DC, page, beginning 1950; WINX–Radio, Washington, DC, weekend disc jockey, 1950; WOL–Radio, member of Joy Boys broadcast team, 1950–53; WRC–AM Radio, Washington, DC, member of Joy Boys broadcast team, c. 1953–72; WWDC–Radio, Washington, DC, member of Joy Boys broadcast team, 1972–74; NBC News, New York City, weather reporter and program host, 1980—. WRC–TV, Washington, DC, weather reporter, beginning 1968. Epcot Center, appeared in the theme park attraction Ellen’s Energy Adventure, 1996; performed as Santa Claus at White House functions; appeared in commercials, including appearance as the first Ronald McDonald (originally Donald McDonald) for McDonald’s restaurants, 1963, announcer for Smucker’s products, and participant in occasional ⬙infomercials.⬙ Active as a fund–raiser and volunteer for several charitable organizations. Awards, Honors: Named Washingtonian of the year, Washingtonian Magazine, 1979; humanitarian in residence, National Society of Fund Raisers, 1985; Private Sector Award for Public Service, President Ronald Reagan, 1985; Great American Award, Bards of 248

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 NBC 75th Anniversary Special (also known as NBC 75th Anniversary Celebration), NBC, 2002. The Weather Channel’s Twentieth Anniversary Special, The Weather Channel, 2002. I Love the Holidays, VH1, 2005.

SCOWLEY Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, and North Carolina, 9th edition, edited by Victoria J. Heland, Pelican, 2000. (Interviewer and compiler) The Older the Fiddle, the Better the Tune: The Joys of Reaching a Certain Age, Hyperion, 2003. (Interviewer and compiler) If I Knew It Was Going to Be This Much Fun, I Would Have Become a Grandparent First, Hyperion, 2004.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Hee Haw, syndicated, 1983. The New Hollywood Squares, syndicated, 1987. Himself, ⬙Wind,⬙ Bill Nye, the Science Guy (also known as Disney Presents ⬙Bill Nye, the Science Guy⬙), PBS, 1994. Himself, ⬙100,⬙ Sisters, NBC, 1995. Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 1998. (In archive footage) The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News Channel, 2008.

Author of introduction to The Thanksgiving Book: An Illustrated Treasury of Lore, Tales, Poems, Prayers, and the Best in Holiday Feasting, edited by Jerome Agel and Melinda Corey, Smithmark Publishing, 1995; contributor to other books, including The Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center, by Carla Torcilieri Dagostino, Lickle Publishing, 1997.

Television Producer; Series: Willard Scott’s Home and Garden Almanac, Home and Garden Television, 1994.

ADAPTATIONS Some of Scott’s books have been adapted as audio books, including The Older the Fiddle, the Better the Tune. Some of his ⬙Joy Boys⬙ radio broadcasts of the 1960s were collected by American University and released as an audio recording in 2001.

Film Appearances: Himself, Roommates, Buena Vista, 1995. Himself, Holy Man, Buena Vista, 1998. Stage Appearances: Narrator, The Night before Christmas, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Hall, Boston, MA, 1989.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Chicago Tribune, June 17, 2003. Prevention, September, 2001, p. 134. TV Guide, March 23, 2001, pp. 65–66.

Appeared at other concert venues, including Carnegie Hall, Palace Theatre, and Grand Ole Opry. WRITINGS


Books: Willard Scott’s ⬙The Joy of Living,⬙ Coward, 1982. Willard Scott’s Down Home Stories, Bobbs–Merrill, 1984. Willard Scott’s All–American Cookbook, Macmillan, 1986. (With Daniel Paisner) America Is My Neighborhood, Simon & Schuster, 1987. (With Robert Shosteck) Robert Shosteck’s Weekenders Guide to the Four Seasons, revised edition, edited by Susan C. Dore, Pelican, 1988. Not Guilty: Detective Stories from the Strand (recorded album), narrated by Edward Raleigh, DH Audio, 1995. (With Bill Crider) Murder under Blue Skies (mystery novel), Dutton, 1998. (With Crider) Murder in the Mist: A Stanley Waters Mystery (novel), Dutton, 1999. (With Shosteck) Weekend Getaways around Washington, D.C.: Including Virginia, Maryland, Delaware,

PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—The McCabe Group, 8285 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90046. Manager—The Hofflund Company, 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 420, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress. Appeared in television commercials, including Kia automobiles, Progressive auto insurance, Sony Vaio laptops, Hanes clothing, Allstate Insurance, Applebee’s restaurants, Budweiser, Chevy automobiles, Chili’s restaurants, Doritos snack foods, Home Depot home stores, Miller Lite beer, Taco Bell restaurants, and Toyota automobiles; appeared in promos for FX Channel; appeared in public service announcements ⬙Think Before You Speak.⬙ 249


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Angeles; Lovers and Other Strangers, Sanford Meisner Center, Los Angeles; Born Yesterday, Sanford Meisner Center; Hurly Burly, Sanford Meisner Center.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Mary Stewart, The Brotherhood 2: Young Warlocks (also known as Young Warlocks), Regent Entertainment, 2001. Stacey, Hell Asylum, Shadow Entertainment, 2002. Maura, For Mature Audiences Only (short), 2002. Lisa, Loveless in Los Angeles, Slamdance on the Road, 2007. Stacey, Asian Arrow IV: Back from Sheboygan (short), 48 Hour Project, 2007. Pierced eyebrow girl, Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (also known as Walk Hard and Walk Hard: American Cox, the Unbearably Long, Self–Indulgent Director’s Cut), Sony, 2007. Waitress, Eagle Eye (also known as Eagle Eye—AuBer Kontrolle and ⬙Eagle Eye⬙: The IMAX Experience), DreamWorks, 2008.

RECORDINGS Music Videos: Appeared in videos for the Foo Fighters, Tricky, and Boyz and Girls United. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Stacey Scowley Website,, January 15, 2009.

Also appeared in Caught Left–Handed; Nice Day for No Rain; Love and Laundry.


Television Appearances; Series: Voice of Hope, Family Guy (animated; also known as Padre de familia), Fox, 2005–2006.

Addresses: Agent—Endeavor, 9601 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Manager—3 Arts Entertainment, 9460 Wilshire Blvd., 7th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Television Appearances; Specials: Bonnie, Comedy Central Thanxgiveaway: Home Fires, Comedy Central, 2001.

Career: Director, producer, and editor. Television Appearances; Pilots: Sarah, Lucky, FX Channel, 2003.

Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nomination (with others), outstanding drama series, 2006, for House, M.D.; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding directing for a drama series, 2007, for Heroes.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Young woman, ⬙Conversations with Dead People,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as BtVS, Buffy, and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: The Series), UPN, 2002. Young woman, ⬙Sleeper,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as BtVS, Buffy, and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: The Series), UPN, 2002. Sorority girl number two, ⬙Endgame,⬙ Alias, ABC, 2003. Laurie, ⬙Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star,⬙ Monk, USA Network, 2004. Coffee girl, ⬙The Tire Guy,⬙ Come to Papa, NBC, 2004. Martha in 1943, ⬙Factory Girls,⬙ Cold Case, CBS, 2004. Patty, ⬙The Slump,⬙ My Boys, TBS, 2006. Blonde wife, ⬙Gala Gallardo,⬙ Nip/Tuck, FX Channel, 2006. Bride, ⬙Gray Hour,⬙ Dollhouse, Fox, 2009.

CREDITS Television Work; Series: Associate producer, Open House, Fox, 1989. Associate producer, Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1992–95. Producer, Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1998–99. Co–executive producer, American Dreams (also known as Our Generation), NBC, 2002–2004. Executive producer, American Dreams (also known as Our Generation), NBC, 2004–2005. Co–executive producer, House M.D. (also known as House), Fox, 2005–2006. Executive producer, House M.D. (also known as House), Fox, 2006–2007. Executive producer, Heroes, NBC, 2006. Executive producer, Life, NBC, 2007—. Executive producer, The Cleaner, Arts and Entertainment, 2008—.

Also appeared in Party of Five, Fox. Stage Appearances: Appeared in Good Vibrations, Court Theatre and Attic Theatre; The Interrogation, Coast Playhouse, Los 250

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SEMEL ⬙Forgive and Forget,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1997. ⬙Go Fish,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as Buffy and Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Series), The WB, 1998. ⬙Lover’s Walk,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as Buffy and Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Series), The WB, 1998. ⬙I Can’t Get No Satisfaction,⬙ The Love Boat: The Next Wave, UPN, 1998. ⬙Double Date⬙ (also known as ⬙Modern Romance⬙), Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1998. ⬙Decisions⬙ (also known as ⬙Breaking Away⬙), Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1998. ⬙The Kiss,⬙ Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1998. ⬙Alternate Lifestyles,⬙ Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1998. ⬙Full Moon Rising,⬙ Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1998. ⬙The All–Nighter,⬙ Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1998. ⬙Monsters,⬙ Roswell, The WB, 1999. ⬙Missing,⬙ Roswell, The WB, 1999. ⬙His Leading Lady,⬙ Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1999. ⬙Be Careful What You Wish For,⬙ Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1999. ⬙Rest in Peace,⬙ Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1999. ⬙Expecting,⬙ Angel (also known as Angel: The Series), The WB, 2000. ⬙Are You Now or Have You Ever Been,⬙ Angel (also known as Angel: The Series), The WB, 2000. ⬙Sexual Healing,⬙ Roswell, The WB, 2000. ⬙Shaken, Not Stirred,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2000. ⬙Bad Hair Week,⬙ That’s Life, ABC, 2000. ⬙Chapter Eight,⬙ Boston Public, Fox, 2000. ⬙Chapter Twenty–Eight,⬙ Boston Public, Fox, 2001. Going to California, Showtime, 2001. ⬙Inter Arma Silent Leges,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 2001. ⬙Playing with Matches,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2002. American Dreams (also known as Our Generation), NBC, 2002–2005. ⬙Hour One,⬙ Revelations, 2005. ⬙The Mistake,⬙ House M.D. (also known as House), Fox, 2005. ⬙Need to Know,⬙ House M.D. (also known as House), Fox, 2006. ⬙Sex Kills,⬙ House M.D. (also known as House), Fox, 2006. ⬙Chapter One ’Genesis,’⬙ Heroes, NBC, 2006. ⬙The Wrap Party,⬙ Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (also known as Studio 60), NBC, 2006. ⬙What You Wish For,⬙ Six Degrees, ABC, 2006. ⬙Breakdown,⬙ My Own Worst Enemy, NBC, 2008. ⬙The Night Train to Moscow,⬙ My Own Worst Enemy, NBC, 2008.

Executive producer, My Own Worst Enemy, NBC, 2008. Executive producer, My Own Worst Enemy: Conspiracy Theory, 2008. Television Assistant Editor; Movies: Can You Feel Me Dancing?, NBC, 1986. As Is, Showtime, 1986. A Fight for Jenny, NBC, 1986. On Fire, ABC, 1987. Television Work; Pilots: Director, Windfall, NBC, 2006. Executive producer and director, ⬙Pilot: Merit Badge,⬙ Life, NBC, 2007. Executive producer and director, The Cleaner, Arts and Entertainment, 2008. Television Work; Specials: Associate producer, 90210: Behind the Scenes, Fox, 1993. Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Divas,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1994. ⬙Rave On,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1994. ⬙Rock of Ages⬙ (also known as ⬙The Voodoo That You Do So Well⬙), Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1994. ⬙Unreal World,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1995. ⬙Speechless,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1995. ⬙Breast Side Up,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1995. ⬙Valentine’s Day,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1996. ⬙The Competitive Edge,⬙ Malibu Shores, NBC, 1996. ⬙Hotline,⬙ Malibu Shores, CBS, 1996. ⬙Saturday,⬙ 7th Heaven (also known as 7th Heaven: Beginnings and Seventh Heaven), The WB, 1996. ⬙Flirting with Disaster,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1996. ⬙Disappearing Act,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1996. ⬙Judgment Day,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1996. ⬙Happy’s Valentine,⬙ 7th Heaven (also known as 7th Heaven: Beginnings and Seventh Heaven), The WB, 1997. ⬙See You in September,⬙ 7th Heaven (also known as 7th Heaven: Beginnings and Seventh Heaven), The WB, 1997. ⬙The Lung and the Restless,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1997. ⬙Welcome to the Neighborhood,⬙ Pacific Palisades, Fox, 1997. ⬙The Other Woman,⬙ Pacific Palisades, Fox, 1997. ⬙Past & Present Danger,⬙ Pacific Palisades, Fox, 1997. ⬙Sweet Revenge,⬙ Pacific Palisades, Fox, 1997. ⬙Never Kill a Boy on the First Date,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as Buffy and Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Series), The WB, 1997. ⬙What’s My Line?: Part 2,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as Buffy and Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Series), The WB, 1997. ⬙My Funny Valentine,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1997.

Television Assistant Editor; Episodic: ⬙Under the Gun,⬙ Sledge Hammer! (also known as Sledge Hammer: The Early Years), 1986. Film Director: ⬙The Campfire⬙ and ⬙The Locket,⬙ in Campfire Tales, New Line Cinema, 1997. 251


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Film Work; Other: Set dresser, Soul Man (also known as The Imposter), New World Pictures, 1986. Set dresser, Cherry 2000, 1987. Leadman, Russkies, New Century/Vista Film Company, 1987. Additional set decorator, Tapeheads, Avenue Pictures Productions, 1988. Leadman, I’m Gonna Git You Sucka (also known as I’m Gonna Git You, Sucka), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1988. Swing gang, Heart of Dixie, Orion, 1989. Leadman, Cameron’s Closet, 1989.

Lone Star State of Mind (also known as Road to Hell and Cowboys and Idiots), Screen Gems, 2002.

SERDENA, Gene PERSONAL Career: Set decorator. Awards, Honors: Emmy Award (with others), outstanding individual achievement in art direction for a series, 1992, for Northern Exposure.

Television Set Decorator; Series: Northern Exposure, CBS, 1992.


Television Set Decorator; Miniseries: People Like Us, NBC, 1990.

Film Set Decorator: Sorority House Massacre, Concorde Pictures, 1986. House II: The Second Story, 1987. Rush Week, Alpine Releasing Corp., 1989. Martians Go Home, Taurus Entertainment, 1990. Brain Dead (also known as Paranoia), 1990. Ted and Venus, Double Helix Films, 1991. Passed Away, Buena Vista, 1992. The Cemetery Club (also known as Looking for a Live One), Buena Vista, 1993. Tombstone, Buena Vista, 1993. Mad Love, Buena Vista, 1995. Steal Big, Steal Little, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1995. Chain Reaction, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. 2 Days in the Valley, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1996. U.S. Marshals, Warner Bros., 1998. Being John Malkovich, USA Films, 1999. Three Kings, Warner Bros., 1999. Scream 3, Miramax, 2000. The Animal, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2001. Human Nature, Fine Line, 2001. Adaptation., Columbia, 2002. Laurel Canyon, Sony Pictures Classics, 2002. Auto Focus, Kuleshov Productions, Inc., 2002. Holes, Columbia, 2003. House of Sand and Fog, DreamWorks, 2003. Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (also known as Dodgeball and Voll auf die nusse), Twentieth Century Fox, 2004. I Heart Huckabees (also known as I Love Huckabees), Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2004. Lords of Dogtown (also known as American Knights and Dogtown Boys), Sony, 2005. Infamous, Warner Independent Pictures, 2006. The Guardian, Buena Vista, 2006. Twilight, Summit Entertainment, 2008. Extract, Miramax, 2009. All About Steve, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2009.

Television Set Decorator; Movies: Murder 101, USA Network, 1991. Sweet Poison, USA Network, 1991.

SHERIDAN, Taylor (Tayler Sheridan) PERSONAL Career: Actor. CREDITS Television Appearances; Episodic: Vernon, ⬙War Zone,⬙ Walker, Texas Ranger (also known as Walker), 1995. Corporal Winters, ⬙A Matter of Conscience,⬙ Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, 1997. Counter guy, ⬙Haunted,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1999. Connor, ⬙The Time They Decided to Go For It,⬙ Time of Your Life, 2001. Tucker, ⬙Positive,⬙ Strong Medicine, Lifetime, 2002. Tim Dohanic, ⬙Back in the Ring,⬙ The Guardian, CBS, 2003. (As Tayler Sheridan) Shooter, ⬙Brothers in Arms,⬙ 10–8: Officers on Duty (also known as 10–8 and 10–8: Police Patrol), ABC, 2003. Jareb, ⬙Chosen Realm,⬙ Enterprise (also known as Star Trek: Enterprise), UPN, 2004. Tim Lewis, ⬙Old Yeller,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2004. Joel Banks, ⬙Supply & Demand,⬙ CSI: NY, CBS, 2005. 252

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Evan Peters, ⬙Secrets & Files,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as CSI: Las Vegas, C.S.I., and Les Experts), CBS, 2005. Danny Boyd, a recurring role, Veronica Mars, UPN, 2005–2007. Deputy Chief David Hale, a recurring role, Sons of Anarchy, FX Channel, 2008.

SHORT Human Timebomb (also known as Live Wire: Human Time Bomb), New Line Cinema, 1995. Hard Justice, New Line Cinema, 1995. Deadly Outbreak (also known as Deadly Takeover), Live Entertainment, 1995. Cyborg Cop III (also known as Terminal Impact), New Line Cinema, 1995. Warhead, Vidmark Entertainment, 1996. Orion’s Key (also known as Alien Chaser, Shadowchaser: The Gates of Time, and Project Shadowchaser 4), Unapix Films, 1996. Judge and Jury (also known as From Beyond the Grave), A–pix Entertainment, 1996. American Perfekt, American Perfekt Productions, 1997. Top of the World (also known as Cold Cash and Showdown), Warner Bros., 1997. Merchant of Death (also known as Mission of Death), Artisan Entertainment, 1997. Macarena, Dow Knut Productions, 1998. Shadrach, Columbia, 1998. Outside Ozona, TriStar, 1998. On the Border, Wavemount, 1998. Lima: Breaking the Silence, 1998. Some Girl (also known as Girl Talk and Men), 1998. Armstrong, 1998. October 22, 1998. Bridge of Dragons, Martien Holdings, 1999. Guinevere, Miramax, 1999. The Alternate (also known as Agent of Death), Replacement Productions, 1999. Operation Delta Force 4: Deep Fault, 1999. Beat, Background Productions/Beat/Martien Holdings/ Millennium Pictures/Pendragon Film/Pfilmco/ Walking Pictures, 2000. For the Cause (also known as Final Encounter), Dimension Films, 2000. Beat, 2000. The Alternate (also known as Agent of Death), 2000. Cold Heart, Diary Productions/Nu Image, 2001. Disaster (also known as Cult of Fury and Sudden Damage), 2001. Nobody’s Baby, 2001. City of Fear, 2001. Spiders II: Breeding Ground (also known as Spiders 2), 2001. Replicant, Artisan Entertainment, 2001. Ticker (also known as The Other Side of the Law), Artisan Entertainment, 2001. Prozac Nation, Miramax, 2001. The Grey Zone, Lionsgate, 2001. Edges of the Lord (also known as Boze skrawki), Miramax, 2001. Diary of a Sex Addict, Addict Productions, 2001. Octopus II (also known as Octopus 2: River of Fear), Martien Holdings, 2001. Death Train, Nu Image, 2001. Crocodile 2: Death Roll (also known as Crocodile 2: Death Swamp), Martien Holdings, 2001. U.S. Seals II (also known as U.S. Seals II: The Ultimate Force), Artisan Entertainment, 2001.

Television Appearances; Movies: Chris, Her Costly Affair (also known as Consensual Relations), NBC, 1996. Film Appearances: Tug/Douglas, White Rush, 2003. George, Stage Kiss, 2006.

SHORT, Trevor PERSONAL Addresses: Office—Nu Image/Millennium Films, 6423 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048; First Look Studios, 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 410, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Producer and studio executive. Nu Image (production company), Los Angeles, CA, cofounder, partner, and chief financial officer, c. 1991—; Millennium Films, cofounder, c. 1997—; First Look Studios, Los Angeles, CA, chairman. CREDITS Film Executive Producer: Woman of Desire, Trimark Pictures, 1993. Point of Impact (also known as In Too Deep and Spanish Rose), Trimark Pictures, 1993. Terminator Woman (also known as Eliminator Woman), 1993. Private Lessons: Another Story (also known as X–tra Private Lessons), Nu Image, 1994. Lunarcop (also known as Solar Force), Astrocop Productions, 1994. Freefall, October Films, 1994. Cyborg Cop II (also known as Cyborg Soldier), Trimark Pictures, 1994. Wild Side (also known as All the Way), Evergreen Video, 1995. Project Shadowchaser III (also known as Project Shadowchaser 3000), New Line Cinema, 1995. Never Say Die, Nu Image, 1995. The Immortals, Hallmark Home Entertainment, 1995. 253


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Home of the Brave, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2006. King of California, First Look International, 2007. 88 Minutes (also known as 88 and 88: 88 Minutes), Sony, 2007. The Death and Life of Bobby Z (also known as Bobby Z and Kill Bobby Z—Ein Deal um leben und tod), 2007. When Nietzsche Wept, First Look International, 2007. Cleaner, Screen Gems, 2007. Blonde Ambition, First Look Pictures, 2007. Mad Money, Overture Films, 2008. Rambo (also known as John Rambo, Rambo 4, and Rambo 4: John Rambo), Lionsgate, 2008. Hero Wanted, Sony, 2008. Day of the Dead (also known as Day of the Dead: The Need to Feed), Nu Image/Millennium Films, 2008. My Mom’s New Boyfriend (also known as Lauschangriff—My Mom’s New Boyfriend and My Spy), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2008. Righteous Kill, Overture Films, 2008. The Prince & Me 3: A Royal Honeymoon, 2008. Thick as Thieves, Millennium Films, 2008. Direct Contact, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2008. War, Inc., First Look Pictures, 2008. The Code, First Look Holdings, 2008. Lies & Illusions, Nu Image Films, 2009. Streets of Blood, Millennium Films, 2009. Solitary Man, 2009. Ninja, Nu Image Films, 2009. Leaves of Grass, 2009. Labor Pains, 2009. Fake Identity, 2009. Command Performance, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2009. Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans, 2009.

The Order (also known as Jihad Warriors), Sony, 2001. Undisputed (also known as Undisputed—Sieg ohne Ruhm), Miramax, 2002. Air Strike, Nu Image Films, 2002. Derailed (also known as Terror Train), 2002. Shark Attack 3: Megalodon (also known as Shark Attack III: Megalodon), Nu Image Films, 2002. Frogmen Operation Stormbringer (also known as U.S. Seals 3: Frogmen and U.S. Seals: Dead or Alive), Artisan Entertainment, 2002. Submarines, Lions Gate Films Home Entertainment, 2003. Marines, Lions Gate Films Home Entertainment, 2003. Highwayman (also known as Pourchasse), New Line Cinema, 2003. Death Train, Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2003. In Hell (also known as The S.H.U. and The Savage), DEJ Productions, 2003. Special Forces, Nu Image Films, 2003. Out for a Kill, Nu Image/Millennium Films, 2003. Air Marshal, Lions Gate Films Home Entertainment, 2003. Shark Zone, Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2003. Belly of the Beast, Nu Image/Millennium Films, 2003. Target of Opportunity, First Look International, 2004. Shadow of Fear, Millennium Films, 2004. Takedown, Dimension Films, 2004. Unstoppable (also known as 9 Lives), Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2004. Control, Lions Gate Films, 2004. Raging Sharks, Nu Image Films, 2005. Submerged, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005. Mozart and the Whale, Millennium Films, 2005. Today You Die, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005. Edison (also known as Edison Force), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005. The Mechanik (also known as The Russian Specialist), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005. The Cutter, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005. 16 Blocks, Warner Bros., 2006. End Game, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2006. Undisputed II: Last Man Standing (also known as Undisputed 2), New Line Home Video, 2006. Mercenary for Justice (also known as Mercenary), Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2006. Journey to the End of the Night (also known as 12 Horas ate o Amanhecer), First Look International, 2006. Lonely Hearts (also known as Lonely Hearts Killers), Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2006. Relative Strangers, First Look International, 2006. The Black Dahlia (also known as Black Dahlia and Die schwarze dahlie), Universal, 2006. Loverboy, ThinkFilm, 2006. The Wicker Man, Warner Bros., 2006. The Contract, First Look International, 2006. Wicked Little Things, Freestyle Releasing, 2006.

Film Coproducer: F.T.W. (also known as Last Ride), Ivar Productions/Nu Image/RedRuby Productions, 1994. Until Death, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2007. Film Producer: Blood of the Innocent (also known as Beyond Forgiveness, Aniol smierci, and AK–47: The Death Machine), Republic Pictures, 1994. No Code of Conduct, Dimension Films, 1998. Major Movie Star (also known as Private Valentine: Blonde & Dangerous), Warner Bros., 2008. Film Associate Producer: Search and Destroy (also known as The Four Rules), October Films, 1995. Film Co–Executive Producer: How to Kill Your Neighbor’s Dog, Artistic License, 2000. Blind Horizon, Lions Gate Films, 2003. 254

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SIMMONS Showdown at Area 51, Sci–Fi Channel, 2007. Mega Snake, Sci–Fi Channel, 2007. Ghouls, 2008. Flu Bird Horror (also known as Flu Birds), 2008.

Television Executive Producer; Movies: Blood Run (also known as Outside the Law), 1994. Angle of Death, Showtime, 1994. Project Shadowchaser II (also known as Armed and Deadly, Night Scenes: Project Shadowchaser II, and Night Siege), HBO, 1994. Man with a Gun, HBO, 1995. The Last Days of Frankie the Fly (also known as Frankie the Fly), HBO, 1996. Miami Hustle (also known as Hello, She Lied), Showtime, 1996. Plato’s Run, HBO, 1996. Danger Zone, HBO, 1996. Operation Delta Force (also known as Great Soldiers), HBO, 1997. The Maker, HBO, 1997. Dog Watch (also known as Dogwatch), HBO, 1997. Operation Delta Force II: Mayday, HBO, 1998. No Code of Conduct, USA Network, 1998. On the Border, 1998. Scar City (also known as S.C.A.R. and Scarred City), HBO, 1998. Traitor’s Heart, Cinemax, 1999. Break Up (also known as The Break Up), Cinemax, 1999. The Big Brass Ring, Showtime, 1999. Sweepers, USA Network, 1999. Shark Attack, HBO, 1999. Operation Delta Force III: Clear Target (also known as Clear Target), Cinemax, 1999. Looking for Lola, Showtime, 1999. Cold Harvest, Cinemax, 1999. Armstrong, HBO, 1999. Bridge of Dragons, HBO, 1999. The 4th Floor, HBO, 2000. Spiders, USA Network, 2000. Forever Lulu (also known as Along for the Ride), Starz!, 2000. Crocodile, USA Network, 2000. Shark Attack 2 (also known as Shark Attack II and Shark II), USA Network, 2000. Octopus, USA Network, 2000. Run for the Money (also known as Hard Cash), USA Network, 2002. Try Seventeen (also known as All I Want), Starz!, 2003. Alien Hunter, Sci–Fi Channel, 2003. Den of Lions, Starz!, 2003. Alien Lockdown (also known as PredatorMan), Sci–Fi Channel, 2004. Skeleton Man, Sci–Fi Channel, 2005. The Snake King (also known as Snakeman), Sci–Fi Channel, 2005. Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy (also known as Hammerhead and SharkMan), Sci–Fi Channel, 2005. Mansquito (also known as Mosquitoman), Sci–Fi Channel, 2005. Larva, Sci–Fi Channel, 2005. The Black Hole, Sci–Fi Channel, 2006. Gryphon (also known as Attack of the Gryphon: II), Sci–Fi Channel, 2007.

Television Story Editor; Movies: Operation Delta Force (also known as Great Soldiers), HBO, 1997. WRITINGS Television Movie Stories: Operation Delta Force (also known as Great Soldiers), 1997.

SIMMONS, Jean 1929– (Jean Simmonds) PERSONAL Full name, Jean Merilyn Simmons; born January 31, 1929, in London, England; naturalized U.S. citizen, 1956; daughter of Charles and Winifred Ada (maiden name, Loveland) Simmons; married Stewart Granger (an actor), December 20, 1950 (divorced, 1960); married Richard Brooks (a director and writer), November 1, 1960 (died, 1992); children: (first marriage) Tracy; (second marriage) Kate. Education: Attended the Aida Foster School of Dancing. Addresses: Agent—Burnett Granger Associates, Ltd., 3 Clifford St., London W1S 2LF United Kingdom; Mitchell K. Stubbs and Associates, 8675 West Washington Blvd., Suite 203, Culver City, CA 90232. Career: Actress. Awards, Honors: Volpi Cup, best actress, Venice Festival, and Academy Award nomination, best supporting actress, 1948, both for Hamlet; Bambi Award, 1950; voted one of the ten most popular performers in a Motion Picture Herald–Fame poll, 1950–51; National Board of Review Award, best actress, 1953, for Young Bess, The Actress, and The Robe; Golden Globe Award, best motion picture actress—musical/comedy, 1956, Film Award nomination, best foreign actress, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1957, both for Guys and Dolls; Special Golden Globe Award, most versatile actress, 1958; Golden Laurel Award nomination, top female dramatic performance, Producers Guild of America, Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture actress—drama, 1959, both for 255


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Lavinia, Androcles and the Lion (also known as Bernard Shaw’s ⬙Androcles and the Lion⬙), RKO, 1953. Diane Tremayne, Angel Face, RKO, 1953. Queen Elizabeth I (title role), Young Bess, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1953. Diana, The Robe, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1953. Carolyn Parker, Affair with a Stranger, RKO, 1953. Ruth Gordon Jones, The Actress, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1953. Corby Lane, She Couldn’t Say No (also known as Beautiful but Dangerous and She Had to Say Yes), RKO, 1954. Cally Canham, A Bullet Is Waiting, Columbia, 1954. Meryt (also known as Merit), The Egyptian, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1954. Desiree Clary (title role), Desiree, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1954. (Uncredited) Diana, Demetrius and the Gladiators, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1954. Lily Watkins, Footsteps in the Fog, Columbia, 1955. Sarah Brown, Guys and Dolls, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1955. Title role, Hilda Crane, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1956. Anne Leeds, This Could Be the Night, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1957. Barbara Leslie Forbes, Until They Sail, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1957. Charlotte Brown, Home Before Dark, Warner Bros., 1958. Julie Maragon, The Big Country, United Artists, 1958. Elizabeth Rambeau, This Earth Is Mine (also known as This Land Is Mine), Universal, 1959. Varinia, Spartacus (also known as Spartacus: Rebel Against Rome), Universal, 1960. Hattie Durant, The Grass Is Greener, Universal, 1960. Sister Sharon Falconer, Elmer Gantry, United Artists, 1960. Mary Follet, All the Way Home, Paramount, 1963. Susan Lampton, Life at the Top, Columbia, 1965. The blonde, Mister Buddwing (also known as Woman without a Face), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1966. Nancy Downes, Divorce, American Style, Columbia, 1967. Molly Lang, Rough Night in Jericho, Universal, 1967. Mary Wilson, The Happy Ending, Universal, 1969. Woman, Say Hello to Yesterday, Cinerama, 1971. Estelle Benbow, Mr. Sycamore, Film Ventures, 1975. Dominique Ballard (title role), Dominique (also known as Avenging Spirit and Dominique Is Dead), Subotsky, 1978. Maxine de la Hunt, Yellow Pages (also known as Going Undercover), Miramax, 1988. Aunt Mary, The Dawning, LIVE Home Video, 1988. The Old Jest, 1988. Em, How to Make an American Quilt (also known as An American Quilt), Universal, 1995. Margaret Drummond, Paradise Road (also known as Beyond the Wire, Captives, The Road to Paradise, and A Voice Cries Out), Fox Searchlight Pictures, 1997.

Home before Dark; Golden Laurel Award nomination, top female star, 1959; Golden Laurel Award nomination, top female comedy performance, 1961, for The Grass Is Greener; Golden Laurel Award nomination, top female star, 1961; Film Award nomination, best foreign actress, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Golden Laurel Award nomination, female dramatic performance, Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture actress—drama, 1961, all for Elmer Gentry; Academy Award nomination, best actress, 1969, Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture actress—drama, 1970, both for The Happy Ending; Emmy Award, outstanding supporting actress in a limited series or special, 1983, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a supporting role in a series, miniseries or motion picture made for television, 1984, both for The Thorn Birds; Cannes International Film Festival homage, 1988; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding guest actress in a drama series, 1989, for Murder, She Wrote; Outstanding Film Achievement Award (Italy), 1989; Commander de L’Ordre des Arts des Lettres (France), 1990; Officer of the Order of the British Empire, 2003; received acting awards from Belgium, Ireland, Italy, and Switzerland. CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Jean Simmonds) Sally Cooper, Mr. Emmanuel, Eagle–Lion, 1944. Eva Watkins, Meet Sexton Blake, Anglo–American, 1944. Molly Dodd, Kiss the Bride Goodbye, Butchers, 1944. Heidi, Give Us the Moon, General Films, 1944. (Uncredited) Sports Day (also known as The Colonel’s Cup), 1944. Singer, Johnny in the Clouds (also known as The Way to the Stars), United Artists, 1945. Harpist and handmaiden, Caesar and Cleopatra, Eagle– Lion, 1945. Lady Jane Broderick, Hungry Hill, General Films, 1946. Kanchi, Black Narcissus, General Films, 1946. Estella as a child, Great Expectations, Universal, 1946. Joy Blake, The Woman in the Hall, Eagle–Lion/General Films, 1947. Caroline Ruthyn, The Inheritance (also known as Uncle Silas), General Films, 1947. Ophelia, daughter of Polonius, Hamlet, Universal, 1948. Evalyn Wallace, Adam and Evalyn (also known as Adam and Evelyne), Two Cities, 1948. Emmeline Foster, The Blue Lagoon, Universal, 1949. Eve ⬙Evie⬙ Bishop, ⬙Sanitorium,⬙ Trio, Paramount, 1950. Vicky Barton, So Long at the Fair, Rank, 1950. Judith Moray, Cage of Gold, Ealing, 1950. Sophie Malraux, The Clouded Yellow, General Films, 1950. 256

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SIMMONS Sarah Keyes, One More Mountain (also known as One More Mountain: An American Epic), ABC, 1994. Katherine Palmer, Daisies in December, Showtime, 1995. Katherine Stratten, Her Own Rules (also known as Barbara Taylor Bradford’s ⬙Her Own Rules⬙), CBS, 1998. Countess Lucinda Rhives, Winter Solstice (also known as Rosamunde Pilcher—Wintersonne and Wintersonne), 2003.

Voice of council member number two, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (also known as Fainaru fantaji), Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2001. Herself, Jean Simmons: Rose of England (documentary), National Museum of Photography, Film & Television, 2004. (English version) Voice of Grandma Sophie, Hauru no ugoku shiro (animated; also known as Howl’s Moving Castle), Buena Vista, 2004. Voice of Shepway, Thru the Moebius Strip (animated), Fantastic Films International, 2005. Hannah, Shadows in the Sun, 2008.

Television Appearances; Specials: The 30th Annual Academy Awards, NBC, 1958. Presenter, The 31st Annual Academy Awards, NBC, 1959. The 33rd Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1961. Presenter, The 37th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1965. Sarah Churchill, ⬙Soldier in Love⬙ (also known as ⬙George Schaefer’s Showcase Theatre: Soldier in Love⬙), Hallmark Hall of Fame, NBC, 1967. Fraulein Rottenmeier, Heidi (also known as Heidi kehrt heim), NBC, 1968. Decisions, Decisions, NBC, 1972. Constance Payne, The Easter Promise, CBS, 1975. Etta Marsh, ⬙December Flower,⬙ Great Performances, PBS, 1987. Older Elinor, ⬙Sensibility and Sense,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1990. The 19th Annual American Film Institute Life Achievement Award: A Salute to Kirk Douglas (also known as An AFI Salute to Kirk Douglas), CBS, 1991. Alien Voices: A Halloween Trilogy, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Spencer Tracy: Triumph and Turmoil, Arts and Entertainment, 1999. Story teller, Cleopatra’s World: Alexandria Revealed, 1999. Narrator, On Cukor (documentary; also known as American Masters: On Cukor), PBS, 2000. Host, Scarlet Women of the Bible, History Channel, 2001. Host, Lost Years of Jesus, History Channel, 2001. Host, Heaven and Hell, History Channel, 2001. The 100 Greatest Family Films, Channel 4, 2005.

Television Appearances; Series: Elizabeth Collins Stoddard and Naomi Collins, Dark Shadows (also known as Dark Shadows Revival), NBC, 1991. Host and narrator (with Richard Kiley), Mysteries of the Bible (also known as Ancient Mysteries), Arts and Entertainment, 1993. Irene Larson, Angel Falls, CBS, 1993. Hostess, ⬙Who wrote the Bible?⬙ Ancient Mysteries (also known as Ancient Mysteries: New Investigations of the Unsolved), 1996. Narrator, Mysteries of the Bible, 1996. Narrator, Mysteries of the Bible III, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Aaronia Haldorn, The Dain Curse (also known as Dashiell Hammett’s ⬙The Dain Curse⬙), CBS, 1978. Gretchen Jordache Burke, Beggarman, Thief, NBC, 1979. Helen Lawson, Jacqueline Susann’s ⬙Valley of the Dolls⬙ (also known as Valley of the Dolls), CBS, 1981. Fiona ⬙Fee⬙ Cleary, The Thorn Birds, ABC, 1983. Clarissa Main, North and South, ABC, 1985. Clarissa Main, North and South: Book II (also known as Love and War), ABC, 1986. Miss Havisham, Great Expectations, The Disney Channel, 1989. Peach Prindible Bailey, People Like Us, NBC, 1990. Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, Dark Shadows, NBC, 1991. Television Appearances; Movies: Jane Kingsley, Golden Gate, ABC, 1981. Margaret Lawrence, A Small Killing, CBS, 1981. Molly Hammond, Midas Valley, ABC, 1985. Laura Kilgallen, Perry Mason: The Case of the Lost Love (also known as The Case of the Lost Love), NBC, 1987. Lucy Brady, ⬙Inherit the Wind,⬙ AT&T Presents, NBC, 1988. Narrator, A Friendship in Vienna (also known as The Devil in Vienna), The Disney Channel, 1988. Connie Harrison, The Laker Girls, CBS, 1990. Carrie–Louise Serrocold, They Do It with Mirrors (also known as Miss Marple: They Do It with Mirrors), Arts and Entertainment, 1991.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Enid Travis, The Home Front, CBS, 1980. Television Appearances; Episodic: Person to Person, CBS, 1955. Mystery guest, What’s My Line?, CBS, 1955. Toast of the Town (also known as The Ed Sullivan Show), 1955, 1957. Suzy, ⬙Crazier Than Cotton,⬙ Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theater (also known as The Chrysler Theater), NBC, 1966. 257


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Ruth Bannister, ⬙The Lady Is My Wife,⬙ Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theater (also known as The Chrysler Theater), NBC, 1967. Princess, ⬙The Princess,⬙ The Odd Couple, ABC, 1972. ⬙Celebrity Roast: Truman Capote,⬙ The Dean Martin Show (also known as The Dean Martin Comedy Hour), NBC, 1974. Terri O’Brien, ⬙The Cop on the Cover,⬙ Hawaii Five–O (also known as McGarrett), CBS, 1977. Milly Toland, ⬙Deceptions,⬙ Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s ⬙Hotel⬙), ABC, 1983. Jessica Daniels, ⬙Hearts and Minds,⬙ Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s ⬙Hotel⬙), ABC, 1985. Margaret Lowen, ⬙Pen Pal,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, USA Network, 1988. Eudora McVeigh, ⬙Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1989. Reflections on the Silver Screen with Professor Richard Brown, AMC, 1990. Admiral Nora Satie, ⬙The Drumhead,⬙ Star Trek: The Next Generation (also known as Star Trek: TNG), syndicated, 1991. Cordelia, ⬙Ches and the Grand Lady,⬙ In the Heat of the Night, 1994. ⬙Deborah Kerr: Getting to Know Her,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 2000. Narrator, ⬙On Cukor,⬙ American Masters, 2000.

SIMMONS, Johnny 1986– PERSONAL Full name, Johnny James Simmons; born November 28, 1986, in Montgomery, AL; raised in Dallas, TX. Addresses: Agent—Brent Morley, Endeavor, 9601 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Manager—Mimi DiTrani, Schiff Co., 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 480, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Jules Walters, My Ambition (short film), k2 Productions, 2006. Dylan Baxter, Evan Almighty, Universal, 2007. Paul, Boogeyman 2, Columbia, 2007. Actor, Trucker, Plu, Pictures/Hanson Allen Films, 2008. Young Denny Colt, The Spirit (also known as Will Eisner’s ⬙The Spirit⬙), Lionsgate, 2008. Dave, Hotel for Dogs, Paramount, 2009. Ryan, The Greatest, Kimmel International, 2009. Chip Dove, Jennifer’s Body, Fox Atomic, 2009.

Stage Appearances: Power of Darkness, England, 1949. Big Fish, Little Fish, United States, 1964. Desiree, A Little Night Music, London, 1974.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Matt McCrary, ⬙Killer Chat,⬙ Numb3rs (also known as Num3ers), CBS, 2006. ⬙The Ark, the Animals, and ⬘Evan Almighty’,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 2007. ⬙Evan Allmaechtig,⬙ Das Grosse RTL Special sum Film, RTL, 2007.

Major Tours: A Little Night Music, U.S. cities, 1964.



Books: Jean Simmons ⬙Blue Lagoon Diary,⬙ World Film Publications, 1949.

Videos: Evan Almighty: Training the Animals, Universal Studios Home Entertainment, 2007. Evan Almighty: Animals on Set Two by Two, Universal Studios Home Entertainment, 2007.

OTHER SOURCES Books: International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, Volume 3: Actors and Actresses, St. James Press, 1996.


Periodicals: Films in Review, February, 1972.

Born October 28, 1955, in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada; children: two. 258

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Addresses: Agent—Endeavor, 9601 Wilshire Blvd., Third Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210.


Career: Director, producer, writer, and editor. Directed music videos; directed and edited commercials. Worked as a camera operator for newscasts. Also worked at Radio–Canada.

Dans le ventre du dragon (also known as In the Belly of the Dragon), Les Films Lenox, 1989. Perfectly Normal, Skyhost/Ontario Film Development Corporation, 1990. Mother’s Boys, Dimension Films, 1994. Free Money, Filmline International, 1998. Ignition, Lionsgate/CLT–UFA International, 2001. Void Moon, Millennium Films/Nu Image Films, 2009.

Member: Directors Guild of America, Directors Guild of Canada.

Film Editor: Les celebrations, Les Productions le Loup Blanc, 1979.

Awards, Honors: Golden Berlin Bear, Berlin International Film Festival, 1987, for Les fous de Bassan; Genie Award nominations, best achievement in direction and (with Pierre Curzi) best original screenplay, both Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1987, for Pouvoir intime; Silver Medal, FIPA (Festival International de Programmes Audiovisuels), and Emmy Award nomination (with others), outstanding miniseries, 1992, both for Cruel Doubt; CableACE Award nomination, c. 1997, for Dead Man’s Walk; Online Television Academy Award, and Gemini Award nomination, best direction in a dramatic program or miniseries, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 2001, both for Nuremberg; 7 d’Or, professionals vote: best director— fiction, 7 d’Or Night, Tele 7 Jours, 2003, for Napoleon; Emmy Award nomination (with others), outstanding miniseries, 2005, for The 4400; Gemeaux Award, meilleur biographie ou portrait (best biography or portrait), Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 2007, for Marie–Antoinette; Gemeaux Award, meilleur documentaire: culture (best documentary: culture), 2007, for Marie–Antoinette sur fond vert; Emmy Award (with others), outstanding made for television movie, and Emmy Award nomination, outstanding directing for a miniseries, movie, or a dramatic special, both 2007, and Directors Guild of America Award (with others), outstanding directorial achievement in movies for television/miniseries, 2008, all for Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.

Television Executive Producer; Series: Crusoe (also known as Robinson Crusoe), NBC, beginning 2008. Television Consulting Producer; Series: Night Visions (also known as Night Terrors and Nightvisions), Fox, 2001, various episodes of the series formed the television movie Shadow Realm, Sci–Fi Channel, c. 2002. Television Director; Miniseries: Cruel Doubt, NBC, 1992. Dead Man’s Walk (also known as Larry McMurtry’s ⬙Dead Man’s Walk⬙), ABC, 1996. Intensity (also known as Dean Koontz’s ⬙Intensity⬙), Fox, 1997. Nuremberg, TNT, 2000. Napoleon, Arts and Entertainment, 2002. Television Director; Movies: Memphis, TNT, 1991. Till Death Us Do Part (also known as Married for Murder), NBC, 1992. Amelia Earhart: The Final Flight (also known as Amelia Earhart), TNT, 1994. 36 Hours to Die, TNT, 1999. 44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shoot–Out, FX Network, 2003. (With Francis Leclerc) Marie–Antoinette (also known as Marie–Antoinette, la veritable histoire), Tele– Quebec, 2006, France 2, 2007. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, HBO, 2007. Ruffian, ABC, 2007.

CREDITS Film Director: Les celebrations, Les Productions le Loup Blanc, 1979. Les yeux rouges (also known as Red Eyes, The Red Eyes or Accidental Truths, and Les yeux rouges ou les verites accidentelles), Les Productions le Loup Blanc, 1982. Pourquoi l’etrange Monsieur Zolock s’interessait—il a la bande dessinee? (documentary; also known as Zolock), SDA Productions, 1983. Pouvoir intime (also known as Blind Trust and Intimate Power), Cinema Group, 1986. Les fous de bassan (also known as In the Shadow of the Wind), Acteurs Auteurs Associes, 1987.

Television Co–Executive Producer; Movies: Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, HBO, 2007. Television Coproducer; Movies: 44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shoot–Out, FX Network, 2003. Television Consulting Producer; Movies: Shadow Realm (consists of ⬙Patterns,⬙ ⬙The Maze,⬙ ⬙Harmony,⬙ and ⬙Voices,⬙ all episodes of the television series Night Visions), Sci–Fi Channel, c. 2002. 259


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 (maiden name, Adams) Simpson; married Tina Drew, August 19, 1978; children: Jessica (a singer and actress), Ashlee (a singer and actress).

Television Director; Specials: (With Francis Leclerc) Marie–Antoinette sur fond vert (also known as Marie Antoinette—Green Background), Tele–Quebec, 2006.

Addresses: Office—Papa Joe Film and Television, 14804 Greenleaf St., Sherman Oaks, CA 91403.

Television Director; Episodic: ⬙The Passenger List,⬙ Night Visions (also known as Night Terrors and Nightvisions), Fox, 2001. ⬙Rest Stop,⬙ Night Visions (also known as Night Terrors and Nightvisions), Fox, 2001. ⬙Rum and Gunpowder⬙ (also known as ⬙Hour 1—Rum and Gunpowder⬙ and ⬙Hour 2––Rum and Gunpowder⬙), Crusoe (also known as Robinson Crusoe), NBC, 2008.

Career: Producer, personal manager, and writer. Papa Joe Film and Television, Sherman Oaks, CA, chair, chief executive officer, and producer; Papa Joe Records, owner; personal manager for his daughters and other celebrities, including Ryan Cabrera and Calvin Goldspink. Formerly worked as a Baptist youth pastor in Richardson, TX.

Television Director; Pilots: The 4400 (also known as 4400 and Los 4400), USA Network and Sky One, 2004. Cult, The WB, c. 2006. America, Lifetime, 2009.

CREDITS Television Executive Producer; Series: Co–executive producer, Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica, MTV, 2003–2005. The Ashlee Simpson Show, MTV, 2004. (And creator) Filthy Rich: Cattle Drive, E! Entertainment Television, 2005. Co–executive producer, Score, MTV, 2005. Women’s Murder Club (also known as wmc), ABC, 2007–2008.

Director of Titan Runner. Television Producer; Pilots: The 4400 (also known as 4400 and Los 4400), USA Network and Sky One, 2004. RECORDINGS

Television Executive Producer; Specials: Co–executive producer, Happy Birthday Jessica, Love Nick, MTV, 2004. The Nick & Jessica Variety Hour, ABC, 2004. Nick & Jessica’s Family Christmas, ABC, 2004. Nick & Jessica’s Tour of Duty, ABC, 2005.

Music Videos: Michel Rivard, ⬙Le prive,⬙ 1989. WRITINGS Screenplays: Les celebrations, Les Productions le Loup Blanc, 1979. Les yeux rouges (also known as Red Eyes, The Red Eyes or Accidental Truths, and Les yeux rouges ou les verites accidentelles), Les Productions le Loup Blanc, 1982. (With Pierre Curzi) Pouvoir intime (also known as Blind Trust and Intimate Power), Cinema Group, 1986. Les fous de bassan (also known as In the Shadow of the Wind), Acteurs Auteurs Associes, 1987. Dans le ventre du dragon (also known as In the Belly of the Dragon), Les Films Lenox, 1989.

Television Producer: Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica (series), MTV, 2002–2004. Jessica (pilot), ABC, 2004. Television Appearances; Series: Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica, MTV, multiple appearances, 2003–2005. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Jessica Simpson: Where You Are,⬙ Making the Video, MTV, 2000. Himself, ⬙Down to the Wire: Part 1,⬙ The Apprentice (also known as The Apprentice 2, The Apprentice Los Angeles, The Apprentice USA, and Celebrity Apprentice), NBC, 2004. ⬙Ashlee Rocks Ryan’s World,⬙ The Ashlee Simpson Show, MTV, 2004. ⬙The Show Must Go On,⬙ The Ashlee Simpson Show, MTV, 2005. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2005.

SIMPSON, Joe 1958– PERSONAL Full name, Joe Truett Simpson; born February 17, 1958, in San Antonio, TX; son of Curtis T. and Joyce Alice 260

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Punk’d, MTV, 2005. Larry King Live, Cable News Network, 2005.

Television Appearances; Series: Nick Gibson, Maybe It’s Me, The WB, 2001. Jack Savage, Complete Savages, ABC, 2004–2005. Trevor Boyd, a recurring role, Shark, CBS, 2007.

Television Appearances; Specials: The Teen Choice Awards 2004, Fox, 2004. Jessica, Ashlee, and the Simpson Family: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2005. MTV Video Music Awards 2005, MTV, 2005.

Television Appearances; Movies: Skylar Eckerman, Comeback Season, Lifetime, 2006.

Film Producer: Executive producer, Undiscovered (also known as Newcomer—Tausche ruhm gegen leibe), Lions Gate Films, 2005. Employee of the Month, Lions Gate Films, 2006. Blonde Ambition, First Look International, 2007. Major Movie Star (also known as Private Valentine: Blonde & Dangerous), Papa Joe Films, 2008.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Nick Gibson, Maybe It’s Me, The WB, 2001. Jack Savage, Complete Savages, ABC, 2004. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 6th Annual Family Television Awards, The WB, 2004. The 31st Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 2005.


Television Appearances; Episodic: Teen guy, ⬙The Wall,⬙ Special Unit 2 (also known as SU2), UPN, 2001. Travis, ⬙Rush,⬙ Smallville (also known as Smallville Beginnings and Smallville: Superman the Early Years), The WB, 2003. Julian, ⬙Date Night,⬙ Black Sash, The WB, 2003. Julian, ⬙Prime Suspect,⬙ Black Sash, The WB, 2003. Hellys/Gabe Hammond, ⬙Urban Hellraisers,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2005. Nick, ⬙Crisis of Conscience,⬙ ER, NBC, 2007.

Television Series: Filthy Rich: Cattle Drive, E! Entertainment Television, 2005. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Boston Globe, January 11, 2005, p. E5.

Film Appearances: Ethan Rawlings, The Skulls III, Universal Studios Home Video, 2003. Frankie, Final Destination 2, New Line Cinema, 2003. Brandon, SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2, Triumph Films, 2004. Michael, The Grudge 2, Columbia, 2006. Kyle, Lost Boys: The Tribe, Warner Home Video, 2008. Giovanni, Lost Dream, Reel Energy Entertainment, 2008. Stoic, 2009. Wade, Curve of Earth, Curve of Earth, 2009. Evan, Rampage, Brightlight Pictures, 2009.

Electronic: CNN Online,, February 10, 2006. Fox News Online,, September 25, 2007.

SIPOS, Shaun 1981– PERSONAL Born October 31, 1981, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

SKIFF, Maggie 1974–

Addresses: Agent—Innovative Artists Talent and Literary Agency, 1505 10th St., Santa Monica, CA 90401.

PERSONAL Career: Actor. Born June 21, 1974, in Bronx, NY. Education: Graduated from Bryn Mawr College, 1996; Tisch School of the Arts, M.A., fine arts.

Awards, Honors: Family Television Award, Alliance for Family Entertainment, 2004. 261


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Aunt Dan & Lemon, Interact Theatre Company, Philadelphia, PA, 1998. Ghosts, Lantern Theatre Company, Philadelphia, PA, 1998. Matron and Julia, Mean white, on the Other Side of Mount Vesuvius, Adobe Theatre Company, New York City, 1999. Lulu, The Ruby Sunrise, Joseph Papp Public Theatre, New York City, 2005. Catherine, Frank’s Home, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, New York City, 2007.

Addresses: Agent—Abrams Artists Agency, 9200 Sunset Blvd., Suite 1130, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Manager— James Suskin Management, 253 W. 72nd St., Suite 1014, New York, NY 10023. Career: Actress. Awards, Honors: Barrymore Award, outstanding supporting actress, Theatre Alliance of Great Philadelphia, 1998, for Ghosts; Screen Actors Guild Award nomination (with others), outstanding performance by an ensemble in a drama series, 2008, for Mad Men.



Videos: Rachel Menken, Scoring ⬘Mad Men’, Lions Gate Films Home Entertainment, 2008. Herself/Rachel Menken, Establishing Mad Men, Lions Gate Films Home Entertainment, 2008.

Television Appearances; Series: Rachel Menken, Mad Men, AMC, 2007—. Tara Knowles, Sons of Anarchy, FX Channel, 2008. Television Appearances; Episodic: Cindy, ⬙Obsession,⬙ Third Watch, NBC, 2004. Young woman at Alcoholics Anonymous, ⬙Twat,⬙ Rescue Me (also known as Rescue Me: FDNY), FX Channel, 2005. Emily McCooper, ⬙Gone,⬙ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (also known as Law & Order: SVU and Special Victims Unit), NBC, 2006. Lisa Ketchum, ⬙The God Spot,⬙ 3 lbs., CBS, 2006. Ruthie Sales, ⬙The Heart of the Matter,⬙ Grey’s Anatomy, ABC, 2007. Rachel Ben Natan, ⬙Duke Collins,⬙ Nip/Tuck, FX Channel, 2007. Attorney Mahaffey, ⬙Executioner,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2008. Rachel Ben Natan, ⬙August Walden,⬙ Nip/Tuck, FX Channel, 2008. Rachel Ben Natan, ⬙Rachel Ben Natan,⬙ Nip/Tuck, FX Channel, 2008.

SMIGEL, Robert 1960– (Robert Smigal, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, Triumph the Insult Dog) PERSONAL Born February 7, 1960, in New York, NY; father, a dentist; married Michelle Saks; children: Daniel. Education: New York University, degree in communications; also attended Cornell University; studied improvisation at Second City, Chicago, IL. Addresses: Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Writer, producer, and actor. All You Can Eat (improvisational troupe), Chicago, IL, member, mid– 1980s.

Television Appearances; Movies: Suze Kowalski, Philadelphia Diary, PBS, 2000.

Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nominations (with others), outstanding writing in a variety or music program, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 2001, 2003, 2008, Emmy Awards (with others), outstanding writing in a variety or music program, 2002, Television Award nominations (with others), best comedy/variety (including talk) series, Writers Guild of America, 2002, 2003, 2007, all for Saturday Night Live; First Prize (with J. D. Sedelmaier), World Animation Festival, 1997; Emmy Award nominations (with others), outstanding writing for a variety or music program, 1997, 2000, 2002, Television Award nominations (with others), best comedy/variety (including talk) series, Writers Guild of America, 1999, 2004, Television Awards (with others),

Film Appearances: Attorney number one, Michael Clayton, Warner Bros., 2007. Girlfriend, Then She Found Me, THINKFilm, 2007. Teresa Stowe, Push, Summit, 2009. Rabbi Zimmerman, Leaves of Grass, 2009. Stage Appearances: Thomasina, Arcadia, Wilma Theatre, Philadelphia, PA, 1997. Olleanna, Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, PA, 1997. 262

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SMIGEL Voices of Fogey, Xabu, Triumph, Rocky, and others, TV Funhouse, Comedy Central, 2000–2001. (As Triumph the Insult Comic Dog) Last Comic Standing: The Search for the Funniest Person in America, NBC, 2004–2005.

best comedy/variety (including talk) series, Writers Guild of America, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, all for Late Night with Conan O’Brien; Ernie Kovacs Award, Dallas Video Festival, 1998; Television Award (with others), best comedy/variety—music, awards, tributes—specials any length, Writers Guild of America, 2001, for Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary.

Television Appearances; Movies: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, It’s a Very Merry Christmas Movie, NBC, 2002.


Television Appearances; Specials: The Brainwave, Superman 50th Anniversary, 1988. A Comedy Salute to Michael Jordan, NBC, 1991. Superfan, Carl Wollarski, ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙: The Best of Chris Farley, NBC, 1998. (Uncredited) Voice of Triumph, President Clinton, and others, ⬙Late Night with Conan O’Brien⬙: 5th Anniversary Special, NBC, 1998. ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙: 25th Anniversary Primetime Special, NBC, 1999. Voice of the Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, Comedy Central Presents: The N.Y. Friars Club Roast of Rob Reiner, Comedy Central, 2000. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, MTV Video Music Awards 2001, MTV, 2001. ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙: TV Tales, 2002. TV’s Most Censored Moments, 2002. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, MTV Video Music Awards 2002 (also known as VMAs 2002), MTV, 2002. (As Triumph the Insult Dog) Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, It’s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie, 2002. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, ⬙Late Night with Conan O’Brien⬙⬙ 10th Anniversary Special, NBC, 2003. Himself and Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, Heroes of Jewish Comedy, 2003. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, Comedy Central Presents: The Commies (also known as The Commies), Comedy Central, 2003. (As Triumph the Insult Comic Dog) Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, The Osborne Family Christmas Special, MTV, 2003. (As Triumph the Insult Comic Dog) The 2003 Billboard Music Awards, Fox, 2003. (As Triumph the Insult Comic Dog) I Love the ’80s Strikes Back, Fox, 2003. 101 Most Unforgettable SNL Moments, 2004. (As Triumph the Insult Comic Dog) How’s Your News? On the Campaign Trail, Trio, 2004. ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙ in the ’80s: Lost & Found, NBC, 2005. Voice of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, Eninem’s ⬙Making the Ass,⬙ 2005. (As Triumph the Insult Comic Dog) Earth to America!, TBS, 2005. (As Triumph the Insult Comic Dog) Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, Night of Too Many Stars: An Over-

Film Appearances: Concert nerd, Wayne’s World 2, Paramount, 1993. Mr. Oblaski, Billy Madison, 1995. IRS agent, Happy Gilmore, Universal, 1996. Mail room guy with glasses, Tomorrow Night, 1998. Andre, The Wedding Singer, New Line Cinema, 1998. (Uncredited) Voice of the captain, Titey, 1998. Voice, Hete Roy (animated short), 2000. Voice of Mr. Beefy, Little Nicky, New Line Cinema, 2000. Himself, Adam Sandler Goes to Hell, New Line Home Video, 2000. Walter the dentist, Punch–Drunk Love, Sony, 2002. (As Triumph the Insult Comic Dog) Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, ⬙Late Night with Conan O’Brien⬙: The Best of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog (also known as The Best of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog), 2004. Various voices, ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙: The Best of Saturday TV Funhouse, Universal Studios Home Entertainment, 2006. Himself, In Search of Puppy Love (documentary; also known as In Search of Puppy Love: Giving Hope to the 104 Million Singles in America), 2007. Mailman, I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry, Universal, 2007. Yosi, You Don’t Mess with the Zohan, Sony, 2008. Film Work: Producer, Hete Roy (animated short), 2000. Producer, ⬙Late Night with Conan O’Brien⬙: The Best of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog (also known as The Best of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog), 2004. Producer and director, ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙: The Best of Saturday TV Funhouse, Universal Studios Home Entertainment, 2006. Producer, You Don’t Mess with the Zohan, Sony, 2008. Television Appearances; Series: Himself and various voices, Saturday Night Live (also known as NBC’s Saturday Night, SNL, and Saturday Night), NBC, 1985—. Voices of various characters, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 1993—. Various characters, The Dana Carvey Show (also known as The Mug Root Beer Dana Carvey Show and The Taco Bell Dana Carvey Show), ABC, 1996. 263


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Television Work; Pilots: Producer, Lookwell, NBC, 1991. Executive producer, Match Game, TBS, 2008.

booked Event for Autism Education, Comedy Central, 2006. (As Triumph the Insult Comic Dog) Comic Relief 2006, HBO and TBS, 2006. Himself and Carl Wollarski, ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙ in the ’90s: Pop Culture Nation, NBC, 2007. Voice of Palpatine Parody, Robot Chicken: Star Wars (animated), Comedy Central, 2007.

Television Work; Episodic: Director, ⬙TV Funhouse⬙ segment, Saturday Night Live (also known as NBC’s Saturday Night, SNL, and Saturday Night), NBC, 1996–2004. Consultant, ⬙Fareed Zakaria,⬙ The Colbert Report, Comedy Central, 2005. Consultant, ⬙Nina Totenberg,⬙ The Colbert Report, Comedy Central, 2006. Consultant, ⬙Paul Begala,⬙ The Colbert Report, Comedy Central, 2006.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Pearce Dummy, ⬙Pearce on Conan,⬙ LateLine, NBC, 1999. (As Triumph the Insult Comic Dog) Hollywood Squares (also known as H2 and H2: Hollywood Squares), syndicated, 2002. Face Time, 2002. Voice of John Tierney, Crank Yankers, Comedy Central and MTV2, 2003. Voice of Samir, Crank Yankers, Comedy Central and MTV2, 2003. Voice of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, ⬙Dreams,⬙ Space Ghost Coast to Coast (animated; also known as SGC2C), Cartoon Network, 2004. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, Howard Stern, 2004, 2005. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, The O’Reilly Factor, 2004. Voice of Lawyer, Crank Yankers, Comedy Central and MTV2, 2007. Celebrity judge, The Gong Show with Dave Attell, 2008. (As Robert Smigal) Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, ⬙NRA vs. PETA,⬙ Root of All Evil (also known as Lewis Black’s ⬙Root of All Evil⬙), Comedy Central, 2008.

RECORDINGS Albums: (As Triumph the Insult Comic Dog) Come Poop With Me, Warner Bros., 2003. Music Videos: Appeared in Eminem’s ⬙Ass Like That.⬙ WRITINGS Screenplays: Titey, 1998. Hete Roy (animated short), 2000. ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙: The Best of Saturday TV Funhouse, Universal Studios Home Entertainment, 2006. You Don’t Mess with the Zohan, Sony, 2008.

Television Work; Series: Coproducer, Saturday Night Live (also known as NBC’s Saturday Night, SNL, and Saturday Night), NBC, 1990–92. Executive producer, The Dana Carvey Show (also known as The Mug Root Beer Dana Carvey Show and The Taco Bell Dana Carvey Show), ABC, 1996. Producer, Saturday Night Live (also known as NBC’s Saturday Night, SNL, and Saturday Night), NBC, 1997–2006. Executive producer and director, TV Funhouse, Comedy Central, 2000.

Television Writing; Specials: Superman 50th Anniversary (also known as Superman 50th Anniversary: A Conversation of the Man of Steel), CBS, 1988. The 40th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 1988. ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙: 15th Anniversary, NBC, 1989. (Special material) A Comedy Salute to Michael Jordan, NBC, 1991. ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙: All the Best for Mother’s Day, NBC, 1992. The 2nd Annual ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙ Mother’s Day Special, NBC, 1993. ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙: The Best of Chris Farley (also known as ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙ Remembers Chris Farley), NBC, 1998. ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙: The Best of Phil Hartman, NBC, 1998. (Uncredited) ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙: The Best of Jon Lovitz, NBC, 1998. ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙: 25th Anniversary, NBC, 1999.

Television Work; Specials: Producer, ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙: The Best of Chris Farley, NBC, 1998. Cartoonist, ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙: 25th Anniversary Primetime Special, NBC, 1999. Executive producer, Night of Too Many Stars, NBC, 2003. Executive producer, Night of Too Many Stars: An Overbooked Event for Autism Education, Comedy Central, 2006, 2008. 264

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙: Mothers’ Day Special, NBC, 2001. ⬙Saturday Night Live⬙ Primetime Extra II, NBC, 2001. (Additional material) ⬙Late Night with Conan O’Brien⬙: 10th Anniversary Special, NBC, 2003. Night of Too Many Stars, 2003. Night of Too Many Stars: An Overbooked Concert for Autism Education, Comedy Central, 2008.

SMITH CREDITS Film Appearances: Debbie, Faithful, Savoy Pictures, 1996. Bridgette, The Funeral, October Films, 1996. Felicia on video, The Mirror Has Two Faces, TriStar, 1996. Paula, Lowball, Cinequanon Home Video, 1997. Cathy, Sleeping Together, Trident Releasing, 1997. Julie, Private Parts (also known as Howard Stern’s ⬙Private Parts⬙), Paramount, 1997. Susan Lefferts, L.A. Confidential, Warner Bros., 1997. Amber, How to Be a Player (also known as Def Jam’s ⬙How to Be a Player⬙), Gramercy, 1997. Christy Kane, American Beauty, DreamWorks, 1999. Vanessa Rio, Deception (also known as Other Peoples Secrets, Star Struck, and Starstruck), Lions Gate Films, 2000. Alex, The Midnight Hour (also known as In the Midnight Hour and Tell Me No Lies), Artisan Entertainment, 2000. Beautiful canyon girl, Dirk and Betty, 2000. Tell Me No Lies, 2000. Charlie, Reasonable Doubt (also known as Crime Scene and The Baptist), 2001. Gorgeous redhead, Tomcats, Sony, 2001. Professor Garr, How High, Universal, 2001. Jennifer, New Suit, Trillion Entertainment, 2002. Lady in white, Dead End, Lionsgate, 2003. Enemies of Laughter, Outrider Pictures, 2003.

Television Pilots: Lookwell, NBC, 1991. Television Episodes: Saturday Night Live (also known as NBC’s Saturday Night, SNL, and Saturday Night), NBC, 1985—. Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 1993–2000. The Dana Carvey Show (also known as The Mug Root Beer Dana Carvey Show and The Taco Bell Dana Carvey Show), ABC, 1996. TV Funhouse, Comedy Central, 2000–2001. (Special material) Last Comic Standing: The Search for the Funniest Person in America, NBC, 2007–2008. Books: (With Conan O’Brien, Andy Richter, and Louis C. K.) If They Mated, Hyperion, 1995. (With Adam McKay) X–Presidents, Villard Books, 2000. OTHER SOURCES

Television Appearances; Series: Angelica, Sin City Diaries, Cinemax, 2007. Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew (also known as Celebrity Rehab 2 with Dr. Drew), VH1, 2008. Match Mistress, E! Entertainment Television, 2008.

Books: Newsmakers, Issue 3, Gale Group, 2001. Periodicals: People Weekly, May 19, 1997, p. 19. Time, December 4, 2000, p. 174.

Television Appearances; Movies: Inferno (also known as Inferno!), 1992. Sheila, Mars, HBO, 1997. Elise Talbot, Laws of Deception, Cinemax, 1997. Broad at casino, The Rat Pack, HBO, 1998.

SMITH, Amber 1972–

Television Appearances; Specials: Herself (L.A. Temptation number two), Lingerie Bowl, 2006.

PERSONAL Born March 2, 1972, in Tampa, FL; father, a professional football player; mother, a model.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Celebrity Rehab Presents Sober House (also known as Sober House), VH1, 2009.

Addresses: Publicist—Jerry Shandrew Public Relations, 1050 South Stanley Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90019.

Television Appearances; Episodic: The model, ⬙Runaway,⬙ Red Shoe Diaries (also known as Zalman King’s ⬙Red Shoe Diaries⬙), Showtime, 1993.

Career: Actress. Previously worked as a model; Michelob Ultra Amber Lite, spokesperson, 2006. 265


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⬙As She Wishes,⬙ Red Shoe Diaries (also known as Zalman King’s ⬙Red Shoe Diaries⬙), Showtime, 1995. Rachel, ⬙Gigolo Guy,⬙ Head Over Heels, UPN, 1997. Maria the gym lady, ⬙The One with the Ballroom Dancing,⬙ Friends, NBC, 1997. Herself, ⬙Sweet Charity,⬙ Just Shoot Me!, NBC, 1997. Howard Stern, E! Entertainment Television, 1997, 1998, 2001. Davina, ⬙Beats Working at a Hot Dog Stand,⬙ V.I.P. (also known as V.I.P.—Die Bodyguards), syndicated, 1998. Diane Verne, ⬙Cruz Control,⬙ Pacific Blue, USA Network, 1998. Virginia, ⬙Noir: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1999.

Mary Margaret, Magic in the Mirror, Paramount Home Video, 1996. Margaret Rhodes, Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering (also known as Deadly Harvest), Dimension Films, 1996. Lauren Wando, Dante’s Peak, MCA/Universal, 1997. Elizabeth Robinson, The New Swiss Family Robinson, Gross Receipts, Inc., 1998. Tara Westover, MVP: Most Valuable Primate, Keystone Family Pictures, 2000. Herself and Tara Westover, The Chimp’s a Champ: The Making of a Star Hockey Player (documentary short), Warner Home Video, 2001. Television Appearances; Series: Blair Cody, Ask Harriet, Fox, 1998.


Television Appearances; Movies: Brandy Gardner, Someone She Knows, The WB, 1994. Jennifer, Roseanne: An Authorized Biography, Fox, 1994. Alicia, Blood Run (also known as Outside the Law), 1994. Young Katherine, Toothless, ABC, 1997. Ellen Bloom, Rhapsody in Bloom, Starz!, 1998. Carson, My Last Love (also known as To Live For), ABC, 1999. Amy, Up, Up, and Away!, The Disney Channel, 2000.

Videos: Appeared in Amber Smith Raw.

SMITH, Jamie Renee 1987– PERSONAL

Television Appearances; Episodic: Abby Lasky, ⬙Teacher’s Pet,⬙ Saved by the Bell: The College Years, NBC, 1993. Monica Gresham, ⬙Shades of Gray,⬙ Dark Skies, NBC, 1997. Monica Gresham, ⬙Burn, Baby, Burn,⬙ Dark Skies, NBC, 1997. Young Nadine Fine, ⬙Fran’s Roots,⬙ The Nanny, CBS, 1997. Rebecca, ⬙Send Me an Angel,⬙ VR.5 (also known as VR), Fox, 1997. Young Fran, ⬙The Wedding,⬙ The Nanny, CBS, 1998. Young Fran, ⬙The Hanukkah Story,⬙ The Nanny, CBS, 1998. ⬙The Children’s Hour,⬙ Cupid, ABC, 1999. ⬙It’s a Man’s World,⬙ Any Day Now, Lifetime, 1999. Emily Perrault, ⬙Survival of the Fittest,⬙ ER, NBC, 2001. Lorna, ⬙Baby Come Back,⬙ Grounded for Life, 2003. Paula, ⬙Malcolm Visits College,⬙ Malcolm in the Middle, Fox, 2004. Abby Coleman, ⬙One Hit Wonder,⬙ Shark, CBS, 2008. Karen, ⬙The Perfect Pieces in the Purple Pond,⬙ Bones, Fox, 2008.

Born April 10, 1987, in New York, NY. Education: Studied acting at Center Stage, Los Angeles, CA. Avocational Interests: Gymnastics, rollerblading, roller skating, skiing, ice skating, dancing, and singing. Addresses: Agent—Hervey–Grimes Talent, 10561 Missouri Ave., Suite 2, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Career: Actress. Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award, best performance in a feature film: young actress age ten or under, 1998, for Dante’s Peak; Young Artist Award, best performance in a television movie or pilot—leading young actress, 2000, for My Last Love; Young Artist Award nomination, best performance in a feature film—leading young actress, 2001, for MVP: Most Valuable Primate; Young Artist Award, best performance in a television drama series—guest starring young actress, 2002, for ER. CREDITS Film Appearances: Molly Kang, Midnight Man (also known as Blood for Blood), 1994. Natasha, Ringer, Precious Films, 1996. Mary Margaret, Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play, 1996.

SOLO, Ksenia 1987– PERSONAL Born October, 1987, in Latvia. 266

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

SOUL Miriam ⬙Lynn⬙ Russeth, c. 1964 (divorced, 1965); married Karen Carlson (an actress, producer, director, and writer), June 22, 1968 (divorced, 1977); married Patty Sherman (some sources cite name as Patty Kathman), October 12, 1980 (divorced, 1986); married Julia Nickson (an actress), December, 1987 (divorced, 1993); partner of Alexa Hamilton (an actress and singer), beginning c. 1994; children: (first marriage) one son; (second marriage) one son; (third marriage) three sons; (with Hamilton) China Alexandra. Education: Attended Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD, University of the Americas, University of Mexico City, and University of Minnesota—Twin Cities; studied acting with Uta Hagen and Irene Dailey. Avocational Interests: Skiing, tennis, soccer spectator (especially Arsenal Football Club in England).

Career: Actress. Awards, Honors: Gemini Awards, best performance in a children’s or youth program or series, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 2005, 2006, both for CREDITS Film Appearances: Hannah, A Man of Substance (short), 2001. Micheline, The Republic of Love, Seville Pictures, 2003. Emma, The Factory, Warner Bros., 2009.

Addresses: Agent—(voice work) Lip Service Casting Ltd., 4 Kingly St., Soho, London W1B 5PE, England.

Television Appearances; Series: Zoey Jones,, Associated Press Television News, 2004–2008.

Career: Actor, producer, director, singer, musician, and writer. Performed as a folksinger and toured as opening act for bands, including the Byrds, Jay and the Americans, and the Lovin’ Spoonful; toured the United States, Europe, Japan, and South America as a singer and musician, including a British tour, 1999. Previously worked as a grocery boy. Activist for social causes; appears in occasional commercials.

Television Appearances; Movies: Abby Lynn Anders, My Louisiana Sky, Showtime, 2001. Girl, What Girls Learn, Showtime, 2001. Lucinda, Sins of the Father, FX Channel, 2002. Kristyn Posey, Defending Our Kids: The Julie Posey Story, Lifetime, 2003. Amy Stein, Mayday, CBS, 2005. Erin Benson, Love Thy Neighbor, Lifetime, 2006.

Member: Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Kathy Simmons, ⬙Take No Prisoners,⬙ Earth: Finale Conflict (also known as EFC, Gene Roddenberry’s ⬙Earth: Final Conflict,⬙ Invasion planete Terre, and Mission Erde: Sie sind unter uns), syndicated, 2000. Natalie, ⬙Village of the Lost,⬙ Adventure Inc. (also known as Aventure et associes), syndicated, 2002. Megan Hahn, ⬙Judgement Day,⬙ 1–800–MISSING (also known as Missing and Porte Disparu), Lifetime, 2004. Angela Howard, ⬙All Bets Off: Part 1,⬙ Kojak, USA Network, 2005. Lena, ⬙Cargo,⬙ Cold Case, CBS, 2007. Bonnie Morrow, ⬙Fated to Pretend,⬙ Moonlight, CBS, 2008.

Awards, Honors: TV Land Award nominations (with Paul Michael Glaser), favorite crime–stopper duo, 2004, and most uninsurable driver, 2005, both for Starsky and Hutch. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Joshua Bolt, Here Come The Brides, ABC, 1968–69. Detective Ken ⬙Hutch⬙ Hutchinson, Starsky and Hutch, ABC, 1975–79. Richard ⬙Rick⬙ Blaine, Casablanca, NBC, 1983. Roy Champion, The Yellow Rose, NBC, 1983–84. John Wesley ⬙Westy⬙ Grayson, a recurring role, Unsub (also known as Unknown Subject), NBC, 1989.

SOUL, David 1943–

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Ben Mears, Salem’s Lot (also known as Blood Thirst, Salem’s Lot: The Miniseries, and Salem’s Lot: The Movie), CBS, 1979. Caleb Staunton, The Manions of America, ABC, 1981. Lieutenant Colonel Jake Caffey, World War III, NBC, 1982.

PERSONAL Original name, David Richard Solberg; born August 28, 1943, in Chicago, IL; naturalized British citizen, 2004; son of Richard Solberg (a Lutheran minister, educator, and diplomatic consultant); mother, a singer; married 267


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Narrator, Curses of Ancient Egypt, 2002. God Save the Queen: The Soundtrack to the Summer of ’77, 2002. EastEnders: Christmas Party, BBC, 2003. Ken ⬙Hutch⬙ Hutchinson (in archive footage), Total Cops, BBC, 2003. Title role, Jerry Springer: The Opera, BBC, 2005. X Rated: Top 20 Most Controversial TV Moments, E4, 2005. Forty Years of Fuck, BBC, 2005. Kings of 70s Romance, BBC, 2007.

A Parade of Witnesses, 1983. Alex Wolff, The Key to Rebecca (also known as Ken Follett’s ⬙The Key to Rebecca⬙), Operation Prime Time, 1985. Lieutenant Ryker, The Secret of the Sahara (also known as Das Geheimnis der Sahara, El secreto del Sahara, and Il segreto del Sahara), RAI, 1987. Zoltan Kouros, Sandra princesse rebelle, 1995. Walter, Les filles du Lido, 1995. Television Appearances; Movies: Captain Roy Bishop, The Disappearance of Flight 412, NBC, 1974. Lyle York, Little Ladies of the Night (also known as Diamond Alley), ABC, 1977. Jesse Swan, Swan Song, ABC, 1980. Cal Morrisey, Rage!, NBC, 1980. Jake Seaton, Homeward Bound, CBS, 1980. William Parrish, Through Naked Eyes, ABC, 1984. Captain Kevin Harris, The Fifth Missile (also known as Operation Fire), NBC, 1986. Harry Petros, Harry’s Hong Kong (also known as China Hand), ABC, 1987. Michael ⬙Mike⬙ Lee Platt, In the Line of the Duty: The F.B.I. Murders (also known as The F.B.I. Murders), NBC, 1988. Down and Under, 1988. Peter Armetage, Prime Target, NBC, 1989. Owen Malloy/John McGuire, The Bride in Black, ABC, 1990. Alden Ernst, So Proudly We Hail, CBS, 1990. Terry Anderson, Cry in the Wild: The Taking of Peggy Ann, NBC, 1991. Truman York, Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Framing (also known as Perry Mason: The Case of the Posthumous Painter), NBC, 1992. Sam Haney, Grave Secrets: The Legacy of Hilltop Drive (also known as Grave Secrets), CBS, 1992. Quill, Vents contraires (also known as Crosswinds), 1995. Roger Carey, Terror in the Mall (also known as Dark Rain and The Mall–Flutkatastrophe im shopping– center), Fox, 1998.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Joshua Bolt, Here Come the Brides, ABC, 1968. Curt Lowens, Intertect, ABC, 1973. Jeff, Movin’ On, NBC, 1974. Ken ⬙Hutch⬙ Hutchinson, Starsky and Hutch, ABC, 1975. Television Appearances; Episodic: (Television debut) The hooded ⬙mystery⬙ singer (⬙the covered man⬙), Merv Griffin Show, syndicated, 1966. Orderly, ⬙My Master the Weakling,⬙ I Dream of Jeannie, NBC, 1967. Makora, ⬙The Apple,⬙ Star Trek (also known as Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: TOS), NBC, 1967. Dennis Blake, ⬙The Firing Line: Part 1,⬙ Flipper, 1967. John Marshall, ⬙The Age of Independence,⬙ The Young Rebels, 1970. Lawrence Merrill III, ⬙The Manufactured Man,⬙ Dan August, CBS, 1971. Member of ⬙The Predators⬙, ⬙Lesson in Terror,⬙ Ironside (also known as The Raymond Burr Show), NBC, 1971. Pete, ⬙Eulogy for a Wide Receiver,⬙ Owen Marshall: Counselor at Law, ABC, 1971. Szabo Djorak, ⬙Gloria Poses in the Nude,⬙ All in the Family, 1971. Clifford Wade, ⬙The Runner,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1972. Inspector James ⬙Jim⬙ Martin, ⬙Hall of Mirrors,⬙ The Streets of San Francisco, ABC, 1972. Doug, ⬙Love Child,⬙ Owen Marshall: Counselor at Law, ABC, 1972. ⬙The Phantom of Herald Square,⬙ Ghost Story (also known as Circle of Fear), NBC, 1973. Sean, ⬙Death of a Stone Seahorse,⬙ Cannon, CBS, 1973. Udo Giesen, ⬙Lady in Red,⬙ Cannon, CBS, 1974. Jerry, ⬙Guilt by Association,⬙ McMillan & Wife (also known as McMillan), NBC, 1974. Walter, ⬙Kiss and Kill,⬙ Medical Center, CBS, 1974. Johnny Dane, ⬙A Test of Courage,⬙ The Rookies, 1974. Ike Hockett, ⬙Brides and Grooms,⬙ Gunsmoke (also known as Gun Law and Marshal Dillon), 1975. ⬙The Hottest Guy in Town,⬙ Partners in Crime (also known as 50/50), 1984. Dr. Newhouse, ⬙Blast from the Past,⬙ Crime Story, 1987.

Television Appearances; Specials: Host, The David Soul and Friends Special, ABC, 1977. Mac Davis: I Believe in Christmas, NBC, 1977. The Captain and Tennille in Hawaii, ABC, 1978. Happy Birthday, Bob (also known as Bob Hope Special: Happy Birthday, Bob!), NBC, 1978. A Country Christmas, CBS, 1979. Fifteenth Annual Circus of the Stars, CBS, 1990. Ken ⬙Hutch⬙ Hutchinson (in archive footage), Derrick contre Superman, 1992. Host, Ira Gershwin: A Centenary Celebration—Who Could Ask for Anything More?, Arts and Entertainment, 1997. An All Star Party for Aaron Spelling, ABC, 1998. 268

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 ⬙Renaissance,⬙ The Hitchhiker (also known as Deadly Nightmares and Le voyageur), HBO, 1988. Nelson Boardman, ⬙How Long Has This Thing Been Going On?⬙ Jake and the Fatman, 1988. Michael Dennison, ⬙Don’t Sell Yourself Short,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, USA Network, 1989. The Hawk, ⬙Gathering Clouds: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Young Riders, ABC, 1990. Wes McSorley, ⬙A Killing in Vegas,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1991. Dashiell Jaimeson, ⬙All through the Night,⬙ Jake and the Fatman, 1992. Jordan Barnett, ⬙Threshold of Fear,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1993. Que apostamos?, 1993. Brian Landis, ⬙Sitting Ducks,⬙ High Tide, 1994. Jerome Keaton, ⬙Danse avec la mort,⬙ Le juge est une femme (also known as The Judge Was a Woman, Alice Nevers: Le juge est une femme, and Florence Larrieu, le juge est une femme), 1994. Clement the Hermit, ⬙Vanishing Act,⬙ The New Adventures of Robin Hood (also known as Les nouvelles aventures de Robin des Bois), TNT and syndicated, 1998. Himself, Never Mind the Buzzcocks, BBC, 2000. Professor Alan Fletcher, ⬙Going Gently,⬙ Holby City (also known as Holby), BBC, 2001. Voice, ⬙The Wrong Empire,⬙ A History of Britain, History Channel, 2001. Breakfast, BBC, 2001, 2006. Professor Alan Fletcher, ⬙Change of Heart,⬙ Holby City (also known as Holby), BBC, 2002. Himself, ⬙Tallest Man,⬙ Little Britain, BBC America, 2003. Detective Gus D’Amato, ⬙A Game of Soldiers,⬙ Dalziel and Pascoe, BBC, 2004. Andrew Pennington, ⬙Death on the Nile,⬙ Agatha Christie: Poirot (also known as Agatha Christie’s Poirot and Poirot), Arts and Entertainment, 2004. Johnny Vegas: 18 Stone of Idiot, Channel 4, 2005. Maestro, 2008.

SOUL The Heaven and Earth Show (also known as The Heaven and Earth Show with Gloria Hunniford), BBC, 2005. The Daily Politics, BBC, 2005. Tubridy Tonight, RTE, 2006. The Alan Titchmarsh Show, ITV, 2008. Also guest on Harry Hill show, Channel 4. Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Survival,⬙ Starsky and Hutch, ABC, 1977. ⬙Manchild on the Streets,⬙ Starsky and Hutch, ABC, 1977. ⬙Huggy Can’t Go Home,⬙ Starsky and Hutch, ABC, 1979. ⬙No Exit,⬙ Miami Vice, NBC, 1984. ⬙Case X,⬙ Hunter, 1985. ⬙Blast from the Past,⬙ Crime Story, 1987. ⬙Moulin Rouge,⬙ Crime Story, 1988. ⬙Warriors,⬙ China Beach, 1990. ⬙Blessings,⬙ In the Heat of the Night, 1990. Television Work; Other: Producer, Swan Song (movie), ABC, 1980. Producer and director, Fighting Ministers (special), 1986. Film Appearances: The Secret Sharer, 1967. Swede, Johnny Got His Gun (also known as Dalton Trumbo’s ⬙Johnny Got His Gun⬙), Marketing and Distribution Company, 1971. Officer John Davis, Magnum Force, Warner Bros., 1973. Pritt, Dog Pound Shuffle (also known as Spot), Bloom, 1975. Duke Turnbeau, The Stick–up (also known as Mud), Trident, 1977. Oldham, The Hanoi Hilton, Cannon, 1987. Jefferson Cope, Appointment with Death, Cannon, 1988. Dr. Frieberg, In the Cold of the Night, Republic, 1991. Martin Henkle, Tides of War (also known as Cancellate Washington), Arrow Releasing, 1994. Henrich Mueller, Pentathlon, Live Home Video, 1995. Harvey, Tabloid, 2001. (Uncredited) Himself (in archive footage), Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star, Paramount, 2003. The original Hutch, Starsky & Hutch, Warner Bros., 2004. Eric Bridges, Puritan, 2005.

Television Guest Appearances; Episodic: Get It Together, ABC, 1970. Top of the Pops (also known as TOTP), BBC, 1977. Aplauso, 1978. Friday Night, Saturday Morning, BBC, 1982. Sabado noche, 1988. ⬙70s Super Cops,⬙ Light Lunch, Channel 4, 1997. Kelly, UTV, 2003. Top Gear (also known as Top Gear Xtra), BBC, 2003. V Graham Norton, Channel 4, 2003. Richard & Judy, Channel 4, 2004. GMTV, ITV, 2004. This Morning (also known as This Morning with Richard and Judy), ITV, 2004. Loose Women, ITV, 2004. The Late Late Show, CBS, 2004, 2006. Today with Des and Mel, ITV, 2004, 2006.

Appeared in the short film Old Dog; appeared in the documentary films He’s Starsky, I’m Hutch, Starsky and Hutch Stories, and Top Ten TV Cops. 269


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

Film Work: Song performer, ⬙Don’t Give Up on Us,⬙ The Hitcher, Rogue Pictures, 2007.

Blood Brothers—Australian Cast, Stetson Records, 1994. Leave a Light On, 1997.

Stage Appearances: The Glass Menagerie, Actor’s Alley, 1975. Waiting for Godot, Actor’s Alley, 1975. Narrator, Blood Brothers, Phoenix Theatre, London, 1996–97. The Dead Monkey, London, 1997. Chandler Tate, Comic Potential, Lyric Theatre, London, 1999–2000. Fool for Love, Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2000. Title role, Jerry Springer: The Opera, Cambridge Theatre, London, 2004–2005. Mack Sennett, Mack and Mabel (musical), Criterion Theatre, London, 2006.

Also recorded the album Looking Back. Singles include ⬙Amoureux sans bagages/Catch Me I’m Falling,⬙ AB Production, 1985, ⬙C’est le seul homme/Dream with Me,⬙ Epsilon Records, 1988, and ⬙Smoke with Fire,⬙ Wotre Music, 1995, all with Claire Severac; ⬙Don’t Give Up on Us, Baby⬙; ⬙Going In with My Eyes Open;⬙ and ⬙Silver Lady.⬙

Appeared in Baal, Sergeant Musgrave’s Dance, and Viet Rock (one–act plays), all New York City; also appeared in productions with the Firehouse Theatre, Minneapolis, MN, c. 1965, and with Cafe La Mama, New York City, c. 1966.


Videos: Starsky & Hutch: A Last Look, Warner Bros., 2004. Appeared in the music videos ⬙Foolin’ Around⬙ and ⬙Thrill Me.⬙

Screenplays: Cowriter, Tides of War, Arrow Releasing, 1994.

Major Tours: Narrator, Blood Brothers, Australian and New Zealand cities, 1994. The Aspern Papers, British cities, 1996. Death Trap, British cities, 2000. Mack Sennett, Mack and Mabel (musical), British cities, 2006.

OTHER SOURCES Electronic: David Soul Official Site,, January 7, 2009.

Toured British cities in productions of Catch Me if You Can and Speed the Plow.

SPEARS, Britney 1981– PERSONAL

Stage Work: Coproducer, The Dead Monkey, London, 1997. Director, Fool for Love, Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2000.

Full name, Britney Jean Spears; born December 2, 1981, in Kentwood, LA; daughter of Jamie (a building contractor and personal manager) and Lynne (an elementary schoolteacher) Spears. Sister of Jamie Lynn Spears (an actress and singer); married Jason Allen Alexander, January 2, 2004 (marriage annulled, 2004); married Kevin Federline (a dancer and entertainer), September 18, 2004 (divorced, 2007); children: (second marriage) Sean Preston, Jayden James. Education: Attended school in McComb, MS; trained at Professional Performing Arts School, New York City, and Off–Broadway Dance Academy. Religion: Baptist.

Radio Appearances: Performed in radio broadcasts of A Chorus Line; Firefly Summer; and I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream. RECORDINGS Albums: David Soul, Private Stock Records, 1976. Playing to an Audience of One, Private Stock Records, 1977. Band of Friends, Energy Records, 1980. Best Days of My Life, Energy Records, 1982.

Addresses: Agent—Jason Trawick, William Morris Agency, 1 William Morris Pl., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Contact—Gina Orr, Jive Records, 138 West 25th St., New York, NY 10001. 270

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Career: Singer, actress, and producer. Performer in concerts around the world, including a tour with the Backstreet Boys, 1998; performance clips featured in numerous film and television broadcasts; Britney Spears Productions, founder, 2002. Appeared in commercials for Pepsi soft drinks, National Milk Promotion Board, Tommy jeans, Target stores, McDonald’s restaurants, and other products. Britney Spears Foundation, founder, 2000. Founder of the short–lived New York City restaurant NYLA, 2002; creator of fragrances called ⬙Curious,⬙ 2004, and ⬙Fantasy,⬙ 2005; once worked at a novelty shop.

SPEARS L’Oreal Summer Music Mania, UPN, 1999. Christmas in Rockefeller Center, NBC, 1999. Big Holiday Help–a–thon, Nickelodeon, 1999. Arthur Ashe Kids’ Day, CBS, 1999. Britney Live, MTV, 2000. Britney Spears: There’s No Place like Home, Fox, 2000. Britney in Hawaii (also known as Britney in Hawaii: Live and More!), Fox, 2000. All Access: Backstage with Britney (also known as MTV’s All Access: Backstage with Britney), MTV, 2000. Greatest Rock & Roll Moments: 2000, VH1, 2000. Grammy Countdown, syndicated, 2000. 100 Greatest Pop Songs, MTV, 2000. Smash Hits 2000, 2000. The Fake ID Club, MTV, 2000. Teen People’s 25 Hottest Stars under 25, ABC, 2000. Host, TRL Superstars, MTV, 2000. Music Mania 2000, Fox, 2000. Britney Spears Live from Las Vegas, HBO, 2001. Total Britney Live, 2001. Half–time performer, Super Bowl XXXV, CBS, 2001. Making the Super Bowl Half–time Special, MTV, 2001. MTV Icon: Janet Jackson, MTV, 2001. Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration, CBS, 2001. Being Mick, ABC, 2001. Everybody Talk about ѧ Pop Music!, MTV, 2001. There’s Only One Madonna, BBC, 2001. Billboard’s Rock ’n’ Roll New Year’s Eve, Fox, 2001. Britney Laid Bare, 2002. Lights, Camera, Magic, 2002. Voice of Donner, Robbie the Reindeer: Legend of the Lost Tribe (animated), CBS, 2002. Voice of Donner, Robbie the Reindeer in Hooves of Fire (animated), CBS, 2002. NBC All–Star Read to Achieve Celebration, NBC, 2002. Host, MTV’s Mardi Gras 2002, MTV, 2002. Elvis Lives, NBC, 2002. Bubblegum Babylon, VH1, 2002. Summer Music Mania, Fox, 2002, 2004. (In archive footage) American Bandstand’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, ABC, 2002. (In archive footage) Cleavage, Arts and Entertainment, 2002. Britney Spears: In the Zone (also known as In the Zone), ABC, 2003. Britney: In the Zone & Out All Night, MTV, 2003. 50 Sexiest Video Moments, VH1, 2003. Weird Al Presents: Al TV, VH1, 2003. VH1’s 200 Greatest Pop Culture Icons, VH1, 2003. The Wade Robson Project Audition Special, MTV, 2003. The Osbourne Family Christmas Special, MTV, 2003. MTV Bash (also known as MTV Bash: Carson Daly), MTV, 2003. 2003 NFL Kickoff Concert, 2003. Fromage 2003, MuchMusic, 2003.

Awards, Honors: MTV Europe Music Awards, best female artist, best pop act, best breakthrough act, and best song, all 1999, and two Grammy Award nominations, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, 2000, all for ⬙ ѧ Baby One More Time⬙; Billboard Music Award, 2000; American Music Award, favorite new pop–rock artist, 2000; Teen Choice Award nominations, choice actress in a drama or action adventure movie and choice film chemistry (with Anson Mount), and MTV Movie Award nominations, best dressed and breakthrough female performance, all 2002, for Crossroads; received star on Hollywood Walk of Fame, 2003; Billboard Music Award, dance single of the year, 2004; Teen Choice Award nomination, choice female television personality, 2005; Grammy Award, best dance recording, 2005, for ⬙Toxic⬙; BMI Cable Awards, BMI Film and Television Awards, 2005 (with Michael Corcoran), and 2008 (with Scott Bennett), for Zoey 101; MTV Video Music Awards, best female video, best pop video, and video of the year, 2008, all for ⬙Piece of Me⬙; several gold and platinum record certifications, Recording Industry Association of America. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Mouseketeer, The Mickey Mouse Club (also known as The All New Mickey Mouse Club, Club MMC, and MMC), The Disney Channel, 1993–94. Host, Mission: Makeover, MTV, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: 200 Greatest Pop Culture Icons, VH1, 2003. Britney and Kevin: Chaotic, UPN, 2005. Television Appearances; Specials: MMC in Concert, 1993. Britney Spears and Joey McIntyre in Concert, The Disney Channel, 1999. Walt Disney World Summer Jam Concert, ABC, 1999. The 1999 Miss Teen USA Pageant, CBS, 1999. The 15th Annual Walt Disney World Happy Easter Parade, ABC, 1999. Teen People’s 21 Hottest Stars under 21, ABC, 1999. 271


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Shooting Britney, Channel 4, 2008. Saturday Night’s Main Event, NBC, 2008. (In archive footage) Generation duo, TF1, 2008. (In archive footage) Britney Spears—Price of Fame: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2008. (In archive footage) Almost Famous II, BBC, 2009.

Junior Eurovision Song Contest (also known as Europaeisk junior mgp 2003, Junior mgp 2003, Junior ESC 2003, and Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2003), 2003. (In archive footage) 101 Most Shocking Moments in Entertainment, E! Entertainment, 2003. (Uncredited; in archive footage) Saturday Night Live: The Best of Chris Kattan, NBC, 2003. Britney Spears: Live in Miami (also known as Britney Spears: Live from Miami), Showtime, 2004. Britney Spears: E! Entertainment Special, E! Entertainment Television, 2004. VH1 Divas, VH1, 2004. Maxim Hot 100, VH1, 2004. (In archive footage) 20 Most Awesomely Bad Songs of 2004, 2004. (In archive footage) 101 Biggest Celebrity Oops, E! Entertainment Television, 2004. (Uncredited) Dawn Paslowsky (in archive footage), Saturday Night Live: The Best of Cheri Oteri, NBC, 2004. (In archive footage) 101 Most Unforgettable SNL Moments, NBC, 2004. (In archive footage) Retrosexual: The 80’s, VH1, 2004. (In archive footage) The Ultimate Hollywood Blonde, E! Entertainment Television, 2004. (In archive footage) The Most Shocking Celebrity Moments of 2004, Channel 5, 2005. (In archive footage) Britney’s Redneck Roots, Channel 4, 2005. (Uncredited; in archive footage) Stars on Trial, MuchMusic, 2005. InStyle Celebrity Weddings, ABC, 2005. All That 10th Anniversary Reunion Special, Nickelodeon, 2005. (In archive footage) Britney and Kevin: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2005. 40 Dumbest Celeb Quotes ѧ Ever, 2006. (In archive footage) Premios Principales 2006, 2006. (In archive footage) Overrated in ’06, MuchMusic, 2006. (In archive footage) 100 Greatest Teen Stars, 2006. Forbes 20 Richest Women in Entertainment, E! Entertainment Television, 2007. Out of Control: 10 Celebrity Rehabs Exposed, E! Entertainment Television, 2007. (Uncredited; in archive footage) Saturday Night Live in the ’90s: Pop Culture Nation, NBC, 2007. (In archive footage) 50 Most Shocking Celebrity Scandals, E! Entertainment Television, 2007. (In archive footage) Britney: Off the Rails, Channel 4, 2007. (In archive footage) Mickey Mouse Club: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2007. Britney: For the Record, MTV, 2008. E! News Special: Britney—Under Siege, E! Entertainment Television, 2008. Britney Speared by the Paps, Sky One, 2008.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: TV Hits Awards, 1999. Nickelodeon’s Annual Kids’ Choice Awards, Nickelodeon, 1999, 2003. The World Music Awards, ABC, 1999, 2000, 2001. The Teen Choice Awards, Fox, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006. The Annual American Music Awards, ABC, 1999, 2000, (cohost) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006. The MTV Video Music Awards, MTV, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008. The 1999 MTV Europe Music Awards, MTV, 1999, (in archive footage) 2003, 2004, 2008. The Billboard Music Awards, Fox, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004. The MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 2000, 2001. The Annual Grammy Awards, CBS, 2000, 2002, 2004. The 2000 Radio Music Awards, ABC, 2000. 2000 MuchMusic Video Music Awards, MuchMusic, 2000. 2nd Annual MTV Video Music Awards Latin America, MTV, 2003. The 2nd Annual TRL Awards, MTV, 2004. VH1 Big in ’06 Awards, VH1, 2006. Television Appearances; Episodic: Star Search, 1992. Behind the Music, VH1, 1997. Making the Video, MTV, multiple appearances, beginning 1999. Top of the Pops (also known as All New Top of the Pops, Top of the Pops 2, and TOTP), BBC, 1999, 2002, 2004. Herself, ⬙Aww, Here It Goes to Hollywood: Part 2,⬙ Kenan & Kel, Nickelodeon, 1999. Herself, ⬙No Place like Home,⬙ Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (also known as Sabrina and Sabrina Goes to College), CBS, 1999. Herself, ⬙Ghost Dance,⬙ The Famous Jett Jackson, The Disney Channel, 1999. Mundo VIP, 1999. Nyhetsmorgon, 1999. Voice, ⬙The Mansion Family,⬙ The Simpsons (animated), Fox, 2000. First Listen, MTV, 2000. Diary, MTV, 2000. Total Access 24/7, Fox Family Channel, 2000, 2001. The House of Hits, 2000. Dale’s All Stars, BBC1, 2000. Russell Gilbert Live, Nine Network, 2000. 272

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

SPEARS Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, multiple appearances, beginning 2007. (In archive footage) ⬙Welcome to Camp Shawnee,⬙ The Simple Life, E! Entertainment Television, 2007. (In archive footage) The Soup, 2007. (In archive footage) Red Eye, 2007. (Uncredited; in archive footage) Kruegers Woche, 2007. (In archive footage) TMZ on TV, 2007. (In archive footage) ⬙Life–Changing Moments,⬙ 20 to 1, Nine Network, 2007. (In archive footage) ⬙Scandals & Sensations,⬙ 20 to 1, Nine Network, 2007. (In archive footage) Quelli che ѧ il calcio, 2007, 2008. Abby, ⬙Ten Sessions,⬙ How I Met Your Mother, CBS, 2008. Abby, ⬙Everything Must Go,⬙ How I Met Your Mother, CBS, 2008. Showbiz Tonight, Cable News Network, 2008. ⬙Saving Britney Spears,⬙ First Cut, Channel 4, 2008. (In archive footage) The O’Reilly Factor, 2008. (In archive footage) ⬙Child Stars: Where Are They Now?,⬙ 20 to 1, Nine Network, 2008.

El rayo, 2000. TRL Italy (also known as Total Request Live and TRL Italia), MTV, 2000. ⬙Pop Princesses,⬙ Top Ten, Channel 4, 2001. (In archive footage) ⬙The Merchants of Cool,⬙ Frontline, PBS, 2001. (In archive footage) ⬙Pure Pop,⬙ Walk On By: The Story of Popular Song, ABC, 2001. ⬙Nick Takes Over Music,⬙ The Nick Cannon Show, Nickelodeon, 2002. The Saturday Show, BBC, 2002. ⬙Britney Spears Special,⬙ The Frank Skinner Show, BBC, 2002. The Oprah Winfrey Show (also known as Oprah), syndicated, 2002. ⬙Niemandistperfekt,⬙ Boulevard Bio, 2002. Access Hollywood, syndicated, 2002, 2006. Fame, Set, and Match, BBC, 2002. CD:UK, ITV, 2002, 2004, 2006. Otro rollo con: Adal Ramones (also known as Otro rollo), 2002. Leute heute, 2002. 60 Minutes, CBS, 2003. Punk’d, MTV, 2003. Total Request Live (also known as Total Request with Carson Daly, TRL, and TRL Weekend), MTV, 2003. Extra (also known as Extra: The Entertainment Magazine), syndicated, 2003. Boogie, [Denmark], 2003. Popworld, 2003. Top of the Pops Saturday, BBC, 2003, 2004. (In archive footage) Celebrities Uncensored, E! Entertainment Television, multiple appearances, beginning 2003. (In archive footage) SexTV, 2003, 2004, 2005. ⬙New Kids on the Block: Part 3,⬙ Fashion in Focus, NYC, 2004. Tinseltown TV, International Channel, 2004. 4Pop, 2004. ⬙Britney,⬙ Can You Pull ѧ?, Channel 4, 2004. (In archive footage) ⬙Blonde Ambition,⬙ Real Access, NBC, 2004. Best Week Ever (also known as Best Week Ever with Paul F. Tompkins), VH1, 2005. (In archive footage) ⬙Moments of Madness,⬙ 20 to 1, Nine Network, 2005. (In archive footage) Corazon de ѧ, 2005, 2007. (In archive footage) Video on Trial, 2005, 2006. Amber–Louise, ⬙Buy, Buy Baby,⬙ Will & Grace, NBC, 2006. Inside Edition, syndicated, 2006. Taff, Pro 7, 2006, 2007. (In archive footage) Exclusiv—Das Star–Magazin, 2006. Video on Trial (also known as V.O.T.), MuchMusic, 2007. ⬙Welcome to Sunset Tan,⬙ Sunset Tan, E! Entertainment Television, 2007. ⬙About the VMAs,⬙ What Perez Sez, VH1, 2007.

Television Guest Appearances; Episodic: The Priory, Channel 4, 1999. All That, Nickelodeon, multiple appearances, between 1999 and 2002. The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, multiple appearances, between 1999 and 2002. Wetten, dass ѧ?, 2002. Saturday Night Live (also known as NBC’s ⬙Saturday Night,⬙ Saturday Night, and SNL), NBC, multiple appearances, beginning 2000. Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 2000. KPTM News at 9 PM, 2000. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2001, 2003. (In archive footage) Revealed with Jules Asner, 2002. Live with Regis and Kelly, syndicated, 2003. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2003. V Graham Norton, Channel 4, 2003. On–Air with Ryan Seacrest, syndicated, 2004. GMTV, IT, 2004. Late Show with David Letterman (also known as The Late Show and Letterman), CBS, 2005, 2006. Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show, syndicated, 2005, 2008. Dateline NBC, NBC, 2006. Good Morning America, ABC, 2006. The Tyra Banks Show, CW Network, 2006. Larry King Live, Cable News Network, 2007. ⬙Rove: L.A.,⬙ Rove Live, Ten Network, 2007. Star Academy, TF1, 2008. Special guest, The X Factor, ITV, 2008. Television Executive Producer; Specials: Britney Spears Live from Las Vegas, HBO, 2001. Britney Spears: In the Zone, ABC, 2003. 273


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Absolutely Britney Spears, Master Tone, 2000. Britney, Jive, 2001. In the Zone, Jive, 2003. Greatest Hits: My Prerogative, Jive, 2004. Britney Spears in the Mix, Jive, 2006. Blackout, Jive, 2007. Circus, Jive, 2008.

(And creator) Britney Spears: Live in Miami, Showtime, 2004. Television Executive Producer; Other: (Uncredited) Brave New Girl (movie), ABC Family Channel, 2004. Britney and Kevin: Chaotic (miniseries), UPN, 2005.

Singles include ⬙I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman,⬙ 2002; ⬙Toxic,⬙ Jive, 2004; ⬙Gimme More,⬙ Jive, 2007; ⬙Everytime;⬙ ⬙Me Against the Music;⬙ and ⬙Overprotected.⬙

Television Work; Movies: Song performer, Quints, The Disney Channel, 2000. Song performer, ⬙Brave New Girl,⬙ Brave New Girl, ABC Family Channel, 2004. Song performer, ⬙Follow Me,⬙ Zoey 101: Spring Break– up, Nickelodeon, 2006. Song performer, ⬙Follow Me,⬙ Zoey 101: The Curse of P.C.A., Nickelodeon, 2007.

Video Appearances: Time Out with Britney Spears, Jive/Zomba Video, 1999. Britney Spears: ⬙Star Baby⬙ Scrapbook, 1999. (And executive producer) ’N Sync & Britney Spears: Your Ⲇ1 Video Requests ѧ and More!, McDonald’s, 2000. Britney Spears Live and More! (also known as Britney Spears in Hawaii: Live and More!), 2001. Britney: The Videos, 2001. Crossroads: 40 Days with Britney, Paramount, 2002. Stages: Three Days in Mexico—Britney Spears, NVU Productions, 2002. Britney’s Dance Beat (video game), THQ Interactive, 2002. Pepsi More Music: The DCD Volume 1, 2003. Divine Intervention: A Serendipitous Film about Britney Spears, Alexander Video, 2003. (In archive footage) Sex at 24 Frames per Second, Image Entertainment, 2003. Britney Spears: In the Zone, BMG Distribution, 2004. Freestyle (with Brian Friedman), Lions Gate Films, 2004. Britney Spears: Greatest Hits—My Prerogative, BMG Distribution, 2004. (Uncredited) Krugellam, Queen of Perillians (in archive footage), Saturday Night Live: The Best of Tracy Morgan, Lions Gate Films Home Entertainment, 2004. (In archive footage) Fahrenhype 9/11, Trinity Home Entertainment, 2004. Celebrity News Reels Presents: Best of Paris (also known as Best of Paris), Star Rush Media, 2005. (Uncredited; in archive footage) Saturday Night Live: The Best of Jimmy Fallon, 2005. Singer, SingStar Pop (video game), Sony Computer Entertainment America, 2007. (In archive footage) The Price of Pleasure: Pornography, Sexuality & Relationships, Media Education Foundation, 2008.

Television Work; Series: Song performer, ⬙Follow Me,⬙ Zoey 101, Nickelodeon, 2004. Film Appearances: Flight attendant, Longshot (also known as Jack of All Trades and Longshot: The Movie), 2000. Lucy Wagner, Crossroads, Paramount, 2002. Herself, Austin Powers in Goldmember, New Line Cinema, 2002. Herself, Pauly Shore Is Dead, CKrush Entertainment, 2003. (In archive footage) Super Size Me (documentary), Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2004. (In archive footage) Fahrenheit 9/11, Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, 2004. (In archive footage) Religulous (documentary), Lionsgate, 2008. Film Work: Song performer, On the Line, 2001. Stage Appearances: Understudy for the role of Tina Denmark, Ruthless, off– Broadway production, 1991. RECORDINGS Albums: ѧ Baby One More Time, Jive, 1999. Star Profile, Master Tone, 1999. Oops! ѧ I Did It Again, Jive, 2000. In Conversation, Baktabak, 2000. The Interview, Poptalk, 2000. In the Spotlight with Britney Spears, Matrix Music Marketing, 2000. Interview, Griffin Music, 2000. Maximum Britney, Griffin Music, 2000.

Music videos include ⬙ ѧ Baby One More Time,⬙ Jive, 1998; ⬙Sometimes,⬙ Jive, 1999; ⬙Oops! ѧ I Did It Again,⬙ Jive, 2000; ⬙Born to Make You Happy,⬙ 2000; ⬙From the Bottom of My Broken Heart,⬙ Jive, 2000; ⬙Time Out with Britney Spears,⬙ 2000; ⬙Don’t Let Me Be the Last 274

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 to Know,⬙ 2001; ⬙Stronger,⬙ Jive, 2001; and ⬙I’m a Slave 4 U,⬙ Jive, 2001; ⬙I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman,⬙ 2002; ⬙Overprotected,⬙ 2002; ⬙I Love Rock n Roll,⬙ 2003; ⬙Toxic,⬙ 2004; ⬙Piece of Me,⬙ 2008; ⬙Do Something;⬙ ⬙Everytime;⬙ ⬙Lucky,⬙ ⬙Me Against the Music;⬙ ⬙My Prerogative;⬙ ⬙Outrageous;⬙ ⬙Someday (I Will Understand);⬙ ⬙(You Drive Me) Crazy;⬙ and other singles.

SPEEDMAN People Weekly, February 15, 1999, pp. 71–72; February 14, 2000. Premiere, October, 2001, pp. 38–41. Rolling Stone, April 15, 1999. Sky, June, 1999, pp. 40–43, 45. Teen People, June, 1999, p. 56; October, 1999, pp. 174–178; June, 2000, pp. 92, 136–140; summer, 2000, p. 83; August, 2000, pp. 144–146; January, 2001, pp. 114–116; May, 2001, p. 104; March, 2002, pp. 92, 96, 98. Time, March 1, 1999, p. 71. TV Guide, November 17, 2001, pp. 26–30. USA Weekend, February 18, 2000. Us Weekly, April 1, 2002, pp. 30–33.

WRITINGS Books: (With mother, Lynne Spears) Britney Spears: Heart to Heart (autobiography), Three Rivers Press, 2000. (With Lynne Spears) A Mother’s Gift (novel), Delacorte, 2001.

SPEEDMAN, Scott 1975–

Film Music: Composer, Crossroads, Paramount, 2002.

PERSONAL Original name, Robert Scott Speedman; born September 1, 1975, in London, England; immigrated to Toronto, Ontario, Canada, c. 1979; son of Roy (a department store buyer) and Mary (an elementary school teacher) Speedman. Education: Attended University of Toronto, 1994–96; studied acting at Neighborhood Playhouse. Avocational Interests: Swimming.

Songwriter: ⬙Let Me Be,⬙ On the Line (film), 2001. ⬙Follow Me,⬙ Zoey 101 (television series), Nickelodeon, 2004. ⬙Brave New Girl,⬙ Brave New Girl (television movie), ABC Family Channel, 2004. Other songwriting credits include ⬙Intimidated.⬙

Addresses: Agent—Endeavor, 9701 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Manager—Frank Frattaroli, D/F Management, 8609 East Washington Blvd., Suite 8607, Culver City, CA 90232. Publicist—Baker Winokur Ryder, 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 550, Los Angeles, CA 90036.

ADAPTATIONS The television movie Brave New Girl, broadcast by ABC Family Channel in 2004, was reportedly based on the novel A Mother’s Gift, by Spears and her mother.

Career: Actor. Appeared in print ads for Gap clothing, 2003.


Awards, Honors: Teen Choice Award nominations, best breakout performance on television, 1999, and choice television actor, 2000, and 2002, all for Felicity; Golden Wave, best actor, Bordeaux International Festival of Women in Cinema, 2003, for My Life Without Me; Cinescape Genre Face of the Future Award, male category, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Films, 2004, for Underworld; Teen Choice Award nomination, choice actor in a horror or thriller movie, 2008, for The Strangers.

Books: Contemporary Musicians, Volume 28, Gale, 2000. Newsmakers 2000, Issue 3, Gale, 2000. Spears, Britney, and Lynn Spears, Britney Spears: Heart to Heart, Three Rivers Press, 2000. Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, November 9, 2001, pp. 28–34. Evening Standard Hot Tickets, March 29, 2002, pp. 2, 3. Heat, February 2, 2002, pp. 14–15; February 9, 2002, p. 43. Newsweek, March 1, 1999. Now, January 23, 2002, pp. 8–9. Paris Match, July 27, 2000, pp. 84–87.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Can I Get A Witness? (short film; also known as Urban Myth), 1996. Scott, Kitchen Party, Myriad Pictures, 1997. 275


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Television Appearances; Other: Benjamin ⬙Ben⬙ Covington, Felicity (pilot), The WB, 1998. Underworld: Evolution—Inside the Action (special), MTV, 2006.

Jason, Ursa Major, 1997. Billy, Duets, Buena Vista, 2000. Bobby Keough, Dark Blue, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2002. Don, My Life Without Me (also known as Ma vie sans moi and Mi vida sin mi), Columbia, 2003. Michael Corvin, Underworld, Screen Gems, 2003. Tom, The 24th Day, Screen Media Films, 2004. Agent Kyle Steele, xXx: State of the Union (also known as Cold Circle & Intersection, xXx: The Next Level, and xXx 2: The Next Level), Columbia, 2005. Michael, Underworld: Evolution, Screen Gems, 2006. Dexter, Weirdsville, Magnolia Pictures, 2007. Carl Uffner, Anamorph, First Take, 2008. Tom, Adoration, Sony Pictures Classics, 2008. James Hoyt, The Strangers, Universal, 2008. Ransom Pride, The Last Rites of Random Pride, Horse Thief Pictures/Nomadic Pictures, 2009.

Stage Appearances: Zoo Story, 1999. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Maclean’s, February 1, 1999, p. 64.


Television Appearances; Series: Ned Nickerson, Nancy Drew (also known as Alice et les Hardy Boys), syndicated, 1995–96. Benjamin ⬙Ben⬙ Covington, Felicity, The WB, 1998–2002.


Television Appearances; Movies: Rookie, Net Worth, CBC, 1995. One of Dan Jansen’s friends, A Brother’s Promise: The Dan Jansen Story, CBS, 1996. Spanky Riggs, Giant Mine, 1996. Officer Stevie Cardy, Dead Silence (also known as Silence de mort), HBO, 1997. Steve Talbert, What Happened to Bobby Earl? (also known as Murder in a College Town), CBS, 1997. Greg, Every 9 Seconds (also known as A Call for Help), NBC, 1997. Patric, ⬙Marie Taquet,⬙ Rescuers: Stories of Courage; Two Couples, Showtime, 1997.

Born May 29, 1984, in Salt Lake City, UT; mother, a secretary at a dance studio. Career: Actress. Model for the Internet retail site Torrid; guest performer at half–time show for Utah Jazz basketball games; guest editor of Tiger Beat magazine. Worked as a dance teacher in Salt Lake City, UT. Advocate for Make a Wish Foundation, Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation, and United Cerebral Palsy. Member: American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Screen Actors Guild.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Cam Nillson, ⬙Goodbye Mr. Caine,⬙ Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, syndicated, 1995. Officer Madison, ⬙Say Cheese and Die,⬙ Goosebumps (also known as Ultimate Goosebumps), Fox, 1996. (Uncredited) Ben Covington (in archive footage), ⬙None of the Above,⬙ Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1999. Total Request Live (also known as Total Request with Carson Daly, TRL, and TRL Weekend), MTV, 2003, 2006. Queer Edge with Jack E. Jett & Sandra Bernhard (also known as Queer Edge and Queer Edge with Jack E. Jett), 2006. Guest, Canada A.M. (also known as Canada A.M. Weekend), CTV, 2007. eTalk Daily (also known as eTalk), CTV, 2007. Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 2008.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Movies: Martha Cox, High School Musical, The Disney Channel, 2006. Martha Cox, High School Musical 2 (also known as High School Musical 2: Extended Edition), The Disney Channel, 2007. Television Appearances; Specials: High School Musical 2 Dance–along, The Disney Channel, 2007. The Teen Choice Awards 2007, Fox, 2007. 2007 American Music Awards, ABC, 2007. 276

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

SUROVY Awards, Honors: Theatre World Award, 1965, for Helen.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙The ⬘Grammy’ Goes to Camp: You’re a Star & Kids Are Helping Kids,⬙ In the Mix (also known as In the Cutz), Urban America, 2006. Leslie, ⬙Volley Dad,⬙ The Suite Life of Zack and Cody (also known as TSL), The Disney Channel, 2006. Dancing with the Stars, ABC, 2006, 2007. High School Musical: Get in the Picture (reality show), ABC, 2008. Leslie, ⬙Benchwarmers,⬙ The Suite Life of Zack and Cody (also known as TSL), The Disney Channel, 2008.

CREDITS Stage Appearances: (Off–Broadway debut) Telemecus, Helen, Bowery Lane Theatre, New York City, 1964. Mick, The Caretaker, Buffalo Studio Arena, Buffalo, NY, 1971. Mercutio, Romeo and Juliet, Buffalo Studio Arena, 1971. Roger, The Balcony, Juilliard Theatre Center, New York City, 1972. Hercules, Alcestis, Juilliard Theatre Center, 1972. Man, Sisters of Mercy, Theatre De Lys, New York City, 1973. (Broadway debut) Bassanio, The Merchant, 1977. Captain Neville St. Claire, Crucifer of Blood, Helen Hayes Theatre, New York City, 1978–79. Uncle Harry/Martin, Cloud Nine, Lucille Lortel Theatre, then Theatre de Lys, both New York City, 1981. Tony Kirby, You Can’t Take It with You, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1983. Reverend T. Lawrence Shannon, The Night of the Iguana, Circle in the Square, New York City, 1988. Terence O’Keefe, Breaking Legs, Promenade Theatre, New York City, 1991–92.

Film Appearances: Martha Cox, High School Musical 3: Senior Year (also known as H.S.M. 3), Buena Vista, 2008. RECORDINGS Videos: Dancer, Ammon & King Lamoni, Lightstone, 2004. HSM2: Rehearsal Cam, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, 2007. HSM2: On Location, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, 2008. OTHER SOURCES

Also appeared as Joe, The Time of Your Life, New York City production; Mike Fink, The Robber Bridegroom, New York City production; Cousins, Major Barbara, New York City production; Peter, The Kitchen, Acting Company production; Canterbury, Edward II, Acting Company production; Fedotik, The Three Sisters, Acting Company production; Marlowe, She Stoops to Conquer, Acting Company production; Tom, The Glass Menagerie, Acting Company production; title role, Henry IV, Acting Company production; Benedick, Much Ado about Nothing, Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL; title role, Don Juan, Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL; Buckingham, Richard III, Goodman Theatre; title role, Hamlet, California Shakespeare Festival; man, Sisters of Mercy, Shaw Festival, Canada; Seymour, Billy Budd, Loretto–Hilton Repertory Theatre, St. Louis, MO; Steve, Domestic Issues, Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT.

Electronic: KayCee Stroh Official Site, http://www.kayceestroh. com, November 18, 2008.

SUROVY, Nicolas 1944– (Nicholas Surovy, Nicolas Survoy) PERSONAL Born June 30, 1944, in New York, NY; son of Walter (an actor and manager) and Rise (an opera singer; maiden name, Stevens) Surovy; married Marguerite; children: Marisa. Education: Attended Northwestern University; studied acting with Sanford Meisner; studied acting at the Juilliard School of Drama, New York City, and at the Neighborhood Playhouse.

Film Appearances: (As Nicolas Surovy) For Pete’s Sake!, World Wide, 1966. (As Nicolas Surovy) Larry, Make a Face, Sperling, 1971. Aleck Olsen, Mammoth player, Bang the Drum Slowly, Paramount, 1973. Julian, The Act (also known as Bless ’Em All), Film Ventures International, 1982. The Initiation, New World, 1984.

Addresses: Agent—Susan Smith and Associates, 121 West San Vicente Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actor. Military service: U.S. Army, sergeant, 1968–69; awarded Bronze Star, Air Medal with three clusters. 277


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Television Appearances; Episodic: Billy Joe Gaines, ⬙Judgment in Heaven,⬙ The Big Valley, ABC, 1965. Bronc, ⬙A Picture of a Lady,⬙ Death Valley Days (also known as Call of the West, The Pioneers, Trails West, and Western Star Theater), syndicated, 1965. Vinnie Stamp, ⬙This Stage of Fools,⬙ Branded, 1966. Tick Gleason, ⬙The Case of the Twice Told Twist,⬙ Perry Mason, CBS, 1966. Greg, ⬙Little Boy Lost,⬙ The Twilight Zone (also known as The New Twilight Zone), CBS, 1985. Sonny Foxx, ⬙Simon without Simon: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Simon & Simon, 1985. Peter Cross, ⬙Memories of Molly,⬙ Bridges to Cross, CBS, 1986. Brian Thomas, ⬙Ode to Angela,⬙ Who’s the Boss?, 1989. Warren Smyth, ⬙Outward Bound,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1990. Roger Price, ⬙Dad and Buried,⬙ Over My Dead Body, 1990. David Alcott, ⬙Misconceptions,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1991. Ben Judson, ⬙Night of the Coyote,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1992. James Allen Howard, ⬙The Conspiracy,⬙ Matlock, 1993. Paul Redding, South of Sunset, CBS, 1993. Roy Hondo, ⬙Hard Rock,⬙ The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. (also known as Brisco County Jr.), Fox, 1994. Arthur Dennison, ⬙A Model for Murder,⬙ One West Waikiki, CBS, 1994. Dr. William Crichton, ⬙Something in the Air,⬙ SeaQuest DSV (also known as SeaQuest 2032), NBC, 1995. Pe’Nar, Makull, ⬙Time and Again,⬙ Star Trek: Voyager (also known as Voyager), UPN, 1995. Paul Westlake, ⬙Pulp Addiction,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1995. Peter Goodwin, ⬙The Passion of Our Youth,⬙ Sisters, NBC, 1995. James Ryerson, ⬙School for Murder,⬙ Murder She Wrote, CBS, 1995. Leo Vardian, ⬙Murder among Friends,⬙ Murder She Wrote, CBS, 1996. Dan Morrison, ⬙Chapter Nine,⬙ Murder One, 1996. ⬙The Catamount,⬙ The Lazarus Man, 1996. Stanley Robman, ⬙Marathon,⬙ Nowhere Man, 1996. Lieutenant Mark Fox, ⬙Undercover,⬙ Pacific Blue, 1996. Ben Proctor, ⬙The Black Box,⬙ The Visitor, Fox, 1997. Luther Gannon (codename Curator), ⬙Shadow Play,⬙ Seven Days (also known as 7 Days and Seven Days: The Series), UPN, 1998. Ivan Ford, ⬙Trifecta,⬙ Martial Law, CBS, 1999. Dr. Daniel Waterston, ⬙All Things,⬙ The X Files, Fox, 2000. Hunt Acey, ⬙Redefinition,⬙ Angel (also known as Angel: The Series), The WB, 2001. Major General Onichimoski, ⬙To Walk on Wings,⬙ JAG (also known as JAG: Judge Advocate General), CBS, 2001.

John, Forever Young, Warner Bros., 1992. Mac Lawton, Breaking Free (also known as A Leap of Faith), Disney, 1995. Ronald Anderson, The Undercover Kid, Leucadia Film Company, 1996. Jim, Tom’s father, All Over the Guy, Lionsgate, 2001. Also appeared in Nina. Television Appearances; Series: Fred Turner, A World Apart, ABC, 1970–71. Orson Burns, Ryan’s Hope, ABC, 1981. Mike Roy, All My Children, ABC, 1983–84, 1988, 1998. Peter Cross, Bridges to Cross, CBS, 1986. P. J. Brakenhouse, Paradise (also known as Guns of Paradise), 1988–89. Dylan Elliot, Wolf, CBS, 1989–90. Mayor Boone Penbroke, Key West, Fox, 1993. Television Appearances; Miniseries: George Bennett, Mayflower: The Pilgrims’ Adventure, CBS, 1979. Colonel Thomas Conway, George Washington, CBS, 1984. Serge Markov, Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna, NBC, 1986. Marcus Hiller, Telling Secrets (also known as Contract for Murder), ABC, 1993. Television Appearances; Movies: Davy, This Savage Land, 1969. (As Nicholas Surovy) Joe, The Time of Your Life, 1976. Martin Elson, Franken (also known as Dr. Franken and Doctor Franken), NBC, 1980. Tony Kirby, You Can’t Take It with You, Showtime, 1984. Patrick Evan Stark, Stark, CBS, 1985. Half Nelson, 1985. Patrick Evan Stark, Stark: Mirror Image (also known as Stark II), CBS, 1986. David Mason, Steal the Sky, HBO, 1988. Conway, Laura Lansing Slept Here, NBC, 1988. Jesse Wilder, Coopersmith, CBS, 1992. Robert Denk, 12:01, Fox, 1993. Steve Kinsberg, Crowfeet, CBS, 1995. Hans, The Man Who Captured Eichmann, TNT, 1996. Dr. Jimmy Goldrich, Two Voices (also known as Two Small Voices), Lifetime, 1997. Harold Rhodes, When Danger Follows You Home, USA Network, 1997. Mr. Spelman, The Big Time, TNT, 2002. Television Appearances; Pilots: Lawyer Dylan Elliott, Wolf, CBS, 1989. David, Just Life, ABC, 1990. Mayor Penbrooke, Key West, 1993. Also appeared as James, Century Hill. 278

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Richard Baldwin, ⬙Vanished: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 2001. Mr. Lamero, ⬙The Extinction of the Dinosaurs,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2002. Mr. Blout, ⬙The Good, the Bad, and the Lawyers,⬙ The Education of Max Bickford, CBS, 2002. Arthur Grambill, ⬙Acts of Mercy,⬙ Crossing Jordan, NBC, 2002. Mr. Callender, ⬙Deterioration,⬙ Strong Medicine, Lifetime, 2002. Christopher Meeker, ⬙For Whom the Whistle Blows,⬙ Dragnet (also known as L.A. Dragnet), ABC, 2003. Marshall Campbell, ⬙Rich Girl Poor Girl,⬙ The Division (also known as Heart of the City), NBC, 2003. (As Nicolas Survoy) Captain Massie, ⬙Here Was a Man,⬙ Deadwood, HBO, 2004. Captain Massie, ⬙The Trial of Jack McCall,⬙ Deadwood, HBO, 2004 Massie, ⬙Bullock Returns to the Camp,⬙ Deadwood, HBO, 2004.

SWIT son for the charity Airline Ambassadors; board member for Actors and Others for Animals; also affiliated with other animal rights organizations. Member: Actors’ Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nomination, best supporting actress in comedy, 1974, Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actress—television, 1974, Emmy Award nominations, outstanding continuing performance by a supporting actress in a comedy series, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, and 1979, Emmy awards, outstanding supporting actress in a comedy or variety or music series, 1980 and 1982, Golden Globe Award nominations, best performance by an actress in a television series—musical/comedy, 1980 and 1982, Emmy Award nominations, outstanding supporting actress in a comedy or variety or music series, 1981 and 1983, People’s Choice Award (with Linda Evans), favorite female television performer, 1983, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a supporting role in a series, miniseries, or motion picture made for television, 1983, Silver Satellite Award, American Women in Radio and Television, Genie Award, television performance, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, and additional People’s Choice awards, all for M*A*S*H; received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, 1989; Sarah Siddons Award, Sarah Siddons Society (Chicago, IL), 1991–92, for Shirley Valentine; Jean Golden Halo Award; Woman of the Year, Animal Protection Institute; Woman of the Year, International Fund for Animal Welfare; other awards and honors, including recognition from the American Humane Society and awards for her artwork.

Also appeared in Ben Casey, ABC; Branded, NBC; Blue Light, ABC; Bob Hope Presents The Chrysler Theatre, NBC; The Road West, NBC; as Steve, Nurse, ABC; Billy Simmons, The Renegades, ABC; Rudy Lavasso, One Life to Live, ABC.

SWANN, Gabriel See MACHT, Gabriel

SWIT, Loretta 1937– PERSONAL


Born November 4, 1937, in Passaic, NJ; married Dennis Holahan (an actor), December 21, 1983 (divorced, 1995 [some sources cite 1992]). Education: Studied at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts; studied acting at the Gene Frankel Repertoire Theatre, New York City. Avocational Interests: Making jewelry, painting, needlepoint.

Television Appearances; Series: Major Margaret ⬙Hot Lips⬙ Houlihan, M*A*S*H (also known as MASH), CBS, 1972–83. Semiregular panelist, The Match Game (also known as Match Game 73, Match Game 74, Match Game 75, Match Game 76, Match Game 77, Match Game 78, and Match Game 79), CBS, 1973–79. Cora Lynne, The Big Battalions, Channel 4 (England), 1992. Host, Those Incredible Animals, The Discovery Channel, 1992–97.

Addresses: Agent—Artists Group, Ltd., 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90067–4003. Career: Actress. Appeared in advertisements. Active in events related to the television series M*A*S*H. Jewelry designer and painter; has sold her lines of SwitArts watercolor artwork and SwitHearts Jewelry to raise funds for various animal organizations; sold art and jewelry at shows and through her web page. Spokesper-

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Herself, The 100 Most Memorable TV Moments, TV Land, 2004. Herself, The 100 Most Unexpected TV Moments, TV Land, 2005. 279


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Narrator, ⬙The Mysterious Black–Footed Ferret,⬙ National Audubon Society Specials (also known as World of Audubon Specials), TBS and PBS, 1986, released on video as Audubon Video: The Mysterious Black–Footed Ferret. Host, ⬙On the Edge of Extinction: Panthers and Cheetahs,⬙ National Audubon Society Specials (also known as World of Audubon Specials), TBS and PBS, c. 1986, released on video as Audubon Video: On the Edge of Extinction: Panthers and Cheetahs. Host and narrator, A Christmas Calendar, PBS, 1987. Herself, Happy 100th Birthday, Hollywood! (also known as Happy Birthday, Hollywood!), ABC, 1987. Host, The Korean War: The Untold Story (documentary; also known as Korea: Remembering the Forgotten War), syndicated, 1988. Host, United We Stand, syndicated, 1988. Wanda Karpinsky, ⬙My Dad Can’t Be Crazy ѧ Can He?⬙ (also known as ⬙My Dad Can’t Be Crazy (Can He)?⬙ and ⬙Ricky’s Dad Is Crazy⬙), ABC Afterschool Specials, ABC, 1989. A Matter of Principle, WCVB (ABC affiliate), 1990. Herself, Memories of M*A*S*H (also known as Memories of MASH), CBS, 1991. Herself, Bob Hope’s ⬙America: Red, White and Beautiful—The Swimsuit Edition⬙ (also known as Bob Hope’s ⬙America: Red, White and Beautiful⬙), NBC, 1992. (In archive footage) Herself performing ⬙Silver Bells,⬙ Bob Hope’s ⬙Bag Full of Christmas Memories⬙ (also known as Hope for the Holidays and Hope for the Holidays—The Best of Bob Hope), 1993, and special edition released. Herself, ⬙The Love Boat and M*A*S*H,⬙ The Truth behind the Sitcom Scandals (also known as Truth behind the Sitcom Scandals 3 and TV Guide’s ⬙Truth behind the Sitcom Scandals 3⬙), Fox, 2000. Herself, ⬙M*A*S*H⬙: 30th Anniversary Reunion, Fox, 2002. Herself, CBS at 75 (also known as CBS at 75: A Primetime Celebration), CBS, 2003. (Uncredited) Herself, Comic Relief 2006, HBO and TBS, 2006.

Television Appearances; Movies: Ginny Lomax, Sam Cade (edited from ⬙Homecoming⬙ and other episodes of Cade’s County), 1972. Linda Bush, Shirts/Skins, ABC, 1973. Daisy, The Last Day, NBC, 1975. Chris LeBlanc, The Hostage Heart, CBS, 1977. B. J., Friendships, Secrets and Lies (also known as The Walls Came Tumbling Down), NBC, 1979. Emily, Valentine, ABC, 1979. Sandy McLaren, Mirror, Mirror, NBC, 1979. Caroline Baker, The Kid from Nowhere, NBC, 1982. Laura Bentells, Games Mother Never Taught You, CBS, 1982. Jane Simon, First Affair, CBS, 1983. Marysia Walenka, The Execution, NBC, 1985. Deo Fisher, Dreams of Gold: The Mel Fisher Story (also known as The Mel Fisher Story), CBS, 1986. Miss Morton, ⬙14 Going on 30⬙ (also known as ⬙Fassst Forward⬙ and ⬙Fourteen Going on Thirty⬙), The Disney Sunday Movie (also known as Disneyland, Disneylandia, Disney’s Wonderful World, The Magical World of Disney, Walt Disney, Walt Disney Presents, Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color, and The Wonderful World of Disney), ABC, 1988. Connie Stewart, Hell Hath No Fury, NBC, 1991. Detective Patricia Staley, A Killer among Friends (also known as Friends to the End), CBS, 1992. Television Appearances; Specials: Major Margaret ⬙Hot Lips⬙ Houlihan, Rickles (also known as The Don Rickles Show), CBS, 1975. Sydney, It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Superman (musical; also known as Superman the Musical), ABC, 1975. CBS team member, Battle of the Network Stars, ABC, 1976. Ted Knight Musical Comedy Variety Special Special, CBS, 1976. CBS team member, Battle of the Network Stars II (also known as Battle of the Network Stars), ABC, 1977. CBS team contestant, Battle of the Network Stars III (also known as Battle of the Network Stars), ABC, 1977. Ringmaster, Circus of the Stars Ⲇ4, CBS, 1979. Herself, The Bob Hope Christmas Show and All–Star Comedy Special (also known as The Bob Hope Christmas Special), NBC, 1980. Herself, CBS All American Thanksgiving Day Parade, CBS, 1980. Perry Como’s Bahama Holiday, ABC, 1980. Herself and Major Margaret ⬙Hot Lips⬙ Houlihan, Making M*A*S*H (documentary), PBS, 1981. Texaco Star Theater: Opening Night (also known as Texaco Salute to Broadway), NBC, 1982. Grace Bradley, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, ABC, 1983. Host, Animals Are the Funniest People, NBC, 1983. Team two member, The Real Trivial Pursuit, ABC, 1985. Host, Saving the Wildlife, PBS, 1986.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Herself, The 15th Annual TV Week Logie Awards, Nine Network (Australia), 1973. Presenter, Your Choice for the Film Awards, 1984. Presenter, The British Comedy Awards, Independent Television (England), 2001. Performer in Gray Anatomy sketch, The Fourth Annual TV Land Awards (also known as The Fourth Annual TV Land Awards: A Celebration of Classic TV and TV Land Awards 2006), TV Land, 2006. Television Appearances; Episodic: Anna Stockton Schroeder, ⬙A Thousand Pardons— You’re Dead!,⬙ Hawaii Five–O (also known as McGarrett), CBS, 1969. 280

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SWIT Terry Mason Larsen, ⬙Ex Plus Y/Golden Agers/Graham and Kelly⬙ (some sources cite episode name as ⬙Ex Plus Y/Graham and Kelly/Goldenagers⬙), The Love Boat, ABC, 1977. Miss Mishancov, ⬙Accidental Cruise/The Song Is Ended/A Time for Everything/Anoushka,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1978. Herself, The $20,000 Pyramid, ABC, multiple episodes in 1978, 1979. Alice Phillips, ⬙Hail to the Chief,⬙ Supertrain, NBC, 1979. Herself, Password Plus (also known as Password and Password All–Stars), NBC, multiple episodes in 1979, 1980. Guest host, The Big Show, NBC, 1980. Herself, The Muppet Show, syndicated, 1980. Herself, The Phil Donahue Show (also known as Donahue), syndicated, 1981. Kathy Ross, ⬙My Mother, My Chaperone/The Present/ The Death and Life of Sir Alfred Demerest/Welcome Aboard: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1984. Sister Gabrielle, ⬙Miracle at Moreaux,⬙ WonderWorks, PBS, 1985. Herself, ⬙Between the Lines—Summer, 1972,⬙ Our World, ABC, 1987. Herself, Aspel & Company, Independent Television (England), 1987. Voice of Dr. Marcia Cates, ⬙Mad as a Hatter,⬙ Batman: The Animated Series (animated; also known as Batman and The Adventures of Batman and Robin), Fox, 1992. Kim Mitchell, ⬙Portrait of Death,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1994. Evelyn Turner, ⬙Who Killed the Sweet Smell of Success?,⬙ Burke’s Law, CBS, 1995. Herself, ⬙Alan Alda: More Than Mr. Nice Guy,⬙ Biography (also known as A&E Biography: Alan Alda), Arts and Entertainment, 1997. Voice of the judge, ⬙Lawnmower Chicken/Cow Love Piles/I.M. Weasel: Law of Gravity,⬙ Cow and Chicken (animated), Cartoon Network, 1997. Maggie Dennings, ⬙Drill for Death,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1998. Narrator, ⬙Mae West,⬙ Intimate Portrait (also known as Intimate Portrait: Mae West), Lifetime, 1999. Herself, Hollywood Squares (also known as H2 and H2: Hollywood Squares), syndicated, 1999, 2004. Herself, ⬙M*A*S*H: Comedy under Fire,⬙ History vs. Hollywood (also known as History: Through the Lens), History Channel, 2001. Herself, So Graham Norton, Channel 4 (England), 2001. Herself, ⬙M*A*S*H,⬙ TV Tales (also known as M*A*S*H: TV Tales), E! Entertainment Television, 2002. Herself, Pyramid (also known as The $100,000 Pyramid), syndicated, 2004. Herself (referee), Battle of the Network Reality Stars, Bravo, 2005.

Belle Clark, ⬙The Pack Rat,⬙ Gunsmoke (also known as Gun Law and Marshal Dillon), CBS, 1970. Donna, ⬙Snow Train: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Gunsmoke (also known as Gun Law and Marshal Dillon), CBS, 1970. Dorothy Harker, ⬙Only One Death to a Customer,⬙ Mannix, CBS, 1970. Jill Packard, ⬙Figures in a Landscape,⬙ Mannix, CBS, 1970. Midge Larson, ⬙Homecoming,⬙ Mission: Impossible, CBS, 1970. Wanda Russell, ⬙Three Dead Cows at Makapuu: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Hawaii Five–O (also known as McGarrett), CBS, 1970. Ginny Lomax, ⬙Homecoming,⬙ Cade’s County, CBS, 1971. Rosalyn, ⬙The Convicts,⬙ The Bold Ones: The New Doctors (also known as The Bold Ones and The New Doctors), NBC, 1971. Betty, ⬙Bait Once, Bait Twice,⬙ Hawaii Five–O (also known as McGarrett), CBS, 1972. Doris, ⬙Love and the Hairy Excuse/Love and Lady Luck/ Love and the Pick–Up Fantasy,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1972. Ellen Sue Greely, ⬙A Visit to Upright,⬙ Bonanza (also known as Ponderosa), NBC, 1972. Guest panelist, The Hollywood Squares, NBC and syndicated, multiple appearances, including multiple episodes in 1972, multiple episodes in 1973, multiple episodes in 1974, multiple episodes in 1975, 1976, 1978. Mary Beth Scoggins, ⬙Love and the Big Top/Love and the Locksmith/Love and the Odd Couples/Love and the Unwedding,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1973. Sally Pearson, ⬙Ollinger’s Last Case,⬙ Ironside (also known as The Raymond Burr Show), NBC, 1973. Herself, The Burns and Schreiber Comedy Hour, ABC, 1973. Herself, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (also known as The Best of Carson), NBC, 1973. Ella Knox, ⬙By Reason of Madness,⬙ Petrocelli, NBC, 1974. Herself, Celebrity Sweepstakes, CBS, 1974. Herself, The Merv Griffin Show, syndicated, 1974. Herself, The Mike Douglas Show, syndicated, 1974. Herself, Dinah! (also known as Dinah and Dinah and Friends), syndicated, 1974, multiple episodes in 1975, 1976. Herself, Celebrity Bowling, syndicated, multiple episodes in 1975. Herself, Tony Orlando and Dawn (also known as The Tony Orlando and Dawn Rainbow Hour), CBS, 1975. Maxine, ⬙Good Neighbor Maxine,⬙ Good Heavens, ABC, 1976. Herself, Donny and Marie (also known as The Osmond Family Show), ABC, 1976. Herself, Liar’s Club, syndicated, 1976. Herself, The Captain and Tennille, ABC, 1976, 1977. 281


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(In archive footage) Major Margaret ⬙Hot Lips⬙ Houlihan, La imagen de tu vida, Television Espanola (TVE, Spain), 2006.

Title role (Mame Dennis), Mame (musical), Westbury Music Fair, Westbury, NY, 1996. Betty, A Passionate Woman, Coconut Grove Playhouse, Miami, FL, 2000. The Vagina Monologues, Westside Theatre (Downstairs), New York City, and Arts Theatre, London, both 2001, also produced in Chicago, IL.

Appeared in other programs, including The Bobby Vinton Show, syndicated; The Doctors, CBS; Dolly, syndicated; and The Mac Davis Show, NBC.

Appeared in other productions, including an appearance as Melissa Gardner, Love Letters; as one of the Pigeon sisters, The Odd Couple, Los Angeles production; and a performance in The Apple Tree (also known as The Apple Tree with Loretta Swit), Forestburgh Playhouse, Forestburgh, NY.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Major Margaret ⬙Hot Lips⬙ Houlihan, M*A*S*H (also known as MASH), CBS, 1972. (Uncredited) Nurse, Fireball Forward, ABC, 1972. Samantha Young, The Love Tapes (also known as They’re Playing Our Tape), ABC, 1980. Detective Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey, CBS, 1981. Samantha Flynn (title role), Sam, ABC, 1985.

Major Tours: Any Wednesday, U.S. cities, 1967. Title role, Shirley Valentine (solo show), various productions, U.S. and Canadian cities, c. 1989, c. 1991, 1995, 1996, 1997. Same Time, Next Year, U.S. and Canadian cities, 1993. Song of Singapore (musical), U.S. cities, 1996. The Vagina Monologues, U.S. and Canadian cities, 2002. Title role (Mame Dennis), Mame (musical), U.S. cities, 2003.

Television Creative Consultant; Series: Those Incredible Animals, The Discovery Channel, 1992–97. Television Director; Episodic: Directed episodes of M*A*S*H (also known as MASH), CBS.

Appeared as one of the Pigeon sisters, The Odd Couple, Florida cities.

Film Appearances: Hilary McBride, Stand Up and Be Counted, Columbia, 1972. Woman with a glass eye, Deadhead Miles, Paramount, 1972. Meyers’s wife, Freebie and the Bean, Warner Bros., 1974. Alice Stewart, Race with the Devil, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1975. (Uncredited) Herself, The Lion Roars Again (short documentary), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1975. Polly Reed, S.O.B., Paramount, 1981. B. D. Tucker, Beer (also known as The Selling of America), Orion, 1985. President Barbara Adams, Whoops Apocalypse, ITC Entertainment Group, 1986, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1988. Shirley, Forest Warrior (also known as Lords of Tanglewood), Nu Image Films, 1996. Mrs. Jones, Beach Movie (also known as Boardheads and Board Heads), MPCA Pictures, 1998.

Radio Appearances; Episodic: Herself, Woman’s Hour, BBC Radio Four, 2001. RECORDINGS Videos: Herself, Muppet Video: The Kermit and Piggy Story, 1985. (In archive footage) Herself, Muppet Video: Rock Music with the Muppets, 1985. Appeared in informative videos. Video Games: Herself, TV Land Presents ⬙Blast from the Past,⬙ 2001. Albums; with Others: Various artists, 25th Anniversary Show Stopping Performances (compilation of songs from stage productions), DRG, 2001.

Stage Appearances: Agnes Gooch, Mame (musical), Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas, NV, 1968. Doris, Same Time, Next Year, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, beginning c. 1975. Angela Prysock and Princess Puffer, The Mystery of Edwin Drood (musical), New York Shakespeare Festival, Imperial Theatre, New York City, 1985–87.

WRITINGS Nonfiction: A Needlepoint Scrapbook, Main Street Books, 1986. 282

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SZWARC Television Director; Movies: Night of Terror, ABC, 1972. The Weekend Nun (also known as Matter of the Heart), ABC, 1972. Columbo: Lovely but Lethal (also known as ⬙Lovely but Lethal,⬙ Columbo), NBC, 1973. The Devil’s Daughter, ABC, 1973. A Summer without Boys, ABC, 1973. You’ll Never See Me Again, ABC, 1973. The Murders in the Rue Morgue (also known as Le tueur de la Rue Morgue), CBS, 1986. Grand Larceny, multiple channels, c. 1987. Passez une bonne nuit (also known as Have a Nice Night), 1990. Mountain of Diamonds (also known as Burning Shore, Lady Diamond, Gluehender Himmel, La montagna dei diamenti, and La montagne de diamants), 1991. Laura, 1995. The Rockford Files: A Blessing in Disguise, CBS, 1995. Schrecklicher Verdacht, 1995. The Rockford Files: If the Frame Fits ѧ (also known as The Rockford Files: Suitable for Framing), CBS, 1996.

Writings for Children: Some sources state that Swit wrote and illustrated a book for children. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: SwitHearts,, January 3, 2009.

SZWARC, Jeannot 1939– (Jean Szwarc) PERSONAL Born November 21, 1939 (some sources cite 1937), in Paris, France; married Cara de Menaul (a film production coordinator); children: one son. Education: Earned a master’s degree in political science.

Television Director; Specials: ⬙Lisa, Bright and Dark,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame, NBC, 1973. ⬙The Small Miracle,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame, NBC, 1973. ⬙Something Wonderful Happens Every Spring,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame, NBC, 1975. Supergirl: The Making of the Movie, ABC, 1985.

Addresses: Manager—Don Klein Management Group, 8840 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 207, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Director, producer, and writer. Universal, temporary worker, 1967; NBC, contract worker, c. 1967. Worked as a production assistant and a second unit director in Paris.

Television Director; Episodic: ⬙The Macabre Mr. Micawber,⬙ Ironside (also known as The Raymond Burr Show), NBC, 1968. ⬙The Beautiful People,⬙ It Takes A Thief, ABC, 1969. ⬙The Great Chess Gambit,⬙ It Takes A Thief, ABC, 1969. ⬙A Matter of Love and Death,⬙ Ironside (also known as The Raymond Burr Show), NBC, 1969. ⬙Who’ll Bid Two Million Dollars?,⬙ It Takes A Thief, ABC, 1969. ⬙Aura to a New Tomorrow,⬙ Marcus Welby, M.D. (also known as Robert Young, Family Doctor), ABC, 1970. ⬙Call Me Ellen,⬙ Paris 7000, ABC, 1970. ⬙Experiment at New Life,⬙ The Men from Shiloh (also known as The Virginian), NBC, 1970. ⬙The People against Doctor Chapman,⬙ The Bold Ones: The Lawyers (also known as The Bold Ones and The Lawyers), NBC, 1970. ⬙The Shiloh Years,⬙ The Virginian (also known as The Men from Shiloh), NBC, 1970. (Often credited as Jean Szwarc) Night Gallery (also known as Rod Serling’s ⬙Night Gallery⬙), NBC, multiple episodes, 1970–73. ⬙A Company of Victims,⬙ Sarge, NBC, 1971.

Member: Directors Guild of America. Awards, Honors: Fantafestival Award, best film, and Critics Award, Avoriaz Fantastic Film Festival, both 1981, for Somewhere in Time. CREDITS Television Producer; Series: Associate producer, Ironside (also known as The Raymond Burr Show), NBC, 1967–69. Ironside (also known as The Raymond Burr Show), NBC, 1969. Some sources cite work as an associate producer for Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theater (also known as The Chrysler Theater and Universal Star Time), NBC. Television Director; Miniseries: (With Vittorio Sindoni) Prigioniera di una vendetta (also known as Maximum Exposure), 1990. 283


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 ⬙Loose Lips,⬙ Boston Legal (also known as Fleet Street, The Practice: Fleet Street, and The Untitled Practice), ABC, 2004. ⬙Bones of Contention,⬙ Numb3rs (also known as Numbers and Num3ers), CBS, 2005. Without a Trace (also known as Vanished and W.A.T.), CBS, multiple episodes, 2005–2007. ⬙Forever Blue,⬙ Cold Case (also known as Anexihniastes ypothesis, Caso abierto, Cold case—affaires classees, Cold Case—Kein Opfer ist je vergessen, Doegloett aktak, Kalla spaar, Todistettavasti syyllinen, and Victimes du passe), CBS, 2006. ⬙Word Salad Days,⬙ Boston Legal (also known as Fleet Street, The Practice: Fleet Street, and The Untitled Practice), ABC, 2006. ⬙Distractions⬙ (also known as ⬙Chapter Fourteen ⬘Distractions’⬙), Heroes, NBC, 2007. ⬙Family 8108,⬙ Cold Case (also known as Anexihniastes ypothesis, Caso abierto, Cold case—affaires classees, Cold Case—Kein Opfer ist je vergessen, Doegloett aktak, Kalla spaar, Todistettavasti syyllinen, and Victimes du passe), CBS, 2007. ⬙The Line⬙ (also known as ⬙Chapter Six ⬘The Line’⬙), Heroes, NBC, 2007. ⬙Spaceman in a Crater,⬙ Bones (also known as Brennan, Bones—Die Knochenjaegerin, Dr. Csont, and Kondid), Fox, 2007. ⬙Andy in C Minor,⬙ Cold Case (also known as Anexihniastes ypothesis, Caso abierto, Cold case—affaires classees, Cold Case—Kein Opfer ist je vergessen, Doegloett aktak, Kalla spaar, Todistettavasti syyllinen, and Victimes du passe), CBS, 2008. ⬙Eris Quod Sum⬙ (also known as ⬙Chapter Seven ⬘Eris Quod Sum’⬙), Heroes, NBC, 2008. ⬙I Will, I’m Will,⬙ Raising the Bar, TNT, 2008. ⬙Our Father⬙ (also known as ⬙Chapter Twelve ⬘Our Father’⬙), Heroes, NBC, 2008. ⬙The Perfect Pieces in the Purple Pond,⬙ Bones (also known as Brennan, Bones—Die Knochenjaegerin, Dr. Csont, and Kondid), Fox, 2008. ⬙The Verdict in the Story,⬙ Bones (also known as Brennan, Bones—Die Knochenjaegerin, Dr. Csont, and Kondid), Fox, 2008.

⬙Exit from Wickenburg,⬙ Alias Smith and Jones, ABC, 1971. ⬙Karen,⬙ Matt Lincoln, ABC, 1971. ⬙Wednesday’s Child,⬙ Longstreet, ABC, 1971. ⬙Is It So Soon That I Am Done For—I Wonder What I Was Begun For?,⬙ Marcus Welby, M.D. (also known as Robert Young, Family Doctor), ABC, 1972. ⬙The Case of the Furious Father,⬙ The New Adventures of Perry Mason, CBS, 1973. ⬙The Oberon Contract,⬙ Toma, ABC, 1973. Kojak, CBS, multiple episodes, 1973–77. ⬙Population Zero,⬙ The Six Million Dollar Man (also known as Cyborg, De Man van zes miljoen, Der sechs Millionen Dollar Mann, El hombre de los seis millones de dolares, Kuuden miljoonan dollarin mies, L’homme qui valait 3 milliards, and L’uomo da sei milioni di dollari), ABC, 1974. ⬙The Street,⬙ Toma, ABC, 1974. ⬙Two into 5.56 Won’t Go,⬙ The Rockford Files (also known as Jim Rockford, Jim Rockford, Private Investigator, and Rockford), NBC, 1975. Baretta, ABC, multiple episodes in 1975. ⬙New Georgia on My Mind,⬙ Baa Baa Black Sheep (also known as Black Sheep Squadron), NBC, 1976. ⬙So Help Me God,⬙ The Rockford Files (also known as Jim Rockford, Jim Rockford, Private Investigator, and Rockford), NBC, 1976. ⬙It’s Hard but It’s Fair,⬙ Baretta, ABC, 1977. ⬙New Life, Old Dragons,⬙ The Rockford Files (also known as Jim Rockford, Jim Rockford, Private Investigator, and Rockford), NBC, 1977. Director of ⬙The Last Defender of Camelot⬙ segment, ⬙A Day in Beaumont/The Last Defender of Camelot,⬙ The Twilight Zone (also known as The New Twilight Zone), CBS, 1986. Director of ⬙Red Snow⬙ segment, ⬙Need to Know/Red Snow,⬙ The Twilight Zone (also known as The New Twilight Zone), CBS, 1986. JAG (also known as JAG: Judge Advocate General), CBS, multiple episodes, 1998–2004. ⬙There’s Something about Olga,⬙ Seven Days (also known as 7 Days and Seven Days: The Series), UPN, 1999. The Practice, ABC, multiple episodes, 1999–2004. ⬙Don’t Go Changin’,⬙ Providence, NBC, 2000. ⬙Girls’ Night Out,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2000. ⬙Turning Thirty,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2000. ⬙Blown Away,⬙ Philly, ABC, 2001. ⬙Hats Off to Larry,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2001. ⬙Chapter Thirty–Three,⬙ Boston Public, Fox, 2002. ⬙Chapter Fifty,⬙ Boston Public, Fox, 2002. ⬙A Kick in the Head,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2002. ⬙Woman,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2002. ⬙Dead Woman Walking,⬙ CSI: Miami (also known as CSI Miami), CBS, 2003. Smallville (also known as Smallville Beginnings and Smallville: Superman the Early Years), The WB, 2003–2006, The CW, beginning 2006.

Directed other programs, including girls club, Fox; and The Man and the City, ABC. Television Work; Other; Episodic: Production assistant, ⬙Code Name: Heraclitus,⬙ Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theater (also known as The Chrysler Theater and Universal Star Time), NBC, 1967. Television Director; Pilots: Crime Club, CBS, 1975. Hazard’s People, CBS, 1976. Code Name: Diamond Head, NBC, 1977. (With Melville Shavelson) True Life Stories, ABC, 1981. 284

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SZWARC Hercule et Sherlock (also known as Mutts), 1996. Les soeurs soleil, 1997.

Television Appearances; Specials: Himself, Supergirl: The Making of the Movie, ABC, 1985. Himself, Art of Darkness: A Night Gallery Retrospective, 2002.

Documentary Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Himself, Life and Legend of Bruce Lee (also known as Bruce Lee: Man and Legend), Golden Harvest Company, 1973. Himself, Spine Tingler! The William Castle Story, 2007.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Himself, ⬙Film 78 Episode 6,⬙ Film ’78 (also known as Film 1978, Film of the Year, and The Film Programme), BBC, 1978. Himself, ⬙Film 79 Episode 18,⬙ Film ’79 (also known as Film 1979, Film of the Year, and The Film Programme), BBC, 1979. Himself, ⬙Action!,⬙ Heroes: Unmasked, BBC, 2008. Himself, ⬙A Bug’s Life,⬙ Heroes: Unmasked, BBC, 2008. Himself, ⬙On a Heroic Scale,⬙ Heroes: Unmasked, BBC, 2008. Himself, ⬙Shock of the Old,⬙ Heroes Unmasked, BBC, 2008.

RECORDINGS Videos: Himself, Back to ⬙Somewhere in Time,⬙ Universal Studios Home Video, 2000. (Uncredited) Himself, John Williams: The Music of ⬙Jaws 2,⬙ Universal Pictures Home Video, 2001. Himself, The Making of ⬙Jaws 2,⬙ Universal Pictures Home Video, 2001. Himself, You Will Believe: The Cinematic Saga of Superman, Warner Home Video, 2006. Himself, Supergirl: The Last Daughter of Krypton, 2008.

Film Director: Extreme Close–Up (also known as Sex through a Window), National General Pictures, 1973. Bug (also known as Hesphaestus Plague), Paramount, 1975. Jaws 2 (also known as Jaws II), Universal, 1978. Somewhere in Time, Universal, 1980. Enigma, Embassy Pictures, 1982. Supergirl (also known as Supergirl: The Movie), TriStar, 1984, director’s cut also released. Director of clips from Bug and Jaws 2, Terror in the Aisles, Universal, 1984. Santa Claus: The Movie (also known as Santa Claus), TriStar, 1985. Honor Bound (also known as Red End), 1988. La vengeance d’une blonde (also known as Revenge of a Blonde), [France], 1994.

Contributed commentary for DVD releases. WRITINGS Teleplays; Movies: Passez une bonne nuit (also known as Have a Nice Night), 1990. Teleplays; Episodic: (Story) ⬙Light at the End of the Journey,⬙ Ironside (also known as The Raymond Burr Show), NBC, 1967. ⬙A Matter of Love and Death,⬙ Ironside (also known as The Raymond Burr Show), NBC, 1969. ⬙The Old Who Came in from the Spy,⬙ It Takes a Thief, ABC, 1969.


T Jenna Dewan), choice movie—dance, Teen Choice Award nomination, choice movie actor—drama, 2007, both for Step Up; Teen Choice Award, choice movie actor—drama, 2008, for Stop–Loss.

TATUM, Channing 1980– PERSONAL


Full name, Channing Matthew Tatum; born April 26, 1980, in Cullman, AL. Education: Studied acting at Deena Levy Theatre Studio; attended Glenville State College. Avocational Interests: Sports, including football, Kung Fu, and Gor–Chor Kung Fu.

Film Appearances: Jason Lyle, Coach Carter, Paramount, 2005. Rowdy Sparks, Supercross (also known as Supercross: The Movie), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2005. (Uncredited) Boy in church scene, War of the Worlds, Paramount, 2005. Nick, Havoc, New Line Home Video, 2005. Duke, She’s the Man, DreamWorks, 2006. Tyler Gage, Step Up, Buena Vista, 2006. Young Antonio, A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, First Look Pictures, 2006. Johnson, Battle in Seattle, Redwood Palms Pictures, 2007. Greg, The Trap (short), 2007. Tyler Gage, Step Up 2: The Streets, Buena Vista, 2008. Sergeant Steve Shriver, Stop–Loss, Paramount Pictures, 2008. Himself, The Making of ⬙Stop–Loss⬙ (short), Paramount Home Entertainment, 2008. Sean Arthur, Fighting, Universal, 2009. Pretty Boy Floyd, Public Enemies, Universal, 2009. Duke, G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra (also known as G.I. Joe), Paramount, 2009. John Tyree, Dear John, Screen Gems, 2009.

Addresses: Agent—Innovative Artists, 1505 Tenth St., Santa Monica, CA 90401; United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Management 360, 9111 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Publicist—WKT Public Relations, 335 North Maple Dr., Suite 351, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Actor. Appeared in fashion show for Men’s Health magazine, Miami, FL, 2000; worked as a model for Abercrombie & Fitch, Nautica, the Gap, Aeropostale, and Emporio Armani clothing lines; appeared in television commercials, including Budweiser products, Pepsi soft drinks, Mountain Dew soft drinks, and American Eagle clothing stores. Also worked as a construction worker, mortgage broker, a cologne salesman at Dillard’s, and at a puppy/kitty nursery. Awards, Honors: Teen Choice Award, movies—choice breakout (male), Teen Choice Award nomination (with Amanda Bynes), movies—choice liplock, 2006, for She’s the Man; Special Jury Prize (with others), dramatic, Sundance Film Festival, Breakthrough Award nomination, Gotham Awards, Gijon International Film Festival Award (with others), best actor, 2006, Independent Spirit Award nomination, best supporting male, Independent Features Project, 2007, all for A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints; Teen Choice Award (with

Television Appearances; Specials: Host, ⬙Step Up⬙ BET Music Special, Black Entertainment Television, 2006. Host, On the Set: ⬙Step Up,⬙ Black Entertainment Television, 2006. The Teen Choice Awards 2008, Fox, 2008. Television Appearances; Episodic: Bob Davenport, ⬙Pro Per,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2004. 286

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 ⬙Top 4: The Finale,⬙ So You Think You Can Dance, Fox, 2006. The Early Show, CBS, 2006. TRL Italy (also known as TRL Italia and Total Request Live (Italy), MTV, 2006. Entertainment Tonight (also known as E.T.), syndicated, 2008. Cartaz Cultural, 2008.

THOMAS Monica, CA 90401. Manager—Brookside Artists Management, 250 West 57th St., Suite 2303, New York, NY 10019. Career: Actor, director, and producer. Melpomene Productions, owner. Voice for commercials, including work for Mercedes–Benz, 2007; appeared in commercials for Minute Maid fruit juice with his triplet daughters. Also poet and author; lecturer at colleges and universities. Better Hearing Institute, national chair, 1987—.

RECORDINGS Music Videos: Ciara’s ⬙Get Up,⬙ 2006. Sean Paul featuring Keyshia Cole’s ⬙Give It Up to Me,⬙ 2006.

Awards, Honors: Emmy Award, 1973, Emmy Award nomination, 1974, and Golden Globe Award nomination, 1974, 1975, all best actor in a drama series, for The Waltons; Lucille Lortel Award nomination, and Outer Critics Circle Award nomination, both outstanding lead actor, 2004, for The Stendahl Syndrome; Friends of Robert Frost Award; honorary D.Arts, University of South Carolina.

Also appeared in Ricky Martin’s ⬙She Bangs⬙; Twista’s ⬙Hope.⬙ OTHER SOURCES


Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, September 1, 2006, p. 25. Newsweek, August 14, 2006, p. 10. USA Today, August 15, 2006, p. 3D.

Television Appearances; Series: Ben Schultz, Jr., The Edge of Night, CBS, 1961. Richard, From These Roots, NBC, 1961. Assistant, 1, 2, 3, Go!, NBC, 1961–62. Chris Austen, A Flame in the Wind, ABC, 1964–65, renamed A Time for Us, ABC, 1965–66. Thomas Christopher ⬙Tom⬙/⬙Tommy⬙ Hughes, As the World Turns, CBS, 1966–67. John ⬙John Boy⬙ Walton, Jr., The Waltons, CBS, 1972–78. David Robinson, The Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson, PAX, 1998. Hamilton Whitney III, Just Cause, PAX, 2002–2003.

Electronic: Channing Tatum Website, http://www., January 15, 2009.

THOMAS, Richard 1951– (Richard E. Thomas, Richard Earl Thomas)

Television Appearances; Movies: Title role, ⬙Oliver Twist,⬙ The DuPont Show of the Month, 1959. Sixteen (also known as Like a Crow on a June Bug), 1972. The Thanksgiving Story, 1973. Private Henry Fleming, The Red Badge of Courage, NBC, 1974. Cadet James Pelosi, The Silence, NBC, 1975. Michael Carboni, Getting Married, CBS, 1978. Andrew Madison, No Other Love, CBS, 1979. Paul Baumer, All Quiet on the Western Front, CBS, 1979. David Benjamin, To Find My Son, CBS, 1980. Lieutenant Sandy Mueller, Berlin Tunnel 21, CBS, 1981. William ⬙Bill⬙ Richmond, Johnny Belinda, CBS, 1982. Will Mossop, Hobson’s Choice, CBS, 1983. Title role, Living Proof: The Hank Williams, Jr., Story, NBC, 1983. Henry Durrie, The Master of Ballantrae, CBS, 1984.

PERSONAL Born June 13, 1951, in New York, NY; son of Richard S. (a ballet dancer and instructor and owner of a ballet school) and Barbara (a ballet dancer and instructor and owner of a ballet school; maiden name, Fallis) Thomas; married Alma Gonzales (a teacher and welfare worker), February 14, 1975 (divorced, 1993); married Georgiana Bischoff, November 20, 1994; children: (first marriage) Barbara Ayala, Gwyneth Gonzales, and Pilar Alma (triplets), Richard Francisco; (second marriage) Montana James, (stepchildren) Brooke, Kendra. Education: Attended Columbia University. Religion: Christian. Addresses: Agent—Steve Tellez, Creative Artists Agency, 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067; (voice work) Marcia Hurwitz, Innovative Artists Talent and Literary Agency, 1505 10th St., Santa 287


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Reverend Bobby Joe Stuckey, Glory! Glory! (also known as Sister Ruth), HBO, 1989. Bill ⬙Stuttering Bill⬙ Denbrough, ⬙It⬙ (also known as ⬙Stephen King’s ’It’,⬙), ABC Novel for Television, ABC, 1990. Jerry Thayer, The Invaders, Fox, 1995. Narrator, West Virginia, 1996. TV Land Moguls, TV Land, 2004.

Marty Campbell, Final Jeopardy, NBC, 1985. Greg Madison, Go Toward the Light (also known as Go to the Light), CBS, 1988. Andy Colby’s Incredible Adventure (also known as Andy Colby’s Incredible Video Adventure, Andy Colby’s Incredibly Awesome Adventure, and Andy and the Airwave Rangers), 1988. Colin Diver, Common Ground, CBS, 1990. Lieutenant Steven Scott, Mission of the Shark (also known as Mission of the Shark: The Saga of the U.S.S. Indianapolis), CBS, 1991. James O’Hanlan, Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus, ABC, 1991. Gary Brown, Crash Landing: The Rescue of Flight 232 (also known as A Thousand Heroes), ABC, 1992. Richard Farley, I Can Make You Love Me: The Stalking of Laura Black (also known as I Love You to Death, The Laura Black Story, and Stalking Laura), CBS, 1993. John–Boy Walton, A Walton Thanksgiving Reunion, CBS, 1993. Don Weber, Precious Victims, CBS, 1993. Paul Cowley, Linda (also known as Lust for Murder), USA Network, 1993. David Young, To Save the Children, CBS, 1994. Richard Lyon, Death in Small Doses, ABC, 1995. John–Boy Walton, A Walton Wedding (also known as John–Boy’s Wedding), CBS, 1995. Richard Evans, The Christmas Box, CBS, 1995. Tim Willows, Down, Out & Dangerous, USA Network, 1995. Gordon Holly, What Love Sees, CBS, 1996. Richard Evans, Timepiece, CBS, 1996. John–Boy Walton, A Walton Easter, CBS, 1997. Hugh ⬙Bud⬙ Keenan, A Thousand Men and a Baby (also known as Narrow Escape), CBS, 1997. Herb Dellenbach, Flood: A River’s Rampage, The Family Channel, 1997. Victor Dewlap, Big and Hairy, Showtime, 1998. Host, It’s a Miracle, PAX, 1999–2003. Charles Ingalls, Beyond the Prairie: The True Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder, CBS, 2000. Jack Murphy, In the Name of the People, CBS, 2000. Jerry McNeil, The Christmas Secret (also known as Flight of the Reindeer), 2000. Dr. Neal Kassell, The Miracle of the Cards (also known as Le miracle des cartes), PAX, 2001. Charles Ingalls, Beyond the Prairie, Part 2: The True Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder (also known as Beyond the Prairie II: The True Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder Continues), CBS, 2001. Rod Morgan, Anna’s Dream, PAX, 2002. Richard Eason, Annie’s Point, Hallmark Channel, 2005. Bob, Wild Hearts, Hallmark Channel, 2006.

Television Appearances; Specials: (As Richard Earl Thomas) Joey, ⬙A Christmas Tree,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame (also known as Hallmark Television Playhouse), NBC, 1959. (As Richard E. Thomas) Ivor, ⬙A Doll’s House,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame (also known as Hallmark Television Playhouse), NBC, 1959. The boy, ⬙Give Us Barabbas!,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame (also known as Hallmark Television Playhouse), NBC, 1961. The Bobby Van and Elaine Joyce Show, CBS, 1973. Host, ⬙H.M.S. Pinafore,⬙ The CBS Festival of Lively Arts for Young People, CBS, 1973. Mac Davis Christmas Special ѧ When I Grow Up, HBO, 1976. Miss Teenage America Pageant, NBC, 1977. ⬙San Francisco Ballet: Romeo and Juliet,⬙ Great Performances: Dance in America (also known as Dance in America), PBS, 1978. Paul Bratter, Barefoot in the Park, HBO, 1982. Host, Christmas at Kennedy Center with Leontyne Price (also known as Kennedy Center Tonight: Christmas at Kennedy Center with Leontyne Price), 1982. Kenneth Talley, Jr., Fifth of July, Showtime, 1982. Pavarotti and Friends, ABC, 1982. Broadway Plays Washington: Kennedy Center Tonight, PBS, 1982. The American Film Institute Salute to Lillian Gish, CBS, 1984. The Night of 100 Stars II, ABC, 1985. Host, Un ballo in maschera (also known as A Masked Ball), PBS, 1987. Jonathan Smith, The Blessings of Liberty, ABC, 1987. Host and narrator, Scenes from La Boheme: A Pavarotti Celebration, PBS, 1988. Host, A Grand Night: The Performing Arts Salute Public Television, PBS, 1988. Cal Porter, ⬙Andre’s Mother,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1990. The Los Angeles Music Center’s 25th Anniversary Celebration (also known as The Music Center 25th Anniversary), PBS, 1990. The All–Star Salute to Our Troops, CBS, 1991. The National Memorial Day Concert 1992, PBS, 1992. Voice of John Hay, Lincoln, ABC, 1992. CBS: The First 50 Years, CBS, 1998. Cincinnati Pops Holiday: A Family Thanksgiving, PBS, 1999. Narrator, Humans: Who Are We?, Discovery Channel, 2000.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Cohost, CBS: On the Air, CBS, 1978. Jim Warner, Roots: The Next Generations, ABC, 1979. 288

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

THOMAS Joe Greene, ⬙The Road Home: Part 2,⬙ Promised Land (also known as Home of the Brave), CBS, 1997. Joe Greene, ⬙Two for the Road,⬙ Promised Land (also known as Home of the Brave), CBS, 1998. Joe Greene, ⬙A Hand Up Is Not a Hand Out: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Promised Land (also known as Home of the Brave), CBS, 1998. Host, It’s a Miracle, PAX, 1999. Walter Arens, ⬙Committed,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 1999. Daniel Varney, ⬙Scourge,⬙ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (also known as Law & Order: SVU and Special Victims Unit), NBC, 2001. ⬙The Waltons,⬙ After They Were Famous, 2002. Dr. Brezak, ⬙Sweet Child of Mine,⬙ Century City, CBS, 2004. The Tony Danza Show, syndicated, 2005. Howard Cottrell, ⬙Autopsy Room Four,⬙ Nightmares and Dreamscapes: From the Stories of Stephen King, TNT, 2006.

The 70s: The Decade that Changed Television, ABC, 2000. CBS at 75, CBS, 2003. John Ritter Remembered, VH1, 2003. Tennessee Williams, Sweet Tornado: Margo Jones and the American Theater, 2006. Television Appearances; Pilots: John–Boy Walton, The Homecoming: A Christmas Story (pilot for The Waltons), CBS, 1971. Hamilton Whitney III, Just Cause, PAX, 2002. Television Appearances; Episodic: Jeremy Keeler, ⬙The Croaker,⬙ Way Out, CBS, 1961. Conradin, ⬙Srendhi Vashtar,⬙ Great Ghost Tales, NBC, 1961. Johnny Remington, ⬙The Boy Between,⬙ The Defenders, 1961. Martin Anderson, ⬙The Last Voyage,⬙ Seaway, 1965. Alan, ⬙Fallen, Fallen Is Babylon,⬙ Bracken’s World, 1969. Dennis Alan Graham, ⬙Echo of a Baby’s Laugh,⬙ Marcus Welby, M.D. (also known as Robert Young, Family Doctor), ABC, 1969. Toby Tavormina, ⬙Runaway,⬙ Medical Center, CBS, 1970. Billy, ⬙The Weary Willies,⬙ Bonanza (also known as Ponderosa), 1970. ⬙All the Golden Dandelions Are Gone,⬙ Marcus Welby, M.D. (also known as Robert Young, Family Doctor), ABC, 1970. Ian Evans, ⬙The Sins of the Fathers,⬙ Night Gallery (also known as Rod Serling’s ⬙Night Gallery⬙), NBC, 1971. ⬙Game of Terror,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1971. Match Game 73, 1973. The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, 1973, 1975. The Sonny and Cher Show, 1976. The Mike Douglas Show, 1977. Our World, ABC, 1986. Dr. Trask, ⬙Mute Witness to Murder,⬙ Tales from the Crypt (also known as HBO’s ⬙Tales from the Crypt⬙), HBO, 1990. Dr. Stephen Ledbetter, ⬙The New Breed,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and syndicated, 1995. Dr. Stephen Ledbetter (in archive footage), ⬙The Voice of Reason,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and syndicated, 1995. Himself, ⬙L.A. Times,⬙ Dave’s World, CBS, 1996. The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, 1997. Joe Greene, ⬙The Road Home: Part 1,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1997. Joe Greene, ⬙Vengeance Is Mine: Part 1,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1998.

According to some sources, also appeared as guest bowler, Celebrity Bowling; and in an episode of Love, American Style, ABC. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 35th Annual Tony Awards, 1981. Presenter, The 43rd Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1989. Host, Family Guide to Quality Children’s Television: The 1989 Ollie Awards, PBS, 1989. Presenter, The 60th Annual Tony Awards, 2006. Television Work; Series: Director, The Waltons, CBS, multiple episodes, between 1975 and 1977. Television Work; Movies: Executive producer, Living Proof: The Hank Williams, Jr. Story, NBC, 1983. Co–executive producer, Summer of Fear (also known as Father’s Day and Simon Says), CBS, 1996. Coproducer, What Love Sees, CBS, 1996. Co–executive producer, For All Time, CBS, 2000. Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Singer, Damn Yankees, Sacandaga Garden Theatre, Sacandaga Park, NY, 1957. (Broadway debut) John Roosevelt, Sunrise at Campobello, Cort Theatre, New York City, 1958–59. John Henry, The Member of the Wedding, Equity Library Theatre, New York City, 1959. Gordon Evans (as a child), Strange Interlude, Hudson Theatre, then Martin Beck Theatre, both New York City, 1963. Edward, Prince of Wales, King Richard III, American Shakespeare Festival, Stratford, CT, 1964. Eric, The Playroom, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1965–66. 289


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Richard, Duke of York, King Richard III, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, Public Theatre, New York City, 1966. Roger, Everything in the Garden, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1967–68. Saint Joan, Center Theatre Group, Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles, 1974. Merton of the Movies, Center Theatre Group, Ahmanson Theatre, 1977. Hamlet, Hartford Stage Company, Hartford, CT, 1978. Kenneth Talley, Jr., Fifth of July, New Apollo Theatre, New York City, 1980–82. Treplev, The Seagull, Circle Repertory Company, American Place Theatre, New York City, 1983. Title role, The Count of Monte Cristo, Eisenhower Theatre, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, 1985. The Night of 100 Stars II, Radio City Music Hall, New York City, 1985. Title role, Citizen Tom Paine, Eisenhower Theatre, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 1986. Hildy Johnson, The Front Page, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, Lincoln Center, New York City, 1986–87. Andrew Makepeace Ladd III, Love Letters, Promenade Theatre, New York City, 1989, then Edison Theatre, New York City, 1989, then Canon Theatre, Los Angeles, 1990. Adam, Square One, Second Stage Theatre Company, McGinn–Cazale Theatre, New York City, 1990. Stephen, The Lisbon Traviata, Center Theatre Group, Mark Taper Forum, 1990. Danton’s Death, Alley Theatre, Houston, TX, 1992. Richard II, 1993. Richard III, 1994. Brother Julian, Tiny Alice, Hartford Stage Company, 1998, then Second Stage Theatre Company, 2000–2001. Angelo, Measure for Measure, Ahmanson Theatre, 1999. Puck, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Ahmanson Theatre, 1999. Yvan, ART, Wyndham Theatre, London, 2000, 2001. A Distant Country Called Youth, 2002. Conductor, The Stendahl Syndrome, Primary Stages Theatre, New York City, 2004. Gunter Guillaume, Democracy, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, 2004–2005. Jeffrey Lapin, A Naked Girl on the Appian Way, Roundabout Theatre Company, American Airlines Theatre, New York City, 2005. Touchstone, As You Like It, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, Public Theatre, 2005. Twelve Angry Men, Dallas, TX, 2006, 2007.

can Shakespeare Festival; in title role, Peer Gynt, Hartford Stage Company, Hartford, CT; and in Streamers, Los Angeles. Major Tours: Ken Harrison, Whose Life Is It Anyway?, U.S. cities, 1980. Stage Director: Director of The Red Badge of Courage, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC. Film Appearances: Charley, Winning, Universal, 1969. Peter, Last Summer, Allied Artists, 1969. Joshua Arnold, Red Sky at Morning, Universal, 1971. Billy Roy, The Todd Killings (also known as A Dangerous Friend and Skipper), National General, 1971. Harley MacIntosh, Cactus in the Snow (also known as You Can’t Have Everything), General Film, 1972. Kenny, You’ll Like My Mother, Universal, 1972. Narrator, Sisters of the Space Age (also known as Freres de l’ere spatiale), 1974. Jimmy J., 9/30/55 (also known as September 30, 1955 and 24 Hours of the Rebel), Universal, 1977. Shad, Battle beyond the Stars, New World, 1980. Narrator, Riding the Rails, Artistic License, 1997. Ted Hunter, The Million Dollar Kid (also known as Fortune Hunters), A–Pix Entertainment, 1999. Walter Gaskell, Wonder Boys (also known as Die Wonder Boys), Paramount, 2000. Bloodhounds, Inc., 2000. Narrator, Sacred Stage: The Mariinsky Theater, First Run Features, 2005. Broadway: The Next Generation, Second Act Productions, 2009. Broadway: Beyond the Golden Age (also known as B.G.A.2 and Broadway: The Golden Age Two), Second Act Productions, 2009. Film Work: Producer, Camping with Camus, 2000. RECORDINGS Videos: Voice of Mark, The Easter Story (animated; also known as Greatest Adventure Stories from the Bible: The Easter Story), Hanna–Barbera Productions, 1989. BloodHounds, Inc. Ⲇ1: The Ghost of KRZY, (also known as Bloodhounds, Inc.), 2000. Robert Hunter, BloodHounds, Inc. Ⲇ 3: Phantom of the Haunted Church, (also known as Bloodhounds, Inc.), Marcia Silen Films, 2000.

Also appeared in Arms and the Man, Pasadena Playhouse, Pasadena, CA; as John Henry, Member of the Wedding, New York Shakespeare Festival, then Ameri290

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Robert Hunter, BloodHounds, Inc. Ⲇ 5: Fangs for the Memories, (also known as Bloodhounds, Inc.), Marcia Silen Films, 2000. Member of jury for touring production, Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Making ⬙12 Angry Men,⬙ Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2008.

TOLES–BEY Anthony Lawrence, Cadence (also known as Count a Lonely Cadence and Stockade), New Line Cinema, 1991. King, Out for Justice, Warner Bros., 1991. Jodie, A Rage in Harlem, Miramax, 1991. Titus, Leap of Faith, Paramount, 1992. Goose, Trespass (also known as Looters), Universal, 1992. Marcus Jackson, Payback, 1994. Jay Liebowitz, Love Is a Gun, Trimark Pictures, 1994. Hospital guard, Angie, Buena Vista, 1994. Plane gunner, Waterworld, Universal, 1995. William, Wet (also known as Feucht), 1995. Trooper at roadblock, Nature of the Beast (also known as Bad Company and The Hatchet Man), 1995. Bobby, Extreme Measures, Columbia, 1996. The Best Revenge, Panorama Entertainment, 1996. Vallie, Hoodlum, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1997. Charley, A Kid in Aladdin’s Palace, 1997. Lee, Sour Grapes, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1998. Tommy Zimmer, Evasive Action, Hallmark Entertainment, 1998. George, Facade (also known as Death Valley), Cinequanon Pictures International, Inc., 1999. Mr. Pizzacoli, Dude, Where’s My Car?, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. (As John Toles Bey) 100 Kilos, Virtuosos Worldwide Entertainment, 2001. Russell, K–PAX (also known as K–PAX—Alles ist moeglich), Universal, 2001. Otis, Bottoms Up, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2006.

Audio Books; Narrator: Accept This Gift, Audio Renaissance, 1988. A Gift of Healing, Audio Renaissance, 1989. The Haymeadow, Bantam Audio, 1992. The Homecoming, by Earl Hamner, Audio Renaissance, 1995. Spencer’s Mountain, by Earl Hamner, Audio Renaissance, 1995. WRITINGS Poems by Richard Thomas, Avon, 1974. In the Moment (poetry), Avon, 1979. (Compiler) It’s a Miracle: Real–Life Inspirational Stories Based on the PAX TV Series It’s a Miracle, Delta, 2002. Also author of Glass.

TOLES–BEY, John (John Toles Bey)

Television Appearances; Movies: Arquette, Shoot First: A Cop’s Vengeance (also known as Vigilante Cop), NBC, 1991. Detective Steve Totten, Steel Justice, NBC, 1992. Stoney Wiley, Always Outnumbered (also known as Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned), HBO, 1998. John Roxborough, Joe and Max (also known as Joe and Max—Rivalen im Ring), Starz!, 2002.

PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—Larry O. Williams, Williams Talent Agency, Sunset Gower Studios, 1438 North Gower St., Building 35, Box 43, Hollywood, CA 90028. Career: Actor and writer. Kuumba Workshop, member of repertory company, 1974.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Policeman asking for password, ⬙Over My Dead Bodyguard,⬙ Sledge Hammer! (also known as Sledge Hammer: The Early Years), ABC, 1986. ⬙Promised Land,⬙ Tour of Duty, CBS, 1989. Mike Saunders, ⬙The Prisoner: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Matlock, NBC, 1989. Bernie Kilgus, ⬙When Push Comes to Shove,⬙ Knots Landing, CBS, 1989. Bernie Kilgus, ⬙Oh, Brother,⬙ Knots Landing, CBS, 1990. Billy Swayne, ⬙Too Much, Too Late,⬙ Miami Vice, NBC, 1990. Father Michael, ⬙Out of Control,⬙ The Flash, CBS, 1990. Father Michael, ⬙Beat the Clock,⬙ The Flash, CBS, 1991.

Member: Independent Features Project Award, 1985, for Honky Tonk Bud. CREDITS Film Appearances: Honky Tonk Bud (short film), 1985. Navarro, Weeds, De Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1987. Monroe Bouchet, Midnight Run, Universal, 1988. Joe Kane, La grieta (also known as Endless Descent and The Rift), Live Video, 1990. 291


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Cab driver, ⬙Safe Sex,⬙ Red Shoe Diaries, Showtime, 1992. Brother Shabazz, ⬙Credit Card Blues,⬙ Martin, Fox, 1993. Cab driver (in archive footage), ⬙Safe Sex⬙ segment, Red Shoe Diaries (selected episodes from television series; also known as Red Shoe Diaries 2: Double Dare), 1993. Bernard, ⬙From Who the Skell Rolls,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1994. Pearlie, ⬙Momma’s Baby, Maybe Martin,⬙ Martin, Fox, 1994. ⬙Resurrection/Niles and Bob/Harry Stenz,⬙ The Watcher, UPN, 1995. John Speranza, ⬙The List,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1995. Sonny Hayes, ⬙Vegas Heist,⬙ Seven Days (also known as Seven Days: The Series), UPN, 1999. Terrell Biggs, ⬙These Shoots Are Made for Joaquin,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2000. Sonny Hayes, ⬙The Cuban Missile,⬙ Seven Days (also known as Seven Days: The Series), UPN, 2000. Tweedy, ⬙Don’t Fence Me In,⬙ The District, CBS, 2001. Freddie Bell, ⬙Loving Sons,⬙ Philly, ABC, 2001. Moses, ⬙No One’s Girl,⬙ Karen Sisco, ABC, 2004. Joe Boony, ⬙Meet Market,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les experts), CBS, 2007.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Mailman, Faith, American Film Institute, 1997. Dr. Fred, My Chorus (short), 2000. Television announcer, Backgammon, Vanguard Cinema, 2001. Janitor, The Works, Showcase Entertainment, 2004. Gabby, Irascible (short), 2004. Fresh Dead/Dead Raoul, All Souls Days: Dia de los muertos (also known as Dia de los muertos), Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2005. Dogsbody, Outta Sync, 2006. The judge, The Black Door (short), Elevate Films, 2006. Cemetery watchman, Sin–Jin Smyth, Sunn Classic Pictures, 2007. Farmer, Trickery Mimicry, 2008. Krampus, Krampus, 2008. Henry, Immortally Yours (also known as Kiss of the Vampire), MTI Home Video, 2009. Manager, Bare Knuckles, 2009. Himself, One for the Fire: ⬙Night of the Living Dead⬙ 40th Anniversary Documentary (documentary), 2009. Creepy guy, Legend of the Mountain Witch, 2009. Film Work: Additional editor, Betaville, PorchLight Entertainment, 2001. Editor, Deeper Mark (short), 2002. Additional editor, Lightning Bug, Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2004. Post–production supervisor and editor, Zen Noir, Magic Lamp Releasing, 2004. Producer and editor, Irascible (short), 2004. Additional editor, USA the Movie, Mantic Eye, 2005. Editor, Over Breakfast (short), 2005.

WRITINGS Screenplays: Honky Tonk Bud (short film), 1985. A Rage in Harlem, Miramax, 1991. ADAPTATIONS

Television Appearances; Specials: Himself, Twisted History: Vampires, The Discovery Channel, 2005.

Toles–Bey’s appearance as a cab driver in the ⬙Safe Sex⬙ episode of the television series Red Shoe Diaries was selected for inclusion in the compilation film Red Shoe Diaries 2: Double Dare in 1993. His appearance as William in the short film Wet was included in the film Tales of Erotica (also known as Erotic Tales) released by Trimark Pictures in 1996.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Ubervamp and others, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as BtVS, Buffy, and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: The Series), The WB then UPN, 1999–2003. Prince of Lies, ⬙Why We Fight,⬙ Angel (also known as Angel: The Series), The WB, 2004. Baba, ⬙First Sight,⬙ ⬙11 Cut to 10 & 10 Directors Complete,⬙ On the Lot, Fox, 2007.

TOY, Camden 1957– PERSONAL

TRACHTENBERG, Michelle 1985– (Michelle C. Trachtenberg)

Born in 1957, in Pittsburgh, PA; son of Malcolm Toy (an employee in the makeup department of Paramount).

PERSONAL Full name, Michelle Christine Trachtenberg; born October 11, 1985, in New York, NY; daughter of

Career: Actor and editor. 292

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Michael (an engineer) and Lana (an actress, puppeteer, and manager) Trachtenberg. Education: Attended high school in Sherman Oaks, CA. Avocational Interests: Writing (including poetry), reading, making jewelry, playing tennis, swimming, ice skating.

TRACHTENBERG Julie, Can’t Be Heaven, Unapix/World International Network, 1999. Jenny, EuroTrip, DreamWorks, 2004. Herself, ⬙Buffy⬙: Season 6 Overview (documentary short), Fox Box, 2004. Herself, ⬙Eurotrip⬙: Nude Beach Exposed (documentary short), DreamWorks Home Entertainment, 2004. Herself, ⬙Eurotrip⬙: The Making of ⬙Eurotrip⬙ (documentary short), DreamWorks Home Entertainment, 2004. Herself, ⬙Buffy⬙: Season 7 Overview (documentary short), Fox Box, 2004. Casey Carlyle, Ice Princess (also known as Une princesse sur la glace), Buena Vista, 2005. Wendy Peterson, Mysterious Skin, TLA Entertainment Group, 2005. Sandra, Beautiful Ohio, 2006. Melissa, Black Christmas (also known as Black X–Mas and Noel noir), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2006. Indie chick, Kickin’ It Old School, Yari Film Group, 2007. Herself, May All Your Christmases Be Black (documentary short), Dimension Home Video, 2007. Voice of Tika, Dragonlace: Dragons of Autumn Twilight (also known as A Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Tale), Paramount Home Video, 2008. Suzanne, Against the Current, 2009. Kitchelle Storms, Young Americans, Universal, 2009. Maggie O’Donnell, 17 Again, Warner Bros., 2009.

Addresses: Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Manager— Framework Entertainment, 9057 Nemo St., Suite C, West Hollywood, CA 90069. Publicist—WKT Public Relations, 335 North Maple Dr., Suite 351, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Actress. Appeared in more than 100 commercials, including Wisk laundry detergent, Panasonic electronic products, Kraft foods, Kleenex, and Hoover; Williamstown Theatre Festival, MA, apprentice, 2005. RAD Kids (anti–drug organization), ambassador; volunteer with Care America and other organizations, including DARE, Starlight Children’s Foundation, and Youth of America. Sometimes credited as Michelle C. Trachtenberg. Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award, best performance in a feature film—leading young actress, 1997, for Harriet the Spy; Young Artist Award, best performance in a television comedy series—supporting young actress, 1998, for Meego; Young Artist Award nomination, best performance in a feature film—supporting young actress, YoungStar Award nomination, best young actress/performance in a motion picture comedy, 2000, both for Inspector Gadget; Young Artist Award, best performance in a television drama series—supporting young actress, Teen Choice Award nomination, television—choice sidekick, 2001, Saturn Award nomination, best supporting actress, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, 2001, 2002, 2003, all for Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Young Artist Award nomination, best performance in a television comedy series— guest starring young actress, 2002, for Mad TV; Young Artist Award nomination, best performance in a television comedy series—leading young actress, 2002, Daytime Emmy Award nomination, outstanding performer in a children’s series, 2004, both for Truth or Scare; Special Jury Prize, breakthrough performer award, Sarasota Film Festival, 2007, for Beautiful Ohio.

Television Appearances; Series: Lily Benton Montgomery, All My Children, ABC, 1993–96. Elsie Soaperstein, Clarissa Explains It All (also known as Clarissa), Nickelodeon, 1993–96. Nona Mecklenberg, The Adventures of Pete & Pete (also known as Pete & Pete), Nickelodeon, 1994–96. Maggie Parker, Meego, CBS, 1997. Panelist, Figure It Out (also known as Figure It Out: Family Style and Figure It Out: Wild Style), Nickelodeon, 1997–99. Dawn Summers (The Key), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also known as Buffy and Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Series), The WB, 2000–2001, UPN, 2001–2003. Host and narrator, Truth or Scare, 2001. Celeste, Six Feet Under, HBO, 2004. Georgina Sparks, Gossip Girl, The CW, 2008.

CREDITS Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Lena, Melissa (also known as Secret Sins), 1995. Harriet M. Welsch, Harriet the Spy, Paramount, 1996. Gloria, Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish (also known as Richie Rich: A Christmas Story), Warner Bros. Home Video, 1998. Penny, John’s niece, Inspector Gadget, Buena Vista/ Walt Disney, 1999.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: The Enforcers, 2001. Television Appearances; Movies: Noelle Murphy, A Holiday for Love (also known as Christmas in My Hometown), CBS, 1996. Kelly McClain, A Father’s Choice, CBS, 2000. 293


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Punk’d, MTV, 2006. Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 2006. ⬙Michelle Trachtenberg,⬙ Fuse Celebrity Playlist, Fuse, 2006. Voice of Dina Lohan, ⬙Celebrity Rocket,⬙ Robot Chicken (animated), Comedy Central, 2006. Voice of cleaning woman, woman, and mugging victim, ⬙Dragon Nuts,⬙ Robot Chicken (animated), Comedy Central, 2006. Voice of woman and wife, ⬙Tapping a Hero,⬙ Robot Chicken (animated), Comedy Central, 2007. ⬙Chicks That Kick,⬙ Space Top 10 Countdown, Space, 2007. Entertainment Tonight (also known as E.T.), syndicated, 2008.

Carrie Beal, The Dive from Clausen’s Pier, Lifetime, 2005. Kylie Shines, The Circuit, ABC Family, 2008. Television Appearances; Specials: The 2001 Teen Choice Awards, Fox, 2001. Lifestory: Rosie O’Donnell, Nickelodeon, 2001. Buffy’s Back, E! Entertainment Television, 2001. Presenter, The Teen Choice Awards 2002, Fox, 2002. A Merry Mickey Celebration, ABC, 2003. Best Year Ever, VH1, 2004. The 20th IFP Independent Spirit Awards, 2005. Hilary Duff Revealed: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2006. What Have You Done?: The Remaking of ⬙Black Christmas,⬙ 2006.

Also appeared Saturday Night Live, NBC. Also appeared as presenter, Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards, Nickelodeon.

Stage Appearances: Spalding Gray: Stores Left to Tell, Minetta Lane Theatre, New York City, 2007.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (Uncredited) Dinah Driscoll, ⬙God Bless the Child,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1991. First prankster, ⬙All You Can Eaty,⬙ Space Cases, Nickelodeon, 1996. Angela, ⬙Solitaire,⬙ Dave’s World, CBS, 1996. The Rosie O’Donnell Show, 1996, 2001. Herself, ⬙Blue’s Birthday,⬙ Blue’s Clues, Nickelodeon, 1998. Katie, ⬙Maestro’s First Crush,⬙ Guys Like Us, UPN, 1998. Voice of herself, ⬙Math Curse,⬙ Reading Rainbow, PBS, 1998. Mad TV, Fox, 2000, 2001. HypaSpace (also known as HypaSpace Daily and HypaSpace Weekly), Space, 2002. ⬙Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Television with a Bite,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 2003. The Sharon Osbourne Show (also known as Sharon), syndicated, 2004. Beat Seekers (also known as MTV Hits), MTV, 2004. On–Air with Ryan Seacrest, syndicated, 2004. The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn (also known as The Late Late Show), CBS, 2004. ⬙50 Worst Songs, Britney’s New Video and More,⬙ Best Week Ever (also known as Best Week Ever with Paul F. Tompkins), 2004. The View, ABC, 2005. Total Request Live (also known as TRL, TRL Weekend, and Total Request with Carson Daly), MTV, 2005. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2005. ⬙Child Stars II: Growing Up in Hollywood,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 2005. Melinda Bardach, ⬙Safe,⬙ House M.D. (also known as House), Fox, 2006. Lisa Willow Tyler, ⬙Weeping Willow,⬙ Law & Order: Criminal Intent (also known as Law & Order: CI), NBC, 2006.

RECORDINGS Albums: Dorothy, The Children’s Museum of Los Angeles’ ⬙The Wonderful Wizard of Oz—A Centennial Celebration,⬙ 2000. Music Videos: Trapt’s ⬙Echo,⬙ 2003. Ringside’s ⬙Tired of Being Sorry,⬙ 2005. Also appeared in Fall Out Boy’s ⬙This Ain’t a Scene, It’s an Arms Race.⬙ OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, spring, 2001, pp. 24–31. Daily Variety, May 12, 1999. SFX, January, 2002, pp. 46–47.

TRAVOLTA, Margaret PERSONAL Daughter of Helen Travolta; sister of John Travolta (an actor). 294

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TREBEK High school principal, ⬙Teen Angels,⬙ Early Edition, CBS, 1998. Claire Strummond, ⬙Friends and Strangers,⬙ Turks, CBS, 1999. Ms. Bishop, ⬙Daddy Dearest,⬙ The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 2002. Sheila’s mom, Strong Medicine, Lifetime, 2002. Dr. Helen Boyd, ⬙Keeping Abreast,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2003. Dr. Helen Boyd, ⬙It’s to Die For,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2003. Secretary, ⬙Hardcore,⬙ The Handler, CBS, 2003. American Dreams, NBC, 2004. Secretary, ⬙From Here to Paternity,⬙ ER, NBC, 2007.

Addresses: Agent—The Gage Group, 14724 Ventura Blvd., Suite 505, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403. Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Sandra Harris, Losing Isaiah, Paramount, 1995. Admitting nurse, While You Were Sleeping, Buena Vista, 1995. Anita Fermi, Chain Reaction, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. First reporter, Michael, New Line Cinema, 1996. Autism expert nurse, Mercury Rising, MCA/Universal, 1998. Rob’s mom, High Fidelity, Buena Vista/Touchstone Pictures, 2000. Nurse, Lucky Numbers (also known as Le bon numero), Studio Canal, 2000. Economist, Traffic (also known as Traffic—Die Macht des kartells), USA Films, 2000. Hostage, Swordfish, Warner Bros., 2001. Vera Whitner, Pumpkin, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2002. Ms. Davenport, Catch Me If You Can, DreamWorks, 2002. Judge, National Security, Sony, 2003. Nurse number one, Basic, Sony, 2003. Debi Wyrthen, Hangman’s Curse (also known as The Veritas Project: Hangman’s Curse), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2003. Marge, Be Cool, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2005. Aunt Nina, Guilt (short), 2005. Nurse Reynolds, Solace (short), 2006. Mineola female dispatcher, Lonely Hearts (also known as Lonely Heart Killers), Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2006. Academy counselor, Accepted, Universal, 2006. Narrator, In the Tall Grass (documentary), 2006. Dana, Wild Hogs (also known as Blackberry), Buena Vista, 2007. Bank’s secretary, Ocean’s Thirteen (also known as 13), Warner Bros., 2007. Voice of radio therapist, Enchanted, Buena Vista, 2007. Gale, Sex and Breakfast (also known as Sex & Breakfast), Bandman Productions, 2007.

TREBEK, Alex 1940– PERSONAL Various sources cite original name as George Alexander Trebek, Giorgi Suka–Alex Trebek, or Georgi Suri–Alex Trebek; born July 22, 1940, in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada; immigrated to the United States, 1973; became a naturalized U.S. citizen, 1998; son of George Edward and Lucille (maiden name, Lagace) Trebek; married Elaine Callei, 1974 (divorced, 1981); married Jean Currivan (in real estate), April 30, 1990; children: (second marriage) Emily, Matthew. Education: University of Ottawa, bachelor of philosophy, 1961; some sources cite another degree in philosophy; attended the Malvern Collegiate Institute. Religion: Roman Catholic. Avocational Interests: Ice skating, hockey, golf, tennis, traveling, collecting and drinking wine. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 10250 Constellation Way, Ninth Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Game show host and actor. Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, staff announcer, newscaster, and reporter for television and radio broadcasts, 1961–73; appeared in advertisements and infomercials. Has appeared as a host of the theme part attraction Ellen’s Energy Adventure as part of the Universe of Energy pavilion, EPCOT Center, Orlando, FL. National Geography Bee (U.S. and Canada), host; also served as the host of awards presentations. Creston Farms (a thoroughbred breeding and training facility), Creston, CA, owner; Creston Vineyards, Creston, CA, owner. National Geographic Society Education Foundation, board member; National Advisory Council for the Literary Volunteers of America, board member; active in World Vision charitable organizations as a spokesperson; also participated in tours with the United Service Organizations (USO) and affiliated with the United

Television Appearances; Movies: Dr. Kohanek, In the Company of Darkness, CBS, 1993. Television Appearances; Specials: John Travolta: The Inside Story, 2004. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙People Don’t Talk to Cops, People Lie to Cops,⬙ Missing Persons, 1993. Congressman’s wife, ⬙Meat Market,⬙ Cupid, ABC, 1998. 295


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Negro College Fund. Affiliated with Jeopardy! merchandise. Some sources state that Trebek worked as a garbage collector in Cincinnati, OH.

Television Appearances; Specials: Himself, What’s Alan Watching?, CBS, 1989. Host and commentator, The 100th Tournament of Roses Parade, NBC, 1989. Performer, Circus of the Stars Ⲇ14 (also known as The 14th Annual Circus of the Stars), CBS, 1989. Best Catches, CBS, 1989. A Day to Care for the Children, syndicated, 1989. Himself, The Earth Day Special (also known as Time Warner Presents ⬙The Earth Day Special⬙), ABC, 1990. The Sports Comedy Network, CBS, 1990. Himself, WrestleMania VII, pay–per–view, 1991. Host, The American Memory Test, CBS, 1991. Host, A Salute to America’s Pets, ABC, 1991. Host and narrator, Heart of Courage (also known as Courage au coeur), The Discovery Channel, c. 1993. Moderator, National Geography Bee (also known as The National Geography Bee), PBS, 1993, 1994, 1995. Host, The Pillsbury Bake–Off, CBS, 1994, 1996. Hollywood Hockey Cup, Comedy Central, 1996. Himself, Ragtime: The American Premiere, UPN, 1997. I Am Your Child, ABC, 1997. Plugged In: A Parents’ Guide to TV, Family Channel, 1997. Himself, Live from the Hollywood Bowl, 1997, 1999. Host, The 67th Annual Hollywood Christmas Parade, UPN, 1998. Host, Watch & Make Money with Alex Trebek (also known as Watch and Make Money: A User’s Guide to CNBC), CNBC, 1998. Host, The National Geography Bee (also known as National Geography Bee), PBS, 1999. Host, The 68th Annual Hollywood Christmas Parade, UPN and syndicated, 1999. Narrator, Countdown 100: Greatest Achievements of the 20th Century, The Learning Channel, 1999. Himself, Blacklight Dreams: The 25 Years of the Famous People Players, 2000. TV Guide’s Greatest Moments 2004, ABC, 2004. Himself, Behind the Clues: 10 Years with Blue (also known as Behind the Blue), Nickelodeon, 2006.

Member: Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (formerly known as the Association of Canadian Television and Radio Artists). Awards, Honors: Gemini Award nomination, best performance by an host, interviewer, or anchor, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1987, for The 1987 National Hockey League Awards; Daytime Emmy Award, outstanding game show host, 1989, 1990, 2003, 2006, and 2008, and Daytime Emmy Award nominations, outstanding game show host, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, and 2007, all for Jeopardy!; Daytime Emmy Award nomination, outstanding game show host, 1990, for Classic Concentration; ran with the Olympic torch, 1996; Bob Hope Entertainment Award, 1998, for his work with the USO; received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, 1999; named to Canada’s Walk of Fame, 2006; Trebek’s handprints and footprints are in front of Hollywood Hills Ampitheater at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Walt Disney World; other awards and honors include induction into broadcasting hall of fames. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Host, Music Hop, CBC, 1963–64. Cohost, Vacation Time, [Canada], 1964. Quizmaster, Reach for the Top, CBC, 1966–73. Host, Strategy, CBC, 1969. Host, Jackpot!, [Canada], beginning 1970. Host, Pick and Choose, CBC, 1971. Host, Outside/Inside, CBC, 1972. Announcer, T.G.I.F., CBLT (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), beginning 1973. Host, The Wizard of Odds, NBC, 1973–74. Host, Stars on Ice, CTV (Canada), 1974–77 (some sources cite 1976–80). Host, High Rollers (also known as The New High Rollers), NBC, 1974–80. Host, Double Dare, CBS, 1976–77. Host, The $128,000 Question, syndicated, 1977–78. Host, Pitfall, syndicated, 1981–82. Host, Battlestars, NBC, 1981–83. Host, Jeopardy!, syndicated, 1984—. Cohost, VTV—Value Television (also known as Value Television and ValueTelevision), syndicated, beginning 1987. Host, Classic Concentration, NBC, 1987–94. Host, Super Jeopardy!, ABC, 1990. Host, To Tell the Truth, NBC, 1991.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 1987 National Hockey League Awards, 1987. The 17th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, ABC, 1990. Presenter, The 19th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, NBC, 1992. Presenter, The 21st Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 1995. Presenter, The 27th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, ABC, 2000. Presenter, The 31st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, NBC, 2004. An Evening of Stars 25th Anniversary: Tribute to Lou Rawls, NBC, 2004. 296

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TREBEK Himself, ⬙It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Eric,⬙ Ned and Stacey, Fox, 1997. Himself, ⬙Sex, Lies, and Commercials,⬙ Ned and Stacey, Fox, 1997. Voice of himself, ⬙Miracle on Evergreen Terrace,⬙ The Simpsons (animated), Fox, 1997. (Uncredited) Himself, This Hour Has 22 Minutes, CBC, 1997. Guest host, Wheel of Fortune, syndicated, 1997. Himself, ⬙Group Soup,⬙ The Charlie Horse Music Pizza, PBS, 1998. Himself, ⬙Swept Away,⬙ Baywatch (also known as Baywatch Hawaii and Baywatch Hawai’i), syndicated, 1998. Himself, The Tom Green Show, c. 1998. Voice of himself, ⬙The Dirty Little Secret,⬙ Mad about You (also known as Loved by You), NBC, 1999. Narrator, ⬙Betty White,⬙ Intimate Portrait (also known as Intimate Portrait: Betty White), Lifetime, 2000. Voice of Alex Lebek, ⬙Arthur and the Big Riddle/Double Dare,⬙ Arthur (animated), PBS, 2000. Voice of himself, ⬙Unhappy Campers/The Search for Pepper Ann Pearson,⬙ Pepper Ann (animated; also known as Disney’s ⬙Pepper Ann⬙), ABC, 2000. Voice of himself, ⬙The Finale,⬙ Pepper Ann (animated; also known as Disney’s ⬙Pepper Ann⬙), ABC, 2000. Himself, ⬙A Quiet Evening at Home,⬙ Ladies Man, CBS, 2001. Himself, ⬙The 31–Inch–High Club,⬙ Ladies Man, CBS, 2001. Himself, The View, ABC, 2001. Himself (audience member), ⬙Elwood City Turns 100!,⬙ Arthur (animated), PBS, 2002. (Uncredited) Voice of himself, ⬙Family Guy Viewer Mail Ⲇ1,⬙ Family Guy (animated; also known as Padre de familia and Padre del familia), Fox, 2002. (Uncredited) Himself, Saturday Night Live (also known as NBC’s ⬙Saturday Night,⬙ Saturday Night, Saturday Night Live ’80, SNL, and SNL 25), NBC, 2002. Himself, This Hour Has 22 Minutes, CBC, 2002. Himself, The Wayne Brady Show, syndicated, 2003. Voice of himself, ⬙Whose Pants Are Smarter?,⬙ Married to the Kellys (also known as Back to Kansas), ABC, 2004. Himself, The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn (also known as The Late Late Show), CBS, 2004. Himself and commentator, 101 Most Unforgettable SNL Moments (also known as E’s ⬙101⬙ and 101 Most ѧ ), E! Entertainment Television, multiple episodes in 2004. Himself (audience member), ⬙Top 7 Perform,⬙ American Idol (also known as American Idol: The Search for a Superstar, American Idol 2, American Idol 3, and American Idol 4), Fox, 2005. Himself, ⬙Tournament 6, Game 4,⬙ Celebrity Poker Showdown, Bravo, 2005.

The 32nd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, CBS, 2005. The 33rd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, 2006. Television Appearances; Episodic: Himself, Dinah! (also known as Dinah and Dinah and Friends), syndicated, 1973. Guest panelist, The Hollywood Squares, NBC and syndicated, multiple episodes in 1974, 1975, 1976, and 1977. Himself, The Alan Hamel Show, CTV (Canada), 1977. Himself, Tattletales, syndicated, 1977. Arthur Martin, ⬙The Games Girls Play,⬙ Vega$ (also known as High Roller and Vegas), ABC, 1978. Himself, ⬙Mama on Jeopardy!,⬙ Mama’s Family, syndicated, 1987. Himself, ⬙What Is ѧ Cliff Clavin?,⬙ Cheers, NBC, 1990. Himself, A Conversation with Dinah, The Nashville Network (TNN), 1990. Guest, Late Night with David Letterman, NBC, 1990. Himself, ⬙Questions and Answers,⬙ The Golden Girls (also known as Golden Girls, Miami Nice, Bnot Zahav, Cuori senza eta, Las chicas de oro, Les craquantes, Los anos dorados, Oereglanyok, Pantertanter, and Tyttoekullat), NBC, 1992. Himself, ⬙Hank’s Wedding,⬙ The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1993. Voice of Alan Quebec, ⬙Game Show Didi,⬙ Rugrats (animated; also known as Adventures in Diapers, Aventuras en panales, Ipanat, Las diabluras de Tommy, Les razmoket, and Rollinger), Nickelodeon, 1993. (In archive footage) Himself, ⬙Hank’s Divorce,⬙ The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1994. Himself, Late Show with David Letterman (also known as The Late Show, Late Show Backstage, and Letterman), CBS, 1994, 1995, 1998. Himself, ⬙Double Jeopardy,⬙ Beverly Hills 90210, Fox, 1995. Himself, ⬙Franny and the Professor,⬙ The Nanny, CBS, 1995. Himself, ⬙A Kiss Is Just a Kiss,⬙ Blossom, NBC, 1995. Himself, ⬙Who’s Not on First,⬙ Blossom, NBC, 1995. Voice of himself, ⬙Ellen’s Improvement,⬙ Ellen (also known as These Friends of Mine), ABC, 1995. ⬙Bear with Me,⬙ Dave’s World, CBS, 1995. Man in black, ⬙Jose Chung’s ⬘From Outer Space,’⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1996. Voice of himself, ⬙The Abstinence,⬙ Seinfeld (also known as The Seinfeld Chronicles and Stand–Up), NBC, 1996. Voice of game show host, ⬙Shows and Tells,⬙ The Magic School Bus (animated; also known as Scholastic’s ⬙The Magic School Bus⬙), PBS, 1996. Himself, Before They Were Stars, ABC, c. 1996. Himself, ⬙Back to School,⬙ The Weird Al Show, CBS, 1997. 297


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Himself (audience member), ⬙Who’s out of the Top 7,⬙ American Idol (also known as American Idol: The Search for a Superstar, American Idol 2, American Idol 3, and American Idol 4), Fox, 2005. (Uncredited; in archive footage) Himself, The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson (also known as The Late Late Show), CBS, 2005. Himself, Live with Regis & Kelly, syndicated, 2005, 2006. Himself, Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show (also known as Ellen and The Ellen DeGeneres Show), syndicated, 2005, 2008. Voice of himself, ⬙I Take Thee, Quagmire,⬙ Family Guy (animated; also known as Padre de familia and Padre del familia), Fox, 2006. Himself, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 2006, 2007. Himself, Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2007. Himself, The Hour (also known as CBC News: The Hour), CBC, 2008. Himself, Jimmy Kimmel Live! (also known as The Jimmy Kimmel Project), ABC, 2008.

Himself, The Male Swagger, 1999. (Uncredited) Jeopardy! host, Random Hearts, Columbia, 1999. Himself, Charlie’s Angels (also known as Charlie’s Angels: The Movie and 3 Engel fuer Charlie), Columbia, 2000. Himself, Finding Forrester, Columbia, 2000. Himself, Little Manhattan, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2005. Himself, The Bucket List, Warner Bros., 2007. RECORDINGS Videos: (In archive footage) Himself, Lord Stanley’s Cup: Hockey’s Ultimate Prize, 2000. Himself, Reflections on ⬙The X–Files,⬙ Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2004. Video Games: Host, Jeopardy!, Hasbro Interactive, 1998. Host, Jeopardy! DVD Game, 2007.

Appeared as Alec the Trojan, ⬙Is There a Problem?,⬙ Nick’s Got a Problem; as himself, ALF, NBC; and as a guest panelist, Front Page Challenge (also known as FPC), CBC; provided the voice of himself, ⬙CatDog Meets Alex Trebek,⬙ CatDog (animated), Nickelodeon; appeared as himself in ⬙No Cinco, Seis!,⬙ an unaired episode of Ladies Man, CBS; some sources cite an appearance as a substitute host, Wheel of Fortune, NBC.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Parade, August 25, 2002, p. 8.


Television Appearances; Pilots: Cohost and announcer, Barris & Company, CBC, 1968.


Appeared as a panelist in various pilots for To Tell the Truth, NBC; appeared as the host in the unaired second pilot of Starcade.


Television Producer; Series: Jeopardy!, syndicated, 1984–87.

Born in La Mesa, CA; one son. Education: University of Southern California, degree (honors), musical composition. Avocational Interests: Traveling, visiting cultural centers, attending museums.

Film Appearances: Himself, Dying Young (also known as The Choice of Love), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1991. Himself, White Men Can’t Jump, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1992. Himself, Short Cuts, Fine Line Features, 1993. Agency tape recorder voice, Spy Hard (also known as Live and Let Spy), Buena Vista, 1996. (Uncredited) Himself, Jane Austen’s ⬙Mafia!⬙ (also known as Mafia!), Buena Vista, 1998.

Addresses: Agent—Soundtrack Music Associates, 2229 Cloverfield Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90405. Career: Composer. Global Sanity Studio Complex, owner and operator; Tim Truman Music and the World Music Group, owner; composed, arranged, and produced for recording artists, including Nancy Wilson, 298

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Patti Austin, Peter Cetera, Michael Jackson, Donna Summer, Mark Nelson, Kenny Rogers, Don Johnson, Ali Woodson, and Wildside.

TRUMAN Charmed, The WB, 1998–99. Jeremiah, 2002–2004. Television Main Themes; Series: It’s a Great Life, syndicated, 1985. Coming of Age, NBC, 1988. Melrose Place, Fox, 1992–97. Central Park West (also known as C.P.W.), CBS, 1995. The Marshal, ABC, 1995. Sunset Beach, NBC, 1997. Pacific Palisades, Fox, 1997. Charmed, The WB, 1998–2000. Providence, NBC, 1999–2000. Jeremiah, 2002–2004.

Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nomination, outstanding individual achievement in main title theme music, 1996, for Central Park West; ASCAP Awards, top television series, American Society of Composers and Authors, 1996, 1997, both for Melrose Place; ASCAP Award, top TV series, 1999, for Charmed; Golden Hugo Award, best score, for Techno–Shock; Emmy Award, outstanding youth special, for Baby Wild. CREDITS

Also wrote theme for Bullet Hearts, Fox; Buffalo Bill.

Television Work; Movies: Music conductor, orchestrator, and score mixer, Bet Your Life, NBC, 2004.

Television Special Musical Material; Miniseries: Fresno, 1986.

Television Work; Specials: Worked as producer, Baby Wild.

Television Scores; Movies: L.A. Takedown (also known as L.A. Crimewave and Made in L.A.), NBC, 1989. Double Your Pleasure (also known as The Reluctant Agent), NBC, 1989. Deadly Game, USA Network, 1991. Dead Silence (also known as Crash), Fox, 1991. In the Company of Darkness, CBS, 1993. Knight Rider 2010, UPN, 1994. Sketch Artist II: Hands That See (also known as A Feel for Murder and Sketch Artist II), Showtime, 1995. The Price of Love, Fox, 1995. Marshal Law, Showtime, 1996. Kiss and Tell, ABC, 1997. Retroactive, HBO, 1997. Bet Your Life, NBC, 2004.

WRITINGS Film Scores: Final Cut, 1988. Kid (also known as Back for Revenge), Intercontinental, 1991. South Central, Warner Bros., 1992. Mikey, 1992. Good Luck (also known as Gimps, Guys Like Us, and The Ox and the Eye), Moki Mac River Expedition, 1997. Retroactive, Orion, 1997. Executive Power, Naegele–Derrick Productions, 1997. Boogie Boy, Sterling Home Entertainment, 1997. Angel’s Dance (also known as Ein hoffnungsvoller nachwuchskiller), Promark Entertainment Group, 1999. The 10th Kingdom: The Making of an Epic, 2000. Ca$h, 2008.

Also scored Fresno. Television Scores; Pilots: Microcops, CBS, 1989.

Also scored Captain EO; Inferno.

Also scored The Round Table, NBC; Ruth Harper, CBS; Get a Life, Fox; Flipside.

Television Scores; Series: Fan Club, syndicated, 1987. Miami Vice, NBC, 1988–90. The Round Table, NBC, 1992. Melrose Place, Fox, 1992–96. Models Inc., Fox, 1994. The Marshal, ABC, 1995. Central Park West (also known as C.P.W.), CBS, 1995.

Television Title Theme; Pilots: Melrose Place, Fox, 1992. Television Scores; Specials: The Extreme Edge, ABC, 1992. America Behind Closed Doors, ABC, 1992. 299


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Career: Actress. Appeared in television commercials for Diet Coke, 2007.

Also scored The Criminal Mind; When All Else Fails, NBC; Inside the Jury Room, ABC; The Making of ⬙The Invisible Man,⬙ HBO; Classic Mel Gibson: The Making of ⬙Hamlet,⬙ HBO; 1996 Olympic Campaign, NBC; NBC 70th Anniversary Special, NBC; 1999 Olympic Campaign, NBC; 2000 Olympic Campaign, NBC.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Current TV, 2007. Dylan Krieger, Quarterlife, NBC, 2008. Alexandra Hubbard, Tyranny, 2008.

Television Themes; Specials: The Extreme Edge, ABC, 1992. Love Thy Neighbor: The Baddest and the Best of ⬙Melrose Place,⬙ Fox, 1995.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Susan, ⬙Third Day Story,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2004. Tara Kozlowski, ⬙The War at Home,⬙ Cold Case, CBS, 2006. Last Call with Carson Daly, NBC, 2007. The Sauce, Fuse, 2008. CW 11 Morning News, CW, 2008. Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 2008. The View, ABC, 2008. Celeste, ⬙The Mortal Cure,⬙ Moonlight, 2008. Whitney, ⬙Joy to the World,⬙ House M.D. (also known as House), Fox, 2008.

Television Scores; Episodic: ⬙The First Commandment,⬙ Stargate SG–1 (also known as La porte des etoiles), Showtime and syndicated, 1997. Also wrote scores for Buffalo Bull; Duck Factory; Newhart; The Popcorn Kid; South Central; Bullet Hearts, Fox; Fame; It’s a Great Life. Television Additional Music; Episodic: Newhart, CBS, 1982. That’s Amore, syndicated, 1992. Stage Scores: Scored Good Luck, East West.

Television Appearances; Pilots: April, Wahingtonienne, HBO, 2009.

OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Tim Truman Website,, January 14, 2009.

Television Appearances; Specials: Bitsy, R2–D2: Beneath the Dome, 2001. Film Appearances: Marcy, Life Is Short, 2006. Angel, Sent, 2006. Molly, Two Doors (also known as Ring Tone), The Coca–Cola Company, 2007. Nadine, Lakeview Terrace, Sony, 2008. Corrine, Uncross the Stars, 2008. Trudy, Riding the Pine, 2009.

TULLOCH, Bitsie 1981– PERSONAL Birth name Elizabeth, born January 19, 1981, in New York, NY. Education: Attended Harvard University. Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 1325 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019. Manager—Archetype, 1608 Argyle Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90028. Publicist—PMK/HBH Public Relations, 161 Avenue of the Americas, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10013.

Stage Appearances: Sally, Quarterlife, Pico Playhouse, Los Angeles, CA, 2006.


V Awards, Honors: Theatre World Award and Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best featured actress in a play, both 1971, for The School for Wives; Los Angeles Drama Critics Award, featured performance, 1973, for As You Like It; Theatre World Award, c. 1974, for The Rules of the Game; Daytime Emmy Award nomination (with others), outstanding special class program, 1985, The CBS Tournament of Roses Parade; Soap Opera Digest awards, outstanding actress in a leading role on a primetime serial, 1986, and outstanding actress in a leading role: primetime, 1989, and Soap Opera Digest Award nominations, outstanding actress in a leading role: primetime, 1988, and outstanding lead actress: primetime, 1991, all for Knots Landing; New York Festivals Award nomination, best young adult programming, 1995, and Humanitas Award nomination, Human Family Educational and Cultural Institute, both for ⬙Boys Will Be Boys,⬙ ABC Afterschool Specials; Dutch American Heritage Award, Dutch American Heritage Foundation, 1996; received a local Emmy Award nomination for directing a documentary about homelessness and domestic violence.

VAN ARK, Joan 1943– (Joan Van Arc, Joan van Ark) PERSONAL Born June 16, 1943, in New York, NY; raised in Boulder, CO; daughter of Carroll (in advertising and public relations) and Dorothy Jean (a writer; maiden name, Hemenway) Van Ark; sister of Carol Kuykendall (a writer); married John Marshall (various sources cite original last name as Marsilio or Marsillo; a journalist), February 1, 1966; children: Vanessa Jean Marshall (an actress, voice artist, director, and comedienne). Education: Graduated from Yale University. Religion: Presbyterian. Avocational Interests: Running (including marathons). Addresses: Agent—The Chasin Agency, 8899 Beverly Blvd., Suite 716, Los Angeles, CA 90048; Danis Panaro Nist, 9201 West Olympic Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212 (voice work). Manager—Sterling/Winters Company, 10900 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1550, Los Angeles, CA 90024.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Nurse Paula, Peyton Place, ABC, 1968. Janine Whitney, Days of Our Lives (also known as Cruise of Deception: Days of Our Lives, Days, DOOL, Tropical Temptation, Tropical Temptation: Days of Our Lives, Des jours et des vies, Horton– sagaen, I gode og onde dager, Los dias de nuestras vidas, Meres agapis, Paeivien viemaeae, Vaara baesta aar, Zeit der Sehnsucht, and Zile din viata noastra), NBC, 1970. Nurse Ann ⬙Annie⬙ Carlisle, Temperatures Rising (also known as The New Temperatures Rising Show), ABC, 1972–73. Dee Dee Baldwin, We’ve Got Each Other, CBS, 1977–78. Voice of Manta in ⬙Manta and Moray, Monarchs of the Deep⬙ segment, Tarzan and the Super 7 (animated), CBS, 1978–80.

Career: Actress, voice artist, and director. Appeared in and provided voice work for advertisements; served as a spokesperson for Estee Lauder cosmetics; made a number of public service announcements. Anne Douglas Center of the Los Angeles Mission, Los Angeles, member of the celebrity action council; Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes, Denver, CO, member of the advisory council; participated in the Revlon Run/ Walk for Women, Los Angeles; advocate for the Humane Society. Member: Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Actors’ Equity Association, Directors Guild of America (member of the Women’s Steering Committee), San Fernando Valley Track Club. 301


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Herself (CBS team contestant), Battle of the Network Stars VIII, ABC, 1980. Herself (CBS team contestant), Battle of the Network Stars IX, ABC, 1980. Celebrity Challenge of the Sexes, CBS, 1980. Ladies and Gentlemen ѧ Bob Newhart, CBS, 1980. Herself (CBS team contestant), Battle of the Network Stars XII, ABC, 1982. Herself (CBS team contestant), Battle of the Network Stars XIII, ABC, 1982. Herself (CBS team contestant), Battle of the Network Stars XV, ABC, 1983. Host, The 1984 Miss Universe Pageant, CBS, 1984, 1985. Host, The 1984 Miss USA Pageant, CBS, 1984, 1985. Host, The CBS Tournament of Roses Parade, CBS, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1989, 1992. Host, Battle of the Network Stars XVIII, ABC, 1985. Herself, Bob Hope’s ⬙Comedy Salute to the Soaps⬙ (also known as Comedy Salute to the Soaps), NBC, 1985. Herself, Joan Rivers and Friends Salute Heidi Abromowitz, Showtime, 1985. Herself, Night of 100 Stars II (also known as Night of One Hundred Stars), ABC, 1985. Dom DeLuise and Friends, Part 4, ABC, 1986. Fit for a Lifetime, Lifetime, 1986. Herself, Happy 100th Birthday, Hollywood! (also known as Happy Birthday, Hollywood!), ABC, 1987. Host, Women of Seoul, Lifetime, 1988. The Hollywood Christmas Parade, syndicated, 1988. Host, The CBS All–American Thanksgiving Day Parade, CBS, 1989. Anchor, The CBS All–American Thanksgiving Day Parade, CBS, 1990. Ringmaster, The 15th Annual Circus of the Stars (also known as Circus of the Stars Ⲇ15), CBS, 1990. Bob Hope’s ⬙1990 Christmas Show from Bermuda⬙ (also known as Bob Hope’s ⬙Christmas Special from Bermuda⬙), NBC, 1990. Night of 100 Stars III (also known as Night of One Hundred Stars), NBC, 1990. The 61st Annual Hollywood Christmas Parade, syndicated, 1992. (In archive footage) Herself, Bob Hope’s ⬙Bag Full of Christmas Memories⬙ (also known as Hope for the Holidays and Hope for the Holidays—The Best of Bob Hope), 1993, special edition released. Herself, The Knots Landing Block Party, CBS, 1993. Judge, The Miss America Pageant, NBC, 1993. Susan Cooper, ⬙Boys Will Be Boys,⬙ ABC Afterschool Specials, ABC, 1994. More True Stories from Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1999. Herself, The 42nd Annual L.A. County Arts Commission Holiday Celebration, 2001. Herself, CBS at 75 (also known as CBS at 75: A Primetime Celebration), CBS, 2003.

Valene Joan Clements Ewing, Dallas (also known as Oil), CBS, 1978–81. Voice of Jessica Drew/Spider–Woman (title role), Spider–Woman (animated), ABC, 1979–80. Valene Joan Clements Ewing Gibson Waleska, Knots Landing, CBS, 1979–93. Voice of Moray in ⬙Manta and Moray, Monarchs of the Deep⬙ segment, Batman and the Super 7 (animated), NBC, 1980–81. Voice, Heathcliff and Dingbat (animated; also known as Dingbat and the Creeps and The Heathcliff and Dingbat Show), ABC, 1980–81. Voices of Amelia and others, Santo Bugito (animated), CBS, 1995–96. Gloria Fisher Abbott, The Young and the Restless (also known as Y&R, The Innocent Years, Atithasa niata, Les feux de l’amour, Schatten der Leidenschaft, and Tunteita ja tuoksuja), CBS, 2004–2005. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Jane Robson, Testimony of Two Men, syndicated, 1977. Valene Joan Clements Ewing Gibson Waleska, Knots Landing: Back to the Cul–de–Sac, CBS, 1997. Herself, I Love the ’80s Strikes Back, VH1, 2003. Television Appearances; Movies: Frankie Banks, The Last Dinosaur (also known as Kyokutei tankensen Pora–Bora), ABC, 1977. Marie Rivers, Red Flag: The Ultimate Game, CBS, 1981. Brenda Allen, Shakedown on the Sunset Strip, CBS, 1988. Claire Thomas, My First Love, ABC, 1988. Julia Alberts, Menu for Murder (also known as Murder at the P.T.A. Luncheon), CBS, 1990. Martha Mendham, Always Remember I Love You (also known as To Cast a Shadow), CBS, 1990. Leslie Renner, Terror on Track 9 (also known as Janek: The Grand Central Murders), CBS, 1992. Cinnie Merritt, In the Shadows, Someone’s Watching (also known as Someone’s Watching and With Harmful Intent), NBC, 1993. Mrs. Drew, Tainted Blood, USA Network, 1993. Nora McGill, Moment of Truth: A Mother’s Deception (also known as Moment of Truth: Cult Rescue), NBC, 1994. Julianne ⬙Julie⬙ Kaiser, When the Dark Man Calls, USA Network, 1995. Vice president Elizabeth Lane, Loyal Opposition: Terror in the White House, Family Channel, 1998. Mayor McAnders, Tornado Warning, PAX TV, 2002. Television Appearances; Specials: Voice of Roxanne, ⬙Cyrano⬙ (animated), ABC Afterschool Specials, ABC, 1974. Silia Gala, ⬙The Rules of the Game,⬙ Theatre in America, PBS, 1975. 302

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VAN ARK Francine Dexter, ⬙Country Blues,⬙ Cannon, CBS, 1971. Julie Rhodes, ⬙The Deadly Gift,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1971. Alice, ⬙Love and the Know–It–All/Love and the Perfect Wife/Love and the Sensuous Twin/Love and the Triple Threat,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1972. (As Joan van Ark) Sandra Blanco, ⬙The Ring with the Red Velvet Ropes,⬙ Night Gallery (also known as Rod Serling’s ⬙Night Gallery⬙), NBC, 1972. Trudy, ⬙A Night to Dismember,⬙ The Odd Couple, ABC, 1972. ⬙The Break–Up,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1972. Jennifer Crane, ⬙The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress,⬙ Mannix, CBS, 1973. Lieutenant Erica Johnson, ⬙Radar’s Report,⬙ M*A*S*H (also known as MASH), CBS, 1973. Anna, ⬙The Man Who Couldn’t Forget,⬙ Cannon, CBS, 1974. (As Joan Van Arc) Barbara Kelbaker and Florence Baker, ⬙Find Me If You Can,⬙ The Rockford Files (also known as Jim Rockford, Jim Rockford, Private Investigator, and Rockford), NBC, 1974. Caroline, ⬙Trial of Terror,⬙ Ironside (also known as The Raymond Burr Show), NBC, 1974. Chris, ⬙Adults Only,⬙ Medical Center, CBS, 1974. Cynthia, ⬙Burst of Flame,⬙ Firehouse, ABC, 1974. Nona, ⬙Duel in the Desert,⬙ Cannon, CBS, 1974. Samantha, ⬙A Zircon in the Rough,⬙ The Girl with Something Extra, NBC, 1974. Sheila Barner, ⬙The Challenge,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1974. Victoria, ⬙The Deadly Brothers,⬙ Manhunter, CBS, 1974. ⬙The Seven Million Dollar Man,⬙ The Six Million Dollar Man (also known as Cyborg, De Man van zes miljoen, Der sechs Millionen Dollar Mann, El hombre de los seis millones de dolares, Kuuden miljoonan dollarin mies, L’homme qui valait 3 milliards, and L’uomo da sei milioni di dollari), ABC, 1974. Eileen, ⬙Too Late for Tomorrow,⬙ Medical Center, CBS, 1975. Eleanor, ⬙Guns for a Queen,⬙ Barbary Coast, ABC, 1975. Marian Gerard, ⬙Rhoda Meets the Ex–Wife,⬙ Rhoda, CBS, 1975. Peggy Fowler, ⬙Woman in White,⬙ Medical Story, NBC, 1975. Susan Alexander, ⬙Resurrection in Black and White,⬙ The Rockford Files (also known as Jim Rockford, Jim Rockford, Private Investigator, and Rockford), NBC, 1975. Voice of Cora Munro, ⬙The Last of the Mohicans⬙ (animated), Famous Classic Tales, CBS, 1975. Chris, ⬙The Night Visitor,⬙ Petrocelli, NBC, 1976. Valerie Sheffield, ⬙The Bionic Boy: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Six Million Dollar Man (also known as Cyborg, The Six Million Dollar Man: The Bionic Boy, De Man van zes miljoen, Der sechs Millionen Dollar Mann, El hombre de los seis millones de dolares, Kuuden miljoonan dollarin mies, L’homme qui valait 3 milliards, and L’uomo da sei milioni di dollari), ABC, 1976.

(Uncredited; in archive footage) Valene Joan Clements Ewing, Dallas Reunion: Return to Southfork, CBS, 2004. Valene Joan Clements Ewing Gibson Waleska, Knots Landing Reunion: Together Again, CBS, 2005. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 37th Annual Prime Time Emmy Awards, ABC, 1985. The Stuntman Awards, syndicated, 1986. Presenter, The 13th Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 1987. Host, The Ninth Annual Emmy Awards for Sports, syndicated, 1988. The 14th Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 1988. All–Star Tribute to Kareem Abdul–Jabbar, NBC, 1989. The 47th Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1990. Presenter, The 18th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, CBS, 1991. Presenter, The 49th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1995. Presenter, The 13th Annual Genesis Awards, Animal Planet, 1999. Presenter, The 14th Annual Genesis Awards, Animal Planet, 2000. The TV Lands Awards (also known as The TV Land Awards: A Celebration of Classic TV), TV Land, 2003. Television Appearances; Episodic: Angie Cameron, ⬙The Vendetta,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1966. Donna Hayward, ⬙Cry Hard, Cry Fast: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Run for Your Life, NBC, 1967. April Showers, ⬙Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Starlet,⬙ The Mod Squad, ABC, 1968. Lynne Thackeray, ⬙A Fashion for Dying,⬙ The Felony Squad, ABC, 1968. Annie Laurie Adams, ⬙Sweet Annie Laurie,⬙ Bonanza (also known as Ponderosa), NBC, 1969. Eleanor O’Keefe, ⬙The Maze,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1969. Laurie, ⬙The Man Who Killed Jim Sonnett,⬙ The Guns of Will Sonnett, ABC, 1969. Sara Jean Stryker, ⬙Stryker,⬙ Gunsmoke (also known as Gun Law and Marshal Dillon), CBS, 1969. Betty Jane, ⬙Love and the Fighting Couple/Love and the Pick–Up/Love and the Proposal,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1970. Cynthia ⬙Cindy⬙ Scott, ⬙The Condemned,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1970. Freda Cowan, ⬙The Double Wall,⬙ Hawaii Five–O (also known as McGarrett), CBS, 1970. Katherine, ⬙Nick,⬙ Matt Lincoln, ABC, 1970. ⬙A Deadly Game of Love,⬙ The Silent Force, ABC, 1970. ⬙The Union Forever,⬙ Dan August, ABC, 1970. Deborah Walters, ⬙Edge of Violence,⬙ Medical Center, CBS, 1971. Evelyn Baker, ⬙Close Up,⬙ Bold Ones: The Doctors (also known as Bold Ones and The Doctors), NBC, 1971. 303


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⬙Girl on a String,⬙ Joe Forrester, NBC, 1976. Christina Marks, ⬙There’s One in Every Port,⬙ The Rockford Files (also known as Jim Rockford, Jim Rockford, Private Investigator, and Rockford), NBC, 1977. Detective Josephine Long, ⬙Lady in the Squadroom,⬙ Kojak, CBS, 1977. Georgie, ⬙Have You Heard about Vanessa?,⬙ McMillan (also known as McMillan and Wife), NBC, 1977. Herself, The Alan Hamel Show, CTV (Canada), 1977, 1978. Bert Phillips, ⬙Gone but Not Forgotten,⬙ Quincy, M.E. (also known as Quincy), NBC, 1978. Cassandra Loren, ⬙Time Bomb,⬙ Wonder Woman (also known as The New Adventures of Wonder Woman and The New Original Wonder Woman), CBS, 1978. Princess Libido, ⬙All the Emperor’s Quasi–Norms: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Quark, NBC, 1978. Having Babies (also known as Julie Farr, M.D.), ABC, 1978. Dr. Haven Grant, ⬙Death Mountain,⬙ Vega$ (also known as High Roller and Vegas), ABC, 1979. Kris Hailey, ⬙Cindy/Play by Play/What’s a Brother For?,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1979. Mary Sue Huggins, ⬙She Stole His Heart/Return of the Captain’s Brother/Swag and Mag,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1980. Voice of Captain Cordon, ⬙Treasure of the Moks,⬙ Thundarr the Barbarian (animated), ABC, 1980. Ms. Chandler, ⬙The Incredible Hunk/Isaac, the Marriage Counselor/Jewels & Jim,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1981. Voices of Cinda and Crystal, ⬙Prophecy of Peril,⬙ Thundarr the Barbarian (animated), ABC, 1981. ⬙And One to Grow On/Seems Like Old Times/I’ll Never Forget What’s Her Name,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1984. (Uncredited; in archive footage) Valene Joan Clements Ewing Gibson Waleska, ⬙Comings and Goings,⬙ Dallas (also known as Oil), CBS, 1989. Herself, The Pat Sajak Show, CBS, 1989. Valene Joan Clements Ewing Gibson Waleska, ⬙Conundrum: Part 1,⬙ Dallas (also known as Oil), CBS, 1991. Herself, Marilu, syndicated, 1994. Jewel Pemberton, ⬙Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: Part 1,⬙ The Fresh Prince of Bel–Air, NBC, 1995. Herself, ⬙Women in Film,⬙ Women of the House, CBS, 1995. Kim Carpenter, ⬙Til We Meet Again,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1995. Gretchen Wainwright, ⬙The Morning After,⬙ The Client (also known as John Grisham’s ⬙The Client⬙), CBS, 1996. Herself, ⬙Mother’s Day,⬙ Cybill, CBS, 1997. Voice of Queen Esther, ⬙Friendship⬙/⬙Loyalty,⬙ Adventures from the Book of Virtues (animated; also known as The Book of Virtues), PBS, 1997. Herself, ⬙Hollywood,⬙ Tracey Takes On ѧ, HBO, 1998.

Margo Lange (some sources cite role as Margo Lane), ⬙One False Mole and You’re Dead,⬙ The Nanny, CBS, 1998. Herself, ⬙Michele Lee,⬙ Intimate Portrait (also known as Intimate Portrait: Michele Lee), Lifetime, 1999. Herself, ⬙Ava Gardner,⬙ Intimate Portrait (also known as Intimate Portrait: Ava Gardner), Lifetime, 2000. Camila Bianco, ⬙Mama Mia,⬙ Twice in a Lifetime, CTV (Canada) and PAX TV, 2001. Ima Cummings, ⬙Light My Firebush,⬙ Son of the Beach (also known as Babewatch, Hijo de la playa, Rantojen kunkku, and Strandloven), FX Network, 2001. Herself, ⬙Classic TV Stars⬙ (also known as ⬙Classic TV Faves Edition Ⲇ2⬙), Weakest Link (also known as The Weakest Link and The Weakest Link USA), NBC, 2001. Narrator, ⬙Lisa Hartman Black,⬙ Intimate Portrait (also known as Intimate Portrait: Lisa Hartman Black), Lifetime, 2001. Guest, Hollywood Squares (also known as H2 and H2: Hollywood Squares), syndicated, multiple episodes in 2001. Guest, The Test, FX Network, 2001. Herself, ⬙Joan Van Ark,⬙ Intimate Portrait (also known as Intimate Portrait: Joan Van Ark), Lifetime, 2002. Herself, ⬙Linda Gray,⬙ Intimate Portrait (also known as Intimate Portrait: Linda Gray), Lifetime, 2002. Herself, ⬙Michelle Phillips,⬙ Intimate Portrait (also known as Intimate Portrait: Michelle Phillips), Lifetime, 2003. Herself, Open Mike with Mike Bullard (also known as The Mike Bullard Show and Open Mike), CanWest Global Television, 2003. Herself, Soap Talk, SOAPnet, 2003. Herself, ⬙Alec Baldwin,⬙ Biography (also known as A&E Biography: Alec Baldwin), Arts and Entertainment, 2004. Voices of Wanda, woman, and third Mandy, ⬙Whatever Happen to Billy Whatsisname?/Just the Two of Pus,⬙ Grim & Evil (animated; also known as The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy), Cartoon Network, 2004. Herself, Pyramid (also known as The $100,000 Pyramid), syndicated, 2004. Herself, TV Land Moguls, TV Land, 2004. Herself, ⬙Breakout and Disappearing Star,⬙ TV Land Confidential (also known as TV Land Confidential: The Untold Stories), TV Land, 2005. Herself, ⬙Holiday Moments,⬙ TV Land’s ⬙Top Ten⬙ (also known as TV Land Top Ten), TV Land, 2005. Herself, ⬙Top 10 TV Spinoffs,⬙ TV Land’s ⬙Top Ten⬙ (also known as TV Land Top Ten), TV Land, 2006. Annette Wainwright, ⬙Lulu Grandiron,⬙ Nip/Tuck, FX Network, 2008. Herself, Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 2008. Appeared in other programs, including an appearance in Access Hollywood, syndicated; and as a guest, Battlestars, NBC. 304

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Television Appearances; Pilots: Alicia Dodd, The Judge and Jake Wyler, NBC, 1972. Captain Newman, M.D., ABC, 1972. Nina, Big Rose: Double Trouble (also known as Big Rose and Double Trouble), CBS, 1974. Shirley, Shell Game, CBS, 1975. Valene Joan Clements Ewing, Knots Landing, CBS, 1979. Novelist, Glitter, ABC, 1984.

VAN ARK Jocasta, The Legend of Oedipus, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Main Stage, 1988. Melissa Gardner, Love Letters, Promenade Theatre, New York City, 1989. Night of 100 Stars III (also known as Night of One Hundred Stars), Radio City Music Hall, 1990. Desiree Armfeldt, A Little Night Music (musical), Williamstown Theatre Festival, Main Stage, 1994. Woman B, Three Tall Women, Promenade Theatre, 1995. Stardust (also known as Squall and Star Dust), Tiffany Theater, Hollywood, CA, 1997. The Exonerated, The Culture Project, Bleecker Street Theatre, New York City, c. 2000. Marguerite Gautier, Camino Real, Shakespeare Theatre Company, The Landsburgh Theatre, Washington, DC, 2000. The Vagina Monologues, Canon Theatre, Beverly Hills, CA, and Denver Center for the Performing Arts, Stage Theatre, Denver, CO, both 2001. Blackout, McCadden Place Theatre, Hollywood, CA, 2003. Mrs. Fenway, Escape, produced as part of Five by Tenn (collection of one–act plays by Tennessee Williams), John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, 2004. Harriet, Private Fittings, La Jolla Playhouse, Sheila and Hughes Potiker Theatre, La Jolla, CA, 2005. Helena, A Lovely Sunday for Creve Coeur, Hartford Stage, Hartford, CT, 2006. You’ll Never Be Young Again, Los Angeles production, c. 2007.

Television Additional Voices; Animated Series: Thundarr the Barbarian, ABC, 1980–82, NBC, 1983–84. Television Executive Producer; Movies: In the Shadows, Someone’s Watching (also known as Someone’s Watching and With Harmful Intent), NBC, 1993. Television Director; Specials: ⬙Boys Will Be Boys,⬙ ABC Afterschool Specials, ABC, 1994. Director of a documentary about homelessness and domestic violence for the Directors Guild of America. Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Letting Go,⬙ Knots Landing, CBS, 1992. ⬙Hints and Evasions,⬙ Knots Landing, CBS, 1993.

Appeared as Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, Grove Shakespeare Festival; appeared in Heartbreak House, Los Angeles production; appeared in productions at other venues, including Arena Stage, Washington, DC.

Stage Appearances: The Miser, Tyrone Guthrie Theater, Minneapolis, MN, c. 1960. Death of a Salesman, Tyrone Guthrie Theater, MN, 1963. Corie Bratter, Barefoot in the Park, Biltmore Theatre, New York City, 1966–67, also in a London production, c. 1960. Chemin de Fer, New Theatre for Now, Los Angeles, 1969. Agnes, The School for Wives, Lyceum Theatre, New York City, 1971. In a Fine Castle, New Theatre for Now, 1971. Roxane, Cyrano de Bergerac, Center Theatre Group, Ahmanson Theatre, Music Center, Los Angeles, 1973. As You Like It, Los Angeles production, c. 1973. Silia Gala, The Rules of the Game, New Phoenix Repertory Company, Helen Hayes Theatre, New York City, 1974. Ring round the Moon, Center Theatre Group, Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles, 1975. Herself, Night of 100 Stars II (also known as Night of One Hundred Stars), Radio City Music Hall, New York City, 1985. Maxine Faulk, The Night of the Iguana, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Main Stage, Williamstown, MA, 1987.

Major Tours: Corie Bratter, Barefoot in the Park, U.S. cities, 1965. Film Appearances: Karen Crockett, Frogs, American International Pictures, 1972. Nancy Donovan, Held for Ransom, Cutting Edge Entertainment, 2000. Voice of secretary, It’s the Pied Piper, Charlie Brown (animated), Paramount, 2000. Deborah Michaels, UP, Michigan!, 2nd Busiest Bean Entertainment, 2001. Dr. Klein and others, Net Games (also known as Net G@mes), 2003. The Hemingway Diamond, Diamond Zero (also known as IceMaker), Xenon Pictures, 2005. Megan Phillips, Channels, Vanguard Cinema, 2008. RECORDINGS Music Videos: Los Angeles Dodgers, ⬙Baseball Boogie,⬙ 1986. 305


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 OTHER SOURCES VAN PATTEN, Dick 1928– (John Acerno, John Irwin, Dickie Van Patten, Richard Van Patten)

Periodicals: People Weekly, February 11, 1980.


Electronic: Joan Van Ark,, November 25, 2008.

Full name, Richard Vincent Van Patten; born December 9, 1928, in Kew Gardens neighborhood of Queens County, NY; son of Richard Byron (an interior decorator) and Josephine Rose (in advertising; maiden name, Acerno) Van Patten; brother of Joyce Van Patten (an actress) and Tim Van Patten (an actor and director); married Patricia Poole (a dancer and actress), April 25, 1954; children: Nels (an actor), James (an actor), Vincent (an actor). Education: Attended public schools in Richmond Hills, NY. Religion: Roman Catholic.

VAN DEN BLINK, Kieren 1972– PERSONAL Born March 11, 1972, in Princeton, NJ. Education: Graduated from Barnard College.

Addresses: Manager—Budd Burton Moss, Burton Moss Management, 10533 Strathmore Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90024.

Career: Actress.

Career: Actor. Also worked as stage manager for theatrical productions. Natural Balance (pet food company), founder and commercial spokesperson, c. 1990—; commercial spokesperson for Zaken Corp., 2008; appeared in other commercials.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Isabelle Lorenz, Tyranny, 2008. Television Appearances; Episodic: Erica Clemens, Without a Trace (also known as W.A.T), CBS, 2004. Nikki, ⬙Vector,⬙ Numb3rs (also known as Num3ers), CBS, 2005. Voice of Rogue, ⬙Hindsight: Part 1 & 2,⬙ Wolverine and the X–Men, 2008. Voice of Rogue, ⬙Time Bomb,⬙ Wolverine and the X–Men, 2008. Voice of Rogue, ⬙Past Discretions,⬙ Wolverine and the X–Men, 2008.

Member: Screen Actors Guild, Actors’ Equity Association, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.

Television Appearances; Movies: Young Rachel, Point Last Seen, CBS, 1998.

Television Appearances; Series: Nels Hansen, Mama (also known as I Remember Mama), CBS, 1949–57. Larry Renfrew, Young Dr. Malone, NBC, 1961–63. Sergeant Nelson Higgenbottom, The Partners, NBC, 1971–72. Friar Tuck, When Things Were Rotten, ABC, 1975. Tom Bradford, Eight Is Enough, ABC, 1977–81. Floyd Graham, WIOU, CBS, 1990–91.

Awards, Honors: Donaldson Award, Billboard readers’ poll, 1941, for The Lady Who Came to Stay; named honorary mayor of Sherman Oaks, CA, 2001; received star on Hollywood Walk of Fame. CREDITS

Film Appearances: Alicia, Drown Soda, 1997. Girl on television, Anywhere But Here, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1999. Jamie, The Four of Us, 2001. Amanda, Fancy, 2005.

Television Appearances; Movies: Edward, The Crooked Hearts, ABC, 1972. Alvin Andrews, With This Ring, ABC, 1978. Herb Thurston, Diary of a Teenage Hitchhiker (also known as Diary of a Hitchhiker), ABC, 1979.

Stage Appearances: Anne Frank, Margot Frank and Miep Gies, The Diary of Anne Frank, Music Box Theatre, Chicago, IL, 1997–98. 306

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VAN PATTEN Jay Leno’s Family Comedy Hour (also known as Family Comedy Hour), NBC, 1987. George Crandall and Santa Clause, A Mouse, a Mystery and Me, NBC, 1987. Jackie Gleason: The Great One (also known as How Sweet It Is: A Wake for Jackie Gleason), CBS, 1988. 1989 Johnnie Walker National Comedy Search, Comedy Central, 1989. The Television Academy Hall of Fame, Fox, 1990. Fifteenth Annual Circus of the Stars, CBS, 1990. Host, The Innocent of Hollywood, syndicated, 1990. Host, The Comedy Concert Hour, The Nashville Network, 1990. NY TV: By the People Who Made It—Parts 1 & 2, PBS, 1998. Eight Is Enough: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2000. Narrator, Gilligan’s Island: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2000. ⬙Dick Van Patten: The Sure Bet,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 2001. Playboy: Inside the Playboy Mansion, Arts and Entertainment, 2002. TVography: Lee Majors—Hollywood’s Bionic Hero, Arts and Entertainment, 2002. Comedic Genius: The Work of Bernard Slade, 2003. ⬙Don Adams: Would You Believe?,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 2004.

Tom Reed, High Powder, 1982. Martin Grenville, The Midnight Hour (also known as In the Midnight Hour), ABC, 1985. Principal, Combat High (also known as Combat Academy), NBC, 1986. Tom Bradford, Eight Is Enough: A Family Reunion, NBC, 1987. Rick Schuler, Wedding Day Blues (also known as Going to the Chapel and Wedding Day), NBC, 1988. Principal Loomis, 14 Going on 30, ABC, 1988. Tom Bradford, An Eight Is Enough Wedding, NBC, 1989. The commodore, Jake Spanner, Private Eye (also known as Hoodwinked and The Old Dick), USA Network, 1989. Roy, The Odd Couple: Together Again, CBS, 1993. Levi Downs, Another Pretty Face, PAX, 2002. Santa Claus, The Santa Trap, PAX, 2002. Jamie Denton, The Sure Hand of God (also known as Sinners Need Company), Lifetime, 2004. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Y2K: A World in Crisis, NBC, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Raymond, A Memory of Two Mondays, PBS, 1971. Ernie, Madge, and Artie, ABC, 1974. Mr. Humphries, Ladies of the Corridor, 1975. Mr. Mason, Ace, ABC, 1976. Celebrity Challenge of the Sexes 2, 1977. Disco Fever: ⬙Saturday Night Fever⬙ Premiere Party, 1977. Contestant, All–Star Family Feud, ABC, 1977. ABC Presents Tomorrow’s Stars, ABC, 1978. Mickey’s 50, 1978. That Second Thing on ABC, ABC, 1978. Rich Little’s Washington Follies, ABC, 1978. Pat Boone and Family, ABC, 1978. ABC team captain, Battle of the Network Stars VI, ABC, 1979. ABC team captain, Battle of the Network Stars VII, ABC, 1979. Thanksgiving Special, 1980. Take One Starring Jonathan Winters, NBC, 1981. Host, Whatever Became of ѧ?, ABC, 1981. Host, State Fair USA, syndicated, 1981. I Love Liberty, ABC, 1982. Andy Williams’ Early New England Christmas, CBS, 1982. Host, The Fairest of Them All, 1983. Mayor, ⬙The Hoboken Chicken Mystery⬙ (also known as ⬙The Hoboken Chicken Emergency⬙), WonderWorks, PBS, 1984. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, NBC, 1986. Howard Bevans, ⬙Picnic,⬙ Broadway on Showtime, Showtime, 1986. Lifetime Salutes Mom, Lifetime, 1987.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Walter Granscog, Arnie, 1970. Sergeant Nelson Higgenbottom, Confessions of a Top Crime Buster, 1971. Earl Enright, Hec Ramsey (also known as The Century Turns), NBC, 1972. Waldon, S.W.A.T., ABC, 1975. Mr. Unger, Grandpa Max, CBS, 1975. Dr. Adam O’Neil, The Love Boat, ABC, 1976. Chaplain, Charo and the Sergeant, ABC, 1976. Palmer, The Bionic Boy (also known as The Six Million Dollar Man: The Bionic Boy), 1976. King Alfred, Fit for a King, NBC, 1982. Floyd Graham, WIOU, CBS, 1990. Television Appearances; Episodic: Story Hour, DuMont Network, 1936. The Colgate Comedy Hour (also known as Colgate Summer Comedy Hour, Colgate Variety Hour, and Michael Todd Revue), NBC, 1950. Paul, ⬙The Broken Frame,⬙ Mike Hammer (also known as Mickey Spillane’s ⬙Mike Hammer⬙), 1958. Matt Reston, ⬙Incident of the Power and the Plow,⬙ Rawhide, 1959. ⬙Men in White,⬙ The Du Pont Show of the Month, CBS, 1960. The Nurses, ABC, 1965. The Face Is Familiar, 1966. 307


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 A. J. Horn, ⬙The Rent Increase,⬙ The Hot L Baltimore, 1975. Harry Green, ⬙The E.S.P. Spy,⬙ The Six Million Dollar Man, ABC, 1975. Phil Hunsberger, ⬙Fonzie the Salesman,⬙ Happy Days, ABC, 1975. Man at hotel, ⬙Street Girl,⬙ Medical Center, 1975. Jack Wood, ⬙Beauty on Parade,⬙ Wonder Woman (also known as The New Adventures of Wonder Woman and The New Original Wonder Woman), ABC, 1976. Merle Overton, ⬙Deadly Reunion,⬙ Barnaby Jones, 1976. ⬙Clown of Death,⬙ The Streets of San Francisco, ABC, 1976. Thurman Barber, ⬙The Thrill Killers: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Streets of San Francisco, ABC, 1976. Billy Geeter, ⬙The Adventure of the Eccentric Engineer,⬙ Ellery Queen (also known as The Adventures of Ellery Queen), 1976. Carter Merkle, ⬙Grateful,⬙ Emergency! (also known as Emergency One and Emergencia), 1976. Gordon Coleman, ⬙Walter’s Crisis: Part 1,⬙ Maude, 1976. Mr. Claxton, ⬙The Burger Queen,⬙ What’s Happening!!, 1976. Myron C. Dobbs, ⬙Case: O Come All Ye Wastrels,⬙ The Tony Randall Show, 1976. Patrick Malloy, ⬙Chautauqua, Chautauqua, Chautauqua,⬙ Gibbsville, 1977. Frank, ⬙Ginny’s Child,⬙ One Day at a Time, 1977. Assistant Principal Marvin Conners, ⬙The Graduation: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Happy Days, ABC, 1977. Dinah! (also known as Dinah! & Friends), 1977. The Hollywood Squares, 1978. ⬙Eight Is Enough vs. Family,⬙ Family Feud (game show; also known as The Best of Family Feud and Family Fortune), ABC, 1978. The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, NBC, 1978, 1981. Congressman John Whiteout, ⬙The Congressman Was Indiscreet/Isaac’s History Lesson/The Winner Takes Love,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1978. Himself, ⬙Roller Disco: Part 2,⬙ CHiPs (also known as CHiPs Patrol), NBC, 1979. Charlie Dillinger, ⬙The Mallory Quest/Two Hours/The Offer/Julie the Vamp: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1980. (Uncredited) Himself, ⬙The Great 5K Star Race and Boulder Wrap Party,⬙ CHiPs (also known as CHiPs Patrol), NBC, 1980. Howard Ethan, ⬙His Girls Friday/A Wife for Wilfred/The Girl Who Stood Still,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1982. The Great Stellini, ⬙The Professor Has Class/When the Magic Disappears/We the Jury,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1983. Arthur, ⬙Don’t Rock the Boat,⬙ Too Close for Comfort (also known as The Ted Knight Show), 1983. ⬙The Day Everything Went Wrong,⬙ Insight, 1983.

Market clerk, ⬙My Master the Chili King,⬙ I Dream of Jeannie, NBC, 1970. Bertrum Bannister, ⬙Fail Safe,⬙ The Governor & J. J., 1970. Mr. Morse, ⬙Rattle of a Single Girl,⬙ That Girl, 1970. Jack, ⬙Love and the Particular Girl,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1971. April’s father, ⬙Young Love,⬙ The Doris Day Show, 1971. ⬙Anniversary Gift,⬙ The Doris Day Show, 1972. David, ⬙The Dr. Rudolph Affair,⬙ The Don Rickles Show, 1972. Earl Gifford, ⬙Time to Kill,⬙ Banyon, 1972. Johnny Collins, ⬙45 Minutes from Home,⬙ The Streets of San Francisco, ABC, 1972. Mr. Covington, ⬙The Harry Award,⬙ The New Dick Van Dyke Show, CBS, 1972. Hamlin, ⬙The Great Sanford Siege,⬙ Sanford and Son, 1972. Dr. Whittaker, ⬙Awakening,⬙ Medical Center, 1972. Man with hand stuck in sink, ⬙Women,⬙ Emergency! (also known as Emergency One and Emergencia), 1972. Wollner, ⬙Howie Comes Home to Roost,⬙ The Paul Lynde Show, 1972. ⬙Love and the Tycoon,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1972. George, ⬙Love and the Parent’s Sake,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1973. Max Mathias, ⬙Dennis Takes a Life,⬙ The New Dick Van Dyke Show, CBS, 1973. Max Mathias, ⬙One of the Boys,⬙ The New Dick Van Dyke Show, CBS, 1973. (As John Irwin) Max Mathias, ⬙The Young Surgeons,⬙ The New Dick Van Dyke Show, CBS, 1973. Max Mathias, ⬙He Who Steals My Friends,⬙ The New Dick Van Dyke Show, CBS, 1973. Dr. Willis, ⬙Back Talk,⬙ The Paul Lynde Show, 1973. George Abel, ⬙Murder for Murder,⬙ Cannon, CBS, 1973. Fullmer, ⬙Life Robbery (also known as Tribute to a Veteran),⬙ The Rookies, 1973. Henry, ⬙No Hearts, No Flowers,⬙ McMillan & Wife (also known as McMillan), NBC, 1973. John, ⬙The Piano Teacher,⬙ Thicker than Water, 1973. Commissioner Hoyt, ⬙Katey at the Bat,⬙ Adam’s Rib, 1973. Jerry, ⬙Roommates on a Rain Day,⬙ Insight, 1973. Alfred Brindle, ⬙They Have Been, They Are, They Will Be ѧ ⬙ (also known as ⬙UFO⬙), The Night Stalker (also known as Kolchak: The Night Stalker), ABC, 1974. Harry Curtis, ⬙Alcohol,⬙ Adam–12, 1974. Donald Morgan, ⬙Rocket to Oblivion,⬙ Banacek, NBC, 1974. ⬙The Informer,⬙ Chopper One, 1974. Morgan, ⬙The New Broom,⬙ The Girl with Something Extra, 1974. Melvin Pearson, ⬙Odd Man Loses,⬙ Barnaby Jones, 1974. 308

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VAN PATTEN Himself, ⬙Training Camp,⬙ The Man Show, Comedy Central, 2000. Himself, ⬙Phone Sex,⬙ The Man Show, Comedy Central, 2001. ⬙Bruce Jenner,⬙ ESPN SportsCentury, ESPN, 2001. ⬙Jimmy Asks Women ⬘What Do You Weigh?’,⬙ The Man Show, Comedy Central, 2003. ⬙Camp Kournikova,⬙ The Man Show, Comedy Central, 2003. Himself, ⬙It’s a Wonderful Job,⬙ Life with Bonnie, ABC, 2003. James Rodgers, Sr., ⬙Two Weddings, an Engagement, and a Funeral,⬙ 7th Heaven (also known as Seventh Heaven and 7th Heaven: Beginnings), The WB, 2004. ⬙Dick Van Patten,⬙ Living in TV Land, TV Land, 2004. ⬙Greatest TV Romances,⬙ TV Land’s Top Ten, TV Land, 2005. Cal Cullen, ⬙Spring Breakout,⬙ Arrested Development, Fox, 2005. Cal Cullen, ⬙Righteous Brothers,⬙ Arrested Development, Fox, 2005. The John Kerwin Show, 2005. ⬙Writing, Rehearsing & Recording,⬙ TV Land Confidential (also known as TV Land Confidential: The Untold Stories), TV Land, 2005. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2005, 2006. Murph, ⬙Sweet Lady,⬙ That ’70s Show, Fox, 2006. In the Mix (also known as In the Cutz), Urban America, 2006. Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2006, 2008. ⬙Movies,⬙ TV Land Confidential (also known as TV Land Confidential: The Untold Stories), TV Land, 2007. ⬙Finales,⬙ TV Land Confidential (also known as TV Land Confidential: The Untold Stories), TV Land, 2007. Jury member, Jury Duty, 2007. Dr. Eddie Hackmeyer, ⬙Fetus Don’t Fail Me Now,⬙ The Sarah Silverman Program, Comedy Central, 2008. The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News Channel, 2008.

Herbert Pitts, ⬙Charades,⬙ Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s ⬙Hotel⬙), 1983. Just Men!, NBC, 1983. ⬙Dom DeLuise,⬙ This Is Your Life, syndicated, 1983. Alan Nettles, ⬙Undying Love,⬙ Finder of Lost Loves, 1984. George Hayes, ⬙How Do I Love Thee?/No More Alimony/Authoress! Authoress!⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1984. ⬙Sleeper,⬙ Masquerade, 1984. ⬙Cold Target,⬙ Mike Hammer (also known as Mickey Spillane’s ⬙Mike Hammer⬙ and The New Mike Hammer), 1984. ⬙Murder Is a Two Stroke Penalty,⬙ Crazy Like a Fox, 1985. Frasier Pratt, ⬙Second Offense⬙ (also known as ⬙Missing Pieces⬙), Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s ⬙Hotel⬙), 1985. District attorney Fred Whittaker, ⬙Murder in the Electric Cathedral,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1985. True Confessions, syndicated, 1986. Frank Stickle, ⬙Ex Marks the Spot,⬙ The Facts of Life, 1987. Phil Johnson, ⬙Dear Diary,⬙ Rags to Riches, 1987. The New Hollywood Squares, syndicated, 1987. Nick Simpson, ⬙Fortunate Son,⬙ Growing Pains, 1989. Taylor Michaels, ⬙Heartbreak Hotel,⬙ The Golden Palace, CBS, 1993. Monty Emerson, ⬙Murder at the Telethon,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1993. Sam/Henry Krebbs, ⬙Guys & Dolls,⬙ Baywatch, syndicated, 1994. Orphanage worker and Santa, ⬙Season’s Greedings,⬙ Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (also known as Lois and Clark and The New Adventures of Superman), ABC, 1994. Dr. Paul Hampton, ⬙Who Killed Skippy’s Master?⬙ Burke’s Law, CBS, 1994. Jerry, ⬙In the Name of God,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1995. Jack, ⬙Break a Leg,⬙ Maybe This Time, ABC, 1995. Himself, ⬙Nice Work If You Can Get It,⬙ Cybill, CBS, 1995. Jacob, ⬙You Can Go Home Again,⬙ Boy Meets World, ABC, 1996. Thief, ⬙Al Gets Robbed,⬙ The Weird Al Show, CBS, 1997. Himself, ⬙Because I Said So,⬙ The Weird Al Show, CBS, 1997. The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, 1997. Sid Glacken, ⬙How Long Has This Been Going On?,⬙ Love Boat: The Next Wave, UPN, 1998. Eb, ⬙Lady of the Lake,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1998. Voice of Tom Bradford, ⬙Brian: Portrait of a Dog,⬙ Family Guy (animated; also known as Padre de familia), Fox, 1999. Hollywood Squares (also known as H2 and H2: Hollywood Squares), syndicated, 1999, 2001.

Guest panelist, Battlestars; also appeared in episodes of Diamonds; Hearts Are Wild; Kraft Television Theatre; Silent Service; and The Verdict Is Yours. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 32nd Annual Tony Awards, 1978. The 2nd Annual Family Television Awards, CBS, 2000. Film Appearances: Jimmy Dugan, Reg’lar Fellers, Producers Releasing, 1941. Lieutenant Edgar Palmer, Psychomania (also known as Black Autumn and Violent Midnight), Victoria/ Emerson, 1964. 309


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Narrator, The Christmas Conspiracy (animated short film), Jenkev Productions, 2008. Mister Rye, Los Angeles, Westlake Entertainment Group, 2008. Jack Benson, Opposite Day, Identity Studios, 2009. Himself, The Making of a Film, Under Dog Distribution, 2009. Hollywood Moments (documentary), Film Pharm, 2009. According to Dom (documentary), Film Pharm, 2009.

(As Richard Van Patten) Bert, Charly (also known as The Two Worlds of Charly Gordon), Cinerama Releasing, 1968. The Dude, Zachariah, Cinerama Releasing, 1971. Warren, Making It, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1971. Hotel manager, Joe Kidd, Universal, 1972. Harry, Dirty Little Billy, Columbia, 1972. Scoutmaster Adleman, Beware! The Blob (also known as Beware of the Blob, Son of Blob, and Son of the Blob), Video Gems, 1972. Mr. Carruthers, Snowball Express, Buena Vista, 1972. Banker, Westworld, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1973. First usher, Soylent Green, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1973. Ira Hershaw, Superdad, Buena Vista, 1974. Harry, The Strongest Man in the World, Buena Vista, 1975. The gambler, Treasure of Matecumbe, Buena Vista, 1976. Raymond, The Shaggy D.A., Buena Vista, 1976. Cal Wilson, Gus, Buena Vista, 1976. Harold Jennings, Freaky Friday, Buena Vista, 1976. Dr. Wentworth, High Anxiety, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1977. Voice of King Goodwin, Nutcracker Fantasy (animated), Sanrio, 1979. King Roland, Ruler of Druidia, Spaceballs, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1987. Greg the glue man, The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking (also known as Pippi Laengstrump–starkast I vaerlden), Columbia, 1988. Detective Wendell Larch, Final Embrace, New Horizon Home Video, 1992. Max, Body Trouble (also known as Joker’s Wild), Triboro Entertainment Group, 1992. The abbot, Robin Hood: Men in Tights (also known as Sacre Robin des bois), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1993. Principal, A Dangerous Place (also known as No Surrender), PM Home Video, 1995. General Wainswright, Demolition High, Cabin Fever Entertainment, 1996. Dr. Rodino, Love Is All There Is, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1996. Game show host, For Goodness Sake II, 1996. Army general, Demolition University, 1997. Parole officer, Evasive Action, Hallmark Entertainment, 1998. Preacher, Angel on Abbey Street, 1999. Captain Stacey, Big Brother Trouble, Mainline Releasing, 2000. Mr. Rye, The Price of Air, Artistic License, 2000. Frank Rubin, Quiet Kill (also known as Nightmare Boulevard), 2001, I.Q. Entertainment, 2004. Irv Barnett, Groom Lake (also known as The Visitor), Full Moon Entertainment, 2002. Himself, Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star (also known as Dickie Roberts: (Former) Child Star), Paramount, 2003. Alan Merkel, Freezerburn, Brookturn, 2005.

Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) The child, Tapestry in Gray, Shubert Theatre, New York City, 1935. Henry Wadsworth Benson, Home Sweet Home, Greenwich Guild Theatre, Greenwich, CT, 1936. (As Dickie Van Patten) Isaac, The Eternal Road (musical), Manhattan Opera House, New York City, 1937. Theodore, Good–bye Again, Theatre at Pine Brook Country Club, Nichols, CT, 1937. Boy in tree, On Borrowed Time, Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1938. (As Dickie Van Patten) Nine, Run Sheep, Run, Windsor Theatre, New York City, 1938. (As Dickie Van Patten) Karl Gunther at age nine, The American Way, Center Theatre, New York City, 1939. (As Dickie Van Patten) Pete Brown, The Woman Brown, Wharf Theatre, Provincetown, NJ, then Biltmore Theatre, New York City, 1939. Tommy, Ah! Wilderness, Wharf Theatre, 1939, then Maplewood Theatre, NJ, 1940. Jessie, Our Girls, Starlight Theatre, Pawling, NY, 1940. Moses, Something about a Soldier, Bucks County Playhouse, New Hope, PA, 1940. Toby, Carriage Trade, Stamford Playhouse, Stamford, CT, 1940. (As Dickie Van Patten) Roger, The Lady Who Came to Stay, Maxine Elliott’s Theatre, New York City, 1941. (As Dickie Van Patten) Timothy Kincaid, The Land Is Bright, Music Box Theatre, New York City, 1941–42. Bodo, The Watch on the Rhine, Majestic Theatre, Boston, MA, 1942. ⬙Short Pants⬙ Houlihan, Evening Rise, Woodstock Playhouse, Woodstock, NY, 1942. (As Dickie Van Patten) Telegraph boy, The Skin of Our Teeth, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1942–43. (As Dickie Van Patten) Elwood, The Snark Was a Boojum, Forty–Eighth Street Theatre, New York City, 1943. Dexter Franklin, Kiss and Tell, Biltmore Theatre, 1943. (As Dickie Van Patten) Felix, Decision, Belasco Theatre, then Ambassador Theatre, both New York City, 1944. (As Dickie Van Patten) Sergeant Walter Burrows, Too Hot for Maneuvers, Broadhurst Theatre, New York City, 1945. 310

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VAN SUSTEREN Also appeared as Ray, David Harum; Wilfred, Duffy’s Tavern; Nick Kane, Elmer the Great; Toby Smith, Henry Aldrich; Cadet Osborne, The Major and the Minor; in The March of Time; as Teddy Thompson, Miss Hatty; Michael Brown, O Mistress Mine; Hartzell, One Foot in Heaven; Jimmy Dugan, Reg’lar Fellers; Teddy, Right to Happiness; Roger, Theatre; and Chic, Wednesday’s Child.

(As Dickie Van Patten) Ernie Sheffield, The Wind Is Ninety, Booth Theatre, New York City, 1945. Michael Brown, O Mistress Mine, Empire Theatre, New York City, 1946–47. Ensign Pulver, Mister Roberts, Alvin Theatre, New York City, 1948, then Quarterdeck Theatre, Atlantic City, NJ, 1951. Toto, Cry of the Peacock, Locust Theatre, Philadelphia, PA, 1950. Nels, Here’s Mama, Ogunquit Playhouse, Ogunquit, ME, then Cape Playhouse, Dennis, MA, 1952. Michael Barnes, The Male Animal, Music Box Theatre, then Jamaica Theatre, New York City, 1952. Charles Reader, The Tender Trap, Pocono Playhouse (now Bucks County Playhouse), New Hope, PA, 1955. Grant Cobbler, Oh Men! Oh Women!, Pocono Playhouse, 1955. Happy, Death of a Salesman, Long Beach Playhouse, New York City, 1955. Francis X. Dignan, King of Hearts, Avondale Playhouse, Indianapolis, IN, 1956. Ruby Pulaski, Have I Got a Girl for You!, Music Box Theatre, 1963. A Very Rich Woman, Belasco Theatre, 1965. Mr. Hollender, Don’t Drink the Water, Coconut Grove Playhouse, Miami, FL, 1968. Hal, Lovers and Other Strangers, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1968. The Honorable Newton Prince, But, Seriously ѧ, Henry Miller’s Theatre, New York City, 1969. Marion Cheever, Next, Adaptation, Greenwich Mews Theatre, New York City, 1969. Charlie, Thieves, Broadhurst Theatre, 1974, then Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1974–75. Cap’n Andy, Showboat, Auditorium Theatre, Chicago, IL, 1996. Scandals, Virginia Theatre, New York City, 1999. Al Lewis, The Sunshine Boys, Falcon Theatre, Burbank, CA, 2002.

RECORDINGS Videos: (As John Acerno) Title role, The Secret Dream Models of Oliver Nibble, Something Weird Video, 1967. Couples Do It Debbie’s Way, 1988. Narrator, Single Parenting, 1989. Radon Free, 1989. Dirty Tennis, 1989. Narrator, Blended Families: Yours, Mine, Ours, 1991. (Uncredited; in archive footage) The ⬙Weird Al⬙ Yankovic Video Library: His Greatest Hits, BMG Music, 1992. (In archive footage) ⬙Weird Al⬙ Yankovic: The Videos, 1996. Himself, Buckle Up, 1998. Spaceballs: The Documentary, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2002. (Uncredited; in archive footage) ⬙Weird Al⬙ Yankovic: The Ultimate Video Collection, Volcano Entertainment Group, 2003. Himself, Christmas in Tinseltown, New Line Home Video, 2004. Appeared in music videos, including ⬙Bedrock Anthem⬙ and ⬙Smells like Nirvana⬙ by ⬙Weird Al⬙ Yankovic. WRITINGS Nonfiction: (With Peter Berk) Launching Your Child in Show Biz: A Complete Step–by–Step Guide, General Publishing Group, 1997. Totally Terrific TV Trivia, 2007.

Major Tours: O Mistress Mine, U.S. cities, 1948. George Macauley, Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?, U.S. cities, 1957. Ensign Beau Gillian, Golden Fleecing, U.S. cities, 1960. Henry Greene, Strictly Dishonorable, U.S. and Canadian cities, 1964–65. Cap’n Andy, Showboat, U.S. cities, 1996. The Sunshine Boys, 2001.

OTHER SOURCES Other: ⬙Dick Van Patten: The Sure Bet⬙ (television special), Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 2001.

VAN SUSTEREN, Greta 1954– Radio Appearances: Mark Brown, Young Widder Brown, NBC, 1941. Dexter Franklin, Kiss and Tell, 1947. Wayne, State Fair, 1950. Ben Banks, Father of the Bride, 1951. Nat Kahn, Good Housekeeping, 1951.

PERSONAL Born June 11, 1954, in Appleton, WI; married John P. Coale (a lawyer). Education: University of Wisconsin, bachelor’s degree with distinction, economics; Georgetown Law Center, J.D., 1979, master of law, 1982. 311


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Herself, ⬙We Are Not Animals,⬙ Damages, FX Channel, 2007. Voice of herself, America’s Pulse, 2008. Entertainment Tonight (also known as E.T.), syndicated, 2008. Just In with Laura Ingraham, 2008.

Career: Television news host. Began career as a trial attorney; Georgetown Law Center, adjunct professor, 1984–99; Cable News Network (CNN), legal analyst and television show host, 1991–2002; joined Fox News, 2002. Awards, Honors: Sandra Day O’Connor Medal of Honor, Seton Hall University, 2001; Presidential Award for excellence in journalism, American Bar Association, c. 2001; National Headliners Award, 2002; honorary J.D., Stetson Law School.

WRITINGS Nonfiction: Cowrote My Turn at the Bully Pulpit: Straight Talk About the Things That Drive Me Nuts.

CREDITS VINCENT, E. Duke (Duke Vincent, Duke E. Vincent)

Television Appearances; Series: Cohost, Burden of Proof, Cable News Network, 1995–2002. On the Record w/Greta Van Susteren, Fox News, 2002—. The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News, multiple appearances, 2005—. Crime Scene, 2006.

PERSONAL Some sources cite original name as Duke Ventigmilia; raised in New York and New Jersey; mother, an organ player at silent movie theatres; married Pamela Gail Hensley (an actress). Avocational Interests: Flying, golfing, fly fishing.

Also appeared as host, The Point with Greta Van Susteren, Cable News Network.

Addresses: Office—Spelling Television, Inc., 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Fifth Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90036–3659.

Television Appearances; Specials: Presenter, The Fifth Annual Trumpet Awards, TBS, 1997. Correspondent, How Safe Is Your Food?, Cable News Network, 1997. Host, Burden of Proof: Clinton, Congress, and the Constitution, Cable News Network, 1998. Intimate Portrait: Sharon Osbourne, Lifetime, 2002. Judge, Miss America Pageant, ABC, 2003.

Career: Producer, writer, and executive. Spelling Television, Inc., Los Angeles, producer, executive producer, and vice chairperson. Owner of a restaurant and cocktail lounge in New Jersey. National Museum of Naval Aviation, Pensacola Naval Air Station (NAS), Pensacola, FL, trustee. Also known as Duke E. Vincent. Military service: Served as an aviator in the U.S. Navy, c. 1954–63; flew with the Blue Angels (U.S. Naval Flight Demonstration Squadron), 1960–61.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Herself, Damages, FX Channel, 2007.

Member: Writers Guild of America, West.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Herself, ⬙Lawsuit,⬙ Space Ghost Coast to Coast (also known as SGC2C), Cartoon Network, 1998. Herself, ⬙What Goes Up ѧ,⬙ The Osbournes (also known as The Curse of the Osbournes), MTV, 2002. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2002, 2005. Legal analyst, ⬙Why O. J. Simpson Won,⬙ American Justice, 2004. (Uncredited) Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 2004. At Large with Geraldo Rivera (also known as Geraldo at Large), syndicated, 2005. The Big Story, Fox News, 2005. Hannity & Colmes, Fox News, 2005. The View, ABC, 2005, 2007.

Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nomination (with others), outstanding drama series, 1982, for Dynasty; Emmy Award (with others), outstanding drama/comedy special, 1989, for Day One; Emmy Award, outstanding made for television movie, 1994, and CableACE Award nomination, movie or miniseries, 1995, both with others, for And the Band Played On. CREDITS Television Work; Series: Pilot, The Blue Angels, syndicated, 1960. Producer, Man in Space (documentary series), c. 1960. 312

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

VINCENT Executive producer, Sunset Beach, NBC, 1997–99. Executive producer, Buddy Faro, CBS, 1998. Executive producer, The Love Boat: The Next Wave, UPN, 1998–99. Executive producer, Any Day Now, Lifetime, 1998–2002. Executive producer, Charmed, The WB, 1998–2006. Executive producer, Rescue 77, The WB, 1999. Executive producer, Safe Harbor, The WB, 1999. Executive producer, Titans, NBC, 2000. Executive producer, All Souls, UPN, 2001. Executive producer, Deep Cover, c. 2002. Executive producer, Kingpin, NBC, 2003. Executive producer, Queens Supreme, CBS, 2003. Executive producer, 10–8: Officers on Duty (also known as 10–8 and 10–8: Police Patrol), ABC, 2003–2004. Executive producer, Clubhouse (also known as Homerun!), CBS, 2004. Executive producer, Summerland (also known as Immediate Family and Summerland Beach), The WB, 2004–2005. Executive producer, Wanted, TNT, 2005.

Producer and story consultant, Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., CBS, 1964–69. Producer, Arnie, CBS, 1970–72. Producer, The Little People (also known as The Brian Keith Show), NBC, 1972–74. Producer, Temperatures Rising (also known as The New Temperatures Rising Show), ABC, 1972–74. Executive producer, The San Pedro Beach Bums, ABC, 1977. Supervising producer, Vega$ (also known as High Roller and Vegas), ABC, 1978–81. Supervising producer, Friends, ABC, 1979. Supervising producer, B.A.D. Cats, ABC, 1980. Supervising producer, Aloha Paradise, ABC, 1981. Supervising producer, Strike Force, ABC, 1981–82. Producer and executive supervising producer, Dynasty, ABC, 1981–89. Supervising producer, Matt Houston, ABC, 1982–85. Executive producer and supervising producer, At Ease, ABC, 1983. Supervising producer, Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s ⬙Hotel⬙), ABC, 1983–88. Supervising producer, Glitter, ABC, 1984, 1985. Supervising producer, Finder of Lost Loves, ABC, 1984–85. Executive supervising producer, Hollywood Beat, ABC, 1985. Supervising producer, MacGruder and Loud, ABC, 1985. Executive producer and supervising producer, The Colbys (also known as Dynasty II: The Colbys), ABC, 1985–87. Executive supervising producer, Life with Lucy, ABC, 1986. Supervising producer, Free Spirit, ABC, 1989–90. Executive producer, Hearts Are Wild, CBS, 1992. Executive producer, The Round Table, NBC, 1992. Executive producer, 2000 Malibu Road, CBS, 1992. Producer, The Heights, Fox, 1992. Executive producer, Melrose Place, Fox, 1992–99. Executive producer, Heaven Help Us, syndicated, 1994. Executive producer, Winnetka Road, NBC, 1994. Executive producer, Burke’s Law, CBS, 1994–95. Executive producer, Madman of the People, NBC, 1994–95. Executive producer, Models Inc., Fox, 1994–95. Executive producer, Robin’s Hoods (also known as Robins Club, A toca de Robin, Les anges gardiens, and Mis cinco delincuentes), syndicated, 1994–95. Executive producer, University Hospital, syndicated, 1995. Executive producer, Beverly Hills 90210, Fox, 1995–99. Executive producer, Kindred: The Embraced, Fox, 1996. Executive producer, Malibu Shores, CBS, 1996. Executive producer, Savannah, The WB, 1996–97. Executive producer, 7th Heaven (also known as Seventh Heaven and 7th Heaven: Beginnings), The WB, 1996–2006, The CW, 2006–2007. Executive producer, Pacific Palisades, Fox, 1997.

Television Work; Miniseries: Supervising producer, The French Atlantic Affair, ABC, 1979. Supervising producer, Hollywood Wives, ABC, 1985. Supervising producer, Crossings, ABC, 1986. Executive supervising producer, Dynasty: The Reunion, ABC, 1991. Executive producer, Grass Roots, NBC, 1992. Executive producer, James A. Michener’s ⬙Texas⬙ (also known as Texas), ABC, 1995. Supervising producer, A Season in Purgatory, CBS, 1996. Television Work; Movies: Executive producer, Panache, ABC, 1976. Supervising producer, Kate Bliss and the Ticker Tape Kid, ABC, 1978. Supervising producer, Love’s Savage Fury, ABC, 1979. Supervising producer, Murder Can Hurt You (also known as Murder Can Hurt You! and Nojack & Co), ABC, 1980. Supervising producer, The Best Little Girl in the World, ABC, 1981. Supervising producer, Sizzle (also known as Golden Club), ABC, 1981. Supervising producer, Don’t Go to Sleep, ABC, 1982. Supervising producer, The Wild Women of Chastity Gulch, ABC, 1982. Supervising producer, Making of a Male Model, ABC, 1983. Supervising producer, Dark Mirror, ABC, 1984. Supervising producer, Dark Mansions, ABC, 1986. Supervising producer, Cracked Up, ABC, 1987. Supervising producer, The Three Kings, ABC, 1987. 313


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Executive supervising producer, Harry’s Hong Kong, ABC, 1987. Producer and executive supervising producer, The Hope Division (also known as Hope Division and Shades of Blue), ABC, 1987. Executive producer, Heartbeat (also known as HeartBeat), ABC, 1988. Executive producer, The Loner, ABC, 1988. Executive producer, Just Life, ABC, 1990. Executive producer, Partners, ABC, 1993. Producer, Green Dolphin Beat (also known as Green Dolphin Street), Fox, 1994. Executive producer, Crosstown Traffic (also known as Cross Town Traffic), 1995. Executive producer, ⬙The Embraced,⬙ Kindred: The Embraced, Fox, c. 1996. Executive producer, Bullet Hearts, Fox, 1996. Executive producer, Malibu Shores, CBS, 1996. Executive producer, Pier 66, ABC, 1996. Executive producer, 7th Heaven (also known as Seventh Heaven and 7th Heaven: Beginnings), The WB, 1996. Executive producer, ⬙Welcome to the Neighborhood,⬙ Pacific Palisades, Fox, 1997. Executive producer, ⬙Something Wicca This Way Comes,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 1998. Executive producer, Buddy Faro, CBS, 1998. Executive producer, Glory, Glory, CBS, 1998. Executive producer, Odd Jobs, NBC, 1998. Executive producer, Forbidden Island, UPN, 1999. Executive producer, Rescue 77, The WB, 1999. Executive producer, Titans, NBC, 2000. Executive producer, All Souls, UPN, 2001. Executive producer, Deep, The WB, 2001. Executive producer, Home of the Brave (also known as Brats), The WB, 2002. Executive producer, Deep Cover, c. 2002. Executive producer, Hotel, UPN, 2003. Executive producer, The Law and Mr. Lee (also known as The Henry Lee Project, Junkyard Dog, and The Law and Henry Lee), CBS, 2003. Executive producer, Queens Supreme, CBS, 2003. Executive producer, Clubhouse (also known as Homerun!), CBS, 2004. Executive producer, Silver Lake, UPN, 2004. Executive producer, Summerland (also known as Immediate Family and Summerland Beach), The WB, 2004. Executive producer, Bounty Hunters (also known as The Bounty Hunters), CBS, 2005. Executive producer, Crazy, UPN, 2005. Executive producer, Hitched, Fox, 2005. Executive producer, Wanted, TNT, 2005. Executive producer, Split Decision, The CW, 2006. Executive producer, Mermaid, The WB, 2007. Executive producer, Saving Grace (also known as Grace), TNT, 2007.

Executive producer, Day One (also known as Hiroshima), CBS, 1989. Executive producer, Rich Men, Single Women, ABC, 1990. Executive producer, Jailbirds, CBS, 1991. Executive producer, Back to the Streets of San Francisco, NBC, 1992. Executive producer, Sexual Advances, ABC, 1992. Executive producer, Terror on Track 9 (also known as Janek: The Grand Central Murders), CBS, 1992. Executive producer, And the Band Played On, HBO, 1993. Executive producer, Sidney Sheldon’s ⬙A Stranger in the Mirror⬙ (also known as A Stranger in the Mirror), ABC, 1993. Executive producer, Jane’s House, CBS, 1994. Executive producer, Love on the Run, NBC, 1994. Executive producer, After Jimmy, CBS, 1996. Executive producer, Satan’s School for Girls (also known as Satan School), ABC, 2000. Producer of The Imposter. Worked on other television projects. Television Work; Specials: Executive producer, The Best Moments of 90210, Fox, 1996. Executive producer, Beverly Hills 90210: 10–Year High School Reunion, Fox, 2003. Television Work; Pilots: Coproducer, Day by Day, ABC, 1973. Coproducer, Patsy, NBC, 1973. Executive producer, Salt and Pepe, CBS, 1975. (As Duke Vincent) Producer, The San Pedro Bums (also known as The San Pedro Beach Bums), ABC, 1977. Supervising producer, Eddie and Herbert, CBS, 1977. Producer, Vega$ (also known as High Roller and Vegas), ABC, 1978. Producer, Wild and Wooly, ABC, 1978. Producer, The Power Within (also known as Power Man), ABC, 1979. Producer, Casino, ABC, 1980. Supervising producer, Waikiki (also known as Waikiki Mission), ABC, 1980. Supervising producer, Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s ⬙Hotel⬙), ABC, 1982. Supervising producer, Massarati and the Brain, ABC, 1982. Supervising producer, Scared Silly, ABC, 1982. Supervising producer, Shooting Stars, ABC, 1983. Supervising producer, Venice Medical, ABC, 1983. Supervising producer, Velvet, ABC, 1984. Supervising producer and executive producer, Glitter, ABC, 1984. Supervising producer, International Airport, ABC, 1985. Supervising producer, Mr. & Mrs. Ryan, ABC, 1986. 314

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Executive producer for the pilots Austin, CBS; Conflict of Interest, UPN; Dark Matters, CBS; Fat Friends, Fox; Ghost Walker, The WB; The Green Ray, CBS; Hot Springs, UPN; Kincaid, The WB; Malpractice, UPN; The Second Assistant, UPN; State, The WB; The Tribe, The WB; and Wolf Pack, CBS. Also worked on other pilots.

Teleplays; Movies: Panache, ABC, 1976. Wrote The Imposter.

Television Appearances; Specials: Himself, The Women of Charmed, 2000.

Teleplays; Episodic: The Dick Van Dyke Show, CBS, episodes c. 1960. (With others) Man in Space (documentary series), c. 1960. Head writer, Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., CBS, 1964–69. Good Morning, World, CBS, multiple episodes, 1967–68. ⬙The Friend,⬙ The Doris Day Show, CBS, 1968. ⬙The Date,⬙ The Doris Day Show, CBS, 1969. Head writer, The Jim Nabors Hour, CBS, 1969–71. (As Duke Vincent) ⬙A Classic Case,⬙ Temperatures Rising (also known as The New Temperatures Rising Show), ABC, 1973.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Police officer, ⬙First Down and 200 Miles to Go,⬙ Good Morning, World, CBS, 1968. Himself, ⬙The Mod Squad,⬙ The E! True Hollywood Story (also known as Beverly Hills 90210: The E! True Hollywood Story and THS), E! Entertainment Television, 2000. Himself, ⬙Beverly Hills 90210,⬙ The E! True Hollywood Story (also known as Beverly Hills 90210: The E! True Hollywood Story and THS), E! Entertainment Television, 2001. Himself, ⬙Alyssa Milano,⬙ Intimate Portrait (also known as Intimate Portrait: Alyssa Milano), Lifetime, 2003. Himself, Larry King Live, Cable News Network, 2005.

Teleplays; Pilots: Salt and Pepe, CBS, 1975. Look Out, World, NBC, 1977. The San Pedro Bums (also known as The San Pedro Beach Bums), ABC, 1977.

Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Vincent, Off and Running (also known as Moon over Miami), 1991.

Novels: Mafia Summer, Bloomsbury USA, 2005. Black Widow, Bloomsbury USA, 2007.


W young actress in a feature film, and Young Artist Award (with others), best ensemble in a feature film, both 2001, for My Dog Skip; Young Artist Award nomination (with others), best ensemble in a television series, 2003, for Family Affair; DVD Premiere Award nomination, best actress, DVD Exclusive Awards, 2003, for Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch; DVDX Award nomination, best supporting actress in a DVD premiere movie, DVD Exclusive Awards, 2003, for Inspector Gadget 2; Young Artist Award nomination, best supporting young actress in a television drama series, 2006, for Commander in Chief.

WACHS, Caitlin 1989– PERSONAL Full name, Caitlin Elizabeth Wachs; born March 15, 1989, in Eugene, OR (some sources cite Los Angeles, CA); daughter of Allan and Patrice Wachs. Avocational Interests: Swimming, bicycling, dancing, singing, traveling. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 10250 Constellation Way, 9th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Publicist—Jeff Raymond, Rogers and Cowan Public Relations, Pacific Design Center, 7th Floor, 8687 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90069.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Dara Lynn Preston, Shiloh 2: Shiloh Season (also known as Shiloh 2: A Dog’s Tale and Shiloh 2: Shiloh Season), Warner Bros., 1999. Rivers Applewhite, My Dog Skip, Warner Bros., 2000. Rachel, The Next Best Thing, Paramount, 2000. Kathy O’Donnell, Thirteen Days, New Line Cinema, 2000. Andrea Framm, Air Bud: World Pup (also known as Air Bud 3 and Tobby III: Le chien etoile), Miramax Home Entertainment, 2000. Andrea Framm, Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch (also known as Tobby, le frappeur etoile), Miramax Home Entertainment, 2001. Vivi Abbott as a child, Divine Secrets of the Ya–Ya Sisterhood, Warner Bros., 2002. Penny, Inspector Gadget 2 (also known as IG2), Buena Vista, 2003. Katie Carmichael, Kids in America, Slowhand Cinema Releasing, 2005. Anne, Endless Bummer, Lighthouse Entertainment/Vans Warped Tour, 2008. Mary Worth, The Legend of Bloody Mary, Grindstone Entertainment Group, 2008. Jill, Privileged, Glass House Productions, 2009. Alyssa, Way of the Dolphin, Quantum Releasing, 2009.

Career: Actress. Appeared in more than fifty television commercials, including work for Mattel toys, Dial soap, McDonald’s restaurants, and Gap Kids clothing line; also worked as a model. Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination, best supporting young actress age ten or under in a television comedy or drama, 1997, YoungStar Award nomination, best young actress in a television drama series, Hollywood Reporter, 1998, and Young Artist Award nomination, best supporting young actress in a television drama series, 1998, 1999, all for Profiler; Young Artist Award nomination, best guest starring young actress in a television comedy series, 1999, for To Have & to Hold; Young Artist Award nomination, best guest starting young actress in a television drama series, for The Pretender; Young Artist Award (with others), best young ensemble in a feature film or television movie, 2000, for Shiloh 2: Shiloh Season; Young Artist Award nomination, best supporting young actress in a television movie comedy, 2001, for Phantom of the Megaplex; Young Artist Award nomination, best supporting 316

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WALKER Behind the Scenes of ⬙Inspector Gadget 2⬙ (also known as The Making of ⬙Inspector Gadget 2⬙), Buena Vista Home Video, 2003.

Television Appearances; Series: Chloe Waters, Profiler, NBC, 1996–98. Anna McGrail, To Have & To Hold, CBS, 1998. Sigourney ⬙Sissy⬙ Davis, Family Affair, The WB, 2002–2003. Chloe Shackleton, Cracking Up, Fox, 2004–2006. Rebecca Calloway, Commander in Chief, ABC, 2005–2006.

Appeared in music videos by Gladys Knight and Santana.

Television Appearances; Movies: Molly, Shattered Mind (also known as The Terror Inside), NBC, 1996. Amy, Race against Time: The Search for Sarah, CBS, 1996. Karen Riley, Phantom of the Megaplex, The Disney Channel, 2000.

WALKER, Kelly PERSONAL Born in Brisbane, Australia; daughter of Ross and Kathryn.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Anna McGrail, To Have & To Hold, CBS, 1998. Sigourney ⬙Sissy⬙ Davis, Family Affair, The WB, 2002. Chloe Shackleton, Cracking Up, Fox, 2004. Rebecca Calloway, Commander in Chief, ABC, 2005.

Career: Actress. Appeared in commercials. Awards, Honors: In The Bin Festival Award, best actress, In The Bin Short Film Awards, 2004, for Now.

Television Appearances; Specials: National Memorial Day Concert, PBS, 2008.


Television Appearances; Episodic: Penny Jillette, ⬙Save the Last Trance for Me,⬙ The Fresh Prince of Bel–Air, NBC, 1995. Bridgit Forrester, The Bold and the Beautiful (also known as Belleza y poder), CBS, 1995. Annie Anderson, ⬙Home,⬙ Early Edition, CBS, 1997. Faith Parker, ⬙At the Hour of Our Death,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 1999. Young Brooke, ⬙Slumber Party Massacre,⬙ Popular, The WB, 1999. Grace Frame, ⬙The Wee Hours,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2000. Chloe, ⬙Play Dead, Clown,⬙ Shasta McNasty (also known as Shasta), UPN, 2000. Herself, ⬙Malibu Charity Bash,⬙ I Married a Princess, Lifetime, 2005. Angelique Burcell, ⬙Pro–Life,⬙ Masters of Horror, Showtime, 2006. Cat Crosby, ⬙Love Triangle,⬙ Shark, CBS, 2006.

Film Appearances: Brittany Dantel, The List, Milknose Films, 2004. Shawna DeCert, Signed in Blood, Milknose Films, 2006. Stephanie, The Gift A.D., Samson Entertainment, 2006. Mary, Man Alive, Milknose Films, 2007. Analyst number two, Boogeyman 2 (video), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2007. Chloe, Deserted: The Ultimate Special Deluxe Director’s Version of the Platinum Limited Edition Collection of the Online Micro–Series (video), Skelligs Productions, 2007. Zoe Twill, Slight of Life, Angerman Distribution, 2008. Impact Point, Sony, 2008. Television Appearances; Episodic: Maura, ⬙Carrie Kelly,⬙ Diary of an Affair, Style, 2004. Also appeared as girl number one, in ⬙Everybody Hates Varsity Jackets,⬙ Everybody Hates Chris, UPN.

Stage Appearances: Appeared in Carbondale Dreams, Sanford Meisner Center Theatre, Los Angeles.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Cheerleader, Mr. Robinson’s Driving School, 2007.


Stage Appearances: Appeared as lead in In Truth, AAA Showcase; The Mikado, Somerville House; lead role, Hotel Chicago.

Videos: Disney Sing–Along–Songs: Beach Party at Walt Disney World, Walt Disney, 1995. 317


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Arresting officer, What’s Up, Doc?, Warner Bros., 1972. Mr. Wendell, Get to Know Your Rabbit, Warner Bros., 1972. Barber, Kid Blue, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1973. Gallagher, Serpico, Paramount, 1973. Las Vegas gambler, The Gambler, Paramount, 1974. Door man, The Prisoner of Second Avenue, Warner Bros., 1975. Harold, At Long Last Love, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1975. Bus driver, Mikey and Nicky, Paramount, 1976. ⬙Father⬙ Logan, Nickelodeon, Columbia, 1976. Husband in trailer automobile, Bound for Glory, United Artists, 1976. Dickie Dunn, Slap Shot, Universal, 1977. Dr. Williams, Airport ’77 (also known as Airport 1977 and Airport 77), Universal, 1977. Earl Frank, Straight Time, Warner Bros., 1978. Madman, The Jerk, Universal, 1979. Wally Cantrell, The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh, United Artists, 1979. Albert ⬙Vinnie⬙ Giordino, Raise the Titanic, Associated Film Distributors, 1980. C. P. Woodward, Brubaker, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1980. Coach Salan, Ordinary People, Paramount, 1980. Arthur, Back Roads (also known as Love with a Sinner), Warner Bros., 1981. Speaker at the Liberal Club, Reds, Paramount, 1981. Captain Bryant, Blade Runner, Warner Bros., 1982, director’s cut and final cut also released. Fritz, The Escape Artist, Warner Bros., 1982. Mack, Cannery Row (also known as John Steinbeck’s ⬙Cannery Row⬙), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1982. Sergeant Sanger, Fast–Walking, Pickman Films, 1982. Walt Yarborough, Silkwood, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1983. Burns, The Pope of Greenwich Village (also known as Village Dreams), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1984. Colonel Crouse, Raw Courage (also known as Courage), New World Pictures, 1984. Dr. Dolan, Fletch, Universal, 1984. Mr. Clark, Grandview, U.S.A., Warner Bros., 1984. Private detective Visser, Blood Simple. (also known as Blood Simple and Blood Simple: The Thriller), Circle Films, 1984, director’s cut also released. Simon Reynolds, Scandalous, Orion, 1984. Tuck, Missing in Action, Cannon, 1984. Charlie, The Best of Times, Universal, 1986. Coach Turnbull, Back to School, Orion, 1986. Harv, Critters, New Line Cinema, 1986. Walt Coes, Wildcats (also known as First and Goal), Warner Bros., 1986. Captain Haun, No Man’s Land, Orion, 1987. George Henderson, Sr., Harry and the Hendersons (also known as Bigfoot and Bigfoot and the Hendersons), Universal, 1987.

WALSH, M. Emmet 1935– (Emmet Walsh) PERSONAL Full name, Michael Emmet Walsh; born March 22, 1935, in Ogdensburg, NY; son of Harry Maurice, Sr. (a customs agent) and Agnes Kathrine (maiden name, Sullivan) Walsh. Education: Thomas S. Clarkson Memorial College of Technology (now Clarkson University), bachelor’s degree in business administration, 1958; trained for the stage at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, 1959–61. Addresses: Agent—Don Buchwald & Associates, 6500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2200, Los Angeles, CA 90048; Metropolitan Talent Agency, 4526 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010; Manager—SLJ Management, 8265 West Sunset Blvd., Suite 203, West Hollywood, CA 90046. Career: Actor. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, artist–in–residence, 1966; University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, artist–in–residence, 1983. Member: Actors’ Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Radio and Television Artists, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Players Club. Awards, Honors: Independent Spirit Award, best actor, Independent Feature Project/West, 1986, for Blood Simple.; Best Ensemble Cast Award (with others), Method Festival, 2007, for Man in the Chair. CREDITS Film Appearances: Group W sergeant, Alice’s Restaurant, United Artists, 1969. (Uncredited) Midnight Cowboy, United Artists, 1969. Stiletto, Avco–Embassy Pictures, 1969. Crab man and tutu man, End of the Road, Allied Artists, 1970. Shotgun guard, Little Big Man, National General, 1970. Warden Brodski, The Traveling Executioner, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1970. Loving, Columbia, 1970. Art, Cold Turkey, United Artists, 1971. First sanitation man, They Might Be Giants, Universal, 1971. General Winthrop’s aide, Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1971. 318

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WALSH Lester Ivar, Twilight (also known as The Magic Hour), Paramount, 1998. Marshal Phillips, Nightmare in Big Sky Country (also known as Strangers in a Small Town), ABC Pictures Corporation, 1998. Ralph Worth, Erasable You, Dorian Films, 1998. Coleman, Wild Wild West, Warner Bros., 1999. Commissioner Menlo Boyce, Jack of Hearts, 1999. (Uncredited) Marvin, Random Hearts, Columbia, 1999. Voice of Earl Stutz, The Iron Giant (animated), Warner Bros., 1999. Baggage, Cinewave Productions/Terence Michael Productions, 1999. Coach Cook, Eyeball Eddie, Pupil Productions, 2000. Judge Pike, Poor White Trash, Hollywood Independents/Xenon Entertainment Group, 2000. Stu O’Malley, Christmas in the Clouds, Random Ventures/Stockbridge Munsee Band of Mohican Indians, 2000. George, Snow Dogs, Buena Vista, 2002. Walt Scheel, Christmas with the Kranks (also known as John Grisham’s ⬙Skipping Christmas⬙ and Skipping the Holidays), Columbia, 2004. Woodzie, Racing Stripes, Warner Bros., 2005. Lew Popper, Big Stan, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2007. Mickey Hopkins, Man in the Chair, Outsider Pictures, 2007. Chuck Ireland, Chasing 3000, Pretty Dangerous Films/ Velocity Pictures, 2008. Hoyt, Sherman’s Way, Starry Night Entertainment, 2008. Kroger, Your Name Here, MEB Entertainment/Raz Entertainment, 2008. Lance McKyle, Roney’s Point, Birds–Eye Media, 2008. Muggs, Greener Mountains, Allumination Filmworks, 2008. Neil, Haunted Echoes (also known as Darkness Visible), Mainline Releasing, 2008. Mr. Beudreaux, The Assignment, New Movie Group, 2009. Samuel, Don McKay, 2009. Youth in Revolt, Lions Gate Films, 2009.

Machine shop worker, Raising Arizona, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1987. Chief Dibner, Sunset (also known as Catalina), TriStar, 1988. Governor, The Milagro Beanfield War, Universal, 1988. Richard Dirks, Clean and Sober, Warner Bros., 1988. Colin Detweiler, War Party (also known as War Game), TriStar, 1989. Dewey Ferguson, Red Scorpion (also known as Red Exterminator), Shapiro Glickenhaus Entertainment, 1989. Johnny Phatmun, Catch Me If You Can (also known as Heart Power), Management Company Entertainment Group, 1989. Wedge (truck driving evangelist), Thunderground (also known as Boxcar Blues), Shapiro Glickenhaus Entertainment, 1989. Miller, The Mighty Quinn (also known as Big Bad Man, Finding Maubee, and Jamaica Cop), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1990. Morris, Chattahoochee, Hemdale Releasing, 1990. Sergeant Dominick Benti, Narrow Margin, TriStar, 1990. Mort Bisby, Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat (also known as Sundown), Vestron Pictures, 1991. Bert Gibson, White Sands, Warner Bros., 1992. Sam (some sources cite John) Kane, Killer Image (also known as Muerte dans l’objectif), Groundstar Entertainment, 1992. Calvin Murks, The Music of Chance, IRS Releasing, 1993. Fire chief, Wilder Napalm, TriStar, 1993. Pete Petosa, Equinox (also known as Isimeria), IRS Releasing, 1993. Sheriff Bob, Bitter Harvest, Prism Entertainment, 1993. Earl, Relative Fear (also known as The Child), 1994. Hal, The Glass Shield (also known as The Johnny Johnson Trial), 1994. T. R. Polk, Camp Nowhere, Buena Vista, 1994. (Uncredited) Cops and Robbersons, TriStar, 1994. Dorsett, Panther, Gramercy Pictures, 1995. Martin, Criminal Hearts (also known as High Desert Run), Libra Home Entertainment, 1995. Sergeant Miller Hoskins, Dead Badge, 1995. Wilcox, Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home (also known as Free Willy 2), Warner Bros., 1995. Apothecary, Romeo + Juliet (also known as Romeo and Juliet and William Shakespeare’s ⬙Romeo + Juliet⬙), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. (Uncredited) Dr. Willard Tyrell ⬙W. T.⬙ Bass (psychologist), A Time to Kill, Warner Bros., 1996. Raymond Garrison, Portraits of a Killer (also known as Portraits of Innocence), Live Entertainment, 1996. Sheriff Foley, The Killing Jar, Curb Entertainment, 1996. Dino, Albino Alligator, 1996, Miramax, 1997. Joe O’Neal, My Best Friend’s Wedding, TriStar, 1997. Sam, Retroactive, Orion Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Dean, Me and Will, Bedford Entertainment, 1998. Freemont, Chairman of the Board, Trimark Pictures, 1998.

Television Appearances; Series: Gabe McCutcheon, Nichols (also known as James Garner as Nichols), NBC, 1971–72. Alex Lambert (some sources say Lembeck), The Sandy Duncan Show, CBS, 1972. Police chief Demsey, Amy Prentiss, NBC, 1974–75. Captain Mike Gorcey, Dear Detective, CBS, 1979. Ned Platt, Unsub (also known as Unknown Subject and UNSUB), NBC, 1989. Henry Allen, The Flash, CBS, c. 1990–91. Coach, Dogs, ABC, 1997–98. Voice of Mack, Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot (animated), Fox and Family Channel, 1999–2001. Randall Evans, The Mind of the Married Man (also known as My Dirty Little Mind), HBO, 2001–2002. 319


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Morris, From the Mixed–Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, ABC, 1995. Rudolph Thorndyke, Madness of Method, 1996. Sheriff, The Lottery, NBC, 1996. Sam, Retroactive, HBO, 1997. Junior assistant dispatch trainee Stanley Snyder, Men in White (also known as National Lampoon’s ⬙Men in White⬙), Fox Family Channel, 1998. Lloyd, Monster!, UPN, 1999.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Harry, The French Atlantic Affair, ABC, 1979. Sheriff Horace Quinn, John Steinbeck’s ⬙East of Eden⬙ (also known as East of Eden), ABC, 1981. Detective Sam Davies, The Deliberate Stranger, NBC, 1986. Vern Humphrey, Murder Ordained (also known as Broken Commandments and Kansas Gothic), CBS, 1987. Hardy, Brotherhood of the Rose, NBC, 1989. Voice, The Civil War (documentary; also known as The American Civil War), PBS, 1990. Voice, Baseball (documentary; also known as The History of Baseball), PBS, 1994. Voice, The Way West (documentary), broadcast as part of The American Experience, PBS, 1995. Voice, The West (documentary), PBS, 1996.

Television Appearances; Specials: Joe Lempke, ⬙The Woman Who Willed a Miracle,⬙ ABC Afterschool Specials, ABC, 1983. Rocco, ⬙The Adventures of Con Sawyer and Hucklemary Finn,⬙ ABC Weekend Specials, ABC, 1985. Earl Crockett, Rich Hall’s ⬙Vanishing America⬙ (also known as Vanishing America), Showtime, 1986. Sarge, ⬙Resting Place,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1986. Himself, On the Edge of Blade Runner, Channel 4 (England), 2000. Himself, AFI’s 100 Years, 100 Thrills: America’s Most Heart–Pounding Movies, CBS, 2001.

Television Appearances; Movies: The Law, NBC, 1974. Panic on Page One, ABC, 1974. Mr. Peterson, Sarah T.—Portrait of a Teenage Alcoholic, NBC, 1975. Irvine, The Invasion of Johnson County (also known as Brahmin), NBC, 1976. Sheriff Sweeney, Red Alert, CBS, 1977. McCartney, A Question of Guilt, CBS, 1978. Whitley, Superdome, ABC, 1978. DeFranco, No Other Love, CBS, 1979. Legion commander, The Gift, CBS, 1979. Mrs. R’s Daughter, NBC, 1979. Harold Patton, High Noon, Part II: The Return of Will Kane (also known as High Noon, Part II and The Return of Will Kane), CBS, 1980. Sheldon Lewis, City in Fear, ABC, 1980. General Presser, ⬙Hero in the Family,⬙ The Disney Sunday Movie (also known as Disneyland, Disneylandia, Disney’s Wonderful World, The Magical World of Disney, Walt Disney, Walt Disney Presents, Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color, and The Wonderful World of Disney), ABC, 1986. Mayor, The Right of the People, ABC, 1986. Detective Mulligan, Broken Vows (also known as Hennessey and Where the Dark Streets Go), CBS, 1987. Don Nichols, The Abduction of Kari Swenson (also known as Innocent Prey and Open Season), NBC, 1987. Clyde Wilson, Love and Lies (also known as The Kim Paris Story and True Betrayal), ABC, 1990. Harry, Fourth Story (also known as Basic Deception and Deadly Identity), Showtime, 1991. Mayor Thornbush, Four Eyes and Six–Guns, TNT, 1992. Mose, Wild Card (also known as Preacher), USA Network, 1992. Garcia and Gesundheim, The Naked Truth, Cinemax, 1993. Sadler, Probable Cause (also known as Sleepless), Showtime, 1994.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Who’s Got the Bundle?,⬙ N.Y.P.D., ABC, 1969. Cliff, ⬙To Buy or Not to Buy?,⬙ Arnie, CBS, 1970. Billy, ⬙The Saga of Cousin Oscar,⬙ All in the Family (also known as Justice for All and Those Were the Days), CBS, 1971. Gus Anderson, ⬙Courting Time,⬙ Julia, NBC, 1971. Lionel Atkins, ⬙Another Day, Another Scholar,⬙ The Jimmy Stewart Show, NBC, 1971. (As Emmet Walsh) Mattheson, ⬙Warbonnet,⬙ Bonanza (also known as Ponderosa), NBC, 1971. Telegraph clerk, ⬙Dear Fran ѧ,⬙ Ironside (also known as The Raymond Burr Show), NBC, 1971. Arthur Kingston, ⬙Janie’s Kitchen,⬙ The Don Rickles Show, CBS, 1972. Officer Ames, ⬙Buried Alive,⬙ McMillan & Wife (also known as McMillan), NBC, 1974. David Fletcher, ⬙The Venture,⬙ The Waltons, CBS, 1975. Edgar Burch, ⬙Counter Gambit,⬙ The Rockford Files (also known as Jim Rockford, Jim Rockford, Private Investigator, and Rockford), NBC, 1975. Potter, ⬙The Secret of Terry Lake,⬙ Baretta, ABC, 1975. ⬙Accounts Receivable,⬙ Kate McShane, CBS, 1975. Lloyd Herman Eckworth, ⬙Vendetta (a.k.a. The Monster),⬙ Starsky and Hutch, ABC, 1976. McDade, ⬙Dead Man Out,⬙ Baretta, ABC, 1976. ⬙Afternoon Waltz,⬙ Gibbsville, NBC, 1976. The Nancy Walker Show, ABC, 1976. Freddie, ⬙The Action,⬙ Starsky and Hutch, ABC, 1978. Callahan, ⬙Chicago,⬙ Little House on the Prairie (also known as Little House: A New Beginning), NBC, 1981. Detective Underhill, ⬙Ghostwriter,⬙ The Hitchhiker (also known as Deadly Nightmares and Le voyageur), HBO, 1985. 320

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Peter, ⬙Dealer’s Choice,⬙ The Twilight Zone (also known as Twilight Zone and The Twilight Zone: The Original Series), CBS, 1985. Grandpa Norman, ⬙Magic Saturday,⬙ Amazing Stories (also known as Steven Spielberg’s ⬙Amazing Stories⬙), NBC, 1986. Jonas, ⬙Collection Completed,⬙ Tales from the Crypt (also known as HBO’s ⬙Tales from the Crypt⬙), HBO, 1987. Arlen Thomas, ⬙Aloha, Io–wahu,⬙ The Jackie Thomas Show, ABC, 1993. Colonel Patterson, ⬙The Colonel,⬙ Home Improvement (also known as Hammer Time and Tool Time), ABC, 1994. Colonel Patterson, ⬙’Twas the Night before Chaos,⬙ Home Improvement (also known as Hammer Time and Tool Time), ABC, 1994. (In archive footage) Kane, Joe Bob’s Drive–In Theater, The Movie Channel, 1994. Sanford Valle, ⬙The Refuge,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime, Sci–Fi Channel, and syndicated, 1996. Santa, ⬙Christmas,⬙ Early Edition, CBS, 1996. Voice of Buck Strickland, ⬙The Company Man,⬙ King of the Hill (animated), Fox, 1997. Jimmy Duff, ⬙Sports,⬙ Tracey Takes On ѧ, HBO, 1998. Jimmy Duff, ⬙The Best of ⬘Tracey Takes On ѧ,’ Season 3,⬙ Tracey Takes On ѧ, HBO, 1998. Arthur Dales, ⬙The Unnatural,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1999. Voice of first gemsbok, ⬙Rain Dance,⬙ The Wild Thornberrys (animated; also known as The Thornberrys), Nickelodeon, 1999. Aubrey Lang, ⬙The Book of Danny,⬙ Cover Me: Based on the True Life of an FBI Family (also known as Cover Me and FBI Family), USA Network, 2000. Dr. Joe Kroft, ⬙Roll out the Barrel,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2000. Dr. Matthews, ⬙A Routine Case,⬙ Gideon’s Crossing, ABC, 2000. Mayor Kendricks, ⬙Home Is Where the Ducks Are,⬙ Ed (also known as Stuckeyville), NBC, 2000. Gus, ⬙Reunion,⬙ Night Visions, Fox, 2001. Richard ⬙Rich⬙ Koechner, ⬙Bully for Martin,⬙ Frasier (also known as Dr. Frasier Crane), NBC, 2001. Voice of Jeb, ⬙A Scooby–Doo Christmas,⬙ What’s New, Scooby–Doo? (animated), The WB, 2002, released on video as Merry Scary Holiday (also known as Volume 4: Merry Scary Holiday). Cubby, ⬙New Kid in School,⬙ Charlie Lawrence, CBS, 2003. Ezra Pence, ⬙Big Coal,⬙ The Guardian (also known as El guardia, The Guardian—Retter mit Herz, Le protecteur, O allos mou eaftos, Ochita bengoshi Nick Fallin, Ochita bengoshi Nick Fallin 2, and Oikeuden puolesta), CBS, 2003. Himself, ⬙Racing Stripes,⬙ Only in LA, 2005.

WALSH Sons, CBS; Love of Life, CBS; Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, syndicated; Men at Law (also known as The Storefront Lawyers), CBS; The Mississippi, CBS; Prudential’s ⬙On Stage⬙; The Texas Wheelers, ABC; and The Tony Randall Show, ABC and CBS. Television Appearances; Pilots: Jack Hoover, ⬙P–I–L–O–T,⬙ The Bob Newhart Show, CBS, 1972. Mr. Wallace, Doctor Dan, CBS, 1974. Lieutenant Jack Doyle, Crime Club, CBS, 1975. Captain Mike Gorcey, Dear Detective, CBS, 1979. Moran, Skag, NBC, 1980. Mr. Graebner, Hellinger’s Law, CBS, 1981. Officer Joe Kirby, Night Partners, CBS, 1983. Warden MacDonald, The Outlaws, ABC, 1983. Samuel Lynn, You Are the Jury, NBC, 1984. Bear Werner, The City, ABC, 1986. Ned Platt, Unsub (also known as Unknown Subject and UNSUB), NBC, 1989. Henry Allen, The Flash, CBS, 1990. Charles Blankenship, Silverfox (also known as Double Old 7 and Our Man James), ABC, 1991. Mr. Walgrave, The Nerd, NBC, 1996. Randall Evans, The Mind of the Married Man (also known as My Dirty Little Mind), HBO, 2001. Wally Westland, Tracey Ullman in the Trailer Tales, HBO, 2003. Appeared as Jack Hoover in the original pilot for The Bob Newhart Show, CBS. Stage Appearances: Shepards of the Shelf, Blackfriars Theatre, New York City, 1961. Citizen of Boston, My Kinsman Major Molineux, and American sailor, Benito Cereno, both produced as part of The Old Glory (double–bill), American Place Theatre, New York City, 1964. The Outside Man, American Place Theatre, 1964. Bill Leap, The Death of the Well–Loved Boy, St. Mark’s Playhouse, New York City, 1967. Three from Column A, Theatre 73, New York City, 1968. Ringo, Does a Tiger Wear a Necktie?, Belasco Theatre, New York City, 1969. George Sikowski, That Championship Season, Booth Theatre, New York City, 1973. Are You Now or Have You Ever Been?, Ford’s Theatre, Washington, DC, then Los Angeles, both 1975. Dodge, Buried Child, National Theatre, Lyttelton Theatre, London, 2004. Appeared in productions at other venues, including the College Theatre, American Academy of Dramatic Arts, 1954–61; Bucks County Playhouse, New Hope, PA, 1962; Brattleboro Summer Theatre, Brattleboro, VT,

Also appeared in other programs, including AfterMash (also known as AfterMASH and AfterM*A*S*H), CBS; The Cop and the Kid, NBC; The Doctors, NBC; Joe and 321


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 CREDITS

1963; Caravan Theatre, Dorset, CT, 1964; Theatre of the Living Arts, Philadelphia, PA, 1965; Studio Arena Theatre, Buffalo, NY, 1966; Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1967; Berkshire Theatre Festival, Stockbridge, MA, 1967–70; Vermont Summer Theatre Festival, Johnson, VT, 1974; and the Santa Barbara Theatre Festival, Santa Barbara, CA, 1985.

Film Appearances: Ginger’s brother, Ginger, Joseph Brenner Associates, 1971. (As Tracy Walter) Delivery person, Badge 373, Paramount, 1973. (Uncredited) Street urchin, Serpico, Paramount, 1973. Actor in Rob’s television show, Annie Hall (also known as Anhedonia, It Had to Be Jew, and A Roller Coaster Named Desire), United Artists, 1977. Coogan, Goin’ South, Paramount, 1978. Union member, Blue Collar, Universal, 1978. Male teller, Hardcore (also known as The Hardcore Life), Columbia, 1979. (Uncredited) Mr. Beedy, The Octagon (also known as The Man without Mercy), 1980. Psychiatric patient, The Fifth Floor, Film Ventures International, 1980. Rocco Mason, The Hunter, Paramount, 1980. Space, Getting Wasted (also known as Soft Explosion), Diversified Film Distribution, 1980. Arnold, Raggedy Man, Universal, 1981. Police officer, The Hand, Warner Bros., 1981. Pooch, Honkytonk Man, Warner Bros., 1982. Carl Dorsett, Timerider: The Adventures of Lyle Swann (also known as Timerider), 1982, Jensen Farley Pictures, 1983. First alley mugger, Rumble Fish, MCA/Universal, 1983. Groom, The Horse Dealer’s Daughter, 1983. Malak, Conan the Destroyer, Universal, 1984. Miller, Repo Man, Universal, 1984. The country squire, Something Wild, Orion, 1985. Patch, At Close Range, Orion, 1986. Calvin Bollard, Malone, Orion, 1987. Diner counter man, Midnight Run, Universal, 1988. Don Dickson, Mortuary Academy, RCA–Columbia/ Taurus Entertainment, 1988. Mr. Chicken Lickin’, Married to the Mob, Orion, 1988. Lieutenant Frank Meyers, Out of the Dark, Asso Film, 1988, New Line Cinema, 1989. Dusty, The Cowboy and the Frenchman (short film), Erato Films/Figaro Films/Socpress, broadcast on the television program Les francais vu par ѧ (also known as The French as Seen by ѧ ), [France], c. 1988, included in The Short Films of David Lynch, 2002. Bob the goon, Batman, Warner Bros., 1989. Homeless person, Under the Boardwalk, New World Pictures, 1989. Tommy Dearly, Homer & Eddie, Skouras Pictures, 1989. Beever Smith, Young Guns II (also known as Hell Bent for Leather and Young Guns II: Blaze of Glory), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1990. Exterminator, Pacific Heights, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1990.

Stage Work: Production assistant, The Beauty Part, Music Box Theatre, New York City, 1962. RECORDINGS Videos: (In archive footage) Bryant, Blade Runner: Deleted and Alternate Scenes, Warner Home Video, 2007. Himself, Dangerous Days: Making Blade Runner (also known as Dangerous Days), Warner Home Video, 2007. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Shock Cinema, issue 22, 2003, pp. 8–11.

WALTER, Tracey 1942(?)– (Tracy Walter, Tracey Walters) PERSONAL Born November 25, 1942 (some sources cite 1947), in Jersey City, NJ; father, a truck driver. Education: Attended high school in Jersey City, NJ; studied acting with David Le Grant. Addresses: Agent—Stone Manners Talent and Literary, 6500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 550, Los Angeles, CA 90048; Kazarian, Spencer & Associates (KSA), 11969 Ventura Blvd., Third Floor, Studio City, CA 91604; Cunningham–Escott–Slevin–Doherty (CESD) Talent Agency, 10635 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 130, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Career: Actor. Totem Pole Playhouse, Fayetteville, PA, apprentice; appeared in advertisements. Appeared on the back cover of the Aerosmith album A Little South of Sanity, Geffen, 1998. Worked in a auto parts store in Jersey City, NJ. Awards, Honors: Saturn Award, best supporting actor, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, 1985, for Repo Man; Method Fest Award (with others), best ensemble cast, 2007, for Man in the Chair. 322

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

WALTER Bartender, The Man from Elysian Fields, Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2001. Leon Gates, Face Value, Testimony Productions, 2001. Mortician, Jack the Dog, 2001. Professor Wood, How High, MCA/Universal, 2001. Ben Franks, Death to Smoochy (also known as Toetet Smoochy), Warner Bros., 2002. Mr. Siegel, Imposter, Miramax/Dimension Films, 2002. Randy Myers, Ted Bundy (also known as Bundy, Serial Killer: The True Story of Ted Bundy, and The Ted Bundy Story), First Look International, 2002. Desk clerk, Masked and Anonymous, Sony Pictures Classics, 2003. Nicky, One Last Ride, Eclectic Entertainment, 2003. Pharmacy customer, Duplex (also known as Our House and Der Appartement–Schreck), Miramax, 2003. Night clerk, The Manchurian Candidate, Paramount, 2004. Draft board doctor, Berkeley, Rivercoast Films, 2005. Toupee salesperson, Relative Strangers, First Look International, 2006. Mr. Klein, Man in the Chair, Outsider Pictures, 2007. Mr. Whicks, Wasting Away, K5, 2007. One–Way, The Death and Life of Bobby Z (also known as Bobby Z and Kill Bobby Z—Ein Deal um Leben und Tod), Millennium Films, 2007. Simon Ahrens, Nobel Son, Freestyle Releasing, 2007. Ancient trucker, Trailer Park of Terror, Summit Entertainment, 2008. Clem, Just Add Water (also known as One Part Sugar), 2008. Freddy, Cat Dragged In (short film), Shorts International, 2008. Police officer, The Perfect Game, Lionsgate, 2008. Roy White, Dark Reel, Barnholtz Entertainment, 2008. Janitor, Midnight Son, c. 2008. John Johnson, Pickin’ & Grinnin’, 2009.

(Scenes deleted) Traveller, Wild at Heart (also known as David Lynch’s ⬙Wild at Heart⬙ and Sailor & Lula), Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1990. Tyrone Otley, The Two Jakes, Paramount, 1990. Cookie, City Slickers, Columbia, 1991. Hotel desk clerk, Delusion, IRS Releasing, 1991. Lamar, The Silence of the Lambs, Orion, 1991. Cecil, Liquid Dreams, Northern Arts Entertainment, 1992. Elton, Guncrazy, First Look Pictures Releasing, 1992. Bloodhound Bob, Amos & Andrew, Columbia, 1993. Elton Spoole, Public Enemy Ⲇ2, Imagination Productions, 1993. Librarian, Philadelphia (also known as At Risk and People Like Us), TriStar, 1993. Wild Card, Cyborg 2 (also known as Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow and Glass Shadow), Trimark Pictures, 1993. (Uncredited) Janitor with information, Junior, Universal, 1994. Television repairperson, Mona Must Die (also known as Ein Fast perfektes Verhaeltnis), Carolco Pictures/ Mona Must Die Productions, 1994. Pappy, Destiny Turns on the Radio (also known as Johnny Destiny and Mister Destiny), Savoy Pictures, 1995. Paul McCarthy, Fist of the North Star (also known as Hokuto no Ken), Overseas FilmGroup, 1995. Angel number 85, Teddy & Philomina, 1996. (Uncredited) Area 51 laboratory technician, Independence Day (also known as ID4), Twentieth Century– Fox, 1996. Bill, Matilda (also known as Roald Dahl’s ⬙Matilda⬙), TriStar, 1996. Hedgehog, Drive (also known as Fugue), Road to Ruin, 1996. Joe Bennett, Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story (also known as Entertaining Angels), Paulist Pictures, 1996. The vagrant, The Size of Watermelons, Norstar Entertainment, 1996. Wee St. Francis, Larger Than Life, United Artists, 1996. Amanda, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1996. (Uncredited) Clerk in bookstore, Kiss the Girls, Paramount, 1997. Jim, Playing God (also known as Playing Hero), Buena Vista, 1997. Leon, Wild America (also known as Born to Be Wild), Warner Bros., 1997. Medical inmate, Desperate Measures, TriStar, 1998. Security guard, Mighty Joe Young (also known as Mighty Joe), Buena Vista, 1998. Slave catcher, Beloved, Buena Vista, 1998. Jake, Facade (also known as Death Valley), Cinequanon Pictures International, 1999. National Enquirer editor, Man on the Moon (also known as Der Mondmann), MCA/Universal, 1999. Charles Embry, Erin Brockovich, MCA/Universal, 2000. Clarence, Drowning Mona, Destination Films, 2000. Zeke, Blast, Zeta Entertainment, 2000.

Television Appearances; Series: Frog Rothchild, Jr., Best of the West, ABC, 1981–82. Blinky Watts, On the Air, ABC, 1992. Angel, Nash Bridges (also known as Nash), CBS, 1996–2001. Sheriff Walter Chechekevitch, Reno 911!, Comedy Central, 2003–2006. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Francis Bartley, Ride with the Wind, ABC, 1994. Jim Ragg, Buffalo Girls, CBS, 1995. Television Appearances; Movies: Coley Turner, Mad Bull (also known as The Aggressor), CBS, 1977. Harlan Tyler, High Noon, Part II: The Return of Will Kane (also known as High Noon, Part II and The Return of Will Kane), CBS, 1980. Kenny, Bill: On His Own (also known as Bill on His Own), CBS, 1982. 323


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Blaze, ⬙The Wedding Ring,⬙ Amazing Stories (also known as Steven Spielberg’s ⬙Amazing Stories⬙), NBC, 1986. Minister, ⬙I Do, I Don’t,⬙ Designing Women, CBS, 1986. Arnie Steckler, ⬙Cool Hand Dave: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Moonlighting, ABC, 1987. Gravel Gus, ⬙Night Train,⬙ ALF, NBC, 1987. Kayron, ⬙The Last Outpost,⬙ Star Trek: The Next Generation (also known as The Next Generation and Star Trek: TNG), syndicated, 1987. Malcolm, ⬙Seams from a Marriage,⬙ Designing Women, CBS, 1987. Mr. Woshinsky, ⬙The Gospel Truth,⬙ The Bronx Zoo, NBC, 1988. Mr. Woshinsky, ⬙Ties That Bind,⬙ The Bronx Zoo, NBC, 1988. Mr. Woshinsky, ⬙Truancy Blues,⬙ The Bronx Zoo, NBC, 1988. Dusty, The Cowboy and the Frenchman (short film), Erato Films/Figaro Films/Socpress, broadcast on the television program Les francais vu par ѧ (also known as The French as Seen by ѧ ), [France], c. 1988, included in The Short Films of David Lynch, 2002. Eugene Moss (a gravedigger), ⬙Lucky Stiff,⬙ Freddy’s Nightmares (also known as Freddy’s Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series, Freddy, le cauchemar de vos nuits, Freddyn painajaiset, Las pesadillas de Freddy, and Les cauchemars de Freddy), syndicated, 1989. (Uncredited; in archive footage) Kayron, ⬙Shades of Gray,⬙ Star Trek: The Next Generation (also known as The Next Generation and Star Trek: TNG), syndicated, 1989. Tom Mulden, ⬙The Takeover,⬙ Alien Nation (also known as Spacecop L.A., Alien nacion, and Alien nation— ciudadanos del espacio), Fox, 1989. Eugene Moss (a gravedigger), ⬙Easy Come, Easy Go,⬙ Freddy’s Nightmares (also known as Freddy’s Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series, Freddy, le cauchemar de vos nuits, Freddyn painajaiset, Las pesadillas de Freddy, and Les cauchemars de Freddy), syndicated, 1990. (As Tracy Walter) Ride operator, ⬙Terror on the Hell Loop 2000,⬙ Get a Life, Fox, 1990. ⬙Desert Run,⬙ Nasty Boys, NBC, 1990. Boris, ⬙Bride of the Wolfman,⬙ She–Wolf of London (also known as Love & Curses), syndicated, 1991. ⬙Hostile Takeover,⬙ Monsters, syndicated, 1991. Berik, ⬙Rascals,⬙ Star Trek: The Next Generation (also known as The Next Generation and Star Trek: TNG), syndicated, 1992. Tucker, ⬙Two Jerks and a Jill,⬙ Wings, NBC, 1992. Clerk, ⬙Christmas,⬙ The Mommies (also known as Mommies), NBC, 1993. Phil Swill, ⬙Mail Order Brides,⬙ The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. (also known as Brisco Country, Jr.), Fox, 1993. Phil Swill, ⬙No Man’s Land,⬙ The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. (also known as Brisco Country, Jr.), Fox, 1993.

Sam, Timestalkers (also known as Time Stalkers), CBS, 1987. Henry, Not of This World (also known as Shock Killer and Space Killers), CBS, 1991. Leo Mirita, The Companion, USA Network, 1994. Oliver Tracy, In the Line of Duty: Kidnapped (also known as Kidnapped: In the Line of Duty), NBC, 1995. (Uncredited) Ezra Hersch, The Devil’s Child, ABC, 1997. Sean Ferguson, Tell Me No Secrets, ABC, 1997. (Uncredited) The Inheritance (also known as Louisa May Alcott’s ⬙The Inheritance⬙), CBS, 1997. Attorney, Manhood, Showtime, 2003. Morley Todd, Monster Makers, The Hallmark Channel, 2003. Doc, The Trail to Hope Rose, The Hallmark Channel, 2004. Lou, Family Plan, The Hallmark Channel, 2005. Television Appearances; Specials: Elton Spoole, Public Enemy Number 2, Showtime, 1991. Leonard Eels, Basic Values: Sex, Shock & Censorship in the 90s (also known as Sex, Shock & Censorship in the 90s), Showtime, 1993. Homeless man, Jazz Night, Lifetime, 1999. Abominable snowman, The Year without a Santa Claus, NBC, 2006. Television Appearances; Episodic: (Credited as Tracey Walters) Leo, ⬙Dandruff,⬙ Starsky and Hutch, ABC, 1978. Jimmy Potter, ⬙Mixed Blessings,⬙ Vega$ (also known as High Roller and Vegas), ABC, 1979. Second Don Pesola, ⬙The Contest Nobody Could Win,⬙ WKRP in Cincinnati, CBS, 1979. Clint Mason, ⬙An Angel’s Trail,⬙ Charlie’s Angels (also known as The Alley Cats), ABC, 1980. Alvin Essary, ⬙Take This Job and Love It: Part 2,⬙ Filthy Rich, CBS, 1982. Lucky, ⬙Gold Fever,⬙ Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, CBS, 1982. Sammy, ⬙Shooter,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1982. Skip, ⬙The Silent Partner,⬙ The Fall Guy, ABC, 1982. Alvin Essary, ⬙The Country Club,⬙ Filthy Rich, CBS, 1983. Boone, ⬙The Gang’s All Here,⬙ Cagney & Lacey, CBS, 1983. Panhandler, ⬙A Grand Gesture,⬙ Taxi, ABC, 1983. Willie Laporter, ⬙Here’s Adventure, Here’s Romance,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1983. Archie O’Hare, ⬙Pen Pals,⬙ Hunter, NBC, 1984. Ezra, ⬙Mummy, Daddy,⬙ Amazing Stories (also known as Steven Spielberg’s ⬙Amazing Stories⬙), NBC, 1985. Alvin, ⬙Wildfire,⬙ Airwolf (also known as Blackwolf, Lonewolf, Supercopter, and Lobo del aire), CBS, 1986. 324

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 ⬙Dino Might (Gomora),⬙ Ultraman: The Ultimate Hero (also known as Ultraman Powered and Urutoraman pawado), c. 1993. Ed, ⬙Love, Mancini Style,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1994. Packy, ⬙George Gets Some Money,⬙ The George Carlin Show, Fox, 1994. Rosten, ⬙Whistle Stop,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1994. (In archive footage) Librarian, ⬙Quadriplegia, Nymphomania, and HIV–Positive Night,⬙ Joe Bob’s Drive–In Theater, The Movie Channel, 1995. Drugstore man, ⬙Endless Bummer,⬙ L.A. Doctors (also known as L.A. Docs, Kliniken, Kohtaloni Los Angeles, and Medicos de Los Angeles), CBS, 1998. Knapsack and homeless man, ⬙Repentance,⬙ Brimstone, Fox, 1998. McCain, ⬙Get Me Cody Swift,⬙ Buddy Faro, CBS, 1998. Dwayne, ⬙Reelin’ in the Years,⬙ Boomtown, NBC, 2002. Tom Johnson, ⬙Forgive Me, Father,⬙ The Division (also known as Heart of the City), Lifetime, 2002. Voice of Mophir, ⬙Eclipsed: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Justice League (animated; also known as JL, JLA, Justice League of America, and Justice League Unlimited), Cartoon Network, 2003. Voice of Puppet King, ⬙Switched,⬙ Teen Titans (animated), Cartoon Network, 2003. Manager, ⬙Rat Saw God,⬙ Veronica Mars, UPN, 2005. Bum, ⬙Bums: Making a Mess All over the City,⬙ It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (also known as It’s Always Sunny ѧ ), FX Network, 2007. Ike Stratman, ⬙Elephant’s Memory,⬙ Criminal Minds (also known as Quantico, Criminal Minds—FBI tutjijat, Esprits criminels, Gyilkos elmek, Kurjuse kannul, and Mentes criminales), CBS, 2008. The Professor, ⬙Mr. Monk and the Miracle,⬙ Monk, USA Network, 2008.

WARD RECORDINGS Videos: Dusty in The Cowboy and the Frenchman (short film), included in The Short Films of David Lynch, 2002. Himself, Batman: The Motion Picture Anthology 1989–1997—Beyond Batman from Jack to the Joker (short), Warner Home Video, 2005. Himself, Batman: The Villains (short), Warner Home Video, 2005. Himself, Shadows of the Bat: The Cinematic Saga of the Dark Knight—The Legend Reborn (short), Warner Home Video, 2005. Video Games: Voice of Popocorn, 50 Cent: Bulletproof, Vivendi Universal Games, 2005. Music Videos: ZZ Top, ⬙Sleeping Bag,⬙ 1985. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Tracey Walter Online,, November 26, 2008.

WARD, Vincent (Vincent M. Ward)

Appeared as Mr. Malloy in Empty Nest (also known as Harry’s Nest), NBC; and as Tommy Bass, Michael Hayes, CBS.

PERSONAL Education: Attended South Suburban College, South Holland, IL, 1993.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Frog Rothchild, Jr., Best of the West, ABC, 1981. Laird Sussman, Camp California, ABC, 1989. William Jones, Raines, NBC, 2007.

Addresses: Agent—Hervey/Grimes Talent Agency, 10561 Missouri Ave., Suite 2, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Manager—Joy Stevenson, 22838 Epsilon St., Woodland Hills, CA 91364.

Stage Appearances: Freddy (modern statuary), American Gothics, Roundabout Theatre Company, Roundabout Stage I, New York City, 1972. The Time Trial, New York Shakespeare Festival, New York City, c. 1975. Soldier, Rebel Woman, New York Shakespeare Festival, Joseph Papp Public Theater, Estelle R. Newman Theater, New York City, 1976.

Career: Actor. Appeared as a construction worker in a commercial for Diet Pepsi soft drinks; appeared in print ads for AT&T and Country Crock margarine; also performer for other commercials, music videos, radio programs, and industrial films. Formerly worked as a shoe salesman and security guard. Member: Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.

Appeared in other productions, including Jesse and the Bandit Queen, New York Shakespeare Festival. 325


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Also appeared in episodes of Desperate Housewives, ABC, Knight Rider, Robbery Homicide, and Viva Laughlin.

CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Vincent M. Ward) Second Uzi–carrying guard, Ocean’s Eleven (also known as 11 and O11), Warner Bros., 2001. (As Vincent M. Ward) Big man, Bringing Down the House, Buena Vista, 2003. Mr. Redd Dog, Confessions of a Thug, Polychrome Pictures, 2005. Bouncer, Lonely in Los Angeles (short film), MoHo Productions, 2006. Huge musclebound guy, 18 Fingers of Death!, Screen Media Films, 2006. Mike V, All Lies on Me, Visionary Entertainment, 2007. First young man, Three Can Play That Game, Sony Pictures, 2007. Jet Lewis, Cordially Invited, Equalaris Productions, 2007. (As Vincent M. Ward) CIA agent, Get Smart’s Bruce and Lloyd Out of Control, Warner Bros., 2008. Bishop Ussian Brown, Who Killed Bishop Brown, Upliftworks Entertainment, 2008. Cedric, Robbin’ in da Hood, InaVision, 2008.

Television Appearances; Other: Host of Son of Kaos Talk Show. Stage Appearances: Appeared as Roland, The Bachelorette Party; Sticks, The Gift; David, If You Really Love Me; Floyd Burns/Satan, Lord There’s a Stranger in My House; Rico, My Brother’s Keeper; Tony ⬙The Tiger⬙ Lee, Riff Raff; Calving Savage James, Savage World; Laurence, A Sugga Daddy Ain’t Always Sweet; and Max, Through the Storm; also appeared in Baldwin Hills and Baldwin Hills II, Believe Me When I Say I Love You, Love Games, Leave the 99, Man that Finds a Wife, Sweet Inspirations, What Is the World Coming To?, Will You Be Ready, and You Better Check Yourself.


Also appeared in the films Revealed and So Cold. Full name, Brian Douglas Williams; born May 5, 1959, in Elmira, NY; son of Gordon and Dorothy (an amateur actress) Williams; married Jane Stoddard (a television talk show producer), June 7, 1986; children: Allison, Douglas. Education: Attended Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, NJ, George Washington University, and Catholic University of America. Religion: Roman Catholic. Avocational Interests: Stock car races, presidential history.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Security guard, ⬙The Wedding,⬙ Girlfriends, UPN, 2003. Guard, The Bold and the Beautiful (also known as Belleza y poder), CBS, 2003. (As Vincent M. Ward) Space, ⬙Viva Las Vegas,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I., CSI: Las Vegas, and Les experts), CBS, 2004. Blings right–hand man, ⬙Malpractice Makes Perfect,⬙ Head Cases, Fox, 2005. (As Vincent M. Ward) Guard, ⬙Everybody Hates Malvo,⬙ Everybody Hates Chris, CW Network, 2006. FBI agent, ⬙Everybody Hates Chain Snatching,⬙ Everybody Hates Chris, CW Network, 2007. (As Vincent M. Ward) Marshall Abrams, ⬙Chain Reaction,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2007. Black bus driver, ⬙Everybody Hates Tattaglia,⬙ Everybody Hates Chris, CW Network, 2008. Parking officer, ⬙Sex Be Not Proud,⬙ Big Shots, ABC, 2008. (As Vincent M. Ward) Butchie’s bodyguard, ⬙Not for Attribution,⬙ The Wire, HBO, 2008. Guard, ⬙Yorkshire Terrier Sucked into the Internet,⬙ Unhitched, Fox, 2008. Police officer, ⬙The Accidental Occidental Conception,⬙ The Middleman, ABC Family Channel, 2008. Police officer, ⬙The Manicoid Teleportation Conundrum,⬙ The Middleman, ABC Family Channel, 2008. Bo, The Starter Wife, USA Network, 2008.

Addresses: Office—c/o NBC News, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112. Career: Broadcast journalist, correspondent, news anchor, and writer. KOAM–TV, Pittsburg, KS, reporter, 1980–81; WTTG–TV, Washington, DC, general assignment reporter, 1981–88, and host of the local talk show Panorama, 1985; WCAU–TV, Philadelphia, PA, correspondent and anchor, c. 1985–87; WCBS–TV, New York City, correspondent and anchor, c. 1987–93; NBC News, New York City, correspondent, 1993—, chief White House correspondent, beginning 1994. Worked as a White House intern during the Jimmy Carter administration; National Association of Broadcasters, assistant administrator of political action committee; Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, member of board of directors. Lecturer at Columbia University and elsewhere. Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation, honorary board member. Worked as a volunteer firefighter in New Jersey. 326

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Member: Council on Foreign Relations, Sigma Delta Chi.

WILLIAMS Generation Boom, TV Land, 2006. Night of Too Many Stars: An Overbooked Event for Autism Education, Comedy Central, 2006. That’s the Way It Is: Celebrating Cronkite at 90, CBS, 2007. Dale, Country Music Television, 2007. Stand Up to Cancer, multiple networks, 2008. Voice of Rock Granite, Little Spirit: Christmas in New York (animated), NBC, 2008.

Awards, Honors: Named father of the year, National Father’s Day Committee, 1996; named man of the year, Gentleman’s Quarterly, 2001; George Foster Peabody Broadcasting Award, Henry W. Grady School of Journalism and Mass Communications, University of Georgia, 2005; president’s medal, Tulane University, 2006; received at least five Emmy Awards, four Edward R. Murrow Awards, Radio and Television News Directors Association, and Alfred I. duPont–Columbia University Award; honorary doctorates from several institutions, including Elmira College, 1998, Providence College, 2002, Villanova University, 2003, Catholic University of America, 2004, Bates College, 2005, and Ohio State University, 2008.

Television Appearances; Movies: (Uncredited) Himself (in archive footage), Sometimes in April, HBO, 2005. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 19th Annual CableACE Awards, TNT, 1997. Presenter, 25th Annual News and Documentary Emmy Awards, Discovery Times Channel, 2004.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Anchor, NBC Nightly News (also known as NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams), Saturday edition, NBC, 1993–99. Anchor, The News with Brian Williams (also known as The News and The News on CNBC), MSNBC, 1996–2002, then CNBC, 2002–2004. Anchor, MSNBC Live (also known as MSNBC Dayside and MSNBC Right Now), MSNBC, 1996–2003. Anchor, NBC Nightly News, weekday edition, 2004—.

Television Guest Appearances; Episodic: Late Show with David Letterman (also known as The Late Show and Letterman), CBS, multiple appearances, beginning 1996. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 1997, 2008. Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, multiple appearances, beginning 1998. The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, 2001. ⬙Dale Earnhardt,⬙ ESPN SportsCentury, ESPN, 2001. The Daily Show (also known as A Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Global Edition, and Jon Stewart), Comedy Central, multiple appearances, beginning 2003. (Uncredited) Saturday Night Live (also known as SNL), NBC, 2004, 2006, 2007. Hardball with Chris Matthews, CNBC, 2004, 2006, 2007. Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show, syndicated, 2005. Larry King Live, Cable News Network, 2005, 2008. The Colbert Report, Comedy Central, 2007. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2007. ⬙The Bookaneers,⬙ Sesame Street (also known as The New Sesame Street, Open Sesame, and Sesame Street Unpaved), PBS, 2007. Good Morning America, ABC, 2008. Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2008. Real Time with Bill Maher (also known as Real Time with Bill Maher: Electile Dysfunction ’08), HBO, 2008. (In archive footage) ⬙Robbing Hollywood’s A–List/ Soaking the Rich at Auction,⬙ American Greed, CNBC, 2008. (In archive footage) The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News Channel, multiple episodes, 2008.

Also appeared as a correspondent for Dateline NBC, NBC. Television Appearances; Specials: Correspondent, To Your Health, NBC, 1994. Anchor, The People vs. O. J. Simpson, NBC, 1994. Correspondent, Decision ’96: The Republican National Convention, NBC, 1996. Correspondent, Decision ’96: The Democratic National Convention, NBC, 1996. Correspondent, Decision ’96 Election Night, NBC, 1996. Host, The American Presidency: Real to Reel, MSNBC, 1999. Host, NASCAR behind the Scenes, NBC, 1999. Moderator, Shades of Progress, Shadows of Hate, MSNBC, 2000. Night of Too Many Stars, NBC, 2003. Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks Spectacular, NBC, 2004. Anchor, Katrina’s Fury: A Dateline Special, NBC, 2004. In His Own Words: Brian Williams on Hurricane Katrina, Sundance Channel, 2005. A Concert for Hurricane Relief, NBC, 2005. Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope, multiple networks, 2005. Katrina: The Long Road Back, NBC, 2006. 327


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 children: (with actor Heath Ledger) Matilda Rose. Education: Briefly attended a Christian high school in Rancho Santa Fe, CA, then was home–schooled. Avocational Interests: Reading, watching boxing matches, collecting rare books.

Television Managing Editor; Series: NBC Nightly News (also known as NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams), Saturday edition, NBC, 1993–99. The News with Brian Williams (also known as The News and The News on CNBC), MSNBC, 1996–2002, then CNBC, 2002–2004. NBC Nightly News (also known as NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams), weekday edition, 2004–2008.

Addresses: Agent—Hylda Queally, Creative Artists Agency, 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Publicist—Mara Buxbaum, I/D Public Relations, 8409 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90069.

Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Himself (in archive footage), The 11th Hour, Warner Independent Pictures, 2007.

Career: Actress. Appeared in community theatre productions as a child in San Diego, CA; also appeared in commercials.


Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination, best young actress costarring in a motion picture, 1995, for Lassie; Young Star Award nominations, best young actress in a television drama series, 1998 and 1999, both for Dawson’s Creek; Young Artist Award nomination, best supporting young actress in a feature film, 1999, for Halloween H20: 20 Years Later; Young Artist Award nomination, best leading young actress in a feature film, 2000, for Dick; Lucy Award (with others), Women in Films, 2000; Screen Actors Guild Award nomination and Phoenix Film Critics Society Award nomination, both best ensemble cast (with others), 2004, for The Station Agent; Gotham Award nomination (with others), best ensemble cast, 2005, Phoenix Film Critics Society Award and Washington DC Area Film Critics Association Award nomination, both best supporting actress, 2005, Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actress in a film, 2006, Academy Award nomination, Film Award nomination, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, Independent Spirit Award nomination, Independent Features Project West, Chicago Film Critics Association Award nomination, Critics Choice Award, Broadcast Film Critics Association, and Online Film Critics Society Award nomination, all best supporting actress, 2006, and Screen Actors Guild Award nomination (with others), outstanding cast in a motion picture, 2006, all for Brokeback Mountain; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best actress, 2007, for Land of Plenty; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best actress, 2008, for Wendy and Lucy; Robert Altman Award (with others), Independent Spirit Awards, 2009, for Synecdoche, New York.

Television Specials: Host, The American Presidency: Real to Reel, MSNBC, 1999. Print Journalism: Contributor to periodicals, including Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Time, and TV Guide. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: AARP, January, 2005, p. 46; November, 2008, pp. 38–41, 79. American Journalism Review, January–February, 1997, p. 40. Chicago Tribune, June 3, 2002. Good Housekeeping, April, 2008, p. 60. New York Times, October 27, 2002. People Weekly, April 29, 1996, p. 101; December 29, 1997, p. 126. TV Guide, May 18, 2002, p. 45; September 5, 2004, pp. 59–63; September 25, 2005, p. 14; December 19, 2005, p. 31. USA Today, November 10, 2004, p. 1D. Vanity Fair, January, 1999, pp. 90–95, 132–133. Variety, June 30, 2003, p. 18. Washington Post, July 15, 2002, pp. C1, C4. Electronic: MSNBC Online,, December 5, 2008.

CREDITS WILLIAMS, Michelle 1980–

Film Appearances: April Porter, Lassie, Paramount, 1994. Young ⬙Sil,⬙ Species, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1995. Annie, Timemaster, Shapiro/Glickenhaus Entertainment, 1995. Pammy, A Thousand Acres, Buena Vista, 1997.

PERSONAL Full name, Michelle Ingrid Williams; born September 9, 1980, in Kalispell, MT; daughter of Larry (a commodities trader) and Carla (a homemaker) Williams; 328

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

WILLIAMS The Oprah Winfrey Show (also known as Oprah), syndicated, 2006. ⬙Filmen ⬘Brokeback Mountain’/Nyheter och vaeder,⬙ Nyhetsmorgon, 2006. Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2007, 2008. Cartaz Cultural, 2008.

Molly Cartwell, Halloween H2O: 20 Years Later (also known as Halloween: H2O and Halloween: H2O (20 Years Later)), Dimension Films, 1998. Arlene Lorenzo, Dick (also known as Dick, les coulisses de la presidence), Columbia/TriStar, 1999. Kimberly, But I’m a Cheerleader (also known as Dress to Kill), Lions Gate Films, 2000. Ruby, Prozac Nation, Miramax, 2001. Holly, Me Without You (also known as Meine beste freundin), Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2001. Halley, Perfume, Lions Gate Films, 2002. Emily, The Station Agent, Miramax, 2003. Anna Watson, A Hole in One, Beech Hill Films, 2004. Julie Pollard, The United States of Leland, Paramount, 2004. Penny Travis, Imaginary Heroes, Columbia, 2004. Lana, Land of Plenty, IFC Films, 2004. Cecil Mills, The Baxter, IFC Films, 2005. Alma Beers Del Mar, Brokeback Mountain, Focus Features, 2005. Betty, The Hawk Is Dying, Strand Releasing, 2006. Samantha, The Hottest State, ThinkFilm, 2006. Coco Rivington, I’m Not There, Weinstein Company, 2007. Young mother, Incendiary, Optimum Releasing, 2008. S, Deception, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2008. Wendy, Wendy and Lucy, Oscilloscope Pictures, 2008. Claire Keen, Synecdoche, New York, Columbia, 2008. Allison Gould, Mammoth (also known as Mammut), Svensk Filmindustri, 2009.

Television Appearances; Specials: Dawson’s Creek: Behind the Scenes, E! Entertainment Television, 1998. Seventeen: The Faces for Fall, The WB, 1998. Teen People’s 21 Hottest Stars under 21, ABC, 1999. Jennifer ⬙Jen⬙ Lindley, Songs from Dawson’s Creek, 1999. Intimate Portrait: Jamie Lee Curtis, Lifetime, 2000. Kids of Dawson’s Creek: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2005. Logo Movie Special: ⬙Brokeback Mountain,⬙ Logo, 2005. Como conseguir un papel en Hollywood, 2007. (In archive footage) ⬙Heath Ledger Special,⬙ A Current Affair, Nine Network, 2008. (In archive footage) Heath Ledger: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2008. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 51st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 1999. 6th Annual Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, Fox, 2000. The 11th Annual Critics’ Choice Awards, 2006. 12th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, TNT, 2006. 2006 Independent Spirit Awards, Independent Film Channel, 2006. The 78th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2006.

Television Appearances; Series: Jennifer ⬙Jen⬙ Lindley, Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1998–2003. Television Appearances; Movies: Donna Winston, My Son Is Innocent, ABC, 1996. Maya Tashjian, Killing Mr. Griffin, NBC, 1997. Linda, ⬙1972⬙ segment, If These Walls Could Talk 2, HBO, 2000.

Television Director; Episodic: Directed episodes of Dawson’s Creek, The WB. Stage Appearances: Dottie, Killer Joe, Soho Playhouse, New York City, 1999. Melanie–Jane, Smelling a Rat, Samuel Beckett Theatre, New York City, 2002. Varya, The Cherry Orchard, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Williamstown, MA, 2004. The Sisters Rosensweig (benefit), Virginia Theatre, New York City, 2004.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Trish Caines, Raising Caines, NBC, 1995. Jennifer ⬙Jen⬙ Lindley, Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Bridget Bowers, ⬙Race against Time: Part 1,⬙ Baywatch, NBC, 1994. J. J., ⬙Something Wild,⬙ Step by Step, ABC, 1994. Jessica Lutz, ⬙Wilson’s Girlfriend,⬙ Home Improvement, ABC, 1995. The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, 1998, 1999. Late Night with Conan O’Brien, 1999. The Howard Stern Radio Show, 1999. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2002, 2006. Corazon de ѧ, 2005, 2006.

RECORDINGS Videos: Herself and Molly, Unmasking the Horror, 1998. The Making of ⬙Dick,⬙ Columbia, 1999. Appeared in a music video by the Comas. 329


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 championship, 2003, 2005, 2007, Bangalore Open singles championship, 2008, and Family Circle Cup singles championship, 2008, among many other tennis awards; named tennis player of the year, Tennis (magazine), 1999; named female athlete of the year, Associated Press, 2003; ESPY Awards, female tennis player of the year, 2003, 2004, and female athlete of the year, Entertainment and Sports Network, 2003; four–time winner of Sony Ericsson Open championship, including 2007; named sportswoman of the year, Laureus World Sports Academy; Serena Williams Secondary School was named in her honor in Makueni District, Kenya.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Bikini, September, 1998, pp. 56–61. Empire, November, 1998, pp. 66–67. Femme Fatales, November, 1998, pp. 52–53. FHM, November, 1998, pp. 108–109, 111–112. George, July, 1999, pp. 40–41. Girlfriend, March, 2000. Movieline, September, 1998, pp. 66–67. Teen, June, 1999, pp. 56, 58. TV Guide, March 7, 1998, pp. 18–25. Twist, October, 1998, pp. 44–47. USA Today, January 20, 1998.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Miniseries: Sydney 2000: Games of the XXVII Olympiad, NBC, 2000. (Uncredited) Heroes of Black Comedy, Comedy Central, 2002. Venus and Serena: For Real, ABC Family Channel, 2005. Fast Cars and Superstars: The Gillette Young Guns Celebrity Race, ABC, 2007. Beijing 2008: Games of the XXIX Olympiad, NBC, 2008.

WILLIAMS, Serena 1981– PERSONAL Full name, Serena Jameka Williams; born September 26, 1981, in Saginaw, MI; daughter of Richard (a tennis coach and former operator of a private security firm) and Oracene (a nurse) Williams; sister of Venus Williams (a professional tennis player). Education: Studied at Art Institute of Florida. Religion: Jehovah’s Witness.

Television Appearances; Specials: Sports Illustrated’s Sportsman of the Year 2000, CBS, 2000. Raising the Roof: Seven Athletes for the 21st Century, ABC, 2000. Elvis Lives, NBC, 2002. On the Record with Bob Costas: A 2002 Special Edition, HBO, 2002. (In archive footage) Cleavage, Arts and Entertainment, 2002. Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2003, Spike, 2003. Glam Slam: WTA Fashion Show, Tennis Channel, 2003. Model, Sports Illustrated 40th Anniversary Swimsuit Special: American Beauty, Spike, 2004. Presenter, Fashion Rocks, Fox, 2004. Out of Africa: Heroes and Icons, BBC, 2005. 25 Strong: The BET Silver Anniversary Special, Black Entertainment Television, 2005. The History of Argentine Tennis, Tennis Channel, 2006. Forbes Celebrity 100: Who Made Bank?, E! Entertainment Television, 2006. Arthur Ashe Kids’ Day, CBS, 2006. Herself, Props, Cartoon Network, 2007. The Black List: Volume One, HBO, 2008.

Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 1 William Morris Pl., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Publicist—Ina Treciokas, Ina Treciokas Public Relations, 8332 Beverly Blvd., Suite 201, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Career: Professional tennis player, actress, and voice performer. Professional tennis player, 1995—. Appeared in commercials for McDonald’s restaurants, Double– Mint chewing gum, Vick’s NyQuil and DayQuil cold medications, and other products; appeared in print advertisements. Fashion designer, including her Aneres clothing line. Serena Williams Foundation, founder and philanthropist. Member: Women’s Tennis Association. Awards, Honors: Winner of U.S. Open doubles tennis championship (with sister, Venus Williams), 1999, French Open doubles championship (with Venus), 1999, Olympic doubles tennis gold medal (with Venus), 2000, 2008, U.S. Open tennis singles championship, 1999, 2002, 2008, Wimbledon doubles championship (with Venus), 2000, 2002, Women’s Tennis Association singles championship, 2001, Australian Open doubles championship (with Venus), 2001, 2003, French Open singles championship, 2002, Wimbledon singles championship, 2002, 2003, Australian Open singles

Television Appearances; Episodic: Voice, ⬙Tennis the Menace,⬙ The Simpsons (animated), Fox, 2001. 330

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Miss Wiggins, ⬙Crouching Mother, Hidden Father,⬙ My Wife and Kids, ABC, 2002. Meeka Hayes, ⬙Fly Girl,⬙ Street Time, Showtime, 2003. Chloe Spears, ⬙Brotherhood,⬙ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (also known as Law & Order: SVU, SVU, and Special Victims Unit), NBC, 2004. Jennifer Davis, ⬙Lost and Found,⬙ The Division (also known as Heart of the City), Lifetime, 2004. Voice of snowplow driver hero, ⬙Higgly Hoedown/ Eubie’s Turbo Sled,⬙ Higglytown Heroes (animated), The Disney Channel, 2005. Alice Watson, ⬙Two Ships,⬙ ER, NBC, 2005. Wanda, ⬙Not So Wonderful News,⬙ All of Us, UPN, 2005. Herself, ⬙Spinning Wheels,⬙ The Bernie Mac Show, Fox, 2006. Voice of Queen Athena, ⬙Apocalypso,⬙ Loonatics Unleashed (animated), CW Network, 2007. Voice of Ming, ⬙The Day of Black Sun: Part 1—The Invasion,⬙ Avatar: The Last Airbender (animated), Nickelodeon, 2007. Black Team captain, ⬙Serena Williams,⬙ Nick Cannon Presents: Wild ’n Out, MTV, 2007.

WILLIAMS Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 2000 Teen Choice Awards, Fox, 2000. Presenter, The 2000 MTV Video Music Awards, MTV, 2000. Essence Awards (also known as The 2001 Essence Awards), Fox, 2001. Presenter, ESPY Awards, ESPN, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007. The 34th Annual NAACP Image Awards, Fox, 2003. Presenter, MTV Video Music Awards, MTV, 2003. Presenter, The Teen Choice Awards 2004, Fox, 2004. Presenter, Nickelodeon’s 17th Annual Kids’ Choice Awards, Nickelodeon, 2004. VH1 Big in 04, VH1, 2004. 2005 Trumpet Awards, TBS, 2005. Presenter, 2005 American Music Awards (also known as The 33rd Annual American Music Awards), ABC, 2005. Film Appearances: Herself, She Got Game (documentary), Fireworks International, 2003. Agent Ross, Hair Show, Innovation Film Group, 2004.

Television Guest Appearances; Episodic: Hollywood Squares (also known as H2 and H2: Hollywood Squares), syndicated, 1999. Late Night with Conan O’Brien, NBC, 1999, 2007. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2001, 2003. The Wayne Brady Show, syndicated, 2003. ⬙Serena Williams,⬙ Center Court, Tennis Channel, 2004. Jimmy Kimmel Live!, ABC, 2004. Richard & Judy, Channel 4, 2004. ⬙Steffi Graf,⬙ ESPN SportsCentury, ESPN, 2004. The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn, CBS, 2004. Live with Regis and Kelly, syndicated, 2004, 2005. Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show, syndicated, 2004, 2007. ⬙Miami,⬙ Open Access, Tennis Channel, 2004. ⬙Wimbledon ’05,⬙ Open Access, Tennis Channel, 2005. Charity Jam, Tennis Channel, 2005. The Oprah Winfrey Show (also known as Oprah), syndicated, 2005. ⬙The Girl with the Worst Photo in History,⬙ America’s Next Top Model (also known as America’s Next Top Model 2, America’s Next Top Model with Tyra Banks, ANTM, and Top Model), UPN, 2005. Punk’d, MTV, 2005. (In archive footage) ⬙Sex and Sports,⬙ Beyond the Glory, Fox Sports Channel, 2005. Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, BBC, 2005, 2007. Martha, syndicated, 2006. The Tony Danza Show, syndicated, 2006. (Uncredited; in archive footage) ⬙It’s Your Lucky Day,⬙ The Tyra Banks Show, UPN, 2006. Larry King Live, Cable News Network, 2007. Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 2008. Mad TV, Fox, 2008.

RECORDINGS Videos: Raising Tennis Aces: The Williams Story, Xenon Pictures, 2003. Before, During, and ⬙After the Sunset,⬙ New Line Home Video, 2005. Appeared in the music video ⬙I Want You⬙ by Common. OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Black Biography, Volume 41, Gale, 2004. Newsmakers 1999, Issue 4, Gale, 1999. Notable Black American Women, Book 3, Gale, 2002. Notable Sports Figures, Gale, 2004. Periodicals: Essence, August, 1998, p. 78. Jet, December 1, 1997, p. 48; February 9, 1998, p. 49; July 20, 1998, p. 51; September 21, 1998, p. 49; March 15, 1999, p. 51; February 12, 2001, p. 51. Parade, March 16, 2003, p. 26. Tennis, February, 2000, pp. 28–30. TV Guide, October 18, 2003, p. 18; July 24, 2005, p. 12. USA Today, November 14, 1997, p. 3C; September 13, 1999, pp. 3C, 13C. Vogue, May, 1998, p. 270.

Also guest for an episode of The Game, CW Network. 331


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Member: Actors’ Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Actors Studio, Directors Guild of America, Chi Omega.

Women’s Sports and Fitness, November–December, 1998, p. 102. Electronic: Serena Williams Official Site, http://www., December 10, 2008.

Awards, Honors: National Board of Review Award, best actress, 1957, for The Three Faces of Eve and No Down Payment; Academy Award, best actress in a leading role, Golden Globe Award, best motion picture actress—drama, and Film Award nomination, best foreign actress, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, all 1958, for The Three Faces of Eve; Golden Laurel Award, top new female personality, Producers Guild of America, 1958; Film Award nomination, best foreign actress, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1959, for No Down Payment; named Hasty Pudding Woman of the Year, Hasty Pudding Theatricals, Harvard University, 1959; Golden Laurel Award nomination, top female comedy performance, 1959, for Rally ’round the Flag, Boys!; Zulueta Prize (Golden Shell), San Sebastian International Film Festival (Spain), best actress, 1960, for The Fugitive Kind; received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, 1960; Golden Laurel Award nominations, top female star, 1962, 1966, and 1967; Golden Globe Award, best motion picture actress—musical/comedy, 1964, for A New Kind of Love; Golden Laurel Award nomination, top female dramatic performance, 1964, for The Stripper; Golden Laurel Award nomination, top female comedy performance, 1967, for A Big Hand for the Little Lady; New York Film Critics Circle Award, best actress, 1968, Golden Globe Award, best motion picture actress— drama, Kansas City Film Critics Circle Award, best actress, Academy Award nomination, best actress in a leading role, and Film Award nomination, best actress, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, all 1969, and Golden Laurel Award nomination, best female dramatic performance, both 1970, all for Rachel, Rachel; Golden Laurel Award nominations, best female star, 1968, 1970, and 1971; Cannes International Film Festival Award, best actress in a full–length film, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture actress—drama, both 1973, and Kansas City Film Critics Circle Award, best actress, 1974, for The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man–in–the–Moon Marigolds; New York Film Critics Circle Award, best actress, 1973, Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture actress—drama, 1974, Academy Award nomination, best actress in a leading role, 1974, Film Award, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, and Kansas City Film Critics Circle Award, both best actress, 1975, all for Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams; Gala Tribute, Film Society of Lincoln Center, 1975; Golden Apple, star of the year, Hollywood Women’s Press Club, 1976; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actress in a drama or comedy special, 1977, and TV Land Award nomination (with Sally Field), blockbuster movie of the week, 2006, both for Sybil; Emmy Award, outstanding lead actress in a drama or comedy special,

Other: Raising Tennis Aces: The Williams Story (video), Xenon Pictures, 2003. The Williams Sisters: The E! True Hollywood Story (television special), E! Entertainment Television, 2004.

WOODWARD, Joanne 1930– PERSONAL Full name, Joanne Gignilliat Trimmier Woodward; born February 27, 1930, in Thomasville, GA; daughter of Wade (a school administrator, state educator, and publishing executive) and Elinor (maiden name, Trimmier) Woodward; married Paul Newman (an actor, producer, director, writer, and philanthropist), January 29, 1958 (died, September 26, 2008); children: Elinor ⬙Nell⬙ Terese, Melissa ⬙Lissy⬙ Stewart, Claire ⬙Clea⬙ Olivia; stepchildren: Scott (deceased), Susan, Stephanie. Education: Studied acting at Louisiana State University, 1947–49; studied acting with Sanford Meisner at the Neighborhood Playhouse Drama School; also studied at the Actors Studio; attended the Directing Workshop for Women, American Film Institute; Sarah Lawrence College, B.A., 1990. Politics: Democrat. Religion: Episcopalian. Avocational Interests: Ballet, horseback riding. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 10250 Constellation Way, Ninth Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Publicist—Warren Cowan & Associates, 8899 Beverly Blvd., Suite 919, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Career: Actress, director, producer, and philanthropist. Dancers (ballet company), New York City, board chairperson and major financial supporter, beginning c. 1975; Westport Country Playhouse, Westport, CT, artistic director, 2000–05 and beginning c. 2008, also a member of the board of trustees. Neighborhood Playhouse, New York City, instructor at performing workshops. Affiliated with the antidrug organization the Scott Newman Foundation; active in philanthropic causes. Affiliated with the organizations Another Mother for Peace and Women for a Meaningful Summit; Environmental Defense Fund, member of the board of trustees and appeared in advertisements for the organization. 332

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 1978, for ⬙See How She Runs,⬙ General Electric Theater; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding actress in a limited series or special, 1981, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a miniseries or motion picture made for television, 1982, both for Crisis at Central High; Emmy Award, outstanding lead actress in a limited series or special, 1985, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a miniseries or motion picture made for television, 1986, both for Do You Remember Love; Life Achievement Award, Screen Actors Guild, 1986; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best female lead, Independent Feature Project/West, 1988, for The Glass Menagerie; Emmy Award (with others), outstanding informational special, and Emmy Award nomination, outstanding performance in informational programming, both 1990, for ⬙Broadway’s Dreamers: The Legacy of the Group Theatre,⬙ American Masters; New York Film Critics Circle Award, best actress, 1990, Kansas City Film Critics Circle Award, best actress, Academy Award nomination, best actress in a leading role, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a motion picture—drama, and Independent Spirit Award nomination, best female lead, all 1991, all for Mr. & Mrs. Bridge; Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Award (with Paul Newman), freedom from want category, 1991; Lifetime Achievement Award, Kennedy Center Honors, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 1992; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actress in a miniseries or special, 1993, for ⬙Blind Spot,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actress in a miniseries or special, 1994, Golden Globe Award, best performance by an actress in a miniseries or movie made for television, 1995, and Screen Actors Guild Award, outstanding performance by a female actor in a television movie or miniseries, 1995, all for ⬙Breathing Lessons,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding supporting actress in a miniseries or a movie, 2005, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a supporting role in a series, miniseries, or motion picture made for television, 2006, and Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by a female actor in a television movie or miniseries, 2006, all for Empire Falls; William J. German Human Relations Award, American Jewish Committee; also the winner or runner–up of a number of beauty contests.

WOODWARD Leola Boone, No Down Payment, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1957. Clara Varner, The Long, Hot Summer, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1958. Grace Bannerman, Rally ’round the Flag, Boys!, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1958. Quentin Compson and narrator, The Sound and the Fury, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1959. Carol Cutrere, The Fugitive Kind, United Artists, 1960. Mary St. John and Mrs. Alfred Eaton, From the Terrace, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1960. Lillian Corning, Paris Blues, United Artists, 1961. Lila Green (title role), The Stripper (also known as Celebration, A Woman in July, A Woman of July, and Woman of Summer), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1963. Samantha ⬙Sam⬙ Blake and Mimi, A New Kind of Love (also known as Samantha), Paramount, 1963. Molly Thomas, Signpost to Murder, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1964. Mary Meredith and Ruby, A Big Hand for the Little Lady (also known as Big Deal at Dodge City), Warner Bros., 1966. Rhoda Shillitoe, A Fine Madness, Warner Bros., 1966. Rachel Cameron (title role), Rachel, Rachel (also known as A Jest of God), Warner Bros./Seven Arts, 1968. Elora Capua, Winning (also known as Indianapolis), Universal, 1969. Geraldine, WUSA (also known as Hall of Mirrors), Paramount, 1970. Herself (commentator), King: A Filmed Record ѧ Montgomery to Memphis (documentary), Maron Films, 1970. Dr. Mildred Watson, They Might Be Giants, Universal, 1971. Beatrice, The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man–in–the– Moon Marigolds, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1972. Rita Walden, Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams, Columbia, 1973. Iris Devereaux, The Drowning Pool, Warner Bros., 1975. Jessica, The End, United Artists, 1978. Lilly, Harry & Son (also known as Harry and Son), Orion, 1984. Herself, Sanford Meisner: The American Theatre’s Best Kept Secret (documentary), Columbia, 1985. Herself, Women—for America, for the World (short documentary), 1986. Amanda Wingfield, The Glass Menagerie, Cineplex Odeon, 1987. India Bridge, Mr. & Mrs. Bridge, Miramax, 1990. Narrator, The Age of Innocence, Columbia, 1993. Sarah Beckett, Philadelphia (also known as At Risk and People Like Us), TriStar, 1993. Narrator and in introduction, Even If a Hundred Ogresѧ, 1996.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Lissy, Count Three and Pray (also known as The Calico Pony), Columbia, 1955. Dorothy ⬙Dorie⬙ Kingship, A Kiss before Dying, United Artists, 1956. Eve White/Eve Black/Jane, The Three Faces of Eve, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1957. 333


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 (In archive footage) Herself, TV’s Funniest Game Show Moments, ABC, 1984. Host, Private Conversations: The Making of the Television Adaptation of ⬙Death of a Salesman⬙ with Dustin Hoffman, PBS, 1985. Born America: A March of Dimes Television Event, syndicated, 1986. Narrator, A Thousand Cranes, PBS, 1989. Congressional representative Nell Harrington, ⬙Blind Spot⬙ (also known as ⬙A Death in the Family⬙), Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1993. Voice of Margaret Sanger, The Roots of Roe, PBS, 1993. What Is This Thing Called Love? (also known as What Is This Thing Called Love? The Barbara Walters Special), ABC, 1993. Maggie Moran, ⬙Breathing Lessons⬙ (also known ⬙Maggie, Maggie!⬙), Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1994. Herself, ⬙Gore Vidal’s Gore Vidal,⬙ A&E Stage, Arts and Entertainment, 1995. Herself, The Rosemary Clooney Golden Anniversary Celebration (also known as Demi–Centennial, Golden Anniversary, Rosemary Clooney’s Demi– Centennial, and Rosemary Clooney’s Golden Anniversary), Arts and Entertainment, 1995. Host, ⬙A Renaissance Revisited,⬙ Dance in America (also known as Dance in America: A Renaissance Revisited), broadcast as part of Great Performances, PBS, 1996. Herself, James Dean: A Portrait (also known as James Dean), Disney Channel, 1996. (In archive footage) Herself, Cleopatra: The Film That Changed Hollywood, American Movie Classics, 2001. Herself, The John Garfield Story, TCM, 2003. Herself, The Adventures of Errol Flynn, TCM, 2005.

Narrator, My Knees Were Jumping: Remembering the Kindertransports (documentary), Anthology Film Archives/National Center for Jewish Films, 1998. (In archive footage) Herself, James Dean: Forever Young (documentary), Warner Bros., 2005. Narrator, Keepers of Eden (documentary), 2007. (In archive footage) Sebring (documentary), 2009. Film Director: The Hump Back Angel, 1984. Television Appearances; Series: Host, American Masters, PBS, 1985–90. Host, Live at the Met, PBS, 1986–88. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Francine Whiting, Empire Falls, HBO, 2005. Television Appearances; Movies: Dr. Cornelia Wilbur, Sybil, broadcast as part of The Big Event, NBC, 1976. Mildred McCloud, A Christmas to Remember, CBS, 1978. Lady Chatterly’s Lover, 1978. Beverly, The Shadow Box, ABC, 1980. Elizabeth Huckaby, Crisis at Central High, CBS, 1981. Catherine Kennerly, Passions, CBS, 1984. Barbara Wyatt–Hollis, Do You Remember Love, CBS, 1985. Vinnie Miner, Foreign Affairs, TNT, 1993. Television Appearances; Specials: Herself, At This Very Moment, 1962. Mary Follett, ⬙All the Way Home,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame, NBC, 1971. Host, The Wild Places, NBC, 1974. Narrator, The Fragile Mind, ABC, 1974. Margaret ⬙Marmee⬙ March, Little Women, broadcast as part of NBC Special Treat, NBC, 1976. The John Denver Special, ABC, 1976. Lola Delaney, ⬙Come Back, Little Sheba,⬙ Laurence Olivier Presents (also known as Laurence Olivier Presents: ⬙Come Back, Little Sheba⬙), NBC, 1977. Cohost, A Salute to American Imagination, CBS, 1978. Narrator, Angel Death (documentary), syndicated, 1979. Narrator, Fred Astaire: Change Partners and Dance, PBS, 1980. Narrator, Fred Astaire: Puttin’ on His Top Hat, PBS, 1980. Comedy, Cartwheels, Kung Fu and Capers: The Super Spectacle of the Peking Opera, Showtime, 1981. Candida Morell (title role), ⬙Candida,⬙ Broadway on Showtime (also known as Broadway on Showtime: Candida), Showtime and The Entertainment Channel, 1983.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Herself, The 30th Annual Academy Awards, NBC, 1958. Presenter, The 34th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1962. Presenter, The 38th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1966. Presenter, The 22nd Annual Tony Awards, NBC, 1968. Herself, An All–Star Tribute to Elizabeth Taylor, ABC, 1977. (Uncredited) The 55th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1983. The Spencer Tracy Legacy: A Tribute by Katharine Hepburn (also known as The Spencer Tracy Legacy), PBS, 1986. (In archive footage) India Bridge, The 63rd Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1991. The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1992, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: Penny, ⬙Penny,⬙ Robert Montgomery Presents (also known as Lucky Strike Theatre, Montgomery’s 334

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92

WOODWARD Terry Thomas, ⬙Full Circle,⬙ Four Star Playhouse (also known as Best in Mystery, Four Star Theatre, Singer Playhouse, and Star Performance), CBS, 1955. ⬙Cynara,⬙ Kraft Television Theatre (also known as Kraft Mystery Theatre, Kraft Theatre, and Ponds Theatre), ABC, 1955. ⬙Dark Stranger,⬙ Rheingold Theater, NBC, 1955. ⬙Death of a Stranger,⬙ Star Tonight, ABC, 1955. ⬙Eleven o’Clock Flight,⬙ Kraft Television Theatre (also known as Kraft Mystery Theatre, Kraft Theatre, and Ponds Theatre), ABC, 1955. Ann Benton, ⬙Watch the Sunset,⬙ Four Star Playhouse (also known as Best in Mystery, Four Star Theatre, Singer Playhouse, and Star Performance), CBS, 1956. Ann Rutledge, ⬙Prologue to Glory,⬙ General Electric Theater (also known as G.E. Theater and G.E. True Theater), CBS, 1956. Beth Paine, ⬙Momentum,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, CBS, 1956. Christiana, ⬙A Man’s World,⬙ Studio One (also known as Studio One, Studio One in Hollywood, Summer Theatre, Westinghouse Studio One, and Westinghouse Summer Theatre), CBS, 1956. Daisy, ⬙Family Protection,⬙ Studio One (also known as Studio One, Studio One in Hollywood, Summer Theatre, Westinghouse Studio One, and Westinghouse Summer Theatre), CBS, 1956. Katherine, ⬙Savage Portrait,⬙ Climax! (also known as Climax and Climax Mystery Theater), CBS, 1956. Margaret Spencer, ⬙The Girl in Chapter One,⬙ The Alcoa Hour, NBC, 1956. ⬙Starfish,⬙ Kraft Television Theatre (also known as Kraft Mystery Theatre, Kraft Theatre, and Ponds Theatre), ABC, 1956. Person to Person, CBS, 1957, 1958. Louise Darling, ⬙The 80 Yard Run,⬙ Playhouse 90, CBS, 1958. Herself, The Ed Sullivan Show (also known as Toast of the Town), CBS, 1958. Herself (mystery guest), What’s My Line?, CBS, 1959. Herself, The Mike Douglas Show, syndicated, 1971. Herself, Dinah’s Place, NBC, 1971, 1974. Midge Gibson, The Carol Burnett Show (also known as Carol Burnett and Friends), CBS, 1976. Host, ⬙Georgia O’Keeffe,⬙ American Masters, PBS, 1977. Herself, Dinah! (also known as Dinah and Dinah and Friends), syndicated, 1977. Betty Quinn, ⬙See How She Runs,⬙ General Electric Theater (also known as G.E. Theater and G.E. True Theater), CBS, 1978. Carol Schramm, ⬙The Streets of L.A.,⬙ General Electric Theater (also known as G.E. Theater and G.E. True Theater), CBS, 1979. ⬙Jane Adams,⬙ An American Portrait, CBS, 1985. Herself, Face to Face with Connie Chung, CBS, 1990. Herself, ⬙Miracle on 44th Street: A Portrait of the Actors Studio,⬙ American Masters, PBS, 1991.

Summer Stock, Robert Montgomery Presents ⬙Your Lucky Strike Theatre,⬙ and The Robert Montgomery Summer Theater), NBC, 1952. ⬙The Bitter Storm,⬙ Tales of Tomorrow, ABC, 1952. ⬙The Kill,⬙ Studio One (also known as Studio One, Studio One in Hollywood, Summer Theatre, Westinghouse Studio One, and Westinghouse Summer Theatre), CBS, 1952. Ann Rutledge, ⬙Mr. Lincoln: Parts 1–5,⬙ Omnibus, CBS, 1952–53. Emily, ⬙The Dancers,⬙ Philco Television Playhouse (also known as Arena Theatre, The Philco–Goodyear Television Playhouse, and Repertory Theatre), NBC, 1953. ⬙New Salem,⬙ Omnibus, CBS, 1953. ⬙The Young and the Fair,⬙ Goodyear Playhouse (also known as Goodyear Television Playhouse), NBC, 1953. ⬙A Young Lady of Property,⬙ Philco Television Playhouse (also known as Arena Theatre, The Philco– Goodyear Television Playhouse, and Repertory Theatre), NBC, 1953. Elsie, ⬙Homecoming,⬙ Robert Montgomery Presents (also known as Lucky Strike Theatre, Montgomery’s Summer Stock, Robert Montgomery Presents ⬙Your Lucky Strike Theatre,⬙ and The Robert Montgomery Summer Theater), NBC, 1954. Jane Ledbetter, ⬙Segment,⬙ The Ford Television Theater (also known as Ford Theater), NBC, 1954. Jen Townsend, ⬙Five Star Final,⬙ Lux Video Theatre (also known as Summer Video Theatre), NBC, 1954. Lisa (some sources cite role as Elsa), ⬙Stir Mugs,⬙ Studio One (also known as Studio One, Studio One in Hollywood, Summer Theatre, Westinghouse Studio One, and Westinghouse Summer Theatre), CBS, 1954. Nancy, ⬙High Man,⬙ The Elgin Hour, ABC, 1954. Vicki Hallock, ⬙Interlude,⬙ Four Star Playhouse (also known as Best in Mystery, Four Star Theatre, Singer Playhouse, and Star Performance), CBS, 1954. ⬙Brink of Disaster,⬙ The Armstrong Circle Theater (also known as Armstrong Circle Theater and Circle Theater), NBC, 1954. ⬙In the Line of Duty,⬙ Danger, CBS, 1954. ⬙The Oklahoma Land Rush (April 22, 1889),⬙ You Are There, CBS, 1954. ⬙Unequal Contest,⬙ Kraft Television Theatre (also known as Kraft Mystery Theatre, Kraft Theatre, and Ponds Theatre), ABC, 1954. ⬙Welcome Home,⬙ The Web, CBS, 1954. Eleanor Apley, ⬙The Late George Apley⬙ (also known as ⬙Back Bay Romance⬙), The Twentieth Century–Fox Hour (also known as Fox Hour of Stars and The 20th Century–Fox Hour), CBS, 1955. Jill, ⬙Dark Stranger,⬙ Henry Fonda Presents ⬙The Star and the Story⬙ (also known as The Henry Fonda Show and The Star and the Story), syndicated, 1955. Roxy (some sources cite role as Rocky), ⬙White Gloves,⬙ The U.S. Steel Hour (also known as The United States Steel Hour), CBS, 1955. 335


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Herself, ⬙Paul Newman: Hollywood’s Charming Rebel,⬙ Biography (also known as A&E Biography: Paul Newman), Arts and Entertainment, 1995. (In archive footage) Sarah Beckett, ⬙Quadriplegia, Nymphomania, and HIV–Positive Night,⬙ Joe Bob’s Drive–In Theater, The Movie Channel, 1995. Herself, ⬙Joan Collins: A Personal Dynasty,⬙ Biography (also known as A&E Biography: Joan Collins), Arts and Entertainment, 1997. Herself, ⬙Robert Wagner: Hollywood’s Prince Charming,⬙ Biography (also known as A&E Biography: Robert Wagner), Arts and Entertainment, 1999. Herself, ⬙Allison Janney,⬙ Intimate Portrait (also known as Intimate Portrait: Allison Janney), Lifetime, 2001. Herself and Clara Varner, ⬙The Long, Hot Summer,⬙ Backstory (also known as AMC Backstory, AMC Backstory: The Long Hot Summer, and Hollywood Backstories), American Movie Classics, 2001. Herself, ⬙A Man for All Stages: The Life and Times of Christopher Plummer,⬙ Life and Times, CBC, 2002. Anne Martin, ⬙Safe for Democracy,⬙ Freedom: A History for Us, PBS, 2003. Reader, ⬙The Education of Gore Vidal,⬙ American Masters, PBS, 2003. Herself, Inside the Actors Studio (also known as Inside the Actors Studio: The Craft of Theatre and Film), Bravo, 2003. Narrator, ⬙Pale Male,⬙ Nature, PBS, 2004. (In archive footage) Herself, ⬙Las Vegas: An Unconventional History: Part 1,⬙ The American Experience, PBS, 2005. (In archive footage) Herself, Entertainment Tonight (also known as Entertainment This Week, E.T., ET Weekend, and This Week in Entertainment), syndicated, 2008.

Television Work; Other; Episodic: Director, ⬙Thanksgiving,⬙ Family, ABC, 1979. Producer, ⬙Broadway’s Dreamers: The Legacy of the Group Theatre,⬙ American Masters (also known as American Masters: Broadway’s Dreamers: The Legacy of the Group Theatre), PBS, 1989. Stage Appearances: Understudy, Picnic, Music Box Theatre, New York City, 1953–54. Douane, The Lovers, Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, 1956. Mavis, Baby Want a Kiss, Little Theatre, New York City, 1964. Candida Morell (title role), Candida, Circle in the Square, New York City, 1981–82. Arkadina, The Sea Gull (also known as The Seagull), River Arts Repertory, Woodstock, NY, 1985. Amanda Wingfield, The Glass Menagerie, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Main Stage, Williamstown, MA, 1985, and Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1985–86. Alexandra del Lago (also known as Princess Kosmonopolis), Sweet Bird of Youth, Royal Alexandra Theatre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1988. Mrs. Alving, Ghosts, Bearsville Theater, Woodstock, NY, 1991. Abby Brewster, Arsenic and Old Lace, Long Wharf Theatre, 1994–95. Judith Bliss, Hay Fever, Berkshire Theatre Festival, Stockbridge, MA, 1996. Melissa Gardner, Love Letters, Westport Country Playhouse, Westport, CT, 2000. Ancestral Voices (reading), Westport Country Playhouse, 2000. Come Be My Love ѧ Love Spoken Here (benefit reading), Westport Country Playhouse, 2007. One of the Brewster sisters, Arsenic and Old Lace (reading), Westport Country Playhouse, 2008. A Holiday Garland, Westport Country Playhouse, 2008.

Appeared as herself, ⬙The Films of James Ivory,⬙ The Directors, Encore. Television Work; Specials: Director, ⬙Come along with Me,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1982. Coproducer, ⬙Blind Spot⬙ (also known as ⬙A Death in the Family⬙), Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1993. Executive producer and artistic director (Westport Country Playhouse), Our Town, Showtime, 2003, broadcast on Masterpiece Theatre (also known as ExxonMobil Masterpiece Theatre and Mobil Masterpiece Theatre), PBS, 2003.

Member of Little Theatre Group, Greenville, SC; appeared in summer stock productions, Chatham, MA. Stage Director: The Depot, Westport Country Playhouse, Theatre Artists Workshop, Westport, CT, 1986, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, c. 1980, Interart Theatre, New York City, 1987, Ethel Walker School, Simsbury, CT, 1987, performed as a benefit at the Westport Country Playhouse, 1987. Golden Boy, Williamstown Theatre Festival, The Extension, Williamstown, MA, 1987. Golden Boy, Blue Light Theatre Company, 45th Street Theatre, New York City, 1995. Rocket to the Moon, Williamstown Theatre Festival, The Other Stage, Williamstown, MA, 1996.

Television Production Assistant; Episodic: ⬙Another Caesar,⬙ Studio One (also known as Studio One, Studio One in Hollywood, Summer Theatre, Westinghouse Studio One, and Westinghouse Summer Theatre), CBS, 1953. ⬙Music and Mrs. Pratt,⬙ Studio One (also known as Studio One, Studio One in Hollywood, Summer Theatre, Westinghouse Studio One, and Westinghouse Summer Theatre), CBS, 1953. 336

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 La Ronde, Williamstown Theatre Festival, The Other Stage, 1997. The Big Knife, Williamstown Theatre Festival, The Nikos Stage, Williamstown, MA, 1998. Waiting for Lefty, Blue Light Theatre Company, Classic Stage Company Theatre, New York City, 1998. The Constant Wife, Westport Country Playhouse, 2000. Three Days of Rain, Westport Country Playhouse, 2001. (With Anne Keefe) David Copperfield, Westport Country Playhouse, 2005. The Member of the Wedding, Westport Country Playhouse, 2005.

WOPAT Morella, Joe, and Edward Z. Epstein, Paul and Joanne: A Biography of Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward, W. H. Allen, 1989. Netter, Susan, Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward, Piatkus Books, 1989. The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives, Thematic Series: The 1960s, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2003. Periodicals: American Theatre, September, 1996, p. 56. People Weekly, July 21, 1975.

Also directed Velvet Elvis. WOPAT, Tom 1951– Stage Director; Major Tours: The Depot, productions at various American venues, including college campuses and military schools, and produced at rallies, c. 1980.

PERSONAL Full name, Thomas S. Wopat; born September 9, 1951, in Lodi, WI; father, a dairy farmer; married Vickie Allen, October 27, 1984 (divorced); married and divorced an additional time; children: Lindsey, Joey, Adam, Taylor, Walker. Education: Studied music at the University of Wisconsin. Avocational Interests: Fishing, cooking.

Stage Artistic Director: Our Town, Westport Country Playhouse, Westport, CT, 2002–2003. Thurgood (solo show), Westport Country Playhouse, 2008.

Addresses: Agent—Innovative Artists, 1505 10th St., Santa Monica, CA 90401 and 235 Park Ave. South, Tenth Floor, New York, NY 10003. Publicist—The Brokaw Company, 9255 Sunset Blvd., Suite 804, Los Angeles, CA 90069–3309.

Artistic director for various productions of the Westport Country Playhouse. Stage Producer: Our Town, Booth Theatre, New York City, 2002–2003. Thurgood (solo show), Booth Theatre, 2008.

Career: Actor, singer, and director. Singer and guitarist with musical groups, including the North Hollywood All–Stars and the Full Moon Band; performer at various venues; performed with the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the Hollywood Bowl; also performed with the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra. Worked as a roofer.

RECORDINGS Videos: Herself, Edward R. Murrow: The Best of ⬙Person to Person,⬙ 1993.

Member: Actors’ Equity Association, Directors Guild of America. Awards, Honors: Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actor in a musical, and Drama Desk Award nomination, outstanding actor in a musical, both 1999, for Annie Get Your Gun; Drama Desk Award nomination (with others), outstanding ensemble performance, 2005, for Glengarry Glen Ross; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actor in a musical, and Drama Desk Award nomination, outstanding featured actor in a musical, both 2008, for A Catered Affair.

WRITINGS Teleplays; Specials: (With Neal Miller and June Finfer) ⬙Come along with Me⬙ (based on an unfinished work by Shirley Jackson), American Playhouse, PBS, 1982. OTHER SOURCES

CREDITS Books: International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, Volume 3: Actors and Actresses, St. James Press, 1996.

Television Appearances; Series: Luke Duke, The Dukes of Hazzard, CBS, 1979–82, 1983–85. 337


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Narrator, The Bear: The Legend of Coach Paul Bryant, CBS, 2001. Performer, Cincinnati Pops Holiday: Fourth of July from the Heartland, PBS, 2001. Himself, Heart–throbs of the 70s (documentary), Sky, 2001. National Memorial Day Concert, PBS, 2001. Himself, CBS at 75 (also known as CBS at 75: A Primetime Celebration), CBS, 2003. Himself, Broadway under the Stars, CBS, 2004, 2005. (In archive footage) Luke Duke, ⬙20 Greatest Country Comedy Shows,⬙ The Greatest (also known as CMT: The Greatest and CMT: The Greatest—20 Greatest Country Comedy Shows), Country Music Television (CMT), 2006.

Voice of Luke Duke, The Dukes (animated), CBS, 1983. Frank Cobb, Blue Skies, CBS, 1988. Performer of theme song, Empty Nest, NBC, 1988–95. Dr. Jed McFadden, A Peaceable Kingdom, CBS, 1989. Jeff Robbins, Cybill, CBS, 1995–98. Host, Prime Time Country, The Nashville Network (TNN), beginning 1996. Hank Pelham, All My Children (also known as All My Children: The Summer of Seduction and La force du destin), ABC, 2001–2002. Host, Circle of Honor, The Outdoor Channel, beginning 2003. Television Appearances; Movies: Tom Silver, Burning Rage, CBS, 1984. Pete, Christmas Comes to Willow Creek, CBS, 1987. Bobby Rex, Just My Imagination (also known as The Girl in the Song Title), NBC, 1992. Luke Duke, The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion! (also known as Reunion in Hazzard), CBS, 1997. Sam, Contagious (also known as Virus), USA Network, 1997. Tom Johnson, Meteorites!, USA Network, 1998. Luke Duke, The Dukes of Hazzard: Hazzard in Hollywood, NBC, 2000. Bill, The Hive, Sci–Fi Channel, 2008. Mr. Phelps, Taking Chance, HBO, 2009.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 39th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1985. The 37th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, ABC, 1985. The 40th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1986. The 22nd Annual Academy of Country Music Awards, NBC, 1987. The 53rd Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1999. The Fourth Annual TV Land Awards (also known as The Fourth Annual TV Land Awards: A Celebration of Classic TV and TV Land Awards 2006), TV Land, 2006. Television Appearances; Episodic: David Chilton, ⬙Flying Aces/The Mermaid Returns,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1980. Himself, The Midnight Special, NBC, 1981. Guest, Password Plus (also known as Password and Password All–Stars), NBC, 1982. Performer, American Bandstand (also known as AB and Bandstand), ABC, 1982. Cohost and performer, Solid Gold, syndicated, 1983. Himself, Hee Haw, syndicated, 1983. Bill Dawson, ⬙Kendo Killing,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1996. Chuck Goodman, ⬙Someone to Watch over Me,⬙ Crisis Center (also known as The Center), NBC, 1997. Ian, ⬙Jill’s Passion,⬙ Home Improvement (also known as Hammer Time and Tool Time), ABC, 1997. Ian, ⬙Taking Jill for Granite,⬙ Home Improvement (also known as Hammer Time and Tool Time), ABC, 1998. Himself, The Rosie O’Donnell Show, syndicated, 1999. Presenter, Top Ten, Channel 4 (England), 2000. Hanley Rand, ⬙Lost Causes,⬙ 100 Centre Street (also known as 101 Centre Street and Tribunal central), Arts and Entertainment, 2001. Himself, ⬙The Dukes of Hazzard,⬙ The E! True Hollywood Story (also known as The Dukes of Hazzard: The E! True Hollywood Story and THS), E! Entertainment Television, 2001. Himself, ⬙Cybill Shepherd,⬙ Biography (also known as A&E Biography: Cybill Shepherd), Arts and Entertainment, 2004.

Television Appearances; Specials: Celebrity Challenge of the Sexes, CBS, 1980. A Country Christmas, CBS, 1980. CBS team member, Battle of the Network Stars XII, ABC, 1982. CBS team captain, Battle of the Network Stars XIV, ABC, 1983. Story, Songs and Stars, 1984. Performer, American Bandstand’s 33 1/3 Celebration, ABC, 1985. We the People 200: The Constitutional Gala, CBS, 1987. Anchor, All New Circus of the Stars and Side Show (also known as Circus of the Stars Ⲇ16 and Circus of the Stars XVI), CBS, 1991. Segment host, A ’70s Celebration: The Beat Is Back, NBC, 1993. Host, Great American Music: A Salute to Fast Cars, Family Channel, 1994. Performer, Cincinnati Pops Holiday: Erich Kunzel’s Halloween Spooktacular, PBS, 1996. Himself, Entertainment Tonight Presents: The Dukes of Hazzard—The Untold Story, 1999. America’s Millennium, CBS, 1999. The Life and Times of The Dukes of Hazzard, The Nashville Network (TNN), 1999. The Great American History Quiz: Heroes and Villains, History Channel, 2000. Himself, ⬙My Favorite Broadway: The Love Songs,⬙ Great Performances, PBS, 2001. 338

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Senator Jack Jennings, ⬙Exposed,⬙ Smallville (also known as Smallville: Beginnings and Smallville: Superman the Early Years), The WB, 2005. Himself, ⬙Dukes of Hazzard,⬙ Inside Fame, Country Music Television (CMT), 2005. Himself, ⬙Action Heroes,⬙ My First Time, TV Land, 2006. Himself, ⬙Special Edition: The Dukes of Hazzard,⬙ CMT Insider, Country Music Television (CMT), 2006. Himself, CMT Insider, Country Music Television (CMT), another episode in 2006. Himself, ⬙Locations,⬙ TV Land Confidential (also known as TV Land Confidential: The Untold Stories), TV Land, 2007. Himself, The Graham Norton Show, BBC, 2007. Himself, The View, ABC, 2008.

WOPAT Oklahoma! (musical), Equity Library Theatre, Master Theatre, New York City, 1978. Member of the ensemble, Hey, Look Me Over (revue), Lincoln Center, Avery Fisher Hall, New York City, 1981. Billy Bigelow, Carousel (musical), John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Opera House, Washington, DC, 1986. Jove/Jupiter/Zeus and Amphytrion, Olympus on My Mind (musical), Lamb’s Theatre, New York City, 1986–87. Detective Stone, City of Angels (musical), Virginia Theatre, New York City, 1990. Sky Masterson, Guys and Dolls (musical), Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, c. 1992, some sources cite a production at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. The Rainmaker, Barn Theatre, Augusta, MI, 1993. Billy Flynn, Chicago (musical), Richard Rogers Theatre, New York City, 1996, Ambassador Theatre, New York City, 2004, 2004–2005, 2007, 2008. South Pacific (musical), Barn Theatre, 1998. Frank Butler, Annie Get Your Gun (musical), Marquis Theatre, New York City, 1999, 2001. Nick (a fire captain), The Guys (staged reading), Flea Theater, New York City, 2002. Julian Marsh, 42nd Street (musical), Ford Center for the Performing Arts, New York City, 2002, Pittsburgh CLO, Pittsburgh, PA, 2006. Jeeter, The Last of the Boys, McCarter Theatre, Berlind Theatre, Princeton, NJ, 2004. James Lingk, Glengarry Glen Ross, Royale Theatre, New York City, 2005. Performer, Harold Arlen: A Centennial Celebration, Carnegie Hall, New York City, 2005. Tom (the father), A Catered Affair (musical), Walter Kerr Theatre, New York City, 2008.

Appeared as himself in ⬙Dukes of Hazzard v. Angie,⬙ ⬙Dukes of Hazzard v. The Waltons,⬙ ⬙Heroes v. Villains 2,⬙ and ⬙Heroes v. Villains 3,⬙ all episodes of Family Feud (also known as All–Star Family Feud, The Family Feud, Family Fortune, and The Best of Family Feud), ABC and syndicated. Appeared as a guest panelist, Battlestars, NBC; as a performer, On Stage (also known as TNN On Stage), The Nashville Network (TNN); and as himself, The Tom Green Show, MTV; also appeared in other programs, including Fantasy, NBC. Television Appearances; Pilots: Luke Duke, ⬙One Armed Bandits,⬙ The Dukes of Hazzard, CBS, 1979. Dr. Jed McFadden, A Peaceable Kingdom, CBS, 1989. Jeff Robbins, ⬙Virgin, Mother, Crone,⬙ Cybill, CBS, 1995. Rick Kesslar, Standoff (also known as Primary), Fox, 2006.

Guest artist at the Barn Theatre, 1992–93; cabaret performer at Arci’s Place, New York City, 2002. Appeared in other productions, including the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar and the musicals South Pacific and West Side Story, all produced at the University of Wisconsin.

Television Director; Episodic: ⬙The Boar’s Nest Bears,⬙ The Dukes of Hazzard, CBS, 1983. ⬙Lulu’s Gone Away,⬙ The Dukes of Hazzard, CBS, 1983. ⬙Happy Birthday, General Lee,⬙ The Dukes of Hazzard, CBS, 1984. ⬙Enos and Daisy’s Wedding,⬙ The Dukes of Hazzard, CBS, 1985. ⬙The Haunting of J. D. Hogg,⬙ The Dukes of Hazzard, CBS, 1985.

Major Tours: Frank Butler, Annie Get Your Gun, U.S. cities, 1999, 2001. Billy Flynn, Chicago (musical), U.S. cities, 2004. Over the Rainbow (concert tour), U.S. cities, 2005. Film Appearances: Arlo Brimm, Bonneville, SenArt Films, 2006. Detective Jones, The Understudy, 2008.

Stage Appearances: Title role, The Robber Bridegroom (musical), Ford’s Theatre, Washington, DC, 1977. Wally, I Love My Wife (musical), Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, c. 1977. Dan, A Bistro Car on the CNR (revue), Playhouse Theatre, New York City, 1978.

RECORDINGS Albums: A Little Bit Closer, EMI America, 1977. Tom Wopat, 1977. 339


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Don’t Look Back, Capitol, 1991. Learning to Love, Epic, 1992. The Still of the Night, Angel Records, 2000. Tom Wopat Sings Harold Arlen: Dissertation on the State of Bliss, Sin–Drome Records, 2005.

Landon Y. Jones, editor, The Essential Lewis and Clark (selections), HarperAudio, 2003. Nicholas Sparks, The Wedding, 2003. Robert Hicks, The Widow of the South, Grand Central Publishing, 2005.

Albums; with Others: The Dukes of Hazzard (songs recorded by the cast of the television series), 1979. Annie Get Your Gun 1999 Broadway revival cast recording), Angel Records, 1999. A Catered Affair (original Broadway cast recording), P.S. Classics, 2008.

WRITINGS Songs: Wrote songs, including ⬙Look Up on Your Way Down,⬙ ⬙Shadow of a Doubt,⬙ and ⬙A Step in the Right Direction.⬙

Singles: ⬙A Little Bit Closer,⬙ 1987. ⬙The Rock and Roll of Love,⬙ 1987. ⬙Too Many Honky Tonks (On My Way Home),⬙ Epic, 1991.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Billboard, January 20, 1996, p. 25. People Weekly, February 5, 1996, p. 14.

Recorded other singles, including ⬙Back to the Well,⬙ ⬙Susannah,⬙ and ⬙Too Many Honky Tonks (On My Way Home)⬙/⬙I’ve Been There.⬙

Electronic:,, January 9, 2009.

Music Videos: ⬙A Little Bit Closer,⬙ 1987. WRIGHT, Sarah 1983– (Sarah Mason)

Some sources cite appearances in other music videos. Music Video Work: Directed music videos.


Videos: Himself, Bo, Luke & Daisy: Just Good Ole Friends, Warner Home Video, 2005. Voice, The History of Wisconsin Football (documentary), Warner Home Video, 2007.

Full name, Sarah Fay Wright; born September 28, 1983; daughter of Robert (a preacher) and Debbie Wright; married A. J. Mason, 2005 (divorced, 2006). Education: Attended high school in Kentucky. Addresses: Agent—Chris Hart, International Creative Management, 10250 Constellation Way, 9th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Manager—Ellen Meyer, Ellen Meyer Management, 8899 Beverly Blvd., Suite 612, Los Angeles, CA 90048.

Video Games: Voice of Luke Duke, The Dukes of Hazzard: Racing for Home, 1999. Voice of Luke Duke, The Dukes of Hazzard: Return of the General Lee, 2004.

Career: Actress and singer. Ford Models Los Angeles, worked as a model; Kentucky Ambassadors of Music, member of singing group.

Audiobooks: Clive Cussler, Deep Six, Simon & Schuster Audio, 1991. Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, Walker’s Crossing, Listening Library, 2000. Sandra Brown, The Crush, Simon & Schuster Audio, 2002. James Grippando, Beyond Suspicion, HarperAudio, 2002. Brown, The Sandra Brown Suspense Collection (includes The Crush), Simon & Schuster Audio, 2003.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: (As Sarah Mason) Paige Chase, Quintuplets, Fox, 2004–2005. 340

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WRIGHT (As Mason) Vicki, ⬙Secret Boyfriend,⬙ Malcolm in the Middle, Fox, 2005. Susie, ⬙Maidenform,⬙ Mad Men, AMC, 2008.

(Credited as Sarah Mason in 2006) Jane, a recurring role, 7th Heaven (also known as Seventh Heaven and 7th Heaven: Beginnings), CW Network, 2006–2007. (As Mason) Lizzy, The Loop, Fox, 2007.

Film Appearances: (As Sarah Mason) Jane, X’s & O’s, Seventh Art Releasing, 2008. (As Mason) Sexy blonde, Made of Honor (also known as Made of Honour), Columbia, 2008. (As Mason) Lavender, Wieners, Screen Gems, 2008. (As Mason) Stacey, Surfer, Dude, Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2008. Ashley, The House Bunny, Columbia, 2008. Ashley, Streak (short film), Freestyle, 2008.

Television Appearances; Movies: David’s high school date, Enchanted, Showtime, 1998. (As Sarah Mason) Laura McDonald, All You’ve Got (also known as Rumble), MTV, 2006. Television Appearances; Specials: The Teen Choice Awards 2004, Fox, 2004. (As Sarah Mason) Kris) Up All Night, CBS, 2007.


Television Appearances; Pilots: (As Sarah Mason) Paige Chase, Quintuplets, Fox, 2004. (As Mason) Lizzy, The Loop, Fox, 2007.

Videos: Thesis: Work vs. Play, Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2007.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Sarah Mason) Sara Jennings, ⬙Prey,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2004.

Appeared in the music video ⬙Yes We Can,⬙ 2008.


Z and theatrical film fiction category, Retirement Research Foundation, all (with others), 1990, for Driving Miss Daisy; Emmy Award nomination (with others), outstanding variety, music or comedy special, 2000, for The 72nd Annual Academy Awards; Country Music Association Award, best music video, 2000, for ⬙Breathe.⬙

ZANUCK, Lili Fini 1954– (Lili Zanuck) PERSONAL


Original name, Lili Fini; born April 2, 1954, in Leominster, MA; married Richard Darryl Zanuck (a film producer and studio executive), September 23, 1978; stepchildren: Virginia, Janet, Harrison (a visual effects coordinator), Dean. Education: Attended Northern Virginia Community College.

Film Producer: (With Richard D. Zanuck and David Brown) Cocoon, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1985. (With Richard D. Zanuck and Brown) Cocoon: The Return, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1988. (With Richard D. Zanuck) Driving Miss Daisy, Warner Bros., 1989. (With Richard D. Zanuck) Rich in Love, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1993. Clean Slate (also known as Cool Slate), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1994. Dvoynik (also known as The Double), 1995. Wild Bill, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1995. Mulholland Falls, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1996. True Crime, Warner Bros., 1999. Reign of Fire, Buena Vista, 2002.

Addresses: Office—Zanuck Co., 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 930, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Agent—Risa Gertner, Creative Artists Agency, 2000 Avenue of the Stars, New York, NY 90067. Manager—David Naylor, David Naylor and Associates, 6535 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, CA 90038. Career: Producer and director. Zanuck–Brown Co. (film production company), Los Angeles, worked in research and development, 1978–89; Zanuck Co., Beverly Hills, CA, cofounder and partner, 1989—. World Bank, Washington, DC, worked as research assistant, 1970–78; Carnation Co., Los Angeles, office manager, 1977–78. California Film Commission, member; Los Angeles Music Center, member of board of directors.

Film Director: Rush, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/Pathe, 1991.

Awards, Honors: ShoWest Award (with husband Richard D. Zanuck and David Brown), producer of the year, National Association of Theatre Owners, 1985, for Cocoon; Golden Globe Award, best motion picture musical or comedy, National Board of Review Award, best picture, 1989, Academy Award, best picture, Film Award nomination, best film, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Golden Laurel Award, motion picture producer of the year, Producers Guild of America, nomination for Wise Owl Award, television

Television Work; Specials: Producer, The 72nd Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2000. Executive producer, Countdown to Oscar 2000, ABC, 2000. Television Executive Producer; Pilots: ⬙Barrington,⬙ CBS Summer Playhouse, CBS, 1987. Dead Lawyers, Sci–Fi Channel, 2004. 342

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ZIMBALIST Periodicals: Hollywood Reporter, March 9, 1990. Interview, January, 1992, p. 77.

Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Hour Two,⬙ Revelations, NBC, 2005. ⬙Hour Three,⬙ Revelations, NBC, 2005. ⬙Hour Four,⬙ Revelations, NBC, 2005. Television Director; Miniseries: ⬙We Have Cleared the Tower⬙ segment, From the Earth to the Moon, HBO, 1998.


Television Appearances; Specials: Judge, The 1988 Miss America Pageant, NBC, 1988. The Blockbuster Imperative, Trio, 2003.

Born November 30, 1918, in New York, NY; son of Efrem (a violinist) and Alma (an opera singer; maiden name, Gluck) Zimbalist; married Emily McNair, 1945 (died, 1950); married Loranda Stephanie Spalding, February 2, 1956 (divorced, c. 1961); remarried Spalding, 1972 (died February 5, 2007); children: (first marriage) Nancy, Efrem III; (second marriage) Stephanie (an actress). Education: Attended Yale University, 1935–37; studied for the theatre at Neighborhood Playhouse, New York City. Politics: Republican. Religion: Christian.

Television Appearances; Episodic: On the Inside, The Learning Channel, c. 1997. ⬙Behind the Scenes: Making ⬘From the Earth to the Moon’,⬙ HBO First Look, HBO, 1998. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 62nd Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1990. The 75th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2003. (As Lili Zanuck) The Award Show Awards Show, Trio, 2003.

Career: Actor, voice artist, and producer. NBC–Radio, New York City, worked as a page; performed with a stock theatre company, Hammonton, NJ, 1954; Trinity Broadcasting Network, voice performer, 2007. Curtis Institute of Music, worked as assistant director and researcher. Military service: U.S. Army, served for five years during World War II; served in Europe; became first lieutenant; received Purple Heart.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Hollywood Women, Carlton, 1994. RECORDINGS Video Appearances: Filming ⬙Rush,⬙ Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer Home Entertainment, 2002. Miss Daisy’s Journal: From Stage to Screen, Warner Home Video, 2003. Jessica Tandy: Theatre Legend to Screen Star, Warner Home Video, 2003. Morality and the Code: A How–to Manual for Hollywood, Warner Home Video, 2006. Molls and Dolls: The Women of Gangster Films, Warner Home Video, 2006. Stool Pigeons and Pine Overcoats: The Language of Gangster Films, Warner Home Video, 2006. Welcome to the Big House, Warner Home Video, 2006. Gangsters: The Immigrant’s Hero, Warner Home Video, 2006.

Member: Actors’ Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. Awards, Honors: New York Drama Critics Award, outstanding producer, c. 1950, for The Consul; Laurel Award nomination, top new male personality, Producers Guild of America, 1958; Golden Globe Award, most promising male newcomer, 1959; Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actor, 1959, for Home before Dark; Emmy Award nomination, best actor in a dramatic series, 1959, for 77 Sunset Strip; Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actor, 1968, for Wait until Dark; Golden Globe Award nomination, best male television star, 1969, for The F.B.I.; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding supporting actor in a comedy or drama special, 1978, for A Family Upside Down; received star on Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Video Director: Director of music videos, including ⬙Island Life⬙ by Michael Franks, 1987; ⬙Tears in Heaven⬙ by Eric Clapton, 1992; ⬙Pilgrim⬙ by Clapton, 1998; ⬙Let’s Make Love⬙ by Faith Hill and Tim McGraw, 1999; and ⬙Breathe⬙ by Hill, c. 2000.



Television Appearances; Series: Jim Gavin, Concerning Miss Marlowe, NBC, 1954–55.

Books: Newsmakers 1994, Issue 4, Gale, 1994. 343


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Television Appearances; Specials: Mr. and Mrs. North, 1946. A Salute to Television’s 25th Anniversary, ABC, 1972. The Anita Bryant Spectacular, syndicated, 1980. Colonel Francis Chesney, Charley’s Aunt, PBS, 1983. Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1984. The 50th Presidential Inaugural Gala, ABC, 1985. Host, You Are the Jury, NBC, 1986. Gian Carlo Menotti: The Musical Magician, PBS, 1986. The 38th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, NBC, 1986. Host, Killers at the Box Office, syndicated, 1989. Narrator, Hollywood behind the Badge: A Century of Cinema Cops and Detectives, AMC, 1999.

Dandy Jim Buckley, a recurring role, Maverick, ABC, 1957–58. Stuart Bailey, 77 Sunset Strip, ABC, 1958–64. Inspector Lewis Erskine, The F.B.I., ABC, 1965–74. Charles Cabot, a recurring role, Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s ⬙Hotel⬙), ABC, between 1984 and 1988. Streets, 1989. Don Alejandro de la Vega, Zorro (also known as The New Zorro, Zorro: The Legend Continues, and Les nouvelles aventures de Zorro), The Family Channel, 1990. Voice of King Arthur, The Legend of Prince Valiant (animated; also known as Prince Valiant), The Family Channel, 1991. Voice of Alfred Pennyworth, Batman (animated; also known as The Adventures of Batman & Robin and Batman: The Animated Series), Fox, 1992–95. Voice of Otto Octavius/Dr. Octopus, a recurring role, Spider–Man (animated), Fox, between 1995 and 1997. Voice of Alfred Pennyworth, The New Batman Adventures (animated; also known as Batman: The Animated Series Volume Four), The WB, 1997–98. Host, A Year to Remember, 1999.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Sean O’Neill, ⬙Stopover at Sublimity,⬙ The U.S. Steel Hour (also known as The United States Steel Hour), CBS, 1956. ⬙The Long View,⬙ Star Tonight, 1956. Stuart Bailey, ⬙Anything for Money,⬙ Conflict, ABC, 1957. Stuart Bailey, ⬙Execution Night,⬙ Conflict, ABC, 1957. Kerrigan the Great, ⬙The Wizard,⬙ Sugarfoot (also known as Tenderfoot), 1958. Stu Bailey, ⬙Malihini Holiday,⬙ Hawaiian Eye, 1959. Stu Bailey, ⬙Three Tickets to Lani,⬙ Hawaiian Eye, 1959. John Conrad, ⬙The Trial of Reno McKee,⬙ The Alaskans, 1960. Stu Bailey, ⬙Wed Three Wives,⬙ Hawaiian Eye, 1960. Edwin Booth, ⬙The Prince of Darkness,⬙ Bronco, 1961. What about Linda? (also known as March of Dimes, What about Linda), 1961. Stu Bailey, ⬙Blackmail in Satin,⬙ Hawaiian Eye, 1962. Here’s Hollywood, 1962. John Ferris, ⬙The Sojourner,⬙ Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre (also known as The Chrysler Theatre and Universal Star Time), 1964. Charles Durwood, ⬙Super–Star,⬙ The Reporter, 1964. Stranger, ⬙See the Monkey Dance,⬙ The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, CBS, 1964. Jeff McKeever, ⬙The Diehard⬙ (also known as ⬙The Last Order⬙), Rawhide, 1965. Contestant, ⬙Angie Dickinson vs. Efrem Zimbalist Jr.,⬙ Password (also known as Password All–Stars), 1965. ⬙The Day God Died,⬙ Insight, syndicated, 1970. Charles de Foucauld, ⬙The Hermit,⬙ Insight, syndicated, 1970. The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, 1972. ⬙When You See Arcturus,⬙ Insight, syndicated, 1974. God, ⬙Checkmate,⬙ Insight, syndicated, 1979. ⬙A Family of Winners,⬙ Insight, syndicated, 1979. ⬙The Hit Man,⬙ Insight, syndicated, 1979. Mr. Baldwin, ⬙The Butler’s Affair/Roarke’s Sacrifice,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1983. Daniel Chalmers, ⬙Sting of Steele,⬙ Remington Steele, 1983.

Television Appearances; Movies: Lewis Erskine, Cosa Nostra, Arch Enemy of the FBI, 1967. Sergeant Harry Hansen, Who Is the Black Dahlia?, NBC, 1975. Mike Long, A Family Upside Down, NBC, 1978. David Martin, Terror Out of the Sky (also known as The Revenge of the Savage Bees), CBS, 1979. Victor Wainwright, The Gathering, Part II, NBC, 1979. Bill Reardan, The Best Place to Be, NBC, 1979. Robert Cluso, Shooting Stars, ABC, 1983. Tom Burroughs, Baby Sister, ABC, 1983. Voice of Alfred Pennyworth, The Batman/Superman Movie (animated; also known as Batman/Superman Adventures: World’s Finest), 1998. Voice of Alfred Pennyworth, Batman & Mr. Freeze: Subzero (animated; also known as Subzero), The WB, 1998. The vice chancellor, Cab to Canada, CBS, 1998. Benjamin Hart, The First Day, 2001. Television Appearances; Pilots: Harry Baxter, Wild about Harry, NBC, 1978. Aristotle Bolt, Beyond Witch Mountain, CBS, 1982. Marty Malone, Family in Blue, CBS, 1982. Host, You Are the Jury, NBC, 1984. Don Alejandro de la Vega, Zorro—The Legend Begins, The Family Channel, 1990. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Ellis Ikehorn, Scruples, CBS, 1980. Christof Philips, Trade Winds, NBC, 1993. 344

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ZIMBALIST Voice of Alfred Pennyworth, ⬙World’s Finest: Parts 1–3,⬙ Superman (animated; also known as Superman: The Animated Series), 1997. Voice of Alfred Pennyworth, ⬙Demon Reborn,⬙ Superman (animated; also known as Superman: The Animated Series), 1999. Voice of Alfred Pennyworth, ⬙Hard as Nails,⬙ Static Shock (animated), The WB, 2003. Voice of Alfred Pennyworth, ⬙Hereafter: Part 1,⬙ Justice League (animated; also known as JL and Justice League Unlimited), Cartoon Network, 2003. Voice of Alfred Pennyworth, ⬙Starcrossed: Parts 2 & 3,⬙ Justice League (animated; also known as JL and Justice League Unlimited), Cartoon Network, 2004. ⬙The 50’s,⬙ TV Land Moguls, TV Land, 2004.

Daniel Chalmers, ⬙Blue Blooded Steele,⬙ Remington Steele, 1984. ⬙Polly’s Poker Palace/Shop Ahoy/Double Date/The Hong Kong Affair/Two Tails of a City: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1984. ⬙Murder in the Museum,⬙ Partners in Crime (also known as 50/50), 1984. E. G. Dawson, ⬙Writer’s Block,⬙ Cover Up, 1984. Emmett Pernell, ⬙The Georgia Street Motors,⬙ Hardcastle and McCormick, 1984. Alexander Heath, ⬙Flesh and Blood,⬙ Hotel, 1984. Judge Alex Hale, ⬙Mister Wonderful,⬙ Finder of Lost Loves, 1985. Daniel Chalmers, ⬙Steele Searching: Part 2,⬙ Remington Steele, 1985. Daniel Chalmers, ⬙Steeled with a Kiss: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Remington Steele, 1987. General Havermeyer, ⬙The Last Flight of the Dixie Damsel,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1988. Clarence Hyland, ⬙Murder He Wrote,⬙ Hunter, 1988. Richard Thompson Grant, ⬙Hannigan’s Wake,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1990. Robert Robinson, ⬙Operation Mona,⬙ Who’s the Boss?, 1990. Adam Quatrain, ⬙Sugar & Spice, Malice & Vice,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1992. Sam Gallagher, ⬙Who Killed the Legal Eagle?⬙ Burke’s Law, CBS, 1994. Theodore Timmons, ⬙Material Fran,⬙ The Nanny, CBS, 1994. Voice of Mace Malone, ⬙Revelations,⬙ Gargoyles (animated), syndicated, 1994. Vicki!, 1994. Hal Klosterman and Lester Blodgett, ⬙Forget Selma,⬙ Picket Fences, CBS, 1995. Walter Mansfield, ⬙Flowers of Evil,⬙ One West Waikiki, 1995. Voice of King Arthur, ⬙Biker Knights of the Round Table: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Biker Mice from Mars (animated), 1995. Voice of Justin Hammer, ⬙The Beast Within,⬙ Iron Man (animated; also known as The Marvel Action Hour: Iron Man), 1995. Voices of Justin Hammer and Firebrand, ⬙The Armor Wars: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Iron Man (animated; also known as The Marvel Action Hour: Iron Man), 1995. Voice of Dr. Denton P. Hookerman, ⬙Zap Attack,⬙ Mighty Ducks (animated; also known as Disney’s ⬙Mighty Ducks⬙ and Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series), 1996. Wayland Scott, ⬙Miracles,⬙ The Visitor, Fox, 1997. William Edgars, ⬙Conflicts of Interest,⬙ Babylon 5 (also known as B5), TNT, 1997. William Edgars, ⬙Moments of Transition,⬙ Babylon 5 (also known as B5), TNT, 1997. William Edgars, ⬙The Face of the Enemy,⬙ Babylon 5 (also known as B5), TNT, 1997. William Edgars, ⬙The Exercise of Vital Powers,⬙ Babylon 5 (also known as B5), TNT, 1997.

Guest panelist, The Celebrity Game; also appeared in episodes of Goodyear Playhouse, NBC; Philco Television Playhouse, NBC; and Praise the Lord. Film Appearances: Tony Monetti, House of Strangers, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1950. Colonel Jim Herlihy, Bombers B–52 (also known as No Sleep Till Dawn), Warner Bros., 1957. Lieutenant Ethan Sears, Band of Angels, Warner Bros., 1957. Lieutenant Blanchard, The Deep Six, Warner Bros., 1958. George Lawrence, Violent Road (also known as Hell’s Highway), Warner Bros., 1958. Vincent Bryant, Too Much, Too Soon (also known as Too Much, Too Soon: The Daring Story of Diana Barrymore), Warner Bros., 1958. Jacob ⬙Jake⬙ Diamond, Home before Dark, Warner Bros., 1958. Stuart Bailey, Girl on the Run (also known as 77 Sunset Strip), Astor, 1958. Dale Heath, The Crowded Sky, Warner Bros., 1960. Judge Leland Hoffman, A Fever in the Blood, Warner Bros., 1961. Arthur Winner, By Love Possessed, United Artists, 1961. Paul Radford, The Chapman Report, Warner Bros., 1962. Frank Bryant, The Reward, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1965. William Mansfield, Harlow, Electronovision, 1965. Sam Hendrix, Wait until Dark, Warner Bros., 1967. Captain Stacy, Airport 1975 (also known as Airport ’75), Universal, 1974. Wilson, Hot Shots!, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1991. Jacob Anderson, The Avenging (also known as Two Against the Wind), Imperial Entertainment Corp., 1992. Voice of Alfred Pennyworth, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (animated; also known as Batman: Mask of the Phantasm; The Animated Movie and Batman: 345


Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Stacy (in archive footage), The Making of ⬙Midway,⬙ 2001.

The Animated Movie, Batman: The Animated Movie—Mask of the Phantasm, and Mask of the Phantasm: Batman the Animated Movie), Warner Bros., 1993. Narrator, Jack L. Warren: The Last Mogul (documentary), 1993. Marty, The Street Corner Kids, 1994. Marty, The Street Corner Kids: The Sequel, 1995. Voice of Dr. Octopus, The Amazing Adventures of Spider–Man (animated short film), Universal, 1999. Voice of Alfred Pennyworth, Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman (animated), Warner Bros., 2003. Himself, The Brothers Warner, Promise Documentary/ Warner Sisters Productions, 2008.

Video Games: Voice of Uncle Wolfgang, Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, Sierra, 1994. Voice of Dr. Octopus/Dr. Otto Octavius, Spider–Man, Activision, 2000. Voice of Alfred Pennyworth, Batman: Vengeance, 2001. Albums: Contributor, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Warner Bros., 1959. WRITINGS

Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Gil Hartnick, The Rugged Path, Playwrights’ Company, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1945–46. Duke of Suffolk, Henry VIII, American Repertory Theatre Company, International Theatre, New York City, 1946–47. Secutor, Androcles and the Lion (double–bill with A Pound on Demand), American Repertory Theatre Company, International Theatre, 1946–47. Butler and member of ensemble, What Every Woman Knows, American Repertory Theatre Company, International Theatre, 1946–47. Aristides Agramonte, Yellow Jack, American Repertory Theatre Company, International Theatre, 1946–47. Eilert Lovborg, Hedda Gabler, American Repertory Theatre Company, Cort Theatre, New York City, 1948. Maurice Duclos, Fallen Angels, Pocono Playhouse (now Bucks County Playhouse), New Hope, PA, 1955–56, then Playhouse Theatre, New York City, 1956. Narrator, A Lincoln Portrait, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, 1961. Night of the Iguana, Ventura, CA, and Manitoba Theatre Center, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2004.

Books: My Dinner of Herbs (memoir), Limelight Editions, 2003. OTHER SOURCES Books: Zimbalist, Efrem, Jr., My Dinner of Herbs, Limelight Editions, 2003.

ZUCKER, Jeff 1965– PERSONAL Born April 9, 1965, in Miami, FL; son of Matthew (a cardiologist) and Arline (an English teacher) Zucker; married Caryn; children: Andrew, Elizabeth, two additional. Education: Harvard University, B.A., American history, 1986. Addresses: Office—General Electric Company, 1251 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020; NBC Universal, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112.

Appeared in summer stock productions at Pocono Playhouse, 1955.

Career: Producer and television executive. NBC, researcher for 1988 Summer Olympic Games, 1986–88; NBC Entertainment, president, 2000–05; NBC Entertainment, News and Cable Group, 2003–04; NBC Universal Television Group, president, 2004–05; NBC Universal, New York City, chief executive officer, 2005–07, then chairman and chief executive officer, 2007—; General Electric Company, New York City, vice chairman. Began career as a stringer for Miami Herald. Member of the board of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Temple Emanu–El, the Robin Hood Foundation, the American Film Institute, the Paley Center for Media, and the Museum of the Moving Image.

Stage Producer: The Medium (musical), Ballet Society, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1947–48. The Telephone (musical), Balley Society, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 1948–49. The Consul (opera), Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 1950. RECORDINGS Videos: Prospero, The Tempest, Bard Productions, 1983. Hot Shots: The Making of an Important Movie, 1991. 346

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television • Volume 92 Awards, Honors: Five news Emmy Awards.

ZUCKER Television Appearances; Specials: Katie Couric: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2004. Kathy Griffin: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2007. Remembering Tim Russert, NBC, 2008.

CREDITS Television Work; Series: Field producer, Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 1989–90. Supervising producer, Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), 1990–92. Executive producer, Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), 1992–2000. Executive producer, NBC Nightly News, NBC, 1993. Executive producer, Now with Tom Brokow and Katie Couric, NBC, 1993. Executive in charge of production, Later Today, NBC, 1999. (Uncredited) Network executive, The Apprentice, NBC, 2003–2004. Network executive, Joey, NBC, 2004–2005. Network executive, Father of the Pride (animated), NBC, 2004–2005. Producer, Today (also known as NBC News Today and The Today Show), NBC, 2006.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Audience member, Inside the Actors Studio (also known as Inside the Actors Studio: The Craft of Theatre and Film), Bravo, 2003. Tavis Smiley, PBS, 2004. Himself, ⬙Big Butts,⬙ Fat Actress, Showtime, 2005. Himself, ⬙Hold This,⬙ Fat Actress, Showtime, 2005. Himself, ⬙I Won’t Die with a Little Help from My Friends: Part 1,⬙ My Name Is Earl, NBC, 2008. OTHER SOURCES Books: Newsmakers 1993, Issue 4, Gale Research, 1993.

Television Work; Specials: Olympic research, 1988 Summer Olympic Games, NBC, 1988. Senior producer, The Lost Youth of Hollywood, NBC, 1991. Executive producer, Brokaw Reports: 58 Days (also known as 58 Days), NBC, 1992. Executive producer, Inaugural ’93, NBC, 1993. Executive producer, Hillary: America’s First Lady, NBC, 1993. Producer, The People vs. O. J. Simpson, NBC, 1994. Executive producer, Decision ’96: The Republican National Convention, NBC and PBS, 1996. Executive producer, Decision ’96: The Democratic National Convention, NBC and PBS, 1996.

Periodicals: Broadcasting & Cable, January 22, 2001, p. 22; September 8, 2003, p. 45; December 18, 2006, p. 4; February 12, 2007, pp. 5, 12. Crain’s New York Business, August 1, 2005, p. 2. Esquire, October, 2002, p. 134. Fortune, May 12, 2003, p. 94. New York Times, December 3, 1991; January 14, 1993; March 16, 1993; December 16, 2005, p. C4; February 7, 2007, p. C3. USA Today, February 7, 2007, p. 4B. Variety, March 12, 2001, p. 1; December 22, 2003, p. 26; January 16, 2006, p. 1; February 12, 2007, p. 22.


Cumulative Index To provide continuity with Who’s Who in the Theatre, this index interfiles references to Who’s Who in the Theatre, 1st–17th Editions, and Who Was Who in the Theatre (Gale, 1978) with references to Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television, Volumes 1–92. References in the index are identified as follows: CTFT and volume number—Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television, Volumes 1–92 WWT and edition number—Who’s Who in the Theatre, 1st–17th Editions WWasWT—Who Was Who in the Theatre

Aames, Willie 1960– ............................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 39 Aaron, Caroline 1952– ............................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 32 Aaron, Paul .............................................. CTFT–15 Aarons, Alexander A. ?–1943 ................ WWasWT Aarons, Alfred E. ?–1936 ....................... WWasWT Abady, Caroline Sidney See ....................................... Aaron, Caroline Abady, Josephine R. 1949–........................ CTFT–4 Abarbanell, Lina 1880–1963 ................. WWasWT Abba, Marta 1907–1988........................ WWasWT Abbas, Hector 1884–1942..................... WWasWT Abbati, Stefano ......................................... CTFT–32 Abbensetts, Michael 1938– ..................... CTFT–13 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6; WWT–17 Abbot, Rick See............................................ Sharkey, Jack Abbott, Bruce 1954– ............................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Abbott, Bud 1895(?)–1974....................... CTFT–16 Abbott, Chris ............................................ CTFT–56 Abbott, George 1887–1995 ....................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Abbott, John 1905– ............................... WWasWT Abdul, Paula 1962(?)– ............................. CTFT–46 Abdul–Jabbar, Kareem 1947– .................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 38 Abeille, Jean ............................................. CTFT–34 Abel, Lionel 1910–.................................... CTFT–1 Abel, Walter 1898–1987 ........................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Abeles, Edward S. 1869–1919............... WWasWT Abeles, Sara See ............................................ Gilbert, Sara Abell, Tim 1968–..................................... CTFT–53 Abercrombie, Ian 1936–.......................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Abercrombie, Lascelles 1881–1938 ....... WWasWT Abernathy, Donzaleigh ............................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Abingdon, W. L. 1859–1918 ................. WWasWT Abingdon, William 1888–1959 ............. WWasWT Ableman, Paul 1927– .............................. CTFT–11 Aborn, Milton 1864–?............................ WWasWT Abraham, F. Murray 1939(?)– .................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 22, 32

Abraham, Marc......................................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Abraham, Paul ?–1960 .......................... WWasWT Abrahams, A. E. 1873–1966.................. WWasWT Abrahams, Doris Cole 1925– .................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Abrahams, Doug ...................................... CTFT–54 Abrahams, Jim 1944– .............................. CTFT–25 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 15 Abrahams, Jon 1977– .............................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Abrahamsen, Daniel Charles 1952–................................................ CTFT–1 Abrams, Celia See .............................................. Raimi, Sam Abrams, Gerald W. 1939–....................... CTFT–47 Abrams, Jeffrey 1966– ............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Abrams, Peter ........................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Abravanel, Maurice 1903–1993 ................ CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–12 Abruzzo, Ray 1954–................................ CTFT–89 Abuba, Ernest 1947– ................................. CTFT–1 Ace, Belladonna See...................................... Norton, Rosanna Acerno, John See...................................... Van Patten, Dick Acevedo, Kirk 1972–............................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Achard, Marcel 1900–1974 ................... WWasWT Acheson, James ........................................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 20, 32 Acheson, Mark 1957– ............................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Achilles, Peter See ............................................. Jarrico, Paul Achurch, Janet 1864–1916 .................... WWasWT Acker, Amy 1976–................................... CTFT–49 Ackerman, Andy 1957(?)– ....................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Ackerman, Bettye 1928– ........................... CTFT–1 Ackerman, Chantal See.................................... Akerman, Chantal Ackerman, Harry S. 1912–1991 ................ CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–10 Ackerman, Leslie 1956– .......................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7


Ackerman, Robert Allan 1945– ............... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Ackerman, Thomas E................................ CTFT–65 Ackland, Joss 1928– ................................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 34; WWT–17 Ackland, Rodney 1908– ......................... WWT–17 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Ackles, Jensen 1978– .............................. CTFT–68 Ackles, Kenneth V. 1916–1986 ................. CTFT–4 Acklom, Rauff de Ryther Duan See ....................................... Manners, David Ackroyd, David 1940– ............................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 12, 20, 29 Aco, Lucas See ....................................... Lucas, Jonathan Acovone, Jay 1955– ................................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 43 Acton–Bond, Acton ................................ WWasWT Actor, Allen See ........................................... Byron, Jeffrey Adair, Jean ?–1953................................. WWasWT Adair–Rios, Mark ...................................... CTFT–88 Adam, Ken 1921– ................................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 12 Adam, Ronald 1896–1979 ..................... WWT–16 Ada–May See ................................................. May, Ada Adams, Amy ............................................. CTFT–67 Adams, Brandon Quintin 1979–.............................................. CTFT–44 Adams, Brooke 1949– ............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18 Adams, Casey See ........................................ Showalter, Max Adams, Dick 1889–............................... WWasWT Adams, Don 1926– ................................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Adams, Edie 1929(?)– .............................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Adams, Enid–Raye 1973–........................ CTFT–76 Adams, Ida ?–1960 ................................ WWasWT Adams, Jane 1965– ................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Adams, Jason 1963–................................ CTFT–63 Adams, Joey Lauren 1971(?)– .................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Adams, Jonathan 1967– .......................... CTFT–87 Adams, Julie 1926– ................................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 43

ADAMS Adams, Lillian 1922– .............................. CTFT–80 Adams, Marla ........................................... CTFT–42 Adams, Mason 1919–2005...................... CTFT–29 Obituary in CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 18 Adams, Maud 1945– ............................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Adams, Maude 1872–1953 ................... WWasWT Adams, Miriam 1907– ........................... WWasWT Adams, Molly ............................................. CTFT–2 Adams, Polly ............................................ CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Adams, Robert ........................................ WWasWT Adams, Tony 1953–................................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 10 Adams, Tree.............................................. CTFT–80 Adams, W. Bridges See.................................. Bridges–Adams, W. Adams, Wayne 1930– ............................... CTFT–1 Adamson, Andrew 1966–........................ CTFT–86 Adamthwaite, Michael 1981– ................. CTFT–82 Adato, Perry Miller ................................... CTFT–11 Aday, Marvin Lee See ................................................ Meat Loaf Adcock, Danny 1948– ............................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Addams, Dawn 1930–1985....................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Addie, Robert 1960– ............................... CTFT–28 Addinsell, Richard Stewart 1904–1977..................................... WWT–16 Addison, Anita W. .................................... CTFT–56 Addison, Carlotta 1849–1914................ WWasWT Addison, John 1920–1998......................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–24 Addison, Nancy 1948–............................ CTFT–31 Addison, Walter........................................ CTFT–68 Addy, Mark 1964(?)– ............................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Addy, Wesley 1913–1996.......................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ade, George 1866–1944 ....................... WWasWT Adelman, Barry ........................................ CTFT–46 Adelman, Sybil 1942– ............................... CTFT–3 Adelson, Gary 1954– .............................. CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Aderer, Adolphe 1855–? ........................ WWasWT Adjani, Isabelle 1955–............................. CTFT–28 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 16 Adler, Brian .............................................. CTFT–40 Adler, Charles 1957– ............................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Adler, Gilbert 1946–................................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Adler, Jacob 1855–1962 ........................ WWasWT Adler, Jerry 1929–.................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 33; WWT–17 Adler, Joanna ............................................ CTFT–80 Adler, Larry 1914–..................................... CTFT–4 Adler, Luther 1903–1984........................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Adler, Mark............................................... CTFT–80 Adler, Matt 1966–.................................... CTFT–41 Adler, Michael .......................................... CTFT–90 Adler, Ria Pavia See ................................................ Pavia, Ria Adler, Richard 1921–............................... CTFT–14 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Adler, Stella 1902– .................................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Adlon, Pamela Segall 1968– ................... CTFT–73

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Adlon, Percy 1935–................................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Adonis, Frank 1935– ............................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Adrian, Max 1903–................................ WWasWT Adrienne, Jean 1905– ............................ WWasWT Adway, Dwayne 1969(?)–........................ CTFT–80 Adye, Oscar............................................ WWasWT Aedema, Alar See ..................................... Peterson, Alan C. Affabee, Eric See ............................................... Stine, R. L. Affleck, Ben 1972–.................................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Affleck, Casey 1975–............................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Agar, Dan 1881–1947 ........................... WWasWT Agar, John 1921–2002............................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Agate, May 1892– ................................. WWasWT Agena, Keiko 1973– ................................ CTFT–73 Ager, Nikita .............................................. CTFT–73 Aghayan, Ray 1934– ............................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Aghdashloo, Shohreh 1952– ................... CTFT–80 Aguilar, George ........................................ CTFT–42 Agut, Alicia .............................................. CTFT–34 Agutter, Jenny 1952– ............................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18, 29 Ahern, Lloyd II 1942– ............................. CTFT–65 Aherne, Brian 1902–1986 ..................... WWasWT Ahl, Kennet See ....................................... Follows, Megan Ahlander, Thecla Ottilia 1855–? ............ WWasWT Ahlers, Anny 1906–1933....................... WWasWT Aidem, Betsy 1957– ................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 33 Aidman, Betty Linton.................................. CTFT–1 Aidman, Charles 1925–1993..................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–12 Aiello, Danny 1933– ............................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21, 31 Aiello, Rick 1958–................................... CTFT–71 Aiken, Liam 1990– .................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Aiken, Phil See.............................................. Akin, Philip Ailey, Alvin 1931–1989 ........................... CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Aimee, Anouk 1932(?)– ........................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 9, 18, 29 Ainley, Henry 1879–1967...................... WWasWT Airlie, Andrew 1958– .............................. CTFT–88 Aitken, Maria 1945–................................ CTFT–13 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Akalaitis, JoAnne 1937– .......................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12; WWT–17 Akayama, Dennis ..................................... CTFT–49 Akbar, Tami See ........................................... Roman, Tami Aked, Muriel 1887–1955....................... WWasWT Akerlind, Christopher ............................... CTFT–52 Akerman, Chantal 1950–......................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Akerman, Jeremy 1942– .......................... CTFT–75 Akerman, Malin 1978–............................ CTFT–78 Akers, Karen 1945– ................................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Akesan, Shondrella See..................................... Avery, Shondrella Akin, Philip .............................................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41


Akinnuoye–Agbaje, Adewale 1967–.............................................. CTFT–85 Akins, Claude 1926–1994 ......................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Alaimo, Marc 1942–................................ CTFT–39 Alan, Devon 1991– ................................. CTFT–68 Alan, Jane 1960–..................................... CTFT–74 Alan, Lori ................................................. CTFT–49 Alanis See..................................... Morissette, Alanis Alaskey, Joe 1949– .................................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Alazraqui, Carlos 1962–.......................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Alba, Jessica 1981– ................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Albanese, Antonio 1964– ........................ CTFT–34 Albanesi, Meggie (Margherita) 1899–1923.................................... WWasWT Albee, Edward 1928– .............................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 14; WWT–17 Alberghetti, Anna Maria 1936– ............... CTFT–20 Albert, Allan 1945– ................................ WWT–17 Albert, Ben 1876–? ................................ WWasWT Albert, Eddie 1908(?)– ............................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 18; WWT–17 Albert, Edward 1951–2006...................... CTFT–66 Obituary in CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 18, 30 Albert, William 1863–?.......................... WWasWT Albert–Lambert, Raphael 1865–? ........... WWasWT Albertson, Jack ?–1981 ........................... WWT–17 Albery, Bronson 1881–1971 .................. WWasWT Albery, Donald 1914–1988 ....................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Albery, Ian Bronson 1936– ..................... WWT–17 Albrecht, J. Grant ..................................... CTFT–88 Albright, Hardie 1903–.......................... WWasWT Alcala, Felix Enriquez............................... CTFT–56 Alcivar, Bob.............................................. CTFT–12 Alcott, John 1931–1986 .......................... CTFT–28 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Alda, Alan 1936– .................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 10, 17, 30; WWT–17 Alda, Robert 1914–1986 ........................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Alda, Rutanya 1942(?)– ........................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 18, 20 Alden, Hortense 1903–.......................... WWasWT Alden, Norman 1924–............................. CTFT–53 Alder, Eugene See ...................................... Hackman, Gene Alderson, Clifton 1864–1930................. WWasWT Alderton, John 1940– .............................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketches CTFT–5; in WWT–17 Aldin, Arthur 1872–? ............................. WWasWT Aldon, Pamela Segall 1968– ................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Aldredge, Denny See................................. Aldredge, Theoni V. Aldredge, Theoni V. 1932–...................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 11, 4, 38; WWT–17 Aldredge, Tom 1928– .............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9, 36 Aldrich, Charles T. 1872–?..................... WWasWT Aldrich, Janet 1956–.................................. CTFT–7 Aldrich, Rhonda ....................................... CTFT–78 Aldrich, Richard 1902–1986 ..................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Aldrich, Robert 1918–1983 ....................... CTFT–2

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Allen, Bob “Tex” See ........................................... Allen, Robert Allen, Byron 1961–.................................. CTFT–11 Allen, Chad 1974– .................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Allen, Charles Leslie 1830–1917 ........... WWasWT Allen, Chesney 1896– ........................... WWasWT Allen, Corey 1934– ................................... CTFT–8 Allen, Debbie 1950– ............................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Allen, Dede 1924(?)–............................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Allen, Elizabeth 1934– .............................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Allen, Elizabeth Anne 1979– ................... CTFT–73 Allen, Frank 1851–?............................... WWasWT Allen, Fred 1894–1956............................ CTFT–21 Allen, H. Marsh ......................................... WWT–6 Allen, Irwin 1916–1991 .......................... CTFT–12 Allen, Jack 1907– ................................... WWT–17 Allen, Jay Presson 1922–........................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Allen, Jayne Meadows See ...................................... Meadows, Jayne Allen, Jed See................................................. Allan, Jed Allen, Jeff See.................................................. Allin, Jeff Allen, Jo Harvey 1943(?)–........................ CTFT–32 Allen, Joan 1956–.................................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19, 29 Allen, John Piers 1912–.......................... WWT–17 Allen, Jonelle 1944–................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 39 Allen, Karen 1951– ................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 15 Allen, Keith 1953– .................................. CTFT–85 Allen, Kelcey 1875–1951 ...................... WWasWT Allen, Krista 1971(?)– .............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Allen, Laura 1974–.................................. CTFT–68 Allen, Leah See......................................... Wahlgren, Kari Allen, Mel 1913– .................................... CTFT–15 Allen, Nancy 1950– ................................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 5, 18, 29 Allen, Parry See .............................................. Shen, Parry Allen, Patrick 1927–................................ CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Allen, Penelope ........................................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 20, 29 Allen, Peter 1944–1992............................. CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–11 Allen, Phillip R. 1939– ............................ CTFT–22 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Allen, Phylicia See ...................................... Rashad, Phylicia Allen, Rae 1926–..................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Allen, Ralph G. 1934–............................. CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Allen, Rick See .......................................... Moranis, Rick Allen, Robert 1906–1998 .......................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–32 Allen, Roland See ...................................... Ayckbourn, Alan Allen, Ron ................................................ CTFT–43 Allen, Rosalind ......................................... CTFT–60 Allen, Sage ............................................... CTFT–34 Allen, Sheila 1932– ................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in WWT–17


Allen, Steve 1921– .................................. CTFT–25 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 15 Allen, Tim 1953–..................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 32 Allen, Todd............................................... CTFT–63 Allen, Vera 1897–...................................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Allen, Viola 1869–1948......................... WWasWT Allen, Woody 1935– ............................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 15, 25; WWT–17 Allenby, Frank 1898–1953..................... WWasWT Allenby, Peggy 1905–1967 .................... WWasWT Allen–Moritt, Krista See ............................................. Allen, Krista Allensworth, Carl 1908–............................ CTFT–6 Allers, Franz 1906–1995 ........................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–14 Alley, Kirstie 1955– ................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 27 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Alleyne, John............................................ CTFT–15 Allgood, Sara 1883–1950 ...................... WWasWT Allik, Vera Viiu ........................................... CTFT–6 Allin, Jeff .................................................. CTFT–57 Allinson, Michael ...................................... WWT–1 Allison, Nancy 1954–................................ CTFT–4 Allister, Claud 1891–1967 ..................... WWasWT Allmon, Clinton 1941–.............................. CTFT–1 Allodi, James ............................................ CTFT–68 Allport, Christopher .................................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Allwine, Wayne 1947–............................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Allyson, June 1917–2006 ........................ CTFT–46 Obituary in CTFT–72 Allman, Betsy ........................................... CTFT–48 Almberg, John 1940–................................. CTFT–2 Almendros, Nestor 1930–1992.................. CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–10 Almodovar, Pedro 1951–......................... CTFT–10 Almquist, Gregg 1948– ........................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 20 Alonso, Johnny ......................................... CTFT–62 Alonso, Laz .............................................. CTFT–74 Alonso, Maria Conchita 1957–................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 Alonzo, John A. 1934– ............................ CTFT–10 Alpar, Gitta 1900– ................................. WWasWT Alper, Jonathan 1950– ............................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Alswang, Ralph 1916–1979 ................... WWT–17 Alt, Carol 1960–...................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 38 Alt, James See......................................... Fitzpatrick, Jim Alt, Natalie ............................................. WWasWT Alter, Lori Anne ........................................ CTFT–78 Altman, Bruce .......................................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Altman, Jeff 1951–................................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Altman, Robert 1925– ............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 14, 23 Altman, Ruth .......................................... WWasWT Alton, Ed .................................................. CTFT–85 Alton, John 1901–1996 ........................... CTFT–26 Altschul, Serena, 1970–........................... CTFT–89 Alvarado, Angela ...................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Alvarado, Trini 1967–.............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18 Alvarez, George........................................ CTFT–60

Cumulative Index

Aldrich, Sarah 1975–............................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Aldridge, Michael 1920–1994................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Aldridge, Theoni V. See................................. Aldredge, Theoni V. Alea, Tomas Gutierrez 1928–1996 .......... CTFT–25 Aleandri, Emelise...................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Aleandro, Norma 1936–.......................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Alekan, Henri 1909– ............................... CTFT–13 Aleksander, Grant 1959– ......................... CTFT–62 Aletter, Frank 1926– .................................. CTFT–1 Alexander, Barbara Lee See ........................................ Niven, Barbara Alexander, Bill 1948– .............................. CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Alexander, Brett ........................................ CTFT–48 Alexander, C. K. 1923– .......................... WWT–17 Alexander, Denise 1939– ........................ CTFT–31 Alexander, Erika 1969–............................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Alexander, Flex......................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Alexander, George 1858–1918 .............. WWasWT Alexander, Jace 1964–............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Alexander, Jane 1939–............................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 18, 29; WWT–17 Alexander, Janet ?–1961 ........................ WWasWT Alexander, Jason 1959– ........................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 15, 25 Alexander, John ........................................ CTFT–42 Alexander, John 1897– ........................... WWT–16 Alexander, Katherine 1901–................... WWasWT Alexander, Kathleen................................. WWT–13 Alexander, Khandi 1957– ........................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Alexander, Lawrence 1939– .................... CTFT–12 Alexander, Michael See .................................... Ballhaus, Michael Alexander, Muriel 1898– ....................... WWasWT Alexander, Robert A. 1929– ...................... CTFT–2 Alexander, Sasha 1973– .......................... CTFT–92 Alexander, Scott........................................ CTFT–29 Alexander, Terence 1923– ......................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Alexander, Terry........................................ CTFT–32 Alexandre, Rene 1885–1946 ................. WWasWT Alexi–Malle, Adam 1964–....................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Alexis, Kim 1960– ................................... CTFT–89 Alfonso, Kristian 1963– ........................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Ali, Tatyana 1979– .................................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Alice, Mary 1941–................................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Alison, Dorothy 1925– .............................. CTFT–1 Allam, Roger 1953– ................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Allan, Elizabeth 1910–1990 ................... WWT–14 Allan, Jed 1937–...................................... CTFT–57 Allan, John B. See ................................ Westlake, Donald E. Allan, Maud............................................ WWasWT Allandale, Fred 1872–?.......................... WWasWT Allen, A. Hylton 1879–? ........................ WWasWT Allen, Adrienne ....................................... WWT–14 Allen, Billie ................................................ CTFT–1


ALVIN Alvin, John 1917– ..................................... CTFT–9 Alzado, Lyle 1949– ................................... CTFT–8 Amalric, Mathieu 1965–.......................... CTFT–32 Amandes, Tom 1959–.............................. CTFT–63 Amanpour, Christiane 1958– ................... CTFT–74 Amante, James See .......................................... Band, Charles Amante, Robert See .......................................... Band, Charles Amato, Mark 1965– ................................ CTFT–54 Ambient, Mark 1860–1937.................... WWasWT Ambrose, David 1943– ........................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5 Ambrose, Lauren 1978– .......................... CTFT–60 Ambrose, Tangie....................................... CTFT–68 Ambrosino, Hira 1968–........................... CTFT–90 Ambrosone, John ...................................... CTFT–53 Ambuehl, Cindy 1965– ........................... CTFT–59 Ameche, Don 1908–1993 ......................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–12 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Amedori, John Patrick 1987– .................. CTFT–86 Amelio, Gianni 1945–............................. CTFT–15 Amell, Stephen 1981– ............................. CTFT–92 Amenabar, Alejandro 1972–.................... CTFT–38 Amendola, Tony ....................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Ames, Florenz 1884–? ........................... WWasWT Ames, Gerald 1881–1933...................... WWasWT Ames, Leon 1901–................................. WWasWT Ames, Preston 1905–1983....................... CTFT–10 Ames, Robert 1893–1931 ...................... WWasWT Ames, Rosemary 1906– ......................... WWasWT Ames, Willie See .......................................... Aames, Willie Ames, Winthrop 1871–1937.................. WWasWT Ami, Namon See ........................................ Bercovici, Luca Amic, Henri 1853–? .............................. WWasWT Amick, Madchen 1970– .......................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 Amiel, Denys 1884–? ............................ WWasWT Amiel, Jon 1948– .................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 43 Amin, Mark 1950– .................................. CTFT–92 Amis, Suzy 1962(?)– ................................ CTFT–23 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Amkraut, Alynne 1953–........................... CTFT–11 Amoia, Charlene ...................................... CTFT–86 Amos, John 1939–................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 13, 37 Amos, Keith 1962–1998.......................... CTFT–30 Amram, David 1930–.............................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Amritraj, Ashok ........................................ CTFT–76 Amsterdam, Morey 1914(?)–1996.............. CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–16 Amurri, Eva 1985– .................................. CTFT–89 Ana–Alicia 1956(?)– ................................ CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Anapau, Kristina 1979– ........................... CTFT–60 Anchia, Juan Ruiz 1949–......................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Ancier, Garth 1958(?)–............................. CTFT–14 Anders, Allison 1954– ............................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 39 Anders, Andrea 1975–............................. CTFT–92 Anders, Glenn 1890– ............................ WWasWT Anderson, Andy 1947–............................ CTFT–69 Anderson, Anthony 1970–....................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Anderson, Audrey Marie .......................... CTFT–76 Anderson, Bob 1922–.............................. CTFT–46

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Anderson, Brad 1964–............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Anderson, Brent........................................ CTFT–57 Anderson, Chow See ......................................... Chow Yun–Fat Anderson, Craig.......................................... CTFT–1 Anderson, D. C. ....................................... CTFT–60 Anderson, Daphne 1922– ...................... WWT–17 Anderson, Daryl 1951– ........................... CTFT–69 Anderson, Dion ........................................ CTFT–46 Anderson, Donna 1925–.......................... CTFT–11 Anderson, Eddie “Rochester” 1905–1977...................................... CTFT–22 Anderson, Erich ........................................ CTFT–43 Anderson, Gillian 1968– ......................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 23 Anderson, Gillian Bunshaft 1943–.............................................. CTFT–13 Anderson, Harry 1952– ........................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Anderson, Haskell V. III 1942(?)– ............ CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 33 Anderson, J. Grant 1897–....................... WWT–17 Anderson, Jamie ....................................... CTFT–56 Anderson, Jo 1958–................................. CTFT–52 Anderson, John 1922–............................... CTFT–9 Anderson, John (Hargis) 1896–1943 ...... WWasWT Anderson, John Murray 1886–1954....... WWasWT Anderson, Judith 1898–1992..................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Anderson, Kevin 1960– ........................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 31 Anderson, Laurie 1947– .......................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18 Anderson, Lawrence 1893–1939 ........... WWasWT Anderson, Lindsay 1923–1994 ................ CTFT–13 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6 Anderson, Loni 1945(?)–.......................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 9, 18, 29 Anderson, Louie 1953– ........................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21 Anderson, Marina See............................................ D’Este, Coco Anderson, Mary 1859–1940 .................. WWasWT Anderson, Maxwell 1888–1959............. WWasWT Anderson, Melissa Sue 1962– ................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Anderson, Melody ...................................... CTFT–4 Anderson, Michael 1920– ....................... CTFT–27 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Anderson, Michael J. 1953– .................... CTFT–58 Anderson, Michael, Jr. 1943– .................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Anderson, Mitchell 1961– ....................... CTFT–53 Anderson, Nathan 1969– ........................ CTFT–77 Anderson, Neil ......................................... CTFT–60 Anderson, Pamela 1967– ........................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 41 Anderson, Paul S. W. 1965(?)– ................ CTFT–63 Anderson, Paul Thomas 1970–................ CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Anderson, Peter 1942– ............................ CTFT–11 Anderson, Richard 1926–........................ CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 17 Anderson, Richard Dean 1950– .............. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Anderson, Robert Woodruff 1917–............................................. WWT–17 Anderson, Rona 1928–........................... WWT–17 Anderson, Sam 1945– ............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 43


Anderson, Sarah Pia 1952– ..................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 37 Anderson, Stanley 1939–......................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Anderson, Steven...................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Anderson, Tami See ........................................... Roman, Tami Anderson, Wes 1969– ............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Anderson, William See ............................................. West, Adam Andersson, Bibi 1935– ............................ CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Andersson, Harriet 1932–........................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Andoh, Adjoa ........................................... CTFT–38 Andreeff, Starr 1965(?)– ........................... CTFT–31 Andreeva–Babakhan, Anna Misaakovna 1923–............................................ WWasWT Andrei, Damir .......................................... CTFT–78 Andress, Ursula 1936– ............................ CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 18 Andreva, Stella See ......................................... Browne, Stella Andrew, Leo 1957– ................................... CTFT–8 Andrews, Ann 1895–............................. WWasWT Andrews, Anthony 1948–........................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 39 Andrews, Dana 1909–1992....................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Andrews, David 1952–............................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Andrews, Dick See .............................................. Dick, Andy Andrews, Eamonn 1922–1987 .................. CTFT–2 Andrews, George Lee 1942– ..................... CTFT–1 Andrews, Giuseppe 1979– ...................... CTFT–51 Andrews, Harry 1911–1989....................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Andrews, Jay See .......................................... Wynorski, Jim Andrews, Julie 1935– .............................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 38; WWasWT Andrews, Maidie .................................... WWasWT Andrews, Nancy 1924–1989..................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Andrews, Naveen 1969– ......................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 29 Andrews, Peter See .................................. Soderbergh, Steven Andrews, Real 1963– .............................. CTFT–23 Andrews, Robert 1895– ......................... WWasWT Andrews, Tige............................................. CTFT–3 Andrews, Tod 1920–.............................. WWasWT Andriole, David ........................................ CTFT–71 Andros, Douglas 1931–............................. CTFT–1 Angarano, Michael 1987– ....................... CTFT–78 Angel, Heather 1909–1986 ....................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Angel, Jack 1930– ................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Angel, Vanessa 1966– ............................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Angela, June 1959– ................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Angela, Sharon ......................................... CTFT–89 Angelopoulos, Theo 1936(?)– .................. CTFT–22 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Angelou, Maya 1928– ............................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 39

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Antona–Traversi, Giannino 1860–1934.................................... WWasWT Antonio, Lou 1934– ................................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 43 Antonioni, Michelangelo 1912(?)–........... CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13 Antony, Hilda 1886–? ............................ WWasWT Antoon, A. J. 1944–1992........................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Antrobus, John 1933–............................. WWT–17 Anwar, Gabrielle 1970– .......................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 23 Aoki, Brenda Jean 1953–......................... CTFT–20 Aoki, Devon 1982– ................................. CTFT–80 Apatow, Judd 1967– ................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Apicella, John........................................... CTFT–38 Appel, Peter 1959–.................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Appel, Richard 1964– ............................. CTFT–25 Apple, Gary 1955–.................................... CTFT–3 Applebaum, Gertrude H. ........................... CTFT–1 Applebaum, Skippy See............................................. Sklar, Randy Appleby, Dorothy 1908–1990 ............... WWasWT Appleby, Shiri 1978– ............................... CTFT–60 Applegate, Christina 1971– ..................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17 Aprea, John 1941– .................................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Apsion, Annabelle 1963– ........................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Apted, Michael 1941–............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5, 12, 21, 31 Aquino, Amy ............................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Arad, Avi 1948– ...................................... CTFT–46 Araki, Gregg 1959– ................................. CTFT–25 Arana, Tomas 1959–................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Aranha, Ray 1939–.................................. CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Arau, Alfonso 1932– ............................... CTFT–50 Arbeit, Herman O. 1925– ....................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Arbenina, Stella 1887– .......................... WWasWT Arbuckle, Maclyn 1866–1931 ............... WWasWT Arbus, Allan 1918– ................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Arcade, Penny See........................................ Woronov, Mary Arcand, Denys 1941–.............................. CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Arcand, Nathaniel 1971– ........................ CTFT–63 Arce, Maria 1979–................................... CTFT–78 Arcenas, Loy 1953(?)– ............................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Archer, Anne 1947– ................................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Archer, Beverly 1948– ............................. CTFT–46 Archer, Joe .............................................. WWasWT Archer, John 1915–................................ WWasWT Archer, John 1953–.................................... CTFT–2 Archer, Lee See ......................................... Ellison, Harlan Archer, William 1856–1924................... WWasWT Archibald, Douglas 1919– ....................... CTFT–11 Arcieri, Leila 1973– ................................. CTFT–78 Ardant, Fanny 1949–............................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Arden, Edwin Hunter Pendleton 1864–1918.................................... WWasWT


Arden, Eve 1912–1990.............................. CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Arden, John 1930– ................................. WWT–17 Ardolino, Emile 1943–1993 .................... CTFT–10 Obituary in CTFT–12 Ardrey, Robert 1908–............................. WWasWT Arell, Sherry H. 1950– .............................. CTFT–3 Arenal, Julie.............................................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Arenberg, Lee 1962– ............................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Arens, Cody 1993–.................................. CTFT–80 Aresco, Joey ............................................. CTFT–60 Argarno, Michael See .................................. Angarano, Michael Argent, Edward 1931– ............................ WWT–17 Argentina ................................................ WWasWT Argento, Asia 1975– ................................ CTFT–68 Argento, Dario 1940–.............................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Argenziano, Carmen 1943–..................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Argo, Victor 1934– .................................. CTFT–34 Argyle, Pearl 1910– ............................... WWasWT Arias, Silvana 1977–................................ CTFT–75 Arias, Yancey 1971–................................ CTFT–74 Ariola, Julie .............................................. CTFT–56 Aris, Ben 1937–....................................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Arkell, Elizabeth ..................................... WWasWT Arkell, Reginald 1882–1959 .................. WWasWT Arkin, Adam 1957– ................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 Arkin, Alan 1934– ................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 11, 18, 39; WWT–17 Arkin, Anthony 1967– ............................. CTFT–48 Arkin, Matthew 1960–............................. CTFT–82 Arkoff, Lou ............................................... CTFT–37 Arkoff, Samuel Z. 1918– ........................... CTFT–3 Arkush, Allan 1948–................................ CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22 Arledge, Roone 1931–............................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Arlen, Harold 1905–1986 ...................... WWT–17 Arlen, Michael 1895–1956.................... WWasWT Arlen, Stephen 1913– ............................ WWasWT Arling, Joyce 1911– ............................... WWasWT Arlington, Billy 1873–? .......................... WWasWT Arliss, George 1868–1946 ..................... WWasWT Armen, Rebecca 1957– ............................. CTFT–2 Armenante, Jillian 1968–......................... CTFT–44 Armendariz, Pedro, Jr. 1940– .................. CTFT–42 Armin, Robert 1952–............................... CTFT–44 Armitage, Frank See ........................................ Carpenter, John Armitage, Richard ?–1986 ......................... CTFT–4 Armstrong, Alun 1946– ........................... CTFT–45 Armstrong, Anthony 1897–.................... WWasWT Armstrong, Barney 1870–?..................... WWasWT Armstrong, Bess 1953–............................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 Armstrong, Craig 1959– .......................... CTFT–91 Armstrong, Curtis 1953–.......................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Armstrong, Gillian 1950– ........................ CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Armstrong, Jack 1964– ............................ CTFT–52 Armstrong, Paul 1869–1915 .................. WWasWT Armstrong, R. G. 1917– .......................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Armstrong, Robert 1896–....................... WWasWT Armstrong, Samaire 1980– ...................... CTFT–66

Cumulative Index

Angelus, Muriel 1909– .......................... WWasWT Angers, Avril 1922–................................. CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Angie See................................ Featherstone, Angela Anglade, Jean–Hugues 1955–.................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Angle, Kurt 1968– ................................... CTFT–43 Anglim, Philip 1953– .............................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20; WWT–17, CTFT–4 Anglin, Margaret 1876–1958 ................. WWasWT Anhalt, Edward 1914–............................. CTFT–10 Anholt, Christien 1971– .......................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Aniston, Jennifer 1969– ........................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Aniston, John 1937–................................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Anka, Amanda 1969–.............................. CTFT–91 Anka, Paul 1941–.................................... CTFT–60 Annabella 1912– ................................... WWasWT Annable, Dave 1979– ............................. CTFT–89 Annakin, Ken 1914– ................................ CTFT–11 Annals, Michael 1938– .......................... WWT–17 Annaud, Jean–Jacques 1943– .................. CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13 Annis, Francesca 1944(?)– ....................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Ann–Margret 1941–................................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 16, 28 Annunzio, Gabriele d’ 1863–1938 ........ WWasWT Anouilh, Jean 1910–1987.......................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Anouk See.......................................... Aimee, Anouk Ansara, Michael 1927(?)– ........................ CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Ansell, John 1874–1948 ........................ WWasWT Anselmo, Tony.......................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Ansen, David 1945–................................ CTFT–10 Ansley, Zachary ........................................ CTFT–34 Anson, A. E. 1879–1936........................ WWasWT Anson, George William 1847–1920 ...... WWasWT Anspach, Susan 1939(?)–......................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 18 Anspacher, Louis K. 1878–1947 ............ WWasWT Anspaugh, David 1946–.......................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 39 Anstey, Edgar 1907–1987 .......................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–5 Anstey, F. 1856–1934 ............................ WWasWT Anstruther, Harold .................................. WWasWT Ant, Adam 1954– .................................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Anthony, Joseph 1912–........................... WWT–17 Anthony, Lysette 1963– ........................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Anthony, Marc 1968–.............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Anthony, Michael 1920– ........................... CTFT–5 Antico, Pete.............................................. CTFT–80 Antille, Lisa ................................................ CTFT–3 Antin, Steve 1956– .................................. CTFT–36 Antoine, Andre 1857–1943 ................... WWasWT Anton, George .......................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Anton, Susan 1950(?)–............................. CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 18 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Antona–Traversi, Camillo 1857–1926.................................... WWasWT


ARMSTRONG Armstrong, Su ........................................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Armstrong, Vaughn 1950– ....................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Armstrong, Vic 1946–.............................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Armstrong, Will Steven 1930–1969 ....... WWasWT Armstrong, William .................................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Armstrong, William 1882–1952............. WWasWT Arnatt, John 1917– ................................. WWT–17 Arnaud, Yvonne 1892–1958 .................. WWasWT Arnaz, Desi 1917–1986 ............................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Arnaz, Desi, Jr. 1953– ............................... CTFT–1 Arnaz, Lucie 1951– ................................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Arndt, Denis 1939– ................................. CTFT–52 Arness, James 1923– ............................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Arnett, Peter 1934– ................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Arnett, Will 1970–................................... CTFT–71 Arnette, Jeanetta 1954– ........................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Arney, Randall .......................................... CTFT–76 Earlier skecth in CTFT–32 Arngrim, Stefan 1955–............................. CTFT–65 Arnold, Bill See ....................................... Arnold, William Arnold, Bonnie ......................................... CTFT–29 Arnold, Danny 1925–1995........................ CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–15 Arnold, David 1962–............................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Arnold, Edward 1890–1956................... WWasWT Arnold, Franz 1878–1960...................... WWasWT Arnold, Jeanne 1931–................................ CTFT–8 Arnold, Phyl ?–1941 .............................. WWasWT Arnold, Roseanne See ................................................. Roseanne Arnold, Tichina 1971–............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Arnold, Tom ?–1969 .............................. WWasWT Arnold, Tom 1947– ................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Arnold, Tom 1959– ................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22, 32 Arnold, Victor 1936–............................... CTFT–38 Arnold, William........................................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Arnott, James Fullarton 1914–1982 ........... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Arnott, Mark 1950– ................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Arnott, Peter 1936– ................................... CTFT–3 Aronofsky, Darren 1969–......................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Aronson, Boris 1900–1980..................... WWT–17 Aronstein, Martin 1936–............................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Arquette, Alexis 1969– ............................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Arquette, Courteney Cox See........................................ Cox, Courteney Arquette, David 1971– ............................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Arquette, Lewis 1935–............................. CTFT–28 Arquette, Patricia 1968– .......................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22, 32 Arquette, Richmond 1963–...................... CTFT–46 Arquette, Rosanna 1959– ........................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 14, 27

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Arrabal, Fernando 1932–........................ WWT–17 Arrambide, Mario 1953– ........................... CTFT–3 Arrley, Richmond See........................................... Noonan, Tom Arrowsmith, William 1924– ...................... CTFT–1 Arroyave, Karina 1969–........................... CTFT–44 Arroyo, Danny ........................................ CTFT–70 Arsenio See ........................................... Hall, Arsenio Arterton, Gemma 1986–.......................... CTFT–92 Arthur, Beatrice 1923–............................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 20, 32; WWT–17 Arthur, Carol See......................................... DeLuise, Carol Arthur, Daphne 1925– ........................... WWasWT Arthur, Jean 1905(?)–1991 ....................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Arthur, Julia 1869–1950......................... WWasWT Arthur, Karen 1941– ................................ CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Arthur, Paul 1859–1928......................... WWasWT Arthur, Robert ?–1929............................ WWasWT Arthur, Robert 1909–1986 ......................... CTFT–4 Arthur, Syd See........................................... Kapelos, John Arthur–Jones, Winifred .............................. WWT–6 Arthurs, George 1875–1944 .................. WWasWT Artus, Louis 1870–? ............................... WWasWT Arundale, Grace (Kelly) .......................... WWasWT Arundale, Sybil 1882–1965 ................... WWasWT Arundell, Dennis 1898–1936 ................ WWasWT Asade, Jim 1936– ...................................... CTFT–2 Asano, Tadanobu 1973–.......................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Asara, Mike See....................................... Ansara, Michael Asbury, Kelly 1960– ................................ CTFT–86 Ash, Gordon ?–1929.............................. WWasWT Ash, Leslie 1960– .................................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Ash, Maie 1888–?.................................. WWasWT Ash, William 1977–................................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Ashanti 1980– ......................................... CTFT–67 Ashbrook, Dana 1967– ........................... CTFT–72 Ashbrook, Daphne 1966– ....................... CTFT–44 Ashby, Hal 1936–1988.............................. CTFT–6 Ashby, Harvey .......................................... CTFT–22 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Ashby, Linden 1960–............................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 29 Ashcroft, Peggy 1907–1991....................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ashe, Eve Brent See ................................................ Brent, Eve Asher, Jane 1946–...................................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Asher, William 1919–................................ CTFT–9 Asherson, Renee 1920–........................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ashfield, Kate ........................................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Ashford, Rob 1959– ................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Ashford, Matthew 1960– ......................... CTFT–52 Ashley, Alyssa See ...................................................... Indigo Ashley, Christopher 1964–....................... CTFT–50 Ashley, Elizabeth 1939– .......................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 35; WWT–17 Ashley, Heather See ........................................ Chase, Heather


Ashley, Iris 1909– .................................. WWasWT Ashley, Katie See............................................. Lynn, Sherry Ashman, Howard 1950–1991 ................. CTFT–12 Obituary in CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Ashmore, Aaron 1979– ........................... CTFT–66 Ashmore, Basil 1951– ............................ WWT–17 Ashmore, Peter 1916– ........................... WWasWT Ashmore, Shawn 1979– .......................... CTFT–62 Ashton, Ellis 1919–.................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ashton, Frederick 1906–........................ WWasWT Ashton, John 1948–................................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 27 Ashton–Griffiths, Roger 1957–................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Ashwell, Lena 1872–1957 ..................... WWasWT Ashworth, Chris 1975–............................ CTFT–92 Askew, Desmond 1972–.......................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Askew, Luke 1937– ................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Askey, Arthur Bowden 1900– ................. WWT–17 Askin, Leon 1907– .................................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Askin, Peter 1946– .................................... CTFT–5 Asner, Ed 1929– ...................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 38 Asner, Jules 1968– ................................... CTFT–66 Aspell, Tom .............................................. CTFT–92 Aspen, Jennifer 1973– ............................. CTFT–53 Asquith, Anthony 1902–1968................ WWasWT Asquith, Ward ............................................ CTFT–3 Assante, Armand 1949– .......................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 20, 31 Asseyev, Tamara ....................................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Assura, Thalia 1951–............................... CTFT–89 Astaire, Adele 1898–1981 ..................... WWasWT Astaire, Fred 1899–1987 ........................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Astin, John 1930–.................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 22, 43 Astin, MacKenzie 1973– ......................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Astin, Patty Duke See.............................................. Duke, Patty Astin, Sean 1971– ................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22, 32 Astle, Tom J. 1960– ................................. CTFT–91 Astley, John............................................. WWasWT Astredo, Humbert Allen.............................. CTFT–1 Atal, Henri See.............................................. Attal, Henri Atherton, Ted............................................ CTFT–77 Atherton, William 1947– ......................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 21, 32; WWT–17 Athis, Alfred 1873–? .............................. WWasWT Atienza, Edward 1924– .......................... WWT–17 Atkin, Harvy 1942– ................................. CTFT–52 Atkin, Nancy 1904– .............................. WWasWT Atkins, Christopher 1961– ....................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Atkins, Eileen 1934–................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 22, 32; WWT–17 Atkins, Essence 1972– ............................. CTFT–75 Atkins, Robert 1886–1972 ..................... WWasWT Atkins, Robin See............................... Downes, Robin Atkin

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Austin, Robert........................................... CTFT–38 Austin, Steve 1964–................................. CTFT–44 Austrian, Marjorie 1934–........................... CTFT–4 Auteuil, Daniel 1950– ............................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Autry, Alan 1952– ................................... CTFT–26 Autry, Gene 1907–1998 .......................... CTFT–21 Obituary in CTFT–24 Avalon, Frankie 1940– ............................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Avalos, Luis 1946– .................................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 35 Avari, Erick 1952– ................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Avary, Roger 1965– ................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Avedis, Howard.......................................... CTFT–1 Avellan, Elizabeth 1960–......................... CTFT–82 Averback, Hy 1920–1997.......................... CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–19 Avery, James 1948– ................................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Avery, Margaret ........................................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 38 Avery, Shondrella 1971–.......................... CTFT–86 Avery, Tex 1909–1980 ............................. CTFT–13 Avian, Bob 1937–.................................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Avila, Christine ......................................... CTFT–80 Avildsen, John G. 1935– ......................... CTFT–10 Aviles, Rick 1954–1995........................... CTFT–27 Avital, Mili 1972–.................................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Avnet, Jon 1949–..................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 11, 19, 29 Avni, Aki 1967– ...................................... CTFT–80 Avni, Ran 1941–........................................ CTFT–1 Avril, Suzanne ........................................ WWasWT Axelrod, George 1922– ........................... CTFT–22 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Axelrod, Jack 1930– ................................ CTFT–79 Axelrod, Robert 1949– ............................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Axton, David See ...................................... Koontz, Dean R. Axton, Hoyt 1938–.................................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Axworthy, Geoffrey 1923–...................... WWT–17 Ayanna, Charlotte 1976–......................... CTFT–60 Ayckbourn, Alan 1939–........................... CTFT–21 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 12; WWT–17 Aycox, Nicki Lynn 1975– ........................ CTFT–63 Ayer, Debbon ........................................... CTFT–68 Ayer, Nat. D. ?–1952 ............................. WWasWT Ayers, David H. 1924–.............................. CTFT–1 Ayers, Sam................................................ CTFT–71 Ayers–Allen, Phylicia See ...................................... Rashad, Phylicia Aykroyd, Dan 1952– ............................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Aylesworth, Reiko 1972–......................... CTFT–52 Ayliff, Henry Kiell ?–1949...................... WWasWT Aylmer, Felix 1889–1964....................... WWasWT Aylward, John 1946–............................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Aynesworth, Allan 1865–1959 .............. WWasWT Ayr, Michael 1953– ................................... CTFT–9 Ayre, Kristian 1977– ................................ CTFT–78 Ayres, Ben 1977– .................................... CTFT–86 Ayres, Lew 1908–1996............................ CTFT–15 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Ayrton, Norman 1924–........................... WWT–17


Ayrton, Randle 1869–1940.................... WWasWT Azaria, Hank 1964– ................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 32 Azenberg, Emanuel 1934–......................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Azizi, Anthony 1969(?)– .......................... CTFT–74 Aznavour, Charles 1924– ........................ CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19 Azzara, Candy 1945–.............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Azzopardi, Mario 1950– ......................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36

B B, Melanie See ....................................... Brown, Melanie Baaf, Mohsen Makhmal See .............................. Makhmalbaf, Mohsen Babatunde, Obba 1951– ......................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Babcock, Barbara 1937– ......................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 18 Babcock, Debra Lee 1956– ....................... CTFT–5 Babcock, Todd 1969–.............................. CTFT–56 Babe, Thomas 1941–................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Babenco, Hector 1946(?)– ....................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Babin, Lucas 1979–................................. CTFT–80 Babiy, Oksana See........................................... Lada, Oksana Bacall, Lauren 1924– .............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 27 Bacall, Michael ........................................ CTFT–56 Bacarella, Mike ........................................ CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Baccarin, Morena 1979– ......................... CTFT–79 Baccus, Stephen 1969– ............................. CTFT–1 Bach, Barbara ............................................. CTFT–2 Bach, Catherine 1954–............................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 18 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Bach, Reginald 1886–1941 ................... WWasWT Bach, Sebastian 1968– ............................ CTFT–40 Bacharach, Burt 1928(?)– ........................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 29 Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai See......................................... Rai, Aishwarya Bachchan, Amitabh 1942– ...................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Bachman, Richard See .......................................... King, Stephen Bachmann, Conrad................................... CTFT–58 Bacic, Steve 1965–.................................. CTFT–65 Backus, Jim 1913–1989–........................... CTFT–6 Backus, Richard 1945–............................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Baclanova, Olga 1899– ......................... WWasWT Bacon, Frank 1864–1922 ...................... WWasWT Bacon, Jane 1895– ................................ WWasWT Bacon, Kevin 1958– ................................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21, 31 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Bacon, Mai 1898– ................................. WWasWT Bacon, Michael ........................................ CTFT–69 Badalamenti, Angelo 1937– .................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36

Cumulative Index

Atkins, Tom 1935– .................................. CTFT–49 Atkinson, Barbara 1926– ........................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Atkinson, David........................................ CTFT–69 Atkinson, Don 1940– ................................ CTFT–7 Atkinson, Harry 1866–? ......................... WWasWT Atkinson, (Justin) Brooks 1894–1984 ...... WWT–17 Atkinson, Rosalind 1900–1977............... WWT–16 Atkinson, Rowan 1955– .......................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 27 Atlas (William Hedley Roberts) 1864–? .......................................... WWasWT Atlee, Howard 1926– ................................ CTFT–1 Atom, Jackie See ....................................... Peacock, Trevor Attal, Henri............................................... CTFT–39 Attanasio, Paul 1959– ............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Attell, Dave 1965– .................................. CTFT–87 Attenborough, Richard 1923– ................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 15, 25; WWT–17 Atteridge, Harold R. 1886–1938............ WWasWT Atterton, Edward 1962–........................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Attias, Daniel............................................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Attles, Joseph 1903–.................................. CTFT–1 Atwater, Edith 1911–1986...................... WWasWT Atwill, Lionel 1885–1946 ...................... WWasWT Atwood, Colleen 1950– .......................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Auberjonois, Remy ................................... CTFT–91 Auberjonois, Rene 1940– ........................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 15, 41; WWT–17 Aubert, K.D. 1978– ................................. CTFT–90 Aubrey, James 1947–................................. CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Aubrey, Madge 1902–1970 ................... WWasWT Auden, W. H. 1907–1973 ..................... WWasWT Audley, Maxine 1923– .............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Audran, Stephane 1932– ......................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15 Augarde, Adrienne ?–1913 .................... WWasWT Augarde, Amy 1868–1959..................... WWasWT August, Bille 1948– ................................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 August, John 1970– ................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 August, Pernilla 1958– ............................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Augustus, Sherman ................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Aukin, David 1942– ................................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in WWT–17; CTFT–43 Auletta, Robert 1940– ............................... CTFT–1 Aulisi, Joseph G........................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 39; WWT–17 Ault, Marie 1870–1951 ......................... WWasWT Aumont, Jean–Pierre 1913(?)– ................. CTFT–22 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Aurness, James See........................................... Arness, James Auster, Paul 1947– .................................. CTFT–23 Austin, Alana 1982–................................ CTFT–57 Austin, Charles 1878–1944 ................... WWasWT Austin, Denise 1957– .............................. CTFT–36 Austin, Jake T. 1944–............................... CTFT–85 Austin, Lyn 1922– ..................................... CTFT–1 Austin, Ray 1932– ................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11


BADALE Badale, Andy See................................ Badalamenti, Angelo Badalucco, Michael 1954–...................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Baddeley, Angela 1904–1976................. WWT–16 Baddeley, Hermione 1906–1986 ............... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bade, Tom 1946– ...................................... CTFT–1 Badel, Alan 1923–.................................. WWT–17 Badel, Sarah 1943– ................................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Badelt, Klaus ............................................ CTFT–56 Bader, Diedrich 1968(?)– ......................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Badgley, Penn 1986–............................... CTFT–73 Badham, John 1939–............................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 15, 39 Badie, Mina.............................................. CTFT–74 Badiyi, Reza 1930(?)–.............................. CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Badland, Annette ...................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Baena, Chris See ............................................. Minear, Tim Baer, Hanania 1943–............................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19 Baer, Marian 1924– ................................... CTFT–1 Baer, Max, Jr. 1937– .................................. CTFT–6 Baffa, Christopher ..................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Bagby, Larry 1974–.................................. CTFT–65 Bagdelamenti, Angelo See................................ Badalamenti, Angelo Bagden, Ronald 1953– .............................. CTFT–1 Bagley, Ben 1933–.................................. WWT–17 Bagley, Lorri 1973– ................................. CTFT–72 Bagley, Tim............................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Bagneris, Vernel 1949–............................ CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Bagnold, Enid 1889–1981 ...................... WWT–17 Bahnks, Jonathan See ....................................... Banks, Jonathan Bahns, Maxine 1971–.............................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Bai, Ling See .................................................. Ling, Bai Bailey, Bill 1964– .................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Bailey, Candace 1982–............................ CTFT–82 Bailey, Eion 1976–................................... CTFT–58 Bailey, Frederick 1946– ............................. CTFT–1 Bailey, G. W. 1945– ................................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Bailey, Gordon 1875–? .......................... WWasWT Bailey, H. C. 1878–1961 ....................... WWasWT Bailey, John 1942– .................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13, 37 Bailey, Pearl 1918–1990............................ CTFT–9 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Bailey, Robin 1919–1999 ........................ CTFT–11 Obituary in CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bailey, Steven W. 1971–.......................... CTFT–79 Bailey–Smith, Michael See.............................. Smith, Michael Bailey Bailon, Adrienne 1983– .......................... CTFT–76 Bain, Barbara 1931–................................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 31 Bain, Conrad 1923– ................................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Baines, Florence 1877–1918 ................. WWasWT Bainter, Fay 1891–1968......................... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Baio, Scott 1961(?)–................................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 19, 29 Brief entry in CTFT–2 Baird, Bil 1904–1987 ................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Baird, Dorothea 1875–1933 .................. WWasWT Baird, Ethel ............................................. WWasWT Baird, Mary E. 1947– ................................ CTFT–1 Bairstow, Scott 1970– .............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 29 Baitz, Jon Robin 1961– ........................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Bakalyan, Richard 1931– ........................ CTFT–56 Bakay, Nick 1964– .................................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Baker, Becky Ann 1953– ......................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Baker, Benny 1907–............................... WWasWT Baker, Blanche 1956–................................ CTFT–1 Baker, Brandon 1985– ............................. CTFT–85 Baker, Carroll 1931–................................ CTFT–34 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8 Baker, David Aaron 1963– ...................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Baker, Dee Bradley 1962(?)– ................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Baker, Diane 1938–................................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 32 Baker, Dylan 1959................................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Baker, Elizabeth ?–1962......................... WWasWT Baker, George 1885–?............................ WWasWT Baker, George 1931–............................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Baker, George Pierce 1866–1935 .......... WWasWT Baker, Greg 1968–................................... CTFT–84 Baker, Ian 1947– ..................................... CTFT–66 Baker, Iris 1901–.................................... WWasWT Baker, Joe Don 1936– ............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Baker, Jordan ............................................ CTFT–88 Baker, Josephine 1906–1975 .................. WWT–16 Baker, Kathy 1950– ................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15 Baker, Kenny 1934– ................................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Baker, Lee ?–1948.................................. WWasWT Baker, Mark 1946– ................................. WWT–17 Baker, Mark Linn See..................................... Linn–Baker, Mark Baker, Norma Jean See...................................... Monroe, Marilyn Baker, Paul 1911–...................................... CTFT–1 Baker, Raymond 1948– ........................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6 Baker, Rick 1950– ................................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 15, 24 Baker, Rod 1945– ...................................... CTFT–4 Baker, Roy Ward 1916–........................... CTFT–11 Baker, Scott See ............................ Thompson Baker, Scott Baker, Simon 1969– ................................ CTFT–54 Baker, Tyler See..................................... Christopher, Tyler Baker, Word 1923–1995............................ CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–15 Bakke, Brenda 1963(?)–........................... CTFT–51 Bakke, Tami See................................. Clatterbuck, Tamara Bakshi, Ralph 1938– ............................... CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Bakula, Scott 1954(?)– ............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 27


Balaban, Bob 1945–................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 33 Balanchine, George 1904–1980 ............. WWT–17 Balasky, Belinda 1947– ........................... CTFT–66 Balcer, Rene 1954– ................................. CTFT–13 Balch, Marston 1901– ............................... CTFT–2 Balderston, John L. 1889–1954 ............. WWasWT Balding, Rebecca 1955–.......................... CTFT–46 Baldridge, Mike ........................................ CTFT–69 Baldwin, Adam 1962–............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 27 Baldwin, Alec 1958–............................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21, 31 Baldwin, Daniel 1960– ........................... CTFT–23 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Baldwin, James 1924–1987....................... CTFT–3 Baldwin, Judith 1946–............................. CTFT–58 Baldwin, Peter 1929– .............................. CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Baldwin, Stephen 1966– ......................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 23 Baldwin, William...................................... CTFT–10 Bale, Christian 1974– .............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 29 Balfour, Eric 1977– .................................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Balfour, Katharine 1920–1990 ................... CTFT–4 Balibar, Jeanne 1968–.............................. CTFT–38 Balin, Ina 1937–1990................................ CTFT–9 Balk, Fairuza 1974– ................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22, 32 Ball, Lucille 1911–1989............................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Ball, Samuel 1974– ................................. CTFT–73 Ball, Sonja ................................................ CTFT–48 Ball, William 1931–1991 .......................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ballantine, Carl 1922–............................. CTFT–63 Ballantyne, Paul 1909– ............................. CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ballard, Alimi ........................................... CTFT–74 Ballard, Carroll 1937– ............................... CTFT–8 Ballard, Kaye 1926– ................................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 19, 29 Ballard, Lucien 1908–1988 ....................... CTFT–7 Ballerini, Edoardo ..................................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Ballet, Arthur H. 1924– .......................... WWT–17 Ballhaus, Michael 1935–......................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 28 Balodis, Janis 1950– ................................ CTFT–11 Balsam, Martin 1919–1996 ....................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Balsam, Talia 1960– ................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Baltes, Alan 1962– .................................. CTFT–79 Baltz, Kirk................................................. CTFT–52 Bamber, Jamie 1973– .............................. CTFT–65 Bamford, Maria 1970– ............................ CTFT–68 Bamman, Gerry 1941– ............................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 18, 29 Bana, Eric 1968– ..................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Banbury, Frith 1912– ................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bancroft, Anne 1931– ............................. CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 18; WWT–17 Bancroft, Bob ........................................... CTFT–71 Bancroft, Cameron 1967– ....................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Bardem, Javier 1969– .............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Bardon, Henry 1923–............................. WWT–17 Bardon, John 1921– ................................ CTFT–38 Bardot, Brigitte 1934– ............................... CTFT–3 Bareikis, Arija 1966– ............................... CTFT–48 Barge, Gillian 1940– .............................. WWT–17 Barger, Greg See........................................... Berger, Gregg Baring, Maurice 1874–1945 .................. WWasWT Barish, Keith ............................................. CTFT–10 Barker, Bob 1923–................................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19, 31 Barker, Clive 1931– ................................ WWT–17 Barker, Clive 1952– ................................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22, 43 Barker, Felix............................................. WWT–17 Barker, H. Granville– See.......................... Granville–Barker, Harley Barker, Helen Granville– See........................... Granville–Barker, Helen Barker, Howard 1946– ............................ CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Barker, Ronnie 1929– .............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 27; WWT–17 Barker, Sean See .......................................... Hayter, David Barkin, Ellen 1955(?)–.............................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 22, 32 Barkley, Deanne 1931– ........................... CTFT–10 Barkworth, Peter 1929–.......................... WWT–17 Barlog, Boleslaw 1906–......................... WWasWT Barlow, Billie 1862–1937 ...................... WWasWT Barlow, H. J. 1892–1970 ....................... WWasWT Barnabe, Bruno 1905– ........................... WWT–17 Barnard, Ivor 1887–1953....................... WWasWT Barnathan, Michael .................................. CTFT–80 Barner, Barry K. 1906–1965 .................. WWasWT Barnes, Art See ............................................... Mumy, Bill Barnes, Artie See .......................................... Ferrer, Miguel Barnes, Ben 1981– .................................. CTFT–87 Barnes, Binnie 1905– ............................ WWasWT Barnes, Christopher Daniel 1972–.............................................. CTFT–50 Barnes, Clive 1927– .................................. CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Barnes, Fran 1931– ................................... CTFT–1 Barnes, Fred 1884–? .............................. WWasWT Barnes, Howard 1904–1968.................. WWasWT Barnes, J. H. 1850–1925 ....................... WWasWT Barnes, Joanna 1934–................................ CTFT–6 Barnes, Kenneth (Ralph) 1878–1957 ..... WWasWT Barnes, Peter 1931– ................................ CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 14; WWT–17 Barnes, Priscilla 1952(?)–......................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Barnes, Susan ........................................... CTFT–51 Barnes, Wade 1917– ................................. CTFT–4 Barnes, Winifred 1894–1935 ................. WWasWT Barnett, Ken See ....................................... Francis, Freddie Barnette, Alan........................................... CTFT–54 Barney, Jay 1913–1985.............................. CTFT–1 Baron, Alec ................................................ CTFT–5 Baron, David See .......................................... Pinter, Harold Baron, Evalyn 1948– ............................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Baron, Joanne ........................................... CTFT–63 Barondes, Elizabeth .................................. CTFT–58 Barone, Anita 1964– ............................... CTFT–63


Baronova, Irina 1919– ........................... WWasWT Barr, Julia 1949–...................................... CTFT–62 Barr, Kathleen 1967(?)–............................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Barr, Nathan ............................................. CTFT–62 Barr, Patrick 1908–1985 ......................... WWT–17 Barr, Richard 1917–1989........................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Barr, Roseanne See ................................................. Roseanne Barranger, Millie S. 1937– ...................... WWT–17 Barratt, Augustus..................................... WWasWT Barratt, Watson 1884–1962 ................... WWasWT Barrault, Jean–Louis 1910– .................... WWasWT Barre, Gabriel 1957–................................. CTFT–4 Barrera, David .......................................... CTFT–44 Barrett, Brendon Ryan 1986– .................. CTFT–66 Barrett, Brent 1957– ................................ CTFT–58 Barrett, Chris 1982– ................................ CTFT–92 Barrett, Edith 1906–............................... WWasWT Barrett, George 1869–1935 ................... WWasWT Barrett, Jacinda 1972– ............................. CTFT–73 Barrett, Leslie 1919–.................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Barrett, Lester.......................................... WWasWT Barrett, Majel 1939–................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Barrett, Oscar 1875–1941 ..................... WWasWT Barrett, Rona 1936– .................................. CTFT–4 Barrett, Wilson 1900–............................ WWasWT Barretta, Bill ............................................. CTFT–50 Barrett–Roddenberry, Majel See........................................... Barrett, Majel Barrie, Amanda 1939– ........................... WWT–17 Barrie, Barbara 1931– ............................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 29; WWT–17 Barrie, Chris 1960– ................................. CTFT–69 Barrie, Frank 1939–................................ WWT–17 Barrie, James Matthew 1860–1937 ........ WWasWT Barrington, Rutland 1853–1922............. WWasWT Barris, Chuck 1929–.................................. CTFT–6 Barron, Dana 1968–................................ CTFT–52 Barron, David ........................................... CTFT–79 Barron, Marcus 1925–1944 ................... WWasWT Barron, Muriel 1906– ............................ WWasWT Barron, Rod See........................................ Vidgeon, Robin Barrow, Bernard 1927–1993.................... CTFT–11 Obituary in CTFT–12 Barrowman, John 1967–.......................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Barrs, Norman 1917– ................................ CTFT–1 Barry, B. Constance 1913– ........................ CTFT–1 Barry, B. H. 1940–..................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Barry, Christine 1911– ........................... WWasWT Barry, Gene 1919(?)– ............................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 5, 12, 18 Barry, Jack 1918–1984 .............................. CTFT–2 Barry, Joan 1901–1989 .......................... WWasWT Barry, John 1933–.................................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 22 Barry, Lynda 1956–.................................. CTFT–14 Barry, Michael 1910–1988 ........................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Barry, Miranda Robbins 1951– ................ CTFT–11 Barry, Paul 1931– ...................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Barry, Philip 1896–1949 ........................ WWasWT Barry, Raymond J. 1939–......................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9, 35 Barry, Shiel 1882–1937 ......................... WWasWT Barry, Thom.............................................. CTFT–54

Cumulative Index

Bancroft, George Pleydell 1868–1956 .... WWasWT Bancroft, Lady 1839–1921 .................... WWasWT Bancroft, Squire 1841–1926 .................. WWasWT Band, Charles 1951– ............................... CTFT–49 Band, Richard 1958(?)– ........................... CTFT–47 Bandera, Vaitiare 1964– .......................... CTFT–84 Banderas, Antonio 1960– ........................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22, 32 Banerjee, Victor 1946–............................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9 Banes, Lisa 1955– ................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 43 Bangs, John Kendrick 1862–1922.......... WWasWT Bankhead, Tallulah 1903–1968 ............. WWasWT Banks, Boyd 1964– ................................. CTFT–68 Banks, Dennis J. 1937– ........................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Banks, Elizabeth 1974– ........................... CTFT–77 Banks, Ernie Lee ....................................... CTFT–40 Banks, Jonathan 1947–............................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Banks, Leslie J. 1890–1952.................... WWasWT Banks, Linden ........................................... CTFT–55 Banks, Tyra 1973– ................................... CTFT–48 Bannen, Ian 1928– .................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Banner, Bob 1921–.................................... CTFT–3 Bannerman, Celia 1946–........................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bannerman, Kay 1919–1991 ..................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bannerman, Margaret 1896– ................. WWasWT Bannister, Harry 1893–1961 .................. WWasWT Bannon, Jack 1940– ................................ CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Bantry, Bryan 1956– .................................. CTFT–1 Banyaer, Michael 1970–.......................... CTFT–48 Bara, Theda 1890(?)–1955....................... CTFT–20 Baraka, Amiri 1934– ................................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Baranski, Christine 1952–........................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 20, 29; WWT–17 Barbara, Joe .............................................. CTFT–17 Barbeau, Adrienne 1945–........................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 20, 29 Barbee, Richard 1887– .......................... WWasWT Barber, Frances 1958(?)–.......................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Barber, Gary ............................................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Barber, Gillian 1957– .............................. CTFT–54 Barber, Glynis 1955–............................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Barber, John................................................ CTFT–1 Barbera, Joseph 1911–2006..................... CTFT–42 Obituary in CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 18 Barberie, Jillian 1966–............................. CTFT–74 Barbor, H. R. 1893–1933....................... WWasWT Barbour, Elly 1945– ................................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Barbour, James 1966–.............................. CTFT–62 Barbour, Joyce 1901– ............................ WWasWT Barbour, Thomas 1921– ............................ CTFT–2 Barcelo, Randy 1946– ............................... CTFT–4 Barclay, Jane............................................. CTFT–80 Barclay, Paris 1956– ................................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Barcroft, Roy 1902–1969......................... CTFT–21 Bard, Wilkie 1874–? .............................. WWasWT


BARRYMORE Barrymore, Diana 1921–1960 ............... WWasWT Barrymore, Drew 1975–.......................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21, 31 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Barrymore, Ethel 1879–1959 ................. WWasWT Barrymore, Jaid 1946–............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Barrymore, John 1882–1942.................. WWasWT Barrymore, Lionel 1878–1954 ............... WWasWT Bart, Lionel 1930–1999............................. CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–32 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bart, Peter 1932–....................................... CTFT–2 Bart, Roger 1962– ................................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Bartel, Paul 1938–..................................... CTFT–6 Bartenieff, George 1935–........................... CTFT–1 Bartet, Jeanne Julia 1854– ..................... WWasWT Barth, Cecil ?–1949 ............................... WWasWT Barth, Eddie 1931–.................................. CTFT–49 Bartholomae, Phillip H. ?–1947............. WWasWT Bartilson, Lynsey 1983–........................... CTFT–46 Bartkowiak, Andrzej 1950– ..................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Bartlett, Basil 1905– .............................. WWasWT Bartlett, Bonnie 1929–............................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Bartlett, Cal .............................................. CTFT–59 Bartlett, Clifford 1903–1936 .................. WWasWT Bartlett, D’Jamin 1948– ............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bartlett, Elise........................................... WWasWT Bartlett, Erinn 1973–................................ CTFT–73 Bartlett, Hall 1925(?)–1993........................ CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–12 Bartlett, Michael 1901– ......................... WWasWT Bartlett, Robin 1951– .............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Bartley, John S. ......................................... CTFT–56 Bartok, Jayce 1972– ................................ CTFT–58 Barton, Dora ?–1966 ............................. WWasWT Barton, Dorie............................................ CTFT–54 Barton, James 1890–1962...................... WWasWT Barton, John 1928– ................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Barton, Margaret 1926– ......................... WWasWT Barton, Mary ?–1970 ............................. WWasWT Barton, Mischa 1986– ............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Barton, Peter 1956–................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Bartusiak, Skye McCole 1992–................ CTFT–51 Barty, Billy 1924(?)–................................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Barty, Jack 1888–1942........................... WWasWT Baruch, Steven ......................................... CTFT–49 Baruchel, Jay ............................................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Baruck, Siri 1978–................................... CTFT–65 Baryshnikov, Mikhail 1948– .................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13 Basaraba, Gary 1959– ............................. CTFT–56 Basche, David Alan 1970– ...................... CTFT–68 Basco, Dante 1975– ................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Base, Guilio 1964–.................................. CTFT–34 Basehart, Richard 1914–1984 ................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bashoff, Blake 1981–............................... CTFT–85 Basinger, Kim 1953–................................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 22 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Baskcomb, A. W. 1880–1939 ................ WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Baskcomb, Lawrence 1883–1962 .......... WWasWT Baskette, Lena See ........................................ Basquette, Lina Baskin, Elya 1951– .................................. CTFT–43 Basquette, Lina 1907–1994 ..................... CTFT–14 Bass, Alfie 1921–1987............................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bass, George Houston 1938– .................... CTFT–1 Bass, James Lance 1979– ........................ CTFT–63 Bass, Kingsley B., Jr. See ............................................... Bullins, Ed Bass, Ron 1942–...................................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 Bassett, Alfred Leon 1870–?................... WWasWT Bassett, Angela 1958– ............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 23 Bassett, Linda 1950– ............................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 35 Bassett, William 1935–............................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Bassey, Jennifer......................................... CTFT–27 Bataille, Henry 1872–1940.................... WWasWT Bate, Anthony.......................................... WWT–17 Bateman, James See ......................................... Gibson, Henry Bateman, Jason 1969–............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 19, 41 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Bateman, Justine 1966–........................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 5, 18, 29 Bateman, Leah 1892–............................ WWasWT Bateman, Michael John 1947– ................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Bateman, Miss 1842–1917 .................... WWasWT Bateman, Virginia Frances See............................ Compton, Mrs. Edward Bateman, Zitlah 1900–1970 .................. WWasWT Bates, Alan 1934– ................................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 18; WWT–17 Bates, Bianche 1873–1941 .................... WWasWT Bates, Jeanne 1918–2007 ........................ CTFT–27 Obituary in CTFT–92 Bates, Kathy 1948–.................................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10, 17, 28 Bates, Michael 1920–............................. WWT–16 Bates, Ralph 1940–1991 ........................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–16 Bates, Sally 1907– ................................. WWasWT Bates, Thorpe 1883–1958...................... WWasWT Bates, Tyler ............................................... CTFT–79 Bateson, Timothy 1926–......................... WWT–17 Bath, Hubert 1883– ............................... WWasWT Batinkoff, Randall 1968– ......................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Batley, Dorothy 1902–........................... WWasWT Batt, Bryan 1963–.................................... CTFT–58 Batten, Paul .............................................. CTFT–57 Battle, Hinton 1956– ............................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Battles, John 1921–................................ WWasWT Batty, Archibald 1884–1961 .................. WWasWT Baty, Gaston 1885–1952 ....................... WWasWT Bauchau, Patrick 1938– .......................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Bauche, Vanessa 1973–........................... CTFT–38 Bauer, Christopher .................................... CTFT–52 Bauer, Jamie Lyn 1949(?)– ....................... CTFT–17 Bauer, Kristin 1973– ................................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Bauer, Steven 1956–................................ CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15 Bauersmith, Paula 1909–1987................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17


Baughan, Edward Algernon 1865–1938.................................... WWasWT Baughman, Renee ...................................... CTFT–2 Baum, Carol ............................................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Baumann, K. T. .......................................... CTFT–1 Baumann, William T................................. CTFT–87 Baumel, Shane 1997– ............................. CTFT–88 Baumgarten, Craig 1949–........................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 16, 39 Bausch, Pina 1940– ................................. CTFT–11 Bava, Mario 1914–.................................... CTFT–8 Bawn, Harry 1872–?.............................. WWasWT Bax, Clifford 1886–1962 ....................... WWasWT Bax, Kylie 1975– ..................................... CTFT–68 Baxendale, Helen 1969(?)–...................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Baxley, Barbara 1927–1990....................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Baxley, Craig R. ........................................ CTFT–68 Baxter, Alan 1908– ................................ WWasWT Baxter, Anne 1923–1985 ........................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Baxter, Barry 1894–1922 ....................... WWasWT Baxter, Beryl 1926– ............................... WWasWT Baxter, Beverly 1891–............................ WWasWT Baxter, Cash 1937–.................................... CTFT–5 Baxter, Jane 1909–.................................. WWT–17 Baxter, Jennifer ......................................... CTFT–67 Baxter, Keith 1935(?)–.............................. CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 13; WWT–17 Baxter, Meredith 1947– ........................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 28 Baxter, Stanley 1926– ............................. WWT–17 Baxter, Trevor 1932–............................... WWT–17 Baxter–Birney, Meredith See ...................................... Baxter, Meredith Bay, Frances 1918– ................................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Bay, Howard 1912–1986........................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bay, Michael 1965–................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Baye, Nathalie 1948–.............................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15 Bayes, Nora 1880–1928 ........................ WWasWT Bayler, Terence 1930– ............................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Bayley, Caroline 1890–.......................... WWasWT Bayley, Dame Iris See....................... Murdoch, Dame (Jean) Iris Bayley, Hilda ?–1971............................. WWasWT Baylis, Lilian 1874–1937 ....................... WWasWT Bayliss, Peter ........................................... WWT–17 Bayly, Caroline ....................................... WWasWT Bayne, Lawrence 1960(?)–....................... CTFT–85 Baynton, Henry 1892–1951 .................. WWasWT Beach, Adam 1972–................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Beach, Ann 1938–.................................. WWT–17 Beach, Gary 1947– ................................... CTFT–1 Beach, Michael 1963(?)– ......................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Beacham, Stephanie 1947– ..................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 13, 37; WWT–17 Beachwood, Kermit See.......................................... Miller, Matt K. Beahan, Kate ............................................ CTFT–68 Beaird, Betty 1939– ................................. CTFT–11 Beal, Jeff 1963– ....................................... CTFT–58 Beal, John 1909–1997 ............................. CTFT–11 Obituary in CTFT–17 Earlier sketch in WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Beck, Frances Patricia 1937–................... CTFT–11 Beck, John 1943– .................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 36 Beck, Julian 1925–1985 ............................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Beck, Kimberly 1956– ............................... CTFT–9 Beck, Michael ............................................ CTFT–3 Beck, Noelle 1968–................................. CTFT–73 Beckel, Graham 1949–............................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Becker, Gerry............................................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketch in CTFT–31 Becker, Harold 1950–.............................. CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Becker, Josh 1958– .................................. CTFT–36 Becker, Tony 1963– ................................. CTFT–40 Beckerman, Bernard 1921– .................... WWT–17 Beckett, Samuel 1906–1989...................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Beckford, Tyson 1970– ............................ CTFT–80 Beckhard, Arthur J. ................................ WWasWT Beckinsale, Kate 1973– ........................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Beckley, Barbara....................................... CTFT–53 Beckley, Beatrice Mary 1885–?.............. WWasWT Beckman, Henry 1921(?)– ....................... CTFT–39 Beckman, John c. 1898–1989 .................... CTFT–8 Beckwith, Reginald 1908–1965............. WWasWT Bed, Helen See ........................................ Winn, Amanda Bedard, Irene 1967–................................ CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Bedelia, Bonnie 1952(?)–......................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17, 28 Bedells, Phyllis 1893–1985 ................... WWasWT Bedford, Brian 1935– .............................. CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 11, 18; WWT–17 Bedford Lloyd, John.................................. CTFT–62 Bedi, Kabir 1946– ................................... CTFT–53 Bee, Gillian Ferra See...................................... Ferrabee, Gillian Bee, Samantha 1969–.............................. CTFT–85 Beecher, Janet 1884–1955 ..................... WWasWT Beechwood, Kermit See.......................................... Miller, Matt K. Beecroft, David 1960– ............................ CTFT–48 Beehan, Kate See ........................................... Beahan, Kate Beeman, Greg 1962– .............................. CTFT–88 Beer, J. Weak See ............................................. Weber, Jake Beerbohm, Clarence Evelyn ?–1917 .......................................... WWasWT Beerbohm, Max 1872–1956 .................. WWasWT Beere, Bernard (Mrs.) 1856–? ................ WWasWT Beers, Francine ........................................... CTFT–1 Beery, Noah, Jr. 1913(?)–1994 ................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–15 Beet, Alice ?–1931................................. WWasWT Beggs, Kevin L 1966(?)–........................... CTFT–92 Beggs, Richard 1942–.............................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Beghe, Jason 1960–................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Begley, Ed 1901–1970 ........................... WWasWT Begley, Ed, Jr. 1949–................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 22, 32 Begtrup, Mageina Tovah See ....................................... Tovah, Mageina Behan, Brendan 1923–1964 .................. WWasWT Behan, Shaun See............................................... Bean, Sean


Behar, Joy 1943(?)–.................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Behnken, Lucas 1979– ............................ CTFT–75 Behr, Ira Steven 1953– ............................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Behr, Jason 1973–.................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Behrens, Sam 1950–................................ CTFT–87 Behrman, Samuel Nathaniel 1893–1973.................................... WWasWT Beim, Norman 1923–................................ CTFT–1 Beimler, Hans ........................................... CTFT–49 Beiser, Brendan 1970–............................. CTFT–78 Bejart, Maurice 1927– ............................. CTFT–11 Bel Geddes, Barbara 1922–....................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Belack, Doris ............................................ CTFT–44 Belafonte, Harry 1927– ........................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5 Belafonte, Shari 1954– ............................ CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Belafsky, Marty 1975– ............................. CTFT–80 Belardinelli, Charles ................................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Belasco, David 1853–1931 ................... WWasWT Belassky, Marty See ........................................ Belafsky, Marty Belcher, Patricia........................................ CTFT–78 Beldon, Eileen 1901– ............................. WWT–17 Beldone, Phil “Cheech” See ......................................... Ellison, Harlan Belfi, Jordan 1978–.................................. CTFT–87 Belfrage, Bruce 1901– ........................... WWasWT Belgrader, Andrei 1946–.......................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Belkin, Jeanna 1924– ................................ CTFT–1 Belknap, Allen R. 1941– ......................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Bell, Ann 1939(?)–................................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–23; WWT–17 Bell, Barry 1951– .................................... CTFT–52 Bell, Catherine 1968–.............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Bell, David 1954– ................................... CTFT–62 Bell, Digby Valentine ?–1917 ................ WWasWT Bell, Drake 1986– ................................... CTFT–74 Bell, E. E. 1955–...................................... CTFT–79 Bell, Enid 1888– .................................... WWasWT Bell, Felecia M. ........................................ CTFT–60 Bell, James (Harliee) 1891– ................... WWasWT Bell, Jamie 1986– .................................... CTFT–82 Bell, Jim 1967–........................................ CTFT–92 Bell, John 1940–..................................... WWT–17 Bell, Kristen 1980– .................................. CTFT–65 Bell, Lake 1979– ..................................... CTFT–72 Bell, Lynne 1944– ..................................... CTFT–1 Bell, Marshall 1944– ............................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Bell, Mary Hayley 1914–....................... WWasWT Bell, Michael 1938– ................................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Bell, Nicholas Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Bell, Rini 1981– ...................................... CTFT–88 Bell, Stanley 1881–1952........................ WWasWT Bell, Tobin 1942– .................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Bell, Tom 1932(?)–................................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Bell, Vanessa See ............................ Calloway, Vanessa Bell Bella, Joseph F. 1940– ............................... CTFT–1

Cumulative Index

Beal, John 1947–..................................... CTFT–48 Bealby, George 1877–1931 ................... WWasWT Beale, Simon Russell 1961– .................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Beals, Jennifer 1963–............................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 14, 24 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Bean, Henry 1945– ................................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Bean, Normal See ............................. Burroughs, Edgar Rice Bean, Orson 1928– ................................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 16, 28; WWT–17 Bean, Sean 1959(?)– ................................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 37 Beard, Jane ............................................... CTFT–51 Beard, Winston See ...................................... Goldman, James Beardsley, Alice 1925– .............................. CTFT–1 Bearse, Amanda 1958– ........................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18 Beart, Emmanuelle 1965– ....................... CTFT–32 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Beasley, Allyce 1954– ............................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Beasley, John 1943– ................................ CTFT–53 Beasley, William S. ................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Beat Takeshi See ........................................ Kitano, Takeshi Beato, Affonso 1941– .............................. CTFT–82 Beaton, Cecil 1904–1980....................... WWT–16 Beatty, Harcourt...................................... WWasWT Beatty, John Lee 1948–............................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 13, 38; WWT–17 Beatty, Lou, Jr. .......................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Beatty, May ?–1945 ............................... WWasWT Beatty, Nancy ........................................... CTFT–68 Beatty, Ned 1937–................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Beatty, Robert 1909– .............................. WWT–17 Beatty, Roberta 1891–............................ WWasWT Beatty, Warren 1937– .............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11, 22, 32 Beauchamp, John ?–1921 ...................... WWasWT Beaudoin, Michelle 1975– ...................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Beaufort, John 1912–.............................. WWT–17 Beaumont, Cyril William 1891– ............ WWasWT Beaumont, Diana 1909–1964................ WWasWT Beaumont, Gabrielle 1942– .................... CTFT–23 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 12 Beaumont, Hugh 1908–1982 ................ WWasWT Beaumont, John 1902– .......................... WWasWT Beaumont, Kathryn 1938–....................... CTFT–69 Beaumont, Muriel 1881–1957............... WWasWT Beaumont, Ralph 1926–.......................... CTFT–10 Beaumont, Roma 1914– ........................ WWasWT Beauvais, Garcelle 1966–........................ CTFT–44 Beaven, Jenny 1950–............................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Beaver, Jim 1950– ................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Beaver, Terry............................................. CTFT–68 Bebel, Jean Paul Belmondo See............................... Belmondo, Jean–Paul Bebonis, Marcia See ...................................... DeBonis, Marcia Becher, John C. 1915–1986.................... WWT–17 Beck, Christophe 1972– .......................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41


BELLAMY Bellamy, Bill 1965– ................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Bellamy, Earl 1917–................................. CTFT–28 Bellamy, Franklyn 1886– ....................... WWasWT Bellamy, Ned 1957–................................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Bellamy, Ralph 1904–1991 ....................... CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWasWT Bellardinelli, Charles See ................................ Belardinelli, Charles Bellaver, Harry 1905–1993........................ CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–12 Belle, Camilla 1986–............................... CTFT–52 Belleville, Frederic de 1857–................. WWasWT Belleville, Ryan......................................... CTFT–88 Bellew, Kyrie 1887–............................... WWasWT Bellis, Richard 1946– .............................. CTFT–56 Bellisario, Donald P. 1935– ..................... CTFT–10 Bellman, Gina 1966– .............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Bello, Maria 1967–.................................. CTFT–32 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Bellocchio, Marco 1939– ........................ CTFT–29 Bellon, Roger............................................ CTFT–45 Bellonini, Edna 1903– ........................... WWasWT Bellows, Gil 1967–.................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 32 Bellucci, Monica 1969(?)–....................... CTFT–69 Bellwood, Pamela 1951– ........................ CTFT–21 Belmondo, Jean–Paul 1933– ................... CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18 Belmore, Bertha 1882–1953.................. WWasWT Belson, Jerry ............................................... CTFT–7 Beltrami, Marco........................................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Beltran, Robert 1953– ............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Belushi, Jim 1954– .................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13, 23 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Belushi, John 1949–1982 ........................ CTFT–16 Belzer, Richard 1944– ............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 20, 32 Bemis, Cliff 1948–................................... CTFT–79 Ben–Ami, Jacob 1890– .......................... WWasWT Benard, Maurice 1963–........................... CTFT–60 Ben–Ari, Neal 1952–................................. CTFT–9 Benaventa, Jacinto 1866–1954 .............. WWasWT Benben, Brian 1956–............................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 Benchley, Peter 1940–............................... CTFT–5 Benchley, Robert C. 1889– .................... WWasWT Bendall, Ernest Alfred 1846–1924 ......... WWasWT Bender, Candace Camille See .......................................... Kita, Candace Bender, Chris 1971(?)–............................. CTFT–85 Bender, Jack.............................................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Bender, Lawrence 1958– ......................... CTFT–31 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Bendix, Simone 1967– ............................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Bendix, William 1906–1994.................... CTFT–28 Benedetti, Caprice .................................... CTFT–61 Benedetti, Robert L. 1939–...................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Benedict, Amy 1964–.............................. CTFT–69 Benedict, Dirk 1945– .............................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 23 Benedict, Jay 1951– ................................ CTFT–46 Benedict, Paul 1938– .............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 31

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Benedict, Robert Patrick ........................... CTFT–58 Benedict, Stewart Hurd 1924– ................ CTFT–21 Benedicto, Lourdes 1974(?)– ................... CTFT–74 Benedictus, David 1938– ....................... WWT–17 Benelli, Sem 1877–1949 ....................... WWasWT Benett, Fran See ........................................... Bennett, Fran Benford, Starla .......................................... CTFT–52 Benigni, Roberto 1952–........................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Bening, Annette 1958–............................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 28 Benini, Ferruccio 1854–1925 ................ WWasWT Benison, Peter 1950– .............................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Benjamin, Allan 1949–.............................. CTFT–3 Benjamin, Christopher 1934–.................. CTFT–38 Benjamin, Louis 1922–........................... WWT–17 Benjamin, Morris Edgar 1881–? ............. WWasWT Benjamin, P. J. 1951– ................................ CTFT–1 Benjamin, Paul ......................................... CTFT–71 Benjamin, Richard 1938–........................ CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5, 33 Bennes, John ............................................ CTFT–52 Bennett, Alan 1934–................................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15; WWT–17 Bennett, Arnold 1867–1931 .................. WWasWT Bennett, Charles 1899– ......................... WWasWT Bennett, Daryl .......................................... CTFT–49 Bennett, Elizabeth Ann ............................. CTFT–76 Bennett, Faith ......................................... WWasWT Bennett, Fran 1937– ................................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Bennett, Harve 1930– ............................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Bennett, Hywel 1944–............................. CTFT–35 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9; WWT–17 Bennett, Jeff 1962– .................................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Bennett, Jill 1931–.................................. WWT–17 Bennett, Jill 1975–................................... CTFT–78 Bennett, Jimmy 1996– ............................. CTFT–64 Bennett, Joan 1910–1990 .......................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bennett, Jonathan 1981– ......................... CTFT–71 Bennett, Lelia.......................................... WWasWT Bennett, Marcia ........................................ CTFT–45 Bennett, Mark ........................................... CTFT–63 Bennett, Matthew 1968– ......................... CTFT–62 Bennett, Meg 1948– .................................. CTFT–7 Bennett, Michael 1943–1987 .................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bennett, Nigel 1949– .............................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Bennett, Peter 1917–1990(?)...................... CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bennett, Richard 1873–1944 ................. WWasWT Bennett, Richard Rodney 1936– .............. CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Bennett, Ruth.............................................. CTFT–7 Bennett, Sonja 1980– .............................. CTFT–89 Bennett, Tony 1926– ................................. CTFT–6 Bennett, Vivienne 1905–1978 ................ WWT–16 Bennett, Wilda 1894–1967.................... WWasWT Bennett, Zachary 1980– .......................... CTFT–65 Earier sketch in CTFT–29 Bennett–Gordon, Eve See ............................................ Gordon, Eve Benny, Jack 1894–1974........................... CTFT–20 Benrimo, J. Harry 1874–1942................ WWasWT Benrubi, Abraham 1969– ........................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27


Benskin, Tyrone 1958– ............................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Benson, Amber 1977–............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Benson, Ashley 1989–............................. CTFT–91 Benson, Frank R. 1858–1939 ................ WWasWT Benson, George 1911–1983 ...................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Benson, Jodi 1961– ................................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Benson, Lady ?–1946............................. WWasWT Benson, Robby 1956– ............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18, 30 Benson, Ruth 1873–1948 ...................... WWasWT Benson–Landes, Wendy 1975(?)– ............ CTFT–61 Bent, Buena ?–1957............................... WWasWT Bent, Lyriq ................................................ CTFT–86 Benthaak, Tushka See......................................... Bergen, Tushka Benthall, Michael 1919–1956 ............... WWasWT Bentham, Frederick 1911–...................... WWT–17 Bentivoglio, Fabrizio 1957– .................... CTFT–34 Bentley, Eric 1916–................................. WWT–17 Bentley, Irene ?–1940 ............................ WWasWT Bentley, Robert ......................................... CTFT–49 Bentley, Wes 1978–................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Bentley, Will 1873–?.............................. WWasWT Benton, Barbi 1950– ................................. CTFT–9 Benton, Robert 1932– ............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 14 Ben–Victor, Paul 1965– ........................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–29, 64 Benz, Gary R. ........................................... CTFT–82 Benz, Julie 1972– .................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Benzali, Daniel 1950(?)– ......................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Bercovici, Luca 1957–............................. CTFT–64 Berendt, Rachel ?–1957......................... WWasWT Berenger, Tom 1950(?)– ........................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 16, 28 Berenson, Marisa 1947–.......................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Berenson, Stephen 1953–.......................... CTFT–3 Beresford, Bruce 1940– ........................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 37 Beresford, Harry 1867–1944 ................. WWasWT Berfield, Justin 1986– .............................. CTFT–74 Berg, Barry 1942–...................................... CTFT–1 Berg, Gertrude 1899–1941 .................... WWasWT Berg, Greg See........................................... Berger, Gregg Berg, Jeff 1947– ....................................... CTFT–10 Berg, Peter 1964– .................................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Bergen, Bob 1964–.................................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Bergen, Candice 1946– ........................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17, 28 Bergen, Nella 1873–1919...................... WWasWT Bergen, Polly 1930– ................................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14, 38 Bergen, Tushka 1969– ............................. CTFT–71 Berger, Anna............................................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Berger, Gregg............................................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 21, 31 Berger, Henning 1872–.......................... WWasWT Berger, Keith 1952– ................................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Berger, Robert 1914–................................. CTFT–1 Berger, Senta 1947–................................... CTFT–1

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Berman, Len 1947– ................................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Berman, Pandro S. 1905–1996................ CTFT–21 Berman, Rick 1945–................................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Berman, Shelley 1926– ............................. CTFT–6 Bermange, Barry 1933– ........................... CTFT–11 Bermel, Albert 1927– ................................ CTFT–1 Bern, Art See .......................................... Brauner, Artur Bernadotte, Sirio See ......................................... Argento, Dario Bernard, Barney 1877–1924 .................. WWasWT Bernard, Carlos 1962–............................. CTFT–69 Bernard, Crystal 1959–............................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Bernard, Jason 1938–1996 ...................... CTFT–15 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Bernard, Jean Jacques 1888– ................. WWasWT Bernard, Kenneth 1930–............................ CTFT–1 Bernard, Mary Ann See .................................. Soderbergh, Steven Bernard, Sam 1863–1927 ...................... WWasWT Bernard, Tristan 1866–1947................... WWasWT Bernardi, Barry ......................................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Bernd, Art See .......................................... Brauner, Artur Bernede, Arthur ...................................... WWasWT Bernette, Sheila ....................................... WWT–17 Bernhard, Harvey 1924– ......................... CTFT–23 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Bernhard, Sandra 1955–.......................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 28 Brief Entry in CTFT–6 Bernhardt, Kevin 1961–........................... CTFT–62 Bernhardt, Melvin....................................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bernhardt, Sarah 1845–1923 ................. WWasWT Bernheim, Shirl 1921(?)– ......................... CTFT–32 Bernsen, Collin ......................................... CTFT–69 Bernsen, Corbin 1954–............................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 43 Bernstein, Adam 1960– ........................... CTFT–74 Bernstein, Aline 1882–1955 .................. WWasWT Bernstein, Armyan .................................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Bernstein, Charles 1943–......................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Bernstein, Elmer 1922– ........................... CTFT–32 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 22 Bernstein, Henry 1875–1953................. WWasWT Bernstein, Jay 1937–.................................. CTFT–5 Bernstein, Julie ......................................... CTFT–86 Bernstein, Leonard 1918–1990 ................ CTFT–11 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Bernstein, Steven ( 1)................................ CTFT–86 Bernstein, Steven ( 2)................................ CTFT–86 Bernstein, Walter 1919– .......................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6 Beroza, Janet .............................................. CTFT–2 Berr, Georges 1867–1942 ...................... WWasWT Berr De Turique, Julien 1863–1923 ....... WWasWT Berri, Claude 1934– ................................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 26 Berridge, Elizabeth 1962– ....................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13, 37 Berry, Adam.............................................. CTFT–70 Berry, David 1943– ................................. CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18 Berry, Eric 1913– .................................... WWT–17


Berry, Halle 1968– .................................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22, 43 Berry, James 1883–?............................... WWasWT Berry, John 1917– .................................... CTFT–11 Berry, Josh ................................................ CTFT–76 Berry, Ken 1933–....................................... CTFT–8 Berry, Raymond See .................................... Barry, Raymond J. Berry, Tom ............................................... CTFT–75 Berry, Vincent 1987– ............................... CTFT–46 Berry, William Henry 1870–1951 .......... WWasWT Berryman, Michael 1948– ....................... CTFT–63 Berstein, Sheryl......................................... CTFT–40 Bertinelli, Valerie 1960– .......................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13, 37 Bertolazzi, Carlo 1870–? ....................... WWasWT Bertolucci, Bernardo 1940(?)– ................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 12, 23 Bertorelli, Toni .......................................... CTFT–38 Bertram, Arthur 1860–1955 ................... WWasWT Bertram, Eugene 1872–1941 ................. WWasWT Bertram, Laura 1978–.............................. CTFT–61 Bertrand, Sandra 1943–............................. CTFT–1 Beruh, Joseph 1924–1989 ......................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Besch, Bibi 1940–1996 ............................. CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Besier, Rudolf 1878–1942...................... WWasWT Bessell, Ted 1942–1996............................. CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–16 Besser, Stuart M. ....................................... CTFT–80 Bessette, Denise 1954– ........................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19 Besso, Claudia .......................................... CTFT–79 Besson, Luc 1959– .................................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Best, Ahmed 1974– ................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Best, Edna 1900–1974........................... WWasWT Best, James 1926– ................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 43 Best, Wayne ............................................. CTFT–62 Betancourt, Anne...................................... CTFT–58 Bethencourt, Francis 1926–.................... WWT–17 Bethune, Ivy 1918– ................................. CTFT–62 Bethune, Zina 1950(?)– ............................. CTFT–9 Betrani, Frida ............................................ CTFT–82 Bettany, Paul 1971–................................. CTFT–74 Bettelheim, Edwin 1865–1938............... WWasWT Bettger, Lyle 1915– .................................... CTFT–1 Betti, Laura 1934– ................................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Bettis, Angela ........................................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Bettis, John 1946– ................................... CTFT–23 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Bettis, Valerie ?–1982 ............................. WWT–17 Betts, Daniel............................................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Betts, Edward William 1881–? ............... WWasWT Betts, Ernest ............................................. WWT–11 Betts, Jack................................................. CTFT–46 Bevan, Faith 1896–................................ WWasWT Bevan, Isla 1910– .................................. WWasWT Bevan, Tim 1958– ................................... CTFT–74 Beveridge, J. D. 1844–1926 .................. WWasWT Beveridge, Ryan........................................ CTFT–79 Beverley, Trazana 1945–.......................... CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Bewes, Rodney 1937–............................ WWT–17 Bey, John Toles See........................................ Toles–Bey, John

Cumulative Index

Berger, Sidney L. 1936–............................. CTFT–1 Berger, Stephen 1954–............................... CTFT–1 Bergerat, Emile 1845–? .......................... WWasWT Bergere, Jenica 1974–.............................. CTFT–44 Bergere, Lee................................................ CTFT–8 Bergere, Valerie 1872–1938 .................. WWasWT Bergeron, Philippe 1959– ........................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Bergeron, Tom 1955– .............................. CTFT–89 Bergese, Micha 1945– ............................... CTFT–4 Berghof, Herbert 1909–1990 ..................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bergin, Patrick 1951– .............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22, 32 Bergman, Alan 1925–.............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Bergman, Andrew 1945–......................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Bergman, Daniel 1962–........................... CTFT–21 Bergman, Ingmar 1918– .......................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Bergman, Ingrid 1915–1982 ...................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bergman, J. Peter 1946– ............................ CTFT–1 Bergman, Marilyn 1929– ......................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Bergman, Peter 1953– ............................. CTFT–82 Bergman, Sandahl....................................... CTFT–7 Bergner, Elisabeth 1900–1986 ................ WWT–17 Bergstrom, Hilda..................................... WWasWT Beringer, Esme 1875–1936 .................... WWasWT Beringer, Mrs. Oscar 1856–1936 ........... WWasWT Beringer, Vera 1879–1964 ..................... WWasWT Beristain, Gabriel...................................... CTFT–64 Berk, Michael ........................................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Berk, Tony ?–1988..................................... CTFT–2 Berkeley, Ballard 1904–1988................. WWasWT Berkeley, Busby 1859–1976 ................... WWT–16 Berkeley, Reginald Cheyne 1890–1935.................................... WWasWT Berkeley, Wilma ..................................... WWasWT Berkeley, Xander 1955(?)– ....................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Berkley, Elizabeth 1972(?)–...................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Berkoff, Steven 1937– ............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36; WWT–17 Berkson, Susan ........................................... CTFT–3 Berle, Milton 1908– ................................ CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19; WWT–17 Berlin, Irving 1888–1989........................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Berlind, Roger 1930– .............................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 12 Berliner, Ron 1958–................................... CTFT–3 Berling, Charles 1958– ............................ CTFT–38 Berlinger, Joe 1961– ................................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Berlinger, Milton See............................................ Berle, Milton Berlinger, Robert 1958–........................... CTFT–62 Berlinger, Warren 1937–............................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Berlyn, Alfred 1860–1936 ..................... WWasWT Berman, Bruce 1952–.............................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Berman, Chris 1955–............................... CTFT–86 Berman, Danielle ..................................... CTFT–29 Berman, David ......................................... CTFT–92 Berman, Ed 1941–..................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17


BEYER Beyer, Brad 1973– ................................... CTFT–82 Beyer, Elsie .............................................. WWT–13 Beymer, Richard 1939(?)–........................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Beyonce See ................................... Knowles, Beyonce Bhaneja, Raoul 1974– ............................. CTFT–86 Bhatia, Amin ............................................ CTFT–79 Bialik, Mayim 1975– ............................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Bibb, Leslie 1973(?)– ............................... CTFT–58 Bibby, Charles 1878–1917..................... WWasWT Bibby, Jackie 1951(?)– ............................. CTFT–42 Bibi See ....................................... Andersson, Bibi Bicat, Tony 1945– .................................. WWT–17 Bick, Stewart ............................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Bickford, Charles A. 1891–1933............ WWasWT Bickford, David 1953– .............................. CTFT–4 Biddle, Adrian .......................................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Biddle, Ryan See .................................... Bittle, Ryan James Biehn, Michael 1956– ............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Biel, Jessica 1982– .................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Bierko, Craig 1964– ................................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 43 Bigelow, Kathryn ...................................... CTFT–10 Biggar, Trisha ............................................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Biggs, Casey 1955– ................................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Biggs, Jason 1978– .................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Biggs, Richard 1961– .............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Biggs–Dawson, Roxann See ..................................... Dawson, Roxann Bikel, Theodore 1924– ............................ CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Bilbrooke, Lydia 1888–1990.................. WWasWT Bilderback, Nicole 1975–........................ CTFT–53 Bilhaud, Paul 1854–1933 ...................... WWasWT Bill, Tony 1940– ........................................ CTFT–6 Biller, Kenneth .......................................... CTFT–54 Billig, Robert 1947– .................................. CTFT–1 Billing, H. Chiswell 1881–1934 ............ WWasWT Billing, Roy............................................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Billings, Earl 1945– ................................. CTFT–50 Billings, Josh 1947–................................... CTFT–5 Billingslea, Beau 1953–........................... CTFT–74 Billingsley, Barbara 1922– ....................... CTFT–21 Billingsley, John 1960– ............................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–34, 41 Billingsley, Peter 1971– ........................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 39 Billington, Adeline 1825–? .................... WWasWT Billington, Ken 1946–.............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 21 Billington, Kevin 1934–.......................... WWT–17 Billington, Michael 1939– ...................... WWT–17 Billington, Stephen 1969– ....................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Billy O See ...................................... O’Sullivan, Billy Bilowit, Ira J. 1925– .................................. CTFT–1 Bilson, Bruce 1928– ................................ CTFT–55 Bilson, Danny........................................... CTFT–75

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Bilson, Rachel 1981– .............................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Biname, Charles 1949– ........................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Binder, Steve............................................... CTFT–1 Bingham, Amelia 1869–1927 ................ WWasWT Bingham, Jeffrey 1946– ............................. CTFT–6 Bingham, Sallie 1937– .............................. CTFT–1 Bingham, Traci 1968– ............................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Bini, Jennifer See ................................. Taylor, Jennifer Bini Binner, Margery 1908– .......................... WWasWT Binney, Constance 1900– ...................... WWasWT Binoche, Juliette 1964– ........................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 20, 31 Binus, Judith 1944– ................................... CTFT–2 Binyon, Laurence 1869–1943................ WWasWT Birch, Frank 1889–1956 ........................ WWasWT Birch, Jane Mortifee See .......................................... Mortifee, Jane Birch, Patricia 1934(?)–............................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37; WWT–17 Birch, Thora 1982–.................................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Bird, Brad ................................................. CTFT–27 Bird, Cord Wainer See ......................................... Ellison, Harlan Bird, David 1907–.................................. WWT–17 Bird, John 1936– .................................... WWT–17 Bird, Richard 1894–1986 ...................... WWasWT Birk, Raye 1944–..................................... CTFT–51 Birkell, Lauren .......................................... CTFT–74 Birkelund, Olivia 1963– .......................... CTFT–53 Birkenhead, Susan .................................... CTFT–42 Birkett, Bernadette 1948– ........................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Birkett, Jeremiah ....................................... CTFT–49 Birkett, Viva 1887–1934 ........................ WWasWT Birmingham, George A. 1865–1950 ...... WWasWT Birmingham, Gil ....................................... CTFT–69 Birnbaum, Roger 1950– .......................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Birney, David 1939–................................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5; WWT–17 Birney, Reed 1954– ................................... CTFT–1 Biroc, Joseph 1903(?)–1996..................... CTFT–17 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Bishop, Alfred 1848–1928..................... WWasWT Bishop, Andre 1948–............................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9 Bishop, Carole See ........................................... Bishop, Kelly Bishop, Conrad J. 1941– ........................... CTFT–1 Bishop, George Walter 1886–1965........ WWasWT Bishop, Joey 1918– ................................... CTFT–7 Bishop, John See................................................ Willis, Ted Bishop, John ............................................. CTFT–69 Bishop, Kate 1847–1923 ....................... WWasWT Bishop, Kelly 1944– ................................ CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Bishop, Tony See................................................ Day, Mark Bishop, Will 1867–1944........................ WWasWT Bisno, Leslie 1953– ................................... CTFT–6 Bisoglio, Val 1926– ................................... CTFT–8 Bissell, James D. 1951–........................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Bisset, Jacqueline 1944–.......................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 13, 22, 32 Bisset, Josie 1970–................................... CTFT–23


Bisson, Yannick 1969– ............................ CTFT–51 Bisutti, Danielle ....................................... CTFT–72 Bitterman, Adam ...................................... CTFT–78 Bittle, Ryan James 1977–......................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Bivens, Diane E. ........................................ CTFT–1 Bivens, J. B. .............................................. CTFT–39 Bivens, John Paul, Jr. See ............................................. Bivens, J. B. Bixby, Bill 1934–1993 ............................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Bjoernstrand, Gunnar 1909–1986 ........... CTFT–22 Bjorklund, Irina 1973– ............................ CTFT–82 Bjorlin, Nadia 1980–............................... CTFT–82 Bjornson, Maria ........................................ CTFT–12 Black, Alex 1989– ................................... CTFT–69 Black, Alfred 1913–............................... WWasWT Black, Claudia 1972(?)–........................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Black, David 1931–................................ WWT–17 Black, Don 1936(?)–................................ CTFT–63 Black, Dorothy 1899– ........................... WWasWT Black, Dorothy 1913–1985 ....................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Black, George 1890–1945 ..................... WWasWT Black, George 1911–1970 ..................... WWasWT Black, Jack 1969–.................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Black, James ............................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Black, Karen 1942(?)–.............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 20, 31 Black, Lewis 1948– ................................. CTFT–64 Black, Lucas 1982– ................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Black, Malcolm 1928– .............................. CTFT–1 Black, Marina ........................................... CTFT–71 Black, Mary .............................................. CTFT–77 Black, Meghan ......................................... CTFT–69 Black, Michael Ian 1971– ....................... CTFT–66 Black, Noel 1937– .................................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Black, Shane 1961–................................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Black, William See........................................... Suplee, Ethan Blackburn, Richard ................................... CTFT–49 Blackler, Betty 1929–............................. WWasWT Blackman, Eugene Joseph 1922–................................................ CTFT–1 Blackman, Fred J. 1879–1951 ............... WWasWT Blackman, Honor 1926– ......................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 20, 31; WWT–17 Blackman, Robert ..................................... CTFT–49 Blackmer, Sidney 1895– ........................ WWasWT Blackmore, Peter 1909– ........................ WWasWT Blackstock, Reba See ........................................ McEntire, Reba Blackthorne, Paul 1969– ......................... CTFT–80 Blackwell, Rus 1963–.............................. CTFT–80 Blackwood, Christian 1942–.................... CTFT–11 Blacque, Taurean 1941(?) ........................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Blade, Jake See .............................................. Shaw, Scott Blades, Ruben 1948– .............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21, 31 Blaine, Vivian 1921(?)–1995...................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Blair, Isla 1944–....................................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Bledsoe, Tempestt 1973–......................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Bleeth, Yasmine 1972(?)–......................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Bleibtreu, Moritz 1971– .......................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Blendell, Troy ........................................... CTFT–75 Blessed, Brian 1937–............................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Blethyn, Brenda 1946–............................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 30 Bleu, Corbin 1989– ................................. CTFT–78 Bley, Maurice G. 1910– ............................ CTFT–4 Blick, Newton 1899–1965..................... WWasWT Blicker, Jason ............................................ CTFT–46 Blier, Bernard 1916–1989.......................... CTFT–8 Blier, Bertrand 1939–............................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Blinn, Holbrook 1872–1928.................. WWasWT Blinn, William 1937– .............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Bliss, Boti 1975– ..................................... CTFT–70 Bliss, Helena 1917– ............................... WWT–17 Bliss, Lucille 1916– ................................. CTFT–87 Bliss, Thomas A. 1952– ........................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Blitzer, Wolf 1948–.................................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Bloch, Robert 1917–1994 ......................... CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–13 Bloch, Scotty 192(?)–............................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 11 Block, Larry 1942– .................................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 15, 25 Blocker, Dirk 1957– ................................ CTFT–58 Bloggs, Frederick See ....................................... Bassett, William Blomfield, Derek 1920–1964 ................ WWasWT Blommaert, Susan 1948–......................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Blomquist, Alan C. 1953– ....................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Blondell, Joan 1909–1979...................... WWT–16 Bloodgood, Moon 1975– ........................ CTFT–87 Bloodworth–Thomason, Linda 1947(?)– .......................................... CTFT–10 Bloom, Brian 1970– ................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 43 Bloom, Claire 1931– ............................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 22, 32; WWT–17 Bloom, David 1964(?)–............................ CTFT–40 Bloom, John See ........................................ Briggs, Joe Bob Bloom, John 1935– ................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Bloom, Lindsay 1955–............................... CTFT–3 Bloom, Michael 1950–.............................. CTFT–4 Bloom, Orlando 1977– ........................... CTFT–43 Bloom, Verna.............................................. CTFT–7 Bloomfield, George 1930– ...................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Bloomfield, John 1942–........................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Bloomgarden, Kermit 1904–1976........... WWT–16 Blore, Eric 1887–1959........................... WWasWT Blossom, Henry Martyn, Jr. 1866–1919.................................... WWasWT Blossom, Roberts 1924– .......................... CTFT–41 Blount, Helon 1929–................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Blount, Lisa 1957– .................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 30


Blow, Sydney 1878–1961 ...................... WWasWT Blu, Susan ................................................ CTFT–47 Blucas, Marc 1972–................................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Bludworth, Bill See .......................................... Morgan, Glen See............................................ Wong, James Blue, Callum 1977– ................................ CTFT–68 Blue, Zachary See ................................................ Stine, R.L. Bluhm, Brady 1983– ............................... CTFT–70 Blum, Mark 1950– .................................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Blum, Steven ............................................ CTFT–48 Blumas, Trevor 1984–.............................. CTFT–67 Blumenfeld, Robert 1943–......................... CTFT–3 Blumenkrantz, Jeff 1965– ........................ CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Blundell, Graeme 1945– ........................ WWT–17 Blunt, Emily 1983–.................................. CTFT–74 Bluteau, Lothaire 1957– .......................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 32 Bluth, Don................................................ CTFT–25 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 15 Bluthal, John 1929–................................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Blutig, Eduard See ......................................... Gorey, Edward Blyden, Larry 1925–1975 ....................... WWT–16 Blyth–Pratt, Charles Edward 1869–? .......................................... WWasWT Blyth–Pratt, Violet ................................... WWasWT Blythe, Benedick ...................................... CTFT–67 Blythe, Bobby 1894– ............................. WWasWT Blythe, Coralie 1880–1928.................... WWasWT Blythe, John 1921–................................. WWT–17 Blythe, Violet .......................................... WWasWT Boam, Jeffrey 1949– ................................ CTFT–10 Boardman, Chris 1954–........................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Boatman, Michael 1964– ........................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Bobadilla, Pepita .................................... WWasWT Bobbie, Walter 1945– ............................. CTFT–20 Bobby, Anne 1967–................................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Bobby Z See ....................... Zajonc, Robert “Bobby Z” Bobs, The Two ........................................ WWasWT Bocarde, Kevin ......................................... CTFT–58 Bochco, Steven 1943–............................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Bocher, Christian 1962– .......................... CTFT–55 Bochner, Hart 1956(?)–............................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18, 30 Bochner, Lloyd 1924–2005 ..................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18 Obituary in CTFT–68 Bock, Jerry 1928–................................... WWT–17 Bockstael, Robert...................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Bocquet, Gavin ........................................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Bode, Milton 1860–1938....................... WWasWT Bode, Ralf D. ............................................ CTFT–11 Boden, Richard 1953–............................. CTFT–64 Bodie, Dr. Walford 1870–? .................... WWasWT Bodom, Borgchild...................................... WWT–7 Bodrov, Sergei 1948– .............................. CTFT–31 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Boehmer, J. Paul 1965– ........................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30

Cumulative Index

Blair, Joyce 1932– .................................. WWT–17 Blair, Kevin See........................................... Spirtas, Kevin Blair, Linda 1959– ................................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 31 Blair, Lionel 1931– ................................. WWT–17 Blair, Pamela 1949– ................................ CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Blair, Selma 1972– .................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Blaisdell, Nesbitt 1928– .......................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30 Blake, Andre B. ........................................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Blake, Betty 1920– .................................... CTFT–1 Blake, Charles H. 1916– ........................... CTFT–1 Blake, Ellen .............................................. CTFT–65 Blake, Geoffrey 1962–............................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Blake, Harry 1866–? .............................. WWasWT Blake, Josh 1975–...................................... CTFT–8 Blake, Julia 1936(?)–................................ CTFT–80 Blake, Noah 1964(?)– .............................. CTFT–62 Blake, Robert 1933(?)– .............................. CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Blake, Yvonne 1938–............................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Blakeley, James 1873–1915 ................... WWasWT Blakelock, Denys 1901–1970................ WWasWT Blakely, Colin 1930–1987 ......................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Blakely, Susan 1948(?)– ........................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 34 Blakemore, Michael 1928– ..................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13; WWT–17 Blakemore, Sean....................................... CTFT–69 Blakeslee, Susan ....................................... CTFT–69 Blakley, Ronee 1946–................................ CTFT–7 Blakiston, Clarence 1864–1943............. WWasWT Blalock, Jolene 1975– ............................. CTFT–46 Blamire, Larry ........................................... CTFT–88 Blanc, JB 1969–....................................... CTFT–70 Blanc, Jennifer 1974(?)–........................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Blanc, Mel 1908–1989.............................. CTFT–8 Blanchard, Rachel 1976– ........................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Blanchard, Terence 1962–....................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Blanche, Ada 1862–1953 ...................... WWasWT Blanche, Marie 1893– ........................... WWasWT Blanche, Robert ........................................ CTFT–68 Blanchett, Cate 1969– ............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Bland, Alan 1897–1946......................... WWasWT Bland, Joyce 1906–1963 ....................... WWasWT Blaney, Charles E. ?–1944...................... WWasWT Blaney, Norah......................................... WWasWT Blank, Kenny 1977– ................................ CTFT–76 Blank, Les 1935–..................................... CTFT–14 Blankfield, Mark 1950– ........................... CTFT–44 Blasi, Rosa 1972–.................................... CTFT–73 Blatty, William Peter 1928–..................... CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Blaustein, Addie 1960– ........................... CTFT–52 Blavet, Emile 1838–? ............................. WWasWT Blaxill, Peter 1931– ................................... CTFT–1 Blayney, May 1875–1953 ...................... WWasWT Bleasdale, Alan 1946–............................. CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Bleckner, Jeff 1943–................................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 21, 31; WWT–17 Bledel, Alexis 1981– ............................... CTFT–73


BOEN Boen, Earl 1945–..................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 42 Boers, Frank, Jr. See .......................................... Bonner, Frank Boetticher, Budd 1916– ........................... CTFT–12 Bofshever, Michael 1950– ......................... CTFT–6 Boganny, Joe 1874–? ............................. WWasWT Bogard, Travis 1918–................................. CTFT–3 Bogarde, Dirk 1921(?)–.............................. CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Bogardus, Stephen 1954–........................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 43 Bogart, Humphrey 1899–1957 .............. WWasWT Bogart, Paul 1919–.................................. CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Bogdanov, Michael 1938–....................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bogdanovich, Peter 1939– ...................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 12, 23 Bogert, William 1936– ............................ CTFT–83 Boggetti, Victor 1895– ........................... WWasWT Bogin, Abba 1925– ................................... CTFT–1 Bogle, Warren See .................................... Bergman, Andrew Bogosian, Eric 1953–............................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 Bogush, Elizabeth 1977– ......................... CTFT–73 Bohannon, Judy .......................................... CTFT–2 Bohay, Heidi............................................... CTFT–3 Bohen, Ian 1976–.................................... CTFT–60 Bohnen, Roman ?–1949 ........................ WWasWT Bohrer, Corinne 1958– ............................ CTFT–64 Bohringer, Richard 1941–........................ CTFT–29 Bohringer, Romane 1973– ....................... CTFT–30 Bohrman, David 1954– ........................... CTFT–13 Boht, Jean 1936–....................................... CTFT–8 Bokino, Carlo See .......................................... Band, Charles Bolam, James 1938–................................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 20, 31; WWT–17 Boland, Jennifer Boland, Joanne 1975– ............................. CTFT–67 Boland, Mary 1885–1965...................... WWasWT Bolasni, Saul............................................... CTFT–1 Bole, Cliff ................................................. CTFT–39 Bolender, Bill............................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Boles, John 1900–1969 ......................... WWasWT Boleslawski, Richard 1889–1937........... WWasWT Bolger, John 1954– .................................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Bolger, Ray 1904–1987 ............................. CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Boll, Uwe 1965– ..................................... CTFT–79 Bollea, Terry See............................................ Hogan, Hulk Bolm, Adolph 1887–1951 ..................... WWasWT Bologna, Gabriel ...................................... CTFT–78 Bologna, Joseph 1934(?)– ........................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 35 Bolotin, Craig ........................................... CTFT–28 Bolt, David ............................................... CTFT–54 Bolt, Jeremy .............................................. CTFT–63 Bolt, Jonathan 1935–................................. CTFT–3 Bolt, Robert 1924–1995 .......................... CTFT–12 Obituary in CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Bolton, Guy Reginald 1884–1979 .......... WWT–16 Bomer, Matthew 1977– ........................... CTFT–88 Bonaduce, Danny 1959–......................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 39 Bond, Acton ?–1941 .............................. WWasWT Bond, C. G. 1945– ................................. WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Bond, Derek 1920– ................................... CTFT–1 Bond, Edward 1934–............................... CTFT–16 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Bond, Frederic 1861–1914 .................... WWasWT Bond, Gary 1940–1995............................. CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bond, Jessie 1853–1942 ........................ WWasWT Bond, Lilian 1910– ................................ WWasWT Bond, Samantha 1962– ........................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Bond, Sheila 1928– ................................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Bond, Sudie 1928–1984............................ CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bond, Timothy 1942–.............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Bondi, Beulah 1892–1981..................... WWasWT Bondor, Rebecca ........................................ CTFT–1 Bonerz, Peter 1938– ................................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 11, 36 Bones, Ken ............................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Bonet, Lisa 1967–.................................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Brief Entry in CTFT–4 Bonfils, Helen 1889–1972..................... WWasWT Bonham Carter, Helena 1966– ................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 23 Bonifant, J. Evan 1985– ........................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 32 Bonilla, Michelle ...................................... CTFT–56 Bon Jovi, Jon 1962– ................................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Bonnaire, Henri 1869–?......................... WWasWT Bonner, Frank 1942– ............................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Bonneville, Hugh 1963– ......................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Bonniere, Rene ......................................... CTFT–36 Bonnot, Francoise..................................... CTFT–29 Bono 1960– ............................................ CTFT–40 Bono, Sonny 1935–1998........................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–22 Bonsall, Brian 1981– ............................... CTFT–14 Bonus, Ben ?–1984................................. WWT–17 Boockvor, Steve 1945– .............................. CTFT–1 Booke, Sorrell 1930–1994......................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bookstaver, Sandy 1973–......................... CTFT–65 BoomK.A.T. See........................................ Manning, Taryn Boone, Debby 1956– ................................ CTFT–1 Boone, Mark, Jr. 1955–............................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Boone, Pat 1934–.................................... CTFT–47 Boor, Frank ?–1938................................ WWasWT Boorem, Mika 1987–............................... CTFT–64 Boorman, John 1933– ............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 15 Boorstin, Jon ............................................. CTFT–10 Boosler, Elayne 1952(?)– .......................... CTFT–11 Boot, Gladys ?–1964 ............................. WWasWT Booth, James 1933– ............................... WWT–17 Booth, Judas See ........................................... Lynch, David Booth, Kristin 1974–................................ CTFT–54 Booth, Lindy 1979–................................. CTFT–44 Booth, Shirley 1898–1992......................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Booth, Webster 1902– ........................... WWasWT


Boothby, Victoria ........................................ CTFT–1 Boothe, Clare 1903–1987...................... WWasWT Boothe, Power 1945–................................ CTFT–1 Boothe, Powers 1949(?)– ......................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 18, 30 Borden, Bill .............................................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Borden, Lizzie 1955– .............................. CTFT–12 Borden, Steve 1959– ............................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Bordoni, Irene ?–1953 ........................... WWasWT Boreanaz, David 1971–........................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Borell, Louis 1906– ............................... WWasWT Borgnine, Ernest 1917(?)– ........................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 19, 31 Boris, Robert M. 1945– ............................. CTFT–5 Borlenghi, Matt 1967–............................. CTFT–59 Borlin, Jean............................................. WWasWT Borman, Kay See................................................... K Callan Borman, M. See ............................................ Skerritt, Tom Born, Rosco 1950–.................................. CTFT–38 Borowitz, Katherine .................................. CTFT–34 Borrego, Jesse 1962– ............................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33 Borris, Clay 1950–................................... CTFT–36 Borstein, Alex 1971– ............................... CTFT–70 Bosco, Philip 1930– ................................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 21, 31; WWT–17 Bosley, Tom 1927– .................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 14; WWT–17 Bosse–Vingard, Harriet Sofie 1878–? .......................................... WWasWT Bosson, Barbara 1939(?)– ........................ CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18 Bostock, Thomas H. 1899– ................... WWasWT Bostwick, Barry 1945(?)– ......................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 5, 12, 23 Boswell, Charles ....................................... CTFT–60 Bosworth, Brian 1965–............................ CTFT–85 Bosworth, Kate 1983– ............................. CTFT–69 Botsford, Sara 1951– ............................... CTFT–79 Bott, Alan 1894– ................................... WWasWT Bottin, Rob 1959(?)–................................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Bottitta, Ron 1960– ................................. CTFT–85 Botto, Juan Diego 1975– ......................... CTFT–34 Bottomley, Gordon 1874–1948 ............. WWasWT Bottoms, Joseph 1954–............................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 20 Bottoms, Sam 1955– ............................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 20, 41 Bottoms, Timothy 1951– ......................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 31 Boucher, Victor 1879–1942 ................... WWasWT Bouchier, Chili 1909–................................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Boucicault, Aubrey 1869–1913 ............. WWasWT Boucicault, Dion G. 1859–1929 ........... WWasWT Boucicault, Mrs. Dion 1833–1916 ........ WWasWT Boucicault, Nina 1867–1950................. WWasWT Boughton, Rutland 1878–1960.............. WWasWT Bould, Beckett 1880–?........................... WWasWT Boule, Kathryn 1949–................................ CTFT–1 Boulter, Rosalyn 1916–.......................... WWasWT Boulting, Sydney Arthur Rembrandt See ............................................. Cotes, Peter Boulton, Guy Pelham 1890– ................. WWasWT Bouquet, Michel 1926–........................... CTFT–30

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Boyd, Cayden 1994–............................... CTFT–82 Boyd, Frank M. 1863–? ......................... WWasWT Boyd, Guy ................................................ CTFT–50 Boyd, Jenna 1993– .................................. CTFT–82 Boyd, Lynda ............................................. CTFT–57 Boyd, Russell 1944–................................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Boyer, Charles 1899–............................. WWasWT Boyett, Robert L. 1942(?)– ....................... CTFT–13 Boyle, Billy 1945–.................................. WWT–17 Boyle, Danny 1956– ............................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Boyle, Katie 1926– .................................. CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Boyer, Katy ............................................... CTFT–68 Boyle, Lara Flynn 1970– ......................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 27 Boyle, Lisa 1968–.................................... CTFT–38 Boyle, Peter 1935–2006 .......................... CTFT–64 Obituary in CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 16, 29 Boyle, William 1853–1923.................... WWasWT Boyne, Clifton 1874–1945..................... WWasWT Boyne, Leonard 1853–1920 .................. WWasWT Bozman, Ron............................................ CTFT–78 Braban, Harvey 1883–? ......................... WWasWT Bracco, Elizabeth...................................... CTFT–46 Bracco, Lorraine 1954(?)–........................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Bracco, Roberto 1863–1943.................. WWasWT Brach, Gerard 1927–................................. CTFT–6 Bracken, Eddie 1920– ............................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19; WWT–17 Bradbury, James H. 1857–1940 ............. WWasWT Bradbury, Malcolm 1932– ....................... CTFT–10 Bradbury, Ray 1920– ............................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 28 Braddock, Micky See......................................... Dolenz, Micky Braden, Bernard 1916–.......................... WWasWT Braden, William 1939– ........................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Bradfield, W. Louis 1866–1919 ............. WWasWT Bradford, Jesse 1979–.............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Bradford, Richard 1937– ......................... CTFT–36 Bradley, Bart See....................................... Braverman, Bart Bradley, Buddy 1908– ........................... WWasWT Bradley, David 1942–.............................. CTFT–76 Bradley, Ed 1941–2006 ........................... CTFT–46 Obituary in CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Bradley, Elizabeth 1922–2000 ................. CTFT–38 Bradley, Lillian Trimble 1875–1939 ....... WWasWT Bradshaw, John 1952–............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Bradshaw, Terry 1948– ............................ CTFT–78 Brady, Leo 1917– ...................................... CTFT–1 Brady, Orla 1961– ................................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Brady, Scott 1924–1985 ............................ CTFT–2 Brady, Terence 1939– ............................. WWT–17 Brady, Veronica 1890–1964 .................. WWasWT Brady, Wayne 1972– ............................... CTFT–54 Brady, William A. 1863–1950 ............... WWasWT Brady, William A. 1900–1935 ............... WWasWT Brae, June 1918– ................................... WWasWT Braeden, Eric 1941– ................................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18 Braff, Zach 1975–.................................... CTFT–66 Braga, Brannon 1964–............................. CTFT–49


Braga, Sonia 1950– ................................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 38 Bragaglia, Marinella................................ WWasWT Bragg, Bernard............................................ CTFT–3 Bragg, Melvyn 1939– .............................. CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Braham, Horace 1893–1955 ................. WWasWT Braham, Leonora 1853–1931 ................ WWasWT Braham, Lionel ....................................... WWasWT Braham, Philip 1881–1934.................... WWasWT Brahms, Caryl .......................................... WWT–17 Braidwood, Tom 1948– ........................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Braine, John 1922–1986............................ CTFT–4 Braithwaite, Lilian 1873–1948............... WWasWT Brakhage, Stan 1933–.............................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Brambell, Wilfrid 1912–1985 ................. WWT–17 Brammell, Abby 1979– ........................... CTFT–75 Bramon, Risa See................................ Garcia, Risa Bramon Branagh, Kenneth 1960– ......................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9 Brancato, Chris ......................................... CTFT–60 Brancato, John .......................................... CTFT–61 Brancato, Lillo 1976– .............................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Branch, Eileen 1911–............................. WWasWT Branch, William B. 1927– ....................... CTFT–13 Brand, Joshua 1952(?)– ............................ CTFT–11 Brand, Oscar 1920– .................................. CTFT–1 Brand, Steven 1967– ............................... CTFT–68 Brandauer, Klaus Maria 1944– ................ CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Brandes, Marthe (Brunschwig) 1862–1930.................................... WWasWT Brandis, Jonathan 1976– ......................... CTFT–40 Brandman, Michael .................................. CTFT–65 Brandman, Steven J. ................................. CTFT–65 Brando, Marlon 1924– ............................ CTFT–28 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17 Brandon, Dorothy 1899?–1977 ............. WWasWT Brandon, Johnny......................................... CTFT–1 Brandon, Michael 1945–......................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Brandon–Thomas, Amy Marguerite 1890–............................................ WWasWT Brandon–Thomas, Jevan 1898– ............. WWasWT Brandt, Ivan 1903– ................................ WWasWT Brandt, Yanna Kroyt 1933–........................ CTFT–3 Brantley, Betsy 1955– .............................. CTFT–40 Brandy See .................................... Norwood, Brandy Brandy, J. C. 1975– ................................. CTFT–69 Brannagh, Brigid 1972–........................... CTFT–49 Brannon, Ash............................................ CTFT–28 Braoude, Patrick ....................................... CTFT–34 Braschi, Nicoletta 1960– ......................... CTFT–27 Brass, Steffani 1992– ............................... CTFT–73 Brasseur, Albert Jules 1862–? ................. WWasWT Bratt, Benjamin 1963–............................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 29 Braugher, Andre 1962–............................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 23 Braughton, Fred See ......................................... Murphy, Eddie Braun, Steve 1976– ................................. CTFT–68 Braun, Suanne 1968– .............................. CTFT–84 Braun, Tamara 1971– .............................. CTFT–80 Braun, Wendy 1970– .............................. CTFT–90 Brauner, Artur 1918– ............................... CTFT–31 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Braver, Rita ............................................... CTFT–90

Cumulative Index

Bouquett, Tamara Tunie See .......................................... Tunie, Tamara Bourchier, Arthur 1863–1927 ................ WWasWT Bourgeois, John ........................................ CTFT–44 Bourne, Adeline...................................... WWasWT Bourne, Douglas See......................................... Doug, Doug E. Bourne, J. R. 1970– ................................. CTFT–78 Bourne, Mel 1923– ................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Bourneuf, Philip 1912–1979 .................. WWT–16 Boutsikaris, Dennis 1952–....................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Bouwmeester, Louis 1842–?................... WWasWT Bova, Joseph 1924–................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bovasso, Julie 1930–1991 ......................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bovill, C. H. 1878–1918 ....................... WWasWT Bovy, Berthe 1887– ............................... WWasWT Bow, Clara 1905–1965............................ CTFT–20 Bowab, John 1933–................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Bowden, Charles ..................................... WWT–17 Bowe, David ............................................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Bowen, Andrea 1990–............................. CTFT–92 Bowen, Cameron 1988–.......................... CTFT–92 Bowen, Earl See ................................................ Boen, Earl Bowen, John............................................. CTFT–48 Bowen, John 1924–................................ WWT–17 Bowen, John Pearson 1953– ................... CTFT–13 Bowen, Julie 1970– ................................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Bowen, Michael ....................................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Bowen, Roger 1932–1996......................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–16 Bower, Marian ?–1945........................... WWasWT Bower, Tom .............................................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Bowers, Faubion 1917–............................. CTFT–2 Bowers, Lally 1917–1984....................... WWT–17 Bowers, Richard 1964– ........................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Bowers, Robert Hood 1877–1941 ......... WWasWT Bowes, Alice ?–1969 ............................. WWasWT Bowes, Janet Elizabeth 1944– ................... CTFT–1 Bowie, David 1947– ............................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 18, 30 Bowles, Anthony 1931– ......................... WWT–17 Bowles, Paul 1910–................................... CTFT–1 Bowles, Peter 1936–................................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 37; WWT–17 Bowman, Chuck ....................................... CTFT–52 Bowman, Nellie 1878–? ........................ WWasWT Bowman, Rob 1960–............................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Box, Edgar See .............................................. Vidal, Gore Box, John 1920–...................................... CTFT–10 Boxer, (Cyril) John 1909– ....................... WWT–17 Boxleitner, Bruce 1950– .......................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 14 Boyar, Lombardo 1973– .......................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Boyce, Rodger .......................................... CTFT–65 Boyce, Todd 1961– ................................. CTFT–43 Boycea, Roger See ......................................... Boyce, Rodger Boyd, Billy 1968–.................................... CTFT–43


BRAVERMAN Braverman, Bart 1946–............................ CTFT–38 Braxton, Toni 1968(?)–............................. CTFT–26 Bray, Thom 1954– ................................... CTFT–56 Bray, Yvonne de 1889–.......................... WWasWT Brayton, Lily 1876–1953 ....................... WWasWT Brazeau, Jay 1945– ................................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Brazil, Scott .............................................. CTFT–43 Brazzi, Rossano 1916–1994 .................... CTFT–10 Obituary in CTFT–15 Bread, Kim See............................................. Cleese, John Brecher, Egon 1885–1946...................... WWasWT Breck, Peter 1929– .................................. CTFT–60 Breckenridge, Alex 1982– ....................... CTFT–69 Breckenridge, Laura.................................. CTFT–68 Breckman, Andy 1955–........................... CTFT–76 Brecusse, Leslie See ........................................ Bricusse, Leslie Breen, Helen 1902– .............................. WWasWT Breen, Patrick 1960– ............................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Breen, Robert 1914–1990 ......................... CTFT–2 Breese, Edmund 1871–1936.................. WWasWT Bregman, Martin 1931–........................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5, 19 Bregman, Tracey E. 1963–....................... CTFT–58 Breker, Eric ............................................... CTFT–71 Bremner, Ewen ......................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Brendon, Nicholas 1971–........................ CTFT–68 Brennan, Eileen 1938– ............................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 15, 25 Brenneman, Amy 1964–.......................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Brenner, Albert 1926–.............................. CTFT–11 Brenner, David 1945– ............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18 Brenner, Dori.............................................. CTFT–9 Brenner, Lisa 1974–................................. CTFT–68 Brenner, Randy 1955– ............................... CTFT–3 Brent, Eve 1930– ..................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Brent, Romney 1902–1976.................... WWasWT Brenton, Howard 1942–............................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Brereton, Austin 1862–1923.................. WWasWT Breslin, Abigail 1966– ............................. CTFT–75 Breslin, Spencer 1992–............................ CTFT–62 Bressack, Celia 1956– ............................... CTFT–3 Bresson, Robert 1907– .............................. CTFT–8 Brest, Martin 1951–................................... CTFT–7 Brett, Jeremy 1935(?)–1995 ....................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–15 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Brett, Stanley 1879–1923 ...................... WWasWT Breuer, Jim 1967–.................................... CTFT–75 Breuer, Lee 1937– ..................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Breuer, Marita........................................... CTFT–34 Breuler, Robert.......................................... CTFT–32 Brewster, Jordana 1980–.......................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Brewster, Paget 1969– ............................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Brewster, Towsend Tyler 1924– ................. CTFT–1 Brialy, Jean–Claude 1933–....................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Brian, Donald 1877–1948 ..................... WWasWT Brice, Fanny 1891–1951 ....................... WWasWT Brickman, Marshall 1941– ........................ CTFT–6 Bricusse, Leslie 1931– ............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9; WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Bridge, Andrew 1952– ............................ CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Bridge, Peter 1925–................................ WWT–17 Bridgeland, Richard .................................. CTFT–86 Bridges, Beau 1941– ............................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17, 28 Bridges, Brooke Marie 1991– .................. CTFT–73 Bridges, James 1936–1993 ........................ CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–12 Bridges, Jeff 1949– .................................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17, 28 Bridges, Jimmy 1960– ............................. CTFT–71 Bridges, Jordan 1973– ............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Bridges, Lloyd 1913–1998 ....................... CTFT–11 Obituary in CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Bridges, Penny Bae 1990–....................... CTFT–73 Bridges, Robert 1937– ............................... CTFT–3 Bridges, Sean ............................................ CTFT–68 Bridges, Todd 1965–................................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Bridges–Adams, W. 1889–1965............. WWasWT Bridgewater, Leslie 1893–...................... WWasWT Bridgewater, Stephen 1953– .................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Bridie, James 1888–1951....................... WWasWT Brien, Alan 1925– .................................. WWT–17 Briercliffe, Nellie ?–1966 ....................... WWasWT Brierley, David 1936–............................. WWT–17 Briers, Richard 1934–.............................. CTFT–36 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9; WWT–17 Brieux, Eugene 1858–1932.................... WWasWT Briggs, Hedley 1907–1968 .................... WWasWT Briggs, Joe Bob 1953– ............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Brighouse, Harold 1882–1958............... WWasWT Bright, Cameron 1993– ........................... CTFT–88 Bright, Kellie 1976–................................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Bright, Richard 1937– ............................. CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 20 Brightman, Sarah 1960– .......................... CTFT–85 Earliers sketches in CTFT–13, 38 Brightman, Stanley 1888–1961.............. WWasWT Brighton, Pam 1946–.............................. WWT–17 Brightslymoore, Sir Willups See ............................................ Cross, David Briley, John 1925– ................................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Brill, Charlie ............................................. CTFT–46 Brill, Fran 1946– ..................................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 15, 25 Brill, Mitzi McCall See........................................... McCall, Mitzi Brill, Robert .............................................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Brill, Steven .............................................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Brillstein, Bernie ....................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Brimble, Nick ........................................... CTFT–34 Brimley, Wilford 1934– ........................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 37 Brinckerhoff, Burt 1936– ......................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Brinkley, Ritch .......................................... CTFT–46 Brinkman, Melissa Gilbert See ....................................... Gilbert, Melissa Brion, John 1963(?)–................................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Brisbane, Katharine 1932– ........................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17


Brisbin, David .......................................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Briscoe, Brent 1961– ............................... CTFT–58 Briscoe, Mary See .............................................. Sargent, Lia Brisson, Carl 1895–1965 ....................... WWasWT Brisson, Frederick 1913–1984 ................ WWT–17 Bristow, Charles 1928–........................... WWT–17 Bristow, Patrick 1962–............................. CTFT–86 Brittany, Morgan 1951– ........................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 35 Britton, Christopher .................................. CTFT–54 Britton, Connie 1968– ............................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 29 Britton, Tony 1924–................................. CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Broad, Jay 1930–..................................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Broad, William See................................................. Idol, Billy Broadbent, Jim 1949–.............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Broadhurst, George H. 1866–1952........ WWasWT Broadhurst, Kent 1940–........................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19 Broberg, Jan See ...................................... Felt, Jan Broberg Broccoli, Albert R. 1909–1996.................. CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–16 Broccoli, Barbara 1960–.......................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Brockett, Oscar G. 1923–....................... WWT–17 Brocklebank, Daniel 1979–..................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Brocksmith, Roy 1945– ........................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18 Brockway, Amie 1938– ............................. CTFT–2 Broderick, Beth 1959–............................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 37 Broderick, Helen 1891–1959 ................ WWasWT Broderick, Matthew 1962– ...................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 20, 42 Brodkin, Herbert 1912–1990(?) ............... CTFT–10 Brody, Adam 1979(?)– ............................. CTFT–60 Brody, Adrien 1973– ............................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Brodziak, Kenn 1913–............................ WWT–17 Brogden, Gwendoline 1891–................. WWasWT Brogger, Ivar 1947– ................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6 Brogi, Giulio 1935–................................. CTFT–34 Broido, Joseph .......................................... CTFT–88 Brokaw, Cary 1951– ................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22, 32 Brokaw, Tom 1940–................................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 41 Brolin, James 1940– ................................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 41 Brolin, Josh 1968–................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 32 Brolly, Shane ............................................ CTFT–71 Bromberg, J. 1904–1951........................ WWasWT Bromka, Elaine 1950– ............................... CTFT–1 Bromley–Davenport, Arthur 1867–1946.................................... WWasWT Bron, Eleanor 1940–................................ CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bronson, Charles 1921(?)–....................... CTFT–23 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 12 Bronson, Frank See................................................. Landi, Sal Bronwyn–Moore, Lisa See .............................. Moore, Lisa Bronwyn

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Brower, Jordan 1981–.............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Brown, Amelda ........................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Brown, Arvin 1940– ................................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 15, 25; WWT–17 Brown, Barry M. 1942–............................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Brown, Billy Aaron 1981– ....................... CTFT–74 Brown, Blair 1946(?)–.............................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14, 38 Brown, Brennan ....................................... CTFT–51 Brown, Bryan 1947(?)– ............................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 26 Brown, Campbell 1968– ......................... CTFT–92 Brown, Chelsea 1947(?)–......................... CTFT–20 Brown, Chris 1989– ................................ CTFT–91 Brown, Clancy 1959–.............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 29 Brown, David 1916– ............................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 31 Brown, Don.............................................. CTFT–40 Brown, Dwier 1959–............................... CTFT–54 Brown, Earl See ................................................ Boen, Earl Brown, Ernie See ............................................. Lively, Ernie Brown, Garrett See ................................... Brown, Garrett M. Brown, Georg Stanford 1943– ................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Brown, George H. See ...................................... Wertmuller, Lina Brown, Georgia 1933–1992 ...................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Brown, Graham 1924–.............................. CTFT–9 Brown, Harry Joe 1892(?)–1972 .............. CTFT–26 Brown, Ivor 1891–1974......................... WWasWT Brown, Jim 1936(?)– ................................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Brown, Joe E. 1892–1973...................... WWasWT Brown, John Mason 1900–1969 ............ WWasWT Brown, John Russell 1923– .................... WWT–17 Brown, Jonathan 1970–........................... CTFT–80 Brown, Julie 1954(?)– .............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 36 Brown, Julie Caitlin 1961– ...................... CTFT–87 Brown, Kathryne Dora.............................. CTFT–52 Brown, Kenneth H. 1936–......................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Brown, Kermit 1939(?)–............................. CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Brown, Kimberlin 1961– ......................... CTFT–58 Brown, Kimberly J. 1984– ....................... CTFT–49 Brown, Lew 1899–1958 ........................ WWasWT Brown, Lionel 1888–1964 ..................... WWasWT Brown, Louise......................................... WWasWT Brown, Melanie 1975–............................ CTFT–81 Brown, Natalie 1973– ............................. CTFT–90 Brown, Olivia 1960(?)– ........................... CTFT–46 Brown, Orlando 1987– ........................... CTFT–73 Brown, Pamela 1917–1975 ................... WWasWT Brown, Pat Crawford 1929– .................... CTFT–58 Brown, Peter 1935–................................. CTFT–53 Brown, R. Nelson ..................................... CTFT–67 Brown, Ralph 1957– ............................... CTFT–40 Brown, Rhyon Nicole 1992–................... CTFT–82 Brown, Robert Curtis See............................... Curtis–Brown, Robert Brown, Robert N. .................................... CTFT–11 Brown, Roberta ........................................ CTFT–41


Brown, Roger Aaron ................................. CTFT–36 Brown, Ruth 1928–2006 ......................... CTFT–48 Obituary in CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Brown, Sam O. See ........................................ Edwards, Blake Brown, Sarah 1975–................................ CTFT–60 Brown, Sharon 1962–.............................. CTFT–57 Brown, Sterling K. .................................... CTFT–89 Brown, Susan 1932– ............................... CTFT–58 Brown, Tyne Daly See ............................................... Daly, Tyne Brown, W. Earl 1963– ............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Brown, William F. 1928–........................... CTFT–1 Brown, Wren T. 1964– ............................ CTFT–74 Brown, Yvette Nicole 1971–.................... CTFT–78 Brown, Zack 1949–................................. CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 11 Browne, Coral 1913–1991 ........................ CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Browne, E. Martin 1900–1980 ............... WWT–17 Browne, Irene 1896–1965 ..................... WWasWT Browne, Kale 1950–................................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 29 Browne, Laidman 1896–1961 ............... WWasWT Browne, Louise ....................................... WWasWT Browne, Marjorie 1913–........................ WWasWT Browne, Maurice 1881–1955 ................ WWasWT Browne, Pattie 1869–1934 .................... WWasWT Browne, Roscoe Lee 1925–..................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 22, 32; WWT–17 Browne, Stella 1906– ............................ WWasWT Browne, W. Graham 1870–1937........... WWasWT Browne, Wynyard (Barry) 1911–1964 .................................... WWasWT Browning, Alistair ..................................... CTFT–74 Browning, Chris........................................ CTFT–88 Browning, Emily 1988– ........................... CTFT–63 Browning, Ryan 1974– ............................ CTFT–52 Browning, Susan 1941–........................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Brownlow, Kevin 1938– ............................ CTFT–5 Brown–Potter, Mrs. See............................... Potter, Cora Urquhart Broyles, William, Jr. 1944–...................... CTFT–66 Brubaker, James D. 1937– ....................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Bruce, Alison 1962–................................ CTFT–76 Bruce, Brenda 1922(?)–1996 ..................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bruce, Carol 1919– ................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15; WWT–17 Bruce, Christopher 1945–........................ CTFT–28 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Bruce, Edgar K. 1893–........................... WWasWT Bruce, Nigel 1895–1953 ....................... WWasWT Bruce, Shelley 1965– ................................ CTFT–1 Bruce, Susan 1957–................................... CTFT–3 Bruce, Tonie Edgar 1892–1966.............. WWasWT Bruce–Potter, Hilda 1888–..................... WWasWT Bruckheimer, Jerry 1945– ........................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 33 Bruckner, Agnes 1985–............................ CTFT–59 Bruckner, Amy 1991–.............................. CTFT–75 Bruford, Rose Elizabeth 1904– ............... WWT–17 Brugge, Pieter Jan ..................................... CTFT–29 Bruhanski, Alex ........................................ CTFT–54 Brule, Andre ........................................... WWasWT Brule, Robin ............................................. CTFT–66

Cumulative Index

Brook, Clive 1887–1974........................ WWasWT Brook, Faith 1922–.................................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 20; WWT–17 Brook, Jayne 1962– ................................. CTFT–46 Brook, Kelly 1979–.................................. CTFT–86 Brook, Lesley 1917– .............................. WWasWT Brook, Peter 1925–.................................. CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Brook, Sara .............................................. WWT–17 Brooke, Cynthia 1875–1949.................. WWasWT Brooke, Mrs. E. H. ?–1915..................... WWasWT Brooke, Emily ?–1953............................ WWasWT Brooke, Harold 1910–............................ WWT–17 Brooke, Paul ............................................. CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Brooke, Sarah ......................................... WWasWT Brookes, Jacqueline 1930– ........................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Brookfield, Charles Hallam Elton 1857–1913.................................... WWasWT Brook–Jones, Elwyn 1911–1962............. WWasWT Brooks, Albert 1947–............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14 Brooks, Angelle 1967– ............................ CTFT–60 Brooks, Avery 1948– ............................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 29 Brooks, Charles David III 1939–................................................ CTFT–3 Brooks, David 1920–1999......................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–32 Brooks, David Allen 1947– ..................... CTFT–49 Brooks, Garth 1962– ............................... CTFT–41 Brooks, James L. 1940– ........................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17, 28 Brooks, Jason 1966–................................ CTFT–74 Brooks, Jeff 1950– ..................................... CTFT–1 Brooks, Joel .............................................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 20, 31 Brooks, Louis 1906–1985........................ CTFT–27 Brooks, Mel 1926– .................................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 24 Brooks, Norman G. 1926– ........................ CTFT–4 Brooks, Paul 1959(?)–.............................. CTFT–82 Brooks, Randy .......................................... CTFT–57 Brooks, Richard 1912–1992 .................... CTFT–10 Brooks, Richard 1962(?)–......................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Brooks, Virginia Fox See....................................... Vernon, Virginia Broones, Martin 1892– .......................... WWasWT Brophy, Brian............................................ CTFT–54 Brosnan, Pierce 1953–............................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 24 Brosten, Harve 1943–................................ CTFT–2 Brothers, Joyce 1929(?)– .......................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 29 Brotherson, Eric 1911–1989 ...................... CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Brouett, Albert ........................................ WWasWT Brough, Colin 1945– ................................. CTFT–1 Brough, Fanny Whiteside 1854–1914.................................... WWasWT Brough, Mary 1863–1934...................... WWasWT Brough, Mrs. Robert ?–1932 .................. WWasWT Broughton, Bruce 1945– ......................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 35 Broughton, Jessie 1885–?....................... WWasWT Broughton, Phyllis 1862?–1926 ............. WWasWT Broun, Heywood 1888–1939 ................ WWasWT Broun, Heywood Hale 1918– ................... CTFT–1 Browder, Ben 1962–................................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28


BRUMMETT Brummett, Chad ....................................... CTFT–88 Brune, Adrienne 1892– ......................... WWasWT Brune, Clarence M. 1870–? ................... WWasWT Brune, Gabrielle 1912– ......................... WWasWT Brune, Minnie Tittell 1883–? ................. WWasWT Bruning, Francesca 1907– ..................... WWasWT Bruno, Albert 1873–1927 ...................... WWasWT Bruno, Dylan 1972–................................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Bruno, John .............................................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Bruns, George 1914(?)–1983 ................... CTFT–22 Bruns, Philip 1931–................................. CTFT–60 Brunton, Dorothy 1893–........................ WWasWT Bruskotter, Eric 1966–.............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Brustein, Robert 1927–........................... WWT–17 Bruton, Margo ............................................ CTFT–6 Bryan, Dora 1924–.................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bryan, Hal 1891–1948 .......................... WWasWT Bryan, Herbert George ?–1948 .............. WWasWT Bryan, Kenneth 1953–1986....................... CTFT–2 Bryan, Peggy 1916–............................... WWasWT Bryan, Robert 1934– ................................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bryan, Sabrina 1984– .............................. CTFT–86 Bryan, Zachary Ty 1981– ........................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Bryant, Charles 1879–1948 ................... WWasWT Bryant, Clara 1985– ................................ CTFT–69 Bryant, J. V. 1889–1924......................... WWasWT Bryant, Michael 1928– ............................ CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13; WWT–17 Bryant, Peter ............................................. CTFT–49 Bryantsev, Alexandr Alexandrovich 1883–1961.................................... WWasWT Bryce, Ian 1956– ..................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Bryce, Scott .............................................. CTFT–58 Bryceland, Yvonne 1925–1992.................. CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bryden, Bill 1942– .................................. CTFT–28 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 15; WWT–17 Bryden, Ronald 1927–............................ WWT–17 Brydone, Alfred 1863–1920 .................. WWasWT Bryer, Vera 1905– .................................. WWasWT Bryggman, Larry 1938– ........................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16 Bryk, Greg 1972– .................................... CTFT–91 Bryniarski, Andrew 1969– ....................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Bryning, John 1913–.............................. WWasWT Brynner, Yul 1920–1985............................ CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Brynolfsson, Reine 1953–........................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Bubrosa, Marje See......................................... Barbour, James Buchanan, Ian 1957(?)–........................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Buchanan, Jack 1891–1957................... WWasWT Buchanan, Maud .................................... WWasWT Buchanan, Thompson 1877–1937 ......... WWasWT Buchholz, Bob.......................................... CTFT–74 Buchholz, Horst 1933– ............................. CTFT–1 Buchinsky, Charles See ..................................... Bronson, Charles Buck, Buckie See ........................................ Kartalian, Buck Buck, Chris ............................................... CTFT–29

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Buck, David 1936–1989 ........................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Buck, Detlev 1962–................................. CTFT–32 Buckham, Bernard 1882–1963 .............. WWasWT Bucklaw, Alfred ...................................... WWasWT Buckler, Hugh C. 1870–1936 ................ WWasWT Buckley, A. J. 1978– ................................ CTFT–76 Buckley, Betty 1947–............................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 13, 37 Buckley, May 1875–?............................. WWasWT Buckman, Phil 1969– .............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Buckmaster, John 1915– ........................ WWasWT Buckner, Robert 1906– ............................ CTFT–23 Bucksey, Colin.......................................... CTFT–62 Buckstone, J. C. 1858–1924 .................. WWasWT Buckstone, Rowland 1860–1922 ........... WWasWT Buckton, Florence 1893–....................... WWasWT Bucky, Buck See ........................................ Kartalian, Buck Budig, Rebecca 1973– ............................ CTFT–62 Budries, David 1953– .............................. CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Buechner, Genevieve 1991–.................... CTFT–82 Buell, Bill 1952– ..................................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 25 Buescher, Julianne 1965– ........................ CTFT–88 Bufanda, Brad 1983–............................... CTFT–74 Bufman, Zev 1930–................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Buhagiar, Valerie 1964– .......................... CTFT–56 Bui, Tony 1973(?)–................................... CTFT–30 Buist, Walter Scott 1860–?..................... WWasWT Bujold, Genevieve 1942–........................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11, 22 Bukowski, Bobby 1953–.......................... CTFT–58 Bulen, Steve ............................................. CTFT–52 Bulgakov, Leo 1889–1948 ..................... WWasWT Bull, Peter 1912–1984............................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Bullard, Thomas 1944– ............................. CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Bullins, Ed 1935– ...................................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Bulloch, Jeremy 1945– ............................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Bullock, Christopher 1934–.................... WWT–17 Bullock, Donna 1955– ............................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30 Bullock, Eldon 1952– ................................ CTFT–4 Bullock, John Malcolm 1867–1938 ....... WWasWT Bullock, S. Scott ....................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Bullock, Sandra 1964– ............................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22, 32 Buloff, Joseph 1899–1985 ...................... WWT–17 Bumpass, Rodger 1951–.......................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Bumstead, Henry 1915–.......................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Bunce, Alan 1903–1965........................ WWasWT Bunch, Velton Ray.................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Bundy, William 1924–............................ WWT–17 Bunker, Edward 1933– ............................ CTFT–31 Bunnage, Avis.......................................... WWT–17 Bunston, Herbert 1870–1935 ................ WWasWT Bunuel, Luis 1900–1983 ......................... CTFT–29 Buono, Cara 1974– ................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Buono, Victor 1938–1981 ......................... CTFT–2 Burbidge, Douglas 1895–1959 .............. WWasWT


Burbridge, Edward ...................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Burch, Shelly 1959(?)–............................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Burchill, William ?–1930 ....................... WWasWT Burden, Hugh 1913–1985...................... WWT–17 Burden, Suzanne 1958– .......................... CTFT–38 Burdis, Ray 1958– ................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Burditt, Jack.............................................. CTFT–66 Burditt, Joyce ............................................ CTFT–69 Burdon, Albert 1900– ............................ WWasWT Bure, Candace Cameron 1976– .............. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Burfield, Joan See.......................................... Fontaine, Joan Burge, Gregg 1957(?)–1998 ..................... CTFT–23 Burge, Stuart 1918– ................................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Brugess, Don ............................................ CTFT–46 Burgess, Muriel 1926–............................... CTFT–4 Burghardt, Arthur 1947–.......................... CTFT–52 Burghoff, Gary 1943– .............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Burgi, Richard 1958–............................... CTFT–44 Burgin, Polly See ........................................... Bergen, Polly Burgis, Kathleen 1907–.......................... WWasWT Burgomaster, Kenneth............................... CTFT–86 Burgon, Geoffrey 1941– .......................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Burk, Robert See .................................. Burke, Robert John Burke, Alfred 1918– ................................ CTFT–32 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Burke, Billie 1885–1970........................ WWasWT Burke, Billy............................................... CTFT–54 Burke, Chris 1965–.................................... CTFT–8 Burke, David 1934– ............................... WWT–17 Burke, David ............................................ CTFT–61 Burke, Delta 1956– ................................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 39 Burke, Joe Michael 1973– ....................... CTFT–69 Burke, Kathy 1964–................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Burke, Marie 1894–............................... WWasWT Burke, Marylouise .................................... CTFT–50 Burke, Michael Reilly ............................... CTFT–63 Burke, Patricia 1917– ............................. WWT–17 Burke, Robert Easton See.......................................... Easton, Robert Burke, Robert John 1955– ....................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Burke, Tom 1890–1969 ......................... WWasWT Burkholder, Scott ...................................... CTFT–50 Burkley, Dennis 1945– ............................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Burks, Robert 1910–68............................ CTFT–27 Burks, Willis II 1935– .............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Burley, Dennis See ....................................... Burkley, Dennis Burley, Mark A. 1951– ............................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 37 Burlingame, Lloyd ................................... WWT–17 Burmester, Leo 1944–.............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Burnaby, G. Davy 1881–1949 ............... WWasWT Burnand, Francis Cowley 1836–1917.................................... WWasWT Burne, Arthur 1873–1945...................... WWasWT Burne, Nancy 1912–1954 ..................... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Burt, Laura 1872–1952.......................... WWasWT Burton, Corey 1955– ............................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Burton, Donald 1934– ............................. CTFT–11 Burton, Frederick 1871–1975 ................ WWasWT Burton, Hilarie 1982–.............................. CTFT–66 Burton, Kate 1957– ................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18, 30 Burton, Langhorne 1880–1949 .............. WWasWT Burton, LeVar 1957–................................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Burton, Margaret 1924–1984.................. WWT–17 Burton, Percy 1878–1948 ...................... WWasWT Burton, Richard 1925–1984 ...................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Burton, Richard P. 1878–? ..................... WWasWT Burton, Steve 1970– ................................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Burton, Tim 1958(?)– ............................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 26 Burton, Tony ............................................. CTFT–46 Burton, Warren 1944–............................. CTFT–58 Burton–Hill, Clemency ............................. CTFT–69 Burtt, Ben 1948– ..................................... CTFT–10 Burum, Stephen H. 1939–....................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Burwell, Carter 1955– ............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Bury, John 1925–.................................... WWT–17 Busa, George See........................................... Buza, George Buscemi, Steve 1957– ............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Busch, Adam 1978– ................................ CTFT–69 Busch, Charles 1954–.............................. CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Brief sketch in CTFT–6 Buscher, Julianne See ................................... Buescher, Julianne Busey, Gary 1944– .................................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 14, 38 Busey, Jake 1971(?)– ................................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Busfield, Timothy 1957–.......................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Bush, Barbara See ......................................... Tyson, Barbara Bush, Grand L. 1955– ............................. CTFT–51 Bush, Norman 1933– ................................ CTFT–4 Bush, Rebecca 1968–.............................. CTFT–75 Bush, Sophia 1982– ................................ CTFT–69 Bushell, Anthony 1904– ........................ WWasWT Bushell, Matt 1974– ................................ CTFT–86 Buskirk, June Van See..................................... Van Buskirk, June Busley, Jessie 1869–1950....................... WWasWT Busse, Margaret ...................................... WWasWT Bussell, Darcey 1969–............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Bussert, Meg 1949–................................... CTFT–1 Bussieres, Pascale 1968(?)– ..................... CTFT–34 Butala, Jenna See........................................... Elfman, Jenna Butcher, Ernest 1885–1965 .................... WWasWT Butcher, Kasan 1973–.............................. CTFT–74 Butkus, Dick 1942–................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Butler See ................................................ Lehr, John Butler, Bill 1921–..................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22, 43 Butler, Brett 1958–................................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 41


Butler, Dan 1954– ................................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Butler, Dean 1956– ................................. CTFT–56 Butler, Gerard 1969– ............................... CTFT–54 Butler, Paul ............................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Butler, Richard William 1844–1928 ...... WWasWT Butler, Robert 1927–................................ CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 12, 23 Butler, Tom ............................................... CTFT–50 Butler, Yancy 1970– ................................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 30 Butleroff, Helen 1950– .............................. CTFT–3 Butlin, Jan 1940–.................................... WWT–17 Butt, Alfred Bart 1878–1962.................. WWasWT Butterworth, Charles 1896–1946 ........... WWasWT Butterworth, Clara .................................. WWasWT Butti, Enrico Annibale 1868–1912......... WWasWT Button, Jeanne 1930– ............................. WWT–17 Buttons, Red 1919–2006 ......................... CTFT–37 Obituary in CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13 Buttram, Pat 1916–1994............................ CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–12 Butz, Norbert Leo 1969(?)– ..................... CTFT–50 Buxton, Sarah 1965– ............................... CTFT–60 Buy, Margherita ........................................ CTFT–32 Buza, George............................................ CTFT–74 Buzas, Jason 1952– ................................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Buzo, Alexander 1944–.......................... WWT–17 Buzzell, Edward 1897–.......................... WWasWT Buzzi, Ruth 1936–................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 32 Buzzington, Ezra ...................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Byerley, Vivienne..................................... WWT–17 Byers, (Bobbie) Catherine ........................... CTFT–1 Byers, Ralph ............................................. CTFT–30 Byford, Roy 1873–1939......................... WWasWT Byggdin, Doug ......................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Byington, Spring 1893–1971 ................. WWasWT Byner, John 1938– ................................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Bynes, Amanda 1986– ............................ CTFT–64 Byng, Douglas 1893– ............................. WWT–16 Byng, George W. ................................... WWasWT Byrd, Anne Gee 1938–............................ CTFT–56 Byrd, Dan 1986(?)– ................................. CTFT–60 Byrd, David .............................................. CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Byrd, Eugene 1975– ................................ CTFT–44 Byrd, Sam 1908–1955 ........................... WWasWT Byrd, Thomas Jefferson 1941(?)– ............. CTFT–68 Byrne, Cecily .......................................... WWasWT Byrne, David 1952– ................................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 15, 25 Byrne, Gabriel 1950– .............................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 22, 32 Byrne, Jenna 1970– ................................. CTFT–43 Byrne, John 1940–.................................. WWT–17 Byrne, Martha 1969–............................... CTFT–62 Byrne, Michael 1943– ............................. CTFT–52 Byrne, Patsy 1933–................................. WWT–17 Byrne, Peter 1928–................................. WWT–17 Byrne, Rose 1979– .................................. CTFT–59 Byrnes, Jim 1948– ................................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Byron, Arthur 1872–1943...................... WWasWT Byron, Jeffrey 1955–................................ CTFT–58 Byron, John 1912–................................. WWasWT Byron, Kathleen 1923–............................ CTFT–43

Cumulative Index

Burnett, Carol 1933– ............................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 16, 26; WWT–17 Burnett, Charles 1944–............................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Burnett, Frances Hodgson 1849–1924.................................... WWasWT Burnett, John F. ......................................... CTFT–11 Burnett, Mark 1960(?)– ............................ CTFT–50 Burnette, Olivia 1977– ............................ CTFT–84 Burnham, Barbara 1900–....................... WWasWT Burns, Brooke 1977(?)– ........................... CTFT–54 Burns, Catherine Lloyd 1961– ................. CTFT–56 Burns, David 1902–1971....................... WWasWT Burns, Edward 1968– .............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 43 Burns, Eileen .............................................. CTFT–6 Burns, Francis See .......................................... Gelbart, Larry Burns, George 1896–1996....................... CTFT–17 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9 Burns, Heather 1974– ............................. CTFT–73 Burns, Jere 1954– .................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 37 Burns, Kathleen Kinmont See ................................... Kinmont, Kathleen Burns, Kelly See......................................... O’Byrne, Kehli Burns, Ken 1953–.................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Burns, Kevin 1955– ................................. CTFT–46 Burns, Martha ........................................... CTFT–50 Burns, Ralph 1922–................................. CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Burns, Regan 1968– ................................ CTFT–68 Burns, Ric 1955(?)– ................................. CTFT–28 Burns, Tex See......................................... L’Amour, Louis Burns–Bisogno, Louisa 1936–.................... CTFT–1 Burnside, R. H. 1870–1952 ................... WWasWT Burr, Anne 1920– .................................. WWasWT Burr, Jeff 1963(?)– .................................... CTFT–54 Burr, Raymond 1917–1993........................ CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Burr, Robert ............................................. WWT–17 Burrell, Daisy 1893–.............................. WWasWT Burrell, John 1910– ............................... WWasWT Burrell, Pamela 1945–............................... CTFT–4 Burrell, Sheila 1922–............................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20; WWT–17 Burrell, Ty 1967–..................................... CTFT–91 Burress, Hedy 1973– ............................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Burrill, Ena 1908–.................................. WWasWT Burroughs, Edgar Rice 1875–1950 .......... CTFT–27 Burroughs, Jackie 1939(?)– ...................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Burroughs, Robert C. 1923– ...................... CTFT–3 Burroughs, William S. 1914–1997........... CTFT–17 Obituary in CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Burrows, Abe 1910–1984.......................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Burrows, Darren E. 1966– ....................... CTFT–34 Burrows, James 1940–............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Burrows, Saffron 1973– ........................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Burson, Greg ............................................ CTFT–50 Burstyn, Ellen 1932– ............................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 22, 32



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92

B–Zar See ....................................... Getty, Balthazar

C Caan, James 1940(?)– .............................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 16, 26 Caan, Scott 1976– ................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Cabalero, Roxann See ..................................... Dawson, Roxann Cabbit, Marie See...................................... Derryberry, Debi Cabot, Eliot 1899–1938......................... WWasWT Cabot, Sebastian 1918–1977................... CTFT–23 Cabot, Susan 1937–1986 .......................... CTFT–4 Cabrera, Santiago 1978– ......................... CTFT–76 Cacaci, Joe ............................................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Caceres, Kurt 1976– ................................ CTFT–74 Cacoyannis, Michael 1922– .................... CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Cadeau, Lally 1948– ............................... CTFT–28 Cadell, Jean 1884–1967 ........................ WWasWT Cadell, Simon 1950–1996....................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 9 Cadiff, Andy ............................................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Cadman, Ethel 1886– ............................ WWasWT Cadorette, Mary.......................................... CTFT–5 Cady, Frank 1915– .................................... CTFT–9 Caesar, Adolph 1934–1986 ....................... CTFT–3 Caesar, Irving 1895–............................... WWT–17 Caesar, Sid 1922–.................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9, 35; WWT–17 Cafferty, Jack 1942–................................. CTFT–75 Caffrey, Sean............................................. CTFT–34 Caffrey, Stephen 1961–............................ CTFT–30 Cage, Nicolas 1964(?)–............................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21, 31 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Cagney, James 1899–1986 ........................ CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–10 Cagney, Jeanne 1919– ........................... WWasWT Cahill, Eddie 1978–................................. CTFT–73 Cahill, Lily 1886–1955 .......................... WWasWT Cahill, Marie 1870–1933....................... WWasWT Cahill, Steve 1964– ................................. CTFT–79 Cahn, Sammy 1913–1993 ....................... CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cain, Christopher 1943– ......................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Cain, Dean 1966– ................................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Cain, Henri 1857–? ............................... WWasWT Cain, William 1931– ................................. CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Caine, Derwent Hall 1892–................... WWasWT Caine, Hall 1853–1931 ......................... WWasWT Caine, Henry 1888–1914 ...................... WWasWT Caine, Michael 1933– ............................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 22, 33 Caird, John 1948– ................................... CTFT–23 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Cairncross, James 1915– ........................ WWT–17 Cairney, John 1930– ............................... WWT–17 Cairns, Tom 1952– .................................... CTFT–9 Caitlin–Brown, Julie See ................................. Brown, Julie Caitlin

Cake, Jonathan 1967– ............................. CTFT–68 Calabresi, Oreste 1857–?....................... WWasWT Calabretta, Tony 1961– ........................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Calabro, Thomas 1959– .......................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Calder, David ........................................... CTFT–34 Calderisi, David 1940–........................... WWT–17 Calder–Marshall, Anna 1947– ................ WWT–17 Calderon, Paul.......................................... CTFT–53 Caldicot, Richard 1908–......................... WWT–17 Caldwell, Andrew 1989–......................... CTFT–84 Caldwell, Anne 1876–1936................... WWasWT Caldwell, L. Scott 1954(?)–...................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Caldwell, Marianne ?–1933................... WWasWT Caldwell, Sandra ...................................... CTFT–78 Caldwell, Zoe 1933–............................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10, 18; WWT–17 Cale, Paula 1970– ................................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Calhern, Louis 1895–1956 .................... WWasWT Calhoun, Monica 1971(?)– ...................... CTFT–46 Calhoun, Rory 1922–1999 ........................ CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–32 Cali, Joseph 1950– .................................. CTFT–57 Call, R. D. ................................................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Callahan, E. J............................................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Callahan, Eva LaRue See............................................... LaRue, Eva Callahan, Gene 1923(?)–1990 ................. CTFT–10 Callahan, James T. 1930– ........................ CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Callahan, John 1953–.............................. CTFT–21 Callan, K 1942– ...................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Callan, Michael 1935– ............................ CTFT–53 Callaway, Claire Malis See ............................................ Malis, Claire Callaway, Liz 1961– ................................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Callaway, Mark 1962–............................. CTFT–44 Calleia, Joseph 1897–1975.................... WWasWT Callen, Bryan 1971–................................ CTFT–58 Callis, James 1971– ................................. CTFT–65 Callison, Frank 1942– ............................. CTFT–32 Callous, Mean Mark See........................................ Callaway, Mark Callow, Simon 1949– .............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25; WWT–17 Calloway, Cab 1907– ............................. WWT–17 Calloway, Vanessa Bell 1957–................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Calmour, Alfred C. 1857?–1912 ............ WWasWT Calthrop, Dion Clayton 1878–1937 ...... WWasWT Calthrop, Donald 1888–1940................ WWasWT Calthrop, Gladys E. ............................... WWasWT Calvello, Jessica........................................ CTFT–49 Calvert, Catherine 1890–1971............... WWasWT Calvert, Cecil G. 1871–? ....................... WWasWT Calvert, Mrs. Charles 1837–1921 .......... WWasWT Calvert, Jennifer 1963–............................ CTFT–65 Calvert, Louis 1859–1923...................... WWasWT Calvert, Patricia 1908– .......................... WWasWT Calvert, Phyllis 1915– ............................ WWT–17 Camacho, Mark 1964(?)– ........................ CTFT–50 Camargo, Christian 1970– ....................... CTFT–68 Cambern, Donn........................................ CTFT–22 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Cameron, Candace See.......................... Bure, Candace Cameron


Cameron, Dean 1962– ............................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Cameron, Donald 1889–1955 ............... WWasWT Cameron, J. Smith See ................................... Smith–Cameron, J. Cameron, James 1954– ........................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 29 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Cameron, John ......................................... CTFT–46 Cameron, John 1944– ............................. CTFT–27 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Cameron, Kirk 1970– .............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 40 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Cameron, Violet 1862–1919.................. WWasWT Camp, Bill ................................................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Camp, Colleen 1953– ............................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 29 Camp, Hamilton 1934–........................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Camp, Joe 1939–....................................... CTFT–7 Campanella, Joseph 1927–...................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Campanella, Roy II ................................... CTFT–36 Campbell, Alan 1957– ............................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Campbell, Amelia 1965–......................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Campbell, Beverly See...................................... Garland, Beverly Campbell, Bill 1959– .............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Campbell, Bruce 1958–........................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22, 32 Campbell, Cheryl 1951– ........................... CTFT–8 Campbell, Christian 1972–...................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Campbell, Colin 1968– ........................... CTFT–68 Campbell, Douglas 1922–......................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Campbell, Glen 1938– .............................. CTFT–1 Campbell, Graeme 1954– ....................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Campbell, J. Kenneth................................ CTFT–62 Campbell, Jessica 1982– ......................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Campbell, Judy 1916–............................ WWT–17 Campbell, Julia 1963–............................. CTFT–49 Campbell, Ken 1941–.............................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Campbell, Ken Hudson 1963– ................ CTFT–79 Campbell, Margaret 1894– .................... WWasWT Campbell, Martin 1958– ......................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 39 Campbell, Mrs. Patrick 1865–1940 ....... WWasWT Campbell, Naomi 1970– ......................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Campbell, Neve 1973– ........................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketches on CTFT–16, 26 Campbell, Nicholas 1952–...................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Campbell, Patton 1926–......................... WWT–17 Campbell, Scott Allan 1959–................... CTFT–44 Campbell, Scott Michael .......................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Campbell, Sean ........................................ CTFT–90 Campbell, Stella Patrick 1886–1940...... WWasWT Campbell, Tisha 1968–............................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Campbell, Violet 1892–1970................. WWasWT Campbell, William See.......................................... Campbell, Bill

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Cara, Irene 1959–...................................... CTFT–5 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Carafotes, Paul 1963– ............................. CTFT–78 Carambo, Cristobal 1950–......................... CTFT–1 Carbonell, Nestor 1967– ......................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 29 Cardellini, Linda 1975–........................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Carden, William 1947– ............................. CTFT–4 Cardiff, Jack 1914–.................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Cardinal, Tantoo 1950(?)–........................ CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 Cardinale, Claudia 1938–........................ CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Carell, Steve 1963– ................................. CTFT–64 Carew, James 1876–1938 ...................... WWasWT Carew, Topper 1943– .............................. CTFT–13 Carey, Claire 1967–................................. CTFT–64 Carey, Denis 1909–1986 ........................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Carey, Drew 1958– ................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Carey, Harry, Jr. 1921– ............................ CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8 Carey, Joyce 1898–................................. WWT–17 Carey, MacDonald 1913–1994.................. CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–13 Carey, Mariah 1970– ............................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Carey, Matthew 1980– ............................ CTFT–44 Carey, Philip 1925– ................................. CTFT–62 Carey, Ron 1935–.................................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Carfax, Bruce 1905–1970...................... WWasWT Cargill, Patrick 1918– ............................. WWT–17 Carhart, Timothy 1953–........................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Carides, Gia 1964– ................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Caridi, Carmine 1933– ............................ CTFT–44 Cariou, Len 1939–................................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 19, 29 Carle, Cynthia ............................................ CTFT–1 Carle, Richard 1871–1941..................... WWasWT Carleton, Claire 1913– .......................... WWasWT Carlier, Madeleine .................................. WWasWT Carlin, George 1937–2008 ...................... CTFT–51 Obituary in CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 25 Carlin, Lynn 1938–.................................... CTFT–1 Carlisle, Alexandra 1886–1936 ............. WWasWT Carlisle, Jodi 1960– ................................. CTFT–52 Carlisle, Kevin 1935– .............................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Carlisle, Kitty 1914– .................................. CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Carlisle, Margaret 1905–........................ WWasWT Carlisle, Sybil 1871–? ............................ WWasWT Carlos, Walter See ......................................... Carlos, Wendy Carlos, Wendy 1939–.............................. CTFT–25 Carlsen, John A. 1915–.......................... WWasWT Carlson, Kirsten See........................................... Pierce, Kirstin Carlson, Len ............................................. CTFT–52 Carlson, Leslie 1933– .............................. CTFT–64 Carlson, Lillian ......................................... CTFT–62 Carlson, Linda 1945– .............................. CTFT–48 Carlstrand, Kirstin See........................................... Pierce, Kirstin Carlton (Arthur Carlton Philps) 1880–? .......................................... WWasWT


Carlton, Bob 1950– ................................... CTFT–8 Carlton, Mark 1945– ............................... CTFT–64 Carlyle, Robert 1961– ............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 30 Carmack, Chris 1980–............................. CTFT–74 Carme, Pamela 1902– ........................... WWasWT Carmel, Roger C. 1932–1986.................... CTFT–4 Carmello, Carolee .................................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Carmichael, Ian 1920– .............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Carminati, Tullio 1894–1971 ................. WWasWT Carmines, Al 1936–................................ WWT–17 Carmody, Matt 1968–.............................. CTFT–80 Carne, Judy 1939–..................................... CTFT–3 Carner, Charles Robert 1957–.................. CTFT–66 Carney, Art 1918– ..................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Carney, George 1887–1947................... WWasWT Carney, Kate 1870–1950 ....................... WWasWT Carney, Kay 1933– .................................... CTFT–1 Carnovsky, Morris 1897–........................ WWT–17 Caro, Warren 1907–............................... WWT–17 Carola, Adam See.......................................... Carolla, Adam Caroll, Eddie See........................................... Carroll, Eddie Caroll, France G. See..................................... Golan, Menahem Carolla, Adam 1964– .............................. CTFT–69 Caron, Cecile.......................................... WWasWT Caron, Glenn Gordon 1954– .................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 37 Caron, Leslie 1931– ................................ CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWasWT Caron, Marguerite................................... WWasWT Carpenter, Carleton 1926–...................... WWT–17 Carpenter, Charisma 1970– ..................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Carpenter, Constance 1906–................... WWT–17 Carpenter, Edward Childs 1872–1950.................................... WWasWT Carpenter, Freddie 1908–1989 .................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Carpenter, John 1948–............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 15, 25 Carpenter, Maud ?–1967........................ WWasWT Carpenter, Russell 1950– ......................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 41 Carpenter, Willie C. .................................. CTFT–54 Carr, Alexander 1878–1946................... WWasWT Carr, Allan 1941– ...................................... CTFT–3 Carr, Darleen 1950– ................................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 19 Carr, F. Osmond 1858–1916.................. WWasWT Carr, George ?–1962.............................. WWasWT Carr, Georgia See............................................. Carides, Gia Carr, Howard 1880–1960 ...................... WWasWT Carr, Jane 1909–1957 ............................ WWasWT Carr, Jane 1950–...................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33 Carr, Joseph W. Comyns 1849–1916 ..... WWasWT Carr, Lawrence 1916–1969.................... WWasWT Carr, Martin 1932– .................................... CTFT–2 Carr, Paul 1934–...................................... CTFT–56 Carr, Philip 1874–1957.......................... WWasWT Carr, Terry See.................................................. Garr, Teri Carradine, David 1936– .......................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 22, 32 Carradine, Ever 1974–............................. CTFT–44

Cumulative Index

Campbell–Martin, Tisha See....................................... Campbell, Tisha Campenella, Joe See ................................. Campanella, Joseph Campion, Clifford 1949–........................... CTFT–4 Campion, Cyril 1894–1961 ................... WWasWT Campion, Jane 1954(?)– .......................... CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18 Campos, Bruno 1973–............................. CTFT–67 Campton, David 1924– .......................... WWT–17 Camroux, Ken .......................................... CTFT–39 Canada, Ron............................................. CTFT–46 Canals, Maria 1966– ............................... CTFT–73 Canary, David 1938–............................... CTFT–25 Canby, Vincent 1924– ............................... CTFT–4 Candelier, Isabelle .................................... CTFT–34 Candler, Peter 1926– ................................. CTFT–1 Candy, John 1950–1994 ............................ CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–12 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Canerday, Natalie 1962– ......................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Canet, Guillaume 1973– ......................... CTFT–30 Canfield, Gene ......................................... CTFT–65 Canfield, Mark See..................................... Zanuck, Darryl F. Caniparoli, Val 1951–.............................. CTFT–13 Cannan, Denis 1919–............................. WWT–17 Cannan, Gilbert 1884–1955 .................. WWasWT Cannavale, Bobby 1971– ........................ CTFT–46 Cannell, Stephen J. 1941– ....................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 39 Cannistraci, Jay......................................... CTFT–32 Cannon, Dyan 1937– .............................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 12, 22, 32 Cannon, Glenn ......................................... CTFT–86 Cannon, Joey See ................................................. Pesci, Joe Cannon, Katherine 1953–........................ CTFT–60 Cannon, Nick 1980– ............................... CTFT–89 Cannon, Wanda ....................................... CTFT–49 Canonero, Milena..................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Canova, Diana 1952(?)– .......................... CTFT–22 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 12 Canton, Mark 1949– ............................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 37 Cantor, Arthur 1920–................................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cantor, Eddie 1892–1964 ...................... WWasWT Capalbo, Carmen 1925– ........................... CTFT–1 Capecce, Victor .......................................... CTFT–3 Capek, Karel 1890–1938 ....................... WWasWT Capers, Virginia 1925– ............................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 20 Caplan, Lizzy 1982– ............................... CTFT–70 Caplin, Jeremy O. 1955–........................... CTFT–3 Caplin, Twink ........................................... CTFT–66 Capodice, John 1938–............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Capra, Francis 1983– .............................. CTFT–78 Capra, Frank 1897–1991........................... CTFT–9 Capra, Frank, Jr. 1934–2008...................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–90 Capri, Mark 1951– .................................... CTFT–4 Capshaw, Jessica 1976–........................... CTFT–49 Capshaw, Kate 1953– .............................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 20 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Captain Kangaroo See ................................... Keeshan, Robert J. Capucine 1935(?)–1990 ............................ CTFT–9 Capus, Alfred 1858–1922...................... WWasWT


CARRADINE Carradine, John 1906–1988 ...................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Carradine, Keith 1949– ........................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10, 18, 29 Carradine, Marina See............................................ D’Este, Coco Carradine, Robert 1954– ......................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 31 Carrasco, Carlos ....................................... CTFT–51 Carr–Cook, Madge 1856–1933.............. WWasWT Carre, Fabrice 1855–?............................ WWasWT Carre, Michel 1865–? ............................ WWasWT Carrera, Barbara 1945– ........................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6 Carrere, Tia 1967–................................. CTFT–732 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22, 32 Carrey, Jim 1962–.................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22, 32 Carrick, Edward 1905– .......................... WWasWT Carrick, Hartley 1881–1929 .................. WWasWT Carriere, Jean–Claude 1931–................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Carrillo, Elpidia 1963(?)– ......................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Carrillo, Leo 1880–1961........................ WWasWT Carrington, Debbie Lee 1959– ................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Carrington, Ethel 1889–1962................. WWasWT Carrington, Murray 1885–1941 ............. WWasWT Carrion, Lizette 1972–............................. CTFT–73 Carro, Luciana .......................................... CTFT–76 Carrol, Ronn ............................................. CTFT–38 Carroll, David–James 1950–1992 ............ CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Carroll, Diahann 1935–........................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 32 Carroll, Earl 1893–1948 ........................ WWasWT Carroll, Eddie ........................................... CTFT–69 Carroll, Helena ........................................... CTFT–1 Carroll, J. Winston .................................... CTFT–56 Carroll, Janet 1940– ................................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Carroll, Leo G. 1892–1972.................... WWasWT Carroll, Leo M. ....................................... WWT–14 Carroll, Madeleine 1906–1987.............. WWasWT Carroll, Madeline 1996– ......................... CTFT–90 Carroll, Nancy 1906–1965 .................... WWasWT Carroll, Pat 1927– ................................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 31 Carroll, Paul Vincent 1900–1968 .......... WWasWT Carroll, Rocky .......................................... CTFT–46 Carroll, Sydney W. 1877–1958.............. WWasWT Carroll, Victoria ........................................ CTFT–89 Carroll, Vinnette ......................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Carroll, Willard 1955–............................. CTFT–77 Carrot Top 1967– .................................... CTFT–42 Carry, Julius 1952– .................................. CTFT–41 Carsey, Marcy 1944–............................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 37 Carson, Charles 1885–1977 ................... WWT–16 Carson, Mrs. Charles L. ?–1919 ............. WWasWT Carson, David .......................................... CTFT–50 Carson, Doris 1910–.............................. WWasWT Carson, Frances 1895– .......................... WWasWT Carson, Jeannie 1929– ........................... WWT–17 Carson, John David .................................... CTFT–8 Carson, Johnny 1925– ............................... CTFT–3 Carson, Kelly 1976– ................................ CTFT–74 Carson, Kris See..................................... Kristofferson, Kris Carson, Lionel 1873–1937 .................... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Carson, Lisa Nicole 1969– ...................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Carson, Murray 1865–1917................... WWasWT Carson, Rachel ......................................... CTFT–73 Carson, T. C. 1958–................................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 29 Carte, Mrs. D’Oyly ?–1948.................... WWasWT Carte, Rupert D’Oyly See............................... D’Oyly Carte, Rupert Carten, Audrey 1900– ............................ WwasWT Carter, Aaron 1987– ................................ CTFT–91 Carter, Alan .............................................. CTFT–47 Carter, Alex............................................... CTFT–46 Carter, Chris 1956–.................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 Carter, Desmond ?–1939 ....................... WWasWT Carter, Dixie 1939– ................................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33 Carter, Finn 1960–................................... CTFT–61 Carter, Frederick 1900–1970 ................. WWasWT Carter, Helena Bonham See ........................... Bonham Carter, Helena Carter, Hubert ?–1934............................ WWasWT Carter, Jack 1923– ................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Carter, James L.......................................... CTFT–64 Carter, Jason 1960– ................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Carter, Jesse See ........................................... Jacott, Carlos Carter, Jim................................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Carter, Joelle ............................................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Carter, John 1927–................................... CTFT–86 Carter, June See..................................... Cash, June Carter Carter, Kristopher 1972–.......................... CTFT–55 Carter, Mrs. Leslie 1862–1937 ............... WWasWT Carter, Leslie See ........................... Zemeckis, Leslie Harter Carter, Lonnie 1942– ................................. CTFT–1 Carter, Lynda 1951– ................................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 19, 31 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Carter, Margaret ...................................... WWasWT Carter, Mell 1894–1965......................... WWasWT Carter, Nell 1948–2003 ........................... CTFT–37 Obituary in CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13 Carter, Nick 1980– .................................. CTFT–89 Carter, Richard.......................................... CTFT–35 Carter, Rick 1952–................................... CTFT–79 Carter, Sarah 1980– ................................. CTFT–86 Carter, T. K. 1956– .................................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 15, 38 Carter, Thomas ......................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Carter–Edwards, James 1840–1930........ WWasWT Carteret, Anna 1942– ................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cartlidge, Katrin 1961–2002 ................... CTFT–35 Obituary in CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Carton, R. C. 1853–1938....................... WWasWT Cartwright, Angela.................................... CTFT–29 Cartwright, Charles 1855–1916 ............. WWasWT Cartwright, Jim 1958– ............................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Cartwright, Nancy 1959– ........................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Cartwright, Peggy 1912– ....................... WWasWT


Cartwright, Veronica 1950(?)– ................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 18, 30 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Carus, Emma 1879–1927 ...................... WWasWT Caruso, David 1956– .............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22, 43 Carvalho, Betty ......................................... CTFT–50 Carvell, Marium ....................................... CTFT–62 Carver, Brent 1951(?)– ............................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 32 Carver, Caroline........................................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Carver, James C. 1932– ............................. CTFT–3 Carver, Mary............................................... CTFT–1 Carver, Steven 1945–............................... CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Carvey, Dana 1955–................................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 29 Cary, Falkland 1897–1989......................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Caryll, Ivan 1861–1921 ......................... WWasWT Casados, Eloy ........................................... CTFT–66 Casady, Cort 1947– ................................... CTFT–3 Casartelli, Gabrielle 1910– .................... WWasWT Cascio, Michael 1950–............................ CTFT–46 Cascone, Nicholas.................................... CTFT–40 Casella, Max 1967–................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Casey, Bernie 1939–................................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 35 Casey, Elizabeth See ...................................... Banks, Elizabeth Cash, Dylan 1994–.................................. CTFT–78 Cash, Jim .................................................. CTFT–22 Cash, Johnny 1932– ................................ CTFT–19 Cash, June Carter 1929–.......................... CTFT–20 Cash, Morny ........................................... WWasWT Cash, Rita ................................................. CTFT–50 Cash, Rosalind 1938–1995........................ CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Casnoff, Philip 1955– .............................. CTFT–53 Caso, Alan................................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Cason, Barbara 1933– ............................... CTFT–8 Casper, Gary See ............................................ Kasper, Gary Cass, David S., Sr. .................................... CTFT–70 Cass, Henry 1902–1989 ......................... WWT–17 Cass, Peggy 1926(?)–1999 ......................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–32 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cass, Ronald 1923–................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cassar, Jon 1958– .................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Cassaro, Nancy 1959– ............................ CTFT–53 Cassavetes, John 1929–1989 ..................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Cassavetes, Nick 1959–........................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 32 Cassel, Seymour 1935– ........................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 34 Cassel, Vincent 1966– ............................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Casseus, Gabriel 1963–........................... CTFT–65 Cassidy, David 1950–.............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 37 Casseus, Gabriel ....................................... CTFT–29 Cassidy, Jack 1927–1976........................ WWT–16 Cassidy, Joanna 1944–............................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 22, 32 Cassidy, Katie 1986– ............................... CTFT–82

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Cavani, Liliana 1936(?)– .......................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Cavett, Dick 1936– ................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 15 Caviezel, Jim 1968– ................................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Cawthorn, Joseph 1867–1949 ............... WWasWT Cayer, D. M. See........................................ Duffy, Maureen Cazale, John 1936–1978 ......................... CTFT–26 Cazenove, Christopher 1945– ................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 35; WWT–17 Cease, Jonathan See........................................ Osser, Jonathan Cecchetti, Enrico 1847–1928 ................ WWasWT Cecere, Fulvio 1960– .............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Cecil, Henry 1902–1976 ........................ WWT–16 Cecil, Jonathan 1939– ............................ WWT–17 Cecil, Sylvia 1906–................................ WWasWT Cedar, Larry 1955–.......................... [fl–rt]CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Ceder, Elayne Barbara 1946– .................. CTFT–23 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Cedric The Entertainer 1964(?)– .............. CTFT–63 Celedonio, Maria...................................... CTFT–34 Celenatno, Jeff 1960– .............................. CTFT–74 Celestin, Jack 1894– .............................. WWasWT Celli, Faith 1888–1942 .......................... WWasWT Cellier, Antoinette 1913– ....................... WWasWT Cellier, Frank 1884–1948 ...................... WWasWT Cera, Michael 1988–............................... CTFT–64 Cerasoli, Lisa 1969– ................................ CTFT–30 Cerbone, Jason 1977– ............................. CTFT–91 Cerito, Ada ............................................. WWasWT Cerny, Berthe .......................................... WWasWT Cerra, Erica 1979–................................... CTFT–88 Cervantes, Carlos...................................... CTFT–57 Cervantes, Gary ........................................ CTFT–56 Cervera, Jorge, Jr....................................... CTFT–50 Cerveris, Michael 1960– ......................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 43 Cesario, Juliet ........................................... CTFT–39 Chaback, J. J. See ............................................ Jenkins, Jane Chabert, Lacey 1982– ............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Chabrol, Claude 1930– ........................... CTFT–26 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16 Chacksfield, Frank ...................................... CTFT–2 Chadbon, Tom 1946–................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Chadwick, Aimee–Lynn 1984–................ CTFT–75 Chaffey, Don 1917–................................. CTFT–11 Chagrin, Julian 1940–............................. WWT–17 Chaikin, Joseph 1935– .............................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Chaikin, Shami 1931– ............................... CTFT–1 Chaine, Pierre ......................................... WWasWT Chaken, Maury See ....................................... Chaykin, Maury Chakiris, George 1934–........................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Chalfant, Kathleen 1945– ........................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Chalk, Gary 1953– .................................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Chalke, Sarah 1977(?)–............................ CTFT–46 Challenor, (James) Bromley 1884–1935.................................... WWasWT Chalzel, Leo 1901–1953 ....................... WWasWT Chamberlain, George 1891–.................. WWasWT


Chamberlain, Richard 1934–................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5, 34; WWT–17 Chamberlin, Kevin 1963–........................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Chamberlin, Lee 1938– ........................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Chambers, Charles Haddon 1860–1921.................................... WWasWT Chambers, Emma 1969– ......................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–27; WWasWT Chambers, H. Kellett 1867–1935 .......... WWasWT Chambers, Justin 1970–........................... CTFT–66 Champion, Gower 1920–1980............... WWT–17 Champion, Harry 1866–1942................ WWasWT Champion, Marge 1919–........................... CTFT–1 Champlin, Donna Lynne .......................... CTFT–60 Chan, Chung See............................................... Chen, Joan Chan, Jackie 1954(?)–.............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 26 Chan, Kim ................................................ CTFT–48 Chan, Michael Paul 1950–...................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Chance, James T. See ........................................ Carpenter, John Chance, John T. See ........................................ Carpenter, John Chancellor, Betty .................................... WWasWT Chancellor, John 1927– ............................. CTFT–7 Chancellor, Joyce 1906–........................ WWasWT Chandler, Helen 1909–1965.................. WWasWT Chandler, Jeffrey Alan................................. CTFT–2 Chandler, Kyle 1966(?)–........................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, CTFT–29 Chandler, Simon ....................................... CTFT–38 Chaney, Jon See ...................................... Williams, Jimmy Chaney, Stewart 1910–1969 .................. WWasWT Chang, Doug See .......................................... Chiang, Doug Chang, Gary 1953– ................................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Chang, Christina 1969–........................... CTFT–75 Chang, Tisa 1941–..................................... CTFT–1 Changwei, Gu 1957– .............................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Channing, Carol 1921– ........................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 31; WWT–17 Channing, Marvin 1944–........................... CTFT–4 Channing, Stockard 1944– ...................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 16, 26 Chansky, Dorothy 1951– ........................... CTFT–1 Chao, Rosalind 1959(?)–.......................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Chao, Vic ................................................. CTFT–80 Chapa, Damian 1963– ............................ CTFT–48 Chapin, Harold 1886–1915................... WWasWT Chapin, Louis Le Bourgeois 1918–............................................. WWT–17 Chapin, Miles 1954– ................................. CTFT–1 Chaplin, Alexander 1971–....................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 39 Chaplin, Ben 1970– ................................ CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Chaplin, Carmen ...................................... CTFT–86 Chaplin, Charles Spencer 1889–1977.................................... WWasWT Chaplin, Geraldine 1944– ....................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 16, 39 Chapman, Andi ........................................ CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Chapman, Constance 1912– .................. WWT–17

Cumulative Index

Cassidy, Michael 1983–........................... CTFT–89 Cassidy, Patrick 1962–............................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Cassidy, Shaun 1958–.............................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 16, 39 Cassini, John............................................. CTFT–61 Casson, Ann 1915–1990 ....................... WWasWT Casson, Christopher 1912–.................... WWasWT Casson, John 1909–............................... WWasWT Casson, Lewis T. 1875–1969 ................. WWasWT Casson, Mary 1914–.............................. WWasWT Cassutt, Michael 1954– ........................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 16 Castang, Veronica....................................... CTFT–1 Castanzo, Robert See ..................................... Costanzo, Robert Castellaneta, Dan 1957(?)–...................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 38 Castellano, Richard 1933–1988 ................ CTFT–7 Castellucci, Teddy .................................... CTFT–65 Castelluccio, Federico 1964– .................. CTFT–89 Castillo, Helen 1955–................................ CTFT–4 Castle, John 1940– ................................. WWT–17 Castle, Nick 1947–.................................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 37 Catalano, Laura ........................................ CTFT–58 Cates, Gilbert 1934– ............................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Cates, Joseph 1924–1998 ........................ CTFT–12 Obituary in CTFT–32 Cates, Madelyn........................................... CTFT–8 Cates, Phoebe 1963(?)– ........................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Cathcart, Claire ........................................ CTFT–34 Catherine See................................ Oxenberg, Catherine Cathey, Reg E. 1958– .............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Catillon, Brigitte ....................................... CTFT–38 Catlett, Mary Jo 1938– ............................ CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 33 Catlett, Walter 1889–1960..................... WWasWT Catling, Thomas 1838–1920.................. WWasWT Caton–Jones, Michael 1957–................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Catrini, Robert 1950– .............................. CTFT–59 Cattley, Cyril 1876–1937 ....................... WWasWT Cattrall, Kim 1956– ................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Cauble, Lisa See......................................... Whelchel, Lisa Caudell, Toran 1982– .............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Cauffiel, Jessica 1976– ............................ CTFT–69 Caulfield, Emma 1973(?)–........................ CTFT–65 Caulfield, Maxwell 1959– ....................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Caute, David 1936– ................................ CTFT–12 Cavadini, Cathy ........................................ CTFT–52 Cavalier, Jason .......................................... CTFT–52 Cavan, Susan ............................................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Cavanagh, Thomas 1963(?)–.................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Cavanaugh, Christine ............................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Cavanagh, Lilian ?–1932 ....................... WWasWT Cavanagh, Megan..................................... CTFT–44 Cavanagh, Paul 1895–1960................... WWasWT Cavanaugh, Michael 1942–..................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35


CHAPMAN Chapman, David 1938– ............................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Chapman, Edward 1901–1986 .............. WWasWT Chapman, Graham 1941–1989 ................. CTFT–8 Chapman, John R. 1927– .......................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Chapman, Judith....................................... CTFT–53 Chapman, Kevin ....................................... CTFT–72 Chapman, Lanei 1973(?)–........................ CTFT–90 Chapman, Lonny 1920(?)–....................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 26 Chapman, Michael 1935– ....................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Chapman, Sean ........................................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Chappell, William 1908– ....................... WWT–17 Chappelle, Dave 1973(?)– ....................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Chappelle, Frederick W. 1895– ............. WWasWT Chappelle, Joe 1961– .............................. CTFT–55 Charback, J. J. See ............................................ Jenkins, Jane Charbonneau, Patricia 1958(?)–............... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Charby, Jay See ......................................... Ellison, Harlan Charell, Erik 1895–................................ WWasWT Charendoff–Strong, Tara See.............................................. Strong, Tara Charest, Micheline 1953(?)– .................... CTFT–41 Charisse, Cyd 1921– ............................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Charles, Josh 1971–................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Charles, Maria 1929– .............................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13; WWT–17 Charles, Melissa ....................................... CTFT–52 Charles, Pamela 1932–........................... WWT–17 Charles, RuPaul See ..................................................... RuPaul Charles, Tom Fahn, Tom ....................................... CTFT–74 Charles, Walter 1945–............................... CTFT–1 Charleson, Ian 1949–1990....................... CTFT–11 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4; WWT–17 Charleson, Leslie 1945– .......................... CTFT–58 Charleston, Jim ......................................... CTFT–39 Charney, Jordan 1937– ............................ CTFT–53 Charnin, Martin 1934– ............................ CTFT–32 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 10, 19; WWT–17 Charo 1941(?)– ........................................ CTFT–73 Charret, Christian ..................................... CTFT–46 Chart, Henry Nye 1868–1934 ............... WWasWT Charters, Rodney 1948(?)–....................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Chartoff, Melanie 1955–.......................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Chartoff, Robert 1933– ............................ CTFT–23 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 12 Charts, Adele See .............................................. Loring, Lisa Charvay, Robert 1858–?......................... WWasWT Chase, Bailey 1972–................................ CTFT–47 Chase, Chevy 1943– ............................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 16, 26 Chase, Daveigh 1990– ............................ CTFT–64 Chase, David 1945–................................ CTFT–47 Chase, Heather 1978–............................. CTFT–75 Chase, Ilka 1905–1978........................... WWT–16 Chase, Mary 1907–1981 ........................ WWT–17 Chase, Pauline 1885–1962.................... WWasWT Chasen, Heather 1927–............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Chatelain, Christine .................................. CTFT–66 Chater, Geoffrey 1921– .......................... WWT–17 Chatterton, Ruth 1893–1961 ................. WWasWT Chatwin, Justin 1982– ............................. CTFT–68 Chatwin, Margaret ?–1937..................... WWasWT Chau, Francois 1959– ............................. CTFT–71 Chauvaud, Christian ................................. CTFT–38 Chauvin, Lilyan 1925(?)–......................... CTFT–54 Chaves, Richard 1951– ............................. CTFT–8 Chavez, Alicia Loren See ............................................ Loren, Alicia Chavira, Ricardo Antonio 1971– .............. CTFT–74 Chayefsky, Paddy 1923–1981.................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Chaykin, Maury 1949–............................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Cheadle, Don 1964– ............................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 32 Cheatham, Maree 1942– ......................... CTFT–57 Cheek, Molly 1950–................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 43 Cheese, Jack See ...................................... Goldthwait, Bob Cheeseman, Ken 1954–........................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Cheeseman, Peter 1932–........................ WWT–17 Chekhov, Michael 1891–1955............... WWasWT Chelsom, Peter 1956– ............................. CTFT–36 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11 Chelton, Nick 1946– ................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Chen, Joan 1961–.................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 39 Chen, Julie 1970–.................................... CTFT–89 Chen, Kaige 1952–.................................. CTFT–48 Chen, Ng Yu See ............................................... Woo, John Chen, Terry ............................................... CTFT–62 Cheney, Sheldon 1886–1980................. WWasWT Cheng, Long See ............................................ Chan, Jackie Cheng, Michael David 1969– ................. CTFT–88 Chenoweth, Kristin 1968– ....................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Cheong, George Lee See....................................... Cheung, George Chepovetsky, Dmitry ................................ CTFT–66 Cher 1946– ............................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 18, 30 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Chereau, Patrice 1944– ........................... CTFT–26 Cherif, Omar See ............................................ Sharif, Omar Cherkasov, Nikolai 1903–1966.............. WWasWT Cherones, Tom ......................................... CTFT–49 Cherrell, Gwen 1926–............................ WWT–17 Cherry, Charles 1872–1931 ................... WWasWT Cherry, Elizabeth ...................................... CTFT–60 Cherry, Helen 1915– ............................. WWasWT Cherry, Wal 1932–1986 ......................... WWT–17 Cheskin, Irving W. 1915– ....................... WWT–17 Chesne, Steven 1960– ............................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Chesney, Arthur 1882–1949 .................. WWasWT Chester, Betty 1895–1943...................... WWasWT Chester, Nora............................................ CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Chestnut, Morris 1969– ........................... CTFT–53 Chetham–Strode, Warren 1897–............................................ WWasWT Chetwyn, Robert 1933–.......................... WWT–17 Chetwynd, Lionel 1940– ......................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 38


Cheung, George ....................................... CTFT–53 Cheung, Leslie 1956–.............................. CTFT–31 Earlier sketch in CTFT–19 Cheung, Maggie 1964– ........................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Chevalier, Albert 1861–1923 ................. WWasWT Chevalier, Marcelle................................. WWasWT Chevalier, Maurice 1888–1972.............. WWasWT Chevolleau, Richard 1966– ..................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Chew, Lee................................................... CTFT–3 Chew, Richard .......................................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Cheylov, Milan ......................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Chi See ........................................... McBride, Chi Chianese, Dominic 1934(?)– ................... CTFT–46 Chiang, Doug 1962– ............................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Chieffo, Michael ....................................... CTFT–49 Chiklis, Michael 1963– ........................... CTFT–57 Child, Harold Hannyngton 1869–1945.................................... WWasWT Childress, Alice 1920(?)–1994 ................. CTFT–10 Obituary in CTFT–13 Childs, Gilbert ?–1931........................... WWasWT Chiles, Linden ............................................ CTFT–9 Chiles, Lois 1947–................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Chill See ........................................ Mitchell, Daryl Chiminello, Bianca 1976–....................... CTFT–88 Chin, Tsai 1937– ..................................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Chin, Wellson See ............................................ Chan, Jackie Chinlund, Nick 1961–............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Chinn, Jeanne........................................... CTFT–49 Chinoy, Helen Krich 1922– ....................... CTFT–1 Chinyamurindi, Michael ........................... CTFT–66 Chioran, Juan 1963– ............................... CTFT–78 Chirgwin, George H. 1854–1922 .......... WWasWT Chisholm, Anthony................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Chisholm, Robert 1898–1960................ WWasWT Chlumsky, Anna 1980– ........................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 38 Cho, John ................................................. CTFT–52 Cho, Margaret 1968–............................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, CTFT–29 Choate, Tim 1954–.................................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 17 Chodorov, Edward 1914–1988 .................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketches in WWT–17; WWasWT Chodorov, Jerome 1911– ........................ WWT–17 Chomsky, Marvin J. 1929– ........................ CTFT–6 Chong, Marcus 1967– ............................. CTFT–48 Chong, Rae Dawn 1961– ........................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 23 Chong, Robbi 1965– ............................... CTFT–87 Chong, Tommy 1938– ............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 18, 40 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Chorpenning, Ruth 1905– ..................... WWasWT Chorvat, Scarlett ....................................... CTFT–78 Chou Jun–fa See ......................................... Chow Yun–Fat Choudhury, Sarita 1966– ......................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Chow Yun–Fat 1955– .............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 30

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Churikova, Inna 1943–............................ CTFT–23 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Chyna See........................................... Laurer, Joanie Cialini, Julie Lynn See ...................................... McCarthy, Jenny Ciani, Suzanne 1946– ............................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Cibrian, Eddie 1973–............................... CTFT–48 Cicchini, Robert 1966– ........................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Ciccolella, Jude ........................................ CTFT–48 Ciccone, Madonna Louise See ................................................. Madonna Ciccoritti, Jerry 1956– ............................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Ciding, Paul See ............................................. Eiding, Paul Cigliuti, Natalia 1978– ............................ CTFT–46 Cilento, Diane 1933– ................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cimino, Leonardo..................................... CTFT–42 Cimino, Michael 1952–........................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6 Cimmet, Brian .......................................... CTFT–60 Cinquevalli, Paul 1859–1918 ................ WWasWT Cioffi, Charles 1935–............................... CTFT–50 Cipes, Greg .............................................. CTFT–55 Cipriano, Joe 1954– ................................ CTFT–75 Cistaro, Anthony 1963–........................... CTFT–52 Cizmar, Paula 1949– ................................. CTFT–1 Claflin, Scott............................................. CTFT–75 Clair, Mavis 1916–................................. WWasWT Claire, Helen 1911–1974....................... WWasWT Claire, Ina 1895–1985........................... WWasWT Claire, Ludi 1927–..................................... CTFT–1 Claman, Barbara S. 1939–......................... CTFT–1 Clami, Jean–Pierre .................................... CTFT–36 Clancy, Deidre 1943–................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Clancy, Jim ............................................... CTFT–76 Clancy, Tom 1947–.................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Clanton, Ralph 1914– ............................ WWT–17 Clap, Eric See............................................ Clapton, Eric Clapp, Eric Patrick See............................................ Clapton, Eric Clapp, Gordon 1948– ............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Clapton, Eric 1945–................................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Clare, Mary 1894–1970......................... WWasWT Clare, Tom 1876–?................................. WWasWT Clarence, O. B. 1870–1955................... WWasWT Claridge, Norman 1903–........................ WWT–17 Clark, Alfred ........................................... WWasWT Clark, Anthony 1964– ............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 39 Clark, Ashley Monique 1988–................. CTFT–92 Clark, B. D. 1945– .................................... CTFT–3 Clark, Barrett H. 1890–1953 ................. WWasWT Clark, Benjamin See ............................................... Clark, Bob Clark, Blake 1946–.................................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Clark, Bob 1941– .................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Clark, Bobby 1888–1960....................... WWasWT Clark, Brian 1932– .................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Clark, Cam See............................................. Clarke, Cam


Clark, Candy 1947 .................................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 42 Clark, China ............................................... CTFT–2 Clark, Curt See ................................ Westlake, Donald E. Clark, Daniel 1985– ................................ CTFT–86 Clark, Dick 1929– ................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 33 Clark, Duane ............................................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Clark, E. Holman 1864–1925 ................ WWasWT Clark, Ernest 1912– ................................ WWT–17 Clark, Eugene 1955– ............................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Clark, Fred 1914–1968.......................... WWasWT Clark, Ian D.............................................. CTFT–59 Clark, Jim 1931– ..................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Clark, John Pepper 1935– ...................... WWT–17 Clark, John Richard 1932– ..................... WWT–17 Clark, Kyle A. ........................................... CTFT–69 Clark, Mara 1930– .................................... CTFT–5 Clark, Marguerite 1887–1940 ................ WWasWT Clark, Marjory 1900– ............................ WWasWT Clark, Matt 1936– ................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Clark, Oliver 1939–................................. CTFT–69 Clark, Peggy 1915– ................................ WWT–17 Clark, Perceval See .................................... Perceval–Clark, P. Clark, Robert 1986– ................................ CTFT–87 Clark, Roy 1933– ...................................... CTFT–7 Clark, Spencer Treat 1987– ..................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Clark, Susan 1944– ................................... CTFT–3 Clark, Tom................................................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Clark, Vandi See............................................ Clark, Candy Clark, Wallis 1888–1961 ....................... WWasWT Clarke, Brian Patrick 1952(?)– ................. CTFT–60 Clarke, Caitlin 1952– .............................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15 Clarke, Cam 1957– ................................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Clarke, Cuthbert 1869–1953 ................. WWasWT Clarke, Dameon ....................................... CTFT–65 Clarke, David 1908– ................................. CTFT–1 Clarke, George 1886–1946.................... WWasWT Clarke, Jeff................................................ CTFT–89 Clarke, John.............................................. CTFT–17 Clarke, Lenny 1953– ............................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 29 Clarke, Mae 1907– ................................ WWasWT Clarke, Melinda 1969(?)– ........................ CTFT–91 Clarke, Michael Duncan See.......................... Duncan, Michael Clarke Clarke, Mindy........................................... CTFT–41 Clarke, Nigel 1895– .............................. WWasWT Clarke, Richard 1930–............................... CTFT–5 Clarke, Robert 1920– .............................. CTFT–63 Clarke, Rupert 1865–1926..................... WWasWT Clarke, Sarah 1972– ................................ CTFT–68 Clarke, Stanley 1951– ............................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Clarke–Smith, Douglas A. 1888–1959.................................... WWasWT Clarkson, Joan 1903– ............................ WWasWT Clarkson, Patricia 1959– ......................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Clarkson, Paul .......................................... CTFT–25 Clarkson, Willie 1861–1934 .................. WWasWT Clary, Robert 1926–................................... CTFT–1

Cumulative Index

Chow, Ho 1957– ..................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Chressanthis, James 1953– ...................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Chriqui, Emmanuelle 1977–.................... CTFT–75 Chris, Marilyn 1938–............................... CTFT–54 Christensen, Erika 1982– ......................... CTFT–54 Christensen, Hayden 1981– .................... CTFT–67 Christian, Claudia 1965–......................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Christian, Shawn 1965– .......................... CTFT–53 Christians, Mady 1900–1951................. WWasWT Christianson, Catherine 1957– .................. CTFT–5 Christie, Agatha 1890–1976 ................... WWT–16 Christie, Audrey 1912–1989................... WWT–17 Christie, Campbell 1893–1963 .............. WWasWT Christie, Dorothy 1896– ........................ WWasWT Christie, George 1873–1949.................. WWasWT Christie, Julie 1941– ................................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 23 Christine, Virginia 1920–1996 ................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–16 Christmas, Eric 1916–.............................. CTFT–20 Christofferson, Debra................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Christopher, Dennis 1955– ...................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 33 Christopher, Dyllan 1991–....................... CTFT–68 Christopher, Eva Longoria See........................................... Longoria, Eva Christopher, Julian .................................... CTFT–86 Christopher, Robin 1965–........................ CTFT–86 Christopher, Roy ....................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Christopher, Scott 1967– ......................... CTFT–75 Christopher, Thom 1940– ........................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 32 Christopher, Tyler 1972–.......................... CTFT–62 Christy, Donald........................................... CTFT–2 Chuang, Susan.......................................... CTFT–79 Chucklestein, Shecky See ......................................... Oswalt, Patton Chuck–Yiu, Clara Law See ............................................... Law, Clara Chud, Bud T. See ........................................ Graham, Gerrit Chudleigh, Arthur 1858–1932 ............... WWasWT Chuipka, Chip .......................................... CTFT–41 Chula, Babs 1946– .................................. CTFT–52 Chulack, Christopher ................................ CTFT–56 Chun, Charles........................................... CTFT–60 Chung Ling Soo ...................................... WWasWT Chung, Connie 1946– ............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 18, 41 Chung, Ewan 1974(?)–............................. CTFT–68 Chung, George See....................................... Cheung, George Church, Esme 1893–1972...................... WWasWT Church, Thomas Haden 1961–................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 32 Church, Tony 1930– .................................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Churchill, Berton 1876–1940 ................ WWasWT Churchill, Caryl 1938– ............................ CTFT–19 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10; WWT–17 Churchill, Diana (Josephine) 1913–............................................ WWasWT Churchill, Marguerite 1910–.................. WWasWT Churchill, Sarah 1914–1982................... WWT–17 Churchill, Winston 1871–1947.............. WWasWT Churgin, Lisa Zeno 1955– ....................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29


CLASH Clash, Kevin 1960– ................................. CTFT–49 Clatterbuck, Tamara 1963–...................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Claudel, Paul 1868–1955 ...................... WWasWT Claughton, Susan .................................... WWasWT Clausen, Alf 1941–.................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 38 Clausen, Scott 1974–............................... CTFT–86 Clavell, James 1925–1994....................... CTFT–17 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Clavell, Kira.............................................. CTFT–66 Claver, Bob 1928–..................................... CTFT–2 Claverie, Charles See........................................ Rocket, Charles Clay, Andrew Dice 1957– ....................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Claybourne, Doug 1947– ........................ CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Clayburgh, Jill 1944–............................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 5, 18, 29 Clayton, Adam 1960– ............................. CTFT–40 Clayton, Gina ........................................... CTFT–56 Clayton, Herbert 1876–1931 ................. WWasWT Clayton, Jack 1921–1995 .......................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–14 Clayton, Tony 1935– ................................. CTFT–4 Cleage, Pearl 1948– ................................ CTFT–13 Cleather, Gordon 1872–?....................... WWasWT Cleave, Arthur 1884–? ........................... WWasWT Cleese, John 1939– ................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 14, 27 Clegg, Allegra ........................................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Cleghorne, Ellen 1965– ........................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Clemens, Le Roy 1889–? ....................... WWasWT Clemenson, Christian 1959– ................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Clement, Clay 1888–1956..................... WWasWT Clement, Elfrida ...................................... WWasWT Clement, Jennifer ...................................... CTFT–89 Clement, Shawn 1968– ........................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Clement–Scott, Joan 1907–1969............ WWasWT Clement–Scott, Margaret See .......................... Scott, Margaret Clement Clements, John 1910–1988 ....................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Clements, Miriam ................................... WWasWT Clements, Ronald 1953– ......................... CTFT–22 Clendenin, Bob 1964– ............................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Clennon, David 1943– ............................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Cleverson, Scott 1969–............................ CTFT–58 Cliche, Karen 1976–................................ CTFT–61 Cliff, Laddie 1891–1937 ........................ WWasWT Cliffe, H. Cooper 1862–1939 ................ WWasWT Clifford, Camille ..................................... WWasWT Clifford, Graeme 1942–........................... CTFT–54 Clifford, Kathleen 1887–1962................ WWasWT Clifford, Richard ....................................... CTFT–34 Clift, Ernest Paul 1881–1963 ................. WWasWT Clift, Montgomery 1920–1966............... WWasWT Clifton, Bernard 1902–1970 .................. WWasWT Clifton, Scott 1984–................................. CTFT–86 Climenhaga, Joel 1922– ............................ CTFT–4 Cline, Carrie “CeCe” 1985– .................... CTFT–68 Clinger, Bijou 1955–.................................. CTFT–4 Clive, Colin 1900–1937 ........................ WWasWT Clive, Vincent ?–1943............................ WWasWT Clohessy, Robert 1958– ........................... CTFT–58 Cloke, Kristen 1968– ............................... CTFT–50

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Clokey, Art 1921–.................................... CTFT–23 Clooney, George 1961–........................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Clore, Leon 1919(?)–1992 ....................... CTFT–12 Close, Eric 1967– .................................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 29 Close, Glenn 1947– ................................ CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 16, 26 Closser, Louise 1872–?........................... WWasWT Clotworthy, Robert.................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Clover, Andrew......................................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Clowes, Richard 1900– ......................... WWasWT Clunes, Alec S. 1912– ........................... WWasWT Clunes, Martin 1961–............................ CTFT–732 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Clurman, Harold 1901–1980 ................. WWT–17 Clyde, Craig ............................................. CTFT–68 Clyde, Jeremy 1941(?)–............................ CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Clyde, K. C. 1980–.................................. CTFT–67 Cmiral, Elia 1957–................................... CTFT–47 Coakley, Marion ..................................... WWasWT Coates, Anne V. 1925–............................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Coates, Carolyn .......................................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Coates, Conrad ......................................... CTFT–86 Coates, Kim 1958(?)–............................... CTFT–44 Coates, Nelson ......................................... CTFT–48 Cobb, Julie 1947– ................................... CTFT–60 Cobb, Keith Hamilton 1962– .................. CTFT–87 Cobb, Kimberly See ........................................... Criswell, Kim Cobb, Lee J. 1911–1976 ........................ WWasWT Cobb, Randall “Tex” 1950–..................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Cobbald, Jonathan See ......................................... Barker, Ronnie Cobbs, Bill 1935–.................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Cobert, Bob 1924– .................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Coborn, Charles 1852–1945.................. WWasWT Cobould, Chris See ....................................... Corbould, Chris Coburn, Charles (Douville) 1877–1961.................................... WWasWT Coburn, David.......................................... CTFT–52 Coburn, D(onald) L. 1938– ....................... CTFT–1 Coburn, James 1928–2002 ...................... CTFT–26 Obituary in CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 16 Coca, Imogene 1908– ............................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 9; WWT–17 Cocea, Alice 1899– ............................... WWasWT Cochran, Charles (Blake) 1872–1951 .... WWasWT Cochrane, Frank 1882–1962 ................. WWasWT Cochrane, Rory 1972– ............................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Coco, James 1929–1987 ........................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Cocteau, Jean 1889–1963 ..................... WWasWT Coda, John ............................................... CTFT–80 Codrington, Ann 1895– ......................... WWasWT Codron, Michael 1930– .......................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19; WWT–17 Cody, Iron Eyes 1904(?)–1999 ................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–24 Coe, Fred H. 1914–1979........................ WWT–16 Coe, George ............................................. CTFT–74


Coe, Peter 1929–1987............................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Coe, Richard L. 1914–1995 ...................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–15 Coe, Tucker See ................................ Westlake, Donald E. Coen, Ethan 1957–.................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 25 Coen, Joel 1953(?)– ................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 25 Coeur, Paul............................................... CTFT–69 Coffey, Brian See ...................................... Koontz, Dean R. Coffey, Denise 1936– .............................. CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Coffey, Scott 1967– ................................. CTFT–30 Coffin, C. Hayden 1862–1935............... WWasWT Coffin, Frederick (D.) 1943–...................... CTFT–1 Cogan, David J. 1923– .............................. CTFT–1 Coghill, Nevill 1899–1980 ..................... WWT–17 Coghlan, Gertrude 1879–1952 .............. WWasWT Coghlan, Rose 1850–1932 .................... WWasWT Cohan, Charles 1886– ........................... WWasWT Cohan, George M. 1878–1942 .............. WWasWT Cohan, Georgette 1900–........................ WWasWT Cohen, Alexander H. 1920–.................... CTFT–24 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 15; WWT–17 Cohen, Bobby 1970– .............................. CTFT–83 Cohen, Edward M. 1936– ......................... CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Cohen, Eric............................................... CTFT–51 Cohen, Harry I. 1891–1987................... WWasWT Cohen, Jeri Lynn ....................................... CTFT–51 Cohen, Larry 1938–................................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Cohen, Lynn ............................................. CTFT–50 Cohen, Rob 1949– .................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Cohen, Sasha 1984–................................ CTFT–91 Cohen, Scott 1964–................................. CTFT–44 Cohenour, Patti 1952–............................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Cohn, Mindy 1966– ................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 32 Cohon, Peter See ........................................... Coyote, Peter Coke, Peter (John) 1913–....................... WWasWT Colantoni, Enrico 1963–.......................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 30 Colbert, Claudette 1905(?)–1996 ............... CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch WWT–17 Colbert, Stephen 1964–........................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Colbin, Rod 1923– .................................... CTFT–2 Colbourne, Maurice 1894–1965............ WWasWT Colbron, Grace Isabel ?–1943 ............... WWasWT Colchart, Thomas See ............................. Coppola, Francis Ford Cole, Dennis .............................................. CTFT–4 Cole, Edith 1870–1927.......................... WWasWT Cole, Elizabeth See...................................... Ashley, Elizabeth Cole, Eric Michael 1976–........................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Cole, Gary 1956–.................................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 26 Cole, George 1925– ................................ CTFT–34 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9; WWT–17 Cole, Janis 1954– .................................... CTFT–36 Cole, Kay 1948–........................................ CTFT–4 Cole, Michael 1968–............................... CTFT–46

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Collins, Heidi 1968– ............................... CTFT–86 Collins, Horace 1875–1964................... WWasWT Collins, Jessica 1971–.............................. CTFT–64 Collins, Joan 1933– ................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 15, 25 Collins, Jose 1887–1958........................ WWasWT Collins, Kathleen See ................................................ Derek, Bo Collins, Lynn 1979– ................................ CTFT–74 Collins, Paul 1937– ................................. CTFT–44 Collins, Pauline 1940– ............................ CTFT–35 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8; WWT–17 Collins, Phil 1951–.................................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Collins, Rickey D’Shon 1983–................. CTFT–73 Collins, Robert 1930–................................ CTFT–1 Collins, Russell 1897–1965 ................... WWasWT Collins, Sewell 1876–1934.................... WWasWT Collins, Shanna ........................................ CTFT–76 Collins, Stephen 1947– ........................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 34 Collins, Tom See............................................ Cipriano, Joe Collins, Winnie 1896–........................... WWasWT Collison, David 1937– .............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Collison, Frank 1950– ............................. CTFT–56 Collison, Wilson 1892–1941 ................. WWasWT Collister, Peter Lyons 1956– .................... CTFT–69 Colman, Booth 1923– ............................. CTFT–63 Colman, Henry ........................................... CTFT–8 Colman, Ronald 1891–1958.................. WWasWT Colombier, Michel 1939–........................ CTFT–53 Colomby, Scott 1952– ............................. CTFT–24 Colon, Mercedes ...................................... CTFT–69 Colon, Miriam 1936(?)–........................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33; WWT–17 Colonna, Jerry 1904–1986 ........................ CTFT–4 Colosimo, Vince ....................................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Colt, Alvin 1916– ...................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Colton, John B. 1889–1946 ................... WWasWT Coltrane, Robbie 1950– .......................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Columbu, Franco........................................ CTFT–4 Columbus, Chris 1959–........................... CTFT–10 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Colvey, Catherine ..................................... CTFT–68 Colvin, Eric............................................... CTFT–62 Comber, Bobbie 1886–1942.................. WWasWT Combermere, Edward 1888– ................. WWasWT Combs, Holly Marie 1973– ..................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Combs, Jeffrey 1954– .............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Comden, Betty 1919–.............................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 10; WWT–17 Comden, Danny ....................................... CTFT–78 Comenici, Luigi 1916– .............................. CTFT–9 Comer, Anjanette 1939(?)– ...................... CTFT–60 Commire, Anne .......................................... CTFT–1 Como, Perry 1913– ................................. CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Company of Four.................................... WWasWT Comperatore, Dominic 1969–................. CTFT–86 Compte, Maurice...................................... CTFT–74 Compton, Edward 1854–1918............... WWasWT Compton, Mrs. Edward 1853–1940 ....... WWasWT Compton, Fay 1894–1978 ..................... WWasWT Compton, Katherine 1858–1928............ WWasWT Compton, Madge ?–1970 ...................... WWasWT Compton, O’Neal 1951–......................... CTFT–40


Compton, Richard ................................... CTFT–36 Compton, Viola 1886–1971 .................. WWasWT Comstock, F. Ray 1880–1949 ................ WWasWT Comstock, Nanette 1873–1942 ............. WWasWT Conaway, Cristi ........................................ CTFT–40 Conaway, Jeff 1950–................................ CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 16, 26 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Concannon, John N. 1946–....................... CTFT–1 Conchita, Maria See........................... Alonso, Maria Conchita Conde, Nicholas See ........................................ Nathan, Robert Condon, Bill 1956(?)–.............................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Condon, Daniel Sunjata See ........................................ Sunjata, Daniel Condra, Julie 1970– ................................ CTFT–58 Conklin, Peggy 1912– ........................... WWasWT Conlan, Joseph ......................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Conley, Darlene........................................ CTFT–23 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Conley, Jack.............................................. CTFT–49 Conley, Joe 1928– ................................... CTFT–54 Conlin, Michaela 1978–.......................... CTFT–87 Conlon, Noel 1936–................................ CTFT–88 Conlon, Tim ............................................. CTFT–80 Conn, Didi 1951– ................................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 41 Connell, David ......................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Connell, F. Norreys 1874–1948............. WWasWT Connell, Jane 1925–.................................. CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Connell, Kelly 1956–............................... CTFT–56 Connelly, Christopher 1941–1988 ............. CTFT–7 Connelly, Edward J. 1855–1928 ............ WWasWT Connelly, Jennifer 1970– ......................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22, 32 Connelly, Marc 1890–1980 .................... WWT–17 Conners, Barry 1883–1933.................... WWasWT Connery, Jason 1963–.............................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Connery, Sean 1930– .............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17, 28 Connick, Harry, Jr. 1967– ........................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Connolly, Billy 1942–.............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Connolly, John G...................................... CTFT–79 Connolly, Kevin 1974– ............................ CTFT–84 Connolly, Michael 1947– .......................... CTFT–1 Connolly, Walter 1887–1940................. WWasWT Connor, Kevin 1937(?)– ........................... CTFT–54 Connor, Whitfield 1916–1988 ................... CTFT–1 Connors, Chuck 1921–1992...................... CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–11 Connors, Mike 1925–.............................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 34 Conquest, Arthur 1875–1945 ................ WWasWT Conquest, Fred 1870–1941 ................... WWasWT Conquest, George 1858–1926 ............... WWasWT Conquest, Ida 1876–1937 ..................... WWasWT Conrad, Chris 1970– ............................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Conrad, Con 1891–1938 ....................... WWasWT Conrad, David 1967–.............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 29 Conrad, Lauren 1986–............................. CTFT–91 Conrad, Michael 1925–1983..................... CTFT–2 Conrad, Robert 1935– ............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 15, 26

Cumulative Index

Cole, Natalie 1950– ................................ CTFT–60 Cole, Nora 1953–.................................... CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18 Cole, Olivia 1942–.................................... CTFT–8 Cole, Stephanie 1941– ............................ CTFT–34 Cole, Taylor 1984– .................................. CTFT–92 Cole, Ted .................................................. CTFT–48 Coleby, Wilfred T. 1865–? ..................... WWasWT Coleman, Beth Toussaint See......................................... Toussaint, Beth Coleman, Bobby 1997–........................... CTFT–82 Coleman, Cy 1929– ................................ CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11; WWT–17 Coleman, Dabney 1932– ........................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 18, 29 Coleman, Fanny 1840–1919 ................. WWasWT Coleman, Gary 1968– ............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 33 Coleman, Graeme .................................... CTFT–69 Coleman, Holliston 1992– ...................... CTFT–82 Coleman, Jack 1958– .............................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Coleman, Monique 1980–....................... CTFT–88 Coleman, Nancy 1917– ............................ CTFT–1 Coleman, Robert 1900–......................... WWasWT Coleman, Signy ........................................ CTFT–34 Coleman, Townsend 1954(?)–.................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Coleridge, Ethel 1883–?......................... WWasWT Coleridge, Sylvia 1909– ......................... WWT–17 Coles, Kim 1966–.................................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 29 Colgate, William....................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Colicos, John 1928– .................................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–16 Colin, Georges........................................ WWasWT Colin, Jean 1905–1989.......................... WWasWT Colin, Margaret 1957(?)– ......................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 27 Colitti, Tony.............................................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Coll, Ivonne.............................................. CTFT–60 Collamore, Jerome 1891–.......................... CTFT–1 Colleano, Bonar 1923–1958.................. WWasWT Collet, Richard 1885–1946.................... WWasWT Collette, Charles 1842–1924 ................. WWasWT Collette, Toni 1972– ................................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 29 Colley, Kenneth 1937– ............................ CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Collier, Constance 1878–1955............... WWasWT Collier, Gaylan Jane 1924–........................ CTFT–2 Collier, Mark 1970–................................. CTFT–92 Collier, Patience 1910–1987 ..................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Collier, William 1866–1944 .................. WWasWT Collinge, Patricia 1894–1974 ................ WWasWT Collings, David 1940–............................. CTFT–34 Collingwood, Peter ................................... CTFT–40 Collins, A. Greville 1896– ..................... WWasWT Collins, Arthur 1863–1932 .................... WWasWT Collins, Barry 1941–.................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Collins, Charles 1904–1964 .................. WWasWT Collins, Christina ...................................... CTFT–62 Collins, Clifton, Jr. 1970– ........................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Collins, Frank 1878–1957 ..................... WWasWT Collins, Gary 1938– ................................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Collins, Greg ............................................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37


CONRAD Conrad, William 1920–1994 ..................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Conreid, Hans 1917–1980 ........................ CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Conroy, Frances 1953–............................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Conroy, Frank 1890–1964 ..................... WWasWT Conroy, Jack ............................................. CTFT–56 Conroy, Kevin 1955–............................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 41 Conroy, Pat 1945–................................... CTFT–12 Conroy, Ruaidhri 1979(?)– ....................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Considine, Charlotte See .................................... Stewart, Charlotte Considine, John 1938– ............................ CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Constanduros, Mabel ?–1957 ................ WWasWT Constantine, Michael 1927–.................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Constantine, Yorgo ................................... CTFT–80 Conte, John 1915–................................. WWasWT Conti, Bill 1942– ..................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 12, 23 Conti, Italia 1874–1946......................... WWasWT Conti, Tom 1941–.................................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 18; WWT–17 Contner, James A. ..................................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Converse, Frank 1938–............................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 19 Converse–Roberts, William....................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 27 Convertino, Michael ................................. CTFT–41 Conville, David 1929– ........................... WWT–17 Convy, Bert 1934–1991............................. CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Conway, Blade Stanhope See ....................................... Cummings, Bob Conway, Gary............................................. CTFT–2 Conway, Gerry 1952– ............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Conway, Harold 1906–.......................... WWasWT Conway, Jackie 1922– ............................... CTFT–2 Conway, James L. 1950– ......................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Conway, Kevin 1942– ............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 18,42; WWT–17 Conway, Tim 1933– ................................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 33 Conyngham, Fred 1909– ....................... WWasWT Cooder, Ry 1947–.................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 26 Coogan, Jackie 1914–1984 ....................... CTFT–1 Coogan, Keith 1970–............................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18 Coogan, Rif See............................................ Rifkin, Adam Cook, A. J. 1978–.................................... CTFT–64 Cook, Barbara 1927– ................................ CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cook, Carole ............................................ CTFT–60 Cook, Dane 1972– .................................. CTFT–89 Cook, Donald 1901–1961 ..................... WWasWT Cook, Douglas S....................................... CTFT–28 Cook, Elisha, Jr. 1906(?)–1995 ................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Cook, James 1937– ................................... CTFT–3 Cook, Joe 1890–1959............................ WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Cook, Linda................................................ CTFT–3 Cook, Peter 1937–1995............................. CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cook, Rachel Leigh 1979– ...................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Cook, Roderick 1932–1990....................... CTFT–1 Cook, Ron ................................................ CTFT–34 Cook, “Sir” Eddie See ....................................... Rourke, Mickey Cook, T. S. 1947–.................................... CTFT–27 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Cook, Tracey ............................................ CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Cooke, Alistair 1908–................................ CTFT–8 Cooke, Keith 1959–................................. CTFT–75 Cooke, Stanley 1869–1931.................... WWasWT Cookman, Anthony Victor 1894–1962.................................... WWasWT Cooksey, Danny 1975– ........................... CTFT–44 Cookson, Georgina ................................. WWasWT Cookson, Peter 1913–1990 ....................... CTFT–9 Cool, Oliver See ....................................... Mordente, Tony Coolidge, Jennifer 1963–......................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Coolidge, Martha 1946–.......................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Coolio 1963– .......................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 30 Coolus, Romain 1868–1952 .................. WWasWT Coombe, Carol 1911–1966.................... WWasWT Cooney, Dennis 1938– .............................. CTFT–4 Cooney, Kevin 1945– .............................. CTFT–52 Cooney, Ray 1932– ................................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14; WWT–17 Cooper, Anderson 1967–......................... CTFT–65 Cooper, Anthony Kemble 1908–............................................ WWasWT Cooper, Bradley 1975–............................ CTFT–68 Cooper, Chris 1951–................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 38 Cooper, Chuck 1954–.............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Cooper, Daley 1872–? ........................... WWasWT Cooper, Darin 1966–............................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Cooper, Enid 1902– ............................... WWasWT Cooper, Frank Kemble 1857–1918 ........ WWasWT Cooper, Frederick 1890–1945 ............... WWasWT Cooper, Gary 1901–1961 ........................ CTFT–19 Cooper, Giles 1918–1966...................... WWasWT Cooper, Gladys 1888–1971 ................... WWasWT Cooper, Greta Kemble ............................ WWasWT Cooper, Hal 1923– .................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Cooper, Jackie 1922(?)– ........................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8 Cooper, Jeanne 1928– ............................. CTFT–60 Cooper, Lillian Kemble 1891– ............... WWasWT Cooper, Margaret Gernon ....................... WWasWT Cooper, Melville 1896–1973 ................. WWasWT Cooper, Paul W. ....................................... CTFT–69 Cooper, Richard 1893–1947.................. WWasWT Cooper, Susan 1935–................................. CTFT–2 Cooper, T. G. 1939–.................................. CTFT–3 Cooper, Violet Kemble 1889–1961........ WWasWT Coote, Bert 1868–1938 ......................... WWasWT Coote, Robert 1909–1982 ...................... WWT–17 Copeau, Jacques 1878–1949 ................. WWasWT Copeland, Joan 1922–............................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7; WWT–17 Copeland, Maurice 1911– ......................... CTFT–1


Copeland, Stewart 1952– ........................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33 Copeman, Michael ................................... CTFT–68 Copley, Paul 1944– ................................ WWT–17 Copley, Peter 1915– ............................... WWT–17 Copp, Rick ............................................... CTFT–44 Coppel, Alec 1910–1972....................... WWasWT Copperfield, David 1956– ....................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 24 Coppola, Alicia 1968– ............................ CTFT–46 Coppola, Carmine 1910–1991 .................. CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–10 Coppola, Chris ......................................... CTFT–76 Coppola, Christopher 1962– ................... CTFT–76 Coppola, Francis Ford 1939– .................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 24 Coppola, Nicolas See .......................................... Cage, Nicolas Coppola, Roman 1965– .......................... CTFT–77 Coppola, Sam 1935–............................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Coppola, Sofia 1971–.............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Coppola, Talia See............................................... Shire, Talia Coquelin, Jean 1865–1944 .................... WWasWT Coram 1883–? ....................................... WWasWT Corazza, Vince 1972– ............................. CTFT–52 Corbett, Glenn 1930(?)–1993 .................. CTFT–17 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Corbett, Gretchen 1947–........................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Corbett, Harry H. 1925–? ....................... WWT–17 Corbett, John 1962– ................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 32 Corbett, Leonora 1908–1960................. WWasWT Corbett, Thalberg 1864–?....................... WWasWT Corbin, Barry 1940–................................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 29 Corbin, John 1870–1959 ....................... WWasWT Corbould, Chris ........................................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Corbould, Neil 1962– ............................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Corby, Ellen 1913–1999 ............................ CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–32 Corcoran, Bill ........................................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Corcoran, Jane ........................................ WWasWT Cord, Alex 1933(?)–................................... CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Corddry, Rob 1971– ................................ CTFT–78 Cordell, Cathleen 1916–........................ WWasWT Corden, Henry.......................................... CTFT–46 Cordery, Richard....................................... CTFT–34 Cordes, Jim 1932–..................................... CTFT–4 Cordier, Gilbert See ............................................ Rohmer, Eric Cordray, Gail Mancuso See ......................................... Mancuso, Gail Corduner, Allan 1951(?)–......................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Corenblith, Michael.................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Corey, Jeff 1914– ....................................... CTFT–8 Corey, Wendell 1914–1968 ................... WWasWT Corfman, Caris 1955– ............................... CTFT–1 Corigliano, John 1938– ........................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Corlan, Anthony See ..................................... Higgins, Anthony Corlett, Ian James 1962– ......................... CTFT–42

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Costas, Bob 1952– .................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Costello, Elvis 1954– ............................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Costello, Lou 1906–1959 ........................ CTFT–16 Costello, Mariclare ................................... CTFT–60 Costello, Tom 1863–1945...................... WWasWT Coster, Nicolas 1934– ............................. CTFT–53 Coster–Waldau, Nikolaj 1970–................ CTFT–86 Costigan, Ken 1934– ................................. CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Costner, Kevin 1955– .............................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 26 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Costo, Oscar L. 1953–............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Cotes, Peter 1912–1998 ......................... WWT–17 Obituary in CTFT–24 Cotsirilos, Stephanie 1947– ....................... CTFT–1 Cotsworth, Staats 1908–1979 ................. WWT–16 Cotten, Joseph 1905–1994 ........................ CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cottens, Victor de 1862–?...................... WWasWT Cottet, Mia 1968– ................................... CTFT–61 Cottle, Matthew........................................ CTFT–34 Cotton, Oliver 1944– .............................. CTFT–35 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9; WWT–17 Cotton, Wilfred 1873–?.......................... WWasWT Cottrell, Cherry 1909–.......................... WWasWT[ Cottrell, Erin ............................................. CTFT–86 Cottrell, Richard 1936– ............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Coufey, Richard See............................................. Jonze, Spike Couffe, Richard See............................................. Jonze, Spike Coughlan, Marisa 1973(?)–...................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Coulier, Dave 1959– ............................... CTFT–50 Coullet, Rhonda 1945– ........................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Coulouris, George 1903–1989 .................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Coulter, Michael 1952– ........................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Council, Richard 1947– .......................... CTFT–54 Counsell, John 1905–1987 ..................... WWT–17 Countryman, Michael 1955–................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Couper, Barbara 1903–.......................... WWasWT Courage, Alexander 1919–...................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Couric, Katie 1957– ................................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Court, Alyson 1973– ............................... CTFT–50 Court, Dorothy ....................................... WWasWT Courteline, Georges 1860–1929 ............ WWasWT Courtenay, Margaret 1923– .................... WWT–17 Courtenay, Tom 1937– ............................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5, 33; WWT–17 Courtenay, William 1875–1933............. WWasWT Courtleigh, William 1869–1930 ............ WWasWT Courtneidge, Cicely 1893–1980............. WWT–17 Courtneidge, Robert 1859–1939............ WWasWT Courtneidge, Rosaline 1903–1926......... WWasWT Courtney, Gordon 1895–1964 ............... WWasWT Courtney, Maud 1884–?......................... WWasWT Courtney, Richard 1927–........................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Courtney, Robert See ......................................... Ellison, Harlan


Courtney, William Leonard 1850–1928.................................... WWasWT Cousin Bubba See...................................... Emmons, Wayne Cousins, Christopher 1960– .................... CTFT–67 Cousteau, Jacques–Yves 1910–1997........ CTFT–18 Coutard, Raoul 1924–1993 ..................... CTFT–28 Cove, Martin See............................................ Kove, Martin Cover, Franklin 1928– ............................... CTFT–8 Covert, Allen 1964– ................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Covington, Julie.......................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cowan, Edie ............................................... CTFT–1 Cowan, Maurice A. 1891–..................... WWasWT Coward, Noel 1899–1973 ..................... WWasWT Cowell, Simon 1959–.............................. CTFT–65 Cowen, Laurence 1865–1942................ WWasWT Cowen, Ron 1944– ................................. CTFT–17 Cowie, Laura 1892–1969 ...................... WWasWT Cowl, Jane 1890–1950 .......................... WWasWT Cowles, Matthew 1944–.......................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Cowley, Eric 1886–1948........................ WWasWT Cox, Alan 1970– ..................................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Cox, Alex 1954– ..................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 33 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Cox, Betsy ................................................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Cox, Brian 1946– .................................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 26; WWT–17 Cox, Christina 1971–............................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–46 Cox, Constance 1915– ........................... WWT–17 Cox, Courteney 1964– ............................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 24 Cox, Jennifer Elise 1969– ........................ CTFT–75 Cox, Joe Anthony See ................................................ Cox, Tony Cox, Joshua 1965– .................................. CTFT–73 Cox, Maryellen ......................................... CTFT–48 Cox, Nikki 1978– .................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Cox, Paul 1940–...................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Cox, Richard 1948– ................................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Cox, Richard Ian 1973– .......................... CTFT–68 Cox, Ronny 1938– .................................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 13, 22, 32 Cox, Tony 1958– ..................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Cox, Veanne 1963– ................................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Coyle, Brendan......................................... CTFT–38 Coyle, J. J. 1928– ...................................... CTFT–1 Coyne, Joseph 1867–1941..................... WWasWT Coyote, Peter 1942–................................ CTFT–26 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 15, 26 Cozart, Cylk 1957– ................................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Crabe, James 1931–1989 ........................ CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Cracknell, Ruth 1925–............................ WWT–17 Cragg, Stephen 1950– ............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Craggs, The............................................. WWasWT Craig, Carl 1954– .................................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18

Cumulative Index

Corlett, William 1938– ............................ CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18 Corley, Al 1956(?)– .................................. CTFT–88 Corley, Annie............................................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Corley, Pat 1930– .................................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Corliss, Richard Nelson 1944– ................ CTFT–15 Cormack, Danielle ................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Cormack, Lynne ....................................... CTFT–50 Corman, Gene 1927–................................ CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Corman, Maddie 1969(?)– ....................... CTFT–81 Corman, Roger 1926– ............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 15, 26 Cormier, Gerald See.......................................... Rudolph, Alan Cornell, Katharine 1898–1974............... WWasWT Cornfeld, Stuart ........................................ CTFT–63 Cornthwaite, Robert 1917– ....................... CTFT–1 Cornwell, Charlotte 1949– ...................... CTFT–59 Cornwell, Judy 1942(?)– .......................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–23; WWT–17 Corone, Antoni ......................................... CTFT–58 Correia, Don 1951– .................................. CTFT–7 Correll, Charles ........................................ CTFT–40 Corri, Adrienne 1933–............................. CTFT–28 Corri, Charles Montague 1861–? ........... WWasWT Corri, Nick See ............................................... Garcia, Jsu Corrigan, David Andriole See ....................................... Andriole, David Corrigan, Emmett 1871–1932................ WWasWT Corrigan, Kevin 1969– ............................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Corsaro, Frank 1924– ................................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Corson, Richard....................................... WWT–17 Cort, Bud 1950–...................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 12, 38 Cort, Robert W. 1946– ............................ CTFT–81 Cortese, Dan 1967– ................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 43 Cortese, Genevieve 1981– ...................... CTFT–76 Cortese, Joseph 1949–............................. CTFT–51 Cortez, Stanley 1908–1997 ..................... CTFT–13 Obituary in CTFT–19 Corti, Jesse................................................ CTFT–73 Corwin, Betty 1920– ................................. CTFT–2 Corwin, Hank ........................................... CTFT–29 Corwin, Norman 1910– ............................ CTFT–1 Corzatte, Clayton........................................ CTFT–4 Cosby, Bill 1937– .................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 34 Cosell, Howard 1920– .............................. CTFT–6 Cosgrave, Peggy ......................................... CTFT–8 Cosgrove, Daniel 1970–.......................... CTFT–54 Cosgrove, Miranda 1993– ....................... CTFT–76 Cosmo, James 1948–............................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Cossart, Ernest 1876–1951 .................... WWasWT Cossart, Valerie 1910– ........................... WWasWT Cossette, Pierre ......................................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Cossins, James 1933– ............................. WWT–17 Costabile, Richard 1947– .......................... CTFT–3 Costa–Gavras 1933– ............................... CTFT–25 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Costanzo, Paulo 1978– ........................... CTFT–67 Costanzo, Robert ...................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36


CRAIG Craig, Clyde L. See............................................. Clyde, Craig Craig, Daniel 1968– ................................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Craig, Edith 1869–1947......................... WWasWT Craig, Edward Gordon 1872–1966 ........ WWasWT Craig, Helen 1912–1986 ........................ WWT–17 Craig, Michael 1928–............................. WWT–17 Craig, Stuart 1942–.................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 38 Craig, Wendy 1934– .............................. WWT–17 Cramer, Rick 1958–................................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Crampton, Barbara 1962– ....................... CTFT–58 Crane, Chilton .......................................... CTFT–63 Crane, Richard 1944– ............................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Crane, Simon............................................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Crane, W. H. 1845–1928 ...................... WWasWT Cranham, Kenneth 1944–........................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23; WWT–17 Cranshaw, Patrick ..................................... CTFT–32 Cranston, Bryan 1956–............................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Crauford, J. R. 1847–1930..................... WWasWT Craven, Arthur Scott 1875–1971 ........... WWasWT Craven, Elise 1898–............................... WWasWT Craven, Frank 1880–1945 ..................... WWasWT Craven, Gemma 1950– ........................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19; WWT–17 Craven, Matt 1956–................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Craven, Tom 1868–1919 ....................... WWasWT Craven, Wes 1939– ................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 15, 26 Crawford, Alice 1882– .......................... WWasWT Crawford, Anne 1920–1956 .................. WWasWT Crawford, Chace 1985– .......................... CTFT–90 Crawford, Cheryl 1902–1986 .................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Crawford, Cindy 1966– ........................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 24 Crawford, Clayne 1978– ......................... CTFT–82 Crawford, Ellen......................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–32, 65 Crawford, Joanna 1942–............................ CTFT–4 Crawford, Joey See..................................... Crawford, Clayne Crawford, Michael 1942–........................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11, 36; WWT–17 Crawford, Mimi ?–1966......................... WWasWT Crawley, Amos 1981– ............................. CTFT–65 Crawley, Tom 1940–.................................. CTFT–2 Creaghan, Dennis 1942–......................... CTFT–65 Creedon, Dennis 1880–? ....................... WWasWT Creel, Gavin 1976– ................................. CTFT–62 Creel, Leanna 1970– ............................... CTFT–50 Creel, Monica 1970–............................... CTFT–74 Cregan, David 1931– ................................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Crenna, Richard 1927–2003 ................... CTFT–26 Obituary in CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 16 Cressall, Maud 1886–1962.................... WWasWT Cressida, Kathryn...................................... CTFT–73 Cresswell, Helen 1934– .......................... CTFT–15 Crews, Laura Hope 1880–1942 ............. WWasWT Crews, Terry 1968– ................................. CTFT–68 Crewson, Wendy 1959– .......................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Cribbins, Bernard 1928– ........................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Crichton, Charles 1910–............................ CTFT–8 Crichton, Madge 1881–? ....................... WWasWT Crichton, Michael 1942–......................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13, 22 Crider, Missy 1974–................................. CTFT–61 Crier, Catherine 1954– ............................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Crigger, Cameron See ...................................... Bright, Cameron Crinkley, Richmond 1940–1989 ................ CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Crisham, Walter ...................................... WWasWT Crisp, Quentin 1908–................................ CTFT–6 Crispi, Ida ............................................... WWasWT Crist, Judith 1922–..................................... CTFT–1 Crist, Myndy 1975–................................. CTFT–63 Cristina, Ines 1875–? ............................. WWasWT Cristofer, Michael 1945– ......................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Criswell, Kim 1957–................................ CTFT–62 Critchlow, Roark 1963–........................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 29 Critt, C. J. 1954– ....................................... CTFT–1 Crivello, Anthony 1955– ......................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Croce, Arlene 1934– ............................... CTFT–15 Crofoot, Leonard J. .................................... CTFT–1 Croft, Anne 1896–1959 ......................... WWasWT Croft, Michael 1922–1986 ..................... WWT–17 Croft, Nita 1902–................................... WWasWT Croft, Paddy ............................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10; WWT–17 Croisset, Francis de 1877–1937............. WWasWT Croke, Wentworth 1871–1930 .............. WWasWT Croker, T. F. Dillon 1831–1912 ............. WWasWT Croker–King, C. H. 1873–1951 ............. WWasWT Crommelynck, Fernand 1885–1970 ...... WWasWT Cromwell, James 1940– .......................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 29 Cromwell, John 1887–1979 ................... WWT–17 Cronenberg, David 1943– ....................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14, 25 Cronenberg, Denise.................................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Cronenweth, Jordan 1935–1996.............. CTFT–22 Cronin, Jane 1936– ................................... CTFT–3 Cronin, Jeanette ........................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Cronin, Michael ....................................... CTFT–38 Cronin, Patrick ......................................... CTFT–75 Cronkite, Walter 1916– ........................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Cronyn, Hume 1911– .............................. CTFT–28 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 17; WWT–17 Cronyn, Tandy 1945– ................................ CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Crook, John ?–1922 ............................... WWasWT Crook, Leland ........................................... CTFT–58 Cropper, Anna 1938– ............................. WWT–17 Cropper, Roy 1898–1954....................... WWasWT Crosbie, Annette 1934–........................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Crosby, Bing 1901–1977 ......................... CTFT–26 Crosby, Cathy Lee 1944–......................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 26 Crosby, Denise 1957– ............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Crosby, Gary 1933–1995........................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–15 Crosby, Joan 1934– ................................. CTFT–23 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12


Crosby, Mary 1959– ................................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 18 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Crosby, Norm 1927– ............................... CTFT–61 Crosman, Henrietta 1865–1944............. WWasWT Cross, Ben 1947– .................................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 34 Cross, Beverley 1931–1998....................... CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cross, David 1964–................................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Cross, Julian 1851–1925........................ WWasWT Cross, Kendall .......................................... CTFT–84 Cross, Marcia 1962–................................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 30 Cross, Rebecca ......................................... CTFT–28 Cross, Roger R. ......................................... CTFT–46 Crossman, Melville See..................................... Zanuck, Darryl F. Croswell, Anne ........................................... CTFT–1 Crothers, Rachel 1878–1958 ................. WWasWT Crothers, Scatman 1910–1986 .................. CTFT–3 Crouch, J. H. 1918– .................................. CTFT–1 Crouse, Lindsay 1948– ............................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 33 Crouse, Russel 1893–1966 .................... WWasWT Crow, Ashley 1960– ................................ CTFT–63 Crow, Laura 1945– .................................... CTFT–5 Crowden, Graham 1922–........................ CTFT–34 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9; WWT–17 Crowden, Sarah ........................................ CTFT–34 Crowder, Jack See.................................... Rasulala, Thalmus Crowe, Cameron 1957– .......................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22, 32 Crowe, Christopher 1948– ...................... CTFT–23 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 14 Crowe, Russell 1964–.............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 Crowley, Bob 1952–................................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Crowley, Dermot ...................................... CTFT–38 Crowley, Mart 1935–.............................. WWT–17 Crowley, Pat 1929(?)–.............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Crowther, Leslie 1933–........................... WWT–17 Croxton, Arthur 1868–? ......................... WWasWT Croze, Marie–Josee 1970–....................... CTFT–34 Cruche, Phina See ......................................... Oruche, Phina Crudup, Billy 1968– ................................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Cruickshank, Andrew 1907–1988 ............. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cruickshank, Gladys 1902–................... WWasWT Cruikshank, A. Stewart 1877–1949 ....... WWasWT Cruikshank, Stewart 1908–1966 ............ WWasWT Cruikshanks, Charles 1844–1928 .......... WWasWT Cruise, Tom 1962– .................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 16, 26 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Cruse, Doug See............................................. Kruse, Doug Crust, Arnold See ...................................... Winner, Michael Crutchley, Rosalie 1921–1997................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Cruttwell, Hugh 1918–........................... WWT–17 Cruz, Alexis 1974–.................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Cumming, Alan 1965– ............................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Cummings, Bob 1910(?)–1990 ................ CTFT–17 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Cummings, Brian ...................................... CTFT–53 Cummings, Constance 1910–.................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cummings, Erin ........................................ CTFT–88 Cummings, Irving 1888–1959 ................. CTFT–29 Cummings, Jim 1952– ............................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Cummings, Robert See............................................ Zombie, Rob Cummings, Vicki 1913–1969 ................ WWasWT Cummins, Gregory Scott .......................... CTFT–63 Cummins, Martin 1969–.......................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Cummins, Peggy 1925–......................... WWasWT Cumpsty, Michael 1960(?)– ..................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Cunati, Edwige Caroline See ..................................... Feuillere, Edwige Cundey, Dean 1946(?)– ........................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Cundieff, Rusty 1965(?)–.......................... CTFT–23 Cuningham, Philip 1865–? .................... WWasWT Cunliffe, Whit ......................................... WWasWT Cunningham, Colin 1966– ...................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Cunningham, J. Morgan See ................................ Westlake, Donald E. Cunningham, John 1932–........................ CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 27 Cunningham, Merce 1919– ..................... CTFT–20 Cunningham, Robert 1866–? ................. WWasWT Cunningham, Sarah 1919–1986 ................ CTFT–3 Cunningham, Sean S. 1941– ................... CTFT–61 Cuoco, Kaley 1985–................................ CTFT–62 Cuomo, Douglas J. ................................... CTFT–61 Cupito, Suzanne See ...................................... Brittany, Morgan Curatola, Vincent 1953–.......................... CTFT–89 Curel, Viscomte Francois de 1854–1928.................................... WWasWT Currah, Brian Mason 1929– ................... WWT–17 Curran, Leigh 1943–.................................. CTFT–5 Curran, Lynette 1945– ............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Curran, Tony 1969(?)– ............................. CTFT–86 Curreri, Lee 1961– .................................. CTFT–61 Currie, Clive 1877–1935 ....................... WWasWT Currie, Finlay 1878–1968...................... WWasWT Currie, Glenne 1926–................................ CTFT–1 Currie, Michael ........................................ CTFT–53 Currie, Sondra 1952– .............................. CTFT–59 Currier, Terrence ....................................... CTFT–38 Curry, Ann 1956– .................................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Curry, Christopher 1948– ........................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Curry, Julian 1937–.................................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11; WWT–17 Curry, Mark 1964(?)– ............................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Curry, Tim 1946–..................................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 17, 27 Curteis, Ian 1935– ................................... CTFT–10 Curtin, Jane 1947– .................................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 16, 26 Curtin, Valerie 1945(?)– ........................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18 Curtis, Anthony See ............................................. Curtis, Tony


Curtis, Cliff 1968– ................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Curtis, Dan 1928– ................................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Curtis, James See ............................................. Curtis, Tony Curtis, Jamie Lee 1958– .......................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 22, 32 Curtis, Jed................................................. CTFT–40 Curtis, Keene 1923(?)–............................. CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19; WWT–17 Curtis, Ken 1916–1991............................ CTFT–10 Curtis, Oliver ............................................ CTFT–83 Curtis, Price See ......................................... Ellison, Harlan Curtis, Richard 1956–.............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 26 Curtis, Simon 1960–................................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Curtis, Thomas 1991– ............................. CTFT–68 Curtis, Tony 1925– .................................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 35 Curtis–Brown, Robert 1956– ................... CTFT–49 Curtis–Hall, Vondie 1956– ...................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 29 Curwen, Patric 1884–1949.................... WWasWT Curzon, Aria Noelle 1987– ..................... CTFT–60 Curzon, Frank 1868–1927 ..................... WWasWT Curzon, George 1898– .......................... WWasWT Cusack, Ann 1961– ................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Cusack, Cyril 1910– .................................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cusack, Dick ............................................ CTFT–51 Cusack, Joan 1962–................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 26 Cusack, John 1966– ................................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 26 Cusack, Niamh 1959–............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Cusack, Sinead 1948– ............................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18; WWT–17 Cushing, Catherine Chisholm 1874–1952.................................... WWasWT Cushing, Peter 1913–1994 ........................ CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cushing, Tom 1879–1941...................... WWasWT Cushman, Robert 1943–......................... WWT–17 Cusick, Henry Ian 1967–......................... CTFT–85 Cutell, Lou................................................ CTFT–61 Cuthbert, Elisha 1982– ............................ CTFT–56 Cuthbert, Jon ............................................ CTFT–59 Cuthbert, Neil 1951–................................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Cuthbertson, Allan 1920–1988.................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cuthbertson, Iain 1930– .......................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Cutler, Kate 1870–1955 ......................... WWasWT Cutrona, Ryan........................................... CTFT–63 Cutter, Lise.................................................. CTFT–4 Cuvillier, Charles 1879–1955 ................ WWasWT Cypher, Jon 1932–................................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Cyphers, Charles 1939– .......................... CTFT–56 Cypress, Tawny 1976–............................. CTFT–76 Cyr, Myriam 1960–.................................. CTFT–51 Cyrus, Billy Ray 1961–............................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Cyrus, Miley 1992– ................................. CTFT–82

Cumulative Index

Cruz, Penelope 1974–............................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Cruz, Raymond ........................................ CTFT–52 Cruz, Valerie 1976–................................. CTFT–86 Cruz, Wilson 1973– ................................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 43 Cruze, Josh ............................................... CTFT–73 Cryer, Barry 1935– .................................. CTFT–34 Cryer, David 1936– ................................ WWT–17 Cryer, Gretchen 1935– .............................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cryer, Jon 1965–...................................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 16, 26 Cryer, Suzanne 1967(?)– .......................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Crystal, Billy 1947(?)–.............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 18, 29 Crystal, Jennifer 1973– ............................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Csokas, Marton 1966–............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Cuaco, Kaley See ........................................... Cuoco, Kaley Cubitt, David 1965(?)– ............................ CTFT–63 Cuccioli, Robert 1958– ........................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Cucinotta, Maria Grazia 1969– ............... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Cudlitz, Michael 1965–........................... CTFT–59 Cudney, Roger .......................................... CTFT–64 Cujo, Frank See ....................... Van Damme, Jean–Claude Cuka, Frances 1936–................................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Cukor, George 1899–1983 ........................ CTFT–1 Culea, Melinda 1955–............................. CTFT–36 Culhane, Shamus 1908–.......................... CTFT–10 Culkin, Kieran 1982– .............................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Culkin, Macaulay 1980(?)–...................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Culkin, Michael ........................................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Culkin, Rory 1989– ................................. CTFT–59 Cullen, Brett 1956– ................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Cullen, David 1942– ............................... CTFT–23 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14 Cullen, Max.............................................. CTFT–34 Cullen, Peter 1956–................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Cullen, Sean 1965– ................................. CTFT–80 Culley, Frederick 1879–1942................. WWasWT Culliton, Joseph 1948– ............................ CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Culliton, Patrick........................................ CTFT–24 Culliver, Karen 1959–.............................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Cullum, J. D. 1966– ................................ CTFT–54 Cullum, John 1930– ................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 13, 39; WWT–17 Culp, Joseph 1963– ................................. CTFT–82 Culp, Robert 1930– ................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 14, 38 Culp, Steven 1955– ................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–44 Culver, Michael 1938– ............................ CTFT–69 Culver, Roland 1900–1984..................... WWT–17 Culver, Timothy J. See ................................ Westlake, Donald E. Cumberland, Gerald 1879–1926 ........... WWasWT Cumberland, John 1880–? ..................... WWasWT



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92

Czerny, Henry 1959– .............................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 Czuchry, Matt 1977– ............................... CTFT–73

D Dabdoub, Jack 1925–................................ CTFT–2 Dabney, Augusta 1918– .......................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 D’Abo, Maryam 1960(?)– ........................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 38 D’Abo, Olivia 1969(?)– ........................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 29 Dacascos, Mark 1964–............................ CTFT–50 da Costa, Joao Benard See ................................. de Almeida, Duarte da Costa, Liz 1955– .................................. CTFT–6 Da Costa, Morton 1914–1989................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Dacosta, Yaya 1982–............................... CTFT–92 Daddo, Cameron 1965–.......................... CTFT–72 Daemer, Will See............................. Wade, Robert (Allison) Dafoe, Willem 1955– .............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 17, 28 Daggs, Percy III 1982– ............................ CTFT–77 Dagnall, Ells 1868–1935 ....................... WWasWT Dagnall, Thomas C. ?–1926 .................. WWasWT Dahl, Arlene 1928(?)– ............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Dahl, John 1956– .................................... CTFT–28 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Dahl, Roald 1916– .................................... CTFT–6 Dahlgren, Tom.......................................... CTFT–36 Daigle, Suzette ......................................... CTFT–39 Dailey, Dan 1915–1978 ......................... WWT–16 Dailey, Irene 1920– ................................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Daily, Bill 1928– ..................................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Daily, Elizabeth 1962– ............................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Dainard, Neil ........................................... CTFT–46 Daindridge, Dorothy See................................. Dandridge, Dorothy Dainton, Marie 1881–1938 ................... WWasWT Daises, Anthony See.................................. Margheriti, Antonio Daisies, Anthony See.................................. Margheriti, Antonio Dajani, Nadia 1965–............................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 39 Dakota, Alan See ............................................. Baltes, Alan D’Albert, George 1870–1949 ................ WWasWT Daldry, Stephen 1961(?)–......................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 Dale, Alan 1861–1928 .......................... WWasWT Dale, Alan 1947– .................................... CTFT–54 Dale, Esther See .............................................. May, Elaine Dale, Grover 1935– .................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Dale, Holly 1953–................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Dale, James Badge 1978– ....................... CTFT–73 Dale, James Littlewood 1886–............... WWasWT Dale, Jennifer 1955– ............................... CTFT–55 Dale, Jim 1935– ........................................ CTFT–3 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17

Dale, Margaret 1880–1972.................... WWasWT Dale, Margaret 1922–............................ WWasWT Daley, John Francis 1985–....................... CTFT–83 Dallas, J. J. 1853–1915.......................... WWasWT Dallas, Keith 1978(?)– ............................. CTFT–79 Dallas, Meredith Eugene 1916– ................ CTFT–1 Dallesandro, Joe 1948– ........................... CTFT–30 Dalmatoff, B. 1862–?............................. WWasWT D’Almeida, Duarte See ................................. de Almeida, Duarte D’Alroy, Evelyn ?–1915 ......................... WWasWT Dalrymple, Jean 1910–........................... WWT–17 Dalton, Abby 1935–.................................. CTFT–7 Dalton, Charles 1864–1942................... WWasWT Dalton, Doris 1910–.............................. WWasWT Dalton, Dorothy 1893–1972 ................. WWasWT Dalton, Jessie See ....................................... Quigley, Linnea Dalton, Kristen ......................................... CTFT–63 Dalton, Timothy 1944(?)– ........................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Daltrey, Roger 1944–............................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 34 Dalva, Robert 1942– ................................. CTFT–1 Daly, Arnold 1875–1927 ....................... WWasWT Daly, Blyth 1902–.................................. WWasWT Daly, Bob 1936– ..................................... CTFT–10 Daly, Carson 1973–................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Daly, Dutch 1848–?............................... WWasWT Daly, James 1918–1978.......................... WWT–16 Daly, Jane 1948– ..................................... CTFT–69 Daly, John 1937–..................................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Daly, John Charles 1914–1991................ CTFT–13 Daly, Mark 1887–1957.......................... WWasWT Daly, Timothy 1956– ............................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Daly, Tyne 1946– .................................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 24 D’Amato, Paul .......................................... CTFT–33 D’Amboise, Charlotte 1965(?)–................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Dames, Rob 1944–.................................... CTFT–4 D’Amico, Kirk .......................................... CTFT–80 Damon, Gabriel 1976– ........................... CTFT–82 Damon, John See.......................................... McCook, John Damon, Mark 1933– ............................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 38 Damon, Matt 1970– ................................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Damon, Stuart 1937– .............................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Damski, Mel 1946–................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Damus, Mike 1979–................................ CTFT–30 Dana, Barbara 1940– .............................. CTFT–86 Dana, Bill 1924– ....................................... CTFT–9 Dana, F. Mitchell 1942–.......................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Dana, Henry 1855–1921....................... WWasWT Dana, Leora 1923–................................. WWT–17 Danby, Noah 1974– ................................ CTFT–82 Dance, Charles 1946–............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 4, 11, 18, 30 Dance, George 1865–1932 ................... WWasWT Dandridge, Dorothy 1922–1965 ............. CTFT–27 Dane, Clemence 1888–1965................. WWasWT Dane, Eric 1972(?)– ................................. CTFT–67 Dane, Ethel............................................. WWasWT Dane, Marjorie 1898– ........................... WWasWT Daneman, Paul 1925–............................ WWT–17


Danes, Claire 1979–................................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Danforth, William 1867–1941............... WWasWT Dang, Tim ................................................ CTFT–20 D’Angelo, Beverly 1953(?)–..................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 5, 18, 30 Dangerfield, Dick See ................................... Compton, Richard Dangerfield, Rodney 1922(?)– ................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 14, 24 Daniel, Brittany 1976– ............................ CTFT–69 Daniel, Gregg ........................................... CTFT–54 Daniel, Rod .............................................. CTFT–36 Daniel, Sean 1951–................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Daniel, T. 1945–........................................ CTFT–1 Daniele, Graciela 1939– ......................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37 Danielewski, Tad ........................................ CTFT–3 Daniell, Henry 1894–1963.................... WWasWT Danielovitch, Issur See........................................... Douglas, Kirk Daniels, Anthony 1946–.......................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Daniels, Beata Pozniak See......................................... Pozniak, Beata Daniels, Bebe 1901–1971 ..................... WWasWT Daniels, Danny See ............................................ Giagni, D. J. Daniels, Danny 1924– .............................. CTFT–3 Daniels, Faith 1958(?)–............................ CTFT–14 Daniels, Frank 1860–1935 .................... WWasWT Daniels, J. D. 1980–................................ CTFT–44 Daniels, Jackson See............................................. Woren, Dan Daniels, Jake See ............................................. Martin, Dan Daniels, Jeff 1955– .................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 23 Daniels, John Billingslea, Beau ............................. CTFT–74 Daniels, Marc c. 1912–1989 ...................... CTFT–8 Daniels, Phil 1958–................................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Daniels, Ron 1942–................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Daniels, Spencer 1992– .......................... CTFT–91 Daniels, Warren See............................................. Woren, Dan Daniels, William 1927–........................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9 Danielson, Richard ................................... CTFT–84 Danilova, Alexandra 1907–................... WWasWT Danker, Eli................................................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Danna, Jeff 1964– ................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Danna, Mychael 1958–........................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Danner, Blythe 1944(?)– .......................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5, 12, 20, 29; WWT–17 Danning, Sybil.......................................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 16 Danninger, Sybille See......................................... Danning, Sybil Dano, Linda 1943– ................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Dano, Royal 1922–1994 ........................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–13 Danova, Cesare 1926–1992 .................... CTFT–29 Dansey, Herbert 1870–1917.................. WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Davalos, Alexa 1982– ............................. CTFT–86 Davalos, Elyssa 1959–............................. CTFT–86 Davalos, Richard 1935– .......................... CTFT–86 Davenport, Harry 1866–1949................ WWasWT Davenport, Jack 1973(?)– ........................ CTFT–56 Davenport, Nigel 1928–.......................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Davey, Bruce ............................................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Davey, Nuna 1902–............................... WWasWT Davey, Peter 1857–1946 ....................... WWasWT Davi, Robert 1952(?)–.............................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 26 Daviau, Allen 1942– ............................... CTFT–10 Davico, Rich See ...................................... McBride, Danny David, Clifford 1932–.............................. CTFT–59 David, Hal 1921–.................................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 David, Joanna 1947–............................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19, 30 David, Keith 1956(?)–.............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15 David, Larry 1947– ................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 David, Worton ?–1940 .......................... WWasWT Davidovich, Lolita 1961– ........................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 29 Davidson, Adam 1964–........................... CTFT–86 Davidson, Amy 1979–............................. CTFT–74 Davidson, Boaz 1943– ............................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Davidson, Eileen 1959– .......................... CTFT–27 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Davidson, Gordon 1933–....................... WWT–17 Davidson, Jack 1936– ............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Davidson, John 1941–............................. CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Davidson, Martin 1939–.......................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Davidson, Richard M. 1940– .................... CTFT–2 Davidson, Tommy 1963(?)– ..................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Davidson, Tonja Walker See........................................... Walker, Tonja Davidtz, Embeth 1966–........................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 Davies, Acton 1870–1916 ..................... WWasWT Davies, Ben 1858–1943 ........................ WWasWT Davies, Betty–Ann 1910–1955 .............. WWasWT Davies, Edna 1905–............................... WWasWT Davies, Gareth ......................................... CTFT–42 Davies, Geraint Wyn 1957– .................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Davies, Glynis .......................................... CTFT–69 Davies, Harry Parr 1914–1955 .............. WWasWT Davies, Howard 1945(?)– ........................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Davies, Hubert Henry 1869–1932......... WWasWT Davies, Jackson ........................................ CTFT–54 Davies, Jeremy 1969– ............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Davies, John Rhys See ................................... Rhys–Davies, John Davies, Kimberley 1973– ........................ CTFT–79 Davies, Lane 1950–................................. CTFT–38 Davies, Marion 1897–1961 ................... WWasWT Davies, Robertson 1913– .......................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Davies, Siobhan 1950–............................ CTFT–11 Davies, Tamara......................................... CTFT–58 Davies, Terence 1945– ............................ CTFT–15


Davies, Valentine 1905–1961.................. CTFT–21 Daviot, Gordon 1897–1952 .................. WWasWT Davis, Allan 1913–................................. WWT–17 Davis, Allen III 1929– ............................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Davis, Andrew 1946(?)– .......................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Davis, Ann B. 1926– ................................. CTFT–3 Davis, Ariel 1912– .................................... CTFT–1 Davis, B. J. ............................................... CTFT–65 Davis, Bette 1908–1989 ............................ CTFT–8 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Davis, Bill See .................................... Davis, William B. Davis, Boyd 1885–1963 ........................ WWasWT Davis, Brad 1949–1991............................. CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–10 Davis, Brianne 1982–.............................. CTFT–89 Davis, Bud................................................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Davis, Carl 1936– ................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35; WWT–17 Davis, Carole 1953–................................ CTFT–61 Davis, Clayton 1948–................................ CTFT–3 Davis, Clifton 1945– ............................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Davis, Dana 1978– ................................. CTFT–76 Davis, Dane A. 1957(?)–.......................... CTFT–51 Davis, Daniel 1945– ............................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 39 Davis, DeRay ........................................... CTFT–83 Davis, Don 1957– ................................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Davis, Don S. 1942– ............................... CTFT–79 Davis, Donald 1928–1998 ...................... CTFT–10 Obituary in CTFT–22 Davis, Duane ........................................... CTFT–53 Davis, Fay 1872–1945........................... WWasWT Davis, Geena 1956–................................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 41 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Davis, Gene ............................................. CTFT–65 Davis, George “Bud” See............................................... Davis, Bud Davis, Gilbert 1899– ............................. WWasWT Davis, Hal 1950– ...................................... CTFT–6 Davis, Hope 1964– ................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Davis, Jeff 1950– ..................................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9 Davis, Joan 1906–1961 ......................... WWasWT Davis, Joe 1912–1984 ............................ WWT–17 Davis, John............................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Davis, Judy 1955– ................................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 27 Davis, Kevin 1945– ................................... CTFT–4 Davis, Kristin 1965– ................................ CTFT–44 Davis, Luther 1921– .................................. CTFT–3 Davis, Mac 1942– ................................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Davis, Martin Sandford 1927–................. CTFT–12 Davis, Matthew 1978– ............................ CTFT–66 Davis, Michael 1936– ............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19 Davis, Nathan 1917– .............................. CTFT–56 Davis, Nathaniel Newnham See.................... Newnham–Davis, Nathaniel Davis, Ossie 1917– ................................. CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 9, 18; WWT–17 Davis, Owen 1874–1956 ...................... WWasWT Davis, Owen 1907–1949 ...................... WWasWT Davis, Palmer ........................................... CTFT–92

Cumulative Index

Danshaw, Jeff See................................... Dashnaw, Jeffrey J. Danson, Randy ......................................... CTFT–32 Danson, Ted 1947– ................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 23 Dante, Joe 1946– .................................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Dante, Maria See......................................... Winters, David Dante, Nicholas 1941–1991.................... CTFT–11 Dantes, Edmond See ........................................... Hughes, John Danton, Ray 1931–1992.......................... CTFT–11 Danvers, Johnny 1870–1939 ................. WWasWT Danza, Tony 1951– ................................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 19, 30 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Dapkunaite, Ingeborga 1963– ................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 D’Aquino, John 1958– ............................ CTFT–69 Darabont, Frank 1959– ........................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 D’Arbanville, Patti 1951– ........................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 38 Darbo, Patrika 1948– .............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Darby, Jonathan........................................ CTFT–30 Darby, Ken 1909–1992............................ CTFT–11 Darby, Kim 1948– ..................................... CTFT–3 Darbyshire, Iris 1905– ........................... WWasWT Darden, Severn 1929–1995....................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–14 DaRe, Aldo See ................................................. Ray, Aldo Dare, Daphne.......................................... WWT–17 Dare, Phyllis 1890–1975 ....................... WWasWT Dare, Zena 1887–1975 ......................... WWasWT Darewski, Herman 1883–1929.............. WWasWT Darga, Christopher ................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Dark, Sidney 1874–1947....................... WWasWT Darke, Nick 1948–.................................. CTFT–12 Darley, Herbert ....................................... WWasWT Darling, Jennifer 1946– ........................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Darling, T. H. See............................. Harris, Thomas Walter Darlington, William Aubrey 1890–1979..................................... WWT–16 Darlow, Cynthia 1949– ............................. CTFT–1 Darr, Lisa 1963– ...................................... CTFT–58 Darragh, Miss ?–1917............................ WWasWT Darrell, Maisie 1901–............................ WWasWT Darren, James 1936–............................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Darrow, Henry 1933–.............................. CTFT–47 Darrow, Tony 1946–................................ CTFT–91 Darst, Danny ............................................ CTFT–30 Darthy, Gilda .......................................... WWasWT Darvas, Lili 1906–1974 ......................... WWasWT D’Arville, Camille 1863–1932............... WWasWT Dash, Stacey 1966–................................. CTFT–67 Dashnaw, Jeffrey J..................................... CTFT–42 Da Silva, Howard 1909–1986................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Dassanowsky, Elfi See ............................. Von Dassanowsky, Elfi Dastor, Sam .............................................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Datas 1876–?......................................... WWasWT Daubeny, Peter 1921–1975 ................... WWasWT Daunt, William 1893–1938 ................... WWasWT Dauphin, Claude 1903–1978 ................. WWT–17


DAVIS Davis, Phoebe 1865–? ........................... WWasWT Davis, R. G. 1933–.................................... CTFT–2 Davis, Ray C. ............................................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Davis, Richard Harding 1864–1916 ...... WWasWT Davis, Sammi 1964– ............................... CTFT–38 Davis, Sammy, Jr. 1925–1990.................. CTFT–11 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Davis, Tom Buffen 1867–1931 .............. WWasWT Davis, Ty See............................................... Davis, B. J. Davis, Viola 1965–.................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Davis, Viveka ........................................... CTFT–30 Davis, Warwick 1970– ............................ CTFT–45 Davis, Wendy........................................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Davis, William B. 1938– ......................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 29 Davis, William Boyd 1885–? ................. WWasWT Davis, William Stanford 1951–................ CTFT–82 Davison, Bruce 1946–............................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Davison, Jon 1949–................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Davison, Peter 1951– .............................. CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Davis–Voss, Sammi See .......................................... Davis, Sammi Davoli, Andrew 1973– ............................ CTFT–85 Davys, Edmund 1947– .............................. CTFT–7 Dawber, Pam 1954–.................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Dawe, Thomas F. 1881–1928................ WWasWT Dawn, Hazel 1891–1988 ...................... WWasWT Dawn, Jeff ................................................ CTFT–36 Dawson, Anna............................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Dawson, Anthony M. See.................................. Margheriti, Antonio Dawson, Beatrice 1908–1976 ................ WWT–16 Dawson, Forbes 1860–? ........................ WWasWT Dawson, Joseph J. .................................... CTFT–44 Dawson, Kamala See .......................... Lopez–Dawson, Kamala Dawson, Portia ......................................... CTFT–73 Dawson, Richard 1932–............................ CTFT–8 Dawson, Rosario 1979– .......................... CTFT–66 Dawson, Roxann 1964– .......................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 16, 39 Day, Doris 1924– ...................................... CTFT–7 Day, Edith 1896–1971 ........................... WWasWT Day, Felicia 1979– .................................. CTFT–92 Day, Frances 1908– ............................... WWasWT Day, Laraine 1920– ................................. CTFT–27 Day, Larry 1963–..................................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Day, Linda 1938– ...................................... CTFT–7 Day, Lynda See.................................. George, Lynda Day Day, Marjorie 1889–.............................. WWasWT Day, Matt 1971(?)– .................................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Day, Richard Digby 1940– ..................... WWT–17 Day, Robert 1922–................................... CTFT–11 Day, Roxanne ........................................... CTFT–80 Day, Simon............................................... CTFT–38 Day, Wendee See............................................ Lee, Wendee Day–Lewis, Daniel 1957– ....................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16 Brief Entry in CTFT–6 Dazey, Charles Turner 1853–1938......... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Dazie, Mdlle. 1882–1952...................... WWasWT Deacon, Brian 1949– ................................ CTFT–4 Deacon, Richard 1923–1984 .................... CTFT–2 Deakin, Julia............................................. CTFT–34 Deakins, Roger 1949– ............................. CTFT–45 de Almeida, Duarte .................................. CTFT–38 de Almeida, Joaquim 1957– .................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Dean, Basil 1888–1978 ......................... WWasWT Dean, Erica See........................................... Burstyn, Ellen Dean, Isabel ............................................ WWT–17 Dean, James 1931–1955 ......................... CTFT–20 Dean, Julia 1880–1952.......................... WWasWT Dean, Laura 1963–.................................... CTFT–3 Dean, Loren 1969– ................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Dean, Ron ................................................ CTFT–79 Deane, Barbara 1886–? ......................... WWasWT Deane, Tessa........................................... WWasWT De Angelis, Jefferson 1859–1933........... WWasWT De Angelis, Rosemary 1933– .................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Deans, F. Harris 1886–1961 .................. WWasWT Dearden, Harold 1882–1962................. WWasWT Dearden, James 1949– ............................ CTFT–10 Dearden, Robin ........................................ CTFT–56 Dearing, Peter 1912–............................. WWasWT Dearly, Max 1875–1943 ........................ WWasWT Dearth, Harry 1876–1933 ..................... WWasWT Deas, Justin 1948– .................................. CTFT–61 De Baer, Jean............................................ CTFT–53 De Bankole, Isaach 1957– ...................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 de Banzi, Lois............................................. CTFT–1 De Banzie, Brenda 1915– ..................... WWasWT De Basil, Wassily ?–1951 ...................... WWasWT Debatin, Jackie 1972– ............................. CTFT–73 De Bear, Archibald 1889–1970 ............. WWasWT De Belleville, Frederic 1857–1923 ........ WWasWT DeBello, James 1980– ............................. CTFT–73 Debenham, Cicely 1891–1955.............. WWasWT Debney, John 1957–................................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 de Boer, Nicole 1970– ............................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 DeBonis, Marcia....................................... CTFT–73 de Bont, Jan 1943–.................................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 De Bray, Henry 1889–1965................... WWasWT De Burgh, Aimee ?–1946....................... WWasWT Debuskey, Merle 1923–............................. CTFT–4 DeCarlo, Mark 1962–.............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 De Carlo, Yvonne 1924–2007 ................. CTFT–24 Obituary in CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 De Casalis, Jeanne 1897–1966.............. WWasWT Deckert, Blue ........................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 De Coguel, Constantin See ............................... Gregory, Constantine de Coppet, Theodosia See ............................................. Bara, Theda De Cordoba, Pedro 1881–1950............. WWasWT De Cordova, Frederick 1910– ................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 De Cordova, Rudolph 1860–1941......... WWasWT Decourcelle, Pierre 1856–1926 ............. WWasWT De Courville, Albert P. 1887–1960........ WWasWT Decter, Ed 1959–..................................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Dedio, Joey 1966– .................................. CTFT–54


DeDomenico, Richard 1936–.................... CTFT–2 Dedrick, Christopher 1947– .................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Dee, George See ...................................... Chakiris, George Dee, Ruby 1924– .................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9, 35; WWT–17 Dee, Sandra 1942–.................................. CTFT–21 Deeley, Michael 1932– ........................... CTFT–12 Deen, Paula 1947–.................................. CTFT–91 Deer, Don See ............................................ Murray, Don Deering, Olive 1919–1986........................ CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Deezen, Eddie 1958– .............................. CTFT–53 De Felitta, Raymond 1964–..................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 De Fina, Barbara 1949– .......................... CTFT–44 De Foe, Louis Vincent 1869–1922 ........ WWasWT De Fontenoy, Diane 1878–? .................. WWasWT De Fore, Don 1919–1993 ......................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–13 De Frece, Lauri 1880–1921................... WWasWT De Frece, Walter 1870–? ....................... WWasWT DeGeneres, Ellen 1958–.......................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 De Gogeul, Constantin See ............................... Gregory, Constantine De Groot, Walter 1896–........................ WWasWT de haas, Darius 1968– ............................ CTFT–60 De Hartog, Jan 1914– ............................... CTFT–2 Dehaven, Gloria 1925(?)– ....................... CTFT–61 de Havilland, Olivia 1916–....................... CTFT–6 Dehelly, Emile 1871–? ........................... WWasWT Dehn, Paul 1912–1976 .......................... WWT–16 Dehner, John 1915–1992 .......................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–10 Deitch, Donna 1945–.............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 De Jesus, Wanda 1960– .......................... CTFT–59 DeKay, Tim............................................... CTFT–53 Dekker, Albert 1905–1962..................... WWasWT Dekker, Thomas 1987–............................ CTFT–59 Deknight, Steven S. .................................. CTFT–90 DeKoven, Reginald 1859–1920............. WWasWT Delafield, E.M. 1890–1943.................... WWasWT de la Fuente, Cristian 1974(?)– ................ CTFT–63 De La Fuente, Joel 1969–........................ CTFT–90 De La Garza, Alana 1976–...................... CTFT–74 de la Giroday, Francois See..................................... Giroday, Francois de la Haye, Ina 1906–........................... WWasWT de Lancie, John 1948– ............................ CTFT–54 Delaney, Kim 1961–................................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 16, 26 Delaney, Shelagh 1939–............................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 DeLange, Herman 1851–1929 .............. WWasWT Delano, Diane 1957–.............................. CTFT–58 Delano, Michael 1940–........................... CTFT–88 Delany, Dana 1956– ............................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 29 de la Pasture, Mrs. Henry 1866–1945.................................... WWasWT DeLappe, Gemze 1922– ........................... CTFT–3 DeLaria, Lea 1958– ................................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 de la Roche, Elisa 1949–........................... CTFT–4 Delarosa, Yvonne ..................................... CTFT–69 De La Tour, Frances 1944–...................... CTFT–23 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11; WWT–17 Delaunay, Louis 1854–?......................... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 DeLuise, Peter 1966– .............................. CTFT–46 De Lungo, Tony 1892– .......................... WWasWT Delysia, Alice 1889– ............................. WWasWT Demarest, William 1892–1983.................. CTFT–2 De Marney, Derrick 1906–1971 ............ WWasWT De Marney, Terence 1909–1971............ WWasWT De Matteo, Drea 1973– .......................... CTFT–53 DeMay, Tim See .............................................. DeKay, Tim de Medeiros, Maria 1965– ...................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Demeger, Robert....................................... CTFT–30 Demeo, William ...................................... CTFT–91 de Mille, Agnes 1905–1993 ...................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 de Mille, Cecil B. 1881–1959 ............... WWasWT de Mille, William C. 1878–1955 ........... WWasWT Deming, Peter 1957– .............................. CTFT–53 Demita, John 1956(?)–............................. CTFT–79 Demme, Jonathan 1944–......................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 14, 43 Demme, Ted 1963–2002......................... CTFT–30 Obituary in CTFT–49 De Montherlant, Henry 1896– .............. WWasWT De Mornay, Rebecca 1961(?)–................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11, 18, 29 Brief Entry in CTFT2 Dempsey, Michael.................................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Dempsey, Patrick 1966–.......................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14 Dempster, Hugh 1900–1987.................. WWasWT De Munn, Jeffrey 1947– .......................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 34 Demy, Jacques 1931–1990........................ CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–10 Denby, Noah See ........................................... Danby, Noah Dench, Judi 1934– .................................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 22, 32; WWT–17 Denes, Oscar 1893–.............................. WWasWT Deneuve, Catherine 1943–...................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 4, 14, 24 Denham, Isolde 1920– .......................... WWasWT Denham, Maurice 1909– .......................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Denham, Reginald 1894–....................... WWT–17 Denier, Lydie 1964– ................................ CTFT–59 De Niro, Drena ........................................ CTFT–53 De Niro, Robert 1943–............................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 10, 18, 29 Denis, Claire 1948– ................................ CTFT–31 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Denis, Neil 1987– ................................... CTFT–71 Denisof, Alexis 1966– ............................. CTFT–42 Denison, Anthony John 1950– ................ CTFT–48 Denison, Michael 1915–1998 ................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–22 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Denker, Henry 1912– ................................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Denkner, Eli See ............................................... Danker, Eli Denman, Tony 1979–.............................. CTFT–71 Dennehy, Brian 1938–............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 20, 31 Dennehy, Elizabeth................................... CTFT–53 Dennen, Barry 1938– .............................. CTFT–69 Dennis, Alfred .......................................... CTFT–64 Dennis, Neil See .............................................. Denis, Neil


Dennis, Peter 1933–................................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Dennis, Sandy 1937–1992 ...................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Dennison, Sally 1941– .............................. CTFT–3 Denny, Ernest 1862–1943...................... WWasWT Denny, Reginald 1891–1967 ................. WWasWT Denny, Simon Baker See............................................ Baker, Simon Denny, William Henry 1853–1915........ WWasWT Denoff, Sam 1928– ................................... CTFT–4 Densham, Pen 1947– .............................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 22 Dent, Alan 1905–1978........................... WWT–16 Dent, Catherine ........................................ CTFT–54 Dent–Cox, Tom ........................................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Denton, Frank 1878–1945..................... WWasWT Denton, Jamie 1963– .............................. CTFT–53 Dentzer, Susan 1955–.............................. CTFT–42 Denver, Bob 1935– ................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Denver, John 1943–1997......................... CTFT–15 Obituary in CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Denville, Alfred J. P. 1876–1955 ........... WWasWT de Oliveira, Manoel 1908– ..................... CTFT–26 De Palma, Brian 1940– ........................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 24 DePandi, Giuliana See...................................... Rancic, Giuliana Depardieu, Gerard 1948– ....................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15 DePatie, David H. 1930– ........................ CTFT–10 Depp, Johnny 1963– ............................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 29 Depre, Ernest 1854–?............................. WWasWT de Prume, Cathryn ................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 De Ravin, Emilie 1981– .......................... CTFT–69 Deray See........................................... Davis, DeRay Derek, Bo 1956– ..................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 33 Derek, John 1926–1998 ............................ CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–21 De Reyes, Consuelo 1893–1948 ........... WWasWT Dermot, John See................................................ Neill, Sam Dern, Bruce 1936–.................................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 18, 31 Dern, Laura 1967– .................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 29 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 DeRose, Chris 1948–............................... CTFT–88 de Rossi, Portia 1973–............................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Derr, Richard 1917– .............................. WWasWT Derrah, Thomas........................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Derricks, Cleavant 1953– ........................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 18, 42 Derryberry, Debi....................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Derwent, Clarence 1884–1959.............. WWasWT Derwin, Mark 1960– ............................... CTFT–75 De Sanctis, Alfredo ................................. WWasWT Desando, Anthony 1965–........................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 De Santis, Joe 1909–1989 ......................... CTFT–1 De Santis, Tony ........................................ CTFT–62 Desantis, Stanley ...................................... CTFT–41 DeSanto, Daniel 1980(?)–........................ CTFT–74

Cumulative Index

De Laurentiis, Dino 1919(?)–................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 38 De Laurentiis, Giada 1970– .................... CTFT–91 De Laurentiis, Raffaella 1954– ................ CTFT–83 Delawari, Yasmine.................................... CTFT–84 Delderfield, R. F. 1912–1972................. WWasWT De Legh, Kitty 1887–? ........................... WWasWT De Leon, Jack 1897–1956 ..................... WWasWT DeLeon, Idalis 1966– .............................. CTFT–74 Delerue, Georges 1924–1992.................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–11 Delevines ............................................... WWasWT Delfino, Majandra 1981– ........................ CTFT–54 Delfont, Bernard 1909–.......................... WWT–17 Delgado, Henry See......................................... Darrow, Henry Del Grande, Louis .................................... CTFT–64 Del Hoyo, George .................................... CTFT–56 D’Elia, Bill ................................................ CTFT–53 Delia, Joe ................................................. CTFT–81 de Liagre, Alfred 1904–1987..................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 de Lint, Derek 1950– .............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Delisle, Grey 1972(?)–............................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 DeLizia, Cara ........................................... CTFT–63 Delk, Denny............................................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Dell’Agnese, Norma ................................. CTFT–50 Dell, Charlie 1943–................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Dell, Floyd 1887–1969.......................... WWasWT Dell, Gabriel 1919–1988 .......................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Dell, Jeffrey 1899–................................. WWasWT Delli Colli, Tonino 1923–........................ CTFT–28 Dellums, Erik Todd 1964– ....................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Del Mar, Maria 1964– ............................. CTFT–75 Del Negro, Matthew 1972–..................... CTFT–91 Deloach, Nikki 1979– ............................. CTFT–89 Delon, Alain 1935–................................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 De Longis, Anthony 1950–...................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Delorenzo, Michael 1959(?)– .................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 38 Delorme, Hugues ................................... WWasWT De Los Reyes, Kamar 1967– ................... CTFT–54 Deloy, George See ................................... Del Hoyo, George Deloy, George 1953– ................................ CTFT–4 Delpy, Julie 1969–................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 del Rio, Dolores 1905–1983 ................... CTFT–20 del Rivero, Conchita See............................................ Rivera, Chita Delroy, Irene 1898–............................... WWasWT Del Ruth, Thomas 1943(?)– ..................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 del Toro, Benicio 1967– .......................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 29 Del Toro, Guillermo 1964– ..................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 De Luca, Michael 1965–......................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 DeLuise, Carol 1935–.............................. CTFT–46 DeLuise, David 1971–............................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 DeLuise, Dom 1933– .............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 9, 18, 29 DeLuise, Michael 1970– ......................... CTFT–44


DeSANTO DeSanto, Susie ......................................... CTFT–65 Des Barres, Michael 1948– ..................... CTFT–48 Desborough, Philip 1883–? ................... WWasWT Descaves, Lucien 1861–1949................ WWasWT DeScenna, Linda 1949– .......................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Deschanel, Caleb 1944– ......................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 24 Deschanel, Emily 1978–.......................... CTFT–68 Deschanel, Zooey 1980– ........................ CTFT–68 De Selincourt, Hugh 1878–1951........... WWasWT Desert, Alex 1968–.................................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Desfontaines, Henri 1876–?................... WWasWT De Shields, Andre 1946– ........................ CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7; WWT–17 De Sica, Vittorio 1902(?)–1974................ CTFT–24 Desiderio, Robert 1951– ......................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 De Silva, N. 1868–1949........................ WWasWT Desjardins, Maxime ................................ WWasWT Deslys, Gaby 1884–1920 ...................... WWasWT Desmond, Dan 1944– ............................... CTFT–5 Desmond, Florence 1905– .................... WWasWT DeSoto, Rosana 1950(?)–......................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 De Sousa, May 1887–1948 ................... WWasWT De Sousa, Melissa 1967– ........................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 de Souza, Steve 1947– ............................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Desplechin, Arnaud 1960–...................... CTFT–28 Despotovich, Nada 1967–....................... CTFT–68 Despres, Loraine......................................... CTFT–6 Despres, Suzanne 1875–1951 ............... WWasWT Desprez, Frank 1853–1916 ................... WWasWT D’Este, Coco 1952–................................. CTFT–74 Destefano, Ron ......................................... CTFT–62 Destry, John B........................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Desvallieres, Maurice 1857–1926 ......... WWasWT De Sylva B. G. 1895–1950 ................... WWasWT Detmer, Amanda 1971– .......................... CTFT–61 Detmers, Maruschka 1962–..................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 De Torrebruna, Riccardo .......................... CTFT–33 De Toth, Andre 1913–............................. CTFT–15 Deutch, Howard....................................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 22 Deutsch, Benoit–Leon 1892–................. WWasWT Deutsch, Helen 1906– .............................. CTFT–4 Deutsch, Stephen See........................................ Simon, Stephen De Vahl, Anders 1869–? ........................ WWasWT Deval, Jacques 1895–1972.................... WWasWT De Valentina, Rudolpho See .................................. Valentino, Rudolph De Valois, Ninette 1898– ...................... WWasWT Devally Piazza, Dana ............................... CTFT–65 Devane, William 1937(?)– ....................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 33 Devant, David 1863–?........................... WWasWT Devarona, Joanna See........................................... Kerns, Joanna Devarona, Joanne See........................................... Kerns, Joanna Deveau, Marie–Sylvie 1963(?)– ............... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 DeVeaux, Nathaniel ................................. CTFT–54 Dever, Seamus 1976–.............................. CTFT–68 Devereaux, Terry See ............................................ Torme, Tracy Deverell, John W. 1880–1965 ............... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Devereux, William ?–1945 .................... WWasWT Devers, Claire........................................... CTFT–29 Devine, Aidan .......................................... CTFT–62 Devine, Andy 1905–1977 ....................... CTFT–21 Devine, George 1910–1966 .................. WWasWT DeVine, Lawrence 1935– .......................... CTFT–1 Devine, Loretta 1949–............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 DeVito, Danny 1944– ............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 24 Devlin, Alan ............................................. CTFT–53 Devlin, Dean 1962–................................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 18, 25, 30 Devlin, Jay 1929–...................................... CTFT–1 Devlin, Ryan 1980–................................. CTFT–78 Devlin, William 1911–1987 .................. WWasWT Devon, Mari See ................................................ Alan, Jane Devon, Tony 1951–................................. CTFT–53 Devore, Gaston 1859–? ......................... WWasWT DeVore, Cain 1960–.................................. CTFT–6 De Vries, Henry ...................................... WWasWT De Vries, Peter 1910–................................ CTFT–1 deVry, William 1968–.............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Dewan, Jenna 1980–............................... CTFT–91 De Warfaz, George 1889–1966............. WWasWT Dewell, Michael 1931–............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Dewhurst, Colleen 1924–1991 ................ CTFT–11 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Dewhurst, Keith 1931–.............................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 De Winton, Alice.................................... WWasWT DeWitt, Joyce 1949– ............................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 41 De Wolfe, Billy 1907–1974................... WWasWT De Wolfe, Elsie 1865–1950................... WWasWT Dews, Peter 1929–1997 ............................ CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Dexter, Aubrey 1898–1958.................... WWasWT Dexter, John 1925(?)–1990 ...................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Dexter, L. T. See...................................... Poindexter, Larry Dey, Susan 1952–.................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 22 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 De Young, Cliff 1946(?)– ......................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 12, 23 De Zarn, Tim 1952–................................ CTFT–46 D’Gard, Mike See ..................................... Gregory, Michael D’Gord, Mike See ..................................... Gregory, Michael Diaghileff, Serge 1872–1929 ................. WWasWT Diakun, Alex ............................................ CTFT–65 Diamond Dallas Page See ...................................... Falkinburg, Page Diamond, Dustin 1977–.......................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Diamond, Elizabeth See........................................... Diamond, Liz Diamond, I. A. L. 1920–1988.................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Diamond, Liz ........................................... CTFT–26 Diamond, Margaret 1916– ..................... WWT–17 Diamond, Matthew 1951– ...................... CTFT–64 Diamond, Neil 1941– ............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25


Diamond, Reed 1964(?)–......................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Diamond, Selma 1921–1985..................... CTFT–2 Diamond, Sheryl Lee See............................................... Lee, Sheryl Diamont, Don 1962– .............................. CTFT–38 Dianard, Neil See........................................... Dainard, Neil Diaquino, John See........................................ D’Aquino, John Diaz, Arnold 1949–................................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Diaz, Cameron 1972– ............................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Diaz, Guillermo ....................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Di Bianco, Louis....................................... CTFT–75 DiCaprio, Leonardo 1974(?)– .................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 Dicenta, Joaquin 1860–? ....................... WWasWT DiCenzo, George...................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 DiCillo, Tom 1954–................................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Dick, Andy 1965– ................................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 32 Dick, Philip K. 1928–1982...................... CTFT–23 Dickens, C. Stafford 1896–1967............ WWasWT Dickens, Kim ............................................ CTFT–48 Dickerson, Ernest 1951–.......................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22, 43 Dickerson, George...................................... CTFT–6 Dickey, Paul 1884–1933 ....................... WWasWT Dickinson, Angie 1931–.......................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 13, 24 Dickinson, Janice 1955(?)– ...................... CTFT–69 Dicknson, Elizabeth Ann See ........................................ Pena, Elizabeth Dickson, Barbara 1948–.......................... CTFT–25 Dickson, Dorothy 1896– ....................... WWasWT Dickson, Neil ........................................... CTFT–61 Dickson, Ngila 1958– ............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Didring, Ernst 1868–1931...................... WWasWT Diehl, John 1958(?)–................................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Diener, Joan 1934–.................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Diesel, Vin 1967–.................................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Dietrich, Dena 1928–.............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Dietrich, Marlene 1901(?)–1992.............. CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Dietz, Howard 1896–1983..................... WWT–17 Dietz, Michael 1971–.............................. CTFT–63 Digaetano, Joe 1952–.............................. CTFT–42 Digges, Dudley 1879–1947................... WWasWT Diggs, Elizabeth 1939–.............................. CTFT–3 Diggs, Taye 1972(?)– ............................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Dighton, John 1909– .............................. WWT–16 Dignam, Arthur 1939– ............................ CTFT–40 Dignam, Mark 1909–1989 ...................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 DiLauro, Stephen 1950– .......................... CTFT–11 Dill, Deena............................................... CTFT–69 Dillahunt, Garret 1964– .......................... CTFT–54 Dillane, Stephen 1957–........................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Dillard, Victoria 1969–............................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Diller, Barry 1942– .................................... CTFT–3

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Dixon, Campbell 1895–1960 ................ WWasWT Dixon, Donna 1957– .............................. CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Dixon, George See................................................ Willis, Ted Dixon, Ivan 1931– .................................... CTFT–8 Dixon, Jean 1896–1981......................... WWasWT Dixon, Leslie ............................................ CTFT–67 Dixon, MacIntyre 1931– ......................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Dixon, Neil See .......................................... Dickson, Neil Dixon, Will............................................... CTFT–59 Djimon See.................................... Hounsou, Djimon Djola, Badja ............................................. CTFT–10 D’Lugoff, Art 1924–................................... CTFT–2 D’Lyn, Shae 1963– .................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Dmytryk, Edward 1908–1999.................. CTFT–28 Dobbs, Lou 1945–................................... CTFT–67 Dobie, Alan 1932–.................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Doble, Frances 1902–1967 ................... WWasWT Dobson, Anita 1949– .............................. CTFT–34 Dobson, Kevin 1943–.............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 12, 22, 32 Dobson, Michael ...................................... CTFT–43 Dobson, Paul............................................ CTFT–43 Dobson, Peter 1964–............................... CTFT–49 Dobtcheff, Vernon 1934– ........................ CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Dr. Drew See............................................ Pinsky, Drew Dr. Gonzo See............................... Thompson, Hunter S. Dr. Laura See................................... Schlessinger, Laura Dodd, Ken 1929–................................... WWT–17 Dodd, Lee Wilson 1879–1933............... WWasWT Dodds, Jamieson 1884–1942................. WWasWT Dodds, Megan 1970–.............................. CTFT–64 Dodds, William .......................................... CTFT–1 Dodge, Henry Irving 1861–1934 ........... WWasWT Dodimead, David 1919–........................ WWT–17 Dodson, Jack 1931–1994 .......................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Dodson, John E. 1857–1931.................. WWasWT Doe, John 1954– ..................................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Doggs, Joe See ................................................. Pesci, Joe Doherty, Shannen 1971– ......................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 23 Dohring, Jason 1982–.............................. CTFT–78 Doig, Lexa 1973–.................................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Dolan, CarolAnne .................................... CTFT–48 Dolenz, Ami 1969–................................. CTFT–54 Dolenz, Micky 1945–.............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 70 Dolin, Anton 1904–1983....................... WWasWT Dolley, Jason 1991– ................................ CTFT–88 Dolly, Jennie 1892–1941 ....................... WWasWT Dolly, Rosie 1892–1970 ........................ WWasWT Dolman, Richard 1895– ........................ WWasWT Doman, John 1945– ................................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Dombasle, Arielle 1957–........................... CTFT–6 Dominczyk, Dagmara 1976– .................. CTFT–71 Dominczyk, Marika 1980–...................... CTFT–78


Domingo, Placido 1941– ........................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 Dominguez, Rachel See..................................... Morrison, Shelley Domino See ......................................... Coppola, Sofia Dommartin, Solveig.................................. CTFT–29 Donahue, Elinor 1937– ........................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Donahue, Jack 1892?–1930................... WWasWT Donahue, Heather 1974–........................ CTFT–54 Donahue, Phil 1935– .............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Donahue, Troy 1936–.............................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Donald, James 1917– ............................ WWasWT Donaldson, Colby 1974– ........................ CTFT–82 Donaldson, Roger 1945–......................... CTFT–10 Donaldson, Sam 1934– ........................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 22 Donat, Peter 1928– ................................. CTFT–36 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9 Donat, Robert 1905–1958 ..................... WWasWT Donath, Ludwig 1907–1967.................. WWasWT Donato, Marc 1989– ............................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Donavan, Dave See............................................ Cipriano, Joe Doncheff, Len........................................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Donehue, Vincent J. 1920–1966 ........... WWasWT Donen, Stanley 1924–............................. CTFT–24 Donenberg, Benjamin 1957–..................... CTFT–2 Donfeld .................................................... CTFT–11 Doniger, Walter .......................................... CTFT–2 Donim, Sue See ......................................... Harth, C. Ernst Donisthorpe, G. Sheila 1898–1946 ....... WWasWT Donlan, Yolande...................................... WWT–17 Donleavy, J. P. 1926– ............................. WWT–17 Donlevy, Brian 1903–1972.................... WWasWT Donnay, Maurice 1859–?....................... WWasWT Donnell, Jeff 1921–1988 ........................... CTFT–1 Donnell, Patrick 1916– .......................... WWT–17 Donnellan, Declan 1953– ....................... CTFT–23 Donnelly, Candice 1954–........................ CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15 Donnelly, Donal 1931– ........................... CTFT–14 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Donnelly, Dorothy Agnes 1880–1928.................................... WWasWT Donner, Clive 1926– ................................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Donner, Jack 1928–................................. CTFT–87 Donner, Richard 1930– ........................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–57 Donner, Richard 1939(?)–........................ CTFT–32 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 22 D’Onofrio, Vincent 1959–....................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 22, 32 Donoho, Holly See ................................ Combs, Holly Marie Donohoe, Amanda 1962– ....................... CTFT–32 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Donohue, Jack 1912–1984........................ CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Donovan, Arlene ........................................ CTFT–5 Donovan, Brian ........................................ CTFT–63 Donovan, Elisa 1971– ............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Donovan, Jason 1968– ............................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33

Cumulative Index

Diller, Phyllis 1917– ................................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Dilley, Leslie............................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Dillingham, Charles B. 1868–1934 ....... WWasWT Dillingham, Jazzmine See ........................................... Raycole, Jazz Dillman, Bradford 1930–......................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10 Dillon, Denny 1951– .............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Dillon, Frances ?–1947.......................... WWasWT Dillon, John 1945–.................................... CTFT–1 Dillon, Kevin 1965(?)–............................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 26 Dillon, Matt 1964–.................................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 15, 26 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Dillon, Melinda 1939– ............................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 19, 41 Dillon, Mia................................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Dillon, Paul .............................................. CTFT–54 Dillon, Stephen See ...................................... Dillane, Stephen Di Maggio, John 1968– ........................... CTFT–69 Dimbort, Danny ....................................... CTFT–43 Dimopolous, Stephen ............................... CTFT–63 Dinallo, Gregory S. 1941– ........................ CTFT–8 Dinehart, Alan 1890–1944 .................... WWasWT Dingo, Ernie 1956– ................................. CTFT–29 Dini, Paul 1957– ..................................... CTFT–64 Dinicol, Joe 1983– .................................. CTFT–67 Dinklage, Peter 1969–............................. CTFT–66 Dinner, William .......................................... CTFT–4 Di Novi, Denise 1956– ........................... CTFT–48 Dinsdale, Reece 1959– ........................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Dinsmore, Bruce ...................................... CTFT–61 Diol, Susan 1964–................................... CTFT–53 Dion, Celine 1968–................................. CTFT–30 Dion, Peter See .................................... Chetwynd, Lionel Dionisi, Stefano 1966– ............................ CTFT–30 Di Pego, Gerald ....................................... CTFT–48 Diphusa, Patty See .................................... Almodovar, Pedro Discala, Jamie–Lynn See.................................... Sigler, Jamie–Lynn Disher, Catherine...................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Disher, Maurice Willson 1893–1969 ..... WWasWT Dishy, Bob 1934(?)– ................................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Diskin, Ben 1982–................................... CTFT–92 Disney, Melissa......................................... CTFT–76 Disney, Roy 1930– .................................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 Disney, Walt 1901–1966 ......................... CTFT–20 Dispenza, Joe 1961– ................................. CTFT–7 Diss, Eileen 1931–................................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Ditrichstein, Leo 1865–1928 ................. WWasWT DiTutto, Ray See ....................................... Williams, Robin DiVincenzo, Josie ..................................... CTFT–88 Divine 1945–1988 .................................... CTFT–7 DiVito, Joanne 1941– ................................ CTFT–3 Divoff, Andrew 1955–............................. CTFT–44 Dix, Beulah Marie 1876–1970 .............. WWasWT Dix, Dorothy 1892–1970 ...................... WWasWT Dixey, Henry E. 1859–1943 .................. WWasWT Dixon, Adele 1908– .............................. WWasWT


DONOVAN Donovan, Jeffrey 1968–........................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Donovan, Martin 1957– .......................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Donovan, Michael.................................... CTFT–44 Donovan, Tate 1963– .............................. CTFT–44 Donowho, Ryan 1980– ........................... CTFT–90 Donshik, Adam 1974– ............................ CTFT–82 Doohan, James 1920– ............................. CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18 Dooley, James Michael 1976–................. CTFT–62 Dooley, Paul 1928–................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 18, 30 Dooley, Rae 1896–1984 ........................ WWasWT Dooley, Ray 1952–1984............................ CTFT–1 Dopud, Mike 1969(?)–............................. CTFT–55 Doqui, Robert 1934–............................... CTFT–80 Doran, Charles 1877–1964 ................... WWasWT Doran, Matt 1976–.................................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Doran, Takayo See ........................................ Fischer, Takayo Dore, Alexander 1923– .......................... WWT–17 Dorena, Elfi See ............................. Von Dassanowsky, Elfi Dorff, Stephen 1973– .............................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 32 Dorff, Steve 1949– .................................. CTFT–74 Dorfman, David 1993– ........................... CTFT–84 Dorgere, Arlette ...................................... WWasWT Doria, Diogo ............................................ CTFT–36 Dorkin, Cody 1985–................................ CTFT–92 Dorleac, Catherine See................................. Deneuve, Catherine Dorleac, Jean–Pierre 1963–..................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 D’Orme, Aileen 1877–1939 .................. WWasWT Dormer, Daisy 1889– ............................ WWasWT Dorn, Cynthia........................................... CTFT–51 Dorn, Dolores ............................................ CTFT–1 Dorn, Harding 1923–1987 ........................ CTFT–3 Dorn, Michael 1952– .............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Dornay, Jules .......................................... WWasWT Doro, Marie 1882–1956........................ WWasWT Dorr, Dorothy 1867–?............................ WWasWT D’Orsay, Lawrance 1853–1931 ............. WWasWT Dorsey, Omar J. 1977–............................ CTFT–80 Dorval, Adrien.......................................... CTFT–49 Dorwart, David A. 1948– .......................... CTFT–2 Dorziat, Gabrielle ................................... WWasWT Dossor, Alan 1941– ................................ WWT–17 Dotchin, Angela Marie 1974– ................. CTFT–70 Dotrice, Roy 1925– ................................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 35; WWT–17 Dotson, Bob 1946– ................................. CTFT–92 Doty, David .............................................. CTFT–80 Doucet, Catherine Calhoun 1875–1958.................................... WWasWT Doucette, Jeff............................................ CTFT–46 Doug, Doug E. 1970– ............................. CTFT–53 Douglas, Ashanti See .................................................... Ashanti Douglas, Brandon 1968–......................... CTFT–56 Douglas, D. C. 1966– ............................. CTFT–72 Douglas, Diana 1923– ............................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Douglas, Eric 1962– .................................. CTFT–6 Douglas, Felicity...................................... WWT–17 Douglas, Gordon 1907–1993.................... CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–12 Douglas, Illeana 1965– ........................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Douglas, Julie Condra See............................................ Condra, Julie Douglas, Juliet 1962– ................................ CTFT–8 Douglas, Kenneth ?–1923...................... WWasWT Douglas, Kirk 1916–................................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 38 Douglas, Marc See ....................................... Mordente, Tony Douglas, Melvyn 1901–1980 .................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Douglas, Michael See.................................... Crichton, Michael Douglas, Michael 1944– ......................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 22, 32 Douglas, Mike 1925– ................................ CTFT–6 Douglas, Robert 1909–1999.................. WWasWT Obituary in CTFT–24 Douglas, Sarah 1952– ............................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 35 Douglas, Shirley 1934– ........................... CTFT–63 Douglas, Suzzanne 1957–....................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Douglas, Tom 1903– ............................. WWasWT Douglas, Torrington ?–1986.................... WWT–17 Douglas, Wallace 1911–......................... WWT–17 Douglass, Albert 1864–1940 ................. WWasWT Douglass, R. H. ..................................... WWasWT Douglass, Stephen 1921– ....................... WWT–17 Douglass, Vincent 1900–1926............... WWasWT Dourdan, Gary 1966– ............................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Dourif, Brad 1950– ................................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 17, 28 Dovey, Alice 1885–1969 ....................... WWasWT Dow, Bill .................................................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Dow, Clara 1883–1969 ......................... WWasWT Dow, Creagen 1991–............................... CTFT–85 Dow, Ellen Albertini 1918– ..................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Dow, Harold............................................. CTFT–89 Dow, Tony 1945– .................................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18 Dowd, Ann............................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Dowd, M’el ................................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Dowd, Ned 1950– .................................. CTFT–67 Dowdy, Mrs. Regera See ......................................... Gorey, Edward Dowling, Eddie 1894–1976................... WWasWT Dowling, Joan 1928–1954..................... WWasWT Dowling, Kevin ........................................ CTFT–53 Dowling, Vincent 1929–.......................... CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Down, Alisen 1976– ............................... CTFT–86 Down, Angela 1943– ............................. WWT–17 Down, Lesley–Anne 1954– ..................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 15, 26 Downes, Robin Atkin ............................... CTFT–87 Downey, Gerald ....................................... CTFT–91 Downey, Robert.......................................... CTFT–8 Downey, Robert, Jr. 1965– ...................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 23 Downey, Roma 1960–............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Downie, Penny......................................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Downs, Hugh 1921– ............................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 24 Downs, Jane ............................................ WWT–17 Dowse, Denise 1958– ............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38


Doyal, Richard See ........................................ Doyle, Richard Doyle, Aaryn ............................................ CTFT–91 Doyle, Arthur Conan 1859–1930 .......... WWasWT Doyle, Christopher ................................... CTFT–41 Doyle, Christopher 1952– ....................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Doyle, David 1925–1997.......................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–17 Doyle, Gerard T. See ............................................. Doyle, Jerry Doyle, Jerry 1956– .................................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Doyle, Jill 1965– ....................................... CTFT–4 Doyle, Kathleen........................................ CTFT–53 Doyle, Patrick 1953–............................... CTFT–48 Doyle, Richard ......................................... CTFT–53 Doyle, Shawn 1968–............................... CTFT–68 Doyle, Tracey A........................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Doyle–Murray, Brian 1945– .................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 D’Oyly Carte, Rupert 1876–? ................ WWasWT Dozier, William 1908–1991 .................... CTFT–10 Drago, Billy 1949– .................................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Dragoti, Stan(ley G.) 1932–....................... CTFT–1 Drake, Alfred 1914–............................... WWT–17 Drake, Bebe ............................................. CTFT–81 Drake, Darleen See ........................................... Carr, Darleen Drake, Ellen See.............................................. Blake, Ellen Drake, Fabia 1904–1990........................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Drake, Joseph ........................................... CTFT–87 Drake, Larry 1950(?)– .............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22, 43 Drake, William A. 1899–1965............... WWasWT Drane, Ashley See ....................................... Eckstein, Ashley Drano, Jane See ........................................... Wiedlin, Jane Draper, Courtnee 1985– .......................... CTFT–59 Draper, Polly 1955(?)– ............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 38 Draper, Ruth 1889–1956 ....................... WWasWT Draycott, Wilfred 1848–?....................... WWasWT Drayton, Alfred 1881–1949................... WWasWT Dreiser, Theodore 1871–1945 ............... WWasWT Drescher, Fran 1957– .............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Dresdal, Sonia 1909–1976 ..................... WWT–16 Dresser, Louise 1882–1965.................... WWasWT Dressler, Eric 1900–............................... WWasWT Dressler, Marie 1869–1934.................... WWasWT Dretzin, Julie ............................................ CTFT–75 Drever, Constance ?–1948 ..................... WWasWT Drew, John 1853–1927.......................... WWasWT Drew, Rick................................................ CTFT–79 Drewitt, Stanley 1878–?......................... WWasWT Drewitz, Devin Douglas 1989–............... CTFT–63 Drexler, Rosalyn ......................................... CTFT–1 Dreyer, Fred See............................................... Dryer, Fred Dreyfus, James 1964–.............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Dreyfuss, Henry 1904–1972.................. WWasWT Dreyfuss, Richard 1947– ......................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5, 12, 22; WWT–17 Drinkwater, Albert Edwin ?–1923 .......................................... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Duffy, Julia 1951–.................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Duffy, Karen 1962– ................................. CTFT–26 Duffy, Maureen 1933–............................. CTFT–12 Duffy, Patrick 1949–................................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11, 36 Duffy, Thomas F........................................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Duflos, Raphael ?–1946.......................... WWasWT Dufour, Val 1927– ..................................... CTFT–1 Dugan, Dennis 1946– ............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18, 30 Dugan, Sean 1974–................................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Dugan, Tom.............................................. CTFT–54 Duggan, Andrew 1923–1988 .................... CTFT–7 Duggan, Michael ...................................... CTFT–41 Duggan, P. G. See..................................... Malahide, Patrick Duguay, Christian 1947(?)–...................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Duguay, Kim Alexis See .............................................. Alexis, Kim Duhamel, Josh 1972–.............................. CTFT–69 Duigan, John 1949– ................................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Dukakis, Olympia 1931– ........................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 15, 26 Duke, Anna Marie See.............................................. Duke, Patty Duke, Bill 1943– ..................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Duke, Daryl.............................................. CTFT–12 Duke, Ivy 1896–.................................... WWasWT Duke, Patty 1946–................................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 35 Duke, Vernon 1903–1969 ..................... WWasWT Duke–Pearce, Anna See.............................................. Duke, Patty Dukes, Ashley 1885–1959..................... WWasWT Dukes, David 1945– ............................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 18 Du Kore, Lawrence 1933– ........................ CTFT–5 Dulce Vida, Julian See ................................... Vida, Julian Dulce Dullea, Keir 1936– .................................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 33; WWT–17 Dullin, Charles 1885–1949 ................... WWasWT Dullzell, Paul 1879–1961...................... WWasWT Du Maurier, Daphne 1907–1989........... WWasWT du Maurier, Gerald 1873–1934 ............. WWasWT DuMont, James 1965–............................. CTFT–83 Dunaway, Faye 1941–............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 17, 28; WWT–17 Dunbar, Rockmond 1974– ...................... CTFT–68 Dunard, David ......................................... CTFT–56 Duncan, Alastair....................................... CTFT–58 Duncan, Augustin 1873–1954............... WWasWT Duncan, Christopher B. ............................ CTFT–56 Duncan, Fiona............................................ CTFT–4 Duncan, Isadora 1880–1927 ................. WWasWT Duncan, Lindsay 1950– .......................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 38 Duncan, Malcolm 1881–1942............... WWasWT Duncan, Mary 1903– ............................ WWasWT Duncan, Michael Clarke 1957– .............. CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Duncan, Patrick Sheane 1947(?)–............ CTFT–16 Duncan, Robert ........................................ CTFT–78 Duncan, Ronald 1914– .......................... WWT–17 Duncan, Rosetta 1900–1959 ................. WWasWT


Duncan, Sandy 1946–............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 14; WWT–17 Duncan, Tere ............................................ CTFT–80 Duncan, Todd 1900–............................. WWasWT Duncan, Vivian 1899–1986................... WWasWT Duncan, William Cary 1874–1945........ WWasWT Duncan–Petley, Stella 1975– ..................... CTFT–4 Dunfee, Jack 1901– ............................... WWasWT Dungey, Merrin 1971– ............................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Dunham, Joanna 1936– ............................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Dunham, Katherine 1910– ..................... WWT–17 Dunkels, Dorothy 1907– ....................... WWasWT Dunkels, Marjorie 1916– ....................... WwasWT Dunkleman, Brian 1971– ........................ CTFT–91 Dunlap, Pamela........................................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Dunlap, Robert 1942– ............................. CTFT–11 Dunlop, Frank 1927– .............................. CTFT–21 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12; WWT–17 Dunlop, Vic, Jr. .......................................... CTFT–4 Dunn, Andrew.......................................... CTFT–65 Dunn, Carolyn.......................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Dunn, Conrad See ....................................... Jenesky, George Dunn, Emma 1875–1966 ...................... WWasWT Dunn, Geoffrey 1903– ........................... WWT–17 Dunn, Jim................................................. CTFT–43 Dunn, Joe See .............................................. Dunne, Joe Dunn, John A. .......................................... CTFT–80 Dunn, Kevin 1956– ................................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Dunn, Linwood G. 1904–1998 ............... CTFT–25 Dunn, Nora 1952– .................................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Dunn, Thomas G. 1950–........................... CTFT–1 Dunn, Wally 1960–................................. CTFT–80 Dunne, Dominick 1925–......................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 26 Dunne, Griffin 1955– .............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 14, 38 Dunne, Irene 1901(?)–1990..................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Dunne, Joe ............................................... CTFT–36 Dunne, Philip 1908–1992 ....................... CTFT–23 Dunne, Robin 1976–............................... CTFT–51 Dunn–Hill, John ....................................... CTFT–65 Dunning, Philip 1890–1957 .................. WWasWT Dunning, Nick.......................................... CTFT–36 Dunning, Ruth 1911– ............................. WWT–17 Dunnock, Mildred 1900(?)–1991............... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Dunsany, Lord 1878–1957 .................... WWasWT Dunsmore, Rosemary 1953– ................... CTFT–49 Dunst, Kirsten 1982–............................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 26 Dupont, Phil............................................. CTFT–30 Dupont, Tiffany 1981– ............................ CTFT–80 Dupree, Minnie 1875–1947 .................. WWasWT Duprez, Fred 1884–1938 ...................... WWasWT Duprez, June 1918– .............................. WWasWT Dupuis, Roy 1963– ................................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 41 Duquesne, Edmond 1855–?................... WWasWT Duquet, Michelle ..................................... CTFT–65 Durance, Erica 1978–.............................. CTFT–85 du Rand, le Clanche 1941–....................... CTFT–1 Durand, Charles 1912– ............................. CTFT–1 Durand, Kevin 1974– .............................. CTFT–74

Cumulative Index

Drinkwater, John 1882–1937................. WWasWT Driscoll, Eddie .......................................... CTFT–53 Drivas, Robert 1938–1986 ........................ CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Driver, Donald 1923?–1988 ...................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Driver, John 1947– .................................... CTFT–6 Driver, Minnie 1970(?)–........................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 26 Droomgoole, Patrick 1930– ................... WWT–17 Drouet, Robert 1870–1914.................... WWasWT Druce, Hubert 1870–1931 .................... WWasWT Drulie, Sylvia.............................................. CTFT–1 Drummond, Alice 1929–......................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 35 Drummond, Brian 1969– ........................ CTFT–47 Drummond, Dolores 1834–1926........... WWasWT Drury, Alan 1949–..................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Drury, James 1934– ................................. CTFT–26 Drury, William Price 1861–1949 ........... WWasWT Dryburgh, Stuart 1952– ........................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Dryden, Vaughan 1875–? ...................... WWasWT Dryer, Fred 1946– ................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 17, 39 Dryer, John F. See............................................... Dryer, Fred Drymon, Derek 1965– ............................ CTFT–72 Drynan, Jeanie.......................................... CTFT–33 Du, Kefeng See .................................. Doyle, Christopher Dubar, Stan See........................................... Suplee, Ethan Duberman, Martin Bauml 1930–................................................ CTFT–1 Duberstein, Helen 1926– .......................... CTFT–4 Dubiecki, Daniel 1977– .......................... CTFT–86 Dubin, Charles S. 1919–.......................... CTFT–11 DuBois, Ja’net 1945(?)– ........................... CTFT–46 DuBois, Marta .......................................... CTFT–69 Du Bois, Raoul Pene 1914– ................... WWT–17 Duca, Joseph Lo See ....................................... LoDuca, Joseph Ducey, John.............................................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Duchene, Deborah 1962–....................... CTFT–37 Duchin, Peter 1937– ................................. CTFT–1 Duchovny, David 1960– ......................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 Duclow, Geraldine 1946– ......................... CTFT–4 Ducommun, Rick 1956(?)–...................... CTFT–74 Dudek, Anna 1975– ................................ CTFT–90 Dudgeon, Neil.......................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Dudikoff, Michael 1954– ........................ CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Dudley, Anne 1956– ............................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 32 Dudley, Bide 1877–1944....................... WWasWT Dudley, Carol L. 1949– ........................... CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19 Dudley, William 1947– ............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Duell, William 1923–.............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 33 Duff, Denice............................................. CTFT–54 Duff, Haylie 1985–.................................. CTFT–73 Duff, Hilary 1987– .................................. CTFT–55 Duff, Howard 1917–1990 ......................... CTFT–6 Duff, James 1955–................................... CTFT–73 Duffey, Todd 1974– ................................. CTFT–92 Duffield, Kenneth 1885–? ...................... WWasWT


DURANG Durang, Christopher 1949– ..................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 14; WWT–17 Durante, Jimmy 1893–1980 .................. WWasWT Duras, Marguerite 1914–........................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Durden, Richard ....................................... CTFT–34 Durmaz, Ercan.......................................... CTFT–34 Durnham, Charles See ..................................... Durning, Charles Durning, Charles 1923– .......................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 14, 38 Durrell, Jane See ........................................... Wyman, Jane Durrell, Michael 1943– ........................... CTFT–61 Durrenmatt, Friedrich 1921– .................. WWT–17 Dury, Ian 1942– ........................................ CTFT–9 Du Sautoy, Carmen 1950– ........................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Dusay, Marj 1936– .................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Duse, Eleonora 1858–1924 ................... WWasWT Dusenberry, Ann......................................... CTFT–8 Dushku, Eliza 1980– ............................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Dushku, Nate 1977– ............................... CTFT–71 Du Souchet, H. A. 1852–1922 .............. WWasWT Dussault, Nancy 1936– ........................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 d’Usseau, Arnaud 1916–1990 ................... CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Dutronc, Jacques 1943– .......................... CTFT–34 Dutt, Sanjay 1959–.................................. CTFT–34 Duttine, John 1949– ................................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19, 32 Dutton, Charles S. 1951– ........................ CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 16, 26 Dutton, Tim .............................................. CTFT–63 Duval, Georges 1847–1919................... WWasWT Duval, James 1972(?)–............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 DuVall, Clea 1977– ................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Duvall, Robert 1931– .............................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 15, 26 Duvall, Shelley 1949– ............................. CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 18 Duvall, Vincent ........................................ CTFT–80 Duvall, Wayne ......................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Dux, Emilienne 1874–? ......................... WWasWT Duxbury, Elspeth 1909–1967................. WWasWT Dwyer, Ada ?–1952 ............................... WWasWT Dwyer, David ........................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Dwyer, Deanna See ...................................... Koontz, Dean R. Dwyer, K. R. See ...................................... Koontz, Dean R. Dwyer, Leslie 1906–1986 ...................... WWasWT Dyall, Frank 1874–1950........................ WWasWT Dyall, Valentine 1908–1985................... WWT–17 Dye, Cameron 1967– .............................. CTFT–49 Dye, Dale 1944–..................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Dye, John 1963– ..................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Dyer, Charles 1928–.................................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Dyer, Christopher 1947– ........................ WWT–17 Dyer, Raymond See ........................................... Dyer, Charles Dykstra, John 1947–................................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18, 42

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Dylan, Bob 1941– ................................... CTFT–31 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Dynamite, Napoleon See .......................................... Costello, Elvis Dyrenforth, James ................................... WWasWT Dysart, Richard A. 1929– ........................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 24; WWT–17 Dziena, Alexis 1984– .............................. CTFT–68 Dzundza, George 1945– ......................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 16, 26

E Eadie, Dennis 1869–1928 ..................... WWasWT Eads, George 1967– ................................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Eagels, Jeanne 1894–1929..................... WWasWT Eagles, Greg ............................................. CTFT–47 Eaker, Ira 1922–......................................... CTFT–1 Eakes, Bobbie 1961– ............................... CTFT–62 Eames, Clare 1896–1930....................... WWasWT Earle, Virginia 1875–1937 ..................... WWasWT Earles, Jason 1977– ................................. CTFT–82 Eason, Mules 1915–1977 ....................... WWT–16 Easterbrook, Leslie ...................................... CTFT–7 Eastin, Steve ............................................. CTFT–47 Eastman, Allan.......................................... CTFT–36 Eastman, Frederick 1859–1920.............. WWasWT Eastman, Rodney 1967– .......................... CTFT–80 Easton, Michael 1967– ............................ CTFT–58 Easton, Richard 1933–............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 39; WWT–17 Easton, Robert 1930– .............................. CTFT–63 Easton, Sheena 1959– ............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Eastwood, Alison 1972– .......................... CTFT–46 Eastwood, Clint 1930– ............................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 23 Eastwood, Jayne ....................................... CTFT–62 Eaton, Mary 1902–1948 ........................ WWasWT Eaton, Wallas 1917–............................... WWT–17 Eaton, Walter Prichard 1878–1957 ........ WWasWT Eaves, Hilary 1914–............................... WWasWT Ebb, Fred 1936(?)–................................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13; WWT–17 Ebersol, Dick ............................................ CTFT–14 Ebersole, Christine 1953–........................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 5, 14, 38 Ebert, Joyce 1933–1997 ............................ CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ebert, Roger 1942–.................................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Ebrel, Luke See ............................................ Elliott, Lucas Ebsen, Buddy 1908–2003.......................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–51 Eccles, Donald 1908–1986 .................... WWT–17 Eccles, Janet 1895–1966........................ WWasWT Eccleston, Christopher 1964– .................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Echegaray, Miguel 1848–1927............... WWasWT Echevarria, Rene....................................... CTFT–49 Echevarria, Rocky See ........................................... Bauer, Steven Echikunwoke, Megalyn 1983– ................ CTFT–70 Eck, Scott 1957–........................................ CTFT–6 Eckart, Jean 1921–..................................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17


Eckart, William J. 1920–............................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Eckhart, Aaaron 1968(?)–......................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Eckholdt, Steven 1961– ........................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Eckhouse, James 1955– ........................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Eckland, Michael See....................................... Eklund, Michael Eckstein, Ashley 1981–............................ CTFT–91 Eckstein, George 1928–............................. CTFT–2 Eda–Young, Barbara 1945–........................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Eddinger, Wallace 1881–1929 ............... WWasWT Eddington, Paul 1927–1995 .................... CTFT–14 Obituary in CTFT–15 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6; WWT–17 Eddison, Robert 1908– ........................... WWT–17 Eddy, Nelson 1901–1967....................... WWasWT Eddy, Teddy Jack See ............................................. Busey, Gary Ede, George 1931–.................................... CTFT–1 Edel, Uli 1947– ....................................... CTFT–61 Edelman, Gregg 1958–............................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 41 Edelman, Herbert 1933–1996 ................... CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Edelman, Randy 1947(?)– ........................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 31 Edelson, Kenneth ...................................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketch in CTFT–31 Edelstein, Lisa 1967–............................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Eden, Barbara 1934– ............................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 36 Eden, Diana.............................................. CTFT–62 Eden, Richard 1956– ............................... CTFT–42 Eden, Sidney 1936–................................... CTFT–2 Eder, Linda 1961–.................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Edeson, Arthur 1891–1970...................... CTFT–26 Edeson, Robert 1868–1931.................... WWasWT Edgar, David 1948– ................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Edgar, Marriott 1880–1951 .................... WWasWT Edgar–Bruce, Tonie See................................... Bruce, Tonie Edgar Edgerton, Joel 1974– ............................... CTFT–49 Edgett, Edwin Francis 1867–1946.......... WWasWT Edgeworth, Jane 1922–........................... WWT–17 Edginton, May ?–1957 ........................... WWasWT Edgley, Gigi 1977– .................................. CTFT–86 Edgley, Michael 1943– .............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ediss, Connie 1871–1934 ...................... WWasWT Edlin, Tubby (Henry) 1882–? ................. WWasWT Edlund, Richard 1940–............................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 41 Edmead, Wendy ......................................... CTFT–1 Edmiston, Walker ..................................... CTFT–53 Edmondson, Adrian 1957– ...................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Edmondson, Wallace See ......................................... Ellison, Harlan Edner, Ashley 1990–................................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Edner, Bobby 1988– ................................ CTFT–59 Edney, Florence 1879–1950 .................. WWasWT Edouin, Rose 1844–1925....................... WWasWT Edson, Richard 1954– ............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Eikenberry, Jill 1947(?)– ........................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 14, 23 Eilbacher, Lisa............................................. CTFT–6 Einbinder, Chad 1963(?)–......................... CTFT–74 Einstein, Albert See .......................................... Brooks, Albert Einstein, Bob 1940– ................................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Eisele, Robert 1948–.................................. CTFT–4 Eisenberg, Ned 1957– ............................. CTFT–53 Eisenstein, Sergei 1898–1948 .................. CTFT–29 Eisinger, Irene 1906– ............................. WWasWT Eisner, David ............................................ CTFT–62 Eisner, Michael D. 1942– ........................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10, 18 Ejogo, Carmen 1974–.............................. CTFT–36 Ekberg, Anita 1931– ................................ CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Ekland, Britt 1942–.................................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18 Eklund, Michael ....................................... CTFT–65 Elam, Jack 1916–....................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Elba, Idris 1972– ..................................... CTFT–89 Elcar, Dana 1927– ..................................... CTFT–6 El–Cherif, Omar See ............................................ Sharif, Omar Eldard, Ron 1965–................................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 29 Elder, Eldon 1924– ................................. WWT–17 Elder, Lonne III 1931– ............................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Eldred, Arthur ?–1942............................ WWasWT Eldridge, Craig .......................................... CTFT–56 Eldridge, Florence 1901–1988............... WWasWT Electra, Carmen 1972– ............................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Elejalde, Karra 1960– .............................. CTFT–35 Elen, Gus 1862–1940 ............................ WWasWT Eleniak, Erika 1969–................................ CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 El Fadil, Siddig See..................................... Siddig, Alexander Elfman, Bodhi 1969–............................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Elfman, Danny 1953–.............................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 29 Elfman, Jenna 1971– ............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Elg, Taina 1930–........................................ CTFT–1 Elgar, Avril 1932– ...................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Elias, Hector ............................................ WWT–17 Elias, Jeannie 1954– ................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Elias, Jonathan .......................................... CTFT–48 Elias, Michael 1940– ................................. CTFT–4 Eliasberg, Jan 1954– .................................. CTFT–1 Elias–Fahn, Dorothy See ................................ Melendrez, Dorothy Eliason, Joyce 1934– ............................... CTFT–68 Elikann, Larry 1923– ............................... CTFT–21 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 12 Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns) 1888–1965.................................... WWasWT Eliscu, Fernanda 1882–1968 ................. WWasWT Elise, Christine 1965–.............................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Elise, Kimberly 1971–.............................. CTFT–61 Eliza, Adrienne See...................................... Bailon, Adrienne Elizabeth, Shannon 1973–....................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30


Elizondo, Hector 1936– .......................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 14, 23; WWT–17 Elkin, Ilona 1976– ................................... CTFT–65 Elkins, Hillard 1929–.............................. WWT–17 Ellenshaw, Peter 1913–.............................. CTFT–9 Ellenstein, Robert 1923–............................ CTFT–1 Ellerbe, Harry 1906– ................................. CTFT–1 Ellerbee, Linda 1944–.............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 41 Ellinger, Desiree 1893–1951.................. WWasWT Ellingson, Evan 1988– ............................. CTFT–73 Elliot, Jane 1947– .................................... CTFT–62 Elliot, Samuel B. See ........................................... Page, Samuel Elliott, Alice 1946–.................................... CTFT–4 Elliott, Alison 1970– ................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 39 Elliott, Brennan ......................................... CTFT–74 Elliott, Chris 1960–.................................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 31 Elliott, David James 1960– ...................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Elliott, Denholm 1922–1992.................... CTFT–11 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Elliott, George 1899–............................. WWasWT Elliott, George H. 1884–? ...................... WWasWT Elliott, Gertrude 1874–1950 .................. WWasWT Elliott, Lucas 1986– ................................. CTFT–76 Elliott, Madge 1898–1955 ..................... WWasWT Elliott, Maxine 1871–1932 .................... WWasWT Elliott, Michael (Allwyn) 1936– ................. CTFT–1 Elliott, Michael 1931–1984 .................... WWT–17 Elliott, Patricia 1942– .............................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Elliott, Paul 1941– .................................. WWT–17 Elliott, Sam 1944– ................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11, 22 Elliott, Scott 1963(?)–............................... CTFT–29 Elliott, Stephen 1945– ............................ WWT–17 Elliott, Sumner Locke 1917–1991.............. CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–10 Elliott, Ted ................................................ CTFT–55 Elliott, Tom See ........................................... Jane, Thomas Elliott, William 1885–1932.................... WWasWT Ellis, Anita 1920– ...................................... CTFT–3 Ellis, Anthony L. ?–1944 ........................ WWasWT Ellis, Aunjanue 1969– ............................. CTFT–64 Ellis, Chris 1956– .................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Ellis, Edith 1876–1960........................... WWasWT Ellis, Edward 1872–1952 ....................... WWasWT Ellis, Greg 1968–..................................... CTFT–55 Ellis, Landon See ......................................... Ellison, Harlan Ellis, Larry See ....................................... Mordente, Tony Ellis, Leslie 1962–...................................... CTFT–5 Ellis, Mary 1900– ................................... WWT–17 Ellis, Peter................................................. CTFT–45 Ellis, Scott 1957–..................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Ellis, Vivian.............................................. WWT–17 Ellis, Walter 1874–1956 ........................ WWasWT Ellison, Harlan 1934–.............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Elliston, Daisy 1894–............................. WWasWT Elliston, Grace 1881–1950 .................... WWasWT Ellroy, James 1948– ................................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 43 Ellsworth, Kiko 1973– ............................. CTFT–75 Ellwand, Greg........................................... CTFT–62

Cumulative Index

Edwardes, Felix ?–1954 ......................... WWasWT Edwardes, George 1852–1915............... WWasWT Edwardes, Olga 1917– .......................... WWasWT Edwardes, Paula ..................................... WWasWT Edwards, Anthony 1962– ........................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14, 23 Edwards, Ben 1916–.................................. CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Edwards, Blake 1922– ............................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 15 Edwards, Burt 1928– ................................. CTFT–2 Edwards, Edward ...................................... CTFT–58 Edwards, Eric Alan 1953–........................ CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 26 Edwards, G. Spencer ?–1916 ................. WWasWT Edwards, Henry 1883–1952 .................. WWasWT Edwards, Hilton 1903–........................... WWT–17 Edwards, Julie See ......................................... Andrews, Julie Edwards, Maurice 1922–........................... CTFT–1 Edwards, Monique.................................... CTFT–59 Edwards, Osman 1864–1936................. WWasWT Edwards, Ralph........................................... CTFT–3 Edwards, Rob 1963–................................ CTFT–11 Edwards, Sherman 1919–1981 ............... WWT–17 Edwards, Stacy 1965– ............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Edwards, Stephen ..................................... CTFT–58 Edwards, Tom 1880–?............................ WWasWT Edwards, Vince 1928–1996....................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–16 Efremova, Svetlana ................................... CTFT–87 Efron, Zac 1987–..................................... CTFT–74 Egan, Christopher 1984– ......................... CTFT–86 Egan, Kim ................................................. CTFT–48 Egan, Maggie ............................................ CTFT–53 Egan, Michael 1895–1956..................... WWasWT Egan, Michael 1926–............................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Egan, Peter 1946– ................................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33; WWT–17 Egan, Susan 1970– .................................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 32 Egbert, Brothers (Seth and Albert) ........... WWasWT Egerton, George 1860–1945 .................. WWasWT Eggar, Jack 1904– .................................. WWasWT Eggar, Samantha 1939– ........................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 33 Eggby, David 1950– ................................ CTFT–55 Eggert, Nicole 1972–............................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 14, 23 Eggerth, Marta 1916– ................................ CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Egoyan, Atom 1960– ............................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 24 Ehle, Jennifer 1969– ................................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 43 Ehrlich, Ken .............................................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Eichelberger, Ethyl 1945–1990 .................. CTFT–9 Eichhorn, Lisa 1952–............................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Eick, David 1968–................................... CTFT–65 Eidelman, Cliff 1964–.............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22, 43 Eiding, Paul 1957– .................................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Eigeman, Christopher 1965– ................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Eigenburg, David 1964– .......................... CTFT–61 Eigsti, Karl 1938– ...................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17


ELMALEH Elmaleh, Gad............................................ CTFT–34 Elmes, Frederick ....................................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Elsen, John 1964–.................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Elsie, Lily 1886–1962 ............................ WWasWT Elso, Pascal............................................... CTFT–36 Elsom, Isobel 1893– .............................. WWasWT Elsom, John 1934– ................................. WWT–17 Elson, Anita 1898– ................................ WWasWT Elston, Robert 1934–1987 ......................... CTFT–1 Elswit, Robert ........................................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Eltinge, Julian 1883–1941...................... WWasWT Elton, George 1875–1942...................... WWasWT Elvey, Maurice 1887–1967 .................... WWasWT Elvin, Joe 1862–1935 ............................ WWasWT Elvin, Violetta 1925– ............................. WWasWT Elvira 1951– ............................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 42 Elwes, Cary 1962–................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 38 Ely, Ron 1938– ........................................ CTFT–27 Ember, Matt 1961– .................................. CTFT–91 Embry, Ethan 1978–................................. CTFT–48 Emerald, Connie ?–1959........................ WWasWT Emerson, Faye 1917–1983 .................... WWasWT Emerson, John 1874–1956..................... WWasWT Emerson, Michael 1954(?)– ..................... CTFT–85 Emerson, Renee See......................................... Wahlgren, Kari Emerton, Roy 1892–1944 ...................... WWasWT Emery, Gilbert 1875–1945..................... WWasWT Emery, John 1905–1964......................... WWasWT Emery, Julie Ann ....................................... CTFT–67 Emery, Katherine 1908–......................... WWasWT Emery, Lisa ............................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Emery, Pollie 1875–1958....................... WWasWT Emery, Winifred 1862–1924 .................. WWasWT Emhardt, Robert 1901?– ........................ WWasWT Emick, Jarrod 1969– ................................ CTFT–22 Emmerich, Noah 1965– .......................... CTFT–46 Emmerich, Roland 1955– ........................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Emmet, Alfred 1908–.............................. WWT–17 Emmett, Randall 1971– ........................... CTFT–81 Emmett, Robert 1921– ............................. CTFT–11 Emmons, Beverly 1943–............................ CTFT–2 Emmons, Wayne......................................... CTFT–4 Emney, Fred 1865–1917 ........................ WWasWT Emney, Fred 1900–................................. WWT–17 Emney, Joan Fred .................................... WWasWT Emond, Linda 1959– ............................... CTFT–92 Emonts, Ann 1952– ................................... CTFT–1 Emshwiller, Susan ..................................... CTFT–58 Enberg, Alexander 1972– ........................ CTFT–67 Enberg, Dick 1935–................................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 23 Encinas, Javier See ......................................... Bardem, Javier Endelman, Stephen ................................... CTFT–58 Ender, Peter .............................................. CTFT–36 Endoso, Kenny.......................................... CTFT–42 Endre, Toth See ........................................ De Toth, Andre Enfield, Harry 1961– ............................... CTFT–34 Engar, Keith M. 1923– ............................ WWT–17 Engel, Georgia 1948– .............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19, 41 Engel, Lehman 1910–1982........................ CTFT–2 Engel, Stephen .......................................... CTFT–66

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Engel, Susan 1935– ................................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Engelbach, David ....................................... CTFT–4 Engelman, Robert ..................................... CTFT–87 England, Paul 1893–1968...................... WWasWT Englander, Ludwig 1853–1914 .............. WWasWT Engle, Debra 1953–................................... CTFT–7 English Stage Company Ltd, The ............ WWasWT English, Corri 1978–................................ CTFT–87 English, Diane 1948– .............................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Englund, Robert 1949(?)– ........................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 24 Eno, Terry 1948– ..................................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Enriquez, Rene 1933–1990 ....................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Ensign, Michael 1944– ............................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Enthoven, Gabrielle 1868–1950 ............ WWasWT Epcar, Richard 1955– .............................. CTFT–49 Ephraim, Lee 1877–1953....................... WWasWT Ephron, Nora 1941–................................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 24 Eplin, Tom 1960– .................................... CTFT–17 Eppolito, Louis.......................................... CTFT–30 Epps, Jack, Jr. 1949– ................................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Epps, Mike 1970–.................................... CTFT–77 Epps, Omar 1973– .................................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Epps, Sheldon 1952–............................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 33 Epstein, Alvin 1925– ............................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9; WWT–17 Epstein, Pierre 1930–................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Erbe, Kathryn 1966–................................ CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Erbe, Mickey ............................................ CTFT–40 Erdman, Jean 1916– .................................. CTFT–4 Eric, Fred 1874–1935 ............................ WWasWT Erickson, Ethan 1973– ............................. CTFT–74 Erickson, Jim............................................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Erickson, Mitchell 1927–........................... CTFT–2 Ericson, John 1926– ................................ CTFT–88 Eriksen, Kaj–Erik 1979– ........................... CTFT–61 Erikson, Sara ............................................. CTFT–88 Eriksson, Buntel See ..................................... Bergman, Ingmar Eriksson, Buntel See .................................... Josephson, Erland Erlanger, Abraham L. 1860–1930 .......... WWasWT Erman, John 1935–.................................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10, 18 Ermey, R. Lee 1944–................................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Erne, Vincent 1884–?............................. WWasWT Ernotte, Andre Gilbert 1943–1999 ............ CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–32 Errico, Melissa 1970– .............................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Errol, Leon, 1881–1951 ......................... WWasWT Erskine, Chester 1903–1986 .................. WWasWT Erskine, Howard (Weir) 1926– .................. CTFT–1 Ertmanis, Victor ........................................ CTFT–56 Ervine, St. John Greer 1883–1971 ......... WWasWT Erwin, Bill 1914–..................................... CTFT–77 Erwin, Mike 1978– .................................. CTFT–75 Escandon, Fernando ................................. CTFT–40 Escargot, Maurice See ......................................... Oldman, Gary


Escoffier, Jean–Yves................................... CTFT–27 Esmond, Annie 1873–1945 ................... WWasWT Esmond, Carl 1905– .............................. WWasWT Esmond, Henry V. 1869–1922............... WWasWT Esmond, Jill 1908–1990......................... WWasWT Esparza, Raul 1970(?)–............................. CTFT–49 Espenson, Jane.......................................... CTFT–49 Espinosa, Edouard 1872–1950............... WWasWT Esposito, Giancarlo 1958–....................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Esposito, Jennifer 1973(?)–....................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Essex, David 1947– ................................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13, 39; WWT–17 Esslin, Martin 1918–............................... WWT–17 Estabrook, Christine .................................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Estabrook, Howard 1884–?.................... WWasWT Estefan, Gloria 1957– .............................. CTFT–40 Esten, Charles 1965– ............................... CTFT–43 Esterhuysen, Richard See ..................................... Grant, Richard E. Esterman, Laura 1945– ............................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 11 Estes, Rob 1963– ..................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Estes, Will 1978–..................................... CTFT–68 Estevez, Emilio 1962– ............................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 19, 29 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Estevez, Ramon G. See .......................................... Sheen, Martin Estevez, Renee 1967–.............................. CTFT–45 Estrada, Erik 1949–.................................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 31 Eszterhas, Joe 1944(?)– ............................ CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14 Etherington, James 1902–1948 .............. WWasWT Etic, Stan See ...................................... Hoffman, Dustin Etienne, Treva ........................................... CTFT–71 Ett, Alan 1952–........................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 32 Etting, Ruth 1907–1978 ......................... WWasWT Ettinger, Cynthia ....................................... CTFT–58 Eubanks, Bob 1937(?)– ............................ CTFT–54 Eurythmics See..................................... Stewart, David A. Eustrel, Antony 1904– ........................... WWasWT Evangelista, Daniella 1982– .................... CTFT–56 Evans, Andrea 1957–............................... CTFT–54 Evans, Bruce A. 1946– ............................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Evans, Caradoc 1878–1945 ................... WWasWT Evans, Chris 1966–.................................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Evans, Chris 1981–.................................. CTFT–67 Evans, Clifford 1912– ............................ WWasWT Evans, Damon 1950– .............................. CTFT–10 Evans, David See ........................................... Evans, Dillon Evans, David M. 1962– ........................... CTFT–70 Evans, Dillon 1921– .................................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Evans, Don 1938– ..................................... CTFT–1 Evans, Edith 1888–1976 ......................... WWT–16 Evans, Jessie 1918– ................................ WWT–17 Evans, Josh Ryan 1982–........................... CTFT–30 Evans, Judi See ................................. Luciano, Judi Evans Evans, Lee 1964– .................................... CTFT–46 Evans, Linda 1942– ................................... CTFT–3 Evans, Madge 1909–1981 ..................... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92

F Faat, Jau Yun See ......................................... Chow Yun–Fat Fabares, Shelley 1944(?)– ........................ CTFT–27 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14

Faber, Beryl ?–1912 ............................... WWasWT Faber, Leslie 1879–1929........................ WWasWT Faber, Mrs. Leslie 1880–? ...................... WWasWT Faber, Ron 1933– ...................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Fabian, Madge 1880–? .......................... WWasWT Fabian, Patrick.......................................... CTFT–63 Fabiani, Joel 1936– ................................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Fabio 1959– ............................................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 42 Fabray, Nanette .......................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Fabre, Emile 1870–1955........................ WWasWT Facinelli, Peter 1973–.............................. CTFT–46 Fadal, Shannon Elizabeth See .................................. Elizabeth, Shannon Fagan, James Bernard 1873–1933 ......... WWasWT Fagan, Myron C. .................................... WWasWT Fager, Jeff 1954–...................................... CTFT–89 Fagerbakke, Bill ........................................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Fahey, Jeff 1952– ..................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 29 Fahlenbock, Megan .................................. CTFT–68 Fahn, Dorothy Elias See ................................ Melendrez, Dorothy Fahn, Melissa See....................................... Charles, Melissa Fahn, Tom 1962– .................................... CTFT–74 Fain, Sammy 1902–1989........................... CTFT–9 Fair, Adrah 1897– .................................. WWasWT Fair, Jeff Eden............................................ CTFT–54 Fairbanks, Douglas 1883–1939 ............. WWasWT Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr. 1909– .................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Fairbrother, Sydney 1872–1941 ............. WWasWT Fairchild, Morgan 1950– ......................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 5, 14, 38 Fairfax, Lance 1899– ............................. WWasWT Fairfax, Lettice 1876–1948 .................... WWasWT Fairfax, Marion 1879–?.......................... WWasWT Fairlie, Kristin 1983– ............................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Fairman, Austin 1892–1964 .................. WWasWT Fairman, Michael 1934– ......................... CTFT–64 Fairservis, Elfie 1957–................................ CTFT–3 Fairweather, David C. 1899–.................. WWT–17 Fairweather, Virginia 1922–.................... WWT–17 Faison, Donald 1974– ............................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Faison, Frankie 1949– ............................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 24 Faison, George 1947– ............................... CTFT–8 Faison, Matthew ....................................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Faison, Sandy ............................................. CTFT–8 Faith, Rosemary .......................................... CTFT–4 Faithfull, Marianne 1946– ...................... WWT–17 Faix, Anna 1930– ...................................... CTFT–2 Faizon See ............................................ Love, Faizon Falabella, John............................................ CTFT–6 Falck, Lionel 1889–1971 ....................... WWasWT Falco, Edie 1963(?)– ................................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Falcon, Ellen ............................................. CTFT–11 Falconi, Armando ................................... WWasWT Falk, Peter 1927– .................................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 24 Falkinberg, Page See............................................. Page, Dallas Falkinburg, Page 1956– ........................... CTFT–30


Fallon, Jimmy 1974– ............................... CTFT–63 Fallon, Richard G. 1923– .......................... CTFT–1 Fallon, Siobhan 1972– ............................ CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Falls, Gregory A. 1922–............................. CTFT–1 Falls, Robert 1954– ................................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 39 Falsey, John 1951– .................................. CTFT–22 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Faltermeyer, Harold 1952– ...................... CTFT–10 Fancourt, Darrell 1888–1953 ................ WWasWT Fancy, Richard 1943–.............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Fanghua, Ye See .......................................... Yip, Francoise Fann, Al 1925–........................................ CTFT–51 Fanning, Dakota 1994– ........................... CTFT–63 Fanning, Elle 1998–................................. CTFT–63 Fanning, Tony........................................... CTFT–79 Faracy, Stephanie 1952–.......................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Faraday, Philip Michael 1875–1969 ...... WWasWT Faragallah, Ramsey................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Farah, Jameel See................................................ Farr, Jamie Farentino, Debrah 1961– ........................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Farentino, James 1938– ........................... CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 18; WWT–17 Farer, Ronnie 1951– .................................. CTFT–7 Fargas, Antonio 1946–............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 33 Farina, Dennis 1944– .............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–22, 43 Farino, Julian ............................................ CTFT–89 Faris, Anna 1976– ................................... CTFT–66 Faris, Sean 1982– .................................... CTFT–68 Farjeon, Herbert 1887–1945 ................. WWasWT Farjeon, Joseph Jefferson 1883–1955..... WWasWT Farkoa, Maurice 1867–1916.................. WWasWT Farleigh, Lynn 1942–............................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 29; WWT–17 Farley, Chris 1964–1997.......................... CTFT–20 Farley, John 1968–................................... CTFT–91 Farley, Morgan 1898–1988........................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Farmer, Bill 1952– ................................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Farmer, Gary 1953–................................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 Farmer, Ken .............................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Farmiga, Vera ........................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Farnsworth, Richard 1920– ..................... CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Farnum, Dustin 1874–1929................... WWasWT Farnum, William 1876–1953................. WWasWT Farone, Felicia 1961–................................ CTFT–7 Farquhar, Malcolm 1924– ......................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Farquhar–Bennett, Nigel See............................................. Cleese, John Farquharson, Robert 1877–1966............ WWasWT Farr, Derek 1912–1986.............................. CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Farr, Diane 1973–.................................... CTFT–75 Farr, Florence 1860–1917...................... WWasWT Farr, Jamie 1934– .................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 20, 42 Farr, Shonda ............................................. CTFT–59

Cumulative Index

Evans, Mary Beth 1961–.......................... CTFT–88 Evans, Maurice 1901–1989 ....................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Evans, Michael 1922– ........................... WWasWT Evans, Michael Jonas 1949–...................... CTFT–3 Evans, Nancy 1915–.............................. WWasWT Evans, Ray 1915– ...................................... CTFT–1 Evans, Robert 1930–................................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 Evans, Serena ........................................... CTFT–34 Evans, Tenniel 1926–.............................. WWT–17 Evans, Troy 1948– ................................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Evans, Will 1873–1931.......................... WWasWT Evans, Winifred 1890–........................... WWasWT Eve 1978– ............................................... CTFT–65 Eve, Trevor 1951–.................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Eveling, (Harry) Stanley 1925– ............... WWT–17 Evelyn, Clara 1886–? ............................. WWasWT Evelyn, Judith 1913–1967...................... WWasWT Evennett, Wallace 1888–?...................... WWasWT Everage, Dame Edna See .................................... Humphries, Barry Everest, Barbara 1890–1968 .................. WWasWT Everett, Chad 1936(?)–............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30 Everett, Rupert 1959– .............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 19, 29 Everett, Tom.............................................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Everhard, Nancy 1957–........................... CTFT–69 Everhart, Angie 1969– ............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 29 Everhart, Rex 1920– ............................... WWT–17 Everson, William K. 1929– ...................... CTFT–17 Evert, Chris 1954– ................................... CTFT–45 Everton, Deborah ..................................... CTFT–56 Evett, Robert 1874–1949 ....................... WWasWT Evigan, Greg 1953–................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 24 Ewart, Stephen T. 1869–? ....................... WwasWT Ewell, Kayla 1985–.................................. CTFT–89 Ewell, Tom 1909–1994.............................. CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ewen, Lesley............................................. CTFT–54 Ewing, Blake McIver 1985–..................... CTFT–71 Ewing, Nicole........................................... CTFT–49 Eyen, Jerome See................................................ Eyen, Tom Eyen, Tom 1941–1991............................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Eyre, Laurence 1881–1959 .................... WWasWT Eyre, Peter 1942– .................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–36; WWT–17 Eyre, Richard 1943– ................................ CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21; WWT–17 Eyre, Ronald 1929– ................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Eysselinck, Walter 1931–........................ WWT–17 Eythe, William 1918–1957 .................... WWasWT Eyton, Frank 1894–................................ WWasWT


FARRAH Farrah 1926– ............................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Farrand, Jan 1925– ................................. WWT–17 Farrar, Gwen 1899–1944....................... WWasWT Farrell, Charles 1900(?)–1990.................... CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Farrell, Colin 1976– ................................ CTFT–62 Farrell, Glenda 1904–1971.................... WWasWT Farrell, M. J. 1905–................................ WWasWT Farrell, Marty ............................................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Farrell, Mike 1939– ................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 27 Farrell, Nicholas ....................................... CTFT–35 Farrell, Paul 1893– ................................ WWasWT Farrell, Shea 1957– ................................... CTFT–5 Farrell, Terry 1963– ................................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Farrell, Tom Riis ....................................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Farrelly, Bobby 1958(?)– .......................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Farrelly, Peter 1956–................................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Farren, Babs 1904–................................ WWasWT Farren, Fred ?–1956............................... WWasWT Farren, William 1853–1937................... WWasWT Farrer, Ann 1916–.................................. WWasWT Farrow, Mia 1945(?)–............................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 36; WWT–17 Farwell, Jonathan 1932–.......................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Fasano, John............................................. CTFT–61 Faso, Laurie .............................................. CTFT–54 Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1946–1982........................................ CTFT–1 Fassler, Ron .............................................. CTFT–46 Fat, Chow Yuen See ......................................... Chow Yun–Fat Fathers, Daniel 1966– ............................. CTFT–90 Fatone, Joey 1977–.................................. CTFT–48 Fauchois, Rene 1882–1962 ................... WWasWT Faulkner, James 1948–............................. CTFT–62 Faustino, David 1974– ............................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 31 Favart, Edmee ?–1941............................ WWasWT Faversham, William 1868–1940 ............ WWasWT Favre, Gina............................................. WWasWT Favreau, Jon 1966– ................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Faw, Bob .................................................. CTFT–92 Fawcett, Alan ........................................... CTFT–46 Fawcett, Charles S. 1855–1922 ............. WWasWT Fawcett, Eric 1904– ............................... WWasWT Fawcett, Farrah 1947–............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 34 Fawcett, George 1860–1939.................. WWasWT Fawcett, L’Estrange ................................. WWasWT Fawcett, Marion 1886–1957.................. WWasWT Fawcett–Majors, Farrah See ........................................ Fawcett, Farrah Fawn, James 1850–1961 ....................... WWasWT Fay, Meagen ............................................. CTFT–61 Fay, William George 1872–1949 ........... WWasWT Faye, Alice 1915–1998 ........................... CTFT–27 Faye, Joey 1910–.................................... WWT–17 Faye, Tina See .................................................. Fey, Tina Fayne, Greta ........................................... WWasWT Fayre, Eleanor 1910–............................. WWasWT Fazan, Eleanor 1930–............................. WWT–17 Fealy, Maude 1883–1971 ...................... WWasWT Fearl, Clifford ............................................. CTFT–1

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Fearnley, John 1914–................................. CTFT–1 Fearnley, Neill .......................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Fearon, George Edward 1901– .............. WWasWT Fearon, Ray 1967– .................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Feast, Michael 1946– .............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 22; WWT–17 Featherston, Vane 1864–1948 ............... WWasWT Featherstone, Angela 1965– .................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Febre, Louis .............................................. CTFT–53 Feder, A. H. 1909–1997 ............................ CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–17 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Federkiewicz, Stefania See ...................................... Powers, Stefanie Federline, Kevin 1978– ........................... CTFT–92 Feely, Terence 1928–................................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Feeney, Caroleen ...................................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Feeney, Matthew 1968– .......................... CTFT–81 Fega, Russ ................................................ CTFT–34 Fehr, Brendan 1977– ............................... CTFT–61 Fehr, Oded 1970– ................................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Feiffer, Jules 1929– .................................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Feig, Paul 1962– ..................................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Feige, Kevin 1973–.................................. CTFT–80 Feingold, Michael 1945–........................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Feinman, Joshua 1971– ........................... CTFT–78 Feinstein, Michael 1956– ........................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Feirstein, Bruce 1953–............................. CTFT–28 Feist, Gene 1930– ..................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Feldman, Corey 1971– ............................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 24 Feldman, Edward S. 1929–...................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Feldman, Marty 1934–1982 ...................... CTFT–1 Feldon, Barbara 1941– .............................. CTFT–6 Feldshuh, Tovah 1952– ........................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 11, 22; WWT–17 Felgate, Peter 1919– .............................. WWasWT Felix, Hugo 1866–1934......................... WWasWT Fell, Dr. Russel See............................................. Pegg, Simon Fell, Norman 1924–1998 ........................ CTFT–19 Obituary in CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Fellini, Federico 1920–1993...................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Fellowes–Robinson, Dora ?–1946 .......................................... WWasWT Felt, Jan Broberg ....................................... CTFT–75 Felton, Lindsay 1984– ............................. CTFT–69 Felton, Tom 1987– .................................. CTFT–67 Fenn, Frederick 1868–1924................... WWasWT Fenn, Sherilyn 1965– .............................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 29 Fenton, George 1950–............................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 24 Fenwick, Irene 1887–1936 .................... WWasWT Feore, Colm.............................................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Feraudy, Jacques de ................................ WWasWT Feraudy, Maurice de 1859– ................... WWasWT


Ferber, Edna 1887–1968........................ WWasWT Ferguson, Bill See ............................................... Raimi, Ted Ferguson, Catherine 1895– .................... WWasWT Ferguson, Colin 1972– ............................ CTFT–53 Ferguson, Craig 1962–............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Ferguson, Elsie 1885–1961 .................... WWasWT Ferguson, J. Don....................................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Ferguson, John Pyper See .............................. Pyper–Ferguson, John Ferguson, Mark 1961–............................. CTFT–43 Ferguson, Sandra 1967– .......................... CTFT–56 Ferguson, Stacy 1975–............................. CTFT–68 Ferland, Jodelle 1994– ............................ CTFT–61 Ferlitto, Vanessa 1980–............................ CTFT–80 Fern, Sable 1876–? ................................ WWasWT Fernald, Chester Bailey 1869–1938 ....... WWasWT Fernald, John 1905– ............................... WWT–17 Fernan Gomez, Fernando 1921– .............. CTFT–33 Fernandez, Bijou 1877–1961 ................ WWasWT Fernandez, James 1835–1915................ WWasWT Fernandez, Peter....................................... CTFT–54 Fernandez, Shiloh 1985–......................... CTFT–82 Ferocious Fish See .......................................... Guttridge, Jim See ......................................... Bennett, Daryl Ferrabee, Gillian....................................... CTFT–64 Ferrar, Beatrice ?–1958 .......................... WWasWT Ferrara, Abel 1952(?)– ............................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Ferrara, Jerry 1979–................................. CTFT–89 Ferrare, Cristina 1950– ............................ CTFT–20 Ferrari, Isabella 1964–............................. CTFT–34 Ferrell, Conchata 1943– .......................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 24 Ferrell, Geoffrey See........................................ Blake, Geoffrey Ferrell, Tyra 1962– .................................. CTFT–42 Ferrell, Will 1968(?)– ............................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Ferrer, Jose 1912(?)–1992......................... CTFT–11 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Ferrer, Mel 1917–2008 .............................. CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–92 Ferrer, Miguel 1955– ............................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Ferrera, America 1984–........................... CTFT–77 Ferrera, Georgina See ...................................... Ferrera, America Ferrero, Martin ......................................... CTFT–31 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Ferrers, Helen ?–1943............................ WWasWT Ferretti, Dante 1943– .............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22, 43 Ferri, Claudia............................................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Ferrier, Noel 1930– ................................ WWT–17 Ferrigno, Lou 1952– ................................ CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Ferrin, Ingrid............................................. CTFT–49 Ferris, Barbara 1943– ................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ferris, Bob See ......................................... Barker, Ronnie Ferris, Michael.......................................... CTFT–61 Ferris, Monk See............................................ Sharkey, Jack Ferris, Samantha 1968– ........................... CTFT–90 Ferro, Pat See ............................................ Reese, Della Ferry, April................................................ CTFT–50

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Figgis, Mike 1948(?)–............................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Figman, Max 1868–1952....................... WWasWT Figueroa, Gabriel 1907–1997.................. CTFT–26 Filarkski, Elisabeth See .............................. Hasselbeck, Elisabeth Filippi, Rosina 1866–1930..................... WWasWT Filippo, Fab 1974(?)–............................... CTFT–58 Filkins, Grace ?–1962 ............................ WWasWT Fillion, Nathan 1971– ............................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Filmer, A. E. ........................................... WWasWT Filpi, Carmen............................................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Finch, Peter 1916–1977 ........................ WWasWT Fincher, David 1963– .............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Finck, Herman 1872–? .......................... WWasWT Fincke, SueAnn ........................................ CTFT–51 Findon, B. W. 1859–1943 ..................... WWasWT Fine, David............................................... CTFT–65 Fine, Travis 1968– ................................... CTFT–42 Finerman, Wendy 1957(?)–...................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Finestra, Carmen ...................................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Fingerhut, Arden......................................... CTFT–6 Fink, Kenneth ........................................... CTFT–59 Finkel, Fyvush 1923– .............................. CTFT–30 Finkelstein, Kinky See ....................................... Feldman, Corey Finkelstein, William M. ............................ CTFT–54 Finlay, Frank 1926– ................................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33; WWT–17 Finlay–McLennan, Stewart 1957–.............................................. CTFT–65 Finley, Cameron 1987– ........................... CTFT–51 Finn, Arthur ............................................ WWasWT Finn, Charlie............................................. CTFT–68 Finn, John 1952–..................................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Finn, Mary................................................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Finn, Pat ................................................... CTFT–54 Finn, William 1952–................................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Finnegan, Bill 1928– ................................. CTFT–1 Finneran, Katie 1971– ............................. CTFT–48 Finney, Albert 1936– ............................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5, 35; WWT–17 Finnie, Leo V. III ....................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Fiore, John................................................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Fiorentino, Linda 1960(?)–....................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Firesign Theatre See ............................................. Proctor, Phil Firestone, Roy 1953–............................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Firgens, Mackenzie 1975–....................... CTFT–88 Firstenberg, Sam 1950– ........................... CTFT–41 Firth, Anne 1918–.................................. WWasWT Firth, Colin 1960– ................................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 26 Firth, David 1945– .................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Firth, Elizabeth 1884–? .......................... WWasWT Firth, Julian............................................... CTFT–53 Firth, Peter 1953–.................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 38 Firth, Tazeena 1935– .............................. WWT–17 Fischer, Alice 1869–1947 ...................... WWasWT


Fischer, Jenna 1974– ............................... CTFT–92 Fischer, Marc S. ........................................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Fischer, Takayo ......................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Fischler, Patrick 1969– ............................ CTFT–71 Fish, Nancy .............................................. CTFT–40 Fishburne, Laurence 1961– ..................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 Fishel, Danielle 1981– ............................ CTFT–68 Fisher, Carrie 1956– ................................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 14, 26 Fisher, Dan ................................................. CTFT–6 Fisher, Douglas 1934– ............................... CTFT–1 Fisher, Frances 1952– .............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 24 Fisher, Isla 1976–..................................... CTFT–67 Fisher, Joely 1965(?)–............................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Fisher, Jules 1937–................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 38; WWT–17 Fisher, Linda 1943– ................................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9 Fisher, Lola 1896–1926 ......................... WWasWT Fisher, Lucy 1949– .................................. CTFT–69 Fisher, Noel 1982– .................................. CTFT–73 Fisher, Robert.............................................. CTFT–4 Fisher, Terry Louise 1946(?)–.................... CTFT–11 Fisher, Thomas L....................................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Fisher, Tom ............................................... CTFT–63 Fishler, Patrick See........................................ Fischler, Patrick Fisk, Jack 1934– ........................................ CTFT–8 Fiske, Harrison Grey 1861–1942 ........... WWasWT Fiske, Minnie Maddern 1865–1932 ....... WWasWT Fiske, Stephen 1840–1916..................... WWasWT Fiske, Tarleton See........................................... Bloch, Robert Fitelson, William H. 1905– ....................... CTFT–5 Fitts, Rick.................................................. CTFT–53 Fitz, Paddy See.................................. McGoohan, Patrick Fitzgerald, Aubrey Whitestone 1876–? .......................................... WWasWT Fitzgerald, Barry 1888–1961 ................. WWasWT Fitzgerald, Edward 1876–?..................... WWasWT Fitzgerald, Geraldine 1914– ...................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Fitzgerlad, Glenn 1972–.......................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Fitzgerald, Neil 1893–............................ WWT–17 Fitzgerald, Percy Hetherington 1834–1925.................................... WWasWT Fitzgerald, S. J. Adair 1859–1925 .......... WWasWT Fitzgerald, Tara 1967(?)–.......................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Fitzgerald, Walter 1896– ....................... WWasWT Fitzgerald, Wilbur..................................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Fitzpatrick, Colleen 1970(?)– ................... CTFT–54 Fitzpatrick, Gabrielle ................................ CTFT–71 Fitzpatrick, Jim 1959– ............................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Fitzpatrick, Richard .................................. CTFT–58 Fitzsimmons, Maureen See .................................... O’Hara, Maureen Fjelde, Rolf 1926– ..................................... CTFT–1 Flacco See ....................................... Livingston, Paul Flagg, Fannie 1941(?)– ............................. CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1

Cumulative Index

Ferry, David.............................................. CTFT–68 Fessenden, Beverly Lucy See...................................... Garland, Beverly Feuer, Cy ................................................. WWT–17 Feuerstein, Mark 1971–........................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Feuillere, Edwige 1907–1998 ................ WWasWT Obituary in CTFT–24 Fey, Tina 1970– ....................................... CTFT–62 Ffolkes, David 1912–............................. WWasWT Ffolliott, Gladys ?–1928......................... WWasWT Ffrangcon–Davies, Gwen 1896–.............. WWT–17 Fiander, Lewis 1938–................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Fibich, Felix 1917–.................................... CTFT–4 Fichandler, Zelda 1924–......................... WWT–17 Fichtner, William 1956– .......................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Fiedel, Brad 1951– .................................. CTFT–43 Fiedler, John 1925– ................................. CTFT–35 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7 Field, Alexander 1892–1939 ................. WWasWT Field, Arabella 1965– .............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 42 Field, Barbara 1935– ................................. CTFT–1 Field, Betty 1918–1973 .......................... WWT–16 Field, Crystal 1940– .................................. CTFT–1 Field, David.............................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Field, Edward Salisbury 1878–1936 ...... WWasWT Field, Fern 1934– ...................................... CTFT–4 Field, Jonathan 1912–............................ WWasWT Field, Jules 1919–...................................... CTFT–5 Field, Leonard S. 1908– ............................ CTFT–4 Field, Ron ?–1989 ..................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Field, Sally 1946–.................................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 18, 29 Field, Sid 1904–1950 ............................ WWasWT Field, Sylvia 1901(?)–1998 ...................... CTFT–25 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Field, Ted 1953–...................................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Field, Todd 1964– ................................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Field, Virginia 1917– ............................. WWasWT Fielding, Emma 1973(?)– ......................... CTFT–48 Fielding, Fenella 1934– ............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Fielding, Harold ...................................... WWT–17 Fielding, Marjorie 1892–1956 ............... WWasWT Fields, Adam 1965– ................................ CTFT–30 Fields, Alexis 1983– ................................ CTFT–56 Fields, Dorothy 1905–1974 ................... WWasWT Fields, Freddie 1923– ................................ CTFT–5 Fields, Gracie 1898–1979 ..................... WWasWT Fields, Herbert 1897–1958 .................... WWasWT Fields, Holly 1976– ................................. CTFT–63 Fields, Joseph 1895–1966...................... WWasWT Fields, Judy................................................. CTFT–2 Fields, Kim 1969– ................................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 Fields, Lew 1867–1941 ......................... WWasWT Fields, Michael ......................................... CTFT–51 Fields, W. C. 1879–1946 ....................... WWasWT Fiennes, Joseph 1970–............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Fiennes, Ralph 1962–.............................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22 Fierstein, Harvey 1954– .......................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 33 Fifield, Elaine 1930–.............................. WWasWT


FLAHERTY Flaherty, Joe 1941–.................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Flaherty, Lanny 1942– ............................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Flambe, Mona See .......................................... Lauper, Cyndi Flanagan, Bud 1896–1968..................... WWasWT Flanagan, Fionnula 1941– ....................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Flanagan, Hallie 1890–1969 ................. WWasWT Flanagan, Markus 1964– ......................... CTFT–78 Flanagan, Pauline 1925– ........................... CTFT–1 Flanagan, Richard ?–1917 ..................... WWasWT Flanagan, Tommy 1965– ......................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Flanders, Chris.......................................... CTFT–89 Flanders, Ed 1934–1995.......................... CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Flanders, Jimmy See............................................. Clarke, Cam Flanders, Michael 1922–1975 ............... WWasWT Flanery, Sean Patrick 1965– .................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Flanigan, Joe............................................. CTFT–53 Flannery, Peter 1951–................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Flannery, Susan 1943(?)– ......................... CTFT–58 Flannigan, Maureen 1973–...................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Flatley, Michael 1958– ............................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 42 Flatman, Barry .......................................... CTFT–54 Flatt, Ernest O. 1918–1995........................ CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–14 Flattery, Paul............................................. CTFT–89 Flavin, Martin 1883–1967 ..................... WWasWT Flay, Bobby 1964–................................... CTFT–89 Flea 1962– .............................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Fleet, James .............................................. CTFT–35 Fleetwood, Susan 1944–1995 ................. CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6; WWT–17 Fleischer, Charles 1950–.......................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Fleischer, Max 1883(?)–1972 ................... CTFT–20 Fleischer, Richard O. 1916– .................... CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Fleming, Brandon 1889–?...................... WWasWT Fleming, George 1858–1938 ................. WWasWT Fleming, Ian 1888–1969........................ WWasWT Fleming, Lucy 1947–................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Fleming, Peggy 1948– ............................. CTFT–43 Fleming, Shaun 1987–............................. CTFT–71 Fleming, Tom 1927–............................... WWT–17 Flemming, Claude 1884–1952 .............. WWasWT Flemming, Peter 1967– ........................... CTFT–54 Flemyng, Jason 1966– ............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Flemyng, Robert 1912– .......................... WWT–17 Flender, Rodman 1962(?)– ....................... CTFT–51 Fleo, Groucho L. See ......................................... Priestley, Jason Flers, P. L. 1867–?.................................. WWasWT Flers, Robert de 1872–1932 .................. WWasWT Fletcher, Allen 1922– ............................. WWT–17 Fletcher, Bramwell 1904–1988.................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Fletcher, Brendan 1981–.......................... CTFT–90 Fletcher, Dexter 1966– ............................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Fletcher, Duane 1953– .............................. CTFT–4

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Fletcher, Louise 1934–............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 16, 26 Fletcher, Page ........................................... CTFT–62 Fletcher, Percy 1879–1932 .................... WWasWT Fletcher, Robert 1923– ........................... WWT–17 Fleur, Art La See .............................................. LaFleur, Art Fleury, Laura............................................. CTFT–48 Flex See ........................................ Alexander, Flex Flexner, Anne Crawford 1874–1955 ...... WWasWT Flick, Stephen Hunter 1949–................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Flicker, Ted 1930– ..................................... CTFT–1 Flieger, Jean See ......................................... St. James, Jean Flinders, James See............................................. Clarke, Cam Flint, Katja 1960– .................................... CTFT–35 Flint–Shipman, Veronica 1931–.............. WWT–17 Flitter, Josh 1994–.................................... CTFT–79 Flockhart, Calista 1964–.......................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Flood, Ann ................................................. CTFT–3 Florek, Dann 1950– ................................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Florek, Dave ............................................. CTFT–48 Flores, Tina See ...................................... Milian, Christina Flores, Von 1960– ................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Flory, Regine 1894–1926....................... WWasWT Flower, George “Buck” 1937–................. CTFT–58 Flowers, Wayland 1939–1988................... CTFT–5 Floyd, Gwendolen ?–1950..................... WWasWT Floyd, Robert III 1967–............................ CTFT–72 Fluellen, Joel 1908–1990 .......................... CTFT–9 Flynn, Barbara 1948– .............................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16 Flynn, Colleen 1962– .............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Flynn, Don 1928– ..................................... CTFT–1 Flynn, Errol 1909–1959........................... CTFT–20 Flynn, J. Michael ...................................... CTFT–63 Flynn, Keri See........................................... Burstyn, Ellen Flynn, Leslie See .............................................. Flynn, Errol Flynn, Michael 1944– ............................. CTFT–44 Flynn, Miriam 1952–............................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Flynn, Neil 1960(?)– ................................ CTFT–62 Flynn, Quinton 1964– ............................. CTFT–46 Flynn, Steven............................................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Fo, Dario 1926– ...................................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Foan, John See ............................................. Bava, Mario Foch, Nina 1924– ................................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 33; WWT–17 Fodor, Ladislaus (Lazlo) 1898– .............. WWasWT Fogarty, Jack 1923– ................................... CTFT–3 Fogerty, Elsie 1866–1945....................... WWasWT Fogler, Dan 1977–................................... CTFT–83 Foh Shen, Freda ....................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Fokine, Michel 1880–1942.................... WWasWT Foley, David 1963– ................................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Foley, Ellen 1951– ..................................... CTFT–7 Foley, James 1953–.................................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21


Foley, Jennifer Crystal See ....................................... Crystal, Jennifer Foley, Scott 1972– ................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Foliart, Dan .............................................. CTFT–50 Folke, Will See........................................... Bloch, Robert Folland, Alison 1978– ............................. CTFT–67 Follows, Megan 1968– ............................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Folse, Gabriel 1956– ............................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Folsey, George, Jr. 1939–........................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Fonda, Bridget 1964– .............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 29 Brief Entry in CTFT–8 Fonda, Henry 1905–1982 ......................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Fonda, Jane 1937– .................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 27; WWT–17 Fonda, Peter 1939(?)–.............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19, 29 Fondacaro, Phil 1958– ............................ CTFT–50 Foner, Naomi............................................ CTFT–21 Fonseca, Lyndsy 1987– ........................... CTFT–86 Fontaine, Frank......................................... CTFT–54 Fontaine, Joan 1917– .............................. CTFT–24 Fontana, Tom 1951–................................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19, 31 Fontanne, Lynn 1892–1983.................... WWT–16 Fonteyn, Margot 1919–1991 ................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Foote, Hallie 1953–................................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 32 Foote, Horton 1916– ............................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 15; WWT–17 Foray, June 1917(?)– ................................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 35 Foray, Larry See ....................................... Mordente, Tony Forbes, Brenda 1909– ............................ WWT–17 Forbes, Bryan .......................................... WWT–14 Forbes, Freddie 1895–1952 ................... WWasWT Forbes, James 1871–1938...................... WWasWT Forbes, Mary 1880–1964....................... WWasWT Forbes, Meriel 1913– ............................. WWT–17 Forbes, Michelle 1967–........................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Forbes, Norman 1858–1932.................. WWasWT Forbes, Ralph 1905–1951...................... WWasWT Forbes, Tracey .......................................... CTFT–54 Forbes–Robertson, Beatrice 1883–1967.................................... WWasWT Forbes–Robertson, Frank 1885–1947..... WWasWT Forbes–Robertson, Jean 1905–1962....... WWasWT Forbes–Robertson, Johnstone 1853–1937.................................... WWasWT Force, Frank See ....................................... Nimoy, Leonard Ford Davies, Oliver .................................. CTFT–35 Ford, Audrey........................................... WWasWT Ford, Bette 1928–.................................... CTFT–63 Ford, Constance 1923(?)–1993 .................. CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–11 Ford, D. C. ............................................... CTFT–36 Ford, Ed E. ............................................. WWasWT Ford, Faith 1964– .................................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Ford, Frances 1939–.................................. CTFT–1

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Fortescus, Miss 1862–1950 ................... WWasWT Fortier, Laurie 1974– ............................... CTFT–91 Fortunato, Ron.......................................... CTFT–80 Fortune, Nadio ......................................... CTFT–32 Forward, William...................................... CTFT–35 Foss, F. A. See ....................................... Lawrence, Marc Foss, George R. 1859–1938................... WWasWT Fosse, Bob 1927–1987 .............................. CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Fossey, Brigitte 1946–................................ CTFT–8 Foster, Barry............................................. WWT–17 Foster, Basil S. 1882–1959..................... WWasWT Foster, Ben 1980–.................................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Foster, Blake 1985– ................................. CTFT–91 Foster, Claiborne 1896–......................... WWasWT Foster, David 1929– .................................. CTFT–5 Foster, Edward 1876–1927 .................... WWasWT Foster, Frances 1924–1997 ........................ CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Foster, Gloria 1936– .................................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Foster, Jodie 1962– .................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 14, 25 Foster, Julia 1942– ..................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Foster, Meg 1948– ................................... CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19 Foster, Norman 1900–1976 ................... WWasWT Foster, Paul 1931– .................................. WWT–17 Foster, Phoebe 1896– ............................ WWasWT Foster, Sutton 1975– ................................ CTFT–49 Fottrell, Michael ....................................... CTFT–80 Fowlds, Derek 1937– .............................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Fowler, Beth 1940– ................................... CTFT–8 Fowler, Clement 1924– ........................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Fowler, Keith 1939– .................................. CTFT–4 Fox, Bernard 1927–................................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Fox, Charles 1940– ................................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21 Fox, Colin................................................. CTFT–53 Fox, Crystal R. .......................................... CTFT–61 Fox, Della 1871–1913........................... WWasWT Fox, Edward 1937– ................................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19, 29 Fox, Emilia 1974– ................................... CTFT–70 Fox, Frederick 1910–............................. WWasWT Fox, James 1939– .................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 19, 29 Fox, Jorjan 1968– .................................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Fox, Kerry 1966–..................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Fox, Matthew 1966– ............................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 Fox, Megan 1986– .................................. CTFT–74 Fox, Michael J. 1961– ............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21, 31 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Fox, Rick 1969– ...................................... CTFT–63 Fox, Robin 1913–1971 .......................... WWasWT Fox, Sandy................................................ CTFT–42 Fox, Shayna.............................................. CTFT–67 Fox, Sidney 1910–1942......................... WWasWT Fox, Terry Curtis 1948– ............................. CTFT–1 Fox, Vivica A. 1964– ............................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22


Fox, Will H. 1858–? .............................. WWasWT Fox, William See ............................................... Fox, James Fox, William 1911– ................................ WWT–17 Foxworth, Robert 1941–.......................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4 Foxworthy, Jeff 1958–.............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 42 Foxx, Jamie 1967–................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Foxx, Redd 1922–1991 ........................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Foy, Eddie 1854–1928 ........................... WWasWT Foyt, Victoria ............................................ CTFT–26 Frain, James 1969–.................................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Fraker, William A. 1923–......................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Frakes, Jonathan 1952– ........................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 38 Fraley, Pat 1949–..................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 France, Alexis 1906– ............................. WWasWT France, Anatole 1868–1949 .................. WWasWT France, Jo Marie Payton–Noble See ....................................... Payton, JoMarie France, Marie ........................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 France, Richard 1938– .............................. CTFT–4 France–Ellys............................................ WWasWT Francine, Anne 1917– ............................... CTFT–4 Franciosa, Anthony 1928–....................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Francis, Alfred 1909–1985 ..................... WWT–17 Francis, Andrew ....................................... CTFT–53 Francis, Anne 1932(?)– ............................ CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Francis, Arlene 1908– ............................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Francis, Clive 1946–............................... WWT–17 Francis, David .......................................... CTFT–40 Francis, Doris 1903– ............................. WWasWT Francis, Freddie 1917– ............................ CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Francis, Genie 1962– .............................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 38 Francis, Ivor 1917–1986............................ CTFT–4 Francis, Jon See................................................. Gries, Jon Francis, Kay 1905–1968 ........................ WWasWT Francis, M. E. 1855–1930...................... WWasWT Francis, Ryan 1977– ................................ CTFT–82 Francis–Bruce, Richard 1948– ................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Franciscus, James 1934–1991 ................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–10 Francks, Cree Summer See .......................................... Summer, Cree Francks, Don 1932– ................................ CTFT–70 Francks, Lili .............................................. CTFT–62 Francks, Rainbow 1979– ......................... CTFT–69 Franco, David........................................... CTFT–63 Franco, James 1978– ............................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Franco, Larry ............................................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Franco, Ramon 1963– ............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Frandsen, Jano .......................................... CTFT–62 Frank, Bruno 1887–1945....................... WWasWT Frank, David Michael ............................... CTFT–55 Frank, Harriet, Jr. ...................................... CTFT–11 Frank, Judy 1936– ..................................... CTFT–7

Cumulative Index

Ford, Glenn 1916–2006 .......................... CTFT–19 Obituary in CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Ford, Harriet 1868–1949 ....................... WWasWT Ford, Harrison 1942– .............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 24 Ford, Harry 1877–?................................ WWasWT Ford, Helen ............................................ WWasWT Ford, John 1895–1973............................. CTFT–23 Ford, Maria............................................... CTFT–30 Ford, Nancy 1935– ................................... CTFT–1 Ford, Paul 1901–1976............................ WWT–16 Ford, Ruth 1915– ...................................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ford, Steven 1956– ................................. CTFT–37 Ford, Tennessee Ernie 1919–1991 ........... CTFT–10 Ford, Thomas Mikal ................................. CTFT–61 Ford, Wallace 1898–1966 ..................... WWasWT Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Forde, Florrie 1876–1940 ...................... WWasWT Fordin, Hugh 1935– .................................. CTFT–1 Foree, Ken 1941– .................................... CTFT–63 Foreman, Amanda 1966– ........................ CTFT–54 Foreman, Carl 1914–1984......................... CTFT–2 Foreman, Jamie 1958– ............................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Foreman, John ............................................ CTFT–5 Foreman, Richard 1937– ......................... CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Forest, Denis ............................................ CTFT–41 Forest, Michael 1929–............................. CTFT–54 Forke, Farrah 1967(?)–............................. CTFT–50 Forlani, Claire 1972–............................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 32 Forlow, Ted 1931–................................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6 Forman, Jamie See........................................ Foreman, Jamie Forman, Milos 1932– .............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 21, 31 Formby, George 1904–1961 .................. WWasWT Fornes, Maria Irene 1930– ...................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Forrest, Anne 1897– .............................. WWasWT Forrest, Frederic 1936–............................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Forrest, George 1915– ............................. CTFT–10 Forrest, Sam 1870–1944........................ WWasWT Forrest, Steve 1925– .................................. CTFT–7 Fors, Aaron 1989–................................... CTFT–76 Forster, Robert 1941– .............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19, 29 Forster, Wilfred 1872–1924 ................... WWasWT Forster–Bovill, W. B. 1871–?.................. WWasWT Forsyth, Bill 1948– .................................... CTFT–6 Forsyth, Bruce 1928– ................................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Forsyth, Matthew 1896–1954 ................ WWasWT Forsyth, Neil 1866–1915 ....................... WWasWT Forsyth, Rosemary 1943(?)–..................... CTFT–53 Forsythe, Charles ........................................ CTFT–1 Forsythe, Colin 1961– ............................... CTFT–4 Forsythe, Henderson 1917–..................... CTFT–14 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Forsythe, John 1918–............................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14 Forsythe, William 1955– ......................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Fort, Mary Jane ......................................... CTFT–65 Forte, Deborah ......................................... CTFT–55 Forte, Marlene .......................................... CTFT–44 Fortenberry, John ...................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40


FRANK Frank, Mary K. ?–1988 .............................. CTFT–1 Frank, Melvin 1913–1988 ....................... CTFT–23 Frank, Richard 1953– ................................ CTFT–8 Frank, Sandy............................................. CTFT–53 Frank, Scott 1960– .................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Frankau, Ronald 1894–1951 ................. WWasWT Franke, Christopher 1953– ...................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Frankel, David 1960–.............................. CTFT–61 Frankel, Gene 1923–................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Frankel, Kenneth 1941–1998 .................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Frankel, Mark 1962–1996 ....................... CTFT–24 Frankel, Richard 1954– ........................... CTFT–49 Franken, Al 1951–................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 42 Franken, Rose 1895–1988 ..................... WWasWT Franken, Steve 1932– .............................. CTFT–76 Frankenheimer, John 1930–2002............. CTFT–47 Obituary in CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 23 Frankiss, Betty 1912–............................. WWasWT Franklin, Bonnie 1944– ............................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Franklin, Carl 1949–................................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 24 Franklin, David......................................... CTFT–44 Franklin, Don 1960– ............................... CTFT–53 Franklin, Harold B. 1890–1941 ............. WWasWT Franklin, Irene 1876–1941 .................... WWasWT Franklin, Kim Fields See............................................... Fields, Kim Franklin, Pamela 1950–............................. CTFT–8 Franklin, Richard 1948– .......................... CTFT–10 Franklyn, Leo 1897–1975...................... WWasWT Franks, Laurie 1929– ................................. CTFT–1 Frann, Mary 1943–1998............................ CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–24 Franz, Dennis 1944– ............................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 Franz, Eduard 1902–1983 ...................... WWT–16 Franz, Elizabeth 1941–............................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Franz, Joy 1945– ....................................... CTFT–1 Franzese, Daniel 1978–........................... CTFT–71 Frappier, Jill .............................................. CTFT–54 Fraser, Agnes........................................... WWasWT Fraser, Alec 1884–?................................ WWasWT Fraser, Alison 1955– .................................. CTFT–5 Fraser, Bill 1908–1987............................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Fraser, Brendan 1968–............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Fraser, David ............................................ CTFT–46 Fraser, Hugh ............................................. CTFT–45 Fraser, John 1931–.................................. WWT–17 Fraser, Laura 1976– ................................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Fraser, Lovat 1903–................................ WWasWT Fraser, Moyra 1923–............................... WWT–17 Fraser, Shelagh......................................... WWT–17 Fraser, Winifred 1872–? ......................... WWasWT Fraser–Simon, Harold 1878–1944 ......... WWasWT Fratangelo, Dawn 1960– ......................... CTFT–92 Fratti, Mario 1927–.................................... CTFT–2 Frawley, James 1937–.............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Frawley, William 1893(?)–1966 ............... CTFT–16 Frayn, Michael 1933– ............................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Frazee, Harry Herbert 1880–1929 ......... WWasWT Frazer, Rupert 1947– ............................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 20 Frazier, John 1944– ................................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Frazier, Ronald 1942– ............................... CTFT–1 Frears, Stephen 1941– ............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 15, 24 Freberg, Stan 1926–................................. CTFT–41 Frechette, Peter 1956(?)– ......................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Frederick, Jason 1970– ............................ CTFT–80 Frederick, Pauline 1885–1938............... WWasWT Frederick, Robert ...................................... CTFT–89 Frederick, William See........................................ Knight, William Fredericks, Neal 1969– ........................... CTFT–54 Fredericks, Randy See ......................................... Brooks, Randy Fredrick, Burry 1925–............................. WWT–17 Freear, Louie 1871–1939 ....................... WWasWT Freedley, George 1904–1967................. WWasWT Freedley, Vinton 1891–1969.................. WWasWT Freedman, Bill 1929– ............................. WWT–17 Freedman, Gerald 1927–........................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Freedman, Robert L. 1957– ..................... CTFT–62 Freek, George 1945– ................................. CTFT–1 Freeman, Al, Jr. 1934–............................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7; WWT–17 Freeman, Arny 1908–............................. WWT–17 Freeman, Crispin 1972– .......................... CTFT–46 Freeman, Frank 1892–1962................... WWasWT Freeman, Harry....................................... WWasWT Freeman, J. E. 1946– ............................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Freeman, Jonathan.................................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Freeman, Jonathan 1950–........................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Freeman, K. Todd ..................................... CTFT–29 Freeman, Kathleen 1919–........................ CTFT–30 Freeman, Kim Fields See............................................... Fields, Kim Freeman, Morgan 1937– ......................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 15, 24; WWT–17 Freeman, Paul 1943– .............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Freeman, Rob ........................................... CTFT–43 Freeman, Stella 1910–1936 ................... WWasWT Freeman, Yvette 1957– ............................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Frees, Paul 1919–1986.............................. CTFT–4 Freleng, Friz 1906–1995 ........................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–14 Frelich, Phyllis 1944–.............................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19 French and Saunders See .................................... Saunders, Jennifer French, Antonia See......................................... Kureishi, Hanif French, Bruce ........................................... CTFT–55 French, Colby ........................................... CTFT–80 French, Elise ........................................... WWasWT French, Elizabeth .................................... WWasWT French, Harold 1900– ............................ WWT–17 French, Hermene 1924–........................ WWasWT French, Hugh 1910–.............................. WWasWT French, Leslie 1904–1999 ...................... WWT–17 Obituary in CTFT–24 French, Stanley J. 1908–1964................ WWasWT French, Valerie 1932– ............................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17


French, Victor 1934–1989......................... CTFT–6 Fresco, Michael ........................................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Fresco, Rob .............................................. CTFT–63 Fresh Prince, The See............................................... Smith, Will Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Fresnay, Pierre 1897–1973 .................... WWasWT Freudenberger, Daniel 1945– ................. WWT–17 Freund, Karl 1890–1969.......................... CTFT–30 Frewer, Matt 1958– ................................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 24 Frewer, Terry............................................. CTFT–58 Frey, Leonard 1938–1988....................... WWT–17 Frey, Nathaniel 1913–1970 ................... WWasWT Fricker, Brenda 1945– ............................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Fridell, Squire 1943– ................................. CTFT–1 Fried, Martin 1937–................................ WWT–17 Fried, Robert N. 1959(?)– ........................ CTFT–83 Friedericy, Bonita...................................... CTFT–78 Friedkin, William 1935–.......................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 15, 24 Friedlander, Judah..................................... CTFT–64 Friedlander, W. B. ?–1968 ..................... WWasWT Friedle, Will 1976–.................................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Friedman, Andrew .................................... CTFT–92 Friedman, Bruce Jay 1930– ....................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Friedman, Jake 1867–? .......................... WWasWT Friedman, Lewis 1948– ............................. CTFT–4 Friedman, Peter 1949– ............................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Friedman, Phil 1921–1988 ........................ CTFT–1 Friedman, Stephen 1937–1996.................. CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–16 Friel, Anna 1976–.................................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Friel, Brian 1929–.................................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10; WWT–17 Friels, Colin 1952– .................................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 26 Friendly, Ed 1922–..................................... CTFT–8 Friendly, Fred 1915–1998.......................... CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–21 Frierson, Monte L. 1930– .......................... CTFT–4 Fries, Charles .............................................. CTFT–2 Friesen, Rick 1943–................................... CTFT–1 Friganzi, Trixie 1870–1955 .................... WWasWT Frigon, Miranda 1980–............................ CTFT–74 Friml, Charles Rudolf 1881–1972 .......... WWasWT Frisby, Terence 1932–............................. WWT–17 Frisch, Max 1911– .................................. WWT–17 Frith, J. Leslie 1889–1961...................... WWasWT Frizzell, John ............................................ CTFT–48 Frizzell, John 1966– ................................ CTFT–47 Frogley, Louise.......................................... CTFT–80 Frohman, Charles 1860–1915 ............... WWasWT Frohman, Daniel 1851–1940................. WWasWT Fromage, Marty See ....................................... Williams, Robin Frost, David 1939–.................................... CTFT–3 Frost, Lindsay 1962– ............................... CTFT–64 Frost, Mark 1953– ................................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Frost, Roger .............................................. CTFT–63 Frost, Sadie 1967–................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Froyez, Maurice...................................... WWasWT Fruchtman, Milton Allen............................. CTFT–1 Fry, Christopher 1907– ........................... WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Futterman, Dan 1967– ............................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Fyfe, Jim ................................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Fyfe, H. Hamilton 1869–1951............... WWasWT

G G, Melanie See ....................................... Brown, Melanie Gabel, Martin 1912–1986 ......................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gaberman, Alexander See .................................. Chaplin, Alexander Gaberman, Sandy See .................................. Chaplin, Alexander Gable, Clark 1901–1960 ....................... WWasWT Gable, June 1945– .................................. CTFT–36 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10 Gabor, Eva 1921(?)–1995 .......................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–15 Gabor, Zsa Zsa 1919– ............................. CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Gabriel, Gilbert W. 1890–1952 ............. WWasWT Gabriel, Peter 1950– ............................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Gabrielle, Josefina .................................... CTFT–51 Gackle, Kathleen See........................................ Lloyd, Kathleen Gadd, Renee 1908–............................... WWasWT Gaffigan, Jim 1966– ................................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Gaffney, Liam 1911–.............................. WWasWT Gaffney, Mo 1958–.................................. CTFT–53 Gage, Kevin 1959–.................................. CTFT–86 Gage, Patricia ........................................... CTFT–58 Gaghan, Stephen 1965– .......................... CTFT–81 Gagliano, Frank .......................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gagnier, Holly 1962– .............................. CTFT–41 Gagnon, Trevor 1995–............................. CTFT–86 Gago, Jenny 1953–.................................. CTFT–64 Gahagan, Helen 1900– ......................... WWasWT Gaige, Crosby 1882–1949..................... WWasWT Gail, David 1966–................................... CTFT–72 Gail, Max 1943– ..................................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 33 Gail, Zoe ................................................ WWasWT Gaines, Boyd 1953–................................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 24 Gaines, Charles L. 1942– .......................... CTFT–3 Gainey, M. C. ........................................... CTFT–44 Gains, Courtney 1965– ........................... CTFT–50 Gainsbourg, Charlotte 1971–................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Galarno, Bill 1938–................................... CTFT–7 Galati, Frank 1943–................................. CTFT–21 Gale, Bob See .............................. Gale, Michael Robert Gale, John 1929– ...................................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gale, Lorena............................................. CTFT–53 Gale, Michael Robert 1951– ................... CTFT–13 Earlier sketch (as Bob Gale) in CTFT–7 Gale, Vincent ........................................... CTFT–59 Gale, Zona 1874–1938 ......................... WWasWT Galecki, Johnny 1975–............................ CTFT–46 Galeotti, Bethany Joy See................................................. Lenz, Joie


Galeota, Michael 1984–.......................... CTFT–68 Galifianakis, Zach 1969– ........................ CTFT–64 Galik–Furey, Denise ................................. CTFT–64 Galino, Valeria See ........................................ Golino, Valeria Galipaux, Felix 1860–1931 ................... WWasWT Gallacher, Tom 1934– ............................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gallagher, Bronagh 1972–....................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Gallagher, David 1985– .......................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Gallagher, Helen 1926– ............................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gallagher, Mary 1947–.............................. CTFT–1 Gallagher, Megan 1960– ......................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 41 Gallagher, Peter 1955(?)–......................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 28 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Gallagher, Richard 1900–1955 .............. WWasWT Galland, Bertha 1876–1932 .................. WWasWT Gallant, Felicia See............................................. Dano, Linda Gallego, Gina 1959–............................... CTFT–56 Gallen, Joel 1957– .................................. CTFT–64 Galligan, Zach 1964–.............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 39 Gallimore, Florrie 1867–?...................... WWasWT Gallin, Sandy............................................ CTFT–42 Gallini, Matt 1966– ................................. CTFT–75 Gallion, Randy See ....................................... Vasquez, Randy Gallner, Kyle 1986–................................. CTFT–78 Gallo, Billy 1966– ................................... CTFT–88 Gallo, Paul ............................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 39 Gallo, Vincent 1961– .............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Gallop, Tom ............................................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Galloway, Don 1937– ............................... CTFT–2 Galloway, Jane 1950– ............................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 15, 38 Galsworthy, John 1867–1933 ................ WWasWT Galt, John William 1940–........................ CTFT–54 Galvina, Dino 1890–1960..................... WWasWT Gam, Rita 1928– ....................................... CTFT–1 Gamble, Mason 1986–............................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Gamble, Tom 1898–.............................. WWasWT Gambon, Michael 1940– ........................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 26; WWT–17 Gammell, Robin ....................................... CTFT–80 Gammon, James 1940– ........................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 15, 24 Gance, Abel 1889–1981 ........................... CTFT–2 Gandolfini, James 1961– ......................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Gangsta See........................................................... Eve Gann, Merrilyn ......................................... CTFT–56 Gannascoli, Joseph, R. 1959– ................. CTFT–89 Gannon, Glenn See ........................................ Cannon, Glenn Gant, David.............................................. CTFT–56 Gant, Richard 1944(?)–............................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Ganz, Bruno 1941–................................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 24 Ganz, Lowell 1948–................................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Ganz, Tony................................................. CTFT–9

Cumulative Index

Fry, Stephen 1957–.................................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Frye, Soleil Moon 1976– ......................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Fryer, Robert 1920– ................................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Fryman, Pamela........................................ CTFT–64 Fuchs, Michael J. 1946–.......................... CTFT–12 Fudge, Alan 1944– .................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 42 Fuentes, Daisy 1966– .............................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Fugard, Athol 1932–................................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 15, 24; WWT–17 Fugate, Katherine 1965–.......................... CTFT–80 Fujimoto, Tak............................................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Fujioka, John ............................................ CTFT–37 Fulford, Christopher.................................. CTFT–35 Fulger, Holly............................................. CTFT–49 Fulks, Sarah Jane See ........................................... Wyman, Jane Fuller, Amanda 1984– ............................. CTFT–59 Fuller, Benjamin John 1875–? ................ WWasWT Fuller, Bryan 1969– ................................. CTFT–76 Fuller, Charles 1939–................................. CTFT–7 Fuller, Drew 1980–.................................. CTFT–69 Fuller, Frances 1908–............................. WWasWT Fuller, Janice 1942–................................... CTFT–2 Fuller, John G. 1913– ................................ CTFT–1 Fuller, Kurt 1953–.................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Fuller, Loie 1862–1928.......................... WWasWT Fuller, Penny 1940–................................. CTFT–39 Fuller, Rosalinde ...................................... WWT–17 Fuller, Samuel 1912–1997......................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–18 Fuller, Simon 1961(?)– ............................. CTFT–65 Fullerton, Fiona 1956– ............................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15 Fulton, Charles J. 1857–1938 ................ WWasWT Fulton, Maude 1881–1950 .................... WWasWT Fumusa, Dominic 1972– ......................... CTFT–74 Funk, Dan 1953– .................................... CTFT–66 Funt, Allen 1914–...................................... CTFT–9 Fuqua, Lela Rochon See ........................................... Rochon, Lela Furber, Douglas 1885–1961 .................. WWasWT Furguson, Wesley See ........................................... Link, William Furie, Sidney J. 1933– ............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 31 Furla, George 1960(?)– ............................ CTFT–80 Furlan, Mira 1955–.................................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Furlong, Edward 1977– ........................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 24 Furmann, Benno 1972–........................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 See .................................... Fuermann, Benno Furniss, Grace Livingston 1864–1938.................................... WWasWT Furse, Judith 1912–................................ WWasWT Furse, Roger 1903–1972........................ WWasWT Furst, Anton 1944(?)–1991 ........................ CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–10 Furst, Stephen 1955–............................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 16, 28 Furth, George 1932– ................................. CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Fury, David............................................... CTFT–50


GANZEL Ganzel, Teresa 1957–.............................. CTFT–61 Garant, Ben 1970– .................................. CTFT–81 Garay, Soo................................................ CTFT–59 Garber, Terri 1960– ................................. CTFT–64 Garber, Victor 1949– ............................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 26 Garbo, Greta 1905–1990 .......................... CTFT–9 Garcia Marquez, Gabriel 1928–.............. CTFT–15 Garcia, Adam 1973– ............................... CTFT–62 Garcia, Aimee 1978– .............................. CTFT–67 Garcia, Andy 1956– ................................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 24 Garcia, Damien See...................................... Leguizamo, John Garcia, Joanna 1979–.............................. CTFT–46 Garcia, Jorge 1973–................................. CTFT–70 Garcia, Jsu 1963– .................................... CTFT–54 Garcia, Risa Bramon 1957 ...................... CTFT–26 Garcin, Ginette......................................... CTFT–34 Garde, Betty 1905–1989 ........................... CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gardell, Victor See....................................... Gradjeda, Javier Garden, E. M. 1845–1939 ..................... WWasWT Garden, Graeme 1943–............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gardenia, Vincent 1922–1992 .................. CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–11 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Gardiner, Cyril 1897– ............................ WWasWT Gardiner, Greg.......................................... CTFT–48 Gardiner, Reginald 1903–1980.............. WWasWT Gardner, Ava 1922–1990 .......................... CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Gardner, Herb 1934– .............................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Gardner, Jan See ...................................... Felt, Jan Broberg Gardner, Shayle 1890–1945 .................. WWasWT Gardner, Will 1879–? ............................ WWasWT Gareis, Jennifer 1970–............................. CTFT–68 Garel, Saskia 1977– ................................ CTFT–92 Garfein, Jack 1930–................................... CTFT–5 Garfield, Allen 1939–.............................. CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Garfield, John 1913–1952 ..................... WWasWT Garfield, Julie ............................................. CTFT–1 Gargan, William (Dennis) 1905–1979.................................... WWasWT Garito, Ken 1968–................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Garity, Troy 1973–................................... CTFT–67 Garland, Beverly 1926– .......................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Garland, Geoff 1926– ............................... CTFT–1 Garland, Judy 1922–1969 ....................... CTFT–20 Garland, Patrick 1935– ........................... CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Garland, Robert 1895–1955 .................. WWasWT Garlin, Jeff 1962– .................................... CTFT–64 Garlington, Lee......................................... CTFT–43 Garner, James 1928– ............................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 35 Garner, Jay................................................ CTFT–30 Garner, Jennifer 1972– ............................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Garner, Kelli 1984– ................................. CTFT–75 Garner, Kenneth ....................................... CTFT–30 Garner, Leonard R., Jr. .............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Garnett, Edward 1868–1937.................. WWasWT Garnett, Gale.............................................. CTFT–1

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Garofalo, Janeane 1964–......................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 24 Garr, Teri 1949(?)– ................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 18, 29 Garrett, Arthur 1869–1941 .................... WWasWT Garrett, Beau 1982– ................................ CTFT–81 Garrett, Betty 1919– ................................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Garrett, Brad 1960–................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Garrett, Eliza See........................................... Roberts, Eliza Garrett, Hank 1931– ............................... CTFT–56 Garrett, Joy ................................................. CTFT–1 Garrett, Leif 1961– .................................. CTFT–69 Garrett, Spencer 1963– ........................... CTFT–44 Garrick, Barbara 1965– ........................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Garrick, Gus ........................................... WWasWT Garrick, John 1902– .............................. WWasWT Garris, Mick 1951– ................................. CTFT–50 Garrison, David 1952–............................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4, 39 Garrison, Miranda 1950– ........................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Garside, John 1887–1958...................... WWasWT Garson, Barbara 1941– ............................. CTFT–1 Garson, Greer 1903–1996......................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Garson, Willie 1964– .............................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Garth, Jennie 1972– ................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 42 Gartin, Christopher ................................... CTFT–65 Garver, Kathy 1947–................................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Gary, Lorraine............................................. CTFT–7 Gascoigne, Bamber 1935– ..................... WWT–17 Gascon, Jean 1921–1988 ....................... WWT–17 Gaskill, William 1930–.............................. CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gaspard, Raymond L. 1949–..................... CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Gass, Kyle 1960– .................................... CTFT–76 Gassman, Alessandro 1965– ................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Gassman, Vittorio 1922– ........................... CTFT–8 Gassner, Dennis 1948–............................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Gassner, John 1903–1967...................... WWasWT Gast, Leon 1937(?)–................................. CTFT–20 Gasteyer, Ana 1967– ............................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Gaston, Michael ....................................... CTFT–48 Gates, Eleanor 1875–1951 .................... WWasWT Gates, Jesse Stuart See..................................... McFadden, Gates Gates, Larry 1915– ................................. WWT–17 Gates, Tucker............................................ CTFT–43 Gateson, Marjorie 1897–1977............... WWasWT Gatti, John M. 1872–1929..................... WWasWT Gaudet, Christie 1957– ............................. CTFT–4 Gaul, George 1885–1939 ...................... WWasWT Gault, Willie 1960–................................. CTFT–75 Gaunt, William 1937–............................ WWT–17 Gauthier, Chris 1976– ............................. CTFT–67 Gauthier, Dan 1963–............................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Gautier, Richard 1931– ........................... CTFT–54 Gavault, Paul 1867–? ............................ WWasWT Gaven, Marcia Mitzman 1959–............... CTFT–67 Gavin, John 1932– .................................... CTFT–2


Gawthorne, Peter A. 1884–1962 ........... WWasWT Gaxton, William 1893–1963 ................. WWasWT Gay, John 1924–........................................ CTFT–9 Gay, Maisie 1883–1945......................... WWasWT Gay, Noel 1898–1954 ........................... WWasWT Gay, Shirley See ............................... Brown, Pat Crawford Gaye, Freda 1907–1986............................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Gaye, Nona 1974–.................................. CTFT–76 Gayheart, Rebecca 1972– ....................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 29 Gaynes, George 1917–............................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8; WWT–17 Gaythorne, Pamela 1882–?.................... WWasWT Gazelle, Wendy........................................ CTFT–67 Gazzara, Ben 1930–................................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 29; WWT–17 Gazzo, Michael V. 1923–1995.................. CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Ge, Chen Kai See ............................................. Chen, Kaige Gear, Luella 1899– ................................ WWasWT Geary, Anthony 1947– ............................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 18 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Geddes, David ......................................... CTFT–49 Gedrick, Jason 1965– .............................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 38 Gee, George 1895–1959 ....................... WWasWT Gee, Robbie 1970– ................................. CTFT–71 Gee, Shirley 1932–.................................. CTFT–12 Geer, Ellen 1941–.................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 20, 31 Geer, Kevin............................................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Geer, Will 1902–1978............................ WWT–16 Geeson, Judy 1948– ................................ CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Geffen, David 1943–................................. CTFT–5 Geidt, Jeremy ........................................... CTFT–32 Geist, Bill 1945(?)– .................................. CTFT–89 Gelb, Arthur 1924– ................................... CTFT–1 Gelb, Barbara ............................................. CTFT–1 Gelbart, Larry 1928– ............................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 10, 36; WWT–17 Gelber, Jack 1932– .................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Geldof, Bob 1954(?)– .............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Gelinas, Marc ........................................... CTFT–34 Gelke, Becky See .................................... Baker, Becky Ann Gellar, Sarah Michelle 1977– .................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Geller, Marc 1959– ................................... CTFT–1 Gellman, Yani 1985–............................... CTFT–68 Gellner, Julius 1899– .............................. WWT–17 Gelman, Larry 1930– .............................. CTFT–41 Gelman–Waxer, Libby See .......................................... Rudnick, Paul Gemier, Firmin 1865–1933.................... WWasWT Gemignani, Rhoda 1940– ....................... CTFT–46 Gemmell, Don 1903– ............................ WWT–17 Gemmer, Monica See .......................................... Stori, Moneca Gems, Pam 1925–..................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Genee, Dame Adeline 1878–1970 ........ WWasWT Genesse, Bryan 1967–............................. CTFT–59 Genest, Edmund ....................................... CTFT–55

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Gesner, Zen 1970– .................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Gest, Morris 1881–1942........................ WWasWT Gets, Malcolm 1964–.............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Getty, Balthazar 1975– ............................ CTFT–53 Getty, Estelle 1923–................................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14 Getz, John 1947– .................................... CTFT–46 Getzman, Gary See ...................................... Goetzman, Gary Geva, Tamara 1907– ............................. WWasWT Gevedon, Stephen .................................... CTFT–65 Gewe, Raddory See ......................................... Gorey, Edward Gewirtz, Howard...................................... CTFT–65 Gheusi, Pierre B. 1867–? ....................... WWasWT Ghini, Massimo 1954– ............................ CTFT–30 Ghostley, Alice 1928(?)–.......................... CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19; WWT–17 Gia, Richado See .......................................... Gere, Richard Giacchino, Michael .................................. CTFT–74 Giagni, D. J. 1950– ................................... CTFT–4 Giamatti, Marcus 1961– .......................... CTFT–44 Giamatti, Paul 1967– .............................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Giannini, Giancarlo 1942–...................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19, 32 Giannini, Olga........................................ WWasWT Giarraputo, Jack ....................................... CTFT–80 Gibb, Cynthia 1963–............................... CTFT–44 Gibb, Lee See...................... Waterhouse, Keith Spencer Gibbons, Arthur 1871–1935.................. WWasWT Gibbons, Blake ......................................... CTFT–59 Gibbons, Leeza 1957– ............................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Gibbs, Marla 1931– ................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 15, 39 Gibbs, Matyelock ..................................... CTFT–64 Gibbs, Nancy ?–1956 ............................ WWasWT Gibbs, Richard ......................................... CTFT–65 Gibbs, Timothy 1967–............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Gibney, Susan........................................... CTFT–44 Gibson, Annabeth 1971– ........................ CTFT–61 Gibson, Brenda 1870–? ......................... WWasWT Gibson, Chloe 1899– ............................ WWasWT Gibson, Deborah 1970–.......................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Gibson, Henry 1935–.............................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 32 Gibson, Mel 1956– ................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Gibson, Michael 1944–............................. CTFT–5 Gibson, Thomas 1962(?)–........................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 29 Gibson, William 1914– ............................. CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gibson, William 1948– ........................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Gibson, Wynne 1905–1987................... WWasWT Giddens, George 1845–1920................. WWasWT Gideon, Melville J. 1884–1933 ............. WWasWT Gidley, Pamela 1965– ............................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Gielgud, John 1904– ............................... CTFT–23 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14; WWT–17 Gielgud, Val 1900–1981........................ WWasWT Gierasch, Stefan 1926– ........................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Gifaldi, Sam ............................................. CTFT–74


Giffin, Philip............................................. CTFT–56 Gifford, Frank 1930– ............................... CTFT–22 Gifford, Kathie Lee 1953– ....................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Gigandet, Cam 1982– ............................. CTFT–90 Gignoux, Regis 1878–?.......................... WWasWT Gil, Arturo 1960– .................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Gilbert, Bruce 1947–................................. CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Gilbert, Jean 1879–1943 ....................... WWasWT Gilbert, Johnny 1924– ............................. CTFT–91 Gilbert, Lewis 1920– ............................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Gilbert, Lou 1909–1978 ......................... WWT–17 Gilbert, Melissa 1964– ............................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 14, 38 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Gilbert, Olive .......................................... WWT–17 Gilbert, Ronnie 1926–............................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Gilbert, Sara 1975– ................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 39 Gilbert–Brinkman, Melissa See ....................................... Gilbert, Melissa Gilborn, Steven 1936– ............................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Gilder, Rosamond de Kay 1891–1986........................................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Giler, David.............................................. CTFT–47 Giles, Nancy 1960– ................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Gilford, Jack 1907(?)–1990 ...................... CTFT–11 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Gilhooley, Jack 1940– ............................... CTFT–1 Gill, Basil 1877–1955............................ WWasWT Gill, Brendan 1914–............................... WWT–17 Gill, Jack 1955– ...................................... CTFT–48 Gill, Morgan Brittany See ...................................... Brittany, Morgan Gill, Paul ?–1934................................... WWasWT Gill, Peter 1939– ..................................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18; WWT–17 Gill, Tom 1916–1971 ............................. WWT–16 Gillespie, Dana 1949– .............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gillespie, Richard 1878–1952 ............... WWasWT Gillespie, Robert 1933–............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gillett, Aden 1958–................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Gillett, Eric 1893– ................................. WWasWT Gillette, Anita 1936(?)–............................ CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 33; WWT–17 Gillette, William 1855–1937 ................. WWasWT Gilliam, Terry 1940– ............................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21, 31 Gillian, Jerry See........................................... Gilliam, Terry Gilliard, Carl 1958– ................................ CTFT–76 Gilliard, Larry, Jr. ...................................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Gilliatt, Penelope Ann Douglass................. CTFT–1 Gillie, Jean 1915–1949.......................... WWasWT Gilliland, Helen 1897–1942.................. WWasWT Gilliland, Richard 1950– ......................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 42 Gillis, Paulina........................................... CTFT–54 Gillman, Mabelle 1880–? ...................... WWasWT Gillmore, Frank 1867–1943 .................. WWasWT Gillmore, Margalo 1897–1986 .............. WWasWT Gillott, Nick ............................................. CTFT–63

Cumulative Index

Genet, Jean 1910–1986............................. CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Genevie, Michael 1959(?)–...................... CTFT–53 Geniat, Marchell ?–1959 ....................... WWasWT Genn, Leo 1905–1978 ........................... WWT–16 Gennaro, Peter 1919– ............................... CTFT–4 Genovese, Mike ....................................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Gentile, Denise ........................................ CTFT–69 Genzel, Carrie 1971– .............................. CTFT–91 George, A. E. 1869–1920 ...................... WWasWT George, Brian 1952– ............................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 George, Bud See............................................... Davis, Bud George, Chief Dan 1899–1981 ............... CTFT–17 George, Christopher 1929–1983 ............. CTFT–21 George, Colin 1929– ............................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 George, Dan See................................... George, Chief Dan George, Gladys 1904–1954................... WWasWT George, Grace 1879–1961 .................... WWasWT George, Jason Winston 1972– ................. CTFT–74 George, Lynda Day 1946–......................... CTFT–8 George, Marie 1879–1955..................... WWasWT George, Melissa 1976–............................ CTFT–62 George, Muriel 1883–1965 ................... WWasWT George, Richard See.......................................... Epcar, Richard Gerald, Ara 1900–1957......................... WWasWT Geraldy, Paul 1885–?............................. WWasWT Gerard, Gil 1943– ..................................... CTFT–6 Gerard, Teddie 1892–1942.................... WWasWT Geray, Steve 1904–1973........................ WWasWT Gerber, Ella 1916–..................................... CTFT–1 Gerber, Fred ............................................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Gerber, Joan 1935– ................................. CTFT–54 Gerdes, George 1948– ............................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 33 Gere, Richard 1949– ............................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 13, 23 Gereghty, William .................................... CTFT–82 Gerety, Peter 1940–................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Gerini, Claudia 1971–............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 German, Edward 1862–1936................. WWasWT German, Lauren 1978– ........................... CTFT–75 Germann, Greg 1958(?)– ......................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Gerrard, Gene 1892–1971 .................... WWasWT Gerringer, Robert 1926–1989 .................... CTFT–2 Gerrity, Dan 1958–.................................... CTFT–7 Gerroll, Daniel 1951– ............................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5, 23 Gershon, Gina 1962–.............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 24 Gershwin, George 1898–1937............... WWasWT Gershwin, Ira 1896–1983...................... WWasWT Gerson, Betty Lou 1914–1999................. CTFT–25 Gerson, Carlotta See ........................................ Mazursky, Paul Gerstad, John 1924–............................... WWT–17 Gersten, Bernard 1923– ............................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gertz, Jami 1965– ................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 26 Gertz, Paul ............................................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Gerussi, Bruno ........................................ WWasWT


GILLUM Gillum, Vern............................................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Gilmore, Alexie 1976– ............................ CTFT–86 Gilmore, Janette 1905–.......................... WWasWT Gilmore, Peter 1931– ............................. WWT–17 Gilmore, Virginia 1919–1986 ................ WWasWT Gilmore, W. H. ...................................... WWasWT Gilmore, William S................................... CTFT–80 Gilmour, Brian 1894–1954 .................... WWasWT Gilmour, Ian 1955– ................................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Gilpin, Charles 1878–1930 ................... WWasWT Gilpin, Jack 1951– .................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Gilpin, Peri 1961–................................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 29 Gilroy, Frank D. 1925–............................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Gilroy, Tony.............................................. CTFT–67 Gilsig, Jessalyn 1971– ............................. CTFT–45 Gilvezan, Dan .......................................... CTFT–43 Gilyard, Clarence, Jr. 1955– .................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Gimbel, Roger 1925– .............................. CTFT–10 Gimpel, Erica 1964– ............................... CTFT–46 Gingold, Hermione 1897–1987 ................ CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ginisty, Paul 1858–1932 ....................... WWasWT Ginner, Ruby 1886–? ............................. WWasWT Ginsbury, Norman 1903– ....................... WWT–17 Ginter, Lindsey ......................................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Ginty, Robert 1948– ................................ CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18 Gioiello, Bruno 1968–............................. CTFT–60 Giordano, Tony 1939– .............................. CTFT–5 Giovanni, Paul 1940–1990 ....................... CTFT–9 Giovinazzo, Carmine 1973– ................... CTFT–68 Giovinazzo, Rick ...................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Girard, Francois 1963–............................ CTFT–27 Giraudeau, Philippe 1955– ....................... CTFT–4 Giraudoux, Jean 1882–1944.................. WWasWT Giroday, Francois 1952– ......................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19, 29 Gish, Annabeth 1971– ............................ CTFT–28 Gish, Dorothy 1898–1968..................... WWasWT Gish, Lillian 1893–1993............................ CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–11 Earlier sketch WWT–17 Gisondi, John 1949– ................................. CTFT–4 Git, Lei Lin See ....................................................... Li, Jet Gitana, Gertie 1887–1957..................... WWasWT Gittelsohn, Ellen ....................................... CTFT–50 Giuliana, Donna Hanover See ...................................... Hanover, Donna Giuntoli, Neil 1959– ............................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Givens, Robin 1964(?)– ........................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 29 Gkolino, Baleria See ........................................ Golino, Valeria Glabczynska, Liliana See ............................... Komorowska, Liliana Gladstein, Richard N. ............................... CTFT–81 Glasco, Kimberly ...................................... CTFT–12 Glaser, Jon 1968– .................................... CTFT–80 Glaser, Lulu 1874–1958 ........................ WWasWT Glaser, Paul Michael 1943– .................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 42 Glaspell, Susan 1882–1948 ................... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Glass, Dee Dee 1948– ............................ CTFT–16 Glass, Dudley 1899– ............................. WWasWT Glass, Joanna McClelland 1936–................................................ CTFT–1 Glass, Montague 1877–1934................. WWasWT Glass, Ned 1906–1984.............................. CTFT–2 Glass, Philip 1937– ................................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 26 Glass, Ron 1945– .................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 31 Glassco, Bill 1935– ................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Glasser, Isabel........................................... CTFT–54 Glasser, Phillip 1978–.............................. CTFT–65 Glassford, David 1866–1935................. WWasWT Glatter, Lesli Linka.................................... CTFT–49 Glau, Summer 1981– .............................. CTFT–71 Glaudini, Lola 1972– .............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Glave, Karen ............................................ CTFT–63 Glave, Matthew ........................................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Glaze, Susan 1956– .................................. CTFT–4 Glazer, Eugene Robert .............................. CTFT–64 Glazer, Mitch 1953–................................ CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Gleason, Jackie 1916–1987....................... CTFT–5 Gleason, James 1886–1959 ................... WWasWT Gleason, Joanna 1950– ........................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 15, 43 Gleason, John 1941–................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gleason, Mary Pat .................................... CTFT–75 Gleason, Paul 1944– ............................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14 Gleeson, Brendan 1955(?)– ..................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Glen, Iain 1961– ..................................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Glen Willa See........................................... Willis, Rumer Glendinning, Ernest 1884–1936 ............ WWasWT Glendinning, Ethel 1910–...................... WWasWT Glendinning, John 1857–1916 .............. WWasWT Glenister, Frank 1860–1945................... WWasWT Glenn, Scott 1941– ................................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 22, 43 Glennie, Brian 1912– ............................ WWasWT Glennie–Smith, Nick ................................ CTFT–56 Glennon, James 1942– ............................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Glenny, Charles H. 1857–1922 ............. WWasWT Glenville, Peter 1913–............................ WWT–17 Glenville, Shaun 1884–1968 ................. WWasWT Gless, Sharon 1943– ............................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 39 Glick, Michael S....................................... CTFT–29 Glickman, Jonathan 1969–...................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Glines, John 1933–.................................... CTFT–1 Globus, Yoram 1941–.............................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Glossop–Harris, Florence See ......................... Harris, Florence Glossop Glover, Bruce 1932– ............................... CTFT–75 Glover, Crispin 1964– ............................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Glover, Danny 1947– .............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21, 31 Glover, Halcott 1877–1949 ................... WWasWT Glover, James Mackey 1861–?............... WWasWT Glover, Jamie............................................ CTFT–35


Glover, John 1944– ................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 26; WWT–17 Glover, Julian 1935–................................ CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 13, 39; WWT–17 Glover, Mrs. See.................................................. Blair, Isla Glover, Savion 1973– .............................. CTFT–53 Glover, Susan ........................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Glover, William 1911– .............................. CTFT–3 Glowacki, Janusz 1938–.......................... CTFT–15 Gluckman, Leon 1922–1978.................. WWT–16 Glynn, Carlin 1940–.................................. CTFT–1 Glynne, Angela 1933–........................... WWasWT Glynne, Mary 1898–1954 ..................... WWasWT Gobel, George 1919–................................ CTFT–7 Godard, Jean–Luc 1930–......................... CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19 Godber, John 1956– ................................ CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Goddard, Charles W. 1879–1951 .......... WWasWT Goddard, Drew 1975– ............................ CTFT–86 Goddard, Paul .......................................... CTFT–44 Goddard, Paulette 1911(?)–1990 ............... CTFT–9 Goddard, Stuart See ............................................... Ant, Adam Goddard, Trevor 1965– ........................... CTFT–36 Goddard, Willoughby 1926–.................. WWT–17 Godden, Jimmy 1879–1955 .................. WWasWT Godfrey, Derek 1924– ............................ WWT–17 Godfrey, Lynnie .......................................... CTFT–5 Godfrey, Patrick 1933–............................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Godfrey, Peter 1899–1970..................... WWasWT Godfrey–Turner, L. ................................. WWasWT Godin, Maurice ........................................ CTFT–50 Godreche, Judith 1972– .......................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Godunov, Alexander 1949–1995............... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–14 Goelz, Dave 1946– ................................. CTFT–45 Goen, Bob 1954–.................................... CTFT–79 Goethals, Angela 1977– .......................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Goetz, Peter Michael 1941–.................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18, 30 Goetz, Ruth Goodman 1912– ................ WWT–17 Goetzman, Gary 1952–........................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Goff, John F. ............................................. CTFT–59 Goffin, Cora 1902–................................ WWasWT Goffin, Peter 1906– ............................... WWasWT Goggin, Dan 1943–................................... CTFT–3 Goggins, Walt........................................... CTFT–53 Goines, Siena ........................................... CTFT–81 Going, Joanna 1963– .............................. CTFT–45 Going, John 1936– .................................... CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Goins, Jesse D. ......................................... CTFT–58 Golan, Menahem 1929(?)– ...................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 Golas, H. G. See ....................................... Fondacaro, Phil Golchan, Frederic 1953–......................... CTFT–12 Gold, Barbara See ....................................... Quigley, Linnea Gold, Ernest 1921–1999.......................... CTFT–12 Obituary in CTFT–32 Gold, Jack 1930– .................................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Gold, L. Harvey........................................ CTFT–54 Gold, Tracey 1969–................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Gomez, Nick 1963–................................ CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Gomez, Panchito 1963–.......................... CTFT–53 Gomez, Rick 1972– ................................ CTFT–81 Gomez–Preston, Reagan 1980–............... CTFT–68 Gondry, Michel 1963(?)– ......................... CTFT–68 Gong, Li 1965– ....................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 40 Gonzalez, Benito See ......................................... Bardem, Javier Gonzalez, Clifton Gonzalez See.................................... Collins, Clifton, Jr. Gonzalez, Nicholas 1976–...................... CTFT–91 Gonzalez, Rick 1979–............................. CTFT–67 See.................................... Collins, Clifton, Jr. Gonzalo, Julie 1981– .............................. CTFT–74 Gooch, Steve 1945–.................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Good, Christopher .................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Good, Meagan 1981– ............................. CTFT–44 Goodall, Caroline 1959–......................... CTFT–50 Goodall, Edyth 1886–1929.................... WWasWT Gooden, Jack Kelly 1949–......................... CTFT–6 Goodeve, Grant 1952–............................ CTFT–46 Goodhand, Donna ................................... CTFT–72 Gooding, Cuba, Jr. 1968–........................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 38 Gooding, Omar 1976– ............................ CTFT–59 Goodliff, Michael 1914–1976 ................ WWT–16 Goodman, Brian ....................................... CTFT–86 Goodman, Dody 1915– .......................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Goodman, Henry 1950– ......................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Goodman, John 1952– ............................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 28 Goodman, Jules Eckert 1876–1962 ....... WWasWT Goodman, Len 1944– ............................. CTFT–89 Goodman, Philip ?–1940....................... WWasWT Goodner, Carol 1904– ........................... WWasWT Goodrich, Arthur 1878–1941 ................ WWasWT Goodrich, Edna 1883–1974 .................. WWasWT Goodrich, Frances 1890–1984 ................ CTFT–26 Goodrich, Louis 1865–1945.................. WWasWT Goodson, Barbara 1949– ........................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Goodson, Mark 1915–1992 ...................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–11 Goodwin, Deidre ..................................... CTFT–59 Goodwin, J. Cheever 1850–1912 .......... WWasWT Goodwin, John 1921– ............................ WWT–17 Goodwin, Malcom ................................... CTFT–80 Goodwin, Nat C. 1857–1920 ................ WWasWT Goodwin, Robbie See................................... Greenberg, Robbie Goodwin, Ron 1925–.............................. CTFT–12 Goolden, Richard 1895– ........................ WWT–17 Goorjian, Michael A. 1971–.................... CTFT–53 Goorwitz, Allen See ......................................... Garfield, Allen Gopal, Ram 1917– ................................ WWasWT Gorak, Chris ............................................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Gorcey, Elizabeth 1965– ........................... CTFT–5 Gord, Ken................................................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Gordon, Barry 1948– .............................. CTFT–54 Gordon, Brian .......................................... CTFT–69 Gordon, Bryan.......................................... CTFT–51 Gordon, Burt I. 1922– ............................... CTFT–8 Gordon, Charles ....................................... CTFT–10


Gordon, Charles Kilbourn 1888–? .......................................... WWasWT Gordon, Colin 1911–1972..................... WWasWT Gordon, Douglas 1871–1935 ................ WWasWT Gordon, Eve ............................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Earlier sketch (as Eve Bennett–Gordon) in CTFT–2 Gordon, Gale 1906–1995 ......................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Gordon, Gavin 1901–1970 ................... WWasWT Gordon, Hannah 1941– .......................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 11 Gordon, Hayes 1920– ............................ WWT–17 Gordon, Howard ...................................... CTFT–42 Gordon, Joel 1975–................................. CTFT–92 Gordon, Joyce .......................................... CTFT–75 Gordon, Keith 1961–............................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Gordon, Kitty 1878–1974...................... WWasWT Gordon, Lawrence 1936–........................ CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 26 Gordon, Leon 1884–1960 ..................... WWasWT Gordon, Marjorie 1893–........................ WWasWT Gordon, Mark 1956–............................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Gordon, Matt............................................ CTFT–79 Gordon, Max 1892–1978 ...................... WWasWT Gordon, Michael 1909–1993 .................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–12 Gordon, Noele 1923– ........................... WWasWT Gordon, Pamela 1916– ........................... CTFT–37 Gordon, Ruth 1895–1985 ......................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gordon, Serena 1963– ............................ CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Gordon, Stuart 1947–.............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Gordone, Charles Edward 1927–............................................. WWT–17 Gordon–Lee, Kathleen ............................ WWasWT Gordon–Lennox, Cosmo 1869–1921 ..... WWasWT Gordon–Levitt, Joseph 1981– .................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Gordy, Berry, Jr. 1929– .............................. CTFT–5 Gore, Aedwyrd See ......................................... Gorey, Edward Gore, Michael 1951– .............................. CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Gore–Browne, Robert 1893– ................. WWasWT Gorelik, Mordecai 1899–1990 .................. CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gorey, Edward 1925–.............................. CTFT–22 Gorham, Christopher 1974–.................... CTFT–56 Goring, Marius 1912–1998...................... CTFT–11 Obituary in CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gorman, Cliff 1936– ............................... CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 18; WWT–17 Gorman, Patrick ....................................... CTFT–56 Gorme, Eydie 1932(?)– ............................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Gorney, Karen Lynn.................................... CTFT–1 Gorog, Zita 1979–................................... CTFT–85 Gorshin, Frank 1934(?)– .......................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 14 Gorski, Tamara ......................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Gorsse, Henry de 1868–? ...................... WWasWT Gosling, Harold 1897– .......................... WWasWT Gosling, Ryan 1980– ............................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41

Cumulative Index

Goldberg, Adam 1970– ........................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Goldberg, Alan ......................................... CTFT–48 Goldberg, Amy ......................................... CTFT–71 Goldberg, Bill 1966– ............................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Goldberg, Daniel...................................... CTFT–83 Goldberg, Gary David 1944– .................. CTFT–10 Goldberge, Lee ......................................... CTFT–70 Goldberg, Leonard 1934–........................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11, 36 Goldberg, Whoopi 1955–........................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Goldblum, Jeff 1952– .............................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 16, 27 Golde, Kenny ........................................... CTFT–47 Goldemberg, Rose Leiman ......................... CTFT–1 Golden, Annie 1951–.............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Golden, John 1874–1955 ...................... WWasWT Golden, Michael 1913– ......................... WWT–17 Goldenberg, Billy 1936– ......................... CTFT–15 Goldenblatt, Stephen 1945–.................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Goldenhersh, Heather 1973– .................. CTFT–80 Goldenthal, Elliot 1954– ......................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Goldie, F. Wyndham 1897–1957........... WWasWT Goldie, Hugh 1919– .............................. WWT–17 Goldin, Horace....................................... WWasWT Goldin, Ricky Paull 1968– ...................... CTFT–61 Goldman, Bo 1932–.................................. CTFT–8 Goldman, Danny...................................... CTFT–66 Goldman, James A. 1927–1998................. CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Goldman, William 1931–........................ CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 39 Goldner, Charles 1900–1955................. WWasWT Goldsman, Akiva ...................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Goldsmith, Jerry 1929– ........................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 14 Goldsmith, Merwin 1937– ........................ CTFT–4 Goldstein, Harel ....................................... CTFT–42 Goldstein, Jeffrey L. 1950– ...................... CTFT–11 Goldstein, Jenette 1960– ......................... CTFT–44 Goldstone, James 1931–............................ CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Goldthwait, Bob 1962– ........................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 27 Brief Entry in CTFT–6 Goldwyn, John 1958– ............................. CTFT–76 Goldwyn, Samuel 1882(?)–1974 ............. CTFT–25 Goldwyn, Samuel, Jr. 1926–.................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18 Goldwyn, Tony 1960–............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Golin, Steve 1955–.................................. CTFT–50 Golino, Valeria 1966– ............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Golomb, Cazzy ........................................ CTFT–92 Gombell, Minna 1893–1973 ................. WWasWT Gomer, Steven .......................................... CTFT–62 Gomes, Andre .......................................... CTFT–35 Gomes, Marc 1961(?)– ............................ CTFT–59 Gomez, Carlos ......................................... CTFT–60 Gomez, Carmelo ...................................... CTFT–35 Gomez, Ian 1964– .................................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Gomez, Jaime 1965–............................... CTFT–50


GOSS Goss, Bick 1942– ...................................... CTFT–4 Goss, Luke 1968–.................................... CTFT–48 Gosselaar, Mark–Paul 1974– ................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Gossett, Louis, Jr. 1936– .......................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Gossett, Robert ......................................... CTFT–49 Gossom, Thom, Jr. .................................... CTFT–88 Gotlieb, Ben 1954– ................................... CTFT–1 Goto, Al ................................................... CTFT–42 Goto, Yukihiro 1954– .............................. CTFT–22 Gott, Barbara ?–1944............................. WWasWT Gottfried, Gilbert 1955– .......................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 24 Gottfried, Martin 1933–.......................... WWT–17 Gottlieb, Carl 1938–................................ CTFT–26 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6 Gottlieb, Morton 1921–............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gottschalk, Ferdinand 1858–1944......... WWasWT Gough, Alfred........................................... CTFT–74 Gough, Michael 1916(?)– ........................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 26; WWT–17 Gould, Diana 1913–.............................. WWasWT Gould, Elliott 1938– ................................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 13, 24; WWT–17 Gould, Harold 1923– .............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 18, 29 Gould, John See................................................ Gold, Jack Gould, John 1940–.................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gould, Morton 1913–1996 ..................... CTFT–12 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Goulding, Edmund 1891–1959 ............. WWasWT Goulem, Alain 1966–.............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Goulet, Robert 1933–2007...................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Obituary in CTFT–92 Gow, James 1907–1952......................... WWasWT Gow, Ronald 1897– ............................... WWT–17 Gowers, Bruce.......................................... CTFT–65 Goyer, David S. 1966– ............................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Grabeel, Lucas 1984– ............................. CTFT–88 Grabiak, Marita ........................................ CTFT–63 Grable, Betty 1916–1973 ...................... WWasWT Grace, April 1962–.................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Grace, Maggie 1983–.............................. CTFT–70 Grace, Nickolas 1949–.............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Grace, Topher 1978–............................... CTFT–68 Grace, Wayne .......................................... CTFT–45 Gracen, Elizabeth 1960– ......................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Grade, Lew, Lord 1906–1998.................... CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Grady, Don 1944–..................................... CTFT–2 Graef, Vicki .............................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Graf, Allan................................................ CTFT–81 Graff, Ilene 1949– ................................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Graff, Randy 1955– ................................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 26 Graff, Todd 1959– ................................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Graff, Vicki See ............................................. Graef, Vicki Graham Browne, W. See................................ Browne, W. Graham Graham, Aimee 1975– ............................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Graham, Charlotte Akwyoe 1959–................................................ CTFT–4 Graham, Currie 1967– ............................ CTFT–71 Graham, Gary 1950– .............................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Graham, Gerrit 1949– ............................. CTFT–46 Graham, Harry 1874–1936 ................... WWasWT Graham, Heather 1970–.......................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 29 Graham, Lauren 1967– ........................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Graham, Martha 1894–1991 ................... CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Graham, Morland 1891–1949 ............... WWasWT Graham, Ronny 1919– .............................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Graham, Violet 1890–1967 ................... WWasWT Graham, William A. 1930(?)–.................. CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Graham, Samaria...................................... CTFT–63 Grahame, Margot 1911–........................ WWasWT Grahn, Nancy 1958–............................... CTFT–30 Grainer, Ron 1922– ................................ WWT–17 Grainger, Gawn 1937(?)–......................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33; WWT–17 Grajeda, Javier.......................................... CTFT–56 Gramatica, Emma 1874–1965 ............... WWasWT Gramatica, Irma 1873–1962.................. WWasWT Grammer, Kelsey 1955– .......................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 25 Granat, Cary ............................................. CTFT–41 Grandberry, Omarion 1984– ................... CTFT–74 Grandison, Pippa 1970–.......................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Granger, Farley 1925– ............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Granger, Percy 1945–................................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Granger, Philip ......................................... CTFT–62 Granger, Stewart 1913–1993 ..................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Granick, Harry 1898– ............................... CTFT–4 Granier, Jeanne ?–1939.......................... WWasWT Grant, Amy 1960–................................... CTFT–45 Grant, Beth 1949–................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Grant, Bob 1932–................................... WWT–17 Grant, Cary 1904–1986............................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Grant, David Marshall 1955–.................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Grant, Faye 1957–................................... CTFT–46 Grant, Hugh 1960– ................................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 24 Grant, Jennifer 1966– .............................. CTFT–73 Grant, Johnny 1923– ............................... CTFT–65 Grant, Joyce 1924– ................................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Grant, Lee 1927– .................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 18, 29 Grant, Micki ............................................ WWT–17 Grant, Neil 1882–? ................................ WWasWT Grant, Pauline ......................................... WWT–17 Grant, Richard E. 1957–.......................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 38


Grant, Rodney A. 1959–.......................... CTFT–37 Grant, Tiffany 1968– ............................... CTFT–45 Grant, Vince 1961– ................................. CTFT–56 Grantham, Leslie 1947– .......................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Grantham, Wilfrid 1898–....................... WWasWT Granveildt, Brian See ...................................... Greenfield, Matt Granville, Bernard 1886–1936 .............. WWasWT Granville, Charlotte 1863–1942 ............ WWasWT Granville, Sydney ?–1959...................... WWasWT Granville–Barker, Harley 1877–1946..... WWasWT Granville–Barker, Helen ?–1950 ............ WWasWT Grassle, Karen 1944– .............................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Grasso, Giovanni 1875–1930................ WWasWT Grate, Gail ............................................... CTFT–32 Grattan, Harry 1867–1951 .................... WWasWT Gratton, Fred 1894–1966 ...................... WWasWT Grauer, Ona ............................................. CTFT–73 Graves, Clotilde Inez Mary 1863–1932.................................... WWasWT Graves, George 1876–1949................... WWasWT Graves, Peter 1911–1994 .......................... CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Graves, Peter 1926– ................................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 24 Graves, Rupert 1963–.............................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 24 Gray, Amlin 1946– .................................... CTFT–1 Gray, Barry 1916–1996 ............................. CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–16 Gray, Bruce 1939– .................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Gray, Charles 1928–.................................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gray, Charles W. 1949– .......................... CTFT–60 Gray, Dolores 1924– ................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gray, Dulcie 1919– ................................. CTFT–13 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Gray, Elspet 1929– ................................. WWT–17 Gray, Erin 1950– ..................................... CTFT–57 Gray, Eve 1904– .................................... WWasWT Gray, F. Gary 1969(?)–............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Gray, Gary LeRoi 1985–.......................... CTFT–62 Gray, Jennifer 1916–1962...................... WWasWT Gray, Linda 1940–................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 33 Gray, Linda 1910–.................................. WWT–17 Gray, Mackenzie 1957– .......................... CTFT–49 Gray, Nicholas Stuart 1919–................... WWT–17 Gray, Oliver See ........................................... Gray, Charles Gray, Pamela ............................................ CTFT–80 Gray, Richard 1896–.............................. WWasWT Gray, Sam 1923–....................................... CTFT–1 Gray, Simon 1936–.................................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6; WWT–17 Gray, Spalding 1941– .............................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 24 Gray, Terence 1895–.............................. WWasWT Gray–Cabey, Noah 1995– ....................... CTFT–76 Grayden, Sprague ..................................... CTFT–74 Graydon, J. L. 1844–?............................ WWasWT Graysmark, John ....................................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Grayson, Castor See .......................................... Toufexis, Elias Grayson, Kathryn 1924–............................ CTFT–1 Grayson, Richard 1925–............................ CTFT–4

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Greenblatt, James See ....................................... Marshall, James Greenblatt, William R. 1944–.................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Greene, Clay M. 1850–1933 ................. WWasWT Greene, Daniel ......................................... CTFT–65 Greene, David 1921–.............................. CTFT–26 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Greene, Ellen 1950(?)– ............................ CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 26 Brief Entry in CTFT–4 Greene, Evie 1876–1917 ....................... WWasWT Greene, Graham 1904–.......................... WWT–17 Greene, Graham 1952–........................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 24 Greene, H. Richard .................................. CTFT–55 Greene, James 1926– .............................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9, 36 Greene, Kim Morgan 1960– .................... CTFT–74 Greene, Lorne 1915–1987 ........................ CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–5 Greene, Lyn 1954(?)– .............................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18 Greene, Michael 1933–........................... CTFT–68 Greene, Michele 1962–........................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 31 Greene, Peter 1964– ............................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Greene, Richard 1946– ............................. CTFT–1 Greener, Dorothy 1917–1971................ WWasWT Greenfeld, Josh 1928–............................... CTFT–2 Greenfield, Matt ....................................... CTFT–46 Greenhalgh, Dawn 1934(?)–.................... CTFT–62 Greenhut, Robert 1942(?)– ...................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 35 Greenlee, David ....................................... CTFT–21 Greenough, Beverly Sills See ............................................ Sills, Beverly Greenquist, Brad 1959– .......................... CTFT–59 Greenstreet, Sydney 1879–1954............ WWasWT Greenwald, Joseph ?–1938 .................... WWasWT Greenwald, Maggie 1955– ...................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Greenwald, Robert Mark 1943– ................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Greenwalt, David 1949– ......................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Greenwood, Bruce 1956– ....................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 27 Greenwood, Charlotte 1893–1978 ........ WWasWT Greenwood, Jane 1934–.......................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 36; WWT–17 Greenwood, Joan 1921–1987 ................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Greenwood, Kathryn 1962– .................... CTFT–78 Greenwood, Walter 1903–1974 ............ WWasWT Greer, Bettejane See............................................... Greer, Jane Greer, Dabbs 1917– ................................ CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Greer, Jane 1924–...................................... CTFT–8 Greer, Judy 1975– ................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Greer, Pam See ............................................... Grier, Pam Greet, Clare 1871–1939 ........................ WWasWT Greet, Philip (Ben) 1857–1936 .............. WWasWT Gregg, Clark 1962– ................................. CTFT–47 Gregg, Everley 1903–1959 .................... WWasWT Gregg, Hubert 1916– ............................. WWT–17 Gregg, Virginia 1916–1986 ....................... CTFT–2 Gregor, Simon .......................................... CTFT–34 Gregori, Mercia 1901– .......................... WWasWT


Gregorio, Rose 1932– ............................. CTFT–59 Gregory, Andre 1934– ............................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6; WWT–17 Gregory, Constantine 1942– .................... CTFT–64 Gregory, Cynthia 1946– .......................... CTFT–23 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Gregory, Don 1934–................................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Gregory, Dora 1872–1954..................... WWasWT Gregory, Dorian 1971–............................ CTFT–69 Gregory, Frank 1884–?........................... WWasWT Gregory, James 1911–.............................. CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Gregory, Lady 1859–1932 ..................... WWasWT Gregory, Michael 1944–.......................... CTFT–65 Gregory, Sara 1921– .............................. WWasWT Gregson, James R. 1889– ...................... WWasWT Gregson, Joan ........................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Gregson–Williams, Harry ......................... CTFT–47 Greif, Leslie .............................................. CTFT–47 Greig, Joseph ............................................ CTFT–34 Grein, J. T. 1862–1935 .......................... WWasWT Grein, Mrs. J. T. See ........................................ Orme, Michael Greist, Kim 1958– ................................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Grenfell, Joyce 1910–1979..................... WWT–16 Grenier, Adrian 1976–............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Grenier, Zach 1954(?)– ............................ CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33 Gresac, Madame Fred ............................ WWasWT Gresham, Gloria 1946(?)– ....................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Gress, Googy............................................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Greth, Roma 1935–................................... CTFT–1 Gretsch, Joel 1963–................................. CTFT–60 Grew, Mary 1902–1971......................... WWasWT Grey, Anne 1907– ................................. WWasWT Grey, Beryl 1927–.................................. WWasWT Grey, Brad 1957– .................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Grey, Clifford 1887–1941 ...................... WWasWT Grey, Eve ................................................ WWasWT Grey, Fettes See............................. Straczynski, J. Michael Grey, Jane 1883–1944 ........................... WWasWT Grey, Jennifer 1960–................................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 24 Grey, Joel 1932–...................................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 26; WWT–17 Grey, Katherine 1873–1950................... WWasWT Grey, Mary.............................................. WWasWT Grey, Zena 1988–.................................... CTFT–74 Greyeyes, Michael 1967–........................ CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Greyson, John 1950–............................... CTFT–27 Gribble, George Dunning 1882–1956.................................... WWasWT Gribble, Harry Wagstaff 1896–1981 ...... WWasWT Gribov, Alexel Nikolaevich 1902–............................................ WWasWT Grieco, Richard 1965– ............................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 27 Grief, Michael .......................................... CTFT–54 Grier, David Alan 1956(?)–...................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Grier, Pam 1949– .................................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Gries, Jon 1957– ..................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40

Cumulative Index

Gray–Stanford, Jason 1970– .................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Grayston, Neil 1981– .............................. CTFT–89 Grazer, Brian 1951– ................................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 27 Graziadei, Michael 1979–....................... CTFT–91 Graziano, Stephen 1954–........................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Great, Don 1951– ................................... CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Great Gonzo, The See ............................................ Goelz, Dave Greaza, Walter N. 1900–1973 .............. WWasWT Green, Abel 1900–1973 ........................ WWasWT Green, Adolph 1915–.............................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 10 Green, Benny 1927–1998 ....................... CTFT–12 Obituary in CTFT–22 Green, Brian Austin 1973– ...................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 42 Green, Bruce Seth .................................... CTFT–41 Green, Carlito See...................................................... Coolio Green, Dorothy 1886–1961 .................. WWasWT Green, Guy 1913 .................................... CTFT–26 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Green, Harry 1892–1958 ...................... WWasWT Green, Hilton 1929– ................................. CTFT–1 Green, Jack N. 1946–.............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 42 Green, Janet 1914–................................ WWasWT Green, Jenna Leigh 1977–....................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Green, Joann 1955– .................................. CTFT–1 Green, Johnny 1908–1989 ........................ CTFT–3 Green, Jordan–Claire 1991– .................... CTFT–80 Green, Kim Morgan See ............................... Greene, Kim Morgan Green, Mabel 1890– ............................. WWasWT Green, Marion 1890–1956 .................... WWasWT Green, Martyn 1899–1975 ..................... WWT–16 Green, Michael ........................................ CTFT–90 Green, Michelle See...................................... Greene, Michele Green, Mitzi 1920–1968 ....................... WWasWT Green, Patricia ......................................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Green, Paul 1894–1981 ......................... WWT–17 Green, Richard ......................................... CTFT–90 Green, Seth 1974– .................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Green, Stanley 1923–................................ CTFT–1 Green, Tom 1971– .................................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Green, Walon 1936–............................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Green, William 1926–............................... CTFT–1 Green, Yvonne DeLarosa See..................................... Delarosa, Yvonne Greenaway, Peter 1942– ......................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 20, 31 Greenbaum, Hyam 1910– ..................... WWasWT Greenberg, Adam ..................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Greenberg, Drew Z. ................................. CTFT–74 Greenberg, Edward M. 1924– ................... CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Greenberg, Jerry ....................................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Greenberg, Paul........................................ CTFT–75 Greenberg, Richard 1958(?)– ................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Greenberg, Robbie ................................... CTFT–81


GRIESEMER Griesemer, John ........................................ CTFT–29 Grifasi, Joe 1944–.................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1, 42 Griffies, Ethel 1878–1975 ...................... WWasWT Griffin, Eddie 1968– ................................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Griffin, Fred 1964–.................................. CTFT–71 Griffin, Hayden 1943– ........................... WWT–17 Griffin, Jennifer ......................................... CTFT–62 Griffin, Kathy 1961–................................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Griffin, Katie 1974(?)– ............................. CTFT–54 Griffin, Lynne 1952– ............................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Griffin, Merv 1925–................................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Griffin, Nikki 1978– ................................ CTFT–86 Griffin, Norman 1887–?......................... WWasWT Griffin, Tim............................................... CTFT–79 Griffin, Tom 1946– .................................... CTFT–1 Griffis, Rhoda ........................................... CTFT–54 Griffith, Andy 1926– ............................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17, 27 Griffith, David Wark 1880–1948 ........... WWasWT Griffith, Hubert 1896–1953 ................... WWasWT Griffith, Hugh 1912–1980 ...................... WWT–17 Griffith, Kristin 1953–.............................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Griffith, Melanie 1957– ........................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 24 Griffith, Thomas Ian 1960(?)– .................. CTFT–59 Griffith, Tracy 1965– ............................... CTFT–51 Griffiths, Derek 1946–............................ WWT–17 Griffiths, Jane 1930–1975...................... WWasWT Griffiths, Rachel 1968–............................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Griffiths, Richard 1947– .......................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Griffiths, Trevor 1935–............................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Grifiths, Roger Ashton See............................ Ashton–Griffiths, Roger Griggs, William ........................................ CTFT–37 Grillo, Frank 1963– ................................. CTFT–81 Grillo, John 1942–................................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Grillo–Marxauch, Javier 1969–................ CTFT–60 Grimaldi, Alberto 1927– ........................... CTFT–8 Grimaldi, Dan .......................................... CTFT–89 Grimaldi, Marion 1926–......................... WWT–17 Grimes, Scott 1971–................................ CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Grimes, Stephen 1927–1988 ..................... CTFT–7 Grimes, Tammy 1934– ............................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9; WWT–17 Grimshaw, Jim .......................................... CTFT–42 Grimston, Dorothy May.......................... WWasWT Grimwood, Herbert 1875–1929 ............ WWasWT Grinberg, Anouk 1963–........................... CTFT–34 Grint, Rupert 1988– ................................ CTFT–67 Grisham, John 1955– .............................. CTFT–78 Grisman, Sam H. ................................... WWasWT Grismer, Joseph Rhode 1849–1922 ....... WWasWT Griswold, Grace ?–1927........................ WWasWT Grives, Steven 1951– .............................. CTFT–87 Grizzard, George 1928–.......................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6; WWT–17 Grodenchik, Max ..................................... CTFT–55 Grodin, Charles 1935– ............................ CTFT–28 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 16; WWT–17 Groenendaal, Cris 1948– .......................... CTFT–1 Groener, Harry 1951– ............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Groening, Matt 1954– ............................. CTFT–27 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17 Grogg, Sam ................................................ CTFT–5 Groh, David 1941– ................................. CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Groody, Louise 1897–1961 ................... WWasWT Gropman, David ...................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Gropper, Milton Herbert 1896–1955 ..... WWasWT Grosbard, Ulu 1929– .............................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Gross, Ayre 1960–................................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 24 Gross, H. Daniel ...................................... CTFT–69 Gross, Mary 1953–.................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Gross, Michael 1947– ............................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 38 Gross, Paul 1959– ................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 39 Gross, Richard 1948–.............................. CTFT–58 Gross, Shelley 1921–................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Grossbart, Jack 1948– ............................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Grossman, David...................................... CTFT–43 Grossman, Gary ....................................... CTFT–49 Grossman, Gary H. .................................. CTFT–50 Grossmith, Ena 1896–1944 ................... WWasWT Grossmith, George 1874–1912.............. WWasWT Grossmith, Lawrence 1877–1944 .......... WWasWT Grossmith, Weedon 1852–1919 ............ WWasWT Grossvogel, David I. 1925–....................... CTFT–1 Grout, James 1927–................................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6; WWT–17 Grout, Philip 1930–................................ WWT–17 Grove, Barry 1951–................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Grove, Fred 1851–1927 ........................ WWasWT Grover, Stanley 1926–1997 ..................... CTFT–10 Obituary in CTFT–18 Groves, Charles 1875–1955 .................. WWasWT Groves, Fred 1880–1955 ....................... WWasWT Grubba, Eileen ......................................... CTFT–74 Grubbs, Gary 1949–................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Gruenwald, Thomas 1935– ....................... CTFT–1 Gruffudd, Ioan 1973–.............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Grun, Bernard 1901–1972..................... WWasWT Grunberg, Greg 1966– ............................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Grundy, Lily............................................ WWasWT Grundy, Sydney 1848–1914 .................. WWasWT Gruner, Olivier 1960– ............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Grunig, Tim See...................................... Carhart, Timothy Grunwald, Ernie ....................................... CTFT–78 Grusin, Dave 1934– ................................ CTFT–27 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17 Gruska, Jay 1952– ................................... CTFT–43 Gruszynski, Alexander 1950–.................. CTFT–56 Guadagni, Nicky ...................................... CTFT–68 Guardino, Charles .................................... CTFT–61 Guardino, Harry 1925–1995 ..................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–15 Guare, John 1938– .................................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8; WWT–17 Guarini, Justin 1978– .............................. CTFT–90 Guastaferro, Vincent ................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Guastini, Vincent...................................... CTFT–29


Guay, Paul................................................ CTFT–51 Guber, Lee 1920–1988.............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Guber, Peter 1942– ................................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18 Gudegast, Hans See ........................................... Braeden, Eric Guerard Rodgers, Aggie 1943– ............... CTFT–56 Guerra, Castulo 1945– ............................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33 Guerra, Saverio ........................................ CTFT–45 Guerra, Tonio 1920– ................................. CTFT–8 Guerrero, Alvaro ...................................... CTFT–37 Guerrero, (Maria) 1868–1928................ WWasWT Guest, Christopher 1948–........................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 24 Guest, Jean H. 1941– ................................ CTFT–5 Guest, Lance 1960– ................................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Guest, Nicholas 1955–............................ CTFT–74 Guetary, Georges 1915–............................ CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Guettel, Henry A. 1928– ........................... CTFT–1 Guffy, Burnett 1905–1983 ....................... CTFT–28 Guggenheim, Davis 1964–...................... CTFT–87 Gugino, Carla 1971–............................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Guglielmi, Noel 1970–............................ CTFT–81 Guiches, Gustave 1860–? ...................... WWasWT Guilbert, Ann Morgan 1928– .................. CTFT–61 Guilbert, Yvette 1868–1944................... WWasWT Guilfoyle, Paul 1955– ............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Guillaume, Robert 1927– ........................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 36 Guillem, Sylvie 1965–............................. CTFT–10 Guillemaud, Marcel 1867–? .................. WWasWT Guillen Cuervo, Fernando ........................ CTFT–34 Guillory, Bennet ....................................... CTFT–59 Guillory, Sienna 1975–............................ CTFT–67 Guimera, Angel 1845–1924 .................. WWasWT Guinan, Francis ........................................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Guinee, Tim ............................................. CTFT–51 Guinness, Alec 1914– ............................. CTFT–24 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 15; WWT–17 Guinness, Matthew 1942–......................... CTFT–8 Guinon, Albert 1863–1923.................... WWasWT Guion, Raymond See....................................... Raymond, Gene Guiot, Manu See..................................... Stewart, David A. Guiry, Tom 1981–.................................... CTFT–68 Guitry, Lucien 1860–1925 ..................... WWasWT Guitry, Sacha 1885–1957 ...................... WWasWT Gulager, Clu 1928– ................................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Gullan, Campbell ?–1939...................... WWasWT Gullette, Sean........................................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Gulliver, Charles 1882–1961 ................. WWasWT Gulzar, Melanie See ....................................... Brown, Melanie Gumba, Vinnie See ............................................. Proctor, Phil Gumbel, Bryant 1948– ............................ CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Gummersall, Devon 1978– ..................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Gung, Lei See .................................................. Gong, Li Gunn, Bill 1934–1989............................... CTFT–8 Gunn, Haidee 1882–1961..................... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92

H Haas, Belinda ........................................... CTFT–30 Haas, Charlie 1952–.................................. CTFT–2 Haas, Lukas 1976– .................................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16. 28 Haas, Philip.............................................. CTFT–30 Haber, Alessandro 1947– ........................ CTFT–35 Haberle, Stephanie Roth See ....................................... Roth, Stephanie Hack, Keith 1948– ................................. WWT–17 Hack, Olivia 1984–................................. CTFT–55 Hack, Shelley 1952– ............................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Hackett, Albert 1900–1995 ..................... CTFT–23 Hackett, Buddy 1924–2003..................... CTFT–35 Obituary in CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Hackett, James K. 1869–1926 ............... WWasWT Hackett, Joan 1942–1983.......................... CTFT–1 Hackett, Martha 1961–............................ CTFT–64 Hackett, Norman Honore 1874–? ........... WWasWT Hackett, Raymond 1902–1958 .............. WWasWT Hackett, Walter 1876–1944................... WWasWT Hackford, Taylor 1944(?)– ....................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13, 38 Hackman, Gene 1930– ........................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5, 12, 21, 31 Hackney, Mabel ?–1914 ........................ WWasWT Hadary, Jonathan 1948– .......................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Haddad, Zuhair ........................................ CTFT–90 Haddon, Archibald 1871–1942 ............. WWasWT Haddon, Peter 1898–1962 .................... WWasWT Haddrick, Ron 1929– ................................ CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Haden–Guest, Lord See................................... Guest, Christopher Hader, Bill 1978– .................................... CTFT–86 Hadida, Samuel 1953–............................ CTFT–86 Hadida, Victor .......................................... CTFT–86 Hading, Jane 1859–1933....................... WWasWT Hadley, Lisa Ann 1970– .......................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Haffman, Susannah See ................................. Hoffman, Susannah Haffner, Craig ........................................... CTFT–49 Haft, Linal ................................................ CTFT–40 Hagan, Anna 1939– ................................ CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Hagan, Molly 1961– ............................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Hagan, Sara 1984–.................................. CTFT–92 Hagen, Daniel .......................................... CTFT–65 Hagen, Uta 1919–..................................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hagerty, Julie 1955– ................................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Hagerty, Michael G. 1954– ..................... CTFT–66 Haggard, Piers 1939– .............................. CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Haggard, Stephen 1911–1943................ WWasWT Haggerty, Dan 1941– .............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 31 Haggerty, Dylan........................................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Haggerty, Julie See ........................................... Hagerty, Julie Haggis, Paul 1953– ................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Hagins, Montrose 1924– ......................... CTFT–74


Haglund, Dean 1965–............................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 39 Hagman, Larry 1931–.............................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 14, 39 Hagon, Garrick......................................... CTFT–43 Hague, Albert 1920– ................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hahn, Don 1955– ................................... CTFT–77 Haid, Charles 1943– ............................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 39 Haiduk, Stacy 1968– ............................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Haig, Emma 1898–1939........................ WWasWT Haigh, Kenneth 1931– .............................. CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Haight, George 1905– ........................... WWasWT Haight, Rip See ........................................ Carpenter, John Hailey, Arthur 1920– ................................. CTFT–6 Hailey, Oliver 1932–1993 ......................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Haim, Corey 1971–................................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 28 Haines, Herbert E. 1880–1923 .............. WWasWT Haines, Larry .............................................. CTFT–1 Haines, Randa 1945– .............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Haines, Robert Terrel 1870–1943 .......... WWasWT Haire, Wilson John 1932– ......................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hairston, William, Jr. 1928– ...................... CTFT–1 Hajos, Mitzi 1891–................................ WWasWT Hakansson, Julia Mathilda 1853–? .......................................... WWasWT Hale, Alan, Jr. 1918–1990 ......................... CTFT–9 Hale, Barbara 1922(?)–............................ CTFT–26 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Hale, Billy 1934– .................................... CTFT–10 Hale, Binnie 1899– ............................... WWasWT Hale, Fiona 1926–..................................... CTFT–1 Hale, Georgina 1943– ............................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hale, J. Robert 1874–1940 .................... WWasWT Hale, Jennifer 1972– ............................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Hale, John 1926– ...................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hale, Lionel 1909–1977......................... WWT–16 Hale, Louise Closser 1872–1933 ........... WWasWT Hale, Lucy 1989–.................................... CTFT–85 Hale, Ron 1946– ..................................... CTFT–66 Hale, S. T. 1899–................................... WWasWT Hale, Sonnie 1902–1959....................... WWasWT Hale, Tony 1970–.................................... CTFT–72 Hales, Jonathan 1937– .............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Haley, Brian 1963–.................................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Haley, Jack 1902–1979.......................... WWasWT Haley, Jack, Jr. 1933– ................................ CTFT–2 Haley, Jackie Earle 1961–........................ CTFT–74 Halfon, Lianne 1953–.............................. CTFT–87 Halfpenny, Tony 1913–.......................... WWasWT Hall, Adrian 1927–.................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hall, Albert 1937–................................... CTFT–45 Hall, Anmer 1863–1953........................ WWasWT Hall, Anthony Michael 1968– ................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 26 Hall, Arsenio 1955– ................................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 25 Hall, Bettina 1906– ............................... WWasWT

Cumulative Index

Gunn, James 1970–................................. CTFT–66 Gunn, Janet 1961– .................................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Gunn, Judy 1914– ................................. WWasWT Gunn, Moses 1929–1993 .......................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gunn, Sean .............................................. CTFT–45 Gunning, Louise 1879–1960 ................. WWasWT Gunston, Norman See .................................... McDonald, Garry Gunter, John 1938– ................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gunton, Bob 1945–................................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 35 Gurd, Stanley, Jr. See.............................................. Rabson, Jan Gurin, Philip............................................. CTFT–82 Gurnee, Hal 1935– ................................. CTFT–15 Gurney, A. R., Jr. 1930– .......................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 13; WWT–17 Gurney, Claud 1897–1946 .................... WWasWT Gurney, Rachel........................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gurwin, Danny 1972– ............................ CTFT–61 Gurwitch, Annabelle 1961– .................... CTFT–59 Guss, Louis 1918–................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Gussow, Mel 1933–................................. CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gustafson, Carol 1925–............................. CTFT–1 Gustafson, Karin 1959– ............................. CTFT–3 Guthbert, Jon See ........................................... Cuthbert, Jon Guthior, Chris See......................................... Gauthier, Chris Guthrie, Tyrone 1900–1971................... WWasWT Gutierrez, Gerald 1952(?)– ...................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 15, 24 Guttenberg, Steve 1958– ......................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 16, 28 Guttridge, jim 1965(?)–............................ CTFT–49 Guy, Jasmine 1964– ................................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 36 Guy, Joyce ................................................ CTFT–58 Guy, Lawrence See......................................... Scrimm, Angus Guy, Rory See......................................... Scrimm, Angus Guyer, Murphy ......................................... CTFT–56 Guzman, Claudio 1927– ........................... CTFT–9 Guzman, Luis 1957(?)–............................ CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Guzman, Pato 1933(?)–1991 ................... CTFT–10 Gwaltney, Jack 1960–.............................. CTFT–53 Gwenn, Edmund 1877–1959................. WWasWT Gwilym, Mike 1949– ................................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Gwisdek, Michael 1942– ........................ CTFT–34 Gwynn, Michael 1916–1976.................. WWT–16 Gwynne, Fred 1926–1993......................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–12 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Gwynne, Michael C. 1942– .................... CTFT–36 Gwyther, Geoffrey Matheson 1890–1944.................................... WWasWT Gyllenhaal, Jake 1980– ........................... CTFT–64 Gyllenhaal, Maggie 1977– ...................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Gynt, Greta 1916–................................. WWasWT


HALL Hall, Brad 1958(?)– ................................. CTFT–74 Hall, Caroline........................................... CTFT–32 Hall, Conrad L. 1926–............................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Hall, Craig................................................ CTFT–83 Hall, David 1929–1953......................... WWasWT Hall, Davis 1946– ..................................... CTFT–1 Hall, Deidre 1947– ................................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Hall, Delores .............................................. CTFT–1 Hall, Ed 1931–1991 .................................. CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–10 Hall, Georgine.......................................... CTFT–32 Hall, Grayson .......................................... WWT–17 Hall, Irma P. 1936(?)– .............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 32 Hall, J. W. .............................................. WWasWT Hall, Jennifer 1977– ................................ CTFT–80 Hall, Jerry 1956– ..................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 42 Hall, Kevin Peter 1955(?)–1991............... CTFT–10 Hall, Laura Nelson 1876–? .................... WWasWT Hall, Lois 1926–........................................ CTFT–4 Hall, Monte 1921(?)–............................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Hall, Natalie 1904– ............................... WWasWT Hall, Pauline 1860–1919....................... WWasWT Hall, Peter 1930– .................................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11, 18; WWT–17 Hall, Phil 1952– ........................................ CTFT–2 Hall, Philip Baker 1931– ......................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Hall, Regina 1971– ................................. CTFT–61 Hall, Robert David 1947– ....................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Hall, Thurston 1882–1958..................... WWasWT Hall, Traylor See....................................... Howard, Traylor Hall, Vondie Curtis See.................................. Curtis–Hall, Vondie Hall, Wanda Sykes See .......................................... Sykes, Wanda Hall, Willis 1929– ..................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hallahan, Charles 1943–1997................. CTFT–25 Hallam, Basil 1889–1916 ...................... WWasWT Hallam, John 1941– ................................ CTFT–74 Hallard, Charles Maitland 1865–1942.................................... WWasWT Hallatt, Henry 1888–1952..................... WWasWT Haller, Ernest 1896–1970 ........................ CTFT–30 Hallett, Jack 1948–.................................... CTFT–4 Halliday, John 1880–1947 ..................... WWasWT Halliday, Kene See ......................................... Holliday, Kene Halliday, Lena ?–1937 ........................... WWasWT Halliday, Lynne 1958–............................... CTFT–6 Halliday, Robert 1893–.......................... WWasWT Hallie–Foote, Barbara See............................................ Foote, Hallie Halliwell, David 1936– ............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hallowell, Todd........................................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Hallstroem, Lasse 1946– ......................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Halmi, Robert 1924–............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Halmi, Robert, Jr. 1957–.......................... CTFT–70 Halstan, Margaret 1879–? ...................... WWasWT Halsted, Dan 1962– ................................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Halston, Julie 1954–................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Halvorson, Gary ....................................... CTFT–50 Hambleton, T. Edward 1911– ................. WWT–17 Hambling, Arthur 1888–1952................ WWasWT Hambling, Gerry ...................................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Hamburg, John 1970– ............................. CTFT–80 Hamburger, Charles See........................................ Rocket, Charles Hamel, Veronica 1945(?)– ....................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18 Hamer, Joseph 1932– ................................ CTFT–7 Hamill, Mark 1951– ................................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 5, 35 Hamilton, Carrie 1963–............................. CTFT–6 Hamilton, Cicely 1872–1952 ................ WWasWT Hamilton, Clayton 1881–1946 .............. WWasWT Hamilton, Cosmo 1872?–1942 .............. WWasWT Hamilton, Diana 1898–1951................. WWasWT Hamilton, Dorothy 1897– ..................... WWasWT Hamilton, George 1939–......................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 18, 29 Hamilton, Guy 1922– ............................... CTFT–8 Hamilton, Hale 1880–1942................... WWasWT Hamilton, Henry ?–1911........................ WWasWT Hamilton, Joe 1929–1991 ......................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–10 Hamilton, Josh 1969(?)– .......................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Hamilton, Kelly 1945– .............................. CTFT–1 Hamilton, Linda 1956– ........................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 25 Hamilton, Lindisfarne 1910– ................. WWasWT Hamilton, Lisa Gay 1964– ...................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Hamilton, Lynn 1930–............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Hamilton, Margaret 1902–1985 ................ CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hamilton, Neil 1899–1984 ....................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Hamilton, Patricia .................................... CTFT–62 Hamilton, Patrick 1904–1962................ WWasWT Hamilton, Richard 1920– ........................ CTFT–37 Hamilton, Rose 1874–1955................... WWasWT Hamilton, Scott 1958– ............................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Hamilton, Victoria 1971– ........................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Hamlett, Dilys 1928– ................................ CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hamlin, Harry 1951– .............................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 16, 27 Hamlisch, Marvin 1944–......................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Hamm, Virginia See...................................... Fierstein, Harvey Hammer, Ben 1925– ............................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Hammer, Jan 1948–................................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17 Hammersly, Vance See ......................................... Odenkirk, Bob Hammerstein, Arthur 1876–1955 .......... WWasWT Hammerstein, James 1931–1999 ............ WWT–17 Obituary in CTFT–24 Hammerstein, Oscar 1847–1919 ........... WWasWT Hammerstein, Oscar II 1895–1960........ WWasWT Hammond, Aubrey 1893–1940 ............. WWasWT Hammond, Bert E. 1880–?..................... WWasWT Hammond, Blake ..................................... CTFT–30 Hammond, Brandon 1984–..................... CTFT–65


Hammond, Darrell 1960– ....................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Hammond, David 1948–........................... CTFT–1 Hammond, Dorothy ?–1950 .................. WWasWT Hammond, John See ....................................... Billingsea, Beau Hammond, Kay 1909– .......................... WWasWT Hammond, Nicholas ................................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 19, 31 Hammond, Percy 1873–1936................ WWasWT Hammond, Peter 1923– .......................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Hamner, Earl 1923–................................... CTFT–6 Hamori, Andras ........................................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Hampden, Walter 1879–1955 ............... WWasWT Hampshire, Susan 1937(?)– ..................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 14; WWT–17 Hampton, Christopher 1946– .................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19, 32; WWT–17 Hampton, James 1936– ........................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Hampton, Louise 1881–1954 ................ WWasWT Hanado, Ohta 1882–? ........................... WWasWT Hanauer, Terri........................................... CTFT–39 Hancock, Christopher 1928–.................. WWT–17 Hancock, Herbie 1940– .......................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18, 41 Hancock, John 1939–................................ CTFT–1 Hancock, Sheila 1933– ........................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 33; WWT–17 Hancox, Daisy 1898–............................ WWasWT Handl, Irene 1901–1987 ........................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Handler, Evan 1961– ............................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 16, 27 Handley, Taylor 1984– ............................ CTFT–86 Handman, Wynn 1922– ............................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hands, Terry 1941– ................................. CTFT–13 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Handy, James............................................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Haneke, Michael 1942– .......................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Hanemann, Michael ................................. CTFT–34 Haney, Anne............................................. CTFT–26 Hanket, Arthur 1954–................................ CTFT–2 Hankin, Larry 1945– ............................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Hanks, Colin 1977– ................................ CTFT–61 Hanks, Jim 1961–.................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Hanks, Tom 1956– .................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Hanley, Chris............................................ CTFT–88 Hanley, William 1931– ............................. CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hann, Walter 1838–1922 ...................... WWasWT Hanna, Gillian.......................................... CTFT–34 Hanna, William 1910– ............................ CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18 Hannafin, Daniel 1933–............................ CTFT–5 Hannah, Daryl 1960–.............................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 24 Hannah, John 1962– ............................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Hannan, Mary Claire ................................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Hannen, Hermione 1913–..................... WWasWT Hannen, Nicholas James 1881–1972 .... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Hare, David 1947–.................................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 36; WWT–17 Hare, Doris 1905–.................................. WWT–17 Hare, Ernest Dudley 1900– .................... WWT–17 Hare, J. Robertson 1891–1979 ............... WWT–16 Hare, John 1844–1921 .......................... WWasWT Hare, (John) Gilbert 1869–1951 ............ WWasWT Hare, Will 1919–1997............................. CTFT–26 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hare, Winifred 1875–? .......................... WWasWT Harelik, Mark 1951– ............................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Harewood, David 1965–......................... CTFT–81 Harewood, Dorian 1950– ....................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 Harford, W. ........................................... WWasWT Hargett, Hester ......................................... CTFT–83 Hargitay, Mariska 1964–.......................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Hargrave, Roy 1908–............................. WWasWT Hargrove, Dean ........................................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Harik, Jay 1960– ..................................... CTFT–45 Harjo, Joy 1951– ..................................... CTFT–16 Harjola, Lauri See .......................................... Harlin, Renny Harker, Gordon 1885–1967................... WWasWT Harker, Joseph C. 1855–1927................ WWasWT Harker, Susannah 1965–.......................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Harkishin, Jimmi 1965–........................... CTFT–37 Harlan, Otis 1865–1940........................ WWasWT Harlin, Renny 1959– ............................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Harlow, Jean 1911–1937 ......................... CTFT–22 Harlow, Shalom 1973–............................ CTFT–71 Harman, Barry 1950–................................ CTFT–6 Harman, Hugh 1903(?)–1982 .................. CTFT–21 Harmon, Angie 1972–............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Harmon, Charlotte...................................... CTFT–1 Harmon, Deborah 1951– ........................ CTFT–61 Harmon, Lewis 1911– ............................... CTFT–1 Harmon, Mark 1951–.............................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 24 Harned, Virginia 1872–1946 ................. WWasWT Harnell, Jess 1963– ................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Harney, Michael ....................................... CTFT–45 Harnick, Sheldon 1924–.......................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Harnois, Elisabeth 1979–......................... CTFT–74 Harnos, Christine...................................... CTFT–49 Harout, Magda ......................................... CTFT–88 Harper, Frank............................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Harper, Gerald 1929–............................. WWT–17 Harper, Hill 1966(?)– ............................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Harper, James 1948– ............................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Harper, Jessica 1954– ................................ CTFT–6 Harper, Robert 1951– .............................. CTFT–51 Harper, Ron 1936– .................................. CTFT–38 Harper, Tess 1950(?)–............................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Harper, Valerie 1940– ............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 17, 27 Harras, Patricia ......................................... CTFT–53 Harrell, Gordon Lowry 1940– ................... CTFT–1 Harrelson, Woody 1961– ........................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 27


Harrigan, Nedda See ........................... Logan, Nedda Harrigan Harrigan, William 1894–1966 ............... WWasWT Harring, Laura 1964– .............................. CTFT–59 Harrington, Desmond 1976–................... CTFT–64 Harrington, J. P. 1865–? ......................... WWasWT Harrington, Pat, Jr. 1929– ........................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 32 Harris, Audrey Sophia 1901–1966 ........ WWasWT Harris, Barbara 1937– ............................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Harris, Barbara Eve 1959–....................... CTFT–64 Harris, Bruklin See ...................................... Wright, N’Bushe Harris, Clare ?–1949.............................. WWasWT Harris, Cynthia 1934– ............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Harris, Danielle 1977– ............................ CTFT–53 Harris, Ed 1950– ..................................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 14, 25 Harris, Elmer Blaney ?–1966 ................. WWasWT Harris, Estelle 1932– ............................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Harris, Florence Glossop 1883–1931 .... WWasWT Harris, George 1949– .............................. CTFT–75 Harris, Harriet Sansom 1955– ................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Harris, Henry B. 1866–1912 ................. WWasWT Harris, Hyde See........................................ Harris, Timothy Harris, Jared 1961– ................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Harris, Jed 1900–1979........................... WWasWT Harris, John See.............................................. Young, Burt Harris, Jonathan See...................................... Buzzington, Ezra Harris, Jonathon 1914(?)– ........................ CTFT–24 Harris, Julie 1925– .................................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 18, 30; WWT–17 Harris, Laura 1976–................................. CTFT–56 Harris, Lynn.............................................. CTFT–79 Harris, Margaret F. 1904– ....................... WWT–17 Harris, Mel 1956– ................................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 39 Harris, Michael......................................... CTFT–17 Harris, Moira ............................................ CTFT–32 Harris, Neil Patrick 1973–....................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 20, 32 Harris, Phil 1904–1995 ........................... CTFT–24 Harris, Rachel........................................... CTFT–64 Harris, Richard 1930–2002 ..................... CTFT–27 Obituary in CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16; WWasWT Harris, Robert 1900– .............................. WWT–17 Harris, Rosemary 1927(?)–....................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13, 38; WWT–17 Harris, Sam H. 1872–1941.................... WWasWT Harris, Samantha 1973– .......................... CTFT–78 Harris, Sherwin David See ........................................... Harris, Wood Harris, Steve 1965– ................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Harris, Susan ............................................ CTFT–13 Harris, Thomas 1940– ............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Harris, Thomas Walter 1930–.................. CTFT–16 Harris, Timothy 1946–............................. CTFT–10 Harris, William 1884–1946 ................... WWasWT Harris, Wood 1969–................................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Harrison, Austin 1873–1928.................. WWasWT

Cumulative Index

Hannigan, Alyson 1974–......................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Hanning, Geraldine 1923–........................ CTFT–1 Hannity, Sean 1961– ............................... CTFT–91 Hanover, Donna 1950– ........................... CTFT–54 Hanratty, Sammi 1995– ........................... CTFT–91 Hanray, Lawrence 1874–1947............... WWasWT Hansberry, Lorraine 1930–1965 .............. CTFT–22 Hansen, Chris 1959–............................... CTFT–92 Hansen, Gunnar 1947– ........................... CTFT–78 Hansen, Lisa............................................. CTFT–89 Hansen, Nina ............................................. CTFT–4 Hansen, Peter 1921– ............................... CTFT–57 Hansen, Ryan 1981– ............................... CTFT–78 Hanson, Curtis 1945–.............................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 20, 32 Hanson, Gladys 1887–1973 .................. WWasWT Hanson, Harry 1895– ............................ WWasWT Hanson, Hart 1957–................................ CTFT–87 Hanson, John 1922–1998....................... WWT–17 Obituary in CTFT–24 Hanson, Twiggy See ..................................................... Twiggy Hansson, Sigrid Valborg 1874–? ............ WWasWT Harbach, Otto 1873–1963 .................... WWasWT Harben, Hubert 1878–1941 .................. WWasWT Harben, Joan 1909–1953 ...................... WWasWT Harbord, Carl ......................................... WWasWT Harbord, Gordon 1901–........................ WWasWT Harbottle, G. Laurence 1924–................ WWT–17 Harbour, Michael N. ................................ CTFT–34 Harburg, Edgar Y. 1898–1981 ................ WWT–17 Harcourt, Cyril ?–1924 .......................... WWasWT Harcourt, James 1873–1951 .................. WWasWT Harcourt, Leslie 1890– .......................... WWasWT Hardacred, John Pitt 1855–1933 ........... WWasWT Harden, Marcia Gay 1959–..................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Hardie, Russell 1906–1973 ................... WWasWT Hardiman, Terrence 1937–........................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hardin, Jerry 1929–................................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Hardin, Melora 1967–............................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Harding, Ann 1902–1981...................... WWasWT Harding, D. Lyn 1867–1952.................. WWasWT Harding, Jeff ............................................. CTFT–81 Harding, John 1948– ................................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Harding, Rudge ...................................... WWasWT Harding, Thomas See............................................ Harting, Tom Hardinge, H. C. M. ............................... WWasWT Hardison, Kadeem 1965(?)– .................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Hards, Ira 1872–1938............................ WWasWT Hardwick, Paul 1918–............................ WWT–17 Hardwicke, Cedric 1893–1964.............. WWasWT Hardwicke, Clarice 1900–..................... WWasWT Hardwicke, Edward 1932– ...................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33; WWT–17 Hardy, Arthur F. 1870–?......................... WWasWT Hardy, Betty 1904–................................ WWasWT Hardy, Charisma See ................................ Carpenter, Charisma Hardy, Jonathan 1940–............................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Hardy, Joseph 1929–1990 ...................... WWT–17 Hardy, Oliver 1892–1957........................ CTFT–16 Hardy, Robert 1925– ............................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–32; WWT–17, 20 Hare, Betty 1900– ................................. WWasWT


HARRISON Harrison, Bret 1982– ............................... CTFT–87 Harrison, Frederick ?–1926.................... WWasWT Harrison, George 1943– .......................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Harrison, Gregory 1950–......................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Harrison, Jim ............................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Harrison, Jim 1937– ................................ CTFT–13 Harrison, John 1924– ................................ CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Harrison, Kathleen 1898–....................... WWT–17 Harrison, Michelle.................................... CTFT–55 Harrison, Mona ?–1957 ......................... WWasWT Harrison, Mya See ......................................................... Mya Harrison, Noel.......................................... CTFT–27 Harrison, Rex 1908–1990 ......................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Harrison, Tony 1937–.............................. CTFT–13 Harrold, Jamie .......................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Harrold, Kathryn 1950–........................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 30 Harron, Mary 1953(?)– ............................ CTFT–91 Harrow, Lisa ............................................... CTFT–8 Harry, Deborah 1945–............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18, 30 Harry, Jackee 1956(?)–............................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Harryhausen, Ray 1920– ........................... CTFT–8 Harshman, Margo 1986–......................... CTFT–74 Harson, Sley See ......................................... Ellison, Harlan Hart, Bernard 1911–1964 ...................... WWasWT Hart, Charles 1961– .................................. CTFT–4 Hart, Diane 1926– ................................. WWT–17 Hart, Ellis See ......................................... Ellison, Harlan Hart, Emily 1986– ................................... CTFT–77 Hart, Harvey 1928–1989........................... CTFT–1 Hart, Ian 1964– ....................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Hart, Kevin ............................................... CTFT–75 Hart, Lorenz 1895–1945 ....................... WWasWT Hart, Mary 1950–.................................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Hart, Melissa Joan 1976– ........................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 29 Hart, Moss 1904–1961 .......................... WWasWT Hart, Pamela ............................................ CTFT–33 Hart, Roxanne 1952– .............................. CTFT–60 Hart, Teddy 1897–1971......................... WWasWT Hart, Vivian ............................................ WWasWT Hart, William S. 1870–1946.................. WWasWT Harter, Leslie See ........................... Zemeckis, Leslie Harter Harth, C. Ernst 1970–.............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Harting, Tom ............................................ CTFT–88 Hartley, Hal 1959– .................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Hartley, Mariette 1940–........................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 33 Hartley, Richard........................................ CTFT–42 Hartley, Steven See .............................................. Rains, Luce Hartley–Milburn, Julie 1904–1949 ........ WWasWT Hartman Black, Lisa 1956– ..................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 28 Brief Entry in CTFT–3

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Hartman, Ashley 1985–........................... CTFT–87 Hartman, Butch 1965(?)–......................... CTFT–56 Hartman, David D. 1935–....................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Hartman, Jan 1938– .................................. CTFT–3 Hartman, Phil 1948– ............................... CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Hartmann, Ron See ....................................... Herman, Jimmy Hartnell, William 1908–1975 ................ WWasWT Hartnett, Josh 1978–................................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Harto, Joshua 1979–................................ CTFT–86 Harty, Patricia 1941–............................... CTFT–61 Harvey See ................................... Weinstein, Harvey Harvey, Anthony 1931–............................. CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Harvey, Don ............................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Harvey, Frank 1885–1965 ..................... WWasWT Harvey, Frank 1912– .............................. WWT–17 Harvey, John Martin 1863–1944............ WWasWT Harvey, Laurence 1928–1973................ WWasWT Harvey, Morris 1877–1944 .................... WWasWT Harvey, Peter 1933– .................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Harvey, Rupert 1887–1954.................... WWasWT Harvey, Steve 1957(?)– ............................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 42 Harwell, Bobby 1931– ............................ CTFT–45 Harwood, Bruce 1963– ........................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Harwood, H. M. 1874–1959 ................. WWasWT Harwood, John 1876–1944 ................... WWasWT Harwood, Ronald 1934– ........................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Haskell, Peter 1934– ............................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Haskell, Susan 1968– .............................. CTFT–44 Haskins, Dennis 1950– ........................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 29 Haslinger, Paul 1962– ............................. CTFT–80 Hasperger, Iva 1977–............................... CTFT–88 Hassall, Christopher 1912–1963............ WWasWT Hasselbeck, Elisabeth 1977– ................... CTFT–85 Hasselhoff, David 1952– ......................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 25 Hasselquist, Jenny................................... WWasWT Hassler, Patti............................................. CTFT–50 Hasso, Signe 1918–................................ WWT–17 Hastings, Basil Macdonald 1881–1928.................................... WWasWT Hastings, Bob 1925– ............................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Hastings, Edward W. 1931– .................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Hastings, Fred ......................................... WWasWT Hastings, Hugh 1917–............................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hastings, Michael 1938–........................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hastings, Patrick 1880–1952 ................. WWasWT Haswell, Percy 1871–1945.................... WWasWT Hatcher, Jeffrey 1958(?)–.......................... CTFT–55 Hatcher, Teri 1964– ................................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 43 Hatfield, Hurd 1920(?)–1998................... CTFT–10 Obituary in CTFT–24 Hathaway, Anne 1982– ........................... CTFT–76 Hatherton, Arthur ?–1924 ...................... WWasWT Hatosy, Shawn 1975–.............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29


Hatton, Fanny 1870–1939..................... WWasWT Hatton, Frederick 1879–1946................ WWasWT Hauer, Rutger 1944– ............................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 25 Hauff, Thomas .......................................... CTFT–62 Haun, Lindsey 1984– .............................. CTFT–59 Hauptman, William 1942– ........................ CTFT–4 Hauptmann, Gerhart 1862–1946........... WWasWT Hauser, Cole 1975–................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 29 Hauser, Fay............................................... CTFT–61 Hauser, Frank 1922– ............................... CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hauser, Wings 1947– .............................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Havard, Lezley 1944– ............................... CTFT–3 Havel, Vaclav 1936– ............................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16 Haven, James 1973– ............................... CTFT–87 Havergal, Giles 1938–............................. CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Havers, Nigel 1949– ............................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Haviland, William 1860–1917 .............. WWasWT Havinga, Nick........................................... CTFT–11 Havoc, June 1916–................................. WWT–17 Hawk, Jeremy 1918–.............................. WWT–17 Hawk, Tony 1968– .................................. CTFT–89 Hawke, Ethan 1970– ............................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 43 Hawkes, Andrew ...................................... CTFT–88 Hawkes, John 1959– ............................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Hawkes, Terri ........................................... CTFT–54 Hawkesworth, John 1920– ........................ CTFT–8 Hawkins, Iris 1893–............................... WWasWT Hawkins, Jack 1910–1973..................... WWasWT Hawkins, Stockwell 1874–1927 ............ WWasWT Hawkins, Trish 1945–................................ CTFT–1 Hawks, Howard 1896–1977 ................... CTFT–16 Hawn, Goldie 1945–............................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5, 12, 21,31 Haworth, Jill 1945– ................................. CTFT–29 Hawthorne, David ?–1942..................... WWasWT Hawthorne, Elizabeth ............................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Hawthorne, James See ................................... James, Hawthorne Hawthorne, Kimberly ............................... CTFT–49 Hawthorne, Lil........................................ WWasWT Hawthorne, Nigel 1929–......................... CTFT–27 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 10, 17; WWT–17 Hawtrey, Anthony 1909–1954............... WWasWT Hawtrey, Charles 1858–1923 ................ WWasWT Hawtrey, Charles 1914–1988 ................ WWasWT Hawtrey, Marjory 1900–1952................ WWasWT Hay, Ian 1876–1952 .............................. WWasWT Hay, Joan 1894– .................................... WWasWT Hay, Mary 1901–1957........................... WWasWT Hay, Valerie 1910– ................................ WWasWT Hayashibara, Megumi 1967– .................. CTFT–41 Hayden, Dennis 1952– ........................... CTFT–53 Hayden, Larry 1950–................................. CTFT–5 Hayden, Michael 1963–.......................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 29 Hayden, Sophie .......................................... CTFT–5 Hayden, Terese 1921–............................ WWT–17 Haydon, Ethel 1878–1954..................... WWasWT Haydon, Florence ?–1918...................... WWasWT Haydon, Julie 1910–1994 ......................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Haydu, Peter 1948– .................................. CTFT–4

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Headley, Heather 1974–.......................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Headly, Glenne 1955(?)– ......................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 28 Heal, Joan 1922– ................................... WWT–17 Heald, Anthony 1944– ............................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18, 30 Healy, Christine 1934– ............................ CTFT–58 Healy, David 1932–1995 ........................ CTFT–25 Healy, Mary 1920–.................................... CTFT–1 Healy, Pat ................................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Healy, Tim 1952– .................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Heap, Douglas 1934– ............................... CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Heap, Mark .............................................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Heard, John 1945(?)–............................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21, 31 Hearn, George 1934–.............................. CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Hearn, Lew 1882–? ............................... WWasWT Hearne, Richard 1909– ......................... WWasWT Hearst, Rich 1965–.................................. CTFT–61 Heath, Eira 1940– .................................. WWT–16 Heatherington, Gary See.................................. Hetherington, Gary Heatherley, Clifford 1888–1937............. WWasWT Heaton, Patricia 1958–............................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Heaton, Tom............................................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Heavy D 1967–....................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Hebb, Brian R. R. ..................................... CTFT–37 Heche, Anne 1969– ................................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Hecht, Ben 1894–1964 ......................... WWasWT Hecht, Gina 1953–.................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Hecht, Jessica 1965– ............................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 32 Hecht, Paul 1941(?)– ............................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 18, 30 Heckart, Eileen 1919– ............................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Heckenkamp, Spencer See....................................... Garrett, Spencer Heckerling, Amy 1954(?)– ....................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 10, 17, 39 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Heckler, Andrew....................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Hector, Jamie 1975–................................ CTFT–92 Hedaya, Dan 1940– ................................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 27 Heder, Jon 1977– .................................... CTFT–70 Hedison, David 1927(?)–......................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18, 30 Hedley, H. B. ?–1931 ............................ WWasWT Hedley, Philip 1938–................................. CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hedman, Martha 1888–? ....................... WWasWT Hedren, Tippi 1930(?)–............................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Heeley, Desmond .................................... WWT–17 Heffernan, John 1934– ............................ CTFT–34 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Heffner, Kyle T.......................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Hefler, Tricia 1974– ................................. CTFT–65


Heflin, Frances 1924– ............................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Heggie, O. P. 1879–1936 ...................... WWasWT Heifner, Jack 1946– ................................... CTFT–1 Heighton, Brian ........................................ CTFT–78 Heigl, Katherine 1978– ........................... CTFT–61 Heijermans, Herman 1864–1924 .......... WWasWT Heikin, Nancy 1948– .............................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Heilbronn, William 1879–? .................... WwasWT Heimann, Betsy ........................................ CTFT–92 Hein, Silvio 1879–1928......................... WWasWT Heindl, Scott ............................................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Heinle, Amelia 1973– ............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Heinrichs, Rick ......................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Heinsohn, Elisa 1962–............................... CTFT–6 Heinz, Gerard 1904–1972..................... WWasWT Heitmeyer, Jayne 1970– .......................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Helberg, Simon 1980–............................. CTFT–75 Helburn, Theresa 1887–1959 ................ WWasWT Held, Anna 1873–1918 ......................... WWasWT Held, Dan 1948– ...................................... CTFT–3 Helfgott, Daniel 1952–............................ CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Helgeland, Brian 1961– .......................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Helgenberger, Marg 1958– ...................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 27 Heller, Buck................................................ CTFT–2 Heller, Paul 1927–................................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9 Hellman, Lillian 1905–1984................... WWT–17 Hellman, Monte 1932– ........................... CTFT–27 Helm, Levon 1943(?)– ............................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Helmond, Katherine 1934– ..................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 15, 24 Helmore, Arthur 1859–1941 ................. WWasWT Helmsley, Charles Thomas Hunt 1865–1940.................................... WWasWT Helper, Stephen Lloyd 1957– .................... CTFT–2 Helpmann, Robert 1909–1986 ............... WWT–17 Hemblen, David ....................................... CTFT–40 Hemecker, Ralph ...................................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Heming, Percy 1885– ............................ WWasWT Heming, Violet 1895– ........................... WWasWT Hemingway, Alan 1951– ........................... CTFT–4 Hemingway, Margaux 1955–1996........... CTFT–13 Obituary in CTFT–16 Hemingway, Marie 1893–1939 ............. WWasWT Hemingway, Mariel 1961– ...................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 12, 21, 31 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Hemingway, Polly .................................... CTFT–34 Hemion, Dwight 1926–............................. CTFT–8 Hemmerde, Edward George 1871–1948.................................... WWasWT Hemming, Lindy 1948–........................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Hemmings, David 1941– ........................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14 Hemsley, Harry May 1877–1951........... WWasWT Hemsley, Sherman 1938–........................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 33 Hemsley, W. T. 1850–1918 ................... WWasWT Hendershott, Adam 1983– ...................... CTFT–78 Henderson, A. J. ....................................... CTFT–54 Henderson, Alex F. 1866–1933 ............. WWasWT

Cumulative Index

Haye, Helen 1874–1957 ....................... WWasWT Hayek, Salma 1968(?)–............................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 32 Hayers, Sidney 1922– ............................... CTFT–1 Hayes, Al See ........................................ Altman, Robert Hayes, Bill 1925–.................................... CTFT–86 Hayes, Billie 1932– ................................. CTFT–86 Hayes, Catherine Anne 1958–................... CTFT–4 Hayes, George 1888–1967 .................... WWasWT Hayes, Helen 1900–1993 ........................ CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hayes, Isaac 1942– ................................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 32 Hayes, J. Milton 1884–1940.................. WWasWT Hayes, John Michael 1919– .................... CTFT–23 Hayes, Joseph 1918–................................. CTFT–1 Hayes, Lorraine See ............................................ Day, Laraine Hayes, Patricia 1909–1998 ....................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Hayes, Paul .............................................. CTFT–58 Hayes, Peter Lind 1915–1998 ................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–21 Hayes, Phil ............................................... CTFT–54 Hayes, Reginald C. 1969–....................... CTFT–80 Hayes, Sean 1970–.................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Hayes, Susan Seaforth 1943– .................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Hayes, Terri See ............................................ Hoyos, Terry Haygarth, Tony 1945– ............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Hayman, Al ?–1917............................... WWasWT Hayman, David 1950– ............................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Hayman, James ........................................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Hayman, Lillian 1922–........................... WWT–17 Hayman, Ronald 1932– ......................... WWT–17 Haymer, Johnny 1920–1989...................... CTFT–9 Haynes, Tiger 1914– .............................. WWT–17 Haynes, Todd 1961– ............................... CTFT–12 Haynie, Jim .............................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Hays, Bill 1938–..................................... WWT–17 Hays, David 1930– ................................ WWT–17 Hays, Robert 1947–................................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Hays, Sanja Milkovic 1958–.................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Hays, Stephen .......................................... CTFT–88 Haysbert, Dennis 1954(?)– ...................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Hayter, David 1969– ............................... CTFT–54 Hayter, James 1907–............................... WWT–17 Haythorne, Joan 1915– .......................... WWT–17 Hayward, David ....................................... CTFT–83 Hayward, Leland 1902–1971 ................ WWasWT Hayward, Rachel ...................................... CTFT–53 Haywood, Chris 1949– ........................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Hazell, Hy 1922–1970 .......................... WWasWT Hazzard, John E. 1881–1935................. WWasWT Head, Anthony 1954– ............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Head, Edith 1897–1981 .......................... CTFT–16 Head, Helaine .......................................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Headey, Lena 1973(?)– ............................ CTFT–84


HENDERSON Henderson, Dickie 1922– ...................... WWT–17 Henderson, Elvira 1903– ....................... WWasWT Henderson, Florence 1934– .................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18, 41; WWT–17 Henderson, Joshua ................................... CTFT–30 Henderson, May 1884– ......................... WWasWT Henderson, Meredith 1983–.................... CTFT–79 Henderson, Ray 1896–1970 .................. WWasWT Henderson, Robert 1904– ...................... WWT–17 Henderson, Roy ....................................... WWT–11 Henderson, Saffron ................................... CTFT–41 Henderson, Shirley 1965– ....................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Henderson, Stephen 1949– ..................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Hendler, Lauri 1965–............................... CTFT–61 Hendricks, Christina 1978– ..................... CTFT–69 Hendricksen, Lance See..................................... Henriksen, Lance Hendrie, Ernest 1859–1929 ................... WWasWT Hendrix, Elaine 1970(?)– ......................... CTFT–49 Heneker, David 1906– ........................... WWT–17 Heney, Joan .............................................. CTFT–65 Henfrey, Janet ........................................... CTFT–34 Henig, Andi................................................ CTFT–2 Henke, Brad 1966(?)–.............................. CTFT–91 Henley, Barry Shabaka 1954– ................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Henley, Beth 1952–................................. CTFT–21 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 12 Henley, Georgie 1995– ........................... CTFT–90 Henley, Herbert James 1882–1937 ........ WWasWT Henley, Joan 1904– ............................... WWasWT Hennagin, Michael J. See....................................... Goldsmith, Jerry Hennah, Dan............................................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Hennequin, Maurice ?–1926 ................. WWasWT Henner, Marilu 1952– ............................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 14, 25 Hennessy, Jill 1968– ................................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 30 Hennessy, Roland Burke 1870–1939 ..... WWasWT Hennesy, Carolyn ..................................... CTFT–61 Hennigan, Sean ........................................ CTFT–49 Henniger, Rolf 1925–............................. WWasWT Henning, Linda 1944–............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Henning, Megan 1978–........................... CTFT–74 Hennings, Betty 1850–1939 .................. WWasWT Hennings, David ...................................... CTFT–65 Hennings, Sam ......................................... CTFT–61 Henreid, Paul 1908–1992 ....................... CTFT–12 Henrie, David 1989–............................... CTFT–85 Henriksen, Lance 1940(?)– ...................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 17, 27 Henritze, Bette 1924– ............................. CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 10, 18; WWT–17 Henry, (Alexander) Victor 1943–............................................ WWasWT Henry, Buck 1930–.................................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9, 35 Henry, Charles 1890–1968 .................... WWasWT Henry, David ............................................ CTFT–50 Henry, Gregg 1952– ................................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Henry, John See........................................ Richardson, Jay Henry, Justin 1971– ................................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Henry, Lenny 1958– ................................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Henry, Martha 1938– .............................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Henry, Martin 1872–1942 ..................... WWasWT Henry, Mike 1936–.................................. CTFT–91 Henry, Noble See .......................................... Wynorski, Jim Henry, Terence See ............................... Winkless, Terence H. Henry, Tim................................................ CTFT–66 Henshall, Ruthie ....................................... CTFT–27 Henshaw, Jim 1949– ............................... CTFT–42 Hensley, John 1977– ............................... CTFT–74 Hensley, Shuler 1967–............................. CTFT–47 Henson, Brian 1963– .............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 31 Henson, Elden 1977– .............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Henson, Gladys 1897–........................... WWT–16 Henson, Jim 1936–1990 .......................... CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Henson, John 1967–................................ CTFT–30 Henson, Leslie 1891–1957 .................... WWasWT Henson, Nicky 1945– ............................. CTFT–34 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Henson, Taraji P. 1970– .......................... CTFT–86 Henstridge, Natasha 1974– ..................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Henton, John 1960– ................................ CTFT–27 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Hentsch, Juergen ...................................... CTFT–34 Hentschel, Irene 1891– ......................... WWasWT Hepburn, Audrey 1929–1993.................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–11 Hepburn, Katharine 1909–2003 ................ CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Hephner, Jeff............................................. CTFT–86 Hepple, Jeanne 1936–............................ WWT–17 Hepple, Peter 1927– ................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Heppner, Rosa ?–1979............................ WWT–16 Hepton, Bernard 1925–.......................... WWT–17 Herbe, Katheryn See ........................................... Erbe, Kathryn Herbert, Alan Patrick 1890–1971 .......... WWasWT Herbert, Evelyn 1898–........................... WWasWT Herbert, F. Hugh 1897–1958................. WWasWT Herbert, Henry 1879–1947 ................... WWasWT Herbert, Jocelyn 1917– ............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Herbert, Rich 1956–.................................. CTFT–3 Herbert, Victor 1859–1924.................... WWasWT Herbst, Rick See............................................. Hearst, Rich Herd, Richard 1932–............................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Heredia, Wilson Jermaine 1971(?)– .......................................... CTFT–27 Herlie, Eileen 1920–............................... WWT–17 Herlihy, James Leo 1927–1993.................. CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–12 Herlihy, Tim 1966–.................................. CTFT–80 Herman, Danny 1960–.............................. CTFT–2 Herman, David 1967(?)– ......................... CTFT–62 Herman, Jerry 1933– ............................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 20; WWT–17 Herman, Jimmy ........................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Herman, Mark .......................................... CTFT–27 Herman, Pee–Wee See.......................................... Reubens, Paul Hermant, Abel 1862–1950 .................... WWasWT Hernandez, Jay 1978–............................. CTFT–68


Herndon, Richard G. ?–1958................. WWasWT Herne, (Katherine) Chrystal 1883–1950.................................... WWasWT Heron, Joyce 1916–1980 ....................... WWT–17 Heros, Eugene ........................................ WWasWT Herrera, Anthony 1944–............................ CTFT–5 Herring, Laura See ......................................... Harring, Laura Herring, Lynn 1958– ............................... CTFT–30 Herrmann, Bernard 1911–1975 ............... CTFT–29 Herrmann, Edward 1943– ....................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 23 Herrmann, Karl......................................... CTFT–54 Herrmann, Keith 1952–............................. CTFT–1 Hersey, David 1939–............................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11; WWT–17 Hershberger, Gary .................................... CTFT–59 Hershberger, Kevin 1973– ....................... CTFT–53 Hershey, Barbara 1948– .......................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17. 28 Hershlag, Natalie See...................................... Portman, Natalie Herskovitz, Marshall 1952–..................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 31 Hertford, Brighton 1986– ........................ CTFT–88 Hertford, Whit 1978– .............................. CTFT–78 Hertz, Carl 1859–.................................. WWasWT Hertzler, Garman See........................................... Hertzler, John Hertzler, John 1949– ............................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Hervey, Grizelda 1901–......................... WWasWT Hervey, Jason 1972–................................ CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18 Hervieu, Paul 1857–1915...................... WWasWT Herz, Ralph C. 1878–1921.................... WWasWT Herzfeld, John .......................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Herzog, Werner 1942– ............................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 25 Heslewood, Tom 1868–1959................. WWasWT Heslop, Charles 1883–1966 .................. WWasWT Heslov, Grant 1963– ............................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Hess, Sandra............................................. CTFT–48 Hesseman, Howard 1940– ...................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 31 Hessler, Gordon 1930–............................ CTFT–23 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Hester, Eric 1974– ................................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Hestnes, Pedro ......................................... CTFT–35 Heston, Charlton 1923–2008 .................. CTFT–52 Obituary in CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 15, 24; WWT–17 Hestor, George 1877–1925.................... WWasWT Hetherington, Gary 1941–....................... CTFT–56 Hetrick, Jennifer 1958– ........................... CTFT–53 Heuer, John Michael 1941–....................... CTFT–6 Heuring, Lori 1973– ................................ CTFT–53 Hewes, Henry 1917– ............................. WWT–17 Hewett, Christopher ................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hewett, Dorothy 1923–.......................... WWT–17 Hewett, Jerry See.............................................. Hewitt, Jery Hewitt, Agnes ?–1924............................ WWasWT Hewitt, Alan 1915–1986 ........................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Hewitt, Don 1922– ................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Highway, Thomson 1951–....................... CTFT–16 Hignell, Rose 1896– .............................. WWasWT Hignett, H. R. 1870–1959 ..................... WWasWT Hiken, Gerald 1927–................................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hilary, Jennifer 1942–................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hildreth, Mark 1978–.............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Hilferty, Susan .......................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 42 Hill, Amy 1953–...................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Hill, Ann Stahlman 1921–......................... CTFT–4 Hill, Arthur 1922– ................................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hill, Benny 1925–1992 ............................. CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–11 Hill, Bernard 1944–................................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Hill, Billie ............................................... WWasWT Hill, Dana 1964– ...................................... CTFT–7 Hill, Debra ................................................. CTFT–5 Hill, Denise Nicholas See ..................................... Nicholas, Denise Hill, Dule 1975– ..................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Hill, Dwayne............................................ CTFT–74 Hill, Erica 1976– ..................................... CTFT–75 Hill, George Roy 1922– ............................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Hill, Grant ................................................ CTFT–48 Hill, John See ...................................... Koontz, Dean R. Hill, John Dunn See ...................................... Dunn–Hill, John Hill, Jonah 1983– .................................... CTFT–86 Hill, Ken 1937–1995................................. CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hill, Lauryn 1975– .................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Hill, Leonard F. 1947–............................... CTFT–1 Hill, Lucienne.......................................... WWT–17 Hill, Mars Andrew III 1927–...................... CTFT–1 Hill, Matt 1968–...................................... CTFT–42 Hill, Peter Murray 1908–....................... WWasWT Hill, Ronnie 1911– ................................. WWT–17 Hill, Rose 1914– .................................... WWT–17 Hill, Sinclair 1896–1945 ....................... WWasWT Hill, Steven 1922–..................................... CTFT–8 Hill, Teresa 1969– ................................... CTFT–54 Hill, Walter 1942–................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 23 Hill, William............................................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Hillary, Ann 1930– .................................... CTFT–4 Hille, Anastasia ........................................ CTFT–35 Hillenburg, Stephen 1961–...................... CTFT–73 Hiller, Arthur 1923– ................................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 33 Hiller, Wendy 1912– ................................. CTFT–6 Earler sketches in WWT–17 Hillerman, John 1932– ............................ CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 8 Hilliard, Harriet See ........................................ Nelson, Harriet Hilliard, Kathlyn 1896–1933 ................. WWasWT Hilliard, Patricia 1916– ......................... WWasWT Hilliard, Robert C. 1857–1927 .............. WWasWT Hillis, Rib 1970– ..................................... CTFT–88 Hillman, Michael 1902–1941................ WWasWT


Hillshafer, Bethany Rooney See...................................... Rooney, Bethany Hilton, Paris 1981– ................................. CTFT–65 Hilton–Jacobs, Lawrence 1953– .............. CTFT–47 Hilton, Tyler 1983– ................................. CTFT–92 Hinden, Nathan See........................................... Bloch, Robert Hindle, Art 1948(?)– ................................ CTFT–44 Hindman, Earl 1942– .............................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18 Hinds, Ciaran 1953– ............................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Hines, Cheryl 1965– ............................... CTFT–79 Hines, Elizabeth 1899–1971.................. WWasWT Hines, Grainger ........................................ CTFT–54 Hines, Gregory 1946– ............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11, 22 Hines, Patrick 1930– .............................. WWT–17 Hingle, Pat 1924(?)– ................................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 16, 28; WWT–17 Hinkle, Marin 1966– ............................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Hinkle, Vernon 1935– ............................... CTFT–1 Hinkley, Brent 1969–............................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Hinkley, Tommy 1960– ........................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Hinton, Mary 1896– .............................. WWasWT Hipp, Paul 1963(?)–................................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36 Hirabayashi, Keith See............................................ Cooke, Keith Hird, Thora 1913–.................................. WWT–17 Hiroyuki–Tagawa, Cary See............................ Tagawa, Cary–Hiroyuki Hirsch, Charles Henry 1870–? ............... WWasWT Hirsch, Janis 1950– ................................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Hirsch, John Stephan 1930–1989.............. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hirsch, Judd 1935– ................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 22; WWT–17 Hirsch, Lou............................................... CTFT–55 Hirsch, Louis Achille 1881–1924 .......... WWasWT Hirschfeld, Al 1903– ................................. CTFT–1 Hirschfelder, David 1960–....................... CTFT–78 Hirschhorn, Clive 1940– ........................ WWT–17 Hirschhorn, Joel 1937– ........................... CTFT–13 Hirschmann, Henri 1872–?.................... WWasWT Hirsh, David Julian ................................... CTFT–79 Hirsh, Hallee 1987– ................................ CTFT–50 Hirshon, Vaitiare See ..................................... Bandera, Vaitiare Hirson, Alice 1929– ................................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Hislop, Joseph 1887–? ........................... WWasWT Hitchcock, Alfred 1899–1980 ................... CTFT–1 Hitchcock, Michael 1958– ...................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Hitchcock, Raymond 1865–1929 .......... WWasWT Hjejle, Iben 1971– .................................. CTFT–32 Ho, Don 1930– ....................................... CTFT–17 Hoag, Jan ................................................. CTFT–58 Hoag, Judith 1968(?)–.............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Hoare, Douglas 1875–? ......................... WWasWT Hobart, Deborah 1950– .......................... CTFT–51 Hobart, George V. 1867–1926............... WWasWT Hobart, Rose 1906–............................... WWasWT Hobbes, Herbert Halliwell 1877–1962.................................... WWasWT

Cumulative Index

Hewitt, Frankie 1931–............................. CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Hewitt, Henry 1885–1968..................... WWasWT Hewitt, Jennifer Love 1979–.................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 29 Hewitt, Jery .............................................. CTFT–33 Hewlett, David 1968– ............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Hewlett, Maurice 1861–1923................ WWasWT Hewson, Paul David See........................................................ Bono Hexum, Jon–Eric 1957–1984..................... CTFT–2 Hey, Virginia............................................. CTFT–28 Heydt, Louis Jean 1905–1960 ............... WWasWT Heyman, Barton 1937–1996 ..................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–16 Heyman, David 1961– ............................ CTFT–79 Heyward, Andy 1949– ............................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Heyward, Dorothy 1890–1961.............. WWasWT Heyward, Du Bose 1885–1940 ............. WWasWT Heywood, Chris See....................................... Haywood, Chris Heywood, Jean 1921–............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Hibbard, Edna 1895?–1942 ................... WWasWT Hibbert, Edward 1955– ........................... CTFT–62 Hibbert, Henry George 1862–1924 ....... WWasWT Hichens, Robert Smythe 1864–1950 ..... WWasWT Hickey, John Benjamin 1963– ................. CTFT–53 Hickey, Tom 1944– ................................. CTFT–84 Hickey, William 1928–1997...................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–17 Hickland, Catherine 1956– ..................... CTFT–54 Hicklin, Margery 1904–......................... WWasWT Hickman, Charles .................................... WWT–17 Hickman, Darryl 1933–............................. CTFT–5 Hickman, Dwayne 1934– ....................... CTFT–26 Hicks, Barbara ............................................ CTFT–9 Hicks, Betty Seymour 1905– ................. WWasWT Hicks, Catherine 1951–........................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 41 Hicks, (Edward) Seymour 1871–1949.................................... WWasWT Hicks, Julian 1858–1941 ....................... WWasWT Hicks, Michele 1973– ............................. CTFT–63 Hicks, Scott 1953– .................................. CTFT–25 Hickson, Joan 1906– .............................. WWT–17 Hideo, Nakada See ......................................... Nakata, Hideo Higgins, Anthony 1947–.......................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Higgins, Clare 1957–............................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Higgins, Colin 1941–1988 ........................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Higgins, David 1961– ............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Higgins, James 1932–................................ CTFT–1 Higgins, John Michael 1963– .................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Higgins, Jonathan ..................................... CTFT–79 Higgins, Michael 1921(?)–....................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 33 Higgins, Nellie See.......................................... Sciutto, Nellie Higgins, Norman 1898– ........................ WWasWT Higgins, Paul ............................................ CTFT–35 Higginson, Torri ........................................ CTFT–68 Highley, Reginald 1884–? ...................... WWasWT Highmore, Freddie 1992– ....................... CTFT–86 Hightower, Marilyn 1923–..................... WWasWT Hightower, Rosella 1920– ....................... CTFT–16


HOBBLE Hobble, Magnus See ............................................ Trainor, Jerry Hobbs, Carleton 1898– ......................... WWasWT Hobbs, Frederick 1880–1942 ................ WWasWT Hobbs, Jack 1893–1968 ........................ WWasWT Hobbs, William 1939– ........................... WWT–17 Hobgood, Burnet M. 1922– ................... WWT–17 Hoblit, Gregory 1944– ............................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Hobson, Harold 1904–........................... WWT–17 Hobson, May 1889–? ............................ WWasWT Hoch, Danny 1970–................................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Hochberg, Victoria 1952– ....................... CTFT–54 Hochhuth, Rolf 1931–............................ WWT–17 Hochman, Larry 1953– ............................. CTFT–6 Hochwaelder, Fritz 1911–1986 ................. CTFT–4 Hocking, Kristen See......................................... Dalton, Kristen Hockney, David 1937–............................ CTFT–17 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Hockridge, Edmund 1919–.................... WWasWT Hoctor, Harriet 1907–1977.................... WWasWT Hodder, Kane 1955– ............................... CTFT–69 Hodge, Aldis ............................................ CTFT–88 Hodge, Edwin 1985–............................... CTFT–63 Hodge, John 1964– ................................. CTFT–30 Hodge, Kate 1966– ................................. CTFT–74 Hodge, Merton 1904–1958 ................... WWasWT Hodge, Patricia 1946–............................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 17 Hodge, William T. 1874–1932 .............. WWasWT Hodgeman, Edwin 1935–....................... WWT–17 Hodges, Eric “Ty” II 1981– ...................... CTFT–62 Hodges, Horace 1865–1951.................. WWasWT Hodges, Patricia ......................................... CTFT–8 Hodges, Tom 1965– ................................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Hoehler, Freddy See.................................... Koehler, Frederick Hoenig, Michael 1952–........................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Hoeppner, Mark 1957– ........................... CTFT–30 Hoey, Dennis 1893–1960...................... WWasWT Hoey, Iris 1885–?................................... WWasWT Hofert, Earl See ..................................... Letterman, David Hoffe, Barbara ........................................ WWasWT Hoffe, Monckton 1880–1951 ................ WWasWT Hoffman, Aaron 1880–1924.................. WWasWT Hoffman, Avi 1958– ................................ CTFT–11 Hoffman, Basil 1938–................................ CTFT–5 Hoffman, Bridget See ........................................ Marlowe, Ruby Hoffman, Dustin 1937–........................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 24; WWT–17 Hoffman, Gus 1991–............................... CTFT–83 Hoffman, Jane 1911–................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hoffman, Jenna See ............................................ Byrne, Jenna Hoffman, Maud ...................................... WWasWT Hoffman, Philip Seymour 1967–.............................................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Hoffman, Rick 1970– .............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Hoffman, Susannah 1963(?)–................... CTFT–74 Hoffman, William M. 1939– ..................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hoffmann, Gaby 1982–........................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Hofheimer, Charlie 1981– ....................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Hofmann, Isabella 1958– ........................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 39 Hofsiss, Jack 1950– ................................ WWT–17 Hogan, Chris ............................................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Hogan, Gabriel 1973–............................. CTFT–67 Hogan, Hulk 1953–................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 38 Hogan, Jonathon 1951– .......................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Hogan, Michael........................................ CTFT–65 Hogan, Michael 1898–.......................... WWasWT Hogan, P. J. 1964(?)– ............................... CTFT–23 Hogan, Paul 1939(?)– .............................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 25 Hogan, Robert 1936– .............................. CTFT–54 Hogan, Siobhan Fallon See........................................ Fallon, Siobhan Hogan, Susan ........................................... CTFT–66 Hogan, Terry “Hulk” See............................................ Hogan, Hulk Hogarth, Emmett See ................... Polonsky, Abraham (Lincoln) Hogestyn, Drake....................................... CTFT–18 Hogg, Ian 1937– ..................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–32; WWT–17 Holbrook, Anna Kathryn .......................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–18 Holbrook, Hal 1925– .............................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 15, 24; WWT–17 Holbrook, Louise .................................... WWasWT Holcomb, Rod .......................................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 38 Hold, John See ............................................. Bava, Mario Holden, Alexandra 1977(?)–.................... CTFT–53 Holden, Arthur ......................................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Holden, Gina 1975– ............................... CTFT–79 Holden, Jan 1931– ................................. WWT–17 Holden, Larry 1969– ............................... CTFT–35 Holden, Laurie 1972(?)– .......................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Holden, Marjean ...................................... CTFT–49 Holden, Michael ...................................... CTFT–53 Holden, William 1918–1981................... CTFT–16 Holden–Reid, Kristen................................ CTFT–68 Holder, Donald......................................... CTFT–55 Holder, Geoffrey 1930–........................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 36; WWT–17 Holder, Owen 1921–.............................. WWT–17 Holdgrive, David 1958–............................ CTFT–4 Holdridge, Lee 1944–.............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 28 Hole, John 1939– ................................... WWT–17 Holgate, Ron 1937– ............................... WWT–17 Holland, Agnieszka 1948– ...................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Holland, Anthony 1912–1988................ WWT–17 Holland, Antony ....................................... CTFT–65 Holland, C. J. See....................................... Hurley, Maurice Holland, Edmund Milton 1848–1913 .... WWasWT Holland, Endesha Ida Mae 1944– .............................................. CTFT–11 Holland, Jeffrey 1946– .............................. CTFT–8 Holland, Josh 1974–................................ CTFT–58 Holland, Mildred 1869–1944 ................ WWasWT Holland, Reece 1956– ............................. CTFT–11


Holland, Richard ...................................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Holland, Savage Steve 1960–.................. CTFT–62 Holland, Tom 1943– ................................. CTFT–4 Holland, Willa 1991–.............................. CTFT–91 Holles, Antony 1901–1950.................... WWasWT Holles, William 1867–1947................... WWasWT Holliday, Jennifer 1960–.......................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Holliday, Judy 1923–1965 ..................... WWasWT Holliday, Kene 1949–.............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 38 Holliday, Polly 1937–.............................. CTFT–34 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7 Holliman, Earl 1928– .............................. CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Hollis, Stephen 1941– ............................ WWT–17 Hollister, Lindsay 1977– .......................... CTFT–75 Holloman, Laurel ..................................... CTFT–37 Holloway, Baliol 1883–1967 ................. WWasWT Holloway, Josh 1969– ............................. CTFT–70 Holloway, Julian 1944– .......................... WWT–17 Holloway, Stanley 1890–1982................ WWT–17 Holloway, Sterling 1904– .......................... CTFT–5 Holloway, W. E. 1885–1952.................. WWasWT Holly, Ellen 1931–................................... CTFT–10 Holly, Lauren 1963–................................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 24 Holm, Celeste 1919–............................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 11, 37; WWT–17 Holm, Hanya........................................... WWT–17 Holm, Ian 1931– ..................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 9, 19; WWT–17 Holm, John Cecil 1904–1981................. WWT–17 Holman, Clare .......................................... CTFT–35 Holman, Libby 1906–1971.................... WWasWT Holme, Stanford 1904– ......................... WWasWT Holme, Thea 1907– ............................... WWT–17 Holmes, Adrian ........................................ CTFT–86 Holmes, David 1969– ............................. CTFT–79 Holmes, Helen ?–1950 .......................... WWasWT Holmes, Katie 1978–............................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Holmes, Robert 1899–1945................... WWasWT Holmes, Rupert 1947– ............................ CTFT–13 Holmes, Taylor 1878–1959 ................... WWasWT Holmes, Tina ............................................ CTFT–75 Holmes–Gore, Dorothy 1896–1915 ...... WWasWT Holt, Andrew See ........................................ Anhalt, Edward Holt, Fritz 1940–1987 ............................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–5 Holt, Lester 1959–................................... CTFT–71 Holt, Lorri................................................. CTFT–30 Holt, Samuel See ................................ Westlake, Donald E. Holt, Sandrine 1972– .............................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Holt, Thelma 1933– ............................... WWT–17 Holt, Will 1929– .................................... WWT–17 Holtz, Lou 1898– .................................. WWasWT Holtzman, Robert ..................................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Holubova, Eva 1959–.............................. CTFT–35 Holzer, Adela .......................................... WWT–17 Homan, David 1907–............................ WWasWT Home, William Douglas 1912–.............. WWT–17 Homeier, Skip 1930–................................. CTFT–8 Homfrey, Gladys ?–1932 ....................... WWasWT Homolka, Oscar 1898–1978 ................. WWasWT Hone, Mary 1904– ................................ WWasWT Honer, Mary 1914– ............................... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Hopper, Dennis 1936– ............................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 13, 24 Hopper, Edna Wallace 1864–1959 ........ WWasWT Hopper, Tim ............................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Hopper, Victoria 1909– ......................... WWasWT Hopwood, Avery 1882–1928 ................ WWasWT Horan, Edward 1898– ........................... WWasWT Horan, James 1954–................................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Horberg, William...................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Hordern, Michael 1911–1995 ................. CTFT–14 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6; WWT–17 Horn, Mary 1916–................................. WWasWT Horn, Michelle 1987– ............................. CTFT–70 Hornby, Leslie See ..................................................... Twiggy Horne, A. P. ........................................... WWasWT Horne, David 1893–1970...................... WWasWT Horne, Kenneth 1900– .......................... WWasWT Horne, Lena 1917– ................................... CTFT–6 Horneff, Wil 1979– ................................. CTFT–69 Horner, Alex Kapp 1969–........................ CTFT–86 Horner, James 1953– ............................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 28 Horner, Richard 1920– ............................ CTFT–19 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Horniman, Annie Elizabeth Fredericka 1860–1937.................................... WWasWT Horniman, Roy 1872–1930 ................... WWasWT Hornsby, David ........................................ CTFT–68 Hornsby, Leslie See ..................................................... Twiggy Hornsby, Nancy 1910–1958.................. WWasWT Hornsby, Russell ....................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Horovitch, David 1945–.......................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33; WWT–17 Horovitz, Israel 1939–............................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19; WWT–17 Horrigan, Sam 1981– .............................. CTFT–75 Horrocks, Jane 1964–.............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Horsdal, Chelah 1973– ........................... CTFT–79 Horse, Michael 1951–............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Horsford, Anna Maria 1948(?)– ............... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10, 37 Horsley, Lee 1955–.................................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 41 Horsnell, Horace 1883–1949 ................ WWasWT Horton, Edward Everett 1886–1970....... WWasWT Horton, John............................................. CTFT–54 Horton, Michael ....................................... CTFT–50 Horton, Peter 1953–................................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18, 30 Horton, Robert 1870–? .......................... WWasWT Horvitz, Louis J. 1947–............................ CTFT–49 Horvitz, Richard Steven 1966–................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Horwitz, Murray 1949–............................. CTFT–3 Hose, Tushka See......................................... Bergen, Tushka Hosea, Bobby ........................................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Hoskins, Bob 1942– ................................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17, 28; WWT–17 Hossack, Allison 1965–........................... CTFT–61 Hostetter, John .......................................... CTFT–52 Hotchkis, Joan 1927– ................................ CTFT–7


Hoty, Dee 1952– ..................................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Hou, Hsiao–hsien 1947–......................... CTFT–27 Houde, Serge 1953–................................ CTFT–88 Houdini, Harry 1873–1926 ................... WWasWT Hough, John 1941– ................................... CTFT–2 Houghton, Katharine .................................. CTFT–1 Houghton, Norris 1909– ........................ WWT–17 Hould–Ward, Ann 1954– ........................ CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Hounsou, Djimon 1964–......................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 House, Dakota 1974– ............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 39 House, Eric .............................................. WWT–17 Houseman, John 1902–1988..................... CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Houser, Jerry 1952–................................. CTFT–55 Housman, Laurence 1865–1959............ WWasWT Houston, Donald 1923–......................... WWT–17 Houston, Gary .......................................... CTFT–84 Houston, Jane ......................................... WWasWT Houston, Josephine 1911– ..................... WWasWT Houston, Kent .......................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Houston, Marques 1981– ........................ CTFT–56 Houston, Renee 1902–1980................... WWT–17 Houston, Whitney 1963– ........................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Hove, Anders 1956– ............................... CTFT–30 Howard, Alan 1937–............................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 16; WWT–17 Howard, Anne Marie 1960(?)– ................ CTFT–59 Howard, Andree 1910–1968 ................. WWasWT Howard, Arliss 1954–.............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Howard, Bart 1915–.................................. CTFT–3 Howard, Bryce Dallas 1981– .................. CTFT–69 Howard, Clint 1959–............................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 24 Howard, Eugene 1880–1965 ................. WWasWT Howard, J. Bannister 1867–1946........... WWasWT Howard, James Newton 1951– ............... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Howard, Jean Speegle 1928– .................. CTFT–28 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Howard, Jeremy 1981– ........................... CTFT–69 Howard, Joseph See .......................................... Rudnick, Paul Howard, Keble 1875–1928 ................... WWasWT Howard, Ken 1944– ................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 34; WWT–17 Howard, Kyle 1978– ............................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Howard, Leslie 1893–1943 ................... WWasWT Howard, Lisa 1963– ................................ CTFT–40 Howard, Norah 1901–1968 .................. WWasWT Howard, Pamela 1939–............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Howard, Peter .......................................... CTFT–53 Howard, Rance 1928– ............................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Howard, Roger 1938– ............................ WWT–17 Howard, Ron 1954–................................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 22 Howard, Shawn Michael 1969–.............. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 29 Howard, Sherman 1949– ........................ CTFT–51 Howard, Sidney 1891–1939.................. WWasWT Howard, Sydney 1885–1946 ................. WWasWT Howard, Terrence Dashon........................ CTFT–54

Cumulative Index

Honey, Fluffer See ........................................ Grenier, Adrian Hong, Chin–pao See ........................... Kam–Bo, Sammo Hung Hong, James See ........................... Kam–Bo, Sammo Hung Hong, James 1929– ................................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 28 Hong, Jinbao See ........................... Kam–Bo, Sammo Hung Hong, Wilson S. 1934– ............................. CTFT–5 Honri, Percy 1874–1953 ....................... WWasWT Hood, Basil 1864–1917......................... WWasWT Hood, Morag 1942–.................................. CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hoods, Bebe Drake See............................................. Drake, Bebe Hooks, Bebe Drake See............................................. Drake, Bebe Hooks, Bobbie Dean See.......................................... Hooks, Robert Hooks, Brian 1973– ................................ CTFT–78 Hooks, Jan 1957–.................................... CTFT–40 Hooks, Kevin 1958–................................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 28 Hooks, Robert 1937– .............................. CTFT–35 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Hool, Lance.............................................. CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Hooper, Ewan 1935–.............................. WWT–17 Hooper, Nicholas ..................................... CTFT–79 Hooper, Tobe 1943–................................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 24 Hootkins, William 1948– ........................ CTFT–35 Hoover, Richard 1947– ........................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Hope, Anthony 1863–1933 ................... WWasWT Hope, Barclay 1958–............................... CTFT–60 Hope, Bob 1903–.................................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20; WWasWT Hope, Evelyn ?–1966............................. WWasWT Hope, Leslie 1965– ................................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Hope, Maidie 1881–1937 ..................... WWasWT Hope, Nicholas ........................................ CTFT–34 Hope, Teri See.................................................. Garr, Teri Hope, Vida 1918–1963 ......................... WWasWT Hope, William.......................................... CTFT–47 Hope–Wallace, Philip A. 1911–1979 ..... WWT–16 Hopkins, Anthony 1937– ........................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 16, 43; WWT–17 Hopkins, Arthur 1878–1950 .................. WWasWT Hopkins, Bo 1942– ................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30 Hopkins, Bruce 1955–............................. CTFT–69 Hopkins, Charles 1884–1953 ................ WWasWT Hopkins, Joan 1915– ............................. WWasWT Hopkins, John 1931–1998...................... WWT–17 Obituary in CTFT–24 Hopkins, Josh 1970– ............................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Hopkins, Kaitlin 1964–............................ CTFT–72 Hopkins, Miriam 1902–1972................. WWasWT Hopkins, Neil 1977– ............................... CTFT–90 Hopkins, Shirley Knight See ......................................... Knight, Shirley Hopkins, Stephen 1958(?)–...................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Hopkins, Telma 1948– ............................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Hopper, De Wolf 1858–1935 ................ WWasWT


HOWARD Howard, Traylor 1966(?)– ........................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Howard, Trevor 1916–1988 ...................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Howard, Walter 1866–1922 .................. WWasWT Howard, Willie 1883–1949 ................... WWasWT Howarth, Donald 1931– ........................ WWT–17 Howe, Bette See......................................... Henritze, Bette Howe, George 1900– ............................. WWT–17 Howe, James Wong 1899–1976.............. CTFT–26 Howe, Tina 1937–................................... CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Howell, C. Thomas 1966– ...................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27 Howell, Chris ........................................... CTFT–54 Howell, Jane............................................ WWT–17 Howell, John 1888–1928 ...................... WWasWT Howell, Judy Ruskin See......................................... Ruskin, Judy L. Howell, Tom See.................................. Howell, C. Thomas Howells, Ursula 1922–............................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9; WWT–17 Howerd, Frankie 1921–............................. CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Howes, Basil 1901–............................... WWasWT Howes, Bobby 1895–1972 .................... WWasWT Howes, Sally Ann ....................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Howland, Beth 1941– ............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Howland, Jobyna 1880–1936................ WWasWT Howlett, Noel 1901–1984...................... WWT–17 Hoy, Maysie ............................................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Hoyes, Charles ......................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Hoyle, Derek See.......................................... Dobson, Peter Hoyos, Terry ............................................. CTFT–67 Hoyt, John 1905–1991 ............................ CTFT–27 Hrebejk, Jan 1967– ................................. CTFT–34 Hry See .......................................... Havel, Vaclav Hsian–Fei, Wu See ............................................... Woo, John Hsiung, Shih I. 1902–............................ WWasWT Hsu, Constance ........................................ CTFT–91 Hu, Kelly 1968– ...................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Huban, Eileen 1895–1935..................... WWasWT Huband, David 1958–............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Hubar, Janine See ........................................... Temime, Jany Hubbard, Erica 1979– ............................. CTFT–74 Hubbard, Lorna 1910–1954 .................. WWasWT Hubbard, Valorie ...................................... CTFT–90 Hubbell, Raymond 1879–1954 ............. WWasWT Huber, Gusti 1914– ............................... WWasWT Huber, Kathleen 1947–.............................. CTFT–7 Hubert, Janet 1956– ................................ CTFT–88 Hubert–Whitten, Janet 1956– .................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18 Hubley, Season........................................... CTFT–4 Hubley, Whip 1958– ............................... CTFT–53 Huby, Roberta......................................... WWasWT Huckabee, Cooper 1951– ....................... CTFT–65 Hudd, Roy 1936–.................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–34; WWT–17 Hudd, Walter 1898–1963...................... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Huddleston, David 1930– ....................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 24 Hudec, M. Leigh See........................................... Barrett, Majel Hudgens, Vanessa Anne 1988– ............... CTFT–88 Hudis, Norman 1922–............................... CTFT–4 Hudlin, Reginald 1961– .......................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Hudlin, Warrington 1953– ...................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Hudolin, Wendy See ..................................... Partridge, Wendy Hudson, Bill 1949– ................................... CTFT–8 Hudson, Brett 1953– ............................... CTFT–88 Hudson, Ernie 1945–............................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27 Hudson, Gary 1956–............................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Hudson, Hugh .......................................... CTFT–10 Hudson, Jeffery See.................................... Crichton, Michael Hudson, Kate 1979–................................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Hudson, Lucy See......................................... Wahlgren, Kari Hudson, Mark 1951– .............................. CTFT–87 Hudson, Oliver 1976–............................. CTFT–71 Hudson, Rock 1925–1985......................... CTFT–2 Hudson, Ruben See......................... Santiago–Hudson, Ruben Hudson, Ruben–Santiago See......................... Santiago–Hudson, Ruben Hudson, Verity 1923–1988..................... WWT–17 Huertas, Jon 1976(?)– .............................. CTFT–43 Hues, Matthias 1959– ............................. CTFT–63 Huff, Brent 1961–.................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Huffman, Cady 1965– ............................. CTFT–50 Huffman, Felicity 1962–.......................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 32 Huffman, Rosanna .................................... CTFT–51 Hufnail, Mark ........................................... CTFT–49 Huggett, David See ......................................... Barker, Ronnie Huggins, Erica .......................................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Hugh Kelly, Daniel 1952(?)–.................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–25, 53 Hughes, Albert 1972– ............................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Hughes, Allen 1972–............................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Hughes, Allen Lee .................................... CTFT–11 Hughes, Annie 1869–1954.................... WWasWT Hughes, Barnard 1915–........................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7; WWT–17 Hughes, Del 1909–1985 ........................... CTFT–1 Hughes, Dusty 1947–............................. WWT–17 Hughes, Finola 1960– ............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Hughes, Hatcher 1883–1945................. WWasWT Hughes, Hazel 1913–............................ WWasWT Hughes, Helen ......................................... CTFT–68 Hughes, John 1950–................................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 23 Hughes, Langston 1902–1967 ................. CTFT–21 Hughes, Laura 1959– ................................ CTFT–1 Hughes, Mick 1938– .............................. WWT–17 Hughes, Miko 1986–............................... CTFT–48 Hughes, Roddy 1891– ........................... WWasWT Hughes, Rupert 1872–1956................... WWasWT Hughes, Terry ........................................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11


Hughes, Tom E. ..................................... WWasWT Hughes, Wendy.......................................... CTFT–7 Hughley, D. L. 1963– .............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Hugo, Laurence 1927–1994...................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–13 Huguenet, Felix 1858–1926 .................. WWasWT Hulbert, Claude 1900–1964 .................. WWasWT Hulbert, Jack 1892–1978 ....................... WWT–16 Hulce, Thomas 1953– ............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Hules, Endre ............................................. CTFT–56 Hull, Henry 1890–1977 ........................ WWasWT Hull, Josephine 1886–1957 ................... WWasWT Hulsey, James G. 1927– .......................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Hume, Benita 1906–1968 ...................... WwasWT Hume, Brit 1943–.................................... CTFT–91 Humes, Mary–Margaret ............................ CTFT–43 Humphrey, Cavada.................................. WWT–17 Humphrey, Renee..................................... CTFT–51 Humphreys, Alf ........................................ CTFT–62 Humphreys, Cecil 1883–1947............... WWasWT Humphries, Barry 1934– ......................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–34; WWT–17 Humphries, John 1895–1927................. WWasWT Humphris, Gordon 1921– ..................... WWasWT Hung, Kam–po See ........................... Kam–Bo, Sammo Hung Hung, Sammo See ........................... Kam–Bo, Sammo Hung Hunkins, Lee 1930– .................................. CTFT–1 Hunley, Leann 1955– .............................. CTFT–43 Hunnicutt, Gayle 1943(?)– ...................... CTFT–16 Hunt, Barbara Leigh See................................ Leigh–Hunt, Barbara Hunt, Bob See.................................................. Kouf, Jim Hunt, Bonnie 1964(?)– ............................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Hunt, Brad................................................ CTFT–80 Hunt, Charles W. 1943–1989.................... CTFT–5 Hunt, Helen 1963– ................................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27 Hunt, Hugh 1911–.................................. WWT–17 Hunt, Linda 1945– .................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 9, 23 Hunt, Marsha 1917– ................................. CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Hunt, Martita 1900–1969 ...................... WWasWT Hunt, Peter 1938– ..................................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hunter, Bill 1940– ................................... CTFT–33 Hunter, George W. 1851–? .................... WWasWT Hunter, Glenn 1896–1945..................... WWasWT Hunter, Holly 1958–................................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 24 Hunter, Ian 1900–1975.......................... WWasWT Hunter, Jeffrey 1926–1969....................... CTFT–16 Hunter, Kenneth 1882–? ........................ WWasWT Hunter, Kim 1922–2002 .......................... CTFT–29 Obituary in CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19; WWT–17 Hunter, Marian 1944– ............................... CTFT–5 Hunter, Norman C. 1908–1971 ............. WWasWT Hunter, Rachel 1969–.............................. CTFT–68 Hunter, Ross 1926–1996 ......................... CTFT–12 Obituary in CTFT–16 Hunter, Victor William 1910– ................ WWT–17 Huntley, G. P. 1868–1927 ..................... WWasWT Huntley, G. P. 1904– ............................. WWasWT Huntley, Noah 1974– .............................. CTFT–63

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Hutton, Lauren 1943(?)–.......................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 18 Hutton, Pascale ........................................ CTFT–85 Hutton, Rif................................................ CTFT–44 Hutton, Robert 1920–1994........................ CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–13 Hutton, Timothy 1960– ........................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 13, 22 Hutzler, Brody 1971– .............................. CTFT–69 Hwang, David Henry 1957– ................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12 Hyams, Peter 1943– ................................ CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12 Hyde, James 1962– ................................. CTFT–74 Hyde, Jonathan 1947–............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Hyde, R. See ............................................. Ebert, Roger Hyde–Pierce, David See ................................. Pierce, David Hyde Hyde–White, Alex 1959– ........................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 34 Hyde–White, Wilfrid 1903–1991............. CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Hyem, Constance Ethel ?–1928 ............. WWasWT Hyland, Frances 1927– .......................... WWT–17 Hyland, Sarah 1990–............................... CTFT–61 Hylands, Scott 1943– .............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 39 Hylton, Jack 1892–1965........................ WWasWT Hylton, Millie 1868–1920 ..................... WWasWT Hylton, Richard 1920–1962 .................. WWasWT Hyman, David T. See ....................................... Hayman, David Hyman, Dick 1927–................................ CTFT–10 Hyman, Earle 1926–................................ CTFT–36 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11; WWT–17 Hyman, Joseph M. 1901–1977.............. WWasWT Hyman, Prudence ................................... WWasWT Hymer, John B. ?–1953.......................... WWasWT Hynes, Jessica See .................................... Stevenson, Jessica Hyson, Dorothy 1915– .......................... WWasWT Hytner, Nicholas 1956–........................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Hytner, Steve ............................................ CTFT–53

I Ibbetson, Arthur 1922–.............................. CTFT–9 Ibu, Masato 1949– .................................. CTFT–34 Ice Cube 1969–....................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22 Ice–T 1958– ............................................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 24 Idalis See ......................................... DeLeon, Idalis Ide, Patrick 1916– .................................. WWT–17 Iden, Rosalind 1911– ............................. WWasWT Idle, Eric 1943– ....................................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 34 Idlette, Patricia ......................................... CTFT–74 Idol, Billy 1955–...................................... CTFT–43 Idziak, Slawomir Andrzej 1945–.............................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Idzikowski, Stanislas ?–1977.................. WWasWT Ifans, Rhys 1968– .................................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26


Iger, Robert 1951– ................................... CTFT–12 Iler, Robert 1985–.................................... CTFT–89 Illing, Peter 1905–1966 ......................... WWasWT Illington, Margaret 1881–1934 .............. WWasWT Illington, Marie ?–1927.......................... WWasWT Ilyin, Vladimir 1947– .............................. CTFT–34 Imada, Jeff 1955– .................................... CTFT–49 Imes–Jackson, Mo’Nique 1967– .............. CTFT–60 Imi, Tony 1937– ...................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 34 Immerman, William J. 1937– .................... CTFT–1 Imperato, Carlo 1963– .............................. CTFT–4 Imperioli, Michael 1966(?)–..................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Imrie, Celia 1952–................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Indigo 1984– ........................................... CTFT–77 Inescort, Elaine ?–1964.......................... WWasWT Inescort, Frieda 1901–1976 ................... WWasWT Ingalls, John F. .......................................... CTFT–54 Inge, William 1913–1973 ...................... WWasWT Ingels, Marty 1936–................................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Ingham, Barrie ............................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ingham, Robert E. 1934–........................... CTFT–1 Ingle, John 1928– .................................... CTFT–62 Ingledew, Rosalind See ........................................ Allen, Rosalind Inglesby, Mona 1918– ........................... WWasWT Ingram, Rex 1895–1969 ........................ WWasWT Ingram, Terry ............................................ CTFT–62 Innaurato, Albert 1948– ............................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Innes, Angus Mac See ..................................... MacInnes, Angus Innes, Laura 1959(?)– .............................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Innes, Scott 1966–................................... CTFT–78 Innocent, Harold 1935(?)–1993................. CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Insana, Tino 1948–.................................. CTFT–40 Ionesco, Eugene 1912(?)–1994 .................. CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ireland, Anthony 1902–1957................. WWasWT Ireland, Jill 1941–1990.............................. CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–9 Ireland, John 1916–................................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Ireland, Kathy 1963– ............................... CTFT–44 Ireland, Kenneth 1920– ............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Irish, Annie 1865–1947 ......................... WWasWT Irizarry, Vincent 1959– ............................ CTFT–26 Irons, Jeremy 1948– ................................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 14, 25 Ironside, Michael 1950–.......................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 Irrera, Dom 1947–................................... CTFT–55 Irvin, John 1940–..................................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16 Irvine, Robin 1901–1933....................... WWasWT Irving, Amy 1953–................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 22 Irving, Daisy ?–1938.............................. WWasWT Irving, Elizabeth 1904–.......................... WWasWT Irving, Ellis 1902–................................... WWT–16 Irving, Ethel 1869–1963 ........................ WWasWT Irving, George S. 1922–............................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Irving, H. B. 1870–1919........................ WWasWT

Cumulative Index

Huntley, Raymond 1904–1990................ CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Huntley, Tim 1904– ............................... WWasWT Huntley–Wright, Betty 1911–................. WWasWT Huntley–Wright, Jose 1918– .................. WWasWT Hupp, Jana Marie ..................................... CTFT–34 Huppert, Isabelle 1955(?)–....................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Hurd, Gale Anne 1955– .......................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 23 Hurd, Michelle 1966– ............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Hurgon, Austen A. ?–1942..................... WWasWT Hurlbut, W. J. 1883–? ............................ WWasWT Hurley, Elizabeth 1965– .......................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Hurley, Kathy 1947–.................................. CTFT–1 Hurley, Maurice 1939–............................ CTFT–49 Hurndall, Richard 1910–........................ WWT–17 Hurok, Sol 1888–1974 .......................... WWasWT Hurran, Dick 1911–................................ WWT–17 Hurry, Leslie 1909–1978 ........................ WWT–16 Hursey, Sherry 1940– .............................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Hurst, Fannie 1889–1968 ...................... WWasWT Hurst, Gregory S. 1947–............................ CTFT–2 Hurst, Lillian 1949–................................. CTFT–90 Hurst, Michael 1957–.............................. CTFT–26 Hurst, Ryan 1976–................................... CTFT–43 Hurt, John 1940–..................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 11, 22; WWT–17 Hurt, Mary Beth 1948(?)– ........................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 13, 38; WWT–17 Hurt, William 1950– ............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5, 12, 23 Husain, Jory................................................ CTFT–4 Husmann, Ron 1937– ............................ WWT–17 Huss, Toby 1966–.................................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Hussein, Waris 1938– ............................. CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Hussey, Jimmy 1891–1930 .................... WWasWT Hussey, Olivia 1951– .............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 38 Hussey, Ruth 1914–............................... WWasWT Huston, Anjelica 1951–........................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 22 Huston, Danny 1962– ............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Huston, John 1909–1987 .......................... CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–5 Huston, Walter 1884–1950 ................... WWasWT Hutch, Jesse 1981–.................................. CTFT–86 Hutchens, Brice See ....................................... Cummings, Bob Hutcherson, Josh 1992– .......................... CTFT–78 Hutcheson, David 1905–1976 ............... WWT–16 Hutchinson, Harry 1892–1980............... WWT–16 Hutchinson, Josephine 1904–................ WWasWT Hutchinson Scott, Jay 1924– ................. WWasWT Hutchison, Doug 1960– .......................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Hutchison, Emma ?–1965...................... WWasWT Hutchison, Kieren 1974–......................... CTFT–76 Hutchison, Muriel 1915–1975............... WWasWT Hutchison, Percy 1875–1945 ................ WWasWT Huth, Harold 1892–1967 ...................... WWasWT Hutman, Jon ............................................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Hutt, William 1920–............................... WWT–17 Hutton, Geoffrey 1909– ......................... WWT–17


IRVING Irving, Isabel 1871–1944 ....................... WWasWT Irving, Jan See......................................... Wahlgren, Kari Irving, Jules 1925–.................................. WWT–17 Irving, K. Ernest 1878–1953 .................. WWasWT Irving, Laurence Henry Forster 1897–1914.................................... WWasWT Irving, Laurence Sidney 1871–1914 ...... WWasWT Irwin, Bill 1950– ..................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 34 Irwin, Edward 1867–1937 ..................... WWasWT Irwin, John See...................................... Van Patten, Dick Irwin, May 1862–1938 .......................... WWasWT Irwin, Steve 1962–2006 .......................... CTFT–26 Obituary in CTFT–73 Irwin, Tom 1956– .................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Isaacks, Levie ........................................... CTFT–56 Isaacs, Edith J. R. 1878–1956 ................ WWasWT Isaacs, Jason 1963– ................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Isaak, Chris 1956–................................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Isabelle, Katharine 1982– ........................ CTFT–65 Iscove, Robert 1947–............................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Isham, Gyles (Bart) 1903–1976 ............. WWasWT Isham, Mark 1951– ................................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 35 Isherwood, Christopher 1904–1986....... WWasWT Ishibashi, Brittany 1980– ......................... CTFT–80 Ishibashi, Ryo 1956(?)–............................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Ishida, Jim ................................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Ishii, Sogo 1957–..................................... CTFT–35 Isler, Seth .................................................. CTFT–58 Israel, Neal 1945(?)–................................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Issyanov, Ravil .......................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Istomina, Maria See........................................... Charisse, Cyd Italiano, Anne See......................................... Bancroft, Anne Itami, Juzo 1933–1997 ............................ CTFT–21 Ito, Robert 1931– .................................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18 Itzin, Gregory ........................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Ivanek, Zeljko 1957–............................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 32 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Ivanir, Mark 1968– .................................. CTFT–75 Ivar, Stan................................................... CTFT–64 Ives, Burl 1909–1995 ................................ CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ivey, Dana 1942(?)–................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 5, 18, 29 Ivey, Judith 1951–.................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 16, 27 Ivor, Frances ........................................... WWasWT Ivory, James 1928– .................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13 Iwamatsu, Mako See ....................................................... Mako Izay, Victor 1923– ................................... CTFT–80 Izenour, George C. 1912– ...................... WWT–17 Izzard, Eddie 1962– ................................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92

J J. J. See ................................ Jones, John Marshall Jablonski, Carl 1937– ................................ CTFT–3 Jablonsky, Steve ........................................ CTFT–77 Jace, Michael 1965–................................ CTFT–52 Jack and Evelyn 1886?–?/1888–? ........... WWasWT Jackee See ........................................... Harry, Jackee Jacker, Corinne 1933– ............................ WWT–17 Jackman, Hugh 1968–............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Jackness, Andrew 1952– ......................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 33 Jacks, James .............................................. CTFT–41 Jacks, John See...................................... Jackson, John M. Jackson, Andrew 1963–........................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Jackson, Anne 1926(?)– ........................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 18; WWT–17 Jackson, Barry Vincent 1879–1961 ........ WWasWT Jackson, David ......................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Jackson, Doug .......................................... CTFT–38 Jackson, Douglas 1940– .......................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 38 Jackson, Ernestine ..................................... CTFT–10 Jackson, Ethel 1877–1957 ..................... WWasWT Jackson, Freda 1909– ............................. WWT–17 Jackson, Frederic 1886–1953 ................ WWasWT Jackson, Gildart ........................................ CTFT–78 Jackson, Glenda 1936– ............................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Jackson, Gordon 1923–1990..................... CTFT–9 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Jackson, Janet 1966– ............................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Jackson, Jeanine ....................................... CTFT–56 Jackson, John M. 1950– .......................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 40 Jackson, Jonathan 1982– ......................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Jackson, Joshua 1978–............................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Jackson, Kate 1949(?)–............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30 Jackson, Mel............................................. CTFT–61 Jackson, Michael 1958– .......................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Jackson, Nagle 1936–................................ CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Jackson, Nelson 1870–?......................... WWasWT Jackson, Peter 1961– ............................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Jackson, Randy 1956– ............................. CTFT–65 Jackson, Roger L. ...................................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Jackson, Samuel L. 1948(?)– .................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 28 Jackson, Shar 1976– ................................ CTFT–92 Jackson, Sherry 1942– ............................... CTFT–8 Jackson, Stoney 1960– ............................ CTFT–59 Jackson, Tom 1948(?)–............................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Jackson, Victoria 1959–........................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Jacob, Abe J. 1944–................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2


Jacob, Irene 1966– .................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Jacob, Naomi 1889–1964...................... WWasWT Jacobi, Derek 1938–................................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 25; WWT–17 Jacobi, Lou 1913– ..................................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Jacobs, David 1939– ............................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Jacobs, Gideon 1990– ............................. CTFT–75 Jacobs, Jim 1942–...................................... CTFT–1 Jacobs, Lawrence–Hilton See ......................... Hilton–Jacobs, Lawrence Jacobs, Matthew 1956– ........................... CTFT–38 Jacobs, Rusty 1967– .................................. CTFT–1 Jacobs, Sally 1932– ................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Jacobs, William Wymark 1863–1943 .... WWasWT Jacobson, Peter ......................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Jacobson, Peter Marc 1957–.................... CTFT–71 Jacobson, Rick .......................................... CTFT–37 Jacoby, Billy See .............................................. Jayne, Billy Jacoby, Bobby 1973–............................... CTFT–48 Jacoby, Mark 1947–................................. CTFT–43 Jacot, Christopher 1979– ......................... CTFT–68 Jacott, Carlos ............................................ CTFT–41 Jacques, Hattie 1924–1980 .................... WWT–17 Jaeck, Scott............................................... CTFT–37 Jaeckel, Richard 1926–1997...................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–18 Jaeger, Sam 1977– ................................... CTFT–92 Jaenicke, Hannes 1960–.......................... CTFT–42 Jaffe, Chapelle .......................................... CTFT–90 Jaffe, Herb 1921(?)–1991........................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–10 Jaffe, Michael 1945– ............................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 33 Jaffe, Sam 1893–1984 ............................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Jaffe, Stanley R. 1940– ............................ CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17 Jaffe, Susan ............................................... CTFT–13 Jaffer, Melissa 1936–................................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Jaffrey, Saeed 1929– ................................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 35 Jaffrey, Sakina ........................................... CTFT–76 Jagger, Dean 1903(?)–1991 ...................... CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Jagger, Mick 1943–.................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Jaglom, Henry 1943– ................................ CTFT–1 Jago, Raphael Bryan 1931– .................... WWT–17 Jaid, Ildiko See........................................ Barrymore, Jaid Jakobson, Maggie See...................................... Wheeler, Maggie Jakub, Lisa 1978– .................................... CTFT–38 Jalland, Henry 1861–1928..................... WWasWT Jamal–Warner, Malcolm See........................... Warner, Malcolm–Jamal James, Bob 1939– ................................... CTFT–12 James, Brenda........................................... CTFT–88 James, Brian 1920– ................................ WWT–17 James, Brian d’Arcy .................................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 James, Brion 1945– ................................. CTFT–25 James, Charity .......................................... CTFT–56 James, Clifton 1921– ............................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 19

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Jarman, Herbert 1871–1919 .................. WWasWT Jarmusch, Jim 1953– ............................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 27 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Jarre, Kevin ............................................... CTFT–26 Jarre, Maurice 1924–............................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 25 Jarrett, Phillip............................................ CTFT–63 Jarrico, Paul 1915–1997.......................... CTFT–24 Jarriel, Tom 1934– ................................... CTFT–13 Jarrott, Charles 1927–.............................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 12 Jarvis, E. K. See........................................... Bloch, Robert Jarvis, Graham 1930–................................ CTFT–1 Jarvis, Martin 1941– ................................ CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 33; WWT–17 Jashni, Jon J. ............................................. CTFT–76 Jason, David 1940– ................................... CTFT–1 Jason, Harvey 1940– ............................... CTFT–37 Jason, Peter 1944–................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Jau Yun Faat See .......................................... Chow Yun–fat Jaud, Janyse .............................................. CTFT–55 Jay, Dorothy 1897–................................ WWasWT Jay, Ernest 1893–1957 ........................... WWasWT Jay, Harriett 1863–1932......................... WWasWT Jay, Isabel 1879–1927............................ WWasWT Jay, John Herbert 1871–1942................. WWasWT Jay, Ricky 1948–...................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 26 Jay, Tony 1933(?)–.................................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Jayce See............................................ Bartok, Jayce Jayne, Billy 1969– ................................... CTFT–58 Jayne, Tara................................................ CTFT–46 Jayne, Robert See.......................................... Jacoby, Bobby Jaynes, Roderick See..................... Coen, Ethan and Coen, Joel Jayston, Michael 1935– ........................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Jbara, Gregory 1961– .............................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Jeakins, Dorothy 1914–1995 ................... CTFT–10 Obituary in CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Jean, Jennifer See......................................... Wahlgren, Kari Jean–Baptiste, Marianne 1967– ............... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Jean–Thomas, David See ................................ Thomas, David Jean Jeannin, Marcel ........................................ CTFT–66 Jeans, Isabel 1891–................................. WWT–17 Jeans, Michael ............................................ CTFT–4 Jeans, Ronald 1887–? ............................ WWasWT Jeans, Ursula 1906–............................... WWasWT Jeayes, Allan 1885–1963 ....................... WWasWT Jecko, Timothy 1938–................................ CTFT–4 Jecks, Clara ?–1951 ............................... WWasWT Jeffcoat, Don 1975– ................................ CTFT–54 Jefferies, Douglas 1884–1959 ................ WWasWT Jeffers, E. See........................................................... Eve Jefferson, Arthur Stanley See.............................................. Laurel, Stan Jefferson, Brenden 1986– ........................ CTFT–71 Jefferson, Paris .......................................... CTFT–46 Jefford, Barbara 1930–............................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6; WWT–17


Jeffrey, Carl See ......................................... Jablonski, Carl Jeffrey, Myles 1990– ................................ CTFT–49 Jeffrey, Peter 1929–.................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Jeffreys, Anne 1923– ............................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Jeffreys, Ellis 1872–1943........................ WWasWT Jeffreys, Woody ........................................ CTFT–86 Jeffries, Lionel 1926–............................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Jeffries, Lynn ............................................. CTFT–55 Jeffries, Maud 1869–1946...................... WWasWT Jellicoe, Ann 1927–................................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Jemison, Eddie .......................................... CTFT–74 Jenesky, George ........................................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Jenkins, David 1937– .............................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9; WWT–17 Jenkins, George 1908– ............................ CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Jenkins, Hugh 1908– .............................. WWT–17 Jenkins, Jane 1943– ................................. CTFT–26 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Jenkins, Jolie............................................. CTFT–74 Jenkins, Ken 1940–.................................. CTFT–46 Jenkins, Megs 1917– .............................. WWT–17 Jenkins, Paul............................................. CTFT–79 Jenkins, R. Claud 1878–1967 ................ WWasWT Jenkins, Rebecca 1960– .......................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Jenkins, Richard 1947–............................ CTFT–48 Jenkins, Sam 1966– ................................. CTFT–75 Jenkins, Tamara 1963(?)– ......................... CTFT–25 Jenkins, Warren ....................................... WWT–17 Jenn, Myvanwy 1928–............................ WWT–17 Jenner, Barry ............................................. CTFT–39 Jenner, Caryl 1917– ............................... WWasWT Jenney, Lucinda 1954– ............................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Jennings, Alex 1957–............................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 25 Jennings, Benton....................................... CTFT–60 Jennings, Brent ......................................... CTFT–58 Jennings, Byron ........................................ CTFT–40 Jennings, Gertrude E. 1877(?)–1958....... WWasWT Jennings, Juanita ....................................... CTFT–55 Jennings, Ken.............................................. CTFT–1 Jennings, Peter 1938–.............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 25 Jenoure, Aida .......................................... WWasWT Jenrette, Rita ............................................... CTFT–4 Jens, Salome 1935– ................................. CTFT–34 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Jensen, Brian ............................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Jensen, Erik............................................... CTFT–74 Jensen, John 1933–.................................... CTFT–1 Jensen, Kay See......................................... Wahlgren, Kari Jensen, Shelley ......................................... CTFT–62 Jensen, Todd ............................................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Jenson, Kay See......................................... Wahlgren, Kari Jerald, Penny Johnson See........................................ Johnson, Penny Jerkew, Abe See ............................................. Weber, Jake Jerome, Daisy 1881–?............................ WWasWT Jerome, Helen 1883–? ........................... WWasWT Jerome, Howard ....................................... CTFT–63

Cumulative Index

James, Colton 1988– ............................... CTFT–70 James, Daisy ........................................... WWasWT James, Dorothy Dorian 1930–................... CTFT–7 James, Emrys 1930–1989 .......................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 James, Francis 1907–............................. WWasWT James, Fred See............................................... Allen, Fred James, Gerald 1917– .............................. WWT–17 James, Geraldine 1950– .......................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 34 James, Hawthorne .................................... CTFT–51 James, Jesse 1989– .................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 James, Jessica 1931(?)–1990 ...................... CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 James, John 1956–..................................... CTFT–8 James, Julia 1890–1964 ......................... WWasWT James, Ken................................................ CTFT–49 James, Kevin 1965–................................. CTFT–44 James, Lennie 1965– ............................... CTFT–62 James, Pell 1977–.................................... CTFT–70 James, Peter 1940–.................................. CTFT–13 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 James, Peter Francis 1956–...................... CTFT–79 James, Polly 1941–.................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 James, Sid 1913–1976............................. CTFT–25 James, Steve 1954– ................................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 James, Theo See............................................ Antonio, Lou James, Wilson 1872–?............................ WWasWT Jameson, Jerry........................................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Jameson, Nick .......................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Jameson, Pauline 1920– ......................... WWT–17 Jampolis, Neil Peter 1943–........................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Jan, Tomas See ......................................... Forman, Milos Jane, Esmeralda Belle See......................................... Chabert, Lacey Jane, Thomas 1969–................................ CTFT–43 Janger, Lane .............................................. CTFT–29 Janis, Conrad 1928– ................................ CTFT–35 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Janis, Elsie (Bierbower) 1889–1956 ....... WWasWT Jankovskij, Oleg See ...................................... Yankovsky, Oleg Janner, Brigitte .......................................... CTFT–35 Janney, Allison 1960(?)– .......................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Janney, Russell 1884–1963 .................... WWasWT Jansen, Jan See....................................... Verhoeven, Paul Jansen, Jim................................................ CTFT–50 Janssen, Famke 1964– ............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 January, Pepper See.............................................. Rivers, Joan Janus, Hugh See ...................................... Stevens, Andrew Janzen, Naomi.......................................... CTFT–46 Janzurova, Iva 1941–............................... CTFT–34 Jao, Radmar Agana 1966– ....................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Jarchow, Bruce 1948– ............................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Jardine, Betty ?–1945............................. WWasWT Jarman, Derek 1942–1994 ........................ CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–13


JEROME Jerome, Jerome Klapka 1859–1927 ....... WWasWT Jerome, Rowena 1890– ......................... WWasWT Jerome, Sadie 1876–1950...................... WWasWT Jerome, Timothy 1943– ........................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37 Jerrold, Mary 1877–1955....................... WWasWT Jesmer, Chalane See .......................................... Newmar, Julie Jess, Jazzy See .................................... Stevenson, Jessica Jesse, F. Tennyson 1889–1958 ............... WWasWT Jesse, Stella 1897– ................................. WWasWT Jessel, George 1898–1981 ...................... WWT–17 Jessel, Patricia 1920–1968..................... WWasWT Jessop, Jack............................................... CTFT–60 Jeter, Michael 1952–................................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Jett, Joan 1958(?)–.................................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Jetton, Lisbeth 1962–................................. CTFT–4 Jeung Gwok Wing See ......................................... Cheung, Leslie Jewel 1974– ............................................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Jewel, Jimmy 1912– ............................... WWT–17 Jewell, Izetta 1883–?.............................. WWasWT Jewison, Norman 1926–.......................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 35 Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer 1927– .................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13 Jiawei, Wang See ....................................... Wong, Kar–Wai Jie, Li Lian See ....................................................... Li, Jet Jiler, John 1946– ...................................... CTFT–14 Jillette, Penn 1955– ................................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Jillian See..................................... McWhirter, Jillian Jillian, Ann 1950– ................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4 Jimenez, Gladis ........................................ CTFT–61 Jimenez, Neal 1960–............................... CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Jimmy Boy L. See ............................................ Ferrara, Abel Jimson, Gully See............................................. Stone, Doug Jinaro, Jossara 1978– ............................... CTFT–61 Jines, Courtney 1992– ............................. CTFT–78 J–Lo See......................................... Lopez, Jennifer Joachim, Suzy........................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Joanou, Phil 1961–.................................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Job, Thomas 1900–1947........................ WWasWT Jobrani, Maz 1972–................................. CTFT–74 Joel, Clara 1890–................................... WWasWT Joelson, Tsianina 1975–........................... CTFT–86 Joffe, Charles H. 1929– ........................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Joffe, Roland 1945–................................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21 Joffin, Jon 1963–...................................... CTFT–54 Johann, Zita 1904– ................................ WWasWT Johannson, Colby 1978– ......................... CTFT–88 Johansen, Aud 1930– ............................ WWasWT Johansen, David 1950(?)–........................ CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Johansson, Paul 1964– ............................ CTFT–56 Johansson, Scarlett 1984–........................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 John, Elton 1947–.................................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 John, Evan 1901–1953 .......................... WWasWT John, Graham 1887–?............................ WWasWT John, Rosamund 1913–1998 ................. WWasWT Obituary in CTFT–24 Johns, Andrew 1935– .............................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Johns, Eric 1907–................................... WWasWT Johns, Glynis 1923– ................................ CTFT–12 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Johns, Mervyn 1899– ............................. WWT–17 Johns, Stratford 1925– ............................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Johnson, Adrienne–Joi .............................. CTFT–47 Johnson, Alan ............................................. CTFT–9 Johnson, Amy Jo 1970–........................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Johnson, Anne–Marie 1960– ................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Johnson, Arte 1934(?)– ............................ CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Johnson, Ashley 1983–............................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Johnson, Bart ............................................ CTFT–77 Johnson, Ben 1918–1996 ........................ CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Johnson, Bill 1918–1957 ....................... WWasWT Johnson, Bjorn 1957–................................ CTFT–6 Johnson, Brad 1959– ............................... CTFT–66 Johnson, Bruce D. .................................... CTFT–88 Johnson, Bryce 1977– ............................. CTFT–58 Johnson, Carl 1965–................................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–49 Johnson, Celia 1908–1982 ..................... WWT–17 Johnson, Chas. Floyd ................................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18 Johnson, Chic 1891–1962 ..................... WWasWT Johnson, Clark 1954– .............................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Johnson, David ......................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Johnson, Don 1949– ............................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 22 Johnson, Dwayne 1972– ......................... CTFT–43 Johnson, Eric 1979– ................................ CTFT–44 Johnson, Gary 1945–............................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Johnson, Georgann ................................... CTFT–57 Johnson, J. Kenneth 1977– ...................... CTFT–74 Johnson, Janet 1915–............................. WWasWT Johnson, Jay 1949–.................................. CTFT–85 Johnson, Jazz Voyd See ............................... Johnson, Chas. Floyd Johnson, Kathie Lee See .................................. Gifford, Kathie Lee Johnson, Kay 1904–1975....................... WWasWT Johnson, Kenneth 1942– ......................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Johnson, Kenny ........................................ CTFT–59 Johnson, Kristen See...................................... Johnston, Kristen Johnson, Lamont 1922–........................... CTFT–10 Johnson, Laraine See ............................................ Day, Laraine Johnson, Laura 1957–.............................. CTFT–47 Johnson, Linda Lee ..................................... CTFT–1 Johnson, Mark .......................................... CTFT–29 Johnson, Mark 1945– .............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Johnson, Mark Steven 1964–................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28


Johnson, Mary Lea 1926–........................ CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Johnson, Michelle 1965–......................... CTFT–45 Johnson, Mike See............................................ Sharkey, Jack Johnson, Molly 1903– ........................... WWasWT Johnson, Orrin 1865–1943 .................... WWasWT Johnson, Penny......................................... CTFT–44 Johnson, Philip 1900– ........................... WWasWT Johnson, R. Brandon................................. CTFT–84 Johnson, Reginald See ............................... VelJohnson, Reginald Johnson, Richard 1927– .......................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 15, 39; WWT–17 Johnson, Rodney Van 1961– ................... CTFT–74 Johnson, Ryan........................................... CTFT–80 Johnson, Shane 1976–............................. CTFT–92 Johnson, Shelly ......................................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Johnson, Terry 1955–............................... CTFT–12 Johnson, Van 1917– .................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Johnson, Willow 1975– ........................... CTFT–55 Johnston, Adrian ....................................... CTFT–80 Johnston, Andrew ..................................... CTFT–55 Johnston, Denis 1901–1984 ................... WWT–17 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Johnston, Jane A. 1934– .......................... CTFT–90 Johnston, Joanna....................................... CTFT–65 Johnston, John Denis ................................ CTFT–51 Johnston, Justine ......................................... CTFT–1 Johnston, Kristen 1967–........................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 29 Johnston, Margaret 1918–....................... WWT–17 Johnston, Moffat 1886–1935 ................. WWasWT Johnston, Tyler 1987–.............................. CTFT–90 Johnstone, Anna Hill 1913– ...................... CTFT–1 Johnstone, Iain 1943–.............................. CTFT–10 Johnstone, Justine 1899– ....................... WWasWT Johnstone, Keith ....................................... CTFT–12 Joiner, Rusty 1972–.................................. CTFT–83 Jo–Jo 1990– ............................................. CTFT–79 Jokovic, Mirjana 1967– ........................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Joles, Bob 1959– ..................................... CTFT–69 Jolicoeur, Paul See .............................................. Coeur, Paul Jolie, Angelina 1975– .............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Jolivet, Rita 1894– ................................. WWasWT Jolly, Peter 1951– ...................................... CTFT–1 Jolson, Al 1886–1950 ............................ WWasWT Jonas, Joe 1989–...................................... CTFT–89 Jonas, Kevin 1987–.................................. CTFT–89 Jonas, Nick 1992– ................................... CTFT–89 Jones, Allan 1907–1992 ............................ CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–11 Jones, Angus T. 1993– ............................. CTFT–74 Jones, Barry 1893– ................................ WWasWT Jones, Brooks 1934–.................................. CTFT–1 Jones, Carolyn 1929–1983 ...................... CTFT–26 Jones, Catherine Zeta See .............................. Zeta–Jones, Catherine Jones, Cherry 1956– ................................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37 Jones, Christine......................................... CTFT–66 Jones, Chuck 1912– .................................. CTFT–6 Jones, David 1934– ................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Jones, Davie See........................................... Bowie, David Jones, Davy 1945– .................................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Jones, Sidney 1869–1946 ...................... WWasWT Jones, Simon 1950–................................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Jones, Star 1962–..................................... CTFT–90 Jones, Tamala 1974– ............................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 41 Jones, Terry 1942–................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Jones, Tim 1971–..................................... CTFT–88 Jones, Toby 1964(?)–................................ CTFT–44 Jones, Tom See........................................... Bowie, David Jones, Tom 1928–...................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Jones, Tommy Lee 1946– ........................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 25 Jones, Trefor 1902–1965........................ WWasWT Jones, Trevor 1949–................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Jones, Tyler Patrick 1994– ....................... CTFT–74 Jones, Vinnie 1965– ................................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Jones, Volcano See....................................... Mitchell, Adrian Jones, Whitworth 1873–?....................... WWasWT Jones, William James 1975– .................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 29 Jongejans, George See ....................................... Gaynes, George Jonze, Spike 1969–.................................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Jooss, Kurt 1901–1979........................... WWasWT Joosten, Kathryn 1940(?)– ........................ CTFT–45 Jordan, Claudia 1973–............................. CTFT–79 Jordan, Derwin ......................................... CTFT–68 Jordan, Dorothy 1908– .......................... WWasWT Jordan, Glenn 1936– ............................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 9 Jordan, Larry See ...................................... Williams, Jordan Jordan, Michael 1963– ........................ CTFT–4220 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Jordan, Neil 1950– .................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 15, 25 Jordan, Richard 1937(?)–1993 ................... CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–12 Jorgensen, Robert 1903–........................ WWasWT Jory, Victor 1902–1982.............................. CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Joselovitz, Ernest A. 1942– ........................ CTFT–1 Joseph, Kimberley 1973–......................... CTFT–70 Josephs, Wilfred 1927–.............................. CTFT–8 Josephson, Erland 1923– ......................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Joshua, James See......................................... Bridges, Jimmy Joshua, Larry............................................. CTFT–45 Joslyn, Allyn 1905–1981 ....................... WWasWT Joslyn, Betsy 1954– ................................... CTFT–1 Jost, Jon 1943– ........................................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Joubert, Beverly 1957(?)–......................... CTFT–15 Joubert, Dereck 1956– ............................ CTFT–15 Joudry, Patricia 1921– ............................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Jourdan, Louis 1920– ................................ CTFT–6 Jourden, Tom ............................................ CTFT–58 Jouvet, Louis 1887–1951 ....................... WWasWT Jover, Arly................................................. CTFT–87 Jovovich, Milla 1975– ............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Jow, Malese 1991– .................................. CTFT–91 Joy, Helene ............................................... CTFT–69


Joy, Mark .................................................. CTFT–51 Joy, Nicholas 1889–1964....................... WWasWT Joy, Robert 1951– .................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Joyce, Ella 1954–..................................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 38 Joyce, Kiya Ann 1956– .............................. CTFT–6 Joyce, Stephen 1931–................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Joyner, Michelle........................................ CTFT–34 Jubinville, Kevin 1967– ........................... CTFT–47 Judd, Ashley 1968– ................................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Judge, Christopher 1967– ........................ CTFT–54 Judge, Ian 1946– ..................................... CTFT–15 Judge, Mike 1962– .................................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Judy, James ............................................... CTFT–32 Jue, Francis 1963–................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Juergens, Stefan 1962– ............................ CTFT–34 Julia, Raul 1940–1994............................. CTFT–13 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3; WWT–17 Julian, Pat 1947– ....................................... CTFT–5 Juliani, Alessandro .................................... CTFT–65 Jullien, Jean 1854–1919 ........................ WWasWT Jump, Gordon 1932–............................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 June 1901– ............................................ WWasWT Jun–Fa, Chou............................................ CTFT–67 See Chow Yun–Fat Junger, Gil ................................................ CTFT–50 Jungmann, Eric 1981– ............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Jurasas, Jonas R. 1936– ............................. CTFT–2 Jurasik, Peter 1950–................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Justin, John 1917– .................................. WWT–17 Juvonen, Nancy 1967(?)– ........................ CTFT–80

K Kaake, Jeff 1959– .................................... CTFT–91 Kaczmarek, Jane 1955–........................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Kaczorowski, Peter ................................... CTFT–55 Kael, Pauline 1919– ................................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Kaelin, Kato 1959–.................................. CTFT–92 Kaelred, Katharine 1882–?..................... WWasWT Kagan, Diane 1943–................................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Kagan, Elaine............................................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 38 Kagan, Jeremy 1945– .............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Kahali, Simbi See ............................................. Khali, Simbi Kahan, Richard 1980–............................. CTFT–88 Kahan, Steve............................................. CTFT–49 Kahane, Nathan........................................ CTFT–86 Kahn, Florence 1878–1951 ................... WWasWT Kahn, Madeline 1942–1999 .................... CTFT–25 Obituary in CTFT–32 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 8, 15 Kahn, Michael .......................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 12, 21; WWT–17

Cumulative Index

Jones, Deacon 1938– .............................. CTFT–28 Jones, Dean 1931(?)–............................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Jones, Disley 1926–................................ WWT–17 Jones, Doug 1960–.................................. CTFT–65 Jones, Dudley 1914– .............................. WWT–17 Jones, Eddie 1955–.................................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 34 Jones, Edward ?–1917............................ WWasWT Jones, Emrys 1915–1972 ....................... WWasWT Jones, Felicity ........................................... CTFT–42 Jones, Freddie 1927–............................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Jones, Gary............................................... CTFT–40 Jones, Gary 1947–................................... CTFT–89 Jones, Gary 1958–................................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Jones, Gemma 1942– .............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25; WWT–17 Jones, Grace 1952(?)–.............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 39 Jones, Griff Rhys See .................................. Rhys Jones, Griffith Jones, Griffith 1910– .............................. WWT–17 Jones, Hazel 1896–1974 ....................... WWasWT Jones, Henry 1912–................................... CTFT–6 Jones, Henry Arthur 1851–1929 ............ WWasWT Jones, James Earl 1931– .......................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 22; WWT–17 Jones, Jamison .......................................... CTFT–68 Jones, Janet 1961–................................... CTFT–13 Jones, January 1978–............................... CTFT–80 Jones, Jeffrey 1947–................................. CTFT–25 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 15 Jones, John 1917– ..................................... CTFT–2 Jones, John Christopher ............................ CTFT–40 Jones, John Marshall 1962–..................... CTFT–48 Jones, L. Q. 1927– .................................. CTFT–26 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Jones, Laura .............................................. CTFT–29 Jones, Leslie Julian 1910–...................... WWasWT Jones, Margo 1913–1955....................... WWasWT Jones, Mark Lewis .................................... CTFT–59 Jones, Mary ............................................. WWT–17 Jones, Mickey 1941– ............................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Jones, Nicholas 1946–............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Jones, Nora Rosamund See ...................................... John, Rosamund Jones, O–Lan 1950– ................................ CTFT–62 Jones, Orlando ......................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Jones, Paul 1942–...................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Jones, Peter 1920–.................................. WWT–17 Jones, Quincy 1933–............................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Jones, Rashida 1976– .............................. CTFT–63 Jones, Renee ............................................. CTFT–18 Jones, Richard .......................................... CTFT–23 Jones, Richard T. 1972–........................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Jones, Rick................................................ CTFT–56 Jones, Robert Edmond 1887–1954 ........ WWasWT Jones, Rupert Penry See................................. Penry–Jones, Rupert Jones, Sam 1954–.................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 26 Jones, Sam III 1983–................................ CTFT–85 Jones, Samuel Major ?–1952 ................. WWasWT Jones, Shirley 1934–................................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 22


KAHN Kahn, Michael 1935– .............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 21, 32 Kaige, Chen 1952–.................................. CTFT–13 Kaikkonen, Gus 1951– .............................. CTFT–1 Kain, Amber 1975– ................................... CTFT–7 Kain, Karen 1951–................................... CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Kain, Khalil............................................... CTFT–46 Kaiser, Georg 1878–1945 ...................... WWasWT Kaiser, Suki 1967– ................................... CTFT–47 Kajlich, Bianca 1977– ............................. CTFT–86 Kalcheim, Lee 1938–................................. CTFT–1 Kalem, Toni 1956– .................................. CTFT–91 Kalember, Patricia 1956(?)– ..................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 16, 27 Kalfus, Renee Ehrlich................................ CTFT–66 Kalfin, Robert 1933– ................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kalfus, Renee Ehrlich................................ CTFT–29 Kalich, Bertha 1874–1939 ..................... WWasWT Kalman, Emmerich 1882–1953 ............. WWasWT Kalmar, Bert 1884–1947 ........................ WWasWT Kam–Bo, Sammo Hung 1952(?)– ............. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Kambon, Camara...................................... CTFT–78 Kamel, Stanley.......................................... CTFT–43 Kamen, Michael 1948– ........................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Kamen, Robert Mark ................................ CTFT–65 Kamin, Daniel Tucker 1947–................... CTFT–43 Kaminska, Ida 1899–1980...................... WWT–16 Kaminski, Janusz 1959– .......................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Kamhi, Katherine ...................................... CTFT–90 Kanagawa, Hiro........................................ CTFT–45 Kanakaredes, Melina 1967– .................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Kanaly, Steve 1946– ................................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30 Kanan, Sean 1966– ................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Kandel, Paul ............................................. CTFT–56 Kander, John 1927– ................................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13, 38; WWT–17 Kane, Carol 1952– .................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 14, 25 Kane, Christian 1974– ............................. CTFT–48 Kane, Gail 1887–1966 .......................... WWasWT Kane, J. R. See........................................ Carter, James L. Kane, Paul See ............................................. Simon, Paul Kane, Richard 1938–................................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kane, Tom ................................................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Kane, Whitford 1881–1956 ................... WWasWT Kane, Wilson See........................................... Bloch, Robert Kang, Sung 1972– ................................... CTFT–80 Kanin, Fay .................................................. CTFT–4 Kanin, Garson 1912–1999 ........................ CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–32 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kanin, Michael 1910–1993 ....................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Kann, Lilly 1898– .................................. WWasWT Kanner, Alexis 1942–.............................. WWT–17 Kanter, Hal 1918– ................................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Kanter, Marin 1960–.................................. CTFT–5 Kao, Archie 1973–................................... CTFT–91

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Kapelos, John 1956– ............................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Kapitas, Tamara See........................................... Davis, Carole Kaplan, Gabe 1945– ................................. CTFT–3 Kaplan, Jonathan 1947– .......................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Kaplan, Kyle 1990– ................................. CTFT–86 Kaplan, Martin 1950– .............................. CTFT–11 Kaplan, Michael ....................................... CTFT–48 Kaplan, Mike 1943– ................................ CTFT–14 Kaplan, Richard 1925–............................ CTFT–12 Kaplan, Rick 1948(?)–.............................. CTFT–90 Kapp, Alex See ................................... Horner, Alex Kapp Kapoor, Shashi 1938–................................ CTFT–7 Kapoor, Shekar See......................................... Kapur, Shekhar Kapture Donahue, Mitzi 1964– ............... CTFT–74 Kapur, Shekhar 1951(?)– .......................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Kar Wei Wong See ....................................... Wong, Kar–Wai Karaszewski, Larry .................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Karen, James 1923–................................. CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Karina, Anna 1940– .................................. CTFT–8 Karkalits, Patti See ................................................. Karr, Patti Karlen, John 1933–.................................... CTFT–9 Karlin, Fred 1936–..................................... CTFT–9 Karlin, Miriam 1925– .............................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 38; WWT–17 Karloff, Boris 1887–1969....................... WWasWT Karlweis, Oscar 1859–1956 .................. WWasWT Karn, Richard 1956– ............................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Karnes, Jay 1963–.................................... CTFT–92 Karnilova, Maria 1920–.......................... WWT–17 Karno, Fred 1866–1941......................... WWasWT Karpf, Merrill H. 1940– ........................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Karpluk, Erin............................................. CTFT–63 Karpman, Laura 1959– ............................ CTFT–78 Karr, Patti 1932–...................................... CTFT–10 Karras, Alex 1935– .................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Karsavina, Tamara 1885–1978............... WWasWT Kartalian, Buck 1922– ............................. CTFT–87 Kartheiser, Vincent 1979–........................ CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Karvan, Claudia 1972–............................ CTFT–80 Karyo, Tcheky 1953–............................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Kasanoff, Lawrence 1959– ...................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Kasarda, John 1943– ............................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 31 Kasch, Cody 1987– ................................. CTFT–92 Kasch, Max 1985–................................... CTFT–74 Kasdan, Lawrence 1949– ........................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21, 42 Kasdorf, Lenore 1948– ............................ CTFT–38 Kasem, Casey 1932– ............................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 Kash, Linda 1967(?)– ............................... CTFT–47 Kasha, Al 1937– ...................................... CTFT–12 Kasha, Lawrence N. 1933– ....................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kask, Daniel 1959– ................................. CTFT–46 Kasper, Gary 1958– ................................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40


Kass, Jerome 1937– ................................... CTFT–1 Kassar, Mario 1951– ................................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 42 Kassin, Michael B. 1947–.......................... CTFT–1 Kassir, John 1957(?)–................................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Kassovitz, Mathieu 1967– ....................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Kastatsu, Clyde See ......................................... Kusatsu, Clyde Kastner, Daphna 1961– ........................... CTFT–30 Kasznar, Kurt S. 1913–1979 ................... WWT–17 Katims, Robert 1927– .............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 29 Katleman, Michael ................................... CTFT–55 Katselas, Milton 1933– ........................... WWT–17 Katsulas, Andreas ..................................... CTFT–37 Katt, Bill See............................................ Katt, William Katt, Nicky 1970– ................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Katt, William 1951(?)– ............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30 Kattan, Chris 1970–................................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Katz, Cindy............................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Katz, Clark See........................................... Proval, David Katz, Gail ................................................. CTFT–55 Katz, Judah ............................................... CTFT–54 Katz, Marty 1947–................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 38 Katz, Natasha ........................................... CTFT–41 Katz, Tania Raymonde See ..................................... Raymonde, Tania Katzenberg, Jeffrey 1950–........................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 28 Katzin, Lee H. 1935– .............................. CTFT–12 Katzka, Grabriel 1931–1990 ..................... CTFT–9 Katzman, Leonard (S.) 1927(?)–1996 ....... CTFT–17 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Katzman, Sam 1901–1973 ...................... CTFT–21 Kauffman, Stanley L. See ....................................... Kaufman, Lloyd Kaufman, Adam (II) .................................. CTFT–70 Kaufman, Andy 1949–1984....................... CTFT–2 Kaufman, Boris 1906–1980 ..................... CTFT–26 Kaufman, Charlie 1958–.......................... CTFT–50 Kaufman, David ....................................... CTFT–62 Kaufman, George S. 1889–1961............ WWasWT Kaufman, Lloyd 1945– ............................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 35 Kaufman, Philip 1936–.............................. CTFT–6 Kaufman, Robert 1931–1991 ................... CTFT–11 Kaufman, Victor 1943–.............................. CTFT–8 Kaur, Sat Siri See........................................ Cauffiel, Jessica Kava, Caroline .......................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Kavanaugh, John ...................................... CTFT–75 Kavelaars, Ingrid 1971–........................... CTFT–69 Kavner, Julie 1951– ................................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21, 31 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Kavovit, Andrew 1971–........................... CTFT–26 Kawalek, Nancy ......................................... CTFT–4 Kay, Barnaby ............................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Kay, Beatrice 1907–1986........................... CTFT–4 Kay, Billy 1984– ...................................... CTFT–65

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Keel, Howard 1919– .............................. WWT–17 Keeler, Ruby 1909– ................................ WWT–17 Keeley, David 1961– ............................... CTFT–50 Keen, Geoffrey 1916– ............................ WWT–17 Keen, Malcolm 1887–1970 ................... WWasWT Keen, Pat .................................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Keena, Monica 1980– ............................. CTFT–26 Keenan, Frank 1858–1929..................... WWasWT Keene, Elodie 1948– ............................... CTFT–54 Keener, Catherine 1960– ......................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Keeper, Tina 1988–.................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Keeshan, Robert J. 1927– .......................... CTFT–4 Keeslar, Matt 1972–................................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Kehela, Karen ........................................... CTFT–80 Kehler, Jack............................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Keiber, Robert John 1946–......................... CTFT–6 Keifer, Elizabeth 1961–............................ CTFT–88 Keightley, Cyril 1875–1929 ................... WWasWT Keil, Richard See............................................ Kiel, Richard Keim, Adelaide 1880–?.......................... WWasWT Keitel, Harvey 1939–............................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 23 Keith, Brian 1921–1997 ............................ CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Keith, David 1954– ................................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 24 Keith, Ian 1899–1960 ............................ WWasWT Keith, Larry 1931–................................... CTFT–23 Keith, Marilyn See .................................... Bergman, Marilyn Keith, Paul 1944–...................................... CTFT–1 Keith, Penelope 1939(?)–......................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20; WWT–17 Keith, Robert 1898–1966....................... WWasWT Keith–Johnston, Colin 1896– ................. WWasWT Kelada, Asaad........................................... CTFT–49 Kelamis, Peter 1967–............................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Kelcey, Herbert 1856–1917 ................... WWasWT Keleghan, Peter 1959– ............................ CTFT–88 Kelham, Avice 1892– ............................ WWasWT Kelker–Kelly, Robert 1964– ..................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–18 Kell, Joseph 1960– .................................. CTFT–58 Kelleher, Tim ............................................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Keller, Frederick King 1954– ................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Keller, Inge 1923– ................................... CTFT–33 Keller, Joel S. ............................................ CTFT–68 Keller, Marthe 1945– ............................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 22 Keller, Max A. 1943–................................. CTFT–2 Keller, Micheline 1948– .......................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Kellerman, Sally 1937(?)– ........................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 35 Kellermann, Annette 1888–1975 ........... WWasWT Kelley, David E. 1956– ............................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Kelley, DeForest 1920–1999...................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–32 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Kelley, Malcolm David 1992– ................. CTFT–86 Kelley, Sheila 1964(?)–............................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33


Kelley, William 1929– ............................... CTFT–7 Kellin, Mike 1922–................................. WWT–17 Kellman, Barnet 1947–............................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18, 29 Kellner, Catherine 1970– ......................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Kellner, Deborah 1977– .......................... CTFT–74 Kellogg, Shirley 1888–? ......................... WWasWT Kelly, Andrew See ............................. Walker, Andrew Kevin Kelly, Brendan 1964– .............................. CTFT–79 Kelly, Brian 1956– ..................................... CTFT–1 Kelly, Darragh........................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Kelly, David Patrick 1952– ...................... CTFT–50 Kelly, E. H. ............................................ WWasWT Kelly, Eva 1880–1948 ............................ WWasWT Kelly, Gene 1912–1996............................. CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Kelly, George 1890–1974 ...................... WWasWT Kelly, Jean Louisa 1972– ......................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Kelly, Joanne 1980–................................. CTFT–79 Kelly, Judy 1913–................................... WWasWT Kelly, Kevin 1934– .................................... CTFT–1 Kelly, Lisa Robin 1975–........................... CTFT–45 Kelly, Marguerite 1959– ............................ CTFT–7 Kelly, Michael 1968–............................... CTFT–68 Kelly, Moira 1968– .................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 26 Kelly, Nancy 1921– ................................ WWT–17 Kelly, Patsy 1910–1981 .......................... WWT–17 Kelly, Paul 1899–1956........................... WWasWT Kelly, Peter ............................................... CTFT–35 Kelly, Rae’ven 1985–............................... CTFT–51 Kelly, Renee 1888–1965........................ WWasWT Kelly, Sean 1943–.................................... CTFT–35 Kelly, Terence ........................................... CTFT–54 Kelly, Thomas Vincent .............................. CTFT–80 Kelly, Tim 1937– ....................................... CTFT–1 Kelly, Vivian 1922– ................................... CTFT–4 Kelly, W. W. 1853–1933 ....................... WWasWT Kelly, Walter C. 1873–1939................... WWasWT Kelly–Young, Leonard 1948–................... CTFT–58 Kelsch, Ken .............................................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Kelsey, Linda 1946– .................................. CTFT–7 Kelso, Vernon 1893– ............................. WWasWT Kemp, Barry 1949– ................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Kemp, Elizabeth 1957– ............................. CTFT–8 Kemp, Gary 1959– .................................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Kemp, George See ......................................... Argento, Dario Kemp, Jeremy 1935– ............................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8; WWT–17 Kemp, Martin 1961– ............................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Kemp, T. C. 1891–1955......................... WWasWT Kempe, Will 1963– ................................. CTFT–71 Kemper, Collin 1870–1955.................... WWasWT Kemper, Steven......................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Kemper, Victor J. 1927–........................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 13 Kempinski, Tom 1938–............................ CTFT–12 Kempson, Rachel 1910–............................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kemp–Welch, Joan .................................. WWT–17 Kendal, Doris.......................................... WWasWT

Cumulative Index

Kay, Charles 1930–.................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kay, Dominic Scott 1996–....................... CTFT–80 Kay, Hadley .............................................. CTFT–47 Kay, Richard 1937– ................................ WWT–17 Kay, Stephen T. ......................................... CTFT–79 Kayden, William 1929–1987..................... CTFT–1 Kaye, Albert Patrick 1878–1946 ............ WWasWT Kaye, Danny 1913–1987........................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kaye, David 1964–.................................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Kaye, Frederick ....................................... WWasWT Kaye, Judy 1948– .................................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9 Kaye, Linda See........................................ Henning, Linda Kaye, Norman 1927– .............................. CTFT–40 Kaye, Stubby 1918– ............................... WWT–17 Kaye, Thorsten 1966–.............................. CTFT–54 Kayso, Dick See ........................................... Kaysoe, Dick Kaysoe, Dick, 1947– ............................... CTFT–35 Kazan, Elia 1909– ..................................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Kazan, Lainie 1940(?)– ............................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 33 Kazan, Nicholas ....................................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Kazann, Zitto ............................................ CTFT–43 Kazurinsky, Tim 1950– .............................. CTFT–6 Keach, James 1947(?)–............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 34 Keach, Stacy 1941–................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 14, 25; WWT–17 Keagy, Grace .............................................. CTFT–1 Keal, Anita................................................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Kealy, Thomas J. 1874–1949 ................. WWasWT Kean, Greg 1962– ................................... CTFT–63 Kean, Jane 1928– ...................................... CTFT–1 Kean, Marie 1922–.................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kean, Norman 1934–1988 ........................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Keanan, Staci 1975–................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 38 Keane, Doris 1881–1945....................... WWasWT Keane, James 1952– ................................ CTFT–62 Keane, John B. 1928–............................. WWT–17 Keane, Robert Emmett 1883–? ............... WWasWT Kearns, Allen 1893–1956 ...................... WWasWT Keating, Charles 1941– ........................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 34; WWT–17 Keating, Dominic ..................................... CTFT–46 Keating, Fred 1949– ................................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Keaton, Buster 1895–1966 ...................... CTFT–20 Keaton, Diane 1946– .............................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 24 Keaton, Josh 1979– ................................. CTFT–65 Keaton, Michael 1951– ........................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 38 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Keats, Viola 1911–.................................. WWT–17 Kebbel, Arielle 1985–.............................. CTFT–78 Keck, Michael 1946– ................................ CTFT–8 Kee, George See....................................... Cheung, George Keeffe, Barrie 1945–................................ CTFT–12 Keegan, Andrew 1979– ........................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Keegan, Donna........................................... CTFT–4


KENDAL Kendal, Felicity 1946–............................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 14; WWT–17 Kendal, Madge (Margaret) 1848–1935.................................... WWasWT Kendal, William Hunter 1843–1917...... WWasWT Kendall, Henry 1897–1962 ................... WWasWT Kendall, John 1869–?............................. WWasWT Kendall, William 1903–.......................... WWT–16 Kendrick, Alfred 1869–?......................... WwasWT Kenin, Dylan ............................................ CTFT–92 Kennedy, Adrienne 1931– ....................... CTFT–13 Kennedy, Arthur 1914–1990.................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Kennedy, Bill 1908–1997 ........................ CTFT–16 Kennedy, Burt 1922– ................................. CTFT–6 Kennedy, Charles See........................................ Rocket, Charles Kennedy, Charles Rann 1871–1950....... WWasWT Kennedy, Cheryl 1947– ............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kennedy, Edmund 1873–? ..................... WWasWT Kennedy, George 1925(?)–....................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 34 Kennedy, Harold J. 1914–1988 ................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kennedy, J. Arthur See....................................... Kennedy, Arthur Kennedy, Jamie 1970–............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Kennedy, John See....................................... Kennedy, Arthur Kennedy, Joyce 1898–1943 ................... WWasWT Kennedy, Kathleen 1954–........................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 24 Kennedy, Laurie.......................................... CTFT–1 Kennedy, Madge 1892–1987 ................. WWasWT Kennedy, Margaret 1896–1967.............. WWasWT Kennedy, Mary 1908–............................ WWasWT Kennedy, Mimi 1948(?)–.......................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18 Kennedy, Patrica 1917–.......................... WWT–17 Kennedy, Ryan 1982–.............................. CTFT–88 Kennell, Ron 1970–................................. CTFT–46 Kennerly, Mel See .............................................. Harris, Mel Kenney, Heather North See ........................................ North, Heather Kenney, James 1930– ............................. WWT–16 Kenney, Kerri 1970– ................................ CTFT–69 Kenny, Francis .......................................... CTFT–43 Kenny, Jack 1958–..................................... CTFT–7 Kenny, Sean 1932–1973 ........................ WWasWT Kenny, Shannon........................................ CTFT–46 Kenny, Tom 1962–................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Kensit, Patsy 1968– ................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 27 Kent, Arthur 1955(?)– .............................. CTFT–50 Kent, Barry 1932– .................................. WWT–17 Kent, Heather Paige 1969–...................... CTFT–78 Kent, Jean 1921– .................................... WWT–17 Kent, John B. 1939– .................................. CTFT–5 Kent, Keneth 1892–1963 ....................... WWasWT Kent, Paul................................................. CTFT–58 Kent, Peter 1957–.................................... CTFT–86 Kent, Rolfe 1963–.................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Kent, William 1886–1945...................... WWasWT Kentish, Agatha 1897–........................... WWasWT Kenton, Godfrey 1902– .......................... WWT–17 Kenton, Maxwell See ........................................ Southern, Terry

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Kenworthy, Duncan 1949–...................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Kenwright, Bill 1945–.............................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13; WWT–17 Kenyon, Charles 1878–1961 ................. WWasWT Kenyon, Doris 1897–............................. WWasWT Kenyon, Neil ?–1946 ............................. WWasWT Kenzle, Leila 1960(?)– ............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 29 Keogh, Danny .......................................... CTFT–76 Keoghan, Phil 1967– ............................... CTFT–78 Keown, Eric 1904–1963 ........................ WWasWT Kepros, Nicholas 1932– ............................ CTFT–1 Kerbosch, Roeland 1940– ......................... CTFT–3 Kercheval, Ken 1935– ............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Kerin, Nora 1883–? ............................... WWasWT Kerker, Gustave Adolph 1857–1923 ...... WWasWT Kerman, Sheppard 1928– .......................... CTFT–4 Kern, Jerome David 1885–1945 ............ WWasWT Kern, Richard See........................................... Karn, Richard Kernan, David 1939– ............................. WWT–17 Kerner, Jordan........................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Kernochan, Sarah M. 1947–.................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Kerns, Joanna 1953– ............................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18, 29 Kerr, Bill .................................................. WWT–17 Kerr, Deborah 1921– ................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kerr, E. Katherine 1942–.......................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6 Kerr, Edward 1966– ................................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Kerr, Elaine See ..................................... Kerr, E. Katherine Kerr, Frederick 1858–1933 .................... WWasWT Kerr, Geoffrey 1895– ............................. WWasWT Kerr, Jean 1923– ........................................ CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kerr, Katherine See ..................................... Kerr, E. Katherine Kerr, Kristen .............................................. CTFT–88 Kerr, Molly 1904–.................................. WWasWT Kerr, Walter 1913–1996 ............................ CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kerridge, Mary 1914–............................. WWT–17 Kerrigan, J. M. 1885–1964 .................... WWasWT Kerris, George See ...................................... Chakiris, George Kerry, Anne 1958–..................................... CTFT–1 Kershaw, Willette 1890–1960................ WWasWT Kershner, Irvin 1923– .............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37 Kert, Larry 1930(?)–1991 ........................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kerwin, Brian 1949– ............................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 19, 30 Kesdekian, Mesrop 1920– ......................... CTFT–2 Keshawarz, Donnie 1969– ...................... CTFT–71 Kesselring, Joseph O. 1902–1967 .......... WWasWT Kestelman, Sara 1944– ............................ CTFT–34 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Kester, Paul 1870–1933 ......................... WWasWT Kestner, Boyd 1964–................................ CTFT–54 Ketron, Larry 1947–................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Keyloun, Mark Anthony 1960–.................. CTFT–1


Keymah, T’Keyah Crystal 1962– ............... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 25 Keynes, Skandar 1991– ........................... CTFT–90 Keys, Nelson 1886–1939....................... WWasWT Keysar, Franklin 1939–1999 .................... CTFT–20 Obituary in CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Keyser, Christopher 1960–....................... CTFT–65 Khaleed, Thomas Leon See......................................... Thomas, Khleo Khali, Simbi 1971–.................................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–18 Khan, Michelle See......................................... Yeoh, Michelle Khanjian, Arsinee ..................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Kheel, Lee 1918– ...................................... CTFT–4 Khondji, Darius 1955– ............................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Khouri, Callie 1958(?)– ............................ CTFT–11 Khursor See............................. Wandmacher, Michael Kiarostami, Abbas 1940–......................... CTFT–31 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Kiberlain, Sandrine 1968– ....................... CTFT–34 Kidd, Michael 1919–............................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kidd, Robert 1943–1980 ........................ WWT–17 Kidder, Janet ............................................. CTFT–54 Kidder, Kathryn 1867–1939 ................... WWasWT Kidder, Margot 1948–.............................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 35 Kidman, Nicole 1967– ............................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 28 Kidnie, James............................................ CTFT–54 Kiefer, Elizabeth See ....................................... Keifer, Elizabeth Kieferle, Kirsten ........................................ CTFT–62 Kiel, Richard 1939–................................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Kiepura, Jan 1902–1966 ........................ WWasWT Kier, Udo 1944– ...................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Kierney, Tyde ............................................ CTFT–29 Kieser, Ellwood E. 1929– ......................... CTFT–10 Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1941–1996 ............ CTFT–11 Obituary in CTFT–16 Kiesser, Jan ............................................... CTFT–59 Kightlinger, Laura 1969–.......................... CTFT–64 Kihlstedt, Rya 1970(?)– ............................ CTFT–31 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Kilborn, Craig 1962– ............................... CTFT–45 Kilbride, Percy 1888–1964 ...................... CTFT–28 Kilcher, Jewel See........................................................ Jewel Kiley, Richard 1922–1999 ......................... CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–32 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Kilik, Jon 1956–....................................... CTFT–59 Killam, Taran 1982– ................................ CTFT–87 Killeen, Sheelagh 1940–......................... WWT–17 Killick, C. Egerton 1891–1967............... WWasWT Kilmer, Val 1959–.................................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14 Kilner, Jordan Baker See ........................................... Baker, Jordan Kilner, Kevin 1958– ................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Kilpatrick, Patrick ..................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Kilroy, Thomas 1934–.............................. CTFT–12 KilroySilk, Robert 1942–.......................... CTFT–13

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Kingsley, Sidney 1906–........................... WWT–17 Kingston, Alex 1963– .............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Kingston, Gertrude 1866–1937.............. WWasWT Kingston, Mark 1934– ............................ WWT–17 Kinison, Sam 1953–1992 ........................ CTFT–14 Kinmont, Kathleen 1965–........................ CTFT–49 Kinnear, Greg 1963– ............................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 26 Kinnear, Roy 1934–1988 ........................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kinney, Kathy 1954– ............................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Kinney, Terry 1954–................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 15, 26 Kinsey, Lance 1960–................................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 37 Kinski, Klaus 1926(?)–1991 ....................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–10 Kinski, Nastassja 1961(?)– ....................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 22 Kinzer, Craig 1953–................................... CTFT–3 Kiper, Jessica 1979–................................. CTFT–90 Kipness, Joseph........................................ WWT–17 Kippax, H. G. 1920– .............................. WWT–17 Kipperman, Sol See .......................................... Onorati, Peter Kipphardt, Heinar 1922–........................ WWT–17 Kirby, Bruno 1949–2006 ......................... CTFT–37 Obituary in CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13 Kirby, John 1894– .................................. WWasWT Kirchenbauer, Bill 1953– ......................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Kirk, Christina........................................... CTFT–80 Kirk, Lisa ................................................. WWT–17 Kirk, Robert .............................................. CTFT–48 Kirkland, Alexander ................................ WWasWT Kirkland, Jack 1902–1969 ..................... WWasWT Kirkland, James R. III 1947– ...................... CTFT–1 Kirkland, Muriel 1903–1971.................. WWasWT Kirkland, Patricia 1925– ........................ WWasWT Kirkland, Sally 1944– .............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14; WWT–17 Kirkpatrick, David .................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Kirkwood, James 1930–1989..................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kirkwood, Pat 1921–.............................. WWT–17 Kirsch, Stan 1968– .................................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Kirschbaum, Bruce ................................... CTFT–49 Kirschner, David 1955– ........................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Kirshner, Mia 1976– ................................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Kirtland, Lousie 1910– ........................... WWT–17 Kirwan, Patrick ?–1929.......................... WWasWT Kiser, Terry 1939–.................................... CTFT–47 Kishibe, Ittoku 1947– .............................. CTFT–34 Kistemaeckers, Henry 1872–1938 ......... WWasWT Kistler, Darci 1964–................................. CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Kita, Candace ........................................... CTFT–74 Kitano, Takeshi 1948– ............................. CTFT–28 Kitay, David.............................................. CTFT–62 Kitchen, Michael 1948– .......................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Kitchin, Laurence 1913– ........................ WWT–17 Kitt, Eartha 1927–2008............................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 41; WWT–17 Klace, Scott .............................................. CTFT–71


Klapisch, Cedric 1961– ........................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Klar, Gary 1947– ....................................... CTFT–1 Klaris, Harvey J. 1939–.............................. CTFT–1 Klassen, Terry ........................................... CTFT–40 Klauber, Adolph 1879–1933.................. WWasWT Klausen, Ray 1939–................................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37 Klaw, Marc 1858–1936 ......................... WWasWT Klein, Bob See............................................ Klein, Robert Klein, Charles 1867–1915 ..................... WWasWT Klein, Chris 1979–................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Klein, David ............................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Klein, Linda .............................................. CTFT–79 Klein, Robert 1942– ................................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30; WWT–17 Kleiner, Harry 1916– ................................. CTFT–4 Kleiser, Randal 1946–.............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 22 Klemme, Brenda Lynn See.......................................... James, Brenda Klemperer, Werner 1920–........................ CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Kleyla, Brandon ........................................ CTFT–23 Kliban, Ken 1943–..................................... CTFT–1 Kliesch, Kevin 1970–............................... CTFT–71 Kliewer, Julie See...................................... Maddalena, Julie Kliewer, Warren 1931–.............................. CTFT–1 Kline, Kevin 1947–.................................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 10, 17, 27; WWT–17 Kline, Martin A. ........................................ CTFT–29 Kline, Richard 1944–............................... CTFT–60 Kloes, Scott See.............................................. Klace, Scott Klotz, Florence 1920–.............................. CTFT–11 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Kloser, Harald........................................... CTFT–61 Kloves, Steve 1960– ................................ CTFT–79 Klugman, Brian......................................... CTFT–70 Klugman, Jack 1922(?)– ........................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 19; WWT–17 Klum, Heidi 1973–.................................. CTFT–63 Klunis, Tom 1930– .................................... CTFT–1 Klyn, Vincent............................................ CTFT–39 Kmeck, George 1949–............................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Knapp, Eleanore ......................................... CTFT–1 Kneale, Nigel 1922–.................................. CTFT–9 Kneale, Patricia 1925– ........................... WWT–17 Kneece, Dan 1956–................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Knepper, Robert 1959–............................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Knight, Arthur 1916–1991 ....................... CTFT–11 Knight, Christopher 1957–....................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Knight, David 1927– .............................. WWT–17 Knight, Esmond 1906–1987 ................... WWT–17 Knight, Gladys 1944–.............................. CTFT–47 Knight, Joan 1924–................................. WWT–17 Knight, Julius 1863–1941 ...................... WWasWT Knight, June 1911–1987 ........................ WWasWT Knight, Keith............................................. CTFT–77 Knight, Keshia .......................................... CTFT–62 Knight, Lily 1949– ................................... CTFT–59 Knight, Matthew ....................................... CTFT–85 Knight, Michael E. 1959– ........................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21

Cumulative Index

Kilty, Jerome 1922– ................................. CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Kilvert, Lilly .............................................. CTFT–80 Kim, Daniel Dae ...................................... CTFT–49 Kim, Derek ............................................... CTFT–38 Kim, Jacqueline ........................................ CTFT–67 Kim, Willa .................................................. CTFT–9 Kim, Yoon–jin 1973–............................... CTFT–70 Kimball, Grace 1870–? .......................... WWasWT Kimball, Jeffrey L. 1943– ......................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 38 Kimball, Louis 1889–1936..................... WWasWT Kimbrough, Charles 1936–...................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Kimmel, Jimmy 1967–............................. CTFT–88 Kimmins, Anthony 1901–1964 .............. WWasWT Kimmins, Kenneth 1941– ........................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Kinberg, Judy 1948– .................................. CTFT–7 Kind, Richard 1956– ............................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Kindler, Andy............................................ CTFT–64 Kindler, Damian ....................................... CTFT–60 Kindley, Jeffrey 1945–................................ CTFT–1 Kiner, Kevin .............................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 King, Ada ?–1940 .................................. WWasWT King, Alan 1927– .................................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 King, Allan 1930– ................................... CTFT–57 King, Arthur See............................................. Locke, Peter King, Cecil ?–1958 ................................ WWasWT King, Charles 1889–1944 ...................... WWasWT King, Claude 1876–1941....................... WWasWT King, Cleo 1960– .................................... CTFT–75 King, Dennis 1897–1971....................... WWasWT King, Edith 1896– .................................. WWasWT King, Erik.................................................. CTFT–65 King, Jaime 1979– ................................... CTFT–67 King, Joey 1999– ..................................... CTFT–85 King, John Michael 1926–...................... WWT–17 King, Kenneth See............................................... King, Perry King, Kent Masters 1974–........................ CTFT–58 King, Kip 1937(?)– ................................... CTFT–56 King, Larry 1933–.................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 28 King, Larry L. 1929–................................ CTFT–10 King, Mabel................................................ CTFT–9 King, Melanie Nichols See ........................... Nicholls–King, Melanie King, Perry 1948–.................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 9, 16, 27 King, Philip 1904–1979.......................... WWT–16 King, R. Timothy See................................................ Kring, Tim King, Regina 1971– ................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 King, Rowena ........................................... CTFT–74 King, Stephen 1947– ............................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 17, 28 King, Walter Woolf 1899– ..................... WWasWT King, William See ............................................. Judge, Mike King, Woodie, Jr. 1937– ............................ CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 King, Zalman 1941–................................ CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 King–Hall, Stephen 1893–1966 ............. WWasWT Kingsley, Ben 1943– ................................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 22; WWT–17


KNIGHT Knight, Shirley 1936(?)–........................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30; WWT–17 Knight, T. R. 1973–.................................. CTFT–72 Knight, Ted 1923–1986 ............................. CTFT–1 Knight, Tiffany See ............................ Lyndall–Knight, Tiffany Knight, Tuesday ........................................ CTFT–34 Knight, Wayne 1955–.............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Knight, William ........................................ CTFT–77 Knightley, Keira 1985– ............................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Knighton, Nan .......................................... CTFT–20 Knight–Pulliam, Keshia See............................. Pulliam, Keshia Knight Knobeloch, Jim 1950–............................. CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 19 Knoblock, Edward 1874–1945 .............. WWasWT Knopf, Sascha 1971–............................... CTFT–84 Knopfler, Mark 1949–.............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 22 Knott, Frederick 1916– .............................. CTFT–1 Knott, Robert ............................................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Knott, Roselle 1870–1948 ..................... WWasWT Knotts, Don 1924–2006 .......................... CTFT–68 Obituary in CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30, 68 Knotts, Jodi ............................................... CTFT–89 Knowles, Alex 1850–1917..................... WWasWT Knowles, Beyonce 1981– ........................ CTFT–46 Knowles, Solange 1986– ......................... CTFT–78 Knox, Alexander 1907–.......................... WWT–17 Knox, Mark “Flex” See ........................................ Alexander, Flex Knox, Terence 1946–............................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 38 Knudsen, Erik 1988– ............................... CTFT–83 Kobart, Ruth 1924– ................................ WWT–17 Kober, Jeff 1953– ..................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Koch, Douglas .......................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Koch, Howard W. 1916–........................... CTFT–1 Koch, Howard W., Jr. 1945– ................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 16, 39 Kodet, Jiri ................................................. CTFT–34 Kodjoe, Boris 1973–................................ CTFT–78 Koechner, David....................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Koehler, Frederick 1975–......................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Koenekamp, Fred J. 1922– ...................... CTFT–26 Koenig, Andrew 1968–............................ CTFT–79 Koenig, Joshua See ....................................... Koenig, Andrew Koenig, Walter 1936–.............................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 35 Koepp, David 1963– ............................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 25 Kohan, Buz 1933–................................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Kohler, Estelle .......................................... WWT–17 Kohn, Gary ............................................... CTFT–78 Kolb, Mina ............................................... CTFT–57 Kolb, Therese 1856–1935...................... WWasWT Kolbe, Winrich ......................................... CTFT–55 Kolber, Lynne See........................................ Halliday, Lynne Kolker, Henry 1874–1947...................... WWasWT Kollmar, Richard 1910–1971 ................. WWasWT Koltai, Lajos 1946–.................................. CTFT–40

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Koltai, Ralph 1924–................................. CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Komack, James 1930–1997 ....................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–19 Komarov, Shelley 1949–.......................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Komisarjevsky, Theodore 1882–1954 .... WWasWT Komorowska, Liliana ................................ CTFT–54 Konchalovsky, Andrei 1937– ................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Kondan, Karen.......................................... CTFT–34 Kondazian, Karen 1950– ......................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Kondrashoff, Kim ...................................... CTFT–56 Konigsberg, Frank 1933– ......................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Konner, Lawrence..................................... CTFT–46 Konrad, Cathy .......................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Konstam, Anna 1914– ........................... WWasWT Konstam, Phyllis 1907– ......................... WWasWT Konwicki, Tadeusz 1926–........................ CTFT–13 Koontz, Dean R. 1945–........................... CTFT–55 Kopache, Thomas 1945–......................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18, 29 Kopell, Bernie 1933–............................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 Kopelson, Anne ........................................ CTFT–83 Kopelson, Arnold 1935–.......................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 28 Kopit, Arthur 1937–................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Koplovitz, Kay 1945– .............................. CTFT–23 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Koppel, Ted 1940– .................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 22 Kopple, Barbara 1946–............................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Kops, Bernard 1926–.............................. WWT–17 Kopsa, Mike 1956– ................................. CTFT–65 Kopyc, Frank 1948– .................................. CTFT–1 Korbich, Eddie 1960–.............................. CTFT–34 Korf, Geoff................................................ CTFT–53 Korf, Mia 1965– ...................................... CTFT–54 Korine, Harmony 1974–.......................... CTFT–27 Korittke, Oliver ......................................... CTFT–35 Korkes, Jon ............................................... CTFT–79 Korman, Harvey 1927– ........................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30 Korman, Lindsay 1978–........................... CTFT–74 Kornfeld, Robert 1919– ............................. CTFT–4 Kornman, Cam 1949– ............................... CTFT–5 Korologos, Paula See .............................................. Cale, Paula Koromzay, Alix 1971– ............................. CTFT–66 Korot, Alla 1970– .................................... CTFT–69 Korsmo, Charlie 1978–............................ CTFT–24 Korty, John Van Cleave 1936–................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 12 Korvin, Charles 1907–1998..................... CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Korvin, Geza See ........................................ Korvin, Charles Korzen, Annie........................................... CTFT–74 Kosinski, Jerzy 1933– ................................ CTFT–1 Kossoff, David 1919– ............................. WWT–17 Kosta, Tessa 1893– ................................ WWasWT Kosterman, Mitchell 1958– ..................... CTFT–64 Kostroff, Michael 1961– .......................... CTFT–89 Kotb, Hoda 1964–................................... CTFT–92 Kotcheff, Ted 1931– ................................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37


Kotcheff, William T. See............................................ Kotcheff, Ted Koteas, Elias 1961– ................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 30 Kotkin, David See .................................. Copperfield, David Kotlowitz, Dan 1957– ............................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Kotto, Yaphet 1944(?)–............................. CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 17 Kouf, Jim 1951– ...................................... CTFT–56 Koufey, Richard See............................................. Jonze, Spike Koun, Karolos 1908–1987 ..................... WWasWT Kovacs, Ernie 1919–1962........................ CTFT–20 Kovacs, Laszlo 1933(?)– .......................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13, 26 Kovacs, Leslie See ......................................... Kovacs, Laszlo Kove, Kenneth 1893– ............................ WWasWT Kove, Martin 1946–................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30 Kovens, Ed 1934–...................................... CTFT–2 Kowalski, Bernard L. 1929– .................... CTFT–26 Koyamada, Shin 1982– ........................... CTFT–87 Kozak, Harley Jane 1957–....................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 22 Kozlowski, Linda 1958– .......................... CTFT–14 Krabbe, Jeroen 1944–.............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 22 Kraemer, Joe ............................................. CTFT–70 Krakowski, Jane 1968– ............................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Kramer, Bert 1934–.................................. CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Kramer, Clare 1974–................................ CTFT–47 Kramer, Eric Allan..................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Kramer, Jeremy ......................................... CTFT–80 Kramer, Joel .............................................. CTFT–48 Kramer, Ken.............................................. CTFT–90 Kramer, Larry 1935– ................................ CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Kramer, Marsha 1945– ............................ CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Kramer, Stanley E. 1913–........................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Kramer, Steve............................................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Kramm, Joseph 1907– ............................ WWT–16 Krane, David ............................................ CTFT–50 Krane, Jonathan D. 1952– ....................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 24 Krantz, Judith 1928–................................ CTFT–14 Krantz, Steve 1923–................................. CTFT–11 Kranz, Fran ............................................... CTFT–80 Kraselchik, R. See ........................................... Dyer, Charles Krasinski, John 1979–.............................. CTFT–80 Krasna, Norman 1909–1984 .................. WWT–17 Krasner, Milton 1904–1988 ....................... CTFT–7 Krasny, Paul 1935– .................................. CTFT–11 Krause, Brian 1969– ................................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Krause, Peter 1965– ................................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Krauss, Marvin A. 1928– ........................... CTFT–1 Krauss, Werner 1884–1959 ................... WWasWT Krebs, Susan ............................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Kremer, Theodore 1873–?...................... WWasWT Kren, Mikulas ........................................... CTFT–35 Krenz, Joyce ............................................. CTFT–92

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Kuroda, Emily 1952–............................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Kurosawa, Akira 1910–1998 ................... CTFT–13 Obituary in CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Kurth, Juliette 1960–.................................. CTFT–4 Kurtis, Bill 1940–..................................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Kurton, Peggy ......................................... WWasWT Kurty, Hella ?–1954 ............................... WWasWT Kurtz, Gary 1940–................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Kurtz, Swoosie 1944–.............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 15, 26 Kurup, Shishir 1961–............................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Kurylenko, Olga 1979– ........................... CTFT–92 Kurys, Diane 1949–................................... CTFT–8 Kusatsu, Clyde 1948–.............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 39 Kushner, Tony 1956(?)–............................ CTFT–13 Kussman, Dylan ....................................... CTFT–80 Kustow, Michael 1939– ............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Kusturica, Emir 1955(?)–.......................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Kutcher, Ashton 1978– ............................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Kuzyk, Mimi ............................................. CTFT–47 Kwabe, Jere See ............................................. Weber, Jake Kwan, Michelle 1980– ............................ CTFT–45 Kwan, Nancy 1939–.................................. CTFT–7 Kwanten, Ryan 1976– ............................. CTFT–72 Kwapis, Ken ............................................. CTFT–55 Kwouk, Burt 1930– ................................. CTFT–55 Kyasht, Lydia 1886–? ............................. WWasWT Kyle, Barry 1947–...................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17

L La La See......................................... Vasquez, La La La Placa, Alison 1959–............................ CTFT–77 La Plante, Laura 1904–.......................... WWasWT LaBelle, Patti 1944– ................................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 24 LaBelle, Rob ............................................. CTFT–46 LaBeouf, Shia 1986– ............................... CTFT–62 Labine, Kyle 1983– ................................. CTFT–68 Labine, Tyler 1978–................................. CTFT–68 Labiosa, David ......................................... CTFT–71 Lablache, Luigi ?–1914.......................... WWasWT Lablanc, Sadie See ......................................... Leblanc, Sadie Laborteaux, Matthew 1966–.................... CTFT–89 Laborteaux, Patrick See ................................ Labyorteaux, Patrick LaBute, Neil 1963– ................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Labyorteaux, Patrick 1965– ..................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 40 Lacamara, Carlos 1958–.......................... CTFT–64 Lacey, Catherine 1904–1979 .................. WWT–16 Lacey, Ingrid ............................................. CTFT–34 Lacey, Monica See.......................................... Creel, Monica Lacey, William J. 1931– ............................ CTFT–2


Lachey, Nick 1973–................................. CTFT–91 Lachman, Edward 1948(?)– ..................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 37 Lachman, Morton 1918– ........................... CTFT–1 Lack, Simon 1917–................................. WWT–17 Lackaye, Wilton 1862–1932.................. WWasWT Lackey, Elizabeth 1971– .......................... CTFT–76 LaCroix, Peter ........................................... CTFT–85 Lacy, Frank 1867–1937 ......................... WWasWT Lacy, George 1904–............................... WWasWT Lacy, Monica See.......................................... Creel, Monica Lacy–Thompson, Charles Robert 1922–............................................. WWT–17 Lada, Oksana 1975(?)– ............................ CTFT–91 Ladd, Alan, Jr. 1937–............................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 38 Ladd, Cheryl 1951–................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 18, 30 Ladd, David Alan 1947– ........................... CTFT–2 Ladd, Diane 1939–.................................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14 Ladd, Jordan 1975– ................................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Lafayette, John.......................................... CTFT–60 Laffan, Pat ................................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Laffan, Patricia 1919–............................ WWasWT Lafferty, James 1985–............................... CTFT–74 Lafferty, Sandra Ellis.................................. CTFT–57 Laffran, Kevin Barry 1922– ..................... WWT–17 LaFleur, Art 1943– ................................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 LaFleur, C. D. See ............................ Flower, George “Buck” LaFontaine, Don 1940–........................... CTFT–56 LaFosse, Robert 1959– ............................ CTFT–22 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 La Frenais, Ian 1937– .............................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Lage, Jordan 1963– ................................. CTFT–51 Lageson, Lincoln ...................................... CTFT–70 Lagerfelt, Caroline 1947– ........................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18, 29 Lago, David 1979–.................................. CTFT–85 LaGravenese, Richard 1959–................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 La Grua, Tom ........................................... CTFT–62 Lahr, Bert 1895–1967 ............................ WWasWT Lahr, John 1941– .................................... WWT–17 Lahti, Christine 1950– ............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 22 Lai, Francis 1932– ................................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 12 Laidler, Francis 1870–1955.................... WWasWT Lail, Leah 1970–...................................... CTFT–67 Laine, Cleo 1927– ................................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 14 Laine, Jimmy See ............................................ Ferrara, Abel Laing, Peggie 1899– .............................. WWasWT Laird, Jack 1923–1991 .............................. CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–10 Laird, Jenny 1917– ................................. WWT–17 Lake, Don 1956–..................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Lake, Harriette See............................................ Sothern, Ann Lake, Lew ?–1939.................................. WWasWT Lake, Ricki 1968–.................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 17, 27 Lalaine 1987–.......................................... CTFT–70

Cumulative Index

Kress, Nathan 1992– ............................... CTFT–91 Kretchmer, John T. .................................... CTFT–43 Kretschmann, Thomas 1962– .................. CTFT–47 Kretzmer, Herbert 1925– ........................ WWT–17 Kreuk, Kristin 1982–................................ CTFT–74 Kriegel, David .......................................... CTFT–51 Krieger, Henry 1945– .............................. CTFT–23 Krige, Alice 1954–................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19, 30 Krimmer, Wortham ................................... CTFT–54 Kring, Tim................................................. CTFT–69 Kristel, Sylvia 1952–................................ CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Kristofferson, Kris 1936–.......................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 14, 25 Kroeger, Gary 1957– ................................. CTFT–5 Kroeker, Allan........................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Kroft, Steve 1945– ................................... CTFT–27 Krol, Joachim 1957–................................ CTFT–34 Kronenberger, Louis 1904–1980............. WWT–16 Kroopf, Scott............................................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Kroopnick, Stephen .................................. CTFT–51 Kruger, Alma 1871–1960....................... WWasWT Kruger, Diane 1976– ............................... CTFT–67 Kruger, Ehren 1972– ................................ CTFT–84 Kruger, Otto 1885–1974 ........................ WWasWT Krull, Suzanne 1966– .............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Krumholtz, David 1978– ......................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Krupa, Olek .............................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Krupska, Danya 1923– ........................... WWT–17 Kruschen, Jack 1922–................................ CTFT–6 Kruse, Doug ............................................. CTFT–75 Krusiec, Michelle...................................... CTFT–56 Krutch, Joseph Wood 1893–1970.......... WWasWT Krutonog, Boris Lee 1962(?)–................... CTFT–65 Kruzan, Michael ....................................... CTFT–44 Kubik, Alex................................................. CTFT–4 Kubrick, Stanley 1928–1999 ................... CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 19 Kudisch, Marc 1966– .............................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Kudoh, Youki 1971–................................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Kudrow, Lisa 1963–................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 26 Kuhn, Judy 1958–.................................... CTFT–43 Kulich, Vladimir 1956– ........................... CTFT–62 Kulik, Buzz 1923–1999........................... CTFT–12 Obituary in CTFT–24 Kulp, Nancy 1921–1991 ........................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–10 Kulukundis, Eddie 1932–........................ WWT–17 Kumar, Anil 1969– .................................. CTFT–69 Kumchachi, Madame 1843–? ................ WWasWT Kummer, Clare 1888–1958.................... WWasWT Kummer, Frederic Arnold 1873–1943..... WWasWT Kun, Magda 1912–1945 ........................ WWasWT Kunis, Mila 1983– ................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Kunneke, Eduard 1885–1953 ................ WWasWT Kuralt, Charles 1934–1997...................... CTFT–15 Obituary in CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Kureishi, Hanif 1954(?)– .......................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Kurland, Jeffrey ......................................... CTFT–48 Kurnitz, Julie 1942–................................... CTFT–4


LALLY Lally, Gwen ?–1963 ............................... WWasWT LaLoggia, Frank .......................................... CTFT–4 Lalor, Frank 1869–1932......................... WWasWT Lam, Ling–Tung See .............................................. Lam, Ringo Lam, Ringo 1954– ................................... CTFT–27 Lamarche, Maurice 1958–....................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 LaMarr, Phil 1967– .................................. CTFT–71 Lamas, Lorenzo 1958– ............................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 34 Lamb, Beatrice 1866–? .......................... WWasWT Lamb, Larry .............................................. CTFT–35 Lambelet, Napoleon 1864–1932 ........... WWasWT Lamberg, Adam 1984– ............................ CTFT–62 Lambert, Christopher 1957– .................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30 Lambert, Constant 1905–1951............... WWasWT Lambert, J. W. 1917–.............................. WWT–17 Lambert, Jack 1899–1976....................... WWT–16 Lambert, Jerry ........................................... CTFT–30 Lambert, Lawson 1870–1944 ................ WWasWT Lambert, Robert 1960– ............................ CTFT–11 Lambert, Robert K. ................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Lamia, Jenna............................................. CTFT–79 La Milo ................................................... WWasWT Lamont, Peter 1929– ............................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 LaMorte, Robia 1970–............................. CTFT–47 Lamos, Mark 1946–................................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9 Lamour, Dorothy 1914–1996................... CTFT–11 Obituary in CTFT–16 L’Amour, Louis 1908–1988 ..................... CTFT–28 Lampert, Zohra 1937–............................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Lampkin, Charles 1913–1989.................... CTFT–8 Lampley, Jim 1949–................................. CTFT–88 Lampley, Oni Faida 1959(?)–................... CTFT–54 Lan, David 1952–...................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 La Nasa, Katherine 1966– ....................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Lancaster, Burt 1913–1994 ........................ CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Lancaster, Nora 1882–? ......................... WWasWT Lancaster, Sarah 1980–............................ CTFT–75 Lanchester, Elsa 1902–1986 ...................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Lanchester, Robert 1941– .......................... CTFT–2 Land, David 1920–................................. WWT–17 Landau, David 1878–1935 .................... WWasWT Landau, Jon 1960– .................................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Landau, Juliet 1965– ............................... CTFT–49 Landau, Les .............................................. CTFT–50 Landau, Martin 1931(?)–.......................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 25 Landau, Tina............................................. CTFT–32 Landau, Vivien ........................................... CTFT–3 Landeau, Cecil 1906–............................ WWasWT Landeck, Ben 1864–1928...................... WWasWT Landen, Dinsdale 1932– ........................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Lander, David L. 1947– ........................... CTFT–55 Landers, Audrey 1959– ........................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Landers, Hal 1928–1991 ......................... CTFT–11 Landers, Harry 1921–................................ CTFT–9 Landers, Judy .............................................. CTFT–4

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Landers, Matt 1952–................................ CTFT–88 Landes, Michael 1972– ........................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Landes, William–Alan 1945–..................... CTFT–2 Landesberg, Steve 1945– ......................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 24 Landesman, Heidi ...................................... CTFT–9 Landey, Clayton........................................ CTFT–56 Landi, Elisa 1904–1948 ......................... WWasWT Landi, Sal 1952– ..................................... CTFT–80 Landis, Jerry See ............................................. Simon, Paul Landis, Jessie Royce 1904–1972............ WWasWT Landis, John 1950–.................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 25 Landis, William 1921– .............................. CTFT–3 Lando, Joe 1961– .................................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Landon, Avice 1908–1976 ..................... WWT–16 Landon, Michael 1936–1991 .................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–10 Landon, Michael, Jr. 1964– ..................... CTFT–83 Landor, Rosalyn 1958– ............................ CTFT–69 Landry, Ali 1973– .................................... CTFT–60 Landry, Karen 1950– ............................... CTFT–78 Landsburg, Alan 1933–............................ CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Landsburg, Valerie 1958– .......................... CTFT–4 Landstone, Charles 1891– ..................... WWasWT Lane, Barbara ........................................... CTFT–50 Lane, Burton 1912–................................ WWT–17 Lane, Campbell ........................................ CTFT–69 Lane, Charles 1905–.................................. CTFT–9 Lane, Diane 1965–.................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 24 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Lane, Dorothy 1890–............................. WWasWT Lane, Frederic See.......................................... Lehne, Fredric Lane, Genette 1940– ................................. CTFT–4 Lane, Grace 1876–1956 ........................ WWasWT Lane, Horace 1880–?............................. WWasWT Lane, Lupino 1892–1959....................... WWasWT Lane, Nathan 1956–................................ CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 27 Lane, Stewart F. 1951– ............................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30 Laneuville, Eric 1952–............................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 34 Lang, Alexis.............................................. CTFT–41 Lang, Andre 1893–1986............................ CTFT–4 Lang, Belinda 1953– ................................. CTFT–8 Lang, Charles 1902–1998.......................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–21 Lang, Charley 1955– ................................. CTFT–1 Lang, Fritz 1890–1976 ............................ CTFT–28 Lang, Harold ........................................... WWT–17 Lang, Howard 1876–1941..................... WWasWT Lang, Matheson 1879–1948 .................. WWasWT Lang, Pearl 1922– ..................................... CTFT–1 Lang, Perry 1959– ................................... CTFT–52 Lang, Philip J. 1911–1986 ......................... CTFT–1 Lang, Robert 1934– ................................. CTFT–35 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Lang, Sandy See............................................. Stone, Doug Lang, Stephen 1952–............................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 35 Lang, Walter Alexis See ............................................. Lang, Alexis Langdon, Sue Ann 1936– .......................... CTFT–6 Lange, Artie 1967– .................................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28


Lange, Hope 1933–................................... CTFT–5 Lange, Jessica 1949– ............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 13, 23 Lange, Jim 1933– .................................... CTFT–67 Lange, John See.................................... Crichton, Michael Lange, Michael ......................................... CTFT–51 Lange, Ted 1947(?)–................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30 Langella, Frank 1940(?)–.......................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9, 17, 27; WWT–17 Langer, A. J. 1974– .................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 42 Langham, Michael 1919–.......................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Langham, Wallace 1965–........................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 30 Langley, Noel 1911–.............................. WWasWT Langmann, Claude See ........................................... Berri, Claude Langner, Lawrence 1890–1962.............. WWasWT Langner, Philip 1926–............................. WWT–17 Langton, Basil 1912–................................. CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Langton, Brooke 1970– ........................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Langtry, Lillie 1852–1929 ...................... WWasWT Lannom, Les ............................................. CTFT–34 Lansbury, Angela 1925– .......................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 25; WWT–17 Lansbury, Bruce 1930– ............................ CTFT–13 Lansbury, David 1961–............................ CTFT–83 Lansbury, Edgar 1930– ........................... WWT–17 Lansing, Robert 1928–1994..................... CTFT–10 Obituary in CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Lansing, Sherry 1944– ............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Lanter, Matt 1983– .................................. CTFT–76 Lantieri, Michael ...................................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Lantos, Robert 1949– .............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Lantz, Robert 1914– .................................. CTFT–1 Lantz, Walter 1900–1994 ........................ CTFT–12 Lanyer, Charles 1942– ............................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Lanzmann, Claude 1925– ....................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Lanzoni, Fabio See ....................................................... Fabio LaPaglia, Anthony 1959– ........................ CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 28 LaPaglia, Jonathan 1969– ........................ CTFT–74 Lapaine, Daniel 1970(?)–......................... CTFT–49 Laparcerie, Cora ..................................... WWasWT Lapine, James 1949– ............................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 40 Lapis, Peter................................................. CTFT–4 La Plante, Lynda 1946(?)–........................ CTFT–78 Lapotaire, Jane 1944–.............................. CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13; WWT–17 Lara, Joe 1962– ....................................... CTFT–37 Lara, Madame 1876–? ........................... WWasWT Lardner, Ring, Jr. 1915– ............................. CTFT–5 Laresca, Vincent 1974– ........................... CTFT–66 Larimore, Earle 1899–1974 ................... WWasWT Larkin, Linda 1970– ................................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Larkin, Peter 1926– ................................ WWT–17 Larkin, Sheena .......................................... CTFT–62

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Lauper, Cyndi 1953– ............................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Laurance, Matthew 1950–....................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Laurance, Mitchell 1950–........................ CTFT–51 Laurel, Stan 1890–1965 .......................... CTFT–17 Lauren, Greg ............................................ CTFT–51 Lauren, Val ............................................... CTFT–80 Lauren, Veronica 1980– .......................... CTFT–55 Laurence, Ashley 1971– .......................... CTFT–68 Laurence, Paula ....................................... WWT–17 Laurents, Arthur 1918(?)– ........................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 9; WWT–17 Laurer, Joanie 1970–................................ CTFT–43 Lauria, Dan 1947– .................................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19, 30 Laurie, Darcy 1966–................................ CTFT–92 Laurie, Hugh 1959– ................................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Laurie, John 1897–1980 ......................... WWT–17 Laurie, Piper 1932– ................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17, 29 Laurier, Jay 1879–1969.......................... WWasWT Laurillard, Edward 1870–1936 .............. WWasWT Lauro, Shirley 1933– ................................. CTFT–1 Laustsen, Dan ........................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Lauter, Ed 1940–...................................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 35 Lauterman, Peter ...................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 40 Lautner, Taylor 1992–.............................. CTFT–88 Lautrec, Pete See .............................................. Paxton, Bill Lavalliere, Eve 1866–1929 .................... WWasWT Lavedan, Henri 1859–1940 ................... WWasWT Laver, James 1899–1975........................ WWasWT Laverick, Beryl 1919–............................ WWasWT La Verne, Lucille 1872–1945................. WWasWT Lavery, Bryony 1947–.............................. CTFT–12 Lavin, Linda 1937–.................................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19; WWT–17 Lavorgna, Adam 1981– ........................... CTFT–74 Law, Arthur 1844–1913 ......................... WWasWT Law, Cheuk–yiu See ............................................... Law, Clara Law, Clara 1957– .................................... CTFT–35 Law, John Phillip 1937– .......................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 34 Law, Jude 1972–...................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Law, Mary 1891–................................... WWasWT Law, Moulon 1922– .................................. CTFT–2 Law, Phyllida 1932– ................................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Lawford, Betty 1910–1960 .................... WWasWT Lawford, Christopher 1955– .................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Lawford, Ernest ?–1940.......................... WWasWT Lawford, Peter 1923–1984 ........................ CTFT–2 Lawless, Lucy 1968– ............................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Lawlor, Charles......................................... CTFT–42 Lawlor, Mary........................................... WWasWT Lawrence, Andrew 1988(?)– .................... CTFT–71 Lawrence, Boyle 1869–1951 ................. WWasWT Lawrence, Carol 1932(?)–........................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Lawrence, Carolyn ................................... CTFT–74 Lawrence, Charles 1896– ...................... WWasWT Lawrence, Colin ....................................... CTFT–69 Lawrence, D. H. 1885–1930 ................. WWasWT Lawrence, Darrie ........................................ CTFT–4


Lawrence, David ...................................... CTFT–80 Lawrence, Eddie 1921– ............................. CTFT–1 Lawrence, Gerald 1873–1957 ............... WWasWT Lawrence, Gertrude 1898–1952 ............ WWasWT Lawrence, Jerome 1915–........................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Lawrence, Joey 1976– ............................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 24 Lawrence, Lawrence Shubert, Jr. 1916–................................................ CTFT–4 Lawrence, Marc 1910–............................ CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Lawrence, Margaret 1889–1929 ............ WWasWT Lawrence, Mark Christopher 1964–.............................................. CTFT–79 Lawrence, Martin 1965– ......................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 24 Lawrence, Matthew 1980– ...................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Lawrence, Scott ........................................ CTFT–45 Lawrence, Sharon 1961(?)– ..................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 29 Lawrence, Shawn ..................................... CTFT–62 Lawrence, Steve 1935– ........................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Lawrence, Steven Anthony 1990–.............................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Lawrence, Vicki 1949–............................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 19,31 Lawrence, Vincent 1896– ...................... WWasWT Lawrence, Vincent S. 1890–1946 .......... WWasWT Lawrence, William John 1862–1940 ..... WWasWT Lawson, Bianca 1979– ............................ CTFT–51 Lawson, Denis 1947–.............................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 34 Lawson, John 1865–1920 ...................... WWasWT Lawson, John Howard 1895–1977 ........ WWasWT Lawson, Leigh 1943– .............................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Lawson, Maggie 1980– ........................... CTFT–52 Lawson, Mary 1910–1941 ..................... WWasWT Lawson, Richard 1947–........................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Lawson, Twiggy See ..................................................... Twiggy Lawson, Wilfrid 1900–1966 .................. WWasWT Lawson, Winifred 1894–1961................ WWasWT Lawton, Frank 1904–1969..................... WWasWT Lawton, Leslie 1942– ............................. WWT–17 Lawton, Thais 1881–1956 ..................... WWasWT Laye, Dilys 1934– ................................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13; WWT–17 Laye, Evelyn 1900– ................................ WWT–17 Layton, Joe 1931–1994 ............................. CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Lazar, Andrew 1966(?)– ........................... CTFT–59 Lazar, Paul................................................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Lazarev, Yevgeni....................................... CTFT–64 Lazaridis, Stefanos 1944– .......................... CTFT–4 Lazarus, Paul 1954– ................................ CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Lazenby, George 1939–........................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 34 Lazzarini, Rick 1960(?)– .......................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Lazzaro, Sofia See .......................................... Loren, Sophia Lea, Nicholas 1962– ............................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Lea, Ron ................................................... CTFT–46

Cumulative Index

Larra, Mariano ........................................ WWasWT Larrimore, Francine 1898–1975 ............ WWasWT Larroquette, John 1947– .......................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 14, 25 Larsen, Barbara See.................................... Goodson, Barbara Larson, Brie 1989– .................................. CTFT–92 Larson, Darrell 1950(?)– .......................... CTFT–49 Larson, Glen A. 1937(?)– ......................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 39 Larson, Jack 1933– .................................... CTFT–9 Larson, Jill 1947– .................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Larson, Jonathan 1960–1996................... CTFT–21 Larter, Ali 1976–...................................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 La Rue, Danny ........................................... CTFT–2 LaRue, Eva 1966–.................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 La Rue, Grace 1882–1956..................... WWasWT LaRusso, Louis II 1935–.......................... WWT–17 La Salle, Eriq 1962– ................................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 26 LaSardo, Robert 1963– ............................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Lascher, David 1972–.............................. CTFT–42 LaSelva, Anita........................................... CTFT–40 Lashly, James ............................................ CTFT–54 Lashwood, George ?–1942 .................... WWasWT Laska, Ray 1949– .................................... CTFT–80 Lasker, Lawrence 1949– .......................... CTFT–11 Laskin, Larissa .......................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Laskin, Michael ........................................ CTFT–53 Laskus, Jacek 1951– ................................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 24 Lassally, Walter 1926–............................. CTFT–10 Lasser, Abe See ............................................. Wyner, Tom Lasser, Louise 1939(?)– ............................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30 Lasseter, John 1957–................................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Lassez, Sarah ............................................ CTFT–79 Lassick, Sydney 1922– .............................. CTFT–1 Laszlo, Andrew 1926–............................... CTFT–1 Laszlo, Ernest 1905(?)–1984 .................... CTFT–26 Latessa, Dick 1930(?)–............................. CTFT–54 Latham, Frederick G. ?–1943................. WWasWT Latham, Louise ......................................... CTFT–47 Lathan, Bobbi Jo 1951–............................. CTFT–8 Lathan, Sanaa 1971(?)–............................ CTFT–48 Lathan, Stanley 1945– ............................... CTFT–6 Lathbury, Stanley 1873–? ....................... WWasWT Lathom, Earl of See ................................. Wilbraham, Edward Lathrop, Philip 1916–.............................. CTFT–12 Latimer, Edyth ......................................... WWasWT Latimer, Hugh 1913–.............................. WWT–17 Latimer, Sally 1910– .............................. WWasWT Latona, Jen 1881–? ................................ WWasWT La Trobe, Charles 1879–1967................ WWasWT Latshaw, Steve 1959– .............................. CTFT–74 Lau, Laurence 1954–............................... CTFT–54 Lauchlan, Agnes 1905– .......................... WWT–17 Lauder, Harry 1870–1950...................... WWasWT Lauer, Andrew 1965– .............................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–18 Lauer, Matt 1957– ................................... CTFT–43 Laughlin, John .......................................... CTFT–54 Laughlin, Sharon 1949– ............................ CTFT–1 Laughlin, Tom 1938–................................. CTFT–5 Laughton, Charles 1899–1962............... WWasWT


LEABO Leabo, Loi 1935– ...................................... CTFT–3 Leach, Robin 1941– ................................ CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Leach, Rosemary 1935– .......................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 32 Leach, Wilford 1929–1988........................ CTFT–6 Leachman, Cloris 1930(?)– ...................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 22 Leacock, Philip 1917–1990..................... CTFT–10 Leadlay, Edward O. ?–1951 ................... WWasWT Leaf, Richard ............................................ CTFT–77 Leahy, Eugene 1883–1967..................... WWasWT Leamore, Tom 1865–1939..................... WWasWT Lean, Cecil 1878–1935 ......................... WWasWT Lean, David 1908–1991............................ CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–10 Lear, Norman 1922–................................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 19, 32 Learned, Michael 1939–.......................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 35 Learning, Carren See........................................... Hale, Jennifer Leary, David 1939– ................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 22 Leary, Denis 1957–.................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 26 Leavenworth, Scotty 1990– ..................... CTFT–48 Leaver, Philip 1904– .............................. WWasWT Leaves, Jane See............................................. Leeves, Jane Le Bargy, Charles Gustave Auguste 1858–1936.................................... WWasWT Le Baron, William 1883–1958............... WWasWT Lebeau, Pierre .......................................... CTFT–35 Leblanc, Georgette 1876–1941.............. WWasWT Le Blanc, Lisa See.............................................. Kane, Carol LeBlanc, Matt 1967– ............................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 41 Leblanc, Sadie 1977– .............................. CTFT–68 LeBlanc, Tina 1967(?)– ............................ CTFT–12 Le Bow, Will............................................. CTFT–34 Lebowsky, Stanley 1926–1986 .................. CTFT–4 Le Breton, Flora 1898– .......................... WWasWT Le Brock, Kelly 1960– ............................. CTFT–15 Leconte, Marie........................................ WWasWT Lecoq, Jacques 1921–1999 ..................... CTFT–24 Leder, Mimi 1952– .................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Lederer, Francis 1899– .............................. CTFT–1 Lederer, George W. 1861–1938............. WWasWT Ledford, Brandy 1969–............................ CTFT–65 Ledford, John ............................................ CTFT–46 Ledger, Heath 1979–2008 ....................... CTFT–63 Obituary in CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 LeDoux, Trish ........................................... CTFT–46 Ledoyen, Virginie 1976–.......................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Lee, Alexondra 1975– ............................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Lee, Amanda Winn See ........................................ Winn, Amanda Lee, Ang 1954– ....................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 26 Lee, Anna 1913– ....................................... CTFT–1 Lee, Auriol 1880–1941.......................... WWasWT Lee, Bernard 1908–1981 ........................ WWT–17 Lee, Bert 1880–1946 ............................. WWasWT Lee, Bill 1928– ........................................ CTFT–11 Lee, Bobby See ................................................ Ross, Neil Lee, Brandon 1965–1993 ........................ CTFT–13

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Lee, Bruce 1940–1973 ............................ CTFT–15 Lee, Canada 1907–1952........................ WWasWT Lee, Christopher 1922– ........................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Lee, Cody Benjamin 1997– ..................... CTFT–92 Lee, Damian ............................................. CTFT–37 Lee, Dana................................................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Lee, Eugene 1939– .................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Lee, Fran 1910– ........................................ CTFT–5 Lee, Franne 1941–..................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Lee, Gypsy Rose 1913–1970 ................. WWasWT Lee, Heather ............................................. CTFT–71 Lee, Irving Allen 1948– ............................. CTFT–3 Lee, Jack 1929–......................................... CTFT–1 Lee, James Kyson...................................... CTFT–74 Lee, Jason 1968– ..................................... CTFT–55 Lee, Jason 1970– ..................................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Lee, Jason Scott 1966– ............................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Lee, Jennie ?–1930 ................................ WWasWT Lee, Jet See ....................................................... Li, Jet Lee, Joie 1962– ....................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 37 Lee, Lance 1942– ...................................... CTFT–1 Lee, Leslie, 1935– ................................... CTFT–10 Lee, Marvin See................................................ Fahn, Tom Lee, Michelle 1942–................................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 40, 88 Lee, Miko 1965– ..................................... CTFT–21 Lee, Ming Cho 1930–................................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Lee, Mushond 1967–............................... CTFT–70 Lee, Pamela See.................................... Anderson, Pamela Lee, Rex 1969– ....................................... CTFT–89 Lee, Robert E. 1918– ................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Lee, Robert Terry 1957– .......................... CTFT–21 Lee, Robinne 1974– ................................ CTFT–74 Lee, RonReaco ......................................... CTFT–57 Lee, Sheryl 1967(?)– ................................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Lee, Sophie 1968–................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Lee, Spike 1956(?)– ................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Lee, Stan 1922–....................................... CTFT–46 Lee, Stephen 1955–................................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Lee, Thomas See.............................................. Hill, Walter Lee, Vanessa 1920– ................................ WWT–17 Lee, Wendee ............................................ CTFT–41 Lee, Will Yun 1975–................................ CTFT–76 Lee, William See.............................. Burroughs, William S. Lee, Willy See.............................. Burroughs, William S. Leech, Richard 1922– ............................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Leeds, Phil.................................................. CTFT–9 Leekley, John ............................................ CTFT–43 Leerhsen, Erica 1976– ............................. CTFT–71 Lees, Nathaniel......................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Leeves, Jane 1961–.................................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 29


Lefeaux, Charles 1909– ......................... WWasWT Le Feuvre, Guy 1883–1950 ................... WWasWT LeFevre, Adam 1950– ............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Lefevre, Maurice ..................................... WWasWT Lefevre, Rachelle ...................................... CTFT–62 LeFrak, Francine 1950– ............................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Le Fre, Albert 1870–? ............................ WWasWT Leftwich, Alexander 1884–1947............ WWasWT Le Gallienne, Eva 1899–1991 ................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Legarde, Millie........................................ WWasWT LeGault, Lance ........................................... CTFT–7 Leggatt, Alison (Joy) 1904–1990............. WWT–17 Legge, Michael ......................................... CTFT–46 Leggio, Jerry 1935– ................................. CTFT–66 Leggs, Johnny See...................................... Leguizamo, John Legrand, Michel 1932 ............................. CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Le Grand, Phyllis .................................... WWasWT LeGros, James 1962–............................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Leguizamo, John 1965(?)– ....................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Lehar, Franz 1870–1948 ........................ WWasWT Le Hay, Daisy 1883–?............................ WWasWT Le Hay, John 1854–1926 ....................... WWasWT Lehman, Ernest 1915(?)–.......................... CTFT–22 Lehman, Kristin ........................................ CTFT–52 Lehman, Lillian 1947–............................. CTFT–74 Lehmann, Beatrix 1903–1979 ................ WWT–17 Lehmann, Carla 1917– .......................... WWasWT Lehmann, Michael 1957–........................ CTFT–63 Lehne, Fredric .......................................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Lehr, John 1967– ..................................... CTFT–80 Lehrer, Jim 1934– .................................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Lei, Mei–Kei See ............................................... Q, Maggie Leiber, Fritz 1883–1949......................... WWasWT Leibman, Ron 1937– ............................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 19, 31; WWT–17 Leicester, Ernest 1866–1939 .................. WWasWT Leick, Hudson 1969– .............................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Leider, Jerry 1931– .................................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9, 41 Leifer, Carol 1956– .................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 42 Leigh, Andrew George 1887–1957........ WWasWT Leigh, Cassandra See ............................................... Boyle, Lisa Leigh, Charlotte 1907– .......................... WWasWT Leigh, Chyler 1982– ................................ CTFT–47 Leigh, Dan................................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Leigh, Donza See ............................ Abernathy, Donzaleigh Leigh, Dorma 1893–.............................. WWasWT Leigh, Gracie ?–1950............................. WWasWT Leigh, Janet 1927–................................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Leigh, Jenna See .................................. Green, Jenna Leigh Leigh, Jennifer Jason 1962– ..................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 24 Leigh, John 1965– ................................... CTFT–91 Leigh, Katie 1958– .................................. CTFT–55

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Leno, Jay 1950– ...................................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 34 LeNoire, Rosetta 1911– ........................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13; WWT–17 Lenormand, Henri–Rene 1882–1951 ..... WWasWT Lenthall, Franklyn 1919–........................... CTFT–1 Lenya, Lotte 1900–1981......................... WWT–17 Lenz, Joie 1981– ..................................... CTFT–70 Lenz, Kay 1953– ..................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 39 Leo, Frank 1874–? ................................. WWasWT Leo, Melissa 1960– ................................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Leon, Anne 1925– ................................. WWasWT Leon, Idalis See ......................................... DeLeon, Idalis Leon, Kenny 1957(?)–.............................. CTFT–48 Leonard, Billy 1892– ............................. WWasWT Leonard, Elmore 1925– ........................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 28 Leonard, Hugh 1926– ............................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Leonard, Joshua 1975–............................ CTFT–52 Leonard, Lu 1932– .................................... CTFT–1 Leonard, Patricia 1916–......................... WWasWT Leonard, Robert ?–1948......................... WWasWT Leonard, Robert Sean 1969– ................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13, 24 Leonard, Sheldon 1907–1997 ................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–17 Leonard–Boyne, Eva 1885–1960 ........... WWasWT Leonardi, Marco 1971(?)–........................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Leone, Natasha See ...................................... Lyonne, Natasha Leone, Sergio 1929–1989.......................... CTFT–5 Leonetti, John R. ....................................... CTFT–74 Leonetti, Matthew F. 1941– ..................... CTFT–74 Leong, Page.............................................. CTFT–53 Leoni, Tea 1966–..................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Leontovich, Eugenie 1900– .................... WWT–17 Leopardi, Chauncey 1981– ..................... CTFT–62 Leopold, Stratton 1943– .......................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Lepage, Robert 1957– ............................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 37 Lera, Chete ............................................... CTFT–34 Lerman, Logan 1992–.............................. CTFT–88 Lerner, Alan Jay 1918–1986 ...................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Lerner, Avi ................................................ CTFT–43 Lerner, Danny........................................... CTFT–43 Lerner, Ken ............................................... CTFT–47 Lerner, Michael 1941(?)– ......................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Le Roux, Hugues 1860–?....................... WWasWT Leroy, Mervyn 1900–1987....................... CTFT–24 Le Roy, Servais........................................ WWasWT Le Sage, Stanley 1880–1932.................. WWasWT Leslie, Don 1948– ..................................... CTFT–1 Leslie, Enid 1888–?................................ WWasWT Leslie, Fred 1881–1945 ......................... WWasWT Leslie, Joan 1925– ..................................... CTFT–5 Leslie, Lew 1886–1963.......................... WWasWT Leslie, Marguerite 1884–1958 ............... WWasWT Leslie, Sylvia 1900–............................... WWasWT Leslie–Stuart, May................................... WWasWT Lesnie, Andrew 1956–............................. CTFT–43 Lessac, Michael ........................................ CTFT–37 Lesser, Len 1922– .................................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Lesser, Robert ........................................... CTFT–45


Lessing, Madge ....................................... WWasWT Lester, Adrian 1968–................................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Lester, Alfred 1874–1925....................... WWasWT Lester, David V. 1945– ............................ CTFT–29 Lester, Loren ............................................. CTFT–72 Lester, Mark 1876–?............................... WWasWT Lester, Mark L. 1946– ................................ CTFT–1 Lester, Richard 1932– .............................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Lester, Ron 1975–.................................... CTFT–71 Lester, Terry ................................................ CTFT–4 Lester, Vicki See ....................................... Kaufman, Lloyd Lestocq, William ?–1920 ....................... WWasWT L’Estrange, Julian 1878–1918 ................ WWasWT Lesure, James 1975–................................ CTFT–69 Lethbridge, J. W. .................................... WWasWT Letherman, Lindze 1988–........................ CTFT–75 Leto, Jared 1971– .................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 LeTrek, Peter See .............................................. Paxton, Bill Letscher, Matt 1970– ............................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Letterman, David 1947–.......................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 Letts, Dennis............................................. CTFT–54 Letts, Pauline 1917– ............................... WWT–17 Leung, Ken ............................................... CTFT–55 Leung, Tony.............................................. CTFT–37 Levant, Brian 1952– ................................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Leveaux, David 1958– ............................ CTFT–26 Leveaux, Montagu V. 1875–?................. WWasWT Leven, Boris 1908–1986............................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Levene, Sam 1905–1980 ........................ WWT–17 Leventhal, Susan E.................................... CTFT–50 Leventon, Annabel 1942– ......................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Leverick, Beryl........................................... WWT–9 Levering, Kate........................................... CTFT–50 Levesque, Joanna See ........................................................ Jo–Jo Levesque, Jojo See ........................................................ Jo–Jo Levey, Adele ........................................... WWasWT Levey, Carlotta ........................................ WWasWT Levey, Ethel 1881–1955......................... WWasWT Levi, Alan J............................................... CTFT–56 Levi, Shawn.............................................. CTFT–62 Levi, Zachary 1980–................................ CTFT–74 Le Vien, Jack 1918– .................................. CTFT–1 Levin, Charles........................................... CTFT–32 Levin, Gerald M. 1939–........................... CTFT–11 Levin, Herman 1907–............................. WWT–17 Levin, Ira 1929– ........................................ CTFT–9 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Levin, Lloyd.............................................. CTFT–63 Levin, Peter .............................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 12, 38 Levine, Catherine Beaumont See .................................. Beaumont, Kathryn Levine, Dan.............................................. CTFT–49 LeVine, David 1933–................................. CTFT–5 Levine, Deborah Joy ................................. CTFT–89 Levine, Floyd............................................ CTFT–78 Levine, Ilana 1963–................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Levine, James 1943– ............................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Levine, Jerry 1957– ................................. CTFT–76

Cumulative Index

Leigh, Mary 1904–1943 ........................ WWasWT Leigh, Mike 1943– .................................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14, 25; WWT–17 Leigh, Mitch 1928– ................................... CTFT–1 Leigh, Rowland 1902–1963................... WWasWT Leigh, Vivien 1913–1967....................... WWasWT Leigh, Walter 1905– .............................. WWasWT Leigheb, Claudio 1848–? ....................... WWasWT Leigh–Hunt, Barbara 1935–..................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17; WWT–17 Leighton, Frank 1908–1962................... WWasWT Leighton, Laura 1968–............................. CTFT–72 Leighton, Margaret 1922–1976............... WWT–16 Leighton, Queenie 1872–1943 .............. WWasWT Leiner, Danny ........................................... CTFT–56 Leister, Frederick 1885–1970................. WWasWT Leisure, David 1950– .............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 38 Brief Entry in CTFT–7 Leitch, Christopher ................................... CTFT–50 Leitch, Ione Skye See................................................ Skye, Ione Leitch, Megan 1965–............................... CTFT–34 Leiterman, Richard 1935– ....................... CTFT–57 Leland, David 1947–............................... CTFT–17 Lelliott, jeremy 1982– ............................. CTFT–48 Le Loka, Tsidii .......................................... CTFT–69 Lelouch, Claude 1937– ........................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Lely, Madeline ........................................ WWasWT Lemaitre, Jules 1853–1914 .................... WWasWT Le Massena, William 1916– ................... WWT–17 Le Mat, Paul 1952(?)–.............................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Lemay, Harding 1922– .............................. CTFT–1 Lembeck, Michael 1948– ........................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Lemche, Kris Lemelin, Stephanie 1979– ....................... CTFT–79 Lemmon, Chris 1954– ............................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19 Lemmon, Jack 1925–............................... CTFT–24 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 14 Lemmons, Kasi 1961– ............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 43 Le Moyne, Sarah Cowell 1859–1915 .... WWasWT Lemper, Ute 1963–.................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Lena, Lily 1879–? .................................. WWasWT Lenard, Mark 1927–1996 .......................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–16 Lender, Marcelle ..................................... WWasWT Lenehan, Nancy ....................................... CTFT–54 Leng, Cheng See ............................................ Chan, Jackie Lengies, Vanessa 1985–........................... CTFT–88 Lenihan, Winifred 1898–1964 ............... WWasWT Lenk, Tom 1976–..................................... CTFT–70 Lenkov, Peter M........................................ CTFT–62 Lennard, Arthur 1867–1954 .................. WWasWT Lennertz, Christopher 1972– ................... CTFT–62 Lenney, Dinah .......................................... CTFT–50 Lennix, Harry J. 1965(?)–......................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Lennon, Jarrett 1982– .............................. CTFT–45 Lennon, John 1940–1980 ........................ CTFT–21 Lennon, Thomas 1970–........................... CTFT–79 Lennon, Thomas F. 1951– ....................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Lennox, Doug........................................... CTFT–54 Lennox, Kai .............................................. CTFT–50 Lennox, Vera 1904–............................... WWasWT


LEVINE Levine, Joseph E. 1905–1987 .................... CTFT–5 Levine, Ken 1950– .................................. CTFT–49 Levine, Michael 1952–.............................. CTFT–4 Levine, Samm 1982–............................... CTFT–76 Levine, Ted 1957– ................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Levinsohn, Gary 1960(?)–........................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Levinson, Barry 1942–............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Levinson, Larry ......................................... CTFT–70 Levinson, Richard 1934–1987................... CTFT–5 Levison, Charles See........................................... Lane, Charles Levit, Ben 1949– ....................................... CTFT–4 Levitan, Steven ......................................... CTFT–66 Leviton, Stewart 1939–........................... WWT–17 Levitt, Ruby R. 1907–1992 ...................... CTFT–11 Levy, Barry W. .......................................... CTFT–89 Levy, Benn W. 1900–1973 .................... WWasWT Levy, Dani 1957– .................................... CTFT–33 Levy, David 1913– .................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Levy, Eugene 1946–................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 Levy, Jacques 1935– ............................... WWT–17 Levy, Jefery 1958– ................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Levy, Jonathan 1935– ................................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Levy, Jose G. 1884–1936....................... WWasWT Levy, Peter ................................................ CTFT–54 Levy, Robert L........................................... CTFT–43 Levy, Stephen See........................................ Young, Stephen Lew, James 1952–.................................... CTFT–54 Lewenstein, Oscar 1917– ....................... WWT–17 Lewes, Miriam ........................................ WWasWT Lewey, Todd 1958– ................................... CTFT–2 Lewine, Richard 1910– ............................. CTFT–1 Lewis, Ada 1875–1925.......................... WWasWT Lewis, Al 1910– ...................................... CTFT–26 Lewis, Al 1923– ........................................ CTFT–8 Lewis, Ananda 1973–.............................. CTFT–72 Lewis, Arthur 1846–1930 ...................... WWasWT Lewis, Arthur 1916– ............................... WWT–17 Lewis, Bertha 1887–1931 ...................... WWasWT Lewis, Clea 1965–................................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Lewis, Curigwen ..................................... WWasWT Lewis, Damian 1971– ............................. CTFT–85 Lewis, Daniel E. 1944– ............................. CTFT–3 Lewis, David ............................................ CTFT–69 Lewis, Dawnn 1960– .............................. CTFT–47 Lewis, Edmund 1959– ............................... CTFT–8 Lewis, Emmanuel 1971– ........................... CTFT–7 Lewis, Eric 1855–1935 .......................... WWasWT Lewis, Fred 1850–1927 ......................... WWasWT Lewis, Frederick G. 1873–1946............. WWasWT Lewis, Gary 1958– .................................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Lewis, Geoffrey 1935– ............................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18, 29 Lewis, Jason 1971–.................................. CTFT–86 Lewis, Jean See ................................................ Brent, Eve Lewis, Jenny 1977(?)–.............................. CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Lewis, Jerry 1926–................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Lewis, Johnny 1983– ............................... CTFT–86 Lewis, Joseph H. 1900(?)– ....................... CTFT–10

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Lewis, Juliette 1973– ............................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Lewis, Justin See ............................................. Louis, Justin Lewis, Mabel Terry– See.................................. Terry–Lewis, Mabel Lewis, Marcia 1938– ............................... CTFT–22 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5 Lewis, Martin 1888–1970...................... WWasWT Lewis, Mary Rio 1922– ............................. CTFT–4 Lewis, Matthew 1989– ............................ CTFT–76 Lewis, Phill 1968–................................... CTFT–43 Lewis, Richard 1947(?)– .......................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 28 Lewis, Robert 1909–............................... WWT–17 Lewis, Robert Michael 1934–.................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Lewis, Shari 1934–1998 .......................... CTFT–19 Obituary in CTFT–22 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Lewis, Ted ................................................ CTFT–42 Lewis, Vicki 1960– .................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Lewisohn, Victor Max 1897–1934......... WWasWT Lewman, Lance 1960– ............................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 LeXLang See ............................................. Lang, Alexis Lexy, Edward 1897– .............................. WWasWT Leyden, Leo 1929–.................................... CTFT–4 Leyel, Carl F. 1875–1925....................... WWasWT Leyton, George 1864–?.......................... WWasWT Lhermitte, Thierry 1952– ......................... CTFT–35 Li, Gong See .................................................. Gong, Li Li, Jet 1963– ............................................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Li, Meiqi See ............................................... Q, Maggie Liberace 1919–1987 ................................. CTFT–3 Liberatore, Lou 1959– ............................... CTFT–5 Libertini, Richard 1933(?)– ...................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 Libin, Paul 1930– .................................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Libman, Andrea 1984–............................ CTFT–56 Lichine, David 1909–1972 .................... WWasWT Licht, Jeremy 1971– .................................. CTFT–8 Lichterman, Victoria 1940– ....................... CTFT–4 Licon, Jeffrey 1985– ................................ CTFT–61 Liddy, G. Gordon 1930– ......................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Lieber, Mimi ............................................. CTFT–76 Lieberman, Robert 1947– ........................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 37 Lieberman, Todd....................................... CTFT–80 Liebman, Marvin 1923– ......................... WWT–16 Lien, Jennifer 1974– ................................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Lieven, Albert 1906–1971 ..................... WWasWT Lieven, Tatiana 1910–............................ WWasWT Lifar, Serge 1905–1986.............................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Lifford, Tina .............................................. CTFT–64 Light, John ................................................ CTFT–56 Light, Judith 1949– .................................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Lightner, Winnie 1901–1971 ................. WWasWT Ligon, Tom 1945– ................................... CTFT–79 Lihani, Rob............................................... CTFT–48 Lil’ Romeo 1989–.................................... CTFT–86


Lillard, Matthew 1970– ........................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Lillie, Beatrice 1898–1989 ..................... WWT–16 Lillies, Leonard 1860–1923 ................... WWasWT Lillis, Rachael 1978– ............................... CTFT–42 Lilly, Evangeline 1979–............................ CTFT–70 Lim, Kwan Hi 1931– ............................... CTFT–23 Lim, Paul Stephen 1944– .......................... CTFT–1 Lima, Kevin 1962(?)–............................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Liman, Doug 1965(?)– ............................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Limbert, Roy 1893–1954 ....................... WWasWT Lime, Harry See............................................ Black, Shane Limerick, Mona ...................................... WWasWT Limon, Iyari 1979– .................................. CTFT–70 Limpus, Alban Brownlow 1878–1941 .... WWasWT Lin, Carol ................................................. CTFT–76 Lin, Lucy .................................................. CTFT–59 Linares–Rivas, Manuel 1867–1938 ........ WWasWT Linari, Nancy............................................ CTFT–77 Lincoln, Andrew 1973–........................... CTFT–34 Lincoln, Geoffrey See......................................... Mortimer, John Lincoln, Patrick See..................................... St. Espirit, Patrick Lind, Gillian 1904– ................................ WWT–16 Lind, Letty 1862–1923........................... WWasWT Lindberg, August 1846–1916................. WWasWT Lindberg, Chad 1976– ............................. CTFT–59 Lindbjerg, Lalainia .................................... CTFT–56 Linde, Betty .............................................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Lindelof, Damon 1973– .......................... CTFT–86 Linden, Eric 1909– ................................ WWasWT Linden, Hal 1931– .................................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30; WWT–17 Linden, Marie 1862–?............................ WWasWT Lindenlaub, Karl Walter 1957–................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Lindfors, Viveca 1920–1995...................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Lindley, Audra 1918–1997 ........................ CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Lindley, John 1952–................................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Lindo, Delroy 1952– ............................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Lindo, Olga 1898–1968 ........................ WWasWT Lindon, Millie 1878–?............................ WWasWT Lindsay, Delia........................................... CTFT–34 Lindsay, Howard 1889–1968................. WWasWT Lindsay, James 1869–1928 .................... WWasWT Lindsay, Lesley See ........................... Zemeckis, Leslie Harter Lindsay, Robert 1949(?)–.......................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Lindsay, Vera 1911–............................... WWasWT Lindsay–Hogg, Michael 1940– ................ CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Lindstrom, Jon 1957– .............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Lineback, Richard..................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Lineham, Hardee T. .................................. CTFT–68 Ling, Bai 1970– ....................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Ling, Lisa 1973– ...................................... CTFT–78 Ling, Van .................................................. CTFT–45

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Lister, Laurier 1907– ............................... WWT–17 Lister, Moira 1923–................................. WWT–17 Lister, Tom “Tiny” ..................................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Lithgow, John 1945–................................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 22 Littell, Robert 1896–1963 ...................... WWasWT Litter, Kitty See...................................... Fierstein, Harvey Little, Cleavon 1939– ................................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Little, Natasha 1970– .............................. CTFT–35 Little, Rich 1938– .................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 5 Little, Stuart W. 1921–............................... CTFT–4 Littlefield, Catherine 1904–1951 ........... WWasWT Littleford, Beth 1968–.............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Littler, Blanche 1899–............................ WWasWT Littler, Emile 1903–................................. WWT–17 Littler, Prince 1901–............................... WWasWT Littleton, Carol 1942(?)– .......................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Littlewood, Joan ......................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Littlewood, Samuel Robinson 1875–1963.................................... WWasWT Liu, Emily ................................................. CTFT–90 Liu, Lucy 1968– ...................................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Lively, Blake 1987– ................................. CTFT–83 Lively, Eric 1981– .................................... CTFT–77 Lively, Ernie 1947– .................................. CTFT–77 Lively, Lori................................................ CTFT–86 Lively, Robyn 1972–................................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Lively, Sarah See ........................................... Clarke, Sarah Liveright, Horace B. 1886–1933............ WWasWT Livesay, Roger 1906–1976...................... WWT–16 Livesey, Barrie 1904–............................. WWasWT Livesey, E. Carter .................................... WWasWT Livesey, Jack 1901–1961 ....................... WWasWT Livesey, Sam 1873–1936 ....................... WWasWT Livings, Henry 1929– ............................. WWT–17 Livingston, Barry 1953–........................... CTFT–69 Livingston, David ..................................... CTFT–49 Livingston, Harold 1924– .......................... CTFT–1 Livingston, Jay 1915– ................................ CTFT–1 Livingston, Mary 1906–1983................... CTFT–21 Livingston, Natalia 1976–........................ CTFT–88 Livingston, Paul ........................................ CTFT–33 Livingston, Robert H. 1934–...................... CTFT–2 Livingston, Ron 1968–............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Livingston, Ruth 1927–.............................. CTFT–4 Livingstone, Sydney .................................. CTFT–35 Livinryte, Wings See ......................................... Hauser, Wings LL Cool J 1968– ...................................... CTFT–45 Llewellyn, Fewlass 1866–1941.............. WWasWT Llewelyn, Desmond 1914–1999.............. CTFT–22 Obituary in CTFT–32 Lloyd Pack, Roger 1944– .......................... CTFT–4 Lloyd Webber, Andrew 1948–................. CTFT–51 Lloyd, Alice 1873–1949 ........................ WWasWT Lloyd, Christopher 1938– ........................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 22 Lloyd, David............................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Lloyd, Doris 1900–1968........................ WWasWT


Lloyd, Emily 1970– ................................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Brief Entry in CTFT–7 Lloyd, Eric 1986– .................................... CTFT–49 Lloyd, Florence 1876–? ......................... WWasWT Lloyd, Frederick William 1880–1949 .... WWasWT Lloyd, Gabriel See ....................................... Kaufman, Lloyd Lloyd, Harold 1893–1971 ....................... CTFT–20 Lloyd, Jake 1989–.................................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Lloyd, Kathleen ........................................ CTFT–48 Lloyd, Marie 1870–1922 ....................... WWasWT Lloyd, Michael 1948– ............................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Lloyd, Norman 1914– ............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 Lloyd, Rosie 1879–1944........................ WWasWT Lloyd, Sabrina .......................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Lloyd, Sam ............................................... CTFT–68 Lloyd, Sam Sr. 1925–............................... CTFT–68 Lloyd, Sharon ............................................. CTFT–4 Lloyd, Violet 1879–?.............................. WWasWT Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 24; WWT–17 Loach, Ken 1936– ................................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 24 Loader, A. Mcleod 1869–?..................... WWasWT Loader, Rosa ........................................... WWasWT Lobel, Adrianne ........................................ CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 LoBianco, Tony 1936–............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11, 22 Lobl, Victor............................................... CTFT–53 Locane, Amy 1971– ................................ CTFT–48 Lochart, Ann See ........................................ Lockhart, Anne Lochhead, Liz 1947– ............................... CTFT–11 Lochner, Hayley 1991– ........................... CTFT–91 Locke, Edward 1869–1945 .................... WWasWT Locke, Katherine 1910–......................... WWasWT Locke, Peter.............................................. CTFT–83 Locke, Philip 1928– .................................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Locke, Sam 1917–1998............................. CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–24 Locke, Sondra 1947–................................. CTFT–5 Locke, Spencer 1991– ............................. CTFT–88 Locke, Tembi ............................................ CTFT–72 Locke, William John 1863–1930 ........... WWasWT Lockhart, Anne 1953– ............................. CTFT–83 Lockhart, Gene 1891–1957 ................... WWasWT Lockhart, June 1925– .............................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9, 36 Locklear, Heather 1961– ......................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 24 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Lockridge, Richard 1898–1982.............. WWasWT Lockton, Joan 1901–.............................. WWasWT Lockwood, Gary 1937–............................. CTFT–7 Lockwood, Margaret 1916–1990............ WWT–17 Lockyer, Thomas....................................... CTFT–54 Loco, Tony See ................................................. Tone–Loc Loder, Anne Marie 1969–........................ CTFT–46 Loder, Basil 1885–?................................ WWasWT Loder, Kurt 1945–.................................... CTFT–66 LoDuca, Joseph ........................................ CTFT–45 Loeb, Jeph 1958– .................................... CTFT–88 Loeb, Lisa 1968– ..................................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Loeb, Philip 1894–1955 ........................ WWasWT

Cumulative Index

Link, Peter 1944– ...................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Link, Ron 1944–...................................... CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Link, William 1933–.................................. CTFT–6 Linke, Paul 1948– ................................... CTFT–60 Linklater, Hamish 1976–.......................... CTFT–80 Linklater, Richard 1960(?)– ...................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Linkletter, Art 1912– .................................. CTFT–3 Linley, Betty 1890–1951 ........................ WWasWT Linley, Cody 1989– ................................. CTFT–78 Linn, Bambi 1926–.................................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Linn, Rex 1956– ...................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Linn–Baker, Mark 1954–.......................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 19, 42 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Linnea See ....................................... Quigley, Linnea Linnet & Dunfree Ltd. ............................ WWT–16 Linney, Laura 1964– ................................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Linney, Romulus 1930– ........................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Linnit, S. E. ?–1956................................ WWasWT Linson, Art 1942–.................................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 38 Lintern, Richard ........................................ CTFT–86 Linville, Joanne........................................... CTFT–8 Linville, Larry 1939–2000 ....................... CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Linz, Alex D. 1989– ................................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Lipper, David............................................ CTFT–78 Lion, John 1944–....................................... CTFT–2 Lion, Leon M. 1879–1947 ..................... WWasWT Lion, Margo 1944– .................................. CTFT–55 Liotta, Ray 1955(?)–................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 Lip, Tony .................................................. CTFT–91 Lipinski, Tara 1982– ................................ CTFT–45 Lipman, Clara 1869–1952 ..................... WWasWT Lipman, Daniel 1950–............................. CTFT–17 Lipman, Maureen 1946– ......................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13; WWT–17 Lipnicki, Jonathan 1990–......................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–18, 29 Lippman, Amy .......................................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Lipps, Roslyn 1925– .................................. CTFT–2 Lipscomb, Dennis 1942–......................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Lipscomb, William Percy 1887–1958.................................... WWasWT Lipstadt, Aaron 1952– ............................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Lipton, Celia 1923– ............................... WWasWT Lipton, Dina ............................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Lipton, James 1926–................................ CTFT–65 Lipton, Peggy 1947(?)– ............................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Lipton, Robert 1943–............................... CTFT–79 Lisi, Joe 1950–......................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Lisle, Lucille ........................................... WWasWT Lissauer, Trevor 1973– ............................. CTFT–78 Lister, Eve 1918–.................................... WWasWT Lister, Francis 1899–1951 ...................... WWasWT Lister, Frank 1868–1917 ........................ WWasWT Lister, Lance 1901–................................ WWasWT


LOEHR Loehr, Bret 1993– .................................... CTFT–75 Loesser, Frank 1910–1969 ..................... WWasWT Loewe, Frederick 1901–1988 .................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Loewenstern, Tara....................................... CTFT–1 Loftin, Lennie ........................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Loftus, Kitty 1867–1927......................... WWasWT Loftus, Marie 1857–1940....................... WWasWT Loftus, (Marie) Cecilia 1876–1943......... WWasWT Logan, Ella 1910–1969.......................... WWasWT Logan, John 1963– .................................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Logan, Joshua 1908–1988 ......................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Logan, Lara 1971–................................... CTFT–89 Logan, Nedda Harrigan 1900–1989 .......... CTFT–8 Logan, Stanley 1885–1953 .................... WWasWT Loggia, Robert 1930– .............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 22 Logue, Donal 1965(?)– ............................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Lohan, Lindsay 1986– ............................. CTFT–55 Lohman, Alison 1979– ............................ CTFT–54 Lohr, Aaron 1976–................................... CTFT–74 Lohr, Marie 1890–1975 ......................... WWasWT Loken, Kristanna 1979–........................... CTFT–48 Lola See .............................................. Rieffel, Lisa Lollicup, Yello See........................................ Lowenthal, Yuri Lollobrigida, Gina ...................................... CTFT–5 Lom, Herbert 1917– ................................ CTFT–17 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8; WWasWT Lomas, Herbert 1887–1961 ................... WWasWT Lomax, Pearl Cleage See ........................................... Cleage, Pearl Lombard, Karina 1969–........................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Lombard, Louise 1970–........................... CTFT–91 Lombard, Michael 1934– ........................ CTFT–46 Lombardi, Louis 1968–............................ CTFT–71 Lombardozzi, Domenick 1976– .............. CTFT–79 London, Chuck 1946–............................... CTFT–4 London, Jason 1972–............................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 26 London, Jeremy 1972– ............................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 London, Jerri Lynn See .......................................... Manthey, Jerri London, Jerry 1937–................................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 12, 37 London, Roy 1943–1993........................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–12 London, Todd ( 1) ..................................... CTFT–83 London, Todd ( 2) ..................................... CTFT–83 Lone, John 1952– ...................................... CTFT–6 Loney, Glenn 1928– .................................. CTFT–1 Long, Avon 1910–1984 .......................... WWT–17 Long, Jodi 1954– ..................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 13, 37 Long, John Luther 1861–1927 ............... WWasWT Long, Justin 1978–................................... CTFT–63 Long, Lisa ................................................. CTFT–78 Long, Mary 1951– ................................... CTFT–62 Long, Nia 1970– ..................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Long, Shelley 1949–................................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 35 Long, William Ivey ................................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 35 Longbaugh, Harry See ................................... Goldman, William

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Longden, John 1900– ............................ WWasWT Longdon, Terence 1922– ........................ WWT–17 Longenecker, John 1947– .......................... CTFT–1 Longford, Earl of (Edward Arthur Henry Pakenham) 1902–1961.................................... WWasWT Longo, Tony 1961–.................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Longoria, Eva 1975–................................ CTFT–67 Lonnen, Jessie 1886–? ........................... WWasWT Lonnen, Nellie 1887–? .......................... WWasWT Lonnon, Alice 1872–?............................ WWasWT Lonsdale, Frederick 1881–1954............. WWasWT Lonsdale, Gordon ..................................... CTFT–56 Lonsdale, Michel 1931– .......................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Lookinland, Mike 1960– ......................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Loonin, Larry 1941– .................................. CTFT–2 Loos, Anita 1893–1981 .......................... WWT–17 Lopez, Charlotte See .................................... Ayanna, Charlotte Lopez, Charo 1943–................................ CTFT–35 Lopez, Constance Marie See..................................... Marie, Constance Lopez, George 1961– .............................. CTFT–54 Lopez, Irene Olga..................................... CTFT–48 Lopez, Jennifer 1970– ............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Lopez, Mario 1973– ................................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19,31 Lopez, Priscilla 1948– ............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 31 Lopez, Sal, Jr. 1954–................................ CTFT–58 Lopez, Sergi.............................................. CTFT–33 Lopez–Dawson, Kamala ........................... CTFT–72 Lopokova, Lydia 1892–1981 ................. WWasWT Loquasto, Santo 1944– ............................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23; WWT–17 Loraine, Robert 1876–1935 ................... WWasWT Loraine, Violet 1886–1956 .................... WWasWT Lord, Basil 1913–1979 ........................... WWT–17 Lord, Jack 1920–1998 ............................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–21 Lord, Jean–Claude 1943– ........................ CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Lord, Pauline 1890–1950 ...................... WWasWT Lord, Peter 1953–.................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Lord, Robert 1945– ................................... CTFT–4 Lorde, Andre de 1871–? ........................ WWasWT Loren, Alicia............................................. CTFT–87 Loren, Bernice 1951– ................................ CTFT–1 Loren, Sophia 1934– ............................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Lorenzo, Tina di 1872–1930 ................. WWasWT Lorimer, Jack 1883–? ............................. WWasWT Loring, Gloria 1946– ............................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Loring, Lisa 1958–................................... CTFT–21 Loring, Norman 1888–1967 .................. WWasWT Lorit, Jean–Pierre ...................................... CTFT–33 Lorne, Constance 1914–......................... WWT–16 Lorne, Marion 1888–1968 ..................... WwasWT Loros, George 1944– ............................... CTFT–91 Lorraine, Irma 1885–?............................ WWasWT Lorraine, Lilian 1892–1955 ................... WWasWT Lortel, Lucille 1905(?)– .............................. CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–32 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Losch, Tilly 1907–1975 ......................... WWasWT Lotinga, Ernest 1876–1951 .................... WWasWT Lotta 1847–1924 ................................... WWasWT


Loudon, Dorothy 1933– ............................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Loughlin, Lori 1964– ............................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 26 Loughlin, Terry ......................................... CTFT–51 Loughran, Jonathan 1966– ...................... CTFT–80 Louis, Barbara ............................................ CTFT–4 Louis, Justin 1967– .................................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Louis, Tobi.................................................. CTFT–3 Louis–Dreyfus, Julia 1961–...................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 23 Louise, Tina 1938(?)–............................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Louiso, Todd 1970–................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Lou–Tellegen 1881–1934 ...................... WWasWT Lovat, Nancie 1900–1946...................... WwasWT Lovato, Demi 1992–................................ CTFT–90 Love, Bessie ?–1986 ............................... WWT–17 Love, Courtney 1964– ............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Love, Edward.............................................. CTFT–6 Love, Faizon 1968–................................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Love, Mabel 1874–1953........................ WWasWT Love, Montagu 1877–1943.................... WWasWT Love, Staci See........................................... Keanan, Staci Love, Victor 1967– .................................. CTFT–53 Lovejoy, Deirdre 1962– ........................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Lovejoy, Robin 1923–............................. WWT–17 Lovell, Dyson 1940– ............................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Lovell, Raymond 1900–1953................. WWasWT Lovell, W. T. 1884–?.............................. WWasWT Loveman, Michael See........................................ Pataki, Michael Lovett, Lyle 1957(?)–................................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Lovitz, Jon 1957– .................................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 Low, Jason ................................................ CTFT–67 Lowdell, Amelia ....................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Lowe, Arthur 1915– ............................... WWT–17 Lowe, Chad 1968– .................................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19, 31 Lowe, Douglas 1882–? .......................... WWasWT Lowe, Edmund 1892–1971.................... WWasWT Lowe, Enid 1908–.................................. WWasWT Lowe, John B. ........................................... CTFT–92 Lowe, Rachel 1876–? ............................ WWasWT Lowe, Rob 1964– .................................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Lowe, Stephen 1947–.............................. CTFT–12 Lowell, Carey 1961– ............................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Lowell, Helen 1866–1937 ..................... WWasWT Lowell, Mollie ........................................ WWasWT Lowens, Curt 1925– ................................ CTFT–88 Lowenthal, Yuri 1971– ............................ CTFT–80 Lower, Geoffrey ........................................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Lowery, Marcella 1946– .......................... CTFT–83 Lowne, Charles Macready ?–1941 .......................................... WWasWT Lowry, Dick M.......................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Lowry, Jane 1937–..................................... CTFT–1

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Luke, Keye 1904–1991............................ CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Luke, Peter 1919– .................................. WWT–17 Luker, Rebecca 1961– ............................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Lukyanov, Sergei Vladimirovich 1910–............................................ WWasWT Lumbly, Carl 1952– ................................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 27 Lumet, Sidney 1924–............................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 15, 28 Lumley, Joanna 1946– ............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Luna, Barbara 1939– ............................... CTFT–54 Luna, Diego 1979–.................................. CTFT–63 Lunch, John Carroll 1963(?)–................... CTFT–45 Lund, Art 1920– ..................................... WWT–17 Lund, Jordan 1957–................................. CTFT–51 Lundel, Kert Fritjof 1936–....................... WWT–17 Lunden, Joan 1950(?)–............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 40 Lundgren, Dolph 1959– .......................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Lundy, Jessica 1966– ............................... CTFT–52 Luner, Jamie 1971–.................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Lung, Chan Yuan See ............................................ Chan, Jackie Lung, Cheng See ............................................ Chan, Jackie Lunghi, Cherie 1953–.............................. CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Lunsford, Stephen 1989–......................... CTFT–91 Lunt, Alfred 1892–1977 ......................... WWT–16 Luo, Zhuoyao See ............................................... Law, Clara Lupino, Stanley 1894–1942................... WWasWT Lupino, Wallace 1897–1961 ................. WWasWT LuPone, Patti 1949– ................................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5, 12, 24; WWT–17 LuPone, Robert 1946–............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 22 Lupus, Peter 1943–.................................... CTFT–1 Lurie, Evan 1954– ................................... CTFT–81 Lurie, John 1952–.................................... CTFT–79 Luscombe, Tim 1960– ............................... CTFT–8 Lusha, Masiela 1985–.............................. CTFT–71 Lusitana, Donna E. ................................... CTFT–50 Lustig, Aaron 1956– ................................ CTFT–54 Lutes, Eric 1962–..................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 40 Lutter, Ellen............................................... CTFT–81 Luttrell, Rachel ......................................... CTFT–69 Lutz, Kellan 1985– .................................. CTFT–87 Lutz, Mark ................................................ CTFT–49 Lutz, Matt 1978– ..................................... CTFT–68 Lux, Danny............................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Lyel, Viola 1900–1972........................... WWasWT Lyle, Lauren See................................. Adams, Joey Lauren Lyle, Lyston ?–1920 ............................... WWasWT Lyles, Leslie .............................................. CTFT–69 Lyman, Dorothy 1947–............................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9, 42 Lyman, Will 1948– .................................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 35 Lyn, Nicole 1978–................................... CTFT–72 Lynch, Barry ............................................. CTFT–76 Lynch, Brian 1954– ................................... CTFT–4 Lynch, David 1946– ................................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21, 31


Lynch, Jane 1960–................................... CTFT–64 Lynch, John 1961– .................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Lynch, Kelly 1959–.................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Lynch, Paul 1946–................................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Lynch, Richard 1940– ............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33 Lynch, Susan ............................................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Lynd, Rosa 1884–1922 .......................... WWasWT Lyndall–Knight, Tiffany ............................. CTFT–92 Lynde, Janice 1948– ................................ CTFT–54 Lynde, Paul 1926–1982............................. CTFT–2 Lyndeck, Edmund ....................................... CTFT–1 Lyndon, Barre 1896– ............................. WWasWT Lyndon, Simon 1971– ............................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Lyne, Adrian ............................................... CTFT–7 Lynley, Carol 1942–................................... CTFT–5 Lynn, Jonathan 1943–................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Lynn, Matthew See ...................................... Lillard, Matthew Lynn, Meredith Scott ................................ CTFT–64 Lynn, Ralph 1882–1962 ........................ WWasWT Lynn, Sherry ............................................. CTFT–40 Lynne, Carole 1918– ............................. WWasWT Lynne, Gillian 1926–................................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Lynskey, Melanie 1977– .......................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Lynton, Mayne 1885–? .......................... WWasWT Lyon, Ben 1901–1979 ........................... WWasWT Lyon, Milton 1923–1995 ........................... CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–15 Lyon, Rick ................................................ CTFT–46 Lyon, Wanda 1897– .............................. WWasWT Lyonne, Natasha 1979–........................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Lyons, A. Neil 1880–1940..................... WWasWT Lyons, Phyllis 1960–................................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Lyons, Stuart 1928– ................................... CTFT–5 Lytell, Bert 1885–1954 .......................... WWasWT Lythgoe, Nigel 1949– .............................. CTFT–65 Lyttelton, Edith 1870–1948.................... WWasWT Lytton, Doris 1893–1953 ....................... WWasWT Lytton, Henry 1904–1965...................... WWasWT Lytton, Henry A. 1867–1936 ................. WWasWT Lytton, Ruth ............................................ WWasWT

M Ma, Raymond ........................................... CTFT–81 Ma, Tzi..................................................... CTFT–80 Maberly, Kate 1982– ............................... CTFT–78 Mabius, Eric 1971– ................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Mabley, Edward 1906–.............................. CTFT–1 Mac, Bernie 1957–2008.......................... CTFT–45 Obituary in CTFT–90 MacAdam, Will 1943– .............................. CTFT–2 MacArthur, Charles 1895–1956 ............. WWasWT MacArthur, James 1937– ......................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Macat, Julio .............................................. CTFT–68 Macaulay, Joseph ?–1967 ...................... WWasWT

Cumulative Index

Lowry, Sam See .................................. Soderbergh, Steven Lowry, W. McNeil 1913–1993 .................. CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–12 Loxley, Violet 1914– .............................. WWasWT Loy, Myrna 1905–1993 ............................. CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–12 Lubatti, Henri ........................................... CTFT–58 Lubezki, Emmanuel 1964(?)–................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Lubliner, Sheldon R. 1950– ....................... CTFT–2 Lucas, Byron............................................. CTFT–65 Lucas, Craig 1951(?)– .............................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Lucas, David ............................................ CTFT–42 Lucas, George 1944–............................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 22 Lucas, Hans See .................................... Godard, Jean–Luc Lucas, J. Frank 1920– ................................ CTFT–7 Lucas, Jessica 1980–................................ CTFT–75 Lucas, Jonathan 1936– ............................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Lucas, Josh 1971– ................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Lucas, Laurent .......................................... CTFT–34 Lucas, Phil 1942–.................................... CTFT–17 Lucchesi, Gary 1955– ............................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 40 Lucci, Susan 1947– ................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 27 Luce, Clare Boothe– 1903–1987 ............ WWT–17 Luce, Polly 1905–.................................. WWasWT Lucia, Charles........................................... CTFT–54 Luciano, Judi Evans .................................. CTFT–17 Lucie, Doug 1953–.................................. CTFT–12 Lucio, Shannon 1980– ............................ CTFT–86 Luck, Coleman ......................................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Luckham, Cyril 1907–1989 ....................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Luckinbill, Laurence 1934(?)–.................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8; WWT–17 Luckinbill, Thad 1975– ........................... CTFT–75 Lucking, William 1941– .......................... CTFT–56 Luders, Gustav 1866–1913.................... WWasWT Ludivine See ...................................... Sagnier, Ludvine Ludlam, Charles 1943–1987 ..................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Ludlow, Ian See .......................................... Goldberg, Lee Ludlow, Patrick 1903–............................ WWT–17 Ludwig, Salem 1915–............................. WWT–17 Luecke, Mary See ............................................. Frann, Mary Luedtke, Kurt 1939– .................................. CTFT–5 Luetgert, Bailey See........................................... Chase, Bailey Luft, Lorna 1952– .................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 42 Luftig, Aaron See............................................ Lustig, Aaron Lugg, Alfred 1889– ................................ WWasWT Lugg, William 1852–1940 ..................... WWasWT Lugne–Poe, A. E. 1870–1940 ................ WWasWT Lugosi, Bela 1888–1956 ........................ WWasWT Luguet, Andre 1892– ............................. WWasWT Luhrmann, Baz 1962– ............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 43 Luis, Rui ................................................... CTFT–34 Lukas, Paul 1895–1971 ......................... WWasWT


MACAULAY Macaulay, Marc........................................ CTFT–62 Macaulay, Pauline ...................................... CTFT–4 Macbeth, Helen ...................................... WWasWT MacBridge, Aeneas See ........................................ Mackay, Fulton MacCaffrey, George 1870–1939 ............ WWasWT Maccarone, Sam 1975–........................... CTFT–92 MacCarthy, Desmond 1877–1952 ......... WWasWT Macchio, Ralph 1962– ............................ CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 MacCorkindale, Simon 1952– ................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 35 MacDermot, Galt .................................... WWT–17 MacDermot, Robert 1910–1964 ............ WWasWT Macdermott, Norman 1889–? ................ WWasWT MacDevitt, Brian 1956– .......................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Macdona, Charles ?–1946 ..................... WWasWT MacDonald, Adam 1977– ....................... CTFT–61 MacDonald, Bill ....................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 MacDonald, Bruce See .................................... McDonald, Bruce MacDonald, Christopher See ........................... McDonald, Christopher Macdonald, Donald 1898–1959............ WWasWT MacDonald, James ................................... CTFT–92 MacDonald, Jeanette 1907–1965 .......... WWasWT MacDonald, Karen ................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 MacDonald, Kelly 1976– ........................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 MacDonald, Laurie 1954(?)– ................... CTFT–86 MacDonald, Mac See ...................................... McDonald, Mac MacDonald, Murray 1899– .................... WWT–17 MacDonald, Norm 1963– ....................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 MacDonald, Scott..................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Macdonald, Wallace 1891–1978 ............ CTFT–21 MacDonald, William ................................ CTFT–62 MacDonell, Kathlene 1890–? ................ WWasWT Macdonnell, James See ................................... McDonnell, James Macdonnell, Leslie A. 1903– ................. WWasWT Macdonough, Glen 1870–1924............. WWasWT MacDougall, Roger 1910– ..................... WWT–17 MacDowell, Andie 1958– ....................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 17, 28 Maceda, Jim ............................................. CTFT–43 Macfadyen, Angus 1963–........................ CTFT–46 Macfadyen, Matthew 1974–.................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Macfarlane, Bruce 1910–1967 .............. WWasWT Macfarlane, Elsa 1899– ......................... WWasWT MacFarlane, Seth 1973–.......................... CTFT–77 MacGill, Moyna 1895–1975 ................. WWasWT MacGinnis, Niall 1913– ........................ WWasWT Macgowan, Kenneth 1888–1963........... WWasWT MacGowran, Jack 1918–1973 ............... WWasWT MacGrath, Leueen 1914–....................... WWT–17 MacGraw, Ali 1939– ................................. CTFT–5 MacGregor–Scott, Peter ............................ CTFT–41 Machacek, Jiri .......................................... CTFT–35 Machado, Justina 1972–.......................... CTFT–52 Machiz, Herbert 1923–1976 .................. WWT–16 Machlis, Neil A. 1945– ........................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Macht, Gabriel 1972– ............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Macht, Stephen 1942– ............................ CTFT–45 MacHugh, Augustin 1887–1928............ WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 MacInnes, Angus 1947– .......................... CTFT–76 MacIntosh, Joan 1945–.............................. CTFT–8 MacIntyre, Marguerite .............................. CTFT–47 Macisaac, Martha 1984– ......................... CTFT–86 MacIvor, Daniel 1962–............................ CTFT–46 Mack, Allison 1982– ............................... CTFT–45 Mack, Andrew 1863–1931 .................... WWasWT Mack, Billy See ............................................... Nighy, Bill Mack, Carol K. .......................................... CTFT–1 Mack, Willard 1878–1934..................... WWasWT Mackay, Barry 1906–............................. WWasWT MacKay, Don............................................ CTFT–63 Mackay, Elsie 1894– .............................. WWasWT Mackay, Fulton 1922–1987 ....................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Mackay, J. L. 1867–?.............................. WWasWT Mackay, John 1924–.................................. CTFT–5 MacKay, Lizbeth 1951(?)–........................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 34 Mackay, Ruth.......................................... WWasWT Mackaye, Percy 1875–1956 .................. WWasWT Mackeller, Helen 1895– ........................ WWasWT Mackenna, Kenneth 1899–1962............ WWasWT Mackenzie, Andy ..................................... CTFT–60 Mackenzie, J. C. ....................................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Mackenzie, John 1932–........................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Mackenzie, Mary 1922–1966................ WWasWT MacKenzie, Philip Charles ....................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 34 MacKenzie, Will 1938–........................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Mackey, Paul See ........................................ Molina, Jacinto Mackie, Bob 1940– ................................. CTFT–48 Mackinder, Lionel ?–1915...................... WWasWT Mackinlay, Jean Sterling 1882–1958...... WWasWT Mackintosh, Cameron 1946– .................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9, 24 Mackintosh, Steven 1967(?)– ................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19,31 Mackintosh, William 1855–1929........... WWasWT Macklin, Albert 1958–............................... CTFT–1 MacLachlan, Kyle 1959–......................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 17, 40 MacLaine, Shirley 1934–......................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 22 Maclaren, Ian 1879–? ............................ WWasWT MacLean, R. D. 1859–1948 .................. WWasWT MacLeish, Archibald 1892–1982............ WWT–17 MacLeod, Doug........................................ CTFT–40 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 MacLeod, Gavin 1930–........................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10, 17, 40 Macleod, W. Angus 1874–1962 ............ WWasWT Macliammoir, Michael 1899–1978......... WWT–16 MacMahon, Aline 1899–1991 ................. CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 MacManus, Clive ?–1953 ...................... WWasWT MacMartin, John See........................................ McMartin, John MacMillan, Kenneth 1929–1992 ............. CTFT–13 MacMurray, Fred 1908–1991 .................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–10 MacNaughton, Alan 1920– .................... WWT–17 Macnee, Patrick 1922–............................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 39 MacNeil, Robert 1931– ........................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 MacNeill, Peter ........................................ CTFT–60


MacNeille, Tress 1951– ........................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 MacNicol, Peter 1954(?)– ........................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 MacOwan, Michael 1906–..................... WWT–17 MacOwan, Norman 1877–1961............ WWasWT Macpherson, Elle 1963(?)– ...................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 MacQuarrie, Stuart See .................................... McQuarrie, Stuart Macqueen–Pope, W. J. 1888–1960 ....... WWasWT Macquoid, Percy 1852–1925................. WWasWT Macrae, Arthur 1908–1962 ................... WWasWT Macrae, Duncan 1905–1967................. WWasWT MacRae, Gordon 1921–1986 .................... CTFT–3 MacRae, Heather 1946–.......................... CTFT–89 MacRae, Michael 1949– ......................... CTFT–52 Macy, Bill 1922– ..................................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 35 Macy, William H. 1950– ......................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Madam See............................................. Smith, Sukie Maday, Charlie ......................................... CTFT–52 Maddalena, Julie ...................................... CTFT–48 Maddalena, Marianne .............................. CTFT–47 Madden, Cecil (Charles) 1902–1987 ..... WWasWT Madden, Ciaran 1945–.............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Madden, David 1955– ............................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 28 Madden, Donald 1933– ......................... WWT–17 Madden, John 1936–............................... CTFT–68 Madden, John 1949–............................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Maddern, Alan See ......................................... Ellison, Harlan Maddin, Guy 1956– ................................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Madeira, Marcia 1945– ............................. CTFT–1 Madigan, Amy 1950(?)– .......................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 15, 28 Madio, James 1975–................................ CTFT–70 Madonna 1958(?)– .................................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 17, 28 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Madsen, Michael 1958(?)– ...................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 23 Madsen, Virginia 1961(?)– ....................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 25 Maestro, Mia 1978– ................................ CTFT–91 Maeterlinck, Maurice 1862–1949.......... WWasWT Maffett, Debbie .......................................... CTFT–3 Maffia, Roma 1958–................................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Maffin, Neil 1959– .................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Maganini, Elena........................................ CTFT–29 Magee, Patrick ?–1982 ........................... WWT–17 Maggart, Brandon 1933–......................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Maggio, Michael 1951– .......................... CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Magnier, Pierre 1869–? .......................... WWasWT Magnuson, Ann 1956– ............................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 26 Magoondi, Yahoots See ..................................... Thompson, Brian Maguelon, Pierre ...................................... CTFT–33 Maguire, Anna.......................................... CTFT–65 Maguire, Mickey See ....................................... Rooney, Mickey

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Malik, Art 1952– ..................................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Malil, Shelley 1964– ............................... CTFT–64 Malin, Mary.............................................. CTFT–49 Malina, Joshua 1966–.............................. CTFT–47 Malina, Judith 1926–.............................. WWT–17 Malina, Rolondo See...................................... Molina, Rolando Malinger, Ross 1984– .............................. CTFT–52 Malis, Claire 1943– ................................. CTFT–55 Malkovich, John 1953– ........................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21,31 Mallalieu, Aubrey 1873–1948 ............... WWasWT Malle, Louis 1932–1995.......................... CTFT–13 Obituary in CTFT–15 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6 Malleson, Miles 1888–1969 .................. WWasWT Mallow, Dave 1948– ............................... CTFT–45 Malloy, Matt ............................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Mallsnerd, Olga See ...................................... Bergen, Candice Malm, Mia 1962–...................................... CTFT–4 Malmuth, Bruce 1934–.............................. CTFT–2 Malo, Gina 1909–1963 ......................... WWasWT Malone, Dorothy 1925– ............................ CTFT–5 Malone, J. A. E. ?–1929 ......................... WWasWT Malone, Jena 1984– ................................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Malone, Nancy 1935–............................. CTFT–54 Malone, Patricia 1899– ......................... WWasWT Malone, Patrick ........................................ CTFT–32 Malone, Victor See......................................... Cameron, John Malone, William 1953–........................... CTFT–87 Maloney, Denis ........................................ CTFT–88 Maloney, Michael 1957–......................... CTFT–34 Maloney, Peter.......................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 36 Maltby, Henry Francis 1880–1963......... WWasWT Maltby, Richard, Jr. 1937– ....................... CTFT–22 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11; WWT–17 Malthe, Natassia 1974–........................... CTFT–91 Maltin, Leonard 1950– ............................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Maltz, Albert 1908–1985 .......................... CTFT–1 Mamabolo, Barbara .................................. CTFT–65 Mamet, David 1947– .............................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 16, 27; WWT–17 Mammone, Robert.................................... CTFT–61 Mamoulian, Rouben 1897–1987............... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Mana, Camille 1983–.............................. CTFT–91 Manager, Ron See .................................... Whitehouse, Paul Manahan, Anna 1924–............................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Manasseri, Michael 1974– ...................... CTFT–59 Manchen, Klaus 1936–............................ CTFT–33 Manchester, Joe 1932– .............................. CTFT–3 Mancina, Mark ......................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Mancini, Henry 1924–1994 .................... CTFT–10 Obituary in CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Mancuso, Frank G. 1933–....................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Mancuso, Frank, Jr. 1958–....................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Mancuso, Gail .......................................... CTFT–64 Mancuso, Nick 1948(?)–.......................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 39


Mandah See......................................... Moore, Mandy Mandel, Babaloo 1949– .......................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 23 Mandel, Barry 1963(?)– ........................... CTFT–91 Mandel, Frank 1884–1958 .................... WWasWT Mandel, Howie 1955– ............................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 36 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Mandelker, Philip ?–1984 .......................... CTFT–1 Mander, Raymond Josiah Gale 1917–............................................. WWT–17 Mandvi, Aasif 1967(?)–............................ CTFT–62 Mandylor, Costas 1965– .......................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Mandylor, Louis 1966–............................ CTFT–48 Mane, Tyler .............................................. CTFT–72 Manesh, Marshall 1950– ......................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Manetti, Larry 1947– ............................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Manfredi, Harry 1943–............................ CTFT–62 Manfredi, Nino 1921–............................. CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Mangano, Silvana 1930–1989................... CTFT–5 Mangold, James 1964–............................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Manheim, Camryn 1961–........................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Manheim, Michael 1928– ....................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Manilow, Barry 1943– ............................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Manji, Rizwan 1974– .............................. CTFT–89 Mankiewicz, Don 1922–........................... CTFT–4 Mankiewicz, Herman J. 1897–1953 ........ CTFT–23 Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1909–1993 ........... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–11 Mankiewicz, Josh ..................................... CTFT–92 Mankiewicz, Tom 1942– ........................... CTFT–5 Mankofsky, Isidore 1931–........................ CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Mankowitz, Wolf 1924–1998 .................. CTFT–11 Obituary in CTFT–22 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Mankuma, Blu .......................................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Mann, Abby 1927– ................................... CTFT–5 Mann, Byron 1967(?)– ............................. CTFT–65 Mann, Charlton 1876–1958 .................. WWasWT Mann, Christopher 1903–...................... WWasWT Mann, Daniel 1912–1991........................ CTFT–11 Mann, Danny ........................................... CTFT–49 Mann, Delbert 1920– .............................. CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Mann, Emily 1952– ................................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 12, 21 Mann, Gabriel 1975– .............................. CTFT–63 Mann, John 1962–................................... CTFT–85 Mann, Leslie 1972–................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Mann, Louis 1865–1931........................ WWasWT Mann, Michael 1943– ............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 23 Mann, Stanley........................................... CTFT–11 Mann, Terrence 1951– ............................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Mann, Theodore 1924–........................... CTFT–24 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Mannering, Dore Lewin 1879–1932...... WWasWT Mannering, Mary 1876–1953 ................ WWasWT Mannering, Moya 1888–?...................... WWasWT

Cumulative Index

Maguire, Tobey 1975–............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Mahaffey, Valerie........................................ CTFT–1 Mahal, Taj 1942– .................................... CTFT–80 Maharis, George 1938– ........................... CTFT–17 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Maher, Bill 1956–.................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 28 Maher, Joseph 1933–............................... CTFT–15 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8 Maher, Sean 1975–.................................. CTFT–74 Mahon, John............................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Mahoney, John 1940– ............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14, 26 Mahoney, Will 1896–1967 .................... WWasWT Maibaum, Richard 1909–1991................ CTFT–16 Mailer, Michael 1964(?)– ......................... CTFT–80 Mailer, Stephen 1966–............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 38 Mailhouse, Robert 1962– ........................ CTFT–52 Main, Marjorie 1890–1975 ..................... CTFT–25 Mainwaring, Ernest 1876–1941 ............. WWasWT Mair, George Herbert 1887–1926.......... WWasWT Mais, Stuart Petre Brodie 1885–? ........... WWasWT Maitland, Lauderdale ?–1929 ................ WWasWT Maitland, Ruth 1880–1961.................... WWasWT Maivia, Rocky See .................................... Johnson, Dwayne Major, Bessie .......................................... WWasWT Major, Grant 1955(?)–.............................. CTFT–68 Major, Leon 1933– .................................. CTFT–13 Majorino, Tina 1985(?)– .......................... CTFT–25 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Majors, Lee 1940(?)– ............................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 15, 25 Makaj, Steve............................................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–38, 39 Makarova, Natalia 1940– .......................... CTFT–9 Makatsch, Heike 1971–........................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Makavejev, Dusan 1932– .......................... CTFT–8 Makeham, Eliot 1882–1956................... WWasWT Makepeace, Chris 1964–........................... CTFT–4 Makhnalbaf, Mohsen 1951–.................... CTFT–28 Makichuk, Jim .......................................... CTFT–46 Makise, Riho 1971– ................................ CTFT–34 Makita, Les See .................................. Mykytiuk, Lubomir Makkena, Wendy ..................................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Mako 1933–2006 .................................... CTFT–53 Obituary in CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Malahide, Patrick 1945– ......................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Malanowski, Tony 1957– ........................ CTFT–12 Malas, Spiro 1935(?)– .............................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Malden, Herbert John 1882–1966 ......... WWasWT Malden, Karl 1914(?)– ............................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 14 Maldonado, Allen 1983–......................... CTFT–80 Maldonado, Norma 1962– ...................... CTFT–88 Maleki, Christopher .................................. CTFT–74 Maliani, Mike See........................................ Heyward, Andy Malick, Terrence 1943–........................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6 Malick, Wendie 1950– ............................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Malicki–Sanchez, Keram 1974– .............. CTFT–59


MANNERS Manners, David 1905–1998 .................. WWasWT Obituary in CTFT–24 Manners, John Hartley 1870–1928 ........ WWasWT Mannheim, Lucie 1905–........................ WWasWT Manning, Ambrose ?–1940.................... WWasWT Manning, Hugh Gardner 1920– ............. WWT–17 Manning, Irene 1917– ........................... WWasWT Manning, Taryn 1978– ............................ CTFT–69 Mannion, Tom .......................................... CTFT–34 Mannix, Bobbie ........................................ CTFT–28 Mannock, Patrick L. 1887–? .................. WWasWT Manoff, Dinah 1958– .............................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 14 Manojlovic, Miki 1950– .......................... CTFT–33 Manoux, J. P. 1969– ................................ CTFT–54 Manquina, Manuel ................................... CTFT–34 Mansfield, Alice ?–1938 ........................ WWasWT Mansfield, David 1956– .......................... CTFT–53 Mansfield, Jayne 1933–1967 ................... CTFT–20 Mansfield, John ........................................ CTFT–55 Manson, Ted............................................. CTFT–68 Mantegna, Joe 1947– .............................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17, 28 Mantel, Bronwen ...................................... CTFT–64 Mantell, Michael ...................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Mantell, Robert Bruce 1854–1928......... WWasWT Mantello, Joe 1962– ................................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Manthey, Jerry 1970– .............................. CTFT–70 Mantle, Burns 1873–1948 ..................... WWasWT Mantle, Clive 1957–................................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Mantooth, Randolph 1945–..................... CTFT–66 Manuel, Jay 1972– .................................. CTFT–91 Manulis, John Bard 1956–......................... CTFT–1 Manulis, Martin 1915– .............................. CTFT–1 Manus, Willard 1930–............................... CTFT–1 Manyu, Zhang See ...................................... Cheung, Maggie Mapa, Alec 1965–................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Mapes, Victor 1870–1943 ..................... WWasWT Maples, Marla 1963– .............................. CTFT–54 Mapother, William 1965–........................ CTFT–62 Mara, Mary 1960–................................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Marano, Laura 1995– .............................. CTFT–85 Marano, Vanessa 1992– .......................... CTFT–86 Marasco, Robert 1936–1998 .................. WWT–17 Obituary in CTFT–24 Maravan, Lila ?–1950 ............................ WWasWT Marber, Patrick 1964– ............................. CTFT–34 Marceau, Marcel 1923– .......................... CTFT–23 Marceau, Sophie 1966–........................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 March, Elspeth............................................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 March, Frederic 1897–1975 .................. WWasWT March, Marvin.......................................... CTFT–37 March, Nadine 1898–1944.................... WWasWT March, Stephanie 1974–.......................... CTFT–79 Marchal, Lynda See ...................................... La Plante, Lynda Marchand, Nancy 1928–........................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Marchant, Bill 1964–............................... CTFT–85 Marchant, Tony 1959–............................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Marciano, David 1960–........................... CTFT–50 Marcil, Vanessa 1969– ............................ CTFT–53 Marcille, Eva 1984–................................. CTFT–77 Marcin, Max 1879–1948 ....................... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Marck, Nick.............................................. CTFT–43 Marcoux, Ted............................................ CTFT–55 Marcovicci, Andrea 1948– ...................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Marcum, Kevin 1955–1987 ..................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Marcus, Donald 1946–.............................. CTFT–2 Marcus, Frank 1928–.............................. WWT–17 Marcus, Jeff 1960–................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 20 Marcus, Jonathan See ................................................. Pesci, Joe Marcus, Lawrence 1925– .......................... CTFT–4 Marcus, Louis 1936– ................................. CTFT–5 Marcus, Richard 1937(?)– ........................ CTFT–76 Marcus, Stephen 1962– ........................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Mardirosian, Tom 1947– ......................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 24 Marescotti, Ivano 1946–.......................... CTFT–34 Margetson, Arthur 1897–1951 ............... WWasWT Margheriti, Antonio 1930– ...................... CTFT–30 Margo 1918– ......................................... WWasWT Margolin, Arnold ...................................... CTFT–79 Margolin, Janet 1943–1993 ....................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–13 Margolin, Stuart 1940– ............................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 22 Margolis, Jeff............................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Margolis, Mark 1939– ............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 33 Margolis, Morgan H. ................................ CTFT–75 Margolyes, Miriam 1941–........................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14, 25 Margueritte, Victor 1866–1942 .............. WWasWT Margulies, David 1937– .......................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10, 17, 28 Margulies, Julianna 1968(?)–.................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Margulies, Stan 1920– ............................... CTFT–7 Mariani–Zampieri, Terseina 1871–? .......................................... WWasWT Mariano, John........................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Marie, Baby Rose See .............................................. Rose Marie Marie, Constance 1969– ......................... CTFT–46 Marie, Lisa 1968(?)– ................................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Marienthal, Eli 1986– .............................. CTFT–70 Marin, Cheech 1946–.............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Marina, Ivana See ....................................... Milicevic, Ivana Marinaro, Ed 1951(?)– ............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19, 31 Marinker, Peter ......................................... CTFT–65 Marino, John ............................................ CTFT–30 Marino, Ken 1968– ................................. CTFT–52 Marinoff, Fania 1890–1971 ................... WWasWT Mario, Emilio .......................................... WWasWT Marion, George, Jr. ?–1968.................... WWasWT Marion, Joan 1908–1945....................... WWasWT Mariye, Lily 1956– .................................. CTFT–49 Mark, Judy.................................................. CTFT–4 Mark, Laurence ........................................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Mark, Marky See ....................................... Wahlberg, Mark Markel, Heidi Jo ....................................... CTFT–34


Markey, Enid............................................ WWT–16 Markham, Daisy ........................................ WWT–5 Markham, David 1913– ......................... WWT–17 Markham, Kika ......................................... CTFT–34 Markham, Monte 1935–.......................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7 Markinson, Brian ...................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Markinson, Martin 1931– .......................... CTFT–1 Markle, Christopher 1954–...................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Markle, Peter 1952(?)–............................. CTFT–56 Markle, Stephen ....................................... CTFT–55 Markoe, Gerald Jay 1941– ........................ CTFT–2 Markova, Alicia 1910– .......................... WWasWT Markowitz, Robert 1935–........................ CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Marks, Alfred 1921–............................... WWT–17 Marks, Arthur 1927– ................................. CTFT–7 Marks, Jack R. 1935– ................................ CTFT–3 Marks, Richard 1943– ............................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Marlett, Maysie Hoy See............................................. Hoy, Maysie Marley, John ?–1984.................................. CTFT–1 Marlow, Jean ............................................ CTFT–34 Marlowe, Andrew W. ............................... CTFT–28 Marlowe, Anthony 1913–....................... WWT–16 Marlowe, Charles See............................................... Jay, Harriet Marlowe, Hugh 1911–1982.................... WWT–17 Marlowe, Joan 1920– ................................ CTFT–1 Marlowe, Julia 1866–1950 .................... WWasWT Marlowe, Ruby ......................................... CTFT–47 Marlowe, Theresa 1957–........................... CTFT–8 Marmel, Steve .......................................... CTFT–56 Marmont, Percy 1883–?......................... WWasWT Marnac, Jane .......................................... WWasWT Marno, Anne See......................................... Bancroft, Anne Maropis, Adoni......................................... CTFT–59 Marot, Gaston ?–1916 ........................... WWasWT Marowitz, Charles 1934– .......................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Marquand, Richard 1937–1987................. CTFT–2 Marquet, Mary 1895– ............................ WWasWT Marquette, Chris 1984– ........................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Marquette, Sean 1988–............................ CTFT–64 Marquez, Gabriel Garcia See ......................... Garcia Marquez, Gabriel Marquez, Vanessa..................................... CTFT–50 Marquez, William..................................... CTFT–55 Marquis, Don 1878–1937...................... WWasWT Marr, Paula ............................................. WWasWT Marr, Phil La See ......................................... LaMarr, Phillip Marre, Albert 1925– ............................... WWT–17 Marriott, Anthony 1931– ........................... CTFT–1 Marriott, B. Rodney 1938–1990 ................ CTFT–1 Marriott, Raymond Bowler 1911– ............................................. WWT–17 Marriott–Watson, Nan 1899– ................ WWasWT Marrocco, Gino ........................................ CTFT–62 Mars, Kenneth 1935(?)–........................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 28 Mars, Marjorie 1903–1915 .................... WWasWT Marsala, Melissa ....................................... CTFT–75 Marsalis, Branford 1960– ........................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 24 Marsden, Betty 1919– ............................. CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Martin, George 1926– ............................. CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Martin, Grek See .............................................. Taylor, Jack Martin, Helen ............................................. CTFT–8 Martin, Ivan.............................................. CTFT–79 Martin, Jake See ............................................. Martin, Dan Martin, John ............................................. CTFT–55 Martin, Kellie 1975–................................ CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Martin, Kiel 1945– .................................... CTFT–7 Martin, Leila 1936– ................................. CTFT–10 Martin, Mary 1913(?)–1990 ..................... CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Martin, Millicent 1934–........................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 35; WWT–17 Martin, Nan 1927–.................................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Martin, Pamela Sue 1953– ........................ CTFT–6 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Martin, Quinn 1922–1987 ........................ CTFT–5 Martin, Richard 1956– ............................ CTFT–45 Martin, Rickey 1971– .............................. CTFT–39 Martin, Rudolf 1967– .............................. CTFT–57 Martin, Steve 1945– ................................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 23 Martin, Strother 1919–1980 .................... CTFT–16 Martin, Tantoo See ...................................... Cardinal, Tantoo Martin, Tisha Campbell See....................................... Campbell, Tisha Martin, Vivian 1893–1987..................... WWasWT Martin, Vivienne 1936–1987.................. WWT–17 Martin, William 1937– .............................. CTFT–4 Martin–Cardinal, Tantoo See ...................................... Cardinal, Tantoo Martindale, Margo 1951– ........................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Martindale, Wink 1934–.......................... CTFT–55 Martinek, Lisa ........................................... CTFT–34 Martinetti, Paul 1851–?.......................... WWasWT Martinez, A. 1948– ................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 12, 24 Martinez, Cliff 1954– .............................. CTFT–66 Martinez, Fele 1976– .............................. CTFT–34 Martinez, Olivier 1966– .......................... CTFT–34 Martin–Harvey, John See............................... Harvey, John Martin– Martin–Harvey, Muriel 1891–1988........ WWasWT Martini, Max 1969–................................. CTFT–48 Martinot, Sadie 1861–1923 ................... WWasWT Martins, Holly See............................................ Black, Shane Martlew, Mary 1919– ............................ WWasWT Marton, Andrew 1904–1992 ................... CTFT–16 Marton, Pierre See ........................................ Stone, Peter H. Marvenga, Ilse ........................................ WWasWT Marvin, Lee 1924–1987 ............................ CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–5 Marvin, Mel 1941–.................................... CTFT–4 Marvin, Richard........................................ CTFT–65 Marx, Arthur 1921– ................................... CTFT–1 Marx, Chico 1891–1961.......................... CTFT–19 Marx, Groucho 1890(?)–1977.................. CTFT–19 Marx, Gummo 1892(?)–1977................... CTFT–19 Marx, Harpo 1893(?)–1964...................... CTFT–19 Marx, Zeppo 1901–1979......................... CTFT–19 Mary, Jules 1851–1922 .......................... WWasWT Maryan, Charles 1934– ............................. CTFT–2 Marzello, Vincent ..................................... CTFT–34


Masak, Ron 1936– .................................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 23 Mascarino, Pierrino .................................. CTFT–88 Maschwitz, Eric 1901–1969 .................. WWasWT Mascolo, Joseph 1935(?)–........................ CTFT–88 Masefield, John 1878–1967................... WWasWT Mashkov, Vladimir 1963–........................ CTFT–43 Mashton, F. Gary Gray See ........................................... Gray, F. Gary Masina, Giulietta 1921–1994 .................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–13 Mask, Ace 1948– .................................... CTFT–67 Maskelyne, John Nevil 1839–? .............. WWasWT Maslansky, Paul 1933– ............................ CTFT–13 Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley 1865–1948.................................... WWasWT Mason, Beryl 1921– ............................... WWT–17 Mason, Brewster 1922–1987..................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Mason, Elliot C. 1897–1949 .................. WWasWT Mason, Ethelmae ........................................ CTFT–3 Mason, Gladys 1886–? .......................... WWasWT Mason, Herbert 1891–1960................... WWasWT Mason, Jackie 1931– ................................. CTFT–6 Mason, James 1909–1984 ......................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Mason, John B. 1857–1919 ................... WWasWT Mason, Kitty 1882–? .............................. WWasWT Mason, Madison 1943–........................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Mason, Marsha 1942–............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 14, 26 Mason, Marshall W. 1940– ..................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3; WWT–17 Mason, Pamela 1918–1996....................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–16 Mason, Reginald 1882–1962................. WWasWT Mason, Sarah See........................................... Wright, Sarah Mason, Tom.............................................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Massary, Fritzi 1882–1969..................... WWasWT Massee, Michael....................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Masset, Andrew ........................................ CTFT–54 Massey, Andrea Evans See .......................................... Evans, Andrea Massey, Anna 1937– ............................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 14, 26; WWT–17 Massey, Daniel 1933–1998 ..................... CTFT–14 Obituary in CTFT–21 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6; WWT–17 Massey, Kyle 1991–................................. CTFT–88 Massey, Michael See...................................... Massee, Michael Massey, Raymond 1896–1983................ WWT–17 Massi, Bernice ......................................... WWT–17 Massine, Leonide 1896–1979................ WWasWT Massingham, Dorothy 1889–1933......... WWasWT Master P 1967– ....................................... CTFT–87 Masters, Ben 1947–................................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Masters–King, Kent See................................... King, Kent Masters Masterson, Chase 1963– ......................... CTFT–45 Masterson, Christopher 1980–................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Masterson, Danny 1976– ........................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Masterson, Fay 1974– ............................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Masterson, Mary Stuart 1966– ................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 25

Cumulative Index

Marsden, James 1973– ............................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Marsden, Jason 1975– ............................. CTFT–47 Marsden, Matthew 1973(?)– .................... CTFT–86 Marsden, Les 1957– .................................. CTFT–4 Marsden, Roy 1941– ................................. CTFT–7 Marsh, Anthony ........................................ CTFT–33 Marsh, Garry 1902– .............................. WWasWT Marsh, Jean 1934– .................................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11, 22 Marsh, Matthew ....................................... CTFT–34 Marsh, Terence ......................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Marsh, Walter ........................................... CTFT–65 Marshall, Alan See ................................ Westlake, Donald E. Marshall, Alan Peter 1938– ....................... CTFT–5 Marshall, Amelia 1958– .......................... CTFT–55 Marshall, Armina 1900–......................... WWT–17 Marshall, Carole Simpson See ...................................... Simpson, Carole Marshall, E. G. 1910– ............................. CTFT–16 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Marshall, Everett 1901– ......................... WWasWT Marshall, Frank 1946–............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 26 Marshall, Garry 1934– ............................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 37 Marshall, Herbert 1890–1966 ................ WwasWT Marshall, James ........................................ CTFT–90 Marshall, James 1967– ............................ CTFT–91 Marshall, Kathleen 1961–........................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Marshall, Meryl See .................................... Nogulich, Natalia Marshall, Mona ........................................ CTFT–45 Marshall, Norman 1901– ....................... WWT–17 Marshall, Paula 1964–............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Marshall, Penny 1943(?)– ........................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 23 Marshall, Peter 1930– ............................. CTFT–55 Marshall, Phil ........................................... CTFT–59 Marshall, Rob 1960– ............................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Marshall, Tully 1864–1943 .................... WWasWT Marshall, Vanessa 1970– ......................... CTFT–76 Marshall, William 1924– ........................... CTFT–8 Marshall–Green, Logan 1976– ................ CTFT–90 Marson, Aileen, 1912–1939 .................. WWasWT Marsters, James 1962–............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Marta, Lynne 1946– ................................ CTFT–48 Martell, Gillian 1936– ............................ WWT–17 Martella, Vincent 1992– .......................... CTFT–92 Marthold, Jules de 1842–1927 .............. WWasWT Martin, Andrea 1947– ............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19, 32 Martin, Barney.......................................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Martin, Chris 1975– ................................ CTFT–58 Martin, Christopher 1942– ........................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Martin, Dan.............................................. CTFT–66 Martin, Dean 1917–1995 .......................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–15 Martin, Duane 1970– .............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Martin, Edie 1880–1964 ........................ WWasWT Martin, Elliot 1924–................................. CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Martin, Ernest H. 1919– ......................... WWT–17


MASTERSON Masterson, Peter 1934– ............................. CTFT–1 Masterson, Sean ....................................... CTFT–43 Masterson, Whit See............................. Wade, Robert (Allison) Mastrantonio, Mary Elizabeth 1958–.............................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 22 Mastroianni, Armand 1948–.................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Mastroianni, Chiara 1972– ...................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Mastroianni, Marcello 1924–1996........... CTFT–12 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Mastrosimone, William 1947–................... CTFT–8 Masur, Richard 1948– ............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 22 Matacena, Orestes .................................... CTFT–41 Matalon, Vivian 1929– ............................ CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Matamoros, Diego .................................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Matarazzo, Heather 1982–...................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Matchett, Kari 1970–............................... CTFT–68 Matenopoulos, Debbie 1974– ................. CTFT–79 Mather, Aubrey 1885–1958 ................... WWasWT Mather, Donald 1900–........................... WWasWT Mathers, Jerry 1948– ............................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 42 Matheson, Hans 1975– ........................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Matheson, Murray 1912–1985 .................. CTFT–1 Matheson, Richard 1926– ....................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 33 Matheson, Tim 1947(?)– .......................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 16, 27 Mathew, Sue............................................. CTFT–65 Mathews, Carmen 1914– ....................... WWT–17 Mathews, Frances Aymar 1865?–1925 .................................. WWasWT Mathews, George 1911–......................... WWT–16 Mathews, Hrothgar 1964–....................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Mathews, James W. ?–1920 ................... WWasWT Mathews, Sheila See ............................................ Allen, Sheila Mathias, Sean 1956– ............................... CTFT–15 Mathieson, John ....................................... CTFT–72 Mathieson, Tim See......................................... Matheson, Tim Mathis, Samantha 1970– ......................... CTFT–48 Mathison, Cameron 1969– ...................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Mathison, Melissa 1950(?)– ..................... CTFT–16 Matlin, Marlee 1965–.............................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 17, 27 Brief Entry in CTFT–6 Matsusaka, Tom ........................................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Matteson, Ruth 1909–1975 ................... WWasWT Matthau, Walter 1920–............................ CTFT–26 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14; WWT–17 Matthews, A. E. 1869–1960 .................. WWasWT Matthews, Adelaide 1886–1948 ............ WWasWT Matthews, Brander 1852–1929.............. WWasWT Matthews, Chris 1945–............................ CTFT–77 Matthews, Dakin 1933– .......................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Matthews, DeLane 1961–........................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 40 Matthews, Ethel 1870–?......................... WWasWT Matthews, Francis 1927–........................... CTFT–1

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Matthews, Gina ........................................ CTFT–71 Matthews, Jessie 1907–1981 .................. WWT–17 Matthews, Lester 1900–1975................. WWasWT Matthieson, Tim See......................................... Matheson, Tim Matthison, Edith Wynne 1875–1955 ..... WWasWT Mattson, Robin 1956– ............................. CTFT–19 Matura, Mustapha 1939– ....................... WWT–17 Mature, Victor 1915(?)–1999 ................... CTFT–28 Maturin, Eric 1883–1957....................... WWasWT Matuschanskavasky, Walter See....................................... Matthau, Walter Matz, Peter 1928– ................................... CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Mauceri, John 1945–............................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Mauceri, Patricia 1950– .......................... CTFT–55 Maude, Charles Raymond ?–1943 .......................................... WWasWT Maude, Cyril 1862–1951....................... WWasWT Maude, Elizabeth (Betty) 1912–............. WWasWT Maude, Gillian ....................................... WWasWT Maude, Joan 1908– ............................... WWasWT Maude, Margery 1889–1979 .................. WWT–16 Maude–Roxbury, Roddy 1930– .............. WWT–17 Maugham, W. Somerset 1874–1965...... WWasWT Maule, Annabel 1922–........................... WWT–17 Maule, Donovan 1899– ......................... WWT–16 Maule, Robin 1924–1942...................... WWasWT Maura, Carmen 1945– ............................ CTFT–34 Maurey, Max ?–1947 ............................. WWasWT Maurice, Edmund ?–1928...................... WWasWT Maus, Rodger ........................................... CTFT–37 Max, Edouard Alexandre de 1869–1925.................................... WWasWT Maxey, Dawn ........................................... CTFT–65 Maxfield, James 1939– .............................. CTFT–8 Maxwell, Daphne See ........................... Maxwell–Reid, Daphne Maxwell, Gerald 1862–1930................. WWasWT Maxwell, Jan 1956– ................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Maxwell, Lois 1927– ................................. CTFT–8 Maxwell, Roberta 1942– ......................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Maxwell, Ronald F. 1947–......................... CTFT–1 Maxwell, Walter 1877–?........................ WWasWT Maxwell, Wayne F., Jr. ............................... CTFT–3 Maxwell Reid, Daphne 1948–................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 37 May, Ada 1900– .................................... WWasWT May, Akerman 1869–1933 .................... WWasWT May, Beverly 1927–................................... CTFT–1 May, Bradford........................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 May, Deborah........................................... CTFT–64 May, Edna 1878–1948........................... WWasWT May, Elaine 1932–................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 22; WWT–17 May, Hans 1891–1959 .......................... WWasWT May, Jack 1922–..................................... WWT–17 May, Jane................................................ WWasWT May, Jodhi 1975– .................................... CTFT–35 May, Joseph 1974– .................................. CTFT–86 May, Mathilda 1965– .............................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 May, Mona ............................................... CTFT–62 May, Pamela 1917– ............................... WWasWT May, Val 1927– ...................................... WWT–17 May, Winston 1937– ................................. CTFT–4 Mayall, Rik 1958– ................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26


Mayberry, Mariann ................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Mayer, Billy 1902–1959 ........................ WWasWT Mayer, Daniel 1856–1928 ..................... WWasWT Mayer, Edwin Justus 1896–1960............ WWasWT Mayer, Gaston 1869–1923 .................... WWasWT Mayer, Henry ?–1941 ............................ WWasWT Mayer, Michael 1961(?)– ......................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Mayer, Renee 1900–.............................. WWasWT Mayes, Lee R. ........................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Mayes, Sally ............................................. CTFT–42 Mayes, Wendell 1919–1992.................... CTFT–10 Mayeur, E. F. 1866–?.............................. WWasWT Mayfield, Cleo 1897–1954 .................... WWasWT Mayfield, Les ............................................ CTFT–42 Mayfield, Sara Jane See ........................................... Wyman, Jane Mayhew, Charles 1908– ........................ WWasWT Maynard, Ted ........................................... CTFT–67 Mayne, Ernie .......................................... WWasWT Mayne, Ferdy 1920– .............................. WWT–17 Mayo, Jim See......................................... L’Amour, Louis Mayo, Lucille See........................................... Lortel, Lucille Mayo, Margaret 1882–1951 .................. WWasWT Mayo, Sam 1881–1938 ......................... WWasWT Mayo, Virginia 1920– ................................ CTFT–1 Mayron, Melanie 1952– .......................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10, 17, 40 Mays, Jayma 1979– ................................. CTFT–76 Mays, Jefferson 1965– ............................. CTFT–80 Maysles, Albert 1926–............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 40 Maysles, David 1933–1987....................... CTFT–4 Mazar, Debi 1964–.................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Mazerolle, Arlene ..................................... CTFT–68 Mazur, Monet 1976– ............................... CTFT–66 Mazurki, Mike 1909– ................................ CTFT–9 Mazursky, Paul 1930– ............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 14, 26 Mazzarella, Marcello................................ CTFT–35 Mazzarino, Joseph .................................... CTFT–52 Mazzello, Joseph 1983(?)–....................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Mazzie, Marin 1960– .............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Mazzola, John W. 1928–........................... CTFT–1 MC Bones See.............................................. Green, Tom McAdams, Rachel 1976– ........................ CTFT–70 McAfee, Anndi 1979– ............................. CTFT–50 McAlister, Scarlett 1977–......................... CTFT–77 McAlphine, Donald 1934–...................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 McAnally, Ray 1926–1989 ........................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 McAnuff, Des 1952– ............................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 McArdle, Andrea 1963– .......................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 McArdle, J. F. ......................................... WWasWT McArdle, John 1949– .............................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 McArthur, Alex 1957– ............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 McArthur, Molly 1900– ......................... WWasWT McAssey, Michael 1955–........................... CTFT–2 McAvoy, James 1979– ............................. CTFT–70 McBain, Diane 1941– ............................... CTFT–1

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 McClain, Cady 1969– ........................... CTFT–680 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 McClain, Katie See......................................... McClain, Cady McClanahan, Rue 1934(?)– ..................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 16, 27; WWT–17 McClelland, Allan 1917–1989 .................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 McClendon, Reiley 1990–....................... CTFT–63 McClintic, Guthrie 1893–1961.............. WWasWT McClintock, Eddie 1967– ........................ CTFT–67 McClory, Sean 1924– ................................ CTFT–4 McCloskey, Leigh 1955– ......................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 McClure, Doug 1935–1995....................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–14 McClure, Kandyse 1980– ........................ CTFT–65 McClure, Marc 1957– ............................. CTFT–62 McClure, Michael 1932–........................... CTFT–1 McClurg, Edie 1951–............................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27 McCole–Bartusiak, Sky See ........................... Bartusiak, Skye McCole McComas, Carroll 1891–1962............... WWasWT McComb, Heather 1977–........................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 McConaughey, Matthew 1969–............... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 McConnell, Jean 1928(?)– ....................... CTFT–16 McConnell, Judith 1944– ........................ CTFT–55 McConnohie, Michael .............................. CTFT–49 McCook, John 1945– .............................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 McCord, Nancy ...................................... WWasWT McCorkle, Kevin....................................... CTFT–66 McCorkle, Mark ....................................... CTFT–71 McCormack, Catherine 1972–................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 McCormack, Dan ..................................... CTFT–28 McCormack, Eric 1963–.......................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 McCormack, J. Patrick .............................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 McCormack, Mary 1969–........................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 McCormack, Patrick KJ. See ............................. McCormack, J. Patrick McCormack, Patty 1945– ........................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 19, 41 McCormack, Will 1974– ......................... CTFT–85 McCormick, Arthur Langdon ?–1954 .......................................... WWasWT McCormick, Carolyn 1959– .................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 McCormick, Larry 1933–2004................. CTFT–61 McCormick, Maureen 1956–................... CTFT–45 McCormick, Myron 1907–1962 ............ WWasWT McCouch, Grayson 1968– ...................... CTFT–74 McCourt, Malachy 1931–........................ CTFT–55 McCowen, Alec 1925–............................ CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 16 McCoy, Cathy Rigby See ............................................ Rigby, Cathy McCoy, Matt 1958–................................. CTFT–64 McCoy, Sylvester 1943– .......................... CTFT–35 McCracken, Esther (Helen) 1902–............................................ WWasWT McCracken, Jeff .......................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 McCracken, Joan 1922–1961 ................ WWasWT McCrane, Paul 1961–.............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4,32


McCrary, Darius 1976– ........................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 McCrary, Joel............................................ CTFT–76 McCreary, Bear 1979–............................. CTFT–80 McCuistion, Michael ................................ CTFT–56 McCulley, Mark See ....................................... Macaulay, Marc McCulloch, Bruce 1961– ........................ CTFT–46 McCulloch, John Tyler See ............................. Burroughs, Edgar Rice McCullouch, Gerald 1967–..................... CTFT–92 McCullough, Bernard Jeffrey See ............................................. Mac, Bernie McCullough, Kim 1978– ......................... CTFT–66 McCullough, Paul 1883–1936............... WWasWT McCurdy, Jennette 1992– ........................ CTFT–83 McCusker, Stella ....................................... CTFT–35 McCutcheon, Bill ....................................... CTFT–7 McDaniel, James 1958– .......................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 McDermott, Dean 1966– ........................ CTFT–46 McDermott, Dylan 1962(?)– .................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 McDermott, Hugh (Patrick) 1908–1972.................................... WWasWT McDermott, Keith 1953–........................... CTFT–4 McDermott, Shiva Rose 1969(?)– ............ CTFT–70 McDermott, Tom 1912–1996 .................... CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–16 McDevitt, Ruth 1895–1976 .................... WWT–16 McDiarmid, Ian 1947– ............................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 McDonald, Adam See .................................. MacDonald, Adam McDonald, Audra 1970–......................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 McDonald, Bruce 1959– ......................... CTFT–58 McDonald, Christie 1875–1962 ............ WWasWT McDonald, Christopher 1955(?)–............. CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 McDonald, Daniel 1960–........................ CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 McDonald, Garry 1948– ......................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 McDonald, Kevin 1961– ......................... CTFT–46 McDonald, Mac ....................................... CTFT–35 McDonald, Michael 1964– ..................... CTFT–90 McDonald, Tanny 1940–........................... CTFT–1 McDonnell, James .................................... CTFT–56 McDonnell, Mary 1952– ......................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 27 McDonough, Jerome 1946– ...................... CTFT–1 McDonough, Mary Beth 1961– ............... CTFT–47 McDonough, Neal 1966–........................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 McDormand, Frances 1957– ................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 26 McDougall, Gordon 1941– ....................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 McDowall, Roddy 1928–1998 ................ CTFT–16 Obituary in CTFT–32 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8; WWT–17 McDowell, Alex ....................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 McDowell, Malcolm 1943– .................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 16 McEachin, James 1930– .......................... CTFT–25 McElhone, Natascha 1971–..................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 McElwee, Ross 1947(?)– .......................... CTFT–15 McEnery, John 1943– .............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 26

Cumulative Index

McBeath, Tom .......................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 McBride, Chi 1961– ................................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 McBride, Danny ....................................... CTFT–85 McBride, Jim 1941– ................................ CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15 McBurney, Simon ..................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 McCabe, Eugene 1930– .......................... CTFT–15 McCabe, Ruth .......................................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 McCaffrey, James 1960– .......................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 McCain, Ben L. 1955– ............................ CTFT–89 McCall, Kathleen ........................................ CTFT–4 McCall, Mitzi ........................................... CTFT–47 McCall, Nancy 1948– ............................... CTFT–1 McCallany, Holt 1964– ........................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 McCallin, Clement 1913–1977 .............. WWT–17 McCallum, David 1933– ......................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 26 McCallum, Joanna ...................................... CTFT–8 McCallum, John 1918– ............................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 McCallum, Rick 1952–............................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 McCambridge, Mercedes 1918– ................. CTFT–5 McCamus, Tom 1955– ............................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 McCann, Chuck 1934– ........................... CTFT–45 McCann, Donal .......................................... CTFT–7 McCann, Mary B. ..................................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketch CTFT–32 McCann, Sean 1935– .............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 McCardle, John See ......................................... McArdle, John McCarter, Charles ..................................... CTFT–46 McCarthy, Andrew 1962–........................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 37 McCarthy, Christine See ......................................... Elise, Christine McCarthy, Daniel 1869–? ...................... WWasWT McCarthy, Dennis 1945–......................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 McCarthy, Frank 1912–1986 ..................... CTFT–4 McCarthy, Jenny 1972– ........................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 McCarthy, John 1961–............................. CTFT–56 McCarthy, Julianna 1929– ....................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 McCarthy, Justin Huntly 1860–1936...... WWasWT McCarthy, Kevin 1914– ........................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 35; WWT–17 McCarthy, Lillah 1875–1960 ................. WWasWT McCarthy, Mary 1910–1989...................... CTFT–1 McCarthy, Melissa 1969– ........................ CTFT–56 McCarthy, Nobu 1934– ........................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 McCarthy, Shelia 1956– .......................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 McCarthy, Thomas.................................... CTFT–46 McCartney, Jesse 1987–........................... CTFT–74 McCartney, Linda 1941–1998 ................. CTFT–27 McCartney, Paul 1942– ........................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 McCarty, Mary 1923–1980..................... WWT–17 McCarty, Michael ..................................... CTFT–52 McCaul, Neil............................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 McCay, Peggy 1930–............................... CTFT–38


McENERY McEnery, Peter 1940–................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 McEnroe, John 1959–.............................. CTFT–49 McEntire, Reba 1955– ............................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 McEveety, Vincent .................................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 McEvoy, Charles 1879–1929 ................. WWasWT McEvoy, J. P. 1897–1958 ....................... WWasWT McEwan, Geraldine 1932–...................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 22; WWT–17 McEwan, Ian 1948– ................................ CTFT–14 MC Face See.............................................. Green, Tom McFadden, Cheryl See..................................... McFadden, Gates McFadden, Cynthia 1956– ...................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 McFadden, Gates 1949– ......................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27 McFarland, Rebecca ................................. CTFT–79 McFarland, Robert 1931–.......................... CTFT–2 McFee, Bruce ........................................... CTFT–58 McFee, Dwight ......................................... CTFT–54 McFerrin, Bobby 1950–........................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 McGann, Paul 1959– .............................. CTFT–50 McGarry, Mary Anne................................ CTFT–90 McGarvey, Seamus 1967– ....................... CTFT–83 McGaughey, Nicholas .............................. CTFT–35 McGavin, Darren 1922–2006 ................. CTFT–23 Obituary in CTFT–70 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 McGee, Bobby ......................................... CTFT–61 McGee, Jack............................................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Mcgee, Kimberly 1983– .......................... CTFT–80 McGee, Vonetta........................................ CTFT–12 McGibbon, Josann.................................... CTFT–28 McGill, Bruce 1950–............................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 26 McGill, Everett Charles III 1945–................................................ CTFT–1 McGillin, Howard 1953– ........................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 McGillion, Paul 1969– ............................ CTFT–69 McGillis, Kelly 1957–.............................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 McGinley, John C. 1959– ........................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 26 McGinley, Sean 1956– ............................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 McGinley, Ted 1958– .............................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 McGinnis, Scott 1958–.............................. CTFT–7 McGiver, John 1913–1975 ..................... WWT–16 McGlone, Mike 1972(?)–......................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 McGlynn, Frank 1866–1951.................. WWasWT McGonagle, Richard 1946– .................... CTFT–56 McGoohan, Patrick 1928– ...................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWasWT McGough, Roger 1937– .......................... CTFT–15 McGovern, Elizabeth 1961–.................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 6, 13, 22 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 McGovern, Maureen 1949– .................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13 McGovern, Terence 1942– ...................... CTFT–56 McGowan, John W. ............................... WWasWT McGowan, Rose 1973(?)– ....................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 McGowan, Tom 1958–............................ CTFT–52 McGrady, Michael.................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 McGrath, Debra 1954– ........................... CTFT–81 McGrath, Derek ....................................... CTFT–47 McGrath, Douglas 1958– ........................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 McGrath, John 1935–............................. WWT–17 McGrath, Paul 1904–1978 ..................... WWT–16 McGrath, Tom 1940– .............................. CTFT–12 McGraw, Melinda 1963–......................... CTFT–62 McGregor, Ewan 1971–........................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 McGregor, Jane 1983–............................. CTFT–72 McGregor–Stewart, Kate ........................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 McGuane, Thomas 1939– ......................... CTFT–8 McGuinness, Frank 1953–....................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 McGuire, Biff 1926–............................... WWT–17 McGuire, Don 1919–1979 ...................... CTFT–26 McGuire, Dorothy 1918– ........................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 McGuire, Maeve ...................................... CTFT–55 McGuire, Michael 1934– ........................ CTFT–55 McGuire, Mickey See ....................................... Rooney, Mickey McGuire, Mitch 1936–.............................. CTFT–1 McGuire, William Anthony 1885–1940.................................... WWasWT McHale, Rosemary 1944– ......................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 McHattie, Stephen 1947(?)– .................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 37 McHenry, Don 1908–................................ CTFT–1 McHenry, Doug 1958(?)– ........................ CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 McHugh, Florence 1906–...................... WWasWT McHugh, Therese ................................... WWasWT McInerney, Bernie 1936– ........................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 McInnerny, Lizzy 1961– .......................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 McInnerny, Tim ........................................ CTFT–47 McInnis, Angus See ..................................... MacInnes, Angus McIntire, John 1907–1991....................... CTFT–15 McIntosh, Madge 1875–1950................ WWasWT McIntosh, Marcia........................................ CTFT–4 McIntosh, Tammy 1970– ......................... CTFT–45 Mcintosh, Yanna....................................... CTFT–54 McIntyre, Dennis 1943(?)–1990 ................ CTFT–9 McIntyre, Frank 1879–1949 .................. WWasWT McIntyre, Joseph 1972–........................... CTFT–64 McIntyre, Marilyn 1949–......................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 34 McIver Ewing, Blake See................................ Ewing, Blake McIver McKay, Don See........................................... MacKay, Don McKay, Peggy See .......................................... McCay, Peggy McKay, Scott 1915–1987........................ WWT–17 McKayle, Donald 1930– ........................... CTFT–1 McKean, Michael 1947– ......................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 14, 24 McKechnie, Donna 1940(?)– ................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7; WWT–17 McKee, Clive R. 1883–? ........................ WWasWT McKee, Gina 1961(?)–........................... CTFT–680 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 McKee, Lonette 1954(?)– ......................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14, 24


McKellar, Danica 1975–.......................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 McKellar, Don 1963– .............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 McKellen, Ian 1939– ............................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 22; WWT–17 McKenna, David, 1949– ........................... CTFT–4 McKenna, Keith See .............................................. Sergei, Ivan McKenna, Patrick 1960– ......................... CTFT–86 McKenna, Siobhan 1923–1986 ................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 McKenna, T. P. 1929– ............................ WWT–17 McKenna, Virginia 1931– .......................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 McKenzie, Barry See .................................... Humphries, Barry McKenzie, Benjamin 1978– .................... CTFT–74 McKenzie, Dean....................................... CTFT–90 McKenzie, Jacqueline 1967–................... CTFT–59 McKenzie, James B. 1926–..................... WWT–17 McKenzie, Julia 1941– ............................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 11 McKenzie, Kevin Patrick 1954– .............. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 McKenzie, Mark ....................................... CTFT–48 McKeon, Doug 1966– ............................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 34 McKeon, Nancy 1966(?)– ........................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 38 McKeown, Allan 1946–........................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 McKeown, Bob......................................... CTFT–43 McKeown, Charles ................................... CTFT–24 McKern, Abigail ....................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 McKern, Leo 1920–................................. CTFT–16 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8; WWT–17 McKillip, Britt 1991– ............................... CTFT–63 McKillip, Carly 1989– ............................. CTFT–84 McKinnel, Norman 1870–1932 ............. WWasWT McKinney, Bill 1931– .............................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 34 McKinney, Mark 1959– ........................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 McKinnon, Joel See.............................. Miller, Joel McKinnon McKinnon, Ray 1961(?)– ......................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 McKiou, Patricia See ......................................... Latshaw, Steve Mcknight, David....................................... CTFT–54 McLaglen, Mary ....................................... CTFT–83 McLain, John .............................................. CTFT–2 McLaughlin, Emily 1928–1991.................. CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–10 McLaughlin, John See ......................................... Laughlin, John McLaughlin, John 1927– ......................... CTFT–41 McLean, Jane............................................ CTFT–86 McLean, Seaton 1955–............................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 McLellan, C. M. S. 1865–1916.............. WWasWT McLellan, Zoe 1974– .............................. CTFT–90 McLennan, Stewart See....................... Finlay–McLennan, Stewart McLennan, Stuart See....................... Finlay–McLennan, Stewart McLeod, Gavin See ...................................... MacLeod, Gavin McLeod, Mary E. ...................................... CTFT–69

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 McQueen, Butterfly 1911– ..................... WWT–17 McQueen, Justice Ellis See.............................................. Jones, L. Q. McQueen, Steve 1930–1980................... CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 McQuiggan, John A. 1935–....................... CTFT–4 McRae, Bruce 1867–1927 ..................... WWasWT McRae, Ellen See........................................... Burstyn, Ellen McRae, Frank 1942– ............................... CTFT–64 McRae, Glory ............................................. CTFT–4 McRaney, Gerald 1947(?)– ...................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27 McRobbie, Peter 1943–........................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 30 McShane, Ian 1942– ............................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 34; WWT–17 McShane, Jamie........................................ CTFT–71 McShane, Michael 1957(?)– .................... CTFT–46 McTeer, Janet 1961– ................................ CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 McTiernan, John 1951– ........................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 McVerry, Maureen .................................... CTFT–32 McVicar, Daniel 1958–............................ CTFT–59 McWade, Robert 1882–1938................. WWasWT McWhinnie, Donald 1920–1987............ WWT–17 McWhirter, Jillian ..................................... CTFT–62 Meacham, Anne 1925– ............................. CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Meacham, Paul 1939– .............................. CTFT–1 Mead, Courtland 1987– .......................... CTFT–50 Meade, Julia 1928– ................................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Meader, George 1888–1963 .................. WWasWT Meadow, Lynne 1946– ............................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Meadows, Audrey 1925–1996 .................. CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–16 Meadows, Jayne 1920(?)–........................ CTFT–61 Meadows, Tim 1961–.............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Meaney, Colm 1953– .............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Meaney, Kevin 1957–.............................. CTFT–76 Means, Russell 1939–.............................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 39 Meara, Anne 1929–................................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 14, 24 Mears, Derek ............................................ CTFT–91 Mears, Michael......................................... CTFT–28 Measor, Adela 1860–1933..................... WWasWT Measor, Beryl 1908–1965...................... WWasWT Meat Loaf 1951(?)–.................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Mechoso, Julio Oscar ............................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Medak, Peter 1937– .................................. CTFT–2 Medavoy, Mike 1941–............................. CTFT–10 Medford, Kay 1920–1980....................... WWT–17 Medoff, Mark 1940–................................ CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 12; WWT–17 Medrano, Frank 1954– ............................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Medwin, Michael 1923– ......................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Mee, Charles L., Jr. 1938– ....................... CTFT–13 Meek, Barbara ............................................ CTFT–5 Meek, Donald 1880–1946..................... WWasWT Meeker, Ralph 1920–1988 ........................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Meester, Leighton 1986– ......................... CTFT–74


Megahey, Leslie 1944– ............................ CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Megard, Andree 1869–? ........................ WWasWT Megill, Sheelah......................................... CTFT–56 Megrue, Roi Cooper 1883–1927 ........... WWasWT Mehler, Tobias .......................................... CTFT–69 Mei, Wu Jun See............................................... Wu, Vivian Meier, Shane 1977–................................. CTFT–63 Meighan, Thomas 1879–1936 ............... WWasWT Meiser, Edith 1898–................................ WWT–17 Meisle, Kathryn ........................................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Meister, Brian 1948– ................................. CTFT–2 Meistrich, Larry 1967– ............................ CTFT–56 Mekka, Eddie 1952–................................ CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 21 Meldrum, Wendel 1958– ........................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Melendez, Bill 1916– .............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Melendez, Ron 1972– ............................. CTFT–67 Melendrez, Dorothy ................................. CTFT–54 Melfi, Leonard 1935– ............................. WWT–17 Melford, Austin 1884–? ......................... WWasWT Melford, Jack 1899– .............................. WWasWT Melford, Jill 1934– ................................. WWT–17 Melia, Joe ................................................. CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Melissis, Tom ............................................ CTFT–43 Mell, Randle 1951–................................. CTFT–64 Mellish, Fuller 1865–1936..................... WWasWT Mello, Tamara 1977(?)– ........................... CTFT–48 Mellor, William C. 1904–1963................ CTFT–27 Melly, Andree 1932– .............................. WWT–17 Melman, Jeffrey ........................................ CTFT–50 Melnick, Daniel 1932–............................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Melnotte, Violet 1852–1935 .................. WWasWT Meloni, Christopher 1961–...................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Meltzer, Charles Henry 1852–1936 ....... WWasWT Melville, Alan 1910–1984...................... WWT–17 Melville, Andrew 1912– ........................ WWasWT Melville, Frederick 1876–1938.............. WWasWT Melville, June 1915–1970 ..................... WWasWT Melville, Rose 1873–1946..................... WWasWT Melville, Walter 1875–1937 .................. WWasWT Melville, Winnie ?–1937........................ WWasWT Melvin, Duncan 1913–.......................... WWasWT Melvin, Murray 1932–............................. CTFT–34 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6; WWT–17 Mende, Roger ........................................... CTFT–88 Mendel ................................................... WWasWT Mendelsohn, Ben 1969– ......................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Mendelson, Lee 1933– ............................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 37 Mendeluk, George.................................... CTFT–45 Mendes, Eva 1974(?)–.............................. CTFT–75 Mendes, Sam 1965–................................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 Mendillo, Stephen W. 1942–................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Mendoza, Natalie 1978–......................... CTFT–92 Meneses, Alex 1965– .............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Menges, Chris 1940(?)– ........................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Menges, Herbert 1902–1972 ................. WWasWT Menke, Sally............................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27

Cumulative Index

McLerie, Allyn Ann 1926– ........................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 McLoughlin, Nancy 1960–...................... CTFT–74 McLoughlin, Tom 1950– ......................... CTFT–75 MC Lyte 1971–........................................ CTFT–74 McMahon, Ed 1923–............................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 19, 31 McMahon, Julian 1968–.......................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 42 McMahon, Vince 1945–.......................... CTFT–49 McMains, Cody 1985– ............................ CTFT–75 McManus, Declan See .......................................... Costello, Elvis McManus, Don ........................................ CTFT–54 McManus, Jim .......................................... CTFT–79 McMartin, John 1959– ............................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 23; WWT–17 McMaster, Anew 1894–1962................. WWasWT McMillan, Dawn ...................................... CTFT–34 McMillan, Kenneth 1932–1989................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 McMillan, Richard.................................... CTFT–64 McMillan, Roddy 1923–1979................. WWT–16 McMoyler, Dave....................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 McMurray, Sam 1952– ............................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 25 McMurtrey, Joan ....................................... CTFT–65 McMurtry, Larry 1936–............................ CTFT–22 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 McNab, Mercedes 1980– ........................ CTFT–56 McNabb, Barry 1960–............................... CTFT–6 McNairy, Scoot......................................... CTFT–79 McNally, Kevin 1956–............................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 McNally, Terence 1939–............................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 McNamara Brian 1960– .......................... CTFT–89 McNamara, Brooks 1937–...................... WWT–17 McNamara, Dermot 1925– ....................... CTFT–4 McNamara, John ...................................... CTFT–89 McNamara, Sean 1962–.......................... CTFT–91 McNamara, William 1965– ..................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 38 McNaughton, Gus 1884–1969 .............. WWasWT McNaughton, Stephen ................................ CTFT–1 McNaughton, Tom 1867–1923.............. WWasWT McNaughtons, The ................................. WWasWT McNeely, Joel ........................................... CTFT–47 McNeice, Ian 1950–................................ CTFT–66 McNeil, Claudia 1917– .......................... WWT–17 McNeil, Kate ............................................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 McNeil, Scott 1962– ............................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 McNeil, Tress See ...................................... MacNeille, Tress McNeill, Robert Duncan 1964– .............. CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 McNichol, James ........................................ CTFT–3 McNichol, Kristy 1962– .......................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 McNulty, Kevin......................................... CTFT–54 McNutt, Stephen ...................................... CTFT–54 McPhail, Marnie 1966–........................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 McPherson, Conor 1970(?)– .................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 McPherson, Mervyn 1892–.................... WWasWT McQuade, Kris ......................................... CTFT–34 McQuarrie, Stuart ..................................... CTFT–34 McQueen, Armelia 1952–....................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38


MENKEN Menken, Alan 1949–............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Menken, Helen 1901–1966 ................... WwasWT Menosky, Joe ............................................ CTFT–49 Menounos, Maria 1978– ......................... CTFT–92 Mensah Peter ........................................... CTFT–91 Menshikov, Oleg 1960– .......................... CTFT–34 Menville, Scott 1971– ............................. CTFT–56 Menzel, Jiri 1938–................................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Menzies, Archie 1904–.......................... WWasWT Menzies, Peter, Jr. ..................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Meoli, Christian J...................................... CTFT–46 Meppen, Adrian Joseph 1940– .................. CTFT–3 Merande, Doro 1935– ........................... WWasWT Mercer, Beryl 1882–1939 ...................... WWasWT Mercer, David 1928–1980...................... WWT–17 Mercer, Johnny 1909–1976 .................... WWT–16 Mercer, Marian 1935– ............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7; WWT–17 Merchant, Ismail 1936–........................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13 Merchant, Paul See ......................................... Ellison, Harlan Merchant, Vivien 1929–1982 ................. WWT–17 Mercouri, Melina 1925–1994.................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–13 Mercure, Monique 1930–........................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 Mercurio, Micole...................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Mere, Charles 1883–?............................ WWasWT Meredith, Burgess 1909(?)–1997................ CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–17 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Meredith, Don 1938–.............................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Merendino, James 1967–......................... CTFT–34 Merivale 1882–1939 ............................. WWasWT Merivale, Philip 1886–1946 .................. WWasWT Meriwether, Lee 1935–.............................. CTFT–2 Merkel, Una 1903–1986 ....................... WWasWT Merkerson, S. Epatha 1952–.................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Merlin, Joanna 1931–.............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37 Merman, Ethel 1909–1984 ........................ CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Merrall, Mary 1890–1973...................... WWasWT Merriam, Eve 1916– .................................. CTFT–1 Merrick, David 1912– ............................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Merrick, Leonard 1864–1939 ................ WWasWT Merrill, Beth ........................................... WWasWT Merrill, Bob 1920– ................................. WWT–17 Merrill, Dina 1925–................................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 15 Merrill, Gary 1915–1990........................... CTFT–1 Merrill–Hartley, Dina See............................................ Merrill, Dina Merriman, Ryan 1983–............................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Merrison, Clive 1945–............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Merritt, Courtney ...................................... CTFT–60 Merritt, Grace 1881–?............................ WWasWT Merritt, Theresa 1922– .............................. CTFT–8 Merson, Billy 1881–1947 ...................... WWasWT Mery, Andree .......................................... WWasWT Merz, Jesse 1973– ................................... CTFT–42 Mesa, William .......................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Mese, John 1963– ................................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Meskimen, Jim 1959–.............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Messager, Andre 1853–1929 ................. WWasWT Messick, Don 1926– ................................. CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Messina, Chris .......................................... CTFT–52 Messing, Debra ........................................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Messner, Johnny 1970– ........................... CTFT–81 Meszaros, Marta 1931– ........................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Metaxa, Georges 1899–1950................. WWasWT Metcalf, Laurie 1955– ............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15 Metcalf, Mark 1946– ............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 22 Metcalfe, James Stetson 1858–1927 ...... WWasWT Metcalfe, Jesse 1978–.............................. CTFT–86 Metcalfe, Stephen 1953–......................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 17 Metchik, Aaron Michael 1980–............... CTFT–56 Metenier, Oscar 1859–1913 .................. WWasWT Metheny, Pat 1954–................................. CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Methven, Eleanor ..................................... CTFT–34 Metrano, Art 1937(?)–.............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Metzler, Jim 1951– .................................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Mewes, Jason 1974– ............................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Meyer, Bertie Alexander 1877–1967 ..... WWasWT Meyer, Bess .............................................. CTFT–63 Meyer, Breckin 1974– ............................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Meyer, Dina 1969–.................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Meyer, Louis 1871–1915 ....................... WWasWT Meyer, Nicholas 1945– ........................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 14, 24 Meyer, Turi 1964– ................................... CTFT–86 Meyers, Ari 1969–................................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Meyers, Jonathan Rhys See............................ Rhys–Meyers, Jonathan Meyers, Josh 1976(?)–.............................. CTFT–90 Meyers, Kim See .............................................. Myers, Kim Meyers, Louis See............................................... Myers, Lou Meyers, Michael See............................................. Myers, Mike Meyers, Nancy 1949– ............................. CTFT–24 Meyers, Rusty 1957– ............................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Meyers, Seth 1973–................................. CTFT–91 Meyers, Timothy 1945–1989..................... CTFT–1 Meynell, Clyde 1867–1934 ................... WWasWT Miano, Robert 1942– .............................. CTFT–45 Miceli, Justine 1959–............................... CTFT–74 Michael, Christopher ................................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Michael, Gertrude 1910–1965 .............. WWasWT Michael, Kathleen 1917– ....................... WWT–17 Michael, Kenn See ........................................... Blank, Kenny Michael, Ralph 1907– ............................ WWT–17 Michaele, Michael 1966–........................ CTFT–32 Michaelis, Robert 1884–1965 ................ WwasWT Michaell, Monnae .................................... CTFT–90 Michaels, Joel B. ...................................... CTFT–54


Michaels, Lorne 1944–............................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 9, 20, 31 Michaels, Marilyn 1943–........................... CTFT–8 Michaels, Richard 1936–......................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Michaels, Susan........................................ CTFT–48 Michaels, Whitey See............................................. White, Mike Michaelson, Knut 1846–........................ WWasWT Michaelson, Peter See ...................................... Billingsley, Peter Michaely, Joel........................................... CTFT–65 Micheaux, Nicki 1971(?)– ....................... CTFT–56 Michele, Michael 1966– ......................... CTFT–73 Michell, Keith 1928(?)– ........................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8; WWT–17 Michell, Roger 1957–.............................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Michos, Anastas N. .................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Mick, Gabriel See ......................................... Mann, Gabriel Micol, Christina See ..................................... Mercurio, Micole Middendorf, Tracy 1970(?)–..................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Middlemass, Frank 1919– ....................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Middleton, Edgar 1894–1939 ................ WWasWT Middleton, George 1880–1967.............. WWasWT Middleton, Guy 1907–1973 .................. WWasWT Middleton, Josephine 1883–1971.......... WWasWT Middleton, Ray 1907–1984.................... WWT–17 Midgley, Robin 1934– ............................ WWT–17 Midkiff, Dale 1959– ................................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Midler, Bette 1945– ................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 21, 31; WWT–17 Mifune, Toshiro 1920–1997 ...................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–19 Migden, Chester L. 1921–........................ CTFT–11 Mignona, Andrew James See................................... Lawrence, Andrew Mignot, Flore .......................................... WWasWT Mihok, Dash 1974–................................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 30 Mikhalkov, Nikita 1945– ......................... CTFT–35 Miklasweski, Jim 1949–........................... CTFT–92 Milano, Alyssa 1972–.............................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 14, 24 Milch, David 1945– ................................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Milchan, Arnon 1944– ............................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 24 Milder, Andy............................................. CTFT–47 Miler, Claude See .......................................... Miller, Claude Miles, Bernard 1907– ............................. WWT–17 Miles, Joanna 1940–................................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Miles, Julia ............................................... CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Miles, Sarah 1941–.................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19; WWT–17 Miles, Sylvia 1932– ................................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Miles, Vera 1930– ..................................... CTFT–5 Milford, Gene 1903–1992 ....................... CTFT–11 Milgrim, Lynn 1940– ................................. CTFT–1 Milhoan, Michael ..................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Milian, Christina 1981–........................... CTFT–61

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Miller, Paul c. 1949– ................................ CTFT–49 Miller, Penelope Ann 1964–.................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 10, 17, 27 Miller, Percy See .................................................. Master P Miller, Richard 1930–................................ CTFT–3 Miller, Robert Ellis 1932– ........................ CTFT–12 Miller, Romeo See ............................................... Lil’ Romeo Miller, Ruby 1889–1976 ........................ WWasWT Miller, Sherry ............................................ CTFT–61 Miller, Sienna 1981– ............................... CTFT–70 Miller, Stephen E. ..................................... CTFT–62 Miller, Susan 1944–................................... CTFT–1 Miller, Tangi 1974– ................................. CTFT–58 Miller, Thomas L. 1940–............................ CTFT–3 Miller, Troy ............................................... CTFT–70 Miller, Valerie Rae 1974– ........................ CTFT–89 Miller, Wade See............................. Wade, Robert (Allison) Miller, Walter C. ....................................... CTFT–50 Miller, Wentworth 1972–......................... CTFT–70 Millett, Maude 1867–1920 .................... WWasWT Millett, Tim 1954–..................................... CTFT–2 Millian, Andra ............................................ CTFT–5 Millican, Jane 1902– ............................. WWasWT Milliet, Paul 1858–?............................... WWasWT Milligan, Spike 1918– ............................. CTFT–36 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6; WWT–17 Milligan, Tuck............................................. CTFT–1 Millington, Rodney 1905–1990.............. WWT–17 Millo, Aprile 1958– ................................. CTFT–13 Mills, A. J. 1872–? ................................. WWasWT Mills, Alley 1951– ................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 28 Mills, Mrs. Clifford ?–1933 .................... WWasWT Mills, Donna 1945(?)– ............................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 32 Mills, Florence 1901–............................ WWasWT Mills, Frank 1870–1921......................... WWasWT Mills, Hayley 1946– ................................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 31; WWT–17 Mills, Horace 1864–1941...................... WWasWT Mills, John 1908– .................................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 21; WWT–17 Mills, Judson 1969–................................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Mills, Juliet 1941– ................................... CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19; WWT–17 Mills, Keith See ............................................ Torme, Tracy Millward 1861–1932 ............................. WWasWT Milne, Alan Alexander 1882–1956........ WWasWT Milne, Paula 1947– ................................. CTFT–30 Milner, Martin 1931–................................. CTFT–7 Milner, Ron 1938–................................... CTFT–10 Milo, Candi .............................................. CTFT–41 Milos, Sofia .............................................. CTFT–70 Milsome, Douglas .................................... CTFT–56 Milstead, Harris Glenn See...................................................... Divine Miltern, John E. 1870–1937................... WWasWT Milton, Billy 1905–1989........................ WWasWT Milton, David Scott 1934– ........................ CTFT–1 Milton, Ernest 1890–1974 ..................... WWasWT Milton, Harry 1900–1965...................... WWasWT Milton, Maud 1859–1945...................... WWasWT Milton, Robert ?–1956 ........................... WWasWT Milward, Dawson 1870–1926 ............... WWasWT Milward, Kristin .......................................... CTFT–5 Mimieux, Yvette 1944–.............................. CTFT–5 Mina, Mina E............................................ CTFT–56 Minear, Tim 1963– .................................. CTFT–49


Mineo, John 1942–.................................... CTFT–2 Mineo, Sal 1939–1976 .............................. CTFT–2 Miner, Jan 1917– ....................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Miner, Rachel 1980– ............................... CTFT–76 Miner, Steve 1951–.................................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 36 Miner, Worthington C. 1900–1982 ........ WWasWT Minetti, Maria ......................................... WWasWT Mingenbach, Louise ................................. CTFT–65 Minghella, Anthony 1954–2008.............. CTFT–61 Obituary in CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 28 Ming–Na 1963– ...................................... CTFT–45 Minil, Renee du 1868–? ........................ WWasWT Mink, Charlotte 1975– ............................ CTFT–59 Minkoff, Rob ............................................ CTFT–28 Minkus, Barbara 1943– ............................. CTFT–1 Minnelli, Liza 1946– ............................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 16, 27; WWT–17 Minnelli, Vincente 1903–1986 .................. CTFT–1 Minney, Rubeigh James 1895– .............. WWasWT Minnillo, Vanessa 1980– ......................... CTFT–65 Minogue, Kylie 1968– ............................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Minor, Bob ............................................... CTFT–54 Minor, Jerry 1969–................................... CTFT–64 Minsky, Charles ........................................ CTFT–57 Minster, Jack 1901–1966 ....................... WWasWT Minter, Kristin 1967(?)–............................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Minter, Mary Miles 1902– ..................... WWasWT Minto, Dorothy 1891–........................... WWasWT Miou–Miou 1950– .................................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16 Miramova, Elena..................................... WWasWT Miranda, Michael A.................................. CTFT–64 Miranda, Robert ....................................... CTFT–74 Mirande, Yves ......................................... WWasWT Mirbeau, Octave 1848–1917................. WWasWT Mirisch, Walter 1921–............................... CTFT–8 Mirman, Brad 1953– ............................... CTFT–57 Mirojnick, Ellen 1949– ............................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 21, 43 Mirren, Helen 1945(?)– ........................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 10, 17, 28; WWT–17 Mirto, Elyse .............................................. CTFT–90 Mischer, Don.............................................. CTFT–1 Misiano, Chris .......................................... CTFT–56 Misner, Susan 1971– ............................... CTFT–89 Mr. America See............................................ Hogan, Hulk Mr. T 1952– ............................................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 24 Mistinguett 1875–1956.......................... WWasWT Mitchelhill, J. P. 1879–1966 .................. WWasWT Mitchell, Adrian 1932– ........................... CTFT–12 Mitchell, Andrea 1946–........................... CTFT–41 Mitchell, Arthur 1934– ............................ CTFT–12 Mitchell, Beverly 1981– .......................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Mitchell, Brian Stokes 1957(?)– ............... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Mitchell, Cameron 1918–1994.................. CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–13 Mitchell, Camille ...................................... CTFT–85 Mitchell, Daryl “Chill” 1969– ................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Mitchell, David 1932– .............................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Mitchell, Dodson 1868–1939................ WWasWT

Cumulative Index

Milian, Tomas 1937–............................... CTFT–35 Milicevic, Ivana 1978–............................ CTFT–45 Milio, Jim ................................................. CTFT–49 Militello, Anne E. 1957– ......................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Milius, John 1944– .................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27 Milkis, Edward Kenneth 1931–1996.......... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–16 Milkovic, Sanja See............................... Hays, Sanja Milkovic Milland, Ray 1905–1986........................... CTFT–3 Millar, Douglas 1875–1943 ................... WWasWT Millar, Gertie 1879–1952 ...................... WWasWT Millar, Mary............................................. WWT–17 Millar, Miles ............................................. CTFT–75 Millar, Robins 1889–1968 ..................... WWasWT Millar, Ronald 1919–.............................. WWT–17 Millard, Evelyn 1869–1941 ................... WWasWT Millard, Ursula 1901– ........................... WWasWT Miller, Agnes........................................... WWasWT Miller, Allan 1929–.................................. CTFT–55 Miller, Ann 1919– ..................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Miller, Annette.......................................... CTFT–32 Miller, Arthur 1915– ................................ CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 11, 21; WWT–17 Miller, Barry 1958–.................................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 10, 17 Miller, Bruce............................................. CTFT–46 Miller, Buzz 1923– .................................... CTFT–1 Miller, Christa 1964– ............................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Miller, Claude 1942–............................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Miller, David 1871–1933....................... WWasWT Miller, David 1909– .................................. CTFT–2 Miller, Dennis 1953–............................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 28 Miller, Dick 1928– .................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27 Miller, Gabrielle 1975– ........................... CTFT–68 Miller, George 1945– .............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 67 Miller, Gilbert Heron 1884–1969 .......... WWasWT Miller, Haley............................................. CTFT–32 Miller, Harry M. 1934–........................... WWT–17 Miller, Henry 1860–1926 ...................... WWasWT Miller, Hugh (Lorimer) 1889–?............... WWasWT Miller, J. P. 1919– ...................................... CTFT–7 Miller, Jason See............................................. Patric, Jason Miller, Jason 1939–.................................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Miller, Joan 1910–1988 ............................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Miller, Joel McKinnon............................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Miller, Jonny Lee 1972– .......................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Miller, Jonathan 1934– ............................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 23; WWT–17 Miller, June 1934– ..................................... CTFT–4 Miller, Kristen 1977– ............................... CTFT–73 Miller, Larry 1953– .................................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Miller, Marilynn 1898–1936 .................. WWasWT Miller, Mark Jeffrey 1953– ....................... CTFT–63 Miller, Martin (Rudolf) 1899–1969 ........ WWasWT Miller, Matt K. .......................................... CTFT–48 Miller, Maxine .......................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Miller, Nolan 1935– .................................. CTFT–8


MITCHELL Mitchell, Donna ....................................... CTFT–68 Mitchell, Elizabeth 1970–........................ CTFT–51 Mitchell, Elizabeth Maresal See ...................................... Banks, Elizabeth Mitchell, Grant 1874–1957 ................... WWasWT Mitchell, Gregory 1951– ........................... CTFT–8 Mitchell, Herb .......................................... CTFT–62 Mitchell, Iain ............................................ CTFT–34 Mitchell, James 1920–............................... CTFT–1 Mitchell, Jane Velez See ................................ Velez–Mitchell, Jane Mitchell, Jerry ........................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Mitchell, Jim............................................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Mitchell, John H. 1918–1988.................... CTFT–4 Mitchell, Julian 1935– ............................... CTFT–1 Mitchell, Julien 1888–1954 ................... WWasWT Mitchell, Katie 1964– .............................. CTFT–15 Mitchell, Keith See.......................................... Coogan, Keith Mitchell, Kel 1978(?)– ......................... CTFT–5124 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Mitchell, Kenneth 1974– ......................... CTFT–83 Mitchell, Langdon Elwyn 1862–1935 .... WWasWT Mitchell, Lauren 1957– ............................. CTFT–1 Mitchell, Martha ....................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Mitchell, Pat 1943– ................................. CTFT–24 Mitchell, Radha 1973– ............................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Mitchell, Russ 1960–............................... CTFT–89 Mitchell, Ruth 1919–.............................. WWT–17 Mitchell, Sasha 1967– ............................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Mitchell, Shareen ..................................... CTFT–34 Mitchell, Silas Weir .................................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Mitchell, Stephen 1907– ........................ WWT–17 Mitchell, Thomas 1895–1962................ WWasWT Mitchell, Warren 1926– .......................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Mitchell, Yvonne 1925–1979 ................. WWT–16 Mitchenson, Joe....................................... WWT–17 Mitchum, Robert 1917–1997 .................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–18 Mitra, Rhona 1976– ................................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Mitzi–Dalty, Mlle. .................................. WWasWT Miyazaki, Hayao 1941– .......................... CTFT–35 Miyori, Kim 1951– .................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 38 Mizrahi, Isaac 1961–............................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Mladeck, Kyra .......................................... CTFT–33 Mobley, Mary Ann 1939(?)– .................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Mochrie, Colin 1957– ............................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Mocky, Jean–Pierre 1929– ....................... CTFT–35 Moder, Julia See ........................................... Roberts, Julia Modine, Matthew 1959– ......................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 22 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Moeller, Philip 1880–1958 .................... WWasWT Moeller, Ralph 1959– .............................. CTFT–45 Moffat, Donald 1930– ............................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 14, 24; WWT–17 Moffat, Graham 1866–1951 .................. WWasWT Moffat, Mrs. Graham 1873–1943 .......... WWasWT Moffat, Kate ............................................ WWasWT Moffat, Margaret 1882–1942 ................. WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Moffat, Winifred 1899– ......................... WWasWT Moffatt, Alice 1890–.............................. WWasWT Moffatt, John 1922–................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Moffatt, Joyce Anne 1936– ...................... CTFT–12 Moffet, Harold 1892–1938 .................... WWasWT Moffett, D. W. 1954– .............................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 24 Mohan, Peter ............................................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Mohr, Jay 1970– ...................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Mohyeddin, Zia 1933–........................... WWT–17 Moiseiwitsch, Tanya 1914– .................... WWT–17 Mokae, Zakes 1935– ............................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7 Moko, L. E. See .......................................... Shaye, Robert Mokri, Amir 1956–.................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 38 Mol, Gretchen 1972– .............................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Molale, Brandon 1971–........................... CTFT–83 Molen, Gerald R. 1935–.......................... CTFT–38 Molesworth, Ida ?–1951 ........................ WWasWT Molin, James See ........................................ Molina, Jacinto Molina, Alfred 1953– .............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15 Molina, Armando ..................................... CTFT–53 Molina, Jacinto 1934– ............................. CTFT–35 Molina, Rolando 1971–........................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Molinaro, Al 1919– ................................... CTFT–8 Molinaro, Edouard 1928–........................ CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Moll, Richard 1943– ............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 15 Molla, Jordi 1968– .................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Mollen, Jenny 1979– ............................... CTFT–70 Mollin, Fred.............................................. CTFT–42 Mollin, Larry............................................. CTFT–40 Mollison, Clifford 1897–1986 ................ WWT–17 Mollison, Henry 1905–.......................... WWasWT Mollison, William 1893–1955 ............... WWasWT Mollo, John 1931– .................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Molloy, Dearbhla...................................... CTFT–35 Molnar, Ferencz 1878–1952.................. WWasWT Molnar, Robert 1927–................................ CTFT–1 Moloney, Janel 1969–.............................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Moloney, Paddy 1938–............................ CTFT–20 Moloney, Robert ....................................... CTFT–59 Molva, David See ........................................ Molina, Jacinto Molyneux, Eileen 1893–1962................ WWasWT Momoa, Jason 1979– .............................. CTFT–70 Momsen, Taylor 1993–............................ CTFT–70 Monaghan, Cameron 1993–.................... CTFT–74 Monaghan, Dominic 1976– .................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Monaghan, Michelle 1977– .................... CTFT–63 Monash, Paul 1917– ............................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Monck, Nugent 1877–1958................... WWasWT Monckton, Lionel 1862–1924 ............... WWasWT Moncrieff, Gladys 1893– ....................... WWasWT Mondy, Bill............................................... CTFT–63 Monet, Daniella 1989– ........................... CTFT–79 Monette, Richard 1944–.......................... CTFT–21


Monger, Christopher 1950– ..................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Mo’nique See ......................... Imes–Jackson, Mo’Nique Monique, Ashley See ............................ Clark, Ashley Monique Monk, Debra 1949– ................................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 43 Monk, Isabell 1952–................................ CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 20 Monk, Meredith 1942–............................ CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Monkhouse, Allan 1858–1936 .............. WWasWT Monkman, Phyllis 1892–....................... WWasWT Monks, Michael........................................ CTFT–56 Monna–Delza, Mdlle. ?–1921 ............... WWasWT Monoson, Lawrence 1964– ..................... CTFT–72 Monroe, Julie See.......................................... Valenza, Tasia Monroe, Kathleen See .................................... Munroe, Kathleen Monroe, Marilyn 1926–1962 .................. CTFT–19 Monroe, Meredith 1968– ........................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Monroe, Steve .......................................... CTFT–54 Montagu, Elizabeth 1909–..................... WWasWT Montague, Bertram 1892– ..................... WWasWT Montague, Charles Edward 1867–1928.................................... WWasWT Montague, Harold 1874–? ..................... WWasWT Montague, Lee 1927–................................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Montalban, Ricardo 1920–...................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 41 Montand, Yves 1921–1991........................ CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–10 Montefiore, David 1944– .......................... CTFT–3 Montefiore, Eade 1866–1944 ................ WWasWT Montesi, Jorge........................................... CTFT–45 Montevecchi, Liliane 1933– .................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Montgomery, Anthony .............................. CTFT–55 Montgomery, Belinda J. 1950– ................ CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17 Montgomery, Douglass 1909–1966 ....... WWasWT Montgomery, Earl 1921–1987 ................ WWT–17 Montgomery, Elizabeth 1902– ................ WWT–17 Montgomery, Elizabeth 1933–1995 ......... CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Montgomery, James 1882–1966 ............ WWasWT Montgomery, Poppy 1972(?)– .................. CTFT–48 Montgomery, Robert 1903–1981 ........... WWasWT Montgomery, Robert 1946– ....................... CTFT–1 Montgommery, David Craig 1870–1917.................................... WWasWT Monticello, Roberto 1954–...................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Montrose, Muriel .................................... WWasWT Monty Python See .................................. Chapman, Graham See............................................. Cleese, John See........................................... Gilliam, Terry See .................................................. Idle, Eric See .............................................. Jones, Terry See ......................................... Palin, Michael Monty, Gloria 1921(?)–............................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17 Moody, Lynne........................................... CTFT–49 Moody, Ron 1924–.................................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 19; WWT–17 Moon, Amy .............................................. CTFT–70 Moon, Guy............................................... CTFT–81

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Moorehead, Agnes 1906–1974 .............. WWT–16 Moorer, Lana See ................................................... MC Lyte Moorer, Lisa “MC Lyte” See ................................................... MC Lyte Moorhouse, Jocelyn 1960–...................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Moosekian, Duke ..................................... CTFT–65 Moosekian, Vahan .................................... CTFT–41 Mora, Tiriel 1958–................................... CTFT–63 Morahan, Christopher Thomas 1929–.............................................. CTFT–13 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6; WWT–17 Morales, Esai 1962– ................................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 40 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Morales, Natalie 1972– ........................... CTFT–92 Moran, Julie 1962–.................................. CTFT–68 Moran, Lois 1907–1990 ........................ WWasWT Moran, Michael ........................................ CTFT–70 Moran, Nick 1969– ................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Moran, Rob 1963– .................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Morand, Eugene 1855–1930 ................. WWasWT Morand, Marcellue Raymond 1860–1922.................................... WWasWT Moranis, Rick 1953(?)–............................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 39 Morant, Angela......................................... CTFT–35 Mordente, Tony 1933(?)–......................... CTFT–55 More, Julian 1928–.................................... CTFT–6 More, Kenneth 1914–1982..................... WWT–17 More, Unity 1894– ................................ WWasWT Moreau, Emile 1852–?........................... WWasWT Moreau, Jeanne 1928– ............................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 28 Moreau, Marguerite 1977– ...................... CTFT–45 Morehart, Deborah See............................................. Tylo, Hunter Morehouse, Ward 1899–1966 ............... WWasWT Morell, Andre 1909–1978 ...................... WWT–16 Moreno, Rita 1931– ................................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 14, 24; WWT–17 Moreton, Ursula 1903– ......................... WWasWT Moretti, Nanni 1953–.............................. CTFT–28 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Moretz, Chloe 1997– .............................. CTFT–80 Morey, Charles 1947– ............................... CTFT–1 Morfogen, George 1933– ........................ CTFT–58 Morgan, Charles Langbridge 1894–1958.................................... WWasWT Morgan, Claudia 1912–1974 ................. WWasWT Morgan, Debbi 1956– ............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Morgan, Diana 1910– ............................ WWT–17 Morgan, Donald A.................................... CTFT–81 Morgan, Donald M. 1942–...................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Morgan, Frank 1890–1949 .................... WWasWT Morgan, Gareth 1940– .............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Morgan, Glen 1961– ............................... CTFT–56 Morgan, Harry 1915– .............................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Morgan, Helen 1900–1941.................... WWasWT Morgan, Jaye P. 1931–............................. CTFT–79 Morgan, Jeffrey Dean 1966–.................... CTFT–79 Morgan, Joan 1905– ............................... WWT–17 Morgan, Ralph 1888–1956 .................... WWasWT Morgan, Roger 1938–............................. WWT–17 Morgan, Sydney 1885–1931.................. WWasWT


Morgan, Tracy 1968–............................... CTFT–85 Morgan, Trevor 1986– ............................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Morgenstern, S. See ................................... Goldman, William Morgenstern, Stephanie 1965– ................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Morgenstern, Susan 1954– ........................ CTFT–5 Moriarty, Cathy 1960–............................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 28 Moriarty, Erin............................................ CTFT–89 Moriarty, Michael 1941– ......................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 13, 22; WWT–17 Moriarty, P. H. 1939– .............................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Morison, Patricia 1915– ........................ WWasWT Morissette, Alanis 1974– ......................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Morita, Pat 1932(?)–2005 ........................ CTFT–30 Obituary in CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Moritz, Neal H. 1959(?)–......................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Moriyasu, Atsushi 1956– ........................... CTFT–1 Morlay, Gaby 1896–1964...................... WWasWT Morley, Christopher .................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Morley, Malcolm 1890–1966 ................ WWasWT Morley, Robert 1908–1992........................ CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Morley, Ruth 1926(?)–1991...................... CTFT–11 Morley, Sheridan 1941– ......................... WWT–17 Mornel, Ted 1936– .................................... CTFT–2 Moroder, Giorgio 1940–.......................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Morosco, Oliver 1876–1945 ................. WWasWT Morricone, Ennio 1928–.......................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 16, 27 Morris, Aldyth 1901– ................................ CTFT–1 Morris, Anita 1943–1994 .......................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–13 Morris, Chester 1901–1970 ................... WWasWT Morris, Clara 1846–1925....................... WWasWT Morris, Edmund 1912–1998...................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–24 Morris, Garrett 1937–.............................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27 Morris, Greg 1933–1996 ......................... CTFT–25 Morris, Haviland 1959– .......................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 42 Morris, Howard 1919– ............................ CTFT–42 Morris, Iona 1957–.................................. CTFT–87 Morris, Jane .............................................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Morris, Joan 1943–.................................... CTFT–1 Morris, John 1926–.................................... CTFT–1 Morris, Kathryn 1969–............................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Morris, Margaret 1891– ......................... WWasWT Morris, Mary 1895–1970....................... WWasWT Morris, Mary 1915–1988........................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch WWT–17 Morris, McKay 1891–1955 .................... WWasWT Morris, Michael See ............................................ Wayne, John Morris, Oswald 1915–............................. CTFT–10 Morris, Phil 1959–................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Morris, Phyllis 1894–1982 ..................... WWT–17 Morris, Steveland See......................................... Wonder, Stevie

Cumulative Index

Moon, Lilakoi See............................................... Bonet, Lisa Moon, Liliquois See............................................... Bonet, Lisa Moon, Philip 1961– ................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Moonblood, Q. See.................................... Stallone, Sylvester Mooney, Debra 1947–............................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 34 Mooney, William 1936–............................ CTFT–1 Moor, Bill 1931– ....................................... CTFT–1 Moor, Cherie See ............................................ Ladd, Cheryl Moore, A. P. 1906–................................ WWasWT Moore, Alvy 1925–1997 ........................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–17 Moore, Amanda See......................................... Moore, Mandy Moore, Brian 1921–1999 ........................ CTFT–25 Moore, Cameron 1972– .......................... CTFT–65 Moore, Carrie 1883–1956 ..................... WWasWT Moore, Cherie See ............................................ Ladd, Cheryl Moore, Christina 1973–........................... CTFT–68 Moore, Christopher 1952– ........................ CTFT–1 Moore, Christopher Liam.......................... CTFT–53 Moore, Decima 1871–1964 .................. WWasWT Moore, Demi 1962–................................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17, 29 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Moore, Dudley 1935–2002 ..................... CTFT–27 Obituary in CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 16; WWT–17 Moore, Edward James 1935–................... CTFT–10 Moore, Eva 1870–1955 ......................... WWasWT Moore, Florence 1886–1935 ................. WWasWT Moore, Frank ............................................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Moore, George 1852–1933 ................... WWasWT Moore, Grace 1901–1947 ..................... WWasWT Moore, Hilda ?–1926............................. WWasWT Moore, Joel 1977–................................... CTFT–83 Moore, Juanita 1922(?)– .......................... CTFT–64 Moore, Judith 1944– ................................. CTFT–1 Moore, Julianne 1960–............................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Moore, Kim 1956– .................................. CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Moore, Lisa Bronwyn ............................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Moore, Mandy 1984–.............................. CTFT–65 Moore, Mary 1861–1931....................... WWasWT Moore, Mary Tyler 1937(?)– .................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 14, 24 Moore, Maureen 1952–............................. CTFT–1 Moore, Melba 1945–................................. CTFT–4 Moore, Michael 1954–............................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 Moore, Robert 1927–1984 ........................ CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Moore, Roger 1927– ............................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 17, 27 Moore, Ronald D. .................................... CTFT–49 Moore, Sheila 1938– ............................... CTFT–56 Moore, Shemar 1970–............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Moore, Sonia 1902–.................................. CTFT–2 Moore, Stephen 1937– ............................ CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13; WWT–17 Moore, Tom 1943–.................................. CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 13 Moore, Victor Frederick 1876–1962 ...... WWasWT


MORRIS Morris, William 1861–1936................... WWasWT Morrisey, Bob ........................................... CTFT–58 Morrison, Ann 1956– ................................ CTFT–2 Morrison, Bill 1940– ............................... CTFT–12 Morrison, Duke See ............................................ Wayne, John Morrison, George E. 1860–1938............ WWasWT Morrison, Hobe 1904– ........................... WWT–17 Morrison, Jack 1887–1948 .................... WWasWT Morrison, Jack 1912– ............................. WWT–17 Morrison, James 1954(?)– ........................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Morrison, Jennifer 1979–......................... CTFT–79 Morrison, Keith 1934–............................. CTFT–92 Morrison, Shelley 1936– ......................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Morrison, Steve 1947– ............................ CTFT–10 Morrison, Temuera 1960– ....................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Morrissey, David 1964–........................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Morrissey, Neil 1962– ............................. CTFT–35 Morrissey, Paul 1939– ............................... CTFT–8 Morritt, Charles 1860–? ......................... WWasWT Morrow, Barry 1948– .............................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Morrow, Doretta 1928–1968 ................. WWasWT Morrow, Karen 1936–.............................. CTFT–20 Morrow, Kirby 1973– .............................. CTFT–46 Morrow, Mari 1974– ............................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Morrow, Max 1991–................................ CTFT–76 Morrow, Rob 1962– ................................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 27 Morrow, Vic 1931–1982............................ CTFT–2 Morse, Barry 1919– ............................... WWasWT Morse, David 1953–................................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15 Morse, Robert 1931–............................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 40; WWT–17 Morshower, Glenn 1959–........................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Mortensen, Viggo 1958– ......................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Mortifee, Jane ........................................... CTFT–86 Mortimer, Charles 1885–1964 ............... WWasWT Mortimer, Emily 1971– ............................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Mortimer, John 1923–.............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 39; WWT–17 Mortlock, Charles Bernard 1888–1967.................................... WWasWT Morton, Amy ............................................ CTFT–32 Morton, Arthur 1908– ............................... CTFT–5 Morton, Billy 1958– ................................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Morton, Clive 1904–1975 ..................... WWasWT Morton, Edward ?–1922 ........................ WWasWT Morton, Hugh See................................... McLellan, C. M. S. Morton, Joe 1947– .................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15 Morton, Leon 1912–.............................. WWasWT Morton, Martha 1870–1925 .................. WWasWT Morton, Michael ?–1931 ....................... WWasWT Morton, Rob See.................................... Demme, Jonathan Morton, Samantha 1977– ........................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Morton, William C. See ........................................... Morton, Billy Moscovitch, Maurice 1871–1940 .......... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Moscow, David 1974– ............................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Moseley, Bill 1951–................................. CTFT–58 Moseley, William 1987–.......................... CTFT–87 Mosely, Mark............................................ CTFT–69 Moses, Burke 1959(?)– ............................ CTFT–55 Moses, Charles Alexander 1923–................................................ CTFT–3 Moses, Gilbert III 1942–1995.................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Moses, Mark 1958–................................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Moses, Montrose J. 1878–1934 ............. WWasWT Moses, Senta 1973– ................................ CTFT–57 Moses, William R. 1959– ........................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Mosheim, Grete 1907–.......................... WWasWT Mosher, Gregory 1949–........................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 Moshinsky, Elijah 1946–.......................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Mosier, Scott............................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Mosley, Roger E. 1938(?)– ....................... CTFT–48 Mosley, Walter 1952–.............................. CTFT–28 Moss, Arnold 1910–1989 ........................ CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Moss, Carrie–Ann 1967(?)–...................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Moss, Elisabeth 1983–............................. CTFT–48 Moss, (Horace) Edward 1854–? ............. WWasWT Moss, Jeffrey B. 1945–............................... CTFT–4 Moss, Jesse ............................................... CTFT–78 Moss, Paige .............................................. CTFT–59 Moss, Tegan 1985–.................................. CTFT–76 Moss, W. Keith 1892–1935 ................... WWasWT Mosse, Spencer 1945– ............................ CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Mossetti, Carlotta 1890–? ...................... WWasWT Most, Don 1953– .................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 34 Mostel, Josh 1946–.................................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 16, 28 Mostel, Zero 1915–1977 ........................ WWT–17 Mothersbaugh, Mark 1950– .................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Motley ..................................................... WWT–17 Motta, Bess................................................. CTFT–4 Mouezy–Eon, Andre 1880–?.................. WWasWT Mouillot, Gertrude ?–1961 .................... WWasWT Moulan, Frank 1875–1939 .................... WWasWT Mould, Raymond Wesley 1905–............................................ WWasWT Moulton, Robert 1922– ............................. CTFT–1 Mounet, Jean Paul 1847–1922 .............. WWasWT Mounet–Sully, Jean 1841–1916 ............. WWasWT Mount, Anson 1973–............................... CTFT–63 Mount, Peggy 1916– .............................. WWT–17 Mount, Thom 1948– ............................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Mowat, David 1943–............................... CTFT–11 Mowling, Panou See ...................................................... Panou Mowry, Tahj 1987– ................................. CTFT–56 Mowry, Tamera 1978–............................. CTFT–56 Mowry, Tia 1978– ................................... CTFT–56 Moxley, Gina............................................ CTFT–34 Moya, Natalie 1900–............................. WWasWT Moyer, Stephen 1971–............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Moyers, Bill 1934– .................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15


Moynihan, Christopher 1973–................. CTFT–81 Mozart, George 1864–1947................... WWasWT Mrozek, Slawomir 1930– ....................... WWT–17 Mudd, Roger 1928– .................................. CTFT–5 Mudgeon, Apeman See....................................... Mitchell, Adrian Mudie, Leonard 1884–1965 .................. WWasWT Mueller, Maureen ..................................... CTFT–59 Mueller, Robby 1940– ............................. CTFT–48 Muellerleile, Marianne 1948– ................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 35 Mueller–Stahl, Armin 1930–.................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 21, 31 Muhney, Michael 1975–.......................... CTFT–74 Mui, Eddie................................................ CTFT–64 Muir, Jean 1911– ................................... WWasWT Muirhead, Oliver ...................................... CTFT–59 Mukhamedov, Irek 1960–........................ CTFT–15 Mula, Frank .............................................. CTFT–15 Mulcahy, Russell 1953–........................... CTFT–86 Mulcaster, G. H. 1891–1964 ................. WWasWT Muldaur, Diana 1938– ............................ CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Muldoon, Patrick 1968(?)– ...................... CTFT–48 Muldoon, Richard See............................................... Beaver, Jim Muldoon, Roland 1941– ........................ WWT–17 Muldowney, Dominic 1952–................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 37 Mulgrew, Kate 1955– .............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10, 17, 29 Mulhare, Edward 1923–1997 .................. CTFT–10 Obituary in CTFT–17 Mulheren, Michael ................................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Mulhern, Matt 1960– .............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 20, 42 Mulholland, J. B. 1858–1925 ................ WWasWT Mulkey, Chris 1948– ............................... CTFT–47 Mull, Martin 1943– ................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 15, 25 Mullally, Megan 1958–............................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Mullan, Peter 1960–................................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Mullavey, Greg 1939– ............................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 40 Mullen, Barbara 1914–1979................... WWT–17 Mullen, Larry, Jr. 1961– ........................... CTFT–40 Mulligan, Richard 1932–......................... CTFT–13 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Mulligan, Robert 1925–........................... CTFT–17 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Mulligan, Terry David 1942–................... CTFT–66 Mullowney, Debrah See.................................... Farentino, Debrah Mulroney, Dermot 1963– ........................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22 Mulrooney, Kelsey 1987– ........................ CTFT–71 Mumy, Bill 1954–.................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18, 29 Mumy, Liliana 1994(?)– ........................... CTFT–81 Mundin, Herbert 1898–1939................. WWasWT Mundt, Karl See ....................................... Goodman, John Mundy, Meg ............................................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Mune, Ian 1941–..................................... CTFT–43 Muni, Paul 1895–1967.......................... WWasWT Muniz, Frankie 1985– ............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Munn, Allison 1974–............................... CTFT–90 Munns, Robert 1937–.............................. CTFT–55

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Murray, Don 1929– ................................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 15 Murray, Douglas ?–1936........................ WWasWT Murray, George Gilbert Aime 1866–1957.................................... WWasWT Murray, J. Harold 1891–1940 ................ WWasWT Murray, Joel 1963– .................................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Murray, Katherine See ................................... Isabelle, Katharine Murray, Mary Gordon 1953–..................... CTFT–1 Murray, Paul 1885–1949 ....................... WWasWT Murray, Peg ............................................. WWT–17 Murray, Peter 1925– .............................. WWasWT Murray, Sean ............................................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Murray, Sharon ........................................... CTFT–2 Murray, Stephen 1912– .......................... WWT–17 Murray, T. C. 1973–1959....................... WWasWT Murtaugh, James 1942–........................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Musante, Tony 1936– .............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 19, 30 Musaphia, Joseph 1935– ......................... CTFT–15 Musburger, Brent 1939– .......................... CTFT–20 Musetta See ....................................... Vander, Musetta Musgrove, Gertrude 1912–.................... WWasWT Music, Lorenzo 1937–............................... CTFT–8 Musick, Pat............................................... CTFT–43 Musker, John............................................. CTFT–21 Musky, Jane 1954– .................................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 33 Mussenden, Isis ........................................ CTFT–55 Musser, Tharon 1925– ............................. CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Musso, Mitchel 1991–............................. CTFT–83 Mustillo, Louis 1947–.............................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Muth, Ellen 1981–................................... CTFT–62 Muti, Ornella 1955–................................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 “My Fancy” ............................................ WWasWT Mya 1979(?)– .......................................... CTFT–67 Myers, Dwight Errington See .................................................. Heavy D Myers, Jonathan Rhys See............................ Rhys–Meyers, Jonathan Myers, Kim 1966– ................................... CTFT–75 Myers, Lou 1945– ................................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Myers, Mike 1963– ................................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 21, 32 Myers, Paul 1917– ................................. WWT–17 Myers, Peter 1923–1978 ........................ WWT–16 Myers, Richard 1901– ........................... WWasWT Myers, Ruth 1940– .................................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37 Myers, Scott 1955–.................................. CTFT–40 Myers, Stanley 1933(?)–1993................... CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Mykytiuk, Lubomir ................................... CTFT–68 Myler, Marina See .......................................... Black, Marina Myles, Lynda .............................................. CTFT–1 Myles, Sophia 1980–............................... CTFT–70 Myrick, Daniel 1964(?)– .......................... CTFT–71 Myrin, Arden 1973– ................................ CTFT–79 Myron, Ben .............................................. CTFT–80 Myrtil, Odette 1898–1978 ..................... WWasWT


N Nabors, Jim 1933– .................................... CTFT–3 Nadel, Norman 1915– ........................... WWT–17 Nadell, Carol L. 1944–.............................. CTFT–1 Nader, Michael 1945–............................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Nadine, Alanis See..................................... Morissette, Alanis Nadolny, Stephanie .................................. CTFT–77 Nagase, Masatoshi 1966–........................ CTFT–32 Nagel, Conrad 1897–1970 .................... WWasWT Nagra, Parminder K. 1975– ..................... CTFT–55 Nagy, Phyllis 1960–................................. CTFT–14 Nahon, Philippe 1938– ........................... CTFT–77 Naidu, Ajay 1972(?)–............................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Nainby, Robert 1869–1948.................... WWasWT Naipar, Yvette See ............................................ Nipar, Yvette Nair, Mira 1957– ..................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 37 Naish, Archie 1878–? ............................ WWasWT Naismith, Laurence 1908– ..................... WWT–17 Najimy, Kathy 1957–............................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 20, 30 Nakamura, Suzy ....................................... CTFT–74 Nakata, Hideo 1961– .............................. CTFT–84 Nakszynski, Nastassja See ....................................... Kinski, Nastaaja Nall, Rashaan 1980– ............................... CTFT–74 Nallon, Steve 1960–.................................. CTFT–4 Namath, Joe 1943– ................................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Nance, Jack 1943–1996 ............................ CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–16 Napier, Alan 1903–1988 ........................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Napier, Charles 1936–............................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 Napier, John 1944– ................................. CTFT–14 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Napierkowska, Stanislawa (Stasia) .......... WWasWT Napoli, Tony 1948–................................... CTFT–2 Napolitano, Joe ........................................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Nappo, Tony............................................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Nardino, Gary 1935–1998 ...................... CTFT–20 Obituary in CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Narducci, Kathrine 1965– ....................... CTFT–89 Nares, Geoffrey 1917–1942 .................. WWasWT Nares, Owen 1888–1943 ...................... WWasWT Narita, Hiro 1941– .................................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 37 Narita, Richard ......................................... CTFT–55 Nasatir, Marcia ......................................... CTFT–15 Nascarella, Arthur J. ................................. CTFT–62 Naschy, Paul See ........................................ Molina, Jacinto Nash, Florence 1888–1950 ................... WWasWT Nash, George Frederick 1873–1944 ...... WWasWT Nash, Mary 1885–? ............................... WWasWT Nash, N. Richard 1913–......................... WWT–17 Nassau, Paul 1930–................................... CTFT–4 Nassivera, John 1950–............................... CTFT–4 Nathan, Ben 1857–1965 ....................... WWasWT Nathan, George Jean 1882–1958 .......... WWasWT Nathan, Robert 1948– ............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13

Cumulative Index

Munoz, Gloria 1948–.............................. CTFT–35 Munro, C. K. 1889–............................... WWasWT Munro, Lochlyn 1966(?)– ........................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Munro, Nan 1905–................................. WWT–17 Munroe, Kathleen ..................................... CTFT–83 Munroe, Meredith See.................................... Monroe, Meredith Munson, Ona 1906–1955 ..................... WWasWT Munson, Warren....................................... CTFT–53 Murata, Takehiro ...................................... CTFT–33 Murcell, George 1925–1998 .................. WWT–17 Obituary in CTFT–24 Murcelo, Karmin....................................... CTFT–59 Murch, Walter 1943– .............................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Murdoch, Dame 1919–1999 ................... CTFT–32 Obituary in CTFT–32 Murdoch, Iris 1919–................................ CTFT–15 Murdoch, Laurie 1958–........................... CTFT–62 Murdoch, Richard 1907– .......................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Murdoch, Rupert 1931– .......................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 23 Murdock, Ann 1890– ............................ WWasWT Murdock, George 1930– ......................... CTFT–64 Muren, Dennis 1946– ............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22 Murfin, Jane ?–1955 .............................. WWasWT Murin, David.............................................. CTFT–2 Murphy, Audie 1924–1971...................... CTFT–25 Murphy, Ben 1942(?)– ............................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 31 Murphy, Brianne 1938–........................... CTFT–13 Murphy, Brittany 1977–........................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Murphy, Cillian 1976–............................. CTFT–76 Murphy, Dennis........................................ CTFT–92 Murphy, Donn B. 1930–............................ CTFT–4 Murphy, Donna 1958– ............................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Murphy, Eddie 1961– .............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 13, 22 Murphy, Fred ............................................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Murphy, Gerard 1956– ............................ CTFT–43 Murphy, Harry S. ...................................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Murphy, Jonathan 1981– ......................... CTFT–89 Murphy, Jordan......................................... CTFT–91 Murphy, Jy ................................................ CTFT–32 Murphy, Michael 1938– .......................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 19, 30 Murphy, Rosemary 1927–........................ CTFT–34 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7; WWT–17 Murphy, Ryan 1966– ............................... CTFT–83 Murphy, Sally ........................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Murphy, Thomas 1935–........................... CTFT–12 Murray, Abigail......................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Murray, Alma 1854–1945...................... WWasWT Murray, Barbara 1929–........................... WWT–17 Murray, Bill 1950–................................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 23 Murray, Braham 1943–........................... WWT–17 Murray, Brian 1937–.................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Murray, Brian Doyle See................................ Doyle–Murray, Brian Murray, Chad Michael 1981–.................. CTFT–56 Murray, Christopher 1957–...................... CTFT–69


NATHAN Nathan, Stephen 1948–........................... CTFT–87 Nathan, Vivian 1921– ............................... CTFT–2 Nathanson, Julie ....................................... CTFT–71 Nathanson, Michael G. ............................ CTFT–22 Nation, W. H. C. 1843–1914 ................ WWasWT National Theatre Company, The ............. WWasWT “Natural” Neil See ................................................ Ross, Neil Natwick, Mildred 1908–1994 ................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Nauffts, Geoffrey 1961– .......................... CTFT–74 Naughton, Bill 1910– ............................. WWT–17 Naughton, David 1951–.......................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 37 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Naughton, James 1945– .......................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5, 14 Naughton, Laurie...................................... CTFT–76 Navarro, Demetrius .................................. CTFT–51 Navarro, Guillermo .................................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Nawrocki, Mike........................................ CTFT–48 Naylor, Robert 1899– ............................ WWasWT Nazimova, Alla 1879–1945................... WWasWT Ndefo, Obi ............................................... CTFT–84 Neagle, Anna 1904–1986 ......................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Neal, Dylan 1969–.................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Neal, Elise 1970– .................................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Neal, Patricia 1926–................................ CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19; WWasWT Nealon, Kevin 1953– .............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 30 Neame, Christopher 1947– ..................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Neame, Ronald 1911–............................... CTFT–6 Near, Holly 1949–..................................... CTFT–6 Near, Timothy 1945–................................. CTFT–9 Nedell, Bernard 1899–1972 .................. WWasWT Nederlander, James L. 1960–................... CTFT–41 Nederlander, James M. 1922– ................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Nedwell, Robin 1946–1999 .................... CTFT–28 Needham, Hal 1931–................................ CTFT–6 Needham, Tracey 1967– ......................... CTFT–45 Neely, Blake 1969– ................................. CTFT–83 Neely, Ted 1943– .................................... CTFT–16 Neeson, Liam 1952– ............................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14 Negahban, Navid 1968– ......................... CTFT–77 Negro, Mary–Joan ...................................... CTFT–1 Negron, Taylor 1958–.............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Neil, Alexandra 1958– ............................ CTFT–56 Neil, Julian 1952– ................................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Neil, “Natual” See ................................................ Ross, Neil Neill, Henry See ........................................ Corman, Roger Neill, Jeffery K. 1938– ............................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Neill, Roger 1963– .................................. CTFT–59 Neill, Sam 1947– .................................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Neilson, Francis 1867–1961.................. WWasWT Neilson, Harold V. 1874–1956.............. WWasWT Neilson, Julia 1868–1957 ...................... WWasWT Neilson, Perlita 1933–............................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Neilson–Terry, Dennis 1895–1932......... WWasWT Neilson–Terry, Phyllis 1892–.................. WWasWT Neiman, John M. 1935– ........................ WWasWT Neipris, Wille Janet 1936– ........................ CTFT–4 Neis, Reagan Dale 1976–........................ CTFT–74 Neitzel, Blake 1990–............................... CTFT–85 Nelligan, Kate 1950–............................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 43; WWT–17 Nelligan, Micaela ..................................... CTFT–68 Nelson, Barry 1925– ................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Nelson, Craig T. 1944(?)– ........................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17, 27 Nelson, Danny ......................................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Nelson, David 1936– ................................ CTFT–5 Nelson, Gary ............................................ CTFT–12 Nelson, Gene 1920–1996 ......................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Nelson, Harriet 1914–1994....................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–13 Nelson, Ian 1982–................................... CTFT–91 Nelson, Jerry 1934–................................. CTFT–46 Nelson, John 1968–................................. CTFT–87 Nelson, John Allen 1959– ....................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Nelson, Judd 1959–................................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Brief Entry in CTFT–4 Nelson, Kenneth 1930–.......................... WWT–17 Nelson, Kirsten ......................................... CTFT–88 Nelson, Leslie See ......................................... Nielsen, Leslie Nelson, Lori 1933–.................................. CTFT–28 Nelson, Novella 1939– ........................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Nelson, Ralph 1916–1987......................... CTFT–1 Nelson, Richard 1938–1996.................... CTFT–14 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Nelson, Richard 1950–............................ CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16 Nelson, Rick 1940–1985........................... CTFT–3 Nelson, Ruth 1905– ............................... WWT–17 Nelson, Tim Blake 1965– ........................ CTFT–46 Nelson, Tracy 1963– ............................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 27 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Nelson, Willie 1933– .............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 34 Nemchinova, Vera .................................. WWasWT Nemec, Corin 1971–............................... CTFT–48 Nemec, Joseph C. 1948–......................... CTFT–48 Nemes, Scott 1974– ................................ CTFT–25 Nemoy, Leonard See ....................................... Nimoy, Leonard Nepomniaschy, Alex 1955–..................... CTFT–56 Neri, Francesca 1964– ............................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Nero, Franco 1941– ................................ CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13 Nesbitt, Cathleen 1888–1982................. WWT–17 Nesbitt, Miriam Anne 1879–1954 ......... WWasWT Nesbitt, Robert 1906– ............................ WWT–17 Nesmith, Michael 1942– ........................... CTFT–5 Nesmith, Ottola 1893–1972 .................. WWasWT Nethersole, Olga Isabel 1866–1951 ...... WWasWT Netter, Douglas 1921–............................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Netter, Jason ............................................. CTFT–81 Nettlefold, Archibald 1870–1944 .......... WWasWT


Nettlefold, Frederick John 1867–1949 .... WWasWT Nettleton, John 1929– ............................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Nettleton, Lois 1929– .............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Neuberger, Jan 1953–................................ CTFT–5 Neufeld, Mace 1928–.............................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9, 35 Neufeld, Martin ........................................ CTFT–54 Neufeld, Peter 1936– ................................ CTFT–1 Neufeld, Sigmund, Jr. 1931–...................... CTFT–1 Neufeld, Victor ......................................... CTFT–12 Neuhaus, Ingo 1969– .............................. CTFT–86 Neuman, Joan 1926– ................................ CTFT–1 Neuwirth, Bebe 1958– ............................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 40 Neville, John 1925– ................................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 14, 43; WWT–17 Neville, Morgan 1967–............................ CTFT–50 Nevin, Brooke 1982– .............................. CTFT–61 Nevins, Claudette ..................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 New, Babette 1913– .................................. CTFT–4 Newall, Guy 1885–1937 ....................... WWasWT Neway, Patricia 1919– ........................... WWT–17 Newbern, George 1964– ......................... CTFT–63 Newberry, Barbara 1910–...................... WWasWT Newberry, Norman................................... CTFT–76 Newbrough, Ashley 1987–...................... CTFT–89 Newby, John............................................. CTFT–56 Newcomb, Mary 1897–1966................. WWasWT Newell, Mike 1942–................................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Newell, Patrick........................................... CTFT–8 Newell, Raymond 1894–....................... WWasWT Newhart, Bob 1929– ............................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 9 Newirth, Charles ...................................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Newland, Mary ......................................... WWT–8 Newley, Anthony 1931–1999.................. CTFT–13 Obituary in CTFT–32 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Newman, Alec 1974– ............................. CTFT–69 Newman, Barry 1938– ............................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10 Newman, Claude 1903–........................ WWasWT Newman, Daniel 1981– .......................... CTFT–91 Newman, David 1933– ........................... CTFT–28 Newman, David 1937– ............................. CTFT–5 Newman, David 1954– ........................... CTFT–47 Newman, Edwin 1919–............................. CTFT–5 Newman, Emil ?–1984 .............................. CTFT–2 Newman, G. F. 1945– ............................. CTFT–10 Newman, Greatrex 1892– ..................... WWasWT Newman, Jaime Ray 1978–..................... CTFT–71 Newman, Laraine 1952– ......................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Newman, Lionel 1916–1989..................... CTFT–8 Newman, Paul 1925–.............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 14; WWasWT Newman, Phyllis 1933– .......................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 33; WWT–17 Newman, Randy 1943–........................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 28 Newman, Richard .................................... CTFT–43 Newman, Thomas 1955– ........................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Newman, William .................................... CTFT–39 Newmar, Julie 1933(?)– ........................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Newmeyer, Julie See .......................................... Newmar, Julie

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Nicholson, Julianne 1971– ...................... CTFT–52 Nicholson, Kenyon 1894– ..................... WWasWT Nicholson, Nora 1889–1973 ................. WWasWT Nichtern, Claire .......................................... CTFT–2 Nickalls, Grant ......................................... CTFT–92 Nickson–Soul, Julia 1958– ...................... CTFT–65 Nicodemi, Dario ?–1934 ....................... WWasWT Nicolaides, Steve ...................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Nicolet, Danielle 1975– .......................... CTFT–69 Nicoll, Allardyce 1894–1976 ................. WWT–16 Nicoll, Kristina ......................................... CTFT–77 Nicols, Bruno See ......................................... Harth, C. Ernst Niehaus, Lennie 1929– ........................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Nielsen, Alice 1876–1943 ..................... WWasWT Nielsen, Brigitte 1963–............................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Nielsen, Connie 1965–............................ CTFT–56 Nielsen, Kristine ....................................... CTFT–51 Nielsen, Leslie 1926– .............................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11, 21, 32 Niemeyer, Scott ........................................ CTFT–82 Niesen, Gertrude 1910– ........................ WWasWT Nieves, Joe ............................................... CTFT–86 Nigam, Anjul 1965–................................ CTFT–79 Nightingale, Joe ...................................... WWasWT Nighy, Bill 1949– .................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Nijholt, Fedja See....................................... Van Huet, Fedja Nijinska, Bronislava 1891–1972............ WWasWT Nijinsky, Vaslav 1890–1950 .................. WWasWT Nikitna, Alice ......................................... WWasWT Nillson, Carlotta 1878?–1951 ................ WWasWT Nilsson, Harry 1941–1994 ...................... CTFT–21 Nim, Sudy ................................................ CTFT–40 See ....................................... Williams, Robin Nimmo, Derek 1932– ............................ WWT–17 Nimoy, Adam 1956– ............................... CTFT–52 Nimoy, Leonard 1931–............................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 24 Nimri, Najwa 1972– ............................... CTFT–35 Nipar, Yvette 1964–................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Nipote, Joe ............................................... CTFT–65 Nipper, Will See ................................................ Estes, Will Nishioka, Hayward H. 1942–.................. CTFT–20 Nissen, Brian 1927– .............................. WWasWT Nissen, Greta 1906–1988...................... WWasWT Nitzsche, Jack............................................. CTFT–8 Niven, Barbara 1953– ............................. CTFT–48 Niven, David 1910–1983.......................... CTFT–1 Nivola, Alessandro 1972(?)–.................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Nixon, Agnes 1927–.................................. CTFT–6 Nixon, Cynthia 1966– ............................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 Nixon, Marni 1930–................................ CTFT–62 Niznik, Stephanie 1967– ......................... CTFT–63 Noble, Adrian 1950– ............................... CTFT–11 Noble, Chelsea 1964–............................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Noble, Dennis 1898–1966 .................... WWasWT Noble, James 1922– ................................ CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Noble, John 1948– .................................. CTFT–83 Noble, JoMarie Payton ............................. CTFT–17 Noble, Thom ............................................ CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 21 Noerby, Ghita 1935–............................... CTFT–35


Nogle, John See ............................................. Noble, John Nogulich, Natalia 1950– ......................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Noiret, Philippe 1930–2006 .................... CTFT–53 Obituary in CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 15, 25 Noji, Minae 1973– .................................. CTFT–88 Nolan Christopher 1970– ........................ CTFT–89 Nolan, Doris 1916–............................... WWasWT Nolan, Jeanette 1911–1998 ..................... CTFT–21 Nolan, Lloyd 1902–1985 .......................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Nolan, Matt 1970(?)–............................... CTFT–77 Nolasco, Amaury 1970–.......................... CTFT–92 Nolot, Jacques 1943– .............................. CTFT–77 Nolte, Bill 1953–..................................... CTFT–58 Nolte, Nick 1941(?)– ............................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 23 Noodlemantra, Oprah See .......................................... Depp, Johnny Noonan, Tom 1951– ............................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Noone, Kathleen 1945– .......................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Norby, Ghita See .......................................... Noerby, Ghita Norden, Christine 1924–1988 ................... CTFT–6 Nordling, Jeffrey 1962– ........................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Nordstrom, Frances ................................ WWasWT Nordstrom, John E. ................................... CTFT–62 Norell, Paul 1952– .................................. CTFT–74 Norfolk, Edgar 1893– ............................ WWasWT Norgaard, Carsten 1963–......................... CTFT–58 Norgate, Matthew 1901–........................ WWT–17 Noriega, Eduardo 1973– ......................... CTFT–34 Norman, Maidie 1912–1998 ..................... CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–21 Norman, Marsha 1947– .......................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10 Norman, Monty 1928–............................ CTFT–76 Norman, Norman J. 1870–1941 ............ WWasWT Norman, Norman V. 1864–1943 ........... WWasWT Norman, Thyrza 1884–? ........................ WWasWT Normington, John 1937–......................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 15; WWT–17 Norona, David 1972– ............................. CTFT–68 Norris, Aaron 1951–................................ CTFT–74 Norris, Chuck 1940– ............................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Norris, Daran ........................................... CTFT–49 Norris, Dean............................................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Norris, John 1959– .................................. CTFT–67 Norris, Lee 1981–.................................... CTFT–68 Norris, Mike 1963– ................................. CTFT–74 Norris, Patricia ......................................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Norris, Patrick .......................................... CTFT–51 Norris, William 1872–1929 ................... WWasWT North, Alex 1910–1991........................... CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 North, Anthony See ...................................... Koontz, Dean R. North, Edmund H. 1911–1990 .................. CTFT–1 North, Heather 1950– ............................. CTFT–77 North, Jay 1951– ..................................... CTFT–78 North, Noelle ........................................... CTFT–56 North, Nolan 1970– ................................ CTFT–77 North, Sheree 1933– ................................. CTFT–6 North, Steven ........................................... CTFT–65

Cumulative Index

Newnham–Davis, Nathaniel 1854–1917.................................... WWasWT Newsom, David ....................................... CTFT–67 Newstone, Pauline ................................... CTFT–78 Newton, Christopher 1936– .................... CTFT–12 Newton, Henry Chance 1854–1931 ...... WWasWT Newton, John 1925– ................................. CTFT–1 Newton, Matthew 1977–......................... CTFT–45 Newton, Robert 1905–1956 .................. WWasWT Newton, Thandie 1972–.......................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Newton, Wayne 1942– ........................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 20, 31 Newton–John, Olivia 1948–.................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 35 Ney, Marie 1895–.................................. WWasWT Neyolova, Marina 1947–......................... CTFT–34 Ngema, Mbongeni 1955–.......................... CTFT–9 Ngor, Haing S. 1941(?)–1996................... CTFT–11 Obituary in CTFT–16 Nguyen, Dustin 1962– ............................ CTFT–67 Nicander, Edwin 1876–1951 ................. WWasWT Nicastro, Michelle 1960– ........................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18 Niccol, Andrew 1964(?)–......................... CTFT–24 Nicholas, Anna........................................... CTFT–4 Nicholas, Denise 1944(?)–....................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 32 Nicholas, Fayard 1914– .......................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Nicholas, Paul 1945– .............................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 12, 37 Nicholas, Thomas Ian 1980–................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Nicholas–Hill, Denise See ..................................... Nicholas, Denise Nicholls, Anthony 1907–1977 ............... WWT–16 Nicholls, Harry 1852–1926 ................... WWasWT Nicholls–King, Melanie ............................ CTFT–72 Nichols, Alyssa A. See ...................................................... Indigo Nichols, Anne 1891–1966..................... WWasWT Nichols, Austin 1980–............................. CTFT–77 Nichols, Beverly 1898–1983 ................. WWasWT Nichols, Dave .......................................... CTFT–86 Nichols, Dudley 1895–1960 ................... CTFT–26 Nichols, Leigh See ...................................... Koontz, Dean R. Nichols, Leo See..................................... Morricone, Ennio Nichols, Lewis 1903– ............................ WWasWT Nichols, Marisol 1973– ........................... CTFT–55 Nichols, Mike 1931–............................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 16, 28; WWT–17 Nichols, Nichelle 1933(?)– ...................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 35 Nichols, Nick ........................................... CTFT–77 Nichols, Peter 1927–................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Nichols, Rachel 1980– ............................ CTFT–91 Nichols, Robert 1924– .............................. CTFT–4 Nichols, Stephen 1951– .......................... CTFT–71 Nichols, Taylor 1959(?)–.......................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Nicholsen, J. D. ........................................ CTFT–70 Nicholson, Bruce...................................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Nicholson, Dana See ...................... Wheeler–Nicholson, Dana Nicholson, H. O. 1868–? ...................... WWasWT Nicholson, Jack 1937– ............................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 11, 21, 32


NORTHAM Northam, Jeremy 1961– .......................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Northcott, Richard 1871–1931 .............. WWasWT Northen, Michael 1921– ........................ WWT–17 Northrup, Harry 1940–............................ CTFT–65 Norton, Alex 1950–................................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Norton, Bill L. .......................................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Norton, Edward 1969– ............................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 30 Norton, Elliot 1903–............................... WWT–17 Norton, Frederic ?–1946........................ WWasWT Norton, Jim 1938–................................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Norton, Richard 1950–............................ CTFT–75 Norton, Rosanna ...................................... CTFT–89 Norton–Taylor, Judy 1958–...................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Norville, Deborah 1958– ........................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 41 Norwood, Brandy 1979–......................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Norwood, Eille 1861–1948 ................... WWasWT Norwood, Lily See........................................... Charisse, Cyd Norworth, Jack 1879–1959 ................... WWasWT Noseworthy, Jack 1969–.......................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Nosille, Nabrah See ......................................... Ellsion, Harlan Noth, Chris 1957(?)– ............................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Noto, Lore .................................................. CTFT–1 Nouri, Michael 1945– ............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 19, 30 Novak, Frank 1945–................................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Novak, John ............................................. CTFT–62 Novak, Kim 1933– .................................. CTFT–15 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7 Novak, Marilyn See ............................................. Novak, Kim Novello, Don 1943– ............................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 42 Novello, Ivor 1893–1951 ...................... WWasWT Novembre, Tom........................................ CTFT–34 Nowak, Christopher ................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Nowak, Danny 1959– ............................. CTFT–59 Nowicki, Tom........................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Noxon, Marti ............................................ CTFT–55 Noyce, Phillip 1950– .............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Noyes, Joanna .......................................... CTFT–62 Noyes, Thomas 1922–1989....................... CTFT–8 Nozick, Bruce .......................................... CTFT–65 Noziere, Fernand 1874–1931................ WWasWT Nozik, Michael......................................... CTFT–82 Nucci, Danny 1968–............................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Nugent, Elliott 1899–1980..................... WWasWT Nugent, John Charles 1878–1947.......... WWasWT Nugent, Moya 1901–1954..................... WWasWT Nugent, Nelle 1939–................................. CTFT–1 Nugiel, Nellie........................................... CTFT–81 Nunez, Miguel A., Jr. 1964–.................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Nunn, Bill................................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Nunn, Imogen See ........................................ Stubbs, Imogen

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Nunn, Lady See ........................................ Stubbs, Imogen Nunn, Trevor 1940– ................................ CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11, 21; WWT–17 Nureyev, Rudolf 1938–1993.................... CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Nussbaum, Mike 1923– .......................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Nutley, Colin 1944– ................................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Nutter, David............................................ CTFT–43 Nuyen, France 1939–.............................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Nuytten, Bruno 1945–............................... CTFT–9 Nye, Bill 1955– ....................................... CTFT–64 Nye, Carrie................................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Nye, Pat 1908– ...................................... WWT–17 Nykl, David.............................................. CTFT–69 Nykvist, Sven 1924–................................ CTFT–28 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 16 Nyman, Michael 1944–........................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Nyman, Michael Robert 1965– ............... CTFT–83 Nype, Russell 1924– .............................. WWT–17 Nyqvist, Michael 1959– .......................... CTFT–35

O Oaker, Jane 1880–?................................ WWasWT Oakland, Simon 1922–1983 ..................... CTFT–1 Oates, Warren 1928–1982 ........................ CTFT–1 O’Bannon, Dan 1946– ............................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 19, 41 O’Bannon, Rockne S. 1955– ................... CTFT–37 Ober, Philip 1902–1982 ........................ WWasWT Obey, Andre 1892–1975 ....................... WWasWT Obomsawin, Alanis 1932– ...................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Obradors, Jacqueline 1966–.................... CTFT–45 Obraztsov, Sergei Vladimirovich 1901–............................................ WWasWT O’Brian, Hugh 1930–................................ CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 O’Brien, Austin 1981(?)– ......................... CTFT–60 O’Brien, Barry .......................................... CTFT–85 O’Brien, Barry 1893–1961 .................... WWasWT O’Brien, Brenna 1991– ........................... CTFT–77 O’Brien, Conan 1963– ............................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 O’Brien, David 1930– ........................... WWasWT O’Brien, Edmond 1915–1985.................... CTFT–2 O’Brien, Jack 1939– ................................ CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 16 O’Brien, Kate 1897–1974...................... WWasWT O’Brien, Laurie ......................................... CTFT–77 O’Brien, Logan 1992– ............................. CTFT–71 O’Brien, Margaret 1937–......................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 O’Brien, Maureen 1943–......................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 O’Brien, Maxine See .................................... O’Brien, Margaret O’Brien, Miles 1959– .............................. CTFT–74 O’Brien, Pat 1948–.................................. CTFT–46 O’Brien, Patrick Thomas .......................... CTFT–51 O’Brien, Richard 1942– .......................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 O’Brien, Soledad 1966– .......................... CTFT–74


O’Brien, Terence 1887–1970................. WWasWT O’Brien, Timothy 1929–.......................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 O’Brien, Tom 1965–................................ CTFT–45 O’Brien, Trever 1984– ............................. CTFT–61 O’Brien, Virginia 1896–1987................. WWasWT O’Brien–Moore, Erin 1908–1979........... WWasWT O’Brown, George See .............................................. Taylor, Jack O’Bryan, Sean .......................................... CTFT–50 O’Bryen, W. J. 1898– ............................ WWasWT Obst, Lynda 1950– .................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 22 O’Byrne, Brian F. 1967–.......................... CTFT–79 O’Byrne, Kehli.......................................... CTFT–63 O’Callaghan, Richard 1940– ..................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 O’Casey, Sean 1880–1964..................... WWasWT Ocean, Ivory ............................................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Ochman, Joe ............................................ CTFT–77 Ocko, Peter .............................................. CTFT–76 O’Connell, Arthur 1908–1981................ WWT–17 O’Connell, Charlie 1975– ....................... CTFT–72 O’Connell, Deirdre................................... CTFT–50 O’Connell, Hugh 1898–1943 ................ WWasWT O’Connell, Jerry 1974– ........................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 O’Connor, Bill 1919– ............................ WWasWT O’Connor, Carroll 1924(?)– ..................... CTFT–27 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9, 17 O’Connor, Charles Wm. 1878–1955 ..... WWasWT O’Connor, Donald 1925–........................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 O’Connor, Frances 1969–........................ CTFT–43 O’Connor, Glynnis 1956(?)– .................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 O’Connor, John J. 1933– ....................... WWasWT O’Connor, Kevin 1938–1991..................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 O’Connor, Kevin J. 1963– ....................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 O’Connor, Matthew.................................. CTFT–49 O’Connor, Pat............................................. CTFT–7 O’Connor, Raymond 1955–..................... CTFT–54 O’Connor, Renee 1971–.......................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 30 O’Connor, Sinead 1966(?)–...................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 O’Connor, Una 1893–1959 ................... WWasWT O’Conor, Joseph 1916– ........................... CTFT–32 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 O’Dea, Denis 1905– ............................. WWasWT Odell, George C. D. 1866–1949 ........... WWasWT O’Dell, Nancy 1963–.............................. CTFT–68 Odenkirk, Bob 1962–.............................. CTFT–76 Odets, Clifford 1906–1963 .................... WWasWT Odette, Mary 1901– .............................. WWasWT Oditz, Carl 1946– ..................................... CTFT–2 O’Doherty, Eileen 1891– ....................... WWasWT O’Doherty, Mignon 1890–1961............. WWasWT Odom, Leslie, Jr. 1981–........................... CTFT–92 O’Donnell, Annie ..................................... CTFT–64 O’Donnell, Chris 1970– .......................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 O’Donnell, David..................................... CTFT–79 O’Donnell, John ....................................... CTFT–48 O’Donnell, Kelly ...................................... CTFT–43 O’Donnell, Lawrence 1951(?)–................ CTFT–70 O’Donnell, Mark 1954– ............................ CTFT–1 O’Donnell, Mary Eileen 1948– ................. CTFT–5

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 O’Keeffe, Doug 1966– ............................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 O’Keeffe, Miles 1954(?)– ......................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 O’Kelley, Tricia 1968– ............................. CTFT–86 Okhlopkov, Nikolai Pavlovich 1900–1967.................................... WWasWT Okie, Richard C. 1953– .......................... CTFT–39 Okuma, Enuka 1976–.............................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Okumoto, Yuji 1959– .............................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Olaf, Pierre 1928–.................................. WWT–17 Oland, Warner 1880–1938.................... WWasWT Olandt, Ken 1958–.................................. CTFT–51 Olbrychski, Daniel 1945– ....................... CTFT–35 Olcott, Chauncey 1860–1932 ............... WWasWT Old, John M. See ............................................. Bava, Mario Oldershaw, Kelsey .................................... CTFT–84 Oldham, Derek 1892–1968................... WWasWT Oldham, Kimberly Elise See......................................... Elise, Kimberly Oldland, Lillian 1905– .......................... WWasWT Oldman, Gary 1958– .............................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 26 Olds, Gabriel 1972–................................ CTFT–64 O’Leary, John 1926–................................ CTFT–58 O’Leary, Matt 1987–................................ CTFT–80 O’Leary, William ...................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Oleynik, Larisa 1981– ............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Oliansky, Joel 1935– ................................. CTFT–1 Oliffe, Geraldine..................................... WWasWT Olim, Dorothy 1934–................................ CTFT–1 Olin, Ken 1954(?)– .................................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Olin, Lena 1955– .................................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 21, 32 Oliphant, Jack 1895–............................. WWasWT Olivares, Teo 1990– ................................ CTFT–85 Olive, Edyth ?–1956 .............................. WWasWT Oliver, Anthony 1923– ........................... WWT–17 Oliver, Barrie 1900– .............................. WWasWT Oliver, Edith 1912– ................................ WWT–17 Oliver, Edna May 1885–1942................ WWasWT Oliver, Nicole........................................... CTFT–56 Oliver, Rochelle 1937–............................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18 Oliver, Susan 1937–1990 ........................ CTFT–11 Oliver, Vic ?–1964 ................................. WWasWT Olivier, Laurence 1907–1989 .................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Oliviero, Silvio See................................ Miranda, Michael A. Olkewicz, Walter 1948– ......................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Olmi, Ermanno 1931–............................... CTFT–8 Olmos, Edward James 1947– .................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14, 24 O’Loughlin, Alex 1975(?)–....................... CTFT–87 O’Loughlin, Gerald S. 1921– .................. CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Olsen, Ashley 1986– ............................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Olsen, Eric Christian 1977(?)– ................. CTFT–64 Olsen, Mary–Kate 1986–......................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Olsen, Merlin 1940– ................................. CTFT–8 Olsen, Ole 1892–1963.......................... WWasWT Olsen, Susan 1961– ................................ CTFT–62 Olson, Glen 1945–.................................... CTFT–4


Olson, James 1930– .................................. CTFT–1 Olson, Nancy 1928– ................................. CTFT–7 Olsson, Ty ................................................ CTFT–62 Olstead, Renee 1989– ............................. CTFT–45 Olyphant, Timothy 1968– ....................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Om See ......................................... Gorey, Edward O’Malley, Ellen ?–1961.......................... WWasWT O’Malley, Mike 1969–............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 O’Malley, Rex 1901–............................. WWasWT Oman, Chad............................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Oman, Julia Terelyan 1930–................... WWT–17 O’Mara, Jason 1972– .............................. CTFT–86 O’Mara, Kate 1939–.................................. CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Omari, Morocco 1975–........................... CTFT–72 Omarion See .............................. Grandberry, Omarion Ombra, Carlo See ......................................... Schenkel, Carl O’Meara, Jo 1979–.................................. CTFT–77 Omilani, Afemo 1951–............................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Omilami, Elizabeth................................... CTFT–51 O’Morrison, Kevin ...................................... CTFT–1 Ompuri See.................................................. Puri, Om Omundson, Timothy 1969–..................... CTFT–45 Ondricek, Miroslav 1934–....................... CTFT–28 O’Neal, Charles E. 1904–1996................ CTFT–28 O’Neal, Frederick 1905–........................ WWT–17 O’Neal, Norris See........................................ Broderick, Beth O’Neal, Patrick 1927–1994....................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 O’Neal, Peggy .......................................... CTFT–77 O’Neal, Ron 1937– ................................. CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13 O’Neal, Ryan 1941–................................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 37 O’Neal, Shaquille 1972–......................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 O’Neal, Tatum 1963–.............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 O’Neal, Zelma 1907–............................ WWasWT O’Neil, Colette ........................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 O’Neil, Nancy 1911– ............................ WWasWT O’Neil, Peggy 1898–1960 ..................... WWasWT O’Neill, Dick 1928–1998.......................... CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–24 O’Neill, Ed 1946– ................................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13, 23 O’Neill, Eugene Gladstone 1888–1953.................................... WWasWT O’Neill, Frank B. 1869–1959 ................ WWasWT O’Neill, Henry 1891–1961.................... WWasWT O’Neill, James 1849–1920 .................... WWasWT O’Neill, Jennifer 1948(?)–........................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 O’Neill, Marie 1887–1952 .................... WWasWT O’Neill, Michael ...................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 O’Neill, Nance 1874–1965 ................... WWasWT O’Neill, Norman 1875–1934 ................ WWasWT O’Neill, Norris See........................................ Broderick, Beth O’Neill, Sheila 1930–................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17

Cumulative Index

O’Donnell, Rosie 1962–.......................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 O’Donoghue, Michael 1940–1994............ CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–15 O’Donohue, John F. ................................. CTFT–74 O’Donohue, Ryan 1984– ........................ CTFT–66 O’Donovan, Desmond 1933– ................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 O’Donovan, Fred 1889–1952................ WWasWT Oedekerk, Steve 1961(?)–........................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Oenslager, Donald 1902–1975.............. WWasWT Oestegren, Pernilla See ....................................... August, Pernilla O’Fallon, Peter ......................................... CTFT–89 O’Farrell, Conor ....................................... CTFT–52 O’Farrell, Mary 1892–1968 ................... WWasWT Offerman, Nick 1970– ............................ CTFT–77 O’Flaherty, Joseph See ............................................. Flaherty, Joe Offner, Deborah ....................................... CTFT–64 Ogilvie, George 1931– ........................... WWT–17 Ogilvie, Glencairn Stuart 1858–1932 .... WWasWT Ogilvy, Ian 1943–.................................... CTFT–56 Oglesby, Marsha....................................... CTFT–83 Oglesby, Randy ........................................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 O’Gorman, Dean 1976– ......................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 O’Grady, Gail 1963–............................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 30 Oh, Sandra 1971– ................................... CTFT–52 Ohanneson, Jill M. ................................... CTFT–50 O’Hara, Catherine 1954– ........................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19, 30 O’Hara, Conchita See............................................ Rivera, Chita O’Hara, David 1965–.............................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 24 O’Hara, Jenny 1946(?)– ........................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 O’Hara, Karen .......................................... CTFT–76 O’Hara, Maggie Blue ............................... CTFT–78 O’Hara, Maureen 1921– ........................... CTFT–8 O’Hara, Paige 1956–............................... CTFT–72 O’Hara, Terrence ...................................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 O’Hare, Denis 1962– .............................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 O’Hearn, Robert 1921–............................. CTFT–5 O’Herlihy, Dan 1919–............................. CTFT–32 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 O’Herlihy, Gavan 1954– ......................... CTFT–50 O’Higgins, Harvey J. 1876–1929........... WWasWT Ohlmeyer, Don, Jr. 1945– ......................... CTFT–6 Ohnet, Georges 1848–1918 .................. WWasWT O’Horgan, Tom 1926–............................ WWT–17 Ohsugi, Ren See............................................... Osugi, Ren Ohtsji, Kevan............................................ CTFT–83 O’Hurley, John 1956(?)– .......................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 O’Hurley, Shannon................................... CTFT–79 Oja, Kimberly 1969–............................... CTFT–86 Ojeda, Juan See ............................................... Storm, T. J. Oka, Masi 1974–..................................... CTFT–76 Okada, Daryn 1960–............................... CTFT–64 O’Keefe, Jodi Lyn 1978– ......................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 O’Keefe, Michael 1955– ......................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 Brief Entry in CTFT–2


ONO Ono, Yoko 1933– .................................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Onorati, Peter 1954–............................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Ontiveros, Lupe 1942–............................ CTFT–64 Ontkean, Michael 1946(?)– ..................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17 Oosugi, Ren See............................................... Osugi, Ren Opatoshu, David 1918– ............................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Opel, Nancy............................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Openshaw, Charles Elton........................ WWasWT Ophuls, Marcel 1927–............................... CTFT–8 Opp, Julie 1871–1921 ........................... WWasWT Oppenheimer, Alan 1930– ...................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Oppenheimer, Jess 1913–1988.................. CTFT–8 Oppewall, Jeannine Claudia 1946–.............................................. CTFT–47 Oprah See........................................ Winfrey, Oprah O’Quinn, Terry 1952– ............................. CTFT–45 O’Ramey, Georgia 1886–1928 .............. WWasWT Orbach, Jerry 1935–................................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 25; WWT–17 Orchard, Julian 1930–1979 .................... WWT–16 Orczy, Emmuska 1865–1947................. WWasWT Ord, Robert ............................................ WWasWT Ord, Simon 1874–1944......................... WWasWT Ordonneau, Maurice 1854–1916 .......... WWasWT Ordway, Sally ............................................. CTFT–1 O’Regan, Kathleen 1903–...................... WWasWT O’Reilly, Bill 1949(?)–.............................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 O’Reilly, Cyril 1958–............................... CTFT–50 O’Reilly, Michael...................................... CTFT–77 O’Reilly, Robert 1950– ............................ CTFT–85 Orent, Kerry ............................................. CTFT–80 Oreskes, Daniel ........................................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Orlandi, Daniel ........................................ CTFT–65 Orlando, Silvio 1957– ............................. CTFT–33 Orlando, Tony 1944– ................................ CTFT–6 Orme, Denise 1884–1960 ..................... WWasWT Orme, Michael 1894–1944 ................... WWasWT Ormond, Julia 1965–............................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Ornbo, Robert 1931– ................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 O’Rorke, Brefni 1889–1946................... WWasWT Orosco, David See............................................. Stone, Doug O’Ross, Ed 1949–.................................... CTFT–49 O’Rourke, Robert 1947– ........................... CTFT–1 Orozco, David See............................................. Stone, Doug Orr, Corinne ............................................. CTFT–56 Orr, Mary 1918–..................................... WWT–17 Orser, Eric See ........................................... Orser, Leland Orser, Leland 1960– ................................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Orth, Zak 1970–...................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 30 Ortiz, Lisa................................................. CTFT–45 Ortlieb, Jim............................................... CTFT–58 Oruche, Phina 1972– .............................. CTFT–92 O’Russell, David See .................................... Russell, David O. Osborn, E. W. 1860–1930 ..................... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Osborn, Paul 1901–1988 .......................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Osborn, Ron ............................................. CTFT–47 Osborne, Barrie M. 1944–....................... CTFT–43 Osborne, Holmes 1952– ......................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Osborne, John 1929–1994 ........................ CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Osborne, Kent .......................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Osborne, Kipp 1944– ................................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Osborne, Super Dave See............................................ Einstein, Bob Osborne, Vivienne 1905–...................... WWasWT Osborne, William ..................................... CTFT–34 Oscar, Henry 1891–1969 ...................... WWasWT Oscarsson, Per 1927–.............................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Osgood, Charles 1933–........................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 O’Shaughnessey, Colleen 1971–.............................................. CTFT–77 O’Shea, Michael D................................... CTFT–58 O’Shea, Milo 1926– ................................ CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Osment, Emily 1992–.............................. CTFT–83 Osment, Haley Joel 1988– ...................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Osmond, Cliff ............................................. CTFT–6 Osmond, Donny 1957–........................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 Osmond, Marie 1959– ............................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 37 Osmun, Betsy 1954– ................................. CTFT–4 Osser, Jonathan 1989–............................. CTFT–74 O’Steen, Michael 1962–............................ CTFT–8 Ostergren, Pernilla See ....................................... August, Pernilla Osterhage, Jeffrey 1953– ........................... CTFT–5 Osterman, Lester 1914– ............................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Osterwald, Bibi 1920– .............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ostrow, Ron ............................................. CTFT–77 Ostrow, Stuart 1931–.............................. WWT–17 Osugi, Ren 1951– ................................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 O’Sullivan, Billy 1980– ........................... CTFT–58 O’Sullivan, Maureen 1911–1998............. CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 O’Sullivan, Paul ....................................... CTFT–77 Osuna, Jess 1928–..................................... CTFT–1 Oswald, Geneviere 1923–......................... CTFT–2 Oswalt, Patton 1969–.............................. CTFT–79 Oteri, Cheri 1965– .................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Otis, Paul See ............................................. Eiding, Paul O’Toole, Annette 1952(?)–....................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 16, 26 O’Toole, Kate 1961– ............................... CTFT–85 O’Toole, Peter 1932– .............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 15, 25; WWT–17 Ottaway, James 1908–............................ WWT–17 Ottman, John 1964–................................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Otto, Miranda 1967–............................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Otto, Rick 1973–..................................... CTFT–86 Oughton, Winifred 1890–1964.............. WWasWT


Ouimette, Stephen.................................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Ould, Hermon 1885–1951 .................... WWasWT Oulton, Brian 1908– .............................. WWT–17 Ouspenskaya, Maria 1876–1949 ........... WWasWT Outen, Denise See .................................. Van Outen, Denise Outerbridge, Peter 1966– ........................ CTFT–56 Ouyang, Betty .......................................... CTFT–89 Ove, Indra 1968– .................................... CTFT–86 Overall, Park 1957– ................................ CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Overbye, Camilla See............................ Roos, Camilla Overbye Overend, Dorothy .................................. WWasWT Overman, Lynne 1887–1943 ................. WWasWT Overmyer, Eric 1951–.............................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 14, 40 Overton, Kelly .......................................... CTFT–68 Overton, Rick 1954– ............................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 31 Ovitz, Michael 1946– ............................. CTFT–10 Owen, Alison 1961– ............................... CTFT–84 Owen, Alun 1925–1994............................ CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Owen, Bill 1914– .................................... CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Owen, Catherine Dale 1900–1965........ WWasWT Owen, Chris 1980– ................................. CTFT–43 Owen, Clive 1965– ................................. CTFT–45 Owen, Harold 1872–1930 .................... WWasWT Owen, Harrison 1890–.......................... WWasWT Owen, Lloyd ............................................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Owen, Meg Wynn 1942–........................ CTFT–86 Owen, Reginald 1887–1972.................. WWasWT Own, Rena 1962(?)–................................ CTFT–71 Owens, Chris 1961–................................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Owens, Dana See.......................................... Queen Latifah Owens, Gary 1936– ................................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 14, 40 Owens, Rochelle 1936– ............................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Oxenberg, Catherine 1961– .................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 38 Oxores, Adriana 1959– ........................... CTFT–35 Oyra, Jan 1888–?................................... WWasWT Oz, Frank 1944– ..................................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 25 Ozaki, Eijiro ............................................. CTFT–92 Ozon, Francois 1967–............................. CTFT–33

P Paar, Jack 1918–........................................ CTFT–6 Pace, William 1958– ............................... CTFT–28 Pacey, Steven 1957–.................................. CTFT–8 Pacino, Al 1940–..................................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 23; WWT–17 Packer, David 1962– ............................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 38 Pacula, Joanna 1957–.............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Padalecki, Jared 1982–............................ CTFT–56

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Pallfy, David See ............................................ Palffy, David Palma, Loretta 1946– ................................ CTFT–2 Palmer, Barbara 1911–........................... WWasWT Palmer, Betsy 1926– ................................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19, 41; WWT–17 Palmer, Charles 1869–1920................... WWasWT Palmer, Geoffrey 1927–........................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 20, 31 Palmer, Gregg 1927–................................. CTFT–7 Palmer, Gretchen 1961–.......................... CTFT–59 Palmer, Joel 1986– .................................. CTFT–70 Palmer, John 1885–1944 ....................... WWasWT Palmer, Keke 1993–................................. CTFT–88 Palmer, Lilli 1914–1986 ............................ CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Palmer, Minnie 1857–1936 ................... WWasWT Palmer, Patrick J. 1935– .......................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Palmer, Vera Jane See ...................................... Mansfield, Jayne Palmieri, Joe 1939– ................................... CTFT–1 Palminteri, Chazz 1952(?)–...................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 Palmisano, Conrad E. 1948– ................... CTFT–53 Paltrow, Bruce 1943–2002 ........................ CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–48 Paltrow, Gwyneth 1972– ......................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 Palzis, Kelly See........................................... Preston, Kelly Pammy See.................................... Anderson, Pamela Pan, Hermes 1910(?)–1990 ....................... CTFT–9 Panabaker, Danielle 1987–...................... CTFT–71 Panabaker, Kay 1990– ............................. CTFT–70 Panahi, Jafar 1960– ................................. CTFT–35 Panama, Norman 1920(?)– ...................... CTFT–22 Panettiere, Hayden 1989– ....................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Pankin, Stuart 1946– ............................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 25 Pankow, Joanne ........................................ CTFT–54 Pankow, John 1957(?)– ............................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 25 Panou ....................................................... CTFT–62 Panter, Joan 1909–................................. WWasWT Pantoliano, Joe 1951(?)–.......................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 24 Panzer, William N. ................................... CTFT–56 Paolantonio, Bill ....................................... CTFT–48 Paolillo, Ronald G. See.............................................. Palillo, Ron Paolo, Connor 1990– .............................. CTFT–83 Paolone, Catherine ................................... CTFT–74 Paonessa, Nick ......................................... CTFT–80 Papa, Sharon ............................................ CTFT–48 Papa, Tom ................................................ CTFT–86 Papaelias, Lucas ....................................... CTFT–80 Papajohn, Michael 1964– ....................... CTFT–86 Papamichael, Phedon 1962–................... CTFT–59 Papamichael, Phedon, Sr. See................................ Papmichael, Phedon Papamichael, Thedon See................................ Papmichael, Phedon Papas, Irene 1929(?)– .............................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 16 Papathanassiou, Vangelis See ................................................... Vangelis Pape, Joan .................................................. CTFT–1 Pape, Paul 1952– .................................... CTFT–69 Papineau, Dany 1974–............................ CTFT–91 Papmichael, Phedon................................. CTFT–27


Papp, Joseph 1921–1991......................... CTFT–12 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Pappas, Irini See ............................................. Papas, Irene Pappenbrook, Bob .................................... CTFT–48 Paquin, Anna 1982–................................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Paradis, Vanessa 1972– ........................... CTFT–77 Paragon, John ............................................. CTFT–8 Parcaro, Steve See.......................................... Porcaro, Steve Pardo, Don 1918–................................... CTFT–79 Pardo, J. D. 1980–................................... CTFT–89 Parducci, Paul .......................................... CTFT–79 Pardue, Kip 1976–................................... CTFT–65 Pare, Jessica 1982–.................................. CTFT–67 Pare, Michael 1959– ............................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 25 Parent, Gail 1940– .................................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Parenteau, John K. F. ................................ CTFT–80 Parfitt, Judy 1935–................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 13, 37; WWT–17 Parichy, Dennis .......................................... CTFT–8 Parikh, Devika .......................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–45 Parilla, Lana 1977– ................................. CTFT–72 Parillaud, Anne 1960–............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Paris, Jerry 1925–1986 .............................. CTFT–3 Parise, Jeff................................................. CTFT–84 Parish, James .......................................... WWasWT Parisot, Dean ............................................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Parisys, Marcelle..................................... WWasWT Park, Chul–Soo 1947(?)– ......................... CTFT–35 Park, Grace 1980– .................................. CTFT–65 Park, Linda 1978– ................................... CTFT–79 Park, Nick 1958– .................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Park, Nira ................................................. CTFT–86 Park, Randall ............................................ CTFT–89 Park, Ray 1974– ...................................... CTFT–72 Park, Sung Hee See ..................................... Whang, Suzanne Parke, Evan 1968–................................... CTFT–83 Parker, Alan 1944– .................................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 25 Parker, Andrea 1969– .............................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Parker, Anthony 1912– .......................... WWasWT Parker, Anthony Ray ................................. CTFT–79 Parker, Bert See ......................................... Ellsion, Harlan Parker, Cecil 1897–1971 ....................... WWasWT Parker, Corey 1965– ................................ CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 26 Parker, David............................................ CTFT–81 Parker, Doug............................................. CTFT–48 Parker, Eleanor 1922–................................ CTFT–5 Parker, Ellen 1949–.................................... CTFT–6 Parker, Erica See......................................... Durance, Erica Parker, F. William ..................................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Parker, Frank 1864–1926....................... WWasWT Parker, Jameson 1947– ............................ CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Parker, John 1875–1952 ........................ WWasWT Parker, Joy 1924–................................... WWasWT Parker, Leni............................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Parker, Lew 1906–1972 ......................... WWasWT

Cumulative Index

Padhora, Roman See...................................... Podhora, Roman Pagano, Giulia 1949–................................ CTFT–1 Pagan, Michael J. ..................................... CTFT–74 Page, Anthony 1935– .............................. CTFT–23 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 12; WWT–17 Page, Ashley 1956–................................. CTFT–12 Page, Austin............................................ WWasWT Page, Dallas 1956– ................................. CTFT–65 Page, Ellen 1987–.................................... CTFT–86 Page, Evelyn ............................................. CTFT–32 Page, Geraldine 1924–1987...................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–5 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Page, Harrison .......................................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Page, Ken 1954– ..................................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Page, Louise 1955– ................................. CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Page, Norman ?–1935 ........................... WWasWT Page, Philip P. 1889–............................. WWasWT Page, Rita 1906–1954 ........................... WWasWT Page, Samuel 1976–................................ CTFT–76 Page, Tilsa 1926– .................................. WWasWT Paget, Cecil ?–1955 ............................... WWasWT Paget–Bowman, Cicely 1910–................ WWT–17 Pagett, Nicola 1945–................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Paggi, Nicole 1977–................................ CTFT–89 Pagnol, Marcel 1895–1974.................... WWasWT Paige, Elaine 1948–................................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Paige, Janis 1924– ................................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Paige, Richard See ...................................... Koontz, Dean R. Paige, Tarah 1982–.................................. CTFT–88 Painter, Eleanor 1890–1947................... WWasWT Pais, Josh 1964(?)–................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Paisley Park See ...................................................... Prince Paisner, Dina .............................................. CTFT–2 Pakledinaz, Martin ................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Pakula, Alan 1928– ................................. CTFT–13 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6 Pal, George 1908–1980........................... CTFT–19 Paladini, Ettore 1849–? .......................... WWasWT Paladini–Ando, Celestina ........................ WWasWT Palance, Jack 1920(?)–............................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 23 Palcy, Euzhan 1958– ............................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Pale, Paul See ............................................... Pape, Paul Palerme, Gina......................................... WWasWT Palermo, Brian.......................................... CTFT–86 Paley, William S. 1901–1990 .................... CTFT–5 Palffy, David 1969– ................................. CTFT–79 Palfrey, May Lever 1867–1929 .............. WWasWT Palicki, Adrianne 1983– .......................... CTFT–83 Palillo, Ron 1949(?)– ............................... CTFT–79 Palin, Michael 1943– .............................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 16, 26 Palladino, Aleksa 1982(?)– ...................... CTFT–80 Palladino, Erik 1968– .............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Pallana, Kumar 1919– ............................. CTFT–80 Pallavera, Franco See .......................................... Soldati, Mario


PARKER Parker, Lottie Blair 1858?–1937 ............. WWasWT Parker, Louis Napoleon 1852–1944....... WWasWT Parker, Marisa See ........................................ Petroro, Marisa Parker, Mary–Louise 1964– ..................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 Parker, Molly 1972– .............................. CTFT–680 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Parker, Monica ......................................... CTFT–79 Parker, Nathaniel 1962(?)–....................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Parker, Nicole Ari 1970– ......................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Parker, Noelle 1969–............................... CTFT–52 Parker, Paula Jai 1971–............................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Parker, Sarah Jessica 1965– ..................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 25 Parker, Thane 1907–.............................. WWasWT Parker, Trey 1969–................................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Parker, Ursula See ....................................... Andress, Ursula Parkes, Gerard .......................................... CTFT–69 Parkes, Walter F. 1951–........................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 37 Parkins, Barbara 1942– ........................... CTFT–62 Parkinson, Dian .......................................... CTFT–4 Parks, Bert 1914–1992 .............................. CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–10 Parks, Gordon 1912– ................................ CTFT–6 Parks, Hildy 1926–.................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Parks, James ............................................. CTFT–76 Parks, Larry 1914–1975......................... WWasWT Parks, Michael 1940–.............................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 35 Parks, Yolanda .......................................... CTFT–50 Parlakian, Nishan 1925– ........................... CTFT–4 Parmet, Phil 1942–.................................. CTFT–79 Parnell, Peter 1953– .................................. CTFT–1 Parnell, Val 1894– ................................. WWasWT Parodi, Starr.............................................. CTFT–54 Parrilla, Lana 1977– ................................ CTFT–85 Parriott, James D. 1950– ......................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Parriott, Sara ............................................. CTFT–28 Parrish, Janel 1988– ................................ CTFT–89 Parrish, Robert 1916–1995...................... CTFT–13 Obituary in CTFT–15 Parros, Peter 1960– ................................. CTFT–56 Parry, Chris 1952– ..................................... CTFT–5 Parry, Edward Abbott 1863–1943 .......... WWasWT Parsons, Alan 1888–1933...................... WWasWT Parsons, Donovan 1888–? ..................... WWasWT Parsons, Estelle 1927– ............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20; WWT–17 Parsons, Nancie 1904–.......................... WWasWT Parsons, Percy 1878–1944..................... WWasWT Parton, Dolly 1946– ................................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 23 Partridge, Wendy ...................................... CTFT–48 Pascal, Adam 1970–................................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Pascale, Jan .............................................. CTFT–80 Pasco, Richard Edward 1926– ................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 15; WWT–17 Pasdar, Adrian 1965(?)– ........................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 26 Pasekoff, Marilyn 1949–.......................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19 Paseornek, Michael .................................. CTFT–91

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Pashalinski, Lola ....................................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Paskaljevic, Goran 1947–........................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1922–1975 .............. CTFT–29 Pasquin, John 1945(?)– ............................ CTFT–51 Passer, Ivan 1933–................................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16 Passeur, Steve 1899–1966 ..................... WWasWT Passmore, Walter 1867–1946 ................ WWasWT Pasternak, Joe 1901–1991 ....................... CTFT–11 Paston, George ?–1936 .......................... WWasWT Pastore, Vinny 1946(?)– ........................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Pastorelli, Robert 1954–2004 .................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 26 Pasztor, Beatrix Aruna 1958– .................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Patacano, Martino See ................................... Chacksfield, Frank Pataki, Michael 1938–............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 42 Patch, Karen ............................................. CTFT–58 Patch, Wally 1888–1970 ....................... WWasWT Pate, Jonas 1970–.................................... CTFT–22 Pate, Josh 1970–...................................... CTFT–22 Pateman, Robert 1840–1924 ................. WWasWT Patinkin, Mandy 1952– ........................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 40 Paton, Angela ........................................... CTFT–76 Patric, Jason 1966–.................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 27 Patrice, Teryn 1956–.................................. CTFT–4 Patrick, Butch 1953– ............................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Patrick, Dan 1957(?)– .............................. CTFT–30 Patrick, John 1907– ................................ WWT–17 Patrick, Nigel 1913–............................... WWT–17 Patrick, Q. See ........................................ Wheeler, Hugh Patrick, Robert 1937–.............................. CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Patrick, Robert 1958(?)– .......................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Patricola, Tom 1891–1950..................... WWasWT Patterson, Dick 1929– ............................... CTFT–8 Patterson, Jay 1954–................................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19, 31 Patterson, John ......................................... CTFT–42 Patterson, Marnette 1980–....................... CTFT–73 Patterson, Meredith 1975– ...................... CTFT–80 Patterson, Neva 1922– .......................... WWasWT Patterson, Raymond 1955–........................ CTFT–1 Patterson, Richard See ........................................ Patterson, Dick Patterson, Scott 1958–............................. CTFT–56 Patterson, Sir Les See .................................... Humphries, Barry Patterson, Tom 1920–............................. WWT–17 Pattinson, Robert 1986– .......................... CTFT–76 Patton, Will 1954– .................................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 25 Patzwald, Julie.......................................... CTFT–54 Pau, Peter 1952– ..................................... CTFT–79 Paul, Aaron 1979– .................................. CTFT–54 Paul, Adrian 1959– ................................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Paul, Alexandra 1963– ............................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Paul, Betty 1921– .................................. WWasWT Paul, Christian 1973– .............................. CTFT–65 Paul, Jarrad 1976–................................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41


Paul, Kent 1936–....................................... CTFT–3 Paul, Richard Joesph ................................ CTFT–88 Paul, Steven 1958–.................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 31 Paul, Taffy See ...................................... Powers, Stefanie Pauley P. See........................................ Perrette, Pauley Pauley, Jane 1950– .................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 24 Paulin, Scott 1951(?)–.............................. CTFT–51 Pauline, Princess 1873–? ....................... WWasWT Paulk, Marcus T. 1986–........................... CTFT–76 Paull, Harry Major 1854–1934 .............. WWasWT Paull, Lawrence G. 1946–....................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Paull, Ricky G. See ................................. Goldin, Ricky Paull Paulsen, Albert 1929– ............................... CTFT–6 Paulsen, Pat 1927–1997............................ CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–17 Paulsen, Rob 1956– ................................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Paulson, Sarah 1975–.............................. CTFT–51 Paulton, Harry 1842–1917 .................... WWasWT Paumier, Alfred 1870–1951 ................... WWasWT Paunescu, Oana ....................................... CTFT–56 Paunovic, Aleks ........................................ CTFT–86 Paup, Theresa See ....................................... Russell, Theresa Pavarotti, Luciano 1935–2007................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Obituary in CTFT–92 Pavel, Paul ............................................... CTFT–33 Pavia, Ria ................................................. CTFT–42 Pavlova, Anna 1885–1931 .................... WWasWT Pavlow, Muriel 1921– ............................ WWT–17 Pawle, J. Lennox 1872–1936................. WWasWT Pawley, Nancy 1901–............................ WWasWT Pawson, Hargrave 1902–1945............... WWasWT Paxinou, Katina 1900–1974 .................. WWasWT Paxton, Bill 1955–................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 16, 28 Paxton, Sara 1988– ................................. CTFT–58 Paxton, Sydney 1860–1930 ................... WWasWT Paymer, David 1954– .............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 31 Payn, Grahm 1918– ............................... WWT–17 Payne, Alan 1962(?)–............................... CTFT–48 Payne, Alexander 1961– ......................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Payne, Ben Iden 1888–1976 ................. WWasWT Payne, Bruce 1960– ................................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Payne, Carl Anthony II 1969– ................. CTFT–62 Payne, Dan............................................... CTFT–78 Payne, Edmund 1865–1914................... WWasWT Payne, John 1912–1989 ............................ CTFT–8 Payne, Julie 1940– .................................. CTFT–56 Payne, Laurence 1919– ......................... WWasWT Payne, Millie .......................................... WWasWT Payne, Walter ?–1949............................ WWasWT Payne–Jennings, Victor 1900–1962 ....... WWasWT Pays, Amanda 1959–............................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14 Payton, Angela See .......................................... Paton, Angela Payton, JoMarie 1950– ............................ CTFT–88 Payton, Khary ........................................... CTFT–71 Payton–Noble, Jo Marie 1950– ............... CTFT–40 Payton–Wright, Pamela 1941– ................ CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Pellington, Mark 1962– ........................... CTFT–79 Peluce, Meeno 1970– ............................... CTFT–5 Peltier, Melissa Jo ..................................... CTFT–49 Peluso, Lisa 1964– .................................. CTFT–56 Pember, Ron 1934– ................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Pemberton, Brock 1885–1950 ............... WWasWT Pemberton, John Wyndham 1883–1947.................................... WWasWT Pemberton, Max 1863–1950 ................. WWasWT Pemberton, Reece 1914–1977 ............... WWT–16 Pemberton–Billing, Robin 1929– ............. WWT–17 Pena, Elizabeth 1959–............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13, 37 Pena, Michael .......................................... CTFT–58 Penacoli, Jerry .......................................... CTFT–63 Pendleton, Austin 1940– ......................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 25; WWT–17 Pendleton, Wyman 1916– ...................... WWT–17 Penghlis, Thaao 1945– ............................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Penikett, Tahmoh 1975–.......................... CTFT–85 Penley, Arthur 1881–1954 ..................... WWasWT Penley, W. S. 1851–1912 ...................... WWasWT Penn, Arthur 1922– ................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 12, 37; WWT–17 Penn, Bill 1931–.................................... WWasWT Penn, Chris 1962–2006........................... CTFT–60 Obituary in CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 27 Penn, Kal 1977–...................................... CTFT–48 Penn, Leo 1921–1998 ............................. CTFT–22 Penn, Marina See............................................ D’Este, Coco Penn, Nina See............................................ D’Este, Coco Penn, Robin Wright 1966– ...................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 24 Penn, Sean 1960– ................................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17, 27 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Penn, Zak 1968– ..................................... CTFT–89 Pennebaker, D. A. 1925– ........................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 40 Pennell, Larry ........................................... CTFT–73 Penner, Jonathan 1962–........................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Pennington, Ann 1892–1971................. WWasWT Pennington, Janice...................................... CTFT–4 Pennington, Michael 1943– .................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 37 Pennington, Ty 1965–.............................. CTFT–80 Penny, Bob ............................................... CTFT–68 Penny, Brendan ........................................ CTFT–86 Penny, Joe 1956(?)– ................................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 38 Penny, Sydney 1971– .............................. CTFT–73 Penrose, John 1917–.............................. WWasWT Penry–Jones, Rupert 1970–...................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Penzner, Seymour 1915–........................... CTFT–2 Peoples, David Webb ............................... CTFT–21 Pepe, Neil 1963– .................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Peple, Edward H. 1867–1924................ WWasWT Peppard, George 1928–1994..................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–13 Pepper, Barry 1970– ................................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Pepper, Dennis See ................................................ Lee, Jason Perabo, Piper 1976(?)– ............................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32


Perceval–Clark, Perceval 1881–1938..... WWasWT Percy, Edward 1891–1968 ..................... WWasWT Percy, S. Esme 1887–1957..................... WWasWT Percy, William Stratford 1872–1946 ...... WWasWT Percyval, T. Wigney 1865–?................... WWasWT Pere, Wayne ............................................. CTFT–65 Peregrym, Missy 1982– ........................... CTFT–87 Perenchio, Jerry 1930– ............................ CTFT–12 Perew, Tom............................................... CTFT–48 Perez, Lazaro 1945–................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 34 Perez, Luis................................................ CTFT–41 Perez, Miguel 1957– ............................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Perez, Rosie 1964–.................................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 24 Perez, Tony............................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Perez, Vincent 1962(?)–........................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Perez de Tagle, Anna Maria 1990–.............................................. CTFT–84 Pergament, Robert .................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Perido, Nick See ............................................ Como, Perry Perillo, Joey 1952– .................................. CTFT–34 Perine, Kelly ............................................. CTFT–45 Perkins, Anthony 1932–1992 .................. CTFT–13 Obituary in CTFT–11 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6; WWT–17 Perkins, Don 1928–................................... CTFT–2 Perkins, Elizabeth 1960(?)–...................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 25 Perkins, Emily 1977–............................... CTFT–56 Perkins, Jack 1933– ................................. CTFT–50 Perkins, John See .......................................... Hawkes, John Perkins, Millie 1938– .............................. CTFT–60 Perkins, Osgood 1892–1937 ................. WWasWT Perkins, Ron ............................................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Perkinson, Pete See...................................... Campbell, Bruce Perlich, Max 1968– ................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 27 Perlman, Rhea 1948– .............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 16, 28 Perlman, Ron 1950–................................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15 Perloff, Carey.............................................. CTFT–7 Permut, David 1954– .............................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 38 Perrette, Pauley 1969– ............................ CTFT–77 Perrey, Mireille ....................................... WWasWT Perri, Paul 1953–..................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Perrin, Victor 1916–1989 .......................... CTFT–9 Perrine, Valerie 1943– ............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 31 Perrineau, Harold, Jr. ................................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Perrins, Leslie 1902–1962 ..................... WWasWT Perron, Michel.......................................... CTFT–52 Perry, Antoinette 1888–1946 ................. WWasWT Perry, (Arthur) John 1906– ..................... WWasWT Perry, D. J. 1970– .................................... CTFT–52 Perry, Elizabeth 1933–............................... CTFT–2 Perry, Felton 1955– ................................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15 Perry, Frank 1930–1995 ............................ CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–15

Cumulative Index

Paz, Jennifer ............................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Peacock, Kim 1901–1966...................... WWasWT Peacock, Linus See ................................................ Lee, Jason Peacock, Trevor 1931– ............................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 34; WWT–17 Pead, Greg See ......................................... Serious, Yahoo Pearce, Alice 1917–1966....................... WWasWT Pearce, Anna See.............................................. Duke, Patty Pearce, Guy 1967–.................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Pearce, Richard 1943– ............................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 28 Pearce, Vera 1896–1966........................ WWasWT Pearl, Daniel 1951– ................................ CTFT–80 Pearl, Jack 1895–1982........................... WWasWT Pearlman, Stephen 1935–1998.................. CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–24 Pearson Rose, Robin................................. CTFT–77 Pearson, Andrea C. 1977–....................... CTFT–79 Pearson, Beatrice 1920– ........................ WWasWT Pearson, Corey 1974– ............................. CTFT–85 Pearson, Fred............................................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Pearson, Lloyd 1897–1966 .................... WWasWT Pearson, Molly 1876–1959.................... WWasWT Pearson, Richard 1918– ......................... WWT–17 Pearson, Sybille 1937– .............................. CTFT–3 Pearthree, Pippa 1956– ........................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Peaslee, John ............................................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Peaslee, Richard 1930– ............................. CTFT–1 Peck, Austin 1971– ................................. CTFT–70 Peck, Bob 1945–1999 ............................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–32 Peck, Evie................................................. CTFT–85 Peck, Gregory 1916–2003....................... CTFT–50 Obituary in CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 24; WWasWT Peck, Josh 1986–..................................... CTFT–75 Peckinpah, Sam 1925–1984...................... CTFT–1 Pedde, Eileen............................................ CTFT–86 Pedgrift, Frederic Henchman .................. WWasWT Pedrick, Gale 1905–1970...................... WWasWT Peebles, Mario See.................................. Van Peebles, Mario Peek, Brent ................................................. CTFT–4 Peel, David 1920–................................. WWasWT Peel, Eileen.............................................. WWT–16 Peeples, Nia 1961– ................................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 25 Peerce, Larry 1930–................................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Peet, Amanda 1972– ............................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Pegg, Simon 1970– ................................. CTFT–91 Peil, Mary Beth 1940–............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Peile, Frederick 1862–1934................... WWasWT Peisley, Frederick 1904–1976................. WWT–16 Peldon, Ashley 1984– ............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Peldon, Courtney 1981–.......................... CTFT–87 Pelikan, Lisa ............................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Pelissier, Harry Gabriel 1874–1913 ....... WWasWT Pelka, Valentine........................................ CTFT–43 Pellegrino, Mark 1965– ........................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35


PERRY Perry, Jeff 1955– ...................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Perry, John Bennett 1941– ....................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Perry, Keith 1931– ..................................... CTFT–8 Perry, Luke 1965–.................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 37 Perry, Margaret 1913– ........................... WWasWT Perry, Mark B............................................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Perry, Matthew 1969– ............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 27 Perry, Roger 1933– .................................... CTFT–1 Perry, Steve............................................... CTFT–50 Perry, Tyler 1969–.................................... CTFT–91 Perry, Ward............................................... CTFT–49 Perryman, Dwayne B. III 1963– ................ CTFT–8 Perryman, Jill 1933–.................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Pershing, Diane ........................................ CTFT–56 Persky, Lester 1927– .................................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Persky, Lisa Jane 1960– ........................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 34 Persoff, Nehemiah 1920– ........................ CTFT–19 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7; WWT–17 Persun, Andrea See .................................. Pearson, Andrea C. Pertwee, Jon 1919–1996 ......................... CTFT–26 Earlier sketches in WWT–17 Pertwee, Michael 1916–......................... WWT–17 Pertwee, Roland 1885–1963 ................. WWasWT Pertwee, Sean 1964–............................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 31 Pesci, Joe 1943–...................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 29 Pescow, Donna 1954–............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 31 Pescucci, Gabriella 1941–....................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Pesola, Robert 1949– .............................. CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Peterman, Donald .................................... CTFT–30 Peterman, Melissa 1971(?)– ..................... CTFT–71 Peterman, Steven ...................................... CTFT–86 Peters, Bernadette 1948–......................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 10, 37; WWT–17 Peters, Brock 1927– ................................ CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Peters, Clarke 1952– ............................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Peters, Jon 1945(?)– ................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 22 Peters, Kelly Jean 1940–.......................... CTFT–54 Peters, Rick 1966–................................... CTFT–60 Peters, Robert 1961– ............................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Peters, Robert Anthony ............................. CTFT–76 Peters, Roberta 1930– ............................... CTFT–4 Peters, Rollo 1892–1967 ....................... WWasWT Peters, William 1921– ............................... CTFT–2 Petersen, Erika 1949– ................................ CTFT–4 Petersen, Katelin ....................................... CTFT–74 Petersen, Paul 1945–............................... CTFT–73 Petersen, William 1953– ......................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 31 Petersen, Wolfgang 1941–....................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 35 Peterson, Alan C....................................... CTFT–86 Peterson, Cassandra See ....................................................... Elvira

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Peterson, Lenka 1925– ............................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5 Peterson, Robyn ....................................... CTFT–65 Peterson, Roger 1928– .............................. CTFT–5 Peterson, Seth 1970–............................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Petherbridge, Edward 1936– ..................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Petit, Roland 1924– ............................... WWasWT Petley, Frank E. 1872–1945 ................... WWasWT Petrarca, David 1962–............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 37 Petrarca, Steven ........................................ CTFT–84 Petrass, Sari 1890–1930 ........................ WWasWT Petrenko, Aleksei 1938–.......................... CTFT–34 Petrides, Avra ............................................. CTFT–2 Petrie, Daniel 1920– ............................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9 Petrie, David Hay 1895–1948 ............... WWasWT Petrie, Donald 1954– .............................. CTFT–51 Petrie, Douglas ......................................... CTFT–55 Petrie, George O. 1912–1997 ................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–22 Petroro, Marisa 1972– ............................. CTFT–74 Petrova, Olga 1886–1977...................... WWasWT Petruccelli, Kirk M.................................... CTFT–82 Pettet, Joanna 1944– ............................... CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Pettiford, Valarie 1960– ........................... CTFT–56 Pettingell, Frank 1891–1968.................. WWasWT Pettis, Madison 1998– ............................. CTFT–85 Petty, Lori 1963– ..................................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 27 Petty, Tom 1950(?)– ................................. CTFT–26 Peyser, Michael ........................................ CTFT–80 Peyser, Penny ............................................. CTFT–7 Pezzullo, Ralph 1951– ............................ CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Pfaff, Dieter 1948– .................................. CTFT–34 Pfeffer, Ori ................................................ CTFT–80 Pfeiffer, Dedee 1964– .............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Pfeiffer, Michelle 1957(?)– ....................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 27 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Pflieger, Jean See ......................................... St. James, Jean Pharris, Chrystee 1976–........................... CTFT–78 Phelps, James 1986– ............................... CTFT–76 Phelps, Oliver 1986–............................... CTFT–76 Phelps, Peter 1960–................................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Phelps, Win .............................................. CTFT–54 Phethean, David 1918–.......................... WWT–17 Phifer, Mekhi 1975– ................................ CTFT–49 Philbin, John 1965–................................. CTFT–63 Philbin, Regis 1933(?)– ............................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Philipps, Busy 1979–............................... CTFT–68 Philips, F. C. 1849–1921 ....................... WWasWT Philips, Gina 1975–................................. CTFT–52 Philips, Mary 1901– .............................. WWasWT Philips, Richard See ......................................... Dick, Philip K. Phillippe, Ryan 1974– ............................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Phillips, Arlene 1943– ............................... CTFT–4 Phillips, Betty ........................................... CTFT–64 Phillips, Bijou 1980– ............................... CTFT–63 Phillips, Bob 1953– ................................... CTFT–4 Phillips, Bobbie 1972– ............................ CTFT–63 Phillips, Chynna 1968– ........................... CTFT–83


Phillips, Colin See .......................................... Mallow, Dave Phillips, Cyril L. 1894– .......................... WWasWT Phillips, Erica Edell ................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Phillips, Ethan 1955–............................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Phillips, Grace .......................................... CTFT–56 Phillips, Joseph C. 1962– ........................ CTFT–79 Phillips, Julianne 1960–........................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Phillips, Kate 1856–1931....................... WWasWT Phillips, Kyra 1968– ................................ CTFT–85 Phillips, Lara............................................. CTFT–77 Phillips, Leslie 1924– .............................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 32, 36; WWT–17 Phillips, Lloyd 1949–............................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Phillips, Lou Diamond 1962–.................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 25 Phillips, Mackenzie 1959– ...................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Phillips, Margaret 1923–1984................. WWT–17 Phillips, Michael 1943–............................. CTFT–7 Phillips, Michelle 1944–.......................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13, 37 Phillips, Peter 1949– ................................. CTFT–2 Phillips, Robin 1942– ................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Phillips, Sian 1934–................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 19, 32; WWT–17 Phillips, Stephen 1866–1915 ................. WWasWT Phillips, Stone 1954–............................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Phillips, Todd 1970–................................ CTFT–80 Phillips, Wendy 1952– ............................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Phillpotts, Adelaide 1896–..................... WWasWT Phillpotts, Ambrosine 1912– .................. WWT–17 Phillpotts, Eden 1862–1960................... WWasWT Phina See ......................................... Oruche, Phina Phipps, Nicholas 1913–1980 ................. WWT–16 Phoenix, Joaquin 1974– .......................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Phoenix, River 1970–1993 ........................ CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–12 Brief Entry in CTFT–6 Pi, Rap See........................................... LaBeouf, Shia Pialat, Maurice 1925– ............................... CTFT–8 Piazza, Ben 1934–1991........................... CTFT–11 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Picard, Andre 1874–1926...................... WWasWT Picardo, Robert 1953(?)– ......................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 39 Piccioni, Giuseppe 1953– ....................... CTFT–33 Piccoli, Michel 1925– ............................. CTFT–34 Pickard, Helena 1900–1959 .................. WWasWT Pickard, Margery 1911–......................... WWasWT Pickens, James, Jr...................................... CTFT–52 Pickens, Slim 1919–1983 .......................... CTFT–2 Picker, David V. 1931–............................ CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Pickering, Edward A. 1871–? ................. WWasWT Pickering, Edward W. ............................. WWT–17 Pickering, Marc 1986– ............................ CTFT–30 Pickett, Cindy 1947– ............................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19, 31 Pickford, Mary 1893–1979 .................... WWasWT Pickles, Christina 1935(?)–....................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 32

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Pine, Larry 1945– .................................... CTFT–46 Pine, Robert 1928–.................................... CTFT–4 Pine, Robert 1941–.................................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Pinero, Arthur Wing 1855–1934............ WWasWT Pinette, John ............................................. CTFT–59 Pingue, Joe ............................................... CTFT–86 Pink, Wal ?–1922 .................................. WWasWT Pinkett, Jada 1971– ................................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Pinkner, Jeff .............................................. CTFT–85 Pinkston, Rob 1988– ............................... CTFT–81 Pinkston, Ryan 1988–.............................. CTFT–82 Pinner, David 1940–................................ CTFT–12 Pinney, Clay ............................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Pinney, Patrick.......................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Pinnock, Arnold ....................................... CTFT–54 Pino, Rosario ?–1933............................. WWasWT Pinsent, Gordon 1930– ........................... CTFT–50 Pinsent, Leah 1968– ................................ CTFT–89 Pinskey, Drew 1958–............................... CTFT–74 Pinta, Harold See .......................................... Pinter, Harold Pintauro, Danny 1976– ........................... CTFT–15 Pintauro, Joseph T. 1930–.......................... CTFT–1 Pinter, Harold 1930– ............................... CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 11, 20; WWT–17 Pintilie, Lucian 1933– ............................. CTFT–26 Pintoff, Ernest 1931– ............................... CTFT–12 Piper, Franco........................................... WWasWT Piper, Roddy 1954– ................................. CTFT–70 Pippin, Donald 1931– ............................... CTFT–1 Pirandello, Luigi 1867–1936 ................. WWasWT Piro, Grant................................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Pirri, Jim ................................................... CTFT–76 Pisana, Jennifer ......................................... CTFT–66 Piscopo, Joe 1951–.................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 31 Pisier, Marie–France 1944– ..................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Pistor, Julia................................................ CTFT–86 Pistor, Ludger............................................ CTFT–34 Pithey, Wensley 1914– ........................... WWT–17 Pitillo, Maria 1965–................................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Pitkin, William 1925–............................. WWT–17 Pitlik, Noam 1932–1999 ......................... CTFT–29 Pitoeff, Georges 1886–1939 .................. WWasWT Pitoeff, Ludmilla 1896–1951 ................. WWasWT Pitoniak, Anne 1922–.............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 33 Pitou, Augustus 1843–1915................... WWasWT Pitt, Archie 1885–1924.......................... WWasWT Pitt, Brad 1963– ...................................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 27 Pitt, Michael 1981– ................................. CTFT–68 Pittman, Bob 1953–................................. CTFT–12 Pittman, Bruce .......................................... CTFT–53 Pitts, Greg 1970–..................................... CTFT–79 Pitts, ZaSu 1900–1963........................... WWasWT Piven, Jeremy 1965– ............................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Pixley, Frank 1867–1919........................ WwasWT Pla, Conrad 1966– .................................. CTFT–78 Place, Mary Kay 1947– ........................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 22 Plachy, William J. 1948– ......................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Plakson, Suzie 1958– .............................. CTFT–43


Plana, Tony 1953–................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 36 Planchon, Roger 1931– ......................... WWasWT Planer, Nigel 1955(?)– ............................. CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Plater, Alan 1935– .................................. WWT–17 Plato, Dana 1964– .................................. CTFT–22 Platt, Agnes............................................. WWasWT Platt, Howard 1938– ............................... CTFT–54 Platt, Livingston 1885–1968 .................. WWasWT Platt, Oliver 1960(?)–............................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 23 Platt, Richard ............................................ CTFT–32 Platt, Tara 1980– ..................................... CTFT–84 Playfair, Arthur 1869–1918.................... WWasWT Playfair, Nigel 1874–1934 ..................... WWasWT Playten, Alice 1947– ............................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Pleasants, Jack 1874–?........................... WWasWT Pleasence, Angela ...................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Pleasence, Donald 1919–1995.................. CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–14 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Pleshette, John 1942–.............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 28 Pleshette, Suzanne 1937–2008................ CTFT–40 Obituary in CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14 Pleydell, George 1868–?........................ WWasWT Plimpton, George 1927– ......................... CTFT–41 Plimpton, Martha 1970–.......................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 23 Plinge, Walter ......................................... WWasWT Ploizis, Vic See.............................................. Polizos, Vic Plotnick, Jack 1968–................................ CTFT–53 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Plouviez, Peter 1931– ............................ WWT–17 Plowman, Anna–Louise 1975– ................ CTFT–76 Plowright, Joan 1929– ............................. CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11; WWT–17 Plum, Paula .............................................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Plumb, Eve 1958– ................................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 15 Plumley, Don 1934–.................................. CTFT–1 Plummer, Amanda 1957– ........................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 15, 27 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Plummer, Christopher 1929– ................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 37; WWT–17 Plummer, Glenn 1966(?)– ........................ CTFT–51 Plunkett, Gerard ....................................... CTFT–54 Plunkett, Maryann 1953– ........................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Plunkett, Patricia 1926–......................... WWasWT Plymale, Trip 1949– .................................. CTFT–2 Plymptom, Eben 1853–1915 ................. WWasWT Pniewski, Mike ......................................... CTFT–51 Po, Hung Kam See ........................... Kam–Bo, Sammo Hung Podell, Eyal 1975– .................................. CTFT–69 Podhora, Roman....................................... CTFT–69 Poehler, Amy 1971– ................................ CTFT–70 Poel, William 1852–1934...................... WWasWT Poggi, Gregory 1946– ............................... CTFT–1 Poggi, Jack 1928–...................................... CTFT–4 Pogue, Chuck 1950– ............................... CTFT–51 Pogue, Ken ............................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Poindexter, Buster See ...................................... Johansen, David

Cumulative Index

Pickrell, Piper 1950– ................................. CTFT–4 Pickup, Ronald 1940– ............................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35; WWT–17 Picon, Molly 1898–1992......................... CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Piddock, Jim 1956– ................................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19, 41 Pidgeon, Rebecca 1963(?)– ..................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Pidgeon, Walter 1897–1984...................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Pielmeier, John 1949– ............................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Pierat, Marie Therese ?–1934 ................ WWasWT Pierce, Bradley 1982– ............................. CTFT–51 Pierce, David Hyde 1959– ...................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Pierce, Jeffrey 1974–................................ CTFT–65 Pierce, Kirstin ........................................... CTFT–91 Pierce, Paula Kay 1942–............................ CTFT–3 Pierce, Scott See............................................... Wheat, Jim See.............................................. Wheat, Ken See .................................... De Luca, Michael Pierce, Wendell 1962– ............................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Pierce–Roberts, Tony 1944(?)– ................. CTFT–79 Pierpoint, Eric 1950–............................... CTFT–47 Pierre, Mills 1979– .................................. CTFT–76 Pierson, Frank 1925–............................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Pierson, Geoffrey 1949–.......................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Pietz, Amy 1969–.................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Pifer, Drury ................................................. CTFT–6 Piffard, Frederic 1902– .......................... WWasWT Pifko, Cara 1976–.................................... CTFT–62 Pig, Edward See ......................................... Gorey, Edward Pigford, Eva Marcelle See............................................ Marcille, Eva Pigott, A. S. ........................................... WWasWT Pigott–Smith, Tim 1946– ......................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13 Pike, Nicholas .......................................... CTFT–75 Pike, Rosamund 1979–............................ CTFT–76 Pilavin, Barbara ........................................ CTFT–60 Pilbeam, Nova 1919–............................ WWasWT Pilbrow, Richard 1933– ........................... CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Pilcer, Harry 1885–1961........................ WWasWT Pileggi, Mitch 1952– ............................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Pileggi, Nicholas 1933– .......................... CTFT–29 Pilk, Henry See......................................... Campbell, Ken Pill, Alison 1985–.................................... CTFT–62 Piller, Michael 1948– .............................. CTFT–49 Piller, Shawn............................................. CTFT–89 Pillet, Julie See .............................................. Delpy, Julie Pillet, Marie.............................................. CTFT–77 Pillot, Judd 1957–.................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Pillsbury, Sarah ......................................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Pimlott, Steven ......................................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Pinchot, Bronson 1959– .......................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Pine, Chris 1980–.................................... CTFT–76


POINDEXTER Poindexter, Larry....................................... CTFT–45 Pointer, Priscilla 1924–............................ CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 20 Poiret, Jean 1926–1992 ........................... CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Poirier, Kim 1980–................................... CTFT–74 Poitier, Sidney 1927–............................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 14, 25 Poitier, Sydney Tamiia 1973– .................. CTFT–49 Polaha, Kristoffer 1977– .......................... CTFT–86 Polaire, Mdlle. 1879–1939 .................... WWasWT Polan, Lou 1904–1976 ........................... WWT–16 Poland, Albert 1941– ................................ CTFT–4 Polanski, Roman 1933–........................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 24 Poledouris, Basil 1945–........................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Poliakoff, Stephen 1952–......................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13, 37; WWT–17 Poliakoff, Vera See ........................................... Lindsay, Vera Polic, Henry II 1945– .............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Polini, Marie ?–1960 ............................. WWasWT Polis, Joel 1951– ..................................... CTFT–74 Polito, Jon 1950–..................................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Polivka, Bolek 1949– .............................. CTFT–34 Polizos, Vic .............................................. CTFT–75 Polk, Stephen ........................................... CTFT–81 Pollack, Sydney 1934–2008 .................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 15, 27 Obituary in CTFT–92 Pollak, Cheryl 1967–............................... CTFT–48 Pollak, Kevin 1958(?)–............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Pollan, Tracy 1960–................................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Pollard, Daphne 1890– ......................... WWasWT Pollard, Michael J. 1939–........................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19, 31 Polley, Sarah 1979–................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Pollock, Arthur 1886–? .......................... WWasWT Pollock, Channing 1880–1946 .............. WWasWT Pollock, Dale 1950–................................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Pollock, Elizabeth 1898–1970 ............... WWasWT Pollock, Ellen 1903– .............................. WWT–17 Pollock, John 1878–1963 ...................... WWasWT Pollock, Nancy R. 1905–1979 ............... WWT–16 Pollock, William 1881–1944 ................. WWasWT Polo, Teri 1969– ...................................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Polone, Gavin .......................................... CTFT–48 Polonsky, Abraham 1910–....................... CTFT–10 Polson, John 1965– ................................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Polstein, Claire Rudnick ........................... CTFT–47 Poluskis, The .......................................... WWasWT Pomerantz, Earl ........................................ CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Pomeroy, Jay 1895–1955....................... WWasWT Pomeroy, Leslie Wing See............................................. Wing, Leslie Pomers, Scarlett 1988–............................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Pompeo, Ellen 1969– .............................. CTFT–71 Pompian, Paul 1944– ................................ CTFT–1 Pompis, Elisha Cuthbert See ....................................... Cuthbert, Elisha Pond, Helen 1924– ................................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Ponicsan, Darryl 1942–............................. CTFT–2 Ponti, Carlo 1913– .................................... CTFT–3 Poole, Aaron ............................................ CTFT–92 Poole, Duane ........................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Poole, Roy 1924–1986.............................. CTFT–1 Pooley, Olaf............................................ WWasWT Pope, Bill 1952–...................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Pope, Carly 1980–................................... CTFT–54 Pope, Dick 1947– ................................... CTFT–79 Pope, Muriel ........................................... WWasWT Pope, Peter 1955– ..................................... CTFT–1 Pope, Randy ............................................. CTFT–70 Pope, Stephanie 1964–............................ CTFT–56 Pope, Tony ............................................... CTFT–49 Poppenger, Carol 1937– ............................ CTFT–4 Popplewell, Anna 1988– ......................... CTFT–87 Popplewell, Jack 1911– .......................... WWT–17 Porcaro, Steve 1957–............................... CTFT–62 Porch, Colleen 1973(?)– .......................... CTFT–85 Porel, Paul 1843–1917 .......................... WWasWT Porizkova, Paulina 1965–........................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Porro, Joseph A......................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Porteous, Gilbert 1868–1928................. WWasWT Porter, Adina............................................. CTFT–52 Porter, Aldric La’Auli ................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Porter, Brett 1956–................................... CTFT–64 Porter, Caleb 1867–1940 ....................... WWasWT Porter, Cole 1893–1964......................... WWasWT Porter, Don 1912– .................................. WWT–17 Porter, Eric 1928–1995 .............................. CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Porter, Linda ............................................. CTFT–81 Porter, Megan Follows See ....................................... Follows, Megan Porter, Neil 1895–1944 ......................... WWasWT Porter, Ray ................................................ CTFT–77 Porter, Scott 1979– .................................. CTFT–89 Porter, Stephen 1925– ............................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Porter, Steven M. ...................................... CTFT–81 Porter, Susie.............................................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Porterfield, Robert (Huffard) 1905–1971.................................... WWasWT Portman, Eric 1903–1969 ...................... WWasWT Portman, Natalie 1981– .......................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Portman, Rachel 1960– ............................ CTFt–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Portnow, Richard 1947– .......................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Porto–Riche, Georges de 1849–1930 .... WWasWT Poryes, Michael ........................................ CTFT–83 Posey, Parker 1968– ................................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Posford, George 1906– .......................... WWasWT Possart, Ernst Ritter von 1841–1921 ...... WWasWT Post, Guy Bates 1875–1968 .................. WWasWT Post, Markie 1950– ................................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 42 Post, Mike 1944(?)– ................................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 Post, Tom 1966(?)– .................................. CTFT–55 Poster, Steven 1944– ............................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 38 Postil, Michael See................................................ Post, Mike


Postlethwaite, Pete 1945(?)– .................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Poston, Tom 1921–2007.......................... CTFT–36 Obituary in CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Potente, Franka 1974–............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Poth, Brian 1975– ................................... CTFT–90 Potter, Carol 1948–.................................. CTFT–56 Potter, Chris 1960– .................................. CTFT–74 Potter, Cora 1857–1936......................... WWasWT Potter, Dennis 1935–1994 ....................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Potter, H. C. 1904–1977........................ WWasWT Potter, Madeleine...................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Potter, Monica 1971– .............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Potter, Paul 1853–1921 ......................... WWasWT Potter, Sally 1949(?)– ............................... CTFT–30 Potts, Annie 1952– .................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 27 Potts, David 1949–.................................... CTFT–1 Potts, Jonathan.......................................... CTFT–68 Potts, Michael........................................... CTFT–54 Potts, Nancy ............................................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Potts, Sarah–Jane 1977– .......................... CTFT–71 Poul, Alan Mark 1954– ............................. CTFT–3 Poulton, A. G. 1867–? ........................... WWasWT Pounder, C. C. H. 1952– ......................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 28 Pounds, Charles Courtice 1862–1927.................................... WWasWT Pounds, Louie ......................................... WWasWT Pountney, David 1947– ........................... CTFT–17 Poupaud, Melvil 1973– ........................... CTFT–35 Povah, Phyllis 1920– ............................. WWasWT Povich, Maury 1939– .............................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Povinelli, Mark 1971(?)–.......................... CTFT–77 Powell, Addison 1921– ............................. CTFT–6 Powell, Andrea 1965–............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Powell, Anthony 1935–........................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Powell, Brittney 1972– ............................ CTFT–73 Powell, Charles 1963– ............................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Powell, Clifton 1947–.............................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Powell, Drew 1976– ............................... CTFT–74 Powell, Eleanor 1912–1982................... WWasWT Powell, Esteban 1977– ............................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Powell, Jane 1929(?)– .............................. CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Powell, John ............................................. CTFT–62 Powell, Leon See.......................................... Pownall, Leon Powell, Linda 1965(?)– ............................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Powell, Michael 1905–1990.................... CTFT–11 Powell, Peter 1908– .............................. WWasWT Powell, Robert 1944–................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Powell, Sandy 1960–............................... CTFT–79 Powell, William 1892–1984 .................. WWasWT Power, Dave 1978– ................................. CTFT–85 Power, Hartley 1894–1966 .................... WWasWT Power, Tyrone 1869–1931 ..................... WWasWT Power, Tyrone 1914–1958 ..................... WWasWT Power, Tyrone, Jr. 1959–.......................... CTFT–87

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Price, Matt................................................ CTFT–80 Price, Megyn 1971– ................................ CTFT–74 Price, Michael P. 1938–............................. CTFT–1 Price, Molly 1966–.................................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Price, Nancy 1880–1970....................... WWasWT Price, Richard 1949–............................... CTFT–23 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Price, Vincent 1911–1993 ......................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Pride, Malcolm 1930–............................ WWT–17 Priestley, J. B. 1894–1984....................... WWT–17 Priestley, Jason 1969–.............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 15, 27 Prima, Joey See ................................................. Pesci, Joe Primes, Robert 1940– .............................. CTFT–82 Primrose, Dorothy 1916– ....................... WWT–17 Primus, Barry 1938–.................................. CTFT–2 Prince 1958– ........................................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Prince, Adelaide 1866–1941 ................. WWasWT Prince, Arthur 1881–?............................ WWasWT Prince, Derek Stephen 1969–.................. CTFT–46 Prince, Elsie 1902– ................................ WWasWT Prince, Faith 1957– ................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Prince, Harold 1928– .............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 16, 26; WWT–17 Prince, Jonathan 1958– ........................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 42 Prince, Karim............................................ CTFT–59 Prince, Steven Chester .............................. CTFT–85 Prince, William 1913–1996....................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Princess See................................ Oxenberg, Catherine Princi, Elaine 1946– ................................ CTFT–56 Principal, Victoria 1945(?)– ..................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 34 Prine, Andrew 1936– .............................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Pringle, Joan ............................................. CTFT–47 Prinsep, Anthony Leyland 1888–1942.................................... WWasWT Printemps, Yvonne 1895–1977 .............. WWasWT Prinz, Rosemary ......................................... CTFT–1 Prinze, Freddie, Jr. 1976– ........................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Prinzi, Frank ............................................. CTFT–79 Prior, Allan.............................................. WWasWT Probst, Jeff 1962– .................................... CTFT–50 Probst, Nicholas See......................................... Pryor Nicholas Procaccino, John 1952– .......................... CTFT–68 Prochnow, Juergen 1941–........................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 27 Procter, Emily 1968– ............................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Proctor, Phil 1940–.................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Proett, Daniel (M.) 1953–........................ CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Proft, Pat 1947–....................................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Progue, Ken .............................................. CTFT–37 Proll, Nina 1974–.................................... CTFT–35 Proops, Greg 1959– ................................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40


Prosky, Robert 1930(?)– ........................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 31 Prosky, John.............................................. CTFT–70 Protat, Francois......................................... CTFT–79 Proulx, Brooklynn 1999–......................... CTFT–79 Proval, David 1942– ............................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Provenza, Paul 1957– ............................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Provost, Jeanne ....................................... WWasWT Prowse, David 1935– .............................. CTFT–86 Prowse, Juliet 1936–1996.......................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–16 Proyas, Alex 1963(?)– .............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Prudhomme, Monique.............................. CTFT–59 Pruner, Karl............................................... CTFT–55 Prussing, Louise 1897– .......................... WWasWT Pryce, Jonathan 1947– ............................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 27 Pryce, Richard 1864–1942 .................... WWasWT Pryde, Peggy 1869–? ............................. WWasWT Pryor, JF .................................................... CTFT–71 Pryor, Nicholas 1935– ............................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 25 Pryor, Richard 1940–............................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Pryor, Roger 1901–1974 ........................ WWasWT Pryse, Hugh 1910–1955 ........................ WWasWT Psacharopoulos, Nikos 1928–1989 ........... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Pszoniak, Wojciech 1942– ...................... CTFT–34 Pudenz, Steve 1947–................................. CTFT–2 Pugh, Daniel Patrick See............................................. Patrick, Dan Pugh, Willard E. 1959– ........................... CTFT–45 Puisto, Susanna ........................................ CTFT–43 Pulitzer, Amy Steel See ............................................... Steel, Amy Pulliam, Keshia Knight 1979– ................. CTFT–62 Pulliam, Nicole ........................................ CTFT–74 Pullman, Bill 1953(?)– ............................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 25 Purcell, Charles 1883–1962................... WWasWT Purcell, Dominic 1970– .......................... CTFT–71 Purcell, Harold 1907– ........................... WWasWT Purcell, Irene 1903–1972 ...................... WWasWT Purcell, Lee 1953–..................................... CTFT–4 Purdell, Reginald 1896–1953 ................ WWasWT Purdham, David 1951– ........................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Purdom, C. B. 1883–1965..................... WWasWT Purefoy, James 1964– .............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Puri, Om 1950– ...................................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Purl, Linda 1955–.................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 36 Purnell, Louise 1942–................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Purpuro, Sandra........................................ CTFT–79 Purvis, Neal 1961–.................................. CTFT–77 Pusey, Arthur .......................................... WWasWT Pustil, Jeff ................................................. CTFT–80 Putch, John 1961–................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Puttnam, David 1941– ............................ CTFT–10 Puttonen, Michael .................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Puzo, Mario 1920–1999.......................... CTFT–10 Obituary in CTFT–32 Pyant, Paul 1953– ................................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16

Cumulative Index

Powers, Alexandra 1967–........................ CTFT–52 Powers, Eugene 1872–? ......................... WWasWT Powers, Hunt See ................................................ Betts, Jack Powers, James T. 1862–1942................. WWasWT Powers, John 1935– ............................... WWT–17 Powers, Leona 1898–1967 .................... WWasWT Powers, Stefanie 1942(?)–........................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 19, 41 Powers, Tom 1890–1955 ....................... WWasWT Pownall, David 1938– ............................. CTFT–11 Pownall, Leon .......................................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Powys, Stephen 1907– .......................... WWasWT Pozniak, Beata 1960–.............................. CTFT–47 Praga, Marco 1862–1929 ...................... WWasWT Pratt, Chris 1979–.................................... CTFT–74 Pratt, Kyla 1986–..................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Pratt, Muriel ?–1945 .............................. WWasWT Pratt, Roger............................................... CTFT–45 Pratt, Susan May 1974–........................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Pratt, Victoria 1970–................................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Preece, Michael........................................ CTFT–41 Preece, Tim 1938– ................................. WWT–17 Preedy, George R. 1888–1952............... WWasWT Preminger, Otto 1906–1986 ...................... CTFT–3 Prentice, Charles W. 1898– ................... WWasWT Prentice, Herbert M. 1890– ................... WWasWT Prentiss, Paula 1939– ................................ CTFT–7 Prepon, Laura 1980– ............................... CTFT–67 Presbrey, Eugene Wyley 1853–1931...... WWasWT Prescott, Ken 1948– .................................. CTFT–3 Prescott, Robert ........................................ CTFT–85 Presley, Elvis 1935–1977 ......................... CTFT–17 Presley, Priscilla 1945–............................ CTFT–26 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16 Presnell, Harve 1933– ............................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 19, 32 Pressburger, Emeric 1902–1988................. CTFT–7 Pressly, Jaime 1977–................................ CTFT–46 Pressman, David 1965–........................... CTFT–54 Pressman, Edward R. 1943– .................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Pressman, Lawrence 1939– ..................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 34 Pressman, Michael 1950– ....................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 37 Preston, Carrie .......................................... CTFT–52 Preston, Cynthia 1967– ........................... CTFT–58 Preston, J. A. ............................................ CTFT–61 Preston, Kelly 1962– ............................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 27 Preston, Reagon See.......................... Gomez–Preston, Reagan Preston, Robert 1918–1987 ....................... CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Preston, William 1921– ........................... CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Previn, Andre 1930(?).............................. CTFT–26 Prevost, Marcel 1862–1941 ................... WWasWT Price, David 1966– ................................. CTFT–89 Price, Dennis 1915–1973 ...................... WWasWT Price, Don 1933– ...................................... CTFT–2 Price, Evadne 1896–.............................. WWasWT Price, Frank 1930– .................................. CTFT–10 Price, Lindsay 1976– ............................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Price, Lonny 1959– ................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92

Pyfrom, Shawn 1986– ............................. CTFT–63 Pygram, Wayne ........................................ CTFT–45 Pyle, Denver 1920–1997......................... CTFT–20 Obituary in CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Pyle, Missi 1972– .................................... CTFT–63 Pyne, Daniel 1955–................................. CTFT–10 Pyper–Ferguson, John 1964– ................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38

Q Q, Maggie 1979– .................................... CTFT–72 Quaid, Dennis 1954–.............................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 26 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Quaid, Randy 1950– ............................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 26 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Qualles, Paris ........................................... CTFT–42 Quarry, Robert 1924–................................ CTFT–7 Quarshie, Hugh 1954–............................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Quartermaine, Charles 1877–1958........ WWasWT Quartermaine, Leon 1876–1967............ WWasWT Quartermass, Martin See ........................................ Carpenter, John Quayle, Anna 1937– ................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Quayle, Anthony 1913–1989 .................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Queen Latifah 1970– .............................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 Quentin, John ........................................... CTFT–35 Quentin, Patrick See ........................................ Wheeler, Hugh Quesenbery, Whitney 1954– ..................... CTFT–3 Questel, Mae 1908–1998.......................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–21 Quick, Diana 1946–................................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Quigley, Linnea 1958– ............................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 26 Quigley, William J. 1951– ......................... CTFT–9 Quillan, Eddie 1907–1990 ........................ CTFT–9 Quilley, Denis 1927– .............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 14; WWT–17 Quine, Richard 1920–1989....................... CTFT–8 Quinlan, Gertrude 1875–1963 .............. WWasWT Quinlan, Kathleen 1954– ........................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 23 Quinlan, Maeve 1969– ........................... CTFT–59 Quinn, Aidan 1959– ............................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Quinn, Anthony 1915– ........................... CTFT–27 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 15; WWT–17 Quinn, Anthony Tyler 1964–................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Quinn, Brandon 1977– ........................... CTFT–86 Quinn, Colin 1959– ................................ CTFT–67 Quinn, Declan 1957– ............................. CTFT–54 Quinn, Deirdre ......................................... CTFT–76 Quinn, Ed 1968–..................................... CTFT–89 Quinn, Francesco 1962– ......................... CTFT–71 Quinn, Glenn 1970– ............................... CTFT–27 Quinn, Henry J. 1928–............................ CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Quinn, Iris ................................................ CTFT–79

Quinn, J. C. 1943– .................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Quinn, James............................................ CTFT–42 Quinn, Kimberly....................................... CTFT–86 Quinn, Martha 1959–.............................. CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Quinn, Patricia 1944– ............................. CTFT–76 Quinn, Patrick 1950– .............................. CTFT–24 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 14 Quinn, Patti D’Arbanville See ................................... D’Arbanville, Patti Quinn, Terrance See ........................................ O’Quinn, Terry Quinn, Tony 1899–1967 ....................... WWasWT Quinones, John 1952– ............................ CTFT–43 Quinones, Lela Rochon See ........................................... Rochon, Lela Quintero, Jose 1924–1999 ........................ CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–32 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Quinteros, Joaquin 1873–1944.............. WWasWT Quinteros, Serafin 1871–1938............... WWasWT Quinto, Zachary 1977– ........................... CTFT–76 Quirk, Moira 1964– ................................ CTFT–77

R Rabal, Francisco 1925(?)–........................ CTFT–29 Rabb, Ellis 1930–1998 .............................. CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Rabe, David 1940– ................................. CTFT–24 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 14; WWT–17 Rabin, Trevor 1954(?)–............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Rabkin, William........................................ CTFT–69 Rabson, Jan 1954– .................................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Rache, Brittney See ....................................... Powell, Brittney Rachins, Alan 1942– ............................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 41 Rachmil, Michael I. .................................. CTFT–85 Racicot, Jody ............................................ CTFT–62 Rack, Tom ................................................ CTFT–54 Radcliffe, Daniel 1989–........................... CTFT–45 Radcliffe, Mark 1952– ............................. CTFT–82 Rademacher, Ingo 1971–......................... CTFT–78 Rademakers, Fons 1920–........................... CTFT–8 Radford, Art See ......................................... Kovacs, Laszlo Radford, Basil 1897–1952 ..................... WWasWT Radford, Michael 1946–.......................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 Radner, Gilda 1946–1989 ......................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Radnitz, Robert B. ..................................... CTFT–1 Radnor, Josh 1974– ................................. CTFT–86 Radosh, Stephen 1951–............................. CTFT–2 Rae, Cassidy 1976– ................................. CTFT–73 Rae, Charlotte 1926–............................... CTFT–53 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Rae, Edna See........................................... Burstyn, Ellen Rae, Eric 1899– ..................................... WWasWT Rae, Kenneth 1901– .............................. WWasWT Rae, Steven See .............................. O’Bannon, Rockne S. Raeburn, Henzie 1900–1973................. WWasWT


Raedler, Dorothy 1917– ......................... WWT–17 Raevsky, Iosif Moiseevich 1900– ............ WWasWT Rafelson, Bob 1933– ............................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14 Rafferty, Pat 1861–1952......................... WWasWT Raffin, Deborah 1953– ............................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 37 Rafkin, Alan 1928–.................................. CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Ragalyi, Elemer 1939–............................. CTFT–82 Raggio, Lisa .............................................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Raglan, James 1901–1961 ..................... WWasWT Ragland, Robert O. 1931–....................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Ragni, Gerome 1942–1991 ..................... CTFT–10 Ragno, Joseph........................................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 21 Ragsdale, Kevin ........................................ CTFT–87 Ragsdale, Rich .......................................... CTFT–88 Ragsdale, William 1961–......................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Rahm, Kevin 1971–................................. CTFT–80 Rai, Aishwarya 1973– ............................. CTFT–86 Raider, Brad 1975–.................................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Raider–Wexler, Victor ............................... CTFT–51 Railsback, Steve 1948–............................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 34 Raimi, Sam 1959– ................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 27 Raimi, Ted 1965– .................................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Raimu, M. 1883–1946........................... WWasWT Rain, Douglas............................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Rainbo See ........................................... Spacek, Sissy Rainbow, Frank 1913–............................ WWT–17 Raine, Jack 1897–.................................. WWasWT Rainer, Luise 1912– ............................... WWasWT Rainey, Ford 1908– ................................. CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18 Rains, Claude 1889–1967 ..................... WWasWT Rains, Luce............................................... CTFT–88 Raiter, Frank ............................................. CTFT–54 Raitt, John 1917–....................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Rajskub, Mary Lynn 1971–...................... CTFT–51 Rakoff, Alvin 1927–................................... CTFT–8 Raksin, David 1912– ............................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Rale, Hal See................................................ Rayle, Hal Raleigh, Cecil 1856–1914 ..................... WWasWT Raleigh, Mrs. Saba ?–1923 .................... WWasWT Ralph, Michael ......................................... CTFT–83 Ralph, Sheryl Lee 1956(?)– ...................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 37 Ralston, John 1964– ................................ CTFT–91 Ralston, Ken 1954– ................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 Ramage, Cecil B. 1895– ........................ WWasWT Ramamurthy, Sendhil 1974–.................... CTFT–76 Rambach, Edward See ............................... Pressman, Edward R. Rambeau, Marjorie 1889–1970 ............. WWasWT Rambert, Marie ....................................... WWasWT Rambo, Dack 1941–1994 ......................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–13 Ramey, Samuel 1942– ............................. CTFT–13 Ramin, Sid 1924–...................................... CTFT–8 Ramirez, Marisa 1977– ........................... CTFT–73

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Raphael, Sally Jessy 1943– ...................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 37 Raphael, William 1858–?....................... WWasWT Raphaelson, Samson 1896–1983 ........... WWasWT Rapp, Anthony 1971– ............................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Rappaport, David 1951–1990 ................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–9 Rappaport, Sheeri 1977– ......................... CTFT–45 Rappeneau, Jean–Paul 1932– .................. CTFT–14 Rappoport, David Steven 1957–................. CTFT–4 Rasch, Albertina 1891–1967 ................. WWasWT Rasche, David 1944– .............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Rascoe, Burton 1892–1957 ................... WWasWT Rash, Jim .................................................. CTFT–79 Rashad, Ahmad 1949– ............................ CTFT–48 Rashad, Phylicia 1948– ........................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 16, 26 Rashovich, Gordana ................................... CTFT–2 Rasuk, Victor 1984– ................................ CTFT–92 Rasulala, Thalmus 1939–1991 .................. CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–10 Ratchford, Jeremy 1965– ......................... CTFT–49 Rathbone, Basil 1892–1967................... WWasWT Rathbone, Guy B. 1884–1916 ............... WWasWT Rathbone, Jackson 1984– ........................ CTFT–88 Rather, Dan 1931– .................................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 23 Ratliff, Elden Ryan See ......................................... Henson, Elden Ratner, Benjamin ...................................... CTFT–61 Ratner, Bill................................................ CTFT–79 Ratoff, Gregory 1893–1960 ................... WWasWT Ratray, Peter 1941– ................................. CTFT–56 Rattigan, Terence 1911–1977 ................. WWT–17 Ratzenberger, John 1947–........................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 42 Rau, Gretchen .......................................... CTFT–43 Raucher, Herman 1928–............................ CTFT–1 Ravanello, Rick 1967– ............................ CTFT–77 Ravarra, Gina See............................................ Ravera, Gina Raven 1985– ........................................... CTFT–60 Raven, Elsa ............................................... CTFT–73 Raver, Kim 1969– .................................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Ravera, Gina 1966– ................................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Ravetch, Irving 1920–.............................. CTFT–11 Ravin, Linda 1956– ................................... CTFT–2 Rawat, Navi 1981–.................................. CTFT–71 Rawle, Jeff 1951– .................................... CTFT–77 Rawlings, Margaret 1906– ...................... WWT–17 Rawlings, Richard L., Jr............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Rawlins, Adrian ........................................ CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Rawlins, Lester 1924–1988 ....................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Rawlins, Michael ...................................... CTFT–80 Rawlinson, A. R. (Arthur Richard) 1894–............................................ WWasWT Rawls, Eugenia 1916– ............................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Rawson, Graham 1890–1955 ................ WWasWT Rawson, Tristan 1888–? ......................... WWasWT Ray, Aldo 1926–1991................................ CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Ray, Billy .................................................. CTFT–89 Ray, Connie 1956– .................................. CTFT–65


Ray, De See........................................... Davis, DeRay Ray, Frankie.............................................. CTFT–30 Ray, Gabrielle 1883–?............................ WWasWT Ray, James 1932– ...................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ray, Phil 1872–? .................................... WWasWT Ray, Rachel 1968–................................... CTFT–86 Ray, Rene................................................ WWasWT Ray, Satyajit 1921–1992 .......................... CTFT–11 Rayburn, Gene 1917– ............................... CTFT–3 Raycole, Jazz 1988–................................ CTFT–83 Raye, Carol 1923–................................. WWasWT Raye, Martha 1916–1994 .......................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Rayle, Hal ................................................ CTFT–76 Raymond, Bill........................................... CTFT–45 Raymond, Cyril 1897?–1973 ................. WWasWT Raymond, Gene 1908–1998 ..................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Raymond, Helen 1885?–1965 ............... WWasWT Raymond, James 1962–........................... CTFT–82 Raymond, Paul ........................................ WWT–17 Raymond, Usher 1978–........................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Raymonde, Tania 1988–.......................... CTFT–74 Raymont, Daniel 1969– .......................... CTFT–92 Raynal, Paul 1885?–1971 ...................... WWasWT Rayne, Leonard 1869–1925................... WWasWT Rayner, Minnie 1869–1941 ................... WWasWT Rea, Alec L. 1878–1953 ........................ WWasWT Rea, Stephen 1943(?)– ............................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21 Rea, William J. 1884–1932.................... WWasWT Read, James 1953–.................................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18, 41 Reade, Hamish See............................................. Gray, Simon Reader, Ralph 1903– .............................. WWT–17 Reagan, Ron 1958– ................................. CTFT–78 Reams, Lee Roy ........................................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Reardon, Daniel See ....................................... Riordan, Daniel Reardon, Dennis J. 1944– ......................... CTFT–1 Reardon, John ?–1988 ............................... CTFT–2 Reardon, John 1975–............................... CTFT–86 Reaser, Elizabeth....................................... CTFT–54 Reasoner, Harry 1923–1991 ...................... CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–10 Reaves–Phillips, Sandra .............................. CTFT–9 Reba See ........................................ McEntire, Reba Rebeta–Burditt, Joyce See ........................................... Burditt, Joyce Rebhorn, James 1948– ............................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Recco, Donnamarie.................................. CTFT–84 Recht, Ray 1947– .................................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Reckell, Peter 1955– ............................... CTFT–62 Red, Eric 1961–....................................... CTFT–15 Reddick, Lance ......................................... CTFT–65 Reddy, Brian ............................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Reddy, Helen 1942–.................................. CTFT–5 Redeker, Bill ............................................. CTFT–43 Redeker, Quinn K. 1936– .......................... CTFT–1 Redfield, Adam 1959–............................... CTFT–2 Redfield, William 1926–1976................. WWT–16 Redford, Amy 1970– ............................... CTFT–83

Cumulative Index

Ramirez, Sara 1975– ............................... CTFT–79 Ramis, Harold 1944– .............................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 10, 17, 27 Ramont, Mark S. 1956–........................... CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Ramos, Rudy 1950– ................................ CTFT–57 Rampling, Charlotte 1946(?)– .................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 23 Ramsay, Bruce 1966– .............................. CTFT–64 Ramsay, Remak 1937– ............................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7; WWT–17 Ramsden, Dennis 1918– ........................ WWT–17 Ramsey, Alicia ?–1933........................... WWasWT Ramsey, Anne 1960–............................... CTFT–46 Ramsey, David.......................................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Ramsey, Logan 1921–.............................. CTFT–10 Ramsey, Wes 1977– ................................ CTFT–73 Ranalow, Frederick Baring 1873–1953.................................... WWasWT Rancic, Giuliana 1975–........................... CTFT–92 Randall, Carl ?–1965 ............................. WWasWT Randall, Ethan See............................................ Embry, Ethan Randall, Harry 1860–1932 .................... WWasWT Randall, Justin 1972– .............................. CTFT–71 See ...................................... Timerlake, Justin Randall, Leslie 1924– ............................. WWT–17 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Randall, Tony 1920– ............................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 15; WWT–17 Randazzo, Steven ..................................... CTFT–82 Randel, Melissa .......................................... CTFT–2 Randell, Ron 1923–................................ WWT–17 Randle, Betsy 1955–................................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Randle, Mary Jo........................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Randle, Theresa 1967–............................ CTFT–27 Randolph, Elsie 1904–............................ WWT–17 Randolph, John 1915–............................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 16 Randolph, Robert 1926– ........................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ranevsky, Boris 1891–........................... WWasWT Ranft, Albert Adam 1858–?.................... WWasWT Ranft, Joe 1960–...................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Rankin, Arthur McKee 1841–1914 ........ WWasWT Rankin, Chris 1983–................................ CTFT–77 Rankin, Claire 1971(?)– ........................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Rankin, Kevin O. 1976–.......................... CTFT–71 Rankin, Molly ......................................... WWasWT Rankin, Phyllis 1874–1934.................... WWasWT Rankin, Steve............................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Ransick, Whitney ..................................... CTFT–56 Ransley, Peter 1931– ................................. CTFT–5 Ransom, Joel ............................................ CTFT–74 Ransom, Tim 1963– ................................ CTFT–51 Ranson, Herbert 1889–.......................... WWasWT Ransone, James 1979– ............................ CTFT–89 Rapaport, Michael 1970– ........................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 Rapf, Matthew 1920–1991 ........................ CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–10 Raphael, Frederic Michael 1931–.............................................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 21 Raphael, Gerriane 1939– .......................... CTFT–5 Raphael, John N. 1868–1917 ................ WWasWT


REDFORD Redford, J. C. A. 1953– ........................... CTFT–47 Redford, Robert 1937– ............................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 11, 37 Redgrave, Corin 1939–............................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 14, 24; WWT–17 Redgrave, Lynn 1943–............................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 15, 27; WWT–17 Redgrave, Michael 1908–1985............... WWT–17 Redgrave, Vanessa 1937– ........................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 15, 28; WWT–17 Redican, Dan ........................................... CTFT–81 Redington, Michael 1927– ........................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Redman, Amanda 1959–......................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Redman, Christopher 1980–.................... CTFT–68 Redman, Joyce 1918– ............................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Redmond, Liam 1913– ........................... WWT–17 Redmond, Moira ..................................... WWT–17 Redmond, Sarah–Jane............................... CTFT–45 Rednow, Eivets See......................................... Wonder, Stevie Redstone, Sumner 1923–......................... CTFT–12 Reece, Brian 1913–1962 ....................... WWasWT Reece, Tom See ........................................ Kartalian, Buck Reed Hall, Alaina 1946– ......................... CTFT–55 Reed, Alyson 1958– ................................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Reed, Ben 1964(?)– ................................. CTFT–77 Reed, Carol 1906–1976......................... WWasWT Reed, Daphne Maxwell See............................ Maxwell Reid, Daphne Reed, Don ................................................ CTFT–30 Reed, Donna 1921–1986 .......................... CTFT–3 Reed, Edward Diamond See ....................................... Diamond, Reed Reed, Florence 1883–1967.................... WWasWT Reed, Jerry 1937–.................................... CTFT–23 Reed, Joseph Verner Sr. 1902–1973....... WWasWT Reed, Mark 1893– ................................. WWasWT Reed, Nikki 1988– .................................. CTFT–86 Reed, Oliver 1938–1999 ......................... CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Reed, Pamela 1949(?)– ............................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Reed, Peyton 1964– ................................ CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15 Reed, Rex 1938– ..................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Reed, Robert 1932–1992........................... CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–11 Reed, Rondi.............................................. CTFT–32 Reed, Sheila ............................................... CTFT–7 Reedus, Norman 1969–........................... CTFT–47 Reedy, Pat 1940–....................................... CTFT–5 Rees, Angharad 1949– .............................. CTFT–8 Rees, Jed 1970–....................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Rees, Llewellyn 1901– ........................... WWT–17 Rees, Roger 1944– .................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 23; WWT–17 Reese, Della 1931– ................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Reeser, Autumn 1980– ............................ CTFT–73 Reeve, Ada 1874–1966 ......................... WWasWT Reeve, Christopher 1952– ......................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3 Reeve, Jim ................................................ CTFT–82 Reeves, Geoffrey 1939– ......................... WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Reeves, Keanu 1964– .............................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 26 Reeves, Matt 1966–................................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Reeves, Perrey .......................................... CTFT–79 Reeves, Phil 1946–.................................. CTFT–65 Reeves, (Philip) Kynaston 1893–1971 ..... WWasWT Reeves, Saskia 1962– .............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Reeves Smith, H. 1862–1938 ................ WWasWT Reevis, Steve ............................................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Regalbuto, Joe 1949– .............................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 38 Regalyi, Elemer See........................................ Ragalyi, Elemer Regan, Molly ............................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Regan, Sylvia 1908–.................................. CTFT–2 Regan, Vincent 1966– ............................. CTFT–59 Regina, Paul 1956– ................................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Register, John Wesley See ............................................ Wesley, John Regnier, Marthe 1880–? ......................... WWasWT Regnier, Natacha 1974– .......................... CTFT–33 Regor, Yrava See ............................................ Avary, Roger Rehan, Ada 1860–1916......................... WWasWT Reherman, Lee 1966– ............................. CTFT–70 Rehme, Robert 1935–.............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 43 Reich, John 1906–1988............................. CTFT–2 Reich, Richard ............................................ CTFT–4 Reich, Steve 1936–.................................. CTFT–13 Reicher, Frank 1875–1965..................... WWasWT Reichert, Tanja 1980–.............................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Reid, Alison.............................................. CTFT–32 Reid, Anne ............................................... CTFT–35 Reid, Beryl 1920–1996.............................. CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Reid, Daphne See ........................... Maxwell–Reid, Daphne Reid, Don................................................. CTFT–73 Reid, Frances 1918–.................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Reid, Hal ?–1920................................... WWasWT Reid, Kate 1930–....................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Reid, Noah 1987– ................................... CTFT–92 Reid, Tara 1975– ..................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Reid, Tim 1944–...................................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 24 Reid, Wallace 1891–1923 ..................... WWasWT Reidy, Kitty 1902– ................................. WWasWT Reilly, Charles Nelson 1931–2007 .......... CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20; WWT–17 Obituary in CTFT–90 Reilly, Don ............................................... CTFT–32 Reilly, John 1936– ................................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Reilly, John C. 1965–............................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Reilly, Kelly .............................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Reinach, Enrico 1850–? ......................... WWasWT Reineke, Gary........................................... CTFT–64 Reiner, Carl 1922–................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 34


Reiner, Rob 1947–................................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21, 32 Reiner, Tracy 1964–................................. CTFT–46 Reinglas, Fred 1936(?)–1994 ..................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–13 Reinhardt, Max 1873–1943 ................... WWasWT Reinhardt, Sandra See ..................................... Ferguson, Sandra Reinhold, Judge 1957– ............................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21, 32 Reinking, Ann 1949–............................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 23; WWT–17 Reiser, Paul 1957–................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21 Reisman, Jane ............................................. CTFT–5 Reisner, Allen ............................................. CTFT–1 Reiss, Alvin H. 1930–................................ CTFT–5 Reiss, Stuart 1921– .................................... CTFT–5 Reist, Robbie See ............................................. Rist, Robbie Reisz, Karel 1926–2002 .......................... CTFT–13 Obituary in CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Reiter, Virginia ........................................ WWasWT Reitherman, Wolfgang 1910(?)–1985....... CTFT–21 Reitman, Catherine 1981–....................... CTFT–87 Reitman, Ivan 1946– ............................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 Reitman, Jason 1977–.............................. CTFT–86 Reitman, Joseph D. 1968–....................... CTFT–48 Reitz, Ric.................................................. CTFT–44 Reivers, David .......................................... CTFT–78 Reizes, Stephen ........................................ CTFT–82 Rejane, Gabrielle 1857–1920................ WWasWT Rekert, Winston 1949– ............................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Relph, George 1888–1960..................... WWasWT Relph, Michael 1815–?.......................... WWasWT Relph, Phyllis 1888–? ............................ WWasWT Remar, James 1953– ................................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 28 Remick, Lee 1935–1991............................ CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Remini, Leah 1970– ................................ CTFT–54 Ealier sketch in CTFT–25 Remme, John 1935–1992........................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8 Remo, Busta See ......................................... Rhymes, Busta Renaday, Pete 1935– ............................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Renaud, Madeleine................................. WWasWT Renauld, Isabelle ...................................... CTFT–34 Rendall, Mark 1988–............................... CTFT–90 Rendle, Thomas McDonald 1856–1926.................................... WWasWT Rene, Ida ................................................ WWasWT Renfro, Brad 1982–2008 ......................... CTFT–74 Obituary in CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Renna, Patrick 1979– .............................. CTFT–69 Rennahan, Ray 1896–1980 ..................... CTFT–25 Renner, Jeremy 1971– ............................. CTFT–62 Rennie, Callum Keith 1960– ................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Rennie, James 1890–1965 ..................... WWasWT Rennison, Colleen 1987– ........................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Reno, Jean 1948– .................................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Reno, Jeff.................................................. CTFT–47 Renouardt, Jeanne .................................. WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Rhodes, Harrison 1871–1929 ................ WWasWT Rhodes, Jennifer ....................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Rhodes, Kim 1969– ................................. CTFT–88 Rhodes, Leah 1902–1986.......................... CTFT–4 Rhodes, Marjorie 1903–1979 ................. WWT–16 Rhodes, Michael 1945–........................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Rhodes, Nancy 1946– ............................. CTFT–22 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Rhodes, Raymond Crompton 1887–1935.................................... WWasWT Rhue, Madlyn 1934–................................. CTFT–8 Rhymes, Busta 1972– .............................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Rhys Jones, Griffith 1953–....................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Rhys, Matthew 1974–.............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Rhys, Phillip 1974– ................................. CTFT–71 Rhys–Davies, John 1944–........................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 28 Rhys–Meyers, Jonathan 1977–................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Riabouchinska, Tatiana 1916– ............... WWasWT Rib See ................................................ Hillis, Rib Ribeiro, Alfonso 1971(?)– ........................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 15, 28 Ribisi, Giovanni 1976(?)– ........................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Ribisi, Marissa 1974(?)–........................... CTFT–46 Ribman, Ronald 1932–........................... WWT–17 Ricard, Adrian .......................................... CTFT–52 Ricci, Christina 1980– ............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Rice, Brett................................................. CTFT–49 Rice, David See............................................... Davis, B. J. Rice, Edward Everett 1848–1924 ........... WWasWT Rice, Elmer 1892–1967 ......................... WWasWT Rice, Gigi 1965– ..................................... CTFT–73 Rice, Peter 1928– ...................................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Rice, Roy 1909– .................................... WWasWT Rice, Tim 1944– ...................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 13, 26; WWT–17 Rice, Wayne Allan.................................... CTFT–86 Rich, Christopher 1953–.......................... CTFT–47 Rich, David Lowell 1920–....................... CTFT–12 Rich, Frank 1949– ................................... CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Rich, John 1925–....................................... CTFT–4 Rich, Lee .................................................... CTFT–6 Richard, Cliff 1940– .................................. CTFT–5 Richard, Dick See .......................... Williams, Dick Anthony Ri’chard, Robert 1983– ........................... CTFT–75 Richards, Angela 1944– ............................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Richards, Ariana 1979– ........................... CTFT–38 Richards, Beah ........................................... CTFT–7 Richards, Cicely ?–1933 ........................ WWasWT Richards, Denise 1971– .......................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Richards, Eric See.......................................... Stanley, Shane Richards, Evan 1970–.............................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Richards, J. August 1973–........................ CTFT–43 Richards, Jess 1943–.................................. CTFT–4 Richards, Jonathan See........................................ Schneider, John


Richards, Lloyd ......................................... CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Richards, Lou ........................................... CTFT–78 Richards, Martin 1932– ........................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10 Richards, Michael 1949(?)– ..................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 28 Richards, Paul David 1934–...................... CTFT–2 Richards, Susan 1898– .......................... WWasWT Richardson, Burton 1949–....................... CTFT–55 Richardson, Cameron 1979– ................... CTFT–77 Richardson, Claibe 1929– ......................... CTFT–1 Richardson, Frank 1871–1917............... WWasWT Richardson, Ian 1934– ............................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 14, 26; WWT–17 Richardson, Jake 1985–........................... CTFT–68 Richardson, Jay......................................... CTFT–79 Richardson, Joely 1965–.......................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 32 Richardson, John 1946– .......................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Richardson, Kevin Michael 1964–.............................................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Richardson, LaTanya 1949–..................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Richardson, Leander 1856–1918 ........... WWasWT Richardson, Lee 1926–1999.................... CTFT–15 Obituary in CTFT–32 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Richardson, Miranda 1958– .................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 28 Richardson, Myrtle ................................. WWasWT Richardson, Natasha 1963–..................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13 Richardson, Patricia 1951–...................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13 Richardson, Ralph 1902–1983 ............... WWT–17 Richardson, Robert ................................... CTFT–32 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21 Richardson, Ron 1952–1995 ..................... CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–15 Richardson, Salli 1967–........................... CTFT–89 Richardson, Sy.......................................... CTFT–49 Richardson, Tony 1928–1991 .................. CTFT–11 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Riche, Alan 1941–................................... CTFT–80 Riche, Robert 1925–.................................. CTFT–4 Richepin, Jacques 1880–1946 ............... WWasWT Richepin, Jean 1849–1926 .................... WWasWT Richert, Nate 1978– ................................ CTFT–45 Richie, Nicole 1981– .............................. CTFT–65 Richings, Julian......................................... CTFT–60 Richman, Arthur 1886–1944 ................. WWasWT Richman, Charles J. 1870–1940 ............ WWasWT Richman, Harry 1895–1972 .................. WWasWT Richman, Peter Mark 1927– .................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16 Richmond–Peck, David ............................ CTFT–85 Richmond, Anthony B. 1942– ................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Richmond, Branscombe 1955– ............... CTFT–50 Richmond, Deon 1978– .......................... CTFT–54 Richmond, Gillian 1954– ........................ CTFT–15 Richmond, John Peter See........................................ Carradine, John Richmond, Peter See........................................ Carradine, John Richmond, Susan 1894–1959................ WWasWT Richmond, Tequan 1992– ....................... CTFT–92 Richmond, Tom ........................................ CTFT–80 Richter, Andy 1966–................................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36

Cumulative Index

Renshaw, Christopher ............................... CTFT–24 Repeta, Nina 1967– ................................ CTFT–71 Repole, Charles .......................................... CTFT–1 Rescher, Dee Dee..................................... CTFT–64 Resnais, Alain 1922–................................. CTFT–5 Resnick, Patricia 1953– ........................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 13 Reston, Phil See.............................................. Ferrell, Will Retford, Ella ?–1962............................... WWasWT Rettura, Joseph 1953– ............................... CTFT–2 Reuben, Gloria 1964– ............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Reuben, Katt Shea See ................................................ Shea, Katt Reubens, Paul 1952–............................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 17, 27 Reuhle, Mercedes See ...................................... Ruehl, Mercedes Reuther, Steven......................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Revell, Graeme 1955–............................. CTFT–48 Revelle, Arthur Hamilton 1872–1958.................................... WWasWT Revere, Anne 1906–1972 ...................... WWasWT Revill, Clive 1930–.................................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 40; WWT–17 Rey, Antonia 1927– ................................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 33 Rey, Fernando 1917–1994......................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–13 Reyes, Alisa 1981– .................................. CTFT–59 Reyes, Ernie, Jr. 1972–............................. CTFT–73 Reyes, Judy 1967(?)– ............................... CTFT–47 Reynolds, Alfred 1884–1969 ................. WWasWT Reynolds, Burt 1936– .............................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 23 Reynolds, Debbie 1932– ......................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 31 Reynolds, Dorothy 1913–1977............... WWT–16 Reynolds, E. Vivian 1866–1952............. WWasWT Reynolds, Gene 1925– ............................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Reynolds, George Francis 1880–? .......................................... WWasWT Reynolds, Jonathan 1942–....................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Reynolds, Kevin 1952–............................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Reynolds, Michael J.................................. CTFT–49 Reynolds, Ryan 1976–............................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Reynolds, Simon....................................... CTFT–64 Reynolds, Star Jones See................................................ Jones, Star Reynolds, Stephen .................................... CTFT–63 Reynolds, Thomas ?–1947 ..................... WWasWT Reynolds, Tom 1866–1942 .................... WWasWT Reynolds, William 1910–1997 ................ CTFT–10 Obituary in CTFT–18 Rezza, Vito ............................................... CTFT–77 Rhames, Ving 1959(?)– ............................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Rhea, Caroline 1964–.............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 27 Rhee, Phillip 1960(?)– ............................. CTFT–15 Rhimes, Shonda 1970–............................ CTFT–79 Rhind–Tutt, Julian 1968– ......................... CTFT–69 Rho, Stella 1886–?................................. WWasWT Rhoades, Barbara 1947– ......................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Rhoades, Michael ..................................... CTFT–46 Rhodes, Donnelly 1937–......................... CTFT–55


RICHTER Richter, Deborah ........................................ CTFT–7 Richter, Jason James 1980–...................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Richter, Roland Suso 1961–..................... CTFT–34 Rickaby, J. W. ........................................ WWasWT Ricketts, Charles 1866–1931 ................. WWasWT Rickles, Don 1926–................................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 20 Rickman, Alan 1946–.............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 26 Riddle, Nelson 1921–1985........................ CTFT–5 Ridgely, Robert 1931–1997 ..................... CTFT–21 Ridgeway, Lindsay 1985– ........................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Ridgeway, Philip 1891–1954 ................. WWasWT Ridgeway, Philip 1920– ......................... WWasWT Riding, Paul See ............................................. Eiding, Paul Ridler, Anne 1912–.................................. CTFT–15 Ridley, Arnold 1896–.............................. WWT–17 Ried, Kristen Holden See............................... Holden–Reid, Kristen Rieffel, Lisa 1975–................................... CTFT–45 Riegel, Eden 1981– ................................. CTFT–81 Riegert, Peter 1947– ................................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 19, 31 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Riehle, Richard 1948–............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 30 Rietti, Victor 1888–1963........................ WWasWT Rietty, Robert 1923– ............................... WWT–17 Rievers, David See ......................................... Reivers, David Rifkin, Adam 1966– ................................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 28 Rifkin, Arnold 1948– ............................... CTFT–80 Rifkin, Harmon “Bud” 1942– .................... CTFT–5 Rifkin, Ron 1939– ................................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Rifle, Ned See ............................................. Hartley, Hal Rigby, Arthur 1870–1944....................... WWasWT Rigby, Arthur 1900–1971 ....................... WWT–16 Rigby, Cathy 1952– ................................. CTFT–27 Rigby, Edward 1879–1951..................... WWasWT Rigby, Harry 1925– ................................ WWT–17 Rigby, Terence 1937– .............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Rigdon, Kevin 1956–............................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 11 Rigg, Diana 1938– .................................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13; WWT–17 Rigg, Rebecca 1967–............................... CTFT–61 Riggs, Lynn 1899–1954 ......................... WWasWT Righetti, Amanda 1984–.......................... CTFT–74 Rignold, George ?–1912 ........................ WWasWT Rignold, Lionel ?–1919.......................... WWasWT Riker, Robin.............................................. CTFT–59 Riker, William 1923–................................. CTFT–3 Riley, Forbes ............................................. CTFT–71 Riley, Jack 1935–..................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 21, 43 Riley, Larry 1952–1992 ........................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Riley, Lee See....................................... Vare, Ethlie Ann Riley, Michael........................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Rimalower, Ben ........................................ CTFT–60 Rimmer, Shane 1932(?)– .......................... CTFT–81 Rinaldo ................................................... WWasWT Rinehart, Elaine 1952– .............................. CTFT–5 Rinehart, Mary 1876–1958.................... WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Rinehimer, John 1951– .............................. CTFT–4 Ring, Blanche 1877–1961 ..................... WWasWT Ring, Frances 1882–1951 ...................... WWasWT Ringmaster, The See............................................ Austin, Steve Ringwald, Molly 1968– ........................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 22 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Ringwood, Bob......................................... CTFT–59 Rinker, Kenneth 1945– ............................ CTFT–21 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6 Rinker, Scott ............................................. CTFT–83 Rinna, Lisa 1965(?)– ................................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Rintels, David W. 1939– ......................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Rinzler, Lisa 1956– .................................. CTFT–59 Riordan, Daniel ........................................ CTFT–83 Riordan, James 1965– ............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Rios, Mark Adair See ..................................... Adair–Rios, Mark Rip, Georges ?–1941.............................. WWasWT Ripa, Kelly 1970–.................................... CTFT–45 Ripley, Alice 1963– ................................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Ripley, Patricia T. 1924–............................ CTFT–2 Rippy, Leon .............................................. CTFT–64 Ripstein, Arturo 1943– ............................ CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Riscoe, Arthur 1896–1954..................... WWasWT Risdon, Elizabeth 1887–1958 ................ WWasWT Rispoli, Michael 1965– ........................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Rist, Robbie 1964– .................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Ritchard, Cyril 1897–1977 ..................... WWT–16 Ritchie, Adele 1874–1930 ..................... WWasWT Ritchie, Guy 1968– ................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Ritchie, Jill................................................ CTFT–63 Ritchie, Joe See ................................................. Pesci, Joe Ritchie, June ............................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ritchie, Madonna See ................................................. Madonna Ritchie, Michael 1938– ............................. CTFT–6 Ritman, William ?–1984 ......................... WWT–17 Ritt, Martin 1914–1990 ............................. CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–9 Ritter, Bill.................................................. CTFT–41 Ritter, Huntley 1977– .............................. CTFT–86 Ritter, Jason 1980–................................... CTFT–64 Ritter, John 1948–.................................... CTFT–28 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 10, 17 Ritter, Krysten ........................................... CTFT–76 Riva, Diana–Maria.................................... CTFT–64 Rivas, Geoffrey ......................................... CTFT–91 Rivera, Chita 1933–................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8; WWT–17 Rivera, Emilio 1961(?)–............................ CTFT–48 Rivera, Geraldo 1943– ............................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 41 Rivers, Joan 1933– .................................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10, 17, 40 Rivers, Melissa 1968–.............................. CTFT–89 Rivers, Victor 1956– ................................ CTFT–77 Riviere, Marie ........................................... CTFT–34 Rix, Brian 1924– ....................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 RNelsonBrown See .................................... Brown, R. Nelson


Roach, Hal 1892–1992 ........................... CTFT–12 Roache, Linus 1964–............................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 28 Roache, Viola 1885–1931 ..................... WWasWT Roat, Richard............................................ CTFT–56 Robards, Jason 1922–.............................. CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 15; WWT–17 Robards, Sam 1961(?)– ............................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Robb, AnnaSophia 1993–........................ CTFT–78 Robb, David 1947– ................................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 34 Robb, R. D. 1972– .................................... CTFT–5 Robbe, Scott D. 1955– .............................. CTFT–4 Robbe–Grillet, Alain 1922–....................... CTFT–8 Robbins, Blake 1965– ............................. CTFT–80 Robbins, Brian 1963(?)– .......................... CTFT–77 Robbins, Carrie Fishbein 1943– .............. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Robbins, Jana ............................................. CTFT–1 Robbins, Jane Marla 1949– ....................... CTFT–2 Robbins, Jerome 1918–............................ CTFT–11 Earlier sketches in CTFT4; WWT–17 Robbins, Matthew ...................................... CTFT–6 Robbins, Rex 1935– ................................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19 Robbins, Ryan .......................................... CTFT–61 Robbins, Steve .......................................... CTFT–83 Robbins, Tim 1958(?)–............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 27 Robert, Eugene 1877–? .......................... WWasWT Roberti, Lyda 1909–1938 ...................... WWasWT Robert M. “Bobby Z” See ....................... Zajonc, Robert “Bobby Z” Roberts, Anthony See........................................... Roberts, Tony Roberts, Arthur 1852–1933 ................... WWasWT Roberts, Axel See ....................................... Axelrod, Robert Roberts, Brian K. ...................................... CTFT–50 Roberts, Bruce .......................................... CTFT–69 Roberts, Christian 1944– ........................... CTFT–8 Roberts, Chuck 1950– ............................. CTFT–76 Roberts, Cokie 1943– .............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Roberts, Conrad........................................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Roberts, Dallas 1970– ............................. CTFT–88 Roberts, Deborah 1960– ......................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Roberts, Doris 1930(?)– ........................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 4, 18, 29; WWT–17 Roberts, Douglas 1962(?)–....................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Roberts, Eliza............................................ CTFT–56 Roberts, Emma 1991– ............................. CTFT–79 Roberts, Eric 1956– ................................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 28 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Roberts, Evelyn 1886–1962 ................... WWasWT Roberts, Ewan 1914–.............................. WWT–17 Roberts, Florence 1871–1927................ WWasWT Roberts, Ian 1952– .................................. CTFT–87 Roberts, Ian 1965– .................................. CTFT–88 Roberts, J. H. 1884–1961 ...................... WWasWT Roberts, Jeremy 1954– ............................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Roberts, Joan 1918– .............................. WWasWT Roberts, John 1916–1972 ....................... WWT–16 Roberts, John 1956– ................................ CTFT–74 Roberts, Jonathan ..................................... CTFT–27

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Robinson Peete, Holly 1964–.................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 40 Robinson, Alexia ...................................... CTFT–68 Robinson, Amy 1948–............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Robinson, Andrew 1942–........................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 36 Robinson, Ann 1935–.............................. CTFT–70 Robinson, Bill 1878–1949 ..................... WWasWT Robinson, Bruce 1946(?)–........................ CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Robinson, Bumper 1974–........................ CTFT–54 Robinson, Dar 1948–1986 ........................ CTFT–4 Robinson, David C. .................................. CTFT–49 Robinson, Edward G. 1893–1972.......... WWasWT Robinson, Holly See ............................. Robinson Peete, Holly Robinson, J. Peter ..................................... CTFT–82 Robinson, Jack T. D. See ............................... Robinson, Phil Alden Robinson, James G. 1935– ...................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Robinson, Jane ......................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 43 Robinson, John 1908–1979 .................... WWT–16 Robinson, Kathleen 1909–..................... WWasWT Robinson, Keith ........................................ CTFT–74 Robinson, Lennox 1886–1958............... WWasWT Robinson, Madeleine 1908–.................. WWasWT Robinson, Martin P. 1954– ........................ CTFT–1 Robinson, Michael 1959– ....................... CTFT–89 Robinson, Norah 1901– ........................ WWasWT Robinson, Patrick 1963– ........................... CTFT–4 Robinson, Percy 1889–1967.................. WWasWT Robinson, Phil Alden 1950–.................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21 Robinson, Shaun 1962– .......................... CTFT–78 Robinson, Tony 1946–............................. CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Robinson, Zuleikha 1977– ...................... CTFT–79 Robison, Michael 1955– ......................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Robman, Steven 1944– ........................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Robson, E. M. 1855–1932 ..................... WWasWT Robson, Eleanor Elise 1879–? ................ WWasWT Robson, Flora 1902–1984 ...................... WWT–17 Robson, Mary 1893– ............................. WWasWT Robson, May 1865–1942 ...................... WWasWT Robson, Sandy 1973–.............................. CTFT–86 Robson, Wayne 1946– ............................ CTFT–58 Rocca, Stefania 1971–............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Rocco, Alex 1936–.................................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 36 Rocco, Marc 1965– ................................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Rocco, Ron See......................................... Lee, RonReaco Roccuzzo, Mario ...................................... CTFT–56 Roch, Madeleine ?–1930 ....................... WWasWT Rocha, Kali 1972–................................... CTFT–58 Roche, Claudette ...................................... CTFT–65 Roche, Eugene 1928–.............................. CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Roche, Sebastian 1964– .......................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Rochefort, Jean 1930– ............................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Rocher, Rene 1890– .............................. WWasWT Rochon, Lela 1964(?)–............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 Rock, Charles 1866–1919 ..................... WWasWT


Rock, Chris 1966–................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22 Rock, Pamela Anderson Lee See.................................... Anderson, Pamela Rock, The See .................................... Johnson, Dwayne Rocket, Charles 1949–2005 .................... CTFT–30 Obituary in CTFT–68 Rockwell, Sam 1968–.............................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Roday, James 1976– ................................ CTFT–73 Rodd, Marcia 1940–................................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Roddam, Franc 1946– ............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 34 Roddenberry, Gene 1921–1991................. CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–10 Roddenberry, Majel See........................................... Barrett, Majel Rodger, Kate ............................................. CTFT–78 Rodgers, Agnes Ann See........................... Guerard Rodgers, Aggie Rodgers, Anton 1933–............................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13; WWT–17 Rodgers, John Wesley See ............................................ Wesley, John Rodgers, Mark ............................................ CTFT–7 Rodgers, Mary 1931– ............................. WWT–17 Rodgers, R. E. ........................................... CTFT–79 Rodgers, Reg See.............................................. Rogers, Reg Rodgers, Richard 1902–1979 ................. WWT–17 Rodrick, Michael 1970– .......................... CTFT–89 Rodriguez, Adam 1975–.......................... CTFT–71 Rodriguez, Freddy 1975– ........................ CTFT–59 Rodriguez, Michelle 1978– ..................... CTFT–70 Rodriguez, Paul 1955– ............................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 39 Rodriguez, Robert 1968(?)– ..................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 26 Rodriguez, Valente ................................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Rodway, Norman 1929–.......................... CTFT–26 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14; WWT–17 Roe, Bassett 1860–1934 ........................ WWasWT Roe, Channon 1971– .............................. CTFT–54 Roebling, Paul 1934– ............................. WWT–17 Roebuck, Daniel 1963–........................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Roeeves, Maurice 1937– ......................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Roeg, Nicolas 1928– ................................. CTFT–6 Roeg, Theresa See ....................................... Russell, Theresa Roelfs, Jan ................................................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Roemer, Michael 1928– .......................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Roerick, William 1912–.......................... WWT–17 Rogan, John.............................................. CTFT–35 Rogan, Josh See................................... Matheson, Richard Rogen, Seth 1982– .................................. CTFT–86 Rogers, Anne 1933– ............................... WWT–17 Rogers, Charles “Buddy” 1904–1999 ...... CTFT–25 Rogers, Derek ........................................... CTFT–86 Rogers, Edward......................................... CTFT–82 Rogers, Fred 1928–2003 ........................... CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–49 Rogers, Gil 1934– ................................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 21

Cumulative Index

Roberts, Julia 1967– ................................ CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 26 Roberts, Julie 1966– .................................. CTFT–4 Roberts, Kim ............................................. CTFT–52 Roberts, Lance 1959–.............................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Roberts, Leonard 1972– .......................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Roberts, Marilyn ......................................... CTFT–3 Roberts, Nanci.......................................... CTFT–78 Roberts, Pernell 1928– ............................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Roberts, R. A. 1870–? ............................ WWasWT Roberts, Rachel 1927–1980 ................... WWT–17 Roberts, Ralph ?–1944........................... WWasWT Roberts, Rick 1965– ................................ CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Roberts, Sean See........................................ Lowenthal, Yuri Roberts, Shawn 1984–............................. CTFT–68 Roberts, Tanya 1955– .............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Roberts, Theodore 1861–1928 .............. WWasWT Roberts, Tony 1939–................................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 15, 39; WWT–17 Roberts, Tony Pearce See................................ Pierce–Roberts, Tony Roberts, Troy 1962– ................................ CTFT–89 Robertshaw, Jerrold 1866–1941............. WWasWT Robertson, Beatrice Forbes See...................... Forbes–Robertson, Beatrice Robertson, Cliff 1925–............................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 32 Robertson, Dale 1923–.............................. CTFT–5 Robertson, Guy 1892–........................... WWasWT Robertson, Ian 1858–1936 .................... WWasWT Robertson, Jenny 1963– .......................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Robertson, Joel 1950– ............................... CTFT–3 Robertson, Johnston Forbes See..................... Forbes–Robertson, Johnston Robertson, Kathleen 1973– ..................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Robertson, Kimmy 1954– ........................ CTFT–51 Robertson, Lanie......................................... CTFT–7 Robertson, Malcolm 1933– .................... WWT–17 Robertson, Robbie 1943(?)–..................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Robertson, Scott 1954– ............................. CTFT–4 Robertson, Shauna.................................... CTFT–77 Robertson, Tim 1944– ............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Robertson, Toby 1928–.............................. CTFT–9 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Robertson, W. Graham 1867–1948 ....... WWasWT Robeson, Paul 1898–1976..................... WWasWT Robey, George 1869–1954 .................... WWasWT Robie, Jeff See ........................................... Williams, Jeff Robie, Wendy 1953–............................... CTFT–79 Robillard, Kim 1955– .............................. CTFT–46 Robin See ............................................... Ana–Alicia Robin, Diane ............................................ CTFT–64 Robin, Michael M. ................................... CTFT–77 Robin, Michel........................................... CTFT–34 Robins, Edward H. 1880–1955.............. WWasWT Robins, Elizabeth 1865–1952 ................ WWasWT Robins, Gertrude L. ?–1917 ................... WWasWT Robins, Laila 1959–................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 21, 32


ROGERS Rogers, Ginger 1911–1995 ........................ CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Rogers, Gregory See..................................... Zanuck, Darryl F. Rogers, Jane A. 1960– ............................. CTFT–63 Rogers, Jimmie N. See.......................................... Rogers, Kenny Rogers, Kenny 1938– .............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27 Rogers, Max ?–1932 .............................. WWasWT Rogers, Melody .......................................... CTFT–4 Rogers, Michael........................................ CTFT–39 Rogers, Mimi 1956(?)–............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 26 Rogers, Paul 1917– ................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Rogers, Reg 1962(?)– ............................... CTFT–73 Rogers, Roy 1912(?)–1998....................... CTFT–21 Rogers, Sally 1964–................................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Rogers, Timmie See.......................................... Rogers, Kenny Rogers, Tristan 1946– .............................. CTFT–64 Rogers, Wayne 1933– ............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 42 Rogers, Will 1879–1935 ........................ WWasWT Rogge, Ron 1968–................................... CTFT–77 Rohl, Mike................................................ CTFT–86 Rohm, Elisabeth 1973–............................ CTFT–55 Rohmer, Eric 1920(?)–.............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Rohmer, Sax 1886–1959........................ WWasWT Rohner, Clayton 1961(?)– ........................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Roisman, Harper ...................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Roizman, Owen 1936– ........................... CTFT–10 Roker, Al 1954–....................................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Roker, Roxie 1929–1995 ........................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–15 Roldan, Charlotte See .................................... Ayanna, Charlotte Rolf, Frederick 1926– ................................ CTFT–2 Rolin, Judi 1946– ...................................... CTFT–5 Rolle, Esther 1922–1998 ......................... CTFT–20 Obituary in CTFT–24 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Rolle, Georges ?–1916........................... WWasWT Rollins, Henry 1961– .............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 Rollins, Howard E., Jr. 1950–1996 .......... CTFT–15 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Rollins, Jack 1914–.................................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 34 Rolly, Jeanne ?–1929 ............................. WWasWT Rolston, Mark 1956(?)–............................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 35 Rolyat, Dan 1872–1927 ........................ WWasWT Rom, Lori 1975– ..................................... CTFT–73 Romaine, Claire 1873–1964.................. WWasWT Roman, Arlene 1959– ............................... CTFT–5 Roman, Lawrence....................................... CTFT–1 Roman, Ruth 1924– .................................. CTFT–5 Roman, Tami 1970– ................................ CTFT–68 Romanav, Stephanie 1969– ..................... CTFT–43 Romano, Andy ......................................... CTFT–45 Romano, Christy Carlson 1984– .............. CTFT–56 Romano, John 1948–................................. CTFT–4

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Romano, Larry .......................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Romano, Ray 1957–................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 42 Romano, Rino 1969– .............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Romanus, Richard 1943– ........................ CTFT–67 Romanus, Robert 1960– .......................... CTFT–65 Romberg, Sigmund 1887–1951 ............. WWasWT Rome, Fred 1874–?................................ WWasWT Romeo, Christine ...................................... CTFT–87 Romeo, Li’l See ............................................... Lil’ Romeo Romero, Cesar 1907–1994........................ CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–12 Romero, George A. 1940–....................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 Romero, Rino See.......................................... Romano, Rino Romijn, Rebecca 1972– .......................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Romney, Edana 1919– ........................... WWasWT Rona, Jeff 1957–...................................... CTFT–64 Ronald, Landon 1873–1938 .................. WWasWT Ronstadt, Linda 1946–............................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Rooke, Irene 1878–1958 ....................... WWasWT Rooke, Valentine 1912–......................... WWasWT Rooker, Michael 1955(?)– ........................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 27 Rooks, Joel ............................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Rooney, Andy 1920– ............................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Rooney, Bethany....................................... CTFT–53 Rooney, Mickey 1920–............................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 31 Rooney, Ted.............................................. CTFT–80 Roos, Camilla Overbye 1969– ................ CTFT–68 Roos, Don 1955– .................................... CTFT–25 Roos, Fred 1934– .................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 27 Roos, Joanna 1901–1989....................... WWasWT Roose, Olwen 1900–............................. WWasWT Roose–Evans, James 1927–..................... WWT–17 Root, Amanda 1963– .............................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Root, Stephen 1951– ............................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 30 Roper, Kristina See ...................................... Anapau, Kristina Rorie, Yvonne 1907–1959 ..................... WWasWT Rorke, Hayden 1910–1987–...................... CTFT–5 Rorke, Kate 1866–1945 ......................... WWasWT Rorke, Mary 1858–1938........................ WWasWT Rosa, Angela Alvarado See ..................................... Alvarado, Angela Rosales, Thomas, Jr................................... CTFT–51 Rosay, Francoise 1891–1974 ................. WWasWT Rose, Alex 1946–..................................... CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Rose, Billy 1899–1966 .......................... WWasWT Rose, Charlie 1942– ................................ CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21 Rose, Clarkson 1890–1968.................... WWasWT Rose, Clifford 1929–................................ CTFT–14 Rose, Cristine 1951– ............................... CTFT–59 Rose, Earl 1946– ..................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Rose, Edward Everett 1862–1939 .......... WWasWT Rose, Gabrielle 1954–............................. CTFT–79 Rose, George 1920–1988 .......................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17


Rose, Jack 1911–1995 ............................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–15 Rose, Jamie 1959–................................... CTFT–54 Rose, L. Arthur 1887–1958.................... WWasWT Rose, Margot ............................................ CTFT–46 Rose, Maxine B. 1928– ............................. CTFT–4 Rose, Nectar ............................................. CTFT–79 Rose, Penny.............................................. CTFT–50 Rose, Philip 1921– ................................. WWT–17 Rose, Reginald 1920–.............................. CTFT–10 Rose, Robin See................................ Pearson Rose, Robin Rose, Roger 1958– .................................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Rose, Shiva See ........................... McDermott, Shiva Rose Rose, Sienna See........................................... Miller, Sienna Roseanne 1952–...................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 26 Rosebery, Lilian ...................................... WWasWT Roseen, Irene............................................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Roselius, John ........................................... CTFT–30 Rose Marie 1923– ................................... CTFT–61 Rosemont, Norman 1924– ........................ CTFT–7 Rosemont, Romy ...................................... CTFT–54 Rosen, Arturo Ripstein See........................................ Ripstein, Arturo Rosen, Beatrice......................................... CTFT–74 Rosen, James 1960– ................................ CTFT–91 Rosen, Louis H. 1955– ............................ CTFT–40 Rosen, Martin ........................................... CTFT–22 Rosenbaum, Michael 1972–.................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Rosenberg, Alan 1950(?)– ........................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17, 42 Rosenberg, Arthur..................................... CTFT–35 Rosenberg, Melissa ................................... CTFT–86 Rosenberg, Melissa See......................................... Rivers, Melissa Rosenberg, Paul........................................ CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Rosenberg, Stuart 1927–.......................... CTFT–10 Rosenberg, Tom ........................................ CTFT–59 Rosenblum, M. Edgar 1932– ..................... CTFT–8 Rosenfeld, Sydney 1855–1931 .............. WWasWT Rosenfield, Stephen 1946– ........................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Rosenman, Howard 1945–...................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 39 Rosenman, Leonard 1924–...................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Rosenmeyer, Grant 1991– ....................... CTFT–71 Rosenthal, Rick 1949–............................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 13 Rosenwald, Richard S. 1943–.................... CTFT–1 Rosenzweig, Barney 1937– ..................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Rosewood, Olivia ..................................... CTFT–79 Rosher, Charles 1885–1974..................... CTFT–27 Rosling, Tara............................................. CTFT–65 Rosmer, Milton 1882–1971 ................... WWasWT Rosoff, Barbara 1946– ............................... CTFT–2 Rosqui, Tom 1928– ................................. CTFT–10 Ross, Adrian 1859–1933 ....................... WWasWT Ross, Annie 1930– .................................. CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ross, Anthony 1906–1955..................... WWasWT Ross, Benjamin ......................................... CTFT–28 Ross, Brian 1948– ................................... CTFT–42 Ross, Charles Cowper 1929–1985.......... WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Roth, Eric.................................................. CTFT–45 Roth, Joe 1948–....................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 39 Roth, Lillian 1910–1980......................... WWT–17 Roth, Martin 1924– ................................. CTFT–15 Roth, Matt 1964– .................................... CTFT–92 Roth, Michael S. 1954–............................. CTFT–4 Roth, Phillip J. 1959– .............................. CTFT–51 Roth, Stephanie 1963– ............................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Roth, Stephen J. 1941–............................ CTFT–12 Roth, Tim 1961–...................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 26 Rotha, Wanda.......................................... WWT–17 Rothenberg, Andrew................................. CTFT–78 Rothenstein, Albert Daniel 1883–? .......................................... WWasWT Rothery, Teryl 1965–................................ CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Rothhaar, Will 1987– .............................. CTFT–45 Rothman, John 1949–.............................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 37 Rothrock, Cynthia 1957–......................... CTFT–64 Rothschild, Ami 1959–.............................. CTFT–3 Rotondi, Lisa 1972– ................................ CTFT–86 Rott, Betsy ................................................ CTFT–47 Rotta, Carlo See .............................................. Rota, Carlo Rotunno, Giuseppe 1923–....................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Roubakha, Remy ...................................... CTFT–34 Roughwood, Owen 1876–1947 ............ WWasWT Roundtree, Richard 1942–....................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 21, 32 Rounseville, Robert 1914–1974 ............. WWT–16 Rourke, Mickey 1956(?)–......................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21, 32 Rous, Helen ?–1934 .............................. WWasWT Roussel, Pamela ......................................... CTFT–5 Rousselot, Philippe 1945– ....................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 37 Routh, Brandon 1979– ............................ CTFT–74 Routh, Marc c. 1963–............................... CTFT–49 Routh, May............................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Routledge, Patricia 1929– ....................... CTFT–27 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 15; WWT–17 Roven, Charles ......................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Roven, Glen 1958– ................................... CTFT–4 Rovere, Liliane ......................................... CTFT–35 Rovetta, Girolamo 1850–1910 .............. WWasWT Rowan, Kelly 1967– ................................ CTFT–59 Rowbotham, Bill See ............................................... Owen, Bill Rowe, Ashley 1959– ............................... CTFT–80 Rowe, Brad 1970–................................... CTFT–30 Rowe, Dee Etta 1953–............................... CTFT–4 Rowe, Fanny 1913–1988....................... WWasWT Rowe, Hansford 1924–.............................. CTFT–4 Rowe, Nicholas 1966– ............................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Rowe, Stephen ......................................... CTFT–32 Rowell, Victoria 1960(?)– ........................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Rowland, Bruce ........................................ CTFT–82 Rowland, Kelly 1981– ............................. CTFT–92 Rowland, Margery 1910–1945 .............. WWasWT Rowland, Paige 1967– ............................ CTFT–64 Rowland, Rodney 1964– ......................... CTFT–48 Rowland, Toby 1916– ............................ WWT–17 Rowlands, Gena 1930– ........................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 37


Rowlands, Patsy 1935– .......................... WWT–17 Rowles, Polly 1914–................................ CTFT–21 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Rowley, J. W. ?–1925............................. WWasWT Rowling, J. K. 1965– ............................... CTFT–77 Roxburgh, Richard 1962–........................ CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Roy, Dylan See .............................................. Roy, Steven Roy, Jack See................................ Dangerfield, Rodney Roy, Maxim 1972– .................................. CTFT–54 Roy, Steven............................................... CTFT–78 Royaards, Wilhem ?–1929 ..................... WWasWT Royal Shakespeare Company, The .......... WWasWT Royal, Allan.............................................. CTFT–64 Royce, Edward 1870–1964.................... WWasWT Royce, Edward William 1841–1926 ...... WWasWT Royce, Julian 1870–1946 ...................... WWasWT Royde, Frank 1882–? ............................. WWasWT Royde–Smith, Naomi ?–1964 ................ WWasWT Royle, Edwin Milton 1862–1942 ........... WWasWT Royle, Josephine ..................................... WWasWT Royle, Selena 1904–1955...................... WWasWT Royston, Roy 1899– .............................. WWasWT Rozakis, Gregory 1913–1989 .................... CTFT–4 Roze, Raymond 1875–1920 .................. WWasWT Rozema, Patricia 1958– .......................... CTFT–28 Rozenberg, Lucien .................................. WWasWT Rozovsky, Mark 1937– ............................ CTFT–15 Rozsa, Miklos 1907–1995 ......................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–15 Ruben, Jose 1888–1969......................... WWasWT Ruben, Joseph 1951– .............................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Rubens, Paul 1876–1917....................... WWasWT Rubes, Jan 1920– .................................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Rubi, Abraham Ben See.................................... Benrubi, Abraham Rubin, Bruce Joel 1943– ......................... CTFT–22 Rubin, Jennifer 1962(?)– .......................... CTFT–68 Rubin, John Gould 1951– ......................... CTFT–6 Rubin, Mann 1927– .................................. CTFT–3 Rubinek, Saul 1948– ............................... CTFT–43 Rubini, Michel 1942–.............................. CTFT–12 Rubini, Sergio 1959– ............................... CTFT–35 Rubinstein, Harold F. 1891– .................. WWasWT Rubinstein, Ida ?–1960 .......................... WWasWT Rubinstein, John 1946– ........................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 20 Rubinstein, Michael See...................................... Weston, Michael Rubinstein, Zelda 1936– ......................... CTFT–56 Rubin–Vega, Daphne 1969–.................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Ruby, Harry 1895–1974 ........................ WWasWT Ruby, Thelma 1925– .............................. WWT–17 Ruccolo, Richard 1972–.......................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Ruck, Alan 1956–.................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Rucker, Lamman 1971–........................... CTFT–74 Rudd, Enid 1934–...................................... CTFT–1 Rudd, Paul 1940–...................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Rudd, Paul 1969–.................................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Ruddock, John 1897–............................. WWT–17 Ruddy, Albert S. 1934–............................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 42 Rudin, Scott 1958–.................................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 40

Cumulative Index

Ross, Charlotte 1968– ............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Ross, Chelcie 1942–................................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Ross, Diana 1944– .................................... CTFT–5 Ross, Donald H. 1928– ........................... CTFT–15 Ross, Edward See ....................................... Brazzi, Rossano Ross, Franc 1954– ................................... CTFT–92 Ross, Frank 1904–1990 ............................. CTFT–9 Ross, Frederick 1879–1957 ................... WWasWT Ross, Gary 1956– .................................... CTFT–25 Ross, George I. 1907– ............................ WWT–17 Ross, Harry 1913– ................................. WWasWT Ross, Hector 1915– ............................... WWasWT Ross, Herbert 1865–1934 ...................... WWasWT Ross, Herbert 1927–................................ CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Ross, Jane See........................................ Arthur, Beatrice Ross, Justin 1954– ................................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Ross, Katharine 1943(?)– ......................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Ross, Liza ................................................. CTFT–77 Ross, Marion 1928– ................................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 32 Ross, Mark Adair See ..................................... Adair–Rios, Mark Ross, Matt................................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Ross, Michael 1923(?)–1985.................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Ross, Neil ................................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Ross, Oriel 1907–.................................. WWasWT Ross, Ricco ............................................... CTFT–47 Ross, Sandi ............................................... CTFT–65 Ross, Steven J. 1927–1992 ...................... CTFT–12 Ross, Stuart 1950–................................... CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Ross, Thomas W. 1875–1959 ................ WWasWT Ross, Tracey 1959–.................................. CTFT–59 Ross, William ........................................... CTFT–40 Ross, Yolonda 1974– ............................... CTFT–80 Ross–Clarke, Betty .................................. WWasWT Rossellini, Isabella 1952– ........................ CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 27 Rossen, Howard 1951– ............................. CTFT–6 Rossi, Leo 1947– ..................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Rossi, Portia Di See........................................ de Rossi, Portia Rossi, Theo............................................... CTFT–92 Rossington, Norman 1928–1999 ............. CTFT–25 Rossio, Terry 1960– ................................. CTFT–55 Rossiter, Leonard 1926–1984 .................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Rosson, Harold 1895–1988..................... CTFT–25 Rossovich, Rick 1957(?)–......................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 26 Rossum, Emmy 1986– ............................. CTFT–61 Rostand, Edmond 1868–1918................ WWasWT Roswell, Maggie ....................................... CTFT–40 Rota, Carlo ............................................... CTFT–57 Roth, Andrea 1967– ................................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Roth, Ann 1931– ..................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 12, 32, 21; WWT–17 Roth, Bobby 1950– ................................. CTFT–56 Roth, Cecilia............................................. CTFT–29 Roth, Daryl 1944–................................... CTFT–61


RUDKIN Rudkin, David 1936– ................................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Rudman, Michael 1939– ........................ WWT–17 Rudner, Rita 1955(?)– .............................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21 Rudnick, Paul 1957(?)–............................ CTFT–27 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Rudnicki, Stefan 1945– ............................. CTFT–6 Rudnick–Polstein, Claire See .......................... Polstein, Claire Rudnick Rudolph, Alan 1943– .............................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13 Rudolph, Claude–Oliver ........................... CTFT–28 Rudolph, Lars 1966– ............................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Rudolph, Louis 1942– ............................... CTFT–1 Rudolph, Maya 1972–............................. CTFT–48 Rudrud, Kristin ........................................... CTFT–2 Rue, Sara 1978(?)–................................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Ruehl, Mercedes 1948(?)– ....................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 27 Ruffalo, Mark 1967–................................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Ruffelle, Frances 1965– ........................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Ruffini, Gene 1931– ................................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Rugg, Paul ................................................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Ruggles, Charles 1890–1970 ................. WWasWT Ruginis, Vyto ............................................ CTFT–45 Ruivivar, Anthony Michael 1970–.............................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Ruiz, Juan Ruiz Antonio See.................................... Anchia, Juan Ruiz Ruiz, Raul 1941–..................................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Rule, Elton H. 1917–1990....................... CTFT–10 Rule, Janice 1931– ................................. WWT–17 Rulin, Olesya 1986–................................ CTFT–89 Runfa, Zhou See ......................................... Chow Yun–Fat Runk, Martha D. See......................................... Rhys, Matthew Runyan, Tygh 1976–................................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Runyon, Jennifer ......................................... CTFT–7 RuPaul 1960–.......................................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Rupp, Debra Jo 1951–............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Rupp, Jacob.............................................. CTFT–41 Rupnik, Kevin 1956–............................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Ruprecht, David 1948– ........................... CTFT–55 Ruscio, Al 1924–..................................... CTFT–58 Rush, Barbara 1950– ................................. CTFT–5 Rush, Deborah ......................................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Rush, Geoffrey 1951–.............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 30 Rush, Philip See ...................................... Lardner, Ring, Jr. Rush, Richard 1931– ................................. CTFT–6 Rushton, Kevin 1957– ............................. CTFT–50 Ruskin, Joseph 1925– .............................. CTFT–41 Ruskin, Judy L. ......................................... CTFT–50 Rusler, Robert 1965– ................................. CTFT–5 Rusnak, Josef ............................................ CTFT–30 Russ, Tim 1956–...................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Russ, William 1950(?)– ............................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Russell, Annie 1864–1936..................... WWasWT Russell, Chuck 1954–.............................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Russell, Clive............................................ CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Russell, David O. 1958– ......................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Russell, Edward Richard 1834–1920 ..... WWasWT Russell, Fred 1862–1957 ....................... WWasWT Russell, H. Scott 1868–1949 ................. WWasWT Russell, Irene 1901– .............................. WWasWT Russell, Iris 1922– .................................. WWT–17 Russell, Jane 1921– ................................... CTFT–9 Russell, Ken 1927–.................................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13 Russell, Keri 1976–.................................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Russell, Kurt 1951– ................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11, 37 Russell, Lillian 1861–1922 .................... WWasWT Russell, Mabel 1887–1951 .................... WWasWT Russell, Mark 1932–................................ CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Russell, Monte .......................................... CTFT–50 Russell, Nipsey 1924– ............................... CTFT–6 Russell, Rosalind 1912–1976 ................. WWT–16 Russell, Shirley 1935– ............................. CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Russell, T. E. ............................................. CTFT–62 Russell, Theresa 1957–............................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37 Brief Entry in CTFT–4 Russell, Willy 1947–.................................. CTFT–9 Russell–Beale, Simon See ............................... Beale, Simon Russell Russert, Tim 1950–.................................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Russo, Daniel ........................................... CTFT–34 Russo, Deanna ......................................... CTFT–85 Russo, Gianni ........................................... CTFT–64 Russo, James 1953–................................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Russo, Rene 1954–.................................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Russom, Leon 1941– ............................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Rutherford, Kelly 1968– .......................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Rutherford, Margaret 1892–1972........... WWasWT Rutherford, Mary 1945– ............................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Rutherfurd, Emily 1974–.......................... CTFT–86 Rutherston, Albert Daniel 1883–1953.................................... WWasWT Ruttan, Susan 1948(?)– ............................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 28 Ryack, Rita ............................................... CTFT–43 Ryan, Amy................................................ CTFT–81 Ryan, Eileen.............................................. CTFT–49 Ryan, Fran .................................................. CTFT–9 Ryan, Jeri 1968– ...................................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Ryan, John P. 1938– ................................ CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Ryan, Lata................................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Ryan, Lisa Dean 1972– ........................... CTFT–62 Ryan, Madge 1919– ................................ CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ryan, Maria 1974– .................................. CTFT–48 Ryan, Mark 1956– ................................... CTFT–43


Ryan, Mary 1885–1948 ......................... WWasWT Ryan, Meg 1961– .................................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 27 Brief Entry in CTFT–6 Ryan, Michael See............................................. Yen, Donnie Ryan, Michelle 1984– ............................. CTFT–85 Ryan, Mitchell 1928(?)–........................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 22 Ryan, Robert 1913–1973 ....................... WWasWT Ryan, Roz 1951– ..................................... CTFT–70 Ryan, Steve............................................... CTFT–80 Ryan, Thomas Jay 1962– ......................... CTFT–52 Ryan, Will................................................. CTFT–58 Rydell, Christopher ................................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Rydell, Mark 1934– ................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 21, 43 Ryder, Alfred 1919–................................ WWT–17 Ryder, Lisa 1970– .................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Ryder, Winona 1971–.............................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27 Rye, Daphne 1916–............................... WWasWT Ryes, Kamar See ................................ de los Reyes, Kamar Ryland, Cliff 1856–? .............................. WWasWT Rylands, George 1902– .......................... WWT–17 Ryley, Madeleine Lucette 1865–1934.................................... WWasWT Ryskind, Morrie 1895–1985 .................. WWasWT Ryst, Robbie See ............................................. Rist, Robbie

S Sabara, Daryl 1992–................................ CTFT–64 Sabara, Evan 1992–................................. CTFT–83 Sabatini, Rafael 1875–1950................... WWasWT Sabatino, Michael 1955–......................... CTFT–64 Sabato, Antonio, Jr. 1972–....................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Sabella, Ernie 1949–................................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 35 Sabella, Paul............................................. CTFT–70 Sabin, David 1937–................................... CTFT–1 Sabine, Martin 1876–?........................... WWasWT Sabinson, Lee 1911–.............................. WWasWT Saboura, Sam 1973– ............................... CTFT–90 Sachs, Andrew 1930–.............................. CTFT–36 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9 Sachs, Leonard 1909– ............................ WWT–17 Sachs, Robin 1951–................................. CTFT–48 Sackheim, Daniel ..................................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Sackhoff, Katee 1980–............................. CTFT–65 Sacks, Alan 1942–................................... CTFT–91 Sacks, Joseph Leopold 1881–1952 ........ WWasWT Sadanji, Ichi Kawa 1881–1940.............. WWasWT Saddler, Donald 1918–............................ CTFT–21 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8; WWT–17 Sadler, Nicholas........................................ CTFT–82 Sadler, William 1950– ............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Sadowski, Jonathan 1979– ...................... CTFT–92 Saetter–Lassen, Soeren 1955–.................. CTFT–34 Safan, Craig 1948– .................................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Sale, Richard 1911–1993......................... CTFT–12 Salenger, Meredith 1970–........................ CTFT–57 Sales, Jean See ................................................ Vigo, Jean Sales, Soupy 1926(?)–.............................. CTFT–59 Salhany, Lucie 1946(?)– ........................... CTFT–12 Salin, Kari Wuhrer See ............................................ Wuhrer, Kari Salinger, Diane ......................................... CTFT–43 Salinger, Matt 1960–................................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 28 Salin–Wuhrer, Kari See ............................................ Wuhrer, Kari Salisbury, Benjamin 1980– ...................... CTFT–80 Salisbury, Frank 1930– .............................. CTFT–4 Salisbury, John See ........................................... Caute, David Salke, Bert ................................................ CTFT–62 Salkey, Jason............................................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Salkind, Alexander 1921–1997 ................. CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–17 Salle, Charles (Chic) 1885–1936 ........... WWasWT Sallis, Peter 1921–..................................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Salmi, Albert 1928–1990........................... CTFT–5 Salmon, Colin 1962–............................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Salomma, Sonya ....................................... CTFT–65 Salomon, Mikael 1945– .......................... CTFT–10 Salonga, Lea 1971– ................................. CTFT–28 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 28 Salt, Charlotte 1985–............................... CTFT–80 Salt, Jennifer 1944– ................................... CTFT–7 Salt, Waldo 1914–1987............................. CTFT–6 Saltz, Amy 1946– ...................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Salvatores, Gabriele 1950–...................... CTFT–34 Salvini, Tomasso 1829–1915 ................. WWasWT Samaha, Elie 1955–................................. CTFT–74 Sammons, Jennifer Dale See........................................... Dale, Jennifer Samms, Emma 1960– .............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Samora, Rogerio 1959– ........................... CTFT–34 Sampler, Philece 1953– ........................... CTFT–42 Samples, M. David ..................................... CTFT–4 Sampras, Bridgette Wilson See ..................................... Wilson, Bridgette Samprogna, Dominic Zamprogna, Dominic...................... CTFT–74 Sampson, Bill See ............................................. Erman, John Sampson, Elizabeth 1960– ...................... CTFT–89 Sampson, Will 1935–1987 ...................... CTFT–17 Sams, Jeffrey D. ........................................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Samson, Ivan 1894–1963 ...................... WWasWT Samuda, Jacqueline .................................. CTFT–86 Sanada, Hiroyuki 1960–.......................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Sanborn, Ryne 1989– .............................. CTFT–91 Sanchez, Eduardo 1968–......................... CTFT–71 Sanchez, Kiele 1977–.............................. CTFT–85 Sanchez, Marco 1970–............................ CTFT–52 Sanchez, Pablo See ............................................... Sand, Paul Sanchez, Penelope Cruz See ........................................ Cruz, Penelope Sanchez, Roselyn 1970(?)– ...................... CTFT–61 Sand, Paul 1935– .................................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17


Sanda, Dominique 1948–........................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 17 Sande, Theo Van de See................................. van de Sande, Theo Sander, Casey 1956– ............................... CTFT–45 Sanderford, John ....................................... CTFT–77 Sanders, Alvin .......................................... CTFT–58 Sanders, Andrew ...................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Sanders, Brandy See ....................................... Ledford, Brandy Sanders, Chris........................................... CTFT–73 Sanders, Henry G. 1942– ........................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Sanders, Jay O. 1953–............................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 21, 32 Sanders, Richard 1940–........................... CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18 Sanderson, Julia 1887–1975 .................. WWasWT Sanderson, Martyn.................................... CTFT–43 Sanderson, William 1948– ...................... CTFT–24 Sandford, Marjorie 1910–...................... WWasWT Sandino, Enrique 1951– ............................ CTFT–5 Sandison, Gordon 1913–1958............... WWasWT Sandler, Adam 1966(?)–........................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 28 Sandler, Barry 1947– ............................... CTFT–12 Sandor, Anna ............................................ CTFT–92 Sandor, Victor See .............................................. Izay, Victor Sandoval, Miguel 1951–.......................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Sandrich, Jay 1932– ................................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 34 Sands, Diana 1934– .............................. WWasWT Sands, Dorothy 1893–1980.................... WWT–17 Sands, Julian 1958–................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 39 Sands, Leslie 1921–................................ WWT–17 Sands, Reni See ........................................... Santoni, Reni Sands, Stark 1978– .................................. CTFT–84 Sandstorm, R.O.C. See...................................... Campbell, Bruce See .............................................. Raimi, Sam Sandy, Gary 1946– .................................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Sanes, Camillia ......................................... CTFT–64 Sanford, Garwin 1955– ........................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Sanford, Isabel 1917(?)– .......................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 21 Sanger, Jonathan 1944– ............................. CTFT–1 San Giacomo, Laura 1962(?)– ................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 22 Sangster, Alfred 1880–?.......................... WWasWT Sano, Shiro 1955– ................................... CTFT–33 Sansom, Ken............................................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Santiago–Hudson, Ruben 1956–.............................................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Santley, Frederic 1887–1953 ................. WWasWT Santley, Joseph 1889–1971.................... WWasWT Santley, Kate ?–1923.............................. WWasWT Santoni, Reni 1939– ................................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 34 Santos, Joe 1931(?)– ................................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18 Sanz, Horatio 1969(?)– ............................ CTFT–76 Saperstein, Harlan .................................... CTFT–51 Saphier, Peter 1940–.................................. CTFT–1 Sapienza, Al 1956– ................................. CTFT–51

Cumulative Index

Safer, Morley 1931– ................................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Sagal, Katey 1953–.................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33 Sagan, Carl 1934–1996 ........................... CTFT–22 Sagan, Leontine 1889–1974 .................. WWasWT Sagansky, Jeff 1953– ................................ CTFT–12 Sage, William ........................................... CTFT–30 Sagebrecht, Marianne 1945–................... CTFT–10 Sagemiller, Melissa 1974– ....................... CTFT–68 Sager, Carole Bayer 1947– ...................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Saget, Bob 1956– .................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Sagnier, Ludvine 1979– ........................... CTFT–77 Sahagen, Nikki ........................................... CTFT–4 Sahay, Vik................................................. CTFT–86 Sahl, Mort 1927–..................................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Saint James, Susan 1946–........................ CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8 Saint Johns, Richard R. 1929– ................... CTFT–1 Saint, Eva Marie 1924– ........................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 5, 34 Saint–Denis, Michel 1897–1971............ WWasWT Sainte–Marie, Buffy 1941(?)– ................... CTFT–16 Saintsbury, H. A. 1869–1939................. WWasWT Saint–Subber, Arnold 1918– ................... WWT–17 St. Clair, F. V. 1860–?............................. WWasWT St. Denis, Teddie 1909–......................... WWasWT St. Espirit, Patrick...................................... CTFT–71 St. Helier, Ivy ?–1971............................. WWasWT St. Hilare, Soledad 1950–........................ CTFT–69 St. Jacques, Raymond 1930–1990 ............. CTFT–9 St. James, Fred See............................................... Allen, Fred St. James, Jean .......................................... CTFT–79 St. John, Christopher Marie ?–1960 .......................................... WWasWT St. John, Florence 1854–1912 ............... WWasWT St. John, Howard 1905–1974 ................ WWasWT St. John, Jill 1940–................................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 St. John, John See ........................................... Sale, Richard St. John, Kristoff 1966–............................ CTFT–57 St. John, Lily 1895– ............................... WWasWT St. John, Marco 1939–............................. CTFT–66 St. John, Thania ........................................ CTFT–89 St. John, Trevor ......................................... CTFT–56 St. Patrick, Mathew 1968(?)– ................... CTFT–73 St. Paul, Stephen See................................... Schnetzer, Stephen Saire, Rebecca 1963–................................ CTFT–9 Saisselin, Mary See ............................................... Finn, Mary Saito, James 1955– .................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Sajak, Pat 1946(?)– .................................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Sakai, Richard 1954– .............................. CTFT–49 Sakamoto, Junji 1954– ............................ CTFT–34 Saker, Annie 1882–1932........................ WWasWT Saker, Mrs. Edward 1847–1912 ............. WWasWT Saks, Gene 1921– ................................... CTFT–21 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 9; WWT–17 Sakuyama, Jimmy See ....................................................... Mako Salacrou, Armand 1899–1989 ............... WWasWT Salberg, Derek S. 1912– ......................... WWT–17 Saldana, Theresa 1954– .......................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 28 Saldana, Zoe 1978– ................................ CTFT–68


SARA Sara, Mia 1967– ...................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 42 Sarafian, Deran 1968–............................. CTFT–90 Sarafian, Richard C. 1932(?)– .................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Sarandon, Chris 1942– ............................ CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 15, 27; WWT–17 Sarandon, Susan 1946– ........................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17, 40 Sarde, Philippe 1945– ............................. CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Sarducci, Father Guido See........................................... Novello, Don Sargent, Alvin 1927– ............................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Sargent, Dick 1930–1994 ........................ CTFT–24 Sargent, Frederic 1879–?........................ WWasWT Sargent, Lia............................................... CTFT–90 Sargent, Herb............................................ CTFT–15 Sargent, Herbert C. 1873–?.................... WWasWT Sargent, Joseph 1925– ............................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 34 Sargent, Lia............................................... CTFT–40 Sarin, Victor 1945–.................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Sarment, Jean 1897–1976...................... WWasWT Sarna, Michael J. ...................................... CTFT–37 Sarner, Alexander 1892–1948................ WWasWT Sarnoff, Liz ............................................... CTFT–86 Sarony, Leslie 1897–............................... WWT–17 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Sarossy, Paul 1963–................................. CTFT–79 Saroyan, William 1908–1981 ................. WWT–17 Sarpong, Sam 1979(?)– ............................ CTFT–60 Sarrazin, Michael 1940– ......................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 21 Sarsgaard, Peter 1971– ............................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Sartain, Gailard 1946– ............................ CTFT–32 Sartor, Fabio 1954– ................................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Sartre, Jean–Paul 1905–1980.................. WWT–17 Sass, Edward ?–1916 ............................. WWasWT Sass, Enid 1889–1959............................ WWasWT Sasso, William 1975– .............................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Sastri, Lina 1953–.................................... CTFT–35 Satlof, Ron................................................ CTFT–49 Sato, Hiroyuki .......................................... CTFT–35 Sato, Isao 1949–1990................................ CTFT–9 Sato, Kei ................................................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Satterfield, Paul 1960– ............................ CTFT–59 Saucier, Claude–Albert 1953– ................... CTFT–2 Saulnier, Tania 1982– .............................. CTFT–71 Saulsberry, Rodney 1956– ....................... CTFT–87 Saunders, Cliff .......................................... CTFT–60 Saunders, Derek See..................................... Rubin, Bruce Joel Saunders, Florence ?–1926 .................... WWasWT Saunders, James 1925–.............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Saunders, Jennifer 1958–......................... CTFT–77 Saunders, Madge 1894–1967 ................ WWasWT Saunders, Nicholas 1914–......................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Saunders, Peter 1911– ............................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Saura, Carlos 1932– ................................ CTFT–29 Sautet, Claude 1924– .............................. CTFT–26 Savadier, Russel ........................................ CTFT–77 Savage, Ben 1980–.................................. CTFT–50

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Savage, Fred 1976– ................................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 27 Savage, Henry Wilson 1859–1927 ........ WWasWT Savage, John 1949(?)– ............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 23 Savage, Vic Latshaw, Steve................................. CTFT–74 Savalas, Telly 1923–1994 .......................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Savant, Doug 1964–................................ CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Brief Entry in CTFT–4 Savasta, Leela ........................................... CTFT–85 Savides, Harris 1957–.............................. CTFT–79 Savini, Tom 1946–................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Savio, Dan See..................................... Morricone, Ennio Saviola, Camille 1950– ........................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 21 Savo, Jimmy 1895–1960........................ WWasWT Savoca, Nancy 1959– ............................. CTFT–54 Savory, Gerald 1909– ............................. WWT–17 Savre, Danielle 1988– ............................. CTFT–74 Sawa, Devon 1978– ................................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 30 Sawalha, Julia 1968(?)– ........................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Sawalha, Nadim 1935– ........................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Sawyer, Connie 1918–............................. CTFT–84 Sawyer, Diane 1945(?)– ........................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 29 Sawyer, Dorie 1897– ............................. WWasWT Sawyer, Forrest 1949– ............................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 41 Sawyer, Ivy 1896– ................................. WWasWT Saxon, Edward.......................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Saxon, John 1936– .................................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6 Saxon, Rolf 1955– ................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Sayers, Dorothy L. 1893–1957 .............. WWasWT Sayle, Alexei 1952–................................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 34 Sayler, Oliver Martin 1887–1958........... WWasWT Sayles, John 1950– .................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 22 Sayre, Theodore Burt 1874–1954 .......... WWasWT Sbarge, Raphael 1964–............................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 15, 27 Scacchi, Greta 1960– .............................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 27 Scaife, Gillian.......................................... WwasWT Scales, Crystal 1971– .............................. CTFT–78 Scales, Prunella 1932– ............................ CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33; WWT–17 Scalia, Jack 1951(?)–................................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Scalia, Pietro 1960– ................................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Scamander, Newt See........................................... Rowling, J. K. Scammell, Terrence .................................. CTFT–42 Scarabelli, Michele 1955–....................... CTFT–47 Scarborough, George 1875–?................. WWasWT Scardino, Don 1949– .............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 37 Scarfe, Alan 1946– .................................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 35 Scarfe, Gerald 1936–............................... CTFT–12


Scarfe, Jonathan 1975–............................ CTFT–49 Scarwid, Diana 1955–............................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 Scenna, Linda De See...................................... Descenna, Linda Schaal, Richard 1928– .............................. CTFT–2 Schaal, Wendy 1954– ............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Schachter, Felice 1963–............................. CTFT–4 Schadler, Jay ............................................. CTFT–41 Schaech, Johnathon 1969–...................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Schaefer, George 1920–1997 .................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8; WWT–17 Schaefer, Paul See ............................................. Shaffer Paul Schaefer, Roberto...................................... CTFT–82 Schaeffer, Eric 1962– ............................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Schaeffer, Eric D. 1964(?)–....................... CTFT–60 Schafer, Natalie 1900–1991 ...................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Schafer, Robert See ...................................... Shafer, Robert R. Schaffel, Marla 1969(?)– .......................... CTFT–56 Schaffel, Robert 1944– .............................. CTFT–1 Schaffner, Franklin J. 1920–1989............... CTFT–7 Schall, Wendy See......................................... Schaal, Wendy Schallert, William 1922– ......................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 21 Schapiro, Seth L. 1931– ............................ CTFT–4 Schary, Dore 1905–1980........................ WWT–17 Schatzberg, Jerry 1927–............................. CTFT–4 Schaub, Will............................................. CTFT–78 Schearmur, Ed See............................................ Shearmur, Ed Schechner, Richard 1934–...................... WWT–17 Scheeder, Louis W. 1946– ......................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Scheer, Mary 1967–................................. CTFT–91 Scheer, Paul 1976–.................................. CTFT–83 Scheff, Fritzi 1879–1954........................ WWasWT Scheherazade ............................................. CTFT–2 Scheider, Roy 1932–2008........................ CTFT–57 Obituary in CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 14, 26 Scheine, Raynor ....................................... CTFT–41 Schell, Maria 1926– .................................. CTFT–6 Schell, Maximilian 1930–........................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 18, 29 Schellenberg, August 1932– .................... CTFT–51 Schelley, Carol See......................................... Shelley, Carole Schellow, Erich 1915– ........................... WWasWT Schenk, Otto 1930– ................................ CTFT–40 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Schenkar, Joan 1946– .............................. CTFT–13 Schenkel, Carl .......................................... CTFT–27 Schenkel, Chris ......................................... CTFT–11 Schenkkan, Benjamin McKenzie, Benjamin....................... CTFT–74 Schenkkan, Robert 1953–.......................... CTFT–4 Schepisi, Fred 1939– ............................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12 Scherer, Jean–Marie Maurice See ............................................ Rohmer, Eric Scherick, Edgar J. 1924–............................ CTFT–6 Schevill, James 1920– ............................... CTFT–4 Schiavelli, Vincent 1948–........................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 23

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Schofield, Andrew .................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Schofield, David ....................................... CTFT–37 Schofield, John D. .................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Scholte, Tom............................................. CTFT–83 Schombing, Jason ..................................... CTFT–54 Schon, Kevin ............................................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Schone, Rainer See....................................... Scheine, Raynor Schooler, Heidi......................................... CTFT–79 Schooley, Robert....................................... CTFT–70 Schoonmaker, Thelma 1940– .................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 42 Schorpion, Frank ...................................... CTFT–64 Schottenfeld, Barbara ................................. CTFT–1 Schrader, Frederick Franklin 1859–1943.................................... WWasWT Schrader, Maria 1965– ............................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Schrader, Paul 1946–............................... CTFT–24 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 12 Schragge, Lawrence See................................... Shragge, Lawrence Schram, Bitty ............................................ CTFT–46 Schram, Jessy 1986–................................ CTFT–78 Schreiber, Avery 1935–.............................. CTFT–7 Schreiber, Liev 1967– .............................. CTFT–52 Schreiber, Nancy ...................................... CTFT–79 Schreiberg, Stu.......................................... CTFT–51 Schreier, Dan Moses................................. CTFT–43 Schrieber, Terry 1937–............................... CTFT–4 Schroder, Rick 1970– .............................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 17, 41 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Schroeder, Adam ...................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Schroeder, Barbet 1941– ......................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Schroeder, Carly 1990– ........................... CTFT–74 Schub, Steven ........................................... CTFT–84 Schuck, John 1940– ................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 39 Schulberg, Budd 1914– ............................. CTFT–6 Schull, Rebecca 1929–............................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 21. 32 Schulman, Tom 1951–............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 40 Schultz, Albert 1963–.............................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Schultz, Armand 1959–........................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 43 Schultz, Dwight 1947–............................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Schultz, Michael A. 1938– ...................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37; WWT–17 Schultz, Vicki Lawrence See ....................................... Lawrence, Vicki Schultz, Woody 1968– ............................ CTFT–30 Schulze, Matt 1972– ............................... CTFT–80 Schulze, Paul 1962(?)– ............................ CTFT–45 Schuman, Melissa 1984–......................... CTFT–74 Schumacher, Joel 1939– .......................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 36 Schumacher, Thomas 1958(?)– ................ CTFT–86 Schwab, Laurence 1893–1956 .............. WWasWT Schwab, Shelly 1936– ............................. CTFT–12 Schwab, Sophie See ....................................... Hayden, Sophie Schwartz, Al ............................................. CTFT–47 Schwartz, Archibald See.................................. McGoohan, Patrick


Schwartz, Arthur 1900–1984.................. WWT–17 Schwartz, Bruce ....................................... CTFT–74 Schwartz, David ....................................... CTFT–62 Schwartz, Douglas.................................... CTFT–75 Schwartz, Jean 1878–1956 .................... WWasWT Schwartz, Josh 1976– .............................. CTFT–89 Schwartz, Juan See .............................................. Parker, Trey Schwartz, Lloyd J. 1947–......................... CTFT–74 Schwartz, Maurice 1890–1960.............. WWasWT Schwartz, Michael See................................... Black, Michael Ian Schwartz, Scott L. 1963–......................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Schwartz, Sherwood 1916(?)– ................. CTFT–75 Schwartz, Stephen 1948– ........................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 41; WWT–17 Schwartz–Hartley, Steven See .............................................. Rains, Luce Schwartzman, Jason 1980– ..................... CTFT–68 Schwartzman, John................................... CTFT–54 Schwartzman, Talia Shire Shire, Talia ...................................... CTFT–75 Schwary, Ronald L. 1944–....................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Schwarzenegger, Arnold 1947– ............... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 21, 32 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Schwarzenegger, Maria Shriver See .......................................... Shriver, Maria Schweig, Eric 1967–................................ CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Schweiger, Til 1963– ............................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Schwimmer, David 1966– ....................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 27 Schwimmer, Rusty .................................... CTFT–48 Schyman, Garry........................................ CTFT–54 Scicolone, Sofia See .......................................... Loren, Sophia Scio, Yvonne............................................. CTFT–68 Sciorra, Annabella 1964– ........................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 40 Sciutto, Nellie........................................... CTFT–89 Scob, Edith ............................................... CTFT–36 Scofield, Paul 1922– ............................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 13; WWT–17 Scoggins, Tracy 1959–............................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Scola, Ettore 1931– ................................. CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Scolari, Peter 1954– ................................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Scorsese, Martin 1942– ........................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5, 12, 22 Scorsone, Caterina 1981–........................ CTFT–62 Scorupco, Izabella 1970–........................ CTFT–63 Scotland, J. H. 1873–? ........................... WWasWT Scott, Adam 1973–.................................. CTFT–48 Scott, Allan 1941–................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 37 Scott, Ashley 1977–................................. CTFT–73 Scott, Ben ................................................. CTFT–43 Scott, Bennett 1875–? ............................ WWasWT Scott, Camilla 1962– ............................... CTFT–51 Scott, Campbell 1961(?)–......................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 36 Scott, Carey 1965– .................................. CTFT–64 Scott, Cyril 1866–1945.......................... WWasWT Scott, Deborah Lynn 1954(?)– ................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Scott, Donna W. ....................................... CTFT–81

Cumulative Index

Schickel, Richard 1933–.......................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 41 Schieffer, Bob 1937– ............................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Schiff, Richard 1955– .............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Schiff, Robin............................................. CTFT–64 Schiffer, Claudia 1970– ........................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Schiffer, Michael 1948–............................. CTFT–6 Schifrin, Lalo 1932– ................................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 21, 32 Schildkraut, Joseph 1896–1964 ............. WWasWT Schiller, Adrian ......................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Schiller, Bob 1918– ................................. CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Schiller, Lawrence 1936– ........................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18, 29 Schiller, Rob ............................................. CTFT–58 Schimmel, William 1946– ......................... CTFT–4 Schirripa, Steve 1958–............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Schisgal, Murray 1926–............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Schlamme, Thomas 1950– ...................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Schlarth, Sharon ......................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Schlatter, Charlie 1966– .......................... CTFT–45 Schlatter, George ........................................ CTFT–7 Schlesinger, John 1926– .......................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13; WWT–17 Schlesinger, Richard 1954– ..................... CTFT–89 Schlessinger, Laura 1947– ....................... CTFT–41 Schliessler, Tobias A. ................................ CTFT–62 Schloendorff, Volker 1939– ..................... CTFT–27 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16 Schlossberg, Julian 1942–........................ CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Schmid, Kristian 1974– ........................... CTFT–88 Schmid, Kyle 1984– ................................ CTFT–74 Schmidt, Douglas W. 1942–.................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 11, 21; WWT–17 Schmidt, Harvey 1929–.......................... WWT–17 Schmidt, Kenneth 1987– ......................... CTFT–84 Schmidt, Kevin 1988– ............................. CTFT–83 Schmidt, Marlene ....................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Schmidtke, Ned ........................................ CTFT–77 Schmir, Mimi ............................................ CTFT–80 Schmoeller, David L. 1947– ...................... CTFT–1 Schnabel, Stefan 1912–1999 ..................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–32 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Schnarre, Monika 1971– ......................... CTFT–59 Schnee, Thelma ...................................... WWasWT Schneider, Alan 1917–1984 ...................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Schneider, Helen ........................................ CTFT–7 Schneider, John 1960–............................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 35 Schneider, Lee .......................................... CTFT–48 Schneider, Paul......................................... CTFT–81 Schneider, Paul 1976–............................. CTFT–80 Schneider, Rob 1963– ............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 31 Schneider, Romy 1938–1982..................... CTFT–2 Schnetzer, Stephen 1948– ....................... CTFT–56 Schoenbaum, Donald 1926–..................... CTFT–1 Schoen, Kevin See ........................................... Schon, Kevin Schoenfeld, Gerald 1924–......................... CTFT–6


SCOTT Scott, Dougray 1965–.............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Scott, Esther.............................................. CTFT–63 Scott, Gary S. ........................................... CTFT–46 Scott, Gavin 1950–.................................. CTFT–61 Scott, George C. 1927–1999 ................... CTFT–27 Obituary in CTFT–32 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 15; WWT–17 Scott, Gertrude ?–1951 .......................... WWasWT Scott, Harold 1891–1964 ...................... WWasWT Scott, Jacqueline 1935–........................... CTFT–62 Scott, Jan .................................................. CTFT–12 Scott, Jason See .................................... Schombing, Jason Scott, Jay Hutchinson 1924–1977 .......... WWT–17 Scott, Jeff .................................................. CTFT–42 Scott, Joan Clement See................................. Clement–Scott, Joan Scott, John 1930– .................................... CTFT–50 Scott, John 1937– ...................................... CTFT–1 Scott, Judith .............................................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Scott, Judson Earney 1952– ..................... CTFT–77 Scott, Keith 1954– ................................... CTFT–66 Scott, Kimberly ......................................... CTFT–48 Scott, Klea 1968– .................................... CTFT–60 Scott, Lorna .............................................. CTFT–62 Scott, Lydia See ......................................... Nettleton, Lois Scott, Maidie .......................................... WWasWT Scott, Malcolm 1872–1929 ................... WWasWT Scott, Margaret Clement ......................... WWasWT Scott, Margaretta 1912–.......................... WWT–17 Scott, Martha 1914(?)–............................. CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Scott, Melody Thomas 1956–.................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Scott, Michael See ........................................ Caine, Michael Scott, Noel 1889–1956.......................... WWasWT Scott, Peter 1932– ................................. WWasWT Scott, Peter M. See ........................... MacGregor–Scott, Peter Scott, Randolph 1898–1987 .................... CTFT–26 Scott, Ridley 1937(?)–.............................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 36 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Scott, Rosemary 1914– .......................... WWasWT Scott, Seann William 1976(?)–................. CTFT–69 Scott, T. J. ................................................. CTFT–84 Scott, Timothy ?–1988 ............................... CTFT–2 Scott, Tom 1948– .................................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Scott, Tom Everett 1970–......................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Scott, Tony 1944–.................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13, 40 Scott, Walter M. 1906–1989 ..................... CTFT–8 Scott, Willard 1934–................................ CTFT–92 Scott, William Lee 1973– ........................ CTFT–86 Scott–Gatty, Alexander 1876–1937........ WWasWT Scotti, Nick 1966–................................... CTFT–23 Scotti, Vito 1918–1996.............................. CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–16 Scott–Masson, William ............................. CTFT–36 Scott–Thomas, Kristin See ............................... Thomas, Kristin Scott Scott–Thomas, Serena See .............................. Thomas, Serena Scott Scourby, Alexander 1913–1985.............. WWT–17 Scovell, Nell............................................. CTFT–79 Scowley, Stacey ........................................ CTFT–92

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Scriba, Mik ............................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Scrimm, Angus 1926– ............................. CTFT–87 Scruggs, Sharon ........................................ CTFT–32 Scudamore, Margaret 1884–1958.......... WWasWT Scully, Anthony 1942– .............................. CTFT–1 Scully, Joe 1926–....................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Seabrook, Jeremy 1939–.......................... CTFT–13 Seabrooke, Thomas Q. 1860–1913 ....... WWasWT Seacombe, Dorothy 1905– .................... WWasWT Seacrest, Ryan 1974(?)– ........................... CTFT–56 Seaforth, Susan See ............................. Hayes, Susan Seaforth Seagal, Steven 1952(?)– ........................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 29 Seagall, Pam See............................... Adlon, Pamela Segall Seagram, Wilfrid 1884–1938 ................. WWasWT Seagrove, Jenny .......................................... CTFT–7 Seagull, Barbara See ..................................... Hershey, Barbara Seal, Elizabeth 1933– ................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Sealby, Mabel 1885–?............................ WWasWT Seale, Douglas 1913–.............................. CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Seale, John 1942– ................................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 37 Seale, Kenneth 1916–............................. WWT–17 Seale, Petie Trigg 1930– ............................ CTFT–5 Sealy–Smith, Alison .................................. CTFT–77 Seaman, Owen 1861–1936 ................... WWasWT Seaman, Robert ........................................ CTFT–54 Seamon, Edward 1932–............................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Searcy, Nick ............................................. CTFT–47 Sears, Austin 1947–................................... CTFT–5 Sears, Heather 1935– ............................. WWT–17 Sears, Joe 1949–........................................ CTFT–1 Sears, Zelda 1873–1935 ........................ WWasWT Seater, Michael 1987– ............................. CTFT–91 Seatle, Dixie ............................................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Seawell, Donald R. ................................ WWT–17 Sebaldt, Christian 1958– ......................... CTFT–86 Sebastian, Lobo ........................................ CTFT–46 Secombe, Harry 1921–........................... WWT–17 Secor, Kyle 1957–.................................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Secrest, James ?–1987 ............................... CTFT–1 Secretan, Lance 1939– .......................... WWasWT Seda, Jon 1970– ...................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Sedaris, Amy 1961– ................................ CTFT–51 Sedgwick, Kyra 1965–............................. CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Sedgwick, Robert...................................... CTFT–80 Seduction See ......................................... DeLeon, Idalis See, Edmond 1875–1959....................... WWasWT Seehorn, Rhea .......................................... CTFT–77 Seff, Richard 1927– ................................. CTFT–32 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Segal, Erich 1937–..................................... CTFT–1 Segal, George 1934– ............................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Segal, Peter 1962–................................... CTFT–80 Segal, Robby See ........................................ Benson, Robby Segal, Robin David See ........................................ Benson, Robby Segal, Vivienne 1897– ........................... WWasWT


Segall, Pamela See............................... Adlon, Pamela Segall Segan, Noah 1983–................................. CTFT–83 Seganti, Paolo 1965–............................... CTFT–86 Segel, Jason 1979– .................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Seghatchian, Tanya 1967(?)– ................... CTFT–78 Segond–Weber, Eugenie–Caroline 1867–? .......................................... WWasWT Sehorn, Angie See ........................................ Harmon, Angie Seidelman, Arthur Allan ........................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 35 Seidelman, Susan 1952– ......................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 12, 37 Seidl, Lea 1902–1987............................ WWasWT Seigner, Emmanuelle 1966– .................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Seigner, Mathilde...................................... CTFT–36 Seinfeld, Jerry 1954(?)–............................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 18, 29 Seitz, John ................................................ CTFT–52 Sekulic, Olga ............................................ CTFT–77 Sekulovich, Mladen See............................................ Malden, Karl Selbo, Jule 1954– .................................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Selbourne, David 1937–.......................... CTFT–12 Selburg, David.......................................... CTFT–53 Selby, David 1941– ................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Selby, Nicholas 1925–............................. CTFT–32 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 21; WWT–17 Selby, Percival M. 1886–1955 ............... WWasWT Selby, Tony 1938– ................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33; WWT–17 Seldes, Marian 1928–.............................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 15, 27; WWT–17 Seligson, Tom ........................................... CTFT–50 Sell, Janie 1941– ....................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Sellars, Elizabeth 1923– ......................... WWT–17 Sellars, Peter 1957–................................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Sellecca, Connie 1955–........................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 40 Selleck, Tom 1945– ................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 12, 23 Sellers, Larry ............................................. CTFT–58 Sellers, Peter 1925–1980........................... CTFT–1 Selmour, Ron ............................................ CTFT–86 Selten, Morton 1860–1939 .................... WWasWT Seltzer, David 1940– ............................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Seltzer, Larry See ............................................... King, Larry Selva, Anita La See .......................................... Laselva, Anita Selverstone, Katy 1966(?)–....................... CTFT–51 Selwart, Tonio 1896–............................. WWasWT Selwyn, Archibald ?–1959 ..................... WWasWT Selwyn, Edgar 1875–1944...................... WwasWT Selwyn, Zach 1975–................................ CTFT–78 Selzer, Julie............................................... CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Selznick, Daniel 1936– ............................. CTFT–1 Semel, David ............................................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Semel, Terry 1943–.................................. CTFT–10 Semler, Dean 1943– ................................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 37 Semoun, Elie 1963– ................................ CTFT–36 Semple, Lorenzo, Jr. .................................. CTFT–5

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Seymour, William 1855–1933 ............... WWasWT Sgriccia, Philip ......................................... CTFT–89 Shabaka See............................. Henley, Barry Shabaka Shackelford, David ................................... CTFT–67 Shackelford, Ted 1946– ........................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 26 Shada, Jeremy 1997–............................... CTFT–86 Shada, Zack 1992–.................................. CTFT–85 Shadix, Glenn 1952–............................... CTFT–54 Shadyac, Tom 1958(?)–............................ CTFT–54 Shafer, Robert R. 1958–........................... CTFT–88 Shaffer, Anthony 1926– ............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Shaffer, Erica............................................. CTFT–68 Shaffer, Paul 1949–.................................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 28 Shaffer, Peter 1926–................................. CTFT–13 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Shagan, Steve 1927– ................................. CTFT–5 Shaiman, Marc 1959– ............................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 24 Shairp, Alexander Mordaunt 1887–1939.................................... WWasWT Shakey, Bernard See.............................................. Young, Neil Shale, T. A. 1867–1953 ......................... WWasWT Shales, Tom 1948– .................................. CTFT–15 Shalhoub, Tony 1953–............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Shalit, Gene 1932–.................................. CTFT–26 Shallard, Michael 1951– ........................... CTFT–8 Shallat Chemel, Lee.................................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Shallo, Karen 1946– ................................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18, 41 Shamata, Chuck ....................................... CTFT–64 Shamberg, Michael 1945(?)– ................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 26 Shamus, Sharon See.................................. Winningham, Mare Shand, Ernest 1868–?............................. WWasWT Shand, John 1901–1955 ........................ WWasWT Shand, Phyllis 1894– ............................. WWasWT Shandling, Garry 1949– .......................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 36 Shange, Ntozake 1948– ............................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Shangold, Joan ........................................... CTFT–2 Shank, Theodore 1929– ............................ CTFT–5 Shankar, Ravi 1920–................................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Shankman, Adam 1964– ......................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Shanks, Alec ............................................ WWT–17 Shanks, Don 1950– ................................. CTFT–67 Shanks, J. David ....................................... CTFT–78 Shanks, Michael 1970– ........................... CTFT–80 Shanley, John Patrick 1950– .................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Shannon, Effie 1867–1954..................... WWasWT Shannon, Frank 1875–1959 ................... WwasWT Shannon, Laura Jean................................. CTFT–78 Shannon, Michael 1946– ........................ CTFT–81 Shannon, Michael 1974– ........................ CTFT–81 Shannon, Molly 1964– ............................ CTFT–52 Shannon, Peggy 1909–1941 .................. WWasWT Shannon, Polly 1973– ............................. CTFT–60 Shannon, Vicellous Reon 1982(?)– .......................................... CTFT–45 Shapera, Robert See........................................... Evans, Robert


Shapira, L. L. See ............................................ Spiro, Lev L. Shapiro, Arnold 1941– ............................ CTFT–49 Shapiro, Debbie 1954– ............................. CTFT–8 Shapiro, Esther 1934–................................ CTFT–8 Shapiro, Ken 1943–................................... CTFT–5 Shapiro, Paul 1955– ................................ CTFT–85 Shapiro, Richard 1934–............................. CTFT–8 Shapiro, Theodore 1972(?)–..................... CTFT–73 Sharaff, Irene ........................................... WWT–17 Sharian, John ............................................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Sharif, Omar 1932–................................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 36 Sharkey, Jack 1931– .................................. CTFT–1 Sharkey, Ray 1952– ................................... CTFT–5 Sharland, Reginald 1886–1944.............. WWasWT Sharma, Rekha ......................................... CTFT–85 Sharp, Anthony 1915–............................ WWT–17 Sharp, Eileen 1900–............................... WWasWT Sharp, F. B. J. 1874–?............................. WWasWT Sharp, Keesha 1973–............................... CTFT–79 Sharp, Margery 1905– ........................... WWasWT Sharp, Matthew 1968– ............................ CTFT–76 Sharp, Timm 1978(?) ............................... CTFT–74 Sharpe, Cornelia 1943–............................. CTFT–5 Sharpe, Edith 1894– .............................. WWasWT Shatner, William 1931– ........................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 17, 40 Shattuck, Shari 1960–.............................. CTFT–53 Shattuck, Truly 1876–1954 .................... WWasWT Shaud, Grant 1961– ................................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 40 Shaughnessy, Charles 1955–.................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Shavelson, Melville 1917– ........................ CTFT–1 Shaver, Helen 1951(?)–............................ CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14 Shaw, Anthony 1897–............................ WWasWT Shaw, Ellen See .......................................... Lauper, Cyndi Shaw, Fiona 1958(?)–............................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 36 Shaw, George Bernard 1856–1950 ........ WWasWT Shaw, Glen Byam 1904–1986 ................ WWT–17 Shaw, Irwin 1913–1984.......................... WWT–17 Shaw, Joe Norman 1957–........................ CTFT–66 Shaw, John................................................ CTFT–86 Shaw, Kirk ................................................ CTFT–86 Shaw, Larry............................................... CTFT–62 Shaw, Lewis 1910– ................................ WWasWT Shaw, Mary 1854–1929......................... WWasWT Shaw, Oscar 1899–1967........................ WWasWT Shaw, Robert 1927–1978 ....................... WWT–16 Shaw, Run Run 1907– ............................... CTFT–8 Shaw, Scott 1958– ................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Shaw, Sebastian 1905– ........................... WWT–17 Shaw, Stan 1952– .................................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Shaw, Vinessa 1976– ............................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Shawkat, Alia 1989– ............................... CTFT–72 Shawn, Dick 1923–1987........................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Shawn, Wallace 1943–............................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 14 Shay, Michele ........................................... CTFT–78 Shaye, Lin 1944–..................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Shaye, Robert 1939– ............................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 21 Shayne, Cari 1972– ................................. CTFT–52

Cumulative Index

Sendak, Maurice 1928–........................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Senay, Emily 1960– ................................. CTFT–91 Seneca, Joe 19(?)–1996 ........................... CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Senicourt, Roger See ................................... Chacksfield, Frank Senn, Herbert 1924– ............................... CTFT–18 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Seppe, Christopher 1955– ....................... CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Septien, Al 1966–.................................... CTFT–85 Serano, Greg 1974– ................................ CTFT–68 Serban, Andrei 1943–.............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 18; WWT–17 Serbedzija, Rade 1946–........................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Serdena, Gene .......................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Serf, Joseph See.................................. McGoohan, Patrick Sergei, Ivan 1972–................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Sergine, Vera........................................... WWasWT Serious, Yahoo.......................................... CTFT–33 Serjeantson, Kate ?–1918....................... WWasWT Serkis, Andy 1964– ................................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Serlin, Oscar 1901–1971....................... WWasWT Serling, Rod 1924–1975.......................... CTFT–14 Serna, Pepe 1944– .................................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 27 Serpico, Terry ........................................... CTFT–83 Serra, Raymond 1936– ............................ CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Serrano, Nestor 1955–............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Serrano, Vincent 1870–1935 ................. WWasWT Serreau, Coline ......................................... CTFT–15 Servitto, Matt 1965– ................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Servoss, Mary 1908–1968 ..................... WWasWT Sessions, John 1953–............................... CTFT–81 Seth, Joshua.............................................. CTFT–43 Seth, Roshan 1942–................................. CTFT–37 Setrakian, Ed 1928–................................. CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Settle, Matthew 1969–............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Sevareid, Eric 1912–1992........................ CTFT–12 Seven, Johnny 1926–................................. CTFT–4 Seven, Marilyn ........................................... CTFT–4 Sevening, Dora 1883–?.......................... WWasWT Sevening, Nina ....................................... WWasWT Severance, Joan 1958– ............................ CTFT–54 Severinsen, Doc 1927– ........................... CTFT–12 Sevier, Corey 1984– ................................ CTFT–63 Sevigny, Chloe 1974–.............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Sewell, Rufus 1967–................................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Sexton, Brendan III 1980– ....................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Sexton, Brent ............................................ CTFT–69 Seyfried, Amanda 1985– ......................... CTFT–70 Seyler, Athene 1889–1990...................... WWT–16 Seymour, Alan 1927– ............................. WWT–17 Seymour, Anne 1909–1988 ....................... CTFT–1 Seymour, Cara .......................................... CTFT–91 Seymour, Carolyn ..................................... CTFT–43 Seymour, Jane 1951–............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 22 Seymour, Madeline 1891– ..................... WWasWT


SHEA Shea, Christopher ..................................... CTFT–61 Shea, Dan 1954–..................................... CTFT–79 Shea, Jack 1928–..................................... CTFT–21 Shea, John 1949– .................................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13, 22 Shea, Katt ................................................. CTFT–55 Shean, Al 1868–1949 ............................ WWasWT Shearer, Harry 1943–............................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 26 Shearer, Jack ............................................. CTFT–45 Shearer, Norma 1902–1983..................... CTFT–26 Shearman, Alan ........................................ CTFT–55 Shearmur, Ed 1966(?)– ............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Sheedy, Ally 1962–.................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 22 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Sheehan, Doug 1949–............................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Sheekman, Gloria Stuart See ........................................... Stuart, Gloria Sheely, Nelson 1942–................................ CTFT–4 Sheen, Charlie 1965– .............................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 40 Brief Entry in CTFT–4 Sheen, Martin 1940– ............................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 13, 22; WWT–17 Sheen, Michael 1969–............................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Sheffer, Craig 1960– ................................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14 Sheffield, Flora 1902–............................ WWasWT Sheffield, Leo 1873–1951...................... WWasWT Sheffield, Reginald 1901–1957.............. WWasWT Sheinberg, Sidney 1935– ......................... CTFT–10 Sheindlin, Judy 1942– ............................. CTFT–91 Sheiness, Marsha 1940– ............................ CTFT–1 Sheldon, Edward 1886–1946................. WWasWT Sheldon, H. Sophus ?–1940................... WWasWT Sheldon, Jack 1931–................................ CTFT–76 Sheldon, John See........................................... Bloch, Robert Sheldon, Sidney 1917–............................ CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Sheldon, Suzanne 1875–1924 ............... WWasWT Shell, Ray ................................................. CTFT–32 Shellen, Stephen 1957–........................... CTFT–45 Shelley, Carole 1939–.............................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 13; WWT–17 Shelly, Adrienne 1966–2006 ................... CTFT–74 Obituary in CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–32 Shelton, George 1852–1932 .................. WWasWT Shelton, Marley 1974– ............................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Shelton, Reid 1924–1997 .......................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–18 Shelton, Ron 1945–................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 18, 29 Shelton, Sloane 1934–............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Shelving, Paul ?–1968 ........................... WWasWT Shen, Freda Fo See....................................... Foh Shen, Freda Shen, Parry 1973– ................................... CTFT–74 Shena, Lewis 1948– .................................. CTFT–3 Shenar, Paul 1936–1989............................ CTFT–8 Shenburn, Archibald A. 1905–1954 ...... WWasWT Shenkarow, Justin 1980– ......................... CTFT–71 Shenkman, Ben 1968– ............................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Shepard, Dax 1975–................................ CTFT–88

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Shepard, Jewel............................................ CTFT–4 Shepard, Olan See ........................................... Jones, O–Lan Shepard, Sam 1942(?)– ............................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 14; WWT–17 Shepard, W. Morgan See...................... Sheppard, William Morgan Shepeard, Jean 1904–............................ WWasWT Shephard, Firth 1891–1949 ................... WWasWT Shephard, Olan See ........................................... Jones, O–Lan Shepherd, Cybill 1950–........................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 18, 41 Shepherd, Jack 1940–............................. WWT–17 Shepherd, Leonard 1872–? .................... WWasWT Shepherd, Sherri 1970– ........................... CTFT–74 Shepherd, Suzanne ................................... CTFT–89 Shepley, Michael 1907–1961 ................ WWasWT Shepley, Ruth 1892–1951...................... WWasWT Sheppard, Mark ........................................ CTFT–54 Sheppard, Mike See ............................... Gwynne, Michael C. Sheppard, William Morgan 1932–.............................................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Sher, Antony 1949– ................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 37 Sher, Stacey .............................................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 40 Sherayko, Peter......................................... CTFT–64 Sherbedgia, Rade See...................................... Serbedzija, Rade Sherbrooke, Michael 1874–1957........... WWasWT Sherek, Henry 1900–1967..................... WWasWT Sheridan, Dinah 1920– ............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Sheridan, Jamey 1951–............................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 10, 19, 30 Sheridan, Jim 1949– ................................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Sheridan, Lisa 1974– ............................... CTFT–68 Sheridan, Liz 1929– ................................ CTFT–49 Sheridan, Mark ?–1917.......................... WWasWT Sheridan, Mary 1903– ........................... WWasWT Sheridan, Nicollette 1963–...................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37 Sheridan, Rondell 1958– ......................... CTFT–88 Sheridan, Taylor........................................ CTFT–92 Sherin, Edwin 1930– ............................... CTFT–15 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Sheringham 1885–1937 ........................ WWasWT Sherman, Bob ........................................... CTFT–37 Sherman, Geoffrey.................................... CTFT–21 Sherman, Guy 1958– ................................ CTFT–2 Sherman, Hiram 1908–1989 ..................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Sherman, Howard See.................................... Howard, Sherman Sherman, Lowell J. 1885–1934.............. WWasWT Sherman, Martin ......................................... CTFT–2 Sherman, Richard M. 1928–.................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37 Sherman, Robert B. 1925– ...................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37 Sherohman, Tom 1945– ............................ CTFT–1 Sherr, Lynn 1942–.................................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Sherriff, Robert Cedric 1896–1975 ........ WWasWT Sherrin, Ned 1931– ................................ WWT–17 Sherry, Todd 1961–.................................. CTFT–86 Sherwin, Jeannette ?–1936..................... WWasWT Sherwin, Manning 1903–1974 .............. WWasWT Sherwin, Mimi ............................................ CTFT–4


Sherwood, Garrison P. 1902–1963 ........ WWasWT Sherwood, Henry 1931– ........................ WWT–17 Sherwood, James Peter 1894– ............... WWasWT Sherwood, Karen Kehela See .......................................... Kehela, Karen Sherwood, Lydia 1906–1989 ................. WWasWT Sherwood, Madeleine 1922–..................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Sherwood, Michael See ...................................... Weathers, Philip Sherwood, Robert Emmet 1896–1955 .... WWasWT Shevelove, Burt 1915– ........................... WWT–17 Shiban, John ............................................. CTFT–86 Shields, Arthur 1900–1970 .................... WWasWT Shields, Blake ........................................... CTFT–84 Shields, Brooke 1965–............................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 36 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Shields, Ella 1879–1952 ........................ WWasWT Shields, Sammy 1874–? ......................... WWasWT Shiels, George 1886–1949..................... WWasWT Shiels, Graham 1970– ............................. CTFT–85 Shifrin, Lalo See ........................................... Schifrin, Lalo Shigeta, James 1933– .............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 17 Shilling, Ivy............................................. WWasWT Shilton, Gilbert M..................................... CTFT–42 Shimerman, Armin 1949– ....................... CTFT–52 Shimono, Sab 1943– ............................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 27 Shimosawa, Hiroyuki See ..................................... Sanada, Hiroyuki Shine, Bill 1911– .................................... WWT–17 Shine, John L. 1854–1930 ..................... WWasWT Shine, Wilfred E. 1864–1939................. WWasWT Shiner, David 1954(?) .............................. CTFT–26 Shiner, Ronald 1903–1966 .................... WWasWT Shingler, Helen 1919– ........................... WWasWT Shipley, Joseph T. 1893–1988 ................ WWT–17 Shipley, Sandra 1947– ............................... CTFT–4 Shipman, Claire 1963(?)– ........................ CTFT–41 Shipman, Ernest 1871–?......................... WWasWT Shipman, Louis Evan 1869–1933 .......... WWasWT Shipman, Samuel 1883–1937................ WWasWT Shipp, John Wesley 1956(?)– ................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37 Shire, David 1937– ................................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Shire, Talia 1946–.................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 34 Shirley, Arthur 1853–1925..................... WWasWT Shirvell, James 1902– ............................ WWasWT Shiver, Arron 1977–................................. CTFT–88 Shoaib, Samia........................................... CTFT–33 Shockley, Ed 1957– ................................... CTFT–4 Shockley, William..................................... CTFT–57 Shoemaker, Ann 1891–1978 .................. WWT–16 Shohreh See............................... Aghdashloo, Shohreh Shondrella See..................................... Avery, Shondrella Shor, Miriam 1971–................................. CTFT–52 Shore, David 1959– ................................ CTFT–90 Shore, Dinah 1917–1994 .......................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–13 Shore, Howard 1946– ............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37 Shore, Jeffrey ............................................ CTFT–50 Shore, Pauly 1968– ................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 23 Shore, Ryan 1974– .................................. CTFT–83 Shores, Del 1957–..................................... CTFT–8

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Sidorova, Felia See........................................... Charisse, Cyd Sie, James 1962– ..................................... CTFT–79 Siebert, Charles 1938– ............................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19 Siegal, Pam See............................... Adlon, Pamela Segall Siegel, Arthur 1923–1994.......................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–13 Siegel, Charles .......................................... CTFT–56 Siegel, Don 1912–1991............................. CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–10 Siegel, Joel Obituary in CTFT–90 Siegel Tabori, Kristoffer See ...................................... Tabori, Kristoffer Siemaszko, Casey 1961– ......................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 40, 70 Sierra, Gregory 1941(?)–.......................... CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18 Sieveking, Margot ................................... WWasWT Siff, Ira 1946–............................................ CTFT–4 Sigel, Newton Thomas 1960– ................. CTFT–66 Sighvabson, Sigurjon See ............................... Sighvatsson, Sigurjon Sighvatsson, Joni See ............................... Sighvatsson, Sigurjon Sighvatsson, Sigurjon 1952–.................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Sigismondi, Barry ..................................... CTFT–64 Sigler, Jamie–Lynn 1981–......................... CTFT–83 Signoret, Gabriel 1878–1937................. WWasWT Signoret, Simone 1921–1985 .................... CTFT–3 Si–kit Jet Li See ....................................................... Li, Jet Sikes, Cynthia 1954–............................... CTFT–89 Sikking, James B. 1934– .......................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 36 Silber, Chic ................................................. CTFT–4 Silberling, Brad 1963–............................. CTFT–51 Siliotto, Carlo 1950– ............................... CTFT–82 Sillas, Karen 1965–.................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Silliman, Maureen 1949– ........................ CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Silliphant, Stirling 1918–1996 ................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–16 Sillman, Leonard 1908–1982 ................. WWT–17 Sills, Beverly 1929–................................. CTFT–22 Sills, Douglas 1960–................................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Sills, Paul.................................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Silo, Susan................................................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Silva, Geno 1948–................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Silva, Henry 1928–.................................. CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Silva, Trinidad 1950–1988......................... CTFT–7 Silvain, Eugene 1851–1930 ................... WWasWT Silver, Christine 1884–1960................... WWasWT Silver, Joan Micklin 1935–......................... CTFT–4 Silver, Joe 1922–1989................................ CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Silver, Joel 1952–..................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 36 Silver, Marisa 1960– ................................ CTFT–12 Silver, Michael B. 1967– ......................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Silver, Ron 1946– .................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 37 Silverheels, Jay 1918(?)–1980 .................. CTFT–17


Silverman, Bubbles See ............................................ Sills, Beverly Silverman, Fred 1937– .............................. CTFT–7 Silverman, Jonathan 1966–...................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Silverman, Laura 1966–........................... CTFT–86 Silverman, Sarah 1970(?)– ....................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Silvers, Cathy 1961–................................ CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Silvers, Phil 1911–1985 .......................... WWT–17 Silverstein, Andrew Clay See .................................. Clay, Andrew Dice Silverstein, Elliot 1927– ............................. CTFT–1 Silverstone, Alicia 1976–......................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Silvestri, Alan 1950– ............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15 Sim, Alastair 1900–1976 ........................ WWT–16 Sim, Millie 1895– .................................. WWasWT Sim, Sheila 1922–.................................. WWasWT Simcoe, Anthony 1969– .......................... CTFT–45 Simkins, David ......................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Simmons, Chelan 1982– ......................... CTFT–70 Simmons, Gene 1949– ............................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 34 Simmons, Henry 1970–........................... CTFT–62 Simmons, J. K. 1955– .............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Simmons, Jean 1929–.............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 43 Simmons, Johnny 1986–.......................... CTFT–92 Simmons, Jonathan 1955–......................... CTFT–5 Simmons, Richard 1948– ........................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Simmons, Shadia 1986– .......................... CTFT–49 Simms, Hilda 1920–............................... WWT–17 Simms, Michael David ............................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Simon, Bob 1941–................................... CTFT–89 Simon, Carly 1945–................................. CTFT–40 Simon, Hugh ............................................ CTFT–85 Simon, Jamie Nelson See....................................... McShane, Jamie Simon, Joel ............................................... CTFT–84 Simon, John 1925–.................................. CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Simon, Josette 1965–............................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Simon, Louis M. 1906– .......................... WWT–17 Simon, Lucy 1944(?)– .............................. CTFT–13 Simon, Neil 1927– .................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 40; WWT–17 Simon, Paul 1941– .................................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Simon, Stephen 1946– ............................ CTFT–55 Simonds, Robert 1964– ........................... CTFT–55 Simone, Madame 1880–? ...................... WWasWT Simoneau, Yves 1955– ............................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Simons, Eliza See........................................... Roberts, Eliza Simonson, Eric 1960–.............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Simonson, Lee 1888–1967 .................... WWasWT Simpson, Ashlee 1984– ........................... CTFT–67 Simpson, Carole 1940– ........................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Simpson, Don 1945–1996......................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–16 Simpson, Geoffrey .................................... CTFT–60

Cumulative Index

Short, Hassard 1877–1956 .................... WWasWT Short, John................................................ CTFT–79 Short, Martin 1950(?)– ............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 23 Short, Robert See .............................................. Arkin, Alan Short, Roger, Jr. See................................................ Eyen, Tom Short, Sylvia 1927– ................................. CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 18 Short, Trevor ............................................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Shorthouse, Dame Edith See................................... Crawford, Michael Shotter, Winifred 1904–......................... WWasWT Show, Grant 1962–.................................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 27 Showalter, Max 1917–............................... CTFT–8 Showalter, Michael 1970– ....................... CTFT–65 Shrader, Frederick Franklin 1859–? .......................................... WWasWT Shragge, Lawrence ................................... CTFT–49 Shrapnel, John 1942– .............................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Shriner, Kin 1953–................................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Shriner, Wil 1953– .................................. CTFT–78 Shriver, Maria 1955– ............................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 39 Shroff, Jackie 1958– ................................ CTFT–36 Shroyer, Sonny 1935–.............................. CTFT–49 Shub, Steven See .......................................... Schub, Steven Shubert, Jacob J. 1880–1963 ................. WWasWT Shubert, Lee 1875–1953........................ WWasWT Shuck, John See............................................ Schuck, John Shue, Andrew 1967(?)– ........................... CTFT–26 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Shue, Elisabeth 1963– ............................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 40 Shue, Larry 1946–1985 ............................. CTFT–3 Shue, Lisa See ........................................ Shue, Elisabeth Shukat, Scott 1937–................................... CTFT–5 Shuler–Donner, Lauren 1949– ................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 24 Shull, Leo 1913– .................................... WWT–17 Shull, Richard B. 1929– ............................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Shulman, Michael 1981– ........................ CTFT–52 Shulman, Milton 1913–.......................... WWT–17 Shultz, Tony 1947–.................................... CTFT–1 Shuman, Ira .............................................. CTFT–80 Shumlin, Herman E. 1898–1979 ............ WWT–17 Shusett, Ronald......................................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Shust, William ............................................ CTFT–4 Shuster, Rosie 1950– ................................. CTFT–4 Shutta, Ethel 1896–1976........................ WWasWT Shyamalan, M. Night 1970–.................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Shyer, Charles 1941–............................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Shyre, Paul 1929–1989 ............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Sicari, Joseph R. 1939– ........................... CTFT–78 Siddig, Alexander 1965– ......................... CTFT–55 Side, Richard ............................................ CTFT–64 Sidney, Sylvia 1910–1999 ......................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–32 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Sidora, Drew 1985– ................................ CTFT–80


SIMPSON Simpson, Harold ..................................... WWasWT Simpson, Jessica 1980– ........................... CTFT–67 Simpson, Jimmi 1975– ............................ CTFT–68 Simpson, Joe 1958–................................. CTFT–92 Simpson, N. F. 1919– ............................. WWT–17 Simpson, O. J. 1947– .............................. CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Simpson, Peggy ...................................... WWasWT Simpson, Ronald 1896–1957................. WWasWT Sims, George Robert 1847–1922 ........... WWasWT Sims, Joan 1930–.................................... WWT–17 Sims, Molly 1973– .................................. CTFT–70 Sinatra, Frank 1915– ................................. CTFT–9 Sinatra, Nancy 1940–.............................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Sinbad 1956– .......................................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 41 Sinclair, Arthur 1883–1951.................... WWasWT Sinclair, Barry 1911– .............................. WWT–17 Sinclair, Hugh 1903–1962 ..................... WWasWT Sinclair, Madge 1938–1995....................... CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–15 Sinclair, Malcolm...................................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Sinden, Donald 1923– ............................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 34; WWT–17 Sinden, Jeremy 1950–1996 ....................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–16 Sinden, Topsy 1878–? ............................ WWasWT Siner, Guy 1947–..................................... CTFT–56 Singer, Bryan 1965– ................................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Singer, Campbell 1909–1976 ................. WWT–16 Singer, Lori 1962– ................................... CTFT–13 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Singer, Marc 1948– ................................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Singer, Marla 1957– .................................. CTFT–4 Singer, Ray 1916–1992............................ CTFT–12 Singer Carter, Susie................................... CTFT–86 Singleton, Isaac C., Jr................................ CTFT–83 Singleton, John 1968– ............................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Singleton, Ralph S. 1940– ....................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Sinise, Gary 1955– .................................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16 Sinkys, Albert 1940– ................................. CTFT–4 Sinyor, Gary 1962–.................................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Sipos, Shaun 1981–................................. CTFT–92 Siragusa, Peter .......................................... CTFT–51 Siravo, Joseph ........................................... CTFT–71 Sirola, Joe 1929– ....................................... CTFT–8 Sirtis, Marina 1959(?)–............................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Siskel, Gene 1946–1999 ......................... CTFT–10 Obituary in CTFT–32 Sissel, Sandi.............................................. CTFT–80 Sisto, Jeremy 1974–................................. CTFT–52 Sisto, Meadow .......................................... CTFT–61 Sisto, Rocco 1953–.................................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 34 Sitgreaves, Beverley 1867–1943 ............ WWasWT Sivero, Frank ............................................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Sizemore, Tom 1961(?)– .......................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 27 Skaggs, Jimmie F. ...................................... CTFT–46 Skala, Lilia 1896(?)–1994 ........................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Skarsgaard, Stellan 1951–........................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Skarsten, Rachel 1985– ........................... CTFT–74 Skelly, Hal 1891–1934 .......................... WWasWT Skelton, Red 1913–1997 ........................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–18 Skelton, Thomas ......................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Skerritt, Tom 1933– ................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13 Skiff, Maggie 1974–................................. CTFT–92 Skillan, George 1893– ........................... WWasWT Skinner, Corinne See ........................... Skinner–Carter, Corinne Skinner, Cornelia Otis 1901–1979.......... WWT–16 Skinner, Emily 1970–............................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Skinner, Otis 1858–1942 ....................... WWasWT Skinner–Carter, Corinne............................ CTFT–32 Skipper, Pat............................................... CTFT–48 Skipworth, Alison 1863–1952 ............... WWasWT Sklar, Randy 1972–.................................. CTFT–80 Skolimowski, Jerzy 1938–........................ CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Skoll, Jeff 1965– ...................................... CTFT–86 Skotchdopole, James W. ........................... CTFT–79 Skuby, Alex............................................... CTFT–80 Skulnik, Menasha 1894–1970 ............... WWasWT Sky, Jennifer 1977–.................................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Skye, Azura 1981– .................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Skye, Ione 1970(?)– ................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 18, 29 Slade, Bernard 1930– ................................ CTFT–1 Slade, Julian 1930– ................................. CTFT–21 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Slater, Blair ............................................... CTFT–71 Slater, Christian 1969–............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16 Slater, Daphne 1928– ............................ WWasWT Slater, Helen 1963– ................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14 Slater, John 1916–.................................. WWasWT Slattery, John 1963–................................. CTFT–67 Slattery, Tony 1959– ................................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Slaughter, Bessie 1879–?........................ WWasWT Slaughter, N. Carter (Tod) 1885–1956.................................... WWasWT Slavin, Millie ............................................ CTFT–55 Sleath, Herbert 1870–1921.................... WWasWT Sleeper, Martha 1911– ........................... WWasWT Slezak, Erika 1946– ................................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–4 Slezak, Victor 1957– ............................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Slezak, Walter 1902–1983 ..................... WWT–17 Sloan, Amy 1978–................................... CTFT–64 Sloan, Michael 1946– ............................. CTFT–63 Sloane, Alfred Baldwin 1872–1925 ....... WWasWT Sloane, Lindsay 1977– ............................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Sloane, Michael 1946–.............................. CTFT–5 Sloane, Olive 1896–1963...................... WWasWT Slocombe, Douglas 1913– ...................... CTFT–10 Slocum, Frank 1925–1997 ...................... CTFT–12 Obituary in CTFT–17 Slome, Susan 1967– ................................ CTFT–82 Sloss, John 1956(?)–................................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Slotnik, Joey 1968– ................................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Slovo, Shawn 1950(?)– ............................ CTFT–17


Sloyan, James 1940– ............................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Slye, Leonard See ............................................. Rogers, Roy Small, Neva................................................ CTFT–2 Small, Robert Grahm 1949–...................... CTFT–2 Smalley, Stuart See .............................................. Franken, Al Smalls, Derek See.......................................... Shearer, Harry Smallwood, Tucker ................................... CTFT–50 Smart, Amy 1976–................................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Smart, Jean 1952(?)–................................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 28 Smiar, Brian 1937– .................................... CTFT–7 Smigel, Robert 1960– .............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Smight, Jack 1926–.................................. CTFT–12 Smiley, Tava 1971– ................................. CTFT–78 Smiley, Tavis 1964–................................. CTFT–77 Sminkey, Tom ............................................. CTFT–7 Smith, Alexis 1921–1993 .......................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Smith, Allison 1969– ............................... CTFT–64 Smith, Alison Sealey See ................................. Sealy–Smith, Alison Smith, Amber 1972– ............................... CTFT–92 Smith, Anna Deavere 1950– ................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 14 Smith, Anthony T. See ................................................. Tone–Loc Smith, Aubrey 1863–1948..................... WWasWT Smith, Brandon 1948–............................. CTFT–64 Smith, Britta.............................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Smith, Brooke 1967–............................... CTFT–74 Smith, Bubba 1945–................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 34 Smith, Cedric 1943–................................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Smith, Charles Martin 1953–................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 34 Smith, Christie Lynn ................................. CTFT–73 Smith, Clay 1885–?................................ WWasWT Smith, Cotter 1949(?)– ............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 40 Smith, Cyril 1892–1963......................... WWasWT Smith, David Lee 1963–.......................... CTFT–80 Smith, Deane Dill See.............................................. Dill, Deena Smith, Derek 1927– .................................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Smith, Derek David 1959–...................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8 Smith, Dick 1922– .................................... CTFT–6 Smith, Dodie ........................................... WWT–17 Smith, Douglas 1985– ............................. CTFT–89 Smith, Ebonie ........................................... CTFT–49 Smith, Edgar McPhail 1857–1938 ......... WWasWT Smith, Francesca ...................................... CTFT–71 Smith, Gary 1936(?)–............................... CTFT–48 Smith, Gregory 1983– ............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Smith, H. Reeves See..................................... Reeves–Smith, H. Smith, Harry 1951– ................................. CTFT–50 Smith, Harry Bache 1860–1936 ............ WWasWT Smith, Heather See ........................................ Chase, Heather Smith, Howard I. 1894–1968 ................ WWasWT Smith, Iain 1949– .................................... CTFT–79

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Smith, Trevor See ......................................... Rhymes, Busta Smith, Will 1968– ................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 23 Smith, William 1934(?)– .......................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Smith, Winchell 1872–1933 .................. WWasWT Smith, Yeardley 1964(?)– ......................... CTFT–58 Smith–Cameron, J. .................................... CTFT–51 Smithers, Florence .................................. WWasWT Smithers, Jan 1949–................................... CTFT–7 Smithers, William 1927– ........................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Smithson, Florence 1884–1936 ............. WWasWT Smithson, Laura 1885–1963 .................. WWasWT Smitrovich, Bill 1947–............................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 35 Smits, Jimmy 1955(?)– ............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 15, 28 Smits, Sonja 1958–.................................. CTFT–62 Smolan, Sandy.......................................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Smolinski, Aaron 1975– .......................... CTFT–74 Smollett, Jurnee 1986– ............................ CTFT–74 Smoot, Reed ............................................. CTFT–80 Smothers, Dick 1939– ............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Smothers, Tom 1937–.............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Smuin, Michael 1938– ............................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Smulders, Cobie 1982– ........................... CTFT–86 Smythe, Allan See............................... Stern, Steven Hilliard Snake, Abe See............................................. Locke, Peter Snaro See .................................. Schwimmer, David Snegoff, Gregory....................................... CTFT–82 Snell, Peter 1941– ................................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Snipes, Wesley 1962– ............................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 41 Snodgress, Carrie 1946–.......................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Snoop Dogg 1972(?)– .............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Snow, Brittany 1986– .............................. CTFT–74 Snow, Donna.............................................. CTFT–3 Snow, Greg See...................................... Snegoff, Gregory Snow, Mark 1946– .................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Snow, Victoria .......................................... CTFT–62 Snyder, David L. 1944– ........................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 37 Snyder, Drew............................................ CTFT–40 Snyder, Liza 1968– .................................. CTFT–72 Snyder, Rick.............................................. CTFT–32 Snyder, Tom 1936–.................................. CTFT–24 Snyder, William See ............................................ Prinzi, Frank Sobel, Bernard 1887–1964 .................... WWasWT Sobieski, Carol 1939–1990 ....................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–9 Sobieski, Leelee 1982–............................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Soble, Ron 1932–.................................... CTFT–14 Sobol, Joshua 1939–................................ CTFT–14 Soboloff, Arnold 1930–1979 .................. WWT–17 Sobolov, David 1964– ............................. CTFT–77 Soderbergh, Steven 1963– ....................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36


Sofaer, Abraham 1896–1988 ..................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Sofer, Rena 1968– ................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Sofronski, Bernard 1940– ........................ CTFT–45 Sogliuzzo, Andre 1966– .......................... CTFT–76 Sohlke, Gus 1865–1924 ........................ WWasWT Sohmer, Steve 1941– ............................... CTFT–11 Sohmers, Barbara ....................................... CTFT–1 Soisson, Joel ............................................. CTFT–54 Sokol, Marilyn .......................................... CTFT–32 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Sokoloff, Marla 1980– ............................. CTFT–52 Sokolova, Natasha 1917– ...................... WWasWT Sokolow, Anna 1910– ............................... CTFT–1 Sola, Miguel Angel 1950– ....................... CTFT–36 Solange See .................................... Knowles, Solange Solari, Camille .......................................... CTFT–83 Soldati, Mario 1906–1999....................... CTFT–29 Soler, Antonio Ruiz 1927–..................... WWasWT Soles, P. J. 1950– ..................................... CTFT–56 Soles, Paul 1930–.................................... CTFT–91 Solo, Jay See ......................................... Ellison, Harlan Solo, Ksenia 1987–.................................. CTFT–92 Solodovnikov, Alexandr Vasilievich 1904–............................................ WWasWT Solomon, David ....................................... CTFT–55 Solomon, Ed 1960(?)–.............................. CTFT–55 Solomon, Maribeth ................................... CTFT–41 Solorzano, Bianca..................................... CTFT–90 Solt, Andrew............................................. CTFT–46 Soman, Claude 1897–1960 ................... WWasWT Somerhalder, Ian 1978–........................... CTFT–65 Somers, Brett 1924–2007 ........................ CTFT–62 Obituary in CTFT–87 Somers, Suzanne 1946– .......................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11, 36 Somerset, C. W. 1847–1929 .................. WWasWT Somerset, Patrick 1897–1974 ................ WWasWT Somerville, Bonnie 1974– ....................... CTFT–68 Somerville, Geraldine 1967–................... CTFT–78 Somerville, John Baxter 1907–1963 ...... WWasWT Somes, Michael (George) 1917–............................................ WWasWT Somkin, Steven 1941–............................... CTFT–4 Sommars, Julie............................................ CTFT–8 Sommer, Elke 1941–................................ CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 21 Sommer, Josef 1934– ............................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10, 18, 29 Sommers, Stephen 1962(?)–..................... CTFT–55 Somner, Pearl 1923– ................................. CTFT–2 Sonal, Marc 1858–? ............................... WWasWT Sondergaard, Gale 1901–1985 ............... WWT–17 Sondheim, Stephen 1930–....................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 11, 38; WWT–17 Song, Brenda 1988– ................................ CTFT–86 Sonnenfeld, Barry 1953– ......................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Sonny and Cher See......................................................... Cher Sood, Manoj 1962–................................. CTFT–87 Sood, Veena ............................................. CTFT–86 Sorbo, Kevin 1958–................................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 40 Sorbo, Sam See ............................................ Jenkins, Sam Sorel, Cecil 1873–1966 ......................... WWasWT Sorel, Theodore 1936– ............................ CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Soria, Madeleine..................................... WWasWT

Cumulative Index

Smith, J. Sebastian 1869–1948 .............. WWasWT Smith, J. W. .............................................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Smith, Jaclyn 1947– ................................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 14 Smith, Jacob 1990– ................................. CTFT–59 Smith, Jada Pinkett See............................................. Pinkett, Jada Smith, Jamie Renee 1987– ...................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Smith, Kavan 1971(?)–............................. CTFT–57 Smith, Kellita ............................................ CTFT–47 Smith, Kent 1907–1985.......................... WWT–17 Smith, Kerr 1972– ................................... CTFT–43 Smith, Kevin 1963–2002 ......................... CTFT–30 Obituary in CTFT–48 Smith, Kevin 1970– ................................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Smith, Kurtwood 1943(?)– ....................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27 Smith, Lane 1936– .................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14 Smith, Lauren Lee 1980–......................... CTFT–74 Smith, Lewis 1958– ................................. CTFT–66 Smith, Linda ............................................. CTFT–54 Smith, Lisa Marie See............................................... Marie, Lisa Smith, Liz 1925– ..................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 36 Smith, Lois 1930–.................................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27; WWT–17 Smith, Loring 1895– .............................. WWasWT Smith, Maggie 1934– .............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 11, 37; WWT–17 Smith, Marcy See ......................................... Walker, Marcy Smith, Martha ............................................. CTFT–7 Smith, Mary Alice See.............................................. Alice, Mary Smith, Michael Bailey 1957– .................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Smith, Nick Glenny See ............................... Glennie–Smith, Nick Smith, Oliver 1918– ............................... WWT–17 Smith, Paul Girard .................................. WWasWT Smith, Peter James 1971–........................ CTFT–38 Smith, Queenie 1902–........................... WWasWT Smith, Rex 1956– .................................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Smith, Riley 1978(?)–............................... CTFT–45 Smith, Robert B. 1875–1951 ................. WWasWT Smith, Roger Guenveur 1959(?)– ............. CTFT–62 Smith, Russell 1954– ............................... CTFT–86 Smith, S. Douglas ..................................... CTFT–89 Smith, Samantha 1969–........................... CTFT–76 Smith, Scott Alan 1961– .......................... CTFT–64 Smith, Shawnee 1970–............................ CTFT–55 Smith, Sheila 1933– .................................. CTFT–1 Smith, Sidney 1877–1935 ...................... WwasWT Smith, Solange Knowles See .................................... Knowles, Solange Smith, Stephen See ................................... McHattie, Stephen Smith, Sukie 1964– ................................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 16, 40 Smith, Surrey See ....................................... Dinner, William Smith, T. See ......................................... Rhymes, Busta Smith, Tasha 1971– ................................. CTFT–77 Smith, Tracy.............................................. CTFT–90


SORICH Sorich, Michael ........................................ CTFT–40 Sorkin, Aaron 1961– ............................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Sorrel, Annie ............................................ CTFT–87 Sorret, Ludovico See........................................... Noonan, Tom Sorvino, Mira 1968(?)– ............................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Sorvino, Paul 1939– ................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 17, 39; WWT–17 Sosnovska, Olga 1972– ........................... CTFT–79 Sossamon, Shannyn 1979–...................... CTFT–68 Sothern, Ann 1909– .................................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Sothern, Edward H. 1859–1933 ............ WWasWT Sothern, Janet Evelyn .............................. WWasWT Sothern, Sam 1870–1920 ...................... WWasWT Sotin, Hans 1939–................................... CTFT–14 Soto, Fernando 1911–1980...................... CTFT–30 Soto, Miriam See .............................................. Soto, Talisa Soto, Rosana See ....................................... DeSoto, Rosana Soto, Talisa 1967– ................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Souchet, H. A. du ................................... WWasWT Soucie, Kath 1967– ................................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Soul, David 1943– .................................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 43 Soule, Olan 1909–1994 ............................ CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–13 Sousa, John Philip 1854–1932............... WWasWT Soutar, J. Farren 1870–1962 .................. WWasWT Southern, John 1893– ............................ WWasWT Southern, Terry 1924(?)–1995– .................. CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–15 Southgate, Elsie 1890–........................... WWasWT Southon, Mike .......................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Sova, Peter ............................................... CTFT–66 Sovey, Raymond 1897–1966 ................. WWasWT Sowerby, Katherine Githa ....................... WWasWT Soyinka, Wole 1934– ................................ CTFT–6 Spacek, Sissy 1950(?)–............................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 12, 23 Spacey, Kevin 1959– ............................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 17, 40 Spackman, Tom 1950– .............................. CTFT–4 Spade, David 1964–................................ CTFT–52 Spader, James 1960– ............................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 28 Spain, Douglas 1974– ............................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Spain, Elsie ............................................. WWasWT Spall, Timothy 1957– .............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Spanjers, Martin 1987– ........................... CTFT–74 Spano, Joe 1946– .................................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33 Spano, Nick 1976–.................................. CTFT–89 Spano, Vincent 1962– ............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 Sparer, Paul ................................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Sparks, Adrian .......................................... CTFT–57 Sparks, Dana ............................................ CTFT–48 Sparrow, David 1962–............................. CTFT–77 Spaulding, Douglas See .......................................... Bradbury, Ray Speaight, Robert 1904–1976 .................. WWT–16 Speakman, Jeff 1958–.............................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Spear, David 1953– ................................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Spears, Aries 1975–................................. CTFT–76 Spears, Britney 1981–.............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Spears, Jamie Lynn 1991– ....................... CTFT–90 Specter, Rachel 1980– ............................. CTFT–86 Speechley, Billy 1911–........................... WWasWT Speedman, Scott 1975–........................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Speight, Johnny 1921(?)–1998 ................. CTFT–12 Obituary in CTFT–22 Speight, Richard, Jr. 1970– ...................... CTFT–78 Speirs, Steve 1965(?)–.............................. CTFT–80 Spelling, Aaron 1923(?)–2006 ................. CTFT–46 Obituary in CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 12, 23 Spelling, Tori 1973– ................................ CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Spelvin, George See ....................................... Williams, Robin Spelvin, George, Jr. See........................................... Douglas, Kirk Spence, Bruce 1945– .............................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Spence, Edward F. 1860–1932 .............. WWasWT Spence, Sebastian 1969–......................... CTFT–48 Spencer, Helen 1903– ........................... WWasWT Spencer, Jesse 1979– ............................... CTFT–89 Spencer, Jessica 1919–........................... WWasWT Spencer, John 1946–................................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Spencer, Marian 1905–........................... WWT–17 Spencer, Octavia 1972– .......................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Spencer, Susan.......................................... CTFT–89 Sperandeo, Gaetano See ...................................... Sperandeo, Tony Sperandeo, Tony ....................................... CTFT–36 Spewack, Bella 1899–1990 ................... WWasWT Spewack, Samuel 1899–1971................ WWasWT Spheeris, Penelope 1945– ....................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Spice, Scary See ....................................... Brown, Melanie Spidena, Chuck See ......................................... Reeves, Keanu Spielberg, David 1939– ........................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 5, 34 Spielberg, Steven 1947– .......................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10, 17, 41 Spier, Carol............................................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Spigel, Art................................................. CTFT–88 Spigelgass, Leonard 1908–1985 ............. WWT–17 Spike See............................................. Jonze, Spike Spiller, Michael 1961–............................. CTFT–55 Spiller, Tom 1949–................................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Spindell, Ahvi............................................. CTFT–4 Spinell, Joe ?–1989.................................... CTFT–8 Spinella, Stephen 1956–.......................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Spinelli, Andree 1891– .......................... WWasWT Spiner, Brent 1949– ................................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 28 Spinetti, Victor 1933–................................ CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Spink, J. C. 1973(?)– ................................ CTFT–85 Spinney, Carroll 1933– ............................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Spinotti, Dante 1943(?)– .......................... CTFT–55


Spinuzza, Doug 1967–............................ CTFT–78 Spiro, Lev. L.............................................. CTFT–51 Spirtas, Kevin 1962–................................ CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Spivak, Alice 1935– ................................ CTFT–81 Spoke, Suanne .......................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Spong, Hilda 1875–1955....................... WWasWT Spooner, Cecil ........................................ WWasWT Spooner, Edna May ?–1953 ................... WWasWT Sporleder, Gregory 1964–........................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Spota, George 1917–................................. CTFT–1 Spottiswood, Greg 1964– ........................ CTFT–69 Spottiswoode, Roger 1945(?)– ................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Spriggs, Elizabeth .................................... WWT–17 Springer, Ashton, Jr. 1930– ........................ CTFT–1 Springer, Jerry 1944– ............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Springett, Freddie 1915–........................ WWasWT Springfield, Rick 1949– ........................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19, 41 Sprouse, Cole 1992– ............................... CTFT–77 Sprouse, Dylan 1992– ............................. CTFT–77 Sprouse Bros. See .......................................... Sprouse, Cole See ........................................ Sprouse, Dylan Spybey, Dina 1965(?)–............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Squibb, June 1935– ................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19, 42 Squillante, Steven 1973– ......................... CTFT–70 Squire, Katherine 1903– ......................... WWT–17 Squire, Ronald 1886–1958 .................... WWasWT Squire, William 1920–1989....................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Staab, Rebecca 1961– ............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Stabile, Nick 1971–................................. CTFT–74 Stables, Kelly 1978– ................................ CTFT–84 Stack, Chris .............................................. CTFT–80 Stack, Robert 1919– ................................ CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Stack, Timothy.......................................... CTFT–54 Stack, William 1882–? ........................... WWasWT Stacy, James 1936–.................................... CTFT–6 Stadlen, Lewis J. 1947– ........................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Stafford Clark, Max 1941–....................... CTFT–13 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Stafford, Michelle 1965– ......................... CTFT–79 Stagge, Jonathan See ........................................ Wheeler, Hugh Stahl, Andy............................................... CTFT–51 Stahl, Lesley 1941– ................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Stahl, Nick 1979–.................................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Stahl, Richard 1932– ................................. CTFT–6 Stahl, Rose 1870–1955.......................... WWasWT Stainton, Philip 1908–1961 ................... WWasWT Stait, Brent 1959–.................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Staite, Jewel 1982–.................................. CTFT–49 Stallings, Laurence 1894–1968.............. WWasWT Stallone, Frank 1950–.............................. CTFT–64 Stallone, Sylvester 1946–......................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 16 Stamberg, Josh .......................................... CTFT–54 Stamos, John 1963–................................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 13, 40 Brief Entry in CTFT–3

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Stark, Richard See ................................ Westlake, Donald E. Starke, Anthony 1963– ............................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Starker, Rob See............................................ Zombie, Rob Starkey, Richard See .............................................. Starr, Ringo Starkey, Steve............................................ CTFT–76 Starkie, Martin 1925– ............................. WWT–17 Starling, Lynn 1891–1955...................... WWasWT Starr, Beau 1944– .................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Starr, Frances Grant 1886–1973 ............ WWasWT Starr, Mike 1950– .................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Starr, Muriel 1888–1950 ........................ WWasWT Starr, Ringo 1940– ................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 41 Startz, Jane 1947– ................................... CTFT–56 Starzyk, David .......................................... CTFT–59 Stashwick, Todd 1968–............................ CTFT–88 Statler, Alex See ............................................ Sapienza, Al Stattel, Robert 1932– ................................. CTFT–1 Staub, Chelsea 1988–.............................. CTFT–91 Stauber, Liz 1979–................................... CTFT–80 Staunton, Imelda 1956– .......................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Stayton, Frank 1874–1951..................... WWasWT Steadman, Alison 1946–.......................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13; WWT–17 Steafel, Sheila 1935– ................................. CTFT–8 Stebbings, Peter ........................................ CTFT–68 Steblov, Yevgeni 1945– ........................... CTFT–34 Steel, Amy 1963– .................................... CTFT–49 Steel, Danielle 1947– .............................. CTFT–26 Steel, Dawn 1946–1997.......................... CTFT–22 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Steel, Vernon 1882–1955 ...................... WWasWT Steelberg, Eric 1977–............................... CTFT–86 Steele, Barbara 1937(?)– .......................... CTFT–45 Steele, Brian ............................................. CTFT–85 Steele, Lezley 1944– ................................. CTFT–4 Steele, Tommy 1936– ................................ CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Steen, Jessica 1965– ................................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Steenburgen, Mary 1953–........................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14 Steers, David Ogden See ................................ Stiers, David Ogden Stefanson, Leslie 1971– ........................... CTFT–48 Stehlin, Jack.............................................. CTFT–59 Steiger, Rod 1925–2002 .......................... CTFT–29 Obituary in CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 18 Steiger, Ueli .............................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Stein, Ben 1944– ..................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Stein, Joseph............................................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Stein, Mary ............................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Stein, Peter 1943(?)–................................ CTFT–82 Stein, Ronald 1930–1988 .......................... CTFT–5 Stein, Saul ................................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Steinbeck, John (Ernst) 1902–1968 ........ WWasWT Steinberg, David 1942– ........................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 27 Steinberg, Eric........................................... CTFT–84


Steinberg, Michael.................................... CTFT–24 Steinberg, Norman 1939–.......................... CTFT–1 Steinberg, Roy 1951– .............................. CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Steiner, Sherry 1948–................................. CTFT–1 Steines, Mark 1964–................................ CTFT–89 Steinkamp, Fredric .................................... CTFT–11 Steinmetz, Richard ................................... CTFT–69 *stellar See .............................................. Ziering, Ian Stenborg, Helen 1925–............................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Stenstrom, David ...................................... CTFT–79 Stepanek, Brian 1971– ............................ CTFT–74 Stepanek, Karel 1899–........................... WWasWT Stephens, Frances 1906– ....................... WWasWT Stephens, Heather .................................... CTFT–62 Stephens, Janaya 1974–........................... CTFT–77 Stephens, Robert 1931–1995................... CTFT–13 Obituary in CTFT–15 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6; WWT–17 Stephens, Stephanie 1900–.................... WWasWT Stephens, Toby 1969– ............................. CTFT–77 Stephens, Yorke 1862–1937 .................. WWasWT Stephenson, Bob 1967–........................... CTFT–84 Stephenson, Henry 1874–1956 ............. WWasWT Stephenson, John ...................................... CTFT–40 Sterling, Clark 1956–................................. CTFT–2 Sterling, Jan 1923– .................................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Sterling, Maury ......................................... CTFT–70 Sterling, Mindy 1956– ............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketch in CTFT–31 Sterling, Richard 1880–1959 ................. WWasWT Stern, Daniel 1957– ................................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 27 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Stern, Dawn 1970– ................................. CTFT–72 Stern, Ernest 1876–1954........................ WWasWT Stern, G. B. 1890–1973......................... WWasWT Stern, Howard 1954– .............................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 37 Stern, Isaac 1920– ................................... CTFT–28 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Stern, James D. ......................................... CTFT–85 Stern, Marcus............................................ CTFT–54 Stern, Sam 1883–? ................................. WWasWT Stern, Sandor 1936– ................................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–15 Stern, Shoshannah 1980– ........................ CTFT–84 Stern, Steven Hilliard 1937–.................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Stern, Stewart 1922– ............................... CTFT–23 Sterndale–Bennett, T. C. 1882–1942...... WWasWT Sternhagen, Frances 1930–...................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 16; WWT–17 Sternroyd, Vincent 1857–1948 .............. WWasWT Stevens, Andrew 1955–........................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 32 Stevens, Ashton 1872–1951 .................. WWasWT Stevens, Connie 1938–............................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 42 Stevens, Craig 1918–................................. CTFT–7 Stevens, David 1940–.............................. CTFT–62 Stevens, Edwin 1860–1923.................... WWasWT Stevens, Emily 1882–1928..................... WWasWT Stevens, Emily Favella ................................ CTFT–3 Stevens, Fisher 1963–.............................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 27 Stevens, George, Jr. 1932–....................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 34 Stevens, H. C. G. 1892–1967................ WWasWT

Cumulative Index

Stamp Taylor, Enid See ................................... Taylor, Enid Stamp Stamp, Terence 1938(?)–.......................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14 Stamper, Dave 1883–1963 .................... WWasWT Stamper, F. Pope 1880–1950 ................. WWasWT Stanchfield, Darby .................................... CTFT–80 Stander, Lionel 1908–1994........................ CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–15 Standing, Charles Wyndham 1880–? .......................................... WWasWT Standing, Guy 1873–1937..................... WWasWT Standing, Herbert 1846–1923................ WWasWT Standing, John 1934– .............................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 35; WWT–17 Standish, Pamela 1920– ........................ WWasWT Stanfill, Dennis 1927– ............................. CTFT–12 Stanford, Henry 1872–1921 .................. WWasWT Stanford, Jason Gray See ............................... Gray–Stanford, Jason Stang, Arnold 1925(?)– ............................ CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Stange, Stanislaus ?–1917 ...................... WWasWT Stanislawski, Constantine 1863–1938.................................... WWasWT Stanley, Adelaide 1906– ........................ WWasWT Stanley, Alma 1854–1931...................... WWasWT Stanley, Erie 1884–?............................... WWasWT Stanley, Florence ...................................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7; WWT–17 Stanley, Gordon 1951–.............................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Stanley, Kim 1921–.................................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Stanley, Lee 1943– .................................. CTFT–68 Stanley, Martha 1879–?.......................... WWasWT Stanley, Pamela 1909–........................... WWasWT Stanley, Phyllis 1914–............................ WWasWT Stanley, S. Victor 1892–1939................. WWasWT Stanley, Shane 1971– .............................. CTFT–67 Stanley, Taylor 1975– .............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Stanmore, Frank 1878–1943.................. WWasWT Stannard, Heather 1928–....................... WWasWT Stanphill, Kimberly ................................... CTFT–89 Stanton, Andrew ....................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Stanton, Arch See .......................................... Wynorski, Jim Stanton, Gabrielle G................................. CTFT–79 Stanton, Harry Dean 1926–..................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 19, 30 Stanton, Robert 1963–............................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16 Stanwyck, Barbara 1907–1990.................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWasWT Stanzler, Wendey...................................... CTFT–79 Stapleton, Jean 1923–.............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14; WWT–17 Stapleton, Maureen 1925– ...................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 36; WWT–17 Stapleton, Nicola 1980–.......................... CTFT–36 Stapleton, Oliver ...................................... CTFT–48 Star, Darren 1961– .................................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Stardust, Ziggy See........................................... Bowie, David Starger, Martin 1932– .............................. CTFT–14 Stark, Don ................................................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Stark, Jim .................................................. CTFT–83 Stark, Ray ................................................... CTFT–6


STEVENS Stevens, Howard See........................................ Heyward, Andy Stevens, Joe .............................................. CTFT–64 Stevens, K. T. 1919–1994 .......................... CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Stevens, Lady Patricia See ........................................ Quinn, Patricia Stevens, Leslie 1964– .............................. CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Stevens, Michael 1966– .......................... CTFT–78 Stevens, Onslow 1906–1977 ................. WWasWT Stevens, Roger L. 1910– ......................... WWT–17 Stevens, Ronnie 1925–2006 .................... CTFT–21 Obituary in CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Stevens, Scooter 1973– ............................. CTFT–8 Stevens, Shadoe 1947–............................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–18, 41 Stevens, Stella 1936–............................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Stevens, Tony 1948–.................................. CTFT–4 Stevenson, Charles C., Jr........................... CTFT–60 Stevenson, Cynthia 1962(?)–.................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 27 Stevenson, Jessica 1973–......................... CTFT–77 Stevenson, Juliet 1956– ........................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Stevenson, Margot 1914– ....................... WWT–17 Stevenson, McLean 1929–1996................. CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–16 Stevenson, Parker 1952– ......................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14, 38 Stewart, Alexandra 1939– ......................... CTFT–8 Stewart, Anna See ............................................. Stuart, Anna Stewart, Athole 1879–1940 ................... WWasWT Stewart, Boo Boo 1994–.......................... CTFT–84 Stewart, Catherine Mary 1959– ............... CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 41 Stewart, Charlotte 1941– ......................... CTFT–48 Stewart, Danica 1983– ............................ CTFT–74 Stewart, David A. 1952– ......................... CTFT–78 Stewart, Donald Ogden 1894–1980 ...... WWasWT Stewart, Ellen.............................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Stewart, Ewan 1957–............................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Stewart, Fred 1906–1970....................... WWasWT Stewart, French 1964–............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Stewart, Gloria See ........................................... Stuart, Gloria Stewart, James See ...................................... Granger, Stewart Stewart, James 1908–1997 ........................ CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–17 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Stewart, James Patrick See ................................ Stuart, James Patrick Stewart, Jane Ann ..................................... CTFT–55 Stewart, Jon 1962– .................................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketch in CTFT–31 Stewart, Kristen 1990–............................. CTFT–71 Stewart, Larry J. 1951– ............................ CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Stewart, Malcolm ..................................... CTFT–86 Stewart, Marlene 1949– .......................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Stewart, Martha 1941– ............................ CTFT–57 Stewart, Michael 1929–1987..................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Stewart, Missy .......................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Stewart, Nancye 1893– ......................... WWasWT Stewart, Nellie 1860–1931 .................... WWasWT Stewart, Nils Allen.................................... CTFT–84 Stewart, Patrick 1940–............................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14; WWT–17 Stewart, Paul 1908–1986 ........................ CTFT–21 Stewart, Rob 1961– ................................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Stewart, Sophie 1908–1977.................... WWT–16 Stewart, Tonea 1947– .............................. CTFT–51 Stickney, Dorothy 1900– ........................ WWT–17 Stiers, David Ogden 1942– ..................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 Stigwood, Robert 1934– ............................ CTFT–5 Stiles, Julia 1981–.................................... CTFT–52 Stiles, Leslie 1876–?............................... WWasWT Stiles, Ryan 1959– ................................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Stilgoe, Richard 1943– ............................ CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Stiller, Ben 1965– .................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Stiller, Jerry 1927– ................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 14 Stillin, Marie............................................. CTFT–86 Stillman, Bob 1958–................................ CTFT–60 Stillman, Whit 1952– .............................. CTFT–34 Stilwell, Diane............................................ CTFT–6 Stimely, Brett ............................................ CTFT–54 Stine, R.L. 1943– ..................................... CTFT–74 Sting See .......................................... Borden, Steve Sting 1951– ............................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Stinson, Donavon 1976– ......................... CTFT–88 Stinton, Colin 1947– ............................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Stipe, Michael 1960– .............................. CTFT–50 Stires, David Ogden See ................................ Stiers, David Ogden Stirling, W. Edward 1891–1948 ............. WWasWT Stitt, Don 1956– ........................................ CTFT–5 Stock, Nigel 1919–1986............................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Stockbridge, Sara ...................................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Stockdale, Gary ........................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Stocker, John 1948(?)– ............................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Stockfield, Betty 1905–1966.................. WWasWT Stockwell, Dean 1936– ........................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 23 Stockwell, John 1961–............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Stoddard, Haila 1913– ........................... WWT–17 Stoddart, Lindsey ...................................... CTFT–78 Stoddart, Shauna ...................................... CTFT–84 Stoff, Erwin ............................................... CTFT–55 Stoffers, Rogier 1961– ............................. CTFT–80 Stogner, Patrick 1992–............................. CTFT–87 Stojka, Andre ............................................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Stoker, Hew Gordon Dacre 1885–1966.................................... WWasWT Stoker, Willard 1905–1978..................... WWT–16 Stokes, John.............................................. CTFT–60 Stokes, Sewell 1902–............................. WWasWT Stole, Mink ............................................... CTFT–30 Stoler, Shirley 1929–.................................. CTFT–8


Stoll, Oswald 1866–1942 ...................... WWasWT Stoller, Fred .............................................. CTFT–49 Stollery, Brian ........................................... CTFT–79 Stoltz, Eric 1961– .................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 11, 36 Stolz, Robert 1886–1975 ....................... WWasWT Stone, Alix............................................... WWT–17 Stone, Barry 1945–.................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Stone, Carol 1915–................................ WWasWT Stone, Charles......................................... WWasWT Stone, Christopher L. ................................ CTFT–42 Stone, Danton .......................................... CTFT–79 Stone, Dee Wallace 1949–...................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 Stone, Dorothy 1905–1974 ................... WWasWT Stone, Doug 1959– ................................. CTFT–87 Stone, Emma 1988– ................................ CTFT–86 Stone, Ezra 1917–1994 ............................. CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–13 Stone, Fred Andrew 1873–1959 ............ WWasWT Stone, Greg 1968– .................................. CTFT–62 Stone, Julian 1962– ................................. CTFT–78 Stone, Lee See ....................................... Cranston, Bryan Stone, Leonard 1923– ............................. CTFT–77 Stone, Lewis 1878–1953 ....................... WWasWT Stone, Matt 1971– ................................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Stone, Oliver 1946– ................................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13 Stone, Paddy 1924– ............................... WWT–17 Stone, Paula 1916–................................ WWasWT Stone, Peter H. 1930– ............................. CTFT–23 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6; WWT–17 Stone, Sharon 1958– ............................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14 Stone, Stuart ............................................. CTFT–85 Stoner, Alyson 1993–............................... CTFT–82 Stonestreet, Eric 1971– ............................ CTFT–91 Stoppard, Ed 1974– ................................. CTFT–86 Stoppard, Tom 1937– .............................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 12, 38; WWT–17 Stoppelmoor, Cheryl Jean See ............................................ Ladd, Cheryl Storaro, Vittorio 1940– ............................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 28 Storch, Arthur 1925– ............................... CTFT–19 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Storch, Larry 1923– ................................... CTFT–6 Store, Doug See............................................. Stone, Doug Storey, David 1933– ................................ CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Storey, Fred 1861–1917......................... WWasWT Stori, Moneca ........................................... CTFT–84 Storke, Adam 1962–................................ CTFT–63 Storm, Hannah 1962– ............................. CTFT–88 Storm, Jim................................................. CTFT–56 Storm, Lauren 1987– ............................... CTFT–82 Storm, Lesley 1903–1975 ...................... WWasWT Storm, Peter See ........................................ Stormare, Peter Storm, T. J................................................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Stormare, Peter 1953– ............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Storms, Kirsten 1984–.............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–38 Storry, Malcolm 1948– ............................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Story, Tim 1970– ..................................... CTFT–82

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Stroller, Louis A. 1942– ........................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 37 Stroman, Susan 1954–............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Strong, Arnold See .......................... Schwarzenegger, Arnold Strong, Austin 1881–1952 ..................... WWasWT Strong, Brenda .......................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Strong, Danny 1974– .............................. CTFT–48 Strong, Mark 1963–................................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Strong, Rider 1979–................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Strong, Shiloh 1977– ............................... CTFT–80 Strong, Tara 1973– .................................. CTFT–70 Stroud, Don 1943–.................................. CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Stroud, Gregory 1892– .......................... WWasWT Stroup, Jessica 1986– .............................. CTFT–88 Strouse, Charles 1928– ............................ CTFT–11 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Strozzi, Kay ............................................ WWasWT Strudwick, Shepperd 1907–1983............ WWT–17 Struss, Karl 1886–1981............................ CTFT–28 Struthers, Sally 1948–.............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 19, 42 Struycken, Carel 1948– ........................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Stuart, Aimee .......................................... WWasWT Stuart, Anna 1948–.................................. CTFT–77 Stuart, C. Douglas 1864–? ..................... WWasWT Stuart, Cosmo 1869–?............................ WWasWT Stuart, Eric 1968– .................................... CTFT–42 Stuart, Gloria 1910– ................................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Stuart, James Patrick 1968– ..................... CTFT–91 Stuart, Jeanne 1908–.............................. WWasWT Stuart, John 1898–1979.......................... WWT–16 Stuart, Katie 1985– .................................. CTFT–60 Stuart, Leslie 1864–1928 ....................... WWasWT Stuart, Lynne 1930–................................... CTFT–3 Stuart, Madge 1897– ............................. WWasWT Stuart, Maxine .......................................... CTFT–75 Stuart, Otho 1865–1930 ........................ WWasWT Stuart, Philip 1887–1936 ....................... WWasWT Stuart, Tom 1878–? ................................ WWasWT Stubbs, Imogen 1961–............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 40 Stubbs, Una 1937–................................. WWT–17 Stuckey, Phyllis ....................................... WWasWT Studholme, Marie 1875–1930 ............... WWasWT Studi, Wes 1947(?)–................................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Stuhlbarg, Michael.................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Stuke, Neil 1967–.................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Stults, Geoff 1977–.................................. CTFT–71 Sturdy, Don See ................................. Hesseman, Howard Sturges, Jeff 1946– ................................... CTFT–12 Sturges, Preston 1898–1959................... WWasWT Sturges, Shannon 1968– .......................... CTFT–58 Sturridge, Charles 1951– ......................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Styles, Edwin 1899–1960 ...................... WWasWT Styne, Jule 1905–1994 .............................. CTFT–4 Obituary in CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Su, Louis See ....................................... Kaufman, Lloyd Suarez, Jeremy 1993–.............................. CTFT–74


Subkoff, Tara............................................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Subotsky, Milton 1921–1991 ................... CTFT–10 Suby, Michael........................................... CTFT–89 Suchet, David 1946–............................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 28 Sudduth, Skipp 1956– ............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Sugar See............................................ Kiper, Jessica Sugarman, Burt ........................................... CTFT–8 Sugden, Charles 1850–1921.................. WWasWT Sugden, Mrs. Charles .............................. WWasWT Suhrstedt, Tim........................................... CTFT–45 Sulka, Elaine 1934(?)–1994 ....................... CTFT–1 Obituary in CTFT–15 Sullavan, Margaret 1911–1960 .............. WWasWT Sullivan, Beth 1949(?)–............................ CTFT–57 Sullivan, Brad 1931– ............................... CTFT–22 Sullivan, Camille ...................................... CTFT–86 Sullivan, Daniel 1940–............................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Sullivan, Ed 1902(?)–1974 ....................... CTFT–22 Sullivan, Eric Per 1991– .......................... CTFT–74 Sullivan, Francis L. 1903–1956 ............. WWasWT Sullivan, James E. 1864–1931 ............... WWasWT Sullivan, Kevin ......................................... CTFT–50 Sullivan, Kevin Rodney ............................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Sullivan, Kyle 1988– ............................... CTFT–58 Sullivan, Larry 1970– .............................. CTFT–91 Sullivan, Nicole 1970–............................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–31 Sullivan, Susan 1942(?)–.......................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 11, 18, 41 Sullivan, Tom 1947–................................ CTFT–19 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Sully, Mariette 1878–? ........................... WWasWT Sulsberry, Rodney See .................................. Saulsberry, Rodney Summer, Cree 1970(?)–............................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Summerfield, Eleanor 1921–.................. WWasWT Summerhays, Jane .................................... CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Summers, Jeanne See.................................. Tripplehorn, Jeanne Summers, Marc 1951–............................. CTFT–55 Summers, Montague 1880–1948 ........... WWasWT Summers, Tara .......................................... CTFT–86 Sumner, Geoffrey 1908–1989.................... CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Sumner, Gordon Matthew See ........................................................ Sting Sumner, John 1924– .................................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Sumner, John 1951– ................................ CTFT–83 Sumner, Mary 1888–1956 ..................... WWasWT Sumpter, Donald 1943–........................... CTFT–68 Sumpter, Jeremy 1989–............................ CTFT–74 Sunde, Karen 1942– ................................ CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Sunderland, Scott 1883–? ...................... WWasWT Sung, Elizabeth 1954–............................. CTFT–73 Sunjata, Daniel......................................... CTFT–61 Suplee, Ethan 1976–................................ CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Surnow, Joel 1955– ................................. CTFT–86 Surovy, Nicolas 1944–............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 21, 43 Surtees, Bruce 1937–............................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 28 Surtees, Robert 1906–1985 ..................... CTFT–26

Cumulative Index

Stossel, John 1947– ................................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 41 Stothart, Herbert P. 1885–1949.............. WWasWT Stott, Judith 1929– ................................. WWasWT Stott, Ken 1955–...................................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Stott, Mike 1944– .................................... CTFT–12 Stout, Paul 1972– ...................................... CTFT–4 Stowe, Madeleine 1958–......................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 24 Stoyanov, Michael 1970– ........................ CTFT–72 Strachan, Alan 1946– .............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13; WWT–17 Strachey, Jack 1894–.............................. WWasWT Straczynski, J. Michael 1954– ................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Stradling, Harry, Jr. 1925– ......................... CTFT–8 Straiges, Tony ............................................. CTFT–9 Straight, Beatrice 1918– ............................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Straiton, David ......................................... CTFT–53 Stram, Henry 1954– ................................ CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Stranan, Monique Prudhomme See............................. Prudhomme, Monique Strand, Chantal 1987–............................. CTFT–66 Strange, Marc ........................................... CTFT–91 Strange, Robert 1882–1952 ................... WWasWT Strange, Sarah 1975–............................... CTFT–58 Strangis, Greg 1951– ................................. CTFT–1 Strasberg, Lee 1901–1982 ...................... WWT–17 Strasberg, Susan 1938–.............................. CTFT–1 Strasser, Robin 1945– .............................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 37 Strasser, Teresa 1970(?)– .......................... CTFT–77 Strassman, Marcia 1948–......................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 41 Strathairn, David 1949(?)– ....................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 19, 30 Stratton, Eugene 1861–1918.................. WWasWT Stratton, John 1925–............................... WWT–17 Stratton, Rick ............................................ CTFT–37 Straus, Oscar 1870–1954 ...................... WWasWT Strauss, Peter 1947– ................................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 35 Streep, Meryl 1949– ................................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 16, 29; WWT–17 Street, George Slythe 1867–1936 .......... WWasWT Streisand, Barbra 1942– .......................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 19, 31; WWT–17 Stretton, Charles See ........................................... Dyer, Charles Strick, Joseph 1923–.................................. CTFT–1 Strick, Wesley 1954–............................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Strickland, Amzie ..................................... CTFT–53 Strickland, David 1969–1999.................. CTFT–26 Strickland, Gail 1947(?)– ......................... CTFT–48 Strickland, KaDee 1975(?)– ..................... CTFT–86 Strickler, Dan 1949–.................................. CTFT–4 Strickler, Jerry 1939– ................................. CTFT–2 Stride, John 1936–..................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Stringer, Howard 1942–........................... CTFT–11 Stringfield, Sherry 1967– ......................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Stritch, Elaine 1925(?)– ............................ CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 27; WWT–17 Strode, Warren Chetham 1897– ............ WWasWT Strode, Woody 1914–1994...................... CTFT–18 Stroh, KayCee 1984–............................... CTFT–92


SUSCHITZKY Suschitzky, Peter 1941(?)– ....................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Susi, Carol Ann......................................... CTFT–68 Susman, Todd 1947– ............................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 34 Susskind, David 1920–1987...................... CTFT–5 Susskind, Steve ......................................... CTFT–41 Sussman, Kevin ........................................ CTFT–68 Sussman, Peter 1958– ............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Sutcliffe, David 1969–............................. CTFT–56 Sutherland, Annie 1867–1942 ............... WWasWT Sutherland, Donald 1934(?)– ................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13 Sutherland, Kiefer 1966– ......................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 28 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Sutherland, Kristine 1958– ...................... CTFT–48 Sutorius, James 1944– ............................. CTFT–50 Sutro, Alfred 1863–1933 ....................... WWasWT Sutton, Carol ............................................ CTFT–65 Sutton, Michael 1970– ............................ CTFT–79 Sutton, Ted ............................................... CTFT–79 Sutton–Vane, Vane 1888–1963.............. WWasWT Suvak, Darko ............................................ CTFT–80 Suvari, Mena 1979– ................................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Suzman, Janet 1939–................................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17 Sven–Ole–Thorsen See .................................. Thorsen, Sven–Ole Svennberg, Tore 1852–?......................... WWasWT Svenson, Bo 1941(?)– .............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 7, 34 Svoboda, Josef 1920– ............................. WWT–17 Swados, Elizabeth A. 1951– ...................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Swaffer, Hannen 1879–1962 ................. WWasWT Swaim, Bob 1943– .................................... CTFT–8 Swain, Dominique 1980–........................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Swain, Elizabeth 1941– ............................. CTFT–1 Swallow, Margaret 1896–1932 .............. WWasWT Swan, Mark Elbert 1871–1942 .............. WWasWT Swan, Michael 1950(?)– .......................... CTFT–56 Swan, Wendee See............................................ Lee, Wendee Swan, William 1928– ................................ CTFT–4 Swank, Hilary 1974–............................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Swann, Donald 1923–............................ WWT–17 Swann, Gabriel See ........................................ Macht, Gabriel Swansen, Larry 1932– ............................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Swanson, Gloria 1899–1983 .................. WWT–17 Swanson, Kristy 1969– ............................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Swanson, Logan See................................... Matheson, Richard Swanson, Scott 1948– ............................. CTFT–56 Swarm, Sally Ann ....................................... CTFT–6 Swartzwelder, John 1949– ....................... CTFT–13 Swash, Bob 1929–.................................. WWT–17 Swatek, Barret 1977– .............................. CTFT–91 Swayze, Patrick 1952(?)–......................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 27 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Swedberg, Heidi 1966– ........................... CTFT–49 Sweeney, Alison 1976– ........................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Sweeney, D. B. 1961– ............................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 27

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Sweeney, Julia 1961– .............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Sweeney, Mary ......................................... CTFT–49 Sweeney, Steve ......................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Sweet, Dolph 1920–1985.......................... CTFT–1 Sweetin, Jodie 1982–............................... CTFT–76 Swenlin, Brian .......................................... CTFT–69 Swenson, Eliza ......................................... CTFT–87 Swenson, Inga 1934– ................................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Swenson, Swen 1932– ........................... WWT–17 Swerling, Jo, Jr. 1931– ............................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Swete, E. Lyall 1865–1930 .................... WWasWT Swift, Allen 1924–................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Swift, Clive 1936– ..................................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Swift, Francie............................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Swinburne, Mercia 1900–...................... WWasWT Swinburne, Nora 1902– ......................... WWT–17 Swindells, John 1931–............................... CTFT–1 Swinley, Ion 1891–1937 ........................ WWasWT Swinstead, Joan 1903– .......................... WWasWT Swinton, Tilda 1960(?)– ........................... CTFT–75 Swit, Loretta 1937– ................................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 42 Swithen, John See .......................................... King, Stephen Swope, Tracy Brooks 1952(?)–................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19 Sydney, Basil 1894–1968....................... WWasWT Sydow, Jack 1921– .................................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19 Sykes, Brenda 1949– ................................. CTFT–6 Sykes, Eric 1923– .................................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Sykes, Wanda 1964– ............................... CTFT–86 Sylbert, Anthea 1939– ............................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Sylbert, Paul 1928– ................................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Sylbert, Richard 1928– ............................ CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Sylva, Ilena 1916– ................................. WWasWT Sylva, Vesta 1907–................................. WWasWT Sylvaine, Vernon 1897–1957................. WWasWT Sylvane, Andre 1850–? .......................... WWasWT Sylvester, Harold 1949–........................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 34 Sylvester, William 1922– ....................... WWasWT Sylvie, Louise 1885–? ............................ WWasWT Symonds, Robert 1926– .......................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Sympson, Tony 1906– ............................ WWT–17 Syms, Sylvia 1934– ................................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13 Szabo, Istvan 1938– .................................. CTFT–8 Szarabajka, Keith 1952–.......................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Szmanda, Eric 1975–............................... CTFT–91 Szohr, Jessica 1985– ................................ CTFT–90 Szwarc, Jeannot 1939– ............................ CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 42 Szymanski, Jake Toranzo See.......................................... Austin, Jake T.


T T, J Boy See ............................................. Tobeck, Joel Tabbert, William 1921– ......................... WWasWT Tabor, Susan 1939– ................................... CTFT–5 Tabori, George 1914–............................. WWT–17 Tabori, Kristoffer 1952– ........................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10, 17; WWT–17 Tadanobu, Sato See ..................................... Asano, Tadanobu Tadross, Michael....................................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Tagawa, Cary–Hiroyuki 1950– ................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Tagg, Alan 1928– ...................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Taggart, Rita 1949–.................................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 40 Taghmaoui, Said 1973– ........................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Taglioni, Alice 1977– .............................. CTFT–77 Taguchi, Tomoro 1957–........................... CTFT–36 Tahir, Faran 1963–................................... CTFT–91 Taikeff, Stanley 1940– ............................... CTFT–4 Tait, Douglas 1978– ................................ CTFT–87 Takacs, Tibor 1954– ................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Takei, George 1937– ............................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 14 Takeshi See ........................................ Kitano, Takeshi Takeshi, Kitano See ........................................ Kitano, Takeshi Tal, Alona 1983– ..................................... CTFT–76 Talalay, Rachel ......................................... CTFT–52 Talbot, Howard 1865–1928................... WWasWT Talbot, Lyle 1902–1996 ............................. CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–16 Talbot, Nita................................................. CTFT–8 Talbot, Robert See .......................................... Band, Charles Talbott, Michael 1955–.............................. CTFT–6 Taliaferro, Edith 1893–1958................... WWasWT Taliaferro, Mabel 1889–1979................. WWasWT Taliferro, Michael ..................................... CTFT–32 Tallchief, Maria 1925–........................... WWasWT Talley, Jill 1962–...................................... CTFT–74 Talli, Virgilio 1857–1928 ....................... WWasWT Tallis, George 1867–1948...................... WWasWT Tallman, Patricia 1957–........................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Tally, Ted 1952– ...................................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Talma, Mdlle. ........................................ WWasWT Tamara 1907–1943................................ WWasWT Tamberelli, Danny 1982– ........................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Tamblyn, Amber 1983– ........................... CTFT–56 Tamblyn, Russ 1935– .............................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Tambor, Jeffrey 1944–.............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 19, 30 Tamburro, Charles A................................. CTFT–45 Tamiris, Helen 1905–1966 .................... WWasWT Tan, Philip 1960– .................................... CTFT–62 Tan, Yen Chi See............................................. Yen, Donnie Tandy, Jessica 1909–1994 ......................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–13 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1; WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Taylor, Bruce A. 1967– ............................ CTFT–41 Taylor, Buck 1938–.................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Taylor, Cannonball See.............................................. Taylor, Dub Taylor, Cecil P. 1929–1981..................... WWT–17 Taylor, Christine 1971–............................ CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Taylor, Clarice 1927– ................................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Taylor, Deems 1885–1966..................... WWasWT Taylor, Dendrie ......................................... CTFT–67 Taylor, Don 1920–1998............................. CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–24 Taylor, Dub 1907–1994........................... CTFT–28 Taylor, Elizabeth 1932– ........................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 18, 41 Taylor, Enid Stamp 1904–1946 .............. WWasWT Taylor, Frank Hoyt .................................... CTFT–54 Taylor, Gilbert 1914–............................... CTFT–25 Taylor, Harry See......................................... Granick, Harry Taylor, Hiram 1952–.................................. CTFT–3 Taylor, Holland 1943–............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 17 Taylor, Jack 1936– ................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Taylor, James Arnold 1969–..................... CTFT–45 Taylor, Jennifer Bini .................................. CTFT–86 Taylor, Jeri 1938– .................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Taylor, John 1960– .................................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–31 Taylor, John Russell 1935– ........................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Taylor, Josh 1943– ................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Taylor, Jud 1940– .................................... CTFT–12 Taylor, Laurette 1884–1946 ................... WWasWT Taylor, Lili 1967–..................................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Taylor, Mark L. 1954– ............................. CTFT–49 Taylor, Matthew G. ................................... CTFT–87 Taylor, Meshach 1947(?)– ........................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 18, 41 Taylor, Myra Lucretia 1960–.................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Taylor, Natascha See................................ McElhone, Natascha Taylor, Nellie 1894–1932 ...................... WWasWT Taylor, Noah 1969–................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Taylor, Noel 1917–................................. WWT–17 Taylor, Pat 1918–................................... WWasWT Taylor, Paul 1930–................................... CTFT–12 Taylor, Regina 1960–............................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Taylor, Renee 1935(?)– ............................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 42 Taylor, Rip 1934(?)–................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 30 Taylor, Robert U. 1941– .......................... CTFT–10 Taylor, Rod 1930– ..................................... CTFT–6 Taylor, Roderick........................................ CTFT–63 Taylor, Russi 1944– ................................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Taylor, Samuel 1912– ............................. WWT–17 Taylor, Stephen James ............................... CTFT–82 Taylor, Tamara 1970– .............................. CTFT–72 Taylor, Tim See .............................................. Taylor, Josh Taylor, True See ............................................. Simon, Paul


Taylor, Valerie 1902–1988......................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Taylor, Veronica 1978–............................ CTFT–46 Taylor, William Buchanan 1877–? .......................................... WWasWT Taylor–Young, Leigh 1945(?)– .................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 36 Taymor, Julie 1952(?)– ............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 20, 43 Tcherkassky, Marianna 1952–.................. CTFT–12 Teague, Lewis 1938(?)–............................ CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14 Teague, Marshall R. 1953– ...................... CTFT–39 Teal, Lina See ...................................... Malthe, Natassia Tearle, Conway 1878–1938................... WWasWT Tearle, Godfrey 1884–?.......................... WWasWT Teasdale, Verree 1906–1987.................. WWasWT Tedrow, Irene 1910(?)–1995 ...................... CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–15 Teed, Jill ................................................... CTFT–55 Teed, John 1911–1921 ........................... WWasWT Teer, Barbara Ann 1937– ........................... CTFT–1 Teich, Mark 1973– .................................. CTFT–80 Teichmann, Howard Miles 1916–1987........................................ CTFT–1 Teichner, Martha Alice 1948–.................. CTFT–91 Teitel, Carol ?–1986................................ WWT–17 Teitel, Nathan 1910– ................................. CTFT–6 Teitler, William 1951– ............................. CTFT–76 Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander Louis 1865–1921.................................... WWasWT Telek, April 1975– ................................... CTFT–62 Tell, Alma 1892–1937 ........................... WWasWT Tell, Olive 1894–1951........................... WWasWT Tellegen, Lou See............................................ Lou–Tellegen Teller 1948– ............................................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Temime, Jany ............................................ CTFT–77 Temperley, Stephen 1949–......................... CTFT–4 Tempest, Francis Adolphus Vane See............. Vane–Tempest, Francis Adolphus Tempest, Marie 1864–1942 ................... WWasWT Temple, Helen 1894– ............................ WWasWT Temple, Joan ?–1965 ............................. WWasWT Temple, Julien 1953–............................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 40 Temple, Madge ?–1943.......................... WWasWT Temple, Richard 1847–? ........................ WWasWT Templeman, Simon ................................... CTFT–66 Templeton, Fay 1865–1939 ................... WWasWT Templeton, W. P. 1913–......................... WWasWT Temtchine, Sybil 1970– ........................... CTFT–82 Tench, John .............................................. CTFT–66 Tennant, Andy .......................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Tennant, David 1971– ............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Tennant, Victoria 1950(?)– ....................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 12, 37 Tennent Ltd., H. M. ................................ WWT–17 Tennent, Henry M. 1879–1941.............. WWasWT Tenney, Jon 1961– ................................... CTFT–50 Tennon, Julius........................................... CTFT–67 Tenny, Jon 1961–..................................... CTFT–24 Tepe, Amanda 1977– .............................. CTFT–85 Terajima, Susumu 1963– ......................... CTFT–36 Ter–Arutunian, Rouben 1920–................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Tergesen, Lee 1965– ................................ CTFT–58 Terlesky, John 1961–................................ CTFT–62

Cumulative Index

Tandy, Valerie 1921–1965 ..................... WWasWT Tanguay, Eva 1878–1947....................... WWasWT Tank, Hayden 1992– ............................... CTFT–74 Tanner, Alain 1929– ................................ CTFT–36 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Tanner, James T. ?–1951 ........................ WWasWT Tanner, Jan See ...................................... Felt, Jan Broberg Tanner, Kristen See ...................................... Darling, Jennifer Tanner, Richard ........................................ CTFT–74 Tanner, Tony 1932– ................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Tanzini, Philip 1967– .............................. CTFT–80 Tapert, Robert G. 1955– .......................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Taplin, Jonathan Trumbull 1947–.............. CTFT–15 Tapping, Alfred B. ?–1928 ..................... WWasWT Tapping, Amanda 1965– ......................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Tapping, Mrs. A. B. 1852–1926............. WWasWT Tarantina, Brian 1959– ............................ CTFT–86 Tarantino, Quentin 1963– ....................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 23 Taranto, Glenn 1959–.............................. CTFT–85 Tarasova, Alla Konstantinovna 1898–1973.................................... WWasWT Tarbet, Andrew 1971– ............................. CTFT–71 Tarbuck, Barbara 1942– .......................... CTFT–55 Tariol–Bauge, Anna 1872–? ................... WWasWT Tarkington, Booth 1862–1946 ............... WWasWT Tarkovsky, Andrei 1932–1986 ................. CTFT–23 Tarrach, Juergen 1960–............................ CTFT–36 Tarride, Abel 1867–?.............................. WWasWT Tarses, Jay 1939–....................................... CTFT–6 Tartikoff, Brandon 1949–1997 ................. CTFT–17 Obituary in CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Tarver, Milt ............................................... CTFT–58 Tasca, Jules 1938– ..................................... CTFT–3 Tash, Max ................................................. CTFT–53 Tashman, Lilyan 1899–1934.................. WWasWT Tata, Joe E. 1936–.................................... CTFT–54 Tate, Beth 1890–? .................................. WWasWT Tate, Harry 1872–1940.......................... WWasWT Tate, James W. 1875–1922 .................... WWasWT Tate, Larenz 1975– .................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Tate, Nick 1942– ..................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Tate, Reginald 1896–1955 ..................... WWasWT Tatro, Duane L. 1927–............................. CTFT–12 Tattersall, David........................................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Tatum, Bill 1947– ...................................... CTFT–4 Tatum, Bradford........................................ CTFT–60 Tatum, Channing 1980– .......................... CTFT–92 Tauber, Richard 1891–1948................... WWasWT Taubman, Howard 1907– ...................... WWasWT Tautou, Audrey 1976(?)–.......................... CTFT–77 Tavel, Ronald 1941–.................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Tavernier, Bertrand 1941– ....................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 35 Tavoli, Luciano See ........................................ Tovoli, Luciano Tavoularis, Dean 1932–........................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Tawde, George 1883–? .......................... WWasWT Taxier, Arthur ............................................ CTFT–64 Tayback, Vic 1930(?)–1990........................ CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3


TERRELL Terrell, Cedrik ........................................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Terris, Norma 1904–1989...................... WWasWT Terriss, Ellaline 1871–1971.................... WWasWT Terriss, Tom 1874–1964......................... WWasWT Terry, Angela See ............................................ Angela, June Terry, Beatrice ......................................... WWasWT Terry, Edward O’Connor 1844–1912 ..... WWasWT Terry, Ellen Alice 1847–1928................. WWasWT Terry, Ethelind 1900– ............................. WWasWT Terry, Fred 1863–1933........................... WWasWT Terry, Hazel 1918–1974 ........................ WWasWT Terry, J. E. Harold 1885–1939................ WWasWT Terry, John ................................................ CTFT–49 Terry, Kate 1844–1924........................... WWasWT Terry, Marlon 1856–1930 ...................... WWasWT Terry, Megan 1932–................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Terry, Minnie 1882–1964....................... WWasWT Terry, Nigel 1945– ................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 28 Terry, Olive 1884–1957 ......................... WWasWT Terry–Thomas 1911–1990 ....................... CTFT–10 Terson, Peter 1932–................................ WWT–17 Terstall, Eddy 1964– ................................ CTFT–34 Terzo, Venus 1967– ................................. CTFT–46 Tesh, John 1952–..................................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Tesich, Steve 1942–1996........................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–18 Tesori, Janine ............................................ CTFT–49 Tessier, Christian 1978– ........................... CTFT–68 Testa, Mary 1955– ................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Tester, Desmond 1919– ......................... WWasWT Tetley, Dorothy ....................................... WWasWT Tetley, Glen 1926– .................................. CTFT–12 Tetzel, Joan 1921–1977.......................... WWT–16 Tewes, Lauren 1953–................................. CTFT–1 Tewkesbury, Joan 1936– ............................ CTFT–7 Tewson, Josephine ...................................... CTFT–5 Texada, Tia 1973– ................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Teyte, Maggie 1889–1976 ..................... WWasWT Thacker, David 1950– ............................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13, 40 Thaddeus, John......................................... CTFT–73 Thal, Eric 1965– ...................................... CTFT–47 Thane, Elswyth ....................................... WWasWT Tharp, Twyla 1941–................................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Thatcher, Heather ?–1987...................... WWasWT Thatcher, Torin 1905–............................ WWasWT Thaw, John 1942–2002 ........................... CTFT–36 Obituary in CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9; WWT–17 Thaxter, Phyllis 1920– ............................ WWT–17 Thayer, Brynn 1949– ............................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Theaker, Deborah 1964– ......................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Theilade, Nini 1915–............................. WWasWT Theiss, William Ware ................................. CTFT–9 Thelen, Jodi 1962– .................................... CTFT–8 Theriault, Janine ....................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Theron, Charlize 1975–........................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Theroux, Justin 1971– ............................. CTFT–56 Thesiger, Ernest 1879–1961 ................... WWasWT Theus, BJ 1947– ...................................... CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Thewlis, David 1963– ............................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 27 Thibeau, Jack.............................................. CTFT–7 Thicke, Alan 1947– ................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 25 Thiessen, Tiffani–Amber 1974– ............... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Thigpen, Lynne 1948–............................. CTFT–28 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16 Thigpen, Sandra 1968– ........................... CTFT–59 Thimm, Daisy ......................................... WWasWT Thinnes, Roy 1936(?)– ............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Thirlby, Olivia 1986– .............................. CTFT–87 Thirloway, Greg 1961–............................ CTFT–71 Thomas, A. E. 1872–1947 ..................... WWasWT Thomas, Agnes ....................................... WWasWT Thomas, Augustus 1857–1934............... WWasWT Thomas, Basil 1912–1957 ..................... WWasWT Thomas, Betty 1948(?)– ........................... CTFT–27 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15 Thomas, Bradley 1966–........................... CTFT–84 Thomas, Brandon 1856–1914 ............... WWasWT Thomas, Bruce ......................................... CTFT–79 Thomas, Danny 1912(?)–1991 ................. CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Thomas, Dave 1949– .............................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13 Thomas, David Jean ................................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Thomas, Derek See.................................. Bogdanovich, Peter Thomas, Dorothy 1882–? ...................... WWasWT Thomas, Drew See........................................... Kramer, Steve Thomas, Eddie Kaye 1980– ..................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–31 Thomas, Ellen ........................................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Thomas, Evan 1891– ............................. WWasWT Thomas, Gerald 1921–1993...................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–12 Thomas, Gerrard See ....................................... Kempinski, Tom Thomas, Gwyn 1913– ............................ WWT–17 Thomas, Heather 1957– ............................ CTFT–7 Thomas, Henry 1971–............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14 Thomas, Herbert 1868–? ....................... WWasWT Thomas, J. Karen ...................................... CTFT–70 Thomas, Jake 1990– ................................ CTFT–62 Thomas, Jay 1948–.................................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Thomas, Jeremy 1949–............................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Thomas, Jonathan Taylor 1981– .............. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Thomas, Khleo 1989– ............................. CTFT–74 Thomas, Kristin Scott 1960–.................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 30 Thomas, Lenore ........................................ CTFT–89 Thomas, Marlo 1937– ............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17 Thomas, Melody See ............................. Scott, Melody Thomas Thomas, Paul See........................... Anderson, Paul Thomas Thomas, Philip Michael 1949–.................. CTFT–6 Thomas, Phyllis 1904– .......................... WWasWT Thomas, Ray Anthony 1956– .................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Thomas, Richard 1951– .......................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14, 43


Thomas, Rob 1953– ................................ CTFT–62 Thomas, Roseanne See ................................................. Roseanne Thomas, Rufus 1917–.............................. CTFT–30 Thomas, Sean Patrick 1970– ................... CTFT–47 Thomas, Serena Scott 1961– ................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Thomas, Sharon 1946–............................ CTFT–79 Thomas, Sian 1953–................................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Thomas, Terry See .......................................... Terry–Thomas Thomas, Thom 1941– ............................... CTFT–4 Thomas, Tony ........................................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Thomas, Wilson See .............................................. Miller, Troy Thomason, Harry 1940(?)– ...................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Thomason, Marsha 1976– ....................... CTFT–64 Thomassin, Jeanne .................................. WWasWT Thomerson, Tim 1946(?)– ........................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 36, 40 Thompson Baker, Scott 1961(?)–.............. CTFT–62 Thompson, Al ........................................... CTFT–84 Thompson, Alexander M. 1861–1948.................................... WWasWT Thompson, Andrea 1959– ....................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Thompson, Bobb’e J. 1996– .................... CTFT–72 Thompson, Brian 1959– .......................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 35 Thompson, Caroline 1956– ..................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Thompson, Dianne See........................................ Neil, Alexandra Thompson, Don ....................................... CTFT–86 Thompson, Emma 1959–......................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Thompson, Eric 1929–1982 .................... CTFT–21 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6; WWT–17 Thompson, Ernest 1949(?)–...................... CTFT–55 Thompson, Evan 1931–............................. CTFT–5 Thompson, Frank 1920–1977................. WWT–16 Thompson, Fred 1884–1949.................. WWasWT Thompson, Fred Dalton 1942–................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Thompson, Frederick W. 1872–1919..... WWasWT Thompson, Gerald Marr 1856–1938 ..... WWasWT Thompson, Hunter S. 1939– ................... CTFT–30 Thompson, J. Lee 1914–........................ WWasWT Thompson, Jack 1940–............................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14 Thompson, John ....................................... CTFT–81 Thompson, John Douglas 1964(?)– .......................................... CTFT–32 Thompson, Kenan 1978– ........................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Thompson, Lamont................................... CTFT–88 Thompson, Larry A. 1944– ...................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 37 Thompson, Lea 1961–............................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 28 Thompson, Mark 1957– .......................... CTFT–37 Thompson, Randy 1954– ........................ CTFT–81 Thompson, Reece 1988–......................... CTFT–70 Thompson, Robert 1937– .......................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Thompson, Sada 1929–............................. CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Thompson, Sarah 1979–.......................... CTFT–55 Thompson, Scott See................................................ Carrot Top

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Thulin, Ingrid 1929–.................................. CTFT–9 Thun, Nancy 1952– .................................. CTFT–4 Thurburn, Gwynneth 1899– ................... WWT–16 Thurm, Joel............................................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Thurman, Uma 1970– ............................. CTFT–10 Thurston, Ernest Temple 1879–1933...... WWasWT Thurston, Todd 1956– ............................... CTFT–3 Thyne, T. J. 1976(?)–................................ CTFT–68 Tian, Valerie 1989– ................................. CTFT–85 Tibbett, Lawrence 1896–1960 ............... WWasWT Tich, Little 1868–? ................................. WWasWT Tichenor, Dylan 1968– ............................ CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Tickle, Frank 1893–1955 ....................... WWasWT Tickner, French ......................................... CTFT–64 Ticotin, Rachel 1958– ............................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 38 Tidmarsh, Vivian 1896–1941................. WWasWT Tidy, Frank................................................ CTFT–57 Tidyman, Ernest 1928–1984 .................... CTFT–31 Tiefenbach, Dov 1981– ........................... CTFT–69 Tiercelin, Louis 1849–? .......................... WWasWT Tiernan, Andrew ....................................... CTFT–42 Tierney, Gene 1920–1991 ....................... CTFT–11 Tierney, Harry 1894–1965 ..................... WWasWT Tierney, Larry 1919–.................................. CTFT–6 Tierney, Malcolm...................................... CTFT–67 Tierney, Maura 1965–.............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Tiffe, Angelo ............................................. CTFT–64 Tigar, Kenneth 1942–............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Tiger, Derry See ......................................... Ellison, Harlan Tighe, Kevin 1944– ................................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 40 Tilbury, Zeffie 1863–1950...................... WWasWT Tilford, Terrell 1969– ............................... CTFT–80 Till, Eric 1929– ........................................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 40 Tilley, Vesta 1864–1952......................... WWasWT Tillinger, John 1939– ............................... CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Tilly, Jennifer 1958(?)– ............................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 27 Tilly, Meg 1960–...................................... CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Tilton, Charlene 1958–............................ CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Tilton, James F. 1937–1998 ..................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19; WWT–17 Timberlake, Justin 1981– ......................... CTFT–49 Timbrook, Corbin ..................................... CTFT–57 Timme, Reinhold See ............................................. Ebert, Roger Timothy, Christopher 1940– ...................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Tinker, Grant 1926–................................... CTFT–5 Tinker, Jack 1938– .................................. WWT–17 Tinker, Mark 1951– ................................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Tinney, Frank 1878–1940 ...................... WWasWT Tiplady, Brittany 1991–............................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Tippet, Wayne .......................................... CTFT–48 Tippo, Patti ............................................... CTFT–77 Tipton, Jennifer 1937– ............................. CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Tirelli, Jaime ............................................. CTFT–79 Tisch, Lawrence 1923–.............................. CTFT–5


Tisch, Steve 1949– .................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 14 Tisdale, Ashley 1985– ............................. CTFT–71 Titheradge 1889–1934........................... WWasWT Titheradge, George S. 1848–1916 ......... WWasWT Titheradge, Madge 1887–1961 .............. WWasWT Titmus, Phyllis 1900–1946 .................... WWasWT Titterton, William Richard 1876–1963.................................... WWasWT Titus, Christopher 1966(?)– ...................... CTFT–64 To, Ho Fung See .................................. Doyle, Christopher Toback, James 1944–............................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Tobeck, Joel 1971–.................................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Tobin, Genevieve 1902–........................ WWasWT Tobin, Vivian 1904– .............................. WWasWT Tobolowsky, Stephen 1951– .................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Tochi, Brian 1964– .................................. CTFT–49 Tockar, Lee ............................................... CTFT–46 Todd, Ann................................................ WWT–17 Todd, Beverly 1946– ................................. CTFT–8 Todd, Hallie 1962–.................................. CTFT–49 Todd, J. Garrett ....................................... WWasWT Todd, Jennifer 1970– ............................... CTFT–83 Todd, Michael 1907–1958..................... WWasWT Todd, Richard 1919– ............................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20; WWT–17 Todd, Suzanne 1965–.............................. CTFT–80 Todd, Tony 1954–.................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Todhunter, Chad 1976– ........................... CTFT–85 Todoroff, Tom 1957– ............................... CTFT–66 Tognoni, Gina 1973–............................... CTFT–88 Togo, Jonathan 1977–.............................. CTFT–71 Toguri, David.............................................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Toibin, Niall ............................................. CTFT–30 Toji, Marcus 1984–.................................. CTFT–76 Tokofsky, Jerry H. 1936–.......................... CTFT–12 Tolan, Michael 1925–................................ CTFT–1 Tolan, Peter 1958– .................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Toland, Gregg 1904–1948....................... CTFT–28 Tolbeck, Joel See ............................................. Tobeck, Joel Toler, Sidney 1874–1947 ....................... WWasWT Toles–Bey, John......................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Tolkan, James 1931– ............................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 28 Tolkin, Michael L. 1950–......................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Tolkin, Stephen 1954(?)– ......................... CTFT–56 Toll, John .................................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Toller, Ernst 1893–1939 ......................... WWasWT Toller, Rosalie 1885–? ............................ WWasWT Tollin, Michael 1956(?)– .......................... CTFT–77 Tolsky, Susan 1943– ................................ CTFT–76 Tom, David 1978–................................... CTFT–64 Tom, Heather 1975–................................ CTFT–62 Tom, Lauren 1961(?)– .............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 19, 30 Tom, Steve 1953–.................................... CTFT–72 Tomalin, Susan See ...................................... Sarandon, Susan Tomei, Concetta 1945– ........................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Tomei, Marisa 1964–............................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23

Cumulative Index

Thompson, Scott 1959–........................... CTFT–28 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Thompson, Sophie 1962–........................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Thompson, Susanna 1958– ..................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Thompson, Tazewell 1954(?)– ................. CTFT–12 Thompson, Tessa 1983– .......................... CTFT–76 Thompson, W. H. 1852–1923 ............... WWasWT Thompson, Wesley ................................... CTFT–62 Thomsen, Ulrich 1963–........................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Thomson Young, Lee See ............................... Young, Lee Thomson Thomson, Alex 1929– ............................. CTFT–25 Thomson, Beatrix 1900–1986................ WWasWT Thomson, Gordon 1951– .......................... CTFT–8 Thomson, Kim 1960– .............................. CTFT–76 Thomson, Patricia Ayame ......................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Thora See............................................. Birch, Thora Thorburn, H. M. 1884–1924 ................. WWasWT Thorin, Donald R. .................................... CTFT–31 Thorlacius, Greig See ....................................... Thirloway, Greg Thorndike, (Arthur) Russell 1885–1972.................................... WWasWT Thorndike, Eileen 1891–1954................ WWasWT Thorndike, Sybil 1882–1976 .................. WWT–16 Thorne, Angela 1939–............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Thorne, Callie 1969–............................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Thorne, Ken 1924–.................................. CTFT–67 Thorne, Raymond 1933–........................... CTFT–5 Thorne, Thomas 1841–1918.................. WWasWT Thorne–Smith, Courtney 1967–............... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Thornhill, Lisa 1966– .............................. CTFT–48 Thornton, Billy Bob 1955(?)–................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Thornton, David 1955(?)–........................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Thornton, Frank 1921–.............................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Thornton, Jason 1978– ............................ CTFT–87 Thornton, John 1944– ............................... CTFT–4 Thornton, Kenny Bob See....................................... Weisman, Kevin Thornton, Kirk .......................................... CTFT–46 Thornton, Molly See .................................... Norden, Christine Thornton, Sigrid 1959–............................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Thorp, Joseph Peter 1873–1962 ............ WWasWT Thorpe, Alexis 1980– .............................. CTFT–83 Thorpe, George 1891–1961................... WWasWT Thorpe, Richard 1896–1991 .................... CTFT–11 Thorpe–Bates, Peggy 1914–1989 .............. CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Thorsen, Sven–Ole 1944– ....................... CTFT–87 Thorson, Linda 1947– ............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 42 Threlfall, David 1953– ............................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Throckmorton, Cleon 1897–1965.......... WWasWT Throne, Malachi 1928– ........................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Throne, Zachary 1967– ........................... CTFT–79 Thrush, Michelle 1967– .......................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Thuillier, Emilio ...................................... WWasWT


TOMITA Tomita, Tamlyn 1966– ............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17 Tomlin, Blanche 1889–? ........................ WWasWT Tomlin, Lily 1939(?)– ............................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 6, 13, 24 Tomlinson, David 1917– ........................ WWT–17 Tompkins, Angel ......................................... CTFT–8 Tompkins, Paul F. 1968– ......................... CTFT–64 Toms, Carl 1927– .................................... CTFT–13 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6; WWT–17 Tondo, Jerry .............................................. CTFT–72 Tone, Franchot 1906–1968.................... WWasWT Tone–Loc 1966(?)– .................................. CTFT–41 Toner, Thomas 1928– ................................ CTFT–4 Tong, Jacqueline 1951– ........................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 35 Tonge, Philip 1892–1959....................... WWasWT Toolan, Rebecca ....................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Toone, Geoffrey 1910–........................... WWT–17 Tootoosis, Gordon .................................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Toplyn, Joe 1953– ................................... CTFT–77 Topol 1935– ............................................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Toporkov, Vasily Osipovich 1889–? .......................................... WWasWT Toprak, Pinar ............................................ CTFT–89 Tork, Peter 1942– .................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Torme, Daisy ............................................ CTFT–86 Torme, Mel 1925–1999 ........................... CTFT–24 Torme, Tracy ............................................. CTFT–72 Tormey, John............................................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Torn, Angelica 1965(?)–........................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Torn, Rip 1931–....................................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 16, 28; WWT–17 Torrance, Nate 1977–.............................. CTFT–91 Torrence, David 1870–?......................... WWasWT Torrence, Ernest 1878–1933 .................. WWasWT Torres, Gina 1969–.................................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Torres, Liz 1947–..................................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Torry, Guy................................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Torti, Robert 1961–.................................. CTFT–45 Toser, David................................................ CTFT–1 Toth, Lazlo See........................................... Novello, Don Totheroh, Dan 1894–............................. WWasWT Toub, Shaun ............................................. CTFT–89 Toufexis, Elias 1975– ............................... CTFT–89 Touissaint, Lorraine 1960–....................... CTFT–45 Touliatos, George...................................... CTFT–86 Toumanova, Tamara 1917–.................... WWasWT Tours, Frank E. 1877–1963 .................... WWasWT Tousey, Sheila ........................................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Toussaint, Beth 1962– ............................. CTFT–70 Toutain, Blanche ?–1932 ....................... WWasWT Tovah, Mageina 1979– ............................ CTFT–64 Tovoli, Luciano......................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Towb, Harry 1925– ................................ WWT–17 Towers, Constance 1934–........................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20; WWT–17 Towers, Harry P. 1873–? ........................ WWasWT Towers, Jonathan ...................................... CTFT–51 Towles, Tom 1950– ................................. CTFT–59 Towne, Katharine...................................... CTFT–28

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Towne, Robert 1934– .............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 28 Towner, John See ......................................... Williams, John Townsend, Robert 1957–......................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13 Townsend, Stanley .................................... CTFT–80 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Townsend, Stuart 1972– .......................... CTFT–64 Townsend, Sue 1946– ............................. CTFT–10 Townsend, Tammy 1970–........................ CTFT–45 Toy, Camden 1957–................................. CTFT–92 Toye, Geoffrey Edward 1889–1942 ....... WWasWT Toye, Wendy 1917– ............................... WWT–17 Toyne, Gabriel 1905–1963 .................... WWasWT Toynton, Ian ............................................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Toyokawa, Etsushi 1962– ........................ CTFT–36 Tracey, Ian 1964– .................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Trachtenberg, Michelle 1985– ................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Tracy, John 1938–...................................... CTFT–7 Tracy, Keegan Connor 1971–................... CTFT–67 Tracy, Lee 1898–1968............................ WWasWT Tracy, Spencer 1900–1967..................... WWasWT Tracy, Steve 1952–1986............................. CTFT–4 Traill, Peter 1896–1968 ......................... WWasWT Trainor, Jerry 1977– ................................. CTFT–87 Trainor, Mary Ellen ................................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Trammell, Sam 1971–.............................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Trarieux, Gabriel 1870–? ....................... WWasWT Traube, Shepard 1907–1983................... WWT–17 Traux, Sarah............................................... WWT–6 Travanti, Daniel J. 1940–......................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13 Travers, Ben 1886–1980......................... WWT–17 Travers, Henry 1874–1965 .................... WWasWT Travers, Linden 1913– ........................... WWasWT Travilla, William 1920–1990 ................... CTFT–11 Travis, Greg .............................................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Travis, Nancy 1961–................................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Travis, Randy 1959– ................................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Travis, Stacey ............................................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Travolta, Ellen 1940–............................... CTFT–46 Travolta, Joey 1952–................................ CTFT–46 Travolta, John 1954– ............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 13, 22 Travolta, Margaret..................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Traylor, Susan ........................................... CTFT–64 Treacher, Bill 1936–................................. CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Treat, Martin 1950– ................................... CTFT–4 Trebek, Alex 1940– ................................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Treble, Sepha .......................................... WWasWT Trebor, Robert 1953– ............................... CTFT–64 Treckman, Emma 1909– ........................ WWasWT Tree, David 1915– ................................. WWasWT Tree, Herbert Beerbohm 1853–1917 ..... WWasWT Tree, Lady 1863–1937 ........................... WWasWT Tree, Viola 1884–1938 .......................... WWasWT Trejo, Danny 1944–................................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Tremblett, Ken 1965– .............................. CTFT–55 Trench, Herbert 1865–1923................... WWasWT


Trenholme, Helen 1911–1962 ............... WWasWT Trent, Bruce ............................................. WWT–16 Trent, Jonathon 1984– ............................. CTFT–89 Trentini, Emma 1885?–1959 .................. WWasWT Tresahar, John ?–1936 ............................ WWasWT Trese, Adam 1969–.................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Tresmand, Ivy 1898– ............................. WWasWT Treveiler, Robert C. ................................... CTFT–52 Trevelyan, Hilda 1880–1959 ................. WWasWT Treville, Roger 1903–............................. WWasWT Trevino, Jesus Salvador 1946– ................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Trevor, Ann 1918–1970 ......................... WWasWT Trevor, Austin 1897–.............................. WWasWT Trevor, Claire 1909– .................................. CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Trevor, Leo ?–1927................................. WWasWT Trevor, Norman 1877–1945................... WWasWT Trewin, John Courtenay 1908–1990 ....... WWT–17 Treyz, Russell 1940–.................................. CTFT–1 Trickey, Paula 1966– ............................... CTFT–59 Trifunovich, Neil....................................... CTFT–48 Trigger, Sarah ............................................ CTFT–29 Trikonis, Gus ............................................ CTFT–23 Trilling, Ossia 1913– .............................. WWT–17 Trinder, Tommy 1909–............................ WWT–17 Trinneer, Connor 1969–........................... CTFT–80 Trintignant, Jean–Louis 1930–.................. CTFT–17 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Tripp, Paul 1916– ...................................... CTFT–2 Tripplehorn, Jeanne 1963– ...................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 27 Triska, Jan ................................................. CTFT–37 Triumph the Insult Comic Dog See ......................................... Smigel, Robert Troell, Jan 1931– ..................................... CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Troisi, Massimo 1953–1994..................... CTFT–17 Troll, Kitty 1950–....................................... CTFT–4 Tromaville Historian See ....................................... Kaufman, Lloyd Troobnick, Eugene 1926– .......................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Troost, Ernest ............................................ CTFT–48 Trott, Karen................................................. CTFT–6 Troughton, David 1950–.......................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Trouncer, Cecil 1898–1953.................... WWasWT Trout, Bryan See............................................ Ulrich, Skeet Troutman, Ivy 1883–1979...................... WWasWT Troy, Louise ............................................. WWT–17 Troyer, Verne 1969– ................................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–31 Truax, Sarah 1877–? .............................. WWasWT Trucco, Michael 1970–............................ CTFT–48 Trudeau, Garry 1948– ............................... CTFT–7 Trudell, John 1946– ................................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 True, Jim ................................................... CTFT–32 True, Rachel 1966– ................................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 True–Frost, Jim .......................................... CTFT–71 Trueman, Paula 1907–............................ WWT–17 Truesdale, Yanic 1970–............................ CTFT–71 Truex, Ernest 1889–1973 ....................... WWasWT Truffaut, Francois 1932–1984 .................... CTFT–2 Truffier, Jules 1856–?.............................. WWasWT Trujillo, Raoul 1955–............................... CTFT–56 Truman, Tim ............................................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Trumbull, Douglas 1942– ........................ CTFT–10

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Turleigh, Veronica 1903–1971............... WWasWT Turman, Glynn 1946– ............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Turman, Lawrence 1926– ........................ CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Turnbull, John 1880–1956 ..................... WWasWT Turnbull, Stanley ?–1924 ....................... WWasWT Turner, Alfred 1870–1941 ...................... WWasWT Turner, Barbara ......................................... CTFT–56 Turner, Brad .............................................. CTFT–84 Turner, Bree 1977– .................................. CTFT–45 Turner, Bridget 1939– .............................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 32; WWT–17 Turner, David 1927–............................... WWT–17 Turner, Dorothy 1895–1969................... WWasWT Turner, Douglas See.............................. Ward, Douglas Turner Turner, Frank C. 1951– ............................ CTFT–56 Turner, Guinevere 1968– ......................... CTFT–82 Turner, Harold 1909–1962..................... WWasWT Turner, Janine 1962–................................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 41 Turner, John Hastings 1892–1956 .......... WWasWT Turner, Karri 1966–.................................. CTFT–76 Turner, Kathleen 1954–............................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 24 Turner, L. Godfrey See ................................... Godfrey–Turner, L. Turner, Michael 1921–............................ WWT–17 Turner, Ted 1938–.................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 25 Turner, Tina 1939–................................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Turner, Tyrin 1971–.................................. CTFT–74 Turner–Thompson, Bobb’e J. See ............................... Thompson, Bobb’e J. Turrin, Joseph 1947–................................ CTFT–11 Turton, Kett 1982–................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–31 Turturice, Robert ....................................... CTFT–49 Turturro, Aida 1962– ............................... CTFT–49 Turturro, John 1957– ............................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 28 Turturro, Nicholas 1962–......................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Tushingham, Rita 1940(?)–....................... CTFT–76 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 34; WWT–17 Tutin, Dorothy 1930– .............................. CTFT–26 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 15; WWT–17 Tutto, Ray D. See ....................................... Williams, Robin Twain, Norman 1930–............................... CTFT–1 Tweed, Shannon 1957– ........................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Twiggy 1949– .......................................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Twohy, David N. 1955– .......................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Tyars, Frank 1848–1918 ........................ WWasWT Tydings, Alexandra 1972– ....................... CTFT–37 Tykwer, Tom 1965– ................................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Tyler, Aisha 1970– ................................... CTFT–68 Tyler, Brian ............................................... CTFT–63 Tyler, Deneen ........................................... CTFT–87 Tyler, George Crouse 1867–1946 .......... WWasWT Tyler, James Michael 1962–..................... CTFT–76 Tyler, Liv 1977– ....................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 28 Tyler, Odette 1869–1936 ....................... WWasWT Tyler, Steven 1948– ................................. CTFT–42 Tylo, Hunter 1962– ................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21


Tylo, Michael 1948–................................ CTFT–66 Tylor, Jack See .............................................. Taylor, Jack Tynan, Brandon 1879–1967 .................. WWasWT Tynan, Kenneth 1927–1980.................... WWT–17 Tynan, Tracy ............................................. CTFT–57 Tyne, T. J. See .............................................. Thyne, T. J. Tyner, Charles 1925– ................................. CTFT–8 Tyrrell, Susan 1946– ................................ CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Tyson, Barbara 1964–.............................. CTFT–71 Tyson, Cicely 1933– ................................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 20, 31; WWT–17 Tyson, Richard 1961–.............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Tyzack, Margaret 1931(?)– ....................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 38; WWT–17

U Ubach, Alanna 1975– ............................. CTFT–52 Udenio, Fabiana 1964–........................... CTFT–45 Udy, Helene 1962(?)–.............................. CTFT–57 Uggams, Leslie 1943– ............................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Uhry, Alfred 1936–.................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Ulliel, Gaspard 1984– ............................. CTFT–76 Ullman, Ricky 1986– .............................. CTFT–74 Ullman, Tracey 1959– ............................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 36 Brief Entry in CTFT–4 Ullmann, Liv 1939– ................................ CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 20 Ullrick, Sharon 1947– ............................... CTFT–2 Ulmar, Geraldine 1862–1932 ................ WWasWT Ulric, Lenore 1892–1970 ...................... WWasWT Ulrich, Bob See........................................... Urich, Robert Ulrich, Kim Johnston 1955(?)–................. CTFT–58 Ulrich, Skeet 1970(?)– ............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 40 Umberger, Andy ....................................... CTFT–59 Undertaker, The See........................................ Callaway, Mark Underwood, Blair 1964–......................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Underwood, Jay 1968– ........................... CTFT–71 Underwood, Ron 1953–.......................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Unger, Deborah 1953–.............................. CTFT–3 Unger, Deborah Kara 1966–.................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20, 30 Unger, Gladys B. 1885–1940 ................ WWasWT Unger, Joe................................................. CTFT–54 Unger, Michael......................................... CTFT–60 Union, Gabrielle 1972– .......................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Unkrich, Lee............................................. CTFT–28 Unsworth, Geoffrey 1914–1978 .............. CTFT–25 Upbin, Shari 1941– ................................... CTFT–3 Upton, Leonard 1901– .......................... WWasWT Urban, Karl 1972–................................... CTFT–66 Urbaniak, James 1963– ........................... CTFT–56 Ure, Mary 1933–1975 ........................... WWasWT Urich, Robert 1946–2002........................ CTFT–31 Obituary in CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 12, 20

Cumulative Index

Trump, Marla Maples See.......................................... Maples, Marla Trussell, Fred 1858–1923....................... WWasWT Trussler, Simon 1942–................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Tryon, Thomas 1926–1991........................ CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–10 Tsai Ming–liang 1957– ............................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Tsao, Andrew............................................ CTFT–51 Tse, Elaine ................................................ CTFT–52 Tsypin, George 1954–.............................. CTFT–10 Tubau, Maria .......................................... WWasWT Tubb, Barry 1963–................................... CTFT–63 Tubiola, Nicole 1978–............................. CTFT–77 Tucci, Christine......................................... CTFT–64 Tucci, Maria ............................................... CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Tucci, Michael 1950(?)– .......................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18 Tucci, Stanley 1960– ............................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Tuchner, Michael 1934– .......................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Tuck, Hilary 1978–.................................. CTFT–74 Tuck, Jessica 1963– ................................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Tucker, Chris 1972–................................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Tucker, Forrest 1919–1986 ........................ CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Tucker, Jonathan 1982– ........................... CTFT–57 Tucker, Lael See ......................... Wertenbaker, Timberlake Tucker, Michael 1944– ............................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 20, 30 Tucker, Nana See ............................................ Visitor, Nana Tucker, Sophie 1884–1966 .................... WWasWT Tucker, Tia Nicole See .............................................. Texada, Tia Tudor, Anthony 1909–1987 ................... WWasWT Tudor, Valerie 1910–.............................. WWasWT Tudyk, Alan 1971– .................................. CTFT–83 Tufano, Brian 1939– ................................ CTFT–80 Tufnel, Nigel See................................... Guest, Christopher Tuggle, Richard 1948–............................... CTFT–4 Tulean, Ingrid See........................................... Thulin, Ingrid Tull, Patrick 1941– .................................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Tullio Giordana, Marco 1950– ................ CTFT–36 Tulloch, Bitsie 1981–............................... CTFT–92 Tully, George F. 1876–1930................... WWasWT Tully, Richard Walton 1877–1945 ......... WWasWT Tumarin, Boris 1910–1979 ..................... WWT–17 Tunbridge, Joseph A. 1886–1961........... WWasWT Tune, Tommy 1939–................................ CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14; WWT–17 Tung, Jennifer 1973– ............................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Tunie, Tamara 1959– ............................... CTFT–45 Tunney, Robin 1972(?)– ........................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Tupou, Manu .............................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Tupper, James 1965– ............................... CTFT–86 Tupper, Reg 1947–................................... CTFT–77 Tupu, Lani John 1964– ............................ CTFT–45 Turco, Paige 1969(?)– .............................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Turell, Saul 1920–1986 ............................. CTFT–3



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92

Urioste, Frank J......................................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Urla, Joe ................................................... CTFT–45 Urquhart, Molly ...................................... WWasWT Urquhart, Robert 1922–............................. CTFT–9 Usher See...................................... Raymond, Usher Ustinov, Peter 1921– ............................... CTFT–28 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 16; WWT–17 Utay, William ........................................... CTFT–39 Utriainen, Ilona See .............................................. Elkin, Ilona Uzzaman, Badi 1939–............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36

V V, Dickie See.............................................. Vitale, Dick Vacano, Jost 1940–.................................. CTFT–28 Vaccaro, Brenda 1939– ........................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 15, 39; WWT–17 Vachell, Horace Annesley 1861–1955.................................... WWasWT Vachlioti, Denny See................................. Aldredge, Theoni V. Vachon, Christine 1962– ......................... CTFT–26 Vadim, Christian 1963– ........................... CTFT–36 Vadim, Roger 1928–.................................. CTFT–5 Vaidya, Daya ............................................ CTFT–73 Vail, Lester 1900–1959 .......................... WWasWT Vaitiare See ..................................... Bandera, Vaitiare Vajda, Ernest 1887–1954 ....................... WWasWT Vajna, Andrew 1944–.............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 37 Valabregue, Albin ................................... WWasWT Valaida ................................................... WWasWT Valderrama, Wilmer 1980– ..................... CTFT–68 Valdes, David 1950– ............................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Valdez, Luis 1940– .................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Valen, Nancy 1965(?)– ............................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Valenti, Jack 1921–.................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Valentina, Rudolpho See .................................. Valentino, Rudolph Valentine 1876–? ................................... WWasWT Valentine, Grace 1884–1964 ................. WWasWT Valentine, James 1930– ........................... CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Valentine, Karen 1947– ........................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Valentine, Scott 1958–............................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33 Valentine, Steve ........................................ CTFT–45 Valentine, Sydney 1865–1919 ............... WWasWT Valentino, Rudolph 1895–1926............... CTFT–22 Valenza, Tasia 1967–............................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Valesquez, Patricia See................................... Velasquez, Patricia Valk, Frederick 1901–1956.................... WWasWT Vallance, Louise ....................................... CTFT–49 Valle, Miriam Colon See ......................................... Colon, Miriam

Vallelonga, Nick 1959– ........................... CTFT–58 Valletta, Amber 1974–............................. CTFT–65 Valley, Mark 1964– ................................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Valli, Valli 1882–1927 ........................... WWasWT Vallone, Raf 1916– .................................... CTFT–1 Valverde, Balbina.................................... WWasWT Valverde, Fernando 1951–....................... CTFT–36 Van, Billy B. 1870–1950........................ WWasWT Van, Bobby 1930–1980.......................... WWT–17 Van Ark, Joan 1943– ............................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 42 Van Bargen, Daniel See ................................. Von Bargen, Daniel Van Beers, Stanley 1911–1961 .............. WWasWT Van Biene, Auguste 1850–1913............. WWasWT Vanbrugh, Irene 1872–1949 .................. WWasWT Vanbrugh, Prudence 1902– ................... WWasWT Vanbrugh, Violet 1867–1942 ................. WWasWT Van Buskirk, June 1882–? ...................... WWasWT VanCamp, Emily 1986– ........................... CTFT–74 Vance, Charles 1929–................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Vance, Courtney B. 1960(?)– ................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 29 Vance, Nina ?–1980 ............................... WWT–17 Vance, Vivian 1913–1979 ....................... CTFT–16 Vance–Straker, Marilyn ............................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Van Cleef, Lee 1925–1989 ........................ CTFT–8 Van Damme, Jean–Claude 1960–.............................................. CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Van Den Blink, Kieren 1972–.................. CTFT–92 Van Der Beek, James 1977– .................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Vander, Musetta 1969–............................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Vander Pyl, Jean 1919(?)–1999................ CTFT–25 Vandernoot, Alexandra 1965– ................. CTFT–42 Van Der Pol, Anneliese 1984– ................ CTFT–91 Vandervoort, Laura 1984– ....................... CTFT–79 van de Sande, Theo 1947–...................... CTFT–79 Van Devere, Trish 1943– ......................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Van Dien, Casper 1968– ......................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Van Dien, Catherine See................................ Oxenberg, Catherine Van Druten, John 1901–1957 ................ WWasWT Van Dusen, Granville R. 1944–............... CTFT–58 Van Dyke, Barry 1951– ........................... CTFT–45 Van Dyke, Dick 1925– ............................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13, 24 Van Dyke, Jerry 1931(?)– ......................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 23 Van Dyke, Phillip 1984– ......................... CTFT–50 Vane, Richard ........................................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Vane–Tempest, Francis Adolphus 1863–1932.................................... WWasWT Van Fleet, Jo 1922(?)–1996........................ CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Van Fossen, Diana.................................... CTFT–24 Van Gelder, Holtropp ............................. WWasWT Vangelis 1943–........................................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Van Gorkum, Harry .................................. CTFT–62 Van Griethuysen, Ted 1934– ..................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Van Gyseghem, Andre 1906–1979......... WWT–17 Van Haren Noman, Eric ........................... CTFT–54


van Heerden, Andre 1971(?)–.................. CTFT–83 Van Heijningen, Mattijs 1944– ................ CTFT–34 Van Heusen, Jimmy 1913–1990 .............. CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 vanHook, Kevin 1965–............................ CTFT–87 Van Holt, Brian 1969–............................. CTFT–69 Van Huet, Fedja 1973–............................ CTFT–34 Van Itallie, Jean–Claude 1936–.................. CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Van Kamp Merete 1961–........................... CTFT–4 Vanloo, Albert ?–1920 ........................... WWasWT Vann, Marc 1954–................................... CTFT–70 Vanne, Marda ?–1970............................ WWasWT Vanocur, Sander 1928– ........................... CTFT–23 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Vanoff, Nick 1930(?)–1991 ...................... CTFT–10 Van Nostrand, Amy 1953– ...................... CTFT–57 Van Oostrum, Kees 1963–....................... CTFT–79 Van Outen, Denise 1974– ....................... CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Van Patten, Dick 1928–........................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 20, 43 Van Patten, James 1956– ......................... CTFT–73 Van Patten, Joyce 1934–.......................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 33; WWT–17 Van Patten, Timothy 1959– ..................... CTFT–49 Van Patten, Vincent 1957– ...................... CTFT–59 Van Patton, Jimmy See .................................... Van Patten, James Van Peebles, Mario 1957–....................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 22 Van Peebles, Melvin 1932– ..................... CTFT–29 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18; WWT–17 Van Pelt, Luke 1985– .............................. CTFT–83 Van Runkle, Theadora 1940– .................. CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Van Sant, Gus 1952(?)– ........................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 26 Van Sant, Peter Richard 1953– ................ CTFT–91 Van Scoyk, Robert 1928– ........................ CTFT–12 Vansittart, Robert G. 1881–1957 ........... WWasWT Van Studdiford, Grace 1873–1927 ........ WWasWT Van Susteren, Greta 1954– ...................... CTFT–92 Van Thal, Dennis 1909– ........................ WWasWT Van Uchelen, Marc 1970– ...................... CTFT–36 Van Valkenburgh, Deborah 1952–.............................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Van Volkenburg, Ellen ............................ WWasWT van Wageningen, Yorick 1964–............... CTFT–87 Van Wormer, Steve 1969– ....................... CTFT–81 Van Wyck, Jim.......................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Van Zandt, Billy........................................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Varda, Agnes 1928– .................................. CTFT–8 Vardalos, Nia 1962–................................ CTFT–48 Varden, Evelyn 1895–1958.................... WWasWT Vare, Ethlie Ann 1953–............................ CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Varela, Leonor 1972– .............................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–31 Varesi, Gilda 1887–?.............................. WWasWT Vargas, Elizabeth 1963– .......................... CTFT–43 Vargas, Jacob 1970(?)–............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Vargas, John 1958–.................................. CTFT–53 Vargo, Mark.............................................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Varnel, Marcel 1894–1947 .................... WWasWT Varney, Jim 1949– ................................... CTFT–11 Vartan, Michael 1968– ............................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Verchinina, Nina..................................... WWasWT Verdon, Gwen 1925– .............................. CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Verdu, Maribel 1970–.............................. CTFT–29 Vereen, Ben 1946– .................................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 16, 27; WWT–17 Verga, Giovanni 1840–1922.................. WWasWT Vergara, Sofia 1972– ............................... CTFT–68 Verheiden, Mark ....................................... CTFT–86 Verheyen, Mariann 1950– ......................... CTFT–1 Verhoeven, Paul 1938– ........................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 40 Verica, Tom 1964– .................................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Verklan, Laura .......................................... CTFT–50 Verlaque, Robert 1955–............................. CTFT–8 Vermilyea, Harold 1889–1958............... WWasWT Vernacchio, Dorian 1953– ...................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 34 Verneuil, Louis 1893–1952.................... WWasWT Vernier, Adam 1972–............................... CTFT–86 Verno, Jerry 1895–................................. WWasWT Vernoff, Krista ........................................... CTFT–80 Vernon, Anne 1924– ................................. CTFT–1 Vernon, David 1959– ................................ CTFT–2 Vernon, Frank 1875–1940 ..................... WWasWT Vernon, Harriet ?–1923.......................... WWasWT Vernon, Harry M. 1878–? ...................... WWasWT Vernon, John 1932–................................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15 Vernon, Kate 1961–................................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Vernon, Richard 1925–1997...................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–22 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Vernon, Virginia 1894–.......................... WWasWT Verona, Stephen ......................................... CTFT–4 Veroni, Craig ............................................ CTFT–69 Verveen, Arie 1966–................................ CTFT–81 Vessey, Tricia 1972– ................................ CTFT–36 Vetere, Richard 1952– ............................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Vezin, Arthur 1878–? ............................. WWasWT Viadas, Juan.............................................. CTFT–36 Vibart, Henry 1863–1939 ...................... WWasWT Vibert, Ronan ........................................... CTFT–70 Vicious, Sid 1957–1979 .......................... CTFT–31 Vickery, John 1950– ................................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Victor, Charles 1896–1965 .................... WWasWT Victor, Harry ............................................. CTFT–77 Victor, Josephine 1885–?........................ WWasWT Victor, Mark.............................................. CTFT–79 Victor, Paul Ben See ...................................... Ben–Victor, Paul Victoria, Vesta 1873–1951..................... WWasWT Vida, Julian Dulce 1966– ........................ CTFT–67 Vidal, Christina 1981–............................. CTFT–74 Vidal, Gore 1925–................................... CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Vidal, Lisa 1965–..................................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Vidgeon, Robin 1939–............................. CTFT–82 Vidler, Steven 1960–................................ CTFT–61 Vieluf, Vince 1970–................................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Vieira, Meredith 1953(?)– ........................ CTFT–90 Vierny, Sacha 1919–................................ CTFT–25 Viertel, Thomas 1941– ............................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Vigo, Jean 1905–1934 ............................. CTFT–29


Vigoda, Abe 1921–.................................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20, 31 Vilar, Jean 1912–1971 ........................... WWasWT Vilhelmova, Tatiana 1978– ...................... CTFT–36 Villaggio, Paolo 1932– ............................ CTFT–36 Villalobos, Reynaldo 1940–..................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Villalonga, Marthe .................................... CTFT–33 Villard, Tom 1953–1994............................ CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–15 Villechaize, Herve 1943–1993 .................. CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–12 Villiers, James 1933–1998 ......................... CTFT–5 Obituary in CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Vince, Pruitt Taylor 1960– ....................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Vincent, Cerina 1979–............................. CTFT–74 Vincent, E. Duke ...................................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Vincent, Frank 1939– .............................. CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Vincent, Jan–Michael 1944–.................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5 Vincent, Madge 1884–? ......................... WWasWT Vincent, Ruth 1877–1955...................... WWasWT Vincent, Sam 1971– ................................ CTFT–84 Vines, Margaret 1910–........................... WWasWT Vinovich, Steve 1945–............................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 34 Vinson, Chuck 1956– .............................. CTFT–51 Vinson, Helen 1907–............................. WWasWT Vint, Jesse ................................................. CTFT–56 Vinton, Will 1947– .................................. CTFT–12 Virtue, Tom 1957–................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Vischer, Lisa.............................................. CTFT–48 Vischer, Phil 1966–.................................. CTFT–46 Viscuso, Sal 1948– .................................. CTFT–89 Visitor, Nana 1957–................................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 41 Visnjic, Goran 1972– .............................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Vitale, Dick 1939– .................................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Vitamin C See.................................. Fitzpatrick, Colleen Viterelli, Joe 1941–.................................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Vivian, Anthony Crespigny Claud 1906–............................................ WWasWT Vivian–Rees, Joan ................................... WWasWT Vlahos, Sam ............................................. CTFT–53 Vlaming, Jeff............................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Voelpel, Fred ........................................... WWT–17 Vogel, Darlene 1962–.............................. CTFT–57 Vogel, Mike 1979– .................................. CTFT–85 Vogel, Paula A. 1951–............................... CTFT–2 Vogel, Virgil W. ........................................ CTFT–12 Vogt, Mary E............................................. CTFT–48 Vogt, Paul 1964– ..................................... CTFT–86 Voight, Angelina Jolie See ......................................... Jolie, Angelina Voight, James See........................................... Haven, James Voight, Jon 1938–.................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 17, 39; WWT–17 Voigts, Richard 1934– ............................... CTFT–4 Volage, Charlotte ........................................ CTFT–2 Voland, Herb .............................................. CTFT–6

Cumulative Index

Vasquez, Alberto 1955– .......................... CTFT–52 Vasquez, La La 1979– ............................. CTFT–67 Vasquez, Randy 1961– ............................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Vassey, Liz 1972– .................................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketch in CTFT–31 Vaucaire, Maurice 1865–1918............... WWasWT Vaughan, Greg 1973–.............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Vaughan, Hilda 1898–1957................... WWasWT Vaughan, Peter 1923– ............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Vaughan, Stuart 1925– .............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Vaughan, Susie 1853–1950 ................... WWasWT Vaughn, Ned 1964– ................................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Vaughn, Robert 1932–............................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 5, 18, 29 Vaughn, Vince 1970– .............................. CTFT–32 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21 Vaugier, Emmanuelle 1976– .................... CTFT–63 Vaz Dias, Selma 1911–.......................... WWasWT Vazak, P. H. See ......................................... Towne, Robert Vaziri, Shohreh See............................... Aghdashloo, Shohreh Vazquez, Yul ............................................ CTFT–64 Vdsande See................................. van de Sande, Theo Veber, Pierre 1869–1942 ....................... WWasWT Vedrenne, John E. 1867–1930 ............... WWasWT Vega, Alexa 1988– .................................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Vega, Jose 1920– ....................................... CTFT–1 Vega, Makenzie 1994– ............................ CTFT–87 Veiller, Bayard 1869–1943 .................... WWasWT Vejar, Michael 1943– .............................. CTFT–86 Velasquez, Patricia 1971– ....................... CTFT–69 Velez, Eddie 1958–.................................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33 Velez, Lauren 1964–................................ CTFT–79 Velez, Lupe 1909–1944 ......................... WwasWT Velez–Mitchell, Jane 1955(?)–.................. CTFT–89 VelJohnson, Reginald 1952–.................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 42 Veloudos, Spiro ........................................ CTFT–51 Venable, James L. ..................................... CTFT–67 Venables, Bruce........................................ CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Venables, Clare 1943–............................... CTFT–6 Venation, Bertha See...................................... Fierstein, Harvey Venito, Larry ............................................. CTFT–70 Venne, Lottie 1852–1928....................... WWasWT Vennema, John C. 1948–........................... CTFT–2 Vennera, Chick 1952– ............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Vennera, Francis ....................................... CTFT–67 Venning, Una 1893–.............................. WWasWT Venora, Diane 1952– .............................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 20, 30 Ventimiglia, John 1963– .......................... CTFT–91 Ventimiglia, Milo 1977– .......................... CTFT–71 Ventresca, Vincent 1965– ........................ CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Venture, Richard 1923–........................... CTFT–64 Venuta, Benay 1911–.............................. WWT–17 Venza, Jac 1926–..................................... CTFT–38 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Vera, Julia ................................................. CTFT–79 Verbinski, Gore 1964(?)– ......................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92

Volantino, Rudolph See .................................. Valentino, Rudolph Vollmer, Lula 1898–1955 ...................... WWasWT Volokh, Ilia ............................................... CTFT–54 Volpe, Frederick 1865–1932.................. WWasWT Volz, Nedra ................................................ CTFT–8 von Alvensleben, Philip............................ CTFT–82 Von Bargen, Daniel 1950– ...................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 von Brandenstein, Patrizia ........................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 35 Von Dassanowsky, Elfi 1924–.................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 von Detten, Erik 1982– ........................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Von Dohlen, Lenny 1958(?)– ................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 20, 32 Von Franchenstein, Clement 1944–.............................................. CTFT–45 Von Furstenberg, Betsy 1931– ................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Von Mayrhauser, Jennifer 1948–................. CTFT–4 Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. 1922– .......................... CTFT–6 Von Oostrum, Kees See .................................. Van Oostrum, Kees von Oy, Jenna 1977–............................... CTFT–60 Von Palleske, Heidi .................................. CTFT–62 Von Scherler, Sasha 1939– ........................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Von Stroheim, Erich 1885–1957.............. CTFT–27 Von Sydow, Max 1929– .......................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 25 Von Trier, Lars 1956–............................... CTFT–31 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 von Watts, Hamilton 1972– .................... CTFT–85 von Zerneck, Frank 1940– ...................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 13, 40 Voorhies, Lark 1974–............................... CTFT–51 Voskovic, George 1905–1981 ................ WWT–17 Vosloo, Arnold 1962–.............................. CTFT–56 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Vosper, Frank 1899–1937 ...................... WWasWT Voss, Stephanie 1936–............................ WWT–17 Vrana, Vlasta ............................................ CTFT–61 Vry, William See ......................................... deVry, William Vulich, John 1960–.................................. CTFT–50

W Wa, Francoise Yip Fong See .......................................... Yip, Francoise Wachowski, Andy 1967– ........................ CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Wachowski, Larry 1965–......................... CTFT–66 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Wachs, Caitlin 1989– .............................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–43 Waddell, Garry 1952–............................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Waddell, Justine 1976– ........................... CTFT–67 Waddington, Patrick 1901–1987 ............ WWT–17 Waddy See........................................... Rankin, Steve Wade, Adam 1935– .................................. CTFT–1 Wade, Allan 1881–1955........................ WWasWT Wade, Jenny 1980– ................................. CTFT–85 Wade, Robert ........................................... CTFT–64 Wade, Robert (Allison) 1920– ................. CTFT–28

Wadler, Louise See........................................... Lortel, Lucille Wadsworth, Gil ........................................ CTFT–28 Wagenhals, Lincoln A. 1869–1931........ WWasWT Wageningen, Van See .......................... van Wageningen, Yorick Wager, Michael 1925– .............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Wages, William ........................................ CTFT–43 Waggoner, Lyle 1935– ............................... CTFT–7 Wagner, Charles L. ?–1956 .................... WWasWT Wagner, Chuck 1958– ............................. CTFT–60 Wagner, Jack 1959–................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Wagner, Jane 1935– .................................. CTFT–6 Wagner, Karyn .......................................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Wagner, Lindsay 1949– ........................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 15, 26 Wagner, Lou 1948– ................................. CTFT–87 Wagner, Natasha Gregson 1970–.............................................. CTFT–46 Wagner, Paula 1946(?)– ........................... CTFT–74 Wagner, Robert 1930–............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 14 Wagner, Robin 1933–.............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 11, 37; WWT–17 Wah, Francoise Yip Fong See .......................................... Yip, Francoise Wahl, Ken 1953– .................................... CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Wahlberg, Donnie 1969– ........................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Wahlberg, Mark 1971–............................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Wahlgren, Kari 1977– ............................. CTFT–82 Wahlgren, Pernilla See ....................................... August, Pernilla Wai, Tony Leung Chiu 1962–.................. CTFT–37 Wain, David 1969– ................................. CTFT–66 Wain, Edward See ......................................... Towne, Robert Wainwright, Loudon III 1946–................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketch CTFT–31 Wainwright, Marie 1853–1923.............. WWasWT Waisbren, Ben .......................................... CTFT–79 Waissman, Kenneth 1940– ........................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Waite, Ralph 1928(?)– ............................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 16, 40 Waite, Ric 1933–..................................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Waites, Thomas G. ................................... CTFT–79 Waits, Tom 1949– ................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 39 Waitt, Norm 1955(?)– .............................. CTFT–83 Wajda, Andrzej 1926(?)– ......................... CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 16 Wakefield, Douglas 1899–1951 ............ WWasWT Wakefield, Gilbert Edward 1892–1963.................................... WWasWT Wakefield, Hugh 1888–1971................. WWasWT Wakeman, Keith 1866–1933 ................. WWasWT Waker, Jeb E. See ............................................. Weber, Jake Walbrook, Anton 1900–1966 ................ WWasWT Walbrook, Henry Mackinnon 1863–1941.................................... WWasWT Walch, Hynden 1980– ............................ CTFT–71 Walcott, Derek 1930– ............................. CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Walcutt, John............................................ CTFT–89


Waldau, Nikolaj Coster See........................... Coster–Waldau, Nikolaj Waldegrave, Lilias .................................. WWasWT Walden, Robert 1943– ............................ CTFT–49 Walden, Stanley 1932– ............................. CTFT–2 Walden, W. G. 1950– ............................. CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Waldo, Janet 1930–................................. CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Waldron, Charles D. 1874–1946........... WWasWT Wale See ................... Akinnuoye–Agbaje, Adewale Wales, William See....................................... Ambrose, David Walford, Ann 1928– .............................. WWasWT Walger, Sonya 1974–............................... CTFT–86 Walken, Christopher 1943–..................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 12, 20, 31; WWT–17 Walker, Albertina 1929–.......................... CTFT–12 Walker, Ally 1962(?)– .............................. CTFT–30 Earlier sketch in CTFT–20 Walker, Amanda ....................................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Walker, Andrew Kevin 1964–.................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Walker, Andrew W. 1979– ...................... CTFT–74 Walker, Arnetia 1961–............................. CTFT–54 Walker, Charles 1945– ............................ CTFT–50 Walker, Charlotte 1878–1958 ................ WWasWT Walker, Eamonn 1970(?)– ........................ CTFT–69 Walker, Greg ............................................ CTFT–85 Walker, Jimmie 1947– ............................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Walker, Jonathan 1967– .......................... CTFT–91 Walker, June 1904–1966 ....................... WWasWT Walker, Kathryn .......................................... CTFT–7 Walker, Kelly ............................................ CTFT–92 Walker, Kerry 1948–................................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Walker, Lesley .......................................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Walker, Liza 1971–.................................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Walker, Marcy 1961– .............................. CTFT–79 Walker, Martin 1901–1955 .................... WWasWT Walker, Matthew ...................................... CTFT–76 Walker, Matthew 1942– .......................... CTFT–77 Walker, Nancy 1921–1992........................ CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Walker, Nicholas ...................................... CTFT–56 Walker, Paul 1973– ................................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Walker, Peggy Walton See ............................. Walton–Walker, Peggy Walker, Polly 1908– .............................. WWasWT Walker, Polly 1966– ................................ CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Walker, Rebecca 1969–........................... CTFT–22 Walker, Shirley 1945– ............................. CTFT–51 Walker, Stuart 1888–1941 ..................... WWasWT Walker, Syd 1886–1945......................... WWasWT Walker, Sydney 1921–............................ WWT–17 Walker, Tonja 1960–................................ CTFT–57 Walker, Zena 1934– .................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Walkley, Arthur Bingham 1855–1926.................................... WWasWT Wall, Harry 1886–1966......................... WWasWT Wall, Max 1908–1990............................ WWT–17 Wallace, Aria 1996–................................ CTFT–86

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Walter, Harriet 1950– .............................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Walter, Jessica 1941(?)– ........................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 18, 29 Walter, Lisa Ann 1963– ........................... CTFT–70 Walter, Olive 1898– .............................. WWasWT Walter, Susan 1963–................................ CTFT–48 Walter, Tracey 1942(?)– ........................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Walter, Wilfrid 1882–1958 .................... WWasWT Walter–Ellis, Desmond 1914– ................ WWT–17 Walters, Barbara 1931– ........................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 25 Walters, Ewart James 1950– ...................... CTFT–8 Walters, Jerrie See ........................................... Withers, Jane Walters, Julie 1950– ................................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 26 Walters, Melora 1968– ............................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Walters, Polly 1910– ............................. WWasWT Walters, Thorley 1913–1991 ................... CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Walthall, Romy See ........................................ Windsor, Romy Walthers, Gretchen 1938–......................... CTFT–5 Walton, Mone See ................................... Michaell, Monnae Walton, Tony 1934– ................................ CTFT–37 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 12; WWT–17 Walton–Walker, Peggy.............................. CTFT–77 Walz, Ken 1942–....................................... CTFT–4 Wanamaker, Sam 1919–1993.................... CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–12 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Wanamaker, Zoe 1949– .......................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Wandmacher, Michael 1967–.................. CTFT–73 Wandor, Michelene 1940– ...................... CTFT–12 Wang, Luoyong 1958– ............................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Wang, Nathan .......................................... CTFT–82 Wang, Peter................................................ CTFT–5 Wang, Wayne 1949–............................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 14 Wanshel, Jeff 1947– .................................. CTFT–2 Waram, Percy 1881–1961 ..................... WWasWT Warbeck, Stephen 1953– ........................ CTFT–86 Warburton, Patrick 1964– ....................... CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–31 Warbux, O. D. See ...................................... MacLeod, Gavin Warchus, Matthew 1966–........................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Ward, B. J................................................. CTFT–45 Ward, Betty............................................. WWasWT Ward, Caryn ............................................. CTFT–85 Ward, Dave “Squatch” ............................. CTFT–64 Ward, David S. 1945(?)– ......................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 12, 37 Ward, Dorothy 1890–1987.................... WWasWT Ward, Douglas Turner 1930– .................... CTFT–4 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Ward, E. D. See ......................................... Gorey, Edward Ward, Elizabeth See .................................... Gracen, Elizabeth Ward, Fannie 1872–1952 ...................... WWasWT Ward, Fred 1942– ................................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Ward, Genevieve 1837–1922................ WWasWT


Ward, Geoffrey 1940–............................. CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Ward, Hugh J. 1871–1941..................... WWasWT Ward, Jay 1920–1989................................ CTFT–8 Ward, Jim ................................................. CTFT–49 Ward, Jonathan 1970–............................... CTFT–4 Ward, Lyman 1941– ................................ CTFT–64 Ward, Mackenzie 1903– ....................... WWasWT Ward, Megan 1969–................................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Ward, Penelope Dudley 1914– ............. WWasWT Ward, Polly 1909–................................. WWasWT Ward, Rachel 1957–................................ CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Ward, Ronald 1901– ............................. WWasWT Ward, Sandy............................................. CTFT–48 Ward, Sela 1956–.................................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Ward, Simon 1941– ................................ CTFT–16 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Ward, Sophie 1964–................................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Ward, Susan 1976– ................................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–31 Ward, Vincent .......................................... CTFT–92 Ward, Wally See ................................... Langham, Wallace Ward, Zack 1973(?)– ............................... CTFT–64 Warde, Frederick B. 1851–1935 ............ WWasWT Warde, Willie 1857–1943 ..................... WWasWT Wardell, Brandon ..................................... CTFT–60 Warden, Jack 1920–2006 ........................ CTFT–45 Obituary in CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 16 Wardle, (John) Irving 1929– ................... WWT–17 Wardwell, Geoffrey 1900–1955 ............ WWasWT Ware, Helen 1877–1939 ....................... WWasWT Ware, Herta.............................................. CTFT–36 Ware, John See ....................................... Mabley, Edward Wareing, Alfred 1876–1942 .................. WWasWT Wareing, Lesley 1913– .......................... WWasWT Warfield, David 1866–1951 .................. WWasWT Warfield, Joe 1937–................................... CTFT–4 Warfield, Marsha 1955(?)–....................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Waring, Barbara 1912–.......................... WWasWT Waring, Dorothy May Graham 1895–............................................ WWasWT Waring, Herbert 1857–1932.................. WWasWT Waring, Richard 1912– .......................... WWT–16 Warkol, Jordan 1987– ............................. CTFT–71 Warlock, Billy 1961–............................... CTFT–77 Warmington, Stanley J. 1884–1941 ....... WWasWT Warnat, Kimberley.................................... CTFT–87 Warner, Aron ............................................ CTFT–86 Warner, Bree Michael............................... CTFT–91 Warner, David 1941– .............................. CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 20, 31; WWT–17 Warner, Deborah 1959– .......................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Warner, Grace 1873–1925 .................... WWasWT Warner, Henry Byron 1876–1958.......... WWasWT Warner, Julie 1965–................................. CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 38 Warner, Malcolm–Jamal 1970– ............... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 38 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Warner, Mark............................................ CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Warner, Rick............................................. CTFT–63 Waronov, Mary See........................................ Woronov, Mary

Cumulative Index

Wallace, Chris 1947– .............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Wallace, Dee See ................................. Stone, Dee Wallace Wallace, Edgar 1875–1932.................... WWasWT Wallace, George 1917–........................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Wallace, George 1952–........................... CTFT–55 Wallace, Hazel Vincent 1919–............... WWT–17 Wallace, Jack............................................ CTFT–77 Wallace, Lee 1930–1989........................... CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Wallace, Marcia 1942(?)– ........................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Wallace, Marie 1939– ............................. CTFT–57 Wallace, Mike 1918– .............................. CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 39 Wallace, Nellie 1882–1948................... WWasWT Wallace, Ray 1881–? ............................. WWasWT Wallace, Rheagan 1987–......................... CTFT–74 Wallace, Rick 1948– ............................... CTFT–88 Wallace, Tommy Lee ................................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Wallach, Eli 1915– .................................. CTFT–66 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 18, 29; WWT–17 Wallengren, E. F. 1952– .......................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Waller, David 1920– ................................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Waller, Edmund Lewis 1884–?............... WWasWT Waller, Jack 1885–1957......................... WWasWT Waller, Lewis 1860–1915 ...................... WWasWT Waller, Mrs. Lewis 1862–1912 .............. WWasWT Wallgren, Pernilla See ....................................... August, Pernilla Wallin, Pamela 1943(?)–.......................... CTFT–42 Walling, Camryn 1990– .......................... CTFT–45 Wallis, Bertram 1874–1952 ................... WWasWT Wallis, Ellen Lancaster 1856–1940........ WWasWT Wallis, Hal 1889–1986 ............................. CTFT–4 Wallis, Shani 1933–............................... WWasWT Walls, Nancy 1966–................................ CTFT–83 Walls, Tom 1883–1949.......................... WWasWT Walmer, Cassie 1888–?.......................... WWasWT Walpole, Hugh 1884–1941 ................... WWasWT Walsh, Blanche 1873–1915................... WWasWT Walsh, Brigid Conley See...................................... Brannagh, Brigid Walsh, David M. ...................................... CTFT–12 Walsh, Dermot 1924–.............................. CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Walsh, Dylan 1963–................................ CTFT–43 Walsh, Frances 1961(?)–.......................... CTFT–43 Walsh, Gwynyth....................................... CTFT–66 Walsh, J. D. 1974– .................................. CTFT–87 Walsh, J. T. 1943(?)–1998........................ CTFT–16 Obituary in CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Walsh, Jack............................................... CTFT–29 Walsh, James 1937– .................................. CTFT–1 Walsh, John 1945– .................................. CTFT–45 Walsh, Kate .............................................. CTFT–45 Walsh, M. Emmet 1935– ......................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 41 Walsh, Martin........................................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Walsh, Matt 1964– .................................. CTFT–77 Walsh, Sam 1877–1920......................... WWasWT Walsh, Vincent 1972– ............................. CTFT–91 Walston, Ray 1918(?)–............................. CTFT–17 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10; WWT–17 Walter, Eugene 1874–1941.................... WWasWT


WARRE Warre, Michael 1922–............................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Warren, Betty 1905–.............................. WWasWT Warren, C. Denier 1889–1971 .............. WWasWT Warren, Chris, Jr. 1990– .......................... CTFT–88 Warren, Dan See............................................. Woren, Dan Warren, Diane 1956–.............................. CTFT–47 Warren, Estella 1978– ............................. CTFT–69 Warren, Jeff 1921– ................................. WWT–17 Warren, Jennifer ......................................... CTFT–5 Warren, Jennifer Leigh .............................. CTFT–33 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Warren, Kenneth J. 1929–1973 .............. WWT–16 Warren, Kiersten 1965–........................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Warren, Lesley Ann 1946(?)–................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 39 Warren, Marcia......................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Warren, Michael 1946–........................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 41 Warren–Gibson, David ............................. CTFT–61 Warrender, Harold 1903–1953 .............. WWasWT Warrick, Ruth 1916– ................................. CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Warrilow, David 1934–1995 ..................... CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–15 Warriner, Frederic 1916–........................ WWT–17 Warry, Jillian See ........................................ Barberie, Jillian Warry–Smith, David ................................. CTFT–84 Warshofsky, David.................................... CTFT–62 Warwick, Dionne 1940– ......................... CTFT–50 Warwick, Ethel 1882–1951 ................... WWasWT Warwick, Robert 1878–1964................. WWasWT Wasco, David........................................... CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Washbourne, Mona 1903–1988 ................ CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Washington, Denzel 1954– ..................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 17, 40 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Washington, Isaiah 1963– ....................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Washington, Kerry 1977(?)–..................... CTFT–62 Washington, Sharon ................................. CTFT–57 Wasilewski, Audrey .................................. CTFT–60 Wasilewski, Paul ...................................... CTFT–74 Wass, Ted 1952– ..................................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Wasser, Jane 1957– ................................... CTFT–7 Wasserman, Allan 1952–......................... CTFT–62 Wasserman, Dale 1917– ........................... CTFT–5 Wasserman, Jerry 1945–.......................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Wasserstein, Wendy 1950– ..................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 8, 21 Wasson, Craig 1954– .............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 17, 42 Wasson, Susanne ........................................ CTFT–2 Wastaferro, John See......................................... West, Jonathan Watanabe, Gedde 1955–......................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 32 Watari, Tetsuya 1941– ............................. CTFT–36 Waterhouse, Keith Spencer 1929–................................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Waterlow, Marjorie 1888–1921 ............. WWasWT Waterman, Dennis 1948–.......................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Waters, Dina See ........................................... Spybey, Dina Waters, Ethel 1900–1977 ....................... WWT–16 Waters, James ?–1923............................ WWasWT Waters, Jan 1937– ..................................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Waters, John 1946– ................................. CTFT–26 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Waterston, Sam 1940– ............................ CTFT–17 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10; WWT–17 Watford, Gwen 1927–1994....................... CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–13 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Watkin, David 1925– .............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 7, 14 Watkins, Linda 1908–............................ WWasWT Watkins, Michael W. ................................ CTFT–56 Watkins, Nathan See ........................................... Page, Samuel Watkins, Peter 1935– ................................ CTFT–8 Watkins, Tuc 1966–................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 Watkyn, Arthur 1907–1965 ................... WWasWT Watling, Dilys 1946–.............................. WWT–17 Watling, Jack 1923– ............................... WWT–17 Watros, Cynthia 1968–............................ CTFT–64 Watrouse, Jesse See ......................................... Bradford, Jesse Watson, Alberta 1955–............................ CTFT–69 Watson, Barry 1974–............................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketch in CTFT–31 Watson, Betty Jane 1926 ....................... WWasWT Watson, Douglass 1921–1989................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Watson, Elizabeth ?–1931...................... WWasWT Watson, Emily 1967– .............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Watson, Emma 1990– ............................. CTFT–67 Watson, Henrietta 1873–1964............... WWasWT Watson, Horace 1867–1934.................. WWasWT Watson, John ............................................ CTFT–48 Watson, Lucile 1879–1962.................... WWasWT Watson, Malcolm 1853–1929 ............... WWasWT Watson, Margaret ?–1940 ...................... WWasWT Watson, Minor 1889–1965.................... WWasWT Watson, Moray 1928– ............................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Watson, Muse 1948–............................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Watson, Susan 1938– .............................. CTFT–10 Watson, Vernon 1885–1949 .................. WWasWT Watson, Wylie 1889–1966 .................... WWasWT Watson–Johnson, Vernee .......................... CTFT–48 Watt, Douglas 1914–................................. CTFT–1 Watters, Mark ........................................... CTFT–77 Wattis, Richard 1912– ........................... WWasWT Watts, Dodo 1910– ............................... WWasWT Watts, John See........................................... Hanson, John Watts, Naomi 1968– ............................... CTFT–64 Watts, Richard, Jr. 1898– ........................ WWT–17 Watts, Robert 1938–.................................. CTFT–1 Watts, Rolonda 1959– ............................. CTFT–57 Watts, Stephen 1910–............................. WWT–17 Watts–Phillips, John Edward 1894–1960.................................... WWasWT Waxman, Al 1935– ................................. CTFT–31 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 20 Wayans, Damien ...................................... CTFT–70 Wayans, Damon 1960–........................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17


Wayans, Keenen Ivory 1958–.................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 41 Wayans, Kim 1961– ................................ CTFT–70 Wayans, Marlon 1972– ........................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Wayans, Shawn 1971– ............................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Wayburn, Ned 1874–1942 .................... WWasWT Waylett, Jamie 1989– .............................. CTFT–77 Waymire, Kellie ........................................ CTFT–49 Wayne, David 1914–1995 ........................ CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Wayne, Ethan 1962– ............................... CTFT–63 Wayne, John 1907–1979......................... CTFT–19 Wayne, Naunton 1901–1970 ................ WWasWT Wayne, Patrick 1939– ............................. CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Wayne, Rollo 1899–1954...................... WWasWT Weakland, Kevin L. 1963– ........................ CTFT–4 Weary, Ogdred See ......................................... Gorey, Edward Weatherly, Amelia See......................................... Heinle, Amelia Weatherly, Michael 1968–....................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Weathers, Carl 1948–.............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 17 Weathers, Philip 1908– ............................. CTFT–4 Weaver, Blayne 1976–............................. CTFT–70 Weaver, Brett 1966– ................................ CTFT–45 Weaver, Dennis 1924– ............................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 14, 40 Weaver, Jason 1979– ............................... CTFT–87 Weaver, Fritz 1926– ................................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 16; WWT–17 Weaver, Lee 1930–.................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Weaver, Sigourney 1949–........................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17 Weaver, William 1917–............................. CTFT–1 Weaving, Hugo 1960– ............................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Webb, Alan 1906– ................................. WWT–17 Webb, Chloe 1957(?)–............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16 Webb, Clifton 1893–1966 ..................... WWasWT Webb, Jack 1920–1982 ............................. CTFT–1 Webb, Jimmy 1946–................................ CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–11 Webb, Lizbeth 1926– ............................ WWasWT Webb, Lucy ................................................ CTFT–4 Webb, Veronica 1965–............................ CTFT–64 Webber, Andrew Lloyd See ........................... Lloyd–Webber, Andrew Webber, Robert 1924–1989....................... CTFT–7 Webber, Timothy ...................................... CTFT–80 Weber, Amy 1972–.................................. CTFT–58 Weber, Ben 1972–................................... CTFT–75 Weber, Carl 1925– .................................. CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Weber, Charlie 1977–.............................. CTFT–71 Weber, Jake 1964– .................................. CTFT–69 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Weber, Joseph 1867–1942..................... WWasWT Weber, L. Lawrence ?–1940................... WWasWT Weber, Steven 1961–............................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Webster, Ben 1864–1947....................... WWasWT Webster, Derek ......................................... CTFT–54 Webster, Margaret 1905–1972................ WWT–16 Webster, Paul............................................ CTFT–79 Webster, Victor 1973– ............................. CTFT–68

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Weiss, Shaun 1978– ................................ CTFT–45 Weisser, Morgan 1971– ........................... CTFT–89 Weisser, Norbert ....................................... CTFT–56 Weissmuller, Donald 1922– ...................... CTFT–6 Weisz, Rachel 1971–............................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 41 Weisz, Richard See.......................................... Mamet, David Weitz, Bruce 1943–................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Weitz, Chris 1970–.................................. CTFT–80 Weitzenhoffer, Max 1939– ...................... CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Welch, Bo 1952– .................................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 24 Welch, Elisabeth 1909–.......................... WWT–17 Welch, James 1865–1917...................... WWasWT Welch, Michael 1987– ............................ CTFT–64 Welch, Raquel 1940–.............................. CTFT–70 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 19, 31 Welch, Tahnee 1962–.............................. CTFT–16 Welchman, Harry 1886–1966 ............... WWasWT Weld, Tuesday 1943– .............................. CTFT–18 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Welden, Ben 1901–............................... WWasWT Weldon, Deborah Morgan See ........................................ Morgan, Debbi Weldon, Duncan C. 1941– ..................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 13; WWT–17 Weldon, Harry 1882–? .......................... WWasWT Welford, Dallas 1874–1946................... WWasWT Welk, Lawrence 1903–1992.................... CTFT–12 Welker, Frank 1945– ............................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Welland, Colin 1934– ............................... CTFT–7 Weller, Bernard 1870–1943................... WWasWT Weller, Fred 1969(?)–............................... CTFT–47 Weller, Michael 1942– .............................. CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Weller, Peter 1947– ................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 39 Weller, Robb 1949–................................. CTFT–50 Welles, Orson 1915–1985......................... CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Wellesley, Arthur 1890– ........................ WWasWT Welling, Sylvia 1901–............................ WWasWT Welling, Tom 1977– ................................ CTFT–74 welliver, Titus 1961– ............................... CTFT–45 Wellman, Wendell 1944–.......................... CTFT–2 Wells, David............................................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Wells, Deering 1896–1961.................... WWasWT Wells, John 1956– ................................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Wells, John Campbell 1936–1998........... CTFT–23 Wells, Tico ............................................... CTFT–62 Wells, Vernon 1945– ............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Welsh, Jane 1905–................................. WWasWT Welsh, Jonathan ....................................... CTFT–36 Welsh, Kenneth 1942– ............................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 36 Welsh, Margaret ....................................... CTFT–69 Wen, Ming–Na See.................................................. Ming–Na Wenders, Wim 1945–.............................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 14, 24 Wendkos, Paul 1922– ............................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16 Wendt, George 1948– ............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Wenham, David 1965– ........................... CTFT–85


Wenham, Jane ............................................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Wenman, Henry N. 1875–1953 ............ WWasWT Wentworth, Alexandra 1966–.................. CTFT–43 Werbe, Susan ........................................... CTFT–48 Werksman, Harry ..................................... CTFT–80 Werner, Peter 1947–................................ CTFT–55 Werner, Roy.............................................. CTFT–69 Werner, Tom 1950– ................................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 25 Werntz, Gary ............................................ CTFT–64 Wert, Doug............................................... CTFT–56 Wertenbaker, Timberlake .......................... CTFT–10 Wertmueller, Lina See ...................................... Wertmuller, Lina Wertmuller, Lina 1926– ........................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 35 Weseluck, Cathy....................................... CTFT–46 Wesker, Arnold 1932– ............................. CTFT–14 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7; WWT–17 Wesley, John............................................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Wesley, Paul 1982– ................................. CTFT–74 Wesley, Richard 1945–.............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Wessler, Charles B. ................................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 West, Adam 1928–.................................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27 West, Algernon 1886–?.......................... WWasWT West, Billy 1950– .................................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 West, Caryn................................................ CTFT–8 West, Chandra 1970–.............................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 West, Con 1891–................................... WWasWT West, Dominic 1969– ............................. CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 West, Edwin See ................................ Westlake, Donald E. West, Henry St. Barbe 1880–1935 ........ WWasWT West, Joan 1936– ...................................... CTFT–4 West, Joel 1975– ..................................... CTFT–79 West, Jonathan ......................................... CTFT–55 West, Kevin 1965– .................................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 West, Lockwood 1905–1989..................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 West, Mae 1892–1980 .............................. CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 West, Nathan 1978–................................ CTFT–73 West, Owen See ...................................... Koontz, Dean R. West, Peter See ....................................... Woeste, Peter F. West, Red 1936– ..................................... CTFT–54 West, Samuel 1966–................................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 West, Shane 1978–.................................. CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–28, 34 West, Simon 1961– ................................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 West, Thomas E. 1954–............................. CTFT–2 West, Timothy 1934– .............................. CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 15, 26; WWT–17 West, Will 1867–1922........................... WWasWT Westaway, Simon 1958– ......................... CTFT–61 Westbrook, John 1922– .......................... WWT–17 Westbrook, Terryn .................................... CTFT–90 Westcott, Netta ?–1953.......................... WWasWT Westenberg, Robert 1953– ........................ CTFT–7 Wester, Travis............................................ CTFT–67 Westerman, Carlie 1993– ........................ CTFT–74

Cumulative Index

Webster–Gleason, Lucile 1888–1947 .... WWasWT Weck, Peter 1930– .................................. CTFT–33 Wedge, Chris 1957(?)– ............................ CTFT–74 Wedgeworth, Ann 1935– .......................... CTFT–7 Wedren, Craig .......................................... CTFT–80 Weeden, Bill............................................. CTFT–60 Weeden, Evelyn ?–1961 ........................ WWasWT Weege, Reinhold ........................................ CTFT–6 Weeks, Danielle ....................................... CTFT–72 Weezer, Lillian See..................................... Johnson, Kenneth Weguelin, Thomas N. 1885–? ............... WWasWT Wehle, Brenda.......................................... CTFT–51 Wehlen, Emmy 1887–?.......................... WWasWT Weidman, Jerome 1913–1998................... CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–24 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Weidman, John 1946–............................. CTFT–42 Weidner, Paul 1934– ................................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Weigel, Helene 1900–1971................... WWasWT Weigert, Robin 1969– ............................. CTFT–86 Weight, Michael 1906– ......................... WWasWT Weihl, Chris See................................... Wiehl, Christopher Weil, Liza 1977– ..................................... CTFT–72 Weil, Samuel See ....................................... Kaufman, Lloyd Weill, Claudia ............................................ CTFT–1 Weill, Kurt 1900–1950 .......................... WWasWT Wein, Yossi............................................... CTFT–43 Weinberg, Gus 1866–1952.................... WWasWT Weinberg, Matt 1990–............................. CTFT–66 Weinberg, Max 1951– ............................. CTFT–45 Weinberg, Mike 1993– ............................ CTFT–74 Weinberg, Ronald A. ................................ CTFT–42 Weinberg, Shauna See................................... Robertson, Shauna Weiner, Robert ?–1989 .............................. CTFT–1 Weiner, Zane 1953– ................................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 35 Weinger, Scott 1975– .............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Weingrod, Herschel A. 1947– ................. CTFT–15 Weinstein, Bob 1956(?)–.......................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Weinstein, Harvey 1952– ........................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Weinstein, Paula 1945–........................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Weintraub, Fred 1928–.............................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Weintraub, Jerry 1937– ........................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 38 Weir, Peter 1944–.................................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13 Weis, Don 1922– ...................................... CTFT–7 Weisbarth, Michael L. ............................... CTFT–4 Weisberg, David ....................................... CTFT–28 Weiskopf, Bob ............................................ CTFT–2 Weisman, Kevin 1970– ........................... CTFT–89 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Weisman, Sam.......................................... CTFT–52 Weiss, Joel 1953–...................................... CTFT–2 Weiss, Jonathan See ......................... Thomas, Jonathan Taylor Weiss, Julie............................................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 39 Weiss, Marc B. .......................................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Weiss, Michael T. 1962– ......................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Weiss, Peter 1916–1982......................... WWT–17


WESTERMAN Westerman, Floyd Red Crow 1936(?)– .......................................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Westlake, Donald E. 1933– ..................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 39 Westley, Helen 1879–1942.................... WWasWT Westman, Nydia 1907–1970 ................. WWasWT Westmore, McKenzie 1977– ................... CTFT–74 Westmore, Michael G. 1938– ................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Westmoreland, Jeffrey See ................................... Williams, Brandon Weston, Celia 1951– ............................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Weston, Dick See ............................................. Rogers, Roy Weston, Jack 1915(?)–1996 ....................... CTFT–8 Obituary in CTFT–16 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Weston, Jeff See ......................................... Celentano, Jeff Weston, Michael 1973– .......................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Weston, Robert P. 1878–1936 ............... WWasWT Weston, Ruth 1911– .............................. WWasWT Westwick, Ed 1987–................................ CTFT–89 Wetherall, Frances ?–1923..................... WWasWT Wetmore, Joan 1911–1989 .................... WWasWT Wettig, Patricia 1951– ............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 42 Wever, Merritt........................................... CTFT–59 Wexler, Haskell 1922(?)– ......................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 14, 24 Wexler, Norman 1926–1999 ................... CTFT–29 Wexler, Peter 1936– .................................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Wexler, Victor Raider See .............................. Raider–Wexler, Victor Wexley, John 1902–............................... WWasWT Weyand, Ron 1929–.................................. CTFT–4 Weyer, Marius 1945– .............................. CTFT–69 Whale, James 1896–1957...................... WWasWT Whalen, Sean 1964– ............................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Whaley, Frank 1963– .............................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–13, 25 Whaley, Michael ...................................... CTFT–74 Whalin, Justin 1974–............................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Whalley, Joanne 1964– ........................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Whalley, Norma ?–1943 ........................ WWasWT Whalley–Kilmer, Joanne See....................................... Whalley, Joanne Whang, Suzanne 1962– .......................... CTFT–81 Wharmby, Tony ........................................ CTFT–63 Wharton, Anthony P. 1877–1943 .......... WWasWT Whately, Kevin 1951– ............................. CTFT–36 Whatmore, A. R. 1889–1960................. WWasWT Wheat, Jim 1952– ................................... CTFT–58 Wheat, Ken 1950– .................................. CTFT–58 Wheatley, Alan 1907– ............................ WWT–17 Wheatley, Jane 1881–1935.................... WWasWT Wheatley, Thomas .................................... CTFT–36 Wheaton, Wil 1972– ............................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17, 41 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Whedon, Joss 1964(?)– ............................ CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Wheeldon, Christopher 1973– ................ CTFT–50 Wheeler, Andrew...................................... CTFT–87 Wheeler, Hugh 1912–1987 ....................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Wheeler, Ira 1920–.................................. CTFT–30 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Wheeler, Lois 1922–.............................. WWasWT Wheeler, Maggie 1961– .......................... CTFT–49 Wheeler–Nicholson, Dana ....................... CTFT–64 Whelan, Albert 1875–1961 ................... WWasWT Whelan, Peter 1931–............................... CTFT–24 Whelchel, Lisa 1963–.............................. CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Whelen, Frederick 1867–?..................... WWasWT Whiffin, Blanche 1845–1936................. WWasWT Whiley, Manning 1915– ........................ WWasWT Whiplash, Sydney See .................................... Francks, Rainbow Whipp, Joseph 1937–.............................. CTFT–56 Whipple, Sidney Beaumont 1888–1975.................................... WWasWT Whirry, Shannon 1964–........................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–31 Whisp, Kennilworthy See........................................... Rowling, J. K. Whistler, Rex 1905–1944 ...................... WWasWT Whitaker, Duane 1959– .......................... CTFT–75 Whitaker, Forest 1961–............................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27 Whitaker, Johnny 1959– .......................... CTFT–77 Whitall, Ted See ............................................ Whittall, Ted Whitby, Arthur 1869–1922 .................... WWasWT Whitby, Gwynne 1903– ......................... WWT–17 White, Bernard ......................................... CTFT–51 White, Betty 1922– ................................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13, 39 White, Bradley ......................................... CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 White, Brian J. 1977–.............................. CTFT–63 White, David R. A. ................................... CTFT–62 White, George 1890–1968 .................... WWasWT White, George C. 1935– ........................... CTFT–1 White, J. Fisher 1865–1945 ................... WWasWT White, Jaleel 1976–................................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 White, James ?–1927 ............................. WWasWT White, Jane 1922–.................................. WWT–17 White, Jesse 1919–1997............................ CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–17 White, Joan 1909– ................................. WWT–17 White, John Patrick 1972– ...................... CTFT–73 White, Julie 1962(?)– ............................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 White, Karen Malina 1965– .................... CTFT–62 White, Lee 1886–1927 .......................... WWasWT White, Lillias 1951– ................................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 30 White, Michael 1936–............................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 White, Michael Jai 1967–........................ CTFT–86 White, Michole ........................................ CTFT–70 Earlier sketch in CTFT–31 White, Mike 1970– ................................. CTFT–80 White, Miles 1914–................................ WWT–17 White, Onna ........................................... WWT–17 White, Persia ............................................ CTFT–59 White, Peter 1937– ................................. CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 White, Ron ............................................... CTFT–50 White, Rosanna See...................................... Norton, Rosanna White, Steve ............................................. CTFT–55 White, Valerie 1915–1975...................... WWT–16 White, Vanna 1957–................................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 White, Wilfrid Hyde 1903– ................... WWasWT


White, Willard 1946–.............................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Whiteford, Jock....................................... WWasWT Whitehead, Geoffrey 1939– .................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Whitehead, Paxton 1937– ....................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4, 33; WWT–17 Whitehead, Robert 1916– ......................... CTFT–2 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Whitehead, Ted (E. A.) 1933–................. WWT–17 Whitehouse, Paul 1958– ......................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Whitelaw, Arthur 1940– ............................ CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Whitelaw, Billie 1932– ............................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 34; WWT–17 Whitemore, Hugh 1936–........................... CTFT–7 Whitesell, John ......................................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 37 Whitesell, Sean......................................... CTFT–80 Whiteside, Walker 1869–1942 .............. WWasWT Whitfield, Charles Malik........................... CTFT–43 Whitfield, Dondre 1969– ........................ CTFT–47 Whitfield, Fredericka ................................ CTFT–74 Whitfield, Lynn 1953(?)– ......................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Whitfield, Mitchell 1969– ....................... CTFT–76 Whitford, Bradley 1959– ......................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 26 Whitford, Peter 1939– ............................. CTFT–40 Whiting, Jack 1901–1961 ...................... WWasWT Whiting, John 1917–1963 ..................... WWasWT Whitley, Clifford 1894– ......................... WWasWT Whitley, Kym 1961–................................ CTFT–60 Whitling, Townsend 1869–1952............ WWasWT Whitlock, Albert 1915– ........................... CTFT–10 Whitman, Mae 1988– ............................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Whitman, Stuart 1926(?)– ........................ CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Whitmire, Steve 1959–............................ CTFT–46 Whitmore, James 1921– .......................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 16, 27; WWT–17 Whitmore, James, Jr. 1948– ..................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Whitney, David See ...................................... Malick, Terrence Whitney, Fred C. ?–1930 ....................... WWasWT Whitney, Sewell........................................ CTFT–74 Whitrow, Benjamin 1937–....................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Whittaker, Herbert 1911– ....................... WWT–17 Whittaker, Jonathon .................................. CTFT–54 Whittall, Ted............................................. CTFT–67 Whittemore, Libby.................................... CTFT–43 Whittle, Charles R. ?–1947 .................... WWasWT Whitton, Margaret 1950– ........................ CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Whitty, May 1865–1948 ........................ WWasWT Whitworth, Geoffrey 1883–1951........... WWasWT Whitworth, Johnny 1975– ....................... CTFT–73 Whorf, Richard 1906–1966 ................... WWasWT Whytal, Mrs. Russ................................... WWasWT Whytal, Russ 1860–1930....................... WWasWT Whyte, Robert 1874–1916 .................... WWasWT Whyte, Ron ?–1989................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Whyte, Scott 1978–................................. CTFT–73 Wich, Nathan See ...................................... Wertmuller, Lina Wick, Douglas 1955–.............................. CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Wilhoite, Kathleen 1964–........................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Wilkie, Allan 1878–1970....................... WWasWT Wilkinson, Adrienne 1977–..................... CTFT–69 Wilkinson, Charles ................................... CTFT–45 Wilkinson, Colm 1944–........................... CTFT–10 Wilkinson, Henry Spenser 1853–? .......................................... WWasWT Wilkinson, Marc 1929– .......................... WWT–17 Wilkinson, Norman 1882–1934 ............ WWasWT Wilkinson, Tom 1948– ............................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Wilkof, Lee 1951– ................................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Willard, Catherine ?–1954 ..................... WWasWT Willard, Edmund 1884–1956................. WWasWT Willard, Edward Smith 1853–1915........ WWasWT Willard, Fred 1939– ................................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Willard, John 1885–1942 ...................... WWasWT Willes, Christine ....................................... CTFT–77 Willett, Chad 1971– ................................ CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 William, David 1926– ............................ WWT–17 William, Warren 1895–1948 ................. WWasWT Williams, Allen......................................... CTFT–58 Williams, Andy 1930(?)– ......................... CTFT–21 Williams, Ann 1935–................................. CTFT–2 Williams, Anson 1949– ........................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 42 Williams, Arthur 1844–1915 ................. WWasWT Williams, Ashley 1978–........................... CTFT–84 Williams, Barbara 1953(?)–...................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Williams, Barry 1954–............................. CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Williams, Bernard..................................... CTFT–81 Williams, Billy 1929– .............................. CTFT–12 Williams, Billy Dee 1937– ...................... CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 16, 27; WWT–17 Williams, Bradford Cody 1951– ................ CTFT–1 Williams, Brandon 1974–........................ CTFT–45 Williams, Bransby 1870–1961............... WWasWT Williams, Brian 1959–............................. CTFT–92 Williams, Campbell 1906– .................... WWasWT Williams, Cara............................................ CTFT–3 Williams, Caroline.................................... CTFT–54 Williams, Chris ......................................... CTFT–83 Williams, Cindy 1947–............................ CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13, 39 Williams, Clarence III 1939– ................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 15, 26; WWT–17 Williams, Clifford 1926– ......................... CTFT–16 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Williams, Cole 1981–.............................. CTFT–74 Williams, Cress......................................... CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Williams, Cynda 1966– ........................... CTFT–56 Williams, Darnell 1955– ......................... CTFT–69 Williams, David C. ................................... CTFT–56 Williams, Dennis 1944– ............................ CTFT–4 Williams, Derek 1910–.......................... WWasWT Williams, Dick Anthony 1938– ............... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 35; WWT–17 Williams, Elizabeth................................... CTFT–40 Williams, Ellis 1951–............................... CTFT–63 Williams, Elmo 1913– ............................... CTFT–1 Williams, Emlyn 1905–1987 ..................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Williams, Florence 1912–...................... WWasWT Williams, Frances 1903–1959 ............... WWasWT Williams, Fritz 1865–1930 .................... WWasWT


Williams, Gareth ...................................... CTFT–62 Williams, Gary Anthony 1976– ............... CTFT–74 Williams, Genelle 1984–......................... CTFT–91 Williams, Greg Kean See .............................................. Kean, Greg Williams, Hal 1938– ................................. CTFT–6 Williams, Harcourt 1880–1957 ............. WWasWT Williams, Harland 1962– ........................ CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Williams, Harry Gregson See......................... Gregson–Williams, Harry Williams, Hattie 1872–1942.................. WWasWT Williams, Heathcote 1941– ..................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 25 Williams, Hope 1901–........................... WWasWT Williams, Hugh 1904–1969................... WWasWT Williams, Hugh Steadman 1935–................................................ CTFT–4 Williams, J. D. 1978– .............................. CTFT–80 Williams, Jeff ............................................ CTFT–74 Williams, Jessie Lynch 1871–1929 ........ WWasWT Williams, Jim Cody................................... CTFT–54 Williams, Jimmy ....................................... CTFT–54 Williams, JoBeth 1948– ........................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 39 Williams, John 1903– ............................. WWT–16 Williams, John 1932– .............................. CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17 Williams, John D. ?–1941...................... WWasWT Williams, Jordan 1955– ........................... CTFT–56 Williams, Joseph 1960–........................... CTFT–77 Williams, Joss ........................................... CTFT–64 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Williams, Kelli 1970– .............................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–41 Williams, Kenneth 1926–1988 .................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Williams, Kiely 1986– ............................. CTFT–86 Williams, Kimberly 1971– ....................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 41 Williams, Malinda 1975– ........................ CTFT–62 Williams, Mark ......................................... CTFT–45 Williams, Mason 1938–........................... CTFT–16 Williams, Matthew ................................... CTFT–54 Williams, Melora See ....................................... Walters, Melora Williams, Michael 1935– .......................... CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Williams, Michael C. 1973–.................... CTFT–71 Williams, Michelle 1980– ....................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–23, 43 Williams, Montel 1956– .......................... CTFT–39 Williams, Natashia 1978– ....................... CTFT–72 Williams, Nigel 1948–............................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Williams, Olivia 1968– ........................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Williams, Oren 1992– ............................. CTFT–74 Williams, Patrick 1939– .......................... CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 25 Williams, Paul 1940– .............................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 4 Williams, Peter 1957– ............................. CTFT–88 Williams, Philip ........................................ CTFT–65 Williams, R. J. 1978–............................... CTFT–71 Williams, Raymond T. 1972– .................. CTFT–77 Williams, Rhys 1897–1969.................... WWasWT Williams, Richard 1933– ......................... CTFT–12 Williams, Robin 1951(?)– ........................ CTFT–89 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17, 40 Williams, Roshumba 1968–..................... CTFT–90 Williams, Russell II 1952– ....................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12

Cumulative Index

Wickes, Mary 1916–1995 ......................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–15 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWasWT Wickham, Glynne 1922– ....................... WWT–17 Wickham, Tony 1922–1948................... WWasWT Wicks, Robert See......................................... Buchholz, Bob Wickwire, Nancy 1925–1975................. WWT–16 Widdoes, James 1953– ............................ CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 35 Widdoes, Kathleen 1939– ....................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5; WWT–17 Widdows, Connor .................................... CTFT–54 Widen, Gregory........................................ CTFT–56 Widmark, Richard 1914–2008 ................ CTFT–20 Obituary in CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Wied, Gustav 1858–1914...................... WWasWT Wiedlin, Jane 1958–................................ CTFT–67 Wiehe, Dagmar ...................................... WWasWT Wiehl, Christopher 1966– ....................... CTFT–58 Wiemer, Robert 1938– ............................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Wiener, Josh See............................................. Keaton, Josh Wiener, Sally Dixon 1926– ....................... CTFT–1 Wiesenfeld, Joe 1947–............................. CTFT–51 Wiest, Dianne 1948–............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 22 Wigdor, Geoffrey 1982– .......................... CTFT–69 Wilborn, Carlton....................................... CTFT–69 Wilbraham, Edward 1895–1930 ............ WWasWT Wilbur, Crane 1889–1973 ..................... WWasWT Wilbur, Richard 1921– .............................. CTFT–3 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Wilby, James 1958–................................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27 Wilcox, Barbara 1906–.......................... WWasWT Wilcox, Elizabeth ..................................... CTFT–82 Wilcox, Larry 1947–................................ CTFT–34 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Wilcox, Lisa 1964–.................................. CTFT–78 Wilcox, Ralph........................................... CTFT–54 Wilcox, Robin .......................................... CTFT–67 Wilcox, Shannon ...................................... CTFT–82 Wilcoxon, Henry 1905– ........................ WWasWT Wildberg, John J. 1902–1959 ................ WWasWT Wilde, Cornel 1915–1989 ......................... CTFT–8 Wilde, Olivia 1984–................................ CTFT–78 Wilder, Alan ............................................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Wilder, Billy 1906–2002 ......................... CTFT–24 Obituary in CTFT–49 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 4 Wilder, Clinton 1920–1986 .................... WWT–17 Wilder, Gene 1935– ................................ CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 14, 25 Wilder, James 1948– ............................... CTFT–48 Wilder, Thornton N. 1897–1975 ........... WWasWT Wilderson, Wayne 1966– ........................ CTFT–91 Wildhorn, Frank 1959– ........................... CTFT–62 Wilding, Mark .......................................... CTFT–79 Wilding, Michael 1912– ........................ WWasWT Wildman, Valerie 1953–.......................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Wiles, Jason 1970–.................................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Wiles, Michael Shamus ............................ CTFT–39 Wiley, Gerlad See ......................................... Barker, Ronnie Wilford, Isabel ........................................ WWasWT Wilhelm, C. 1858–1925 ........................ WWasWT


WILLIAMS Williams, Samm–Art 1946– ....................... CTFT–8 Williams, Sammy 1948–.......................... CTFT–10 Williams, Scott See ............................. Winters, Scott William Williams, Serena 1981–........................... CTFT–92 Williams, Simon 1946– ........................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Williams, Sonia 1926–........................... WWasWT Williams, Stephen..................................... CTFT–85 Williams, Stephen 1900–1957............... WWasWT Williams, Steven 1949–........................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 17 Williams, Tam........................................... CTFT–36 Williams, Tennessee 1911–1983................ CTFT–1 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Williams, Tonya Lee 1967– ..................... CTFT–57 Williams, Treat 1951–.............................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 16, 27 Williams, Tyler James 1992– ................... CTFT–68 Williams, Vanessa L. 1963–..................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 25 Williams, Wade Andrew........................... CTFT–59 Williams, Walter 1887–1940 ................. WWasWT Williamson, David 1942–....................... WWT–17 Williamson, Fred 1937(?)–....................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Williamson, Hugh Ross 1901– .............. WWasWT Williamson, James Cassius 1845–1913.................................... WWasWT Williamson, Kevin 1965– ........................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Williamson, Mykelti 1960– ..................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–31 Williamson, Nicol 1938– .......................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Williamson, Ruth 1954–.......................... CTFT–84 Williamson, Scott ..................................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Willingham, Calder 1923–1995 .............. CTFT–25 Willingham, Noble ................................... CTFT–17 Willis, Alicia Leigh 1978– ....................... CTFT–80 Willis, Bruce 1955–................................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 17, 40 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Willis, Gordon 1931–.............................. CTFT–14 Earlier sketch in CTFT–7 Willis, Jack ............................................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Willis, Jerome ........................................... CTFT–66 Willis, Rumer 1988–................................ CTFT–89 Willis, Ted 1918–1992 .............................. CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–11 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Willison, Walter 1947–.............................. CTFT–1 Willman, Noel 1918–1988........................ CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Willoughby, Hugh 1891– ...................... WWasWT Willows, Alec ........................................... CTFT–46 Willrich, Rudolph ..................................... CTFT–78 Wills, Brember ?–1948 .......................... WWasWT Wills, Drusilla 1884–1951..................... WWasWT Willson, Meredith 1902–1984................. CTFT–21 Willson, Osmund 1896–........................ WWasWT Willson, Paul 1945– ................................ CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Willy, M. 1859–1931............................. WWasWT Wilmer, Dale See............................. Wade, Robert (Allison) Wilmer, Douglas 1920–.......................... WWT–17 Wilshin, Sunday 1905–.......................... WWasWT Wilson, Albert Edward 1885–1960........ WWasWT Wilson, Andy............................................ CTFT–42

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Wilson, August 1945– ............................. CTFT–40 Earlier sketch in CTFT–10 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Wilson, Beatrice ?–1943 ........................ WWasWT Wilson, Brian Anthony 1960(?)–.............. CTFT–55 Wilson, Bridgette 1973– .......................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Wilson, Brittney 1991–............................ CTFT–87 Wilson, Chandra 1969–........................... CTFT–72 Wilson, Clerow See ............................................. Wilson, Flip Wilson, Colleen Camp See......................................... Camp, Colleen Wilson, Dale ............................................ CTFT–71 Wilson, Debra 1970– .............................. CTFT–62 Wilson, Demond 1946– .......................... CTFT–70 Wilson, Diana 1897–1937..................... WWasWT Wilson, Dick 1916– ................................ CTFT–28 Wilson, Donna See ...................................... Scott, Donna W. Wilson, Dorien 1963– ............................. CTFT–49 Wilson, Edith .......................................... WWasWT Wilson, Elizabeth 1921–.......................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8; WWT–17 Wilson, Flip 1933–1998 ............................ CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–24 Wilson, Francis 1854–1935 ................... WWasWT Wilson, Frank 1891–1956 ..................... WWasWT Wilson, Grace 1903–............................. WWasWT Wilson, Harry Leon 1867–1939 ............ WWasWT Wilson, Hugh 1943– ............................... CTFT–30 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19 Wilson, Jim............................................... CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Wilson, John C. 1899–1961 .................. WWasWT Wilson, Joseph 1858–1940.................... WWasWT Wilson, Julie 1924(?)–................................ CTFT–9 Wilson, Katherine 1904– ....................... WWasWT Wilson, Kristen 1969(?)–.......................... CTFT–64 Wilson, Lambert 1958– ........................... CTFT–77 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 35 Wilson, Lanford 1937– ............................ CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 3, 21; WWT–17 Wilson, Lucy ............................................. WWT–6 Wilson, Luke 1971– ................................ CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Wilson, Mara 1987–................................ CTFT–40 Earlier sketch in CTFT–16 Wilson, Mark............................................ CTFT–49 Wilson, Mary 1944–.................................. CTFT–4 Wilson, Mary Louise 1932–..................... CTFT–45 Wilson, Michael G. 1942– ...................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Wilson, Owen 1968– .............................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–26 Wilson, Patrick 1973– ............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Wilson, Perry 1916– .............................. WWasWT Wilson, Peta 1970– ................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 43 Wilson, Rainn 1968–............................... CTFT–74 Wilson, Rita 1958(?)– .............................. CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Wilson, Robert 1941–................................ CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Wilson, Rod.............................................. CTFT–43 Wilson, Sandy 1924– ............................. WWT–17 Wilson, Scott 1942– ................................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 35 Wilson, Sheree J. 1958– .......................... CTFT–67 Wilson, Snoo 1948– .................................. CTFT–7 Earlier sketch in WWT–17


Wilson, Stuart 1934– ............................... CTFT–48 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Wilson, Tara 1982– ................................. CTFT–88 Wilson, Thomas F. 1959– ........................ CTFT–74 Wilson, Trey 1948–1989 ........................... CTFT–8 Wilson, W. Cronin ?–1934 .................... WWasWT Wilson, William J. ?–1936 ..................... WWasWT Wilson–Sampras, Bridgette See ..................................... Wilson, Bridgette Wilstach, Paul 1870–1952..................... WWasWT Wilton, Penelope 1946–.......................... CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Wiltse, David 1940–.................................. CTFT–6 Wiman, Anna Deere 1924–1963........... WWasWT Wiman, Dwight Deere 1895–1951........ WWasWT Wimmer, Brian 1959– ............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17 Wimperis, Arthur 1874–1953 ................ WWasWT Winant, Bruce 1957– .............................. CTFT–58 Winant, Forrest 1888–1928 ................... WWasWT Winant, Scott............................................ CTFT–90 Winbush, Camille 1987(?)– ..................... CTFT–48 Winbush, Troy .......................................... CTFT–67 Wincer, Simon 1943–.............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Winchell, April 1960– ............................. CTFT–86 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Winchell, Paul 1922–.............................. CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Winchell, Walter 1897–1972................. WWasWT Winchester, Philip 1981– ........................ CTFT–91 Wincott, Jeff 1957–.................................. CTFT–90 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 41 Wincott, Michael 1959–.......................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Windeatt, George (Alan) 1901–1959 ..... WWasWT Windermere, Charles 1872–1955 .......... WWasWT Windom, William 1923– ......................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 7, 26 Windon, Stephen F. 1959– ...................... CTFT–59 Windsor, Barbara 1937–......................... WWT–17 Windsor, Marie 1921–............................... CTFT–1 Windsor, Romy ......................................... CTFT–34 Windust, Bretaigne 1906–1960 ............. WWasWT Windust, Penelope ................................... CTFT–87 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6 Winer, Harry 1947–................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketches in CTFT–15, 39 Winfield, Paul 1941–............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 23 Winfree, Rachel........................................ CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Winfrey, Oprah 1954–............................. CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 21, 32 Brief Entry in CTFT–3 Wing, Leslie.............................................. CTFT–88 Wingate, Denise ....................................... CTFT–80 Winger, Debra 1955(?)–........................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 13, 25 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Wingert, Wally 1961– ............................. CTFT–72 Wingfield, Peter 1962–............................ CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Winick, Gary 1961(?)–............................. CTFT–73 Winkler, Henry 1945– ............................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 13, 24 Winkler, Irwin 1931–............................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17, 41 Winkless, Terence H................................. CTFT–88 Winn, Amanda ......................................... CTFT–56 Winn, Anona .......................................... WWasWT Winn, Godfrey 1906–1971.................... WWasWT Winn, Kitty 1944– ..................................... CTFT–8

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Wiseman, Frederick 1930–...................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 36 Wiseman, Joseph 1918– ............................ CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Wiseman, Len 1973–............................... CTFT–85 Wiseman, Michael.................................... CTFT–84 Wisher, William, Jr.................................... CTFT–80 Wishnoff, Steven 1959–........................... CTFT–79 Witcover, Walt 1924–................................ CTFT–4 Withers, Googie 1917– ............................. CTFT–9 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Withers, Iva 1917– ................................. WWT–16 Withers, Jane 1926– ................................ CTFT–70 Witherspoon, Cora 1890–1957.............. WWasWT Witherspoon, John 1942–........................ CTFT–60 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Witherspoon, L. See.............................................. Minor, Jerry Witherspoon, Reese 1976–...................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Witt, Alicia 1975– ................................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Witt, Katarina 1965– ............................... CTFT–45 Witt, Paul Junger 1941– .......................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13 Wittliff, William D. 1940– ....................... CTFT–79 Wittner, Meg............................................. CTFT–39 Wittop, Freddy......................................... WWT–17 Wittstein, Ed 1929– ................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Witty, Joann See ....................................... Barnes, Priscilla Wlcek, James 1964–................................ CTFT–25 Wodehouse, Pelham Granville 1881–1975.................................... WWasWT Woeste, Peter F. ........................................ CTFT–84 Wohl, Bess ............................................... CTFT–89 Wohl, David 1953–................................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 33 Woizikovsky, Leon 1897–1922.............. WWasWT Wojtasik, George 1935– ............................ CTFT–2 Woldin, Judd 1925– .................................. CTFT–3 Wolf, Dick 1946–.................................... CTFT–86 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 13, 39 Wolf, Kelly ............................................... CTFT–80 Wolf, Scott 1968–.................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 30 Wolfe, Aaron See ...................................... Koontz, Dean R. Wolfe, George C. 1954–.......................... CTFT–84 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 38 Wolfe, Ian 1896–1992............................... CTFT–9 Obituary in CTFT–10 Wolfe, Robert Hewitt 1964–.................... CTFT–56 Wolff, Jonathan 1958–............................. CTFT–49 Wolff, Pierre 1863–1944 ....................... WWasWT Wolff, Ruth 1932– ..................................... CTFT–2 Wolfit, Donald 1902–1968.................... WWasWT Wolfman, Marv ........................................ CTFT–48 Wolk, Jason .............................................. CTFT–88 Woller, Kirk R.B........................................ CTFT–73 Wollheim, Eric 1879–1948.................... WWasWT Wolper, David L. 1928– .......................... CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 4, 13 Wolsk, Eugene V. 1928–......................... WWT–17 Wolski, Dariusz 1956– ............................ CTFT–83 Wolsky, Albert 1930– .............................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Wolston, Henry 1877–? ......................... WWasWT Wolterstorff, Bob 1949– .......................... CTFT–12 Wolveridge, Carol 1940–....................... WWasWT Wolvett, Jaimz See ....................................... Woolvett, Jaimz


Womark, David ........................................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Wonder, Stevie 1950– ............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Wong, Anna May 1907–1961 ............... WWasWT Wong, B. D. 1962(?)–.............................. CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17 Brief Entry in CTFT–7 Wong, Brenda See.................................... Aoki, Brenda Jean Wong, James ............................................ CTFT–56 Wong, Kar–Wai 1958– ............................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Wong, Russell 1963–............................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Wonsek, Paul 1948– ................................. CTFT–2 Wontner, Arthur 1875–1960 .................. WWasWT Woo, John 1948(?)–................................. CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–14, 24 Wood, Arthur 1875–1953...................... WWasWT Wood, Charles 1932–............................. WWT–17 Wood, Daisy 1877–? ............................. WWasWT Wood, David 1944–................................ CTFT–21 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Wood, Durinda ........................................ CTFT–62 Wood, Edna 1918–................................ WWasWT Wood, Elijah 1981–................................. CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 30 Wood, Evan Rachel 1987– ...................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Wood, Florence ...................................... WWasWT Wood, Frank 1959–................................. CTFT–79 Wood, G. 1919– ....................................... CTFT–9 Wood, Haydn 1882–1959 ..................... WWasWT Wood, Jane 1886–? ............................... WWasWT Wood, Jeffrey See........................................ Jeffreys, Woody Wood, John 1931(?)–............................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 17; WWT–17 Wood, Martin ........................................... CTFT–79 Wood, Mrs. John 1833–1915 ................ WWasWT Wood, Metcalfe ...................................... WWasWT Wood, Natalie 1938–1982 ........................ CTFT–1 Wood, Oliver ........................................... CTFT–47 Wood, Peggy 1892–1978 ....................... WWT–16 Wood, Peter 1927(?)– .............................. CTFT–10 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Wood, Richard See........................... Horvitz, Richard Steven Wood, Tom 1963–................................... CTFT–52 Wood, Wee Georgie 1897– ................... WWasWT Woodard, Alfre 1952–............................. CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 16, 27 Brief Entry in CTFT–5 Woodard, Charlayne 1955– .................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketches in CTFT–12, 25 Woodbine, Bokeem 1973–...................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Woodbridge, George 1907– .................. WWasWT Woodbridge, Patricia 1946–.................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 34 Woodburn, Danny 1964–........................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Woodburn, James 1888–1948 ............... WWasWT Woodeson, Nicholas ................................ CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Woodhouse, Vernon 1874–1936 ........... WWasWT Woodland, Lauren 1978–........................ CTFT–47 Woodley, Shailene 1991–........................ CTFT–86 Woodman, William 1932–1995 ................ CTFT–6 Obituary in CTFT–15 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Woodruff, Henry 1870–1916................. WWasWT

Cumulative Index

Winner, Michael 1935–........................... CTFT–36 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 11 Winnick, Katheryn.................................... CTFT–80 Winning, David 1961– ............................ CTFT–83 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Winninger, Charles 1884–1969 ............. WWasWT Winningham, Mare 1959–....................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 18, 29 Brief Entry in CTFT–2 Winogradsky, Louis See...................................... Grade, Lord Lew Winokur, Marissa Jaret 1973–.................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Winslet, Kate 1975– ................................ CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Winslow, Michael 1958–......................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 38 Winstead, Mary Elizabeth 1984– .............. CTFT–68 Winston, C. Bruce 1879–1946 .............. WWasWT Winston, Hattie 1945– ............................ CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Winston, Matt........................................... CTFT–74 Winston, Stan 1946(?)–............................ CTFT–60 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Winstone, Ray 1957– .............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Wint, Maurice Dean................................. CTFT–60 Winter, Alex 1965– ................................. CTFT–12 Winter, Edward 1937–............................... CTFT–7 Winter, Eric 1976–................................... CTFT–85 Winter, Jessie .......................................... WWasWT Winter, Keith 1906–............................... WWasWT Winter, Ralph 1952– ............................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–37 Winter, William 1836–1917 .................. WWasWT Winterbottom, Michael 1961–................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Winters, David 1939– ............................. CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Winters, Dean 1964– .............................. CTFT–29 Winters, Deborah ....................................... CTFT–7 Winters, Jonathan 1925– ......................... CTFT–83 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 37, 67 Winters, Kristoffer Ryan 1978– ................ CTFT–82 Winters, Marian 1924–........................... WWT–17 Winters, Scott William 1965–.................. CTFT–79 Winters, Shelley 1922(?)– ........................ CTFT–39 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 13; WWT–17 Winters, Time 1956– ............................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 35 Winters, Warrington 1909– ....................... CTFT–1 Winther, Michael 1962–.......................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Winton, Colleen ....................................... CTFT–52 Winwood, Estelle 1883–? ...................... WWasWT Wirth, Billy 1962– ................................... CTFT–49 Wirth, Bob 1952– .................................... CTFT–11 Wisberg, Aubrey 1909(?)–1990 ................. CTFT–9 Wisden, Robert......................................... CTFT–45 Wisdom, Norman 1925(?)–...................... CTFT–43 Earlier sketches in CTFT–20; WWT–17 Wisdom, Robert 1953–............................ CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 30 Wise, Greg 1966– ................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Wise, Herbert 1924– ............................... CTFT–49 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Wise, Jim .................................................. CTFT–43 Wise, Ray 1947– ..................................... CTFT–61 Wise, Robert E. 1914–............................... CTFT–2 Wise, Scott 1959(?)– ................................ CTFT–39 Earlier sketch in CTFT–13 Wise, Thomas A. 1865–1928 ................ WWasWT


WOODS Woods, Albert Herman 1870–1951 ....... WWasWT Woods, Barbara Alyn................................ CTFT–72 Woods, Carol ........................................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Woods, Cary............................................. CTFT–27 Woods, James 1947–............................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 12, 23 Woods, Michael 1957– ........................... CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Woods, Richard .......................................... CTFT–2 Woodside, D. B. ..................................... CTFT–680 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Woodson, Shane 1972– .......................... CTFT–87 Woodthorpe, Peter 1931– ...................... WWT–17 Woodvine, John 1929–............................ CTFT–42 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9; WWT–17 Woodward, Charles, Jr. .............................. CTFT–5 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Woodward, Edward 1930–...................... CTFT–41 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 17; WWT–17 Woodward, Jennifer.................................. CTFT–32 Woodward, Joanne 1930–....................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 13, 42; WWT–17 Woodward, Peter 1956–.......................... CTFT–90 Earlier sketch in CTFT–40 Woodward, Tim 1953–............................ CTFT–40 Woodward, Tim, Jr.................................... CTFT–87 Woof, Emily 1967–.................................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Wooland, Norman 1905–1989.................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Wooldridge, Susan ..................................... CTFT–8 Woolery, Chuck 1941–............................ CTFT–56 Woolf, Edgar Allan ?–1943 .................... WWasWT Woolf, Walter See .................................. King, Walter Woolf Woolfenden, Guy Anthony 1937–............................................. WWT–17 Woollcott, Alexander 1887–1943.......... WWasWT Woolley, Monty 1888–1963 .................. WWasWT Woolley, Stephen 1956–.......................... CTFT–80 Woolnough, Jeff........................................ CTFT–67 Woolsey, Brent 1958– ............................. CTFT–39 Woolsey, Robert 1889–1938.................. WWasWT Woolverton, Linda 1952–........................ CTFT–87 Woolvett, Gordon Michael 1970–.............................................. CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Woolvett, Jaimz 1967– ............................ CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Wootwell, Tom 1865–?.......................... WWasWT Wopat, Tom 1951–.................................. CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 19, 42 Wordsworth, Richard 1915–................... WWT–17 Wordsworth, William Derrick 1912–1988.................................... WWasWT Woren, Dan.............................................. CTFT–81 Workman, C. Herbert 1873–1923 ......... WWasWT Worley, Jo Anne 1939(?)– ........................ CTFT–63 Earlier sketch in CTFT–2 Worlock, Frederic G. 1886–1973 .......... WWasWT Worms, Jean 1884–?.............................. WWasWT Woronicz, Henry ...................................... CTFT–32 Woronov, Mary 1943–............................. CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 36 Worrall, Bruce 1960(?)–........................... CTFT–57 Worrall, Lechmere 1875–?..................... WWasWT Worry, Jillian See ........................................ Barberie, Jillian Worshofsky, Dave See ................................... Warshofsky, David Worsley, Bruce 1899–............................ WWasWT Worster, Howett 1882–? ........................ WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Worth, Irene 1916– ................................. CTFT–17 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10; WWT–17 Worth, Marvin 1926(?)–1998................... CTFT–12 Obituary in CTFT–21 Worth, Michael 1972(?)– ......................... CTFT–60 Worth, Nicholas 1937– ........................... CTFT–36 Worthington, Sam 1976–......................... CTFT–79 Worthington, Wendy 1954– .................... CTFT–53 Worthy, Rick............................................. CTFT–51 Wouk, Herman 1915–............................... CTFT–1 Wrangler, Greg ......................................... CTFT–63 Wray, Dean .............................................. CTFT–55 Wray, Fay 1907– ....................................... CTFT–8 Wray, John 1888–1940 .......................... WWasWT Wray, Maxwell 1898–............................ WWasWT Wrenn, James W....................................... CTFT–70 Wright, Aloma .......................................... CTFT–67 Wright, Amy 1950– ................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 42 Wright, Bonnie 1991– ............................. CTFT–77 Wright, Brad ............................................. CTFT–85 Wright, Cowley 1889–1923................... WWasWT Wright, Craig ............................................ CTFT–85 Wright, David 1941–.............................. WWT–17 Wright, Fred 1871–1928........................ WWasWT Wright, Garland.......................................... CTFT–7 Wright, Haidee 1868–1943 ................... WWasWT Wright, Hugh E. 1879–1940.................. WWasWT Wright, Huntley 1869–1943 .................. WWasWT Wright, Janet............................................. CTFT–48 Wright, Jeffrey 1965(?)– ........................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Wright, Katie 1981– ................................ CTFT–39 Wright, Max 1943(?)– .............................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 35 Wright, Michael 1961–............................ CTFT–80 Wright, N’Bushe 1970– ........................... CTFT–52 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Wright, Nicholas 1940– ......................... WWT–17 Wright, Pamela Payton See............................ Payton–Wright, Pamela Wright, Robert 1914– .............................. CTFT–12 Wright, Robin See ................................. Penn, Robin Wright Wright, Samuel E. 1946–......................... CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Wright, Sarah 1983–................................ CTFT–92 Wright, Steven 1955– .............................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 35 Wright, Tanya ........................................... CTFT–80 Wright, Teresa 1918–............................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 10, 17; WWT–17 Wright, Mrs. Theodore ?–1922 .............. WWasWT Wright, Thomas J. ..................................... CTFT–40 Wright, Tom.............................................. CTFT–62 Wryde, Dogear See ......................................... Gorey, Edward Wrye, Donald........................................... CTFT–37 Earlier sketch in CTFT–12 Wu Jun Mei See............................................... Wu, Vivian Wu, David................................................ CTFT–49 Wu, John See ............................................... Woo, John Wu, Kristy 1982–..................................... CTFT–86 Wu, Ping .................................................. CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Wu, Vivian 1966– ................................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Wuhl, Robert 1951– ................................ CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 17 Wuhrer, Kari 1967– ................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22


Wulff, Kai ................................................. CTFT–80 Wunstorf, Peter ......................................... CTFT–62 Wurman, Alex 1966– .............................. CTFT–62 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Wurtzel, Stuart 1940–.............................. CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 33 Wyatt, Frank Gunning 1851–1926 ........ WWasWT Wyatt, Jane 1910(?)–2006........................ CTFT–21 Obituary in CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWasWT Wyatt, Marcus See ........................................ Chong, Marcus Wycherly, Margaret 1884–1956............. WWasWT Wyckham, John 1926– .............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in WWT–17 Wyckoff, Evelyn 1917–.......................... WWasWT Wyle, Noah 1971– .................................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 27 Wyler, Gretchen 1932– ............................. CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Wyler, William 1902–1981 ..................... CTFT–26 Wylie, Adam 1984– ................................ CTFT–60 Wylie, John 1925–..................................... CTFT–7 Wylie, Julian 1878–1934 ....................... WWasWT Wylie, Lauri 1880–?............................... WWasWT Wyllie, Daniel .......................................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Wyman, J. H. 1967–................................ CTFT–78 Wyman, Jane 1917–2007 ........................ CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Obituary in CTFT–90 Wymark, Patrick 1926–1970 ................. WWasWT Wyn, Marjery 1909–.............................. WWasWT Wynant, H. M. 1927– ............................. CTFT–89 Wyndham, Charles 1837–1919 ............. WWasWT Wyndham, Dennis 1887–? .................... WWasWT Wyndham, Gwen ................................... WWasWT Wyndham, Howard 1865–1947 ............ WWasWT Wyndham, Olive 1886–?....................... WWasWT Wyner, George 1945– ............................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 34 Wyner, Joel See........................................... Wyman, J. H. Wyner, Tom .............................................. CTFT–49 Wynette, Tammy 1942–1998................... CTFT–23 Wyngarde, Peter ...................................... WWT–17 Wynn, Ed 1886–1966............................ WWasWT Wynn, Keenan 1916–1986........................ CTFT–4 Wynn, Tracy Keenan 1945– ...................... CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Wynn–Owen, Meg See ................................... Owen, Meg Wynn Wynne, Wish 1882–1931 ...................... WWasWT Wynorski, Jim 1950– ............................... CTFT–37 Wynter, Dana 1930– ................................. CTFT–7 Wynter, Sarah 1973– ............................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketch in CTFT–30 Wynyard, Diana 1906–1964 ................. WWasWT Wynyard, John 1915–............................. WWT–16 Wyse, John 1904– .................................. WWT–16 Wyss, Amanda 1960–.............................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42

X Xanrof, Leon 1867–1953 ....................... WWasWT x–sample See............................................ Clapton, Eric Xuereb, Salvator 1965– ........................... CTFT–80

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92



Young, Karen 1958– ................................ CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Young, Lee Thomson 1984– .................... CTFT–71 Young, Leigh Taylor See................................. Taylor–Young, Leigh Young, Loretta 1913– ................................ CTFT–8 Young, Neil 1945– .................................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Young, Nina 1966– ................................. CTFT–76 Young, Ric ................................................ CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Young, Rida Johnson 1875–1926........... WWasWT Young, Rik 1978– .................................... CTFT–87 Young, Robert 1907–................................. CTFT–7 Young, Robert M. 1924– ......................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Young, Roger 1942– ................................ CTFT–73 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 21, 32 Young, Roland 1887–1953 .................... WWasWT Young, Sean 1959–.................................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 Young, Stark 1881–1963........................ WWasWT Young, Stephen 1931–............................. CTFT–49 Young, Terence 1915–1994 ....................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–13 Young, William Allen ............................... CTFT–41 Youngblood, Rob 1969–.......................... CTFT–80 Youngman, Henny 1906(?)–1998 ............ CTFT–23 Youngs, Jim................................................. CTFT–7 Yu, Jessica 1966–..................................... CTFT–81 Yu, Ryun ................................................... CTFT–78 Yuan, Roger .............................................. CTFT–49 Yuan, Ron................................................. CTFT–49 Yuen, Russell ............................................ CTFT–54 Yuen Woo Ping 1945– ............................ CTFT–29 Yule, Joe, Jr. See ....................................... Rooney, Mickey Yulin, Harris 1937– ................................. CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 21, 32 Yune, Rick 1971– .................................... CTFT–77 Yurka, Blanche 1887–1974.................... WWasWT Yusen, Wu See ............................................... Woo, John Yuuki, Kudou See ........................................... Kudoh, Youki

Z Zabel, Bryce ............................................. CTFT–54 Zabelle, Flora 1880–1968 ..................... WWasWT Zabka, William 1965–............................. CTFT–67 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 18, 29 Zabriskie, Grace 1941– ........................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 27 Zacapa, Daniel ......................................... CTFT–66 Zacconi, Ermete 1857–1948.................. WWasWT Zada, Ramy 1958– .................................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–35 Zadan, Craig............................................... CTFT–1 Zadora, Pia 1956–..................................... CTFT–9 Zaentz, Saul 1921– ................................. CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Zagarino, Frank ........................................ CTFT–43 Zahara, Alex ............................................. CTFT–49 Zahn, Paula 1956– .................................. CTFT–41 Zahn, Steve 1968– .................................. CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 Zaillian, Steven 1953(?)– ......................... CTFT–24

Cumulative Index

Yablans, Frank 1935– ................................ CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Yablans, Irwin 1934–................................. CTFT–8 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Yaffe, Alan See......................................... Yorinks, Arthur Yager, Missy.............................................. CTFT–72 Yagher, Jeff 1962–.................................... CTFT–62 Yagher, Kevin 1962–................................ CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Yaitanes, Greg 1971– .............................. CTFT–63 Yakin, Boaz 1966– .................................. CTFT–61 Earlier sketch in CTFT–27 Yakko, Sada ?–1946............................... WWasWT Yakovlev, Alexsadr.................................... CTFT–34 Yakusho, Koji 1956–................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Yale, Kathleen Betsko 1939– ..................... CTFT–2 Yalman, Tunc 1925–.................................. CTFT–2 Yama, Michael.......................................... CTFT–80 Yancy, Emily 1939– ................................. CTFT–76 Yanez, Michael........................................... CTFT–3 Yang, Ginny................................................ CTFT–4 Yang, Jack................................................. CTFT–81 Yankovic, “Weird Al” 1959– ................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Yankovsky, Oleg 1944– ........................... CTFT–36 Yankowitz, Susan 1941–............................ CTFT–1 Yannis, Michael 1922– .......................... WWasWT Yapp, Cecil ................................................. CTFT–8 Yarbrough, Cedric 1973–......................... CTFT–91 Yarde, Margaret 1878–1944 .................. WWasWT Yared, Gabriel 1949– .............................. CTFT–55 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Yari, Bob 1962–....................................... CTFT–80 Yarlett, Claire............................................ CTFT–72 Yarrow, Duncan 1884–? ........................ WWasWT Yasbeck, Amy 1963(?)–............................ CTFT–41 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Yasutake, Patti .......................................... CTFT–49 Yates, Peter 1929– ..................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Yavorska, Lydia 1874–1921 ................... WWasWT Yazmania See ....................................... Bleeth, Yasmine Yeager, Biff ............................................... CTFT–62 Yeamans, Annie 1835–1912 .................. WWasWT Yearsley, Claude Blakesley 1885–1961.................................... WWasWT Yearwood, Richard ................................... CTFT–46 Yeary, Lee See.............................................. Majors, Lee Yeatman, Hoyt.......................................... CTFT–27 Yeats, William Butler 1865–1939 .......... WWasWT Yelchin, Anton 1989–.............................. CTFT–68 Yelland, David.......................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Yellen, Linda 1949–................................. CTFT–20 Earlier sketch in CTFT–3 Yen, Donnie 1963– ................................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketch in CTFT–33 Yenque, Jose ............................................. CTFT–71 Yensid, Retlaw Elias See ............................................ Disney, Walt Yeo, Gwendoline...................................... CTFT–57 Yeoh, Michelle 1963– ............................. CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Yeoman, Robert D. ................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28

Yesso, Don ............................................... CTFT–67 Yeston, Maury 1945–............................... CTFT–24 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 10 Yeung, Chi–King See......................................... Yeoh, Michelle Yiasoumi, George ..................................... CTFT–79 Yip, Francoise 1972–............................... CTFT–80 Yniguez, Richard ...................................... CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 33 Yoakam, Dwight 1956– ........................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–17, 41 Yoba, Malik 1967– .................................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketch in CTFT–17 Yohe, May 1869–1938 .......................... WWasWT Yohn, Erica ............................................... CTFT–48 Yokel, Alexander 1887–1947................. WWasWT Yoon–Jin, Kim See .......................................... Kim, Yoon–jin Yordan, Philip 1914–............................... CTFT–12 Yorinks, Arthur 1953–.............................. CTFT–13 York, Dick 1928–1992 ............................ CTFT–22 York, Francine 1938– .............................. CTFT–43 York, John J. 1958–.................................. CTFT–58 York, Kathleen .......................................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketch in CTFT–24 York, Michael 1942– ............................... CTFT–51 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 6, 13, 24 York, Rachel 1971– ................................. CTFT–91 Earlier sketch in CTFT–42 York, Robert See........................................... Urich, Robert York, Susannah 1941– ............................... CTFT–5 Yorke, Augustus ?–1939......................... WWasWT Yorke, Oswald ?–1943........................... WWasWT Yorker, Jade 1985– .................................. CTFT–74 Yorkin, Bud 1926–..................................... CTFT–1 Yoshiyuki, Kazuko .................................... CTFT–36 Yoshizaki, Michiyo ................................... CTFT–28 Yost, Graham 1959–................................ CTFT–51 Yothers, Tina 1973–................................. CTFT–21 Youmans, James........................................ CTFT–40 Earlier sketch in CTFT–14 Youmans, Vincent 1898–1946 ............... WWasWT Youmans, William .................................... CTFT–22 Young, Alan 1919–.................................. CTFT–46 Young, Arthur 1898–1959 ..................... WWasWT Young, Bellamy ........................................ CTFT–63 Young, Bertram Alfred 1912– ................. WWT–17 Young, Bill 1950–.................................... CTFT–82 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Young, Bruce A. ....................................... CTFT–39 Young, Burt 1940–................................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketches in CTFT–5, 35 Young, Chris 1971– ................................. CTFT–35 Earlier sketch in CTFT–8 Young, Christopher 1954(?)–.................... CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Young, Collier See........................................... Bloch, Robert Young, Craig Robert 1976– ..................... CTFT–85 Young, Dalene.......................................... CTFT–56 Young, David 1928–.................................. CTFT–4 Young, Dawn.............................................. CTFT–4 Young, Dey 1955–................................... CTFT–85 Earlier sketch in CTFT–39 Young, Freddie 1902–1998 ..................... CTFT–13 Obituary in CTFT–24 Young, Gig 1917–1978 .......................... WWT–16 Young, Harrison........................................ CTFT–43 Young, Howard Irving 1893–................. WWasWT Young, Howard L. 1911–....................... WWasWT Young, Jacob 1979– ................................ CTFT–59 Young, Joan 1903–1984 ......................... WWT–17


ZAJONC Zajonc, Robert “Bobby Z” 1947–.............................................. CTFT–39 Zakrzewski, Alex ...................................... CTFT–57 Zaks, Jerry 1946– ...................................... CTFT–6 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Zal, Roxana 1969– .................................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4, 35 Zalaznick, Lauren 1963–......................... CTFT–81 Zaloom, George ....................................... CTFT–42 Zaloom, Paul 1951–.................................. CTFT–1 Zamacois, Miguel 1866–1939 ............... WWasWT Zambello, Francesca 1956– .................... CTFT–50 Zamora, Del ............................................. CTFT–67 Zampieri, Vittorio 1862–? ...................... WWasWT Zamprogna, Dominic 1979– ................... CTFT–74 Zamprogna, Gema 1976– ....................... CTFT–67 Earlier sketch in CTFT–29 Zane, Billy 1966–.................................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 30 Zane, Lisa 1961–..................................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketch in CTFT–32 Zanetti, Eugenio ....................................... CTFT–24 Zangwill, Israel 1864–1926 ................... WWasWT Zann, Lenore 1959– ................................ CTFT–59 Zanni, Chiara 1978(?)– ............................ CTFT–87 Zanuck, Darryl F. 1902–1979.................. CTFT–22 Zanuck, Lili Fini 1954– ........................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 43 Zanuck, Richard D. 1934– ...................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 Zanussi, Krzysztof 1939–........................... CTFT–8 Zapata, Carmen 1927–............................ CTFT–42 Earlier sketch in CTFT–9 Zappa, Ahmet........................................... CTFT–71 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Zappa, Dweezil 1969–............................ CTFT–43 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Zappa, Frank 1940–1993 ........................ CTFT–21 Zappa, Moon Unit 1967–........................ CTFT–57 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Zappa, William 1948–............................. CTFT–76 Earlier sketch in CTFT–34 Zarvos, Marcelo........................................ CTFT–77 Zaslow, Michael 1944–1998 ................... CTFT–23 Zayas, David ............................................ CTFT–79 Zaza, Paul ................................................ CTFT–69 Zea, Kristi 1948– ..................................... CTFT–55 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 26 Zea, Natalie 1975–.................................. CTFT–72 Zediker, Kara ............................................ CTFT–83 Zeff, Lisa................................................... CTFT–48 Zeffirelli, Franco 1923– ........................... CTFT–33 Earlier sketches in CTFT–4; WWT–17 Zegers, Kevin 1984–................................ CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Zehetner, Nora 1981– ............................. CTFT–74 Zellweger, Renee 1969– .......................... CTFT–68 Earlier sketches CTFT–19, 30 Zem, Roschdy .......................................... CTFT–33 Zeman, Jacklyn 1953–............................. CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–5

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 92 Zeman, Richard ........................................ CTFT–64 Zemeckis, Leslie Harter ............................ CTFT–75 Zemeckis, Robert 1952–.......................... CTFT–50 Earlier sketches in CTFT–7, 14, 24 Zerbe, Anthony 1936– ............................ CTFT–78 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 35 Zeta–Jones, Catherine 1969–................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Zetterling, Mai 1925–1994 .................... WWasWT Obituary in CTFT–13 Zeus See .................................... Lister, Tom “Tiny” ZGansta See .................................... Lister, Tom “Tiny” Zhang Guorong See ......................................... Cheung, Leslie Zhang Yimou 1950–................................ CTFT–28 Zhang Yuan 1963– .................................. CTFT–28 Zhang, Ziyi 1979–................................... CTFT–77 Zhu, Yuanlong See ........................... Kam–Bo, Sammo Hung Zicree, Marc Scott 1955– ........................ CTFT–74 Zieff, Howard 1943– ............................... CTFT–10 Ziegfeld, Florenz 1867–1932 ................. WwasWT Ziegler, Alicia 1981– ............................... CTFT–89 Ziegler, Anne 1910– .............................. WWasWT Ziegler, Joseph .......................................... CTFT–54 Earlier sketch in CTFT–25 Ziegler, Karen See ............................................ Black, Karen Zielinski, Jerzy 1950– .............................. CTFT–47 Earlier sketch in CTFT–23 Ziemba, Karen 1957–.............................. CTFT–46 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 22 Zien, Chip 1947– .................................... CTFT–56 Earlier sketches in CTFT–6, 26 Ziering, Ian 1964–................................... CTFT–72 Earlier sketches in CTFT–19, 31 Ziff, Irwin 1929– ....................................... CTFT–4 Zigman, Aaron ......................................... CTFT–80 Zima, Madeline 1985– ............................ CTFT–74 Zima, Vanessa 1986– .............................. CTFT–75 Zima, Yvonne 1989– ............................... CTFT–32 Zimbalist, Efrem, Jr. 1918– ...................... CTFT–92 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 21, 43 Zimbalist, Stephanie 1956– ..................... CTFT–78 Earlier sketch in CTFT–6, 35 Zimmer, Constance 1970–....................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Zimmer, Hans 1957–............................... CTFT–45 Earlier sketches in CTFT–10, 17 Zimmerman, Don ..................................... CTFT–65 Earlier sketch in CTFT–28 Zimmerman, Grace See ......................................... Phillips, Grace Zimmerman, Herman F. 1935– ............... CTFT–56 Zimmerman, Joey 1986– ......................... CTFT–79 Earlier sketch in CTFT–36 Zimmerman, Leigh 1969– ....................... CTFT–84 Zimmerman, Mark 1952–........................ CTFT–74 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 33


Zimmerman, Paul 1938–1993 ................... CTFT–2 Obituary in CTFT–12 Zinberg, Michael ...................................... CTFT–81 Earlier sketches in CTFT–11, 36 Zindel, Paul 1936–.................................. CTFT–20 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3; WWT–17 Zinkeisen, Doris Clare ............................ WWasWT Zinnemann, Fred 1907–1997 .................... CTFT–7 Obituary in CTFT–17 Earlier sketch in CTFT–1 Zinnemann, Tim ....................................... CTFT–10 Zippel, David ........................................... CTFT–32 Earlier sketch in CTFT–21 Zipprodt, Patricia 1925–............................ CTFT–7 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2; WWT–17 Zisk, Craig ................................................ CTFT–64 Zisk, Randall ............................................ CTFT–77 Ziskin, Laura 1950–................................. CTFT–87 Earlier sketches in CTFT–16, 40 Zito, Chuck 1953– .................................. CTFT–79 Zito, Joseph 1946(?)–............................... CTFT–16 Ziyi, Zhang See .............................................. Zhang, Ziyi Zmed, Adrian 1954– ............................... CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 33 Zola, Fred ............................................... WWasWT Zollar, Jawole Willa Jo 1951(?)–............... CTFT–11 Zollo, Frederick M. 1950–......................... CTFT–1 Zombie, Rob 1965(?)– ............................. CTFT–78 Zophres, Mary 1964(?)–........................... CTFT–44 Earlier sketch in CTFT–22 Zorich, Louis 1924– ................................ CTFT–80 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 35 Zorina, Vera 1917–................................. WWT–17 Zsigmond, Vilmos 1930–......................... CTFT–59 Earlier sketches in CTFT–2, 8, 16, 27 Zuber, Catherine....................................... CTFT–41 Zucco, George 1886–1960.................... WWasWT Zucker, David 1947–............................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–1, 9, 42 Zucker, Jeff 1965– ................................... CTFT–92 Zucker, Jerry 1950– ................................. CTFT–27 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16 Zuckerman, Josh 1985–........................... CTFT–76 Zuckerman, Steve ..................................... CTFT–50 Zuckmayer, Carl 1896–1977 .................. WWT–16 Zuniga, Daphne 1962– ........................... CTFT–88 Earlier sketches in CTFT–8, 16, 40 Zuniga, Jose.............................................. CTFT–75 Earlier sketches in CTFT–21, 32 Zuvic, Daniella See....................................... Monet, Daniella Zwar, Charles 1914–1989 ...................... WWT–17 Zwerdling, Allen 1922–............................. CTFT–4 Zwick, Edward 1952– ............................. CTFT–58 Earlier sketches in CTFT–3, 16, 27 Zwick, Joel 1942– ................................... CTFT–91 Earlier sketches in CTFT–9, 42 Zylberman, Noam .................................... CTFT–87 Zylberstein, Elsa 1969– ........................... CTFT–36