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VOLUME LXXV 2006 Edited by Massimo Mastrogregori with the contribution of a number of scholars, under the auspices of the International Committee of Historical Sciences
De Gruyter
The IBOHS for the years 1978 to 1992 (Vol. 47 – 61) was edited by Michel François and Michael Keul for Vol. 47/48 (1978/1979) and Jean Glénisson and Michael Keul for Vol. 49 – 61 (1980 – 1992) on behalf of the International Committee of Historical Sciences and was published by K. G. Saur Munich.
ISBN 978-3-11-023140-3 e-ISBN 978-3-11-023141-0 ISSN 0074-2015 Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de. © 2011 Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin / New York Technical partner: Dr. Rainer Ostermann, München Managing partner and technical support: Ellediemme libri dal mondo, Roma Printing: Hubert & Co. GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ∞ Printed on acid-free paper Printed in Germany www.degruyter.com
General editor Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Università di Roma 'La Sapienza' Assistant editor Carlo COLELLA, Rome Advisory board Maria Tereza AMADO, Universidad de Evora Girolamo ARNALDI, Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo, Rome † Yuri BESSMERTNY, Institute of General History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow † Wiesáaw BIEēKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk László BIRÓ, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest Corinne BONNET, Université de Toulouse-Mirail Luciano CANFORA, Università di Bari Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library Ilse FREDERIKSEN VÄHÄKYRÖ, Turku University Library Jean GLÉNISSON, Comité International des Sciences Historiques, Paris Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo Mario MAZZA, Università di Roma 'La Sapienza' Vilém PREýAN, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana Jacques REVEL, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris † Ruggiero ROMANO, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris Gabrielle M. SPIEGEL, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Martina STERCKEN, Universität Zurich Natasa STERGAR, Ljubliana ùerban TURCUù, Università 'Babeú-Bolyai', Cluj Napoca Nenad VEKARIû, Dubrovnik Bahaeddin YEDøYILDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara Contributing editors Kira E. AGEEVA, Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Maria Tereza AMADO, Universidad de Evora (Portuguese historiography) Leonardo AMBASCIANO, Università di Torino (History of religions) Vassili N. BABENKO, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian Historiography) Grigory N. BIBIKOV, Moscow State University, Moscow (Russian Historiography) † Wiesáaw BIEēKOWSKI, Polska Akademia Nauk (Polish historiography) Wolfdieter BIHL, Institut für Geschichte, Universität Wien (Austrian historiography) László BIRÓ, Hungarian Academy of sciences, Budapest (Hungarian historiography) VČra BěEĕOVÁ, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague (Czech historiography) Alejandro CATTARUZZA, University of Buenos Aires (Latin American historiography) Carlo COLELLA, Rome (History by countries, History of international relations)
Darko DAROVEC, Science and Research Centre of Koper, University of Primorska (Slovenian historiography) Laura DE GIORGI, Università di Venezia (Chinese historiography) Anne EIDSFELDT, University of Oslo Library, (Norvegian historiography) Ilse FREDERIKSEN VÄHÄKYRÖ, Turku University Library (Finnish historiography) Ekaterina V. GORBUNOVA, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Nikolay V. GORDIYCHUK, Russian State University for Humanities (Russian historiography) Anna GRUCA, Instytut Historii PAN. Pracownia Bibliografii BieĪącej (Polish historiography) Timophey GUIMON, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Teymur K. GUSEJNOV, Russian State University for Humanities (Russian historiography) Libby KAHANE, The Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem (Historiography of Israel) Kazuhiko KONDO, University of Tokyo (Japanese historiography) Olga V. KOROBEYNIKOVA, Moscow State University, Moscow (Russian historiography) Dmitry S. KOZHEVNIKOV, Institute of the Countries of Asia and Africa of the Moscow State University (Russian Historiography) Marina KOZLOVA, International University, Moscow (Russian historiography) Anna KRASOVA, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, (Russian historiography) Mauro LENZI, Società Romana di Storia Patria, Rome (Palaeography, Diplomatics, History of the book, Medieval history) Jean Marie MAILLEFER, Université Charles-De-Gaulle Lille 3 (Danish and Swedish historiography) Maria M. MARISOVA, State University for Human Sciences (Russian historiography) Massimo MASTROGREGORI, Università di Roma 'La Sapienza' (Auxiliary sciences, General works, Modern history) Stjepan MATKOVIû, Zagreb (Croatian historiography) Anastasija MAYER, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, (Russian historiography) Matjaz REBOLJ, Ljubljana (Slovenian historiography) Marco SANTUCCI, Università degli Studi di Urbino 'Carlo Bo' (Ancient history) Evgeny E. SAVITSKI, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography) Alžbeta SEDLIAKOVÁ, Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, Bratislava (Slovak historiography) A. SLIVA, Rossijskaja Akademija Nauk, Moskva (Russian historiography) Natale SPINETO, Università di Torino (History of religions) Natasa STERGAR, Ljubliana (Slovenian historiography) Paola STIRPE, Università di Roma 'La Sapienza' (Ancient history) ùerban TURCUù, Università 'Babeú-Bolyai', Cluj Napoca (Romanian historiography) Samuel B. VOLFSON, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian historiography)
Galina A. YANKOVSKAYA, Perm State University, Perm (Russian historiography) Bahaeddin YEDøYILDIZ, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara (Historiography of Turkey) Consulting editors Maurice AYMARD, Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris Eric BRIAN, Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris Louis CHATELLIER, Université de Nancy II Sten EBBESEN, University of Copenhagen Carlo FRANCO, Università di Venezia Olivier GUYOTJEANNIN, Ecole nationale des Chartes, Paris Michel MORINEAU, Paris Brian TIERNEY, Cornell University, Ithaca Giusto TRAINA, Université de Rouen Pietro VANNICELLI, Università di Roma "La Sapienza" André VAUCHEZ, Paris Special Assistant editor Costanza BONELLI, Rome Alessio ESPOSITO, Rome
CONTENTS Pages FOREWORD ...................................................................................................................................................
SCHEME .........................................................................................................................................................
GENERAL HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES .............................................................................................
BIBLIOGRAPHY ...........................................................................................................................................
INDEX OF NAMES ........................................................................................................................................
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX .............................................................................................................................
FOREWORD The International Bibliography of Historical Sciences (I. B. O. H. S.) is a selective and descriptive bibliography, and the works it mentions, both books and articles, are arranged according to a methodical and chronological scheme originally drawn up and established by the Bibliographical Commission of the International Committee of Historical Sciences; the scheme has been revised only in details. An exposition of the principles which were followed in the choice of works included and of the rules which were observed for their presentation in the present volume is set out below. A. Manner of Selection. In agreement with the wish expressed by the Bibliographical Commission of the C. I. S. H., the selection is actuated by the twin concern of preserving for the I. B. O. H. S. its character of a general bibliography comprehending the whole field of historical sciences, and of putting at the disposal of historians as also librarians the essential facts of historical production throughout the world, in one complete volume appearing annually. In view of the multiplication of specialized bibliographies, it has in fact appeared more than ever necessary to offer to isolated scholars and even scientific establishments unable to obtain all these bibliographies the means of keeping informed, each year, of the advancement of historical science. But it was also desirable that these bibliographies be mentioned, and this has been done in two different ways: firstly, we have listed, outside the systematic inventory and immediately preceding it, the great international or national bibliographies giving the historical production of a country and in which a conspectus of works connected with this country is given; on the other hand, in the systematic inventory, at the head of each division or subdivision are mentioned general bibliographies dealing with one of the historical disciplines or particular bibliographies devoted to one question, one author or one province or state, and which find their logical position in that division or subdivision; in the latter case, the bibliographies are preceded by an asterisk (*). In order to justify its existence as a working instrument of a high scientific standard and of international application, the I. B. O. H. S. only mentioned books or articles with a wider scope than the narrow field of local preoccupations, and rejects also reviews which are mere presentations or of courtesies. Like-wise re-editings, translations, descriptions of research which do not include new elements of information, exhibition catalogues without commentary, typed or stencilled works and works of popularization and propaganda have been normally eliminated. On the other hand, the contributing editors have been careful to describe those works which, through slight or of apparently only local interest, make an obvious contribution to general history or to the solution of current problems; this is the case of certain reports on excavations and of articles bearing on controversial subjects touching the history of institutions or civilization; in this case, as whenever the title of an article was too vague, it has been followed whenever possible by a brief remark or by a date in brackets for the reader's orientation. Herein can be found an effort which will not fail to be useful to those who use the I. B. O. H. S., and which can be increased in future volumes without incurring the temptation to transform this essentially selective and descriptive bibliography into an analytical and critical one, this double character being in fact reserved to specialized bibliographies.
Unlike the greater number of national bibliographies, the I. B. O. H. S. does not limit the works included by any fixed date; that is to say that works connected with the most recent history find a place in it, notably those connected with international relations (P 8); at the same time the selection had to be correspondingly strictly. By this conception, the I. O. B. H. S. keeps a physiognomy peculiar to itself; it has no tendency towards substituting for any existing bibliography, but while avoiding as far as possible a double role, it allows to be necessary that amount or overlapping which is profitable in the scholarly world. B. Rules of Presentation. The volume LXXV, 2006 mentions the works published with the date: 2006. Within each division or subdivision, the works are presented in alphabetical order of their authors. Slavonic, Greek, Japanese, Hebraic and Arabic names are transcribed into Latin characters and placed according to the order of the Latin alphabet, but characters with diacritics, for instance ü, þ, Ğ, š are considered as if ordinaries c, s. Germanic and Scandinavian names are classed according to the function of the developed value of letters of inflection: ä, ö, ø, ü become ae, oe, ue. Mc and M' are indexed as if Mac. Anonymous or collective works are classed alphabetically according to the initial of the key word in the title, for instance: "Congress (Fourteenth) of the Learned Societies ..." At the same time, in heavy type are the names of scholars, or philosophers, who have been the object of an important biographical or historiographical study (B § 2 b, M § 5 b) and those of Saints (G § 4, I § 13 d); in the first case, the works are indicated in the alphabetical order of the people concerned. As it has been done for the bibliographies peculiar to a division or subdivision, the publications of texts which had their place in the alphabetical list of each division or subdivision have been extracted and transferred to the head of the alphabetical list and immediately following the list of bibliographies; these publications of texts have been distinguished by being preceded by two asterisks. Thus the reader has immediately before his eyes the bibliographies and editions of the most recent texts bearing on a particular question or period. However, concerning the texts, the procedure of two asterisks (**) has not been adopted in chapter E, F, G and H, each of which already has a division especially devoted to the texts. When the current year has been marked by the commemoration of an important historical event, the works to which this commemoration has led are grouped separately and under a special title at the end of the subdivision where this event finds its normal place. When a work which has been in circulation for three or four years has been the object of a review every succeeding year, only the name of the author is cited plus the essential of the title, preceded by a reference to the number of the last volume of the I. B. O. H. S. in which it was quoted; it is thus possible to follow year to year the state of the criticism which the publication of a book has provoked. Where the "collation" of works is concerned, the unification of references to pages, plates and illustrations, etc. has been sought as far as possible by putting them into either French or English, these being the two languages which have the most words or initial letters of words of an identical meaning in common.The transferrings of works interesting for one part to a section other than their logical one, transferences indicated by "Cf. n°...", have been grouped at the end of each section. In the index of names of authors and persons, the names of Classical authors, Saints and Popes are written in their Latin form.
SCHEME _________
§ 1. Palaeography. 1-8. – § 2. Diplomatics. 9-26. – § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 2776. – § 4. Chronology. 77-86. – § 5. Genealogy and family history. 87-108. – § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. 109126. – § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 127-144.– § 8. Linguistics. 145-179. – § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. 180-214. – § 10. Iconography and images. 215-232.
§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums (a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 233-284. – § 2. History of historiography and memory (a. General; b. Special studies). 285-433. – § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 434-494. – § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. 495-533. – § 5. General history. 534-615. – § 6. Theory of the state and of society. 616-650. – § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 651-676. – § 8. Economic and social history. 677-729. – § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. 730-779. – § 10. History of art. 780-798. – § 11. History of religions (a. General; b. Special studies). 799-938. – § 12. History of philosophy. 939953. – § 13. History of literature. 954-980.
C PREHISTORY (p. 41-44)
§ 1. General. 981-994. – § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 995-1012. – § 3. Neolithic. 1013-1024. – § 4. Bronze age. 1025-1052. – § 5. Iron age. 1053-1062.
D THE ANCIENT EAST (the Hellenistic states included) (p. 45-54) § 1. General. 1063-1078. – § 2. The Near East. 1079-1126. – § 3. Egypt. 1127-1186. – § 4. Mesopotamia. 11871245. – § 5. Hittites. 1246-1269. – § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 1270-1313. – § 7. Iran. 1314-1329.
E GREEK HISTORY (p. 55-71) § 1. Classical world in general. 1330-1366. – § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1367-1383. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1384-1426. – § 4. General and political history. 1427-1473. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1474-1490. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1491-1533. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and sciences). 1534-1741. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 1742-1772. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1773-1817.
F HISTORY OF ROME, ANCIENT ITALY AND THE ROMAN EMPIRE (p. 73-90) § 1. The peoples of Italy. 1818-1825. – § 2. The Etruscans. 1826-1844. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1845-1926. – § 4. General and political history. 1927-2032. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 2033-2085. – § 6. Economic and social history. 2086-2151. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). 2152-2227. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 2228-2256. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 2257-2306. – § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. 2307-2326.
G EARLY HISTORY OF THE CHURCH TO GREGORY THE GREAT (p. 91-97) § 1. Sources. 2327-2385. – § 2. General. 2386-2391. – § 3. Special studies. 2392-2482. – § 4. Hagiography. 24832488.
H BYZANTINE HISTORY (since Justinian) (p. 99-104) § 1. Sources. 2489-2529. – § 2. General. 2530-2543. – § 3. Special studies. 2544-2626.
I HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE AGES (p. 105-139) § 1. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Non-literary sources; b. Literary sources). 2627-2688. – § 2. General works. 2689-2730. – § 3. Political history (a. General; b. 476–900; c. 900–1300; d. 1300–1500). 2731-2795. – § 4. Jews. 2796-2818. – § 5. Islam. 2819-2834. – § 6. Vikings. 2835-2846. – § 7. History of law and institutions. 2847-2891. – § 8. Economic and social history. 2892-2981. – § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education (a. Civilization; b. Literature; c. Technology; d. Education). 2982-3172. – § 10. History of art. 3173-3220. – § 11. History of music. 3221-3235. – § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. 3236-3285. – § 13. History of the Church and religion (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Monastic history; d. Hagiography; e. Special studies). 3286-3458. – § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. 3459-3470.
K MODERN HISTORY, GENERAL WORKS (p. 141-189) § 1. General. 3471-3528. – § 2. History by countries. 3529-4618.
L MODERN RELIGIOUS HISTORY (p. 191-198) § 1. General. 4619-4635. – § 2. Roman Catholicism (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Special studies; d. Religious orders; e. Missions). 4636-4718. – § 3. Orthodox Church. 4719-4729. – § 4. Protestantism. 4730-4786. – § 5. NonChristian religions and sects. 4787-4804.
M HISTORY OF MODERN CULTURE (p. 199-218) § 1. General. 4805-4897. – § 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations. 4898-4936. – § 3. Education. 4937-4977. – § 4. The Press. 4978-5008. – § 5. Philosophy (a. General, b. Special studies). 5009-5054. – § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique. 5055-5134. – § 7. Literature (a. General; b. Renaissance; c. Classicism; d. Romanticism and after). 5135-5166. – § 8. Art and industrial art (a. General; b. Architecture; c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing; d. Decorative, popular and industrial art). 5167-5218. – § 9. Music, theatre, cinema, photography and broadcasting. 5219-5324.
N MODERN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY (p. 219-241) § 1. General. 5325-5374. – § 2. Political economy. 5375-5382. – § 3. Industry, mining and transportation. 53835440. – § 4. Trade. 5441-5488. – § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. 5489-5519. – § 6. Money and finance. 5520-5558. – § 7. Demography and urban history. 5559-5599. – § 8. Social history. 5600-5852. – § 9. Workingclass movement and socialism. 5853-5891.
O MODERN LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY (p. 243-247) § 1. General. 5892-5908. – § 2. History of constitutional law. 5909-5927. – § 3. Public law and institutions. 59285941. – § 4. Civil and penal law. 5942-5998. – § 5. International law. 5999-6005.
P HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (p. 249-283) § 1. General. 6006-6077. – § 2. History of colonization and decolonization (a. General; b. Asia; c. Africa; d. America; e. Oceania). 6078-6246. – § 3. From 1500 to 1789 (a. General; b. 1500–1648; c. 1648–1789). 6247-6298. – § 4. From 1789 to 1815. 6299-6318. – § 5. From 1815 to 1910. 6319-6380. – § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. 6381-6473. – § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War (a. General; b. Diplomacy. Economy; c. Military operations; d. Resistance). 6474-6616. – § 8. From 1945 (a. General; b. 19451956; c. From 1956). 6617-6830.
R ASIA (p. 285-296) § 1. General. 6831-6835. – § 2. Western and central Asia. 6836-6854. – § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. 68556864. – § 4. China. 6865-7042. – § 5. Japan (esp. before 1868). 7043-7101. – § 6. Korea. 7102-7104.
S AFRICA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 297) Nos 7105-7116.
T AMERICA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 299) Nos 7117-7120.
U OCEANIA (esp. to its colonization) (p. 301) Nos 7121-7125.
GENERAL HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES I. [Austria]. Österreichische Historische Bibliographie. Austrian Historical Bibliography 2004. [2003. Cf. Bibl. 2005, n° I.] Hrsg. von Johannes GRABMAYER. Bearb. von Martha JAUERNIG. Unter Mitarbeit von Tatjana VALENTINITSCH und Uta HÖDL. Graz, Wolfgang Neugebauer u. Santa Barbara, Clio Press, 2006, 615 p. II. [Belgium]. Bibliographie de l'histoire de Belgique. Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van België 2004. [2003. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no II.]. Ed. par Romain VAN EENOO [et al.]. Revue Belge de philologie et d'histoire - Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 2006, 83, 2*, [s. p.]. III. [Bulgaria]. POPOVA (Nina). Littérature scientifique historique bulgare en 2005. [2004. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no III.] Bulgarian historical review, 2006, 34, 3-4, p. 302-326. IV. [France]. Bibliographie annuelle de l'histoire de France du Ve siècle à 1958. Vol. 51. Année 2005. [Vol. 50. 2004. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no V.] Redigée par Isabelle HAVELANGE, Brigitte KÉRIVEN et Claude GHIATI. Paris, Ed. du C. N. R. S., 2006, LXXX-963 p. V. [Germany] Historische Bibliographie: Berichtsjahr 2005. [2004. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no VI.] Herausgegeben von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft ausseruniversitärer historischer Forschungseinrichtungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, 1288 p. (Historische Zeitschrift, Sonderausgabe). – Jahresberichte für Deutsche Geschichte. Neue Folge. 57. Jahrgang 2005. Mit Nachträgen. [56. Jahrgang 2004. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no VI.] Hrsg. von der Berlin-Brandeburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2006, XXII-1787 p. VI. [Great Britain]. Annual bulletin of historical literature. Ed. by Keith LAYBOURN and Kathleen THOMPSON. 2006, 90, 266 p. [2005. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no VII.] VII. International bibliography of historical sciences. Internationale Bibliographie der Geschichtswissenschaften. Bibliografia internacional de ciencias historicas. Bibliographie internationale des sciences historiques. Bibliografia internazionale delle scienze storiche. Vol. LXX, 2001 [Vol. LXIX, 2000. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no VIII.] Ed. by Massimo MASTROGREGORI with the contribution of a number of scholars. München, K. G. Saur, 2006, XX-401 p. VIII. [Luxembourg]. Bibliographie d'histoire luxembourgeoise pour l'année 2005 avec complément des années précédentes. [2004. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no IX.] Hémecht: Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte = Revue d'histoire luxembourgeoise, 2006, 58, 2, p. 25j1-311. IX. [Slovakia] Slovenská historiografia 20002004. Výberová bibliografia. (Slovak historiography 20002004: Selected bibliography). Zostavila Alžbeta SEDLIAKOVÁ. Bratislava, Historický ústav SAV, 2006, 418 p. Slovenská historiografia 2004. Výberová bibliografia. [2003. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no X.] (Slovak historiography 2004. Selected bibliography). Ed. Alžbeta SEDLIAKOVÁ. Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 4, p. 719-780. X. [Spain]. Indice histórico español. Publicación semestral del centro de estudios históricos internacionales. Ed. por Pere MOLAS RIBALTA y Rosa ORTEGA CANADELL. Vol. 42, n. 118, Año 2004. Vol. 43, n. 119, Año 20052006. [Vol. 41, n. 117, 2003. Cf. Bibl. 2005, n° XI.] Barcelona, Publicacions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2006, 2 vol., 442 p., 342 p. XI. [Turkey]. BOSTAŠVILI (N). Türkiye bibliyografyasÕ: tarih = T'urk'etis bibliograp'ia: istoria = Bibliography of Turkey: history = Bibliografiia Turtsii: istoriia. Ankara, Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, 2006, 764 p. (Türk Tarih Kurumu YayÕnlarÕ. XI Dizi, 12).
A AUXILIARY SCIENCES _________ § 1. Palaeography. 1-8. – § 2. Diplomatics. 9-26. – § 3. History of the book (a. Manuscripts; b. Printed books). 2776. – § 4. Chronology. 77-86. – § 5. Genealogy and family history. 87-108. – § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. 109126. – § 7. Numismatics and metrology. 127-144.– § 8. Linguistics. 145-179. – § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. 180-214. – § 10. Iconography and images. 215-232. § 1. Palaeography.
§ 2. Diplomatics.
** 1. Chartae Latinae antiquiores: facsimile-edition of the Latin charters. 2nd Series: Ninth century. Ed. by Guglielmo CAVALLO and Giovanna NICOLAJ. Part 68. Italy XL. Piacenza 5. Publ. by Paola DEGNI. Part 69. Italy XLI. Piacenza 6. Publ. by Flavia DE RUBEIS. Part 100. Switzerland III. Sankt Gallen 1. Publ. by Peter ERHART. Zürich, Graf, 2006, 3 vol., 136 p., 136 p., 136 p. (facs.).
9. BARBICHE (Bernard). La diplomatique royale française de époque moderne. Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 2006, 52, p. 417-427. 10. BARTOLI LANGELI (Attilio). Notai: scrivere documenti nell'Italia medievale. Roma, Viella, 2006, 269 p. (I libri di Viella, 56).
2. CANART (Paul). La paléographie est-elle un art ou une science? Scriptorium, 2006, 60, 2, p. 159-185. 3. CANFORA (Luciano). Postilla testuale sul nuovo Artemidoro. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 32, 64, 2, p. 4560. 4. Codices Hebraicis litteris exarati quo tempore scripti fuerint exhibentes. Éd. par Malachi BEIT-ARIÉ, Colette SIRAT et Mordechai GLATZER. T. IV. De 1144 à 1200. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 146 p. (Monumenta palaeographica medii aevi. Series Hebraica). 5. GUERRINI (Ferri Gemma). La Bastarda: note per la storia di un nome. Nuovi Annali della Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari, 2006, 20, p. 3148. 6. MICUNCO (Stefano). Figure di animali: il verso del papiro di Artemidoro. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 32, 64, 2, p. 5-44. 7. PETRUCCI (Armando). Autografi. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 32, 63, 1, p. 111-126. 8. THOMPSON (Susan D.). Anglo-Saxon royal diplomas: a palaeography. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2006, XIII-174 p. (ill., p., map, facs.). (Publications of the Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies, 6). Cf. nos 9-26, 2627-2688, 2614, 2662, 481, 6838, 6842
11. CARCEL ORTÍ (Milagros), SANZ FUENTES (María Josefa), OSTOS SALCEDO (Pilar), BAIGES I JARDÍ (Ignasi Jaime). La Diplomática en España. Docencia e Investigación. Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 2006, 52, p. 541-661. 12. Cartulaires (Les) méridionaux. Actes du colloque organisé à Béziers les 20 et 21 septembre 2002 par le Centre Historique de Recherches et d'Études Médiévales sur la Méditerranée Occidentale (E.A. 3764, Université Paul-Valéry - Montpellier III) avec la collaboration du GDR 2513 du CNRS (SALVÉ: Sources, Acteurs et Lieux de la Vie Religieuse à l'Époque Médiévale). Éd. par Daniel LE BLÉVEC. Paris, École des Chartes, 2006, 270 p. (Études et rencontres de l'École des Chartes, 19). 13. GEJROT (Claes). Diplomatics in Scandinavia. Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 2006, 52, p. 493-504. 14. GUYOTJEANNIN (Olivier). La diplomatique en France. Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 2006, 52, p. 479-491. 15. HERDE (Peter). Diplomatik und Kanonistik: Bilanz und Perspektiven. Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 2006, 52, p. 27196. 16. JUREK (Tomasz), SKUPIENSKI (Krzysztof). Die polnische Diplomatik an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert. Eine Bilanz. Archiv für Diplomatik, Schrift-
geschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 2006, 52, p. 505-516. 17. KASHTANOV (Sergej M.). Dogovor Rossii s Livoniej 1535 g. (The Russian-Livonian treaty of 1535: [Facsimile, text and study]). In: Problemy istochnikovedenija. Vol. 1 (12) [Cf. no 481], p. 167-297. (ill.; tabl.; facs.; ind. p. 278-297). 18. KIRICHENKO (Larisa A.). Aktovyj material Troitse-Sergieva monastyrja 15841641 gg. kak istochnik po istorii zemlevladenija i khozjajstva. (The charters of the Trinity Monastery of St Sergius as a source for the history of land-property and economy, 1584–1641). Ed. Sergej M. KASHTANOV. Ros. gos. gumanit. un-t. Moskva, RGGU, 2006, 290 p. (tabl.; bibl. incl.). 19. MARQUES (José). Rapport sur la situation de la Diplomatique au Portugal. Bilan du XXe siècle et son état en 2005. Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 2006, 52, p. 663-673. 20. NICOLAJ (Giovanna). Diplomatica e storia sociale. Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegelund Wappenkunde, 2006, 52, p. 313-34. 21. PONCET (Olivier). Défence et illustration de la diplomatique de l'époque moderne. Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 2006, 52, p. 395-416. 22. SCHIEFFER (Rudolf). Diplomatik und Geschichtswissenschaft. Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 2006, 52, p. 233-248. 23. SIRAT (Colette). Writing as handwork. A history of handwriting in Mediterranean and Western culture. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 575 p. (Bibliologia elementa ad librorum studia pertinentia-24). 24. SOLYMLOSI (László). Rapport sur la situation de la diplomatique en Hongrie. Le bilan du XXe siècle et l'état de l'année 2005. Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 2006, 52, p. 517529. 25. WEITZEL (Jürgen). Diplomatik und Rechtsgeschichte. Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 2006, 52, p. 297-312. 26. WOLFRAM (Herwig). Diplomatik, Politik und Staatssprache. Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 2006, 52, p. 249-70. Cf. nos 1-8, 481, 2627-2688, 6436, 7082 § 3. History of the book. _______________________
a. Manuscripts 27. Bibbie miniate della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana di Firenze: secondo contributo. A cura di Claudio LEONARDI, Franca ARDUINI e Laura ALIDORI. Tavarnuzze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2006, XXII358 p. (Biblioteche e archivi, 15).
28. Copisti a Bologna (12651270). A cura di Giovanna MURANO. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 211 p. (Textes et études du moyen âge, 37). 29. D'ACIER (Louis Faivre). Histoire et géographie d'un mythe. La circulation des manuscrits du De excidio Troiae de Darès le Phrygien (VIIIeXVe siècle), Paris, École des chartes, 2006, 539 p. (Mémoires et documents de l'École des chartes, 82). 30. Écrit (L') et le manuscrit à la fin du Moyen Âge. Éd. par Tania VAN HEMELRYCK et Céline VAN HOOREBEECK. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 396 p. (Texte, codex & contexte, 1). 31. FALLUOMINI (Carla). Kodikologische Bemerkungen über die Handschriften der Goten. Scriptorium, 2006, 60, 1, p. 3-37. 32. Flemish manuscript painting in context: recent research. Ed. by Elisabeth MORRISON and Thomas KREN. Based on symposia held at the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles (September 5-6-2003), and at the Courtauld Institute of Art, London (February 21, 2004, under the sponsorship of the Courtauld Institute and the Royal Academy of Arts), with an additional essay by Margaret SCOTT. Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, 2006, IX-198 p. (ill.). 33. GRAFTON (Anthony), WILLIAMS (Megan). Christianity and the transformation of the book: Origen, Eusebius, and the library of Caesarea. Cambridge a. London, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2006, XVI367 p. 34. Luoghi (I) dello scrivere da Francesco Petrarca agli albori dell'età moderna. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studio dell'Associazione italiana dei paleografi e diplomatisti, Arezzo, 811 ottobre 2003. A cura di Caterina TRISTANO, Marta CALLERI e Leonardo MAGIONAMI. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2006, IX-513 p. (pl., ill.). 35. Manoscritti datati (I) della Biblioteca Riccardiana di Firenze. A cura di Teresa DE ROBERTIS e Rosanna MIRIELLO. Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2006, 105 p., 124 p. (Manoscritti datati d'Italia, 14). 36. Manoscritti, editoria e biblioteche dal Medioevo all'età contemporanea: studi offerti a Domenico Maffei per il suo ottantesimo compleanno. A cura di Mario ASCHERI, Gaetano COLLI e Paola MAFFEI. Roma, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2006, 3 vol., XLI-1540 p. 37. Medieval manuscripts in transition: tradition and creative recycling. Papers presented at an international conference held in Brussels, Belgium, Nov. 59, 2002. Ed. by Geert H. M. CLAASSENS and Werner VERBEKE. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2006, VIII-376 p. (ill.). (Mediaevalia lovaniensia. Studia, 36). 38. Noticias (Las) en los siglos de la imprenta manual: homenaje a Mercedes Agulló. Ed. por Henry ETTINGHAUSEN, María Cruz GARCÍA DE ENTERRÍA, Giuseppina LEDDA, Augustín REDONDO y José SIMÓN. A Coruña, SIELAE, Sociedad de Cultura Valle-Inclán, 2006, 274 p. (ill., facs.).
3. HISTORY OF THE BOOK 39. Patrons, authors and workshops: books and book production in Paris around 1400. Ed. by Godfried CROENEN and Peter F. AINSWORTH. Louvain et Paris, Peeters, 2006, XXI-529 p. 40. Pen in hand: Medieval scribal portraits, colophons and tools. Ed. by Michel GULLICK. Walkern, Red Gull Press, 2006, IX-190 p. (ill.). 41. PETRILLO (Maria Cristina). Le miniature del Virgilio Aragonese della Biblioteca Universitaria di Valenza. Nuovi Annali della Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari, 2006, 20, p. 19-48. 42. PULLIAM (Heather). Word and image in the Book of Kells. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2006, 237 p. (pl., ill.). 43. REIDEMEISTER (Johann). Superbia und Narziȕ: Personifikation und Allegorie in Miniaturen mittelalterlicher Handschriften. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, IX-229 p. (Ars Nova. Studies in Late Medieval and Renaissance Northern painting and illumination).
51. ALBUQUERQUE (Maria João Durães). A edição musical em Portugal (17501834). Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional-Casa de Moeda e Funcação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2006, XIV-402 p. (ill.). (Estudios musicológicos, 30). 52. BALSAMO (Luigi). Antonio Possevino S. I. bibliografo della Controriforma e diffusione della sua opera in area anglicana. Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2006, 225 p. (Biblioteca di bibliografia italiana, 186). IDEM. Per la storia del libro. Scritti di Luigi Balsamo raccolti in occasione dell'80° compleanno. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2006, VIII-167 p. 53. BARBIER (Frédéric). L'Europe de Gutenberg: le livre et l'invention de la modernité occidentale, XIIIe XVIe siècle. Paris, Belin, 2006, 364 p. (ill., maps). (Histoire et société). 54. BÉCARES BOTAS (Vicente). Guía documental del mundo del libro salmantino del siglo XVI. Burgos, Instituto Castellano y Leonés de la Lengua, 2006, 293 p. (Libros singulars, 7).
44. SCATTERGOOD (Vincent John). Manuscripts and ghosts: essays on the transmission of Medieval and early Renaissance literature. Dublin a. Portland, Four Courts Press, 2006, 320 p. (ill.).
55. Bologna e l'editoria nazionale dopo l'Unità: temi e confronti. A cura di Gianfranco TORTORELLI. Bologna, Museo del Risorgimento, 2006, 299 p. (Bollettino del Museo del Risorgimento, 51-52).
45. SCHOPEN (Armin). Tinten und Tuschen des arabisch-islamischen Mittelalters: Dokumentation, Analyse, Rekonstruktion. Ein Beitrag zur materiellen Kultur des Vorderen Orients. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 264 p. (ill., pl.). (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, PhilologischHistorische Klasse, 3. Folge, 269).
56. Books, bibliographies, and pugs: a festschrift to honor Murlin Croucher. Ed. by Gregory Curtis FERENCE and Bradley L. SCHAFFNER. Bloomington, Slavica, 2006, IV-197 p. (Indiana Slavic studies, 16).
46. Tributes in honor of James H. Marrow: studies in painting and manuscript illumination of the late middle ages and northern renaissance. Ed. by Jeffrey F. HAMBURGER, A. S. KORTEWEG and Mark EVANS. London, Harvey Miller, 2006, 679 p. (ill.).
57. DAWSON (Robert L.). Confiscations at customs: banned books and the French booktrade during the last years of the Ancien régime. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2006, XV-315 p. 58. FONOLLEDA I PÉREZ (Pere Miquel). Editorials i societat a Andorra 19451994. Andorra la Vella, Editorial Andorra, 2006, 158 p. (Biblioteca d'Andorra. Historia).
47. Tributes to Jonathan J. G. Alexander: the making and meaning of illuminated Medieval & Renaissance manuscripts, art & architecture. Ed. by Susan L'ENGLE and Gerald B. GUEST. London, Harvey Miller, 2006, IX-532 p. (ill.).
59. FRANCHI (Saverio). Annali della stampa musicale romana dei secoli XVIXVIII. Vol. 1. T. 1. Edizioni di musica pratica dal 1601 al 1650. Roma, IBIMUS, 2006, LII-948 p. (Istituto di bibliografia musicale. Annali della stampa musicale romana, 1.1).
48. Visualisierungsstrategien in mittelalterlichen Bildern und Texten. Hrsg. v. Horst WENZEL, C. Stephen JAEGER und Wolfgang HARMS. Berlin, Erich Schmidt, 2006, 282 p. (Philologische Studien und Quellen).
60. GANDA (Arnaldo). Filippo Cavagni da Lavagna: editore, tipografo, commerciante a Milano nel Quattrocento. Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2006, 290 p. (Storia della tipografia e del commercio librario, 7).
b. Printed books
61. GREEN (James N.). Benjamin Franklin, writer and printer. New Castle, Oak Knoll Press a. London, British Library, 2006, X-179 p. (ill.).
* 49. Annual bibliography of the history of the printed book and libraries. Vol. 31. Publications of 2000. Dordrecht, Springer, 2006, LVI-696 p. * 50. IRWIN (Raymond). Books on early American history and culture, 19511960. An annotated bibliography. Westport a. London, Praeger Publishers, 2006, XII-298 p. (Bibliographies and indexes in American history, 50). _______________________
62. HAUSER (Don). Printers of the streets and lanes of Melbourne (18371975). Melbourne, Nondescript Press, 2006, XI-171 p. (ill., facs.). 63. History (A) of the book in Australia. Vol. 3. 1946 2005, paper empires. Ed. by Craig MUNRO and Robyn SHEAHAN-BRIGHT. St Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 2006, XIII-433 p. (ill., pl.).
64. KOGMAN-APPEL (Katrin). Illuminated Haggadot from Medieval Spain: Biblical imagery and the Passover Holiday. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2006, XXII-295 (pl., ill.).
TONDEL and Iwona IMAēSKA. ToruĔ, Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Mikoáaja Kopernika, 2006, 352 p. (Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici, 367. Nauki humanistyczno-spoáeczne. Bibliologia, 5).
65. KRZAK-WEISS (Katarzyna). Polskie sygnety drukarskie od XV do poáowy XVII wieku. PoznaĔ, Wydawnictwo "PoznaĔskie Studia Polonistyczne", 2006, 215 p. (ill.). (Prace Instytutu Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza).
Cf. nos 247-262, 740, 958, 966, 4822, 4832, 49785008
66. KULARATNE (Tilak). History of printing and publishing in Ceylon, 17361912. Dehiwala, Tilak Kularatne, 2006, XXII-304 p. (pl., ill., map).
77. Ancient Egyptian chronology. Ed. by Erik HORRolf KRAUSS and David A. WARBURTON. Leiden, Brill, 2006, IX-517 p. (ill.). (Handbook of oriental studies. 83. Section 1, the Near and Middle East).
67. Livre (Le) en Irlande: l'imprimé en contexte. Éd. par Jacqueline GENET, Sylvie MIKOWSKI et Fabienne DABRIGEON-GARCIER. Caen, Presses universitaires de Caen, 2006, 398 p. (ill.). 68. MAC DERMOTT (Joseph P.). A social history of the Chinese book: books and literati culture in late imperial China. Hong Kong, Hong Kong U. P., 2006, XIV-294 p. (Understanding China: new viewpoints on history and culture). 69. MOUREAU (François). La plume et le plomb: espaces de l'imprimé et du manuscrit au siècle des Lumières. Préface de Robert DARNTON. Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2006, 728 p. (ill.). 70. MULSOW (Martin). Practices of unmasking: polyhistors, correspondence, and the birth of dictionaries of pseudonymity in seventeenth-century Germany. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 2, p. 219-250. 71. New perspectives in book history: contributions from the Low Countries. Ed. by Marieke T. G. E. VAN DELFT, Frank DE GLAS and Jeroen SALMAN. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2006, 222 p. (Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse boekhandel, 7). 72. Produzione e circolazione del libro a Brescia tra Quattro e Cinquecento. Atti della seconda Giornata di studi "Libri e lettori a Brescia tra Medioevo ed età moderna", Brescia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 4 marzo 2004. A cura di Valentina GROHOVAZ. Milano, Via e Pensiero, 2006, X-178 p. (Bibliotheca erudita, 28). 73. REYNHOUT (Lucien). Formules latines de colophons. Vol. 1. Textes. Vol. 2. Annexes. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 2 vol., 334 p., 428 p. (Bibliologia, 25). 74. ROGGERO (Marina). Le carte piene di sogni. Testi e lettori in età moderna. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 282 p. 75. Storia (Per la) della tipografia napoletana nei secoli XVXVIII. Atti del convegno internazionale, Napoli, 2005, 1617 dicembre. A cura di Antonio GARZYA. Napoli, Accademia pontaniana, 2006, 398 p. (Quaderno, 44). 76. Studia o ksiąĪce dawnej i wspóáczesnej. (Studying the old and contemporary book). Ed. by Janusz
§ 4. Chronology. _______________________
78. BLIX (Göran). Charting the "Transitional Period": the emergence of modern time in the nineteenth century. History and theory, 2006, 45, 1, p. 51-71. 79. Calendriers (Les) et leurs implications culturelles: ouvrage collectif: publication des actes de la journée d'études du 21 juin 2000 organisée par le Centre de recherche sur les idées et les transferts inter culturels. Coordination et introduction, Geneviève GOBILLOT. Lyon, Éditions lyonnaises d'art et d'histoire, 2006, 118 p. (ill.). 80. KETELAAR (James E.). The non-modern confronts the modern: dating the Buddha in Japan. History and theory, 2006, 45, 4, p. 62-79. 81. Proceedings of the conference. Time and astronomy in past cultures: ToruĔ, March 30thApril 1, 2005. Ed. by Arkadiusz SOàTYSIAK. Warszawa, Institute of Archaeology a. Warsaw University, 2006, 188 p. (ill.). 82. RUNIA (Eelco). Spots of time. History and theory, 2006, 45, 3, p. 305-316. 83. RÜPKE (Jörg). Zeit und Fest. Eine Kulturgeschichte des Kalenders. München, Beck, 2006, 256 p. 84. Time and history; proceedings of the 28. International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 2005. Ed. by Friedrich STADLER. Frankfurt am Main, Ontos-Verl., 2006, XII-609 p. 85. Time and memory. Ed. by Jo Alyson PARKER. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XVIII-321 p. § 4. Addendum 2005. 86. MEZZADRA (Sandro). Tempo storico e semantica politica nella critica postcoloniale. Storica, 2005, 31, p. 143-162. Cf. nos 369, 481 § 5. Genealogy and family history. _______________________
87. BARILLY-LEGUY (Martine). "Livre de mes anciens grand pères". Le livre de raison d'une famille mancelle du Grand Siècle (15671675). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 465 p.
88. BOARDMAN (Stephen I.). The Campbells, 1250 1513. Edinburgh, John Donald, 2006, XII-374 p. (ill., maps).
102. LANDES (David). Die Macht der Familie. Wirtschaftsdynastien in der Weltgeschichte. München, Siedler, 2006, 480 p.
89. BUTAUD (Germain), PIÉTRI (Valérie). Les enjeux de la généalogie (XIIeXVIIIe siècle). Pouvoir et identité. Paris, Autrement, 2006, 304 p. (Mémoires/Culture).
103. LORANDINI (Cinzia). Famiglia e impresa. I Salvadori di Trento nei secoli XVII e XVIII. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 383 p. (Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-gernaico in Trento, monografie, 45).
90. DA SILVA (Maria Natália). Poder e família em Torres Vedras no Antigo Regime: espaço de actuação e formas de controlo social (16631755). Lisboa, Edições Colibri e Torres Vedras, Câmara Municipal de Torres Vedras, 2006, 194 p. (ill.). (Colecção Linhas de Torres, 7). 91. DELPERO (Pietro). I Volpini, una famiglia di scultori tra Lombardia e Baviera (secoli XVII–XVIII). Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 286 p. (Annali dell'Istituto storico italogermanico in Trento, Monografie, 44). 92. Famiglia e nazione nel lungo Ottocento italiano. Modelli, strategie, reti di relazioni. A cura di Ilaria PORCIANI. Roma, Viella, 2006, 294 p. 93. Famille (La), les femmes et le quotidien (XIV XVIIIe siècle). Textes offerts à Christiane KlapischZuber et rassemblés par Isabelle CHABOT, Jérôme HAYEZ et Didier LETT. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2006, 463 p. e
94. Family and society in early Stuart Glamorgan. The household accounts of Sir Thomas Aubrey of Llantrithyd, c. 15651641. Ed. by Lloyd BOWEN. Cardiff, South Wales Record Society, 2006, XVIII-245 p. (Publications of South Wales Record Society, 19). 95. FORCLAZ (Bertrand). La famille Borghese et ses fiefs: l'autorité négociée dans l'état pontifical d'Ancien Régime. Roma, École française de Rome, 2006, XIII418 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 372). 96. GANS (Angela von), GROENING (Monika). Die Familie Gans 1350–1963. Ursprung und Schicksal einer wiederentdeckten Gelehrten- und Wirtschaftsdynastie. Heidelberg, Ubstadt-Weiher u. Basel, Verlag Regionalkultur, 2006, 464 p. 97. HÄBERLEIN (Mark). Die Fugger. Geschichte einer augsburger Familie, 13671650. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2006, 257 p. 98. HUNT BOTTING (Eileen). Family feuds: Wollstonecraft, Burke, and Rousseau on the Transformation of the Family. Albany, State University of New York Press, 2006, XIII-257 p. 99. JAMES (Harold). Family capitalism: Wendels, Haniels, Falcks, and the continental European model. Cambridge, Harvard U. P. a. Belknap, 2006, XII-434 p. 100. KAPLAN (Herbert H.). Nathan Mayer Rothschild and the creation of a dynasty: the critical years, 1806–1816. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2006, XXIV-194 p. 101. KERSHAW (Roger), PEARSALL (Mark). Family history on the move: where your ancestors went and why. Kew, National Archives, 2006, 250 p. (ill.).
104. NAPOLÉON (Charles). Les Bonaparte: des esprits rebelles. Paris, Perrin, 2006, 292 p. (ill.). 105. PUFENDORF (Astrid von). Die Plancks. Eine Familie zwischen Patriotismus und Widerstand. Berlin, Propyläen, 2006, 512 p. 106. Savage fortune: an aristocratic family in the early seventeenth century. Ed. by Lyn BOOTHMAN and Richard HYDE PARKER; general editor David DYMOND. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2006, LXXXVII-248 p. (Suffolk Records Society. Publications, 49). 107. SMITH (Simon David). Slavery, family, and gentry capitalism in the British Atlantic. The world of the Lascelles, 1648–1834. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVI-380 p. 108. SUTHERLAND (Gillian). Faith, duty and the power of mind. The Cloughs and their circle 1820– 1960. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIII-262 p. § 6. Sigillography and heraldry. * 109. CELEJ (Anna). Bibliografia genealogii i heraldyki polskiej za lata 19802001. Warszawa, Wydawn. DiG, 2006, 391 p. _______________________
110. Armorial (L') de Hans Ingeram. Publié par Emmanuel DE BOOS, d'après le manuscrit de Vienne, Kunsthistorischen [sic] Museums, Waffensammlung, ms A. 2302. Paris, Editions du Leopard d'Or, 2006, 374 p. (Documents d'héraldique médiévale, 15). 111. ARTUSI (Luciano). Firenze araldica: il linguaggio dei simboli convenzionali che blasonarono gli stemmi civici. Firenze, Polistampa, 2006, 277 p. (ill.). 112. BOUDREAU (Claire). L'héritage symbolique des hérauts d'armes: dictionnaire encyclopédique de l'enseignement du blason ancien (XIVeXVIe siècle). Préf. de Michel PASTOUREAU. Paris, Léopard d'or, 2006, 3 vol., 1592 p. (Histoire des traités de blason, 1-3). 113. CASCIONE (Giuseppe). Iconocrazia: comunicazione e politica nell'Europa di Carlo V: dipinti, emblemi e monete. Con appendice: MARTINI (Rodolfo). Immagini, rappresentazioni, simboli, segni: stilemi narrativi e cognizione iconografica nelle monete di Carlo V della zecca di Milano. Milano, Edizioni Ennerre, 2006, 179 p. 114. Emblem (The) in Scandinavia and the Baltic. Ed. by Simon MAC KEOWN and Mara R. WADE. Glasgow, Glasgow Emblem Studies, 2006, XXVI-340 p. (ill.). (Glasgow emblem studies, 11).
115. Estudios de genealogia, heráldica y nobiliaria. Coordinador Miguel Ángel LADERO QUESADA. Madrid, Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2006, 347 p. (En la España medieval. 1. Anejos). 116. HALL (Ursula). The cross of St Andrew. Edinburgh, Birlinn, 2006, XII-180 p. 117. Heraldický register Slovenskej republiky. Zv. 5. (Das heraldische Register der Slowakische Republik. Band 5). Ed. Peter KARTOUS, Ladislav VRTEď. Bratislava, Ministerstvo vnútra SR - Matica slovenská, 2006, 288 p. 118. MAC ANDREW (Bruce A.). Scotland's historic heraldry. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2006, XXX-632 p. (ill.). 119. MATSUDA (Misako). Occasio in Renaissance emblem books. Tokyo, Seijo University, 2006, 70 p. (ill.). (Seijo English monographs, 38). 120. MELTSIN (Maksim Olegovich). Geral'dika, numizmatika, sfragistika, uniformologiia: vspomogatel'nye istoricheskie distsipliny: uchebnoe posobie. Sankt-Peterburg, "Peterburgskii institut pechati", 2006, 319 p. (ill.). 121. MUREùAN (Augustin). Sigilii de bresle din vestul úi nord-vestul României (secolele XVIXIX). (Guild seals from Western and North-Western Romania, 16th 19th century). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2006, 298 p. 122. PALAVESTRA (Aleksandar). The Belgrade Armorial II and Illyrian heraldry. Beograd, Museum of Applied Art, 2006, 87 p. 123. RECUERDA GIRELA (Miguel Ángel), FERNÁNDELPUECH (Lucía). Los símbolos representativos de las entidades locales. Director Rafael BARRANCO VELA. Sevilla, Instituto Andaluz de Administración Pública, 2006, 211 p. (ill.). DEZ
124. République (La) en représentations. Autour de l'œuvre de Maurice Agulhon. Ed. par Maurice AGULHON, Annette BECKER et Évelyne COHEN. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2006, 432 p. 125. SCHEIBELREITER (Georg). Heraldik. Wien u. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, 222 p. 126. SZEMKOVICS (LaurenĠiu ùtefan), DOGARU (Maria). Tezaur sfragistic românesc. Vol. I. Sigiliile emise la cancelaria domnească a ğării Româneúti (1390 1856). Vol. II. Sigiliile emise de cancelaria domnească a Moldovei (13871856). (Romanian sfragistics thesaurus. Vol. 1. Seals of the preincely chancellor's office of Wallachia, 13901856. Vol. 2. Seals of the princely chancellor's office of Moldovia, 13871856). Bucureúti, Editura Ars Docendi, 2006, 2 vol., 202 p., 122 p. § 7. Numismatics and metrology. _______________________
127. BACHARACH (Jere L.). Islamic history through coins: an analysis and catalogue of tenth-century Ikhshidid coinage. Cairo a. New York, American University in Cairo Press, 2006, XIX-188 p. (ill.).
128. BARELLO (Federico). Archeologia della moneta: produzione e utilizzo nell'antichità. Roma, Carocci, 2006, 228 p. (ill.). (Università, 704. Archeologia). 129. Coins from Roman sites and Roman coin collections from Romania. Vol. 2. Porolissum. Authors Cristian GĂZDAC, Nicolae GUDEA and Bajúsz ISTVÁN. Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2006, 171 p. 130. Coins in India: power and communication. Ed. by Himanshu Prabha RAY. Mumbai, Marg Publications on behalf of the National Centre for the Performing Arts, 2006, 116 p. (ill.). (Marg, 57, 3). 131. DILER (Ömer). Ilkhanids: coinage of the Persian Mongols. Ed. by Emine Nur DILER, Garo KÜRKMAN and J. C. HINRICHS. østanbul, Turkuaz KitapçÕlÕk, 2006, 655 p. (ill.). 132. EUSTACE (Katharine). Britannia: some high points in the history of the iconography of British coinage. British numismatic journal, 2006, 76, p. 324-336, plates 41-48. 133. GAJDUKOV (Petr G.). Russkie poludengi, chetveretsy i polushki XIV–XVII vv. (Russian coins [poludengi, chetveretsy and polushki] of the 14th17th centuries). RAN, In-t arkheologii. Moskva, Paleograf, 2006, 407 p. (ill.; tabl.; bibl. p. 386-399). [English summary]. 134. GRIERSON (Philip), BLACKBURN (Mark). Medieval European coinage, with a catalogue of the coins in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. 1. The early Middle Ages (5th10th centuries). Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXI-674 p. 135. HARRIS (W.V.). Una prospettiva revisionista sulla moneta romana. Rivista di storia economica, 2006, 22, 3, p. 287-306. 136. HOLMES (N. M. Mcq.). Scottish coins in the national museums of Scotland, Edinburgh. 1. 1526 1603. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 338 p. (Sylloge of coins of the British isles, 58). 137. LINDBERGER (Elsa). Sylloge of coins of the British Isles. Vol. 7. Uppsala University coin cabinet; Anglo-Saxon and later British coins. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 124 p. 138. LUPU (Coman). Din istoricul numelor de monede în limba română. (From the history of coin names in Romania). Bucureúti, Editura UniversităĠii, 2006, 130 p. 139. Money of the Caribbean. Ed. by Richard G. DOTY and John M. KLEEBERG. New York, American Numismatic Society, 2006, 318 p. (ill.). (Coinage of the Americas Conference. Proceedings, 15). 140. MORRISSON (Cécile), POPOVIû (Vladislav), IVANIŠEVIû (Vujadin). Les trésors monétaires byzantins des Balkans et d'Asie Mineure: 491713. Avec la collaboration de Pascal CULERRIER [et al.]; assistés de Mina GALANI-KRIKOU et de Yorka NIKOLAOU. Paris, Lethielleux, 2006, 454 p. (ill.). (Réalités byzantines, 13).
8. LINGUISTICS 141. PROKISCH (Bernhard). Die Münzen und Medaillen des Deutschen Ordens in der Neuzeit. Wien, Österreichische Forschungsgesellschaft für Numismatik, 2006, 443 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Institutes für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte, 11). 142. REVERCHON (Alexander). Metzer Denare vom 10. bis 13. Jahrhundert: Untersuchungen zu den Währungsräumen zwischen Maas und Rhein. Trier, Kliomedia, 2006, 617 p. (ill.). (Trierer historische Forschungen, 44). 143. Ritrovamenti monetali (I) e la legge di Gresham: atti del III Congresso internazionale di numismatica e di storia monetaria, Padova, 2829 ottobre 2005. A cura di Michele ASOLATI e Giovanni GORINI. Padova, Esedra, 2006, 222 p. (ill.). (Numismatica Patavina, 8). 144. TRAVAINI (Lucia). Philip Grierson, storico delle monete. Economia monetaria, barbe russe e origine della moneta. Rivista di storia economica, 2006, 22, 2, p. 267-280. Cf. nos 215-232 § 8. Linguistics. _______________________
145. Antika skevheten (Den): politiska ord och begrepp i det tidig-moderna Sverige. (Le travers antique: paroles et concepts politiques au début de l'époque moderne en Suède). Stockholm, Kungl. Vitterhets historie och antikvitets akademien, 2006, 268 p.(Filologiskt arkiv, 45). 146. ANTOINE (Gerald). Pour une nouvelle lecture de "La défense et illustration de la langue françoise". Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2006, 84, 3, p. 583-587. 147. BARCIA (Pedro Luis). Un inédito diccionario de argentinismos del siglo XIX. Buenos Aires, Academia Argentina de Letras, 2006, 331 p. (Serie Estudios lingüísticos y filológicos, 7). 148. BENATIA (Abderrahman). Histoire d'une langue universelle, l'arabe = TƗrƯkh al-'ArabƯyah, lughat al-'ƗlamƯn. Alger, Éditions distribution Houma, 2006, 383 p. (ill.). 149. CHALON (Louis). L'influence du wallon sur le français écrit par Gaspard Marnette (L'Archiviste des Rumeurs). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2006, 84, 3, p. 787-797. 150. CHAUBET (François). La politique culturelle française et la diplomatie de la langue. L'Alliance française (18831940). Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 321 p. 151. CHERVEL (André). Histoire de l'enseignement du français du XVIIe au XXe siècle. Paris, Editions Retz-Nathan, 2006, 831 p. (Usuels Retz). 152. CONEA (Ion), BADEA (Lucian). Toponimia din Valea Dunării româneúti. (Toponymy from the Romanian Danube valley). Craiova, Editura Universitaria, 2006, 142 p.
153. DEISSLER (Dirk). Die entnazifizierte Sprache: Sprachpolitik und Sprachregelung in der Besatzungszeit. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2006, XIV-313 p. (VarioLingua, 22). 154. DELLA VALLE (Valeria), PATOTA (Giuseppe). L' italiano. Milano, Sperling & Kupfer, 2006, X-190 p. (ill.). (Grandi guide). 155. DRAGOMIR (Maria). InfluenĠa limbii latine medievale asupra stilului oficial din documentele în limba maghiară din secolele XVIXVII. (The influence of Medieval Latin on the official style from Hungarianwritten documents of the 16th17th centuries). Bucureúti, Editura Matrix Rom, 2006, 261 p. 156. GARSOU (Martine). La politique de la langue française en communauté française: bilan et perspectives. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2006, 84, 3, p. 653-661. 157. GENDRON (Stéphane). La toponymie des voies romaines et médiévales: les mots des routes anciennes. Paris, Errance, 2006, 196 p. 158. HAARMANN (Harald). Weltgeschichte der Sprachen. Von der Frühzeit des Menschen bis zur Gegenwart. München, Beck, 2006, 398 p. 159. Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of oriental studies. Abt. 8. Vol. 15. Central Asia. A historical-etymological dictionary of pre-Russian habitation names of the Crimea. By Henryk JANKOWSKI. Leiden, Brill, 2006, X-1233 p. (ill., maps). 160. HERMAN (József). Du latin aux langues romanes II: nouvelles études de linguistique historique. Réunies par Sándor KISS; avec une préface d'Alberto VARVARO. Tübingen, Niemeyer, 2006, 263 p. 161. HOVEN (René). Lexique de la prose latine de la Renaissance = Dictionary of Renaissance Latin from prose sources; avec la collaboration de Laurent GRAILET; traduction anglaise par Coen MAAS, revue par Karin RENARD-JADOUL. Leiden, Brill, 2006, LIX-683 p. 162. Latin vulgaire, latin tardif VII: actes du VIIe Colloque international sur le latin vulgaire et tardif, Séville, 26 septembre 2003. Ed. par Carmen ARIAS ABELLÁN. Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, 2006, 572 p. (Colección Actas, 54). 163. Lingua e identità: una storia sociale dell'italiano. A cura di Pietro TRIFONE. Roma, Carocci, 2006, 303 p. (Studi superiori, 524. Lingua e letteratura italiana). 164. MASCITELLI (Daniele). L' arabo in epoca preislamica: formazione di una lingua. Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2006, 337 p. (ill.). (Arabia antica, 4). 165. Name und Gesellschaft im Frühmittelalter: Personennamen als Indikatoren für sprachliche, ethnische, soziale und kulturelle Gruppenzugehörigkeiten ihrer Träger. Herausgegeben von Dieter GEUENICH und Ingo RUNDE. Hildesheim, G. Olms, 2006, 390 p. (Deutsche Namenforschung auf sprachgeschichtlicher Grundlage, 2).
166. NIKOLAEVA (Irina Alekseevna). A historical dictionary of Yukaghir. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, 2006, XIII-500 p. (Trends in linguistics. 25. Documentation). 167. PALIGA (Sorin). Etymological lexicon of the indigenous (Thracian) elements in Romanian. Bucureúti, Editura Evenimentul, 2006, 407 p. 168. POISSONNIER (Ariane), SOURNIA (Gérard). Atlas mondial de la francophonie: du culturel au politique. Cartographie: Fabrice LE GOFF. Paris, Autrement, 2006, 1 atlas (79 p.). (Collection Atlas/monde). 169. POSTLES (David). Naming the people of England, c. 11001350. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006, XII-168 p. 170. REINBOTHE (Roswitha). Deutsch als internationale Wissenschaftssprache und der Boykott nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin u. Bern, Lang, 2006, 489 p. (Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprachund Kulturwissenschaft, 67). 171. Repertoriul traducerilor româneúti din limbile franceză, italiană, spaniolă (secolele al XVIII-lea úi al XIX-lea). Studii de istorie a traducerii. (Repertoir of Romanian translations from French, Italian, Spanish, 8th century and 19th century. Studies of the history of translation). Coordonator Georgiana LUNGU BADEA. Timiúoara, Editura UniversităĠii de Vest, 2006, 415 p. 172. REY (Alain) [et al.]. Dictionnaire historique de la langue française: contenant les mots français en usage et quelques autres délaissés, avec leur origine proche et lointaine. Sous la dir. de Alain REY. Paris, Dictionnaires Le Robert, 2006, 3 vol., [s. p.]. 173. SELIMSKI (Ludwig). Etiudi po bǎlgarska antroponimiia: lichni imena = Studia z antroponimii buágarskiej: imiona chrzestne. Veliko Tǎrnovo, UI "Sv. sv. Kiril i MetodiƱ", 2006, 224 p.
§ 8. Addendum 2005. 179. HUUMO (Katja). "Perkeleen kieli": suomen kieli ja poliittisesti korrekti tiede 1800-luvulla. (The devil's language: Finnish language and politically correct science in the 19th century). Helsinki, Suomen tiedeseura, 2005, 211 p. (ill.). (Bidrag till kännedom av Finlands natur och folk, 166). Cf. nos 1080, 1255, 2675, 2711, 2963, 5008 § 9. Historical geography, travels and discoveries. _______________________
180. ASMAR (Fady) [et al.]. Atlas du Liban: géographie, histoire, économie et société. Documentation pour la mise à jour Christian TAOUTEL, Charles VALLAUD. Beyrouth, Presses de l'Université SaintJoseph, 2006, 1 atlas (122 p.). 181. Atlas de l'histoire de France: la France moderne, XVIeXIXe siècle. Sous la direction de Jean BOUTIER; cartographie de Guillaume BALAVOINE. Paris, Autrement, 2006, 1 atlas (95 p.). (Collection Atlas/ mémoires). 182. Atlas historique du golfe Persique (XVIe XVIIIe siècles). Sous la dir. de Dejanirah COUTO, JeanLouis BACQUÉ-GRAMMONT et Mahmoud TALEGHANI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 490 p. 183. AUERBACH (Jerold S.). Explorers in eden: Pueblo Indians and the promised land. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2006, 205 p. 184. BEYAERT (Marc) [et al.]. La Belgique en cartes: l'évolution du paysage à travers trois siècles de cartographie. Bruxelles, Institut géographique national et Tielt, Lannoo, 2006, 1 atlas (248 p.).
174. SHUGER (Debora). Censorship and cultural sensibility: the regulation of language in Tudor-Stuart England. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, 346 p.
185. Bistümer und Bistumsgrenzen vom frühen Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Edeltraud KLUETING, Harm KLUETING und Hans-Joachim SCHMIDT. Roma, Herder, 2006, 269 p. (Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte. Supplementband, 58).
175. SIMS-WILLIAMS (Patrick). Ancient Celtic placenames in Europe and Asia Minor. Oxford a. Boston, Blackwell Publishing, 2006, XIII-406 p. (Publications of the Philological Society, 39).
186. BOSWORTH (Clifford Edmund). An intrepid Scot. William Lithgow of Lanark's travels in the Ottoman lands, North Africa and Central Europe, 16091621. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XXIII-193 p.
176. TRIFONE (Pietro). Rinascimento dal basso: il nuovo spazio del volgare tra Quattro e Cinquecento. Roma, Bulzoni, 2006, 299 p. (Biblioteca del Cinquecento, 129).
187. BRIANTA (Donata), LAURETI (Lamberto). Cartografia, scienza di governo e territorio nell'Italia liberale. Pref. di Teresa ISENBURG. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2006, 264 p. (ill.). (Studi di storia, 3).
177. ULLMANN (Manfred). Wörterbuch zu den griechisch-arabischen Übersetzungen des 9. Jahrhunderts. Supplement Band I. A-O. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2006, 826 p.
188. BRILLI (Attilio). Il viaggio in Italia: storia di una grande tradizione culturale. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 473 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca storica).
178. VERLINSKIJ (Aleksandr L.). Antichnye uchenija o vozniknovenii jazyka. (Linguistic theories of the Antiquity). Sankt-Peterburg, Izd-vo filologicheskogo fakul'teta SPbGU, 2006, 416 p. (bibl. p. 378-391; ind. p. 392-398). [English summary].
189. BRIZAY (François). Touristes du grand siècle: le voyage d'Italie au XVIIe siècle. Paris, Belin, 2006, 253 p. (Histoire & société). 190. BRÜCKNER (Martin). The geographic revolution in Early America: maps, literacy and national iden-
10. ICONOGRAPHY AND IMAGES tity. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, 2006, IX-276 p. 191. CĂZAN (Ileana). SpaĠiul românesc în hărĠi úi atlase germane de uz curent, în secolul al XVIII-lea. (The Romanian area in current German maps and atlases, in the 18th c.). Studii úi materiaie de istorie moderna, 2006, 19, p. 93-122. 192. CRESSY (David). Early modern space travel and the English man in the moon. American historical review, 2006, 111, 4, p. 961-982. 193. ESCH (Arnold). Lezioni all'università di Göttingen sulla prassi del viaggiare: August Ludwig Schlözer sul viaggio in Italia ed in altri paesi (17721795). Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 3, p. 901-911. 194. ESCOVAR W. (Alberto), MARIÑO (Margarita), PEÑA (César). Atlas histórico de Bogotá, 19111948. Bogotá, Planeta, Corporación La Candelaria, 2006, 596 p. 195. Géographies plurielles. Les sciences géographiques au moment de l'émergence des sciences humaines (17501850). Ed. par Hélène BLAIS et Isabelle LABOULAIS. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 349 p. (Histoire des sciences humaines). 196. Imaginative geographies: 1770–1940. New Haven, Yale Center for British Art, 2006, 20 p. (ill.). 197. Invención (La) de una geografía de la Península Ibérica = L'Invention d'une géographie de la Péninsule Ibérique: (actas del Coloquio Internacional celebrado en la Casa de Velázquez de Madrid entre el 3 y el 4 de marzo de 2005). Ed. por Gonzalo CRUZ ANDREOTTI, Patrick LE ROUX y Pierre MORET. Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones del Centro de Ediciones de la Diputación de Málaga y Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2006, 250 p. (Actas / Málaga. Diputación Provincial). 198. JOHNSON (Christine R.). Renaissance German cosmographers and the naming of America. Past and present, 2006, 191, p. 3-43. 199. JONES (Evan). The Matthew of Bristol and the financiers of John Cabot's 1497 Voyage to North America. English historical review, 2006, 121, 492, p. 778795. 200. KIVELSON (Valerie). Cartographies of Tsardom: the land and its meanings in seventeenth-century Russia. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2006, XIV-263 p. 201. KLINGHOFFER (Arthur Jay). The power of projections: how maps reflect global politics and history. Westport, Praeger, 2006, XV-192 p. 202. MARCIL (Yasmine). La fureur des voyages. Les récits de voyage dans la presse périodique (1750 1789). Paris, Honoré Champion, 2006, 650 p. (L'Atelier des voyageurs). 203. MASCILLI MIGLIORINI (Luigi). Scritture di storia e memorie di viaggio. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 1, p. 251-257.
204. PIVATO (Stefano). Il Touring club italiano. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 162 p. (L'identità italiana, 44). 205. QUAINI (Massimo). Il mito di Atlante: storia della cartografia occidentale in età moderna. Genova: Il portolano, 2006, 167 p. (ill.). 206. RAVIOLA (Blythe Alice). La strada liquida. Costruire un libro sul Po in età moderna. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 3, p. 1041-1078. 207. ROBINSON (Michael F.). The coldest crucible: Arctic exploration and American culture. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XII-206 p. 208. SACHS (Aaron). The Humboldt current: nineteenth-century exploration and the roots of American environmentalism. New York, Viking, 2006, XII-496 p. 209. SCHACH (Andreas). Alfred Kirchhoff (1838 1907), "Erdkunde" und "Nation": Politisierung und Ideologisierung der Geographie in der Zeit des "Zweiten Kaiserreichs". Marburg, Tectum, 2006, 327 p. 210. SCHULZ (Siegmund). Welt- und Universalatlanten im deutschen Sprachraum 19892004: Verlage, Produkte, Bibliographie. Bonn, Kirschbaum Verlag, 2006, 117 p. (maps). (Kartographische Schriften, 11). 211. SMYTH (William J.). Map-making, landscapes and memory: a geography of colonial and Early Modern Ireland c. 1530–1750. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2006, XXIII-584 p. (Critical conditions: field day essays and monographs, 16). 212. THOMAS (Avril). Irish historic towns atlas. No. 15. Derry-Londonderry. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2006, 47 p. 213. Vostochnaja Evropa v drevnosti i srednevekov'je: Vosprijatie, modelirovanie i opisanie prostranstva v antichnoj i srednevekovoj literature: XVIII chtenija pamjati V.T. Pashuto, Mat-ly konf. (Eastern Europe in Antiquity and Middle Ages: notion, modelling and description of space in Ancient and Medieval literature: Proceedings of the 18th Conference dedicated to the memory of Vladimir T. Pashuto). Ed. Elena A. MEL'NIKOVA. RAN, In-t vseobshchej istorii. Moskva, IVI RAN, 2006, 219 p. (bibl. incl.). § 9. Addendum 2005. 214. Viaggio (In). Scritti, immagini e immaginario africano nell'epoca delle scoperte. A cura di Gigi PEZZOLI. Milano, Centro studi archeologia africana, 2005, 116 p. Cf. nos 481, 1080, 2679 § 10. Iconography and images. _______________________
215. American icons: an encyclopedia of the people, places, and things that have shaped our culture. Ed. by Dennis R. HALL and Susan GROVE HALL. Westport a. London, Greenwood Press, 2006, 3 vol., [s. p.]. (ill.).
216. BJERG (Hans Christian). Dannebrog – historien om et kristent og nationalt symbol. (Le drapeau danois: histoire d'un symbole chrétien et national). Højbjerg, Hovedland, 2006, 135 p. (ill.).
tenu à Paris en juin 2002. Sous la dir. de Thomas W. GAEHTGENS et Nicole HOCHNER. Paris, Éditions de la MSH/Centre allemand d'histoire de l'art, 2006, 452 p. (Passages/Passagen).
217. CLEMENTS (Jonathan), MAC CARTHY (Helen). The anime encyclopedia: a guide to Japanese animation since 1917. Berkeley, Stone Bridge Press a. London, Titan, 2006, XXIV-867 p.
226. JÄCKEL (Dirk). Der Herrscher als Löwe. Ursprung und Gebrauch eines politischen Symbols im Früh- und Hochmittelalter. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2006, IX-377 p. (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 60).
218. DELAGE (Christian). La vérité par l'image: de Nuremberg au procès Milosevic. Paris, Denoeޠl, 2006, 378 p. (ill.). 219. DELPORTE (Christian). Images et politique en France au XXe siècle. Paris, Nouveau Monde, 2006, 488 p. 220. Dictionnaire mondial des images. Sous la dir. de Laurent GERVEREAU. Paris, Nouveau monde, 2006, 1119 p. 221. DUVIOLS (Jean-Paul). Le miroir du nouveau monde: images primitives de l'Amérique. Paris, Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne, 2006, 364 p. (ill.). (Ibérica, 17). 222. FIUME (Giovanna). Lo schiavo, il re e il cardinale. L'iconografia secentesca di Benedetto il Moro (1524 1589). Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 121, 1, p. 165208. 223. HOCHNER (Nicole). Louis XII. Les dérèglements de l'image royale (14981515). Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2006, 320 p. (Époques). 224. HUOKUNA (Tiina). Vallankumous kotona! Arkielämän visuaalinen murros 1960-luvun lopussa ja 1970-luvun alussa. (Revolution at home! Visual changes in everyday life in Finland in the late 1960s and early 1970s.). Helsinki, Yliopistopaino, 2006, 223 p. (ill). 225. Image (L') du roi de François Ier à Louis XIV. Actes du colloque du Centre allemand d'histoire de l'art
227. PAYAN (Paul). Joseph: une image de la paternité dans l'occident médiéval. Paris, Aubier, 2006, 476 p. (Collection historique). 228. Prospettive (Le) del visuale: storia e immagini. A cura di Carlotta SORBA e Simonetta TROILO, intervengono Christian DELPORTE, Claudio PAGLIANO, Antonio GIBELLI, Marta NEZZO, Annie DUPRAT e Maria Luisa CATONI. Contemporanea, 2006, 9, 4, p. 701745. 229. SIMONUTTI (Luisa). "Pittura detestabile". L'iconografia dell'eretico e dell'ateo tra Rinascimento e Barocco. Rivista Storica Italiana, 2006, 118, 2, p. 557606. 230. SPALLANZANI (Mariafranca). Ritratto di filosofo: Descartes en philosophe. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 2, p. 607-659. 231. THUM (Veronika). Die Zehn Gebote für die ungelehrten Leut': der Dekalog in der Graphik des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit. München, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2006, 231 p. (ill.). (Kunstwissenschaftliche Studien, 136). 232. WALTER (Christopher). The iconography of Constantine the Great, emperor and saint, with associated studies. Leiden, Alexandros Press, 2006, 242 p. (ill.). Cf. nos 127-144, 780-798, 2920
B MANUALS, GENERAL WORKS AND WORKS ON LARGE PERIODS _________ § 1. Archives, libraries and museums (a. Archives; b. Libraries; c. Museums). 233-284. – § 2. History of historiography and memory (a. General; b. Special studies). 285-433. – § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. 434-494. – § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. 495-533. – § 5. General history. 534-615. – § 6. Theory of the state and of society. 616-650. – § 7. Constitutional and legal history. 651-676. – § 8. Economic and social history. 677-729. – § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. 730-779. – § 10. History of art. 780-798. – § 11. History of religions (a. General; b. Special studies). 799-938. – § 12. History of philosophy. 939953. – § 13. History of literature. 954-980.
§ 1. Archives, libraries and museums. _______________________
a. Archives _______________________
233. Archives, archivistes et archivistique dans l'Europe du nord-ouest de l'Antiquité à nos jours: entre gouvernance et mémoire: colloque organisé au Centre des archives du monde du travail à Roubaix par le CRHEN-O (Lille 3) et l'Association des archivistes français, du 2 au 4 décembre 2004. Textes rassemblés et édités par Martine AUBRY, Isabelle CHAVE et Vincent DOOM. Villeneuve d'Ascq, IRHiS-Institut de recherches historiques du septentrion, CEGES-Centre de gestion de l'édition scientifique, 2006, VI-327 p. (Histoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, 36). 234. Archivi e storia nell'Europa del XIX secolo: alle radici dell'identità culturale europea: atti del convegno internazionale di studi nei 150 anni dall'instituzione dell'Archivio Centrale, poi Archivio di Stato, di Firenze, Firenze, 47 dicembre 2002. A cura di Irene COTTA e Rosalia MANNO TOLU. Roma, Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, Direzione generale per gli archivi, 2006, 2 vol., [s. p.]. (ill.). (Pubblicazioni degli archivi di Stato. Saggi, 90). 235. BECK (Patrice). Archéologie d'un document d'archives: approche codicologique et diplomatique des cherches des feux bourguignonnes (12851543). Préf. de Olivier GUYOTJEANNIN. Paris, Ecole des chartes, 2006, 248 p. (Etudes et rencontres de l'Ecole des chartes, 20). 236. FALCONE (Ugo). Gli archivi e l'archivistica nell'Italia fascista. Storia, teoria e legislazione. Udine, Forum, 2006, 278 p.
237. HUDSON (John). L'écrit, les archives et le droit en Angleterre (IXeXIIe siècle). Revue historique, 2006, 637, p. 3-35. 238. LAFERTÉ (Gilles). Des archives d'enquêtes ethnographiques pour quoi faire? Les conditions d'une revisite. Genèses, 2006, 63, p. 25-45. 239. MÜLLER (Bertrand). À la recherche des archives de la recherche. Problèmes de sens et enjeux scientifiques. Genèses, 2006, 63, p. 4-24. 240. OPORTO (Luis). Historia de la archivística boliviana. La Paz, PIEB, Biblioteca y Archivo Histórico del H. Congreso Nacional, Colegio Nacional de Historiadores de Bolivia, 2006, 365 p. (ill.). (Serie Investigaciones coeditadas). 241. Penser l'archive. Histoires d'archives, archives d'histoire. Sous la dir. de Mauro CERUTTI, JeanFrançois FAYET et Michel PORRET. Lausanne, Éditions Antipodes, 2006, 331 p. 242. SCOT (Marie). Les archives britanniques des sciences sociales. Deux études de cas: UK Data Archive (UKDA) et Qualidata. Genèses, 2006, 63, p. 46-65. 243. Sekai shi shiryǀ. (Historical sources of world history). Ed. by The Historical Science Society of Japan. Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, [s. p.]. 244. SOARES (Mariza), LANDERS (Jane), LOVEJOY (Paul E.), MAC MICHAEL (Andrew). Slavery in ecclesiastical archives: preserving the records. Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 2, p. 337-346. 245. Ufficio (L') e il documento: i luoghi, i modi, gli strumenti dell'amministrazione in Egitto e nel Vicino Oriente antico: atti delle Giornate di studio degli egittologi e degli orientalisti italiani. Milano, Pavia, 1719
febbraio 2005. A cura di Clelia MORA e Patrizia PIACENTINI. Milano, Cisalpino, 2006, 565 p. (ill., maps).
sis = Quellen und Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse, 2).
a. Addendum 2003
256. GARBER (Klaus). Das alte Buch im alten Europa: auf Spurensuche in den Schatzhäusern des alten Kontinents. München, W. Fink, 2006, 765 p.
246. Europa centro-orientale (L') e gli archivi tra etá Moderna e Contemporanea. Atti del IV Colloquio Internazionale (Viterbo 6–9 giugno 2002). A cura di Gaetano PLATANIA. Viterbo, Sette Città, 2003, 436 p. (Centro Studi sull'età dei Sobieski e della Polonia Moderna [CESPoM], 8). Cf. nos 364, 609, 6436 b. Libraries 247. ABDELHAMID (Arab). Manuscrits & bibliothèques musulmanes en Algérie. Méolans-Revel, Atelier Perrousseaux, 2006, 157 p. (KitƗb Tabulae, 2). 248. Antiquité (D'une) l'autre: la littérature antique classique dans les bibliothèques du XVe au XIXe siècle. Sous la dir. Catherine VOLPILHAC-AUGER; avec les contributions de Annie CHARON-PARENT, Massimo DANZI et Isabelle DIU. Lyon. ENS éditions, 2006, 230 p. (ill.). (Métamorphoses du livre). 249. Books and libraries in the Baltic Sea Region from the 16th to the 18th century: papers of the academic conference: April 45, 2002, Tallinn. Ed. by Lea KÕIV and Tiiu REIMO. Tallinn, Tallinna Linnaarhiiv, 2006, 181 p. 250. Bücher, Drucker, Bibliotheken in Mitteldeutschland: neue Forschungen zur Kommunikations- und Mediengeschichte um 1500. Hrsg. v. Enno BÜNZ. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2006, 495 p. (Schriften zur sächsischen Geschichte und Volkskunde, 15). 251. Cambridge history (The) of libraries in Britain and Ireland. Volume I. To 1640. Ed. by Elisabeth LEEDHAM-GREEN and Teresa WEBBER. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XX-688 p. 252. DANIELUK (Robert). La bibliothèque de Carlos Sommervogel, le sommet de l'oeuvre bibliographique de la Compagnie de Jésus (18901932). Roma, Institutum Historicum S.I., 2006, 651 p. (ill.). 253. Displaced books: NS-Raubgut in der Universitätsbibliothek Marburg. Hrsg. v. Eckart CONZE und Bernd REIFENBERG. Marburg, Universitätsbibliothek Marburg, 2006, 132 p. (Schriften der Universitätsbibliothek Marburg, 127). 254. DUNSTAN (Vivienne S.). Glimpses into a town's reading habits in enlightenment Scotland: analysing the borrowings of Gray Library, Haddington, 1732–1816. Scottish economic and social history, 2006, 26, 1-2, p. 42-59. 255. Freud's library: a comprehensive catalogue. Compiled and edited by J. Keith DAVIES and Gerhard FICHTNER = Freuds Bibliothek: vollständiger Katalog. Bearbeitet und herausgegeben von J. Keith DAVIES und Gerhard FICHTNER. London, Freud Museum, 2006, 144 p. (Sources and studies on the history of psychoanaly-
257. GUILLÉN (Juan). Historia de las bibliotecas Capitular y Colombina. Sevilla, Fundación José Manuel Lara, 2006, 622 p. 258. HOOREBEECK (Céline). A l'ombre de la Librairie de Bourgogne. Les livres de Martin Steenberch, secrétaire ducal. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2006, 84, 2, p. 307-363. 259. Libri, biblioteche e cultura degli ordini regolari nell'Italia moderna attraverso la documentazione della Congregazione dell'indice: atti del convegno internazionale: Macerata, 30 maggio1 giugno 2006. A cura di Rosa Marisa BORRACCINI e Roberto RUSCONI. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana, 2006, 745 p. (ill.). (Studi e testi, 434). 260. MANGUEL (Alberto). The library at night. Toronto, A. A. Knopf Canada, 2006, 373 p. (ill.). 261. MEJÍA (Jorge María), GRAFINGER (Christine), JATTA (Barbara). I cardinali bibliotecari di Santa Romana: la quadreria nella Biblioteca apostolica vaticana. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 2006, 427 p. (ill.). 262. Suche (Die) nach NS-Raubgut in Bibliotheken: Recherchestand, Probleme, Lösungswege. Hrsg. v. Bernd REIFENBERG. Marburg, Universitätsbibliothek Marburg, 2006, 180 p. (Schriften der Universitätsbibliothek Marburg, 126). Cf. nos 49-76 c. Museums 263. ARNOLD (Ken). Cabinets for the curious: looking back at early English museums. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XII-297 p. 264. BAIONI (Massimo). Risorgimento in camicia nera. Studi, istituzioni, musei nell'Italia fascista. Roma, Carocci, 2006, 290 p. 265. BURKE (Janine). The gods of Freud: Sigmund Freud's art collection. Milsons Point N.S.W., Random House, 2006, 455 p. (ill.). 266. Companion (A) to museum studies. Ed. by Sharon MACDONALD. Malden a. Oxford, Blackwell Pub., 2006, 570 p. (Blackwell companions in cultural studies, 12). 267. EDMONDS (Penelope). The Le Souëf box: Reflections on imperial nostalgia, material culture and exhibitionary practice in colonial Victoria. Australian historical studies, 2006, 37, 127, p. 117-139. 268. ENDERLEIN (Angelika). Der Berliner Kunsthandel in der Weimarer Republik und im NS-Staat: zum Schicksal der Sammlung Graetz. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2006, X-326 p. (ill.).
2. HISTORY OF HISTORIOGRAPHY 269. Galerías del progreso: museos, exposiciones y cultura visual en América Latina. Ed. por Beatriz GONZÁLEZ STEPHAN y Jens ANDERMANN. Rosario, B. Viterbo Editora, 2006, 415 p. (Estudios culturales, 17). 270. Geschichte (Zur) der Museen im 19. Jahrhundert 17891918. Hrsg. v. Bernhard GRAF und Hanno MÖBIUS; Redaktion Jens A. FORKEL. Berlin, G + H Verlag, 2006, 208 p. (Berliner Schriften zur Museumskunde, 22). 271. GOSSMAN (Lionel). Imperialism icon: the Pergamon Altar in Wilhelminian Germany. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 3, p. 551-587. 272. GRINKE (Paul). From Wunderkammer to museum. London, Quaritch, 2006, 112 p. (ill.). 273. HOWARTH (David). Gli agenti d'arte e la formazione della collezione Arundel. Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 122, 2, p. 401-412. 274. JANSSEN (Geert H.). Le reti di patronage di Guglielmo Federico di Nassau-Dietz (16131664). Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 122, 2, p. 413-432. 275. JOIN-LAMBERT (Odile). L'ouverture au public des musées (19591981): missions et statut des conservateurs en question. Mouvement social, 2006, 216, p. 55-73. 276. KOCKA (Jürgen). Ein chronologischer Bandwurm. Die Dauerausstellung des Deutschen Historischen Museums. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 3, p. 398-411. 277. KOTT (Christina). Préserver l'art de l'ennemi? Le patrimoine artistique en Belgique et en France occupées, 19141918. Bruxelles a. Oxford, Lang, 2006, 441 p. (ill.). (Collection Comparatisme et société, 4). 278. KRETSCHMAR (Carsten). Räume öffnen sich. Naturhistorische Museen im Deutschland des 19. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, Akademie, 2006, 365 p. (Wissenskultur und gesellschaftlicher Wandel, 12). 279. KURTZ (Michael J.). America and the return of nazi contraband: the recovery of Europe's cultural treasures. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, X-278 p. 280. NOLDUS (Badeloch). Lealtà e tradimento. Due agenti-artisti e un cancelliere. Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 122, 2, p. 385-400. 281. PORSHNEV (Valerij P.). "Musej" v kul'turnom nasledii antichnosti. (Musaeus in the cultural heritage of the Antiquity). Sankt-Peterburg, Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul'tury i iskusstv, 2006, 264 p. (ill., tabl., facs.; bibl. p. 199-231). 282. Sammeln als Institution: von der fürstlichen Wunderkammer zum Mäzenatentum des Staates. Hrsg. v. Barbara MARX und Karl-Siegbert REHBERG; unter Mitarbeit von Christoph Oliver MAYER und Manuela VERGOOSSEN. München, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2006, XXXI-398 p.
283. SÖLCH (Brigitte). Francesco Bianchini (1662 1729) und die Anfänge öffentlicher Museen in Rom. München, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2006, 423 p. (ill.). 284. Tempel der Kunst: die Geburt des öffentlichen Museums in Deutschland 17011815. Hrsg. v. Bénédicte SAVOY. Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern, 2006, 566 p. (ill.). § 2. History of historiography. a. General * 285. Bollettino di storiografia. 20062007. [2004 2005. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 320.] Dir. da Massimo MASTROGREGORI. Pisa e Roma, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2006, 89 p. (Storiografia, supplemento critico e bibliografico, 10-11). * 286. Aufarbeitung (Die) des Kommunismus in Ungarn nach 1989: eine systematische und kommentierte Bibliographie. Bearb. v. Szilvia DRUCK; mit einem Beitrag (Historischer Überblick) von Anna DÉVÉNYI und Detlef W. STEIN. Berlin, Universitätsbibliothek der Freien Universität Berlin, 2006, 60 p. (Ausstellungsführer der Universitätsbibliothek der Freien Universität Berlin). _______________________
287. ART (David). The politics of the Nazi past in Germany and Austria. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XII-231 p. 288. ASSMANN (Aleida). Der lange Schatten der Vergangenheit. Erinnerungskultur und Geschichtspolitik. München, Beck, 2006, 320 p. 289. ASSMANN (Jan). Religion and cultural memory. Ten studies. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2006, X-222 p. 290. BANERJEE (Prathama). Politics of time: "Primitives" and history-writing in a colonial society. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, IX-273 p. 291. BAYLY (C. A.), BECKERT (Sven), CONNELLY (Matthew), HOFMEYR (Isabel), KOZOL (Wendy), SEED (Patricia). AHR conversation: on transnational history. American historical review, 2006, 111, 5, p. 1440-1464. 292. BECK (Peter J.). Using history, making British policy. The Treasury and the Foreign Office, 1950 1976. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XII-310 p. 293. BECKER (Eve-Marie). Das Markus-Evangelium im Rahmen antiker Historiographie. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XVI-516 p. (Neues Testament, 194). 294. BENEŠ (ZdenČk). Historická vČda a její veĜejné prostory. (Historical science and its public space). ýesko-slovenská historická roþenka, 2006, p. 383-392. 295. BENTLEY (Michael). Modernizing England's past. English historiography in the age of modernism, 18701970. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, 245 p. 296. BÖMELBURG (Hans-Jürgen). Frühneuzeitliche Nationen im östlichen Europa. Das polnische Ge-
schichtsdenken und die Reichweite einer humanistischen Nationalgeschichte (1500–1700). Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2006, 559 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Nordost-Instituts, 4). 297. BONNET (Corinne), KRINGS (Véronique). S'écrire et écrire sur l'antiquité. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 32, 63, 1, p. 151-186. 298. BOUTRY (Philippe). De la sociologie religieuse à l'histoire sociale et culturelle du religieux. Mouvement social, 2006, 215, p. 3-8. 299. BOZÓKY (Edina). La politique des reliques de Constantin à Saint-Louis. Préface de Jean-Claude SCHMITT. Paris, Beauchesne, 2006, 309 p. 300. BROCKLISS (Laurence), CARDWELL (John), MOSS (Michael). Nelson's grand national obsequies. English historical review, 2006, 121, 490, p. 162-182. 301. BROCKMANN (Andrea). Erinnerungsarbeit im Fernsehen: das Beispiel des 17. Juni 1953. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, IX-366 p. 302. BULLE (Sylvaine). Espace et mémoire collective à Jérusalem. Annales, 2006, 61, 3, p. 583-606. 303. BURGDORF (Wolfgang). Ein Weltbild verliert seine Welt. Der Untergang des Alten Reiches und die Generation 1806. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, VIII390 p. (Bibliothek Altes Reich, 2). 304. BURGUIÈRE (André). L'École des Annales: une histoire intellectuelle. Paris, Odile Jacob, 2006, 366 p. (Histoire). 305. CALAME (Claude). Récit héroïque et pratique religieuse. Le passé poétique des cités grecques classiques. Annales, 2006, 61, 3, p. 527-552. 306. ýeská a þeskoslovenská úþast na mezinárodních kongresech historických vČd. Sborník ze stejnojmenné konference, která se konala 27. þervna 2006 v ýeských BudČjovicích jako souþást svČtového kongresu SVU. (Czech and Czechoslovak participation in International congresses of historical sciences). Ed. Bohumil JIROUŠEK. ýeské BudČjovice, Jihoþeská univerzita, 2006, 141 p. (Historia culturae , 10. Studia, 7). 307. CHRIST (Karl). Klios Wandlungen. Die deutsche Althistorie vom Neuhumanismus bis zur Gegenwart. München, Beck, 2006, 288 p. 308. CLADIS (Mark S.). Modernity in religion: a response to Constantin Fasolt's "History and Religion in the Modern Age". History and theory, 2006, 45, 4, p. 93103. 309. CONFINO (Alon). Germany as a culture of remembrance: promises and limits of writing history. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XVII-306 p.
312. DEL TREPPO (Mario). La libertà della memoria: scritti di storiografia. Roma, Viella, 2006, 351 p. (I libri di Viella, 55). 313. DIETSCH (Johan). Making sense of suffering. Holocaust and Holodomor in Ukrainian historical culture. Lund, Lund University, 2006, VII-280 p. 314. ELLINGER (Ekkehard). Deutsche Orientalistik zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus 1933–1945. EdingenNeckarhausen, Deux mondes, 2006, X-595 p. (Thèses, 4). 315. Epic revisionism: Russian history and literature and Stalinist propaganda. Ed. by Kevin M. F. PLATT and David BRANDENBERGER. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2006, XVI-355 p. 316. ESPINOSA MAESTRE (Francisco). Contra el olvido: historia y memoria de la guerra civil. Prólogo de Alberto REIG TAPIA. Barcelona, Crítica, 2006, XVII350 p. (Crítica contrastes). 317. FASOLT (Constantin). History and religion in the Modern age. History and theory, 2006, 45, 4, p. 10-26. 318. FELLNER (Fritz), CORRADINI (Doris A.). Österreichische Geschichtswissenschaft im 20. Jahrhundert: Ein biographisch-bibliographisches Lexikon. Wien, Böhlau, 2006, 476 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Neuere Geschichte Österreichs, 99). 319. GALJAMICHEV (Aleksandr N.). Istorik i vlast': sovetskie istoriki stalinskoj epokhi. (Historian and power: Soviet historians of Stalin's age). Saratov, Nauka, 2006, 282 p. (Monografii; 11). (Mezhregional'nye issledovanija v obshchestvennykh naukakh). 320. Gegen/Erinnerung. Geschichte als politisches Argument im Transformationsprozeß Ost-, Ostmittelund Südosteuropas. Hrsg. v. Helmut ALTRICHTER. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, XXIII-326 p. (Schriften des Historischen Kollegs, kolloquien, 61). 321. Geschichtsschreibung zu den böhmischen Ländern im 20. Jahrhundert: Wissenschaftstraditionen, Institutionen, Diskurse. Hrsg. v. Christiane BRENNER [et al]. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2006, VI-485 p. (Collegium Carolinum. Tagung. Bad Wiesseer Tagungen des Collegium Carolinum, 28). [Cf. nos 324, 325, 342, 359, 365.] 322. GRÄSER (Marcus). Weltgeschichte im Nationalstaat. Die transnationale Disposition der amerikanischen Geschichtswissenschaft. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 283, 2, p. 355-382. 323. GREGOR (A. James). The search for neofascism: the use and abuse of social science. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XII-306 p.
310. COZZO (Andrea). La tribù degli antichisti: un'etnografia ad opera di un suo membro. Roma, Carocci, 2006, 287 p.
324. HARNA (Josef). Die Konzeption der "tschechoslowakischen Nation" in der tschechischen Historiographie der Zwischenkriegszeit. In: Geschichtsschreibung zu den böhmischen Ländern im 20. Jahrhundert [Cf. no 321], p. 77-94.
311. DARYAEE (Touraj). The construction of the past in late antique Persia. Historia, 2006, 55, 4, p. 493-503.
325. HAVELKA (Miloš). Die Debatten über den Sinn der tschechischen Geschichte 18951989. In: Ge-
2. HISTORY OF HISTORIOGRAPHY schichtsschreibung zu den böhmischen Ländern im 20. Jahrhundert [Cf. no 321], p. 45-60. 326. HAVLÍKOVÁ (Lubomíra). Ve službách þeskoslovenské vČdy. PĜínos ruské emigrace k rozvoji pražské byzantologie a medievistické balkanistiky. (In the services of Czechoslovak science. Contribution of the Russian emigration to the development of Prague Byzantine studies and studies of the Medieval history of the Balkans). Slovanské historické studie, 2006, 31, p. 17-47. 327. HEARN (Mark). Securing the man: narratives of gender and nation in the verdicts of Henry Bournes Higgins. Australian historical studies, 2006, 37, 127, p. 1-24. 328. HIRSCHLER (Konrad). Medieval Arabic historiography: authors as actors. New York, Routledge, 2006, X-181 p. (SOAS/Routledge studies on the Middle East). 329. Histoires d'historiennes. Études réunies et présentées par Nicole PELLEGRIN. Saint-Etienne, Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne, 2006, 399 p. (L'école du genre). 330. Historiographes (Les) en Europe de la fin du Moyen Âge à la Révolution. Sous la dir. de Chantal GRELL. Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2006, 428 p. (ill.). 331. Historiographie de la France et mémoire du royaume au XVIIIe siècle. Actes des Journées d'étude des 4 et 11 février, 4 et 11 mars 2002, Collège de France. Textes réunis par Marc FUMAROLI et Chantal GRELL. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2006, 426 p. (Bibliothèque d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 18). 332. History of scholarship: a selection of papers from the Seminar on the History of Scholarship held annually at the Warburg Institute. Ed. by C. R. LIGOTA and J.-L. QUANTIN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, X-504 p. (ill.). 333. HÖH (Marc von der). Erinnerungskultur und frühe Kommune: Formen und Funktionen des Umgangs mit der Vergangenheit im hochmittelalterlichen Pisa (10501150). Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2006, 529 p. (Hallische Beiträge zur Geschichte des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit, 3).
historical culture of Europe before the Modern Age). Ed. Lorina P. REPINA. Moskva, Krug, 2006, 767 p. (bibl. incl.). [English summary and table of contents]. 338. KANSTEINER (Wulf). In pursuit of German memory: history, television and politics after Auschwitz. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2006, X-438 p. 339. KELLEY (Donald R.). Frontiers of history: historical inquiry in the twentieth century. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, IX-298 p. 340. KITTSTEIN (Ulrich). "Mit Geschichte will man etwas": historisches Erzählen in der Weimarer Republik und im Exil (19181945). Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2006, 378 p. 341. Klassiker der Geschichtswissenschaft. Hrsg. v. Lutz RAPHAEL. Band 1. Von Edward Gibbon bis Marc Bloch. Band 2. Von Fernand Braudel bis Natalie Z. Davis. München, Beck, 2006, 2 vol., 256 p., 285 p. 342. KOLÁě (Pavel). Die nationalgeschichtlichen master narratives in der tschechischen Geschichtsschreibung der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Entstehungskontexte, Kontinuität und Wandel. In: Geschichtsschreibung zu den böhmischen Ländern im 20. Jahrhundert [Cf. no 321], p. 209-241. IDEM. Eine Brutstätte der Volksgeschichte? Überlegungen zur Geschichte der Prager deutschen Historiographie 1918– 1938 im Gesamtkontext der deutschsprachigen Geschichtswissenschaft. In: Geschichtsschreibung zu den böhmischen Ländern im 20. Jahrhundert [Cf. no 321], p. 109-135. 343. Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Rüdiger vom BRUCH, Uta GERHARDT und Aleksandra PAWLICZEK. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 352 p. (Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft, 1). 344. KUHLMANN (Peter). Humanismus und Alte Sprachen im Dritten Reich. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 2006, 88, 2, p. 409-432. 345. LAPLANCHE (François). La crise de l'origine: la science catholique des Evangiles et l'histoire au XXe siècle. Paris, A. Michel, 2006, 707 p. (Collection "L'évolution de l'humanité").
334. IGERSHEIM (François). L'Alsace et ses historiens, 16801914: la fabrique des monuments. Strasbourg, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2006, 524 p.
346. LARGEAUD (Jean-Marc). Napoléon et Waterloo. La défaite glorieuse de 1815 à nos jours. Paris, La Boutique de l'Histoire, 2006, 462 p.
335. ILLERITSKIJ (Vladimir E.). Sovetskaja istoriografija otechestvennoj istorii: ocherki razvitija istoriografii istorii SSSR (19171960 gg.). (Soviet historiography of social history: essays on historiography of the history of the USSR, 1917–1960). Ros. gos. gumanit. un-t. Moskva, RGGU, 2006, 181 p. (portr.; bibl. incl.).
347. LEIDE (Henry). NS-Verbrecher und Staatssicherheit: Die geheime Vergangenheitspolitik der DDR. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 448 p. (Analysen und Dokumente, 28).
336. IRWIN (Robert). For lust of knowing: the orientalists and their enemies. London, Allen Lane, 2006, 409 p. 337. Istorija i pamjat': Istoricheskaya kul'tura Evropy do nachala Novogo vremeni. (History and memory:
348. LELLOUCH (Benjamin). Les Ottomans en Égypte: historiens et conquérants au XVIe siècle. Leuven, Peeters, 2006, XXIX-423 p. 349. LEPENIES (Wolf). Kultur und Politik. Deutsche Geschichten. München u. Wien, Hanser, 2006, 447 p. 350. LIU (Lina). You chuantong zouxiang xiandai: lun Zhongguo shixue de zhuanxing. (From tradition to
modernity: the shaping of Chinese historiography). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2006, 4, 6, 4, 8, 332 p. 351. LO CASCIO (Elio). Il mondo romano e le indagini demografiche; dalla controversia Hume-Wallace alla "Biblioteca di Storia economica" e oltre. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 32, 64, 2, p. 245-270. 352. MAC KITTERICK (Rosamond). Perceptions of the past in the early Middle Ages. 2006, VIII-148 p. (ill.). (Conway lectures in Medieval studies). 353. MELMAN (Billie). The culture of history: English uses of the past, 1800–1953. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XII-363 p.
tenido: DEYERMOND (Alan). Introduction. JEREZ (Enrique). El Tudense en su siglo: transmisión y recepción del Chronicon mundi en el Doscientos. BAUTISTA (Francisco). Pseudo-historia y leyenda en la historiografía medieval: la Condesa Traidora. COATES (Geraldine). "Et si desto menguas": decadencia imperial en la Estoria de España. HIJANO VILLEGAS (Manuel). Continuaciones del Toledano: el caso de la Historia hasta 1288 dialogada. MOYA GARCÍA (Cristina). Aproximación a la Valeriana (Crónica abreviada de España de Mosén Diego de Valera)]. 363. SCHMIDT-NOWARA (Christopher). The conquest of history: Spanish colonialism and national histories in the nineteenth century. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006, XVI-278 p. (Pitt Latin American series).
354. Mémoire et subjectivité, XIVeXVIIe siècle: l'entrelacement de memoria, fama et historia. Actes de la journée d'étude organisée par l'École nationale des chartes, Paris, 4 avril 2002. Éd. par Dominique DE COURCELLES. Paris, École des chartes, 2006, 107 p. (Études et rencontres de l'École des chartes, 22).
364. Scribes (Les) et la transmission du savoir. Journée des orientalistes belges (42nd. 2004: Liège, Belgique). Ed. par C. CANNUYER. Bruxelles, Société belge d'études orientales, 2006, X-178 p. (ill.).
355. Méthode critique (La) au Moyen Âge. Etudes réunies par Mireille CHAZAN et Gilbert DAHAN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 321 p. (Bibliothèque d'histoire culturelle du Moyen Age, 3).
365. ŠEDIVÝ (Ivan). Zwischen Wissenschaft, Ideologie und Politik. Edvard Beneš in der tschechischen Historiographie nach 1945. In: Geschichtsschreibung zu den böhmischen Ländern im 20. Jahrhundert [Cf. no 321], p. 243-253.
356. Nation and history. Polish historians from the Enlightenment to the Second World War. Ed. by Peter BROCK, John D. STANLEY and Piotr J. WRÓBEL. Toronto, Buffalo a. London, University of Toronto Press, 2006, X-493 p. 357. NEERFELD (Christiane). "Historia per forma di diaria": la cronachistica veneziana contemporanea a cavallo tra il Quattro e il Cinquecento. Venezia, Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, 2006, XIV-268 p. (Memorie / Classe di scienze morali, lettere ed arti, 114). 358. NEUMANN (Susanne). Leninbilder: Lenin in der westdeutschen Geschichtswissenschaft in den 1960er bis 1980er Jahren. Hamburg, Kovac, 2006, 221 p. (Hamburger Beiträge zur Geschichte des östlichen Europa, 15). 359. PEŠEK (JiĜí). Historiographie an den Universitäten in Ostmitteleuropa 19451970. In: Geschichtsschreibung zu den böhmischen Ländern im 20. Jahrhundert [Cf. no 321], p. 297-315. 360. Politics (The) of memory in postwar Europe. Ed. by Richard Ned LEBOW, Wulf KANSTEINER and Claudio FOGU. Durham, Duke U. P., 2006, XI-366 p. 361. RAUSCH (Helke). Kultfigur und Nation: Offentliche Denkmaler in Paris, Berlin und London 1848–1914. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2006, 797 p. (Pariser Historische Studien, 70). 362. Relato historiográfico (El): textos y tradiciones en la España medieval. Editado por Francisco BAUTISTA. London, Dept. of Hispanic Studies, Queen Mary, University of London, 2006, 181 p. (ill.). (Papers of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar, 48). [Con-
366. SIDOROV (Aleksandr I.). Otzvuk nastojashchego. Istoricheskaja mysl' v epokhu karolingskogo vozrozhdenija. (Historical thought in the times of the Carolingian Renaissance). Sankt-Peterburg, Gumanitarnaja Akademija, 2006, 351 p. (bibl. p. 326-350). (Studia classica). [English summary]. 367. SMITH (Nadia Clare). A "Manly Study"? Irish women historians, 1868–1949. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, VI-216 p. 368. STEIN (Robert M.). Reality fictions: romance, history and governmental authority, 1025–1180. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2006, IX-294 p. 369. SUROVENKOV (Dmitrij I.). Kategorija vremeni v khronike Komita Martsellina. (The Category of Time in the Chronicle of Marcellinus Comes). In: Istochnikovedcheskie issledovanija. Ed. Aleksandr O. CHUBAR'JAN, Timofej V. GIMON. Moskva, IVI RAN, 2006, 3, p. 9-52. [English summary]. 370. TAGLIAFERRI (Teodoro). "Diventare storici anche del tempo presente": la crisi del '56 e la storiografia marxista britannica. Studi Storici, 2006, 47, 1, p. 143-183. 371. TERHOEVEN (Petra). Eheringe für den Krieg. Die Geschichte eines faschistischen Gedächtnisorts. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, 1, p. 61-86. 372. TODOROVA (Maria N.). The Mausoleum of Georgi Dimitrov as lieu de mémoire. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 2, p. 377-411. 373. Transnationale Vergangenheitspolitik: Der Umgang mit deutschen Kriegsverbrechern in Europa nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Hrsg. v. Norbert FREI. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2006, 656 p.
2. HISTORY OF HISTORIOGRAPHY 374. Uses (The) of history in early modern England. Ed. by Paulina KEWES. San Marino, Huntington Library, 2006, 449 p. 375. VALENTI (Catherine). L'École française d'Athènes. Paris, Belin, 2006, 221 p. 376. VASHCHEVA (Irina Ju.). Evsevij Kesarijskij i stanovlenie rannesrednevekovogo istorizma. (Eusebius of Caesaria and the formation of Medieval historicism). Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2006, 272 p. (bibl. p. 246271). (Vizantijskaja biblioteka. Issledovanija). 377. VÖLKEL (Markus). Geschichtsschreibung: eine Einführung in globaler Perspektive. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, 399 p. (Uni-Taschenbücher, 2692). 378. WEBSTER (Anthony). The debate on the rise of the British Empire. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2006, X-198 p. 379. WIDENBERG (Johanna). Fäderneslandets antikviteter: etnoterritoriella historiebruk och integrationssträvanden i den svenska statsmaktens antikvariska verksamhet ca 16001720. (Antiquités de la patrie: l'usage de l'Histoire et des aspirations à l'intégration ethnique dans les activités archéologiques de l'Etat suédois entre 1600 et 1720). Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2006, 282 p.(Studia historica Upsaliensia, 225). 380. WIWJORRA (Ingo). Der Germanenmythos. Konstruktion einer Weltanschauung in der Altertumsforschung des 19. Jahrhunderts. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006, 408 p. 381. YARROW (Liv Mariah). Historiography at the end of the Republic. Provincial perspectives on Roman Rule. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XIV396 p. 382. ZHUKOV (Konstantin A.). Vostochnyj vopros v istoriosofskoj kontseptsii K. N. Leont'eva. (The Eastern Question in Konstantin Leontiev's philosophy of history). RAN, In-t vostokovedenija, Sankt-Peterburgskij f-l. Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2006, 227 p. (bibl. incl.). 383. ZWINK (Christian). Imagination und Repräsentation: die theoretische Formierung der Historiographie im späten 17. und frühen 18. Jahrhundert in Frankreich. Tübingen, Niemeyer, 2006, IX-356 p. (Hallesche Beiträge zur europäischen Aufklärung, 31).
I manuali di storia contemporanea per i licei. GUIDI (Elisa). Le recensioni della Storia d'Italia e della Storia d'Europa di Benedetto Croce. PEDIO (Alessia). Le collane editoriali di storia, da "I prefascisti" a "I grandi italiani". CARRATTIERI (Mirco). Le riviste di divulgazione storica e l'esperienza di "Popoli" (19411942)]. 387. WEINKE (Annette). Die Verfolgung von NSTätern im Geteilten Deutschland: Vergangenheitsbewältigungen 1949–1969 oder; Eine Deutsch-Deutsche Beziehungsgeschichte im Kalten Krieg. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2002, 514 p. Cf. nos 481, 2513, 2630, 2672, 2675, 2687, 3608, 3743, 4720, 6206, 6394, 6671, 6836, 7082 b. Special studies 388. MASTROGREGORI (Massimo). Sulla "collaborazione" degli storici italiani durante il fascismo [F. Chabod, A. Momigliano e C. Antoni]. Belfagor, 2006, 61, 362, p. 151-168. 389. SVENSTRUP (Thyge). Arup: en biografi om den radikale historiker Erik Arup, hans tid og miljø. (Biographie d'un historien radical, Erik Arup). København, Museum Tusculanum, 2006, 828 p. (ill). [Résumé anglais]. 390. BERTRÁN MOYA (José Luis). El mundo mágico de Julio Caro Baroja. Historia social, 2006, 55, p. 79112. CORTÉS PEÑA (Antonio Luis). Caro Baroja y la historiografía sobre los moriscos. Historia social, 2006, 55, p. 61-78. MOLINA APARICIO (Fernando). El intelectual en el laberinto. Julio Caro Baroja y el País Vasco. Historia social, 2006, 55, p. 153-174. MORALES MOYA (Antonio). Julio Caro Baroja: un "caballero particular". Historia social, 2006, 55, p. 524. MORENO MARTÍNEZ (Doris). Alrededor de "El Señor Inquisidor". Algunas reflexiones. Historia social, 2006, 55, p. 113-134. PEÑA DÍAZ (Manuel). Caro Baroja y la religiosidad en la España del Siglo de Oro. Historia social, 2006, 55, p. 25-44. PULIDO SERRANO (Juan Ignacio). Los judíos en la obra de Caro Baroja. Historia social, 2006, 55, p. 45-60. SERRANO MARTÍN (Eliseo). Julio Caro Baroja y sus estudios sobre las fiestas. Historia social, 2006, 55, p. 135-152.
a. Addenda 20022005
391. BOST (Hubert). Pierre Bayle: historien, critique et moraliste. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 279 p.
384. MIDDELL (Matthias). Weltgeschichtsschreibung im Zeitalter der Verfachlichung und Professionalisierung. Das Leipziger Institut für Kultur und Universalgeschichte 1890–1990. Leipzig, Akademische Verlagsanstalt, 2005, 3 vol., XVIII-1270 p. (Geschichtswissenschaft und Geschichtskultur im 20. Jahrhundert, 6/1–3).
392. WORMALD (Patrick). The Times of Bede. Studies in Early English Christian Society and its historian. Ed. by Stephen BAXTER. Malden, Oxford a. Carlton, Blackwell, 2006, XVII-290 p.
385. PELEG (Yaron). Orientalism and the Hebrew imagination. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2005, X-153 p.
393. BLOCH (Marc). L'histoire, la guerre, la Résistance. Édition établie par Annette BECKER et Etienne BLOCH. Paris, Gallimard, 2006, LXX-1094 p. (Quarto).
386. Storiografia, cultura storica e circolazione del sapere nell'Italia fascista. A cura di Margherita ANGELINI e Mirco CARRATTIERI. Storiografia, 2005, 9, p. 99266. [Contiene: ANGELINI (Margherita). I corsi universitari di storia tra oralità e scrittura. MIGANI (Elena).
394. Jacob Burckhardt und die Griechen: Vorträge einer Internationalen Fachkonferenz in Freiburg im Breisgau, 15. September 2004. Hrsg. v. Leonhard BURCKHARDT und Hans-Joachim GEHRKE. Basel, Schwabe u. München, C. H. Beck, 2006, 396 p.
395. BLANCHARD (Joël). Philippe de Commynes. Paris, Fayard, 2006, 584 p. 396. FABRE (Giorgio). Goffredo Coppola e l'episodio di Otto Lire (1942). Quaderni di storia, 2006, 32, 64, 2, p. 311-330. TRAINA (Alfonso). Una testimonianza su Goffredo Coppola. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 32, 64, 2, p. 331-338. 397. JEDLITSCHKA (Karsten). Wissenschaft und Politik. Der Fall des Münchner Historikers Ulrich Crämer (1907–1992). Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2006, 482 p. (Ludovica-Maximilianea, Forschungen, 21). 398. RUSSO (Luigi), CROCE (Benedetto). Carteggio 19121948. A cura di Emanuele CUTINELLI-RÉNDINA. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2006, 2 vol., [s. p.]. (Correspondence, 2. Carteggi Luigi Russo, 2). SASSO (Gennaro). Croce aspirante consigliere di Mussolini? La Cultura, 2006, 44, 2, p. 327-350. IDEM. Perché Croce scrisse il Perché non possiamo non dirci cristiani? La Cultura, 2006, 44, 1, p. 5-54. 399. Ägyptologie als Wissenschaft. Adolf Erman (1854–1937) in seiner Zeit. Hrsg. v. Bernd U. SCHIPPER. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2006, XI-457 p. 400. Reinventar o Brasil: Gilberto Freyre entre história e ficção. Organizadores Antonio DIMAS, Jacques LEENHARDT e Sandra JATAHY PESAVENTO. Porto Alegre, UFRGS Editora e São Paulo, EDUSP, 2006, 311 p. (ill.). [Conteúdo: LEENHARDT (Jacques). A consagração na França de um pensamento heterodoxo. JATAHY PESAVENTO (Sandra). De Recife para o mundo. GUARDINI TEIXEIRA VASCONCELOS (Sandra). Ingleses na costa. LEMAIRE (Ria). Amores inteligentes. DIMAS (Antonio). Nas ruínas, o ottimismo. LEENHARDT (Jacques). Protocolos da escrita: as estratégias de Gilberto Freyre. JATAHY PESAVENTO (Sandra). O cativeiro de Clio: narrativa entre memória e história. GUARDINI TEIXEIRA VASCONCELOS (Sandra). "O que se diz no princípio": uma leitura dos prefácios. LEENHARDT (Jacques). A construção cosmográfica de uma paisagem social. JATAHY PESAVENTO (Sandra). A paisagem social como imaginário de sentido. GUARDINI TEIXEIRA VASCONCELOS (Sandra). Entre sobrados e cortiços. JATAHY PESAVENTO (Sandra). Os andares do sobrado: de um Brasil a outro. LEENHARDT (Jacques). O sobrado, um artefato narrativo. JATAHY PESAVENTO (Sandra). As janelas do sobrado: de como a parte se viu no todo. JATAHY PESAVENTO (Sandra). Narrativas, imagens, idéias: o museu imaginário de Gilberto Freyre. LEENHARDT (Jacques). A segunda morte dos sobrados do Recife]. 401. Froissart dans sa forge: actes du colloque réuni à Paris du 4 au 6 novembre 2004. Éd. par Michel ZINK. Paris, Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres, 2006, 238 p. 402. ADDANTE (Luca). Voltaire oltre Voltaire. Il paradigma della storiografia dei Lumi in Giuseppe Galanti. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 1, p. 125141.
403. SANTANGELO (Federico). George Grote's early papers on Roman culture. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 32, 63, 1, p. 57-110. 404. "Riscoperta" (La) di Guicciardini: atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Torino, 1415 novembre 1997. A cura di Artemio Enzo BALDINI e Marziano GUGLIELMINETTI. Genova, Name, 2006, 248 p. 405. TOPALOV (Christian). Maurice Halbwachs. L'expérience de Chicago (automne 1930). Annales, 2006, 61, 3, p. 555-582. 406. Cambridge companion (The) to Herodotus. Ed. by Carolyn DEWALD and John MARINCOLA. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXII-373 p. 407. HEIDENREICH (Marianne). Christian Gottlob Heyne und die Alte Geschichte. München, Saur, 2006, 647 p. 408. CHEDDADI (Abdesselam). Ibn Khaldûn. L'homme et le théoricien de la civilisation. Paris, Gallimard, 2006, 509 p. POMIAN (Krzysztof). Ibn Khaldûn au prisme de l'occident. Paris, Gallimard, 2006, 233 p. (Bibliothèque des histoires). 409. FILONI (Marco). Alexandre Kojève. Belfagor, 2006, 61, 363, p. 289-312. 410. SECRETAN (Catherine). Ernst Heinrich Kossmann (19222003). Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 1, p. 151-177. 411. Kristeller reconsidered. Essays on his life and scholarship. Ed. by John MONFASANI. New York, Italica Press, 2006, XVIII-310 p. 412. CAMBIANO (Giuseppe). Nota su Labriola e la cultura antica. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 1, p. 142-150. MICCOLIS (Stefano). Antonio Labriola collaboratore della "Nuova Antologia". Rivista di storia della filosofia, 2006, 61, 3, p. 763-790. 413. DIGGINS (John P.). Arthur O. Lovejoy and the challenge of intellectual history. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 1, p. 181-208. 414. Friedrich Meinecke in seiner Zeit. Studien zu Leben und Werk. Hrsg. v. Gisela BOCK und Daniel SCHÖNPFLUG. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 294 p. (Pallas Athene, 19). 415. PETITIER (Paule). Jules Michelet: l'homme histoire. Paris, B. Grasset, 2006, 477 p. 416. Archivio Arnaldo Momigliano: inventario analitico. A cura di Giovanna GRANATA; prefazione di Riccardo DI DONATO. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2006, CVIII-465 p. (Sussidi eruditi, 73). Arnaldo Momigliano nella storiografia del Novecento. A cura di Leandro POLVERINI. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2006, VII-249 p. (Storia e letteratura, 224). CAPRISTO (Annalisa). Arnaldo Momigliano e il mancato asilo negli USA (19381941). Quaderni di storia, 2006, 32, 63, 1, p. 5-56. DI DONATO (Riccardo),
3. METHODOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY, AND TEACHING OF HISTORY GIARDINA (Andrea), SASSO (Gennaro). Sul Carteggio del 1959 tra Chabod e Momigliano. La Cultura, 2006, 44, 1, p. 143-164. 417. STURM (Fritz). Theodor Mommsen. Gedanken zu Leben und Werk des großen deutschen Rechtshistorikers. Karlsruhe, Verlag der Gesellschaft für Kulturhistorische Dokumentation, 2006, 80 p. (Schriftenreihe des Rechtshistorischen Museums Karlsruhe, 11). 418. "1848. La rivoluzione degli intellettuali" di Lewis B. Namier. Contemporanea, 2006, 9, 1, p. 151192. [Interventi di: Amy NG, Stuart WOOLF, Roberto BALZANI, Guido FRANZINETTI e Simonetta SOLDANI]. 419. H.-G. Pflaum, un historien du XXe siècle. Actes du colloque international Paris les 21, 22 et 23 octobre 2004. Ed. par Ségolène DEMOUGIN, Xavier LORIOT, Pierre COSME [et al.]. Genève, Droz, 2006, 542 p. (Hautes études du monde gréco-romain, 37).
428. FUBINI LEUZZI (Maria). II Savonarola di Pasquale Villari e la storiografia italiana postunitaria. Note introduttive alla lettura dell'opera. Archivio storico italiano, 2006, 164, 608, 2, p. 267-302. 429. DAGEN (Jean). Voltaire et le Grand Siècle. Sous la direction de Jean DAGEN et Anne-Sophie BARROVECCHIO. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2006, XXII441 p. (Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century, 2006, 10). 430. BREUER (Stefan). Max Webers tragische Soziologie. Aspekte und Perspektiven. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, VIII-381 p. "L'etica protestante e lo spirito del capitalismo" di Max Weber. Contemporanea, 2006, 9, 4, p. 747-785. [Interventi di: Hinnerk BRUHNS, Philip S. GORSKI, Matthew KADANE, William D. RUBINSTEIN e Mauro MORETTI]. b. Addenda 2005
420. BAUER (Stefan). The censorship and fortuna of Platina's lives of the Popes in the sixteenth century. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XVII-390 p. (Late Medieval and Early Modern studies, 9).
431. Bibliografia di don Giuseppe De Luca. A cura di Michele PICCHI e Donatella ROTUNDO. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2005, XVIII-407 p. (Sussidi eruditi, 66).
421. SCARROCCHIA (Sandro). Oltre la storia dell'arte: Alois Riegl vita e opere di un protagonista della cultura viennese. Milano, C. Marinotti, 2006, 303 p. (Vita delle forme, 7).
432. Erodoto e il 'modello erodoteo'. Formazione e trasmissione delle tradizioni storiche in Grecia. A cura di Maurizio GIANGIULIO. Trento, Editrice Università degli Studi de Trento, 2005, XXII-396 p. (Labirinti, 88).
422. "Cavour e il suo tempo" di Rosario Romeo. Contemporanea, 2006, 9, 2, p. 347-369. [Interventi di: Paolo MACRY, Marco MERIGGI, Roberto BALZANI, Gilles PÉCOUT e Roberto PERTICI]. 423. TZOREF-ASHKENAZI (Chen). India and the identity of Europe: the case of Friedrich Schlegel. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 4, p. 713-734. 424. THIMME (David). Percy Ernst Schramm und das Mittelalter: Wandlungen eines Geschichtsbildes. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 670 p. (Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 75). 425. FRAMPTON (Travis L.). Spinoza and the rise of historical criticism of the Bible. New York a. London, T &T Clark, 2006, X-262 p. 426. BLECKMANN (Bruno). Alkibiades und die Athener im Urteil des Thukydides. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 282, 3, p. 561-583. Brill's companion to Thucydides. Ed. by Antonios RENGAKOS and Antonios TSAKMAKIS. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, XIX-947 p. [Cf. nos 1400, 1433, 1452, 1453, 1473, 1531, 1561, 1569, 1641, 1643, 1661, 1664, 1674, 1754.] MEISTER (Klaus). L'influsso di Antifonte, oratore e sofista su Tucidide. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 32, 64, 2, p. 227-244. MORPETH (Neil). Thucydides' war: accounting for the faces of conflict. Hildesheim, Zürich a. New York, Olms, 2006, 348 p. (Spudasmata, 112). 427. CINNELLA (Ettore). Il Settecento russo di Franco Venturi. Storia della storiografia, 2006, 49, p. 17-42.
433. KOUBOURLIS (Ioannis). La formation de l'histoire nationale grecque. L'apport de Spyridon Zambélios (18151881). Athenae, Institut de recherches néohelléniques et Fondation nationale de la recherche scientifique, 2005, 377 p. Cf. nos 124, 5053 § 3. Methodology, philosophy, and teaching of history. * 434. BENZ (Stefan). Geschichtskultur. Neuerscheinungen zur Historizität und zu ihren sozialen Orten in der Frühneuzeit. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 2006, 88, 1, p. 157-202. * 435. CRANE (Susan A.). Historical subjectivity: a review essay [Review article]. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 2, p. 434-456. * 436. GREW (Raymond). Expanding worlds of world history [Review article]. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 4, p. 878-898. _______________________
437. Ancient economies, modern methodologies: archaeology, comparative history, models and institutions. Ed. by Peter F. BANG, Mamoru IKEGUCHI and Hartmut G. ZICHE. Bari, Edipuglia, 2006, 278 p. 438. ANKERSMIT (F. R.). "Presence" and myth. History and theory, 2006, 45, 3, p. 328-336. 439. AXELSSON (Erik). Historien i politiken: historieanvändning i norsk och svensk EU-debatt 1990
1994. (L'Histoire en politique: l'usage de l'histoire dans les débats sur l'adhésion à l'EU en Suède et en Norvège). Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2006, 358 p. (Studia historica Upsaliensia, 226). 440. BENTLEY (Michael). Past and "Presence": revisiting historical ontology. History and theory, 2006, 45, 3, p. 349-361. 441. BURNS (Robert M.). Collingwood, Bradley, and historical knowledge. History and theory, 2006, 45, 2, p. 178-203. 442. Vacat. 443. Vacat. 444. Cambridge companion (The) to historical archaeology. Ed. by Dan HICKS and Mary C. BEAUDRY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVI-404 p. 445. COHEN (Sande). History out of joint: essays on the use and abuse of history. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, VII-307 p. (Parallax, re-visions of culture and society).
456. GRAFTON (Anthony). The history of ideas: precept and practice, 19502000 and beyond. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 1, p. 1-32. 457. GREW (Raymond). Expanding worlds of world history. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 4, p. 878898. 458. GROßE (Jürgen). Kritik der Geschichte. Probleme und Formen seit 1800. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, X-352 p. (Philosophische Untersuchungen, 15). 459. GUBSER (Michael). Time's visible surface: Alois Riegl and the discourse on history and temporality in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna. Detroit, Wayne State U. P., 2006, X-300 p. (Kritik: German literary theory and cultural studies). 460. GUMBRECHT (Hans Ulrich). Presence achieved in language (with special attention given to the presence of the past). History and theory, 2006, 45, 3, p. 317-237.
446. COLLINS (Diane). Acoustic journeys: exploration and the search for an aural history of Australia. Australian historical studies, 2006, 37, 128, p. 1-17.
461. HABER (Peter). Geschichtswissenschaften im digitalen Zeitalter. Eine Zwischenbilanz. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 2, p. 168183.
447. CROCE (Benedetto). Filosofia e storiografia. A cura di Stefano MASCHIETTI. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2005, 421 p. (Edizione nazionale delle opere di Benedetto Croce. Saggi filosofici, 12).
462. HEERS (Jacques). L'histoire assassinée: les pièges de la mémoire. Versailles, Éditions de Paris, 2006, 269 p.
449. DOMANSKA (Ewa). The material presence of the past. History and theory, 2006, 45, 3, p. 337-348.
463. Historia, memoria y fuentes orales. Comps: Vera CARNOVALE, Federico LORENZ y Roberto PITTALUGA. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Memoria Abierta y CeDInCI Editores, 2006, 165 p. (Colección Historia y política).
450. EPPLE (Angelika). Natura Magistra Historiae? Reinhart Kosellecks transzendentale Historik. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 2, p. 201-213.
464. Historismus im 19. Jahrhundert. Geschichtsschreibung von Niebuhr bis Meinecke. Hrsg. v. Jens NORDALM. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2006, 344 p.
451. FINKELBERG (Margalit). Aristotle and episodic tragedy. Greece & Rome, 2006, 53, 1, p. 60-72.
465. KABLITZ (Andreas). Geschichte – Tradition – Erinnerung? Wider die Subjektivierung der Geschichte. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 2, p. 220237.
448. DIDI-HUBERMAN (Georges). Ouvrir les camps, fermer les yeux. Annales, 2006, 61, 5, p. 1011-1049.
452. Forum: "On Presence", edited by Eelco RUNIA and Elizabeth J. BROUWER. History and theory, 2006, 45, 3, p. 305-374. [Contents: RUNIA (Eelco). Spots of time. GUMBRECHT (Hans-Ulrich). Presence achieved in language (with special attention given to the presence of the past). ANKERSMIT (F.R.). "Presence" and myth. DOMANSKA (Ewa). The material presence of the past. BENTLEY (Michael). Past and "Presence": revisiting historical ontology. PETERS (Rik). Actes de presence: presence in fascist political culture]. 453. GERBER (Doris). Was heißt "vergangene Zukunft"? Über die zeitliche Dimension der Geschichte und die geschichtliche Dimension der Zeit. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 2, p. 176-200. 454. GINZBURG (Carlo). Il filo e le tracce: vero, falso, finto. Milano, Feltrinelli, 2006, 340 p. (ill.). (Campi del sapere). 455. GOODY (Jack). The theft of history. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, X-342 p.
466. KELLERHALS (Andreas). Ethik-Kodex der ArchivarInnen und Ethik-Kodex der HistorikerInnen. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 1, p. 101-104. 467. KORGANOV (Karen T.). Affektivnye obshchestva. Vzgljad na logiku i zakonomernosti vsemirnoistoricheskogo protsessa. (Affective societies: a look at the logic and the regularities of the universal history). Troitsk, Trovant, 2006, 216 p. 468. KOSELLECK (Reinhart). Begriffsgeschichten. Studien zur Semantik und Pragmatik der politischen und sozialen Sprache. Mit zwei Beitr. v. Ulrike SPREE und Willibald STEINMETZ sowie ein. Nachw. zu Einleitungsfragmenten Reinhart Kosellecks v. Carsten DUTT. Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, 2006, 569 p. IDEM. Crisis. Translation by Michaela RICHTER. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 2, p. 357-400.
469. KRACAUER (Siegfried). L'Histoire. Des avantdernières choses. Paris, Stock, 2006, 371 p. (Un ordre d'idées).
484. SOCHER (Abraham P.). Funkenstein on the theological origins of historicism: a critical note. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 2, p. 401-408.
470. LENCLUD (Gérard). Traversées dans le temps. Annales, 2006, 61, 5, p. 1053-1084.
485. Sources orales (Les) et l'histoire. Récits de vie, entretiens, témoignages oraux. Sous la dir. de Florence DESCAMPS. Paris, Bréal, 2006, 288 p.
471. MELANI (Igor). Il tribunale della storia: leggere la Methodus di Jean Bodin. Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2006, XV-354 p. (Studi / Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere "La Colombaria", 231). 472. MONNET (Pierre). Un manuel d'histoire francoallemand. Revue historique, 2006, 638, p. 409-422. 473. MOSER-LÉCHOT (Daniel V.). Kompetenzen und Standards für den Geschichtsunterricht? Zur Notwendigkeit empirischer Daten als Grundlage für eine kommende Diskussion. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 3, p. 295-320. 474. MÜLLER (Achatz von). Wirklichkeit oder Wahrnehmung? Zu Johannes Frieds Studie "Der Schleier der Erinnerung". Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 2, p. 214-219. 475. Muntlig historia. (L'histoire orale). Red. Lars HANSSON, Malin THOR. Lund, Studentlitteratur, 2006, 195 p. 476. MUSTÈ (Marcello). Il significato delle fonti storiche. La Cultura, 2006, 43, 3, p. 461-486. 477. PALTI (Elías José). The problem of "Misplaced Ideas" revisited: beyond the "History of Ideas" in Latin America. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 1, p. 149-179. 478. Periodizzazioni del secondo dopoguerra. A cura di Paolo CAPUZZO, intervengono Federico ROMERO, Giovanni GOZZINI, Giovanni MONTRONI, Fulvio DE GIORGI, Giovanna CIGLIANO, Maria Cristina ERCOLESSI. Contemporanea, 2006, 9, 2, p. 317-345. 479. PETERS (Rik). Actes de présence: presence in Fascist political culture. History and theory, 2006, 45, 3, p. 362-374. 480. Philosophy (The) of history. Talks given at the Institute of Historical Research, London, 20002006. Ed. by Alexander Lyon MACFIE. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 256 p. 481. Problemy istochnikovedenija. (Problems of source studies: [Articles]). Vol. 1 (12). Ed. Sergej M. KASHTANOV. RAN, In-t vseobshchej istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 479 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.). [Cf. no 17.] 482. RICHTER (Melvin), RICHTER (Michaela). Introduction: translation of Reinhart Koselleck's "Krise," in Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 2, p. 343-356. 483. Siegfried Kracauer, penseur de l'histoire. Sous la dir. de Philippe DESPOIX et Peter SCHÖTTLER. Paris, Éditions de la MSH/Les Presses de l'Université de Laval, 2006, 245 p.
486. STRANGE (Carolyn). The 'Shock' of torture: a historiographical challenge. History workshop, 2006, 61, p. 135-152. 487. SZEMINSKI (Jan). La tradition orale comme source historique. Le "Livre II" du Ophir de España de Fernando de Montesinos. Annales, 2006, 61, 2, p. 299336. 488. Transnational history (On). Conversation of the American Historical Review, with the partecipation of C. A. BAYLY, Sven BECKERT, Matthew CONNELLY, Isabel HOFMEYR, Wendy KOZOL and Patricia SEED. American historical review, 2006, 111, 5, p. 14401464. 489. Transnationale Geschichte: Themen, Tendenzen und Theorien. Hrsg. v. Gunilla BUDDE, Sebastian CONRAD und Oliver JANZ. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 320 p. 490. TROELTSCH (Ernst). Fünf Vorträge zu Religion und Geschichtsphilosophie für England und Schottland. Der Historismus und seine Überwindung (1924) / Christian thought. Its history and application (1923). Hrsg. v. Gangolf HÜBINGER in Zusammenarb. mit Andreas TERWEY. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter 2006, XVI-268 p. (Ernst Troeltsch, Kritische Gesamtausgabe, 17). 491. VAN WIELE (Jan). Strijden tegen de islam? De conceptualisering van een niet-christelijke religie en cultuur in leerboeken kerdgeschiedenis voor het katholiek godsdienstonderricht. Een vergelijkende analyse van de Belgische en Franstalige Canadese situatie (18691948). Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2006, 84, 2, p. 401-447. 492. WERNER (Michael), ZIMMERMANN (Bénédicte). Beyond comparison: histoire croisée and the challenge of reflexivity. History and theory, 2006, 45, 1, p. 3050. 493. WHITE (Hayden V.). Forme di storia: dalla realtà alla narrazione. A cura di Edoardo TORTAROLO. Roma, Carocci, 2006, 217 p. (Frecce, 39). 494. ZEMON DAVIS (Natalie). Cosa c'è di universale nella storia. Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 123, 3, p. 737744. Cf. nos 17, 382, 988, 1406, 4320, 4956, 5288 § 4. Ethnology, folklore and historical anthropology. * 495. MEDICK (Hans). Historische Anthropologie auf dem Weg zur Selbstreflexion [Neue Historische Literatur]. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 283, 1, p. 123130.
* 496. TARRAGÓ (Rafael Emilio). Los Kurakas: una bibliografia anotada (16092005) de fuentes impresas sobre los señores andinos en Perú y Alto Perú entre 1533 y 1825. Madrid, Instituto de Cultura, Fundación Mapfre, 2006, 68 p. (Documentos Tavera, 21). ** 497. ADON'EVA (Svetlana B.). Derevenskaja chastushka XX veka: Iz fol'klornogo arkhiva SanktPeterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Rural chastushkas of the 20th century: from the folklorist archive of the Saint-Petersburg State University). SanktPeterburg, Izdatel'stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, 2006, 533 p. ** 498. DJUZHEV (Jurij I.). Shuja, ijun' 1929: byt severnorusskoj derevni. (Shuya, June 1929: everyday life of North-Russian village: [Diaries of an ethnographic expedition]). Ed. Konstantin K. LOGINOV. RAN, Karel'skij nauch. tsentr, In-t jazyka, literatury i istorii. Petrozavodsk, Izd-vo KNTs RAN, 2006, 153 p. (ill.). _______________________
499. AEPELS (Michel). Note sur la justification dans la relation ethnographique. Genèses, 2006, 64, p. 110123. 500. BAILEY (Michael D.). The disenchantment of magic: spells, charms, and superstition in early European witchcraft literature. American historical review, 2006, 111, 2, p. 383-404. 501. BERNSTEIN (Andrew). Modern passings: death rites, politics, and social change in Imperial Japan. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2006, XI-242 p. (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian institute). 502. BÜSCHEL (Hubertus). Untertanenliebe: Der Kult um deutsche Monarchen, 1770–1830. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 419 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 220). 503. CHVYR' (Ljudmila A.). Obrjady i verovanija ujgurov v XIX–XX vv.: ocherki narodnogo islama v Turkestane. (Rituals and beliefs of the Uigurs of the 19th–20th centuries: essays on folk Islam in Turkestan). RAN, In-t vostokovedenija. Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2006, 288 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 252-270; ind. p. 271283). [English summary]. 504. DE BOGGS (Edna Garrido). Reseña histórica del folklore dominicano. Santo Domingo, Dirección Nacional de Folklore, 2006, 279 p. 505. DILLMANN (François-Xavier). Les magiciens dans l'Islande ancienne: études sur la représentation de la magie islandaise et de ses agents dans les sources littéraires norroises. Uppsala, Kungl Gustav Adolfs Akademien för svensk folkkultur, 2006, XXI-779 p. 506. Dresden: ethnografische Erkundungen einer Residenzstadt. Hsrg. v. Rolf LINDNER und Johannes MOSER. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2006, 300 p. (Schriften zur sächsischen Geschichte und Volkskunde, 16).
507. DUBOIS (Thomas David). Local religion and the imperial imaginary: the development of Japanese ethnography in occupied Manchuria. American historical review, 2006, 111, 1, p. 52-74. 508. FENTRESS (Elizabeth). Romanizing the Berbers. Past and present, 2006, 190, p. 3-33. 509. GRAY (Geoffrey). The army requires anthropologists: Australian anthropologists at war, 1939–1946. Australian historical studies, 2006, 37, 127, p. 156-180. 510. ILAHIANE (Hsain). Historical dictionary of the Berbers (Imazighen). Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2006, XXXVII-319 p. (maps). (Historical dictionaries of peoples and cultures, 5). 511. JOHNSON (Carina L.). Idolatrous cultures and the practice of religion. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 4, p. 597-621. 512. KASSELL (Lauren). "All was this land full fill'd of faerie," or magic and the past in early Modern England. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 1, p. 107122. 513. LE GALL (Jean-Marie). La nécropole dynastique des Bourbons à Saint-Denis ou l'impossible simple corps du roi. Revue historique, 2006, 637, p. 61-80. 514. MAC CORMACK (Sabine). Gods, demons, and idols in the Andes. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 4, p. 623-647. 515. MICHAUD (Jean). Historical dictionary of the peoples of the Southeast Asian massif. Lanham a. London, Scarecrow Press, 2006, XXVI-357 p. (ill., maps). (Historical dictionaries of peoples and cultures, 4). 516. MILLER (Peter N.). History of religion becomes ethnology: some evidence from Peiresc's Africa. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 4, p. 675-696. 517. MÜLLER (Bertrand). Archives orales et entretiens ethnographiques. Un débat entre Florence Descamps et Florence Weber, animé par Bertrand Müller. Genèses, 2006, 62, p. 93-109. 518. NIKITSCH (Herbert). Auf der Bühne früher Wissenschaft: aus der Geschichte des Vereins für Volkskunde (18941945). Wien, Selbstverlag des Vereins für Volkskunde, 2006, 416 p. (Buchreihe der Österreichischen Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 20). 519. OAKLEY (Francis). Kingship. The politics of enchantment. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, 193 p. (New Perspectives on the Past). 520. RASMUSSEN (Susan J.). Those who touch: Tuareg medicine women in anthropological perspective. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2006, XII-234 p. 521. RUBIÉS (Joan Pau). Theology, ethnography, and the historicization of idolatry. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 4, p. 571-596. 522. RUGGIU (François-Joseph). Westminster, nécropole royale, ou la disparition des trois corps du roi (dé-
5. GENERAL HISTORY but du XVIIedébut du XIXe siècle). Revue historique, 2006, 637, p. 81-112. 523. SALER (Michael). Modernity and enchantment: a historiographic review. American historical review, 2006, 111, 3, p. 692-716. 524. SHEEHAN (Jonathan). Introduction: thinking about idols in early Modern Europe. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 4, p. 561-569. IDEM. The altars of the idols: religion, sacrifice, and the early modern polity. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 4, p. 649-674. 525. SILVA (Renán). Sociedades campesinas, transición social y cambio cultural en Colombia: la Encuesta Folclórica Nacional de 1942: aproximaciones analíticas y empíricas. Medellín, Carreta Editores, 2006, 257 p. (La Carreta histórica). 526. SMITH (S. A.). Talking toads and Chinless ghosts: the politics of "superstitious" rumors in the People's Republic of China, 1961–1965. American historical review, 2006, 111, 2, p. 405-427. 527. STARK (Laura). The magical self. Body, society and the supernatural in early modern rural Finland. Helsinki, Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 2006, 521 p. (ill.). (FF communications, 290). 528. SWAYD (Samy S.). Historical dictionary of the Druzes. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2006, LIV-209 p. (ill., maps). (Historical dictionaries of people and cultures, 3). 529. TATARINTSEVA (Margarita P.). Staroobrjadtsy v Tuve: istoriko-etnograficheskij ocherk. (Old Believers in Tuva: a historical and ethnographical essay). Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2006, 215 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 140-147). 530. TORNATORE (Jean-Louis). Les mines de charbon du Briançonnais (XVIIIeXXe siècle). Essai d'anthropologie symétrique. Annales, 2006, 61, 5, p. 11711190. 531. WALDMAN (Carl), MASON (Catherine). Encyclopedia of European peoples. New York, Facts On File, 2006, 2 vol., XV-984 p. (ill.). 532. WALDMAN (Carl). Encyclopedia of Native American tribes. New York, Checkmark Books, 2006, XXIV-360 p. (Facts on File library of American history). 533. WINTERLING (Aloys). Historische Anthropologie. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 301 p. Cf. nos 4517, 6842 § 5. General history. * 534. Alaska history: an annotated bibliography. Compiled by Marvin W. FALK. Westport, Praeger, 2006, XIV-371 p. (Bibliographies of the states of the United States, 12). * 535. Bibliographie zur Geschichte Grosspolens 2001. Bearbeitet von Eligiusz JANUS, Beata NOWAK,
Christoph SCHUTTE; unter Mitarbeit von Anna BARTKOWIAK [et al.] = Bibliografia historii Wielkopolski 2001. Opracowali, Eligiusz JANUS, Beata NOWAK, Christoph SCHUTTE; wspóápraca, Anna BARTKOWIAK [et al.]. Marburg, Herder-Institut, 2006, XLIX-222 p. (Bibliographien zur Geschichte und Landeskunde Ostmitteleuropas, 39). * 536. Bibliographie zur Geschichte Ost- und Westpreussens, 1998 = Bibliografia historii Pomorza GdaĔskiego i Prus Wschodnich, 1998. Bearbeitet von Csaba János KENÉZ und Urszula ZABORSKA; unter Mitarbeit von Gabriele KEMPF. Marburg, Herder-Institut, 2006, LVII-294 p. (Bibliographien zur Geschichte und Landeskunde Ostmitteleuropas, 38). * 537. Handbook of oriental studies = Handbuch der Orientalistik. Abt. 8. Bd. 13. Central Asia. Afghanistan: a bibliography. Compiled by Heather BLEANEY and Maria Ángeles GALLEGO; with a foreword by Willem VOGELSANG. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XII-398 p. * 538. LE QUILLEC (Robert). Bibliographie critique de la Commune de Paris: 1871. Paris, Boutique de l'histoire, 2006, 649 p. * 539. RODRÍGUEZ DE LA TORRE (Fernando). Bibliografía de las Brigadas Internacionales y de la participación de extranjeros a favor de la República, 1936 1939. Albacete, Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses "Don Juan Manuel", 2006, 1281 p. (Serie-Corpus, documenta y bibliografía, 21). * 540. RÜTTIMANN (Karl-Heinz). Die Türkei: vom Osmanischen Reich zur Türkischen Republik: eine systematische Bibliographie von 1500 bis 1950: mit einem Kapitel über türkische Literatur in deutscher Übersetzung. Schwäbisch Hall, K.-H. Rüttimann, 2006, 112 p. * 541. SIMONI (Enrico). Bibliografia della Massoneria in Italia. Vol. 3. Indici sistematici degli articoli della "Rivista della massoneria italiana" e della "Rivista massonica": 18701926. Prefazione di Gustavo RAFFI. Foggia, Bastogi, 2006, 471 p. * 542. SPAHR (Thorsten). Benin-Bibliographie: mehrfach systematisierte, bilingual kommentierte Bibliographie zur Geschichte der Edo-Kultur im Königreich von Benin (Süd-Nigeria) = Benin-bibliography: multiply systematised and bilingually annotated bibliography on the history of the Edo-culture in the kingdom of Benin (Southern Nigeria). Mammendorf, PlV, Pro Literatur Verlag, 2006, 418 p. _______________________
543. AFANASENKO (Ivan D.). Russkaja tsivilizatsija. Istorija razvitija. (The Russian civilization: a history of development). Sankt-Peterburg, Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo gos. un-ta ekonomiki i finansov, 2006, 505 p. (portr.; bibl. incl.). 544. Affaire Dreyfus (L'): dictionnaire. Sous la dir. de Michel DROUIN. Paris, Flammarion, 2006, 759 p. 545. ARGUETA (Mario). Diccionario histórico-biográfico hondureño. Tegucigalpa, Editorial Universitaria, 2006, 230 p. (Colección Letras hondureñas).
546. ARNOLD (Guy). Historical dictionary of the non-aligned movement and third world. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2006, XXXV-370 p. (map). (Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements, 67). 547. Biografický slovník Slezska a severní Moravy. Nová Ĝada, seš. 8(20)-9 (21). [A biographical dictionary of Silesia and North Moravia. Tomo 8(20)-9(21)]. Ed. Milan MYŠKA. Ostrava, K. Gajdzica, 2006, 2 vol., 143 p., 167 p. 548. Brill's New Pauly: encyclopedia of the ancient world. Vol. 8. Antiquity. Lyd-Mine. Vol. 9. Antiquity. Mini-Obe. Ed. by Hubert CANCIK and Helmuth SCHNEIDER. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, 2 vol., LV943 p., LVI-942 p. 549. BUEL (Richard). Historical dictionary of the early American republic. Lanham a. Oxford, Scarecrow Press, 2006, LI-395 p. (ill.). (Historical dictionaries of U.S. historical eras, 5). 550. Cambridge companion (The) to the age of Constantine. Ed. by Noel LENSKI. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVIII-469 p. 551. Cambridge history (The) of Russia. Vol. 1. From early Russia to 1689. Ed. by Maureen PERRIE. Vol. 2. Imperial Russia, 16891917. Ed. by Dominic LIEVEN. Vol. 3. The twentieth century. Ed. by Ronald Grigor SUNY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, 3 vol., XXII-777 p., XXVII-765 p., XXIV-842 p. (ill., maps). 552. Cambridge history (The) of science. Vol. 3. Early modern science. Ed. by Katharine PARK and Lorraine DASTON. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXVII-865 p. 553. CANFORA (Luciano). Eine kurze Geschichte der Demokratie. Von Athen bis zur Europäischen Union. Köln, Pappyrossa, 2006, 404 p. 554. CHAN (Ming K.), LO (Shiu-hing). Historical dictionary of the Hong Kong SAR [Special Administrative Region] and the Macao SAR [Special Administrative Region]. Lanham a. Oxford, Scarecrow Press, 2006, XXI-387 p. (ill., maps). 555. CLEMENTE (José Carlos). Diccionario histórico del carlismo. Pamplona, Pamiela, 2006, 590 p. (ill.). (Pamiela ensayo y testimonio, 83). 556. Companion (A) to American foreign relations. Ed. by Robert D. SCHULZINGER. Malden a. Oxford, Blackwell Pub., 2006, XIII-562 p. (Blackwell companions to American history). 557. Companion (A) to Mexican studies. Ed. by Peter STANDISH. Woodbridge, Tamesis, 2006, 272 p. (Colección Támesis. 230. Monografías. Serie A). 558. Companion (A) to nineteenth-century Europe, 17891914. Ed. by Stefan BERGER. Malden, Oxford a. Victoria, Blackwell, 2006, XVIII-528 p. 559. Companion (A) to the Classical Greek world. Ed. by Konrad H. KINZL. Malden, Oxford a. Carlton, Blackwell, 2006, XIX-606 p.
560. Companion (A) to the Roman Empire. Ed. by David S. POTTER. Malden a. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, XXX-691 p. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world. Ancient history). 561. Companion (A) to the Roman Republic. Ed. by Nathan ROSENSTEIN and Robert MORSTEIN-MARX. Malden, Oxford a. Carlton, Blackwell, 2006, XXX-737 p. [Cf. no 1856.] 562. COOK (Chris), BROADHEAD (Philip). The Routledge companion to early modern Europe, 1453 1763. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, X-369 p. (Routledge companions to history). 563. Cronica Moldovei de la Cracovia (sec. XIII începutul secolului XVII): textul inedit al unui autor polon anonim. [The Chronicle of Moldavia from Krakow (13th centurythe beginning of the 17th century): the unpublished text of an Anonimus Polish author]. Studiu introductiv, ediĠie, note úi bibliografie de Constantin REZACHIEVICI. Bucureúti, Editura Meronia, 2006, 275 p. 564. Crusades (The): an Encyclopedia. Ed. by Alan V. MURRAY. Santa Barbara, Denver a. Oxford, ABCCUO, 2006, 4 vol., 1314 p. (ill., maps, tab). 565. DABRINGHAUS (Sabine). Geschichte Chinas 12791949. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, XIV-282 p. (Oldenbourg Grundriß der Geschichte, 35). 566. Diccionario Akal de la antigüedad hispana. Dir. José Manuel ROLDÁN HERVÁS. Tres Cantos, Akal Ediciones, 2006, 1371 p. (Akal diccionarios, 43). 567. Dictionnaire De Gaulle. Sous la dir. de Claire ANDRIEU, Philippe BRAUD et Guillaume PIKETTY; coordination: Sophie MASSE-QUIEF. Paris, Robert Laffont, 2006, XI-1265 p. (Bouquins). 568. Dictionnaire de l'histoire de France. Sous la dir. de Jean-François SIRINELLI. Paris, Larousse, 2006, 1176 p. 569. Dictionnaire des femmes belges, XIXe et XXe siècles. Sous la dir. de Eliane GUBIN, Catherine JACQUES, Valérie PIETTE et Jean PUISSANT. Bruxelles, Racine, 2006, 640 p. 570. Dictionnaire des sources du Japon classique = Dictionary of sources of classical Japan. Sous la dir. de Joan PIGGOTT [et al.]. Paris, Collège de France, Institut des Hautes Études Japonaises et De Boccard, 2006, 576 p. (Bibliothèque de l'Institut des hautes études japonaises). 571. Dictionnaire historique de la Corse. Sous la dir. de Antoine Laurent SERPENTINI. Ajaccio, Albiana, 2006, IX-1013 p. 572. Dictionnaire historique de la Résistance: résistance intérieure et France libre. Sous la dir. de François MARCOT; avec la collaboration de Bruno LEROUX et de Christine LEVISSE-TOUZE. Paris, Robert Laffont, 2006, XLII-1187 p. (Bouquins).
5. GENERAL HISTORY 573. Dizionario del comunismo nel XX secolo. A cura di Silvio PONS e Robert SERVICE. Vol. 1. A-L. Torino, Einaudi, 2006, XVII-513 p. 574. Dizionario dell'età delle riforme (14921622). A cura di Stefano CAVALLOTTO e Luigi MEZZADRI. Roma, Città nuova, 2006, 662 p. 575. DUMAS (Felicia), DUMAS (Olivier). Iaúi et la Moldavie dans les rélations franco-roumaines: histoire chronologique du XIVe au XXIe siècle. Postface de André GODIN et Guillaume ROBERT. Iaúi, Institutul European, 2006, 408 p. 576. Encyclopaedia (The) of Slovakia and the Slovaks. A concise encyclopaedia. Aut. Dušan KOVÁý [et al.]. Bratislava, Encyclopaedic Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2006, 760 p. 577. ƜrƗn ud AnƝrƗn. Studien zu den Beziehungen zwischen dem Sasanidenreich und der Mittelmeerwelt. Beiträge des Internationalen Colloquiums in Eutin, 8.– 9. Juni 2000. Hrsg. v. Josef WIESEHÖFER und Philip HUYSE. Unt. Mitarb. v. Carsten BINDER. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 288 p. (Oriens et Occidens, 13). 578. ERIKSSON (Bo). Sverige i krig 14001800. (La Suède en guerre 14001800). Stockholm, SNS förlag, 2006, 95 p. (Pocketbiblioteket, 22). 579. FELBER (Jean-Pierre). De la Helvétie romaine à la Suisse romande. Genève, Slatkine, 2006, 387 p. 580. GALLISSOT (René). Algérie: engagements sociaux et question nationale: de la colonisation à l'indépendance de 1830 à 1962. Assisté de Abderrahim TALEB-BENDIAB et Amar BENAMROUCHE; avec la collaboration de Anissa BOUAYED [et al.]. Ivry-sur-Seine, Éditions de l'Atelier, 2006, 605 p. (Collection Jean Maitron. Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier: Maghreb). 581. Grønland i verdenssamfundet: udvikling og forandring af normer og praksis. (Le Groenland et le monde: évolution et transformation des normes et de la pratique diplomatiques). Red. Hanne PETERSEN. Nuuk, Atuagkat, 2006, 283 p. 582. Histoire de l'islam et des musulmans en France, du Moyen âge à nos jours. Sous la dir. de Mohammed ARKOUN. Paris, Albin Michel, 2006, 1220 p. 583. Historical dictionary of Sierra Leone. Ed. by C. Magbaily FYLE. Lanham a. Oxford, Scarecrow Press, 2006, [s. p.]. (Historical dictionaries of Africa, 99).
tropologii im. N.N. Miklukho-Maklajja. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 363 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.). [English summary]. 586. KÖNIG (Hans-Joachim). Kleine Geschichte Lateinamerikas. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2006, 814 p. 587. KUMARASWAMY (P. R.). Historical dictionary of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Lanham a. Oxford, Scarecrow Press, 2006, LXXV-341 p. (Historical dictionaries of war, revolution, and civil unrest, 32). 588. KUZNETSOV (Anatolij E.). Istorija Norvegii. (A history of Norway). Moskva, Andreeva T.M., 2006, 536 p. (ill.; portr.; bibl. incl.; ind. p. 513-529). 589. LARSSON (Olle), JOHANSSON (Lennart), LARS(Lars-Olof). Smålands historia (Histoire de la province suédoise du Småland). Lund. Historiska Media, 2006, 352 p. (pl.).
590. LINKE (Horst Günther). Geschichte Russlands. Von den Anfängen bis heute. Darmstadt, Primus, 2006, 238 p. 591. MANTELLI (Brunello). Da Ottone di Sassonia ad Angela Merkel. Società, istituzioni, poteri nello spazio germanofono dall'anno Mille a oggi. Torino, UTET, 2006, XVIII-301 p. 592. Massoneria (La) a Livorno: dal Settecento alla Repubblica. A cura di Fulvio CONTI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 570 p. (ill.). (Percorsi). 593. MATKOVIû (Hrvoje). Na vrelima hrvatske povijesti. (At sources of a Croatian history). Zagreb, Golden marketing, 2006, 574 p. 594. MÉTAIS (Serge). Histoire des albanais. De illyriens à l'indépendance du Kosovo. Paris, Fayard, 2006, 450 p. 595. NOLAN (Cathal J.). The age of wars of religion, 10001650: an encyclopedia of global warfare and civilization. Westport a. London, Greenwood, 2006, 2 vol., LXXXV-1076 p. (Nolan, Cathal J. Greenwood encyclopedias of modern world wars). 596. PATOýKA (Jan). ýeši. Soubor textĤ k þeskému myšlení a þeským dČjinám. 1. Práce publikované. 2. Práce nepublikované. (Czechs. Collection of the texts on Czech thought and Czech History. Tomo 1-2). Ed. Karel PALEK, Ivan CHVATÍK. Praha, OIKOYMENH, 2006, 2 vol., 901 p., 517 p. (Sebrané spisy Jana Patoþky, 12). 597. PIRJEVEC (Jože). Serbi, croati, sloveni: storia di tre nazioni. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 217 p. (Universale paperbacks Il Mulino, 431).
584. Historický lexikon obcí ýeské republiky 18692005. 1. Poþet obyvatel a domĤ podle obcí a þástí obcí v letech 18692001 podle správního rozdČlení ýeské republiky k 1.1.2005. 2. Abecední pĜehled obcí a þástí obcí v letech 18692005. (Historical Lexicon of municipalities of Czech Republic, 18692005. Tomo 1-2). Ed. JiĜina RģŽKOVÁ, Josef ŠKRABAL [et al.]. Praha, ýeský statistický úĜad, 2006, 759 p.
599. Reform and expansion, 15001660. Ed by R. Po-Chia HSIA. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXI-749 p. (ill.).
585. IVANOVA (Julija V.). Albantsy i ikh sosedi. (Albanians and their neighbours). RAN, In-t etnologii i an-
600. REINHARD (Wolfgang). Schwäche und schöner Schein. Das Rom der Päpste im Europa des Barock
598. PLOKHY (Serhii). The origins of the Slavic nations: premodern identities in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIX-379 p.
15721676. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 283, 2, p. 281318. 601. ROTHERMUND (Dietmar). The Routledge companion to decolonization. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XII-365 p. (Routledge companions to history). 602. ROY (Joaquín), KANNER (Aimee). Historical dictionary of the European Union. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2006, 260 p. (Historical dictionaries of international organizations series, 24). 603. SEEKINS (Donald M.). Historical dictionary of Burma (Myanmar). Lanham a. Oxford, Scarecrow Press, 2006, XXXI-531 p. (maps). (Historical dictionaries of Asia, Oceania, and the Middle East, 59). 604. SEMENOVA (Lidija E.). Knjazhestva Valakhija i Moldavija. Konets XIV–nachalo XIX v: Ocherki vneshnepoliticheskoj istorii. (The principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia from the late 14th to the early 19th century: essays on foreign policy). RAN. In-t slavjanovedenija. Moskva, Indrik, 2006, 402 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.; pers. ind. p. 390-400). 605. SIMEK (Rudolf). Die Germanen. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2006, 216 p. 606. SirƯzu minato machi no sekaishi 2: Minato machi no topogurafƯ. (Port cities in world history. 2. The topography of port cities). Ed. Rekishigaku kenkyukai and Katsumi FUKASAWA. SirƯzu minato machi no sekaishi 3: Minato machi ni ikiru. (Port cities in world history. 3. Living in port cities). Ed. Rekishigaku kenkyukai and Masashi HANEDA. Tokyo, Aoki Shoten, 2006, 2 vol., 366 p., 359 p. 607. ST. JOHN (Ronald Bruce). Historical dictionary of Libya. Lanham a. Oxford, Scarecrow Press, 2006, LXIII-403 p. (Historical dictionaries of Africa, 100). 608. Storia d'Italia. Annali 21. La massoneria. A cura di Gian Mario CAZZANIGA. Torino, G. Einaudi, 2006, XXXII-849 p. (ill.). 609. Storia d'Italia nel secolo ventesimo. Strumenti e fonti. A cura di Claudio PAVONE. Vol. 1. Elementi strutturali. Vol. 2. Istituti, musei e monumenti, bibliografia e periodici, associazioni, finanziamenti per la ricerca. Vol. 3. Le fonti documentarie. Roma, Istituto nazionale per la storia del movimento di Liberazione in Italia e Ministero per i Beni e le attività culturali, Dipartimento per i Beni archivistici e librari – Direzione generale degli Archivi, 2006, 3 vol., 579 p., 589 p., 890 p. 610. TURI (Gabriele). Il nostro mondo. Dalle grandi rivoluzioni all'11 settembre. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, VIII-471 p. 611. VOLKOVSKIJ (Nikolaj L.), VOLKOVSKIJ (Dmitrij N.). Russkaja voennaja sila: Ot otrjadov drevnikh slavjan do massovoj armii epokhi Aleksandra II. (The Russian military force: from the detachments of ancient Slavs to the mass army of the times of Alexander II). Moskva a. Sankt-Peterburg, Poligon, 2006, 479 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 475).
612. WAGNER (John A.). Encyclopedia of the Hundred Years War. Westport, Greenwood Press, 2006, LV374 p. (ill., maps). 613. Wer war wer in der DDR? Ein Lexikon ostdeutscher Biographien. Hrsg. v. Helmut MÜLLERENBERGS, Jan WIELGOHS, Dieter HOFFMANN [et al.]. Unt. Mitarb. v. Olaf W. REIMANN. Bd. 1. A–L. Bd. 2. M–Z. Berlin, Links, 2006, 2 vol., 1235 p. 614. World fascism: a historical encyclopedia. Ed. by Cyprian P. BLAMIRES and Paul JACKSON. Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2006, 2 vol., [s. p.]. (ill.). 615. ZEINAR (Hubert). Geschichte des Österreichischen Generalstabes. Wien, Köln u. Weimar, Böhlau, 2006, 868 p. Cf. nos 133, 585, 604, 838, 2523, 3471-3528, 4498, 4807, 6845 § 6. Theory of the state and of society. _______________________
616. ACEMOGLU (Daron), ROBINSON (James A.). Economic origins of dictatorship and democracy. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, VII-416 p. 617. ALTHUSSER (Louis). Politique et histoire, de Machiavel à Marx: cours à l'école normale supérieure de 1955 à 1972. Texte établi, annoté et présenté par François MATHERON. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2006, 393 p. (Traces écrites). 618. ARON (Raymond). Les sociétés modernes. Textes rassemblés et introduits par Serge PAUGAM. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2006, 1173 p. (Quadrige. Grands texts). 619. BACKES (Uwe). Politische Extreme: eine Wortund Begriffsgeschichte von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, 2006, 310 p. (ill.). 620. BOSCHER (Laurent). Histoire de la répression des opposants politiques (17921848): la justice des vainqueurs. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 412 p. (Logiques historiques). 621. Cambridge companion (The) to Tocqueville. Ed. by Cheryl B. WELCH. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXVII-428 p. (Cambridge companions to philosophy). 622. Centre et centrisme en Europe aux XIXe et XXe siècles: regards croisés. Sous la dir. de Sylvie GUILLAUME et Jean GARRIGUES. Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2006, 288 p. (Cité européenne, 37). 623. Chipul morĠii. Marius Oprea în dialog cu Vladimir Bukowski despre natura comunismului. (The face of death. Marius Oprea at dialogue with Vladimir Bukowski about the origin of communism). PrefaĠă de Stéphane COURTOIS. Iaúi, Editura Polirom, 2006, 256 p. 624. CIEPLEY (David). Liberalism in the shadow of totalitarianism. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, X-379 p.
7. CONSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL HISTORY 625. CONNELLY (Matthew). Seeing beyond the state: the population control movement and the problem of sovereignty. Past and present, 2006, 193, p. 197-233. 626. Debatten über die Legitimation von Herrschaft. Politische Sprachen in der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Luise SCHORN-SCHÜTTE und Sven TODE. Berlin, Akademie, 2006, 193 p. (Wissenskultur und gesellschaftlicher Wandel, 19). 627. DEMADE (Julien). Parenté, noblesse et échec de la genèse de l'État. Le cas allemand. Annales, 2006, 61, 3, p. 609-631. 628. Et de sa bouche sortait un glaive: les monarchomaques au XVI siècle; actes de la Journée d'étude tenue à Tours en mai 2003. Sous la dir. de Paul-Alexis MELLET Genève, Librairie Droz, 2006, 188 p. 629. FERRONE (Vincenzo). Bobbio, l'Illuminismo e l'Età dei Diritti. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 1, p. 258-267. 630. Figurationen des Staates in Deutschland und Frankreich 18701945. Les figures de l'etat en Allemagne et en France. Hrsg. v. Alain CHATRIOT und Dieter GOSEWINKEL. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, 312 p. (Pariser historische Studien, 72). 631. Foundations of American political thought. Ed. by Raymond POLIN and Constance POLIN. New York a. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2006, XXXIV-591 p. 632. GIL PUJOL (Javier). Tiempo de política: perspectivas historiográficas sobre la Europa moderna. Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, 2006, 441 p. (Breviaris, 10). 633. Histoire institutionelle (L') et juridique dans la pensée politique: actes du colloque d'Aix-en-Provence (1213 mai 2005). Aix-en-Provence, Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2006, 481 p. (Collection d'histoire des idées politique, association française des historiens des idées politiques).
639. OTTMANN (Henning). Geschichte des politischen Denkens; von den Anfängen bei den Griechen bis auf unsere Zeit. Band 3. Neuzeit. Teilband 1. Von Machiavelli bis zum großen Revolutionen. Stuttgart, Metzler, 2006, XIV-528 p. 640. Rethinking the foundations of modern political thought. Ed by Annabel BRETT, James TULLY and Holly HAMILTON-BLEAKLEY. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, X-298 p. 641. SHEEHAN (James J.). The problem of sovereignty in European history. American historical review, 2006, 111, 1, p. 1-15. 642. SÖLLNER (Alfons). Fluchtpunkte: Studien zur politischen Ideengeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2006, 351 p. 643. STEINBACH (Matthias). "Der Staat hat heute einen unsinnig dicken Bauch". Politisches Denken und Nationalstaatskritik bei Friedrich Nietzsche. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 283, 2, p. 319-354. 644. STERNHELL (Zeev). Les anti-Lumières: du XVIIIe siècle à la guerre froide. Paris, Fayard, 2006, IX-590 p. (Espace du politique). 645. Storia (Una) di violenza? Riflessioni su una categoria controversa. A cura di Ferdinando FASCE e Elisabetta VEZZOSI, intervengono Enzo TRAVERSO, Marcello FLORES, Fabrizio BATTISTELLI, Luca BALDISSARA, Marina CALLONI. Contemporanea, 2006, 9, 3, p. 491-525. 646. Thema "Preußen" (Das) in Wissenschaft und Wissenschaftspolitik des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang NEUGEBAUER. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2006, 373 p. (Brandenburgische und preußische Geschichte, 8). 647. TURCHETTI (Mario). Droit de Résistance, à quoi? Démasquer aujourd'hui le despotisme et la tyrannie. Revue historique, 2006, 640, p. 831-878.
634. KORTÜM (Hans-Henning). "Wissenschaft im Doppelpaß"? Carl Schmitt, Otto Brunner und die Konstruktion der Fehde. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 282, 3, p. 585-617.
648. Uso e reinvenzione dell'antico nella politica di età moderna, secoli XVIXIX. A cura di Francesco BENIGNO e Nicoletta BAZZANO. Manduria, P. Lacaita, 2006, 440 p. (Europa mediterranea, 9).
635. KRAUS (Hans-Christof). Englische Verfassung und politisches Denken im Ancien Régime 1689 bis 1789. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, 817 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen historischen Instituts London, 60).
649. YILDIZ (Hüseyin). Ein Staatsverständnisvergleich zwischen Deutschland, Grossbritannien, dem Osmanischen Reich und der Türkei. Münster, Lit, 2006, XIV-256 p. (Politikwissenschaft, 146).
636. LIPP (Carola). Verwantschaft – ein negiertes Element in der politischen Kultur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 283, 1, p. 31-77.
650. ZIMMERMANN (Michel). L'idéologie et la construction du politique: le royaume d'Oviedo-León. À propos d'une thèse récente. Revue historique, 2006, 638, p. 389-408.
637. METTELE (Gisela). Eine "Imagined Community" jenseits der Nation. Die Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine als transnationale Gemeinschaft. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 1, p. 44-68. 638. NEFEDOV (Aleksandr M.). Tsivilizovannoe obshchestvo i ego protivniki. (Civilized society and its antagonists). Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2006, 172 p. (bibl. incl.). (Leviafan: Gosudarstvo. Obshchestvo. Lichnost').
Cf. nos 838, 1019, 4843 § 7. Constitutional and legal history. _______________________
651. Andere Seite (Die) des Wirtschaftsrechts: Steuerung in den Diktaturen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Gerd BENDER, Rainer Maria KIESOW und Dieter SIMON.
Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2006, XIV-405 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 208. Das Europa der Diktatur, 10). 652. BALTHASAR (Stephan). Truth and secret: the protection of privacy in ancient German, French and English law. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2006, 74, 3-4, p. 337-354. 653. Biblische Gesetzesbegriff (Der). Auf den Spuren seiner Säkularisierung. 13. Symposion der Kommission "Die Funktion des Gesetzes in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. Okko BEHRENDS. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 389 p. (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Philologisch-Historische Klasse, Dritte Folge, 278). 654. BRAND (Paul). The professionalisation of lawyers in England. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 1-2, p. 7-19. 655. CARBASSE (Jean-Marie). Histoire du droit pénal et de la justice criminelle. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2006, 486 p. (Collection Droit fondamental. Classiques). 656. Dire le droit: normes, juges, jurisconsultes. Ed. par Barbara ANAGNOSTOU-CANAS. Paris, Éd. Panthéon-Assas, 2006, 333 p. (Colloques). 657. HALPÉRIN (Jean-Louis). Histoire des droits en Europe: de 1750 à nos jours. Paris, Flammarion, 2006, 382 p. 658. Handbuch der europäischen Verfassungsgeschichte im 19. Jahrhundert. Institutionen und Rechtspraxis im gesellschaftlichen Wandel. Bd. 1. Um 1800. Hrsg. v. Peter BRANDT, Martin KIRSCH und Arthur SCHLEGELMICH; unter redaktioneller Mitwirkung von Werner DAUM. Bonn, Dietz, 2006, 1224 p. 659. HÄRTER (Karl). Reichsrecht und Reichsverfassung in der Auflösungsphase des Heiligen Römischen Reichs deutscher Nation: Funktionsfähigkeit, Desintegration und Transfer. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 3-4, p. 317-337. 660. HOEFLICH (Michael H.), SHEPPARD (Stephan M.). Legal scholarship and the courts in the United States. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 1-2, p. 20-32. 661. Juristische Zeitschriften in Europa. Hrsg. v. Michael STOLLEIS und Thomas SIMON. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2006, VII-627 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 214). 662. KLIPPEL (Diethelm), SCHULZE (Reiner). Common Law und europäische Rechtsgeschichte. Zur Einführung. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 1-2, p. 3-6. 663. LIEBERMAN (David). Legislation in a Common Law context. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 1-2, p. 107-123. 664. MANFREDINI (Arrigo D.). "Chi caccia e chi è cacciato". Cacciatore e preda nella storia del diritto. Torino, G. Giappichelli editore, 2006, X-313 p.
665. Modernisierung durch Transfer im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Tomasz GIARO. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2006, VIII-344 p. (Rechtskulturen des modernen Osteuropa, Traditionen und Transfers, 1. Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 205). 666. MOHNHAUPT (Heinz). Grundlinien in der Geschichte der Gesetzgebung auf dem europäischen Kontinent vom 16. bis 18. Jahrhundert. Ein experimenteller Überblick. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 1-2, p. 124-174. 667. MÜSSIG (Ulrike). Geschichte des Richterrechts und der Präjudizienbindung auf dem europäischen Kontinent. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 1-2, p. 79-106. 668. Naturrecht und Staat. Politische Funktionen des europäischen Naturrechts (17.–19. Jahrhundert). Hrsg. v. Diethelm KLIPPEL. Unt. Mitarb. v. Elisabeth MÜLLER-LUCKNER. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, X230 p. (Schriften des Historischen Kollegs, Kolloquien, 57). 669. PIEPENBROCK (Andreas). Befristung, Verjährung, Verschweigung und Verwirkung. Eine rechtsvergleichende Grundlagenstudie zu Rechtsänderungen durch Zeitablauf. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XLVI-567 p. (Jus privatum, 102). 670. Polizei, Recht und Geschichte. Europäische Aspekte einer wechselvollen Entwicklung. Beiträge des 14. Kollegiums zur Polizeigeschichte. Hrsg. v. Helmut GEBHARDT. Graz, Grazer Universitätsverlag, Leykam, 2006, 178 p. (Grazerrechtswissenschaftliche Studien, 60). 671. POUDRET (J.-F.). Coutumes et coutumiers. Histoire comparative des droits des pays romands du XIIIe à la fin du XVIe siècle. Pt. 5. Les biens. Pt. 6. Les obligations, conclusion générale. Berne, Staempfli editions, 2006, 2 vol., VII-700 p., IV-536 p. 672. PROSPERO (Michele). Alle origini del laico: diritto e secolarizzazione nella filosofia italiana. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2006, 398 p. (Politica/studi, 69). 673. STOLLBERG-RILINGER (Barbara). Ständische Repräsentation – Kontinuität oder Kontinuitätsfiktion? Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 3-4, p. 279-298. 674. TOCCI (Mirella). Vizio del consenso nel matrimonio cristiano. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2006, 79, p. 11-61. 675. VOGENAUER (Stefan). Zur Geschichte des Präjudizienrechts in England. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 1-2, p. 48-78. 676. WESEL (Uwe). Geschichte des Rechts: von den Frühformen bis zur Gegenwart. München, Beck, 2006, 651 p. Cf. no 633
8. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY § 8. Economic and social history. * 677. FREYTAG (Nils). Deutsche Umweltgeschichte – Umweltgeschichte in Deutschland. Erträge und Perspektiven [Neue Historische Literatur]. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 283, 2, p. 383-407. * 678. O'HARA (G.S.). Living with the neighbours? The New Cambridge Economic History of Britain and the renovation of economic history [Review article]. English historical review, 2006, 121, 490, p. 183-189. _______________________
679. ALFANI (Guido). Padri, padrini, patroni: la parentela spirituale nella storia. Venezia, Marsilio Editori, 2006, 303 p. 680. Art (The) of survival: gender and history in Europe 14502000. Ed. by Ruth HARRIS and Lyndal ROPER. Past and present (supplements), 2006, 1, 211 p. 681. BERLIN (Howard M.). World monetary units: an historical dictionary, country by country. Jefferson, McFarland & Company, 2006, VII-229 p. 682. Besatzung. Funktion und Gestalt militärischer Fremdherrschaft von der Antike bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Günther KRONENBITTER, Markus PÖHLMANN und Dierk WALTER. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2006, 226 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte, 28). 683. Besetzte res publica (Die). Zum Verhältnis von ziviler Obrigkeit und militärischer Herrschaft in besetzten Gebieten vom Spätmittelalter bis zum 18. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Markus MEUMANN und Jörg ROGGE. Berlin, Lit, 2006, 416 p. (Herrschaft und soziale Systeme in der Frühen Neuzeit, 3). 684. BEVILACQUA (Piero). La terra è finita. Breve storia dell'ambiente. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, 209 p. 685. BLACKBOURN (David). The conquest of nature: water, landscape, and the making of modern Germany. London, Jonathan Cape, 2006, XIII-497 p. 686. BLACKHAWK (Ned). Violence over the land: Indians and Empires in the early American West. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, 372 p. 687. Cambridge Companion the (To) Keynes. Ed. by Roger E. BACKHOUSE and Bradley W. BATEMAN. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV-327 p. 688. Cambridge economic history (The) of Latin America. Vol. 1. The colonial era and the short nineteenth century. Vol. 2. The long twentieth century. Ed. by Victor BULMER-THOMAS, John H. COATSWORTH and Roberto CORTÉS CONDE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, 2 vol., VIII-607 p., 755 p. 689. Centre (At the) of the Old World. Trade and manufacturing in Venice and the Venetian mainland, 14001800. Ed. by Paola LANARO. Toronto, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2006, 412 p. (Publications of the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance studies, essays and studies, 9).
690. CIRIACONO (Salvatore). Building on water: Venice, Holland and the construction of the European landscape in Early Modern Times. New York, Berghahn Books, 2006, X-308 p. 691. CLARENCE-SMITH (William Gervase). Islam and the abolition of slavery. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XXVI-293 p. 692. Criminel endurci (Le). Récidive et récidivistes du Moyen Âge au XXe siècle. Sous la dir. de Françoise BRIEGEL et Michel PORRET. Genève, Droz, 2006, 395 p. (Recherches et rencontres). 693. Crisi e scandali bancari nella storia d'Italia. Giornata di studio "Luigi Luzzatti" per la storia dell'Italia contemporanea (9th, 2004, Venezia, Italia). A cura di Paolo PECORARI. Venezia, Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, 2006, VIII-312 p. 694. Dejiny hutníctva na Slovensku = History of metallurgy in Slovakia. História výroby železa, neželezných a drahých kovov na území Slovenska. History of production of iron, non-ferrous and precious metals on the Slovak territory. Ed. Juraj SCHMIEDL. Košice, Zväz hutníctva Ģažobného priemyslu a geológie Slovenskej republiky – Banská agentúra, 2006, 399 p. 695. Economic future (The) in historical perspective. Ed. by Paul A. DAVID and Mark THOMAS. Oxford, British Academy by Oxford U. P., 2003. XVI528 p. 696. Economic history (An) of Europe. From expansion to development. Ed. by Antonio DI VITTORIO. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XVI-376 p. 697. EDGERTON (David). The shock of the old. Technology and global history since 1900. London, Profile Books, 2006, XVIII-270 p. 698. FENOALTEA (Stefano). Economic decline in historical perspective: some theoretical considerations. Rivista di storia economica, 2006, 22, 1, p. 3-40. 699. FREYTAG (Nils). Deutsche Umweltgeschichte – Umweltgeschichte in Deutschland. Erträge und Perspektiven. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 283, 2, p. 383407. 700. Global economy (The) in the 1990s. A long run perspective. Ed. by Paul W. RHODE and Gianni TONIOLO. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVI319 p. 701. GUĈMUNDSSON (Guÿmundur). The Cod and the Cold War. Scandinavian journal of history, 2006, 31, 2, p. 97-118. 702. GULDBERG MIKKELSEN (Hanne), KAHL (Ingelise). Pest over Danmark. (Histoire de la peste au Danemark). København, Gyldendal, 2006, 138 p. (ill.). 703. Histoire de l'agriculture en Gaule: 500 av. J.C.1000 apr. J.-C. Éd. par Alain FERDIÈRE. Paris, Errance, 2006, 231 p. (ill., maps).
704. HOCQUET (Jean-Claude). Venise et la mer, XIIeXVIIIe siècle. Paris, Fayard, 2006, 508 p. (ill., map). 705. KLUBOCK (Thomas Miller). The politics of forests and forestry on Chile's southern frontier, 1880s1940s. Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 3, p. 535-570. 706. Liens personnels, réseaux, solidarités en France et dans les îles Britanniques (XIeXXe siècle). Actes de la table ronde organisée par le GDR 2136 et l'Université de Glasgow (1011 mai 2002). Ed. par David BATES, Véronique GAZEAU, Éric ANCEAU, Frédérique LACHAUD et François-Joseph RUGGIU. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2006, 356 p. 707. MINKOVA (Kristina V.). Mezhdunarodnaja mnogostoronnjaja torgovlja: ot antichnosti do VTO. (International multilateral trade: from the Antiquity to the World Trade Organization). Sankt-Peterburg, Iz-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta, 2006, 311 p. (ill.; portr., tabl.; bibl. p. 266-284; ind. p. 293-308). 708. MIWA (Yoshiro), RAMSEYER (J. Mark). The fable of the keiretsu: urban legends of the Japanese economy. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XIII-181 p. 709. Modern perspectives on slavery. Special issue of European Legacy by Barbara DEGORGE. European legacy, 2006, 11, 6, p. 603-666. [Contents: M'BAYE (Babacar). The economic, political and social impact of the Atlantic slave trade on Africa. DAYKIN (Jeffer B.). "They Themselves Contribute to Their Misery by Their Sloth": the justification of slavery in eighteenthcentury French travel narratives. FOMIN (E.S.D.), NDOBEGANG (Michael M.). African slavery artifacts and European colonialism: the Cameroon grassfields from 1600 to 1950. CAMUS (Jean-Yves). The commemoration of slavery in France and the emergence of a Black political consciousness. DEGORGE (Barbara). Modern day slavery in the United Arab Emirates]. 710. NORTHRUP (David). Attraverso i confini. Suggestioni metodologiche dalla storia delle migrazioni. Contemporanea, 2006, 9, 4, p. 587-598. 711. Oceans of history [AHR Forum]. Intr. by Kären WIGEN. American historical review, 2006, 111, 3, p. 717-780. [Contents: HORDEN (Peregrine), PURCELL (Nicholas). The Mediterranean and "the New Thalassology" (p. 722-740). GAMES (Alison). Atlantic history: definitions, challenges, and opportunities (p. 741-757). MATSUDA (Matt K.). The Pacific (p. 758780)]. 712. OLSTEIN (Diego). Le molteplici origini della globalizzazione. Un dibattito storiografico. Contemporanea, 2006, 9, 3, p. 403-422. 713. POULOT (Dominique). Une histoire du patrimoine en Occident, XVIIIeXXIe siècle. Du monument aux valeurs. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2006, 192 p. (Le noeud gordien).
714. ROSENTAL (Paul-André). Géopolitique et Étatprovidence. Le BIT et la politique mondiale des migrations dans l'entre-deux-guerres. Annales, 2006, 61, 1, p. 99-134. IDEM. Pour une histoire politique des populations. Annales, 2006, 61, 1, p. 7-30. 715. RYAN (Mary P.). Mysteries of sex: tracing women and men through American history. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, 432 p. 716. RYGIEL (Philippe). Histoire des populations noires ou histoire des rapports sociaux de race. Mouvement social, 2006, 215, p. 81-86. 717. SCHIRMER (Uwe). Kursächsische Staatsfinanzen (1456–1656). Strukturen – Verfassung – Funktionseliten. Leipzig, Verlag der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig u. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 1007 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur sächsischen Geschichte, 28). 718. SIEBEL (Walter). Soziologische Dimensionen von Integration und Fremdheit in der Stadt. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2006, 46, p. 467-479. 719. Silver (From) to cocaine: Latin American commodity chains and the building of the world economy, 1500–2000. Ed. by Steven TOPIK, Carlos MARICHAL and Zephyr FRANK. Durham, Duke U. P., 2006, 377 p. (American encounters/Global interactions). 720. Städte im östlichen Europa. Zur Problematik von Modernisierung und Raum vom Spätmittelalter bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Carsten GOEHRKE und Bianka PIETROW-ENNKER. Zürich, Chronos, 2006, 414 p. 721. ùTEFĂNESCU (Barbu). Lumea rurală din vestul României între medieval úi modern. (The rural world from Western Romania between Middle Age and modern times). Oradea, Editura UniversităĠii, 2006, 289 p. 722. Sverige – en social och ekonomisk historia. (Histoire économique et sociale de la Suède). Red. Susanna HEDENBORG, Mats MORELL. Lund, Studentlitteratur, 2006, 432 p. 723. TONINELLI (Pier Angelo). Storia d'impresa. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 271 p. 724. TONIOLO (Gianni). La fine del Novecento nello specchio dello "sviluppo economico moderno". Rivista di storia economica, 2006, 22, 2, p. 209-226. 725. Transferts de technologies en Méditerranée. Sous la dir. de Michèle MERGER. Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2006, 599 p. (ill.). 726. Umwelt und Geschichte in Deutschland und Großbritannien. Environment and history in Britain and Germany. Hrsg. v. Franz BOSBACH, Jens Ivo ENGELS und Fiona WATSON. München, Saur, 2006, 155 p. (Prinz-Albert-Studien/Prince Albert studies, 24). 727. View from the South. Environmental stories from the Mediterranean world (19th20th centuries). Ed. by Marco ARMIERO. Napoli, Centro studi per la storia delle società rurali in età moderna e contemporaneaCNR-ISSM, 2006, 237 p.
728. WACHTEL (Nathan). Diasporas marranes et empires maritimes (XVIeXVIIIe siècle). Annales, 2006, 61, 2, p. 419-428.
742. COCKS (H. G.). Safeguarding civility: sodomy, class and moral reform in early nineteenth-century England. Past and present, 2006, 190, p. 121-146.
729. Women and gender in Medieval Europe: an encyclopedia. Ed. by Margaret SCHAUS. New York a. London, Routledge, 2006, XXXIX-944 p. (The Routledge encyclopedias of the Middle Ages, 14).
743. COGAN (Brian). Encyclopedia of punk music and culture. Westport, Greenwood Press, 2006, XXX281 p.
Cf. nos 87-108, 133, 1019, 5325-5374 § 9. History of civilization, sciences and education. _______________________
730. Amphibious warfare 10001700: commerce, state formation and European expansion. Ed. by Mark Charles FISSEL and David J. B. TRIM. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, XXXV-498 p. (maps). (History of warfare, 34). 731. BAUM (Bruce). The rise and fall of the Caucasian race: a political history of racial identity. New York, New York U. P., 2006, X-342 p. 732. BESS (Michael). Choices under fire: moral dimensions of World War II. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2006, XIII-395 p. 733. BOIA (Lucian). TinereĠe fără bătrâneĠe. Imaginarul longevităĠii din antichitate până astăzi. (Eternal life. The imaginary of longevity since antiquity until present). Bucureúti, Editura Humanitas, 2006, 224 p. 734. BORSAY (Peter). A history of leisure. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XIX-306 p. 735. BROCK (Peter). Against the draft. Essays on conscientious objection from the Radical Reformation to the Second World War. Toronto, Buffalo a. London, University of Toronto Press, 2006, XIII-462 p. 736. Cadre de vie et manières d'habiter (XIIeXVIe siècle), Actes du VIIIe Congrès international de la Société d'Archéologie médiévale (Paris, 1113 octobre 2001). Publiés sous la direction de Danièle ALEXANDRE-BIDON, Françoise PIPONNIER et Jean-Michel POISSON. Caen, Publications du CRAHM, 2006, 328 p. 737. Cambridge companion (The) to modern American culture. Ed. by Christopher BIGSBY. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XV-496 p. (Cambridge companions to culture). 738. CAMMELLI (Stefano). Ombre cinesi. Indagine su una civiltà che volle farsi nazione. Torino, Einaudi, 2006, XXIII-266 p.
744. Companion (A) to modernist literature and culture. Ed. by David BRADSHAW and Kevin J. H. DETTMAR. Malden a. Oxford, Blackwell Pub., 2006, XXI593 p. (Blackwell companions to literature and culture, 39). 745. Consuming cultures. Global perspectives, historical trajectories, transnational exchanges. Ed. by John BREWER and Frank TRENTMANN. Oxford, Berg, 2006, X-317 p. 746. Dansk naturvidenskabs historie. Bd. 1. Fra middelalderlærdom til den nye videnskab, 10001730. Red. Helge KRAGH. Bd. 2. Natur, nytte og ånd, 1730 1850. Red. Helge KRAGH. Bd. 3. Lys over landet: 18501920. Red. Peter C. KJÆRGAARD. Bd 4. Viden uden grænser: 19201970. Red. Henry NIELSEN, Kristian HVIDTFELT NIELSEN. (Histoire des sciences naturelles au Danemark. Tome 1. Du Moyen Age à 1730. Tome 2. Nature, utilité et esprit. Tome 3. Lumière sur le pays. 18501920. Tome 4. Science sans frontières. 19201970). Aarhus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2006, 4 vol., 480 p., 486 p., 518 p., 527 p. (ill.). 747. DETTENHOFER (M.H.). Das Römische Imperium und das China der Han-Zeit. Ansätze zu einer historischen Komparatistik. Latomus, 2006, 65, p. 879897. 748. Deutschland-Frankreich-Nordamerika: Transfers, Imaginationen, Beziehungen. Hrsg. v. Chantal METZGER und Hartmut KAELBLE. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2006, 227 p. (Schriftenreihe des deutschfranzösischen Historikerkomitees). 749. EDELMAN (Nicole). Histoire de la voyance et du paranormal du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2006, 286 p. 750. Exotisme (L'), l'exotique, l'étranger: actes du colloque tenu à la Maison des sciences de l'homme à Paris à l'initiative du Centre de coopération franconorvégienne en sciences sociales et humaines, le 3 juin 2004. Sous la dir. de Per BUVIK. Paris, Poitiers et Kailash, Le Torii, 2006, 208 p. (ill.).
739. CAPUZZO (Paolo). Culture del consumo. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 332 p.
751. Fashioning skin: the process and practice of tattoo. Ed. by Anna COLE. Oxford, Berg, 2006, 380 p. (ill., photos).
740. CEVOLINI (Alberto). De arte excerpendi. Imparare a dimenticare nella modernità. Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2006, 458 p. (Biblioteca dell'Archivum romanicum).
752. GAUKROGER (Stephen). The emergence of a scientific culture: science and the shaping of modernity, 1210–1685. New York, Clarendon Press of Oxford U. P., 2006, IX-563 p.
741. CINOTTO (Simone). Il mondo nel piatto: globalizzazione e cucine nazionali tra passato e presente. Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 123, 3, p. 609-638.
753. GOLDEN (Richard M.). Encyclopedia of witchcraft. The Western tradition. Santa Barbara, ABCCLIO, 2006, XXXVI-1238 p.
754. GOWLAND (Angus). The problem of early Modern melancholy. Past and present, 2006, 191, p. 77-120. 755. Historical perspectives on anti-Americanism. Forum of the American Historical Review. American historical review, 2006, 111, 4, p. 1041-1129. [Contents: GRANDIN (Greg). Your Americanism and mine: Americanism and anti-Americanism in the Americas. GIENOW-HECHT (Jessica C. E.). Always blame the Americans: anti-Americanism in Europe in the twentieth century. COHEN (Warren I.), BERNKOPF TUCKER (Nancy). America in Asian eyes. COLE (Juan). AntiAmericanism: it's the policies]. 756. Historicizing lifestyle. Mediating taste, consumption and identity from the 1900s to the 1970s. Ed. by David BELL and Joanne HOLLOWS. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, X-178 p. 757. IVUSHKINA (Elena B.), REZHABEK (Evgenij Ja.). Filosofija i istorija nauki. (Philosophy and history of science). Rostovskij gos. un-t. Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2006, 185 p. (bibl. p. 177-184). (Filosofy Rossii).
767. METZ (Karl H.). Ursprünge der Zukunft. Die Geschichte der Technik in der westlichen Zivilisation. Paderborn, München, Wien u. Zürich, Schöningh, 2006, 579 p. 768. Organizing knowledge: encyclopaedic activities in the pre-eighteenth-century Islamic world. Ed. by Gerhard ENDRESS; preface by Abou FILALI-ANSARY. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XII-234 p. 769. OSTERHAMMEL (Jürgen). Europe, the "West" and the civilizing mission. London, German Historical Institute, 2006, 44 p. (2005 Annual lecture). 770. PAULÈS (Xavier). L'éloge interdit: étude du système de valeurs des fumeurs d'opium dans la Chine républicaine. Genèses, 2006, 62, p. 69-92. 771. ROSSI (Paolo). Il tempo dei maghi: Rinascimento e modernità. Milano, R. Cortina, 2006, VII-347 p. 772. SEZGIN (Osman), BIÇER (Ramazan). Foundations of tolerance in Turkish culture. European legacy, 2006, 11, 4, p. 405-415. 773. Shoes: a history from sandals to sneakers. Ed. by Giorgio RIELLO and Peter MAC NEIL. Oxford a. New York, Berg, 2006, 439 p. col. (ill.).
758. JAKOVLEV (Igor' A.). Istorija chelovechestva: istorija otnoshenii cheloveka i prirody kak tsivilizatsionnyj protsess. (A history of the humanity: the relations between humans and the nature as a civilization process). Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2006, 299 p. (Leviafan: Gosudarstvo i lichnost').
774. TAIVALSAARI (Eero). Sirkuselämää. Suomalainen sirkus kautta aikojen. (Circuslife. The Finnish circus throughout time). Helsinki, Otava, 2006, 351 p. (ill.).
759. JARAUSCH (Konrad H.). After Hitler. Recivilizing Germans, 19451995. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 379 p.
775. Transcultural wars from the Middle Ages to the 21st century. Ed. by Hans-Henning KORTÜM. München, Akademie Verlag, 2006, 274 p.
760. JURGANOV (Andrej L.). Ubit' besa. Put' ot Srednevekov'ja k Novomu vremeni. (To kill a demon: the way from the Middle Ages to the Modern Time). Moskva, RGGU, 2006, 433 p. (tabl.; bibl. incl.).
776. Våld: representation och verklighet. (La violence: représentation et réalité). Red. Eva ÖSTERBERG, Marie LINDSTEDT CRONBERG. Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2006, 346 p.
761. KING (Robert C.), STANSFIELD (William D.), MULLIGAN (Pamela K.). A dictionary of genetics. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, X-596 p. (ill.).
777. VÁRADY (László). Antiquity faced with modernity. Studies in arcana historiae. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 2006, 94 p.
762. LAAKSONEN (Hannu). Alma mater Aboensis. Schools and universities in Turku from the 13th century to Finnish independence. (Turkulaiset koulut ja yliopistot 1200-luvulta itsenäisen Suomen syntyyn). Turku, Kirja-Aurora, 2006, 187 p. (ill., maps).
778. Wissen über Grenzen: arabisches Wissen und lateinisches Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Andreas SPEER und Lydia WEGENER. Berlin, W. de Gruyter, 2006, XXIII838 p. (Miscellanea mediaevalia, 33).
763. Magic and the classical tradition. Ed. by Charles BURNETT and W. F. RYAN. London, Warburg Institute, 2006, VIII-229 p. (ill.). 764. MAURER (Michael). Der Sonntag in der frühen Neuzeit. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 2006, 88, 1, p. 75100. 765. MAUSS (Marcel). Techniques, technology and civilisation. Ed. by Nathan SCHLANGER. New York, Durkheim Press/Berghahn Books, 2006, XIV-177 p. (ill.). 766. Medieval Islamic civilization: an encyclopedia. Ed. by Josef W. MERI. New York a. Oxford, Routledge, 2006, 2 vol, 878 p., 878 p. (ill., maps). (Routledge encyclopedias of the Middle Ages, 13).
§ 9. Addendum 2005. 779. Moving in the USSR: western anomalies and northern wilderness. Ed. by Pekka HAKAMIES. Helsinki, Finnish Literature Society, 2005, 161 p. (ill., maps). (Studia Fennica, Historica, 10). Cf. nos 281, 1138, 4843, 5080, 5247 § 10. History of art. * 780. BHA. Bibliography of the history of Art. Bibliographie de l'histoire de l'art. Vol. 16. 1-4. 2006. [Vol. 15. 1-4, 2005. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 826.] Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique a. Santa Monica, J. Paul Getty Trust, 2006, CD-ROM. _______________________
11. HISTORY OF RELIGIONS 781. Architettura e massoneria: l'esoterismo della costruzione. A cura di Marcello FAGIOLO. Roma, Gangemi, 2006, 414 p. (ill.). (Leggere l'architettura, 1). 782. Arts (The) in Latin America, 14921820. Ed. by Joseph J. RISHEL and Suzanne STRATTON-PRUITT. Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2006, XXIII-568 p. (ill.).
796. Nation, style, modernism. Ed. by Jacek PURCHWolf TEGETHOFF. Kraków, International Cultural Centre a. München, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, 2006, 390 p. (ill.). (CIHA conference papers, 1).
LA and
797. SWAIN (Joseph Peter). Historical dictionary of sacred music. Lanham a. Oxford, Scarecrow, 2006, XXX-299 p.
783. BERRY (Torriano), BERRY (Venise T.). Historical dictionary of African American cinema. Lanham a. Plymouth, Scarecrow Press, 2006, XL-394 p. (ill., ports.). (Historical dictionaries of literature and the arts, 12).
798. WINCKELMANN (Johann Joachim). History of the art of antiquity. Introduction by Alex POTTS; translation by Harry Francis MALLGRAVE. Los Angeles, Getty Research Institute, 2006, XIV-431 p. (ill.).
784. Biography (The) of the object in late Medieval and Renaissance Italy. Ed. by Roberta J. M. OLSON, Patricia L. REILLY and Rupert SHEPHERD. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, 147 p. (ill., ports.).
§ 11. History of religions.
785. BOWERSOCK (G. W.). Mosaics as history. The Near East from Late Antiquity to Islam. Cambridge, London, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2006, VI-146 p. (Revealing Antiquity, 16). 786. Companion (A) to contemporary art since 1945. Ed. by Amelia JONES. Malden a. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, XX-628 p. (Blackwell companions in art history). 787. Companion (A) to Medieval art: Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe. Ed. by Conrad RUDOLPH. Malden, Blackwell, 2006, XXII-676 p. (ill., maps). (Blackwell companions to art history, 2). 788. CRAMP (Rosemary). Corpus of Anglo-Saxon stone sculpture. Vol. 7. South-west England. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 446 p. 789. DONOZO (Leandro). Diccionario bibliográfico de la música argentina: (y de la música en la Argentina). Buenos Aires, Gourmet Musical Ediciones, 2006, 534 p. 790. GALASSO (Giuseppe). Storia d'Italia e coscienza storica dell'arte in Italia. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 1, p. 178-187. 791. Greenwood encyclopedia (The) of rock history. Westport a. London, Greenwood Press, 2006, 6 vol., [s. p.]. (ill.).
Cf. nos 987, 1257, 6840
a. General * 799. Ephemerides theologicae lovanienses. Elenchus bibliographicus. Editae curae J.-M. AUWERS, E. BRITO, L. DE FLEURQUIN, J. FAMERÉE, É. GAZIAUX, J. HAERS, A. HAQUIN, M. LAMBERIGTS, J. LUST, G. VAN BELLE, J. VERHEYDEN. Tomus LXXXII. [Tomus LXXXI. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 857.] Leuven, Peeters, 2006, 878 p. * 800. Religious Studies Review, 32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2006, [s. p.]. [2005, 31, 1-4. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 858.] * 801. Science of Religion, 31, 2006, 1-2, 199 p. [2005, 30, 1-2. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 859.] _______________________
802. AMMERMAN (Nancy T.), CAGE (Wendy), PEÑA (Milagro), WOODBERRY (Robert D.), MAC ROBERTS (Omar M.). 2005 SSSR Presidential Address: on being a community of scholars – practicing the study of religion. Journal for the scientific study of religion, 2006, 45, 2, p. 137-148. 803. ANTES (Peter). Grundriss der Religionsgeschichte: Von der Prähistorie bis zur Gegenwart. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2006, 157 p. (Theologische Wissenschaft, 17).
792. Henri Focillon. Textes réunis par Pierre WAT. Paris, Kimé, Institut national d'histoire de l'art, 2007, 226 p. (ill.). (Chaput-Rolland, Solange. Regards).
804. Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexicon. Band XXVI. Ergänzungen XIII. Begründet und herausgegeben von Friedrich Wilhelm BAUTZ†. Fortgeführt von Traugott BAUTZ. Nordhausen, T. Bautz, 2006, XL p., 1600 col.
793. HÜPPAUF (Bernd). Stadtbilder: visuelle Konstruktionen urbaner Identität. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2006, 46, p. 481-504.
805. Blackwell companion (The) to the study of religion. Ed. Robert A. SEGAL. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, XIX-471 p.
794. KOMISSARZHEVSKIJ (Fedor F.). Istorija kostjuma. (A history of costume). Minsk, Kharvest, 2006, 239 p. (ill.).
806. Brill dictionary (The) of religion. Ed. Kocku von STUCKRAD. Revised Edition of Metzler Lexicon Religion edited by Cristoph AUFFARTH, Jutta BERNARD and Hubert MOHR. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, 4 vol., XXXVI-2100 p. (35 Fig.).
795. MARKOVIN (Vladimir I.). Naskal'nje izobrazhenija predgorij Dagestana. (Petroglyphs of the foothils of Dagestan). RAN, In-t arkheologii. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 210 p. (ill.; portr.; bibl. incl.). [German summary].
807. BUCHANAN (Colin). Historical dictionary of Anglicanism. Lanham, Toronto a. Oxford, Scarecrow press, 2006, LIII-554 p. (ill.).
808. Cambridge history (The) of Christianity. Vol. 1. Origins to Constantine. Ed. by Margaret M. MITCHELL, Frances M. YOUNG and K. Scott BOWIE. Vol. 5. Eastern Christianity. Ed. by Michael ANGOLD. Vol. 7. Enlightenment, reawakening and revolution 1660 1815. Ed. by Stewart J. BROWN and Timothy TACKETT. Vol. 8. World christianities 18151914. Ed. by Sheridan GILLEY and Brian STANLEY. Vol. 9. World Christianities 19142000. Ed. by Hugh MAC LEOD. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, 5 vol., XLV-740 p., XX-722 p., XIV-678 p., XVI-683 p., XVIII-717 p. (ill.). 809. Comparer les comparatismes: Perspectives sur l'histoire et les sciences des religions. Éd. par Maya BURGER et Claude CALAME. Paris, Edidit et Milano, Archè, 2006, 239 p. (Histoire de l'Histoire des religions, 2).
821. JAKELIû (Slavica), STARLING (Jessica). Religious studies: a bibliographic essay. Journal of the American Academy of religion, 2006, 74, 1, p. 194-211. 822. KUNIN (Seth Daniel), MILES-WATSON (Jonathan). Theories of religion: a reader. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2006, 528 p. 823. MAMLEEV (Jurij V.). Sud'ba bytija: Za predelami induizma i buddizma. (The fortunes of being: outside Hinduism and Buddhism). Intr. by Lorik-Larisa PJATNITSKAJA; afterword by Timofej RESHETOV. Moskva, Enneagon Press, 2006, 261 p. 824. MESLIN (Michel). Des mythes fondateurs de notre humanité. Bruxelles, Éditions Complexe, 2006, 140 p.
810. DEL COL (Andrea). L'inquisizione in Italia dal XII al XXI secolo. Mondadori, 2006, 963 p.
825. Oxford handbook (The) of global religions. Ed. by Mark JUERGENSMEYER. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XXII-651 p.
811. DIEZ DE VELASCO (Francisco). Breve historia de las religiones. Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2006, 275 p.
826. PALS (Daniel L.). Eight theories of religion. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, 352 p.
812. Enciclopedia delle Religioni diretta da Mircea Eliade. Vol. 10. Edizione tematica europea. A cura di Roberto SCAGNO, Dario M. COSI e Luigi SAIBENE. Milano, Jaca Book e Città Nuova, 2006, IX – 723 p.
827. Religious studies in the 20th century: a survey on disciplines, cultures and questions. International colloquium Assisi 2003. Ed. by Massimo FAGGIOLI and Alberto MELLONI. Munster, LIT, 2006, II-340 p. (Christianity and History, 2).
813. Encyclopedia of Religion. Communication, and media. Ed. Daniel A. STOUT. New York, Routledge, 2006, XX-467 p. (Routledge Encyclopedias of Religion and Society). 814. FORD (John T.). Glossary of theological terms. Winona MN, Saint Mary's Press, 2006, 207 p. (Essentials of Catholic Theology). 815. GEAVES (Ron). Key words in religious studies. Washington, Georgetown U. P., 2006, VIII-111 p. 816. GISEL (Pierre). Les monothéismes: Judaïsme, christianisme, islam. 145 propositions. Gèneve, Labor et Fides, 2006, 178 p. (Religions en perspective, 19). 817. GOLDMAN (Marion S.). Cults, new religions and the spiritual landscape: a review of four collections. Journal for the scientific study of religion, 2006, 45, 2, p. 87-96. 818. Götterbilder, Gottesbilder, Weltbilder: Polytheismus und Monotheismusin der Welt der Antike. Band I. Ägipten, Mesopotamien, Persien, Kleinasien, Syrien, Palästina. Band II. Griechenland und Rom, Judentum, Christentum und Islam. Hrsg. v. Reinhard Gregor KRATZ und Hermann SPIECKERMANN. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, 2 vol., XIX-378 p., VII-335 p. (Forschungen zum Alten Testament: 2. Reihe, 17). 819. Grandi religioni e culture nell'estremo Oriente, Giappone. Trattato di antropologia del sacro, VIII. A cura di Julien RIES e Lawrence SULLIVAN. Milano, Jaca Book, 2006, 320 p. 820. HACKETT (Rosalind I. J.). A new axial moment for the study of religion? Temenos, 2006, 42, 2, p. 93112.
828. RIES (Julien). Il senso del sacro nelle culture e nelle religioni. Milano, Jaca Book, 2006, 107 p. 829. RUDHARDT (Jean). Les dieux, le féminin, le pouvoir. Enquêtes d'un historien des religions. Éd. par Philippe BORGEAUD et Vinciane PIRENNE-DELFORGE. Genève, Labor et fides, 2006, 182 p. 830. SMEND (Rudolf). Zur Vollendung der "Religion in Geschichte und Gegewart" und der "Theologische Realenzyklopädie". Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche, 2006, 103, p. 143-156. 831. STRENSKI (Ivan). Thinking about religion: an historical introduction to theories of religion. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, 358 p. 832. Teoría de la historia de las religiones: las escuelas recientes. Ed. por María Cruz MARÍN CEBALLOS y Jesús SAN BERNARDINO CORONIL. Sevilla, Universidad, 2006, 189 p. 833. Theologische Realenzyklopädie. Gesamtregister. Band I. Bibelstellen, Orte, Sachen. Unter Mitarbeit von Matthias GLOCKNER erstellt von Albrecht DÖHNERT. Berlin a. New York, De Gruyter, 2006, XI-693 p. 834. Thinking about religion: a reader. Ed. by Ivan STRENSKI. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, 256 p. 835. TWEED (Thomas). Crossing and dwelling: a theory of religion. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, IX278 p. 836. Uchenie Nagardzhuny o Sredinnosti: Issledovanie i perevod s sanskrita "Korennykh strof o Sredinnosti" ("Mula- madkh'jamaka-karika"). (Nagarjuna's doctrine of Mnjlamadhyamaka-kƗrikƗ: a study and a
11. HISTORY OF RELIGIONS translation from Sanskrit of MnjlamadhyamakakƗrikƗ). Per. s tibetskogo "Tolkovanija Korennykh strof o Sredinnosti, [nazyvaemogo] Besstrashnym [oproverzheniem dogmaticheskikh vozzrenij]" ("Mula-madkh'jamaka- vritti Akutobkhaija") V. P. ANDROSOV. Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2006, 845 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 771804; ind. p. 805-835). [English summary]. 837. UEHLINGER (Cristoph). Interested companionship. Numen, 2006, 53, 4, p. 359-384. 838. VELICHKO (Aleksej M.). Tserkov' i imperator v vizantijskoj i russkoj istorii: (istoriko-pravovye ocherki). (Church and emperor in Byzantine and Russian history: essays in history and law). Sankt-Peterburg, Izdatel'stvo Juridicheskogo Instituta, 2006, 236 p. (portr.; bibl. p. 228-234). 839. Wörterbuch der Religionen. Ed. Cristoph AUFHans G. KIPPENBERG und Axel MICHAELS. Stuttgart, Kröner, 2006, XVII-589 p.
Cf. nos 298, 4619-4635 b. Special studies * 840. ALTHANN (Robert). Elenchus of Biblica. 2003. [2002. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 878.] Roma, Ed. Istituto Pontificio Biblico, 2006, 955 p. * 841. Bibliographia internationalis spiritualitatis. Vol. 38. 2003. [Vol. 37. 2002. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 879.] Roma, Ed. del Teresianum, 2006, XXXII-533 p. * 842. Index Islamicus 2004. [2003. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 880.] Ed. by Heather BLEANEY. Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2006, XXXVIII-803 p. * 843. Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete. International Review of Biblical Studies. Revue internationale des études bibliques. Bd. 51. 20042005. [Bd. 50, 20032004. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 881.] Boston-Leiden, Brill, 2006, XII594 p. * 844. New Testament Abstracts. Vol. 50, 2006, 686 p. [Vol. 49, 2005. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 882.] * 845. Old Testament Abstracts. Vol. 29, 2006, 418 p. [Vol. 28, 2005. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 883.] _______________________
846. ACKERMANN (Robert). Selected letters of Sir J. G. Frazer. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, VIII-426 p.
re Relevanz für den interreligiösen Dialog. In: Prekäre Zeitgenossenschaft. Mit dem Alten Testament in Konflikten der Zeit. Internationales Bibel-Symposium Graz 2004. Hrsg. v. Joachim KÜGLER. Münster, LIT Verlag, 2006, p. 9-22. 851. BETTINI (Maurizio). Mythos/Fabula: authoritative and discredited speech. History of religions, 2006, 45, 3, p. 195-212. 852. BŒSPFLUG (François). Caricaturer Dieu? Pouvoirs et dangers de l'image. Paris, Bayard, 2006, 222 p. 853. BORGEAUD (Philippe). L'histoire des religions à Genève. Origines et métamorphoses. Asdiwal, 2006, 1, p. 13-22. IDEM. L'Orient des religions: réflexion sur la construction d'une polarité, de Creuzer à Bachofen. Archiv der Religionsgeschichte, 2006, 8, p. 153-162. IDEM. La Madre degli dei. Da Cibele alla vergine Maria. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2006, 240 p. 854. BUMBACHER (Stephan Peter). Gewalt und Religion. Eine religionswissenschaftliche Untersuchung zu den anthropologischen Ursachen und kulturellen Überformungen der Gewaltanwendung unter Menschen. Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, 2006, 58, 2, p. 155-174. 855. CABEZÓN (José Ignacio). The discipline and its other: the dialectic in the study of religion. Journal of the American Academy of religion, 2006, 74, 1, p. 2138. [Response to CABEZÓN by William SCHWEIKER, ibid., p. 39-44; Reply to SCHWEIKER by CABEZÓN, ibid., p. 45-46]. 856. CASADIO (Giovanni). È possibile la storia delle religioni in un mondo multiculturale? In: Multiculturalismo e pluralismo religioso fra illusione e realtà: un altro mondo è possibile? A cura di Arnaldo NESTI. Firenze, Firenze U. P., 2006, p. 71-86. 857. Catholicisme hier aujourd'hui demain. Éd. par Gérard MATHON. Fasc. 78. F-G-H. Fasc. 79. I-J-K. Tables, compléments et mises à jour. Paris, Letouzey et Ané, 2006, 2 vol., col. 765-110, col. 1-1300. 858. CHUNG (Chin-hong). Opening and closing: reading religious culture through the humanistic imagination. Seoul, Sancheoreom, 2006, [s. p.]. 859. COHEN (Richard S.). Beyond Enlightenment: Buddhism, religion, modernity. London, Routledge, 2006, XV-237 p.
848. ALLES (Gregory D.). The so-called cognitive optimum and the cost of religious concepts. Method & theory in the study of religion, 2006, 18, p. 325-350.
860. Concise biographical companion to Index Islamicus. An international who's who in Islamic studies from its beginnings down to the twentieth century. Biobibliographical supplement to Index Islamicus 1665 1980. 2. H-M. Ed. by Wolfgang BEHN. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, XXIII-646 p.
849. ARDVISSON (Stefan). Aryan idols: Indo-European mythology as ideology and science. Chicago, Chicago U. P., 2006, 354 p.
861. COX (James L.), SUTCLIFFE (Steven J.). Religious studies in Scotland: a persistent tension with divinity. Religion, 2006, 36, 1, p. 1-28.
850. BECHMANN (Ulrike). Monotheismus in der Kritik. Eine religionswissenschaftliche Debatte und ih-
862. COX (James L.). A guide to the phenomenology of religion: key figures, formative influences, and
847. ALEXANDRESCU (Sorin). Mircea Eliade, dinspre Portugalia. Bucureúti, Humanitas, 2006, 303 p.
subsequent debates. London a. New York, T and T International, 2006, VIII-267 p. 863. Cristianesimo (Il): Grande Atlante. Vol. 2. Ordinamenti, gerarchie, pratiche. Ed. Giuseppe ALBERIGO, Giuseppe RUGGERI e Roberto RUSCONI. Torino, UTET, 2006, XIII-462 p. (Atlanti Tematici). 864. CULIANU (Ioan Petru). Psihanodia. Iaúi, Polirom, 2006, 209 p. IDEM. Studi Româneúti. I. Fantasmele nihilismului. Secretul doctorului Eliade. Iaúi, Polirom, 2006, 399 p. 865. DE LA SOUJEOLE (Bênoit-Dominique). Foi implicite et religions non chrétiennes. Revue Thomiste, 2006, 106, p. 315-334. 866. DE ROSA (Giuseppe). Si può parlare di tre monoteismi abramitici? Civiltà cattolica, 2006, 157, 1, p. 148-161. 867. Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques. Tome XXIX. Fasc. 169b-170. KnowNothingism-Krafft. Tome XXIX. Fasc 171. KrafftKutschker. Ed. par R. AUBERT. Paris, Letouzey et Ané, 2006, Col. 385-768; 769-1024. 868. DIENI (Edoardo). Per linee storte. Finzioni e sotterfugi nei diritti delle religioni del Libro. Daimon, 2006, 6, p. 5-38. 869. Dioses viejos-Dioses nuevos. Formas de incorporación de nuevos cultos en la ciudad antigua. Ed. por José A. DELGADO. Las Palmas, Fundación Mapfre Guanarteme, 2006, 167 p. 870. Dizionario del cristianesimo. A cura di Piero CODA e Giovanni FILORAMO. Torino, UTET, 2006, 2 Vol. 871. DOW (James W.). The evolution of religion: three anthropological approaches. Method & theory in the study of religion, 2006, 18, 1, p. 67-91. 872. DUNCAN (Ann Willians). Religion and secrecy: a bibliographic essay. Journal of the American Academy of religion, 2006, 74, 2, p. 469-482. 873. ELIADE (Mircea). Jurnalul Portughez úi alte scrieri. Ed. Sorin ALEXANDRESCU. Bucureúti, Humanitas, 2006, 2 vol., 511 p., 504 p. 874. Encyclopedia of new religious movements. Ed. by Peter B. CLARKE. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XXXII-686 p. 875. ENGLER (Steven), MILLER (Dean). Review symposium: Daniel Dubuisson, the Western construction of religion. Religion, 2006, 36, p. 119-178. 876. ENGLER (Steven). Religious studies in Canada and Brazil: pro-pluralism and anti-theology in context. Studies in religion/Sciences religieuses, 2006, 35, 3-4, p. 445-471. 877. Exercising power. The role of religions in concord and conflict. Based on papers read at the Symposium held at Abo, Finland, on 1719 August 2005. Ed.
by Tore AHLBÄCK and Björn DAHLA. Åbo, Stockholm, Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History a. Almqvist & Wiksell International, 2006, 430 p. (Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis, 19). 878. FITZGERALD (Timothy). Bruce Lincoln's "Theses on Method": antitheses. Method & theory in the study of religion, 2006, 18, p. 392-423. 879. FLOOD (Gavin). Reflections on tradition and inquiry in the study of religion. Journal of the American Academy of religion, 2006, 74, 1, p. 47-58 [Response to FLOOD by Nancy K. LEVENE, ibid., p. 59-63; Reply to LEVENE by FLOOD, ibid., p. 64-65]. 880. GANDINI (Mario). Raffaele Pettazzoni intorno al 1951. Materiali per una biografia. Strada maestra, 2006, 61, p. 55-246. IDEM. Raffaele Pettazzoni negli anni 19491950. Materiali per una biografia. Strada maestra, 2006, 60, p. 19-237. 881. GEFFRÉ (Claude). De Babel à la Pentecôte: essais de théologie interreligieuse. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2006, 363 p. (Cogitatio fidei, 247). 882. GILHUS (Ingvild Saelid). Animals, gods and humans: changing attitudes to animals in Greek, Roman and early Christian thought. London, Routledge, 2006, 322 p. 883. GRELOT (Pierre). The language of symbolism: biblical theology, semantics, and exegesis. Peabody, Hendrickson Publishers, 2006, X-238 p. 884. GRIFFITHS (Paul J.). On the future of the study of religion in the Academy. Journal of the American Academy of religion, 2006, 74, 1, p. 66-74 [Response to GRIFFITHS by Ellen ARMOUR, ibid., p. 75-76; Reply to ARMOUR by GRIFFITHS, ibid., p. 77-78]. 885. HARVEY (Graham). Animism: respecting the living world. New York, Columbia U. P., 2006, 248 p. 886. JOY (Morny). Gender and religion: a volatile mixture. Temenos, 2006, 42, 1, 2006, p. 7-30. 887. KARAFLOGA (Anatasia). E-religion: a critical appraisal of religious discourse on the world wide web. London, Equinox, 2006, 264 p. 888. KOCH (Anne). The study of religion as Theorienschmiede for cultural studies: a test of cognitive science and religious-economic modes of access. Method & theory in the study of religion, 2006, 18, p. 254-272. 889. KRECH (Volkhard). Wohin mit der Religionswissenschaft? Skizze zur Lage der Religionsforschung und zu Möglichkeiten ihrer Entwicklung. Zeitschrift für Religions- und Gesitesgeschichte, 2006, 58, 2, p. 97-113. 890. LANGER (Robert) [et al.]. Transfer of ritual. Journal of ritual studies, 2006, 20, 1, p. 1-10. 891. LANTERNARI (Vittorio). Religione, magia e droga. Lecce, Manni Editori, 2006, 248 p. 892. LEVENE (Nancy K.). Sources of history: myth and image. Journal of the American Academy of re-
11. HISTORY OF RELIGIONS ligion, 2006, 74, 1, p. 79-101. [Response to LEVENE by José Ignacio CABEZÓN, ibid., p. 102-104; Reply to CABEZÓN by LEVENE, ibid., p. 105-106].
p. 483-494 [Response by Robert A. SEGAL: p. 495-498; Reply: p. 499-500].
893. LOIGIER (Raphaël). L'opposition symbolique entre bouddhisme et islam en contexte européen. Religioni e società, 2006, 56, p. 67-88.
906. ODDIE (Geoffrey A.). Imagined Hinduism: British Protestant missionary constructions of Hinduism, 1793–1900. Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications, 2006, 374 p.
894. MAC CUTCHEON (Russell T.). "It's a lie. There's No Truth in It! It's a Sin!" On the limits of the humanistic study of religion and the cost of saving others from themselves. Journal of the American Academy of religion, 2006, 74, 3, p. 720-750.
907. Operatori cultuali (Gli). Atti del II incontro di studio organizzato dal "Gruppo di contatto per lo studio delle religioni mediterranee", Roma 1011 maggio 2005. A cura di Maria ROCCHI, Paolo XELLA e José Ángel ZAMORA. Verona, [s. n.], 2006, 251 p.
895. MAC KINNON (Andrew M.). Response – ritual re-description as passport control: a rejoinder to Fitzgerald after Bourdieu [Response to Timothy FITZGERALD, Playing language games and performing rituals: religious studies as ideological state apparatus – Cf. Bibl. 2003, no 965.] Method & theory in the study of religion, 2006, 18, p. 179-188.
908. PAGANO (Nicola). Per una "storia delle religioni". Un'alternativa laica all'ora di religione nella scuola pubblica. Torino, Claudiana, 2006, 203 p.
896. MASSENZIO (Marcello). Il simbolismo cristiano nel pensiero di Ernesto de Martino. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 2006, 72, 1, p. 125-136. 897. MAZZOLENI (Gilberto). A proposito di una "Giornata di studi". Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 2006, 72, 1, p. 161-164. 898. MERKUR (Dan). Psychoanalytic approaches to myth. New York, Routledge, 2006, X-161 p. 899. MILES (Margaret R.). Mapping feminist histories of religious traditions. Journal of feminist studies in religion, 2006, 22, p. 45-52 [Responses by Virginia BURRUS, Tazim R. KASSAM, Rita M. GROSS. p. 53-74]. 900. MONTANARI (Enrico). De Martino e Pettazzoni: aspetti di un confronto metodologico. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 2006, 72, 1, p. 101-124. 901. MURPHY (Tim). Cultural understanding of "Religion": the hermeneutical context of teaching religious studies in North America. Method & theory in the study of religion, 2006, 18, p. 197-218. 902. Neuhumanismus und Anthropologie des griechischen Mythos. Kárl Kerényi im europäischen Kontext des 20. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Renate SCHLESIER und Roberto SANCHIÑO MARTÍNEZ. Locarno, Rezzonico, 2006, 221 p. 903. NORTHUP (Lesley A.). Myth-placed priorities: religion and the study of myth. Religious studies review, 2006, 32, p. 5-10. 904. NOVETKZE (Christian Lee). The subaltern numen: making history in the name of God. History of religions, 2006, 46, 2, p. 99-126. 905. OCHS (Peter). Comparative religious traditions. Journal of the American Academy of religion, 2006, 74, 1, p. 125-128 [Response by Robert A. SEGAL: p. 129-132; Reply to SEGAL by OCHS, p. 133-134]. IDEM. Revised: Comparative Religious Traditions. Journal of the American Academy of religion, 2006, 74, 2,
909. PALMER (Craig T.), STEADMAN (Lyle B.), CASSIDY (Chris). Traditional religious ritual sacrifice: cultural materialism, costly signaling, or descendantleaving strategy? Journal of ritual studies, 2006, 20, 2, p. 33-42. 910. PESCE (Mauro). L'inevitabile rapporto fra religioni e potere: prospettive socio-antropologiche. Ricerche storico-bibliche, 2006, 18, 1/2, p. 17-42. 911. PICCALUGA (Giulia). La "rivista" dell'Istituto. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 2006, 72, 1, p. 65-72. 912. Pierre Geoltrain ou Comment "Faire l'histoire" des religions? Le chantier des "origines", les méthodes du doute et la conversation contemporaine entre les disciplines. Éd. par Simon C. MIMOUNI et Isabelle ULLERN-WEITÉ. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 399 p. (Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études: Sections des Sciences religieuses, 128). 913. Pilgrimage: the sacred journey. Ed. by Ruth BARNES and Crispin BRANFOOT. Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 2006, 132 p. 914. PRANDI (Carlo). Lucien Lévy-Bruhl. Pensiero primitivo e mentalità moderna. Milano, Edizioni Unicopli, 2006, 235 p. IDEM. Note in margine al convegno per gli 80 anni di "SMSR". Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 2006, 72, 1, p. 165-170. 915. QUEIROZ (José J.). Deus e crenças no discurso filosófico pós-moderno. Linguagem e religião. REVER – Revista de estudio da religião, 2006, 6, 2, p. 1-23. 916. Quête de guérison (La). Médecine et religions face à la souffrance. Sous la direction de Michel MESLIN, Alain PROUST et Ysé TARDAN-MASQUELIER. Paris, Bayard, 2006, 411 p. 917. RANDALL (Albert B.). Strangers on the shore: the beatitudes in world religions. New York, Lang, 2006, X-169 p. 918. Religious harmony: problems, practice and education. Proceedings of the Regional Conference of the International Association for the History of Religions, Yogyakarta and Semarang, Indonesia. September
27th–October 3rd, 2004. Ed. Michale PYE [et al.]. Berlin a. New York, de Gruyter, 2006, X-363 p. (Religion and Reason, 45). 919. RENNIE (Bryan S.). Mircea Eliade: a critical reader. London, Equinox Publishing, 2006, 448 p. 920. Resurrezione mistero (La) del desiderio. Un dialogo interdisciplinare. A cura di Giovanni FERRETTI. Macerata, Eum Edizioni Università di Macerata, 2006, 184 p. 921. RIES (Julien). I cristiani e le religioni. Dagli Atti degli Apostoli al Vaticano II. Milano, Jaca Book, 2006, XXVII-546 p. (Opera Omnia, 1). 922. SACCO (Leonardo). S.M.S.R.: perché? Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 2006, 72, 1, p. 25-44. 923. SANTI (Claudia). La destorificazione del divenire. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 2006, 72, 1, p. 137-160. 924. SCIALPI (Fabio). Le religioni dell'India in SMSR. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 2006, 72, 1, p. 85-100. 925. SEVERINO (Valerio Salvatore). "Ricerche religiose" e "Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni". Il sorgere simultaneo di due riviste. Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 2006, 72, 1, p. 45-64. 926. Sex, marriage, and family in world religions. Ed. by Don S. BROWNING, M. Christian GREEN and John WITTE Jr. New York, Columbia U. P., 2006, XXIX-461 p. 927. SFAMENI-GASPARRO (Giulia). Ugo Bianchi e "Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni". Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 2006, 72, 1, p. 73-84. 928. SINISCALCO (Paolo). La soppressione delle Facoltà statali di teologia nella discussione del Parlamento italiano (18721873). Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni, 2006, 72, 1, p. 7-24. 929. Sociologia e spiritualità. Convegno "Una sociologia della spiritualità". Aosta 2526 novembre 2005. Religioni e società, 2006, 55, p. 6-114.
933. Theorizing rituals. Volume I. Issues, topics, approaches, concepts. Ed. by Jens KREINATH, Jan SNOEK and Michael STRAUSBERG. London, Brill, 2006, XXVI-778 p. 934. TOMMASI MORESCHINI (Chiara O.), CASADIO (Giovanni). Obituary for Prof. Gilles Quispel. Religioni e società, 2006, 55, p. 115-116. 935. Tourism, religions and spiritual journeys. Ed. by Dallen J. TIMOTHY and Daniel H. OLSEN. London, Routledge, 2006, XV-285 p. 936. UEHLINGER (Cristoph). Visible religion und die Sichtbarkeit von Religion(en): Voraussetzungen, Anknüpfungsprobleme, Wiederaufnahme eines religionswissenschaftlichen Forschungprogramms. Berliner Theologische Zeitschrift, 2006, 23, p. 165-184. 937. URSASKI (Frank). Consituintes de ciência da religião: cinco ensaios em prol de uma disciplina autônoma. São Paulo, Paulinas, 2006, 144 p. 938. YELLE (Robert A.). To perform or not to perform? A theory of ritual performance versus cognitive theories of religious transmission. Method & theory in the study of religion, 2006, 18, p. 372-391. Cf. nos 503, 529, 1138, 1257 § 12. History of philosophy. _______________________
939. BAERGEN (Ralph). Historical dictionary of epistemology. Lanham a. Oxford, Scarecrow Press, 2006, 257 p. (Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements, 70). 940. BIYOGO (Grégoire). Histoire de la philosophie africaine. Livre 1. Le berceau égyptien de la philosophie. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 236 p. 941. Blackwell companion (The) to contemporary Islamic thought. Ed. by Ibrahim M. ABU-RABI'. Oxford a. Malden, Blackwell Pub., 2006, XIII-675 p. (Blackwell companions to religion). 942. BORGHERO (Carlo), FERRARI (Massimo), RAGGHIANTI (Renzo), SAVORELLI (Alessandro). Questioni di storiografia filosofica. A margine dell'ultimo volume della "Storia delle storie generali della filosofia". Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, 2006, 1, p. 121-156.
930. SPINETO (Natale). Mircea Eliade et la France. In: Francophonie roumaine et intégration européenne. Ed. par Ramona BORDEI-BOCA. Dijon, Centre Gaston Bachelard, Université de Bourgogne, 2006, p. 407-418. IDEM. Mircea Eliade storico delle religioni; con la corrispondenza inedita Mircea Eliade-Károly Kerényi. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2006, 301 p. IDEM. Religione, fenomenologia della. In: Enciclopedia filosofica della Fondazione Centro studi filosofici di Gallarate. Vol. 10. Milano, Bompiani, 2006, p. 9600-9605.
943. BROWN (Stuart C.), FOX (N. J.). Historical dictionary of Leibniz's philosophy. Lanham a. Oxford, Scarecrow Press, 2006, LV-329 p. (ill., facsim., port.). (Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements, 66).
931. SUKIDI (Mulyadi). Max Weber's remarks on Islam: the Protestant ethic among Muslim Puritans. Islam and Christian-Muslim relations, 2006, 17, 2, p. 195205.
944. Cambridge companion (The) to early modern philosophy. Ed. by Donald RUTHERFORD. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XV-421 p. (Cambridge companions to philosophy).
932. Testo sacro (Il) nei diritti religiosi. Daimon, 2006, 6, p. 39-183.
945. Companion (A) to philosophy in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Jorge J. E. GRACIA and Timothy B. NOONE.
Malden, Blackwell, 2006, XXI-739 p. (Blackwell companions to philosophy, 24).
DORIGATTI, con la collaborazione di G. STIMATO. Firenze, Olschki, 2006, [s. p.].
946. Companion (A) to Plato. Ed. by Hugh H. BENMalden a. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, XV-473 p. (Blackwell companions to philosophy, 37).
959. AVDEEV (Aleksandr G.). Starorusskaja epigrafika i knizhnost': Novo-Ierusalimskaja shkola epigraficheskoj poezii. (Old Russian epigraphy and book culture: the New Jerusalem school of epigraphic poetry, [the 1680s–1690s: study and texts]). Moskva, Izd-vo PSTGU, 2006, 362 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.).
947. CRANZ (F. Edward). Reorientations of Western thought from Antiquity to the Renaissance. Ed. by Nancy STRUEVER. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2006, XXIV-400 p. (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 840). 948. Enciclopedia filosofica. A cura della Fondazione Centro studi filosofici. Milano, Bompiani, 2006, 12 vol., 12496 p. 949. Encyclopedia of Indian philosophies. Vol. 11. Advaita VedƗnta from 800 to 1200. Ed. by Karl H. POTTER. Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 2006, VIII-825 p. 950. GARDNER (Catherine Villanueva). Historical dictionary of feminist philosophy. Lanham a. Oxford, Scarecrow Press, 2006, XXXVIII-275 p. (Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements, 64).
960. BRAIDA (Lodovica). La doppia storicità del paratesto. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 1, p. 241250. 961. Brill's companion to Propertius. Ed. by HansChristian GÜNTHER. Leiden, Brill, 2006, IX-476 p. 962. Companion (A) to Herman Melville. Ed. by Wyn KELLEY. Malden, Blackwell Pub., 2006, XXVII-582 p. (Blackwell companions to literature and culture, 41). 963. Companion (A) to Jean Gerson. Ed. by Brian Patrick MCGUIRE. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, XXVI431 p. (Brill's companions to the Christian tradition, 3).
951. GENSLER (Harry J.). Historical dictionary of logic. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2006, XLIV-306 p. (ill.). (Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements, 65).
964. Companion (A) to Shakespeare's works. Ed. by Richard DUTTON and Jean E. HOWARD. Malden a. Oxford, Blackwell Pub., 2006, 4 vol., [s. p.]. (Blackwell companions to literature and culture, 17-20).
952. Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy. General editor Edward CRAIG. Vol. 10. Index. London, Routledge, 2006, LIX-453 p.
965. Decameron (Il) nella letteratura europea: atti del convegno organizzato dall'Accademia delle scienze di Torino e dal Dipartimento di scienze letterarie e filologiche dell'Università di Torino, Torino 1718 novembre 2005. A cura di Clara ALLASIA. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2006, 215 p.
953. SCHIAVO (Piero). Ritratti di Democrito. Critica della vanitas e immagini della melanconia. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 2, p. 530-556. Cf. nos 230, 1138, 5009-5054 § 13. History of literature. * 954. Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. Hrsg. v. Wilhelm R. SCHMIDT. XLV. 2005. [XLIV. 2004. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 970.] Bearb. v. Doris MAREK und Susanne PRÖGER. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2006, [s. p.]. * 955. Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft. XLII. 2005. [XLI. 2004. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 971.] Begrundet von Otto KLAPP; bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Astrid KLAPP-LEHRMANN. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2006, [s. p.]. * 956. Bibliography (A) of modern Arthuriana (15002000). Compiled by Ann F. HOWEY and Stephen R. REIMER. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2006, XXIX-774 p. * 957. BIGLI. Bibliografia generale della lingua e della letteratura italiana. Vol. 14. 2004. [Vol. 13. 2003. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 972.] Diretta da Enrico MALATO; condirettori Massimiliano MALAVASI e Debora PISANO. Roma, Salerno, 2006, 2 vol., 2228 p. _______________________
958. ARIOSTO (Ludovico). Orlando furioso. Secondo la princeps del 1516. Edizione critica a cura di M.
966. DELLA CORTE (Federico). L'Aretino in tipografia. Preliminari all'edizione della Cortigiana a stampa. Filologia italiana, 2006, 2, p. 161-197. 967. Edinburgh companion (The) to twentiethcentury literatures in English. Ed. by Brian MAC HALE and Randall STEVENSON. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2006, VI-294 p. 968. Encyclopedia of British women's writing, 1900 1950. Ed. by Faye HAMMILL, Esme MISKIMMIN and Ashlie SPONENBERG. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XI-343 p. 969. Gothic literature: a Gale critical companion. V. 1. Topics. V. 2. Authors A-K. V. 3. Authors L-Z. Foreword by Jerrold E. HOGLE; project editor Jessica BOMARITO. Detroit, Thomson/Gale, 2006, 3 vol., [s. p.]. (ill., ports.). (Gale critical companion collection). 970. GRANGE (William). Historical dictionary of German theater. Lanham a. Oxford, Scarecrow Press, 2006, LXX-398 p. (ill.). (Historical dictionaries of literature and the arts, 11). 971. History (A) of Icelandic literature. Ed. by Daisy L. NEIJMANN. Lincoln a. London, University of Nebraska Press in cooperation with The AmericanScandinavian Foundation, 2006, XII-730 p. (Histories of Scandinavian literature, 5).
972. LANGLET (Irène). La science-fiction: lecture et poétique d'un genre littéraire. Paris, Armand Colin, 2006, 303 p. 973. LEITER (Samuel L.). Historical dictionary of Japanese traditional theatre. Lanham a. Oxford, Scarecrow Press, 2006, XLVIII-558 p. (Historical dictionaries of literature and the arts, 4). 974. MIELKE (Christine). Zyklisch-serielle Narration: erzähltes Erzählen von 1001 Nacht bis zur TV-Serie. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2006, IX-705 p. 975. Oxford encyclopedia (The) of British literature. Ed. in chief David Scott KASTAN. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, 5 vol., [s. p.]. (ill.). (Oxford reference online. Premium literature collection). 976. SASU (Aurel). DicĠionarul biografic al literaturii române. Vol. 1. A-L. Vol. 2 M-Z. (Biographic dictionary of Romanian literature. Vol. 1. A-L. Vol. 2
M-Z). Piteúti, Editura Paralela 45, 2006, 2 vol., 884 p., 894 p. 977. SJÅVIK (Jan). Historical dictionary of Scandinavian literature and theater. Lanham a. Oxford, Scarecrow Press, 2006, XLI-361 p. (Historical dictionaries of literature and the arts, 9). 978. STABLEFORD (Briand). Science fact and science fiction: an encyclopedia. London, Routledge, 2006, XXV-729 p. 979. SUÁREZ (Victorio V.). Proceso de la literatura paraguaya: perfil histórico, bibliografía y entrevistas a los más destacados escritores paraguayos. Asunción, Criterio Ediciones, 2006, 573 p. 980. Yale companion (The) to Chaucer. Ed. by Seth LERER. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2006, IX420 p. Cf. nos 5026, 6836, 7082
C PREHISTORY _________ § 1. General. 981-994. – § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 995-1012. – § 3. Neolithic. 1013-1024. – § 4. Bronze age. 1025-1052. – § 5. Iron age. 1053-1062. § 1. General. _______________________
981. ALCÁNTARA GARCÍA (Virginia), BARBA EGIDO (Rebeca), BARRAL DEL PINO (José María), CRESPO RUIZ (Ana Belén), EIRIZ VIDAL (Arco Iris), FALQUINA APARICIO (Álvaro), HERRERO CALLEJA (Silvia), IBARRA JIMÉNEZ (Ana), MEGÍAS GONZÁLEZ (Marta), PÉREZ GIL (Maite), PÉREZ TELLO (Victoria), ROLLAND CALVO (Jorge), YRAVEDRA SÁINZ DE LOS TERREROS (José), VIDAL (Aixa), DOMÍNGUEZ-RODRIGO (Manuel). Determinación de procesos de fractura sobre huesos frescos: un sistema de análisis de los ángulos de los planos de fracturación como discriminador de agentes bióticos. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 1, p. 37-46. 982. AMIRKHANOV (Khizri A.). Kamennyj vek Juzhnoj Aravii. (The Stone Age of South Arabia). Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 693 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 589-597). [English summary; text partly in English]. 983. CERDEÑO (Mª Luisa), RODRÍGUEZ-CADEROT (Gracia), MOYA (Pedro R.), IBARRA (Ana), HERRERO (Silvia). Los estudios de arqueoastronomía en España: Estado de la cuestión. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 2, p. 13-34. 984. COCCHI GENICK (Daniela). Considerazioni sull'identificazione dei modelli nella produzione artigianale. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2006, 56, p. 551-594. 985. CORDERO RUIZ (Tomás), GARCÍA SANJUÁN (Leonardo), HURTADO PÉREZ (Víctor), MARTÍN RAMÍREZ (José María), POLVORINOS DEL RÍO (Ángel), TAYLOR (Ruth). La arqueometría de materiales cerámicos: una evaluación de la experiencia andaluza. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 1, p. 9-36. 986. FRANKEL (David), WEBB (Jennifer M.). Neighbours: negotiating space in a prehistoric village. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 287-302. 987. KOROL'KOVA (Elena F.). Zverinyj stil' Evrazii: iskusstvo plemen Nizhnego Povolzh'ja i Juzhnogo Priural'ja v skifskuju epokhu (VII–IV vv. do n.e.): Problemy
stilja i etnokul'turnoj prinadlezhnosti. (The Animal Style of Eurasia: the art of tribes of the Lower Volga and the South Urals in the Scythian age, the 7th–4th centuries B.C.). Sankt-Peterburg, Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie, 2006, 272 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 252-272). 988. LEBEDINSKAJA (Galina V.). Oblik dalekikh predkov: Albom skul'pturnykh i graficheskikh rekonstruktsij. (The appearance of our ancestors: an album of graphic and sculpture reonstructions [of individuals from the Palaeolith to the Middle Age]). RAN, In-t etnologii i antropologii im. N.N. Miklukho-Maklajja. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 244 p. (ill.; portr.; bibl. p. 238241). 989. MANGADO (Javier). El aprovisionamiento en materias primas líticas: hacia una caracterización paleocultural de los comportamientos paleoeconómicos. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 2, p. 79-92. 990. PETRENKO (Vladimir G.). Krasnoznamenskij mogil'nik: elitnye kurgany ranneskifskoj epokhi na Severnom Kavkaze. (The Krasnoznamensky burial ground: the elite tumuli of Early Scythian Age in the North Caucasus). Mezhdunar. sojuz akademij, etc. Moskva – Berlin –Bordeaux, Paleograf, 2006, 175, 129 p. (ill.; tabl.; bibl. p. 149-159). (Stepnye narody Evrazii; 3. Corpus tumulorum scythicorum et sarmaticorum; 1). 991. RAEVSKIJ (Dmitrij S.). Mir skifskoj kul'tury: Ocherki ideologii skifo-sakskikh plemen. (The world of Scythian culture: essays in ideology of Scyths and Sakas). Intr. by Vladimir Ja. PETRUKHIN and M. N. POGREBOVA. Moskva, Jazyki slavjanskikh kul'tur, 2006, 600 p. (ill., tabl.; bibl. incl.; ind. p. 587-598). [English summary]. 992. RAMSEY (Christopher Bronk), BUCK (Caitlin E.), MANNING (Sturt W.), REIMER (Paula), VAN DER PLICHT (Hans). Developments in radiocarbon calibration for archaeology. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 783-798. 993. ZURRO (Débora). El análisis de fitolitos y su papel en el estudio del consumo de recursos vegetales
en la Prehistoria: bases para una propuesta metodológica materialista. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 2, p. 35-54.
1003. GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ (Eduardo). El poblamiento de Europa en torno al límite matuyama/brunhes: su origen y su significado en la evolución humana. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 1, p. 47-68.
§ 1. Addendum 2005.
1004. GORGOGLIONE (Mariantonia). Modello miniaturistico di casa dalla Grotta Carlo Cosma di Santa Cesarea Terme (Lecce). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2006, 56, p. 185-195.
994. HALINEN (Petri). Prehistoric hunters of northernmost Lapland: settlement patterns and subsistence strategies. Helsinki, Finnish Antiquarian Society, 2005, 222 p. (ill.). (Iskos, 14). Cf. no 795 § 2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic.
1005. GORING-MORRIS (A.Nigel), DAVIDZON (Angela). Straight to the point: Upper Palaeolithic Ahmarian lithic technology in the Levant. Anthropologie, 2006, 44, p. 93-111.
995. BACHECHI (Luca). Maro Soddo, un sito megalitico del Wolayta (Etiopia meridionale). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2006, 56, p. 535-548.
1006. PEREIRA SIESO (Juan). Una nueva forma en el repertorio cerámico protohistórico de la península ibérica: clepsidra. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 1, p. 85-112.
996. BALME (Jane), MORSE (Kate). Shell beads and social behaviour in Pleistocene Australia. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 799-811.
1007. RHODE (David), MADSEN (David B.), JONES (Kevin T.). Antiquity of early Holocene small-seed consumption and processing at Danger Cave. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 328-339.
997. BARICH (Barbara E.), GARCEA (Elena A.A.), GIRAUDI (Carlo). Between the Mediterranean and the Sahara: geoarchaeological reconnaissance in the Jebel Gharbi, Libya. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 567-582.
1008. SHARPE (Kevin), VAN GELDER (Leslie). Evidence for cave marking by Palaeolithic children. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 937-947.
998. BARZILAI (Omry), MALINSKY-BULLER (Ariel), ACKERMANN (Oren). Kefar Menachem West: a Lower Palaeolithic site in the Southern Shephela, Israel. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society, 2006, 36, p. 7-38. 999. BORGIA (Valentina). L'analisi funzionale degli elementi a dorso come strumento conoscitivo per ricostruire le strategie di sfruttamento delle risorse territoriali nel Gravettiano antico di Grotta Paglicci (strati 23 e 22). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2006, 56, p. 53-81. 1000. BOTELLA ORTEGA (Daniel), BARROSO RUIZ (Cecilio), RIQUELME CANTAL (José Antonio), ABDESSADOK (Salah), CAPARRÓS (Miguel), VERDÚ BERMEJO (Luis), MONGE LÓPEZ (Guadalupe), GARCÍA SOLANO (José Antonio). La Cueva del Ángel (Lucena, Córdoba), un yacimiento del Pleistoceno medio y Superior del sur de la Península Ibérica. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 2, p. 153-166. 1001. ESU (Daniela), DE STEFANI (Mirco), GALLINI (Valeria), GHESINI (Daniela), GUERRESCHI (Antonio), GURIOLI (Fabio), MAGNATTI (Mauro), MURATORI (Simona), PERESANI (Marco), SILVESTRINI (Mara), VERONESE (Carolina). Stratigrafia, paleontologia ed evidenze culturali del sito epigravettiano di Cava Romita (Appennino Marchigiano). Studio dei materiali provenienti dagli scavi di recupero 19781979. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2006, 56, p. 83-125. 1002. FREGUGLIA (Margherita), PALMA DI CESNOLA (Arturo). L'origine del Musteriano nel Gargano. II: il Premusteriano dello strato 1 E-B dell'area esterna del giacimento di Paglicci e considerazioni conclusive. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2006, 56, p. 5-38.
1009. SNOW (Dean R.). Sexual dimorphism in Upper Palaeolithic hand stencils. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 390404. 1010. SPINAPOLICE (Enza). L'uso dello spazio a Grotta Breuil: risultati preliminari dall'analisi degli strati inferiori (6, 7 e 8). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2006, 56, p. 39-52. 1011. UCELLI GNESUTTA (Paola), BOSCHIAN (Giovanni), CANTORO (Gianluca), CASTIGLIONI (Elisabetta), DINI (Mario), MASPERO (Alfio), PETRINELLI PANNOCCHIA (Cristiana), ROTTOLI (Mauro). I livelli epigravettiani della Grotta delle Settecannelle (Viterbo). Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2006, 56, p. 127-183. 1012. YRAVEDRA SÁINZ DE LOS TERREROS (José). Acumulaciones biológicas en yacimientos arqueológicos: Amalda VII y Esquilleu III-IV. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 2, p. 55-78. § 3. Neolithic. _______________________
1013. AKKERMANS (Peter M. M. G.), CAPPERS (René), CAVALLO (Chiara), NIEUWENHUYSE (Olivier), NILHAMN (Bonnie), OTTE (Iris N.). Investigating the early pottery Neolithic of Northern Syria: new evidence from Tell Sabi Abyad. American journal of archaeology, 2006, 110, p. 123-156. 1014. ALRAM-STERN (Eva). Der Neolithisierungsprozeß in Griechenland. Die aktuelle Sicht. In: Akten des 10. Österreichischen Althistorikertages [Cf. n° 1332], p. 9-16. 1015. BERNABÒ BREA (Maria). Una statuina femminile da un contesto funerario neolitico nel Parmense. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2006, 56, p. 197-202.
4. BRONZE AGE 1016. CARTER (Robert). Boat remains and maritime trade in the Persian Gulf during the sixth and fifth millennia BC. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 52-63. 1017. GARCÍA SANJUÁN (Leonardo), WHEATLEY (David W.), FÁBREGA ÁLVAREZ (Pastor), HERNÁNDEZ ARNEDO (María Jesús), POLVORINOS DEL RÍO (Ángel). Las estelas de guerrero de Almadén de la Plata (Sevilla). Morfología, tecnología y contexto. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 2, p. 135-152. 1018. GARFINKEL (Yosef), VERED (Ariel), BARYOSEF (Ofer). The domestication of water: the Neolithic well at Sha'ar Hagolan, Jordan Valley, Israel. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 686-696. 1019. GUBANOV (Il'ja B.). Bronzovyj vek Severa i Juga Evropy: problemy mezhetnicheskikh kontaktov i rekonstruktsija sotsial'noj struktury drevnego obshchestva. (The Bronze Age of the North and the South of Europe: probles of ethnic contacts and reconstruction of social structure of ancient society). Muzej antropologii i etnografii im. Petra Velikogo (Kunstkamera). Sankt-Peterburg, Nauka, 2006, 104 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 99-103). 1020. JIAO (Tianlong). Environment and culture change in Neolithic Southeast China. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 615-621. 1021. MEECE (Stephanie). A bird's eye view – of a leopard's spots. The Çatalhöyük 'map' and the development of cartographic representation in prehistory. Anatolian studies, 2006, 56, p. 1-16. 1022. RICHARDS (M. P.), SCHULTING (R. J.). Touch not the fish: the Mesolithic-Neolithic change of diet and its significance. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 444-455. 1023. TAKAOGLU (Turan). The Late Neolithic in the Eastern Aegean: excavations at Gulpinar in the Troad. Hesperia, 2006, 75, p. 289-315. 1024. TKACHEV (Vasilij V.), KHAVANSKIJ (Aleksej I.). Keramika sintashtinskoj kul'tury. (The ceramics of Sintashta culture). RAN, In-t rossijskoj istorii, Povolzhskij f-l, etc. Orsk – Samara, Izd-vo Orskogo gumanitarno-tekhnologicheskogo in-ta, 2006, 179 p. (ill.; tabl.; bibl. p. 172-177). § 4. Bronze age. _______________________
1025. ADAMS (Ellen). Social strategies and spatial dynamics in Neopalatial Crete: an analysis of the North-Central area. American journal of archaeology, 2006, 110, p. 1-36. 1026. ARANDA (Gonzalo), ESQUIVEL (José Antonio). Ritual funerario y comensalidad en las sociedades de la edad del Bronce del Sureste Peninsular: la cultura del Argar. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 2, p. 117-134. 1027. ARDESIA (Viviana), CATTANI (Maurizio), MARAZZI (Massimiliano), NICOLETTI (Fabrizio), SECONDO (Manuela), TUSA (Sebastiano). Gli scavi nell'abitato dell'età del Bronzo di Mursia, Pantelleria (TP). Re-
lazione preliminare delle campagne 20012005. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2006, 56, p. 293-367. 1028. BACHHUBER (Christopher). Aegean interest on the Uluburun ship. American journal of archaeology, 2006, 110, p. 345-363. 1029. BALOSSI RESTELLI (Francesca). The local Late Chalcolithic (LC3) occupation at Zeytinli Bahçe (Birecik, ùanli-Urfa): the ceramic production. Anatolian studies, 2006, 56, p. 17-46. 1030. BRADLEY (Richard). Danish razors and Swedish rocks: cosmology and the Bronze age landscape. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 372-389. 1031. BURESTA (Elisa), GAGGI (Carlo), GIARDINO (Claudio), MORONI LANFREDINI (Adriana), NICOLARDI (Valentina), PROTANO (Giuseppe). Indagini archeometallurgiche su reperti preistorici dalla Val di Chiana: lo sfruttamento dei giacimenti toscani nelle prime fasi delle età dei metalli. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2006, 56, p. 273-292. 1032. DE MARINIS (Raffaele C.). Aspetti della metallurgia dell'età del Rame e dell'antica età del Bronzo nella penisola italiana. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2006, 56, p. 211-272. 1033. DICKINSON (Oliver). The Aegean from Bronze age to Iron age. Continuity and change between the twelfth and eighth centuries BC. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XVI-298 p. 1034. FISCHER (J.). Gartenbau im spätbronzezeitlichen Griechenland. In: Akten des 10. Österreichischen Althistorikertages [Cf. n° 1332], p. 61-71. 1035. FRANKEL (David), WEBB (Jennifer M.). Marki Alonia. An early and middle Bronze age settlement in Cyprus. Excavations 19952000. Sävedalen, Paul Åströms förlag, 2006, XL-366 p. 1036. GILI (Sylvia), LULL (Vicente), MICÓ (Rafael), RIHUETE (Cristina), RISCH (Roberto). An island decides: megalithic burial rites on Menorca. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 829-842. 1037. GUERRA DOCE (Elisa). Sobre la función y el significado de la cerámica campaniforme a la luz de los análisis de contenidos. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 1, p. 69-84. 1038. KUZNETSOV (P.F.). The emergence of Bronze age chariots in eastern Europe. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 638-645. 1039. LÓPEZ PADILLA (Juan A.). Distribución territorial y consumo de botones de preforación en "V" en el ámbito argárico. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 2, p. 93-116. 1040. MARIOTTA (Giuseppe). Echi di editti regi dell'età del Bronzo in Iliade IX 144 ss. La parola del passato, 2006, 61, p. 345-351. 1041. MORABITO (Isabella). Bronze age potters' marks from Iasos. La parola del passato, 2006, 61, p. 306-317.
1042. NÁJERA COLINO (Trinidad), MOLINA GONZÁLEZ (Fernando), SÁNCHEZ ROMERO (Margarita), ARANDA JIMÉNEZ (Gonzalo). Un enterramiento infantil singular en el yacimiento de la edad del Bronce de la Motilla del Azuer (Daimiel, Ciudad Real). Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 1, p. 149-156. 1043. NOCETE (Francisco). The first specialised copper industry in the Iberian peninsula: Cabezo Juré (29002200 BC). Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 646-657. 1044. ÖKSE (A.Tuba). Early Bronze age graves at Gre Virike (period IIB): an extraordinary cemetery on the middle Euphrates. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2006, 65, p. 1-37. 1045. PACCIANI (Elsa), CHILLERI (Filiberto). I reperti ossei umani dal sito di Spaccasasso ad Alberese (Grosseto), indagini 20022004. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2006, 56, p. 203-210. 1046. ROJO-GUERRA (Manuel A.), GARRIDO-PENA (Rafael), GARCÍA-MARTÍNEZ DE LAGRÁN (Íñigo). Un peculiar vaso campaniforme de estilo marítimo del Túmulo de la Sima, Miño de Medinaceli (Soria, España): reflexiones en torno a las técnicas decorativas campaniformes y los sistemas de intercambios a larga distancia. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 1, p. 133-148. 1047. RUBAT BOREL (Francesco). Il Bronzo Finale nell'estremo Nord-Ovest italiano: il gruppo Pont-Valperga. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2006, 56, p. 429482. 1048. SAND (Christophe), VALLADAS (Hélène), CACHIER (Hélène), TISNÉRAT-LABORDE (Nadine), ARNOLD (Maurice), BOLÉ (Jacques), OUETCHO (André). Oceanic rock art: first direct dating of prehistoric stencils and paintings from New Caledonia (Southern Melanesia). Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 523-529. 1049. SCHOEP (Ilse). Looking beyond the first palaces: élites and the agency of power in EM III–MM II Crete. American journal of archaeology, 2006, 110, p. 37-64.
1052. ZIMMERMANN (Thomas). Fluchtpunkt Hellespont? Einige Bemerkungen zur Renaissance frühbronzezeitlicher Keramiktraditionen in der anatolischen Eisenzeit. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 94-101. § 5. Iron age. _______________________
1053. BEN-AMI (Doron). Early Iron age cult place. New evidence from Tel Hazor. Tel Aviv, 2006, 33, p. 121133. 1054. BIETTI SESTIERI (Anna Maria). Fattori di collegamento interregionale nella prima età del Ferro: indizi di un'ideologia condivisa, legata alle armi, dal Lazio meridionale alla Puglia. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2006, 56, p. 505-533. 1055. COSENTINO (Serena), MIELI (Gianfranco). Insediamenti della prima età del Ferro in Abruzzo: la struttura abitativa di Cansano (L'Aquila). Scavi 2005. Rivista di scienze preistoriche, 2006, 56, p. 483-504. 1056. FANJUL PERAZA (Alfonso), MARÍN SUÁREZ (Carlos). La metalurgia del hierro en la Asturias castreña: nuevos datos y estado de la cuestión. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 1, p. 113-132. 1057. FANTALKIN (Alexander), FINKELSTEIN (Israel). The Sheshonq I campaign and the 8th century BCE earthquake. More on the archaeology and history of the South in the Iron age I-IIA. Tel Aviv, 2006, 33, p. 18-42. 1058. GARCÍA HUERTA (Rosario), MORALES (Fco. Javier), VÉLEZ (Julián), SORIA (Lucía), RODRÍGUEZ (David). Hornos de pan en la Oretania septentrional. Trabajos de prehistoria, 2006, 63, 1, p. 157-166. 1059. HERDA (Alexander). Panionion – Melia, Mykalessos – Mykale, Perseus und Medusa. Überlegungen zur Besiedlungsgeschichte der Mykale in der frühen Eisenzeit. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2006, 56, p. 43-102. 1060. JOHNSON (Alan). Marsa Matruh: two Iron age notes. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2006, 92, p. 267-268.
1050. TARTARON (Thomas F.), PULLEN (Daniel J.), NOLLER (Jay S.). Rillenkarren at Vayia: geomorphology and a new class of Early Bronze age fortified settlement in Southern Greece. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 145160.
1061. OLIVIER (Laurent), KOVACIK (Joseph). The 'Briquetage de la Seille' (Lorraine, France): protoindustrial salt production in the European Iron age. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 558-566.
1051. VIDAL (Jordi). La participación de tribus nómadas en el comercio internacional del Levante mediterráneo durante el Bronce Reciente. Aula orientalis, 2006, 24, p. 127-133.
1062. PETRAKIS (V. P.). Late Minoan III and early Iron age Cretan cylindrical terracotta models: a reconsideration. Annual of the British School at Athens, 2006, 101, p. 183-216.
D THE ANCIENT EAST (the Hellenistic states included) _________ § 1. General. 1063-1078. – § 2. The Near East. 1079-1126. – § 3. Egypt. 1127-1186. – § 4. Mesopotamia. 11871245. – § 5. Hittites. 1246-1269. – § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. 1270-1313. – § 7. Iran. 1314-1329. § 1. General. _______________________
1063. Altertum und Mittelmeerraum: Die antike Welt diesseits und jenseits der Levante. Festschrift für Peter W. Haider zum 60. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. Robert ROLLINGER, Brigitte TRUSCHNEGG. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 878 p. (Oriens et Occidens, 1). [Cf. nos 1094, 1123, 1182, 1189, 1203, 1220, 1277, 1308, 1372.] 1064. Ancient Near East (The). Historical sources in translation. Ed. by Mark W. CHAVALAS. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, XXII-445 p. [Cf. nos 1181, 1192, 1214, 1217, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1237, 1238, 1247, 1259, 1316.] 1065. BENNETT (Julian). The origins and early history of the Pontic-Cappadocian frontier. Anatolian studies, 2006, 56, p. 77-93. 1066. CANCIK-KIRSCHBAUM (Eva), CHAMBON (Grégory). Maßangaben und Zahlvorstellung in archaischen Texten. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 189214. 1067. EDER (Christian), NAGEL (Wolfram). Grundzüge der Streitwagenbewegung zwischen Tiefeurasien, Südwestasien und Ägäis. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 42-93. 1068. ESCHRAGHI (Armin). Fälschungen als Bestseller. Die HƗfiz-"Übersetzungen" des Daniel Ladinsky. Die Welt des Orients, 2006, 36, p. 192-205.
1071. MARAZZI (Massimiliano). Luvio, Luvii e Luwija revisited. Orientalia, 2006, 75, p. 107-114. 1072. MÜLLER-KESSLER (Christa). Syrische Zauberschalen-Korrekturen und Nachträge. Die Welt des Orients, 2006, 36, p. 116-130. 1073. PADILLA MONGE (Aurelio). Taršiš y Tartessos de nuevo a examen. Aula orientalis, 2006, 24, p. 233-242. 1074. RADT (Wofgang). Vierzig Jahre in der Türkei – Vortrag zum Abschied von Istanbul. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2006, 56, p. 7-28. 1075. RUBIO ORECILLA (Francisco J.). Mito y ritual en la leyenda de Purnjravas y UrvaĞi. Aula orientalis, 2006, 24, p. 99-126. 1076. RYHOLT (Kim). Hieratic texts from the Collection. København, Carsten Niebuhr Institute of Near Eastern Studies a. Museum Tusculanum Press, 2006, VII-159 p. 1077. Teorija i metody issledovanija vostochnoj epigrafiki: Sb. st. (Theory and methods of studies in Oriental epigraphy: Articles). Ed. Dmitrij D. VASIL'EV. Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2006, 312 p. (ill., tabl.; bibl. incl.). [Text partly in English]. 1078. WEBER (Gregor). Neue Kämpfe um Troia. Genese, Entwicklung und Hintergründe einer Kontroverse. Klio, 2006, 88, p. 7-33. § 2. The Near East. _______________________
1069. FELDMAN (Marian H.). Diplomacy by design. Luxury arts and an "international style" in the Ancient Near East 14001200 BCE. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, 295 p.
1079. ARTHUR (Paul). Byzantine and Turkish Hierapolis (Pamukkale). An archaeological guide. Istanbul, Yayinlari, 2006, 192 p.
1070. LION (Brigitte), MICHEL (Cécile). De la domestication au tabou: le cas des suidés au ProcheOrient ancient. Paris, de Boccard, 2006, XX-338 p.
1080. ARUTJUNJAN (Nikolaj V.). Biajnili-Urartu. Voenno-politicheskaja istorija i voprosy toponimiki. (Bianili-Urartu: Military and political history and
place-names). NAN Respubliki Armenija, In-t vostokovedenija. Sankt-Peterburg, Izdatel'stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, 2006, 367 p. (portr.; maps; bibl. incl.; ind. p. 341-363). (Istoricheskie issledovanija). [English summary]. 1081. BAUMEISTER (Peter). Die Nekropolen von Blaundos. Typologie, Ausgestaltung und kunsthistorische Einordnung. In: Blaundos [Cf. n° 1083], p. 222-261. 1082. BENNETT (Julian). New evidence from Ankara for the collegio veteranorum and the albata decursio. Anatolian studies, 2006, 56, p. 95-101. 1083. Blaundos. Berichte zur Erforschung einer Kleinstadt im lydisch-phrygischen Grenzgebiet. Hrsg. v. Axel FILGES. Tübingen, Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, 2006, XIII-350 p. [Cf. nos 1081, 1116, 1118.] 1084. BLÖMER (Michael), WINTER (Engelbert). Der Dülük Baba Tepesi bei Doliche und das Heiligtum des Iupiter Dolichenus. 2. Vorbericht (20042005). Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2006, 56, p. 185-205.
1097. KAIZER (Ted). In search of Oriental cults: methodological problems concerning "The Particular" and "The General" in Near Eastern religion in the Hellenistic and Roman period. Historia, 2006, 55, p. 26-47. 1098. KERSCHNER (Michael). Die ionische Wanderung im Lichte neuer archäologischer Forschungen in Ephesos. In: 'Trojaner sind wir gewesen' [Cf. n° 1364], p. 364-382. IDEM. Zur Herkunftsbestimmung archaisch-ostgriechischer Keramik: die Funde aus Berezan im Akademischen Kunstmuseum der Universität Bonn und im Robertinum der Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2006, 56, p. 129-156. 1099. KIZIL (Abuzer), RUMSCHEID (Frank). Ein neugefundenes Pfeilerkapitell aus dem frühhellenistischen Mylasa. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2006, 56, p. 207-214. 1100. KOÇYIöIT (O÷uz). Terracotta spacers from the bathhouse at Amorium. Anatolian studies, 2006, 56, p. 113-125.
1085. CAMPOS MÉNDEZ (Israel). El dios Mitra en los nombres personales. Aula orientalis, 2006, 24, p. 165175.
1101. KORKUT (Taner). Girlanden-Ostotheken aus Kalkstein in Pamphylien und Kilikien. Untersuchungen zu Typologie, Ikonographie und Chronologie. Mainz, Verlag Philipp von Zabern, IX-129 p.
1086. CATAUDELLA (Michele). Nomadi e Greci nel lontano Oriente fra III e II secolo a.C. In: 'Trojaner sind wir gewesen' [Cf. n° 1364], p. 383-392.
1102. KÖSE (Veli). Nekropolen und Grabdenkmäler von Sagalassos in Pisidien in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 258 p.
1087. CAVALIER (Laurence). Observations sur l'architecture de Xanthos a l'époque archaïque. Revue des études anciennes, 2006, 108, p. 327-354.
1103. MADDOLI (Gianfranco). Pixodaros di Hekatòmnos e la datazione della trilingue del Letôon. Athenaeum, 2006, 94, p. 601-608.
1088. DE CRISTOFARO (Luigi). I proemi epici arcaici e le influenze delle letterature fiorite in area siroanatolica. Aspetti formali e di contenuto. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2006, 134, p. 257-299.
1104. MANIA (Ulrich). Eine neue Werkstatt früher türkischer Keramik – Miletware aus Pergamon. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2006, 56, p. 475-501.
1089. GAY (Kirsten A.), CORSTEN (Thomas). Lycian tombs in the Kibyratis and the extent of Lycian culture. Anatolian studies, 2006, 56, p. 47-60. 1090. GÖRKAY (KutalmÕú). Ankaras unbekanntes Stadium. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2006, 56, p. 247-271. 1091. HELLER (Anna). Archaiotes et eugeneia. Le thème des origines dans les cités d'Asie Mineure à l'époque impériale. Ktema, 2006, 31, p. 97-110. 1092. HENRY (Olivier). Reflexions sur le proprietaire de la tombe monumentale de Labraunda. Revue des études anciennes, 2006, 108, p. 415-432. 1093. HÜLDEN (Oliver). Ein Felsheiligtum mit Dreifigurenrelief im nördlichen Yavu-Bergland (Lykien). Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2006, 56, p. 103-128.
1105. MATTHEWS (John). The journey of Theophanes. Travel, business and daily life in the Roman East. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, XVII-244 p. 1106. MIETKE (Gabriele). Studien zur frühbyzantinischen Bauornamentik im Rauhen Kilikien: Vorbilder und Datierungsmöglichkeiten von Kapitellen. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2006, 56, p. 371-389. 1107. MILNER (N.P.), EILERS (Claude F.). L. Calpurnius Fiso, Moles son of Moles, and emperor worship: statue bases from the upper agora at Oinoanda. Anatolian studies, 2006, 56, p. 61-76. 1108. MINUNNO (Giuseppe). Una nota su Side. La parola del passato, 2006, 61, p. 271-278.
1094. HUTTER (Manfred). Die Kontinuität des palaischen Sonnengottes Tiyaz in Phrygien. In: Altertum und Mittelmeerraum [Cf. n° 1063], p. 81-88.
1109. MOMMSEN (Hans), KERSCHNER (Michael), POSAMENTIR (Richard). Herkunftsbestimmung von 111 Tonproben aus Berezan mit Hilfe von Neutronenaktivierungsanalysen. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2006, 56, p. 157-168.
1095. JACOBS (Bruno), SCHÜTTE-MAISCHATZ (Anke). Statue eines Bogenschützen aus dem Stadtgebiet von Urfa. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2006, 56, p. 359-369.
1110. MORA (Clelia), ROUALT (Olivier). Progetto "Terqa e la sua regione". Rapporto preliminare 2005. Athenaeum, 2006, 94, p. 733-766.
1096. JENNIGES (W.). L'Asie Mineure et ses langues. Res antiquae, 2006, 3, p. 73-97.
1111. NIEWÖHNER (Philipp). Frühbyzantinische Steinmetzarbeiten in Kütahya. Zu Topographie, Stein-
metzwesen und Siedlungsgeschichte einer zentralanatolischen Region. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2006, 56, p. 407-473.
1125. YALÇIKLI (Derya). Zwei Bronzeschwerter aus Westanatolien. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2006, 56, p. 2941.
1112. POSAMENTIR (Richard), SAYAR (Mustafa Hamdi). Anazarbos – ein Zwischenbericht aus einer kilikischen Großstadt. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2006, 56, p. 317-357.
1126. ZEYREK (Turgut HacÕ), ÖZBAY (ølksen). Statuen und Reliefs aus Nikomedeia. Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 2006, 56, p. 273-316.
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§ 3. Egypt. _______________________
1127. BEECK (Lies Op De). Pottery from the spoil heap in front of the tomb of Djehutihotep at Deir alBarsha. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2006, 92, p. 127-140. 1128. BLYTH (Elizabeth). Karnak. Evolution of a temple. London, Routledge, 2006, XXV-258 p. 1129. CAMASSA (Giorgio). Il tempo del settimo re d'Egitto. Klio, 2006, 88, p. 117-124. 1130. CANNATA (Maria). Papyrus BM EA 10075 and papyrus Bodleian Ms. Egypt 41(P): two halves of a Ptolemaic contract of sale reunited. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2006, 92, p. 185-204. 1131. CLARYSSE (Willy), THOMPSON (Dorothy J.). Counting the people in Hellenistic Egypt. Vol. I. Population registers. Vol. II. Historical studies. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, 2 vol., XXIV-694 p., XX-395 p. 1132. CONTARDI (Federico). The stela of SeshenNefertem from the tomb of Sheshonq (TT 27). Orientalia, 2006, 75, p. 141-155. 1133. DARNELL (John Coleman). The inscription of Queen Katimala at Semna: textual evidence for the origins of Napatan State. New Haven, Yale Egyptological Seminar, 2006, XII-102 p. 1134. DIJKSTRA (Jitse H.F.), WORP (Klaas A.). The administrative position of Omboi and Syene in late antiquity. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2006, 155, p. 183-187. 1135. DURAND (Maximilien). Note d'iconographie à propos des amours d'Achille et de Déidamie sur quelques textiles coptes. Journal of Coptic studies, 2006, 8, p. 137-145. 1136. DUTTENHÖFER (Ruth). Korrekturen zu Ostraka aus Elephantine/Syene II. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2006, 157, p. 147-158. 1137. EATON-KRUSS (Marianne). The head from a Shabti of queen Tiye in Chicago. Orientalia, 2006, 75, p. 84-90. 1138. Evoljutsija kategorii "Maat" v drevneegipetskoj mysli. (The evolution of the category of Maat in the Ancient Egyptian thought). Luchshie kandidatskie dissertatsii filosofskogo fakul'teta MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova. Ed. V. V. ZHDANOV; Vstup. st. M.A. GARNTSEV. Moskva, Sovremennye tetradi, 2006, 136 p. bibl. p. 128-134. 1139. FIKHMAN (Itzhak F.). Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im spätantiken Ägypten. Kleine Schriften. Hrsg.
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4. MESOPOTAMIA 1170. ROWLAND (Joanne), WILSON (Penelope), JEFFREYS (David), NICHOLSON (Paul T.), KEMP (Barry), PARCAK (Sarah), ROSE (Pamela). Fieldwork, 2005 2006: Delta survey, Memphis, Saqqara bronzes project, Tell el-Amarna, Middle Egypt survey, Qasr Ibrim. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2006, 92, p. 174. 1171. Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten. Bd. 26. Nr. 16341-16831. Begründet von Friedrich PREISIGKE; hrsg. v. Hans-Albert RUPPRECHT, unter Mitarbeit von Joachim HENGSTL. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2006, XVIII-418 p. 1172. SCHENTULEIT (Maren). Aus der Buchhaltung des Weinmagazins im Edfu-Tempel: der demotische P. Carlsberg 409. Band 1. Band 2. København, Carsten Niebuhr Institute of Near Eastern Studies a. Museum Tusculanum Press, 2006, 2 vol., 560 p., 90 Tafeln. 1173. SCHROEDER (Caroline T.). Prophecy and porneia in Shenoute's letters: the rhetoric of sexuality in a late antique Egyptian monastery. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2006, 65, p. 81-97. 1174. SEIF EL-DIN (Mervat). Die reliefierten hellenistisch-römischen Pilgerflaschen: Untersuchungen zur Zweckbestimmung und Formgeschichte der ägyptischen Pilger- und Feldflaschen während des Hellenismus und der Kaiserzeit. Le Caire, Institut française d'archéologie orientale, 2006, XIV-260 p. 1175. SMOLÁRIKOVÁ (Kveta). Recent identification of Greek imports from Kom Firin. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2006, 92, p. 263-266.
1183. VLIET (Jacques van der). Two Coptic epitaphs from Qasr Ibrim. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2006, 92, p. 217-224. 1184. WARD (Cheryl). Boat-building and its social context in early Egypt: interpretations from the First Dynasty boat-grave cemetery at Abydos. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 118-129. 1185. WHITEHOUSE (H.), HOPE (Colin). A painted residence at Ismant el-Kharab (Kellis) in the Dakhleh Oasis. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2006, 19, p. 312-328. 1186. WILSON (Penelope). Prehistoric settlement in the Western Delta: a regional and local view from Sais (Sa el-Hagar). Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2006, 92, p. 75-126. § 4. Mesopotamia. * 1187. CHARPIN (Dominique). Chroniques bibliographiques. 6. Comment faire connaître la civilisation mésopotamienne? 7. Les inscriptions royales suméroakkadiennes d'époque paléo-babylonienne. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2006, 100, p. 107130, p. 131-160. * 1188. JOANNÈS (Friedrich). Chroniques bibliographiques 8. Culture matérielle et archives privées en Babylonie récente. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2006, 100, p. 161-176. _______________________
1176. SPALINGER (Anthony). Costs and wages of Egypt with Nuzi Equivalents. Orientalia, 2006, 75, p. 1630.
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1190. ALSTER (Brendt), OSHIMA (Takayoshi). A Sumerian proverb tablet in Geneva, with some thoughts on Sumerian proverbs collections. Orientalia, 2006, 75, p. 31-72.
1178. THOMPSON (Kristin). A shattered granodiorite dyad of Akhenaten and Nefertiti from Tell el-Amarna. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2006, 92, p. 141152.
1191. ALSTER (Brendt). New sources for Dumuzi's dream. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2006, 96, p. 1-30. IDEM. One cannot slaughter a pig and have it: a summary of Sumerian proverbs in the Schøyen collection. Orientalia, 2006, 75, p. 91-95. IDEM. The Tigris roiled: BM 38283. Studies in bilingual proverbs II. Orientalia, 2006, 75, p. 380-389.
1179. TODA (Satoshi). Syriac translation in Egypt: the case of the Life of Saint Macarius the Egyptian. Orientalia, 2006, 75, p. 96-106. 1180. ULJAS (Sami). Nounpersonal pronoun+personale pronoun as a grammatical construction in earlier Egyptian. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 2006, 92, p. 245-247. 1181. VAN DASSOW (Eva), GREENWOOD (Kyle). Correspondence from El-Amarna in Egypt. In: Ancient Near East (The) [Cf. n° 1064], p. 182-214. 1182. VITTMANN (Günther). Zwischen Integration und Ausgrenzung. Zur Akkulturation von Ausländern im spätzeitlichen Ägypten. In: Altertum und Mittelmeerraum [Cf. n° 1063], p. 561-595.
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1195. BORGER (Rykle). Babylonische-assyrische Lesestücke 3. Roma, Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 2006, XXIV-376 p. 1196. CHAMBON (Grégory), CANCIK-KIRSCHBAUM (Eva). Les caractères en forme de coins: le cas du cunéiforme. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2006, 100, p. 13-40.
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1198. COHEN (Eran). The tense-aspect system of the old Babylonian epic. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2006, 96, p. 31-68.
1212. LARA PEINADO (Federico). Himnos sumerios. Estudio preliminar, traducción y notas. Madrid, Editorial Tecnos, 2006, LVIII-254 p.
1199. CZICHON (Rainer M.). Neue Überlegungen zur Bedeutung und Entstehung der frühdynastischen Beterstatuetten. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 179-188.
1213. LIVINGSTONE (Alasdair). A neglected Kudurru or boundary stone of Marduk-Nadinahhe. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2006, 100, p. 75-82.
1200. DEL OLMO LETE (Gregorio). The alphabetic sequence of a Ugaritic dictionary. Aula orientalis, 2006, 24, p. 145-148.
1214. MAGID (Glenn). Sumerian early dynastic royal inscriptions. In: Ancient Near East (The) [Cf. n° 1064], p. 4-16.
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1215. MARCHESI (Gianni). Lumma in the onomasticon and literature of ancient Mesopotamia. Padova, S.A.R.G.O.N. editrice e libreria, 2006, VI-139 p.
1202. FREYDANK (Helmut). Anmerkungen zu mittelassyrischen Texten. 5. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 215-222. 1203. GALTER (Hannes D.). Sargon der Zweite. Über die Weiderinszenierung von Geschichte. In: Altertum und Mittelmeerraum [Cf. n° 1063], p. 279-302.
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1218. MEYER (Jan-Waalke), HEMPELMANN (Ralph). Bemerkungen zu Mari aus Sicht von Tell Chuera. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der ersten Hälfte des 3. Jts.v. Chr. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 2241.
1205. GÜRKAN GÖKÇEK (L.). The use of wagons (eriqqum) in ancient Anatolia according to texts from Kültepe. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2006, 96, p. 185-199.
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1221. NOTIZIA (Palmiro). Messenger texts from Girsu: for a new classification. Orientalia, 2006, 75, p. 317-333.
1208. HRITZ (Carrie), WILKINSON (T.J.). Using shuttle radar topography to map ancient water channels in Mesopotamia. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 415-424. 1209. JANNIARD (Sylvain). Armée et "acculturation" dans l'Orient romain tardif: l'exemple des confins syromésopotamiens (VeVIe s. apr. J.-C.). Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité, 2006, 118, p. 133149.
1222. OELSNER (Joachim). Aramäische Beischriften auf neu- und spätbabylonischen Tontafeln. Die Welt des Orients, 2006, 36, p. 27-71. 1223. ORTHMANN (Eva). Astrologie und Propaganda. Die Welt des Orients, 2006, 36, p. 131-142. 1224. OZAKI (Tohru), SIGRIST (Marcel). Ur III administration tablets from the British Museum. Part 1-2. Madrid, CSIC, 2006, 2 vol., 316 p., 532 p.
1225. PINNOCK (Frances). Semiramide e le sue sorelle. Immagini di donne nell'antica Mesopotamia. Milano, Skira, 2006, 320 p.
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1240. VIDAL (Jordi). The origins of the last Ugaritic dynasty. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 168175.
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1241. WAERZEGGERS (Caroline). Neo-Babylonian laundry. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2006, 100, p. 83-96. 1242. WASSERMAN (Nathan). BM 29638: a new ritual to Marduk from the Old Babylonian period. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2006, 96, p. 200-211. 1243. WORTHINGTON (Martin). Clause grouping in Neo-Assyrian on the evidence of the direct speech marker mƗ. Orientalia, 2006, 75, p. 334-358. 1244. YAMADA (Shigeo). The city of Togarma in Neo-Assyrian sources. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 223-236. 1245. ZAWADSKI (Stefan). Garments of the Gods: studies on the textile industry and the Pantheon of Sippar according to the texts from the Ebabbar archive. Fribourg, Academic Press u. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, XXIII-255 p. § 5. Hittites.
1232. STIEHLER-ALEGRIA (Gisela). Wienraute oder Harmelraute, welche Spezies verbigt sich hinter den Termini šibburratu, š'mbr' und sauma? Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 125-143.
1246. ARIKAN (YasemÕn). The blind in Hittite documents. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 144154.
1233. STRAWN (Brent A.), MELVILLE (Sarah C.), GREENWOOD (Kyle), NOEGEL (Scott). Neo-Assyrian and Syro-Palestinian texts II. In: Ancient Near East (The) [Cf. n° 1064], p. 331-381.
1247. BECKMAN (Gary), GOEDEGEBUURE (Petra), HAZENBOS (Joost), COHEN (Yoram). Hittite historical texts I. In: Ancient Near East (The) [Cf. n° 1064], p. 215-252.
1234. STUDEVENT-HICKMAN (Benjamin), MELVILLE (Sarah C.), NOEGEL (Scott). Neo-Babylonian period texts from Babylonia and Syro-Palestine. In: Ancient Near East (The) [Cf. n° 1064], p. 382-406.
1248. CAMATTA (Patrizia). Die Stadt Hanhana und hein Identifizierungsvorschlag. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 263-270.
1235. STUDEVENT-HICKMAN (Benjamin), MORGAN (Christopher). Old Akkadian period texts. In: Ancient Near East (The) [Cf. n° 1064], p. 17-44. 1236. TAVERNIER (Jan). Zu den neuassyrischen Namen mit akk. PahƗru- oder sahƗru im Hinterglied. Die Welt des Orients, 2006, 36, p. 5-14. 1237. VAN KOPPEN (Frans), GREENWOOD (Kyle), MORGAN (Christopher), STRAWN (Brent A.), COOLEY (Jeff), ARNOLD (Bill T.), VAN DASSOW (Eva), COHEN (Yoram). Late Bronze age inscriptions from Babylon, Assyria, and Syro-Palestine. In: Ancient Near East (The) [Cf. n° 1064], p. 134-181. 1238. VAN KOPPEN (Frans). Miscellaneous old Babylonian period documents. In: Ancient Near East (The) [Cf. n° 1064], p. 107-133. IDEM. Old Babylonian period inscriptions. In: Ancient Near East (The) [Cf. n° 1064], p. 88-106.
1249. CHRISTIANSEN (Birgit). Die Ritualtradition der Ambazzi: eine philologische Bearbeitung und entstehungsgeschichtliche Analyse der Ritualtexte CTH 391, CTH 429 und CTH 463. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2006, XIX-449 p. 1250. CRASSO (Daniela). Alcuni aspetti cultuali della città ittita di Ankuwa. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 328-346. 1251. D'ALFONSO (Lorenzo). Le procedure giudiziarie ittite in Siria (XIII sec. a.C.). Pavia, Italian U. P., 2006, 239 p. 1252. DARDANO (Paola). Die hethitischen Tontafelkataloge aus Hattusa (CTH 276-282). Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2006, XVIII-396 p. 1253. GERBER (Christoph). Hassek Höyük III. Die frühbronzezeitliche Keramik. Tübingen, Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, 2006, 353 p.
1254. HAASE (Richard). Die Rettung in einem Hungerjahr. Anmerkungen zu § 172 der hethitischen Rechtssatzung. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 160163. IDEM. Schadenzauber in der hethitischen Rechtssatzung. Die Welt des Orients, 2006, 36, p. 15-22. IDEM. Zur Rolle der Waage in § 169 der hethitischen Rechtssatzung. Die Welt des Orients, 2006, 36, p. 23-26. 1255. KAPLAN (Golda Kh.). Ocherk grammatiki akkadskogo. (A sketch of akkadian grammar). RAN, In-t vostokovedenija, Sankt-Peterburgskij f-l. Sankt-Peterburg, Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie, 2006, 220 p. (ill., tabl. bibl. p. 22). (Orientalia). 1256. KLENGEL (Horst). Studien zur hethitischen Wirtschaft, 2: Feld- und Gartenbau. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 3-21. 1257. KORNIENKO (Tat'jana V.). Pervye khramy Mesopotamii. Formirovanie traditsii kul'tovogo stroitel'stva na territorii Mesopotamii v dopis'mennuju epokhu. (The first temples of Mesopotamia: the formation of the tradition of temple-building in preliterate Mesopotamia). Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2006, 311 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 187-204). [English summary]. 1258. MILLER (Jared L.). Joins and duplicates among the Bo÷azköy tablets. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2006, 96, p. 235-241. 1259. MINECK (Kathleen R.), VAN DEN HOUT (Theo), HOFFNER JR. (Harry A.). Hittite historical texts II. In: Ancient Near East (The) [Cf. n° 1064], p. 253-279. 1260. MOUTON (Alice). KUB 22,61 (CTH 578): comment traiter les yeux de Mon Soleil? Die Welt des Orients, 2006, 36, p. 206-216. 1261. POPKO (Maciej). Ein neues hethitisches Textfragment mythologischen Inhalts. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 155-159. 1262. RIEKEN (Elisabeth). Zum hethitisch-luwischen Sprachkontakt in historischer Zeit. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 271-285. 1263. SALLABERGER (Walther), EINWAG (Berthold), OTTO (Adelheid). Schenkungen von Mittani-Königen an die Einwohner von Baúiru. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2006, 96, p. 69-104. 1264. SCHWEMER (Daniel). Zwei hethitische Fragmente. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 237241. 1265. SHATSKOV (Andrew). Some remarks on Hittite infix verbs of the type harni(n)k-. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 286-292. 1266. SINGER (Itamar). Ships bound for Lukka: a new interpretation of the Companion Letters RS 94.2530 and RS 94.2523. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 242-262. 1267. TAGGAR-COHEN (Ada). The NIN.DINGIR in the Hittite kingdom: a Mesopotamian priestly office in Hatti? Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 313327.
1268. YAKUBOVICH (Ilya). The free-standing genetive and hypostasis in Hittite. Journal of Near Eastern studies, 2006, 65, p. 39-49. 1269. YAMADA (Masamichi). The Hittite administration in Emar: the aspect of direct control. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2006, 96, p. 222-234. § 6. Jews and Semitic peoples to the end of the ancient world. _______________________
1270. ACQUARO (Enrico), CERASETTI (Barbara). Pantelleria punica. Saggi critici sui dati archeologici e riflessioni storiche per una nuova generazione di ricerca. Bologna, Ante quem, 2006, 349 p. 1271. ARNAUD (Daniel). Un fragment de lettre en canaanéen: RS 94.2615. Aula orientalis, 2006, 24, p. 7-15. 1272. BEN-SHOMO (David). New evidence of seals and sealings from Philistia. Tel Aviv, 2006, 33, p. 134162. 1273. BEN-TOR (Amnon). Tel Hazor 2006. Israel Exploration Journal, 2006, 56, p. 216-220. 1274. BERLIN (Andrea). Gamla 1. The pottery of the Second Temple period. The Shmarya Gutmann excavations, 19761989. Jerusalem, Israel Antiquities Authority, 2006, VII-181 p. 1275. BOMMAS (Martin). Die hieroglyphischen Texte aus dem Sarg des Tabnit (Arch. Museum Istanbul, InvNr. 800): zur Vergesellschaftung und Performanz von Einzelsprüchen auf spätzeitlichen Särgen. Orientalia, 2006, 75, p. 1-15. 1276. BRON (François). La stèle bilingüe latine et néopunique de Henchir Brighita (KAI 142). Aula orientalis, 2006, 24, p. 143-144. 1277. DĄBROWA (Edward). Religion and politics under the Hasmoneans. In: Altertum und Mittelmeerraum [Cf. n° 1063], p. 113-120. 1278. DEL OLMO LETE (Gregorio). The biconsonantal semitic lexicon. The series /c-X-/. Aula orientalis, 2006, 24, p. 17-56. IDEM. Una 'ventana' en el templo de Baal. Aula orientalis, 2006, 24, p. 177-188. 1279. DEL RÍO SÁNCHEZ (Francisco). Textos epigráficos en Arameo Palmireno, Hatreo y Nabateo. Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, 2006, 123 p. 1280. GARBINI (Giovanni). Introduzione all'epigrafia semitica. Brescia, Paideia, 2006, 417 p. 1281. GOODBLATT (David). Elements of ancient Jewish nationalism. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVI-260 p. 1282. GREENBERG (Raphael), CINAMON (Gilad). Stamped and incised jar handles from Rogen Gannim and their implications for the political economy of Jerusalem, late 8thearly 4th century BCE. Tel Aviv, 2006, 33, p. 229-243.
1283. GZELLA (Holger). Zu den Verlaufsformen für die Gegenwart im Aramäischen. Orientalia, 2006, 75, p. 184-188.
1298. NETZER (Ehud), LAUREYS-CHACHY (Rachel). The architecture of Herod, the great builder. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XIV-443 p.
1284. HAELEWICK (Jean-Claude). Grammaire comparée des langues sémitiques: élements de phonétique, de morphologie et de syntaxe. Bruxelles, Éditions Safran, 2006, 191 p.
1299. OTTO (Adelheid). Das Oberhaupt des westsemitischen Pantheons ohne Abbild? Überlegungen zur Darstellung des Gottes Dagan. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2006, 96, p. 242-268.
1285. HAGGI (Arad). Phoenician Atlit and ist newlyexcavated harbour: a reassessment. Tel Aviv, 2006, 33, p. 43-60. 1286. HAYAJNEH (Hani). The Nabataean camel burial inscription from WƗdƯ Ram/Jordan. Die Welt des Orients, 2006, 36, p. 104-115. 1287. HELTZER (Michael). The Galgnjla family in South Judah and the local sanctuaries. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 164-167. 1288. HERZOG (Ze'ev), SINGER-AVITZ (Lily). Subdividing the Iron age IIA in Northern Israel: a suggested solution to the chronological debate. Tel Aviv, 2006, 33, p. 163-195. 1289. HIRSCHFELD (Yizhar), TEPPER (Yotam). Columbarium towers and other structures in the environs of Shivta. Tel Aviv, 2006, 33, p. 83-116.
1300. SCHIPPER (Friedrich). Jasons Gymnasium in Jerusalem. Griechische Athletik, makkabäische Polemik und die Hellenisierung des Judentums im frühen 2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Überlegungen zu 1. Makk. 1,15. In: Akten des 10. Österreichischen Althistorikertages [Cf. n° 1332], p. 113-126. 1301. SCHRIER (Omert J.). The prehistory of the Fatimid dynasty: some chronological and genealogical remarks. Die Welt des Orients, 2006, 36, p. 143-191. 1302. SHIFMAN (Il'ja Sh.). Karfagen. (Carthage). Compiled with intr. by Igor' R. TANTLEVSKIJ. SanktPeterburg, Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 2006, 517 p. (ill., tabl.; bibl. incl.). 1303. SINGER-AVITZ (Lily). The date of Kuntillet 'Ajrud. Tel Aviv, 2006, 33, p. 196-228. 1304. STEIN (Peter). Träume in antiken Südarabien. Altorientalische Forschungen, 2006, 33, p. 293-312.
1290. KELLER (Daniel), GRAWEHR (Matthias). Petra. Ez Zantur III. Ergebnisse der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Augrabungen. Teil 1. Die Gläser aus Petra. Teil 2. Die Lampen der Grabungen auf ez Zantur in Petra. Mainz, Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2006, 2 vol., 398 p., 99 p.
1305. STRANGE (James F.), LONGSTAFF (Thomas R.W.), GROH (Dennis E.). Excavations at Sepphoris, volume 1. University of South Florida probes in the citadel and villa. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XIX-170 p.
1291. KERR (Richard M.). Mibil. A latin reference to Punic curiae? Die Welt des Orients, 2006, 36, p. 8393. IDEM. The question of the homeland of Balaam again. Die Welt des Orients, 2006, 36, p. 94-103.
1306. STUTZ (Rainer). Drie Hanghäuser in Thugga. Maison des trois Masques, Maison du Labyrinthe, Maison de Dionysos et d'Ulysse. Mainz, Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2006, 94 p.
1292. LEIBNER (Uzi). Identifying Gennesar on the Sea of Galilee. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2006, 19, p. 229-245.
1307. TEBES (Juan Manuel). La terminología diplomática en los oráculos de Amós contra Tiro y Edom (Am 1,9-12). Aula orientalis, 2006, 24, p. 243-253.
1293. LEVENE (Dan). Calvariae magicae: the Berlin, Philadelphia and Moussaieff skulls. Orientalia, 2006, 75, p. 359-379.
1308. TUBACH (Jürgen). Die so genannte BƝl-Triade in Palmyra und ihre Herkunft. In: Altertum und Mittelmeerraum [Cf. n° 1063], p. 195-218.
1294. LEVY (Thomas E.), NAJJAR (Mohammad). Some thoughts on Khirbet en-Nahas, Edom, Biblical history and Anthropologya response to Israel Finkelstein. Tel Aviv, 2006, 33, p. 3-17.
1309. ULLMANN-MARGALIT (Edna). Out of the Cave. A philosophical inquiry into the Dead Sea Scrolls research. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, 160 p.
1295. LEVY (Thomas E.). Archaeology, anthropology, and cult: the sanctuary at Gilat, Israel. London a. Oakville, Equinox, 2006, X-875 p. 1296. LÓPEZ CASTRO (José Luis). Colonials, merchants and alabaster vases: the Western Phoenician aristocracy. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 74-88. 1297. NA'AMAN (Nadav), THAREANI-SUSSELY (Yifat). Dating the appearance of imitation of Assyrian ware in Southern Palestine. Tel Aviv, 2006, 33, p. 6182.
1310. VAN DOMMELEN (Peter). Punic farms and Carthaginian colonists: surveying Punic rural settlement in the central Mediterranean. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2006, 19, p. 7-28. 1311. VIDAL (Jordi). El enfrentamiento entre Tiro y Sidón durante los reinados de Abi-Milki y Zimrida. Ensayo de reconstrucción. Aula orientalis, 2006, 24, p. 255-263. 1312. ZUCKERMAN (S.). Where is the archive of Hazor buried. Biblical archaeology review, 2006, 32, p. 28-37.
54 § 6. Addendum 2005.
1313. GÜNTHER (Linda-Marie). Herodes der Große. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2005, 278 p. § 7. Iran. _______________________
1314. AMIET (Pierre). Bronzes oubliés de Suse. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 2006, 100, p. 71-74. 1315. ARATA (L.). Medical aspects of the encounter between Greece and the Persian Empire. Iranica antiqua, 2006, 41, p. 119-126. 1316. ARNOLD (Bill T.), MICHALOWSKI (Piotr). Achaemenid period historical texts concerning Mesopotamia. In: Ancient Near East (The) [Cf. n° 1064], p. 407-430. 1317. BELLONI (Luigi). Un inganno regale (Erodoto III 65, 6). Nomos e pathos nella figura di Cambise. La parola del passato, 2006, 61, p. 279-293.
(Bruno). The archaeometallurgy of War Kabud, Western Iran. Iranica antiqua, 2006, 41, p. 31-58. 1321. HAERINCK (Ernie), OVERLAET (Bruno). Luristan excavation documents. Vol. 6. Bani Surmah: an early Bronze age graveyard in Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan. Leuven, Peeters, 2006, 181 p. 1322. JÄGER (Ulf). Rhyta im präislamischen Zentralasien (4.8. Jh. n. Chr.), Form und Verwendung Einfache Trinkgefässe oder Libationsgefässe in synkretistischen Religionssystemen? Iranica antiqua, 2006, 41, p. 187-220. 1323. JAKUBIAK (Krysztof). The origin and the development of military architecture in the province of Parthava in the Arsacid period. Iranica antiqua, 2006, 41, p. 127-150. 1324. JANMZADEH (P.). Reflections from Persepolis in a mirror for princess. Iranica antiqua, 2006, 41, p. 71-78. 1325. KNAUSS (Florian). Ancient Persia and the Caucasus. Iranica antiqua, 2006, 41, p. 79-118. 1326. RUBERTO (Antonella). Entimo di Gortina alla corte di Artaserse II. Ktema, 2006, 31, p. 341-344.
1318. DUNN-VATURI (Anne-Elizabeth), SCHÄDLER (Ulrich). Nouvelles perspectives sur les jeux à la lumière de plateaux du Kerman. Iranica antiqua, 2006, 41, p. 1-30.
1327. SOUDAVAR (A.). The significance of AV. þiࢡra, OP. þiça, MP. þihr, and NP. þehr, for the Iranian Cosmogony of Light. Iranica antiqua, 2006, 41, p. 151-186.
1319. FEDOROV (Michael). Returning to the Sogdian incense-burner of the late VIIearly VIII c. AD. A Portrait of Ikhshid Varkhuman? Iranica antiqua, 2006, 41, p. 221-232.
1328. VERHECKEN-LAMMENS (Chris), DE MOOR (Antoine), OVERLAET (Bruno). Radio-Carbon dated silk road Samites in the collection of Katoen Natie, Antwerp. Iranica antiqua, 2006, 41, p. 233-302.
1320. FLEMING (S. J.), PIGOTT (Vincent C.), SWANN (C. P.), NASH (S. K.), HAERINCK (Ernie), OVERLAET
1329. WATERS (Matthew). A Neo-Elamite royal family. Iranica antiqua, 2006, 41, p. 59-70.
§ 1. Classical world in general. 1330-1366. – § 2. Prehellenic epoch. 1367-1383. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1384-1426. – § 4. General and political history. 1427-1473. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 1474-1490. – § 6. Economic and social history. 1491-1533. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and sciences). 1534-1741. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 1742-1772. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 1773-1817. § 1. Classical world in general. * 1330. Année (L') philologique. Bibliographie critique et analytique de l'antiquité gréco-latine. Publiée par la Société internationale de bibliographie classique. Tome LXXV: bibliographie de l'année 2004 et compléments d'années antérieures. [Tome LXXIV. 2003. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 1369.] Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2006, LXIV-1780 p. * 1331. MALITZ (Jürgen), WEBER (Gregor). Gnomon Bibliographische Datenbank. Internationales Informationssystem für die Klassische Altertumswissenschaft. In Zusammenarbeit mit Gregor WEBER. Zwölftes Up-date. Stand April 2006. München, C. H. Beck, 2006, 1 CD ROM. _______________________
1332. Akten des 10. Österreichischen Althistorikertages. Salzburg, 11.1113.11.2004. Hrsg. v. Monika FRASS, Kurt GENSER, Herbert GRAßL, Georg NIGHos TINGALE. Wien, Phoibos, 2006, 145 p. [Cf. n 1014, 1034, 1300, 1373, 1375, 1742.] 1333. ALBINI (Umberto). A tu per tu con gli antichi. Bari, Levante editori, 2006, 175 p. 1334. Antichnaja tsivilizatsija i varvary. (The ancient civilization and the barbarians: Articles). Ed. Ljudmila P. MARINOVICH. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 355 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.). 1335. BELTRAMETTI (Anna). Pensare, raccontare, rappresentare la violenza. Anche questo abbiamo imparato dai Greci? In: Dissimulazioni della violenza nella Grecia antica [Cf. n° 1345], p. 13-36. 1336. BERRINO (Nicoletta Francesca). Mulier potens: realtà femminili nel mondo antico. Galatina, Congedo editore, 2006, 198 p. 1337. BLÁSQUEZ (Josè M.). El Mediterráneo. Historia, arqueología, religión, arte. Madrid, Cátedra, 2006, 445 p.
1338. BOFFA (Giovanni). Eretma kai ptera. Osservazioni sull'immaginario greco della nave in età geometrica. La parola del passato, 2006, 61, p. 41-68. 1339. BOTTINI (Angelo). Musa pensosa: l'immagine dell'intellettuale nell'antichità. Milano, Mondadori Electa, 2006, 253 p. 1340. BURKERT (Walter). Ritual between ethology and post-modern aspects: philological-historical notes. In: Ritual and communication in the Graeco-Roman world [Cf. n° 1359], p. 23-35. 1341. Changing face (The) of Judaism, Christianity, and other Greco-Roman religions in Antiquity. Ed. by Ian H. HENDERSON and Gerbern S. OEGEMA (Eds.), with the assistance of Sara PARKS RICKER. Gütersloh, Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2006, XII-551 p. (Studien zu den Jüdischen Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit, 2). 1342. Classical pasts. The classical traditions of Greece and Rome. Ed. by James I. PORTER. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2006, XIII-450 p. 1343. DARBO-PESCHANSKI (Catherine). Arche et archaïsme. Ktema, 2006, 31, p. 51-64. 1344. DE BERNARDO STEMPEL (Patrizia). Las lenguas célticas en la investigación: cuatro observaciones metodológicas. Cuadernos de filología clásica, 2006, 16, p. 5-21. 1345. Dissimulazioni della violenza nella Grecia antica. A cura di Giampiera RAINA. Como e Pavia, Ibis, 246 p. [Cf. nos 1335, 1658, 1725, 1735, 1764.] 1346. DUNCAN (Anne). Performance and identity in the classical world. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, VIII-242 p. 1347. Frühe (Das) Sparta. Hrsg. v. Andreas LUTHER, Mischa MEIER, Lukas THOMMEN. Stuttgart, Steiner,
2006, 224 p. [Cf. nos 1483, 1484, 1518, 1527, 1533, 1771.]
ad Ambrogio Lorenzetti. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2006, 134, p. 404-428.
1348. Genei no Rǀma: 'Dentǀ' no keishǀ to imƝji no henyǀ. (Representation of Rome: from antiquity to modern times). Ed. Rekisigaku Kenkyukai. Tokyo, Aoki Shoten, 2006, 429 p.
1361. SEBILLOTTE CUCHET (Violaine). Affectif et politique: la question de l'attachement individuel à la cité. Revue des études anciennes, 2006, 108, p. 115-132.
1349. GULDAGER BILDE (Pia), STOLBA (Vladimir F.). Surveying the Greek chora. Black Sea region in a comparative perspective. Aarhus, Aarhus U. P., 2006, 346 p. 1350. LÓPEZ FÉREZ (Juan Antonio). Los celtas en la literatura griega de los siglos VII a.C. Cuadernos de filología clásica, 2006, 16, p. 45-84. 1351. MILLAR (Fergus). Rome, the Greek world, and the East. Vol. 3. The Greek world, the Jews, and the East. Ed. by Hannah M. COTTON and Guy M. ROGERS. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XXVII-516 p. 1352. MITINA (Svetlana I.). Regulirovanie mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenij epokhi ellinizma. (The regulation of international relations in the Hellenistic world). Velikij Novgorod, Izd-vo NovGU im. Jaroslava Mudrogo, 2006, 464 p. (bibl. p. 435-458). 1353. MUSTI (Domenico). Dallo scudo di Achille alla Domus Aurea. La forma ideale della città tra Grecia e Roma. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2006, 134, p. 385-403. IDEM. Fondazioni coloniali su istmi e stretti. In: 'Trojaner sind wir gewesen' [Cf. n° 1364], p. 70-76. 1354. NAIDEN (F.S.). Ancient supplication. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XIV-426 p. 1355. Ors (Les) des mondes Grec et 'barbare'. Actes du colloque de la Société d'Archéologie Classique du 18 novembre 2000. Ed. par Gérard NICOLINI. Paris, Picard 2006, 261 p. [Cf. nos 1177, 1371, 1377, 1810, 1815.] 1356. PAYEN (Pascal). Archaïsme et époque archaïque en Grèce ancienne. Remarques sur la constitution d'une origin (XVIeXXe siècles). Ktema, 2006, 31, p. 17-32. 1357. Peuplements et genèses dialectales dans la Grèce antique. Ed. par Claude BRIXHE et Guy VOTTÉRO. Nancy, A.D.R.A. et Paris, de Boccard, 2006, 181 p. [Cf. nos 1547, 1554, 1605, 1685.] 1358. Rethinking revolutions through ancient Greece. Ed. by Simon GOLDHILL and Robin OSBORNE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XV-319 p. [Cf. nos 1427, 1450, 1499, 1500, 1578, 1709, 1720, 1756, 1759, 1785.]
1362. Severnoe Prichernomor'e v epokhu antichnosti i srednevekov'ja: Pamjati N. P. Sorokinoj: Sbornik nauchnykh statej. (The North Black Sea Region in the Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Articles dedicated to the memory of Nina P. Sorokina). Ed. Denis V. ZHURAVLEV. Moskva, Gos. ist. muzej, 2006, 304 p. (ill., portr., maps; bibl. of works of N.P. Sorokiana p. 7-11; bibl. incl.). (Trudy Gos. ist. muzeja; 159) [Contents : BLAVATSKAJA (T.V.). O podatnom oblozhenii i o dolzhnikakh atticheskoj kazny v IX–VII vv. do. n.e. (On the taxation and the debtors of the Attic treasury in the 9th– 7th centuries B.C.), p. 47-55. – KRAPIVINA (V.V.). Novye dannye o kul'te Afrodity v Ol'vii. (New data on Aphrodite's cult in Pontic Olbia), p. 188-198 (ill.). – RUSJAEVA (A.S.). Polisnye traditsii i vlijanija v kul'ture Khersonesa Tavricheskogo v rimskuju epokhu. (Polis traditions and influences in the culture of Chersonesos Taurica in the Roman time), p. 56-75 (ill., tabl.). – SAPRYKIN (S.Ju.). K voprosu o sarmatizatsii Bospora rubezha nashej ery. (On the sarmatization of Cimmerian Bosporus c. 1 A.D.), p. 236-244]. 1363. SPATHARAS (Dimos). Persuasive gelos. Public speaking and the use of laughter. Mnemosyne, 2006, 59, p. 374-387. 1364. 'Trojaner sind wir gewesen'. Migrationen in der antiken Welt. Stuttgarter Kolloquium zur historischen Geographie des Altertums 8, 2002. Hrsg. v. Eckart OLSHAUSEN und Holger SONNABEND. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 431 p. [Cf. nos 1086, 1098, 1353, 1399, 1429, 1440, 1523, 1687.] 1365. ZBEROVSKIJ (Andrej V.). Osmyslenie vlasti v obshchestvennom soznanii v period rastsveta antichnykh demokraticheskikh polisov: Sotsial'no-filosofskij analiz. (The understanding of power during the golden age of Antique democratic polis: a social and philosophical analysis). Krasnojarsk, [s. n.], 2006, 281 p. (bibl. p. 250-281). § 1. Addendum 2005. 1366. Cultural borrowings and ethnic appropriation in Antiquity. Ed. by Erich S. GRUEN. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2005, 314 p. (Oriens et Occidens, 8). Cf. nos 178, 213 § 2. Prehellenic epoch. _______________________
1359. Ritual and communication in the GraecoRoman world. Ed. by Eftychia STAVRIANOPOULOU. Liège, Centre international d'étude de la Religion Greque antique, 2006, 350 p. [Cf. n os 1152, 1340, 1516, 1520, 1653, 1804.]
1367. Ancient Greece: from the Mycenaean palaces to the age of Homer. Ed. by Sigrid DEGER-JALKOTZY and Irene S. LEMOS. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2006, XXIII-695 p. (Edinburgh Leventis Studies, 3).
1360. SANTUCCI (Marco). I "sapienti pensieri" e la "bellissima inventiva". Immagini della città da Omero
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§ 3. Sources and criticism of sources. _______________________
a. Epigraphical sources * 1384. GAUTHIER (Philippe), DUBOIS (Laurent). Bulletin epigraphique. Revue des études grecques, 2006, 119, p. 609-764. [2005, 118. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 1403.] * 1385. Supplementum epigraphicum Graecum (SEG) 2002, 52. [2001, 51. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 1404.] Ed. by Angelos CHANIOTIS, Thomas CORSTEN, Ronald S. STROUD and Rolf A. TYBOUT. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, XXXV-905 p. _______________________
1386. BYRNE (Maurice A.), LABARRE (Guy). Nouvelles inscriptions d'Antioche de Pisidie d'après les Note-books de W.M. Ramsay. Bonn, Habelt, 2006, 163 p. 1387. DEL CORSO (Lucio). Scuola e società nel mondo greco in età ellenistica: la testimonianza delle iscrizioni. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 63, p. 249-281. 1388. GAUTHIER (Philippe). Les décrets de Colophon-sur-Mer en l'honneur des Attalides Athènaios et Philétairos. Revue des études grecques, 2006, 119, p. 473-503. 1389. HAAKE (Matthias). Ein athenisches Ehrendekret für Aristoteles? Die Rhetorik eines pseudo-epigraphischen Dokuments und die Logik seiner 'Geschichte'. Klio, 2006, 88, p. 328-350. 1390. JONES (Christopher P.). A letter of Hadrian to Naryka (Eastern Locris). Journal of Roman archaeology, 2006, 19, p. 151-162. 1391. KNOEPFLER (Denis). L'inscription de Naryka (Locride) au Musée du Louvre: la dernière lettre publique de l'empereur Hadrien? (Première partie). Revue des études grecques, 2006, 119, p. 1-34. 1392. MANGANARO (Giacomo). Pallina bronzea inscritta da Terina (?) al Museo di Siracusa e il 'catalogo' delle reclute nel santuario poliade a Camarina e Siracusa nel V sec. a.C. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2006, 134, p. 139-149. 1393. MAREK (Christian). Die Inschriften von Kaunos. München, Beck, 2006, XIII-416 p. 1394. MARTÍNEZ FERNÁNDEZ (A.), TSATSAKI (N.), KAPRANOS (N.). Una inscripción inédita de Chamalevri, Creta. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2006, 157, p. 87-94. 1395. MASSAR (Natacha). Genealogia, Archaiologia: un catalogue à la gloire du sanctuaire d'Athéna Lindia. Kernos, 2006, 19, p. 229-245. 1396. NEWBY (Zahra), LEADER-NEWBY (Ruth). Art and inscriptions in the ancient world. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVII-303 p. 1397. O'NEIL (James L.). Doric forms in Macedonian inscriptions. Glotta, 2006, 82, p. 192-210.
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1406. Voprosy epigrafiki. (Questions of epigraphy: [Articles]). Ed. Aleksandr G. AVDEEV. Vol. 1. Un-t Dmitrija Pozharskogo. Moskva, Rus. fond sodejstvija obrazovaniju i nauke, 2006, 247 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.). [English summaries and table of contents].
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1407. WALTON (Chris). Foreign judges in the hellenistic Cyclades. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2006, 157, p. 117-123. 1408. ZIZZA (Cesare). Le iscrizioni nella Periegesi di Pausania. Commento ai testi epigrafici. Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2006, 514 p. b. Literary sources 1409. [Anthologia Graeca] SCHULTE (Hendrich). Paralipomena Cycli. Epigramme aus der Sammlung des Agathias. Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar. Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2006, 95 p. 1410. [Aristophanes] MASTROMARCO (Giuseppe), TOTARO (Piero). Commedie di Aristofane. Torino, UTET, 2006, 709 p. 1411. [Diodorus Siculus] GOUKOWSKY (Paul). Diodore de Sicile. Bibliothèque historique. Fragments. Tome II. Livres XXI-XXVI. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2006, XXXIV-296 p. 1412. [Diodorus Siculus] GREEN (Peter). Diodorus Siculus. Books 11-12,37,1. Greek history, 480431 BC. The alternative version. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2006, XXII-312 p.
1424. [Plotinus] MAC GROARTY (Kieran). Plotinus on Eudaimonia. A commentary on Ennead l.4. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XXIII-236 p. 1425. [Polybius] BORGOGNO (Alberto). Polibio. Storie. I-III. Roma, Aracne, 2006, 1021 p. 1426. [Simonides] BRAVI (Luigi). Gli epigrammi di Simonide e le vie della tradizione. Roma, Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 2006, 179 p. Cf. nos 432, 1534-1741 § 4. General and political history. _______________________
1427. ALLEN (Danielle). Talking about revolution: on political change in fourth-century Athens and historiographic method. In: Rethinking revolutions through ancient Greece [Cf. n° 1358], p. 183-217. 1428. BALOT (Ryan K.). Greek political thought. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, XIII-353 p. 1429. BINTLIFF (John). Multiethnicity and population movement in ancient Greece: alternatives to a world of 'red-figure' people. In: 'Trojaner sind wir gewesen' [Cf. n° 1364], p. 108-114. 1430. BOSWORTH (A. Brian). Alexander the Great and the creation of the Hellenistic age. In: Cambridge
companion (The) to the Hellenistic world [Cf. n° 1432], p. 9-27.
Continuity or change? Athenaeum, 2006, 94, p. 543561.
1431. BRACCESI (Lorenzo). L'Alessandro occidentale: il Macedone a Roma. Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2006, 320 p.
1447. LINDSAY ADAMS (Winthrop). The Hellenistic kingdoms. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the Hellenistic world [Cf. n° 1432], p. 28-51.
1432. Cambridge companion (The) to the Hellenistic world. Ed. by Glenn R. BUGH. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXIX-371 p. [Cf. nos 1430, 1447, 1458, 1459, 1488, 1495, 1501, 1512, 1613, 1644, 1708, 1732, 1765, 1808, 1812.]
1448. MADER (Gottfried). Fighting Philip with decrees: Demosthenes and the syndrome of symbolic action. American journal of philology, 2006, 127, p. 367-386.
1433. CARTLEDGE (Paul), DEBNAR (Paula). Sparta and the Spartans in Thucydides. In: Brill's companion to Thucydides [Cf. n° 426], p. 559-587. 1434. DAYTON (John C.). The athletes of war. An evaluation of the agonistic elements in Greek warfare. Toronto, Kent, 2006, 200 p.
1449. MITTAG (Peter Franz). Antiochos IV. Epiphanes. Eine politische Biographie. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2006, 429 p. 1450. OSBORNE (Robin). When was the Athenian democratic revolution? In: Rethinking revolutions through ancient Greece [Cf. n° 1358], p. 10-28.
1435. DMITRIEV (Sviatoslav). Cappadocian dynastic rearrangements on the eve of the first Mithridatic war. Historia, 2006, 55, p. 285-297.
1451. PAZDERA (Martin). Getreide für Griechenland. Untersuchungen zu den Ursachen der Versorgungskrisen im Zeitalter Alexanders des Großen und der Diadochen. Berlin, Lit, 2006, XII-386 p. (Antike Kultur und Geschichte, 9).
1436. DUMITRU (Adrian). Byzance et les Philippe de Macédoine. Revue des études grecques, 2006, 119, p. 139-156.
1452. RAAFLAUB (Kurt). Thucydides on democracy and oligarchy. In: Brill's companion to Thucydides [Cf. n° 426], p. 189-222.
1437. FACELLA (Margherita). La dinastia degli Orontidi nella Commagene ellenistico-romana. Pisa, Giardini editori e stampatori, 2006, 495 p.
1453. RHODES (Peter John). A history of the classical Greek world 478323 BC. Malden, Oxford a. Carlton, Blackwell, 2006, 407 p. IDEM. Thucydides and Athenian history. In: Brill's companion to Thucydides [Cf. n° 426], p. 523-546.
1438. FLAIG (Egon). Das hinkende Königtum und Spartas Niedergang. Vom Deutungsrisiko zur Unheilsbewältigung. Klio, 2006, 88, p. 44-79. 1439. Frühe Sparta (Das). Hrsg. v. Andreas LUTHER, Mischa MEIER und Lukas THOMMEN. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 224 p. 1440. GABELKO (Oleg L.). 'Phaennis' oracle' (Zosim. II 36-37) and the Galatians' passage to Asia Minor. In: 'Trojaner sind wir gewesen' [Cf. n° 1364], p. 211-228. 1441. Greek colonisation. An account of Greek colonies and other settlements overseas. Vol. 1. Ed. by Gocha R. TSETSKHLADZE. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, LXXXIII-564 p. (Mnemosyne, 193). 1442. HANSEN (Mogens Herman). Polis. An introduction to the ancient Greek city-state. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, VIII-237 p. 1443. HARRIS (Edward M.). Democracy and the rule of law in Classical Athens. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXXII-486 p. 1444. HECKEL (Waldemar). Who's who in the age of Alexander the Great. Prosopography of Alexander's empire. Malden, Oxford a. Carlton, Blackwell, 2006, 389 p.
1454. RICHER (Nicolas). Sparte et son commencement. Ktema, 2006, 31, p. 65-78. 1455. ROISMAN (Joseph). The rhetoric of conspiracy in ancient Athens. Berkeley, Los Angeles a. London, California U. P., 2006, XIV-199 p. 1456. SCHILLER (Alex K.). Multiple gentile affiliations and the Athenian response to Roman domination. Historia, 2006, 55, p. 264-284. 1457. SCHMITT-PANTEL (Pauline). Moeurs et identité politique à Athènes au Ve siecle: l'exemple des gouvernants d'après Plutarque. Revue des études anciennes, 2006, 108, p. 79-99. 1458. SHIPLEY (D. Graham J.), HANSEN (Mogens Herman). The polis and federalism. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the Hellenistic world [Cf. n° 1432], p. 52-72. 1459. SHIPLEY (D. Graham J.). Recent trends and new directions. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the Hellenistic world [Cf. n° 1432], p. 315-326.
1445. HERMAN (Gabriel). Morality and behaviour in democratic Athens. A social History. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVII-472 p.
1460. SMIRNOV (Dmitrij I.). Periferija ellinskoj ojkumeny na zapade Ponta Evksinskogo (VII–V vv. do n.e.). (A periphery of Greek populated universe: the West of Pontus Euxinos in the 7th–5th centuries B.C.). Shadrinsk. gos. ped. in-t. Shadrinsk, Iset', 2006, 211 p. (maps.; bibl. p. 179-206).
1446. KRALLI (Ioanna). Aspects of Athenian military command under the Antigonids (262229 B.C.).
1461. Solon of Athens. New historical and philological approaches. Ed. by Josine H. BLOK and André
P. M. H. LARDINOIS. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, VIII-476 p. (Mnemosyne, Suppl. 272).
§ 5. History of law and institutions.
1462. Sparta and war. Ed. by Stephen HODKINSON and Anton POWELL. Swansea, Classical Press of Wales, 2006, XXI-309 p.
1474. ASMONTI (Luca). The Arginusae trial, the changing role of 'strategoi' and the relationship between 'demos' and military leadership in late-fifth century Athens. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 2006, 49, p. 1-22.
1463. SURIKOV (Igor' E.). Ostrakizm v Afinakh. (Ostracism in Athens). RAN, In-t vseobshchej istorii. Ed. Ljudmila P. MARINOVICH. Moskva, Jazyki slavjanskikh kul'tur, 2006, 636 p. (portr.; ill.; bibl. p. 555-594, pers. ind. p. 597-615). [English summary]. 1464. SUTO (Yoshiyuki). Kodai Girishia: Chichnjkai e no tenkai. (Ancient Greek: the expansion to the Mediterranean). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2006, 435 p. 1465. TAUSEND (Klaus). Verkehrswege der Argolis. Rekonstruktion und historische Bedeutung. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 226 p. 1466. Transferts culturels et politique dans le monde hellénistique. Actes de la table ronde sur les identités collectives (Sorbonne, 7 février 2004). Ed. par JeanChristophe COUVENHES et Bernard LEGRAS. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2006, 188 p. (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 86). 1467. TSIGARIDA (Isabella). Solon – Begründer der Demokratie? Eine Untersuchung der sogenannten Mischverfassung Solons von Athen und deren "demokratischer" Bestandteile. Bern, Berlin u. Bruxelles, Lang, 2006, 169 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften 3, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 1031). 1468. UZHENTSEV (Vladislav B.). Elliny i varvary prekrasnoj gavani: Kalos Limen v IV v. do n.e.–II v. n.e. Materialy po arkheologii Kryma. (Greeks and Barbarians in the Beautiful Harbour: Kalos Limen in the 4th century B.C.–the 2nd century A.D.: materials for the archaeology of the Crimea). NAN Ukrainy, Krymskij f-l, In-t arkheologii, etc. Simferopol', SONAT, 2006, 247 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 227-242). 1469. VATTUONE (Riccardo). Historie: lezioni introduttive al corso di storia greca. Bologna, Patron, 2006, 99 p. 1470. VINOGRADOV (Jurij A.). Schastlivyj gorod v vojne: Voennaja istorija Ol'vii Pontijskoj (VI v. do n.e.– IV v. n.e.). (The Happy City in wars: military history of Pontic Olbia, the 6th century B.C.–the 4th century A.D.). Sankt-Peterburg, Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie, 2006, 255 p. (ill.; maps; bibl. p. 234-244). (Militaria antiqua). [English summary]. 1471. WATERFIELD (Robin). Xenophon's retreat. Greece, Persia and the end of the Golden Age. London, Faber and Faber, 2006, XIII-248 p. 1472. WILL (Wolfgang). Der Untergang von Melos. Bonn, Habelt, 2006, 170 p. (Machtpolitik im Urteil des Thukydides und einiger Zeitgenossen). 1473. ZAHRNT (Michael). Macedonia and Thrace in Thucydides. In: Brill's companion to Thucydides [Cf. n° 426], p. 589-614. Cf. nos 1352, 1362, 1365
1475. BEARZOT (Cinzia). Diritto e retorica nella polis democratica ateniese. Dike, 2006, 9, p. 129-155. 1476. BERTRAND (Jean-Marie). Quelques réflexions sur la façon dont Platon fait parler les lois. Dike, 2006, 9, p. 93-105. 1477. FARAGUNA (Michele). Tra oralità e scrittura. Diritto e forme della comunicazione dai poemi omerici a Teofrasto. Dike, 2006, 9, p. 63-91. 1478. FARENGA (Vincent). Citizen and self in ancient Greece. Individuals performing justice and the law. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, IX-592 p. 1479. FERRUCCI (Stefano). L'"oikos" nel diritto attico. Pubblico, privato e individuale nella democrazia ateniese classica. Dike, 2006, 9, p. 183-210. 1480. HARRIS (Edward M.). The rule of law in Athenian democracy. Reflections on the judicial oath. Dike, 2006, 9, p. 157-181. 1481. KENNELL (Nigel M.). Ephebeia. A register of Greek Cities with citizen training systems in the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Hildesheim, Weidmann, 2006, XXI-178 p. (Nikephoros, 12). 1482. LANNI (Adriaan). Law and justice in the courts of Classical Athens. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2006, X-210 p. 1483. LUTHER (Andreas). Der Name der Volksversammlung in Sparta. In: Frühe (Das) Sparta [Cf. n° 1347], p. 73-88. 1484. MAFFI (Alberto). Gli studi di diritto greco. Dike, 2006, 9, p. 9-22. IDEM. Recht und Rechtsprechung in Sparta. In: Frühe (Das) Sparta [Cf. n° 1347], p. 63-72. 1485. OSBORNE (Michael J.). The eponymous archons af Athens from 300/299 to 286/5. Ancient society, 2006, 36, p. 69-80. 1486. SILVER (Morris). Slaves versus free hired workers in ancient Greece. Historia, 2006, 55, p. 257263. 1487. STAVRIANOPOULOU (Eftychia). "Gruppenbild mit Dame". Untersuchungen zur rechtlichen und sozialen Stellung der Frau auf den Kykladen im Hellenismus und in der römischen Kaiserzeit. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 375 p. (Heidelbergeralthistorische Beiträge und epigraphische Studien, 42). 1488. THOMPSON (Dorothy J.). The Hellenistic family. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the Hellenistic world [Cf. n° 1432], p. 93-112.
6. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY 1489. THÜR (Gerhard). Die Einheit des "Griechischen Rechts". Gedanken zum Prozessrecht in den griechischen Poleis. Dike, 2006, 9, p. 23-62. 1490. WALLACE (Robert W.). The legal regulation of private conduct at Athens. Two controversies on freedom. Dike, 2006, 9, p. 107-128. § 6. Economic and social history. _______________________
1491. Approches de l'économie hellénistique. Ed. par Raymond DESCAT. Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges, Musée archéologique de Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges, 2006, 454 p. 1492. BATTINI (Michele), FRANZONI (Claudio), SALADINO (Vincenzo), SETTIS (Salvatore). A proposito di "Schemata. Comunicazione non verbale nella Grecia antica", di M. Luisa Catoni. Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 123, 3, p. 671-702. 1493. BIRASCHI (Anna Maria). Un'ipotesi sulle ectemori. La parola del passato, 2006, 61, p. 264-270. 1494. BRÜGGENBROCK (Christel). Die Ehre in den Zeiten der Demokratie. Das Verhältnis von athenischer Polis und Ehre in klassischer Zeit. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 354 p. (Historische Semantik, 8).
1504. EICH (Armin). Die politische Ökonomie des antiken Griechenland, 6.3. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2006, VIII-659 p. (Passauer Historische Forschungen, 14). 1505. ERCOLES (Marco). Synaulia: storia di una pratica musicale e vicissitudini di un termine. Eikasmos, 2006, 17, p. 339-370. 1506. FERRERI (Luigi). Della giusta misura del bere (Anacreonte, fr. 356 Page). La parola del passato, 2006, 61, p. 185-219. 1507. FEYEL (Christophe). Les artisans dans les sanctuaires grecs aux époques classique et hellénistique à travers la documentation financière en Grèce. Athènes, École française d'Athènes et Paris, de Boccard, 2006, 572 p. 1508. GANCI (Raffaella). Inclusione, esclusione, mediazione. I Mini a Sparta. Ancient society, 2006, 36, p. 263-285. 1509. GARCÍA ROMERO (Fernando). Violencia de los espectadores en el deporte griego antiguo. Cuadernos de filología clásica, 2006, 16, p. 139-156. 1510. GÖTTLICHER (Arvid). Seefahrt in der Antike. Das Schiffswesen bei Herodot. Darmstadt Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006, 192 p.
1495. BUGH (Glenn R.). Hellenistic military developments. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the Hellenistic world [Cf. n° 1432], p. 265-294.
1511. GRECO (Giovanna). Riti e forme dell'iniziazione al femminile tra evidenze letterarie ed evidenze materiali. Atene e Roma, 2006, 51, p. 97-108.
1496. CHRIST (Matthew R.). The bad citizen in classical Athens. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XI250 p.
1512. GRUEN (Erich S.). Greeks and non-Greeks. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the Hellenistic world [Cf. n° 1432], p. 295-314.
1497. CHRISTESEN (Paul). Xenophon's "Cyropaedia" and military reform in Sparta. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2006, 126, p. 47-65.
1513. HANSEN (Mogens Herman). Studies in the Population of Aigina, Athens and Eretria. København, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab a. Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2006, 99 p. (Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser, 94). IDEM. The shotgun method. The demography of the ancient city-state culture. Columbia a. London, Missouri U. P., 2006, IX-140 p.
1498. COMPATANGELO-SOUSSIGNAN (Rita). Les Italiens à Délos et l'économie de l'Italie méridionale au IIe s. av. n.é. Athenaeum, 2006, 94, p. 167-198. 1499. D'ANGOUR (Armand). The new music-so what's new? In: Rethinking revolutions through ancient Greece [Cf. n° 1358], p. 264-283. 1500. DAVIDSON (James). Revolutions in human times: age-class in Athens and the Greekness of Greek revolutions. In: Rethinking revolutions through ancient Greece [Cf. n° 1358], p. 29-67. 1501. DAVIES (John K.). Hellenistic economies. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the Hellenistic world [Cf. n° 1432], p. 73-92. 1502. DE ANGELIS (Franco). Going against the grain in Sicilian Greek economics. Greece and Rome, 2006, 53, p. 29-47. 1503. DUPLOUY (Alain). Le prestige des élites. Recherches sur les modes de reconnaissance sociale en Grèce entre les Xe et Ve siècles avant J.-C. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2006, 418 p.
1514. HARTMANN (Elke), SCHAEFFER (Clemens). Preisrichter oder Publikum? Zur Urteilsfindung in den dramatischen Wettkämpfen des klassischen Athen. Klio, 2006, 88, p. 96-116. 1515. HASHIMOTO (Motohisa). Herenizumu-jidaishotǀ Atenai no kenshǀ-seido no henyǀ: Megistai timai wo megutte. (Changes in higher honorary decrees in the late classical and early Hellenistic Athens). Shigaku Zasshi, 2006, 115, 10, p. 37-59. [Eng. Summary]. 1516. KUHN (Annika B.). Ritual change during the reign of Demetrius Poliorcetes. In: Ritual and communication in the Graeco-Roman world [Cf. n° 1359], p. 265-281. 1517. LINK (Stefan). Zur Enstehungsgeschichte der spartanischen Krypteia. Klio, 2006, 88, p. 34-43.
1518. MEIER (Mischa). Wann entstand das Homoios-Ideal in Sparta? In: Frühe (Das) Sparta [Cf. n° 1347], p. 113-124. 1519. MERTENS (Dieter). Städte und Bauten der Westgriechen. Von der Koloniasationszeit bis zur Krise um 400 vor Christus. München, Hirmer, 2006, 464 p. 1520. NAEREBOUT (Frederick G.). Moving events. Dance at public events in the ancient Greek world. Thinking through ist implications. In: Ritual and communication in the Graeco-Roman world [Cf. n° 1359], p. 37-67. 1521. PINTO (Pasquale Massimo). La biblioteca di Isocrate. Note sulla circolazione dei libri e sul lavoro intellettuale nel IV secolo a.C. Segno e testo, 2006, 4, p. 51-70. 1522. REVERMANN (Martin). The competence of theatre audiences in fifth- and fourth-century Athens. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2006, 126, p. 99-124. 1523. ROSENBERGER (Veit). Die geographische Herkunft der Klienten des delphischen Orakels. In: 'Trojaner sind wir gewesen' [Cf. n° 1364], p. 194-199. 1524. ROTROFF (Susan I.), LAMBERTON (Robert D.). Women in the Athenian agora. Athens, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2006, 56 p. 1525. SACHS (Gerd). Die Siedlungsgeschichte der Messenier. Vom Beginn der geometrischen bis zum Ende der hellenistischen Epoche. Hamburg, Kovac, 2006, 261 p. (Antiquitates, 35). 1526. SAINT-PIERRE (Catherine). Offrandes orientales de prestige et notion d'archaïsme à la haute époque archaïque. Ktema, 2006, 31, p. 111-122. 1527. SCHMITZ (Winfried). Die Macht über die Sprache. Kommunikation, Politik und soziale Ordnung in Sparta. In: Frühe (Das) Sparta [Cf. n° 1347], p. 89-111. 1528. STEIN-HÖLKESKAMP (Elke). Im Land der Kirke und der Kyklopen. Immigranten und Indigene in den süditalischen Siedlungen des 8. und 7. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Klio, 2006, 88, p. 311-327. 1529. STRASSER (Jean-Yves). L'épreuve artistique dia panton. Historia, 2006, 55, p. 298-327. 1530. TALAMO (Clara). Su I vigneti in Grecia. La parola del passato, 2006, 61, p. 321-336. 1531. TSAKMAKIS (Antonios). Leaders, crowds, and the power of the image: political communication in Thucydides. In: Brill's companion to Thucydides [Cf. n° 426], p. 161-187. 1532. TULLY (John). Democracy in action: officeholding in fourth century Athens. Pytheas of Alopece and the Panathenaic quadrennium. Historia, 2006, 55, p. 504-508. 1533. WELWEI (Karl-Wilhelm). Überlegungen zur frühen Helotie in Lakonien. In: Frühe (Das) Sparta [Cf. n° 1347], p. 29-41. Cf. no 1362
§ 7. History of literature, philosophy and science. _______________________
a. Literature 1534. ALBALADEJO VIVERO (Manuel). El logos sobre Focea en la Historia de Heródoto. Klio, 2006, 88, p. 80-95. 1535. ALLAN (William). Divine justice and cosmic order in early Greek epic. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2006, 126, p. 1-35. 1536. AMENDOLA (Stefano). Donne e preghiera. Le preghiere dei personaggi femminili nelle tragedie superstiti di Eschilo. Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2006, 135 p. 1537. AMERIO (Maria Luisa). Appiano in Fozio. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 64, p. 303-309. 1538. ANTONELLI (Luca). Commento storico a Licofrone (Alex. 1034-1046). Hespería, 2006, 21, p. 199-208. 1539. ARRIGHETTI (Graziano). Poesia, poetiche e storia nella riflessione dei Greci. Pisa, Giardini editori e stampatori, 2006, XV-512 p. 1540. AUSTIN (Colin). L'apothéose d'Arsinoé (P. Berol. 13417 A=Callim. fr. 228 Pf.). In: Callimaco. Cent'anni di papiri [Cf. n° 1559], p. 57-68. IDEM. The girl who said 'No' (Sophocles' Antigone). Eikasmos, 2006, 17, p. 103-115. 1541. AZOULAY (Vincent). L'Archidamos d'Isocrate: une politique de l'espace et du temps. Revue des études grecques, 2006, 119, p. 504-531. 1542. BAJONI (Maria Grazia). Per l'esegesi di P.Fay 2 (= Pack2 1923; London, British Library 1192). L'antiquité classique, 2006, 75, p. 165-169. 1543. BARKER (Elton). Paging the oracle: interpretation, identity and performance in Herodotus' History. Greece and Rome, 2006, 53, p. 1-28. 1544. BATTEZZATO (Luigi). La parodo dell'Ipsipile. In: Euripide e i papiri [Cf. n° 1589], p. 169-203. 1545. BECCHI (Francesco). L'ambiguo enigma dell' amore in Plutarco. Eikasmos, 2006, 17, p. 269-276. 1546. BEECROFT (Alexander J.). "This is not a true story": Stesichorus's palinode and the revenge of the Epichoric. Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association, 2006, 136, p. 47-70. 1547. BILE (Monique). La Grèce du Nord-Ouest: état des lieux. In: Peuplements et genèses dialectales dans la Grèce antique [Cf. n° 1357], p. 71-98. 1548. BLECKMANN (Bruno). Fiktion als Geschichte. Neue Studien zum Autor der Hellenika Oxyrhynchia und zur Historiographie des vierten vorchristlichen Jahrhunderts. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 154 p. (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Philologisch-Historische Klasse, 3. Folge, 277). 1549. BLOK (J.H.), LARDINOIS (A.P.M.H.). Solon of Athens. New historical and philological approaches. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, 476 p.
7. HISTORY OF LITERATURE, PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE 1550. BONAZZI (Mario). La realtà, la legge e la concordia secondo Antifonte. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 64, p. 117-139. 1551. BOULOGNE (Jacques). Du catalogue à la généalogie: Hésiode, Théogonie, 11-21. Kernos, 2006, 19, p. 47-58. 1552. BRAVI (Luigi). L'Epitome di Santa Croce dell' Anabasi di Arriano. Un bifoglio greco del decimo nell'archivio diocesano di Urbino. Urbino, Accademia Raffaello, 2006, 60 p. 1553. BRIAND (Michel). Formes et fonctions fictionnelles de la mythologia: énonciations en catalogue et résumés dans les romans grecs anciens. Kernos, 2006, 19, p. 161-176. 1554. BRIXHE (Claude). De la filiation à l'héritage. Réflexion sur l'origine des langues et des dialectes. In: Peuplements et genèses dialectales dans la Grèce antique [Cf. n° 1357], p. 7-37. IDEM. Situation, spécificités et contraintes de la dialectologie grecque: à propos de quelques questions soulevées par la Grèce centrale. In: Peuplements et genèses dialectales dans la Grèce antique [Cf. n° 1357], p. 39-69. 1555. BROWN (Christopher G.). Pindar on Archilochus and the gluttony of blame (Pyth. 2.52-6). Journal of Hellenic studies, 2006, 126, p. 36-46. 1556. BROWN (H. Paul). Addressing Agamemnon. A pilot study of politeness and pragmatics in the Iliad. Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association, 2006, 136, p. 1-46. 1557. CABRERO (María del Carmen). La sabiduría del burro (Lucio o el Asno de Luciano de Samósata). Cuadernos de filología clásica, 2006, 16, p. 165-179. 1558. CALAME (Claude). La fabrication historiographique d'un passé héroïque en Grèce classique: archaia et palaia chez Hérodote. Ktema, 2006, 31, p. 3950. IDEM. Pratiques poétiques de la mémoire. Représentations de l'espace-temps en Grèce ancienne. Paris, La Découverte, 2006, 322 p. 1559. Callimaco. Cent'anni di papiri. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Firenze, 910 giugno 2005. A cura di Guido BASTIANINI e Angelo CASANOVA. Firenze, Istituto Papirologico G. Vitelli, 2006, 167 p. [Cf. nos 1540, 1562, 1592, 1620, 1628, 1631, 1656.] 1560. CAMASSA (Giorgio). Ripensando il poema di Licofrone. La Sibilla Giudaica d'Alessandria e la profezia finale dell'Alessandra. Hespería, 2006, 21, p. 1125. 1561. CANFORA (Luciano). Biographical obscurities and problems of composition. In: Brill's companion to Thucydides [Cf. n° 426], p. 3-31. IDEM. Postilla testuale sul nuovo Artemidoro. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 64, p. 45-60. 1562. CASANOVA (Angelo). Cent'anni di papiri callimachei. In: Callimaco. Cent'anni di papiri [Cf. n° 1559],
p. 1-13. IDEM. Quarant'anni di papiri euripidei. In: Euripide e i papiri [Cf. n° 1589], p. 1-9. 1563. CASEVITZ (Michel). Archaios et palaios chez Polybe. Ktema, 2006, 31, p. 33-38. 1564. CAVALLERO (Pablo A.). Trygoidía: la concepción trágica de Nubes de Aristófanes. Emerita, 2006, 74, p. 89-112. 1565. CHARALAMPOS (Orfanos). Les sauvageons d'Athènes ou la didactique du rire chez Aristophane. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2006, 363 p. 1566. CIPOLLA (Paolo). Studi sul teatro greco. Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2006, 151 p. 1567. CITTI (Vittorio). Studi sul testo delle Coefore. Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2006, 275 p. 1568. COLLARD (Christopher). Euripides, Chresphontes F 456 TrGF (=Cresphontes Fr. 4 Jouan-Van Looy). L'antiquité classique, 2006, 75, p. 161-163. 1569. CORCELLA (Aldo). The new genre and its boundaries: poets and logographers. In: Brill's companion to Thucydides [Cf. n° 426], p. 33-56. 1570. CORDANO (Federica). Sulle fonti di Strabone per i Prolegomena. La parola del passato, 2006, 61, p. 401-416. 1571. COSGROVE (Charles H.), MEYER (Mary C.). Melody and word accent relationships in ancient Greek musical documents: the pitch height rule. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2006, 126, p. 66-81. 1572. COVIELLO (Gaetana). Commento storico a Licofrone (Alex. 722-725). Hespería, 2006, 21, p. 151-170. 1573. DAVID (A. P.). The dance of the muses. Choral theory and ancient Greek poetics. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XI-284 p. 1574. DE LUCA (Gabriele). Commento storico a Licofrone (Alex. 993-1010). Hespería, 2006, 21, p. 179197. 1575. DEBIASI (Andrea). Commento storico a Licofrone (Alex. 373-386; 1090-1098). Hespería, 2006, 21, p. 121-134. 1576. DEMONT (Paul). Xénophon et les Homotimes. Ktema, 2006, 31, p. 277-290. 1577. DENTICE DI ACCADIA (Stefano). Polidamante oratore troiano nella critica antica. Atene e Roma, 2006, 51, p. 178-188. 1578. DEWALD (Carolyn). Paying attention: history as the development of a secular narrative. In: Rethinking revolutions through ancient Greece [cf. n° 1358], p. 164182. 1579. DI BENEDETTO (Vincenzo). Osservazioni su alcuni frammenti dell'Antiope di Euripide. In: Euripide e i papiri [Cf. n° 1589], p. 97-122. 1580. DI DONATO (Riccardo). Aristeuein. Premesse antropologiche ad Omero. Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2006, 147 p.
1581. DI MARCO (Massimo). Senofane presbygenes. Eikasmos, 2006, 17, p. 89-102. 1582. DIGGLE (James). Rhythmical prose in the Euripidean hypotheses. In: Euripide e i papiri [Cf. n° 1589], p. 27-67. 1583. DOMINGO GYGAX (Marc). Plutarch on Alcibiades' return to Athens. Mnemosyne, 2006, 59, p. 481500. 1584. DUBISCHAR (Markus). Der Kommunikationsmodus der Debatte im griechischen Drama (Aischylos, Sophokles, Euripides, Aristophanes). Rhetorik, 2006, 25, p. 14-29. 1585. DURBEC (Yannick). Les avatars d'une formule indo-européenne: de la mort des dragons et de quelques autres monstres chez les poètes hellénistiques. La parola del passato, 2006, 61, p. 161-175.
1597. GANGLOFF (Anne). Dion Chrysostome et les mythes. Hellénisme, communication et philosophie politique. Grenoble, Éditions J. Millon, 2006, 428 p. 1598. GÄRTNER (Thomas). Die Neugestaltung des Mythos in der euripideischen Helena. Athenaeum, 2006, 94, p. 135-166. 1599. Geschichte und Fiktion in der homerischen Odyssee. Hrsg. v. Andreas LUTHER. München, Beck, 2006, 248 p. (zetemata, h., 125). 1600. GIANGIULIO (Maurizio). "Come colosso sulla spiaggia": Diomede in Daunia in Licofrone e prima di Licofrone. Appunti per una stratigrafia della tradizione. Hespería, 2006, 21, p. 49-66. 1601. GIGANTE LANZARA (Valeria). Kairòs. La parola del passato, 2006, 61, p. 337-344.
1586. EDMONDS (Radcliffe G.). To sit in solemn silence? Thronosis in ritual, myth, and iconography. American journal of philology, 2006, 127, p. 347-366.
1602. GOTTELAND (Sophie). La sirène et l'enchanteur: portraits croisés d'Eschine et de Démosthène à la tribune. Revue des études grecques, 2006, 119, p. 588608.
1587. ERCOLANI (Andrea). Omero. Introduzione allo studio dell'epica greca arcaica. Roma, Carocci, 2006, 308 p.
1603. GRETHLEIN (Jonas). The manifold uses of the epic past: the embassy scene in Herodotus 7.153-63. American journal of philology, 2006, 127, p. 485-509.
1588. ETIENNE (Maud). César et Lépide au pays des Lestrygons: à propos d'un passage corrompu du cinquième livre des Guerres civiles d'Appien d'Alexandrie. Revue des études grecques, 2006, 119, p. 552-567.
1604. HECKEL (Waldemar). Mazaeus, Callisthenes and the Alexander sarcophagus. Historia, 2006, 55, p. 385-396.
1589. Euripide e i papiri. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Firenze, 10-11 giugno 2004. A cura di Guido BASTIANINI e Angelo CASANOVA. Firenze, Istituto Papirologico G. Vitelli, 2006, 243 p. [Cf. nos 1544, 1562, 1579, 1582, 1611, 1646.] 1590. EVANS (James Allan). The beginnings of history. Herodotus and the Persian wars. Campbellville, Edgar Kent, 2006, 360 p. 1591. FABRE-SERRIS (Jacqueline). La notion de divin à l'épreuve de la mythographie: Cicéron (De nat. deor. III); Diodore de Sicile (B. H. III). Kernos, 2006, 19, p. 177-192. 1592. FANTUZZI (Marco). Callimaco, l'epigramma, il teatro. In: Callimaco. Cent'anni di papiri [Cf. n° 1559], p. 69-87. 1593. FARTZOFF (Michel). Le vocabulaire de la distinction dans les tragédies conservées d'Eschyle et de Sophocle. Ktema, 2006, 31, p. 359-374. 1594. FERNÁNDEZ (Claudia N.). Herondas por Herondas: autoficción en el mimo helenístico. L'antiquité classique, 2006, 75, p. 23-39. 1595. FRAZIER (Françoise). Le principe d'égalité chez Philon d'Alexandrie. Ktema, 2006, 31, p. 291-308. 1596. GALHAC (Sylvie). La représentation de la vieillesse dans les fragments 1, 2 et 5 (éd. West) de Mimnerme et dans les poèmes homériques. Revue des études grecques, 2006, 119, p. 62-82.
1605. HODOT (René). Un point de vue sur le lesbien. In: Peuplements et genèses dialectales dans la Grèce antique [Cf. n° 1357], p. 155-179. 1606. HOSE (Martin). Der tragischste aller Dichter. Wandlungen des Euripides. Hermes, 2006, 134, p. 269289. 1607. HUGHES (Alan). The costumes of Old and Middle comedy. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 2006, 49, p. 39-68. 1608. HUNTER (Richard). The shadow of Callimachus. Studies in the reception of Hellenistic poetry at Rome. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XI-162 p. 1609. JOST (Madeleine). Unité et diversité: la Grèce de Pausanias. Revue des études grecques, 2006, 119, p. 568-587. 1610. KARAVAS (Orestis). El orador-cisne: Luciano, la retórica y los rétores. Cuadernos de filología clásica, 2006, 16, p. 157-164. 1611. KATSOURIS (Andreas). Euripides' Archelaos: a reconsideration. In: Euripide e i papiri [Cf. n° 1589], p. 205-226. 1612. KLAUDIOS PTOLEMAIOS. Handbuch der Geographie. Griechisch – Deutsch. Hrsg. v. Alfred STÜCKELBERGER und Gerd GRAßHOFF unt. Mitarb. v. Florian MITTENHUBER, Renate BURRI, Klaus GEUS [et al.]. Einleitung, Text und Übersetzung, Index. T. 1. Einleitung und Buch 1–4. T. 2. Buch 5–8 und Indices. Basel, Schwabe, 2006, 2 vol., 1018 p. u. CD-ROM.
7. HISTORY OF LITERATURE, PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE 1613. KREVANS (Nita), SENS (Alexander). Language and literature. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the Hellenistic world [Cf. n° 1432], p. 186-207. 1614. KYRIAKOU (Poulheria). A commentary on Euripides' Iphigenia in Tauris. Berlin a. New York, de Gruyter, 2006, IX-504 p. 1615. LADA-RICHARDS (Ismene). Lucian on the perils of acting and spectating. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 2006, 49, p. 145-164. 1616. LAES (Christian). Children and fables, children in fables in Hellenistic and Roman antiquity. Latomus, 2006, 65, p. 898-914. 1617. LALANNE (Sophie). Une éducation grecque. Rites de passage et construction des genres dans le roman grec ancien. Paris, La Découverte, 2006, 311 p. 1618. LAPE (Susan). The poetic of the Kmos-Chorus in Menander's comedy. American journal of philology, 2006, 127, p. 89-109. 1619. LAPLACE (Marcelle). Achille Tatios, Leucippé et Clitophon, VIII, 6,7: sur la beauté de Syrinx. Revue des études grecques, 2006, 119, p. 436-439. 1620. LEHNUS (Luigi). Nota sulle osservazioni di Lobel a Vitelli a proposito delle "Diegeseis". Quaderni di storia, 2006, 63, p. 213-220. IDEM. Prima e dopo hai katà lepton. In: Callimaco. Cent'anni di papiri [Cf. n° 1559], p. 133-147. 1621. LELLI (Emanuele). Volpe e leone. Il proverbio nella poesia greca (Alceo, Cratino, Callimaco). Roma, Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 2006, 193 p. 1622. LENDON (Jon E.). Xenophon and the alternative to realist foreign policy: "Cyropaedia" 3.1.14-31. Journal of Hellenic studies, 2006, 126, p. 82-98. 1623. LENTINI (Giuseppe). 'Il padre di Telemaco'. Odisseo tra Iliade e Odissea. Pisa e Roma, Giardini editori e stampatori in Pisa, 2006, 215 p.
1629. MAHÉ-SIMON (Mathilde). Aspects de l'historiographie hellénistique dans l'œuvre de Tite-Live (livres VIII et IX). Revue des études latine, 2006, 84, p. 168-184. 1630. MARTINELLI TEMPESTA (Stefano). Per l'identificazione delle fonti manoscritte dell'Editio princeps delle Orazioni di Isocrate: il caso del Panegirico. Cuadernos de filología clásica, 2006, 16, p. 237-267. 1631. MASSIMILLA (Giulio). I papiri e la tradizione indiretta medievale negli Aitia. In: Callimaco. Cent'anni di papiri [Cf. n° 1559], p. 31-45. 1632. MEISTER (Klaus). L'influsso di Antifonte, oratore e sofista su Tucidide. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 64, p. 227-244. 1633. MERRO (Grazia). Apollodoro, Asclepiade di Tragilo ed Eschilo in Scholl. Eur. Rh. 916 e 922. Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 2006, 134, p. 26-51. 1634. MICUNCO (Stefano). Figure di animali: il verso del papiro di Artemidoro. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 64, p. 5-43. 1635. MITCHELL (Lynette G.). Greeks, barbarians and Aeschylus' Suppliants. Greece and Rome, 2006, 53, p. 205-223. 1636. MITCHELL-BOYASK (Robin). The marriage of Cassandra and the Oresteia. Text, image, performance. Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association, 2006, 136, p. 269-297. 1637. MONTELEONE (Ciro). Indizi di un programma storiografico. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 64, p. 271-302. 1638. MONTEPAONE (Claudia). Tra antico e moderno: il laboratorio Antigone. Atene e Roma, 2006, 51, p. 109-113. 1639. NAVAUD (Guillaume). Les Maximes de Démocrate et Callimaque. Revue des études grecques, 2006, 119, p. 114-138.
1624. LÉVY (Edmond). L'égalité et son vocabulaire chez Xénophon. Ktema, 2006, 31, p. 245-276.
1640. NEGRI (Monica). Cratete di Mallo e la morte di Chirone nella terza Pitica di Pindaro. Eikasmos, 2006, 17, p. 257-267.
1625. LIAPIS (Vayos). Intertextuality as irony: Heracles in epic and Sophocles. Greece and Rome, 2006, 53, p. 48-59.
1641. NICOLAI (Roberto). Thucydides continued. In: Brill's companion to Thucydides [Cf. n° 426], p. 693-719.
1626. LUQUE MORENO (Jesús). Accentus (Prosodia). El canto del lenguaje. Representación de los prosodemas en la escritura alfabética. Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2006, 354 p. IDEM. Puntos y comas. La grafía de la articulación del habla. Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2006, 547 p. 1627. MAC CLURE (Laura). Maternal authority and heroic disgrace in Aeschylus's Persae. Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association, 2006, 136, p. 71-97. 1628. MAGNELLI (Enrico). Callimaco, fr. 63 Pf.: ambiguità sintattiche e autenticità In: Callimaco. Cent'anni di papiri [Cf. n° 1559], p. 47-55.
1642. NOCITA (Michela). Commento storico a Licofrone (Alex. 726-731). Hespería, 2006, 21, p. 171-177. 1643. OBER (Josiah). Thucydides and the invention of political science. In: Brill's companion to Thucydides [Cf. n° 426], p. 131-159. 1644. OLIVER (Graham J.). History and rhetoric. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the Hellenistic world [Cf. n° 1432], p. 113-135. 1645. OUDOT (Estelle). Au commencement était Athènes. Le Panathénaïque d'Aelius Aristide ou l'histoire abolie. Ktema, 2006, 31, p. 227-238. 1646. PADUANO (Guido). L'apologia di Pasifae nei Cretesi. In: Euripide e i papiri [Cf. n° 1589], p. 127-144.
1647. PAPADOPOULOU (Ioanna). Hésiode, Homere, Hérodote: forme catalogique et classifications génériques. Kernos, 2006, 19, p. 79-96.
1663. RISPOLI (Gioia Maria). Donne che scrivono, donne che leggono nel romanzo greco. Atene e Roma, 2006, 51, p. 55-74.
1648. PAYNE (Mark). On being vatic: Pindar, pragmatism, and historicism. American journal of philology, 2006, 127, p. 159-184.
1664. ROGKOTIS (Z.). Thucydides and Herodotus: aspects of their intertextual relationship. In: Brill's companion to Thucydides [Cf. n° 426], p. 57-86.
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9. ARCHAEOLOGY AND HISTORY OF ART 1806. RICHARDS (Julian D.). Archaeology, e-publication and the semantic web. Antiquity, 2006, 80, p. 970979. 1807. RIDGWAY (Brunilde S.). The boy strangling the goose: genre figure or mythological symbol? American journal of archaeology, 2006, 110, p. 643-648. 1808. ROTROFF (Susan I.). Material culture. In: Cambridge companion (The) to the Hellenistic world [Cf. n° 1432], p. 136-157. EADEM. The Athenian agora. Volume XXXIII. Hellenistic pottery, the plain wares. Princeton, American School of Classical Studies, 2006, 441 p. 1809. RUBINICH (Marina). Ceramica e coroplastica dalla Magna Grecia nella collezione de Brandis. Trieste, Editreg, 2006, 285 p. 1810. SCHEICH (Charlotta). Les 'ateliers' d'ors en Italie méridionale au VIe siècle av. J.-C. In: Ors (Les) des mondes Grec et 'barbare' [Cf. n° 1355], p. 63-127. 1811. STANSBURY-O'DONNELL (Mark D.). Vase painting, gender, and social identity in archaic Athens. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV-316 p. 1812. STEWART (Andrew). Hellenistic art: two dozen
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F HISTORY OF ROME, ANCIENT ITALY AND THE ROMAN EMPIRE _________ § 1. The peoples of Italy. 1818-1825. – § 2. The Etruscans. 1826-1844. – § 3. Sources and criticism of sources. (a. Epigraphical sources; b. Literary sources). 1845-1926. – § 4. General and political history. 1927-2032. – § 5. History of law and institutions. 2033-2085. – § 6. Economic and social history. 2086-2151. – § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science (a. Literature; b. Philosophy and science). 2152-2227. – § 8. Religion and mythology. 2228-2256. – § 9. Archaeology and history of art. 2257-2306. – § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. 2307-2326. § 1. The peoples of Italy. _______________________
1818. Animali tra uomini e dei. Archeozoologia del mondo preromano. Atti del Convegno Internazionale 89 novembre 2002. A cura di Antonio CURCI, Daniele VITALI e Annachiara PENZO. Bologna, Ante Quem soc. coop, 2006, 214 p. 1819. BOURDIN (Stéphanie). Les ligues ethniques en Italie: l'exemple des Eques et des Volques (VeIVe siècles avant J.-C.). In: Guerre et diplomatie romaines (IVe IIIe siècles) [Cf. n° 1962], p. 259-275. 1820. CAPDEVILLE (Gérard). La religon des Picéniens. In: Italo-Tusco-Romana [Cf. n° 1822], p. 105124. 1821. FRONDA (Michael P.). Livy 9. 20 and early Roman imperialism in Apulia. Historia, 2006, 55, p. 397417. 1822. Italo-Tusco-Romana. Festschrift für Luciana Aigner-Foresti zum 70. Geburtstag am 30. Juli 2006. Hrsg. v. Petra AMANN, Marco PEDRAZZI, Hans TAEUBER, Elisabeth TRINKL und Tina MITTERLECHNER. Wien, Holzhausen Verlag, 2006, XX-399 p. [Cf. no 1820.] 1823. MOURITSEN (Henrik). Hindsight and historiography: Writing the history of pre-Roman Italy. In: Herrschaft ohne Integration? [Cf. n° 2113], p. 23-37. 1824. SCHLANGE-SCHÖNINGEN (Heinrich). Zur römischen "Integration" der Marser und Messapier. In: Herrschaft ohne Integration? [Cf. n° 2113], p. 155170. 1825. ZAVARONI (Adolfo). Le divinità dei Camunni nelle iscrizioni prelatine della Valle Camonica. Klio, 2006, 88, p. 125-144.
§ 2. The Etruscans. _______________________
1826. AMANN (Petra). Beziehungen zwischen umbrischer und etruskischer Götter- und Kultwelt. Ein Beitrag zur 'schwierigen' Genese des Etruskertums. Athenaeum, 2006, 94, p. 507-541. 1827. AMBROSINI (Laura). Su un elmo falisco a figure rosse da Cerveteri e sulla deposizione di elmi fittili nei corredi tombali di età ellenistica. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2006, 118, p. 251-266. 1828. BERRENDONNER (Clara). Les Tetnie à Vulci. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2006, 118, p. 21-34. 1829. CAVALIERI (Marco). Dei, eroi ed offerenti. La collezione di bronzetti etrusco-italici del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Parma. Belgisch Historisch Instituut te Rome, Brussel. Con un apparato fotografico delle sculture di Gabriele MAINARDI VALCARENGHI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 258 p. 1830. DRAGO TROCCOLI (Luciana). Cerveteri. Roma, Libreria dello Stato e Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 2006, 159 p. 1831. Entstehung von Staat und Stadt bei den Etruskern. Probleme und Möglichkeiten der Erforschung früher Gemeinschaften in Etrurien im Vergleich zu anderen mittelmeerischen Kulturen. Gespräche einer Tagung in Sezzate 11.–14. Juni 1998. Hrsg. v. Luciana AIGNERFORESTI und Peter SIEWERT. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2006, 295 p. (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, 725). 1832. Etruscologia. Storia dell'etruscologia tra archeologia e storia della cultura. Atti del II corso di perfezionamento (anno accademico 20032004). Scuola di etruscologia e archeologia dell'Italia antica, Fondazione
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LE ROUX et Sylvie DARDAINE. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2006, 890 p. _______________________
1833. GRAN-AYMERICH (Jean). À propos de l'œnochoé à bec d'Arnth Tetnie de Vulci. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2006, 118, p. 11-19.
1846. BARGNESI (Rodolfo). Annotazioni sopra la controversia fra i Rundictes e C. Laecanius Bassus. Ancora a proposito di CIL, V 698 = Inscr. It. X.4.376. Athenaeum, 2006, 94, p. 687-695.
1834. HAACK (Marie-Laurence). Apollon meurtrier en Étrurie. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2006, 118, p. 237-250.
1847. BELTRÁN LLORIS (Francisco). An irrigation decree from Roman Spain: The lex rivi Hiberiensis. Journal of Roman studies, 2006, 96, p. 147-197.
1835. Italia antiqua. Storia dell'etruscologia tra archeologia e storia della cultura. Atti del II corso di perfezionamento (anno accademico 2003/2004). L'arte e la produzione artigianale in Etruria. Atti del III Corso di Perfezionamento (Anno accademico 2004/2005). (Scuola di etruscologia e archeologia antica). Orvieto e Roma, Quasar, 2006, VIII-306 p.
1848. CARTER (Michael). Gladiatorial combat with "sharp" weapons. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2006, 155, p. 161-175.
1836. LENSI ORLANDI CARDINI (Giulio Cesare). Gli Etruschi. L'età aurea della civiltà occidentale; miti, simboli e riti decrittati secondo il sistema tradizionale e le chiavi alchemiche. Carmagnola (Torino), Arktos, 2006, 136 p. 1837. LIÉBERT (Yves). Regards sur la truphè étrusque. Limoges, Pulim, 2006, 354 p. 1838. PITTAU (Massimo). Toponimi Italiani di origine etrusca. Sassari, Magnum, 2006, 136 p. 1839. PRAYON (Friedhelm). Die Etrusker. Jenseitsvorstellungen und Ahnenkult. Mainz am Rhein, von Zabern, 2006, 124 p. 1840. Principi (I) etruschi di Murlo. A cura di Erik O. NIELSEN. Lugano, Galleria Gottardo, 2006, 116 p. 1841. Religion (The) of the Etruscans. Ed. by Nancy THOMSON DE GRUMMOND, and Erika SIMON. Austin, University of Texas, 2006, XIII-225 p. [Cf. no 1843.] 1842. Tarquinia e le civiltà del Mediterraneo. Convegno internazionale Milano, 2224 giugno 2004. A cura di Maria BONGHI JOVINO. Milano, Cisalpino, 2006, 432 p. (Acme. Quaderni, 77). 1843. THOMSON DE GRUMMOND (Nancy). Appendix B. Selected Latin and Greek literary sources of Etruscan religion. In: Religion (The) of the Etruscans [Cf. n. 1841], p. 191-218.
1849. CÉBEILLAC-GERVASONI (Mireille), CALDELLI (Maria Letizia), ZEVI (Fausto). Épigraphie latine. Paris, A. Colin, 2006, 333 p. 1850. CHRISTOL (Michel). Epigraphie et réception de l'identité impériale (transmission, interprétation et transformation): Auguste en Narbonnaise. In: Transmission (La) de l'idéologie impériale dans l'Occident romain [Cf. n° 2025], p. 11-25. 1851. FASOLINI (Donato). Aggiornamento bibliografico ed epigrafico ragionato sull'imperatore Claudio. Milano, Vita e pensiero, 2006, 249 p. 1852. HUGHES (Lisa A.). The proclamation of nondefective slaves and the curule aediles' edict: some epigraphic and iconographic evidence from Capua. Ancient society, 2006, 36, p. 239-261. 1853. MAGALHAES (Marici M.). Stabiae romana. La prosopografia e la documentazione epigrafica; iscrizioni lapidarie e bronzee, bolli laterizi e sigilli. Castellammare di Stabia (Napoli), N. Longobardi, 2006, 278 p. 1854. MIHĂILESCU-BÎRLIBA (LucreĠiu). L'espérance de vie et la structure d'âge en Pannonie Supérieure d'après les inscriptions. Laverna, 2006, 17, p. 117-141. 1855. PILHOFER (Susanne). Romanisierung in Kilikien? Das Zeugnis der Inschriften. München, Utz, 2006, XI-299 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Antiken Welt, 46). 1856. POBJOY (Mark). Epigraphy and numismatics. In: Companion (A) to the Roman Republic [Cf. n° 1856], p. 51-80.
1844. ZIFFERERO (Andrea). Circoli di pietre, tumuli e culto funerario. La formazione dello spazio consacrato in Etruria settentrionale tra età del Ferro e alto arcaismo. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2006, 118, p. 177-213.
1857. SPEIDEL (Michael P.). Emperor Hadrian's speeches to the African army. A new text. RömischGermanisches Zentralmuseum, Forschungsinstitut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte. Mainz, Verlag des RömischGermanisches Zentralmuseum, 2006, V-106 p.
§ 3. Sources and criticism of sources. _______________________
1858. WEISS (Peter). Eine Bürgerrechtskonstitution Trajans mit Einbeziehung eines Decurio. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2006, 155, p. 257-262.
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1860. [Ammianus Marcellinus] ROHRBACHER (David Scott). The sources for the lost books of Ammianus Marcellinus. Historia, 2006, 55, p. 106-124.
1875. [Cornelius Nepos] BOCKISCH (Gabriele), KLOWSKI (Joachim). Cornelius Nepos. Attische Staatsmänner aus römischer Sicht – Themistokles, Alkibiades, Thrasybul. Bamberg, C. C. Buchner, 2006, 159 p.
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tion, translation and commentary. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, LXXXVI-322 p. 1891. [Martialis] FUSI (Alessandro). M. Valerii Martialis epigrammaton liber tertius. Introduzione, edizione critica, traduzione e commento. Hildesheim, Olms, 2006, 580 p. (Spudasmata, 108). 1892. [Martialis] MAGENTA (Pio). Gli epigrammi di Marziale. A cura di Paolo MASTANDREA. Roma, Salerno, 2006, LV-880 p. 1893. [Martialis] MORENO SOLDEVILA (Rosario). Martial, book IV. A commentary. Leiden, Brill, 2006, X-618 p. 1894. [Notitia dignitatum] DI DARIO (Beniamino M.). La Notitia dignitatum. Immagini e simboli del tardo impero romano. Padova, Edizioni di Ar, 2006, 143 p. 1895. [Ovidius] BAEZA ANGULO (Eulogio F.). Tristezas. Publio Ovidio Nasón. Madrid, Consejo superior de investigaciones científicas, 2006, XCII-193 p. 1896. [Ovidius] MICHALOPOULOS (Andreas N.). Ovid, Heroides 16 and 17. Introduction, text and commentary. Cambridge, Cairns, 2006, X-409 p. 1897. [Ovidius] Oxford readings in Ovid. Ed. by Peter E. KNOX. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, VIII-541 p. 1898. [Ovidius] POSSAMAI-PÉREZ (Marylène). L'Ovide moralisé. Essai d'interprétation. Paris, Champion, 2006, 931 p. 1899. [Petronius] HABERMEHL (Peter). Petronius, Satyrica 79-141. Ein philologisch-literarischer Kommentar. Band 1. Sat. 79-110. Berlin u. New York, De Gruyter, 2006, LXXI-488 p. 1900. [Petronius] WEINREICH (Otto). Das Gastmahl des Trimalchio. Petronius Arbiter. Frankfurt am Main, Insel-Verlag, 2006, 105 p.
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1916. [Theophanes Hermopolitanus] MATTHEWS (John Frederick). The journey of Theophanes: travel, business, and daily life in the Roman east. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2006, XVII-244 p.
1902. [Plinius minor] STADTER (Philip A.). Pliny and the ideology of empire. The correspondence with Trajan. Prometheus, 2006, 32, p. 61-76.
1917. [Tibullus] BANDIERA (Emilio). Rilettura dell'elegia 2, 5 di Tibullo. Galatina, Congedo, 2006, 111 p.
1903. [Poetae Latini minores] KORNMÜLLER (Massimiliano). Minimi. Poeti latini minori; poetae Latini minores. Roma, Semar, 2006, XVI-106 p.
1918. [Varro] GIUSTA (Michelangelo). Per il testo delle Res rusticae di Varrone, libri I-II. A cura di Giuseppina MAGNALDI. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2006, 179 p.
1904. [Propertius] Brill's companion to Propertius. Ed. by Hans-Christian GÜNTHER. Leiden, Brill, 2006, IX-476 p.
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1905. [Quintilianus] WINTERBOTTOM (Michael). Quintilian, institutio oratoria; book 2. Ed. by Tobias REINHARDT. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, LII-435 p.
1920. [Vergilius] FAGLES (Robert). The Aeneid. Virgil. New York, Viking, 2006, 486 p.
1906. [Sallustius] DIX (Christina Viola). "Virtutes" und "vitia". Interpretationen der Charakterzeichnungen in Sallusts Bellum Iugurthinum. Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2006, 349 p. (Bochumer Altertumswissenschaftliches Colloquium, 70).
1921. [Vergilius] FALLON (Peter). Georgics. Virgil. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XL-109 p. 1922. [Vergilius] FERRARO (Antonino). Virgilio. Bucoliche. Traduzione italiana in versi con testo latino a fronte e note. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2006, 93 p.
1923. [Vergilius] HORSFALL (Nicholas). Virgil, Aeneid 3. A commentary. Leiden, Brill, 2006, LIV-513 p.
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1938. Cambridge (The) companion to the age of Constantine. Ed. by Noel LENSKI. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVIII-469 p.
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1940. CHRIST (Karl). Die römische Kaiserzeit. Von Augustus bis Diokletian. München, Beck, 2006, 127 p.
§ 4. General and political history.
1941. COLOMBO (Maurizio). Le invasioni barbariche prima delle grandi invasioni: letteratura e storia contemporanea in Lucano. Museum Helveticum, 2006, 63, p. 89-99.
* 1927. KARSTEN (Arne), ZUNCKEL (Julia). Perspektiven der Romforschung [Neue Historische Literatur]. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 282, 3, p. 681-715.
1942. CONTI (Flavio). Das römische Reich. Die antiken Wurzeln unserer Kultur. Klagenfurt, Kaiser, 2006, 216 p.
1943. CREIGHTON (John). Britannia. The creation of a Roman province. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XII-180 p.
Cf. nos 2152-2227
1928. Africa (L') romana. Mobilità delle persone e dei popoli, dinamiche migratorie, emigrazioni ed immigrazioni nelle province occidentali dell'Impero romano. Atti del XVI convegno di studio (Rabat, 1519 dicembre 2004). A cura di Aomar AKERRAZ, Paola RUGGERI, Ahmed SIRAJ e Cinzia VISMARA. Roma, Carocci editore, 2006, 4 vol., 2448 p. (Collana del Dipartimento di Storia dell'Università degli Studi di Sassari). 1929. AGAZZI (Renato). Giulio Cesare. Stratega in Gallia. Pavia, Iuculano, 2006, 175 p. 1930. AULIARD (Claudine). La diplomatie romaine. L'autre instrument de la conquete; de la fondation à la fin des guerres samnites, (753290 av. J.-C.). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 339 p. 1931. AVVISATI (Carlo). Poppea. Cronaca di un omicidio presunto tra potere, intrighi e passioni. Pref. di Stefano DE CARO. Roma, Bardi, 2006, 123 p. 1932. BARDEN DOWLING (Melissa). Clemency and cruelty in the Roman world. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2006, 366 p. 1933. BATSTONE (William W.), DAMON (Cynthia). Caesar's Civil War. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XIII225 p. 1934. BOATWRIGHT (Mary Taliaferro), GARGOLA (Daniel J.), TALBERT (Richard J. A.). A brief history of the Romans. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XXI-330 p. 1935. BRIQUEL (Dominique). La guerre à Rome au IV siècle: une histoire revue et corrigée, remarques sur les livre 9 de Tite-Live. In: Guerre et diplomatie romaines (IVeIIIe siècles) [Cf. n° 1962], p. 27-40.
1944. DAMON (Cynthia). Potior utroque Vespasianus: Vespasian and his predecessors in Tacitus's Histories. Arethusa, 2006, 39, p. 245-279. 1945. DE ASARTA (Stefano). La II guerra punica. Storia e controstoria. Napoli, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2006, 120 p. 1946. DOMÍNGUEZ PÉREZ (Juan Carlos). La reelaboración ideológica del modelo republicano con los inicios del imperialismo romano. Athenaeum, 2006, 94, p. 105-122. 1947. DREYER (Boris). Die Innenpolitik der Römischen Republik. 264133 v. Chr. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006, VII-144 p. 1948. ECKSTEIN (Arthur M.). Mediterranean anarchy, interstate war, and the rise of Rome. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2006, XVII-370 p. (Hellenistic culture and society, 48). 1949. Erinnerungsorte der Antike. Die römische Welt. Hrsg. v. Elke STEIN-HÖLKESKAMP und KarlJoachim HÖLKESKAMP. München, Verlag C. H. Beck, 2006, 797 p. [Cf. nos 2031, 2106, 2279, 2411.] 1950. ERRINGTON (Robert Malcolm). Roman imperial policy from Julian to Theodosius. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina press, 2006, XII-336 p. 1951. FANTHAM (Elaine). Julia Augusti. The emperor's daughter. London, Routledge, 2006, XVI-175 p.
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4. GENERAL AND POLITICAL HISTORY 1983. Konstantin der Grosse. Geschichte – Archäologie – Rezeption. Internationales Kolloquim vom 10.– 15. Oktober 2005 an der Universität Trier zur Landesausstellung Rheinland-Pfalz 2007 "Konstantin der Große". Hrsg. v. Alexander DEMANDT und Josef ENGEMANN. Trier, Konstantin-Ausstellungsgesellschaft mbH, 2006, 299 p. 1984. KREILER (Bernd Michael). Statthalter zwischen Republik und Prinzipat. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2006, 324 p. 1985. KURCZYK (Stephanie). Cicero und die Inszenierung der eigenen Vergangenheit. Autobiographisches Schreiben in der späten Römischen Republik. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, 389 p. (Europäische Geschichtsdarstellungen, 8). 1986. MAC MULLEN (Ramsay). The power of the Roman empire. Historia, 2006, 55, p. 471-481. 1987. MAKHLAJUK (Aleksandr V.). Soldaty Rimskoj imperii. Traditsii voennoj sluzhby i voinskaja mental'nost'. (Soldiers of the Roman Empire: Traditions of military service and warrior mentality). SanktPeterburgskij gos. un-t, Filol. f-t. Sankt-Peterburg, Izdatel'stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta – Akra, 2006, 439 p. (bibl. p. 391-422). (Istoricheskie issledovanija). [English summary]. 1988. MANUWALD (Gesine). Ciceros Attacke gegen die Provinzverlosung unter Antonius (zu Cic. Phil. 3, 24 – 26). Klio, 2006, 88, p. 167-180. 1989. MATIJEVIC (Kresimir). Marcus Antonius. Consul – Proconsul – Staatsfeind. Die Politik der Jahre 44 und 43 v. Chr. Rahden, Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2006, 545 p. 1990. MATTERN (Torsten). Materies gloriae. Die Germanienfeldzüge des Tiberius in den Jahren 45 n. Chr. Klio, 2006, 88, p. 466-482. 1991. MEIJER (Fik). Macht zonder grenzen. Rome en zijn imperium. (La puissance sans limites. Rome et son empire). Amsterdam, Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep, 2006, 399 p. 1992. MEYER (Inga). Von der Vision zur Reform. Der Staat der Gesetze: Ciceros Programm einer Neuordnung der Römischen Republik: 56–51 v. Chr. München, Utz, 2006, 207 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Antiken Welt, 50). 1993. MEYER-ZWIFFELHOFFER (Eckard). Ein Visionär auf dem Thron? Kaiser Commodus, Hercules Romanus. Klio, 2006, 88, p. 189-215. 1994. MILLAR (Fergus). A Greek Roman empire. Power and belief under Theodosius II, 408450. Berkeley, Los Angeles a. London, University of California Press, 2006, XXVI-279 p. (Sather classical lectures, 64). 1995. MORGAN (Gwyn). 69 A. D. The year of four emperors. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XI-322 p. 1996. MORGAN (Llewelyn). Domitian the Second? Greece and Rome, 2006, 53, p. 175-184.
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2029. WOLTERS (Reinhard). Die Römer in Germanien. München, Beck, 2006, 127 p.
2014. SENATORE (Felice). La lega sannitica. Capri, Oebalus, 2006, 109 p.
2030. ZAHARIADE (Mihail). Scythia minor. A history of a later Roman province (284681). Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2006, XI-291 p.
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2031. ZAHRNT (Michael). Spartacus – der peinliche Krieg gegen die Sklaven. In: Erinnerungsorte der Antike [Cf. n° 1949], p. 219-233.
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Cf. nos 1468, 1470, 2612 § 5. History of law and institutions. _______________________
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2023. TACOMA (Laurens Ernst). Fragile hierarchies. The urban elites of third-century Roman Egypt. Leiden, Brill, 2006, IX-353 p. (Mnemosyne. Supplementum, 271).
2037. Corpus der römischen Rechtsquellen zur antiken Sklaverei (CRRS). T. 6. Stellung des Sklaven im Sakralrecht. Hrsg. v. Tiziana J. CHIUSI, Johanna FILIPFRÖSCHL und J. Michael RAINER. Bearb. v. Leonhard SCHUMACHER. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, XXIII-124 p. (Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei, 3).
2024. Tetrarchie (Die). Ein neues Regierungssystem und seine mediale Präsentation. Hrsg. v. Dietrich BOSCHUNG. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2006, 419 p. (Schriften des Lehr- und Forschungszentrums für die antiken Kulturen des Mittelmeerraumes, 3). 2025. Transmission (La) de l'idéologie impériale dans l'Occident romain. Éd. par Milagros NAVARRO CABALLERO et Jean-Michel RODDAZ. Bordeaux et Paris, Ausonius, 2006, 356 p. [Cf. nos 1850, 1975.] 2026. TSIRKIN (Julij B.). Grazhdanskie vojny v Rime. Pobezhdennye: Biografii voennykh i politicheskikh dejatelej poslednikh desjatiletij Rimskoj respubliki. (The Civil Wars in Rome. The defeated: biographies of military and political leaders of the last decades of the Roman Republic). Sankt-Peterburgskij gos. un-t, Filol. f-t. Sankt-Peterburg, Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 2006, 313 p. (maps). (Istorija i kul'tura). 2027. UNGERN-STERNBERG (Jürgen von). Römische Studien. Geschichtsbewußtsein – Zeitalter der Gracchen – Krise der Republik. München u. Leipzig, Saur, 2006, XI-434 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 232). 2028. VOGT-LÜERSSEN (Maike). Agrippina die Jüngere. Die große römische Politikerin und ihre Zeit. Norderstedt, Books on Demand GmbH, 2006, 259 p.
2038. DI GIOVANNI (Lucio). La giurisprudenza severiana tra storia e diritto. Le institutiones di Elio Marciano. Athenaeum, 2006, 94, p. 487-505. 2039. DU PLESSIS (Paul). Janus in the Roman law of urban lease. Historia, 2006, 55, p. 293-300. 2040. ECK (Werner). Der praefectus annonae: Ein Superminister im Imperium Romanum? Heeresversorgung und praefectura annonae: nicht eine Großadministration, sondern zwei getrennte administrative Welten. Xantener Berichte, 2006, 14, p. 49-57. 2041. FINAZZI (Giuseppe). L'exceptio doli generalis nel diritto ereditario romano. Padova, CEDAM, 2006, IX-278 p. 2042. FORNI (Giovanni). Le tribu romane. IV. Scripta minora. A cura di Giovanna Maria FORNI. Roma, Giorgio Bretschneider, 2006, VII-659 p. 2043. FUTRELL (Alison). The Roman games. A sourcebook. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, XII-253 p. 2044. GAYET (Frédéric). Les unités auxiliaires gauloises sous le Haut-Empire romain. Historia, 2006, 55, p. 64-105.
5. HISTORY OF LAW AND INSTITUTIONS 2045. GILBERT (François). Légionnaires et auxiliaires sous le Haut-Empire romain. Paris, Éd. Errance, 2006, 118 p. 2046. HARRIES (Jill). Cicero and the jurists. From citizens' law to the lawful state. London, Duckworth, 2006, 256 p. 2047. HECHT (Bettina). Störungen der Rechtslage in den Relationen des Symmachus. Verwaltung und Rechtsprechung in Rom 384/385 n. Chr. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2006, 659 p. 2048. Herrschaftsstrukturen und Herrschaftspraxis. Konzepte, Prinzipien und Strategien der Administration im römischen Kaiserreich. Akten der Tagung an der Universität Zürich 18.20. 10. 2004. Hrsg. v. Anne KOLB. Berlin, Akad.-Verlag, 2006, 380 p. 2049. HURLET (Frédéric). Le proconsul et le prince. D'Auguste à Dioclétien. Pessac et Paris, Ausonius et Boccard, 2006, 350 p. (Ausonius Éditions, Scripta Antiqua, 18). 2050. ITGENSHORST (Tanja). Roman commanders and hellenistic kings: on the 'hellenization' of the republican triumph. Ancient society, 2006, 36, p. 51-68. 2051. JACOB (Robert). La question romaine du sacer. Ambivalence du sacré ou construction symbolique de la sortie du droit. Revue historique, 2006, 639, p. 523-588. 2052. KELLY (Gordon P.). A history of exile in the Roman republic. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, X-260 p. 2053. KOFANOV (Leonid L.). LEX i IUS: Vozniknovenie i razvitie rimskogo prava v VIII–III vv. do n.e. (Lex and jus: The appearance and development of the Roman law, the 8th–3rd centuries B.C.). RAN, In-t vseobshchej istorii; Mosovskij gos. un-t im. M.V. Lomonosova, Juridicheskij f-t. Moskva, Statut, 2006, 574 p. (bibl. p. 503-525). 2054. KRAFT (Christina). Bona fides: a requirement for the acquisition of ownership by means of specificatio. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2006, 74, 3-4, p. 289-318. 2055. LE BOHEC (Yann). L'armée romaine sous le Bas-Empire. Paris, Picard, 2006, 256-XLV p. 2056. MA'OZ (Zvi Uri). The civil reform of Diocletian in the southern levant. Scripta classica Israelica, 2006, 25, p. 105-120. 2057. MAROTTA (Valerio). Cittadinanza imperiale romana e britannica a confronto. Le riflessioni di James Bryce. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2006, 118, p. 95-106. 2058. MATHISEN (Ralph Whitney). Peregrini, barbari and cives romani: Concepts of citizenship and the legal identity of barbarians in the later Roman Empire. American historical review, 2006, 111, p. 1011-1040. 2059. MAZILU (Dan Horia). Lege úi fărădelege în lumea românească veche. (Law and iniquity in old Romanian world). Iaúi, Editura Polirom, 2006, 557 p.
2060. MELILLO (Generoso). Personae e status in Roma antica. Napoli, Jovene, 2006, VIII-157 p. 2061. MEROLA (Giovanna Daniela). Il Monumentum Ephesenum e la struttura delle societates publicanorum. Athenaeum, 2006, 94, p. 123-133. 2062. MOLIN (Michel). L'age du pouvoir à Rome sous la République. In: Pouvoir et religion dans le monde romain [Cf. n° 2243], p. 29-38. 2063. MUÑIZ COELLO (Joaquín). El discurso romano sobre el poder. Teoria y práctica a fines de la Republica. Klio, 2006, 88, p. 145-166. 2064. OCHESEANU (Radu). Les monnaies en Dobroudja de 270 à 498. (Scythie Mineure, Mésie Seconde). Wetteren, Moneta, 2006, 427 p. 2065. PERRY (Jonathan Scott). The Roman collegia. The modern evolution of an ancient concept. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XII-247 p. 2066. PETROVITSCH (Hans). Legio II Italica. Linz, Gesellschaft für Landeskunde von OÖ, 2006, 352 p. 2067. PLATSCHEK (Johannes). Ex iure manum conserere: symbolic violence in early Roman property disputes. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2006, 74, 34, p. 245-260. 2068. RIVES (James B.). Magic, religion, and law: The case of the Lex Cornelia de sicariis et veneficiis. In: Religion and law in classical and christian Rome [Cf. n° 2244], p. 47-67. 2069. RÜPKE (Jörg). Religion in lex Ursonensis. In: Religion and law in classical and christian Rome [Cf. n° 2244], p. 34-46. 2070. SACCHI (Osvaldo). Regime della terra e imposizione fondiaria nell'età dei Gracchi. Testo e commento storico-giuridico della legge agraria del 111 a.C. Napoli, Jovene, 2006, XXVIII-627 p. 2071. SANTINI (Giovanni). Inter iura poeta. Ricerche sul lessico giuridico in Draconzio. Roma, Herder, 2006, 250 p. (Studi e testi tardoantichi, 4). 2072. SCHEID (John). Oral tradition and written tradition in the formation of sacred law in Rome. In: Religion and law in classical and christian Rome [Cf. n° 2244], p. 14-33. 2073. SCHUMACHER (Leonhard). AVGVSTVS PONT. MAX. – Wie wurde ein römischer Kaiser pontifex maximus? Klio, 2006, 88, p. 181-188. 2074. SEGURA MUNGUÍA (Santiago). Frases y expresiones latinas de uso actual con un anexo sobre la instituciones jurídicas romanas. Bilbao, Univ. de Deusto, 2006, 203 p. 2075. SIVONEN (Pauli). Being a Roman magistrate. Office-holding and Roman identity in late antique Gaul. Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006, 178 p. (Bibliotheca historica, 101). 2076. SLOOTJES (Daniëlle). The governor and his subjects in the Later Roman Empire. Leiden a. Boston,
Brill, 2006, XVI-204 p. (Mnemosyne, supplements, subseries: history and archeology of Classical Antiquity, 275).
2088. BARBERO (Alessandro). Barbari. immigrati, profughi, deportati nell'impero romano. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, XVIII-337 p.
2077. SOUTHERN (Pat). The Roman army. A social and institutional history. Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2006, X-383 p.
2089. BARTSCH (Shadi). The mirror of the self. Sexuality, self-knowledge, and the gaze in the early Roman empire. Chicago, University of Chicago press, 2006, VIII-325 p.
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2090. BERLAN-BAJARD (Anne). Les spectacles aquatiques romains. Roma, École Française de Rome, 2006, 598 p. (Collection de l'École Française de Rome, 360).
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2091. CAPPELLETTI (Silvia). The Jewish community in Rome. From the second century B. C. to the third century C. E. Leiden, Brill, 2006, VIII-247 p.
2080. TUKKER (Willem Bastiaan). Lex et historia. Waardeoordeel over wet en recht in de profane Latijnse historiografie. (Werturteile über Recht und Gerechtigkeit in der weltlichen lateinischen Historiographie). Nijmegen, Valkhof Pers, 395 p.
2092. CARLSEN (Jesper). The rise and fall of a Roman noble family. The Domitii Ahenobarbi 196 BCAD 68. Odense, University press of Southern Denmark, 2006, 259 p. (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 314).
2081. UDOH (Fabian E.). To Caesar what is Caesar's. Tribute, taxes and imperial administration in early Roman Palestine (63 B. C. E.70 C. E.). Providence, Brown Judaic Studies, 2006, XIII-350 p.
2093. CECCONI (Giovanni A.). Romanizzazione, diversità culturale, politicamente corretto. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2006, 118, p. 81-94.
2082. VERVAET (Frederik Juliaan). The scope of the lex Sempronia concerning the assignment of the consular provinces (123 BCE). Athenaeum, 2006, 94, p. 625-654.
2094. CHRYSELIUS (Sandra). Unfreie Männer und Frauen im antiken Rom. Darstellung und Vergleich geschlechtsspezifischer Lebensbedingungen. Bergfelde, CVTD, 2006, 105 p.
2083. WEISS (Peter). Die Auxilien des syrischen Heeres von Domitian bis Antoninus Pius. Eine Zwischenbilanz nach den neuen Militärdiplomen. Chiron, 2006, 36, p. 249-298.
2095. CITRONI MARCHETTI (Sandra). L'assenza degli amici e l'otium nelle ville (Cicerone, Fam. 7. 1; Seneca, Epist. 55). Athenaeum, 2006, 94, p. 385-414.
2084. WELWEI (Karl-Wilhelm). Die Stellung der Sklaven im Spannungsfeld von ius gentium und ius naturale aus der Sicht römischer Juristen. Laverna, 2006, 17, p. 87-97. 2085. WIEACKER (Franz). Römische Rechtsgeschichte. Zweiter Abschnitt. Die Jurisprudenz vom frühen Prinzipat bis zum Ausgang der Antike im weströmischen Reich und die oströmische Rechtswissenschaft bis zur Justinianischen Gesetzgebung. Ein Fragment. Aus dem Nachlass von Franz Wieacker. Hrsg. von Joseph Georg WOLF (Mit einer Bibliographie von Ulrich MANTHE unter Mitarbeit von Marius BOLTEN). München, C. H. Beck, 2006, XVII-474 p. (Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft. Rechtsgeschichte des Altertums). § 6. Economic and social history. _______________________
2086. Art (The) of citizens, soldiers and freedmen in the Roman world. Ed. by Eve D'AMBRA. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2006, XVIII-167 p. (British archaeological reports. International series, 1526). 2087. BACKE-DAHMEN (Annika). Innocentissima Aetas. Römische Kindheit im Spiegel literarischer, rechtlicher und archäologischer Quellen des 1. bis 4. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. Mainz am Rhein, Zabern, 2006, 245, 112 p.
2096. CORBIER (Mireille). Donner à voir, donner à lire. Mémoire et communication dans la Rome ancienne. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2006, 292 p. 2097. COULON (Gérard). Les Gallo-romains. Vivre, travailler, croire, se distraire, 51 av. J.-C.486 apr. J.-C. Paris, Éd. Errance, 2006, 219 p. 2098. CRÎNGUù (Mariana), ùTEFĂNESCU (Atalia). RelaĠia părinte-copil în Dacia romană. (Parent-child relationship in Roman Dacia). Apulum. Muzeul National al Unirii Alba-Iulia, 2006, 43, 1, p. 283-290. 2099. DAVID (Jean-Michel). La prise en compte des intérêts des Italiens par le gouvernement de Rome. In: Herrschaft ohne Integration? [Cf. n° 2113], p. 95-110. 2100. Denarius (Dal) al dinar. L'oriente e la moneta romana. Atti dell'incontro di studio, Roma, 1618 settembre 2004. A cura di Federico DE ROMANIS e Sara SORDA. Roma, Istituto Italiano di numismatica, 2006, 340 p. 2101. DEPEYROT (Georges). La monnaie romaine (211 av. J.-C.476 apr. J.-C.). Paris, Éditions Errance, 2006, 212 p. 2102. DI FAZIO (Massimiliano). Fondi ed il suo territorio in età romana. Profilo di storia economica e sociale. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2006, 122 p. (British archaeological reports. International series, 1481).
6. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY 2103. DOSI (Antonietta). Otium. Il tempo libero dei romani. Roma, Quasar, 2006, 149 p. 2104. DOWLING (Melissa Barden). Clemency and cruelty in the Roman world. Ann Arbor, Michigan U. P., 2006, 366 p. 2105. DRECOLL (Carsten). Nachrichten in der römischen Kaiserzeit. Untersuchungen zu den Nachrichteninhalten in Briefen. Freiburg i. Br., Drecoll, 2006, 260 p. 2106. ECK (Werner). Rom und das jüdische Volk – Orte der Niederlagen und triumphale Erinnerungen. In: Erinnerungsorte der Antike [Cf. n° 1949], p. 570-585. 2107. FODOREAN (Florin). Drumurile din Dacia Romană. (Roads in Roman Dacia). PrefaĠa Mihai BĂRBULESCU. Cluj-Napoca, Editura Napoca Star, 2006, 448 p. 2108. FRASS (Monika). Antike römische Gärten. Soziale und wirtschaftliche Funktionen der Horti Romani. Horn, Berger, 2006, X-507 p. (Grazer Beiträge. Supplementband, 10). 2109. Frauen und Geschlechter. Bilder – Rollen – Realitäten in den Texten antiker Autoren der römischen Kaiserzeit. Hrsg. v. Robert ROLLINGER, Christoph ULF und Kordula SCHNEGG. Wien, Köln u. Weimar, Böhlau Verlag, 2006, 432 p.
2118. KUNST (Christiane). Leben und Wohnen in der römischen Stadt. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006, 167 p. 2119. LAES (Christian). Kinderen bij de Romeinen. Zes eeuwen dagelijks leven. (Les enfants chez les Romains. Six siècles de vie quotidienne). Leuven, Davidsfonds, 2006, 343 p. 2120. LAMBERTI (Francesca). Alle origini della Colonia Agrippina. Notazioni sul rapporto fra gli Ubii e il populus Romanus. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2006, 118, p. 107-132. 2121. LEE-STECUM (Parshia). Dangerous reputations: Charioteers and magic in Fourth-Century Rome. Greece and Rome, 2006, 53, p. 224-234. 2122. LO CASCIO (Elio). Il declino economico dell'Italia romana e il declino dell'impero: due scenari a confronto. Rivista di storia economica, 2006, 22, 1, p. 4158. IDEM. Il mondo romano e le indagini demografiche: dalla contoversia Hume-Wallace alla Biblioteca di storia economica e oltre. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 63, p. 245-270. 2123. LUND (Allan A.). I seng med romerne. Køn og sex i det antikke Rom. (In bed with the Romans. Gender and sex in ancient Rome). Kobenhavn, Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 2006, 335 p.
2110. GALSTERER (Hartmut). Rom und Italien vom Bundesgenossenkrieg bis zu Augustus. In: Herrschaft ohne Integration? [Cf. n° 2113], p. 293-308.
2124. MAC DONNELL (Myles). Roman manliness. Virtus and the Roman Republic. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXI-481 p.
2111. HARRIS (William V.). A revisionist view of Roman money. Journal of Roman studies, 2006, 96, p. 1-24.
2125. MALONE (Stephen James). Legio XX Valeria Victrix. Prosopography, archaeology and history. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2006, IV-287 p. (British archaeological reports. International series, 1491).
2112. HELLER (Anna). "Les bêtises des Grecs". Conflits et rivalités entre cités d'Asie et de Bithynie à l'époque romaine, 129 a.C.235 p.C. Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2006, 425 p. 2113. Herrschaft ohne Integration? Rom und Italien in republikanischer Zeit. Hrsg. v. Martin JEHNE und Rene PFEILSCHIFTER. Frankfurt am Main, Verlag Antike, 2006, 335 p. [Cf. nos 1823, 1824, 2099, 2110, 2114.] 2114. HUMM (Michel). Tribus et citoyenneté: extension de la citoyenneté romaine et expansion territoriale. In: Herrschaft ohne Integration? [Cf. n° 2113], p. 3964. 2115. IOANNATOU (Marina). Affaires d'argent dans la correspondance de Cicéron. L'aristocratie sénatoriale face à ses dettes. Paris, De Boccard, 2006, 557 p. 2116. KEMMERS (Fleur). Coins for a legion. An analysis of the coin finds from the Augustan legionary fortress and Flavian canabae legionis at Nijmegen. Mainz am Rhein, von Zabern, 2006, 289 p. 2117. KRIECKHAUS (Andreas). Senatorische Familien und ihre patriae (1./2. Jahrhundert n. Chr.). Hamburg, Kovac, 2006, XI-247 p. (Studien zur Geschichtsforschung des Altertums, 14).
2126. MATHISEN (Ralph W.). Peregrini, Barbari, and Cives Romani: concepts of citizenship and the legal identity of Barbarians in the Later Roman Empire. American historical review, 2006, 111, 4, p. 1011-1040. 2127. Migrare. La formation des élites dans l'Hispanie romaine. Éd. par Antonio CABALLOS RUFINO et Ségolène DEMOUGIN. Paris, De Boccard, 2006, 389 p. 2128. MIHĂILESCU-BÎRLIBA (LucreĠiu). Les affranchis dans les provinces romaines de l'Illyricum. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2006, X, 363 S. (Philippika. Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen, 12). 2129. MOATTI (Claudia). Translation, migration, and communication in the Roman empire: Three aspects of movement in history. Classical Antiquity, 2006, 25, p. 109-140. 2130. PEDRONI (Luigi). Crisi finanziaria e monetazione durante la guerra sociale. Bruxelles, Éd. Latomus, 2006, 223 p. (Collection Latomus, 297). 2131. PERETZ (Daniel). The Roman interpreter and his diplomatic and military roles. Historia, 2006, 55, p. 451-470. 2132. Poveri ammalati e ammalati poveri. Dinamiche socio-economiche, trasformazioni culturali e misure
assistenziali nell'Occidente romano in età tardoantica. Atti del convegno di studi, Palermo, 1315 ottobre 2005. A cura di Rosalia MARINO. Catania, Edizioni del prisma, 2006, 551 p. (Testi e studi di storia antica, 18). 2133. Poverty in the Roman world. Ed. by E. Margaret ATKINS. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIII226 p. 2134. RAMAGE (Edwin S.). Funeral eulogy and propaganda in the Roman republic. Athenaeum, 2006, 94, p. 39-64. 2135. RICCI (Carla). Gladiatori e attori nella Roma giulio-claudia. Studi sul senatoconsulto di Larino. Milano, LED, 2006, 145 p. 2136. RICCI (Cecilia). Stranieri illustri e comunità immigrate a Roma. Vox diversa populorum. Roma, Quasar, 2006, 118 p. 2137. RIX (Helmut). Ramnes, Tites, Luceres: noms étrusques ou latins? Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2006, 118, p. 167-175. 2138. ROLLER (Matthew Benedict). Dining posture in ancient Rome. Bodies, values, and status. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2006, XIII-219 p. 2139. Roman crossings. Theory and practice in the Roman Republic. Ed. by Kathryn E. WELCH and T. W. HILLARD. Swansea, Classical press of Wales, 2006, VIII-344 p. 2140. Römische (Das) Reich. Die antiken Wurzeln unserer Kultur. Hrsg. v. Flavio CONTI. Klagenfurt, Kaiser, 2006, 216 p. 2141. SANO (Mitsuyoshi). Sǀsǀ katsudǀ kara mita Koregia: teisei zenhanki Roma ni okeru Shakaiteki-ketsugǀ-kankei no ichi-danmen. (Collegia as seen through their funerary activity: an aspect of sociability in the early Roman empire). Shirin, 2006, 89, 4, p. 1-32 [Eng. summary]. 2142. SCHIMANOWSKI (Gottfried). Juden und Nichtjuden in Alexandrien. Koexistenz und Konflikte bis zum Pogrom unter Trajan (117 n. Chr.). Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2006, 277 p. 2143. SCHRUMPF (Stefan). Bestattung und Bestattungswesen im Römischen Reich. Ablauf, soziale Dimension und ökonomische Bedeutung der Totenfürsorge im lateinischen Westen. Göttingen, V&R unipress, 2006, 335 p. 2144. SMITH (Christopher John). The Roman clan. The gens from ancient ideology to modern anthropology. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIII-393 p. 2145. THURMOND (David L.). A handbook of food processing in classical Rome. Leiden, Brill, 2006, X294 p. 2146. TIMPE (Dieter). Römisch-germanische Begegnung in der späten Republik und frühen Kaiserzeit. Voraussetzungen, Konfrontationen, Wirkungen; gesammelte Studien. München, Saur, 2006, 470 p.
2147. TRAINA (Giusto). Romanizzazione, "métissages", ibridità. Alcune riflessioni. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2006, 118, p. 151-158. 2148. VEYRAC (Alain). Nîmes romaine et l'eau. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2006, 424 p. 2149. WEEBER (Karl-Wilhelm). Luxus im alten Rom. Die öffentliche Pracht. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2006, 184 p. 2150. ZARROW (Edward M.). Imposing Romanisation: Flavian coins and Jewish identity. Journal of Jewish studies, 2006, 57, p. 44-55. 2151. ZEHNACKER (Hubert). Religion et politique dans le monnayage des guerres civiles, de Sylla à César. In: Pouvoir et religion dans le monde romain [Cf. n° 2243], p. 51-62. § 7. History of literature, philosophy and science. _______________________
a. Literature 2152. AMANN (Martin). Komik in den Tristien Ovids. Basel, Schwabe, 2006, XI-296 p. 2153. BAAR (Mechthild). "Dolor" und "ingenium". Untersuchungen zur römischen Liebeselegie. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 267 p. (Palingenesia, 88). 2154. BARBAUD (Thierry). Catulle. Une poétique de l'indicible. Louvain, Peeters, 2006, XII-280 p. (Bibliothèque d'études classiques, 47). 2155. BECK (Jan-Wilhelm). Senecas 107 Brief: "Sand ohne Kalk"? Gymnasium, 2006, 113, p. 431-454. 2156. BOYLE (Anthony J.). An introduction to Roman tragedy. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XI-303 p. 2157. BRASSEUR (Annette). Virgo parens. Le destin d'une épigramme latine des premiers siècles de notre ère. Genève, Droz, 2006, 140 p. (Publications romanes et françaises, 240). 2158. BRUGNOLI (Giorgio), STOK (Fabio). Studi sulle Vitae Vergilianae. Pisa, ETS, 2006, 157 p. (Testi e studi di cultura classica, 34). 2159. CAIRNS (Francis). Sextus Propertius. The Augustan elegist. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVI-492 p. 2160. CANOBBIO (Alberto). Il libro IX di Marziale e il dominus dei coppieri gemelli (lettura in chiave aulica dell'epigramma 103). Athenaeum, 2006, 94, p. 65-94. 2161. CASALI (Sergio). The making of the shield: Inspiration and repression in the Aeneid. Greece and Rome, 2006, 53, p. 185-204. IDEM. The poet at war: Ennius on the field in Silius's Punica. Arethusa, 2006, 39, p. 569-593. 2162. CESCUTTI (Eva), GOLDSTERN (Christian). Amor vincit omnia. Liebe, Lust und Leidenschaft in der lateinischen Literatur. Wien, Braumüller, 2006, 112 p.
7. HISTORY OF LITERATURE, PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE 2163. CITRONI (Mario). Quintilian and the perception of the system of poetic genres in the Flavian age. In: Flavian poetry [Cf. n° 2172], p. 1-20. 2164. Commedia (La) di Plauto e la parodia. Il lato comico dei paradigmi tragici. A cura di Gianna PETRONE. Palermo, Flaccovio, 2006, 117 p. 2165. DEE (James H.). Repertorium Ovidii metamorphoseon hexametricum. A repertory of the hexameter patterns in Ovid, Metamophorses. Hildesheim, Olms-Weidmann, 2006, XXI, 424 p. 2166. DEVINE (Andrew Mackay), STEPHENS (Laurence D.). Latin word order. Structured meaning and information. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XII-639 p. 2167. DOMINIK (William J.). Rome then and now: Linking the Saguntum and Cannae episodes in Silius Italicus' Punica. In: Flavian poetry [Cf. n° 2172], p. 113-128.
rinen, Scripta Mercaturae, 2006, XIII-306 p. (Pharos. Studien zur griechisch-römischen Antike, 21). 2180. HIDBER (Thomas). Herodians Darstellung der Kaisergeschichte nach Marc Aurel. Basel, Schwabe, 2006, IX-310 p. (Altertumswissenschaft, 29). 2181. HILGERS (Werner). Die Römer bei den Eskimos und andere Persiflagen auf die Wissenschaft. Mainz, von Zabern, 2006, 166 p. (Kulturgeschichte der Antiken Welt, 113). 2182. HOFFER (Stanley E.). Divine comedy? Accession propaganda in Pliny, Epistles 10, 1 – 2 and the Panegyric. Journal of Roman studies, 2006, 96, p. 73-87. 2183. INGLEHART (Jennifer). Ovid, Tristia 1,2: High drama on the high seas. Greece and Rome, 2006, 53, p. 73-91.
2168. DOROTHÉE (Stéphane). À l'origine du signe. Le latin signum. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 394 p.
2184. JOHANNSEN (Nina). Dichter über ihre Gedichte. Die Prosavorreden in den "Epigrammaton libri" Martials und in den "Silvae" des Statius. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 404 p.
2169. EKERWALD (Carl-Göran). Horatius. Liv och tänkesätt. (Horatius. Life and philosophy). Stockholm, Norstedt, 2006, 309 p.
2185. KEANE (Catherine). Figuring genre in Roman satire. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 182 p. (American philological association. American classical studies, 50).
2170. Estudios sobre Terencio. Ed. por Andrés POGranada, Univ. de Granada, 2006, 532 p.
2186. KEITEL (Elizabeth). Sententia and structure in Tacitus Histories 1. 12-49. Arethusa, 2006, 39, p. 219244.
2171. FAGAN (Garrett G.). From Augustus to Nero. An intermediate Latin reader. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, X-214 p. 2172. Flavian poetry. Ed. by Ruurd R. NAUTA, HarmJan VAN DAM and Johannes J. L. SMOLENAARS. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, VI-408 p. (Mnemosyne. Supplementum, 207) [Cf. nos 2163, 2167, 2193.] 2173. FLEURY (Pascale). Lectures de Fronton. Un rhéteur latin à l'époque de la Seconde Sophistique. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2006, IX-375 p. (Collection d'études anciennes. Série latine, 64). 2174. GALL (Dorothea). Die Literatur in der Zeit des Augustus. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2006, VI-184 p. (Klassische Philologie kompakt). 2175. GAMBERALE (Leopoldo). Plauto secondo Pasolini. Un progetto di teatro fra antico e moderno; con un capitolo su Salvatore Cognetti de Martiis. Urbino, Quattro venti, 2006, XII-208 p. 2176. GINDHART (Marion). Evolat ad superos portaque evadit eburna. Intertextuelle Strategien und Vergilparodie im Cupido cruciatus des Ausonius. Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, 2006, 149, p. 214-236. 2177. GRECO (Maria). Cultus e gioco dell'amore in Ovidio. Galatina, Congedo, 2006, 142 p.
2187. KING (Richard Jackson). Desiring Rome. Male subjectivity and reading Ovid's Fasti. Columbus, Ohio State U. P., 2006, XI-328 p. 2188. KITCHELL (Kenneth Francis), SMITH (Sean). Catullus. A Legamus transitional reader. Wauconda, Bolchazy-Carducci, 2006, XXX-160 p. 2189. LA PENNA (Antonio). La cultura letteraria a Roma (edizione aggiornata e accresciuta). Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, VII-288 p. 2190. LAMM (Sebastian). Augustus im Spiegel des Dichters Tibull. Analyse, Darstellung und Interpretation der Schriften Tibulls hinsichtlich des Wechselverhältnisses von Staat und Poesie. Berlin, Mensch-undBuch-Verlag, 2006, 173 p. 2191. Lectiones Scrupulosae. Essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' Metamorphoses in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. by Wytse Hette KEULEN, Ruurd R. NAUTA and Stelios PANAYOTAKIS. Groningen, Barkhuis, 2006, XV-338 p. (Ancient narrative. Supplementum, 6). 2192. LOOS (Jaap). Ovid, Metamorphoses 8, 177235 and Ars amatoria 2, 21-96: Pioneer aviator turns cosmonaut. Mnemosyne, 2006, 59, p. 134-149.
2178. HARDIE (Philip Russell). Virgil's Ptolemaic relations. Journal of Roman studies, 2006, 96, p. 25-41.
2193. LOVATT (Helen). The female gaze in Flavian epic: Looking out from the walls in Valerius Flaccus and Statius. In: Flavian poetry [Cf. n° 2172], p. 59-78.
2179. HELLER (Christian). Sic transit gloria mundi: Das Bild von Pompeius Magnus im Bürgerkrieg. Verzerrung – Stilisierung – historische Realität. St. Katha-
2194. MARSHALL (Christopher W.). The stagecraft and performance of Roman comedy. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIII-320 p.
2195. MASSA (Giuseppe). Sallustio contro Cicerone? I falsi d'autore e la polemica anticiceroniana di Asinio Pollione. Athenaeum, 2006, 94, p. 415-466.
2213. TZOUNAKAS (Spyridon). Rusticitas versus urbanitas in the literary programmes of Tibullus and Persius. Mnemosyne, 2006, 59, p. 111-128.
2196. MAY (Regine). Apuleius and drama. The ass on stage. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XI-379 p.
2214. VANDENDRIESSCHE (Sarah). "Possessio" und "Dominium" im postklassischen römischen Recht. Eine Überprüfung von Levy's Vulgarrechtstheorie anhand der Quellen des Codex Theodosianus und der Posttheodosianischen Novellen. Hamburg, Kovaþ, 2006, XX294 p. (Schriftenreihe Rechtsgeschichtliche Studien, 16).
2197. MERRIAM (Carol U.). Love and propaganda. Augustan Venus and the Latin love elegists. Bruxelles, Éditions Latomus, 2006, 120 p. (Collection Latomus, 300). 2198. MUELLER-GOLDINGEN (Christian). Dichter und Gesellschaft. Vier Studien zur römischen Literatur. Münster, LIT, 2006, 74 p. 2199. NICASTRI (Luciano). Per una iniziazione a Virgilio. Salerno, Edisud, 2006, 501 p. 2200. PASCO-PRANGER (Molly). Founding the year. Ovid's Fasti and the poetics of the Roman calendar. Leiden, Brill, 2006, VIII-326 p. 2201. PIROVANO (Luigi). Le Interpretationes vergilianae di Tiberio Claudio Donato. Problemi di retorica. Roma, Herder, 2006, 253 p. 2202. PLAZA (Maria). The function of humour in Roman verse satire. Laughing and lying. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 370 p. 2203. POLLIO (David M.). Aeneas the Diplomat? New England classical journal, 2006, 33, p. 187-196. 2204. PUTNAM (Michael C. J.). Poetic interplay. Catullus and Horace. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2006, 171 p. 2205. Quesiti, temi, testi di poesia tardolatina. Claudiano, Prudenzio, Ilario di Poitiers, Sidonio Apollinare, Draconzio, Aegritudo Perdicae, Venanzio Fortunato, corpus dei Ritmi Latini. A cura di Luigi CASTAGNA. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2006, XVI-222 p. (Studien zur klassischen Philologie, 153). 2206. REITZ (Christiane). Die Literatur im Zeitalter Neros. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2006, VIII149 p. 2207. ROMAN (Luke). A history of lost tablets. Classical antiquity, 2006, 25, p. 351-388. 2208. SANTORO L'HOIR (Francesca). Tragedy, rhetoric, and the historiography of Tacitus' Annales. Ann Arbor, Michigan U. P., 2006, VIII-401 p. 2209. STEEL (Catherine E. W.). Roman oratory. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, 90 p. (Greece & Rome, 36). 2210. TARANTINI (Arcangelo). Il significato dell' Eneide di Virgilio. Bologna, Compositori, 2006, 493 p. 2211. Teatralità dei cori senecani. A cura di Filippo AMOROSO. Palermo, Flaccovio, 2006, 189 p. 2212. TISCHER (Ute). Interpretationsprämissen im Aeneiskommentar des Servius. Zu Serv. Aen. 5. 568 und 2, 135. Hermes, 2006, 134, p. 89-101.
2215. WEEBER (Karl-Wilhelm). Rom-Deutsch: warum wir alle Lateinisch reden, ohne es zu wissen. Frankfurt am Main, Eichborn, 2006, 339 p. Cf. nos 178, 213, 337, 369, 376, 1859-1926 b. Philosophy and sciences 2216. ANDRÉ (Jean-Marie). La médecine à Rome. Paris, Tallandier, 2006, 703 p. 2217. HINE (Harry M.). Rome, the cosmos, and the emperor in Seneca's Natural questions. Journal of Roman studies, 2006, 96, p. 42-72. 2218. Innovazione tecnica e progresso economico nel mondo romano. Atti degli incontri capresi di storia dell'economia antica, Capri, 1316 aprile 2003. A cura di Elio LO CASCIO. Bari, Edipuglia, 2006, 325 p. 2219. KOCH (Bernhard). Philosophie als Medizin für die Seele. Untersuchungen zu Ciceros Tusculanae Disputationes. Wiesbaden, Steiner, 2006, 218 p. 2220. LANGSLOW (David R.). The Latin Alexander Trallianus. The text and transmission of a late Latin medical book. London, Society for the promotion of Roman studies, 2006, XXV-287 p. (Journal of Roman studies. Monographs, 10). 2221. Latino (Il) dei filosofi a Roma antica. Atti della V Giornata Ghisleriana di filologia classica; Pavia, 1213 aprile 2005. Collegio Ghisleri. A cura di Fabio GASTI. Como, Ibis, 2006, 207 p. 2222. MAURACH (Gregor). Geschichte der römischen Philosophie. Eine Einführung. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2006, VIII-208 p. 2223. MONTIGLIO (Silvia). Should the aspiring wise man travel? A conflict in Seneca's thought. American journal of philology, 2006, 127, p. 553-586. 2224. PANIAGUA AGUILAR (David). El panorama literario técnico-científico en Roma (siglos III d. C.): 'et docere et delectare'. Salamanca, Ed. Univ. de Salamanca, 2006, 507 p. 2225. Seeing Seneca whole. Perspectives on philosophy, poetry and politics. Ed. by Katharina VOLK. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XVIII-222 p. (Columbia studies in the classical tradition, 28). 2226. WIENER (Claudia). Stoische Doktrin in römischer Belletristik. Das Problem von Entscheidungsfreiheit und Determinismus in Senecas Tragödien und Lucans "Pharsalia". München, Saur, 2006, 341 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 226).
8. RELIGION AND MYTHOLOGY 2227. WILLIAMS (Gareth D.). Greco-Roman seismology and Seneca on earthquakes in Natural questions 6. Journal of Roman studies, 2006, 96, p. 124146. Cf. nos 1859-1926 § 8. Religion and mythology. _______________________
2228. BECK (Roger L.). The religion of Mithras cult in the Roman empire. Mysteries of unconquered sun. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XV-285 p. 2229. DEPALMA DIGESER (Elizabeth). Religion, law and the Roman polity: The era of the great persecution. In: Religion and law in classical and christian Rome [Cf. n° 2244], p. 68-84. 2230. DONATI (Natascia), STEFANETTI (Patrizia). Dies natalis. I calendari romani e gli anniversari dei culti. Roma, Quasar, 2006, 201 p. 2231. ELM VON DER OSTEN (Dorothee). Texte als Medium und Reflexion von Religion im römischen Reich. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 260 p. 2232. FRIEDHEIM (Emmanuel). Rabbinisme et paganisme en Palestine romaine. Étude historique des Realia talmudiques (IerIVème siècles). Leiden, Brill, 2006, XX-447 p. 2233. GIRARDET (Klaus Martin). Die Konstantinische Wende. Voraussetzungen und geistige Grundlagen der Religionspolitik Konstantins des Großen. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2006, 204 p. 2234. GUILLAUMONT (François). Le De diuinatione de Cicéron et les théories antiques de la divination. Bruxelles, Latomus, 2006, 395 p. 2235. HAACK (Marie-Laurence). Prosopographie des haruspices romains. Pisa e Roma, Istituto di studi etruschi ed italici e Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2006, 217 p. (Biblioteca di studi etruschi, 42). 2236. Impact (The) of Imperial Rome on religions, ritual and religious life in the Roman Empire. Proceedings of the Fifth workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, 200 B.C.–A.D. 476.) Münster, June 30–July 4, 2004. Ed. by Lukas DE BLOIS, Peter FUNKE and Johannes HAHN. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, XI-287 p. (Impact of Empire, 5). 2237. JACOB (Robert). La question romaine du sacer. Ambivalence du sacré ou construction symbolique de la sortie du droit. Revue historique, 2006, 639, p. 523-588.
Mars en Occident", Le Mans, Université du Maine, 46 juin 2003. Éd. par Véronique BROUQUIER-REDDÉ. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 337 p. 2241. MEKACHER (Nina). Die vestalischen Jungfrauen in der römischen Kaiserzeit. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2006, 272 p. 2242. OLBRICH (Konstantin). Constantiniana Daphne: Die Gründungsmythen eines anderen Rom? Klio, 2006, 88, p. 483-509. 2243. Pouvoir et religion dans le monde romain. En hommage à Jean-Pierre Martin. Éd. par Annie VIGOURT, Xavier LORIOT, Agnès BÉRENGER-BADEL et Bernard KLEIN. Paris, PUPS et Presses de l'Université ParisSorbonne, 2006, 607 p. [Cf. nos 1936, 2062, 2151, 2239, 2247, 2248.] 2244. Religion and law in classical and christian Rome. Ed. by Clifford ANDO and Jörg RÜPKE; assisted by Sara BLAKE and Mihaela HOLBAN. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2006, 176 p. (Potsdamer Altertumswissenscaftliche Beiträge, 15). [Cf. nos 2034, 2068, 2069, 2072, 2229, 2454.] 2245. Religion in republican Italy. Ed. by Celia E. SCHULTZ and Paul B. HARVEY, jr. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV-299 p. (Yale classical studies, 33). 2246. SALMON (Pierre). Coutumes et procédés de divination des Africains chez Pline l'Ancien et Pomponius Mela. The ancient world, 2006, 37, p. 126-139. 2247. SARTORI (Antonio). Religione e potere nella realtà locali cisalpine. In: Pouvoir et religion dans le monde romain [Cf. n° 2243], p. 357-366. 2248. SCHEID (John). Rome et les grands lieux de culte d'Italie. (2006). In: Pouvoir et religion dans le monde romain [Cf. n° 2243], p. 75-85. 2249. SCHULTZ (Celia E.). Women's religious activity in the Roman Republic. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XIII-234 p. (Studies in the history of Greece and Rome). 2250. STEIN (Markus). Manichaica Latina. Band 3, 2. Codex Thevestinus. Paderborn, München, Wien u. Zürich, Schöningh, 2006, 81 p. 2251. TERIO (Simonetta). Der Steinbock als Herrschaftszeichen des Augustus. Münster, Aschendorff, 2006, VIII, 305 p. (Orbis antiquus, 41).
2238. KUNZ (Heike). Sicilia. Religionsgeschichte des römischen Sizilien. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XX-436 p. (Religion der römischen Provinzen, 4).
2252. Texte als Medium und Reflexion von Religion im römischen Reich. Hrsg. v. Dorothee ELM VON DER OSTEN, Jörg RÜPKE und Katharina WALDNER. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 260 p. (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 14.).
2239. LE BOHEC (Yann). Le culte impérial et l'armée romaine d'Afrique. In: Pouvoir et religion dans le monde romain [Cf. n° 2243], p. 389-400.
2253. THOMAS (Joël). L'imaginaire de l'homme romain. Dualité et complexité. Bruxelles, Latomus, 2006, 246 p.
2240. Mars en Occident. Actes du colloque international "Autour d'Allonnes (Sarthe), les Sanctuaires de
2254. WARRIOR (Valerie M.). Roman religion. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVII-165 p.
2255. WILDFANG (Robin Lorsch). Rome's Vestal virgins. A study of Rome's Vestal priestesses in the late republic and early empire. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XIII-158 p. 2256. Zentralität und Religion. Zur Formierung urbaner Zentren im Imperium Romanum. Hrsg. v. Hubert CANCIK. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, VIII-319 p. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 39). § 9. Archaeology and history of art. _______________________
2269. BRUNO (Matthias), BIANCHI (Fulvia). La Colonna di Traiano alla luce di recenti indagini. Papers of the British School at Rome, 2006, 74, p. 293-322. 2270. BURRELL (Barbara). False fronts: Separating the aedicular facade from the imperial cult in Roman Asia Minor. American journal of archaeology, 2006, 110, p. 437-469. 2271. CABALLOS RUFINO (Antonio). El nuevo bronce de Osuna y la política colonizadora romana. Sevilla, Secretariado de Publ. y Univ. de Sevilla, 2006, 534 p. 2272. CAMPBELL (Duncan B.). Roman legionary fortresses 27 BCAD 378. Oxford, Osprey, 2006, 64 p.
2257. ADAMS (Geoff W.). The suburban villas of Campania and their social function. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2006, IX-175 p. (British archaeological reports. International series, 1542).
2273. CASTRÉN (Paavo). Pompejilaisia kohtaloita. (Pompeian lives). Helsinki, Otava, 2006, 296 p.
2258. ALVAR (Jaime), GORDON (Richard), RODRí(Celso). The Mithraeum at Lugo (Lucus Augusti) and its connection with Legio VII Gemina. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2006, 19, p. 266-277.
2274. DIEZ (Erna). Kunstprovinzen im Römischen Imperium. Ausgewählte Schriften. Hrsg. v. Gabriele KOINER, Manfred LEHNER, Thuri LORENZ und Gerda SCHWARZ. Wien, Phoibos Verlag, 2006, 261 p.
2259. ARRIGONI BERTINI (Maria Giovanna). Il simbolo dell'ascia nella Cisalpina Romana. Faenza, Lega, 2006, 236 p.
2275. DUNBABIN (Katherine M. D.). A theatrical device on the Late Roman stage: the relief of Flavius Valerianus. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2006, 19, p. 191-212.
2260. BACCHETTA (Alberto). Oscilla. Rilievi sospesi di età romana. Milano, LED, 2006, 666 p. 2261. BECKER (Jeffrey A.). The villa delle grotte at Grottarossa and the prehistory of Roman villas. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2006, 19, p. 213-220. 2262. BEN LAZREG (N.), STEVENS (S.), STIRLING (Lea Margaret), MOORE (J.). Roman and early christian burial complex at Leptiminus (Lamta): second notice. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2006, 19, p. 347-367. 2263. BENEA (Doina), CRÎNGUù (Mariana), REGEP VLASCICI (Simona), ùTEFĂNESCU (Atalia). Arta úi tehnica emailului în Dacia Romană. (Glaze art and technique in Roman Dacia). Timiúoara, Editura Excelsior Art, 2006, 192 p. 2264. BENNETT (Julian). The cohors equitata fort at Tihau-Cetate, Romania: the results of geophysical survey and other research. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2006, 19, p. 278-299. 2265. BERNSTEIN (Martin). Römerstraßen und Kultplätze. Archäologische Wanderungen. München, Süddt. Zeitung Ed., 2006, 191 p. 2266. BIRLEY (Barbara), GREENE (Elizabeth). The Roman jewellery from Vindolanda. Beads, intaglios, finger rings, ear-rings & bracelets. Greenhead, Roman Army Museum Publ. for the Vindolanda Trust, 2006, 158 p. 2267. BOWMAN (Alan K.). Outposts of empire: Vindolanda, Egypt and the empire of Rome. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2006, 19, p. 75-93. 2268. BRIDGER (Clive). Veteran settlement in the Lower Rhineland: the evidence from the civitas Traianensis. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2006, 19, p. 137150.
2276. ELTON (Hugh), JACKSON (Mark), MIETKE (Gabriele), NEWHARD (James), ÖZGENEL (Lale), TWIGGER (Emma). A new Late-Roman urban centre in Isauria. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2006, 19, p. 300-311. 2277. FIELDS (Nic). Rome's Saxon shore. Coastal defences of Roman Britain; AD 250500. Oxford, Osprey, 2006, 64 p. 2278. GAGLIARDO (Maria C.), PACKER (James E.). A new look at Pompey's theater: history, documentation, and recent excavation. American journal of archaeology, 2006, 110, p. 93-122. 2279. GALSTERER (Hartmut). Romanisierung als Urbanisierung – lebendige Stadt oder geplantes Quadrat? In: Erinnerungsorte der Antike [Cf. n° 1949], p. 468-481. 2280. GRAHAM (Shawn). Ex figlinis. The network dynamics of the Tiber Valley brick industry in the hinterland of Rome. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2006, XII-156 p. (British archaeological reports. International series, 1486). 2281. Imaging ancient Rome. Documentation – Visualization – Imagination. Proceedings of the Third Williams Symposium on classical architecture held at the American Academy in Rome, the British School at Rome, and the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Rome, on May 2023, 2004. Ed. by Lothar HASELBERGER and John HUMPHREY. Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 2006, 337 p. (Journal of Roman archaeology. Supplementary series, 61). [Cf. nos 2288, 2302.] 2282. KOCI MONTANARI (Silvia). Die antiken Brücken von Rom. Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2006, 96 p. 2283. KURZMANN (Renate). Roman military brick stamps. A comparison of methodology. Oxford, Archaeo-
10. LATE ANTIQUITY. TRANSFORMATION OF THE ROMAN WORLD press, 2006, VII-298 p. (British archaeological reports. International series, 1543). 2284. LUGLI (Piero Maria). L'agro romano e l''altera forma' di Roma antica. Roma, Gangemi, 2006, 110 p. 2285. MARCONE (Arnaldo). Gli affreschi costantiniani nella Chiesa romana dei Quattro coronati (XIII secolo). Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 3, p. 912-932. 2286. MARTIN PRUVOT (Chantal), BOSSERT (Martin). L'insula 19 à Avenches. De l'édifice tibérien aux thermes du IIe siècle. Lausanne, Bibliothèque Historique Vaudoise, 2006, 333 p. 2287. MARTINI (Wolfram). Das Pantheon Hadrians in Rom. Das Bauwerk und seine Deutung. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 47 p. 2288. PENSABENE (Patrizio), D'ALESSIO (Alessandro). L'immaginario urbano: spazio sacro sul Palatino tardo-repubblicano. In: Imaging ancient Rome [Cf. n° 2281], p. 30-50. 2289. PETZL (Georg), SCHWERTHEIM (Elmar). Hadrian und die dionysischen Künstler. Drei in Alexandria Troas neugefundene Briefe des Kaisers an die Künstler-Vereinigung. Mit Beiträgen von Gudrun HEEDEMANN, Emanuel HÜBNER und Sebastian SCHARFF. Bonn, Habelt, 2006, VIII, 119 p. 2290. POEHLER (Eric E.). The circulation of traffic in Pompeii's Regio VI. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2006, 19, p. 53-74. 2291. REDDÉ (Michael). Alesia – vom nationalen Mythos zur Archäologie. Mainz am Rhein, von Zabern, 2006, 171 p. 2292. REINSBERG (Carola). Die Sarkophage mit Darstellungen aus dem Menschenleben. Dritter Teil. Vita Romana. Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 2006, 273 p. 2293. Representations of war in ancient Rome. Ed. by Sheila DILLON and Katherine E. WELCH. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV-365 p. 2294. Romanitas. Essays on Roman archaeology in honour of Sheppard Frere on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday. Ed. by Roger John Anthony WILSON. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2006, 242 p. 2295. ROMIZZI (Lucia). Programmi decorativi di III e IV stile a Pompei. Un'analisi sociologica ed iconologica. Napoli, Loffredo, 2006, 582 p. (Quaderni di Ostraka, 11). 2296. ROSSO (Emmanuelle). L'image de l'empereur en Gaule romaine. Portraits et inscriptions. Paris, Éd. du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2006, 604 p. (Archéologie et histoire de l'art, 20). 2297. SCHOONHOVEN (Astrid Vanessa). Metrology and meaning in Pompeii. The urban arrangement of Regio VI. Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2006, 216 p. (Studi della Soprintendenza archeologica di Pompei, 20). 2298. SEAR (Frank). Roman theatres. An architectural study. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XXXIX-465 p.
2299. STEFANOU (Damaris). Darstellungen aus dem Epos und Drama auf kaiserzeitlichen und spätantiken Bodenmosaiken. Eine ikonographische und deutungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung. Münster, Aschendorff, 2006, VIII-406 p. (Orbis antiquus, 40). 2300. TALMATCHI (Gabriel). The Roman republican coinage in Dobrudja. Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Mega, 2006, 184 p. 2301. TÓTH (Endre). Itineraria Pannonica. Római utak a Dunántúlon. (Itineraria Pannonica. Roman roads in Transdanubia). Budapest, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, 2006, 208 p. 2302. TUCCI (Pier Luigi). Ideology and technology in Rome's water supply. Castella, the toponym AQVEDVCTIVM, and supply to the Palatine and Caelian hills. Journal of Roman archaeology, 2006, 19, p. 94120. IDEM. L'arx Capitolina: tra mito e realtà. In: Imaging ancient Rome [Cf. n° 2281], p. 63-73. 2303. VASSAL (Véronique). Les pavements d'opus signinum. Technique, décor, fonction architecturale. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2006, VI-245 p. (British archaeological reports. International series, 1472). 2304. Vivere in villa. Le qualità delle residenze agresti in età romana. Atti del convegno (Ferrara, gennaio 2003). A cura di Jacopo ORTALLI. Firenze, Le lettere, 2006, XIII-366 p. 2305. WARRY (Peter). A dated typology for Roman rooftiles (tegulae). Journal of Roman archaeology, 2006, 19, p. 246-265. 2306. WITCHER (Robert). Broken pots and meaningless dots? Surveying the rural landscapes of Roman Italy. Papers of the British School at Rome, 2006, 74, p. 39-72. § 10. Late antiquity. Transformation of the Roman world. _______________________
2307. BIANCHI (Barbara), MUNZI (Massimiliano). L'elmo-diadema. Un'insegna tardoantica di potere tra oriente e occidente. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2006, 118, p. 297-313. 2308. CHRISTIE (Neil). From Constantine to Charlemagne. An archaeology of Italy, AD 300800. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XVII-586 p. 2309. Cités (Les) de l'Italie tardo-antique. IVeVIe siècle; institutions, économie, société, culture et religion. Sous la dir. de Massimiliano GHILARDI, Christophe J. GODDARD et Pierfrancesco PORENA. Roma, École Française de Rome, 2006, 390 p. (Collection de l'École Française de Rome, 369). 2310. Deleto paene imperio Romano. Transformationsprozesse der Römischen Reiches im 3. Jahrhundert und ihre Rezeption in der Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. KlausPeter JOHNE, Thomas GERHARDT und Udo HARTMANN. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2006, 446 p. [Cf. nos 1968, 1977, 2402.]
2311. Espacio y tiempo en la percepción de la Antigüedad Tardía. Homenaje al profesor Antonino González Blanco, in maturitate aetatis ad prudentiam. Ed. por Elena CONDE GUERRI. Universidad de Murcia, Área de Historia Antigua. Murcia, 2006, 1083 p. 2312. FAUVINET-RANSON (Valérie). Decor civitatis, decor Italiae. Monuments, travaux publics et spectacles au VIe siècle d'après les Variae de Cassiodore. Bari, Edipuglia, 2006, 527 p. 2313. Germanen (Die) in der Völkerwanderung. Auszüge aus den antiken Quellen über die Germanen von der Mitte des 3. Jahrhunderts bis zum Jahre 453 n. Chr. T. 1 u. 2. Hrsg. u. übers. v. Hans-Werner GOETZ, Steffen PATZOLD und Karl-Wilhelm WELWEI [griech., lat./dt.]. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006, 2 vol., LII-365 p., 536 p. (Ausgewählte Quellen zur Deutschen Geschichte des Mittelalters. Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gedächtnisausgabe, 1b, T. 1 u. 2). 2314. GOFFART (Walter André). Barbarian tides. The migration age and the later Roman empire. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania press, 2006, X-372 p. (Middle Ages series). 2315. GRAHAM (Mark W.). News and frontier consciousness in the late Roman empire. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan press, 2006, XVIII-247 p. 2316. HAARER (Fiona K.). Anastasius I: politics and empire in the late Roman world. Cambridge, Francis Cairns, 2006, XII-351 p. (ARCA, classical and Medieval texts, papers, and monographs, 46). 2317. Körper und Seele. Aspekte spätantiker Anthropologie. Hrsg. v. Barbara FEICHTINGER. München, Saur, 2006, 265 p. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 215). 2318. LIEBESCHUETZ (J. H. W. G.). Decline and change in Late Antiquity. Religion, Barbarians and their historiography. Aldershot a. Burlington, Asghate, 2006, XIV-368 p. (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 846).
2319. ROSE (Maurice E.). The trier ceiling: Power and status on display in late antiquity. Greece and Rome, 2006, 53, p. 92-109. 2320. SFAMENI (Carla). Ville residenziali nell'Italia tardoantica. Bari, Edipuglia, 2006, 388 p. 2321. SIMONETTI (Manlio). Romani e barbari. Le lettere latine alle origini dell'Europa, (secoli VVIII). A cura di Giovanni Maria VIAN. Roma, Carocci, 2006, 303 p. 2322. SINCYR (Gilbert). L'épopée d'Aetius, dernier général de la Rome antique. Coulommiers, Dualpha, 2006, 318 p. 2323. Stadt (Die) in der Spätantike – Niedergang oder Wandel? Akten des internationalen Kolloquiums in München am 30. und 31. Mai 2003. Hrsg. v. JensUwe KRAUSE. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 492 p. (Historia Einzelschriften, 190). 2324. Suus cuique mos. Studien zur paganen Kultur des lateinischen Westens im 4. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Hrsg. v. Ulrich SCHMITZER. Göttingen, Edition Ruprecht, 2006, 252 p. (Vertumnus, Berliner Beiträge zur Klassischen Philologie und ihren Nachbargebieten, 1). 2325. Trasformazioni (Le) delle élites in età tardoantica. Atti del convegno internazionale, Perugia, 1516 marzo 2004. A cura di Rita LIZZI TESTA, Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2006, 505 p. (Saggi di storia antica, 28). 2326. TSIRKIN (Julij B.). Antichnye i rannesrednevekovye istochniki po istorii Ispanii: Perevody i kommentarii. (Ancient and Early Medieval sources for the history of Spain: translations and comments). SanktPeterburg, Izd-vo filologicheskogo fakul'teta SPbGU, 2006, 360 p. (bibl. p. 337-338; ind. p. 340-358). Cf. nos 2327-2488, 2708, 2723, 2752
G EARLY HISTORY OF THE CHURCH TO GREGORY THE GREAT _________ § 1. Sources. 2327-2385. – § 2. General. 2386-2391. – § 3. Special studies. 2392-2482. – § 4. Hagiography. 2483-2488. § 1. Sources. _______________________
2327. [Anonymi in Iob commentarius] Anonymi in Iob commentarius. Ed. Kenneth B. STEINHAUSER adiuv. Hildegund MÜLLER et Dorothea WEBER. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2006, 421 p. (Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, 96). 2328. [Athanasius Alexandrinus] Athanasius Alexandrinus. Zwei Schriften gegen die Arianer. Verteidigungsschrift gegen die Arianer (Apologia contra Arianos), Geschichte der Arianer (Historia Arianorum). Eingel., übers. und kommentiert. Hrsg. v. Werner PORTMANN. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 2006, 398 p. 2329. [Augustinus] CATAPANO (Giovanni). Tutti i dialoghi. Aurelio Agostino. Introduzione generale, presentazioni ai dialoghi e note. Contro gli accademici (Contra academicos). La vita felice (De beata vita). Milano, Bompiani, 2006, CCCXI-1831 p. 2330. [Augustinus] DROBNER (Hubertus R.). Augustinus von Hippo: Predigten zum österlichen Triduum (Sermones 218-229/D). Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung und Anmerkungen. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2006, 587 p. (Patrologia, 16). 2331. [Augustinus] FISCHER (Norbert). Schöpfung, Zeit und Ewigkeit. Augustinus, Confessiones 11-13. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2006, 196 p. 2332. [Augustinus] KOTZÉ (Annemaré). "The puzzle of the last four books of Augustine's Confessions". An illegitimate issue? Vigiliae christianae, 2006, 60, p. 65-79. 2333. [Biblia] FELLE (Antonio Enrico). Biblia epigraphica. La sacra scrittura nella documentazione epigrafica dell'Orbis christianus antiquus (IIIVIII secolo). Bari, Edipuglia, 2006, 677 p. 2334. [Biblia] NEEF (Heinz-Dieter). Arbeitsbuch Biblisch-Aramäisch. Materialien, Beispiele und Übungen zum Biblisch-Aramäisch. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XVI, 206 p.
2335. [Boethius] GRUBER (Joachim). Kommentar zu Boethius De consolatione philosophiae. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2006, XI-520 p. 2336. [Boethius] Le livre de Boece de consolacion. Éd. par Glynnis M. CROPP. Genève, Droz, 2006, 480 p. (Textes littéraires français, 580). 2337. [Clemens] FEULNER (Rüdiger). Clemens von Alexandrien. Sein Leben, Werk und philosophischtheologisches Denken. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2006, 267 p. (Bamberger theologische Studien, 31). 2338. [Cyprianus] MATTEI (Paul), POIRIER (Michel), SINISCALCO (Paolo). L'unité de l'église. Texte critique du CCL 3 (M. Bévenot). Cyprien de Carthage. Apparats, notes, traduction, appendices et index. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2006, XVIII-334 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 500). 2339. DORAN (Robert). Stewards of the poor: the man of God, Rabbula, and Hiba in fifth-century Edessa. Translations and introductions. Kalamazoo, Cistercian publications, 2006, XIX-204 p. (Cistercian studies series, 208). 2340. [Dracontius] LUCERI (Angelo). Dracontii De laudibus Dei et Satisfactio condordantia. Hildesheim, Olms-Weidmann, 2006, II-202 p. 2341. [Ephraem] CASSINGENA-TRÉVEDY (François). Hymnes pascales. Éphrem de Nisibe. Introduction, traduction du syriaque et notes. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2006, 334 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 502). 2342. [Evagrius Ponticus] CASIDAY (Augustine M.). Evagrius Ponticus. Abingdon, Routledge, 2006, 250 p. 2343. [Faustinus et Marcellinus] CANELLIS (Aline). Faustin (et Marcellin), Supplique aux empereurs (Libellus precum et Lex Augusta) précédé de Faustin, Confession de foi. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2006, 261 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 504). 2344. FÜRST (Alfons). Der apokryphe Briefwechsel zwischen Seneca und Paulus. Zusammen mit dem Brief des Mordechai an Alexander und dem Brief des Annaeus
Seneca über Hochmut und Götterbilder. Eingel., übers. und mit interpretierenden Essays versehen. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, X-215 p.
2358. [Testamentum novum] BROER (Ingo). Einleitung in das Neue Testament. Band 1 u. 2. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2006, 731 p.
2345. [Gregorius Nazianzenus] BORTNES (Jostein), HÄGG (Tomas). Gregory of Nazianzus. Images and Reflections. København, Museum Tusculanum press, 2006, 349 p.
2359. [Testamentum novum] BRUCE (Frederick F.). The Epistle to the Hebrews. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2006, XXII-426 p. (The new international commentary on the New Testament, 19).
2346. [Gregorius Nazianzenus] Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni opera. Versio graeca I. Orationes X et XII. Ed. by Justin MOSSAY. Turnhout a. Leuven, Brepols, 2006, CXXXV-61 p.
2360. [Testamentum novum] CORNILS (Anja). Vom Geist Gottes erzählen. Analysen zur Apostelgeschichte. Tübingen, Francke, 2006, VIII-283 p. (Texte und Arbeiten zum neutestamentlichen Zeitalter, 44).
2347. [Irenaeus] MUTSCHLER (Bernhard). Das Corpus Johanneum bei Irenäus von Lyon. Studien und Kommentar zum dritten Buch von Adversus Haereses. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XVIII-629 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 189).
2361. [Testamentum novum] DAVIDS (Peter H.). The First Epistle of Peter. Grand Rapids, Michigan, Eerdmans, 2006, XXII-266 p. (The new international commentary on the New Testament, 21).
2348. [Isidorus Hispalensis] BARNEY (Stephen A.). The etymologies of Isidore of Seville. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XII-475 p.
2362. [Testamentum novum] DEBANNÉ (Marc J.). Enthymemes in the Letters of Paul. London, Clark, 2006, XVI-294 p. (Library of New Testament studies, 303).
2349. [Iulius Africanus] Julius Africanus und die christliche Weltchronistik. Hrsg. v. Martin WALLRAFF. Berlin u. New York, De Gruyter, 2006, VIII-346 p. (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, 157).
2363. [Testamentum novum] ECKEY (Wilfried). Die Briefe des Paulus an die Philipper und an Philemon. Ein Kommentar. Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener Verlag, 2006, XIV-241 p.
2350. [Iustinus Martyr] MUNIER (Charles). Apologie pour les Chrétiens. Justin. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2006, 390 p. (Sources chrétiennes, 507). 2351. [Leontius Hierosolymitanus] GRAY (Patrick T. R.). Leontius of Jerusalem. Against the Monophysites: testimonies of the Saints and aporiae. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, IX-245 p. 2352. [Marius Aventicensis] DESGRUGILLERS (Nathalie). Chronique 455-581. Marius évêque d'Avenches. Texte établi et traduit. Clermont-Ferrand, Ed. Paleo, 2006, 67 p. 2353. [Marius Victorinus] IPPOLITO (Antonella). Marii Victorini Explanationes in Ciceronis Rhetoricam. Turnhout, Brepols publishers, 2006, XCII-305 p. (Corpus Cristianorum. Series Latina, 132). 2354. [Patres Ecclesiae] Editiones principes delle opere dei padri greci e latini. Atti del convegno di studi della Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino, Certosa del Galluzzo, Firenze, 2425 ottobre 2003. A cura di Mariarosa CORTESI. Firenze, SISMEL Ed. del Galluzzo, 2006, VIII-426 p. 2355. [Prudentius] BECKER (Maria). Kommentar zum Tischgebet des Prudentius (cath. 3). Heidelberg, Winter, 2006, 279 p.
2364. [Testamentum novum] FIEDLER (Peter). Das Matthäusevangelium. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2006, 440 p. 2365. [Testamentum novum] Imagery in the Gospel of John. Terms, forms, themes, and theology of Johannine figurative language. Ed. by Jörg FREY. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, IX-495 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 200). 2366. [Testamentum novum] KOLLMANN (Bernd). Einführung in die neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte. Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 2006, 167 p. 2367. [Testamentum novum] LAMPE (Peter). Die Wirklichkeit als Bild. Das Neue Testament als ein Grunddokument abendländischer Kultur im Lichte konstruktivistischer Epistemologie und Wissensoziologie. Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener Verlag, 2006, 245 p. 2368. [Testamentum novum] O'BRIEN (Peter T.). The epistle to the Philippians. A commentary on the Greek text. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2006, XLI, 597 p. (The new international Greek Testament commentary, 11). 2369. [Testamentum novum] REINMUTH (Eckart). Anthropologie im Neuen Testament. Tübingen, Francke, 2006, VIII-338 p.
2356. [Tertullianus] VICASTILLO (Salvador). Tertullianus. El bautismo. De oratione. Madrid, Ciudad nueva, 2006, 406 p. (Fuentes patrísticas, 18).
2370. [Testamentum novum] REINMUTH (Eckart). Der Brief des Paulus an Philemon. Leipzig, Evang. Verl.-Anstalt, 2006, XX-63 p. (Theologischer Handkommentar zum Neuen Testament, 11, 2).
2357. [Testamentum novum] ARZT-GRABNER (Peter). 1. Korinther. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 575 p.
2371. [Testamentum novum] SCHNABEL (Eckhard J.). Der erste Brief des Paulus an die Korinther. Witten, Brockhaus, 2006, 1134 p.
3. SPECIAL STUDIES 2372. [Testamentum novum] TOWNER (Philip H.). The letters to Timothy and Titus. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2006, XLVIII-886 p. 2373. [Testamentum novum] VERONESI (Matteo). Ancora sul Vangelo di Giovanni, 20, 7. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 63, p. 281-286. 2374. [Testamentum novum] WANAMAKER (Charles A.). The Epistles to the Thessalonians. A commentary on the Greek text. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2006, XXVIII-316 p. 2375. [Testamentum novum] WISCHMEYER (Oda). Paulus. Leben – Umwelt – Werk – Briefe. Tübingen, Francke, 2006, XXI-388 p. 2376. [Testamentum novum] WITHERINGTON (Ben), HYATT (Darlene). Paul's letter to the Romans. A sociorhetorical commentary. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2006, XXXVIII-421 p. 2377. [Testamentum Salomonis] BUSCH (Peter). Das Testament Salomos. Die älteste christliche Dämonologie, kommentiert und in deutscher Erstübersetzung. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2006, XII-322 p. (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, 153). 2378. [Testamentum vetus] AUFFRET (Pierre). Mais tu élargiras mon coeur. Nouvelle étude structurelle du psaume 119. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2006, XXVI-372 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 359). 2379. [Testamentum vetus] FLINT (Peter W.). Studies in the Hebrew Bible, Qumran, and the Septuagint. Presented to Eugene ULRICH. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XXXVII-460 p. (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, 101).
2385. [Venantius Fortunatus] FELS (Wolfgang). Gelegentlich Gedichte. Das lyrische Werk; Die Vita des hl. Martin. Venantius Fortunatus. Eingeleitet, übersetzt und kommentiert. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 2006, XLVI499 p. (Bibliothek der Mittellateinischen Literatur, 2). § 2. General. _______________________
2386. BERGER (Klaus). Tradition und Offenbarung. Studien zum frühen Christentum. Hrsg. v. Matthias KLINGHARDT. Tübingen, Francke, 2006, X-513 p. 2387. Cambridge history (The) of Christianity. Volume I. Origins to Constantine. Ed. by Margaret M. MITCHELL and Frances M. YOUNG. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XLV-740 p. [Cf. no 2480.] 2388. MARKSCHIES (Christoph). Das antike Christentum. Frömmigkeit, Lebensformen, Institutionen. Früher u. d. T.: Zwischen den Welten wandern. München, Beck, 2006, 270 p. (Beck'sche Reihe, 1692). 2389. Oxford (The) handbook of biblical studies. Ed. by John W. ROGERSON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XVIII-896 p. 2390. SORDI (Marta). Impero romano e cristianesimo. Scritti scelti. Roma, Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2006, 550 p. 2391. Texte, Fakten, Artefakte. Beiträge zur Bedeutung der Archäologie für die neutestamentliche Forschung. Hrsg. v. Max KÜCHLER. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht u. Fribourg, Academic press, 2006, IX-229 p. (Novum testamentum et orbis antiquus. Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments, 59). § 3. Special studies. _______________________
2380. [Testamentum vetus] Grundinformation Altes Testament. Eine Einführung in Literatur, Religion und Geschichte des Alten Testaments. Hrsg. v. Jan Christian GERTZ. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 556 p.
2392. ADACHI (Hiroaki). Asceticism and women's freedom in Christian late antiquity. Some aspects of Thecla cults and Egeria's journey. Orient. Reports of the society for near eastern studies in Japan, 2006, 41, p. 61-90.
2381. [Testamentum vetus] MARTTILA (Marko). Collective reinterpretation in the Psalms. A study of the redaction history of the Psalter. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, IX-274 p.
2393. ALBUS (Michael). Auf den Spuren des Apostels Paulus. Frühe Stätten der Christenheit. Gütersloh, Gütersloher Verl.-Haus, 2006, 151 p.
2382. [Theodoretus Cyrrhensis] HILL (Robert Charles). Commentary on Daniel. Theodoret of Cyrus; translated with an introduction and notes. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XXXIV-340 p. 2383. [Theodorus Mopsuestenus] HILL (Robert Charles). Commentary on Psalms 1-81. Theodore of Mopsuestia. Transl. with an introd. and notes. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XXXVIII-1137 p. (Writings from the Greco-Roman world, 5). 2384. [Thomas-Evangelium] NORDSIECK (Reinhard). Das Thomas-Evangelium. Einleitung; zur Frage des historischen Jesus; Kommentierung aller 114 Logien. Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener Verlag, 2006, 408 p.
2394. ALEXOPOULOS (Theodoros). Die Paradoxie als Ausdrucksmittel tiefgründiger theologischer Gedanken bei Gregor von Nyssa. Vigiliae christianae, 2006, 60, p. 431-446. 2395. ALLEN (Pauline). The international mariology project: a case-study of Augustine's letters. Vigiliae christianae, 2006, 60, p. 209-230. 2396. Apokalyptik als Herausforderung neutestamentlicher Theologie. Hrsg. v. Michael BECKER. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, VIII-447 p. 2397. AUNE (David Edward). Apocalypticism, prophecy and magic in early Christianity. Collected essays. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XII-482 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 199).
2398. BAUMER (Christoph). The church of the East: an illustrated history of Assyrian Christianity. London a. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2006, 328 p.
2412. COCCHINI (Francesca). Origene. Teologo esegeta per una identità cristiana. Bologna, Edizioni Dehoniane, 2006, 350 p.
2399. BECKER (Adam H.). Fear of God and the beginning of wisdom. The School of Nisibis and Christian scholastic culture in late antique Mesopotamia. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania press, 2006, XVI-298 p.
2413. Copts in Egypt. A Christian minority under siege. Papers presented at the First International Coptic Symposium, Zürich, September 2325, 2004. Ed. by Martyn THOMAS. Zürich, G2W u. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 192 p.
2400. Beyond reception. Mutual influences between antique religion, Judaism, and early Christianity. Ed. by David BRAKKE. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2006, 245 p. (Early Christianity in the context of antiquity, 1).
2414. DENNIS (John A.). Jesus' death and the gathering of true Israel. The Johannine appropriation of restoration theology in the light of John 11. 47-52. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, X-418 p.
2401. BLAUDEAU (Philippe). Alexandrie et Constantinople, 451491: de l'histoire à la géo-ecclésiologie. Rome, École française de Rome, 2006, XXII-810 p. (Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 327).
2415. DIESEL (Anja Angela). "Ich bin Jahwe". Der Aufstieg der Ich-bin-Jahwe-Aussage zum Schlüsselwort des alttestamentlichen Monotheismus. Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener Verlag, 2006, XIII-425 p. (Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 110).
2402. BLECKMANN (Bruno). Zu den Motiven der Christenverfolgung des Decius. In: Deleto paene imperio Romano [Cf. n° 2310], p. 37-56. 2403. BOERS (Hendrikus). Christ in the letters of Paul. In place of a christology. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2006, XII-361 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 140).
2416. DU TOIT (David S.). Der abwesende Herr. Strategien im Markusevangelium zur Bewältigung der Abwesenheit des Auferstandenen. Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener Verlag, 2006, XIV-487 p. (Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 111).
2404. BORGMAN (Paul). The way according to Luke. Hearing the whole story of Luke-Acts. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2006, XII-404 p.
2417. EISEN (Ute E.). Die Poetik der Apostelgeschichte. Eine narratologische Studie. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht u. Fribourg, Academic press, 2006, 294 p. (Novum testamentum et orbis antiquus. Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments, 58).
2405. BRÄNDL (Martin). Der Agon bei Paulus. Herkunft und Profil paulinischer Agonmetaphorik. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XIII-523 p.
2418. ESCRIBANO (Victoria). Disidencia doctrinal y marginación geográfica en el siglo IV d.C. Los exilios de Eunomio de Cízico. Athenaeum, 2006, 94, p. 231-260.
2406. BRANDT (Hartwin). Konstantin der Große. Der erste christliche Kaiser: eine Biographie. München, Beck, 2006, 208 p.
2419. FINN (Richard). Almsgiving in the later Roman empire. Christian promotion and practice; (313 450). Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, IX-302 p.
2407. CASTAGNOLI (Luca). Liberal arts and recollection in Augustine's Confessions, X (ix 16-xii 19). Philosophie antique: problèmes, renaissances, usages, 2006, 6, p. 107-135.
2420. FUHRER (Therese). Augustine on rhetoric and dialectic in theory and practice. Classica. Revista brasileira de estudios clássicos, 2006, 19, p. 99-114.
2408. CHAE (Young Sam). Jesus as the eschatological Davidic shepherd. Studies in the old testament, second temple judaism, and in the gospel of Matthew. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, X-446 p. 2409. CHENNATTU (Rekha M.). Johannine discipleship as a covenant relationship. Peabody, Hendrickson publishers, 2006, XXIV-256 p.
2421. FULLER (Michael E.). The restoration of Israel. Israel's re-gathering and the fate of the nations in early Jewish literature and Luke-Acts. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2006, XI-332 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 138). 2422. GÄBEL (Georg). Die Kulttheologie des Hebräerbriefes. Eine exegetisch-religionsgeschichtliche Studie. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XV-598 p.
2410. CÎTEIA (Adriana-Claudia). InstituĠii ecleziastice pe litoralul vest-pontic, în lumina izvoarelor arheologice, literare úi epigrafice în secolele IVVII. (Ecclesiatical institutions on West Pontic coastline, according to archaeological, literary and epigraphic sources in the 4th7th centuries). ConstanĠa, Editura Muntenia, 2006, 611 p.
2423. GERHARDS (Meik). Die Aussetzungsgeschichte des Mose. Literatur- und traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu einem Schlüsseltext des nichtpriesterlichen Tetrateuch. Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener, 2006, X-294 p. (Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, 109).
2411. CLAUSS (Manfred). Quo vadis – der lange Marsch des Christentums. In: Erinnerungsorte der Antike [Cf. n° 1949], p. 586-606.
2424. GREGG (Brian Han). The historical Jesus and the final judgment sayings in Q. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XIV-346 p.
2425. GWYNN (David Morton). The Eusebians. The polemic of Athanasius of Alexandria and the construction of the 'Arian controversy'. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, 280 p.
2439. KÖHLMOOS (Melanie). Bet-El, Erinnerungen an eine Stadt. Perspektiven der alttestamentlichen BetEl-Überlieferung. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, X344 p. (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, 49).
2426. HARRILL (James Albert). Slaves in the New Testament. Literary, social, and moral dimensions. Minneapolis, Fortress press, 2006, XIV-322 p.
2440. KÖRTING (Corinna). Zion in den Psalmen. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck. 2006, IX-267 p. (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, 48).
2427. HARTMANN (Götz). Selbststigmatisierung und Charisma christlicher Heiliger der Spätantike. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, VIII-162 p. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 38).
2441. LARCHET (Jean-Claude). La notion d'énergie(s) divine(s) dans l'oeuvre de saint Jean Chrysostome. Philotheos, 2006, 6, p. 173-180.
2428. HÄUßER (Detlef). Christusbekenntnis und Jesusüberlieferung bei Paulus. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XIV-416 p. 2429. HENDERSON (Suzanne Watts). Christology and discipleship in the Gospel of Mark. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XV-287 p. 2430. HENGEL (Martin). Der unterschätzte Petrus. Zwei Studien. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, 261 p. 2431. HERMS (Ronald). An apocalypse for the Church and for the world. The narrative function of universal language in the book of Revelation. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2006, XV, 299 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 143).
2442. LEE (Michelle V.). Paul, the Stoics, and the body of Christ. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIII-223 p. (Monograph series. Society for New Testament studies, 137). 2443. LEONHARD (Clemens). The Jewish Pesach and the origins of the Christian Easter. Open questions in current research. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2006, XI-507 p. (Studia Judaica, 35). 2444. LING (Timothy J. M.). The Judaean poor and the fourth Gospel. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVII-245 p. (Monograph series. Society for New Testament Studies, 136). 2445. LÖHR (Winrich Alfried). Arius reconsidered (Part 2). Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum, 2006, 10, p. 121-157.
2432. HILL (Charles E.). From the lost teaching of Polycarp. Identifying Irenaeus' apostolic presbyter and the author of "Ad Diognetum". Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, VIII-207 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 186).
2446. MAC WHIRTER (Jocelyn). The bridegroom Messiah and the people of God. Marriage in the Fourth Gospel. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XV-175 p. (Monograph series. Society for New Testament Studies, 138).
2433. HORBURY (William). Herodian Judaism and New Testament study. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XII-268 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 193).
2447. MARIEV (Sergei). Neues zur "Johanneischen Frage"? Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2006, 99, p. 535-550.
2434. Identity, ethics, and ethos in the New Testament. Ed. by Jan Gabriël VAN DER WATT. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2006, XIII-645 p. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 141). 2435. INOWLOCKI (Sabrina). Eusebius and the Jewish authors. His citation technique in an apologetic context. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XX-337 p. (Ancient Judaism and early Christianity, 64). 2436. JIROUSKOVÁ (Lenka). Die Visio Pauli. Wege und Wandlungen einer orientalischen Apokryphe im lateinischen Mittelalter unter Einschluß der alttschechischen und deutschsprachigen Textzeugen. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XVI-1033 p. 2437. KELLEY (Nicole). Knowledge and religious authority in the Pseudo-Clementines. Situating the recognitions in fourth-century Syria. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XII-250 p. 2438. KIERSPEL (Lars). The Jews and the world in the Fourth Gospel. Parallelism, function, and context. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XII-283 p.
2448. MARTENS (Peter). Why does Origen refer to the trinitarian authorship in book 4 of Peri Archon? Vigiliae christianae, 2006, 60, p. 1-8. 2449. MAXWELL (Jaclyn L.). Christianization and communication in late antiquity. John Chrysostom and his congregation in Antioch. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XI-198 p. 2450. MILEWSKI (Ireneusz). Economic aspects of depositions and exiles of bishops in the late Roman empire (on example of the Church dignitaries from the Eastern provinces). Introductory notes. Laverna, 2006, 17, p. 99-116. 2451. MOORHEAD (John). Gregory the Great. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, VII-177 p. (The early church fathers). 2452. MORALES (Xavier). La théologie trinitaire d'Athanase d'Alexandrie. Paris, Institut d'études Augustiniennes, 2006, 609 p. (Collection des études Augustiniennes. Série antiquité, 180). 2453. New (The) Testament and early christian literature in Greco-Roman context. Studies in honor of David E. Aune. Ed. by John FOTOPOULOS. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, XV-468 p.
2454. NOETHLICHS (Karl Leo). Revolution from the top? 'Orthodoxy' and the persecution of heretics in imperial legislation from Constantine to Justinian. In: Religion and law in classical and christian Rome [Cf. n° 2244], p. 115-125. 2455. OSTMEYER (Karl-Heinrich). Kommunikation mit Gott und Christus. Sprache und Theologie des Gebetes im Neuen Testament. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XVI-466 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 197). 2456. PANATTONI (Riccardo). Ekklesia und Eschaton. Der Römerbrief und die politische Theologie. Paderborn, Fink, 2006, 159 p. 2457. Paulus und Johannes. Exegetische Studien zur paulinischen und johanneischen Theologie und Literatur. Hrsg. v. Dieter SÄNGER. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, X-556 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 198). 2458. Pères (Les) de l'Église dans le monde d'aujourd'hui. Actes du colloque international organisé par le New Europe College en collaboration avec la Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (Bucarest, 78 octobre 2004). Éd. par Cristian BADILITA. Paris, Beauchesne, 2006, 341 p. 2459. PORTALUPI (Enzo). Sincerus, sinceritas e lemmi affini da Tertulliano a Tommaso d'Aquino. Un'analisi storico-semantica con annesso archivio lessicografico in CD-ROM. Padova, Poligrafo, 2006, 418 p. 2460. PRIEUR (Jean-Marc). Das Kreuz in der christlichen Literatur der Antike. Bern, Lang, 2006, XLIX233 p. (Traditio Christiana, 14). 2461. PUJIULA (Martin). Körper und christliche Lebensweise. Clemens von Alexandria und sein Paidagogos. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2006, XII-420 p. (Millenium-Studien, 9). 2462. REINBOLD (Wolfgang). Der Prozess Jesu. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 203 p. (Biblisch-theologische Schwerpunkte, 28). 2463. ROSEN (Klaus). Julian, Kaiser, Gott und Christenhasser. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 2006, 569 p. 2464. ROWE (Christopher Kavin). Early narrative christology. The Lord in the gospel of Luke. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2006, VIII-277 p. (Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche. Beihefte, 139). 2465. Saul in story and tradition. Ed. by Carl S. EHRLICH. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, 358 p. (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, 47). 2466. SCOTT (Ian W.). Implicit epistemology in the letters of Paul. Story, experience and the spirit. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XVII-341 p. 2467. Septuagint (The) and messianism. Ed. by Michael A. KNIBB. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2006, XXXI560 p. (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium, 195).
2468. SOLIN (Heikki). Episcopus und Verwandtes. Lexikographisches und Namenkundliches aus der christlichen Frühzeit Roms. Philologus, 2006, 150, p. 232250. 2469. STASZAK (Martin). Die Asylstädte im Alten Testament. Realität und Fiktivität eines Rechtsinstituts. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2006, IX-372 p. 2470. TURCAN (Robert). Constantin en son temps. Le baptême ou la pourpre? Dijon, Faton, 2006, 318 p. 2471. VAN DER HORST (Pieter Willem). Jews and Christians in their Graeco-Roman context. Selected essays on early Judaism, Samaritanism, Hellenism, and Christianity. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, X, 352 p. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 196). 2472. VANHAEGENDOREN (Koen). A propos de la dispositio dans le projet d'histoire ecclésiastique de Jérome. Un cas inapercu de l'application du schéma biologique. Historia, 2006, 55, p. 344-351. 2473. VEGGE (Tor). Paulus und das antike Schulwesen. Schule und Bildung des Paulus. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2006, XVI-575 p. (Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 134). 2474. WAGNER (Thomas). Gottes Herrschaft. Eine Analyse der Denkschrift (Jes 6,1 – 9,6). Leiden, Brill, 2006, XIII-340 p. (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, 108). 2475. WALKER (Joel Thomas). The legend of Mar Qardagh: narrative and Christian heroism in late antique Iraq. Berkeley a. London, University of California press, 2006, XVIII-345 p. (The transformation of the classical heritage, 40). 2476. WALTER (Jochen). Pagane Texte und Wertvorstellungen bei Lactanz. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 382 p. 2477. WATERS (Guy). The end of Deuteronomy in the Epistles of Paul. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, IX-302 p. 2478. WEIGT (Detlef). Stieropfer gegen das Christentum. Ausgewählte philosophische Werke. Julian Apostata. Leipzig, Superbia-Verlag, 2006, 229 p. 2479. WORTLEY (John). How the desert Fathers "meditated". Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies, 2006, 46, p. 315-328. IDEM. Relics and the Great Church. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2006, 99, p. 631648. IDEM. The origins of Christian veneration of body parts. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 2006, 223, p. 1-28. 2480. YOUNG (Frances M.). Prelude. Jesus Christ, foundation of Christianity. In: Cambridge (The) History of Christianity [Cf. n° 2387], p. 1-36. 2481. ZELLER (Dieter). Neues Testament und hellenistische Umwelt. Hamburg, Philo, 2006, 253 p. (Bonner Biblische Beiträge, 150).
2482. ZINGG (Edith). Das Reden von Gott als "Vater" im Johannesevangelium. Freiburg, Herder, 2006, VI-377 p. (Herders Biblische Studien, 48).
2485. MONTANARO (Elena). Lucia di Siracusa. Tra passato e presente. Venafro (Isernia), Ed. Eva, 2006, 175 p.
§ 4. Hagiography.
2486. MORETTI (Paola Francesca). La Passio Anastasiae. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione. Roma, Herder, 2006, 238 p. (Studi e testi tardoantichi, 3).
2483. BERGER (Albrecht). Life and works of Saint Gregentios, Archbishop of Taphar. Introduction, critical edition and translation. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2006, IX-915 p. 2484. JOHNSON (Scott Fitzgerald). The life and miracles of Thekla. A literary study. Washington, Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2006, XXIV288 p.
2487. Scripta de vita Isidori Hispalensis episcopi. Ed. por José Carlos MARTÍN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 454 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina, 113). 2488. VIELBERG (Meinolf). Der Mönchsbischof von Tours im "Martinellus". Zur Form des hagiographischen Dossiers und seines spätantiken Leitbilds. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2006, IX-354 p. (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 79).
H BYZANTINE HISTORY (since Justinian) _________ § 1. Sources. 2489-2529. – § 2. General. 2530-2543. – § 3. Special studies. 2544-2626.
§ 1. Sources. * 2489. Byzantinische Zeitschrift. Band 99. [Band 98. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 2383.] Hrsg. v. Albrecht BERGER. München u. Leipzig, 2006, 893 p. _______________________
2490. [Agnellus Ravennas] Agnelli Ravennati Liber pontificalis ecclesiae Ravennatis. Ed. by Deborah MAUSKOPF DELIYANNIS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 391 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio mediaevalis, 199). 2491. Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae. Vol. 43/1. Series Berolinensis. Stephani Byzantii ethnica. Vol. 1. A–G. Recensuit germanice vertit adnotationibus indicibusque instruxit Margarethe BILLERBECK. Adiuvantibus Jan Felix GAERTNER, Beatrice WYSS, Christian ZUBLER. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2006, 2 vol., X-64 p., 441 p. 2492. [Damascius] MAZZUCCHI (Carlo Maria). Damascio, autore del Corpus Dionysiacum, e il dialogo Peri politikes epistemes. Aevum, 2006, 80, p. 299-334. 2493. [Dionysius Aeropagita] SCHÄFER (Christian). The philosophy of Dionysius the Aeropagite. An introduction to the structure and the content of the Treatise 'On the divine names'. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, XVI-212 p. 2494. [Doucas] Ducas. Historia turco-bizantina. Edición y tradición de Francisco Javier ORTOLÁ SALAS y Fernando ALCONCHEL PÉREZ. Boadilla del Monte, Antonio Machado libros, 2006, 322 p. 2495. DZHUROVA (Axinia), VELINOVA (Vasja). Les traditions écrites dans les Balkans IXeXIXe s. Manuscrits grecs, slaves et orientaux de la collection du Centre de Recherches Slavo-Byzantines "Prof. Ivan Dujþev" auprès de l'Université de Sofia. Catalogue. Sofia, Centre de recherches slavo-byzantines, 2006, 98 p. 2496. [Eustathius Thessalonicensis] KOLOVOU (Foteini). Die Briefe des Eustathios von Thessalonike.
Einleitung, Regesten, Text, Indizes. München u. Leipzig, Saur, 2006, 175 p. 2497. [Eustathius Thessalonicensis] METZLER (Karin). Eustathii Thessalonicensis De emendenda vita monachica. Recensuit Germanice vertit indicibusque instruxit. Berlin u. New York, 2006, VIII-270 p. (Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae, 45). 2498. [Georgius Acropolites] PALÁGYI (Tivadar). Comment peut-on être Latin au XIIIe siècle? Témoignages de Georges Akropolitès. Annuario dell'Istituto di cultura e ricerca umanistica di Venezia, 2006, 8, p. 75108. 2499. [Georgius Gemistus Plethon] TAMBRUN (Brigitte). Pléthon. Le retour de Platon. Paris, Vrin, 2006, 302 p. 2500. [Georgius Trapezuntius] DEITZ (Luc). Georgius Trapezuntius. Rhetoricorum libri quinque. Hildesheim, Olms, 2006, XXXII-676 p. 2501. [Iohannes Gazaeus] BARGELLINI (Francesco). Per un'analisi strutturale dell'ekphrasis tou kosmikou pinakos di Giovanni di Gaza. Medioevo greco, 2006, 6, p. 41-68. 2502. [Iohannes Gazaues] GIGLI PICCARDI (D.). L'occasione della Tabula mundi di Giovanni di Gaza. Prometheus, 2006, 32, p. 253-266. 2503. [Iohannes Italos] RIGO (Antonio). Giovanni Italos commentatore della Gerarchia celeste dello Pseudo-Dionigi l'Aeropagita. Nea Rhome, 2006, 3, p. 223-232. 2504. [Iohannes Lydus] DUBUISSON (Michel), SCHAMP (Jacques). Jean le Lydien, Des magistratures de l'état romain. Tome I, 1 première partie. Introduction générale. Tome I, 2 deuxième partie. Introduction générale, Livre I. Texte établi, traduit et commenté. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2006, CDXCV, CDDLXXVII-140 p. (Collection de universités de France, 450).
2505. [Iohannes Lydus] SCHAMP (Jacques). Jean le Lydien, Des magistratures de l'état romain. Tome II. Livre II et III. Texte établi, traduit et commenté. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2006, CCCXVIII, 245 p. (Collection des universités de France). 2506. [Isaac Porphyrogenitus] PONTANI (Filippomaria). The first Byzantine commentary on the Iliad: Isaac Porphyrogenitus and his scholia. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2006, 99, p. 551-596. 2507. [Kosmas Indikopleustes] SCHNEIDER (Horst). Kosmas Indikopleustes, Christliche Topographie Probleme der Überlieferung und Editionsgeschichte. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2006, 99, p. 605-614. 2508. [Malalas] MEYER (Marion). Die Personifikation der Stadt Antiocheia. Ein neues Bild für eine neue Gottheit. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2006, 541 p. 2509. [Malalas] Recherches sur la chronique de Jean Malalas, II. Éd. par Sandrine AGUSTA-BOULAROT. Paris, Association des amis du centre d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, 2006, 286 p. (Monographies, 24). 2510. [Manuel Chrysoloras] THORN-WICKERT (Lydia). Manuel Chrysoloras (ca. 13501415). Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2006, XII-319 p. 2511. [Manuel Holobolos] FERRERI (Luigi). Il commento di Manuele Olobolo all'Ara dorica di Dosiada. Storia della tradizione ed edizione critica. Nea Rhome, 2006, 3, p. 317-353. 2512. [Manuel Philes] BROOKS (Sarah T.). Poetry and female patronage in late Byzantine tomb decoration: Two epigrams by Manuel Philes. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2006, 60, p. 223-248. 2513. MEDVEDEV (Igor' P.). Peterburgskoe vizantinovedenie. Stranitsy istorii. (Byzantine studies in SaintPetersburg: pages of history). Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2006, 334 p. (ill.; portr.; bibl. incl.; pers. ind. p. 322-332). (Vizantijskaja biblioteka). 2514. [Michael Ephesius] ARAMPATZES (Georgios). Paideia kai episteme ston Michael Ephesio Eis peri zoon morion. Athena, Akademia Athenon, 2006, 340 p. 2515. [Nicephorus Chumnos] AMATO (Eugenio), RAMELLI (Ilaria). Filosofia rhetoricans in Niceforo Cumno. L'inedito trattato Sui corpi primi e semplici. Medioevo greco, 2006, 6, p. 1-40. 2516. [Nonnus Panopolitanus] CHUVIN (Pierre), FAYANT (Marie-Christine). Nonnos de Panopolis. Les Dionysiaques. Tome XV, chants XLI-XLIII. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2006, XV-219 p. 2517. [Nonnus Panopolitanus] FRANGOULIS (Hélène), GERLAUD (Bernard). Nonnos de Panopolis. Les Dionysiaques. Tome XII, chants XXXV et XXXVI. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2006, XVII-171 p. 2518. [Nonnus Panopolitanus] VIAN (Francis), FAYANT (Marie-Christine). Nonnos de Panopolis. Les Dionysiaques. Tome XIX, index général des noms propres. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2006, 136 p.
2519. ODORICO (Paolo). Jean Caminiatès – Eustathe de Thessalonique – Jean Anagnostès, Thessalonique: croniques d'une ville prise, textes traduits du grec et présentés. Toulouse, Anacharsis, 2005, 297 p. 2520. PIERALLI (Luca). La corrispondenza diplomatica dell'imperatore bizantino con le potenze estere nel tredicesimo secolo (1204–1282). Studio storicodiplomatistico ed edizione critica. Prefazione di Otto KRESTEN. Città del Vaticano, Archivio Segreto Vaticano, 2006, XLV-457 p. (Collectanea Archivi Vaticani, 54). 2521. [Procopius Caesariensis] GROTOWSKI (Piotr à.). O budowlach. Prokopiusz z Cezarei przeáozޟyá, wstĊpem, objaĞnieniami i komentarzem opatrzyá. (About the buildings. Procopius of Caesarea, translation, introduction, annotated explanations and commentary). Warszawa, PrószyĔski i S-ka, 2006, 408 p. 2522. [Psellus] Mothers and sons, fathers and daughters: the Byzantine family of Michael Psellos. Edited and translated with contributions by Anthony KALDELLIS, David JENKINS and Stratis PAPAIOANNOU. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame press, 2006, X-209 p. 2523. SHIKANOV (Vladimir N.). Vizantija. Orel i lev: Bolgaro-vizantijskie vojny VIIXIV vv. (The Byzantine-Bulgarian Wars of the 7th–14th centuries). SanktPeterburg, Shaton, 2006, 155 p. (ill.; maps; bibl. p. 154155). (Vojny Vizantii). 2524. [Suda] BALDWIN (Barry). Aspects of the Suda. Byzantion, 2006, 76, p. 11-31. 2525. [Symeon Logothetes] Symeonis Magistri et Logothetae Chronicon. Recensuit Stephanus WAHLGREN. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2006, 425 p. (Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae, 44). 2526. [Theodorus Scutariotes] TOCCI (Raimondo). Bemerkungen zur Hand des Theodoros Skutariotes. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2006, 99, p. 127-144. 2527. [Theodorus Studita] D'AYALA VALVA (Luigi). Teodoro Studita. Nelle prove, la fiducia. Piccole catechesi. Magnano, Qiqajon, 2006, 625 p. 2528. [Theophylactus of Ochrida] SPADARO (Maria Dora). La presenza dei classici nell'epistolario dell'arcivescovo Teofilatto di Achrida. Nea Rhome, 2006, 6, p. 233-244. 2529. [Zonaras] Juan Zonaras. Libro de los imperadores. Ed. por Adelino ÁLVAREZ RODRíGUEZ. Zaragoza, Prensas universitarias de Zaragoza, 2006, 422 p. (Larumbe. Clásicos Aragoneses, 41). § 2. General. _______________________
2530. Byzantine orthodoxies. Papers from the thirtysixth Spring symposium of Byzantine studies, University of Durham, 23-25 March 2002. Ed. by Andrew LOUTH and Augustine CASIDAY. Aldershot, Ashgate variorum, 2006, XIII-236 p. (Society for the promotion of Byzantine studies, 12).
3. SPECIAL STUDIES 2531. Byzantine style, religion, and civilization. Ed. by Elizabeth M. JEFFREYS. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, LV-436 p. 2532. CAMERON (Averil). The Byzantines. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, XII-275 p. 2533. Chronology (A) of the Byzantine empire. Ed. by Timothy VENNING. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 817 p. 2534. Corpus of Byzantine seals from Bulgaria. Vol. 2. Byzantine seals with family names. Ed. by Ivan JORDANOV. Sofia, Bulgarian academy of sciences, archaeological Institute with Museum, 2006, 546 p. 2535. Enkyklopaidiko prosopographiko lexiko vyzantines istorias kai politismou. Ed. by Alexios G. C. SAVVIDES. (Encyclopaedic prosopographical lexicon of Byzantine history and civilisation). T. 5. VerinaGregentios. T. 6. Gregoras-Ephraim. Athena, Iolkos a. Metron, 2006, 2 vol., 411 p., 397 p. 2536. FEISSEL (Denis). Chroniques d'épigraphie byzantine: 19872004. Paris, Association des amis du centre d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, 2006, XXI433 p. (Monographies, 20). 2537. FLUSIN (Bernard). La civilisation byzantine. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2006, 127 p. (Que sais-je? 3772). 2538. JEFFREYS (Michael). Prosopography of the Byzantine world (PBW). London, King's College, 2006, Website. 2539. Monde (Le) byzantin, II. L'empire byzantin (6411204). Éd. par. Cécile MORRISSON. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2006, 624 p. 2540. Oikonomike istoria tou Vyzantiou apo ton 7o eos ton 15o aiona. (Economic history of Byzantium from the seventh through the fifteenth century). Ed. by Angelike E. LAIOU and Cécile MORRISSON (3 voll.). Athena, Morphotiko idryma ethnikes trapezes, 2006, 600, 730, 584 p. 2541. Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Byzantine Studies (London 2126 August, 2006). Ed. by Elizabeth JEFFREYS, Fiona HARRER and Judith GILLILAND. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, 1700 p. 2542. RAVEGNANI (Giorgio). Introduzione alla storia bizantina, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 201 p. 2543. SCHREINER (Peter). Byzantinische Kultur: eine Aufsatzsammlung. Bd. 1. Die Macht. Hrsg. v. Silvia RONCHEY und Elena VELKOVSKA. Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2006, XXI-423 p. Cf. no 838 § 3. Special studies. _______________________
2544. ACHIM (Viorel). Raporturile Regatului Ungariei cu tarile de la frontierele sale sud-estice în primele doua decenii ale secolului al XIV-lea. (Les rap-
ports du royaume de la Hongrie avec les pays situés à ses frontières sud-orientales dans les premières deux décennies au XIVe siècle). Revista istorica, 2006, 17, p. 167-180. 2545. AGAPETOS (Panagiotes), HINTERBERGER (Martin). Eikon kai logos: hexi vyzantines perigraphes ergon technes. Eisagogiko dokimio Euterpe Metse. Anthologese, metaphrase kai scholiasmos. Athena, Ekdoseis Agra, 2006, 195 p. 2546. ALBRECHT (Stefan). Die Gesandtschaft des böhmischen Kanzlers Alexander nach Konstantinopel. Byzantinoslavica, 2006, 64, p. 243-255. 2547. ANGELOV (Kimiter G.). The confession of Michael VIII Palaiologos and King David: on a little known work by Manuel Holobolos. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2006, 56, p. 193-204. 2548. ANTONOPOULOU-TRECHLI (Zoé). "Fils de Dieu, Père des hommes": la parenté en palindrome chez l'empereur byzantin. Revue de théologie et de philosophie, 2006, 138, p. 17-28. 2549. BALARD (Michel). Les Latins en Orient, XIeXVe siècle. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2006, LXXVIII-452 p. (Nouvelle Clio). 2550. BALL (Jennifer L.). Byzantine dress: representations of secular dress. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 192 p. 2551. BAZZANI (Marina). Theodore Metochites, a Byzantine humanist. Byzantion, 2006, 76, p. 32-52. 2552. BEIHAMMER (Alexander). Identität, Eigen- und Fremdwahrnehmung im zyprischen Griechentum der frühen Frankenzeit: Ein Interpretationsversuch anhand von zeitgenössischen Briefen und Urkunden. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2006, 56, p. 205237. 2553. Beitrag (Der) der byzantinischen Gelehrten zur abendländischen Renaissance des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Evangelos KONSTANTINOU. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2006, 240 p. 2554. BOURAS (Charalampos). Byzantine and postByzantine architecture in Greece. Athens, MELISSA publishing house, 2006, 311 p. 2555. BRODKA (Dariusz). Eustathios von Epiphaneia und das Ende des Weströmischen Reiches. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2006, 56, p. 59-78. 2556. Byzantine Christianity. Ed. by Derek KRUEMinneapolis, Fortress, 2006, XV-252 p.
2557. Byzantine women: varieties of experience, 8001200. Ed. by Lynda GARLAND. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XIX-226 p. 2558. Byzantium, faith, and power (12611557). Perspectives on late Byzantine art and culture. Ed. by Sarah T. BROOKS. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art and New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, XI-201 p.
2559. CAVALLO (Guglielmo). Lire à Byzance. Paris, Les belles lettres, 2006, 165 p. (Séminaires byzantins, 1). 2560. CHEYNET (Jean-Claude). The Byzantine aristocracy and its military function. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, 380 p. 2561. COLDA (Lucian D.). Între Roma úi Constantinopol. O viaĠă, o istorie, un destin: Patriarhul Fotie al Constantinopolului úi epoca sa. (Zwischen Rom und Konstantinopel. Ein Leben, eine Geschichte, ein Schicksal. Der Patriarch Photius von Konstantinopel und seine Zeit). Revista teologica, 2006, 3, p. 138-152. 2562. Crimée (La) entre Byzance et le Khaganat Khazar. Actes du colloque organisé les 28 et 29 novembre 2005 à Paris, Centre d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, Collège de France. Éd. par Constantin ZUCKERMAN. Paris, Association des amis du Centre d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, 2006, 230 p. (Centre d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, Collège de France, Monographies, 25). 2563. CROKE (Brian). Justinian, Theodora, and the Church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2006, 60, p. 25-63. 2564. Cultura (La) scientifica e tecnica nell'Italia meridionale bizantina. Atti della sesta Giornata di studi bizantini, Arcavacata di Rende, 89 febbraio 2000. A cura di Filippo BURGARELLA e Anna Maria IERACI BIO. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2006, 224 p. (Studi di filologia antica e moderna, 13). 2565. DARKÓ (Jeno). Les peuples des steppes chez les écrivains tactiques byzantins. Acta classica Universitatis scientiarum Debreceniensis, 2006, 42, p. 159-191. 2566. DAWSON (Timothy). Oriental costumes at the Byzantine court. A Reassessment. Byzantion, 2006, 76, p. 97-114. 2567. DE STEFANI (Claudio). Paolo Silenziario leggeva la letteratura latina? Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2006, 56, p. 101-112. 2568. DELTA (Penelope). In the eroic age of Basil II emperor of Byzantium. Portsmouth, Randall, 2006, 343 p.
spiracy of Nikephoros Diogenes. Byzantinoslavica, 2006, 64, p. 257-274. IDEM. The fall of Nicaea and the towns of Western Asia Minor to the Turks in the later 11th century: the curious case of Nikephoros Melissenos. Byzantion, 2006, 76, p. 153-184. 2574. GEORGANTELI (Eurydice), COOK (Barrie). Encounters: travel and money in the Byzantine world. London, D. Giles, 2006, 72 p. 2575. GLOWOTZ (Daniel). Byzantinische Gelehrte in Italien zur Zeit des Renaissance-Humanismus: Musikauffassung, Vermittlung antiker Musiktheorie, Exil und Integration. Schneverdingen, Wagner, 2006, 776 p. (Schriften zur Musikwissenschaft aus Münster, 22). 2576. GOROVEI (ùtefan S.). Maria Asanina Paleologhina: o prinĠesă bizantină pe tronul Moldovei. (Maria Asanina Palaelogina: a Byzantine princess in Moldavia). Suceava, Editura Muúatinii, 2006, 289 p. 2577. GRÜNBART (Michael). Byzantine metal stamps in a North American private collection. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2006, 60, p. 13-24. 2578. HARTMANN (Florian). Hadrian I. (772795): frühmittelalterliches Adelspapsttum und die Lösung Roms vom byzantinischen Kaiser. Stuttgart, Anton Hiersemann, 2006, XII-350 p. (Päpste und Papsttum, 34). 2579. HINTERBERGER (Martin). Tränen in der byzantinischen Literatur. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Emotionen. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2006, 56, p. 27-51. 2580. Histoire et culture dans l'Italie byzantine: acquis et nouvelles recherches. Éd. par André JACOB, Jean-Marie MARTIN et Ghislaine NOYÉ. Rome, École française de Rome, 2006, 672 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 363). 2581. HURBANIý (Martin). Obliehanie Konštantínopolou roku 626 v byzantskej historiografii I: história a legenda avarského útoku na Konštantínopol roku 626 v Chronografii Teofana Homologéta. (Die Belagerung von Konstantinopel im Jahre 626 in der Chronik des Theophanes Homologetes). Byzantinoslovaca, 2006, 1, p. 52-85.
2569. DÉTORAKI (Marina). Un ontakion inédit et le culte de Saint Aréthas à Constantinople. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2006, 99, p. 73-92.
2582. KAPLAN (Michel). Byzance: villes et campagnes. Paris, Picard, 2006, 324 p.
2570. DIETHART (Johannes). Zu neutralen Abstrakta auf -aton im byzantinischen Griechisch. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2006, 56, p. 13-26.
2583. KENNEDY (Hugh N.). The Byzantine and early Islamic Near East. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, VIII-276 p.
2571. DURSTELER (Eric R.). Venetians in Constantinople. Nation, identity and coexistence in the Early Modern Mediterranean. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, 289 p. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science; 124th series, 2).
2584. KRAUSMÜLLER (Dirk). Strategies of equivocation and the construction of multiple meanings in middle Byzantine texts. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 2006, 56, p. 1-11.
2572. FAROUK (Soliman S.). Reassessing views regarding the 'Dark Ages' of Byzantium (650850). Byzantion, 2006, 76, p. 115-152. 2573. FRANKOPAN (Peter). Challenges to imperial authority in the reign of Alexios I Komnenos. The con-
2585. KRESTEN (Otto). Nachträgliches zu Dokumenten für die Kirche der Byzakene unter Kaiser Iustinos II. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2006, 99, p. 495-514. 2586. LAVENNE (Sophie). Pour une révision de la classification des nomismata de Basile II (9761025). Byzantion, 2006, 76, p. 221-240.
3. SPECIAL STUDIES 2587. LAVERMICOCCA (Nino). Bari bizantina: 1071 1156, il declino. Bari, Edizioni di pagina, 2006, IX-186 p. 2588. LEFORT (Jacques). Société rurale et histoire du paysage à Byzance. Paris, Association des amis du centre d'histoire civilisation de Byzance, 2006, 524 p. (Bilans de recherche, 1). 2589. LEONTSINE (Maria). Konstantinos IV. (668 685): ho teleutaios protovyzantinos autokratoras. (Constantine IV [668685]: the last emperor of the early Byzantine period). Athena, Ethniko hidryma ereunon, 2006, 280 p. (Monographies, 7). 2590. Lire et écrire à Byzance. Éd. par Brigitte MONDRAIN. Paris, Association des amis du centre d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, 2006, 195 p. (Monographies. 19.). 2591. LIRITZIS (Ioannis), VASSILIOU (Helen). Does sunrise day correlate with eastern orientation of Byzantine churches on significant solar sates and Saint's days? A preliminary study. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2006, 99, p. 523-534. 2592. MAAYAN FANAR (Emma). Visiting Hades: A transformation of the ancient god in the ninth-century Byzantine psalters. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2006, 99, p. 93-108. 2593. MAGDALINO (Paul). L'orthodoxie des astrologues: la science entre le dogme et la divination à Byzance, VIIeXIVe siècle. Paris, Lethielleux, 2006, 194 p. (Réalités byzantines, 12). 2594. MARIN (Serban). O alianĠă matrimonială veneto-bizantină în secolul al XI-lea: între realitate úi legendă. (Une alliance matrimoniale vénéto-byzantine au XIe siècle. Entre réalité et légende). Revista istorica, 2006, 17, p. 157-182.
2601. PETERS-CUSTOT (Annick). L'identité des Grecs de l'Italie méridionale byzantine. Nea Rhome, 2006, 3, p. 189-206. 2602. Philosophie et sciences à Byzance de 1204 à 1453: les textes, les doctrines et leur transmission. Actes de la table ronde organisée au XXe Congrès international d'études Byzantines, Paris, 2001. Éd. par Michel CACOUROS et Marie-Hélène CONGOURDEAU. Leuven, Peeters, 2006, XVIII-287 p. (Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta, 146). 2603. PIERI (Dominique). Le commerce du vin oriental à l'époque byzantine (VeVIIe siècles). Le témoignage des amphores en Gaule. Amman, Institut Français du Proche-Orient, 2006, 350 p. 2604. POKORNY (Rudolf). Der Territorial Umfrang des lateinischen Königsreiches Thessaloniki. Deutsches Archiv für die Erforschung des Mittelalters, 2006, 62, p. 537-606. 2605. Quarta Crociata. Venezia, Bisanzio, Impero Latino. A cura di Giorgio RAVEGNANI e Peter SCHREINER. Venezia, Gherardo Ortalli, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 2006, 2 vol., X-920 p. 2606. RAVEGNANI (Giorgio). Bisanzio e Venezia. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 217 p. (Universale paperbacks, 495). 2607. Relikvii v Vizantii i DrevneƱ Rusi: pis'mennye istochniki. (Relics in Byzantium and Medieval Russia: written sources). Ed. by AlekseƱ M. LIDOV. Moskva, Progress-Traditsiia, 2006, 437 p. 2608. SARADI (Hélène). The Byzantine city in the sixth century: literary images and historical reality. Athens, Society of Messenian archaeological studies, 2006, 543 p.
2595. MERGIALI-SAHAS (Sophia). An ultimate wealth for inauspicious times: holy relics in rescue of Manuel II Palaeologus' reign. Byzantion, 2006, 76, p. 264-275.
2609. SARRIS (Peter). Economy and society in the age of Justinian. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, VIII-258 p.
2596. MIHAJLOVSKI (Robert). The battle of Pelagonia, 1259. A new look at the march routes and topography. Byzantinoslavica, 2006, 64, p. 275-284.
2610. SAVVIDES (Alexios G. C.). Notes on Byzantine-Norman relations in the period prior to the Norman invasions (till AD 1081) in the Copais basin, Central Greece. The ancient world, 2006, 37, p. 140-152.
2597. Monastères, images, pouvoirs et société à Byzance: nouvelles approches du monachisme byzantin (XXe Congrès international des études byzantines, Paris, 2001). Le second iconoclasme et ses suites. Éd. par Michel KAPLAN et Paule PAGÈS. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2006, 221 p. 2598. MUELLER-JOURDAN (Pascal). La vision symbolique. À propos de la théorie de la connaissance appliquée par Maxime le Confesseur dans la mystagogie. Byzantion, 2006, 76, p. 276-287. 2599. NEZU (Yukio). The revolt of Isaakios Komnenos. Reconsideration. Orient. Reports of the Society for near eastern studies in Japan, 2006, 41, p. 41-60. 2600. Occult (The) sciences in Byzantium. Ed. by Paul MAGDALINO and Maria MAVROUDI. Geneva, La pomme d'or, 2006, 468 p.
2611. SETTIPANI (Christian). Continuité des élites à Byzance durant les siècles obscurs: les princes caucasiens et l'empire du VIe au IXe siècle. Paris, De Boccard, 2006, 638 p. 2612. SHUVALOV (Petr V.). Sekret armii Justiniana: Vostochnorimskaja armija v 491–641 gg. (The secret of Justinian's army: the army of the Eastern Roman Empire, 491–641). Sankt-Peterburg, Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie, 2006, 299 p. (ill., tabl.; bibl. p. 285289). (Militaria antiqua, 10). [English summary]. 2613. SIMPSON (Alicia J.). Before and after 1204: The versions of Niketas Choniates' Historia. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2006, 60, p. 189-221. 2614. SKRZHINSKAJA (Elena Ch.). Sudakskaja krepost'. Istorija – arkheologija – epigrafika. Sbornik rabot
i materialov. (The fortress of Sudak: history, archaeology, epigraphy: collected works). Kiev, Sudak a. Sankt-Peterburg, Akademperiodika, 2006, 380 p. 2615. SMYRLIS (Kostis). La fortune des grands monastères byzantins (fin du Xemilieu du XIVe siècle). Paris, Association des Amis du Centre d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, 2006, 302 p. (Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, Monographies, 21). 2616. Spirito e forme nelle letteratura bizantina. A cura di Antonio GARZYA. Napoli, Accademia pontaniana, 2006, 137 p. (Quaderni dell'Accademia pontaniana, 47). 2617. STEPHENSON (Paul). 'About the emperor Nikephoros and how he leaves his bones in Bulgaria': A Context for the Controversial Chronicle of 811. Dumbarton oaks papers, 2006, 60, p. 87-109. 2618. STRÄSSLE (Paul Meinrad). Finanzierung der Kriegführung in Byzanz am Beitrag der ByzantinischBulgarischen Kriege (9761019). Byzantion, 2006, 76, p. 295-320. IDEM. Krieg und Kriegführung in Byzanz. Die Kriege Kaiser Basileios II. gegen die Bulgaren (9761019). Köln, Böhlau, 2006, XII-578 p. 2619. TAMARKINA (Irina). The date of the life of the Patriarch Ignatius reconsidered. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2006, 99, p. 615-630. 2620. TEOTEOI (Tudor). Étienne le Grand, prince souverain, et ses rapports avec le culte des saints militaires. Études byzantines et post-byzantines, 2006, 5, p. 89-116. IDEM. Les notions d'"authentes" et "despotes" dans les sources byzantines et post-byzantines. Revue des études sud-est-européennes, 2006, 44, p. 71-81.
2621. THORN-WICKERT (Lydia). Manuel Chrysoloras (ca. 13501415). Eine Biographie des byzantinischen Intellektuellen vor dem Hintergrund der hellenistischen Studien in der italienischen Renaissance. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2006, XII-319 p. (Bonner Romanistische Arbeiten, 92). 2622. VizantiƱskaja ideja: Vizantija v ơpokhu Komninov i Paleologov: sbornik nauchnykh trudov. (Byzantine idea: Byzantine under Komnenian and Palaiologan rulers: collected papers). Ed. by V. N. ZALESSKAJA. Sankt-Peterburg, Izd-vo Gos. Ơrmitazha, 2006, 215 p. 2623. VOLK (Robert). Medizinisches im BarlaamRoman. Ein Streifzug durch den hochsprachlichen Griechischen Text, seine Vorläufer, Parallelen und Nachdichtungen. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2006, 99, p. 145194. 2624. WADA (Hiroshi). "Eunuchen um des himmlichen Königreiches willen" in Byzanz? Orient. Reports of the society for near eastern studies in Japan, 2006, 41, p. 5-20. 2625. ZAPATA RODRíGUEZ (Roberto). Italia bizantina. Historia de la segunda dominación bizantina en Italia (8671071). Madrid, Asociación cultural Hispanohelénica, 2006, 288 p. 2626. ZERVAN (Vratislav). Úloha Peþenehov v kríze euroázijskej stepi v 9. storoþí na základe informácii Konstantína Porfyrogenneta. (Die Rolle der Petschenegen in der Krise der eurasianischen Steppe des 9. Jahrhunderts aufgrund der Informationes von Konstantin Porfyrogennetos). Byzantinoslovaca, 2006, 1, p. 161174. Cf. nos 376, 1362
I HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE AGES _________ § 1. Sources and criticism of sources (a. Non-literary sources; b. Literary sources). 2627-2688. – § 2. General works. 2689-2730. – § 3. Political history (a. General; b. 476–900; c. 900–1300; d. 1300–1500). 2731-2795. – § 4. Jews. 2796-2818. – § 5. Islam. 2819-2834. – § 6. Vikings. 2835-2846. – § 7. History of law and institutions. 2847-2891. – § 8. Economic and social history. 2892-2981. – § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education (a. Civilization; b. Literature; c. Technology; d. Education). 2982-3172. – § 10. History of art. 3173-3220. – § 11. History of music. 3221-3235. – § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. 3236-3285. – § 13. History of the Church and religion (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Monastic history; d. Hagiography; e. Special studies). 3286-3458. – § 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. 3459-3470.
§ 1. Sources and criticism of sources. _______________________
a. Non-literary sources ** 2627. Lübecker Niederstadtbuch (Das) (1363 1399). Bearb. v. Ulrich SIMON. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, 277 p. u. 1 CD-ROM. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur hansischen Geschichte, 56). _______________________
2628. Abstracts of feet of fines relating to Gloucestershire, 13001359. Ed. by Christopher Robin ELRINGTON. Gloucester, Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 2006, XIX-228 p. (Gloucestershire record series, 20). 2629. Advance contracts for the sale of wool, c. 1200c. 1327. Ed. by Adrian Robert BELL, Chris BROOKS and Paul DRYBURGH. Kew, List and Index Society, 2006, IX-244 p. (List & Index Society, 315). 2630. ALEKSEEV (Anatolij A.). Paleja v sisteme khronograficheskogo zhanra. (Paleia in the system of the genre of chronograph [in Rus]). In: Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoj literatury Instituta russkoj literatury (Pushkinskij dom). Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 2006, 57, p. 25-32. – VODOLAZKIN (Evgenij G.). Kratkaja Khronograficheskaja Paleja (tekst). Vypusk 1. (The Brief Chronographic Paleia: the text). Part 1. Ibid., p. 891-915. 2631. Ältesten Urkunden (Die) aus dem Stadtarchiv Worms, 10741255. Hrsg. v. Irmgard FEES und Francesco ROBERG. Leipzig, Eudora, 2006, (Digitale Urkundenbilder aus dem Marburger Lichtbildarchiv älterer Originalurkunden, 1). 2632. Archives municipales de Nice. Inventaire analytique des séries anciennes. Série AA: Actes du pou-
voir central, statuts et privilèges, actes constitutifs et politiques de la commune (11761792). Série BB: Administration communale, délibérations des conseils de ville et correspondance générale (12051792). Série CC: Finances et comptes communaux, impô et comptabilité (12911792). Sous la direction de Mireille MASSOT et Louis-Gilles PAIRAULT. Nice, Archives municipales de Nice, 2006, 163 p. (ill.). 2633. CAMPANELLI (Maurizio). Le sentenze contro i Bianchi fiorentini del 1302. Edizione critica. Bullettino dell'Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, 2006, 108, p. 187-377. 2634. Carte (Le) del capitolo della cattedrale di Verona. Vol. 2. 11521183. A cura di Emanuela LANZA. Roma, Viella, 2006, LXXIX-347 p. (Fonti per la Storia della Terraferma Veneta, 22). 2635. Carte (Le) ravennati dei secoli ottavo e nono. A cura di Ruggero BENERICETTI. Faenza, University Press Bologna, 2006, XLVII-188 p. (Studi della Biblioteca Card. Gaetano Cicognani, 9). 2636. Cartulary (The) of the Abbey of Mont-SaintMichel. Ed. by K. S. B. KEATS-ROHAN. Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2006, XIII-320 p. 2637. Ceti tirolesi e territorio trentino. Materiali dagli archivi di Innsbruck e di Trento, 14131790. A cura di Marco BELLABARBA, Marcello BONAZZA e Katia OCCHI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 490 p. (ill.). (Annali dell'Istituto italo-germanico in Trento. Fonti, 3). 2638. Charters and custumals of Shaftesbury Abbey, 10891216. Ed. by N. E. STACY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XI-250 p. (ill., map). (Records of social and economic history, 39).
2639. Chioggia medievale. Documenti dal secolo XI al XV. A cura di Sergio PERINI. Venezia, Il leggio, 2006, 3 vol., 1336 p.
2651. Papstregesten 1024–1058. B. 3. 10241046. Bearb. v. Karl Augustin FRECH. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, XXI-361 p. (Regesta Imperii).
2640. Comptes (Les) des consuls de Montferrand (12731319). Éd. par R. Anthony LODGE. Paris, École des Chartes, 2006, XLII-213 p. (Études et rencontres de l'École des Chartes, 23).
2652. Papstregesten 1124–1198. B. 2. 11841185. Bearb. v. Katrin BAAKEN und Ulrich SCHMIDT. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, 824 p. (Regesta Imperii).
2641. Curia regis rolls of the reign of Henry III preserved in the public record office. Vol. 20. 34 to 35 Henry III (1250). Ed. by David CROOK. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2006, 430 p. 2642. Documentação Dionisina do Concelho de Vila Pouca de Aguiar: edição, contextualização históricogeográfica e estudo vocabular. Ed. por Maria Olinda Rodrigues SANTANA e Mário José da Silva MINEIRO. Lisboa, Edições Colibri, 2006, 88 p. (ill., maps). (Estudos e Ensaios, 2). 2643. Durford (The) cartulary. Ed. by Janet H. STELewes, Sussex Record Society, 2006, XLIX163 p. (Publications, 90). VENSON.
2644. FEDERICO DI GIUNTA. Imbreviature, 1268 1271. A cura di Laura NERI. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2006, LIV-295 p. (pl., ill.). (Memoria scripturarum. Testi, 3). 2645. Feet of fines for the county of York from 1314 to 1326. Ed. by Michael ROPER and Christopher KITCHING. Woodbridge, Yorkshire Archaeological Society in association with Boydell Press, 2006, X-143 p. (Yorkshire Archaeological Society. Record series, 158). 2646. Johannes Bengedans' bøssemester- og krigsbog om. Krigskunst og Kanoner. (Das Büchsenmeisterund Kriegsbuch des Johannes Bengedans. Kriegskunst und Kanonen). Hrsg. v./udgivet af Hans BLOSEN und Rikke Agnete OLSEN. Unt. Mitarb. v./under medvirken af Aage ANDERSEN, Bendt Falkesgaard PEDERSEN, Frede STORBORG. Aarhus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2006, 2 vol., 287 p., 149 p. 2647. Keynsham Abbey: a cartulary. Ed. by Barbara J. LOWE. Oxford, Trafford, 2006, V-149 p. (ill., maps). 2648. Libro de la pecha de la villa de Ateca. Ed. por Agustín RUBIO SEMPER. Zaragoza, Institución Fernando el Católico y Diputación de Zaragoza, 2006, 395 p. (Fuentes históricas aragonesas, 39). 2649. Livro de linhagens do Conde D. Pedro: edição do fragmento manuscrito da Biblioteca da Ajuda, século XIV. Ed. Maria Teresa BROCARDO. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2006, 148 p. (Filologia portuguesa). 2650. Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Die Urkunden der deutschen Könige und Kaiser. Bd. 18. Einleitung u. T. 2. Die Urkunden Heinrich Raspes und Wilhelms von Holland. Bearb. v. Dieter HÄGERMANN und Jaap G. KRUISHEER unt. Mitwirk. v. Alfred GAWLIK. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2006, p. CXI-271743.
2653. Permuta (La) tra l'Abbazia della Vangadizza e il comune di Padova del 1298: testo, storia e storiografia di un documento ritrovato. Vol. 1. Il documento. A cura di Marco DORIN, Donato GALLO e Attilio BARTOLI LANGELI. VOL. 2. Studi / testi. Padova, CLEUP, Dipartimento di storia, Università degli studi di Padova, 2006, 2 vol., 176 p., 115 p. (ill.). (Confronta, 10). 2654. Più (Le) antiche carte della Cattedrale di San Lorenzo di Perugia, 10101300. A cura di Andrea MAIARELLI. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2006, LXII-311 p. 2655. Probate inventories of the York Diocese, 13501500. Ed. by Philip Michael STELL. York, York Archaeological Trust, 2006, LIV p., p. 487-711 (The archaeology of York, 2. Historical sources for York archaeology after AD 1100, 3). 2656. Records of Feckenham Forest, Worcestershire, c. 12361377. Ed. by Jean BIRREL. Worcester, Worcestershire Historical Society, 2006, XXV-212 p. 2657. Recueil des rouleaux des morts (VIIIe sièclevers 1536). Vol. 2. 11811399. Sous la dir. de Jean FAVIER. Ed. par Jean DUFOUR. Paris, diffusion de Boccard, 2006, 741 p. (Académie des inscriptions et belleslettres, Recueil des historiens de la France, Obituaires, série in-4o, 8). [Vol. 1. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 2560.] 2658. Regesten (Die) des Kaiserreichs unter den Karolingern 751918 (926/962). Teil 3. Das Regnum Italiae vom Regierungsantritt Hugos von Vienne bis zur Kaiserkrönung Ottos des Grossen (926962). Bearb. von Herbert ZIELINSKI. Köln u. Weimar, Böhlau, 2006, 503 p. (Regesta Imperii). 2659. Regesten (Die) des Kaiserreichs unter Rudolf, Adolf, Albrecht, Heinrich VII, 12731313. Abt. 4. Heinrich VII. 1288/13081313. Lfg. 1. 1288/1308 August 1309. Bearb. v. Kurt-Ulrich JÄSCHKE. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, 269 p. (Regesta Imperii). 2660. Regestum (Il) possessionum comunis Vincencie del 1262. A cura di Natascia CARLOTTO, Gian Maria VARANINI e Dario BRUNI. Roma, Viella, 2006, LXXIX-505 p. e 1 CD-ROM. (Fonti per la storia della terraferma veneta, 23). 2661. Register (The) of Thomas Appleby, Bishop of Carlisle, 13631395. Ed. by Robin Lindsay STOREY. Woodbridge, The Canterbury and York Society a. Boydell Press, 2006, XII-198 p. (Canterbury and York Society, 96). 2662. Russkoe srednevekovoe nadgrobie, XIII–XVII veka: Materialy k svodu. (Medieval Russian grave-
1. SOURCES AND CRITICISM OF SOURCES stones, 13th–17th centuries: Corpus of Medieval Russian gravestones). Vol. 1. Ed. Leonid A. BELJAEV. RAN, In-t arkheologii. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 359 p. (ill.; ind. p. 308-334; bibl. p. 335-341). [English summary and table of contents]. 2663. Southampton (The) brokage book, 1447 1448. Ed. by Winifred A. HARWOOD. Winchester, Wessex Historical Databases, 2006, XXII-307 p. (Southampton Records Series, 42). 2664. Souvenir (Le) des Carolingiens à Metz au Moyen Âge. Le Petit Cartulaire de Saint Arnoul. Éd. par Michèle GAILLARD. Paris, Publication de la Sorbonne, 2006, XLII-253 p. (Textes et documents d'histoire médiévale, 6). 2665. Urkundenbuch des Klosters Medingen. Hrsg. v. Joachim HOMEYER (†), Karin GIESCHEN und Uwe OHAINSKI. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2006, 798 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Niedersachsen und Bremen, 233). 2666. Urkundenbuch des Klosters Wülfinghausen. Bd. 2. 14011730. Bearbeitet von Uwe HAGER. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2006, 559 p. (Calenberger Urkundenbuch, 11. Veröffentlichungen der historischen Kommission für Niedersachsen und Bremen, 230). 2667. Urkundenbuch des Zisterzienserklosters Altzelle. B. 1. 11621249. Hrsg. v. Tom GRABER. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2006, XLI-379 p. (Codex Diplomaticus Saxoniae, 2. Die Urkunden der Städte und geistlichen Institutionen in Sachsen, 19). 2668. Vía (La) del Somport en el comercio medieval de Aragón. Los registros de las aduanas de Jaca y Canfranc de mediados del siglo XV. Ed. por Angel SESMA MUÑOZ. Zaragoza, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragonenses y Universidad de Zaragoza, Departamento de Historia Medieval, Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas, y Estudios Árabes e Islámicos, 2006, 414 p. (Publicaciones del Departamento de Historia Medieval, Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas, y Estudios Árabes e Islámicos, 4). 2669. Widows, heirs, and heiresses in the late twelfth century: the Rotuli de dominabus et pueris et puellis. Ed. by John WALMSLEY. Tempe, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2006, XIV-146 p. (Medieval and Renaissance texts and studies, 308). Cf. nos 1-26, 133, 2326, 2692, 481, 6836, 6838 b. Literary sources ** 2670. ANNALISTA SAXO. Die Reichschronik. Hrsg. v. Klaus NASS. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2006, XXIX-752 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Scriptores, 37). _______________________
2671. BOUSTRONIOS (George). A narrative of the chronicle of Cyprus, 14561489. Nicosia, Ministry of education and culture of Cyprus, 2006, 252 p.
2672. BUGOSLAVSKIJ (Sergej A.). Tekstologija Drevnej Rusi. (Textology of Old Rus). Prepared by Jurij A. ARTAMONOV. Vol. 1. Povest vremennykh let. (The Povest' vremennykh let [Rus Primary Chronicle: Study and text]). Vol. 2. Drevnerusskie literaturnye proizvedenija o Borise i Glebe. (Old Rus literary works on St Boris and St Gleb: [Study and texts]). Moskva, Jazyki slavjanskikh kul'tur, 2006, 2 vol., 312 p., 651 p. (portr.; schemes; pers. ind. p. 632-651). 2673. DE FRIBOIS (Noël). Abregé des croniques de France. Édité pour la Société de l'Histoire de France par Kathleen DALY avec la collaboration de Gillette LABORY. Préface de Bernard GUENÉE. Paris, Société de l'Histoire de France et Honoré Champion, 2006, 303 p. 2674. GATTO (Ludovico). Dalla parte di Salimbene: raccolta di ricerche sulla Cronaca e i suoi personaggi. Roma, Antonianum, 2006, 706 p. (Medioevo, 13). 2675. GIPPIUS (Aleksej A.). Novgorodskaja vladychnaja letopis' XII–XIV vv. i ee avtory (Istorija i struktura teksta v lingvisticheskom osveshchenii). I. (The annals of archbishops of Novgorod and their authors, the 12th– 14th centuries: A linguistic look at the history and the structure of the text. Part 1). In: Lingvisticheskoe istochnikovedenie i istorija russkogo jazyka, 2004–2005. Moskva, Drevlekhranilishche, 2006, p. 114-251. – GIPPIUS (Aleksej A.). Dva nachala Nachal'noj letopisi: K istorii kompositsii Povesti vremennykh let. (Two prefaces of the Rus Primary Chronicle: To the history of text and composition of the Povest' vremennykh let). In: Verenitsa liter: K 60-letiju V.M. Zhivova. Moskva, Jazyki slavjanskikh kul'tur, 2006, p. 56-96. (bibl. p. 9296). 2676. HEALY (Patrick). The chronicle of Hugh of Flavigny: reform and the investiture contest in the late eleventh century. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2006, VIII-264 p. (Church, faith, and culture in the Medieval West). 2677. HETHUM VON KORYKOS. Geschichte der Mongolen. Übers. v. Raimund SENONER. Hrsg. v. Wilhelm BAUM. Klagenfurt u. Wien, Kitab, 2006, 128 p. 2678. HIGHAM (N. J.). (Re-)reading Bede: the ecclesiastical history in context. London, Routledge, 2006, VIII-279 p. (ill., maps). 2679. KONOVALOVA (Irina G.). Al-Idrisi o stranakh i narodakh Vostochnoi Evropy: Tekst. Perevod. Kommentarii. (Al-IdrƯsƯ's The Amusement of Him Who Desires to Traverse the Earth on the lands and peoples of Eastern Europe: Text, translation, comments). Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2006, 328 s. (bibl. p. 277-297; ind. p. 298-322). (Drevnejshie istochniki po istorii narodov Vostochnoj Evropy). [Text partly in Arabic; English summary]. 2680. KUJAWIēSKI (Jakub). Le immagini dell'"altro" nella cronachistica del Mezzogiorno Longobardo. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 3, p. 768-815. 2681. Medieval chronicle (The), IV. Ed. by Erik KOOPER. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2006, 261 p. (pl., ill.).
2682. MIERAU (Heike Johanna). Die Einheit des imperium romanum in den Papst-Kaiser-Chroniken des Spätmittelalters. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 282, 2, p. 281-312. 2683. Narrative and history in the early Medieval West. Ed. by Elizabeth M. TYLER and Ross BALZARETTI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 265 p. 2684. Oldest (The) Anglo-Norman prose Brut chronicle: an edition and translation. Ed. by Julia MARVIN. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2006, X-442 p. (Medieval chronicles, 4). 2685. Repertorium fontium historiae Medii Aevi primum ab Augusto Potthast digestum, nunc cura Collegii historicorum e pluribus nationibus emendatum et auctum. Vol. XI. 1-2. Compendia, fontes: T. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il medio evo, 2006, 246 p. 2686. WALTERUS ARCHIDIACONUS TERVANENSIS. Vita Karoli Comitis Flandrie. Vita domni Ioannis Morinensis episcopi: quibus subiunguntur poemata aliqua de morte Comitis Karoli conscripta et quaestio de eadem facta. Éd. par Jeff RIDER, Sara Aliza FRIEDMAN, Dina GUTH. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, LXXX-218 p., (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 217). 2687. ZIMIN (Aleksandr A.). Slovo o polku Igoreve. (The tale of Igor's campaign). Ed. Valentina G. ZIMINA, Oleg V. TVOROGOV. Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 2006, 515 p. (portr.; bibl. p. 498-502; pers. ind. p. 503514). 2688. ZONARAS (Joannes). Libro de los emperadores. Versión aragonesa del Compendio de historia universal patrocinada por Juan Fernández de Heredia. Ed. por Adelino ÁLVAREZ y Francisco MARTÍN GARCÍA. Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza y Institución Fernando el Católico, 2006, LXXXVIII-422 p. (ill.). (Larumbe, 41). Cf. nos 1-26, 213, 337, 369, 3050-3139, 6842 § 2. General works. * 2689. Umbruch (Vom) zur Erneuerung? Das 11. und beginnende 12. Jahrhundert, Positionen der Forschung. Hrsg. v. Jörg JARNUT, Matthias WEMHOFF und Nicola KARTHAUS. München, Fink, 2006, 640 p. (ill.). (Mittelalter Studien, 13). _______________________
2690. BORGOLTE (Michael). Christen, Juden, Muselmanen: die Erben der Antike und der Aufstieg des Abendlandes 300 bis 1400 n. Chr. Berlin, Siedler, 2006, 639 p. (Siedler Geschichte Europas). 2691. CAPITANI (Ovidio). "Reformatio Ecclesiae": a proposito di unità e identita nella costruzione dell'Europa medievale. Studi medievali, 2006, 1, p. 1-28. 2692. Drevneishie gosudarstva Vostochnoj Evropy, 2004 god: Politicheskie instituty Drevnej Rusi. (The earliest states of Eastern Europe, 2004: political institutions of Early Rus). Ed. Timofej V. GIMON and Elena
A. MEL'NIKOVA. Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2006, 438 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.). 2693. ERKENS (Franz-Reiner). Herrschersakralität im Mittelalter. Von den Anfängen bis zum Investiturstreit. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2006, 282 p. 2694. Europa in costruzione. La forza delle identità, la ricerca di unità (secoli IX–XIII). A cura di Giorgio CRACCO, Jacques LE GOFF, Hagen KELLER [et al.]. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 484 p. (Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, Quaderni, 69). 2695. Fourteenth-century England IV. Ed. by Jeffrey S. HAMILTON. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2006, XII191 p. 2696. GOLDSTEIN (Ivo). Europa i Sredozemlje u srednjem vijeku. (Europe and the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages). Zagreb, Novi Liber, 2006, 535 p. (Historiae knj, 7). 2697. Histoire des provinces françaises du Nord. T. 1. De la Préhistoire à l'an Mil. Éd. par par Janine DESMULLIEZ et Ludo MILIS. Arras, Artois Presses Universite, 2006, 285 p. 2698. HLAWITSCHKA (Eduard). Die Ahnen der hochmittelalterlichen deutschen Könige, Kaiser und ihrer Gemahlinnen. Ein kommentiertes Tafelwerk. Bd. 1. 911–1137. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2006, 2 vol., CXI-61 p., VII-709 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Hilfsmittel, 25/1-2). 2699. HOLOTOVÁ-SZINEK (Juliana). Prvá stepná ríša a jej význam v dejinách Euroázie. (The first steppe empire and its importance in the history of Euroasia). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 1, p. 25-44. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 2700. HOUSLEY (Norman). Contesting the Crusades. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, XIII-198 p. (Contesting the past). 2701. HUDSON (Benjamin T.). Irish Sea studies, 900 1200. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2006, 256 p. 2702. Ispiration (L'): souffle créateur dans les arts, littératures et mystiques du Moyen Âge européen et proche-oriental. Colloque international tenu en Sorbonne les 2324 mai 2002. Éd. par Claire KAPPLER et Roger GROZELIER. Paris, Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne et L'Harmattan, 2006, 458 p. (pl., ill.). (Collection Kubaba. Actes, 9). 2703. Italia (L') alla fine del Medioevo: i caratteri originali nel quadro europeo. Vol. 1. A cura di Francesco SALVESTRINI. Vol. 2. A cura di Federica CENGARLE. Firenze, Firenze U. P., 2006, 2 vol., 496 p., 295 p. (Centro di studi sulla civiltà del tardo medioevo, San Miniato. Collna di studi e ricerche. 9-10). 2704. JANZON (Kaj). Det medeltida Sverige. Bd. 2. 2. Södermanland. Hölebo och röno Härader. Stockholm, Riksantikvarieämbetet, 2006, 350 p. (maps). 2705. JASPERT (Nikolas). The Crusades. London, Routledge, 2006, 193 p.
2706. Karel IV., císaĜ z boží milosti: kultura a umČní za vlády posledníh lucemburkĤ 13101437. (Charles IV, Emperor by God's grace: culture and art in the reign of the last Luxembourg 13101437). Ed. by Barbara Drake BOEHM and JiĜí FAJT. Praha, Academia, 2006, 679 p. (ill.).
et Fontevraud. Ed. par Martin AURELL et Noël-Yves TONNERRE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 524 p.
2707. KÉRY (Lotte). Pierre Dubois und der völkerbund. Ein 'Weltfriedensplan' um 1300. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 283, 1, p. 1-30.
2720. POWER (Daniel). The central Middle Ages. Europe, 9501320. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2006, XV-304 p.
2708. Kontinuitätsfragen Mittlere Kaiserzeit-Spätantike, Spätantike-Frühmittelalter: Beiträge der Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Römische Archäologie" auf der Jahrestagung des West- und Süddeutschen Verbandes für Altertumsforschung in Trier Hrsg. v. Susanne BIEGERT, Andrea HAGEDORN und Andreas SCHAUB. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2006, 98 p. (BAR international series, 1468).
2721. PRIETZEL (Malte). Krieg im Mittelalter. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006, 208 p.
2709. LAING (Lloyd Robert). The archaeology of Celtic Britain and Ireland, c. AD 4001200. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV-406 p. (ill., maps). 2710. LAUDAGE (Johannes), HAGENEIER (Lars), LEIVERKUS (Yvonne). Die Zeit der Karolinger. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006, 208 p. 2711. LITVINA (Anna F.), USPENSKIJ (Fedor B.). Vybor imeni u russkikh knjazej v X–XVI vv: Dinasticheskaja istorija skvoz' prizmu antroponimiki. (Choice of names in the dynasty of Rurikids in Rus, the 10th–16th centuries: dynastic history in the light of antroponymics). Moskva, Indrik, 2006, 740 p. (schemes; bibl. p. 627-658; ind. of names p. 661-740). (Imenoslov). [English summary].
2719. PLASSMANN (Alheydis). Origo gentis. Identitäts- und Legitimitätsstiftung in früh- und hochmittelalterlichen Herkunftserzählungen. Berlin, Akademie, 2006, 458 p. (Orbis mediaevalis, 7).
2722. PRYOR (Francis). Britain in the Middle Ages: an archaeological history. London, Harper Press, 2006, XVIII-330 p. (pl., ill.). 2723. Roman provinces (From) to Medieval kingdoms. Ed. by Thomas F. X. NOBLE. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XXV-402 p. (Rewriting histories). 2724. SĂLĂGEAN (Tudor). ğara lui Gelou: contribuĠii la istoria Transilvaniei de Nord în secolele IXXI. (Gelou's country: contributions to the history of Northern Transylvania in the 9th11th centuries). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Argonaut, 2006, 234 p. 2725. SMITH (Caroline). Crusading in the age of Joinville. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, 216 p. 2726. SMITH (Julia M. H.). Province and empire: Brittany and the Carolingians. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XX-237 p. (Cambridge studies in Medieval life and thought, 18).
2712. LOCK (Peter). The Routledge companion to the crusades. London, Routledge, 2006, X-527 p. (Routledge companions to history).
2727. Staat im frühen Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Stuart AIRLIE, Walter POHL und Helmur REIMITZ. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2006, 220 p. (Forschungen zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, 11).
2713. MAJOROV (Aleksandr V.). Velikaja Khorvatija: etnogenez i rannjaja istorija slavjan Prikarpatskogo regiona. (Great Croatia: Ethnogenesis and early history of Slavs in the Karpattian Region). Sankt-Peterburg, Izdatel'stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, 2006, 210 p. (bibl. incl.; ind. p. 191-209). [English and German summaries].
2728. Svjashchennoe telo korolja. Ritualy i mifologija vlasti: Sbornik statej. (The holy body of the king: rituals and mythology of power: articles). Ed. Nina A. KHACHATURJAN. Mosovskij gos. un-t im. M.V. Lomonosova, Ist, f-t; RAN, In-t vseobshchej istorii, etc. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 484 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.). [English summaries].
2714. Mediterraner Kolonialismus. Expansion und Kulturaustausch im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. P. FELDBAUER, G. LIEDL und J. MORRISSEY. Essen, Magnus, 2006, 311 p. (Expansion – Interaktion – Akkulturation. Historische Skizzen zur Europäisierung Europas und der Welt, 8).
2729. TYERMAN (Christopher). God's war: a new history of the Crusades. London, Allen Lane, 2006, XVI-1024 p. (Allen Lane history).
2715. MEUTHEN (Erich). Das 15. Jahrhundert. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, 343 p. 2716. Mondes marins du Moyen Âge. Éd. par Chantal CONNOCHIE-BOURGNE. Aix-en-Provence, Presses de l'Université de Provence, 2006, 430 p. (Senefiance, 52). 2717. OVCHAROV (NikolaƱ). Medieval Bulgarian Empire. Plovdiv, Lettera, 2006, 167 p. (ill., maps.). 2718. Plantagenêts et Capétiens. Confrontations et héritages, actes du colloque des 1315 mai 2004, Poitiers
2730. YOUNGS (Deborah). The life-cycle in Western Europe, c. 1300c. 1500. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2006, 244 p. (Manchester Medieval studies). Cf. nos 133, 760, 838, 1362, 2614, 2889 § 3. Political history. _______________________
a. General 2731. ANDREESCU (ùtefan). "Cruciada târzie" úi Marea Neagră. ("The late crusade" and the Black Sea). In: Marea Neagră. Puteri maritime – puteri terestre
(sec. XIIIXVIII). Bucureúti, Editura Institutului Cultural Român, 2006, p. 122-158. 2732. BUDAK (Neven), RAUKAR (Tomislav). Hrvatska povijest srednjeg vijeka. (Croatian history of the Middle Age). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 2006, 447 p. 2733. GUSTAFSSON (Sofia). Svenska städer i medeltidens Europa: en komparativ studie av stadsorganisation och politisk kultur. (Les villes suédoises dans l'Europe médiévale: étude comparée de l'organisation municipale et de la culture politique). Stockholm, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, 2006, 243 p. (Stockholm studies in history, 86). 2734. Heilig, Römisch, Deutsch: das Reich im mittelalterlichen Europa. Hrsg. v. Bernd SCHNEIDMÜLLER und Stefan WEINFURTER. Dresden, Sandstein, 2006, 487 p. 2735. MÜLLER-MERTENS (Eckhard). Römisches Reich im Besitz der Deutschen, der König an Stelle des Augustus. Recherche zur Frage: seit wann wird das mittelalterlich-frühneuzeitliche Reich von den Zeitgenossen als römisch und deutsch begriffen? Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 282, 1, p. 1-58. 2736. Plenitude of power: the doctrines and exercise of authority in the Middle Ages. Essays in memory of Robert Louis Benson. Ed. by Robert Charles FIGUERA. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XI-204 p. (Church, faith and culture in the Medieval West). 2737. REITEMEIER (Arnd). Die christliche Legitimation von Herrschaft im Mittelalter. Münster, MV Wissenschaft, 2006, 390 p. 2738. Representations of power in Medieval Germany, 8001500. Ed. by Björn K. U. WEILER and Simon MAC LEAN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XVI-348 p. (International Medieval research, 16). Cf. no 2523 b. 476–900 2739. ACERBI (Silvia). Entre Roma y Bizancio. La Italia de Gregorio Magno a través de su Registrum Epistularum. Madrid, Signifer Libros, 2006, 178 p. (Signifer, monografías y estudios de anti güedad griega y romana, 23). 2740. BERNET (Anne). Clotilde, épouse de Clovis. Paris, Pygmalion, 2006, 294 p. (pl., ill., geneal. tab.). (Histoire des reines de France). 2741. Broderliste, broderskab, korstog: bidrag til opklaringen af en gåde fra dansk højmiddelalder. (Les croisades dans le haut Moyen Age danois). Red. Janus MØLLER JENSEN. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2006, 282 p. (Proceedings of the 27th symposium organized by the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Southern Denmark, Odense). 2742. COLLINS (Roger). Visigothic Spain, 409711. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, 263 p.
2743. GIESSAUF (Johannes). Barbaren, Monster, Gottesgeisseln: Steppennomaden im europäischen Spiegel der Spätantike und des Mittelalters. Graz, Grazer Universitätsverlag Leykam, 2006, 226 p. 2744. GOBRY (Ivan). Dagobert Ier le Grand, fils de Clotaire, 623639. Paris. Pygmalion, 2006, 233 p. (ill.). (Histoire des rois de France). 2745. GOLDBERG (Eric J.). Struggle for empire: kingship and conflict under Louis the German, 817– 876. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2006, XXI-388 p. (Conjunctions of religion and power in the Medieval past). 2746. JACKSON (Anthony). In search of the Arthurian kings: an attempt at finding the historical truth about the collapse of the Roman Empire and the beginnings of the Saxon kingdoms. Bloomington, Author House, 2006, IX-339 p. 2747. PATZOLD (Steffen). Eine "loyale Palastrebellion" der "Reichseinheitspartei"? Zur 'Divisio imperii' von 817 und zu den Ursachen des Aufstands gegen Ludwig den Frommen im Jahre 830. Frühmittelalterliche Studien, 2006, 40, p. 43-77. 2748. PILARA (Gianluca). La città di Roma fra chiesa e impero durante il conflitto gotico-bizantino. Roma, Aracne, 2006, 101 p. 2749. SÉNAC (Philippe). Le monde carolingien et l'islam: contribution à l'étude des relations diplomatiques pendant le haut Moyen Âge, VIIIeXe siècles. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 115 p. (ill.). (Collection Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes). 2750. SYPECK (Jeff). Becoming Charlemagne: Europe, Baghdad, and the empires of A.D. 800. New York, Ecco, 2006, XX-284 p. (ill.). 2751. TORTIKA (Aleksandr A.). Severo-Zapadnaja Khazarija v kontekste istorii Vostochnoj Evropy (vtoraja polovina VII–tret'ja chetvert' X vv.): monografija. (North-Western Khazaria in the context of the history of Eastern Europe, the 2nd half of the 7th–the 3rd quarter of the 10th century). M-vo kul'tury i turizma Ukrainy; Khar'kovskaja gos. akad. kul'tury. Khar'kov, Izd-vo KhGAK, 2006, 553 p. (bibl. p. 513-553). 2752. VITIELLO (Massimiliano). Il principe, il filosofo, il guerriero: lineamenti di pensiero politico nell'Italia ostrogota. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 284 p. (Hermes. Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie. Einzelschriften, 97). 2753. YORKE (Barbara). The conversion of Britain: religion, politics and society in Britain, c. 600800. Harlow, Pearson Longman, 2006, XIII-333 p. (maps). (Religion, politics, and society in Britain). c. 900–1300 2754. ALEKSEEV (Leonid V.). Zapadnye zemli domongol'skoj Rusi: Ocherki istorii, arkheologii, kul'tury. (Western Lands of pre-Mongolian Rus: essay on history, archaeology and culture). Books 1-2. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 2 vol., 289 p., 167 p. (ill.; bibl.; pers. ind.).
3. POLITICAL HISTORY 2755. Anglo-Norman studies, XXVIII. Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2005. Ed. by Christopher Piers LEWIS. Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2006, 187 p. (ill., maps). (Anglo-Norman studies). 2756. BAUTISTA (Francisco). La Estoria de España en época de Sancho IV: sobre los reyes de Asturias. London, Dept. of Hispanic Studies, Queen Mary, University of London, 2006, 123 p. (Papers of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar, 50). 2757. BOWLUS (Charles R.). The battle of Lechfeld and its aftermath, August 955. The end of the age of migrations in the Latin West. Aldershot, Burlington, Ashgate, 2006, XXIV-223 p. 2758. GIL (Christiane). Marguerite de Provence: épouse de Saint Louis. Paris, Pygmalion, 2006, 238 p. (pl., ill., geneal. tab.). (Histoire des reines de France). 2759. GLEIXNER (Sebastian). Sprachrohr kaiserlichen Willens: die Kanzlei Kaiser Friedrichs II, 12261236. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, XII-579 p. (ill.). (Archiv für Diplomatik. Beiheft, 11). 2760. GONZÁLEZ JIMÉNEZ (Manuel). Fernando III el santo. Seville, Fundación José Manuel Lara, 2006, 407 p. (pl., ill., maps). 2761. GREEN (Judith A.). Henry I, King of England and Duke of Normandy. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XI-392 p. (ill., maps). 2762. History of William Marshal. Introduction, notes, indices. Ed. by Antony J. HOLDEN. London, Anglo-Norman Text Society a. Birkbeck College, 2006, V237 p.
comunale. Archivio storico italiano, 2006, 164, 610, 4, p. 603-624. 2769. SHARPE (Richard). Norman Rule in Cumbria, 10921136. Kendall, Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Soc., 2006, 78 p. 2770. ŠTEFÁNIK (Martin). Morosiniovci v Uhorsku za vlády Ondreja III. a dve verzie o smrti kráĐovnej Tommasiny. (Morosinis in Hungary under the King Andrew III and the two versions of the death of the Queen of Hungary Tommasina). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 2, p. 187-199. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 2771. STRUVE (Tilman). Salierzeit im Wandel. Zur Geschichte Heinrichs IV. und des Investiturstreites. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, X-435 p. 2772. TAKAYAMA (Hiroshi). Chnjsei Itaria no Kenryoku kǀzǀ: Ibunka shnjdan no kyǀzon to tairitsu. (The power structure of the Medieval Kingdom of Sicily: coexistence and confrontation of different cultural groups). In: Shinkǀ to Tasha: Kanyǀ to fukanyǀ no Yǀroppa shakai-shi [Cf. no 4633], p. 73-107. IDEM. Confrontation of powers in the Norman kingdom of Sicily: kings, nobles, bureaucrats and cities. In: Città e vita cittadina nei Paesi dell'area mediterranea [Cf. no 3464], p. 541-552. 2773. WEILER (Björn K. U.). Henry III of England and the Staufen Empire, 12161272. Woodbridge, Royal Historical Society a. Boydell Press, 2006, XI-247 p. (map). (Royal Historical Society studies in history). 2774. WOLFRAM (Herwig). Conrad II, 9901039, emperor of three kingdoms. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2006, XX-475 p. (ill., maps).
2763. KOMAC (Andrej). Od mejne grofije do dežele: Ulrik III. Spanheim in Kranjska v 13. stoletju. (From Margraviate to Province: Ulrich III of Spanheim and Carniola in the 13th Century). Ljubljana, Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU: Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa ZRC SAZU, 2006, 324 p. (Thesaurus memoriae, Dissertationes, 5).
2775. Angiò (Gli) nell'Italia nord-occidentale, 1259 1382. A cura di Rinaldo COMBA. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2006, 443 p. (Testi e studi. Scienze umane, 195).
2764. KOSZTOLNYIK (Z. J.). The dynastic policy of the Arpáds, Géza I to Emery (10741204). Boulder, East European Monographs, 2006, 369 p. (East European monographs, 687).
2776. BALDI (Barbara). Pio II e le trasformazioni dell'Europa Cristiana (14571464). Milano, UNICOPLI, 2006, XXIII-271 p. (Politica estera e opinione pubblica).
2765. KRAUSE (Ingmar). Konflikt und Ritual im Herrschaftsbereich der frühen Capetinger: Untersuchungen zur Darstellung und Funktion symbolischen Verhaltens. Münster, Rhema, 2006, 352 p. (Symbolische Kommunikation und gesellschaftliche Wertesysteme, 13).
2777. BIGGS (Douglas). Three armies in Britain: the Irish campaign of Richard II and the usurpation of Henry IV, 1397–1399. Boston, Brill, 2006, XXI-295 p. (History of warfare, 39).
2766. MAC LYNN (Frank). Lionheart and Lackland: King Richard, King John and the wars of conquest. London, Jonathan Cape, 2006, XII-578 p. (pl., ill., maps).
Cf. no 2751 d. 1300–1500
2778. CENGARLE (Federica). Immagine di potere e prassi di governo: la politica feudale di Filippo Maria Visconti. Roma, Viella, 2006, 207 p. (I libri di Viella, 57).
2767. Reign (The) of Edward II. New perspectives. Ed. by Gwilym DODD and Anthony MUSSON. Woodbridge, York Medieval press, 2006, 244 p.
2779. CIGANDA ELIZONDO (Roberto). Navarros en Normandia en 13671371. Hacia el ocaso de Carlos II en Francia. Pamplona, Eunsa, 2006, XIII-392 p. (Historica).
2768. SETTIA (Aldo A.). "Quando con trombe e quando con campane": segnali militari nelle città dell'Italia
2780. "De part et d'autre des Alpes". Les châtelains des princes à la fin du Moyen Âge. Actes de la table
ronde de Chambéry, 11 et 12 octobre 2001. Ed. par Guido CASTELNUOVO et Olivier MATTÉONI. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2006, 340 p. (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 88).
the changing role of apanage). Shigaku Zasshi, 2006, 115, 9, p. 41-66 [Eng. summary].
2781. ECHEVARRÍA ARSUAGA (Ana). Caballeros en la frontera: La guardia morisca de los reyes de Castilla (1410–1467). Madrid, Universidad Nacional de Educacíon a Distancia, 2006, 315 p.
2794. Sigismund von Luxemburg: ein Kaiser in Europa. Tagungsband des internationalen historischen und kunsthistorischen Kongresses in Luxemburg, 8.10. Juni 2005. Hrsg. v. Michel PAULY und Françoise REINERT. Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern, 2006, VI376 p. (ill., maps).
2782. Fifteenth century (The). Vol. 6. Identity and insurgency in the late Middle Ages. Ed. by Linda CLARK. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2006, 224 p.
2795. WALKER (Simon). Political culture in later Medieval England. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2006, IX-276 p.
2783. GARCÍA CAÑÓN (Pablo). Concejos y señores. Historia de una lucha en la montaña occidental leonesa a fines de la Edad Media. Léon, Universidad de León, Secretariado de Publicaciones, 2006, 315 p.
Cf. nos 604, 6276
2784. GIL VICENT (Vicent). Galeres i corsaris al servei del papa Luna. València, Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria de Cultura, Educació i Esport, 2006, 235 p. (ill.).
2796. ASCHOFF (Diethard). Geschichte der Juden in Westfalen im Mittelalter. Berlin, Lit, 2006, IV-317 p. (ill., maps). (Geschichte und Leben der Juden in Westfalen, 5).
2785. GIMENO BLAY (Francisco M.). Escribir, reinar: la experiencia gráfico-textual de Pedro IV el Ceremonioso (13361387). Madrid, Abada Editores, 2006, 238 p. (Lecturas. Serie Historia moderna).
2797. ASSUNÇÃO FERREIRA (Joaquim de). Estatuto jurídico dos Judeus e Mouros na Idade Mèdia portuguesa: luzes e sombras, na convivência entre as três religões. Lisboa, Universidade Católica Editora, 2006, 429 p. (ill.). (Lusitania canonica. Série C, Investigação, 1).
2786. Jean Wauquelin: de Mons à la cour de Bourgogne. Éd. par Marie-Claude DE CRÉCY, Gabriella PARUSSA et Sandrine HÉRICHÉ. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, IX-318 p. (ill.). (Burgundica, 11). 2787. Król w Polsce XIV i XV wieku. (King of Poland, 14th and 15th century). Ed. by Andrzej MARZEC and Maciej WILAMOWSKI. Krakoó, Societas Vistulana, 2006, 279 p. (Maiestas, potestas, communitas, 1). 2788. MARTINES (Lauro). Le sang d'avril: Florence et le complot contre les Médicis. Paris, Albin Michel, 2006, 447 p. (ill., maps). (Bibliothèque Albin Michel de l'histoire). IDEM. Scourge and fire: Savonarola and Renaissance Florence. London, Jonathan Cape, 2006, XVI-336 p. (pl., ill., maps).
§ 4. Jews. _______________________
2798. BALE (Anthony Paul). The Jew in the Medieval book: English antisemitisms, 13501500. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV-266 p. (ill.). (Cambridge studies in Medieval literature). 2799. BLAU (Joshua). Dictionary of Medieval Judaeo-Arabic texts. Jerusalem, Academy of Hebrew Language, Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, 2006, XII-32-791 p. 2800. BLUMENTHAL (David R.). Philosophic mysticism: studies in rational religion. Ramat Gan, Bar-llan University, 2006, 16-260 p.
2789. Monarquía (La) como conflicto en la corona castellano-leonesa, c. 12301504. Ed. por José Manuel NIETO SORIA y Ana ARRANZ. Madrid, Sílex, 2006, 679 p. (ill.). (Sílex universidad).
2801. DE ANTONIO RUBIO (María Gloria). Los judíos en Galicia, 10441492. La Coruña, Fondación Pedro Barrié de la Maza, 2006, 681 p. (ill., maps). (Istituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento. Colección Galicia histórica).
2790. MORTIMER (Ian). The perfect king: the life of Edward III, father of the English nation. London, Jonathan Cape, 2006, XIX-536 p. (ill., maps).
2802. DREWS (Wolfram). The unknown neighbour: the Jew in the thought of Isidore of Seville. Boston, Brill, 2006, X-387 p. (Medieval Mediterranean, 59).
2791. NIETO SORIA (José Manuel). Un crimen en la corte: caída y ascenso de Gutierre Álvarez de Toledo, señor de Alba (13761446). Madrid, Sílex, 2006, 316 p. (Historia medieval).
2803. GOODWIN (Deborah L.). Take hold of the robe of a Jew: Herbert of Bosham's Christian Hebraism. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XII-300 p. (Studies in the history of Christian traditions, 126).
2792. PEŠORDA-VARDIû (Zrinka). The crown, the king and the city: Dubrovnik, Hungary and dynastic controvers, 13821390. Dubrovnik annals, 2006, 10, p. 7-30.
2804. HUSCROFT (Richard). Expulsion: England's Jewish solution. Stroud, Tempus, 2006, 191 p. (ill.). (Revealing history).
2793. SATO (Takeshi). Hyakunen-sensǀ-ki Furansu ni okeru shokǀ-ken to ǀ-ken: Shinnǀ-ryǀ no henshitsu wo shǀten ni. (Principalities and kingship in France during the Hundred Years War: a closer examination of
2805. KELLNER (Menachem Marc). Maimonides' confrontation with mysticism. Oxford, Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2006, XIX-343 p. (Littman library of Jewish civilization).
5. ISLAM 2806. KRIEGEL (Maurice). Les juifs dans l'Europe méditerranéenne à la fin du Moyen Âge. Paris, Hachette, 2006, 298 p. (Pluriel. Histoire). 2807. LEICHT (Reimund). Astrologumena Judaica: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der astrologischen Literatur der Juden. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, X413 p. (Texts and studies in Medieval and early modern Judaism, 21). 2808. LEROY (Béatrice). Le grand rabbin du roi de Navarre, Josef Orabuena: 13901416. Biarritz, Atlantica, 2006, 78 p. (maps). 2809. Minorités juives, pouvoirs, littérature politique en péninsule ibérique, France et Italie au Moyen Age. Études offertes à Béatrice Leroy. Éd. par Jean Pierre BARRAQUÉ et Véronique LAMAZOU-DUPLAN. Biarritz, Atlantica, 2006, 522 p. 2810. PASSERAT (Georges). La croisade des pastoureaux: sur la route du Mont-Saint-Michel à Narbonne, la tragédie sanglante des Juifs au début du XIVe siècle (1320). Cahors, La Louve, 2006, 188 p. (L'histoire). 2811. RASPE (Lucia). Jüdische Hagiographie im mittelalterlichen Aschkenas. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XIII-403 p. (Texts and studies in Medieval and Early Modern Judaism, 19). 2812. RAY (Jonathan). The Sephardic frontier: the Reconquista and the Jewish community in Medieval Iberia. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2006, X-198 p. (Conjunctions of religion and power in the Medieval past). 2813. RIERA I SANS (Jaume). Els poders públics i les synagogues, segles XIIIXV. Girona, Patronat Call de Girona, 2006, 634 p. (Girona Judaica, 3). 2814. ROOS (Lena). "God wants it!". The ideology of martyrdom of the Hebrew Crusade Chroniches and its Jewish and Christian background. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XVIII-294 p. (Medieval Church Studies, 6). 2815. SCANDALIATO (Angela). Judaica minora sicula: indagini sugli ebrei di Sicilia nel Medioevo. Firenze, Giuntina, 2006, 538 p. (Associazione italiana per lo studio del giudaismo. Testi e studi, 18). 2816. SCHMELZER (Menahem). Studies in Jewish bibliography and Medieval Hebrew poetry: collected essays. New York a. Jerusalem, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 2006, 2 vol., 283 p., 243 p. 2817. YUVAL (Israel Jacob). Two nations in your womb: perceptions of Jews and Christians in the Middle Ages. Berkeley a. London, University of California Press, 2006, XXI-313 p. (ill.). § 4. Addendum 2005. 2818. BRONISCH (Alexander Pierre). Die Judengesetzgebung im katholischen Westgotenreich von Toledo. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2005, 211 p. (Forschungen zur Geschichte der Juden, Abt. A: Abhandlungen, 17). Cf. no 2751
113 § 5. Islam. _______________________
2819. AKASOY (Anna). Philosophie und Mystik in der späten Almohadenzeit: die Sizilianischen Fragen Ibn Sab'Ưn. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XXVII-605 p. (Islamic philosophy, theology and science. Texts and studies, 59). 2820. Al-Andalus: espaço de mudança. Balanço de 25 anos de história e arquelogia medievais. Seminário international Mértola 16, 17 & 18 de Maio de 2005, homenagem a Juan Zozaya Stabel-Hansen. Mértola, Camp Arqueologico de Mértola, 2006, 317 p. (ill, maps, plans). 2821. Arabic literature in the post-classical periodEd. by Roger M. A. ALLEN and Donald Sidney RICHARDS. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, IX-481 p. (Cambridge history of Arabic literature). 2822. GRABAR (Oleg). Constructing the study of Islamic art. Vol. 2. Islamic visual culture, 11001800. Aldershot, Ashgate Variorum, 2006, XXXVI-451 p. (Variorum collected studies series). 2823. HAMDANI (Sumaiya Abbas). Between revolution and state: the path to Fatimid statehood: Qadi alNu'man and the construction of Fatimid legitimacy. London, I.B. Tauris in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2006, XXVI-210 p. (Ismaili heritage series, 11). 2824. JANSSENS (Jules L.). Ibn SƯnƗ and his influence on the Arabic and Latin world. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, [s. p.]. (Variorum collected studies series, 843). 2825. JAQUES (R. Kevin). Authority, conflict, and the transmission of diversity in Medieval Islamic law. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XVII-299 p. (ill.). (Studies in Islamic law and society, 26). 2826. KEATING (Sandra Toenies). Defending the "people of truth" in the early Islamic period: the Christian apologies of Abnj RƗ' 'ӏ৬ah. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, VI-378 p. (The history of Christian-Muslim relations, 4). 2827. LE COZ (Raymond). Les chrétiens dans la médecine arabe. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 336 p. (Peuples et cultures de l'orient). 2828. MARÍN GUZMÁN (Roberto). Sociedad, política y protesta popular en la España musulmana. San José, Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica, 2006, XXXV-611 p. (ill., maps). 2829. MITTER (Ulrike). Das frühislamische Patronat: eine Studie zu den Anfängen des islamischen Rechts. Würzburg, Ergon, 2006, 605 p. (ill.). (Kultur, Recht und Politik in muslimischen Gesellschaften, 8). 2830. MOCKERS (Elizabeth). Géographes arabomusulmans du Xe au XIVe siècle: la côte méditerranéenne de la péninsule Ibérique chez les géographes arabo-musulmans et les cartographes chrétiens du Xe au XIVe siècle. Colomars, Melis, 2006, 139 p. (ill., maps). (Collection Histoire).
2831. O'SHEA (Stephen). Sea of faith: Islam and Christianity in the Medieval Mediterranean world. Vancouver, Douglas & McIntyre, 2006, XII-411 p. (ill., maps).
2843. MOGGIA (Carlo). La contrattualistica agraria medioevale: mezzadria e locazioni fondiarie nella Liguria centro orientale. (Secolo XIII). Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 3, p. 1024-1040.
2832. RAMEN (Fred). Albucasis (Abu al-Qasim alZahrawi): renowned Muslim surgeon of the tenth century. New York, Rosen Pub. Group, 2006, 112 p. (Great Muslim philosophers and scientists of the Middle Ages).
2844. RASMUSSEN (Finn). Nyt syn på trelleborgene. (Du nouveau sur les camps fortifiés vikings du Danemark). Hundested, Tænk Kritisk, 109 p. (ill.).
2833. Regards sur al-Andalus (VIII XV siècle). Éd. par François GÉAL et Cyrille AILLET. Madrid, Casa de Velázquez et Paris, Rue d'Ulm, 2006, X-168 p. (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, 94). e
2834. Saber y sociedad en al-Andalus. IV-V Jornadas de Cultura Islámica, Almonaster la Real (Huelva). Ed. por Alejandro Alejandro GARCÍA SANJUÁN. Almonaster la Real, Exmo. Ayto. de Almonaster la Real y Huelva, Universidad de Huelva, 2006, 283 p. (Collectanea, 98). Cf. no 2679 § 6. Vikings. ** 2835. ARI ÞORGILSSON, FROÐI. Íslendingabók: Kristni Saga. (The book of the Icelanders: The story of the conversion). Ed. by Siân Elizabeth DUKE. London, Viking Society for Northern Research, University College London, 2006, XLVII-97 p. (Viking Society for Northern Research text series, 18). _______________________
2836. BERGHAUS (Peter), MÄKELER (Hendrik). Münzkabinett der Universität Uppsala. Deutsche Münzen der Wikingerzeit sowie des hohen und späten Mittelalters. Hrsg. v. Harald NILSSON. Uppsala, Uppsala Universitet, 2006, VIII-168 p. (Studia Numismatica Upsaliensia, 2). 2837. BRYAN (Lindsay). Marriage and morals in the fourteenth century: the evidence of bishop Hamo's Register. English historical review, 2006, 121, 491, p. 467486. 2838. FUGLESANG (Signe Horn). The Hoen hoard: a Viking gold treasure of the ninth century. Roma, Bardi, 2006, 340 p. (Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia, 14. Norske oldfunn, 20). 2839. HADLEY (Dawn M.). The Vikings in England: settlement, society and culture. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2006, XVII-298 p. (Manchester Medieval studies). 2840. HEDENSTIERNA-JONSON (Charlotte). The Birka warrior: the material culture of a martial society. Stockholm, Stockholm University, 2006, [s. p.]. (Theses and papers in scientific archaeology, 8). 2841. HODGES (Richard). Goodbye to the Vikings? Re-reading early Medieval archaeology. London, Duckworth, 2006, XII-212 p. (ill., plans.). 2842. KADOYA (Hidenori). Vaikingu-jidai. (The age of the Vikings). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2006, 287 p.
2845. SCRAGG (Donald George). The return of the Vikings: the Battle of Maldon 991. Stroud, Tempus, 2006, 190 p. (ill., maps). (The Anglo-Saxons). 2846. SKAANING (Poul). Vikingestormen: togter mod Vesteuropa 793937. (Les expéditions vikings vers l'Europe occidentale 793937). Højbjerg, Hovedland, 2006, 186 p. (ill.). § 7. History of law and institutions. ** 2847. Glossen zum Sachsenspiegel-Lehnrecht: die kürzere Glosse. Hrsg. v. Frank-Michael KAUFMANN. Hannover, Hahn, 2006, 2 vol., LXIV-717 p. (Monumenta germaniae historica. Fontes iuris germanici antiqui, 8). ** 2848. Statuto (Lo) di Massa e Cozzile del 1420: le norme giuridiche medievali in uso in un Comune rurale della Valdinievole. A cura di Antonio LO CONTE e Elena VANNUCCHI. Firenze, Polistampa, 2006, 375 p. (Provincia di Pistoia. Beni culturali, 39). _______________________
2849. ANDERSEN (Per). Lærd ret og verdslig lovgivning: retlig kommunikation og udvikling i middelalderens Danmark. (Teachings of law and secular law: legal communication and development in Medieval Denmark). Denmark, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets, 2006, VIII-350 p. 2850. APSNER (Burkhard). Vertrag und Konsens im früheren Mittelalter. Studien zur Gesellschaftsprogrammatik und Staatlichkeit im westfränkischen Reich. Trier, Kliomedia, 2006, 322 p. (Trierer historische Forschungen, 58). 2851. ASCHERI (Mario). Le città-Stato. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 216 p. (Identità italiana, 46). 2852. Auctoritas: mélanges offerts à Olivier Guillot. Éd. par Giles CONSTABLE et Michel ROUCHE. Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2006, 807 p. (ill.). (Cultures et civilisations médiévales). 2853. BASDEVANT-GAUDEMET (Brigitte). Église et autorités: études d'histoire du droit canonique médiéval. Limoges, Pulim, 2006, 496 p. (Cahiers de l'Institut d'anthropologie juridique de Limoges, 14). 2854. Corpus (The) iuris civilis in the Middle Ages: manuscripts and transmission from the sixth century to the juristic revival. Ed. by Charles RADDING and Antonio CIARALLI. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XIV-277 p. 2855. Dette (La) et le juge. Juridiction gracieuse et juridiction contentieuse du XIIIe au XVe siècle (France, Italie, Espagne, Angleterre, Empire). Éd. par Julie
7. HISTORY OF LAW AND INSTITUTIONS CLAUSTRE. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2006, 197 p. (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 89). 2856. DISTLER (Eva-Maria). Städtebünde im deutschen Spätmittelalter. Eine rechtshistorische Untersuchung zu Begriff, Verfassung und Funktion. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2006, IX-271 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 207). 2857. Dret comú (El) i Catalunya. Actes de XII simposi international Barcelona, 2628 de maig de 2005. Vida i dret, el procés. Edició d'Aquilino IGLESIA FERREIRÓS. Barcelona, Associació Catalana d'Història del Dret Jaume de Montijuic, 2006, 916 p. (Colección efímera, 3). 2858. GIGLIOTTI (Valerio). La renuntiatio papae nella riflessione giuridica medioevale (secc. XIIIXV): tra limite ed esercizio del potere. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2006, 79, p. 291-402. 2859. GODDING (Philippe). La législation ducale en Brabant sous le règne de Philippe le Bon, 14301467. Bruxelles, Académie Royale de Belgique, 2006, 139 p. (Académie Royale de Belgique, mémoire de la classe des lettres, collection in 8, 3e s., 42). 2860. GORIA (Federico). Il diritto feudale fra tradizione ed innovazione: genesi e fortuna dello Speculum feudorum di Claude de Seyssel. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2006, 79, p. 215-290. 2861. GOURON (André). Pionniers du droit occidental au Moyen Âge. Aldershot, Ashgate/Variorum, 2006, [s. p.]. (Variorum collected studies series, 865). 2862. GÜNTHER (Gerhard). Römisches Recht in Thüringen. Seine Anwendung im Rechtsleben bis 1350. Bad Langensalza, Selbstverlag des Verfassers, 2006, 164 p. 2863. HOFF (Annette). Recht und Landschaft: der Beitrag der Landschaftsrechte zum Verstandnis der Landwirtschafts- und Landschaftsentwicklung in Danemark ca. 9001250. Berlin u. New York, Walter de Gruyter, 2006, X-456 p. (Erganzungsbande zum Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde, 54). 2864. JAKOBS (Horst Heinrich). Magna Glossa: Textstufen der legistischen glossa ordinaria. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2006, 302 p. (Rechts- und staatswissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Görres-Gesellschaft, 114). 2865. KIM (Onyoo Elizabeth). Law and criminality in the Middle Ages: academic essays. Cheltenham, Hermit Kingdom Press, 2006, XXIII-221 p. (Hermit Kingdom studies in history and religion, 3).
dition bei der Ausbildung der frühmittelalterlichen Rechtskultur. Hrsg. v. Gerhard DILCHER und EvaMarie DISTLER. Berlin, Erich Schmidt, 2006, 650 p. 2868. LEHMANN (Prisca). La répression des délits sexuels dans les Etats savoyards: châtellenies des diocèses d'Aoste, Sion et Turin, fin XIIIeXVe siècle. Lausanne, Universite de Lausanne, Section d'Histoire, Faculte des Lettres, 2006, 409 p. (Cahiers lausannois d'histoire médiévale, 39). 2869. LINDSTRÖM (Fredrik), LINDSTRÖM (Henrik). Svitjods undergång och Sveriges födelse. (Naissance de la Suède médiévale). Stockholm, Bonnier, 2006, 315 p. 2870. MARCHETTO (Giuliano). Il divorzio imperfetto. I giuristi medievali e la separazione dei coniugi. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 500 p. (Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento. Monografie, 48). 2871. Medieval church law and the origins of the Western legal tradition: a tribute to Kenneth Pennington. Ed. by Wolfgang P. MÜLLER and Mary E. SOMMAR. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2006, XV-404 p. 2872. MENZINGER (Sara). Giuristi e politica nei comuni di popolo: Siena, Perugia e Bologna, tre governi a confronto. Roma, Viella, 2006, 377 p. (Ius nostrum: studi e testi pubblicati dall'Istituto di storia del diritto italiano dell'Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza, 34). 2873. Modi arguendi: testi per lo studio della retorica nel sistema del diritto comune. A cura di Severino CAPRIOLI. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2006, 211 p. 2874. NADER (Marwan). Burgesses and Burgess law in the Latin Kingdoms of Jerusalem and Cyprus, 10991325. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2006, 225 p. (map). 2875. NAKAYA (So). Chnjsei Itaria no Komnjne to shihǀ: Funsǀ-kaiketsu to kǀteki-chitsujo. (Justice in commune in Medieval Italy: conflicts and judicial resolutions). Shirin, 2006, 89, 3, p. 106-125 [Eng. summary]. 2876. PALMIERI (Stefano). La cancelleria del Regno di Sicilia in età angioina. Napoli, Accademia Pontaniana, 2006, 217 p. (Quaderni dell'Accademia Pontaniana, 48). 2877. Praxis der Gerichtsbarkeit in europäischen Städten des Spätmittelalters. Hrsg. v. Franz-Josef ARLINGHAUS. Frankfurt am Main, Vittorio Klostermann, 2006, VII-492 p. (Rechtsprechung, 23).
2866. LEFEBVRE (Jean-Luc). Prud'hommes, serment curial et record de cour. La gestion locale des actes publics de Liège à l'Artois au bas Moyen Âge. Paris, De Boccard, 2006, 632 p. (Romanité et modernité du droit).
2878. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress of Medieval Canon Law: Catania, 30 July6 August 2000. A cura di Manlio BELLOMO e Orazio CONDORELLI. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2006, XXVIII-804 p. (ill.). (Monumenta iuris canonici. Series C, Subsidia, 12).
2867. Leges, Gentes, Regna: zur Rolle von germanischen Rechtsgewohnheiten und lateinischer Schrifttra-
2879. RAGG (Sacha). Ketzer und Recht. Die weltliche Ketzergesetzgebung des Hochmittelalters unter dem
Einfluss des römischen und kanonischen Rechts. Hanovre, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2006, 303 p. (Munumenta Germaniae Historica. Studien und Texte, 37). 2880. RIO (Alice). Freedom and unfreedom in early Medieval Francia: the evidence of the legal Formulae. Past and present, 2006, 193, p. 7-40. 2881. ROBERTSON (Kellie). Laborer's two bodies: literary and legal productions in Britain, 13501500. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, IX-276 p. (New Middle Ages). 2882. SCHRÖDL (Markus). Das Kriegsrecht des Gelehrten Rechts im 15. Jahrhundert: die Lehren der Kanonistik und der Legistik über De bello, de represaliis et de duello. Hamburg, Kovaþ, 2006, LIII-295 p. (Rechtsgeschichtliche Studien, 14). 2883. SZÖKE (Veronka). Il duello giudiziario germanico tra diritto e letteratura. Cagliari CUEC, 2006, 239 p. (University press. Filologia, 3). 2884. SZUROMI (Szabolcs Anzelm). Anselm of Lucca as a canonist. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2006, X-189 p. (Adnotationes in Ius Canonicum, 34). 2885. TALIADOROS (Jason). Law and theology in twelfth-century England: the Works of Master Vacarius (c. 1115/1120c. 1200). Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, X321 p. (Disputatio, 10). 2886. TEOTEOI (Tudor). Latinul medieval domnus. O verigă neglijată în explicarea noĠiunii de domn în Principatele Române, în evul mediu. (The Mediaeval Latin domus. An explanation for the notion of domnprinceps in the Romanian Principalities in the Middle Age). In: In memoriam Profesor Radu Manolescu. Bucureúti, Editura UniversităĠii, 2006, p. 114-125. 2887. Títulos, Grandes del Reino y Grandeza en la sociedad política. Fundamentos en la Castilla medieval. Ed. por María Concepción QUINTANILLA RASO. Madrid, Silex, 2006, 399 p. 2888. TOGOEVA (Ol'ga I.). "Istinnaja pravda": Jazyki srednevekovogo pravosudija. ('Veritable truth': Languages of Medieval justice). RAN, In-t vseobshchej istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 333 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 304323). [English summary]. 2889. VAR'JASH (Ol'ga I.). Pirenejskie tetradi. Pravo, obshchestvo, vlast' i chelovek v srednie veka. (Pyrenean quires: Law, society and people in the Middle Ages). Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 451 p. (ill.; portr.). [Spanish summary]. 2890. VIENNOT (Eliane). La France, les femmes et le pouvoir: l'invention de la loi salique (VeXVIe siècle). Paris, Perrin, 2006, 765 p. 2891. Württembergische Hof (Der) im 15. Jahrhundert. Beiträge einer Vortragsreihe des Arbeitskreises für Landes- und Ortsgeschichte, Stuttgart. Hrsg. v. Peter RÜCKERT. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2006, VI-208 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für geschichtliche
Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg, Rh. B: Forschungen, 167). § 8. Economic and social history. _______________________
2892. ABBÉ (Jean-Loup). À la conquête des étangs: l'aménagement de l'espace en Languedoc méditerranéen (XIIe–XVe siècle). Toulouse, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2006, 331 p. (Tempus). 2893. Aragón en la Edad Media: la prosopografía como método de investigación sobre la Edad Media. Sesiones de trabajo. Zaragoza, Universidad de Zaragoza, Departamento de Historia Medieval, Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas y Estudios Árabes e Islámicos, 2006, 143 p. (ill.). (Publicaciones del Departamento de Historia Medieval, Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas, y Estudios Árabes e Islámicos). 2894. ATANASIU-GĂVAN (Andreea). EvoluĠia navigaĠiei la Dunărea de Jos úi Marea Neagră în evul mediu românesc. (Navigation on the Lower Danube and the Black Sea in Medieval Romania). ConstanĠa, Editura Muzeului Marinei Române, 2006, 243 p. 2895. BALARD (Michel). La Méditerranée médiévale: espaces, itinéraires, comptoirs. Paris, Picard, 2006, 200 p. (maps). (Médiévistes français, 6). 2896. BARRIÈRE (Bernadette). Limousin médiéval. Le temps des créations. Occupation du sol, monde laïc, espaced cistercien. Recueil d'articles. Limoges, Pulim, 2006, 728 p. (ill.). 2897. BÖNINGER (Lorenz). Die deutsche Einwanderung nach Florenz im Spätmittelalter. Leiden, Brill, 2006, IX-412 p. (Medieval Mediterranean). 2898. BOUZY (Olivier). La révolte des nobles du Berry contre Louis XI: guerre et économie en 1465. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 272 p. (ill.). 2899. Château et peuplement. Actes du Colloque international de Voiron (Isère, France), 27 août4 septembre 2004. Textes réunis par Peter ETTEL, AnneMarie FLAMBARD-HÉRICHER et T. E. MAC NEILL. Caen, Publications du CRAHM, 2006, 373 p. (Château-Gaillard. Études de castellologie médiévale). 2900. CIVEL (Nicolas). La fleur de France. Les seigneurs d'Île-de-France au XIIe siècle. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 602 p. (Histoire de famille. La parenté au Moyen Âge, 5). 2901. Comercio (El) en la Edad Media. Ed. por José Ángel GARCÍA DE CORTÁZAR Y RUIZ DE AGUIRRE y Francisco Javier GARCÍA TURZA. Logroño, Gobierno de La Rioja y Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 2006, 647 p. (Actas). 2902. COOPER (Alan). Bridges, law and power in Medieval England, 7001400. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2006, 185 p. 2903. CRIùAN (Ioan). Aúezările rurale medievale din Criúana: sec. XXIII. (Medieval rural settlements in
8. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY Criúana: 10th13th centuries). Oradea, Editura Muzeului ğării Criúurilor, 2006, 345 p. 2904. DEVROEY (Jean-Pierre). Puissants et misérables. Système social et monde paysan dans l'Europe des Francs (VIe–IXe siècles). Bruxelles, Académie Royale de Belgique, 2006, 727 p. (Académie Royale de Belgique, Mémoire de la Classe des Lettres, Collection in8°, 3e série, 60). 2905. Élites (Les) au haut Moyen Age: crises et renouvellements. Éd. par François BOUGARD, Laurent FELLER et Régine LE JAN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 512 p. (Haut moyen âge, 1). 2906. FARBER (Liana). An anatomy of trade in Medieval writing. Value, consent, and community. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2006, XIV-235 p. 2907. FRANCO SILVA (Alfonso). Estudios sobre la nobleza y el régimen señorial en el Reino de Castilla, siglos XIVmediados del XVI. Cádiz, Universidad de Cádiz, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2006, 401 p. 2908. FRANZÉN (Bo). Folkungatidens monetära system: penningen mellan pest och patriarkat 12541370. (Le système monétaire suédois entre 1254 et 1370). Stockholm, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, 2006, 306 p.(Stockholm studies in economic history, 50). 2909. FREITAS (Isabel Vaz de). Mercadores entre Portugal e Castela na Idade Média. Gijón, Ediciones Trea, 2006, 246 p. (Estudos históricos O Olmedal. Pedras angulares). 2910. GARCÍA CAÑÓN (Pablo). Concejos y señores, historia de una lucha en la montaña occidental leonesa a fines de Edad Media. Léon, Universidad de Léon, 2006, 315 p. 2911. GARNIER (Florent). Un consulat et ses finances. Millau (11871461). Préface d'Albert RIGAUDIÈRE. Paris, Comité pour l'histoire économique et financière de la France, 2006, 947 p. (Histoire économique et financière de la France, etudes générales). 2912. GAZZINI (Marina). Confraternite e società cittadina nel medioevo italiano. Bologna, CLUEB, 2006, XII-366 p. (Itinerari medievali, 11). 2913. GONZÁLEZ ARÉVALO (Raúl). La esclavitud en Málaga a fines de la Edad Media. Jaén, Universidad de Jaén, 2006, 491 p. (Colección Martínez de Mazas. Estudios). 2914. GREIF (Avner). Institutions and the path to modern economy: lessons from Medieval trade. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIX-503 p. (ill., tab.). (Political economy of institutions and decisions). 2915. GUNN (Steven), JANSE (Antheun). The court as a stage. England and the Low Countries in the later Middle Ages. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2006, 206 p. 2916. HANCKE (Gwendoline). L'hérésie en héritage. Familles de la noblesse occitane dans l'histoire, du XIIe au début du XIVe siècle: un destin commun. Cahors, La Louve, 2006, 445 p. (ill., maps).
2917. HANSSON (Martin). Aristocratic landscape: the spatial ideology of the Medieval aristocracy. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell International, 2006, 223 p. (ill., maps). (Lund studies in historical archaeology, 2). 2918. HECK (Gene W.). Charlemagne, Muhammad, and the Arab roots of capitalism. Berlin u. New York, De Gruyter, 2006, XIV-381 p. (Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients, 18). 2919. Herrschaftspraxis und soziale Ordnungen im Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit: Ernst Schubert zum Gedenken. Hrsg. v. Peter AUFGEBAUER und Christine VAN DEN HEUVEL; unter Mitarbeit von Brage Bei der WIEDEN, Sabine GRAF und Gerhard STREICH. Hannover, Hahnsche, 2006, 591 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Niedersachsen und Bremen, 232). 2920. HÜLSEN-ESCH (Andrea von). Gelehrte im Bild: Repräsentation, Darstellung und Wahrnehmung einer sozialen Gruppe im Mittelalter. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, 2006, 458 p., (pl., ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 201). 2921. HURLBURT (Holly S.). The Dogaressa of Venice, 1200–1500: wife and icon. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, VII-304 p. (New Middle ages). 2922. Identity and insurgency in the late Middle Ages. Ed. by Linda CLARK. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2006, XI-203 p. (The fifteenth century, 6). 2923. JENKS (Stuart). Robert Sturmy's commercial expedition to the Mediterranean (1457/8). With editions of the trial of the Genoese before king and council and of other sources. Bristol, Bristol Record Society, 2006, 143 p. (ill., maps). (Publications, 58). 2924. KLAPISCH-ZUBER (Christiane). Retour à la cité: les magnats de Florence, 13401440. Paris, Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2006, 519 p. (Civilisations et sociétés, 123). 2925. KLEIN (Elka). Jews, Christian society ans royal power in Medieval Barcelona. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2006, XXI-311 p. (History, languages, and cultures of the Spanish and Portuguese worlds). 2926. KOS (Dušan). In Burg und Stadt: spätmittelalterlicher Adel in Krain und Untersteiermark. Wien, R. Oldenbourg, 2006, 687 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, 45). 2927. LAMBERT (Bart). The city, the Duke and their banker. The Rapondi family and the formation of the Burgundian state (13841430). Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XIII-215 p. (Studies in European Urban History, 7). 2928. LANGDON (John), MASSCHAELE (James). Commercial activity and population growth in Medieval England. Past and present, 2006, 190, p. 35-81. 2929. Lieux (Les) de pouvoir au Moyen Age en Normandie et sur ses marges. Éd. par Anne-Marie FLAMBARD HÉRICHER. Caen, Centre de recherches archéo-
logiques et médiévales, 2006, 245 p. (Tables rondes du Centre de recherches archéologiques et médiévales, 2).
studi liguri, 2006, 253 p. (ill., map). (Collana storica dell'oltremare ligure, 7).
2930. LOWNEY (Chris). A vanished world: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Medieval Spain. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 320 p. (ill., map).
2943. NOBILI (Mario). Piccola nobiltà di campagna fra autarchia e mercato nei secoli XIXIII: un modello e una breve ricognizione storiografica. Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 123, 3, p. 703-728.
2931. MAREK (Miloš). Cudzie etniká na stredovekom Slovensku. (Die fremden Völker in der Slowakei im Mittelalter). Martin, Matica slovenská, 2006, 519 p. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 2932. MASÈ (Federica). Patrimoines immobiliers ecclésiastiques dans la Venise médiévale (XIeXVe siècle). Une lecture de la ville. Roma, École française de Rome, 2006, 295 p. 2933. MELI (Patrizia), TOGNETTI (Sergio). Il principe e il mercante nella Toscana del Quattrocento: il magnifico signore di Piombino Jacopo III Appiani e le aziende Maschiani di Pisa. Firenze, L.S. Olschki, 2006, XII-205 p. (pl., ill., tab.). (Archivi di Santa Maria del Fiore. Studi e testi, 2). 2934. METZLER (Irina). Disability in Medieval Europe: thinking about physical impairment during the high Middle Ages, c. 1100c. 1400. London, Routledge, 2006, 368 p. (Routledge studies in Medieval religion and culture, 5). 2935. MIRAZITA (Iris). Corleone: ultimo medioevo. Eredità spirituali e patrimoni terreni. Palermo, Officina di Studi medievali, 2006, 192 p. (Biblioteca dell'Officina di Studi medievali, 3). 2936. MOSHER STUARD (Susan). Gilding the market: luxury and fashion in fourteenth-century Italy. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, VIII-322 p. (Middle Ages series).
2944. Nobiltà romana (La) nel Medioevo. Atti del convegno organizzato dall'École française de Rome e dall'Università degli studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", Roma 2022 novembre 2003. A cura di Sandro CAROCCI. Roma, École française de Rome, 2006, 662 p. (ill., facsims., maps, plans). (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 359). 2945. Noblesse (La) en question (XIIIeXVe siècle). Éd. par Philippe CONTAMINE. Le Diable au corps (XIVe XVIe siècle). Éd. par Bruno MÉNIEL. Ouzouer-le-Marche, Cahiers de Recherches Médiévales, 2006, 329 p. (Cahiers de Recherches Médiévales, 13). 2946. OSCHEMA (Klaus). Freundschaft und Nähe im spätmittelalterlichen Burgund. Studien zum Spannungsfeld von Emotion und Institution. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2006, 696 p. (Norm und Struktur, 26). 2947. PALLISER (David Michael). Towns and local communities in Medieval and early Modern England. Aldershot, Ashgate/Variorum, 2006, 280 p. (ill., maps). (Variorum collected studies series, 830). 2948. People and space in the Middle Ages, 300 1300. Ed. by Wendy DAVIES, Guy HALSALL and Andrew REYNOLDS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, IX-366 p. (Studies in the early Middle Ages, 15). 2949. PERKHAVKO (Valerij B.). Torgovyj mir srednevekovoj Rusi. (Trade in Medieval Rus). RAN, In-t rossijskoj istorii, etc. Moskva, Academia, 2006, 607 p. (ill.; maps; bibl. p. 536-552; pers. ind. p. 595-605). (Monograficheskie issledocanija: istorija Rossii).
2937. MOUSNIER (Mireille). L'abbaye cistercienne de Grandselve et sa place dans l'économie et la société méridionales (XIIeXIVe siècle). Toulouse, CNRS et Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, 2006, 498 p. (Méridiennes).
2950. RAWCLIFFE (Carole). Leprosy in Medieval England. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2006, XII-421 p.
2938. MUNDY (John Hine). Studies in the ecclesiastical and social history of Toulouse in the age of the Cathars. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, 244 p. (ill., maps). (Church, faith, and culture in the Medieval West).
2951. RUCQUOI (Adeline). Rex, sapientia, nobilitas: estudios sobre la Península Ibérica medieval. Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2006, 373 p. (Biblioteca de bolsillo. Collectanea, 48).
2939. NAJEMY (John M.). A history of Florence, 12001575. Malden a. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, XI515 p. (ill., maps).
2952. SALERNO (Mariarosaria). Istituzioni religiose in Calabria in età medievale: note di storia economica e sociale. Catanzaro, Rubbettino, 2006, 206 p. (ill., pl., maps).
2940. NARBONA CÁRCELES (María). La corte de Carlos III el Noble, rey de Navarra: espacio doméstico y escenario del poder, 13761415. Pamplona, EUNSA, 2006, 600 p. 2941. NEKUDA (Rostislav). The agricultural homestead in Moravian Mediaeval villages. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2006, VII-102 p. (BAR. International series, 1582). 2942. NICOLINI (Angelo). Navi liguri in Inghilterra nel Quattrocento: il regesto doganale di Sandwich per il 14391440. Bordighera, Istituto internazionale di
2953. SÁNCHEZ QUIÑONES (Julián). La pesca en el reino de Toledo: la cuenca alta y media del Tajo en los siglos XII al XVI. Oxford, John and Erica Hedges, 2006, IV-164 p. (ill.). (BAR. International series, 1489). 2954. SASAKI (Hiromitsu). Henyǀ suru PesutoPoguromu: Dominiko-kai Shudǀ-shi no sekai-nendai-ki no baai. (The descriptions of the Black Death and the murders of the Jews in change: historical studies of the chronicles in universal history by two German Dominicans in the fourteenth century). Seiyo Shigaku, 2006, 224, p. 18-38 [Eng. summary].
8. ADDENDA 2002(2003 2955. SCHARF (Gian Paolo G.) Fiscalità e finanza pubblica ad Arezzo nel periodo comunale (XII secolo1324). Archivio storico italiano, 2006, 164, 608, 2, p. 215-266.
2969. VALÉRIAN (Dominique). Bougie, Port Maghrebin, 1067–1510. Roma, École française de Rome, 2006, VIII-795 p.
2956. Social history (A) of England, 12001500. Ed. by Rosemary HORROX and W. Mark ORMROD. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, 514 p.
2970. VENTURA (Domenico). Città e campagne di Sicilia: Catania nell'età della transizione, secoli XIV XVI. Acireale, Bonanno, 2006, 187 p. (Storia e politica, 16).
2957. Sociální svČt stĜedovČkého mČsta. (Social world of the Medieval town). Ed. by Martin NODL. Praha, Filosofia, 2006, 258 p. (Colloquia mediaevalia Pragensia, 5).
2971. VILAGINÉS (Jaume). La gent i el paisatge: estudis sobre el Vallès medieval. Barcelona, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2006, 280 p. (Textos i estudis de cultura catalana, 106).
2958. SOLCAN (ùarolta). Văduva în societatea medievală din ğările Române. (The widow in the mediaeval society in the Romanian Principalities). In: In memoriam Profesor Radu Manolescu. Bucureúti, Editura UniversităĠii, 2006, p. 221-248.
2972. Villes (Les) normandes au Moyen Âge: renaissance, essor, crise. Actes du colloque international de Cerisy-la-Salle, 812 octobre 2003. Éd. par Pierre BOUET et François NEVEUX. Caen, Presses universitaires de Caen. Office universitaire d'études normandes, 2006, 385 p.
2959. SPINELLI (Franco). I Lombardi in Europa: nomi, sedi, operatività, rapporti con le autorità. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2006, 163 p. (ill.). 2960. SPUFFORD (Peter). Power and profit: the merchant in Medieval Europe. London, Thames & Hudson, 2006, 432 p. (ill.). 2961. STAFFORD (Pauline). Gender, family and the legitimation of power: England from the ninth to early twelfth century. Aldershot, Ashgate/Variorum, 2006, [s. p.]. (Variorum collected studies series, 850). 2962. STUARD (Susan Mosher). Gilding the market: luxury and fashion in fourteenth-century Italy. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, VIII322 p. (ill.). (Middle Ages series). 2963. Studies on the personal name in later Medieval England and Wales. Ed. by David POSTLES and Joel Thomas ROSENTHAL. Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 2006, XII391 p. (ill.). (Studies in Medieval culture, 44). 2964. SUZUKI (Hiroyuki), ISHIYAMA (Osamu), ITO (Takeshi), YAMAGISHI (Tsuneto). ShirƯzu toshi, kenchiku, rekishi 3: Chnjsei-teki-knjkan to girei. (Spaces and rites in the Middle Ages). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2006, 434 p. (History of cities and architecture). 2965. Tätigkeitsfelder und Erfahrungshorizonte des ländlichen Menschen in der frühmittelalterlichen Grundherrschaft (bis ca. 1000). Festschrift für Dieter Hägermann zum 65. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. Brigitte KASTEN. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, XX-408 p. (ill.). (Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 184). 2966. TEUNIS (Henk). The appeal to the original status. Social justice in Anjou in the eleventh century. Hilversum, Uitgeverij Verloren, 2006, 156 p. 2967. TOUREILLE (Valérie). Vol et brigandage au Moyen Âge. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2006, 310 p. (Le nœud gordien). 2968. URBAN (William L.). Medieval mercenaries: the business of war. London, Greenhill Books, 2006, 304 p. (pl., il., maps).
2973. Voices from the bench: the narratives of lesser folk in Medieval trials. Ed. by Michael GOODICH. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, VIII-284 p. (ill.). (The new Middle Ages). 2974. WALEY (Daniel Philip). Siena and the Sienese n the thirteenth century. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, 220 p. (ill., maps). 2975. WARD (Jennifer C.). Women in England in the Middle Ages. London, Hambledon Continuum, 2006, VIII-283 p. (pl., ill.). 2976. WASSENHOVEN (Dominik). Skandinavier unterwegs in Europa, 10001250: Untersuchungen zu Mobilität und Kulturtransfer auf prosopographischer Grundlage. Berlin, Akademie, 2006, 460 p. (Europa im Mittelalter, 8). 2977. WATANABE (Setsuo). Furansu no chnjsei-shakai: O to kizoku-tachi no kiseki. (Medieval society in France: trajectories of kings and aristocrats). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2006, 231 p. 2978. WEISS (Julian). The "Mester De Clerecía": intellectuals and ideologies in thirteenth-century Castile. Woodbridge, Tamesis, 2006, VI-258 p. (Monografias). 2979. Wettiner (Die) und ihre Herrschaftsgebiete 1349–1382. Landesherrschaft zwischen Vormundschaft, gemeinschaftlicher Herrschaft und Teilung. Bearb. v. Eckhart LEISERING. Halle, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2006, 688 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Sächsischen Staatsarchivs, Rh. A: Archivverzeichnisse, Editionen und Fachbeiträge, 8). § 8. Addenda 20022003. 2980. DEVROEY (Jean-Pierre). Économie rurale et société dans l'Europe franque (VIe–IXe siècles). Vol. 1. Fondements matériels, échanges et lien social. Paris, Belin, 2003, 381 p. 2981. SOLÓRZANO TELECHEA (Jesús Ángel). Santander en la Edad Media: patrimonio, parentesco y
poder. Intr. de Beatriz ARÍZAGA BOLUMBURU. Santander, Universidad de Cantabria, 2002, 489 p. Cf. nos 133, 2889, 3464 § 9. History of civilization, literature, technology and education. _______________________
a. Civilization * 2982. Medioevo Latino. Bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea da Boezio ad Erasmo (secoli VIXV). XXVII. A cura di Claudio LEONARDI, Lucia PINELLI, Rino AVESANI, Ferruccio BERTINI, Giuseppe CREMASCOLI e Giuseppe SCALIA. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2006, XLIV-1771 p. _______________________
Dalmatian and the intellectual revival of the West in the 12th century). Croatica Christiana Periodica, 2006, 30, 57, p. 1-30. 2993. DRAGOTĂ (Aurel). Aspecte de multiculturalitate spirituală. Rit úi ritual funerar în Transilvania úi Europa Centrală úi de Est (secolele IXXI p. Ch.). (Aspects of the spiritual multiculturality. Funerary rite in Transylvania and in central and Eastern Europe, 9th11th centuries AD). Alba-Iulia, Editura Altip, 2006, 278 p. 2994. EPSTEIN (Steven A.). Purity lost: transgressing boundaries in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1000–1400. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, XIII-250 p. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science).
2983. ADAMS (Jenny). Power play. The literature and politics of chess in the Late Middle Ages. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, 252 p. (Middle Ages series).
2995. Food in Medieval England. Diet and nutrition. Ed. by C. M. WOOLGAR, Dale SERJEANTSON and Tony WALDRON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XI-347 p. (Medieval history and archaeology).
2984. ALBALA (Ken). Cooking in Europe, 1250 1650. Westport a. London, Greenwood Press, 2006, XXXVIII-153 p. (ill.). (Greenwood Press "Daily life through history" series. Cooking up history).
2996. FUENTE PÉREZ (María Jesús). Velos y desvelos: cristianas, musulmanas y judías en la España medieval. Madrid, Esfera de los Libros, 2006, 469 p.
2985. ALLEN (Valerie). On farting: language and laughter in the Middle Ages. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XII-239 p. (New Middle Ages). 2986. ANDERSSON (Eva). Kläderna och människan i medeltidens Sverige och Norge. (L'homme et ses vêtements au Moyen Age en Suède et en Norvège). Göteborg, Historiska institutionen, Göteborgs universitet, 2006, 376 p. (Avhandlingar från Historiska institutionen i Göteborg, 47). 2987. Arbeit im Mittelalter: Vorstellungen und Wirklichkeiten. Hrsg. v. Verena POSTEL. Berlin, Verlag, 2006, 277 p. 2988. Armut und Armenfürsorge in der italienischen Stadtkultur zwischen 13. und 16. Jahrhundert: Bilder, Texte und soziale Praktiken. Hrsg. v. Philine HELAS und Gerhard WOLF. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2006, 524 p. (Inklusion/Exklusion, 2). 2989. BEAULANDE (Véronique). Le malheur d'être exclu? Excommunication, réconciliation et société à la fin du Moyen Âge. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2006, 383 p. (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 84). 2990. BILDHAUER (Bettina). Medieval blood. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2006, 245 p. (ill.). (Religion and culture in the Middle Ages). 2991. BOUDET (Jean-Patrice). Entre science et nigromance. Astrologie, divination et magie dans l'Occident médiéval (XIIeXVe siècle). Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2006, 624 p. (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 83). 2992. ýUBELIû (Alojz). Herman Dalmatin i intelektualni preporod Zapada u 12. stoljeüu. (Herman the
2997. Gallia e Hispania en el contexto de la presencia 'germánica' (ss. VVII): balance y perspectivas. Actas de la Mesa Redonda hispano-francesa celebrada en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) y Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid (MAR) 19/20 Diciembre 2005. Ed. por Jorge LÓPEZ QUIROGA, Artemio M. MARTÍNEZ TEJERA y Jorge MORÍN DE PABLOS. Oxford, John and Erica Hedges, 2006, 328 p. (BAR. Inrernational serie, 1534). 2998. GARNIER (Claudia). Die Zeichen der Fremden. Zur Bedeutung symbolischer Kommunikationsformen im interkulturellen Gesandtenaustausch des 13. Jahrhunderts. Frühmittelalterliche Studien, 2006, 40, p. 199221. 2999. GAUTIER (Alban). Le festin dans l'Angleterre Anglo-Saxonne, VeXIe siècle. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 280 p. (Histoire). 3000. Goût (Le) du lecteur à la fin du moyen âge. Éd. par Danielle BOHLER. Paris, Léopard d'or, 2006, 324 p. (Cahiers du Léopard d'or, 11). 3001. HANCKE (Gwendoline). Femmes en Languedoc: la vie quotidienne des femmes de la noblesse occitane au XIIIe siècle, entre catholicisme et catharisme. Cahors, La Louve, 2006, 462 p. 3002. HERGEMÖLLER (Bernd-Ulrich). Die Kindlein spotten meiner schier: Quellen und Reflexionen zu den Alten und zum Vergreisungsprozess im Mittelalter. Hamburg, HHL-Verlag, 2006, 167 p. (ill.). (Hergemöllers historiographische Libelli, 4). 3003. HIEATT (Constance B.). Concordance of English recipes: thirteenth through fifteenth centuries. Tempe, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2006, XVII-135 p. (Medieval and renaissance texts and studies, 312).
9. HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION, LITERATURE, TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION 3004. Hof (Der) und die Stadt: Konfrontation, Koexistenz und Integration in Spätmittelalter und Frühen Neuzeit. 9. Symposium der Residenzen-Kommission der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, veranstaltet in Zusammenarbeit mit der Historischen Kommission für Sachsen-Anhalt, dem Institut für Geschichte der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg und dem Deutschen Historischen Institut Paris, Halle an der Saale, 25.28. September 2004. Hrsg. v. Werner PARAVICINI und Jörg WETTLAUFER. Ostfildern, J. Thorbecke, 2006, 529 p., [32] p. 3005. HØIRIS (Ole). Antropologi i middelalderen og renæssancen: kristendommen, teologien og de fremmende. Århus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2006, 555 p. 3006. KEDAR (Benjamin Z.). Franks, Muslims and oriental Christians in the Latin Levant: studies in frontier acculturation. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, [s. p.]. (Variorum collected studies series, 868). 3007. KERBY-FULTON (Kathryn). Books under suspicion: censorship and tolerance of revelatory writing in Late Medieval England. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2006, LII-562 p. 3008. Landschaften im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. KarlHeinz SPIESS. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, VIII-283 p. 3009. LAURIOUX (Bruno). Gastronomie, humanisme et société à Rome au milieu du XVe siècle: autour du De honesta voluptate de Platina. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2006, 653 p. (Micrologus' library, 14). 3010. Laver, monder, blanchir: discours et usages de la toilette dans l'occident médiéval. Actes de la journée d'étude du Groupe questes, Paris-Sorbonne, 14 mai 2005. Éd. par Sophie ALBERT. Paris, Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 2006, 186 p. (Cultures et civilisations médiévales, 37). 3011. Letras (Las) y las ciencias en el medievo hispánico. Ed. por María Isabel MONTOYA RAMÍREZ y María Nieves MUÑOZ MARTÍN. Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2006, 358 p. (Universidad de Granada, Biblioteca de bolsillo. Collectanea, 50). 3012. LITTLE (Katherine C.). Confession and resistance: defining the self in late Medieval England. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2006, VII-196 p. 3013. MAC LEHOSE (William F.). "A Tender Age": cultural anxieties over the child in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. New York, Columbia U. P., 2006, Electronic book. (Gutenberg-e). 3014. MAC SHEFFREY (Shannon). Marriage, sex and civic culture in late Medieval London. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, VIII-291 p. (Middle Ages series). 3015. MAIREY (Aude). These trewe conclusions in Englissh: langues, cultures et autorités dans l'Angleterre du XIVe siècle. Revue historique, 2006, 637, p. 37-57. 3016. Meaning and its objects: material culture in Medieval and Renaissance France. Ed. by Margaret
BURLAND, David LA GUARDIA and Andrea TARNOWSKI. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2006, 191 p.
(Yale French studies, 110).
3017. Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal: studies in honor of Arthur Lee-Francis Askins. Ed. by Martha Elizabeth SCHAFFER and Antonio CORTIJO OCAÑA. Woodbridge, Tamesis, 2006, XVIII-323 p. (Colección Támesis. Monografías, 222). 3018. Medieval obscenities. Ed. by Nicola MAC DONALD. York, York Medieval Press in association with Boydell and Brewer and the Centre for Medieval Studies of University of York, 2006, VIII-210 p. (ill.). 3019. MITTMAN (Asa Simon). Maps and monsters in Medieval England. New York, Routledge, 2006, XIX-264 p. (ill.). (Studies in Medieval history and culture). 3020. Mobilità e immobilità nel Medioevo europeo. Atti del 2° Seminario di studio dei dottorati di ricerca di ambito medievistico delle Università di Lecce e di Erlangen, Roma, Istituto storico germanico, 12 aprile 2004. A cura di Hubert HOUBEN e Benedetto VETERE. Galatina, Congedo, 2006, 210 p. (ill.). (Pubblicazioni del dottorato in storia dei centri delle vie e delle culture dei pellegrinaggi nel Medioevo euro mediterraneo, 3). 3021. Mujer, marginación y violencia entre la Edad Media y los tiempos modernos. Ed. por Ricardo CÓRDOBA DE LA LLAVE. Córdoba, Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2006, 376 p. (ill.). 3022. MURPHY (Diane). Medieval mystery plays as popular culture: performing the lives of saints. Lewiston a. Lampeter, Edwin Mellen Press, 2006, III-216 p. 3023. Nation, ethnicity, and identity in Medieval and Renaissance Europe. Ed. by Philip M. SOERGEL. New York, AMS Press, 2006, 326 p. (Studies in Medieval and Renaissance history, 3). 3024. Noble ideals and bloody realities: warfare in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Niall CHRISTIE and Maya YAZIGI. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, XX-269 p. (History of warfare, 37). 3025. OGURO (Shunji). Uso to donyoku: Seiǀ chnjsei no shǀgyǀ-shǀnin-kan. (Avarice and deception: the image of commerce and merchant in Medieval Western Europe). Nagoya, University of Nagoya Press, 2006, 290 p. 3026. Ordnungskonfigurationen im hohen Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Bernd SCHNEIDMÜLLER und Stefan WEINFURTER. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2006, 444 p. (Vorträge und Forschungen, 63). 3027. ORTENBERG (Veronica). In search of the Holy Grail: the quest for the Middle Ages. London, Hambledon Continuum, 2006, XV-336 p. (pl., ill.). 3028. Pellegrinaggio e kulturtransfer nel Medioevo europeo. Atti del 1° Seminario di studio dei dottorati di ricerca di ambito medievistico delle Università di Lecce e di Erlangen, Lecce, 23 Maggio 2003. A cura di
Hubert HOUBEN e Benedetto VETERE. Galatina, Congedo Editore, 2006, 171 p. (Pubblicazioni del dottorato in storia dei centri delle vie e delle culture dei pellegrinaggi nel Medioevo euro mediterraneo, 2). 3029. PLUSKOWSKI (Aleksander). Wolves and the wilderness in the Middle Ages. Woodbridge, Boydell, 2006, VIII-240 p. (ill, maps). 3030. Réception et représentation de l'antiquité. Actes du colloque du Centre d'éғtudes médiévales et dialectales de Lille 3, Université Charles-de-Gaulle-Lille 3, 2830 septembre 2005. Éd. par Aimé PETIT. Villeneuve d'Ascq, Centre d'études médiévales et dialectales de Lille 3, 2006, 354 p. (Bien dire et bien aprandre: revue de médiévistique, 24). 3031. Regards croisés sur la guerre sainte. Guerre, religion et idéologie dans l'espace méditerranéen latin (XIeXIIIe siècle). Éd. par Daniel BALOUP et Philippe JOSSERAND. Toulouse, Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, 2006, 432 p. (Méridiennes. Études médiévales ibériques). 3032. RIDER (Catherine). Magic and impotence in the Middle Ages. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XIV-254 p. 3033. Rittertum und höfische Kultur der Stauferzeit. Hrsg. v. Johannes LAUDAGE und Yvonne LEIVERKUS. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, 326 p. (Europäische Geschichtsdarstellungen, 12).
Renaissance Studies, 2006, 2 vol., XXVI-930 p. (ill.). (Medieval and Renaissance texts and studies, 292). 3042. SKEMER (Don C.). Binding words: textual amulets in the Middle Ages. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2006, VIII-327 p. (ill.). (Magic in history). 3043. Texts and identities in the early Middle Ages. Ed. by Richard CORRADINI. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2006, 460 p. (Forschungen zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, 12). 3044. Transforming the Medieval world: uses of pragmatic literacy in the Middle Ages. Ed. by FranzJosef ARLINGHAUS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, IX-312 p. (Utrecht studies in Medieval literacy, 6). 3045. Vengeance (La), 4001200. Éd. par Dominique BARTHÉLEMY, François BOUGARD et Régine LE JAN. Roma, École française de Rome, 2006, 526 p. (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 357). 3046. VERDON (Jean). L'amour au Moyen Âge: la chair, le sexe et le sentiment. Paris, Perrin, 2006, 274 p. (Pour l'histoire). 3047. VERKAMP (Bernard Joseph). The moral treatment of returning warriors in early Medieval and Modern times. Scranton, University of Scranton Press, 2006, XV-195 p.
3034. ROSENWEIN (Barbara). Emotional communities in the early Middle Ages. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2006, XV-228 p.
3048. Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Mentalitäten im Mittelalter: Festschrift zum 75. Geburtstag von Rolf Sprandel. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2006, 792 p. (BWSG, Beiträge zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, 107).
3035. Runes and their secrets: studies in runology. Ed. by Marie STOKLUND. København, Museum Tusculanum Press, 2006, 461 p. (ill., maps).
3049. WOOLGAR (Christopher Michael). The senses in late Medieval England. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2006, XI-372 p. (ill., maps).
3036. Sacred and secular in Medieval and early Modern cultures: new essays. Ed. by Lawrence L. BESSERMAN. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XVIII-238 p. (New Middle Ages). 3037. Schrift, Stadt, Region. Hrsg. v. Giuseppe ALund Hannes OBERMAIR. Innsbruck, Studien Verlag, 2006, 243 p. (Geschichte und Region, 15. Jahrg., 1 = Storia e regione, anno 15, 1).
3038. SCHUBERT (Ernst). Essen und Trinken im Mittelalter. Darmstadt, Primus, 2006, 439 p. (ill.).
Cf. no 2920 b. Literature 3050. Amore e povertà: poesie medioevali in redazione inedite di Simone Serdini, detto il Saviozzo, e altri. Ed. critica di Massimo SERIACOPI. Reggello, Firenze Libri, 2006, 49 p. (Testi medievali di poesia, 1). 3051. ANDERSSON (Theodore Murdock). The growth of the Medieval Icelandic sagas, 11801280. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2006, X-237 p.
3039. SCHULTZ (James Alfred). Courtly love, the love of courtliness, and the history of sexuality. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XXII-242 p.
3052. ANLEZARK (Daniel Charles). Water and fire: the myth of the flood in Anglo-Saxon England. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2006, X-398 p. (Manchester Medieval literature).
3040. Secoli XI e XII, l'invenzione della memoria. Atti deI seminario internazionale, Montepulciano, 2729 aprile. A cura di Simone ALLEGRIA e Francesca CENNI. Montepulciano, Le Balze, 2006, 254 p. (ill.). (Medieval writing, 1).
3053. ARNOVICK (Leslie K.). Written reliquaries: the resonance of orality in Medieval English texts. Amsterdam a. Philadelphia, J. Benjamins, 2006, VII-292 p. (ill.). (Pragmatics & beyond).
3041. Sex, aging and death in a Medieval medical compendium: Trinity College Cambridge MS R.14.52, its texts, language, and scribe. Ed. by Mary Teresa TAVORMINA. Tempe, Arizona Center for Medieval and
3054. BAGLIONI (Daniele). La scripta italo romanza del regno di Cipro: edizione e commento di testi di scriventi ciprioti del Quattrocento. Roma, Aracne, 2006, 302 p. (Scienze dell'antichità filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche, 226).
9. HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION, LITERATURE, TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION 3055. BAISCH (Martin). Textkritik als Problem der Kulturwissenschaft: Tristan-Lektüren. Berlin, W. De Gruyter, 2006, VIII-399 p. (ill.). (Trends in Medieval philology). 3056. BARDSLEY (Sandy). Venomous tongues: speech and gender in Late Medieval England. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, 214 p. (Middle Ages). 3057. BAROLINI (Teodolinda). Dante and the origins of Italian literary culture. New York, Fordham U. P., 2006, VIII-475 p. 3058. BARTLETT (Robert). Gerald of Wales: a voice of the Middle Ages. Stroud, Tempus, 2006, 240 p. 3059. Beatus vir. Studies in early English and Norse manuscripts in memory of Phillip Pulsiano. Ed. by Alger Nicolaus DOANE and Kirsten WOLF. Tempe, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2006, XXIX-545 p. (Medieval and Renaissance texts and studies, 319). 3060. BEYER (Hartmut). Tragik und Weltverachtung im frühhumanistischen Drama Italiens. Frühmittelalterliche Studien, 2006, 40, p. 297-325. 3061. BLAMIRES (Alcuin). Chaucer, ethics, and gender. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, 263 p. 3062. BLOCH (R. Howard). The anonymous Marie de France. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XI-367 p. 3063. BOIVIN (Jeanne-Marie). Naissance de la fable en français: L'isopet de Lyon et l'isopet I-Avionnet. Paris, Champion, 2006, 499 p. (Essais sur le Moyen Âge, 33). 3064. BOLDUC (Michelle). The Medieval poetics of contraries. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2006, XIV-304 p. (ill.). 3065. CONRADUS DE MURE. Fabularius. Ed. Tom LOO. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XCVI-648 p. (ill.). (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 210).
3066. Épopée (L') médiévale et la Bourgogne. Actes du colloque organisée par le centre de recherches interactions culturelles européennes de l'université de Bourgogne, équipe texte et édition, à Dijon du 14 au 16 octobre 2004. Éd. par Muriel OTT et Maggy BULTÉ-DI FIORE. Dijon, Éditions universitaires de Dijon, 2006, 244 p. (Ecritures). 3067. Espace (L') lyrique méditerranéen au Moyen Âge: nouvelles approches. Éd. par Dominique BILLY, François CLÉMENT et Annie COMBES. Toulouse, Presses universitaires du Mirail, 2006, 301 p. (pl., ill.). (Interlangues. Littératures). 3068. ESPOSITO (Mario). Studies in Hiberno-Latin Literature. Ed. by Michael M. GORMAN. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XXX-288 p. (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 810).
3069. FLORI (Jean). Richard the Lionheart. King and knight. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2006, 450 p. 3070. FORTUNATUS, VENANTIUS HONORIUS CLEMENTIANUS. Gelegentlich Gedichte. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang FELS. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 2006, xlvi, 499 p. (Bibliothek der Mittellateinischen Literatur, 2).
3071. FRIEDRICH (Jesko), Phraseologisches Wörterbuch des Mittelhochdeutschen: Redensarten, Sprichwörter und andere feste Wortverbindungen in Texten von 10501350. Tübingen, M. Niemeyer, 2006, IX490 p. (Reihe Germanistische Linguistik, 264). 3072. GAILLARD (Michèle). D'une réforme a l'autre (816934): les communautés religieuses en Lorraine à l'époque carolingienne. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2006, 476 p. (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 82). 3073. GALLI (Angelo). Operetta. A cura di Erminia ARDISSINO. Bologna, Commissione per i testi di lingua, 2006, LXXVI-226 p. (Scelta di curiosità letterarie inedite o rare dal secolo XIII al XIX, 298). 3074. GAUNT (Simon). Love and death in Medieval French and Occitan courtly literature: martyrs to love. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 256 p. (ill.). 3075. GEORGES (Alban). Tristan de Nanteuil. Écriture et imaginaire épiques au XIVe siècle. Paris, Champion, 2006, 750 p. (Nouvelle bibliothèque du Moyen Âge, 80). 3076. German literature of the High Middle Ages. Ed. by Will HASTY. Rochester, Camden House, 2006, VIII-338 p. (Camden House history of German literature, 3). 3077. Grant risee? The Medieval comic presence. Essays in memory of Brian J. Levy Grant risee? La présence comique médiévale. Ed. by Adrian TUDOR and Alan HINDLEY. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XV-359 p. (Medieval texts and cultures of Northern Europe, 11). 3078. Gwaith Madog Dwygraig. Ed. by Huw M. EDWARDS. Aberystwyth, Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd, 2006, XVIII-156 p. (Cyfres Beirdd yr Uchelwyr). 3079. HALL (Stefan Thomas). The role of Medieval Scottish poetry in creating Scottish identity: "textual nationalism". Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2006, V239 p. 3080. Handbuch der Sprichwörter und Sentenzen in den mittelhochdeutschen Artus, Gral – und Tristanromanen des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts. Bd. 2. Artusromane nach 1230, Gralromane, Tristanromane. Hrsg. v. Manfred EIKELMANN und Tomas TOMASEK. Berlin u. New York, Walter de Gruyter, 2006, XVII-695 p. 3081. HARDYMENT (Christina). Malory: the life and times of King Arthur's chronicler. London, Harper Perennial, 2006, XIV-634 p. 3082. HENSLER (Ines). Ritter und Sarrazin: zur Beziehung von Fremd und Eigen in der hochmittelalterli-
chen Tradition der "Chansons de geste". Köln, Böhlau, 2006, VIII-443 p. (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 62). 3083. History (A) of Arthurian scholarship. Ed. by Norris J. LACY. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2006, XIV285 p. (Arthurian studies). 3084. HOLDENRIED (Anke). The Sibyl and her scribes: manuscripts and interpretation of the Latin Sibylla Tiburtina, c. 10501500. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XXVI-254 p. (Church, faith, and culture in the Medieval West). 3085. HONESS (Claire E.). From Florence to the Heavenly City: the poetry of citizenship in Dante. London, Legenda, 2006, VIII-203 p. 3086. Im Wortfeld des Textes: worthistorische Beiträge zu den Bezeichnungen von Rede und Schrift im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Gerd DICKE, Manfred EIKELMANN und Burkhard HASEBRINK. Berlin, W. de Gruyter, 2006, IX-409 p. (Trends in Medieval philology, 10). 3087. INGLEDEW (Francis). Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and the Order of the Garter. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2006, XI-307 p. 3088. Íslensk bókmenntasaga. Band 4-5. Reykjavík, Mál og menning, 2006, 2 vol., 789 p., 724 p. 3089. JANUS PANNONIUS. Iani Pannonii Opera quae manserunt omnia. Vol. 1. Fasc. 1. Epigrammata. Textus. Ed. Gyula MAYER, Ladislaus TÖRÖK. Budapest: Balassi Kiadó, 2006, 278 p. (pl., facs.). 3090. JEAY (Madeleine). Le commerce des mots. L'usage des listes dans la littérature médiévale (XIIeXVe siècle). Genève, Droz, 2006, 552 p. (Publications romanes et françaises, 241). 3091. John Lydgate: poetry, culture, and Lancastrian England. Ed. by Larry SCANLON and James SIMPSON. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2006, VI-314 p. 3092. KALNING (Pamela). Kriegslehren in deutschsprachigen Texten um 1400. Seffner, Rothe, Wittenwiler. Mit ein. Abdruck der Wiener Handschrift von Seffners "Ler von dem streitten". Münster, New York u. München, Waxmann, 2006, 268 p. (Studien und Texte zum Mittelalter und zur frühen Neuzeit, 9). 3093. KAY (Richard). Dante's enigmas: Medieval scholasticism and beyond. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate/Variorum, 2006, [s. p.]. (ill.). (Variorum collected studies series, 839). 3094. KING (Pamela). The York Mystery Cycle and the worship of the city. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2006, IX-246 p. (ill.). (Westfield Medieval studies, 1).
Champion, 2006, 1061 p. (Bibliothèque du XVe siècle, 69). 3097. Language and cultural change: aspects of the study and use of language in the Later Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Ed. by Lodi NAUTA. Leuven, Peeters, 2006, XIII-224 p. (ill.). (Groningen studies in cultural change, 24). 3098. LAVEZZO (Kathy). Angels on the edge of the world: geography, literature, and English community, 10001534. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2006, XIV191 p. (ill.). 3099. LOCATI (Silvia). La rinascita del genere tragico nel Medioevo: l'Ecerinis di Albertino Mussato. Firenze, F. Cesati, 2006, 204 p. (Strumenti di letteratura italiana, 17). 3100. MARCO POLO. Le devisement du monde. Edition critique publiée sous la direction de Philippe MÉNARD. Tome 5. A travers la Chine du Sud. Éd. par JeanClaude DELCLOS et Claude ROUSSEL. Genève, Droz, 2006, 301 p. 3101. MARVIN (William Perry). Hunting Law and Ritual in Medieval English Literature. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell and Brewer, 2006, IX-198 p. 3102. Materiali arturiani nelle letterature di Provenza, Spagna, Italia. A cura di Anne BERTHELOT e Margherita LECCO. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2006, 181 p. (Studi e ricerche, 49). 3103. Medieval (The) author in Medieval French literature. Ed. by Virginie Elisabeth GREENE. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XIII-255 p. (Studies in Arthurian and courtly cultures). 3104. Metamorfosi (Le) di Ovidio nella letteratura tra Medioevo e Rinascimento. A cura di Gian Mario ANSELMI e Maria GUERRA. Bologna, Gedit, 2006, XIII257 p. (Strumenti e saggi di letteratura). 3105. MICHELET (Fabienne). Creation, migration, and conquest: imaginary geography and sense of space in Old English literature. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XII-297 p. (ill.). 3106. MILLAND-BOVE (Benédicte). La demoiselle arthurienne: écriture du personnage et art du récit dans les romans en prose du XIIIe siècle. Paris, H. Champion, 2006, 676 p. (Nouvelle bibliothèque du Moyen Âge, 79). 3107. Mindful spirit in late Medieval literature: essays in honor of Elizabeth D. Kirk. Ed. by Bonnie WHEELER. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, VI266 p. (New Middle Ages).
3095. Kleinere mittelhochdeutsche Verserzählungen: Mittelhochdeutsch / Neuhochdeutsch. Hrsg. v. Jürgen SCHULZ-GROBERT. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2006, 336 p. (Reclams Universal Bibliothek, 18431).
3108. Modi e forme della fruizione della materia arturiana nell'Italia dei sec. XIIIXV: Milano, 45 febbraio 2005. A cura di Fabrizio CIGNI. Milano, Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere, 2006, 233 p. (Incontro di studio, 41).
3096. LABÈRE (Nelly). Défricher le jeune plant: étude du genre de la nouvelle au moyen âge. Paris,
3109. NEUKIRCHEN (Thomas). Die ganze aventiure und ihre lere: der Jüngere Titurel Albrechts als Kritik
9. HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION, LITERATURE, TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION und Vervollkommnung des Parzival Wolframs von Eschenbach. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2006, 388 p. (Beihefte zum Euphorion, 52). 3110. NILES (John D.). Old English enigmatic poems and the play of the texts. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XIII-330 p. (ill.). (Studies in the early Middle Ages, 13). 3111. OOSTROM (F. P. van). Stemmen op schrift: geschiedenis van de Nederlandse literatuur vanaf het begin tot 1300. (History of Dutch literature from its beginnings to 1300). Amsterdam, B. Bakker, 2006, 640 p. (pl., ill.). (Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse literatuur). 3112. Paladini di carta: il modello cavalleresco fiorentino. A cura di Marco VILLORESI. Roma, Bulzoni, 2006, 243 p. (Studi e testi. Serie di filologia e letteratura, 28). 3113. PANTANI (Italo). L'amoroso messer Giusto da Valmontone: un protagonista della lirica italiana del XV secolo. Roma, Salerno, 2006, 258 p. (Studi e saggi, 39). 3114. PATTERSON (Lee). Temporal circumstances: form and history in the Canterbury tales. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 279 p. (The new Middle Ages). 3115. Penn (The) commentary on Piers Plowman. Vol. 1. C Prologe – Passus 4. B Prologue – Passus 4; A Prologue – Passus 4. Ed. by Andrew GALLOWAY and Stephen A. BARNEY. Vol. 5. C Passus 20-22; B passus 18-20. Ed. by Stephen A. BARNEY. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, 2 vol., XIII-491 p., XV-309 p. 3116. PETRARCA (Francesco). Le senili secondo l'edizione Basilea 1581. A cura di Marziano GUGLIELMINETTI, Mario MARTELLI e Patrizia PELLIZZARI. Savigliano, L'Artistica Editrice, 2006, LIII-297 p. IDEM. Res seniles. Libri I-IV. A cura di Silvia RIZZO e Monica BERTÉ. Firenze, Le lettere, 2006, 348 p. (Opere. Lettere, 2). 3117. Petrarca e la medicina: atti del convegno di Capo d'Orlando, 2728 giugno 2003. A cura di Monica BERTÉ, Vincenzo FERA e Tiziana PESENTI MARANGON. Messina, Centro Interdipartimentale di studi umanistici, 2006, VI-429 p. (pl., ill., facs.). (Biblioteca umanistica, 8). 3118. Poeti e poesia a Genova (e dintorni) nell'età medievale. Atti dei Convegno per Genova capitale della Cultura Europea 2004. A cura di Margherita LECCO. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2006, 227 p. (Scrittura e Scrittori, 20). 3119. Portraits de troubadours. Initiales des chansonniers provençaux I et K, Paris, BNF, ms. 854 et 12473. Éd. par Jean-Loup LEMAÎTRE et Françoise VIELLIARD. Ussel, Musée du pays d'Ussel, Centre Trobar, 2006, LXXXVIII-198 p. (pl., ill., tab.). (Memoires et Documents sur le Bas-Limousin, 26).
3120. Qui tant savoit d'engin et d'art. Mélanges de philologie médiévale offerts à Gabriel Bianciotto. Éd. par Claudio GALDERISI et Jean MAURICE. Poitiers, Centre d'études supérieures de civilisation médiévale, 2006, 590 p. 3121. RAND SCHMIDT (Kari Anne). The index of Middle English prose. Vol. 18. Manuscripts in the library of Pembroke College, Cambridge and the Fitzwilliam Museum. Woodbridge, D.S. Brewer, 2006, XXVI-129 p. 3122. RAUSCHERT (Jeanette). Herrschaft und Schrift. Strategien der Inszenierung und Funktionalisierung von Texten in Luzern und Bern am Ende des Mittelalters. Berlin u. New York, De Gruyter, 2006, 229 p. (Scrinium Friburgense, 19). 3123. Readers and writers of the prose Brut. Ed. by C. William MARX and Raluca RADULESCU. Lampeter, Trivium Publications a. University of Wales, 2006, XVI-249 p. (ill.). (Trivium, 36). 3124. REICHERT (Michelle). Between courtly literature and al-Andalus: matière d'Orient and the importance of Spain in the romances of the twelfth-century writer Chrétien de Troyes. New York, Routledge, 2006, XI-325 p. (ill.). (Studies in Medieval history and culture). 3125. REYNOLDS (Barbara). Dante: the poet, the political thinker, the man. London, I. B. Tauris, 2006, XIV-466 p. (ill.). 3126. Roman (Le) de Guillaume d'Orange. Éd. critique établie en collaboration par Madeleine TYSSENS, Nadine HENRARD et Louis GEMENNE. T. 2-3. Paris, Champion, 2006, 2 vol., V-601 p., 214 p. (Bibliothèque du XVe siècle, 70-71). 3127. Romanzo (Il) nel Medioevo. Atti del convegno, Bologna, 2021 ottobre 2003, con altri contributi di filologia romanza. Bologna, Pàtron, 2006, 219 p. (ill.). (Quaderni di filologia romanza della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università di Bologna, 18). 3128. SANTAGATA (Marco). I due cominciamenti della lirica italiana. Pisa, ETS, 2006, 117 p. (Studi e testi di letteratura italiana, 6). 3129. SBRIZIOLO (I. Pia.). La leggenda aurea della Rus': XIXV secolo. Roma, Il calamo, 2006, 377 p. (Biblioteca di ricerche linguistiche e filologiche, 62). 3130. Scena (La) assente: realtà e leggenda sul teatro nel Medioevo. Atti delle II Giornate internazionali interdisciplinari di studio sul Medioevo, Siena, 1316 giugno 2004. A cura di Francesco MOSETTI CASARETTO. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2006, XX-560 p. (Ricerche intermedievali, 2). 3131. SCHIBANOFF (Susan). Chaucer's queer poetics: rereading the dream trio. Toronto a. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2006, X-365 p. 3132. Sir Gawain and the classical tradition: essays on the ancient antecedents. Ed. by Edward L. RISDEN. Jefferson a. London, McFarland & Co., 2006, 217 p.
3133. Studia hispánica medievalia VII: actas de las VIII Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval y homenaje al Quijote: Buenos Aires, Universidad Católica Argentina, 17 al 19 de agosto de 2005. Ed. por Miguel Angel GARRIDO GALLARDO, José Manuel LUCÍA MEGÍAS y Joseph Thomas SNOW. Letras: revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina Santa María de los Buenos Aires, 2006, 52-53, 323 p.
GLÄSER. Lübeck: Schmidt-Römhild, 2006, 679 p. (ill., maps). 3145. LUCAS (Adam). Wind, water, work: ancient and Medieval milling technology. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XX-439 p. (Technology and change in history, 8). 3146. MAC NEILL (Tom E.). Faith, pride and works: Medieval church building. Stroud, Tempus, 2006, 253 p. (ill., plans).
3134. Text (The) in the community: essays on Medieval works, manuscripts, authors, and readers. Ed. by Jill MANN and Maura NOLAN. Notre Dame, University Notre Dame Press, 2006, XV-264 p. (ill.).
3147. MAC VAUGH (Michael Rogers). The rational surgery of the Middle Ages. Tavarnuzze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2006, 296 p. (Micrologus' library, 15).
3135. Textus im Mittelalter: Komponenten und Situationen des Wortgebrauchs im schriftsemantischen Feld. Hrsg. v. Ludolf KUCHENBUCH und Uta KLEINE. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 453 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 216).
3148. MANCHA (J. L.). Studies in Medieval astronomy and optics. Aldershot, Ashgate/Variorum, 2006, [s. p.]. (ill.). (Variorum collected studies series, 852).
3136. Triviale Minne? Konventionalität und Trivialisierung in spätmittelalterlichen Minnereden. Hrsg. v. Ludger LIEB und Otto NEUDECK. Berlin, W. de Gruyter, 2006, VIII-270 p. (ill.). (Quellen und Forschungen zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte, 40). 3137. VALLECALLE (Jean-Claude). Messages et ambassades dans l'épopée française médiévale: l'illusion du dialogue. Paris, Champion, 2006, 629 p. (Nouvelle bibliothèque du Moyen Âge, 82). 3138. WILLIAMS (Howard). Death and memory in early Medieval Britain. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV-254 p. (Cambridge studies in archaeology). 3139. Writing Medieval biography, 7501250. Ed. by David BATES, Julia CRICK and Sarah HAMILTON. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2006, XIV-262 p. os
Cf. n 2321, 2670-2688 c. Technology 3140. BACHRACH (David Stewart). English Artillery 1189–1307: the implications of terminology. English historical review, 2006, 121, 494, p. 1408-1430. 3141. GRAF (Daniela). Boat mills in Europe from early Medieval to modern times. Dresden, Landesamt für Archäologie mit Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte, 2006, 367 p. (ill., maps). (Veröffentlichungen des Landesamtes für Archäologie mit Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte, 51. Bibliotheca Monlinologica, 19). 3142. HALDON (John F.). General issues in the study of Medieval logistics: sources, problems and methodologies. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XIII-288 p. (History of warfare, 36). 3143. Logistics of warfare in the Age of the Crusades. Ed. by John H. PRYOR. Aldershot, Ashgate, XXXII-365 p. (ill., maps). 3144. Lübecker Kolloquium zur Stadtarchäologie im Hanseraum V: das Handwerk. Hrsg. v. Manfred
3149. Medieval warfare, 10001300. Ed. by John FRANCE. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XXIV-644 p. (ill., maps). (International library of essays on military history). 3150. Middeleeuwse havensteden en hun infrastructuur. (Medieval port cities and their infrastructures). Hilversum, Verloren, 2006, 120 p. (Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis, 25, 1). 3151. MINOWA (Shigeo). Chnjsei Yǀroppa no shomotsu: Shnjdǀin shuppan no 900-nen. (Books in Medieval Europe: a 900-year history of publication in monasteries). Tokyo, Shuppan Nyususha, 2006, 245 p. 3152. NERI (Elisabetta). De campanis fundendis: la produzione di campane nel Medioevo tra fonti scritte ed evidenze archeologiche. Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2006, XII-251 p. (ill., maps). 3153. PEÑA (Carmen). La prevención de la enfermedad en la España bajo medieval. Granada, Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2006, 549 p. (Chronica nova estudios históricos, Monográfica, 98). 3154. SAMPIETRO (Maria J.). Plantes medicinals, destilladors i llibres a les apotecaries de Mallorca (13481550). Palma de Mallorca, El Tall, 2006, 191 p. (ill.). (El Tall del temps maior, 12). 3155. SCHWEITZER (Julia). Schiffer und Schiffsmann in den Rôles d'Oléron und im Llibre del Consolat de Mar. Ein Vergleich zweier mittelalterlicher Seerechtsquellen. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2006, 200 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 331). 3156. SETTIA (Aldo A.). Tecniche e spazi della guerra medievale. Roma, Viella, 2006, 335 p. (I libri di Viella, 58). 3157. SWEET (Victoria). Rooted in the earth, rooted in the sky: Hildegard of Bingen and premodern medicine. New York a. London, Routledge, 2006, XVIII-326 p. (ill., pl., map). (Studies in Medieval history and culture). 3158. ğIPLIC (Ioan Marian). Organizarea defensivă a Transilvaniei în Evul Mediu: secolele XXIV. (Defensive organization of Transylvania in the Middle
10. HISTORY OF ART Ages: 10th14th centuries). Bucureúti, Editura Militară, 2006, 332 p. 3159. Visualizing Medieval medicine and natural history, 12001550. Ed. by Jean A. GIVENS, Karen M. REEDS and Alain TOUWAIDE. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XX-278 p. (AVISTA studies in the history of Medieval technology, science and art, 5). 3160. WIGAL (Donald). Historic maritime maps: 12901699. Hoo, Grange, 2006, 255 p. (ill., maps). 3161. WIGELSWORTH (Jeffrey R.). Science and technology in Medieval European life. Westport, Greenwood Press, 2006, XXVII-169 p. (ill.). (Daily life through history). 3162. Wind and water in the Middle Ages: fluid technologies from antiquity to the Renaissance. Ed. by Steven A. WALTON. Tempe, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2006, XXVII-300 p. (Penn State Medieval studies, 2. Medieval and Renaissance texts and studies, 322). Cf. no 3187 d. Education 3163. BARNHOUSE (Rebecca). The book of the knight of the tower: manners for young Medieval women. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, VI-248 p. (Studies in Arthurian and courtly cultures). 3164. DENLEY (Peter). Commune and studio in Late Medieval and Renaissance Siena. Bologna, Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria, 2006, XVI-495 p. (Centro interuniversitario per la storia delle università italiane, 7).
3171. Teaching and learning in Northern Europe, 10001200. Ed. by Sally N. VAUGHN and Jay RUBENSTEIN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XX-360 p. (ill., map, music, plan). (Studies in the early Middle Ages, 8). 3172. THOMSON (Rodney Malcolm). Books and learning in twelfth-century England: the ending of 'alter orbis'. Walkern, Red Gull Press, 2006, IX-115 p. (pl., ill.). (Lyell lecture, 20002001). § 10. History of art. _______________________
3173. Antonello e la pittura del Quattrocento nell' Europa mediterranea. A cura di Maria Antonietta MALLEO. Palermo, Kalós, 2006, 156 p. (Buchi neri). 3174. Aquileia dalle origini alla costituzione del ducato longobardo: l'arte ad Aquileia dal sec. IV al IX. Atti della XXXV Settimana di studi aquileiesi, 1821 maggio 2005. A cura di Giuseppe CUSCITO. Trieste, Editreg, 2006, 671 p. (ill.). (Antichità altoadriatiche, 62). 3175. Architektur und Monumentalskulptur des 12.– 14. Jahrhunderts: Produktion und Rezeption. Festschrift für Peter Kurmann zum 65. Geburtstag = Architecture et sculpture monumentale du 12e au 14e siècle: production et reception. Mélanges offerts à l'occasion de son soixante-cinquième anniversaire. Hrsg. v. Stephan A. GASSER, Christian FREIGANG und Bruno BOERNER. Bern u. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2006, 785 p. (ill., plans). 3176. ARGENZIANO (Raffaele). La pittura a Milano tra Duecento e Trecento: stile e iconografia. Siena, Cantagalli, 2006, 264 p. (Studi di storia delle immagini, 3).
3165. Fürstenspiegel des frühen und hohen Mittelalters. Hrsg. v. Hans Hubert ANTON. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006, VIII-504 p. (Ausgewählte Quellen zur Deutschen Geschichte des Mittelalters Freiherr-vom-Stein- Gedächtnisausgabe, 45).
3177. Arnolfo di Cambio e la sua epoca: costruire, scolpire, dipingere, decorare. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Firenze-Colle di Val d'Elsa, 710 marzo 2006. A cura di Vittorio FRANCHETTI PARDO. Roma, Viella, 2006, 476 p. (I libri di Viella. Arte).
3166. GROTANS (Anna A.). Reading in Medieval St. Gall. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XV-363 p. (Cambridge studies in palaeography and codicology, 13).
3178. Art (The) of God. The creation of Gothic architecture: an illustrated thesaurus. Vol. 3. The evolution of foliate capitals in the Paris basin: the arcaic capitals prior to 1139. Photographic work by John JAMES and Hilary JAMES. Documentary appendix by Chris HENIGE. Arthistorical analyses by Chris HENIGE and Sarah DILLANE. Hardey Vale, West Grinstead, 2006, IX-726 p. (ill., maps).
3167. Livre de l'enfance du sauveur: une version médiévale de l'Évangile de l'Enfance du PseudoMatthieu, XIIIe siècle. Éd. par Simon Claude MIMOUNI et Catherine DIMIER-PAUPERT. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2006, 192 p. 3168. Nicolas d'Autrécourt et la Faculté des arts de Paris, 13171340. Actes du colloque de Paris, 1921 mai 2005. Éd. par Stefano CAROTI et Christophe GRELLARD. Cesena, Stilgraf, 2006, 329 p. (Quaderni di "Paideia", 4). 3169. ORME (Nicholas). Medieval schools: from Roman Britain to Renaissance England. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, XVI-430 p. (ill., maps): ill. (some col.). 3170. RICHÉ (Pierre). Des nains sur des épaules de géants: maîtres et élèves au Moyen Âge. Paris, Tallandier, 2006, 351 p. (pl., ill., maps).
3179. Art and alchemy. Conference held at the University of Aarhaus, Dec. 79, 2001. Ed. by Jacob WAMBERG. København, Museum Tusculanum Press a. University of Copenhagen, 2006, 297 p. (ill.). 3180. Art and devotion in late Medieval Ireland. Ed. by Rachel Laura MOSS, Colmán N. Ó CLABAIGH and Salvador RYAN. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2006, XXII-234 p. (ill.). 3181. Arte medievale (L') nel contesto (3001300): funzioni, iconografia, tecniche. A. cura di Paolo PIVA e Antonio CADEI. Milano, Jaca Book, 2006, 550 p. (Di fronte e attraverso, 635).
3182. Artem quaevis alit terra. Studia professori Piotr Skubiszewski anno aetatis suae septuagesimo quinto oblate. Ed. GraĪyba JURKOWLANIEC. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2006, 253 p. (ill.). 3183. Arti e tecniche del Medioevo. A cura di Fabrizio CRIVELLO. Torino, G. Einaudi, 2006, XXIV-345 p. (Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi, 319). 3184. Artiste (L') et le clerc: commandes artistiques des grands ecclésiastiques à la fin du Moyen Âge (XIVeXVIe siècles). Éd. par Fabienne JOUBERT. Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2006, 415 p. (pl., ill.). (Cultures et civilisations médiévales, 36). 3185. BENT (George R.). Monastic art in Lorenzo Monaco's Florence: painting and patronage in Santa Maria degli Angeli, 13001415. Lewiston, Lampeter a. Edwin Mellen Press, 2006, [s. p.]. (ill.). 3186. Bild und Körper im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Kristin MAREK. München, Wilhelm Fink, 2006, 350 p. 3187. BINDING (Günter). Als die Kathedralen in den Himmel wuchsen. Bauen im Mittelalter. Darmstadt, Primus, 2006, 136 p. 3188. BOTTINEAU (Yves). Peindre en France au XVe siècle. Arles, Actes sud, 2006, 330 p. (ill.). 3189. Courtly arts and the art of courtliness: selected papers from the 11th Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, University of Madison-Wisconsin, 29 July4 August, 2004. Ed. by Keith BUSBY and Christopher KLEINHENZ. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2006, XIV-788 p. (ill.).
3195. HICKS (Carola). The Bayeux Tapestry: the life story of a masterpiece. London, Chatto ans Windus, 2006, X-358 p. (pl., ill.). 3196. Image (L') dans la pensée et l'art au moyen âge: colloque organisé à l'Institut de France le vendredi 2 décembre 2005 par l'Association "Rencontres médiévales européennes" présidé par Monique Cazeaux. Éd. par Michel LEMOINE et Kristina MITALAITÉ. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 172 p. (ill., pl., plans). (Rencontres médiévales européennes, 6). 3197. Images du Moyen Age. Éd. par Isabelle DURAND-LE GUERN, Joëlle QUAGHEBEUR, Priscille ADADJIDI et Charles GARCIA. Rennes, Presses universitaires
de Rennes, 2006, 365 p. (Interférences).
3198. JÄGGI (Carola). Frauenklöster im Spätmittelalter: die Kirchen der Klarissen und Dominikanerinnen im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert. Petersberg, Michael Imhof, 2006, 391 p. (ill.). (Studien zur internationalen Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte, 34). 3199. KLEMETTILÄ (Hannele). Epitomes of evil: representation of executioners in northern France and the Low Countries in the late Middle Ages. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 388 p. (Studies in European urban history [11001800], 8). 3200. LEONE DE CASTRIS (Pierluigi). Giotto a Napoli. Napoli, Electa Napoli, 2006, 262 p. (ill.). 3201. Lombardo (I). Architettura e scultura a Venezia tra 1400 e 1500. A cura di Andrea GUERRA, Manuela M. MORRESI e Richard SCHOFIELD. Venezia, Marsilio, IUAV, 2006, VII-294 p. (ill.).
3190. Création (La) artistique en France autour de 1400: actes du colloque international, École du Louvre, Musée des beaux-arts de Dijon, Université de Bourgogne. Éd. par Elisabeth TABURET. Paris, École du Louvre, 2006, 506 p. (ill.). (Rencontres de l'École du Louvre, 19).
3202. LUBBOCK (Jules). Storytelling in Christian art from Giotto to Donatello. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2006, XIII-353 p. (ill.).
3191. Decorating the Lord's table: on the dynamics between image and altar in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Søren KASPERSEN and Erik THUNØ. København, Museum Tusculanum Press a. University of Copenhagen, 2006, 170 p. (ill.).
3204. MANZARI (Francesca). La miniatura ad Avignone al tempo dei papi, 13101410. Modena, F. C. Panini, 2006, 383 p.
3192. FUSCO (Laurie Smith), CORTI (Gino). Lorenzo De' Medici: collector and antiquarian. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXIII-423 p. (ill.). 3193. GATHERCOLE (Patricia May). The depiction of architecture and furniture in Medieval French manuscript illumination. Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2006, 80 p. (31 pl., ill.). 3194. GIONTELLA (Massimo), FUBINI (Riccardo). Ancora sulle "Antiquarie prospettiche romane". Nuovi elementi per l'attribuzione a Bramante. Archivio storico italiano, 2006, 164, 609, 3, p. 513-518. IIDEM. L'uomo con il compasso e la sfera. Note sulla recente edizione delle "Antiquarie prospettiche romane" attribuite a Bramante. Archivio storico italiano, 2006, 164, 608, 2, p. 325-334.
3203. MANE (Perrine). Le travail à la campagne au Moyen Âge: étude iconographique. Paris, Picard, 2006, 471 p. (ill.).
3205. MARTIN (Therese). Queen as king: politics and architectural propaganda in twelfth-century Spain. Leiden, Brill, 2006, VIII-292 p. (ill., pl.). (Medieval and early modern Iberian world, 30). 3206. Medieval painting in Northern Europe: techniques, analysis, art history- Studies in commemoration of the 70th birthday of Unn Plahter. Ed. by Jilleen NADOLNY and Kaja KOLLANDSRUD. London, Archetype, 2006, XXI-279 p. 3207. Medioevo: il tempo degli antichi. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Parma, 2428 settembre 2003. A cura di Arturo Carlo QUINTAVALLE. Milano, Electa, 2006, 667 p. (ill., maps). (I convegni di parma, 6). 3208. MILONE (Antonio), POLO D'AMBROSIO (Laura). Medioevo, 10001400: l'arte europea dal romanico al gotico. Milano, Electa, 2006, 400 p. (ill.).
11. HISTORY OF MUSIC 3209. Mind's (The) eye: art and theological argument in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Jeffrey F. HAMBURGER and Anne-Marie BOUCHÉ. Princeton, Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University, in association with Princeton U. P., 2006, XIV-447 p.
129 § 11. History of music. _______________________
3221. BANKS (Jon). The instrumental consort repertory of the late fifteenth century. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, 186 p. (music).
3210. NORDANSKOG (Gunnar). Föreställd hedendom: tidigmedeltida skandinaviska kyrkportar i forskning och historia. (Représentations du paganisme: les portails d'églises du premier Moyen Age en Scandinavie dans la recherche et l'histoire). Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2006, 414 p.(Vägar till Midgård, 9).
3222. Cantus Planus: papers read at the 12th meeting of the IMS Study Group, Lillafüred/Hungary, 04. Aug. 2328. Ed. by László DOBSZAY. Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute for Musicology, 2006, 922 p.
3211. ORLANDONI (Bruno). Stefano Mossettaz architetto, ingegnere e scultore: la civiltà cortese in Valle d'Aosta nella prima metà del Quattrocento. Aosta, Le Château Edizioni, 2006, 491 p. (Biographica, 25).
3223. FRAUENLOB. Frauenlob's Song of songs: a Medieval German poet and his masterpiece. Ed. by Barbara NEWMAN, Karl STACKMANN, Barbara THORNTON and Benjamin BAGBY. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2006, XXI-241 p. a. sound disc.
3212. PIAZZA (Simone). Pittura rupestre medievale: Lazio e Campania settentrionale (secoli VIXIII). Roma, École française de Rome, 2006, 308 p. (ill., pl.). (Collection de l'École française de Rome, 370). 3213. Pio II, la città, le arti: la "rinascita" della scultura; ricerca e restauri. A cura di Laura MARTINI. Siena, Protagon editori, 2006, 3214. Pittura (La) medievale a Roma, 3121431. Atlante: percorsi visivi. Ideazione e direzione scientifica di Maria ANDALORO. Vol. 1. Suburbio, Vaticano, Rione Monti. A cura di Maria ANDALORO. Corpus. Ideazione e direzione scientifica di Maria ANDALORO e Serena ROMANO. Vol. 1. L'orizzonte tardoantico e le nuove immagini, 3468. A cura di Maria ANDALORO. Vol. 4. Riforma e tradizione, 10501198. A cura di Serena ROMANO Milano, Jaca Book, 2006, 3 vol., 325 p., 482 p., 407 p. (ill.). 3215. RATTÉ (Felicity). Picturing the city in Medieval Italian painting. Jefferson a. London, McFarland & Co., 2006, XII-234 p. (ill.). 3216. SAXON (Elizabeth). The Eucharist in Romanesque France: iconography and theology. Woodbridge, Boydell, 2006, 317 p. (ill.). 3217. SCHALLER (Andrea). Der Erzengel Michael im frühen Mittelalter: Ikonographie und Verehrung eines Heiligen ohne Vita. Bern u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2006, 512 p. (Vestigia Bibliae, 26/27). 3218. SCHULZE (Ingrid). Ritzungen von Laienhand. Zeichnungen mittelalterlicher Bildhauer und Maler? Figürliche Glockenritzzeichnungen vom späten 13. Jahrhundert bis zur Zeit um 1500 in Mittel- und Norddeutschland. Leipzig, Engelsdorfer, 2006, 259 p. (ill.). 3219. STEINHOFF (Judith B.). Sienese painting after the Black Death: artistic pluralism, politics, and the new art market. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV-264 p. 3220. VILADESAU (Richard). The beauty of the cross. The passion of Christ in theology and the arts, from the catacombs to the eve of the Renaissance. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, VIII-214 p. (ill.). Cf. nos 2662, 4843
3224. FRUTOLF VON MICHELSBERG. München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 14965: the tonary of Frutolf of Michelsberg (ff. 34-73v). Bearb. v. Rebecca MALOY. Ottawa, Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2006, 1 tonary III67 p.-82 p. (Veröffentlichungen mittelalterlicher Musikhandschriften, 32). 3225. Gautier de Coinci: miracles, music and manuscripts. Éd. par Kathy M. KRAUSE et Alison STONES. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XX-486 p. (ill.). (Medieval texts and cultures of Northern Europe, 13). 3226. GILLINGHAM (Bryan). Music in the Cluniac ecclesia: a pilot project. Ottawa, Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2006, V-330 p. (Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, 83 = Musicological studies, 83). 3227. GOSSEN (Nicoletta). Musik in Texten, Texte in Musik: der poetische Text als Herausforderung an die Interpreten der Musik des Mittelalters. Winterthur/ Schweiz, Amadeus, 2006, 310 p. (Sonderband der Reihe Basler Jahrbuch für Musikpraxis. Publikationen der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Hochschule für Alte Musik an der Musik-Akademie der Stadt Basel). 3228. GRIER (James). The musical world of a Medieval monk: Adémar de Chabannes in eleventh-century Aquitaine. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVI367 p. (music). 3229. GROSS (Guillaume). Chanter en polyphonie à Notre-Dame de Paris sous le règne de Philippe Auguste: un art de la magnificence. Revue historique, 2006, 639, p. 609-634. 3230. HARTZELL (Karl Drew). Catalogue of manuscripts written or owned in England up to 1200 containing music. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2006, XXVI717 p. (ill.). 3231. O'NEILL (Mary J.). Courtly love songs of Medieval France: transmission and style in the trouvère repertoire. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XV-226 p. (Oxford monographs on music). 3232. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Selden Supra 27: Prosaire-Trapaire de Heidenheim. Ed. by Dujka SMOJE. Ottawa, Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2006,
[s. p.]. (ill., facs., music). (Veröfentlichungen mittelalterlicher Musikhandschriften, 33). 3233. Polyphonic (The) voice in Marie de France's Tranlatio studii = La Voix polyphonique dans la Translatio studii de Marie de France. Binghamton, Binghamton University, Center for Medieval and Rensaissance Studies a. State University of New York, 2006, 238 (pl., ill.). 3234. THEINRED OF DOVER. De legitimis ordinibus pentachordorum et tetrachordorum. A critical text and translation with an introduction, annotations, and indices. Ed. by John L. SNYDER. Ottawa, Institute of Medieval Music, 2006, IX-411 p. 3235. YARDLEY (Anne Bagnall). Performing piety: musical culture in Medieval English nunneries. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XVII326 p. (New Middle Ages). § 12. History of philosophy, theology and science. ** 3236. ABAELARDUS, Petrus. Expositio in Hexameron, Abbreviatio expositionis in Hexameron [Concordance]. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 37 p., 5 microfiches (Corpus Christianorum. Instrumenta lexicologica Latina. Series A, Enumeratio formarum, concordantia formarum, index formarum a tergo ordinatarum, 167). ** 3237. ABAELARDUS, Petrus. Opera theologica. Vol. 6. Sententie magistri Petri Abaelardi. Éd. par Constant J. MEWS, David Edward LUSCOMBE et Julia BARROW. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 199 p., (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 14). ** 3238. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Sancti doctoris ecclesiae Alberti Magni Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum episcopi Opera omnia. T. 1. Pars II. De sex principiis. Hrsg. v. Ruth MEYER und Hannes MÖHLE. Monasterii Westfalorum, Aschendorff, 2006, LII-162 p. ** 3239. AVICENNA. Liber primus Naturalium. Tractatus secundus: De motu et de consimilibus. Ed. Simone VAN RIET, Jules L. JANSSENS, André ALLARD et Gérard VERBEKE. Bruxelles, Académie royale de belgique, 2006, 376 p. (Avicenna Latinus, 10). ** 3240. GUILLELMUS DE CONCHIS. Opera omnia. T. 3. Glosae super Platonem [Concordance]. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, VII-59 p., 8 microfiches (Corpus Christianorum. Instrumenta lexicologica Latina. Series A, Enumeratio formarum; concordantia formarum; index formarum a tergo ordinata rum, 184). ** 3241. GUILLELMUS DE CONCHIS. Opera omnia. T. 3. Glosae super Platonem. Editionem nouam trium codicum nuper repertorum testimonio suffultam. Éd. par Édouard JEAUNEAU Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, CXLVI402 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 203). ** 3242. GUILLELMUS DE LUXI. Opera. Postilla super Baruch, Postilla super Ionam. Éd. par Andrew Thomas SULAVIK. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XCII-179 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 219).
** 3243. HERMES TRISMEGISTUS. Hermes Latinus. T. 2. De sex rerum principiis [Concordance]. Éd. par Paolo LUCENTINI et Mark Damien DELP. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 21 p., 3 microfiches (Corpus Christianorum. Instrumenta lexicologica Latina. Series A. Enumeratio formarum, concordantia formarum, index formarum a tergo ordinata rum, 182). ** 3244. HERMES TRISMEGISTUS. Hermes Latinus. T. 2. De sex rerum principiis. Éd. par Paolo LUCENTINI et Mark Damien DELP. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 228 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 142). ** 3245. HERMES TRISMEGISTUS. Liber viginti quattuor philosophorum [Concordance]. Éd. par Paul TOMBEUR. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, VIII-22 p., 3 microfiches (Corpus Christianorum. Instrumenta lexicologica Latina. Series A, Enumeratio formarum, concordantia formarum, index formarum a tergo ordinatarum, 99). ** 3246. HUS, Iohannes. Quodlibet [Concordance]. Éd. par Paul TOMBEUR. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, VI72 p., 9 microfiches (Corpus Christianorum. Instrumenta lexicologica Latina. Series A, Enumeratio formarum, concordantia formarum, index formarum a tergo ordinatarum, 166). ** 3247. HUS, Iohannes. Quodlibet: disputationis de Quolibet Pragae in Facultate Artium mense Ianuario anni 1411 habitae Enchiridion. Éd. par Bohumil RYBA. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XL-310 p., (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 211). ** 3248. ISIDORUS HISPALENSIS EPISCOPUS. Liber differentiarum. Vol. 2. Éd. par María Adelaida ANDRÉS SANZ. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 323-126 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 111 A). ** 3249. LULLUS, Raimundus. Opera latina, 15. Quattur libri principiorum. Éd. par Maria Asunción SÁNCHEZ MANZANO. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XLVIII-580 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 185). _______________________
3250. Ad ingenii acuitionem. Studies in honour of Alfonso Maierù. Ed. by Stefano CAROTI. Louvain-laNeuve, Collège Cardinal Mercier, 2006, VIII-595 p. (Textes et études du moyen âge, 38). 3251. Anselm and Abelard: investigations and juxtapositions. Ed. by Giles Edward Murray GASPER and Helmut Karl KOHLENBERGER. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2006, VIII-256 p. (Papers in mediaeval studies, 19). 3252. BLACK (Crofton). – Pico's Heptaplus and biblical hermeneutics. Leiden, Brill, 2006, x, 265 p. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation traditions, 116). 3253. BOSCHUNG (Peter). From a topical point of view: dialectic in Anselm of Canterbury's De Grammatico. Leiden, Brill, 2006, VIII-346 p. (Studien und texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 90). 3254. BOUREAU (Alain). La religion de l'état: la construction de la république étatique dans le discours théo-
12. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, THEOLOGY AND SCIENCE logique de l'occident médiéval, 12501350. Paris, Belles lettres, 2006, 351 p. (Histoire, 80). IDEM. Satan the heretic: the birth of demonology in Medieval West. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XI-255 p. 3255. COLISH (Marcia L.). Studies in Scholasticism. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XII-318 p. (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 838). 3256. FLORES (Juan Carlos). Henry of Ghent: metaphysics and the Trinity. Leuven, Leuven U. P., 2006, VIII-239 p. (Ancient and Medieval philosophy. Series 1, 36). 3257. FOLKERTS (Menso). The development of mathematics in Medieval Europe: the Arabs, Euclid, Regiomontanus. Aldershot, Ashgate Variorum, 2006, [s. p.]. (ill.). (Variorum collected studies series, 811). 3258. FORSCHNER (Maximilian). Thomas von Aquin. München, Beck, 2006, 237 p. (Beck'sche Reihe, 572). 3259. FOX (Rory). Time and eternity in midthirteenth century thought. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 390 p. (Oxford theological monographs). 3260. Francis of Marchia, theologian and philosopher. A Franciscan at the University of Paris in the early fourteenth century. Ed. by Russell L. FRIEDMAN and Christopher David SCHABEL. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, 204 p. 3261. FROST (Stefanie). Nikolaus von Kues und Meister Eckhart: Rezeption im Spiegel der Marginalien zum Opus tripartitum Meister Eckharts. Münster, Aschendorff, 2006, XXX-296 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, 69). 3262. GERMANN (Nadja). De temporum ratione: Quadrivium und Gotteserkenntnis am Beispiel Abbos von Fleury und Hermanns von Reichenau. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XII-384 p. (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 89). 3263. GIRE (Pierre). Maître Eckhart et la métaphysique de l'Exode. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2006, 420 p. (Patrimoines christianisme). 3264. GUERIZOLI (Rodrigo). Die Verinnerlichung des Göttlichen. Eine Studie über den Gottesgeburtszyklus und die Armutspredigt Meister Eckharts. Leiden, Brill, 2006, 232 p. (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 88). 3265. HORST (Ulrich). Wege in die Nachfolge Christi: die Theologie des Ordensstandes nach Thomas von Aquin. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2006, VIII-218 p. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens, 12). 3266. Jakoubek ze StĜíba: texty a jejich pĤsobení. (Jacob of StĜíba: the texts and their effects). Ed. by Ota HALAMA and Pavel SOUKUP. Praha, Filosofia, 2006, 274 p. (facs.). 3267. Johannes von Gmunden (ca. 13841442): Astronom und Mathematiker. Hrsg. v. Rudolf SIMEK und
Kathrin CHLENCH. Wien, Fassbaender, 2006, 233 p. (Studia medievalia Septentrionalia, 12). (pl., il., maps). 3268. LE PIVAIN (Denis-Dominíque). L'action du saint-esprit dans le commentaire de l'évangile de saint Jean par saint Thomas d'Aquin. Paris, Téqui, 2006, 231 p. (Croire et savoir, 42). 3269. LÉVY (Antoine). Le créé et l'incréé: Maxime le confesseur et Thomas d'Aquin: aux sources de la querelle palamienne. Paris, J. Vrin, 2006, 560 p. (Bibliothèque thomiste, 59). 3270. MAZAL (Otto). Geschichte der abendländischen Wissenschaften des Mittelalters. Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 2006, 2 vol., 654 p., 701 p. 3271. Medicina (La) nel Medioevo: la Schola salernitana e le altre. Atti della giornata di studio (Salerno, 1 giugno 2002). A cura di Alfonso LEONE e Gerardo SANGERMANO. Salerno, Laveglia, 2006, 142 p. (Nuova scuola medica salernitana, Centro di arte, cultura e scienza nel Mediterraneo. Quadreno, 4). 3272. Nicolai de Cusa Opera omnia: Symposium zum Abschluss der Heidelberger Akademie-Ausgabe, Heidelberg, 11. und 12. Februar 2005. Hrsg. v. Werner BEIERWALTES und Hans Gerhard SENGER. Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2006, XIII-190 p. (Supplemente zu den Schriften der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 19. Cusanus-Studien, 11). 3273. NOVAES (Catarina Dutilh). Formalizations "après la lettre": studies in Medieval logic and semantics. Leiden, Universiteit Leiden, 2006, 347 p. (ill.). 3274. OLIVA (Adriano). Les débuts de l'enseignement de Thomas d'Aquin et sa conception de la Sacra doctrina: avec l'édition du prologue de son commentaire des Sentences. Paris, Vrin, 2006, 416 p. (ill.). (Bibliothèque thomiste, 58). 3275. PILSNER (Joseph). The specification of human actions in St Thomas Aquinas. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 288 p. 3276. POWER (Amanda). A mirror for every age: the reputation of Roger Bacon. English historical review, 2006, 121, 492, p. 657-692. 3277. RAININI (Marco). Disegni dei tempi. Il "Liber figurarum" e la teologia figurativa di Gioacchino da Fiore. Roma, Viella, 2006, XV-333 p. (ill., tab.). (Opere di Gioacchino da Fiore. Testi e Strumenti, 18). 3278. RUSBROCHIUS Joannis. Commentaria in tabernaculum foederis, reddita latine a Laurentio Surio (1552). Vol. 1. Éd. par Thom MERTENS et Helen ROLFSON. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 2 vol., 1444 p., (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 1106). 3279. Segreto (Il) = The secret. Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2006, 552 p. (Micrologus, 14). 3280. SHMONIN (Dmitrij V.). V teni Renessansa: vtoraja skholastika v Ispanii. (In the shade of Renais-
sance: the Second Scholasticism in Spain). Rus. khrist. gumanit. akad. Sankt-Peterburg, Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta, 2006, 279 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 266-274). 3281. STONE (Gregory B.). Dante's pluralism and the Islamic philosophy of religion. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 320 p. (New Middle Ages). 3282. Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages: The Thirteenth Century. Ed. by Christopher SCHABEL. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, XIII-563 p. (ill., tab.). (Brill's Companions to the Christian tradition, 1). 3283. Transformations in Medieval and EarlyModern rights discourse. Ed. by Virpi MÄKINEN and Petter KORKMAN. Dordrecht, Springer, 2006, IX-316 p. (The New Synthese Historical Library, Texts and Studies in the History of Philosophy, 59). 3284. VOS (Antonie), The philosophy of John Duns Scotus. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2006, XII-654 p. 3285. WÖHLER (Hans-Ulrich). Dialektik in der mittelalterlichen Philosophie. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2006, 242 p. (Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 13). § 13. History of the Church and religion. _______________________
a. General ** 3286. ARATOR SUBDIACONUS. Historia apostolica [Concordance]. Éd. par Paul TOMBEUR. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 43 p., 4 microfiches (Corpus Christianorum. Instrumenta lexicologica Latina. Series A, Enumeratio formarum, concordantia formarum, index formarum a tergo ordinatarum, 183). ** 3287. ARATOR SUBDIACONUS. Historia Apostolica. Éd. par A. P. ORBÁN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 2 vol., 584 p., 693 p. (Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis, 130-130 A). ** 3288. FLORUS LUGDUNENSIS. Opera omnia. T. 2. Collectio ex dictis XII Patrum. Pars 2. Éd. par PaulIrénée FRANSEN, Bertrand COPPIETERS'T WALLANT, Roland DEMEULENAERE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, LXVIII-311 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 193 A). _______________________
3289. HARVEY (Margaret). Lay religious life in late Medieval Durham. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2006, 232 p. 3290. HASHIKAWA (Hiroyuki). Sǀshukyǀ Atanashius to hutari no Raura shnjdǀin-chǀ: Seizan to kyǀkai wo musubu michi. (Patriarch Athanasios I and two abbots of the Great Lavra on the appointments of Lakobos and Malachias as metropolitan of Thessaloniki). Seiyo Shigaku, 2006, 223, p. 22-42 [Eng. summary]. 3291. HEALY (Patrick). A supposed letter of Archbishop Lanfranc: Concepts of the Universal Church in the Investiture Contest. English historical review, 2006, 121, 494, p. 1385-1407.
3292. IOGNA-PRAT (Dominique). La maison Dieu: une histoire monumentale de l'église au Moyen-âge (v. 800v. 1200). Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2006, 683 p. (pl., ill.). (Univers historique). 3293. Kirchliche Reformimpulse des 14./15. Jahrhunderts in Ostmitteleuropa. Hrsg. v. Winfried EBERHARD und Franz MACHILEK. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2006, VIII-374 p. (Forschungen und Quellen zur Kirchen- und Kulturgeschichte Ostdeutschlands, 36). 3294. Klerus, Kirche und Frömmigkeit im spätmittelalterlichen Schleswig-Holstein. Hrsg. v. Enno BÜNZ und Klaus-Joachim LORENZEN-SCHMIDT. Neumünster, Wachholtz, 2006, 359 p. (Studien zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte Schleswig-Holsteins, 41). 3295. MERLO (Grado G.). Streghe. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 111 p. (Saggi, 656). 3296. Omnia religione moventur: culti, carismi ed istituzioni ecclesiastiche. Studi in onore di Cosimo Damiano Fonseca. A cura di Pierantonio PIATTI e Raffaella TORTORELLI. Galatina, Congedo, 2006, XXVI-284 p. 3297. OTTOSEN (Knud). Oldtidens og middelalderens kirkehistorie i dansk og nordisk perspektiv. (Histoire de l'Eglise au Moyen Age dans une perspective danoise et scandinave). København, Books on Demand, 2006, 360 p. (ill.). 3298. Religious and laity in Western Europe, 1000 1400: interaction, negotiation, and power. Ed. by Emilia JAMROZIAK and Janet E. BURTON. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 399 p. (Europa sacra, 2). 3299. RICHÉ (Pierre). Grandeurs et faiblesses de l'église au Moyen Âge. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2006, 333 p. (Histoire). 3300. TABBAGH (Vincent). Gens d'Eglise, gens de pouvoir. France, XIIIeXVe siècle. Dijon, Editions universitaires de Dijon, 2006, 212 p. (Collection Sociétés). 3301. WOOD (Susan). The proprietary church in the Medieval West. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XI1020 p. b. History of the Popes ** 3302. AGNELLUS RAVENNATIS. Liber pontificalis ecclesiae Ravennatis. Éd. par Deborah Mauskopf DELIYANNIS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 391 p. (Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis, 199). ** 3303. Bistümer der Kirchenprovinz Mainz. Das BistumEichstätt. B. 1. Die Bischofsreihe bis 1535. Hrsg. v. Alfred WENDEHORST. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2006, XII296 p. (Germania sacra, 45.). ** 3304. Diocesi di Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro. Visite pastorali dal 1257 al 1516. A cura di Silvano PIERI e Carlo VOLPI. Arezzo, Archivi diocesani, 2006, 359 p. (ill.). (Studi e documenti, 1). ** 3305. Lettres secrètes et curiales publiées d'aprés les registres des archives vaticanes. Tome 5 [30 décembre 135628 décembre 1357]. Innocent VI. Éd. par Pierre
13. HISTORY OF THE CHURCH AND RELIGION GASNAULT et Nicole GOTTERI. Roma, École française de Rome, 2006, VI-232 p. (Bibliothéque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome. Registres et lettres des papes du XIVe siècle). ** 3306. THOMAS SPALATENSIS. Historia Salonitanorum atque Spalatinorum pontificum. Budapest a. New York, Central European U. P., 2006, XLIV-404 p. (Central European Medieval texts, 4). _______________________
3307. AZZARA (Claudio). Il papato nel Medioevo. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 125 p. (Universale paperbacks, 511). 3308. Bonifacio VIII: ideologia e azione politica. Atti del convegno organizzato nell'ambito delle celebrazioni per il VII centenario della morte, Città del Vaticano, Roma, 2628 aprile 2004. Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medio evo, 2006, 448 p. (pl., ill., map.). (Bonifaciana). 3309. ERDMANN (Jörg). "Quod est in actis, non est in mundo". Päpstliche Benefizialpolitik im sacrum imperium des 14. Jahrhunderts. Tübingen, Niemeyer, 2006, X-340 p. (Bibliothek des deutschen historischen Instituts in Rom, 113). 3310. FUJISAKI (Mamoru). 13-seiki Kyoukou-chǀ ni okeru Seruvithia-zei no seritsu-katei: Toku ni Seruvitiumu-Comune ni tsuite. (The formation of the Servitia tax within the thirteenth-century papal curia: the Servitium Commune). Shigaku Zasshi, 2006, 115, 10, p. 6387 [Eng. summary]. 3311. GATTO (Ludovico). Celestino V, pontefice e santo. Roma, Bulzoni, 2006, 393 p. 3312. GIESE (Martina). Die Textfassungen der Lebensbeschreibung Bischof Bernwards von Hildesheim. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2006, XXVIII137 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Studien und Texte, 40). 3313. GRESSER (Georg). Die Synoden und Konzilien in der Zeit des Reformpapsttums in Deutschland und Italien von Leo IX. bis Calixt II., 10491123. Paderborn, F. Schöningh, 2006, LXIV-604 p. (Konziliengeschichte. Reihe A, Darstellungen). 3314. HACK (Achim Thomas). Codex Carolinus: päpstliche Epistolographie im 8. Jahrhundert. Vol. 1. Stuttgart, A. Hiersemann, 2006, 696 p. (Päpste und Papsttum, 35). 3315. JOHRENDT (Jochen). Die Statuten des regulierten Laterankapitels im 13. Jahrhundert. Mit einer Edition der Statuten Gregors IX. (1228) und Nikolaus' IV. (1290). Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, 2006, 86, p. 95-143. 3316. JULEROT (Véronique). "Y a ung grant desordre". Élections épiscopales et schismes diocésains en France sous Charles VIII. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2006, 475 p. (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 85).
3317. Léon IX et son temps: actes du colloque international organisé par l'Institut d'histoire médiévale de l'Université Marc-Bloch, Strasbourg-Eguisheim, 2022 juin 2002. Éd. par Georges BISCHOFF et BenoîtMichel TOCK. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 687 p. (ill.). (Atelier de recherche sur les textes médiévaux, 8). 3318. Parish (The) in Late Medieval England. Proceedings of the 2002 Harlaxton Symposium. Ed. by Clive BURGESS and Eamon DUFFY. Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2006, XII-420 p. (Harlaxton Medieval studies, 14). 3319. Parish (The) in Medieval and Early Modern Ireland: community, territory, and building. Ed. by Elizabeth FITZPATRICK and Raymond GILLESPIE. Dublin, Four Courts Press for the Group for the Study of Irish Historic Settlement, 2006, 352 p. 3320. Partikularsynoden im späten Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Nathalie KRUPPA und Leszek ZYGNER. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 402 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte. 219. Studien zur Germania sacra, 29). 3321. Per longa maris intervalla: Gregorio Magno e l'Occidente mediterraneo fra tardoantico a alto medioevo. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Cagliari 1718 dicembre 2004. A cura di Lucio CASULA, Giampaolo MELE e Antonio PIRAS. Cagliari, Pontificia Facoltà teologica della Sardegna, 2006, VIII-458 p. (ill., maps). (Studi e ricerche di cultura religiosa, 4). 3322. Records of Convocation. Ed. by Gerald Lewis BRAY. Vol. 13. York, 13131461. Vol. 14. York, 1461 1625. Vol. 16. Ireland, 11011690. Vol. 19. Introduction. Vol. 20. Index. Woodbridge, Boydell Press in association with the Church of England Record Society, 2006, 5 vol., 534 p., 542 p., 624 p., 546 p., 497 p. 3323. Reforma gregoriana (La) y su projección en la cristianidad occidental, siglos XIXII. XXXII Semana de Estudios Medievales, Estella, 18 a 22 de julio de 2005. Ed. por José Ignacio SARANYANA. Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Cultura y Turismo y Institución Príncipe de Viana, 2006, 519 p. (ill.). 3324. RICHÉ (Pierre). Gerbert d'Aurillac, le pape de l'an mil. Paris, Fayard, 2006, 332 p. (ill., map). 3325. SCHOLZ (Sebastian). Politik, Selbstverständnis, Selbstdarstellung: die Päpste in karolingischer und ottonischer Zeit. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 512 p. (ill., pl.). (Historische Forschungen, 26). 3326. Vie (La) culturelle, intellectuelle et scientifique à la cour des papes d'Avignon. Éd. par Jacqueline HAMESSE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XI-413 p. (Textes et études du moyen âge, 28). c. Monastic history ** 3327. Ancrene wisse: a corrected edition of the text in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, ms 402, with variants from other manuscripts. Vol. 2. Ed. by Bella MILLETT, Eric John DOBSON and Richard
DANCE. Oxford a. New York, Oxford University Press for Early English Text Society, 2006, LXVII-477 p.
(Conjunctions of religion and power in the Medieval past).
** 3328. DE VOGÜÉ (Adalbert). Histoire littéraire du mouvement monastique dans l'antiquité. Part 1. T. 10. Le monachisme latin. Grégoire de Tours et Fortunat, Grégoire le Grand et Colomban (autour de 600). Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2006, 366 p. (Patrimoines, Christianisme).
3338. Cavalieri (I) teutonici tra Sicilia e Mediterraneo. Atti del convegno internazionale di studio, Agrigento, 2425 marzo 2006. A cura di Antonino GIUFFRIDA, Hubert HOUBEN e Kristjan TOOMASPOEG. Galatina, M. Congedo, 2006, VIII-271 p. (Università degli studi di Lecce, Dipartimento dei beni delle arti e della storia. Saggi e testi, 30. Acta teutonica, 4).
** 3329. Deux (Les) vies de Robert D'Arbrissel, fondateur de Fontevraud: légendes, écrits et témoignages. Édition des sources avec introductions et traductions françaises = The two lives of Robert D'Arbrissel, founder of Fontevraud: legends, writings, and testimonies. With English summaries of introductions and complete translations of the sources. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 772 p. (ill., facs., maps). (Disciplina monastica, studies on Medieval monastic life, 4. Fontes, 1). ** 3330. MARSH (Adam). The letters of Adam Marsh. Vol. I. Ed. by Clifford Hugh LAWRENCE. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2006, 1, 290 p. (Oxford Medieval texts). _______________________
3331. AHN (Sang-Yoon). Die Kölner Johanniterkommende Sankt Johann und Cordula im Spätmittelalter: Geschichte, Besitz, Wirtschaft, Verwaltung und Sozialstruktur. Köln, SH-Verlag, 2006, 238 p. (Kölner Schriften zu Geschichte und Kultur, 28). 3332. ANDENMATTEN (Bernard), GILOMEN-SCHENKEL (Elsane), TRUFFER (Bernard), FRÜH (Margrit), RIME (Jacques), UTZ TREMP (Kathrin), BRAUN (Patrick), BISSEGER (Arthur), STUDER IMMENHAUSER (Barbara), HAUSMANN (Germain), FELLER-VEST (Veronika). Les chartreux en Suisse. Bâle, Schwabe, 2006, 432 p. (Helvetia Sacra, section III, Les ordres suivant la règle de saint Benoît, 4). 3333. ANDERSSON (Catharina). Kloster och aristokrati: nunnor, munkar och gåvor i det svenska samhället till 1300-talets mitt. (Monastères et aristocratie: moniales, moines et donations dans la société suédoise jusqu'au milieu du 14e siècle). Göteborg, Historiska institutionen, Göteborgs universitet, 2006, 435 p. (Dissertations from the Department of History, Göteborg University, 49). 3334. ANDREWS (Frances). The other Friars: the Carmelite, Augustinian, Sack and Pied Friars in the Middle Ages. Woodbridge, Boydell, 2006, IX-261 p. (Monastic orders). 3335. BARQUERO GOÑI (Carlos). Los hospitalarios en la España de los Reyes Católicos, 14741516. Somonte-Cenero, Ediciones Trea, 2006, 207 p. (Estudios históricos La Olmeda. Colección Piedras angulares). 3336. BORCHARDT (Karl). Die Cölestiner: eine Mönchsgemeinschaft des späteren Mittelalters. Husum, Matthiesen, 2006, 602 p. (Historische Studien, 488). 3337. BOYNTON (Susan). Shaping a monastic identity: liturgy and history at the Imperial Abbey of Farfa, 1000–1125. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2006, XII-289 p.
3339. ERTL (Thomas). Religion und Disziplin. Selbstdeutung und Weltordnung im frühen deutschen Franziskanertum. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2006, 496 p. (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, 96). 3340. FLUG (Brigitte). Äussere Bindung und innere Ordnung: das Altmünsterkloster in Mainz in seiner Geschichte und Verfassung von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des 14. Jahrhunderts: mit Urkundenbuch. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2006, X-362 p. (tab.). (Geschichtliche Landeskunde, 61). 3341. FOLLETT (Westley). Céli Dé in Ireland: monastic writing and identity in the early Middle Ages. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2006, XII253 p. (Studies in Celtic history, 23). 3342. FOOT (Sarah). Monastic life in Anglo-Saxon England, c. 600–900. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XV-398 p. 3343. Frati minori e inquisizione. Atti del XXXIII Convegno internazionale, Assisi, 68 ottobre 2005. Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2006, X-439 p. (Atti dei convegni della Società internazionale di studi francescani e del Centro interuniversitario di studi francescani, 16). 3344. HORST (Ulrich). The Dominicans and the Pope: papal teaching authority in the Medieval and Early Modern Thomist tradition. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2006, XI-132 p. (Conway lectures in Medieval studies). 3345. Hospitaller women in the Middle Ages. Ed. by Anthony LUTTRELL and Helen J. NICHOLSON. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XIV-265 p. 3346. International mobility in the military orders, twelfth to fifteenth centuries. Travelling on Christ's business. Ed. by Jochen BURGTORF and Helen NICHOLSON. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2006, XXII-218 p. 3347. JORDAN (Erin L.). Women, power, and religious patronage in the Middle Ages. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, VIII-193 p. (New Middle Ages). 3348. Kloster und Bildung im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Nathalie KRUPPA und Jürgen WILKE. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 616 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte. 218. Studien zur Germania Sacra, 28). 3349. Medieval monks and their world: ideas and realities. Studies in honor of Richard E. Sullivan. Ed. by David R. BLANKS, Michael FRASSETTO and Amy LIVINGSTONE. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, VI-211 p.
13. HISTORY OF THE CHURCH AND RELIGION 3350. Mirificus Praedicator. À l'occasion du sixieme centenaire du passage de saint Vincent Ferrier en pays romand. Actes du colloque d'Estavayer-le-Lac. Éd. par Paul-Bernard HODEL et Franco MORENZONI. Roma, Istituto storico domenicano, 2006, 334 p. (Dissertationes historicae, 32).
der Franziskaner und Dominikaner im 13. Jahrhundert. Berlin, LIT, 2006, III-459 p. (Vita regularis. Abhandlungen, 28). 3362. THOM (Catherine). Early Irish monasticism: an understanding of its cultural roots. London, T & T Clark, 2006, XXIX-226 p. (ill., map).
3351. Monjes y monasterios hispanos en la alta Edad Media. Ed. por José Ángel GARCÍA DE CORTÁZAR Y RUIZ DE AGUIRRE y Ramón TEJA. Aguilar de Campoo, Fundación Santa María La Real-C.E.R., 2006, 288 p. (ill., plans).
3363. Tidlige klostre i Norden før 1200: et symposium. (Les premiers monastères d'Europe du nord avant 1200). Red. Lars BISGAARD og Tore NYBERG. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2006, 248 p.
3352. MONTEFUSCO (Antonio). Iacopone nell'Umbria del Due-Trecento: un'alternativa francescana. Roma, Istituto storico dei Cappuccini, 2006, 259 p. (Bibliotheca seraphico-capuccina, 78).
3364. Vita communis und ethnische Vielfalt: multinational zusammengesetzte Klöster im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Uwe ISRAEL. Berlin, Lit, 2006, XV-267 p. (Vita regularis, 29).
3353. MUSARDO TALÒ (Vincenza). Il monachesimo femminile: la vita delle donne religiose nell'Occidente medievale. Cinisello Balsamo, San Paolo, 2006, 430 p. (Storia della Chiesa. Sussidi, 7). 3354. Ordre (L') des Chartreux au XIIIe siècle. Actes du Colloque international d'histoire et de spiritualité cartusienne. VIIIe centenaire de la chartreuse de Valbonne, 1113 juin 2004. Ed. par James HOGG, Alain GIRARD et Daniel LE BLÉVEC. Salzburg, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2006, 145 p. (Analecta cartusiana, 234). 3355. Origine (L') dell'Ordine dei predicatori e l'Università di Bologna. A cura di Giovanni BERTUZZI. Bologna, Edizioni Studio domenicani, 2006, 255 p. (Philosophia, 32). 3356. PICASSO (Giorgio). Monachorum tempora seu gesta exquirere. Studi di storia monastica (secoli VIXIII). Munster, Lit, 2006, XIV-406 p. (Vita regularis. Abhandlungen, 30). IDEM. Sacri canones et monastica regula: disciplina canonica e vita monastica nella società medievale. Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2006, LV414 p. (Bibliotheca erudite, 27). 3357. ROBSON (Michael, O.F.M.Conv.). The Franciscans in the Middle Ages. Woodbridge, Boydell, 2006, XIII-239 p. (Monastic orders). 3358. Saint-Martial de Limoges: ambition politique et production culturelle (XeXIIIe siècles). Actes du colloque, Poitiers et Limoges, 2628 mai 2005. Éd. par Claude ANDRAULT-SCHMITT. Limoges, Pulim, 2006, 545 p. (ill.). 3359. Sant'Anselmo di Nonantola e i santi fondatori nella tradizione monastica tra Oriente e Occidente. Atti della giornata di studio, Nonantola, 12 aprile 2003. A cura di Riccardo FANGAREZZI, Paolo GOLINELLI e Alba Maria ORSELLI. Roma, Viella, 2006, 335 p. (pl., ill.). 3360. SENNIS (Antonio). Spazi culturali. Luoghi e discorsi nei monasteri altomedievali. Bullettino dell'Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, 2006, 108, p. 9-38. 3361. SICKERT (Ramona). Wenn Klosterbrüder zu Jahrmarktsbrüdern werden: Studien zur Wahrnehmung
c. Addendum 2005 3365. CLAVERIE (Pierre-Vincent). L'ordre du Temple en Terre sainte et à Chypre au XIIIe siècle. Nicosie, Centre de recherche scientifique, 2005, 3 vol., 412 p., 504 p., 680 p. (Sources et études de l'histoire de Chypre, 53). d. Hagiography * 3366. LONGO (Umberto). La santità medievale. Roma, Jouvence, 2006, 294 p. (Il timone bibliografico, 1). ** 3367. AELFRIC, Abbot of Eynsham. Life of Saint Basil the Great: background and context. Ed. by Gabriella CORONA. Woodbridge a. Rochester, D.S. Brewer, 2006, VIII-272 p. (Anglo-Saxon texts, 5). ** 3368. Scripta de vita Isidori Hispalensis episcopi: Braulionis Caesaraugustani episcopi Renotatio librorum domini Isidori. Redempti clerici Hispalensis Obitus beatissimi Isidori Hispalensis episcopi. Vita Sancti Isidori ab auctore anonymo saeculis XIXII exarata. Éd. par José Carlos MARTÍN. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 454 p. (Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 113 B). _______________________
3369. BENGTSSON (Anders). La vie de Sainte Geneviève: cinq versions en prose des XIVe et XVe siècles. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 2006, LXXI-219 p. (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Romanica Stockholmiensia, 21). 3370. Companion (A) to Middle English hagiography. Ed. by Sarah SALIH. Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2006, 240 p. 3371. DE BERCEO (Gonzalo). Milagros de Nuestra Señora. Ed. por Juan Carlos BAYO y Ian MICHAEL. Madrid, Castalia, 2006, 500 p. (Clásicos Castalia, 288). 3372. EGMOND (Wolfert S.). Conversing with the saints. Communication in pre-Carolinguan hagiography from Auxerre. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 230 p. 3373. Encroaching (The) desert: Egyptian hagiography and the Medieval West. Ed. by Jitse Harm Fokke DIJKSTRA and Mathilde VAN DIJK. Leiden, Brill, 2006, VIII-288 p. (ill.).
3374. Hagiographies. Histoire internationale de la littérature hagiographique latine et vernaculaire en Occident des origines à 1550 = International history of the Latin and vernacular hagiographical literature in the West from its origins to 1550 = Internationale Geschichte der lateinischen und einheimischen hagiographischen Literatur im Abendland von den Anfängen bis 1550 = Storia internazionale della letteratura agiografica latina e volgare in Occidente dalle origini a 1550. Vol. 4. Éd. par Guy PHILIPPART. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 796 p. (ill., maps). (Corpus Christianorum). 3375. Images, relics, and devotional practices in Medieval and Renaissance Italy. Ed. by Sally J. CORNELISON and Scott Bradford MONTGOMERY. Tempe, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2006, X-274 p. (ill.). (Medieval and Renaissance texts and studies, 296). 3376. Immagini di San Francesco in uno Speculum humanae salvationis del Trecento [Roma, Biblioteca dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana 55.K.2]. A cura di Chiara FRUGONI. Padova, Editrici francescane, 2006, 414 p. (Biblioteca di frate Francesco, 1). 3377. LIFSHITZ (Felice). The name of the saint: the martyrology of Jerome and access to the sacred in Francia, 627827. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2006, XIII-230 p. (Publications in Medieval studies). 3378. Miracles, vies et réécritures dans l'Occident médiéval. Actes de l'Atelièr "La réécriture des miracles (IHAP, juin 2004) et SHG X-XII: dossiers des saints de Metz et de Laon et de saint Saturnin de Toulouse. Éd. par Monique GOULLET et Martin HEINZELMANN. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2006, 415 p. (Beihefte der Francia, 65). 3379. MUELLER (Joan). The privilege of poverty. Clare of Assisi, Agnes of Prague, and the struggle for a Franciscan rule for women. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2006, 182 p. 3380. NEIL (Bronwen). Seventh-century popes and martyrs: the political hagiography of Anastasius Bibliothecarius. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, xv, 336 p. (Studia antiqua australiensia, 2). 3381. NORTON (Christopher). St. William of York. Woodbridge, York Medieval Press in association with Boydell Press, 2006, XII-273 p. (ill., maps). 3382. Ó RIAIN (Pádraig). Feastdays of the saints: a history of Irish martyrologies. Bruxelles, Société des Bollandistes, 2006, XXVII-416 p. (map). (Subsidia hagiographica, 86). 3383. PACIOCCO (Roberto). Canonizzazioni e culto dei santi nella Christianitas, 11981302. Assisi, Edizioni Porziuncola, 2006, XX-432 p. 3384. Reliques et sainteté dans l'espace médiéval. Éd. par Jean-Luc DEUFFIC. Saint-Denis, Pecia, 2006, 656 p. (ill.). (Pecia, resources en médiévistique).
3385. San Rocco: genesi e prima espansione di un culto. Incontro incontro di studio, Padova 13 febbraio 2004. A cura di Antonio RIGON e André VAUCHEZ. Bruxelles, Société des Bollandistes, 2006, X-324 p. (pl., ill.). (Subsidia hagiographica, 87). 3386. STAUNTON (Michael). Thomas Becket and his biographers. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2006, VIII246 p. (Studies in the history of Medieval religion, 28). 3387. Testi agiografici e omiletici del Medioevo germanico. XXXII Convegno dell'Associazione italiana di filologia germanica, Verona, 810 giugno 2005. Atti. A cura di Adele CIPOLLA e Mosè NICOLI. Verona, Fiorini, 2006, XI-374 p. (Medioevi. Studi, 7). 3388. WILSON (Susan E.). The life and after-life of St John of Beverley: the evolution of the cult of an Anglo-Saxon saint. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, IX-246 p. (maps). (Church, faith and culture in the Medieval West). 3389. ZIPS (Manfred). Franziskus von Assisi, vitae via: Beiträge zur Erforschung des Geschichtsbewusstseins in den deutschen Franziskusviten des Mittelalters mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutschsprachigen Werke. Wien, Praesens, 2006, 178 p. d. Addendum 2005 3390. BUCHHOLZ (Marlies). Anna selbdritt. Bilder einer wirkungsmächtigen Heiligen. Königstein, Taunus, Die Blauen Bücher, 2005, 92 p. Cf. no 2675 e. Special studies ** 3391. AYMERI PICAUD. Guide du pèlerin. Codex de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle attribué à Aymeri Picaud (XIIe siècle). Éd. par Fidel FITA, Michel RECORD et Marc CARBALUDO. Bordeaux, Éd. Sud-Ouest et Toulouse, Association de coopération interrégionale "Les chemins de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle", 2006, 191 p. (Références). ** 3392. BERNARDUS CLARAEVALLENSIS. Sermons divrers. T. 1. Sermons 1-22. Éd. par Jean LECLERCQ, Henri ROCHAIS, Charles H. TALBOT, Françoise CALLEROT et Pierre-Yves EMERY. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2006, 431 p. (Sources chrétiennes. Oeuvres complètes, 22). ** 3393. Expositiones sequentiarum. Medieval sequence commentaries and prologues: editions with introductions. Ed. by Erika KIHLMAN. Stockholm, Stockholm University, 2006, X-356 p. (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Studia Latina Stockholmiensia, 53). ** 3394. GIORDANO DA PISA. Avventuale fiorentino 1304. A cura di Silvia SERVENTI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 652 p. (Collana di studi della Fondazione Michele Pellegrino). ** 3395. GRISSAPHAN (Georgius). Visiones Georgii: Untersuchung mit synoptischer Edition der Übersetzung und Redaktion C. Hrsg. v. Bernd WEITEMEIER. Berlin, Erich Schmidt, 2006, XII-659 p. (Texte des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, 43).
13. HISTORY OF THE CHURCH AND RELIGION ** 3396. HENRICUS INSTITOR. Malleus maleficarum. Ed. by Christopher S. MACKAY. Vol. 1. latin Text. Vol. 2. The English Translation. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, 2 vol., VIII-720 p., 615 p. (maps, facs.). ** 3397. HERMANNUS WERDINENSIS. Hortus Deliciarum [Concordance]. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, VI-79 p. et 9 microfiches (Corpus Christianorum. Instrumenta lexicologica Latina. Series A. Enumeratio formarum, concordantia formarum, index formarum a tergo ordinata rum, 150). ** 3398. Homiliarium Veronense [Concordance]. Éd. par Martin LAWRENCE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, VI-38 p. et 4 microfiches (Corpus Christianorum. Instrumenta lexicologica Latina. Series A. Enumeratio formarum, concordantia formarum, index formarum a tergo ordinata rum, 122). ** 3399. Hrabani Mauri Opera exegetica. T. 1. Rabano Mauro esegeta: le fonti, i commentari. T. 2. Apparatus fontium (in Genesim – in libros Macchabeorum). T. 3. Apparatus fontium (in Mattheum, Homiliae in Evangelia et Epistolas). Indici A cura di Silvia CANTELLI BERARDUCCI. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 3 vol., 1508 p. (Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, 38, 38 A, 38 B). ** 3400. JENSEN (Brian Møller). Medieval liturgical texts in Italian manuscripts. Lewiston a. Lampeter, Edwin Mellen Press, 2006, VIII-282 p. (pl., ill., music). ** 3401. JULIAN OF NORWICH. The writings of Julian of Norwich: A vision showed to a devout woman and A revelation of love. Ed. by Nicholas WATSON and Jacqueline JENKINS. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XII-474 p. (Medieval women, 5). ** 3402. Liturgie, Ritual, Frömmigkeit und die Dynamik symbolischer Ordnungen. Hrsg. v. Helwig SCHMIDTGLINTZER. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2006, 148 p. (Wolfenbütteler Hefte, 19). ** 3403. PSEUDO-HILARIUS. Metrum in Genesin, Carmen de Evangelio: Einleitung, Text und Kommentar. Hrsg. v. Gottfried KREUZ. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2006, 456 p. (Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte, 752). ** 3404. Schriften zur Komputistik im Frankenreich von 721 bis 818. Hrsg. v. Arno BORST. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2006, 3 vol., LIV-1643 p. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Quellen zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 21). ** 3405. Sibilla Erithea Babilonica: Papsttum und Prophetie im 13. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Christian JOSTMANN. Hannover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2006, XVII-549 p. (Monumenta Germaniae historica. Schriften, 54). ** 3406. Thesaurus Benedicti Anianensis, Concordia regularum. Series A. Formae. Éd. par Paul TOMBEUR. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XIV-274 p. et 11 microfiches (Corpus Christianorum. Thesaurus Patrum Latinorum).
** 3407. Thesaurus Christiani Stabulensis. Series AB: Formae et Lemmata. Éd. par Paul TOMBEUR et Hubert MARAITE. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XV-267 p. et 10 microfiches (Corpus Christianorum. Thesaurus Patrum Latinorum). ** 3408. Thesaurus Ratherii Veronensis, necnon Leodiensis. Sermones inediti. Éd. par Paul TOMBEUR, Hubert MARAITE et Françoise DOLBEAU. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XLIII-333 p. et 24 microfiches (Corpus Christianorum. Thesaurus Patrum Latinorum). _______________________
3409. Anima und Sêle: Darstellungen und Systematisierungen von Seele im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. KatharinaSilke PHILIPOWSKI und Anne PRIOR. Berlin, Erich Schmidt, 2006, XXXV-319 p. (ill.). (Philologische Studien und Quellen, 197). 3410. ASTELL (Ann W.). Eating beauty: the Eucharist and the spiritual arts of the Middle Ages. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2006, XIII-296 p. 3411. BABENDERERDE (Cornell). Sterben, Tod, Begräbnis und liturgisches Gedächtnis bei weltlichen Reichsfürsten des Spätmittelalters. Ostfildern, Thorbecke, 2006, 271 p. (Residenzforschung, 19). 3412. BLUMENFELD-KOSINSKI (Renate). Poets, saints, and visionaries of the Great Schism, 13781417. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2006, X-240 p. (ill., maps). 3413. BORKOWSKA (Joanna). Kataryzm: spór o dualizm Ğredniowieczny. Kraków, Nomos, 2006, 256 p. 3414. BRUNN (Uwe). Des contestataires aux "cathares". Discours de réforme et propagande antihérétique dans les pays du Rhin et de la Meuse avant l'Inquisition. Paris, Institut d'études augustiniennnes, 2006, 622 pages. (Collection des Études augustiniennes. Série Moyen Âge et Temps modernes, 41). 3415. DAVIS (Adam J.). The holy bureaucrat: Eudes Rigaud and religious reform in thirteenth-century Normandy. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2006, X-268 p. 3416. DUFFY (Eamon). Marking the hours: English people and their prayers 12401570. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, XIV-201 p. (Riddell Memorial Lectures). 3417. FORD (Judy Ann). John Mirk's Festial: orthodoxy, Lollardy, and the common people in fourteenthcentury England. Cambridge, S. Brewer, 2006, 168 p. 3418. Friedrich Reiser und die "waldensisch-hussitische Internationale" im 15. Jahrhundert. Akten der Tagung Ötisheim-Schönenberg, 2. bis 4. Oktober 2003. Hrsg. v. Albert de LANGE und Kathrin Utz TREMP. Ubstadt-Weiher, Verlag Regionalkultur, 2006, 344 p. (Waldenserstudien, 3). 3419. Fromme Frauen – unbequeme Frauen? Weibliches Religiosentum im Mittelalter. Hrsg. v. Edeltraud KLUETING. Hildesheim, Olms, 2006, VIII-255 p. (Hildesheimer Forschungen. Tagungs- und Forschungsberichte aus der Dombibliothek Hildesheim, 3).
3420. GARNETT (George). Marsilius of Padua and 'the truth of history'. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, VIII-221 p. 3421. GASC (Jean-Louis). Les Cathares. Paris, Trajectoire, 2006, 468 p. (Les incontournables). 3422. Germania Sacra. Historisch-statistische Beschreibung der Kirche des Alten Reiches. NF. 45. Die Bistümer der Kirchenprovinz Mainz. Das Bistum Eichstätt 1. Die Bischofsreihe bis 1535. Im Auftrage des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte bearb. v. Alfred WENDEHORST. NF. 46. Die Bistümer der Kirchenprovinz Mainz. Das Bistum Hildesheim. 4. Die Hildesheimer Bischöfe von 1221 bis 1398. Im Auftrage des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte bearb. v. Nathalie KRUPPA und Jürgen WILKE. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2006, 2 vol., XII-296 p., XI-666 p. 3423. Haus Gottes, das seid ihr selbst: mittelalterliches und barockes Kirchenverständnis im Spiegel der Kirchweihe. Hrsg. v. Ralf M. W. STAMMBERGER, Claudia STICHER und Annekatrin WARNKE. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2006, 678 p. (Erudiri Sapientia, 6). 3424. Heresy and the persecuting society in the Middle Ages. Essays on the work of R. I. Moore. Ed. by Michael FRASSETTO. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XI-338 p. (Studies in the history of Christian traditions, 129). 3425. HOPPER (Sarah). Mothers, mystics and merrymakers: Medieval women pilgrims. Stroud, Sutton Publishing, 2006, XVII-206 p. (pl., ill., maps). 3426. HORIE (Ruth). Perceptions of ecclesia: church and soul in Medieval dedication sermons. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XII-247 p. (Sermo. Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation sermons and preaching, 2). 3427. Innovation and tradition in the writings of the Venerable Bede. Ed. by Scott DE GREGORIO. Morgantown, West Virginia U. P., 2006, XII-287 p. (Medieval European studies, 7). 3428. Ireland and Europe in the twelfth century. Reform and renewal. Ed. by Damian BRACKEN and Dagmar Oғ RIAIN-RAEDEL. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2006, 281 p. 3429. JULEROT (Véronique). La première entrée de l'évêque: réflexions sur son origine. Revue historique, 2006, 639, p. 635-675. 3430. KÄMMERER (Carmen Maria). Codeswitching in Predigten des 15. Jahrhunderts: Mittellatein – Frühneuhochdeutsch, Mittellatein – Altitalienisch/Altspanisch. Berlin, Logos Verlag, 2006, 605 p. (ill.). (Studies in eurolinguistics, 4). 3431. KEMPER (Tobias A.). Die Kreuzigung Christi: motivgeschichtliche Studien zu lateinischen und deutschen Passionstraktaten des Spätmittelalters. Tübingen, Niemeyer, 2006, XI-563 p. (Münchener Texte und Untersuchungen zur deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, 131). 3432. KRAS (Paweá). Ad abolendam diversarum haeresium pravitatem: system inkwizycyjny w Ğredniowiecznej Europie. (System of inquisition in Medieval Europe). Lublin, Wydawnictwo KUL, 2006, 532 p. (ill).
3433. LUTTON (Robert). Lollardy and Orthodox religion in pre-Reformation England: reconstructing piety. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell and Brewer for the Royal Historical Society, 2006, XVI-236 p. (ill., tab., maps). (Studies in History). 3434. MAC MAHON (Robert). Understanding the Medieval meditative ascent: Augustine, Anselm, Boethius and Dante. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2006, XIV-284 p. 3435. MAGILL (Kevin J.). Julian of Norwich: mystic or visionary? London, Routledge, 2006, VIII-180 p. (Routledge studies in Medieval religion and culture). 3436. Making (The) of Christian myths in the periphery of Latin Christendom (c. 10001300). Ed. by Lars Boje MORTENSEN. København, Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen, 2006, 348 p. (ill., maps). 3437. MEIER (Esther). Die Gregorsmesse: Funktionen eines spätmittelalterlichen Bildtypus. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, 335 p. (pl., ill.). 3438. MERCIER (Franck). La vauderie d'Arras: une chasse aux sorcières à l'automne du Moyen-Âge. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 413 p. (pl., ill.). (Histoire). 3439. MÉRIAUX (Charles). Gallia irradiata: saints et sanctuaires dans le nord de la Gaule du haut Moyen Âge. Stuttgart, F. Steiner, 2006, 428 p. (Beiträge zur Hagiographie, 4). 3440. MORENZONI (Franco). Le prédicateur et l'inquisiteur. Les tribulations de Baptiste de Mantoue à Genève en 1430. Avec la collab. d'Isabelle JEGER. Lyon, Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2006, 229 p. (Collection d'histoire et d'archéologie médiévales, 19). 3441. NERBANO (Mara). Il teatro della devozione: confraternite e spettacolo nell'Umbria medievale. Perugia, Morlacchi, 2006, XX-412 p. (ill., plans). (Morlacchi spettacolo. Saggi, 1). 3442. Old Norse religion in long-term perspectives: origins, changes, and interactions. An international conference in Lund, Sweden, June 37, 2004. Ed. by Anders ANDRÉN, Kristina JENNBERT and Catharina RAUDVERE. Lund, Nordic Academic, 2006, 416 p. (ill., maps). (Vägar till Midgård, 8). 3443. ONUKI (Toshio). Ottǀ-chǀ-ki no teikoku-shikyǀ to Rotaringien: Ottǀ-issei-ki verudan-shikyou-za no bunseki wo tsnjjite. (The Lotharingian bishops under Ottonian ruler: an analysis of the bishopric of Verdun during the reign of Otto I). Shigaku Zasshi, 2006, 115, 12, p. 64-85 [Eng. summary]. 3444. Pilgerreisen in Mittelalter und Renaissance. Hrsg. v. Barbara HAUPT und Wilhelm G. BUSSE. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2006, 220 p. (ill.). (Studia humaniora, 41). 3445. Prière (La) en latin de l'Antiquité au XVIe siècle. Formes, évolutions, significations. Ed. par JeanFrançois COTTIER. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, 519 p.
14. SETTLEMENTS. PLACE NAMES. TOWN PLANNING 3446. Promissory notes on the treasury of merits: indulgences in late Medieval Europe. Ed. by Robert Norman SWANSON. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XII-360 p. (Brill's companions to the Christian tradition, 5). 3447. RAMSEYER (Valerie). The transformation of a religious landscape: Medieval Southern Italy 850–1150. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2006, XIV-222 p. (Conjunctions of religion and power in the Medieval past). 3448. RANFT (Patricia). The theology of work: Peter Damian and the Medieval religious renewal movement. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 264 p. (The new Middle Ages). 3449. Ricordo (Il) del futuro: Gioacchino da Fiore e il gioachimismo attraverso la storia. A cura di Fabio TRONCARELLI. Bari, Mario Adda, 2006, 437 p., 1 CDROM (ill.). 3450. RIEDER (Paula M.). On the purification of women: churching in northern France, 1100–1500. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 257 p. (New Middle Ages). 3451. SANZ SANCHO (Iluminado). La Iglesia de Córdoba (12361454), una diocesis de la provincia eclesíastica de Toledo en la Baja Edad Media. Pról. de Miguel Ángel LADERO QUESADA. Madrid, Fundación Ramón Aceres, 2006, 699 p. 3452. SCHÄUFELE (Wolf-Friedrich). "Defecit Ecclesia": Studien zur Verfallsidee in der Kirchengeschichtsanschauung des Mittelalters. Mainz, Von Zabern, 2006, VIII-408 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, Abteilung für Abendländische Religionsgeschichte, 213). 3453. SEWARD (Desmond). The burning of the vanities: Savonarola and the Borgia Pope. Stroud, Sutton, 2006, VI-309 p. (pl., ill., tab.). 3454. SPEAR (David S.). The personnel of the Norman cathedrals during the ducal period, 9111204. London, University of London, School of Advanced Study, Institute of Historical Research, 2006, XL-344 p. (Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae). 3455. TAKADA (Ryota). Chnjsei-kǀki Kureta ni okeru kyǀkai to komyunithƯ. (Churches and communities in late Medieval Crete). Shirin, 2006, 89, 2, p. 68-102 [Eng. summary]. 3456. TIMM (Frederike). Der Palästina-Pilgerbericht des Bernhard von Breidenbach und die Holzschnitte Erhard Reuwichs. Die Peregrinatio in terram sanctam (1486) als Propagandainstrument im Mantel der gelehrten Pilgerschrift. Stuttgart, Hauswedell, 2006, 622 p. 3457. URE (John). Pilgrimage: the great adventure of the Middle Ages. London, Constable, 2006, IX-258 p. (pl., ill., map).
§ 14. Settlements. Place names. Town planning. _______________________
3459. ABELLÁN PÉREZ (Juan). La ciudad de Jerez de la Frontera y el reino de Granada. Helsinki, Academia scientiarum Fennica, 2006, 215 p. 3460. ANDERSEN (Per). Det siste norske landnåmet i Vesterled: Cumbria-nordvest England. (The last Norwegian settlement in Vesterled: Cumbria, northwest England). Oslo, Unipub, 2006, 159 p. (ill., maps). 3461. BALDWIN (John W.). Paris, 1200. Paris, Aubier, 2006, 471 p. 3462. BENNI (Giovanna). Incastellamento e signorie rurali nell'Alta valle del Tevere tra Alto e Basso Medioevo: il territorio di Umbertide (Perugia, Italia). Oxford, John and Erica Hedges, 2006, viii, 198 p. (Notebooks on Medieval topography, 6). 3463. BOAS (Adrian J.). Archaeology of the military orders: a survey of the urban centres, rural settlement and castles of the Military Orders in the Latin East (c. 11201291). London, Routledge, 2006, XVII-318 p. (ill., maps). 3464. Città e vita cittadina nei paesi dell'area mediterranea, secoli XIXV: atti del convegno internazionale in onore di Salvatore Tramontana: Adrano-BronteCatania-Palermo, 1822 novembre 2003. A cura di Biagio SAITTA. Roma, Viella, 2006, 831 p. [Cf. no 2772.] 3465. Espacio (El) urbano en la Europa medieval. Ed. por Beatriz ARÍZAGA BOLUMBURU y Jesús Ángel SOLÓRZANO TELECHEA. Logroño, Gobierno de La Rioja, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 2006, 623 p. (Actas). 3466. FRAY (Jean-Luc). Villes et bourgs de Lorraine. Réseaux urbains et centralité au Moyen Âge. ClermontFerrand, Presses universitaires Blaise-Pascal, 2006, 552 p. 3467. GÜNDISCH (Konrad). Sistemul urban medieval din Transilvania. Geneză úi dezvoltare. (The urban Medieval system from Transylvania. Genesis and development). In: Oraúe úi orăúeni. Városok és városlakók. Cluj-Napoca, Editura Argonaut, 2006, p. 49-63. 3468. Medieval Devon and Cornwall. Shaping an ancient countryside. Ed. by Sam TURNER. Mac Clesfield, Windgather Press, 2006, 176 p. 3469. Place (A) to believe in: locating Medieval landscapes. Ed. by Clare A LESS and Gillian R. OVERING. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2006, VIII-272 p.
3458. WEISS (Bardo). Der dreieine Schöpfer und die frühen deutschen Mystikerinnen. Paderborn, F. Schöningh, 2006, 846 p.
3470. SATO (Hitomi). Itaria jun-toshi kyǀdǀtai no keisei to hatten: Kazare-MonferƗto to zaichi funsǀ. (The formation and development of communities of a "quasi-city" in northern Italy during the Middle Ages). Shirin, 2006, 89, 2, p. 36-67 [Eng. summary].
Cf. no 2728
Cf. nos 145-179, 2614, 2754
K MODERN HISTORY, GENERAL WORKS _________ § 1. General. 3471-3528. – § 2. History by countries. 3529-4618. § 1. General. _______________________
* 3471. Bibliographie zur Zeitgeschichte. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, [s. p.]. * 3472. GREGOR (Neil). Politics, culture, political culture: recent work on the Third Reich and its aftermath [Review article]. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 3, p. 643-683.
3482. BAJOHR (Frank), POHL (Dieter). Der Holocaust als offenes Geheimnis. Die Deutschen, die NSFührung und die Alliierten. München, Beck, 2006, 156 p. 3483. BAUERKÄMPER (Arnd). Der Faschismus in Europa 19181945. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2006, 211 p. 3484. BENZ (Wolfgang). Ausgrenzung, Vertreibung, Völkermord. Genozid im 20. Jahrhundert. München, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2006, 190 p.
* 3473. Igirisu kin-gendai josƝshi kenkynj nynjmon. (Women's history in modern Britain: A guide to historical study). Ed. by Sadae KAWAMURA and Kei IMAI. Tokyo, Aoki Shoten, 2006, 374 p.
3485. BERGHAHN (Volker R.). Europe in the era of two World Wars. From militarism and genocide to civil society, 19001950. Princeton, Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2006, 163 p.
* 3474. LANG (Michael). Globalization and its history [Review article]. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 4, p. 899-931.
3486. Break-up of political unions – from the Kalmar Union to five Nordic nation-states. Ed. by Guÿmundur HÁLFDANARSON. Scandinavian journal of history, 2006, 31, 3, p. 201-327. [Contents: HÁLFDANARSON (Guÿmundur). From one, to two, to five (p. 201204). GUSTAFSSON (Harald). A State that failed? (p. 205-220). BARTON (H. Arnold). Finland and Norway, 18081917 (p. 221-236). HÁLFDANARSON (Guÿmundur). Severing the ties – Iceland's journey from a union with Denmark to a nation-state (p. 237-254). ASDAL (Kristin). Making space with medicine (p. 255269). BERG (Roald), JAKOBSSON (Eva). Nature and diplomacy: the struggle over the Scandinavian border rivers in 1905 (p. 270-289). SILTALA (Juha). National rebirth out of young blood (p. 290-307). ALENIUS (Kari). Unification with Sweden, autonomy, federal self-government? (p. 308-327)].
* 3475. SARTORI (Andrew). The British Empire and its liberal mission [Review article]. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 3, p. 623-642. * 3476. WOLFF (Larry). Revising Eastern Europe: memory and the nation in recent historiography [Review article]. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 1, p. 93-118. ** 3477. Modern Middle East (The). a sourcebook for history. Ed. by Camron Michael AMIN, Benjamin C. FORTNA and Elizabeth B. FRIERSON. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XL-657 p. _______________________
3478. ARMOUR (Ian D.). A history of Eastern Europe, 17401918. London, Hodder Arnold, 2006, 288 p. 3479. BABEROWSKI (Jörg), DOERING-MANTEUFFEL (Anselm). Ordnung durch Terror. Gewaltexzesse und Vernichtung im nationalsozialistischen und stalinistischen Imperium. Bonn, Dietz, 2006, 116 p.
3487. Centre et centrisme en Europe aux XIXe et XXe siècles: regards croisés. Sous la dir. de Sylvie GUILLAUME et Jean GARRIGUES. Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2006, 288 p. (Collection "La cité européenne", 37).
3480. BABEROWSKI (Jörg). Stalinismus als Demokratie? Anmerkungen zu Luciano Canfora. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 3, p. 385-397.
3488. Chnjǀ Yǀroppa no kanǀsƝ: Yureugoku sono rekishi to shakai. (The possibilities of Central Europe: Its oscillating history and society). Ed. by Atsushi OTSURU. Kyoto, Showado, 2006, 347 p.
3481. BABÍK (Milan). Nazism as a secular religion. History and theory, 2006, 45, 3, p. 375-396.
3489. COJESCU (Norica-Maria). Liberalismul european úi liberalismul românesc în secolul al XIX-lea.
(European and Romanian liberalism in the 19th c.). Studii úi Materiale de Istorie Modernă, 2006, 19, p. 7-40. 3490. CUHRA (Jaroslav), ELLINGER (JiĜí), GJURIýOVÁ (Adéla), SMETANA (Vít). ýeské zemČ v evropských dČjinách. 4, od roku 1918. (The Bohemian lands into the European history. Tomo 4. since 1918). Litomyšl, Paseka, 2006, 358 p. (ill.). 3491. CVIRN (Janez). Nationale Differenzierung und politische Verhältnisse im Dreiländereck (18481918). In: Das österreichisch-italienisch-slovenische Dreiländereck: Ursachen und Folgen der nationalstaatlichen Dreiteilung einer Region. Hrsg. v. Tina BAHOVEC und Teodor DOMEJ. Klagenfurt, Mohorjeva Hermagoras, 2006, p. 197-260. 3492. Definitionsmacht, Utopie, Vergeltung: "Ethnische Säuberungen" im östlichen Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Ulf BRUNNBAUER, Michael G. ESCH und Holm SUNDHAUSSEN. Munster, Lit Verlag, 2006, 301 p. (Geschichte: Forschung und Wissenschaft, 9).
hrsg. von Matthias SCHNETTGER – Marcello VERGA. Bologna, Il Mulino e Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2006, 497 p. (Annali dell'Istituto storico-italo-germanico in Trento-Jahrbuch des italienisch-deutschen historischen Instituts in Trient, Contributi-Beiträge 17). 3501. Izquierda revolucionaria (La) en Centroamérica: de la Lucha Armada a la participación electoral. Ed. por Salvador MARTÍ I PUIG and Carlos FIGUEROA IBARRA. Madrid, Los libros de la Catarata, 2006, 223 p. 3502. JUDSON (Pieter M.). Guardians of the nation. Activists on the language frontiers of Imperial Austria. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2006, XVI-313 p. 3503. JWAIDEH (Wadie). The Kurdish national movement: its origins and development. Foreword by Martin VAN BRUINESSEN. Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 2006, XX419 p. (ill., map). (Contemporary issues in the Middle East. Mohamed El-Hindi books on Arab culture and Islamic civilization).
3493. DENIZE (Eugen). RelaĠiile româno-spaniole până la începutul secolului al XIX-lea. (Romanian and Spanish relations until the beginnig of the 19th century). Târgoviúte, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2006, 259 p.
3504. KIEßLING (Simon). Die antiautoritäre Revolte der 68er. Postindustrielle Konsumgesellschaft und säkulare Religionsgeschichte der Moderne. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2006, 314 p.
3494. ENGELS (Jens Ivo). Politische Korruption in der Moderne. Debatten und Praktiken in Großbritannien und Deutschland im 19. Jahrhundert. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 282, 2, p. 313-350.
3505. Kun sota on ohi. Sodista selviytymisen ongelmia ja niiden ratkaisumalleja 1900-luvulla. (When the war is over. Management of the aftermath of wars and models of solving post war challenges in the 20th century). Toim. Petri KARONEN ja Kerttu TARJAMO. Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006, 409 p. (ill). (Historiallinen arkisto, 124).
3495. Europa (De) a las Américas: dirigentes y liderazgos (1880–1960). Ed. por Alicia BERNASCONI y Carina FRID; prólogo de Fernando DEVOTO. Buenos Aires, Editorial Biblos, 2006, 243 p. 3496. HARNA (Josef). Krize evropské demokracie a ýeskoslovensko 30. let 20. století. Srovnávací sonda. (The crisis of the European democracy in the 30's of the 20th century. A comparative sound). Praha. Historický ústav AV ýR, 2006, 183 p. 3497. Heilige Römische Reich (Das) und sein Ende 1806. Zäsur in der deutschen und europäischen Geschichte. Hrsg. v. Peter Claus HARTMANN und Florian SCHULLER. Regensburg, Pustet, 2006, 160 p. 3498. HIPPLER (Thomas). Soldats et citoyens. Naissance du service militaire en France et en Prusse. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2006, 357 p. 3499. Historical perspectives on anti-Americanism [AHR Forum]. American historical review, 2006, 111, 4, p. 1041-1129. [Contents: GRANDIN (Greg). Your Americanism and mine: Americanism and anti-Americanism in the Americas (p. 1042-1066). GIENOW-HECHT (Jessica C. E.). Always blame the Americans: anti-Americanism in Europe in the twentieth century (p. 10671091). COHEN (Warren I.), BERNKOPF TUCKER (Nancy). America in Asian eyes (p. 1092-1119). COLE (Juan). Anti-Americanism: it's the policies (p. 1120– 1129)]. 3500. Impero (L') e l'Italia nella prima età moderna / Das Reich und Italien in der Frühen Neuzeit. A cura di /
3506. MAZLISH (Bruce). The new global history. New York, Routledge, 2006, VII-131 p. 3507. MERIGGI (Marco). L'Europa dall'Otto al Novecento. Roma, Carocci, 2006, 165 p. 3508. MOELLER (Robert G.). On the history of manmade destruction: loss, death, memory, and Germany in the bombing war. History workshop, 2006, 61, p. 103134. 3509. MOYA (José C.). A continent of immigrants: postcolonial shifts in the Western hemisphere. Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 1, p. 1-28. 3510. Nationalisierung der Religion und Sakralisierung der Nation im östlichen Europa. Hrsg. v. Martin Schulze WESSEL. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2006, 272 p. (Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mitteleuropa, 27). 3511. Nationalism in the New World. Ed. by Don H. DOYLE and Marco Antonio PAMPLONA. Athens a. London, University of Georgia Press, 2006, IX-315 p. (ill., maps). [Cf. nos 3546, 3553, 3593, 3619, 3628, 3651, 3679, 4192.] 3512. NICE (Jason A.). 'The Peculiar Place of God': Early Modern representations of England and France. English historical review, 2006, 121, 493, p. 10021018.
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 3513. No man's land of violence. Extreme wars in the 20th century. Ed. by Alf LÜDTKE and Bernd WEISBROD, with contributions by Richard BESSEL, Joanna BOURKE, Janet CHERRY, Michael GEYER, Wolfgang HÖPKEN, Alan KRAMER, Alf LÜDTKE, Gyanendra PANDEY and Bernd WEISBROD. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2006, 282 p. (Göttinger Gespräche zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 24). 3514. Parallele Geschichte? Italien und Deutschland, 19452000. Hrsg. v. Gian Enrico RUSCONI und Hans WOLLER. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2006, 574 p. (Schriften des Italienisch-Deutschen historischen Instituts in Trient, 20). 3515. PIPPIDI (Andrei). Byzantins, Ottomans, Roumains: le Sud-Est européen entre l'héritage impérial et les influences occidentals. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2006, 380 p. (Bibliothèque d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 19). 3516. PRO RUIZ (Juan). Figure du cacique, figure du caudillo: les langages de la construction nationale en Espagne et en Argentine, 18081930. Genèses, 2006, 62, p. 27-48. 3517. Reiche und Territorien in Ostmitteleuropa. Historische Beziehungen und politische Herrschaftslegitimation. Hrsg. v. Dietmar WILLOWEIT und Hans LEMBERG. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, 449 p. (Völker, Staaten und Kulturen in Ostmitteleuropa, 2). 3518. Revolution and resistance in Eastern Europe: challenges to Communist rule. Ed. by Kevin MAC DERMOTT and Matthew STIBBE; foreword by Pavel SEIFTER. New York, Berg, 2006, XIV-210 p. 3519. ROBERTS (David D.). The totalitarian experiment in twentieth century Europe: understanding the poverty of great politics. New York, Routledge, 2006, XII-579 p. 3520. RÖDDER (Andreas). Klios neue Kleider. Theoriedebatten um eine Kulturgeschichte der Politik in der Moderne [Neue Historische Literatur]. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 283, 3, p. 657-688. 3521. SCHORN-SCHÜTTE (Luise). Politische Kommunikation in der Frühen Neuzeit: Obrigkeitskritik im Alten Reich. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 3, p. 273-314. 3522. TANAKA (Takuji). Hinkon to Kyǀwakoku: Shakaiteki rentai no tanjǀ. (Poverty and the Republic: the birth of social solidarity). Kyoto, Jimbun Shoin, 2006, 300 p. 3523. TERWEY (Susanne). Moderner Antisemitismus in Großbritannien, 18991919. Über die Funktion von Vorurteilen sowie Einwanderung und nationale Identität. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2006, 278 p. 3524. Totalitarian and authoritarian regimes in Europe. Legacies and lessons from the twentieth century. Ed. by Jerzy E. BOREJSZA and Klaus ZIEMER. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn, 2006, XIV-607 p.
3525. WEINER (Amir). The empires pay a visit: Gulag returnees, East European rebellions, and Soviet frontier politics. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 2, p. 333-376. 3526. What is a nation? Europe 17891914. Ed. by Timothy BAYCROFT and Mark HEWITSON. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XIII-377 p. 3527. ZIBLATT (Daniel). Structuring the state: the formation of Italy and Germany and the puzzle of federalism. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2006, XIII-220 p. (map). 3528. ZIMMER (Oliver). Nation und Religion. Von der Imagination des Nationalen zur Verarbeitung von Nationalisierungsprozessen. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 283, 3, p. 617-656. Cf. nos 534-615, 4467, 4503, 4829, 5614, 6006-6077 § 2. History by countries. _______________________
Afghanistan 3529. KAKAR (M. Hassan). A political and diplomatic history of Afghanistan, 18631901. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, XII-259 p. (ill., maps). (Brill's Inner Asian library, 17). 3530. MISDAQ (Nabi). Afghanistan: political frailty and external interference. London, Routledge, 2006, XX-351 p. (ill., maps). (Routledge studies in Middle Eastern history, 6). Albania ** 3531. Dokumente ruse për lëvizjen Kombëtare shqiptare më 1912. (Documenti russi sul movimento nazionale albanese). Hulumtuan, përzgjodhën dhe përgatitën Muhamet SHATRI, Ramiz ABDYLI. Prishtinë, Instituti i Historisë, 2006, 371 p. ** 3532. FRASHËRI (Kristo). Historia e lëvizjes së majtë në Shqipëri dhë e themelimit të PKSh-se, 1878 1941: vështrim historik me një shtojcë dokumentare. Tiranë, AShSh, 2006, 471 p. (ill.). ** 3533. Shqipëria në dokumentet e arkivave ruse. (L'Albania nei documenti degli archivi russi). Përgatitën Islam LAUKA, Eshref YMERI. Tiranë, Toena, 2006, 372 p. _______________________
3534. BUTKA (Uran). Lufta civile në Shqipëri, 1943 1945. (Guerra civile in Albania, 19431945). Tiranë, Drier, 2006, 626 p. 3535. DYRMISHI (Demir). Problemi i partive politike në Shqipëri (19411944). (The problem of the political parties in Albania, 19411944). Studime Historike, 2006, 1-2, p. 81-94. 3536. GAWRYCH (George W.). The crescent and the eagle: Ottoman rule, Islam and the Albanians, 1874– 1913. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2006, XI-260 p. (Library of Ottoman studies). 3537. KRASNIQI (Afrim). Partitë politike në Shqipëri, 19202006: historia dhe tiparet e partive, të parlamen-
teve dhe të zhvillimeve politike. (I partiti politici in Albania. Storia e caratteristiche dei partiti, i parlamenti e gli sviluppi politici). Tiranë, Eurorilindja, 2006, 379 p.
durante el primer gobierno de Juan Manuel de Rosas. Buenos Aires, ED, Ediciones Cooperativas, 2006, 230 p.
3538. PEARSON (Owen). Albania as dictatorship and democracy: from isolation to the Kosovo War, 1946 1998. London, Centre for Albanian Studies in association with I. B. Tauris, 2006, XV-749 p. (Albania in the twentieth century: a history, 3).
3550. KARSTEDT (Susanne von). Akteure, Ideologien, Instrumente: Grundzüge der US-amerikanischen und argentinischen Indianerpolitik (18531899) im Vergleich. Berlin, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin, 2006, 612 p. (maps).
Cf. no 6443
3551. LETTIERI (Alberto Rodolfo). La construcción de la república de la opinión: Buenos Aires frente al interior en la década de 1850. Buenos Aires, Prometeo Libros, 2006, 342 p.
Algeria ** 3539. Algérie (L') en 1954: document d'archive. Présenté par Tayeb CHENNTOUF. Alger, Office des publications universitaires, 2006, 335 p. _______________________
3540. BELKHERROUBI (Abdelmadjid). La naissance et la reconnaissance de la république algérienne. Préface de Georges ABI-SAAB. Alger, ENAG éditions, 2006, 175 p.
3552. MAC LACHLAN (Colin M.). Argentina: what went wrong. Forew. by Douglas BRINKLEY. Westport, Praeger, 2006, XVI-221 p. 3553. MYERS (Jorge). Language, history, and politics in Argentine identity, 18401880. In: Nationalism in the New World [Cf. no 3511], p. 117-142.
3541. MAC DOUGALL (James). History and the culture of nationalism in Algeria. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XII-266 p. (Cambridge Middle East studies, 24).
3554. Peronismo bonaerense (El): partido y prácticas políticas, 19461955. Ed. por Julio César MELON PIRRO y Nicolás QUIROGA. Mar del Plata, Ediciones Suárez, 2006, 219 p. (maps).
3542. PATTIEU (Sylvain). Les camarades des frères: trotskistes et libertaires dans la guerre d'Algérie. Préface de Mohammed HARBI. Alger, Casbah, 2006, 254 p.
3555. Políticas sociales (Las) en perspectiva histórica: Argentina, 1870–1952. Ed. por Daniel LVOVICH y Juan SURIANO. Los Polvorines, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento y Buenos Aires, Prometeo Libros, 2006, 229 p.
Angola Cf. no 6181 Antigua and Barbuda 3543. BUHLE (Paul). Tim Hector: a Caribbean radical's story. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2006, VIII-272 p. Argentina 3544. BELL (Lawrence D.). In the name of the community: populism, ethnicity, and politics among the Jews of Argentina under Perón, 1946–1955. Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 1, p. 93-122. 3545. CAVIGLIA (Mariana). Dictadura, vida cotidiana y clases medias: una sociedad fracturada. Buenos Aires, Prometeo, 2006, 344 p. (ill.). (Colección de historia argentina). 3546. DELANEY (Jeane). Imagining la raza Argentina. In: Nationalism in the New World [Cf. no 3511], p. 143-161. 3547. GALLO (Klaus). The struggle for an enlightened republic: Buenos Aires and Rivadavia. London, Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London, 2006, 91 p. 3548. HERRERO (Alejandro). La nación prometida: la resistencia correntina a la autoridad de Juan Manuel de Rosas, 18431847. Buenos Aires, Ediciones Cooperativas, 2006, 211 p. 3549. HERRERO (Fabián). Constitución y federalismo: la opción de los unitarios convertidos al federalismo
3556. RAPOPORT (Mario). Historia económica, política y social de la Argentina (18802003). Colaboradores, Eduardo MADRID, Andrés MUSACCHIO y Ricardo VICENTE. Buenos Aires, Ariel, 2006, 1037 p. (ill.). 3557. RUIZ JIMÉNEZ (Laura). La Argentina con porvenir: los debates sobre la democracia y el modelo de desarrollo en los partidos y la prensa, 19261946. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva y Fundación José Ortega y Gasset, 2006, 252 p. (ill.). (Colección El Arquero, 9). 3558. SABORIDO (Jorge), DE PRIVITELLIO (Luciano). Breve historia de la Argentina. Madrid, Alianza, 2006, 558 p. (El Libro de bolsillo, 4247. Humanidades / Historia). 3559. TCACH ABAD (César), RODRÍGUEZ (Celso). Arturo Illia: un sueño breve: el rol del peronismo y de los Estados Unidos en el golpe militar de 1966. Buenos Aires, Edhasa, 2006, 313 p.: ill. (Ensayo). 3560. VERDO (Geneviève). L'indépendance argentine, entre cités et nations (18081821). Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2006, 477 p. Cf. nos 4596, 4891, 5498 Armenia 3561. PANOSSIAN (Razmik). The Armenians: from kings and priests to merchants and commissars. New York, Columbia U. P., 2006, XVIII-442 p. Cf. no 6793
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES Australia 3562. CLUNE (David), GRIFFITH (Gareth). Decision and deliberation: the Parliament of New South Wales 18562003. Sydney, Federation Press, 2006, XV-735 p. (ill.). 3563. DOUKAKIS (Anna). The Aboriginal people, parliament and "protection" in New South Wales, 1856 1916. Annandale, Federation Press, 2006, VIII-195 p. 3564. SKOROBOGATYKH (Natal'ja S.). Vekhi konstitutsionnogo puti Avstralii (1788–2000 gg.). (The stages of constitutional development of Austrialia, 1788– 2000). RAN, In-t vostokovedenija. Moskva, IV RAN, 2006, 239 p. (ill; portr.; bibl. p. 204-231). [English summary]. Cf. no 6242 Austria ** 3565. "Dieses Österreich retten –": die Protokolle der Parteitage der Christlichsozialen Partei in der Ersten Republik. Hrsg. v. Robert KRIECHBAUMER. Wien, Böhlau, 2006, 485 p. (Schriftenreihe des Forschungsinstitutes für Politisch-Historische Studien der Dr.-WilfriedHaslauer-Bibliothek, 27). ** 3566. DE GASPERI (Alcide). Scritti e discorsi politici. Edizione critica. Vol. 1. Alcide De Gasperi nel Trentino asburgico. A cura di Elena TONEZZER, Mariapia BIGARAN e Maddalena GUIOTTO. Con un saggio introduttivo di Paolo POMBENI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 2 vol., 2105 p. ** 3567. Ministerratsprotokolle (Die) Österreichs und der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie, 1848–1918. Ser. 1. Die Protokolle des Österreichischen Ministerrates, 18481867. Hrsg. vom Österreichischen Ost- und Südosteuropa-Institut. Red.: Stefan MALFÈR. Abt. 2. Das Ministerium Schwarzenberg. Redaktion Waltraud HEINDL. Band 3. 1. Mai 185030. September 1850. Bearbeitet und eingeleitet von Thomas KLETEýKA. Wien, ÖBV & HPT, 2006, XLII-361 p. ** 3568. Protokolle des Ministerrates der Ersten Republik. Abt. 9. 29. Juli 1934 bis 11. März 1938. Gesamtredaktion Peter MÄHNER. Bd. 6. Kabinett Dr. Kurt Schuschnigg, 27. August 1936 bis 4. November 1936. Bearbeiterin Christa PUTZ. Wien, Verlag Österreich, 2006, LXXXI-439 p. _______________________
3569. CVIRN (Janez). Razvoj ustavnosti in parlamentarizma v Habsburški monarhiji: Dunajski državni zbor in Slovenci (18481918). (Developement of constitutionality and parliamentarism in the Habsburg Monarchy: the Vienna National Assembly and Slovenes, 18481918). Ljubljana, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za zgodovino, 2006, 320 p. 3570. EXNER (Gudrun), SCHIMANY (Peter). Amtliche Statistik und Judenverfolgung. Die Volkszählung von 1939 in Österreich und die Erfassung der österreichischen Juden. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 1, p. 93-118.
3571. Habsburgermonarchie (Die) 1620 bis 1740: Leistungen und Grenzen des Absolutismusparadigmas. Hrsg. v. Petr MAT'A und Thomas WINKELBAUER. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2006, 474 p. (Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mitteleuropa, 24). 3572. KELLY (T. Mills). Without remorse: Czech National Socialism in late-Habsburg Austria. Boulder, East European Monographs, 2006, III-235 p. (East European monographs, 689). 3573. LEIN (Richard). Zurück aus dem Krieg: die Kriegsgefangenen- und Heimkehrerfürsorge der Republik Österreich nach dem 2. Weltkrieg. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2006, 239 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zur neueren Geschichte Österreichs, 22). 3574. MAUHART (Beppo). Ein Stück des Weges gemeinsam: die Ära Kreisky/Androsch – das "Goldene Jahrzehnt" – in Texten und Bildern. Mit Beiträgen von Peter JANKOWITSCH: Aussenpolitik, und Günther STEINBACH: Sozialpolitik. Wien, Echomedia, 2006, 511 p. (ill.). 3575. MUELLER (Wolfgang). Stalin, Renner und die Wiedergeburt Österreichs nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, 1, p. 125154. 3576. RATHKOLB (Oliver). Internationalisierung Österreichs seit 1945. Innsbruck, Studienverlag, 2006, 106 p. (Österreich, Zweite Republik, 15). 3577. STIFTER (Gerald). Die ÖVP [Österreichische Volkspartei] in der Ära Kreisky 1970–1983. Innsbruck, Wien und Bozen, StudienVerlag, 2006, 378 p. 3578. TRINCHESE (Stefano). L'altro De Gasperi: un italiano nell'impero asburgico, 18811918. Prefazione di Pietro SCOPPOLA. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, XXVII-248 p. (Quadrante Laterza, 135). 3579. TSCHEGG (Kurt). Sebastian Ritter von Froschauer, erster Landeshauptmann von Vorarlberg 1861 1873: die Anfänge des Parlamentarismus in Vorarlberg. Feldkirch, Rheticus-Gesellschaft, 2006, 201 p. (ill., map). (Schriftenreihe der Rheticus Gesellschaft, 46). 3580. Wiederaufbau in Österreich, 19451955: Rekonstruktion oder Neubeginn? Hrsg. v. Ernst BRUCKMÜLLER. Wien, Verlag für Geschichte und Politik u. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, 210 p. (ill.). (Österreich Archiv. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Österreichkunde). Addendum 2005 3581. PELINKA (Anton). Vom Glanz und Elend der Parteien. Struktur- und Funktionswandel des österreichischen Parteiensystems. Innsbruck, Wien u. Bozen, StudienVerlag, 2005, 103 p. (Österreich – Zweite Republik. Befund, Kritik, Perspektive, 6). Cf. nos 4011, 4013, 4017, 4371, 4428, 4960, 6381, 6611 Azerbaijan o
Cf. n 6793
146 Bahrain
3582. ISAEV (Vladimir A.), FILONIK (Aleksandr O.). Korolevstvo Bakhrejn: Opyt razvitija v uslovijakh izmenenija resursnoj orientatsii. (The Kingdom of Bahrein: an experience of development when changing resourse orientation). RAN, In-t vostokovedenija, In-t Blizhnego Vostoka. Moskva, [s. n.], 2006, 270 p. (bibl. p. 270). Bangladesh 3583. BADRUDDIN (Umar). The emergence of Bangladesh. Vol. 2. Rise of Bengali nationalism, 1958 1971. Karachi a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XII-371 p. Belarus o
Cf. n 4785 Belgium 3584. DE VOS (Luc), ROOMS (Etienne). Het Belgisch buitenlands beleid: geschiedenis en actoren. Leuven, Acco, 2006, 198 p.
3592. LORINI (Irma). El nacionalismo en Bolivia de la pre y posguerra del Chaco, 19101945. La Paz, Plural Editores, 2006, 245 p. 3593. THIESSEN-REILY (Heather). Caudillo nationalism in Bolivia. In: Nationalism in the New World [Cf. no 3511], p. 230-247. Bosnia-Herzegovina 3594. ưOVEVSKA (Mariana). Bosna i Khertsegovina prez XIXXX vek: stranitsi ot istoriiata. (La Bosnie et l'Herzégovine aux XIXeXXe siècles. Pages de l'histoire). Veliko Tǎrnovo, Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. sv. Kiril i MetodiƱ", 2006, 209 p. (ill.). 3595. Nevesinjska puška: zbornik radova sa nauþnog skupa o ustanku u Hercegovini 18751878. [The rifle of Nevesinje: the collection of works from the scientific conference of the rebellion in Herzegovina 1875 1878]. Urednik Dušan BERIû. Sarajevo, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, 2006, 405 p. (ill.).
3585. Libéraux belges (Les): histoire et actualité du libéralisme. Sous la direction de Hervé HASQUIN. Loverval, Labor et Centre Jean Gol, 2006, 387 p. (ill.). (Quartier libre, 118).
Cf. nos 3673, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4355, 4356
3586. QUAIRIAUX (Yves). L'image du Flamand en Wallonie: 18301914: essai d'analyse sociale et politique. Bruxelles, Labor, 2006, 664 p. (Histoire).
3596. MAKGALA (Christian John). Elite conflict in Botswana: a history. Pretoria, Africa Institute of South Africa, 2006, XVIII-228 p. (ill., maps). (African century publications, 22).
3587. SENELLE (Robert), CLÉMENT (Emile), VAN DE VELDE (Edgard). A l'attention de Sa Majesté le roi: la monarchie constitutionnelle et le régime parlementaire en Belgique. Bierges, Mols, 2006, 519 p. 3588. WITTE (Els). De constructie van België: 1828 1847. Leuven, LannooCampus, 2006, 214 p. 3589. WOUTERS (Nico). De Führerstaat: overheid en collaboratie in Belgie (19401944). Tielt, Lannoo, 2006, 263 p. IDEM. Municipal government during the Occupation (19401945): a comparative model of Belgium, the Netherlands and France. European history quarterly, 2006, 36, 2, p. 221-246. Cf. no 5997 Belize Cf. no 4002 Bolivia ** 3590. CEREGHINO (Mario J.), VASILE (Vincenzo). Che Guevara top secret: la guerriglia boliviana nei documenti del Dipartimento di Stato e della Cia. Prefazione di Nicola TRANFAGLIA. Milano, Tascabili Bompiani, 2006, III-151 p. (Tascabili Bompiani, 360. Saggi). _______________________
3591. GARCÍA JORDÁN (Pilar). "Yo soy libre y no indio: soy guarayo": para una historia de Guarayos, 17901948. Lima, Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, 2006, 611 p. (ill., charts, facsims., maps). (Travaux de l'Institut français d'études andines, 219).
Brazil 3597. ALVES (Eliane Bisan). Etnicidade, nacionalismo e autoritarismo: a comunidade alemã sob vigilância do DEOPS [Delegacia de Ordem Política e Social] (19301945). São Paulo, Associação Editorial Humanitas, FAPESP, 2006, 185 p. (ill., ports., facsims.). (Histórias da repressão e da resistência, 3). 3598. ANDREUCCI (Alvaro Gonçalves Antunes). O risco das idéias: intelectuais e a polícia política, 19301945. São Paulo, Associação Editorial Humanitas, FAPESP, 2006, 234 p. (ill.). (Histórias da repressão e da resistência, 1). 3599. BENEVIDES (Sílvio César Oliveira). Na contramão do poder: juventude e movimento estudantil. São Paulo, Annablume, 2006, 128 p. (Selo universidade, 330. Sociologia). 3600. BERNARDES (Denis). O patriotismo constitucional: Pernambuco, 18201822. São Paulo, Aderaldo & Rothschild Editores, FAPESP e Recife, Editora Universitária UFPE, 2006, 651 p. (Estudos históricos, 65). 3601. CALCIOLARI (Silvia). Ex-presos políticos e a memória social da tortura no Paraná (19641978). Curitiba, Assembléia Legislativa do Estado do Paraná, 2006, XXVII-288 p. (ill.). 3602. CAMPOS (Cynthia Machado). A política da língua na era Vargas: proibição do falar alemão e resistências no Sul do Brasil. Campinas, Editora Unicamp, 2006, 351 p.
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 3603. DE ALMEIDA (Lúcio Flávio). A ilusão de desenvolvimento: nacionalismo e dominação burguesa nos anos JK [Juscelino Kubitschek]. Florianópolis, Editora da UFSC, 2006, 339 p. (Coleção RIEN). 3604. DE MORAES (Mário Sérgio). O ocaso da ditadura, caso Herzog. São Paulo, Barcarolla, 2006, 181 p. (ill.). 3605. Democracia e ditadura no Brasil. Organizador Francisco Carlos PALOMANES MARTINHO. Rio de Janeiro, EdUERJ, 2006, 187 p. (Coleção Comenius). 3606. DENNISON (Stephanie). Joaquim Nabuco: monarchism, panamericanism and nation-building in the Brazilian Belle Epoque. Oxford a. New York, Peter Lang, 2006, 246 p. 3607. FLORINDO (Marcos Tarcísio). O serviço reservado da Delegacia de Ordem Política e Social de São Paulo na era Vargas. São Paulo, Editora UNESP, 2006, 218 p. 3608. História (A) na política, a política na história. Organização: Cecília Helena de Salles OLIVEIRA, Maria Ligia Coelho PRADO e Maria de Lourdes Mônaco JANOTTI. São Paulo, Alameda, 2006, 290 p. (Série Coletâneas / Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social, Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas). 3609. KITTLESON (Roger Alan). The practice of politics in postcolonial Brazil: Porto Alegre, 1845 1895. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006, XI-266 p. (ill., maps). (Pitt Latin American series). 3610. NEEDELL (Jeffrey D.). The party of order: the conservatives, the state, and slavery in the Brazilian monarchy, 18311871. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2006, XII-460 p. (maps). 3611. Pela democracia, contra o arbítrio: a oposição democrática, do golpe de 1964 à campanha das Diretas Já. Organização, Flamarion MAUÉS e Zilah Wendel ABRAMO. São Paulo, Fundação Perseu Abramo, 2006, 479 p. (ill.). 3612. PILAGALLO (Oscar). A história do Brasil no século 20: (19802000). São Paulo, Publifolha, 2006, 102 p. (ill.). (Folha explica, 69. Historia). 3613. Political transition and democratic consolidation: studies on contemporary Brazil. Ed. by Adriano Nervo CODATO. New York, Nova Science Publishers, 2006, XXIV-171 p. 3614. SANTOS DE AZEVEDO (Sônia Cristina). Regime militar, entre tapas e beijos: uma análise das peças publicitárias na era Médici. São Cristóvão, Editora UFS e Aracaju, Fundação Oviêdo Teixeira, 2006, 132 p. (ill.).
totalitário. São Paulo, FAPESP, Annablume, 2006, 306 p. (ill.). 3617. Vargas and Brazil: new perspectives. Ed. by Jens R. HENTSCHKE. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XIV-306 p. (Studies of the Americas). 3618. VIDAL LUNA (Francisco), KLEIN (Herbert S.). Brazil since 1980. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV-267 p. (The world since 1980). 3619. WEINSTEIN (Barbara). Slavery, citizenship, and national identity in Brazil and the U.S. South. In: Nationalism in the New World [Cf. no 3511], p. 248-271. Bulgaria 3620. AUTENGRUBER (Christian). Die politischen Parteien in Bulgarien und Rumänien: eine vergleichende Analyse seit Beginn der 90er Jahre. Stuttgart, IbidemVerlag, 2006, 256 p. (ill., maps). (Soviet and post-Soviet politics and society, 24). 3621. GEORGIEV (Georgi). Ilindensko-Preobrazhenskoto vǎstanie 1903 g. (Soulèvement d'Ilinden-Préobrajenié du 1903). Sofiia, Tip-top pres, 2006, 512 p. (ill.). 3622. IANCHEV (Veselin). Armiia, obshtestven red i vǎtreshna sigurnost: Bǎlgarskiiat opit 18781912. (Armée, ordre public et sécurité intérieure. L'expérience bulgare, 18781912). V. Tǎrnovo, IF-94, 2006, 308 p. Cf. nos 4152, 4153, 6367 Cambodia 3623. Conflict and change in Cambodia. Ed. by Ben KIERNAN and Caroline HUGHES. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XIX-139 p. (ill., maps). 3624. KISSI (Edward). Revolution and genocide in Ethiopia and Cambodia. Lanham a. Oxford, Lexington Books, 2006, XXVI-189 p. Cameroon 3625. MOKAM (David). Les guerres camerounaises aux XIXe et XXe siècles. In: Guerre et paix en Afrique noire et à Madagascar: XIXe et XXe siècles [Cf. no 6041], p. 41-54. Canada 3626. ALLISON (John). From journeymen envoys to skilled diplomats: change in Canada's education-related international activities, 1815–1968. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 2, p. 237-259. 3627. BOYKO (John). Into the hurricane: attacking socialism and the CCF [Co-operative Commonwealth Federation]. Winnipeg, J. Gordon Shillingford Pub., 2006, 199 p.
3615. SLEMIAN (Andréa). Vida política em tempo de crise: Rio de Janeiro, 18081824. São Paulo, Aderaldo & Rothschild Editores, 2006, 283 p. (maps). (Estudos históricos, 64).
3628. BUCKNER (Phillip). Nationalism in Canada. In: Nationalism in the New World [Cf. no 3511], p. 99116.
3616. TOMAIM (Cássio dos Santos). "Janela da alma": cinejornal e Estado Novo: fragmentos de um discurso
3629. KOLENEKO (Vadim A.). Frantsuzskaja Kanada v proshlom i nastojashchem: ocherki istorii Kvebeka v
XVIIXX vv. (Francophone Canada in past and present: essays in history of Quebec in the 17th–20th centuries). RAN, In-t vseobshchej istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 314 p. (ill.; facs.; bibl. p. 290-302). [English summary]. 3630. Majesty in Canada: essays on the role of royalty. Ed. by Colin M. COATES. Toronto, Dundurn Group, Gazelle Book Services Ltd, 2006, 280 p. (ill.). 3631. MESSAMORE (Barbara Jane). Canada's governors general, 18471878: biography and constitutional evolution. Toronto a. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2006, VIII-308 p. (ill.). 3632. RYAN (Pascale). Penser la nation. La Ligue d'action nationale, 19171960. Montréal, Leméac, 2006, 324 p. 3633. VANDERVORT (Bruce). Indian wars of Mexico, Canada, and the United States, 1812–1900. New York, Routledge, 2006, XVII-337 p. (Warfare and history). Cf. no 6732 Cape Verde 3634. FERNANDES (Gabriel). Em busca da nação: notas para uma reinterpretação do Cabo Verde crioulo. Florianópolis, Editora da UFSC e Praia, Instituto da Biblioteca Nacional e do Livro, 2006, 285 p. Chad 3635. ABAKAR (Mahamat Hassan). Chronique d'une enquête criminelle nationale: le cas du régime de Hissein Habré, 19821990. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 183 p. (Pour mieux connaître le Chad).
historias de la FECH [Federación de Estudiantes de la Universidad de Chile] 19731988. Santiago, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2006, 353 p. 3641. HAUGHNEY (Diane). Neoliberal economics, democratic transition, and Mapuche demands for rights in Chile. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2006, X-310 p. 3642. HOME VALENZUELA (David). Los huérfanos de la Guerra del Pacífico: el "Asilo de la Patria," 1879 1885. Santiago, LOM Ediciones y Centro de Investigaciones Diego Barros Arana, 2006, 163 p. (ill.). (Colección Sociedad y cultura, 44). 3643. JARA HINOJOSA (Isabel). De Franco a Pinochet: el proyecto cultural franquista en Chile 1936 1980. Santiago, Programa de Magíster en TEHA, Departamento de Teoría de las Artes, Facultad de Artes, Universidad de Chile, 2006, 468 p. (Colección Teoría, 16). 3644. MOULIAN (Tomás). Fracturas: de Pedro Aguirre Cerda a Salvador Allende: 19381973. Santiago, LOM y Universidad Arcis, 2006, 274 p. (ill.). (Historia). 3645. TAYLOR (Marcus). From Pinochet to the 'Third Way': neoliberalism and social transformation in Chile. London, Pluto Press, 2006, XI-224 p. 3646. VALDIVIA ORTIZ DE ZÁRATE (Verónica), ÁLVALLEJOS (Rolando), PINTO VALLEJOS (Julio). Su revolución contra nuestra revolución: izquierdas y derechas en el Chile de Pinochet (19731981). Santiago, LOM Ediciones, 2006, 228 p. (Historia). VAREZ
Cf. no 5888 China
Cf. no 6798 Chile ** 3636. Documentos constitucionales de Chile 1811 1833. Ed. por Alan BRONFMAN = Constitutional documents of Chile 18111833. Ed. by Alan BRONFMAN. München, K. G. Saur, 2006, 228 p. (Constitutions of the world from the late 18th century to the middle of the 19th century. America, 2 = Verfassungen der Welt vom späten 18. Jahrhundert bis Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Amerika, 2). _______________________
3637. ARTAZA BARRIOS (Pablo). Movimiento social y politización popular en Tarapaca 19001912. Concepción, Ediciones Escaparate, 2006, 230 p. (ill.). (Colección Historia vital). 3638. BENÍTEZ (Hermes H.). Las muertes de Salvador Allende: una investigación crítica de las principales versiones de sus últimos momentos. Santiago de Chile, RIL Editores, 2006, 260 p. (ill.). (Serie Identikit RIL). 3639. Chile: política y modernización democrática. Ed. por Manuel ALCÁNTARA SÁEZ y Leticia M. RUIZ RODRÍGUEZ. Barcelona, Edicions Bellaterra, 2006, 357 p. 3640. GARCÍA MONGE (Diego), MADARIAGA (José Isla), TORO BLANCO (Pablo). Los muchachos de antes:
Cf. nos 503, 5815, 6011, 6849, 6865-7042 Colombia 3647. AYALA DIAGO (César Augusto). El populismo atrapado, la memoria y el miedo: el caso de las elecciones de 1970. Medellín, Carreta Editores y Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Departamento de Historia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Sede Bogotá, Línea de Investigación en Historia Política y Social, 2006, 318 p. (ill.). (La Carreta histórica). 3648. BUITRAGO PARRA (José del Carmen). Guerrilleros, campesinos y política en el Sumapaz: el Frente Democrático de Liberación Nacional 19531956. Ibagué, Universidad del Tolima, 2006, 204 p. (ill., facsims, maps). (Colección Universidad del Tolima 50 años, 5). 3649. BUSHNELL (David). Ensayos de historia política de Colombia, siglos XIX y XX. Medellín, Carreta Editores E.U., 2006, 195 p. (Carreta histórica). 3650. FRANCO RESTREPO (Vilma Liliana). Poder regional y proyecto hegemónico: el caso de la ciudad metropolitana de Medellín y su entorno regional, 1970 2000. Medellín, Instituto Popular de Capacitación-IPC, 2006, 486 p.
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 3651. FROYSLAND (Hayley). The regeneración de la raza in Colombia. In: Nationalism in the New World [Cf. no 3511], p. 162-183. 3652. GÓMEZ MEJÍA (Santiago H.). Partidos politicos, construcción nacional y conflicto armado en Colombia (19482002). Barcelona, Institut de Ciències Politiques i Socials, 2006, 122 p. (Col-lecció Grana: premis memòria doctorat, 9). 3653. GONZÁLEZ (Fernán E.). Partidos, guerras e iglesia en la construcción del Estado-nación en Colombia, 18301900. Medellín, Carreta Editores, 2006, 191 p. (La Carreta histórica). 3654. HENSEL RIVEROS (Franz Dieter). Vicios, virtudes y educación moral en la construcción de la República, 18211852. Bogotá, Universidad de Los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, CESO, Departamento de Antropología, 2006, XXXII-115 p. (ill.). (Colección Prometeo). 3655. HERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA (José Ángel). La Guerra Civil Española y Colombia: influencia del principal conflicto de entreguerras en Colombia. Chía, Universidad de La Sabana y Bogotá, Editorial Carrera 7a, 2006, 327 p. (ill., facsims). 3656. HYLTON (Forrest). Evil hour in Colombia. London, Verso, 2006, XVI-174 p. 3657. LASSO (Marixa). Race war and nation in Caribbean Gran Colombia, Cartagena, 1810–1832. American historical review, 2006, 111, 2, p. 336-361. 3658. MARTÍNEZ GARNICA (Armando). La agenda liberal temprana en la Nueva Granada (18001850). Bucaramanga, Dirección Cultural, Universidad Industrial de Santander, 2006, 224 p. (Colección Temas y autores regionales).
3664. NGOLONGOLO (Appolinaire). Conflit intertribal ou, manipulation coloniale? Les émeutes de février 1959 au Congo-Brazzaville. Paris, CCINIA communication, 2006, 213 p. (map). (Collection Sambela). 3665. THORNTON (John K.). Elite women in the kingdom of Kongo: historical perspectives on women's political power. Journal of African history, 2006, 47, 3, p. 437-460. 3666. VERHAEGEN (B.). Mulele et la révolution populaire au Kwilu (République démocratique du Congo). Paris, L'Harmattan et Tervuren, Koninklijk museum voor midden-Afrika = Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale, 2006, 364 p. (Cahiers africains = Afrika studies, 72). Costa Rica o
Cf. n 4002 Côte d'Ivoire 3667. DUHY (Ernest). Le pouvoir est un service: le cas Laurent Gbagbo. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 184 p. (ill., maps). (Etudes africaines). 3668. LÉPÉ (Jacques Tokpa). La prolifération des armes à feu en Côte-d'Ivoire: fin XIXedébut XXe siècle. In: Guerre et paix en Afrique noire et à Madagascar: XIXe et XXe siècles [Cf. no 6041], p. 83-94. Croatia ** 3669. Programatski dokumenti hrvatskih politiþkih stranaka i skupina 1842.1914. (Programmatic documents of Croatian political parties and groups 18421914). Priredili Tihomir CIPEK i Stjepan MATKOVIû. Zagreb, Disput, 2006, 742 p. (ill.). (Biblioteka Srednji put, 5. knj.). _______________________
3659. POSADA CARBÓ (Eduardo). La nación soñada: violencia, liberalismo y democracia en Colombia. Bogotá, Editorial Norma, 2006, 283 p.
3670. Hrvatska politika u dvadesetom stoljeüu. (Croatian politics in the 20th Century). Ur. Ljubomir ANTIû. Zagreb, Matica hrvatska, 2006, 492 p.
3660. Radicalismo colombiano (El) del siglo XIX. Ed. por Rubén SIERRA MEJÍA. Bogotá, Departamento de Filosofía, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2006, 398 p. (ill., ports.). (Sapere aude!).
3671. PATAFTA (Daniel). Privremene vlade u Rijeci (listopad 1918.sijeþanj 1924.). (Temporary governments in Rijeka, October 1918January 1924). ýasopis za suvremenu povijest, 2006, 1, p. 197-222.
Comoros 3661. M'SA ALI (Djamal). Luttes de pouvoir aux Comores: entre notables traditionnels, notables professionnalisés et politiques professionnels: le cas Azali. Levallois-Perret, De la lune, 2006, 222 p. Congo 3662. KUYU MWISSA (Camille). Les Haïtiens au Congo. Préf. de Julien Kilanga MUSINDE. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 164 p. (Etudes africaines). 3663. MOUAYINI OPOU (Eugénie). La reine Ngalifourou, souveraine des Téké: dernière souveraine d'Afrique noire. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 238 p. (ill.). (Etudes africaines).
3672. RADELIû (Zdenko), MARIJAN (Davor), BARIû (Nikica), BING (Albert), ŽIVIû (Dražen). Stvaranje hrvatske države i Domovinski rat. (Creation of the Croatian state and war for independece). Zagreb, Školska knjiga and Hrvatski institut za povijest, 2006, 575 p. 3673. RADELIû (Zdenko). Hrvatska u Jugoslaviji 1945.1991: od zajedništva do razlaza. (Croatia within Yugoslavia 19451991: from unity to separation). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 2006, 701 p. (ill.). (Biblioteka XX. stoljeüe). 3674. Titu (O) kao mitu: proslava Dana mladosti u Kumrovcu. (About Tito as a myth: Youth Day celebrations in Kumrovec). Uredile Nevena ŠKRBIû ALEMPIJEVIû i Kirsti Mathiesen HJEMDAHL. Zagreb, Filozofski fakultet, 2006, 476 p. (ill.).
3675. ZUCKERMAN ITKOVIû (Boško). Funkcija protužidovske propagande zagrebaþkih novina u Nezavinsoj Državi Hrvatskoj od travnja do srpnja 1941. (The function of anti-Semitic propaganda in Zagreb Newspapers in the independent state of Croatia from April to July 1941). ýasopis za suvremenu povijest, 2006, 1, p. 79-98.
Ministerstva národní bezpeþnosti a Ministerstva vnitra pĜi zkoumání jejich historického vývoje po roce 1945. (Several examples of using documents from researching the historic development of the Ministry of National Security and Ministry of Interior personnel departments after 1945). Sborník Archivu ministerstva vnitra, 2006, 4, p. 221-249.
Cf. nos 4345, 4346, 4347, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4355, 4356, 4374
** 3687. Prague Spring 1968 (The): a National Security Archive documents reader. Compiled and edited by Jaromír NAVRÁTIL. Budapest, Central European U. P., 2006, XXXIX-596 p. (ill., map).
Cuba 3676. Cuban republic (The) and José Martí. Ed. por Mauricio A. FONT and Alfonso W. QUIROZ. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2006, VI-267 p. 3677. DE LA TORRE (Mildred). Conflictos y cultura política: Cuba, 18781898. La Habana, Editora Política, 2006, 176 p. 3678. FARBER (Samuel). The origins of the Cuban Revolution reconsidered. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XI-212 p. (Envisioning Cuba). 3679. GERSTLE (Gary). Race and nation in the United States, Mexico, and Cuba, 18801940. In: Nationalism in the New World [Cf. no 3511], p. 272-304. 3680. LÓPEZ (Alfred J.). José Martí and the future of Cuban nationalisms. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2006, XVI-159 p. 3681. SCOTT (Rebeca J.). Grados de libertad: democracia y antidemocracia en Cuba y Luisiana, 1898 1900. Historia social, 2006, 54, p. 19-50. 3682. SOUCY (Dominique). Masonería y nación: redes masónicas y políticas en la construcción identitaria cubana (1811–1902). Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Ediciones Idea, 2006, 392 p. (Escuadra y compás). 3683. TONE (John Lawrence). War and genocide in Cuba, 1895–1898. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XIII-338 p. (Envisioning Cuba). os
Cf. n 6772, 6786 Cyprus ** 3684. SOULIOTI (Stella). Fettered independence: Cyprus, 18781964. Vol. 1. Narrative. Vol. 2. The documents. With a foreword by Claire PALLEY. Minneapolis, Modern Greek Studies, University of Minnesota, 2006, 2 vol., XXIII-626 p., XIII-824 p. (port.). (Minnesota Mediterranean and East European Monographs, 16/1-2). _______________________
3685. Divided Cyprus: modernity, history, and an island in conflict. Ed. by Yiannis PAPADAKIS, Nicos PERISTIANIS and Gisela WELZ. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2006, VIII-235 p. (ill.). (New anthropologies of Europe).
3688. BÍLEK (JiĜí), LÁNÍK (Jaroslav), ŠACH (Jan). ýeskoslovenská armáda v prvním pováleþném desetiletí (kvČten 1945kvČten 1955). (Czechoslovak Army in the first post-war decade, May 1945May 1955). Praha, Ministerstvo obrany, 2006, 197 p. (ill.). (Historie þeskoslovenské armády, 6). 3689. BURSÍK (Tomáš). Ztratily jsme mnoho þasuAle ne sebe! Životy politických vČzeĖkyĖ v þeskoslovenských vČznicích padesátých a šedesátých let dvacátého století. (Wir verloren viele Zeit... Aber nicht uns! Die Lebens der politischen Arrestantinen in den tschechoslowakischen Gefängnissen in den fünfziger und sechziger Jahren). Praha, ÚĜad dokumentace a vyšetĜování zloþinĤ komunismu PýR, 2006, 197 p. (Sešity ÚĜadu dokumentace a vyšetĜování zloþinĤ komunismu PýR, 15). 3690. CAJTHAML (Petr). Profesionální lháĜi. Aktivní opatĜení þs. rozvČdky do srpna 1968. (Professional liars. Active measures of the Czechoslovak intelligence service prior to August 1968). Sborník Archivu ministerstva vnitra, 2006, 4, p. 9-41. 3691. CORNWALL (Mark). Stirring resistance from Moscow: the German communists of Czechoslovakia and wireless propaganda in the Sudetenland, 1941– 1945. German history, 2006, 24, 2, p. 212-242. 3692. DEJMEK (JindĜich). Edvard Beneš. Politická biografie þeského demokrata. 1. RevolucionáĜ a diplomat (18841935). (Edvard Beneš. Political biography of Czech democrat. Tomo 1. 18841935). Praha, Karolinum, 2006, 631 p. 3693. FASORA (Lukáš), KLADIWA (Pavel). Obecní samospráva a lokální elity v þeských zemích 18501918. Dílþí výsledky výzkumu v ýeské republice. (Tätigkeit der Gemeindeselbstverwaltungen in den tschechischen Ländern 18501918. Lokale politische Eliten, Ausbau einer modernen städtischen Infrastruktur. Forschungskonzept und Teilergebnisse). In: Obþanské elity a obecní samospráva 18481948 [Cf. no 5772], p. 11-40.
Czech Republic
3694. FEINBERG (Melissa). Elusive equality: gender, citizenship, and the limits of democracy in Czechoslovakia, 19181950. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006, VIII-275 p. (Pitt series in Russian and East European studies).
** 3686. FROLÍK (Jan). NČkolik pĜípadĤ využití písemností, vzniklých z þinnosti personálních útvarĤ
3695. GLASSHEIM (Eagle). Ethnic cleansing, communism, and environmental devastation in Czechoslova-
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES kia's borderlands, 1945–1989. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 1, p. 65-92. 3696. GONċC (Vladimír). ýesko-slovenský vztah v exilových diskusích poþátkem padesátých let. Studie a dokumenty. (Czech-Slovak relation in exile discussions at the beginning of 1950s). Brno, Masarykova univerzita, 2006, 231 p. (ill.). 3697. HAďKO (Jozef), PEŠEK (Jan). Kapitulný vikár Ján Dechet – symbol úsilia komunistického režimu v ýeskoslovensku o rozvrátenie katolíckej cirkvi. (Chapter Vicar Ján Dechet – A symbol of the violence of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia directed towards subversion of the Catholic Church). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 2, p. 287-304. 3698. KABELE (JiĜí). Late socialist and revolutionary achievements of the township of Filipov. In: Communisme (Le) a partir des sociétés = Communism from the viewpoint of societies [Cf. no 5862], p. 101-114. 3699. KAPLAN (Karel), JANÁý (Marek). Poslední slova obžalovaných v procesu s Miladou Horákovou "a spol.". (The last words of the accused in the 'Milada Horáková et al' trial). Soudobé dČjiny, 2006, 13, 1/2, p. 197-238. 3700. KOCIAN (JiĜí). Die Nachkriegsjahre. Die Sichtweise Österreichs in der Zeit der politischen Prozesse in der Tschechoslowakei. In: Tschechien und Österreicher. Gemeinsame Geschichte, Gemeinsame Zukunft. Hrsg. Tomáš KNOZ. Wien, 2006, p. 185-193. 3701. KOVAěÍK (David). PromČny þeského pohraniþí v letech 19581960. Demoliþní akce v þeském pohraniþí se zĜetelem k vývoji od roku 1945. (Transformation of the Czech borderland in 19581960. Demolition work in the Czech borderland in a view of the development since 1945). Brno, Prius, 2006, 107 p. (Studijní materiály výzkumného projektu Komunistické ýeskoslovensko na pĜelomu 50. a 60. let, 3). 3702. MACKOVÁ (Marie). Obecní samospráva v kontextu þeského regionálního bádání. (Gemeindeselbstverwaltung im Kontext der tschechischen Regionalforschung). In: Obþanské elity a obecní samospráva 1848 1948 [Cf. no 5772], p. 108-113. 3703. Mocní? a Bezmocní? Politické elity a disent v období tzv. normalizace. Interpretaþní studie životopisných interview. (Powerful? and helpless? Political élites and dissidents in the years of the normalization period. Interpretation studies). Ed. Miroslav VANċK. Praha, Prostor, 2006, 411 p.
3706. PEJŠA (Robert). Autonomie Podkarpatské Rusi jako politickoprávní problém v prvních letech existence ýeskoslovenské republiky 19191921. (Autonomie der Karpato-Ukraine als politisch-rechtliches Problem in den ersten Jahren der Tschechoslowakischen Republik 19191921). Moderní dČjiny, 2006, 14, p. 125-178. 3707. PULEC (Martin). Organizace a þinnost ozbrojených pohraniþních složek. Seznamy osob usmrcených na státních hranicích 19451989. (The organisation and activities of the armed border guard between 1945 and 1989. Lists of persons who lost their lives whilst attempting to cross the border). Praha, ÚĜad dokumentace a vyšetĜování zloþinĤ komunismu, 2006, 317 p. (tb.). (Sešity ÚĜadu dokumentace a vyšetĜování zloþinĤ komunismu, 13). 3708. RYCHLÍK (Jan). Recidiva boje proti tzv. buržoaznímu nacionalismu v letech 19561962. (Repeat of the battle against so-called bourgeois nationalism 19561962). ýesko-slovenská historická roþenka, 2006, p. 303-314. 3709. ŠEBEK (Jaroslav). Mezi kĜížem a národem. Politické prostĜedí sudetonČmeckého katolicismu v meziváleþném ýeskoslovensku. (Between the church and nation. Political milieu of the Sudeten-German Catholicism during the period 19181939). Brno, Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2006, 334 p. 3710. SERAPIONOVA (Elena P.). Karel Kramarzh i Rossija, 18901937 gody: Idejnye vozzrenija, politicheskaja aktivnost', svjazi s rossijskimi gosudarstvennymi i obshchestvennymi dejateljami. (Karel KramáĜ and Russia, 1890–1937: ideas, political activity, links with Russian state and public leaders). RAN, In-t slavjanovedenija. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 511 p. (ill.; portr.; facs.; bibl. incl.; pers. ind. p. 492-509). 3711. STANċK (Tomáš), ARBURG (Adrian von). Organizované divoké odsuny? Úloha ústĜedních státních orgánĤ pĜi provádČní "evakuace" nČmeckého obyvatelstva (kvČten až záĜí 1945). 2. ýeskoslovenská armáda vytváĜí "hotové skuteþnosti", vláda je pĜed cizinou legitimizuje. 3. Snaha vlády a civilních úĜadĤ o Ĝízení "divokého odsunu". (Organized spontaneous "transfers"? The role of the central state organs in "evacuating" the German population from May to September 1945. Tomo 2-3). Soudobé dČjiny, 2006, 13, 1/2, p. 1349, 3/4, p. 321-376.
3704. NAKONEýNÝ (Milan). ýeský fašismus. (Czech fascism). Praha, VodnáĜ, 2006, 427 p.
3712. ŠTċPÁNEK (Petr). IntegrálnČ nacionální koncepce ýeskoslovenské národní demokracie po vzniku ýSR. (Integral nationale Konzepte der Tschechoslowakischen Nationaldemokratie nach der Entstehung der Tschechoslowakischen Republik). Moderní dČjiny, 2006, 14, p. 101-131.
3705. PAVLÍýEK (Tomáš). Cenzurní systém, cenzurní zásah a literatura za druhé republiky. (The transformations of the censorship system and individual censorship interventions in the period of the existence of the so-called Second Czechoslovak Republic). Literární archiv, 2006, 38, p. 259-291.
3713. VÁCHA (Dalibor). S legiemi kolem svČta. Evakuace ruských legií po moĜi z Vladivostoku do vlasti. (Round the world with the Czech Legions. The evacuation of the Czech Legions from Vladivostok to the motherland). Jihoþeský sborník historický, 2006, 75, p. 151-162.
3714. ZÜCKERT (Martin). Zwischen Nationsidee und staatlicher Realität: die tschechoslowakische Armee und ihre Nationalitätenpolitik 19181938. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, X-354 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum, 106). Cf. nos 3572, 4358, 4361, 4364, 4365, 4366, 4369, 4370, 4371, 4372, 6699 Denmark 3715. 20 begivenheder der skabte Danmark. (Trente événements qui ont fait le Danemark). Red. Kasper ELBJØRN, David GRESS København, Gyldendal, 2006, 413 p. 3716. ADRIANSEN (Inge), SCHULTZ HANSEN (Hans). Sønderjyderne og den store krig 19141918. (Les Jutlandais du sud et la Grande Guerre 19141918). Aabenraa, Museum Sønderjylland, Historisk Samfund for Sønderjylland, 2006, 373 p. (ill.). (Skrifter udgivet af Historisk Samfund for Sønderjylland, 96). 3717. ANCKER (Paul E.). De danske militære flyverstyrkers udvikling. Bd. 2. 19451947. (Le développement des forces aériennes danoises. Tome 2. 1945 1947). Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2006, 595 p. (ill.). 3718. BELLAMY (Martin). Christian IV and his navy: a political and administrative history of the Danish navy 15961648. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, VIII297 p. (ill.). (Northern world, 25). 3719. CHRISTENSEN (John), STEVNSBORG (Henrik). 1864: fra helstat til nationalstat. (1864: de l'Etat unitaire à l'Etat national). Fårevejle, Emil, 2006, 119 p. (ill.). 3720. CHRITOFFERSEN (Peder). Danmark i det 20. århundrede: en krønike. (Chronique de l'histoire du Danemark au 20e siècle). København, Gyldendal, 2006, 728 p. (ill.). 3721. DANIELSEN (Oluf). Atomkraften under pres: dansk debat om atomkraft 19741985. Roskilde, Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 2006, 1063 p. [Résumé anglais]. 3722. Dänische Gesamtstaat (Der): ein unterschätztes Weltreich? The Oldenburg monarchy: an underestimated empire? Hrsg. v. Eva HEINZELMANN, Stefanie ROBL und Thomas RIIS. Kiel, Ludwig, 2006, 332 p. (ill., maps).
3726. MORTENSEN (Hans). De fantastiske fire (Quatre hommes politiques danois [Ritt Bjerregård (1941–), Svend Auken (1943-), Poul Nyrup Rasmussen (1943-) og Mogens Lykketoft (1946-)]: la social-démocratie danoise depuis les années 1970). København, Gyldendal, 2006, 303 p. (ill.). 3727. OLDEN-JØRGENSEN (Sebastian). Griffenfeld: vidunderbarn, statsmand, livstidsfange. (Griffenfeld [16351699]: grandeur et décadence d'un homme d'Etat). København, Gad, 2006, 352 p. (ill). 3728. WAMBERG (Bodil). Christian IV – en mand under indflydelse. (Le roi Christian IV [15771648], un homme sous influence). København, Aschehoug, 2006, 329 p. (ill.). Dominican Republic 3729. BALCÁCER (Juan Daniel). Trujillo: el tiranicidio de 1961. Santo Domingo, Taurus, Grupo Santillana, 2006, 540 p. (ill.). (Taurus historia). 3730. HERNÁNDEZ GONZÁLEZ (Manuel). La colonización de la frontera dominicana 16801795. Santo Domingo, Archivo General de la Nación, 2006, 316 p. (map). (Archivo General de la Nación, 25. Academia Dominicana de la Historia, 71. Colección investigaciones, 5). Ecuador ** 3731. Cartas al general don Eloy Alfaro: 1893 1900. Compilación, introducción y notas de Leonardo MONCAYO JALIL. Quito, Academia Nacional de Historia de Ecuador, 2006, [s. p.]. (ill.). (Colección Testimonio, 6). _______________________
3732. ORTIZ BATALLAS (Cecilia). Indios, militares e imaginarios de nación en el Ecuador del siglo XX. Quito, Abya Yala, 2006, 272 p. (Tesis). 3733. RODRÍGUEZ O. (Jaime E.). La revolución política durante la época de la Independencia: el Reino de Quito, 18081822. Quito, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Corporación Editora Nacional, 2006, 238 p. (Biblioteca de historia, 20). Egypt 3734. JAMES (Laura M.). Nasser at war: Arab images of the enemy. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XII-240 p.
3723. DUEDAHL (Poul). J. C. Christensen: et politisk menneske (Biographie de l'homme politique danois J. C. Christensen [18561930]). København, Gyldendal, 2006, 508 p. (ill.).
3735. KENNEY (Jeffrey Thomas). Muslim rebels: Kharijites and the politics of extremism in Egypt. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, VIII-221 p. (Oxford scholarship online).
3724. HJORTNÆS (Karl). Socialdemokrater under pres. (Les Sociaux-démocrates danois sous pression depuis les années 1990). København, Gyldendal, 2006, 172 p.
3736. LUTHI (Jean-Jacques), MOGHIRA (Mohamed Anouar). L'Egypte en république: la vie quotidienne, 19522005. Paris, Harmattan, 2006, 342 p. (Comprendre le moyen-orient).
3725. HVIDT (Marie). Frederik IV: en letsindig alvorsmand. (Le roi Frederik IV [16711730]: un souverain sérieux mais volage). København, Gad, 2006, 296 p. (ill.).
3737. MAGHRAOUI (Abdeslam M.). Liberalism without democracy: nationhood and citizenship in Egypt, 1922–1936. Durham, Duke U. P., 2006, XX-192 p. (Politics, history, and culture).
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 3738. TAUBER (Eliezer). Egyptian secret societies, 1911. Middle Eastern studies, 2006, 42, 4, p. 603-623. Cf. nos 6725, 6821 El Salvador 3739. DOMÍNGUEZ SOSA (Julio Alberto). Anastasio Aquino: caudillo de las tribus nonualcas. San Salvador, UFG Editores, 2006, 301 p. (ill.). Cf. no 4002
Publiées pour la Soçiété de l'Histoire de France (legs Pierre Champion) par Jacqueline BOUCHER. Vol. 6. 4 Janvier 1583–20 Mars 1585. Paris, Societé de l'Histoire de France, 2006, XX-422 p. _______________________
3749. ALIDIÈRES (Bernard). Géopolitique de l'insécurité et du Front National. Paris, Armand Colin, 2006, 343 p. (ill., maps). (Collection Perspectives géopolitiques).
3750. ANDRESS (David). The terror: the merciless war for freedom in Revolutionary France. New York, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2006, X-441 p.
3751. ARNAUD (Daniel). La Corse et l'idée républicaine. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 155 p. (Questions contemporaines).
Cf. no 5351 3740. ADEJUMOBI (Saheed A.). The history of Ethiopia. Westport, Greenwood Press, 2006, XIX-219 p. (map). (Greenwood histories of the modern nations). 3741. YOUNG (John). Peasant revolution in Ethiopia: the Tigray People's Liberation Front, 19751991. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV270 p. (maps). (African studies series, 91). Cf. no 3624
3752. BEAUD (Stéphane), MASCLET (Olivier). Des "marcheurs" de 1983 aux "émeutiers" de 2005: deux générations sociales d'enfants d'immigrés. Annales, 2006, 61, 4, p. 809-844. 3753. BENSOUSSAN (David). Combats pour une Bretagne catholique et rurale. Les droites bretonnes dans l'entre-deux-guerres. Paris, Fayard, 2006, 680 p.
3754. BERSTEIN (Serge). Léon Blum. Paris, Fayard, 2006, 835 p.
3742. ERIKSSON (Susanne), JOHANSSON (Lars Ingmar), SUNDBACK (Barbro). Fredens öar: Ålands självstyrelse, demilitarisering och neutralisering. (Les îles de la paix: l'autonomie, la délimitarisation et la neutralité d'Åland). Mariehamn, Ålands fredsinstitut, 2006, 127 p.
3755. BOKELMANN (Elisabeth). Vichy contra Dritte Republik. Der Prozeß von Riom 1942. Hrsg. mit Unterstützung des Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamtes Potsdam. Paderborn, München, Wien u. Zürich, Schöningh, 2006, VI-183 p.
3743. FEWSTER (Derek). Visions of past glory. Nationalism and the construction of early Finnish history. Helsinki, Finnish Literature Society, 2006, 555 p. (ill.). (Studia Fennica, Historica 11).
3756. BOLTANSKI (Ariane). Les ducs de Nevers et l'État royal. Genèse d'un compromis (15501600), Genève, Droz, 2006, 580 p.
3744. KEMPPAINEN (Ilona). Isänmaan uhrit. Sankarikuolema Suomessa toisen maailmansodan aikana. (The nation's heroes – military death in Finland during the Second World War). Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006, 280 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca historica, 102). 3745. MYLLY (Juhani). The breakthrough of representative democracy in Finland. Helsinki, Edita, 2006, 32 p. (ill). France ** 3746. FOYER (Jean). Sur les chemins du droit avec le général. Mémoires de ma vie politique 19441988. Avec la collaboration de Sabine JANSEN. Paris, Fayard, 2006, 506 p. ** 3747. Histoire documentaire du Parti socialiste. T. 3. Les Centres socialiste, 19401969. T. 4. La France socialiste, 19692005. Textes réunis et présentés par Vincent CHAMBARLHAC [et al.]. Dijon, Editions Universitaires de Dijon, 2006, 2 vol., 345 p., 345 p. (ill., maps). (Collection Sources). ** 3748. Lettres de Henri III, Roi de France. Recueillies par Pierre CHAMPION et Michel FRANÇOIS.
3757. BOULANGER (Gérard). À mort la Gueuse! Comment Pétain liquida la République à Bordeaux, 15, 16 et 17 juin 1940. Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 2006, 378 p. (ill.). 3758. BREDIN (Jean-Denis). Dreyfus, un innocent: L'affaire, Bernard Lazare. Paris, Fayard, 2006, 998 p. (Les indispensables de l'histoire). 3759. BROWN (Howard G.) Ending the French Revolution. Violence, justice and repression from the Terror to Napoleon. Charlottesville a. London, University of Virginia Press, 2006, XII-461 p. 3760. BRUTTMANN (Tal). Au bureau des affaires juives: l'administration française et l'application de la législation antisémite, (19401944). Paris, La Découverte, 2006, 286 p. (ill., facsims.). (L'espace de l'histoire). 3761. CANALE CAMA (Francesca). Alla prova del fuoco: socialisti francesi e italiani di fronte alla prima guerra mondiale (19111916). Napoli, Guida, 2006, 289 p. (Opere prime, 2). 3762. CASTEL (Robert). La discrimination négative. Le déficit de citoyenneté des jeunes de banlieue. Annales, 2006, 61, 4, p. 777-808.
3763. CHANET (Jean-François). Vers l'armée nouvelle: République conservatrice et réforme militaire 1871–1879. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 320 p. (Histoire). 3764. CHRISTOFFERSON (Thomas Rodney), CHRISTOFFERSON (Michael Scott). France during World War
II: from defeat to liberation. New York, Fordham U. P., 2006, XIV-254 p. (World War II: the global, human and ethical dimensions, 10).
3765. Citoyens et citoyenneté sous la révolution française: actes du colloque international de Vizille, 24 et 25 septembre 2004. Textes réunis par Raymonde MONNIER. Paris, Société des études robespierristes, 2006, 310 p. (ill.). (Collection Etudes révolutionnaires, 9). 3766. Civils, citoyens-soldats et militaires dans l'Étatnation (17891815). Sous la dir. de Annie CRÉPIN, Jean-Pierre JESSENNE et Hervé LEUWERS. Paris, Société des études robespierristes, 2006, 175 p. 3767. COHEN (Antonin). De la révolution nationale à l'Europe fédérale. Les métamorphoses de la troisième voie aux origines du mouvement fédéraliste français: la Fédération (19431948). Mouvement social, 2006, 217, p. 53-72. 3768. COSTE (Laurent). Messieurs de Bordeaux. Pouvoirs et hommes de pouvoirs à l'hôtel de ville, 15481789. Bordeaux, Fédération historique du SudOuest et Centre aquitain d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 2006, 326 p. 3769. COULOMB (Clarisse). Les Pères de la patrie. La société parlementaire en Dauphiné au temps des Lumières. Grenoble, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2006, 540 p. 3770. DE WARESQUIEL (Emmanuel). Un groupe d'hommes considérables. Les pairs de France et la Chambre des pairs héréditaires de la Restauration, 18141831. Paris, Fayard, 2006, 502 p. 3771. DEBORDES-LISSILOUR (Séverine). Les sénéchaussées royales de Bretagne. La monarchie d'Ancien Régime et ses juridictions ordinaires (15321790). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 468 p. (Histoire). 3772. DÉLOYE (Yves). Les voies de dieu: pour une autre histoire du suffrage électoral; le clergé catholique français et le vote, XIXe–XXe siècle. Paris, Fayard, 2006, 410 p. (L'espace du politique). 3773. DEWERPE (Alain). Charonne, 8 février 1962. Anthropologie politique d'un massacre d'État. Paris, Gallimard, 2006, 900 p. (Folio histoire). 3774. EVDOKIMOVA (Nina P.), VIVATENKO (Sergej V.). Rajmon Puankare – prezident Frantsii. (Raymond Poincaré, the President of France). Sankt-Peterburgskij gos. un-t. Sankt-Peterburg, Izdatel'stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta, 2006, 172 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.). 3775. FOURNIS (Yann). Les régionalismes en Bretagne: la région et l'État (19502000). Bruxelles et Ox-
ford, Peter Lang, 2006, 252 p. (ill.). (Régionalisme et fédéralisme, 10). 3776. France (La) des années 1830 et l'esprit de réforme: actes du colloque, 67 octobre 2005. Organisé par le CHRISCO (Rennes 2-CNRS) et le Centre d'histoire du XIXe siècle (Paris I-Paris IV); sous la direction de Patrick HARISMENDY. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 308 p. (Collection Carnot). 3777. France antijuive (La) de 1936: l'agression de Léon Blum à la Chambre des députés. Présenté par Tal BRUTTMANN et Laurent JOLY; préface de Michel WINOCK. Paris, Equateurs, 2006, 238 p. (Histoire). 3778. FROSTIN (Charles). Les Pontchartrain, ministres de Louis XIV. Alliances et réseau d'influence sous l'Ancien Régime. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 597 p. 3779. GALIMI (Valeria). L'antisemitismo in azione. Pratiche antiebraiche nella Francia degli anni Trenta. Milano, Unicopli, 2006, 335 p. 3780. Garde nationale (La), entre nation et peuple en armes. Mythe et réalités, 17891871, Actes du Colloque tenu à Rennes II, 2425 mars 2005. Sous la dir. de Serge BIANCHI et Roger DUPUY. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 561 p. 3781. GAUVIN (Gilles). Michel Debré et l'île de la Réunion: une certaine idée de la plus grande France. Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2006, 396 p. (ill., map, ports.). (Histoire et civilisations). 3782. Georges Pompidou, directeur de cabinet du général de Gaulle: juin 1958janvier 1959. Sous la dir. de Bernard LACHAISE, Gilles LE BÉGUEC et Frédéric TURPIN. Bruxelles et Oxford, P. Lang, 2006, 183 p. (ill.). (Collection Georges Pompidou. no 1. Études). 3783. GIOCANTI (Stéphane). Charles Maurras. Le chaos et l'ordre. Paris, Flammarion, 2006, 575 p. (Grandes biographies). 3784. GUTHRIE (Christopher E.). The battle for the Republique démocratique et sociale in the Narbonnais, 18301875. Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2006, X303 p. 3785. HELLER (Henry). The bourgeois revolution in France, 17891815. New York, Berghahn Books, 2006, IX-172 p. (ill., map). (Berghahn monographs in French studies, 5). 3786. Histoire secrète de la Ve République. Sous la direction de Roger FALIGOT et Jean GUISNEL. Paris, La Découverte, 2006, 752 p. (Découverte/Poche, 269). 3787. HOUSE (Jim), MAC MASTER (Neil). Paris 1961: Algerians, state terror, and memory. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XI-375 p. (ill., map). 3788. HUGUENIN (François). Le conservatisme impossible: libéralisme et réaction en France depuis 1789. Paris, Table ronde, 2006, 395 p.
3789. Institutions napoléoniennes (Les). Sous la dir. de Marie-Laure MOQUET-ANGER. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 312 p. (Logiques juridiques).
3805. MARSEILLE (Jacques). Du bon usage de la guerre civile en France. Paris, Perrin, 2006, 171 p. (Tempus, 147).
3790. IVANOV (Andrej Ju.). Povsednevnaja zhizn' frantsuzov pri Napoleone. (Everyday life of the French under Napoleon). Moskva, Molodaja gvardija, 2006, 351 p. (ill.; portr.; bibl. p. 346-350). (Zhivaja istorija: povsednevnaja zhizn' chelovechestva).
3806. MARTIN (Jean-Clément). Violence et Révolution. Essai sur la naissance d'un mythe national. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2006, 338 p. (L'univers historique).
3791. JAMES (Alan). The origins of French absolutism, 15981661. Harlow a. New York, Pearson Longman, 2006, XIX-148 p. (maps). (Seminar studies in history). 3792. JOLY (Laurent). Les débuts de l'Action française (18991914) ou l'élaboration d'un nationalisme antisémite. Revue historique, 2006, 639, p. 695-718. 3793. KÉCHICHIAN (Albert). Les Croix-de-Feu à l'âge des fascismes. Travail, famille, patrie. Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2006, 413 p. (Époques). 3794. KERGOAT (Jacques). La France du Front populaire. Paris, La Découverte, 2006, 414 p. (ill., maps). 3795. KESLER (Jean-François). Les hauts fonctionnaires, la politique et l'argent, grandeur et décadence de l'Etat républicain. Paris, Albin Michel, 2006, 315 p. 3796. KOI (Takashi). Riyon no Furansu kakumei: Jiynj ka byǀdǀ ka. (The French Revolution in Lyon: liberty or equality). Tokyo, Rikkyo U. P., 2006, 727 p. 3797. KONNERT (Mark W.). Local politics in the French Wars of Religion: the towns of Champagne, the Duc de Guise, and the Catholic League, 15601595. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, 300 p. (maps). (St. Andrews studies in Reformation history). 3798. KOYAMA (Keiko). Furansu Runesansu osei to toshi shakai: Riyon wo chushin toshite. (Monarchy and urban society in France during the renaissance: the case of Lyon). Fukuoka, Kyushu U. P., 2006, 292 p. 3799. LACROIX-RIZ (Annie). Le choix de la défaite: les élites françaises dans les années 1930. Paris, A. Colin, 2006, 671 p.
3807. MERRIMAN (John). Police stories: building the French state, 1815–1851. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, VIII-254 p. 3808. PETRY (Christine). "Faire des sujets du roi". Rechtspolitik in Metz, Toul und Verdun unter französischer Herrschaft (1552–1648). München, Oldenbourg, 2006, 334 p. (Pariser Historische Studien, 73). 3809. PIERRE (Benoist). La bure et le sceptre. La congrégation des Feuillants dans l'affirmation des États et des pouvoirs princiers (vers 1560vers 1660). Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2006, 590 p. 3810. Pouvoirs municipaux et pouvoir royal en Roussillon et en Languedoc, XVIIeXVIIIe siècles. Journées d'histoire et histoire du droit et des institutions de l'Université de Perpignan. Coordinateur Gilbert LARGUIER. Perpignan, Presses universitaires de Perpignan, 2006, 150 p. (Collection Etudes). 3811. PROST (Antoine). Autour du Front populaire: aspects du mouvement social au XXe siècle. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2006, 350 p. 3812. Représentations (Les) de l'"homme politique" en France. Sous la dir. de Michel BIARD. Mont-SaintAignan, Publications des universités de Rouen et du Havre, 2006, 93 p. (Cahier du GRHis, 17). 3813. Républiques (Les) en propagande: pluralisme politique et propagande: entre déni et institutionnalisation, XIXeXXIe siècles. Organisateurs Denis ROLLAND, Didier GEORGAKAKIS et Yves DÉLOYE. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 483 p. (ill., map). (International). 3814. RIVIALE (Philippe). Le gouvernement de la France: 18301840. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 337 p. (A la recherche des sciences sociales).
3800. LAHAXE (Jean-Claude). Les communistes à Marseille à l'apogée de la guerre froide: 19491954. Aixen-Provence, Publications de l'Université de Provence, 2006, 292 p. (maps). (Collection Le temps de l'histoire).
3815. SANTAMARIA (Yves). Le parti de l'ennemi: le parti communiste français dans la lutte pour la paix, 19471958. Paris, Colin, 2006, 373 p.
3801. LEISNER (Walter). Napoleons Staatsgedanken auf St. Helena. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2006, 91 p.
3816. SCHNAPPER (Dominique). L'échec du "modèle républicain"? Réflexion d'une sociologue. Annales, 2006, 61, 4, p. 759-776.
3802. MAC CLURE (Ellen M.). Sunspots and the Sun King: sovereignty and mediation in seventeenth-century France. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2006, IX-316 p. (Humanities laboratory). 3803. MAC PHEE (Peter). Living the French Revolution, 1789–1799. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, X-319 p. 3804. MARIOT (Nicolas). Bains de foule: les voyages présidentiels en province, 1888–2002. Paris, Éditions Belin, 2006, 351 p. (Socio-Histoires).
3817. SCHOLZ (Natalie). Die imaginierte Restauration. Repräsentationen der Monarchie im Frankreich Ludwigs XVIII. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006, VIII-306 p. 3818. SCHWARTZENBERG (Roger-Gérard). 1788: essai sur la maldémocratie. Paris, Fayard, 2006, 483 p. 3819. SELLAM (Sadek). La France et ses musulmans: un siècle de politique musulmane (18952005). Paris, Fayard, 2006, 392 p. (Histoire).
3820. SHIBATA (Michio). Furansushi 10 kǀ. (French history in 10 lectures). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 229 p. 3821. SHOVLIN (John). The political economy of virtue. Luxury, patriotism and the origins of the French Revolution. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2006, XI265 p.
Addendum 2005 ** 3834. Histoire documentaire du Parti socialiste. T. 1. L'Entreprise socialiste, 19051920. T. 2. La Maison socialiste, 19211940. Textes réunis et présentés par Vincent CHAMBARLHAC [et al.]. Dijon, Editions Universitaires de Dijon, 2005, 2 vol., 312 p., 386 p. (ill., maps). (Collection Sources).
3822. SMITH (Paul). A history of the French Senate: the fourth and fifth republics, 19462004. Vol. 2. Lewiston a. Ceredigion, E. Mellen Press, 2006, XVII448 p. (maps).
Cf. nos 3589, 4150, 4151, 4657, 6010, 6057, 6186, 6595, 6729, 6786
3823. STUART (Robert). Marxism and national identity: socialism, nationalism, and national socialism during the French Fin de Siècle. Albany, State University of New York Press, 2006, X-305 p. (SUNY series on national identities).
3835. HUGHES (Arnold), PERFECT (David). A political history of the Gambia 1816–1994. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2006, XVIII-530 p.
3824. TACKETT (Timothy). Becoming a revolutionary: the deputies of the French National Assembly and the emergence of a revolutionary culture (17891790). University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2006, XVI355 p. (ill.). 3825. TAEGER (Angela). Ludwig XVI. (1754–1793). König von Frankreich. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2006, 191 p. 3826. TINGLE (Elizabeth). Authority and society in Nantes during the French wars of religion, 15581598. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2006, X-230 p. (Studies in early modern European history). EADEM. Stability in the urban community in a time of war: police, Protestantism and poor relief in Nantes during the French Wars of Religion, 15621589. European history quarterly, 2006, 36, 4, p. 521-547. 3827. VALLA (Jean-Claude). Les socialistes dans la Collaboration: de Jaurès à Hitler. Paris, Ed. de la Librairie nationale, 2006, 205 p. (ill.). (Cahiers libres d'histoire). 3828. VAVASSEUR-DESPERRIERS (Jean). Les droites en France. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2006, 127 p. (Que sais-je? 3756). 3829. VENNER (Fiammetta). Extrême France: les mouvements frontistes, nationaux-radicaux, royalistes, catholiques traditionalistes et provie. Paris, B. Grasset, 2006, 518 p. (maps). 3830. VERGEZ-CHAIGNON (Bénédicte). Vichy en prison. Les épurés à Fresnes après la Libération, Paris, Gallimard, 2006, 424 p. 3831. VIDAL (Georges). Violence et politique dans la France des années 1930: le cas de l'autodéfense communiste. Revue historique, 2006, 640, p. 901-922. 3832. WINOCK (Michel), NIKEL (Séverine). La gauche au pouvoir: l'héritage du Front populaire. Paris, Bayard, 2006, 188 p. e
3833. WINOCK (Michel). L'agonie de la IV République, 13 mai 1958. Paris, Gallimard, 2006, 398 p. (Les journées qui ont fait la France). IDEM. La gauche en France. Paris, Perrin, 2006, 502 p.
Germany ** 3836. Adenauer: Rhöndorfer Ausgabe. Briefe. 9. 1961–1963. Hrsg. v. Rudolf MORSEY und Hans-Peter SCHWARZ. Bearb. v. Hans Peter MENSING. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2006, XXI-577 p. ** 3837. AMOS (Heike). Die Entstehung der Verfassung in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone/DDR, 1946 1949: Darstellung und Dokumentation. Münster, Lit, 2006, 534 p. (ill., ports.). (Diktatur und Widerstand, 12). ** 3838. Berichte schwäbischer Regierungspräsidenten aus den Jahren 1918 und 1919. Bearbeitet von Karl FILSER und Rudolf VOGEL; unter Mitwirkung von Gerhard HETZER. Augsburg, Wissner, 2006, XVIII-500 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Schwäbischen Forschungsgemeinschaft. Bd. 1. Amtliche Berichte aus dem bayerischen Schwaben, 12). ** 3839. Kabinettsprotokolle (Die) der Bundesregierung. Hrsg. für das Bundesarchiv v. Hartmut WEBER. Bd. 16. 1963. Bearb. v. Ulrich ENDERS und Christoph SEEMANN unt. Mitw. v. Ralf BEHRENDT, Josef HENKE und Uta RÖSSEL. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, 637 p. ** 3840. Kabinettsprotokolle von Baden, Württemberg-Baden und Württemberg- Hohenzollern 1945– 1952. T. 1. Die Protokolle der Regierung von Baden. Bd. 1. Die Landesverwaltung Baden und das Staatssekretariat Wohleb 1945–1947. Bearb. v. Kurt HOCHSTUHL. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2006, XCIX-240 p. ** 3841. Protokolle (Die) des Bayerischen Staatsrats 1799 bis 1817. Hrsg. v. d. Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften durch Eberhard Weis u.v. der Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns durch Hermann Rumschöttel. Bd. 1. 1799 bis 1801. Bearb. v. Reinhard STAUBER unt. Mitarb. v. Esteban MAUERER. München, Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2006, 552 p. ** 3842. RATHENAU (Walther). Gesamtausgabe. 5. Briefe. Teilbd. 1. 18711913. Teilbd. 2. 19141922. Hrsg. für die Walther Rathenau Gesellschaft v. Hans Dieter HELLIGE und Ernst SCHULIN. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2006, 2 vol., 2829 p. (Schriften des Bundesarchivs, 63).
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES ** 3843. Tagebücher (Die) von Joseph Goebbels. Teil 1. Aufzeichnungen 19231941. Bd. 2/III. Oktober 1932März 1934. Im Auftrag des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte und mit Unterstützung des Staatlichen Archivdienstes Russlands; herausgegeben von Elke FRÖHLICH. München, K.G. Saur, 2006, 429 p. ** 3844. VOEGELIN (Eric). Hitler und die Deutschen. Hrsg. v. Manfred HENNINGSEN. München, Fink, 2006, 320 p. ** 3845. ZAKHAROV (Vladimir V.), LAVINSKAJA (Ol'ga V.), NOKHOTOVICH (D.N.) in collaboration with POLTORATSKAJ (E.V.). Sovetskaja voennaja administratsija v Germanii i nemetskie organy samoupravlenija. 1945–1949. (Soviet Military Administration in Germany and German self-government institutions, 1945– 1949: documents). Ed. Nikita V. PETROV. Gos. arkhiv RF, etc. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 759 p. (ind. p. 645732). (Sovetskaja voennaja administratsija v Germanii, 1945–1949: dokumenty, materialy, issledovanija). – ** . [ZAKHAROV (Vladimir V.), LAVINSKAJA (Ol'ga V.), NOKHOTOVICH (D.N) in collaboration with Poltoratskaja (E.V.).]. Sovetskaja voennaja administratsija v Germanii i religioznye konfessii sovetskoj zony okkupatsii Germanii, 19451949 gg. Sbornik dokumentov. (Soviet Military Administration in Germany and religious confesstions of the Soviet zone of occcupation, 1945–1949: documents). Ed. Vladimir V. ZAKHAROV. Gos. arkhiv RF, etc. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 591 p. (ind. p. 552-589). (Sovetskaja voennaja administratsija v Germanii, 1945–1949: dokumenty, materialy, issledovanija). _______________________
3846. 15 Jahre deutsche Einheit: deutsch-deutsche Begegnungen, deutsch-deutsche Beziehungen. Hrsg. v. Günther HEYDEMANN und Eckhard JESSE. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2006, 376 p. (Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Deutschlandforschung e.V., 89). 3847. 1806, Bayern wird Königreich: Vorgeschichte, Inszenierung, europäischer Rahmen. Hrsg. v. Alois SCHMID. Regensburg, Pustet, 2006, 286 p. (ill.). 3848. ARETIN (Cajetan, Freiherr von). Die Erbschaft des Königs Otto von Bayern: höfische Politik und Wittelsbacher Vermögensrechte 1916 bis 1923. München, Beck, 2006, XXVIII-408 p. (Schriftenreihe zur bayerischen Landesgeschichte, 149). 3849. BAUER (Babett). Kontrolle und Repression: individuelle Erfahrungen in der DDR, 19711989: historische Studie und methodologischer Beitrag zur Oral History. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 492 p. (ill.). (Schriften des Hannah-ArendtInstituts für Totalitarismusforschung, 30). 3850. BAYER (Birgit). Ich bleibe nicht mehr über Nacht Schultheiss! Die Bewegung gegen die Schultheissen in Württemberg im Frühjahr 1848. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2006, 468 p. (ill.). (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe III, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 1033 = Publications universi-
taires européennes. Série III, Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire, 1033 = European university studies. Series III, History and allied sciences, 1033). 3851. Bilder für die Welt: die Reichsparteitage der NSDAP im Spiegel der ausländischen Presse. Hrsg. v. Friedrich KIESSLING und Gregor SCHÖLLGEN. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, VIII-214 p. (ill.). (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 61). 3852. BLESSING (Benita). The antifascist classroom: denazification in Soviet-occupied Germany, 1945–1949. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XVI-288 p. 3853. BRELOER (Heinrich). Die Akte Speer: Spuren eines Kriegsverbrechers. In Zusammenarbeit mit Rainer ZIMMER. Berlin, Propyläen, 2006, 512 p. (ill.). 3854. BRÜMMER-PAULY (Kristina). Desertion im Recht des Nationalsozialismus. Berlin, BWV, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2006, XV-221 p. (Juristische Zeitgeschichte, 19. Allgemeine Reihe, 1). 3855. BRUNNER (Detlev). Der Schein der Souveränität: Landesregierung und Besatzungspolitik in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 19451949. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, IX-447 p. 3856. CLARK (Christopher). Iron kingdom: the rise and downfall of Prussia, 1600–1947. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2006, XVIII-775 p. 3857. CONNOR (Ian). German Refugees and the SPD in Schleswig-Holstein, 19451950. European history quarterly, 2006, 36, 2, p. 173-199. 3858. CONRAD (Sebastian). Globalisierung und Nation im Deutschen Kaiserreich. München, Beck, 2006, 445 p. 3859. Deutsche Zäsuren. Systemwechsel seit 1806. Hrsg. v. Alexander GALLUS. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2006, 336 p. 3860. FRANJIC (Silvija). Die Wiedergutmachung für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus in Baden, 1945 1967: von der moralischen Verpflichtung zur rechtlichen Pflichtübung. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2006, 420 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe III, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 103 = Publications universitaires européennes. Série III, Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire, 1030 = European university studies. Series III, History and allied studies, 1030). 3861. GASSERT (Philipp). Kurt Georg Kiesinger 19041988. Kanzler zwischen den Zeiten. München, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2006, 896 p. 3862. GIRO (Helmut-Dieter). Die Remilitarisierung des Rheinlands 1936: Hitlers Weg in den Krieg? Essen, Klartext, 2006, 302 p. (Düsseldorfer Schriften zur neueren Landesgeschichte und zur Geschichte NordrheinWestfalens, 76). 3863. GOTTO (Bernhard). Nationalsozialistische Kommunalpolitik. Administrative Normalität und System-
stabilisierung durch die Augsburger Stadtverwaltung 19331945. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, X-476 p. (studien zur zeitgeschichte, 71). 3864. HACKE (Jens). Philosophie der Bürgerlichkeit. Die liberalkonservative Begründung der Bundesrepublik. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 335 p. 3865. HAUSMANN (Katharina). "Die Chance, Bürger zu werden": deutsche Politik unter amerikanischer Besatzung: die "Heidelberger Aktionsgruppe" 19461947. Heidelberg, Edition Guderjahn im Verlag Regionalkultur, 2006, 128 p. (ill.). (Schriftenreihe des Stadtarchivs Heidelberg, 8). 3866. HERF (Jeffrey). The Jewish enemy: Nazi propaganda during World War II and the Holocaust. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2006, IX-390 p. 3867. Hitlers Kommissare. Sondergewalten in der nationalsozialistischen Diktatur. Hrsg. v. Rüdiger HACHTMANN und Winfried SÜß. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2006, 279 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus, 22). 3868. HOSHINO (Haruhiko). Otokotachi no teikoku: Viruherumu 2sei kara Nachisue. (The empire of men: Wilhelm the 2nd to the Nazis), Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 231 p. 3869. "Ich bin der letzte Preuße". Der politische Lebensweg des konservativen Politikers Kuno Graf von Westarp, 18641945. Hrsg. v. Larry Eugene JONES and Wolfram PYTA. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2006, X-221 p. (Stuttgarter historische Forschungen, 3). 3870. KITCHEN (Martin). A history of modern Germany, 18002000. Malden a. Oxford, Blackwell Pub., 2006, XI-455 p. (ill., maps). 3871. KLOOSTERHUIS (Elisabeth M.). Erasmusjünger als politische Reformer: Humanismusideal und Herrschaftspraxis am Niederrhein im 16. Jahrhundert. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, X-763 p. (Rheinisches Archiv, 148). 3872. KOENIG (Johannes). Verwaltungsreform in Hessen (19451981): Ziele, Strategien, Akteure. Darmstadt, Selbstverlag der Hessischen Historischen Kommission Darmstadt und der Historischen Kommission für Hessen, 2006, 516 p. (ill., maps). (Quellen und Forschungen zur hessischen Geschichte, 151). 3873. KRAUS (Hans-Christof). Das Ende des alten Deutschland. Krise und Auflösung des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nation 1806. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2006, 124 p. (Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen und Reden zur Philosophie, Politik und Geistesgeschichte, 37).
Paderborn, Schöningh, 2006, 323 p. (ill.). (Krieg in der Geschichte, 31). 3876. KÜHNE (Thomas). Kameradschaft: die Soldaten des nationalsozialistischen Krieges und das 20. Jahrhundert. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 327 p. 3877. KURLANDER (Eric). The price of exclusion. Ethnicity, national identity, and the decline of German liberalism, 18981933. Oxford, Berghahn, 2006, 387 p. (Monographs in German history, 10). 3878. LEHNSTAEDT (Stephan). Das Reichsministerium des Innern unter Heinrich Himmler 1943–1945. Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, 4, p. 639-672. 3879. Macht (Von) und Ohnmacht. Sächsische Ministerpräsidenten im Zeitalter der Extreme 1919–1952. Hrsg. v. Mike SCHMEITZNER und Andreas WAGNER. Beucha, Sax, 2006, 408 p. 3880. MANN (Bernhard). Kleine Geschichte des Königreichs Württemberg 1806–1918. Leinfelden-Echterdingen, DRW-Verlag Weinbrenner, 2006, 280 p. 3881. MERKLE (Hans). Der Plus-Forderer. Der badische Staatsmann Sigismund von Reitzenstein und seine Zeit. Karlsruhe, Braun, 2006, 383 p. 3882. MÜHLHAUSEN (Walter). Friedrich Ebert 1871–1925. Reichspräsident der Weimarer Republik. Bonn, Dietz, 2006, 1064 p. 3883. MÜLLER (Jürgen). Der Deutsche Bund 1815– 1866. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, X-131 p. (Enzyklopädie deutscher Geschichte, 78). 3884. MUNRO (Gregory). Hitler's Bavarian antagonist: Georg Moenius and the Allgemeine Rundschau of Munich, 19291933. Lewiston, E. Mellen Press, 2006, XXV-510 p. (ill., ports.). 3885. NOMURA (Mari). Ushinawareta sekai e: Higashi Garitia no senkanki kara horokǀsuto made. (Into the lost world: Eastern Galicia from the interwar to the Holocaust period). In: Chnjǀ Yǀroppa no kanǀsƝ: Yureugoku sono rekishi to shakai. (The possibilities of Central Europe: Its oscillating history and society). Ed. by Atsushi OTSURU. Kyoto, Showado, 2006, p. 203246. 3886. ODDEY (Markus). Unter Druck gesetzt: Presse und Nationalsozialismus in Schleswig-Holstein: Struktur, Wahrnehmung, Herrschaftsakzeptanz. Eutin, Lumpeter & Lasel, 2006, 498 p. (ill.) u. 1 CD-ROM. 3887. Otto von Bismarck im Spiegel Europas. Hrsg. v. Klaus HILDEBRAND und Eberhard KOLB. Paderborn, München, Wien u. Zürich, Schöningh, 2006, IX-205 p.
3874. KRISCHER (André). Reichsstädte in der Fürstengesellschaft. Politischer Zeichengebrauch in der Frühen Neuzeit. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006, VII-460 p. (Symbolische Kommunikation in der Vormoderne).
3888. PETROPOULOS (Jonathan). Royals and the Reich: the princes von Hessen in Nazi Germany. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XX-524 p.
3875. KRÜGER (Christine G.). "Sind wir denn nicht Brüder?" Deutsche Juden im nationalen Krieg 1870/71.
3889. PFAFF (Steven). Exit-voice dynamics and the collapse of East Germany: the crisis of Leninism and
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES the revolution of 1989. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2006, XV-333 p. (ill.). 3890. POD'JAPOL'SKIJ (Aleksej G.). Novoe sledstvie po delu Rudol'fa Gessa. (The new investigation in the case of Rudolf Hess). Moskva, Kraft+, 2006, 288 p. (tabl.; bibl. p. 286-287). 3891. PRÖVE (Ralf). Militär, Staat und Gesellschaft im 19. Jahrhundert. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2006, X132 p. (Enzyklopädie deutscher Geschichte, 77). 3892. RETALLACK (James N.). The German right, 18601920: political limits of the authoritarian imagination. Toronto a. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2006, XIII-430 p. (ill., map). (German and European studies). 3893. REUBAND (Karl-Heinz). Das NS-Regime zwischen Akzeptanz und Ablehnung. Eine retrospektive Analyse von Bevölkerungseinstellungen im Dritten Reich auf der Basis von Umfragedaten. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 3, p. 315-343. 3894. RIEDEL (Manfred). Geheimes Deutschland. Stefan George und die Brüder Stauffenberg. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2006, IX-267 p. 3895. RITTER (Gerhard A.). Der Preis der deutschen Einheit: die Wiedervereinigung und die Krise des Sozialstaates. München, C. H. Beck, 2006, 540 p. 3896. ROIK (Michael). Die DKP [Deutsche Kommunistische Partei] und die demokratischen Parteien, 19681984. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2006, 396 p. 3897. ROSS (Corey). Mass politics and the techniques of leadership: the promise and perils of propaganda in Weimar Germany. German history, 2006, 24, 2, p. 184-211. 3898. ROWELL (Jay). Le totalitarisme au concret: les politiques du logement en RDA. Paris, Economica, 2006, 339 p. (Etudes politiques). 3899. SANDVOSS (Hans-Rainer). Die "andere" Reichshauptstadt: Widerstand aus der Arbeiterbewegung in Berlin von 1933 bis 1945. Berlin, Lukas, 2006, 668 p. (ill., ports.). 3900. SCHEFFLER (Tomasz). Europa po Hitlerze: áad miĊdzynarodowy w koncepcjach konserwatywnej opozycji w Trzeciej Rzeszy. Wrocáaw, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Wrocáawskiego, 2006, 336 p. (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 2886). 3901. SCHMIDT (Anne). Belehrung, Propaganda, Vertrauensarbeit: zum Wandel amtlicher Kommunikationspolitik in Deutschland, 19141918. Essen, Klartext, 2006, 276 p. (ill.). 3902. SCHMIDT (Christoph). Nationalsozialistische Kulturpolitik im Gau Westfalen-Nord. Regionale Strukturen und lokale Milieus, 19331945. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2006, 513 p. (Forschungen zur Regionalgeschichte, 54).
3903. SCHÜLER (Winfried). Das Herzogtum Nassau, 18061866. Wiesbaden, Historische Kommission für Nassau, 2006, XI-392 p. (Veröffentlichungen der historischen Kommission für Nassau, 75). 3904. SPERLICH (Peter W.). Oppression and scarcity. The history and institutional structure of the MarxistLeninist government of East Germany and some perspectives on life in a socialist system. Westport a. London, Praeger, 2006, XV-303 p. 3905. SPILKER (Dirk). The East German leadership and the division of Germany: patriotism and propaganda 1945–1953. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XI296 p. (Oxford historical monographs). 3906. STEPHENSON (Jill). Hitler's home front: Württemberg under the Nazis. London, Hambledon Continuum, 2006, XIV-512 p. (ill., maps). 3907. STRENGE (Irene). Kurt von Schleicher. Politik im Reichswehrministerium am Ende der Weimarer Republik. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2006, 242 p. (Zeitgeschichtliche Forschungen, 29). 3908. TRITTEL (Christina). Die Landtagsfraktionen in Sachsen-Anhalt von 1946 bis 1950: Analyse des landespolitischen Handelns und der Handlungsspielräume kollektiver Akteure in der werdenden DDR. Mit einem Geleitwort von Everhard HOLTMANN. Wiesbaden, Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, 2006, XXIII-297 p. (ill.). (DUV Sozialwissenschaft). 3909. UEBERSCHÄR (Gerd R.). Für ein anderes Deutschland: Der deutsche Widerstand gegen den NSStaat 1933–1945. Frankfurt am Main, Fischer, 2006, 400 p. (Der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus). 3910. VINCENT (Marie-Bénédicte). Serviteurs de l'État: les élites administratives en Prusse de 1871 à 1933. Paris, Belin, 2006, 367 p. 3911. VOGEL (Jesko). Der sozialdemokratische Parteibezirk Leipzig in der Weimarer Republik. Sachsens demokratische Tradition. 1. 2. Hamburg, Kovac, 2006, 2 vol., VII-835 p. (Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, 52). 3912. VOGT (Stefan). Nationaler Sozialismus und soziale Demokratie: die sozialdemokratische Junge Rechte 19181945. Bonn, Dietz, 2006, 502 p. (ill.). (Reihe Politik- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte, 70). 3913. WAHL (Alfred). La seconde histoire du nazisme: dans l'Allemagne fédérale depuis 1945. Paris, A. Colin, 2006, 335 p. (Les enjeux de l'histoire). 3914. WINSTEL (Tobias). Verhandelte Gerechtigkeit: Rückerstattung und Entschädigung für jüdische NSOpfer in Bayern und Westdeutschland. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, 426 p. (Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, 72). 3915. WITKOWSKI (Gregory R.). Peasants revolt? Re-evaluating the 17 June uprising in East Germany. German history, 2006, 24, 2, p. 243-266. 3916. Wo "1968" liegt: Reform und Revolte in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik. Hrsg. v. Christina von
HODENBERG und Detlef SIEGFRIED. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 205 p. (ill.).
land WYMER and Jason LAWRENCE. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XXVII-215 p.
3917. ZANKEL (Sönke). Die Weisse Rose war nur der Anfang: Geschichte eines Widerstandskreises. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, X-215 p. (ill.).
3927. ALDOUS (Richard). The lion and the unicorn: Gladstone vs Disraeli. London, Hutchinson, 2006, XV368 p. (ill.).
Addenda 20022004
3928. ALTER (Peter). Winston Churchill, 18741965. Leben und Überleben. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2006, 326 p.
** 3918. Akten der Reichskanzlei. Regierung Hitler 1933–1945. Hrsg. für die Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften v. Hans Günter HOCKERTS, für das Bundesarchiv v. Hartmut WEBER. Die Regierung Hitler. Bd. 3. 1936. Bearb. v. Friedrich HARTMANNSGRUBER. München, Oldenbourg, 2002, LXVIII-993 p. 3919. HERING (Rainer). Konstruierte Nation. Der Alldeutsche Verband 1890 bis 1939. Hamburg, Christians, 2003, 600 p. (Hamburger Beiträge zur Sozial- u. Zeitgeschichte, Darstellungen, 40). 3920. Offenburg 1919–1949. Zwischen Demokratie und Diktatur. Hrsg. v. Klaus EISELE und Joachim SCHOLTYSECK. Konstanz, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft Konstanz, 2004, 507 p. Cf. nos 3527, 4150, 4242, 4271, 5918, 5943, 6330, 6442, 6522, 6604, 6727, 6744 Ghana 3921. LENTZ (Carola). Ethnicity and the making of history in northern Ghana. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press for the International African Institute, 2006, XI-346 p. (maps, ports.). (International African library, 33). Great Britain ** 3922. Coalition diaries (The) and letters of H.A.L. Fisher, 19161922. V. 1. 19161918. V. 2. 19191920. V. 3. 19211922. V. 4. Bibliography, biographical profile index, subject index. Transcribed and edited by F. Russell BRYANT. Lewiston a. Lampeter, Edwin Mellen Press, 2006, 4 vol., [s. p.]. (ill.). ** 3923. Heard before the King: registers of petitions to James I, 16031616. Transcribed by Danae TANKARD; edited with an introduction by R.W. HOYLE; and indices by Simon NEAL. Kew, List and Index Society, 2006, 2 vol., XXVII-383 p. (Special series, 38-39). ** 3924. Killerton, Camborne and Westminster: the political correspondence of Sir Francis and Lady Acland, 19101929. Ed. by Garry TREGIDGA. Exeter, Devon and Cornwall Record Society, 2006, VII-180 p. (ill.). (Devon and Cornwall Record Society, 48. New Series). ** 3925. Unrepentant Tory: political selections from the diaries of the fourth Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne, 18271838. Ed. by Richard A. GAUNT. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2006, XL-405 p. (ill.). (Parliamentary history record series, 3). Newcastle (Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham Clinton, Duke of), GAUNT (Richard A.) _______________________
3926. Accession (The) of James I. Historical and cultural consequences. Ed. by Glenn BURGESS, Row-
3929. BARRELL (John). The spirit of despotism: invasions of privacy in the 1790s. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XIII-278 p. (ill.). 3930. BENNETT (Martyn). Oliver Cromwell. London, Routledge, 2006, 299 p. 3931. BLACK (Jeremy). A military history of Britain: from 1775 to the present. Westport a. London, Praeger Security International, 2006, 191 p. IDEM. George III: America's last king. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, XVII-460 p. (English monarchs). 3932. BROWN (Christopher Leslie). Moral capital: foundations of British abolitionism. Chapel Hill, published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, by the University of North Carolina Press, 2006, X-480 p. (ill.). 3933. CLAYTON (Anthony). The British officer: leading the Army from 1660 to the present. New York, Longman, 2006, XIV-271 p. 3934. CONWAY (Stephen). War, state, and society in mid-eighteenth-century Britain and Ireland. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, VI-346 p. (ill., maps). (Oxford scholarship online). 3935. CORRIGAN (Gordon). Blood, sweat and arrogance and the myths of Churchill's war. London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2006, 495 p. (ill., maps, ports.). 3936. CORTHORN (Paul). In the shadow of the dictators: the British Left in the 1930s. London a. New York, Tauris Academic Studies, 2006, VI-281 p. (International library of political studies, 11). 3937. CRESSY (David). England on edge: crisis and revolution 16401642. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XIV446 p. (ill., map). 3938. CROMARTIE (Alan). The constitutionalist revolution: an essay on the history of England, 1450–1642. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, X-309 p. (Ideas in context, 75). 3939. Debating nationhood and governance in Britain, 18851939: perspectives from the 'four nations'. Ed. by Duncan TANNER [et al.]. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2006, 270 p. (The devolution series). 3940. Development (The) of British naval thinking. Essays in memory of Bryan Mac Larren Ranft. Ed. by Geoffrey TILL. London a. New York, routledge, 2006, XV-214 p. (Cass series-naval policy and history, 38).
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 3941. DIETZ (Bernhard). Gab es eine "Konservative Revolution" in Großbritannien? Rechtsintellektuelle am Rande der Konservativen Partei 1929–1933. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, 4, p. 607638. 3942. DILLON (Patrick). The last revolution: 1688 and the creation of the modern world. London, Jonathan Cape, 2006, X-450 p. (ill., maps, ports.). 3943. DUCHEIN (Michel). Les dernier Stuarts. Paris, Fayard, 2006, 527 p. 3944. DUREY (Michael). William Wickham, the Christ Church connection and the rise and fall of the Security Service in Britain, 1793–1801. English historical review, 2006, 121, 492, p. 714-745. 3945. EDGERTON (David). Warfare state: Britain, 19201970. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV364 p. (ill.). 3946. EVANS (Chris). Debating the revolution: Britain in the 1790s. London, I.B. Tauris, 2006, 198 p. (International library of historical studies, 31). 3947. FARR (David). Henry Ireton and the English Revolution. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2006, IX-277 p. 3948. Fear, exclusion and revolution: Roger Morrice and Britain in the 1680s. Ed. by Jason MAC ELLIGOTT. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XII-228 p. (ill.). 3949. FOOTE (Geoffrey). The Republican transformation of modern British politics. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, VIII-228 p. 3950. HARRIS (Tim). Revolution: the great crisis of the British monarchy, 16851720. London a. New York, Allen Lane, 2006, XVIII-622 p. (ill., maps). 3951. HILTON (Boyd). A mad, bad and dangerous people? England 17831846. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XXV-757 p. (New Oxford history of England).
Portland, Sussex Academic Press, 2006, IX-364 p. (ill., maps). 3958. KOSEKI (Takashi). Purimurǀzu rƯgu no jidai. (The era of the Primrose League: British conservatism at the turn of the century). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 369 p. 3959. Labour governments (The), 19641970. Ed. by Peter DOREY. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XIII-401 p. (ill.). (British politics and society). 3960. LAWRENCE (Jon). The transformation of British public politics after the First World War. Past and present, 2006, 190, p. 185-216. 3961. LAYBOURN (Keith). Marxism in Britain: dissent, decline and re-emergence 1945c. 2000. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XII-206 p. (Routledge studies in modern British history, 3). 3962. Liberty and authority in Victorian Britain. Ed. by Peter MANDLER. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XI254 p. 3963. MAC HUGH (Declan). Labour in the city: the development of the Labour party in Manchester, 19181931. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2006, XI222 p. (maps, charts). (Critical labour movement studies series). 3964. MANNING (Roger B.). An apprenticeship in arms: the origins of the British Army, 1585–1702. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XIX-467 p. 3965. Migration and identity in British history proceedings of the Fifth Anglo-Japanese Conference of historians. Ed. by David BATES and Kazuhiko KONDO. Tokyo, University of Tokyo Kyozai Shuppan, 2006, 300 p. 3966. MITCHELL (Stuart). The brief and turbulent life of modernising conservatism. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006, IX-250 p.
3952. INAI (Taro). 16 seiki Ingurando gyǀzaiseishi kenkynj. (Public finance and administration in 16th century England: a historical approach). Hiroshima, Hiroshima U. P., 2006, 454 p.
3967. MONTGOMERY (Fiona). Women's rights: struggles and feminism in Britain c. 17701970. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2006, VII-279 p. (Documents in modern history).
3953. Institutions politiques (Les) au Royaume-Uni: hommage à Monica Charlot. Sous la dir. de Suzy HALIMI. Paris, Presses Sorbonne nouvelle, 2006, 208 p.
3968. MOORE (James R.). The transformation of urban liberalism: party politics and urban governance in late nineteenth-century England. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate Pub. Co., 2006, XII-323 p. (Historical urban studies).
3954. James VI and I: ideas, authority, and government. Ed. by Ralph Anthony HOULBROOKE. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XIII-198 p. 3955. JENKS (Timothy). Naval engagements: patriotism, cultural politics, and the Royal Navy, 17931815. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, VIII-334 p. (ill.). 3956. JUPP (Peter C.). The governing of Britain, 1688 848: the executive, Parliament, and the people. London, Routledge, 2006, 314 p. 3957. KING (Steven). Women, welfare and local politics, 18801920: 'we might be trusted'. Brighton a.
3969. MOORE (Martin). The origins of modern spin: democratic government and the media in Britain, 1945 1951. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillian, 2006, IX-284 p. 3970. MURPHY (Philip). 'An intricate and distasteful subject': British planning for the use of force against the European settlers of Central Africa, 1952–1965. English historical review, 2006, 121, 492, p. 746-777. 3971. OSTAPENKO (Galina S.). Britanskaja monarkhija ot korolevy Viktorii do Elizavety II: kontseptsija upravlenija i lichnost' suverena. (The British
Monarchy from Queen Victoria to Elizabeth II: the conception of ruling and the personality of sovereign). RAN, In-t vseobshchej istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 303 p. (ill.; portr.; bibl. p. 283-290; ind. p. 291-300).
XVII vv. (The political thought of the English catholics in the 2nd half of the 16th and the early 17th century). Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2006, 296 p. (bibl. p. 235-254). (Bibliotheca Pax Britannica).
3972. OTTE (T. G.). 'Avenge England's Dishonour': by-elections, parliament and the politics of foreign policy in 1898. English historical review, 2006, 121, 491, p. 385-428.
3987. SHEPHERD (John), LAYBOURN (Keith). Britain's first Labour government. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XII-255 p. (ill.).
3973. PACKER (Ian). Liberal government and politics, 19051915. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, VII-241 p.
3988. SMITH (Hannah). Georgian monarchy: politics and culture, 17141760. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIII-296 p. (ill.). (Cambridge studies in early modern British history).
3974. Parliament and the press, 1689c. 1939. Ed. by Karl W. SCHWEIZER. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P. for the Parliamentary History Yearbook Trust, 2006, 144 p. (Parliamentary history, 25, pt. 1).
3989. SMITH (Jeremy). 'Ever Reliable Friends'? The Conservative party and Ulster unionism in the twentieth century. English historical review, 2006, 121, 490, p. 70103.
3975. PINCUS (Steven C. A.). England's glorious Revolution, 16881689: a brief history with documents. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XIV-185 p. (Bedford series in history and culture).
3990. SOWERBY (Tracey A.). 'All our books do be sent into other countreys and translated': Henrician polemic in its international context. English historical review, 2006, 121, 494, p. 1271-1299.
3976. PRICE (Emyr). David Lloyd George. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2006, XIV-236 p. (Celtic radicals series).
3991. SPURR (John). The post-Reformation: religion, politics and society in Britain, 16031714. Harlow, Pearson Longman, 2006, XV-387 p. (Religion, politics, and society in Britain series).
3977. PUGH (Martin). The Liberal Party and the Popular Front. English historical review, 2006, 121, 494, p. 1327-1350. 3978. RENTON (Dave). When we touched the sky: the Anti-Nazi League, 19771981. Cheltenham, New Clarion Press, 2006, XV-204 p. (ill., maps). 3979. Rethinking nineteenth-century liberalism: Richard Cobden bicentenary essays. Ed. by Anthony HOWE and Simon MORGAN. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, IX-302 p. (ill.). (Modern economic and social history series). 3980. RODGER (N. A. M.). The command of the ocean. A naval history of Britain, 16491815. London, Allan Lane, 2006, 907 p. 3981. RUBINSTEIN (David). The Labour Party and British society, 18802005. Brighton, Sussex Academic Press, 2006, X-228 p. 3982. RUHL (Kathrin). Frauen in der britischen Politik: eine Studie über Identität und politische Partizipation. Herbolzheim, Centaurus, 2006, X-247 p. (ill.). (Frauen in Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 42). 3983. SANDBROOK (Dominic). Never had it so good. A history of Britain from Suez to the Beatles. London, Abacus, 2006, XXIX-892 p. 3984. Sekai sensǀ no jidai to Igirisu teikoku: Igirisu teikoku to 20 seiki 3. (World wars and the British empire: the British empire in the twentieth century vol. 3). Ed. by Yuta SASAKI. Kyoto, Minerva Shobo, 2006, 368 p. 3985. SELF (Robert C.). Neville Chamberlain: a biography. Burlington, Ashgate, 2006, XI-573 p. 3986. SEREGINA (Anna Ju.). Politicheskaja mysl' anglijskikh katolikov vtoroj poloviny XVI–nachala
3992. STEARS (Marc). Progressives, pluralists, and the problems of the state: ideologies of reform in the United States and Britain, 19091926. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XI-306 p. 3993. SZECHI (Daniel). 1715: the great Jacobite rebellion. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, XVI-351 p. 3994. TSUJIMOTO (Satoshi). Ingurando ni okeru jyǀbigun no seiritsu: Wiriamu3seiki no jyǀbigun ronsǀ. (Formation of the standing army in England: debates on the standing army during the William the III reign). Rekishigaku Kenkyu, 2006, 819, p. 1-22. 3995. WALTER (John). Crowds and popular politics in early modern England. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2006, 224 p. (Politics, culture, and society in early modern Britain). 3996. WANKLYN (Malcolm). Decisive battles of the English Civil War. Barnsley, Pen & Sword Books, 2006, 246 p. 3997. WHATLEY (Christopher A.), PATRICK (Derek J.). The Scots and the Union. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2006, XV-424 p. (ill., ports.). 3998. Wilson governments (The) 19641970 reconsidered. Ed. by Glen O'HARA and Helen PARR. London, Routledge, 2006, XIV-189 p. Cf. nos 4452, 5459, 6078, 6111, 6360, 6615, 6651, 6688, 6730, 6731, 6744, 6766 Greece 3999. Eleftherios Venizelos: the trials of statesmanship. Ed. by Paschalis M. KITROMILIDES. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2006, XI-403 p. (ill., ports.).
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 4000. KONTOGIORGI (Elisabeth). Population exchange in Greek Macedonia: the rural settlement of refugees 1922–1930. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XIII-380 p. (Oxford historical monographs). 4001. PETRAKIS (Marina). The Metaxas myth: dictatorship and propaganda in Greece. London, Tauris Academic Studies, 2006, 269 p. (ill., ports.). (International library of war studies, 6). Cf. nos 4152-4154, 4296, 6375, 6506, 6615, 6785
(The Turks in the Austrian-Hungarian empire. Part 2. The life in the Austrian-Hungarian empire during the Turkish Wars and anti-Habsburg uprising from the Concilium in the year to the Satmar peace). Red. Peter KÓNYA. Ed. Pavel DVOěÁK. Comments Ján ADAM, Anna FUNDÁRKOVÁ, Miroslav KAMENICKÝ, Annamária KÓNYOVÁ, Peter KÓNYA, Tünde LENGYELOVÁ. Bratislava, Literárne a informaþné centrum, 2006, 467 p. (Ed. Pramene k dejinám Slovenska a Slovákov. Zv., 7/2). _______________________
4002. DYM (Jordana). From sovereign villages to national states: city, state, and federation in Central America, 1759–1839. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2006, XXXI-390 p.
4012. 1956: the Hungarian revolution and war for independence. Ed. by Lee CONGDON, Béla K. KIRÁLY and Károly NAGY. Boulder, Social Science Monographs, 2006, XI-956 p. (ill., maps). (Atlantic studies on society in change, 128. War and society in East Central Europe, 40).
4003. REEVES (Rene). Ladinos with Ladinos, Indians with Indians: land, labor, and regional ethnic conflict in the making of Guatemala. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2006, XVIII-249 p.
4013. EVANS (R. J. W.). Austria, Hungary, and the Habsburgs. Essays on Central Europe, c. 1683–1867. Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2006, XVII-337 p.
4004. SORIANO HERNÁNDEZ (Silvia). Mujeres y guerra en Guatemala y Chiapas. México D. F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2006, 289 p. (Serie Nuestra América, 64). Haiti
4014. Fejezetek az új- és jelenkori magyar történelembĘl: tanulmányok. (Chapters of the New and modern Hungarian history: studies). Szerkesztette GERGELY JenĘ. Budapest, L'Harmattan, ELTE Történelemtudományok Doktori Iskola, 2006, 335 p. (TDI könyvek, 4).
4005. NICOLAS (Mireille). Haïti, d'un coup d'état à l'autre. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 216 p.
4015. FORNARO (Pasquale). Ungheria. Milano, Unicopli, 2006, 276 p.
4006. Reinterpreting the Haitian revolution and its cultural aftershocks. Ed. by Martin MUNRO and Elizabeth WALCOTT-HACKSHAW. Kingston, University of the West Indies Press, 2006, XVI-184 p.
4016. GOUGH (Roger). A good comrade: János Kádár, communism and Hungary. London, I.B. Tauris, 2006, XII-323 p.
4007. Révolution haïtienne (La) au-delà de ses frontières. Sous la direction de Giulia BONACCI [et al.]; préface d'Elikia M'BOKOLO. Paris, Éditions Karthala, 2006, 259 p. Honduras Cf. no 4002 Hungary ** 4008. NAGY (Imre). Snagovi jegyzetek: gondolatok, emlékezések 19561957. (Snagov notes: thoughts, recollections, 19561957). FelelĘs szerkesztĘ VIDA István. Budapest, Gondolat Kiadó, 2006, 447 p. ** 4009. Parlamenti viták a Horthy korban. (Parliamentary debate on the Horthy era). Válogatta, szerkesztette, az elĘszót, a bevezetĘ tanulmányt és a jegyzeteket írta BOROS Zsuzsanna. Budapest, Rejtjel Kiadó, 2006, 2 vol., [s. p.]. (Rejtjel politológia könyvek, 25). ** 4010. Sub clausula 1956. Dokumentumok a forradalom történetéhez. Szerk.: GECSÉNYI Lajos; MÁTHÉ Gábor. Budapest, Közlöny, 2006, 764 p. GECSÉNYI (Lajos), MÁTHÉ (Gábor) ** 4011. Turci v Uhorsku. ýasĢ 2. Život v Uhorskom kráĐovstve poþas tureckých vojen a protihabsburských povstaní od snemu v roku 1608 do satmárskeho mieru.
4017. Habsburgermonarchie (Die) 18481918. Vol. 8. Politische Öffentlichkeit und Zivilgesellschaft. Teil 1. Vereine, Parteien und Interessenverbände als Träger der politischen Partizipation. Teil 2. Die Presse als Faktor der politischen Mobilisierung. Im Auftrag der Kommission für die Geschichte der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie 18481918; hrsg. v. Adam WANDRUSZKA und Peter URBANITSCH. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2006, XXI-XVI2832 p. 4018. HANEBRINK (Paul A.). In defense of Christian Hungary: religion, nationalism, and antisemitism, 1890– 1944. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2006, X-255 p. 4019. IZHAK (Lajosh). Politicheskaja istorija Vengrii, 1944–1990. (A political history of Hungary, 1944– 1990). RAN, In-t ros. istorii etc. Moskva, IRI RAN, 2006, 319 p. (bibl. p. 291-306; ind. p. 315-319). 4020. KENEZ (Peter). Hungary from the Nazis to the Soviets: the establishment of the Communist regime in Hungary, 1944–1948. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, IX-312 p. 4021. KLIMÓ (Árpád von). Ungarn seit 1945. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 256 p. (Europäische Zeitgeschichte, 2). 4022. LORMAN (Thomas). Counter-revolutionary Hungary, 19201925: István Bethlen and the politics of
consolidation. Boulder, East European Monographs, 2006, XIV-310 p. (East European monographs, 696). 4023. NIKLASSON (Tomas). Regime stability and foreign policy change: interaction between domestic and foreign policy in Hungary 19561994. Lund, Lund U. P., 2006, XVI-342 p. (Lund political studies, 143). 4024. O'REILLY (William), PENZ (Andrea). Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit als imperative Postulate: nationale Bewegungen in Irland und Ungarn im Vergleich (17801870). Graz, Grazer Universitätsverlag, Leykam, 2006, 154 p. (ill.). (Allgemeine wissenschaftliche Reihe, 2). 4025. PAPP (Julien). La Hongrie libérée: Etat, pouvoirs et société après la défaite du nazisme, (septembre 1944septembre 1947). Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 368 p. (Histoire). 4026. PÜSKI (Levente). A Horthy-rendszer, 1919 1945. (The Horthy regime, 19191945). Budapest, Pannonica Kiadó, 2006, 302 p. (map). (Modern magyar politikai rendszerek). Cf. nos 4371, 4522, 4960, 6650, 6688 India ** 4027. Jammu and Kashmir 19491964: select correspondence between Jawaharlal Nehru and Karan Singh. Ed. by Jawaid ALAM. New Delhi, Penguin, Viking, 2006, XIII-374 p. (ill.). ** 4028. Punjab politics, 1 January 19443 March 1947: last years of the ministries; governors' fornightly reports and other key documents. Compiled and edited by Lionel CARTER. New Delhi, Manohar, 2006, 392 p. (map). _______________________
4029. Beyond representation: colonial and postcolonial constructions of Indian identity. Ed. by Crispin BATES. New Delhi a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, VIII370 p. (ill.). 4030. DALRYMPLE (William). The last Mughal. The fall of a dynasty, Delhi 1857. London, Bloomsbury, 2006, XXVII-578 p. 4031. DATTA GUPTA (Sobhanlal). Comintern and the destiny of communism in India: 19191943: dialectics of real and a possible history. Bakhrahat, South 24 Parganas, Seribaan a. Kolkata, Sreejoni, 2006, XXI-329 p. 4032. KUDAISYA (Gyanesh). Region, nation, "heartland": Uttar Pradesh in India's body politic. New Delhi a. London, Sage Publications, 2006, XXVI-471 p. (ill., maps). 4033. PRASAD (Bina). Role of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in north Indian politics (17981839). Patna, Janaki Prakashan, 2006, VI-161 p. (maps). 4034. RANA (R. P.). Rebels to rulers: the rise of Jat power in Medieval India, c. 16651735. New Delhi, Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 2006, 222 p. (map).
4035. RENGASWAMY (M.). Tamil nationalism: political identity of the Tamil Arasu Kazhagam. Chennai, Hema Publishers, 2006, 192 p. 4036. SHYAMLAL. Untouchable castes in India: the Raigar movement (19402004). Jaipur, Rawat Publications, 2006, XIV-362 p. 4037. SINGH (Madhulika). The role of peasantry in the freedom struggle in Bihar (19121947). Patna, K.P. Jayaswal Research Institute, 2006, V-276 p. (Historical series, 51). 4038. TANWAR (Raghuvendra). Reporting the partition of Punjab 1947: press, public and other opinions. New Delhi, Manohar, 2006, 622 p. (ill.). 4039. THAKUR (Bharti). Women in Gandhi's mass movements. Foreword by Jai Narain SHARMA. New Delhi, Deep & Deep Publications, 2006, XXII-278 p. (ill.). 4040. THAPAR-BJÖRKERT (Suruchi). Women in the Indian national movement: unseen faces and unheard voices, 19301942. New Delhi a. London, SAGE, 2006, 304 p. (ill.). Cf. nos 4214, 4801, 5459 Indonesia 4041. ALY (Rum). Titik silang jalan kekuasaan tahun 1966: mitos dan dilema: mahasiswa dalam proses perubahan politik, 19651970. (Role and position of Indonesian student movements in political change during the early period of New Order era, 19651970). Jakarta, Kata Hasta Pustaka, 2006, LX-350 p. (ill.). 4042. HOSIO (Jusach Eddy). Nilai politis Provinsi Irjabar bagi NKRI: implementasi pedoman organisasi perangkat daerah. (Implementation of government's regulation and ministerial decrees on organizational structure of local government units in Irian Jaya Barat Province). Sleman, LaksBang, 2006, XIV-132 p. (ill.). 4043. PRAMONO (Sugeng). Ki Ageng Mangir: berjuang melawan hegemoni Mataram. (History of Ki Ageng Serang's political movement against Mataram Sultanate in 17th century). Sleman, Gelombang Pasang, 2006, XI-253 p. 4044. ROOSA (John). Pretext for mass murder: the September 30th Movement and Suharto's coup d'état in Indonesia. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2006, XII-329 p. (ill., maps). (New perspectives in Southeast Asian studies). 4045. SOETANTO (Himawan). Yogyakarta, 19 Desember 1948. Jendral Spoor (Operatie Kraai) versus Jendral Sudirman (Perintah Siasat no. 1). Yogyakarta (History of Indonesian revolution against Dutch military aggression on December 19, 1948 in Yogyakarta). Jakarta, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2006, XXX-424 p. (ill., maps). Addendum 2002 4046. SAID (Salim). Tumbuh dan tumbangnya dwifungsi: Perkembangan pemikiran politik militer Indo-
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES nesia 1958–2000. (Legitimizing military rule: Indonesian Armed Forces ideology, 19582000). Jakarta, Indonesia Aksara Karunia, 2002, XXXVIII-310 p. Cf. no 4205 Iran
considered. English historical review, 2006, 121, 493, p. 1048-1074. 4059. BELLOCCHIO (Luca). Irlanda del Nord. Un conflitto etnico nel cuore dell'Europa. Roma, Meltemi, 2006, 208 p.
4047. AXWORTHY (Michael). The sword of Persia: Nader Shah, from tribal warrior to conquering tyrant. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2006, XIX-348 p.
4060. ENGLISH (Richard). Irish freedom: the history of nationalism in Ireland. London, Macmillan, 2006, XII-625 p. (ill., maps).
4048. CRONIN (Stephanie Maria). Tribal politics in Iran: rural conflict and the new state, 19211941. London, Routledge, 2006, XII-258 p. (maps). (Royal Asiatic Society books).
4061. GHEDA (Paolo). I cristiani d'Irlanda e la guerra civile, 19681998. Prefazione di Luca RICCARDI. Milano, Guerini studio, 2006, 293 p. (Contemporanea, 16).
4049. MATIN-ASGARI (Afshin). Twentieth century Iran's political prisoners. Middle Eastern studies, 2006, 42, 5, p. 689-707.
4062. GILLESPIE (Raymond). Seventeenth-century Ireland: making Ireland modern. Dublin, Gill & Macmillan, 2006, XI-348 p. (maps). (New Gill history of Ireland, 3).
4050. NEWMAN (Andrew J.). Safavid Iran: rebirth of a Persian empire. London, I.B. Tauris, 2006, XI-281 p. (maps). (Library of Middle East history, 5).
4063. JENKINS (Brian A.). Irish nationalism and the British state: from repeal to revolutionary nationalism. Montreal, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2006, X-428 p.
4051. Nishast-i takhassusƯ, rnjhƗnƯyat va nahzat-i millƯ shudan-i san'at-i naft: majmnj'ah-i sukhanrƗnƯ'hƗ va zamƯmah. (Clergy and the oil industry nationalizing reform). SukhanrƗnƗn, Rnjh AllƗh HUSAYNIYƖN, JalƗl alDƯn MADANƮ, Rasnjl JA'FARIYƖN. TihrƗn, Mu'assasah-i MutƗla'Ɨt va PizhnjhishhƗ-yi SiyƗsƯ, 2006, 139 p.
4064. JOHNSTON-LIIK (Edith Mary). MPs in Dublin: companion to 'History of the Irish parliament, 1692 1800'. Belfast, Ulster Historical Foundation, 2006, XLVI250 p. (map).
4052. RICHARD (Yann). L'Iran: naissance d'une république islamique. Paris, Éditions de la Martinière, 2006, 383 p. (ill.). 4053. SCHNEIDER (Irene). The petitioning system in Iran: state, society and power relations in the late 19th century. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2006, XI-225 p. (Iranica, 11). 4054. TUCKER (Ernest S.). Nadir Shah's quest for legitimacy in post-Safavid Iran. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2006, XIV-150 p. 4055. WILBER (Donald Newton). Regime change in Iran: overthrow of Premier Mossadeq of Iran, November 1952August 1953. Nottingham, Spokesman, 2006, 111 p.
4065. KEANE (Elizabeth). An Irish statesman and revolutionary: the nationalist and internationalist politics of Seán MacBride. London a. New York, Tauris Academic Studies, 2006, V-256 p. (International library of historical studies, 39). 4066. KELLY (M. J.). The Fenian ideal and Irish nationalism, 1882–1916. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2006, X-282 p. (Irish historical monographs, 4). 4067. KILLEEN (Richard). The concise history of modern Ireland. Dublin, Gill & Macmillan, 2006, 224 p. (ill., maps, ports.). 4068. KNIRCK (Jason K.). Imagining Ireland's independence: the debates over the Anglo-Irish treaty of 1921. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2006, XII-203 p. (ill.).
4069. MARTIN (Peter). Censorship in the two Irelands 19221939. Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 2006, XIV-256 p.
4070. Oғ LONGAIGH (Seosamh). Emergency law in independent Ireland, 19221948. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2006, 336 p.
Cf. nos 3503, 6333 o
Cf. n 3503 ** 4056. Irish Commission (The) of 1622: an investigation of the Irish administration, 16151622, and its consequences, 16231624. Ed. by Victor TREADWELL. Dublin, Irish Manuscripts Commission, 2006, LII-859 p. (Irish Manuscripts Commission, 103). _______________________
4057. ANDREWS (Stuart). Irish rebellion: Protestant polemic, 1798–1900. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, X-238 p. 4058. ARMSTRONG (Robert). Ireland's Puritan Revolution? The emergence of Ulster Presbyterianism re-
4071. Ulster crisis (The): 18851921. Ed. by David George BOYCE and Alan O'DAY. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, IX-367 p. Cf. nos 4024, 6527 Israel 4072. ALIMI (Eitan Y.). Israeli politics and the first Palestinian intifada: political opportunities, framing processes, and contentious politics. London, Routledge, 2006, XVI-226 p. (Routledge studies in Middle Eastern politics, 4).
4073. GOREN (Tamir). Hefah ha-'Aravit be-708: 'otsmat ha-ma'avak u-mamde ha-hitmotetut. (Fall of Arab Haifa in 1948). Kiryat ĝedeh Boker, Mekhon Ben-Guryon le-heker YiĞra'el, ha-Tsiyonut u-moreshet Ben-Guryon a. Be'er-Sheva', Hotsa'at ha-sefarim shel Universitat Ben-Guryon ba-Negev a. Tel-Aviv, MiĞrad ha-bitahon, 2006, X-526 p. (ill., facsims., maps, ports.). 4074. GORENBERG (Gershom). The accidental empire: Israel and the birth of the settlements, 19671977. New York, Times Books, 2006, XVII-454 p. (map). 4075. SHALOM (Zakai). Ben-Gurion's political struggles, 19631967: a lion in winter. London, Routledge, 2006, 142 p. (Israeli history, politics and society, 44). 4076. SHINDLER (Colin). The triumph of military Zionism: nationalism and the origins of the Israeli right. London, I.B. Tauris, 2006, 282 p. (International library of political studies, 9). Cf. nos 4726, 6137, 6745 Italy
4085. BARBAGALLO (Francesco). Enrico Berlinguer. Roma, Carocci, 2006, 558 p. 4086. BERNARDI (Emanuele). La riforma agraria in Italia e gli Stati Uniti: guerra fredda, Piano Marshall e interventi per il Mezzogiorno negli anni del centrismo degasperiano. Con una prefazione di Paul GINSBORG. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 397 p. (Collana della Svimez). 4087. BUTRÓN PRIDA (Gonzalo). Nuestra Sagrada Causa. El modelo gaditano en la Revolución Piamontesa de 1821. Cádiz, Fundación Municipal de Cultura Excmo Ayuntamiento de Cádiz, 2006, 247 p. 4088. CARIDI (Giuseppe). Essere re e non essere re: Carlo di Borbone a Napoli e le attese deluse, 1734 1738. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2006, XV-282 p. (Saggi, 180. Saggi di storia meridionale). 4089. Carta (La) di tutti: cattolicesimo italiano e riforme costituzionali, 19482006. A cura di Renato BALDUZZI. Prefazione di Giovanni BACHELET. Roma, Ave, 2006, 295 p.
** 4077. BELCI (Corrado), BODRATO (Guido). 1978, Moro, la DC, il terrorismo. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2006, 298 p.
4090. CHIAVISTELLI (Antonio). Dallo stato alla nazione: Costituzione e sfera pubblica in Toscana dal 1814 al 1849. Roma, Carocci, 2006, 368 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 72).
** 4078. DI VAGNO (Giuseppe). Scritti e interventi, 19141921. A cura di Guido LORUSSO; prefazione di Vito Antonio LEUZZI; presentazione di Gianvito MASTROLEO. Roma, Camera dei deputati, 2006, XVIII-341 p. (ill.).
4091. Classi dirigenti (Le) nella storia d'Italia. Testi di Francesco BARBAGALLO [et al.]; a cura di Bruno BONGIOVANNI e Nicola TRANFAGLIA. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, XV-364 p. (Storia e società).
** 4079. Legazione (La) di Romagna e i suoi archivi: secoli XVIXVIII. A cura di Angelo TURCHINI. Cesena, Il ponte vecchio, 2006, 935 p. (ill.). (Storia della Romagna, 4). ** 4080. MACHIAVELLI (Niccolò). Legazioni. Commissarie. Scritti di governo. Tomo 4. 15041505. A cura di Denis FACHARD e Emanuele CUTINELLI-RÈNDINA. Roma, Salerno, 2006, 595 p. ** 4081. MASTROGREGORI (Massimo). Sul "corpus" delle lettere di Aldo Moro dalla prigionia. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 32, 63, 1, p. 221-248. ** 4082. Partito comunista (Il) a Torino 19451991: i suoi archivi, la sua storia organizzativa. A cura di Renata YEDID LEVI e Ilaria CAVALLO. Roma, Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, Dipartimento per i beni archivistici e librari, Direzione generale per gli archivi, 2006, XXVII-719 p. (Pubblicazioni degli Archivi di Stato. Strumenti, 170). _______________________
4083. ALBANESE (Giulia). La marcia su Roma. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, IX-293 p. (I Robinson. Letture). 4084. BARAVELLI (Andrea). La vittoria smarrita: legittimità e rappresentazioni della Grande Guerra nella crisi del sistema liberale (19191924). Roma, Carocci, 2006, 231 p. (Saggi e monografie del Dipartimento di discipline storiche dell'Università di Bologna, 1).
4092. CRAVERI (Piero). De Gasperi. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 656 p. 4093. CRISCUOLO (Vittorio). Albori di democrazia nell'Italia in rivoluzione, 17921802. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2006, 500 p. (Studi e ricerche storiche, 356). 4094. D'AMICO (Giovanna). Quando l'eccezione diventa norma: la reintegrazione degli ebrei nell'Italia postfascista. Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2006, 390 p. (Nuova cultura, 118). 4095. DAVIS (John A.). Naples and Napoleon: Southern Italy and the European revolutions (1780–1860). New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, VI-372 p. 4096. DE BERNARDI (Alberto). Una dittatura moderna: il fascismo come problema storico. Milano, B. Mondadori, 2006, XLIX-234 p. (Sintesi). 4097. DI CAPUA (Giovanni). Il biennio compromissorio, (maggio 1945/aprile 1947): l'Italia del "Don Basilio". Prefazione di Giancarlo GALLI. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2006, 498 p. 4098. Donne sulla scena pubblica: società e politica in Veneto tra Sette e Ottocento. A cura di Nadia Maria FILIPPINI. Milano, F. Angeli, 2006, 334 p. (ill.). (Studi e ricerche storiche, 349). 4099. Due bienni rossi (I) del Novecento, 1919 1920 e 19681969. Studi e interpretazioni a confronto. A cura dell'Associazione Biondi Bartolini e della Fondazione Giuseppe Di Vittorio. Roma, Ediesse, 2006, 502 p.
4100. EICKHOFF (Ekkehard). Venedig, spätes Feuerwerk: Glanz und Untergang der Republik, 17001797. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 2006, 440 p. (ill., maps).
di Carlo FANTAPPIÈ. Firenze, Fondazione Spadolini Nuova antologia e Le Monnier, 2006, VI-274 p. (Centro studi sulla civiltà toscana fra '800 e '900, 42).
4101. FIORAVANZO (Monica). Il presunto "sacrificio" di Mussolini alle origini della Repubblica di Salò. Una questione di critica delle fonti. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 2, p. 492-529.
4114. PAPADIA (Elena). Nel nome della nazione: l'Associazione nazionalista italiana in età giolittiana. Roma, Archivio Guido Izzi, 2006, 240 p. (Biblioteca scientifica, 53. Serie 2. Memorie / Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano).
4102. Formazione (La) del primo Stato italiano e Milano capitale, 18021814: convegno internazionale, Milano, 1316 novembre 2002. A cura di Adele ROBBIATI BIANCHI. Milano, Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, 2006, 939 p. (Incontro di studio, 32). 4103. GAGLIARDI (Alessio). L'impossibile autarchia: la politica economica del fascismo e il Ministero scambi e valute. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2006, 242 p. (Studi di storia / Dipartimento di storia moderna e contemporanea, Sapienza, Università di Roma, 1). 4104. GRYWATSCH (Christian). Kontinuität im Wandel: PCI [Partito comunista italiano] – PDS [Partito democratico della sinistra] – DS [Democratici di sinistra]: der Prozess der Sozialdemokratisierung der italienischen Kommunisten (19802000). Berlin, UniEdition, 2006, 430 p. (ill.). 4105. Guerra e pace nell'Italia del Novecento: politica estera, cultura politica e correnti dell'opinione pubblica. A cura di Luigi GOGLIA, Renato MORO e Leopoldo NUTI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 645 p. (Percorsi). 4106. GUISO (Andrea). La colomba e la spada: lotta per la pace e antiamericanismo nella politica del Partito comunista italiano (19491954). Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2006, XXVIII-686 p. (Saggi, 183). 4107. ISABELLA (Maurizio). Exile and nationalism: the case of the Risorgimento. European history quarterly, 2006, 36, 4, p. 493-520. 4108. JANZ (Oliver). An der Peripherie des Imperiums. Die antispanische Revolte in Neapel 1647. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 283, 3, p. 561-582. 4109. MIGLIUCCI (Debora). Per il voto alle donne: dieci anni di battaglie suffragiste in Italia (19031913). Presentazione di Arianna CENSI, Francesca CORSO e Maria Teresa SILLANO; prefazione di Marilisa D'AMICO. Milano, B. Mondadori, 2006, XV-142 p. (Ricerca). 4110. Militarismo e pacifismo nella sinistra italiana: dalla Grande Guerra alla Resistenza. Testi di Bruna BIANCHI [et al.]. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2006, 177 p. (Testi e studi, 194. Scienze umane).
4115. PARLATO (Giuseppe). Fascisti senza Mussolini. Le origini del neofascismo in Italia, 19431948. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 438 p. 4116. Partiti politici (I) nell'Italia repubblicana: atti del Convegno di Siena, 56 dicembre 2002. A cura di Gerardo NICOLOSI. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2006, 460 p. (Le ragioni degli storici, 10). 4117. PONS (Silvio). Berlinguer e la fine del comunismo. Torino, Einaudi, 2006, XXIV-265 p. (Einaudi storia, 8). 4118. RAINES (Dorit). L'invention du mythe aristocratique: l'image de soi du patriciat vénitien au temps de la Sérénissime. Venezia, Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, 2006, 2 vol., XVIII-1085 p. (ill.). (Memorie. Classe di scienze morali, lettere ed arti, 112). 4119. Roma (Tra) e Bolzano: nazione e provincia nel ventennio fascista. A cura di Andrea BONOLDI e Hannes OBERMAIR = Zwischen Rom un Bozen: Staat und Provinz im Italienischen Faschismus. Hrsg. v. Andrea BONOLDI und Hannes OBERMAIR. Bolzano, Città di Bolzano, 2006, 216 p. (ill.). 4120. SALE (Giovanni). Popolari e destra cattolica al tempo di Benedetto XV, 19191922. Prefazione di Pietro SCOPPOLA. Milano, Jaca book, 2006, XIX-277 p. 4121. SANTOMASSIMO (Gianpasquale). La terza via fascista. Il mito del corporativismo. Roma, Carocci, 2006, 316 p. 4122. SCORNAJENGHI (Antonio). L'alleanza difficile. Liberali e popolari tra massimalismo socialista e reazione fascista (19191921). Presentazione di Giorgio VECCHIO. Roma, Edizioni Studium, 2006, 322 p. 4123. SIMONCELLI (Paolo). Fuoriuscitismo repubblicano fiorentino, 15301554. Vol. I. 15301537. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2006, [s. p.]. (FrancoAngeli storia, 359).
4111. MONDINI (Marco). La politica delle armi: il ruolo dell'esercito nell'avvento del fascismo. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, XV-243 p. (Quadrante Laterza, 132).
4124. TASSANI (Giovanni). L'Italia difficile di Mario Scelba: sette testimonianze e sette lettere, Giulio Andreotti, Gianni Baget Bozzo, Emanuele Macaluso, Calogero Mannino, Francesco Parisi, Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, Nicola Signorello. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2006, 192 p.
4112. PACIFICI (Vincenzo G.). I prefetti e le norme elettorali politiche del 1921 e del 1925. Roma, Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 2006, 138 p. (Studi sull'età contemporanea, 7).
4125. VARVARO (Paolo). Sul fascismo: pregiudizio antiliberale nella costruzione del regime totalitario. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2006, 103 p. (Tra politica e finanza).
4113. PAOLINI (Gabriele). Toscana e Santa Sede negli anni della restaurazione (18141845). Con prefazione
4126. WONG (Aliza S.). Race and the nation in liberal Italy, 18611911: meridionalism, empire, and diaspora.
New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, X-221 p. (Italian and Italian American studies). Cf. nos 609, 3527, 3761, 4659, 4859, 6253, 6526, 6610, 6652, 6766, 6812 Japan 4127. BANNO (Junji). Iwanami tekisuto bukkusu: Kindai Nihon seiji-shi. (Political history of modern Japan). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 220 p. (Iwanami text books). 4128. KUSHNER (Barak). The thought war: Japanese imperial propaganda. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2006, IX-242 p. 4129. MAUCH (Peter). New Evidence from Japan: The Emperor and Nomura Kichisaburǀ, October 1949. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 2, p. 415-422. 4130. METZLER (Mark). Lever of empire: the international gold standard and the crisis of liberalism in prewar Japan. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2006, XXII-370 p. (Twentieth-century Japan: the emergence of a world power). 4131. MITANI (Hiroshi). Meiji-ishin wo kangaeru. (Thoughts on the Meiji Regerenation).Tokyo, Yushisha, 2006, 248 p. 4132. MOLODJAKOV (Vasilij E.). Epokha bor'by. Siratori Tosio (1887–1949): diplomat, politik, myslitel'. (The age of struggle: Shiratori Toshio, 1887–1949: diplomat, politician, thinker). Assots. issled. ros. o-va (AIROXXI). Sankt-Peterburg, AIRO-XX, 2006, 526 p. (bibl. p. 485-511, 526; pers. ind. p. 512-523). (AIRO-monografija). 4133. Nationalisms in Japan. Ed. by Naoko SHILondon a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XI-196 p. (Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies/Routledge series). MAZU.
(19521960). Lanham, University Press of America, 2006, X-148 p. Korea 4138. SHIN (Gi-Wook). Ethnic nationalism in Korea: genealogy, politics, and legacy. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2006, XIII-307 p. (Studies of the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center). 4139. South Korean democracy: legacy of the Gwangju uprising. Ed. by Georgy KATSIAFICAS and Na KAHN-CHAE. London, Routledge, 2006, XII-204 p. (ill.). (New political science). Cf. nos 6684, 6721, 7102-7104 Laos 4140. ASKEW (Marc), LOGAN (William S.), LONG (Colin). Vientiane: transformations of a Lao landscape. New York, Routledge, 2006, XXI-265 p. (ill.). (Routledge studies in Asia's transformations). 4141. VATTHANA PHOLSENA. Post-war Laos: the politics of culture, history and identity. Singapore, ISEAS, 2006, XII-255 p. Latvia 4142. WOHLFART (Kristine). Der Rigaer Letten Verein und die lettische Nationalbewegung von 1868 bis 1905. Marburg, Herder-Institut, 2006, VIII-366 p. (Materialien und Studien zur Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, 14). Cf. no 6503 Lebanon 4143. CHALABI (Tamara). The Shi'is of Jabal 'Amil and the new Lebanon. Community and nation-state, 19181943. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 248 p.
4144. FIRRO (Kais M.). Ethnicizing the Shi'is in mandatory Lebanon. Middle Eastern studies, 2006, 42, 5, p. 741-759. IDEM. The Shi'is in Lebanon: Between communal 'asabiyya and Arab nationalism, 1908–1921. Middle Eastern studies, 2006, 42, 4, p. 535-550.
4134. ABNj NNjWƖR (Ma'n). The development of Trans-Jordan 19291939: a history of the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan. Reading, Ithaca Press, 2006, XII392 p.
4145. HARRIS (William Wilson). The new face of Lebanon: history's revenge. Princeton, Markus Wiener Publishers, 2006, XII-350 p. (ill., maps). (Princeton series on the Middle East).
Cf. nos 4623, 4727, 6058, 7043-7101
4135. OHAYON (Isabelle). La sédentarisation des Kazakhs dans l'URSS de Staline: collectivisation et changement social, 19281945. Préf. de Nicolas WERTH. Paris, Maisonneuve et Larose, 2006, 416 p. (ill., maps). (Bibliothèque d'Asie centrale).
4146. VANDEWALLE (Dirk J.). A history of modern Libya. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXVIII246 p. (ill., maps).
** 4147. MAKRICKAS (Rolandas). Santa Sede e Lituania, la rinascita dello Stato lituano nei documenti dell'Archivio della Nunziatura apostolica di Monaco di Baviera, 19151919. Roma, CLV Edizioni liturgiche, 2006, 833 p.
4136. LONSDALE (John). Ornamental constitutionalism in Africa: Kenyatta and the two queens. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2006, 34, 1, p. 87103. 4137. MACHARIA (Kinuthia), KANYUA (Muigai). The social context of the Mau Mau movement in Kenya
4148. GAIGALAITƠ (Aldona). Lietuvos atstovai Rusijos Valstybơs Dumoje 19061917 metais: mokslinơ mono-
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES grafija. (I rappresentanti della Lituania alla Duma di Stato, 19061917: studio scientifico). Vilnius, VPU Leidykla, 2006, 338 p. (ill.). (MM serija. Didysis Lietuvos parlamentaru biografinis žodynas, 1). 4149. NIENDORF (Mathias). Das Großfürstentum Litauen. Studien zur Nationsbildung in der Frühen Neuzeit (1569–1795). Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2006, 329 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Nordost-Instituts, 3). Luxembourg 4150. DÖRNER (Ruth). Staat und Nation im Dorf: Erfahrungen im 19. Jahrhundert: Frankreich, Luxemburg, Deutschland. München, M-press, 2006, 367 p. (map). (Forum europäische Geschichte, 1). 4151. FRANZ (Norbert). Durchstaatlichung und Ausweitung der Kommunalaufgaben im 19. Jahrhundert: Tätigkeitsfelder und Handlungsspielräume ausgewählter französischer und luxemburgischer Landgemeinden im mikrohistorischen Vergleich (18051890). Trier, Kliomedia, 2006, 433 p. (ill.). (Trierer historische Forschungen, 60). Macedonia 4152. GOCEV (Dimităr Georgiev). Makedonskata inteligencija v perioda 19191941 g. Sofija, Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski", 2006, 323 p. 4153. PAPADAKIS (Lydia). Teaching the nation: Greek nationalism and education in nineteenth-century Macedonia. Thessaloniki, Institute for Balkan Studies, 2006, 224 p. (Institute for Balkan Studies, 278). 4154. PAPAVIZAS (George Constantine). Claiming Macedonia: the struggle for the heritage, territory and name of the historic Hellenic land, 18622004. Jefferson a. London, McFarland & Company, 2006, IX-292 p. (ill., maps). Cf. nos 3673, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4355, 4356 Madagascar 4155. GOGUEL (Anne Marie). Aux origines du mai malgache: désir d'école et compétition sociale, 1951 1972. Préf. de Roselyne RAHANIVOSON et Françoise RAISON-JOURDE. Paris, Karthala, 2006, 378 p. (ill.). (Hommes et sociétés). 4156. JOËL HARISON (Marie Aimé). Vier Jahrzehnte Unabhängigkeit Madagaskars: eine Bilanz der politischen Entwicklung, 19601998. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2006, 238 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe XXXI, Politikwissenschaft, 538 = European university studies. Series 31, Political science, 538 = Publications universitaires europeennes. Serie 31, Sciences politiques, 538). 4157. TIREFORT (Alain). La "Pacification" de Madagascar: septembre 1896mai 1905: les représentations photographiques du fonds FTM à Antananarivo. In: Guerre et paix en Afrique noire et à Madagascar: XIXe et XXe siècles [Cf. no 6041], p. 187-204.
169 Malaysia
4158. LAMRY (Mohamed Salleh). Gerakan kiri Melayu dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan. (History of left wing political movement towards Malayan independence). Bangi, Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2006, 203 p. (Siri politik Malaysia / Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia). 4159. OOI (Kee Beng). The reluctant politician: Tun Dr. Ismail and his time. Singapore, Insitute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2006, XXVII-311 p. (ill.). 4160. POSTILL (John). Media and nation building: how the Iban became Malaysian. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2006, XIV-231 p. (ill.). (Asia Pacific studies, 1). 4161. SMITH (Simon C.). 'Moving a little with the tide': Malay monarchy and the development of modern malay nationalism. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2006, 34, 1, p. 123-138. Mali 4162. KONATÉ (Doulaye). Travail de mémoire et construction nationale au Mali. Préf. de Catherine COQUERYVIDROVITCH. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 121 p. Malta 4163. PIROTTA (Godfrey A.). Malta's parliament: an official history. [S. l.], Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Department of Information, 2006, 311 p. (ill.). Cf. no 6448 Mexico ** 4164. Mecánica política: para una relectura del siglo XIX mexicano: antología de correspondencia política. Coordinadora Beatriz ROJAS. Guadalajara, Universidad de Guadalajara y México D.F., Instituto Mora, 2006, 385 p. (Historia política). _______________________
4165. ANDREWS (Catherine). Discusiones en torno de la reforma de la Constitución Federal de 1824 durante el primer gobierno de Anastasio Bustamante (1830 1832). Historia Mexicana, 2006, 56, 1, p. 71-116. 4166. BENÍTEZ TREVIÑO (Víctor Humberto). Benito Juárez y la transcendencia de las Leyes de Reforma. Toluca, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Gobierno del Estado de México, 2006, 164 p. 4167. DEL LLANO IBÁÑEZ (Ramón). Lucha por el cielo: religión y política en el estado de Querétaro, 19101929. México D.F., Miguel Ángel Porrúa, 2006, 340 p. (ill.). 4168. DONJUAN ESPINOZA (Esperanza). Conflictos electorales durante el porfiriato en Sonora: una revisión de los recursos de impugnación de resultados electorales municipales, 19001910. Hermosillo, El Colegio de Sonora, 2006, 279 p. (ill., maps). (Cuadernos Cuarto creciente, 12).
4169. FAVELA GAVIA (Diana Margarita). Protesta y reforma en México: interacción entre Estado y sociedad, 19461997. México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades y Plaza y Valdés, 2006, XVI-271 p. (México y democracia). 4170. GONZÁLEZ NAVARRO (Moisés). Benito Juárez. México D.F., El Colegio de México, 2006, 2 vol., 668 p., 441 p. IDEM. La ley Juárez. Historia mexicana, 2006, 55, 3, p. 947-972. 4171. GONZALEZ QUIROGA (Miguel Ángel). Nuevo León durante la independencia de Texas, 18351836. Historia mexicana, 2006, 56, 2, p. 427-470. 4172. HABER (Paul Lawrence). Power from experience: urban popular movements in late twentieth-century Mexico. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2006, XV-280 p. 4173. HUGHES (Sallie). Newsrooms in conflict: journalism and the democratization of Mexico. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006, X-286 p. 4174. JIMÉNEZ GÓMEZ (Juan Ricardo). La república de indios en Querétaro, 15501820: gobierno, elecciones y bienes de comunidad. Querétaro, Instituto de Estudios Constitucionales, 2006, 910 p. (ill., col. maps). 4175. LÓPEZ GONZÁLEZ (Georgina). Cultura jurídica e imaginario monárquico: las peticiones de indulto durante el segundo imperio mexicano. Historia Mexicana, 2006, 55, 4, p. 1289-1351. 4176. LUNA ARGUDÍN (María). El Congreso y la política mexicana (18571911). México D.F., El Colegio de México, Fideicomiso Historia de las Américas, 2006, 553 p. (Sección de obras de historia). 4177. MARINO (Daniela). Ahora que Dios nos ha dado Padre... El segundo imperio y la cultura jurídicopolítica campesina en el centro de México. Historia mexicana, 2006, 55, 4, p. 1353-1410. 4178. Medios de comunicación: del destape a las campañas electorales, 19341982. Coordinadora Carola GARCÍA CALDERÓN. México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Faculdad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Seminario Interdisciplinario de Comunicación e Información y Plaza y Valdés, 2006, 183 p. (ill.). 4179. Multipartidismo y poder en municipios indígenas de Guerrero. Coordinadores Danièle DEHOUVE, Víctor FRANCO PELLOTIER y Aline HÉMOND. México D.F., Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social y Chilpancingo, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, 2006, 406 p. 4180. OÑATE (Abdiel). Razones de estado: estudios sobre la formación del estado mexicano moderno, 19001934. México D.F., Plaza y Valdés, 2006, 217 p. 4181. POUWELS (Joel Bollinger). Political journalism by Mexican women during the age of revolution, 1876 1940. Lewiston a. Lampeter, E. Mellen Press, 2006, IV287 p.
4182. QUIRARTE (Martín). Relaciones entre Juárez y el congreso. México D.F., Camara de Diputados, 2006, CXXXVII-420 p. 4183. QUIROZ PALACIOS (Abraham). Las luchas políticas en Puebla, periodo 19611981. Puebla, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Dirección de Fomento Editorial, 2006, 237 p. 4184. RUIZ DE GORDEJUELA URQUIJO (Jesús). La expulsión de los españoles de México y su destino incierto, 18211836. Sevilla, Diputación de Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla y Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Escuela de Estudios HispanoAmericanos, 2006, 410 p. (ill.). (Serie Colección Americana, 28. Serie Nuestra América, 21). 4185. SALMERÓN SANGINÉS (Pedro). Lucha agraria y revolución en el oriente de Durango (19001929). Historia mexicana, 2006, 56, 1, p. 117-173. 4186. SÁNCHEZ GUDIÑO (Hugo). Génesis, desarrollo y consolidación de los grupos estudiantiles de choque en la UNAM [Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México] (19301990). México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Estudios Superiores, Plantel Aragón y Miguel Ángel Porrúa, 2006, 427 p. 4187. SERVÍN (Elisa). La oposición política: otra cara del siglo XX mexicano. México D. F., Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2006, 136 p. (Herramientas para la historia). 4188. Sex in revolution: gender, politics, and power in modern Mexico. Ed. by Jocelyn OLCOTT, Mary Kay VAUGHAN and Gabriela CANO; foreword by Carlos MONSIVÁIS. Durham, Duke U. P., 2006, X-320 p. (ill.). 4189. TAYLOR HANSEN (Lawrence Douglas). Los orígenes de la Fuerza Aérea Mexicana, 19131915. Historia mexicana, 2006, 56, 1, p. 175-230. 4190. TENORIO TRILLO (Mauricio), GÓMEZ GAL(Aurora). El Porfiriato. México D. F., Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, Fondo de la Cultural Económica, 2006, 166 p. (Herramientas para la historia). VARRIATO
4191. TOWNSEND (Camilla). Malintzin's choices: an Indian woman in the conquest of Mexico. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2006, XV-287 p. (Diálogos). 4192. VAN YOUNG (Eric). Revolution and imagined communities in Mexico, 18101821. In: Nationalism in the New World [Cf. no 3511], p. 184-207. 4193. YANKELEVICH (Pablo). Hispanofobia y revolución: Españoles expulsados de México (1911–1940). Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 1, p. 29-60. 4194. ZAPATA GALINDO (Martha). Der Preis der Macht: Intellektuelle und Demokratisierungsprozesse in Mexiko 19682000. Berlin, Edition Tranvía, Verlag Walter Frey, 2006, 339 p. (Fragmentierte Moderne in Lateinamerika, 2). Cf. nos 3633, 3679, 4002, 4004, 6320
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES Mongolia 4195. LIU (Xiaoyuan). Reins of liberation: an entangled history of Mongolian independence, Chinese territoriality, and great power hegemony, 19111950. Washington, Woodrow Wilson Center Press a. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2006, XXVII-474 p. (maps). Montenegro Cf. nos 3673, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4355, 4356, 5350 Morocco 4196. Protectorat (Du) à l'indépendance: problématique du temps présent. Coordonné par Mohammed KENBIB. Rabat, Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines, 2006, 222-56 p. (Publications de la Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines, Rabat. Colloques et séminaires, 133). 4197. SASSE (Dirk). Franzosen, Briten und Deutsche im Rifkrieg 19211926: Spekulanten und Sympathisanten, Deserteure und Hasardeure im Dienste Abdelkrims. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, 432 p. (Pariser historische Studien, 74). Cf. nos 6156, 6200 Mozambique 4198. ROCHA (Aurélio). Associativismo e nativismo em Moçambique: contribuição para o estudo das origens do nacionalismo Moçambicano. Maputo, Texto Editores, 2006, 288 p. (ill., maps). Cf. no 6151 Myanmar 4199. RAJSHEKHAR. Myanmar's nationalist movement (19061948) and India. New Delhi, South Asian Publishers, 2006, 128 p. Namibia 4200. MIESCHER (Giorgio). The Ovambo Reserve Otjeru (19111938): the story of an African community in Central Namibia. Basel, Basler Afrika Bibliographien, 2006, 22 p. (BAB working paper, 1). Nepal 4201. Maoïsme (Le) au Népal: lectures d'une révolution. Sous la dir. de Brigitte STEINMANN. Paris, CNRS, 2006, 250 p. (ill., ports.). (Collection Monde indien. Sciences sociales 15e21e siècle). Netherlands 4202. BRUGGEMAN (Marijke). Nassau en de macht van Oranje: de strijd van de Friese Nassaus voor hun rechten, 17021747. Hilversum, Verloren, 2006, 480 p. (ill.). 4203. DEKKER (Karien). Governance as glue: urban governance and social cohesion in post-WWII neighbourhoods in the Netherlands. Utrecht, Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Faculteit Geo-
wetenschappen Universiteit Utrecht, 2006, 160 p. (ill., maps). (Netherlands geografical studies, 342). 4204. MOEYES (Paul). De sterke arm, de zachte hand: het Nederlandse leger & de neutraliteitspolitiek 1839 1939. Amsterdam, Arbeiderspers, 2006, 582 p. (ill., ports.). 4205. SMIT (Herman). Gezag is gezag-: kanttekeningen bij de houding van de gereformeerden in de Indonesische kwestie. Hilversum, Verloren, 2006, 463 p. (Passage reeks, 25). Cf. no 3589 New Zealand 4206. Political leadership in New Zealand. Ed. by Raymond MILLER and Michael MINTROM. Auckland, Auckland U. P., 2006, VII-262 p. Cf. no 6647 Nicaragua 4207. MURPHY (John W.), CARO (Manuel J.). Uriel Molina and the Sandinista popular movement in Nicaragua. Foreword by Miguel D'ESCOTO. Jefferson a. London, McFarland & Co., 2006, V-209 p. (ill.). Cf. no 4002 Nigeria 4208. NWANKWO (O. B. C.). The making of a nation: landmarks in Nigeria's constitutional development. London, Veritas Lumen Publishers, 2006, XIV-236 p. (ill., maps). 4209. TIJANI (Hakeem Ibikunle). Britain, leftist nationalists and the transfer of power in Nigeria, 1945 1965. New York a. London, Routledge, 2006, XVI-165 p. (African studies). 4210. Yorubá identity and power politics. Ed. by Toyin FALOLA and Ann GENOVA. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2006, X-370 p. (ill.). (Rochester studies in African history and the diaspora, 22). Cf. no 6177 Norway 4211. AARSETH (Bjørn). Norsk samepolitikk 1945 1990: målsetting, virkemidler og resultater. Nesbru, Forlaget Vett & Viten as og Oslo, Norsk Folkemuseum, 2006, XVII-622 p. (ill.). (Samiske samlinger, 19). Oman 4212. RABI (Uzi). The emergence of states in a tribal society: Oman under Sa'id bin Taymur, 19321970. Brighton, Sussex Academic, 2006, XII-299 p. (ill., maps). Pakistan 4213. CHEEMA (Iqtidar Karamat). Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah as Governor-General of Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan Study Centre, University of the Punjab, 2006, 254 p.
4214. DAECHSEL (Markus). The politics of selfexpression: the Urdu middle-class milieu in midtwentieth century India and Pakistan. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XVI-250 p. (Royal Asiatic Society books). Cf. no 4801 Palestine 4215. LIA (Brynjar). A police force without a state: a history of the Palestinian security forces in the West Bank and Gaza. Reading, Ithaca Press, 2006, XVI-477 p. (ill.). 4216. MATTHEWS (Weldon C.). Confronting an empire, constructing a nation: Arab nationalists and popular politics in Mandate Palestine. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2006, 342 p. Panama 4217. HARDING (Robert C.). The history of Panama. Westport a. London, Greenwood Press, 2006, XVIII153 p. (map). (Greenwood histories of the modern nations). Papua New Guinea o
Cf. n 4780 Paraguay 4218. MEYER-AURICH (Jens). Wahlen, Parlamente und Elitenkonflikte: die Entstehung der ersten politischen Parteien in Paraguay, 18691904: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte politischer Organisation in Lateinamerika. Stuttgart, F. Steiner, 2006, 367 p. (ill.). (Studien zur modernen Geschichte, 59). 4219. MONTE DE LÓPEZ MOREIRA (María G.). Ocaso del colonialismo español: el gobierno de Bernardo de Velasco y Huidobro, su influencia en la formación del estado paraguayo, 18031811. Asunción, Fondo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, 2006, 324 p. (ill., maps). Peru ** 4220. Justicia sin crueldad: cartas inéditas (1813 1854) de Francisco Javier de Luna Pizarro, fundador de la República. Compilación, notas y estudio preliminar de Javier de BELAUNDE RUIZ DE SOMOCURCIO. Lima, Fondo Editorial del Congreso del Perú, 2006, 454 p. (ill.). _______________________
4221. Fujimori legacy (The): the rise of electoral authoritarianism in Peru. Ed. by Julio F. CARRIÓN. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2006, XIII-362 p. 4222. GONZÁLEZ GONZÁLEZ (Miguel Ángel). Perú, autoritarismo y democracia: sobre las dificultades de la consolidación de la democracia en la América andina: el Perú de Fujimori. Madrid, Compañía Española de Reprografía y Servicios, 2006, 302 p. 4223. HEILMAN (Jaymie Patricia). We will no longer be servile: Aprismo in 1930s Ayacucho. Journal of Latin American studies, 2006, 38, 3, p. 491-518.
4224. HENRÍQUEZ AYIN (Narda). Cuestiones de género y poder en el conflicto armado en el Perú. Con la colaboración de Cecilia REYNOSO RENDÓN. San Borja, CONCYTEC, 2006, 175 p. (ill., map). 4225. MARTÍNEZ RIAZA (Ascensión). "A pesar del gobierno": españoles en el Perú, 18791939. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto de Historia, 2006, 412 p. (ill., ports.). (Colección América, 4). 4226. MOLINARI MORALES (Tirso Anibal). El fascismo en el Perú: la Unión Revolucionaria, 19311936. Lima, Fondo Editorial de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UNMSM, 2006, 462 p. (ill.). 4227. SORIA CASAVERDE (María Belén). El dorado republicano: visión oficial de la Amazonía peruana, 18211879. Lima, Seminario de Historia Rural Andina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2006, 148 p. (ill., maps). 4228. TÁCUNAN BONIFACIO (Santiago). Los congresos regionales: (19191923 / 19251929): historia de un fracaso descentralista. Lima, Seminario de Historia Rural Andina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2006, 252 p. (ill.). 4229. TAYLOR (Lewis). Shining Path: guerrilla war in Peru's northern highlands, 19801997. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2006, XI-232 p. (ill., maps). (Liverpool Latin American studies, 6). Cf. no 496 Philippines 4230. Philippine politics and governance. An introduction. Challenges to democratization and development. Ed. by Noel M. MORADA and Teresa S. Encarnación TADEM. Diliman, Dept. of Political Science, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines, 2006, 2 vol., XXIV-588 p., XIX-303 p. (ill.). Poland ** 4231. "SolidarnoĞü" maáopolska 19801981: wybór dokumentów. (SolidarnoĞü, Malopolska 19801981: selection of documents). WstĊp, wybór i opracowanie: Marcin ORSKI, Adam ROLIēSKI, Ewa ZAJĄC. Kraków, Fundacja Centrum Dokumentacji Czynu NiepodlegáoĞciowego, 2006, XXIX-656 p. i 1 CD-ROM (Biblioteka Centrum Dokumentacji Czynu NiepodlegáoĞciowego, 32). ** 4232. Ku zwyciĊstwu "SolidarnoĞci": korespondencja Ambasady USA w Warszawie z Departamentem Stanu, styczeĔ-wrzesieĔ 1989. (Towards the victory of "SolidarnoĞü": correspondence of the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw with the Department of State, JanuarySeptember 1989). Przedmowa John R. DAVIS; wstĊp i wybór Gregory F. DOMBER. Warszawa, ISP PAN, 2006, 419 p. (Dokumenty do dziejów PRL, 18).
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES ** 4233. Umsiedlung der Polen aus den ehemaligen polnischen Ostgebieten nach Polen in den Jahren 1944– 1947. Hrsg. v. Stanisáaw CIESIELSKI. Eingel. v. Stanisáaw CIESIELSKI. Auswahl der Dokumente: Wáodzimierz BORODZIEJ, Stanisáaw CIESIELSKI, Ingo ESER [et al.]. Red. u. Bearb. der dt. Fassung: Klaus-Peter FRIEDRICH. Marburg, Verlag Herder-Institut u. Willy Brandt Zentrum für Deutschland- und Europastudien an der Universität Wrocáaw, 2006, XIII-681 p. (Quellen zur Geschichte und Landeskunde Ostmitteleuropas, 6). ** 4234. Wybory do Sejmu Ustawodawczego z dnia 19 stycznia 1947 roku: wybór dokumentów. (Legislative Assembly elections of January 19, 1947: a selection of documents). Zebrali, oprac. i wstĊpem opatrzyli Tadeusz KISIELEWSKI, Tomasz KUCZUR i Michaá STRZELECKI. Bydgoszcz, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2006, 198 p. _______________________
4235. BRUDZYēSKA-NċMEC (Gabriela). Polenvereine in Baden. Hilfeleistung südwestdeutscher Liberaler für die polnischen Freiheitskämpfer 18311832. Heidelberg, Winter, 2006, 370 p. 4236. CICHOē (Paweá). Rozwój myĞli administracyjnej w KsiĊstwie Warszawskim 18071815. (Development of administrative thinking in the Duchy of Warsaw 18071815). Kraków, KsiĊgarnia Akademicka, 2006, 276 p. 4237. CURP (T. David). A clean sweep? The politics of ethnic cleansing in Western Poland, 1945–1960. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2006, X-270 p. (Rochester studies in Central Europe, 7). 4238. DANILOVA (Elena N.), DUDCHENKO (Ol'ga N.), ZARICKI (Tomasz), KLIMOVA (Svetlana G.), KOSELA (Krzysztof). Rossijane i poljaki na rubezhe stoletij: Opyt sravnitel'nogo issledovanija sotsial'nykh identifikatsij (1998–2002 gg.). (Russians and Poles at the turn of the century: a comparative study of social identifications, 1998–2002). Sankt-Peterburg, Izdatel'stvo Krist. gumanit. akad., 2006, 349 p. (tabl.; bibl. incl.). 4239. FAàOWSKI (Janusz). MniejszoĞü Īydowska w parlamencie II Rzeczypospolitej: 19221939. (The Jewish minority in the parliament of the Second Republic: 19221939). Kraków, Krakowskie Tow. Edukacyjne-Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2006, 298 p. (Acta Academiar Modrevianae). 4240. GROSS (Jan Tomasz). Fear: anti-semitism in Poland after Auschwitz: an essay in historical interpretation. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2006, XV303 p. 4241. HAYDEN (Jacqueline). The collapse of communist power in Poland: strategic misperceptions and unanticipated outcomes. New York, Routledge, 2006, XII-178 p. (BASEES/Routledge series on Russian and East European Studies, 26). 4242. JÖRS (Inka). Postsozialistische Parteien: polnische SLD [Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej] und ostdeutsche PDS [Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus]
im Vergleich. Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2006, 317 p. (Forschung Politik). 4243. KAMLER (Anna). Od szkoáy do senatu: wyksztaácenie senatorów w Koronie w latach 1501 1586: studia. (From school to the Senate: senators education in the Crown in the years 15011586: study). Warszawa, Oficyna Wydawnicza "Aspra-JR", 2006, 365 p. 4244. LISIAK (Henryk). Narodowa Demokracja w Wielkopolsce w latach 19181939. (The National Democratic Party in Wielkopolska in the years 1918 1939). PoznaĔ, Wydawn. PoznaĔskie, 2006, 333 p. (Wielkopolska, 19). 4245. àódĨ w latach 19561957. (àódĨ negli anni 19561957). Pod red. Leszka PRÓCHNIAKA i Janusza WRÓBLA. Warszawa, Instytut PamiĊci NarodowejKomisja ĝcigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, 2006, 412 p. (ill., ports., plan). (Monografie, 31). 4246. PACANOWSKA (Regina). Samorząd powiatowy w Wielkopolsce w latach 19191939. (Local government district in Wielkopolska in the years 19191939). PoznąĔ, Wydawnictwo PoznaĔskie, 2006, 285 p. (maps). (Wielkopolska, 18). 4247. PLACH (Eva). The clash of moral nations: cultural politics in Piásudski's Poland, 19261935. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2006, XIV-262 p. (Ohio University Press Polish and Polish-American studies series). 4248. Polska i Polacy poza granicami kraju w polskiej polityce i myĞli politycznej XX wieku. (Poland and Poles abroad in Polish politics and political thought of the twentieth century). Pod redakcją Maágorzaty ALBERSKIEJ i Rafaáa JUCHNOWSKIEGO. Wrocáaw, Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocáawskiego, 2006, 385 p. (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 2867). 4249. Polska kancelaria królewska czasów nowozޟytnych miĊdzy wáadzą a spoáeczeĔstwem: materiaáy konferencji naukowej, Kraków 14 kwietnia 2004. Cz. 2. (Polish royal office in modern times between the authorities and society: materials from the conference, Kraków April 14, 2004. Pt. 2). Pod redakcją Waldemara CHORĄĩYCZEWSKIEGO i Wojciecha KRAWCZUKA. Kraków, Uniwersytet JagielloĔski, 2006, 215 p. 4250. ROHRER (Christian). Nationalsozialistische Macht in Ostpreussen. München, Martin Meidenbauer, 2006, 673 p. (map). (Colloquia Baltica, 7/8). 4251. ĝląska codziennoĞü po drugiej wojnie Ğwiatowej. (Silesia everyday life after the Second World War). Pod redakcją Zygmunta WOħNICZKI. Katowice, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu ĝląskiego, 2006, 261 p. (ill.). (Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu ĝląskiego w Katowicach, 2377). 4252. WASKAN (Jan). Problem przynaleĪnoĞci paĔstwowej ziem byáego Wielkiego Ksiestwa Litewskiego w myĞli politycznej Obozu Narodowego 18931921. (Problem of state ownership of lands belonging to the Great Lithuanian Kingdom in the nationalistic political thought
18931921). Bydgoszcz, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2006, 295 p. (maps).
(Colecção Caminhos do conhecimento. Ciências da comunicação, 5).
4253. WEEKS (Theodore R.). From assimilation to antisemitism: the "Jewish Question" in Poland, 1850– 1914. De-Kalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2006, X-242 p.
4265. SILVA (Armando Malheiro da). Sidónio e Sidonismo. V. 1. História de uma vida. V. 2. História de um caso político. Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2006, 2 vol., 431 p., 415 p. (ill.). (Investigação).
Cf. nos 6298, 6608, 6735 Portugal 4254. ALEXANDRE (Valentim). O roubo das almas: Salazar, a igreja e os totalitarismos (19301939). Lisboa, Publicações Dom Quixote, 2006, 464 p. (Anais. Biblioteca de história). 4255. BABO-LANÇA (Isabel). A configuração dos acontecimentos públicos: o "caso República" e as manifestacões nos Açores em 1975. Prefácio de Louis QUÉRÉ. Coimbra, Minerva Coimbra, 2006, 351 p. (Minerva Ciências da comunicacão, 8). 4256. CABRERA (Ana). Marcelo Caetano: poder e imprensa. Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 2006, 286 p. (ill.). (Colecção Horizonte histórico). 4257. FERNANDES (Tiago). Nem ditadura, nem revolução: a Ala Liberal e o Marcelismo, 19681974. Lisboa, Dom Quixote, 2006, 188 p. (Colecção Parlamento, 19). 4258. GOMES (Joaquim Cardoso). Os militares e a censura: a censura à imprensa na ditadura militar e Estado Novo (19261945). Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 2006, 195 p. (ill.). (Media e Jornalismo, 18). 4259. Historia política (Una) de Portugal: la difícil conquista de la democracia. Ed. por Braulio GÓMEZ FORTES y Diego PALACIOS CEREZALES. Madrid, Siglo XXI, 2006, VIII-211 p. (ill.).
Cf. nos 5491, 6737 Puerto Rico o
Cf. n 6231 Romania ** 4266. Dosarul Ana Pauker. Plenara Comitetului Central al Partidului Muncitoresc Român din 30 noiembrie5 decembrie 1961. Vol. I-II. (The meeting of the Central Committee of the Romanian Workers' Party November 30thDecember 5th 1961. Vol. I-II). Electarea úi editarea documentelor, studiu introductiv úi note Elis NEAGOE-PLEùA, Liviu PLEùA, cuvânt înainte Florin CONSTANTINIU. Bucureúti, Editura Nemira, 2006, 2 vol., 585 p., 288 p. ** 4267. Politica de cadre a Partidului Muncitoresc Român, 19481955. EdiĠie de documente elaborată de Alina TUDOR-PAVELESCU. Bucureúti, Arhivele NaĠionale ale României, 2006, XI-372 p. ** 4268. Români în exil, emigraĠie úi diasporă. Documente din fosta arhivă a C. C. al P. C. R. (Exiled Romanians, emigration and diaspora. Documents from the former archive of C. C of P. C. R.). Volum îngrijit de Dumitru DOBRE úi Dan TALOù, cuvânt înainte Dumitru DOBRE. Bucureúti, Editura Pro Historia, 2006, 367 p. _______________________
4260. MANSUR DA SILVA (Douglas). A oposição ao Estado Novo no exílio brasileiro, 19561974. Lisboa, ICS, 2006, 162 p. (ill.). (Colecção Estudos e investigações, 42).
4269. AVRAM (Valeriu), ùTEFAN (Ion). Politica aeriană a României în primele decenii ale secolului XX. (The air policy of Romania in the first decades of the 20th c.). Timiúoara, Editura Mirton, 2006, 539 p.
4261. MESQUITA (António Pedro). Liberalismo, democracia e o contrário: um século de pensamento político em Portugal (18201930). Lisboa, Ed. Sílabo, 2006, 210 p. (Colecção Sophia, 3). IDEM. O pensamento político português no século XIX: uma síntese histórico-crítica. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2006, 570 p. (Temas portugueses).
4270. BANU (Florian), BĂRBULESCU (Theodor), DUICĂ (Camelia), ğĂRANU (Liviu). Securitatea. Structuri-cadre, obiective úi metode. Vol. I-II. ("The Securitate". Structures, aims and methods). Coordonator Florica DOBRE. Bucureúti, Editura Enciclopedică, 2006, [s. p.].
4262. PIÇARRA (Maria do Carmo). Salazar vai ao cinema: o Jornal Português de actualidades filmadas. Coimbra, MinervaCoimbra, 2006, 224 p. (Colecção comunicaçâo, 47. Jornalismo). 4263. RODRÍGUEZ GAYTÁN DE AYALA (Ana). Orden en Portugal: la República Nova de Sidónio Pais (1917 1919). Mérida, Junta de Extremadura, Consejería de Cultura, 2006, 454 p. (Serie Estudios portugueses, 31). 4264. SERRANO (Estrela). Jornalismo político em Portugal: a cobertura de eleições presidenciais na imprensa e na televisão, 19762001. Lisboa, Edições Colibri, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, 2006, 519 p. (ill.).
4271. BÖHM (Johann). Hitlers Vasallen der deutschen Volksgruppe in Rumänien vor und nach 1945. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, P. Lang, 2006, 278 p. (ill.). 4272. BRUBAKER (Rogers), FEISCHMIDT (Margit), FOX (Jon). Nationalist politics and everyday ethnicity in a Transylvanian town. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2006, XX-439 p. 4273. CEAUùU (Mihai-ùtefan). Miturile istorice în ideologia comunistă "Epocii Ceauúescu". (The historical myths in the communist ideology of "The Ceauúescu Epoch"). In: Totalitarism: ideologie úi realitate socială în România úi RDG. Totalitarismus: Ideologie und so-
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES ziale Wirklichkeit in Rumänien und in der DDR. Iaúi, Editura UniversităĠii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", 2006, p. 203-212. 4274. CHIVU (Carmen), ALBU (Mihai). Noi úi securitatea. ViaĠa privată úi publică în perioada comunistă aúa cum reiese din tehnica operativă. (The Securitate and us. Private and public life during communism as reflected by the operative technique). PrefaĠă de Stejărel OLARU. Piteúti, Editura Paralela 45, 2006, 222 p. 4275. ConferinĠa (secretă) a Uniunii Scriitorilor din iulie 1955. (The secret conference of the Writers' Union in July 1955). EdiĠie de Mircea COLOùENCO, cuvânt înainte de Pavel ğUGUI. Bucureúti, Editura Vremea, 2006, 455 p. 4276. Cum era? Cam aúa... Amintiri din anii comunismului românesc. (How was it? Somewhat like this... Recollections from the years of the Romanian communism). Coordonatori Călin-Andrei MIHĂILESCU úi ùtefan ATANASIU. Bucureúti, Editura Curtea-Veche, 2006, 212 p. 4277. DOBRE (Florica). OrganizaĠii în care au activat români din exil: Comitetul NaĠional Român úi Adunarea NaĠiunilor Europene Captive. (Organizations of the Romanians in exile: the Romanian National Comittee and the Assembly of the European captive nations). Revista Arhivelor, 2006, 3, p. 40-78. 4278. DOBRILĂ (Constantin). Entre Dracula et Ceauúescu: les représentations exogènes et endogènes de la tyrannie chez les Roumains, du milieu du XVIe à la fin du XXe siècle. Avec une préface de Bogumil JEWSIEWICKI. Bucureúti, Institutul Cultural Român, 2006, 383 p. (ColecĠia Augur). 4279. IONESCU-GURĂ (Nicoleta). Nomenclatura Comitetului Central al Partidului Muncitoresc Român. (The "nomenclature" of the Central Committee of the Romanian Workers' Party). Bucureúti, Editura Humanitas, 2006, 441 p. 4280. NICOLESCU (Nicolae C.). Enciclopedia úefilor de guvern ai României (18622006). (The encyclopedia of Romanian prime-ministers, 18622006). Bucureúti, Editura Meronia, 2006, 373 p. 4281. OPRIù (Petre). Bugetul partidului úi privilegiile nomenclaturii P. C. R., 19611965. (The budget of the party and the privilegies of the Romanian Communist Party Nomenklatura, 19611965). Arhivele totalitarismului, 2006, 14, 1-2, p. 212-226. 4282. ORĂSCU (ùerban). Ceauúismul. România între 1965 úi 1989. (The epoch of Ceauúescu. Romania between 1965 and 1989). Bucureúti, Editura Albatros, 2006, 315 p.
ordonator Ruxandra CESEREANU. Cluj-Napoca, Editura Limes, 2006, 190 p. 4285. ùERBAN (Stelu). Elite, partide úi spectru politic în România interbelică. Bucureúti, Paideia, 2006, 375 p. (ColecĠia de studii úi eseuri. Serie nouă, 34). 4286. STOENESCU (Alex Mihai). Din culisele luptei pentru putere: 19891990. Prima guvernare Petre Roman. (Inside the struggle for power: 19891990. The first government of Petre Roman). Bucureúti, Editura RAO, 2006, 604 p. 4287. TĂNASE (Stelian). Elite úi societate. Guvernarea Gheorghiu-Dej, 19481965. (Elites and society. The Gheorghiu-Dej government, 19481965). Bucureúti, Editura Humanitas, 2006, 276 p. 4288. TRONCOTĂ (Cristian). TorĠionarii. Istoria instituĠiei SecurităĠii regimului comunist din România (19481964). (The executioners. The history of "Securitate" as an institution of the Romanian communist regime). Bucureúti, Editura Elion, 2006, 317 p. 4289. TRONCOTĂ (Tiberiu). România comunistă. Propagandă úi cenzură. (The communist Romania. Propaganda and censorship). PrefaĠă de Brânduúa ARMANCA. Bucureúti, Editura Tritonic, 2006, 224 p. 4290. ğURLEA (Petre). Partidul unui rege. Frontul Renaúterii NaĠionale. (The party of a king. The Front of National Rebirth). Bucureúti, Editura Enciclopedică, 2006, 309 p. Cf. nos 3620, 4738, 4887, 6389, 6478, 6490 Russia 4291. BENECKE (Werner). Militär, Reform und Gesellschaft im Zarenreich. Die Wehrpflicht in Russland 1874–1914. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2006, 440 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte, 25). 4292. BEREZHNAJA (Lilija A.), BUDNITSKIJ (Oleg V.), DOLBILOV (Mikhail D.), MAKUSHIN (Aleksandr V.), MILLER (Aleksej I.). Zapadnye okrainy Rossijskoj imperii. (Western outskirts of the Russian Empire). Ed. Aleksej I. MILLER. Moskva, NLO, 2006, 605 p. (ill.; maps; tabl.; bibl. p. 585-592; pers. ind. p. 593-603). (Historia Rossica. Okrainy Rossijskoj imperii). 4293. CHIRKOV (Mikhail S.). Zemstvo i vlast' v Rossijskoj imperii, 1890–1916: Po materialam Samarskoj gubernii. (Zemstvos and power in the Russian Empire, 1890–1916: the Samara province). RAN, Samarskij nauch. tsentr, etc. Samara, Izd-vo Samarskogo nauch. tsentra, 2006, 182 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.; pers. ind. p. 177191).
4283. OTU (Petre). ÎmbrăĠiúarea anacondei: politica militară a României în perioada 1 septembrie 193922 iunie 1941. Bucureúti, Editura Militară, 2006, 303 p.
4294. DEMIN (Vadim A.). Verkhnjaja palata Rossijskoj imperii, 1906–1917 gg. (The upper chamber of the Russian Empire: Reformed Stated Council in 1906– 1917). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 375 p. (bibl. incl.).
4284. România înghesuită, ipoteze ale ghetorizării în comunism úi postcomunism. (Romania at constraint, the ghettos in communism and post communism). Co-
4295. DOLGIKH (Elena V.). K probleme mentaliteta rossijskoj administrativnoj elity pervoj poloviny XIX veka: M.A. Korf, D.N. Bludov. (On the mentality of
the Russian administrative elite of the first half of the 19th century: Modest Korf, Dmitry Bludov). Moskva, Indrik, 2006, 341 p. (bibl. p. 326-340; ind. p. 287-325).
4305. HOSKING (Geoffrey A.). Rulers and victims: the Russians in the Soviet Union. Cambridge a. London, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2006, XI-484 p.
4296. DZHUKHA (Ivan G.). Grecheskaja operatsija: Istorija repressij protiv grekov v SSSR. (The Greek operation: a history of repressions against Greeks in the USSR). Assots. grecheskikh obshchestv. ob'edinenij Rossii. Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2006, 416 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.).
4306. IVANOVA (Galina M.). Istorija GULAGa, 19181958: Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskij i politiko-pravovoj aspekty. (The history of GULAG, 1918–1958: social, economic, political and legal aspects). RAN, In-t rossijskoj istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 438 p. (tabl.; bibl. incl.; ind. p. 431-438).
4297. ERTZ (Simon). Zwangsarbeit im stalinistischen Lagersystem. Eine Untersuchung der Methoden, Strategien und Ziele ihrer Ausnutzung am Beispiel Norilsk, 1935–1953. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2006, 273 p. (Zeitgeschichtliche Forschungen, 31).
4307. KAMENSKIJ (Aleksandr B.). Povsednevnost' russkikh gorodskikh obyvatelej: Istoricheskie anekdoty iz provintsial'noj zhizni XVIII veka. (Everyday life of Russian urban residents: anecdotes from the life of the Russian 18th-century province). Moskva, RGGU, 2006, 403 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 375-402).
4298. Everyday life in early Soviet Russia: taking the Revolution inside. Ed. by Christina KIAER and Eric NAIMAN. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2006, 310 p. (ill.). 4299. FEL'DMAN (David M.). Terminologija vlasti: Sovetskie politicheskie terminy v istoriko-kul'turnom kontekste. (The terminology of power: Soviet political terms in historical and cultural context). Ros. gos. gumanit. un-t. Moskva, RGGU, 2006, 486 p. (bibl. p. 467-485). 4300. GAMMER (Moshe). The Lone Wolf and the Bear: three centuries of Chechen defiance of Russian rule. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006, XVIII-252 p. (Pitt Series in Russian and East European studies). 4301. Gosudarstvennaja Duma Rossii: Entsiklopedija. (The State Duma of Russia: an encyclopedia). Vol. 1. Gosudarstvennaja duma Rossijskoj imperii, 1906–1917. (The State Duma of the Russian Empire, 1906–1917). Ed. Valentin V. SHELOKHAEV. Vol. 2. Gosudarstvennaja duma Rossijskoj Federatsii, 1993–2006. (The State Duma of the Russian Federation, 1993–2006). Ed. Aleksandr N. ARININ. Gos. duma RF, etc. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 2 vol., 767 p., 1015 p. (ill.; portr.; bibl.). 4302. GRUSHIN (Boris A.). Chetyre zhizni Rossii v zerkale oprosov obshchestvennogo mnenija: Ocherki massovogo soznanija rossijan vremen Khrushcheva, Brezhneva, Gorbacheva i El'tsina. (Four lives of Russia in the mirror of public opinion polls: essays on public opinion of the Russians under Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev and Yeltsin). RAN, In-t filosofii, In-t sotsiologii; Sluzhba izuchenija obshchestv. mnenija "Vox Populi". Book 3. Zhizn' 2-ja: Epokha Brezhneva. (The second life: Brezhnev's age). Part 2. Moskva, ProgressTraditsija, 2006, 907 p. (ill.; tabl.; pers. ind. p. 905-907). 4303. HAIN (Sabine). Partei und Staat in der Sowjetunion 19851991. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2006, 241 p. (Nomos Universitätsschriften. Geschichte, 16). 4304. HARJULA (Mirko). Suomalaiset Venäjän sisällissodassa 19171922. (Finns in the Russian civil war 19171922). Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006, 700 p. (ill.). (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia 1073).
4308. KANG-BOHR (Youngok). Stalinismus in der ländlichen Provinz: das Gebiet Voronež 19341941. Essen, Klartext, 2006, 301 p. 4309. KARSCH (Stefan). Die bolschewistische Machtergreifung im Gouvernement Voronež (1917–1919). Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 348 p. (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des östlichen Europa, 71). 4310. KISRIEV (Enver F.), WARE (Robert Bruce). Russian hegemony and Islamic resistance: ideology and political organization in Dagestan 1800–1930. Middle Eastern studies, 2006, 42, 3, p. 493-504. 4311. KONDRAT'EVA (Tamara S.). Kormit' i pravit': O vlasti v Rossii XVI–XX vv. (To feed and to rule: on the power in Russia of the 16th–20th centuries). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 207 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 191-203; ind. p. 204-206). 4312. KOZLOV (Vladimir A.). Neizvestnyj SSSR. Protivostojanie naroda i vlasti, 1953–1985 gg. (The unknown USSR: the antagonism of the people and the power in 1953–1985). Moskva, OLMA-Press, 2006, 447 p. (Arkhiv). 4313. KRAVCHENKO (Andrej S.). Strukturnyj analiz III Gosudarstvennoj Dumy Rossijskoj imperii, (1907– 1912 gg.). (A structural analysis of the Third State Duma of the Russian Empire, 1907–1912). Moskva, VShE, 2006, 20 p. (ill.). 4314. KRUHLAŠOV (Anatolij). Mychajlo Drahomanov a otázka slovanskej vzájomnosti v druhej polovici 19. storoþia. (Mychajlo Drahomanov and the question of Slavonic community in the second half of the 19th century). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 4, p. 665680. 4315. Late Stalinist Russia: society between reconstruction and reinvention. Ed. by Juliane FÜRST. London, Routledge, 2006, XI-287 p. (ill.). (BASEES/Routledge series on Russian and East European Studies, 29). 4316. LEE (Stephen J.). Russia and the USSR, 1855 1991: autocracy and dictatorship. London, Routledge, 2006, XXIII-216 p. (ill.). (Questions and analysis in history).
4317. MAC DERMOTT (Kevin). Stalin: revolutionary in an era of war. Houndsmills, Palgrave Macmillian, 2006, XIII-219 p. (European history in perspective).
4328. ROLF (Malte). Das sowjetische Massenfest im Stalinismus (1932–1941). Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 1, p. 69-92.
4318. MARTYNENKO (Nadezhda K.). Rossijskoe obshchestvo zashchity zhenshchin v bor'be s prostitutsiej (1900–1915 gg.). (The Russian Society for the Defence of Women in the struggle againts prostitution, 1900– 1915). Volzh. un-t im. V.N. Tatishcheva. Tol'jatti, Izd-vo Volzh. un-ta, 2006, 163 p. (bibl. p. 122-130).
4329. RUSTEMEYER (Angela). Dissens und Ehre. Majestätsverbrechen in Russland (1600–1800). Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2006, X-462 p. (Forschungen zur osteuropäischen Geschichte, 69).
4319. MELANCON (Michael). The Lena Goldfields Massacre and the crisis of the late Tsarist state. College Station, Texas A&M U. P., 2006, 238 p. (Eugenia and Hugh M. Stewart 26 series on Eastern Europe). 4320. MILLER (Aleksej I.). Imperija Romanovykh i natsionalizm: esse po metodologii istoricheskogo issledodvanija. (The Romanovs' Empire and nationalism: essays on methodology of historical research). Moskva, NLO, 2006, 241 p. (bibl. p. 220-236; pers. ind. p. 237240). (Historia Rossica). 4321. MINENKO (Nina A.), APKARIMOVA (Elena Ju.), GOLIKOVA (Svetlana V.). Povsednevnaja zhizn' ural'skogo goroda v XVIII–nachale XX veka. (Everydaylife of towns of Urals in the 18th–the early 20th centuries). RAN, Ural'skoe otd., In-t istorii i arkheologii; Ural'skij gos. un-t im. A.M. Gor'kogo. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 383 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.).
4330. RUUTU (Katja). Venäjän politiikka ja perustuslaki: tutkimus Venäjän perustuslakikäsitteistön kehityksestä 1900-luvulla. (Russian policy and constitution: research developments in the Russian constitution concepts in the 20th century). Helsinki, Aleksanteriinstituutti, 2006, 227 p. (Kikimora publications. A, 14). 4331. SCHEDEWIE (Franziska). Selbstverwaltung und sozialer Wandel in der russischen Provinz: Bauern und Zemstvo in Voronez, 18641914. Heidelberg, Winter, 2006, 473 p. (ill.). u. 1 CD-ROM (Heidelberger Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte, 15). 4332. SEDOV (Pavel V.). Zakat moskovskogo tsarstva: Tsarskij dvor kontsa XVII veka. (The Muscovite tsar's court in the late 17th century). RAN, SanktPeterburgskij in-t istorii. Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 2006, 604 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.; pers. ind. p. 570600).
4322. MUL'TATULI (Petr V.). Svidetel'stvuja o Khriste do smerti… Ekaterinburgskoe zlodejanie 1918 goda: novoe rassledovanie. (The murder of Romanovs in 1918: a new investigation). Moskva, Forum, 2006, 799 p. (ill.; tabl.; bibl. p. 786-799).
4333. SENJAVSKAJA (Elena S.). Protivniki Rossii v vojnakh XX veka: Evoljutsija "obraza vraga" v soznanii armii i obshchestva. (The antagonists of Russia in the 20th-century wars: the evolution of the 'image of enemy' of the army and the society). RAN, In-t rossijskoj istorii. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 295 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 255-280; pers. ind. p. 282-286).
4323. OCCLESHAW (Michael). Dances in deep shadows: the clandestine War in Russia, 1917–1920. New York, Carroll and Graf, 2006, XXIII-360 p.
4334. STONE (David R.). A military history of Russia. From Ivan the Terrible to the war in Chechnya. Westport, Praeger, 2006, XIV-259 p.
4324. POLLOCK (Ethan). Stalin and the Soviet science wars. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2006, VIII269 p.
4335. WERTH (Nicolas). L'île aux cannibales. 1933, une déportation-abandon en Sibérie. Paris, Perrin, 2006, 205 p.
4325. PRAVILOVA (Ekaterina A.). Finansy imperii: Den'gi i vlast' v politike Rossii na natsional'nykh okrainakh, 1801–1917. (Finance of the Empire: money and power in the Russian policy in 'national outskirts', 1801–1917). Moskva, Novoe izdatel'stvo, 2006, 455 p. (bibl. p. 435-449; pers. ind. p. 450-454). (Novye granitsy). [English summary]. 4326. RAT'KOVSKIJ (Il'ja S.). Krasnyj terror i dejatel'nost' VChK v 1918 godu. (The Red Terror and the activity of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission in 1918). Sankt-Peterburgskij gos. un-t. Sankt-Peterburg, Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta, 2006, 285 p. (bibl. p. 243-262; ind. p. 263-276). 4327. RENKAMA (Jukka). Ideology and challenges of political liberalisation in the USSR, 1957–1961: Otto Kuusinen's "Reform Platform," the state concept, and the path to the 3rd CPSU programme. Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006, 396 p. (Bibliotheca Historica, 99).
4336. WILLIAMS (Stephen F.). Liberal reform in an illiberal regime: the creation of private property in Russia, 19061915. Stanford, Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 2006, XII-320 p. (ill., map). (Hoover Institution Press publication, 545). 4337. ZELENIN (Il'ja E.). Stalinskaja "revoljutsija sverkhu" posle "velikogo pereloma", 1930–1939: politika, osushchestvlenie, rezul'taty. RAN, In-t rossijskoj istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 315 p. (tabl.; pers. ind. p. 310-314). 4338. ZHEREBKINA (Irina A.). Feministskaja interventsija i stalinizm, ili Stalina ne sushchestvuet. (The feminist intervention and stalinism, or Stalin does not exist). Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2006, 224 p. (bibl. incl.). (Feministskaja kollektsija). 4339. ZIMINA (Valentina D.). Beloe delo vzbuntovavshejsja Rossii: politicheskie rezhimj Grazhdanskoj vojny, 1917–1920 gg. (The White political regimes of the Russian Civil War, 1917–1920). Moskva, RGGU, 2006, 467 p. (bibl. p. 245-282; ind. p. 458-466).
Addendum 2004 4340. KHLEVNIUK (Oleg V.). The history of the Gulag: from collectivization to the great terror. Forew. by Robert CONQUEST. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2004, XVIII418 p. (ill., maps). os
Cf. n 17, 18, 319, 335, 382, 497, 498, 529, 3710, 3845, 4135, 4148, 4238, 4250, 4352, 4513, 4514, 4520, 4522, 4559, 4720, 4724, 4726, 4727, 4740, 4757, 4785, 4805, 4843, 4864, 4876, 4961, 5156, 5158, 5159, 5162, 5325, 5332, 5340, 5362, 5412, 5489, 5490, 5543, 5545, 5557, 5580, 5593, 5727, 5806, 5854, 5965, 5998, 6011, 6058, 6375, 6436, 6658, 6700, 6772, 6793, 6829
2513, 4512, 4725, 4857, 5323, 5504, 5815, 6442,
Rwanda 4341. STRAUS (Scott). The order of genocide: race, power, and war in Rwanda. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2006, XIV-273 p. (ill., maps). Saudi Arabia 4342. IBRAHIM (Fouad N.). The Shi'is of Saudi Arabia. London a. San Francisco, Saqi, 2006, 304 p. 4343. NIBLOCK (Tim). Saudi Arabia: power, legitimacy and survival. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XVI-206 p. (ill., maps). (Contemporary Middle East). Senegal 4344. SIDIBE (Doudou). Démocratie et alternance politique au Sénégal. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 229 p. (Etudes africaines). Serbia 4345. ANTONIû (Goran). Kosovski komitet i Kraljevina SHS u svetlu jugoslovenskih izvora 1918–1920. (Kosovo Committee and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes in the light of Yugoslav sources, 1918– 1920). Istorija 20. veka, 2006, 1, p. 27-45. 4346. Beloemigracija u Jugoslaviji: 19181941. Priredili Toma MILENKOVIû i Momþilo PAVLOVIû. Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2006, 2 vol., [s. p.]. (ill.). (Biblioteka Skrivana istorija, 2). 4347. BOECKH (Katrin). Vjerski progoni u Jugoslaviji 1944.1953.: staljinizam u titoizmu. (Religious persecution in Yugoslavia, 19441953: Stalinist ideas under Tito). ýasopis za suvremenu povijest, 2006, 2, p. 403431. 4348. CVETKOVIû (Srÿan). Izmeÿu srpa i þekiüa: represija u Srbiji 19441953. (Tra falce e martello: la repressione in Serbia 19441953). Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2006, 600 p. (ill.). (Biblioteka Studije i monografije / Institut za savremenu istoriju). 4349. DIMITRIJEVIû (Bojan B.). Jugoslovenska armija 19451954: nova ideologija, vojnik i oružje. (Yugoslav Peoples Army 19451954, the new idelogy, soldier and weapon). Beograd, Institut za savremenu is-
toriju, 2006, 426 p. (Biblioteka "Studije i monografije"). IDEM. Jugoslovensko ratno vazduhoplovstvo, 19421992. Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2006, 399 p. (ill.). (Biblioteka Studije i monografije). 4350. DOBRIVOJEVIû (Ivana). "Izmeÿu kralja i naroda nema posrednika". Popularnost kralja Aleksandra I dinastije Karaÿorÿeviü u doba šesto januarskog režima. ("No intermediaries between the King and the people". Dynastic propaganda in the time of the January Sixth regime). Tokovi istorije, 2006, 4, p. 159-182. EADEM. Državna represija u doba diktature kralja Aleksandra 19291935. (State repression in the era of the dictatorship of King Alexander 19291935). Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2006, 370 p. (Biblioteka Studije i monografije). EADEM. Policija i žandarmerija u doba šestosijeþanjskog režima kralja Aleksandra (1929.1935.). (Police and Gendarmes during the personal dicatorship of Yugoslav King Alexander, 19291935). ýasopis za suvremenu povijest, 2006, 1, p. 99-137. 4351. GAŠIû (Ranka). Beogradska politiþka i vojna elita u svetlu nemaþkih i britanskih izvora pred Drugi svetski rat. (Belgrade political and military elite in the light of the German and British sources prior to the Second World War). Istorija 20. veka, 2006, 1, p. 6381. 4352. LESHCHILOVSKAJA (Inna I.). Serbskij narod i Rossija v XVIII veke. (The Serbian people and Russia in the 18th century). RAN, In-t slavjanovedenija. SanktPeterburg, Aletejja, 2006, 297 p. (bibl. incl.). (Bibliotheca Serbica). 4353. LILIû (Borislava). Jugoistoþna Srbija: (1878 1918). (South-eastern Serbia, 18781918). Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2006, 556 p. 4354. PEROVIû (Latinka). Izmeÿu anarhije i autokratije: srpsko društvo na prelazima vekova (XIXXXI). [Tra anarchia e autocrazia: la società serba al volgere del secolo (XIXXXI)]. Beograd, Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava, 2006, 435 p. (Ogledi. Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, 8). 4355. RAMET (Sabrina P.). The three Yugoslavias: state-building and legitimation, 19182005. Washington, Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2006, XXVI-817 p. (ill.). 4356. Srbija (Jugoslavija) 19452005: ideologije, pokreti, praksa: zbornik radova sa meÿunarodnog nauþnog skupa održanog 46. maja 2005. u Somboru. [Serbia (Yugoslavia) 19452005: ideology, movement, practice: Proceedings of the international scientific conference, 46. May 2005. Sombor]. Odgovorni urednik Momþilo PAVLOVIû. Beograd, Institut sa savremenu istoriju, 2006, 278 p. (Biblioteka Zbornici radova). Cf. no 3673 Slovakia ** 4357. Sicherdienst a Slovensko v rokoch 1938 1944. (Od autonómie po Povstanie). Slovenský štát vo
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES vybraných správach SD od jesene 1943 do septembra 1944. = Der Sicherdienst und die Slowakei zwischen 1938 und 1944. (Von Autonomie bis Aufstand). Der slowakische Staat in ausgewählten SD-Berichten von Herbst 1943 bis September 1944). Hrsg. v. Michal SCHVARC. Bratislava, Slovenské národné múzeum – Múzeum kultúry karpatských Nemcov, 2006, 460 p. (Acta Carpatho-Germanica, 18). _______________________
4358. BARTLOVÁ (Alena). HSďS v roku 1935, bohatom na dôležité politické udalosti. (Hlinkas Slowakische Volkspartei 1935 reich an wichtigenpolitischen Ereignissen). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 4, p. 631652. 4359. BEDNÁROVÁ (Marcela). Slovanský kontext v spoloþensko-politických postojoch ďudovíta Štúra. (The Slavonic context in the social-political views of ďudovít Štúr. Der slawische Kontext in den gesellschaftspolitischen Haltungen ďudovít Štúrs). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 1, p. 105-120. 4360. DANGL (Vojtech). Armáda a spoloþnosĢ na prelome 19. a 20. storoþia. (Armee und Gesellschaft um die Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert). Bratislava, VEDA vydavateĐstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2006, 238 p. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 4361. HOLÁK (Martin). Hlinkova slovenská Đudová strana a snahy o vytvorenie katolíckeho bloku v prvej polovici 30. rokov 20. storoþia. (Hlinka's Slovak People's Party and efforts to create a catholic bloc in the first half of the 1930s). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 1, p. 6387. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 4362. Ján Kollár a slovanská vzájomnosĢ. Genéza nacionalizmu v Strednej Európe. (The genesis of the Nationalism in the Central Europe). Ed. Tatiana IVANTYŠYNOVÁ. Bratislava, SpoloþnosĢ pre dejiny a kultúru strednej a východnej Európy – Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied vo vydavateĐstve Stimulus, 2006, 223 p. (Ed. Slovanké štúdie, zvláštne þ., 4). 4363. KÁZMEROVÁ (ďubica), KATUNINEC (Milan). Dilemy Karola Sidora. (The Dilemmas of Karol Sidor). Bratislava, Kalligram, 2006, 199 p. 4364. MICHÁLEK (Slavomír) [et al.]. Juraj Slávik Neresnický od politiky cez diplomaciu po exil (1890 1969). (Juraj Slávik Neresnický in the politics, diplomacy and exile, 18901969). Bratislava, Prodama pre Historický ústav SAV, 2006, 504 p. [Eng. Summary]. 4365. PEHR (Michal). ýeskoslovenská strana lidová na Slovensku (19251938) a Hlinkova slovenská Đudová strana. [The Czechoslovak People's Party in Slovakia (19251938) and the Hlinka's Slovak People's Party]. In: Slovenská Đudová strana v dejinách 19051945. Ed. Róbert LETZ. Martin, 2006, p. 233-242. 4366. PEŠEK (Jan). Centrum moci. Aparát Ústredného výboru Komunistickej strany Slovenska 1948 1989. (Das Zentrum der Macht. Der Apparat des Zentralkomitees der Kommunistischen Partei der Slowakei in
den Jahren 19481989). Bratislava, Academic Electronic Press s. r. o. v spolupráci s Historickým ústavom Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2006, 208 p. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 4367. PICHLER (Tibor). Národ, národnosti, štát: o politike etnického entuziazmu. (Nation, nationalities, state: on the politics of ethnic enthusiasm). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 4, p. 569-589. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 4368. SCHVARC (Michal). Vývoj a zmeny organizaþnej štruktúry Deutsche Partei 19381945. (Entwicklung und Veränderungen der Organisationsstruktur der Deutschen Partei 19381945). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 3, p. 471-502. 4369. SIKORA (Stanislav). K politickej diferenciácii v KSS v rokoch 19631968. (On political differentiation in the Communist Party of Slovakia in the period 19631968). Historické štúdie, 2006, 44, p. 163-181. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 4370. Slovakia and Decrees of President of the Czechoslovak Republik Edvard Beneš in the context of regulations of the Slovak National Council. Domestic and foreign policy implications. Introduction Ivan KAMENEC. Aut. Štefan ŠUTAJ, Michal ŠTEFANSKÝ, Katarína ZAVACKÁ, Dagmar ýIERNA-LANTAYOVÁ, Milan ŠTEFANOVIý. Bratislava, Veda Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2006, 136 p. 4371. Slovenská Đudová strana v dejinách 1905 1945. (Slovak National Party in the years 19051945). Ed. Róbert LETZ, Peter MULÍK, Alena BARTLOVÁ. Martin, Matica slovenská v spolupráci s Historickým ústavom SAV s Katedrou histórie Pedagogickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave a Historickým odborom Matice slovenskej, 2006, 389 p. 4372. ŽATKULIAK (Jozef). Politické tlaky na podobu þesko-slovenskej federácie na zaþiatku "normalizácie" (od augusta 1968 do decembra 1970). (Political pressures on the form of the Czecho-Slovak federation at the beginning of "Normalization". From August 1968 to December 1970). Historické štúdie, 2006, 44, p. 199219. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 4373. ZAVACKÁ (Marína). Svet v zrkadle kartotéky utajovaných skutoþností. K aktivitám þeskoslovenskej cenzúry v rokoch 19531967. (The world in the mirror of the card-index of concealed facts. On the activities of Czechoslovak censorship, 19531967). Historické štúdie, 2006, 44, p. 121-139. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. Cf. nos 3686, 3687, 3694, 3695, 3696, 3710, 3714 Slovenia 4374. BERBERIH-SLANA (Aleksandra). Slovenska ljudska stranka i Hrvati od 1918. do 1926. (Slovenian People's Party and its relations with Croatian politics, 19181926). ýasopis za suvremenu povijest, 2006, 1, p. 159-196. 4375. HÖSLER (Joachim). Von Krain zu Slowenien: die Anfänge der nationalen Differenzierungsprozesse in
Krain und der Untersteiermark von der Aufklärung bis zur Revolution, 17681848. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2006, 414 p. (maps). (Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, 126).
4386. ADAGIO (Carmelo), BOTTI (Alfonso). Storia della Spagna democratica. Da Franco a Zapatero. Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2006, XI-192 p.
4376. RATEJ (Mateja). Politika Slovenske ljudske stranke nakon sporazuma izmeÿu Nikole Pašiüþa i Stjepana Radiüa 1925. (The politics of the Slovene People's Party after the agreement between Nikola Pašiü and Stjepan Radiü). ýasopis za suvremenu povijest, 2006, 1, p. 139-158.
4387. AғLVARO DUEÑAS (Manuel). "Por ministerio de la ley y voluntad del Caudillo": la jurisdicción especial de responsabilidades políticas (19391945). Prólogo de Marta BIZCARRONDO. Madrid, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2006, 316 p. (ill.). (Historia de la sociedad política).
4377. RITZMAN (Rudolf Martin). Dall'autoritarismo alla democrazia attraverso l'indipendenza: il caso sloveno. Ravenna, Longo, 2006, 191 p. (Europe and the Balkans international network, 25).
4388. Andalucía y la guerra civil: estudios y perspectivas. Coordinador Leandro AғLVAREZ REY. Sevilla, Diputación de Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, 2006, 281 p. (ill., maps). (Historia y geografía, 116).
4378. VODOPIVEC (Peter). Od Pohlinove slovnice do samostojne države: slovenska zgodovina od konca 18. stoletja do konca 20. stoletja (From Pohlin's grammar to independent state: Slovene history from the late 18th to the late 20th centuries). Ljubljana, Modrijan, 2006, 630 p.
4389. ARNABAT I MATA (Ramon). Visca el rei i la religió! La primera guerra civil de la Catalunya contemporània (18201823). Pròleg de Josep FONTANA. Lleida, Pagès Editors, 2006, 535 p. (Col·lecció Seminari. Sèrie Catalònia, 18).
Cf. nos 3673, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4355, 4356 South Africa 4379. DUFFY (Joanne L.). The politics of ethnic nationalism: Afrikaner unity, the National Party, and the radical right in Stellenbosch, 19341948. New York a. London, Routledge, 2006, XXX-273 p. (ill., map). (African studies: history, politics, economics, and culture). 4380. MAEKAWA (Ichiro). Igirisu teikoku to minami Afurika: Minami Afurika rempǀ no keisei 18991912. (The British Empire and South Africa: the making of the Union of South Africa 18991912). Kyoto, Mineruva Shobo, 2006, 315 p. 4381. POHLANDT-MAC CORMICK (Helena). "I saw a nightmare": doing violence to memory: the Soweto uprising, June 16, 1976. New York, Columbia U. P., 2006, [s. p.]. 4382. REDDING (Sean). Sorcery and sovereignty: taxation, power, and rebellion in South Africa, 1880 1963. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2006, XI-266 p. 4383. SANDERS (James). Apartheid's friends: the rise and fall of South Africa's secret service. London, John Murray, 2006, XVII-539 p. (ill., map, ports.). 4384. THOMPSON (Charles Allen). The administration of Sir Henry Loch as Governor of Cape Colony and High Commissioner for South Africa, 18891895. Ann Arbor, UMI Dissertation Services, 2006, XVII286 p. (maps). Spain ** 4385. Democracia, república, restauración: el legado epistolar de la familia Gras-Beránger (1857 1898). Edición de Amparo RANCH y Cecilio ALONSO. Valencia, Centro Francisco Tomás y Valiente UNED Alzira-Valencia, 2006, 319 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca historia social. Serie Documenta). _______________________
4390. BOWEN (Wayne H.). Spain during World War II. Columbia a. London, University of Missouri Press, 2006, X-279 p. 4391. CANAL I MORELL (Jordi). Banderas blancas, boinas rojas: una historia política del carlismo, 1876 1939. Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2006, 355 p. (Historia / Marcial Pons. Estudios). 4392. CANALES SERRANO (Antonio Francisco). Las lógicas de la victoria. Modelos de funcionamiento político local bajo el primer franquismo. Historia social, 2006, 56, p. 111-130. IDEM. Las otras derechas: derechas y poder local en el País Vasco y Cataluña en el siglo XX. Madrid, Marcial Pons Ediciones de Historia, 2006, 389 p. (Historia). 4393. CANDELA MARCO (María Vicenta). De labradores a soldados: un estudio social de las quintas del siglo XVIII en Castellón de la Plana. Castellón de la Plana, Universitat Jaume I, Diputació de Castelló, 2006, 237 p. (ill., maps). (Biblioteca de les aules, 17). 4394. CASTELLANO (Juan Luis). Gobierno y poder en la España del siglo XVIII. Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2006, 266 p. (Monográfica. 101. Biblioteca de humanidades. Chronica nova de estudios históricos). 4395. Cataluña y la España plural: discursos políticos del siglo XX. Selección de textos, introducción y notas de Jordi CASASSAS YMBERT; prólogo de Jordi PUJOL I SOLEY. Barcelona, Aurea Editores, 2006, 319 p. (Crónica y ensayo). 4396. CHECA GODOY (Antonio). El ejercicio de la libertad: la prensa española en el Sexenio Revolucionario (18671874). Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2006, 379 p. (charts). (Colección Historia Biblioteca Nueva). 4397. CIFUENTES CHUECA (Julia), MALUENDA PONS (Pilar). El asalto a la República: los orígenes del franquismo en Zaragoza, 19361939. Zaragoza, Institución "Fernando el Católico," 2006, 273 p. (ill.). (Institución Fernando el Católico. Publicación, 1620).
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 4398. CIURANA I PRAST (Judit). Bràfim: de l'esfondrament de l'imperi colonial espanyol a la caiguda de la dictadura de Primo de Rivera, 18981930. Lleida, Pagés Editors, 2006, 458 p. (ill., maps). (Consell Comarcal de l'Alt Camp, 13). 4399. COLLADO SEIDEL (Carlos). Der Spanische Bürgerkrieg. Geschichte eines europäischen Konflikts. München, Beck, 2006, 218 p. 4400. CONDE NARANJO (Esteban). El argos de la monarquía: la policía del libro en la España ilustrada (17501834). Madrid, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2006, XV-495 p. (Historia de la sociedad política). 4401. Crisis (La) del régimen liberal en España, 19171923. Ed. por Ángeles BARRIO. Madrid, Marcial Pons Ediciones de Historia y Madrid, Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, 2006, 297 p. (Ayer, 63. 4402. CRUZ (Rafael). En el nombre del pueblo: República, rebelión y guerra en la España de 1936. Madrid, Siglo XXI, 2006, XI-403 p. (ill.). 4403. FERNÁNDEZ VIAGAS (Plácido). Palabras de guerra: los republicanos contra el franquismo. Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, Centro de Ediciones de la Diputación de Málaga, 2006, 326 p. 4404. FONTANA I LÀZARO (Josep). De en medio del tiempo: la segunda restauración española, 18231834. Barcelona, Crítica, 2006, 570 p. (Serie mayor). 4405. Franquisme (El) a Catalunya: 19391977. V. 2. Catalunya dins l'Espanya de l'autarquia (19461958). V. 3. La immigració, el desarrollismo i la resistència cultural (19591968). V. 4. La lluita per la democràcia i l'autogovern (19691980). [Vol. 1. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 4572.] Coordinació, Sonsoles MIGUEL. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 2006, 3 vol., 270 p., 270 p., 270 p. (ill., maps, ports.). 4406. FREÁN HERNÁNDEZ (Oscar). El movimiento libertario en Galicia, 19101936. Sada, Ediciós do Castro, 2006, 244 p. (Historia). 4407. GALASSO (Giuseppe). Carlo V e Spagna imperiale: studi e richerche. Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2006, XXVI-352 p. (Storia e letteratura, 234). 4408. GARCÍA-SANZ MARCOTEGUI (Ángel) [et al.]. Los liberales navarros durante el sexenio democrático. Pamplona, Universidad Pública de Navarra, 2006, 388 p. 4409. GONZÁLEZ AғLVAREZ (Manuel). Aspectos militares de la Guerra civil: la actuación en España de la Legión Cóndor. León, Universidad de León, Secretariado de Publicaciones, 2006, 380 p. (ill.).
19401962. Barcelona, Editorial Anagrama, 2006, 440 p. (Colección Argumentos / Anagrama, 353). 4412. GÜELL (Casilda). The failure of Catalanist opposition to Franco (19391950). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2006, 224 p. (Biblioteca de historia, 65). 4413. Guerra y sociedad en la monarquía hispánica: política, estrategia y cultura en la Europa Moderna, 15001700. 1. Política, estrategia, organización y guerra en el mar. 2. Ejército, economía, sociedad y cultura. Ed. por Enrique GARCÍA HERNÁN y Davide MAFFI. Madrid, Laberinto y CSIC y Fundación MAPFRE, 2006, 2 vol., 1054 p., 1024 p. (ill., maps, col. ports.). 4414. LLANSOLA GIL (Gerard). Republicanisme, identitat popular i hegemonia municipal: Castelló de la Plana, 19131917. Castellón de la Plana, Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, 2006, 360 p. (Col·lecció Humanitats, 25). 4415. LÓPEZ GARCÍA (José Miguel). El motín contra Esquilache: crisis y protesta popular en el Madrid del siglo XVIII. Madrid, Alianza, 2006, 260 p. (ill., maps). (Ultimas novedades). 4416. MAFFI (Davide). Il potere delle armi. La monarchia spagnola e i suoi eserciti (16351700): una rivisitazione del mito della decadenza. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 2, p. 394-445. 4417. MARÍN (Manuel). Clientélisme et domination politique en Espagne: Catalogne, fin du XIXe siècle. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 213 p. (Recherches et documents. Espagne). 4418. MARÍN (Martí). Història del franquisme a Catalunya. Vic, Eumo Editorial i Lleida, Pagès Editors, 2006, 376 p. (Biblioteca d'Historia de Catalunya, 9). 4419. MÁRQUEZ QUEVEDO (Javier). Canarias y la crisis finisecular española (18901907): del desastre ultramarino a la garantía de seguridad exterior. Madrid, Ministerio de defensa, 2006, 700 p. 4420. MOLINERO RUIZ (Carme). El reclamo de la "justicia social" en las políticas de consenso del régimen franquista. Historia social, 2006, 56, p. 93-110. 4421. NAROTZKY (Susana), SMITH (Gavin). Immediate struggles: people, power, and place in rural Spain. Berkeley a. London, University of California Press, 2006, XXIII-250 p. (ill., map). 4422. PACK (Sasha D.). Tourism and dictatorship. Europe's peaceful invasion of Franco's Spain. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XII-273 p.
4410. GONZÀLEZ I VILALTA (Arnau). Els diputats catalans a les Corts Constituents republicanes, 1931 1933: nacionalisme, possibilisme i reformisme social. Barcelona, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2006, 398 p. (Biblioteca Serra d'Or, 356).
4423. PORTILLO VALDÉS (José M.). El sueño criollo: la formación del doble constitucionalismo en el País Vasco y Navarra. Donostia-San Sebastián, Nerea, 2006, 244 p.
4411. GRACIA GARCÍA (Jordi). Estado y cultura: el despertar de una conciencia crítica bajo el franquismo,
4424. QUIROGA FERNÁNDEZ DE SOTO (Alejandro). Los orígenes del nacionalcatolicismo: José Pemartín y
la dictadura de Primo de Rivera. Granada, Editorial Comares, 2006, 154 p. (ill.). (Comares historia). 4425. REIG TAPIA (Alberto). Anti-Moa: la subversión neofranquista de la historia de España. Prólogo de Paul PRESTON. Barcelona, Ediciones B, 2006, 521 p. (Crónica actual). 4426. Representación política (La) en la España liberal. Madrid, Marcial Pons Ediciones de Historia y Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, 2006, 325 p. (Ayer, 61/2006). 4427. República y guerra en España, 19311939. Coordinador Santos JULIÁ. Pozuelo de Alarcón, Espasa, 2006, 459 p. (Espasa fórum). 4428. RIBOT GARCÍA (Luis Antonio). El arte de gobernar: estudios sobre la España de los Austrias. Madrid, Alianza, 2006, 312 p. 4429. RIESCO ROCHE (Sergio). La reforma agraria y los orígenes de la Guerra Civil: cuestión yuntera y radicalización patronal en la provincia de Cáceres (1931 1940). Prólogo de Julio AROSTEGUI. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2006, 419 p. (tables). (Colección Historia Biblioteca Nueva). 4430. Rouges, maquis de France et d'Espagne, les guérilleros: actes du colloque du Laboratoire de langues et littératures romanes de l'Université de Pau, 20 et 21 octobre 2005, Université de Pau et des pays de l'Adour. Coordinador Jean ORTIZ. Biarritz, Atlantica, 2006, 490 p. (ill.). 4431. RUBÍ I CASALS (Maria Gemma). Els catalans i la política en temps del caciquisme: Manresa, 1875 1923. Vic, Eumo Editorial, Universitat de Vic, 2006, 280 p. (Biblioteca universitària. Història, 9). 4432. SANZ (Benito), FELIP I SARDÀ (Josep Maria). La construcción política de la Comunitat Valenciana: 19621982. València, Institució Alfons el Magnànim, Diputació de València, 2006, 438 p. (ill.). 4433. SANZ HOYA (Julián). De la resistencia a la reacción: las derechas frente a la Segunda República (Cantabria, 19311936). Santander, Universidad de Cantabria, 2006, 310 p. (ill., maps). 4434. SCHAUFF (Frank). Der Spanische Bürgerkrieg. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 208 p. 4435. SCHLEIFER (Wolfgang). Mein Staat gehört nur mir: die Verfassungsentwicklung in Spanien unter Franco von 1936 bis 1975. Graz, Universitätsverlag, 2006, 258 p. (ill., maps, ports.). (Reihe Habilitationen, Dissertationen und Diplomarbeiten, 5).
4438. SUÁREZ CORTINA (Manuel). La España liberal, 18681917: política y sociedad. Madrid, Sintesis, 2006, 453 p. (Historia de España, 3er. Milenio, 27). 4439. Sucesión (La) de la monarquía hispánica, 1665 1725. 1. Lucha política en las Cortes y fragilidad económica-fiscal en los Reinos. Coordinador José Manuel de BERNARDO ARES. Córdoba, Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones y CajaSur Publicaciones, 2006, XIII-357 p. (ill.). (Estudios de historia moderna, 29. Colección "Maior"). 4440. Transición (La), treinta años después. Edición al cuidado de Carme MOLINERO. Barcelona, Ediciones Península, 2006, 270 p. (Atalaya, 250). 4441. WILLIAMS (Patrick). The great favourite. The Duke of Lerma and the court and government of Philip III of Spain, 15981621. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2006, 303 p. (Studies in early modern European history). 4442. YLLÁN CALDERÓN (Esperanza). El franquismo (19391975). Madrid, Mare Nostrum, 2006, 174 p. (ill.). (Básicos de cultura hispánica). Cf. nos 4108, 4997, 5605, 6219, 6230, 6303, 6436, 6506 Sri Lanka 4443. SAHADEVAN (P.), DEVOTTA (Neil). Politics of conflict and peace in Sri Lanka. New Delhi, Manak Publications, 2006, XI-388 p. 4444. WICKRAMASINGHE (Nira). Sri Lanka in the modern age: a history of contested identities. London, C. Hurst & Co. a. New Delhi, Distributed in South Asia by Foundation Books, 2006, XXIV-360 p. (maps). Sudan 4445. DAVID (Philippe). Guerre et paix sur le Nil, de Khartoum à Fachoda: le Soudan mahdiste de 1884 à 1899. In: Guerre et paix en Afrique noire et à Madagascar: XIXe et XXe siècles [Cf. no 6041], p. 71-82. Sweden 4446. AILES (Mary Elizabeth). Wars, widows, and state formation in 17th-century Sweden. Scandinavian journal of history, 2006, 31, 3, p. 17-34. 4447. ALVEMO (Bo). Dackefejden: det stora upproret 15421543. (La grande révolte de Nils Dacke en 1542 1543). Hallstavik, Svenskt militärhistoriskt bibliotek, 2006, 176 p. 4448. ALVUNGER (Daniel). Nytt vin i gamla läglar: socialdemokratisk kyrkopolitik under perioden 1944 1973. (New wine in old bottles: social democratic church policy in the period 19441973). Göteborg, Församlingsförl., 2006, 287 p.
4436. SMITH (Angel). Anarchism, revolution and reaction: Catalan labour and the crisis of the Spanish State, 18981923. Oxford, Berghahn, 2006, 405 p. (ill.). (International studies in social history, 8).
4449. CARLSSON (Erik). Gustaf V och andra världskriget. (Le roi de Suède Gustave V et la seconde guerre mondiale). Lund, Historiska media, 2006, 400 p.
4437. STORRS (Christopher). The resilience of the Spanish monarchy, 1665–1700. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XII-271 p.
4450. FLENSMARCK (Tor), GYLLIX (Björn). Ve de besegrade! Om snapphanetiden och seklet då Skåne blev svenskt. (Malheur aux vaincus: quand la Scanie
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES devint suédoise). Kristianstad, Monitorförlaget, 2006, 376 p. 4451. HARVARD (Jonas). En helig allmännelig opinion: föreställningar om offentlighet och legitimitet i svensk riksdagsdebatt 18481919. (Une opinion publique sacrée: représentations de l'opinion publique et de sa légitimité dans les débats parlementaires suédois 18481919). Umeå, Institutionen för historiska studier, Umeå universitet, 2006, 356 p.(Skrifter från institutionen för historiska studier, 13). 4452. HILSON (Mary). Political change and the rise of labour in comparative perspective: Britain and Sweden, 18901920. Lund, Nordic Academic, 2006, 352 p. (ill., maps).
183 Switzerland
** 4461. PERRILLAT (Laurent). L'apanage de Genevois aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles: pouvoirs, institutions, société. Préf. de Bernard BARBICHE. Annecy, Académie salésienne, 2006, 2 vol., 1070 p. (ill., maps, ports.). (Mémoires et documents publiés par l'académie salésienne, 112-113). _______________________
4462. ADLER (Benjamin). Die Entstehung der direkten Demokratie: das Beispiel der Landsgemeinde Schwyz 17891866. Mit einem Nachwort von Andreas SUTER. Zürich, Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 2006, 358 p. (ill.).
4453. ISACSON (Claës-Göran). Vägen till stormakt: Vasaättens krig. (L'édification de la grande puissance suédoise: les guerres menées par la dynastie des Vasas). Stockholm, Norstedt, 2006, Svenska 503 p.
4463. BRAUN (Peter). Von der Reduitstrategie zur Abwehr: die militärische Landesverteidigung der Schweiz im Kalten Krieg, 19451966. Baden, hier & jetzt, 2006, 2 vol., 1055 p. (ill., maps, ports.). (Der schweizerische Generalstab = L'état-major général suisse, 10).
4454. KARLSSON SJÖGREN (Åsa). Männen, kvinnorna och rösträtten: medborgarskap och representation 1723 1866. (Les hommes, les femmes et le droit de vote: citoyenneté et représentation politique en Suède, 1723 1866). Stockholm, Carlsson, 2006, 239 p.
4464. CHOCOMELI (Lucas). Jakobiner und Jakobinismus in der Schweiz. Wirken und Ideologie einer radikalrevolutionären Minderheit 17891803. Bern, Berlin u. Bruxelles, Lang, 2006, 397 p. (Freiburger Studien zur Frühen Neuzeit, 11).
4455. MALMSTRÖM (Joakim). Herrskapen och den lokala politiken: Eds socken ca 16501900. (Politics and policies of the local gentry, c. 16501900). Uppsala, Uppsala universitet, 2006, 324 p. (ill., ports., charts). (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 222. Studia historica Upsaliensia).
4465. DEJUNG (Christof). Aktivdienst und Geschlechterordnung: eine Kultur- und Alltagsgeschichte des Militärdienstes in der Schweiz 19391945. Zürich, Chronos, 2006, 446 p. (ill.).
4456. Mystiskt brödraskap – mäktigt nätverk: studier i det svenska 1700-talsfrimureriet. (Mystérieuse fraternité et puissants réseaux: études sur la francmaçonnerie suédoise au 18e siècle). Red. Andreas ÖNNERFORS. Lund, Avdelningen för idé- och lärdomshistoria vid Lunds universitet, 2006, 285 p. (Ugglan. Minervaserien, 12). 4457. SUNDIN (Anders). 1809: statskuppen och regeringsformens tillkomst som tolkningsprocess. (Le coup d'Etat de 1809 et l'avènement de la constitution suédoise en tant que cadre d'interprétation). Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2006, 288 p.(Studia historica Upsaliensia, 227). 4458. Svenska folkpartiet genom 100 år: 19062006. (Le parti libéral suédois depuis 100 ans). Red. Siv SANDBERG. Helsingfors, Schildt, 2006, 344 p. 4459. WIKSTRÖM (Niklas). Den svenska militära underrättelsetjänsten 19481956. (Les services secrets militaires suédois 19481956). Stockholm, Krigsvetenskapliga institutionen, Försvarshögskolan, 2006, 144 p.(Krigsvetenskapliga forskningsrapporter, 12). 4460. WINTON (Patrik). Frihetstidens politiska praktik: nätverk och offentlighet 17461766 = The dynamics of politics in Sweden, 17461766. Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2006, 363 p. (Studia historica Upsaliensia, 223). Cf. nos 145, 4980, 6442
4466. DORAND (Jean Pierre). La ville de Fribourg de 1798 à 1814: les municipalités sous l'Helvétique et la Médiation, une comparaison avec d'autre villes-États de Suisse. Fribourg, EU Fribourg, 2006, 599 p. 4467. EHS (Tamara). Behelf Europa. Zur Instrumentalisierung der europäischen Einigungsidee für die Konstituierung und Legitimierung der Schweiz. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 3, p. 349385. 4468. ERLANGER (Simon). "Nur ein Durchgangsland": Arbeitslager und Interniertenheime für Flüchtlinge und Emigranten in der Schweiz 19401949. Zürich, Chronos, 2006, 278 p. (ill.). 4469. JUNG (Joseph). Alfred Escher, 18191882. Der Aufbruch zur modernen Schweiz. T. 1. Leben und Wirken. T. 2. Nordostbahn und schweizerische Eisenbahnpolitik. Gotthardprojekt. T. 3. Schweizerische Kreditanstalt. Eidgenössische Polytechnikum. Außenpolitik. Zürich, Verlag neue zürcher Zeitung, 2006, 3 vol., 1115 p. 4470. KLEE (Doris). Konflikte kommunizieren: die Briefe des Grüninger Landvogts Jörg Berger an den Zürcher Rat (15141529). Zürich, Chronos, 2006, 255 p. (ill., map). 4471. LANG (Gustav A.). Aufgeklärter Patriot in turbulenter Zeit. Der in Bern aufgewachsene Albert Stapfer als Minister der Helvetischen Republik und als schweizerischer Gesandter in Paris in den umstrittenen Umbruchjahren 1798 bis 1803. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 2, p. 184-186.
4472. LUPP (Björn-Erik). Von der Klassensolidarität zur humanitären Hilfe: die Flüchtlingspolitik der politischen Linken 19301950. Zürich, Chronos, 2006, 456 p. (ill.). 4473. MAISSEN (Thomas). Die Geburt der Republic: Staatsverständnis und Repräsentation in der frühneuzeitlichen Eidgenossenschaft. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 672 p. (ill.). (Historische Semantik, 4).
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée, 2006, 115-116, p. 9-265. 4485. WIELAND (Carsten). Syria at bay: secularism, Islamism and "Pax Americana". London, Hurst & Company, 2006, XI-198 p. Cf. no 3503 Tanzania
4474. METZGER (Thomas). Antisemitismus in der Stadt St. Gallen, 19181939. Fribourg, Academic Press Fribourg, 2006, 474 p. (ill.). (Religion, Politik, Gesellschaft in der Schweiz, 42).
4486. BRENNAN (James R.). Blood enemies: exploitation and urban citizenship in the nationalist political thought of Tanzania, 1958–1975. Journal of African history, 2006, 47, 3, p. 389-413.
4475. ROCA (René). "Alte" und "neue" Gemeindefreiheit als Fundament. Die historischen Wurzeln der schweizerischen direkten Demokratie. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 2, p. 187-198.
4487. SHIVJI (Issa G.). Let the people speak: Tanzania down the road to neo-liberalism. Dakar, Codesria, 2006, X-303 p. (Codesria book series).
4476. SPÄTI (Christina). Die schweizerische Linke und Israel: Israelbegeisterung, Antizionismus und Antisemitismus zwischen 1967 und 1991. Essen, Klartext, 2006, 360 p. (Antisemitismus – Geschichte und Strukturen, 2). 4477. WICKI (Dieter). Der aargauische Grosse Rat 18032003: Wandel eines Kantonsparlaments – eine Kollektivbiografie. Baden, Hier + Jetzt, 2006, 493 p. (ill.). (Beiträge zur Aargauergeschichte, 15). 4478. WICKLI (Bruno). Politische Kultur und die "reine Demokratie": Verfassungskämpfe und ländliche Volksbewegungen im Kanton St. Gallen 1814/15 und 1830/31. St. Gallen, Staatsarchiv und Stiftsarchiv, 2006, 522 p. (ill., maps). (St. Galler Kultur und Geschichte, 35). 4479. ZÜRCHER (Regula). Konkordanz und Konfliktlinien in der Schweiz: eine Überprüfung der Konkordanztheorie aufgrund qualitativer und quantitativer Analysen der eidgenössischen Volksabstimmungen von 1848 bis 1947. Bern, Haupt, 2006, 466 p. (ill.). (Berner Studien zur Politikwissenschaft, 15). Addendum 2005 4480. ARLETTAZ (Silvia). Citoyens et étrangers sous la République helvétique, 17981803. Genève, Georg, 2005, 440 p. Cf. nos 4876, 6510 Syria 4481. BALANCHE (Fabrice). La région alaouite et le pouvoir syrien. Paris, Karthala, 2006, 313 p. (ill., maps). (Hommes et sociétés).
Timor-Leste 4488. Diversidade cultural na construção da nação e do Estado em Timor-Leste. Orgs. Paulo Castro SEIXAS e Aone ENGELENHOVEN. Porto, Universidad Fernando Pessoa, 2006, 210 p. (ill.). Togo 4489. MARGUERAT (Yves). La guerre d'août 1914 au Togo: histoire militaire et politique d'un épisode décisif pour l'identité nationale togolaise. In: Guerre et paix en Afrique noire et à Madagascar: XIXe et XXe siècles [Cf. no 6041], p. 95-154. Trinidad and Tobago 4490. PALMER (Colin A.). Eric Williams and the making of the modern Caribbean. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XII-354 p. Tunisia 4491. HIBOU (Béatrice). La force de l'obéissance: économie politique de la répression en Tunisie. Paris, La Découverte, 2006, 362 p. (Textes à l'appui. Série Histoire contemporaine). 4492. LA BARBERA (Serge). Les Français de Tunisie: 19301950. Préf. de Lucette VALENSI. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 405 p. (Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes). 4493. RAYMOND (André). Tunis sous les Mouradites: la ville et ses habitants au XVIIe siecle. Belvédère, Cérès éditions, 2006, 336 p. (map). (Collection Africana). Turkey
4483. MANN (Joseph). The Syrian Neo-Ba'th regime and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1966–1970. Middle Eastern studies, 2006, 42, 5, p. 761-776.
* 4494. Atatürk ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti konusunda yurt dÕúÕnda yayÕnlanmÕú makaleler, tezler ve bildiriler bibliyografyasÕ = Atatürk and the Turkish Republic: bibliography of articles, theses and papers published abroad. YayÕna hazÕrlayanlar Mehmet SARAY, Mustafa CÖHÇE, Ali TUNA. Ankara, Atatürk AraútÕrma Merkezi, 2006, XXIII-610 p. a. 1 CD-ROM.
4484. Syrie (La) au quotidien. Cultures et pratiques du changement. Sous la dir. de Sylvia CHIFFOLEAU.
** 4495. Turkish students' movements and the Turkish left in the 1950's1960's. Presented and annotated
4482. GALLETTI (Mirella). Storia della Siria contemporanea: popoli, istituzioni e cultura. Milano, Bompiani, 2006, 175 p. (Storia paperback).
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES by RÕfat N. BALI. østanbul, Isis Press, 2006, 118 p. (US diplomatic documents on Turkey, 1). _______________________
4496. AYBOGA (Özcan). Kurdische Zivilgesellschaft in der Türkei: historische und politische Bedingungen und Entwicklungen bei der Entstehung einer kurdischen Zivilgesellschaft in der Türkei. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2006, 178 p. (maps). (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe XXXI, Politikwissenschaft, 528 = Publications universitaires européennes. Série XXXI, Sciences politiques, 528 = European university studies. Series XXXI, Political science, 528). 4497. ÇAGĂPTAY (Soner). Islam, secularism, and nationalism in modern Turkey. Who is a Turk? London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XIX-262 p. (Routledge studies in Middle Eastern history, 4). 4498. Cambridge history (The) of Turkey. Ed. by Suraiya N. FAROQHI. V. 3. The Later Ottoman Empire 16031839. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XX619 p. (ill., maps). 4499. ÇOLAK (Yilmaz). Ottomanism vs. Kemalism: Collective memory and cultural pluralism in 1990s Turkey. Middle Eastern studies, 2006, 42, 4, p. 587-602. 4500. KESER (Aygün). Liberale versus starker Staat? Der Liberalismus von den Anfängen im Osmanischen Reich bis zum Ende der 1. Türkischen Republik. Hamburg, Kovaç, 2006, IX-261 p. (Schriftenreihe Politica, 70). 4501. KÖKSAL (Yonca). Coercion and mediation: Centralization and sedentarization of tribes in the Ottoman empire. Middle Eastern studies, 2006, 42, 3, p. 469491. 4502. MARDIN (ùerif). Religion, society, and modernity in Turkey. Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 2006, XVI388 p. (Modern intellectual and political history of the Middle East). 4503. Ottoman Balkans (The), 17501830. Ed. by Frederick F. ANSCOMBE. Princeton, Markus Wiener Publishers, 2006, 174 p. 4504. REISMAN (Arnold). Turkey's modernization. Refugees from nazism and Atatürk's vision. Washington, New Academia Publishing, 2006, XXVII-571 p. 4505. Turkey beyond nationalism: towards postnationalist identities. Ed. by Hans-Lukas KIESER. London a. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2006, XVII-242 p. (International library of twentieth century history, 8). 4506. ÜNVER (Cennet). Actors, structures and social revolution: the revolutionary transformation experienced in the transition of the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish national-state. København, Copenhagen Political Studies Press, 2006, XII-156 p. (ill.). 4507. YÜKSEL (MetÕn). The encounter of Kurdish women with nationalism in Turkey. Middle Eastern studies, 2006, 42, 5, p. 777-802.
4508. ZARDYKHAN (Zharmukhamed). Ottoman Kurds of the First World War era: reflections in Russian sources. Middle Eastern studies, 2006, 42, 1, p. 67-85. Cf. nos 3503, 4724, 4964, 6456 Uganda 4509. BYARUHANGA (Frederick K.). Student power in Africa's higher education: a case of Makerere University. New York a. London, Routledge, 2006, XXII180 p. (ill.). (African studies). Ukraine ** 4510. Kongres ukraïnskykh natsionalistiv 1929 r.: dokumenty i materialy. Uporiadnyk Volodymyr MURAVSKYI. Lviv, NAN Ukraïny, Lvivska naukova biblioteka im. V. Stefanyka, TSentr doslidzhen vyzvolnoho rukhu, 2006, 415 p. (ill., ports., facsims.). (Dzhereloznavcha seriia). ** 4511. PELLEGRINO (Manuela). Ucraina: invenzione geografica o Stato sovrano? La rivoluzione del 1917 nella documentazione militare italiana. Roma, Stato maggiore dell'esercito, Ufficio storico, 2006, 263 p. (ill., maps). ** 4512. VASIL'EV (V.Ju.), PODKUR (R.Ju.), KURO(Kh.). Politicheskoe rukovodstvo Ukrainy, 1938– 1989. (Political leaders of the Ukraine, 1938–1989: Documents). Mosovskij gos. un-t im. M.V. Lomonosova, F-t gos. upr.; NAN Ukrainy, In-t polit. i etnonats. issled. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 543 p. (tabl.; pers. ind. p. 519-531). (Dokumenty sovetskoj istorii). [Text partly in Ukrainian]. MIJA
4513. BORISENOK (Elena Ju.). Fenomen sovetskoj ukrainizatsii: 1920–1930-e gody. (The phenomenon of Soviet ukrainization, the 1920s and 1930s). RAN, In-t slavjanovedenija. Moskva, Evropa, 2006, 245 p. (bibl. incl.). (Evrovostok). [English summary]. 4514. BUGAJ (Nikolaj F.). Narody Ukrainy v "Osoboj papke Stalina". (The peoples of the Ukraine in the 'special file' of Stalin). RAN, In-t rossijskoj istorii. Moskva 2006. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 267 p. (portr.; bibl. of Nikolaj F. Bugaj's works p. 257-258; pers. ind. p. 259-264). 4515. DEREVINSKYI (Vasyl). Stavlennia OUN(B) [Orhanizatsiia ukraïnskykh natsionalistiv] i UPA [Ukraïnska povstanska armiia] do susidnikh narodiv ta natsionalnykh menshyn. (The attitudes of the OUN(B) [Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists] and the UPA [Ukrainian Insurgent Army] towards the surrounding peoples and ethnic minorities). Kyïv, Instytut istoriï Ukraïny NAN Ukraïny, 2006, 147 p. 4516. FRANZ (Maciej). Idea paĔstwa kozackiego na ziemiach ukrainnych w XVIXVII wieku. (The idea of Cossack state in the lands of Ukraine in the sixteenth and seventeenth century). ToruĔ, Wydawn. Adam Marszaáek, 2006, 476 p. (ill., maps). (Historia militaris).
4517. KABUZAN (Vladimir M.). Ukraintsy v mire: dinamika chislennosti i rasselenija, 20-e gody XVIII veka–1989 god: formirovanie etnicheskikh i politicheskikh granits ukrainskogo etnosa. (Ukrainians in the world: The dynamics of their number and settlement, the 1720s–1989: the formation of ethnic and political boundaries of the Ukrainian people). RAN, In-t rossijskoj istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 658 p. (tabl.; bibl. incl.; ind. p. 651-655). 4518. KLIMECKI (Michaá). Galicyjska Socjalistyczna Republika Rad: okupacja Maáopolski (Galicji) Wschodniej przez ArmiĊ Czerwoną w 1920 roku. [Galician Soviet Socialist Republic: the occupation of Eastern Lesser Poland (Galicia) by the Red Army in 1920]. ToruĔ, Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Mikoáaja Kopernika, 2006, 229 p. (maps). 4519. KUDRIACHENKO (Andrii Ivanovych), KALINICHEVA (H. I.), KOSTYRIA (A. A.). Politychna istoriia Ukraïny XX stolittia. Kyïv, MAUP, 2006, 694 p. 4520. MARCHUKOV (Andrej V.). Ukrainskoe natsional'noe dvizhenie v USSR. 1920–1930-e gody: Tseli, metody, rezul'taty. (The Ukrainian national movement in the USSR, the 1920s–1930s: aims, methods, results). RAN, In-t rossijskoj istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 599 p. (tabl.; bibl. p. 573-584; ind. p. 587-597). 4521. MAZUR (Karol). W stronĊ integracji z Koroną: sejmiki Woáynia i Ukrainy w latach 15691648. (Towards the integration of the Crown: local councils Volhynia and Ukraine in the years 15691648). Warszawa, Wydawnictwo "Neriton", 2006, 465 p. 4522. PUSHKASH (Andrej I.). Tsivilizatsija ili varvarstvo: Zakarpat'e, 1918–1945. (Civilization or Barbarism: Zakarpattia in 1918–1945). RAN, In-t slavjanovedenija. Moskva, Evropa, 2006, 557 p. (tabl.; maps; bibl. p. 510-526; ind. p. 527-554). (Evrovostok). [English summary]. Cf. no 6379 United States of America ** 4523. 9/11 handbook (The), annotated translation and interpretation of the attackers' Spiritual Manual. Ed. by Hans G. KIPPENBERG and Tilman SEIDENSTICKER. London, Oakville, Equinox, 2006, VIII-111 p. (ill.). ** 4524. Historical statistics of the United States. Earliest times to the present. Millennial edition. Vol. 15. Ed. in chief Susan B. CARTER [et al.]. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, 5 vol., 807 p., 964 p., 861 p., 1153 p., 854 p. ** 4525. Papers (The) of John Marshall. Editor Herbert A. JOHNSON, associate editor Charles T. CULLEN. Vol. 12. Correspondence, papers, and selected judicial opinions, January 1831July 1835: with addendum June 1783January 1829. Ed. by Charles F. HOBSON. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, L-603 p. (ill., ports.).
** 4526. Papers (The) of Thomas Jefferson. Vol. 33. 16 February to 30 April 1801. Ed. by Barbara B. OBERG [et al.]. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2006, XLVIII-751 p. (ill.). ** 4527. Papers of John Adams. Editor Robert J. TAYLOR; associate editor Mary-Jo KLINE. Vol. 13. Ed. by Gregg L. LINT [et al.]. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2006, XXXIII-607 p. (Adams papers. Series 3, General correspondence and other papers of the Adams statesmen). _______________________
4528. ABRAMS (Richard M.). America transformed. Sixty years of revolutionary change, 1941–2001. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIX-345 p. 4529. BONASTIA (Christopher). Knocking on the door: the Federal Government's attempt to desegregate the suburbs. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2006, XI-234 p. 4530. BRYANT (Nick). The bystander: John F. Kennedy and the struggle for Black equality. New York, Basic Books, 2006, VI-529 p. 4531. CALHOUN (Charles W.). Conceiving a new republic: the Republican Party and the Southern question, 1869–1900. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2006, X-347 p. (American political thought). 4532. CASHIN (Joan E.). The First Lady of the Confederacy: Varina Davis's Civil War. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2006, 403 p. 4533. CORNELL (Saul). A well regulated militia: the founding fathers and the origins of gun control in America. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XVI-270 p. 4534. COUNTRYMAN (Matthew J.). Up South: civil rights and Black Power in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, 417 p. (Politics and culture in modern America). 4535. Crucible of the Civil War: Virginia from secession to commemoration. Ed. by Edward L. AYERS, Gary W. GALLAGHER and Andrew J. TORGET. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2006, VIII-226 p. 4536. DEROSA (Christopher S.). Political indoctrination in the U.S. Army from World War II to the Vietnam War. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2006, XIV-328 p. (Studies in war, society, and the military). 4537. EINHORN (Robin). American taxation, American slavery. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, 337 p. 4538. ENGLE (Stephen Douglas). All the president's statesmen: Northern governors and the American Civil War. Milwaukee, Marquette U. P., 2006, 46 p. (Frank L. Klement lectures, 15). 4539. ESCOTT (Paul D.). Military necessity: civilmilitary relations in the Confederacy. Westport, Praeger Security International, 2006, XV-215 p. (ill., maps). (In war and in peace: U.S. civil-military relations).
4540. FERRELL (Robert H.). Presidential leadership: from Woodrow Wilson to Harry S. Truman. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2006, IX-168 p. (ill.).
4554. KRUGLER (David F.). This is only a test: how Washington, D.C., prepared for nuclear war. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XII-248 p.
4541. FRY (Joseph A.). Debating Vietnam. Fulbright, Stennis, and their Senate hearings. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2006, XI-199 p.
4555. KUKLICK (Bruce). Blind oracles: intellectuals and war from Kennan to Kissinger. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2006, 241 p. (ill.).
4542. FURSTENBERG (François). In the Name of the Father: Washington's legacy, slavery, and the making of a nation. New York, Penguin, 2006, 335 p. (Penguin history of American life).
4556. LAMBERT (Josiah Barlett). "If the Workers Took a Notion": the right to strike and American political development. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2006, X-259 p.
4543. GATES SCHUYLER (Lorraine). The Weight of Their Votes: Southern women and political leverage in the 1920s. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XIII-336 p.
4557. LAU (Peter F.). Democracy rising: South Carolina and the fight for Black equality since 1865. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2006, XIII334 p. (Civil rights and the struggle for Black equality in the twentieth century).
4544. HARRIS (J. William). The making of the American South: a short history, 15001877. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, XIII-295 p. (map). (Problems in American history).
4558. LIGHTNER (David L.). Slavery and the commerce power: how the struggle against the interstate slave trade led to the Civil War. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, XII-228 p.
4545. HATZENBUEHLER (Ronald L.). "I Tremble For My Country": Thomas Jefferson and the Virginia gentry. Foreword by Stanley HARROLD and Randall M. MILLER. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2006, XII-206 p. (Southern dissent).
4559. LISTIKOV (Sergej V.). SShA i revoljutsionnaja Rossija v 1917 godu: k voprosu ob al'ternativakh amer. politiki ot Fevralja k Oktjabrju. (USA and revolutionary Russia in 1917: on the alternatives of the USA's policy from the February to the October). RAN, In-t vseobshchej istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 456 p. (bibl. p. 427-439; pers. ind. p. 440-447). [English summary].
4546. HAYNES (John Earl), Klehr (Harvey). Early Cold War spies: the espionage trials that shaped American politics. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XII251 p. (Cambridge essential histories). 4547. HENRIQUES (Peter R.). Realistic visionary. A portrait of George Washington. Charlottesville a. London, University of Virginia Press, 2006, XV-256 p. 4548. HOGAN (J. Michael). Woodrow Wilson's western tour: rhetoric, public opinion, and the League of Nations. College Station, Texas A&M U. P., 2006, 212 p. (Library of presidential rhetoric). 4549. HOGUE (James K.). Uncivil war: five New Orleans street battles and the rise and fall of radical reconstruction. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2006, XII-227 p. 4550. HORNE (Gerald). The color of fascism: Lawrence Dennis, Racial Passing, and the rise of right-wing extremism in the United States. New York, New York U. P., 2006, XXIV-229 p. 4551. ISAEV (Sergej A.). Dzhejms Medison: politicheskaja biografija. (James Madison: a political biography). RAN, Sankt-Peterburgskij in-t istorii. Sankt-Peterburg, Nauka, 2006, 551 p. (ill.; portr.; bibl. p. 544547). 4552. KERSTETTER (Todd M.). God's country, Uncle Sam's land: faith and conflict in the American West. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2006, VIII-213 p. 4553. KIVINEN (Tiina). Woodrow Wilson's use of history: the malleable past. Tampere, Tampere U. P., 2006, 287 p. (Acta Universitatis Tamperensis, 1129).
4560. MAC CONVILLE (Brendan). The king's three faces: the rise and fall of royal America, 1688–1776. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, 2006, XII-322 p. 4561. MAC COY (Alfred W.). A question of torture: CIA interrogation, from the Cold War to the war on terror. New York, Metropolitan, 2006, 290 p. (American empire project). 4562. MAC KENZIE (Robert Tracy). Lincolnites and rebels: a divided town in the American Civil War. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, VIII-306 p. 4563. MAC KNIGHT (Brian D.). Contested borderland: the Civil War in Appalachian Kentucky and Virginia. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2006, IX-312 p. 4564. MARSZALEK (John F.). A Black congressman in the age of Jim Crow: South Carolina's George Washington Murray. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2006, XIX-211 p. (New perspectives on the history of the South). 4565. MASON (Matthew). Slavery and politics in the Early American republic. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XII-339 p. 4566. MORGAN (Edmund S.). Benjamin Franklin. Eine biographie. München, Beck, 2006, 304 p. 4567. ONUF (Nicholas), ONUF (Peter). Nations, markets, and war: modern history and the American Civil War. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2006, XII-362 p.
4568. OVERHOFF (Jürgen). Benjamin Franklin. Erfinder, Freigeist, Staatenlenker. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 2006, 315 p.
4583. SMITH (Gary Scott). Faith and the presidency: from George Washington to George W. Bush. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, X-665 p.
4569. PALMER (Niall A.). Twenties in America: politics and history. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2006, 195 p.
4584. STEBENNE (David L.). Modern republican: Arthur Larson and the Eisenhower years. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2006, XIV-363 p.
4570. PRESTON (Andrew). The War Council: McGeorge Bundy, the NSC [National Security Council], and Vietnam. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, XI320 p. 4571. Radicalism in the South since reconstruction. Ed. by Chris GREEN, Rachel RUBIN and James SMETHURST. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, VIII-274 p. 4572. REYNOLDS (John F.). The demise of the American Convention System, 1880–1911. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XI-270 p. 4573. ROSENBERG (Jonathan). How far the Promised Land? World affairs and the American civil rights movement from the First World War to Vietnam. New York, Princeton U. P., 2006, XIII-316 p. 4574. RUBIN (Hyman III). South Carolina scalawags. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 2006, XXVIII-192 p. 4575. RYMPH (Catherine E.). Republican women: feminism and conservatism from suffrage through the rise of the new right. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XI-338 p. (ill.). (Gender & American culture). 4576. SARRIS (Jonathan Dean). A separate Civil War: communities in conflict in the mountain South. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2006, X-238. (A nation divided: new studies in Civil War history). 4577. SCHNEIDER (Thomas E.). Lincoln's defense of politics: the public man and his opponents in the crisis over slavery. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2006, XI-224 p. (Shades of blue and gray series). 4578. SCHWAB (Orrin). A clash of cultures: civilmilitary relations during the Vietnam War. Westport a. London, Praeger Security International, 2006, XVI-193 p. (In war and in peace). 4579. SINYAI (Clayton). Schools of democracy: a political history of the American Labor Movement. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2006, X-292 p. 4580. Siryǀ de yomu Amerika bunka shi. (Cultural history of the United States of America: reading historical sources). Ed. Shunsuke KAMEI and Kenji SUZUKI. Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2006, [s. p.] 4581. SLAP (Andrew L.). The doom of reconstruction: the Liberal Republicans in the Civil War era. New York, Fordham U. P., 2006, XXV-206 p. (Reconstructing America series, 12). 4582. SMITH (Adam I. P.). No party now: politics in the Civil War North. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, X266 p.
4585. STEVENSON (Charles A.). Warriors and politicians: U.S. civil-military relations under stress. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XIII-252 p. (ill.). (Cass military studies). 4586. STRINER (Richard). Father Abraham: Lincoln's relentless struggle to end slavery. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, 308 p. 4587. URAL BRUCE (Susannah). The harp and the eagle: Irish-American volunteers and the Union Army, 1861–1865. New York, New York U. P., 2006, XIII309 p. 4588. WAGNER (Steven T.). Eisenhower Republicanism: pursuing the middle way. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2006, X-179 p. 4589. WARSHAUER (Matthew). Andrew Jackson and the politics of martial law: nationalism, civil liberties, and partisanship. Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press, 2006, X-314 p. 4590. WASELKOV (Gregory A.). A conquering spirit: Fort Mims and the Redstick War of 1813–1814. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2006, IX-414 p. (Dan Josselyn memorial publication). 4591. WEBER (Jennifer L.). Copperheads: the rise and fall of Lincoln's opponents in the North. Oxford: Oxford U. P., 2006, XV-286 p. (ill.). 4592. WEST (Michael Rudolph). The education of Booker T. Washington: American democracy and the idea of race relations. New York, Columbia U. P., 2006, XII-281 p. 4593. WILSON (Mark R.). The business of Civil War: military mobilization and the state, 1861–1865. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, XII-306 p. (Johns Hopkins studies in the history of technology). 4594. WOODS (Randall B.). LBJ: architect of American ambition. New York, Free Press, 2006, X-957 p. Cf. nos 3550, 3619, 3633, 3679, 3681, 3992, 5924, 6279, 6632, 6733, 6772 Uruguay ** 4595. 15 días que estremecieron al Uruguay: golpe de estado y huelga general: 27 de julio11 de julio de 1973. Montevideo, Editorial Fin de Siglo, 2006, 687 p. (Ensayo. Historia). _______________________
4596. BRACCO (Diego), LÓPEZ MAZZ (José M.). La insurrección del año 1686: charrúas, pampas y serranos, chanáes y guaraníes. Montevideo, Linardi y Risso, 2006, 123 p. (ill., maps).
2. HISTORY BY COUNTRIES 4597. CUENCA (Álvaro). La colonia británica de Montevideo y la Gran Guerra. Montevideo, Torre del Vigía Ediciones, 2006, 350 p. (ill., map). (Historia anécdotas). 4598. RODRÍGUEZ (Romero Jorge). Mbundo, malungo a mundele: historia del movimiento afrouruguayo y sus alternativas de desarrollo. Montevideo, Rosebud, 2006, 247 p. (ill., charts). 4599. VILLALOBOS (Marco Antônio). Tiranos tremei! Ditadura e resistência popular no Uruguai (1968 1985). Porto Alegre, EDIPUCRS, 2006, 276 p. (Coleção Nova et vetera, 9).
4607. CHAPMAN (Jessica M.). Staging democracy: South Vietnam's 1955 referendum to depose Bao Dai. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 4, p. 671-703. 4608. DURAND (Maurice M.). Histoire des Tây So'n. Paris, Indes savantes, 2006, 211 p. (map). 4609. DUTTON (George Edson). The Tây Sѫn uprising: society and rebellion in eighteenth-century Vietnam. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2006, X293 p. (ill., maps). (Southeast Asia-politics, meaning, and memory).
4610. HAINES (David W.). The limits of kinship: South Vietnamese households, 19541975. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2006, XVII-331 p. (Monograph series on Southeast Asia, 7).
4600. WITTERSHEIM (Eric). Après l'indépendance: le Vanuatu, une démocratie dans le Pacifique. La Courneuve, Aux lieux d'être, 2006, 187 p. (maps). (Mondes contemporains).
4611. PO DHARMA. Du FLM au FULRO: une lutte des minorités du sud indochinois, (19551975). Préf. de Pierre-Bernard LAFONT. Paris, Indes savantes, 2006, 208 p. (ill., maps).
4612. TOPMILLER (Robert J.). The lotus unleashed: the Buddhist peace movement in South Vietnam, 19641966. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2006, XII-214 p. (maps).
Cf. no 5887
** 4601. LOVERA REYES (Elina). De leales monárquicos a ciudadanos republicanos: Coro 18101858. Caracas, Academia Nacional de la Historia, 2006, 342 p. (ill., maps). (Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 87. Fuentes para la historia republicana de Venezuela).
4613. VO (Nghia M.). The Vietnamese boat people, 1954 and 19751992. Jefferson, McFarland & Co., 2006, VIII-208 p.
4602. EASTWOOD (Jonathan). The rise of nationalism in Venezuela. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2006, X-212 p.
Cf. nos 3594, 3670, 3671, 3672, 3673, 3674, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4348, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4354, 4355, 4356, 4374, 4376, 6506, 6668, 6725, 6756
4603. IRWIN G. (Domingo), BUTTÓ (Luis Alberto), LANGUE (Frédérique). Control civil y pretorianismo en Venezuela: ilusiones y realidades históricas. Caracas, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, 2006, 228 p.
4604. LINÁREZ (Pedro Pablo). La lucha armada en Venezuela: apuntes sobre guerra de guerrillas venezolanas en el contexto de la Guerra Fria (19591979) y el rescate de los desaparecidos. Caracas, Ediciones Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela, 2006, 215 p. (ill.). (Colección Historia y pensamiento político venezolano contemporáneo). 4605. LOMBARDI (Ángel). Banderas del rey: la visión realista de la independencia. Prólogo de Enrique MARTÍNEZ RUIZ. Maracaibo, Ediciones del Rectorado, Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta, 2006, XIII-348 p. (Colección Ediciones del Rectorado, 2. Serie Estudios). Cf. no 6222
4614. LARMER (Miles). "A little bit like a volcano"The United Progressive Party and resistance to oneparty rule in Zambia, 19641980. International journal of African historical studies, 2006, 39, 1, p. 49-83. 4615. MACOLA (Giacomo). 'It means as if we are excluded from the good freedom': thwarted expectations of independence in the Luapula province of zambia, 1964–1966. Journal of African history, 2006, 47, 1, p. 43-56. 4616. OPPEN (Achim von). The village as territory: enclosing locality in northwest Zambia, 1950s to 1990s. Journal of African history, 2006, 47, 1, p. 57-75. 4617. PHIRI (Bizeck Jube). A political history of Zambia: from colonial rule to the third republic, 18902001. Trenton, Africa World Press, 2006, XI286 p.
4606. BRIGHAM (Robert K.). ARVN: life and death in the South Vietnamese Army. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2006, XIV-178 p. (Modern war studies).
4618. ALEXANDER (Jocelyn). The unsettled land: state-making and the politics of land in Zimbabwe, 1893–2003. Oxford, James Currey, 2006, X-230 p.
L MODERN RELIGIOUS HISTORY _________ § 1. General. 4619-4635. – § 2. Roman Catholicism (a. General; b. History of the Popes; c. Special studies; d. Religious orders; e. Missions). 4636-4718. – § 3. Orthodox Church. 4719-4729. – § 4. Protestantism. 4730-4786. – § 5. NonChristian religions and sects. 4787-4804.
§ 1. General. _______________________
* 4619. KECKEL (Martin). Politischer Friede und geistliche Freiheit im Ringen um die Wahrheit. Zur Historiographie des Augsburger Religionsfriedens von 1555 [Neue Historische Literatur]. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 282, 2, p. 391-425. _______________________
4620. Actores y dimensión religiosa en los movimientos sociales latinoamericanos, 19601992. Ed. por María Alicia PUENTE LUTTEROTH. México D.F., Universidad Autónoma del Estado del Morelos y Facultad de Humanidades, Miguel Ángel Porrúa, 2006, 320 p. 4621. Alliierte im Himmel. Populare Religiosität und Kriegserfahrung. Hrsg. v. Gottfried KORFF. Tübingen, Tübinger Vereinigung für Volkskunde, 2006, VIII397 p. (Untersuchungen des Ludwig-Uhland-Instituts der Universität Tübingen, 99). 4622. BARBIERATO (Federico). Politici e ateisti: percorsi della miscredenza a Venezia fra Sei e Settecento. Milano, UNICOPLI, 2006, 346 p. 4623. BESSTREMJANNAJA (Galina E.). Khristianstvo i Biblija v Japonii: Istoricheskij ocherk i lingvisticheskij analiz. (Christianity and Bible in Japan: Historical essay and linguistic analysis). Parts 1-2. Moskva, Otdel vneshnikh tserkovnykh svjazej Moskovskogo Patriarkhata, 2006, 2 vol. 320 p., 224 p. (ill.; facs.; bibl.). [Text partly in Japanese and Church Slavonic]. 4624. BROWN (Callum G.). Religion and society in twentieth-century Britain. Harlow, London a. New York, Pearson Longman, 2006, XVI-344 p. 4625. BULBOACĂ (Sorin). Bartolomeo Brutti în Moldova. Politică, diplomaĠie úi religie. (Bartolomeo Brutti in Moldavia. Politics, diplomacy and religion). Arad, "Vasile Goldiú" U. P., 2006, 113 p.
4626. Early Modern confraternities in Europe and the Americas. International and interdisciplinary perspectives. Ed. by Christopher F. BLACK and Pamela GRAVESTOCK. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, 290 p. 4627. EHLERS (Benjamin). Between Christians and Moriscos: Juan de Ribera and Religious reform in Valencia, 1568–1614. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, XIV-241 p. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, 124th series). 4628. FABRIZIO (Daniela). Fascino d'Oriente, religione e politica in Medio Oriente da Giolitti a Mussolini. Prefazione di Sergio ROMANO. Genova, Marietti 1820, 2006, 410 p. 4629. GENTILE (Emilio). La democrazia di Dio, la religione americana nell'era dell'impero e del terrore. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, X-265 p. (ill.). 4630. Letters from heaven: popular religion in Russia and Ukraine. Ed. by John-Paul HIMKA and Andriy ZAYARNYUK. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2006, IX-278 p. 4631. MAREK (Pavel). Církve a þeská spoleþnost v 19. a na poþátku 20. století. (The Church in Czech society in the 19th and early 20th centuries). ýeskoslovenská historická roþenka , 2006, p. 143-154. 4632. PRODI (Paolo). Il sovrano pontefice, un corpo e due anime: la monarchia papale nella prima età moderna. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 448 p. 4633. Shinkǀ to tasha: Kanyǀ to fukanyǀ no yǀroppa shukyo shakaishi. (Believers and non-believers: Tolerance and intolerance in the history of European religion). Ed. by Katsumi FUKAZAWA and Hiroshi TAKAYAMA. Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2006, 334 p. [Cf. no 2772.] 4634. VANOLI (Alessandro). La Spagna delle tre culture, ebrei cristiani e musulmani tra storia e mito. Roma, Viella, 2006, 317 p.
4635. WOLGAST (Eike). Religionsfrieden als politisches Problem der frühen Neuzeit. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 282, 1, p. 59-96. Cf. nos 500, 799-839, 3510, 3845, 4167 § 2. Roman Catholicism. _______________________
a. General ** 4636. Documenti ufficiali della Santa Sede 2003 2004. A cura di Erminio LORA. Bologna, EDB, 2006, LXIII-211 p. ** 4637. Julius Kardinal Dopfner, Konzilstagebücher, Briefe und Notizen zum Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil. Bearb. v. Guido TREFFLER. Regensburg, Schnell u. Steiner, 2006, LI-730 p. ** 4638. PACELLI (Eugenio). Die Lage der Kirche in Deutschland 1929. Bearb. v. Hubert WOLF und Klaus UNTERBURGER. Paderborn, F. Schöningh, 2006, 287 p. _______________________
4639. Biografia eclesiastica y archivos de la Iglesia. Primera parte de Actas del XX congreso de la Asociacion celebrado en Malaga (13 al 18 de seìptiembre de 2004). Asociacion de archiveros de la Iglesia en España. Ed. Agustin HEVIA BALLINA. Oviedo, Archivo historico diocesano, Madrid, Asociacion de archiveros de la Iglesia en España, 2006, 737 p.
4647. Katholiken in den USA und Deutschland. Kirche, Gesellschaft und Politik. Hrsg. v. Wilhelm DAMBERG und Antonius LIEDHEGENER. Münster, Aschendorff, 2006, VII-393 p. 4648. Katholische Reform und Konfessionalisierung. Hrsg. v. Albrecht P. LUTTENBERGER. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006, XL-574 p. (Deutsche Geschichte der Neuzeit, Freiherr von SteinGedächtnisausgabe, 17). 4649. KOLAR (Bogdan). Korošec in osrednja cerkveno-politiþna vprašanja v jugoslovanski državi. (Anton Korošec and the Central Church – political questions in Jugoslavia). ýasopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, 2006, 77, 2/3, p. 192-208. 4650. MARTÍNEZ ESTEBAN (Andrés). Aceptar el poder constituido, los católicos españoles y la Santa Sede en la Restauración (18901914). Madrid, Publicaciones de la Facultad de teologia San Damaso, 2006, 772 p. 4651. MICHEL (Alain-René). Catholiques et démocratie. Préface par René REMOND. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2006, 726 p. 4652. NEWMAN (John Henry). Fifteen sermones preached before the University of Oxford between A. D. 1826 and 1843. Ed. with introduction and notes by James David EARNEST and Gerard TRACEY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, CXVIII-436 p.
4640. CAROLLA (Mario). La Santa Sede e la questione armena (19181922). Milano, Mimesis, 2006, 291 p.
4653. PRODI (Paolo). Christianisme et monde moderne. Cinquante ans de recherches. Paris, Gallimard et Ed. du Seuil, 2006, 461 p. (Hautes études).
4641. Catholic church (The) and the nation-state. Comparative perspectives. Ed. by Paul Christopher MANUEL, Lawrence C. REARDON and Clyde WILCOX. Washington, Georgetown U. P., 2006, XIII-283 p.
4654. QUESTIER (Michael C.). Catholicism and community in Early Modern England. Politics, Aristocratic patronage and religion, c. 1550–1640. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXII559 p.
4642. FIRPO (Massimo). Vittore Soranzo vescovo et eretico. Riforma della chiesa e inquisizione nell'Italia del Cinquecento. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, XI540 p. 4643. Formation (The) of clerical and confessional identities in early modern Europe. Ed. by Wim JANSE and Barbara PITKIN. Leiden, Brill, 2006, VII-569 p. 4644. Grande lago (Il) di Tiberiade; lettere di Giorgio La Pira per la pace nel Mediterraneo (19541977). A cura di Marco Pietro GIOVANNONI. Firenze, Polistampa, 2006, 345 p. 4645. GRUBER (Hubert). Katholische Kirche und Nationalsozialismus 19301945. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2006, LIV-534 p. 4646. Kaiserhof – Papsthof, 16.18. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Richard BÖSEL, Grete KLINGENSTEIN, Alexander KOLLER; unter Mitarbeit von Elisabeth GARMSCORNIDES, Jan Paul NIEDERKORN und Andrea SOMMER-MATHIS. Wien, Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2006, 307 p. (Publikationen des historischen Instituts beim österreichischen Kulturforum in Rom., 12).
4655. RAWLINGS (Helen). The Spanish Inquisition. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, XV-174 p. 4656. SPANNENBERGER (Norbert). Die katholische Kirche in Ungarn, 19181939. Positionierung im politischen System und "Katholische Renaissance". Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 211 p. 4657. Vers la liberté religieuse: la séparation des Eglises et de l'Etat, actes du colloque organisé à Créteil, les 4 et 5 février 2005 par l'Institut JeanBaptiste Say de L'Université de Paris XII, Val-deMarne. Sous la dir. de Philippe BOUTRY et Andre ENCREVE. Créteil, Institut Jean-Baptiste Say et Bordeaux, Editions Bière, 2006, 346 p. 4658. YATES (Nigel). The religious condition of Ireland, 1770–1850. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XXIV-401 p. 4659. ZAGHENI (Guido). La croce e il fascio, i cattolici italiani e la dittatura. Cinisello Balsamo, San Paolo, 2006, 383 p. Cf. no 4829
2. ROMAN CATHOLICISM b. History of the Popes 4660. BARBU (Violeta). ğările Române úi disputele în jurul dogmei primatului papal. (Romanian Principalities and the disputes regarding the papal primacy dogma). Studii úi Materiale de Istorie Medievală, 2006, 24, p. 189-216. 4661. Carte (Le) del sacro tavolo, aspetti del pontificato di Pio X: dai documenti del suo archivio privato. A cura di Alejandro M. DIEGUEZ e Sergio PAGANO. Città del Vaticano, Archivio Segreto Vaticano, 2006. 4662. IMPAGLIAZZO (Marco). La diocesi del papa, la Chiesa di Roma e gli anni di Paolo VI (19631978). Milano, Guerini, 2006, 188 p. 4663. Paul VI. und Deutschland: Studientage, Bochum, 24.25. Oktober 2003. Hrsg. v. Hermann J. POTTMEYER. Brescia, Istituto Paolo VI, 2006, XIII-270 p. (Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto Paolo VI, 27). 4664. Pontificat (Le) de Léon XIII: renaissances du Saint-Siège? Sous la dir. de Philippe LEVILLAIN et Jean-Marc TICCHI. Roma, École française de Rome, 2006, VIII-523 p. 4665. RONCALLI (Angelo G.). Agende del nunzio, 19491953. A cura di Étienne FOUILLOUX. Bologna, Istituto per le scienze religiose, 2006, XXII-725 p. IDEM. Fiducia e obbedienza, lettere ai rettori del Seminario romano, 19011959. A cura di Carlo BADALÀ. San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo, 2006, XLVIII-341 p. (ill.). 4666. Vatican II. Sous le regard des historiens, colloque du 23 septembre 2005; Centre Sèvres, Facultés jésuites de Paris. Sous la dir. de Christoph THEOBALD. Paris, Médiasèvres, 2006, 157 p. 4667. VILLARD (Renaud). Incarnare una voce: il caso della sede vacante (Roma, XVI secolo). Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 121, 1, p. 39-68. c. Special studies ** 4668. Diaries (The) of Bishop William Poynter, 18151824. Ed. by Canon Peter PHILLIPS. London, Catholic Record Society, 2006, V-293 p. ** 4669. Legazione (La) di Ferrara del cardinale Giulio Sacchetti. A cura di Irene FOSI, con la collaborazione di Andrea GARDI. Città del Vaticano, Archivio segreto vaticano, 2006, 2 vol., LVI-1342 p. (Collectanea archivi vaticani, 58). _______________________
4670. ALBERIGO (Giuseppe), MELLONI (Alberto), RAVIGNANI (Eugenio). Giuseppe Dossetti, un itinerario spirituale. A cura di Orioldo MARSON e Roberto VILLA. Portogruaro, Nuovadimensione, 2006, 109 p. (ill.). (Contiene gli atti del convegno tenuto a Portogruaro il 20 dicembre 1997). 4671. America Latina fra Pio XII e Paolo VI, il cardinale Casaroli e le politiche vaticane in una chiesa che cambia. A cura di Alberto MELLONI e Silvia SCATENA. Prefazione del cardinale Achille SILVESTRINI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 328 p.
4672. BIFFI (Monica Maria). Il cavalletto per la tortura, Cesare Orsenigo, ambasciatore del papa nella Germania di Hitler. Prefazione di mons. Giovanni LAJOLO. Roma, Citta Nuova, 2006, 256 p. 4673. BRAMBILLA (Elena). Maleficio e stregoneria nel caso italiano: un modello mediterraneo? A proposito delle ricerche di Oscar Di Simplicio sull'Inquisizione senese (15801721). Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 2, p. 681699. 4674. BUONASORTE (Nicla). Siri. Tradizione e Novecento. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 443 p. 4675. Catolicos entre dos guerras, la historia religiosa de España en los anos '20 y '30. Ed. por Jaume AURELL y Pablo PEREZ LOPEZ. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2006, 349 p. 4676. Church (The) of Mary Tudor. Ed. by Eamon DUFFY and David LOADES. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XXXI-348 p. 4677. COMERFORD (Kathleen M.). Reforming priests and parishes. Tuscan dioceses in the first century of seminary education. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XIX-162 p. 4678. COZZO (Paolo). La geografia celeste dei duchi di Savoia. Religione, devozioni e sacralità in uno stato di età moderna secoli XVIXVII. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 370 p. (Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, monografie, 43). 4679. DALL'AGLIO (Stefano). L'eremita e il sinodo: Paolo Giustiniani e l'offensiva medicea contro Girolamo Savonarola, 15161517. Firenze, Edizioni del Galluzzo per la Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, 2006, X-210 p. 4680. Dawn (The) of religious freedom in South Carolina. Ed. by James Lowell UNDERWOOD and W. Lewis BURKE; introduction by Walter EDGAR. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 2006, XV-222 p. 4681. DE SAUTO (Martine). Henri Teissier, un évêque en Algérie: de l'Algérie française à la crise islamiste. Paris, Bayard, 2006, 367 p. 4682. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, eredità cristiana e modernità: atti del Convegno Internazionale Torino e Vercelli 911 febbraio 2006. A cura di Ugo PERONE e Marco SAVERIANO. Torino, Claudiana, 2006, 272 p. 4683. DOLDI (Marco). Giuseppe Siri il Pastore: 19461987. Marco DOLDI. Prefazione del cardinal Tarcisio BERTONE. Città del Vaticano, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2006, 339 p. (ill.). 4684. GHIùA (Ciprian). Biserica Greco-Catolică din Transilvania (17001850). Elaborarea discursului identitar. (Greek-Catholic Church in Transylvania (1700 1850). Elaboration of the identitary discourse). ClujNapoca, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2006, 407 p. 4685. GITMAN (Esther). A question of judgement: Dr Alojzije Stepinac and the Jews. Review of Croatian history, 2006, 2, 1, p. 47-72.
4686. GOULD (Kevin). Catholic activism in southwest France, 15401570. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, VII-190 p. (ill., map). 4687. GUIJARRO (José Francisco). Persecución religiosa y guerra civil: la Iglesia en Madrid, 19361939. Madrid, La Esfera de los Libros, 2006, 695 p. 4688. HOY (Suellen). Good hearts: Catholic sisters in Chicago's past. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2006, XIV-242 p. 4689. JACOBSON SCHUTTE (Anne). La congregazione del Concilio e lo scioglimento dei voti religiosi. Rapporti tra fratelli e sorelle. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 1, p. 51-79. 4690. LARKIN (Emmet). The pastoral role of the Roman Catholic Church in pre-famine Ireland, 1750– 1850. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2006, XVI-298 p. 4691. LAVENIA (Vincenzo). Giurare al Sant'Uffizio. Sarpi, l'Inquisizione e un conflitto nella Repubblica di Venezia. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 1, p. 7-50. IDEM. La Chiesa in Toscana. Una riflessione sulle discontinuità nella storiografia. Archivio storico italiano, 2006, 164, 609, 3, p. 537-552. 4692. O'HARA (Matthew D.). Stone, mortar, and memory: Church construction and communities in late colonial Mexico City. Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 4, p. 647-680.
4700. TRAPL (Miloš). Spoleþnost a církev v þeských zemích (19001945). (Society and the Church in the Czech Lands, 19001945). ýesko-slovenská historická roþenka, 2006, p. 185-206. 4701. ZARRI (Gabriella). La religione di Lucrezia Borgia, le lettere inedite del confessore. Roma, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2006, XI-332 p. (ill.). c. Addendum 2005 4702. RETTENWANDER (Matthias). Der Krieg als Seelsorge. Katholische Kirche und Volksfrömmigkeit in Tirol im Ersten Weltkrieg. Innsbruck, Universitätsverlag Wagner, 2005, 456 p. (Tirol im Ersten Weltkrieg, 5). Cf. nos 3986, 5873 d. Religious orders ** 4703. Register (The) of a convent controversy, 15171518: Pope Leo X, cardinal Bakocz, the Augustinians, and the observant Franciscans in contest. Ed. by Gabriella ERDELYI. Budapest a. Rome, Research Institute of Church history at P. Pazmany Catholic university Gondolat Publishing House, 2006, LXXXVII228 p. (ill.). _______________________
4704. Destierro (El) de los jesuitas de la Provincia de Aragón bajo el reinado de Carlos III. Crónica inédita del P. Blas Larraz. Ed por Josep M. BENÍTEZ I RIERA. Roma, Iglesia Nacional Espanola, 2006, 270 p.
4693. Osobnost v církvi a politice. ýeští a slovenští kĜesĢané ve 20. století. (Personality in the church and politics. Czech and Slovak Christians in the 20th century). Ed. Pavel MAREK. Brno, Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2006, 687 p. [Cf. no 6778.]
4705. FORESTA (Patrizio). Ad Dei gloriam et Germaniae utilitatem: San Pietro Canisio e gli inizi della compagnia di Gesù nei territori dell'impero tedesco (15431555). Soveria Mannelli, Rubettino, 2006, XL219 p.
4694. POLLMANN (Judith). Countering the Reformation in France and the Netherlands: clerical leadership and catholic violence 1560–1585. Past and present, 2006, 190, p. 83-120.
4706. FREGONA (Antonio). I frati cappuccini nel primo secolo di vita (15251619). Approccio critico alle fonti storiche, giuridiche e letterarie più importanti. Padova, Messaggero, 2006, 255 p.
4695. PONCET (Olivier). La nonciature de France (18191904) et ses archives. Città del Vaticano, Archivio Segreto Vaticano, 2006, XIV-338 p.
4707. HSIA (Ronnie Po-chia). Noble patronage and Jesuit missions: Maria Theresia Von Fugger-Wellenburg (16901762) and Jesuit missionaries in China and Vietnam. Rome, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2006, 365 p. (ill.).
4696. RESTIF (Bruno). La révolution des paroisses: culture paroissiale et réforme catholique en HauteBretagne aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 415 p. (Histoire). 4697. RUSSELL (Camilla). Giulia Gonzaga and the religious controversies of sixteenth-century Italy. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XI-237 p. (Late Medieval and Early Modern studies, 8). 4698. SERRANO BLANCO (Laura). Aportaciones de la Iglesia a la democracia, desde la diocesis de Valladolid, 19591979. Salamanca, Universidad pontificia, 2006, 453 p. 4699. Suppliche al pontefice. Diocesi di Trento, 1513 1565. A cura di Cristina BELLONI e Cecilia NUBOLA. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 1037 p.
4708. Jesuitische Frömmigkeitskulturen. Konfessionelle Interaktion in Ostmitteleuropa 1570–1700. Hrsg. v. Anna OHLIDAL und Stefan SAMERSKI. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 339 p. (Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mitteleuropa, 28). 4709. Jesuits (The): cultures, sciences, and the arts 15401773. Ed. by John W. O'MALLEY. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2006, 2 Vol., XXXVI-905 p. (ill., music, 1 CD-ROM). 4710. MURZAKU (Ines A.). Catholicism, culture, conversion, the history of the Jesuits in Albania (1841 1946). Roma, Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 2006, 280 p. (ill.).
4. PROTESTANTISM 4711. PUŠKARIû (Jelena). Anselmo Banduri (1675 1743.) – dubrovaþki benediktinac u Parizu. [Anselmo Banduri (16751743) – A Ragusan Benedictine in Paris]. Zbornik Odsjeka za povijesne znanosti Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, 2006, 14, p. 131-186. 4712. RAHNER (Karl). Ignatianischer Geist, Schriften zu den Exerzitien und zur Spiritualitat des Ordensgründers. Bearb. v. Andreas R. BATLOGG, Johannes HERZGSELL und Stefan KIECHLE. Freiburg, Herder, 2006, XXXIV-682 p. 4713. VOGEL (Christine). Der Untergang der Gesellschaft Jesu als Europäisches Medienereignis (1758– 1773). Publizistische Debatten im Spannungsfeld von Aufklärung und Gegenaufklärung. Mainz, von Zabern, 2006, X-433 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, Abt. für Universalgeschichte, 207). e. Missions 4714. ARANHA (Paolo). Il cristianesimo latino in India nel XVI secolo. Milano, F. Angeli, 2006, 272 p. 4715. CUSHNER (Nicholas P.). Why have you come here? The Jesuits and the first evangelization of native America. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, X-255 p. 4716. EL ALAOUI (Youssef). Jésuites, Morisques et Indiens: étude comparative des méthodes d'évangélisation de la Compagnie de Jésus d'après les traités de José de Acosta (1588) et d'Ignacio de las Casas (1605 1607). Paris, H. Champion, 2006, 677 p. (ill.). (Etudes et essais sur la renaissance, 65). 4717. POVERO (Chiara). Missioni in terra di frontiera. La Controriforma nelle Valli del Pinerolese. Secoli XVIXVIII. Rome, Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, 2006, 422 p. (Bibliotheca Seraphico-Capuccina, 77). 4718. Religions and missionaries around the Pacific, 15001900. Ed. by Tanya STORCH. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate/Variorum, 2006, XXXVII-415 p. (ill.). Cf. no 6153 § 3. Orthodox Church. _______________________
4719. APATI (Cristian), CIORBA (Ioan). Însemnari de pe registrele de stare civilă ale parohiilor ortodoxe din Bihor (sfârúitul secolului al XVIII-lea1848). (Notes on the legal status registers of the Orthodox diocese from Bihor, end of the 18th century1848). Revista Cele Trei Criúuri, Oradea, 2006, 3, 7-8, p. 1-70. 4720. BALALYKIN (Dmitrij A.). Problemy "Svjashchenstva" i "Tsarstva" v Rossii vtoroj poloviny XVII v. v otechestvennoj istoriografii (19172005 gg.). (Problems of 'Priesthood' and 'Kingdom' in Russia in the 2nd half of the 17th century in the Russian historiography, 1917–2005). Moskva, Vest', 2006, 338 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 244-335).
4721. DANIEL (Wallace L.). The Orthodox Church and civil society in Russia. College Station, Texas A&M U. P., 2006, XVI-251 p. (ill.). 4722. DESTIVELLE (Hyacinthe). Le Concile de Moscou: 19171918: la création des institutions conciliaires de l'Église orthodoxe russe. Préface par Hervé LEGRAND. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2006, 505 p. 4723. Eastern Christianity. Ed. by Michael ANGOLD. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XX722 p. (ill.). 4724. GERD (Lora A.). Konstantinopol' i Peterburg: Tserkovnaja politika Rossii na pravoslavnom Vostoke (1878–1898). (Constantinople and Saint-Petersburg: the Church policy of Russia in the Orthodox East, 18781898). Moskva, Indrik, 2006, 446 p. (bibl. incl.). 4725. KITSENKO (Nadezhda B.). Svjatoj nashego vremeni: otets Ioann Kronshtadtskij i russkij narod. (Saint of nowadays: St John of Kronstadt and the Russian people). Moskva, NLO, 2006, 394 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 349-376). (Historia Rossica). 4726. LISOVOJ (Nikolaj N.). Russkoe dukhovnoe i politicheskoe prisutstvie v Svjatoj Zemle i na Blizhnem Vostoke v XIX–nachale XX v. (The Russian spiritual and political presence in the Holy Land and the Near East in the 19th and the early 20th centuries). Moskva, Indrik, 2006, 510 p. (bibl. p. 445-489; pers. ind. p. 490510). 4727. SABLINA (Eleonora B.). 150 let Pravoslavija v Japonii: Istorija Japonskoj Pravoslavnoj Tserkvi i ee osnovatel' Svjatitel' Nikolaj. (150 years of Orthodoxy in Japan: a history of the Japanese Orthodox Church. Its founder St Nicolas). Mosovskij gos. un-t im. M.V. Lomonosova, In-t stran Azii i Afriki; Gos. un-t Jokogama, etc. Moskva – Sankt-Peterburg, AIRO-XX – Dmitrij Bulanin, 2006, 526 p. (ill.; portr.; bibl. p. 510-512; pers. ind. p. 513-520). (AIRO. Pervaja monografija). 4728. WAGNER (William). The transformation of female Orthodox monasticism in Nizhnii Novgorod diocese, 1764–1929, in comparative perspective. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 4, p. 793-845. 4729. Witness through troubled times, a history of the Orthodox church of Georgia: 1811 to the present. Ed. by Tamara GRDZELIDZE, GEORGE Martin and Lukas VISCHER. London, Bennett and Bloom, 2006, 271 p. (ill.). Cf. nos 18, 529 § 4. Protestantism. * 4730. GROSSE (Christian). De l'épopée d'une histoire confessionnelle et nationale aux matériaux d'une anthropologie historique. La tradition d'édition des sources de la Réforme genevoise (XVIe–XVIIe siècles). Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 3, p. 321-337. ** 4731. BULLINGER (Heinrich). Briefe des Jahres 1542. Bearb. v. Rainer HENRICH, Alexandra KESS und
Christian MOSER; unter Benutzung der Abschriften von Emil EGLI und Traugott SCHIESS, philologische Beratung durch Ruth JORG und Barbel SCHNEGG. Zürich, Theologischer Verlag, 2006, 299 p.
4745. CHANDLER (Andrew). The Church of England in the twentieth century: the Church commissioners and the politics of reform, 1948–1998. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2006, XII-542 p.
** 4732. Registres du Conseil de Genève à l'époque de Calvin. Vol. 3. Du 1er janvier au 31 décembre 1538. Ed. par Sandra CORAM-MEKKEY, Paule Hochuli DUBUIS et Gilles-Olivier BRON. Genève, Librairie Droz, 2006, 2 vol., 546 p., 847 p. (ill.).
4746. COFFEY (John). John Goodwin and the Puritan Revolution: religion and intellectual change in seventeenth-century England. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2006, VIII-337 p.
4733. ARNOLD (Jonathan). Colet, Wolsey and the politics of Reform: St Paul's Cathedral in 1518. English historical review, 2006, 121, 493, p. 979-1001. 4734. BARTON (Paul). Hispanic Methodists, Presbyterians, and Baptists in Texas. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2006, X-246 p. (Jack and Doris Smothers series in Texas history, life, and culture, 18).
4747. Confessionalism and pietism. Religious reform in Early Modern Europe. Ed. by Fred VAN LIEBURG. Mainz, von Zabern, 2006, 324 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, Abt. für Abendländische Religionsgeschichte, 67). 4748. COSTA (Gustavo). Thomas Burnet e la censura pontificia. Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2006, X-113 p.
4735. BENEDETTI (Marina). Il "santo bottino", circolazione di manoscritti valdesi nell'Europa del Seicento. Torino, Claudiana, 2006, 135 p. (ill.).
4749. DE GIORGI (Roberta). I quieti della terra, gli stundisti: un movimento evangelico-battista nella Russia del XIX secolo. Torino, Claudiana, 2006, 168 p. (ill.).
4736. BLEI (Karel). The Netherlands Reformed Church, 15712005. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2006, XV-176 p.
4750. DÖLEMEYER (Barbara). Die Hugenotten. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2006, 231 p.
4737. BLISS (Frederick M.). Anglicans in Rome: a history. Norwich, Canterbury press in association with the Friends of the Anglican Centre in Rome, 2006, XIX-186, (ill.). 4738. BODEANU (Denisa Florentina). "Între libertate úi persecuĠie". Aspecte privind raporturile dintre biserica baptistă úi regimul comunist din România (19481989). ("Between freedom and persecution". Aspects regarding the relations between the Baptist church the the communist regime in Romania, 1948 1989). Revista Istorică. Academia Română. Institutul de Istorie "Nicolae Iorga", 2006, 17, 5-6, p. 35-62. 4739. BRACKNEY (William H.). Baptists in North America, an historical perspective. Malden, Oxford a. Victoria, Blackwell, 2006, XII-296 p. 4740. Vacat. 4741. BULISCH (Jens). Evangelische Presse in der DDR: Die Zeichen der Zeit (19471990). Gottinghen, Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, 2006, 496 p. 4742. BURNETT (Amy Nelson). Teaching the Reformation: ministers and their message in Basel, 1529– 1629. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XII-448 p. (Oxford studies in historical theology). 4743. BUSTIN (Dennis C.). Paradox and perseverance: Hanserd Knollys, particular Baptist pioneer in seventeenth-century England. Foreword by Ian GENTLES. Milton Keynes, Paternoster Press, 2006, XVI-380 p. (Studies in Baptist history and thought, 23). 4744. CAGLIOTI (Daniela Luigia). Vite parallele. Una minoranza protestante nell'Italia dell'Ottocento. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 360 p.
4751. Enforcing Reformation in Ireland and Scotland, 15501700. Ed. by Elizabethanne BORAN and Crawford GRIBBEN. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, 272 p. 4752. FANTINI (Maria Pia). L'esilio della Comunità riformata di Locarno e il suo esilio a Zurigo nel XVI secolo. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 4, p. 446-454. 4753. FAVRE (Olivier). Les Eglises évangeliques de Suisse, origines et identités. Préface de Roland J. CAMPICHE. Genève, Labor et Fides, 2006, 366 p. (ill.). 4754. FLEISCHER (Dirk). Zwischen Tradition und Fortschritt: Der Strukturwandel der protestantischen Kirchengeschichtsschreibung im deutschsprachigen Diskurs der Aufklärung. Waltrop, Spenner, 2006, 2 vol., 900 p. (Wissen und Kritik, 22/1-2). 4755. FUREY (Constance M.). Erasmus, Contarini and the religious Republic of letters. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV-255 p. 4756. HOLMES (Andrew R.). The shaping of Ulster Presbyterian belief and practice, 1770–1840. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XVI-374 p. 4757. KATSIS (Leonid F.). Krovavyj navet i russkaja mysl': Istoriko-teologicheskoe issledovanie dela Bejlisa. Rus. o-vo druzej Evrejskogo un-ta v Ierusalime. (The blood libel and the Russian thought: a historical and theological study of the case of Menahem Mendel Beilis). Moskva, Mosty kul'tury i Ierusalim, Gesharim, 2006, 495 p. (ill.; portr.; bibl. incl.; pers. ind. p. 488-493). (Biblioteka Rossijskogo evrejskogo kongressa). 4758. KOWALSKÁ (Eva). Obnova cirkevného života evanjelikov a.v. v Uhorsku po roku 1681. Problémy a
4. PROTESTANTISM formy ich riešenia. (The renewal of the Church life of the Evangelicals of the Augsburg Confession in Hungary after 1681. Problems and ways of solving them). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 4, p. 653-664. 4759. KRUMENACKER (Yves). La généalogie imaginaire de la Réforme protestante. Revue historique, 2006, 638, p. 259-289. 4760. KUNTER (Katharina). Erfüllte Hoffnungen und zerbrochene Träume, evangelische Kirchen in Deutschland im Spannungsfeld von Demokratie und Sozialismus, 19801993. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, 2006, 346 p. (Arbeiten zur kirchlichen Zeitgeschichte: Reihe B, Darstellungen, 46).
recht, 2006, 293 p. (Arbeiten zur Kirchlichen Zeitgeschichte, Rh. A: Quellen, 12). 4772. PEŠEK (Jan). Národnostné problémy vnútri reformovanej kresĢanskej cirkvi na Slovensku po roku 1945. (Nationality problems in the Reformed Church in Slovakia). Historické štúdie, 2006, 44, p. 89 103. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 4773. POTON (Didier). Duplessis-Mornay, 1549 1623: le "pape des huguenots". Paris, Perrin, 2006, 333 p. 4774. RAFFE (Alasdair). Episcopalian polemic, the London printing press and Anglo-Scottish divergence in the 1690s. Scottish economic and social history, 2006, 26, 1-2, p. 23-41.
4761. LARMINIE (Vivienne). The Jacobean diplomatic fraternity and the Protestant cause: Sir Isaac Wake and the view from Savoy. English historical review, 2006, 121, 494, p. 1300-1326.
4775. Religious culture (The) of the Huguenots, 16601750. Ed. by Anne DUNAN-PAGE. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XVI-218 p.
4762. LAUSTEN (Martin Schwarz). Peder Palladius: Sjællands første lutherske biskop. (Peder Palladius, [15031560] premier évêque luthérien de Sjælland). Frederiksberg, Alfa, 2006, 175 p. (ill.).
4776. RIEGEL (Martin). Studienförderung in Kitzingen von der Reformation bis zum Dreißigjährigen Krieg. Stipendienstiftungen – Stipendienwesen – Stipendiaten. Kitzingen, Sauerbrey, 2006, 460 p.
4763. LEPLAY (Michel). Les Eglises protestantes et les juifs face a l'antisemitisme au vingtieme siècle. Lyon, Editions Olivetan, 2006, 105 p.
4777. RYRIE (Alec). Congregations, conventicles and the nature of early Scottish Protestantism. Past and present, 2006, 191, p. 45-76. IDEM. The origins of the Scottish Reformation. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2006, XIII-218 p. (ill).
4764. LEPPIN (Volker). Martin Luther. Darmstadt, Primus, 2006, 426 p. 4765. Libri, biblioteche e cultura nelle Valli valdesi in età moderna; atti del 44o Convegno di studi sulla Riforma e sui movimenti religiosi in Italia (Torre Pellice, 2829 agosto 2004). A cura di Marco FRATINI. Torino, Claudiana, 2006, 308 p. (ill.).
4778. Späthumanismus und reformierte Konfession. Theologie, Jurisprudenz und Philosophie in Heidelberg an der Wende zum 17. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Christoph STROHM, Joseph S. FREEDMAN und Herman J. SELDERHUIS. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, VIII-374 p. (Spätmittelalter und Reformation, Neue Rh., 31).
4766. MARSHALL (Peter). Religious identities in Henry VIII's England. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, 291 p. (St. Andrews studies in Reformation history).
4779. THOFNER (Margit). "Spirito, acqua e sangue". Gli arredi delle chiese luterane (XVIXVII secolo). Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 123, 3, p. 519-548.
4767. MARTÍNEZ (Juan Francisco). Sea la luz: the making of Mexican Protestantism in the American Southwest, 1829–1900. Denton, University of North Texas Press, 2006, XII-196 p. (Al Filo: Mexican American studies series, 4).
4780. VAN DE WAL (Hans). Een aanvechtbare en onzekere situatie: de Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk en Nieuw-Guinea, 19491962. Hilversum, Verloren, 2006, 383 p. (ill., maps, ports.).
4768. OCKER (Christopher). Church robbers and Reformers in Germany, 15251547: confiscation and religious purpose in the Holy Roman Empire. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XX-338 p. 4769. OLIVER (Robert W.). History of the English Calvinistic Baptists, 17711892, from John Gill to C. H. Spurgeon. Edinburgh a. Carlisle, The Banner of Truth Trust, 2006, XXI-410 p. (ill.). 4770. Persecution and Pluralism. Calvinists and religious minorities in Early Modern Europe 1550–1700. Ed. by Richard BONNEY and D. J. B. TRIM. Bern, Berlin u. Bruxelles, Lang, 2006, 326 p. (Studies in the history of religious and political pluralism, 2). 4771. Personenlexikon zum deutschen Protestantismus 1919–1949. Bearb. v. Hannelore BRAUN und Gertraud GRÜNZINGER. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Rup-
4781. WANDEL (Lee Palmer). The Eucharist in the Reformation: incarnation and liturgy. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XI-302 p. 4782. WARD (Kevin). A history of global Anglicanism. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, 362 p. 4783. WARD (W. R.). Early evangelicalism: a global intellectual history, 16701789. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, VI-213 p. 4784. WILSON (David A.), SPENCER (Mark G.). Ulster Presbyterians in the Atlantic world. Religion, politics and identity. Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2006, 175 p. 4785. ZEL'TSER (Arkadij). Evrei sovetskoj provintsii: Vitebsk i mestechki, 1917–1941. (Jews of the Soviet province: Vitebsk and the boroughs, 1917–1941). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 477 p. (ill.; portr.; facs.; tabl.; bibl. p. 428-450; ind. p. 462-476).
§ 4. Addendum 2005. 4786. LAASONEN (Pentti). Novgorodin imu: miksi ortodoksit muuttivat Käkisalmen läänistä Venäjälle 1600-luvulla? (Pull of Novgorod). Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2005, 171 p. (ill., maps). (Historiallisia tutkimuksia, 222). Cf. nos 4794, 4916, 6297 § 5. Non-Christian religions and sects. _______________________
4787. BUDNITSKIJ (Oleg V.). Rossijskie evrei mezhdu krasnymi i belymi (1917–1920). (Russian jews between the Red and the White, 1917–1920). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 551 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 503-521; pers. ind. p. 525-548). 4788. COLLETTA (Claudia). La comunità tollerata, aspetti di vita materiale del ghetto di Pesaro dal 1631 al 1860. Pesaro, Società pesarese di studi storici, 2006, 174 p. (ill.). 4789. CURTIS (Edward E. IV). Black Muslim religion in the nation of Islam, 1960–1975. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XII-241 p. 4790. DENARO (Roberta). Dal martire allo šahƯd, fonti, problemi e confronti per una martirografia islamica. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2006, IX-138 p. 4791. Églises (Les) et le Talmud: ce que les Chrétiens savaient du judaïsme (XVIeXIXe siècles). Sous la dir. de Daniel TOLLET. Paris, Presses de l'Université ParisSorbonne, 2006, 202 p. 4792. Enjeux d'histoire, jeux de mémoire, les usages du passé juif. Sous la dir. de Jean-Marc CHOURAQUI, Gilles DORIVAL et Colette ZYTNICKI. Paris, Maisonneuve et Aix-en-Provence, Larose et Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme, 2006, 610 p. (ill.). (L'atelier méditerranéen). 4793. Islamic path (The). Sufism, politics and society in India. Ed. by Saiyid Zaheer HUSAIN JAFRI and Helmut REIFELD. New Delhi, Rainbow publishers, 2006, 425 p. 4794. Jews, Judaism, and the Reformation in sixteenth-century Germany. Ed. by Dean Phillip BELL and Stephan G. BURNETT. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, XXXI-572 p. (studies in central european histories, 37).
4795. LEWKOWICZ (Bea). The Jewish community of Salonika. History, memory, identity. London a. Portland, Vallentine Mitchell, 2006, XXIV-266 p. 4796. OSTI GUERRAZZI (Amedeo). Kain in Rom. Judenverfolgung und Kollaboration unter deutscher Besatzung 1943/44. Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, 2, p. 231-268. 4797. REETZ (Dietrich). Islam in the public sphere: religious groups in India, 19001947. New Delhi, Oxford U. P., 2006, XV-379 p. 4798. SCHWARTZ (Shuly Rubin). The Rabbi's wife: the Rebbetzin in American Jewish life. New York, New York U. P., 2006, XIII-312 p. 4799. SEDLÁK (Petr). Židé z Podkarpatské Rusi v þeských zemích po roce 1945. (Jews from SubCarpathian Ukraine in the Czech lands after 1945). Sborník prací Pedagogické fak. Masarykovy univerzity. ěada spoleþenských vČd, 2006, 191/21, p. 60-86. 4800. SIEGMUND (Stefanie B.). The Medici State and the Ghetto of Florence: the construction of an Early Modern Jewish community. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2006, XXIV-624 p. (Stanford studies in Jewish history and culture). 4801. SINHA-KERKHOFF (Kathinka). Tyranny of partition: Hindus in Bangladesh & Muslims in India. New Delhi, Gyan Pub. House, 2006, 286 p. (ill., map.). 4802. SOUKUPOVÁ (Blanka). Jewish Prague. Starting points, the state of the years 19451989 and nowdays. The city as a space for creating minority identity. In: The Central European city as a space for dialogue? Examples Prague and Warsaw. Ed. Blanka SOUKUPOVÁ. Bratislava, 2006, p. 16-33. 4803. TETER (Magda). Jews and heretics in Catholic Poland: a beleaguered church in the Post-Reformation era. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXXIII272 p. 4804. YAMAZAKI (Minako). Iwakura shisetsu-dan ni okeru shnjkyǀ mondai. (Religious questions of the Iwakura mission, 18711873). Kyoto, Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2006, 272 p. Cf. nos 503, 3570, 4612, 4931, 4987, 5902, 6153
M HISTORY OF MODERN CULTURE _________ § 1. General. 4805-4897. – § 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations. 4898-4936. – § 3. Education. 4937-4977. – § 4. The Press. 4978-5008. – § 5. Philosophy (a. General, b. Special studies). 5009-5054. – § 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique. 5055-5134. – § 7. Literature (a. General; b. Renaissance; c. Classicism; d. Romanticism and after). 5135-5166. – § 8. Art and industrial art (a. General; b. Architecture; c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing; d. Decorative, popular and industrial art). 5167-5218. – § 9. Music, theatre, cinema, photography and broadcasting. 5219-5324. § 1. General. ** 4805. GORJAEVA (Tat'jana M.), VORONIN (Sergej D.), DREZGUNOVA (N.K.). Muzy v shineljakh: Sovetskaja intelligentsija v gody Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojne. Dokumenty, teksty, vospominanija. (Soviet intelligentsia in the years of the Great Patriotic War, 1941–1945: documents, texts, memoirs). Fed. agenstvo arkhivov RF; Ros. gos. arkhiv literatury i iskusstva. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 399 p. (ill.; portr.; pers. ind. p. 375394). _______________________
4806. ADAMOVSKY (Ezequiel). Euro-Orientalism: liberal ideology and the image of Russia in France (c. 1740–1880). Bern, Peter Lang, 2006, 358 p. (French studies of the Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, 19). 4807. APPEL (Charlotte), BACH-NIELSEN (Carsten). Danmark og renæssancen 15001650. (Le Danemark et la Renaissance 15001650). København, Gad, 2006, 373 p. (ill.). 4808. BARR-MELEJ (Patrick). Siloísmo and the self in Allende's Chile: youth, "Total Revolution," and the roots of the Humanist movement. Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 4, p. 747-784. 4809. BEAUPRÉ (Nicolas). Écrire en guerre, écrire la guerre. France, Allemagne 19141920. Préf. d'Annette BECKER. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2006, 292 p. 4810. BELARDELLI (Giovanni). Il ventennio degli intellettuali: cultura, politica, ideologia nell'Italia fascista. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2005, X-310 p. (Storia e società). 4811. BERKOWITZ (Edward D.). Something happened: a political and cultural overview of the Seventies. New York, Columbia U. P., 2006, 283 p. 4812. BERTHET (Samuel). Inde-France (18701962): enjeux culturels. Pondichéry, Institut français de Pondi-
chéry et Centre de sciences humaines de Delhi, 2006, 676 p. (Sciences sociales, 12). 4813. BIANCHI (Paola). Carlo Zucchi. Appunti per una biografia militante fra età napoleonica e Risorgimento. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 1, p. 188-218. 4814. BURROWS (Simon). Blackmail, scandal, and Revolution: London's French libellistes, 1758–1792. New York, Manchester U. P., 2006, XIV-256 p. 4815. COLLINI (Stefan). Absent minds. Intellectuals in Britain. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XIII-526 p. 4816. COLTMAN (Viccy). Fabricating the Antique. Neoclassicism in Britain, 1760–1800. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XII-256 p. 4817. COUTU (Joan). Persuasion and propaganda. Monuments and the eighteenth-century British empire. Montreal, McGill-Queen's U. P., 2006, XXX-463 p. 4818. CRAMER (Gisela), PRUTSCH (Ursula). Nelson A. Rockefeller's Office of inter-American affairs (19401946) and record group 229. Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 4, p. 785-806. 4819. Cultura e spiritualità borromaica tra Cinque e Seicento; atti delle giornate di studio 2526 novembre 2005. A cura di Franco BUZZI e Maria Luisa FROSIO. Milano Biblioteca Ambrosiana e Roma, Bulzoni, 2006, 434 p. (ill.). 4820. DAHRENDORF (Ralf). Versuchungen der Unfreiheit. Die Intellektuellen in Zeiten der Prüfung. München, Beck, 2006, 239 p. 4821. DE FRANCESCO (Antonio). Mito e storiografia della grande rivoluzione: la rivoluzione francese nella cultura politica italiana del '900. Napoli, Guida, 2006, 385 p. (Passaggi e percorsi, 8. Saggi, 5).
4822. DELPIANO (Patrizia). La Chiesa e la lettura nell'Italia del Settecento. Rivista Storica Italiana, 2006, 118, 2, p. 446-491.
4835. FUBINI LEUZZI (Maria). L'oratoria funeraria nel Cinquecento. Le composizioni di Benedetto Varchi nei loro aspetti culturali e politici. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 2, p. 351-393.
4823. Diversità e minoranze nel Settecento: atti del Seminario di Santa Margherita Ligure, 24 giugno 2003. A cura di Marina FORMICA e Alberto POSTIGLIOLA. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2006, XXVII239 p. (Biblioteca del 18. secolo, 4).
4836. Hebrew to Latin, Latin to Hebrew: the mirroring of two cultures in the age of Humanism. Ed. by Giulio BUSI. Berlin, Institut für Judaistik u. Freie Universität Berlin, 2006, 259 p.
4824. DROSTE (Heiko). Spedire una lettera fra Amsterdam e Stoccolma: una questione di fiducia e precauzioni. Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 122, 2, p. 367384.
4837. HENKIN (David M.). The postal age: the emergence of modern communications in nineteenth-century America. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XV-221 p.
4825. Ecrire, compter, mesurer: vers une histoire des rationalités pratiques. Sous la dir. de Natacha COQUERY, François MENANT et Florence WEBER. Paris, Rue d'Ulm, 2006, 320 p. (ill.).
4838. Home (At) with the empire: metropolitan culture and the imperial world. Ed. by Catherine HALL and Sonya O. ROSE. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, X-338 p.
4826. Emprunt, plagiat, réécriture aux XVe, XVIe, XVIIe siècles: pour un nouvel éclairage sur la pratique des lettres à la Renaissance: actes des journées d'étude organisées par le Centre d'études et de recherches sur la Réforme et la Contre-Réforme, les 15 novembre 2003, 12 juin 2004, 5 et 6 novembre 2004. Sous la dir. Marie COUTON. Clermont-Ferrand, Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2006, 472 p. (ill.). 4827. Enlightenment, reawakening and revolution 16601815. Ed. by J. BROWN and Timothy TACKETT. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV-678 p. (ill.). 4828. FEDERINI (Fabienne). Ecrire ou combattre: des intellectuels prennent les armes (19421944). Paris, La Découverte, 2006, 312 p. (Textes à l'appui. Série "Laboratoire des sciences sociales"). 4829. FEDOSOV (Denis G.). Andskie strany v kolonial'nuju epokhu: Religioznaja i khudozhestvennaja kartina mira. (Andean countries in the colonial epoch: religious and artistic image of the world: [from the 1630s to the 1820s]). Gos. in-t iskusstvoznanija. Moskva, URSS, 2006, 247 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.; ind. p. 186-190). 4830. FERNANDES (Sujatha). Cuba represent! Cuban arts, state power, and the making of new revolutionary cultures. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2006, XIX218 p. (ill.). 4831. FINZI (Roberto). Tre scritti postbellici sugli ebrei di Benedetto Croce, Cesare Merzagora, Adolfo Omodeo. Studi storici, 2006, 47, 1, p. 81-108. 4832. FRAJESE (Vittorio). Nascita dell'Indice: la censura ecclesiastica dal Rinascimento alla Controriforma. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2006, 452 p. 4833. FRIED (Johannes). Donation of Constantine and Constitutum Constantini, the misinterpretation of a fiction and its original meaning. With a contribution by Wolfram BRANDES. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 2006, 201 p. (ill.). 4834. Frühneuzeitliche Sammlungspraxis und Literatur. Hrsg. v. Robert FELFE und Angelika LOZAR. Berlin, Lukas, 2006, 273 p. (ill.).
4839. ISRAEL (Jonathan Irvine). Enlightenment! Which Enlightenment? Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 3, p. 523-545. 4840. Italiani in Germania tra Ottocento e Novecento. Spostamenti, rapporti, immagini, influenze. A cura di Gustavo CORNI e Christof DIPPER. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 731 p. 4841. JACOB (Margaret C.). Strangers nowhere in the world: the rise of cosmopolitanism in early modern Europe. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, 187 p. (ill.). 4842. JONES (Eric). Cultures merging: a historical and economic critique of culture. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2006, XVII-297 p. 4843. JUDINA (Marina I.). Uchenie o gosudarstve i prave Maksima Greka. (Maximus the Greek's doctrine of state and law). Sankt-Peterburg, Zlatoust, 2006, 158 p. (bibl. p. 151-157). 4844. Keinut, filmit, kerhot ja tatsat. Etnologinen katse nuorisokulttuuriin. (Swings, films, clubs and tattoos. An ethnologic approach to youth culture). Toim. Minna HEIKKINEN. Turku, Turun maakuntamuseo, 2006, 191 p. (ill). (Turun maakuntamuseon julkaisuja, 11). 4845. Kenntnis Rußlands (Die) im deutschsprachigen Raum im 18. Jahrhundert. Wissenschaft und Publizistik über das Russische Reich. Hrsg. v. Dittmar DAHLMANN. Göttingen, V & R unipress u. Bonn U. P., 2006, 313 p. (Internationale Beziehungen. Theorie und Geschichte, 2). 4846. Kollektive Freiheitsvorstellungen im frühneuzeitlichen Europa (14001850). Hrsg. v. Georg SCHMIDT, Martin VAN GELDEREN und Christopher SNIGULA. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 2006, X-558 p. (ill.). (Jenaer Beiträge zur Geschichte, 8). 4847. Kommentar (Der) in der frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Ralph HÄFNER und Markus VÖLKEL. Tübingen, Niemeyer, 2006, 214 p. 4848. KÖRBER (Esther-Beate). Die Zeit der Aufklärung. Eine Geschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart, Theiss, 2006, 285 p.
1. GENERAL 4849. KRANS (Jan). Beyond what is written: Erasmus and Beza as conjectural critics of the New Testament. Leiden, Brill, 2006, VII-384 p.(ill.). 4850. Kultura jako téma a problém dČjepisectví. (Culture as theme and problem of historical science). Ed. Tomáš BOROVSKÝ, JiĜí HANUŠ, Milan ěEPA. Brno, Matice moravská, 2006, 217 p. (ZemČ a kultura ve stĜední EvropČ, 2). 4851. KUNISCH (Johannes). Thomas Manns Friedrich-Essay von 1915. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 283, 1, p. 79-101. 4852. LEPENIES (Wolf). The seduction of culture in German history. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2006, VIII260 p. 4853. LOTTERIE (Florence). Progrès et perfectibilité: un dilemme des Lumières françaises (17551814). Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2006, XXXII-203 p. 4854. MAC ILROY (John). The establishment of intellectual Orthodoxy and the Stalinization of British communism 1928–1933. Past and present, 2006, 192, p. 187-230. 4855. MARKLEY (Robert). The Far East and the English imagination, 16001730. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, VIII-316 p. 4856. MARROU (Henri Irénée). Carnets posthumes. Ed. par. Françoise MARROU-FLAMANT. Préface par JeanMarie LUSTIGER. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 2006, XXXV-521 p. 4857. MEN'SHIKOVA (Elena R.). Vspolokhi karnavala: grotesknoe soznanie kak fenomen sovetskoj kul'tury: Uchebn. posobie. (The flashs of carnival: grotesque consciousness as a phenomenon of the Soviet culture). Ros. in-t kul'turologii. Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2006, 204 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 190-203). (Istoricheskaja kniga). 4858. MINUTI (Rolando). Orientalismo e idee di tolleranza nella cultura francese del primo '700. Firenze, L.S. Olschki, 2006, XII-412 p. (Studi e testi per la storia della tolleranza in Europa nei secoli XVIXVIII, 9). 4859. NANI (Michele). Ai confini della nazione. Stampa e razzismo nell'Italia di fine Ottocento. Roma, Carocci, 2006, 257 p. 4860. Naples, Rome, Florence. Une histoire comparée des milieux intellectuels italiens (XVIIeXVIIIe siècles). Ed. par Jean BOUTIER, Brigitte MARIN et Antonella ROMANO. Roma, Éditions de l'École française de Rome, 2006, 816 p. 4861. NORTON (Marcy). Tasting empire: chocolate and the European internalization of Mesoamerican aesthetics. American historical review, 2006, 111, 3, p. 660-691.
MANTERO, introduction par Michel JEANNERET. Genève, Droz, 2006, 492 p. 4864. PIVOVAROV (Jurij S.). Dva veka russkoj mysli. (Two centuries of Russian thought). RAN, INION. Moskva, INION RAN, 2006, 474 p. 4865. PLÖCKINGER (Othmar). Geschichte eines Buches. Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf", 19221945. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2006, 632 p. 4866. REID (Nicholas). Struggle for souls: Catholicism and communism in twentieth-century New Zealand. Australian historical studies, 2006, 37, 128, p. 7288. 4867. REINERT (Sophus A.). In margine a un bilancio sui Lumi europei. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 3, p. 975-986. 4868. RICUPERATI (Giuseppe). Giuseppe Manno lettore: un intellettuale funzionario fra storia e letteratura. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 1, p. 219-240. IDEM. Tolleranza ieri e domani: in margine ad un bilancio di Perez Zagorin. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 3, p. 933-974. 4869. RIETBERGEN (Peter). Power and religion in baroque Rome. Barberini cultural policies. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, XVIII-437 p. (Brill's studies in intellectual history, 135). 4870. RIGANO (Gabriele). Il caso Zolli, l'itinerario di un intellettuale in bilico tra fedi, culture e nazioni. Milano, Guerini studio, 2006, 447 p. 4871. Ripensando Paolo Sarpi: atti del Convegno internazionale di studi nel 450o anniversario della nascita di Paolo Sarpi. A cura di Corrado PIN. Venezia, Ateneo veneto, 2006, XV-758 p. (ill.). 4872. Road (The) to prosperity. An economic history of Finland. Ed. by Jari OJALA, Jari ELORANTA and Jukka JALAVA. Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006, 343 p. 4873. SANNA (Guglielmo). La fortuna di Pufendorf in Inghilterra: il contributo del clero anglicano nella prima metà del Settecento. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 1, p. 80-124. 4874. SDIZKOV (Denis). Das Zeitalter der Intelligenz. Zur vergleichenden Geschichte der Gebildeten in Europa bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 260 p. (Synthesen, 3). 4875. Seine Welt wissen: Enzyklopädien in der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. v. Ulrich Johannes SCHNEIDER. Darmstadt, Primus, 2006, 240 p.
4862. O'MAHONY (Mike). Sport in the USSR: physical culture, visual culture. London, Reaktion Books, 2006, 221 p. (ill.).
4876. SHISHKIN (Mikhail P.). Russkaja Shvejtsarija. Literaturno-istoricheskij putevoditel'. ('Russian Switzerland': a guide in Russian-Swiss cultural links). Moskva, Vagrius, 2006, 655 p. (ill.; facs.; portr.; ind. p. 631-655).
4863. Paraphrases (Les) bibliques aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles: actes du Colloque de Bordeaux des 2224 septembre 2004. Sous la dir. de Véronique FERRER et Anne
4877. SHTERNSHIS (Anna). Soviet and Kosher: Jewish popular culture in the Soviet Union, 1923–1939. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2006, XXI-252 p.
4878. Signums svenska kulturhistoria. Frihetstiden. (Histoire culturelle de la Suède pendant l'Ere de la Liberté). Red. Jakob CHRISTENSSON. Lund, Signum, 2006, 568 p.
4892. ZIMMERMANN (Michael F.). Industrialisierung der Phantasie. Der Aufbau des modernen Italien und das Mediensystem der Künste 18751900. München u. Berlin, Deutsche Kunst Verlag, 2006, 424 p.
4879. SILVERBERG (Miriam). Erotic grotesque nonsense: the mass culture of Japanese modern times. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2006, XVIII-369 p. (Asia Pacific modern).
4893. Zivile Uniform (Die) als symbolische Kommunikation: Kleidung zwischen Repräsentation, Imagination und Konsumption in Europa vom 18. bis 21. Jahrhundert/Civilian uniforms as symbolic communication: sartorial representation, imagination and consumption in Europe (18th–21st century). Hrsg. v. Elisabeth HACKSPIEL-MIKOSCH und Stefan HAAS. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 288 p. (Studien zur Geschichte des Alltags, 24).
4880. TACHIN (Agnès). La Grande-Bretagne dans l'imaginaire français à l'époque gaullienne. Revue historique, 2006, 638, p. 335-354. 4881. Toleration in Enlightenment Europe. Ed. by Ole Peter GRELL and Roy PORTER. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, IX-270 p. 4882. Transmitting knowledge: words, images, and instruments in early modern Europe. Ed. by Sachiko KUSUKAWA and Ian MACLEAN. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 274 p. (ill.). 4883. Traumland Osten. Deutsche Bilder vom östlichen Europa im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Gregor THUM. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 212 p. 4884. Travel and translation in the early modern period. Ed. by Carmine G. DI BIASE. Amsterdam a. New York, Rodopi, 2006, 290 p. 4885. Ungleichzeitigkeiten der europäischen Romantik. Hrsg. v. Alexander von BORMANN. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2006, 440 p. (ill.). 4886. Unity and diversity in European culture c. 1800. Ed. by Tim BLANNING and Hagen SCHULZE. Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2006, VIII213 p. (Proceedings of the British Academy, 134). 4887. VANHAELEMEERSCH (Philip). A generation "without beliefs" and the idea of experience in Romania (19271934). Boulder, East European Monographs a. New York, Columbia U. P., 2006, VIII-345 p. (East European monographs, 699). 4888. VOLPI (Alessandro). Note sui rapporti di Mazzini con la cultura francese. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 3, p. 816-863. 4889. WAECHTER (Matthias). Der Mythos des Gaullismus. Heldenkult, Geschichtspolitik und Ideologie 1940 bis 1958. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2006, 508 p. (Moderne Zeit. Neue Forschungen zur Gesellschafts- und Kulturgeschichte des19. Jahrhunderts, 14). 4890. WIKLUND (Martin). I det modernas landskap: historisk orientering och kritiska berättelser om det moderna Sverige mellan 1960 och 1990. (Dans le paysage de la modernité: orientation historique et récits critiques sur la Suède moderne entre 1960 et 1990). Eslöv, Östlings bokförlag Symposion, 2006, 479 p. 4891. ZANCA (José A.). Los intelectuales católicos y el fin de la cristiandad: 19551966. Victoria, Universidad de San Andrés y Buenos Aires, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2006, 256 p. (Sección de obras de historia).
4894. ZOLLA (Elémire). Conoscenza religiosa, scritti 19691983. A cura di Grazia MARCHIANÒ. Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2006, XXXIV-830 p. 4895. ZWIERLEIN (Cornel). Discorso und Lex Dei: die Entstehung neuer Denkrahmen im 16. Jahrhundert und die Wahrnehmung der französischen Religionskriege in Italien und Deutschland. Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, 2006, 900 p. § 1. Addenda 20032005. 4896. MÜLLER (Guido). Europäische Gesellschaftsbeziehungen nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Das DeutschFranzösische Studienkomitee und der Europäische Kulturbund. München, Oldenbourg, 2005, XI-525 p. (Studien zur Internationalen Geschichte, 15). 4897. VAN EIJNATTEN (Joris). Liberty and concord in the united provinces: religious toleration and the public in the eighteenth-century Netherlands. Leiden, Brill, 2003, VIII-564 p. Cf. nos 74, 315, 497, 498, 500, 503, 523, 740, 760, 3986, 5686, 5801, 6189 § 2. Academies, universities and intellectual organizations. ** 4898. Students and teachers at the University of Paris: the generation of 1500: a critical edition of Bibliothèque de l'Université de Paris Sorbonne Archives, Registres 89 and 90. Ed. by James K. FARGE. Boston, Brill, 2006, XXXI-615 p. _______________________
4899. Auch Bildungsbürger: katholische Studierende und Akademiker im Kaiserreich. Hrsg. v. Christopher DOWE. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, 2006, 384 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft). 4900. BAUMGART (Peter). Universitäten im konfessionellen Zeitalter. Gesammelte Beiträge. Münster, Aschendorff, 2006, X-529 p. (Reformationsgeschichtliche Studien und Texte, 149). 4901. BOTSCH (Gideon). "Politische Wissenschaft" im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die "Deutschen Auslandswissenschaften" im Einsatz, 19401945. Paderborn, München, Wien u. Zürich, Schöningh, 2006, 362 p. 4902. BRUCH (Rüdiger vom). Gelehrtenpolitik, Sozialwissenschaften und akademische Diskurse in Deutsch-
land im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Björn HOFund Hans-Christoph LIESS. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2006, 430 p.
4915. Histoire du Collège de France. Sous la dir. d'André TUILIER; préface de Marc FUMAROLI. 1. La création, 15301560. Paris, Fayard, 2006, XXVII-482 p. (ill).
4903. CANCILA (Orazio). Storia dell'Università di Palermo: dalle origini al 1860. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, VII-695 p. (Storia e società, Editori Laterza).
4916. HOWARD (Thomas Albert). Protestant theology and the making of the modern German university. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XII-468 p.
4904. CAPRISTO (Annalisa). L'alta cultura e l'antisemitismo fascista. Il convegno Volta del 1939 (con un'appendice su quello del 1938). Quaderni di storia, 2006, 32, 64, 2, p. 165-226.
4917. KALMAN (Laura). Yale law school and the Sixties: revolt and reverberations. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XIV-467 p. (Studies in legal history).
4905. CLARK (William). Academic charisma and the origins of the research university. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2006, 662 p. (ill.).
4918. Kollegen, Kommilitonen, Kämpfer: europäische Universitäten im Ersten Weltkrieg. Hrsg. v. Trude MAURER. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 376 p. (ill.).
4906. CONDETTE (Jean-François). Les lettrés de la République. Les enseignants de la Faculté des Lettres de Douai puis Lille sous la Troisième République (18701940). Dictionnaire biographique. Villeneuved'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2006, 238 p. (Histoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest). IDEM. Les recteurs d'académie en France de 1808 à 1940. T. I. La formation d'une élite administrative au service de l'Instruction publique. T. II. Dictionnaire biographique. Lyon, INRP, 2006, 2 vol., 452 p., 411 p. (Histoire biographique de l'enseignement).
4919. KRÄMER (Hans Martin). Neubeginn unter USamerikanischer Besatzung? Hochschulreform in Japan zwischen Kontinuität und Diskontinuität 19191952. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2006, X-317 p. (ill.).
4907. DELMAS (Corinne). Instituer des savoirs d'Etat: l'Académie des sciences morales et politiques au XIXe siècle. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 344 p. 4908. DOWE (Christopher). Auch Bildungsbürger. Katholische Studierende und Akademiker im Kaiserreich. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 384 p. (Geschichtswissenschaft, 171). 4909. EFMERTOVÁ (Marcela), JAKUBEC (Ivan), JOSEFOVIýOVÁ (Milena). Vývoj pražské nČmecké techniky (18631945). (Geschichte der Deutschen Polytechnik in Prag, 18631945). Moderní dČjiny, 2006, 14, p. 5-50. 4910. EISENMANN (Linda). Higher education for women in postwar America, 1945–1965. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, VIII-280 p. 4911. European (The) and American university since 1800: historical and sociological essays. Ed. by Sheldon ROTHBLATT and Björn WITTROCK. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XI-370 p. 4912. FRANK (David John), GABLER (Jay). Reconstructing the university: worldwide shifts in academia in the 20th century. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2006, XVII-248 p. (ill.). 4913. FÜSSEL (Marian). Gelehrtenkultur als symbolische Praxis: Rang, Ritual und Konflikt an der Universität der frühen Neuzeit. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006, VIII-543 p. (Symbolische Kommunikation in der Vormoderne: Studien Geschichte, Literatur und Kunst). 4914. GELFAND (H. Michael). Sea change at Annapolis: the United States Naval Academy, 1949–2000. Foreword by John MAC CAIN. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XXIX-382 p.
4920. LEVSEN (Sonja). Elite, Männlichkeit und Krieg. Tübinger und Cambridger Studenten 19001929. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 411 p. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 170). 4921. Making (The) of Princeton University: from Woodrow Wilson to the present. Ed. by James AXTELL. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2006, XXXII-647 p. (ill.). 4922. MORENTE VALERO (Francisco). La universidad en los regímenes fascistas: la depuración del profesorado en Alemania, España e Italia. Historia social, 2006, 54, p. 51-72. 4923. NEMEC (Mark R.). Ivory towers and nationalist minds: universities, leadership, and the development of the American state. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2006, X-301 p. 4924. Outils (Les) de la connaissance: enseignement et formation intellectuelle en Europe entre 1453 et 1715. Sous la dir. Jean-Claude COLBUS et Brigitte HÉBERT. Saint-Etienne, Publications de l'Université de SaintEtienne, 2006, 390 p. 4925. Peregrinatio Hungarica. Studenten aus Ungarn an deutschen und österreichischen Hochschulen vom 16. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Márta FATA, Gyula KURUCZ und Anton SCHINDLING; unter Mitarbeit von Alfred LUTZ und Ingomar SENZ. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, XII-548 p. (contubernium, 64). 4926. Research in Finland. A history. (Suomen tieteen vaiheet). Ed. by Päiviö TOMMILA and Aura KORPPITOMMOLA. Helsinki, Federation of Finnish learned societies, 2006, 351 p. (ill, maps). 4927. ROCCA (Julius). Forging a medical university, the establishment of Sweden's Karolinska institutet. Stockholm, Karolinska Institutet U. P., 2006, 120 p. (ill.). 4928. ROSCHER (Stephan). Die Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität Straßburg, 18721902. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin u. Bern, Lang, 2006, 460 p. (Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften 3, 1003).
4929. RUSAN WILSON (Francille). The segregated scholars: Black social scientists and the creation of Black labor studies, 1890–1950. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2006, XIV-356 p. (Carter G. Woodson Institute series). 4930. SOTTILI (Agostino). Humanismus und Universitätsbesuch: die Wirkung italienischer Universitäten auf die studia humanitatis nördlich der Alpen = Renaissance humanism and university studies: Italian universities and their influence on the studia humanitatis in Northern Europe. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XVII-521 p.(ill.). 4931. STEINWEIS (Alan E.). Studying the Jew. Scholarly antisemitism in Nazi Germany. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2006, 203 p. 4932. Universitaire vormingsidealen: de Nederlandse universiteiten sedert 1876. Redactie L.J. DORSMAN en P.J. KNEGTMANS. Hilversum, Verloren, 2006, 112 p. (ill., ports.). 4933. Universität Heidelberg (Die) im Nationalsozialismus. Hrsg. v. W.U. ECKART, V. SELLIN und E. WOLGAST. Heidelberg, Springer Medizin, 2006, XVII-1277 p. 4934. Universität München (Die) im Dritten Reich. Aufsätze. T. 1. Hrsg. v. Elisabeth KRAUS. München, Utz, 2006, 670 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte der Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität München, 1). 4935. WU (Mingxiang). Liudong yu qiusuo: Zhongguo jindai daxue jiaoshi liudong yanjiu 18981949. (The mobility of university teachers in modern China). Hangzhou, Zhejiang jiaoyu chubanshe, 2006, 2, 6, 364 p. 4936. YANG (Jian), DAI (Wusan). Qinghua daxue yu Zhongguo jinxiandai keji. (The Qinghua University and Chinese modern and contemporary science and technology). Beijing, Qinghua daxue chubanshe, 2006, XII-405 p. Cf. nos 2513, 3640, 4509, 4937-4977 § 3. Education. * 4937. BRIAND (Jean-Pierre). L'histoire de l'enseignement, XIXeXXe siècles: guide du chercheur. Sous la dir. de Thérèse CHARMASSON; avant-propos de Pierre CASPARD. Paris, Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, Institut national de recherche pédagogique; 2006, 728 p. _______________________
4938. ALLENDER (Tim). Ruling through education: the politics of schooling in the colonial Punjab. Elgin, New Dawn Press, 2006, XIII-358 p. (Asian studies association of Australia, South Asian publications series, 14). 4939. ASATO (Noriko). Teaching Mikadoism: the attack on Japanese language schools in Hawaii, California, and Washington, 1919–1927. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2006, XVII-176 p. 4940. ASCENZI (Anna), FATTORI (Giuseppina). L'alfabeto e il catechismo: la diffusione delle scuole di mutuo insegnamento nello Stato Pontificio, 18191830.
Pisa, Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2006, 338 p. 4941. BAKER (R. Scott). Paradoxes of desegregation: African American struggles for educational equity in Charleston, South Carolina, 1926–1972. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 2006, XXIII-248 p. 4942. BELLEZZA (Simone A.). La politica scolastica nazista nei territori occupati dell'Urss: il caso di Dnipropetrovs'k (19411944). Studi Storici, 2006, 47, 1, p. 219245. 4943. Bildung in Frankreich und Deutschland: Ideale und Politiken im Vergleich. = L'education en France et en Allemagne: les idees et les politiques en comparaison. Hrsg. v. Martin GESSMANN und Felix HEIDENREICH. Münster, Lit, 2006, 147 p. 4944. DENIZE (Eugen). Învatamântul în sistemul de propagandă comunist din România (19481953). (Education within the communist propaganda in Romania, 19481953). Studii úi Materiale de Istorie Contemporană, 2006, 5, p. 151-174. 4945. DOUGLAS (Davison M.). Jim Crow moves North: the battle over Northern school desegregation, 1865–1954. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, X-334 p. (Cambridge historical studies in American law and society). 4946. DYHOUSE (Carol). Students: a gendered history. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XIV-273 p. 4947. Erziehung, Bildung, Bildungsinstitutionen: Education, training and their institutions. Hrsg. v. Rudolf SUNTRUP, Jan R. VEENSTRA und Anne BOLLMANN. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2006, XXIV-409 p. 4948. FROESTAD (Jan), KAVNEBERG (Bodil). Education policy, the Norwegian Unitary School and the social construction of disability. Scandinavian journal of history, 2006, 31, 2, p. 119-143. 4949. GLEYSE (Jacques). Archéologie de l'éducation physique au XXème siècle en France: le corps occulté. Paris, Harmattan, 2006, 272 p. 4950. GRAHAM (Gael). Young activists: American High School students in the age of protest. Foreword by Todd GITLIN. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2006, XIV-256 p. 4951. GRANDIÈRE (Marcel). La formation des maîtres en France, 17921914. Lyon, Institut national de recherche pédagogique, 2006, 221 p. 4952. GURGAND (Marc), MAURIN (Éric). Démocratisation de l'enseignement secondaire et inégalités salariales en France. Annales, 2006, 61, 4, p. 845-862. 4953. HAMLETT (Jane). Genere e spazio domestico in un college femminile inglese alla fine dell'Ottocento. Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 123, 3, p. 583-608. 4954. HERBST (Jurgen). School choice and school governance: a historical study of the United States and Germany. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XIII207 p.
3. ADDENDUM 2005 4955. HOFFSCHWELLE (Mary S.). The Rosenwald Schools of the American South. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2006, XX-401 p. (New perspectives on the history of the South). 4956. HOLMÉN (Janne Sven-Åke). Den politiska läroboken: bilden av USA och Sovjetunionen i norska, svenska och finländska läroböcker under kalla kriget. (La politisation des manuels: l'image des Etats-Unis et de l'Union soviétique dans les manuels scolaires norvégiens, suédois et finlandais pendant la guerre froide). Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2006, 376 p. (Studia historica Upsaliensia, 221). 4957. HUANG (Shijia). Wan Qing jiaoyu zhengce yanbian shi 18621911. (History of the changes in late Qing educational policies). Taibei, Xinli chubanshe, 2006, XII-627 p. 4958. Instruction (De l') des filles dans l'Europe des XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Ed. par Francine WILD et Danielle MORALI. Nancy, Groupe XVIeXVIIe siècles en Europe, Université Nancy 2, 2006, 151 p. 4959. KELLEY (Mary). Learning to stand and speak: women, education, and public life in America's Republic. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, 2006, X-294 p. 4960. KHAVANOVA (Ol'ga V.). Zaslugi ottsov i talanty synovej: vengerskie dvorjane v uchebnykh zavedenijakh monarkhii Gabsburgov. 1746–1784. (Merits of fathers and talents of sons: Hungarian nobles in the educational institutions of the Habsburgs' Monarchy, 1746–1784). RAN, In-t slavjanovedenija. Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2006, 439 p. (ill.; portr.; bibl. p. 398-418; pers. ind. p. 423-435). (Studia Hungarica). [English summary]. 4961. KLJACHKINA (Natalija L.). Obrazovanie i dukhovnoe vospitanie "novykh" shkol v Zapadnoj Evrope i Rossii v kontse XIX–nachale XX vekov. (Education and spiritual training in the 'new' schools of Western Europe and Russia in the late 19th and the early 20th centuries). RAN, Samar. nauch. tsentr. Samara, Izd-vo 2006, 157 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 147-156). 4962. Kokka, Kyǀdǀtai, Kyǀshi no senryaku. (State, community and teacher's strategies: a comparative social history of teachers). Ed. by Shunzo MATSUZUKA and Yoshihito YASUHARA. Kyoto, Showado, 2006, 345 p. 4963. KREKOLA (Joni). Stalinismin lyhyt kurssi. Suomalaiset Moskovan Lenin-koulussa 19261938. (A short course of Stalinism – Finns at the International Lenin School, Moscow, 19261938). Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006, 445 p. (ill). (Bibliotheca Historica, 105). 4964. LI (Julija A.). Reformy v sisteme obrazovanija Turetskoj Respubliki (1970–2002 gg.). (Reforms in the education system of the Turkish Republic in 1970– 2002). RAN, In-t vostokovedenija. Moskva, [s. n.], 2006, 150 p. (tabl.; bibl. incl.). [English summary].
4965. LI (Qinggang). Da yue jin shiqi "jiaoyu geming" yanjiu. (Studies on the "educational revolution" during the Great Leap Forward). Beijing, Zhonggong zhongyang dangxiao chubanshe, 2006, XI, 4, 12, 388 p. 4966. LONDÁKOVÁ (Elena). Pokus o modernizáciu slovenskej školy v šesĢdesiatych rokoch 20. storoþia. (The attempt to modernize Slovak schools in the 1960s). Historické štúdie, 2006, 44, p. 141-160. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 4967. LUC (Jean-Noël), NICOLAS (Gilbert). Le temps de l'école. De la maternelle au lycée, 18801960, Paris, Éd. du Chêne, 2006, 331 p. (Gens de France). 4968. MONTGOMERY (Rebecca S.). The politics of education in the New South: women and reform in Georgia, 1890–1930. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2006, 263 p. 4969. NOGUÈS (Boris). Une archéologie du corps enseignant: les professeurs des collèges parisiens aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (15981793). Paris, Belin, 2006, 239 p. (ill.). (Collection "Histoire de l'éducation"). 4970. Religion, skole og kulturel integration i Danmark og Sverige. (Religion, école et intégration culturelle au Danemark et en Suède). Red. Peter B. ANDERSEN. København: Museum Tusculanums forlag, 2006, 389 p. 4971. ROMANOVA (Irina V.). Svetskoe obrazovanie srednevolzhskikh gubernii v poreformennyj period XIX veka (1864–1884 gg.). (Secular education in Middle Volga provinces, 1864–1884). Ros. gos. gumanit. un-t, F-l v g. Tol'jatti. Moskva, RGGU, 2006, 195 p. (tabl.; bibl. p. 158-182). 4972. RUTZ (Andreas). Bildung – Konfession – Geschlecht. Religiöse Frauengemeinschaften und die katholische Mädchenbildung im Rheinland (16.–18. Jahrhundert). Mainz, von Zabern, 2006, XI-505 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, Abt. für Abendländische Religionsgeschichte, 210). 4973. SCHNEEWIND (Sarah). Community Schools and the state in Ming China. Stanford: Stanford U. P., 2006, XIV-298 p. 4974. THIVEND (Marianne). L'école républicaine en ville. Lyon, 18701914. Paris, Belin, 2006, 251 p. 4975. YU (Zixia). Riwei tongzhixia Huabei lunxianqu del gaodeng jiaoyu. (Higher education in North China under the rule of Japanese and puppet regimes). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 6, p. 70-89. 4976. ZIMMERMAN (Jonathan). Innocents abroad: American teachers in the American century. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, X-300 p. Cf. nos 3852, 4509, 4898-4936 § 3. Addendum 2005. 4977. MIYOSHI (Nobuhiro). Nihon kǀgyǀ kyǀiku hattatsu-shi no kenkynj. (History of the development of
industrial and technical education in Japan). Tokyo, Kazama Shobo, 2005, 683 p. § 4. The Press. _______________________
4978. BANÉR (Anne). Uppkäftiga ungar och oförargliga barn: barn i svensk skämtpress 18941924. (Jeunes insolents et enfants inoffensifs: l'enfant dans la presse satirique suédoise 18941924). Stockholm, Stockholms universitet, 2006, 166 p. (Eidos, 19).
4990. KEBLUSEK (Marika). Gli intermediari del mondo dei libri nella prima età moderna. Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 122, 2, p. 433-448. 4991. LUTES (Jean Marie). Front page girls: women journalists in American culture and fiction, 1880–1930. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2006, XI-226 p. 4992. MARTIN (Michèle). Images at war. Illustrated periodicals and constructed nations. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2006, VIII-302 p.
4979. BERGAMINI (Oliviero). La democrazia della stampa. Storia del giornalismo. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, IX-488 p.
4993. MILBACH (Sylvain). Les catholiques libéraux et la presse entre 1831 et 1855. Mouvement social, 2006, 215, p. 9-34.
4980. BJÖRK (Gunnela). Olof Palme och medierna. (Olof Palme et les médias). Umeå: Boréa, 2006, 359 p.
4994. Milieu intellectuel catholique (Le) en Allemagne, sa presse et ses réseaux (1871–1963). = Das katholische Intellektuellenmilieu in Deutschland, seine Presse und seine Netzwerke (1871–1963). Ed. par Michel GRUNEWALD et Uwe PUSCHNER, en collaboration avec Hans Manfred BOCK. Bern, Lang, 2006, IX-558 p. (Convergences, 40).
4981. CONNAUGHTON (Brian F.). Voces europeas en la Temprana Labor editorial mexicana 18201860. Historia Mexicana, 2006, 55, 3, p. 895-946. 4982. CRAGIN (Thomas). Murder in Parisian streets: manufacturing crime and justice in the popular press, 1830–1900. Lewisburg, Bucknell U. P., 2006, 273 p. 4983. DEMARCO (Eileen S.). Reading and riding: Hachette's railroad bookstore network in nineteenthcentury France. Bethlehem, Lehigh U. P., 2006, 172 p. 4984. Europäische Kulturzeitschriften um 1900 als Medien transnationaler und transdisziplinärer Wahrnehmung: Bericht über das Zweite Kolloquium der Kommission "Europäische Jahrhundertwende: Literatur, Künste, Wissenschaften um 1900 in grenzüberschreitender Wahrnehmung" (Göttingen, am 4. und 5. Oktober 2004). Hrsg. v. Susanne FRIEDE und Ulrich MÖLK. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, 2006, 351 p. 4985. FRANKEL (Oz). States of inquiry: social investigations and print culture in nineteenth-century Britain and the United States. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, X-370 p. (New studies in American intellectual and cultural history). 4986. GHOSH (Anindita). Power in print. Popular publishing and the politics of language and culture in a colonial society, 17781905. New Delhi, Oxford U. P., 2006, 348 p. 4987. HANSKI (Jari). Juutalaisvastaisuus suomalaisissa aikakauslehdissä ja kirjallisuudessa 19181944. (Anti-semitism in Finnish journals and literature 1918 1944). Helsinki, [Jari Hanski], 2006, 332 p. 4988. HILLIARD (Christopher). Producers by hand and by brain: working-class writers and left-wing publishers in 1930s Britain. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 1, p. 37-64. 4989. HULTÉN (Gunilla). Främmande sidor: främlingskap och nationell gemenskap i fyra svenska dagstidningar efter 1945. (Les étrangers et la communauté nationale dans quatre quotidiens suédois après 1945). Stockholm, Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation (JMK), Stockholms universitet, 2006, 254 p. (Doktorsavhandlingar från JMK, 28).
4995. MOLLIER (Jean-Yves). Les femmes auteurs et leurs éditeurs au XIXe siècle: un long combat pour la reconnaissance de leurs droits d'écrivains. Revue historique, 2006, 638, p. 313-333. 4996. NAKAMURA (Motoya). Kaizokuban shoseki kara mita kingendai Chnjgoku no shuppan seisaku to media kai. (Media and publishing policy in Modern China as seen through the pirated edition book). Ajia Kenkyu, 2006, 52, 4, p. 1-19. 4997. NEGRÓ ACEDO (Luis). El diario El País y la cultura de las élites durante la transición. Tres Cantos, Foca, 2006, 205 p. (Foca investigación, 66). 4998. Nouvelle Revue française (La) de Jean Paulhan, 19251940 et 19531968. Ed. par Jean-Yves GUÉRIN. Paris, Le manuscrit, 2006, 321 p. (L'Esprit des Lettres). 4999. ROGERS (Pat). Defoe's distribution agents and Robert Harley. English historical review, 2006, 121, 490, p. 146-161. 5000. SANNA (Guglielmo). Il Craftsman: giornalismo e cultura politica nell'Inghilterra del Settecento. Milano, F. Angeli, 2006, 327 p. (La società moderna e contemporanea. 98. Analisi e contributi). 5001. SCHNAKENBOURG (Éric). Les chemins de l'information: la circulation des nouvelles depuis la périphérie européenne jusqu'au gouvernement français au début du XVIIIe siècle. Revue historique, 2006, 638, p. 291-311. 5002. SHER (Richard B.). The Enlightenment and the book: Scottish authors and their publishers in eighteenthcentury Britain, Ireland, and America. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XXVI-815 p. 5003. SHI (Chunfeng). Shangwu yinshuguan yu Zhongguo jindai wenhua. (The Commercial Press and Chinese modern culture). Beijing, Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2006, 4, 224 p.
5004. TRAINOR (Luke). Australian writers, British publishers, 1870–1902: Talking to the nation? Australian historical studies, 2006, 37, 127, p. 140-155.
5017. SUANCES MARCOS (Manuel). Historia de la filosofía española contemporánea. Madrid, Sintesis, 2006, 511 p.
5005. VERUCCI (Guido). Idealisti all'indice. Croce, Gentile e la condanna del Sant'Uffizio. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, XII-272 p.
5018. VIANO (Carlo Augusto). La filosofia italiana del Novecento. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 131 p. IDEM. La filosofia italiana e il fascismo. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 3, p. 987-1023.
5006. VÖRÖS (László). Premeny obrazu Slovákov v maćarskej hornouhorskej regionálnej tlaþi v období rokov 19141918. (The image of the Slovaks in the North Hungarian Magyar regional press in the years 19141918). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 3, p. 419448. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 5007. WEBER (Ronald). News of Paris: American journalists in the City of Light between the wars. Chicago, Ivan R. Dee, 2006, 333 p. 5008. ZAMETZER (Eva). Die Anfänge des Ost-WestKonflikts in der deutschen Sprache: Argumentationsstrategien in Tagesspiegel und Berliner Zeitung von 1945 bis 1949. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2006, 496 p. (Regensburger Beiträge zur deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. Reihe B, Untersuchungen, 92). Cf. nos 49-76, 958, 966, 3886, 3974, 4173, 4181, 4258, 4396, 6298 § 5. Philosophy. _______________________
a. General 5009. Épistémologie (L') française: 18301970. Sous la dir. de Michel BITBOL et Jean GAYON. En collaboration avec Paula QUINON-BUCHOLC et Manuel QUINON. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2006, VII-501 p. 5010. GREGORY (Tullio). Origini della terminologia filosofica moderna; linee di ricerca. Firenze, Olschki, 2006, X-118 p. 5011. ISRAEL (Jonathan I.). Enlightenment contested. Philosophy, modernity, and the emancipation of man 1670–1752. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XXIV-983 p. 5012. OAKESHOTT (Michael Joseph). Lectures in the history of political thought. Ed. by Terry NARDIN Exeter, Imprint Academic, 2006, VIII-515 p. 5013. Philosophical romanticism. Ed. by Nikolas KOMPRIDIS. London, Routledge, 2006, XIV-304 p. 5014. Philosophie und Zeitgeist im Nationalsozialismus. Hrsg. v. Marion HEINZ. Würzburg, Königshausen u. Neumann, 2006, 372 p. 5015. Problem (The) of animal generation in early modern philosophy. Ed. by Justin E.H. SMITH. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIII-456 p. (ill.). 5016. SOMMER (Andreas Urs). Sinnstiftung durch Geschichte? Zur Entstehung spekulativ-universalistischer Geschichtsphilosophie zwischen Bayle und Kant. Basel, Schwabe, 2006, 582 p. (Schwabe Philosophica, 8).
Cf. nos 616-650, 939-953 b. Special studies 5019. ARENDT (Hannah). Eichmann in Jerusalem: a report on the banality of evil. Introduction by Amos ELON. New York, Penguin Books, 2006, XXIII-312 p. 5020. EMDEN (Christian J.). Walter Benjamins Archäologie der Moderne: Kulturwissenschaft um 1930. München, Wilhelm Fink, 2006, 184 p. 5021. SCHOFIELD (Sheridan). Utility and democracy. The political thought of Jeremy Bentham. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 370 p. 5022. LOCK (F. P.). Edmund Burke. Vol. 2. 1784 1797. Oxford, Claredon Press, 2006, XIV-605 p. 5023. CASSIRER (Ernst). Aufsätze und kleine Schriften (19361940). Bearb. v. Claus ROSENKRANZ. Hamburg, Felix Meiner, 2006, VI-387 p. CASSIRER (Ernst). Kleinere Schriften zu Goethe und zur Geistesgeschichte, 19251944: mit Beilagen. Hrsg. v. Barbara NAUMANN und Simon ZUMSTEG. Felix Meiner, 2006, VI-256 p. 5024. CROCE (Benedetto). Contributo alla critica di me stesso. Note al testo e apparato critico a cura di Felicita AUDISIO. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2006, 191 p. (ill.). CROCE (Benedetto). Saggio su Hegel; altri scritti di storia della filosofia. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2006, 2 vol., 722 p. PANETTA (Maria). Croce editore. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2006, 2 vol., 878 p. (Edizione nazionale delle opere di Benedetto Croce). 5025. WEE (Cecilia). Material falsity and error in Descartes' Meditations. London, Routledge, 2006, X171 p. 5026. DILTHEY (Wilhelm). Dichter als Seher der Menschheit, die Geplante Sammlung literarhistorischer Aufsätze von 1895. Hrsg. v. Gabriele MALSCH. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2006, XXXV-786 p. 5027. Manuscripts (The) of Adam Ferguson. Ed. by Vincenzo MEROLLE. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2006, CX-354 p. 5028. Fichte in Berlin; spekulative Ansätze einer Philosophie der Praxis. Hrsg. v. Ursula BAUMANN. Hannover-Laatzen, Wehrhahn, 2006, 203 p. 5029. LE BLANC (Guillaume). La pensée Foucault. Paris, Ellipses, 2006, 186 p. 5030. TURI (Gabriele). Giovanni Gentile: una biografia. Torino, UTET libreria, 2006, X-597 p. 5031. HEGEL (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich). Nürnberger Gymnasialkurse und Gymnasialreden (18081816).
Hrsg. v. von Klaus GROTSCH. Hamburg, Felix Meiner, 2006, 2 vol., VII-VI-1164 p. Hegels Werk im Kontext. Werke und Vorlesungen auf CD-ROM; Volltextretrievalsystem ViewLit Professional; auf der Grundlage der Edition G. W. F. Hegel Werke in zwanzig Bänden (1969 – 72); neu durchgesehen, bearbeitet und erweitert um Originaltexte sowie zusätzliche Schriften und Fragmente. Berlin, Worm InfoSoftWare, 2006, CDROM. ILTING (Karl-Heinz). Aufsätze über Hegel. Hrsg. v. Paolo BECCHI. Frankfurt am Main, Humanities Online, 2006, 261 p. 5032. Heidegger a Marburgo; 19231928. A cura di Eugenio MAZZARELLA. Genova, Il melangolo, 2006, 367 p. Heidegger und die Antike. Hrsg. v. HansChristian GÜNTHER und Antonios RENGAKOS. Mit einer Hinführung von Friedrich-Wilhelm von HERRMANN. München, Beck 2006, 303 p. (Zetemata, 126). 5033. Herder, Suomi, Eurooppa. Toim. Sakari OLLIja Kari IMMONEN. (Herder, Finland, Europe). Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006, 557 p. (ill). (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia, 1060). VERRA (Valerio). Linguaggio, mito e storia; studi sul pensiero di Herder. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2006, XIII-368 p. TERVO
5034. BUTLER (Todd Wayne). Image, rhetoric, and politics in the early Thomas Hobbes. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 3, p. 465-487. 5035. HUME (David). A dissertation on the passion: the natural history of religion. Ed. by Tom BEAUCHAMP. Oxford, Clarendon, 2006 CXXXV-317 p. (ill.). 5036. SALAMUN (Kurt). Karl Jaspers. Würzburg, Königshausen u. Neumann, 2006, 163 p. (ill.). 5037. BICKMANN (Claudia). Immanuel Kants Weltphilosophie. Nordhausen, Bautz, 2006, 157 p. (ill.). 5038. LIESSMANN, (Konrad Paul). Sören Kierkegaard zur Einführung. Hamburg, Junius, 2006, 159 p. 5039. LEIBNIZ (Gottfried Wilhelm). Oeuvres philosophiques latines et françoises; tirées de ses manuscrits qui se conservent dans la Bibliothèque Royale à Hanovre, et publiées par Rudolf Erich RASPE (1765). Hildesheim, Olms, 2006, XVI-540, 15 p. (ill.). ROVIRA (Rogelio). Léxico fundamental de la metafísica de Leibniz. Madrid, Trotta, 2006, 106 p. 5040. BROAD (Jacqueline). A woman's influence? John Locke and Damaris Masham on moral accountability. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 3, p. 489-510. LOCKE (John). An essay concerning toleration: and other writings on law and politics, 1667 1683. Edited by J.R. MILTON and Philip MILTON. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2006, XI-458 p. (ill., facs.). MARSHALL (John). John Locke, toleration and early enlightenment culture. Religious intolerance and arguments for religious toleration in early Modern and "early Enlightenment" Europe. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, 762 p. 5041. Edizione nazionale delle opera di Niccolò Machiavelli. Vol. 1. Il Principe. A cura di Mario MAR-
TELLI e Nicoletta MARCELLI. Roma, Salerno, 2006, 532 p. (ill., bibl. incl.). GINZBURG (Carlo). Diventare Machiavelli. Per una nuova lettura dei "Ghiribizzi al Soderini". Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 121, 1, p. 151164. Machiavelli nella storiografia e nel pensiero politico del XX secolo: atti del convegno di Milano, 16 e 17 maggio 2003, Università degli studi di Milano. A cura di Luigi Marco BASSANI e Corrado VIVANTI. Milano, Giuffrè Editore, 2006, XXXIV-396 p. (Collana Storia delle dottrine politiche. VIII. Saggi & ricerche). Machiavelli senza i Medici, 14981512: scrittura del potere, potere della scrittura: atti del convegno di Losanna, 1820 novembre 2004. A cura di Jean-Jacques MARCHAND. Roma, Salerno, 2006, 452 p. (Biblioteca di "Filologia e critica".).
5042. HIGONNET (Patrice). Terror, trauma and the 'Young Marx' explanation of Jacobin politics. Past and present, 2006, 191, p. 121-164. Marxglossar. Hrsg. v. Christoph HENNING und Eike BOHLKEN. Berlin, Ed. Freitag, 2006, 274 p. 5043. MATHIAS (Paul). Montaigne ou l'usage du monde. Paris, Librairie Philosophique Vrin, 2006, 220 p. 5044. MONTESQUIEU (Charles de Secondat). Lettres persanes. Sous la dir. De Alain SANDRIER et Valérie LAGIER. Paris, Gallimard, 2006, 438 p. MONTESQUIEU (Charles de Secondat). Oeuvres complètes de Montesquieu. Volume 9, Oeuvres et ecrits divers II. Edité par Rolando MINUTI et annoté par Salvatore ROTTA. Oxford Voltaire Foundation et Napoli, Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici, 2006, XV-702 p. (Ouvrage publie avec le concours du Centre national du livre). 5045. NIETZSCHE (Friedrich Wilhelm). Arbeitshefte W II 1 und W II 2. Bearb. v. Maria-Luise HAASE. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 2006, X-142, 142 p. (1 CDROM). NIETZSCHE (Friedrich Wilhelm). Nachgelassene Aufzeichnungen: Herbst 1862-Sommer 1864. Hrsg. v. Johann FIGL und Hans Gerald HÖDL. Ingo W. RATH. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 2006, VII-479 p. 5046. REHM (Michaela). Bürgerliches Glaubensbekenntnis. Moral und Religion in Rousseaus politischer Philosophie. München, Fink, 2006, 225 p. ROUSSEAU (Jean-Jacques). Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire. Sous la dir. de Érik LEBORGNE. Paris, Flammarion, 2006, 225 p. (maps). 5047. SCHOLEM (Gershom), STRAUSS (Leo). Cabale et philosophie, correspondance 19331973. Ed. par Heinrich et Wiebke MEIER, traduit et presenté par Olivier SEDEYN. Paris et Tel Aviv, Editions de l'eclat, 2006, XXXVIII-177 p. 5048. SPIERLING (Volker). Arthur Schopenhauer zur Einführung. Hamburg, Junius, 2006, 159 p. 5049. SPINOZA (Benedictus de). Agnostos theos: il carteggio Spinoza-Oldenburg (16751676): testo originale, traduzione italiana, commento storico-filologico del carteggio. A cura di Omero PROIETTI. Note in latino di Gottfried Wilhelm LEIBNIZ. Macerata, Quodlibet, 2006, 262 p. ZWEERMAN (Theo H.). Spinoza's
6. EXACT, NATURAL, MEDICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNIQUE Inleiding tot de filosofie: ethiek als verhuiskunde. Ed. by Paul JUFFERMANS; met een 'Ten geleide' door Herman DE DIJN. Amsterdam, Boom, 2006, 285 p. 5050. SHEPPARD (Eugene R.). Leo Strauss and the politics of exile: the making of a political philosopher. Waltham, Brandeis U. P., 2006, XI-191 p. (Tauber Institute for the study of European Jewry). 5051. BROGAN (Hugh). Alexis de Tocqueville. Prophet of democracy in the age of revolution. A biography. london, profile books, 2006, 724 p. 5052. VOLTAIRE. The complete works of Voltaire, Les oeuvres completes de Voltaire. 28a. Oeuvres de 17411745. 32a. Oeuvres de 17501752. Ed. by Nicholas CRONK. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2006, 2 vol., XXI-528 p., 505 p. 5053. Max Weber Gesamtausgabe. Abt. 1. Schriften und Reden. Bd. 6. Zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Altertums. Schriften und Reden, 18931908. Hrsg. v. Jürgen DEININGER. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XVIII-975 p. 5054. BUCHHOLZ (Kai). Ludwig Wittgenstein. Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2006, 149 p. (ill.).
Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2006, XI-329 p. 5063. BIAGIOLI (Mario). Galileo's instruments of credit: telescopes, images, secrecy. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, 302 p. 5064. BIRBAUMER (Niels), LANGEWIESCHE (Dieter). Neuropsychologie und Historie – Versuch einer empirischen Annäherung. Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (PTSD) und Soziopathie in Österreich nach 1945. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 2, p. 153-175. 5065. BIRN (Anne-Emanuelle). Marriage of convenience: Rockefeller International Health and revolutionary Mexico. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2006, XI-434 p. (Rochester studies in medical history). 5066. BOARDMAN SMUTS (Alice). Science in the service of children, 1893–1935. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, XIV-381 p. 5067. BUSINO (Giovanni). Sugli studi paretiani all'alba del XXI secolo. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 2, p. 660-680.
§ 6. Exact, natural, medical sciences and technique.
5068. BYNUM (W. F.) [et al]. The Western medical tradition, 1800 to 2000. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIII-614 p.
* 5055. TAVARES (Conceição), LEITÃO (Henrique). Bibliografia de história da ciência em Portugal 2000 2004. Lisboa, CHC-UL, 2006, 134 p.
5069. BYRNE (James Steven). A humanist history of mathematics? Regiomontanus's Padua oration in context. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 1, p. 41-61.
5056. ANDERSON (Warwick). Colonial pathologies: American tropical medicine, race, and hygiene in the Philippines. Durham, Duke U. P., 2006, IX-355 p. IDEM. The cultivation of whiteness: science, health, and racial destiny in Australia. Durham, Duke U. P., 2006, IX-390 p. 5057. ARTIGAS (Mariano), GLICK (Thomas F.), MARTINEZ (Rafael A.). Negotiating Darwin: the Vatican confronts evolution, 18771902. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, VIII-326 p. (ill.). 5058. BALLENGER (Jesse F.). Self, senility, and Alzheimer's disease in modern America: a history. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, XVII-236 p. 5059. BARNES (David S.). The great stink of Paris and the nineteenth-century struggle against filth and germs. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, XI-314 p. 5060. BARRERA-OSORIO (Antonio). Experiencing nature: the Spanish American Empire and the early Scientific Revolution. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2006, XI-211 p. 5061. BERTOLONI MELI (Domenico). Thinking with objects: the transformation of mechanics in the seventeenth century Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, XII-389 p. 5062. Bevölkerungsforschung und Politik in Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Rainer MACKENSEN.
5070. CAÑIZARES-ESGUERRA (Jorge). Nature, empire, and nation: explorations of the history of science in the Iberian world. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2006, XIV-230 p. 5071. CASALENA (Maria Pia). Una scienza utile e patriottica. I congressi risorgimentali degli scienziati (18391847). Passato e presente, 2006, 68, p. 35-60. 5072. CASSATA (Francesco). Molti, sani e forti. L'eugenica in Italia. Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2006, 397 p. 5073. CHAPLIN (Joyce E.). The first scientific American: Benjamin Franklin and the pursuit of genius. New York, Basic Books, 2006, 352 p. 5074. CLANCEY (Gregory). Earthquake nation: the cultural politics of Japanese seismicity, 1868–1930. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2006, XIII-331 p. 5075. COLGROVE (James). State of immunity: the politics of vaccination in twentieth-Century America. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press for the Milbank Memorial Fund, 2006, XIII-322 p. (California/Milbank Books on health and the public, 16). 5076. CUEVAS CARDONA (Consuelo), LEDESMA MATEOS (Ismael). Alfonso L. Herrera: controversia y debates durante el inicio de la biología en México. Historia Mexicana, 2006, 55, 3, p. 973-1013.
5077. DELBOURGO (James). A most amazing scene of wonders: electricity and enlightenment in early America. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, 367 p. 5078. DUBOW (Saul). A commonwealth of knowledge: science, sensibility, and White South Africa, 1820–2000. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, VIII-296 p. 5079. DUCHEYNE (Steffen). Galileo's interventionist notion of "Cause". Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 3, p. 443-464. 5080. Écriture (L') du texte scientifique: des origines de la langue française au XVIIIe siècle. Sous la dir. de Claude THOMASSET. Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2006, 335 p. (ill.). 5081. EDMOND (Rod). Leprosy and empire: a medical and cultural history. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, X-255 p. (Cambridge social and cultural histories, 8). 5082. FINGER (Stanley). Doctor Franklin's medicine. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, XIII-379 p. 5083. GAMSA (Mark). The epidemic of pneumonic plague in Manchuria 1910–1911. Past and present, 2006, 190, p. 147-183. 5084. GARDNER (Kirsten E.). Early detection: women, cancer, and awareness campaigns in the twentieth-century United States. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XII-283 p. 5085. GOULDING (Robert). Histories of science in early Modern Europe: introduction. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 1, p. 33-40. IDEM. Method and mathematics: Peter Ramus's histories of the sciences. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 1, p. 63-85. 5086. Gouvernement (Le) de la recherche: histoire d'un engagement politique, de Pierre Mendès-France au général de Gaulle (19531969). Sous la dir. de Alain CHATRIOT et Vincent DUCLERT. Paris, La Découverte, 2006, 428 p. (Collection "Recherches"). 5087. GREEN MUSSELMAN (Elizabeth). Nervous conditions: science and the body politic in early industrial Britain. Albany, State University of New York Press, 2006, XI-276 p. (Studies in the long nineteenth century; science, technology, and society). 5088. Gunpowder, explosives and the state. A technological history. Ed. by Brenda J. BUCHANAN. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XXIII-425 p. 5089. HALLON (ďudovít), FALISOVÁ (Anna), MO(Miroslav Tibor). Chronológia vývoja vedy a techniky na Slovensku. (The chronology of the development of science and technology in Slovakia). Bratislava, Academic Electronic Press s.r.o. pre Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2006, 306 p.
5090. HARTEN (Hans-Christian), NEIRICH (Uwe), SCHWERENDT (Matthias). Rassenhygiene als Erziehungsideologie des Dritten Reichs. Bio-bibliographi-
sches Handbuch. Berlin, Akademie, 2006, XIV-546 p. (Edition Bildung und Wissenschaft, 10). 5091. History and health policy in the United States: putting the past back in. Ed. by Rosemary A. STEVENS, Charles E. ROSENBERG and Lawton R. BURNS. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2006, IX-364 p. (Critical issues in health and medicine). 5092. HUBBARD (Jennifer M.). A science on the scales: the rise of Canadian Atlantic fisheries biology, 1898–1939. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2006, X-351 p. 5093. ITO (Takashi). 19 seiki Rondon ni okeru kagaku to goraku no kankei: Bunka no taishnj ka to rejƗ no shǀgyǀka ni kansuru ichi kǀsatsu. (Tensions between science and commerce at nineteenth-century London Zoo). Shakaikeizaishigaku, 71, 6, p. 49-71 [Eng. summary, p. 123]. 5094. JACOB (Marie). La quadrature du cercle. Un problème à la mesure des Lumières. Paris, Fayard, 2006, 571 p. 5095. JULLIEN (Vincent). Philosophie naturelle et géométrie au XVIIe siècle. Paris, Champion, 2006, 477 p. (ill.). 5096. KALLIOINEN (Mika). Plagues and governments. The prevention of plague epidemics in early modern Finland. Scandinavian journal of history, 2006, 1, p. 35-51. 5097. Kexue geming yu Zhongguo daolu. (The scientific revolution and China). Ed. by Jiangyang YUAN and Zaiqing FANG. Wuhan, Hubei jiaoyu chubanshe, 2006, II-415 p. 5098. KRIGE (John). American hegemony and the postwar reconstruction of science in Europe. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2006, VIII-376 p. (Transformations: Studies in the History of Science and Technology). 5099. MAHONE (Sloan). The psychology of rebellion: colonial medical responses to dissent in British East Africa. Journal of African history, 2006, 47, 2, p. 241-258. 5100. NAKAOKA (Tetsuro). Nihon kindai-gijutsu no keisei; 'Dentǀ' to 'kindai' no dainamikusu. (Formation of modern technology in Japan: dynamics of 'tradition' and 'modernity'). Tokyo, Asahi Shinbunsha, 2006, 510 p. 5101. NEWMAN (William Royall). Atoms and alchemy: chymistry and the experimental origins of the scientific revolution. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XIII-250 p. 5102. NYE (Robert A.). Médecins, éthique médicale et État en France 17891947. Mouvement social, 2006, 214, p. 19-36. 5103. OGILVIE (Brian W.). The science of describing: natural history in Renaissance Europe. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XVI-385 p. (ill.).
5104. POPPER (Nicholas). "Abraham, planter of mathematics": histories of mathematics and astrology in early Modern Europe. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 1, p. 87-106.
5118. STRASSER (Bruno J.). La fabrique d'une nouvelle science: la biologie moléculaire àҒ l'âge atomique (19451964). Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2006, XXXIII450 p. (ill.).
5105. QIAO (Runming). 19101911 nian de Dongbei da shuyi ji chaoye yingdui cuoshi. (The great plague in Manchuria in 19101911 and the official and not-official safety measures). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 3, p. 106-124.
5119. SUZUKI (Akihito). Madness at home: the psychiatrist, the patient, and the family in England, 1820– 1860. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2006, XII-259 p. (Medicine and society, 13).
5106. RAJ (Kapil). Relocating modern science. Circulation and the construction of scientific knowledge in South Asia and Europe. Seventeenth to nineteenth centuries. New Delhi, Permanent Black, 2006, 285 p. 5107. RATCLIFF (Rebecca A.). Delusions of intelligence. Enigma, Ultra, and the end of secure ciphers. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVII-314 p. 5108. REYNAUD PALIGOT (Carole). La république raciale: paradigme racial et idéologie républicaine, 18601930. Préface de Christophe CHARLE. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2006, XXII-338 p. 5109. RIIS LARSEN (Børge). Ole Borch (1626 1690): en dansk renæssancekemiker. (Ole Borch [1626 1690]: un chimiste danois de la renaissance). Fredensborg, Dansk Selskab for Historisk Kemi, 100 p. (ill.). (Historisk-kemiske skrifter, 16). 5110. RODRÍGUEZ (Julia). Civilizing Argentina: science, medicine, and the modern state. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XII-306 p. 5111. SACHSE (Christian). Die politische Sprengkraft der Physik. Robert Havemann im Dreieck zwischen Naturwissenschaft, Philosophie und Sozialismus, 19561962. Berlin, Lit, 2006, 208 p. (Diktatur und Widerstand, 11). 5112. SCHAEFFER CONROY (Mary). The Soviet pharmaceutical business during its first two decades (1917– 1937). New York, Peter Lang, 2006, VIII-377 p. (American University studies). 5113. SEIDENGART (Jean). Dieu, l'univers et la sphère: penser l'infinité cosmique à l'aube de la science classique. Paris, Albin Michel, 2006, 610 p. (ill.). 5114. SIVARAMAKRISHNAN (Kavita). Old potions, new bottles: recasting indigenous medicine in colonial Punjab (1850–1945). Hyderabad, Orient Longman, 2006, XIV-280 p. (New perspectives in South Asian history, 12). 5115. SLADE (Giles). Made to break: technology and obsolescence in America. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, 330 p. 5116. SMIL (Vaclav). Transforming the twentieth century. Technical innovations and their consequences. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, X-358 p. 5117. SNOWDEN (Frank M.). The conquest of Malaria: Italy, 1900–1962. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, VIII-296 p.
5120. Temps (Le) des sciences humaines. Gaston Roupnel et les années trente. Sous la dir. de Annie BLETTON-RUGET et Philippe POIRRIER. Paris, Manuscrit Université-MSH Dijon, 2006, 279 p. 5121. THORPE (Charles). Oppenheimer: the tragic intellect. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XX-413 p. 5122. TORRINI (Maurizio). Comunicare la conoscenza: i carteggi scientifici. Quaderni di storia, 2006, 32, 63, 1, p. 131-150. 5123. UEKÖTTER (Frank). The Green and the Brown. A history of conservation in Nazi Germany. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XV230 p. 5124. VETTEL (Eric J.). Biotech: the countercultural origins of an industry. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, XV-273 p. (Politics and culture in modern America). 5125. VIDAL (Fernando). Les sciences de l'âme: XVIeXVIIIe siècle. Paris, H. Champion, 2006, 463 p. 5126. WADDINGTON (Keir). The bovine scourge. Meat, tuberculosis and public health, 18501914. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2006, 226 p. 5127. WALLIS (Patrick). Plagues, morality and the place of medicine in early Modern England. English historical review, 2006, 121, 490, p. 1-24. 5128. WARREN (Jean-Philippe), MASSICOTTE (Julien). La fermeture du département de sociologie de l'Université de Moncton: Histoire d'une crise politicoépistémologique. Canadian historical review, 2006, 87, 3, p. 463-496. 5129. WEAVER (Karol K.). Medical revolutionaries: the enslaved healers of eighteenth-century Saint Domingue. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2006, XII-163 p. 5130. WEISZ (George). Divide and conquer: a comparative history of medical specialization. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XXX-359 p. 5131. WUDKA (Jose). Space-time, relativity, and cosmology. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, IX-320 p. (ill.). 5132. YANG (Nianqun). Zaizao "bingren". Zhong Xi yi chongtuxia de kongjian zhengzhi 18321985. (Remaking "patients". Politics in the clash between Chinese and Western medicine 18321985). Beijing, Zhongguo renmin daxue chubanshe, 2006, VII, 13, 465 p.
5133. ZEITZ (Katharina). Max von Laue (1879– 1960). Seine Bedeutung für den Wiederaufbau der deutschen Wissenschaft nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 300 p. (Pallas Athene, 16).
5144. ARDILA (J. A. G.). Cervantes en Inglaterra: el Quijote en los albores de la novela británica. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2006, 182 p. (Bulletin of Hispanic studies, 83, 5).
5134. ZUNINO (Pier Giorgio). Fini e mezzi: memorie e lettere di Franco Rasetti su fascismo, fisici e bomba atomica. Rivista storica italiana, 2006, 118, 3, p. 864900.
5145. BERNAND (Carmen). Un Inca platonicien, Garcilaso de la Vega (15391616). Paris, Fayard, 2006, 387 p.
Cf. no 4936 § 7. Literature. _______________________
a. General 5135. GUERZONI (Guido). Apollo e Vulcano. I mercati artistici in Italia (14001700). Venezia, Marsilio, 2006, 383 p. 5136. History (A) of Austrian literature 19182000. Ed. by Katrin KOHL and Ritchie ROBERTSON. Rochester a. New York, Camden House, 2006, XII-336 p. (ill.). 5137. JANEKOVIû-RÖMER (Zdenka). O utjecaju bizantske kulture u renesansnom Dubrovniku i Dalmaciji. (On the influence of Byzantine culture on Renaissance Dubrovnik and Dalmatia). Anali Zavoda povijesnih znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, 2006, 44, p. 7-25.
5146. CASTILLO GÓMEZ (Antonio). Entre la pluma y la pared. Una historia social de la escritura en los Siglos de Oro. Madrid, Akal, 2006, 298 p. (Serie historia moderna). 5147. Cervantes y el Mediterráneo hispano-otomano. Coeditado por Pablo MARTÍN ASUERO, Mukadder YAYCIOöLU y Paulino TOLEDO. østambul, øsis, 2006, 296 p. (Quadernos del Bósforo, 5). 5148. Editing Shakespeare. Ed. by Peter HOLLAND. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, X-395 p. (ill.). (Shakespeare survey, 59). 5149. Études rabelaisiennes. Tome 44. Genève, Librairie Droz, 2006, 121 p. (ill., maps, facsims.). (Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 417).
5138. LAHIRE (Bernard). La condition littéraire. La double vie des écrivains. Paris, La Découverte, 2006, 624 p. (Textes à l'appui/Laboratoire des sciences sociales).
5150. Grands jours (Les) de Rabelais en Poitou: actes du colloque international de Poitiers (30 aôut1er septembre 2001). Études réunies et publiées par MarieLuce DEMONET; avec la collaboration de Stéphan GEONGET. Genève, Librairie Droz, 2006, 447 p. (ill., facsims., maps). (Travaux d'humanisme et Renaissance, 408. Études rabelaisiennes, 43).
5139. MONTÈGRE (Gilles). L'expertise artistique entre science et politique. Échanges et controverses autour de l'origine des marbres antiques entre Rome et Paris (17731818). Genèses, 2006, 65, p. 27-48.
5151. SACCHI (Guido). Fra Ariosto e Tasso: vicende del poema narrativo: con un'appendice di studi cinquesecenteschi. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2006, VIII428 p. (Studi, 7).
5140. Petrarchismo (Il): un modello di poesia per l'Europa. A cura di Loredana CHINES. Roma, Bulzoni, 2006, 2 Vol., 616 p., 610 p. (ill.).
5152. SANGIRARDI (Giuseppe). Ludovico Ariosto. Firenze, Le Monnier, 2006, 276 p.
5141. WEINREICH (Torben). Historien om børnelitteratur: dansk børnelitteratur gennem 400 år. (Histoire de la littérature pour enfants: 400 ans de littérature danoise pour enfants). København, Branner og Korch, 2006, 603 p. (ill.). b. Renaissance ** 5142. STENDHAL. Racine et Shakespeare (1818 1825): et autres textes de théorie romantique. Établissement du texte, annotation et préface de Michel CROUZET. Paris, Champion, 2006, 550 p. (Textes de littérature moderne et contemporaine, 87). _______________________
5143. Actas de las Jornadas Cervantinas: a cuatrocientos años de la publicación del "Quijote", Montevideo, Uruguay, 2830 de setiembre de 2005. Coordinadora de las Jornadas, Alicia TORRES; editoras, Eleonora BASSO y Alicia TORRES. Montevideo, Universidad de la República, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Institito de Letras, Departamento de Letras Modernas, Literatura Española, 2006, 310 p.
Cf. nos 161, 966 c. Classicism 5153. FORESTIER (Georges). Jean Racine. Paris, Gallimard, 2006, 942 p. (ill.). (N.R.F. biographies). 5154. GOLDONI (Carlo). Il genio buono e il genio cattivo. A cura di Andrea FABIANO. Venezia, Marsilio, 2006, 208 p. (Carlo Goldoni le opere. Letteratura universale Marsilio, 169). IDEM. La villeggiatura. A cura di Quinto MARINI. Venezia, Marsilio, 2006, 319 p. (Carlo Coldoni le opere. Letteratura universale Marsilio, 176). 5155. NEBRIG (Alexander). Dezenz der klassischen Form: Goethes Übersetzung von Diderots "Le neveu de Rameau". Laatzen, Wehrhahn, 2006, 110 p. (Aufklärung und Moderne, 8). 5156. PROSKURINA (Vera Ju.). Mify imperii. Literatura i vlast' v epokhu Ekateriny II. (The myths of the Empire: literature and power in the age of Catherine II). Moskva, NLO, 2006, 329 p. (ill.; portr.; facs.; bibl. incl.; pers. ind. p. 315-322). (Historia Rossica).
8. ART AND INDUSTRIAL ART d. Romanticism and after 5157. ABBOTT (Carl). Frontiers past and future: science fiction and the American West. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2006, VIII-230 p. 5158. BUKALOV (Aleksej M.). Pushkinskaja Afrika: Po sledam "Romana o tsarskom arape". (Alexander Pushkin's Africa: following the novel 'Peter the Great's Negro'). Sankt-Peterburg, Aletejja, 2006, 320 p. (ill.; maps; bibl. incl.; ind. p. 309-318). (Russkoe zarubezh'e: Istochniki i issledovanija). 5159. CHERNICHENKO (Ljudmila L.). Knjaz' Vladimir Vladimirovich Barjatinskij: Pisatel' v Rossii i v emigratsii. (Prince Vladimir Baryatinskij: a writer in Russia and in emigration). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 447 p. (ill.; portr.; facs.; pers. ind. p. 436-446). 5160. FERK (Janko). Recht ist ein "Prozeß". Über Kafkas Rechtsphilosophie. Wien, Edition Atelier, 2006, XII-182 p. 5161. HURST (Isobel). Victorian women writers and the classics. The feminine of Homer. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, VIII-253 p. 5162. JUNGGREN (Anna). Poezija Tjutcheva i salonnaja kul'tura XIX veka. (Fedor Tyutchev's poetry and the Salon Culture of 19th century Russia). RAN, Nauch. sovet "Istorija mirovoj kul'tury", Tjutchevskaja komissija. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 123 p. (bibl. p. 106-120). 5163. LEIKERT (Jozef). Ladislav MĖaþko. Prvý raz šéfredaktorom Kultúrneho života. (Ladislav MĖaþko. Chief editor of Kultúrny život for the first time). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 2, p. 273-286. 5164. LYON-CAEN (Judith). La lecture et la vie. Les usages du roman au temps de Balzac. Préf. d'Alain CORBIN. Paris, Tallandier, 2006, 384 p. 5165. MELKAS (Kukku). Historia, halu ja tiedon käärme Aino Kallaksen tuotannossa. (History, desire, and the serpent of knowledge in the works of Aino Kallas). Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006, 352 p. (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia, 1063). 5166. NČmeckojazyþná literatura z Prahy a þeských zemí. Knižní umČní a plakát 19001939. (Deutschsprachige Literatur aus Prag und den böhmischen Ländern. Buch- und Plakatkunst 19001939). Ed. Jürgen BORN [et al.]. Praha, Pražská edice, 2006, 155 p. (ill.). § 8. Art and industrial art. _______________________
a. General 5167. AGEE, (William C.), FAXON (Susan C.). Coming of age: American art, 1850s to 1950s. New York American Federation of Arts a. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, 136 p. (ill.). 5168. Art (L') de la Renaissance entre science et magie. Centre d'histoire de l'art de la Renaissance. Sous la dir. de Philippe MOREL. Coordination éditoriale
Francesca ALBERTI et Virginie SCHMITT. Paris, Somogy, 2006, XXI-551 p. (ill.). 5169. Artiste (L') et l'œuvre à l'épreuve de la perspective. Sous la dir. de Marianne COJANNOT-LE BLANC, Marisa DALAI EMILIANI et Pascal DUBOURG GLATIGNY. Rome, École française de Rome, 2006, 488 p. (ill.). 5170. Arts (The) in Nazi Germany. Continuity, conformity, change. Ed. by Jonathan HUENER and Francis R. NICOSIA. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn, 2006, VIII226 p. 5171. Beholder (The): the experience of art in early modern Europe. Ed. by Thomas FRANGENBERG and Robert WILLIAMS. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, IX-233 p. (ill.). 5172. BONNET (Alain). L'enseignement des arts au XIXe siècle: la réforme de l'école des beaux-arts de 1863 et la fin du modèle académique. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 372 p. (ill.). 5173. BORZELLO (Frances). At home, the domestic interior in art. London, Thames & Hudson, 2006, 192 p. (ill.). 5174. FULTON (Christopher B.). An earthly paradise: the Medici, their collection and the foundations of modern art. Florence, L.S. Olschki, 2006, XXIV-329 p. (ill.). 5175. GREELEY (Robin Adèle). Surrealism and the Spanish Civil War. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2006, VII-261 p. (ill.). 5176. HALL (Stuart). Black diaspora artists in Britain: three 'moments' in post-war history. History workshop, 2006, 61, p. 1-24. 5177. HARGRAVES (Matthew). Candidates for fame: the Society of Artists of Great Britain, 17601791. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2006, VI-244 p. (ill.). 5178. Imperialism, art and restitution. Ed. by John Henry MERRYMAN. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, X-267 p. (ill.). 5179. LOBSTEIN (Dominique). Les salons au XIXe siècle: Paris, capitale des arts. Paris, Martinière, 2006, 303 p. (ill.). [Ouvrage préparé avec le concours du Centre national du livre]. 5180. NAIRNE (Sandy). Black arts in the Maelstrom. History workshop, 2006, 61, p. 25-30. 5181. Russian art and the West: a century of dialogue in painting, architecture, and the decorative arts. Ed. by Rosalind P. BLAKESLEY and Susan E. REID. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2006, VIII-246 p. (ill.). 5182. SALTZMAN (Lisa). Making memory matter: strategies of remembrance in contemporary art. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2006, VIII-125 p. (ill.). 5183. SHANES (Eric). The pop art tradition. New York, Parkstone, 2006, 256 p. (ill.).
5184. Social (The) and the real: political art of the 1930s in the Western hemisphere. Ed. by Alejandro ANREUS, Diana L. LINDEN and Jonathan WEINBERG. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2006, XXII362 p. (ill.).
5199. HAYNES (Clare). Pictures and popery: art and religion in England, 16601760. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XI-185 p. (ill.).
5185. VAUDAY (Patrick). La décolonisation du tableau: art et politique au XIXe siècle; Delacroix, Gauguin, Monet. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2006, 169 p. (ill.).
5200. Herrera (De) a Velázquez el primer naturalismo en Sevilla. Preparación, edición y dirección científica de Alfonso E. PÉREZ SÁNCHEZ y Benito NAVARRETE PRIETO. Sevilla, Focus Abengoa y Bilbao, Museo de bellas Artes, 2006, 317 p. (ill.).
5186. WHITING (Cécile). Pop L.A.: art and the city in the 1960s. Berkeley, Calif. a. London, University of California Press, 2006, 255 p. (ill.).
5201. ISKIN (Ruth). Modern women and Parisian consumer culture in Impressionist painting. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV-283 p. (ill.).
b. Architecture
5202. KLEINERT (Katja). Atelierdarstellungen in der niederländischen Genremalerei des 17. Jahrhunderts: realistisches Abbild oder glaubwürdiger Schein? Petersberg, Imhof, 2006, 367 p. (ill.).
5187. ALOFSIN (Anthony). When buildings speak: architecture as language in the Habsburg Empire and its aftermath, 1867–1933. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XII-326 p. 5188. Architettura e musica nella Venezia del Rinascimento. A cura di Deborah HOWARD e Laura MORETTI. Milano, B. Mondadori, 2006, 406 p. (ill.).
5203. LECHNER (Sonja). Nuda Veritas: Caravaggio als Aktmaler: Rezeption und Revision von Aktdarstellungen der römischen Reifezeit. München, Scaneg, 2006, 352 p. (ill.).
5189. BOGART (Michele H.). The politics of urban beauty: New York and its art commission. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XVII-368 p.
5204. Mapping markets for paintings in Europe, 14501750. Ed. by Neil DE MARCHI and Hans J. VAN MIEGROET. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006, XIII-458 p. (ill.).
5190. CLEGG (Elizabeth). Art, design, and architecture in Central Europe, 18901920. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2006, X-305 p. (ill.).
5205. SOUSSLOFF (Catherine M.). The subject in art: portraiture and the birth of the modern. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2006, XIII-175 p. (ill.).
5191. FROMMEL (Christoph Luitpold). Architettura e committenza da Alberti a Bramante. Firenze, L.S. Olschki, 2006, 454 p. (ill.).
5206. STONE (Harriet Amy). Tables of knowledge: Descartes in Vermeer's studio. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2006, XXXVI-168 p. (ill.).
5192. MAC IVER (Katherine A.). Women, art, and architecture in Northern Italy, 15201580: negotiating power. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, 282 p.
5207. UNGLAUB (Jonathan). Poussin and the poetics of painting: pictorial narrative and the legacy of Tasso. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XV282 p.
5193. MAC LAREN (Brian L.). Architecture and tourism in Italian colonial Libya. An ambivalent modernism. Seattle a. London, University of Washington Press, 2006, 286 p. 5194. NIKULA (Riitta). Focus on Finnish 20th century architecture and town planning. Collected papers. Helsinki, [Riitta Nikula], 2006, 206 p. (ill., maps). b. Addendum 2005 5195. NIKULA (Riitta). Wood, stone and steel: contours of Finnish architecture. Helsinki, Otava, 2005, 208 p. (ill.). c. Sculpture, painting, etching and drawing 5196. Bernini in Paris: das Tagebuch des Paul Fréart de Chantelou über den Aufenthalt Gianlorenzo Berninis am Hof Ludwigs XIV. Hrsg. v. Pablo SCHNEIDER und Philipp ZITZLSPERGER. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2006, VI-500 p. (ill.).
5208. VARNEDOE (Kirk). Pictures of nothing: abstract art since Pollock. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2006, XVII-297 p. (ill.). 5209. VOWINCKEL (Annette). Relationale Porträts. Individualität und Akzidenzialität in der Bildnismalerei der Renaissance. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 2006, 88, 2, p. 297-322. 5210. WALLER (Susan). The invention of the model: artists and models in Paris, 18301870. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XVII-168 p. (ill.). d. Decorative, popular and industrial art 5211. CIACCI (Leonardo). Seguendo Pasolini nella rappresentazione "militante " della città. Storia urbana, 2006, 29, 111, 2, p. 7-22.
5197. CAMEROTA (Filippo), NATALI (Antonio), SERACINI (Maurizio). Leonardo da Vinci: studio per l'Adorazione dei Magi. Roma, Argos, 2006, 195 p. (ill.).
5212. DELCOURT (Christian), DELCOURT-ANGÉLIQUE (Janine). Georges Simenon et le français de Belgique. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2006, 84, 3, p. 799-827.
5198. FABBRINI (Fabrizio). Piero della Francesca e i suoi tempi: echi del tempo e senso della storia negli affreschi aretini di Piero. Arezzo, Alberti, 2006, 263 p.
5213. DYBDAHL (Lars). Dansk design, 19451975: produktdesign, grafisk design, møbeldesign. København, Borgen, 2006, 563 p. (ill.).
9. MUSIC, THEATRE, CINEMA, PHOTOGRAPHY AND BROADCASTING 5214. HÖHNE (Günter). DDR-Design. Köln, Komet, 2006, 224 p. (ill.). 5215. ISENSTADT (Sandy). The modern American house: spaciousness and middle class identity. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVI-327 p. (Modern American architecture and cultural identity). 5216. LAHALLE (Agnès). Les écoles de dessin au XVIIIe siècle. Entre arts libéraux et arts mécaniques, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 359 p. (Histoire). 5217. Mo- moplen: il design delle plastiche negli anni del boom = Plastics design in Italy's boom years. A cura di Cecilia CECCHINI. Roma, Rdesignpress, 2006, 243 p. (ill.). 5218. RAGETTE (Friedrich). Traditional domestic architecture of the Arab Region. Stuttgart a. London, Edition Axel Menges, 2006, 296 p. (ill., maps, plans). § 9. Music, theatre, cinema, photography and broadcasting. * 5219. GRIBENSKI (Jean). Catalogue des éditions françaises de Mozart, 17641825. Hildesheim a. New York, G. Olms, 2006, XLI-419 p. (ill., music). _______________________
5220. ABEL (Richard). Americanizing the movies and "Movie-Mad" audiences, 1910–1914. Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2006, XVII-373 p. 5221. AMELINA (Anna). Propaganda oder Autonomie? Das russische Fernsehen von 1970 bis heute. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2006, 333 p. (ill.). 5222. American cinema of the 1940s: themes and variations. Ed. by Wheeler WINSTON DIXON. Oxford, Berg, 2006, XIV-283 p. (ill.). 5223. ARNEDAL (Poul). Nordisk Film: en del av Danmark i 100 år. (La Nordisk Film: un siècle de cinéma danois). København, Aschehoug, 2006, 200 p. (ill.). 5224. Aspekte der Musik des Barock: Aufführungspraxis und Stil: Bericht über die Symposien der Internationalen Händel-Akademie Karlsruhe, 2001 bis 2004. Hrsg. v. Siegfried SCHMALZRIEDT. Laaber, Laaber-Verlag, 2006, 359 p. (ill., music). 5225. ASSMANN (Jan). Die Zauberflöte: Oper und Mysterium. München, Carl Hanser, 2006, 383 p. (ill., music). 5226. AUTRAND (Michel). Le théâtre en France de 1870 à 1914. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2006, 367 p. (Dictionnaires & références. 15 Série Histoire du théâtre français).
5229. BINZ (Gerrit). Filmzensur in der deutschen Demokratie: sachlicher Wandel durch institutionelle Verlagerung von der staatlichen Weimarer Filmprüfung auf die Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft in der Bundesrepublik? Trier, Kliomedia, 2006, 430 p. 5230. BRITLAND (Karen). Drama at the courts of Queen Henrietta Maria. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, IX-292 p. 5231. BUCH (Esteban). Le cas Schönberg. Naissance de l'avant-garde musicale. Paris, Gallimard, 2006, 356 p. (Bibliothèque des idées). 5232. BUSCOMBE (Edward). "Injuns!" native Americans in the movies. London, Reaktion Books, 2006, 272 p. (Locations). 5233. CATOLFI (Antonio). Televisione e politica negli anni Sessanta. Urbino, Quattroventi, 2006, 206 p. 5234. CIACCI (Leonardo). La Roma di Mussolini: una costruzione del cinema. Storia urbana, 2006, 29, 111, 2, p. 119-146. 5235. Cinéma (Le) et la guerre. Commission française d'histoire militaire. Sous la dir. de Philippe D'HUGUES et Hervé COUTAU-BÉGARIE. Paris, Economica, 2006, 184 p. 24 p. of plates: (ill., ports.). 5236. Cinema muto italiano: tecnica e tecnologia. Brevetti, macchine, mestieri. A cura di Michele CANOSA. Discorsi, precetti, documenti. A cura di Giulia CARLUCCIO e Federica VILLA. Roma, Carocci, 2006, 2 vol., 135 p., 135 p. (ill.). 5237. COHEN (Matthew Isaac). The Komedie Stamboel: popular theater in colonial Indonesia, 1891–1903. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2006, XVIII-473 p. (Ohio University research in international studies, Southeast Asia Series, 112). 5238. COLA (Paolo). New Orleans: la culla del jazz tra storia e mitologia. Storia urbana, 2006, 29, 110, 1, p. 93-122. 5239. COMAND (Mariapia), Menarini (Roy). Il cinema europeo. Prefazione di Pierre SORLIN. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, IX-204 p. (Biblioteca universale Laterza; 585. Istituzioni dello spettacolo). 5240. CONSIGLIO (Dario). Il PCI [Partito comunista italiano] e la costruzione di una cultura di massa. Letteratura, cinema e musica in Italia (19561964). Milano, Unicopli, 2006, 313 p. 5241. Contemporary Asian cinema: popular culture in a global frame. Ed. by Anne Tereska CIECKO. Oxford a. New York, Berg, 2006, VI-250 p.
5227. BERARDI (Mario). La vida imaginada: vida cotidiana y cine argentino, 19331970. Buenos Aires, Ediciones del Jilguero, 2006, 303 p. (ill.).
5242. CORTI (Laura). La fotografia come strumento per reinventare il passato: il metodo di lavoro del Regio Ispettore Emilio Marcucci. Storia urbana, 2006, 29, 111, 2, p. 91-102.
5228. BIET (Christian), TRIAU (Christophe). Qu'est-ce que le théâtre? Postface d'Emmanuel WALLON. Paris, Gallimard, 2006, 1050 p. (ill., plates).
5243. CRUSELLS (Magí). Cine y guerra civil española: imágenes para la memoria. Madrid, Ediciones JC, 2006, 334 p. (ill.).
5244. Dansk tv's historie. (Histoire de la télévision danoise). Red. Stig HJARVARD. Frederiksberg, Samfundslitteratur, 2006, 373 p. (ill.). 5245. EADES (Caroline). Le cinéma post-colonial français. Paris, Ed. du Cerf et Corlet, 2006, 432 p. (7e art). 5246. Encyclopedia of twentieth-century photography. Ed. by Lynne WARREN. New York a. London, Routledge, 2006, 3 vol., XXXIX-1719 p. (ill.). 5247. FEARN-BANKS (Kathleen). Historical dictionary of African-American television. Lanham, Scarecrow Press, 2006, XLI-526 p. (ill.). (Historical dictionaries of literature and the arts, 7). 5248. FONES-WOLF (Elizabeth A.). Waves of opposition: labor and the struggle for democratic radio. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2006, VIII307 p. (History of communication). 5249. FOOT (John). Immagini urbane e la ricerca del "margine": fotografando Milano, 19502000. Storia urbana, 2006, 29, 111, 2, p. 37-52.
5260. HINTERTHÜR (Bettina). Noten nach Plan: die Musikverlage in der SBZ DDR: Zensursystem, zentrale Planwirtschaft und deutsch-deutsche Beziehungen bis Anfang der 1960er Jahre. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 574 p. 5261. INSOLERA (Italo), SETTE (Alessandra Maria). Roma tra le due guerre nelle fotografie dell'Istituto Luce. Storia urbana, 2006, 29, 111, 2, p. 53-64. 5262. JAIKUMAR (Priya). Cinema at the end of empire. A politics of transition in Britain and India. Durham, Duke U. P., 2006, 318 p. 5263. JELAVICH (Peter). Berlin Alexanderplatz. Radio, film, and the death of Weimar culture. Berkeley, Los Angeles a. London, University of California Press, 2006, XVI-300 p. 5264. JOHNSON (Odai). Absence and memory in colonial American theatre: Fiorelli's plaster. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, X-322 p. (Palgrave studies in theatre and performance history). 5265. JOUVENET (Morgan). Rap, techno, électro: le musicien entre travail artistique et critique sociale. Paris, Maison des sciences de l'homme, 2006, XIX-290 p.
5250. Fotografia e diplomazia culturale. La "United States Information Agency" nella guerra fredda. A cura di Elisabetta BINI. Contemporanea, 2006, 9, 1, p. 99113.
5266. KLÖTZER (Sylvia). Satire und Macht: Film, Zeitung, Kabarett in der DDR. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, 259 p.
5251. FRAME (Murray). School for citizens: theatre and civil society in Imperial Russia. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, 262 p.
5267. KOEGEL (John). Compositores mexicanos y cubanos en Nueva York, c. 18801920. Historia Mexicana, 2006, 56, 2, p. 533-612.
5252. FREI (Marco). "Chaos statt Musik": Dimitri Schostakowitsch, die Prawda-Kampagne von 1936 bis 1938 und der Sozialistische Realismus. Saarbrücken, Pfau, 2006, 342 p. (ill., ports.).
5268. KÖLBL (Andrea). Fiktionen der Liebe: europäische Volksmärchen und populäre Spielfilme im Vergleich. München, Albunea, 2006, 625 p. (Reihe Kulturgeschichte).
5253. FUSCO (Gaetano). Le mani sullo schermo: il cinema secondo Achille Lauro. Prefazione di Goffredo FOFI. Napoli, Liguori, 2006, XI-83 p. (ill.).
5269. LAMMI (Minna). Ett' varttuisi Suomenmaa. Suomalaisten kasvattaminen kulutusyhteiskuntaan kotimaisissa lyhytelokuvissa 19201969. (The birth of modern consumer society in Finnish short films 1920 1969). Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006, 310 p. (ill). (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia, 1074).
5254. GARÇON (François). La distribution cinématographique en France 19071957. Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2006, X-282 p. (Cinéma & audiovisuel). 5255. GERSTNER (David A.). Manly arts: masculinity and nation in early American cinema. Durham, Duke U. P., 2006, XVI-316 p. 5256. GINER (Bruno). De Weimar à Térézine: l'épuration musicale, 19331945. Paris, Van de Velde, 2006, 149 p. 5257. GOSSETT (Philip). Divas and scholars: performing Italian Opera. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XXII-675 p.
5270. LE FORESTIER (Laurent). Aux sources de l'industrie du cinéma: le modèle Pathé, 19051908. Paris, L'Harmattan et Association française de recherche sur l'histoire du cinéma, 2006, 348 p. (Collection "Les temps de l'image" archives et mémoire du cinéma). 5271. Liszt und die Neudeutsche Schule. Hrsg. v. Detlef ALTENBURG. Laaber, Laaber-Verlag, 2006, 314 p. (ill., music).).
5258. HARNESS (Kelley). Echoes of women's voices: music, art, and female patronage in Early Modern Florence. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XVI378 p.
5272. LOWY (Vincent). Guère à la guerre! Le pacifisme dans le cinéma français (19361940). préface de Madeleine REBÉRIOUX; postface de Raymond CHIRAT. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 226 p. (Collection Esthétiques. Série Ars. Esthétiques).
5259. HENTSCHEL (Frank). Bürgerliche Ideologie und Musik: Politik der Musikgeschichtsschreibung in Deutschland 17761871. Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2006, 539 p.
5273. MADRID (Alejandro L.). The sounds of the nation: visions of modernity and tradition in Mexico's first National congress of music. Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 4, p. 681-706.
9. MUSIC, THEATRE, CINEMA, PHOTOGRAPHY AND BROADCASTING 5274. MANGLOTE (Pierre-André). Naissance de l'industrie cinématographique. Les brevets aux États-Unis et en Europe (18951908). Annales, 2006, 61, 5, p. 11231146. 5275. MANNONI (Laurent). Histoire de la cinémathèque française. Paris, Gallimard, 2006, 507 p. (ill., facsims., ports.). 5276. MARTÍNEZ ÁLVAREZ (Josefina). Tal como éramos... El cine de la Transición política. Historia social, 2006, 54, p. 73-94. 5277. MARY (Philippe). La Nouvelle Vague et le cinéma d'auteur. Socio-analyse d'une révolution artistique. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2006, 280 p. (Liber). 5278. MASSA (Pietro). Carl Orffs Antikendramen und die Hölderlin-Rezeption im Deutschland der Nachkriegszeit. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2006, 265 p. (ill.). 5279. MATALLANA (Andrea). Locos por la radio: una historia social de la radiofonía en la Argentina, 1923 1947. Buenos Aires, Prometeo Libros, 2006, 217 p. (ill.). 5280. MATHESON (Tamara Chaplin). Embodying the mind, producing the nation: philosophy on French television. Journal of the history of ideas, 2006, 67, 2, p. 315-341. 5281. MAZOUER (Charles). Le théâtre français de l'âge classique. Paris, Champion, 2006, (ill.). 5282. MEIGH-ANDREWS (Chris). A history of video art: the development of form and function. Oxford, Berg, 2006, 318 p. (ill.). 5283. Mittelalter im Film. Hrsg. v. Christian KIENING und Heinrich ADOLF. Berlin u. New York, de Gruyter, 2006, VI-462 p. (Trends in Medieval philology, 6). 5284. MORROW (Robert W.). Sesame street and the reform of children's television. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, XII-226 p. 5285. Mozarts Klavier- und Kammermusik. Hrsg. v. Matthias SCHMIDT. Laaber, Laaber-Verlag, 2006, XII592 p. (ill., music). 5286. Musik in Diktaturen des 20. Jahrhunderts: internationales Symposium an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal vom 28/29.2.2004: Tagungsband. Hrsg. v. Michaela G. GROCHULSKI, Oliver KAUTNY und Helmke Jan KEDEN. Mainz, Are Edition, 2006, VI-309 p. (ill., music). 5287. Musik in Wien, 19381945: Symposion 2004. Hrsg. v. Carmen OTTNER. Wien, Doblinger, 2006, XII372 p. (ill., music).
5290. OLDRINI (Guido). Il cinema nella cultura del Novecento: mappa di una sua storia critica. Firenze, Le lettere, 2006, XV-738 p. (ill.). 5291. Radio Welten: politische, soziale und kulturelle Aspekte atlantischer Mediengeschichte vor und während des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Hrsg. v. M. Michaela HAMPF und Ursula LEHMKUHL. Münster, LIT, 2006, VI-126 p. (ill.). 5292. Radiotage, Fernsehjahre: Studien zur Rundfunkgeschichte nach 1945. Hrsg. v. Markus BEHMER und Bettina HASSELBRING. Münster, Lit, 2006, 314 p. (ill.). 5293. RAEBURN (John). A staggering revolution: a cultural history of thirties photography. Urbana and Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2006, XX-370 p. 5294. RODEN (Eva). Einflüsse auf Richard Wagner vor Schopenhauer. Wien, Lit, 2006, 123 p. (Unipress Hochschulschriften Münster in Westfalen, Germany). 5295. ROMAGUERA I RAMIÓ (Joaquim), SOLER (Llorenç). Historia crítica y documentada del cine independiente en España, 19551975. Barcelona, Laertes, 2006, 443 p. (ill.). 5296. RONDOLINO (Gianni). Storia del cinema classico: dai Lumière a Rossellini. Torino, UTET università, 2008, 2006, XVI-438 p. (ill.). 5297. ROSENSTONE (Robert A.). History on film – film on history. Harlow, Pearson Longman, 2006, XIII182 p. 5298. ROSS (Corey). Mass culture and divided audiences: cinema and social change in inter-war Germany. Past and present, 2006, 193, p. 157-195. 5299. ROSSBACH (Nikola). Theater über Theater: Parodie und Moderne, 18701914. Bielefeld, Aisthesis, 2006, VII-491 p. 5300. ROUBERT (Paul-Louis). L'image sans qualités: les beaux-arts et la critique à l'épreuve de la photographie, 18391859. Paris, Monum, 2006, 175 p. (Temps & espace des arts). 5301. RUEDA LAFFOND (José Carlos), DEL MAR CHICHARRO MERAYO (María). La televisión en España, 19562006: política, consumo y cultura televisiva. Madrid, Editorial Fragua, 2006, 454 p. 5302. SADR (Hamid Reza). Iranian cinema: a political history. New York, I. B. Tauris, 2006, 303 p. 5303. SÁNCHEZ-BIOSCA (Vicente). Cine y Guerra Civil Española: del mito a la memoria. Prólogo de José-Carlos MAINER. Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2006, 355 p. (ill.).
5288. NURKOVA (Veronika V.). Zerkalo s pamjat'ju: Fenomen fotografii: Kul'turno-istoricheskij analiz. (The phenomenon of photography: a cultural and historical analysis). Ros. gos. gumanit. un-t. Moskva, RGGU, 2006, 287 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 266-283).
5304. SANDE (Manuel Fernández). Los orígenes de la radio en España. Vol. 2. La competencia entre Unión Radio y Radio Ibérica (19251927). Madrid, Editorial Fragua, 2006, 279 p. (ill.).
5289. ODENWALD (Florian). Der nazistische Kampf gegen das "Undeutsche" in Theater und Film 1920– 1945. München, Utz, 2006, 407 p.
5305. SEED (John). Limehouse blues: looking for Chinatown in the London Docks, 1900–1940. History workshop, 2006, 62, p. 58-85.
5306. SHAW (Tony). The BBC, the state and Cold War culture: the case of Television's The War Game (1965). English historical review, 2006, 121, 494, p. 13511384. 5307. SMYTH (J. E.). Reconstructing American historical cinema: from Cimarron to Citizen Kane. Lexington, University of Kentucky Press, 2006, XIII447 p. 5308. Spettatori italiani: riti e ambienti del consumo cinematografico (19001950). A cura di Francesco CASETTI e Elena MOSCONI. Roma, Carocci, 2006, 143 p. (ill.). 5309. Stillness and time: photography and the moving image. Ed. by David GREEN and Joanna LOWRY. Brighton, Photoworks a. Photoforum, 2006, 183 p. (ill.). 5310. Sulla carta: storia e storie della sceneggiatura in Italia. A cura di Mariapia COMAND. Torino, Lindau, 2006, 314 p. 5311. SUTCLIFFE (Anthony). La città come sfondo: scene urbane in apertura e chiusura di film, nell'era del sonoro. Storia urbana, 2006, 29, 111, 2, p. 23-36. 5312. THAISY (Laurence). La politique cinématographique de la France en Allemagne occupée, 1945 1949. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septen trion, 2006, 275 p. (ill., maps, facsims). (Les mondes germaniques). 5313. THER (Philipp). In der Mitte der Gesellschaft: Operntheater in Zentraleuropa 1815–1914. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2006, 465 p. (Die Musikkultur europäischer Metropolen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert). 5314. TOLIC (Ines). La realizzazione del modello di città socialista nelle fonti della cineteca di Zagabria. Storia urbana, 2006, 29, 111, 2, p. 169-180. 5315. TOMOFF (Kiril). Creative union: the professional organization of Soviet composers, 1939–1953. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2006, XIV-321 p.
5316. ULANOVSKY (Carlos), ITKIN (Silvia), SIRVÉN (Pablo). Estamos en el aire: una historia de la televisión en la Argentina. Prólogo de Jorge GUINZBURG; investigadora Eleonora BIAIÑ, Mariel FIORI y Laura FERRARESE. Buenos Aires, Emecé, 2006, 656 p. (ill.). 5317. VAREA (Fernando G.). El cine argentino durante la dictadura militar. Rosario, Editorial Municipal, 2006, 113 p. 5318. VEGA (Alicia). Itinerario del cine documental chileno, 19001990. Santiago, Centro EAC y Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2006, 364 p. (ill.). 5319. Verschiedenes über denselben: Dziga Vertov 18961954. Hrsg. v. Klemens GRUBER. Wien, Böhlau, 2006, 125 p. (ill., ports.). 5320. WEIDMAN (Amanda J.). Staging the classical, voicing the modern. The post colonial politics of music in south India. Durham, Duke U. P., 2006, 349 p. 5321. WILHARM (Irmgard). Bewegte Spuren: Studien zur Zeitgeschichte im Film. Hrsg. v. Detlef ENDEWARD, Claus FÜLLBERG-STOLBERG und Peter STETTNER. Hannover, Offizin, 2006, 256 p. (ill.). 5322. ZIMMERMAN (David A.). Panic! Markets, crises, and crowds in American fiction. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XII-294 p. (Cultural studies of the United States). 5323. ZORKAJA (Neja M.). Istorija sovetskogo kino. (A history of Soviet cinema). Fed. agenstvo po kul'ture i kinematografii RF; Gos. in-t iskusstvoznanija. SanktPeterburg, Aletejja, 2006, 542 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 534-539; pers. ind. p. 520-533). § 9. Addendum 2005. 5324. KILPIÖ (Kaarina). Kulutuksen sävel. Suomalaisen mainoselokuvan musiikki 1950-luvulta 1970-luvulle. (Consumer tunes: music in Finnish advertising films from 1950s to 1970s). Helsinki, Like, 2005, 379 p. (ill.). Cf. nos 3616, 4262, 4264, 4980, 5864
N MODERN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY _________ § 1. General. 5325-5374. – § 2. Political economy. 5375-5382. – § 3. Industry, mining and transportation. 53835440. – § 4. Trade. 5441-5488. – § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. 5489-5519. – § 6. Money and finance. 5520-5558. – § 7. Demography and urban history. 5559-5599. – § 8. Social history. 5600-5852. – § 9. Workingclass movement and socialism. 5853-5891. § 1. General. ** 5325. ANTONOV (Dmitrij N.), ANTONOVA (Irina A.). Metricheskie knigi Rossii XVIIInachala XX v. (Registry books in Russia in the 18ththe early 20th centuries). Ros. gos. gumanit. un-t. Moskva, RGGU, 2006, 385 p. (tabl.; bibl. p. 311-382). _______________________
5326. ALAMILLO (José). Making lemonade out of lemons: Mexican American labor and leisure in a California town, 1880–1960. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2006, XII-220 p. (Statue of LibertyEllis Island Centennial series). 5327. ÁLVAREZ NOGAL (Carlos), PRADOS DE LA ESCOSURA (Leandro). La decadenza spagnola nell'Età Moderna: una revisione quantitativa. Rivista di storia economica, 2006, 22, 1, p. 59-90. 5328. Ambivalent consumer (The). Questioning consumption in East Asia and the West. Ed. by Sheldon GARON and Patricia L. MACLACHLAN. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2006, X-314 p. 5329. ANDERSEN (Morten). Fra region til grænseregion: regionaløkonomisk genopbygning og grænsepolitik i Slesvigregionen 19191933. (Reconstruction économique et politique frontalière dans le Slesvig danois 19191933). Aabenraa, Landsarkivet for Sønderjylland og Syddansk Universitet, 2006, 371 p. (ill.). [Résumé allemand]. 5330. Ausgebeutet oder alimentiert? Regionale Wirtschaftspolitik und nationale Minderheiten in Ostmitteleuropa (1867–1939). Hrsg. v. Uwe MÜLLER. Berlin, Berliner Wissenschafts- Verlag, 2006, 256 p. (Frankfurter Studien zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte Ostmitteleuropas, 13). 5331. "Bäste broder!": nätverk, entreprenörskap och innovation i svenskt näringsliv. (Réseaux, entreprenariat et innovation dans l'économie suédoise). Red. Ylva HAS-
365 p.
Tom PETERSSON. Hedemora: Gidlund, 2006,
5332. BELOUSOV (Rem A.). Ekonomicheskaja istorija Rossii: XX vek. (An economic history of 20th-century Russia). 5. Dramaticheskij krizis v kontse stoletija. (The dramatic crisis of the end of the century). Moskva, IzdAT, 2006, 463 p. (tabl.; plates; bibl. p. 541-462). 5333. BEREND (Ivan T.). An economic history of twentieth-century Europe: economic regimes from laissez-faire to globalization. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XV-356 p. (ill.). 5334. BOULLET (Daniel). Entreprises et environnement en France de 1960 à 1990. Les chemins d'une prise de conscience. Genève, Droz, 2006, 696 p. (Travaux de sciences sociales, 209). 5335. Chancellors' tales (The). Managing the British economy. Ed. by Howard DAVIES. Cambridge, Polity Press, 2006, X-223 p. 5336. FENOALTEA (Stefano). L'economia italiana dall'Unità alla Grande Guerra. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, 339 p. 5337. FISCHER (Torsten). Y-a-t-il une fatalité d'hérédité dans la pauvreté? Dans l'Europe moderne: les cas d'Aberdeen et de Lyon. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 236 p. (Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Beihefte, 187). 5338. FÖSTE (Wilga). Grundwerte in der Ordnungskonzeption der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft. Marburg, Metropolis, 2006, 648 p. (Hochschulschriften, 104). 5339. FREYER (Tony A.). Antitrust and global capitalism, 1930–2004. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XII-437 p. (Cambridge historical studies in American law and society). 5340. GLAZ'EV (Sergej Ju.). Liberal'nye reformy v Rossii: pravda i vymysel. (Liberal reforms in Russia: truth and fiction). Moskva, VShE, 2006, 25 p.
5341. GRUNENBERG (Nina). Die Wundertäter. Netzwerke der deutschen Wirtschaft 1942 bis 1966. München, Siedler, 2006, 320 p.
Erik VAN DER VLEUTEN and Arne KAIJSER. Sagamore Beach, Science History Publications, 2006, VII335 p.
5342. HÁJEK (Jan), KUBģ (Eduard). Ekonomický nacionalismus þeských zemí sklonku 19. a první poloviny 20. století jako stĜedoevropský "model". Pokus o vymezení specifického typu. (The Economic nationalism of the Bohemian lands at the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century as a Central European 'model'. An attempt to define this special type). ýeský þasopis historický, 2006, 104, 4, p. 783-820.
5353. OCHONU (Moses). Conjoined to the empire: the Great Depression and Nigeria. African economic history, 2006, 34, p. 103-145.
5343. HARA (Akira), YAMAZAKI (Shiro). Senji Nihon no keizai saihen-shi. (Reorganization of economy in wartime Japan). Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Hyoronsya, 2006, 356 p. 5344. HARDACH (Gerd). Der Generationenvertrag. Lebenslauf und Lebenseinkommen in Deutschland in zwei Jahrhunderten. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2006, 488 p. (Schriften zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, 82). 5345. Hospodárske dejiny Slovenska. 15261848. (The History of the Slovak economy in the period 1526 1848). Ed. Mária KOHÚTOVÁ, Jozef VOZÁR. Aut. Pavel HORVÁTH, Štefan KAZIMÍR, Mária KOHÚTOVÁ, Štefan OýOVSKÝ, Štefan ŠPIESZ, Jozef VOZÁR. Bratislava, VEDA vydavateĐstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied pre Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2006, 160 p. 5346. KOCIAN (JiĜí). Soziale Aspekte der Wirtschaftsreform in der Tschechoslowakei in den sechziger Jahren. In: Sozialistische Wirtschaftsreformen. Tschechoslowakei und DDR im Vergleich [Cf. no 5363], p. 477499. 5347. KWEE (Hui Kian). The political economy of Java's northeast coast, c. 17401800: elite synergy. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XXVI-333 p. (ill., maps). (TANAP monographs on the history of the Asian-European interaction, 3). 5348. LONDÁK (Miroslav). K niektorým problémom ekonomického vývoja na Slovensku na prahu roka 1968. (On some problems in the economic development of Slovakia on the threshold of 1968). Historické štúdie, 2006, 44, p. 183-196. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 5349. MALANIMA (Paolo). Alle origine della crescita in Italia. 18201913. Rivista di storia economica, 2006, 22, 3, p. 307-330. IDEM. An age of decline. product and income in eighteenth-nineteenth century Italy. Rivista di storia economica, 2006, 22, 1, p. 91-134. 5350. MAROVIû (Branislav). Ekonomska istorija Crne Gore. (The economic history of Montenegro). Podgorica, CID, 2006, 479 p. (Biblioteka Crna Gora, 8). 5351. MERTELSMANN (Olaf). Der stalinistische Umbau in Estland: von der Markt- zur Kommandowirtschaft. Hamburg, Verlag Dr. Kovaþ, 2006, 303 p. (ill.). (Hamburger Beiträge zur Geschichte des Östlichen Europas, 14). 5352. Networking Europe. Transnational infrastructures and the shaping of Europe, 18502000. Ed. by
5354. PERNES (JiĜí). Gewerkschaften und Arbeiterselbstverwaltung in der Tschechoslowakei der sechziger Jahre. In: Sozialistische Wirtschaftsreformen. Tschechoslowakei und DDR im Vergleich [Cf. no 5363], 2006, p. 397-433. 5355. POMFRET (Richard). The Central Asian economies since independence. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2006, X-233 p. 5356. PROLLIUS (Michael Von). Deutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte nach 1945. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 342 p. 5357. Proposito (A) di Stefano Fenoaltea, L'economia italiana dall'Unità alla Grande Guerra (Bari-Roma, 2006). Rivista di storia economica, 2006, 22, 3, p. 331375. [Interventi di: Piero BOLCHINI, Pierluigi CIOCCA, Marcello DE CECCO, Giovanni FEDERICO, Giuseppe TATTARA, Gianni TONIOLO, Vera ZAMAGNI]. 5358. Rinascita economica (La) dell'Europa. Il piano Marshall e l'area alpina. A cura di Andrea BONOLDI e Andrea LEONARDI. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2006, 243 p. (Geostoria del territorio). 5359. ROESLER (Jörg). Momente deutsch-deutscher Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte 1945 bis 1990. Eine Analyse auf gleicher Augenhöhe. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2006, 240 p. 5360. RONCAGLIA (Alessandro). The wealth of ideas: a history of economic thought. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV-582 p. 5361. SHAW (James E.). The justice of Venice: authorities and liberties in the urban economy 1550– 1700. New York, Oxford U. P., for the British Academy, 2006, X-246 p. (British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship Monographs). 5362. SHESTAKOV (Vladimir A.). Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskaja politika sovetskogo gosudarstva v 50-e – seredine 60-kh godov. (Social and economic policy of the Soviet State in the 1950s and the 1st half of the 1960s). RAN, In-t rossijskoj istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 296 p. (plates; bibl. incl.l pers. ind. p. 293-296). 5363. Sozialistische Wirtschaftsreformen: Tschechoslowakei und DDR im Vergleich. Hrsg. v. Christoph BOYER. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2006, XLI627 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 210. Europa der Diktatur, 11). [Cf. nos 5346, 5354, 5471.] 5364. STÂNGACIU (Anca). InvestiĠii úi investitori italieni în România (19191952). (Italian investments and investors in Romania, 19191952). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Efes, 2006, 320 p.
3. INDUSTRY, MINING AND TRANSPORTATION 5365. TAKAMURA (Naosuke). Meiji keizai-shi saikǀ. (Rethinking economic history of the Meiji period). Kyoto, Minerva Shobo, 2006, 302 p. 5366. TÉNÉ-KOYZOA (Auguste). Histoire économique et sociale du Centrafrique au XXe siècle. Préf. de Joachim NDAYEN. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 401 p. (ill., map). (Etudes africaines). 5367. TOOZE (Adam). The wages of destruction: the making and breaking of the Nazi economy. New York, Penguin, 2006, XXVII-799 p. 5368. TOURNÈS (Ludovic). L'Institut scientifique de recherches économiques et sociales et les débuts de l'expertise économique en France (19331940). Genèses, 2006, 65, p. 49-70. 5369. TURNOCK (David). The economy of East Central Europe, 18151989. London, Routledge, 2006, XIV568 p. 5370. Überholen ohne einzuholen: die DDR-Wirtschaft als Fußnote der deutschen Geschichte? Hrsg. v. André STEINER. Berlin, Links, 2006, 190 p. 5371. VALGE (Jaak). Breaking away from Russia. Economic stabilization in Estonia, 19181924. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 2006, 232 p. 5372. Wirtschaftssteuerung durch Recht im Nationalsozialismus. Studien zur Entwicklung des Wirtschaftsrechts im Interventionsstaat des "Dritten Reichs". Hrsg. v. Johannes BÄHR und Ralf BANKEN. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2006, VI-571 p. (Das Europa der Diktatur, 9). 5373. YANAGISAWA (Osamu). Shihonshugishi no renzoku to danzetsu: Seiǀteki hatten to Doitsu. (Continuity and discontinuity in the development of European capitalism: Western development and Germany). Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha, 2006, 372 p. § 1. Addendum 2003. 5374. SPULBER (Nicolas). Russia's economic transitions: from late Tsarism to the new millennium. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2003, 420 p. § 2. Political economy. _______________________
5375. American capitalism. Social thought and political economy in the twentieth century. Ed. by Nelson LICHTENSTEIN. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, VI-377 p. 5376. Cambridge companion (The) to Adam Smith. Ed. by Knud HAAKONSSEN. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV-409 p. (Cambridge companions to philosophy). 5377. DUNSTAN (Helen). State or merchant? Political economy and political process in 1740s China. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, XV-523 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 273).
5378. HOLEC (Roman). "NeviditeĐná ruka trhu" alebo "všadeprítomné ruky" manažmentu (k novým diskusiám a metódam na poli hospodárskych dejín). ["Die Unsichtbare Hand" des Marktes oder "die allgegenwärtigen Hände" des Managements (zu neuen Diskussionen und Methoden auf dem Feld der Wirtschaftsgeschichte)]. Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 1, p. 3-24. 5379. HUZEL (James P.). The popularization of Malthus in early nineteenth-century England: Martineau, Cobbett, and the Pauper Press. Burlington, Ashgate, 2006, XIII-266 p. (Modern economic and social history series). 5380. LONDÁK (Miroslav). PohĐady slovenských ekonómov na hospodárske postavenie Slovenska na prelome rokov 1967/1968. (The views of Slovak economists on the economic position of Slovakia at the turn of the years 1967/1968). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 1, p. 89-104. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 5381. MAC CLOSKEY (Deirdre N.). The bourgeois virtues: ethics for an age of commerce. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XIV-616 p. 5382. MARKWELL (Donald). John Maynard Keynes and international relations. Economic paths to war and peace. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 294 p. Cf. nos 3582, 4103, 4306 § 3. Industry, mining and transportation. _______________________
5383. BOLDORF (Marcel). Europäische Leinenregionen im Wandel. Institutionelle Weichenstellungen in Schlesien und Irland 17501850. Köln, Weimar u. Berlin, Böhlau, 2006, 331 p. (Industrielle Welt, 68). 5384. BUCHHEIM (Christoph). Unternehmen in Deutschland und NS-Regime 19331945. Versuch einer Synthese. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 282, 2, p. 351390. 5385. CARRÉ (Stéphane). The railroadmen's social condition and the evolution of the American railroad system. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2006, 74, 3-4, p. 355-385. 5386. DI GREGORIO (Pinella). Oro nero d'Oriente. Roma, Donzelli, 2006, 267 p. 5387. DIVALL (Colin). Technological networks and industrial research in Britain: the London, Midland & Scottish Railway, 1926–1947. Business history, 2006, 48, 1, p. 43-68. 5388. DUBLIN (Thomas), LICHT (Walter). The face of decline: the Pennsylvania anthracite region in the twentieth century. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2006, VIII-275 p. 5389. Empresas y modernización en México desde las reformas borbónicas hasta el porfiriato. Ed. por Reinhard LIEHR. Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert y Madrid, Iberoamericana, 2006, 180 p. (Bibliotheca Ibero-Americana, 108). 5390. ENGLISH (Beth). A common thread: labor, politics, and capital mobility in the textile industry. Athens,
University of Georgia Press, 2006, X-236 p. (Politics and culture in the twentieth-century South). 5391. Evolution of Italian enterprises in the 20th century. Ed. by Renato GIANNETTI and Michelangelo VASTA. Heidelberg a. New York, Physica-Verlag, 2006, XII-310 p. 5392. FAES DÍAZ (Enrique). Una revisión del primer patronazgo católico en España: Las minas de Aller (18831893). Historia social, 2006, 56, p. 71-92. 5393. FENOALTEA (Stefano), CICCARELLI (Carlo). Mining production in Italy, 18611913: national and regional time series. Rivista di storia economica, 2006, 22, 2, p. 141-208. 5394. GUIMARÃES (Paulo). Elites e indústria no Alentejo (18901960): um estudo sobre o comportamento económico de grupos de elite em contexto regional no Portugal contemporâneo. Lisboa, Edições Colibri, Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades da Universidade de Évora, 2006, 587 p. (ill.). (Colecção Biblioteca Estudos & colóquios, 12). 5395. HAEFELI (Ueli). Der grosse Plan und seine helvetische Realisierung. Die Gesamtverkehrskonzeption 1972–1977 und ihre Wirkung auf die schweizerische Verkehrspolitik. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 1, p. 86-95. 5396. HOCQUET (Jean-Claude). Travailler aux mines de sel. Réquisitions, corvées, travail forcé et esclavage. Revue historique, 2006, 640, p. 779-811. 5397. HORN (Jeff). The path not taken: French industrialization in the age of Revolution, 1750–1830. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2006, IX-383 p. (Transformations: studies in the history of science and technology). 5398. HUMAIR (Cédric). La force motrice hydraulique au service du développement économique helvétique. L'exemple du réseau d'eau sous pression à Lausanne 1868–1914. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 2, p. 127-151. 5399. HÜRLIMANN (Gisela). "... das automatischste System der Zukunft". Die Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen und die Automatisierung, 1960 bis 2000. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 1, p. 76-85. 5400. JAKUBEC (Ivan). Schlupflöcher im "Eisernen Vorhand". tschechoslowakisch-deutsche Verkehrspolitik im Kalten Krieg. Die Eisenbahn und Elbeschifffahrt 19451989. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2006, 270 p. 5401. KARLSCH (Rainer), SCHÄFER (Michael). Wirtschaftsgeschichte Sachsens im Industriezeitalter. Leipzig, Edition Leipzig, 2006, 304 p. 5402. KHAN (B. Zorina). The democratization of invention: patents and copyrights in American economic development, 1790–1920. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVI-322 p. (NBER Series on long-term factors in economic development, a National Bureau of Economic Research Series).
5403. KLEMANN (Hein A.M.). Dutch industrial companies and the German Occupation, 19401945. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2006, 93, 1, p. 1-22. 5404. LINDNER (Rainer). Unternehmer und Stadt in der Ukraine, 18601914: Industrialisierung und soziale Kommunikation im südlichen Zarenreich. Konstanz, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2006, 555 p. (ill., maps). (Historische Kulturwissenschaft, 10). 5405. LLOYD-JONES (Roger), LEWIS (M. J.). Alfred Herbert Ltd. and the British machine tool industry, 18871983. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, X-352 p. 5406. MAC KENNA (Christopher D.). The world's newest profession: management consulting in the twentieth century. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXI370 p. (Cambridge studies in the management of global enterprise). 5407. MALANIMA (Paolo). Energy consumption in Italy in the 19th and 20th centuries. A statistical outline. Napoli, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche e Istituto di studi sulle società del Mediterraneo, 2006, 140 p. 5408. MARTÍNEZ MIRANDA (Elio Agustín), RAMOS LARA (María de la Paz). Funciones de los ingenieros inspectores al comienzo de las obras del complejo hidroeléctrico de Necaxa. Historia Mexicana, 2006, 56, 1, p. 231-286. 5409. MERKI (Christoph Maria). Vom "Herrenfahrer" zum "Balkanraser". Zur Geschichte des Automobilismus in der Schweiz. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 1, p. 46-56. 5410. MIýKO (Peter). Vplyv nemeckého kapitálu na slovenský drevársky a papierenský priemysel v rokoch 19391945. (The influence of German capital on the Slovak wood processing industry, 19391945). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 2, p. 245-272. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 5411. MILLWARD (Robert). Business and government in electricity network integration in Western Europe, c. 1900–1950. Business history, 2006, 48, 4, p. 479-500. 5412. MUKHIN (Mikhail Ju.). Aviapromyshlennost' v SSSR v 1921–1941 gg. (Aircraft industry in the USSR, 1921–1941). RAN, In-t rossijskoj istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 320 p. (platesl bibl. incl.). 5413. MURAKAMI (Yasumasa). Ashi-dǀzan-shi. (History of the Ashio copper mine from the early modern period to the present). Utsunomiya, Zuisosha, 2006, 654 p. 5414. MURAKUSHI (Nisaburo). Taishǀ-shǀwa-ki no kǀhu dǀshoku kumiai 'Tomoko' seido: Zoku Nihon no dentǀ-teki rǀshi kankei. (The 'Tomoko' system, the trade union of miners, from the Taisho to the Showa period: traditional industrial relations in Japan, second series). Tokyo, Jichosha, 2006, 428 p. 5415. NYBORG (Allan Kløve). Nimbus, Nilfisk og Fisker-familien: et industridynastis krønike. (Nimbus,
3. ADDENDUM 2005 Nilfisk et la famille Fisker: histoire d'une dynastie d'industriels danois). Hadsten, Motorploven, 2006, 491 p. (ill.). 5416. PAQUIER (Serge). Options privée et publique dans le domaine des chemins de fer suisses des années 1850 à l'entre-deux-guerres. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 1, p. 22-30. 5417. PERREN (Richard). Taste, trade and technology. The development of the international meat industry since 1840. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, VIII-285 p. 5418. PETILLON (Chantal). La population de Roubaix. Industrialisation, démographie et société, 1750 1880. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2006, 399 p. 5419. Petites entreprises et petits entrepreneurs étrangers en France (XIXeXXe siècle). Ed. par AnneSophie BRUNO et Claire ZALC. Paris, Publibook, 2006, 275 p.
5429. SCHRAG (Zachary M.). The Great Society Subway: a history of the Washington metro. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, XV-355 p. (Creating the North American landscape). 5430. SCOTT (Peter). Path dependence, fragmented property rights and the slow diffusion of high throughput technologies in inter-war British coal mining. Business history, 2006, 48, 1, p. 20-42. 5431. SHEA (Philip J.). Big is sometimes best: the Sokoto Caliphate and economic advantages of size in the textile industry. African economic history, 2006, 34, p. 521. 5432. Skibsbyggeri og søfart i renæssancen. (Construction navale et navigation pendant la renaissance danoise). Red. Christian P.P. LEMÉE, Erik GØBEL. København, Kontaktudvalget for Dansk Maritim Historieog Samfundsforskning, 2006, 137 p. (ill.). (Maritim kontakt, 28).
5420. PFISTER (Christian). Voraussetzungen und Zielsetzungen einer Verkehrsgeschichte der Schweiz. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 1, p. 2-6.
5433. SMITH (Michael Stephen). The emergence of modern business enterprise in France, 1800–1930. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, X-575 p. (Harvard studies in business history, 49).
5421. POLESE (Francesca). In search of a new industry: Giovanni Battista Pirelli and his educational journey through Europe, 1870–1871. Business history, 2006, 48, 3, p. 354-375.
5434. TILLY (Stephanie). Arbeit – Macht – Markt. Industrieller Arbeitsmarkt 1900–1929. Deutschland und Italien im Vergleich. Berlin, Akademie, 2006, 486 p. (Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 9).
5422. QUATAERT (Donald). Miners and the state in the Ottoman Empire: the Zonguldak coalfield, 1822– 1920. New York, Berghahn Books, 2006, XII-257 p. (International Studies in Social History).
5435. UMBACH (Kai). Die Position deutscher Transportversicherer auf dem Weltmarkt 18801914. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2006, 93, 4, p. 413-437.
5423. ROCCHI (Fernando). Chimneys in the desert: industrialization in Argentina during the export boom years, 1870–1930. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2006, XVIII-394 p. (Social science history).
5436. VAN DE KERKHOF (Stafanie). Von der Friedenszur Kriegswirtschaft. Unternehmensstrategien der deutschen Eisen- und Stahlindustrie vom Kaiserreich bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges. Essen, Klartext, 2006, 480 p. (Bochumer Schriften zur Unternehmensund Industriegeschichte, 15).
5424. Role (The) of tradition in Japan's industrialization. Another path to industrialization. Ed. by Masayuki TANIMOTO. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XVII342 p. (Japanese studies in economic and social history, 2). 5425. SALUT (Samir). Politique nationale du pétrole, sociétés nationales et "pétrole franc". Revue historique, 2006, 638, p. 355-388. 5426. SÁNCHEZ ROMÁN (José Antonio). La dulce crisis: Estado, empresarios e industria azucarera en Tucumán, Argentina (1853–1914). Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, Diputación de Sevilla y Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos, 2006, 383 p. 5427. SCHIEDT (Hans-Ulrich). Chausseen und Kunststrassen: der Bau der Hauptstrassen zwischen 1740 und 1910. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 1, p. 13-21. 5428. SCHILDT (Gerhard). Das Sinken des Arbeitsvolumens im Industriezeitalter. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 1, p. 119-148.
5437. WADA (Kazuo). The fable of the birth of the Japanese automobile industry: a reconsideration of the Toyoda–Platt agreement of 1929. Business history, 2006, 48, 1, p. 90-118. 5438. WARDE (Paul). Fear of wood shortage and the reality of the woodland in Europe, c. 1450–1850. History workshop, 2006, 62, p. 28-57. 5439. ZHU (Yingui). Zhongguo jindai lunchuan hanyunye yanjiu. (Studies on shipping industry in modern China). Taizhong, Gaowen chubanshe, 2006, 2, 204 p. § 3. Addendum 2005. 5440. BARET-BOURGOIN (Estelle). La ville industrielle et ses poisons. Les mutations des sensibilités aux nuisances et pollutions industrielles à Grenoble, 1810 1914. Grenoble, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2005, 427 p. Cf. nos 18, 5537, 5545, 6058, 6063, 6564
** 5441. FARRINGTON (Anthony), POMBEJRA (Dhiravat na). The English factory in Siam, 16121685. London, British Library, 2006, 2 vol., [s. p.]. _______________________
5442. ALEXANDER (Andrew), PHILLIPS (Simon). 'Fair play for the small man': perspectives on the contribution of the independent shopkeeper 1930–c. 1945. Business history, 2006, 48, 1, p. 69-89.
RIKSSON, Håkan LINDGREN and Mats LUNDAHL. Cambridge a. London, MIT Press, 2006, XI-560 p.
5455. Expert consumer (The). Associations and professionals in consumer society. Ed. by Alain CHATRIOT, Marie-Emmanuelle CHESSEL and Matthew HILTON. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, IX-209 p. 5456. FAURE (David). China and capitalism. A history of business enterprise in modern China. Hong Kong, Hong Kong U. P., 2006, VIII-127 p.
5443. ALLOZA APARICIO (Ángel). Europa en el mercado español: mercaderes, represalias y contrabando en el siglo XVII. Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y Léon, 2006, 260 p. (Estudios de historia).
5457. FEENSTRA (Robert C.), HAMILTON (Gary G.). Emergent economies, divergent paths: economic organization and international trade in South Korea and Taiwan. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XII-462 p.
5444. BARKER (Hannah). The business of women. Female enterprise and urban development in Northern England, 17601830. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, VII189 p.
5458. FRITZ (Martin). En (o)moralisk handel? Sveriges ekonomiska relationer med Nazityskland. (Un commerce (im)moral? Les relations économiques de la Suède avec l'Allemagne nazie). Stockholm, Forum för levande historia, 2006, 203 p. (Forum för levande historia, 2006, 2).
5445. BEAU (Anne-Sophie). Organisation du travail et emploi des femmes dans le grand commerce: l'exemple du Grand Bazar de Lyon, 18861974. Mouvement social, 2006, 217, p. 11-31. 5446. BIGGELEBEN (Christof). Das "Bollwerk des Bürgertums". Die berliner Kaufmannschaft, 1870 1920. München, Beck, 2006, 464 p. (Schriftenreihe zur Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte, 17). 5447. BROADBERRY (Stephen). Market services and the productivity race, 1850–2000: British performance in international perspective. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIX-409 p. (Cambridge studies in economic history). 5448. BYRNE (Frank J.). Becoming bourgeois: merchant culture in the South, 1820–1865. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2006, IX-297 p. (New directions in Southern history). 5449. CARRINO (Annastella), SALVEMINI (Biagio). Porti di campagna, porti di città. Traffici e insediamenti del Regno di Napoli visti da Marsiglia (17101846). Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 121, 1, p. 209-254. 5450. China trade and empire. Jardine, Matheson & Co and the origins of British rule in Hong Kong, 1827 1843. Ed. by Alain LE PICHON. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XVII-626 p. (Records of social and economic history. New series, 38). 5451. COOLS (Hans). Francesco Peroni, intermediario in cereali, schiavi e opere d'arte. Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 122, 2, p. 353-366.
5459. FURSOV (Kirill A.). Derzhava-kupets: otnoshenija Anglijskoj Ost-Indijskoj Kompanii s anglijskim gosudarstvom i indijskimi patrimonijami. (A merchant state: The relations of the British East India Company and the English state and Indian patrimonies). Mosovskij gos. un-t im. M.V. Lomonosova, In-t stran Azii i Afriki. Moskva, KMK, 2006, 364 p. (plates; bibl. p. 344360). [English summary]. 5460. GARCÍA FERNÁNDEZ (María Nélida). Comerciando con el enemigo: el tráfico mercantil anglo-español en el siglo XVIII (17001765). Prólogo de Agustín GUIMERÁ RAVINA. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2006, XXVI-706 p. (ill.). (Biblioteca de historia, 60). 5461. GAUCI (Perry). Emporium of the world. The merchants of London, 16601800. London, Hambledon Continuum, 2006, X-254 p. 5462. GLAISYER (Natasha). The culture of commerce in England, 16601720. Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2006, X-220 p. 5463. HAGGERTY (Sheryllynne). The British-Atlantic trading community, 17601810. Men, women and the distribution of goods. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XIV-290 p. EADEM. The structure of the Philadelphia trading community on the transition from colony to state. Business history, 2006, 48, 2, p. 171-192.
5452. Cultures of selling. Perspectives on consumption and society since 1700. Ed. by John BENSON and Laura UGOLINI. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XIV-297 p.
5464. HARCOURT (Freda). Flagships of imperialism. The P& O company and the politics of empire from its origins to 1867. Manchester a. New York, Manchester U. P., 2006, IX-245 p.
5453. EACOTT (Jonathan). India industriale: produttori britannici, consumatori coloniali, e collezionisti curiosi (17501830). Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 123, 3, p. 559-582.
5465. HEINEMAN (Elizabeth D.). The economic miracle in the bedroom: big business and sexual consumption in reconstruction West Germany. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 4, p. 846-877.
5454. Eli Heckscher, international trade and economic history. Ed. by Ronald FINDLAY, Rolf G. H. HEN-
5466. Intra-Asian trade and the world market. Ed. by A. J. H. LATHAM and Heita KAWAKATSU. London a.
New York, Routledge, 2006, XXI-242 p. (Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia, 34).
pendant la première Guerre mondiale). Stockholm, CKM, 2006, 247 p.
5467. IOKU (Shigehiko). 19 seiki Nihon no shǀhinkeizai to rynjtnj: Nǀgyǀ, nǀsankakǀgyǀ no hatten to chiiki-keizai. (Commodity productions and distributions in Japan in the 19th century: local markets and development of agriculture and agrotechny). Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha, 2006, 298 p.
5478. MALINOWSKI (Stephan), SEDLMAIER (Alexander). "1968" als Katalysator der Konsumgesellschaft. Performative Regelverstöße, kommerzielle Adaptionen und ihre gegenseitige Durchdringung. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 2, p. 238-267.
5468. ISHI (Kanji), NAKANISHI (Satoru). Sangyǀ-ka to shǀ-ka keiei: Beikoku hiryǀ-shǀ Hiromi-ke no kinsei& kindai. (Industrialization and management in merchants' households: the case of Hiromi family, the rice and manure merchant in the early modern period). Nagoya, University of Nagoya Press, 2006, 514 p. 5469. KASHIRSKIKH (Oleg). Die deutsch-sowjetischen Handelsbeziehungen in den Jahren 19251932: Deutschlands Rolle im aussenwirtschaftlichen Integrationsbestreben der Sowjetunion. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, P. Lang, 2006, 217 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe III, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 1032 = Publications universitaires européennes. Série III, Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire, 1032 = European university studies. Series III, History and allied studies, 1032). 5470. KOJIMA (Yoshie). Il commercio di oggetti liturgici di lusso tra Europa e Giappone (XVI e XVII secolo). Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 123, 3, p. 549-558. 5471. KUýERA (Jaroslav). Reformdynamik und wirtschaftspolitischer Alltag. Der Außenhandel in Theorie und Praxis der tschechoslowakischen Wirtschaftsreform der sechziger Jahre. In: Sozialistische Wirtschaftsreformen. Tschechoslowakei und DDR im Vergleich [Cf. no 5363], p. 311-355.
5479. MAREK (Pavel). ýeské živnostnictvo 1945 1960. Likvidace živnostníkĤ, ĜemeslníkĤ a obchodníkĤ v þeských zemích. (Czech traders, 19451960. Elimination of tradesmen, businessmen, and artisans in the Czech Lands). Brno, DoplnČk, 2006, 323 p. 5480. MATHESON CONNELL (Carol). Entrepreneurial enterprise and 'image' in the nineteenth-century trading firm: Shaping the legal environment for business. Business history, 2006, 48, 2, p. 193-219. 5481. MONESTAROLO (Giorgio). Negozianti e imprenditori nel Piemonte d'antico regime. La cultura economica di Ignazio Donaudi delle Mallere (17441795). Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2006, 341 p. 5482. MUNTING (Roger). British business and the politics of trade with the USSR during the New Economic Policy (NEP). Business history, 2006, 48, 2, p. 254-271. 5483. OCCHI (Katia). Boschi e mercanti. Traffici di legname tra la contea di Tirolo e la Repubblica di Venezia, secoli XVIXVII. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 276 p. (Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, monografie, 42). 5484. PEARCE (Adrian J.). Rescates and AngloSpanish trade in the Caribbean during the French Revolutionary Wars, ca. 1797–1804. Journal of Latin American studies, 2006, 38, 3, p. 607-624.
5472. LEMIRE (Beverly). Plasmare la domanda, creare la moda: l'Asia, l'Europa e il commercio dei cotoni indiani (XIVXIX sec.). Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 122, 2, p. 481-508.
5485. POURCHASSE (Pierrick). Le commerce du Nord. Les échanges commerciaux entre la France et l'Europe septentrionale au XVIIIe siècle. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 390 p.
5473. LESGER (Clé). The rise of the Amsterdam market and information exchange: merchants, commercial expansion and change in the spatial economy of the Low Countries, c. 15501630. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, 326 p.
5486. PRASAD (Monica). The politics of free markets. The rise of neoliberal economic policies in Britain, France, Germany and the United States. Chicago a. London, University of Chicago Press, 2006, IX-328 p.
5474. LEVINSON (Marc). The box. How the shipping container made the world smaller and the world economy bigger. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2006, XI-376 p. 5475. LEVY (Jonathan Ira). Contemplating delivery: futures trading and the problem of commodity exchange in the United States, 1875–1905. American historical review, 2006, 111, 2, p. 307-335. 5476. LIU (Yonglian). Jindai Guangdong duiwai sichou maoyi yanjiu. (Studies on the silk foreign trade in modern Guangdong). Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2006, 4, 3, 458 p. 5477. LUNDBERG (Lennart). Handelsflottan under första världskriget. (La flotte suédoise de commerce
5487. SIEGFRIED (Detlef). Time Is on My Side: Konsum und Politik in der westdeutschen Jugendkultur der 60er Jahre. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2006, 840 p. (Hamburger Beiträge zur Sozial- und Zeitgeschichte, 41). § 4. Addendum 2004. 5488. BERTELLI (Sergio). Trittico: Lucca, Ragusa, Boston: tre citta mercantili tra Cinque e Seicento. Roma, Donzelli, 2004, X-436 p. (ill.). (Saggi. Storia e scienze sociali). Cf. no 5563 § 5. Agriculture and agricultural problems. ** 5489. KESSLER (Khajs [Gijs]), KORNILOV (Gennadij E.). Kolkhoznaja zhizn' na Urale, 1935–1953.
(The life in kolkhozes in Urals, 1935–1953). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 911 p. (tabl.; maps; ind. p. 853-875). (Dokumenty sovetskoj istorii). ** 5490. Politbjuro i krest'janstvo: vysylka, spetsposelenie 19301940 gg. (The politburo and peasants: Deportation and special settlment in the 1930s and the 1940s). Ed. Nikolaj N. POKROVSKIJ. RAN, Sib. otd., In-t istorii, filologii i filosofii; University of Toronto. Book 2. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 1119 p. (ill.; portr.; tabl.; pers. ind. p. 1067-1088). _______________________
vak agriculture in the period 19451948). Historické štúdie, 2006, 44, p. 105-118. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 5502. JACQUET (Olivier), LAFERTÉ (Gilles). Le contrôle républicain du marché. Vignerons et négociants sous la Troisième République. Annales, 2006, 61, 5, p. 1147-1170. 5503. JESSENNE (Jean-Pierre). Les campagnes françaises entre mythe et histoire (XVIIIe–XXIe siècle). Paris, Armand Colin, 2006, 285 p. (Les enjeux de l'histoire).
5491. ALMEIDA (Maria Antónia de Figueiredo Pires de). A revolução no Alentejo: memória e trauma da reforma agrária em Avis. Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2006, 347 p. (ill.).
5504. KOLESNICHENKO (Diana A.). Vserossijskij krest'janskij sojuz v 19051907 gg. (The All-Russian Peasant Union in 1905–1907). Afterword by Irina M. PUSHKAREVA. RAN, In-t rossijskoj istorii. Moskva, IRI RAN, 2006, 310 p. (bibl. incl.; pers. ind. p. 303-309).
5492. BITTERMANN (Rusty), MAC CALLUM (Margaret). Upholding the land legislation of a 'Communistic and Socialist Assembly': the benefits of Confederation for Prince Edward Island. Canadian historical review, 2006, 87, 1, p. 1-28.
5505. KOPSIDIS (Michael). Agrarentwicklung. Historische Agrarrevolutionen und Entwicklungsökonomie. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 391 p. (Grundzüge der modernen Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 6).
5493. BUCKLEY (Mary). Mobilizing Soviet peasants: heroines and heroes of Stalin's fields. Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2006, XV-367 p. 5494. CUNO (Kenneth M.). Contrat salam et transformations agricoles en basse Égypte à l'époque ottomane. Annales, 2006, 61, 4, p. 925-940. 5495. DEAN (Virgil W.). An opportunity lost: the Truman administration and the farm policy debate. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2006, XV-275 p. 5496. EDELSON (S. Max). Plantation enterprise in colonial South Carolina. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, XII-383 p. 5497. FRANCKS (Penelope). Rural economic development in Japan: from the nineteenth century to the Pacific War. London a. New York, Rutledge, 2006, XVI-312 p.
5506. LESTER (Connie L.). Up from the mudsills of hell: the farmers' alliance, populism, and progressive agriculture in Tennessee, 1870–1915. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2006, XII-321 p. 5507. LI (Jinzheng). Tudi gaige zhonde nongmin xintai: yi 19371949 nian de Huabei xiangcun wei zhongxin. (The peasant mentality during land reform: rural North China 19371949). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 4, p, 76-94. 5508. LYONS (Barry J.). Remembering the Hacienda: religion, authority, and social change in highland Ecuador. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2006, XII-350 p. (Joe R. and Teresa Lozano long series in Latin American and Latino art and culture). 5509. MARACHE (Corinne). Les métamorphoses du rural. L'exemple de la Double en Périgord (1830 1939), Paris, Éd. du CTHS, 2006, 562 p. (Histoire, 23).
5498. GELMAN (Jorge), SANTILLI (Daniel). Historia del capitalismo agrario pampeano. Vol. 3. De Rivadavia a Rosas: desigualdad y crecimiento económico. Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno y Universidad de Belgrano, 2006, 175 p.
5510. MBAJEKWE (Patrick). Landlords of Onitsha: urban land, accumulation, and debates over custom in colonial eastern Nigeria, ca. 18801945. International journal of African historical studies, 2006, 39, 3, p. 413439.
5499. GESSNER (Dieter). Marktregulierende Agrarpolitik in Deutschland 1924/25 bis 1967: Entwicklung, Ziele, Alternativen und Handlungsspielräume. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2006, 93, 2, p. 131-171.
5511. MENARD (Russell R.). Sweet negotiations: sugar, slavery, and plantation agriculture in early Barbados. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2006, XVII-181 p.
5500. GONZÁLEZ BELTRÁN (Jesús Manuel). "Es gente que vive de sus brazos...": trabajadores agrícolas en la Andalucía del siglo XVIII. Historia social, 2006, 56, p. 3-30. 5501. HLAVOVÁ (Viera). RoĐníci v politickom zápase medzi komunistami a demokratmi o smerovanie slovenského poĐnohospodárstva v rokoch 19451948. (The peasant farmers in the political struggle between communists and democrats about the direction of Slo-
5512. NADAN (Amos). The Palestinian peasant economy under the Mandate: a story of colonial bungling. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, XI-370 p. (Harvard Middle Eastern monographs, 32). 5513. NORTON (Desmond). Landlords, tenants, famine. The business of an Irish land agency in the 1840s. Dublin, University College Dublin Press, 2006, XX380 p. 5514. Osobnosti agrární politiky 19. a 20. století. Sborník pĜíspČvkĤ z mezinárodní konference. (Person-
alities of the agrarian policy in the 19th and 20th century. Conference proceedings). Ed. Blanka RAŠTICOVÁ. Uherské HradištČ, Slovácké muzeum, 2006, 275 p. (Studie Slováckého muzea, 11).
5527. CESARANO (Filippo). Monetary theory and Bretton Woods: the construction of an international monetary order. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, VII-248 p.
5515. PONS I ALTÉS (Josep Maria). Prácticas y culturas políticas en medios agrarios. Cataluña occidental, 18441868. Historia social, 2006, 56, p. 31-52.
5528. CHUNG (Young-lob). Korea under siege, 1876– 1945: capital formation and economic transformation. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, IX-390 p.
5516. READMAN (Paul). Conservatives and the politics of land: Lord Winchilsea's National Agricultural Union, 1893–1901. English historical review, 2006, 121, 490, p. 25-69.
5529. DECROIX (Arnaud). Question fiscale et réforme financière en France, 17491789. Logique de la transparence et recherche de la confiance publique. Aix-enProvence, Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2006, 638 p.
5517. TOPINKA (JiĜí). Kolektivizace venkova v PlzeĖském kraji 19491955. (Kollektivierung der Landwirtschaft in der Region Pilsen in Jahren 19491955). Minulostí Západoþeského kraje, 2006, 41, 1, p. 401-465. 5518. WANG (Xianming), NIU (Wenqin). Ershi shiji qianqi de Shanxi xiangcun xxgong. (Farm laborers in Shanxi province in early twentieth-century). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 5, p. 104-118. 5519. YU (Heping). Minguo shiqi xiangcun jianshi yundong de nongcun gaizao moshi. (Rural reform pattern in the movement of rural reconstruction in early Republic). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 4, p. 95-110. Cf. nos 497, 498, 4135 § 6. Money and finance. ** 5520. AGACHE (Liliana). Nume de dări în documente moldoveneúti din prima jumătate a secolului al XVII-lea. (Tax names in Moldavian documents in the first half of the 17th c.). In: Floarea darurilor. In memoriam Ion GheĠie. Bucureúti, Editura Academiei Române, 2006, p. 35-46. _______________________
5521. Banca, crédito y capital: la monarquía hispánica y los antiguos Países Bajos: 15051700. Seminario Internacional de Historia (6th: 2005: Madrid). Edición a cargo de Carmen SANZ AYÁN y Bernardo J. GARCÍA GARCÍA. Madrid, Fundación Carlos Amberes, 2006, 535 p. (ill., maps, ports.). 5522. BARTHELMESS RÖTHLISBERGER (Petra Y.). Raubschätze, Nazikonten und Bankgeheimnis. Ein paar Überlegungen zu den Fakten und Gerüchten. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 4, p. 410-434. 5523. BONIN (Hubert), LASTACOUÈRES (Christophe). Les banques du grand sud-ouest. Système bancaire et gestion des risques (des années 1900 à nos jours). Paris, Editions plage, 2006, 523 p. 5524. BONIN (Hubert). Histoire de la Société Générale. 1. 18641890. La naissance d'une banque moderne. Genève, Librairie Droz, 2006, 723 p. (Publications d'histoire économique et sociale internationale, 20). 5525. BURN (Gary). The re-emergence of global finance. London, Palgrave, 2006, XII-231 p. 5526. CASSIS (Youssef). Les capitales du capital. Histoire des places financières internationales, 1780 2005. Genève, Slatkine, 2006, 453 p.
5530. Dette publique (La) dans l'histoire. Journées du Centre de recherches historiques des 26, 27 et 28 novembre 2001. Sous la dir. de Jean ANDREAU, Gérard BÉAUR et Jean-Yves GRENIER. Paris, Comité pour l'histoire économique et financière de la France, 2006, 499 p. 5531. EICHENGREEN (Barry). Global imbalances and the lessons of Bretton Woods. London a. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2006, XIV-183 p. 5532. FISCHER (Albert). Verfolgung, Selbsthilfe, Liquidation. Jüdische Genossenschaftsbanken im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland 1933–1938. Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, 3, p. 417-432. 5533. FRANÇOIS (Marie Eileen). A culture of everyday credit: housekeeping, pawnbroking, and governance in Mexico City, 17501920. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2006, XIII-415 p. (ill.). (Engendering Latin America). 5534. FRIEDEN (Jeffrey). Global capitalism. Its fall and rise in the twentieth century. New York, Norton, 2006, XVII-556 p. 5535. GAMBOA OJEDA (Leticia). De dependencia e insolvencia: el Banco de Oaxaca, 19021909. Historia Mexicana, 2006, 56, 2, p. 471-531. 5536. HALLON (ďudovít). Úloha komerþných bánk v arizácii na Slovensku 19391945. (The role of the commercial banks in aryanization in Slovakia). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 4, p. 591-606. 5537. HIGGINS (David M.), TOMS (Steven). Financial institutions and corporate strategy: David Alliance and the transformation of British textiles, c. 1950–c. 1990. Business history, 2006, 48, 4, p. 453-478. 5538. JOHANSEN (Baber). Le contrat salam: Droit et formation du capital dans l'Empire abbasside. Annales, 2006, 61, 4, p. 863-899. 5539. KOBRAK (Christopher), WÜSTENHAGEN (Jana). International investment and Nazi politics: the cloaking of German assets abroad, 1936–1945. Business history, 2006, 48, 3, p. 399-427. 5540. KÖRBERG (Ingvar). Förnyelsen: sparbankernas historia 19451980. (Le renouvellement: histoire des caisses d'épargne en Suède 19451980). Stockholm, Ekerlid, 2006, 445 p.
5541. KRÜGER (Jens). Die Finanzierung der Bundeshauptstadt Bonn. Berlin u. New York, De Gruyter, 2006, X-283 p. (Veröffentlichungen der historischen Kommission zu Berlin, 106). 5542. LINDENLAUB (Jürgen). Die Finanzierung des Aufstiegs von Krupp. Die Personengesellschaft Krupp im Vergleich zu den Kapitalgesellschaften Bochumer Verein, Hoerder Verein und Phoenix 1850 bis 1880. Essen, Klartext, 2006, 690 p.
5553. TILMAN (Samuel). Les grands banquiers belges (18301935): portrait collectif d'une élite. Bruxelles, Académie royale de Belgique, 2006, 441 p. (Mémoire de la Classe des lettres / Académie royal de Belgique. Collection in-8o, 3e sér., 39). 5554. VOREL (Petr). Monetary circulation in Central Europe at the beginning of the Early Modern period. Attempts to establish a shared currency as an aspect of the political culture of the 16th century, 15241573. Pardubice, Univerzita Pardubice, Filozoficka Fakulta, 2006, II-211 p.
5543. MAMIKOV (Valerij N.). Vo vremja tamozhennogo dosmotra obnaruzheny … Tamozhnja Sankt-Peterburga v zerkale vremen. (A history of the customs office of Saint-Petersburg). Sankt-Peterburg, Izdatel'stvo SanktPeterburgskogo un-ta, 2006, 188 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 187).
5555. WEIHE (Thomas). Die Personalpolitik der Filialgroßbanken 19191945. Interventionen, Anpassung, Ausweichbewegungen. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 250 p.
5544. MAURO (Paolo), SUSSMAN (Nathan), YAFEH (Yishay). Emerging markets and financial globalization: sovereign bond spreads in 1870–1913 and today. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, X-193 p.
5556. WRIGHT (Robert E.), COWEN (David J.). Financial founding fathers: the men who made America rich. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, VII240 p.
5545. MIGULIN (Petr P.). Reforma denezhnogo obrashchenija i promyshlennyj krizis v Rossii (1893 1902). (The monetary reform and the crisis of industry in Russia, 1893–1902). Moskva, O-vo kuptsov i promyshlennikov Rossii, 2006, 366 p. (ill.; portr.). (Ekonomicheskaja istorija Rossii).
5557. ZAKHAROV (Viktor N.), PETROV (Jurij A.), SHATSILLO (Mikhail K.). Istorija nalogov v Rossii. IX– nachalo XX v. (A history of taxes in Russia: from the 9th to the early 20th century). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 295 p. (tabl.; bibl. incl.).
5546. NAANEN (Ben). "you are demanding tax from the dead:" the introduction of direct taxation and its aftermath in south-eastern Nigeria, 19281939. African economic history, 2006, 34, p. 69-102. 5547. OLEGARIO (Rowena). A culture of credit: embedding trust and transparency in American business. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, VIII-274 p. (Harvard Studies in business history, 50). 5548. POLLEMS (Sebastian T.). Der Bankplatz Berlin zur Nachkriegszeit. Transformation und Rekonstruktion des Ost- und Westberliner Bankwesens zwischen 1945 und 1953. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2006, 501 p. (Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, 83). 5549. SÁNCHEZ (Javier Pueyo). El comportamiento de la Gran Banca en España, 19211974. Madrid, Banco de España, 2006, 100 p. (ill.). (Estudios de historia económica, 48). 5550. SEABROOKE (Leonard). The social sources of financial power. Domestic legitimacy and international financial orders. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2006, XVIII-223 p. 5551. ŠOUŠA (JiĜí), ŠģLA (Jaroslav). Peníze v promČnách moderní doby. Tvorba þeskoslovenských bankovek v letech 19451989. (Geld im Laufe der modernen Zeit. Die Produktion der tschechoslowakischen Banknoten in 19451989). Praha, Nová tiskárna PelhĜimov, 2006, 369 p. (ill.). 5552. THAMM (Imke). Der Anspruch auf das Glück des Tüchtigen. Beruf, Organisation und Selbstverständnis der Bankangestellten in der Weimarer Republik. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 299 p. (Beiträge zur Unternehmensgeschichte, 24).
§ 6. Addendum 2004. 5558. COLZI (Francesco). La fortuna dei papi: il gioco del lotto nello Stato pontificio tra Sette e Ottocento. Napoli, Editoriale scientifica, 2004, XIII-270 p. (ill.). (Economia e storia, 4). Cf. nos 133, 4325, 5498 § 7. Demography and urban history. _______________________
5559. ARNAUD (Jean-Luc). Damas, urbanisme et architecture, 18601925. Paris, Actes Sud – Sindbad, 2006, 355 p. 5560. BAUMAN (John F.), MULLER (Edward K.). Before Renaissance: planning in Pittsburgh, 1889– 1943. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006, XIII-331 p. 5561. CASTILLERO CALVO (Alfredo). Sociedad, economía y cultura material: historia urbana de Panamá la Vieja. Ciudad de Panamá, Patronato Panamá Viejo y Imprenta Alloni, 2006, XL-1062 p. 5562. CHANTADA (Amparo). Del proceso de urbanización a la planificación urbana de Santo Domingo: la política urbana del gobierno del Dr. Balaguer (1986 1992). Ciudad Universitaria, Editora Universitaria, UASD, 2006, 344 p. (ill., maps, plans). 5563. Città (La) e il mercato: Firenze, Milano, Napoli, Palermo. Intr. di Mirella LODA. Storia urbana, 2006, 29, 113, 4, p. 5-144. [Contiene: LODA (Mirella). Morfologia sociale, comportamenti di consumo e domanda di città nel quartiere di S. Lorenzo a Firenze, p. 9. MANCINI (Niccolò), BURZIO (Nicola). Il commercio nei centri storici: tendenze insediative e sistemi
7. DEMOGRAPHY AND URBAN HISTORY di monitoraggio nella realtà fiorentina, p. 37. AMATO (Fabio). Il centro storico di Napoli tra rinascita e fine apparente, p. 59. D'ALESSANDRO (Libera). Commercio e dinamiche urbane: il centro storico di Napoli, p. 77. FARAVELLI (Maria Luisa). Il commercio in una città estesa: note sul caso di Milano fra tra sformazione della rete distributiva e azione pubblica, p. 99. GUARRASI (Vincenzo). I centri storici e la società del presente, p. 111. ZANETTO (Gabriele). Il governo della città, p. 121. BIAGI (Gianni). Firenze: quali polìtiche per il centro storico?, p. 131]. 5564. CLARKE (Colin G.). Decolonizing the colonial city: urbanization and stratification in Kingston, Jamaica. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XXV298 p. (ill.). (Oxford geographical and environmental studies). 5565. CLUSTER (Dick), HERNÁNDEZ (Rafael). The history of Havana. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XX-300 p. (Palgrave essential histories). 5566. Curare la città: sanità e igiene a Firenze, Roma, Parigi, Londra, Barcellona. Storia urbana, 2006, 29, 112, 3, p. 5-166. [Contiene: SANSA (Renato). I rifiuti e la storia ambientale: un 'introduzione, p. 7. HENDERSON (John). Epidemie, miasmi e il corpo dei poveri a Firenze nella prima età moderna, p. 17. JENNER (Marck S.R.). Curare l'ambiente senza dottori? Igiene pubblica a Londra nella prima età moderna, p. 39. CLARK (Peter). I mutamenti ambientali nelle città inglesi: XIVXV secolo, p. 65. SANSA (Renato). Le norme decorose e il lavoro sporco. L'igiene urbana in tre capi tali europee: Londra, Parigi, Roma tra XVI e XVIII secolo, p. 85. DOBRASZCZYK (Paul). La rappresentazione di una ideologia dell'improvement? Le mappe e il futuro delle fognature londinesi, 18481851, p. 113. XICO COSTA (Francisco). La regolazione delle acque luride, Barcellona, 18491917, p. 141]. 5567. DE LUCA (Virginie). Analyser les trajectoires féminines en démographie historique. Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 112, 2, p. 5-7. 5568. European city (The) and green space. London, Stockholm, Helsinki and St. Petersburg, 18502000. Ed. by Peter CLARK. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, 380 p. 5569. GAYMU (Joëlle), DELBÈS (Christiane), SPRIN(Sabine), BINET (Adrian), DÉSESQUELLES (Aline) [et al.]. Determinants of the living arrangements of older people in Europe. Déterminants des modes de vie des personnes âgées en Europe. European journal of population, 2006, 22, 3, p. 241-262.
5570. GEBHARD (Jörg). Lublin. Eine polnische Stadt im Hinterhof der Moderne (1815–1914). Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2006, VIII-394 p.
people: introduction. European journal of population, 2006, 22, 3, p. 215-218. 5573. GYÉMÁNT (Ladislau). EvoluĠia demografică a Transilvaniei între anii 16901847. (Transylvania's demographic evolution between 16901847). In PopulaĠia României. Trecut, prezent, viitor. Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2006, p. 37-60. 5574. Habitatores in Urbe. The population of Renaissance Rome/La popolazione di Roma nel Rinascimento. Ed. by Egmont LEE. Roma, Casa Editrice Università/La Sapienza, 2006, 275 p. a. CD-ROM (Collana studi e proposte, 4). 5575. HRADSKÁ (Katarína). Život v Bratislave 1939 1945. (The life in Bratislava in the years 19391945). Bratislava, Albert Marenþin vydavateĐstvo PT, 2006, 173 p. (Bratislava – Pressburg). 5576. IùIK (O÷uz), PINARCIOöLU (M. Melih). Geographies of a silent transition: a geographically weighted regression approach to regional fertility differences in Turkey. European journal of population, 2006, 22, 4, p. 399-421. 5577. KALC (Aleksej). Demografija mest pred moderno statistiko, s posebnim poudarkom na 18. stoletju in vprašanju urbanega priseljevanja. (Town demographics before the emergence of modern statistics, with an emphasis on the 18th century and the question of urban immigration). Acta Histriae, 2006, 14, 2, p. 363-392. 5578. KINGMAN GARCÉS (Eduardo). La ciudad y los otros, Quito 18601940: higienismo, ornato y policía. Quito, FLACSO Ecuador y Tarragona, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2006, 431 p. (ill., maps). (Atrio). 5579. KOVÁý (Dušan). Bratislava 19391945. Mier a vojna v meste. (Bratislava 19391945. The peace and the war in the city). Bratislava, Albert Marenþin vydavateĐstvo PT, 2006, 189 p. (Bratislava – Pressburg). 5580. KULAKOVA (Irina P.). Istorija moskovskogo zhil'ja. (A history of housing habitation in Moscow). Moskva, OGI, 2006, 287 p. (ill.). (Moskovskaja biblioteka). 5581. LUCENA GIRALDO (Manuel). A los cuatro vientos: Las ciudades de la América hispánica. Madrid, Fundación Carolina, Centro de Estudios Hispánicos e Iberoamericanos y Marcial Pons Historia, 2006, 245 p. (Ambos mundos). 5582. MULDER (Clara H.), CLARK (William A. V.), WAGNER (Michael). Resources, living arrangements and first union formation in the United States, the Netherlands and West Germany. European journal of population, 2006, 22, 1, p. 3-35.
5571. Geschiedenis van Amsterdam. III. Hoofdstad in aanbouw, 18131900. Onder redactie van Remieg AERTS et Piet DE ROOY. Amsterdam, SUN, 2006, 636 p. [Vol. I-II. Cf. no 5598.]
5583. MURPHY (Michael), MARTIKAINEN (Pekka), PENNEC (Sophie). Demographic change and the supply of potential family supporters in Britain, Finland and France in the period 1911–2050. European journal of population, 2006, 22, 3, p. 219-240.
5572. GRUNDY (Emily), TOMASSINI (Cecilia), FESTY (Patrick). Demographic change and the care of older
5584. New suburban history (The). Ed. by Kevin M. KRUSE and Thomas J. SUGRUE. Chicago, University of
Chicago Press, 2006, X-289 p. (Historical studies of urban America).
(Avignon, 1720). Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 112, 2, p. 217-241.
5585. ORIS (Michel), RITSCHARD (Gilbert), RYCZ(Grazyna). Les solitudes urbaines. Structures et parcours dans la Genève des années 18161843. Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 111, 1, p. 59-87.
5596. Zentralität und Raumgefüge der Großstädte im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Clemens ZIMMERMANN. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 174 p. (Beiträge zur Stadtgeschichte und Urbanisierungsforschung, 4).
5586. ROTAR (Marius). Moartea în Transilvania în secolul al XIX-lea. Vol. 1. Zece ani de concubinaj cu moartea: dimensiuni istorice úi perspective contemporane asupra morĠii. Vol. 2. 11 ipostaze ale morĠii. (Death in Transylvania in the 19th century. Vol. 1. Ten years of concubinage with death: historical dimensions and contemporary perspectives on death. Vol. 2. 11 aspects of death). Cluj-Napoca, Editura Accent, 2006, 2 vol., 246 p., 720 p. 5587. SALINERO (Gregorio). Une ville entre deux mondes. Trujillo d'Espagne et les Indes au XVIe siècle. Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2006, 540 p. (Bibliothèque de la Casa de Velázquez-34). 5588. SCHWEBER (Libby). Disciplining statistics: demography and vital statistics in France and England, 1830–1885. Durham, Duke U. P., 2006, 277 p. (Politics, history, and culture). 5589. SOUTHER (J. Mark). New Orleans on parade: tourism and the transformation of the crescent city. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2006, XI-303 p. (Making the modern South). 5590. TEAFORD (Jon C.). The metropolitan revolution: the rise of post-urban America. New York, Columbia U. P., 2006, 306 p. (Columbia history of urban life). 5591. TODOROVA (Maria N.). Balkan family structure and the European pattern: demographic developments in Ottoman Bulgaria. Budapest a. New York, Central European U. P., 2006, XIV-249 p. (Pasts incorporated: CEU studies in the humanities, 3). 5592. VIRET (Jéréme-Luther). Vagabonds et mendiants dans les campagnes au nord de Paris dans le premier tiers du XVIIIe siècle. Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 111, 1, p. 7-30. 5593. VISHNEVSKIJ (Anatolij G.), ANDREEV (Evgenij M.), ZAKHAROV (S.V.), SAKEVICH (V.I.), KHAR'KOVA (T.L.). Demograficheskaja modernizatsija Rossii, 1900– 2000. (The demographic modernization of Russiam 1900–2000). Ed. Anatolij G. VISHNEVSKIJ. Moskva, Novoe izdatel'stvo, 2006, 601 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 557-590; pers. ind. p. 592-597). (Novaja istorija). [English summary]. 5594. WILHELM (Jan Volker). Das Baugeschäft und die Stadt. Stadtplanung, Grundstücksgeschäfte und Bautätigkeit in Göttingen (1861–1924). Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 480 p. (Studien zur Geschichte der Stadt Göttingen, 24). 5595. ZELLER (Olivier). La ville en fiches: la méthode de recensement urbain de Jean-François Palasse
§ 7. Addenda 2005. 5597. CHARVET (Marie). Les fortifications de Paris. De l'hygiénisme à l'urbanisme, 18801919. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2005, 312 p. 5598. Geschiedenis van Amsterdam. I. Een stad uit het niets, tot 1578. Onder redactie van Marijke CARASSO-KOK. Amsterdam, SUN, 2004, 540 p. II-1. Centrum van de wereld, 15781650. Onder redactie van Willem FRIJHOFF et Maarten PRAK, Amsterdam, SUN, 2004, 533 p. II-2. Zelfbewuste stadstaat, 1650 1813. Onder redactie van Willem FRIJHOFF et Maarten PRAK. Amsterdam, SUN, 2005, 581 p. 5599. TUOMI (Timo). Kaupunkikuvan muutokset. Suomalaisten kaupunkikeskusten suunnittelun tavoitteiden ja todellisuuden kohtaamisesta toisen maailmansodan lopusta 1960-luvun puoliväliin. (The changing townscape). Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden seura, 2005, 224 p. (ill., maps). (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia 1046). Cf. nos 4307, 4321 § 8. Social history. * 5600. BERTELLI (Sergio). La corte come problema storiografico. A proposito di alcuni libri (più o meno) recenti. Archivio storico italiano, 2006, 164, 607, 1, p. 129-164. * 5601. CRAWFORD (Katherine). Privilege, possibility, and perversion: rethinking the study of early modern sexuality [Review article]. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 2, p. 412. * 5602. GARDEY (Delphine). Les sciences et la construction des identités sexuées. Une revue critique. Annales, 2006, 61, 3, p. 649-674. * 5603. HERZOG (Dagmar). Sexuality in the postwar West [Review article]. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 1, p. 144-171. * 5604. RITTER (Gerhard A.). Sozialpolitik im Deutschen Kaiserreich [Neue Historische Literatur]. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 282, 1, p. 97-147. * 5605. RODRÍGUEZ BARREIRA (Oscar J.). La historia local y social del franquismo en la democracia, 19762003. Datos para una reflexión. Historia social, 2006, 56, p. 153-176. * 5606. TÖNSMEYER (Tatjana). Der böhmische Adel zwischen Revolution und Reform 1848–1918/21. Ein Forschungsbericht. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 3, p. 364-384. ** 5607. COHN (Willy). Kein Recht, nirgends. Tagebuch vom Untergang des Breslauer Judentums, 1933
8. SOCIAL HISTORY 1941. Hrsg. v. Norbert CONRADS. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2006, XXX-1121 p. (Neue Forschungen zur schlesischen Geschichte, 13/1, 2). ** 5608. Quellensammlung zur Geschichte der deutschen Sozialpolitik 1867 bis 1914. Hrsg. v. Hansjoachim HENNING und Florian TENNSTEDT. Abt. 1. Von der Reichsgründungszeit bis zur kaiserlichen Sozialbotschaft (1867–1881). Bd. 8. Grundfragen der Sozialpolitik in der öffentlichen Diskussion: Kirchen, Parteien, Vereine und Verbände. Bearb. v. Ralf STREMMEL, Florian TENNSTEDT und Gisela FLECKENSTEIN unt. Mitarb. v. Margit PETERLE und Gisela RUST-SCHMÖLE. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006, XL670 p. _______________________
5609. AASSVE (Arnstein), BILLARI (Francesco C.), SPÉDER (Zsolt). Societal transition, policy changes and family formation: evidence from Hungary. European journal of population, 2006, 22, 2, p. 127-152. 5610. ACCAMPO (Elinor). Blessed motherhood, bitter fruit: Nelly Roussel and the politics of female pain in Third Republic France. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, XII-312 p. 5611. ADLER (Jeffrey S.). First in violence, deepest in dirt: homicide in Chicago, 1875–1920. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, 367 p. 5612. AGO (Renata). Il gusto delle cose: una storia degli oggetti nella Roma del Seicento. Roma, Donzelli, 2006, XXIV-263 p. (ill.). 5613. ALDRICH (Mark). Death rode the rails: American railroad accidents and safety, 1828–1965. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, XVI-446 p. 5614. ALFARO-VELCAMP (Theresa). Immigrant positioning in twentieth-century Mexico: middle easterners, foreign citizens, and multiculturalism. Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 1, p. 61-92. 5615. ALMGREN (Nina). Kvinnorörelsen och efterkrigsplaneringen: statsfeminism i svensk arbetsmarknadspolitik under och kort efter andra världskriget. (Féminisme et planification d'après guerre: le féminisme d'Etat et la politique du marché du travail pendant la seconde guerre mondiale et l'immédiat après-guerre). Umeå, institutionen för historiska studier/Umeå universitet, 2006, 294 p. (Skrifter från institutionen för historiska studier, 14). 5616. AMANI WHITFIELD (Harvey). Blacks on the border: the Black Refugees in British North America, 1815–1860. Hanover, University Press of New England for the University of Vermont Press, 2006, XIII-179 p. 5617. AMBARAS (David R.). Bad youth: juvenile delinquency and the politics of everyday life in modern Japan. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2006, XII-297 p. (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute). 5618. ARRIZABALAGA (Marie-Pierre). Destins de femmes dans les Pyrénées au XIXe siècle: le cas basque.
Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 112, 2, p. 135170. 5619. AXELSSON (Per), SKÖLD (Peter). Indigenous populations and vulnerability. Characterizing vulnerability in a Sami context. Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 111, 1, p. 115-132. 5620. BANTEBYA KYOMUHENDO (Grace), KENISTON MAC INTOSH (Marjorie). Women, work and domestic virtue in Uganda: 1900–2003. Oxford, James Currey, 2006, XII-308 p. (Eastern Africa series). 5621. BATTAGLIOLA (Françoise). Les réseaux de parenté et la constitution de l'univers féminin de la réforme sociale, fin XIXedébut XXe siècle. Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 112, 2, p. 77-104. 5622. BECKETT (Ian F. W.). Home front, 19141918. How Britain survived the Great War. Kew, National Archives, 2006, 224 p. 5623. BEIJBOM (Ulf). Utvandrarkvinnor: svenska kvinnoöden i Amerika. (Femmes émigrées: destins de femmes suédoises en Amérique). Stockholm, Norstedt, 2006, 449 p. (pl.). (Emigrantinstitutets vänners skriftserie, 12). 5624. BELASCO (Warren). Meals to come: a history of the future of food. Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2006, XIII-358 p. (California studies in food and culture, 16). 5625. BELMAS (Élisabeth). Jouer autrefois. Essai sur le jeu dans la France moderne (XVIeXVIIIe siècle). Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2006, 439 p. (Époques). 5626. BERGER (Dina). The development of Mexico's tourism industry: pyramids by day, martinis by night. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XVI-164 p. 5627. BERGER (Michael). Eisernes Kreuz und Davidstern. Die Geschichte jüdischer Soldaten in deutschen Armeen. Berlin, Trafo, 2006, 267 p. 5628. BERTUNG (Birgit). Gyldne lænker – kvindernes guldalder: om forholdet mellem mand og kvinde hos 10 guldalderpersonligheder. (L'Age d'or des femmes: les relations entre hommes et femmes vues à travers dix personnalités de l'Age d'or danois). København, C.A. Reitzel, 2006, 150 p. 5629. BETTA (Emmanuel). Animare la vita. Disciplina della nascita tra medicina e morale nell'Ottocento. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 367 p. 5630. BIESS (Frank). Homecomings. Returning POWS and the legacies of defeat in postwar Germany. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2006, XIII-367 p. 5631. BLOCK (Sharon). Rape and sexual power in early America. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, 2006, IX-276 p. 5632. BONDE (Hans). Fodbold med fjenden: dansk idræt under hagekorset. (Football avec l'ennemi: le sport danois sous la croix gammée). Odense, Syddansk
Universitetsforlag, 2006, 500 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 329).
5645. CANEPARI (Eleonora). Svelare o occultare? L'eco delle nascite illegittime (Roma, XVIII secolo). Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 121, 1, p. 101-120.
5633. BONINI (Francesco). Le istituzioni sportive italiane: storia e politica. Torino, Giappichelli, 2006, XII-179 p.
5646. CARBONNEL (Marie). Profession critique? Les défis de l'Association syndicale professionnelle de la critique littéraire de la Belle Époque à la fin des années trente. Mouvement social, 2006, 214, p. 93-111.
5634. BORELLO (Benedetta). Lo spazio di un matrimonio: cose e contese tra marito e moglie (secc. XVII e XVIII). Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 121, 1, p. 69-100. 5635. Boundaries (The) between us: natives and newcomers along the frontiers of the old Northwest Territory, 1750–1850. Ed. by Daniel P. BARR, editor. Kent, Kent State U. P., 2006, XIX-261 p. 5636. BREINES (Winifred). The trouble between us: an uneasy history of White and Black women in the feminist movement. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, VIII-269 p. 5637. BRIQUET (Jean-Louis). Les formulations savantes d'une catégorie politique. Le clientélisme et l'interprétation sociohistorique du "cas italien". Genèses, 2006, 62, p. 49-68. 5638. Britain's pension crisis. History and policy. Ed. by Hugh PEMBERTON, Pat THANE and Noel WHITESIDE. Oxford, Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 2006, X-270 p. 5639. BROWNLIE (Robin Jarvis). 'A better citizen than lots of white men': first nations enfranchisement – an Ontario case study, 19181940. Canadian historical review, 2006, 87, 1, p. 29-52. 5640. BUREŠOVÁ (Jana). Okolnosti a souvislosti postupu žen k podobČ spoleþensky samostatné aktivní lidské bytosti. (Circumstances and contexts of the progress of women to social active independent person). In: DČjiny žen aneb Evropská žena od stĜedovČku do poloviny 20. století v zajetí historiografie. Sborník pĜíspČvkĤ. Ed. KateĜina ýADKOVÁ [et al.]. Pardubice, 2006, p. 373-386. 5641. BURTON (Andrew). Raw youth, school-leavers and the emergence of structural unemployment in latecolonial urban Tanganyika. Journal of African history, 2006, 47, 3, p. 363-387. 5642. BYSTRÖM (Mikael). En broder, gäst och parasit: uppfattningar och föreställningar om utlänningar, flyktingar och flyktingspolitik i svensk offentig debatt 19421947. (Un frère, un hôte, un parasite: conceptions et représentations des étrangers, des réfugiés et de la politique d'immigration dans le débat public suédois de 1942 à 1947). Stockholm, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, 2006, 286 p. (Stockholm studies in history, 85). 5643. CAILLE (Frédéric). La figure du sauveteur. Naissance du citoyen secoureur en France, 17801914. Rennes, Presse universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 315 p. (Histoire). 5644. CAMPBELL WARNER (Patricia). When the girls came out to play: the birth of American sportswear. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2006, XXII-292 p.
5647. CÁRDENAS GUTIÉRREZ (Salvador). La lucha contra la corrupción en la Nueva España según la visión de los neoestoicos. Historia Mexicana, 2006, 55, 3, p. 717-765. 5648. CAROLEASE GRIER (Beverly). Invisible hands: child labor and the state in colonial Zimbabwe. Portsmouth, Heinemann, 2006, XII-284 p. (Social history of Africa series). 5649. CARPENTIER (Florence). Aux origines de l'exclusion du tennis des Jeux olympiques. Un conflit institutionnel multiforme dans les années 1920. Mouvement social, 2006, 215, p. 51-66. 5650. CARROLL (Stuart). Blood and violence in Early Modern France. Oxford, New York a. Auckland, Oxford U. P., 2006, XIII-369 p. 5651. CARTON (Benedict). "We are made quiet by this annihilation": historicizing concepts of bodily pollution and dangerous sexuality in South Africa. International journal of African historical studies, 2006, 39, 1, p. 85-106. 5652. CERONISOVÁ (Eva). Prodej plzeĖského piva v zemích habsburské monarchie a jejích nástupnických státech. (Verkauf von Pilsner Bier in den Ländern der habsburgischen Monarchie und deren Nachfolgerstaaten). Minulostí Západoþeského kraje, 2006, 41, 1, p. 165198. 5653. CHABERT (Pierre). Les cercles, une sociabilité en Provence. Aix-en-Provence, Publications de l'Université de Provence, 2006, 282 p. 5654. CHATRIOT (Alain). La lutte contre le "chômage intellectuel": l'action de la Confédération des Travailleurs Intellectuels (CTI) face à la crise des années trente. Mouvement social, 2006, 214, p. 77-91. 5655. CLARK (Christopher). Social change in America: from the Revolution through the Civil War. Chicago, Ivan R. Dee, 2006, XIII-342 p. 5656. CLEMENT (Elizabeth Alice). Love for sale: courting, treating, and prostitution in New York City, 1900–1945. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XIII-321 p. (Gender and American culture). 5657. CRITCHLOW (Donald T.). Phyllis Schlafly and grassroots conservatism: a woman's crusade. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2006, XI-422 p. (Politics and society in twentieth-century America). 5658. DALY (Mary E.). The slow failure. Population decline and independent Ireland, 19201973. Madison, Wisconsin U. P., 2006, 439 p.
8. SOCIAL HISTORY 5659. DAUVEN (Bernard). Les vagabondes: des inconnues aux XVe et XVIe siècles? Genèses, 2006, 64, p. 5-25. 5660. DEMADE (Julien). Parenté, noblesse et échec de la genèse de l'État. Le cas allemand. Annales, 2006, 61, 3, p. 609-632. 5661. DEWALD (Jonathan). Lost worlds: the emergence of French social history, 1815–1970. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2006, XI-241 p. 5662. DINAN (Susan E.). Women and poor relief in seventeenth-century France. The early history of the Daughters of charity. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, 190 p. 5663. DORLIN (Elsa). La matrice de la race. Généalogie sexuelle et coloniale de la nation française. Paris, La Découverte, 2006, 308 p. 5664. DOUMANI (Beshara). Le contrat salam et les relations ville-campagne dans la Palestine ottomane. Annales, 2006, 61, 4, p. 901-924. 5665. DUTTON (Edward). University students, drunks and the old gods. The Finnish "Vapunaatto", sacrifice and liminality. Journal of Finnish studies, 2006, 1, p. 2543. 5666. EICHENHOFER (Eberhard). Europäisierung sozialer Sicherung. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 4, p. 517-541. 5667. EISENBERG (Christiane). Der Weltfußballverband FIFA im 20. Jahrhundert. Metamorphosen eines "Prinzipienreiters". Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, 2, p. 209-230. 5668. ELLINGHAUS (Katherine). Taking assimilation to heart: marriages of white women and Indigenous men in the United States and Australia, 1887–1937. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2006, XXXIV276 p. 5669. ELO (Irma T.), MARTIKAINEN (Pekka), SMITH (Kirsten P.). Socioeconomic differentials in mortality in Finland and the United States: the role of education and income. European journal of population, 2006, 22, 2, p. 179-203. 5670. Emigrace. Sborník historických prací Centra pro þeskoslovenská exilová studia. (Emigration. Proceedings of the historical studies). Ed. Karel KONEýNÝ, Tomáš MOTLÍýEK. Olomouc, Univerzita Palackého, 2006, 139 p. (ill.). (Emigrace, 2). 5671. ENGBERG (Elisabeth). Life on the edge. Rural poverty and vulnerability in XIXth century northern Sweden. Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 111, 1, p. 31-57. 5672. ENGEL (Jonathan). Poor people's medicine: medicaid and American charity care since 1965. Durham, Duke U. P., 2006, XX-318 p. 5673. ETTINGER (Laura E.). Nurse-midwifery: the birth of a new American profession. Columbus, Ohio State U. P., 2006, XVI-269 p. (Women, gender, and health).
5674. ETZEMÜLLER (Thomas). Die Romantik des Reißbretts. Social engineering und demokratische Volksgemeinschaft in Schweden: Das Beispiel Alva und Gunnar Myrdal (1930–1960). Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 4, p. 445-466. 5675. Everyday life in early Soviet Russia: taking the Revolution inside. Ed. by Christina KIAER and Eric NAIMAN. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2006, 310 p. 5676. FALCÓN (Romana). El arte de la petición: rituales de obediencia y negociación, México, segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 3, p. 467-500. 5677. FERRI (Javier), GÓMEZ-PLANA (Antonio G.), MARTÍN-MONTANER (Joan A.). Illegal immigration booms and welfare in the host country. European journal of population, 2006, 22, 4, p. 353-370. 5678. FISHER (Kate). Birth control, sex and marriage in Britain, 1918–1960. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, VI-294 p. 5679. FOSTER (Thomas A.). Sex and the eighteenthcentury man: Massachusetts and the history of sexuality in America. Boston, Beacon, 2006, XX-223 p. 5680. French nobility (The) in the eighteenth century: reassessments and new approaches. Ed. by Jay M. SMITH. University Park, Pennsylvania State U. P., 2006, X-346 p. 5681. GARBELLOTTI (Marina). Le risorse dei poveri: Carità e tutela della salute nel principato vescovile di Trento in età moderna. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 424 p. (Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento; Monografie, 46). 5682. GARCÍA (María Cristina). Seeking refuge: Central American migration to Mexico, the United States, and Canada. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2006, XVI-273 p. 5683. GERBER (David A.). Authors of their lives: the personal correspondence of British immigrants to North America in the nineteenth century. New York, New York U. P., 2006, X-422 p. 5684. GHOSH (Durba). Sex and the family in colonial India: the making of empire. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XI-277 p. (Cambridge studies in Indian history and society). 5685. GILBERT (James). Men in the middle: searching for masculinity in the 1950s. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, X-269 p. 5686. GILCHER-HOLTEY (Ingrid). La transformation par la participation? Le mouvement de 1968 et la "démocratisation des conditions de la production littéraire". Mouvement social, 2006, 214, p. 141-163. 5687. GISSI (Alessandra). Voci che corrono. Levatrici, procurato aborto e confino di polizia nell'Italia fascista. Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 121, 1, p. 133-150. 5688. GOEKEN-HAIDL (Ulrike). Der Weg zurück. Die Repatriierung sowjetischer Kriegsgefangener und
Zwangsarbeiter während und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Essen, Klartext, 2006, 573 p. 5689. GONZÁLEZ (María-José), JURADO-GUERRERO (Teresa). Remaining childless in affluent economies: a comparison of France, West Germany, Italy and Spain, 1994–2001. European journal of population, 2006, 22, 4, p. 317-352. 5690. GOTTSCHALK (Marie). The prison and the gallows: the politics of mass incarceration in America. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIII-451 p. (Cambridge studies in criminology). 5691. GOURDON (Vincent). Réseaux des femmes, réseaux de femmes. Le cas du témoignage au mariage civil au XIXe siècle dans les pays héritiers du Code Napoléon (France, Pays-Bas, Belgique). Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 112, 2, p. 33-55. 5692. GREENWELL (Fern). The impact of child welfare reform on child abandonment and deinstitutionalization, Romania 19902000. Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 111, 1, p. 133-157. 5693. GREHAN (James). Smoking and "Early Modern" sociability: the great tobacco debate in the Ottoman Middle East (seventeenth to eighteenth centuries). American historical review, 2006, 111, 5, p. 1352-1377. 5694. GROSS (Kali N.). Colored amazons: crime, violence, and Black women in the City of Brotherly Love, 1880–1910. Durham, Duke U. P., 2006, XII-260 p. (Politics, history, and culture). 5695. GRUET (Brice). La rue à Rome, miroir de la ville: entre l'émotion et la norme. Préface de JeanRobert PITTE. Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris Sorbonne, 2006, 557 p. (ill.). 5696. GUERASSIMOFF (Éric). Des coolies aux Chinois d'outre-mer. La question des migrations dans les relations sino-américaines (années 18501890). Annales, 2006, 61, 1, p. 63-98. 5697. GUILLEMAIN (Hervé). Médecine et religion au XIXe siècle Le traitement moral de la folie dans les asiles de l'ordre de Saint-Jean de Dieu (18301860). Mouvement social, 2006, 215, p. 35-49. 5698. GUILLET (François). La tyrannie de l'honneur. Les usages du duel dans la France du premier XIXe siècle. Revue historique, 2006, 640, p. 879-899. 5699. GUTZKE (David W.). Pubs and progressives: reinventing the Public House in England 1896–1960. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2006, XIII-360 p.
5702. HENRY (Odile). L'impossible professionnalisation du métier d'ingénieur-conseil (18801954). Mouvement social, 2006, 214, p. 37-54. 5703. HERREN (Madeleine). Sozialpolitik und die Historisierung des Transnationalen. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 4, p. 542-559. 5704. HERTZ-EICHENRODE (Dieter). Wilhelminischer Neuadel? Zur Praxis der Adelsverleihung in Preußen vor 1914. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 282, 3, p. 645679. 5705. HIILAMO (Heikki). Akantappolaista isäkiintiöön. Perhepolitiikan pitkä linja Suomessa ja Ruotsissa. (From wife-killing law to fathers' quota. The trajectories of family policy in Finland and Sweden). Helsinki, Stakes, 2006, 169 p. (ill.). 5706. HIONIDOU (Violetta). Famine and death in occupied Greece, 19411944. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVII-261 p. (ill., maps). (Cambridge studies in population, economy, and society in past time, 42). 5707. Histoire (Une) de l'homosexualité. Sous la dir. Robert ALDRICH. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2006, 383 p. (ill.). 5708. HOLLOWAY (Pippa). Sexuality, politics, and social control in Virginia, 1920–1945. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XI-258 p. 5709. HOROWITZ (Roger). Putting meat on the american table: taste, technology, transformation. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, XIII-170 p. 5710. HOUCK (Judith A.). Hot and bothered: women, medicine, and menopause in modern America. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, XII-328 p. 5711. IACOVETTA (Franca). Gatekeepers: reshaping immigrant lives in Cold War Canada. Toronto, Between the Lines, 2006, XIII-370 p. 5712. IWAMA (Kazuhiro). Shufu to shokugyo-fujin no aida: ryo-taisenkanki Chnjgoku ni okeru toshi chnjkanso no keisƝ. (Between housewives and career women: the formation of the urban middle class in China between the two World Wars). Shigaku, 2006, 74, 3, p. 61-101. 5713. JACKSON (Julian). Sex, politics and morality in France, 1954–1982. History workshop, 2006, 61, p. 77102. 5714. JACOB (Margaret C.). The origins of Freemasonry: facts and fictions. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, 165 p.
5700. HANSEN (Anna). Ordnade hushåll: genus och kontroll i Jämtland under 1600-talet. (Ménages organisés: genre et contrôle dans la province du Jämtland au 17e siècle). Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis (AUU), 2006, 318 p.(Studia historica Upsaliensia, 224).
5715. JACOBSON CARTER (Christine). Southern single blessedness: unmarried women in the urban South, 1800–1865. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2006, X-220 p. (Women in American history).
5701. HARDWICK (Julie). Early modern perspectives on the long history of domestic violence: the case of seventeenth-century France. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 1, p. 1-36.
5716. JALLAND (Pat). Changing ways of death in twentieth-century Australia: war, medicine and the funeral business. Sydney, University of New South Wales Press, 2006, VIII-409 p.
5717. JARLET (Anders). Judisk "ras" som äktenskapshinder i Sverige: effekten av Nürnberglagarna i Svenska kyrkans statliga funktion som lysningsförrättare 19351945. (La "race" juive comme empêchement au mariage en Suède: conséquences des lois de Nuremberg sur la fonction officielle de l'Eglise suédoise entre 1935 et 1945). Malmö, Sekel, 2006, 164 p.
5731. Lapsi myrskyn silmässä. Sotalapsi silloin ja nyt. Suomen lähi-historian avaamaton lehti. (Children in the eye of the storm. Wartime children then and now. The unopened chapter in recent Finnish history). Singa SANDELIN BENKÖ, Nina SANTAVIRTA, Barbara MATTSON, Merja KEINÄNEN, Silja JÄRVENTAUSTA. Historiallinen aikakauskirja, 2006, 104, p. 181-184.
5718. JENKINS SCHWARTZ (Marie). Birthing a slave: motherhood and medicine in the antebellum South. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, IX-401 p.
5732. LAROCHE-GISSEROT (Florence). Le mariage indien moderne. De la compensation à la dot. Annales, 2006, 61, 3, p. 675-694.
5719. JENSEN (Joan M.). Calling this place home: women on the Wisconsin frontier, 1850–1925. St. Paul, Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2006, XV-518 p.
5733. LATTE ABDALLAH (Stéphanie). Femmes réfugiées palestiniennes. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2006, 236 p.
5720. JUNILA (Marianne), WESTIN (Charles). Svenskt i Finland – finskt i Sverige. 2, Mellan majoriteter och minoriteter: om migration, makt och mening. (Suédois en Finlande – Finlandais en Suède. Entre majorités et minorités: migration, pouvoir et opinion). Helsinki, Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 2006, 528 p. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 682, 2).
5734. LAU (Estelle T.). Paper families: identity, immigration administration, and Chinese exclusion. Durham, Duke U. P., 2006, X-214 p. (Politics, history, and culture).
5721. KALE (Steven). French salons: high society and political sociability from the Old Regime to the Revolution of 1848. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, X-308 p. 5722. KAMP (Marianne). The new woman in Uzbekistan: Islam, modernity, and unveiling under communism. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2006, XIII-332 p. (Jackson School publications in international studies). 5723. KIMMINICH (Eva). Citoyen oder Fremder? Ausgrenzung und kulturelle Autonomie in der französischen banlieue. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2006, 46, p. 505-538. 5724. KING (Steven). Pauvreté et assistance. La politique locale de la mortalité dans l'Angleterre des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Annales, 2006, 61, 1, p. 31-62. 5725. KING (Wilma). The essence of liberty: free Black women during the slave era. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2006, XVI-290 p. 5726. KNOX (William W. J.). Lives of Scottish women. Women and Scottish society, 18001980. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2006, 234 p. 5727. KUSTAREV (Aleksandr S.). Nervnye ljudi: ocherki ob intelligentsii. (Nervous people: essays on the intelligentsia). Preface by Andrej I. FURSOV. Moskva, KMK, 2006, 374 p. (Mir. Khaos. Porjadok). 5728. KWASS (Michael). Big hair: a wig history of consumption in eighteenth-century France. American historical review, 2006, 111, 3, p. 631-659. 5729. LAI (Jing). Jindai tiyu zai Shanghai 1840 1937. (Modern sports in Shanghai 18401937). Shanghai, Shanghai shehui kexue chubanshe, 2006, 2, 383 p. 5730. LANGHAMER (Claire). Adultery in post-war England. History workshop, 2006, 62, p. 86-115.
5735. LEUWERS (Hervé). L'invention du barreau français 1660–1830. La construction nationale d'un groupe professionnel. Paris, Éditions de L'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2006, 446 p. (Civilisations et Sociétés, 126). 5736. LI (Bin). Duncuo yu shanbian: wan Qing shehui biange yanjiu. (Studies on social change in late Qing). Chengdu, Sichuan daxue chubanshe, 2006, 3, 6, 351 p. 5737. LIDA (Clara E.). Los españoles en el México independiente: 18211950. Un estado de la cuestión. Historia Mexicana, 2006, 56, 2, p. 613-650. 5738. LIDDINGTON (Jill). Rebel girls. Their fight for the vote. London, Virago Press, 2006, XIV-402 p. 5739. LIGRESTI (Domenico). Sicilia aperta (secoli XVXVII). Mobilità di uomini e idee. Palermo, Quaderni Mediterranea, 2006, 409 p. (Ricerche storiche). 5740. LILLA (Joachim). Die Mitglieder des Vorläufigen Reichswirtschaftsrats 1921 bis 1933 nach Gruppen. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2006, 93, 1, p. 34-49. 5741. LINDGREN (Cecilia). En riktig familj: adoption, föräldraskap och barnets bästa 19171975. (Une vraie famille: adoption, parentalité et bien de l'enfant en Suède 19171975). Stockholm, Carlsson, 2006, 272 p. (Linköping studies in arts and science, 358). 5742. LISSNER (Cordula). Den Fluchtweg zurückgehen. Remigration nach Nordrhein und Westfalen, 1945 1955. Essen, Klartext, 2006, 395 p. (Düsseldorfer Schriften zur neueren Landesgeschichte und zur Geschichte Nordrhein-Westfalens, 73). 5743. LLONA GONZÁLEZ (Miren). Género e identidad de clase. La construcción de la clase obrera vizcaína durante el primer tercio del siglo XX. Historia social, 2006, 54, p. 95-112. 5744. LOSEGO (Sarah Vanessa), RAPHAEL (Lutz). Pratiques de naturalisation. Le cas du bassin industriel de Longwy (19461990). Annales, 2006, 61, 1, p. 135162.
5745. LYNCH (Julia). Age in the Welfare State: the origins of social spending on pensioners, workers, and children. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVIII-223 p. 5746. MAC CURDY (Sheryl). Fashioning sexuality: desire, Manyema ethnicity, and the creation of the "Kanga", ca. 18801900. International journal of African historical studies, 2006, 39, 3, p. 441-469. 5747. MAC DOUGALL (Brenda). Family and cultural identity in Northwestern Saskatchewan Metis communities. Canadian historical review, 2006, 87, 3, p. 431-462. 5748. MACKINNON (Alison), GREGORY (Penny). 'A study corner in the kitchen': Australian graduate women negotiate family, nation and work in the 1950s and early 1960s. Australian historical studies, 2006, 37, 127, p. 63-80. 5749. MAHOUCHE (Bruno). Du tri manuel au traitement mécanisé des lettres: enjeux identitaires des employés des centres de tri dans les années 1970 et 1980. Mouvement social, 2006, 216, p. 35-52. 5750. MAJUMDAR (Boria), BANDYOPADHYAY (Kausik). A social history of Indian football: striving to score. New York, Routledge, 2006, 194 p. (Sport in global society). 5751. MALATESTA (Maria). Professionisti e gentiluomini: storia delle professioni nell'Europa contemporanea. Torino, Einaudi, 2006, XVI-399 p. (Biblioteca Einaudi, 223). 5752. MALLIOS (Seth). The deadly politics of giving: exchange and violence at Ajacan, Roanoke, and Jamestown. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2006, XII-150 p. 5753. Män i Norden: manlighet och modernitet 18401940. (Les hommes en Scandinavie: masculinité et modernité 18401940). Red. Jørgen LORENTZEN, Claes EKENSTAM. Möklinta, Gidlund, 2006, 284 p. 5754. MANZ (Volker). Fremde und Gemeinwohl. Integration und Ausgrenzung in Spanien im Übergang vom Ancien Régime zum frühen Nationalstaat. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 360 p. (Vierteljahrschrift für Sozialund Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Beihefte, 191). 5755. MARINO (Giuseppe Carlo). Le generazioni italiane dall'Unità alla Repubblica. Milano, Bompiani, 2006, 875 p. 5756. Massoneria (La). A cura di Gian Mario CAZTorino, Einaudi, 2006, XXXII-849 p. (ill.).
5757. MEEKER (Martin). Contacts desired: gay and lesbian communication and community, 1940s1970s. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XVIII321 p. 5758. MEIS KNUPFER (Anne). The Chicago Black renaissance and women's activism. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2006, X-244 p. 5759. MELBY (Kari), PYLKKÄNEN (Anu), ROSEN(Bente), CARLSSON WETTERBERG (Christina).
Inte ett ord om kärlek: äktenskap och politik i Norden ca 18501930. (Pas un mot sur l'amour: Mariage et politique en Scandinavie du milieu du 19e siècle à 1930). Göteborg, Makadam i samarbete med Centrum för Danmarksstudier vid Lunds universitet, 2006, 415 p. (Centrum för Danmarksstudier, 11). 5760. MILLER (John). Containing division in Restoration Norwich. English historical review, 2006, 121, 493, p. 1019-1047. 5761. MINVIELLE (Stéphane). Le mariage précoce des femmes à Bordeaux au XVIIIe siècle. Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 111, 1, p. 159-176. 5762. MOORE (John Hammond). Carnival of blood: dueling, lynching, and murder in South Carolina, 1880– 1920. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 2006, VIII-250 p. 5763. MORING (Beatrice). Female networks and cooperation in the Nordic past. Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 112, 2, p. 57-75. 5764. MORIN-PELLETIER (Mélanie). Briser les ailes de l'ange. Les infirmières militaires canadiennes, 1914 1918. Outremont, Athéna éditions, 2006, 185 p. 5765. MULCAHY (Matthew). Hurricanes and society in the British Greater Caribbean, 1624–1783. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, IX-257 p. (Early America: context, history, culture). 5766. MURDOCH (Lydia). Imagined orphans: poor families, child welfare, and contested citizenship in London. New Brunswick, Rutgers U. P., 2006, XII-252 p. (Rutgers series in childhood studies). 5767. MURRAY (Suellen). 'Make pies not war': protests by the women's peace movement of the mid 1980s. Australian historical studies, 2006, 37, 127, p. 81-94. 5768. MYERS (Tamara). Caught: Montreal's modern girls and the law, 1869–1945. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2006, XI-345 p. (Studies in gender and history, 28). 5769. NASSIET (Michel). Parenté et pouvoir local en Méditerranée occidentale. Annales, 2006, 61, 3, p. 633646. 5770. NISHIMOTO (Ikuko). Jikan-ishiki no kindai: 'Toki ha kane nari' no shakai-shi. (Moder sense of time: social history of the proverb 'Time is money'). Tokyo, Hosei U. P., 2006, 406 p. 5771. Noblesse française et noblesse polonaise. Mémoire, identité, culture, XVIeXXe siècles. Sous la dir. de Jarosáaw DUMANOWSKI et Michel FIGEAC. Bordeaux, Maison des sciences de l'homme d'Aquitaine, 2006, 618 p. 5772. Obþanské elity a obecní samospráva 1848 1948. (Bürgerliche Eliten und die Gemeindeselbstverwaltung in den Jahren 18481948). Ed. Lukáš FASORA, JiĜí HANUŠ, JiĜí MALÍě. Brno, Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury (CDK), 2006, 387 p. (ill.). [Cf. nos 3693, 3702, 5781.]
8. SOCIAL HISTORY 5773. OýENÁŠEK (Jaroslav). NČmci v ýechách po roce 1945. Na pĜíkladu západního PodještČdí. (Germans in Bohemia after 1945. Example of West PodještČdí). Praha, Etnologický ústav Akademie vČd ýR, 2006, 207 p. (ill., mp., faksim., bibl.). 5774. PALMA MORA (Mónica). De tierras extrañas. Un estudio sobre la inmigración en México, 1950 1990. México D. F., Secretaría de G Gobernación, Instituto Nacional de Migración, Centro de Estudios Migratorios, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, DGDGE Ediciones, 2006, 395 p. (ill.). 5775. PANJEK (Aleksander). Ricostruire Trieste: politiche e pratiche migratorie nel secondo dopoguerra. Trieste, EUT, Edizioni università, 2006, 179 p. 5776. PARKIN (Katherine J.). Food is love: food advertising and gender roles in modern America. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, 296 p. 5777. PARNABY (Andrew). 'The best men that ever worked the lumber': Aboriginal longshoremen on Burrard Inlet, BC, 18631939. Canadian historical review, 2006, 87, 1, p. 53-78. 5778. Paths of integration: migrants in Western Europe (1800–2004). Ed. by Leo LUCASSEN, David FELDMAN and Jochen OLTMER. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2006, 343 p. (IMISCOE Research [International Migration, Integration, and Social Cohesion]). 5779. PERRIER (Sylvie). La marâtre dans la France d'Ancien Régime: intégration ou marginalité? Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 112, 2, p. 171-188. 5780. PERROUX (Olivier). Tradition, vocation et progrès. Les élites bourgeoises de Genève (18141914). Genève, Slatkine, 2006, 595 p. 5781. PEŠEK (JiĜí), SVATOŠOVÁ (Hana). MČstské samosprávy a obþanské elity stĜedoevropských metropolí versus stát a odborníci v jeho službách 18481948. (Städtische Selbstverwaltungen und Bürgereliten mitteleuropäischer Metropolen kontra Staat und die Fachleute in seinem Dienst 18481948). In: Obþanské elity a obecní samospráva 18481948 [Cf. no 5772], p. 41-48. 5782. PIZZOLATO (Nicola). "Lo diavolo mi ingannao". La sodomia nelle campagne siciliane (15721664). Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 122, 2, p. 449-480. 5783. Plaisirs ou plaisir du soldat. Intr. de Michel BODIN. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2006, 222, 2, 160 p. 5784. POOLE (Mary). The segregated origins of social security: African Americans and the welfare state. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XI-258 p. 5785. POSEL (Deborah). Marriage at the drop of a hat: housing and partnership in South Africa's urban African townships, 1920s–1960s. History workshop, 2006, 61, p. 57-76. 5786. Prise (La) de parole publique des femmes. Sous la dir. de Christine FAURÉ. Annales historiques de la Révolution française, 2006, 344, avril-juin, 288 p.
5787. Problem (The) of American Homicide [AHR Forum]. American historical review, 2006, 111, 1, p. 75114. [Contents: MONKKONEN (Eric). Homicide: explaining America's exceptionalism (p. 76-94). DALE (Elizabeth). Getting away with murder (p. 95-103). SPIERENBURG (Pieter). Democracy came too early: a tentative explanation for the problem of American homicide (p. 104-114)]. 5788. PROCTOR (Frank "Trey", III). Gender and the manumission of slaves in New Spain. Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 2, p. 309-336. 5789. PULMA (Panu). Suljetut ovet. Pohjoismaiden romanipolitiikka 1500-luvulta EU-aikaan. (Closed doors: Nordic Romani policy from the 16th century to the EU era). Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006, 237 p. (ill.). (Historiallisia tutkimuksia 228). 5790. PYLKKÄNEN (Anu). Naisten oikeudet maatiloilla. Suomalaisen modernisaatiokehityksen pitkä historia. (Women's rights on farms. The long history of Finnish modernisation). Historiallinen aikakauskirja 2006, 104, 4, p. 382-396. 5791. RACHAMIMOV (Alon). The disruptive comforts of drag: (trans)gender performances among prisoners of war in Russia, 1914–1920. American historical review, 2006, 111, 2, p. 362-382. 5792. RAINES (Dorit). L'invention du mythe aristocratique: l'image de soi du patriciat vénitien au temps de la Sérénissime. Venezia, Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, 2006, 2 Vol., XVIII-1085 p. 5793. REID (Alice), DAVIES (Ros), GARRETT (Eilidh), BLAIKIE (Andrew). Vulnerability among illegitimate children in nineteenth century Scotland. Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 111, 1, p. 89-113. 5794. Renaissance Florence. A social history. Ed. by Roger J. CRUM and John T. PAOLETTI. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, 674 p. 5795. REY CASTELAO (Ofelia). Les femmes "seules" du nord-ouest de l'Espagne. Trajectoires féminines dans un territoire d'émigration 17001860. Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 112, 2, p. 105-133. 5796. RIEDI (Eliza MASON (Tony). Sport in the British Army in World War I. Canadian journal of history, 2006, 41, 3, p. 485-516. 5797. RODRIGUEZ TOMÉ (Denyse). L'organisation des architectes sous la IIIe République. Mouvement social, 2006, 214, p. 55-76. 5798. ROVINELLO (Marco). "Gente meccaniche" e identità nazionale. Artigiani, garzoni, militari e domestici svizzeri nella Napoli ottocentesca. Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 121, 1, p. 255-288. 5799. RULE (John). Cornish cases. Essays in eighteenth and nineteenth century social history. Southampton, Clio Publishing, 2006, 294 p. 5800. RYCZKOWSKA (Grazyna), PERROUX (Olivier). Vieillesses au féminin et au masculin. Individus, fa-
milles et collectivité à Genève, 18161843. Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 112, 2, p. 189-215. 5801. SAPIRO (Gisèle), GOBILLE (Boris). Propriétaires ou travailleurs intellectuels? Les écrivains français en quête d'un statut. Mouvement social, 2006, 214, p. 113-139. 5802. SAPIRO (Gisèle). Les professions intellectuelles entre l'État, l'entrepreneuriat et l'industrie. Mouvement social, 2006, 214, p. 3-18. 5803. SCHEVARDO (Jennifer). Vom wert des Notwendigen. Preispolitik und Lebensstandard in der DDR der fünfziger Jahre. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 320 p. (Vierteljahresschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 185).
5814. STANONIS (Anthony J.). Creating the Big Easy: New Orleans and the emergence of modern tourism, 1918–1945. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2006, XIV-317 p. 5815. STAROSEL'SKAJA (Natal'ja D.). Povsednevnaja zhizn' "russkogo" Kitaja. (Everyday life of Russian emigrants in China). Moskva, Molodaja gvardija, 2006, 376 p. (ill; portr.; bibl. p. 375). (Zhivaja istorija: povsednevnaja zhizn' chelovechestva). 5816. STÁTNÍK (Dalibor). SociálnČ politická situace v ýeskoslovensku 19561962. Jak ýeskoslovensko vypadalo, jak žilo a co si myslelo. (The Social Political Situation in Czechoslovakia, 19521962. What Czechoslovakia was like, how people lived and what they thought). ýesko-slovenská historická roþenka, 2006, p. 261-279.
5804. SCHUMACHER (Reto), SPOORENBERG (Thomas), FORNEY (Yannic). Déstandardisation, différenciation régionale et changements générationnels. Départ du foyer parental et modes de vie en Suisse au XXe siècle. European journal of population, 2006, 22, 2, p. 153-177.
5817. STEINHART (Edward I.). Black poachers, white hunters: a social history of hunting in colonial Kenya. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2006, VIII-248 p. (Eastern African studies).
5805. SERAPHIM (Franziska). War memory and social politics in Japan, 1945–2005. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, XV-409 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 278).
5818. STEWART (John), WELSHMAN (John). The evacuation of children in wartime Scotland: culture, behaviour and poverty. Scottish economic and social history, 2006, 26, 1-2, p. 100-120.
5806. SERGEJCHIK (Sergej I.). Rossijskaja intelligentsija: istorija i sud'ba. (The Russian intelligentsia: history and fortunes). Moskva, Lokid-Press, 2006, 111 p. (bibl. p. 111).
5819. STEWART BRAKEBILL (Tina). "Circumstances are Destiny": an antebellum woman's struggle to define sphere. Kent, Kent State U. P., 2006, XX-255 p. (Civil War in the North).
5807. SEYMOUR (Mark). Debating divorce in Italy: marriage and the making of modern Italians, 1860– 1974. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, X-290 p. (Italian and Italian American studies).
5820. SURKIS (Judith). Sexing the citizen: morality and masculinity in France, 1870–1920. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2006, XI-277 p.
5808. SHORE (Marci). Caviar and ashes: a Warsaw generation's life and death in Marxism, 1918–1968. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, XXII-457 p. 5809. SIBLOT (Yasmine). "Je suis la secrétaire de la famille!" La prise en charge féminine des tâches administratives entre subordination et ressource. Genèses, 2006, 64, p. 46-66. 5810. SIMONSEN (Jane E.). Making home work: domesticity and native American assimilation in the West, 1860–1919. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XII-266 p. 5811. SJÖBLOM (Paul). Den institutionaliserade tävlingsidrotten: kommuner, idrott och politik i Sverige under 1900-talet. (Le sport institutionnel de compétition: communes, sport et politique en Suède au 20e siècle). Stockholm, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, 2006, 551 p. (Stockholm studies in history, 83).
5821. SVANSTRÖM (Yvonne). Offentliga kvinnor: prostitution i Sverige 18121918. (Filles publiques: la prostitution en Suède entre 1812 et 1918). Stockholm, Ordfront, 2006, 375 p. 5822. SZÁRAZ (Peter). Cesta Slovenského spolku za dominanciou v krajanskej komunite v Argentíne a jeho sociálne aktivity v 30. rokoch 20. storoþia. (The route pg the Slovenský spolok to dominance in the immigrant community in Argentina and its social activities in the 1930s). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 2, p. 217243. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 5823. TADMOR (Naomi). Women and wives: the language of marriage in early Modern English biblical translations. History workshop, 2006, 62, p. 1-27. 5824. TALONEN (Jyrki). Suomen urheilu- ja liikuntahistorian tutkimusbibliografia. (Research bibliography of Finnish sport history). Helsinki, Suomen urheilumuseosäätiö, 2006, 352 p. (ill.). (Suomen urheilumuseosäätiön julkaisuja, 32).
5812. SKAARUP (Bi). Renæssancemad: opskrifter og køkkenhistorie fra Christian 4.'s tid. (La nourriture à la Renaissance: histoire de la cuisine à l'époque de Christian IV). København, Gyldendal, 2006, 155 p. (ill.).
5825. THOMAS (Lynn M.). The modern girl and racial respectability in 1930s South Africa. Journal of African history, 2006, 47, 3, p. 461-490.
5813. STANGER-ROSS (Jordan). An inviting parish: community without locality in postwar Italian Toronto. Canadian historical review, 2006, 87, 3, p. 381-407.
5826. THOMPSON (Christopher S.). The Tour de France: a cultural history. Berkeley a. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2006, X-385 p.
8. ADDENDA 2000–2005 5827. TRÉVISI (Marion). Les relations tantes, nièces dans les familles du Nord de la France au XVIIIe siècle. Annales de démographie historique, 2006, 112, 2, p. 931. 5828. TREVISIOL (Oliver). Die Einbürgerungspraxis im Deutschen Reich 18711945. Göttingen, V & R Unipress, 2006, 237 p. (Studien zur historischen Migrationsforschung, 18). 5829. TRUETT (Samuel). Fugitive landscapes: the forgotten history of the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. New Haven, Yale University Press in cooperation with the William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, Southern Methodist University, 2006, XII-259 p. 5830. Twentieth-century mass society in Britain and the Netherlands. Ed. by Bob MOORE and Henk VAN NIEROP. Oxford a. New York, Berg, 2006, 193 p. 5831. VALLADARES (Lícia). La favela d'un siècle à l'autre. Mythe d'origine, discours scientifiques et représentations virtuelles. Paris, Éd. de la MSH, 2006, 229 p. 5832. VECCHIO (Diane C.). Merchants, midwives, and laboring women: Italian migrants in urban America. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, X-130 p. (Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island centennial series). 5833. VIDAL (Frédéric). Les habitants d'Alcântara. Histoire sociale d'un quartier de Lisbonne au début du XXe siècle. Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2006, 504 p. 5834. VINDT (Gérard). Les hommes de l'aluminium. Histoire sociale de Pechiney, 19211973. Paris, Éditions de l'Atelier, 2006, 256 p. 5835. VINEN (Richard). The unfree French: life under the occupation. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, 476 p. 5836. VUORIO-LEHTI (Minna). Valkolakin viesti, ylioppilastutkintokeskustelu Suomessa toisen maailmansodan jälkeen. (The message of the white cap. Public discourse concerning the Finnish Matriculation Examination after the Second World War). Turku, Turun yliopisto, 2006, 336 p. (ill.). (Turun yliopiston julkaisuja sarja C, Scripta lingua Fennica edita, 253). 5837. WASSON (Ellis). Aristocracy and the modern world. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 296 p. 5838. WOLCOTT (David B.). Cops and kids: policing juvenile delinquency in urban America, 1890–1940. Columbus, Ohio State U. P., 2006, X-264 p. (History of crime and criminal justice). 5839. WOLF (Diane L.). Beyond Anne Frank: hidden children and postwar families in Holland. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2006, XIII-391 p. (S. Mark Taper Foundation imprint in Jewish studies). 5840. Women in Italy, 19461960: an interdisciplinary study. Ed. by Penelope MORRIS. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, IX-246 p. 5841. WONDRAK BIEL (Alice). Do (Not) feed the bears: the fitful history of wildlife and tourists in Yel-
lowstone. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2006, X-186 p. 5842. YANNAKAKIS (Yanna P.). Hablar para distintos públicos: testigos zapotecos y resistencia a la reforma parroquial en Oaxaca en el siglo XVIII. Historia Mexicana, 2006, 55, 3, p. 833-893. 5843. ZAHRA (Tara). "Each nation only cares for its own": empire, nation, and child welfare activism in the Bohemian lands, 1900–1918. American historical review, 2006, 111, 5, p. 1378-1402. 5844. ZHANG (Daqing). Zhongguo jindai jibing shehui shi 19121937. (A social history of disease in modern China). Jinan, Shandong jiaoyu chubanshe, 2006, 3, 2, 254 p. 5845. ZORKO (Tomislav). Ženska prostitucija u Zagrebu izmeÿu 1899. i 1934. godine. (Female prostitution in Zagreb between 1899 and 1934). ýasopis za suvremenu povijest, 2006, 38, 1, p. 223-241. 5846. ZÜRNDORF (Irmgard). Der Preis der Marktwirtschaft. Staatliche Preispolitik und Lebensstandard in Westdeutschland 1948 bis 1963. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 333 p. (Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Beihefte, 186). § 8. Addenda 2000–2005. ** 5847. "Unsere Heimat ist uns ein fremdes Land geworden…". Die Deutschen östlich von Oder und Neiße 1945–1950. Dokumente aus polnischen Archiven. Hrsg. v. Wáodzimierz BORODZIEJ und Hans LEMBERG. Bd. 1. Zentrale Behörden, Wojewodschaft Allenstein. Bd. 2. Zentralpolen, Wojewodschaft Schlesien (Oberschlesien). Bd. 3. Wojewodschaft Posen, Wojewodschaft Stettin (Hinterpommern). Bd. 4. Wojewodschaften Pommerellen und Danzig (Westpreußen), Wojewodschaft Breslau (Niederschlesien). Marburg, Verlag Herder-Institut, 2000–2004, 4 vol., VIII-728 p., VIII-768 p., VIII-701 p., X-806 p. (Quellen zur Geschichte und Landeskunde Ostmitteleuropas, 4/1-4). 5848. Finns over the Atlantic: an overview of the emigration from Finland to North America. Ed. by Krister BJÖRKLUND. Turku, Institute of Migration, 2005, 22 p. (ill., maps). 5849. MESLÉ (France), VALLIN (Jacques). Mortalité et causes de décès en Ukraine au XXe siècle: la crise sanitaire dans les pays de l'ex-URSS. Paris, INED, 2003, XV-396 p. avec un CD-ROM. 5850. SMYRNELIS (Marie-Carmen). Une société hors de soi. Identités et relations sociales à Smyrne aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Louvain, Peeters, 2005, 376 p. 5851. SORAINEN (Antu). Rikollisia sattumalta? Naisten keskinäistä haureutta koskevat oikeudenkäynnit 1950-luvun Itä-Suomessa. (Accidental criminals? Women's same-sex fornication trials in Eastern Finland during the 1950s). Helsinki, Antu Sorainen, 2005, 125 p. (ill.).
5852. YRJÄLÄ (Ann). Public health and Rockefeller wealth: alliance strategies in the early formation of Finnish public health nursing. Åbo, Åbo Akademi university press, 2005, 220 p. (ill.). os
Cf. n 87-108, 592, 3790, 3982, 4181, 4188, 4238, 4302, 4306, 4307, 4318, 4321, 4338, 4456, 4840, 5489 § 9. Working-class movement and socialism. * 5853. BEECHER (Jonathan), FOMICHEV (Valerii N.). French Socialism in Lenin's and Stalin's Moscow: David Riazanov and the French Archive of the MarxEngels Institute [Review article]. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 1, p. 119-143. ** 5854. [Tsudzi Esimasa]. Sobranie upolnomochennykh i piterskie rabochie v 1918 godu: Dokumenty i materialy. (The Meeting of Plenipotentiaries and workers of Saint-Petersburg in 1918). Sankt-Peterburgskij gos. un-t. Sankt-Peterburg, Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta, 2006, 934 p. (pers. ind. p. 913-933). _______________________
5855. ALEXANDER (Robert Jackson). A history of organized labor in Peru and Ecuador. With the collaboration of Eldon M. PARKER. Westport, Praeger Publishers, 2006, XIV-238 p. 5856. ALONSO FERNÁNDEZ (Bieito). Migración y sindicalismo. Marineros y anarquistas españoles en Nueva York (19021930). Historia social, 2006, 54, p. 113-136. 5857. BANTMAN (Constance). Internationalism without an international? Cross-channel anarchist networks, 18801914. In: Labour internationalism: different times, different faces [Cf. no 5874], p. 961-981. 5858. BERZAL DE LA ROSA (Enrique). Cristianos en el "nuevo movimiento obrero" en España. Historia social, 2006, 54, p. 137-156. 5859. BLOMQVIST (Håkan). Nation, ras och civilisation i svensk arbetarrörelse före nazismen. (Nation, race et civilisation dans le mouvement ouvrier suédois avant le nazisme). Stockholm, Carlsson, 2006, 550 p. (Södertörn doctoral dissertations, 5). 5860. ýERNÁ (Marie). Women under socialism. What degree of emancipation? In: Communisme (Le) a partir des sociétés = Communism from the viewpoint of societies [Cf. no 5862], p. 75-86. 5861. COLOMB (Claire). Towards an urban renaissance in New Labours's Britain: fragmentation of sustainable reurbanisation of British cities? Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2006, 46, p. 289-409. 5862. Communisme (Le) a partir des sociétés = Communism from the viewpoint of societies. Ed. Muriel BLAIVE. Cahiers du CEFRES, 2006, 30, 124 p. [Cf. nos 3698, 5860, 5885.] 5863. DARLINGTON (Ralph). Revolutionary sindicalist opposition to the First Word War: a comparative re-
assessement. In: Labour internationalism: different times, different faces [Cf. no 5874], p. 983-1003. 5864. DAWSON (Andrew). "Bring Hollywood home!" Studio Labour, nationalism and internationalism, and opposition to "Runaway Production", 19482003. In: Labour internationalism: different times, different faces [Cf. no 5874], p. 1101-1122. 5865. DEBOUZY (Marianne). Les travailleurs des services à Las Vegas depuis les années 1980. Mouvement social, 2006, 216, p. 75-86. 5866. FEURER (Rosemary). Radical unionism in the Midwest, 1900–1950. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2006, XIX-320 p. (Working Class in American history). 5867. FITZGERALD (John). Transnational networks and national identities in the Australian commonwealth: the Chinese-Australasian Kuomintang, 1923– 1937. Australian historical studies, 2006, 37, 127, p. 95116. 5868. GARFIELD (Seth). Tapping masculinity: labor recruitment to the Brazilian Amazon during World War II. Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 2, p. 275308. 5869. Global labour history. A state of the art. Ed. by Jan LUCASSEN. Bern, Peter Lang, 2006, 790 p. 5870. HINTON (James). Middle-class socialism: selfhood, democracy and distinction in wartime County Durham. History workshop, 2006, 62, p. 116-141. 5871. JUNG (Moon-Kie). Reworking race: the making of Hawaii's interracial labor movement. New York, Columbia U. P., 2006, VIII-292 p. 5872. KERSTEN (Andrew E.). Labor's home front: the American Federation of labor during World War II. Ed. by Harvey J. KAYE. New York, New York U. P., 2006, XIII-274 p. 5873. KÖSTERS (Christoph). Die katholischen Bischöfe und der 17. Juni 1953. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, 2, p. 269-300. 5874. Labour internationalism: different times, different faces. Ed. par Magaly RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 2006, 84, 4, p. 9571139. [Cf. nos 5857, 5863, 5864, 5882, 5884, 5886, 5889, 5891.] 5875. MADARÁSZ (Jeannette Z.). Working in East Germany: normality in a socialist dictatorship, 1961– 79. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XI-206 p. 5876. MORALES MUÑOZ (Manuel). Un espacio propio. Sociabilidad e identidad obrera en Andalucía. Historia social, 2006, 56, p. 53-70. 5877. MORENO (Paul D.). Black Americans and organized labor: a new history. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2006, XII-334 p. 5878. NUTTALL (Jeremy). Psychological socialism: the Labour Party and qualities of mind and character,
1931 to the present. New York, Manchester U. P., 2006, 213 p. (Critical Labour Movement studies).
Communisme (Le) a partir des sociétés = Communism from the viewpoint of societies [Cf. no 5862], p. 39-61.
5879. PERALTA PRIETO (Julia). Den sjuka arbetslösheten: svensk arbetsmarknadspolitik och dess praxis 1978 2004. (La maladie du chômage: la politique suédoise du marché du travail et sa mise en oeuvre 19782004). Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2006, 176 p. (Uppsala studies in economic history, 78).
5886. THORPE (Wayne). El Ferrol, Rio de Janeiro, Zimmerwald, and beyond: syndicalist internationalism, 19141918. In: Labour internationalism: different times, different faces [Cf. no 5874], p. 1005-1023.
5880. PEREIRA TOLEDO MACHADO (Maria Helena). From slave rebels to strikebreakers: the Quilombo of Jabaquara and the problem of citizenship in latenineteenth-century Brazil. Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 2, p. 247-274. 5881. Politiques (Les) du travail (19062006). Acteurs, institutions, réseaux. Sous la dir. de Alain CHATRIOT, Odile JOIN-LAMBERT et Vincent VIET. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 518 p. (Pour une histoire du travail). 5882. RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA (Magaly). Early views on internationalism: marxist socialist wv liberals. In: Labour internationalism: different times, different faces [Cf. no 5874], p. 1049-1073. 5883. SEEGERS (Lu). Symbolische Integration bei Stadtjubiläen in der DDR. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2006, 46, p. 249-276. 5884. SILVERMAN (Víctor). Green unions in a grey world: labor enviromentalism international institutions. In: Labour internationalism: different times, different faces [Cf. no 5874], p. 1123-1139. 5885. STÁTNÍK (Dalibor). The socialist work groups. From the Soviet case to the Czechoslovak one. In:
5887. Trabajo e historia en el Uruguay: investigaciones recientes. Compiladores María Magdalena CAMOU y Rodolfo PORRINI. Montevideo, Universidad de la República, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, 2006, 161 p. (ill.). 5888. VALLEJOS (Julio Pinto). El despertar del proletario: el Partido Obrero Socialista y la construcción de la identidad obrera en Chile. Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 4, p. 707-745. 5889. VAN GOETHEM (Geert). An international experiment of women workers: the international federation of working women, 19191924. In: Labour internationalism: different times, different faces [Cf. no 5874], p. 1025-1047. 5890. VELASCO E CRUZ (Maria Cecília). Puzzling out slave origins in Rio de Janeiro port unionism: the 1906 strike and the Sociedade de Resistência dos Trabalhadores em Trapiche e Café. Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 2, p. 205-245. 5891. WATERS (Robert Anthony Jr.). "When you're handed money on a platter, it's very hard to say, 'where are you getting this?'": the AFL-CIO, the CIA, and British Guiana. In: Labour internationalism: different times, different faces [Cf. no 5874], p. 1075-1099. Cf. no 4579
O MODERN LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY _________ § 1. General. 5892-5908. – § 2. History of constitutional law. 5909-5927. – § 3. Public law and institutions. 59285941. – § 4. Civil and penal law. 5942-5998. – § 5. International law. 5999-6005.
§ 1. General. _______________________
* 5892. Juristische Zeitschriften in Europa. Hrsg. v. Michael STOLLEIS und Thomas SIMON. Frankfurt am Main, Vittorio Klostermann, 2006, VII-626 p. * 5893. OSLER (D. J.). Edoardo Volterra, 19041984. A catalogue of the early printed books in his library, now in the École française de Rome. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2006, LVI-547 p. (Bibliographica iuridica, 3. Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, Veröffentl. des Max-Planck-Instituts für europäische Rechtsgeschichte Frankfurt am Main, 211). _______________________
5894. BRAUN (Johann). Einführung in die Rechtsphilosophie. Der Gedanke des Rechts. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XXIII-408 p. 5895. CORTESE (Ennio). L'edizione cinquecentesca dei tractatus. Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2006, 79, p. 5-10. 5896. DEL ARENAL FENOCHIO (Jaime). De Altamira a Grossi: presencia de historiadores extranjeros del derecho en México. Historia Mexicana, 2006, 55, 4, p. 1467-1495. 5897. DÖLEMEYER (Barbara). Entstehung und Funktion von juristischen Zeitschriften und Entscheidungssammlungen (Deutschland und Österreich). Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 1-2, p. 195208. 5898. Droit sous Vichy (Le). Sous la dir. de Bernard DURAND, Jean-Pierre LE CROM et Alessandro SOMMA. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2006, VIII-498 p. (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 213. Das Europa der Diktatur, 13). 5899. HECKEL (Martin). Vom alten Reich zum neuen Staat. Entwicklungslinien des deutschen Staatskirchenrechts in der Neuzeit. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 3-4, p. 235-278.
5900. IBBETSON (David). Legal periodicals in England 18201870. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 1-2, p. 175-194. 5901. Inszenierungen des Rechts. Schauprozesse, Medienprozesse und Prozessfilme in der DDR. Hrsg. v. Klaus MARXEN und Annette WEINKE. Berlin, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2006, 234 p. 5902. JUNG (Otmar). Der literarische Judenstern. Die Indizierung der "jüdischen" Rechtsliteratur im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland. Viertljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, 1, p. 25-60. 5903. LIKHOVSKI (Assaf). Law and identity in Mandate Palestine. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XI-312 p. (Studies in legal history). 5904. Lutheran Reformation and the law. Ed. by Virpi MÄKINEN. Leiden, Brill, 2006, XII-270 p. 5905. RADY (Martyn). The prologue to WerbĘczy's tripartitum and its sources. English historical review, 2006, 121, 490, p. 104-145. 5906. SCHEUREN-BRANDES (Christoph M.). Der Weg von nationalsozialistischen Rechtslehren zur Radbruchschen Formel. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Idee vom "Unrichtigen Recht". Paderborn, Schöningh, 2006, 139 p. (Rechts- und staatswissenschaftliche Veröffentl. der Görres-Gesellschaft, N.F., 113). 5907. SCHRÖDER (Jan). Die deutsche Rechtswissenschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts: Theorie und Verbindungen zur Rechtspraxis. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 1-2, p. 33-47. 5908. WESENER (Gunter). Anfänge und Entwicklung der "Österreichischen Privatrechtsgeschichte" im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 3-4, p. 364-408. Cf. nos 651-676
O. MODERN LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY § 2. History of constitutional law. _______________________
5909. DINAN (John J.). The American state constitutional tradition. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2006, 430 p. 5910. DIPPEL (Horst). Die kurhessische Verfassung von 1831 im internationalen Vergleich. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 282, 3, p. 619-644. 5911. ELKIN (Stephen L.). Reconstructing the commercial republic: constitutional design after Madison. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006, XIII-413 p. 5912. GRABER (Mark A.). Dred Scott and the problem of constitutional evil. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIII-264 p. 5913. GRONSKÝ (Ján). Komentované dokumenty k ústavním dČjinám ýeskoslovenska. 2. 19451960. (Commented documents to the constitutional history of the Czechoslovakia. Tomo 2. 19451960). Praha, Karolinum, 2006, 510 p. 5914. HÖMIG (Dieter). Die badische Verfassung von 1818 und ihre Bedeutung für den modernen Verfassungsstaat im Rückblick auf 200 jahre badische Verfassungsgeschichte. Münster, Lit, 2006, 2 vol., IV-20 p., VII-35 p. (Ius vivens, Quellentexte zur Rechtsgeschichte, 7). 5915. Konstitutionalismus und Verfassungskonflikt. Symposion für Dietmar Willoweit. Hrsg. v. Ulrike MÜßIG. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, X-289 p. (Grundlagen der Rechtswissenschaft, 6). 5916. PRUTSCH (Markus J.). Die "Charte constitutionelle" Ludwigs XVIII. In der Krise von 1830. Verfassungsentwicklung und Verfassungsrevision in Frankreich, 1814 bis 1830. Marburg, Tectum, 2006, 235 p.
Siebeck, 2006, VIII-272 p. (Einheit der Gesellschaftswissenschaften, 136). 5922. Verfassungen (Die) in Europa, 17891949. Eine wissenschaftliche Textedition. Herausgegeben und mit einer verfassungsgeschichtlichen Einführung zur Erschliessung der Texte versehen von Dieter GOSEWINKEL und Johannes MASING; unter Mitarbeit von Andreas WÜRSCHINGER. München, Beck, 2006, XXIV2116 p. 5923. VERGNE (Arnaud). La notion de constitution d'après les cours et assemblées à la fin de l'Ancien Régime (17501789). Paris, De Boccard, 2006, 653 p. 5924. WIECEK (William M.). The birth of the modern Constitution: the United States Supreme Court, 19411953. New York a. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVII-733 p. (ill., ports.). (History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 12). 5925. WINTERHOFF (Christian). Verfassung – Verfassungsgebung – Verfassungsänderung. Zur Theorie der Verfassung und der Verfassungsrechtserzeugung. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XXX-506 p. (Jus publicum, 155). 5926. ZIETLOW (Rebecca E.). Enforcing equality: Congress, the Constitution, and the protection of individual rights. New York, New York U. P., 2006, XI-265 p. 5927. Zusammengesetzte Staatlichkeit in der europäischen Verfassungsgeschichte. Für die Vereinigung herausgegeben von Hans-Jürgen BECKER. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2006, 297 p. (Der Staat, 16). Cf. nos 616-650, 3564, 3587, 3636, 3658, 4330, 4423, 4435, 4473 § 3. Public law and institutions. _______________________
5917. RITTER (Gretchen). The constitution as social design: gender and civic membership in the American constitutional order. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2006, XI381 p.
5928. BAUMANN (Imanuel). Dem Verbrechen auf der Spur. Eine Geschichte der Kriminologie und Kriminalpolitik in Deutschland, 1880 bis 1980. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2006, 429 p. (Moderne Zeiten, 13).
5918. SCHWERTMANN (Malte). Gesetzgebung und Repräsentation im frühkonstitutionellen Bayern. Die Beteiligung der Ständeversammlung an der Gesetzgebung in der parlamentarischen Praxis von 1819 bis 1848. Würzburg, Ergon, 2006, XXX-262 p. (Würzburger rechtswissenschaftliche Schriften, 67).
5929. BRAUN (Alexandra). Giudici e accademia nell' esperienza inglese. Storia di un dialogo. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 560 p. (Istituto italiano di scienze umane, studi).
5919. SEVERIN-BARBOUTIE (Bettina). Verfassung und Verwaltung im Umbruch. Das rheinbündische Deutschland im Vergleich. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 3-4, p. 338-363. 5920. STROHMEYER (Arno). Konfessionskonflikt und Herrschaftsordnung. Widerstandsrecht bei den österreichischen Ständen, 15501650. Mainz, von Zabern, 2006, X-561 p. (Europäische Geschichte Mainz, Abt. Universalgeschichte201, Sozial- und Verfassungsgeschichte des Alten Reiches, 16). 5921. THURNER (Paul W.). Die graduelle Konstitutionalisierung der Europäischen Union. Tübingen, Mohr
5930. CLAPTON (Rick). Police and presence: the Victoria police and public impressions of authority in Australia, 19001930. Canadian journal of history, 2006, 41, 1, p. 23-46. 5931. CROSETTI (Alessandro). Dalla "proprietà pubblica alle "proprietà pubbliche". Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2006, 79, p. 63-110. 5932. Deutsche Reichstagsakten. Hrsg. von der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften durch Eike WOLGAST. Jüngere Reihe. Deutsche Reichstagsakten unter Kaiser Karl V. Band 18. Der Reichstag zu Augsburg 1547/48. Bearb. von Ursula MACHOCZEK. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, 3 vol., 2760 p.
5933. DYM (Jordana). "Our pueblos, fractions with no central unity": municipal sovereignty in Central America, 18081821. Hispanic American historical review, 2006, 86, 3, p. 431-466.
5945. ALLEN (Austin). Origins of the Dred Scott case: Jacksonian jurisprudence and the Supreme Court, 1837–1857. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2006, X-274 p. (Studies in the legal history of the South).
5934. FALK (Ulrich). Consilia. Studien zur Praxis der Rechtsgutachten in der frühen Neuzeit. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2006, XX-482 p. (Rechtsprechung, 22).
5946. BALTHASAR (Stephan). Der Schutz der Privatsphäre im Zivilrecht. Eine historisch-vergleichende Untersuchung zum deutschen, französischen und englischen Recht von ius commune bis Heute. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XXI-278 p. (Grundlagen der Rechtswissenschaft, 7).
5935. HAMELIN (Fabrice). Les naissances d'une police. Comment la police de la route est devenue une institution légitime aux États-Unis. Genèses, 2006, 63, p. 88-107. 5936. LE MAO (Caroline). Les fortunes de Thémis. Vie des magistrats au parlement de Bordeaux au Grand Siècle. Bordeaux, Fédération historique du Sud-Ouest, 2006, 424 p. 5937. Mémoires policiers (Les), 17501850. Écritures et pratiques policières du siècle des Lumières au Second Empire. Sous la dir. de Vincent MILLIOT. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes et Caen, Maison de la recherche en sciences humaines, 2006, 415 p. (Histoire). 5938. MENG (Qichao). Zhongguo jincha jindaihua yanjiu: yu fa wenhua wei shijiao. (Jurisprudential and cultural perspectives on the modernization of Chinese police). Beijing, Zhongguo renmin gong'an daxue chubanshe, 2006, 6, 3, 5, 4, 318 p. 5939. MEYZIE (Vincent). Les illusions perdues de la magistrature seconde, les officiers "moyens" de justice en Limousin et en Périgord, vers 1655vers 1810. Préf. de Michel CASSAN. Limoges, Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2006, 640 p. 5940. Oltremare. Diritto e istituzioni dal colonialismo all'età postcoloniale. A cura di Aldo MAZZACANE. Napoli, Cuen, 2006, 282 p. 5941. Supreme Court (The) and American political development. Ed. by Ronald KAHN and Ken I. KERSCH. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2006, X-494 p. os
Cf. n 616-650 § 4. Civil and penal law. * 5942. TUCKER (Penny). First steps towards an English legal profession: the case of the London 'Ordinance of 1280' [Review Article]. English historical review, 2006, 121, 491, p. 361-384. * 5943. ZARUSKY (Jürgen). Recht und Justiz in der NS-Diktatur. Neue Literatur. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 3-4, p. 409-432. _______________________
5944. AHRENS (Martin). Prozessreform und einheitlicher Zivilprozess: einhundert Jahre legislative Reform des deutschen Zivilverfahrensrechts vom Ausgang des 18. Jahrhunderts bis zur Verabschiedung der Reichszivilprozessordnung. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XIX-701 p.
5947. BARRENECHE (Osvaldo). Crime and the administration of justice in Buenos Aires, 1785–1853. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2006, X-179 p. 5948. BASTIEN (Pascal). L'exécution publique à Paris au XVIIIe siècle. Une histoire des rituels judiciaires Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2006, 273 p. (Époques). 5949. BERG (Manfred). Das Ende der Lynchjustiz im amerikanischen Süden. Historische Zeitschrift, 2006, 283, 3, p. 583-616. 5950. BETTONI (Antonella). Voci malevole. Fama, notizia del crimine e azione del giudice nel processo criminale (sec. XVI e XVII). Quaderni storici, 2006, 41, 121, 1, p. 13-38. 5951. BOTOR (Stefan). Das Berliner Sühneverfahren – die letzte Phase der Entnazifizierung. Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2006, 259 p. (Rechtshistorische Reihe, 327). 5952. CÁRDENAS GUTIÉRREZ (Salvador). El teatro de la justicia en la Nueva España. Elementos para una arqueología de la judicatura en la época barroca. Historia Mexicana, 2006, 55, 4, p. 1179-1220. 5953. CARON (Jean-Claude). Les feux de la discorde. Conflits et incendies dans la France du XIXe siècle. Paris, Hachette Littératures, 2006, 357 p. 5954. CHRISTIN (Angèle). Jurys populaires et juges professionnels en France. Ou comment approcher le jugement pénal. Genèses, 2006, 65, p. 138-151. 5955. CLICHE (Marie-Aimée). Du péché au traumatisme: L'inceste, vu de la Cour des jeunes délinquants et de la Cour du bien-être social de Montréal, 19121965. Canadian historical review, 2006, 87, 2, p. 199-222. 5956. Codice (Il) di diritto canonico e il nuovo concordato vent' anni dopo: atti del convegno "Il codice di diritto canonico e il nuovo concordato vent'anni dopo", Bologna, 2930 ottobre 2004. A cura di Luca IANNACCONE. Bologna, Minerva, 2006, 299 p. 5957. Commémoration (De la) d'un code à l'autre. 200 ans de procédure civile en France: 18061976– 2006. Sous la dir. de Loïc CADIET et Guy CANIVET. Paris, Lexis Nexis Litec, 2006, XV-383 p. 5958. DABHOIWALA (Faramerz). Summary justice in early Modern London. English historical review, 2006, 121, 492, p. 796-822. 5959. DAROVEC (Darko). Napoléon et son Royaume d'Italie (18051809): un aperçu des changements dans
le domaine législatif et judiciaire en Istrie. In: Napoleon na Jadranu [Cf. no 6310], p. 59-68, p. 311-315. 5960. DIRKS (Christian). "Die Verbrechen der anderen". Auschwitz und der Auschwitz-Prozess in der DDR. Das Verfahren gegen den KZ-Arzt Dr. Horst Fischer. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2006, 406 p. (Sammlung Schöningh zur Geschichte und Gegenwart). 5961. Europäische Strafkolonien im 19. Jahrhundert. Internationaler Kongress des Dipartimento di storia der Universität Sassari und des Parco nazionale di Asinara, Porto Torres, 25. mai 2001. Hrsg. v. Mario DA PASSANO. Berlin, BWV Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, 2006, IX-280 p. (Juristische Zeitgeschichte, Abtlg. 2, Forum juristische Zeitgeschichte, 15). 5962. FANZUN (Jon A.). Souveränität, Neutralität, Humanität: Zur schweizerischen Menschenrechtspolitik im Kalten Krieg. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 4, p. 459-473. 5963. FINLAY (John). Advocacy, patronage and character at the eighteenth-century Scots bar. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 2006, 74, 1-2, p. 95-119. 5964. FYSON (Donald). Magistrates, police, and people: everyday criminal justice in Quebec and Lower Canada, 1764–1837. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, 2006, XVI-467 p. 5965. GLAZUNOV (Dmitrij A.). Dejatel'nost' sudebnykh uchrezhdenij Tomskoj gubernii (konets XIX– nachalo XX v). (The activity of judicial institutions of the Tomsk Province of Russia in the late 19th and the early 20th century). Altajskaja akad. ekonomiki i prava. Barnaul, AAEP, 2006, 152 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.). 5966. GRINBERG (Martine). Écrire les coutumes: les droits seigneuriaux en France, XVIe–XVIIIe siècle. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2006, 206 p. (Le Noeud Gordien). 5967. GUO (Chengwei). Qingmo minchu xingsu fa dianhua yanjiu. (A study on the codification of criminal law in late Qing and early Republican period). Beijing, Zhongguo renmin gong'an daxue chubanshe, 2006, VXI-434 p. 5968. HANLEY (Sarah). The family, the state, and the law in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century France: the political ideology of male right versus an early theory of natural rights. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 2, p. 289-332. 5969. IMMENHAUSER (Martin). Das Dogma von Vertrag und Delikt. Zur Entstehungs- und Wirkungsgeschichte der zweigeteilten Haftungsordnung. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2006, XVII-515 p. (Forschungen zur neueren Privatrechtsgeschichte, 31). 5970. KAUHAUSEN (Ilka). Nach der "Stunde Null". Prinzipiendiskussionen im Privatrecht nach 1945. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006, XVIII-297 p. (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhundert, 52).
5971. KING (Peter). Crime and law in England, 17501840. Remaking justice from the margins. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVI-348 p. 5972. KOCH (Arnd). Denunciatio. Zur Geschichte eines strafprozessualen Rechtsinstituts. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 2006, XIII-307 p. (Juristische Abhandlungen, 48). 5973. KRUSE (Constantin). Alternative Kausalität im Deliktsrecht. Eine historische und vergleichende Untersuchung. Münster, LIT, 2006, XIII-273 p. (Münsteraner Studien zur Rechtsvergleichung, 117). 5974. LAU (Thomas). Sodom an der Limmat. Strafverfolgung und gleichgeschlechtliche Sexualität in Zürich zwischen 1500 und 1900. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2006, 56, 3, p. 273-294. 5975. LIRA GONZÁLEZ (Andrés). Dimensión jurídica de la conciencia. Pecadores y pecados en tres confesionarios de la Nueva España, 15451732. Historia Mexicana, 2006, 55, 4, p. 1139-1178. 5976. MASCIARI (Francesco). La codificazione civile napoletana. Elaborazione e revisione delle leggi civili borboniche (18151850). Napoli, Edizioni, Scientifiche Italiane, 2006, 398 p. 5977. MASTROMINICO (Giuseppe). Aspetti della cultura espropriativa nell'Italia unita (18651890). Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2006, 79, p. 111-214. 5978. MAYENBURG (David von). Kriminologie und Strafrecht zwischen Kaiserreich und Nationalsozialismus. Hans von Hentig, 18871974. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2006, 492 p. (Rheinische Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 1). 5979. MENICONI (Antonella). La "maschia avvocatura": istituzioni e professione forense in epoca fascista (1922–1943). Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, 376 p. (Storia dell'avvocatura in Italia). 5980. NA (Silu). Qingdai zhouxian yamen shenpan zhidu. (The administration of local justice in Qing times). Beijing, Zhongguo zhengfa daxue chubanshe, 2006, IV, 14, 4, 341 p. 5981. NABERS (Deak). Victory of law: the Fourteenth Amendment, the Civil War, and American literature, 1852–1867. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, XII-239 p. 5982. PALK (Deirdre). Gender, crime and judicial discretion, 1780–1830. Rochester, Boydell Press for the Royal Historical Society, 2006, 202 p. (Studies in history new series). 5983. Papier (Du) à la biométrie: identifier les individus. Sous la dir. de Xavier CRETTIEZ et Pierre PIAZZA. Paris, Presses de la fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 2006, 331 p. 5984. PATRIAS (Carmela). Socialists, Jews, and the 1947 Saskatchewan Bill of Rights. Canadian historical review, 2006, 87, 2, p. 265-292.
5. ADDENDUM 2000
5985. PIANT (Hervé). Une justice ordinaire. Justice civile et criminelle dans la prévôté royale de Vaucouleurs sous l'Ancien Régime. Préface de Benoît GARNOT. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 307 p. (Histoire).
5997. VESENTINI (Frédéric). Pratiques pénales et structures sociales: l'État belge et la répression du crime en temps de crise économique (18401860). Louvainla-Neuve, Academia-Bruylant, Université catholique de Louvain, 2006, 344 p. (ill.). (Temps et espaces, 4).
5986. Reichstagsbrand (Der) und der Prozess vor dem Reichsgericht. Hrsg. v. Dieter DEISEROTH. Berlin, Tischler, 2006, 384 p. (Justizkritische Buchreihe, 3).
5998. ZVJAGINTSEV (Aleksandr G.), ORLOV (Jurij G.). Zalozhniki vozhdej. Sovetskie i rossijskie prokurory. XX vek. 1954–1992. (The hostages of chiefs: Soviet and Russian prosecutors, 1954–1992). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 647 p. (ill.; portr.; facs.; bibl. p. 642644; pers. ind. p. 631-641). (Rossijskie prokurory).
5987. REIMANN (Mathias). Die Erosion der klassischen Formen – Rechtskulturelle Wandlungen des Civil Law und Common Law im Europa des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 2006, 28, 1-2, p. 209-234. 5988. SIMON (James F.). Lincoln and Chief Justice Taney: slavery, secession, and the president's war powers. New York, Simon and Schuster, 2006, 324 p. 5989. SPECKMAN GUERRA (Elisa), MARINO (Daniela). Ley y Justicia (del virreinato a la posrevolución). Historia Mexicana, 2006, 55, 4, p. 1101-1104. 5990. SPECKMAN GUERRA (Elisa). Los jueces, el honor y la muerte. Un análisis de la justicia (ciudad de México, 18711931). Historia Mexicana, 2006, 55, 4, p. 1411-1466. 5991. SUN (Zhenping). Minguo shiqi Xizang fazhi yanjiu. (The legal system in Tibet in Republican era). Beijing, Zhishi chanquan chubanshe, 2006, 2, 5, 322 p. 5992. TANABE (Akihide). "Taishin keiritsu" kara "Zankǀ shin keiritsu" e: Chnjgoku ni okeru kindaiteki keiho no seiteikatei ni tsuite. ("Da Qing Xinglü" to "Temporary new law": Formation of modern penal law in China). Toyoshi Kenkyu, 2006, 65, 2, p. 37-69. 5993. TASLITZ (Andrew E.). Reconstructing the Fourth Amendment: a history of search and seizure, 1789– 1868. New York, New York U. P., 2006, XI-363 p. 5994. TEITELBAUM (Vanesa E.). Sectores populares y "delitos leves" en la ciudad de México a mediados del siglo XIX. Historia Mexicana, 2006, 55, 4, p. 12211287. 5995. TRASLOSHEROS H. (Jorge E.). Orden Judicial y herencia medieval en la Nueva España. Historia Mexicana, 2006, 55, 4, p. 1105-1138. 5996. Tribunali (I) del matrimonio, secoli 15.18. A cura di Silvana SEIDEL MENCHI e Diego QUAGLIONI. Bologna, il Mulino, 2006, V-848 p. (Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, quaderni, 68; i processi matrimoniali degli archivi ecclesiastici italiani, 4).
Cf. nos 654, 660, 662, 663, 666, 667, 675, 5787 § 5. International law. _______________________
5999. HILGER (Andreas). Sowjetische Justiz und Kriegsverbrechen. Dokumente zu den Verurteilungen deutscher Kriegsgefangener, 1941–1949. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, 3, p. 461-516. 6000. JÄGER (Jens). Verfolgung durch Verwaltung. Internationales Verbrechen und internationale Polizeikooperation 18801933. Konstanz, Universitätsverlag Konstanz, 2006, 424 p. 6001. JAMES (Harold). The Roman predicament: how the rules of international order create the politics of empire. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2006, VII-166 p. 6002. PEŠEK (JiĜí), TģMA (OldĜich). Právní normy let 19381948 týkající se NČmcĤ v ýeskoslovensku a ostatní EvropČ. (Legislation from 19381948 relating to the Germans of Czechoslovakia and the rest of Europe). Soudobé dČjiny, 2006, 13, 3/4, p. 431-460. 6003. VAN ITTERSUM (Martine Julia). Profit and principle: Hugo Grotius, natural rights theories and the rise of Dutch power in the East Indies 1595–1615. Boston, Brill, 2006, LXII-538 p. (Brill's studies in intellectual history, 139). 6004. ZELLER (Bernhard). Ex facto ius oritur. Zur Bedeutung der ehemaligen deutschen Kolonialgrenzen in Afrika am Beispiel des Rechtsstreits zwischen Kamerun und Nigeria. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2006, XX419 p. (Schriften zur Geschichte des Völkerrechts, 11). § 5. Addendum 2000. 6005. BASS (Gary Jonathan). Stay the hand of vengeance: the politics of war crimes tribunals. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2000, 402 p. Cf. nos 5921, 5927
P HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS _________ § 1. General. 6006-6077. – § 2. History of colonization and decolonization (a. General; b. Asia; c. Africa; d. America; e. Oceania). 6078-6246. – § 3. From 1500 to 1789 (a. General; b. 1500–1648; c. 1648–1789). 6247-6298. – § 4. From 1789 to 1815. 6299-6318. – § 5. From 1815 to 1910. 6319-6380. – § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. 6381-6473. – § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War (a. General; b. Diplomacy. Economy; c. Military operations; d. Resistance). 6474-6616. – § 8. From 1945 (a. General; b. 19451956; c. From 1956). 6617-6830. § 1. General. * 6006. Dos siglos de relaciones México-Estados Unidos: guía bibliohemerográfica, 19742005. Coordinadora María Marcela TERRAZAS Y BASANTE. México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, 2006, 1 CD-ROM (Serie de instrumentos de consulta, 6). ** 6007. Archivführer zur Geschichte des Memelgebiets und der deutsch-litauischen Beziehungen. Bearbeitet von Christian GAHLBECK und Vacys VAIVADA; herausgegeben von Joachim TAUBER und Tobias WEGER. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2006, 686 p. (Schriften des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa, 27). ** 6008. COLLEONI (Aldo). Il ruolo geopolitico dei consoli a Trieste dal 1732 al 2006. Trieste, Italo Svevo, EUT, 2006, 1661 p. _______________________
6009. ADAS (Michael). Dominance by design: technological imperatives and America's civilizing mission. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2006, 542 p. 6010. ALLAIN (Jean-Claude), CATALA (Michel). Généraux et diplomates en France. In: Militaires et diplomatie [Cf. no 6056], p. 5-16. 6011. ANDREEV (Aleksandr I.). Tibet v politike tsarskoj, sovetskoj i postsovetskoj Rossii. (Tibet in Trarist, Soviet and post-Soviet Russia's policy). SanktPeterburg, Izdatel'stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta, 2006, 464 p. (ill.; portr.; maps; bibl. p. 436-461). 6012. Angleterre ou Albion, entre fascination et répulsion: de l'Exposition universelle au Dôme du millénaire, 18512000. Ed. par Gilbert MILLAT. Villeneuve d'Ascq, Université Charles-de-Gaulle-Lille III, 2006, 266 p. (Collection UL3. Travaux et recherches).
6013. Anti-Americanism in Latin America and the Caribbean. Ed. by Alan MAC PHERSON. New York, Berghahn Books, 2006, X-301 p. (Explorations in culture and international history). 6014. ASADA (Sadao). From Mahan to Pearl Harbor: the imperial Japanese navy and the United States. Annapolis, Naval Institute Press, 2006, XII-385 p. (map). 6015. Austrian foreign policy in historical context. Ed. by Günter BISCHOF, Anton PELINKA and Michael GEHLER. New Brunswick a. London, Transaction Publishers, 2006, 423 p. (ill., maps). (Contemporary Austrian studies, 14). 6016. BERTHET (Samuel). Cultural dynamics and strategies of the Indian élite (18701947): Indo-French relations during the Raj. New Delhi, Manohar, 2006, 239 p. 6017. Big wars and small wars: the British army and the lessons of war in the twentieth century. Ed. by Hew STRACHAN. London, Routledge, 2006, XI-186 p. (Cass series-military history and policy). 6018. BLACK (Jeremy), SCHWEIZER (Karl). The value of diplomatic history: a case study in the historical thought of Herbert Butterfield. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 3, p. 617-631. 6019. BLAXLAND (John Charles). Strategic cousins: Australian and Canadian expeditionary forces and the British and American empires. Montreal, McGillQueen's U. P., 2006, XXX-388 p. (ill., maps). 6020. BOTTS (Joshua). "Nothing to seek and ... nothing to defend": George F. Kennan's core values and American foreign policy, 19381993. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 5, p. 839-866. 6021. BRECHTKEN (Magnus). Scharnierzeit 1895 1907. Persönlichkeitsnetze und internationale Politik in
den deutsch-british-amerikanischen Beziehungen vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Mainz, von Zabern, 2006, XII454 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für europäische Geschichte Mainz, Abt. für Universalgeschichte, 195). 6022. Britain and Germany in the twentieth century. Ed. by Manfred GÖRTEMAKER. Oxford a. New York, Berg, 2006, XII-226 p. (German historical perspectives, 18). 6023. BRUNE (Lester H.). Chronology of the Cold War, 19171992. Consulting editor Richard Dean BURNS. New York London: Routledge, 2006, XIX-700 p. (ill., maps). 6024. BRUNERO (Donna). Britain's imperial cornerstone in China: the Chinese Maritime Customs Service, 18541949. London, Routledge, 2006, XIV-200 p. (Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia, 36). 6025. Busca (En) de una nación soberana: relaciones internacionales de México, siglos XIX y XX. Ed. por Jorge A. SCHIAVON, Daniela SPENSER y Mario VÁZQUEZ OLIVERA. Mexico D.F., Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, 2006, 644 p. 6026. Canada (Le), la France et le monde. Intr. de Serge BERNIER. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2006, 223, 3, 160 p. [Cf. nos 6666, 6742, 6774, 6817.] 6027. DE LA PEDRAJA TOMÁN (René). Wars of Latin America, 18991941. Jefferson, McFarland & Co., 2006, XII-496 p. (ill., maps). 6028. DE LUNA (Giovanni). Il corpo del nemico ucciso. Violenza e morte nella guerra contemporanea. Torino, Einaudi, 2006, 302 p. 6029. DI NOLFO (Ennio). Prima lezione di storia delle relazioni internazionali. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, VII-150 p. 6030. Distant relations: Iran and Lebanon in the last 500 years. Ed. by Houchang Esfandiar CHEHABI. London, Centre for Lebanese Studies in association with I. B. Tauris, 2006, XIV-322 p. 6031. Dossier 19061956: les années en 6. Intr. de Chantal METZGER. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2006, 224, 4, 176 p. [Cf. nos 6327, 6413, 6502, 6664, 6720.] 6032. DUECK (Colin). Reluctant crusaders. Power, culture, and change in American grand strategy. Princeton a. Oxford, Princeton U. P., 2006, 224 p. 6033. DUMITRAùCU (Lavinia-Dacia). Un veac de nesingurătate: relaĠii între România úi Columbia în secolul al XX-lea. ConstanĠa, Editura Muntenia, 2006, 296 p. 6034. États-Unis (Les) face aux révolutions, de la Révolution française à la victoire de Mao en Chine. Sous la dir. de Pierre MÉLANDRI et Serge RICARD. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 226 p. (L'aire anglophone).
6035. FAIZULLAEV (Alisher). Diplomacy and self. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 3, p. 497-522. 6036. FERGUSON (Niall). The war of the world: twentieth-century conflict and the descent of the West. New York, Penguin, 2006, LXXI-808 p. 6037. FIELDHOUSE (David Kenneth). Western imperialism in the Middle East 19141958. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 376 p. (maps). 6038. FISCHER (Robert-Tarek). Österreich im Nahen Osten: die Grossmachtpolitik der Habsburgermonarchie im Arabischen Orient, 16331918. Wien, Böhlau, 2006, 314 p. (ill., maps). 6039. Fog (The) of peace and war planning. Military and strategic planning under uncertainty. Ed. by Talbot C. IMLAY and Monica Duffy TOFT. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XII-282 p. (Cass series-Strategy and history, 12). 6040. GÖKAY (Bülent). Soviet Eastern policy and Turkey, 19201991: Soviet foreign policy, Turkey and communism. London, Routledge, 2006, XIV-184 p. (ill.). (Routledge studies in the history of Russia and Eastern Europe, 5). 6041. Guerre et paix en Afrique noire et à Madagascar: XIXe et XXe siècles. Textes réunis par Alain TIREFORT. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes et Nantes, Réseau des Universités de l'Ouest Atlantique, 2006, 249 p. (ill., maps). (Enquêtes et documents, 33). [Cf. nos 3625, 3668, 4157, 4445, 4489, 6165.] 6042. HENRICH-FRANKE (Christian). Organisationskultur und Vertrauen in den internationalen Beziehungen. Anknüpfungspunkt für einen interdisziplinären Dialog? Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 3, p. 344-363. 6043. HOLLAND (Robert F.), MARKIDES (Diana). Britain and the Hellenes: struggles for mastery in the eastern Mediterranean 18501960. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 266 p. (ill., maps). 6044. Intelligence, statecraft and international power: papers read before the 27th Irish Conference of Historians held at Trinity College, Dublin, 1921 May 2005. Ed. by Eunan O'HALPIN, Robert ARMSTRONG and Jane OHLMEYER; foreword by Christopher ANDREW. Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 2006, XVIII-246 p. (maps). (Historical studies, 25). 6045. IONESCU (Mihail E.). FranĠa úi securitatea României de la 1830 până în zilele noastre. (France and security of Romania from 1830 until present). Revista de Istorie Militară. Institutul de Studii Politice de Apărare úi Istorie Militară, 2006, 3-4, p. 88-99. 6046. Japanese-German relations, 18951945. War, diplomacy and public opinion. Ed. by Christian SPANG and Rolf-Harald WIPPICH. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XV-222 p. (Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia, 35).
1. GENERAL 6047. KAUFMAN (Joyce P.). A concise history of U.S. foreign policy. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2006, IX-171 p. (ill., maps). 6048. KOUTSKÁ (Ivana). ýeskoslovenští diplomaté do roku 1945. Studie a dokumenty. (Czechoslovak diplomats till 1945. Studies and documents). Praha, Ústav pro soudobé dČjiny AV ýR, 2006, 279 p. (Studijní materiály Ústavu pro soudobé dČjiny). 6049. KRAMER (Paul A.). The blood of government: race, empire, the United States, and the Philippines. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XII-538 p. (ill.). 6050. KRENN (Michael L.). The color of empire: race and American foreign relations. Washington, Potomac Books, 2006, XVI-146 p. (ill.). (Issues in the history of American foreign relations). 6051. LAWSON (Fred H.). Constructing international relations in the Arab world. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2006, XI-208 p. 6052. LEFÈVRE (Patrick), LEFÈVRE (Jean-Noël). Les militaires belges et le Rwanda: 19162006. Bruxelles, Editions Racine, 2006, 336 p. (ill.). 6053. MAGELI (Eldrid Ingebjoerg). Towards friendship. The relationship between Norway and Japan, 19052005. Oslo, Oslo Academic Press, 2006, 237 p. (Issues in contemporary history). 6054. MAMMARELLA (Giuseppe), CACACE (Paolo). La politica estera dell'Italia: dallo stato unitario ai giorni nostri. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, VII-332 p. (Storia e società). 6055. MARSH (Steve), BAYLIS (John). The AngloAmerican "Special Relationship": the Lazarus of international relations. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 1, p. 173-211. 6056. Militaires et diplomatie: quelques exemples en France et aux Etats-Unis. Présentation de Michel CATALA. Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 2006, 221, 1, 134 p. [Cf. nos 6010, 6395, 6397, 6431, 6583, 6669, 6719, 6739.] 6057. MITCHELL (Allan). A stranger in Paris: Germany's role in Republican France, 18701940. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn, 2006, VIII-95 p. 6058. MOLODJAKOV (Vasilij E.). Rossija i Japonija. Rel'sy gudjat: Zheleznodorozhnyj uzel rossijsko-japonskikh otnoshenij (18911945): Istoricheskoe issledovanie. (Raylway problems in the relations between Russia and Japan in 1891–1945: a historical review). Moskva, AST – Astrel', 2006, 447 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 429440). (Velikie protivostojanija). 6059. MÜLLER (Stefan A.). Die versäumte Freundschaft: Österreich-Mexiko 19011956: von der Aufnahme der Beziehungen bis zu Mexikos Beitritt zum Staatsvertrag. Wien, Lit, 2006, 331 p. (Lateinamerikanistik, 3).
6060. Nazione, interdipendenza, integrazione: le relazioni internazionali dell'Italia, 19171989. Vol. 2. [Vol. 1. Cf. Bibl. 2005, no 6675.] A cura di Federico ROMERO e Antonio VARSORI. Roma, Carocci, 2006, 270 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 107). 6061. Polska – Norwegia 19052005. Pod redakcją Jana SZYMAēSKIEGO. GdaĔsk, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu GdaĔskiego, 2006, 303 p. (ill.). 6062. PORTER (Bernard). Empire and superempire: Britain, America and the world. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, 211 p. 6063. Railways and international politics: paths of empire, 18481945. Ed. by Thomas G. OTTE and Keith NEILSON. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, X243 p. (Cass series-military history and policy, 24). 6064. RAMSDEN (John). Don't mention the war: the British and Germans since 1890. London, Little Brown, 2006, XIV-433 p. (ill.). 6065. Regimes e império: as relações luso-americanas no século XX. I Conferência Internacional FLAD-IPRI, 2 e 3 de Outubro de 2003, Auditório da Fundação Luso-Americana. Coordenador Luís Nuno RODRIGUES. Lisboa, Fundação Luso-Americana, 2006, 278 p. 6066. Russian-German special relations in the twentieth century: a closed chapter? Ed. by Karl SCHLÖGEL. Oxford, Berg, 2006, XI-222 p. (German historical perspectives, 19). 6067. SALVATORE (Ricardo Donato). Imágenes de un imperio: Estados Unidos y las formas de representación de América Latina. Buenos Aires, Editorial Sudamericana, 2006, 191 p. (Ensayo). 6068. SCHWABE (Klaus). Weltmacht und Weltordnung. Amerikanische Außenpolitik von 1898 bis zur Gegenwart. Eine Jahrhundertgeschichte. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2006, XIV-560 p. 6069. SHEININ (David M. K.). Argentina and the United States: an alliance contained. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2006, XII-285 p. (United States and the Americas). 6070. Small states in international relations. Ed. by Christine INGEBRITSEN [et al.]. Seattle, University of Washington Press a. Reykjavik, University of Iceland, 2006, 334 p. 6071. Stosunki polsko-czesko-sáowackie, 19182005. Pod redakcją Janusza GMITRUKA i Andrzeja STAWARZA. Warszawa, Muzeum Historii Polskiego Ruchu Ludowego, 2006, 319 p. (ill.). 6072. Stosunki polsko-sáowackie w I poáowie XX wieku: materiaáy pokonferencyjne. (Polish-Slovak relations in the first half of the twentieth century: conference materials). Redakcja Joanna GàOWIēSKA. Wrocáaw, Oddziaá Instytutu PamiĊci Narodowej-Komisja ĝcigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu we Wrocáawiu, 2006, 118 p.
6073. STYAN (David). France and Iraq: oil, arms and French policy making in the Middle East. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2006, XII-235 p. (Library of international relations, 25). 6074. TOWLE (Philip). From ally to enemy: AngloJapanese military relations 19001945. Folkestone, Global Oriental, 2006, XVII-195 p. 6075. War (From) to Cold War. Anglo-Finnish relations in the 20th century. Ed. by Juhana AUNESLUOMA. Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006, 201 p. (Studia historica, 72). 6076. WINKLER (Heinrich August). Germany. The long road West. Vol. 1. 17891933. oxford, oxford U. P., 2006, 599 p. 6077. Vacat. Cf. nos 382, 604, 1352, 3471-3528, 3533, 3626, 3945, 4105, 4195, 4199, 4333, 4628, 5783 § 2. History of colonization and decolonization. _______________________
a. General ** 6078. British documents on the end of empire. General editor Stephen R. ASHTON. Series B. Vol. 11. Malta. Editor Simon C. SMITH. London, Stationery Office for the Institute of Commonwealth studies, 2006, CVIII-501 p. _______________________
6079. Atlantic slave trade (The). Vol. 1. Origins-1600. Vol. 2. Seventeenth century. Vol. 3. Eighteenth century. Vol. 4. Nineteenth century. Ed. by Jeremy BLACK. Aldershot a. Burlington, Ashgate, 2006, 4 vol., XX-401 p., XIX-548 p., XXII-535 p., XXII-474 p. 6080. BAGNATO (Bruna). L'Europa e il mondo. Origini, sviluppo e crisi dell'imperialismo coloniale. Firenze, Le Monnier, 2006, 274 p. 6081. CANNEY (Donald L.). Africa Squadron: the U.S. Navy and the slave trade, 1843–1861. Dulles, Potomac Books, 2006, XIV-277 p. 6082. Choc colonial (Le) et l'islam: les politiques religieuses des puissances coloniales en terres d'islam. Sous la dir. de Pierre-Jean LUIZARD. Paris, La Découverte, 2006, 546 p. (Textes à l'appui. Série Histoire contemporaine). 6083. Colonial lives across the British Empire: imperial careering in the long nineteenth century. Ed. by David LAMBERT and Alan LESTER. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XV-376 p. (ports., maps). 6084. DAUGHTON (J. P.). An empire divided: religion, republicanism, and the making of French colonialism, 1880–1914. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XI-330 p. 6085. DAVIS (David Brion). Inhuman bondage: the rise and fall of slavery in the New World. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, 464 p. 6086. DE MATOS (Patrícia Ferraz). As cores do império: representações raciais no império colonial portu-
guês. Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2006, 287 p. (ill.). (Colecção Estudos e investigações, 41). 6087. DOMINGO ACEBRÓN (María Dolores). Rafael María de Labra: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Las Filipinas, Europa y Marruecos, en la España del sexenio democrático y la Restauración (18711918). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2006, 499 p. (Biblioteca de historia / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 62). 6088. DROZ (Bernard). Histoire de la décolonisation au XXe siècle. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2006, 385 p. (ill., maps). (L'univers historique). 6089. Europa (Das) der Aufklärung und die außereuropäische koloniale Welt. Hrsg. v. Hans-Jürgen LÜSEBRINK. Göttingen, Wallstein, 2006, 408 p. (ill.). (Achtzehnte Jahrhundert, 11. Supplementa). 6090. FRÉMEAUX (Jacques). Les colonies dans la Grande Guerre. Combats et épreuves des peuples d'outre-mer. Saint-Cloud, 1418 Éditions, 2006, 393 p. (cartes). 6091. GANDHI (Leela). Affective communities. Anticolonial thought, fin-de-siècle radicalism, and the politics of friendship. Durham a. London, Duke U. P., 2006, X-254 p. 6092. Hvor som helst i det britiske verdensrige: danske frivillige i britisk tjenste 19451948. (Les volontaires danois au service du Royaume uni 1945 1948). Red. af Peter Viggo JAKOBSEN og Rasmus MARIAGER. København, Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier, 2006, 207 p. (ill.). 6093. HYAM (Ronald). Britain's declining empire: the road to decolonisation, 19181968. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVII-464 p. (ill., maps). 6094. Imperialism on trial: international oversight of colonial rule in historical perspective. Ed. by R. M. DOUGLAS, Michael D. CALLAHAN and Elizabeth BISHOP. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2006, XIII-184 p. 6095. Imperio oriental (O): 16601820. Coordenação de Maria de Jesus dos Mártires LOPES. Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 2006, 2 vol., 608 p., 503 p. (ill., maps). (Nova história da expansão portuguesa, 5, 1-2). 6096. JACKSON (Ashley). The British Empire and the Second World War. London a. New York, Hambledon Continuum, 2006, XVII-604 p. (ill.). 6097. JOBERT (Timothée). Champions noirs, racisme blanc? La métropole et les sportifs noirs en contexte colonial (19011944). Grenoble, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 2006, 230 p. (ill.). (Sports, cultures, sociétés). 6098. LENTZ (Thierry), BANDA (Pierre). Napoléon, l'esclavage et les colonies. Avec la participation de Chantal LHEUREUX-PRÉVOT. Paris, Fayard, 2006, 358 p. (map). (Histoire). 6099. LOUIS (William Roger). Ends of British Imperialism: the scramble for empire, Suez and decolonisation. London, I.B. Tauris, 2006, XIV-1065 p.
2. HISTORY OF COLONIZATION AND DECOLONIZATION 6100. MALON (Claude). Le Havre colonial de 1880 à 1960. Préf. de Dominique BARJOT. Mont-SaintAignan, Publications des universités de Rouen et du Havre et Caen, Presses universitaires de Caen, 2006, 674 p. (ill., maps). (Bibliothèque du Pôle universitaire normand).
** 6113. Women writing home, 17001920. Female correspondence across the British empire. General editor, Klaus STIERSTORFER. Vol. 4. India. Ed. by Klaus STIERSTORFER. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2006, 257 p. _______________________
6101. MATSUNUMA (Miho). VishƯ seiken-ka no shokuminchi. (French colonies under the Vichy regime). Rekisigaku Kenkyu, 2006, 817, p. 36-47.
6114. AMRITH (Sunil S.). Decolonizing international health: India and Southeast Asia, 1930–1965. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XIII-261 p. (Cambridge imperial and post-colonial studies series).
6102. NEWSINGER (John). The blood never dried: a people's history of the British Empire. London, Bookmarks, 2006, 286 p.
6115. BALLANTYNE (Tony). Between colonialism and diaspora: Sikh cultural formations in an imperial world. Durham, Duke U. P., 2006, XVII-229 p.
6103. PORTE (Rémy). La conquête des colonies allemandes: naissance et mort d'un rêve impérial. Préf. de Jacques FRÉMEAUX. Saint-Cloud, 1418 Éditions, 2006, 433 p. (map). IDEM. Le coq et le lion, réalités coloniales de "l'Entente" franco-britannique autour de la Première Guerre Mondiale. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 4, p. 299-316.
6116. BOWEN (H. V.). The business of empire: the East India Company and Imperial Britain, 1756–1833. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVI304 p.
6104. ROBINSON-DUNN (Diane Liga). The harem, slavery and British imperial culture: Anglo-Muslim relations in the late nineteenth century. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2006, 225 p. (ill.). (Studies in imperialism). 6105. SICKING (Louis). Frontières d'outre-mer: la France et les Pays-Bas dans le monde atlantique au XIXe siècle. Paris, Indes savantes, 2006, 207 p. (ill., maps). 6106. SINCLAIR (Georgina). At the end of the line. Colonial policing and the imperial endgame, 1945 1980. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2006, 250 p. (Studies in imperialism). 6107. SPIERS (Edward M.). The Scottish soldier and empire, 18541902. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2006, XII-244 p. 6108. WALVIN (James). Atlas of slavery. Harlow, Pearson Longman, 2006, XIV-146 p. a. Addendum 1999 6109. MARQUES (João Pedro). Os sons do silêncio: o Portugal de Oitocentos e a abolição do tráfico de escravos. Lisboa, Imprensa da Ciências Sociais, 99, 509 p. (ill., maps). Cf. nos 601, 6041 b. Asia ** 6110. Britain in India, 17651905. Volumes 1-6. Editors, John MARRIOTT and Bhaskar MUKHOPADHYAY; advisory editor, Partha CHATTERJEE. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2006, 6 vol., XLIV-287 p., XXIII-556 p., XXIX-424 p., XXVII-414 p., XXVI-349 p., XXVI-484 p. ** 6111. Vacat. ** 6112. KHOURY (Gérard D.). Une tutelle coloniale: le mandat français en Syrie et au Liban: écrits politiques de Robert de Caix. Paris, Belin, 2006, 535 p. (ill., maps). (Histoire et société).
6117. Britain in Cyprus: colonialism and postcolonialism, 18782006. Ed. by Hubert FAUSTMANN and Nicos PERISTIANIS. Mannheim, Bibliopolis, 2006, 660 p. (ill.). (Peleus: Studien zur Archäologie und Geschichte Griechenlands und Zyperns, 19). 6118. CHATURVEDI (Vinayak). The making of a peasant king in colonial western India: the case of Ranchod Vira. Past and present, 2006, 192, p. 155-185. 6119. Colonial armies in Southeast Asia. Ed. by Karl HACK and Tobias RETTIG. London, Routledge, 2006, XVIII-334 p. (Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia, 33). 6120. DAYEM (Torben Abd-el). Det Ostindiske eventyr: Ove Geddes rejse til Ceylon og Indien 16181622. (La Compagnie danoise des Indes orientales et le voyage de l'amiral Ove Gedde à Ceylan et en Inde 1618 1622). Esbjerg, Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet, 2006, 339 p. (ill.). (Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseets studieserie, 19). 6121. DIRKS (Nicholas B.). The scandal of Empire: India and the creation of Imperial Britain. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard U. P., 2006, XVIII-389 p. 6122. EL-EINI (Roza I. M.). Mandated landscape. British imperial rule in Palestine, 19291948. London, Routledge, 2006, XXXIII-670 p. 6123. FREY (Marc). Dekolonisierung in Südostasien. Die Vereinigten Staaten und die Auflösung der europäischen Kolonialreiche. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, VIII-349 p. (Studien zur Internationalen Geschichte, 17). 6124. HINCHCLIFFE (Peter), DUCKER (John T.), HOLT (Maria). Without glory in Arabia: the British retreat from Aden. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2006, XXIII-327 p. (ill., maps). (International library of colonial history, 5). 6125. HUETZ DE LEMPS (Xavier). L'archipel des épices: la corruption de l'administration espagnole aux Philippines, (fin XVIIIefin XIXe siècle). Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2006, XII-421 p. (ill.). (Bibliothèque de la casa de Velázquez, 35).
6126. IIJIMA (Ayumu). Mararia to teikoku: Shokuminchi igaku to higashi Ajia no kǀiki chitsujo. (The hidden history of Malaria: colonial/imperial medicine and an integrated regional order in 20th-century East Asia). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2006, 466 p. 6127. Ireland and India: colonies, culture and empire Galway Conference on Colonialism (2004: Galway, Ireland). Ed. by Tadhg FOLEY and Maureen O'CONNOR. Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 2006, XXI-306 p. 6128. Lessons of empire: imperial histories and American power. Ed. by Craig CALHOUN, Frederick COOPER and Kevin W. MOORE; project coordinated by the Social Science Research Council. New York a. London, New Press, 2006, VI-342 p. (ill.). 6129. LUKITZ (Liora). A quest in the Middle East. Gertrude Bell and the making of modern Iraq. London, I. B. Tauris, 2006, LX-306 p. 6130. Vacat. 6131. MULLER (Gregor). Colonial Cambodia's "bad Frenchmen": the rise of French rule and the life of Thomas Caraman, 18401887. Abingdon, Routledge, 2006, XIV-294 p. (ill., map). (Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia, 36). 6132. PEERS (Douglas M.). India under colonial rule: 17001885. Harlow, Pearson Longman, 2006, XVI163 p. (ill., maps). (Seminar studies in history). 6133. Rhetoric and reality. Gender and the colonial experience in South Asia. Ed. by Avril POWELL and Siobhan LAMBERT-HURLEY. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, VIII-320 p.
c. Africa ** 6140. Correspondance saharienne (Une): lettres inédites du général Laperrine au commandant Cauvet, 19021920. Compilée par Paul PANDOLFI; édité sous l'égide du Centre d'études sur l'histoire du Sahara. Paris, Karthala, 2006, 418 p. (ill., maps). (Relire). ** 6141. DIOTTI (Carlo). Prigioniero d'Africa: la battaglia di Adua e l'impresa coloniale del 18951896 nel diario di un caporale italiano. A cura di Matteo DOMINIONI; prefazione di Nicola LABANCA. Como, Nodolibri, 2006, 121 p. (ill., map). (Società e storia contemporanea, 34). ** 6142. English (The) in West Africa, 16911699. Ed. by Robin LAW. London, Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 2006, XXII-698 p. (The local correspondence of the Royal African Company of England, 16811699. Pt. 3. Fontes historiae Africanae = Sources of African history; new ser., 8). ** 6143. Slawehandel met Madagaskar: die joernale van die Kaapse slaweskip Leijdsman, 1715. Geredigeer deur Piet WESTRA & James C. ARMSTRONG = Slave trade with Madagascar: the journals of the Cape slaver Leijdsman, 1715. Ed. by Pieter E. WESTRA and James C. ARMSTRONG. Kaapstad, Africana Uitgewers, 2006, 165 p. (ill., maps). ** 6144. Women writing home, 17001920. Female correspondence across the British empire. General editor, Klaus STIERSTORFER. Vol. 1. Africa. Ed. by Silke STRICKRODT. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2006, 301 p. _______________________
6134. SUGIYAMA (Shinya). Iwanami kǀza 'teikoku' Nihon no gakuchi 2: 'Teikoku' no keizai-gaku. (Iwanami Series: Academic wisdom of the Japanese 'Empire' 2: Economics of the 'Empire'). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 384 p.
6145. ADDERLEY (Rosanne Marion). "New Negroes from Africa": slave trade abolition and free African settlement in the nineteenth-century Caribbean. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2006, XIV-337 p. (Blacks in the diaspora).
6135. Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule, 1895 1945. History, culture, memory. Ed. by LIAO Ping-hui and David Der-wei WANG. New York, Columbia U. P., 2006, XVI-416 p. (Weatherhead books on Asia).
6146. AFIGBO (Adiele Eberechukwu). The abolition of the slave trade in southeastern Nigeria, 18851950. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2006, XV210 p. (maps). (Rochester studies in African history and the diaspora).
6136. VAL-FLORES (Gustavo Silva). Portugal e o período de transição em Timor Leste. Lisboa, Centro de Estudos dos Povos e Culturas de Expressão Portuguesa da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2006, 259 p. (ill.). (Colecção Estudos e Documentos, 12). 6137. VERACINI (Lorenzo). Israel and settler society. London a. Ann Arbor, Pluto Press, 2006, 154 p. 6138. WATENPAUGH (Keith David). Being modern in the Middle East: revolution, nationalism, colonialism, and the Arab middle class. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2006, XI-325 p. (ill., maps). 6139. WOLPERT (Stanley A.). Shameful flight: the last years of the British Empire in India. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XII-238 p. (ill., maps). Cf. nos 4216, 5459, 6078, 6831, 7104
6147. Algeria & France, 18002000: identity, memory, nostalgia. Ed. by Patricia M. E. LORCIN. Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 2006, 335 p. 6148. BEL-ANGE (Norbert). Quand Vichy internait ses soldats juifs d'Algérie: Bedeau, sud oranais, 1941 1943. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 309 p. (ill., maps). (Mémoires du XXe siècle). 6149. BIRMINGHAM (David). Empire in Africa: Angola and its neighbors. Athens, Ohio University Center for International Studies, 2006, X-190 p. (Ohio University research in international studies). 6150. BROGINI KÜNZI (Giulia). Italien und der Abessinienkrieg, 1935/36: Kolonialkrieg oder Totaler Krieg? Paderborn, Schöningh, 2006, 375 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte, 23).
2. HISTORY OF COLONIZATION AND DECOLONIZATION 6151. CAHEN (Michel). Lutte d'émancipation anticoloniale ou mouvement de libération nationale? Processus historique et discours idéologique. Le cas des colonies portugaises, et du Mozambique en particulier. Revue historique, 2006, 637, p. 113-138. 6152. CAIN (P. J.). Character and imperialism: the british financial administration of Egypt, 18781914. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2006, 34, 2, p. 177-200. 6153. CECI (Lucia). Il vessillo e la croce: colonialismo, missioni cattoliche e islam in Somalia (1903 1924). Roma, Carocci, 2006, 271 p. (map). (Italia contemporanea / Istituto nazionale per la storia del movimento di liberazione in Italia, 8). 6154. CHRISTOPHER (Emma). Slave ship sailors and their captive cargoes, 1730–1807. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVIII-241 p. 6155. COMBEAU (Yvan). Une décolonisation française: l'île de la Réunion, 19421946: comprendre la départementalisation du 19 mars 1946. Saint-Denis: Université de La Réunion; Saint-André: Océan éditions, 2006, 138 p. (Histoire). 6156. DE PERETTI (André). L'indépendance du Maroc et la France, 19471956: mémoires et témoignage. [S. l.], Haut commissariat aux anciens résistants et anciens membres de l'armée de libération, 2006, 483 p. 6157. DEUTSCH (Jan-Georg). Emancipation without abolition in German East Africa, c. 18841914. Oxford, James Currey a. Athens, Ohio U. P., 2006, VIII276 p. (maps). (Eastern African studies). 6158. ECKERT (Andreas). Exportschlager Wohlfahrtsstaat? Europäische Sozialstaatlichkeit und Kolonialismus in Afrika nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 4, p. 467-488.
6164. GOMES (Francisco Manuel). Memórias de uma guerra inacabada: Portugal, os Estados Unidos e o processo de descolonização angolano. Prefacio de Alberto João JARDIM. Lisboa, Colibri, 2006, 241 p. (maps). 6165. GRANDHOMME (Hélène). La notion de "paix coloniale" au regard de la politique musulmane de la France au Sénégal: visions composites du colonisateur et du colonisé (19141960). In: Guerre et paix en Afrique noire et à Madagascar: XIXe et XXe siècles [Cf. no 6041], p. 205-220. 6166. GUEVARA (Gisela Medina). As relações entre Portugal e a Alemanha em torno da África: finais do século XIX e inícios do século XX. Lisboa, Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, 2006, 507 p. (maps). (Biblioteca Diplomática. Série D, 6). 6167. ILLIS (Justin). A portrait for the Mukama: monarchy and empire in colonial Bunyoro, Uganda. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2006, 34, 1, p. 105-122. 6168. Intermediaries, interpreters, and clerks: African employees in the making of colonial Africa. Ed. by Benjamin N. LAWRANCE, Emily Lynn OSBORN and Richard L. ROBERTS. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2006, VIII-332 p. (maps). (Africa and the diaspora). 6169. JOLY (Vincent). Le Soudan français de 1939 à 1945: une colonie dans la guerre. Paris, Éds. Karthala, 2006, 653 p. (ill.). (Hommes et sociétés). 6170. KELEMEN (Paul). Modernising colonialism: the British Labour movement and Africa. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2006, 34, 2, p. 223-244. 6171. KIRK-GREENE (Anthony Hamilton Millard). Symbol of authority: the British district officer in Africa. London, I. B. Tauris, 2006, XXI-333 p. (ill., map, ports.). (International library of colonial history, 1).
6159. Erste faschistische Vernichtungskrieg (Der): die italienische Aggression gegen Äthiopien 1935 1941. Hrsg. v. Asfa-Wossen ASSERATE und Aram MATTIOLI. Köln, SH-Verlag, 2006, 197 p. (map). (Italien in der Moderne, 13).
6172. KPAO SARE (Constant). Carl Peters et l'Afrique: un mythe dans l'opinion publique, la littérature et la propagande politique en Allemagne. Hamburg, Kovaþ, 2006, XI-440 p. (ill.). (Studien zur Germanistik, 22).
6160. FONTENAY (Michel). Routes et modalités du commerce des esclaves dans la Méditerranée des Temps modernes (XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles). Revue historique, 2006, 640, p. 813-830.
6173. KÜNZI (Guilia Brogini). Italien und der Abessinienkrieg 1935/36: Kolonialkrieg oder Totaler Krieg? Paderborn, München, Wien u. Zürich, Schöningh, 2006, 375 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte, 23).
6161. FOURCHARD (Laurent). Lagos and the invention of juvenile delinquency in Nigeria, 1920–1960. Journal of African history, 2006, 47, 1, p. 115-137.
6174. LEWERENZ (Susann). Die Deutsche AfrikaSchau (19351940): Rassismus, Kolonialrevisionismus und postkoloniale Auseinadersetzungen im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Peter Lang, 2006, 174 p. (ill.). (Afrika und Europa: koloniale und postkoloniale Begegnungen, 3).
6162. GALLISSOT (René). La République française et les indigènes: Algérie colonisée, Algérie algérienne, 18701962. Paris, Editions de l'Atelier et Editions ouvrières, 2006, 271 p. 6163. GINIO (Ruth). French colonialism unmasked: the Vichy Years in French West Africa. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2006, XVIII-243 p. (France overseas).
6175. LORMIER (Dominique). C'est nous les Africains: l'épopée de l'armée française d'Afrique, 19401945. Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 2006, 300 p. (ill., maps, ports.). 6176. LÜTZELSCHWAB (Claude). La Compagnie genevoise des colonies suisses de Sétif: 18531956: un
cas de colonisation privée en Algérie. Bern, P. Lang, 2006, 412 p. (ill., maps). 6177. LYNN (Martin). The Nigerian self-government crisis of 1953 and the colonial office. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2006, 34, 2, p. 245261. 6178. LYONS (Amelia H.). The civilizing mission in the metropole. Algerian immigrants in France and the politics of adaptation during decolonization. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 4, p. 489-516. 6179. MAC CLENDON (Thomas). You are what you eat up: deposing chiefs in early colonial Natal, 1847– 1858. Journal of African history, 2006, 47, 2, p. 259279. 6180. MASS (Sandra). Weisse Helden, schwarze Krieger: zur Geschichte kolonialer Männlichkeit in Deutschland 19181964. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, 370 p. (ill.). 6181. MESSIANT (Christine). 1961: l'Angola colonial, histoire et société: les prémisses du mouvement nationaliste. Bâle, P. Schlettwein, 2006, 443 p. (maps). 6182. MIĝRA (Ajaya KumƗra). Soviet policy towards anti-colonial movements in Southern Africa. Delhi, Vista International Publishing House, 2006, VI-144 p. 6183. OKUPA (Effa). Carrying the sun on our backs: unfolding German colonialism in Namibia from Caprivi to Kasikili. Berlin, LIT, 2006, XXX-433 p. (ill., maps). (Monographs from the International African Institute, 8). 6184. ONANA MFEGE (André-Hubert). Les Camerounais et le général de Gaulle. Préface du professeur Alain LARCAN. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 140 p. (ill.). (Etudes africaines). 6185. REGGUI (Marcel). Les massacres de Guelma: Algérie, mai 1945: une enquête inédite sur la furie des milices coloniales. Préface de Jean-Pierre PEYROULOU; suivi de Un testament retrouvé, par Pierre AMROUCHE. Paris, La Découverte, 2006, 187 p. 6186. RENKEN (Frank). Frankreich im Schatten des Algerienkrieges: die Fünfte Republik und die Erinnerung an den letzten grossen Kolonialkonflikt. Göttingen, V&R Unipress, 2006, 569 p. 6187. ROSONI (Isabella). La colonia eritrea: la prima amministrazione coloniale italiana, 18801912. Macerata, EUM, 2006, 318 p. (map). (Storia. Istituzioni). 6188. SAMSON (Anne). Britain, South Africa and the East Africa campaign, 19141918: the Union comes of age. London a. New York, Tauris Academic Studies, 262 p. (maps). (International library of colonial history, 4). 6189. SATIA (Priya). The defense of inhumanity: air control and the British idea of Arabia. American historical review, 2006, 111, 1, p. 16-51. 6190. SHEPARD (Todd). The invention of decolonization: the Algerian war and the remaking of France. Ithaca, Cornell U. P., 2006, 288 p.
6191. SÖLDENWAGNER (Philippa). Spaces of negotiation: European settlement and settlers in German East Africa 19001914. München, Meidenbauer, 2006, XVI-285 p. (ill., maps). 6192. ST. CLAIR (William). The door of no return: the history of Cape Coast Castle and the Atlantic Slave Trade. New York, BlueBridge, 2006, 282 p. 6193. STRIZEK (Helmut). Geschenkte Kolonien: Ruanda und Burundi unter deutscher Herrschaft; mit einem Essay über die Entwicklung bis zur Gegenwart. Berlin, Links, 2006, 224 p. (ill., maps). (Reihe "Schlaglichter der Kolonialgeschichte", 4). 6194. SUMMERS (Carol). 'Subterranean evil' and 'tumultuous riot' in Buganda: authority and alienation at King's College, Budo, 1942. Journal of African history, 2006, 47, 1, p. 93-113. 6195. TAYLOR (Eric Robert). If we must die: shipboard insurrections in the era of the Atlantic Slave Trade. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2006, XVI266 p. (Antislavery, abolition, and the Atlantic World). 6196. Trauma Algerienkrieg: zur Geschichte und Aufarbeitung eines tabuisierten Konflikts. Hrsg. v. Christiane KOHSER-SPOHN und Frank RENKEN. Frankfurt am Main u. New York, Campus, 2006, 349 p. 6197. UMAR (Muhammad Sani). Islam and colonialism: intellectual responses of Muslims of Northern Nigeria to British colonial rule. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, XIV-295 p. (Islam in Africa, 5). 6198. WALLER (Richard). Rebellious youth in colonial Africa. Journal of African history, 2006, 47, 1, p. 77-92. 6199. WATTS (Carl P.). The United States, Britain, and the problem of Rhodesian independence, 1964 1965. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 3, p. 439-470. 6200. ZADE (Mohammed). Résistance et armée de libération au Maroc (19471956): de l'action politique à la lutte armée: rupture ou continuité? [S. l.], Haut commissariat aux anciens résistants et anciens membres de l'armée de libération, 2006, 363 p. (ill., maps). Cf. nos 4196, 4197, 4384, 6052, 6128, 6458, 6524, 7105-7116 d. America ** 6201. Capitán Miguel Velázquez Lorea (El) y el Real Tribunal de la Acordada de la Nueva España: antología documental. Ed. por Jesús MENDOZA MUÑOZ y Enrique D'ABBADIE SOTO. Cadereyta de Montes, Fomento Históorico y Cultural de Cadereyta, 2006, 133 p. (Serie Documentos, 3). ** 6202. DUBOIS (Laurent), GARRIGUS (John D.). Slave revolution in the Caribbean, 17891804: a brief history with documents. Basingstoke a. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XII-212 p. (ill., maps). (Bedford series in history and culture). ** 6203. Women writing home, 17001920. Female correspondence across the British empire. General edi-
2. HISTORY OF COLONIZATION AND DECOLONIZATION tor, Klaus STIERSTORFER. Vol. 3. Canada. Ed. by Cecily DEVEREUX and Kathleen VENEMA. Vol. 6. USA. Ed. by Susan Clair IMBARRATO. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2006, 2 vol., 308 p., 278 p. _______________________
6204. ADELMAN (Jeremy). Sovereignty and revolution in the Iberian Atlantic. Princeton, Princeton U. P., 2006, X-409 p. 6205. América (La) de Carlos IV. Vol. 1. Coordinador Eduardo MARTIRÉ. Buenos Aires, Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho, 2006, 189 p. (Cuadernos de investigaciones y documentos, 1). 6206. BREÑA (Roberto). El primer liberalismo español y los procesos de emancipación de América, 18081824: una revisión historiográfica del liberalismo hispánico. México D.F., Centro de Estudios Internacionales, El Colegio de México, 2006, 580 p. 6207. BROCKINGTON (Lolita Gutiérrez). Blacks, Indians, and Spaniards in the Eastern Andes: reclaiming the forgotten in colonial Mizque, 15501782. Lincoln a. London, University of Nebraska Press, 2006, XIV342 p. (maps). 6208. BROWN (Matthew). Adventuring through Spanish colonies: Simón Bolívar, foreign mercenaries and the birth of new nations. Liverpool, Liverpool U. P., 2006, XIV-266 p. (ill., maps). (Liverpool Latin American studies, 8).
6216. Desafío holandés (El) al dominio ibérico en Brasil en el siglo XVII. Ed. por José Manuel SANTOS PÉREZ y George F. CABRAL DE SOUZA. Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2006, 290 p. (Aquilafuente, 94). 6217. Doceañismos, constituciones e independencias: la Constitución de 1812 y América. Coordinador Manuel CHUST. Madrid, Fundación MAPFRE, 2006, 260 p. (Iberoamérica: 200 años de convivencia independiente, 12). 6218. ELLIOTT (J. H.). Empires of the Atlantic world: Britain and Spain in America, 1492–1830. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, XX-546 p. 6219. ESTRADA MICHEL (Rafael). Monarquía y nación entre Cádiz y Nueva España: el problema de la articulación política de las Españas ante la revolución liberal y la emancipación americana. México, Editorial Porrúa, 2006, LI-683 p. 6220. FAVERÓN PATRIAU (Gustavo). Rebeldes: sublevaciones indígenas y naciones emergentes en Hispanoamérica en el siglo XVIII. Madrid, Tecnos, 2006, 251 p. (ill.). (Colección Biblioteca de historia y pensamiento político). 6221. GLATTHAAR (Joseph T.), MARTIN (James Kirby). Forgotten allies: the Oneida Indians and the American Revolution. New York, Hill and Wang, 2006, 434 p.
6209. CALLOWAY (Colin G.). The scratch of a pen: 1763 and the transformation of North America. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XVII-219 p. (Pivotal moments in American history).
6222. HERNÁNDEZ GONZÁLEZ (Manuel). Francisco de Miranda y su ruptura con España. Caracas, Academia Nacional de la Historia, 2006, 205 p. (Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, 260).
6210. CHILDS (Matt D.). The 1812 Aponte Rebellion in Cuba and the struggle against Atlantic slavery. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, XI-300 p. (Envisioning Cuba).
6223. Independência brasileira (A): novas dimensões. Org. Jurandir MALERBA. Rio de Janeiro, Editora da Fundação Getulio Vargas, 2006, 431 p.
6211. COLBY (Jason M.). You have free access to this content "Banana Growing and Negro Management": race, labor, and Jim Crow colonialism in Guatemala, 18841930. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 4, p. 595-621.
6224. LANGFUR (Hal). The forbidden lands: colonial identity, frontier violence, and the persistence of Brazil's eastern Indians, 1750–1830. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2006, XV-408 p. 6225. LYNCH (John). Simón Bolívar: a life. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, XIII-349 p.
6212. Convergencias y divergencias: México y Perú, siglos XVIXIX. Coordinadora Lilia Victoria OLIVER SÁNCHEZ. Guadalajara, Universidad de Guadalajara y Zamora, Colegio de Michoacán, 2006, 306 p. (ill.).
6226. MATTHEWS (Gelien). Caribbean slave revolts and the British Abolitionist Movement. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2006, XII-197 p.
6213. CRESPO SOLANA (Ana). América desde otra frontera: la Guayana holandesa (Surinam): 16801795. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2006, 283 p. (ill., maps). (Colección América, 3).
6227. New World, first nations: native peoples of Mesoamerica and the Andes under colonial rule. Ed. by David CAHILL and Blanca TOVÍAS. Brighton, Sussex Academic Press, 2006, VII-265 p.
6214. DE ALENCASTRO (Luiz Felipe). Le versant brésilien de l'Atlantique-Sud: 15501850. Annales, 2006, 61, 2, p. 339-382.
6228. OSORIO (Alejandra). La entrada del virrey y el ejercicio de poder en la Lima del siglo XVII. Historia Mexicana, 2006, 55, 3, p. 767-831.
6215. DE MELLO E SOUZA (Laura). O sol e a sombra: política e administração na América portuguesa do século XVIII. São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 2006, 505 p. (ill., maps, ports.).
6229. PERALTA RUIZ (Víctor). Patrones, clientes y amigos: el poder burocrático indiano en la España del siglo XVIII. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2006, 289 p. (Colección América, 1).
6230. PORTILLO VALDÉS (José M.). Crisis Atlántica: autonomía e independencia en la crisis de la monarquía hispana. Madrid, Fundación Carolina, 2006, 318 p. 6231. Puerto Rico under colonial rule: political persecution and the quest for human rights. Ed. by Ramón BOSQUE-PÉREZ and José Javier COLÓN MORERA. Albany, State University of New York Press, 2006, XIV256 p. 6232. REIS (Joao José). La révolte haoussa de Bahia en 1807. Résistance et contrôle des esclaves au Brésil. Annales, 2006, 61, 2, p. 383-418. 6233. Revoluciones (Las) en el mundo atlántico. Ed. por Clément THIBAUD y María Teresa CALDERÓN. Bogotá, Taurus, 2006, 437 p. 6234. RYCROFT (Daniel J.). Representing rebellion: visual aspects of counter-insurgency in colonial India. New Delhi, Oxford U. P., 2006, XIX-321 p. (ill.). 6235. SCHAMA (Simon). Rough crossings: Britain, the slaves and the American Revolution. New York, HarperCollins, 2006, XIV-478 p. 6236. Slaves, subjects, and subversives: blacks in colonial Latin America. Ed. by Jane G. LANDERS and Barry M. ROBINSON. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2006, X-318 p. (ill., maps). (Diálogos). 6237. SOLÓRZANO (Juan Carlos), QUIRÓS VARGAS (Claudia). Costa Rica en el siglo XVI: descubrimiento, exploración y conquista. San José, Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica, 2006, XXV-266 p. (maps). (Colección Historia de Costa Rica). 6238. TÉLLEZ ALARCIA (Diego). La manzana de la discordia: historia de la Colonia del Sacramento desde la fundación portuguesa hasta la conquista definitiva por los españoles (16771777). Montevideo, Torre del Vigía Ediciones, 2006, 191 p. (ill., maps). (Historia. Documentación). 6239. THIBAUD (Clément). Républiques en armes. Les armées de Bolívar dans les guerres d'indépendance du Venezuela et de la Colombie. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 427 p. 6240. With good intentions: Euro-Canadian and Aboriginal relations in colonial Canada. Ed. by Celia HAIG-BROWN and David A. NOCK. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2006, X-358 p. (ill., ports.). Cf. nos 4002, 4174, 4219, 6245, 7117-7120 e. Oceania ** 6241. British documents on the end of empire. General ed. Sthephen R. ASHTON. Ser. B. Vol. 10. Fiji. Ed. by Brij V. LAL. London, TSO, 2006, CII-547 p. ** 6242. Documents on Australian Foreign Policy. Australia and Papua New guinea, 19661969. Ed. by Stuart Robert DORAN. Canberra, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2006, LVII-1124 p. (ill.). ** 6243. Women writing home, 17001920. Female correspondence across the British empire. General edi-
tor, Klaus STIERSTORFER. Vol. 2. Australia. Ed. by Deirdre COLEMAN. Vol. 5. New Zealand. Ed. by Charlotte J. MAC DONALD. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2006, 2 vol., 301 p., 257 p. _______________________
6244. PATERSON (Lachy). Colonial discourses: Niupepa Mäori, 18551863. Dunedin, University of Otago Press a. Lancaster, Gazelle Drake Academic, 2006, 250 p. (ill.). (Colonial discourses). 6245. TOTH (Stephen A.). Beyond Papillon: the French overseas penal colonies, 1854–1952. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2006, XVII-212 p. (France overseas: studies in empire and decolonization). 6246. WARD (Damen). Constructing British authority in Australasia: Charles Cooper and the legal status of Aborigines in the South Australian Supreme Court, c. 18401860. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2006, 34, 4, p. 483-504. Cf. nos 7121-7125 § 3. From 1500 to 1789. _______________________
a. General 6247. ANDRETTA (Stefano). L'arte della prudenza: teorie e prassi della diplomazia nell'Italia del XVI e XVII secolo. Roma, Biblink, 2006, 271 p. (Storia e società). 6248. DROSTE (Heiko). Diplomacy as a means of cultural transfer in early Modern times. Scandinavian journal of history, 2006, 31, 2, p. 144-150. IDEM. Im Dienst der Krone: schwedische Diplomaten im 17. Jahrhundert. Berlin, Lit, 2006, 430 p. (ill.). (Nordische Geschichte, 2). 6249. FALCKE (Jeannette). Studien zum diplomatischen Geschenkwesen am brandenburgisch-preußischen Hof im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2006, 361 p. (ill., maps). (Quellen und Forschungen zur brandenburgischen und preussischen Geschichte, 31). 6250. Fonction consulaire (La) à l'époque moderne: l'affirmation d'une institution économique et politique, (15001800). Sous la dir. de Jörg ULBERT et Gérard LE BOUËDEC. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006, 427 p. (ill., maps). (Histoire). 6251. Kinsei nichiei kǀrynj chishi chizu nenpyo, 15761800. (Topography, atlas and chronology of the Anglo-Japanese relations in the early-modern period, 15761800). Ed. by Takau SHIMADA and Yuriko SHIMADA. Tokyo, Yushodo Shuppan, 2006, 294 p. 6252. MOREAU (Jean-Pierre). Pirates: Flibuste et piraterie dans la Caraïbe et les mers du sud, 1522–1725. Paris, Tallandier, 2006, 478 p. 6253. SCHNETTGER (Matthias). "Principe sovrano" oder "civitas imperialis"? Die Republik Genua und das Alte Reich in der Frühen Neuzeit, 15561797. Mainz, von Zabern, 2006, X-694 p. (Veröffentlichungen des
3. FROM 1500 TO 1789 Instituts für europäische Geschichte Mainz, Abt. für Universalgeschichte, 209). 6254. THOMSON (Erik). For a comparative history of early Modern diplomacy. Scandinavian journal of history, 2006, 31, 2, p. 151-172. 6255. USUNÁRIZ GARAYOA (Jesús María). España y sus tratados internacionales, 15161700. Prólogo de Antonio FEROS. Pamplona, Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 2006, 541 p. (maps). (Astrolabio. Historia. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra). 6256. WINDLER (Christian). Diplomatie als Erfahrung fremder politischer Kulturen. Gesandte von Monarchen in den eidgenössischen Orten (16. und 17. Jahrhundert). Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 1, p. 5-43. b. 1500–1648 ** 6257. Acta Pacis Westphalicae. Serie III. Abt. A. Band 3. Die Beratungen des Fürstenrates in Osnabrück. Teil 4. 16461647. Teil 5. Mai-Juni 1648. Bearb. von Maria-Elisabeth BRUNERT. Münster, Aschendorff, 2006, 2 vol., CXVI-380 p., XV-531 p. ** 6258. DIAS (Eurico Gomes). Gazetas da Restauração: 16411648: uma revisão das estratégias diplomático-militares portuguesas. Lisboa, Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, 2006, CLII-468 p. (ill., maps). (Colecção Biblioteca diplomática. Série A, Nova série, 6). ** 6259. Franz Peter König, ein Schweizer im Dreißigjährigen Krieg: Quellen. Hrsg. v. Daniel BITTERLI; Mitarbeiter an der transkription Manuel BIGLER [et al.]; wissenschaftlicher Berater: François GUEX. Fribourg, Société d'histoire du canton de Fribourg, 2006, 627 p. (Archives de la Société d'histoire du canton de Fribourg, 1. Nouvelle série). ** 6260. Istruzioni di Filippo III ai suoi ambasciatori a Roma, 15981621. A cura di Silvano GIORDANO. Roma, Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, Dipartimento per i beni archivistici e librari, Direzione generale per gli archivi, 2006, CIII-248 p. (Pubblicazioni degli archivi di Stato. Fonti, 45).
6265. BROGINI (Anne). Malte, frontière de chrétienté, 15301670. Roma, Ecole française de Rome, 2006, XII-771 p. (ill., maps). (Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 325). 6266. CHERKAS (Borys). Ukraïna v politychnykh vidnosynakh Velykoho kniazivstva Lytovskoho z Krymskym khanatom, 15151540. (Ukraine in the political relations of the Great Duchy of Lithuania and the Crimean Khanate, 15151540). Kyïv, Instytut istoriï Ukraïny NAN Ukraïny, 2006, 244 p. 6267. CHYNCZEWSKA-HENNEL (Teresa). Nuncjusz i król: nuncjatura Maria Filonardiego w Rzeczypospolitej 16361643. (Il Nunzio ed il Re: la nunziatura di Mario Filonardi in Polonia, 16361643). Warszawa, Wydawn. "Neriton", 2006, 356 p. 6268. GATTONI (Maurizio). Pio V e la politica iberica dello stato pontificio (15661572). Roma, Studium, 2006, 296 p. 6269. GIL FERNÁNDEZ (Luis). El imperio lusoespañol y la persia safávida. T. 1. 15821605. Madrid, Fundación Universitaria Española, 2006, [s. p.]. (ill., map). (Publicaciones de la Fundación Universitaria Española. 107. Monografías). 6270. HAEHL (Madeleine). Les affaires étrangères au temps de Richelieu: le secrétariat d'état, les agents diplomatiques, 16241642. Bruxelles, P. Lang, 2006, 370 p. (ill., maps). (Diplomatie et histoire). 6271. HUTCHINSON (Robert). Elizabeth's spymaster. Francis Walsingham and the secret war that saved England. London, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 2006, 399 p. 6272. Italy and the European powers: the impact of war, 15001530. Ed. by Christine SHAW. Leiden a. Boston, Brill, 2006, XIX-317 p. (ill., map). (History of warfare, 38). 6273. LEITSCH (Walter). Sigismund III. von Polen und Jan Zamoyski: die Rolle Estlands in der Rivalität zwischen König und Hetman. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2006, 289 p. (Zentraleuropa-Studien, 9).
** 6261. PRIULI (Francesco). Con quest'ordine disordinato: relazione dell'ambasceria in Savoia, 1603. Edizione a cura di Veronica GOBBATO; saggio storico di Luca VENDRAME; presentazione di Eugenio BURGIO. Roma, Antenore, 2006, LXXXI-119 p. (Biblioteca veneta, 25).
6274. MESCHINI (Stefano). La Francia nel ducato di Milano: la politica di Luigi XII (14991512). T. 1. Dall'occupazione del Ducato alla Lega di Cambrai. T. 2. Apogeo, declino e crollo del dominio francese in Lombardia. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2006, 2 vol., 1181 p. (Studi e ricerche storiche, 353).
6275. POP (Ioan-Aurel). Rivalitatea otomano-habsburgică în Transilvania la jumătatea secolului al XVIlea. (The Otttoman -Habsburg rivalry in the mid 16th c. Transylvania). In: NaĠiunea română. Idealuri úi realităĠi istorice. Acad. Cornelia Bodea la 90 de ani. Bucureúti, Editura Academiei Române, 2006, p. 241-259.
6262. ANDREESCU (ùtefan). Wallachian diplomacy during the long war: Michael The Brave's negotiation with the Khanate of Crimeea. Historical Yearbook, 2006, 3, p. 29-54. 6263. BIENASSIS (Loïc). Le mariage franco-anglais. Politique étrangère et rivalités de cour, 16241625. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 3, p. 205-226. 6264. BLIN (Arnaud). 1648, la paix de Westphalie, ou la naissance de l'Europe politique moderne. Bruxelles, Complexe, 2006, 213 p. (Questions à l'histoire).
6276. TERESHCHENKO (Alexey). La guerre de Pise (14941509) et la diplomatie florentine en France. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 3, p. 193-204. 6277. TRAKULHUN (Sven). Siam und Europa: das Königreich Ayutthaya in westlichen Berichten 1500
1670. Hannover-Laatzen, Wehrhahn, 2006, 283 p. (ill.). (Formation of Europe, 2). 6278. UNTERBURGER (Klaus). Das Bayerische Konkordat von 1583. Die Neuorientierung der päpstlichen Deutschlandpolitik nach dem Konzil von Trient und deren Konsequenzen für das Verhältnis von weltlicher und geistlicher Gewalt. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2006, 541 p. (Münchener Kirchenhistorische Studien, 11).
6289. DZIEMBOWSKI (Edmond). Les Pitt: l'Angleterre face à la France, 17081806. Paris, Perrin, 2006, 579 p. (ill.). 6290. EXTERNBRINK (Sven). Friedrich der Große, Maria Theresia und das Alte Reich. Deutschlandbild und Diplomatie Frankreichs im Siebenjährigen Krieg. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2006, 418 p.
c. 1648–1789
6291. HANKE (René). Brühl und das Renversement des alliances. Die antipreußische Außenpolitik des Dresdener Hofes, 17441756. Münster, Lit Verlag, 2006, XII383 p.
** 6279. Papers (The) of Benjamin Franklin. Vol. 38. August 16, 1782, through January 20, 1783. Ed. by Ellen R. COHN. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2006, LXVII-691 p. (ill.).
6292. JANÉ (Óscar). Catalunya i França al segle XVII: identitats, contraidentitats i ideologies a l'època moderna (16401700). Catarroja, Afers, 2006, 459 p. (charts). (Recerca i pensament, 30).
** 6280. Suède (La) et les Lumières: lettres de France d'un ambassadeur [comte de Creutz] à son roi [Gustav III], (17711783). Correspondance établie, présentée et annotée par Marianne MOLANDER BEYER. Paris, M. de Maule, 2006, LXXXV-621 p. (plates, ill.). (Histoire).
6293. LINDEMANN (Mary). Liaisons dangereuses: sex, law, and diplomacy in the age of Frederick the Great. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U. P., 2006, XV-353 p.
Cf. n 17, 6292
** 6281. ULLGREN (Peter). Uppsnappade brev: Karl XII:s soldater i Norge 1716. (Lettres interceptées: les soldats de Charles XII en Norvège en 1716). Stockholm, Wahlström & Widstrand, 2006, 284 p. ** 6282. VALE (Teresa Leonor M.). Diário de um embaixador português em Roma [Luis de Sousa] (1676 1678). Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 2006, 277 p. (ill.). (Memórias de Portugal). ** 6283. VAUGELADE (Daniel). La question américaine au 18ème siècle: au travers de la correspndance du duc Louis Alexandre de La Rochefoucauld 17431792. Paris, Editions Publibook, 2006, 362 p. _______________________
6284. BRANDLI (Fabrice). Une résidence en République: le résident de France à Genève et son rôle face aux troubles politiques de 1734 à 1768. Préf. de Michel PORRET. Genève, Société d'histoire et d'archéologie de Génève, 2006, 220 p. (ill., map). (Cahiers). 6285. BRÉTÉCHÉ (Marion). La plume européenne de Gregorio Leti (16301701). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 3, p. 227-250. 6286. CLUNY (Isabel). O Conde de Tarouca e a diplomacia na época moderna. Prefácio, Armando Marques GUEDES. Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 2006, 539 p. (Horizonte histórico). 6287. CRAMER-PETERSEN (Lars). Danmarks skæbnetime: en beretning om svenskekrigene 16571660. (Le Danemark à l'heure fatidique: les guerres avec la Suède 16571660). Brønshøj, Brønshøj Museum, 2006, 127 p. (ill.). 6288. DE SAIZIEU (Laurence). Le conflit franco-tunisien de 1770. La régence de Tunis face à la réunion de la Corse à la France. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 3, p. 251-264.
6294. Redefining William III: the impact of the kingstadholder in international context. Ed. by Esther MIJERS and David ONNEKINK. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XX293 p. 6295. RELA (Walter). Colonia del Sacramento: historia política, militar, diplomática 16781778. Montevideo, Academia Uruguaya de Historia y Passo Fundo, Núcleo de Documentação Histórica, Universidade de Passo Fundo, 2006, 167 p. y 1 CD ROM. 6296. ROMMELSE (Gijs). The Second Anglo-Dutch War (16651667): raison d'état, mercantilism and maritime strife. Hilversum, Verloren, 2006, 230 p. (ill.). 6297. THOMPSON (Andrew). Britain, Hanover and the Protestant interest, 16881756. Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2006, XII-267 p. (ill., maps). (Studies in early modern cultural, political and social history, 3). 6298. UGNIEWSKI (Piotr). Media i dyplomacja: "Gazette de France" o sejmie rozbiorowym 17731775. (Media and diplomacy: the "Gazette de France" about the Diet partitioning, 17731775). Warszawa, Wydawn. DiG, 2006, 280 p. Cf. nos 4352, 6265, 6277, 6309, 6315, 6318 § 4. From 1789 to 1815. _______________________
6299. ADAMS (Michael). Napoleon and Russia. London, Hambledon Continuum, 2006, XXIII-596 p. (ill., maps). 6300. BÉLISSA (Marc). Repenser l'ordre européen (17951802). De la société des rois aux droits des nations. Paris, Kimé, 2006, 472 p. 6301. CHARMLEY (John). Castlereagh and France. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 4, p. 665-673. 6302. CONNELLY (Owen). The wars of the French Revolution and Napoleon, 1792–1815. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, IX-270 p.
5. FROM 1815 TO 1910 6303. CUENCA TORIBIO (José Manuel). La Guerra de la Independencia: un conflicto decisivo (1808 1814). Madrid, Encuentro, 2006, 414 p. (Ensayos, 274. Historia). 6304. HICKEY (Donald R.). Don't give up the ship! Myths of the war of 1812. Forew. by Donald E. GRAVES. Urbana a. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2006, XXIX-430 p.
6314. Resisting Napoleon: the British response to the threat of invasion, 17971815. Ed. by Mark PHILP. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, XI-248 p. 6315. SCOTT (Hamish). The birth of a great power system, 17401815. Harlow, London a. New York, Pearson, Longman, 2006, XV-433 p. 6316. SKED (Alan). Talleyrand and England, 1792– 1838: a reinterpretation. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 4, p. 647-664.
6305. Italiani (Gli) in Spagna nella guerra napoleonica, 18071813: i fatti, i testimoni, l'eredità: atti del IV Convegno internazionale di "Spagna contemporanea", Novi Ligure, 2224 ottobre 2004. A cura di Vittorio SCOTTI DOUGLAS. Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2006, XI-520 p. (ill., maps). (Archivio Marengo, 3).
6317. STAGG (J. C. A.). James Madison and George Mathews: the East Florida Revolution of 1812 reconsidered. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 1, p. 23-55.
6306. KAGAN (Frederick W.). The end of the old order: Napoleon and Europe, 18011805. Cambridge, Da Capo Press, 2006, XXIV-774 p. (ill., maps). (Napoleon and Europe, 1).
6318. HAMILTON (Douglas J.). Scotland, the Caribbean and the Atlantic World, 1750–1820. New York, Manchester U. P., 2005, XV-249 p. (Studies in imperialism).
6307. LEINER (Frederick C.). The end of Barbary terror: America's 1815 war against the pirates of North Africa. New York a. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, VII239 p. (ill., maps).
Cf. nos 6250, 6253, 6283, 6289, 6341, 6370, 6371
6308. MAC CRANIE (Kevin D.). Admiral Lord Keith and the naval war against Napoleon. Foreword by James C. BRADFORD and Gene A. SMITH. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2006, XV-256 p. (ill., maps, port.). (New perspectives on maritime history and nautical archaeology). 6309. MÜLLER (Leos). The Swedish consular service in southern Europe, 17201815. Scandinavian journal of history, 2006, 31, 2, p. 186-195. 6310. Napoleon na Jadranu (Napoleon at the Adriatic). Ed. Janez ŠUMRADA. Koper, Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središþe, Založba Annales, Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko; Zadar, Sveuþilište, 2006, 399 p. (Knjižnica Annales Majora). [Cf. no 5959.] 6311. OSUNA REY (Juan Manuel). Los franceses en Galicia: historia militar de la guerra de la Independencia en Galicia (1809). A Coruña, Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza, 2006, 482 p. (ill., maps). (Colección Galicia histórica). 6312. PILLORGET (Rene). Soulèvements populaires et relations franco-suisses (17981804). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 3, p. 265-280. 6313. Poder terrestre y poder naval en la época de la batalla de Trafalgar = Land and sea power in the age of the battle of Trafalgar. Actas: XXXI Congreso Internacional de Historia Militar / Comisión Española de Historia Militar; coordinación, José María BLANCO NÚÑEZ, Pablo DE CASTRO MARTÍN, Enrique GARCÍA HERNÁN = Acta: XXXIst. International Congress of Military History. Madrid 2005. Madrid, Ministerio de Defensa, Secretaría General Técnica, 2006, 702 p. (ill., maps).
§ 4. Addendum 2005.
§ 5. From 1815 to 1910. ** 6319. Akten zur Geschichte des Krimkriegs (AGKK). Band 2. 11. Dezember 1853 bis 1. Dezember 1854. Bearbeitet von Winfried BAUMGART. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, 860 p. (Akten zur Geschichte des Krimkriegs. Ser. 3, 2). ** 6320. CAÑEDO GAMBOA (Sergio Alejandro), SAAVILÉS (Abraham). La agencia consular británica en San Luis Potosí: cinco cuadernos y tres agentes consulares, 18461869: estudio introductorio y documentación. Prólogo, Michael P. COSTELOE. San Luis Potosí, El Colegio de San Luis, Archivo Histórico del Estado de San Luis Potosí, 2006, LXXII-155 p. (Colección Documentos). LAZAR
** 6321. Cosimo Ridolfi e la mediazione anglo-francese, 18481849. A cura di Marco PIGNOTTI; con prefazione di Cosimo CECCUTI. Firenze, Fondazione Spadolini-Nuova antologia e Le Monnier, 2006, VI-152 p. (Centro di studi sulla civiltà toscana fra '800 e '900, 39). ** 6322. FRANÇOIS (Auguste). Le mandarin blanc: souvenirs d'un consul en Extrême-Orient, 18861904. Textes rassemblés et présentés par Pierre SEYDOUX. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 379 p. (ill., map). ** 6323. Haití y República Dominicana, 1852: Informe Torrente. Ed. par Angel LOCKWARD. Santo Domingo, Comisión Permanente de Efemerides Patrias, 2006, 144 p. (ill.). (Documentos de la República). ** 6324. PONCET (Olivier). La Nonciature de France (18191904) et ses archives. Città del Vaticano, Archivio segreto Vaticano, 2006, XIV-338 p. (Collectanea Archivi Vaticani, 59). ** 6325. Porte Crayon's Mexico: David Hunter Strother's diaries in the early Porfirian era, 1879–1885. Ed. by John E. STEALEY III. Kent, Kent State U. P., 2006, XI-1085 p.
** 6326. Savoie (La), la France, l'Italie: lettres d'Albert Blanc à François Buloz, 18581861. Sous la dir. de Christian SORREL. Chambéry, Université de Savoie, 2006, 148 p. (ports.). (Collection Sociétés, religions, politiques, 3). _______________________
6327. AZZOU (El-Mostafa). La participation américaine à la conférence d'Algésiras, 1906: un regard français. In: Dossier 19061956: les années en 6 [Cf. no 6031], p. 9-14. 6328. Benito Juárez en América Latina y el Caribe. Compiladores Adalberto SANTANA y Sergio GUERRA VILABOY. México D.F., Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México, Centro Coordinador y Difusor de Estudios Latinoamericanos, 2006, 164 p. (Cuadernos de cuadernos, 11). 6329. BESTECK (Eva). Die trügerische "First Line of Defence": zum deutsch-britischen Wettrüsten vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Freiburg im Breisgau, Rombach, 2006, VIII-214 p. (ill., map). (Einzelschriften zur Militärgeschichte, 43).
6338. CZAJA (Marek). Die USA und ihr Aufstieg zur Weltmacht um die Jahrhundertwende: die Amerikaperzeption der Parteien im Kaiserreich. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2006, 376 p. (Historische Forschungen, 82). 6339. DEMIRCI (Sevtap). British public opinion towards the Ottoman empire during the two crises: Bosnia-Herzegovina (19081909), the Balkan wars (1912 1913). østanbul, Isis, 2006, 64 p. 6340. FEMERS (Jörg). Deutsch-Britische Optionen: Untersuchungen zur internationalen Politik in der späten Bismarck-Ära (18791890). Trier, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2006, 296 p. (Europäische und internationale Studien, 4). 6341. France (La) et l'Angleterre au XIXe siècle: échanges, représentations, comparaisons. Sous la dir. de Sylvie APRILE et Fabrice BENSIMON. Paris, Créaphis, 2006, 579 p. (ill.). 6342. FUHRMANN (Malte). Der Traum vom deutschen Orient: zwei deutsche Kolonien im Osmanischen Reich 18511918. Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2006, 419 p. (ill.).
6330. BIERMANN (Harald). Ideologie statt Realpolitik. Kleindeutsche Liberale und auswärtige Politik vor der Reichsgründung. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2006, 336 p. (Beiträge zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, 146).
6343. GENCER (Mustafa). Imperialismus und die orientalische Frage: deutsch-türkische Beziehungen 18711908. Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2006, 154 p. (maps). (Türk Tarih Kurumu yayÕnlarÕ. VII. Dizi, 221).
6331. BITIS (Alexander). Russia and the Eastern question: army, government and society, 18151833. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 540 p. (ill., maps). (A British Academy postdoctoral fellowship monograph).
6344. HAMILTON (Richard F.). President McKinley, war and empire. Vol. 1. President McKinley and the coming of the war, 1898. New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 2006, XIV-260 p. (American presidents series).
6332. BOBROFF (Ronald Park). Roads to glory: late Imperial Russia and the Turkish straits. New York, I. B. Taurus, 2006, XI-251 p. 6333. BONAKDARIAN (Mansour). Britain and the Iranian constitutional revolution of 1906–1911: foreign policy, imperialism, and dissent. Syracuse, Syracuse U. P., 2006, XLIX-577 p. (Modern intellectual and political history of the Middle East). 6334. Britain, France, and the Entente Cordiale since 1904. Ed. by Antoine CAPET. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, X-225 p. (Studies in military and strategic history). 6335. British envoys to Germany, 1816–1866. Vol. 3. 1848–1850. Ed. by Markus MÖßLANG, Torsten RIOTTE and Hagen SCHULZE. Cambridge, New York a. Port Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2006, VIII-511 p. (Camden Fifth Series, 28). 6336. BROWN (David). Palmerston and Anglo– French Relations, 1846–1865. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 4, p. 675-692. 6337. CAVIERES FIGUEROA (Eduardo). Chile-Perú, la historia y la escuela: conflictos nacionales, percepciones sociales. Valparaíso, Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2006, 140 p. (ill.).
6345. HOLMES (James R.). Theodore Roosevelt and world order: Police power in international relations. Dulles, Potomac Books, 2006, 327 p. 6346. HOYER (Christian). Salisbury und Deutschland: aussenpolitisches Denken und britische Deutschlandpolitik zwischen 1856 und 1880. Husum, Matthiesen, 2006, 507 p. (Historische Studien, 492). 6347. KAUFMAN (Scott), SOARES (John A. jr.). "Sagacious beyond praise"? Winfield Scott and AngloAmerican-Canadian border diplomacy, 18371860. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 1, p. 57-82. 6348. KIM (Yong-gu). Korea and Japan: the clash of worldviews, 18681876. Seoul, Circle, 2006, XIV-177 p. (ill., map). 6349. KIMIZUKA (Naotaka). Pakusu Buritanika no Igirisu gaikǀ: PƗmasuton to kaigi gaikǀ no jidai). (British foreign policy in the age of Pax Britannica: Lord Palmerston and conference diplomacy). Tokyo, Yuhikaku, 2006, 304 p. 6350. KRAMER (Paul A.). Race-making and colonial violence in the U.S. empire: the Philippine-American war as race war. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 2, p. 169-210. 6351. LOUVIER (Patrick). La puissance navale et militaire britannique en Méditerranée, 18401871. Vin-
5. FROM 1815 TO 1910 cennes, Service historique de la Défense, 2006, 496 p. (ill., maps). 6352. MAC CARTNEY (Paul T.). Power and progress: American national identity, the war of 1898, and the rise of American imperialism. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2006, X-373 p. (Political traditions in foreign policy series). 6353. MAC LEAN (David). Surgeons of the Opium War: the Navy on the China coast, 1840–1842. English historical review, 2006, 121, 491, p. 487-504. 6354. MAIOR (Liviu). Habsburgi úi români: de la loialitatea dinastică la identitate naĠională. (Habsburgs and Romanians. From dynastic loyalty to national identity). Bucureúti, Editura Enciclopedică, 2006, 282 p. 6355. MALANSON (Jeffrey J.). The Congressional debate over U.S. participation in the Congress of Panama, 18251826: Washington's farewell address, Monroe's doctrine, and the fundamental principles of U.S. foreign policy. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 5, p. 813-838. 6356. MALINOWSKI (Andrzej). Kwestia macedoĔska w Buágarii w latach 18781918. (La questione macedone e la Bulgaria negli anni 18781918). ToruĔ, Mado, 2006, 254 p. (ill., maps, ports.). 6357. MARSHALL (Alex). Russian general staff and Asia, 18601917. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XII-272 p. 6358. MATIKAINEN (Satu). Great Britain, British Jews, and the international protection of Romanian Jews, 19001914: a study of Jewish diplomacy and minority rights. Jyväskylä, University of Jyväskylä, 2006, 237 p. (map). (Jyväskylä studies in humanities, 56). 6359. OTTE (T. G.). From "war-in-sight" to nearly war: Anglo–French relations in the age of high imperialism, 1875–1898. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 4, p. 693-714. 6360. PARRY (Jonathan Philip). The Politics of Patriotism: English liberalism, national identity and Europe, 18301866. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, 424 p. 6361. PEREIRA (Paulo José dos Reis). A política externa da Primeira República e os Estados Unidos: a atuação de Joaquim Nabuco em Washington, 1905 1910. São Paulo, Editora Hucitec, FAPESP, 2006, 229 p. (facsims.). (Relações internacionais, 6). 6362. PI-SUÑER LLORENS (Antonia). La deuda española en México: diplomacia y política en torno a un problema financiero, 18211890. México D.F., Colegio de México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2006, 353 p. (Colección "Ambas orillas"). 6363. PLUTSCHOW (Herbert E.). Philip Franz von Siebold and the opening of Japan: a re-evaluation. Folkestone, Global Oriental, 2006, XII-228 p.
6364. RAFFAELLI (Marcelo). A monarquia e a República: aspectos das relações entre Brasil e Estados Unidos durante o Império. Rio de Janeiro, CHDD e Brasília, FUNAG, 2006, 289 p. 6365. ROBLES MUÑOZ (Cristóbal). La política exterior de España. 1. Política mediterránea, occidental y de paz (18991905). 2. Junto a las naciones occidentales (19051914). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2006, 2 vol., 366 p., 478 p. (Biblioteca de historia, 59). 6366. RODRIGUES (Paulo Miguel). A Madeira entre 1820 e 1842: relações de poder e influência Britânica. Funchal, Universidade de Madeira, 2006, XV-1057 p. 6367. RUBACHA (Jarosáaw), MALINOWSKI (Andrzej), GIZA (Antoni). Historia Buágarii 18701915: materiaáy Ĩródáowe z komentarzami. T. 1. Polityka miĊdzynarodowa. (Storia della Bulgaria. T. 1. Politica internazionale). Warszawa, Wydawnictwo "Neriton", 2006, 179 p. (ill.). 6368. SAITO (Seiji). Hokushin-jihen to Nihon-gun. ('Boxer Uprising' and the Japanese army). Tokyo, Huyo Shobo Shuppan, 2006, 380 p. 6369. SALDANHA (António Vasconcelos de). O tratado impossível: um exercício de diplomacia luso-chinesa num contexto internacional em mudança 1842 1887. Lisboa, Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Instituto diplomático, 2006, 979 p. (ill., maps). (Biblioteca diplomatica. Série A: Autores portugueses, 7). 6370. SALUM-FLECHA (Antonio). La política exterior del Paraguay: de 1811 hasta la Guerra de 18641870. Asunción, Intercontinental Editora, 2006, 293 p. (ill., maps). 6371. Schegge d'impero, pezzi d'Europa: Balcani e Turchia fra continuita e mutamento, 18041923. A cura di Marco DOGO. Gorizia, LEG, 2006, 247 p. (ill.). (I leggeri, 26). 6372. SCHIMMELPENNINCK VAN DER OYE (David). Toward the rising sun: Russian ideologies of empire and the path to war with Japan. DeKalb, Northern Illinois U. P., 2006, XIII-329 p. (ill., maps). 6373. SCHRÖDER (Stephen). Die englisch-russische Marinekonvention: das Deutsche Reich und die Flottenverhandlungen der Tripelentente am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkriegs. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 790 p. (Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 76). 6374. SEXTON (Jay). The United States, the Cuban rebellion, and the multilateral initiative of 1875. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 3, p. 335-365. 6375. SOKOLOVSKAJA (O.V.). Rossija na Krite. 1897–1909. Iz istorii pervoj mirotvorcheskoj operatsii XX veka. (Russia in Crete, 1897–1909: From the history of the first peacemaking operation of the 20th century). Moskva, Indrik, 2006, 148 p. (ill.).
6376. SOSA DE LEÓN (Mireya). La crisis diplomática entre Venezuela y México 19201935: visión histórica. Caracas, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Fondo Editorial Tropykos, 2006, XXIV-393 p. (ill.). 6377. STALLONE (Settimio). Ministro a Pietroburgo: diplomatici e diplomazia italiana in Russia (1861 1870). Roma, Aracne, 2006, 272 p. (Scienze politiche e sociali, 94). 6378. SZLANTA (Piotr). Die deutsche Persienpolitik und die russisch-britische Rivalität, 19061914. Schenefeld, EB-Verlag, 2006, 274 p. (ill.). (Bonner Islamstudien, 9). 6379. VOLKOVYNSKYI (Valerii Mykolaiovych), REIENT (Oleksandr Petrovych). Ukraïna u Krymskii viini 18531856 rr.: do 150-richchia Skhidnoï viiny. (Ukraine in the Crimean War of 18531856: to the 150th anniversary of the Eastern War). Kyïv, Instytut istoriï Ukraïny NAN Ukraïny, 2006, 209 p. (ill.). 6380. WATSON (David R.). Clemenceau's contacts with England. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 4, p. 715-730. Cf. nos 3529, 3536, 3710, 4113, 4724, 4726, 6301, 6316, 6318, 6396, 6414, 6450 § 6. From 1910 to 1935. The First World War. ** 6381. Außenpolitische Dokumente der Republik Österreich 19181938 (ADÖ). Band 7. Das österreichische-deutsche Zollunionsprojekt, 12. Februar 1930 bis 11. September 1931. Hrsg. v. Klaus KOCH, Walter RAUSCHER und Arnold SUPPAN. Wien, Verlag für Geschichte und Politik u. München, R. Oldenbourg, 2006, 424 p. ** 6382. Carnets (Les) de guerre d'Arnaud Pomiro. Des Dardanelles au Chemin des Dames. Présentés par Fabrice PAPPOLA, préface de Rémy CAZALS. Toulouse, Éd. Privat, 2006, 392 p. (Témoignage pour l'histoire). ** 6383. ýehoslovaþki diplomatski dokumenti za Makedonija (19191933). (I documenti diplomatici cecoslovacchi sulla Macedonia). Kn. 1. 19191933. Izbor i redacija Novica VELJANOVSKI, Jan RIHLIK. Skopje, Državen arhiv na Republika Makedonija, 2006, 360 p. ** 6384. DODOV (Nikola). Dnevnik po Balkanskata voƱna. (Journal de la Guerre Balkanique). Pred. Al. KITANOV. Sofiia, Voenno izdatelstvo, 2006, 103 p. (ill.). ** 6385. IANCU (Carol). Les juifs de Roumanie et la solidarité internationale: documents diplomatiques inédits (19191939). Montpellier, Univ. Paul-Valéry, 2006, 350 p. (Collection Sem: études juives et hébraïques, 12). ** 6386. IMPERIALI (Guglielmo). Diario 19151919. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2006, 809 p. (Archivio storico del Senato). ** 6387. Makedonija vo meÀunarodnite dogovori. (Macedonia in the international agreements). Tom 1.
19131940. Izbor, redakcija i komentar Mihajlo MISkopje, Državen arhiv na Republika Makedonija, 2006, [s. p.].
** 6388. PAK (Boris Dmitrievich). SSSR, Komintern i korejskoe osvoboditel'noe dvizhenie, 19181925: ocherki, dokumenty, materialy. Moskva, In-t vostokovedenija RAN, 2006, 415 p. (ill.). ** 6389. Romania (La) nella grande guerra: documenti militari e diplomatici italiani, 19141918 = România în primul război mondial: documente militare úi diplomatice italiene, 19141918. A cura di Rudolf DINU e Ion BULEI. Bucureúti, Editura Militară, 2006, 295 p. ** 6390. Traktat Pokoju miĊdzy Polska a Rosja i Ukraina, Ryga 18 marca 1921: 85 lat póĨniej. (Il trattato di pace tra Polonia e Russia e l'Ucraina, Riga 18 marzo 1921: 85 anni dopo). WstĊp, opracowanie i wybór Ĩródeá Bronisáaw KOMOROWSKI; bibliografia Monika BIEDRZYCKA [et al.]. Warszawa, Oficyna Wydawnicza Rytm, 2006, 157 p. (ill.). _______________________
6391. ABBENHUIS (Maartje M.). The art of staying neutral: the Netherlands in the First World War, 1914– 1918. Amsterdam, Amsterdam U. P., 2006, 423 p. 6392. ASADA (Sadao). Between the old diplomacy and the New, 19181922: the Washington system and the origins of Japanese-American rapprochement. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 2, p. 211-230. 6393. BABÍK (Michal). Poznámky k metodologii výzkumu þeskoslovenské reflexe Briandovy iniciativy. (Notes on methodology of research of Czechoslovakian reflection of Briand's initiative). In: StĜední Evropa a evropská integrace. Sborník z konference. Ed. Marta GOĕCOVÁ. Brno, 2006, p. 119-124. 6394. BARROS (Andrew), GUELTON (Frédéric). Les imprévus de l'histoire instrumentalisée: le Livre jaune de 1914 et les Documents Diplomatiques Français sur les origines de la Grande Guerre, 19141918. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 1, p. 3-22. 6395. BÉZIAS (Jean-Rémy). La France et l'intégration internationale de la principauté de Monaco (1918 1939). In: Militaires et diplomatie [Cf. no 6056], p. 93103. 6396. BILLINGTON (David P.). Lothian: Philip Kerr and the quest for world order. Westport a. London, Praeger Security International, 2006, X-252 p. (Contributions to the study of world history). 6397. BOURLET (Michaël). Le deuxième bureau et la diplomatie secrète: les négociations Armand-Revertera de 1917. In: Militaires et diplomatie [Cf. no 6056], p. 33-49. 6398. BRALIû (Ante). Zadar u vrtlogu propasti Habsburške Monarhije (1917.–1918.). (Zadar during the whirlwind of the demise of the Habsburg Monarchy, 19171918). ýasopis za suvremenu povijest, 2006, 1, p. 243-266.
6. FROM 1910 TO 1935. THE FIRST WORLD WAR 6399. BRIDGES (Peter). George Kennan reminisces about Moscow in 1933–1937. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 2, p. 283-293. 6400. CANA (Zekeria). Politika e Serbisë kundrejt çëstjes Shqiptare 19121913. (Serbia's policy towards the Albanian issue 19031913). Prishtinë, Instituti Albanologjik i Prishtinës, 2006, 557 p. 6401. CAPPELLANO (Filippo), DI MARTINO (Basilio). La guerra di gas. Le armi chimiche sui fronti italiano e occidentale nella Grande Guerra. Valdagno, Rossato, 2006, 335 p. 6402. CHAIGNE-OUDIN (Anne-Lucie). La France et les rivalités occidentales au Levant: Syrie-Liban, 1918 1939. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 328 p. (maps). (Comprendre le Moyen-Orient). 6403. CHMIELOWSKA (Danuta). Polsko-tureckie stosunki dyplomatyczne w okresie miĊdzywojennym. (Polish-Turkish diplomatic relations in the interwar period). Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Akademickie "Dialog", 2006, 419 p. 6404. COHRS (Patrick O.). The unfinished peace after World War I: America, Britain and the stabilisation of Europe, 19191932. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIV-693 p. (map). 6405. ÇOùAR (Nevin), DEMIRCI (Sevtap). The Mosul Question and the Turkish republic: before and after the Frontier Treaty, 1926. Middle Eastern studies, 2006, 42, 1, p. 123-132. 6406. Czechoslovakia and Romania in the Versailles System. Symposium "ýeskoslovensko a Rumunsko v rámci Versailleského systému" (2003: Prague, Czech Republic). Ed. by OldĜich TģMA and JiĜí JINDRA. Praha, Institute for Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2006, 182 p. 6407. Deutsch-chinesische Beziehungen 19111927. Vom Kolonialismus zur "Gleichberechtigung". Eine Quellensammlung. Hrsg. v. Mechthild LEUTNER. Berlin, Akademie, 2006, 603 p. 6408. Deutschen (Die) an der Somme 19141918. Krieg, Besatzung, Verbrannte Erde. Hrsg. v. G. HIRSCHFELD, G. KRUMREICH und I. RENZ. Essen, Klartext, 2006, 281 p. 6409. DIMITRIU (Robert). Die Außenpolitik Rumäniens 19181939 zwischen Solidarität und Sacro egoismo. Frankfurt am Main u. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2006, XVII-812 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe III, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 1025 = Publications universitaires européennes. Série III, Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire, 1025= European university studies. Series III, History and allied studies, 1025). 6410. ESSEN (Andrzej). Polityka Czechosáowacji w Europie ĝrodkowej w latach 19181932. (La politica cecoslovacca nell'Europa centrale degli anni 1918 1932). Kraków, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii
Pedagogicznej, 2006, 327 p. (maps). (Prace monograficzne, 433). 6411. FISHER (John). Lord Robert Cecil and the formation of a Middle East Department of the Foreign Office. Middle Eastern studies, 2006, 42, 3, p. 365380. 6412. GRAINGER (John D.). The battle for Palestine, 1917. Woodbridge a. Rochester, Boydell Press, 2006, 292 p. (ill., maps). (Warfare in history). 6413. GRANDHOMME (Jean-Noël). La Roumanie en guerre et la mission militaire Italienne (19161918). In: Dossier 19061956: les années en 6 [Cf. no 6031], p. 15-33. 6414. GRAYSON (Richard S.). Imperialism in conservative defence and foreign policy: Leo Amery and the Chamberlains, 19031939. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2006, 34, 4, p. 505-527. 6415. GRAYZEL (Susan R.). "The souls of soldiers": civilians under fire in First World War France. Journal of modern history, 2006, 78, 3, p. 588-622. 6416. GREENHALGH (Elizabeth). Victory through coalition: Britain and France during the First World War. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XVI-304 p. (Cambridge military histories). 6417. GÜÇLÜ (Yücel). The controversy over the delimitationof the Turco-Syrian frontier in the period between the two world wars. Middle Eastern studies, 2006, 42, 4, p. 641-657. 6418. HINZ (Uta). Gefangen im Großen Krieg. Kriegsgefangenschaft in Deutschland 1914–1921. Essen, Klartext, 2006, 392 p. (Schriften der Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte, NF., 19). 6419. HOPPU (Tuomas). Lojaalisuus Venäjää kohtaan ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana. (Loyalty towards Russia during the First World War). Historiallinen aikakauskirja, 2006, 1, 56-65. 6420. HUGHES (Michael). British foreign secretaries in an uncertain world, 19191939. London, Routledge, 2006, XII-266 p. (British foreign and colonial policy). 6421. INGEBORG FLEISCHHAUER (Eva). Rathenau in Rapallo. Eine notwendige Korrektur des Forschungsstandes. Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, 3, p. 365-416. 6422. JABARA CARLEY (Michael). A soviet eye on France from the rue de Grenelle in Paris, 1924–1940. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 2, p. 295-346. 6423. JOHNSON (Gaynor). Austen Chamberlain and Britain's relations with France, 1924–1929. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 4, p. 753-769. 6424. KEYS (Barbara J.). Globalizing sport: national rivalry and international community in the 1930s. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, XI-274 p. (Harvard historical studies, 152).
6425. KINVIG (Clifford). Churchill's crusade: the British invasion of Russia, 19181920. London, Hambledon Continuum, 2006, XX-373 p. (ill., maps).
6438. MOTTA (Giuseppe). Un rapporto difficile: Romania e Stati Uniti nel periodo interbellico. Milano, F. Angeli, 2006, 192 p. (Temi di storia, 84).
6426. Komintern og Norge: DnA-perioden 1919 1923: en dokumentasjon. Red. Åsmund EGGE og Vadim ROGINSKIJ. Oslo, Unipub., 2006, 599 p.
6439. MULLIGAN (William). "We can't be more Russian than the Russians": British policy during the Liman von Sanders crisis, 1913–1914. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 2, p. 261-282.
6427. Kriegsgefangene im Europa des Ersten Weltkrieges. Hrsg. v. Jochen OLTMER. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2006, 309 p. (Krieg in der Geschichte, 24). 6428. KURAJEV (Oleksyj). Ukraïns'ka problema u polityci Berlina ta Vidnja u Peršij svitovij vijni: (1914 1918). Kyïv, Inst. Ukraïns'koï Archeohrafiï ta Džereloznavstva Im. M. S. Hruševs'koho, 2006, 310 p. 6429. LAUTER (Anna-Monika). Sicherheit und Reparationen. Die französische Öffentlichkeit, der Rhein und die Ruhr 19191923. Essen, Klartext, 2006, 431 p. (Düsseldorfer Schriften zur neueren Landesgeschichte und zur Geschichtenordrhein-Westfalens, 74). 6430. LE MOAL (Frédéric). La France et l'Italie dans les Balkans: 19141919, le contentieux adriatique. Préface de Georges-Henri SOUTOU. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 407 p. (maps). (Inter-national). 6431. LE PAUTREMAT (Pascal). La mission du Lieutenant-colonel Brémond au Hedjaz, 19161917: In: Militaires et diplomatie [Cf. no 6056], p. 17-31. 6432. LOJKÓ (Miklós). Meddling in Middle Europe: Britain and the 'lands between', 19191925. Budapest, Central European U. P., 2006, X-377 p. 6433. MAJD (Mohammad Gholi). Oil and the killing of the American Consul in Tehran [Robert Whitney Imbrie]. Lanham a. Oxford, University Press of America, 2006, 350 p. 6434. MANELA (Erez). Imagining Woodrow Wilson in Asia: dreams of East-West harmony and the revolt against Empire in 1919. American historical review, 2006, 111, 5, p. 1327-1351. 6435. MARKOV (Georgi). Goliamata voƱna v Bǎlgarskata strazha mezhdu Sredna Evropa i Orienta 1916 1919 g. (Great War and the Bulgarian guard between Central Europe and the Orient 19161919). Sofiia, Akademichno izd-vo "Prof. Marin Drinov", 2006, 401 p. 6436. MEDNIKOV (Igor' Ju.). Materialy Arkhiva vneshnej politiki Rossijskoj imperii po istorii ispanskogo nejtraliteta (19141918 gg.): Sostav, forma i soderzhanie dokumentov. (The Materials from the Archives of the Russian Empire's foreign policy on the history of the Spanish neutrality, 1914–1918: composition, form and content of the documents). In: Istochnikovedcheskie issledovanija. Ed. Aleksandr O. CHUBAR'JAN, Timofej V. GIMON. Moskva, IVI RAN, 2006, 3, p. 131-171. [English summary]. 6437. MEYER-ARNDT (Lüder). Die Julikrise 1914: Wie Deutschland in den Ersten Weltkrieg stolperte. Mit ein. Geleitwort v. Imanuel GEISS. Köln, Weimar u. Wien, Böhlau, 2006, XIII-407 p.
6440. NEILSON (Keith). Britain, Soviet Russia and the collapse of the Versailles order, 19191939. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, X-379 p. 6441. NOVAIS (Noémia Malva). João Chagas: a diplomacia e a Guerra, 19141918. Coimbra, Minerva, 2006, 212 p. (ill.). (Minerva história, 25). 6442. NOVIKOVA (Irina N.). "Mezhdu molotom i nakoval'nej": Shvetsija v germano-rossijskom protivostojanii na Baltike v gody Pervoj mirovoj vojny. (Sweden and the face-off between Russia and Germany in the Baltic during the First World War). Sankt-Peterburg, Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta, 2006, 449 p. (ill.; portr.; bibl. p. 398-420; pers. ind. p. 433-447). 6443. OBRADOVIû (Ivan). Britanska politika i stvaranje Albanije 1912–1914. (British policy and creation of Albania 1912–1914). Tokovi istorije, 2006, 4, p. 125138. 6444. OSBORNE (Eric W.). The battle of Heligoland Bight. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2006, IX-141 p. (Twentieth-century battles). 6445. PEDERSEN (Susan). The meaning of the mandates system: an argument. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2006, 32, 4, p. 560-582. 6446. PHILPOTT (William). The Anglo–French victory on the Somme. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 4, p. 731-751. 6447. POLIT (Jakub). Lew i Smok: Wielka Brytania a kryzys chiĔski, 19251928. (Il leone e il drago: la Gran Bretagna e la crisi cinese, 19251928). Kraków, Towarzystwo Wydawnicze "Historia Iagellonica", 2006, 629 p. (ill., maps). (Studia z historii XX wieku, 1). 6448. QUARTARARO (Rosaria). L'irredentismo di Malta fra Roma e Londra: un fenomeno autoctono o ispirato dall'Italia fascista? (19221940). Napoli, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2006, 199 p. 6449. RAWLING (Bill). Une façon de faire la guerre. La prise de Cambrai, octobre 1918. Balma, Athéna Éditions, 2006, 232 p. 6450. SAMANIEGO (Marco Antonio). Ríos internacionales entre México y Estados Unidos: los tratados de 1906 y 1944. México D.F., El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Históricos y Mexicali, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, 2006, 449 p. (maps). 6451. SAUL (Norman E.). Friends or foes? The United States and Soviet Russia, 19211941. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2006, XVIII-434 p. (ill., ports.).
7. FROM 1935 TO 1945. THE SECOND WORLD WAR 6452. SCATES (Bruce). Return to Gallipoli: walking the battlefields of the Great War. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXIV-273 p. (ill., map). 6453. Schlieffenplan (Der). Analysen und Dokumente. Hrsg. v. Hans EHLERT, Michael EPKENHANS und Gerhard P. GROß. Paderborn, München, Wien u. Zürich, Schöningh, 2006, 496 p. (Zeitalter der Weltkriege, 2). 6454. SELIGMANN (Matthew S.). Spies in uniform. British military and naval intelligence on the eve of the First World War. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, 272 p. 6455. SHALA (Xheladin). Çështja Shqiptare dhe Diplomacia serbe 19121913. (Albanian question and the Serbian diplomacy 19121913). Prishtinë, Instituti Albanologjik i Prishtinës, 2006, 308 p. (ill.). 6456. SHAW (Stanford Jay). The Ottoman Empire in World War I. Vol. 1. Prelude to war. Ankara, Turkish Historical Society, 2006, XLII-742 p. (Publications of Turkish Historical Society. Serial 16, 109). 6457. SHUSTER (Richard J.). German disarmament after World War I: the diplomacy of international arms inspection 1920–1931 New York, Routledge, 2006, VIII-259 p. (Cass series: strategy and history, 14). 6458. STAPLETON (Timothy Joseph). No insignificant part: the Rhodesia Native Regiment and the East Africa Campaign of the First World War. Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier U. P., 2006, XII-188 p. (ill.). 6459. TANG (Qihua). 1924 nian Zhong E xieding yu Zhong E jiuyue feizhi wenti – yi Mi jian yiding shu wei zhongxin de tantao. (The Sino-Soviet agreement of 1924 and the argument over the annulment of old treaties: an analysis centered on the secret protocol). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 3, p. 1-22. 6460. THOMAS (Martin). Anglo–French imperial relations in the Arab world: intelligence liaison and nationalist disorder, 1920–1939. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 4, p. 771-798. 6461. UCHIDA (Jun). 'Brokers of empire': Japanese settler colonialism in Korea, 19101937. Ann Arbor, UMI a. Proquest, 2006, XIV-548 p. (maps). 6462. VAN DER LINDEN (W. H.). The International Peace Movement during the First World War. In and around the Dutch Anti-War Council 1914–1919, its international mediatory work for a speedy peace, and its international Central Organisation for a Durable Peace. Almere, Tilleul, 2006, 1111 p. 6463. Vergessene Front (Die). Der Osten 1914/15. Ereignis, Wirkung, Nachwirkung. Hrsg. v. Gerhard P. GROß. Paderborn, Wien u. Zürich, Schöningh, 2006, VIII-415 p. (zeitalter der weltkriege, 1).
in Latin America. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 1, p. 83117. 6466. WHELAN (Bernadette). United States foreign policy and Ireland: from empire to independence, 19131929. Dublin a. Portland, Four Courts, 2006, 607 p. 6467. WOODWARD (David R.). Hell in the Holy Land: World War I in the Middle East. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2006, XIII-253 p. (ill., maps). 6468. YILDIRIM (Onur). Diplomacy and displacement: reconsidering the Turco-Greek exchange of populations, 1922–1934. New York, Routledge, 2006, XVI309 p. (Middle East studies: history, politics, and law). 6469. YILMAZ (ùuhnaz). Challenging the stereotypes: Turkish–American relations in the inter-war era. Middle Eastern studies, 2006, 42, 2, p. 223-237. 6470. ZABECKI (David T.). The German 1918 offensives: a case study in the operational level of war. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XXIV-408 p. (ill., maps). (Cass series-strategy and history, 16). § 6. Addenda 20042005. 6471. DOEPGEN (Peter). Die Washingtoner Konferenz, das Deutsche Reich und die Reichsmarine. Deutsche Marinepolitik 1921 bis 1935. Bremen, Hauschild, 2005, 277 p. (Deutsche Maritime Studien, Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums, Bremerhaven, 2). 6472. HOPPU (Tuomas). Historian unohtamat. Suomalaiset vapaaehtoiset Venäjän armeijassa 1. maailmansodassa 19141918. (Forgotten history: Finnish volunteers in the Russian army in Worl War I, 19141918). Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2005. 361 p. (ill, maps). (Bibliotheca historica 100). 6473. NEJINSKI (L. N.). V interesakh naroda ili vopreki im? Sovietskaya mejdunarodnaya politika v 19171933 godakh. (Dans l'intérêt du peuple ou contre lui? La politique internationale soviétique dans les années 19171933). Moskva, Nauka, 2004, 327 p. Cf. nos 3531, 3536, 3671, 3710, 3799, 4132, 4559, 6188, 6329, 6332, 6333, 6339, 6342, 6356, 6357, 6358, 6365, 6367, 6371, 6373, 6378, 6499, 6508, 6529, 6552, 6556 § 7. From 1935 to 1945. The Second World War. _______________________
a. General ** 6474. Ihr daheim und wir hier draussen: ein Briefwechsel zwischen Ostfront und Heimat, Juni 1941 März 1943. Herausgegeben und kommentiert von Ingo STADER. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, 247 p. (ill., maps).
6464. VOURKOUTIOTIS (Vasilis). Making common cause: German-Soviet secret relations, 19191923. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, VI-200 p.
** 6475. Journal de guerre de Paul Max: notes d'un Bruxellois pendant l'occupation (19141918). Ed. par Benoît MAJERUS et Sven SOUPART. Bruxelles, Archief van de stad Brussel, 2006, [s. p.]. (Fontes Bruxelles, 3).
6465. WALKER (William O. III). Crucible for peace: Herbert Hoover, modernization, and economic growth
** 6476. Pacea de mâine. Documente ale Comisiei constituite în vederea pregătirii ConferinĠei de Pace de
după cel de-al doilea război mondial (19421944). (The peace of tomorrow. Documents of the Consulting Chamber for the preparations of the Peace Conference after World War II, 19421944). EdiĠie de Petre OTU. Bucureúti, Editura Militară, 2006, 354 p. ** 6477. RÉTI (Balázs). A brit haditengerészet és a Mediterráneum a korabeli magyar források tükrében, 19351939. (La Marina britannica e il Mediterraneo alla luce delle fonti contemporanee ungheresi, 1935 1939). Budapest, Gondolat Kiadó, 2006, 271 p. (Magyarország és a világ). ** 6478. TRAùCĂ (Ottmar), DELETANT (Dennis). Holocaustul din România în documente ale celui de-al III-lea Reich, 19411944. Cluj-Napoca, Editura Dacia, 2006, 263 p. (ColecĠia Testimonia). ** 6479. Ziemie wschodnie: meldunki tygodniowe Sekcji Wschodniej Departamentu Informacji i Prasy Delegatury Rządu RP na Kraj: kwiecieĔlipiec 1944 r. (Provinces de l'Est: la section Est des rapports hebdomadaires du Département de l'information et presse du Délégué du gouvernement polonais: AvrilJuillet 1944). WstĊp, wybór i opracowanie Mieczysáaw ADAMCZYK, Janusz GMITRUK i Adam KOSESKI. Warszawa, Oficyna Wydawnicza Aspra-JR, 2006, 290 p. _______________________
6480. 'ALƮ TƖHƖ (Fadwá 'Abd al-RahmƗn). The Anglo-Egyptian dispute over the Sudan, 19371947. Khartoum, Khartoum University Print, 2006, XII-173 p. (ill.). 6481. AUGER (Martin F.). Prisoners of the home front. German POWS and 'enemy aliens' in Southern Quebec, 19401946. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 2006, XII-227 p. 6482. BAUDENDISTEL (Rainer). Between bombs and good intentions: the Red Cross and the Italo-Ethiopian War, 19351936. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2006, XVII-342 p. (ill., map). (Human rights in context, 1). 6483. BAXTER (Christopher). "A very great clerk": sir Ronald Campbell and the fall of France, May–June 1940. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 4, p. 821-834. 6484. BIRN (Ruth Bettina). Die Sicherheitspolizei in Estland 19411944: eine Studie zur Kollaboration im Osten. Paderborn, Schöningh, 2006, 286 p. (Sammlung Schöningh zur Geschichte und Gegenwart). 6485. ýEŠKA (Jaroslav). Under the greater German Reich rule. The Protectorate's official statistics in 1939 1945. Praha, Futura, 2006, 320 p. 6486. ýIERNA-LANTAYOVÁ (Dagmar). Ruská otázka v politických názoroch na Slovensku 19411943. (The Russian question in political views in Slovakia 1941 1943). Historické štúdie, 2006, 44, p. 71-87. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 6487. CURILLA (Wolfgang). Die deutsche Ordnungspolizei und der Holocaust im Baltikum und in Weiß-
russland, 1941–1944. Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2006, 1041 p. 6488. DAVIES (Norman). Europe at war, 19391945. No simple victory. London, Macmillan, 2006, 543 p. 6489. DAVIS (Simon). "A projected new trusteeship"? American internationalism, British imperialism, and the reconstruction of Iran, 1938–1947. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 1, p. 31-72. 6490. DELETANT (Dennis). Hitler's forgotten ally: Ion Antonescu and his regime, Romania 19401944. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, X-379 p. (ill., map). 6491. DURUCZ (Peter). Ungarn in der auswärtigen Politik des Dritten Reiches 19421945. Göttingen, V&R Unipress, 2006, 301 p. 6492. ELZER (Herbert). Zwischen Rheinstaat und Westeuropäischem Bündnis. Großbritannien, Frankreich, die kleineren allierten Nachbarn und die Besatzung Nordwestdeutschlands 1945. Essen, Klartext, 2006, 264 p. 6493. GESCHE (Katja). Kultur als Instrument der Außenpolitik totalitärer Staaten: das Deutsche AuslandInstitut 19331945. Köln, Böhlau, 2006, 416 p. (ill.). 6494. GIRVIN (Brian). The Emergency: neutral Ireland, 19391945. London, Macmillan, 2006, XXIII385 p. (ill., maps, ports.). 6495. GODECHOT (Thierry). Et l'Espagne n'entra pas en guerre aux côtés de l'Axe. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 4, p. 335-350. 6496. GUŠTIN (Damijan). Za zapahi: prebivalstvo Slovenije v okupatorjevih zaporih 19411945. (Behind the bars: confinement of Slovene population by the occupiers 19411945). Ljubljana, Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, 2006, 472 p. (Zbirka Razpoznavanja, 4). 6497. HASANLI (Jamil). At the dawn of the Cold War: the Soviet-American crisis over Iranian Azerbaijan, 19411946. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2006, XIII-409 p. (Harvard Cold War studies book series). IDEM. SSSR-Iran: Azerbajdzhanskij krizis i nachalo kholodnoj vojny, 19411946 gg. Moskva, "Geroi Otechestva", 2006, 559 p. (ill., ports.). 6498. Historie okupovaného pohraniþí 19381945. Sv. 11-12. (Die Geschichte des Okkupationsgebiets 19381945. Tomo 11-12). Ed. ZdenČk RADVANOVSKÝ. Ústí nad Labem, Univerzita J. E. PurkynČ, 2006, 2 vol., 286 p., 305 p. 6499. Hledání jistoty v bouĜlivých þasech. ýeši, Slováci, NČmci a mezinárodní systém v první polovinČ 20. století. ýeská a þeskoslovenská otázka v nČmecké a mezinárodní politice 19181948. Konference. (Finding of certainty in the stormy time. Czechs, Slovaks, Germans and the international system in the first half of the 20th century. Czech and Czechoslovak question in the German and international policy, 19181948. Conference). Ed. ZdenČk BENEŠ, Dušan KOVÁý, Hans LEMBERG. Ústí nad Labem. Albis international, 2006, 413 p. [Cf. no 6699.]
7. FROM 1935 TO 1945. THE SECOND WORLD WAR 6500. KLABJAN (Borut). Taliansko a Slovensko vo vojne. Vplyv talianskeho fašizmu na Slovensku pred druhou svetovou vojnou a poþas nej. (Italy and Slovakia in the war. The influence of Italian Fascism on Slovakia before and during the Second World War). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 3, p. 451-469. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 6501. KRESO (Muharem). Nacistiþko "konaþno rješenje" jevrejskog pitanja u okupiranim zemljama zapadnog Balkana od 1941. do 1945. godine = The Nazi "final solution" of the Jewish question in the occupied countries of the Western Balkans from the year 1941 to 1945. Sarajevo, Institut za istraživanje zloþina protiv þovjeþnosti i meÿunarodnog prava, 2006, 193, 205 p. (ill.). 6502. LEMAY (Benoît). La remilitarisation de la Rhénanie en 1936: une réévaluation du rôle des généraux Allemands (19331936). In: Dossier 19061956: les années en 6 [Cf. no 6031], p. 35-46. 6503. LUMANS (Valdis O.). Latvia in World War II. New York, Fordham U. P., 2006, XI-547 p. (World War II: the global, human, and ethical dimension). 6504. META (Beqir). Greek-Albanian tension, 1939 1949. Tirana, Academy of Sciences of Albania, Institute of History, 2006, 563 p. 6505. MICHÁLEK (Slavomír). ýeskoslovenský protifašistický odboj v USA v rokoch 19391941. (The Czechoslovak anti-fascist struggle in the USA, 19391941). Historické štúdie, 2006, 44, p. 13-33. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 6506. MINEHAN (Philip B.). Civil War and World War in Europe: Spain, Yugoslavia, and Greece, 1936– 1949. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XX-394 p. 6507. MIR (Gregori). Aturar la guerra: les gestions secretes de Lluís Companys davant el Govern britànic. Barcelona, Proa, 2006, 426 p. (Perfils, 63). 6508. NEILA (José Luis). La IIa República española y el Mediterráneo: España ante el desarme y la seguridad colectiva. Prólogo de Juan Carlos PEREIRA. Madrid, Editorial Dilema, 2006, 293 p. (Historia mayor).
of the 1940s. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, VIII-363 p. 6512. SCHECK (Raffael). Hitler's African victims: the German Army massacre of Black French soldiers in 1940. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIII-202 p. 6513. SCURTU (Georgiana Margareta). RelaĠiile internaĠionale în contextul celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial: studiu de caz: relaĠiile României cu FranĠa (octombrie 1938iunie 1940). Bucureúti, Institutul Cultural Român, 2006, 370 p. (Biblioteca de istorie). 6514. SHELMERDINE (Brian). British representations of the Spanish Civil War. Manchester, Manchester U. P., 2006, 185 p. 6515. STAN (Ana-Maria). RelaĠiile franco-române în timpul regimului de la Vichy 19401944. Cluj-Napoca, Argonaut, 2006, 578 p. (maps). (Seria Documente, istorie, mărturii). 6516. STRAND (Frederik). Førerens germanske arm: SS i Danmark. (Le bras du Führer: la SS au Danemark). København, Høst, 2006, 319 p. (ill.). 6517. VERGINELLA (Marta). La Seconda guerra mondiale e le memorie slovene. (World War II and the slovene memories). Qualestoria, 2006, 33, 1, p. 127-133. 6518. VIÑAS (Ángel). La soledad de la República: el abandono de las democracias y el viraje hacia la Unión Soviética. Barcelona, Crítica, 2006, XXX-551 p. (Crítica contrastes). 6519. VOGT (Judith). Hemmeligstemplet: Sverige bag facaden 19331945. (Secret défense: la Suède derrière la façade de la neutralité 19331945). København, C.A Reitzel, 2006, 396 p. (ill.). 6520. WILLIAMS (Manuela A.). Mussolini's propaganda abroad: subversion in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, 1935–1940. New York, Routledge, 2006, XII-238 p. (Studies in intelligence series). 6521. YANG (Shitian). Jiang Jieshi dui Kong Xiangxi mouhe huodong de zuyu – kangzhan shiqi Zhong Ri guanxi zai yanjiu zhi er. (Chiang Kai-shek's restraining Kong Xiangzi from making peace with Japan: a study of Sino-Japanese relations during the war). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 5, p. 119.
6509. PATISHI (Hanoch). Mahteret be-madim: ha"Haganah" ৾eha-hayalim ha-Erets-YiĞre'elim ba-tsava ha-Briti, 19391946. (An underground in uniforms: the "Hagganah" organization and the Jewish soldiers from Palestine in the British army, 19391946). Tel Aviv, MiĞrad ha-bitahon, ha-hotsa'ah le-or a. [S. l.], ha'Amutah le-heker koah ha-magen 'a. sh. YiĞrael Gelili a. Hefah, Mosad Hertsel, Universitat Hefah, 2006, 320 p. (ill., maps).
6522. ZELLHUBER (Andreas). "Unsere Verwaltung treibt einer Katastrophe zu ...". das Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete und die deutsche Besatzungsherrschaft in der Sowjetunion 19411945. München, Vögel, 2006, IX-414 p. (Schriften der philosophischen Fakultäten der Universität Augsburg, historisch-sozialwissenschaftliche Reihe, 71).
6510. REGINBOGIN (Herbert R.). Der Vergleich: die Politik der Schweiz zur Zeit des Zweiten Weltkriegs im internationalen Umfeld. Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Gelebte Geschichte. Stäfa, Gut, 2006, 301 p.
6523. Zweite Weltkrieg (Der) in Europa und Asien. Grenzen, Grenzräume, Grenzüberschreitungen. Hrsg. v. Susanne KUß und Heinrich SCHWENDEMANN. Freiburg, Rombach, 2006, 355 p.
6511. REYNOLDS (David). From World War to Cold War: Churchill, Roosevelt, and the international history
6524. Zwischen Duce und Negus: Südtirol und der Abessinienkrieg, 19351941. Hrsg. v. Gerald STEIN-
ACHER. Bozen, Athesia, 2006, 287 p. (ill.). (Veröffentlichungen des Südtiroler Landesarchivs, 22).
Cf. nos 3534, 3589, 3655, 3764, 3799, 3845, 3890, 4390, 4409, 4449, 4805, 6096, 6175, 6402, 6414, 6422, 6424, 6438, 6448, 6451, 6461, 6469, 6654, 6658, 6677, 6708, 6757, 6765 b. Diplomacy. Economy ** 6525. Diplomaticheski dokumenti po uchastieto na Bǎlgariia vǎv Vtorata svetovna voƱna: dnevnitsi na Ministerstvoto na vǎnshnite raboti v pravitelstvata na Georgi K'oseivanov, prof. Bogdan Filov, Dobri Bozhilov, Ivan Bagrianov, Konstantin Muraviev (1939 1944 g.). Sǎstaviteli Tsocho BILIARSKI, Ivanka GEZENKO. Sofiia, "Sineva", 2006, 590 p. (Biblioteka "Bǎlgarska pamet"). ** 6526. Documenti diplomatici italiani (I). Serie 8. Vol. 11. 19351939. 1 gennaio22 maggio 1939. Ministero degli affari esteri, Commissione per la pubblicazione dei documenti diplomatici. Roma, Libreria dello Stato, 2006, LXXX-981 p. ** 6527. Documents on Irish foreign policy. Vol. 5. 19371939. Ed. by Catriona CROWE [et al.]. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2006, XLIX-554 p. ** 6528. Przededniu nadchodzącej wojny (W): raporty dyplomatyczne Komisariatu Generalnego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Wolnym MieĞcie GdaĔsku z 1939 r. (On the eve of the coming war: diplomatic reports of the General Commissariat of Polish Republic of the Free City of Danzig, 1939). Opracowaá Arkadiusz ADAMCZYK. London, Instytut Polski i Muzeum im. gen. Sikorskiego, 2006, 182 p. (Materiaáy: dokumenty, archiwalia, studia / Instytut Polski i Muzeum im. gen. Sikorskiego, 15). ** 6529. Stosunki polsko-czechosáowackie 1932 1939 w relacjach dyplomatów II Rzeczypospolitej. Opracowaá Sáawomir M. NOWINOWSKI. àódĨ, Ibidem, 2006, 181 p. _______________________
6530. AGRELL (Wilhelm). Skuggor runt Wallenberg: uppdrag i Ungern 19431945. (Ombres autour de Wallenberg: la mission en Hongrie 19431945). Lund, Historiska Media, 2006, 296 p. (pl.). 6531. BONUSIAK (Wáodzimierz). Polityka ludnoĞciowa i ekonomiczna ZSRR na okupowanych ziemiach polskich w latach 19391941: ("Zachodnia Ukraina" i "Zachodnia BiaáoruĞ"). [Population policy and economy of the USSR in the occupied Polish territories in the years 19391941: ("Western Ukraine" and "Western Belarus)]. Rzeszów, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2006, 474 p. (ill.). 6532. BROWN (Martin David). Dealing with democrats. The British Foreign Office and the Czechoslovak émigrés in Great Britain, 1939 to 1945. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin a. Bern, Lang, 2006, 413 p. (Oldenburger Beiträge zur Kultur und Geschichte Ostmitteleuropas, 7).
6533. CHEN (Qunyuan). Riben waiwusheng yu 1933 nianzhong de Huabei weiju – yi yingdui Huang Fu beishang wei zhongxin. (Japanese ministry of foreign affairs and the 1933 north China crisis: a study focused on the responses to Huang Fu's mission). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 3, p. 76-91. 6534. COCO (Giovanni). Santa Sede e Manciukuo, (19321945). Città del Vaticano, Libreria editrice vaticana, 2006, XXXII-470 p. (ill.). 6535. COLE (Robert). Propaganda, censorship and Irish neutrality in the Second World War. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2006, IX-196 p. (International communications). 6536. DAZET-BRUN (Philippe). Auguste Champetier de Ribes (18821947) un témoin de la diplomatie française en 1939. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 4, p. 317-334. 6537. DEJMEK (JindĜich). ýeskoslovenská diplomacie na poþátku tĜetí republiky (1945). PromČny instituce a osobností. (Czech diplomacy at the beginning of the third republic, 1945. Changes of institution and personalities). In: Fragmenty dČjin. Sborník prací k šedesátinám Jana Gebharta. Ed. Jan HÁJEK, JiĜí KOCIAN, Milan ZITKO. Praha, 2006, p. 425-441. 6538. DUCE (Alessandro). La Santa Sede e la questione ebraica, 19331945. Introduzione di Danilo VENERUSO. Roma, Studium, 2006, XII-430 p. (ill.). 6539. FREY (Dominique). Zwischen "Briefträger" und "Vermittler": die Schweizer Schutzmachttätigkeit für Grossbritannien und Deutschland im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Nordhausen, Traugott Bautz, 2006, 130 p. (ill.). (Berner Forschungen zur neuesten allgemeinen und Schweizer Geschichte, 6). 6540. Hitler and his allies in World War II. Ed. by Jonathan R. ADELMAN. Oxford, Routledge, 2006, 253 p. 6541. øNANÇ (Gül). The politics of 'active neutrality' on the eve of a new world order: the case of Turkish chrome sales during the Second World War. Middle Eastern studies, 2006, 42, 6, p. 907-915. 6542. KAY (Alex J.). Exploitation, resettlement, mass murder: political and economic planning for German occupation policy in the Soviet Union, 1940–1941. New York, Berghahn Books, 2006, XIII-242 p. (Studies on war and genocide, 10). 6543. LARIZZA (Marco). Un triangolo diplomatico: il ruolo degli Stati Uniti nelle relazioni tra Italia e Venezuela (19431948). Roma, Carocci, 2006, 141 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 104). 6544. LEVY (James P.). Appeasement and rearmament: Britain, 19361939. Lanham a. Oxford, Rowman & Littlefield Pulishers, 2006, XVI-189 p. (ill., ports.). 6545. MALLMANN (Klaus-Michael), CÜPPERS (Martin). Halbmond und Hakenkreuz. Das Dritte Reich, die Araber und Palästina. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006, 287 p. (Veröffentlichungen der Forschungsstelle Ludwigsburg der Universität Stuttgart, 8).
7. FROM 1935 TO 1945. THE SECOND WORLD WAR 6546. MATAIX (David). L'Europe des révolutions nationales, 19401942: l'impossible union latine. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 448 p. (ill., maps). (Logiques historiques). 6547. MONZALI (Luciano). Fascist Italy and independent Croatia: a difficult alliance. Tokovi istorije, 2006, 4, p. 86-99. 6548. MUND (Gerald). Ostasien im Spiegel der deutschen Diplomatie. Die privatdienstliche Korrespondenz des Diplomaten Herbert von Dirksen von 1933 bis 1938. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 343 p. (Historische Mitteilungen, 63). 6549. NEVILLE (Peter). Hitler and appeasement: the British attempt to prevent the Second World War. London a. New York, Hambledon Continuum, 2006, XIII240 p. (ill., ports.). 6550. Od uznání þeskoslovenské prozatímní vlády do vyhlášení váleþného stavu NČmecku 19401941. Sv. 1. 16. þerven 194030. duben 1941. (From the recognition of the Czechoslovak Provisional Government until the declaration of war on Germany 19401941). Ed. Jan NċMEýEK [et al.] Praha, Ústav mezinárodních vztahĤ, 2006, 422 p. (bibl.). (Dokumenty þeskoslovenské zahraniþní politiky). 6551. PAJER (Miloslav). K vývoji a výrobČ raketových zbraní v PĜíbrami v letech druhé svČtové války. (On development and production of rocket weapons in PĜíbram during World War II). Podbrdsko, 2006, 13, p. 155-164. 6552. PAYNE (Stanley G.). The collapse of the Spanish Republic, 1933–1936: origins of the Civil War. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, X-420 p. 6553. PETRUF (Pavol). K niektorým otázkam politických vzĢahov medzi þeskoslovenskou exilovou vládou v Londýne a slobodným Francúzskom v rokoch 19401944. (On some questions from the political relations between the Czechoslovak government in exile and the Free French, 19401944). Historické štúdie, 2006, 44, p. 57-68. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 6554. ROSS (Stewart Halsey). How Roosevelt failed America in World War II. Jefferson a. London, McFarland & Co., 2006, VIII-246 p. (Dušan). Pozadie uznania þeskoslov6555. enskej doþasnej vlády a slovenská otázka v kalkuláciách zahraniþnej politiky poĐskej exilovej vlády v rokoch 19391940. (The background to the recognition of the Czechoslovak temporary government and the Slovak question in the foreign policy calculations of the Polish government in exile in 19391940). Historické štúdie, 2006, 44, p. 35-55. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. SEGEŠ
6556. SELF (Robert C.). Britain, America and the war debt controversy: the economic diplomacy of an unspecial relationship, 19171941. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, 264 p. (ill.). (British politics and society).
6557. ŠEPETYS (Nerijus). Molotovo-Ribbentropo paktas ir Lietuva. (Il patto Molotov-Ribbentrop e la Lituania). Vilnius, Aidai, 2006, 335 p. 6558. STONE (David R.). The 1945 Ethridge mission to Bulgaria and Romania and the origins of the Cold War in the Balkans. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 1, p. 93-112. 6559. STONE (Glyn). Yvon Delbos and Anthony Eden: Anglo–French cooperation, 1936–1938. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 4, p. 799-820. 6560. STRANG (G. Bruce). John Bull in search of a suitable Russia: British Foreign Policy and the failure of the Anglo-French-Soviet alliance negotiations, 1939. Canadian journal of history, 2006, 41, 1, p. 47-84. 6561. TASCHKA (Sylvia). Diplomat ohne Eigenschaften? Die Karriere des Hans Heinrich Dieckhoff (1884–1952). Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2006, 289 p. (Transatlantische Historische Studien, 25). 6562. THORSELL (Staffan). Mein lieber Reichskanzler! Sveriges kontakter med Hitlers rikskansli. (Les contacts de la Suède avec la chancellerie d'Hitler). Stockholm, Bonnier fakta, 2006, 379 p. (pl.). 6563. TUSELL (Javier), QUEIPO DE LLANO (Genoveva G.). Franco y Mussolini: la política española durante la segunda guerra mundial. Barcelona, Ediciones Península, 2006, 542 p. (ill.). (Atalaya, 247). 6564. WERNER (Constanze). Kriegswirtschaft und Zwangsarbeit bei BMW. Im Auftrag von MTU Aero Engines und BMW Group. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, X-447 p. (ill.). (Perspektiven, 1). 6565. Working for the new order: European business under German domination, 19391945. Ed. by Joachim LUND. Odense, University of Southern Denmark Press a. København, Copenhagen Business School Press, 2006, 192 p. Cf. nos 4370, 6385, 6387, 6395, 6396, 6399, 6403, 6409, 6417, 6420, 6440, 6450, 6460, 6644, 6659, 6673, 6700, 6707, 6712, 6739 c. Military operations ** 6566. CARDIA (Mariarosa). La Sardegna nella strategia mediterranea degli Alleati durante la seconda guerra mondiale: i piani di conquista, 19401943. Cagliari, CUEC, 2006, 806 p. (ill., maps). (La memoria ritrovata, 1). ** 6567. GIANNULI (Aldo). Dalla Russia a Mussolini: 19391943: Hitler, Stalin e la disfatta all'est nei rapporti delle spie del regime. Prefazione di Mauro CANALI. Roma, Editori riuniti, 2006, 324 p. (Saggi/ storia). _______________________
6568. BAJC (Gorazd). Operacija Julijska krajina: severovzhodna meja Italije in zavezniške obvešþevalne službe (19431945). (Operation Friuli-Venezia Giulia: Italy's northeast border and the allied intelligence agen-
cies, 19431945). Koper, Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središþe, Založba Annales, Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, 2006, 474 p. (Knjižnica Annales Majora).
(februárjúl 1942). (Vorübergehend unter der Wehrmacht: das slowakische Artillerieregiment 31 an der Ostfront. FebruarJuli 1942). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 3, p. 503-520.
6569. BANHAM (Tony). The sinking of the "Lisbon Maru". Britain's forgotten wartime tragedy. Hong Kong, Hong Kong U. P., 2006, XX-300 p.
6583. LEMAY (Benoît). Le Feld-maréchal Erich Von Manstein: étude critique du stratège de Hitler. In: Militaires et diplomatie [Cf. no 6056], p. 71-82.
6570. BARTHOLOMEW-FEIS (Dixee R.). The OSS and Ho Chi Minh: unexpected allies in the war against Japan. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2006, X-435 p. (Modern war studies).
6584. LINDER (Jan). Krigsfall Sverige! Tysklands anfallsplan mot Sverige 1943. (Le plan d'invasion de la Suède par l'Allemagne en 1943). Stockholm, Infomanager Förlag Jan Linder, 2006, 168 p.
6571. BLOOD (Philip W.). Hitler's bandit hunters: the SS and the Nazi occupation of Europe. Foreword by Richard HOLMES. Dulles, Potomac Books, 2006, XXII-400 p.
6585. LONGUE (Matthieu). Massacres en Ardenne: hiver 19441945. Bruxelles, Racine, 2006, 347 p. (ill., maps, ports.).
6572. BÖHLER (Jochen). Auftakt zum Vernichtungskrieg: die Wehrmacht in Polen 1939. Frankfurt am Main, Fischer, 2006, 278 p. (Die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus).
6586. LÜBBERS (Gert C.). Die 6. Armee und die Zivilbevölkerung von Stalingrad. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, 1, p. 87-124. 6587. LUKACS (John). June 1941: Hitler and Stalin. New Haven, Yale U. P., 2006, X-169 p.
6573. BOOG (Horst), KREBS (Gerhard), VOGEL (Detlef). Germany and the Second World War. Vol. 7. The strategic air war in Europe and the war in the West and East Asia, 19431944/5. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XXXVI-892 p.
6588. MEGARGEE (Geoffrey P.). War of annihilation: combat and genocide on the Eastern Front, 1941. Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2006, XVI-177 p. (Total war).
6574. CARLIER (Marc). La drôle de guerre au Sahara: confins nigériens, 19381940. Paris, Karthala, 2006, 190 p. (ill., maps). (Relire).
6589. MURPHY (Christopher J.). Security and special operations. SOE and MI5 during the Second World War. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 253 p.
6575. CERNUSCHI (Enrico). Fecero tutti il loro dovere. Riflessioni su alcuni aspetti non chiariti della storia della Regia Marina nel corso del Secondo Conflitto mondiale. Rivista Marittima (suppl.), 2006, 102 p.
6590. SARANTAKES (Nicholas Evan). One last Crusade: the British Pacific fleet and its impact on the Anglo-American alliance. English historical review, 2006, 121, 491, p. 429-466.
6576. COPP (Terry). Cinderella army? The Canadians in Northwest Europe, 19441945. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2006, XI-407 p.
6591. SEBAG-MONTEFIORE (Hugh). Dunkirk. Fight to the last man. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2006, XVII-701 p.
6577. GRAML (Hermann). Massenmord und Militäropposition. Zur jüngsten Diskussion über den Widerstand im Stab der Heeresgruppe Mitte. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, 1, p. 1-24.
6592. WIEVIORKA (Olivier). Histoire du débarquement en Normandie. Des origines à la libération de Paris, Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2006, 441 p.
6578. HÜRTER (Johannes). Hitlers Heerführer: Die deutschen Oberbefehlshaber im Krieg gegen die Sowjetunion, 1941–1942. München, R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 2006, VII-719 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 66). 6579. JOHNSON (William Bruce). The Pacific campaign in World War II: from Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal. London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, XVI-414 p. (Cass series. Naval policy and history, 35). 6580. KLINKHAMMER (Lutz). Stragi naziste in Italia 19431944. Roma, Donzelli, 2006, XIV-209 p. 6581. KNELL (Hermann). Untergang in Flammen. Strategische Bombenangriffe und ihre Folgen im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Würzburg, Schöningh, 2006, XII-334 p. (Veröffentl. des Stadtarchivs Würzburg, 12). 6582. LACKO (Martin). Doþasne pod Wehrmachtom: Slovenský delostrelecký pluk 31 na východnom fronte
6593. WOOD (James A.). We move only forward. Canada, the United States, and the first Special Service Force, 19421944. St. Catharines, Vanwell publishing, 2006, 238 p. 6594. ZUMBRO (Derek S.). Battle for the Ruhr. The German army's final defeat in the West. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2006, VIII-447 p. d. Resistance _______________________
6595. BELOT (Robert). La Résistance sans de Gaulle: politique et gaullisme de guerre. Paris, Fayard, 2006, 668 p. 6596. BONTEMPELLI (Massimo). La Resistenza italiana: dall'8 settembre al 25 aprile: storia della guerra di liberazione. Cagliari, CUEC, 2006, 250 p. (Prospettive, 34). 6597. BOWMAN (Steven). Jewish resistance in wartime Greece. London, Vallentine Mitchell, 2006, XXIV136 p.
8. FROM 1945
6598. GOLDENSTEDT (Christiane). Les femmes dans la Résistance. Herbolzheim, Centaurus, 2006, 244 p. (Frauen in Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 43).
Universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2006, 470 p. (Annales littéraires de l'Université de Franche-Comté, 794. Série Historiques, 25).
6599. Gruppi (I) di combattimento: studi, fonti, memorie (19441945): atti del convegno. Giornata di studio su militari, partigiani e guerra di liberazione (Firenze, 15 aprile 2005). A cura di Nicola LABANCA. Roma, Carocci, 2006, 237 p. (Studi storici Carocci, 97).
6610. Resistenza (La) dei militari. A cura di Lucia CECI. Roma, Biblink, 2006, 481 p. (ill.). (Annali del Dipartimento di storia, 2/2006).
6600. GUŠTIN (Damijan). La lotta di liberazione slovena al confine austriaco e italiano: la politica del movimento di liberazione sloveno nei confronti dell'appartenza statuale di Trieste: settembre 1944maggio 1945. Qualestoria, 2006, 33, 1, p. 95-116. 6601. HOARE (Marko Attila). Genocide and resistance in Hitler's Bosnia: the Partisans and the Chetniks, 19411943. Oxford a. New York, Published for the British Academy by Oxford U. P., 2006, XIV-386 p. (ill., maps). (British Academy postdoctoral fellowship monograph). 6602. KLADNIK (Tomaž). Slovenska partizanska in domobranska vojska: od ustanovitve do konca 2. svetovne vojne. (Slovenian partisan army and home guard, from its establishment until the end of the 2nd World War II). Ljubljana, Defensor, 2006, 344 p. (ill., maps.). (Zbirka Slovenska vojaška zgodovina). 6603. KOKOŠKA (Stanislav). Between conformity and Resistance. The Czech population of Prague between 1939 and 1945. Everyone's War, 2006, 14, p. 32-50. 6604. MADIEVSKIJ (Samson A.). Drugie nemtsy. Soprotivlenie spasatelej v Tret'em rejkhe. (Other Germans: the Resistance of Savers in the Third Reich). Moskva, Dom evrejskoj knigi, 2006, 111 p. (ill; bibl. incl.). [English summary]. 6605. MARTEL (André). Félix et Colette Pijeaud. Deux héros oubliés de la France libre. Préface de Alain DE BOISSIEU. Paris, Service historique de la Défense et Toulouse, Privat, 2006, 302 p. 6606. PELI (Santo). Storia della Resistenza in Italia. Torino, Einaudi, 2006, 224 p. (Saggi, 1397). 6607. Pourquoi résister, résister pour quoi faire: actes du colloque des 2, 3 et 4 décembre 2004. Textes rassemblés et édités par Bernard GARNIER [et al.]. Caen, Centre de recherche d'histoire quantitative, CNRS, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, 2006, 360 p. (ill.). (Seconde guerre mondiale, 6). 6608. PRZYBYSZ (Kazimierz). Partie polityczne Polski Podziemnej 19391945. (Political parties in the Polish Underground 19391945). Warszawa, Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR, 2006, 283 p. 6609. Résistances (Les): miroirs des régimes d'oppression, Allemagne, France, Italie: actes du colloque international de Besançon organisé du 24 au 26 septembre 2003 par le Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de Besançon, l'Université de FrancheComté et l'Université de Paris X. Sous la dir. de François MARCOT et Didier MUSIEDLAK. Paris, Presses
6611. RETTL (Lisa). PartisanInnendenkmäler: antifaschistische Erinnerungskultur in Kärnten. Innsbruck, StudienVerlag, 2006, 331 p. (Nationalsozialismus und seine Folgen, 3). 6612. RYCHLÍK (Jan). Slovenské národné povstanie v správach chorvátskeho diplomata. (Slovak national uprising in the reports of the Croatian diplomat). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 2, p. 315-352. 6613. SKOV (Andreas). Oprør: da danskerne sagde nej til den tyske besættelsesmagt. (Révolte: quand les Danois ont dit non aux occupants allemands). Hellerup, Documentas, 2006, 188 p. (ill.). (Documentas paperback). IDEM. Sabotage: da danskere gik til aktiv modstand mod den tyske besættelsesmagt. (Sabotage: quand les Danois sont entrés en résistance active contre les forces d'occupation allemandes). Hellerup, Documentas, 2006, 175 p. (ill.). (Documentas paperback). 6614. SLEPYAN (Kenneth). Stalin's guerrillas: Soviet partisans in World War II. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2006, XIV-409 p. (Modern war studies). 6615. THORPE (Andrew). 'In a Rather Emotional State'? The Labour Party and British intervention in Greece, 1944–1945. English historical review, 2006, 121, 493, p. 1075-1105. 6616. WOLDEN-RÆTHINGE (Anne). Om lidt er de borte: modstandsbevægelsens topfolk fortæller. Bd 1-3. (Bientôt ils seront disparus: récits des chefs de la résistance danoise. Tomes 1-3). Hedehusene, Nyt Dansk Litteraturselskab, 2006, 3 vol., 313 p., 355 p., 304 p. (MagnaPrintserien, 560). § 8. From 1945. _______________________
a. General 6617. 20seiki no naka no Ajia, Taiheiyǀ sensǀ. (Asia and the Pacific war in the 20th century). Ed. by Aiko KURASAWA [et al.]. Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 412 p. (Asia and Pacific war 8). 6618. Americanization (The) of Europe: culture, diplomacy, and anti-Americanism after 1945. Ed. by Alexander STEPHAN. New York a. Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2006, IX-432 p. 6619. BODEN (Ragna). Die Grenzen der Weltmacht. Sowjetische Indonesienpolitik von Stalin bis Brežnev. Stuttgart, Steiner, 2006, 444 p. (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte östlichen Europa, 72). 6620. BROGI (Alessandro). "Competing missions": France, Italy, and the rise of American hegemony in the Mediterranean. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 4, p. 741770.
6621. BRONSON (Rachel). Thicker than oil: America's uneasy partnership with Saudi Arabia. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XI-353 p.
Institut for Grænseregionsforskning, 2006, 323 p. (ill.). [Résumés anglais et allemand].
6622. BUCHANAN (Tom). Europe's troubled peace, 19452000. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, XIII-356 p.
6635. Krig (I) for freden. (Au service de la paix: les soldats danois de l'ONU). Red. Claus ARBOE-RASMUSSEN. København, Folk & Forsvar, 2006, 192 p. (ill.).
6623. CONWAY-LANZ (Sahr). Collateral damage: Americans, noncombatant immunity, and atrocity after World War II. New York a. London, Routledge, 2006, XIII-280 p.
6636. LAYNE (Christopher). The peace of illusions. American grand strategy from 1940 to the present. Ithaca a. London, Cornell U. P., 2006, XI-290 p. (Cornell studies in security affairs).
6624. CRESWELL (Michael). A question of balance: how France and the United States created Cold War Europe. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, XVI-238 p. (Harvard historical studies, 153).
6637. MART (Michelle). Eye on Israel: how america came to view the Jewish State as an ally. Albany, State University of New York Press, 2006, XIV-242 p.
6625. DANCHEV (Alex). The Cold War "Special Relationship" revisited. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 3, p. 579-595.
6638. Nichijyǀ seikatsu no naka no sǀryokusen. (Total war within the daily life). Ed. by Aiko KURASAWA [et al.]. Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 406 p. (Asia and Pacific war, 6).
6626. DAVIDSEN-NIELSEN (Hans). En højere sags tjeneste: PET under den kolde krig. (Le contreespionnage danois pendant la guerre froide). København, Politiken, 2006, 399 p. (ill.).
6639. Normalization of U.S.-China relations: an international history. Ed. by William C. KIRBY, Robert S. ROSS and Gong LI. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2006, 425 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 254).
6627. FURSENKO (Aleksandr A.). Rossija i mezhdunarodnye krizisy: seredina XX v. (Russia and the international crises of the mid-20th century). RAN, Otd. ist.filol. nauk; RAN, Sankt-Peterburgskij in-t istorii. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 547 p. (ill.; portr.; facs.; bibl. p. 528-533; pers. ind. p. 534-543).
6640. OSGOOD (Kenneth). Total Cold War: Eisenhower's secret propaganda battle at home and abroad. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2006, XIV-506 p.
6628. GODA (Norman J. W.). Tales from Spandau: Nazi Criminals and the Cold War. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XIII-390 p. 6629. GOLDSTEIN (Lyle J.). Preventive attack and weapons of mass destruction. A comparative historical analysis. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2006, XI-268 p. 6630. GRANDIN (Greg). Empire's workshop: Latin America, the United States, and the rise of the new imperialism. New York, Metropolitan, 2006, VIII-292 p. (American empire project). 6631. JENKS (John). British propaganda and news media in the Cold War. Edinburgh, Edinburgh U. P., 2006, 168 p. (International communications). 6632. JOHNSON (Robert David). Congress and the Cold War. Cambridge, New York a. Port Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXXII-346 p. 6633. KLABJAN (Borut). "ýeškoslovaško-italijanska mala vojna": mednarodne razsežnosti prvega tržaškega procesa in reakcije na ýeškoslovaškem. ('The Little War between Italy and Czechoslovakia': the international extent of the first trial of Trieste and the reactions in Czechoslovakia). Annales, Series historia et sociologia, 2006, 16, 1, p. 15-30. 6634. KLATT (Martin). Fra modspil til medspil? Grænseoverskridende samarbejde i SønderjyllandSchleswig 19452005. (De la confrontation à la coopération: les relations germano-danoises dans le Jutland du sud et le Schleswig de 1945 à 2005). Aabenraa,
6641. PARKER (Jason). Cold War II: the Eisenhower administration, the Bandung Conference, and the reperiodization of the postwar era. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 5, p. 867-892. 6642. PECK (James). Washington's China: the National Security World, the Cold War, and the Origins of Globalism. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2006, 333 p. (Culture, politics, and the Cold War). 6643. POLSI (Alessandro). Storia dell'ONU. Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2006, VII-247 p. 6644. REIS (Bruno Cardoso). Salazar e o Vaticano. Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2006, 351 p. 6645. Shihai to bǀryoku. (Rule and Violence). Ed. by Aiko KURASAWA [et al.]. Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 470 p. (Asia and Pacific war 7). 6646. STEPHENS (Elizabeth). US policy towards Israel: the role of political culture in defining the "special relationship". Brighton, Sussex Academic Press, 2006, XI-339 p. 6647. TEMPLETON (Malcolm). Standing upright here: New Zealand in the nuclear age, 19451990. Wellington, Victoria U. P., in association with the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, 2006, 621 p. 6648. TUDDA (Chris). The truth is our weapon: the rhetorical diplomacy of Dwight D. Eisenhower and John Foster Dulles. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State U. P., 2006, IX-224 p. 6649. War plans and alliances in the Cold War: threat perceptions in the East and West. Ed. by Vojtech MASTNY, Sven G. HOLTSMARK and Andreas WENGER.
8. FROM 1945 London a. New York, Routledge, 2006, IX-310 p. (CSS studies in security and international relations). Cf. nos 4463, 4671, 5400 b. 19451956 ** 6650. 1956 "prekrasniiat povod": (dokumenti za otrazhenieto na Ungarskata refvoliutsiia v Bǎlgariia). Sǎstavitel Milen SEMKOV. Sofiia, Ungarski kulturen institut, 2006, 253 p. (Bulgaro-hungarica, 2). ** 6651. British documents on foreign affairs: reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print. General eds. Paul PRESTON and Michael PARTRIDGE. Pt. 5. From 1951 through 1956. Ser. A. The Soviet Union and Finland, 1952. Ed. by Daniel KOWALSKY. Vol. 2. The Soviet Union and Finland, 1952. Ser. B. Near and middle east 1952. Ed. by Bülent GÖKAY. Vol. 3. Afghanistan, Persia, Turkey and Iraq, 1952. Vol. 4. Arabia, The Lebanon, Israel, Syria, Jordan and general, 1952. Ser. C. North America 1952. Ed. by Iwan MORGAN. Vol. 2. United States, 1952. Ser. D. Latin America 1952. Ed. by James DUNKERLEY. Vol. 2. Latin America, 1952. Ser. E. Asia, 1952. Ed. by Anthony BEST. Vol. 3. China, Japan, Burma, South-East Asia and the Far East, IndoChina, Indonesia, Korea, Nepal and The Philippines, 1952. Ser. F. Europe 1952. Ed. by Piers LUDLOW. Vol. 5. Germany, 1952. Vol. 6. France and western Europe, 1952. Vol. 7. Eastern Europe (general), Poland, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Roumania, Yugoslavia and Albania, 1952. Vol. 8. Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg, Denmark, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland, 1952. Vol. 9. Greece, Italy and Trieste, Spain, and The Vatican, 1952. Ser. M. International organizations, Commonwealth affairs and general, 19511952. Ed. by Gaynor JOHNSON. Vol. 1. 19511952. Bethesda, LexisNexis, 2006, 12 vol., XVI335 p., XIV-424 p., XIV-426 p., XVI-344 p., XVII-548 p., XIX-611 p., XVI-402 p., XVI-392 p., XVI-436 p., XVI-478 p., XVI-376 p., XIX-442 p. ** 6652. Documenti diplomatici italiani (I). Serie 11. Vol. 2. 19481953. 1 gennaio30 giugno 1949. Ministero degli affari esteri, Commissione per la pubblicazione dei documenti diplomatici. Roma, Libreria dello Stato, 2006, LXXXVII-1299 p. ** 6653. India és a magyar forradalom, 1956: dokumentumok az Indiai Köztársaság Külügyminisztériumának archívumából. (India and the Hungarian Revolution, 1956: documents of the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs archives). Szerkesztette BETHLENFALVY Géza. Budapest, Argumentum Kiadó, 2006, 223 p. (ill.). ** 6654. Lotul Antonescu în ancheta SMERS, Moscova, 19441946: documente din arhiva FSB. EdiĠie îngrijită úi studiu introductiv de Radu IOANID; traducerea documentelor din limba rusă de Radu PĂRPĂUğĂ. Iaúi, Polirom, 2006, 467 p. ** 6655. Polska-Niemcy Wschodnie, 19451990: wybór dokumentow. (Poland – East Germany, 1945 1990, a selection of documents). T. 1. Polska wobec
Radzieckiej strefy okupacyjnej Niemiec, maj 1945 paĨdziernik 1949. (Poland and the Soviet occupation zone of Germany, in May 1945October 1949). Pod redakcją Jerzego KOCHANOWSKIEGO i Klausa ZIEMERA. Warszawa, Neriton, 2006, 526 p. (ill.). _______________________
6656. Amicizie mediterranee e interesse nazionale: 19461954. A cura di Matteo PIZZIGALLO. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2006, 223 p. (Temi di storia, 96). 6657. BAR-ON (Mordechai). Mi-kol mamlakhot hagoyim: yahase YiĞra'el u-Britanyah ha-gedolah ba-'aĞor ha-rishon le-ahar tom tekufat ha-Mandat 19481959. (Of all the kingdoms: Israel's relations with the United Kingdom during the first decade after the end of the British Mandate in Palestine 19481958). Yerushalayim, Hotsa'at Yad Yitshak Ben-Tsevi, 2006, 318 p. 6658. BETTANIN (Fabio). La formazione dell'impero esterno sovietico (19411953). Roma, Carocci, 2006, 351 p. 6659. BÉZIAS (Jean-Rémy). Georges Bidault et la politique étrangère de la France: Europe, États-Unis, Proche-Orient, 19441948. Préface du professeur Ralph SCHOR. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 520 p. (ill., maps). (Logiques historiques). 6660. BRANDENBORG JENSEN (Ole). Besættelsestidens økonomiske og erhvervsmæssige forhold: studier i de økonomiske relationer mellem Danmark og Tyskland 19401945. (La situation économique au temps de l'occupation: études des relations économiques entre le Danemark et l'Allemagne 19401945). Odense, Syddansk universitetsforlag, 2006, 449 p. (ill.). (University of Southern Denmark studies in history and social sciences, 309). 6661. CALVO-GONZALEZ (Oscar). Neither a carrot nor a stick: American foreign aid and economic policymaking in Spain during the 1950s. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 3, p. 409-438. 6662. ýAPKA (František). PĜiblížení prĤbČhu osídlování jednotlivých pohraniþních oblastí þeských zemí po druhé svČtové válce. (An explanation of a course of frontier settlement in particular parts of the Czech lands after WW II). Sborník prací Pedagogické fak. Masarykovy univerzity. ěada spoleþenských vČd, 2006, 191/21, p. 39-59. 6663. ýAVOŠKI (Jovan). Zaboravljena epizoda: jugoslovensko-kineski odnosi 1947. godine. (A forgotten episode: Sino-Yugoslav relations in 1947). Tokovi istorije, 2006, 4, p. 183-199. 6664. DEFRANCE (Corine), PFEIL (Ulrich). L'Allemagne occupée en 1946. In: Dossier 19061956: les années en 6 [Cf. no 6031], p. 47-64. 6665. DEIGHTON (Anne). Entente neo-coloniale? Ernest Bevin and the proposals for an Anglo–French Third World power, 1945–1949. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 4, p. 835-852.
6666. DELEUZE (Magali). Le Canada, les canadiens et la guerre d'Indochine: quelques intérêts communs? In: Canada (Le), la France et le monde [Cf. no 6666], p. 17-29. 6667. DIMITRIJEVIû (Bojan B.), BOGETIû (Dragan). Tršüanska kriza 19451954: vojno-politiþki aspekti. (Crisi di Trieste: gli aspetti politico-militari). Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2006, 193 p. (ill., map.). (Biblioteka Studije i monografije / Institut za savremenu istoriju). 6668. DJOKIû (Dejan). Britain and dissent in Tito's Yugoslavia: the Djilas affair, ca. 1956. European history quarterly, 2006, 36, 3, p. 371-395. 6669. DUSSAULT (Éric). Politique culturelle et dénazification dans la zone d'occupation française en Autriche (Tyrol et Vorarlberg) et à Vienne de 1945 à 1955. In: Militaires et diplomatie [Cf. no 6056], p. 83-92. 6670. FÄßLER (Peter E.). Bonn und das strategische Embargo gegen die Sowjetunion und ihre Verbündeten 1949–1958. Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, 4, p. 673-700. 6671. FERRELL (Robert H.). Harry S. Truman and the Cold War revisionists. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2006, IX-142 p. (ill.). 6672. FREDERIKSEN (Peter). Jutlandia: Danmark i Korea-krigen (Le navire-hôpital Jutlandia: le Danemark dans la guerre de Corée). København, Høst, 2006, 277 p. (ill.). 6673. FÜLÖP (Anna). La Transylvanie dans les relations roumano-hongroises vues du quai d'Orsay: septembre 1944décembre 1947. Cluj, Centrul de Resurse pentru Diversitate Etnoculturală, 2006, 266 p. (ill., maps). (Série Diversité ethnoculturelle en Roumanie, 14). 6674. GATI (Charles). Failed illusions: Moscow, Washington, Budapest, and the 1956 Hungarian revolt. Washington, Woodrow Wilson Center a. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2006, XV-264 p. (Cold War international history project series).
in the early Cold War. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 4, p. 705-739. 6679. JANDRIû (Berislav). Prijepori saveznika oko zahtijeva Jugoslavije za izruþenjem osumnjiþenih za ratne zloþine iz savezniþkih izbjegliþkih logora u Italiji 1945.1947. (Disputes among the allies concerning the demands of Yugoslavia to extradite suspected war criminals from allied refugee camps in Italy, 19451947). ýasopis za suvremenu povijest, 2006, 2, p. 457-498. 6680. JANEK (István). Mihály Károlyi a usporiadanie þeskoslovensko-maćarských vzĢahov v rokoch 19451948. (Mihaly Károlyi un die Regelung der tschechoslowakisch-ungarischen Beziehungen in den Jahren 19451948). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 3, p. 521-536. 6681. Japanese diplomacy in the 1950s. Ed. by John SWENSON-WRIGHT and Iokibe MAKATO. London, Routledge, 2006, XIX-215 p. (Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia). 6682. KITTEL (Manfred), MÖLLER (Horst). Die Beneš-Dekrete und die Vertreibung der Deutschen im europäischen Vergleich. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, 4, p. 541-582. 6683. LAMÉZEC (Yann). Les relations franco-britanniques et l'echec de la C.E.D. Le point de vue français (mai 1952août 1954). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 1, p. 29-60. 6684. LEE (Jongsoo). The partition of Korea after World War II: a global history. New York a. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, XXVI-220 p. 6685. LEHMANN (Walter). Die Bundesrepublik und Franco-Spanien in den 50er Jahren: NS-Vergangenheit als Bürde? München, R. Oldenbourg, 2006, 247 p. (Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 92). 6686. LIU (Yong). Sino-Romanian relations: 1950's 1960's. Bucureúti, Institutul NaĠional pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, 2006, 353 p. (ColecĠia Studii).
6675. GODOY P. (Pedro). Perón en Chile, 1953. Santiago, Ediciones NuestrAmérica, 2006, 112 p. (ill., maps). (Colección Historia encubierta).
6687. MAC KENZIE (Francine). In the national interest: Dominions' support for Britain and the Commonwealth after the Second World War. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2006, 34, 4, p. 553-576.
6676. HÖRBER (Thomas). The foundations of Europe: European integration ideas in France, Germany and Britain in the 1950s. Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2006, 356 p. (Forschungen zur Europäischen Integration, 19).
6688. MAC STEA (Ullin Jodah). Slowing Sovietization: the Labour Party, the Hungarian Social Democrats and the elections of 1947. European history quarterly, 2006, 36, 3, p. 350-370.
6677. HORNEMANN (Jacob). Bornholm mellem øst og vest: en udenrigspolitisk dokumentation af Bornholms stilling op til og under de sovjetiske befrielsestroppers ophold på Bornholm 19451946 og under den kolde krig. (L'ïle de Bornholm entre l'est et l'ouest pendant l'occupation soviétique et la guerre froide). Rønne, Bornholms Tidende, 2006, 874 p. 6678. JACOBS (Matthew F.). The perils and promise of Islam: the United States and the Muslim Middle East
6689. Maÿarská revolúcia roku 1956 a Slovensko = Az 1956-os magyar forradalom és Szlovákia. (The 1956 Hungarian Revolution and Slovakia). Bratislava – Pozsony, 4 októbra 20062006. október 4. Redigovali, szerkesztette Edita IVANIýKOVÁ, SIMON Attila. Somorja, Fórum Kisebbségkutató Intézet, 2006, 117 p. (Disputationes samarienses, 9). 6690. MANGOLD (Peter). The almost impossible ally: Harold Macmillan and Charles de Gaulle. London, I. B. Tauris, 2006, VI-275 p. (ill.).
8. FROM 1945 6691. MARIAGER (Rasmus). I tillid og varm sympati: dansk-britiske forbindelser og USA under den tidlige kolde krig. (En confiance et chaleureuse sympathie: les relations anglo-danoises et les Etats-unis pendant la première période de la guerre froide). København, Museum Tusculanum, 2006, 574 p. 6692. MELADY (John). Pearson's prize: Canada and the Suez Crisis. Toronto, Dundurn, 2006, 207 p. (ill., ports.). 6693. MICHÁLEK (Slavomír). Spor ýeskoslovenska a USA o širokopásovú valcovĖu v rokoch 19511954. (The dispute between Czechoslovakia and the USA about the wide-band rolling-mill in the period 1951 1954). Historický þasopis, 2006, 54, 4, p. 607-629. [Deutsche Zsfassung]. 6694. NEVILLE (Peter). Britain's involvement in Vietnam, 19451946: prelude to disaster. London, Routledge, 2006, [s. p.]. 6695. PEREIRA (José Pedro Cantinho). Portugal e o início da construção europeia: 19471953. Lisboa, Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, 2006, 827 p. (Biblioteca diplomática. Série D: Teses). 6696. PERIŠIû (Miroslav). ýehoslovaþka javnost i rezolucija IB-a 1948. (Czechoslovak public and Resolution of Informbureau 1948). Istorija 20. veka, 2006, 1, p. 103-125. 6697. POLIŠENSKÁ (Milada). ýechoslováci v Gulagu a þeskoslovenská diplomacie 19451953. Databáze civilních osob deportovaných na konci 2. svČtové války z þeskoslovenského území do SSSR je k dispozici na internetových stránkách Ústavu pamäti národa Slovenské republiky: www.upn.gov.sk. (Deport of Czechoslovaks to labor camps in the Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak diplomacy, 19451953). Praha, Libri, 2006, 510 p. 6698. Polski paĨdziernik 1956 w polityce Ğwiatowej. (The Polish October 1956 in world politics). Pod redakcją naukową Jana ROWIēSKIEGO; przy wspóápracy Tytusa JASKUàOWSKIEGO. Warszawa, Polski Instytut Spraw MiĊdzynarodowych, 2006, 351 p. 6699. PREýAN (Vilém). Únorový pĜevrat 1948 v ýeskoslovensku v mezinárodním kontextu. BezprostĜední a dlouhodobé dĤsledky. (The Communist takeover of February 1948 in the Czechoslovakia in the international context). In: Hledání jistoty v bouĜlivých þasech. ýeši, Slováci, NČmci a mezinárodní systém v první polovinČ 20. století [Cf. no 6499], p. 345-413. 6700. ROBERTS (Geoffrey). Stalin's wars: from World War to Cold War, 19391953. New Haven a. London, Yale U. P., 2006, XXII-468 p. (ill., maps). 6701. ROMSICS (Ignác). Az 1947-es párizsi békeszerzĘdés. (Il trattato di Parigi, 1947). Budapest, Osiris, 2006, 279 p. (ill., maps). 6702. ROSENDORF (Neal Moses). Be El Caudillo's guest: the Franco regime's quest for rehabilitation and dollars after World War II via the promotion of U.S.
tourism to Spain. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 3, p. 367-407. 6703. SAEED (Lubna Fatima). Jawaharlal Nehru: Indo-Soviet relations. New Delhi, Icon Publications, 2006, XV-208 p. 6704. SEGERS (Mathieu L.L.). Zwischen Pax Americana und Pakt Atomica. Das deutsch-amerikanische Verhältnis während der EURATOM-Verhandlungen 1955–1957. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2006, 54, 3, p. 433-460. 6705. SEYDI (Süleyman). Making a Cold War in the Near East: Turkey and the origins of the Cold War, 1945–1947. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 1, p. 113141. 6706. SHIBUSAWA (Naoko). America's geisha ally. Reimagining the Japanese enemy. Cambridge a. London, Harvard U. P., 2006, 397 p. 6707. SIEBEL-ACHENBACH (Sebastian). Niederschlesien 1942 bis 1949. Alliierte Diplomatie und Nachkriegswirklichkeit. Würzburg, Bergstadtverlag Korn, 2006, 336 p. 6708. SMITH (T. O.). Britain and Cambodia, September 1945–November 1946: a reappraisal. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 1, p. 73-91. 6709. Sowjetisierung oder Neutralität? Optionen sowjetischer Besatzungspolitik in Deutschland und Österreich 19451955. Hrsg. v. Andreas HILGER, Mike SCHMEITZNER und Clemens VOLLNHALS. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 574 p. (map). (Schriften des Hannah-Arendt-Instituts für Totalitarismusforschung, 32). 6710. SPALDING (Elizabeth Edwards). The first cold warrior: Harry Truman, containment, and the remaking of liberal internationalism. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 2006, IX-323 p. 6711. SPEHNJAK (Katarina). Britanski pogled na Hrvatsku 1945.–1948. (British View on Croatia, 1945 1948). Zagreb, Golden marketing, 2006, 368 p. IDEM. Konzularna predstavništva Velike Britanije u Hrvatskoj 1945.1948. (British Consular representatives in Croatia, 19451948). ýasopis za suvremenu povijest, 2006, 1, p. 41-77). 6712. STALLONE (Settimio). Prove di diplomazia adriatica: Italia e Albania 19441949. Torino, G. Giappichelli, 2006, 270 p. (Collana di studi / Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di scienze dello stato, 3). 6713. STAPLES (Amy L. S.). The birth of development: how the World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization changed the world, 1945–1965. Kent, Kent State U. P., 2006, XVI-349 p. (New Studies in U.S. Foreign Relations). 6714. TAL (David). Weapons without influence: British arms supply policy and the Egyptian-Czech arms deal, 194555. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2006, 34, 3, p. 369-388.
6715. THORNHILL (Michael T.). Road to Suez: the battle of the Canal Zone. Stroud, Sutton, 2006, X-270 p. (ill., maps). 6716. TOTHILL (David). Trying to sell Apartheid to 1950s Australia. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 1, p. 143-171. 6717. TSANG (Steve Yui-Sang). The Cold War's odd couple: the unintended partnership between the Republic of China and the UK, 19501958. London a. New York, I.B. Tauris, 2006, XVIII-269 p. (Library of international relations, 23). 6718. Ungarische Revolution (Die) und Österreich 1956. Hrsg. v. Ibolya M URBER und Zoltán FÓNAGY. Wien, Czernin, 2006, 544 p. 6719. VAICBOURDT (Nicolas). Le ravissement du New Look: la politique de sécurité nationale et les luttes d'influence entre le joint chiefs of staff et le département d'Etat. 19531955. In: Militaires et diplomatie [Cf. no 6056], p. 51-70. 6720. VALETTE (Jacques). 1956: le FLN porte la guerre d'Algérie en Tunisie. In: Dossier 19061956: les années en 6 [Cf. no 6031], p. 65-79. 6721. VANIN (Jurij V.). Korejskaja vojna (1950 1953) i OON. (The Korean War of 1950–1953 and the United Nations). RAN, In-t vostokovedenija. Moskva, IV RAN, 2006, 286 p. (bibl. p. 279-284). [English summary]. 6722. VOJTċCHOVSKÝ (OndĜej). Jugoslávská informbyrovská emigrace v ýeskoslovensku 19481954. (Yugoslav cominformist emigration group in Czechoslovakia, 19481954). In: Studia Balcanica Bohemo-Slovaca 6. 1, Sekce historie, politologie a etnologie. Ed. Pavel BOýEK. Brno, 2006, p. 345-365. 6723. WILLIAMSON (Daniel C.). Separate agendas: Churchill, Eisenhower, and Anglo-American relations, 19531955. Lanham, Lexington, 2006, V-145 p. IDEM. Understandable failure: the Eisenhower administration's strategic goals in Iraq, 1953–1958. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 3, p. 597-615. 6724. WYLIE (Paula L.). Ireland and the Cold War: diplomacy and recognition, 1949–1963. Foreword by Dermot KEOGH. Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 2006, XIV-305 p. 6725. ŽIVOTIû (Aleksandar). KPJ [Komunistiþka partija Jugoslavije]/SKJ [Savez komunista Jugoslavije] i egipatski komunisti i socijalisti 1946–1956. (KPJ/SKJ and Egyptian communists and socialists 1946–1956). Tokovi istorije, 2006, 3, p. 153-167. Cf. nos 3845, 3865, 4086, 4129, 4459, 4607, 6481, 6489, 6497, 6499, 6504, 6506, 6511, 6739, 6742, 6743, 6744, 6745, 6747, 6753, 6759, 6763, 6765, 6767, 6772, 6774, 6777, 6803, 6807, 6808, 6812, 6813, 6822, 6824, 6827, 6830
6480, 6543, 6757, 6791, 6826,
c. From 1956 ** 6726. 1956-os (Az) forradalom és a romániai magyarság (19561959). (The 1956 revolution and the Hungarians in Romania). FĘszerkesztĘ Stefano BOTTONI. Csíkszereda, Pro-Print, 2006, 432 p. (ill.). (Források a romániai magyarság történetéhez). ** 6727. Akten zur auswartigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 1975. 1. 1. Januar bis 30. Juni 1975. 2. 1. Juli bis 31. Dezember 1975. Wisseschaftliche Leiterin Ilse Dorothee PAUTSCH; Bearbeiter Michael KIENINGER, Mechthild LINDEMANN und Daniela TASCHLER. Munchen, R. Oldenbourg, 2006, LXXXII2008 p. ** 6728. Auswärtige Ausschuß (Der) des Deutschen Bundestages. Bd. 5. Sitzungsprotokolle 19651969. Teil 1. Dezember 1965 bis Dezember 1967. Teil 2. Januar 1968 bis August, 1969. Eingeleitet von Joachim WINTZER; bearbeitet von Joachim WINTZER unter Mitwirkung von Wolfgang HÖLSCHER, Stephanie URBACH und Benedikt WINTGENS. Düsseldorf, Droste, 2006, CLXVI-1476 p. u. 1 cd-rom. (Quellen zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, reihe 4). ** 6729. Documents diplomatiques français: depuis 1954. Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Commission des Archives Diplomatiques. Vol. 29. Tome 1. 1er janvier31 mai 1966. Vol. 30. Tome 2. 1er juin31 décembre 1966. Établi sous la dir. de Maurice VAÏSSE. Bruxelles, P.I.E.-Lang, 2006, 2 vol., LIII-995 p., XLVII1133 p. ** 6730. Documents on British policy overseas. Series 3. Vol. 4. The year of Europe: America, Europe and the energy crisis, 19721974. Ed. by Keith HAMILTON and Patrick SALMON. Abingdon, Routledge, 2006, XII108 p. (2 CD ROMs) (Whitehall histories. Foreign and Commonwealth Office publications). ** 6731. Documents on British policy overseas. Series 3. Vol. 5. The southern flank in crisis, 19731976. Ed. by Keith HAMILTON and Patrick SALMON. Abingdon, Routledge, 2006, LIX-545 p. (map). (Whitehall histories. Foreign and Commonwealth Office publications). ** 6732. Documents relatifs aux relations extérieures du Canada = Documents on Canadian external relations. Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et du Commerce International. Vol. 26. 1959. Sous la direction de Janice CAVELL, Michael D. STEVENSON et Kevin SPOONER. Ottawa, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 2006, LIX-1007 p. (ill.). ** 6733. Foreign relations of the United States. 19641968. General editor Edward C. KEEFER. 29. 2. Japan. Ed. by Karen L. GATZ. 19691976. General editor Edward C. KEEFER. 2. Organization and management of U.S. foreign policy: 19691972. Ed. by David C. HUMPHREY. 6. Vietnam, January 1969July 1970. Ed. by Edward C. KEEFER and Carolyn YEE. 12. Soviet Union: January 1969October 1970. Ed. by Erin R.
8. FROM 1945 MAHAN. 14. Soviet Union: October 1971May 1972. Ed. by David C. GEYER, Nina D. HOWLAND and Kent SIEG. 20. Southeast Asia: 19691972. Ed. by Daniel J. LAWLER. 27. China: 19691972. Ed. by Steven E. PHILLIPS. Washington, United States Government Printing Office, 2006, 7 vol., XXXV-330 p., XXIX-878 p., XXXVIII-1173 p., XXXII-701 p., XXVIII-1257 p., XLVIII-744 p., LIV-1175 p. (Department of State publication). ** 6734. Polska a Zaolzie (19571967): po "Polskim PaĨdzierniku" a przed "Praską Wiosną": wybór dokumentów. [Poland and Zaolzie (19571967): after the "Polish October" and the "Prague Spring": a selection of documents]. Do druku przygotowaá Krzysztof NOWAK. Cieszyn, Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne, Oddziaá w Cieszynie, 2006, 91 p. (Acta historica Silesiae Superioris, 19). ** 6735. Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne. (Documenti diplomatici polacchi). 1957. Redaktorzy Krzysztof RUCHNIEWICZ, Tadeusz SZUMOWSKI; wspóápraca Piotr DàUGOàĉCKI. 1973. Redaktor Piotr M. MAJEWSKI. Warszawa, Polski Instytut Spraw MiĊdzynarodowych, 2006, 2 vol., XLI-903 p., 792 p. ** 6736. Przed i po 13 grudnia: paĔstwa bloku wschodniego wobec kryzysu w PRL, 19801982. (Prima e dopo il 13 dicembre: paesi dell'Est di fronte alla crisi in Polonia, 19801982). T. 1. SierpeĔ 1980Marzec 1981. Warszawa, Instytut PamiĊci Narodowej, 2006, XLII-443 p. (ill.). (Archiwum SolidarnoĞci, 16. Seria Dokumenty).
1963. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 2006, 34, 3, p. 407-429. 6744. BERGER (Stefan), LAPORTE (Norman). Ostpolitik before Ostpolitik: the British Labour Party and the German Democratic Republic (GDR), 19551964. European history quarterly, 2006, 36, 3, p. 396-420. 6745. BIALER (Uri). Tselav be-magen David: ha'olam ha-Notsri bi-mediniyut ha-huts shel YiĞra'el, 19481967. (Cross on the Star of David: the Christian world in Israel's foreign policy, 19481967). Yerushalayim, Yad Yitshak Ben-Tsevi a. Kiryat ĝedeh-Boker, Mekhon Ben-Guryon le-heker YiĞra'el, Hotsa'at hasefarim shel Universitat Ben Guryon ba-Negev, 2006, VII-286 p. (ill.). 6746. BICK (Etta). Two-level negotiations and U.S. foreign policy: the failure of the Johnson Plan for the Palestinian refugees, 1961–1962. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 3, p. 447-474. 6747. BJERELD (Ulf), DEMKER (Marie). Främlingskap: svensk säkerhetstjänst och konflikterna i Nordafrika och Mellanöstern. (Les services secrets suédois et les conflits en Afrique du nord et au Moyen-Orient). Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2006, 168 p. (Göteborg studies in politics, 100).
6737. ALÍPIO (Elsa Santos). Salazar e a Europa: história da adesão à EFTA (19561960). Prefácio de Nuno Severiano TEIXEIRA. Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 2006, 142 p. (Colecção Horizonte histórico).
6748. BOGETIû (Dragan). Nova strategija jugoslovenske spoljne politike 19561961. (La nuova strategia della politica estera jugoslava 19561961). Beograd, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2006, 380 p. (Biblioteka Studije i monografije). IDEM. Pogoršanje jugoslovensko-ameriþkih odnosa posle Prvog samita nesvrstanih zemalja u Beogradu. (The decline of the YugoslavAmerican relations in the aftermath of the First Summit of the Countries of the Non-Aligned Movement in Belgrade). Istorija 20. veka, 2006, 2, p. 71-87.
6738. AZAD (Salam). Contribution of India in the war of liberation of Bangladesh. New Delhi, Bookwell, 2006, 520 p. (ill.).
6749. BRANDS (Hal). Progress unseen: U.S. arms control policy and the origins of Détente, 19631968. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 2, p. 253-285.
6739. AZZOU (El-Mostafa). Les relations entre le Maroc et les Etats-Unis: regards sur la période 1943 1970. In: Militaires et diplomatie [Cf. no 6056], p. 105116.
6750. Bridge building and political cultures – Hungary and Finland 19561989. Ed. by Anssi HALMESVIRTA and Heino NYYSSÖNEN. Jyväskylä, University of Jyväskylä, 2006, 449 p. (Hungarologische Beiträge 18).
6740. BAIN (Mervyn J.). Soviet-Cuban relations, 1985 to 1991: changing perceptions in Moscow and Havana. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2006, XII-151 p. (ill.).
6751. CASTRO SAURITAIN (Carlos). Las relaciones vecinales de Chile y la guerra del Atlántico Sur. Santiago, Editorial Mare Nostrum, 2006, 189 p. (map).
6741. BARAK (Eitan). Caught in the middle: the United Nations Emergency Force, Israel, and the 1960 "Rotem crisis". Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 2, p. 393-414. 6742. BASTIEN (Frédéric). De l'alliance sans lendemain au " Vive le Québec libre !". De Gaulle et le Canada, 19451967. In: Canada (Le), la France et le monde [Cf. no 6742], p. 5-15. 6743. BENVENUTI (Andrea). Australian reactions to Britain's declining presence in Southeast Asia, 1955
6752. CAVIGLIA (Daniele), CRICCO (Massimiliano). La diplomazia italiana e gli equilibri mediterranei: la politica mediorientale dell'Italia dalla guerra dei sei giorni al conflitto dello Yom Kippur (19671973). Prefazione di Massimiliano GUDERZO; postfazione di Antonella ERCOLANI. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2006, 184 p. (Università). 6753. CHATZƜVASILEIOU (EuanthƝs). Greece and the Cold War: frontline state, 19521967. London, Routledge, 2006, XVI-229 p. (ill., maps). (Cass series. Cold War history, 12).
6754. Cold War (The) after Stalin's death: a missed opportunity for peace? Ed. by Klaus LARRES and Kenneth OSGOOD. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2006, XXXIV-318 p. (Harvard Cold War studies book series). 6755. CRANDALL (Russell). Gunboat democracy: U.S. Intervention in the Dominican Republic, Grenada, and Panama. Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2006, X-255 p. 6756. CVETKOVIû (Vladimir Lj.). Nikolae ýaušesku na VIII Kongresu SKJ [Savez komunista Jugoslavije]: jugoslovenske impresije. (Nikolae Ceauúescu at VIII Congress of the Communist League of Yugoslavia: Yugoslav impressions). Tokovi istorije, 2006, 1/2, p. 212-226. 6757. De Gaulle et la Russie. Sous la dir. de Maurice VAÏSSE; coordination scientifique et suivi éditorial Philippe OULMONT; avec le concours de Létizia DE LINARÈS. Paris, CNRS éditions, 2006, 295 p. (map). (CNRS histoire). 6758. DE MELLO BARRETO (Fernando). Os sucessores do Barão: relações exteriores do Brasil 1964 a 1985. Prefácio de Rubens RICUPERO. São Paulo, Paz E Terra, 2006, 519 p. (ill.). 6759. Dealing with dictators: dilemmas of U.S. diplomacy and intelligence analysis, 19451990. Ed. by Ernest R. MAY and Philip D. ZELIKOW; with Kirsten LUNDBERG and Robert David JOHNSON. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2006, XIV-227 p. (ill.). (BCSIA studies in international security). 6760. DIETL (Ralph). In defence of the West: General Lauris Norstad, NATO nuclear forces and transatlantic relations 1956–1963. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 2, p. 347-392. 6761. DULPHY (Anne), MANIGAND (Christine). La France au risque de l'Europe, Paris, Armand Colin, 2006, 292 p. 6762. DURAND (Pierre-Michel). Les relations ParisMoscou et la guerre froide africaine des années 70. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 2, p. 111-128. 6763. Eisenhower administration (The), the Third World, and the globalization of the Cold War. Ed. by Kathryn C. STATLER and Andrew L. JOHNS. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2006, [s. p.]. (Harvard Cold War studies book series). 6764. ELLISON (James). Separated by the Atlantic: the British and de Gaulle, 1958–1967. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 4, p. 853-870. 6765. FARRÉ (Sébastien). La Suisse et l'Espagne de Franco: de la guerre civile à la mort du dictateur, 1936 1975. Lausanne, Antipodes, 2006, 486 p. (ill.). (Histoire). 6766. FAVRETTO (Ilaria). The Wilson governments and the Italian Centre-Left coalitions: between 'Socialist' diplomacy and Realpolitik, 19641970. European history quarterly, 2006, 36, 3, p. 421-444.
6767. FERNANDES (Moisés Silva). Macau na política externa chinesa, 19491979. Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2006, 394 p. (ill., map). 6768. Filo sottile (Il): l'Ostpolitik vaticana di Agostino Casaroli. A cura di Alberto MELLONI. Prefazione del cardinale Achille SILVESTRINI. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, XII-435 p. (ill.). 6769. Første (De): danske FN-soldater i Suezkonflikten 1956. (Le premier contingent de soldats danois de l'ONU: le conflit du canal de Suez en 1956). Red. Anders D. HENRIKSEN. Næstved, Devantier, 2006, 238 p. (ill.). 6770. FRAUDET (Xavier). France's security independence. Originality and constraints in Europe, 1981 1995. Bern, Peter Lang, 2006, 275 p. (European university studies, 530. Series XXXI, Political science). 6771. FREDÉN (Lars Peter). Återkomster: svensk säkerhetspolitik och de baltiska ländernas första år i självständighet: 19911994. (La politique de sécurité suédoise et les premières années d'indépendance des pays baltes: 19911994). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2006, 527 p. 6772. FURSENKO (Aleksandr A.), NAFTALI (Timothy). Bezumnyj risk: Sekretnaja istorija Kubinskogo raketnogo krizisa 1962 g. (The secret history of the Cuban missile crisis of 1962). Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 543 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 532-535; pers. ind. p. 536542). – IIDEM. Khrushchev's cold war: the inside story of an American adversary. New York, Norton, 2006, 670 p. (ill., maps). 6773. GANJI (Babak). Politics of confrontation: the foreign policy of the USA and revolutionary Iran. London a. New York, Tauris Academic Studies, 2006, 320 p. (Library of international relations, 27). 6774. GENDRON (Robin Stewart) L'aide au développement et les relations entre le Canada et la France dans les années 1960 et 1970. In: Canada (Le), la France et le monde [Cf. no 6774], p. 49-67. IDEM. Towards a francophone community: Canada's relations with France and French Africa, 19451968. Montréal, McGillQueen's U. P., 2006, VIII-191 p. (Foreign policy, security, and strategic studies). 6775. GERBER (Marcel). Dynamisierung in einem wechselhaften internationalen Umfeld: Schweizer Rüstungskontrollpolitik nach dem Kalten Krieg. Bern u. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2006, 315 p. (Studien zu Zeitgeschichte und Sicherheitspolitik, 15 = Studies in contemporary history and security policy, 15). 6776. GOODARZI (Jubin M.). Syria and Iran: diplomatic alliance and power politics in the Middle East. London a. New York, Tauris Academic Studies, 2006, VIII-359 p. (Library of international relations, 23). 6777. GRIESE (Olivia). Auswärtige Kulturpolitik und Kalter Krieg: die Konkurrenz von Bundesrepublik und DDR in Finnland 19491973. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2006, 296 p. (Veröffentlichungen des OsteuropaInstituts München, 9. Reihe Forschungen zum Ostseeraum).
8. FROM 1945 6778. HALAS (František X.). Kardinál Casaroli jako partner komunistických vládcĤ pĜi jednáních o postavení katolické církve v ýeskoslovensku (19631989). (Le Cardinal Casaroli, interlocuteur des autorités communistes lors des pourparlers sur la condition de l'Église catholique en Tchécoslovaquie, 19631989). In: Osobnost v církvi a politice. ýeští a slovenští kĜesĢané ve 20. století [Cf. no 4693], p. 659-672. 6779. HAMILTON (Keith). Britain, France, and America's year of Europe, 1973. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 4, p. 871-895. 6780. HEIN (Bastian). Die Westdeutschen und die Dritte Welt. Entwicklungspolitik und die Entwicklungsdienste zwischen Reform und Revolte, 19591974. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, X-334 p. (Zeitgeschichte, 65). 6781. HOLDEREGGER (Thomas). Die trilateralen Verhandlungen 1966/1967: der erste Schritt der Administration Johnson zur Lösung der NATO-Krise. Hrsg. v. Andreas WENGER. Zürich, ETH Zürich, 2006, 330 p. (Zürcher Beiträge zur Sicherheitspolitik und Konfliktforschung, 76). 6782. IM (François). La question cambodgienne dans les relations internationales de 1979 à 1993. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006, 446 p. (Recherches asiatiques). 6783. JACOBS (Seth). Cold war mandarin: Ngo Dinh Diem and the origins of America's war in Vietnam, 19501963. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2006, XI-207 p. (Vietnam-America in the war years). 6784. KÄHÖNEN (Aappo). The Soviet Union, Finland and the Cold War. The Finnish card in Soviet foreign policy, 19561959. Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006, 195 p. (Bibliotheca historica, 103). 6785. KLAREVAS (Louis). Were the eagle and the phoenix birds of a feather? The United States and the Greek Coup of 1967. Diplomatic history, 2006, 30, 3, p. 471-508. 6786. KORSAKOVA (Natalija L.). Frantsuzskaja diplomatija i kubinskij krizis. (The French diplomacy and the Cuban missile crisis). RAN, Sankt-Peterburgskij int istorii. Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2006, 280 p. (ill.; portr.). [Spanish summary].
6790. LUDLOW (N. Piers). The European Community and the Crises of the 1960s: negotiating the Gaullist challenge. New York, Routledge, 2006, XIV-269 p. (Cass series: Cold War history, 9). 6791. MADDRELL (Paul). Spying on science: Western intelligence in divided Germany 19451961. Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2006, XI-330 p. 6792. MAJALI (Abdul S. A.), ANANI (Jawad A.), HADDADIN (Munther J.). Peace making. The inside story of the 1994 Jordanian-Israeli treaty. Reading, Ithaca Press, 2006, XVII-353 p. 6793. MAMMADOV (Ildar Makhal ogly), MUSAEV (Tofik Fuad ogly). Armjano-azerbajdzhanskij konflikt. Istorija, pravo, posrednichestvo. (The ArmenianAzerbaijan conflict: history. Law. mediation). Moskva – Tula, Grif i Ko, 2006, 190 p. (maps). 6794. MENÉTREY-MONCHAU (Cécile). AmericanVietnamese relations in the wake of war: diplomacy after the capture of Saigon, 19751979. Jefferson, McFarland & Co., 2006, VIII-308 p. 6795. MORGAN (Eric J.). Our own interests: Nixon, South Africa, and dissent at home and abroad. Diplomacy & statecraft, 2006, 17, 3, p. 475-495. 6796. MOYAR (Mark). Triumph forsaken. The Vietnam War, 1954–1965. Cambridge, New York a. Melbourne, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXVI-512 p. 6797. NARINSKIY (Mikhail). L'URSS et le conflit du Proche-Orient de 1973. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 2, p. 129-142. 6798. NEAU (Jackie). L'intervention de la France dans le conflit tchadien, 19691975: une guerre révolutionnaire introuvable, un fiasco en position de force. Paris, Mémoires d'hommes, 2006, 172 p. (ill., col. maps). 6799. NEVO (Joseph). King Hussein and the evolution of Jordan's perception of a political settlement with Israel, 19671988. Brighton, Sussex Academic Press, 2006, VII-209 p. 6800. NEWMAN (Kathleen Elizabeth). Macmillan, Khrushchev and the Berlin Crisis. London, Routledge, 2006, 240 p. (Contemporary security studies). 6801. NISTOR (Paul). Înfruntând vestul: PCR, România lui Dej úi politica americană de îngrădire a comunismului. Bucureúti, Vremea, 2006, 373 p. (Fapte, idei, documente).
6787. KRUPJANKO (Mikhail I.), ARESHIDZE (Liana G.). Vostochnaja Azija posle "Kholodnoj vojny": zona konfrontatsii ili sotrudnichestva? (Eastern Asia after the Cold War: a zone of confrontation or collaboration?). RAN, In-t vostokovedenija. Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2006, 279 p. (tabl.; bibl. p. 253-277).
6802. OBITCHKINA (Evguenia). L'intervention de l'Union Soviétique en Afghanistan. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 2, p. 155-168.
6788. LAKOVIû (Ivan). Zapadna vojna pomoü Jugoslaviji, 19511958. (Western military assistance to Yugoslavia, 19511958). Podgorica, Istorijski institut Crne Gore, 2006, 295 p. (maps). (Edicija Posebna izdanja).
6803. OLSEN (Mari). Soviet-Vietnam relations and the role of China, 19491964: changing alliances. New York, Routledge, 2006, XX-201 p. (Cass series-Cold War history, 10).
6789. LORENZ (Federico G.). Las guerras por Malvinas. Buenos Aires, Edhasa, 2006, 336 p. (Ensayo histórico).
6804. Osimska meja: jugoslovansko-italijanska pogajanja in razmejitev leta 1975. Zbrali in uredili Jože PIRJEVEC, Borut KLABJAN in Gorazd BAJC. Koper,
Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središþe, Založba Annales, Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, 2006, 368 p. (ill.). (Knjižnica Annales Majora).
6817. SAUL (Samir). Regards officiels canadiens sur la politique étrangère de la France gaullienne, 1963 1969. In: Canada (Le), la France et le monde [Cf. no 6817], p. 69-91.
6805. PARR (Helen). Britain's policy towards the European community: Harold Wilson and Britain's world role, 19641967. London, Routledge, 2006, XVI-231 p. (British foreign and colonial policy. Cass series-British foreign and colonial policy).
6818. SCHMITZ (David F.). The United States and right-wing dictatorships, 19651989. Cambridge a. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, VIII-263 p.
6806. PECHATNOV (Vladimir O.). L'Union Soviétique et la fin de la guerre du Vietnam. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 2, p. 99-110. 6807. PELT (Mogens). Tying Greece to the West: US-West German-Greek relations 1949–1974. København, Museum Tusculanum Press, 2006, 454 p. (Studies in 20th & 21st century European history, 5). 6808. PERETZ (Pauline). La France et la guerre du Kippour. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 2, p. 143-154. EADEM. Le combat pour les Juifs soviétiques. Washington-Moscou-Jérusalem, 19531989. Paris, Armand Colin, 2006, 383 p. (L'histoire à l'œuvre). 6809. PETERSEN (Tore T.). The decline of the Anglo-American Middle East, 19611969. A willing retreat. Brighton, Sussex Academic Press, 2006, XI-181 p.
6819. SCHULZINGER (Robert D.). A time for peace: the legacy of the Vietnam War. Oxford a. New York, Oxford U. P., 2006, XIX-252 p. (ill.). 6820. SHIELDS (David Brandon). Kennedy and Macmillan: Cold War politics. Lanham, University Press of America, 2006, XXX-277 p. 6821. SIRRS (Owen L.). Nasser and the missile age in the Middle East. London, Routledge, 2006, 264 p. (Contemporary security studies). 6822. SZALONTAI (Balazs). Krushchev versus Kim Il-Sung: Soviet-DPRK relations and the roots of North Korean despotism, 19531964. Stanford, Stanford U. P. a. London, Eurospan, 2006, 368 p. 6823. Third Indochina War (The): conflict between China, Vietnam and Cambodia, 19721979. Ed. by Odd Arne WESTAD and Sophie QUINN-JUDGE. London, Routledge, 2006, VIII-242 p. (Cass series. Cold War history, 11).
6810. Polsko a ýeskoslovensko v roce 1968. Sborník pĜíspČvkĤ z mezinárodní vČdecké konference. (Poland and Czechoslovakia in the Year 1968. Proceedings of the international conference). Ed. Petr BLAŽEK, àukasz KAMIēSKI, Rudolf VÉVODA. Praha, Ústav pro soudobé dČjiny AV ýR, 2006, 361 p.
6824. ULLMANN (Paul). Eine schwierige Nachbarschaft: die Geschichte der diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen Österreich und der Tschechoslowakei von 19451968. Wien, Lit, 2006, V-300 p. (Wiener Osteuropastudien, 20).
6811. PRIEST (Andrew). Kennedy, Johnson and NATO: Britain, America and the dynamics of alliance, 19621968. London, Routledge, 2006, XIV-222 p. (Contemporary security studies).
6825. VAÏSSE (Maurice). Le chemin de Varsovie. La France face à l'intervention soviétique en Afghanistan (décembre 1979juin 1980). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 2, p. 169-188.
6812. RICCARDI (Luca). Il problema Israele: diplomazia italiana e PCI [Partito comunista italiano] di fronte allo stato ebraico, 19481973. Milano, Guerini studio, 2006, 478 p. (Frontiere, 23). 6813. ROBIN HIVERT (Emilia). L'entrée de l'URSS dans l'Union interparlementaire (19551958). Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2006, 120, 1, p. 61-86. 6814. ROSSI (Christian). La freedom doctrine di John F. Kennedy: cooperazione allo sviluppo e disarmo nell' Europa mediterranea, 19611963. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2006, 175 p. 6815. RYCHLÍK (Jan). ýeskoslovensko a zmČny ve východní EvropČ na prahu událostí roku 1989. (Czechoslovakia and changes in eastern Europe in the period before the fall of Communism in 1989). Slovanské historické studie, 2006, 31, p. 137-214. 6816. SÁNCHEZ SÁNCHEZ (Esther M.). Rumbo al sur: Francia y la España del desarrollo, 19581969. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2006, 470 p. (ill., maps). (Biblioteca de historia / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 61).
6826. WETTIG (Gerhard). Chruschtschows BerlinKrise 1958 bis 1963. Drohpolitik und Mauerbau. München, Oldenbourg, 2006, X-312 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 67). 6827. XIA (Yafeng). Negotiating with the enemy: U.S.-China talks during the Cold War, 1949–1972. Bloomington, Indiana U. P., 2006, XV-326 p. 6828. ZBINDEN (Martin). Der Assoziationsversuch der Schweiz mit der EWG 19611963: ein Lehrstück schweizerischer Europapolitik. Bern, Haupt, 2006, 436 p. (Forschungen zur Geschichte der schweizerischen Europapolitik). 6829. ZEVIN (Leon Z.), USHAKOVA (N.A.), KUZ'MINA (Elena M.). Rossija i strany Tsentral'noj Azii: vzaimodejstvie na rubezhe tysjacheletij. (Russia and the countries of Central Asia: interaction at the turn of the millenium). Ed. Leon Z. ZEVIN. RAN, In-t ekonomiki. Moskva, Nauka, 2006, 224 p. (ill.; tabl.). 6830. ZÍDEK (Petr). ýeskoslovensko a francouzská Afrika 19481968. (La Cecoslovacchia e l'Africa francese). Praha, Nakladatelství Libri, 2006, 247 p. (Otazníky našich dČjin, 13).
8. FROM 1945 Cf. nos 3559, 3590, 3734, 4023, 4232, 4238, 4483, 4541, 4570, 6164, 6199, 6242, 6657, 6661, 6670,
6676, 6681, 6685, 6686, 6690, 6703, 6704, 6713, 6716, 6717, 6723, 6724
R ASIA _________ § 1. General. 6831-6835. – § 2. Western and central Asia. 6836-6854. – § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. 68556864. – § 4. China. 6865-7042. – § 5. Japan (esp. before 1868). 7043-7101. – § 6. Korea. 7102-7104. § 1. General. _______________________
arkheologii i etnografii. Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2006, 128 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 120-127).
6831. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Song Zeit / Contributions to the study of Song history. Hrsg. v. Dieter KUHN und Ina ASIM. Heidelberg, Forum, 2006, 266 p. (Würzburger Sinologische Schriften).
6839. HASHIZUME (Retsu). 'Jidai no kagami' shoshahon kenkynj josetsu. (Introduction to the studies of the manuscripts of Mir'Ɨt al-zamƗn). Oriento, 2006, 49, 1, p. 185-202. (Eng. Summary p. 185).
6832. BOSE (Sugata). A hundred horizons: the Indian Ocean in the age of Global Empire. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, XII-333 p.
6840. JATSENKO (Sergej A.). Kostjum drevnej Evrazii (iranojazychnye narody). (Costume of ancient Eurasia: the Iranian-speaking peoples). Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2006, 664 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 371-415). [English summary].
6833. Slavery and South Asian history. Ed. by Indrani CHATTERJEE and Richard M. EATON. Bloomington a. Indianapolis, Indiana U. P., 2006, XXI-344 p. 6834. Ville (La) en Asie du Sud. Analyse et mise en perspective. Sous la dir. de Véronique DUPONT et Djallal G. HEUZÉ. Paris, Éd. de l'EHESS, 2006, 435 p. (Purushartha, 26). 6835. WOODSIDE (Alexander). Lost modernities: China, Vietnam, Korea, and the hazards of world history. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, 142 p. (Edwin O. Reischauer lectures, 2001). Cf. nos 6110-6139, 6787 § 2. Western and central Asia. _______________________
6836. BAZAROVA (Bal'zhinima Z.). Mongol'skie letopisi – pamjatniki kul'tury. (Mongolian chronicles as a cultural phenomenon). RAN, Sib. otd., In-t mongolovedenija, buddologii i tibetologii. Moskva, Academia, 2006, 364 p. (bibl. p. 345-364). 6837. EGAWA (Hikari). 19 seiki Osuman teikoku ni okeru ynjbokumin to tochi: YƗju Bediru no jirei o chnjshin ni. (The nomads and land in the 19th century Ottoman Empire: the case of the Ya÷cÕ Bedir). Seinan Ajia Kenkyu, 2006, 64, p. 35-61. 6838. GADZHIEV (Murtuzali S.), KASUMOVA (Sara Ju). Srednepersidskie nadpisi Derbenta VI veka. (The Middle Persian inscriptions of Derbent, the 6th century). RAN, Dagestanskij nauch. tsentr, In-t istorii,
6841. KAWAHARA (Yayoi). Hǀja Hasan SƗhibukirƗn den: Ferugana bonchi ni okeru minkan shozǀ shiryǀ no kenkynj. (Tadhkira of KhwƗja Hasan SahibqirƗn: study on a private manuscript in Ferghana Valley). Ajia Afurika Gengo Bunka Kenkynj, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2006, 71, p. 205-257. [Eng. Summary p. 205206]. 6842. KLJASHTORNYJ (Sergej G.). Pamjatniki drevnetjurkskoj pis'mennosti i etnokul'turnaja istorija Tsentral'noj Azii. (Old Turkic written texts and the ethnic and cultural history of Central Asia). RAN, In-t vostokovedenija, Sankt-Peterburgskij f-l. Sankt-Peterburg, Nauka 2006, 591 p. (ill.; bibl. incl.; bibl. of works of Sergej G. Kljashtornyj). (Vostok: Obshchestvo, kul'tura, religija). [Text partly in English]. 6843. KONDO (Nobuaki). Shoki GƗjƗru chǀ to Teheran: Kynjtei no kisetsu idǀ to shuto. (The early Qajars and Tehran: seasonal travels of the court and the capital city). Oriento, 2006, 48, 2, p. 66-86. (Eng. Summary p. 66-67). 6844. KRADIN (Nikolaj N.), SKRYNNIKOVA (Tat'jana D.). Imperija Chingis-Khana. (The Empire of Genghis Khan). RAN, Sib. otd., In-t mongolovedenija, buddologii i tibetologii. Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2006, 557 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 509-544). [English summary]. 6845. KYCHANOV (Evgenij I.), SAVITSKIJ (L.S.). Ljudi i bogi Strany snegov. Ocherki istorii Tibeta i ego
kul'tury. (People and gods of the country of snows: essays on history and culture of Tibet). RAN, In-t vostokovedenija, Sankt-Peterburgskij f-l. Sankt-Peterburg, Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie, 2006, 432 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 427-431). (Mify i epos, religii Vostoka. Bibliotheca Universalia).
Empire. East Asia and Japan: Interaction and Transformations, Kyushu University, 2006, 3, p. 91-114.
6846. KYZLASOV (Leonid R.). Gorodskaja tsivilizatsija Sredinnoj i Severnoj Azii: istoricheskie i arkheologicheskie issledovanija. (Urban civilization of the Central and Northern Asia: historical and archaeological studies). Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2006, 360 p. (ill.; tabl.; bibl. incl.). [English summary].
6855. ASHER (Catherine B.), TALBOT (Cynthia). India before Europe. Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXII-313 p. (ill.).
6847. MAEDA (Hirotake). The forced migrations and reorganisation of the regional order in the Caucasus by Safavid Iran: Preconditions and developments described by Fazli Khuzani. In: Reconstruction and interaction of Slavic Eurasia and its neighbouring worlds. Ed. Osamu IEDA and Tomohiko UYAMA. Sapporo, Slavic Research Centre (Hokkaido University), 2006, p. 237-271. (Slavic Eurasian Studies, 10). 6848. MASSON (Vadim M.). Kul'turogenez Drevnej Tsentral'noj Azii. (The genesis of culture of of the ancient Central Asia). RAN, In-t istorii material'noj kul'tury. Sankt-Peterburg, Izdatel'stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta, 2006, 384 p. (ill., tabl. bibl. p. 343-351, ind. p. 353-359). (Aziatika). 6849. NAMSARAEVA (Sajana B.). Institut tsinskikh namestnikov v Mongolii i Tibete. (The institute of Qing Dynasty's governors in Mongolia and Tibet). RAN, In-t vostokovedenija. Moskva, Vostochnaja literatura, 2006, [s. p.]. 6850. ONUMA (Takahiro). Shin chǀ to Kazafu Ynjboku seiryoku to no Seijiteki kankei ni kansuru ichi kousatsu: Chnjǀ Ajia ni okeru 'Ejen-Arubato' kankei no fuen to tenkai. (The political relationship between the Qing Dynasty and Kazakh nomads: Promotion of the 'Ejen-Albatu' relationship in Central Asia). Ajia Afurika Gengo Bunka Kenkynj, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2006, 72, p. 39-65. [Eng. Summary p. 39-40]. 6851. SULTANOV (Tursun I.). Chingiz-khan i Chingizidy. Sud'ba i vlast'. (Genghis Khan and his descents: Fortunes and power). Moskva, AST, 446 p. (bibl. p. 335370). (Istoricheskaja biblioteka). 6852. SUZUKI (Kosetsu). Jnjsansei Tokketsu no shutsugen: Tokketsu dai ni kagankoku o meguru kita Ajia jǀsei. (The Turks of Thirty Tribes: from the standpoint of the Northern Asian situation surrounding the second Turk Qaranate). Shigaku Zasshi, 2006, 115, 10, p. 1-36. [Eng. Summary p. 164-166]. 6853. UYAMA (Tomohiko). 'Kobetsu-shugi no teikoku' Roshia no chnjǀ Ajia seisaku: Seikyo-ka to heieki no mondai o chnjshin ni. (Russia as a particularist empire: policies of Christianization and military conscription in Central Asia). Surabu Kenkynj, 2006, 53, p. 27-59. [Eng. Summary p. 58-59]. 6854. YOKKAICHI (Yasuhiro). The role of jarruci in the structure of distribution system under the Mongol
Cf. nos 503, 529, 6011, 6829 § 3. South Asia and Southeast Asia. _______________________
6856. FUNO (Shuji). Mandara-toshi: Hindu toshi no knjkan-rinen to sono hen'yǀ. (The city as mandala: space perspective of Hindu cities and its transformation). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2006, 444 p. 6857. HISASUE (Ryoichi). Kakyǀ sǀkin no kǀiki-kan setsuzoku kankei: Shingapǀru, Honkon, Shukǀ-deruta wo rei ni. (Interregional Chinese remittances from the late 19th century to the early 20th century: from Singapore to the Pearl River Delta via Hong Kong). Tonan Ajia Kenkyu (Kyoto University), 2006, 44, 2, p. 204222 [Eng. summary p. 204]. 6858. IZUMIDA (Hideo). Kaiiki-Ajia no kajin-gai: Imin to shokumin ni yoru toshi-keisei. (Chinatowns in maritime Asia: cities formed by settlement). Kyoto, Gakugei Shuppansha, 2006, 245 p. 6859. KIMURA (Masataka). The Federation of Free Farmers and its significance in the history of the Philippine peasant movement. Tonan Ajia Kenkyu, 2006, 44, 1, p. 3-30. 6860. KURASAWA (Aiko). Indoneshia-IsurƗmu no kakusei. (Changing situations of present Indonesian Islamism). Tokyo, Yosensha, 2006, 238 p. 6861. MIZUNO (Shoko). Igirisu-teikoku kara miru kankyǀ-shi: Indo-shihai to shinrin-hogo. (Colonial environmentalism of the British Empire: the government of India and the conservation of the forest). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 226 p. 6862. SAKURAI (Yumio). Betonamu shokynj-gassakusha no keisei: Kǀga-deruta ichi shǀson Bakkukokku no ǀraru hisutorƯ 19591962. (The low level agricultural cooperative in Bach Coc village in Vietnam, 1959 1962: an oral historical research on a village in the Red River Delta). Shigaku Zasshi, 2006, 115, 12, p. 1-38 [Eng. summary p. 140-141]. 6863. State (The) in India. Past and present. Ed. by Masaaki KIMURA and Akio TANABE. New Delhi, Oxford U. P., 2006, 325 p. 6864. YAMAMOTO (Hiroyuki). Datsu-shokuminchi-ka to nashonarizumu: Eiryǀ kita Boruneo ni okeru minzoku keisei. (Decolonization and nationalism: the creation of nations in British North Borneo). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2006, 372 p. Cf. no 5459 § 4. China. _______________________
6865. AVERILL (Stephen C.). Revolution in the highlands: China's Jinggangshan base area. Foreword by
4. CHINA Joseph W. ESHERICK and Elizabeth J. PERRY. Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2006, XXXI-451 p. (State and society in East Asia series). 6866. BROWN (Kerry). The purge of the Inner Mongolian People's Party in the Chinese cultural revolution, 19671969: a function of language, power and violence. Folkestone, Global Oriental, 2006, XIII-162 p. 6867. CAI (Guilin). Dongfang jiyu: Zhongguo Youtairen qiannian lishi jiemi. (One thousand years history of Chinese Jews). Beijing, Wenhua yishu chubanshe, 2006, 2, 291 p. 6868. CAI (Yunhui). Zhanzheng yu jindai Zhongguo shuailuo chengshi yanjiu. (War and declined cities in modern China). Beijing, Shehui kexue chubanshe, 2006, 2, 3, 4, 5, 318 p. 6869. CAO (Shuji). Shuyi: zhanzheng yu heping: Zhongguo de huanjing yu shehui bianqian 12301960. (Plague: war and peace. Environment and social change in China 12301960). Jinan, Shandong huabao chubanshe, 2006, 5, 466 p. 6870. CAO (Zengyou). Jidujiao yu Ming Qing ji Zhongguo shehui: Zhong Xi wenhua de tiaoshi yu chongzhuang. (Christianity and Chinese society in Ming and Qing times: Sino-Western cultural adaptation and collision). Beijing, Zuojia chubanshe, 2006, 4, 2, 301 p. 6871. CHA (Shaoying). Dizhenxue yu xiandai kaoguxue zhizhi zai Zhongguo de chuanbo. (The spread of geology and modern archeological knowledge in China). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 4, p. 90-104. 6872. CHEN (Dengwu). Cong renjiashi dao youmingjie: Tangdai de fazhi, shehui yu guojia. (Tang legal system, society and state). Taibei, Wunan tushu chubanshe, 2006, VII-IV-393 p. 6873. CHEN (Haitao), LIU (Huiqin). Lai zi wenming shizilukoou de minzu: Tangdai ru Hua Suteren yanjiu. (The people from the civilization crossroads: Sogdians in Tang China). Beijing, Shangwu yinshu guan, 2006, 3, 18, 454 p. 6874. CHEN (Huixin). Chuantong geren, jiating, hunyin yu guojia: Zhongguo fazhi shi de yanjiu yu fangfa. (Individual, family, marriage and the State in tradition: studies in the history of the Chinese legal system). Taibei, Wunan tushi chubanshe, 2006, V-II-14, 354 p. 6875. CHEN (Jiang). Mingdai zhonghouqi de Jiangnan shehui yu shehui shenghuo. (Jiangnan society and social life in mid-late Ming). Shanghai, Shanghai shehui kexueyuan chubanshe, 2006, 5, 10, 405 p. 6876. CHEN (Shiwei). Chaoxian zhanzheng shiqi weirao xiyinzhan wenti de sanchang guoji zhengzhi dongyuan – jiyu Zhong Ying liang guo dang'an de jiedu. (Three international political mobilizations about germ warfare during the Korean war – An interpretation of Chinese and British archives). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 6, p. 115 -137. 6877. CHEN (Xulu). Jindai Zhongguo shehui de xinchen daixie. (The transition from old to new in
modern Chinese society). Shanghai, Shanghai shehui kexue chubanshe, 2006, 5, 5, 428 p. 6878. CHIBA (Masashi). Kindai kǀtsnj taikei to Shin teikoku no henbǀ: Denshin tetsudǀ nettowa-ku no keisei to Chnjgoku kokka togǀ no henyǀ. (Modern traffic systems and the transformation of the Qing Empire: formation of telegraph and railway network and transformation of Chinese national integration). Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha, 2006, 428 p. IDEM. Shinmatsu ni okeru denso/denki yushi sƝdo no sƝritsu: Shin-cho seiji taisƝ heno denki tsnjshin donyu wo megutte. (The formation of the system of telegraphic imperial edicts and memorials in the late Qing: on the introduction of telegraphic communications in the Qing political system). Toyoshi Kenkyu, 2006, 64, 4, p. 73102 [Eng. summary p. 46-47]. 6879. Chine (La). Prémices d'une nouvelle histoire. Présentation de Jaques POLONI SIMMARD. Introduction de Angela KI CHE LEUNG. Annales, 2006, 61, 6, p. 1249-1478. [SO (Billy K. L.). Logiques de marché. Espace et institutions. FAURE (David). La solution lignagère. JIANHUA (Chang). Sacrifice aux ancêtres, structuration, des lignages et protection de l'ordre social dans la chine de Ming. NAP-YIN (Lau). Droit et famille en Chine à l'époque des Song (9601279). ELLIOTT (Mark C.). La Chine moderne]. 6880. CUI (Wenxiao). Ming Qing zhiji Xinbanya Fangjihui zai Hua chuanjiao yanjiu (15791732). (Researches on the Spanish Franciscan missions in China between the Ming and the Qing dynasties). Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2006, 3, 13, 514 p. 6881. CUI (Zhihai). Haijun dachen Cai Xun fang Mei yu Zhong Mei haijun hezuo jihua. (The visit of the great admiral Cai Xun to the United States and the plan for Sino-American naval cooperation). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 3, p. 92-105. 6882. CUNRUI XIONG (Victor). Emperor Yang of the Sui dynasty: his life, times, and legacy. Albany, State University of New York, 2006, XIII-357 p. (SUNY Series in Chinese philosophy and culture). 6883. DIKÖTTER (Frank). Exotic commodities: modern objects and everyday life in China. New York, Columbia U. P., 2006, XV-382 p. 6884. DU (Xuncheng). Jindai Shanghai qianye xiguan fa chutan. (Customary law in the traditional native bank industry in pre-1949 Shanghai: a preliminary exploration). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 1, p. 65-78. 6885. DUAN (Yu). Baren laiyuan de chuanshuo yu shishi. (The origins of the ancient Ba people: folklore and historical facts). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 6, p. 3-18. 6886. GASSMANN (Robert H.). Verwandtschaft und Gesellschaft im alten China. Begriffe, Strukturen und Prozesse. Bern, Berlin u. Bruxelles, Lang, 2006, 593 p. (Welten Ostasiens, 11). 6887. GIERSCH (C. Patterson). Asian borderlands: the transformation of Qing China's Yunnan frontier. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, XVI-308 p.
6888. GUAN (Jie). Riben yu Zhongguo jindai lishi shijian. (The historical events in the modern history of Japanese-Chinese relations). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2006, 3, 14, 891 p. 6889. GUAN (Xiaohong). Cong mufu dao zhiguan: Qingji waiguanzhi gaige zhong de muzhi fenke zhishi. (From mufu to zhiguan: function-based division of local governments in the late Qing). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 5, p. 88-103. 6890. HALPERIN (Mark). Out of the cloister: literati perspectives on Buddhism in Sung China, 960–1279. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, VI-364 p. (Harvard East Asia monographs, 272). 6891. HAN (Maoli). Jindai Shan Shen diqu dili huanjing yu shuiquan baozhang guanxi. (The geography of Shanxi and Shenxi and the system of protecting water rights in modern times). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 1, p. 40-54. 6892. HE (Xiaolin). Xiyi dongjian yu wenhua tiaoshi. (Western medicine's flow into the East and its cultural transfer). Shanghai. Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2006, 4, 3, 349 p. 6893. HE (Youliang). Mao Zedong yu Hongjun Gan Xiang jin jun. (Mao Zedong and Red Army's advance in Jiangxi and Hunan). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 4, p. 2948. 6894. HE (Zhaohui). Mingdai xianzheng yanjiu. (Studies on county government in Ming times). Beijing, Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2006, 3, 3, 309 p. 6895. HE (Zhongli). Keju yu Songdai shehui. (Civil service examination and Song society). Beijing, Shangwu yinshuguan, 2006, 2, 12, 648 p. 6896. HONG (Jiulai). Kuanrong yu lixing. "Dongfang zazhi" de gonggong yulun yanjiu 19041932. (Public opinion in the "Eastern Review"). Shanghai, Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2006, 1, 19, 2, 367 p. 6897. HONG (Shinian), LIU (Zhaomin). Zhongguo qixiang shi. Jindai qian. (History of climate in China. Pre-modern era). Beijing, Zhongguo kexue jishu chubanshe, 2006, VI-264 p. 6898. HORIUCHI (Junichi). Uma to kankitsu: Nambokuchǀkan no gaikoshisetsu to keizai kǀrynj. (Horse and citrus: diplomats and economical exchange during the northern and southern dynasties). Toyo Gakuho, 2006, 88, 1, p. 1-27. 6899. HU (Liuyuan), FENG (Zhuohui). Xia, Shang, Xi Zhou fazhi shi. (History of the legal system in the Xia, Shang and Western Zhou dynasties). Beijing, Shangwu yinshuguan, 5, 9, 3, 606 p. 6900. HU (Yingyi). Shuijing yu beifang xiangcun shehui – Jiyu Shanxi, Shenxi, Henan sheng bufen diqu xiangcun shuijing de tianye kaocha. (Water wells and northern rural society: based on field research on rural water wells in some areas of Shanxi, Shenxi and Henan provinces). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 1, p. 55-78.
6901. HU (Zhaoxi). Sichuan shuyuan shi. (History of academies in Sichuan). Chengdu, Sichuan daxue chubanshe, 2006, 6, 391 p. 6902. HUANG (Daoxuan). Chong si Fujian shibian Zhonggong yingdui fangzhen. (A re-analysis of the Chinese Communist Party's response to the Fujian incident). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 4, 49-63. IDEM. Zhongyang suqu diwuci fan "weidao" junshi celüe kaocha – yi Guangchang zhanyi wei zhongxin. (An examination of the central soviet area's military strategy in the fifth countersiege – a case study in the Guangchang battle). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 2, p. 3-22. 6903. HUANG (Kuanzhong). Songdai de jiazu yu shehui. (Clans and society in Song times). Taibei, Dongta tushu gongsi, 2006, 7, 301 p. 6904. HUANG (Kun). Cong baodong dao xiangcun geju 19271929. Zhongguo Gongchandang geming geju di shi zenyang jianli qilai de. (From rebellion to rural basis 19271929. The origins of the revolutionary basis of the Chinese Communist Party). Shanghai, Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2006, 4, 7, 4, 233 p. 6905. HUANG (Ronghua). Nongcun diquan 19491983. Yi Hubei sheng Xinzhou xian wei (Studies on rural property rights 19491983: province, Xinzhou district). Shanghai, Shanghai kexueyuan chubanshe, 2006, 3, 7, 4, 259 p.
yanjiu ge an. Hubei shehui
6906. HUANG (Xingtao). Wan Qing Min chu xiandai "wenming" he "wenhua" gainian de xingcheng ji qi lishi shijian. (The formation of the modern concepts of "civilization" and "culture" and the historical practive in late Qing and early Republic). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 6, p. 1-34. 6907. IKEDA (Norimasa). 7sƝki shotǀ made no Tokketsu no sƝkyoku: shoshuchǀ to sono shobu no bunseki wo tǀshite. (The political situation of the Tujue until the beginning of the 7th century: an analysis of the chiefs and their districts). Kiyo, 2006, 149, p. 338-368 [Eng. summary]. 6908. ISHIKAWA (Yoshihiro). Shigo no Sombun: Isho to kinenshnj. (Sun Wen after death: his will and the memorial week). Toho Gakuho, 2006, 79, p. 1-62. 6909. Jiangnan shehui jingji yanjiu. (Studies on society and economy in Jiangnan). Ed. by Jimin FAN. Beijing, Zhongguo nongye chubanshe, 2006, 3 vol., 1275 p. 6910. JIN (Binghao). Zhongguo gongchandang minzu zhengce fazhan shi. (History of the Chinese Communist Party's policies towards national minorities). Beijing, Zhongyang minzu daxue chubanshe, 2006, 7, 4, 383 p. 6911. JIN (Chongji). Jiao liang: Dongbei jiefang zhanzheng de zuichu jieduan. (The initial phase in the war for liberation of Manchuria). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 4, p. 1-28. 6912. JIN (Yilin). Jiang Jieshi de dier ci xiaye yu zai qi. (Chiang Kai-shek's resignation as the chairman of
4. CHINA the Nationalist government and his return to power). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 2, p. 23-40. 6913. KANEKO (Shuichi). Chnjgoku kodai kǀtei saishi no kenkynj. (Studies in imperial ceremonies of ancient China). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 595 p. 6914. KATAYAMA (Tsuyoshi). Chnjgokushi ni okeru Mindai Shukǀ Derutashi no ichi. (Significance of the history of Ming Pearl River Delta in the Chinese history: appearance of "Han" and its historical meaning). Kiyo, 2006, 46, p. 37-64. 6915. KIM (Donggil). Zhongguo renmin jiafangjun de Chaoxian shi hui Chaoxian wenti xintan. (Some new insights into the return of ethnic Korean divisions in the People's Liberation Army in North Korea). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 6, p. 103-114. 6916. LI (Deying). Guojia faling yu minjian xiguan. Minguo shiqi Chengdu pingyuan zudian zhidu xin tan. (State decrees and popular customs. A study of land tenure in the Chengdu plain during the Republican period). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2006, 2, 2, 2, 328 p. 6917. LI (Guofang). Jianguo qianxi Zhonggong chuangjian Shijiazhuang minzhong canzheng jigou de shijian. (The Chinese Communist Party's implementation of organs for mass participation in political affairs in Shijiazhuang before the establishment of the People's Republic of China). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 5, p. 27-44. 6918. LI (Huazi). Qingchao yu Chaoxian guanxi shi yanjiu: y Yuejing jiaoshe wei zhongxi. (History of the relations between Qing China and Korea). Yanji, Yanbian daxue chubanshe, 2006, 3, 3, 278 p. 6919. LI (Jinzheng). Geming zhengce yu chuantong zhiyue. Zhonggong minjia jiedai zhengce xin jie. (Revolutionary strategies and the constraints of tradition: a new interpretation of Chinese Communist Party's policies concerning informal credit). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 3, p. 118-132. 6920. LI (Xiangmin). Zhongguo wenhua chanye shi. (History of cultural industries in China). Changsha, Hunan wenyi chubanshe, 2006, 387 p. 6921. LI (Zhenhong). Lishi yu sixiang. (History and ideology). Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2006, 2, 4, 574 p. 6922. LIANG (Bo). Jishu yu diguozhuyi yanjiu: Riben zai Zhonnguo de zhimin keyan jigou. (Technology and imperialism: Japanese colonial research institutions in China). Jinan, Shandong jiaoyu chubanshe, 2006, 3, 3, 345 p. 6923. LIPKIN (Zwia). Useless to the state: "social problems" and social engineering in nationalist Nanjing, 1927–1937. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, XII420 p. (Harvard East Asian monographs, 259). 6924. LIU (Anzhi), CHEN (Guocan). Tangdai Anxi duhu zhengfu dui Kuci de zheli (The Anxi Protectorate in the Tang dynasty: the governance in Kucha). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 1, p. 34-48.
6925. LIU (Lexian). Chu Qing xuanze shu de yitong ji yingxiang – yi chutu wenxian wei zhongxin. (A discussion on soothsaying in the Qin and the Chu and its influence). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 6, p. 19-31. 6926. LIU (Zhiwei). Cong xianghao lishi dao shire jiyi – you Huang Zuo "Zishu zianshi xingzhuang" kan Mingdai difang shili de zhuanbian. (From the history of local artistocrats to the memoirs of scholar-officials: the shift of local power in the Ming dynasty as seen from "A memoir of my forefathers" by Huang Zuo). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 6, p. 49-69. 6927. LU (Ping). De xiansheng he Sai xiansheng zhiwai guanhuai – come miu gunian de tichu kan Xin Wenhua yundong shiqi daode geming de zouxiang. (Beyond Mr. Democracy and Mr. Science: the introduction of miss Moral and the trend of moral revolution in the New Culture movement). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 1, p. 79-85. 6928. LÜ (Wenyu). Zhoudai de caiyi zhidu. (The fief system in Zhou dynasty). Beijing, Shehui kexue chubanshe, 2006, 5, 6, 4, 4, 10, 309 p. 6929. LUO (Min). Cong duili zouxiang jiaoshe: Fujian shibian qianhou de Xinan yu zhongyang. (From confrontation to negotiation: the South-West organization and the central government before and after the Fujian incident). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 2, p. 41-61. 6930. LUO (Pinghan). Cunmin zizhi shi. (History of self-government in villages). Fuzhou, Fujian renmin chubanshe, 2006, 2, 341 p. IDEM. Tientang shiyan: renmin gongshehua yundong shimo. (History of the movement for Chinese people's communes). Beijing, Zhonggong zhongyang dangxiao chubanshe, 2006, 267 p. 6931. LUO (Xiang). Zhonghua xingfa fadashi: yeman dao wenming shanbian. (The history of penal law in China). Beijing, Zhongguo fazhi chubanshe, 2006, 2, 228 p. 6932. LUO (Xin). Lun Tuoba Xianbei zhi deming. (The origin of the name of the Tuoba Xianbei). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 6, p. 32-48. 6933. LUO (Zhitian). "Liuge yue leguan" de huanmie: Wusi qianxi shiren xintai yu zhengce. (Disillusionment after "six months of optimism": the psychology and politics of the literati before the May Fourth movement). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 4, p. 105-124. IDEM. Dui gonghe zhiti de shiwang: Liang Ji zhi si. (Disappointment with the Republican system: the death of Liang Ji). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 5, p. 1-10. 6934. MA (Junya). Gongyehua yu tubuye: Jiangsu jindai nongjia jingji piego de diquxing yanbian. (Industralization and homespun cloth: the regionale transformation of rural household economy structures in modern Jiangsu). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 3, p. 98-117. 6935. MAC FARQUHAR (Roderick), SCHOENHALS (Michael). Mao's last Revolution. Cambridge, Harvard U. P., 2006, XIII-693 p.
6936. MAO (Haijian). Wuxu bianfa qijian de baoju. (Recommendation of officials during the 1898 reform movement). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 6, p. 70-102. 6937. MARUHASHI (Mitsuhiro). Iwanami akademikku sǀ-sho: Tǀdai hokuhen zaisei no kenkynj. (Studies of the financial administration on the northern frontiers in Tang China). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 222 p. 6938. MATSUDA (Yasuhiro). Taiwan ni okeru ittǀ dokusai taisei no seiritsu. (The birth of one-party dictatorship in Taiwan). Tokyo, Keio U. P., 2006, 414 p. 6939. MATSUMOTO (Yasunobu). Tǀ ǀcho no kynjjyǀ to gozen kaigi: Tǀdai chǀsei seido no tenkai. (The palace and the court: the development of the imperial audience system under the Tang dynasty). Kyoto, Koyosha, 2006, 362 p. 6940. MATSUURA (Shigeru). Shin-cho no Amnjru sƝsaku to shǀsnj minzoku. (Qing policy towards the Amur district and minorities). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2006, 530 p. 6941. MISAKI (Yoshiaki). Goko jynjrokkoku no kisoteki kenkynj. [Fundamental studies of Sixteen Kingdoms of non-Han people(Wu-hu shi-liu guo)]. Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2006, 280 p. 6942. MO (Zhibin). Hu Xiang wenhua yu jindai Zhongguo. (Hunan culture and modern China). Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2006, 2, 411 p. 6943. MOMIYAMA (Akira). Chnjgoku kodai soshǀ sƝdo no kenkynj. (The administration of justice in ancient China). Kyoto, Kyoto U. P., 2006, 342 p. 6944. MOTONO (Eiichi). Kokumin kakumei zenya no Chnj-Ei keizaikankei ni kansuru ichi kǀsatsu: Futatsu no mikan no gǀben jigyǀ kiroku wo chnjshinni. (Examination of Chinese-British economical relationship on the eve of the national revolution: Case studies of two unfinished amalgamations). Toyo Gakuho, 2006, 88, 2, p. 101-127. 6945. MURDOCK (Michael G.). Disarming the allies of imperialism: agitation, manipulation, and the state during China's Nationalist Revolution, 1922–1929. Ithaca, East Asia Program, Cornell University, 2006, XII-348 p. (Cornell East Asia series). 6946. NAKAJIMA (Gakusho). Shindai Kishnj no sanrin keiei, funsǀ, shuzoku keisei: Kimon ryo shi monjyo no kenkynj. (Forest management, conflicts and clansman in Hui-chou, Qing dynasty: studies of the Ling family papers in Keemun). Shakai Keizai Shigaku, 2006, 72, 1, p. 3-25. 6947. NAKAMURA (Keiji). Rikuchǀ Kǀnan chiikishi kenkynj. (The study of regional history of Jiangnan in the Six Dynasties period). Tokyo, Kyuko Shoin, 2006, 631 p. 6948. Nanjing guomin zhengfu waizhai yu guanliao ziben. (External debts and bureaucratic capitals of the Nanjing national government). Ed. by Yi XU. Beijing, Jingji kexue chubanshe, 2006, 496 p.
6949. NI (Xingxiang), LU (Miqiang). Cijian cengzhu xingxing huo: Zhonggong chuangjian ji Zhonggong zhongyang zai Shanghai. (The birth of the Chinese Communist Party and the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party in Shanghai). Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2006, 1, 229 p. 6950. PAN (Guangzhe). Huashengdun zai Zhongguo: zhizuo "guofu". (Washington in China. Constructing the "father of the nation"). Taibei, Sanmin zhuyi, 2006, 2, 194 p. 6951. PAN (Tat'jana A.). Man'chzhurskie pis'mennye pamjatniki po istorii i kul'ture imperii Tsin XVII–XVIII vv. (Manchurian written evidence for the history and culture of the Qing Empire). RAN, In-t vostokovedenija, Sankt-Peterburgskij f-l. Sankt-Peterburg, Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie, 2006, 226 p. (ill.; tabl.; facs.; bibl. p. 177-195; pers. ind. p. 196-199). (Orientalia). [English summary]. 6952. PENG (Yushang). Guo guo dong qian kao. (An examination of the eastward movemento of the state of Guo), Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 5, p. 12-22. 6953. PONDOPULO (Gleb K.). Drevnij Kitaj: Formirovanie kul'turnoj traditsii. (Ancient China: the formation of the cultural tradition). Moskva, VGIK, 2006, 192 p. (ill.; tabl.; bibl. p. 174-176). 6954. Power, politics, and the reinvention of tradition: Tibet in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Ed. by Bryan J. CUEVAS and Kurtis R. SCHAEFFER. Leiden, Brill, 2006, VI-215 p. (Brill's Tibetan studies library, 10/3). 6955. Qingdai Guangzhou shisan hangji lüe. (A chronicle of the Hong merchants in Canton during the Qing dynasty). Ed. by Guorong LI and Weisen LIN. Guangzhou, Guangdong renmin chubanshe, 2006, 6, 154 p. 6956. QU (Jie). Zhixian yu difang shishen de hezuo yu chongtu – yi Tongzhi nianjian de Guangdong shen Guangning xian wei lie. (Cooperation and confrontation between the magistrate adn local gentry: the case of Guangning county in Guangdong during the Tonzhi period). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 1, p. 20-39. 6957. Riben dui Hua qinlüe yu zhimin tongzhi. (Japanese invasion and colonial rule of China). Ed. by Jie GUAN. Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2006, 2 vol., [s. p.]. 6958. Riwei shiqi de zhimindi keyan yanjiu: lishi yu wenxian. (Colonial scientific institutions during the Japanese occupation and puppet government: history and literature). Ed. by Jianping HAN, Xingsui CAO and Liwei WU. Jinan, Shandong jiaoyu chubanshe, 2006, 3, 2, 468 p. 6959. SANG (Bing). "Xing ya hui" yu Wuxu gengzi jian de Zhong Ri minjian jiemeng. (The Society of rejuvenating Asia and Sino-Japanese non-governmental alliances 18981900). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 3, p. 4153.
6960. SETOBAYASHI (Masataka). Shinmatsumin hatsu Yǀsukǀ chnjjyǀrynjiki ni okeru menka rynjtsnj. (Cotton distribution in the Yangtze Valley during the late Qing and early Republic eras). Shakai Keizai Sigaku, 2006, 71, 6, p. 3-24.
6973. WANG (Rigen). Ming Qing haijiang zhengce yu Zhongguo shehui fazhan. (Maritime borders policies in Ming and Qing period and the development of Chinese society). Fuzhou, Fujian renmin chubanshe, 2006, 2, 2, 515 p.
6961. SHIN (Leo K.). The making of the Chinese state: ethnicity and expansion on the Ming borderlands. New York, Cambridge U. P., 2006, XXI-246 p.
6974. WANG (Weihai). Zhongguo huji zhidu: lishi yu zhengzhi de fenxi. (The Chinese population registration system: a hisorical and political analysis). Shanghai, Shanghai wenhua chubanshe, 2006, 6, 325 p.
6962. SONG (Shiyun). Zhongguo nongcun shehui baozhan zhidu jiegou yu bianqian 19492002. (The structure of social security in Chinese rural society and its change). Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2006, 302 p. 6963. TAKAMURA (Takeyuki). Zen-Kan kasei chiiki no shakai: henkyo bouei soshiki tono kakawari wo chnjshin ni. (Hexi society during the former Han: focusing on links with the organization of frontier defence). Shigaku Zasshi, 2006, 115, 3, p. 1-34 [Eng. summary p. 157-158]. 6964. TOYOOKA (Yasufumi). Shinnchǀ chnjki no kaizokumondai to Tai Annan seisaku. (The Qing Dynasty's Attitude toward "Annamese" Pirates, 1789 1802). Shigaku Zasshi, 2006, 115, 4, p. 44-68. 6965. UEDA (Hiroyuki). Shindai Kenrynj shonen no kǀnan ni okeru senki no hassei to Shinchǀ seifu no taiǀ. (Birth of copper cash in Jiangnan during the reign of Emperor Chien Lung and the reaction of Qing Dynasty). Toyo Gakuho, 2006, 87, 4, p. 61-90. 6966. WALEY-COHEN (Joanna). The culture of war in China. Empire and the military under the Qing dynasty. London a. New York, Tauris, 2006, XIII-160 p. 6967. WANG (Chaoguang). Yingyi de zhengzhi: yijiusanling niandai zhongqi Zhongyang dianying jiancha weiyuanhui yanjiu. (The politics of filmaking: an investigation of the Central film censorship committee in the mid-1930s). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 2, p. 62-78. 6968. WANG (Chunlai). Henan Youtai ren. (Henan Jewish Ghetto). Beijing, Zhongguo wenlian chubanshe, 2006, 254 p. 6969. WANG (Jianhui). Chuban yu jindai wenming. (Publishing and modern civilization). Kaifeng, Henan daxue chubanshe, 2006, 2, 8, 448 p. 6970. WANG (Lanping). Jindai Zhongguo zhuzuo quanfa de chengzhang 19031910. (The making of copyright in modern China). Beijing, Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2006, 9, 4, 265 p. 6971. WANG (Peihuan). Yige dengshang longting de minzu: Manzu shehui yu gongting. (Manchu society and court). Shenyang, Liaoning minzu chubanshe, 2006, 2, 405 p. 6972. WANG (Qisheng). Zhanshi daxue xiaoyuan zhong de Guomindang; yi Xinan Lianda wei zhongxin. (The Nationalist Party on wartime campus: a study focused on the National Southwest Associated University). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 4, p. 125-147.
6975. WANG (Xiangrong). Gudai Zhongguo ren de Riben guan. (Ancient Chinese's perspective on Japan). Shanghai, Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2006, 5, 2, 153 p. 6976. WANG (Yuesheng). Minguo shiqi hunyin xingwei yanjiu – yi wupu changbiao shujuku wei jichu de fenxi. (A study of marriage practices in Republican China: an analysis based on the fifth population census). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 2, p. 26-44. IDEM. Shehui biange yu hunyin jiating biandong: 20 shiji 3090 niandai de Jinan nongcun. (Social change and transformation of marriage and families: the countryside in south Hebei 19301990). Beijing, Shenghuo, dushu, xinzhi sanlian shudian, 2006, XII-491 p. 6977. WANG (Yun). Ming Qing Shandong yunhe quyu shehui bianqian. (Social change in the canal region in Shandong). Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 2006, 4, 3, 7, 368 p. 6978. WANG (Zhangwei). Wenming shijie de mofashi: Songdai de wuxi yu wushu. (Withcraft in Song China). Taibei, Sanmin shuju youxian gongsi, 2006, 3, 180 p. 6979. WEATHERLEY (Robert). Politics in China since 1949: legitimizing authoritarian rule. London, Routledge, 2006, 201 p. (Routledge contemporary China series, 11). 6980. WEI (Bin). Tangdai she shu neirong fr kuozhan yu da she zhinemg de bianhua. (Functional transformation of the general amnesty in the Tang dynasty: with a focus on the extension of the content of the amnesty). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 4, p. 21-35. 6981. WEN (Liming). Kang Ri zhanzheng shiqi xianzheng yundong ruogan wenti de zai yanjiu. (A reesamination of several issues concerning the constitutional government movement during the resistance war). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 5, p. 11-26. 6982. WU (Songdi). Nan Song yimin yu Lin'an wenhua. (Immigrants and culture in Lin'an in the Southern Song). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 5, p. 35-50. 6983. WU (Tao). Ming Qing Jiangnan jiceng quhua de chuantong yu shizhe bianqian – yi Suzhou diqu wei zhongxin kaocha. (Demarcation of grassroots districts and the evolution of cities and towns in the Jiangnan area during the Ming and Qing dynasties: the case of Suzhou). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 5, p. 51-71. 6984. WU (Yixiong). Yapian zhanzheng qian Yingguo zia Hua zhiwai fatua de yuniang yu changshi. (The development and early practice of British extraterritori-
ality in China before the Opium war). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 4, p. 70-89. 6985. WU (Zhou). Zhongguo jinü wenhua shi. (A cultural history of prostitution in China). Shanghai, Dongfang chubanshe, 2006, 3, 491 p. 6986. XIN (Deyong). Zhangjiashan hanjian suoshi Hanchu Xibei yubianjing jiesi. (A study of NorthWestern borders regions in the early Han as shown in the Zhangjiashan bamboo slips). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 1, p. 15-33. 6987. Xingbie yu lishi: jindai Zhongguo funü yu Jidujiao. (Gender and history: modern Chinese women and Christianity). Ed. by Feiya TAO. Shanghai, Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2006, 2, 18, 437 p. 6988. XIONG (Xianjun). Zhongguo nüzi jiaoyu shi. (History of female education in China). Taiyuan, Shanxi jiaoyu chubanshe, 2006, 3, 7, 348 p. 6989. XIONG (Zhiyong). Bainian Zhong Mei guanxi. (One hundred years of Sino-American relations). Beijing, Shijie zhishi chubanshe, 2006, 13, 467 p. 6990. XU (Junji). Zhongguo guanggao shi. (History of advertising in China). Beijing, Zhongguo chuanmei daxue chubanshe, 2006, 4, 3, 5, 315 p. 6991. XU (Yin). Shendi de cuihua: Tang Song Dunhuang shecha bianqian yanjiu. (Notes on the changes in the She ceremony in Dunhuang during Tang and Song). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 3, p. 59-73. 6992. XU (Zhaochang). Xian Qin shiguan de zhidu yu wenhua. (The organization and culture of official historians in pre-Qig China). Harbin, Heilongjian renmin chubanshe, 2006, 3, 5, 3, 371 p.
(An analysis of "diao" in the Wu state bamboo slips documents unearthed at Zoumalou, Changha). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 3, p. 39-58. 7000. YANG (Kuisong). Jianguo qianzhou Zhongguo gongchandang dui zichan jieji zhengce de yanbian. (The evolution of the Chinese Communist Party toward the bourgeoisie before and after the establishment of the People's Republic of China). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 2, p. 1-25. 7001. YANG (Tianhong). Zhanzheng yu shehui zhuanxing zhongde Zhongguo zhidu jiaohui – Zhonghua jidu jiaohui quanguo zonghui bianjiang fuwu yanjiu. (China's Christian church in war and social transformation: a study of the frontier service of the General Union of Church of Christ in China). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 6, p. 35-57. 7002. YANG (Yanhua). Zhong Fa guanxi shi. (History of Chinese-French relations). Shanghai, Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2006, 2, 4, 307 p. 7003. YANG (Zaijun). Wan Qing gongsi yu gongsi zhili. (Corporations and corporate governance in late Qing). Beijing, Shangwu yinshuguan, 2006, 5, 309 p. 7004. YAO (Chun'an). Shehuixue zai jindai Zhongguo de jincheng 18951919. (The development of sociology in modern China). Beijing, Shenghuo, dushi, xinzhi sanlian chubanshe, 2006, 22, 3, 413 p. 7005. YE (Yangbing). Zhongguo nongye hezuohua yundong yanjiu. (Studies on the rural cooperativization movement in China). Shanghai, Zhishi chanquan chubanshe, 2006, 2, 4, 5, 2, 812 p.
6993. XU (Zhongming). Anli, gushi yu Ming Qing shiqi de sifa wenhua. (Legal culture in Ming and Qing period). Beijing, Falü chubanshe, 2006, 2, 24, 454 p.
7006. YI (Jicang). Maiban yu Shanghai jinrong jindaihua. (The compradores and the modernization of Shanghai finance). Beijing, Zhishi chanquan chubanshe, 2006, 6, 6, 4, 277 p.
6994. XUE (Jing). Wei Jin NanBei chao xingfa tizhi yanjiu. (The administration of criminal law during the Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties). Fuzhou, Fujian renmin chubanshe, 2006, 3, 2, 315 p.
7007. YONGMING (Zhou). Historicizing online politics: telegraphy, the internet, and political participation in China. Stanford, Stanford U. P., 2006, XI-290 p.
6995. YANG (Chijun). Weida de shibai yingxiong: Zhang Jian yu Nantong quyu zaoqi xiandaihua yanjiu. (Great and failed hero: Zhang Jian and Nantong's early modernization). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2006, 2, 16, 1, 2, 271 p. 6996. YANG (Chuang). Bainian Zhong E guanxi. (One hundred years in Chinese-Russian relations). Beijing, Shijie zhishi chubanshe, 2006, 17, 512 p. 6997. YANG (Enhong). Zangzi funü koushu shi. (An oral history of Tibetan women). Beijing, Zhongguo zangxue chubanshe, 2006, 6, 309 p. 6998. YANG (Haiying). Hong Chengzhou yu Ming Qing dai yanjiu. (Hong Chengzhou yu Ming Qing times). Beijing, Shangwu yinshuguan, 2006, 3, 11, 9, 472 p. 6999. YANG (Jiping). Si Changha Zoumalou sanuo Wu jian zhonde "diao" – jian tan hudiao zhi de qiyuan.
7008. YU (Sanle). Zhongxi wenhua jiaoliu de lishi jianzheng. Mingmo Qingchu Beijing Tianzhu jiaotang. (Historical evidences of Sino-Western cultural exchanges: Catholic churches in late Ming early Qing Beijing). Guangzhou, Guangdong renmin chubanshe, 2006, 8, 5, 368 p. 7009. ZHANG (Chongwang). Ming Qing shiqi Jiang Huai diqu de ziran zaihai yu shehui jingji. (Natural disaster, society and economy in Anhui and Jiangsu in Ming Qing times). Fuzhou, Fujian renmin chubanshe, 2006, 2, 5, 651 p. 7010. ZHANG (Jihai). Handai chengshi shehui. (Urban society in Han China). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2006, 4, 2, 2, 2, 3, 381 p. 7011. ZHANG (Jinhua). Song shi yu Songdai shangye. (Song poetry and trade in Song times). Shijiazhuang, Hebei jiaoyu chubanshe, 2006, 2, 2, 354 p.
4. CHINA 7012. ZHANG (Jun). Ming Qing Jinshang yu chuantong falü wenhua. (Shanxi merchants in Ming and Qing period and traditional legal culture). Beijing, Falü chubanshe, 2006, 2, 2, 5, 245 p. 7013. ZHANG (Lili). Bainian Zhong Ri guanxi. (One hundred years in Chinese-Japanese relations). Beijing, Shijie zhishi chubanshe, 2006, 15, 588 p. 7014. ZHANG (Mingjin). Mingguo shiqi zhanzheng da cankao. (References about war in the Republican China). Beijing, Jinghua chubanshe, 2006, 3, 4, 419 p. 7015. ZHANG (Rongqiang). Sun Wu jianzhong de huji wenshu (Household registration in the bamboo slip documents of Wu state). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 4, p. 3-20. 7016. ZHANG (Xianqing). Kangxi sanshiyi nian rongjiao zhaoling chutan. (A preliminary discussion of edict of toleration in the thirty-first year of the Kangxi reign in the Qing dynasty). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 5, p. 7287. 7017. ZHANG (Xiping). Zhongxi wenhua de yici duihua: Qingchu chuanjiaoshi yu "Yijing" yanjiu. (Western missionaries and the study of "Yijing" in the early Qing dynasty: a dialogue between Chinese and Western cultures). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 3, p. 74-85. 7018. ZHANG (Xiugui). Zhongguo lishi dimao yu guti yanjiu. (Studies on historical geomorphology and ancient maps of China). Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2006, 6, 4, 6, 621 p. 7019. ZHANG (Xueji). Zhang Xueliang quanzhuan. (Biography of Zhang Xueliang). Beijing, Jingji ribao chubanshe, 2006, 2 vol., 11, 4, 684 p. 7020. ZHANG (Yuhuan). Zhongguo fo ta shi. (History of Chinese stupas). Beijing, Kexue chubanshe, 2006, VI-300 p. 7021. ZHANG (Zhiyong). Hunyin zhidu cong chuangtong dato xiandai de guodu. (Marriage system from tradition to modern times). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2006, 2, 3, 4, 4, 2, 362 p. 7022. ZHAO (Yupei). Liang Han jiating neibu guanxi ji xiangguan wenti yanjiu. (Family relations during the Han). Wuhan, Hubei renmin chubanshe, 2006, 4, 291 p. 7023. ZHONG (Han). Xishou, zhihuan yu zhenghe. Menggu liuzhuan de Beijing jiancheng gushi xingcheng guocheng kaocha. (Borrowing, revising and integrating: how the legent about the building of Beijing took shape among the Mongolians). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 4, p. 36-52. 7024. Zhongguo churu jing jianyan jianyi zhi. (History of commercial products inspection and quarantine in China). Edited by the Office for commercial inspection and quarantine. Beijing, Zhongyang wenxian chubanshe, 2006, 10 vol., [s. p.]. 7025. Zhongguo fushui sixiang shi. (History of taxation ideology in China). Ed. by Wenxue SUN and Zuo LIU. Beijing, Zhongguo caizheng jingji chubanshe, 2006, 2, 2, 5, 745 p.
7026. Zhongguo jingcheng shi. (A history of Chinese police administration). Ed. by Chuan WAN. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2006, 12, 531 p. 7027. Zhongguo youer jiaoyu shi. (History of preschool education in China). Ed. by Qifa LIAO. Taiyuan, Shanxi jiaoyu chubanshe, 2006, 3, 4, 3, 352 p. 7028. Zhongguo yu Chaoxian bandao guanxi shilun. (Historical essays on the relations between China and the Korean peninsula). Ed. by Jun YANG and Qiubin WANG. Beijing, Shehui kexue chubanshe, 2006, 3, 3, 298 p. 7029. Zhongguo yu Dong Ya de jiaoyu chuantong. 2. Dong Ya de shuyuan chuantong yu jindai jiaoyu de zhuanzhe. (China and East Asian educational tradition. 2. East Asian academic tradition and modern education). Ed. by Hongqi LI. Taibei, Ximalaya yanjiu fazhan jijinhui, 2006, XLII-548 p. 7030. Zhongguo yu Dongya de jiaoyu chuantong. 1. Zhongguo de jiaoyu yu keju. (China and East Asian educational tradition. 1. Chinese education and examination system). Ed. by Hongqi LI. Taibei, Ximalaya yanjiu fazhan jinhui, 2006, XLII-458 p. 7031. ZHOU (Rong). Ming Qing shehui baozhang zhidu yu liang Hu jiceng shehui. (Ming Qing social security sistem and grassroot society in Hunan and Hubei). Wuchang, Wuhan daxue chubanshe, 2006, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 498 p. 7032. ZHOU (Weiping). Bainian Zhong Yin guanxi. (One hundred years of Chinese-Indian relations). Beijing, Shijie zhishi chubanshe, 2006, 12, 487 p. 7033. ZHOU (Zhenqing). Zhongguo tangye de fazhan yu shehui shenghuo yanjiu. 16 shiji zhongye zhi 20 shiji 30 niandai. (The development of sugar industry and trade and social life in China. From the middle 16th century to 1930s). Shanghai, Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2006, 2, 3, 5, 326 p. 7034. ZHOU (Zhisheng). Shangren yu jindai Zhongguo Xinan bianjiang shehui: yi Dian xibei wei zhongxin. (Merchants and frontier society in modern SouthWestern China: North-western Yunnan as a case). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2006, 9, 4, 283 p. 7035. ZHU (Congbing). Li Hongzhang yu Zhongguo tielu: Zhongguo jindai tielu jianshi shiye de jiannan qibu. (Li Hongzhang and Chinese railways). Beijing, Quyan chubanshe, 2006, 4, 25, 468 p. 7036. ZHU (Fenghan). Zhao Gao, Luo Gao, He Zun yu Cheng Zhou (The Zhao Gao chapter, the Luo Gao cjapter, the He Zun vessel and Cheng zhou). Lishi yanjiu, 2006, 1, p. 3-14. 7037. ZHU (Jian). Luyi Aili zai Zhongguo. (Rewi Alley in China). Beijing, Zhonggong dangshi chubanshe, 2006, 231 p. 7038. ZHU (Lixia), ZHOU (Song). Fojiao yu Xizang gudai shehui. (Buddhism and old Tibetan society). Lanzhou, Gangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, 2006, 3, 5, 256 p.
7039. ZOU (Mulun). Mengduan Shenzhou: 19 shiji qianxi de Zhongguo yu shijie. (China and the world at the eve of the 19th century). Beijing, Zhongguo shehui chubanshe, 2006, 16, 7, 389 p. IDEM. Qiankun zaizao: Zhongguo jindai de xiandaihua jincheng. (The modernization process in modern China). Beijing, Zhongguo shehuichubanshe, 2006, 12, 386 p. 7040. ZUO (Shangwen). Xi'an shibian hou de Nanjing taofapai – yi Dai Jitao, He Yingqin wei zhongxin de zai tantao. (The pro-suppression faction in Nanjing after the Xi'an Incident: a re-examination on Dai Jitao and He Yingqin). Jindai shi yanjiu, 2006, 6, p. 58-69. § 4. Addenda 2005. 7041. DUBOIS (Thomas David). The sacred village: social change and religious life in rural North China. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2005, XII-275 p. 7042. IWAI (Shigeki). Mindai Chnjgoku no reisei haken shugi to higashi Ajia no chitsujo. (Hegemonic ceremonies of the Ming dynasty in international order in East Asia). Toyo Bunka, 2005, 85, p. 121-160. Cf. nos 503, 526, 5815, 6011, 6845, 6849 § 5. Japan (before 1868). _______________________
7043. AKIYAMA (Tetsuo). Hojo-shi kenryoku to toshi Kamakura. (The power of Hojo family and the city of Kamakura). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2006, 354 p. 7044. ARAKI (Toshio). Nihon kodai ouken no kenkynj. (Study of royal authoriry in ancient Japan). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2006, 370 p. 7045. BATTEN (Bruce L.). Gateway to Japan: Hakata in war and peace, 500–1300. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2006, XV-183 p. 7046. Chnjsei no taigai kǀrynj: Ba hito gijutsu (Kǀkogaku to chnjsei-shi kenkynj 3). (Cultural and economic exchanges between Japan and Asia in the Middle Ages: places, people and skill). Ed. by Masatoshi ONO, Fumihiko GOMI and Mitsuo HAGIWARA. Tokyo, Koshi Shoin, 2006, 237 p. (Archaeology and Medieval studies, 3). 7047. FUJIKI (Hisashi). Tsuchi-ikki to shiro no sengoku wo yuku(Asahi sensho 808). (Exploring peasants' riots and castles in the Warring states period). Tokyo, Asahi Shimbunsha Shuppan, 2006, 292 p. (Asahi selected books. 808). 7048. FUJIYOSHI (Masumi). Santendai godaisan ki no kenkynj. (Studies on the record of the trip to Mt. Godai in China by Jojin, 1011?1081). Osaka, Kansaidaigaku Tozai Gakujutsu Kenkyujo, 2006, 565 p. 7049. FUJIZANE (Kumiko). Kinsei shoseki bunka ron: Shiryǀron teki apurǀchi. (Book culture in early modern Japan: approach of source book studies). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2006, 335 p. 7050. FUMA (Susumu). Chǀsen tsnjshinshi ni yoru Nihon kogaku no ninshiki: Chǀsen En kǀshi ni yoru
Shin-cho kangaku no haaku wo shiya ni ire. (The perception of the Japanese school of ancient learning by Korean embassies to Japan: in contrast to the perception of the school of Han learning in the Qing era by Korean embassies to Beijing). Shiso, 2006, 981, p. 4-27. 7051. FURUOYA (Tomohiro). Ritsuryǀ kokka to tennǀ kasan kikǀ. (State and organization of Emperor's patrimony in ancient Japan). Tokyo, Hanawa Shobo, 2006, 408 p. 7052. GOMI (Fumihiko). Chnjsei shakai shiryǀ-ron. (Historical documents related to Medieval Japanese society). Tokyo, Azekura Shobo, 2006, 426 p. 7053. GOREGLJAD (Vladislav N.). Klassicheskaja kul'tura Japonii: Ocherki dukhovnoj zhizni. (The classical culture of Japan: essays on spiritual life). RAN, In-t vostokovedenija, Sankt-Peterburgskij f-l. SanktPeterburg, Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie, 2006, 352 p. (bibl. incl.). (Orientalia). 7054. HAYAMI (Tasuku). Heian bukkyǀ to mappǀ shisǀ. (Buddhism and ideas about the end of the dharma in the Heian era). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2006, 357 p. 7055. HONDA (Takanari). Shizuoka daigaku jinbun gakubu kenkyu sǀsho: Shoki Tokugawa shi no nǀson shihai. (Government of rural villages by early Tokugawa family). Tokyo, Yoshikawa kǀbunkan, 2006, 317 p. (Series of studies in the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Shizuoka University). 7056. Hoppǀ sekai no kǀrynj to henyǀ: Chnjsei no hokutǀ Ajia to Nihon rettǀ. (Exchanges and change of the northern world: Northeast Asia and the Japanese Islands in the Middle Ages). Ed. by Tetsuya AMANO, Toshihiko KIKUCHI and Isao USUKI. Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2006, 216 p. 7057. HOSAKA (Satoshi). Hyakushǀ ikki to gimin no kenkynj. (Studies of peasant uprisings and self-sacrificing people). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2006, 407 p. 7058. IKEDA (On). Nihon-kodaishi wo manabu tame no Kanbun nynjmon. (A handbook for reading classic Chinese to study ancient Japanese history). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2006, 340 p. 7059. IKEUCHI (Toshi). Taikun gaikǀ to bui: Kinsei Nihon no kokusai chitsujo to Chǀsen kan. (Tycoon's diplomacy and sabre rattling: international order of early modern Japan and the view of Korea). Nagoya, University of Nagoya Press, 2006, 458 p. 7060. IWAKI (Takuji). Kinsei Kinai kingoku shihai no kǀzǀ. (Government of Kinki and neighbouring area in early modern Japan). Tokyo, Kashiwa Shobo, 2006, 424 p. 7061. KAWAOKA (Tsutomu). Chnjsei no chiiki kenryoku to saigoku shakai. (Regional powers in Medieval western Japan). Osaka, Seibundo Shuppan, 2006, 375 p. 7062. KAWAUCHI (Masayoshi). Chnjsei Kyoto no toshi to shnjkyǀ. (Urban society and religion in Medieval Kyoto). Kyoto, Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2006, 409 p.
5. JAPAN (BEFORE 1868) 7063. KIMURA (Masanobu). Kinsei chiiki kyǀiku shi no kenkynj. (Studies of local educational history of early modern Japan). Kyoto, Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2006, 277 p. 7064. KIMURA (Shigemitsu). Nihon shoki chnjsei shakai no kenkynj. (Studies in early Medieval Japanese society). Tokyo, Azekura Shobo, 2006, 340 p. 7065. Kinri kuge bunko kenkynj dai 2 shnj. (Studies of libraries of Imperial court and court nobles in the Edo period. 2). Ed. by Isao TAJIMA. Kyoto, Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2006, 398 p. 7066. Kodaishi no butai: Rettǀ no kodai shi 1. (Space of the Ancient history: Ancient history of the Japanese archipelago 1). Ed. by Takehiko YOSHIMURA. Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 426 p. 7067. KOYAMA (Yasunori). Sengoku-ki Kinai no seiji shakai kǀzǀ(Nihonshi kenkynj sǀkan 16). (Political and social structure of the Kinai district in the Warring states period). Osaka, Izumi Shoin, 2006, 398 p. (Series of Japanese history. 16). 7068. MATSUKI (Toshiaki). Gensetsu knjkan to shite no Yamato seiken: Nihon kodai no denshǀ to kenryoku. (Yamato Government as a discursive space: tradition and power in ancient Japan). Tokyo, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2006, 242 p. 7069. MESHCHERJAKOV (Aleksandr N.). Imperator Mejdzi i ego Japonija. (Emperor Meiji and his Japan). Moskva, Natalis – Ripol Klassik, 2006, 736 p. (ill.; bibl. p. 704-718; ind. p. 719-732). 7070. Mibunteki shnjen to kinsei shakai 4: Toshi no shnjen ni ikiru. (To live in the periphery of urban Japanese society). Ed. by Takashi TSUKADA. Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2006, 235 p. (Social periphery and early modern Japan 4). 7071. MINEGISHI (Sumio). Chnjsei tǀgoku no shǀen kǀryǀ to shnjkyǀ. (Manorial estates and religion in Medieval eastern Japan). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2006, 377 p. 7072. MIYAMOTO (Tasuku). Nihon kodai no kazoku to sonraku. (Family and village in ancient Japan). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2006, 382 p. 7073. NAGAI (Susumu). Kanazawa Hojo-shi no kenkynj. (A study of the Kanazawa Hojo family in Medieval Japan). Tokyo, Yagi Shoten, 2006, 534 p. 7074. NAGASHIMA (Junko). Rekishi kagaku sǀsho: Bakuhansei shakai no gender kǀzǀ. (Gender structure of the Edo period). Tokyo, Azekura Shobo, 2006, 424 p. (Historical science library). 7075. Nihon kodai shi wo manabu tame no kanbun nynjmon. (Introduction to Chinese classics for the study of ancient Japanese history). Ed. by On IKEDA. Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2006, 350 p. 7076. NISHIJIMA (Taro). Sengoku-ki Muromachi bakufu to zaichi ryǀshu. (The Muromachi bakufu and local
lords in the Warring states period). Tokyo, Yagi Shoten, 2006, 474 p. 7077. NOMURA (Gen). Nihon kinsei kokka no kakuritsu to tennǀ. (Establishment of Japanese early modern state and Mikado). Osaka, Seibundo Shuppan, 2006, 330 p. 7078. OBARA (Hitoshi). Genshin: Ojǀgokuraku no kyǀgyǀ ha jokuse matsudai no mokusoku. (Genshin, 9421017). Kyoto, Minerva Shobo, 2006, 304 p. 7079. OKAZAKI (Hironori). Kinsei buke shakai no girei to kousai. (Ritual and society of early modern samurai class society). Tokyo, Azekura Shobo, 2006, 392 p. 7080. OTA (Hideharu). Chǀsen no eki to nitchǀ jǀkaku-shi no kenkynj: Ibunka no sǀgnj juyǀ henyǀ. (Toyotomi Hideyoshi's expeditions to Korea and the history of Japanese and Korean castles: encounters, acceptance and changes of different cultures). Osaka, Seibundo Shuppan, 2006, 408 p. 7081. OTSU (Toru). Nittǀ ritsuryǀ sei no zaisei kǀzǀ. (Financial structure of the regime of codes in ancient Japan and Chinese Tang dynasty). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 386 p. 7082. Politicheskaja kul'tura drevnej Japonii: Sbornik statej. (Political culture of ancient Japan: Articles). Ed. Aleksandr N. MESHCHERJAKOV. Ros. gos. gumanit. un-t. Moskva, Izd-vo RGGU, 2006, 364 p. (bibl. incl.). (Orientalia et Classica: Trudy Instituta vostochnykh kul'tur i antichnosti; 7). [English summaries]. [Contents : MESHCHERJAKOV (A.N.). Khronika "Seku nikhongri": Svitok I. (The Chronicle Shoku Nihongi. Roll 1), p. 718. – ERMAKOVA (L.M.). Imperatorskie ukazy kak zhanr drevnejaponskoj kul'tury. (Emperor's edicts as a genre of Ancient Japanese culture), p. 66-80. – SAKHAROVA (E.B.). "Kaden": Zhizneopisanie roda Fudzivara. (Kaden: a biography of Fujiwara clan), p. 182-255]. 7083. SAEKI (Arikiyo). Yamatai-koku ronsǀ. (Controversy over ancient Yamatai-koku). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 220 p. 7084. SAKURAI (Yoshio). Akutǀ to chiiki shakai no kenkynj(Rekishi kagaku sǀsho). (A study of villains in Medieval regional society). Tokyo, Azekura Shobo, 2006, 446 p. (Series of historical science). 7085. SATO (Hironobu). Chnjsei tǀgoku Ashikaga Hojo-shi no kenkynj(Chnjsei-shi kenkynj sǀsho). (Studies of the Ashikaga and Hojo families in Medieval eastern Japan). Tokyo, Iwata Shoin, 2006, 332 p. (Series of Medieval history). 7086. Sengoku Shǀkuhǀ-ki no shakai to girei. (Japanese society and etiquette in the Warring states and Oda-Toyotomi periods). Ed. by Kenichi FUTAKI. Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2006, 534 p. 7087. Sengoku-ki inshǀ inbanjǀ no kenkynj. (Studies of signets and signed charters in the Warring States period). Ed. by Yugaku ARIMITSU. Tokyo, Iwata Shoin, 2006, 441 p.
7088. Senmon ginǀ to gijutsu: Rettǀ no kodai shi 5. (Technical skill and art: ancient history of the Japanese archipelago 5). Ed. by Makoto UEHARA, Taichiro SHIRAISHI, Shinji YOSHIKAWA and Takehiko YOSHIMURA. Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 305 p. 7089. Shinkǀ to sekai kan: Rettǀ no kodai shi 7. (Faith and view of the world: Ancient history of the Japanese archipelago 5). Ed. by Takehiko YOSHIMURA. Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 370 p. 7090. SUGIMORI (Reiko). Kinsei Nihon no shǀnin to toshi shakai. (Merchants and urban society in early Modern Japan). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2006, 339 p. 7091. TAKASE (Koichirou). Monsnjn monjo to Nihon: 17 seiki Porutogaru kǀmonjo shnj. (Monsoon papers and Japan: 17th century Portuguese official papers). Tokyo, Yagi Shoten, 2006, 629 p.
early modern Setouchi area). Kyoto, Shibunkaku Shuppan, 2006, 310 p. 7098. YONEDA (Yusuke). Sekkan sei no seiritsu to tenkai. (Formation and development of the imperial regency in Ancient Japan). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2006, 362 p. 7099. YOSHIDA (Takashi). Rekishi no naka no tennǀ. (History of the Emperors in Ancient Japan). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2006, 252 p. 7100. YOSHIKAWA (Toshiko). Ritsuryǀ kizoku seiritsu shi no kenkynj. (Historical study on the genesis of the nobility in the Ritsuryo period), Tokyo, Hanawa Shobo, 2006, 277 p. 7101. ZÖLLNER (Reinhard). Geschichte Japans. Von 1800 bis zur Gegenwart. Paderborn, München u. Wien, Schöningh, 2006, 457 p.
7092. TAKEUCHI (Kozen). Kǀbǀ Daishi Knjkai no kenkynj. (Study on Kǀbǀ Daishi Knjkai, 774835). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2006, 597 p.
Cf. nos 4132, 4623, 4727, 6058
7093. TERASAKI (Yasuhiro). Kodai nihon no tojǀ to mokkan. (Castle town and wooden tablets in ancient Japan). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2006, 406 p.
7102. FUMA (Susumu). 1764nen Chǀsen tsnjshinshi to nihon no soraigaku. (The Joseon embassy to Japan of 1764 and Sorai's learnings in Japan). Shirin, 2006, 89, 5, p. 1-33.
7094. TSUKADA (Takashi). Kinsei Osaka no toshi shakai. (Urban society of early modern Osaka). Tokyo, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2006, 327 p. 7095. UMEMURA(Takashi). Nihon kodai shakai keizai shi ronkǀ. (Studies in the socio-economic history of Ancient Japan). Tokyo, Hanawa Shobo, 2006, 456 p. 7096. YAMASHITA (Hiroaki). Biwahǀshi no heike monogatari to nǀ. (The Tale of Heike narrated by biwa players with reference to Noh plays). Tokyo, Hanawa Shobo, 2006, 440 p. 7097. YAMASHITA (Yasushi). Kinsei Kouki Setouchi engyǀ shi no kenkynj. (History of salt making in the late
§ 6. Korea. _______________________
7103. Korea at the center: dynamics of regionalism in Northeast Asia. Ed. by Charles K. ARMSTRONG, Gilbert ROZMAN, Samuel S. KIM and Stephen KOTKIN. Armonk, M. E. Sharpe, 2006, XIII-319 p. (Northeast Asia seminar). 7104. YAGI (Takeshi). Kǀraijigenki ni okeru kanhin kǀzǀ no henkaku. (The Reformation of court rank system during the late Goryeo Period in subordination to the Mongol Empire). Toho Gakuho, 2006, 79, p. 63108. Cf. no 6721
S AFRICA (esp. to its colonization) 7105. African studies companion (The): a guide to information sources. Ed. by Hans M. ZELL. Lochcarron, Hans Zell Pub., 2006, XXX-833 p. 7106. BERNAULT (Florence). Body, power and sacrifice in Equatorial Africa. Journal of African history, 2006, 47, 2, p. 207-239. 7107. BJERK (Paul K.). They poured themselves into the milk: Zulu political philosophy under Shaka. Journal of African history, 2006, 47, 1, p. 1-19. 7108. COQUERY-VIDROVITCH (Catherine). De la ville en Afrique noire. Annales, 2006, 61, 5, p. 1087-1119.
2006, 10, 1, p. 83-116. IDEM. Tasawwuf as reflected in Ziyara Books and the Cairo cemeteries. In: Le développement du soufism en Égypte à l'époque mamelouke. Sous la dir. de Richard MAC GREGOR et Adam SABRA. al-QƗhira, L'institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2006, p. 299-330. (Cahier des Annales islamologique, 27). 7113. PETERSON (Derek R.). Morality plays: marriage, church courts, and colonial agency in Central Tanganyika, ca. 1876–1928. American historical review, 2006, 111, 4, p. 983-1010.
7109. DESTOMBES (Jérôme). From long-term patterns of seasonal hunger to changing experiences of everyday poverty: northeastern Ghana c. 1930–2000. Journal of African history, 2006, 47, 2, p. 181-205.
7114. SCHOENBRUN (David L.). Conjuring the modern in Africa: durability and rupture in histories of public healing between the Great Lakes of East Africa. American historical review, 2006, 111, 5, p. 14031439.
7110. DIBUA (Jeremiah I.). Modernization and the crisis of development in Africa: the Nigerian experience. Burlington, Ashgate, 2006, XVI-372 p. (Interdisciplinary research series in ethnic, gender and class relations).
7115. TUCK (Michael W.). The Rupee disease: taxation, authority, and social conditions in early colonial Uganda. International journal of African historical studies, 2006, 39, 2, p. 221-245.
7111. GORDON (David M.). History on the Luapula retold: landscape, memory and identity in the Kazembe kingdom. Journal of African history, 2006, 47, 1, p. 21-42. 7112. OHTOSHI (Tetsuya). Cairene cemeteries as public loci in Mamluk Egypt, Mamlnjk Studies Review,
Addendum 2005. 7116. Land, literacy and the state in Sudanic Africa. Ed. by Donald CRUMMEY. Trenton, Red Sea Press, 2005, VI-274 p. Cf. nos 4210, 5158, 6140-6200
T AMERICA (esp. to its colonization)
** 7117. DE LA REZA (Germán A.). El Congreso de Panamá de 1826 y otros ensayos de integración latinoamericana en el siglo XIX: estudio y fuentes documentales anotadas. México D.F., Ediciones y Gráficos EÓN, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Azcapotzalco, 2006, 286 p. _______________________
7118. OTTO (Paul). The Dutch-Munsee encounter in America: the struggle for sovereignty in the Hudson Valley. New York, Berghahn, 2006, XIII-225 p. (European expansion and global interaction, 3). 7119. Qaraqara-Charka. Mallku, Inka y Rey en la provincia de Charcas (siglos XVXVII). Historia antropológica de una confederación aymara. Edición docu-
mental y ensayos intrepretativos de Tristan PLATT, Thérèse BOUYSSE-CASSAGNE y Olivia HARRIS; con el aliento de Thierry SAIGNES. Lima, Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, Plural editores, University of St Andrews, University of London, Inter American Foundation y Fundación Cultural del Banco Central de Bolivia, 2006, 1088 p. 7120. SANTAMARINA NOVILLO (Carlos). El sistema de dominación azteca: el imperio tepaneca. Madrid, Fundación Universitaria Española, 2006, 440 p. (ill., maps). (Publicaciones de la Fundación Universitaria Española. Colección Tesis doctorales cum laude. Serie H, Historia, 11). Cf. nos 4829, 6201-6240
U OCEANIA (esp. to its colonization)
7121. Archaeology of Oceania: Australia and the Pacific Islands. Ed. by Ian LILLEY. Malden a. Oxford, Blackwell, 2006, XVIII-396 p. (ill., maps). 7122. Great mistakes (The) of Australian history. Ed. by Martin CROTTY and David Andrew ROBERTS. Sydney, University of New South Wales, 2006, IX244 p. 7123. HEALY (Sianan). 'Years ago some lived here': Aboriginal Australians and the production of popular
culture, history and identity in 1930s Victoria. Australian historical studies, 2006, 37, 128, p. 18-34. 7124. LEMONNIER (Pierre). Le sabbat des lucioles. Sorcellerie, chamanisme et imaginaire cannibale en Nouvelle-Guinée. Paris, Stock, 2006, 410 p. 7125. WALKER (David). Strange reading: Keith Windschuttle on race, Asia and white Australia. Australian historical studies, 2006, 37, 128, p. 108-122. Cf. nos 6241-6246
INDEX OF NAMES1 A AARSETH (Bjørn), 4211. AASSVE (Arnstein), 5609. ABAELARDUS (Petrus), 3236, 3237. ABAKAR (Mahamat Hassan), 3635. ABBÉ (Jean-Loup), 2892. ABBENHUIS (Maartje M.), 6391. Abbo Floriacensis, 3262. ABBOTT (Carl), 5157. ABDELHAMID (Arab), 247. ABDESSADOK (Salah), 1000. ABDYLI (Ramiz), 3531. ABEL (Richard), 5220. Abelardus (Petrus), 3251. ABELLÁN PÉREZ (Juan), 3459. Abi-Milki, king of Tyre, 1311. ABI-SAAB (Georges), 3540. ABRAMO (Zilah Wendel), 3611. ABRAMS (Richard M.), 4528. ABNj NNjWƖR (Ma'n), 4134. ABU-RABI' (Ibrahim M.), 941. ACCAMPO (Elinor), 5610. Accius (Lucius), 1859. ACEMOGLU (Daron), 616. ACERBI (Silvia), 2739. Achilles Tatius, 1619. ACHIM (Viorel), 2544. ACKERMANN (Oren), 998. ACKERMANN (Robert), 846. Acland (Eleanor), 3924. Acland (Francis, sir), 3924. Acosta (José de), 4716. ACQUARO (Enrico), 1270. ADACHI (Hiroaki), 2392. ADADJIDI (Priscille), 3197. ADAGIO (Carmelo), 4386. ADAM (Ján), 4011. ADAMCZYK (Arkadiusz), 6528. ADAMCZYK (Mieczysáaw), 6479. ADAMOVSKY (Ezequiel), 4806. ADAMS (Ellen), 1025. ADAMS (Geoff W.), 2257. ADAMS (Jenny), 2983. Adams (John), 4527. ADAMS (Michael), 6299.
ADAS (Michael), 6009. ADDANTE (Luca), 402. ADDERLEY (Rosanne Marion), 6145. ADEJUMOBI (Saheed A.), 3740. ADELMAN (Jeremy), 6204. ADELMAN (Jonathan R.), 6540. Adémar de Chabannes, 3228. Adenauer (Konrad), 3836. ADLER (Benjamin), 4462. ADLER (Jeffrey S.), 5611. ADLY (Emad), 1142. ADOLF (Heinrich), 5283. ADON'EVA (Svetlana B.), 497. ADRIANSEN (Inge), 3716. AELFRIC, Abbot of Eynsham, 3367. Aelius Aristides, 1645. Aelius Marcianus, 2038. AEPELS (Michel), 499. AERTS (Remieg), 5571. Aeschines, 1602. Aeschylus, 1536, 1584, 1593, 1627, 1633, 1635. Aetius, 2322. AFANASENKO (Ivan D.), 543. AFIGBO (Adiele Eberechukwu), 6146. AGACHE (Liliana), 5520. AGAPETOS (Panagiotes), 2545. Agathias, 1409. AGAZZI (Renato), 1929. AGEE, (William C.), 5167. Agnellus Ravenna Iatrosophista, 2490. AGNELLUS RAVENNATIS, 3302. Agnes of Prague, Sancta, 3379. AGO (Renata), 5612. AGRELL (Wilhelm), 6530. Agrippina minor, wife of the emperor Claudius, 1953, 1957, 2028. AGULHON (Maurice), 124. Agulló y Cobo (Mercedes), 38. AGUSTA-BOULAROT (Sandrine), 2509.
AHLBÄCK (Tore), 877. AHN (Sang-Yoon), 3331. AHRENS (Martin), 5944. AIGNER-FORESTI (Luciana), 1831. AILES (Mary Elizabeth), 4446. AILLET (Cyrille), 2833. AINSWORTH (Peter F.), 39. AIRLIE (Stuart), 2727. AKASOY (Anna), 2819. AKERRAZ (Aomar), 1928. Akhenaten, 1178. AKIYAMA (Tetsuo), 7043. AKKERMANS (Peter M. M. G.), 1013. ALAM (Jawaid), 4027. ALAMILLO (José), 5326. ALBALA (Ken), 2984. ALBALADEJO VIVERO (Manuel), 1534. ALBANESE (Giulia), 4083. ALBERIGO (Giuseppe), 863, 4670. ALBERSKA (Maágorzata), 4248. ALBERT (Sohpie), 3010. ALBERTI (Francesca), 5168. ALBERTI (Gianmarco), 1775. ALBERTONI (Giuseppe), 3037. ALBERTUS MAGNUS, 3238. ALBINI (Umberto), 1333. ALBRECHT (Michael von), 1919. ALBRECHT (Stefan), 2546. ALBU (Mihai), 4274. Albucasis, 2832. ALBUQUERQUE (Maria João Durães), 51. ALBUS (Michael), 2393. Alcaeus, 1621. ALCÁNTARA GARCÍA (Virginia), 981. ALCÁNTARA SÁEZ (Manuel), 3639. Alcibiades, 426, 1583, 1875. ALCONCHEL PÉREZ (Fernando), 2494. ALDOUS (Richard), 3927. ALDRICH (Mark), 5613. ALDRICH (Robert), 5707.
1. The Slavonic and in particular the Russian names are given in their national form translitterated following the usual methods and are classified accordingly. Characters with diacritics, for instance ü, Ğ, þ, š are considered as if ordinary c, s. the German modified vowels ä, ö, ø, ü are considered as if a, o, u. The names of Classical authors, Byzantine Kings and Emperors, Saints and Popes are indexed in their Latin form. Authors' names are given in capital letters.
304 Aleksandar I. Karaÿorÿeviü, kralj Jugoslavije, 4350. ALEKSEEV (Anatolij A.), 2630. ALEKSEEV (Leonid V.), 2754. ALENIUS (Kari), 3486. ALEXANDER (Andrew), 5442. ALEXANDER (Jocelyn), 4618. Alexander (Jonathan James Graham), 47. ALEXANDER (Robert Jackson), 5855. Alexander Trallianus, 2220. Alexander VI, Papa, 3453. Alexander, böhmischen Kanzlers, 2546. ALEXANDRE (Valentim), 4254. ALEXANDRE-BIDON (Danièle), 736. ALEXANDRESCU (Petre), 1795. ALEXANDRESCU (Sorin), 847, 873. ALEXANDRESCU VIANU (Maria), 1795. Alexandros III ho Megas, king of Macedonia, 1430, 1431, 1444, 1604, 1815, 1451, 1972, 2344. Alexius I Comnenus, Byzantine emperor, 2573. ALEXOPOULOS (Theodoros), 2394. ALFANI (Guido), 679. Alfaro (Eloy), 3731. ALFARO-VELCAMP (Theresa), 5614. 'ALƮ TƖHƖ (Fadwá 'Abd alRahmƗn), 6480. ALIDIÈRES (Bernard), 3749. ALIDORI (Laura), 27. al-IdrƯsƯ (Abnj Abd AllƗh Muhammad), 2679. ALIMI (Eitan Y.), 4072. ALÍPIO (Elsa Santos), 6737. ALLAIN (Jean-Claude), 6010. ALLAN (William), 1535. ALLARD (André), 3239. ALLASIA (Clara), 965. ALLEGRIA (Simone), 3040. ALLEN (Austin), 5945. ALLEN (Danielle), 1427. ALLEN (Joel), 2033. ALLEN (Pauline), 2395. ALLEN (Roger M. A.), 2821. ALLEN (Valerie), 2985. Allende Gossens (Salvador), 3638, 4808. ALLENDER (Tim), 4938. ALLES (Gregory D.), 848. Alley (Rewi), 7037. Alliance (David), 5537. ALLINGER-CSOLLICH (Wilfrid), 1189. ALLISON (John), 3626. ALLOZA APARICIO (Ángel), 5443.
INDEX OF NAMES ALMEIDA (Maria Antónia de Figueiredo Pires de), 5491. ALMGREN (Nina), 5615. ALOFSIN (Anthony), 5187. ALONSO (Cecilio), 4385. ALONSO FERNÁNDEZ (Bieito), 5856. ALRAM-STERN (Eva), 1014. ALSTER (Brendt), 1190, 1191. ALTENBURG (Detlef), 5271. ALTER (Peter), 3928. ALTHANN (Robert), 840. ALTHUSSER (Louis), 617. ALTRICHTER (Helmut), 320. ALVAR (Jaime), 2258. ÁLVAREZ (Adelino), 2688. Álvarez de Toledo (Gutierre), 2791. ÁLVAREZ NOGAL (Carlos), 5327. ALVAREZ REY (Leandro), 4388. ÁLVAREZ RODRíGUEZ (Adelino), 2529. ÁLVAREZ VALLEJOS (Rolando), 3646. AғLVARO DUEÑAS (Manuel), 4387. ALVEMO (Bo), 4447. ALVES (Eliane Bisan), 3597. ALVUNGER (Daniel), 4448. ALY (Rum), 4041. AMANI WHITFIELD (Harvey), 5616. AMANN (Martin), 2152. AMANN (Petra), 1822, 1826. AMANO (Tetsuya), 7056. AMATO (Eugenio), 2515. AMATO (Fabio), 5563. AMBARAS (David R.), 5617. Ambazzi, 1249. AMBROSINI (Laura), 1827. AMELINA (Anna), 5221. AMENDOLA (Stefano), 1536. Amenmesse, king of Egypt, 1145. AMERIO (Maria Luisa), 1537. Amery (Leon), 6414. AMIET (Pierre), 1314. AMIN (Camron Michael), 3477. AMIRKHANOV (Khizri A.), 982. AMMERMAN (Nancy T.), 802. Ammianus Marcellinus, 1860. AMOROSO (Filippo), 2211. AMOS (Heike), 3837. Amos, 1307. AMRITH (Sunil S.), 6114. AMROUCHE (Jean), 6185. ANAGNOSTOU-CANAS (Barbara), 656. ANANI (Jawad A.), 6792. Anastasia, Sancta, 2486. Anastasius bibliothecarius, 3380. Anastasius I, Roman emperor of the East, 2316.
ANCEAU (Éric), 706. ANCKER (Paul E.), 3717. ANDALORO (Maria), 3214. ANDENMATTEN (Bernard), 3332. ANDERMANN (Jens), 269. ANDERSEN (Aage), 2646. ANDERSEN (Morten), 5329. ANDERSEN (Per), 2849, 3460. ANDERSEN (Peter B.), 4970. ANDERSON (Warwick), 5056. ANDERSSON (Catharina), 3333. ANDERSSON (Eva), 2986. ANDERSSON (Theodore Murdock), 3051. ANDO (Clifford), 2034, 2244. András (III), magyar király, 2770. ANDRAULT-SCHMITT (Claude), 3358. ANDRÉ (Jean-Marie), 2216. ANDREAU (Jean), 5530. ANDREESCU (ùtefan), 2731, 6262. ANDREEV (Aleksandr I.), 6011. ANDREEV (Evgenij M.), 5593. ANDRÉN (Anders), 3442. Andreotti (Giulio), 4124. ANDRÉS SANZ (María Adelaida), 3248. ANDRESS (David), 3750. ANDRETTA (Stefano), 6247. ANDREUCCI (Alvaro Gonçalves Antunes), 3598. ANDREW (Christopher), 6044. ANDREWS (Catherine), 4165. ANDREWS (Frances), 3334. ANDREWS (Stuart), 4057. ANDRIEU (Claire), 567. Androsch (Hannes), 3574. ANDROSOV (V. P.), 836. ANGELINI (Margherita), 386. ANGELOV (Kimiter G.), 2547. ANGOLD (Michael), 808, 4723. ANKERSMIT (F. R.), 438, 452. ANLEZARK (Daniel Charles), 3052. ANNALISTA SAXO, 2670. Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary, 3390. ANREUS (Alejandro), 5184. ANSCOMBE (Frederick F.), 4503. ANSELMI (Gian Mario), 3104. Anselmo di Nonantola, Sanctus, 3359. Anselmus Cantuariensis, 3251, 3253, 3434. Anselmus Lucensis, 2884. ANTES (Peter), 803. ANTIû (Ljubomir), 3670. Antigonidi, dinastia macedone, 1446. Antiochus IV Epiphanes, 1449. Antipater Sidonensis, 1650.
INDEX OF NAMES Antiphon, 426, 1550, 1632. ANTOINE (Gerald), 146. ANTON (Hans Hubert), 3165. ANTONELLI (Luca), 1538. Antonello da Messina, 3173. Antonescu (Ion), 6490, 6654. Antoni (Carlo), 388. ANTONIû (Goran), 4345. Antoninus Pius (Titus Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Arrius), Roman emperor, 2083. ANTONOPOULOU-TRECHLI (Zoé), 2548. ANTONOV (Dmitrij N.), 5325. ANTONOVA (Irina A.), 5325. APATI (Cristian), 4719. APKARIMOVA (Elena Ju.), 4321. Apollodorus, 1633. Apollonius Rhodius, 1669. APPEL (Charlotte), 4807. Appiani (Iacopo), III, signore di Piombino, 2933. Appianus, 1537, 1588, 1680. APRILE (Sylvie), 6341. APSNER (Burkhard), 2850. Apuleius (Lucius), 2191, 2196. Aquino (Anastasio), 3739. ARAKI (Toshio), 7044. ARAMPATZES (Georgios), 2514. ARANDA (Gonzalo), 1026. ARANDA JIMÉNEZ (Gonzalo), 1042. ARANHA (Paolo), 4714. ARATA (L.), 1315. ARATOR SUBDIACONUS, 1881, 3286, 3287. ARBOE-RASMUSSEN (Claus), 6635. ARBURG (Adrian von), 3711. Archias Antiochenus, 1650. Archilochus, 1555. ARDESIA (Viviana), 1027. ARDILA (J. A. G.), 5144. ARDISSINO (Erminia), 3073. ARDUINI (Franca), 27. ARDVISSON (Stefan), 849. ARENDT (Hannah), 5019. ARESHIDZE (Liana G.), 6787. Arethas, Sanctus, 2569. ARETIN (Cajetan, Freiherr von), 3848. ARGENZIANO (Raffaele), 3176. Argištis I, king of Urartu, 1230. ARGUETA (Mario), 545. ARI ÞORGILSSON, FROÐI, 2835. ARIAS ABELLÁN (Carmen), 162. ARIKAN (YasemÕn), 1246. ARIMITSU (Yugaku), 7087. ARININ (Aleksandr N.), 4301. ARIOSTO (Ludovico), 958, 5152. Aristophanes, 1410, 1564, 1565, 1584.
Aristoteles, 451, 1389, 1689, 1699, 1701, 1703, 1706, 1710, 1716, 1728, 1740. Arius, monachus, 2445. ARÍZAGA BOLUMBURU (Beatriz), 2981, 3465. ARKOUN (Mohammed), 582. ARLETTAZ (Silvia), 4480. ARLINGHAUS (Franz-Josef), 2877, 3044. ARMANCA (Brândusa), 4289. ARMIERO (Marco), 727. ARMOUR (Ellen), 884. ARMOUR (Ian D.), 3478. ARMSTRONG (Charles K.), 7103. ARMSTRONG (James C.), 6143. ARMSTRONG (Robert Matthew), 6044. ARMSTRONG (Robert), 4058. ARNABAT I MATA (Ramon), 4389. ARNAUD (Daniel), 1271, 3751. ARNAUD (Jean-Luc), 5559. ARNAUDIÈS (Alain), 1142. ARNEDAL (Poul), 5223. ARNESANO (Daniele), 1689. ARNOLD (Bill T.), 1237, 1316. ARNOLD (Guy), 546. ARNOLD (Jonathan), 4733. ARNOLD (Ken), 263. ARNOLD (Maurice), 1048. Arnolfo di Cambio, 3177. ARNOVICK (Leslie K.), 3053. Arnth Tetnie, 1833. ARON (Raymond), 618. ARÓSTEGUI (Julio), 4429. ARRANZ (Ana), 2789. Arrianus, 1552. ARRIGHETTI (Graziano), 1539. ARRIGONI BERTINI (Maria Giovanna), 2259. ARRIZABALAGA (Marie-Pierre), 5618. ART (David), 287. ARTAMONOV (Jurij A.), 2672. Artaxerses II, king of Persia, 1326. ARTAZA BARRIOS (Pablo), 3637. Artemidoro di Efeso, 3, 6, 1561, 1634. ARTHUR (Paul), 1079. ARTIGAS (Mariano), 5057. ARTUSI (Luciano), 111. Arup (Erik), 389. ARUTJUNJAN (Nikolaj V.), 1080. ARZT-GRABNER (Peter), 2357. ASADA (Sadao), 6014, 6392. ASATO (Noriko), 4939. ASCENZI (Anna), 4940. ASCHERI (Mario), 36, 2851. ASCHOFF (Diethard), 2796. Asclepiade di Tragilo, 1633. ASDAL (Kristin), 3486.
305 ASHER (Catherine B.), 6855. Ashikaga (family), 7085. ASHTON (Stephen R.), 6078, 6241. ASIM (Ina), 6831. Asinius Pollio (Gaius), 2195. ASKEW (Marc), 4140. Askins (Arthur Lee-Francis), 3017. ASMAR (Fady), 180. ASMONTI (Luca), 1474. ASOLATI (Michele), 143. ASSERATE (Asfa-Wossen), 6159. ASSMANN (Aleida), 288. ASSMANN (Jan), 289, 5225. ASSUNÇÃO FERREIRA (Joaquim de), 2797. ASTELL (Ann W.), 3410. ATANASIU (ùtefan), 4276. ATANASIU-GĂVAN (Andreea), 2894. Atatürk Mustafa Kemal, 4494, 4504. Athanasios I, Ecumenical Patriach of Constantinople, 3290. Athanasius Alexandrinus, Sanctus, 2328, 2425, 2452. Athenaios, 1388. ATKINS (E. Margaret), 2133. AUBERT (R.), 867. Aubrey (Thomas), 94. AUBRY (Martine), 233. AUDISIO (Felicità), 5024. AUERBACH (Jerold S.), 183. AUFFARTH (Cristoph), 806, 839. AUFFRET (Pierre), 2378. AUFGEBAUER (Peter), 2919. AUGER (Martin F.), 6481. Augustinus Aurelius, Sanctus, 2329, 2330, 2331, 2332, 2395, 2407, 2420, 3434. Augustus (Gaius Iulius Caesar Octavianus), Roman emperor, 1850, 1940, 1973, 2049, 2110, 2171, 2174, 2190, 2251. Auken (Svend), 3726. AULIARD (Claudine), 1930. AUNE (David Edward), 2397. AUNESLUOMA (Juhana), 6075. AURELL (Jaume), 4675. AURELL (Martin), 2718. Ausonius (Decimus Magnus), 2176. AUSTIN (Colin), 1540. AUTENGRUBER (Christian), 3620. AUTRAND (Michel), 5226. AUVRAY-ASSAYAS (Clara), 1864. AUWERS (J.-M.), 799. AVDEEV (Aleksandr G.), 959, 1406. AVERBECK (Richard), 1192. AVERILL (Stephen C.), 6865. AVESANI (Rino), 2982.
306 AVICENNA, 2824, 3239. AVRAM (Valeriu), 4269. AVRAMIDOU (Amalia), 1776. AVVISATI (Carlo), 1931. AXELSSON (Erik), 439. AXELSSON (Per), 5619. AXTELL (James), 4921. AXWORTHY (Michael), 4047. AYALA DIAGO (César Augusto), 3647. AYBOGA (Özcan), 4496. AYERS (Edward L.), 4535. AYMERI PICAUD, 3391. AZAD (Salam), 6738. Azali (Assoumani), 3661. AZOULAY (Vincent), 1541. AZZARA (Claudio), 3307. AZZOU (El-Mostafa), 6327, 6739. B BAAKEN (Katrin), 2652. BAAR (Mechthild), 2153. BABENDERERDE (Cornell), 3411. BABEROWSKI (Jörg), 3479, 3480. BABÍK (Milan), 3481, 6393. BABO-LANÇA (Isabel), 4255. BABUSIAUX (Ulrike), 2035. BACCHETTA (Alberto), 2260. BACHARACH (Jere L.), 127. BACHECHI (Luca), 995. BACHELET (Giovanni), 4089. BACHHIESL (Christian), 1742. BACHHUBER (Christopher), 1028. BACH-NIELSEN (Carsten), 4807. BACHRACH (David Stewart), 3140. BACKE-DAHMEN (Annika), 2087. BACKES (Uwe), 619. BACKHOUSE (Roger E.), 687. Bacon (Roger), 3276. BACQUÉ-GRAMMONT (JeanLouis), 182. BADALÀ (Carlo), 4665. BADEA (Lucian), 152. BADILITA (Cristian), 2458. BADRUDDIN (Umar), 3583. BAERGEN (Ralph), 939. BAEZA ANGULO (Eulogio F.), 1895. BAGBY (Benjamin), 3223. Baget Bozzo (Gianni), 4124. BAGLIONI (Daniele), 3054. BAGNATO (Bruna), 6080. Bagrianov (Ivan), 6525. BAHOVEC (Tina), 3491. BÄHR (Johannes), 5372. BAIGES I JARDÍ (Ignasi Jaime), 11. BAILEY (Michael D.), 500. BAIN (Mervyn J.), 6740. BAIONI (Massimo), 264. BAISCH (Martin), 3055. BAJC (Gorazd), 6568. BAJOHR (Frank), 3482.
INDEX OF NAMES BAJONI (Maria Grazia), 1542. BAKER (R. Scott), 4941. Bakócz (Tamás), 4703. Balaam, 1291. Balaguer (Joaquím), 5562. BALALYKIN (Dmitrij A.), 4720. BALANCHE (Fabrice), 4481. BALARD (Michel), 2549, 2895. BALAVOINE (Guillaume), 181. BALCÁCER (Juan Daniel), 3729. BALCIOöLU (Berhan), 1193. BALDI (Barbara), 2776. BALDINI (Artemio Enzo), 404. BALDISSARA (Luca), 645. BALDUS (Roland), 1777. BALDUZZI (Renato), 4089. BALDWIN (Barry), 2524. BALDWIN (John W.), 3461. BALE (Anthony Paul), 2798. BALI (RÕfat N.), 4495. BALL (Jennifer L.), 2550. BALLANTYNE (Tony), 6115. BALLENGER (Jesse F.), 5058. BALME (Jane), 996. BALOSSI RESTELLI (Francesca), 1029. BALOT (Ryan K.), 1428. BALOUP (Daniel), 3031. BALSAMO (Luigi), 52. BALTHASAR (Stephan), 652, 5946. Balzac (Honoré de), 5164. BALZANI (Roberto), 418, 422. BALZARETTI (Ross), 2683. BANDA (Pierre), 6098. BANDIERA (Emilio), 1917. Banduri (Anselmo), 4711. BANDYOPADHYAY (Kausik), 5750. BANÉR (Anne), 4978. BANERJEE (Prathama), 290. BANG (Peter F.), 437. BANHAM (Tony), 6569. BANKEN (Ralf), 5372. BANKS (Jon), 3221. BANNO (Junji), 4127. BANTEBYA KYOMUHENDO (Grace), 5620. BANTMAN (Constance), 5857. BANU (Florian), 4270. Bao Dai, emperor of Vietnam, 4607. Baptiste de Mantoue, 3440. BARAK (Eitan), 6741. BARAVELLI (Andrea), 4084. BARBA EGIDO (Rebeca), 981. BARBAGALLO (Francesco), 4085, 4091. BARBAUD (Thierry), 2154. Barberini (famiglia), 4869. Barberini (Francesco), 4869. BARBERO (Alessandro), 2088. BARBICHE (Bernard), 9, 4461.
BARBIER (Frédéric), 53. BARBIERATO (Federico), 4622. BARBU (Violeta), 4660. BĂRBULESCU (Mihai), 2107. BĂRBULESCU (Theodor), 4270. BARC (Gorazd), 6804. BARCIA (Pedro Luis), 147. BARDEN DOWLING (Melissa), 1932. BARDSLEY (Sandy), 3056. BARELLO (Federico), 128. BARET-BOURGOIN (Estelle), 5440. BARGELLINI (Francesco), 2501. BARGNESI (Rodolfo), 1846. BARIû (Nikica), 3672. BARICH (Barbara E.), 997. BARILLY-LEGUY (Martine), 87. BARJOT (Dominique), 6100. BARKER (Elton), 1543. BARKER (Hannah), 5444. BARNES (Christopher L.H.), 1778. BARNES (David S.), 5059. BARNES (Ruth), 913. BARNEY (Stephen A.), 2348, 3115. BARNHOUSE (Rebecca), 3163. BAROLINI (Teodolinda), 3057. BAR-ON (Mordechai), 6657. BARQUERO GOÑI (Carlos), 3335. BARR (Daniel P.), 5635. BARRAL DEL PINO (José María), 981. BARRANCO VELA (Rafael), 123. BARRAQUÉ (Jean Pierre), 2809. BARRELL (John), 3929. BARRENECHE (Osvaldo), 5947. BARRERA-OSORIO (Antonio), 5060. BARRIÈRE (Bernadette), 2896. BARRIO ALONSO (Ángeles), 4401. BARR-MELEJ (Patrick), 4808. BARROS (Andrew), 6394. BARROSO RUIZ (Cecilio), 1000. BARROVECCHIO (Anne-Sophie), 429. BARROW (Julia), 3237. BARTHÉLEMY (Dominique), 3045. BARTHELMESS RÖTHLISBERGER (Petra Y.), 5522. BARTHOLOMEW-FEIS (Dixee R.), 6570. BARTKOWIAK (Anna), 535. BARTLETT (Robert), 3058. BARTLOVÁ (Alena), 4358, 4371. BARTOLI LANGELI (Attilio), 10, 2653. BARTON (H. Arnold), 3486. BARTON (Paul), 4734. BARTSCH (Shadi), 2089. Baryatinskij (Vladimir), 5159. BAR-YOSEF (Ofer), 1018. BARZILAI (Omry), 998.
INDEX OF NAMES BASDEVANT-GAUDEMET (Brigitte), 2853. Basilius II, Byzantine emperor, 2568, 2586, 2618. Basilius Magnus, episcopus, 3367. BASS (Gary Jonathan), 6005. BASSANI (Marco), 5041. BASSO (Eleonora), 5143. BASTIANINI (Guido), 1559, 1589. BASTIEN (Frédéric), 6742. BASTIEN (Pascal), 5948. BATEMAN (Bradley), 687. BATES (Crispin), 4029. BATES (David), 706, 3139, 3965. BATLOGG (Andreas R.), 4712. BATSTONE (William W.), 1933. BATTAGLIOLA (Françoise), 5621. BATTEN (Bruce L.), 7045. BATTEZZATO (Luigi), 1544. BATTINI (Laura), 1194. BATTINI (Michele), 1492. BATTISTELLI (Fabrizio), 645. BAUDENDISTEL (Rainer), 6482. BAUER (Babett), 3849. BAUER (Stefan), 420. BAUERKÄMPER (Arnd), 3483. BAUM (Bruce), 731. BAUM (Wilhelm), 2677. BAUMAN (John F.), 5560. BAUMANN (Imanuel), 5928. BAUMANN (Ursula), 5028. BAUMEISTER (Peter), 1081. BAUMER (Christoph), 2398. BAUMGART (Peter), 4900. BAUMGART (Winfried), 6319. BAUTISTA (Francisco), 362, 2756. BAUTZ (Friedrich Wilhelm), 804. BAUTZ (Traugott), 804. BAXTER (Christopher), 6483. BAXTER (Stephen), 392. BAYCROFT (Timothy), 3526. BAYER (Birgit), 3850. BAYER (Karl), 1865. Bayle (Pierre), 391. BAYLIS (John), 6055. BAYLY (C. A.), 291, 488. BAYO (Juan Carlos), 3371. BAZAROVA (Bal'zhinima Z.), 6836. BAZZANI (Marina), 2551. BAZZANO (Nicoletta), 648. BEARZOT (Cinzia), 1475. BEAU (Anne-Sophie), 5445. BEAUCHAMP (Tom), 5035. BEAUD (Stéphane), 3752. BEAUDRY (Mary C.), 444. BEAULANDE (Véronique), 2989. BEAUPRÉ (Nicolas), 4809. BÉAUR (Gérard), 5530. BÉCARES BOTAS (Vicente), 54. BECCHI (Francesco), 1545. BECCHI (Paolo), 5031.
BECHMANN (Ulrike), 850. BECK (Jan-Wilhelm), 2155. BECK (Patrice), 235. BECK (Peter J.), 292. BECK (Roger L.), 2228. BECKER (Adam H.), 2399. BECKER (Annette), 124, 393, 4809. BECKER (Eve-Marie), 293. BECKER (Hans-Jürgen), 5927. BECKER (Jeffrey A.), 2261. BECKER (Maria), 2355. Becker (Michael), 2396. BECKERT (Sven), 291, 488. Becket (Thomas), 3386. BECKETT (Ian F. W.), 5622. BECKMAN (Gary), 1247. Beda Venerabilis, Sanctus, 392, 2678, 3427. BEDNÁROVÁ (Marcela), 4359. BEECHER (Jonathan), 5853. BEECK (Lies Op De), 1127. BEECROFT (Alexander J.), 1546. BEHMER (Markus), 5292. BEHN (Wolfgang), 860. BEHRENDS (Okko), 653. BEHRENDT (Ralf), 3839. BEIERWALTES (Werner), 3272. BEIHAMMER (Alexander), 2552. BEIJBOM (Ulf), 5623. Beilis (Menahem Mendel), 4757. BEIT-ARIÉ (Malachi), 4. BEKKER-NIELSEN (Tønnes), 2010. BEL-ANGE (Norbert), 6148. BELARDELLI (Giovanni), 4810. BELASCO (Warren), 5624. BELAUNDE RUIZ DE SOMOCURCIO (Javier de), 4220. BELCI (Corrado), 4077. BELFIORE (Elizabeth S.), 1690. BÉLISSA (Marc), 6300. BELJAEV (Leonid A.), 2662. BELKHERROUBI (Abdelmadjid), 3540. BELL (Adrian Robert), 2629. BELL (David), 756. BELL (Dean Phillip), 4794. Bell (Gertrude), 6129. BELL (Lawrence D.), 3544. BELLABARBA (Marco), 2637. BELLAMY (Martin), 3718. BELLELLI (Vincenzo), 1773. BELLEZZA (Simone A.), 4942. BELLOCCHIO (Luca), 4059. BELLOMO (Manlio), 2878. BELLONI (Cristina), 4699. BELLONI (Luigi), 1317. BELMAS (Élisabeth), 5625. BELOT (Robert), 6595. BELOUSOV (Rem A.), 5332. BELTRAMETTI (Anna), 1335.
307 BELTRÁN LLORIS (Francisco), 1847. BELVEDERE (Oscar), 1803. BEN LAZREG (N.), 2262. BEN-AMI (Doron), 1053. BENAMROUCHE (Amar), 580. BENATIA (Abderrahman), 148. BENDER (Gerd), 651. BENEA (Doina), 2263. BENECKE (Werner), 4291. BENEDETTI (Marina), 4735. Benedetto il Moro, 222. BENEDICTUS ANIANENSIS, 3406. Benedictus XIII, antipapa, 2784. BENERICETTI (Ruggero), 2635. Beneš (Edvard), 365, 3692, 4370. BENEŠ (ZdenČk), 294, 6499. BENEVIDES (Sílvio César Oliveira), 3599. Bengedans (Johannes), 2646. BENGTSSON (Anders), 3369. Ben-Gurion (David), 4075. BENIGNO (Francesco), 648. BENÍTEZ (Hermes H.), 3638. BENÍTEZ I RIERA (Josep M.), 4704. BENÍTEZ TREVIÑO (Víctor Humberto), 4166. Benjamin (Walter), 5020. BENNETT (Julian), 1065, 1082, 2264. BENNETT (Martyn), 3930. BENNI (Giovanna), 3462. BEN-SHOMO (David), 1272. BENSIMON (Fabrice), 6341. BENSON (Hugh H.), 946. BENSON (John), 5452. Benson (Robert Louis), 2736. BENSOUSSAN (David), 3753. BENT (George R.), 3185. Benthan (Jeremy), 5021. BENTLEY (Michael), 295, 440. BEN-TOR (Amnon), 1273. BENVENUTI (Andrea), 6743. BENZ (Stefan), 434. BENZ (Wolfgang), 3484. BERARDI (Mario), 5227. BERBERIH-SLANA (Aleksandra), 4374. BEREND (Ivan T.), 5333. BÉRENGER-BADEL (Agnès), 2243. BEREZHNAJA (Lilija A.), 4292. BERG (Manfred), 5949. BERG (Roald), 3486. BERGAMINI (Oliviero), 4979. BERGER (Albrecht), 2483, 2489. BERGER (Dina), 5626. Berger (Jörg), 4470. BERGER (Klaus), 2386. BERGER (Michael), 5627. BERGER (Stefan), 558, 6744. BERGHAHN (Volker R.), 3485.
308 BERGHAUS (Peter), 2836. BERIû (Dušan), 3595. BERKOWITZ (Edward D.), 4811. BERLAN-BAJARD (Anne), 2090. BERLIN (Andrea), 1274. BERLIN (Howard M.), 681. Berlinguer (Enrico), 4085, 4117. BERNABÉ (Alberto), 1368. BERNABÒ BREA (Maria), 1015. BERNAND (Carmen), 5145. BERNARD (Jutta), 806. BERNARDES (Denis), 3600. BERNARDI (Emanuele), 4086. BERNARDINI (Chiara), 1779. BERNARDO ARÉS (José Manuel de), 4439. BERNARDUS CLARAEVALLENSIS, 3392. BERNASCONI (Alicia), 3495. BERNAULT (Florence), 7106. BERNET (Anne), 2740. BERNIER (Serge), 6026. Bernini (GianLorenzo), 5196. BERNKOPF TUCKER (Nancy), 755, 3499. BERNO (Francesca Romana), 1907. BERNSTEIN (Andrew), 501. BERNSTEIN (Martin), 2265. Bernwards von Hildesheim, 3312. BERRENDONNER (Clara), 1828. BERRINO (Nicoletta Francesca), 1336. BERRY (Torriano), 783. BERRY (Venise T.), 783. BERSTEIN (Serge), 3754. BERTÉ (Monica), 3116, 3117. BERTELLI (Sergio), 5488, 5600. BERTHELOT (Anne), 3102. BERTHET (Samuel), 4812, 6016. BERTINI (Ferruccio), 2982. BERTOLONI MELI (Domenico), 5061. BERTONE (Tarcisio), 4683. BERTRÁN MOYA (José Luis), 390. BERTRAND (Jean-Marie), 1476. BERTUNG (Birgit), 5628. BERTUZZI (Giovanni), 3355. BERZAL DE LA ROSA (Enrique), 5858. BESS (Michael), 732. BESSEL (Richard), 3513. BESSERMAN (Lawrence L.), 3036. BESSTREMJANNAJA (Galina E.), 4623. BEST (Anthony), 6651. BESTECK (Eva), 6329. Bethlen (István, gróf), 4022. BETHLENFALVY (Géza), 6653. BETTA (Emmanuel), 5629. BETTANIN (Fabio), 6658. BETTINI (Maurizio), 851.
INDEX OF NAMES BETTONI (Antonella), 5950. BÉVENOT (Maurice), 2338. BEVERSLUIS (John), 1691. BEVILACQUA (Piero), 684. Bevin (Ernest), 6665. BEYAERT (Marc), 184. BEYER (Hartmut), 3060. Bèze (Théodore de), 4849. BÉZIAS (Jean-Rémy), 6395, 6659. BIAGI (Gianni), 5563. BIAGIOLI (Mario), 5063. BIAIÑ (Eleonora), 5316. BIALER (Uri), 6745. BIANCHI (Barbara), 2307. BIANCHI (Bruna), 4110. BIANCHI (Fulvia), 2269. BIANCHI (Paola), 4813. BIANCHI (Serge), 3780. Bianchi (Ugo), 927. Bianchini (Francesco), 283. Bianciotto (Gabriel), 3120. BIARD (Michel), 3812. BIÇER (Ramazan), 772. BICK (Etta), 6746. BICKMANN (Claudia), 5037. Bidault (Georges), 6659. BIEDRZYCKA (Monika), 6390. BIEGERT (Susanne), 2708. BIENASSIS (Loïc), 6263. BIERMANN (Harald), 6330. BIESS (Frank), 5630. BIET (Christian), 5228. BIETTI SESTIERI (Anna Maria), 1054. BIFFI (Monica Maria), 4672. BIGARAN (Mariapia), 3566. BIGGELEBEN (Christof), 5446. BIGGS (Douglas), 2777. BIGLER (Manuel), 6259. BIGSBY (Christopher), 737. BILDHAUER (Bettina), 2990. BILE (Monique), 1547. BÍLEK (JiĜí), 3688. BILIARSKI (Tsocho), 6525. BILLARI (Francesco C.), 5609. BILLERBECK (Margarethe), 2491. BILLINGTON (David P.), 6396. BILLY (Dominique), 3067. BINDER (Carsten), 577. BINDING (Günter), 3187. BINET (Adrian), 5569. BING (Albert), 3672. BINI (Elisabetta), 5250. BINSFELD (Andrea), 1967. BINTLIFF (John), 1429. BINZ (Gerrit), 5229. BIRASCHI (Anna Maria), 1493. BIRBAUMER (Niels), 5064. BIRLEY (Barbara), 2266. BIRMINGHAM (David), 6149. BIRN (Anne-Emanuelle), 5065.
BIRN (Ruth Bettina), 6484. BIRREL (Jean), 2656. BISCHOF (Günter), 6015. BISCHOFF (Georges), 3317. BISGAARD (Lars), 3363. BISHOP (Elizabeth), 6094. BISHOP (Michael Charles), 2036. Bismarck (Otto von), 3887, 6340. BISSEGER (Arthur), 3332. BITBOL (Michel), 5009. BITIS (Alexander), 6331. BITTERLI (Daniel), 6259. BITTERMANN (Rusty), 5492. BIYOGO (Grégoire), 940. Bizcarrondo (Marta), 4387. BJERELD (Ulf), 6747. BJERG (Hans Christian), 216. BJERK (Paul K.), 7107. Bjerregård (Ritt), 3726. BJÖRK (Gunnela), 4980. BJÖRKLUND (Krister), 5848. BLACK (Christopher F.), 4626. BLACK (Crofton), 3252. BLACK (Jeremy), 3931, 6018, 6079. BLACKBOURN (David), 685. BLACKBURN (Mark), 134. BLACKHAWK (Ned), 686. BLAIKIE (Andrew), 5793. BLAIS (Hélène), 195. BLAIVE (Muriel), 5862. BLAKE (Sara), 2244. BLAKELY (Sandra), 1743. BLAKESLEY (Rosalind P.), 5181. BLAMIRES (Alcuin), 3061. BLAMIRES (Cyprian P.), 614. Blanc (Alberto, barone), 6326. BLANCHARD (Joël), 395. BLANCO NÚÑEZ (José María), 6313. BLANKS (David R.), 3349. BLANNING (Tim), 4886. BLÁSQUEZ (Josè M.), 1337. BLAU (Joshua), 2799. BLAUDEAU (Philippe), 2401. BLAVATSKAJA (T.V.), 1362. BLAXLAND (John Charles), 6019. BLAŽEK (Petr), 6810. BLEANEY (Heather), 537, 842. BLECKMANN (Bruno), 426, 1548, 2402. BLEI (Karel), 4736. BLESSING (Benita), 3852. BLETTON-RUGET (Annie), 5120. BLIN (Arnaud), 6264. BLISS (Frederick M.), 4737. BLIX (Göran), 78. BLOCH (Etienne), 393. BLOCH (Marc), 393. BLOCH (R. Howard), 3062. BLOCK (Sharon), 5631.
INDEX OF NAMES BLOK (Josine H.), 1461, 1549. BLÖMER (Michael), 1084. BLOMQVIST (Håkan), 5859. BLOOD (Philip W.), 6571. BLOSEN (Hans), 2646. Bludov (Dmitry), 4295. Blum (Léon), 3754, 3777. BLUMENFELD-KOSINSKI (Renate), 3412. BLUMENTHAL (David R.), 2800. BLYTH (Elizabeth), 1128. BOARDMAN (Stephen I.), 88. BOARDMAN SMUTS (Alice), 5066. BOAS (Adrian J.), 3463. BOATWRIGHT (Mary Taliaferro), 1934. Bobbio (Norberto), 629. BOBROFF (Ronald Park), 6332. BOýEK (Pavel), 6722. BOCK (Gisela), 414. BOCK (Hans Manfred), 4994. BOCKISCH (Gabriele), 1875. BODEANU (Denisa Florentina), 4738. BODEN (Ragna), 6619. Bodin (Jean), 471. BODIN (Michel), 5783. BODRATO (Guido), 4077. BOECKH (Katrin), 4347. BOEHM (Barbara Drake), 2706. BOERNER (Bruno), 3175. BOERS (Hendrikus), 2403. BŒSPFLUG (François), 852. Boethius (Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus), 2335, 2336, 3434. BOFFA (Giovanni), 1338. BOGART (Michele H.), 5189. BOGETIû (Dragan), 6667, 6748. BOHLER (Danielle), 3000. BÖHLER (Jochen), 6572. BOHLKEN (Eike), 5042. BÖHM (Johann), 4271. BOIA (Lucian), 733. BOIVIN (Jeanne-Marie), 3063. BOKELMANN (Elisabeth), 3755. BOLCHINI (Piero), 5357. BOLDORF (Marcel), 5383. BOLDUC (Michelle), 3064. BOLÉ (Jacques), 1048. Bolívar (Simón), 6208, 6225, 6239. BOLLACK (Jean), 1692. BOLLMANN (Anne), 4947. BOLTANSKI (Ariane), 3756. BOLTEN (Marius), 2085. BOMARITO (Jessica), 969. BÖMELBURG (Hans-Jürgen), 296. BOMMAS (Martin), 1275. BONACCI (Giulia), 4007. BONAKDARIAN (Mansour), 6333. Bonaparte (famille), 104.
BONASTIA (Christopher), 4529. BONAZZA (Marcello), 2637. BONAZZI (Mario), 1550. BONDE (Hans), 5632. BONGHI JOVINO (Maria), 1842. BONGIOVANNI (Bruno), 4091. Bonifacium VIII, Papa, 3308. BONIN (Hubert), 5523, 5524. BÖNINGER (Lorenz), 2897. BONINI (Francesco), 5633. BONNET (Alain), 5172. BONNET (Corinne), 297. BONNEY (Richard), 4770. BONOLDI (Andrea), 4119, 5358. BONTEMPELLI (Massimo), 6596. BONUSIAK (Wáodzimierz), 6531. BOOG (Horst), 6573. BOOTHMAN (Lyn), 106. BORAN (Elizabethanne), 4751. Borch (Ole), 5109. BORCHARDT (Karl), 3336. BORDEI-BOCA (Ramona), 930. BOREJSZA (Jerzy E.), 3524. BORELLO (Benedetta), 5634. BORGEAUD (Philippe), 829, 853. BORGER (Rykle), 1195. BORGHERO (Carlo), 942. Borghese (famiglia), 95. BORGIA (Valentina), 999. BORGMAN (Paul), 2404. BORGOGNO (Alberto), 1425. BORGOLTE (Michael), 2690. Boris, Sanctus, 2672. BORISENOK (Elena Ju.), 4513. BORKOWSKA (Joanna), 3413. BORMANN (Alexander von), 4885. BORN (Jürgen), 5166. BORODZIEJ (Wáodzimierz), 4233, 5847. BOROS (Zsuzsanna), 4009. BOROVSKÝ (Tomáš), 4850. BORRACCINI (Rosa Marisa), 259. BORSAY (Peter), 734. BORST (Arno), 3404. BORTNES (Jostein), 2345. BORZELLO (Frances), 5173. BOSBACH (Franz), 726. BOSCHER (Laurent), 620. BOSCHIAN (Giovanni), 1011. BOSCHUNG (Dietrich), 2024. BOSCHUNG (Peter), 3253. BOSE (Sugata), 6832. BÖSEL (Richard), 4646. BOSQUE-PÉREZ (Ramón), 6231. BOSSERT (Martin), 2286. BOST (Hubert), 391. BOSTAŠVILI (N), XI. BOSWORTH (A. Brian), 1430. BOSWORTH (Clifford Edmund), 186. BOTELLA ORTEGA (Daniel), 1000.
309 BOTOR (Stefan), 5951. BOTSCH (Gideon), 4901. BOTTI (Alfonso), 4386. BOTTINEAU (Yves), 3188. BOTTINI (Angelo), 1339. BOTTONI (Stefano), 6726. BOTTS (Joshua), 6020. BOUCHÉ (Anne-Marie), 3209. BOUCHER (Jacqueline), 3748. BOUDET (Jean-Patrice), 2991. BOUDREAU (Claire), 112. BOUET (Pierre), 2972. BOUGARD (François), 2905, 3045. BOULANGER (Gérard), 3757. BOULLET (Daniel), 5334. BOULOGNE (Jacques), 1551. BOURAS (Charalampos), 2554. BOURDIN (Stéphanie), 1819. BOUREAU (Alain), 3254. BOURKE (Joanna), 3513. BOURLET (Michaël), 6397. BOUSTRONIOS (George), 2671. BOUTIER (Jean), 181, 4860. BOUTRY (Philippe), 298, 4657. BOUYSSE-CASSAGNE (Thérèse), 7119. BOUZY (Olivier), 2898. BOWEN (H. V.), 6116. BOWEN (Lloyd), 94. BOWEN (Wayne H.), 4390. BOWERSOCK (G. W.), 785. BOWIE (K. Scott), 808. BOWLUS (Charles R.), 2757. BOWMAN (Alan K.), 2267. BOWMAN (Steven), 6597. BOYCE (A.J.), 1149. BOYCE (David George), 4071. BOYER (Christoph), 5363. BOYKO (John), 3627. BOYLE (Anthony J.), 2156. BOYNTON (Susan), 3337. Bozhilov (Dobri), 6525. BOZÓKY (Edina), 299. BRACCESI (Lorenzo), 1431. BRACCO (Diego), 4596. BRACKEN (Damian), 3428. BRACKNEY (William H.), 4739. BRADFORD (James C.), 6308. Bradley (F. H.), 441. BRADLEY (Richard), 1030. BRADSHAW (David), 744. BRAIDA (Lodovica), 960. BRAKKE (David), 2400. BRALIû (Ante), 6398. Bramante (Donato di Angelo di Pascuccio detto il), 3194. BRAMBILLA (Elena), 4673. BRAND (Paul), 654. BRANDENBERGER (David), 315. BRANDENBORG JENSEN (Ole), 6660.
310 BRANDES (Wolfram), 4833. BRÄNDL (Martin), 2405. BRANDLI (Fabrice), 6284. BRANDS (Hal), 6749. BRANDT (Hartwin), 2406. BRANDT (Peter), 658. BRANFOOT (Crispin), 913. BRASSEUR (Annette), 2157. BRAUD (Philippe), 567. BRAUN (Alexandra), 5929. BRAUN (Hannelore), 4771. BRAUN (Johann), 5894. BRAUN (Patrick), 3332. BRAUN (Peter), 4463. BRAVI (Luigi), 1426, 1552. BRAY (Gerald Lewis), 3322. BRECHTKEN (Magnus), 6021. BREDIN (Jean-Denis), 3758. Breidenbach (Bernhard von), 3456. BREINES (Winifred), 5636. BRELOER (Heinrich), 3853. Brémond (Edouard), 6431. BREÑA (Roberto), 6206. BRENNAN (James R.), 4486. BRENNER (Christiane), 321. BRÉTÉCHÉ (Marion), 6285. BRETT (Annabel), 640. BREUER (Stefan), 430. BREWER (John), 745. Brezhnev (Leonid Ilyich), 4302. Briand (Aristide), 6393. BRIAND (Jean-Pierre), 4937. BRIAND (Michel), 1553. BRIANTA (Donata), 187. BRIDGER (Clive), 2268. BRIDGES (Peter), 6399. BRIEGEL (Françoise), 692. BRIGHAM (Robert K.), 4606. BRILLI (Attilio), 188. BRINKLEY (Douglas), 3552. BRIQUEL (Dominique), 1935. BRIQUET (Jean-Louis), 5637. BRITLAND (Karen), 5230. BRITO (E.), 799. BRITTAIN (Charles), 1866. BRIXHE (Claude), 1357, 1554. BRIZAY (François), 189. BRIZZI (Giovanni), 1936. BROAD (Jacqueline), 5040. BROADBERRY (Stephen), 5447. BROADHEAD (Philip), 562. BROCARDO (Maria Teresa), 2649. BROCK (Peter), 356, 735. BROCKINGTON (Lolita Gutiérrez), 6207. BROCKLISS (Laurence), 300. BROCKMANN (Andrea), 301. BRODKA (Dariusz), 2555. BROER (Ingo), 2358. BROGAN (Hugh), 5051. BROGI (Alessandro), 6620.
INDEX OF NAMES BROGINI (Anne), 6265. BROGINI KÜNZI (Giulia), 6150. BRON (François), 1276. BRON (Gilles-Olivier), 4732. BRONFMAN (Alan), 3636. BRONISCH (Alexander Pierre), 2818. BRONSON (Rachel), 6621. BROOKS (Chris), 2629. BROOKS (Sarah T.), 2512, 2558. Brouquier-Reddé (Véronique), 2240. BROUWER (Elizabeth J.), 452. BROWN (Callum G.), 4624. BROWN (Christopher G.), 1555. BROWN (Christopher Leslie), 3932. BROWN (David), 6336. BROWN (H. Paul), 1556. BROWN (Howard G.), 3759. BROWN (J.), 4827. BROWN (Kerry), 6866. BROWN (Martin David), 6532. BROWN (Matthew), 6208. BROWN (Stewart J.), 808. BROWN (Stuart C.), 943. BROWNING (Don S.), 926. BROWNLIE (Robin Jarvis), 5639. BROZE (Michèle), 1760. BRUBAKER (Rogers), 4272. BRUCE (Frederick F.), 2359. BRUCH (Rüdiger vom), 343, 4902. BRUCKMÜLLER (Ernst), 3580. BRÜCKNER (Martin), 190. BRUDZYēSKA-NċMEC (Gabriela), 4235. BRUGGEMAN (Marijke), 4202. BRÜGGENBROCK (Christel), 1494. BRUGNOLI (Giorgio), 2158. BRUHNS (Hinnerk), 430. BRUIT ZAIDMAN (Louise), 1744. BRÜMMER-PAULY (Kristina), 3854. BRUNE (Lester H.), 6023. BRUNEAU (Philippe), 1780. BRUNERO (Donna), 6024. BRUNERT (Maria-Elisabeth), 6257. BRUNI (Dario), 2660. BRUNN (Uwe), 3414. BRUNNBAUER (Ulf), 3492. BRUNNER (Detlev), 3855. Brunner (Otto), 634. BRUNO (Anne-Sophie), 5419. BRUNO (Matthias), 2269. Brutti (Bartolomeo), 4625. BRUTTMANN (Tal), 3760, 3777. BRYAN (Lindsay), 2837. BRYANT (F. Russell), 3922. BRYANT (Nick), 4530. Bryce (James), 2057. BUCH (Esteban), 5231. BUCHANAN (Brenda J.), 5088. BUCHANAN (Colin), 807.
BUCHANAN (Tom), 6622. BÜCHER (Frank), 1937. BUCHHEIM (Christoph), 5384. BUCHHOLZ (Kai), 5054. BUCHHOLZ (Marlies), 3390. BUCK (Caitlin E.), 992. BUCKLEY (Mary), 5493. BUCKNER (Phillip), 3628. BUDAK (Neven), 2732. BUDDE (Gunilla), 489. BUDNITSKIJ (Oleg V.), 4292, 4787. BUEL (Richard), 549. BUGAJ (Nikolaj F.), 4514. BUGH (Glenn R.), 1432, 1495. BUGOSLAVSKIJ (Sergej A.), 2672. BUHLE (Paul), 3543. BUITRAGO PARRA (José del Carmen), 3648. BUKALOV (Aleksej M.), 5158. Bukowski (Vladimir), 623. BULBOACĂ (Sorin), 4625. BULEI (Ion), 6389. BULISCH (Jens), 4741. BULLE (Sylvaine), 302. BULLINGER (Heinrich), 4731. BULMER-THOMAS (Victor), 688. Buloz (François), 6326. BULTÉ-DI FIORE (Maggy), 3066. BUMBACHER (Stephan Peter), 854. Bundy (McGeorge), 4570. BÜNZ (Enno), 250, 3294. BUONASORTE (Nicla), 4674. Burckhardt (Jacob), 394. BURCKHARDT (Leonhard), 394. BUREŠOVÁ (Jana), 5640. BURESTA (Elisa), 1031. BURGARELLA (Filippo), 2564. BURGDORF (Wolfgang), 303. BURGER (Maya), 809. BURGESS (Clive), 3318. BURGESS (Glenn), 3926. BURGIO (Aurelio), 1803. BURGTORF (Jochen), 3346. BURGUIÈRE (André), 304. Burke (Edmund), 98, 5022. BURKE (Janine), 265. BURKE (W. Lewis), 4680. BURKERT (Walter), 1340. BURLAND (Margaret), 3016. BURN (Gary), 5525. Burnet (Thomas), 4748. BURNETT (Amy Nelson), 4742. BURNETT (Charles), 763. BURNETT (Stephan G.), 4794. BURNS (Lawton R.), 5091. BURNS (Richard Dean), 6023. BURNS (Robert M.), 441. BURRELL (Barbara), 2270. BURRI (Renate), 1612. BURROWS (Simon), 4814. BURRUS (Virginia), 899.
INDEX OF NAMES BURSÍK (Tomáš), 3689. BURTON (Andrew), 5641. BURTON (Janet E.), 3298. BURZIO (Nicola), 5563. BUSBY (Keith), 3189. BUSCH (Peter), 2377. BÜSCHEL (Hubertus), 502. BUSCOMBE (Edward), 5232. BUSHNELL (David), 3649. BUSI (Giulio), 4836. BUSINE (Aude), 1760. BUSINO (Giovanni), 5067. BUSSE (Wilhelm G.), 3444. Bustamante (Anastasio), 4165. BUSTIN (Dennis C.), 4743. BUTAUD (Germain), 89. BUTKA (Uran), 3534. BUTLER (Todd Wayne), 5034. BUTRÓN PRIDA (Gonzalo), 4087. Butterfield (Herbert), 6018. BUTTÓ (Luis Alberto), 4603. BUVIK (Per), 750. BUZZI (Franco), 4819. BYARUHANGA (Frederick K.), 4509. BYNUM (W. F.), 5068. BYRNE (Frank J.), 5448. BYRNE (James Steven), 5069. BYRNE (Maurice A.), 1386. BYSTRÖM (Mikael), 5642. C CABALLOS RUFINO (Antonio), 2127, 2271. CABEZÓN (José Ignacio), 855, 892. Caboto (Giovanni), 199. CABRAL DE SOUZA (George F.), 6216. CABRERA (Ana), 4256. CABRERO (María del Carmen), 1557. CACACE (Paolo), 6054. CACHIER (Hélène), 1048. CACOUROS (Michel), 2602. CADEI (Antonio), 3181. CADIET (Loïc), 5957. ýADKOVÁ (KateĜina), 5640. Caelestinus V, Papa, 3311. Caesar (Gaius Iulius), 1588, 1929, 1933, 1958, 2005, 2006, 2151. Caetano (Marcelo), 4256, 4257. ÇAGĂPTAY (Soner), 4497. CAGE (Wendy), 802. CAGLIOTI (Daniela Luigia), 4744. CAHEN (Michel), 6151. CAHILL (David), 6227. CAI (Guilin), 6867. Cai (Xun), 6881. CAI (Yunhui), 6868. CAILLE (Frédéric), 5643.
CAIN (P. J.), 6152. CAIRE (Emmanuèle), 1962. CAIRNS (Francis), 2159. CAJTHAML (Petr), 3690. CALAME (Claude), 305, 809, 1558, 1745. CALCIOLARI (Silvia), 3601. CALDELLI (Maria Letizia), 1849. CALDERÓN (María Teresa), 6233. CALHOUN (Charles W.), 4531. CALHOUN (Craig J.), 6128. Caligula (Gaius Iulius Caesar Germanicus), Roman emperor, 1979. CALLAHAN (Michael Dennis), 6094. CALLERI (Marta), 34. CALLEROT (Françoise), 3392. Callimachus, 1559, 1592, 1608, 1621, 1639, 1652, 1654. Callisthenes, 1604. CALLONI (Marina), 645. CALLOWAY (Colin G.), 6209. Calpurnius Fiso (Lucius), 1107. CALVO-GONZALEZ (Oscar), 6661. CAMASSA (Giorgio), 1129, 1560. CAMATTA (Patrizia), 1248. CAMBIANO (Giuseppe), 412. Cambise, re di Persia, 1317. CAMERON (Averil), 2532. CAMEROTA (Filippo), 5197. CAMMELLI (Stefano), 738. CAMOU (María Magdalena), 5887. CAMPANELLI (Maurizio), 2633. CAMPBELL (Duncan B.), 2272. Campbell (family), 88. Campbell (Ronald), 6483. CAMPBELL WARNER (Patricia), 5644. CAMPICHE (Roland J.), 4753. CAMPOS (Cynthia Machado), 3602. CAMPOS MÉNDEZ (Israel), 1085. CAMUS (Jean-Yves), 709. CANA (Zekeria), 6400. CANAL I MORELL (Jordi), 4391. CANALE CAMA (Francesca), 3761. CANALES SERRANO (Antonio Francisco), 4392. CANALI (Mauro), 6567. CANART (Paul), 2. CANCIK (Hubert), 548, 2256. CANCIK-KIRSCHBAUM (Eva), 1066, 1196. CANCILA (Orazio), 4903. CANDELA MARCO (María Vicenta), 4393. CAÑEDO GAMBOA (Sergio Alejandro), 6320. CANELLIS (Aline), 2343. CANEPARI (Eleonora), 5645.
311 CANFORA (Luciano), 3, 553, 1561, 3480. CANIVET (Guy), 5957. CAÑIZARES-ESGUERRA (Jorge), 5070. CANNATA (Maria), 1130. CANNEY (Donald L.), 6081. CANNUYER (C.), 364. CANO (Gabriela), 4188. CANOBBIO (Alberto), 2160. CANOSA (Michele), 5236. CANTELLI BERARDUCCI (Silvia), 3399. CANTO (Alicia M.), 1939. CANTORO (Gianluca), 1011. CAO (Shuji), 6869. CAO (Xingsui), 6958. CAO (Zengyou), 6870. CAPARRÓS (Miguel), 1000. CAPDEVILLE (Gérard), 1820. CAPET (Antoine), 6334. CAPITANI (Ovidio), 2691. ýAPKA (František), 6662. CAPPELLANO (Filippo), 6401. CAPPELLETTI (Silvia), 2091. CAPPERS (René), 1013. CAPRIOLI (Severino), 2873. CAPRISTO (Annalisa), 416, 4904. CAPUZZO (Paolo), 478, 739. CARASSO-KOK (Marijke), 5598. CARASTRO (Marcello), 1746. Caravaggio, 5203. CARBALUDO (Marc), 3391. CARBASSE (Jean-Marie), 655. CARBONNEL (Marie), 5646. CARCEL ORTÍ (Milagros), 11. CÁRDENAS GUTIÉRREZ (Salvador), 5647, 5952. CARDIA (Mariarosa), 6566. CARDWELL (John), 300. CARIDI (Giuseppe), 4088. CARLIER (Marc), 6574. Carlos III el Noble, rey de Navarra, 2940. Carlos III, rey de España, 4088, 4704. CARLOTTO (Natascia), 2660. CARLSEN (Jesper), 2092. CARLSSON (Erik), 4449. CARLSSON WETTERBERG (Christina), 5759. Carneades, 1719. CARNOVALE (Vera), 463. CARO (Manuel J.), 4207. CAROCCI (Sandro), 2944. CAROLEASE GRIER (Beverly), 5648. CAROLLA (Mario), 4640. CARON (Jean-Claude), 5953. CAROTI (Stefano), 3168, 3250. CARPENTIER (Florence), 5649.
312 CARRATTIERI (Mirco), 386. CARRÉ (Stéphane), 5385. CARRINO (Annastella), 5449. CARRIÓN (Julio), 4221. CARROLL (Stuart), 5650. CARTER (Lionel), 4028. CARTER (Michael), 1848. CARTER (Robert), 1016. CARTER (Susan B.), 4524. CARTLEDGE (Paul), 1433. CARTON (Benedict), 5651. CASADIO (Giovanni), 856, 934. CASALENA (Maria Pia), 5071. CASALI (Sergio), 2161. CASANOVA (Angelo), 1559, 1562, 1589. Casaroli (Agostino), 4671, 6768, 6778. CASASSAS I YMBERT (Jordi), 4395. CASCIONE (Giuseppe), 113. CASETTI (Francesco), 5308. CASEVITZ (Michel), 1563. CASHIN (Joan E.), 4532. CASIDAY (Augustine M.), 2342, 2530. CASSAN (Michel), 5939. CASSATA (Francesco), 5072. CASSIDY (Chris), 909. CASSINGENA-TRÉVEDY (François), 2341. Cassiodorus (Flavius Magnus Aurelius), 1956, 2312. CASSIRER (Ernst), 5023. CASSIS (Youssef), 5526. CASTAGNA (Luigi), 2205. CASTAGNOLI (Luca), 2407. CASTEL (Robert), 3762. CASTELLANO (Juan Luis), 4394. CASTELNUOVO (Guido), 2780. CASTIGLIONI (Elisabetta), 1011. CASTILLERO CALVO (Alfredo), 5561. CASTILLO GÓMEZ (Antonio), 5146. Castlereagh (Robert Stewart Viscount), 6301. CASTRÉN (Paavo), 2273. CASTRO SAURITAIN (Carlos), 6751. CASULA (Lucio), 3321. CATALA (Michel), 6010, 6056. CATAPANO (Giovanni), 2329. CATAUDELLA (Michele), 1086. CATOLFI (Antonio), 5233. CATONI (Maria Luisa), 228, 1492. CATTANI (Maurizio), 1027. Catullus (Gaius Valerius), 2154, 2188, 2204. Cauvet (Gaston Édouard Jules), 6140. Cavagni (Filippo), 60. CAVALIER (Laurence), 1087. CAVALIERI (Marco), 1829.
INDEX OF NAMES CAVALLERO (Pablo A.), 1564. CAVALLO (Chiara), 1013. CAVALLO (Guglielmo), 1, 2559. Cavallo (Ilaria), 4082. CAVALLOTTO (Stefano), 574. CAVELL (Janice), 6732. CAVIERES FIGUEROA (Eduardo), 6337. CAVIGLIA (Daniele), 6752. CAVIGLIA (Mariana), 3545. ýAVOŠKI (Jovan), 6663. Cavour (Camillo Benso, conte di), 422. CAZALS (Rémy), 6382. CĂZAN (Ileana), 191. Cazeaux (Monique), 3196. CAZZANIGA (Gian Mario), 608, 5756. Ceauúescu (Nicolae), 4273, 4282, 6756. CEAUùU (Mihai-ùtefan), 4273. CÉBEILLAC-GERVASONI (Mireille), 1849. CECCHINI (Cecilia), 5217. CECCONI (Giovanni A.), 2093. CECCUTTI (Cosimo), 6321. CECI (Lucia), 6153, 6610. Cecil (Robert), 6411. CELEJ (Anna), 109. CENGARLE (Federica), 2703, 2778. CENNI (Francesca), 3040. CENSI (Arianna), 4109. CERASETTI (Barbara), 1270. CERDEÑO (Mª Luisa), 983. CEREGHINO (Mario J.), 3590. ýERNÁ (Marie), 5860. CERNUSCHI (Enrico), 6575. CERONISOVÁ (Eva), 5652. CERUTTI (Mauro), 241. CERUTTI (Steven M.), 1867. Cervantes Saavedra (Miguel de), 5143, 5144, 5147. CESARANO (Filippo), 5527. CESCUTTI (Eva), 2162. CESEREANU (Ruxandra), 4284. ýEŠKA (Jaroslav), 6485. CEVOLINI (Alberto), 740. CHA (Shaoying), 6871. CHABERT (Pierre), 5653. Chabod (Federico), 388, 416. CHABOT (Isabelle), 93. CHAE (Young Sam), 2408. Chagas (João), 6441. CHAIGNE-OUDIN (Anne-Lucie), 6402. CHALABI (Tamara), 4143. CHALON (Louis), 149. CHAMBARLHAC (Vincent), 3747, 3834. Chamberlain (Austen), 6414, 6423. Chamberlain (Joseph), 6414.
Chamberlain (Neville), 3985, 6414. CHAMBON (Grégory), 1066, 1196, 1197. Champetier de Ribes (Auguste), 6536. CHAMPION (Pierre), 3748. CHAN (Ming K.), 554. CHANDLER (Andrew), 4745. CHANET (Jean-François), 3763. CHANIOTIS (Angelos), 1385. CHANTADA (Amparo), 5562. Chantelou (Paul Fréart de), 5196. CHAPLIN (Joyce E.), 5073. CHAPMAN (Jessica M.), 4607. CHARALAMPOS (Orfanos), 1565. CHARLE (Christophe), 5108. Charles VIII, roi de France, 3316. Charles, comte de Flandre, 2686. Charlot (Monica), 3953. CHARMASSON (Thérèse), 4937. CHARMLEY (John), 6301. CHARON-PARENT (Annie), 248. CHARPIN (Dominique), 1187. CHARVET (Marie), 5597. CHATRIOT (Alain), 630, 5086, 5455, 5654, 5881. CHATTERJEE (Indrani), 6833. CHATTERJEE (Partha), 6110. CHATURVEDI (Vinayak), 6118. CHATZƜVASILEIOU (EuanthƝs), 6753. CHAUBET (François), 150. Chaucer (Geoffrey), 980, 3061, 3114, 3131. CHAVALAS (Mark W.), 1064. CHAVE (Isabelle), 233. CHAZAN (Mireille), 355. CHECA GODOY (Antonio), 4396. CHEDDADI (Abdesselam), 408. CHEEMA (Iqtidar Karamat), 4213. CHEHABI (Houchang Esfandiar), 6030. CHEN (Dengwu), 6872. CHEN (Guocan), 6924. CHEN (Haitao), 6873. CHEN (Huixin), 6874. CHEN (Jiang), 6875. CHEN (Qunyuan), 6533. CHEN (Shiwei), 6876. CHEN (Xulu), 6877. CHENNATTU (Rekha M.), 2409. CHENNTOUF (Tayeb), 3539. CHERKAS (Borys), 6266. CHERNICHENKO (Ljudmila L.), 5159. CHERRY (Janet), 3513. CHERVEL (André), 151. CHESSEL (Marie-Emmanuelle), 5455. CHEYNET (Jean-Claude), 2560. Chiang (Kai-shek), 6521, 6912.
INDEX OF NAMES CHIAVISTELLI (Antonio), 4090. CHIBA (Masashi), 6878. Chien Lung, emperor of China, 6965. CHIFFOLEAU (Sylvia), 4484. CHILDS (Matt D.), 6210. CHILLERI (Filiberto), 1045. CHINES (Loredana), 5140. CHIRAT (Raymond), 5272. CHIRKOV (Mikhail S.), 4293. CHIUSI (Tiziana J.), 2037. CHIVU (Carmen), 4274. CHLENCH (Kathrin), 3267. CHMIELOWSKA (Danuta), 6403. CHOCOMELI (Lucas), 4464. CHORĄĩYCZEWSKI (Waldemar), 4249. CHOURAQUI (Jean-Marc), 4792. Chresphontes, 1568. Chrétien de Troyes, 3124. CHRIST (Karl), 307, 1940. CHRIST (Matthew R.), 1496. Christensen (J. C.), 3723. CHRISTENSEN (John), 3719. CHRISTENSSON (Jakob), 4878. CHRISTESEN (Paul), 1497. Christian IV, konge af DanmarkNorge, 3718, 3728. CHRISTIANSEN (Birgit), 1249. CHRISTIANUS STABULENSIS, 3407. CHRISTIE (Neil), 2308. CHRISTIE (Niall), 3024. CHRISTIN (Angèle), 5954. CHRISTOFFERSON (Michael Scott), 3764. CHRISTOFFERSON (Thomas Rodney), 3764. CHRISTOL (Michel), 1850. CHRISTOPHER (Emma), 6154. CHRITOFFERSEN (Peder), 3720. Chrušþëv (Nikita Sergeeviþ), 6772, 6800, 6822, 6826. CHRYSELIUS (Sandra), 2094. CHUBAR'JAN (Aleksandr O.), 369, 6436. CHUNG (Chin-hong), 858. CHUNG (Young-lob), 5528. Churchill (Winston Leonard Spencer, sir), 3928, 3935, 6425, 6511, 6723. CHUST (Manuel), 6217. CHUVIN (Pierre), 2516. CHVATÍK (Ivan), 596. CHVYR' (Ljudmila A.), 503. CHYNCZEWSKA-HENNEL (Teresa), 6267. CIACCI (Leonardo), 5211, 5234. CIAMPA (Silvana), 1693. CIARALLI (Antonio), 2854. CICCARELLI (Carlo), 5393.
Cicero (Marcus Tullius), 1591, 1864, 1865-1873, 1985, 1988, 1992, 2046, 2095, 2115, 2195, 2219, 2234, 2353. CICHOē (Paweá), 4236. CIECKO (Anne Tereska), 5241. CIEPLEY (David), 624. ýIERNA-LANTAYOVÁ (Dagmar), 4370, 6486. CIESIELSKI (Stanisáaw), 4233. CIFUENTES CHUECA (Julia), 4397. CIGANDA ELIZONDO (Roberto), 2779. CIGLIANO (Giovanna), 478. CIGNI (Fabrizio), 3108. CINAMON (Gilad), 1282. CINNELLA (Ettore), 427. CINOTTO (Simone), 741. CIOCCA (Pierluigi), 5357. CIORBA (Ioan), 4719. CIPEK (Tihomir), 3669. CIPOLLA (Adele), 3387. CIPOLLA (Paolo), 1566. CIRANNI (Rosalba), 1143. CIRIACONO (Salvatore), 690. CÎTEIA (Adriana-Claudia), 2410. CITRONI (Mario), 2163. CITRONI MARCHETTI (Sandra), 2095. CITTI (Vittorio), 1567. CIURANA I PRAST (Judit), 4398. CIVEL (Nicolas), 2900. CLAASSENS (Geert H. M.), 37. CLADIS (Mark S.), 308. CLANCEY (Gregory), 5074. CLAPTON (Rick), 5930. Clara Assisiensis, Sancta, 3379. CLARENCE-SMITH (William Gervase), 691. CLARK (Christopher), 3856, 5655. CLARK (Linda), 2782, 2922. CLARK (Peter), 5566, 5568. CLARK (William A. V.), 5582. CLARK (William), 4905. CLARKE (Colin G.), 5564. CLARKE (Peter B.), 874. CLARYSSE (Willy), 1131. Claudianus (Claudius), 2205. Claudius Mamertinus, 1874. Claudius Nero Germanicus (Tiberius), Roman emperor, 1851. CLAUSS (Manfred), 2411. CLAUSTRE (Julie), 2855. CLAVERIE (Pierre-Vincent), 3365. CLAYTON (Anthony), 3933. CLAYTON (Frederick W.), 1914. CLEGG (Elizabeth), 5190. Clemenceau (Georges), 6380. Clemens Alexandrinus, Sanctus, 2337, 2461.
313 CLEMENT (Elizabeth Alice), 5656. CLÉMENT (Emile), 3587. CLÉMENT (François), 3067. CLEMENTE (José Carlos), 555. CLEMENTS (Jonathan), 217. Cleon, 1799. CLICHE (Marie-Aimée), 5955. Clodius Thrasea Paetus (Publius), 2011. Clotilde, reine de France, 2740. Clough (family), 108. CLUNE (David), 3562. CLUNY (Isabel), 6286. CLUSTER (Dick), 5565. COATES (Colin M.), 3630. COATES (Geraldine), 362. COATSWORTH (John H.), 688. Cobbett (William), 5379. Cobden (Richard), 3979. COCCHI GENICK (Daniela), 984. COCCHINI (Francesca), 2412. COCKS (H. G.), 742. COCO (Giovanni), 6534. CODA (Piero), 870. CODATO (Adriano Nervo), 3613. COFFEY (John), 4746. COGAN (Brian), 743. Cognetti de Martiis (Salvatore), 2175. CÖHÇE (Mustafa), 4494. COHEN (Antonin), 3767. COHEN (Eran), 1198. COHEN (Évelyne), 124. COHEN (Matthew Isaac), 5237. COHEN (Richard S.), 859. COHEN (Sande), 445. COHEN (Warren I.), 755, 3499. COHEN (Yoram), 1237, 1247. COHN (Ellen R.), 6279. COHN (Willy), 5607. COHRS (Patrick O.), 6404. COJANNOT-LE BLANC (Marianne), 5169. COJESCU (Norica-Maria), 3489. COLA (Paolo), 5238. ÇOLAK (Yilmaz), 4499. COLBUS (J.C.), 4924. COLBY (Jason M.), 6211. COLDA (Lucian D.), 2561. COLE (Anna), 751. COLE (Juan), 755, 3499. COLE (Robert), 6535. COLEMAN (Deirdre), 6243. COLEMAN (Kathleen M.), 1890. Colet (Dean John), 4733. COLGROVE (James), 5075. COLISH (Marcia L.), 3255. COLLADO SEIDEL (Carlos), 4399. COLLARD (Christopher), 1568. COLLEONI (Aldo), 6008. COLLETTA (Claudia), 4788.
314 COLLETTE-DUCIC (Bernard), 1694. COLLI (Gaetano), 36. Collingwood (R. G.), 441. COLLINI (Stefan), 4815. COLLINS (Diane), 446. COLLINS (Roger), 2742. COLOMB (Claire), 5861. COLOMBO (Maurizio), 1941. COLÓN MORERA (José Javier), 6231. COLOùENCO (Mircea), 4275. COLTMAN (Viccy), 4816. COLZI (Francesco), 5558. COMAND (Mariapia), 5239, 5310. COMBA (Rinaldo), 2775. COMBEAU (Yvan), 6155. COMBES (Annie), 3067. COMERFORD (Kathleen M.), 4677. Commodus (Marcus Aurelius), Roman emperor, 1993, 2005. Commynes (Philippe de), 395. Companys y Jover (Luis), 6507. COMPATANGELO-SOUSSIGNAN (Rita), 1498. CONDE GUERRI (Elena), 2311. CONDE NARANJO (Esteban), 4400. CONDETTE (Jean-François), 4906. CONDORELLI (Orazio), 2878. CONEA (Ion), 152. CONFINO (Alon), 309. CONGDON (Lee), 4012. CONGOURDEAU (Marie-Hélène), 2602. CONNAUGHTON (Brian F.), 4981. CONNELLY (Matthew), 291, 488, 625. CONNELLY (Owen), 6302. CONNOCHIE-BOURGNE (Chantal), 2716. CONNOR (Ian), 3857. CONQUEST (Robert), 4340. CONRAD (Sebastian), 489, 3858. CONRADS (Norbert), 5607. CONRADUS DE MURE, 3065. CONSIGLIO (Dario), 5240. CONSTABLE (Giles), 2852. CONSTANTINIU (Florin), 4266. Constantinus (Lucius Flavius Valerius), Roman emperor, 232, 550, 1861, 1938, 1965, 1983, 2233, 2308, 2387, 2406, 2454, 2470, 4833. Constantinus IV, Byzantine emperor, 2589. Constantinus VII Porphyrogennetus, Byzantine emperor, 2626. CONTAMINE (Philippe), 2945. CONTARDI (Federico), 1132. Contarini (Gasparo), 4755. CONTI (Flavio), 1942, 2140.
INDEX OF NAMES CONTI (Fulvio), 592. Conti (Giusto de'), 3113. CONWAY (Stephen), 3934. CONWAY-LANZ (Sahr), 6623. CONZE (Eckart), 253. COOK (Barrie), 2574. COOK (Chris), 562. COOLEY (Jeff), 1237. COOLS (Hans), 5451. COOPER (Alan), 2902. Cooper (Charles), 6246. COOPER (Frederick), 6128. COPP (Terry), 6576. COPPIETERS'T WALLANT (Bertrand), 3288. Coppola (Goffredo), 396. COQUERY (Natacha), 4825. COQUERY-VIDROVITCH (Catherine), 4162, 7108. CORAM-MEKKEY (Sandra), 4732. CORBIER (Mireille), 1845, 2096. CORBIN (Alain), 5164. CORCELLA (Aldo), 1569. CORDANO (Federica), 1570. CORDERO RUIZ (Tomás), 985. CÓRDOBA DE LA LLAVE (Ricardo), 3021. CORNELISON (Sally J.), 3375. Cornelius Nepos, 1875, 1876. CORNELL (Saul), 4533. CORNI (Gustavo), 4840. CORNILS (Anja), 2360. CORNWALL (Mark), 3691. CORONA (Gabriella), 3367. CORRADINI (Doris A.), 318. CORRADINI (Richard), 3043. CORRIGAN (Gordon), 3935. CORSO (Francesca), 4109. CORSTEN (Thomas), 1089, 1385. CORTÉS CONDE (Roberto), 688. CORTÉS PEÑA (Antonio Luis), 390. CORTESE (Ennio), 5895. CORTESI (Mariarosa), 2354. CORTHORN (Paul), 3936. CORTI (Gino), 3192. CORTI (Laura), 5242. CORTIJO OCAÑA (Antonio), 3017. ÇOùAR (Nevin), 6405. COSENTINO (Serena), 1055. COSGROVE (Charles H.), 1571. COSI (Dario M.), 812. COùKUN (Altay), 1967. COSME (Pierre), 419. COSMOPOULOS (Michael B.), 1369. COSTA (Gustavo), 4748. Costantino I, imperatore d'oriente, 299. COSTE (Laurent), 3768. COSTELOE (Michael P.), 6320. COTTA (Irene), 234. COTTIER (Jean-François), 3445.
COTTON (Hannah M.), 1351. COULOMB (Clarisse), 3769. COULON (Gérard), 2097. COULSTON (Jonathan C. N.), 2036. COUNTRYMAN (Matthew J.), 4534. COURTOIS (Stéphane), 623. COUTAU-BÉGARIE (Hervé), 5235. COUTO (Dejanirah), 182. COUTON (Marie), 4826. COUTU (Joan), 4817. COUVENHES (Jean-Christophe), 1466. COVIELLO (Gaetana), 1572. COWEN (David J.), 5556. COX (James L.), 861, 862. COZZO (Andrea), 310. COZZO (Paolo), 4678. CRACCO (Giorgio), 2694. CRAGIN (Thomas), 4982. CRAIG (Edward), 952. CRAMER (Gisela), 4818. Crämer (Ulrich), 397. CRAMER-PETERSEN (Lars), 6287. CRAMP (Rosemary), 788. CRANDALL (Russell), 6755. CRANE (Susan A.), 435. CRANZ (F. Edward), 947. CRASSO (Daniela), 1250. Crates Mallensis, 1640. Cratinus, 1621. CRAVERI (Piero), 4092. CRAWFORD (Katherine), 5601. CREIGHTON (John), 1943. CREMASCOLI (Giuseppe), 2982. CRÉPIN (Annie), 3766. CRESPO RUIZ (Ana Belén), 981. CRESPO SOLANA (Ana), 6213. CRESSY (David), 192, 3937. CRESWELL (Michael), 6624. CRETTIEZ (Xavier), 5983. CREUTZ (Gustav Philip, greve), 6280. CRICCO (Massimiliano), 6752. CRICK (Julia), 3139. CRÎNGUù (Mariana), 2098, 2263. CRIùAN (Ioan), 2903. CRISCUOLO (Vittorio), 4093. CRISTOFORI (Alessandro), 1880. CRITCHLOW (Donald T.), 5657. CRIVELLO (Fabrizio), 3183. CROCE (Benedetto), 398, 447, 4831, 5005, 5024. CROENEN (Godfried), 39. CROKE (Brian), 2563. CROMARTIE (Alan), 3938. CROMEY (Robert D.), 1747. Cromwell (Oliver), 3930. CRONIN (Stephanie Maria), 4048. CRONK (Nicholas), 5052. CROOK (David), 2641. CROPP (Glynnis M.), 2336.
INDEX OF NAMES CROSETTI (Alessandro), 5931. CROTTY (Martin), 7122. Croucher (Murlin), 56. CROUZET (Michel), 5142. Crow (Jim), 6211. CROWE (Catriona), 6527. CRUM (Roger J.), 5794. CRUMMEY (Donald), 7116. CRUSELLS (Magí), 5243. CRUZ (Rafael), 4402. CRUZ ANDREOTTI (Gonzalo), 197. ýUBELIû (Alojz), 2992. CUENCA (Álvaro), 4597. CUENCA TORIBIO (José Manuel), 6303. CUEVAS (Bryan J.), 6954. CUEVAS CARDONA (Consuelo), 5076. CUHRA (Jaroslav), 3490. CUI (Wenxiao), 6880. CUI (Zhihai), 6881. CULERRIER (Pascal), 140. CULIANU (Ioan Petru), 864. CULLEN (Charles T.), 4525. CULTRARO (Massimo), 1370. CUNO (Kenneth M.), 5494. CUNRUI XIONG (Victor), 6882. CUOZZO (Mariassunta), 1781. CÜPPERS (Martin), 6545. CURCI (Antonio), 1818. CURILLA (Wolfgang), 6487. CURP (T. David), 4237. CURTIS (Edward E. IV), 4789. CURVERS (Hans H.), 1231. CUSCITO (Giuseppe), 3174. CUSHNER (Nicholas P.), 4715. CUTINELLI-RENDINA (Emanuele), 398, 4080. CVETKOVIû (Srÿan), 4348. CVETKOVIû (Vladimir Lj.), 6756. CVIRN (Janez), 3491, 3569. Cyprianus, episcopus, Sanctus, 2338. CZAJA (Marek), 6338. CZICHON (Rainer M.), 1199. D D'ABBADIE SOTO (Enrique), 6201. D'ACIER (Louis Faivre), 29. D'AGOSTINO (Bruno), 1781. D'ALESSANDRO (Libera), 5563. D'ALESSIO (Alessandro), 2288. D'ALFONSO (Lorenzo), 1251. D'AMBRA (Eve), 2086. D'AMICO (Giovanna), 4094. D'AMICO (Marilisa), 4109. D'ANGOUR (Armand), 1499. D'AYALA VALVA (Luigi), 2527. D'ESCOTO (Miguel), 4207. D'HUGUES (Philippe), 5235. DA PASSANO (Mario), 5961.
DA SILVA (Maria Natália), 90. DABHOIWALA (Faramerz), 5958. DABRIGEON-GARCIER (Fabienne), 67. DABRINGHAUS (Sabine), 565. DĄBROWA (Edward), 1277. Dacke (Nils), 4447. DAECHSEL (Markus), 4214. DAGEN (Jean), 429. Dagobert I, roi de France, 2744. DAHAN (Gilbert), 355. DAHLA (Björn), 877. DAHLMANN (Dittmar), 4845. DAHRENDORF (Ralf), 4820. Dai (Jitao), 7040. DAI (Wusan), 4936. DAL COROBBO (Fabio), 1887. DALAI EMILIANI (Marisa), 5169. DALE (Elizabeth), 5787. DALL'AGLIO (Stefano), 4679. DALRYMPLE (William), 4030. DALY (Kathleen), 2673. DALY (Mary E.), 5658. Damascius, 2492. DAMBERG (Wilhelm), 4647. DAMON (Cynthia), 1933, 1944. DANCE (Richard), 3327. DANCHEV (Alex), 6625. DANGL (Vojtech), 4360. DANIEL (Wallace L.), 4721. DANIELSEN (Oluf), 3721. DANIELUK (Robert), 252. DANILOVA (Elena N.), 4238. Dante Alighieri, 3057, 3085, 3093, 3125, 3281, 3434. DANZI (Massimo), 248. DARBO-PESCHANSKI (Catherine), 1343. DARDAINE (Sylvie), 1845. DARDANO (Paola), 1252. Dares Phrygius, 29. DARKÓ (Jeno), 2565. DARLINGTON (Ralph), 5863. DARNELL (John Coleman), 1133. DARNTON (Robert), 69. DAROVEC (Darko), 5959. Darwin (Charles), 5057. DARYAEE (Touraj), 311. DASTON (Lorraine), 552. DATTA GUPTA (Sobhanlal), 4031. DAUGHTON (J. P.), 6084. DAUM (Werner), 658. DAUVEN (Bernard), 5659. DAVID (A. P.), 1573. DAVID (Jean-Michel), 2099. DAVID (Paul A.), 695. DAVID (Philippe), 4445. DAVIDS (Peter H.), 2361. DAVIDSEN-NIELSEN (Hans), 6626. DAVIDSON (James), 1500. DAVIDZON (Angela), 1005.
315 DAVIES (Howard), 5335. DAVIES (J. Keith), 255. DAVIES (John K.), 1501. DAVIES (Norman), 6488. DAVIES (Ros), 5793. DAVIES (Wendy), 2948. DAVIS (Adam J.), 3415. DAVIS (David Brion), 6085. DAVIS (John A.), 4095. DAVIS (John R.), 4232. DAVIS (Simon), 6489. Davis (Varina), 4532. DAWSON (Andrew), 5864. DAWSON (Robert L.), 57. DAWSON (Timothy), 2566. DAYEM (Torben Abd-el), 6120. DAYKIN (Jeffer B.), 709. DAYTON (John C.), 1434. DAZET-BRUN (Philippe), 6536. DE ALENCASTRO (Luiz Felipe), 6214. DE ALMEIDA (Lúcio Flávio), 3603. DE ANGELIS (Franco), 1502. DE ANTONIO RUBIO (María Gloria), 2801. DE ASARTA (Stefano), 1945. DE BERCEO (Gonzalo), 3371. DE BERNARDI (Alberto), 4096. DE BERNARDO STEMPEL (Patrizia), 1344. DE BLOIS (Lukas), 2236. DE BOGGS (Edna Garrido), 504. DE BOISSIEU (Alain), 6605. DE BOOS (Emmanuel), 110. De Caix (Robert), 6112. DE CARO (Stefano), 1931. DE CASTRO MARTÍN (Pablo), 6313. DE CECCO (Marcello), 5357. DE CHECCHI (Corinne), 1371. DE COURCELLES (Dominique), 354. DE CRÉCY (Marie-Claude), 2786. DE CRISTOFARO (Luigi), 1088. DE DIJN (Herman), 5049. DE FLEURQUIN (L.), 799. DE FRANCESCO (Antonio), 4821. DE FRIBOIS (Noël), 2673. DE GASPERI (Alcide), 3566, 3578, 4092. De Gaulle (Charles), 567, 3782, 5086, 6184, 6595, 6690, 6742, 6764. DE GIORGI (Fulvio), 478. DE GIORGI (Roberta), 4749. DE GLAS (Frank), 71. DE GREGORIO (Scott), 3427. DE LA PEDRAJA TOMÁN (René), 6027. DE LA REZA (Germán A.), 7117. DE LA SOUJEOLE (BênoitDominique), 865.
316 DE LA TORRE (Mildred), 3677. De las Casas (Ignacio), 4716. DE LINARES (Letizia), 6757. DE LUCA (Gabriele), 1574. De Luca (Giuseppe), 431. DE LUCA (Virginie), 5567. DE LUNA (Giovanni), 6028. DE MARCHI (Neil), 5204. DE MARINIS (Raffaele C.), 1032. De Martino (Ernesto), 896, 900. DE MATOS (Patrícia Ferraz), 6086. DE MELLO BARRETO (Fernando), 6758. DE MELLO E SOUZA (Laura), 6215. DE MITRI (Carlo), 1782. DE MOOR (Antoine), 1328. DE MORAES (Mário Sérgio), 3604. DE PERETTI (André), 6156. DE PRIVITELLIO (Luciano), 3558. DE ROBERTIS (Teresa), 35. DE ROMANIS (Federico), 2100. DE ROOY (Piet), 5571. DE ROSA (Giuseppe), 866. DE RUBEIS (Flavia), 1. DE SAIZIEU (Laurence), 6288. DE SAUTO (Martine), 4681. De Sousa (Luis), 6282. DE STEFANI (Claudio), 2567. DE STEFANI (Mirco), 1001. DE VOGÜÉ (Adalbert), 3328. DE VOS (Luc), 3584. DE WARESQUIEL (Emmanuel), 3770. DEAN (Virgil W.), 5495. DEBANNÉ (Marc J.), 2362. DEBIASI (Andrea), 1575. DEBNAR (Paula), 1433. Deborah (Laura), 5188. DEBORDES-LISSILOUR (Séverine), 3771. DEBOUZY (Marianne), 5865. Debré (Michel), 3781. Dechet (Ján), 3697. Decius (Gaius Messius Quintus Traianus), Roman emperor, 2402. DECROIX (Arnaud), 5529. DEE (James H.), 2165. Defoe (Daniel), 4999. DEFRANCE (Corine), 6664. DEGER-JALKOTZY (Sigrid), 1367, 1372. DEGNI (Paola), 1. DEGORGE (Barbara), 709. DEHOUVE (Danièle), 4179. DEIGHTON (Anne), 6665. DEININGER (Jürgen), 5053. DEISEROTH (Dieter), 5986. DEISSLER (Dirk), 153. DEITZ (Luc), 2500. DEJMEK (JindĜich), 3692, 6537.
INDEX OF NAMES DEJUNG (Christof), 4465. DEKKER (Karien), 4203. DEL ARENAL FENOCHIO (Jaime), 5896. DEL COL (Andrea), 810. DEL CORSO (Lucio), 1387. DEL LLANO IBÁÑEZ (Ramón), 4167. DEL MAR CHICHARRO MERAYO (María), 5301. DEL OLMO LETE (Gregorio), 1200, 1278. DEL RÍO SÁNCHEZ (Francisco), 1279. DEL TREPPO (Mario), 312. DEL VERME (Laura), 1781. Delacroix (Eugène), 5185. DELAGE (Christian), 218. DELANEY (Jeane), 3546. DELATRE (Charles), 1748. DELBÈS (Christiane), 5569. Delbos (Yvon), 6559. DELBOURGO (James), 5077. DELCLOS (Jean-Claude), 3100. DELCOMMINETTE (Sylvain), 1694, 1695. DELCOURT (Christian), 5212. DELCOURT-ANGÉLIQUE (Janine), 5212. DELEMEN (ønci), 1783. DELETANT (Dennis), 6478, 6490. DELEUZE (Magali), 6666. DELGADO (José A.), 869. DELIYANNIS (Deborah Mauskopf), 3302. DELLA CORTE (Federico), 966. DELLA VALLE (Valeria), 154. DELMAS (Corinne), 4907. DELNERI (Francesca), 1749. DÉLOYE (Yves), 3772, 3813. DELP (Mark Damien), 3243, 3244. DELPERO (Pietro), 91. DELPIANO (Patrizia), 4822. DELPORTE (Christian), 219, 228. DELTA (Penelope), 2568. DEMADE (Julien), 627, 5660. DEMANDT (Alexander), 1983. DEMARCO (Eileen S.), 4983. Demetrius Poliorcetes, 1516. DEMEULENAERE (Roland Paul), 3288. DEMIN (Vadim A.), 4294. DEMIRCI (Sevtap), 6339, 6405. DEMKER (Marie), 6747. Democrates, 1639. Democritus, 953. DEMONET (Marie-Luce), 5150. DEMONT (Paul), 1576. Demosthenes, 1448, 1602. DEMOUGIN (Ségolène), 419, 2127. DENARO (Roberta), 4790.
DENIZE (Eugen), 3493, 4944. DENLEY (Peter), 3164. DENNIS (John A.), 2414. Dennis (Lawrence), 4550. DENNISON (Stephanie), 3606. DENTICE DI ACCADIA (Stefano), 1577. DEPALMA DIGESER (Elizabeth), 2229. DEPEYROT (Georges), 2101. DEREVINSKYI (Vasyl), 4515. DEROSA (Christopher S.), 4536. DESCAMPS (Florence), 485, 517. Descartes (René), 230, 5025, 5206. DESCAT (Raymond), 1491. DÉSESQUELLES (Aline), 5569. DESGRUGILLERS (Nathalie), 2352. DESMULLIEZ (Janine), 2697. DESPOIX (Philippe), 483. DESTIVELLE (Hyacinthe), 4722. DESTOMBES (Jérôme), 7109. DÉTORAKI (Marina), 2569. DETTENHOFER (M.H.), 747. DETTMAR (Kevin J. H.), 744. DEUFFIC (Jean-Luc), 3384. DEUTSCH (Jan-Georg), 6157. DÉVÉNYI (Anna), 286. DEVEREUX (Cecily), 6203. DEVINE (Andrew Mackay), 2166. DEVOTO (Fernando), 3495. DEVOTTA (Neil), 4443. DEVROEY (Jean-Pierre), 2904, 2980. DEWALD (Carolyn), 406, 1578. DEWALD (Jonathan), 5661. DEWERPE (Alain), 3773. DEYERMOND (Alan), 362. DI BENEDETTO (Vincenzo), 1579. DI BIASE (Carmine G.), 4884. DI CAPUA (Giovanni), 4097. DI DARIO (Beniamino M.), 1894. DI DONATO (Riccardo), 416, 1580. DI FAZIO (Massimiliano), 2102. DI GIOVANNI (Lucio), 2038. DI GREGORIO (Pinella), 5386. DI MARCO (Massimo), 1581. DI MARTINO (Basilio), 6401. DI NOLFO (Ennio), 6029. Di Simplicio (Oscar), 4673. DI STEFANO (Eva), 1888. DI VAGNO (Giuseppe), 4078. DI VITTORIO (Antonio), 696. DIAS (Eurico Gomes), 6258. Díaz (Porfirio), 4190. DIBUA (Jeremiah I.), 7110. DICKE (Gerd), 3086. DICKINSON (Oliver), 1033. Diderot (Denis), 5155. DIDI-HUBERMAN (Georges), 448. Dieckhoff (Heinrich), 6561. DIEGUEZ (Alejandro M.), 4661.
INDEX OF NAMES DIENI (Edoardo), 868. DIESEL (Anja Angela), 2415. DIETHART (Johannes), 2570. DIETL (Ralph), 6760. DIETSCH (Johan), 313. DIETZ (Bernhard), 3941. DIEZ (Erna), 2274. DIEZ DE VELASCO (Francisco), 811. DIGGINS (John P.), 413. DIGGLE (James), 1582. DIGNAS (Beate), 1750. DIJKSTRA (Jitse Harm Fokke), 1134, 3373. DIKÖTTER (Frank), 6883. DILCHER (Gerhard), 2867. DILER (Emine Nur), 131. DILER (Ömer), 131. DILLANE (Sarah), 3178. DILLMANN (François-Xavier), 505. DILLON (Patrick), 3942. DILLON (Sheila), 1122, 2293. DILTHEY (Wilhelm), 5026. DIMAS (Antonio), 400. DIMIER-PAUPERT (Catherine), 3167. DIMITRIJEVIû (Bojan B.), 4349, 6667. DIMITRIU (Robert), 6409. Dimitrov (Georgi), 372. DINAN (John J.), 5909. DINAN (Susan E.), 5662. DINI (Mario), 1011. DINU (Rudolf), 6389. Dio Chrysostomus, 1597. Diocletianus (Gaius Aurelius Valerius), Roman emperor, 1940, 2049, 2056. Diodorus Siculus, 1411, 1412, 1591. Diogenes Laertius, 1731. Dionysius Aeropagita, 2493, 2503. DIOTTI (Carlo), 6141. DIPPEL (Horst), 5910. DIPPER (Christof), 4840. DIRKS (Christian), 5960. DIRKS (Nicholas B.), 6121. Dirksen (Herbert von), 6548. Disraeli (Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield), 3927. DISTLER (Eva-Maria), 2856, 2867. DIU (Isabelle), 248. DIVALL (Colin), 5387. DIX (Christina Viola), 1906. Djehutihotep, 1127. Djilas (Milovan), 6668. DJOKIû (Dejan), 6668. DJUZHEV (Jurij I.), 498. DàUGOàĉCKI (Piotr), 6735. DMITRIEV (Sviatoslav), 1435. DOANE (Alger Nicolaus), 3059.
DOBRASZCZYK (Paul), 5566. DOBRE (Dumitru), 4268. DOBRE (Florica), 4270, 4277. DOBRILĂ (Constantin), 4278. DOBRIVOJEVIû (Ivana), 4350. DOBSON (Eric John), 3327. DOBSZAY (László), 3222. DODD (Gwilym), 2767. DODOV (Nikola), 6384. DOEPGEN (Peter), 6471. DOERING-MANTEUFFEL (Anselm), 3479. DOGARU (Maria), 126. DOGO (Marco), 6371. DÖHNERT (Albrecht), 833. DOLBEAU (Françoise), 3408. DOLBILOV (Mikhail D.), 4292. DOLDI (Marco), 4683. DÖLEMEYER (Barbara), 4750, 5897. DOLGIKH (Elena V.), 4295. DOMANSKA (Ewa), 449, 452. DOMBER (Gregory F.), 4232. DOMEJ (Teodor), 3491. DOMINGO ACEBRÓN (María Dolores), 6087. DOMINGO GYGAX (Marc), 1583. DOMÍNGUEZ PÉREZ (Juan Carlos), 1946. DOMÍNGUEZ SOSA (Julio Alberto), 3739. DOMÍNGUEZ-RODRIGO (Manuel), 981. DOMINIK (William J.), 2167. DOMINIONI (Matteo), 6141. Domitianus (Titus Flavius), Roman emperor, 2083. Domitianus Pius Felix Augustus (Gaius), 1996. Domitii (Famiglia), 2092. DONATI (Natascia), 2230. Donatus (Tiberius Claudius), 2201. Donaudi delle Mallere (Ignazio), 5481. DONJUAN ESPINOZA (Esperanza), 4168. DONOZO (Leandro), 789. DOOM (Vincent), 233. Dopfner (Julius), 4637. DORAN (Robert), 2339. DORAN (Stuart Robert), 6242. DORAND (Jean Pierre), 4466. DOREY (Peter), 3959. DORIGATTI (M.), 958. DORIN (Marco), 2653. DORIVAL (Gilles), 4792. DORLIN (Elsa), 5663. DÖRNER (Ruth), 4150. DOROTHÉE (Stéphane), 2168. DORSMAN (L.J), 4932. DOSI (Antonietta), 2103.
317 Dosiadas, 2511. Dossetti (Giuseppe), 4670. DOTY (Richard G.), 139. Doucas (Michael), 2494. DOUGLAS (Davison M.), 4945. DOUGLAS (R. M.), 6094. DOUKAKIS (Anna), 3563. DOUMANI (Beshara), 5664. DOW (James W.), 871. DOWE (Christopher), 4899, 4908. DOWLING (Melissa Barden), 2104. DOYLE (Don H.), 3511. Dracontius (Blossius Aemilius), 1877, 2071, 2205, 2340. DRAGO TROCCOLI (Luciana), 1830. DRAGOMIR (Maria), 155. DRAGOTĂ (Aurel), 2993. Drahomanov (Mychajlo), 4314. DRECOLL (Carsten), 2105. DREWS (Wolfram), 2802. DREYER (Boris), 1947. Dreyfus (Alfred), 544, 3758. DREZGUNOVA (N.K.), 4805. DROBNER (Hubertus R.), 2330. DROSTE (Heiko), 4824, 6248. DROUIN (Michel), 544. DROZ (Bernard), 6088. DRUCK (Szilvia), 286. DRYBURGH (Paul), 2629. DU (Xuncheng), 6884. DU PLESSIS (Paul), 2039. DU TOIT (David S.), 2416. DUAN (Yu), 6885. DUBISCHAR (Markus), 1584. DUBLIN (Thomas), 5388. DUBOIS (Laurent), 1384, 6202. Dubois (Pierre), 2707. DUBOIS (Thomas David), 507, 7041. DUBOURG GLATIGNY (Pascal), 5169. DUBOW (Saul), 5078. DUBUI (Paule Hochuli), 4732. Dubuisson (Daniel), 875. DUBUISSON (Michel), 2504. DUCE (Alessandro), 6538. DUCHEIN (Michel), 3943. DUCHEYNE (Steffen), 5079. DUCKER (John T.), 6124. DUCLERT (Vincent), 5086. DUDCHENKO (Ol'ga N.), 4238. DUECK (Colin), 6032. DUEDAHL (Poul), 3723. DUFFY (Eamon), 3318, 3416, 4676. DUFFY (Joanne L.), 4379. DUFOUR (Jean), 2657. DUHY (Ernest), 3667. DUICĂ (Camelia), 4270. DUKE (Siân Elizabeth), 2835. Dulles (Foster John), 6648. DULPHY (Anne), 6761.
318 Dumanowski (Jaroslaw), 5771. DUMAS (Felicia), 575. DUMAS (Olivier), 575. DUMITRAùCU (Lavinia-Dacia), 6033. DUMITRU (Adrian), 1436. DUNAN-PAGE (Anne), 4775. DUNBABIN (Katherine M. D.), 2275. DUNCAN (Ann Willians), 872. DUNCAN (Anne), 1346. DUNHAM (Sally S.), 1231. DUNKERLEY (James), 6651. DUNN-VATURI (Anne-Elizabeth), 1318. Duns Scotus (Iohannes), 3284. DUNSTAN (Helen), 5377. DUNSTAN (Vivienne S.), 254. DUPLOUY (Alain), 1503. DUPONT (Pierre), 1773. DUPONT (Véronique), 6834. DUPRAT (Annie), 228. DUPUY (Roger), 3780. DURAND (Bernard), 5898. DURAND (Jean Marie), 1201. DURAND (Maurice M.), 4608. DURAND (Maximilien), 1135. DURAND (Pierre-Michel), 6762. DURAND-LE GUERN (Isabelle), 3197. DURBEC (Yannick), 1585. DUREY (Michael), 3944. DURSTELER (Eric R.), 2571. DURUCZ (Peter), 6491. DURVYE (Cécile), 1751. DUSSAULT (Éric), 6669. DUTT (Carsten), 468. DUTTENHÖFER (Ruth), 1136. DUTTON (Edward), 5665. DUTTON (George Edson), 4609. DUTTON (Richard), 964. DUVIOLS (Jean-Paul), 221. DVOěÁK (Pavel), 4011. DYBDAHL (Lars), 5213. DYHOUSE (Carol), 4946. DYM (Jordana), 4002, 5933. DYMOND (David), 106. DYRMISHI (Demir), 3535. DYSON (Stephen L.), 1784. DZHUKHA (Ivan G.), 4296. DZHUROVA (Axinia), 2495. DZIEMBOWSKI (Edmond), 6289. E EACOTT (Jonathan), 5453. EADES (Caroline), 5245. EARNEST (James David), 4652. EASTWOOD (Jonathan), 4602. EATON (Richard M.), 6833. EATON-KRUSS (Marianne), 1137. EBERHARD (Winfried), 3293.
INDEX OF NAMES Ebert (Friedrich), 3882. EBERT (Theodor), 1696. ECHEVARRÍA ARSUAGA (Ana), 2781. ECK (Werner), 2040, 2106. ECKART (W. U.), 4933. ECKERT (Andreas), 6158. ECKEY (Wilfried), 2363. Eckhart, Meister, 3261, 3263, 3264. ECKSTEIN (Arthur M.), 1948. EDELMAN (Nicole), 749. EDELSON (S. Max), 5496. Eden (Anthony), 6559. EDER (Brigitta), 1373. EDER (Christian), 1067. EDGAR (Walter), 4680. EDGERTON (David), 697, 3945. EDMOND (Rod), 5081. EDMONDS (Penelope), 267. EDMONDS (Radcliffe G.), 1586. EDMUNDS (Lowell), 1752. Edward II, king of England, 2767. Edward III, king of England, 2790. EDWARDS (Huw M.), 3078. EFMERTOVÁ (Marcela), 4909. EGAWA (Hikari), 6837. Egeria, 2392. EGGE (Åsmund), 6426. EGLI (Emil), 4731. EGMOND (Wolfert S.), 3372. EHLERS (Benjamin), 4627. EHLERT (Hans), 6453. EHRLICH (Carl S.), 2465. EHS (Tamara), 4467. EICH (Armin), 1504. EICHENGREEN (Barry), 5531. EICHENHOFER (Eberhard), 5666. EICKHOFF (Ekkehard), 4100. EIKELMANN (Manfred), 3080, 3086. EILERS (Claude F.), 1107. EINHORN (Robin), 4537. EINWAG (Berthold), 1263. EIRIZ VIDAL (Arco Iris), 981. EISELE (Klaus), 3920. EISEN (Ute E.), 2417. EISENBERG (Christiane), 5667. Eisenhower (Dwight David), 4588, 6640, 6641, 6648, 6723, 6763. EISENMANN (Linda), 4910. EKENSTAM (Claes), 5753. EKERWALD (Carl-Göran), 2169. EL ALAOUI (Youssef), 4716. ELBJØRN (Kasper), 3715. EL-EINI (Roza I. M.), 6122. ELIADE (Mircea), 812, 847, 864, 873, 919, 930. ELKIN (Stephen L.), 5911. ELLINGER (Ekkehard), 314. ELLINGER (JiĜí), 3490.
ELLINGHAUS (Katherine), 5668. ELLIOTT (J. H.), 6218. ELLIOTT (Mark C.), 6879. ELLISON (James), 6764. ELM VON DER OSTEN (Dorothee), 2231, 2252. ELO (Irma T.), 5669. ELON (Amos), 5019. ELORANTA (Jari), 4872. Elphinstone (George Keith), 6308. ELRINGTON (Christopher Robin), 2628. ELSNER (Jas), 1785. ELTON (Hugh), 2276. ELZER (Herbert), 6492. EMDEN (Christian J.), 5020. EMERY (Pierre-Yves), 3392. Empedocles, 1700, 1704, 1717. ENCREVE (Andre), 4657. ENDERLEIN (Angelika), 268. ENDERS (Ulrich), 3839. ENDEWARD (Detlef), 5321. ENDRESS (Gerhard), 768. ENGBERG (Elisabeth), 5671. ENGEL (Jonathan), 5672. ENGELENHOVEN (Aone), 4488. ENGELS (Jens Ivo), 726, 3494. ENGEMANN (Josef), 1983. ENGLE (Stephen Douglas), 4538. ENGLER (Steven), 875, 876. ENGLISH (Beth), 5390. ENGLISH (Richard), 4060. Ennius (Quintus), 1878, 1879, 2161. Entimo di Gortina, 1326. Ephraem Syrus, Sanctus, 2341. Epicurus, 1712. EPKENHANS (Michael), 6453. EPPLE (Angelika), 450. EPSTEIN (Steven A.), 2994. Erasmus Roterodamus (Desiderius), 3871, 4755, 4849. Eratosthenes, 1733. ERCOLANI (Andrea), 1587. ERCOLANI (Antonella), 6752. ERCOLES (Marco), 1505. ERCOLESSI (Cristina), 478. ERDELYI (Gabriella), 4703. ERDMANN (Jörg), 3309. ERHART (Peter), 1. ERIKSSON (Bo), 578. ERIKSSON (Susanne), 3742. ERKENS (Franz-Reiner), 2693. ERLANGER (Simon), 4468. ERMAKOVA (L.M.), 7082. Erman (Adolf), 399. ERRINGTON (Robert Malcolm), 1950. ERTL (Thomas), 3339. ERTZ (Simon), 4297. ESCH (Arnold), 193.
INDEX OF NAMES ESCH (Michael G.), 3492. Escher (Alfred), 4469. ESCHRAGHI (Armin), 1068. ESCOTT (Paul D.), 4539. ESCOVAR W. (Alberto), 194. ESCRIBANO (Victoria), 2418. ESER (Ingo), 4233. ESHERICK (Joseph W.), 6865. ESPINOSA MAESTRE (Francisco), 316. ESPOSITO (Mario), 3068. Esquilache (Leopoldo de Gregorio, marqués de), 4415. ESQUIVEL (José Antonio), 1026. ESSEN (Andrzej), 6410. ESTRADA MICHEL (Rafael), 6219. ESU (Daniela), 1001. Ethridge (Mark), 6558. ETIENNE (Maud), 1588. ETTEL (Peter), 2899. ETTINGER (Laura E.), 5673. ETTINGHAUSEN (Henry), 38. ETZEMÜLLER (Thomas), 5674. Eunapius Sardensis, 1413, 1675. Eunomius Cyzicenus, episcopus, 2418. Euripides, 1401, 1414-1417, 1568, 1579, 1584, 1589, 1606, 1611, 1614, 1740. Eusebius Pamphili Caesariensis, 33, 376, 2435. EUSTACE (Katharine), 132. Eustathios von Epiphaneia, 2555. Eustathius Thessalonicensis, episcopus, 2496, 2497, 2519. Evagrius Ponticus, 2342. EVANGELIOU (Christos C.), 1697. EVANS (Chris), 3946. EVANS (James Allan), 1590. EVANS (Mark), 46. EVANS (R. J. W.), 4013. EVDOKIMOVA (Nina P.), 3774. EXNER (Gudrun), 3570. EXTERNBRINK (Sven), 6290. F FABBRINI (Fabrizio), 5198. FABIANO (Andrea), 5154. FABRE (Giorgio), 396. FÁBREGA ÁLVAREZ (Pastor), 1017. FABRE-SERRIS (Jacqueline), 1591. FABRIZIO (Daniela), 4628. FACELLA (Margherita), 1437. FACHARD (Denis), 4080. FAES DÍAZ (Enrique), 5392. FAGAN (Garrett G.), 2171. FAGGI (Vico), 1901. FAGGIOLI (Massimo), 827. FAGIOLO (Marcello), 781. FAGLES (Robert), 1920. FAIZULLAEV (Alisher), 6035.
FAJT (JiĜí), 2706. Falck (family), 99. FALCKE (Jeannette), 6249. FALCÓN (Romana), 5676. FALCONE (Ugo), 236. FALIGOT (Roger), 3786. FALISOVÁ (Anna), 5089. FALK (Marvin W.), 534. FALK (Ulrich), 5934. FALLON (Peter), 1921. FALLUOMINI (Carla), 31. FALOLA (Toyin), 4210. FAàOWSKI (Janusz), 4239. FALQUINA APARICIO (Álvaro), 981. FAMERÉE (J.), 799. FAN (Jimin), 6909. FANG (Zaiqing), 5097. FANGAREZZI (Riccardo), 3359. FANJUL PERAZA (Alfonso), 1056. FANTALKIN (Alexander), 1057. FANTAPPIÈ (Carlo), 4113. FANTHAM (Elaine), 1951. FANTINI (Maria Pia), 4752. FANTUZZI (Marco), 1592. FANZUN (Jon A.), 5962. FARAGUNA (Michele), 1477. FARAVELLI (Maria Luisa), 5563. FARBER (Liana), 2906. FARBER (Samuel), 3678. FARENGA (Vincent), 1478. FARGE (James K.), 4898. FAROQHI (Suraiya), 4498. FAROUK (Soliman S.), 2572. FARR (David), 3947. FARRÉ (Sébastien), 6765. FARRINGTON (Anthony), 5441. FARTZOFF (Michel), 1593. FASCE (Ferdinando), 645. FASOLINI (Donato), 1851. FASOLT (Constantin), 308, 317. FASORA (Lukáš), 3693, 5772. FÄßLER (Peter E.), 6670. FATA (Márta), 4925. Fatimids, Muslim dynasty, 1301. FATTORI (Giuseppina), 4940. FAURÉ (Christine), 5786. FAURE (David), 5456, 6879. Faustinus, Presbyter, 2343. FAUSTMANN (Hubert), 6117. FAUVINET-RANSON (Valérie), 2312. FAVELA GAVIA (Diana Margarita), 4169. FAVERÓN PATRIAU (Gustavo), 6220. FAVIER (Jean), 2657. FAVRE (Olivier), 4753. FAVRETTO (Ilaria), 6766. FAXON (Susan C.), 5167. FAYANT (Marie-Christine), 2516, 2518. FAYET (Jean-François), 241.
319 FEARN-BANKS (Kathleen), 5247. FEDELI (Paolo), 1870. FEDERICO (Giovanni), 5357. FEDERICO DI GIUNTA, 2644. FEDERINI (Fabienne), 4828. FEDOROV (Michael), 1319. FEDOSOV (Denis G.), 4829. FEENSTRA (Robert C.), 5457. FEES (Irmgard), 2631. FEICHTINGER (Barbara), 2317. FEINBERG (Melissa), 3694. FEISCHMIDT (Margit), 4272. FEISSEL (Denis), 2536. FEL'DMAN (David M.), 4299. FELBER (Jean-Pierre), 579. FELDBAUER (P.), 2714. FELDMAN (David), 5778. FELDMAN (Marian H.), 1069. FELFE (Robert), 4834. FELIP I SARDÀ (Josep Maria), 4432. Felipe III, rey de España, 6260. FELLE (Antonio Enrico), 2333. FELLER (Laurent), 2905. FELLER-VEST (Veronika), 3332. FELLNER (Fritz), 318. FELS (Wolfgang), 2385, 3070. FEMERS (Jörg), 6340. FENG (Zhuohui), 6899. FENOALTEA (Stefano), 698, 5336, 5357, 5393. FENTRESS (Elizabeth), 508. FERA (Vincenzo), 3117. FERDIÈRE (Alain), 703. FERENCE (Gregory Curtis), 56. Ferguson (Adam), 5027. FERGUSON (Niall), 6036. FERK (Janko), 5160. FERNANDES (Gabriel), 3634. FERNANDES (Moisés Silva), 6767. FERNANDES (Sujatha), 4830. FERNANDES (Tiago), 4257. FERNÁNDEZ (Claudia N.), 1594. FERNÁNDEZ DELPUECH (Lucía), 123. FERNÁNDEZ VIAGAS (Plácido), 4403. Fernando de Montesinos, 487. Fernando III, rey de Castilla y Léon, 2760. FEROS (Antonio), 6255. FERRARESE (Laura), 5316. FERRARI (Massimo), 942. FERRARO (Antonino), 1922. FERRELL (Robert H.), 4540, 6671. FERRER (Véronique), 4863. Ferrer (Vicente), 3350. FERRERI (Luigi), 1506, 2511. FERRETTI (Giovanni), 920. FERRI (Javier), 5677. FERRONE (Vincenzo), 629.
320 FERRUCCI (Stefano), 1479. FESTY (Patrick), 5572. FEULNER (Rüdiger), 2337. FEURER (Rosemary), 5866. FEWSTER (Derek), 3743. FEYEL (Christophe), 1507. Fichte (Johann Gottlieb), 5028. FICHTNER (Gerhard), 255. FIEDLER (Peter), 2364. FIELDHOUSE (David Kenneth), 6037. FIELDS (Nic), 2277. Figeac (Michel), 5771. FIGL (Johann), 5045. FIGUEIRA (Robert Charles), 2736. FIGUEROA IBARRA (Carlos), 3501. FIKHMAN (Itzhak F.), 1139. FILALI-ANSARY (Abou), 768. FILENI (Maria Grazia), 1414. FILGES (Axel), 1083, 1116. FILIP-FRÖSCHL (Johanna), 2037. Filippini (Nadia Maria), 4098. Filonardi (Mario), 6267. FILONI (Marco), 409. FILONIK (Aleksandr O.), 3582. FILORAMO (Giovanni), 870. Filov (Bogdan), 6525. FILSER (Karl), 3838. FINAZZI (Giuseppe), 2041. FINDLAY (Ronald), 5454. FINGER (Stanley), 5082. FINK (Gerhard), 1908. FINKELBERG (Margalit), 451. FINKELSTEIN (Israel), 1057, 1294. FINLAY (John), 5963. FINN (Richard), 2419. FINZI (Roberto), 4831. FIORAVANZO (Monica), 4101. FIORI (Mariel), 5316. FIRPO (Massimo), 4642. FIRRO (Kais M.), 4144. FISCHER (Albert), 5532. Fischer (Horst), 5960. FISCHER (J.), 1034. FISCHER (Norbert), 2331. FISCHER (Robert-Tarek), 6038. FISCHER (Torsten), 5337. Fisher (Herbert Albert Laurens), 3922. FISHER (John), 6411. FISHER (Kate), 5678. Fisker (family), 5415. FISSEL (Mark Charles), 730. FITA (Fidel), 3391. FITZGERALD (John), 5867. FITZGERALD (Timothy), 878, 895. FITZPATRICK (Elizabeth), 3319. FIUME (Giovanna), 222. FLAIG (Egon), 1438.
INDEX OF NAMES FLAMBARD HÉRICHER (AnneMarie), 2929, 2899. Flavius Valerianus, 2275. FLECKENSTEIN (Gisela), 5608. FLEISCHER (Dirk), 4754. FLEMING (S. J.), 1320. FLENSMARCK (Tor), 4450. FLEURY (Pascale), 2173. FLINT (Peter W.), 2379. FLOOD (Gavin), 879. FLORES (Juan Carlos), 3256. FLORES (Marcello), 645. FLORI (Jean), 3069. FLORINDO (Marcos Tarcísio), 3607. FLORUS LUGDUNENSIS, 3288. FLOWER (Harriet I.), 1952. FLUG (Brigitte), 3340. FLUSIN (Bernard), 2537. Focillon (Henri), 792. FODOREAN (Florin), 2107. FOFI (Goffredo), 5253. FOGU (Claudio), 360. FOLEY (Tadhg), 6127. FOLKERTS (Menso), 3257. FOLLETT (Westley), 3341. FOMICHEV (Valerii N.), 5853. FOMIN (E.S.D.), 709. FÓNAGY (Zoltán), 6718. FONES-WOLF (Elizabeth A.), 5248. FONOLLEDA I PÉREZ (Pere Miquel), 58. Fonseca (Cosimo Damiano), 3296. FONT (Mauricio A.), 3676. FONTANA (Josep), 4389. FONTANA I LÀZARO (Josep), 4404. FONTANNAZ (Didier), 1773. FONTENAY (Michel), 6160. FOOT (John), 5249. FOOT (Sarah), 3342. FOOTE (Geoffrey), 3949. FORCLAZ (Bertrand), 95. FORD (John T.), 814. FORD (Judy Ann), 3417. FORESTA (Patrizio), 4705. FORESTIER (Georges), 5153. FORMICA (Marina), 4823. FORNACIARI (Gino), 1143. FORNARO (Pasquale), 4015. FORNEY (Yannic), 5804. FORNI (Giovanna Maria), 2042. FORNI (Giovanni), 2042. FORSCHNER (Maximilian), 3258. FORSTER (Michael N.), 1698. FORTENBAUGH (William W.), 1699. FORTNA (Benjamin C.), 3477. FOSI (Irene), 4669. FÖSTE (Wilga), 5338. FOSTER (Thomas A.), 5679.
Fotopoulos (John), 2453. FOUBERT (Lien), 1953. Foucault (Michel), 5029. FOUILLOUX (Étienne), 4665. FOURCHARD (Laurent), 6161. FOURNIS (Yann), 3775. FOWLER (Robert), 1753. FOX (Jon), 4272. FOX (N. J.), 943. FOX (Rory), 3259. FOYER (Jean), 3746. FRAJESE (Vittorio), 4832. FRAME (Murray), 5251. FRAMPTON (Travis L.), 425. FRANCE (John), 3149. FRANCESCHETTI (Adele), 1786. FRANCHETTI PARDO (Vittorio), 3177. FRANCHI (Saverio), 59. Franciscus Assisiensis, Sanctus, 3376. Franciscus de Marchia, 3260. FRANCKS (Penelope), 5497. Franco Bahamonde (Francisco), 4387, 6563, 6765. FRANCO PELLOTIER (Víctor Manuel), 4179. FRANCO RESTREPO (Vilma Liliana), 3650. FRANCO SILVA (Alfonso), 2907. FRANÇOIS (Auguste), 6322. FRANÇOIS (Marie Eileen), 5533. FRANÇOIS (Michel), 3748. FRANGENBERG (Thomas), 5171. FRANGOULIS (Hélène), 2517. FRANJIC (Silvija), 3860. FRANK (David John), 4912. FRANK (Zephyr), 719. FRANKEL (David), 986, 1035. FRANKEL (Oz), 4985. FRANKFURTER (David), 1140. FRANKLIN (Benjamin), 61, 4566, 4568, 5073, 5082, 6279. FRANKOPAN (Peter), 2573. FRANSEN (Paul-Irénée), 3288. FRANZ (Maciej), 4516. FRANZ (Norbert), 4151. FRANZÉN (Bo), 2908. FRANZINETTI (Guido), 418. FRANZONI (Claudio), 1492. FRASER (Trudie), 1954. FRASHËRI (Kristo), 3532. FRASS (Monika), 1332, 2108. FRASSETTO (Michael), 3349, 3424. FRATINI (Marco), 4765. FRAUDET (Xavier), 6770. FRAUENLOB, 3223. FRAUKE (Heinrich), 1787. FRAY (Jean-Luc), 3466. Frazer (James George), 846. FRAZIER (Françoise), 1595.
INDEX OF NAMES FREÁN HERNÁNDEZ (Oscar), 4406. FRECH (Karl Augustin), 2651. FREDÉN (Lars Peter), 6771. Frederick II, röm-deutscher Kaiser, 2759. Frederik IV, konge af DanmarkNorge, 3725. FREDERIKSEN (Peter), 6672. FREEDMAN (Joseph S.), 4778. FREGONA (Antonio), 4706. FREGUGLIA (Margherita), 1002. FREI (Marco), 5252. FREI (Norbert), 373. FREIGANG (Christian), 3175. FREITAS (Isabel Vaz de), 2909. FRÉMEAUX (Jacques), 6090, 6103. FRÈRE (Dominique), 1773. Freud (Sigmund), 255, 265. FREY (Dominique), 6539. FREY (Jörg), 2365. FREY (Marc), 6123. FREYDANK (Helmut), 1202. FREYER (Tony A.), 5339. Freyre (Gilberto), 400. FREYTAG (Nils), 677, 699. FRID (Carina), 3495. FRIED (Johannes), 474, 4833. FRIEDE (Susanne), 4984. FRIEDEN (Jeffrey), 5534. FRIEDHEIM (Emmanuel), 2232. FRIEDMAN (Russell L.), 3260. FRIEDMAN (Sara Aliza), 2686. FRIEDRICH (Jesko), 3071. FRIEDRICH (Klaus-Peter), 4233. Friedrich II 'der Große', König von Preußen, 4851, 6290. FRIERSON (ELIZABETH B.), 3477. FRIJHOFF (Willem), 5598. FRITZ (Martin), 5458. FRITZ (Peter), 1955. FROESTAD (Jan), 4948. FRÖHLICH (Elke), 3843. Froissart (Jean), 401. FROLÍK (Jan), 3686. FROMMEL (Christoph Luitpold), 5191. FRONDA (Michael P.), 1821. Fronto (Marcus Cornelius), 2173. FROOD (Elizabeth), 1141. Froschauer (Sebastian, Ritter von), 3579. FROSIO (Maria Luisa), 4819. FROST (Stefanie), 3261. FROSTIN (Charles), 3778. FROTSCHER (Carl Heinrich), 1861. FROYSLAND (Hayley), 3651. FRUGONI (Chiara), 3376. FRÜH (Margrit), 3332. FRUTOLF VON MICHELSBERG, 3224. FRY (Joseph A.), 4541.
FUBINI (Riccardo), 3194. FUBINI LEUZZI (Maria), 428, 4835. FUENTE PÉREZ (María Jesús), 2996. Fugger (familie), 97. Fugger-Wellenburg (Maria Theresia von), 4707. FUGLESANG (Signe Horn), 2838. FUHRER (Therese), 2420. FUHRMANN (Malte), 6342. FUJIKI (Hisashi), 7047. Fujimori (Alberto), 4221, 4222. FUJISAKI (Mamoru), 3310. Fujiwara (family), 7082. FUJIYOSHI (Masumi), 7048. FUJIZANE (Kumiko), 7049. FUKASAWA (Katsumi), 606, 4633. Fulbright (James William), 4541. FÜLLBERG-STOLBERG (Claus), 5321. FULLER (Michael E.), 2421. FÜLÖP (Anna), 6673. FULTON (Christopher B.), 5174. FUMA (Susumu), 7050, 7102. FUMAROLI (Marc), 331, 4915. FUNDÁRKOVÁ (Anna), 4011. FUNKE (Peter), 2236. Funkenstein (Amos), 484. FUNO (Shuji), 6856. FUREY (Constance M.), 4755. FURLEY (William D.), 1754. FURSENKO (Aleksandr A.), 6627, 6772. FURSOV (Andrej I.), 5727. FURSOV (Kirill A.), 5459. FÜRST (Alfons), 2344. FÜRST (Juliane), 4315. FURSTENBERG (François), 4542. FURUOYA (Tomohiro), 7051. FUSCO (Gaetano), 5253. FUSCO (Laurie Smith), 3192. FUSI (Alessandro), 1891. FÜSSEL (Marian), 4913. FUTAKI (Kenichi), 7086. FUTRELL (Alison), 2043. FYLE (C. Magbaily), 583. FYSON (Donald), 5964. G GÄBEL (Georg), 2422. GABELKO (Oleg L.), 1440. GABLER (Jay), 4912. GADZHIEV (Murtuzali S.), 6838. GAEHTGENS (Thomas W.), 225. GAERTNER (Jan Felix), 1755, 2491. GAGGI (Carlo), 1031. GAGLIARDI (Alessio), 4103. GAGLIARDO (Maria C.), 2278. GAGNÉ (Renaud), 1700. GAHLBECK (Christian), 6007. GAIGALAITƠ (Aldona), 4148.
321 GAILLARD (Michèle), 2664, 3072. GAJDUKOV (Petr G.), 133. GALANI-KRIKOU (Mina), 140. Galanti (Giuseppe), 402. GALASSO (Giuseppe), 790, 4407. GALDERISI (Claudio), 3120. Galenus (Claudius), 1713. Galgnjla, dinastia giudea, 1287. GALHAC (Sylvie), 1596. Galileo Galilei, 5063, 5079. GALIMI (Valeria), 3779. GALJAMICHEV (Aleksandr N.), 319. GALL (Dorothea), 2174. GALLAGHER (Gary W.), 4535. GALLEGO (Maria Ángeles), 537. GALLETTI (Mirella), 4482. GALLI (Angelo), 3073. GALLI (Giancarlo), 4097. GALLINI (Valeria), 1001. GALLISSOT (René), 580, 6162. GALLO (Donato), 2653. GALLO (Klaus), 3547. GALLOWAY (Andrew), 3115. GALLUS (Alexander), 3859. GALSTERER (Hartmut), 2110, 2279. GALTER (Hannes D.), 1203. GAMBERALE (Leopoldo), 2175. GAMBOA OJEDA (Leticia), 5535. GAMES (Alison), 711. GAMMER (Moshe), 4300. GAMSA (Mark), 5083. GANCI (Raffaella), 1508. GANDA (Arnaldo), 60. GANDHI (Leela), 6091. Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand), 4039. GANDINI (Mario), 880. GANGLOFF (Anne), 1597. GANJI (Babak), 6773. GANS (Angela von), 96. Gans (Familie), 96. GARBELLOTTI (Marina), 5681. GARBER (Klaus), 256. GARBINI (Giovanni), 1280. GARCEA (Elena A.A.), 997. GARCÍA (Carola), 4178. GARCIA (Charles), 3197. GARCÍA (María Cristina), 5682. GARCÍA CAÑÓN (Pablo), 2783, 2910. GARCÍA DE CORTÁZAR Y RUIZ DE AGUIRRE (José Ángel), 2901, 3351. GARCÍA DE ENTERRÍA (María Cruz), 38. GARCÍA FERNÁNDEZ (María Nélida), 5460. GARCÍA GARCÍA (Bernardo José), 5521.
322 GARCÍA HERNÁN (Enrique), 4413, 6313. GARCÍA HUERTA (Rosario), 1058. GARCÍA JORDÁN (Pilar), 3591. GARCÍA MONGE (Diego), 3640. GARCÍA ROMERO (Fernando), 1509. GARCÍA RUIZ (María Pilar), 1874. GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ (Eduardo), 1003. GARCÍA SANJUÁN (Alejandro), 2834. GARCÍA SANJUÁN (Leonardo), 985, 1017. GARCÍA SOLANO (José Antonio), 1000. GARCÍA TURZA (Francisco Javier), 2901. GARCÍA-MARTÍNEZ DE LAGRÁN (Íñigo), 1046. GARCÍA-SANZ MARCOTEGUI (Ángel), 4408. Garcilaso de la Vega, 5145. GARÇON (François), 5254. GARDEY (Delphine), 5602. GARDI (Andrea), 4669. GARDNER (Catherine Villanueva), 950. GARDNER (Kirsten E.), 5084. GARFIELD (Seth), 5868. GARFINKEL (Yosef), 1018. GARGOLA (Daniel J.), 1934. GARLAND (Lynda), 2557. GARMS-CORNIDES (Elisabeth), 4646. GARNETT (George), 3420. GARNIER (Bernard), 6607. GARNIER (Claudia), 2998. GARNIER (Florent), 2911. GARNOT (Benoît), 5985. GARNTSEV (M. A.), 1138. GARON (Sheldon), 5328. GARRETT (Eilidh), 5793. GARRIDO GALLARDO (Miguel Angel), 3133. GARRIDO-PENA (Rafael), 1046. GARRIGUES (Jean), 622, 3487. GARRIGUS (John D.), 6202. GARSOU (Martine), 156. GÄRTNER (Thomas), 1598. GARZYA (Antonio), 75, 2616. GASC (Jean-Louis), 3421. GAŠIû (Ranka), 4351. GASNAULT (Pierre), 3305. GASPER (Giles Edward Murray), 3251. GASSER (Stephan A.), 3175. GASSERT (Philipp), 3861. GASSMANN (Robert H.), 6886. GASTI (Fabio), 2221.
INDEX OF NAMES GATES SCHUYLER (Lorraine), 4543. GATHERCOLE (Patricia May), 3193. GATI (Charles), 6674. GATTO (Ludovico), 2674, 3311. GATTONI (Maurizio), 6268. GATZ (Karen L.), 6733. GAUCI (Perry), 5461. Gauguin (Paul), 5185. GAUKROGER (Stephen), 752. GAUNT (Richard A.), 3925. GAUNT (Simon), 3074. GAUTHIER (Philippe), 1384, 1388. GAUTIER (Alban), 2999. Gautier de Coinci, 3225. GAUVIN (Gilles), 3781. GAWLIK (Alfred), 2650. GAWRYCH (George W.), 3536. GAY (Kirsten A.), 1089. GAYET (Frédéric), 2044. GAYMU (Joëlle), 5569. GAYON (Jean), 5009. GĂZDAC (Cristian), 129. GAZEAU (Véronique), 706. GAZIAUX (É.), 799. GAZZINI (Marina), 2912. Gbagbo (Laurent), 3667. GEAL (François), 2833. GEAVES (Ron), 815. GEBHARD (Jörg), 5570. GEBHARDT (Helmut), 670. GECSÉNYI (Lajos), 4010. Gedde (Ove), 6120. GEFFRÉ (Claude), 881. GEHLER (Michael), 6015. GEHRKE (Hans-Joachim), 394. GEISS (Imanuel), 6437. GEJROT (Claes), 13. GELFAND (H. Michael), 4914. GELMAN (Jorge), 5498. GEMENNE (Louis), 3126. GENCER (Mustafa), 6343. GENDRON (Robin Stewart), 6774. GENDRON (Stéphane), 157. GENET (Jacqueline), 67. Genghis Khan, 6844, 6851. GENOVA (Ann), 4210. Genovefa, Sancta, 3369. GENSER (Kurt), 1332. Genshin, 7078. GENSLER (Harry J.), 951. GENTILE (Emilio), 4629. Gentile (Giovanni), 5005, 5030. GENTLES (Ian), 4743. GEONGET (Stéphan), 5150. GEORGAKAKIS (Didier), 3813. GEORGANTELI (Eurydice), 2574. George (Stefan Anton), 3894. George III, king of Great Britain, 3931. GEORGES (Alban), 3075.
GEORGIEV (Georgi), 3621. Georgius Acropolites, 2498. Georgius Gemistus Plethon, 2499. Georgius Trapezuntius, 2500. GERACI (Giovanni), 1880. GERBER (Christoph), 1253. GERBER (David A.), 5683. GERBER (Doris), 453. GERBER (Marcel), 6775. GERD (Lora A.), 4724. GERDING (Henrick), 1788. GERGELY (JenĘ), 4014. GERHARDS (Meik), 2423. GERHARDT (Thomas), 2310. GERHARDT (Uta), 343. GERLAUD (Bernard), 2517. GERMANN (Nadja), 3262. Gerson (Johannes), 963. GERSTLE (Gary), 3679. GERSTNER (David A.), 5255. GERTZ (Jan Christian), 2380. GERVEREAU (Laurent), 220. GESCHE (Katja), 6493. GESSMANN (Martin), 4943. GESSNER (Dieter), 5499. GESTOSO SINGER (Graciela N.), 1204. GEUENICH (Dieter), 165. GEUS (Klaus), 1612. GEYER (David C.), 6733. GEYER (Michael), 3513. GEZENKO (Ivanka), 6525. GHEDA (Paolo), 4061. Gheorghiu-Dej (Gheorghe), 4287, 6801. GHESINI (Daniela), 1001. GheĠie (Ion), 5520. GHETTA (Marcello), 1967. GHIATI (Claude), IV. GHILARDI (Massimiliano), 2309. GHIùA (Ciprian), 4684. GHOSH (Anindita), 4986. GHOSH (Durba), 5684. GIANETTI (Renato), 5391. GIANGIULIO (Maurizio), 432, 1600. GIANNULI (Aldo), 6567. GIARDINA (Andrea), 416, 1956. GIARDINO (Claudio), 1031. GIARO (Tomasz), 665. GIBELLI (Antonio), 228. GIBSON (Bruce J.), 1913. GIENOW-HECHT (Jessica C. E.), 755, 3499. GIERSCH (C. Patterson), 6887. GIESCHEN (Karin), 2665. GIESE (Martina), 3312. GIESSAUF (Johannes), 2743. GIGANTE LANZARA (Valeria), 1601. GIGLI PICCARDI (D.), 2502.
INDEX OF NAMES GIGLIOTTI (Valerio), 2858. GIL (Christiane), 2758. GIL FERNÁNDEZ (Luis), 6269. GIL PUJOL (Javier), 632. GIL VICENT (Vicent), 2784. GILBERT (François), 2045. GILBERT (James), 5685. GILCHER-HOLTEY (Ingrid), 5686. GILHUS (Ingvild Saelid), 882. GILI (Sylvia), 1036. GILL (David), 1789. GILLESPIE (Raymond), 3319, 4062. GILLEY (Sheridan), 808. GILLILAND (Judith), 2541. GILLINGHAM (Bryan), 3226. GILOMEN-SCHENKEL (Elsane), 3332. GIMENO BLAY (Francisco M.), 2785. GIMON (Timofej V.), 369, 2692, 6436. GINDHART (Marion), 2176. GINER (Bruno), 5256. GINIO (Ruth), 6163. GINSBORG (Paul), 4086. GINSBURG (Judith R.), 1957. GINZBURG (Carlo), 454, 5041. Gioacchino da Fiore, 3277, 3449. GIOCANTI (Stéphane), 3783. Giolitti (Giovanni), 4628. GIONTELLA (Massimo), 3194. GIORDANO (Silvano), 6260. GIORDANO DA PISA, 3394. Giotto, 3200. GIOVANNONI (Marco Pietro), 4644. GIPPIUS (Aleksej A.), 2675. Giraldus Cambrensis, 3058. GIRARD (Alain), 3354. GIRARDET (Klaus Martin), 2233. GIRAUD (François), 1790. GIRAUDI (Carlo), 997. GIRE (Pierre), 3263. GIRO (Helmut-Dieter), 3862. GIRVIN (Brian), 6494. GISEL (Pierre), 816. GISSI (Alessandra), 5687. GITLIN (Todd), 4950. GITMAN (Esther), 4685. GIUFFRIDA (Antonino), 3338. GIUSTA (Michelangelo), 1918. Giustiniani (Paolo), 4679. GIVENS (Jean A.), 3159. GIZA (Antoni), 6367. GJURIýOVÁ (Adéla), 3490. Gladstone (William Ewart), 3927. GLAISYER (Natasha), 5462. GLÄSER (Manfred), 3144. GLASSHEIM (Eagle), 3695. GLATTHAAR (Joseph T.), 6221. GLATZER (Mordechai), 4. GLAZ'EV (Sergej Ju.), 5340.
GLAZUNOV (Dmitrij A.), 5965. Gleb, Sanctus, 2672. GLEIXNER (Sebastian), 2759. GLEYSE (Jacques), 4949. GLICK (Thomas F.), 5057. GLOCKNER (Matthias), 833. GàOWIēSKA (Joanna), 6072. GLOWOTZ (Daniel), 2575. GMITRUK (Janusz), 6071, 6479. GOBBATO (Veronica), 6261. GØBEL (Erik), 5432. GOBILLE (Boris), 5801. GOBILLOT (Geneviève), 79. GOBRY (Ivan), 2744. GOCEV (Dimităr Georgiev), 4152. GODA (Norman J. W.), 6628. GODDARD (Christophe J.), 2309. GODDING (Philippe), 2859. GODECHOT (Thierry), 6495. GODIN (André), 575. GODOY P. (Pedro), 6675. Goebbels (Joseph), 3843. GOEDEGEBUURE (Petra), 1247. GOEHRKE (Carsten), 720. GOEKEN-HAIDL (Ulrike), 5688. Goethe (Johann Wolfgang von), 5023, 5155. GOETZ (Hans-Werner), 2313. GOFFART (Walter André), 2314. GOGLIA (Luigi), 4105. GOGUEL (Anne Marie), 4155. GÖKAY (Bülent), 6040, 6651. GOLDBERG (Eric J.), 2745. GOLDEN (Richard M.), 753. GOLDENSTEDT (Christiane), 6598. GOLDHILL (Simon), 1358, 1756. GOLDMAN (Marion S.), 817. GOLDONI (Carlo), 5154. GOLDSTEIN (Ivo), 2696. GOLDSTEIN (Lyle J.), 6629. GOLDSTERN (Christian), 2162. GOLDSWORTHY (Adrian), 1958. GOLIKOVA (Svetlana V.), 4321. GOLINELLI (Paolo), 3359. GOMES (Francisco Manuel), 6164. GOMES (Joaquim Cardoso), 4258. GÓMEZ FORTES (Braulio), 4259. GÓMEZ GALVARRIATO (Aurora), 4190. GÓMEZ MEJÍA (Santiago H.), 3652. GÓMEZ-PLANA (Antonio G.), 5677. GOMI (Fumihiko), 7046, 7052. GOĕCOVA (Marta), 6393. GONċC (Vladimír), 3696. Gonzaga (Giulia), 4697. GONZÁLEZ (Fernán E.), 3653. GONZALEZ (Jose M.), 1701. GONZÁLEZ (Julián), 1959. GONZÁLEZ (María-José), 5689. GONZÁLEZ AғLVAREZ (Manuel), 4409.
323 GONZÁLEZ ARÉVALO (Raúl), 2913. GONZÁLEZ BELTRÁN (Jesús Manuel), 5500. GONZÁLEZ GONZÁLEZ (Miguel Ángel), 4222. GONZÀLEZ I VILALTA (Arnau), 4410. GONZÁLEZ JIMÉNEZ (Manuel), 2760. GONZÁLEZ NAVARRO (Moisés), 4170. GONZALEZ QUIROGA (Miguel Ángel), 4171. GONZÁLEZ STEPHAN (Beatriz), 269. GONZATO (Federica), 1374. GOODARZI (Jubin M.), 6776. GOODBLATT (David), 1281. GOODICH (Michael), 2973. GOODWIN (Deborah L.), 2803. Goodwin (John), 4746. GOODY (Jack), 455. GORDON (David M.), 7111. GORDON (Richard), 2258. GOREGLJAD (Vladislav N.), 7053. GOREN (Tamir), 4073. GORENBERG (Gershom), 4074. GORGOGLIONE (Mariantonia), 1004. GORIA (Federico), 2860. GORING-MORRIS (A. Nigel), 1005. GORINI (Giovanni), 143. GORJAEVA (Tat'jana M.), 4805. GÖRKAY (KutalmÕú), 1090. GORMAN (Michael M.), 3068. GOROVEI (ùtefan S.), 2576. GORSKI (Philip S.), 430. GÖRTEMAKER (Manfred), 6022. GOSEWINKEL (Dieter), 630, 5922. GOSSEN (Nicoletta), 3227. GOSSETT (Philip), 5257. GOSSMAN (Lionel), 271. GOTTELAND (Sophie), 1602. GOTTERI (Nicole), 3305. GÖTTLICHER (Arvid), 1510. Gottlob Heyne (Christian), 407. GOTTO (Bernhard), 3863. GOTTSCHALK (Marie), 5690. GOUGH (Roger), 4016. GOUKOWSKY (Paul), 1411. GOULD (Kevin), 4686. GOULDING (Robert), 5085. GOULLET (Monique), 3378. GOURDON (Vincent), 5691. GOURON (André), 2861. GOVI (Elisabetta), 1774. GOWLAND (Angus), 754. GOZZINI (Giovanni), 478. GRABAR (Oleg), 2822. GRABER (Mark A.), 5912. GRABER (Tom), 2667.
324 GRABMAYER (Johannes), I. GRACIA (Jorge J. E.), 945. GRACIA GARCÍA (Jordi), 4411. GRAF (Bernhard), 270. GRAF (Daniela), 3141. GRAF (Sabine), 2919. GRAFINGER (Christine), 261. GRAFTON (Anthony), 33, 456. GRAHAM (Daniel W.), 1702. GRAHAM (Gael), 4950. GRAHAM (Mark W.), 2315. GRAHAM (Shawn), 2280. GRAILET (Laurent), 161. GRAINGER (John D.), 6412. GRAML (Hermann), 6577. GRANATA (Giovanna), 416. GRAN-AYMERICH (Jean), 1833. GRANDHOMME (Hélène), 6165. GRANDHOMME (Jean-Noël), 6413. GRANDIÈRE (Marcel), 4951. GRANDIN (Greg), 755, 3499, 6630. GRANGE (William), 970. Gras-Beránger (familia), 4385. GRÄSER (Marcus), 322. GRAßHOFF (Gerd), 1612. GRAßL (Herbert), 1332. GRAVES (Donald E.), 6304. GRAVESTOCK (Pamela), 4626. GRAWEHR (Matthias), 1290. GRAY (Geoffrey), 509. GRAY (Patrick T. R.), 2351. GRAYSON (Richard S.), 6414. GRAYZEL (Susan R.), 6415. GRDZELIDZE (Tamara), 4729. GRECO (Giovanna), 1511. GRECO (Maria), 2177. GREELEY (Robin Adèle), 5175. GREEN (Chris), 4571. GREEN (David), 5309. GREEN (James N.), 61. GREEN (Judith A.), 2761. GREEN (M. Christian), 926. GREEN (Peter), 1412. GREEN (Roger P. H.), 1881. GREEN MUSSELMAN (Elizabeth), 5087. GREENBERG (Raphael), 1282. GREENE (Elizabeth), 2266. GREENE (Virginie Elisabeth), 3103. GREENHALGH (Elizabeth), 6416. GREENLAND (Fiona), 1960. GREENWELL (Fern), 5692. GREENWOOD (Kyle), 1181, 1233, 1237. Gregentius, episcopus Thapharensis, Sanctus, 2483. GREGG (Brian Han), 2424. GREGOR (A. James), 323. GREGOR (Neil), 3472. Gregorius I Magnus, Papa, Sanctus, 2451, 2739, 3321, 3437.
INDEX OF NAMES Gregorius IX, Papa, 3315. Gregorius Nazianzenus, Sanctus, 2345, 2346. Gregorius Nyssenus, Sanctus, 2394. GREGORY (Penny), 5748. GREGORY (Tullio), 5010. GREHAN (James), 5693. GREIF (Avner), 2914. GRELL (Chantal), 330, 331. GRELL (Ole Peter), 4881. GRELLARD (Christophe), 3168. GRELOT (Pierre), 883. GRENIER (Jean-Yves), 5530. GRESS (David), 3715. GRESSER (Georg), 3313. GRETHLEIN (Jonas), 1603. GREW (Raymond), 436, 457. GRIBBEN (Crawford), 4751. GRIBENSKI (Jean), 5219. GRIER (James), 3228. GRIERSON (Philip), 134. Grierson (Philip), 144. GRIESE (Olivia), 6777. Griffenfeld (Peder Schumacher), 3727. GRIFFITH (Gareth), 3562. GRIFFITHS (Emma), 1415. GRIFFITHS (Paul J.), 884. GRIMAL (Nicolas), 1142. GRINBERG (Martine), 5966. GRINKE (Paul), 272. GRISSAPHAN (Georgius), 3395. GROCHULSKI (Michaela G.), 5286. GROENING (Monika), 96. GROH (Dennis E.), 1305. GROHOVAZ (Valentina), 72. GRONSKÝ (Ján), 5913. GROß (Gerhard P.), 6453, 6463. GROSS (Guillaume), 3229. GROSS (Jan Tomasz), 4240. GROSS (Kali N.), 5694. GROSS (Rita M.), 899. GROSSE (Christian), 4730. GROßE (Jürgen), 458. GROTANS (Anna A.), 3166. Grote (George), 403. Grotius (Hugo), 6003. GROTOWSKI (Piotr à.), 2521. GROTSCH (von Klaus), 5031. GROVE HALL (Susan), 215. GROZELIER (Roger), 2702. GRUBER (Hubert), 4645. GRUBER (Joachim), 2335. GRUBER (Klemens), 5319. GRUEN (Erich S.), 1366, 1512. GRUET (Brice), 5695. GRÜNBART (Michael), 2577. GRUNDY (Emily), 5572. GRUNENBERG (Nina), 5341. GRUNEWALD (Michel), 4994.
GRÜNZINGER (Gertraud), 4771. GRUSHIN (Boris A.), 4302. GRYWATSCH (Christian), 4104. GUAN (Jie), 6888, 6957. GUAN (Xiaohong), 6889. GUARDINI TEIXEIRA VASCONCELOS (Sandra), 400. GUARRASI (Vincenzo), 5563. GUBANOV (Il'ja B.), 1019. GUBIN (Eliane), 569. GUBSER (Michael), 459. GÜÇLÜ (Yücel), 6417. GUDEA (Nicolae), 129, 1961. GUDERZO (Massimiliano), 6752. GUĈMUNDSSON (Guÿmundur), 701. GUEDES (Armando Marques), 6286. GÜELL (Casilda), 4412. GUELTON (Frédéric), 6394. GUENÉE (Bernard), 2673. GUERASSIMOFF (Éric), 5696. GUÉRIN (Jean-Yves), 4998. GUERIZOLI (Rodrigo), 3264. GUERRA (Andrea), 3201. GUERRA (Maria), 3104. GUERRA DOCE (Elisa), 1037. GUERRA VILABOY (Sergio), 6328. GUERRESCHI (Antonio), 1001. GUERRINI (Ferri Gemma), 5. GUERZONI (Guido), 5135. GUEST (Gerald B.), 47. Guevara (Ernesto 'Che'), 3590. GUEVARA (Gisela Medina), 6166. GUEX (François), 6259. GUGLIELMINETTI (Marziano), 404, 3116. Guicciardini (Francesco), 404. GUIDI (Elisa), 386. GUIDO (Luca), 1963. GUIFFRA (Valentina), 1143. GUIJARRO (José Francisco), 4687. GUILLAUME (Sylvie), 622, 3487. GUILLAUMONT (François), 2234. GUILLELMUS DE CONCHIS, 3240, 3241. GUILLELMUS DE LUXI, 3242. GUILLEMAIN (Hervé), 5697. GUILLÉN (Juan), 257. GUILLET (François), 5698. Guillot (Olivier), 2852. GUIMARÃES (Paulo), 5394. GUIMERÁ RAVINA (Agustín), 5460. GUIMIER-SORBETS (Anne-Marie), 1768. GUINZBURG (Jorge), 5316. GUIOTTO (Maddalena), 3566. GUISNEL (Jean), 3786. GUISO (Andrea), 4106.
INDEX OF NAMES GULDAGER BILDE (Pia), 1349. GULDBERG MIKKELSEN (Hanne), 702. GULLICK (Michel), 40. GUMBRECHT (Hans Ulrich), 452, 460. GÜNDISCH (Konrad), 3467. GUNN (Steven), 2915. GÜNTHER (Gerhard), 2862. GÜNTHER (Hans-Christian), 961, 1904, 5032. GÜNTHER (Linda-Marie), 1313. GUO (Chengwei), 5967. GURGAND (Marc), 4952. GURIOLI (Fabio), 1001. GÜRKAN GÖKÇEK (L.), 1205. Gustaf III, kung av Sverige, 6280. Gustaf V, kung av Sverige, 4449. GUSTAFSSON (Harald), 3486. GUSTAFSSON (Sofia), 2733. GUŠTIN (Damijan), 6496, 6600. Gutenberg (Johann), 53. GUTH (Dina), 2686. GUTHRIE (Christopher E.), 3784. Gutmann (Shmarya), 1274. GUTZKE (David W.), 5699. GUYOTJEANNIN (Olivier), 14, 235. GWYNN (David Morton), 2425. GYÉMÁNT (Ladislau), 5573. GYLLIX (Björn), 4450. GZELLA (Holger), 1283. H HAACK (Marie-Laurence), 1834, 2235. HAAKE (Matthias), 1389. HAAKONSSEN (Knud), 5376. HAARER (Fiona K.), 2316. HAARMANN (Harald), 158. HAAS (Jochen), 1964. HAAS (Stefan), 4893. HAASE (Maria-Luise), 5045. HAASE (Richard), 1254. HABER (Paul Lawrence), 4172. HABER (Peter), 461. HÄBERLEIN (Mark), 97. HABERMEHL (Peter), 1899. HABICHT (Christian), 1757. Habré (Hissein), 3635. HACHMANN (Erwin), 1909. HACHTMANN (Rüdiger), 3867. HACK (Achim Thomas), 3314. HACK (Karl), 6119. HACKE (Jens), 3864. HACKETT (Rosalind I. J.), 820. HACKSPIEL-MIKOSCH (Elisabeth), 4893. HADDADIN (Munther J.), 6792. HADJICOSTI (Ioanna L.), 1758. HADLEY (Dawn M.), 2839.
Hadrianus (Publius Aelius), imperatore romano, 1390, 1391, 1857, 1954, 2287, 2289. Hadrianus I, Papa, 2578. HAEFELI (Ueli), 5395. HAEHL (Madeleine), 6270. HAELEWICK (Jean-Claude), 1284. HAERINCK (Ernie), 1320, 1321. HAERS (J.), 799. HƗfiz, Ladinsky (Daniel), 1068. HÄFNER (Ralph), 4847. HAGEDORN (Andrea), 2708. HAGENEIER (Lars), 2710. HAGER (Uwe), 2666. HÄGERMANN (Dieter), 2650, 2965. HÄGG (Tomas), 2345. HAGGERTY (Sheryllynne), 5463. HAGGI (Arad), 1285. HAGIWARA (Mitsuo), 7046. HAHN (Johannes), 1144, 2236. Haider (Peter W.), 1063. HAIG-BROWN (Celia), 6240. HAIN (Sabine), 4303. HAINES (David W.), 4610. HÁJEK (Jan), 5342, 6537. HAKAMIES (Pekka), 779. HALAMA (Ota), 3266. HALAS (František X.), 6778. Halbwachs (Maurice), 405. HALDON (John F.), 3142. HÁLFDANARSON (Guÿmundur), 3486. HALIMI (Suzy), 3953. HALINEN (Petri), 994. HAďKO (Jozef), 3697. HALL (Catherine), 4838. HALL (Dennis R.), 215. HALL (Stefan Thomas), 3079. HALL (Stuart), 5176. HALL (Ursula), 116. HALLETT (Christopher H.), 1122. HALLON (ďudovít), 5089, 5536. HALLORAN (John A.), 1206. HALMESVIRTA (Anssi), 6750. HALM-TISSERAND (Monique), 1791. HALPÉRIN (Jean-Louis), 657. HALPERIN (Mark), 6890. HALSALL (Guy), 2948. HAMACHER (Ulf Gregor), 1910. HAMBURGER (Jeffrey F.), 46, 3209. HAMDANI (Sumaiya Abbas), 2823. HAMELIN (Fabrice), 5935. HAMESSE (Jacqueline), 3326. HAMILTON (Douglas J.), 6318. HAMILTON (Gary G.), 5457. HAMILTON (Jeffrey S.), 2695. HAMILTON (Keith), 6730, 6731, 6779.
325 HAMILTON (Richard F.), 6344. HAMILTON (Sarah), 3139. HAMILTON-BLEAKLEY (Holly), 640. HAMLETT (Jane), 4953. HAMMILL (Faye), 968. Hamo de Hethe, bishop of Rochester, 2837. HAMPF (Michaela), 5291. HAN (Jianping), 6958. HAN (Maoli), 6891. HANCKE (Gwendoline), 2916, 3001. HANEBRINK (Paul A.), 4018. HANEDA (Masashi), 606. Haniel (family), 99. HANKE (René), 6291. HANLEY (Sarah), 5968. Hannibal, 1886, 1936, 1971, 2020. HANSEN (Anna), 5700. HANSEN (Mogens Herman), 1442, 1458, 1513. HANSKI (Jari), 4987. HANSSON (Lars), 475. HANSSON (Martin), 2917. HANUŠ (JiĜí), 4850, 5772. HAQUIN (A.), 799. HARA (Akira), 5343. HARBI (Mohammed), 3542. HARCOURT (Freda), 5464. HARDACH (Gerd), 5344. HARDIE (Philip Russell), 2178. HARDING (Robert C.), 4217. HARDWICK (Julie), 5701. HARDWICK (Tom), 1145. HARDYMENT (Christina), 3081. HARGRAVES (Matthew), 5177. HARISMENDY (Patrick), 3776. HARJULA (Mirko), 4304. Harley (Robert), 4999. HARMS (Wolfgang), 48. HARNA (Josef), 324, 3496. HARNESS (Kelley), 5258. HARRER (Fiona), 2541. HARRIES (Jill), 2046. HARRILL (James Albert), 2426. HARRIS (Edward M.), 1443, 1480. HARRIS (J. William), 4544. HARRIS (Olivia), 7119. HARRIS (Ruth), 680. HARRIS (Tim), 3950. HARRIS (William V.), 135, 2111. HARRIS (William Wilson), 4145. HARRISON (Thomas), 1759. HARROLD (Stanley), 4545. HARTEN (Hans-Christian), 5090. HÄRTER (Karl), 659. HARTLEY (Elizabeth), 1965. HARTMANN (Elke), 1514. HARTMANN (Florian), 2578. HARTMANN (Götz), 2427.
326 HARTMANN (Peter Claus), 3497. HARTMANN (Udo), 2310. HARTMANNSGRUBER (Friedrich), 3918. HARTZELL (Karl Drew), 3230. HARVARD (Jonas), 4451. HARVEY (Graham), 885. HARVEY (Margaret), 3289. HARVEY (Paul B. jr), 2245. HARWOOD (Winifred A.), 2663. HASANLI (Jamil), 6497. HASEBRINK (Burkhard), 3086. HASELBERGER (Lothar), 2281. HASHIKAWA (Hiroyuki), 3290. HASHIMOTO (Motohisa), 1515. HASHIZUME (Retsu), 6839. HASQUIN (Hervé), 3585. HASSELBACH (Rebecca), 1207. HASSELBERG (Ylva), 5331. HASSELBRING (Bettina), 5292. HASTY (Will), 3076. HATZENBUEHLER (Ronald L.), 4545. HATZOPOULOS (Miltiade B.), 1768. HAUGHNEY (Diane), 3641. HAUPT (Barbara), 3444. HAUSER (Don), 62. HAUSMANN (Germain), 3332. HAUSMANN (Katharina), 3865. HÄUßER (Detlef), 2428. HAVELANGE (Isabelle), IV. HAVELKA (Miloš), 325. Havemann (Robert), 5111. HAVLÍKOVÁ (Lubomíra), 326. HAYAJNEH (Hani), 1286. HAYAMI (Tasuku), 7054. HAYDEN (Jacqueline), 4241. HAYEZ (Jérôme), 93. HAYNES (Clare), 5199. HAYNES (John Earl), 4546. HAZENBOS (Joost), 1247. HE (Xiaolin), 6892. He (Yingyin), 7040. HE (Youliang), 6893. HE (Zhaohui), 6894. HE (Zhongli), 6895. HEALY (Patrick), 2676, 3291. HEALY (Sianan), 7123. HEARN (Mark), 327. HÉBERT (Brigitte), 4924. HECHT (Bettina), 2047. HECK (Gene W.), 2918. HECKEL (Martin), 5899. HECKEL (Waldemar), 1444, 1604. Heckscher (Eli), 5454. Hector (Tim), 3543. HEDENBORG (Susanna), 722. HEDENSTIERNA-JONSON (Charlotte), 2840. HEEDEMANN (Gudrun), 2289. HEERS (Jacques), 462.
INDEX OF NAMES HEFTNER (Herbert), 1966. HEGEL (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich), 5024, 5031. HEIDENREICH (Felix), 4943. HEIDENREICH (Marianne), 407. HEIKKINEN (Minna), 4844. HEILMAN (Jaymie Patricia), 4223. HEIN (Bastian), 6780. HEINDL (Waltraud), 3567. HEINEMAN (Elizabeth D.), 5465. HEINEN (Heinz), 1967. Heinrich IV, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 2771. HEINZ (Marion), 5014. HEINZELMANN (Eva), 3722. HEINZELMANN (Martin), 3378. HEKSTER (Olivier), 1968. Helagabalus (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus cognominatus), Roman emperor, 1979. HELAS (Philine), 2988. Heliodorus, 1671. HELLER (Anna), 1091, 2112. HELLER (Christian), 2179. HELLER (Henry), 3785. HELLIGE (Hans Dieter), 3842. HELLMANN (Marie-Christine), 1792. HELTZER (Michael), 1287. HÉMOND (Aline), 4179. HEMPELMANN (Ralph), 1218. HENDERSON (Ian H.), 1341. HENDERSON (John), 5566. HENDERSON (Suzanne Watts), 2429. HENGEL (Martin), 2430. HENGSTL (Joachim), 1171. HENIGE (Chris), 3178. HENKE (Josef), 3839. HENKIN (David M.), 4837. HENNING (Christoph), 5042. HENNING (Hansjoachim), 5608. HENNINGSEN (Manfred), 3844. HENRARD (Nadine), 3126. Henri III, roi de France, 3748. HENRICH (Rainer), 4731. HENRICH-FRANKE (Christian), 6042. HENRICUS INSTITOR, 3396. Henrietta Maria, queen, consort of Charles I, king of England, 5230. HENRIKSEN (Anders D.), 6769. HENRIKSSON (Rolf G. H.), 5454. HENRIQUES (Peter R.), 4547. HENRÍQUEZ AYIN (Narda), 4224. HENRY (Devin), 1703. HENRY (Odile), 5702. HENRY (Olivier), 1092. Henry I, king of England and Duke of Normandy, 2761.
Henry III, king of England, 2641, 2773. Henry IV, king of England, 2777. Henry of Ghent, 3256. Henry VIII, king of England and Ireland, 3990, 4766. HENSEL RIVEROS (Franz Dieter), 3654. HENSLER (Ines), 3082. Hentig (Hans von), 5978. HENTSCHEL (Frank), 5259. HENTSCHKE (Jens R.), 3617. Herbert of Bosham, 2803. HERBST (Jurgen), 4954. HERDA (Alexander), 1059. HERDE (Peter), 15. Herder (Johann Gottfried), 5033. HERF (Jeffrey), 3866. HERGEMÖLLER (Bernd-Ulrich), 3002. HÉRICHÉ (Sandrine), 2786. HERING (Rainer), 3919. HERMAN (Gabriel), 1445. HERMAN (József), 160. Herman Dalmatin, 2992. HERMANNUS WERDINENSIS, 3397. Hermannus, Contractus, 3262. HERMES TRISMEGISTUS, 32433245. HERMS (Ronald), 2431. HERNÁNDEZ (Rafael), 5565. HERNÁNDEZ ARNEDO (María Jesús), 1017. HERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA (José Ángel), 3655. HERNÁNDEZ GONZÁLEZ (Manuel), 3730, 6222. Herodes I, king of Iudaea, 1298, 1313. Herodian, 2180. Herodianus, 1418. Herodotus, 406, 432, 1510, 1534, 1543, 1558, 1590, 1647, 1664. Herondas, 1594. HERREN (Madeleine), 5703. Herrera (Alfonso L.), 5076. Herrera (Francisco de), 5200. HERRERO (Alejandro), 3548. HERRERO (Fabián), 3549. HERRERO CALLEJA (Silvia), 981, 983. HERRMANN (Friedrich-Wilhelm von), 5032. HERTZ-EICHENRODE (Dieter), 5704. HERZGSELL (Johannes), 4712. HERZOG (Dagmar), 5603. Herzog (Vladimir), 3604. HERZOG (Ze'ev), 1288. Hesiodus, 1647, 1772. Hess (Rudolf), 3890.
INDEX OF NAMES Hessen (Christoph von), 3888. Hessen (Philipp von), 3888. HETHUM VON KORYKOS, 2677. HETZER (Gerhard), 3838. HEUZÉ (Djallal G.), 6834. HEVIA BALLINA (Agustin), 4639. HEWITSON (Mark), 3526. HEYDEMANN (Günther), 3846. Hiba, bishop of Edessa, 2339. HIBOU (Béatrice), 4491. HICKEY (Donald R.), 6304. HICKS (Carola), 3195. HICKS (Dan), 444. HIDBER (Thomas), 1418, 2180. HIEATT (Constance B.), 3003. Hieronimus (Eusebius Sofronius), 3377. Hieronimus Cardiensis, 1657. Hieronymus, Sanctus, 2472. HIGGINS (David M.), 5537. Higgins (Henry Bournes), 327. HIGHAM (N. J.), 2678. HIGONNET (Patrice), 5042. HIILAMO (Heikki), 5705. HIJANO VILLEGAS (Manuel), 362. HIKADE (Thomas), 1146. Hilarius Pictaviensis, 2205. HILDEBRAND (Klaus), 3887. Hildegard von Bingen, 3157. HILGER (Andreas), 5999, 6709. HILGERS (Werner), 2181. HILL (Charles E.), 2432. HILL (Robert Charles), 2382, 2383. HILLARD (T. W.), 2139. HILLIARD (Christopher), 4988. HILSON (Mary), 4452. HILTON (Boyd), 3951. HILTON (Matthew), 5455. HIMKA (John-Paul), 4630. Himmler (Heinrich), 3878. HINCHCLIFFE (Peter), 6124. HINDLEY (Alan), 3077. HINE (Harry M.), 2217. HINRICHS (J. C.), 131. HINTERBERGER (Martin), 2545, 2579. HINTERTHÜR (Bettina), 5260. HINTON (James), 5870. HINZ (Uta), 6418. HIONIDOU (Violetta), 5706. HIPPLER (Thomas), 3498. Hippodamus, 1789. Hirohito, emperor of Japan, 4129. Hiromi (family), 5468. HIRSCHFELD (G.), 6408. HIRSCHFELD (Yizhar), 1289. HIRSCHLER (Konrad), 328. HIRT RAJ (Marguerite), 1147. HISA (Atsushi), 1969. HISASUE (Ryoichi), 6857.
Hitler (Adolf), 3844, 3867, 3918, 4672, 4865, 6540, 6549, 6587. HJARVARD (Stig), 5244. HJEMDAHL (Kirsti Mathiesen), 3674. HJORTNÆS (Karl), 3724. HLAVOVÁ (Viera), 5501. HLAWITSCHKA (Eduard), 2698. Hlinka (Andrej), 4358, 4361, 4365. Hӗ (Chí Minh), 6570. HOARE (Marko Attila), 6601. Hobbes (Thomas), 5034. HOBSON (Charles F.), 4525. HOCHNER (Nicole), 223, 225. HOCHSTUHL (Kurt), 3840. HOCKERTS (Hans Günther), 3918. HOCQUET (Jean-Claude), 704, 5396. HODEL (Paul-Bernard), 3350. HODENBERG (Christina von), 3916. HODGES (Richard), 2841. HODKINSON (Stephen), 1462. HÖDL (Hans Gerald), 5045. HÖDL (Uta), I. HODOT (René), 1605. HOEFLICH (Michael H.), 660. HOFF (Annette), 2863. HOFFER (Stanley E.), 2182. HOFFMANN (Dieter), 613. HOFFNER JR. (Harry A.), 1259. HOFFSCHWELLE (Mary S.), 4955. HOFMEISTER (Björn), 4902. HOFMEYR (Isabel), 291, 488. HOGAN (J. Michael), 4548. HOGG (James), 3354. HOGLE (Jerrold E.), 969. HOGUE (James K.), 4549. HÖH (Marc von der), 333. HÖHNE (Günter), 5214. HØIRIS (Ole), 3005. Hojo (family), 7043, 7073, 7085. HOLÁK (Martin), 4361. HOLBAN (Mihaela), 2244. HOLDEN (Antony J.), 2762. HOLDENRIED (Anke), 3084. HOLDEREGGER (Thomas), 6781. HOLEC (Roman), 5378. HÖLKESKAMP (Karl-Joachim), 1949, 1970. HOLLAND (Peter), 5148. HOLLAND (Robert F.), 6043. HOLLOWAY (Pippa), 5708. HOLLOWAY (R. Ross), 1793. HOLLOWS (Joanne), 756. HOLMÉN (Janne Sven-Åke), 4956. HOLMES (Andrew R.), 4756. HOLMES (James R.), 6345. HOLMES (N. M. Mcq.), 136. HOLOTOVÁ-SZINEK (Juliana), 2699. HÖLSCHER (Wolfgang), 6728.
327 HOLT (Maria), 6124. HOLTMANN (Everhard), 3908. HOLTSMARK (Sven G.), 6649. HOME VALENZUELA (David), 3642. Homerus, 1360, 1370, 1580, 1587, 1599, 1647, 1651, 1670, 1687, 5161. HOMEYER (Joachim), 2665. HÖMIG (Dieter), 5914. HONDA (Takanari), 7055. HONESS (Claire E.), 3085. Hong (Chengzhou), 6998. HONG (Jiulai), 6896. HONG (Shinian), 6897. HOOREBEECK (Céline), 258. Hoover (Herbert), 6465. HOPE (Colin), 1185. HÖPKEN (Wolfgang), 3513. HOPPER (Sarah), 3425. HOPPU (Tuomas), 6419, 6472. Horáková (Milada), 3699. Horatius Flaccus (Quintus), 2169, 2204. HÖRBER (Thomas), 6676. HORBURY (William), 2433. HORDEN (Peregrine), 711. HORIE (Ruth), 3426. HORIUCHI (Junichi), 6898. HORN (Jeff), 5397. HORNE (Gerald), 4550. HORNEMANN (Jacob), 6677. HORNUNG (Erik), 77. HOROWITZ (Roger), 5709. HORROX (Rosemary), 2956. HORSFALL (Nicholas), 1923. HORST (Ulrich), 3265, 3344. Horthy (Miklós), vitéz nagybányai, 4009, 4026. HORVÁTH (Pavel), 5345. HOSAKA (Satoshi), 7057. HOSE (Martin), 1606. HOSHINO (Haruhiko), 3868. HOSIO (Jusach Eddy), 4042. HOSKING (Geoffrey A.), 4305. HÖSLER (Joachim), 4375. HOUBEN (Hubert), 3020, 3028, 3338. HOUCK (Judith A.), 5710. HOULBROOKE (Ralph Anthony), 3954. HOUSE (Jim), 3787. HOUSLEY (Norman), 2700. HOVEN (René), 161. HOWARD (Deborah), 5188. HOWARD (Jean E.), 964. HOWARD (Thomas Albert), 4916. HOWARTH (David), 273. HOWE (Anthony), 3979. HOWEY (Ann F.), 956. HOWLAND (Nina Davis), 6733. HOY (Suellen), 4688.
328 HOYER (Christian), 6346. HOYLE (R. W.), 3923. HOYOS (Dexter), 1886, 1971. Hrabanus Maurus, 3399. HRADSKÁ (Katarína), 5575. HRITZ (Carrie), 1208. HSIA (R. Po-Chia), 599. HSIA (Ronnie Po-chia), 4707. HU (Liuyuan), 6899. HU (Yingyi), 6900. HU (Zhaoxi), 6901. HUANG (Daoxuan), 6902. Huang (Fu), 6533. HUANG (Kuanzhong), 6903. HUANG (Kun), 6904. HUANG (Ronghua), 6905. HUANG (Shijia), 4957. HUANG (Xingtao), 6906. Huang (Zuo), 6926. HUBBARD (Jennifer M.), 5092. HÜBINGER (Gangolf), 490. HÜBNER (Emanuel), 2289. HUDSON (Benjamin T.), 2701. HUDSON (John), 237. HUENER (Jonathan), 5170. HUET (Valerie), 1800. HUETZ DE LEMPS (Xavier), 6125. HUGHES (Alan), 1607. HUGHES (Arnold), 3835. HUGHES (Caroline), 3623. HUGHES (Lisa A.), 1852. HUGHES (Michael), 6420. HUGHES (Sallie), 4173. Hugue de Flavigy, 2676. HUGUENIN (François), 3788. HÜLDEN (Oliver), 1093. HÜLSEN-ESCH (Andrea von), 2920. HULTÉN (Gunilla), 4989. HUMAIR (Cédric), 5398. Humboldt (Alexander von), 208. HUME (David), 2122, 5035. HUMM (Michel), 1972, 2114. HUMMEL (Pascale), 1420. HUMPHREY (John), 2281. HUMPREY (David C.), 6733. HUNINK (Vincent), 1878. HUNT BOTTING (Eileen), 98. HUNTER (Richard), 1608. HUOKUNA (Tiina), 224. HUPE (Joachim), 1967. HÜPPAUF (Bernd), 793. HURBANIý (Martin), 2581. HURLBURT (Holly S.), 2921. HURLET (Frédéric), 1973, 2049. HÜRLIMANN (Gisela), 5399. HURST (Isobel), 5161. HURTADO PÉREZ (Víctor), 985. HÜRTER (Johannes), 6578. HUS (Iohannes), 3246, 3247. HUSAIN JAFRI (Saiyid Zaheer), 4793.
INDEX OF NAMES HUSAYNIYƖN (Rnjh AllƗh), 4051. HUSCROFT (Richard), 2804. Hussein, king of Jordan, 6799. HUTCHINSON (Robert), 6271. HUTTER (Manfred), 1094. HUUMO (Katja), 179. HUYSE (Philip), 577. HUZEL (James P.), 5379. HVIDT (Marie), 3725. HVIDTFELT NIELSEN (Kristian), 746. HYAM (Ronald), 6093. HYATT (Darlene), 2376. HYDE PARKER (Richard), 106. HYLTON (Forrest), 3656. I Iacopone da Todi, 3352. IACOVETTA (Franca), 5711. IANCHEV (Veselin), 3622. IANCU (Carol), 6385. IANNACCONE (Luca), 5956. IBARRA JIMÉNEZ (Ana), 981, 983. IBBETSON (David), 5900. Ibn Khaldûn, 408. Ibn Sab'Ưn'Abd al-aqq ibn IbrƗhƯm, 2819. IBRAHIM (Fouad N.), 4342. IEDA (Osamu), 6847. IERACI BIO (Anna Maria), 2564. Iesus Christus, 2384, 2403, 2414, 2424, 2428, 2442, 2455, 2462, 2480. IGERSHEIM (François), 334. IGLESIA FERREIRÓS (Aquilino), 2857. Ignatius, Patriarch of Constantinople, 2619. IIJIMA (Ayumu), 6126. IKEDA (Norimasa), 6907. IKEDA (On), 7058, 7075. IKEGUCHI (Mamoru), 437. IKEUCHI (Toshi), 7059. ILAHIANE (Hsain), 510. ILIOPOULOS (Ioannis), 1803. ILLERITSKIJ (Vladimir E.), 335. Illia (Arturo Umberto), 3559. ILLIS (Justin), 6167. ILTING (Karl-Heinz), 5031. IM (François), 6782. IMAI (Kei), 3473. IMAēSKA (Iwona), 76. IMBARRATO (Susan Clair), 6203. Imbrie (Robert Whitney), 6433. IMLAY (Talbot C.), 6039. IMMENHAUSER (Martin), 5969. IMMONEN (Kari), 5033. IMPAGLIAZZO (Marco), 4662. IMPERIALI (Guglielmo), 6386. INAI (Taro), 3952. øNANÇ (Gül), 6541.
INGEBORG FLEISCHHAUER (Eva), 6421. INGEBRITSEN (Christine), 6070. Ingeram (Hans), 110. INGLEDEW (Francis), 3087. INGLEHART (Jennifer), 2183. Innocentius VI, Papa, 3305. INOWLOCKI (Sabrina), 1760, 2435. INSOLERA (Italo), 5261. IOANID (Radu), 6654. Ioann Kronshtadtskij, Sanctus, 4725. IOANNATOU (Marina), 2115. Ioannes Anagnostes, 2519. Ioannes Caminiates, 2519. IOGNA-PRAT (Dominique), 3292. Iohannes Chrysostomus, 2441, 2449. Iohannes Gazaeus, 2501, 2502. Iohannes Italos, 2503. Iohannes Lydus, 2504, 2505. Iohannes XXIII, Papa, 4665, 4670. Iohannes, evangelista, Sanctus, 2365, 2373, 2414, 2457, 2482, 3268. IOKU (Shigehiko), 5467. IONESCU (Mihail E.), 6045. IONESCU-GURĂ (Nicoleta), 4279. Iosephus, Sanctus, 227. ưOVEVSKA (Mariana), 3594. IPPOLITO (Antonella), 2353. IRBY-MASSIE (Georgia), 1708. Irenaeus Lugdunensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 2432, 2347. Ireton (Henry), 3947. IRIBARREN (Leopoldo), 1704. IRWIN (Raymond), 50. IRWIN (Robert), 336. IRWIN G. (Domingo), 4603. Isaac Comnenus, 2599. Isaac Porphyrogenitus, 2506. ISABELLA (Maurizio), 4107. ISACSON (Claës-Göran), 4453. ISAEV (Sergej A.), 4551. ISAEV (Vladimir A.), 3582. ISENBURG (Teresa), 187. ISENSTADT (Sandy), 5215. ISHI (Kanji), 5468. ISHIKAWA (Yoshihiro), 6908. ISHIYAMA (Osamu), 2964. ISIDORUS HISPALENSIS, EPISCOPUS, SANCTUS, 2348, 2487, 2802, 3248, 3368. IùIK (Fahri), 1794. IùIK (O÷uz), 5576. ISKIN (Ruth), 5201. Ismail (Tun), 4159. Isocrates, 1521, 1541, 1630. ISRAEL (Jonathan Irvine), 4839, 5011.
INDEX OF NAMES ISRAEL (Uwe), 3364. ISTVÁN (Bajúsz), 129. ITGENSHORST (Tanja), 2050. ITKIN (Silvia), 5316. ITO (Takashi), 5093. ITO (Takeshi), 2964. Iulia Domna, 2012. Iulia, daughter of Augustus, emperor of Rome, 1951. Iulianus (Flavius Claudius), Roman emperor, 1874, 2463, 2478. Iulius Africanus (Sextus), 2349. Iustinianus I (Flavius), Byzantine emperor, 2454, 2563, 2609. Iustinus, Martyr, Sanctus, 2350. Iustinus II, Byzantine emperor, 2585. IVANIýKOVÁ (Edita), 6689. IVANIŠEVIû (Vujadin), 140. IVANOV (Andrej Ju.), 3790. IVANOVA (Galina M.), 4306. IVANOVA (Julija V.), 585. IVANTYŠYNOVÁ (Tatiana), 4362. IVORRA (Sarah), 1163. IVUSHKINA (Elena B.), 757. IWAI (Shigeki), 7042. IWAKI (Takuji), 7060. IWAMA (Kazuhiro), 5712. IZHAK (Lajosh), 4019. IZUMIDA (Hideo), 6858. J JA'FARIYƖN (Rasnjl), 4051. JABARA CARLEY (Michael), 6422. JÄCKEL (Dirk), 226. Jackson (Andrew), 4589. JACKSON (Anthony), 2746. JACKSON (Ashley), 6096. JACKSON (Julian), 5713. JACKSON (Mark), 2276. JACKSON (Paul), 614. JACOB (André), 2580. JACOB (Margaret C.), 4841, 5714. JACOB (Marie), 5094. JACOB (Robert), 2051, 2237. Jacobellus de Misa, 3266. JACOBS (Bruno), 1095. JACOBS (Matthew F.), 6678. JACOBS (Seth), 6783. JACOBSON CARTER (Christine), 5715. JACOBSON SCHUTTE (Anne), 4689. JACQUES (Catherine), 569. JACQUET (Olivier), 5502. JAEGER (C. Stephen), 48. JÄGER (Jens), 6000. JÄGER (Ulf), 1322. JÄGGI (Carola), 3198. Jahwe, 2415. JAIKUMAR (Priya), 5262. JAKELIû (Slavica), 821.
JAKOBS (Horst Heinrich), 2864. JAKOBSEN (Peter Viggo), 6092. JAKOBSSON (Eva), 3486. JAKOVLEV (Igor' A.), 758. JAKUBEC (Ivan), 4909, 5400. JAKUBIAK (Krysztof), 1323. JALAVA (Jukka), 4872. JALLAND (Pat), 5716. JALLET-HUANT (Monique), 1974. JAMES (Alan), 3791. JAMES (Harold), 99, 6001. JAMES (Hilary), 3178. JAMES (John), 3178. JAMES (Laura M.), 3734. James I, king of England, 3923, 3926, 3954. JAMROZIAK (Emilia), 3298. JANÁý (Marek), 3699. JANDRIû (Berislav), 6679. JANÉ (Óscar), 6292. JANEK (István), 6680. JANEKOVIû-RÖMER (Zdenka), 5137. JANKOWITSCH (Peter), 3574. JANKOWSKI (Henryk), 159. JANMZADEH (P.), 1324. JANNIARD (Sylvain), 1209. JANOTTI (Maria de Lourdes Mônaco), 3608. JANSE (Antheun), 2915. JANSE (Wim), 4643. JANSEN (Sabine), 3746. JANSEN-WINKELN (Karl), 1148. JANSSEN (Geert H.), 274. JANSSENS (Jules L.), 2824, 3239. JANUS (Eligiusz), 535. JANUS PANNONIUS, 3089. JANZ (Oliver), 489, 4108. JANZON (Kaj), 2704. JAQUES (R. Kevin), 2825. JARA HINOJOSA (Isabel), 3643. JARAUSCH (Konrad H.), 759. JARDIM (Alberto João), 6164. JARLET (Anders), 5717. JARNUT (Jörg), 2689. JÄRVENTAUSTA (Silja), 5731. JÄSCHKE (Kurt-Ulrich), 2659. JASKUàKOWSKI (Tytus), 6698. Jason, priest in Jerusalem, 1300. Jaspers (Karl), 5036. JASPERT (Nikolas), 2705. JATAHY PESAVENTO (Sandra), 400. JATSENKO (Sergej A.), 6840. JATTA (Barbara), 261. JAUERNIG (Martha), I. Jean de Warneton, évêque de Thérouanne, 2686. JEANNERET (Michel), 4863. JEAUNEAU (Édouard), 3241. JEAY (Madeleine), 3090. JEDLITSCHKA (Karsten), 397.
329 Jefferson (Thomas), 4526, 4545. JEFFREYS (David), 1170. JEFFREYS (Elizabeth M.), 2531. JEFFREYS (Elizabeth), 2541. JEFFREYS (Michael), 2538. JEGER (Isabelle), 3440. JEHASSE (Olivier), 1975. JEHNE (Martin), 1976, 2113. JELAVICH (Peter), 5263. JENKINS (Brian A.), 4063. JENKINS (David), 2522. JENKINS (Jacqueline), 3401. JENKINS SCHWARTZ (Marie), 5718. JENKS (John), 6631. JENKS (Stuart), 2923. JENKS (Timothy), 3955. JENNBERT (Kristina), 3442. JENNER (Marck S.R.), 5566. JENNIGES (W.), 1096. JENSEN (Brian Møller), 3400. JENSEN (Joan M.), 5719. JEREZ (Enrique), 362. JESSE (Eckhard), 3846. JESSENNE (Jean-Pierre), 3766, 5503. JEWSIEWICKI (Bogumil), 4278. JIANHUA (Chang), 6879. JIAO (Tianlong), 1020. JIMÉNEZ GÓMEZ (Juan Ricardo), 4174. JIN (Binghao), 6910. JIN (Chongji), 6911. JIN (Yilin), 6912. JINDRA (JiĜí), 6406. Jinnah (Mahomed Ali), 4213. JIROUŠEK (Bohumil), 306. JIROUSKOVÁ (Lenka), 2436. JOANNÈS (Friedrich), 1188. JOBERT (Timothée), 6097. JOËL HARISON (Marie Aimé), 4156. Johannes von Gmunden, 3267. JOHANNSEN (Nina), 2184. JOHANSEN (Baber), 5538. JOHANSSON (Lars Ingmar), 3742. JOHANSSON (Lennart), 589. JOHANSSON (Mikael), 1419. John of Beverley, Sanctus, 3388. John, king of England, 2766. JOHNE (Klaus-Peter), 1977, 2310. JOHNS (Andrew L.), 6763. JOHNSON (Alan), 1060. JOHNSON (Carina L.), 511. JOHNSON (Christine R.), 198. JOHNSON (Gaynor), 6423, 6651. JOHNSON (Herbert A.), 4525. Johnson (Joseph), 6746. Johnson (Lyndon Baines), 4594, 6781, 6811. JOHNSON (Odai), 5264.
330 JOHNSON (Robert David), 6632, 6759. JOHNSON (Scott Fitzgerald), 2484. JOHNSON (William Bruce), 6579. JOHNSTON-LIIK (Edith Mary), 4064. JOHRENDT (Jochen), 3315. JOIN-LAMBERT (Odile), 275, 5881. Joinville (Jean, sire de), 2725. JOLY (Laurent), 3777, 3792, 6169. JONES (Amelia), 786. JONES (Christopher P.), 1390. JONES (Eric), 4842. JONES (Evan), 199. JONES (Kevin T.), 1007. JONES (Larry Eugene), 3868. JOOST-GAUGIER (Christiane), 1705. JORDAN (Erin L.), 3347. JORDANOV (Ivan), 2534. JÖRDENS (Andrea), 1139. JÖRS (Inka), 4242. JOSEFOVIýOVÁ (Milena), 4909. JOSSERAND (Philippe), 3031. JOST (Madeleine), 1609. JOSTMANN (Christian), 3405. JOUBERT (Fabienne), 3184. JOUVENET (Morgan), 5265. JOY (Morny), 886. Juan de Ribera, 4627. Juárez (Benito), 4166, 4170, 4182, 6328. JUCHNOWSKI (Rafaá), 4248. JUDINA (Marina I.), 4843. JUDSON (Pieter M.), 3502. JUERGENSMEYER (Mark), 825. JUFFERMANS (Paul), 5049. JULEROT (Véronique), 3316, 3429. JULIÁ (Santos), 4427. JULIAN OF NORWICH, 3401, 3435. JULLIEN (Vincent), 5095. JUNG (Joseph), 4469. JUNG (Michael), 1761. JUNG (Moon-Kie), 5871. JUNG (Otmar), 5902. JUNGGREN (Anna), 5162. JUNILA (Marianne), 5720. JUPP (Peter C.), 3956. JURADO-GUERRERO (Teresa), 5689. JUREK (Tomasz), 16. JURGANOV (Andrej L.), 760. JURKOWLANIEC (GraĪyba), 3182. Juvencus (Gaius Vettius Aquilinus), 1881. JWAIDEH (Wadie), 3503. K K'oseivanov (Georgi), 6525. KABELE (JiĜí), 3698. KABLITZ (Andreas), 465.
INDEX OF NAMES KABUZAN (Vladimir M.), 4517. KADANE (Matthew), 430. Kádár (János), 4016. KADOYA (Hidenori), 2842. KAELBLE (Hartmut), 748. KAELIN (Oskar), 1210. Kafka (Franz), 5160. KAGAN (Frederick W.), 6306. KAHL (Ingelise), 702. KAHN (Ronald), 5941. KAHN-CHAE (Na), 4139. KÄHÖNEN (Aappo), 6784. KAIJSER (Arne), 5352. KAIZER (Ted), 1097. KAKAR (M. Hassan), 3529. KALC (Aleksej), 5577. KALDELLIS (Anthony), 2522. KALE (Steven), 5721. KALINICHEVA (H. I.), 4519. Kallas (Aino), 5165. KALLIOINEN (Mika), 5096. KALMAN (Laura), 4917. KALNING (Pamela), 3092. KAMEI (Shunsuke), 4580. KAMENEC (Ivan), 4370. KAMENICKÝ (Miroslav), 4011. KAMENSKIJ (Aleksandr B.), 4307. KAMIēSKI (àukasz), 6810. KAMLER (Anna), 4243. KÄMMERER (Carmen Maria), 3430. KAMP (Marianne), 5722. KANEKO (Shuichi), 6913. KANG-BOHR (Youngok), 4308. Kangxi emperor, 7016. KANNER (Aimee), 602. KANSTEINER (Wulf), 338, 360. Kant (Immanuel), 5037. KANYUA (Muigai), 4137. KAPLAN (Golda Kh.), 1255. KAPLAN (Herbert H.), 100. KAPLAN (Karel), 3699. KAPLAN (Michel), 2582, 2597. KAPLAN (Philip), 1762. KAPPL (Brigitte), 1706. KAPPLER (Claire), 2702. KAPRANOS (N.), 1394. KARAFLOGA (Anatasia), 887. KARAGEORGHIS (Jacqueline), 1795. KARAGEORGHIS (Vassos), 1795. Karan Singh, Sadr-i-Riyasat of Jammu and Kashmir, 4027. KARAVAS (Orestis), 1610. Karl I der Große, Charlemagne, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, Kömig der Franken, 2308, 2750, 2918. Karl IV, röm-deutscher Kaiser, 2706. Karl V, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 113, 4407.
KARLSCH (Rainer), 5401. KARLSSON SJÖGREN (Åsa), 4454. Károlyi (Mihály), 6680. KARONEN (Petri), 3505. KARSCH (Stefan), 4309. KARSTEDT (Susanne von), 3550. KARSTEN (Arne), 1927. KARTHAUS (Nicola), 2689. KARTOUS (Peter), 117. KASHIRSKIKH (Oleg), 5469. KASHTANOV (Sergej M.), 17, 18, 481. KASPERSEN (Søren), 3191. KASSAM (Tazim R.), 899. KASSELL (Lauren), 512. KASTAN (David Scott), 975. KASTEN (Brigitte), 2965. KASTER (Robert Andrew), 1871. KASUMOVA (Sara Ju), 6838. KATAYAMA (Tsuyoshi), 6914. Katimala, Nubian ruler, 1133. KATSIAFICAS (Georgy), 4139. KATSIS (Leonid F.), 4757. KATSOURIS (Andreas), 1611. KATUNINEC (Milan), 4363. KAUFMAN (Joyce P.), 6047. KAUFMAN (Scott), 6347. KAUFMANN (Frank-Michael), 2847. KAUFMANN (Helen), 1877. KAUHAUSEN (Ilka), 5970. KAUTNY (Oliver), 5286. KAVNEBERG (Bodil), 4948. KAWAHARA (Yayoi), 6841. KAWAKATSU (Heita), 5466. KAWAMURA (Sadae), 3473. KAWAOKA (Tsutomu), 7061. KAWAUCHI (Masayoshi), 7062. KAY (Alex J.), 6542. KAY (Nigel M.), 1862. KAY (Richard), 3093. KAYE (Harvey J.), 5872. KAZIMÍR (Štefan), 5345. KÁZMEROVÁ (ďubica), 4363. KEANE (Catherine), 2185. KEANE (Elizabeth), 4065. KEATING (Sandra Toenies), 2826. KEATS-ROHAN (K. S. B.), 2636. KEBLUSEK (Marika), 4990. KÉCHICHIAN (Albert), 3793. KECKEL (Martin), 4619. KEDAR (Benjamin Z.), 3006. KEDEN (Helmke Jan), 5286. KEEFER (Edward C.), 6733. KEINÄNEN (Merja), 5731. KEITA (S.O.Y.), 1149. KEITEL (Elizabeth), 2186. KELEMEN (Paul), 6170. KELLER (Daniel), 1290. KELLER (Donald R.), 1120. KELLER (Hagen), 2694.
INDEX OF NAMES KELLERHALS (Andreas), 466. KELLEY (Donald R.), 339. KELLEY (Mary), 4959. KELLEY (Nicole), 2437. KELLEY (Wym), 962. KELLNER (Menachem Marc), 2805. KELLY (Christopher), 1978. KELLY (Gordon P.), 2052. KELLY (M. J.), 4066. KELLY (T. Mills), 3572. KEMMERS (Fleur), 2116. KEMP (Barry), 1170. KEMPER (Tobias A.), 3431. KEMPF (Gabriele), 536. KEMPPAINEN (Ilona), 3744. Kenbib (Mohammed), 4196. KENÉZ (Csaba János), 536. KENEZ (Peter), 4020. Keniatta (Jomo), 4136. KENISTON MAC INTOSH (Marjorie), 5620. Kennan (George F.), 6020, 6399. KENNEDY (Hugh N.), 2583. Kennedy (John Fitzgerald), 4530, 6811, 6814, 6820. KENNELL (Nigel M.), 1481. KENNEY (Jeffrey Thomas), 3735. KENNY (Anthony), 1707. KEOGH (Dermot), 6724. KERBY-FULTON (Kathryn), 3007. Kerényi (Kárl), 902, 930. KERGOAT (Jacques), 3794. KÉRIVEN (Brigitte), IV. KERR (Richard M.), 1291. KERSCH (Ken I.), 5941. KERSCHNER (Michael), 1098, 1109. KERSHAW (Roger), 101. KERSTEN (Andrew E.), 5872. KERSTEN (Otto), 2520. KERSTETTER (Todd M.), 4552. KÉRY (Lotte), 2707. KESER (Aygün), 4500. KESLER (Jean-François), 3795. KESS (Alexandra), 4731. KESSLER (Khajs [Gijs]), 5489. KETELAAR (James E.), 80. KEULEN (Wytse Hette), 2191. KEWES (Paulina), 374. Keynes (John Maynard), 687, 5382. KEYS (Barbara J.), 6424. KEYSER (Paul T.), 1708. KHACHATURJAN (Nina A.), 2728. KHAN (B. Zorina), 5402. KHAR'KOVA (T.L.), 5593. KHAVANOVA (Ol'ga V.), 4960. KHAVANSKIJ (Aleksej I.), 1024. KHLEVNIUK (Oleg V.), 4340. KHOURY (Gérard D.), 6112.
KI CHE LEUNG (Angela), 6879. KIAER (Christina), 4298, 5675. KIECHLE (Stefan), 4712. KIENING (Christian), 5283. KIENINGER (Michael), 6727. Kierkegaard (Sören), 5038. KIERNAN (Ben), 3623. KIERSPEL (Lars), 2438. KIESER (Hans-Lukas), 4505. Kiesinger (Kurt Georg), 3861. KIESOW (Rainer Maria), 651. KIESSLING (Friedrich), 3851. KIEßLING (Simon), 3504. KIHLMAN (Erika), 3393. KIKUCHI (Toshihiko), 7056. KILLEEN (Richard), 4067. KILPIÖ (Kaarina), 5324. KIM (Donggil), 6915. Kim (Il-sǂng), 6822. KIM (Onyoo Elizabeth), 2865. KIM (Samuel S.), 7103. KIM (Yong-gu), 6348. KIMIZUKA (Naotaka), 6349. KIMMINICH (Eva), 5723. KIMURA (Masanobu), 7063. KIMURA (Masataka), 6859. KIMURA (Massaki), 6863. KIMURA (Shigemitsu), 7064. KING (Helen), 1709. KING (Pamela), 3094. KING (Peter), 5971. KING (Richard Jackson), 2187. KING (Robert C.), 761. KING (Steven), 3957, 5724. KING (Wilma), 5725. KINGMAN GARCÉS (Eduardo), 5578. KINVIG (Clifford), 6425. KINZL (Konrad H.), 559. KIPPENBERG (Hans G.), 839, 4523. KIRÁLY (Béla K.), 4012. KIRBY (William C.), 6639. Kirchhoff (Alfred), 209. KIRICHENKO (Larisa A.), 18. Kirk (Elizabeth D.), 3107. KIRK-GREENE (Anthony Hamilton Millard), 6171. KIRSCH (Martin), 658. KISIELEWSKI (Tadeusz), 4234. KISRIEV (Enver F.), 4310. KISS (Sándor), 160. KISSEL (Theodor), 1979. KISSI (Edward), 3624. KITANOV (Al.), 6384. KITCHELL (Kenneth Francis), 2188. KITCHEN (Martin), 3870. KITCHING (Christopher), 2645. KITROMILIDES (Paschalis), 3999. KITSENKO (Nadezhda B.), 4725. KITTEL (Manfred), 6682.
331 KITTLESON (Roger Alan), 3609. KITTSTEIN (Ulrich), 340. KIVELSON (Valerie), 200. KIVINEN (Tiina), 4553. KIZIL (Abuzer), 1099. KJÆRGAARD (Peter C.), 746. KLABJAN (Borut), 6500, 6633, 6804. KLADIWA (Pavel), 3693. KLADNIK (Tomaž), 6602. KLAPISCH-ZUBER (Christiane), 93, 2924. KLAPP (Otto), 955. KLAPP-LEHRMANN (Astrid), 955. KLAREVAS (Louis), 6785. KLATT (Martin), 6634. KLAUDIOS PTOLEMAIOS, 1612. KLEE (Doris), 4470. KLEE (Margot), 1980. KLEEBERG (John M.), 139. Klehr (Harvey), 4546. KLEIN (Bernard), 2243. KLEIN (Elka), 2925. KLEIN (Herbert S.), 3618. KLEINE (Uta), 3135. KLEINERT (Katja), 5202. KLEINHENZ (Christopher), 3189. KLEMANN (Hein A.M.), 5403. KLEMETTILÄ (Hannele), 3199. KLENGEL (Horst), 1256. KLETEýKA (Thomas), 3567. KLIMECKI (Michaá), 4518. KLIMÓ (Árpád von), 4021. KLIMOVA (Svetlana G.), 4238. KLINE (Mary-Jo), 4527. KLINGENSTEIN (Grete), 4646. KLINGHARDT (Matthias), 2386. KLINGHOFFER (Arthur Jay), 201. KLINKHAMMER (Lutz), 6580. KLIPPEL (Diethelm), 662, 668. KLJACHKINA (Natalija L.), 4961. KLJASHTORNYJ (Sergej G.), 6842. KLOFT (Hans), 1981. KLOOSTERHUIS (Elisabeth M.), 3871. KLÖTZER (Sylvia), 5266. KLOWSKI (Joachim), 1875. KLUBOCK (Thomas Miller), 705. KLUCZEK (Agata Aleksandra), 1982. KLUETING (Edeltraud), 185, 3419. KLUETING (Harm), 185. KNAB (Rainer), 1421. KNAUSS (Florian), 1325. KNEGTMANS (P. J.), 4932. KNELL (Hermann), 6581. KNIBB (Michael A.), 2467. KNIGGE (Carsten), 1150. KNIGHT (William F. Jackson), 1924. KNIRCK (Jason K.), 4068.
332 KNOEPFLER (Denis), 1391. Knollys (Hansered), 4743. KNOX (Peter E.), 1897. KNOX (William W. J.), 5726. KNOZ (Tomáš), 3700. KOBRAK (Christopher), 5539. KOCH (Anne), 888. KOCH (Arnd), 5972. KOCH (Bernhard), 2219. KOCH (Klaus), 6381. KOCHANOWSKI (Jerzy), 6655. KOCI MONTANARI (Silvia), 2282. KOCIAN (JiĜí), 3700, 5346, 6537. KOCKA (Jürgen), 276. KOÇYIöIT (O÷uz), 1100. KOEGEL (John), 5267. KOENIG (Johannes), 3872. KOFANOV (Leonid L.), 2053. KOGMAN-APPEL (Katrin), 64. KOHL (Katrin), 5136. KOHL (M.), 1375. KOHLENBERGER (Helmut Karl), 3251. KÖHLMOOS (Melanie), 2439. KOHSER-SPOHN (Christiane), 6196. KOHÚTOVÁ (Mária), 5345, 5345. KOI (Takashi), 3796. KOINER (Gabriele), 2274. KÕIV (Lea), 249. KOJIMA (Yoshie), 5470. KOKOŠKA (Stanislav), 6603. KÖKSAL (Yonca), 4501. KOLAR (Bogdan), 4649. KOLÁě (Pavel), 342. KOLB (Anne), 2048. KOLB (Eberhard), 3887. KÖLBL (Andrea), 5268. KOLENEKO (Vadim A.), 3629. KOLESNICHENKO (Diana A.), 5504. KOLLANDSRUD (Kaja), 3206. Kollár (Ján), 4362. KOLLER (Alexander), 4646. KOLLMANN (Bernd), 2366. KOLOVOU (Foteini), 2496. KOMAC (Andrej), 2763. KOMISSARZHEVSKIJ (Fedor F.), 794. KOMOROWSKI (Bronisáaw), 6390. Kompridis (Nikolas), 5013. KONATÉ (Doulaye), 4162. KONDO (Kazuhiko), 3965. KONDO (Nobuaki), 6843. KONDRAT'EVA (Tamara S.), 4311. KONEýNÝ (Karel), 5670. Kong (Xiangxi), 6521. König (Franz Peter), 6259. KÖNIG (Hans-Joachim), 586. KONNERT (Mark W.), 3797. KONOVALOVA (Irina G.), 2679. Konrad II, röm.-deutscher Kaiser, 2774.
INDEX OF NAMES KONSTAN (David), 1710. KONSTANTINOU (Evangelos), 2553. KONTOGIORGI (Elisabeth), 4000. KÓNYA (Peter), 4011. KÓNYOVÁ (Annamária), 4011. KOOPER (Erik), 2681. KOPP (Peter), 1151. KOPSIDIS (Michael), 5505. KÖRBER (Esther-Beate), 4848. KÖRBERG (Ingvar), 5540. Korf (Modest), 4295. KORFF (Gottfried), 4621. KORGANOV (Karen T.), 467. KORKMAN (Petter), 3283. KORKUT (Taner), 1101. KORNIENKO (Tat'jana V.), 1257. KORNILOV (Gennadij E.), 5489. KORNMÜLLER (Massimiliano), 1903. KOROL'KOVA (Elena F.), 987. Korošec (Anton), 4649. KORPPI-TOMMOLA (Aura), 4926. KORSAKOVA (Natalija L.), 6786. KORTEWEG (A. S.), 46. KÖRTING (Corinna), 2440. KORTÜM (Hans-Henning), 634, 775. KOS (Dušan), 2926. KÖSE (Veli), 1102. KOSEKI (Takashi), 3958. KOSELA (Krzysztof), 4238. Koselleck (Reinhart), 450, 453. KOSELLECK (Reinhart), 468, 482. KOSESKI (Adam), 6479. Kosmas Indikopleustes, 2507. Kossmann (Heinrich), 410. KÖSTERS (Christoph), 5873. KOSTYRIA (A. A.), 4519. KOSZTOLNYIK (Z. J.), 2764. KOTKIN (Stephen), 7103. KOTT (Christina), 277. KOTZÉ (Annemaré), 2332. KOUBOURLIS (Ioannis), 433. KOUTSKÁ (Ivana), 6048. KOVÁý (Dušan), 576, 5579, 6499. KOVACIK (Joseph), 1061. KOVAěÍK (David), 3701. KOWALSKÁ (Eva), 4758. KOWALSKY (Daniel), 6651. KOYAMA (Keiko), 3798. KOYAMA (Yasunori), 7067. KOZLOV (Vladimir A.), 4312. KOZOL (Wendy), 291, 488. KPAO SARE (Constant), 6172. KRACAUER (Siegfried), 469. KRADIN (Nikolaj N.), 6844. KRAFT (Christina), 2054. KRAGH (Helge), 746. KRALLI (Ioanna), 1446. KramáĜ (Karel), 3710.
KRAMER (Alan), 3513. KRÄMER (Hans Martin), 4919. KRAMER (Paul A.), 6049, 6350. KRANS (Jan), 4849. KRAPIVINA (V.V.), 1362. KRAS (Paweá), 3432. KRASNIQI (Afrim), 3537. KRATZ (Reinhard Gregor), 818. KRAUS (Elisabeth), 4934. KRAUS (Hans-Christof), 635, 3873. KRAUSE (Ingmar), 2765. KRAUSE (Jens-Uwe), 2323. KRAUSE (Kathy M.), 3225. KRAUSMÜLLER (Dirk), 2584. KRAUSS (Rolf), 77. KRAVCHENKO (Andrej S.), 4313. KRAWCZUK (Wojciech), 4249. KREBS (Gerhard), 6573. KRECH (Volkhard), 889. KREILER (Bernd Michael), 1984. KREINATH (Jens), 933. Kreisky (Bruno), 3574, 3577. KREKOLA (Joni), 4963. KREN (Thomas), 32. KRENN (Michael L.), 6050. KRESO (Muharem), 6501. KRESTEN (Otto), 2585. KRETSCHMAR (Carsten), 278. KREUZ (Gottfried), 3403. KREVANS (Nita), 1613. KRIECHBAUMER (Robert), 3565. KRIECKHAUS (Andreas), 2117. KRIEGEL (Maurice), 2806. KRIGE (John), 5098. KRINGS (Véronique), 297. KRISCHER (André), 3874. Kristeller (Paul Oskar), 411. KROLL (Stephan), 1228. KRONENBITTER (Günther), 682. KRUEGER (Derek), 2556. KRÜGER (Christine G.), 3875. KRÜGER (Jens), 5541. KRUGLER (David F.), 4554. KRUHLAŠOV (Anatolij), 4314. KRUISHEER (Jaap G.), 2650. KRUMENACKER (Yves), 4759. KRUMREICH (G.), 6408. KRUPJANKO (Mikhail I.), 6787. KRUPPA (Nathalie), 3320, 3348, 3422. KRUSE (Constantin), 5973. KRUSE (Kevin M.), 5584. KRUSE (Thomas), 1152. KRYIAKIDIS (Evangelos), 1376. KRYSZAT (Guido), 1211. KRZAK-WEISS (Katarzyna), 65. Kubitschek (Juscelino), 3603. KUBģ (Eduard), 5342. KUýERA (Jaroslav), 5471. KUCHENBUCH (Ludolf), 3135. KÜCHLER (Max), 2391.
INDEX OF NAMES KUCZUR (Tomasz), 4234. KUDAISYA (Gyanesh), 4032. KUDRIACHENKO (Andrii Ivanovych), 4519. KÜGLER (Joachim), 850. KUHLMANN (Peter), 344. KUHN (Annika B.), 1516. KUHN (Dieter), 6831. KÜHNE (Thomas), 3876. KÜHR (Angela), 1763. KUJAWIēSKI (Jakub), 2680. Knjkai 'Kǀbǀ Daishi', 7092. KUKLICK (Bruce), 4555. KULAKOVA (Irina P.), 5580. KULARATNE (Tilak), 66. KUMARASWAMY (P. R.), 587. KUNIN (Seth Daniel), 822. KUNISCH (Johannes), 4851. KUNISCH (Norbert), 1796. KUNST (Christiane), 2118. KUNTER (Katharina), 4760. KUNZ (Heike), 2238. KÜNZI (Guilia Brogini), 6173. KURAJEV (Oleksyj), 6428. KURASAWA (Aiko), 6617, 6638, 6645, 6860. KURCZYK (Stephanie), 1985. KÜRKMAN (Garo), 131. KURLANDER (Eric), 3877. Kurmann (Peter), 3175. KUROMIJA (Kh.), 4512. KURTZ (Michael J.), 279. KURUCZ (Gyula), 4925. KURZMANN (Renate), 2283. KUSHNER (Barak), 4128. KUß (Susanne), 6523. KUSTAREV (Aleksandr S.), 5727. KUSUKAWA (Sachiko), 4882. Kuusinen (Otto), 4327. KUYU MWISSA (Camille), 3662. KUZ'MINA (Elena M.), 6829. KUZNETSOV (Anatolij E.), 588. KUZNETSOV (P.F.), 1038. KWASS (Michael), 5728. KWEE (Hui Kian), 5347. KYCHANOV (Evgenij I.), 6845. KYRIAKOU (Poulheria), 1614. KYZLASOV (Leonid R.), 6846. L L'ENGLE (Susan), 47. LA BARBERA (Serge), 4492. LA GUARDIA (David), 3016. LA PENNA (Antonio), 2189. La Pira (Giorgio), 4644. La Rochefoucauld-d'Enville (Louis-Alexandre, duc de), 6283. LAAKSONEN (Hannu), 762. LAASONEN (Pentti), 4786. LABANCA (Nicola), 6141, 6599.
LABARRE (Guy), 1386. LABÈRE (Nelly), 3096. LABORY (Gillette), 2673. LABOULAIS (Isabelle), 195. Labra (Rafael María de), 6087. Labriola (Antonio), 412. LACHAISE (Bernard), 3782. LACHAUD (Frédérique), 706. LACKO (Martin), 6582. LACROIX-RIZ (Annie), 3799. Lactantius (Lucius Caecilius Firmianus), 2476. LACY (Norris J.), 3083. LADA-RICHARDS (Ismene), 1615. LADERO QUESADA (Miguel Ángel), 115, 3451. Laecanius Bassus (Gaius), 1846. LAES (Christian), 1616, 2119. LAFERTÉ (Gilles), 238, 5502. LAFFINEUR (Robert), 1377. LAFONT (Pierre-Bernard), 4611. LAGIER (Valérie), 5044. LAHALLE (Agnès), 5216. LAHAXE (Jean-Claude), 3800. LAHIRE (Bernard), 5138. LAI (Jing), 5729. LAING (Lloyd Robert), 2709. LAIOU (AngelikƝ E.), 2540. LAJOL (Giovanni), 4672. LAKOVIû (Ivan), 6788. LAL (Brij V.), 6241. LALANNE (Sophie), 1617. LAMAZOU-DUPLAN (Véronique), 2809. LAMBERIGTS (M.), 799. LAMBERT (Bart), 2927. LAMBERT (David), 6083. LAMBERT (Josiah Barlett), 4556. LAMBERT-HURLEY (Siobhan), 6133. LAMBERTI (Francesca), 2120. LAMBERTON (Robert D.), 1524. LAMÉZEC (Yann), 6683. LAMM (Sebastian), 2190. LAMMI (Minna), 5269. LAMPE (Peter), 2367. LAMRY (Mohamed Salleh), 4158. LANARO (Paola), 689. LANDERS (Jane), 244, 6236. LANDES (David), 102. Landgraf von Thüringen, 2650. LANE (Melissa), 1711. Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury, 3291. LANG (Gustav A.), 4471. LANG (Michael), 3474. LANGDON (John), 2928. LANGE (Albert de), 3418. LANGER (Robert), 890. LANGEWIESCHE (Dieter), 5064. LANGFUR (Hal), 6224.
333 LANGHAMER (Claire), 5730. LANGLET (Irène), 972. LANGSLOW (David R.), 2220. LANGUE (Frédérique), 4603. LÁNÍK (Jaroslav), 3688. LANNI (Adriaan), 1482. LANTERNARI (Vittorio), 891. LANZA (Diego), 1764. LANZA (Emanuela), 2634. LAPE (Susan), 1618. Laperrine (Henri), 6140. LAPLACE (Marcelle), 1619. LAPLANCHE (François), 345. LAPORTE (Norman), 6744. LARA PEINADO (Federico), 1212. LARCAN (Alain), 6184. LARCHET (Jean-Claude), 2441. LARDINOIS (André P. M. H.), 1461, 1549. LARGEAUD (Jean-Marc), 346. LARGUIER (Gilbert), 3810. LARIZZA (Marco), 6543. LARKIN (Emmet), 4690. LARMER (Miles), 4614. LARMINIE (Vivienne), 4761. LAROCHE-GISSEROT (Florence), 5732. Larraz (P. Blas), 4704. LARRES (Klaus), 6754. Larson (Arthur), 4584. LARSSON (Lars-Olof), 589. LARSSON (Olle), 589. Lascelles (Edward, viscount of), 107. Lascelles (family), 107. LASSO (Marixa), 3657. LASTACOUÈRES (Christophe), 5523. LATHAM (A. J. H.), 5466. LATTE ABDALLAH (Stéphanie), 5733. LAU (Estelle T.), 5734. LAU (Peter F.), 4557. LAU (Thomas), 5974. LAUDAGE (Johannes), 2710, 3033. Laue (Max von), 5133. LAUKA (Islam), 3533. LAURETI (Lamberto), 187. LAUREYS-CHACHY (Rachel), 1298. LAURIOUX (Bruno), 3009. Lauro (Achille), 5253. LAUSTEN (Martin Schwarz), 4762. LAUTER (Anna-Monika), 6429. LAVENIA (Vincenzo), 4691. LAVENNE (Sophie), 2585. LAVERMICOCCA (Nino), 2587. LAVEZZO (Kathy), 3098. LAVINSKAJA (Ol'ga V.), 3845. LAW (Robin), 6142. LAWLER (Daniel J.), 6733. LAWRANCE (Benjamin Nicholas), 6168.
334 LAWRENCE (Clifford Hugh), 3330. LAWRENCE (Jason), 3926. LAWRENCE (Jon), 3960. LAWRENCE (Martin), 3398. LAWSON (Fred H.), 6051. LAWTON (Carol), 1797. LAYBOURN (Keith), VI, 3961, 3987. LAYNE (Christopher), 6636. Lazare (Bernard), 3758. LE BÉGUEC (Gilles), 3782. LE BLANC (Guillaume), 5029. LE BLÉVEC (Daniel), 12, 3354. LE BOHEC (Yann), 2055, 2239. LE BOUËDEC (Gérard), 6250. LE COZ (Raymond), 2827. LE CROM (Jean-Pierre), 5898. LE FORESTIER (Laurent), 5270. LE GALL (Jean-Marie), 513. LE GOFF (Fabrice), 168. LE GOFF (Jacques), 2694. LE JAN (Régine), 2905, 3045. LE MAO (Caroline), 5936. LE MOAL (Frédéric), 6430. LE PAUTREMAT (Pascal), 6431. LE PICHON (Alain), 5450. LE PIVAIN (Denis-Dominíque), 3268. LE QUILLEC (Robert), 538. LE ROUX (Patrick), 197, 1845. LEACH (Bridget), 1153. LEADER-NEWBY (Ruth), 1396. LEAHY (Anthony), 1154. LEBEDINSKAJA (Galina V.), 988. LEBORGNE (Érik), 5046. LEBOW (Richard Ned), 360. LECCO (Margherita), 3102, 3118. LECHNER (Sonja), 5203. LECLERCQ (Jean), 3392. LEDDA (Giuseppina), 38. LEDESMA MATEOS (Ismael), 5076. LEE (Egmont), 5574. LEE (Jongsoo), 6684. LEE (Michelle V.), 2442. LEE (Stephen J.), 4316. LEEDHAM-GREEN (Elisabeth), 251. LEENHARDT (Jacques), 400. LEES (Clare A.), 3469. LEE-STECUM (Parshia), 2121. LEFEBVRE (Jean-Luc), 2866. LEFÈVRE (Jean-Noël), 6052. LEFÈVRE (Patrick), 6052. LEFORT (Jacques), 2588. LEGRAND (Hervé), 4722. LEGRAS (Bernard), 1155, 1466. LEHMANN (Prisca), 2868. LEHMANN (Walter), 6685. LEHMKUHL (Ursula), 5291. LEHNER (Manfred), 2274. LEHNSTAEDT (Stephan), 3878. LEHNUS (Luigi), 1620.
INDEX OF NAMES LEIBNER (Uzi), 1292. LEIBNIZ (Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr von), 943, 5039, 5049. LEICHT (Reimund), 2807. LEIDE (Henry), 347. LEIKERT (Jozef), 5163. LEIN (Richard), 3573. LEINER (Frederick C.), 6307. LEISERING (Eckhart), 2979. LEISNER (Walter), 3801. LEITÃO (Henrique), 5055. LEITER (Samuel L.), 973. LEITSCH (Walter), 6273. LEIVERKUS (Yvonne), 2710, 3033. LELLI (Emanuele), 1621. LELLOUCH (Benjamin), 348. LEMAIRE (Ria), 400. LEMAÎTRE (Jean-Loup), 3119. LEMAY (Benoît), 6502, 6583. LEMBERG (Hans), 3517, 5847, 6499. LEMÉE (Christian P.P.), 5432. LEMIRE (Beverly), 5472. LEMOINE (Michel), 3196. LEMONNIER (Pierre), 7124. LEMOS (Irene S.), 1367. LENAGHAN (Julia), 1122. LENCLUD (Gérard), 470. LENDON (Jon E.), 1622. LENGYELOVÁ (Tünde), 4011. Lenin (Vladimir Iliþ Uljanov), 358. LENSI ORLANDI CARDINI (Giulio Cesare), 1836. LENSKI (Noel), 550, 1938. LENTINI (Giuseppe), 1623. LENTZ (Carola), 3921. LENTZ (Thierry), 6098. Leo IX, Papa, 3317. Leo X, Papa, 4703. Leo XIII, Papa, 4664. LEONARDI (Andrea), 5358. LEONARDI (Claudio), 27, 2982. Leonardo Da Vinci, 5197. LEONE (Alfonso), 3271. LEONE (Giuliana), 1712. LEONE DE CASTRIS (Pierluigi), 3200. LEONHARD (Clemens), 2443. Leontiev (Konstantin), 382. Leontius Hierosolymitanus, 2351. LEONTSINE (Maria), 2589. LÉPÉ (Jacques Tokpa), 3668. LEPENIES (Wolf), 349, 4852. Lepidus (Marcus Aemilius), 1588. LEPLAY (Michel), 4763. LEPPIN (Volker), 4764. LERER (Seth), 980. Lerma (Francisco Sandoval y Rojas, duque de), 4441. LEROUX (Bruno), 572. LEROY (Béatrice), 2808, 2809.
LESGER (Clé), 5473. LESHCHILOVSKAJA (Inna I.), 4352. LESTER (Alan), 6083. LESTER (Connie L.), 5506. Leti (Gregorio), 6285. LETT (Didier), 93. LETTIERI (Alberto Rodolfo), 3551. LETZ (Róbert), 4365, 4371. LEUTNER (Mechthild), 6407. LEUWERS (Hervé), 3766, 5735. LEUZZI (Vito Antonio), 4078. LEVENE (Dan), 1293. LEVENE (David S.), 1883. LEVENE (Nancy K.), 879, 892. LEVILLAIN (Philippe), 4664. LEVINSON (Marc), 5474. LEVISSE-TOUZE (Christine), 572. LEVSEN (Sonja), 4920. LÉVY (Antoine), 3269. Levy (Brian Joseph), 3077. LÉVY (Edmond), 1624. LEVY (James P.), 6544. LEVY (Jonathan Ira), 5475. LEVY (Thomas E.), 1294, 1295. Lévy-Bruhl (Lucien), 914. LEWERENZ (Susann), 6174. LEWIS (Christopher Piers), 2755. LEWIS (M. J.), 5405. LEWKOWICZ (Bea), 4795. LHEUREUX-PRÉVOT (Chantal), 6098. LI (Bin), 5736. LI (Deying), 6916. LI (Gong), 6639. LI (Guofang), 6917, 6955. LI (Hongqi), 7029, 7030. Li (Hongzhang), 7035. LI (Huazi), 6918. LI (Jinzheng), 5507, 6919. LI (Julija A.), 4964. LI (Qinggang), 4965. LI (Xiangmin), 6920. LI (Zhenhong), 6921. LIA (Brynjar), 4215. LIANG (Bo), 6922. Liang (Ji), 6933. LIAO (Ping-Hui), 6135. LIAO (Qifa), 7027. LIAPIS (Vayos), 1625. Libanius, 1419. LICHT (Walter), 5388. LICHTENSTEIN (Nelson), 5375. LIDA (Clara E.), 5737. LIDDINGTON (Jill), 5738. LIDOV (AlekseƱ M.), 2607. LIEB (Ludger), 3136. LIEBERMAN (David), 663. LIÉBERT (Yves), 1837. LIEBESCHUETZ (J. H. W. G.), 2318. LIEDHEGENER (Antonius), 4647. LIEDL (G.), 2714.
INDEX OF NAMES LIEHR (Reinhard), 5389. LIESS (Hans-Christoph), 4902. LIESSMANN, (Konrad Paul), 5038. LIEVEN (Dominic), 551. LIFSHITZ (Felice), 3377. LIGHTNER (David L.), 4558. LIGOTA (C. R.), 332. LIGRESTI (Domenico), 5739. LIKHOVSKI (Assaf), 5903. LILIû (Borislava), 4353. LILLA (Joachim), 5740. LILLEY (Ian), 7121. Liman von Sanders (Otto), 6439. LIN (Weisen), 6955. LINÁREZ (Pedro Pablo), 4604. Lincoln (Abraham), 4577, 4586, 4591, 5988. Lincoln (Bruce), 878. LINDBERGER (Elsa), 137. LINDEMANN (Mary), 6293. LINDEMANN (Mechthild), 6727. LINDEN (Diana L.), 5184. LINDENLAUB (Jürgen), 5542. LINDER (Jan), 6584. LINDGREN (Cecilia), 5741. LINDGREN (Håkan), 5454. LINDHAGEN (Adam), 1798. LINDNER (Rainer), 5404. LINDNER (Rolf), 506. LINDSAY ADAMS (Winthrop), 1447. LINDSTEDT CRONBERG (Marie), 776. LINDSTRÖM (Fredrik), 2869. LINDSTRÖM (Henrik), 2869. Ling (family), 6946. LING (Timothy J. M.), 2444. LINK (Stefan), 1517. LINKE (Horst Günther), 590. LINT (Gregg L.), 4527. LION (Brigitte), 1070. LIPKIN (Zwia), 6923. LIPP (Carola), 636. LIPPMAN (Mike), 1799. LIRA GONZÁLEZ (Andrés), 5975. Lire (Otto), 396. LIRITZIS (Ioannis), 2591. LISIAK (Henryk), 4244. LISOVOJ (Nikolaj N.), 4726. LISSARRAGUE (François), 1800. LISSNER (Cordula), 5742. LISTIKOV (Sergej V.), 4559. Liszt (Franz), 5271. Lithgow (William), 186. LITTLE (Katherine C.), 3012. LITVINA (Anna F.), 2711. LIU (Anzhi), 6924. LIU (Huiqin), 6873. LIU (Lexian), 6925. LIU (Lina), 350. LIU (Xiaoyuan), 4195. LIU (Yong), 6686.
LIU (Yonglian), 5476. LIU (Zhaomin), 6897. LIU (Zhiwei), 6926. LIU (Zuo), 7025. LIVINGSTONE (Alasdair), 1213. LIVINGSTONE (Amy), 3349. Livius (Titus), 1629, 1821, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1935, 1971, 2000. LIZZI TESTA (Rita), 2325. LLANSOLA GIL (Gerard), 4414. LLONA GONZÁLEZ (Miren), 5743. Lloyd George (David), 3976. LLOYD-JONES (Roger), 5405. LO (Shiu-hing), 554. LO CASCIO (Elio), 351, 2122, 2218. LO CONTE (Antonio), 2848. LOADES (David), 4676. Lobel (Edgar), 1620, 1652. LOBSTEIN (Dominique), 5179. LOBÜSCHER (Thomas), 1961. LOCATI (Silvia), 3099. Loch (Henry Brougham Loch, 1st Baron Loch of Drylaw), 4384. LOCK (F. P.), 5022. LOCK (Peter), 2712. LOCKE (John), 5040. LOCKWARD (Angel), 6323. LODA (Mirella), 5563. LODGE (R. Anthony), 2640. LOGAN (William S.), 4140. LOGINOV (Konstantin K.), 498. LÖHR (Winrich Alfried), 2445. LOIGIER (Raphaël), 893. LOJKÓ (Miklós), 6432. LOMBARDI (Ángel), 4605. Lombardo (Pietro), 3201. Lombardo (Tullio), 3201. LONDÁK (Miroslav), 5348, 5380. LONDÁKOVÁ (Elena), 4966. LONG (Colin), 4140. LONGO (Umberto), 3366. LONGSTAFF (Thomas R.W.), 1305. LONGUE (Matthieu), 6585. LONSDALE (John), 4136. LOOS (Jaap), 2192. LOPES (Maria de Jesus dos Mártires), 6095. LÓPEZ (Alfred J.), 3680. LÓPEZ CASTRO (José Luis), 1296. LÓPEZ FÉREZ (Juan Antonio), 1350. LÓPEZ GARCÍA (José Miguel), 4415. LÓPEZ GONZÁLEZ (Georgina), 4175. LÓPEZ MAZZ (José M.), 4596. LÓPEZ PADILLA (Juan A.), 1039. LÓPEZ QUIROGA (Jorge), 2997. LÓPEZ-KINDLER (Agustín), 1912. LORA (Erminio), 4636.
335 LORANDINI (Cinzia), 103. LORCIN (Patricia M. E.), 6147. LORENTZEN (Jørgen), 5753. LORENZ (Federico G.), 463, 6789. LORENZ (Thuri), 2274. LORENZEN-SCHMIDT (KlausJoachim), 3294. Lorenzetti (Ambrogio), 1360. Lorenzo de' Medici, 2788, 3192. Lorenzo Monaco, 3185. LORINI (Irma), 3592. LORIOT (Xavier), 419, 2243. LORMAN (Thomas), 4022. LORMIER (Dominique), 6175. LORUSSO (Guido), 4078. LOSEGO (Sarah Vanessa), 5744. Lothian (Philip Henry Kerr, Marquis of), 6396. LOTTERIE (Florence), 4853. LOUIS (William Roger), 6099. Louis II, le Germanique, 2745. Louis XI, roi de France, 2898. Louis XII, roi de France, 223, 6274. Louis XIV, roi de France, 3802, 5196. Louis XVI, roi de France, 3825. Louis XVIII, roi de France, 3817, 5916. LOUTH (Andrew), 2530. LOUVIER (Patrick), 6351. LOVATT (Helen), 2193. Lovejoy (Arthur O.), 413. LOVEJOY (Paul E.), 244. LOVERA REYES (Elina), 4601. LOWE (Barbara J.), 2647. LOWNEY (Chris), 2930. LOWRY (Joanna), 5309. LOWY (Vincent), 5272. LOZAR (Angelina), 4834. LU (Miqiang), 6949. LU (Ping), 6927. LÜ (Wenyu), 6928. LÜBBERS (Gert C.), 6586. LUBBOCK (Jules), 3202. LUC (Jean-Noël), 4967. Luca, evangelista, Sanctus, 2404, 2421, 2464. Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus), 1941, 2226. LUCAS (Adam), 3145. LUCASSEN (Jan), 5869. LUCASSEN (Leo), 5778. LUCENA GIRALDO (Manuel), 5581. LUCENTINI (Paolo), 3243, 3244. LUCERI (Angelo), 2340. LUCÍA MEGÍAS (José Manuel), 3133. Lucia Syracusana, Sancta, 2485. Lucianus Samosatensis, 1557, 1610, 1615.
336 Lucrezia Borgia, 4701. LUDLOW (N. Piers), 6651, 6790. LÜDTKE (Alf), 3513. LUGLI (Piero Maria), 2284. LUIZARD (Pierre-Jean), 6082. LUJÁN (Eugenio R.), 1368. LUKACS (John), 6587. LUKITZ (Liora), 6129. LULL (José), 1156. LULL (Vicente), 1036. LULLUS (Raimundus), 3249. LUMANS (Valdis O.), 6503. LUNA ARGUDÍN (María), 4176. Luna Pizarro (Francisco Javier de), 4220. LUND (Allan A.), 2123. LUND (Joachim), 6565. LUNDAHL (Mats), 5454. LUNDBERG (Kirsten), 6759. LUNDBERG (Lennart), 5477. LUNGU BADEA (Georgiana), 171. LUO (Min), 6929. LUO (Pinghan), 6930. LUO (Xiang), 6931. LUO (Xin), 6932. LUO (Zhitian), 6933. LUPP (Björn-Erik), 4472. LUPU (Coman), 138. LUQUE MORENO (Jesús), 1626. LUSCOMBE (David Edward), 3237. LÜSEBRINK (Hans-Jürgen), 6089. LUST (J.), 799. LUSTIGER (Jean-Marie), 4856. LUTES (Jean Marie), 4991. LUTHER (Andreas), 1347, 1439, 1483, 1599. Luther (Martin), 4764. LUTHI (Jean-Jacques), 3736. LUTTENBERGER (Albrecht P.), 4648. LUTTON (Robert), 3433. LUTTRELL (Anthony), 3345. LUTZ (Alfred), 4925. LÜTZELSCHWAB (Claude), 6176. Luxorius, 1887. LVOVICH (Daniel), 3555. Lycophron, 1420, 1538, 1560, 1572, 1574, 1575, 1600, 1642, 1659, 1677, 1683, 1816. Lydgate (John), 3091. Lykketoft (Mogens), 3726. LYNCH (John), 6225. LYNCH (Julia), 5745. LYNN (Martin), 6177. LYON-CAEN (Judith), 5164. LYONS (Amelia H.), 6178. LYONS (Barry J.), 5508. M M'BAYE (Babacar), 709. M'BOKOLO (Elikia), 4007.
INDEX OF NAMES M'SA ALI (Djamal), 3661. MA (Junya), 6934. MA'OZ (Zvi Uri), 2056. MAAS (Coen), 161. MAAYAN FANAR (Emma), 2592. MAC ANDREW (Bruce A.), 118. Mac Bride (Seán), 4065. MAC CAIN (John), 4914. MAC CALLUM (Margaret), 5492. MAC CARTHY (Helen), 217. MAC CARTNEY (Paul T.), 6352. MAC CLENDON (Thomas), 6179. MAC CLOSKEY (Deirdre N.), 5381. MAC CLURE (Ellen M.), 3802. MAC CLURE (Laura), 1627. MAC CONVILLE (Brendan), 4560. MAC CORMACK (Sabine), 514. MAC COY (Alfred W.), 4561. MAC CRANIE (Kevin D.), 6308. MAC CURDY (Sheryl), 5746. MAC CUTCHEON (Russell T.), 894. MAC DERMOTT (Joseph P.), 68. MAC DERMOTT (Kevin), 3518, 4317. MAC DONALD (Charlotte J.), 6243. MAC DONALD (Nicola), 3018. MAC DONNELL (Myles), 2124. MAC DOUGALL (Brenda), 5747. MAC DOUGALL (James), 3541. MAC ELLIGOTT (Jason), 3948. MAC FARQUHAR (Roderick), 6935. MAC GREGOR (Richard), 7112. MAC GROARTY (Kieran), 1424. MAC GUIRE (Brian Patrick), 963. MAC HALE (Brian), 967. MAC HUGH (Declan), 3963. MAC ILROY (John), 4854. MAC IVER (Katherine A.), 5192. MAC KENNA (Christopher D.), 5406. MAC KENZIE (Francine), 6687. MAC KENZIE (Robert Tracy), 4562. MAC KEOWN (Simon), 114. Mac Kinley (William), 6344. MAC KINNON (Andrew M.), 895. MAC KITTERICK (Rosamond), 352. MAC KNIGHT (Brian D.), 4563. MAC LACHLAN (Colin M.), 3552. MAC LAREN (Brian L.), 5193. MAC LEAN (David), 6353. MAC LEAN (Simon), 2738. MAC LEHOSE (William F.), 3013. MAC LEOD (Hugh), 808. MAC LYNN (Frank), 2766. MAC MAHON (Robert), 3434. MAC MASTER (Neil), 3787. MAC MICHAEL (Andrew), 244. MAC MULLEN (Ramsay), 1986. MAC NEIL (Peter), 773. MAC NEILL (T. E.), 2899. MAC NEILL (Tom E.), 3146.
MAC PHEE (Peter), 3803. MAC PHERSON (Alan), 6013. MAC ROBERTS (Omar M.), 802. MAC SHEFFREY (Shannon), 3014. MAC STEA (Ullin Jodah), 6688. MAC VAUGH (Michael Rogers), 3147. MAC WHIRTER (Jocelyn), 2446. Macaluso (Emanuele), 4124. Macarius, Sanctus, 1179. MACDONALD (Sharon), 266. MACFIE (Alexander Lyon), 480. MACHARIA (Kinuthia), 4137. MACHIAVELLI (Niccolò), 4080, 5041. MACHILEK (Franz), 3293. MACHOCZEK (Ursula), 5932. MACKAY (Christopher S.), 3396. MACKENSEN (Rainer), 5062. MACKINNON (Alison), 5748. MACKOVÁ (Marie), 3702. MACLACHLAN (Patricia L.), 5328. MACLEAN (Ian), 4882. Macmillan (Harold), 6690, 6800, 6820. MACOLA (Giacomo), 4615. MACRY (Paolo), 422. MADANƮ (JalƗl al-DƯn), 4051. MADARÁSZ (Jeannette Z.), 5875. MADARIAGA (José Isla), 3640. MADDOLI (Gianfranco), 1103. MADDRELL (Paul), 6791. MADER (Gottfried), 1448. MADIEVSKIJ (Samson A.), 6604. Madison (James), 4551, 6317. MADRID (Alejandro L.), 5273. MADRID (Eduardo), 3556. MADSEN (David B.), 1007. MAEDA (Hirotake), 6847. MAEKAWA (Ichiro), 4380. Maffei (Domenico), 36. MAFFEI (Paola), 36. MAFFI (Alberto), 1484. MAFFI (Davide), 4413, 4416. MAFFRE (Jean-Jacques), 1773. MAGALHAES (Marici M.), 1853. MAGDALINO (Paul), 2593, 2600. MAGELI (Eldrid Ingebjoerg), 6053. MAGENTA (Pio), 1892. MAGHRAOUI (Abdeslam M.), 3737. MAGID (Glenn), 1214. MAGILL (Kevin J.), 3435. MAGIONAMI (Leonardo), 34. MAGNALDI (Giuseppina), 1918. MAGNATTI (Mauro), 1001. MAGNELLI (Enrico), 1628. Mahan (Alfred Thayer), 6014. MAHAN (Erin R.), 6733. MAHÉ-SIMON (Mathilde), 1629. MÄHNER (Peter), 3568.
INDEX OF NAMES MAHONE (Sloan), 5099. MAHOUCHE (Bruno), 5749. MAIARELLI (Andrea), 2654. Maierù (Alfonso), 3250. Maimonides (Moses), 2805. Mainardi Valcarenghi (Gabriele), 1829. MAINER (José-Carlos), 5303. MAIOR (Liviu), 6354. MAIREY (Aude), 3015. MAISSEN (Thomas), 4473. MAJALI (Abdul S. A.), 6792. MAJD (Mohammad Gholi), 6433. MAJERUS (Benoît), 6475. MAJEWSKI (Piotr M.), 6735. MAJOROV (Aleksandr V.), 2713. MAJUMDAR (Boria), 5750. MAKATO (Iokibe), 6681. MÄKELER (Hendrik), 2836. MAKGALA (Christian John), 3596. MAKHLAJUK (Aleksandr V.), 1987. MÄKINEN (Virpi), 3283, 5904. MAKRICKAS (Rolandas), 4147. MAKUSHIN (Aleksandr V.), 4292. Malalas (Iohannes), 2509. MALANIMA (Paolo), 5349, 5407. MALANSON (Jeffrey J.), 6355. MALATESTA (Maria), 5751. MALATO (Enrico), 957. MALAVASI (Massimiliano), 957. MALERBA (Jurandir), 6223. MALFÈR (Stefan), 3567. Malinalli Tenépatl, la Malinche o Doña Marina, 4191. MALINOWSKI (Andrzej), 6356, 6367. MALINOWSKI (Stephan), 5478. MALINSKY-BULLER (Ariel), 998. MALÍě (JiĜí), 5772. MALITZ (Jürgen), 1331. MALLEO (Maria Antonietta), 3173. MALLGRAVE (Harry Francis), 798. MALLIOS (Seth), 5752. MALLMANN (Klaus-Michael), 6545. MALMSTRÖM (Joakim), 4455. MALON (Claude), 6100. MALONE (Stephen James), 2125. Malory (Thomas), 3081. MALOY (Rebecca), 3224. MALSCH (Gabriele), 5026. Malthus (Thomas Robert), 5379. MALUENDA PONS (Pilar), 4397. MAMIKOV (Valerij N.), 5543. MAMLEEV (Jurij V.), 823. MAMMADOV (Ildar Makhal ogly), 6793. MAMMARELLA (Giuseppe), 6054. MANCHA (J. L.), 3148. MANCINI (Niccolò), 5563. MANDERS (Erika), 1968.
MANDLER (Peter), 3962. MANE (Perrine), 3203. MANELA (Erez), 6434. MANETTI (Daniela), 1713. MANFREDINI (Arrigo D.), 664. MANGADO (Javier), 989. MANGANARO (Giacomo), 1392. MANGLOTE (Pierre-André), 5274. MANGOLD (Peter), 6690. MANGUEL (Alberto), 260. MANIA (Ulrich), 1104. MANIGAND (Christine), 6761. MANN (Bernhard), 3880. MANN (Jill), 314. MANN (Joseph), 4483. Mann (Thomas), 4851. MANNING (Roger B.), 3964. MANNING (Sturt W.), 992. Mannino (Calogero), 4124. Manno (Giuseppe), 4868. MANNO TOLU (Rosalia), 234. MANNONI (Laurent), 5275. Manolescu (Radu), 2886, 2958. Manstein (Erich von), 6583. MANSUR DA SILVA (Douglas), 4260. MANTELLI (Brunello), 591. MANTERO (Anne), 4863. MANTHE (Ulrich), 2085. MANUEL (Paul Christopher), 4641. Manuel Chrysoloras, 2510, 2621. Manuel Holobolos, 2511, 2547. Manuel II Palaeologus, Byzantine emperor, 2595. Manuel Philes, 2512. MANUWALD (Bernd), 1422. MANUWALD (Gesine), 1988. MANZ (Volker), 5754. MANZARI (Francesca), 3204. MAO (Haijian), 6936. Mao (Zedong), 6893, 6935. Mar Qardagh, 2475. MARACHE (Corinne), 5509. MARAITE (Hubert), 3407, 3408. MARAZZI (Massimiliano), 1027, 1071. MARCELLI (Nicoletta), 5041. Marcellinus Comes, 369. Marcellinus, Presbyter, 2343. MARCHAND (Jean-Jacques), 5041. MARCHESI (Gianni), 1215. MARCHETTO (Giuliano), 2870. MARCHIANÒ (Grazia), 4894. MARCHUKOV (Andrej V.), 4520. MARCIL (Yasmine), 202. MARCO POLO, 3100. MARCONE (Arnaldo), 1880, 2285. MARCOT (François), 572, 6609. Marcucci (Emilio), 5242. Marcus Antonius, 1988, 1989, 2021.
337 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Roman emperor, 1418, 1888, 2180. Marcus, evangelista, Sanctus, 293, 2416, 2429. MARDIN (ùerif), 4502. MAREK (Christian), 1393. MAREK (Doris), 954. MAREK (Kristin), 3186. MAREK (Miloš), 2931. MAREK (Pavel), 4631, 4693, 5479. MARGUERAT (Yves), 4489. Marguerite de Provence, reine de France, 2758. Maria Asanina Palaeologina, 2576. Maria Theresia, Kaiserin des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nation, 6290. MARIAGER (Rasmus), 6092, 6691. MARICHAL (Carlos), 719. MARIEV (Sergei), 2447. MARIJAN (Davor), 3672. MARIN (Brigitte), 4860. MARÍN (Manuel), 4417. MARÍN (Martí), 4418. MARIN (Serban), 2594. MARÍN CEBALLOS (María Cruz), 832. MARÍN GUZMÁN (Roberto), 2828. MARÍN SUÁREZ (Carlos), 1056. MARINCOLA (John), 406. MARINESCU-BÎLCU (Silvia), 1795. MARINI (Quinto), 5154. MARINO (Daniela), 4177, 5989. MARINO (Giuseppe Carlo), 5755. MARIÑO (Margarita), 194. MARINO (Rosalia), 2132. MARINOVICH (Ljudmila P.), 1334, 1463. MARIOT (Nicolas), 3804. MARIOTTA (Giuseppe), 1040. Marius Aventicensis, episcopus, 2352. Marius Maximus, 1889. MARKIDES (Diana), 6043. MARKLEY (Robert), 4855. MARKOV (Georgi), 6435. MARKOVIN (Vladimir I.), 795. MARKSCHIES (Christoph), 2388. MARKWELL (Donald), 5382. MARLIER (Thomas), 1801. Marnette (Gaspard), 149. MAROTTA (Valerio), 2057. MAROVIû (Branislav), 5350. MARQUES (João Pedro), 6109. MARQUES (José), 19. MÁRQUEZ QUEVEDO (Javier), 4419. MARRIOTT (John), 6110. MARROU (Henri Irénée), 4856.
338 MARROU-FLAMANT (Françoise), 4856. Marrow (James H.), 46. MARSEILLE (Jacques), 3805. MARSH (Adam), 3330. MARSH (Steve), 6055. MARSHALL (Alex), 6357. MARSHALL (Christopher W.), 2194. MARSHALL (John), 4525, 5040. MARSHALL (Peter), 4766. Marsilius Patavinus, 3420. MARSON (Orioldo), 4670. MARSZALEK (John F.), 4564. MART (Michelle), 6637. MARTEL (André), 6605. MARTELLI (Mario), 3166, 5041. MARTENS (Peter), 2448. Martí (José), 3676, 3680. MARTÍ I PUIG (Salvador), 3501. Martialis (Marcus Valerius), 1651, 1890-1893, 2160, 2184. MARTIKAINEN (Pekka), 5583, 5669. MARTIN (Cary J.), 1157. MARTIN (George), 4729. MARTIN (James Kirby), 6221. MARTIN (Jean-Clément), 3806. MARTIN (Jean-Marie), 2580. MARTÍN (José Carlos), 2487, 3368. MARTIN (Michèle), 4992. MARTIN (Peter), 4069. MARTIN (Therese), 3205. MARTÍN ASUERO (Pablo), 5147. MARTÍN GARCÍA (Francisco), 2688. MARTIN PRUVOT (Chantal), 2286. MARTÍN RAMÍREZ (José María), 985. Martineau (Harriet), 5379. MARTINELLI TEMPESTA (Stefano), 1630. MARTINES (Lauro), 2788. MARTÍNEZ (Juan Francisco), 4767. MARTINEZ (Rafael A.), 5057. MARTÍNEZ ÁLVAREZ (Josefina), 5276. MARTÍNEZ ESTEBAN (Andrés), 4650. MARTÍNEZ FERNÁNDEZ (A.), 1394. MARTÍNEZ GARNICA (Armando), 3658. MARTÍNEZ MIRANDA (Elio Agustín), 5408. MARTÍNEZ RIAZA (Ascensión), 4225. MARTÍNEZ RUIZ (Enrique), 4605. MARTÍNEZ TEJERA (Artemio M.), 2997. MARTINI (Laura), 3213. MARTINI (Rodolfo), 113. MARTINI (Wolfram), 2287.
INDEX OF NAMES MARTÍN-MONTANER (Joan A.), 5677. Martinus Turonensis, episcopus, Sanctus, 2385, 2488. MARTIRÉ (Eduardo), 6205. MARTOS (Juan), 1879. MARTTILA (Marko), 2381. MARTYNENKO (Nadezhda K.), 4318. MARUHASHI (Mitsuhiro), 6937. MARVIN (Julia), 2684. MARVIN (William Perry), 3101. MARX (Barbara), 282. MARX (C. William), 3123. Marx (Karl), 5042. MARXEN (Klaus), 5901. MARY (Philippe), 5277. Mary Tudor, 4676. MARZEC (Andrzej), 2787. MASCHIETTI (Stefano), 447. MASCIARI (Francesco), 5976. MASCILLI MIGLIORINI (Luigi), 203. MASCITELLI (Daniele), 164. MASCLET (Olivier), 3752. MASÈ (Federica), 2932. Masham (Damaris), 5040. MASING (Johannes), 5922. MASON (Catherine), 531. MASON (Matthew), 4565. MASPERO (Alfio), 1011. MASS (Sandra), 6180. MASSA (Giuseppe), 2195. MASSA (Pietro), 5278. MASSAR (Natacha), 1395. MASSCHAELE (James), 2928. MASSENZIO (Marcello), 896. MASSE-QUIEF (Sophie), 567. MASSICOTTE (Julien), 5128. MASSIMILLA (Giulio), 1631. MASSON (Vadim M.), 6848. MASSOT (Mireille), 2632. MASTANDREA (Paolo), 1892. MASTNY (Vojtech), 6649. MASTROGREGORI (Massimo), VII, 285, 388, 4081. MASTROLEO (Gianvito), 4078. MASTROMARCO (Giuseppe), 1410, 5977. MAT'A (Petr), 3571. MATAIX (David), 6546. MATALLANA (Andrea), 5279. MÁTHÉ (Gábor), 4010. MATHERON (François), 617. MATHESON (Tamara Chaplin), 5280. MATHESON CONNELL (Carol), 5480. Mathews (George), 6317. MATHIAS (Paul), 5043. MATHISEN (Ralph Whitney), 2058, 2126.
MATHON (Gérard), 857. MATIJEVIC (Kresimir), 1989. MATIKAINEN (Satu), 6358. MATIN-ASGARI (Afshin), 4049. MATKOVIû (Hrvoje), 593. MATKOVIû (Stjepan), 3669. MATSUDA (Matt K.), 711. MATSUDA (Misako), 119. MATSUDA (Yasuhiro), 6938. MATSUKI (Toshiaki), 7068. MATSUMOTO (Yasunobu), 6939. MATSUNUMA (Miho), 6101. MATSUURA (Shigeru), 6940. MATSUZUKA (Shunzo), 4962. MATTEI (Paul), 2338. MATTÉONI (Olivier), 2780. MATTERN (Torsten), 1990. Matthaeus, evangelista, Sanctus, 2364, 2408. MATTHEWS (Gelien), 6226. MATTHEWS (John Frederick), 1916. MATTHEWS (John), 1105. MATTHEWS (Weldon C.), 4216. MATTIOLI (Aram), 6159. MATTSON (Barbara), 5731. MAUCH (Peter), 4129. MAUERER (Esteban), 3841. MAUÉS (Flamarion), 3611. MAUHART (Beppo), 3574. MAURACH (Gregor), 2222. MAURER (Michael), 764. MAURER (Trude), 4918. MAURICE (Jean), 3120. MAURIN (Éric), 4952. MAURO (Paolo), 5544. Maurras (Charles), 3783. MAUSKOPF DELIYANNIS (Deborah), 2490. MAUSS (Marcel), 765. MAUZY (Craig A.), 1802. MAVROUDI (Maria), 2600. Max (Paul), 6475. Maximus Confessor, 3269. Maximus Homologetes, 2598. Maximus the Greek, 4843. MAXWELL (Jaclyn L.), 2449. MAY (Ernest R.), 6759. MAY (Regine), 2196. MAYENBURG (David von), 5978. Mayenne (Charles de Lorraine, duc de), 3797. MAYER (Christoph Oliver), 282. MAYER (Gyula), 3089. MAYER (Werner R.), 1193, 1216. Mazaeus, 1604. MAZAL (Otto), 3270. MAZILU (Dan Horia), 2059. MAZLISH (Bruce), 3506. MAZOUER (Charles), 5281. MAZUR (Karol), 4521.
INDEX OF NAMES MAZZACANE (Aldo), 5940. MAZZARELLA (Eugenio), 5032. Mazzini (Giuseppe), 4888. MAZZOLENI (Gilberto), 897. MAZZUCCHI (Carlo Maria), 2492. MBAJEKWE (Patrick), 5510. Meandrio di Mileto, 1654. Médici (Emílio Garrastazu), 3614. MEDICK (Hans), 495. MEDNIKOV (Igor' Ju.), 6436. MEDVEDEV (Igor' P.), 2513. MEECE (Stephanie), 1021. MEEKER (Martin), 5757. MEGARGEE (Geoffrey P.), 6588. MEGÍAS GONZÁLEZ (Marta), 981. MEIER (Esther), 3437. MEIER (Heinrich), 5047. MEIER (Mischa), 1347, 1439, 1518. MEIER (Wiebke), 5047. MEIGH-ANDREWS (Chris), 5282. MEIJER (Fik), 1991. Meinecke (Friedrich), 414. MEIS KNUPFER (Anne), 5758. MEISTER (Klaus), 426, 1632. MEJÍA (Jorge María), 261. MEKACHER (Nina), 2241. MEL'NIKOVA (Elena A.), 213, 2692. MELADY (John), 6692. MELANCON (Michael), 4319. MÉLANDRI (Pierre), 6034. MELANI (Igor), 471. MELBY (Kari), 5759. MELE (Giampaolo), 3321. MELI (Patrizia), 2933. MELILLO (Generoso), 2060. MELKAS (Kukku), 5165. MELLET (Paul-Alexis), 628. MELLONI (Alberto), 827, 4670, 4671, 6768. MELMAN (Billie), 353. MELON PIRRO (Julio César), 3554. MELTSIN (Maksim Olegovich), 120. Melville (Herman), 962. MELVILLE (Sarah C.), 1217, 1233, 1234. MEN'SHIKOVA (Elena R.), 4857. Menander, 1618, 1651, 1658. MENANT (François), 4825. MÉNARD (Philippe), 3100. MENARD (Russell R.), 5511. Menarini (Roy), 5239. Mendès-France (Pierre), 5086. MENDOZA MUÑOZ (Jesús), 6201. MENÉTREY-MONCHAU (Cécile), 6794. MENG (Qichao), 5938. MENICONI (Antonella), 5979. MÉNIEL (Bruno), 2945. MENSING (Hans Peter), 3836.
MENZINGER (Sara), 2872. MERCIER (Franck), 3438. MERGER (Michèle), 725. MERGIALI-SAHAS (Sophia), 2595. MERI (Josef W.), 766. MÉRIAUX (Charles), 3439. MERIGGI (Marco), 422, 3507. MERKI (Christoph Maria), 5409. MERKLE (Hans), 3881. MERKUR (Dan), 898. MERLO (Grado G.), 3295. MEROLA (Giovanna Daniela), 2061. MEROLLE (Vincenzo), 5027. MERRIAM (Carol U.), 2197. MERRIMAN (John), 3807. MERRO (Grazia), 1633. MERRYMAN (John Henry), 5178. MERTELSMANN (Olaf), 5351. MERTENS (Dieter), 1519. MERTENS (Thom), 3278. Merzagora (Cesare), 4831. MESCHINI (Stefano), 6274. MESHCHERJAKOV (Aleksandr N.), 7069, 7082. MESLÉ (France), 5849. MESLIN (Michel), 824, 916. MESQUITA (António Pedro), 4261. MESSAMORE (Barbara Jane), 3631. MESSERI (Gabriella), 1158. MESSIANT (Christine), 6181. META (Beqir), 6504. MÉTAIS (Serge), 594. Metaxas (Ioannis), 4001. METTELE (Gisela), 637. Mettius Fufetius, 2000. METZ (Karl H.), 767. METZGER (Chantal), 748, 6031. METZGER (Thomas), 4474. METZLER (Irina), 2934. METZLER (Karin), 2497. METZLER (Mark), 4130. MEUMANN (Markus), 683. MEUTHEN (Erich), 2715. MEWS (Constant J.), 3237. MEYER (Inga), 1992. MEYER (Jan-Waalke), 1218. MEYER (Marion), 2508. MEYER (Mary C.), 1571. MEYER (Ruth), 3238. MEYER-ARNDT (Lüder), 6437. MEYER-AURICH (Jens), 4218. MEYER-ZWIFFELHOFFER (Eckard), 1993. MEYZIE (Vincent), 5939. MEZZADRA (Sandro), 86. MEZZADRI (Luigi), 574. MICCOLIS (Stefano), 412. MICHAEL (Ian), 3371. Michael Ephesius, 2514. Michael VIII Palaeologus, Byzantine emperor, 2547.
339 MICHAELS (Axel), 839. MICHÁLEK (Slavomír), 4364, 6505, 6693. MICHALOPOULOS (Andreas N.), 1896. MICHALOWSKI (Piotr), 1192, 1316. MICHAUD (Jean), 515. MICHEL (Alain-René), 4651. MICHEL (Cécile), 1070. MICHELAKIS (Pantelis), 1416. MICHELET (Fabienne), 3105. Michelet (Jules), 415. MIýKO (Peter), 5410. MICÓ (Rafael), 1036. MICUNCO (Stefano), 6, 1634. MIDDELL (Matthias), 384. MIELI (Gianfranco), 1055. MIELKE (Christine), 974. MIERAU (Heike Johanna), 2682. MIESCHER (Giorgio), 4200. MIETKE (Gabriele), 1106, 2276. MIGANI (Elena), 386. MIGLIUCCI (Debora), 4109. MIGUEL (Sonsoles), 4405. MIGULIN (Petr P.), 5545. Mihai Viteazul, 6262. MIHĂILESCU (Călin-Andrei), 4276. MIHĂILESCU-BÎRLIBA (LucreĠiu), 1854, 2128. MIHAJLOVSKI (Robert), 2596. MIJERS (Esther), 6294. MIKALSON (Jon D.), 1765. MIKOWSKI (Sylvie), 67. MILANI (Celestina), 1378. MILBACH (Sylvain), 4993. MILENKOVIû (Toma), 4346. MILES (Margaret R.), 899. MILES-WATSON (Jonathan), 822. MILEWSKI (Ireneusz), 2450. MILIS (Ludo), 2697. MILLAND-BOVE (Benédicte), 3106. MILLAR (Fergus), 1351, 1994. MILLAT (Gilbert), 6012. MILLER (Aleksej I.), 4292, 4320. MILLER (Dean), 875. MILLER (Jared L.), 1258. MILLER (John), 5760. MILLER (Peter N.), 516. MILLER (Randall M.), 4545. MILLER (Raymond), 4206. MILLETT (Bella), 3327. MILLIOT (Vincent), 5937. MILLS (Sophie), 1417. MILLWARD (Robert), 5411. MILNER (N.P.), 1107. MILONE (Antonio), 3208. Milosevic (Slobodan), 218. MILTON (John R.), 5040. MILTON (Philip), 5040. Mimnermus, 1596.
340 MIMOUNI (Simon Claude), 912, 3167. MINECK (Kathleen R.), 1259. MINEGISHI (Sumio), 7071. MINEHAN (Philip B.), 6506. MINEIRO (Mário José da Silva), 2642. MINENKO (Nina A.), 4321. MINEO (Bernard), 1884. MINKOVA (Kristina V.), 707. MINOSKI (Mihajlo), 6387. MINOWA (Shigeo), 3151. MINTROM (Michael), 4206. MINUNNO (Giuseppe), 1108. MINUTI (Rolando), 4858, 5044. MINVIELLE (Stéphane), 5761. MIR (Gregori), 6507. Miranda (Francisco de), 6222. MIRAZITA (Iris), 2935. MIRIELLO (Rosanna), 35. Mirk (John), 3417. MISAKI (Yoshiaki), 6941. MISDAQ (Nabi), 3530. MISKIMMIN (Esme), 968. MIĝRA (Ajaya KumƗra), 6182. MITALAITÉ (Kristina), 3196. MITANI (Hiroshi), 4131. MITCHELL (Allan), 6057. MITCHELL (Lynette G.), 1635. MITCHELL (Margaret M.), 808, 2387. MITCHELL (Stuart), 3966. MITCHELL-BOYASK (Robin), 1636. MITINA (Svetlana I.), 1352. MITTAG (Peter Franz), 1449. MITTENHUBER (Florian), 1612. MITTER (Ulrike), 2829. MITTERLECHNER (Tina), 1822. MITTERMAYER (Catherine), 1219. MITTMAN (Asa Simon), 3019. MIWA (Yoshiro), 708. MIYAMOTO (Tasuku), 7072. MIYOSHI (Nobuhiro), 4977. MIZUNO (Shoko), 6861. MĖaþko (Ladislav), 5163. MO (Zhibin), 6942. Moa (Pío), 4425. MOATTI (Claudia), 2129. MÖBIUS (Hanno), 270. MOCKERS (Elizabeth), 2830. MOELLER (Robert G.), 3508. Moenius (Georg), 3884. MOEYES (Paul), 4204. MOGGIA (Carlo), 2843. MOGHIRA (Mohamed Anouar), 3736. MÖHLE (Hannes), 3238. MOHNHAUPT (Heinz), 666. MOHR (Hubert), 806. MOKAM (David), 3625. MOLANDER (Marianne), 6280.
INDEX OF NAMES MOLAS RIBALTA (Pere), X. MOLIN (Michel), 2062. Molina (Uriel), 4207. MOLINA APARICIO (Fernando), 390. MOLINA GONZÁLEZ (Fernando), 1042. MOLINARI MORALES (Tirso Anibal), 4226. Molinero (Carme), 4440. MOLINERO RUIZ (Carme), 4420. MÖLK (Ulrich), 4984. MÖLLER (Horst), 6682. MØLLER JENSEN (Janus), 2741. MOLLIER (Jean-Yves), 4995. MOLODJAKOV (Vasilij E.), 4132, 6058. Momigliano (Arnaldo), 388, 416. MOMIYAMA (Akira), 6943. MOMMSEN (Hans), 1109. Mommsen (Theodor), 417. MONCAYO JALIL (Leonardo), 3731. MONDINI (Marco), 4111. MONDRAIN (Brigitte), 2590. MONESTAROLO (Giorgio), 5481. Monet (Claude), 5185. MONFASANI (John), 411. MONGE LÓPEZ (Guadalupe), 1000. MONKKONEN (Eric), 5787. MONNET (Pierre), 472. MONNIER (Raymonde), 3765. MONSIVAÍS (Carlos), 4188. MONSON (Andrew), 1159. Montaigne (Michel Eyquem), 5043. MONTANA (Giuseppe), 1803. MONTANARI (Enrico), 900. MONTANARO (Elena), 2485. MONTE DE LÓPEZ MOREIRA (María G.), 4219. MONTEFUSCO (Antonio), 3352. MONTÈGRE (Gilles), 5139. MONTELEONE (Ciro), 1637. MONTEPAONE (Claudia), 1638. MONTESQUIEU (Charles de Secondat), 5044. MONTGOMERY (Fiona), 3967. MONTGOMERY (Rebecca S.), 4968. MONTGOMERY (Scott Bradford), 3375. MONTIGLIO (Silvia), 2223. MONTOYA RAMÍREZ (María Isabel), 3011. MONTRONI (Giovanni), 478. MONZALI (Luciano), 6547. MOORE (Bob), 5830. MOORE (J.), 2262. MOORE (James R.), 3968. MOORE (John Hammond), 5762. MOORE (Kevin W.), 6128. MOORE (Martin), 3969.
Moore (Robert Ian), 3424. MOORHEAD (John), 2451. MOQUET-ANGER (Marie-Laure), 3789. MORA (Clelia), 245, 1110. MORABITO (Isabella), 1041. MORADA (Noel M.), 4230. MORALES (Antonio J.), 1160. MORALES (Fco. Javier), 1058. MORALES (Xavier), 2452. MORALES MOYA (Antonio), 390. MORALES MUÑOZ (Manuel), 5876. MORALI (Danielle), 4958. Mordechai, 2344. MOREAU (Jean-Pierre), 6252. MOREL (Philippe), 5168. MORELL (Mats), 722. MORENO (Paul D.), 5877. MORENO MARTÍNEZ (Doris), 390. MORENO SOLDEVILA (Rosario), 1893. MORENTE VALERO (Francisco), 4922. MORENZONI (Franco), 3350, 3440. MORET (Pierre), 197. MORETTI (Mauro), 430. MORETTI (Paola Francesca), 2486. MORGAN (Christopher), 1235, 1237. MORGAN (Edmund S.), 4566. MORGAN (Eric J.), 6795. MORGAN (Gwyn), 1995. MORGAN (Iwan), 6651. MORGAN (Llewelyn), 1996. MORGAN (Simon), 3979. MORÍN DE PABLOS (Jorge), 2997. MORING (Beatrice), 5763. MORIN-PELLETIER (Mélanie), 5764. MORIZOT (Yvette), 1768. MORKEL (Arnd), 1714. Mornay (Philippe de), seigneur du Plessis-Marly, 4773. Moro (Aldo), 4077, 4081. MORO (Renato), 4105. MORONI LANFREDINI (Adriana), 1031. Morosini (Tomasina), magyar anyakirályné, 2770. MOROVIC (Miroslav Tibor), 5089. MORPETH (Neil), 426. MORRESI (Manuela M.), 3201. Morrice (Roger), 3948. MORRIS (Penelope), 5840. MORRISON (Elizabeth), 32. MORRISSEY (J.), 2714. MORRISSON (Cécile), 140, 2539, 2540. MORROW (Robert W.), 5284. MORSE (Kate), 996. MORSEY (Rudolf), 3836.
INDEX OF NAMES MORSTEIN-MARX (Robert), 561. MORTENSEN (Hans), 3726. MORTENSEN (Lars Boje), 3436. MORTIMER (Ian), 2790. Mosaddeq (Mohammad), 4055. MOSCONI (Elena), 5308. MOSCONI (Gianfranco), 1715. MOSER (Christian), 4731. MOSER (Johannes), 506. MOSER-LÉCHOT (Daniel V.), 473. Moses, biblical leader, lawgiver and prophet, 2423. MOSETTI CASARETTO (Francesco), 3130. MOSHER STUARD (Susan), 2936. MOSS (Michael), 300. MOSS (Rachel Laura), 3180. MOSSAY (Justin), 2346. Mossettaz (Stefano), 3211. MÖßLANG (Markus), 6335. MOTLÍýEK (Tomáš), 5670. MOTONO (Eiichi), 6944. MOTTA (Giuseppe), 6438. MOUAYINI OPOU (Eugénie), 3663. MOUCKAGA (Hugues), 1997. MOULIAN (Tomás), 3644. MOUREAU (François), 69. MOURITSEN (Henrik), 1823. MOUSNIER (Mireille), 2937. MOUTON (Alice), 1260. MOUTSOPOULOS (Evanghelos), 1766. MOYA (José C.), 3509. MOYA (Pedro R.), 983. MOYA GARCÍA (Cristina), 362. MOYAR (Mark), 6796. Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus), 5219, 5285. MUELLER (Joan), 3379. MUELLER (Katja), 1161. MUELLER (Wolfgang), 3575. MUELLER-GOLDINGEN (Christian), 2198. MUELLER-JOURDAN (Pascal), 2598. Muhammad Bahadur Shah II, king of Delhi, 4030. Muhammad, 2918. MÜHLHAUSEN (Walter), 3882. MUKHIN (Mikhail Ju.), 5412. MUKHOPADHYAY (Bhaskar), 6110. MUL'TATULI (Petr V.), 4322. MULCAHY (Matthew), 5765. MULDER (Clara H.), 5582. Mulele (Pierre), 3666. MULÍK (Peter), 4371. MÜLLER (Achatz von), 474. MÜLLER (Bertrand), 239, 517. MULLER (Edward K.), 5560. MULLER (Gregor), 6131. MÜLLER (Guido), 4896.
MÜLLER (Hildegund), 2327. MÜLLER (Jürgen), 3883. MÜLLER (Leos), 6309. MÜLLER (Stefan A.), 6059. MÜLLER (Uwe), 5330. MÜLLER (Wolfgang P.), 2871. MÜLLER-ENBERGS (Helmut), 613. MÜLLER-KESSLER (Christa), 1072. MÜLLER-LUCKNER (Elisabeth), 668. MÜLLER-MERTENS (Eckhard), 2735. MULLIGAN (Pamela K.), 761. MULLIGAN (William), 6439. MULSOW (Martin), 70. MUND (Gerald), 6548. MUNDY (John Hine), 2938. MUNIER (Charles), 2350. MUÑIZ COELLO (Joaquín), 2063. MUÑOZ MARTÍN (María Nieves), 3011. MUNRO (Craig), 63. MUNRO (Gregory), 3884. MUNRO (Martin), 4006. MUNTING (Roger), 5482. MUNZI (Massimiliano), 2307. MURAKAMI (Yasumasa), 5413. MURAKUSHI (Nisaburo), 5414. MURANO (Giovanna), 28. MURATORI (Simona), 1001. Muraviev (Konstantin), 6525. MURAVSKYI (Volodymyr), 4510. MURBER (Ibolya), 6718. MURDOCH (Adrian), 1998. MURDOCH (Lydia), 5766. MURDOCK (Michael G.), 6945. MUREùAN (Augustin), 121. MURPHY (Christopher J.), 6589. MURPHY (Diane), 3022. MURPHY (John W.), 4207. MURPHY (Michael), 5583. MURPHY (Philip), 3970. MURPHY (Tim), 901. MURRAY (Alan V.), 564. Murray (George Washington), 4564. MURRAY (Suellen), 5767. MURZAKU (Ines A.), 4710. MUSACCHIO (Andrés), 3556. MUSAEV (Tofik Fuad ogly), 6793. MUSARDO TALÒ (Vincenza), 3353. MUSIEDLAK (Didier), 6609. MUSINDE (Julien Kilanga), 3662. Mussato (Albertino), 3099. MÜßIG (Ulrike), 667, 5915. Mussolini (Benito), 398, 4101, 4628, 5234, 6520, 6563. MUSSON (Anthony), 2767. MUSTÈ (Marcello), 476. MUSTI (Domenico), 1353. MUTSCHLER (Bernhard), 2347.
341 MYERS (Jorge), 3553. MYERS (Tamara), 5768. MYLLY (Juhani), 3745. MYLONOPOULOS (J.), 1804. Myrdal (Alva), 5674. Myrdal (Gunnar), 5674. MYŠKA (Milan), 547. N NA (Silu), 5980. NA'AMAN (Nadav), 1297. NAANEN (Ben), 5546. NABERS (Deak), 5981. Nabuco (Joaquim), 3606, 6361. ÑACO (Toni), 1999. NADAN (Amos), 5512. NADER (Marwan), 2874. NƗdir ShƗh, Shah of Iran, 4047, 4054. NADOLNY (Jilleen), 3206. NAEREBOUT (Frederick G.), 1520. NAFTALI (Timothy), 6772. NAGAI (Susumu), 7073. NƗgƗrjuna, 836. NAGASHIMA (Junko), 7074. NAGEL (Wolfram), 1067. NAGLE (D. Brendan), 1716. NAGY (Gregory), 1717. NAGY (Imre), 4008. NAGY (Károly), 4012. NAIDEN (F.S.), 1354. NAIMAN (Eric), 4298, 5675. NAIRNE (Sandy), 5180. NAJEMY (John M.), 2939. NÁJERA COLINO (Trinidad), 1042. NAJJAR (Mohammad), 1294. NAKAJIMA (Gakusho), 6946. NAKAMURA (Keiji), 6947. NAKAMURA (Motoya), 4996. NAKANISHI (Satoru), 5468. NAKANO (Chièmi), 1162. NAKAOKA (Tetsuro), 5100. NAKAYA (So), 2875. NAKONEýNÝ (Milan), 3704. Namier (Lewis B.), 418. NAMSARAEVA (Sajana B.), 6849. NANI (Michele), 4859. NAPOLÉON (Charles), 104. Napoléon I, empereur de France, 346, 3790, 3801, 4095, 6098, 6299, 6302, 6306, 6310, 6314. NAP-YIN (Lau), 6879. NARBONA CÁRCELES (María), 2940. NARDIN (Terry), 5012. NARDUCCI (Emanuele), 1868. NARINSKIY (Mikhail), 6797. NAROTZKY (Susana), 4421. NASH (S. K.), 1320. NASS (Klaus), 2670. Nasser (Gamal Abdel), 3734, 6821.
342 NASSIET (Michel), 5769. NATALI (Antonio), 5197. NAUMANN (Barbara), 5023. NAUTA (Lodi), 3097. NAUTA (Ruurd R.), 2172, 2191. NAVARRETE PRIETO (Benito), 5200. NAVARRO CABALLERO (Milagros), 2025. NAVAUD (Guillaume), 1639. NAVRÁTIL (Jaromír), 3687. NDOBEGANG (Michael M.), 709. NEAGOE-PLEùA (Elis), 4266. NEAL (Simon), 3923. NEAU (Jackie), 6798. NEBRIG (Alexander), 5155. NEEDELL (Jeffrey D.), 3610. NEEF (Heinz-Dieter), 2334. NEERFELD (Christiane), 357. NEFEDOV (Aleksandr M.), 638. Nefertiti, queen of Egypt, 1178. NEGRI (Monica), 1640. NEGRÓ ACEDO (Luis), 4997. Nehru (Jawaharlal), 4027, 6703. NEIJMANN (Daisy L.), 971. NEIL (Bronwen), 3380. NEILA (José Luis), 6508. NEILSON (Keith), 6063, 6440. NEIRICH (Uwe), 5090. NEJINSKI (L. N.), 6473. NEKUDA (Rostislav), 2941. Nelson (Horatio), 300. NEMEC (Mark R.), 4923. NċMEýEK (Jan), 6550. NERBANO (Mara), 3441. NERI (Elisabetta), 3152. NERI (Laura), 2644. Nero Claudius Caesar, Roman emperor, 1979, 2011, 2171, 2206. NESTI (Arnaldo), 856. NETZER (Ehud), 1298. NEUDECK (Otto), 3136. NEUGEBAUER (Wolfgang), 646. NEUKIRCHEN (Thomas), 3109. NEUMANN (Susanne), 358. NEVEUX (François), 2972. NEVILLE (Peter), 6549, 6694. NEVO (Joseph), 6799. NEWBY (Zahra), 1396. Newcastle (Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham Clinton, Duke of), 3925. NEWHARD (James), 2276. NEWMAN (Andrew J.), 4050. NEWMAN (Barbara), 3223. NEWMAN (John Henry), 4652. NEWMAN (Kathleen Elizabeth), 6800. NEWMAN (William Royall), 5101. NEWSINGER (John), 6102. NEWTON (Claire), 1163.
INDEX OF NAMES NEZU (Yukio), 2599. NEZZO (Marta), 228. NG (Amy), 418. Ngalifourou, Queen of Teke kingdom, 3663. Ngô (Ĉình Diêm), 6783. NGOLONGOLO (Appolinaire), 3664. NI (Xingxiang), 6949. NIBLOCK (Tim), 4343. NICASTRI (Luciano), 2199. NICE (Jason A.), 3512. Nicephorus Chumnos, 2515. Nicephorus Diogenes, 2573. Nicephorus I, Byzantine emperor, 2617. Nicephorus Melissenus, 2573. Nicetas Choniates, 2613. NICHOLSON (Helen J.), 3345, 3346. NICHOLSON (Paul T.), 1170. NICOLAI (Roberto), 1641. NICOLAJ (Giovanna), 1, 20. NICOLARDI (Valentina), 1031. NICOLAS (Gilbert), 4967. NICOLAS (Mireille), 4005. Nicolas of Japan, Sanctus, 4727. Nicolaus Cusanus, 3261, 3272. Nicolaus de Autricuria, 3168. Nicolaus IV, Papa, 3315. NICOLESCU (Nicolae C.), 4280. NICOLETTI (Fabrizio), 1027. NICOLI (Mosè), 3387. NICOLINI (Angelo), 2942. NICOLINI (Gérard), 1355. Nicolosi (Gerardo), 4116. NICOSIA (Francis R.), 5170. NIEDERKORN (Jan Paul), 4646. NIEHR (Herbert), 1220. NIELSEN (Erik O.), 1840. NIELSEN (Henry), 746. NIENDORF (Mathias), 4149. NIETO SORIA (José Manuel), 2789, 2791. NIETZSCHE (Friedrich Wilhelm), 643, 5045. NIEUWENHUYSE (Olivier), 1013. NIEWÖHNER (Philipp), 1111. NIGHTINGALE (Georg), 1332. NIKEL (Séverine), 3832. NIKITSCH (Herbert), 518. NIKLASSON (Tomas), 4023. NIKOLAEVA (Irina Alekseevna), 166. NIKOLAOU (Yorka), 140. NIKULA (Riitta), 5194, 5195. NILES (John D.), 3110. NILHAMN (Bonnie), 1013. NILSSON (Harald), 2836. NISHIJIMA (Taro), 7076. NISHIMOTO (Ikuko), 5770. NISTOR (Paul), 6801. NIU (Wenqin), 5518.
Nixon (Richard Milhous), 6795. NOBILI (Mario), 2943. NOBLE (Thomas F. X.), 2723. NOCETE (Francisco), 1043. NOCITA (Michela), 1642. NOCK (David A.), 6240. NODL (Martin), 2957. NOEGEL (Scott), 1217, 1233, 1234. NOETHLICHS (Karl Leo), 2454. NOGUÈS (Boris), 4969. NOKHOTOVICH (D.N.), 3845. NOLAN (Cathal J.), 595. NOLAN (Maura), 3134. NOLDUS (Badeloch), 280. NOLLER (Jay S.), 1050. NOMURA (Gen), 7077. Nomura (Kichisaburǀ), 4129. NOMURA (Mari), 3885. Nonnus Panopolitanus, 2516-2518. NOONAN (John D.), 2000. NOONE (Timothy B.), 945. NORDALM (Jens), 464. NORDANSKOG (Gunnar), 3210. NORDSIECK (Reinhard), 2384. Norstad (Lauris), 6760. NORTHRUP (David), 710. NORTHUP (Lesley A.), 903. NORTON (Christopher), 3381. NORTON (Desmond), 5513. NORTON (Marcy), 4861. NOTIZIA (Palmiro), 1221. NOUWEN (Robert), 2001. NOVAES (Catarina Dutilh), 3273. NOVAIS (Noémia Malva), 6441. NOVETKZE (Christian Lee), 904. NOVIKOVA (Irina N.), 6442. NOWAK (Beata), 535. NOWAK (Krzysztof), 6734. NOWINOWSKI (Sáawomir M.), 6529. NOYÉ (Ghislaine), 2580. NUBOLA (Cecilia), 4699. NURKOVA (Veronika V.), 5288. NUTI (Leopoldo), 4105. NUTTALL (Jeremy), 5878. NWANKWO (O. B. C.), 4208. NYBERG (Tore), 3363. NYBORG (Allan Kløve), 5415. NYE (Robert A.), 5102. NYYSSÖNEN (Heino), 6750. O Ó CLABAIGH (Colmán N.), 3180. Oғ LONGAIGH (Seosamh), 4070. Ó RIAIN (Pádraig), 3382. Ó RIAIN-RAEDEL (Dagmar), 3428. O'BRIEN (Denis), 1718. O'BRIEN (Peter T.), 2368. O'CONNOR (Maureen), 6127. O'DAY (Alan), 4071. O'HALPIN (Eunan), 6044.
INDEX OF NAMES O'HARA (G.S.), 678. O'HARA (Glen), 3998. O'HARA (Matthew D.), 4692. O'MAHONY (Mike), 4862. O'MALLEY (John W.), 4709. O'NEIL (James L.), 1164, 1397. O'NEILL (Mary J.), 3231. O'REILLY (William), 4024. O'SHEA (Stephen), 2831. OAKESHOTT (Michael Joseph), 5012. OAKLEY (Francis), 519. OBARA (Hitoshi), 7078. OBDRZALEK (Suzanne), 1719. OBER (Josiah), 1643. OBERG (Barbara B.), 4526. OBERMAIR (Hannes), 3037, 4119. OBITCHKINA (Evguenia), 6802. OBRADOVIû (Ivan), 6443. OCCHI (Katia), 2637, 5483. OCCLESHAW (Michael), 4323. OýENÁŠEK (Jaroslav), 5773. OCHESEANU (Radu), 2064. OCHONU (Moses), 5353. OCHS (Peter), 905. OCKER (CHRISTOPHER), 4768. OýOVSKÝ (Štefan), 5345. ODDEY (Markus), 3886. ODDIE (Geoffrey A.), 906. ODENWALD (Florian), 5289. Odo Rigaldus, Archbishop of Rouen, 3415. ODORICO (Paolo), 2519. OEGEMA (Gerbern S.), 1341. OELSNER (Joachim), 1222. OGILVIE (Brian W.), 5103. OGURO (Shunji), 3025. OHAINSKI (Uwe), 2665. OHAYON (Isabelle), 4135. OHLIDAL (Anna), 4708. OHLMEYER (Jane H.), 6044. OHTOSHI (Tetsuya), 7112. OJALA (Jari), 4872. OKAZAKI (Hironori), 7079. ÖKSE (A. Tuba), 1044. OKUPA (Effa), 6183. OLARU (Stejărel), 4274. OLBRICH (Konstantin), 2242. OLCOTT (Jocelyn), 4188. Oldenburg (Henry), 5049. Oldenburg, (house of), 3722. OLDEN-JØRGENSEN (Sebastian), 3727. OLDRINI (Guido), 5290. OLEGARIO (Rowena), 5547. OLIVA (Adriano), 3274. OLIVEIRA (Cecília Helena de Salles), 3608. OLIVER (Graham J.), 1644. OLIVER (Robert W.), 4769.
OLIVER SÁNCHEZ (Lilia Victoria), 6212. OLIVIER (Laurent), 1061. OLLITERVO (Sakari), 5033. OLSEN (Daniel H.), 935. OLSEN (Mari), 6803. OLSEN (Rikke Agnete), 2646. OLSHAUSEN (Eckart), 1364. OLSON (J.M.), 784. OLSTEIN (Diego), 712. OLTMER (Jochen), 5778, 6427. Olympiodorus, 1413. Omodeo (Adolfo), 4831. ONANA MFEGE (André-Hubert), 6184. OÑATE (Abdiel), 4180. ONNEKINK (David), 6294. ÖNNERFORS (Andreas), 4456. ONO (Masatoshi), 7046. ONUF (Nicholas), 4567. ONUF (Peter), 4567. ONUKI (Toshio), 3443. ONUMA (Takahiro), 6850. OOI (Kee Beng), 4159. OOSTROM (F. P. van), 3111. OPORTO (Luis), 240. OPPEN (Achim von), 4616. Oppenheimer (J. Robert), 5121. Oprea (Marius), 623. OPRIù (Petre), 4281. Orabuena (Joseph), 2808. Orange-Nassau (House of), 4202. ORĂSCU (ùerban), 4282. ORBÁN (A. P.), 3287. Origenes, 33, 2412, 2448. ORIS (Michel), 5585. ORLANDONI (Bruno), 3211. ORLOV (Jurij G.), 5998. ORME (Nicholas), 3169. ORMROD (W. Mark), 2956. Orontidi, dinastia della Commagene, 1437. ORSELLI (Alba Maria), 3359. Orsenigo (Giovanni), 4672. ORSKI (Marcin), 4231. ORTALLI (Jacopo), 2304. ORTEGA CANADELL (Rosa), X. ORTENBERG (Veronica), 3027. ORTHMANN (Eva), 1223. ORTIZ (Jean), 4430. ORTIZ BATALLAS (Cecilia), 3732. ORTOLá SALAS (Francisco Javier), 2494. OSBORN (Emily Lynn), 6168. OSBORNE (Eric W.), 6444. OSBORNE (Michael J.), 1485. OSBORNE (Robin), 1358, 1450, 1720. OSCHEMA (Klaus), 2946. OSGOOD (Josiah), 2002. OSGOOD (Kenneth Alan), 6754.
343 OSGOOD (Kenneth), 6640. OSHIMA (Takayoshi), 1190. OSLER (D. J.), 5893. OSORIO (Alejandra), 6228. OSTAPENKO (Galina S.), 3971. ÖSTERBERG (Eva), 776. OSTERHAMMEL (Jürgen), 769. OSTI GUERRAZZI (Amedeo), 4796. OSTMEYER (Karl-Heinrich), 2455. OSTOS SALCEDO (Pilar), 11. OSUNA REY (Juan Manuel), 6311. OTA (Hideharu), 7080. OTSU (Toru), 7081. OTSURU (Atsushi), 3488, 3885. OTT (Muriel), 3066. OTTE (Iris N.), 1013. OTTE (T. G.), 3972, 6063, 6359. OTTMANN (Henning), 639. OTTNER (Carmen), 5287. OTTO (Adelheid), 1263, 1299. OTTO (Paul), 7118. Otto I, König von Bayern, 3848. OTTOSEN (Knud), 3297. OTU (Petre), 4283, 6476. OUDOT (Estelle), 1645. OUETCHO (André), 1048. OULMONT (Philippe), 6757. OVCHAROV (NikolaƱ), 2717. OVERHOFF (Jürgen), 4568. OVERING (Gillian R.), 3469. OVERLAET (Bruno), 1320, 1321, 1328. Ovidius Naso (Publius), 18951898, 2152, 2165, 2177, 2183, 2187, 2192, 2200, 3104. OZAKI (Tohru), 1224. ÖZBAY (ølksen), 1126. ÖZGENEL (Lale), 2276. P PACANOWSKA (Regina), 4246. PACATI (Carlomaria), 1926. PACCIANI (Elsa), 1045. PACELLI (Eugenio), 4638. PACIFICI (Vincenzo G.), 4112. PACIOCCO (Roberto), 3383. PACK (Sasha D.), 4422. PACKER (Ian), 3973. PACKER (James E.), 2278. PADILLA MONGE (Aurelio), 1073. PADRÓ I PARCERISA (Josep), 1165. PADUANO (Guido), 1646. PAGANO (Nicola), 908. PAGANO (Sergio), 4661. PAGÈS (Paule), 2597. PAGLIANO (Claudio), 228. PAIRAULT (Louis-Gilles), 2632. Pais (Sidónio), 4263, 4265. PAJER (Miloslav), 6551. PAK (Boris Dmitrievich), 6388. PAKKANEN (Jari), 1398.
344 PALACIOS CEREZALES (Diego), 4259. PALÁGYI (Tivadar), 2498. Palasse (Jean-François), 5595. PALAVESTRA (Aleksandar), 122. PALEK (Karel), 596. PALIGA (Sorin), 167. PALK (Deirdre), 5982. PALLEY (Claire), 3684. PALLISER (David Michael), 2947. PALMA DI CESNOLA (Arturo), 1002. PALMA MORA (Mónica), 5774. Palme (Olof), 4980. PALMER (Colin A.), 4490. PALMER (Craig T.), 909. PALMER (Niall A.), 4569. Palmerston (Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount of), 6336, 6349. PALMIERI (Stefano), 2876. PALOMANES MARTINHO (Francisco Carlos), 3605. PALS (Daniel L.), 826. PALTI (Elías José), 477. PAMPLONA (Marco Antonio), 3511. PAN (Guangzhe), 6950. PAN (Tat'jana A.), 6951. PANATTONI (Riccardo), 2456. PANAYOTAKIS (Stelios), 2191. PANDEY (Gyanendra), 3513. PANDOLFI (Paul), 6140. PANETTA (Maria), 5024. PANIAGUA AGUILAR (David), 2224. PANJEK (Aleksander), 5775. PANOSSIAN (Razmik), 3561. PANTANI (Italo), 3113. PAOLETTI (John T.), 5794. PAOLINI (Gabriele), 4113. PAOLUCCI (Paola), 1863. PAPADAKIS (Lydia), 4153. PAPADAKIS (Yiannis), 3685. PAPADIA (Elena), 4114. PAPADOPOULOU (Ioanna), 1647, 1721. PAPAIOANNOU (Stratis), 2522. PAPAVIZAS (George Constantine), 4154. PAPP (Julien), 4025. PAPPOLA (Fabrice), 6382. PAQUIER (Serge), 5416. PARAVICINI (Werner), 3004. PARCAK (Sarah), 1170. Pareto (Vilfredo), 5067. Parisi (Francesco), 4124. PARK (Katharine), 552. PARKER (Eldon M.), 5855. PARKER (Jason), 6641. PARKER (Jo Alyson), 85. PARKIN (Katherine J.), 5776. PARKS RICKER (Sara), 1341. PARLATO (Giuseppe), 4115.
INDEX OF NAMES Parmenides, 1692, 1704, 1727, 1734. PARNABY (Andrew), 5777. PĂRPĂUğĂ (Radu), 6654. PARR (Helen), 3998, 6805. PARRY (Jonathan Philip), 6360. PARTRIDGE (Michael), 6651. PARUSSA (Gabriella), 2786. PASCHOUD (François), 1413. PASCO-PRANGER (Molly), 2200. Pašiü (Nikola), 4376. Pasolini (Pier Paolo), 2175, 5211. PASSERAT (Georges), 2810. PASTOREAU (Michel), 112. PATAFTA (Daniel), 3671. PATERSON (Lachy), 6244. PATISHI (Hanoch), 6509. PATOýKA (Jan), 596. PATOTA (Giuseppe), 154. PATRIAS (Carmela), 5984. PATRICK (Derek J.), 3997. PATTERSON (John R.), 2003. PATTERSON (Lee), 3114. PATTIEU (Sylvain), 3542. PATZER (Andreas), 1722. PATZOLD (Steffen), 2313, 2747. PAUGAM (Serge), 618. Pauker (Ana), 4266. PAULÈS (Xavier), 770. Paulhan (Jean), 4998. Paulus Silentiarius, 2567. Paulus VI, Papa, 4662, 4663, 4671. Paulus, apostolus, Sanctus, 2344, 2362, 2363, 2370, 2371, 2375, 2376, 2393, 2403, 2405, 2428, 2436, 2442, 2457, 2466, 2473, 2477. PAULY (Michel), 2794. PAUNIER (Daniel), 2009. Pausanias, 1408, 1609, 1653, 1755, 1801. PAUTSCH (Ilse Dorothee), 6727. PAVLÍýEK (Tomáš), 3705. PAVLOVIû (Momþilo), 4346), 4356. PAVONE (Claudio), 609. PAWLICZEK (Aleksandra), 343. PAYAN (Paul), 227. PAYEN (Pascal), 1356. PAYNE (Mark), 1648. PAYNE (Stanley G.), 6552. PAZDERA (Martin), 1451. PEARCE (Adrian J.), 5484. PEARSALL (Mark), 101. Pearson (Lester B.), 6692. PEARSON (Owen), 3538. PÉBARTHE (Christophe), 1649. PECHATNOV (Vladimir O.), 6806. PECK (James), 6642. PECORARI (Paolo), 693. PÉCOUT (Gilles), 422.
Peder Palladius, 4762. PEDERSEN (Bendt Falkesgaard), 2646. PEDERSEN (Susan), 6445. PEDIO (Alessia), 386. PEDRAZZI (Marco), 1822. Pedro IV el Ceremonioso, rey de Aragona, 2785. PEDRONI (Luigi), 2130. PEERS (Douglas M.), 6132. PEHR (Michal), 4365. Peiresc (Nicolas-Claude Fabri de), 516. PEJŠA (Robert), 3706. PELEG (Yaron), 385. PELI (Santo), 6606. PELINKA (Anton), 3581, 6015. PELLEGRIN (Nicole), 329. PELLEGRINO (Manuela), 4511. PELLIZER (Ezio), 1767. PELLIZZARI (Patrizia), 3116. PELOSI (Francesca), 1723. PELT (Mogens), 6807. Pemartín (José), 4424. PEMBERTON (Hugh), 5638. PEÑA (Carmen), 3153. PEÑA (César), 194. PEÑA (Milagro), 802. PEÑA DÍAZ (Manuel), 390. PENG (Yushang), 6952. PENNEC (Sophie), 5583. Pennington (Kenneth), 2871. PENSABENE (Patrizio), 2288. PENZ (Andrea), 4024. PENZEL (Joachim), 1650. PENZO (Annachiara), 1818. PERALTA PRIETO (Julia), 5879. PERALTA RUIZ (Víctor), 6229. PEREIRA (José Pedro Cantinho), 6695. PEREIRA (Juan Carlos), 6508. PEREIRA (Paulo José dos Reis), 6361. PEREIRA SIESO (Juan), 1006. PEREIRA TOLEDO MACHADO (Maria Helena), 5880. PERESANI (Marco), 1001. PERETZ (Daniel), 2131. PERETZ (Pauline), 6808. PÉREZ GIL (Maite), 981. PEREZ LOPEZ (Pablo), 4675. PÉREZ SÁNCHEZ (Alfonso E.), 5200. PÉREZ TELLO (Victoria), 981. PERFECT (David), 3835. PERINI (Sergio), 2639. PERIŠIû (Miroslav), 6696. PERISTIANIS (Nicos), 3685, 6117. PERKHAVKO (Valerij B.), 2949. PERNES (JiĜí), 5354. Perón (Juan Domingo), 3544, 6675.
INDEX OF NAMES PERONE (Ugo), 4682. Peroni (Francesco), 5451. PEROVIû (Latinka), 4354. PERREN (Richard), 5417. PERRIE (Maureen), 551. PERRIER (Sylvie), 5779. PERRILLAT (Laurent), 4461. PERROUX (Olivier), 5780, 5800. PERRY (Elizabeth J.), 6865. PERRY (Jonathan Scott), 2065. Persius Flaccus (Aulus), 2213. PERTICI (Roberto), 422. PESCE (Mauro), 910. PEŠEK (Jan), 3697, 4366, 4772. PEŠEK (JiĜí), 359, 5781, 6002. PESENTI MARANGON (Tiziana), 3117. PEŠORDA-VARDIû (Zrinka), 2792. Pétain (Philippe), 3757. PETERLE (Margit), 5608. Peters (Karl), 6172. PETERS (Rik), 452, 479. PETERS-CUSTOT (Annick), 2601. PETERSEN (Hanne), 581. PETERSEN (Tore T.), 6809. PETERSON (Derek R.), 7113. PETERSSON (Tom), 5331. PETILLON (Chantal), 5418. PETIT (Aimé), 3030. PETITIER (Paule), 415. PETOLESCU (Constantin C.), 2004. PETRAKIS (Marina), 4001. PETRAKIS (V. P.), 1062. PETRARCA (Francesco), 3116, 3117. PETRENKO (Vladimir G.), 990. PETRILLO (Maria Cristina), 41. PETRINELLI PANNOCCHIA (Cristiana), 1011. PETRONE (Gianna), 2164. Petronius Arbiter, 1899, 1900. PETROPOULOS (Jonathan), 3888. PETROV (Jurij A.), 5557. PETROV (Nikita V.), 3845. PETROVITSCH (Hans), 2066. PETRUCCI (Armando), 7. PETRUF (Pavol), 6553. PETRUKHIN (Vladimir Ja.), 991. Petrus, Sanctus, 2361, 2430. PETRY (Christine), 3808. Pettazzoni (Raffaele), 880, 900. PETZL (Georg), 2289. PEYROULOU (Jean-Pierre), 6185. PEZZOLI (Gigi), 214. PFAFF (Steven), 3889. PFEIFFER (Michaela), 1876. PFEIFFER (Stefan), 1967. PFEIL (Ulrich), 6664. PFEILSCHIFTER (Rene), 2113. PFISTER (Christian), 5420. Pflaum (H.-G.), 419. Philemon, 2362, 2363, 2370.
Philetairos, 1388. PHILIPOWSKI (Katharina-Silke), 3409. PHILIPPART (Guy), 3374. Philippe II le Bon, duc de Bourgogne, 2859. Philippus II, king of Macedonia, 1448, 1815. PHILLIPS (Peter), 4668. PHILLIPS (Simon), 5442. PHILLIPS (Steven E.), 6733. Philo Alexandrinus, 1595. Philodemus, 1693. PHILP (Mark), 6314. PHILPOTT (William), 6446. PHIRI (Bizeck Jube), 4617. Photius, 1537, 2561. PIACENTINI (Patrizia), 245. PIANT (Hervé), 5985. PIATTI (Pierantonio), 3296. PIAZZA (Pierre), 5983. PIAZZA (Simone), 3212. PIÇARRA (Maria do Carmo), 4262. PICASSO (Giorgio), 3356. PICCALUGA (Giulia), 911. PICCHI (Michele), 431. PICHLER (Tibor), 4367. Pico della Mirandola (Giovanni), 3252. PICOT (Jean-Claude), 1724. PIEPENBROCK (Andreas), 669. Pier Damiani, 3448. PIERALLI (Luca), 2520. PIERI (Dominique), 2603. PIERI (Silvano), 3304. Piero della Francesca, 5198. PIERRE (Benoist), 3809. PIÉTRI (Valérie), 89. Pietro Aretino, 966 Pietro Canisio, 4705. PIETROW-ENNKER (Bianka), 720. PIETTE (Valérie), 569. PIGGOTT (Joan), 570. PIGNOTTI (Marco), 6321. PIGOTT (Vincent C.), 1320. Pijeaud (Colette), 6605. Pijeaud (Félix), 6605. PIKETTY (Guillaume), 567. PILAGALLO (Oscar), 3612. PILARA (Gianluca), 2748. PILGRIM (C. von), 1166. PILHOFER (Susanne), 1855. PILLORGET (Rene), 6312. PILSNER (Joseph), 3275. Piásudski (Józef), 4247. PIN (Corrado), 4871. PINARCIOöLU (M. Melih), 5576. PINCUS (Steven C. A.), 3975. Pindarus, 1555, 1640, 1648, 1678. PINELLI (Lucia), 2982. PINI (Licia), 1651.
345 PINNOCK (Frances), 1225. Pinochet Ugarte (Augusto), 3646. PINOTTI (Patrizia), 1725. PINTAUDI (Rosario), 1652. PINTO (Pasquale Massimo), 1521. PINTO VALLEJOS (Julio), 3646. PIPONNIER (Françoise), 736. PIPPIDI (Andrei), 3515. PIRAS (Antonio), 3321. Pirelli (Giovanni Battista), 5421. PIRENNE-DELFORGE (Vinciane), 829, 1653. PIRJEVEC (Jože), 597, 6804. PIROTTA (Godfrey A.), 4163. PIROVANO (Luigi), 2201. PI-SUÑER LLORENS (Antonia), 6362. PITKIN (Barbara), 4643. Pitt (William, Earl of Chatham), 6289. PITTALUGA (Roberto), 463. PITTAU (Massimo), 1838. PITTE (J.-R.), 5695. PITTIA (Sylvie), 1962. Pius II, Papa, 2776, 3213. Pius V, Papa, 6268. Pius X, Papa, 4661. Pius XII, Papa, 4671. PIVA (Paolo), 3181. PIVATO (Stefano), 204. PIVOVAROV (Jurij S.), 4864. Pixodaros di Hekatomnos, 1103. PIZZIGALLO (Matteo), 6656. PIZZOLATO (Nicola), 5782. PJATNITSKAJA (Lorik-Larisa), 823. PLACH (Eva), 4247. Plahter (Unn), 3206. Planck (Familie), 105. PLASSMANN (Alheydis), 2719. PLATANIA (Gaetano), 246. Platina (Bartholomaeus), 420, 3009. Plato, 946, 1421-1423, 1476, 1690, 1691, 1695, 1715, 1718, 1723, 1726, 1729, 1736, 1739. PLATSCHEK (Johannes), 2067. PLATT (Kevin M. F.), 315. PLATT (Tristan), 7119. Plautus (Titus Maccius), 1901, 2164, 2175. PLAZA (Maria), 2202. PLEùA (Liviu), 4266. Plinius Caecilius Secundus (Gaius), minor, 1902, 2182. Plinius Secundus (Gaius), maior, 2246. PLÖCKINGER (Othmar), 4865. PLOKHY (Serhii), 598. Plotinus, 1424, 1738, 1741. PLUSKOWSKI (Aleksander), 3029.
346 Plutarchus, 1457, 1545, 1583, 1688. PLUTSCHOW (Herbert E.), 6363. PO DHARMA, 4611. POBJOY (Mark), 1856. POCIÑA (Andrés), 2170. POD'JAPOL'SKIJ (Aleksej G.), 3890. PODKUR (R. Ju.), 4512. POEHLER (Eric E.), 2290. POGREBOVA (M. N.), 991. POHL (Dieter), 3482. POHL (Walter), 2727. POHLANDT-MAC CORMICK (Helena), 4381. PÖHLMANN (Markus), 682. Poincaré (Raymond), 3774. POIRIER (Michel), 2338. POIRRIER (Philippe), 5120. POISSON (Jean-Michel), 736. POISSONNIER (Ariane), 168. POKORNY (Rudolf), 2604. POKROVSKIJ (Nikolaj N.), 5490. POLESE (Francesca), 5421. POLIN (Constance), 631. POLIN (Raymond), 631. POLIŠENSKÁ (Milada), 6697. POLIT (Jakub), 6447. POLITO (Marina), 1654. POLLEMS (Sebastian T.), 5548. POLLIO (David M.), 2203. POLLMANN (Judith), 4694. POLLOCK (Ethan), 4324. Pollock (Paul Jackson), 5208. POLO D'AMBROSIO (Laura), 3208. POLONI SIMMARD (Jaques), 6879. POLSI (Alessandro), 6643. POLTORATSKAJ (E.V.), 3845. POLVERINI (Leandro), 416. POLVORINOS DEL RÍO (Ángel), 985, 1017. Polybius, 1425, 1563, 1715. Polycarpus, episcopus, Sanctus, 2432. POMBEJRA (Dhiravat na), 5441. POMBENI (Paolo), 3566. POMFRET (Richard), 5355. POMIAN (Krzysztof), 408. Pomiro (Arnaud), 6382. Pompeius Magnus (Gnaeus), 1973, 2017, 2179, 2278. Pompidou (Georges), 3782. POMPONIO (Francesco), 1226, 1227. Pomponius Mela, 2246. PONCET (Olivier), 21, 4695, 6324. PONDOPULO (Gleb K.), 6953. PONS (Silvio), 573, 4117. PONS I ALTÉS (Josep Maria), 5515. PONS MELLADO (Esther), 1167. PONTANI (Filippomaria), 2506.
INDEX OF NAMES Pontchartrain (Jérôme Phélypeaux, comte de), 3778. Pontchartrain (Louis Phélypeaux, comte de), 3778. POOLE (Mary), 5784. POP (Ioan-Aurel), 6275. POPKO (Maciej), 1261. POPOVA (Nina), III. POPOVIû (Vladislav), 140. Poppaea Sabina, consort of Nero, 1931. POPPER (Nicholas), 5104. PORCIANI (Ilaria), 92. PORENA (Pierfrancesco), 2309. PORRET (Michel), 241, 692. PORRINI (Rodolfo), 5887. PORSHNEV (Valerij P.), 281. PORTALUPI (Enzo), 2459. PORTE (Rémy), 6103. PORTER (Bernard), 6062. PORTER (James I.), 1342. PORTER (Roy), 4881. PORTILLO VALDÉS (José M.), 4423, 6230. PORTMANN (Werner), 2328. POSADA CARBÓ (Eduardo), 3659. POSAMENTIR (Richard), 1109, 1112-1114. POSEL (Deborah), 5785. Posidippus, 1655. POSSAMAI-PÉREZ (Marylène), 1898. Possevino (Antonio), 52. POSTEL (Verena), 2987. POSTIGLIOLA (Alberto), 4823. POSTILL (John), 4160. POSTLES (David), 169, 2963. POTON (Didier), 4773. POTTER (David S.), 560. POTTER (Karl H.), 949. Potthast (August), 2685. POTTMEYER (Hermann Josef), 4663. POTTS (Alex), 798. POUDRET (J.-F.), 671. POULOT (Dominique), 713. POURCHASSE (Pierrick), 5485. POUWELS (Joel Bollinger), 4181. POVERO (Chiara), 4717. POWELL (Anton), 1462. POWELL (Avril A.), 6133. POWELL (Jonathan G. F.), 1872. POWER (Amanda), 3276. POWER (Daniel), 2720. Poynter (William), 4668. PRADO (Maria Lígia Coelho), 3608. PRADOS DE LA ESCOSURA (Leandro), 5327. PRAK (Maarten), 5598. PRAMONO (Sugeng), 4043.
PRANDI (Carlo), 914. PRASAD (Bina), 4033. PRASAD (Monica), 5486. PRAUSCELLO (Lucia), 1655. PRAVILOVA (Ekaterina A.), 4325. PRAYON (Friedhelm), 1839. PREýAN (Vilém), 6699. PREISIGKE (Friedrich), 1171. PRESTON (Andrew), 4570. PRESTON (Paul), 4425, 6651. PRETAGOSTINI (Roberto), 1656. PRICE (Emyr), 3976. PRIEST (Andrew), 6811. PRIETZEL (Malte), 2721. PRIEUR (Jean-Marc), 2460. PRIMO (Andrea), 1657. Primo de Rivera (José Antonio, marqués de Estella), 4424. PRIOR (Anne), 3409. PRIOR (William J.), 1726. PRIULI (Francesco), 6261. PRO RUIZ (Juan), 3516. PROCHNIAK (Leszek), 4245. Procopius Caesariensis, 2521. PROCTOR (Frank "Trey", III), 5788. PRODI (Paolo), 4632, 4653. PRÖGER (Susanne), 954. PROIETTI (Omero), 5049. PROKISCH (Bernhard), 141. PROLLIUS (Michael Von), 5356. Propertius (Sextus), 961, 1904, 2159. PROSKURINA (Vera Ju.), 5156. PROSPERO (Michele), 672. PROST (Antoine), 3811. PROTANO (Giuseppe), 1031. PROUST (Alain), 916. PRÖVE (Ralf), 3891. Prudentius Clemens (Aurelius), 2205, 2355. PRUTSCH (Markus J.), 5916. PRUTSCH (Ursula), 4818. PRYOR (Francis), 2722. PRYOR (John H.), 3143. PRZYBYSZ (Kazimierz), 6608. Psellus (Michael), 2522. Pseudo-Apollodorus, 1772. PSEUDO-HILARIUS, 3403. Psuennes, Egyptian priest, 1156. Psuennes, king of Egypt, 1156. Ptolemaei, Egyptian dynasty, 1161. PUENTE LUTTEROTH (María Alicia), 4620. PUFENDORF (Astrid von), 105. Pufendorf (Samuel von), 4873. PUGH (Martin), 3977. PUISSANT (Jean), 569. PUJIULA (Martin), 2461. PUJOL I SOLEY (Jordi), 4395.
INDEX OF NAMES PULEC (Martin), 3707. PULIDO SERRANO (Juan Ignacio), 390. PULLEN (Daniel J.), 1050. PULLIAM (Heather), 42. PULMA (Panu), 5789. Pulsiano (Phillip), 3059. PURCELL (Nicholas), 711. PURCHLA (Jacek), 796. PUSCHNER (Uwe), 4994. PUSHKAREVA (Irina M.), 5504. PUSHKASH (Andrej I.), 4522. Pushkin (Alexandr Sergeevich), 5158. PUŠKARIû (Jelena), 4711. PÜSKI (Levente), 4026. PUTNAM (Michael C. J.), 2204. PUTZ (Christa), 3568. PYE (Michale), 918. PYLKKÄNEN (Anu), 5759, 5790. PYTA (Wolfram), 3869. Pythagoras, 1705. Pytheas of Alopece, 1532. Q QIAO (Runming), 5105. QU (Jie), 6956. QUAGHEBEUR (Joëlle), 3197. QUAGLIONI (Diego), 5996. QUAINI (Massimo), 205. QUAIRIAUX (Yves), 3586. QUANTIN (J.-L.), 332. QUARTARARO (Rosaria), 6448. QUATAERT (Donald), 5422. QUEIPO DE LLANO (Genoveva G.), 6563. QUEIROZ (José J.), 915. QUENEMOEN (Caroline K.), 1805. QUÉRÉ (Louis), 4255. QUESTIER (Michael C.), 4654. QUINN (Kenneth), 1925. QUINN-JUDGE (Sophie), 6823. QUINTANILLA RASO (María Concepción), 2887. QUINTAVALLE (Arturo Carlo), 3207. Quintilianus (Marcus Fabius), 1905, 2163. Quintus Smyrnaeus, 1670. QUIRARTE (Martín), 4182. QUIROGA (Nicolás), 3554. QUIROGAFERNÁNDEZ DE SOTO (Alejandro), 4424. QUIRÓS VARGAS (Claudia), 6237. QUIROZ (Alfonso W.), 3676. QUIROZ PALACIOS (Abraham), 4183. Quispel (Gilles), 934. R RAAFLAUB (Kurt), 1452. Rabbula, bishop of Edessa, 2339.
Rabelais (François), 5149, 5150. RABI (Uzi), 4212. RACHAMIMOV (Alon), 5791. Racine (Jean), 5142, 5153. RADDING (Charles), 2854. RADELIû (Zdenko), 3672, 3673. Radiü (Stjepan), 4376. RADNER (Karen), 1228. RADT (Wofgang), 1074. RĂDULESCU (Raluca), 3123. RADVANOVSKÝ (ZdenČk), 6498. RADY (Martyn), 5905. RAEBURN (John), 5293. RAEVSKIJ (Dmitrij S.), 991. RAFFAELLI (Marcelo), 6364. RAFFE (Alasdair), 4774. RAFFI (Gustavo), 541. RAGETTE (Friedrich), 5218. RAGG (Sacha), 2879. RAGGHIANTI (Renzo), 942. RAGGI (Andrea), 1115. RAHANIVOSON (Roselyne), 4155. RAHNER (Karl), 4712. RAINA (Giampiera), 1345, 1658. RAINER (J. Michael), 2037. RAINES (Dorit), 4118, 5792. RAININI (Marco), 3277. RAISON-JOURDE (Françoise), 4155. RAJ (Kapil), 5106. RAJSHEKHAR, 4199. RAMAGE (Edwin S.), 2134. RAMELLI (Ilaria), 2515. RAMEN (Fred), 2832. RAMET (Sabrina P.), 4355. RAMOS LARA (María de la Paz), 5408. Ramsay (W.M.), 1386. RAMSDEN (John), 6064. RAMSEY (Christopher Bronk), 992. RAMSEYER (J. Mark), 708. RAMSEYER (Valerie), 3447. Ramus (Peter), 5085. RANA (R. P.), 4034. RANCH SALES (Amparo), 4385. RAND SCHMIDT (Kari Anne), 3121. RANDALL (Albert B.), 917. Ranft (Brya Mac Laren), 3940. RANFT (Patricia), 3448. Ranjit Singh, Maharaja of the Punjab, 4033. RAPHAEL (Lutz), 341, 5744. Rapondi (famille), 2927. RAPOPORT (Mario), 3556. Rasetti (Franco), 5134. RASMUSSEN (Finn), 2844. Rasmussen (Poul Nyrup), 3726. RASMUSSEN (Susan J.), 520. Raspe (Heinrich), 2650. RASPE (Lucia), 2811. RASPE (Rudolf Erich), 5039. RAŠTICOVÁ (Blanka), 5514.
347 RAT'KOVSKIJ (Il'ja S.), 4326. RATCLIFF (Rebecca A.), 5107. RATEJ (Mateja), 4376. RATH (Ingo W.), 5045. RATHENAU (Walther), 3842, 6421. RATHERIUS VERONENSIS EPISCOPUS, 3408. RATHKOLB (Oliver), 3576. RATTÉ (Felicity), 3215. RAUDVERE (Catharina), 3442. RAUKAR (Tomislav), 2732. RAUSCH (Helke), 361. RAUSCHER (Walter), 6381. RAUSCHERT (Jeanette), 3122. RAVEGNANI (Giorgio), 2542, 2605, 2606. RAVIGNANI (Eugenio), 4670. RAVIOLA (Blythe Alice), 206. RAVIOLA (Flavio), 1659. RAWCLIFFE (Carole), 2950. RAWLING (Bill), 6449. RAWLINGS (Helen), 4655. RAY (Himanshu Prabha), 130. RAY (Jonathan), 2812. RAYMOND (André), 4493. READMAN (Paul), 5516. REARDON (Lawrence C.), 4641. REBÉRIOUX (Madeleine), 5272. RECORD (Michel), 3391. RECUERDA GIRELA (Miguel Ángel), 123. REDDÉ (Michael), 2291. REDDING (Sean), 4382. REDONDO (Augustín), 38. REEDS (Karen M.), 3159. REETZ (Dietrich), 4797. REEVES (Rene), 4003. REGEP VLASCICI (Simona), 2263. REGGI (Giancarlo), 1660. REGGUI (Marcel), 6185. REGINBOGIN (Herbert R.), 6510. Regiomontanus (Johannes Müller), 3257, 5069. REHBERG (Karl-Siegbert), 282. REHM (Michaela), 5046. REICHERT (Michelle), 3124. REID (Alice), 5793. REID (Nicholas), 4866. REID (Susan E.), 5181. REIDEMEISTER (Johann), 43. REIENT (Oleksandr Petrovych), 6379. REIFELD (Helmut), 4793. REIFENBERG (Bernd), 253, 262. REIG TAPIA (Alberto), 316, 4425. REILLY (Patricia L.), 784. REIMANN (Mathias), 5987. REIMANN (Olaf W.), 613. REIMER (Paula), 992. REIMER (Stephen R.), 956. REIMITZ (Helmur), 2727.
348 REIMO (Tiiu), 249. REINBOLD (Wolfgang), 2462. REINBOTHE (Roswitha), 170. REINERT (Françoise), 2794. REINERT (Sophus A.), 4867. REINHARD (Wolfgang), 600. REINHARDT (Tobias), 1905. REINMUTH (Eckart), 2369, 2370. REINSBERG (Carola), 2292. REIS (Bruno Cardoso), 6644. REIS (Joao José), 6232. REISMAN (Arnold), 4504. REITEMEIER (Arnd), 2737. REITZ (Christiane), 2206. Reitzenstein (Sigismund), 3881. RELA (Walter), 6295. REMOND (René), 4651. RENARD-JADOUL (Karin), 161. RENGAKOS (Antonios), 426, 1661, 5032. RENGASWAMY (M.), 4035. RENKAMA (Jukka), 4327. RENKEN (Frank), 6186, 6196. Renner (Karl), 3575. RENNIE (Bryan S.), 919. RENTON (Dave), 3978. RENZ (I.), 6408. ěEPA (Milan), 4850. REPINA (Lorina P.), 337. RESHETOV (Timofej), 823. RESTIF (Bruno), 4696. RETALLACK (James N.), 3892. RÉTI (Balázs), 6477. RETTENWANDER (Matthias), 4702. RETTIG (Tobias), 6119. RETTL (Lisa), 6611. REUBAND (Karl-Heinz), 3893. Reuwichs (Erhard), 3456. REVERCHON (Alexander), 142. REVERMANN (Martin), 1522. REY (Alain), 172. REY CASTELAO (Ofelia), 5795. REYNAUD PALIGOT (Carole), 5108. REYNHOUT (Lucien), 73. REYNOLDS (Andrew), 2948. REYNOLDS (Barbara), 3125. REYNOLDS (David), 6511. REYNOLDS (John F.), 4572. REYNOSO RENDÓN (Cecilia), 4224. REZACHIEVICI (Constantin), 563. REZHABEK (Evgenij Ja.), 757. RHODE (David), 1007. RHODE (Paul W.), 700. RHODES (Peter John), 1453. Riazanov (David), 5853. RIBOT GARCÍA (Luis Antonio), 4428. RICARD (Serge), 6034. RICCARDI (Luca), 4061, 6812. RICCI (Carla), 2135. RICCI (Cecilia), 2136.
INDEX OF NAMES RICCIARDELLI (Gabriella), 1379. RICHARD (Yann), 4052. Richard I, the Lionheart, king of England, 2766, 3069. Richard II, king of England, 2777. RICHARDS (Donald Sidney), 2821. RICHARDS (Julian D.), 1806. RICHARDS (M. P.), 1022. RICHARDSON-HAY (Christine), 1911. RICHÉ (Pierre), 3170, 3299, 3324. Richelieu (Armand Jean du Plessis, duc de), 6270. RICHER (Nicolas), 1454. RICHTER (Melvin), 482. RICHTER (Michaela), 468, 482. RICO (Christophe), 1662. RICUPERATI (Giuseppe), 4868. RICUPERO (Rubens), 6758. RIDER (Catherine), 3032. RIDER (Jeff), 2686. RIDGWAY (Brunilde S.), 1807. RIDOLFI (Cosimo), 6321. RIEDEL (Manfred), 3894. RIEDER (Paula M.), 3450. RIEDI (Eliza MASON (Tony), 5796. RIEGEL (Martin), 4776. Riegl (Alois), 421, 459. RIEKEN (Elisabeth), 1262. RIELLO (Giorgio), 773. RIEMER (Ulrike), 2005. RIERA I SANS (Jaume), 2813. RIES (Julien), 819, 828, 921. RIESCO ROCHE (Sergio), 4429. RIETBERGEN (Peter), 4869. RIGANO (Gabriele), 4870. RIGAUDIÈRE (Albert), 2911. RIGGS (Christina), 1168. RIGGSBY (Andrew MacNaughton), 2006. RIGO (Antonio), 2503. RIGON (Antonio), 3385. RIHUETE (Cristina), 1036. RIIS (Thomas), 3722. RIIS LARSEN (Børge), 5109. RIME (Jacques), 3332. RIO (Alice), 2880. RIOTTE (Torsten), 6335. RIPAT (Pauline), 2007. RIQUELME CANTAL (José Antonio), 1000. RISCH (Roberto), 1036. RISDEN (Edward L.), 3132. RISHEL (Joseph J.), 782. RISPOLI (Gioia Maria), 1663. RITNER (Robert K.), 1169. RITSCHARD (Gilbert), 5585. RITTER (Gerhard A.), 3895, 5604. RITTER (Gretchen), 5917. RITZMAN (Rudolf Martin), 4377. Rivadavia (Bernardino), 3547.
RIVES (James B.), 2068. RIVIALE (Philippe), 3814. RIX (Helmut), 2137. RIZZO (Silvia), 3116. RIZZOTTO (Mirko), 1889. ROBBIANO (Chiara), 1727. ROBBIATI BIANCHI (Adele), 4102. ROBERG (Francesco), 2631. ROBERT (Guillaume), 575. Robert D'Arbrissel, 3329. ROBERTS (David Andrew), 7122. ROBERTS (David D.), 3519. ROBERTS (Geoffrey), 6700. ROBERTS (Richard L.), 6168. ROBERTSON (Kellie), 2881. ROBERTSON (Ritchie), 5136. ROBIN HIVERT (Emilia), 6813. ROBINSON (Barry), 6236. ROBINSON (James A.), 616. ROBINSON (Michael F.), 207. ROBINSON-DUNN (Diane Liga), 6104. ROBL (Stefanie), 3722. ROBLES MUÑOZ (Cristóbal), 6365. ROBSON (Michael, O.F.M. Conv.), 3357. ROCA (René), 4475. ROCCA (Julius), 4927. ROCCHI (Fernando), 5423. ROCCHI (Maria), 907. ROCHA (Aurélio), 4198. ROCHAIS (Henri), 3392. ROCHE (Paul A.), 2008. Rockfeller (Nelson A.), 4818. RODDAZ (Jean-Michel), 2025. RÖDDER (Andreas), 3520. RODEN (Eva), 5294. RODGER (N. A. M.), 3980. RODRíGUEZ (Celso), 2258. RODRIGUE (Louise), 1728. RODRIGUES (Luís Nuno), 6065. RODRIGUES (Paulo Miguel), 6366. RODRÍGUEZ (Celso), 3559. RODRÍGUEZ (David), 1058. RODRÍGUEZ (Julia), 5110. RODRÍGUEZ (Romero Jorge), 4598. RODRÍGUEZ BARREIRA (Oscar J.), 5605. RODRÍGUEZ DE LA TORRE (Fernando), 539. RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA (Magaly), 5874, 5882. RODRÍGUEZ GAYTÁN DE AYALA (Ana), 4263. RODRÍGUEZ O. (Jaime E.), 3733. RODRIGUEZ TOMÉ (Denyse), 5797. RODRÍGUEZ-CADEROT (Gracia), 983. ROESLER (Jörg), 5359. ROGERS (Guy M.), 1351. ROGERS (Pat), 4999.
INDEX OF NAMES ROGERSON (John W.), 2389. ROGGE (Jörg), 683. ROGGERO (Marina), 74. ROGINSKIJ (Vadim), 6426. ROGKOTIS (Z.), 1664. ROHRBACHER (David Scott), 1860. ROHRER (Christian), 4250. ROIK (Michael), 3896. ROISMAN (Hanna), 1665. ROISMAN (Joseph), 1455. ROJAS (Beatriz), 4164. ROJO-GUERRA (Manuel A.), 1046. ROLDÁN HERVÁS (José Manuel), 566. ROLF (Malte), 4328. ROLFSON (Helen), 3278. ROLIēSKI (Adam), 4231. ROLLAND (Denis), 3813. ROLLAND CALVO (Jorge), 981. ROLLER (Matthew Benedict), 2138. ROLLINGER (Robert), 1063, 1229, 2109. ROMAGUERA I RAMIÓ (Joaquim), 5295. ROMAN (Luke), 2207. Roman (Petre), 4286. ROMANO (Antonella), 4860. ROMANO (Serena), 3214. ROMANO (Sergio), 4628. ROMANOVA (Irina V.), 4971. Romeo (Rosario), 422. ROMERI (Luciana), 1729. ROMERO (Federico), 478, 6060. ROMIZZI (Lucia), 2295. ROMMELSE (Gijs), 6296. ROMSICS (Ignác), 6701. Romulus Augustulus, Roman emperor, 1998. RONCAGLIA (Alessandro), 5360. RONCALLI (Angelo G.), 4665. RONCHEY (Silvia), 2543. RONDOLINO (Gianni), 5296. RONNING (Christian), 2011. ROOMS (Etienne), 3584. ROOS (Dorothea), 1116. ROOS (Lena), 2814. ROOSA (John), 4044. ROOSEVELT (Christopher H.), 1117. Roosevelt (Franklin Delano), 6511, 6554. Roosevelt (Theodore), 6345. ROPER (Lyndal), 680. ROPER (Michael), 2645. Rosas (Juan Manuel de), 3548, 3549. ROSCHER (Stephan), 4928. ROSE (Maurice E.), 2319. ROSE (Pamela), 1170. ROSE (Sonya O.), 4838. ROSEN (Klaus), 2463.
ROSENBECK (Bente), 5759. ROSENBERG (Charles E.), 5091. ROSENBERG (Jonathan), 4573. ROSENBERGER (Veit), 1523. ROSENDORF (Neal Moses), 6702. ROSENKRANZ (Claus), 5023. ROSENSTEIN (Nathan), 561. ROSENSTONE (Robert A.), 5297. ROSENTAL (Paul-André), 714. ROSENTHAL (Joel Thomas), 2963. ROSENWEIN (Barbara), 3034. ROSONI (Isabella), 6187. ROSS (Corey), 3897, 5298. ROSS (Robert S.), 6639. ROSS (Stewart Halsey), 6554. ROSSBACH (Nikola), 5299. RÖSSEL (Uta), 3839. ROSSI (Christian), 6814. ROSSI (Paolo), 771. ROSSO (Emmanuelle), 2296. ROTAR (Marius), 5586. ROTHBLATT (Sheldon), 4911. Rothe (Johannes), 3092. ROTHERMUND (Dietmar), 601. ROTROFF (Susan I.), 1524, 1808. Rotschild (Nathan Mayer), 100. ROTTA (Salvatore), 5044. ROTTOLI (Mauro), 1011. ROTUNDO (Donatella), 431. ROUALT (Olivier), 1110. ROUBERT (Paul-Louis), 5300. ROUCHE (Michel), 2852. Roupnel (Gaston), 5120. ROUSSEAU (Jean-Jacques), 98, 5046. ROUSSEL (Claude), 3100. Roussel (Nelly), 5610. ROVINELLO (Marco), 5798. ROVIRA (Rogelio), 5039. ROWE (Christopher Kavin), 2464. ROWELL (Jay), 3898. ROWIēSKI (Jan), 6698. ROWLAND (Joanne), 1170. ROY (Joaquín), 602. ROZMAN (Gilbert), 7103. RUBACHA (Jarosáaw), 6367. RUBAT BOREL (Francesco), 1047. RUBENSTEIN (Jay), 3171. RUBERTO (Antonella), 1326. RUBÍ I CASALS (Maria Gemma), 4431. RUBIÉS (Joan Pau), 521. RUBIN (Hyman III), 4574. RUBIN (Rachel), 4571. RUBINICH (Marina), 1809. RUBINO (Margherita), 1901. RUBINSTEIN (David), 3981. RUBINSTEIN (William D.), 430. RUBIO ORECILLA (Francisco J.), 1075. RUBIO SEMPER (Agustín), 2648.
349 RUCHNIEWICZ (Krzysztof), 6735. RÜCKERT (Peter), 2891. RUCQUOI (Adeline), 2951. RUDHARDT (Jean), 829. RUDOLPH (Conrad), 787. RUEDA LAFFOND (José Carlos), 5301. RUFFING (Kai), 1399. RUGGERI (Giuseppe), 863. RUGGERI (Paola), 1928. RUGGIU (François-Joseph), 522, 706. RUHL (Kathrin), 3982. RUIZ DE GORDEJUELA URQUIJO (Jesús), 4184. RUIZ JIMÉNEZ (Laura), 3557. RUIZ RODRÍGUEZ (Leticia M.), 3639. RULE (John), 5799. RUMSCHEID (Frank), 1099. RUNDE (Ingo), 165. RUNIA (Eelco), 82, 452. RÜPKE (Jörg), 83, 2069, 2244, 2252. RUPPRECHT (Hans-Albert), 1171. RUSAN WILSON (Francille), 4929. RUSBROCHIUS (Joannis), 3278. RUSCONI (Gian Enrico), 3514. RUSCONI (Roberto), 259, 863. RUSJAEVA (A.S.), 1362. RUSSELL (Camilla), 4697. RUSSO (Luigi), 398. RUSTEMEYER (Angela), 4329. RUSTEN (Jeffrey S.), 1666. RUST-SCHMÖLE (Gisela), 5608. RUTHERFORD (Donald), 944. RÜTTIMANN (Karl-Heinz), 540. RUTZ (Andreas), 4972. RUUTU (Katja), 4330. RģŽKOVÁ (JiĜina), 584. RYAN (Mary P.), 715. RYAN (Pascale), 3632. RYAN (Salvador), 3180. RYAN (W. F.), 763. RYBA (Bohumil), 3247. RYCHLÍK (Jan), 3708, 6383, 6612, 6815. RYCROFT (Daniel J.), 6234. RYCZKOWSKA (Grazyna), 5585, 5800. RYGIEL (Philippe), 716. RYHOLT (Kim), 1076, 1157. RYMPH (Catherine E.), 4575. RYRIE (Alec), 4777. Rzepiela (Michaá), 1882. S Sa'Ưd ibn Taimnjr, Sultan of Muscat and Oman, 4212. SAAVEDRA-GUERRERO (Daría), 2012.
350 SABLINA (Eleonora B.), 4727. SABORIDO (Jorge), 3558. SABRA (Adam), 7112. Sacchetti (Giulio), 4669. SACCHI (Guido), 5151. SACCHI (Osvaldo), 2070. SACCO (Leonardo), 922. ŠACH (Jan), 3688. SACHS (Aaron), 208. SACHS (Gerd), 1525. SACHSE (Christian), 5111. SADR (Hamid Reza), 5302. SAEED (Lubna Fatima), 6703. SAEKI (Arikiyo), 7083. SAHADEVAN (P.), 4443. SAIBENE (Luigi), 812. SAID (Salim), 4046. SAIGNES (Thierry), 7119. SAINT-PIERRE (Catherine), 1526. SAITO (Seiji), 6368. SAITTA (Biagio), 3464. SAKELLARIU (Antonios E.), 1915. SAKEVICH (V.I.), 5593. SAKHAROVA (E.B.), 7082. SAKURAI (Yoshio), 7084. SAKURAI (Yumio), 6862. SALADINO (Vincenzo), 1492. SĂLĂGEAN (Tudor), 2724. SALAMUN (Kurt), 5036. Salazar (António de Oliveira), 4254, 4262, 6644, 6737. SALAZAR AVILÉS (Abraham), 6320. SALDANHA (António Vasconcelos de), 6369. SALDERN (Falko von), 1118. SALE (Giovanni), 4120. SALER (Michael), 523. SALERNO (Mariarosaria), 2952. SALIH (Sarah), 3370. Salimbene Parmensis, 2674. SALINERO (Gregorio), 5587. Salisbury (Robert Cecil, Marquess of), 6346. SALLABERGER (Walther), 1263. Sallustius Crispus (Gaius), 1906, 2195. SALMAN (Jeroen), 71. SALMERÓN SANGINÉS (Pedro), 4185. SALMON (Patrick), 6730, 6731. SALMON (Pierre), 2246. SALTZMAN (Lisa), 5182. SALUM-FLECHA (Antonio), 6370. SALUT (Samir), 5425. Salvadori (famiglia), 103. SALVATERRA (Carla), 1880. SALVATORE (Ricardo Donato), 6067. SALVEMINI (Biagio), 5449. SALVESTRINI (Francesco), 2703. SALVINI (Mirjo), 1230.
INDEX OF NAMES SALZMAN (Michele Renee), 2013. SAMANIEGO (Marco Antonio), 6450. SAMERSKI (Stefan), 4708. SAMPIETRO (Maria J.), 3154. SAMSON (Anne), 6188. SAN BERNARDINO CORONIL (Jesús), 832. SÁNCHEZ (Javier Pueyo), 5549. SÁNCHEZ GUDIÑO (Hugo), 4186. SÁNCHEZ MANZANO (Maria Asunción), 3249. SÁNCHEZ QUIÑONES (Julián), 2953. SÁNCHEZ ROMÁN (José Antonio), 5426. SÁNCHEZ ROMERO (Margarita), 1042. SÁNCHEZ SÁNCHEZ (Esther M.), 6816. SÁNCHEZ-BIOSCA (Vicente), 5303. SANCHIÑO MARTÍNEZ (Roberto), 902. Sancho IV, rey de Castilla y León, 2756. SAND (Christophe), 1048. SANDBERG (Siv), 4458. SANDBROOK (Dominic), 3983. SANDE (Manuel Fernández), 5304. SANDELIN BENKÖ (Singa), 5731. SANDERS (James), 4383. SANDRIER (Alain), 5044. SANDVOSS (Hans-Rainer), 3899. SANG (Bing), 6959. SÄNGER (Dieter), 2457. SANGERMANO (Gerardo), 3271. SANGIRARDI (Giuseppe), 5152. SANNA (Guglielmo), 4873, 5000. SANO (Mitsuyoshi), 2141. SANSA (Renato), 5566. SANTAGATA (Marco), 3128. SANTAMARIA (Yves), 3815. SANTAMARINA NOVILLO (Carlos), 7120. SANTANA (Adalberto), 6328. SANTANA (Maria Olinda Rodrigues), 2642. SANTANGELO (Federico), 403. SANTAVIRTA (Nina), 5731. SANTI (Claudia), 923. SANTILLI (Daniel), 5498. SANTINI (Giovanni), 2071. SANTOMASSIMO (Gianpasquale), 4121. SANTORO L'HOIR (Francesca), 2208. SANTOS (Esteban), 1667. SANTOS DE AZEVEDO (Sônia Cristina), 3614. SANTOS PÉREZ (José Manuel), 6216.
SANTUCCI (Marco), 1360. SANZ (Benito), 4432. SANZ AYÁN (Carmen), 5521. SANZ FUENTES (María Josefa), 11. SANZ HOYA (Julián), 4433. SANZ SANCHO (Iluminado), 3451. SAPIRO (Gisèle), 5801, 5802. SAPRYKIN (S. Ju.), 1362. SARADI (Hélène), 2608. SARANTAKES (Nicholas Evan), 6590. SARANYANA (José Ignacio), 3323. SARAY (Mehmet), 4494. Sargon II, king of Assyria, 1203, 1216. Sarpi (Paolo), 4691, 4871. SARRIS (Jonathan Dean), 4576. SARRIS (Peter), 2609. SARTORI (Andrew), 3475. SARTORI (Antonio), 2247. SASAKI (Hiromitsu), 2954. SASAKI (Yuta), 3984. SASSE (Dirk), 4197. SASSO (Gennaro), 398, 416. SASU (Aurel), 976. SATIA (Priya), 6189. SATO (Hironobu), 7085. SATO (Hitomi), 3470. SATO (Noboru), 1119. SATO (Takeshi), 2793. SAUL (Norman E.), 6451. SAUL (Samir), 6817. Saul, king of Israel, 2465. Savage (family), 106. SAVAGE (Stephen H.), 1120. SAVERIANO (Marco), 4682. SAVITSKIJ (L.S.), 6845. Savonarola (Girolamo), 428, 2788, 3453, 4679. SAVORELLI (Alessandro), 942. SAVOY (Bénédicte), 284. SAVVIDES (Alexios G. C.), 2535, 2610. SAXON (Elizabeth), 3216. SAYAR (Mustafa Hamdi), 1112. SBRIZIOLO (I. Pia.), 3129. SCAFOGLIO (Giampiero), 1668, 1859. SCAGNO (Roberto), 812. SCAHILL (David), 1799. Scalfaro (Oscar Luigi), 4124. SCALIA (Giuseppe), 2982. SCANDALIATO (Angela), 2815. SCANLON (Larry), 3091. SCARROCCHIA (Sandro), 421. SCATENA (Silvia), 4671. SCATES (Bruce), 6452. SCATTERGOOD (Vincent John), 44. Scelba (Mario), 4124. SCHÄFER (Christian), 2493.
INDEX OF NAMES SCHABEL (Christopher David), 3260, 3282. SCHACH (Andreas), 208. SCHÄDLER (Ulrich), 1318. SCHAEFFER (Clemens), 1514. SCHAEFFER (Kurtis R.), 6954. SCHAEFFER CONROY (Mary), 5112. SCHÄFER (Michael), 5401. SCHAFFER (Martha Elizabeth), 3017. SCHAFFNER (Bradley L.), 56. SCHALLER (Andrea), 3217. SCHAMA (Simon), 6235. SCHAMP (Jacques), 2504, 2505. SCHARF (Gian Paolo G.), 2955. SCHARFF (Sebastian), 2289. SCHAUB (Andreas), 2708. SCHÄUFELE (Wolf-Friedrich), 3452. SCHAUFF (Frank), 4434. SCHAUS (Margaret), 729. SCHECK (Raffael), 6512. SCHEDEWIE (Franziska), 4331. SCHEFFLER (Tomasz), 3900. SCHEIBELREITER (Georg), 125. SCHEICH (Charlotta), 1810. SCHEID (John), 2072, 2248. Schenk von Stauffenberg (Alexander), Graf, 3894. Schenk von Stauffenberg (Berthold), Graf, 3894. Schenk von Stauffenberg, (Klaus Philipp), Graf, 3894. SCHENKER (David J.), 1730. SCHENTULEIT (Maren), 1172. SCHERER (Burkhard), 1669. SCHEUREN-BRANDES (Christoph M.), 5906. SCHEVARDO (Jennifer), 5803. SCHIAVO (Piero), 953. SCHIAVON (Jorge A.), 6025. SCHIBANOFF (Susan), 3131. SCHIEDT (Hans-Ulrich), 5427. SCHIEFFER (Rudolf), 22. SCHIESS (Traugott), 4731. SCHILDT (Gerhard), 5428. SCHILLER (Alex K.), 1456. SCHIMANOWSKI (Gottfried), 2142. SCHIMANY (Peter), 3570. SCHIMMELPENNINCK VAN DER OYE (David), 6372. SCHINDLING (Anton), 4925. SCHIPPER (Bernd U.), 399. SCHIPPER (Friedrich), 1300. SCHIRMER (Uwe), 717. Schlafly (Phyllis), 5657. SCHLANGER (Nathan), 765. SCHLANGE-SCHÖNINGEN (Heinrich), 1824. Schlegel (Friedrich), 423. SCHLEGELMICH (Artur), 658.
Schleicher (Kurt von), 3907. SCHLEIFER (Wolfgang), 4435. SCHLESIER (Renate), 902. SCHLÖGEL (Karl), 6066. Schlözer (August Ludwig), 193. SCHMALZRIEDT (Siegfried), 5224. SCHMEITZNER (Mike), 3879, 6709. SCHMELZER (Menahem), 2816. Schmid (Alois), 3847. SCHMIDT (Anne), 3901. SCHMIDT (Brian B.), 1217. SCHMIDT (Christoph), 3902. SCHMIDT (Georg), 4846. SCHMIDT (Hans-Joachim), 185. SCHMIDT (Matthias), 5285. SCHMIDT (Ulrich), 2652. SCHMIDT (Wilhelm R.), 954. SCHMIDT-GLINTZER (Helwig), 3402. SCHMIDT-NOWARA (Christopher), 363. SCHMIEDL (Juraj), 694. Schmitt (Carl), 634. SCHMITT (Jean-Claude), 299. SCHMITT (Virginie), 5168. SCHMITT-PANTEL (Pauline), 1457. SCHMITZ (David F.), 6818. SCHMITZ (Winfried), 1527. SCHMITZER (Ulrich), 2324. SCHNABEL (Eckhard J.), 2371. SCHNAKENBOURG (Éric), 5001. SCHNAPP (Alain), 1670. SCHNAPPER (Dominique), 3816. SCHNEEWIND (Sarah), 4973. SCHNEGG (Kordula), 2109. SCHNEIDER (Helmuth), 548. SCHNEIDER (Horst), 2507. SCHNEIDER (Irene), 4053. SCHNEIDER (Pablo), 5196. SCHNEIDER (Thomas E.), 4577. SCHNEIDER (U.-J.), 4875. SCHNEIDMÜLLER (Bernd), 2734, 3026. SCHNETTGER (Matthias), 3500, 6253. SCHOENBRUN (David L.), 7114. SCHOENHALS (Michael), 6935. SCHOEP (Ilse), 1049. SCHOFIELD (Richard), 3201. SCHOFIELD (Sheridan), 5021. SCHOLEM (Gershom), 5047. SCHÖLLGEN (Gregor), 3851. SCHOLTYSECK (Joachim), 3920. SCHOLZ (Natalie), 3817. SCHOLZ (Sebastian), 3325. Schönberg (Arnold), 5231. SCHÖNPFLUG (Daniel), 414. SCHOONHOVEN (Astrid Vanessa), 2297. SCHOPEN (Armin), 45. Schopenhauer (Arthur), 5048, 5294.
351 SCHOR (Ralph), 6659. SCHORN-SCHÜTTE (Luise), 626, 3521. Schostakowitsch (Dimitri), 5252. SCHÖTTLER (Peter), 483. SCHRAG (Zachary M.), 5429. Schramm (Percy Ernst), 424. SCHREINER (Peter), 2543, 2605. SCHRIER (Omert J.), 1301. SCHRÖDER (Jan), 5907. SCHRÖDER (Stephen), 6373. SCHRÖDL (Markus), 2882. SCHROEDER (Caroline T.), 1173. SCHRUMPF (Stefan), 2143. SCHUBERT (Ernst), 2919, 3038. SCHÜLER (Winfried), 3903. SCHULIN (Ernst), 3842. SCHULLER (Florian), 3497. SCHULTE (Hendrich), 1409. SCHULTING (R. J.), 1022. SCHULTZ (Celia E.), 2245, 2249. SCHULTZ (James Alfred), 3039. SCHULTZ (Peter), 1799. SCHULTZ HANSEN (Hans), 3716. SCHULZ (Siegmund), 210. SCHULZE (Hagen), 4886, 6335. SCHULZE (Ingrid), 3218. SCHULZE (Reiner), 662. SCHULZ-GROBERT (Jürgen), 3095. SCHULZINGER (Robert D.), 556, 6819. SCHUMACHER (Leonhard), 2037, 2073. SCHUMACHER (Reto), 5804. Schuschnigg (Kurt), 3568. SCHUTTE (Christoph), 535. SCHÜTTE-MAISCHATZ (Anke), 1095. SCHVARC (Michal), 4357, 4368. SCHWAB (Orrin), 4578. SCHWABE (Klaus), 6068. SCHWARTZ (Glenn M.), 1231. SCHWARTZ (Shuly Rubin), 4798. SCHWARTZENBERG (RogerGérard), 3818. SCHWARZ (Gerda), 2274. SCHWARZ (Hans-Peter), 3836. Schwarzenberg (Felix), 3567. SCHWEBER (Libby), 5588. SCHWEIKER (William), 855. SCHWEITZER (Julia), 3155. SCHWEIZER (Karl W.), 3974, 6018. SCHWEMER (Daniel), 1264. SCHWENDEMANN (Heinrich), 6523. SCHWERENDT (Matthias), 5090. SCHWERTHEIM (Elmar), 2289. SCHWERTMANN (Malte), 5918. SCIALPI (Fabio), 924. SCOPPOLA (Pietro), 3578, 4120. SCORNAJENGHI (Antonio), 4122. SCOT (Marie), 242.
352 Scott (Dred), 5912, 5945. SCOTT (Hamish), 6315. SCOTT (Ian W.), 2466. SCOTT (Margaret), 32. SCOTT (Peter), 5430. SCOTT (Rebeca J.), 3681. Scott (Winfield), 6347. SCOTTI DOUGLAS (Vittorio), 6305. SCRAGG (Donald George), 2845. SCURTU (Georgiana Margareta), 6513. SDIZKOV (Denis), 4874. SEABROOKE (Leonard), 5550. SEAR (Frank), 2298. SEBAG-MONTEFIORE (Hugh), 6591. ŠEBEK (Jaroslav), 3709. SEBILLOTTE CUCHET (Violaine), 1361. SECONDO (Manuela), 1027. SECRETAN (Catherine), 410. SEDEYN (Olivier), 5047. ŠEDIVÝ (Ivan), 365. SEDLÁK (Petr), 4799. SEDLIAKOVÁ (Alžbeta), IX. SEDLMAIER (Alexander), 5478. SEDOV (Pavel V.), 4332. Sedulius, 1881. SEED (John), 5305. SEED (Patricia), 291, 488. SEEGERS (Lu), 5883. SEEKINS (Donald M.), 603. SEEMANN (Christoph), 3839. Seffner (Johann), 3092. SEGAL (Robert A.), 805, 905, 1769. SEGERS (Mathieu L.L.), 6704. SEGEŠ (Dušan), 6555. SEGURA MUNGUÍA (Santiago), 2074. SEIDEL MENCHI (Silvana), 5996. SEIDENGART (Jean), 5113. SEIDENSTICKER (Tildeman), 4523. SEIF EL-DIN (Mervat), 1174. SEIFTER (Pavel), 3518. SEIXAS (Paulo Castro), 4488. SELDERHUIS (Herman J.), 4778. Seleuco di Rhosos, 1115. SELF (Robert C.), 3985, 6556. SELIGMANN (Matthew S.), 6454. SELIMSKI (Ludwig), 173. SELLAM (Sadek), 3819. SELLIN (V.), 4933. SEMENOVA (Lidija E.), 604. Semiramide, 1225. SEMKOV (Milen), 6650. SÉNAC (Philippe), 2749. SENATORE (Felice), 2014. Seneca (Lucius Annaeus), 19071911, 2155, 2217, 2223, 22252227, 2344. SENELLE (Robert), 3587.
INDEX OF NAMES SENGER (Hans Gerhard), 3272. SENJAVSKAJA (Elena S.), 4333. SENNIS (Antonio), 3360. SENONER (Raimund), 2677. SENS (Alexander), 1613. SENZ (Ingomar), 4925. ŠEPETYS (Nerijus), 6557. Septimius Severus, Roman emperor, 2012, 2018. SERACINI (Maurizio), 5197. SERAPHIM (Franziska), 5805. SERAPIONOVA (Elena P.), 3710. ùERBAN (Stelu), 4285. SERDINI (Simone), 3050. SEREGINA (Anna Ju.), 3986. SERGEJCHIK (Sergej I.), 5806. SERIACOPI (Massimo), 3050. SERJEANTSON (Dale), 2995. SERPENTINI (Antoine Laurent), 571. SERRANO (Estrela), 4264. SERRANO BLANCO (Laura), 4698. SERRANO MARTÍN (Eliseo), Baroja (Julio Carlo), 390. SERVENTI (Silvia), 3394. SERVICE (Robert), 573. SERVÍN (Elisa), 4187. Servius Honoratus (Maurus), 2212. Seshen-Nefertem, 1132. SESMA MUÑOZ (Angel), 2668. Sestius (Publius), 1871. SETOBAYASHI (Masataka), 6960. SETTE (Alessandra Maria), 5261. SETTIA (Aldo A.), 2768, 3156. SETTIPANI (Christian), 2611. SETTIS (Salvatore), 1492. SEVERIN-BARBOUTIE (Bettina), 5919. SEVERINO (Valerio Salvatore), 925. SEWARD (Desmond), 3453. SEXTON (Jay), 6374. SEYDI (Süleyman), 6705. SEYDOUX (Pierre), 6322. SEYMOUR (Mark), 5807. Seyssel (Claude de), 2860. SEZGIN (Osman), 772. SFAMENI (Carla), 2320. SFAMENI-GASPARRO (Giulia), 927. Shakespeare (William), 964, 5142, 5148. SHALA (Xheladin), 6455. SHALEV (Donna), 1671, 1731. SHALOM (Zakai), 4075. SHANES (Eric), 5183. SHARMA (Jai Narain), 4039. SHARPE (Kevin), 1008. SHARPE (Richard), 2769. SHARPLES (Robert W.), 1732. SHATRI (Muhamet), 3531. SHATSILLO (Mikhail K.), 5557.
SHATSKOV (Andrew), 1265. SHAW (Christine), 6272. SHAW (James E.), 5361. SHAW (Stanford Jay), 6456. SHAW (Tony), 5306. SHCHEGLOV (Dmitriy), 1733. SHEA (Philip J.), 5431. SHEAHAN-BRIGHT (Robyn), 63. Shedsunefertem, Egyptian priest, 1154. SHEEHAN (James J.), 641. SHEEHAN (Jonathan), 524. SHEFFIELD (Frisbee C.C.), 1423. SHEININ (David M. K.), 6069. SHELMERDINE (Brian), 6514. SHELOKHAEV (Valentin V.), 4301. Shenoute, 1173. SHEPARD (Todd), 6190. SHEPHERD (John), 3987. SHEPHERD (Rupert), 784. SHEPPARD (Eugene R.), 5050. SHEPPARD (Stephan M.), 660. SHER (Richard B.), 5002. SHERRATT (Susan), 1380. SHESTAKOV (Vladimir A.), 5362. SHI (Chunfeng), 5003. SHIBATA (Michio), 3820. SHIBUSAWA (Naoko), 6706. SHIELDS (David Brandon), 6820. SHIFMAN (Il'ja Sh.), 1302. SHIKANOV (Vladimir N.), 2523. SHIMADA (Takau), 6251. SHIMADA (Yuriko), 6251. SHIMAZU (Naoko), 4133. SHIN (Gi-Wook), 4138. SHIN (Leo K.), 6961. SHINDLER (Colin), 4076. SHIPLEY (D. Graham J.), 1458, 1459. SHIRAISHI (Taichiro), 7088. Shiratori (Toshio), 4132. SHISHKIN (Mikhail P.), 4876. SHIVJI (Issa G.), 4487. SHMONIN (Dmitrij V.), 3280. SHORE (Marci), 5808. SHOVLIN (John), 3821. SHTERNSHIS (Anna), 4877. SHUGER (Debora), 174. SHUSTER (Richard J.), 6457. SHUVALOV (Petr V.), 2612. SHYAMLAL, 4036. SIBLOT (Yasmine), 5809. SICKERT (Ramona), 3361. SICKING (Louis), 6105. SIDER (David), 1672. SIDIBE (Doudou), 4344. Sidonius Apollinaris, 1912, 2205. Sidor (Karol), 4363. SIDOROV (Aleksandr I.), 366. SIEBEL (Walter), 718.
INDEX OF NAMES SIEBEL-ACHENBACH (Sebastian), 6707. SIEBERT (Gérard), 1773. Siebold (Philipp Franz von), 6363. SIEG (Kent), 6733. SIEGFRIED (Detlef), 3916, 5487. SIEGMUND (Stefanie B.), 4800. SIERRA MEJÍA (Rubén), 3660. SIEWERT (Peter), 1831. Sigismund III Vasa, kung av Polen och Sverige, 6273. Sigismund von Luxemburg, 2794. Signorello (Nicola), 4124. SIGRIST (Marcel), 1224. SIKORA (Stanislav), 4369. Silius Italicus (Tiberius Catius Asconius), 2161, 2167. SILLANO (Maria Teresa), 4109. SILTALA (Juha), 3486. SILVA (Armando Malheiro da), 4265. SILVA (Renán), 525. SILVER (Morris), 1486. SILVERBERG (Miriam), 4879. SILVERMAN (Víctor), 5884. Silvester II, Papa, 3324. SILVESTRINI (Achille), 4671, 6768. SILVESTRINI (Mara), 1001. Simbar-Šipak, king of Babylon, 1228. SIMEK (Rudolf), 605, 3267. Simenon (Georges), 5212. SIMON (Attila), 6689. SIMON (Dieter), 651. SIMON (Erika), 1841. SIMON (James F.), 5988. SIMÓN (José), 38. SIMON (Thomas), 661, 5892. SIMON (Ulrich), 2627. SIMONCELLI (Paolo), 4123. SIMONETTI (Manlio), 2321. SIMONI (Enrico), 541. Simonides, 1426, 1672. SIMONSEN (Jane E.), 5810. SIMONUTTI (Luisa), 229. SIMPSON (Alicia J.), 2613. SIMPSON (James), 3091. SIMSEK (Celal), 1121. SIMS-WILLIAMS (Patrick), 175. SINCLAIR (Georgina), 6106. SINCYR (Gilbert), 2322. SINEUX (Pierre), 1770. SINGER (Itamar), 1266. SINGER-AVITZ (Lily), 1288, 1303. SINGH (Madhulika), 4037. SINHA-KERKHOFF (Kathinka), 4801. SINISCALCO (Paolo), 928, 2338. SINYAI (Clayton), 4579. SIRAJ (Ahmed), 1928. SIRAT (Colette), 4, 23.
Siri (Giuseppe), 4674, 4683. SIRINELLI (Jean-François), 568. SIRRS (Owen L.), 6821. SIRVÉN (Pablo), 5316. SIVARAMAKRISHNAN (Kavita), 5114. SIVONEN (Pauli), 2075. SJÅVIK (Jan), 977. SJÖBLOM (Paul), 5811. SKAANING (Poul), 2846. SKAARUP (Bi), 5812. SKED (Alan), 6316. SKEMER (Don C.), 3042. SKÖLD (Peter), 5619. SKOROBOGATYKH (Natal'ja S.), 3564. SKOV (Andreas), 6613. ŠKRABAL (Josef), 584. ŠKRBIû ALEMPIJEVIû (Nevena), 3674. SKRYNNIKOVA (Tat'jana D.), 6844. SKRZHINSKAJA (Elena Ch.), 2614. Skubiszewski (Piotr), 3182. SKUPIENSKI (Krzysztof), 16. SLADE (Giles), 5115. SLAP (Andrew L.), 4581. Slávik (Juraj, pseudonym Neresnický), 4364. SLEMIAN (Andréa), 3615. SLEPYAN (Kenneth), 6614. SLOOTJES (Daniëlle), 2076. SMARCZYK (Bernhard), 1400. SMEND (Rudolf), 830. SMETANA (Vít), 3490. SMETHURST (James), 4571. SMIL (Vaclav), 5116. SMIRNOV (Dmitrij I.), 1460. SMIT (Herman), 4205. SMITH (Adam I. P.), 4582. Smith (Adam), 5376. SMITH (Angel), 4436. SMITH (Caroline), 2725. SMITH (Christopher John), 2144. SMITH (Gary Scott), 4583. SMITH (Gavin), 4421. SMITH (Gene A.), 6308. SMITH (Hannah), 3988. SMITH (Helaine L.), 1673. SMITH (Jay M.), 5680. SMITH (Jeremy), 3989. SMITH (Julia M. H.), 2726. SMITH (Justin E. H.), 5015. SMITH (Kirsten P.), 5669. SMITH (Michael Stephen), 5433. SMITH (Nadia Clare), 367. SMITH (Paul), 3822. SMITH (R. R. R.), 1122. SMITH (S. A.), 526. SMITH (Sean), 2188. SMITH (Simon C.), 4161, 6078. SMITH (Simon David), 107.
353 SMITH (T. O.), 6708. SMOJE (Dujka), 3232. SMOLÁRIKOVÁ (Kveta), 1175. SMOLENAARS (Johannes J. L.), 2172. SMYRLIS (Kostis), 2615. SMYRNELIS (Marie-Carmen), 5850. SMYTH (J. E.), 5307. SMYTH (William J.), 211. SNIGULA (Christopher), 4846. SNOEK (Jan), 933. SNOW (Dean R.), 1009. SNOW (Joseph Thomas), 3133. SNOWDEN (Frank M.), 5117. SNYDER (John L.), 3234. SO (Billy K. L.), 6879. SOARES (John A. jr.), 6347. SOARES (Mariza), 244. SOCHER (Abraham P.), 484. Socrates, 1698, 1714, 1725, 1726. SOERGEL (Philip M.), 3023. SOETANTO (Himawan), 4045. SOGNO (Cristiana), 2015. SOKOLOVSKAJA (O.V.), 6375. SOLCAN (ùarolta), 2958. SÖLCH (Brigitte), 283. SOLDANI (Simonetta), 418. SÖLDENWAGNER (Philippa), 6191. SOLER (Llorenç), 5295. SOLIN (Heikki), 2468. SÖLLNER (Alfons), 642. Solon, 1461, 1549. SOLÓRZANO (Juan Carlos), 6237. SOLÓRZANO TELECHEA (Jesús Ángel), 2981, 3465. SOLOVYOV (Sergey), 1113. SOàTYSIAK (Arkadiusz), 81. SOLYMLOSI (László), 24. SOMMA (Alessandro), 5898. SOMMAR (Mary E.), 2871. SOMMER (Andreas Urs), 5016. SOMMER (Stefan), 2016. SOMMER-MATHIS (Andrea), 4646. Sommervogel (Carlos), 252. SONG (Shiyun), 6962. SONNABEND (Holger), 1364. Sophocles, 1540, 1584, 1593, 1625, 1668. SORAINEN (Antu), 5851. Soranzo (Vittore), 4642. SORBA (Carlotta), 228. SORDA (Sara), 2100. SORDI (Marta), 2390. SORIA (Lucía), 1058. SORIA CASAVERDE (María Belén), 4227. SORIANO HERNÁNDEZ (Silvia), 4004. SORLIN (Pierre), 5239. Sorokina (Nina P.), 1362. SORREL (Christian), 6326.
354 SOSA DE LEÓN (Mireya), 6376. SOTTILI (Agostino), 4930. SOUCY (Dominique), 3682. SOUDAVAR (A.), 1327. SOUKUP (Pavel), 3266. SOUKUPOVÁ (Blanka), 4802. SOULIOTI (Stella), 3684. SOUPART (Sven), 6475. SOURNIA (Gérard), 168. ŠOUŠA (JiĜí), 5551. SOUSSLOFF (Catherine M.), 5205. SOUTHER (J. Mark), 5589. SOUTHERN (Pat), 2017, 2077. SOUTOU (Georges-Henri), 6430. SOWERBY (Tracey A.), 3990. SPADARO (Maria Dora), 2528. SPAHR (Thorsten), 542. SPALDING (Elizabeth Edwards), 6710. SPALINGER (Anthony), 1176. SPALLANZANI (Mariafranca), 230. SPANG (Christian), 6046. SPANNENBERGER (Norbert), 4656. Spartacus, 2031. SPATAFORA (Francesca), 1803. SPATHARAS (Dimos), 1363. SPÄTI (Christina), 4476. SPEAR (David S.), 3454. SPECKMAN GUERRA (Elisa), 5989, 5990. SPÉDER (Zsolt), 5609. Speer (Albert), 3853. SPEER (Andreas), 778. SPEHNJAK (Katarina), 6711. SPEIDEL (Michael P.), 1857. SPENCER (Mark G.), 4784. SPENSER (Daniela), 6025. SPERLICH (Peter W.), 3904. SPERLING (Walter), 1139. SPIECKERMANN (Hermann), 818. SPIELVOGEL (Jörg), 2018. SPIERENBURG (Pieter), 5787. SPIERLING (Volker), 5048. SPIERS (Edward M.), 6107. SPIESS (Karl-Heinz), 3008. ŠPIESZ (Štefan), 5345. SPILKER (Dirk), 3905. SPINAPOLICE (Enza), 1010. SPINELLI (Franco), 2959. SPINETO (Natale), 930. SPINOZA (Benedictus de), 425, 5049. SPONENBERG (Ashlie), 968. SPOONER (Kevin), 6732. SPOORENBERG (Thomas), 5804. Sprandel (Rolf), 3048. SPREE (Ulrike), 468. SPRENGER (Jakob), 3396. SPRINGER (Sabine), 5569. SPUFFORD (Peter), 2960. SPULBER (Nicolas), 5374.
INDEX OF NAMES SPURR (John), 3991. ST. CLAIR (William), 6192. ST. JOHN (Ronald Bruce), 607. STABLEFORD (Briand), 978. STACKMANN (Karl), 3223. STACY (N. E.), 2638. STADER (Ingo), 6474. Stadler (Friedrich), 84. STADTER (Philip A.), 1902. STAFFORD (Pauline), 2961. STAGG (J. C. A.), 6317. STAHL (Hans-Peter), 1674. Stalin (Iosif Visarionoviþ Džugašvili), 3575, 4308, 4315, 4317, 4324, 6587, 6700. STALLONE (Settimio), 6377, 6712. STAMMBERGER (Ralf M. W.), 3423. STAN (Ana-Maria), 6515. STANDISH (Peter), 557. STANċK (Tomáš), 3711. STÂNGACIU (Anca), 5364. STANGER-ROSS (Jordan), 5813. STANLEY (Brian), 808. STANLEY (John D.), 356. STANONIS (Anthony J.), 5814. STANSBURY-O'DONNELL (Mark D.), 1811. STANSFIELD (William D.), 761. Stapfer (Albert), 4471. STAPLES (Amy L. S.), 6713. STAPLETON (Timothy Joseph), 6458. STARK (Laura), 527. STARLING (Jessica), 821. STAROSEL'SKAJA (Natal'ja D.), 5815. STASZAK (Martin), 2469. Statius (Publius Papinius), 1913, 2184, 2193. STATLER (Kathryn C.), 6763. STÁTNÍK (Dalibor), 5816, 5885. STAUBER (Reinhard), 3841. STAUNTON (Michael), 3386. STAVRIANOPOULOU (Eftychia), 1359, 1487. STAWARZ (Andrzej), 6071. STEADMAN (Lyle B.), 909. STEALEY (John E. III), 6325. STEARS (Marc), 3992. STEBENNE (David L.), 4584. STEEL (Catherine E. W.), 2209. Steenberch (Martin), 258. ùtefan (al III-lea) cel Mare, domnitor al Moldovei, 2620. ùTEFAN (Ion), 4269. ùTEFĂNESCU (Atalia), 2098, 2263. ùTEFĂNESCU (Barbu), 721. STEFANETTI (Patrizia), 2230. ŠTEFÁNIK (Martin), 2770.
STEFANOU (Damaris), 2299. ŠTEFANOVIý (Milan), 4370. ŠTEFANSKÝ (Michal), 4370. STEIN (Detlef W.), 286. STEIN (Markus), 2250. STEIN (Peter), 1304. STEIN (Robert M.), 368. STEINACHER (Gerald), 6524. STEINBACH (Günther), 3574. STEINBACH (Matthias), 643. STEINER (André), 5370. STEINHART (Edward I.), 5817. STEINHAUSER (Kenneth B.), 2327. STEINHOFF (Judith B.), 3219. STEIN-HÖLKESKAMP (Elke), 1528, 1949. STEINMANN (Brigitte), 4201. STEINMETZ (Willibald), 468. STEINRÜCK (Martin), 1675, 1734. STEINWEIS (Alan E.), 4931. STELL (Philip Michael), 2655. STELLA (Massimo), 1735. STENDHAL, 5142. STENGER (Jan), 1676. Stennis (John Cornelius), 4541. ŠTċPÁNEK (Petr), 3712. STEPHAN (Alexander), 6618. STEPHENS (Elizabeth), 6646. STEPHENS (Laurence D.), 2166. STEPHENSON (Jill), 3906. STEPHENSON (Paul), 2617. Stepinac (Alojzije), 4685. STEPPER (Ruth), 2020. STERNHELL (Zeev), 644. Stesichorus, 1546. STETTNER (Peter), 5321. STEVENS (Rosemary A.), 5091. STEVENS (S.), 2262. STEVENSON (Charles A.), 4585. STEVENSON (Janet H.), 2643. STEVENSON (Michael D.), 6732. STEVENSON (Randall), 967. STEVNSBORG (Henrik), 3719. STEWART (Andrew), 1812. STEWART (John), 5818. STEWART BRAKEBILL (Tina), 5819. STIBBE (Matthew), 3518. STICHER (Claudia), 3423. STIEBER (Mary), 1401. STIEHLER-ALEGRIA (Gisela), 1232. STIERSTORFER (Klaus), 6113, 6144, 6203, 6243. STIFTER (Gerald), 3577. STILP (Florian), 1813. STIMATO (G.), 958. STIRLING (Lea Margaret), 2262. STIRPE (Paola), 1677. STOENESCU (Alex Mihai), 4286. STOK (Fabio), 2158. STOKLUND (Marie), 3035. STOL (Marten), 1226.
INDEX OF NAMES STOLBA (Vladimir F.), 1349. STOLLBERG-RILINGER (Barbara), 673. STOLLEIS (Michael), 661, 5892. STONE (David R.), 4334, 6558. STONE (Glyn), 6559. STONE (Gregory B.), 3281. STONE (Harriet Amy), 5206. STONES (Alison), 3225. STORBORG (Frede), 2646. STORCH (Tanya), 4718. STOREY (Robin Lindsay), 2661. STORRS (Christopher), 4437. STOUT (Daniel A.), 813. Strabo, 1570. STRACHAN (Hew), 6017. STRAND (Frederik), 6516. STRANG (G. Bruce), 6560. STRANGE (Carolyn), 486. STRANGE (James F.), 1305. STRASSER (Bruno J.), 5118. STRASSER (Jean-Yves), 1529. STRÄSSLE (Paul Meinrad), 2618. STRATTON (Suzanne L.), 782. STRAUS (Scott), 4341. STRAUSBERG (Michael), 933. STRAUSS (Leo), 5047, 5050. STRAWCWZYNSKI (Nina), 1814. STRAWN (Brent A.), 1217, 1233, 1237. STREICH (Gerhard), 2919. STREMMEL (Ralf), 5608. STRENGE (Irene), 3907. STRENSKI (Ivan), 831, 834. STRICKRODT (Silke), 6144. STRINER (Richard), 4586. STRIZEK (Helmut), 6193. STROHM (Christoph), 4778. STROHMEYER (Arno), 5920. Strother (David Hunter), 6325. STROUD (Ronald S.), 1385. STRUEVER (Nancy), 947. STRUVE (Tilman), 2771. STRZELECKI (Michaá), 4234. STUARD (Susan Mosher), 2962. STUART (Barbara), 1231. STUART (Robert), 3823. STÜCKELBERGER (Alfred), 1612. STUCKRAD (Kocku von), 806. STUDER IMMENHAUSER (Barbara), 3332. STUDEVENT-HICKMAN (Benjamin), 1192, 1234, 1235. Štúr (ďudovít), 4359. STURM (Fritz), 417. Sturmy (Robert), 2923. STUTZ (Rainer), 1306. STYAN (David), 6073. SUANCES MARCOS (Manuel), 5017. SUÁREZ (Victorio V.), 979.
SUÁREZ CORTINA (Manuel), 4438. SUÁREZ DE LA TORRE (Emilio), 1678. SUGIMORI (Reiko), 7090. SUGIYAMA (Shinya), 6134. SUGRUE (Thomas J.), 5584. Suharto, 4044. Sui Yangdi, Emperor of China, 6882. SUKIDI (Mulyadi), 931. ŠģLA (Jaroslav), 5551. SULAVIK (Andrew Thomas), 3242. Sulla Felix (Lucius Cornelius), 1966, 2151. SULLIVAN (Lawrence), 819. Sullivan (Richard E.), 3349. SULTANOV (Tursun I.), 6851. SUMMA (Daniela), 1402. SUMMERS (Carol), 6194. ŠUMRADA (Janez), 6310. SUN (Wenxue), 7025. SUN (Zhenping), 5991. SUNADA (Toru), 2022. SUNDBACK (Barbro), 3742. SUNDHAUSSEN (Holm), 3492. SUNDIN (Anders), 4457. SUNTRUP (Rudolf), 4947. SUNY (Ronald Grigor), 551. SUPPAN (Arnold), 6381. SURIANO (Juan), 3555. SURIKOV (Igor' E.), 1463. Surius (Laurentius), 3278. SURKIS (Judith), 5820. SUROVENKOV (Dmitrij I.), 369. SÜß (Winfried), 3867. SUSSMAN (Nathan), 5544. ŠUTAJ (Štefan), 4370. SUTCLIFFE (Anthony), 5311. SUTCLIFFE (Steven J.), 861. SUTER (Andreas), 4462. SUTHERLAND (Gillian), 108. SUTO (Yoshiyuki), 1464. SUZUKI (Akihito), 5119. SUZUKI (Hiroyuki), 2964. SUZUKI (Kenji), 4580. SUZUKI (Kosetsu), 6852. SVANSTRÖM (Yvonne), 5821. SVATOŠOVÁ (Hana), 5781. SVENSTRUP (Thyge), 389. SWAIN (Joseph Peter), 797. SWANN (C. P.), 1320. SWANSON (Robert Norman), 3446. SWAYD (Samy S.), 528. SWEET (Victoria), 3157. SWENSON-WRIGHT (John), 6681. SWIFT (L.A.), 1679. Symeon Logothetes, 2525. Symmachus (Quintus Aurelius), 2013, 2015, 2047. SYPECK (Jeff), 2750. SZALONTAI (Balazs), 6822.
355 SZÁRAZ (Peter), 5822. SZECHI (Daniel), 3993. SZEMINSKI (Jan), 487. SZEMKOVICS (LaurenĠiu ùtefan), 126. SZLANTA (Piotr), 6378. SZÖKE (Veronka), 2883. SZUMOWSKI (Tadeusz), 6735. SZUROMI (Szabolcs Anzelm), 2884. SZYMAēSKI (Jan), 6061. T TABBAGH (Vincent), 3300. Tabnit, king of Sidon, 1275. TABURET (Elisabeth), 3190. TACHIN (Agnès), 4880. Tacitus (Cornelius), 1944, 2186, 2208. TACKETT (Timothy), 808, 3824, 4827. TACOMA (Laurens Ernst), 2023. TÁCUNAN BONIFACIO (Santiago), 4228. TADEM (Teresa S. Encarnación), 4230. TADMOR (Naomi), 5823. TAEGER (Angela), 3825. TAEUBER (Hans), 1822. TAGGAR-COHEN (Ada), 1267. TAGLIAFERRI (Teodoro), 370. TAIVALSAARI (Eero), 774. TAJIMA (Isao), 7065. TAKADA (Ryota), 3455. TAKAMURA (Naosuke), 5365. TAKAMURA (Takeyuki), 6963. TAKAOGLU (Turan), 1023. TAKASE (Koichirou), 7091. TAKAYAMA (Hiroshi), 2772, 4633. TAKEUCHI (Kozen), 7092. TAL (David), 6714. TALAMO (Clara), 1530. TALBERT (Richard J. A.), 1934. TALBOT (Charles H.), 3392. TALBOT (Cynthia), 6855. TALEB-BENDIAB (Abderrahim), 580. TALEGHANI (Mahmoud), 182. TALIADOROS (Jason), 2885. Talleyrand Périgord (Charles Maurice), 6316. TALMATCHI (Gabriel), 2300. TALONEN (Jyrki), 5824. TALOù (Dan), 4268. TAMARKINA (Irina), 2619. TAMBRUN (Brigitte), 2499. TANABE (Akihide), 5992. TANABE (Akio), 6863. TANAKA (Takuji), 3522. TĂNASE (Stelian), 4287. Taney (Roger Brooke), 5988.
356 TANG (Qihua), 6459. TANIMOTO (Masayuki), 5424. TANKARD (Danae), 3923. TANNER (Duncan), 3939. TANTLEVSKIJ (Igor' R.), 1302. TANWAR (Raghuvendra), 4038. TAO (Feiya), 6987. TAOUTEL (Christian), 180. TARANTINI (Arcangelo), 2210. ğĂRANU (Liviu), 4270. TARDAN-MASQUELIER (Ysé), 916. TARJAMO (Kerttu), 3505. TARNOWSKI (Andrea), 3016. Tarouca (João Gomes da Silva, conde de), 6286. TARRAGÓ (Rafael Emilio), 496. TARTARON (Thomas F.), 1050. TASCHKA (Sylvia), 6561. TASCHLER (Daniela), 6727. TASLITZ (Andrew E.), 5993. TASSANI (Giovanni), 4124. Tasso (Torquato), 5207. TATARINTSEVA (Margarita P.), 529. TATTARA (Giuseppe), 5357. TAUBER (Eliezer), 3738. TAUBER (Joachim), 6007. TAUSEND (Klaus), 1123, 1465. TAUSEND (Sabine), 1123. TAVARES (Conceição), 5055. TAVERNIER (Jan), 1236. TAVORMINA (Mary Teresa), 3041. TAYLOR (Eric Robert), 6195. TAYLOR (Lewis), 4229. TAYLOR (Marcus), 3645. TAYLOR (Robert Joseph), 4527. TAYLOR (Ruth), 985. TAYLOR HANSEN (Lawrence Douglas), 4189. TCACH ABAD (César), 3559. TEAFORD (Jon C.), 5590. TEBES (Juan Manuel), 1307. TEGETHOFF (Wolf), 796. Teissier (Henri), 4681. TEITELBAUM (Vanesa E.), 5994. TEIXEIRA (Nuno Severiano), 6737. TEJA (Ramón), 3351. TELLEGEN-COUPERUS (Olga), 2078. TÉLLEZ ALARCIA (Diego), 6238. TEMPLETON (Malcolm), 6647. TÉNÉ-KOYZOA (Auguste), 5366. TENNSTEDT (Florian), 5608. TENORIO TRILLO (Mauricio), 4190. TEOTEOI (Tudor), 2620, 2886. TEPPER (Yotam), 1289. TERASAKI (Yasuhiro), 7093. Terentius Afer (Publius), 1914, 1915, 2170. TERESHCHENKO (Alexey), 6276. TERHOEVEN (Petra), 371. TERIO (Simonetta), 2251.
INDEX OF NAMES TERRAL (Jean-Frédéric), 1163. TERRAZAS Y BASANTE (María Marcela), 6006. Tertullianus (Quintus Septimius Florens), 2356, 2459. TERWEY (Andreas), 490. TERWEY (Susanne), 3523. TETER (Magda), 4803. TEUNIS (Henk), 2966. THAISY (Laurence), 5312. THAKUR (Bharti), 4039. THAMM (Imke), 5552. THANE (Pat), 5638. THAPAR-BJÖRKERT (Suruchi), 4040. THAREANI-SUSSELY (Yifat), 1297. Thecla, Sancta, 2392, 2484. THEINRED OF DOVER, 3234. Themistocles, 1684, 1688, 1875. THEOBALD (Christoph), 4666. Theocritus, 1681. Theodora, Byzantine empress, 2563. Theodoretus Cyrrhensis, episcopus, 2382. Theodorus Metochites, 2551. Theodorus Mopsuestenus, 2383. Theodorus Scutariotes, 2526. Theodorus Studita, Sanctus, 2527. Theodosius I (Flavius), Roman emperor, 1939. Theodosius II, Roman emperor, 1994. Theophanes Hermopolitanus, 1105, 1916. Theophanes Homologetes, 2581. Theophrastus, 1477. Thephylactus, archbishop of Ochrida, 2528. THER (Philipp), 5313. THIAUDIÈRE (Cyril), 1177. THIBAUD (Clément), 6233, 6239. THIESSEN-REILY (Heather), 3593. THIMME (David), 424. THIVEND (Marianne), 4974. THOFNER (Margit), 4779. THOM (Catherine), 3362. THOMAS (Avril), 212. THOMAS (Christine J.), 1736. THOMAS (Joël), 2253. THOMAS (Lynn M.), 5825. THOMAS (Mark), 695. THOMAS (Martin), 6460. THOMAS (Martyn), 2413. THOMAS (Oliver), 1403. Thomas Aquinas, Sanctus, 2459, 3258, 3265, 3268, 3269, 3274, 3275. THOMAS SPALATENSIS, 3306. Thomas-Caraman (Frédéric), 6131. THOMASSET (Claude), 5080.
THOMMEN (Lukas), 1347, 1439, 1771. THOMPSON (Andrew), 6297. THOMPSON (Charles Allen), 4384. THOMPSON (Christopher S.), 5826. THOMPSON (Dorothy J.), 1131, 1488. THOMPSON (Kathleen), VI. THOMPSON (Kristin), 1178. THOMPSON (Susan D.), 8. THOMSON (Erik), 6254. THOMSON (Rodney Malcolm), 3172. THOMSON DE GRUMMOND (Nancy), 1841, 1843. THOR (Malin), 475. THORNHILL (Michael T.), 6715. THORNTON (Barbara), 3223. THORNTON (John K.), 3665. THORN-WICKERT (Lydia), 2510, 2621. THORPE (Andrew), 6615. THORPE (Charles), 5121. THORPE (Wayne), 5886. THORSELL (Staffan), 6562. Thrasybulus, 1875. Thucydides, 426, 1400, 1433, 1452, 1453, 1473, 1531, 1632, 1641, 1643, 1660, 1661, 1664, 1674, 1754. THUM (Gregor), 4883. THUM (Veronika), 231. THUNØ (Erik), 3191. THÜR (Gerhard), 1489. THURMOND (David L.), 2145. THURNER (Paul W.), 5921. Tiberius Claudius Nero, Roman emperor, 1990. Tibullus (Albius), 1917, 2190, 2213. TICCHI (Jean-Marc), 4664. TIJANI (Hakeem Ibikunle), 4209. TILL (Geoffrey), 3940. TILLY (Stephanie), 5434. TILMAN (Samuel), 5553. TIMM (Frederike), 3456. Timotheus, 2372. TIMOTHY (Dallen J.), 935. TIMPE (Dieter), 2146. TINGLE (Elizabeth), 3826. ğIPLIC (Ioan Marian), 3158. TIREFORT (Alain), 4157, 6041. TISCHER (Ute), 2212. TISNÉRAT-LABORDE (Nadine), 1048. Tito (Josip Broz), 3674, 4347. Titus, 2372. Tiye, queen of Egypt, 1137. TKACHEV (Vasilij V.), 1024. TOCCI (Mirella), 674. TOCCI (Raimondo), 2526.
INDEX OF NAMES TOCK (Benoît-Michel), 3317. Tocqueville (Alexis de), 621, 5051. TODA (Satoshi), 1179. TODE (Sven), 626. TODOROVA (Maria N.), 372, 5591. TOFT (Monica Duffy), 6039. TOGNETTI (Sergio), 2933. TOGOEVA (Ol'ga I.), 2888. Tokugawa (family), 7055. TOLEDO (Paulino), 5147. TOLIC (Ines), 5314. TOLLET (Daniel), 4791. TOMAIM (Cássio dos Santos), 3616. TOMASEK (Tomas), 3080. TOMASSINI (Cecilia), 5572. TOMBEUR (Paul), 3245, 3246, 3286, 3406, 3407, 3408. TOMMASI MORESCHINI (Chiara O.), 934. TOMMILA (Päiviö), 4926. TOMOFF (Kiril), 5315. TOMS (Steven), 5537. TONDEL (Janusz), 76. TONE (John Lawrence), 3683. TONEZZER (Elena), 3566. Tongzhi (Emperor), 6956. TONINELLI (Pier Angelo), 723. TONIOLO (Gianni), 700, 724, 5357. TONNERRE (Noël-Yves), 2718. TÖNSMEYER (Tatjana), 5606. TOOMASPOEG (Kristjan), 3338. TOOZE (Adam), 5367. TOPALOV (Christian), 405. TOPIK (Steven), 719. TOPINKA (JiĜí), 5517. TOPMILLER (Robert J.), 4612. TORGERSON (Tobias Peter), 1737. TORGET (Andrew J.), 4535. TORNATORE (Jean-Louis), 530. TORO BLANCO (Pablo), 3640. TÖRÖK (Ladislaus), 3089. Torrente (Mariano), 6323. TORRES (Alicia), 5143. TORRES GUERRA (José B.), 1680. TORRINI (Maurizio), 5122. TORTAROLO (Edoardo), 493. TORTIKA (Aleksandr A.), 2751. TORTORELLI (Gianfranco), 55. TORTORELLI (Raffaela), 3296. TOSETTI (Giovanni), 1772. TOTARO (Piero), 1410. TÓTH (Endre), 2301. TOTH (Stephen A.), 6245. TOTHILL (David), 6716. TOUREILLE (Valérie), 2967. TOURNAVITOU (Iphiyenia), 1381. TOURNÈS (Ludovic), 5368. TOUWAIDE (Alain), 3159. TOVÍAS (Blanca), 6227. TOWLE (Philip), 6074.
TOWNER (Philip H.), 2372. TOWNSEND (Camilla), 4191. TOYOOKA (Yasufumi), 6964. Toyotomi (Hideyoshi), 7080. TRACEY (Gerard), 4652. TRACHSEL (Alexandra), 1681. Traianus Germanicus Dacicus (Marcus Ulpius), Roman emperor, 1858, 1902, 1959, 2008, 2142, 2269. TRAINA (Alfonso), 396. TRAINA (Giusto), 2021, 2147. TRAINOR (Luke), 5004. TRAKULHUN (Sven), 6277. Tramontana (Salvatore), 3464. TRAN (Nicolas), 2079. TRANFAGLIA (Nicola), 3590, 4091. TRAPL (Miloš), 4700. TRAùCĂ (Ottmar), 6478. TRASLOSHEROS H. (Jorge E.), 5995. TRAVAINI (Lucia), 144. TRAVERSO (Enzo), 645. TREADWELL (Victor), 4056. TREFFLER (Guido), 4637. TREGIDGA (Garry), 3924. TREMP (Kathrin Utz), 3418. TRENTMANN (Frank), 745. TRÉVISI (Marion), 5827. TREVISIOL (Oliver), 5828. TRIAU (Christophe), 5228. TRIFONE (Pietro), 163, 176. TRIM (David J. B.), 730, 4770. TRINCHESE (Stefano), 3578. TRINKL (Elisabeth), 1822. TRISTANO (Caterina), 34. TRITTEL (Christina), 3908. TROELTSCH (Ernst), 490. TROILO (Simonetta), 228. TRONCARELLI (Fabio), 3449. TRONCOTĂ (Cristian), 4288. TRONCOTĂ (Tiberiu), 4289. TRUETT (Samuel), 5829. TRUFFER (Bernard), 3332. Trujillo Molina (Rafael Leónidas), 3729. Truman (Harry S.), 5495, 6671, 6710. TRUSCHNEGG (Brigitte), 1063. TSAKMAKIS (Antonios), 426, 1531. TSANG (Steve Yui-Sang), 6717. TSATSAKI (N.), 1394. TSCHEGG (Kurt), 3579. TSETSKHLADZE (Gocha R.), 1441. TSIGARIDA (Bettina), 1815. TSIGARIDA (Isabella), 1467. TSIRKIN (Julij B.), 2026, 2326. TSUJIMOTO (Satoshi), 3994. TSUKADA (Takashi), 7070, 7094. TUBACH (Jürgen), 1308. TUCCI (Pier Luigi), 2302.
357 TUCK (Anthony), 1682. TUCK (Michael W.), 7115. TUCKER (Ernest S.), 4054. TUCKER (Penny), 5942. TUDDA (Chris), 6648. TUDOR (Adrian), 3077. TUDOR-PAVELESCU (Alina), 4267. ğUGUI (Pavel), 4275. TUILIER (André), 4915. TUKKER (Willem Bastiaan), 2080. TULLY (James), 640. TULLY (John), 1532. TģMA (OldĜich), 6002, 6406. TUNA (Ali), 4494. TUOMI (Timo), 5599. TURCAN (Robert), 2470. TURCHETTI (Mario), 647. TURCHINI (Angelo), 4079. TURI (Gabriele), 610, 5030. ğURLEA (Petre), 4290. TURNER (Sam), 3468. TURNOCK (David), 5369. TURPIN (Frédéric), 3782. TUSA (Sebastiano), 1027. TUSELL (Javier), 6563. TVOROGOV (Oleg V.), 2687. TWEED (Thomas), 835. TWIGGER (Emma), 2276. TYBOUT (Rolf A.), 1385. TYERMAN (Christopher), 2729. TYLER (Elizabeth M.), 2683. TYSSENS (Madeleine), 3126. Tyutchev (Fedor Ivanovich), 5162. TZOREF-ASHKENAZI (Chen), 423. TZOUNAKAS (Spyridon), 2213. U UCELLI GNESUTTA (Paola), 1011. UCHIDA (Jun), 6461. UDOH (Fabian E.), 2081. UEBERSCHÄR (Gerd R.), 3909. UEDA (Hiroyuki), 6965. UEHARA (Makoto), 7088. UEHLINGER (Cristoph), 837, 936. UEKÖTTER (Frank), 5123. UGNIEWSKI (Piotr), 6298. UGOLINI (Laura), 5452. ULANOVSKY (Carlos), 5316. ULBERT (Jörg), 6250. ULF (Christoph), 2109. ULJAS (Sami), 1180. ULLERN-WEITÉ (Isabelle), 912. ULLGREN (Peter), 6281. ULLMANN (Manfred), 177. ULLMANN (Paul), 6824. ULLMANN-MARGALIT (Edna), 1309. ULRICH (Eugene), 2379. Ulrich III, von Spanheim, 2763. UMAR (Muhammad Sani), 6197. UMBACH (Kai), 5435. UMEMURA (Takashi), 7095.
358 UNDERWOOD (James Lowell), 4680. UNGERN-STERNBERG (Jürgen von), 2027. UNGLAUB (Jonathan), 5207. UNTERBURGER (Klaus), 4638, 6278. ÜNVER (Cennet), 4506. URAL BRUCE (Susannah), 4587. URBACH (Stephanie), 6728. URBAN (William L.), 2968. URBANITSCH (Peter), 4017. Urbanus VIII, Papa, 4869. URE (John), 3457. URSASKI (Frank), 937. USHAKOVA (N.A.), 6829. USPENSKIJ (Fedor B.), 2711. USUKI (Isao), 7056. USUNÁRIZ GARAYOA (Jesús María), 6255. UTZ TREMP (Kathrin), 3332. UYAMA (Tomohiko), 6847, 6853. UZHENTSEV (Vladislav B.), 1468. V Vacarius, Magister, 2885. VÁCHA (Dalibor), 3713. VAGLIO (Mariangela), 1683. VAICBOURDT (Nicolas), 6719. VAÏSSE (Maurice), 6729, 6757, 6825. VAIVADA (Vacys), 6007. VALDIVIA ORTIZ DE ZÁRATE (Verónica), 3646. VALE (Teresa Leonor M.), 6282. VALENSI (Lucette), 4492. VALENTI (Catherine), 375. VALENTINITSCH (Tatjana), I. VALÉRIAN (Dominique), 2969. Valerius Flaccus Setinus Balbus (Gaius), 2193. VALETTE (Jacques), 6720. VAL-FLORES (Gustavo Silva), 6136. VALGE (Jaak), 5371. VALLA (Jean-Claude), 3827. VALLADARES (Lícia), 5831. VALLADAS (Hélène), 1048. VALLAUD (Charles), 180. VALLECALLE (Jean-Claude), 3137. VALLEJOS (Julio Pinto), 5888. VALLIN (Jacques), 5849. VAN BELLE (G.), 799. VAN BRUINESSEN (Martin), 3503. VAN DAM (Harm-Jan), 2172. VAN DASSOW (Eva), 1181, 1237. VAN DE KERKHOF (Stafanie), 5436. VAN DE LOO (Tom), 3065. VAN DE VELDE (Edgard), 3587. VAN DE WAL (Hans), 4780. VAN DELFT (Marieke T. G. E.), 71.
INDEX OF NAMES VAN DEN HEUVEL (Christine), 2919. VAN DEN HOUT (Theo), 1259. VAN DER HORST (Pieter Willem), 2471. VAN DER LINDEN (W. H.), 6462. VAN DER PLICHT (Hans), 992. VAN DER VLEUTEN (Erik), 5352. VAN DER WATT (Jan Gabriël), 2434. VAN DIJK (Mathilde), 3373. VAN DOMMELEN (Peter), 1310. VAN EENOO (Romain), II. VAN EIJNATTEN (Joris), 4897. VAN GELDER (Leslie), 1008. VAN GELDEREN (Martin), 4846. VAN GOETHEM (Geert), 5889. VAN HEMELRYCK (Tania), 30. VAN HOOREBEECK (Céline), 30. VAN ITTERSUM (Martine Julia), 6003. VAN KOPPEN (Frans), 1237, 1238. VAN LIEBURG (Fred), 4747. VAN MIEGROET (Hans J.), 5204. VAN NIEROP (Henk), 5830. VAN RIET (Simone), 3239. VAN VOORHIS (Julie), 1122. VAN WIELE (Jan), 491. VAN YOUNG (Eric), 4192. VANDENDRIESSCHE (Sarah), 2214. VANDERVORT (Bruce), 3633. VANDEWALLE (Dirk J.), 4146. VANċK (Miroslav), 3703. VANHAEGENDOREN (Koen), 2472. VANHAELEMEERSCH (Philip), 4887. VANIN (Jurij V.), 6721. VANNUCCHI (Elena), 2848. VANOLI (Alessandro), 4634. VAR'JASH (Ol'ga I.), 2889. VÁRADY (László), 777. VARANINI (Gian Maria), 2660. Varchi (Benedetto), 4835. VAREA (Fernando G.), 5317. Vargas (Getúlio), 3602, 3607, 3617. VARINLIOGLU (Ender), 1404. Varkhuman, 1319. VARNEDOE (Kirk), 5208. Varro (Marcus Terentius), 1918. VARSORI (Antonio), 6060. VARVARO (Alberto), 160. VARVARO (Paolo), 4125. VASHCHEVA (Irina Ju.), 376. VASIL'EV (Dmitrij D.), 1077. VASIL'EV (V. Ju.), 4512. VASILE (Vincenzo), 3590. VASSAL (Véronique), 2303. VASSILIOU (Helen), 2591. VASTA (Michelangelo), 5391. VATTHANA PHOLSENA, 4141.
VATTUONE (Riccardo), 1469. VAUCHEZ (André), 3385. VAUDAY (Patrick), 5185. VAUGELADE (Daniel), 6283. VAUGHAN (Mary Kay), 4188. VAUGHN (Sally N.), 3171. VAVASSEUR-DESPERRIERS (Jean), 3828. VÁZQUEZ OLIVERA (Mario), 6025. VECCHIO (Diane C.), 5832. VECCHIO (Giorgio), 4122. VECCHIO (Luigi), 1405. VEENSTRA (Jan R.), 4947. VEGA (Alicia), 5318. VEGGE (Tor), 2473. VELASCO E CRUZ (Maria Cecília), 5890. Velasco y Huidobro (Bernardo de), 4219. Velázquez (Diego), 5200. Velázquez de Lorea (Miguel), 6201. VÉLEZ (Julián), 1058. VELICHKO (Aleksej M.), 838. VELINOVA (Vasja), 2495. VELJANOVSKI (Novica), 6383. VELKOVSKA (Elena), 2543. VELOSO (Claudio William), 1729. Venantius Fortunatus, episcopus, Sanctus, 2205, 2385, 3070. VENDRAME (Luca), 6261. VENEMA (Kathleen), 6203. VENERUSO (Danilo), 6538. Venizelos (Eleutherios), 3999. VENNER (Fiammetta), 3829. VENNING (Timothy), 2533. VENTURA (Domenico), 2970. Venturi (Franco), 427. VERACINI (Lorenzo), 6137. VERARDI (Virginia), 1239. VERBEKE (Gérard), 3239. VERBEKE (Werner), 37. VERDO (Geneviève), 3560. VERDON (Jean), 3046. VERDÚ BERMEJO (Luis), 1000. VERED (Ariel), 1018. VERGA (Marcello), 3500. VERGEZ-CHAIGNON (Bénédicte), 3830. Vergilius Maro (Publius), 19191926, 2176, 2178, 2199, 2210. VERGINELLA (Marta), 6517. VERGNE (Arnaud), 5923. VERGOOSSEN (Manuela), 282. VERHAEGEN (B.), 3666. VERHECKEN-LAMMENS (Chris), 1328. VERHEYDEN (J.), 799. VERKAMP (Bernard Joseph), 3047. VERLINSKIJ (Aleksandr L.), 178. Vermeer (Johannes), 5206.
INDEX OF NAMES VERONESE (Carolina), 1001. VERONESE (Francesca), 1816. VERONESI (Matteo), 2373. VERRA (Valerio), 5033. Vertov (Dziga), 5319. VERUCCI (Guido), 5005. VERVAET (Frederik Juliaan), 2082. VESENTINI (Frédéric), 5997. Vespasianus (Titus Flavius), Roman emperor, 1944. VETERE (Benedetto), 3020, 3028. VETTEL (Eric J.), 5124. VÉVODA (Rudolf), 6810. VEYRAC (Alain), 2148. VEZZOSI (Elisabetta), 645. VIAN (Francis), 2518. VIAN (Giovanni Maria), 2321. VIANO (Carlo Augusto), 5018. VICASTILLO (Salvador), 2356. VICENTE (Vicente), 3556. VICENTE SÁNCHEZ (Ana), 1684. Victorinus (Gaius Marius), 2353. VIDA (István), 4008. VIDAL (Aixa), 981. VIDAL (Fernando), 5125. VIDAL (Frédéric), 5833. VIDAL (Georges), 3831. VIDAL (Jordi), 1051, 1240, 1311. VIDAL LUNA (Francisco), 3618. VIELBERG (Meinolf), 2488. VIELLIARD (Françoise), 3119. VIENNOT (Eliane), 2890. VIET (Vincent), 5881. VIGLAS (Katelis), 1738. VIGOURT (Annie), 2243. VILADESAU (Richard), 3220. VILAGINÉS (Jaume), 2971. VILLA (Roberto), 4670. VILLALOBOS (Marco Antônio), 4599. VILLARD (Renaud), 4667. Villari (Pasquale), 428. VILLORESI (Marco), 3112. VIÑAS (Ángel), 6518. VINCENT (Marie-Bénédicte), 3910. VINDT (Gérard), 5834. VINEN (Richard), 5835. VINOGRADOV (Jurij A.), 1470. Vira (Ranchod), 6118. VIRET (Jéréme-Luther), 5592. VISCHER (Lukas), 4729. Visconti (Filippo Maria), 2778. VISHNEVSKIJ (Anatolij G.), 5593. VISICATO (Giuseppe), 1227. VISMARA (Cinzia), 1928. VITALI (Daniele), 1818. Vitelli (Girolamo), 1620. VITIELLO (Massimiliano), 2752. Vitruvius Pollio (Marcus), 1401. VITTMANN (Günther), 1182. VIVANTI (Corrado), 5041.
VIVATENKO (Sergej V.), 3774. Vladimir (T. Pashuto), 213. VLIET (Jacques van der), 1183. VNUKOV (Sergej Ju.), 1817. VO (Nghia M.), 4613. VODOLAZKIN (Evgenij G.), 2630. VODOPIVEC (Peter), 4378. VOEGELIN (Eric), 3844. VOGEL (Christine), 4713. VOGEL (Detlef), 6573. VOGEL (Jesko), 3911. VOGEL (Rudolf), 3838. VOGELSANG (Willem), 537. VOGENAUER (Stefan), 675. VOGT (Judith), 6519. VOGT (Stefan), 3912. VOGT-LÜERSSEN (Maike), 2028. VOJTċCHOVSKÝ (OndĜej), 6722. VOLK (Katharina), 2225. VOLK (Robert), 2623. VÖLKEL (Markus), 377, 4847. VOLKOVSKIJ (Dmitrij N.), 611. VOLKOVSKIJ (Nikolaj L.), 611. VOLKOVYNSKYI (Valerii Mykolaiovych), 6379. VOLLNHALS (Clemens), 6709. VOLPI (Alessandro), 4888. VOLPI (Carlo), 3304. VOLPILHAC-AUGER (Catherine), 248. Volpini (famiglia), 91. VOLTAIRE (François Marie Arouet de), 402, 429, 5052. Volterra (Edoardo), 5893. VOREL (Petr), 5554. VORONIN (Sergej D.), 4805. VÖRÖS (László), 5006. VOS (Antonie), 3284. VOTTÉRO (Guy), 1357, 1685. VOURKOUTIOTIS (Vasilis), 6464. VOWINCKEL (Annette), 5209. VOX (Onofrio), 1686. VOZÁR (Jozef), 5345. VRTEď (Ladislav), 117. VUORIO-LEHTI (Minna), 5836. W WACHTEL (Nathan), 728. WADA (Hiroshi), 2624. WADA (Kazuo), 5437. WADDINGTON (Keir), 5126. WADE (Mara R.), 114. WAECHTER (Matthias), 4889. WAERZEGGERS (Caroline), 1241. WAGNER (Andreas), 3879. WAGNER (John A.), 612. WAGNER (Michael), 5582. Wagner (Richard), 5294. WAGNER (Steven T.), 4588. WAGNER (Thomas), 2474. WAGNER (William), 4728.
359 WAHL (Alfred), 3913. WAHLGREN (Staffan), 2525. Wake (Isaac), 4761. WALCOTT-HACKSHAW (Elizabeth), 4006. WALDMAN (Carl), 531, 532. WALDNER (Katharina), 2252. WALDRON (Tony), 2995. WALEY (Daniel Philip), 2974. WALEY-COHEN (Joanna), 6966. WALKER (David), 7125. WALKER (Joel Thomas), 2475. WALKER (Simon), 2795. WALKER (William O. III), 6465. WALLACE (Robert W.), 1490. Wallace (Robert), 2122. Wallenberg (Raoul), 6530. WALLER (Richard), 6198. WALLER (Susan), 5210. WALLIS (Patrick), 5127. WALLON (Emmanuel), 5228. WALLRAFF (Martin), 2349. WALMSLEY (John), 2669. Walshingham (Francis), 6271. WALTER (Christopher), 232. WALTER (Dierk), 682. WALTER (Jochen), 2476. WALTER (John), 3995. WALTERUS ARCHIDIACONUS TERVANENSIS, 2686. WALTON (Chris), 1407. WALTON (Steven A.), 3162. WALVIN (James), 6108. WAMBERG (Bodil), 3728. WAMBERG (Jacob), 3179. WAN (Chuan), 7026. WANAMAKER (Charles A.), 2374. WANDEL (Lee Palmer), 4781. WANDRUSZKA (Adam), 4017. WANG (Chaoguang), 6967. WANG (Chunlai), 6968. WANG (David Der-Wei), 6135. WANG (Jianhui), 6969. WANG (Lanping), 6970. WANG (Peihuan), 6971. WANG (Qisheng), 6972. WANG (Qiubin), 7028. WANG (Rigen), 6973. WANG (Weihai), 6974. WANG (Xiangrong), 6975. WANG (Xianming), 5518. WANG (Yuesheng), 6976. WANG (Yun), 6977. WANG (Zhangwei), 6978. WANKLYN (Malcolm), 3996. WARBURTON (David A.), 77. WARD (Cheryl), 1184. WARD (Damen), 6246. WARD (Jennifer C.), 2975. WARD (Kevin), 4782. WARD (W. R.), 4783.
360 WARDE (Paul), 5438. WARDLE (David), 1873. WARE (Robert Bruce), 4310. WARNKE (Annekatrin), 3423. WARREN (Jean-Philippe), 5128. WARREN (Lynne), 5246. WARRIOR (Valerie M.), 1885, 2254. WARRY (Peter), 2305. WARSHAUER (Matthew), 4589. WASELKOV (Gregory A.), 4590. Washington (Booker T.), 4592. Washington (George), 4542, 4547, 6950. WASKAN (Jan), 4252. WASSENHOVEN (Dominik), 2976. WASSERMAN (Nathan), 1242. WASSON (Ellis), 5837. WAT (Pierre), 792. WATANABE (Setsuo), 2977. WATENPAUGH (Keith David), 6138. WATERFIELD (Robin), 1471. WATERS (Guy), 2477. WATERS (Matthew), 1329. WATERS (Robert Anthony Jr.), 5891. WATSON (David R.), 6380. WATSON (Fiona), 726. WATSON (Nicholas), 3401. WATTS (Carl P.), 6199. Wauquelin (Jean), 2786. WEATHERLEY (Robert), 6979. WEAVER (Karol K.), 5129. WEBB (Jennifer M.), 986, 1035. WEBBER (Teresa), 251. WEBER (Dorothea), 2327. WEBER (Florence), 517, 4825. WEBER (Gregor), 1078, 1331. WEBER (Hartmut), 3839, 3918. WEBER (Jennifer L.), 4591. WEBER (Jill A.), 1231. Weber (Max), 430, 931, 5053. WEBER (Ronald), 5007. WEBSTER (Anthony), 378. WEE (Cecilia), 5025. WEEBER (Karl-Wilhelm), 2149, 2215. WEEKS (Theodore R.), 4253. WEGENER (Lydia), 778. WEGER (Tobias), 6007. WEI (Bin), 6980. WEIDMAN (Amanda J.), 5320. WEIGT (Detlef), 2478. WEIHE (Thomas), 5555. WEILER (Björn K. U.), 2738, 2773. WEINBERG (Jonathan), 5184. WEINER (Amir), 3525. WEINFURTER (Stefan), 2734, 3026. WEINKE (Annette), 387, 5901. WEINREICH (Otto), 1900. WEINREICH (Torben), 5141.
INDEX OF NAMES WEINSTEIN (Barbara), 3619. WEISBROD (Bernd), 3513. WEISS (Bardo), 3458. WEISS (Julian), 2978. WEISS (Peter), 1858, 2083. WEISZ (George), 5130. WEITEMEIER (Bernd), 3395. WEITZEL (Jürgen), 25. WELCH (Cheryl B.), 621. WELCH (Katherine E.), 2293. WELCH (Kathryn E.), 2139. WELSHMAN (John), 5818. WELWEI (Karl-Wilhelm), 1533, 2084, 2313. WELZ (Gisela), 3685. WEMHOFF (Matthias), 2689. WEN (Liming), 6981. WENDEHORST (Alfred), 3303, 3422. Wendel (family), 99. WENGER (Andreas), 6649, 6781. WENZEL (Horst), 48. WerbĘczy (István), 5905. WERNER (Constanze), 6564. WERNER (Michael), 492. WERTH (Nicolas), 4335. WESEL (Uwe), 676. WESENER (Gunter), 5908. WESSEL (Martin Schulze), 3510. WEST (Michael Rudolph), 4592. WESTAD (Odd Arne), 6823. Westarp (Kuno, Graf von), 3869. WESTENHOLZ (Aage), 1226, 1227. WESTIN (Charles), 5720. WESTPHALEN (Stephan), 1124. WESTRA (Pieter E.), 6143. WETTIG (Gerhard), 6826. WETTLAUFER (Jörg), 3004. WEYSSENHOFF-BROÇZKOWA (Krystyna), 1882. WHATLEY (Christopher A.), 3997. WHEATLEY (David W.), 1017. WHEELER (Bonnie), 3107. WHELAN (Bernadette), 6466. WHITE (Hayden V.), 493. WHITEHOUSE (H.), 1185. WHITESIDE (Noel), 5638. WHITING (Cécile), 5186. Wickham (William), 3944. WICKI (Dieter), 4477. WICKLI (Bruno), 4478. WICKRAMASINGHE (Nira), 4444. WIDENBERG (Johanna), 379. WIEACKER (Franz), 2085. WIECEK (William M.), 5924. WIEDEN (Brage Bei der), 2919. WIELAND (Carsten), 4485. WIELGOHS (Jan), 613. WIEMER (Hans-Ulrich), 2019. WIENER (Claudia), 2226. WIESEHÖFER (Josef), 577.
WIEVIORKA (Olivier), 6592. WIGAL (Donald), 3160. WIGELSWORTH (Jeffrey R.), 3161. WIGEN (Kären), 711. WIKLUND (Martin), 4890. WIKSTRÖM (Niklas), 4459. WILAMOWSKI (Maciej), 2787. WILBER (Donald Newton), 4055. WILCOX (Clyde), 4641. WILD (Francine), 4958. WILDFANG (Robin Lorsch), 2255. WILHARM (Irmgard), 5321. WILHELM (Jan Volker), 5594. WILKE (Jürgen), 3348, 3422. WILKINSON (T.J.), 1208. WILL (Wolfgang), 1472. Willem Frederik van Nassau-Dietz, 274. Willem II, Graaf van Holland, 2650. William III, king of England, 3994, 6294. William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke, 2762. William of York, 3381. Williams (Eric), 4490. WILLIAMS (Gareth D.), 2227. WILLIAMS (Howard), 3138. WILLIAMS (Manuela A.), 6520. WILLIAMS (Megan), 33. WILLIAMS (Patrick), 4441. WILLIAMS (Robert), 5171. WILLIAMS (Stephen F.), 4336. WILLIAMSON (Daniel C.), 6723. WILLOWEIT (Dietmar), 3517, 5915. WILSON (David A.), 4784. Wilson (Harold), 3998. Wilson (James Harold), 6766. WILSON (Mark R.), 4593. WILSON (Penelope), 1170, 1186. WILSON (Roger John Anthony), 2294. WILSON (Susan E.), 3388. Wilson (Woodrow), 4548, 4553, 6434. WINCKELMANN (Johann Joachim), 798. WINDLER (Christian), 6256. Windschuttle (Keith), 7125. WINKELBAUER (Thomas), 3571. WINKLER (Heinrich August), 6076. WINOCK (Michel), 3777, 3832, 3833. WINSTEL (Tobias), 3914. WINSTON DIXON (Wheeler), 5222. WINTER (Engelbert), 1084. WINTERBOTTOM (Michael), 1905. WINTERHOFF (Christian), 5925. WINTERLING (Aloys), 533. WINTGENS (Benedikt), 6728. WINTON (Patrik), 4460.
INDEX OF NAMES WINTZER (Joachim), 6728. WIPPICH (Rolf-Harald), 6046. WISCHMEYER (Oda), 2375. WITCHER (Robert), 2306. WITHERINGTON (Ben), 2376. WITKOWSKI (Gregory R.), 3915. WITTE (Els), 3588. WITTE (John Jr.), 926. Wittenwiler (Heinrich), 3092. WITTERSHEIM (Eric), 4600. Wittgenstein (Ludwig), 5054. WITTROCK (Björn), 4911. WIWJORRA (Ingo), 380. WÖHLER (Hans-Ulrich), 3285. WOHLFART (Kristine), 4142. WOLCOTT (David B.), 5838. WOLDEN-RÆTHINGE (Anne), 6616. WOLF (Armin), 1687. WOLF (Diane L.), 5839. WOLF (Gerhard), 2988. WOLF (Hubert), 4638. WOLF (Joseph Georg), 2085. WOLF (Kirsten), 3059. WOLFF (Larry), 3476. WOLFRAM (Herwig), 26, 2774. Wolfram von Eschenbach, 3109. WOLFSDORF (David), 1739. WOLGAST (E.), 4933. WOLGAST (Eike), 4635, 5932. WOLLER (Hans), 3514. Wollstonecraft (Mary), 98. WOLPERT (Stanley A.), 6139. Wolsey (Thomas), cardinal, 4733. WOLTERS (Reinhard), 2029. WONDRAK BIEL (Alice), 5841. WONG (Aliza S.), 4126. WOOD (James A.), 6593. WOOD (Susan), 3301. WOODBERRY (Robert D.), 802. WOODS (Randall B.), 4594. WOODSIDE (Alexander), 6835. WOODWARD (David R.), 6467. WOOLF (Stuart), 418. WOOLGAR (Christopher Michael), 2995, 3049. WORMALD (Patrick), 392. WORP (Klaas A.), 1134. WÖRRLE (Michael), 1114. WORTHINGTON (Martin), 1243. WORTLEY (John), 2479. WOUTERS (Nico), 3589. WOħNICZKA (Zygmunt), 4251. WRIGHT (Robert E.), 5556. WRÓBEL (Janusz), 4245. WRÓBEL (Piotr J.), 356. WU (Liwei), 6958. WU (Mingxiang), 4935. WU (Songdi), 6982. WU (Tao), 6983. WU (Yixiong), 6984. WU (Zhou), 6985.
WUDKA (Jose), 5131. WÜNSCHE (Raimund), 1382. WÜRSCHINGER (Andreas), 5922. WÜSTENHAGEN (Jana), 5539. WYLIE (Paula L.), 6724. WYMER (Rowland), 3926. WYSS (Beatrice), 2491. X XELLA (Paolo), 907. Xenophanes, 1581. Xenophon, 1471, 1497, 1576, 1622, 1624. XIA (Yafeng), 6827. XICO COSTA (Francisco), 5566. XIN (Deyong), 6986. XIONG (Xianjun), 6988. XIONG (Zhiyong), 6989. XU (Junji), 6990. XU (Yi), 6948. XU (Yin), 6991. XU (Zhaochang), 6992. XU (Zhongming), 6993. XUE (Jing), 6994. Y YAFEH (Yishay), 5544. YAGI (Takeshi), 7104. YAKUBOVICH (Ilya), 1268. YALÇIKLI (Derya), 1125. YAMADA (Masamichi), 1269. YAMADA (Shigeo), 1244. YAMAGISHI (Tsuneto), 2964. YAMAMOTO (Hiroyuki), 6864. YAMASHITA (Hiroaki), 7096. YAMASHITA (Yasushi), 7097. YAMAZAKI (Minako), 4804. YAMAZAKI (Shiro), 5343. YANAGISAWA (Osamu), 5373. YANG (Chijun), 6995. YANG (Chuang), 6996. YANG (Enhong), 6997. YANG (Haiying), 6998. YANG (Jian), 4936. YANG (Jiping), 6999. YANG (Jun), 7028. YANG (Kuisong), 7000. YANG (Nianqun), 5132. YANG (Shitian), 6521. YANG (Tianhong), 7001. YANG (Yanhua), 7002. YANG (Zaijun), 7003. YANKELEVICH (Pablo), 4193. YANNAKAKIS (Yanna P.), 5842. YAO (Chun'an), 7004. YARDLEY (Anne Bagnall), 3235. YARDLEY (John C.), 1886. YARROW (Liv Mariah), 381. YASUHARA (Yoshihito), 4962. YATES (Nigel), 4658. YAYCIOöLU (Mukadder), 5147.
361 YAZIGI (Maya), 3024. YE (Yangbing), 7005. YEDID LEVI (Renata), 4082. YEE (Carolyn), 6733. YELLE (Robert A.), 938. YI (Jicang), 7006. YILDIRIM (Onur), 6468. YILDIZ (Hüseyin), 649. YILMAZ (ùuhnaz), 6469. YLLÁN CALDERÓN (Esperanza), 4442. YMERI (Eshref), 3533. YOKKAICHI (Yasuhiro), 6854. YONEDA (Yusuke), 7098. YONGMING (Zhou), 7007. YORKE (Barbara), 2753. YOSHIDA (Takashi), 7099. YOSHIKAWA (Shinji), 7088. YOSHIKAWA (Toshiko), 7100. YOSHIMURA (Takehiko), 7066, 7088, 7089. YOUNG (Frances M.), 808, 2387, 2480. YOUNG (John), 3741. YOUNGS (Deborah), 2730. YRAVEDRA SÁINZ DE LOS TERREROS (José), 981, 1012. YRJÄLÄ (Ann), 5852. YU (Heping), 5519. YU (Sanle), 7008. YU (Zixia), 4975. YUAN (Jiangyang), 5097. YÜKSEL (MetÕn), 4507. YUVAL (Israel Jacob), 2817. Z ZABECKI (David T.), 6470. ZABORSKA (Urszula), 536. ZADE (Mohammed), 6200. ZADOROJNYI (Alexei V.), 1688. ZAGDOUN (Mary-Anne), 1740. ZAGHENI (Guido), 4659. Zagorin (Perez), 4868. ZAHARIADE (Mihail), 2030. ZAHRA (Tara), 5843. ZAHRNT (Michael), 1473, 2031. ZAJĄC (Ewa), 4231. ZAKHAROV (S.V.), 5593. ZAKHAROV (Viktor N.), 5557. ZAKHAROV (Vladimir V.), 3845. ZALC (Claire), 5419. ZALESSKAJA (V. N.), 2622. ZAMAGNI (Vera), 5357. Zambélios (Spyridon), 433. ZAMETZER (Eva), 5008. ZAMORA (José Ángel), 907. Zamoyski (Jan), 6273. ZANCA (José A.), 4891. ZANETTO (Gabriele), 5563. ZANKEL (Sönke), 3917. ZAPATA GALINDO (Martha), 4194.
362 ZAPATA RODRíGUEZ (Roberto), 2625. ZARDYKHAN (Zharmukhamed), 4508. ZARICKI (Tomasz), 4238. ZARRI (Gabriella), 4701. ZARROW (Edward M.), 2150. ZARUSKY (Jürgen), 5943. ŽATKULIAK (Jozef), 4372. ZAVACKÁ (Katarína), 4370. ZAVACKÁ (Marína), 4373. ZAVARONI (Adolfo), 1825. ZAWADSKI (Stefan), 1245. ZAYARNYUK (Andriy), 4630. ZBEROVSKIJ (Andrej V.), 1365. ZBINDEN (Martin), 6828. ZEHNACKER (Hubert), 2151. ZEINAR (Hubert), 615. ZEITZ (Katharina), 5133. ZEL'TSER (Arkadij), 4785. ZELENIN (Il'ja E.), 4337. ZELIKOW (Philip D.), 6759. ZELL (Hans M.), 7105. ZELLER (Bernhard), 6004. ZELLER (Dieter), 2481. ZELLER (Olivier), 5595. ZELLHUBER (Andreas), 6522. ZEMON DAVIS (Natalie), 494. ZERBINI (Livio), 2032. ZERVAN (Vratislav), 2626. ZEVI (Fausto), 1849. ZEVIN (Leon Z.), 6829. ZEYREK (Turgut HacÕ), 1126. ZHANG (Chongwang), 7009. ZHANG (Daqing), 5844. Zhang (Jian), 6995. ZHANG (Jihai), 7010. ZHANG (Jinhua), 7011. ZHANG (Jun), 7012. ZHANG (Lili), 7013. ZHANG (Mingjin), 7014. ZHANG (Rongqiang), 7015.
INDEX OF NAMES ZHANG (Xianqing), 7016. ZHANG (Xiping), 7017. ZHANG (Xiugui), 7018. ZHANG (Xueji), 7019. Zhang (Xueliang), 7019. ZHANG (Yuhuan), 7020. ZHANG (Zhiyong), 7021. ZHAO (Yupei), 7022. ZHDANOV (V. V.), 1138. ZHEREBKINA (Irina A.), 4338. ZHONG (Han), 7023. ZHOU (Rong), 7031. ZHOU (Song), 7038. ZHOU (Weiping), 7032. ZHOU (Zhenqing), 7033. ZHOU (Zhisheng), 7034. ZHU (Congbing), 7035. ZHU (Fenghan), 7036. ZHU (Jian), 7037. ZHU (Lixia), 7038. ZHU (Yingui), 5439. ZHUKOV (Konstantin A.), 382. ZHURAVLEV (Denis V.), 1362. ZIBLATT (Daniel), 3527. ZICHE (Hartmut G.), 437. ZÍDEK (Petr), 6830. ZIELINSKI (Herbert), 2658. ZIEMER (Klaus), 3524, 6655. ZIERL (Andreas), 1741. ZIETLOW (Rebecca E.), 5926. ZIFFERERO (Andrea), 1844. ZIMIN (Aleksandr A.), 2687. ZIMINA (Valentina D.), 4339. ZIMINA (Valentina G.), 2687. ZIMMER (Oliver), 3528. ZIMMER (Rainer), 3853. ZIMMERMAN (David A.), 5322. ZIMMERMAN (Jonathan), 4976. ZIMMERMANN (Bénédicte), 492. ZIMMERMANN (Clemens), 5596. ZIMMERMANN (Michael F.), 4892. ZIMMERMANN (Michel), 650.
ZIMMERMANN (Thomas), 1052. Zimrida, king of Sidon, 1311. ZINGG (Edith), 2482. ZINK (Michel), 401. ZIPS (Manfred), 3389. ZITKO (Milan), 6537. ZITZLSPERGER (Philipp), 5196. ŽIVIû (Dražen), 3672. ŽIVOTIû (Aleksandar), 6725. ZIZZA (Cesare), 1408. ZOLLA (Elémire), 4894. Zolli (Eugenio Pio), 4870. ZÖLLNER (Reinhard), 7101. ZONARAS (Joannes), 2529, 2688. ZORKAJA (Neja M.), 5323. ZORKO (Tomislav), 5845. Zosimus, 1413. ZOU (Mulun), 7039. Zozaya (Juan), 2820. ZUBLER (Christian), 2491. Zucchi (Carlo), 4813. ZUCKERMAN (Constantin), 2562. ZUCKERMAN (S.), 1312. ZUCKERMAN ITKOVIû (Boško), 3675. ZÜCKERT (Martin), 3714. ZUMBRO (Derek S.), 6594. ZUMSTEG (Simon), 5023. ZUNCKEL (Julia), 1927. ZUNINO (Pier Giorgio), 5134. ZUO (Shangwen), 7040. ZURBACH (Julien), 1383. ZÜRCHER (Regula), 4479. ZÜRNDORF (Irmgard), 5846. ZURRO (Débora), 993. ZVJAGINTSEV (Aleksandr G.), 5998. ZWEERMAN (Theo H.), 5049. ZWIERLEIN (Cornel), 4895. ZWINK (Christian), 383. ZYGNER (Leszek), 3320. ZYTNICKI (Colette), 4792.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX A Aargau, 4477. Aberdeen, 5337. Abruzzo, 1055. Abydos (Aegyptus), 1141, 1149, 1184. Acmonia, 1404. Açores, 4255. Adab, 1227. Aden, 6124. Adriatique (mer), 6310. v. Hadriaticum (mare). Adwa, 6141. Aegaeum (mare), 1023, 1033, 1067, 1376. Aegyptus, 1127-1186, 1204, 1210, 2023, 2267, 2413, 818. v. Egypt. Afghanistan, 537, 3529-3530, 6651, 6802, 6825. Afrique, 940, 1743, 1928, 1974, 2239, 4210, 5158, 6140-6200, 6762, 7105-7116. A. centrale, 3970. A. équatoriale, 7106. A. française, 6830. A. francophone, 6774. A. noire, 6041, 7108. A. occidentale, 6142. A. orientale, 5099, 6157, 6191. A. septentrionale, 186, 6307, 6747. Aigina, 1513. Aizanoi, 1114. Ajacan, 5752. Åland (islands), 3742. al-Andalus, 2833, 2834. v. Andalucía. Alaska, 534. Alcântara (Lisboa), 5833. Alentejo, 5394. Alesia (Gallia), 2291. Alexandria (Aegyptus), 1144, 2142, 2401. Alexandria Troas, 2289. Algérie, 247, 580, 3539-3542, 4681, 6147, 6148, 6162, 6176, 6186, 6190, 6196, 6720. Allenstein, 5847. Aller, 5392. Allonnes (Sarthe, France), 2240. Almadén de la Plata (Sevilla), 1017.
Alpi, 5358. al-QƗhira, Cairo, 7112. Alsace, 334. Amalda, 1012. Amazonía, 4227, 5868. Amérique, 198, 215, 221, 737, 3495, 3499, 3511, 4626, 4715, 4829, 6201-6240, 7117-7120. A. centrale, 3501, 4002, 5933. A. latine, 477, 586, 688, 719, 782, 4620, 4671, 5581, 6013, 6027, 6067, 6206, 6208, 6217, 6236, 6328, 6355, 6465, 6630, 6651, 7117. A. septentrionale, 199, 532, 748, 901, 4739, 5616, 5683, 6209, 6651. v. Hispanoamérica. v. Iberoamérica. 'Ɩmil (mountain region), 4143. Amorium, 1100. Amsterdam, 5473, 5571, 5598. Amur (district), 6940. Anatolie, 1117, 1125, 1205, 1211. Anazarbos, 1112. Ancyra, 1082, 1090. Andalucía, 2820, 4388, 5500, 5876. v. al-Andalus. Andes, 514, 4829, 6227. Andorra, 58. Angola, 6149, 6164, 6181. Anhui, 7009. Anjou, 2966. Ankuwa, 1250. Antigua and Barbuda, 3543. Antiochia, 1386, 2449, 2508. Antwerp, 1328. Aphrodisias, 1122. Appalachian, 4563. Apulia, 1821. Aquileia, 3174. Arab countries, 587, 5218, 6051, 6460, 6545. Arabia, 982, 1304, 6189. Aragón, 2668, 2893, 4704. Arctic regions, 207. Ardennes, 6585. Arezzo, 2955, 3304. Argar, 1026. Argentina, 147, 789, 3516, 35443560, 4596, 4891, 5110, 5227, 5279, 5316, 5317, 5423, 5498, 5822, 6069.
Arginusae (insulae), 1474. Argolis, 1465. Armenija, 3561, 6793. Arras, 3438. Ashio, 5413. Asie, 2112, 3499, 5241, 5472, 6110-6139, 6357, 6434, 6523, 6617, 6651, 6831-7104, 7125. A. centrale, 159, 1322, 5355, 6829, 6836-6854. A. centraleméridionale, 6855-6864. A. du nord-est, 7056. A. du sud-est, 515, 6003, 6114, 6119, 6123, 6651, 6733, 6743. A. du sudovest, 1067. A. méridionale, 5106, 6133, 6833, 6834, 68556864. A. minor, 140, 175, 818, 1091, 1096, 1119, 1123, 1440, 2016, 2270, 2573. A. occidentale, 6573, 6836-6854. A. orientale, 5328, 6126, 6548, 6573, 6787, 7029, 7030, 7042. v. Eurasie. v. Far East. v. Middle East. v. Near East. Asklépios, sanctuarie (Lébèna), 1770. Assisi, 827. Assyria, 1237. Asturias, 1056. Aswan, 1166. Ateca, 2648. Athenae, 375, 426, 1119, 1427, 1443, 1445, 1455, 1457, 1463, 1474, 1482, 1485, 1490, 1494, 1496, 1500, 1513, 1514, 1515, 1522, 1532, 1565, 1583, 1645, 1649, 1811. Atlantic world, 107, 6233. Atlantique (océan), 711, 4784, 6105, 6195, 6214. Atlit, 1285. Attica, 1362, 1402. Augsburg, 97, 3863. Australia, 63, 446, 509, 996, 35623564, 5004, 5056, 5668, 5716, 5748, 5867, 5930, 6019, 6242, 6243, 6246, 6716, 6743, 7121a, 7122, 7125. Auxerre, 3372. Avenches (Aventicum), 2286. Avignon, 3204, 3326.
364 Avis, 5491. Ayacucho, 4223. Azerbaijan, 6497, 6793. B Babylon, 1188, 1234, 1237. Bach Coc (Vietnam), 6862. Baden, 3860, 4235, 5914. Baden-Württemberg, 3840. Bahia, 6232. Bahrain, 3582. Bălgarija, Bulgaria, 173, 2523, 2534, 2617, 2717, 3620-3622, 4152, 4153, 5591, 6356, 6367, 6435, 6525, 6558, 6650, 6651. Balkans, 140, 2495, 4503, 6339, 6371, 6384, 6430, 6501, 6558. Baltique (mer, pays), 114, 249, 6442, 6487, 6771. Bangladesh, 3583, 6738. Bani Surmah (Pusht-I Kuh, Luristan), 1321. Barbados, 5511. Barcelona, 2925, 5566. Bari, 2587. Basel, 4742. Baúiru, 1263. Basso Salento, 1782. Bayern, 91, 3841, 3847, 3848, 3914, 5918, 6278. Beijing, Peking, 7008, 7023. Bejaïa, 2969. Belarus v. Belorossija. Belgique, 184, 277, 491, 569, 1964, 2001, 3584-3589, 5553, 5691, 5997, 6052, 6651. Belize, 4002. Belorossija, Belarus, 598, 4785, 6487. Benin, 542. Beograd, 122. Berezan, 1098, 1109, 1113. Berlin, 268, 361, 974, 1293, 3899, 5028, 5446, 5548, 5951, 6800, 6826. Bern, 3122. Bet-El (Israel), 2439. Bihar, 4037. Bihor, 4719. Bithynie, 2112. Black Sea Region, 1362, 1460, 1817, 1961, 2010, 2731, 2894. Blaundos, 1081, 1083. Bochum, 1796. Boeotia, 1763. Bo÷azköy, 1258. Bogotá, 194. Bohemia v. ýechy. Bolivia, 240, 3590-3593. Bologna, 28, 2872, 3355. Bolzano, 4119.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Bonn, 1098, 5541. Bordeaux, 5761, 5936. Borneo, 6864. Bornholm (ïle de), 6677. Bosna-Hercegovina, 3594-3595, 3673, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4355, 4356, 6339, 6601. Boston, 5488. Botswana, 3596. Bourgogne, 235, 2786, 2927, 2946. Brabant, 2859. Bràfim, 4398. Brasil, 876, 3597-3619, 4260, 5880, 6214-6216, 6223, 6224, 6361, 6364, 6758. Bratislava, 5575, 5579. Brescia, 72. Breslau, 5847. Bretagne, 2726, 3753, 3771, 3775. Briançonnais, 530. Britannia, 1943, 2277. v. Great Britain. British Isles, 706. Bruxelles, 1829, 6475. Budo, 6194. Buenos Aires, 3547, 3551, 3554, 5947. Buganda, 6194. Bulgaria v. Bălgarija. Bunyoro (Uganda), 6167. Burma, 603, 6651. Burundi, 6193. Byzantium, Constantinopolis, Empire byzantine, 838, 1436, 2401, 2489-2626, 4724. C Cabezo Juré (Iberian peninsula), 1043. Cáceres, 4429. Caelius (mons), 2302. Caere (Cerveteri), 1827, 1830. Caesarea, 33. Cairo v. al-QƗhira. Calabria, 2952. Caleacte, 1798. California, 4939, 5326. Camarina, 1392. Cambodia, 3623-3624, 6131, 6708, 6782. Cambrai, 6449. Cambridge, 4920. Cameroon, 3625, 6004, 6184. Camonica (Valle), 1825. Campania, 2257, 3212. Canada, 876, 3626-3633, 5092, 5682, 5711, 5764, 5964, 6019, 6026, 6203, 6240, 6347, 6576, 6593, 6666, 6692, 6732, 6742, 6774, 6817.
Canarias, 4419. Cannae, 2167. Cansano (L'Aquila), 1055. Cantabria, 4433. Canton, 6955. Cape Coast, 6192. Cape of Good Hope, 6143. Cape Province (South Africa), 4384. Cape Verde, 3634. Capitolium (mons), 2302. Capua (Campania), 1852. Caria, 1777. Caribe, Caribbean area, 139, 3543, 4490, 5484, 5765, 6013, 6145, 6202, 6226, 6252, 6318, 6328. Carniola, 4375. Carpathian area, 1961, 2713. Cartagena de Indias, 3657. Carthago, 1302. Castellón de la Plana, 4393, 4414. Castilla, 2781, 2887, 2907, 2909, 2978. Çatalhöyük, 1021. Catalunya, 2857, 4389, 4392, 4405, 4410, 4412, 4417, 4418, 4436, 5515, 6292, 6507. Catania, 2970. Cauca (Gallaecia), 1939. Caucasus, 1325. Cava Romita (Appennino Marchigiano), 1001. ýechy, Bohemia, 321, 324, 325, 342, 3490, 5342, 5606, 5843. ýeskoslovensko, Czech Republic, 306, 326, 365, 584, 3572, 36863714, 4358, 4361, 4364, 4365, 4366, 4369, 4370, 4371, 4372, 4631, 4693, 4700, 4799, 5346, 5354, 5363, 5400, 5471, 5479, 5551, 5816, 5913, 6002, 6048, 6071, 6383, 6393, 6406, 6410, 6498, 6505, 6529, 6532, 6537, 6550, 6553, 6555, 6633, 6651, 6662, 6680, 6682, 6693, 6696, 6697, 6699, 6722, 6778, 6810, 6815, 6824, 6830. ýeský TČšín Region, 6734. Ceylon, 6120. Chad, 3635, 6798. Chamalevri (Creta), 1394. Champagne, 3797. Changsha, 6999. Charcas, 7119. Charleston, 4941. Chechnia, 4300. Chengdu, 6916. Chersonesos Taurica, 1362. Chiapas, 4004. Chicago, 1137, 4688, 5611, 5758.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Chile, 705, 3636-3646, 4808, 5318, 5888, 6337, 6675, 6751. China, 68, 350, 503, 526, 565, 747, 770, 1020, 3100, 4195, 4707, 4936, 4957, 4996, 5097, 5377, 5450, 5456, 5507, 5696, 5712, 5815, 5967, 5992, 6011, 6024, 6322, 6353, 6369, 6407, 6447, 6459, 6521, 6533, 6639, 6642, 6651, 6663, 6686, 6717, 6733, 6767, 6803, 6823, 6827, 6835, 6845, 6849, 6879, 6865-7042, 7081. Chioggia, 2639. Cilicia, 1101, 1106, 1124, 1855. Cimmerian Bosporus , 1362. Città del Vaticano, 4113, 4147, 4640, 4663, 5558, 6260, 6267, 6278, 6324, 6534, 6538, 6644, 6651. Clazomenae, 1119. Cluj-Napoca, 4272. Colombia, 525, 3647-3660, 6033, 6239. Colonia Agrippina (Köln, Deutschland), 2120. Colonia del Sacramento, 6238, 6295. Colophon, 1388. Commagene, 1437. Comoros, 3661. Congo, 3662-3666. Constantinopolis v. Byzantium. Copais basin (Central Greece), 2610. Córdoba, 3451. Corleone, 2935. Cornwall, 3468. Coro, 4601. Corrientes, 3548. Corse, 571, 3751, 6288. Cortona, 3304. Costa Rica, 4002, 6237. Côte d'Ivoire, 3667, 3668. Creta v. KrƝtƝ. Criúana, 2903. Crna Gora, Montenegro, 3673, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4355, 4356, 5350. Croatia v. Hrvatska. Cuba, 3676-3683, 4830, 6087, 6210, 6374, 6740, 6772, 6786. Cueva del Ángel (Lucena, Córdoba), 1000. Cuma, 1781. Cumbria, 2769, 3460. Cyclades (insulae), 1407, 1487. Cyprus v. Kypros. Czech Republic v. ýeskoslovensko.
D Dacia, 1961, 2004, 2098, 2107, 2263. Dagestan, 795, 4310. Dalmacija, 5137. Danger Cave, 1007. Danmark, 216, 702, 746, 2741, 2844, 2849, 2863, 3297, 3486, 3715-3728, 4807, 4970, 5141, 5213, 5223, 5244, 5432, 5632, 6287, 6516, 6613, 6616, 6626, 6634, 6635, 6651, 6660, 6672, 6691, 6769. Danube (river), 152, 2894. Daunia, 1600. Dauphiné, 3769. Dead Sea, 1309. Deir al-Barsha, 1127. Delhi, 4030. Delos, 1498, 1751. Derbent, 6838. Deutschland, 70, 250, 268, 271, 278, 284, 287, 303, 307, 309, 314, 338, 340, 344, 347, 349, 387, 502, 613, 627, 630, 649, 652, 659, 677, 685, 699, 726, 748, 759, 970, 1777, 1796, 2698, 2738, 2856, 3339, 3482, 3494, 3508, 3514, 3527, 38363920, 4150, 4242, 4271, 4638, 4647, 4663, 4672, 4705, 4741, 4760, 4768, 4771, 4794, 4809, 4840, 4852, 4895, 4896, 4901, 4902, 4908, 4916, 4922, 4925, 4931, 4934, 4943, 4954, 4994, 5008, 5062, 5090, 5123, 5170, 5214, 5229, 5259, 5260, 5263, 5266, 5278, 5289, 5298, 5312, 5341, 5344, 5356, 5359, 5363, 5367, 5370, 5373, 5384, 5400, 5434, 5436, 5458, 5465, 5469, 5486, 5487, 5499, 5532, 5539, 5552, 5582, 5604, 5608, 5627, 5630, 5660, 5689, 5803, 5828, 5846, 5847, 5875, 5883, 5897, 5899, 5902, 5918, 5919, 5928, 5943, 5946, 5960, 5999, 6004, 6007, 6021, 6022, 6046, 6057, 6064, 6066, 6076, 6103, 6166, 6172, 6174, 6180, 6183, 6193, 6253, 6290, 6329, 6330, 6335, 6338, 6340, 6342, 6343, 6346, 6378, 6407, 6408, 6418, 6428, 6437, 6442, 6457, 6464, 6470, 6471, 6478, 6484, 6487, 6490, 6491, 6492, 6493, 6502, 6512, 6516, 6522, 6539, 6540, 6542, 6545, 6548, 6550, 6557, 6562, 6565, 6571, 6573, 6578, 6584, 6594, 6604, 6609, 6628, 6634, 6651, 6655, 6660, 6664, 6670,
365 6676, 6685, 6704, 6709, 6727, 6744, 6777, 6780, 6791, 6807. v. Germania. Devon, 3468. Diokaisareia/Uzuncaburç, 1124. Dobroudja (Romania-Bulgaria), 2064, 2300. Douai, 4906. Dresden, 506. Dubrovnik, 2792, 5137, 5488. Dülük Baba Tepesi, 1084. Dunhuang, 6991. Dunkerque, 6591. Durango, 4185. Durham, 3289, 5870. E Ecuador, 3731-3733, 5508, 5855. Edessa, 2339. Edfu, 1172. Edinburgh, 967. Edom, 1294, 1307. Egypt, 77, 245, 348, 940, 37343738, 5494, 6152, 6480, 6714, 6725, 6821, 7112. v. Aegyptus. Eichstätt, 3422. Ekaterinburg, 4322. El Salvador, 3739, 4002. El-Amarna (Aegyptus), 1181. El-Bahnasa, 1165. Elbe (river), 1977, 5400. Elephantina/Syene, 1151, 1136. Emar, 1269. England, 169, 174, 237, 263, 295, 353, 374, 512, 654, 675, 742, 788, 2629, 2695, 2701, 2753, 2795, 2798, 2804, 2839, 2885, 2902, 2915, 2928, 2942, 2947, 2950, 2956, 2961, 2995, 2999, 3003, 3007, 3012, 3015, 3019, 3049, 3052, 3053, 3056, 3098, 3140, 3169, 3172, 3235, 3318, 3342, 3370, 3416, 3417, 3433, 3512, 3937, 3938, 3951, 3968, 3972, 3975, 3995, 4654, 4676, 4743, 4745, 4746, 4766, 4769, 4774, 4855, 4873, 5000, 5119, 5127, 5199, 5379, 5444, 5462, 5588, 5699, 5724, 5730, 5823, 5900, 5929, 5946, 5971, 6142, 6251, 6263, 6316, 6380. Ephebia, 1481. Ephesos, 1098. Eretria, 1513. Eritrea, 6187. Erythrae, 1119. España, 11, 64, 362, 363, 390, 539, 983, 1960, 2326, 2742, 2756, 2809, 2828, 2830, 2951, 2971, 2996, 2997, 3011, 3017, 3102, 3153, 3205, 3280, 3335, 3351,
366 3493, 3516, 3655, 4108, 4219, 4385-4442, 4634, 4655, 4675, 4922, 4997, 5017, 5175, 5243, 5295, 5301, 5303, 5304, 5327, 5392, 5443, 5460, 5484, 5521, 5549, 5605, 5689, 5754, 5795, 5858, 6087, 6206, 6218, 6219, 6222, 6229, 6230, 6255, 6260, 6269, 6303, 6305, 6362, 6365, 6436, 6495, 6506, 6508, 6514, 6518, 6552, 6563, 6651, 6661, 6685, 6702, 6765, 6816, 6880. v. Hispania. Esquilleu, 1012. Ëstonija, 5351, 5371, 6273, 6484. Ethiopia, 3740, 3741, 3624, 6141, 6150, 6159, 6173, 6482, 6524. Etruria, 1776, 1831, 1834, 1835, 1844. Euphrates (flumen), 1044, 1197, 1201. Eurasie, 987, 2699, 6840, 6847. Europe, 53, 134, 175, 234, 256, 330, 337, 360, 373, 423, 524, 531, 558, 562, 600, 602, 622, 632, 641, 657, 662, 666, 667, 668, 680, 720, 769, 965, 1003, 1019, 1038, 2321, 2694, 2720, 2904, 2980, 3151, 3363, 3428, 3483, 3485, 3487, 3489, 3495, 3496, 3499, 3507, 3519, 3524, 3526, 3887, 4626, 4633, 4643, 4735, 4747, 4770, 4841, 4874, 4881, 4882, 4885, 4886, 4893, 4911, 4918, 4924, 4930, 4958, 5033, 5040, 5085, 5098, 5103, 5104, 5106, 5140, 5171, 5190, 5204, 5239, 5274, 5333, 5352, 5358, 5438, 5443, 5470, 5472, 5569, 5751, 5892, 5921, 5987, 6002, 6080, 6087, 6089, 6264, 6272, 6277, 6300, 6306, 6360, 6373, 6404, 6427, 6488, 6506, 6523, 6546, 6565, 6571, 6573, 6618, 6622, 6624, 6651, 6659, 6695, 6737, 6761, 6779, 6790, 6805, 6814, 6828. E. centrale, 186, 3488, 5313, 5554, 5781, 6410, 6432, 6435. E. centraleorientale, 320, 359, 5369. E. du centre-est, 246, 3293, 3517, 4708, 5330. E. du nord-ouest, 6576. E. du sud-est, 320, 3515. E. méridionale, 6309. E. occidentale, 2846, 3025, 4961, 5411, 5778, 6401, 6651. E. orientale, 213, 320, 1351, 2679, 2751, 2993, 3476, 3478, 3492, 3510, 3518, 3525, 4883,
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 6040, 6331, 6435, 6651, 6658, 6736, 6815. E. septentrionale, 5485. v. Eurasie. Euskadi, País Vasco, 390, 4392, 4423. Euxinus (Pontus), 1349. F Far East, 6651. Farfa, 3337. Ferrara, 4669. Fiji, 6241. Filipinas, 4230, 5056, 6049, 6087, 6125, 6350, 6651, 6859. Filipov, 3698. Finland v. Suomi. Firenze, 27, 35, 111, 2788, 2897, 2924, 2939, 3112, 3185, 4123, 4800, 4860, 5258, 5563, 5566, 5794, 6276. Florida, 6317. Fondi (Latina), 2102. Fort Mims, 4590. France, 14, 57, 150, 181, 219, 277, 331, 375, 383, 572, 575, 582, 630, 652, 706, 748, 2673, 2697, 2793, 2809, 2880, 2890, 2898, 2977, 2997, 3016, 3074, 3103, 3188, 3190, 3199, 3216, 3231, 3300, 3316, 3377, 3404, 3450, 3498, 3512, 3589, 3746-3834, 4150, 4151, 4430, 4657, 4686, 4694, 4695, 4806, 4809, 4812, 4896, 4906, 4943, 4949, 4951, 4952, 4983, 5009, 5080, 5086, 5102, 5108, 5226, 5245, 5254, 5272, 5275, 5280, 5281, 5312, 5334, 5368, 5397, 5419, 5433, 5485, 5486, 5503, 5529, 5583, 5588, 5610, 5625, 5643, 5650, 5661, 5662, 5663, 5680, 5689, 5691, 5698, 5701, 5713, 5721, 5723, 5728, 5735, 5779, 5820, 5826, 5827, 5835, 5898, 5916, 5946, 5953, 5954, 5957, 5966, 5968, 6010, 6012, 6016, 6026, 6045, 6056, 6057, 6073, 6084, 6101, 6103, 6105, 6112, 6131, 6147, 6148, 6156, 6162, 6165, 6178, 6186, 6190, 6263, 6270, 6274, 6276, 6280, 6284, 6288, 6289, 6290, 6292, 6298, 6301, 6302, 6312, 6321, 6322, 6324, 6326, 6334, 6336, 6341, 6359, 6394, 6395, 6402, 6415, 6416, 6422, 6423, 6429, 6430, 6446, 6460, 6483, 6492, 6512, 6513, 6515, 6536, 6553, 6559, 6595, 6598, 6605, 6609, 6620, 6624, 6651, 6659, 6665, 6669, 6676, 6683, 6729, 6757, 6761, 6762,
6770, 6774, 6779, 6786, 6798, 6808, 6816, 6817, 6825, 7002. Fresnes, 3830. Fribourg, 4466. Friesland, 4202. Friuli Venezia Giulia, 6568. Fujian, 6902, 6929. G Galicia, 2801, 4406, 6311. Galizien, Galicja, Galizija, 3885, 4518. Gallia Cisalpina, 2259. Gallia Narbonensis, 1850. Gallia, 703, 1929, 2006, 2075, 2079, 2296, 2603, 3439. Gallipoli Peninsula, 6452. Gambia, 3835. Gamla, 1274. Ganos Mountain (Thracia), 1783. Gargano, 1002. Gaza, 4215. GdaĔsk, 5847, 6528. Genève, 853, 1190, 3440, 4461, 4730, 5585, 5780, 5800, 6284. Gennesar (lake), 1292. Genova, 2606, 2942, 3118, 6253. Georgia, 4729, 4968. Germania, 1964, 1990, 2005, 2029. v. Deutschland. Ghana, 3921, 7109. Gilat (Israel), 1295. Girsu, 1221. Glamorgan, 94. Gloucestershire, 2628. Göttingen, 5594. Graecia, 1014, 1034, 1050, 1123, 1315, 1330-1817, 2554. v. Hellas. Granada (reino de), 3459. Grandselve, 2937. Gre Virike, 1044. Great Britain, 132, 137, 251, 292, 378, 649, 652, 726, 968, 975, 2709, 2722, 2777, 3138, 3473, 3475, 3494, 3523, 3922-3998, 4380, 4452, 4624, 4815, 4816, 4817, 4854, 4880, 4985, 4988, 5002, 5087, 5176, 5177, 5262, 5306, 5335, 5387, 5405, 5430, 5441, 5447, 5450, 5459, 5460, 5484, 5486, 5583, 5622, 5638, 5678, 5796, 5830, 5861, 6012, 6017, 6019, 6021, 6022, 6024, 6037, 6043, 6055, 6062, 6064, 6074, 6075, 6078, 6092, 6093, 6096, 6099, 6102, 6103, 6104, 6107, 6110, 6113, 6116, 6117, 6121, 6124, 6139, 6144, 6170, 6171, 6188, 6199, 6203, 6218, 6235, 6241, 6243, 6246, 6289,
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 6296, 6297, 6314, 6320, 6321, 6329, 6333, 6334, 6335, 6336, 6340, 6341, 6346, 6347, 6349, 6351, 6359, 6360, 6366, 6378, 6396, 6404, 6411, 6416, 6420, 6423, 6425, 6432, 6439, 6440, 6443, 6446, 6447, 6448, 6460, 6477, 6480, 6489, 6492, 6507, 6509, 6514, 6532, 6539, 6544, 6549, 6556, 6559, 6569, 6590, 6615, 6625, 6631, 6651, 6657, 6665, 6668, 6676, 6683, 6687, 6688, 6691, 6694, 6708, 6711, 6714, 6717, 6723, 6730, 6731, 6743, 6744, 6764, 6766, 6779, 6800, 6805, 6809, 6811, 6820, 6944, 6984. v. Britannia. v. British Isles. Great Lakes of East Africa, 7114. Great Lavra (Monastery), 3290. Grenada, 6755. Grenoble, 5440. Groenland, 581. Grotta Breuil, 1010. Grotta Carlo Cosma (Santa Cesarea Terme, Lecce), 1004. Grotta delle Settecannelle (Viterbo), 1011. Grotta Paglicci, 999. Grottarossa (Roma), 2261. Guangdong, 5476, 6956. Guangjing, 6956. Guarayos, 3591. Guatemala, 4002-4004, 6211. Guelma, 6185. Guerrero, 4179. Guiana, 5891. Gulpinar (Troad), 1023. H Hadriaticum (mare), 1774. v. Adriatique (mer). Haifa, 4073. Haïti, 4005-4007, 6323. Halle-Wittenberg, 1098. Hanhana, 1248. Hanover, 6297. Hassek Höyük, 1253. Hatti, 1267. Hattusa, 1252. Haute-Bretagne, 4696. Hawaii, 4939, 5871. Hazor, 1312. Hebei, 6976. Hedjaz, 6431. Heidelberg, 3865, 4778, 4933. Hellas, 305, 432, 433, 559, 818, 3999-4001, 4152, 4153, 4296, 5706, 6043, 6375, 6468, 6504, 6506, 6597, 6615, 6651, 6753, 6785, 6807. v. Graecia.
Hellespontus, 1052. Helsinki, 5568. Henan, 6900, 6968. Henchir Brighita, 1276. Herakleopolis Magna, 1148. Hessen, 3872. Hessen-Kassel, 5910. Hiberus (flumen), 1847. Hierapolis (Pamukkale), 1079. Hildesheims, 3422. Hispania, 1847, 1869, 2127. v. España. Hispanoamérica, 5060, 6205, 6220. Honduras, 545, 4002. Hong Kong, 554, 5450, 6857. Hrvatska, Croatia, 593, 597, 2713, 2732, 3669-3675, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4355, 4356, 4374, 6547, 6711. Hubei, 6905, 7031. Hudson (valley), 7118. Hunan, 6893, 6942, 7031. Hungary v. Magyarország. I Iasos, 1041. Ibérica (peninsula), 197, 1000, 1006, 2812, 5070, 6268. Iberoamérica, 6204. Iceland, 505, 971, 2835, 3051, 3486, 6651. Illyricum, 2128. India, 130, 423, 949, 4027-4040, 4199, 4214, 4714, 4793, 4797, 4801, 4812, 5262, 5320, 5453, 5459, 5684, 5750, 6016, 6110, 6113, 6114, 6118, 6121, 6127, 6132, 6139, 6234, 6653, 6703, 6738, 6855, 6861, 6863, 7032. Indian (océan), 6832. Indochine, 6651, 6666. Indonesia, 4041-4046, 4205, 5237, 6619, 6651, 6860. Inner Mongolia, 6866. Ionia, 1383. Irak, 2475, 3503, 6073, 6129, 6651, 6723. Iran, 131, 311, 818, 1314-1329, 1471, 3503, 4047-4055, 5302, 6030, 6269, 6333, 6378, 6433, 6489, 6497, 6651, 6773, 6776. Ireland, 67, 211, 212, 251, 367, 2701, 2709, 3180, 3319, 3322, 3341, 3362, 3382, 3428, 3934, 4024, 4056-4071, 4658, 4690, 4751, 5002, 5383, 5658, 6127, 6466, 6494, 6527, 6535, 6724. Irian Jaya, 4042. Isauria (Asia Minor), 2276. Ismant el-Kharab (Kellis, Dakhleh Oasis), 1185.
367 Israel, 587, 2414, 2421, 40724076, 4476, 4726, 6137, 6637, 6646, 6651, 6657, 6741, 6745, 6792, 6799, 6808, 6812. østanbul, 1074. Istria, 5959. Italia, 10, 92, 187, 188, 189, 193, 204, 236, 386, 541, 608, 609, 693, 784, 790, 810, 928, 1498, 1742, 1810, 1818-1825, 1832, 1835, 2003, 2049, 2110, 2113, 2122, 2245, 2248, 2306, 2308, 2309, 2312, 2320, 2564, 2575, 2580, 2601, 2625, 2680, 2703, 2739, 2752, 2768, 2775, 2809, 2851, 2875, 2912, 2936, 2962, 2988, 3057, 3102, 3108, 3375, 3447, 3470, 3491, 3500, 3514, 3527, 3761, 4077-4126, 4628, 4642, 4659, 4697, 4744, 4810, 4822, 4859, 4892, 4895, 4922, 4930, 5018, 5072, 5117, 5135, 5192, 5217, 5240, 5257, 5308, 5310, 5336, 5349, 5391, 5393, 5407, 5434, 5633, 5687, 5689, 5755, 5807, 5840, 5977, 5979, 6054, 6060, 6141, 6150, 6159, 6173, 6187, 6247, 6253, 6272, 6326, 6377, 6389, 6401, 6413, 6430, 6448, 6482, 6500, 6520, 6524, 6526, 6543, 6547, 6563, 6575, 6580, 6596, 6606, 6609, 6610, 6620, 6633, 6651, 6652, 6667, 6712, 6752, 6766, 6804, 6812, 6812. Iudaea, 1287. øzmir, 5850. J Jabaquara, 5880. Jamestown, 5752. Jammu and Kashmir, 4027. Jämtland, 5700. Japan, 80, 217, 501, 570, 708, 819, 973, 4127-4133, 4623, 4727, 4879, 4919, 4975, 4977, 5074, 5100, 5343, 5414, 5424, 5437, 5470, 5497, 5617, 5805, 6014, 6046, 6053, 6058, 6074, 6134, 6135, 6251, 6348, 6363, 6368, 6372, 6392, 6461, 6521, 6533, 6570, 6651, 6681, 6706, 6733, 6888, 6922, 6957-6959, 6975, 7013, 7043-7101. Java, 5347. Jebel Gharbi (Libya), 997. Jerez de la Frontera, 3459. Jerusalem, 302, 1282, 1300, 5019. Jiangnan, 6875, 6909, 6947, 6965, 6983. Jiangsu, 6934, 7009.
368 Jiangxi, 6893. Jinggangshan, 6865. Jordan, 1120, 4134, 6651, 6792, 6799. Jugoslavija, Yugoslavia, 3594, 3670, 3671, 3672, 3673, 3674, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4348, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4354, 4355, 4356, 4374, 4376, 4649, 6506, 6651, 6663, 6667, 6668, 6679, 6696, 6711, 6722, 6725, 6748, 6756, 6788. Jutland, 6634. K Kalos Limen, 1468. Kamakura, 7043. Kamiros, 1779. Karnak, 1128. Kärnten, 6611. Karpatoukraine, 3706. Kaunos, 1393. Kavkaz, 990. Kazakhstan, 4135. Kazembe, 7111. Kefar Menachem (Southern Shephela, Israel), 998. Kentucky, 4563. Kenya, 4136, 4137, 5817. Kerman, 1318. Khaganat Khazar, 2562. Khazaria, 2751. Khirbet en-Nahas, 1294. Kibyratis, 1089. Kiev, 2675. Kinai, 7067. Kingston, 5564. Kinki, 7060. Knoxville, 4562. Köln, 3331. Kom Firin, 1175. Korea, 4138, 4139, 5457, 5528, 6348, 6388, 6461, 6651, 6672, 6684, 6721, 6822, 6835, 6876, 6915, 6918, 7028, 7059, 7080, 7102-7104. Kosovo, 4345. Krain, 2763, 2926. KrƝtƝ, Creta, 1025, 1049, 3455, 6375. Krym, 159, 1468, 2562, 6262, 6266, 6319, 6379. Kucha, 6924. Kültepe, 1205. Kumrovec, 3674. Kuntillet 'Ajrud, 1303. Kurdistan, 3503. Kütahya, 1111. Kyoto, 7062. Kypros, Cyprus, 2671, 3054, 3365, 3684, 3685, 6117.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX L La Habana, 5565. Labraunda, 1092. Laconia, 1533. Languedoc-Roussillon, 2892, 2916, 3001, 3810. Laodicea ad Lycum, 1121. Laos, 4140, 4141. Laphria, 1653. Lapland, 994. Larino, 2135. Las Vegas, 5865. Latvia, Lettland, Lettonie, 4142, 6503. Lausanne, 5398. Lazio, 1054, 3212. Le Havre, 6100. Lebanon, 180, 4143-4145, 6030, 6112, 6402, 6651. Lechfeld, 2757. Leipzig, 384, 3911. Lena (river valley), 4319. León, 650, 2910. Leptiminus (Lamta, Tunisia), 2262. Lesbos, 1123. Lettland v. Latvia. Lettonie v. Latvia. Libya, 607, 4146, 5193. Lietuva, Lithuania, 4147-4149, 4252, 6007, 6266, 6557. Liguria, 2843. Lille, 4906. Lima, 6228. Limoges, 2896, 3358. Limousin, 5939. Lin'an, 6982. Lithuania v. Lietuva. Livonia, 17. Livorno, 592. Locarno, 4752. àódĨ, 4245. Lombardia, 91. London, 361, 3014, 4774, 4814, 5093, 5305, 5461, 5566, 5568, 5766, 5958. Longwy, 5744. Lorraine (France), 1061, 3466. Los Angeles, 5186. Louisiana, 3681. Luapula (province), 4615. Lübeck, 2627. Lublin, 5570. Lucca, 5488. Lugo (Lucus Augusti), 2258. Luxembourg, 4150, 4151, 6651. Luzern, 3122. Lyon, 3796, 4974, 5337, 5445. M Macau, 554, 6767. Macedonia v. Makedonija.
Madagascar, 4155-4157, 6041, 6143. Madeira, 6366. Madrid, 4415, 4687. Magna Graecia, 1687, 1809. Magyarország, Hungary 24, 286, 2544, 2764, 2770, 2792, 40084026, 4371, 4522, 4656, 4758, 4960, 5006, 5187, 5609, 6428, 6491, 6530, 6650, 6651, 6653, 6673, 6674, 6680, 6688, 6689, 6718, 6726, 6750. Mainz, 3340. Makedonija, Macedonia, 1436, 1473, 1768, 1815, 3621, 3673, 4000, 4152-4154, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4355, 4356, 6356, 6383, 6387. Málaga, 2913. Malaysia, 4158-4161. Maldon, 2845. Mali, 4162. Mallorca, 3154. Maáopolska, 4231. Malta, 4163, 6078, 6265, 6448. Malvinas, 6751, 6789. Manchester, 3963. Manchuria, 507, 5083, 5105, 6911, 6951. Manciukuo, 6534. Manresa, 4431. Marathon, 1761. Marburg, 253, 5032. Mari, 1197, 1218. Marki Alonia (Cyprus), 1035. Maro Soddo (Wolayta, Etiopia), 995. Maroc, 4196, 4197, 6087, 6156, 6200, 6739. Marsa Matruh, 1060. Marseille, 3800, 5449. Massa e Cozzile, 2848. Massachusetts, 5679. Mataram, 4043. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 3855. Medellín, 3650. Méditerranée (mer), 711, 727, 1464, 2994, 3464, 5769, 6043, 6160, 6351, 6477, 6508, 6520, 6620, 6656. Mediterraneum (mare), 997, 1063, 1310, 1337, 1842, 2571. Melbourne, 62. Memel, 6007. Memphis, 1154, 1170. Menorca, 1036. Mesoamérica, 4861, 6227. Mesopotamia, 818, 1187-1245, 1316, 2399. Metz, 142, 2664, 3808. México D. F., 4692, 5533, 5990.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Mexico, 557, 3633, 3679, 4002, 4004, 4164-4194, 4981, 5065, 5076, 5389, 5614, 5626, 5676, 5682, 5737, 5774, 5829, 5896, 5994, 6006, 6025, 6059, 6212, 6320, 6325, 6328, 6362, 6376, 6450. Middle East, 3477, 4628, 6037, 6038, 6073, 6138, 6467, 6520, 6651, 6659, 6678, 6747, 6752, 6809. Milano, 60, 3176, 4102, 5249, 5563, 6274. Millau, 2911. Minoan Peak, 1376. Mittani, 1263. Mizque, 6207. Mochos, 1371. Moesia, 2064. Moldova, 126, 563, 604, 2576, 4625, 5520. Monaco (principauté de), 6395. Moncton, 5128. Mongolia, 4195, 6836, 6844, 6849, 6851. Montenegro v. Crna Gora. Montevideo, 4597. Montferrand, 2640. Montreal, 5768. Mont-Saint-Michel (Abbaye), 2636. Moravia, 547, 2941. Moskva, 4332, 5580, 6399. Mosul, 6405. Motilla del Azuer (Daimiel, Ciudad Real), 1042. Mozambique, 4198, 6151. Mt. Godai, 7048. München, 1777. Murlo (Siena), 1840. Mursia (Pantelleria, Trapani), 1027. Myanmar, 4199. Mycenae, 1377, 1381. Mykale, 1059. Mykalessos, 1059. Mylasa, 1099. N Namibia, 4200, 6183. Nanjing (Nanking), 6923, 6948, 7040. Nantes, 3826. Nantong, 6995. Napoli, 75, 3200, 4088, 4108, 4860, 5449, 5563, 5976. Naqada, 1151. Narbonne, 3784. Naryka (Locris), 1390, 1391. Nassau, 3903.
Natal, 6179. Navarra, 2808, 4408, 4423. Near East Ancient, 1051, 1063, 1064, 1069, 1070, 1079-1126, 1228. Near East, 245, 785, 4726, 6651, 6797. Necaxa, 5408. Nederland, 71, 690, 3111, 3199, 3589, 4202-4205, 4694, 4736, 4897, 4932, 5202, 5403, 5582, 5830, 5839, 6003, 6105, 6216, 6296, 6391, 6462, 6651. Nepal, 4201, 6651. Nevers, 3756. New Caledonia (Southern Melanesia), 1048. New Guinea, 7124. New Orleans, 4549, 5238, 5589, 5814. New South Wales, 3562, 3563. New York, 5189, 5267, 5656, 5856. New Zealand, 4206, 4866, 6243, 6647. Nicaea, 2573. Nicaragua, 4207, 4002. Nice, 2632. Nicomedia, 1126. Niederrhein, 3871. Nigeria, 4208-4210, 5353, 5510, 5546, 6004, 6146, 6161, 6177, 6197, 7110. Nijmegen (Nederland), 2116. Nîmes, 2148. Nisibis (Mesopotamia), 2399. Nizhnii Novgorod, 4728. Nordrhein, 5742. Norge, Norway, 439, 588, 2986, 3442, 3486, 4211, 4948, 4956, 6053, 6061, 6281, 6426, 6651. Normandie, 2779, 2929, 2972, 3415, 6592. Northern Israel, 1288. Norway v. Norge. Norwich, 5760. Novgorod, 2675. Nueva España, 5647, 5788, 5952, 5975, 5995, 6201. Nueva Granada, 3658. Nuevo León, 4171. Nuzi, 1176. O Oaxaca, 5535, 5842. Oceania, 6241-6246, 7121-7125. Oenoanda, 1107. Offenburg, 3920. Oman, 4212. Omboi, 1134. Onitsha, 5510.
369 Ontario, 5639. Oretania, 1058. Ortakent (Kreis Hanak, Turkey), 1230. Orvieto, 1832. Osaka, 7094. Osnabrück, 6257. Österreich, 287, 318, 615, 3491, 3502, 3565-3581, 3700, 4011, 4013, 4017, 4371, 4428, 4925, 4960, 5064, 5136, 5187, 5897, 5908, 5920, 6015, 6038, 6059, 6275, 6354, 6381, 6611, 6398, 6428, 6651, 6669, 6709, 6718, 6824. Osuna (Spain), 2271. OĞviĊcim, 5960. Otranto, 1689. Oxyrhynchos, 1165. P Pacifique (océan), 711, 6579, 6617. Padova, 2653. Paglicci, 1002. País Vasco v. Euskadi. Pakistan, 4213, 4214, 4801. Palaestina, 1234, 1237, 1297, 2081, 2232. v. Palestine. Palatinus (mons), 2288, 2302. Palermo, 4903, 5563. Palestine, 818, 3365, 4215, 4216, 4726, 5512, 5664, 5733, 5903, 6122, 6412, 6509, 6545, 6746. v. Palaestina. Palmyra, 1308. Pamphylia, 1101. Panamá, 4217, 5561, 6755. Pannonia Superior, 1854. Pantelleria, 1270. Papua New Guinea, 4780, 6242. Paraguay, 979, 4218, 4219, 6370. Paraná, 3601. Paris, 39, 361, 538, 750, 3168, 3260, 3461, 3787, 4471, 4711, 4898, 4969, 4982, 5007, 5059, 5139, 5168, 5179, 5196, 5201, 5210, 5566, 5592, 5597, 5948. Parma, 1829. Parmense, 1015. Parthava, 1323. Pays Bas, 2915, 5521, 5691. Pechiney, 5834. Peking v. Beijing. Pelagonia (Macedonia), 2596. Pennsylvania, 5388. Pergamon, 1104. Périgord, 5509, 5939. Pernambuco, 3600. Persepolis, 1324. Persia, 1119, 1325. Persian Gulf, 182, 1016.
370 Perú, 496, 4220-4229, 5855, 6212, 6337. Perugia, 2654, 2872. Pesaro, 4788. Petra, 1290. Philadelphia, 1293, 4534, 5463, 5694. Philistia, 1272. Phocaea, 1534. Phrygia, 1094. Piacenza, 1. Piemonte, 4087, 5481. Pinerolo, 4717. Piraeus, 1789. Pisa, 333, 6276. Pittsburgh, 5560. Plataea, 1761. PlzeĖ, 5517. Po (fiume), 206. PodještČdí, 5773. Poland v. Polska. Polska, Poland, 16, 65, 109, 296, 356, 2787, 4231-4253, 4803, 5847, 6061, 6071, 6267, 6072, 6273, 6298, 6390, 6403, 6529, 6531, 6555, 6572, 6608, 6651, 6655, 6698, 6734, 6735, 6736, 6810. Pommern, 5847. Pompeii, 2273, 2290, 2295, 2297. Pontic Olbia, 1362, 1470. Pontus Euxinos, 1460. Pont-Valperga, 1047. Porto Alegre, 3609. Portugal, 4254-4265, 19, 51, 847, 2797, 2809, 2909, 3017, 5055, 5394, 5491, 6065, 6086, 6095, 6109, 6136, 6164, 6166, 6215, 6258, 6269, 6282, 6369, 6441, 6644, 6695, 6737. Praha, 342, 4802, 4909, 5166, 6603. Preußen, 536, 646, 3498, 3856, 3910, 4250, 5704, 6249, 6291. PĜíbram, 6551. Prince Edward Island, 5492. Provence, 3102, 5653. Puebla, 4183. Puerto Rico, 6087, 6231. Puglia, 1054. Punjab, 4028, 4033, 4038, 4938, 5114. Pylos, 1369, 1378, 1799. Pyrénées, 2889, 5618. Q Qasr Ibrim, 1170, 1183. Qimen, 6946. Québec, 3629, 3632, 5964, 6481. Querétaro, 4167, 4174. Quito, 5578.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX R Raetia, 1964. Ravenna, 2490. República Dominicana, 504, 3729, 3730, 6323, 6755. République centrafricaine, 5366. Réunion, 3781, 6155. Rheinland, 2268, 3862, 4972, 6429, 6502. Rhodesia, 6199. Rhodus, 1733. Rijeka, 3671. Rio de Janeiro, 3615, 5890. Roanoke island, 5752. Rogen Gannim, 1282. Roma, 135, 283, 381, 403, 560, 600, 747, 818, 1342, 1351, 1353, 1431, 1608, 18182326, 2468, 2561, 2944, 3009, 3214, 4662, 4667, 4737, 4796, 4860, 4869, 5139, 5234, 5261, 5566, 5574, 5612, 5645, 5695, 6282. Romagna, 4079. România, 121, 129, 138, 191, 575, 721, 1795, 3489, 3493, 3620, 4266-4290, 4660, 4738, 4887, 4944, 5364, 5692, 6033, 6045, 6354, 6358, 6385, 6389, 6406, 6409, 6413, 6438, 6476, 6478, 6490, 6513, 6515, 6558, 6651, 6654, 6673, 6686, 6726, 6756, 6801. Rossija, 17, 18, 200, 315, 319, 335, 382, 497, 498, 529, 543, 551, 590, 598, 611, 2513, 2607, 2630, 2662, 2672, 2687, 2692, 2711, 2754, 2949, 3533, 3710, 3845, 4135, 4148, 4238, 4250, 42914340, 4352, 4512, 4513, 4514, 4520, 4522, 4559, 4630, 4720, 4721, 4724, 4725, 4726, 4727, 4749, 4757, 4785, 4787, 4805, 4806, 4843, 4845, 4857, 4862, 4864, 4876, 4961, 5156, 5158, 5159, 5162, 5181, 5221, 5251, 5323, 5325, 5332, 5340, 5362, 5374, 5412, 5489, 5490, 5504, 5543, 5545, 5557, 5580, 5593, 5675, 5727, 5791, 5806, 5815, 5854, 5965, 5998, 6011, 6058, 6066, 6299, 6331, 6332, 6357, 6372, 6373, 6375, 6377, 6378, 6390, 6419, 6436, 6440, 6442, 6459, 6472, 6486, 6627, 6658, 6700, 6740, 6757, 6772, 6793, 6829, 6853, 6996. v. SSSR. Roubaix, 5418. Ruhrgebiet, 6429, 6594. Rwanda, 4341, 6052, 6193.
S Sachsen, 717, 3879, 5401, 6291. Sachsen-Anhalt, 3908. Sagalassos (Pisidia), 1102. Saguntum, 2167. Sahara, 997, 6140, 6574. Saint Gall, 3166, 4474, 4478. Saint-Denis, 513. Sais (Sa el-Hagar), 1186. Salamanca, 54. Salento v. Basso Salento Samara Province, 4293. San Luis Potosí, 6320. Sankt Gallen, 1. Sankt-Peterburg, 497, 1113, 4724, 5543, 5568. Sansepolcro, 3304. Santander, 2981. Santo Domingo, 5129, 5562. São Paulo, 3607. Saqqara, 1170. Sardegna, 6566. Sardinia (insula), 1963, 1975. Saskatchewan, 5747, 5984. Saudi Arabia, 4342, 4343, 4483, 6621, 6651. Savoie, 2868, 4678, 6261, 6326. Scandinavie, 13, 114, 977, 3210, 3297, 3486, 5753, 5759. Schlesien, 5383, 5847, 6707. Schleswig, 5329, 6634. Schleswig-Holstein, 3857, 3886. Schwaben, 3838. Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera, 579, 3332, 4461-4480, 4753, 4876, 5395, 5399, 5409, 5416, 5420, 5798, 5804, 5962, 6312, 6510, 6539, 6651, 6765, 6775, 6828. Schwyz, 4462. Scotland, 118, 136, 254, 2701, 3997, 4751, 4774, 4777, 5726, 5793, 5818, 5963, 6107, 6318. Scythia minor, 2030. Scythia, 2064. Sea of Galilee, 1292. Semna, 1133. Sénégal, 4344, 6165. Sepphoris, 1305. Sétif, 6176. Sevilla, 5200. Sha'ar Hagolan (Jordan Valley, Israel), 1018. Shandong, 6977. Shanghai, 5729, 6884, 6949, 7006. Shanxi, 5518, 6891, 6900, 7012. Shenxi, 6891, 6900. Sheshonq, 1057, 1132. Shijiazhuang, 6917. Shivta, 1289. Shqipëri, 585, 3531-3538, 4710, 6400, 6443, 6455, 6504, 6651, 6712.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Shuya, 498. Siam, 5441, 6277. Sibir', 4335. Sicilia (regno di), 2876. Sicilia, 1803, 2238, 2772, 2815, 3338, 5739, 5782. Side, 1108. Sidon, 1311. Siena, 2872, 2974, 3164, 4673. Sierra Leone, 583. Silesia, 547, 4251. Singapore, 6857. Sippar, 1245. Siracusa, 1392. Sjælland, 4762. Skåne, 4450. Skyros, 1790. Slovenija, 597, 3491, 3673, 43454347, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4355, 4356, 4374-4378, 6496, 6517, 6600, 6602, 6804. Slovensko, 576, 2931, 3686, 3687, 3694, 3695, 3696, 3710, 3714, 4357-4373, 4772, 4966, 5089, 5345, 5348, 5380, 5410, 5501, 5536, 6071, 6072, 6486, 6500, 6555, 6582, 6612, 6689, 694. Småland, 589. Sokoto Caliphate, 5431. Somalia, 6153. Somme, 6408, 6446. Sonora, 4168. South Africa, 4379-4384, 5078, 5651, 5785, 5825, 6182, 6188, 6716, 6795. South Carolina, 4557, 4574, 4680, 5496, 5762. Soweto, 4381. Spaccasasso (Alberese, Grosseto), 1045. Sparta, 1347, 1433, 1438, 1439, 1454, 1462, 1483, 1484, 1497, 1508, 1518, 1527, 1771. Srbija, 597, 3673, 4345-4356, 6400, 6455. Sri Lanka, 66, 4443, 4444. SSSR, 319, 335, 3837, 3845, 4296, 4299, 4302, 4306, 4312, 4337, 4338, 4512, 4513, 4514, 4520, 4522, 4785, 4805, 4857, 4877, 5112, 5315, 5323, 5362, 5412, 5469, 5482, 5489, 5490, 5493, 5688, 5998, 5999, 6011, 6040, 6182, 6388, 6422, 6425, 6426, 6451, 6464, 6473, 6497, 6518, 6522, 6531, 6542, 6557, 6567, 6614, 6619, 6651, 6654, 6655, 6670, 6674, 6697, 6703, 6709, 6733, 6762, 6772, 6784, 6797,
6800, 6802, 6803, 6806, 6808, 6813, 6822, 6825. Stabiae, 1853. Stalingrad, 6586. Steiermark, 2926. Stellenbosch, 4379. Stettin, 5847. Stockholm, 5568. Strasbourg, 4928. Styria, 4375. Sudak, 2614. Sudan, 1142, 4445, 6169, 6480. Sudeten, 3691, 3709. Suez canal, 6692, 6715, 6769. Suisse v. Schweiz. Sumapaz, 3648. Suomi, Finland, 179, 224, 527, 762, 774, 3486, 3742-3745, 4872, 4956, 5033, 5096, 5194, 5195, 5269, 5324, 5583, 5665, 5669, 5705, 5720, 5731, 5790, 5824, 5836, 5848, 5851, 5852, 6075, 6472, 6651, 6750, 6777, 6784. Suriname, 6213. Susa, 1314. Suzhou, 6983. Sverige, 145, 379, 439, 578, 722, 2704, 2733, 2840, 2869, 2908, 2986, 3333, 3486, 4446-4460, 4878, 4890, 4956, 4970, 4978, 4980, 4989, 5331, 5458, 5477, 5540, 5642, 5671, 5674, 5705, 5717, 5720, 5741, 5811, 5821, 5859, 6248, 6280, 6287, 6309, 6442, 6519, 6562, 6584, 6651, 6747, 6771. Svizzera v. Schweiz. Sweden v. Sverige. Syene, 1134, 1166. Syria, 818, 1234, 1237, 1251, 2437, 3503, 4481-4485, 6112, 6402, 6417, 6651, 6776. T Taiwan, 5457, 6135, 6938. Tanganyika, 5641, 7113. Tanzania, 4486, 4487. Tarapacá, 3637. Tarquinia, 1842. Taršiš, 1073. Tartessos, 1073. Tehran, 6843. Tel Hazor, 1053, 1273. Tell Chuera, 1218. Tell el-Amarna, 1170, 1178. Tell Mohammed Diyab, 1239. Tell Sabi Abyad (Syria), 1013. Tenedos, 1778. Tennessee, 5506. Terina, 1392.
371 Terqa, 1110. Teutoburgiensis saltus, 1998. Texas, 4171, 4734. Thapsos, 1775. Thebae, 1378, 1379. ThessalonikƝ, 2519, 2604, 3290, 4795. Thorikos, 1402. Thracia, 1473, 3621. Thugga, 1306. Thüringen, 2862. Tiber Valley, 2280. Tibet, 5991, 6011, 6845, 6849, 6954, 6997, 7038. Tigris (flumen), 1191. Tihau-Cetate (Romania), 2264. Timor-Leste, 4488, 6136. Tirol, 2637, 4702, 5483, 6524, 6669. Togarma, 1244. Togo, 4489. Toledo, 2818, 2953. Tolouse, 2938. Tomsk Province, 5965. Torino, 4082. Toronto, 5813. Torres Vedras, 90. Toscana, 4090, 4113, 4677, 4691. Toul, 3808. Toutôn (Fayoum), 1162. Transdanubia, 2301. Transilvania, 2724, 2886, 2958, 2993, 3158, 3467, 4684, 5573, 5586, 6275, 6673. Trentino, 2637, 3566. Trento, 103, 4699, 5681. Trieste, 5775, 6008, 6600, 6633, 6651, 6667. Trinidad and Tobago, 4490. Trinity Monastery of St Sergius, 18. Troia, 1078, 1382, 1924. Trujillo, 5587. Tübingen, 4920. Tucumán, 5426. Túmulo de la Sima (Miño de Medinaceli, Soria, España), 1046. Tunis, 4493, 6288. Tunisie, 4491-4493, 6720. Turkestan, 503. Türkiye, 186, 540, 649, 772, 1074, 3503, 3536, 4494-4508, 4724, 4964, 5422, 5576, 5693, 6040, 6275, 6332, 6339, 6342, 6343, 6371, 6403, 6405, 6417, 6456, 6468, 6469, 6541, 6651, 6705. Turlu Höyük, 1193. Tuva, 529. Tyrus, 1307, 1311.
372 U U.S.A., 190, 207, 279, 322, 416, 549, 556, 631, 660, 686, 715, 783, 3499, 3550, 3559, 3590, 3619, 3633, 3679, 3681, 3931, 3992, 4232, 4523-4594, 4629, 4647, 4767, 4798, 4837, 4910, 4911, 4914, 4919, 4923, 4945, 4950, 4954, 4955, 4959, 4976, 4985, 4991, 5002, 5058, 5075, 5077, 5084, 5091, 5098, 5115, 5157, 5167, 5186, 5215, 5222, 5232, 5247, 5250, 5255, 5264, 5274, 5307, 5322, 5375, 5385, 5402, 5448, 5475, 5486, 5547, 5556, 5582, 5590, 5613, 5623, 5631, 5635, 5644, 5655, 5668, 5669, 5672, 5673, 5682, 5690, 5696, 5709, 5710, 5715, 5718, 5776, 5787, 5810, 5829, 5832, 5838, 5848, 5866, 5872, 5877, 5909, 5917, 5924, 5935, 5941, 5949, 5981, 5993, 6006, 6009, 6014, 6019, 6020, 6021, 6032, 6034, 6047, 6049, 6050, 6055, 6056, 6062, 6065, 6067, 6068, 6069, 6081, 6123, 6128, 6164, 6199, 6203, 6221, 6235, 6279, 6283, 6307, 6327, 6338, 6345, 6347, 6350, 6352, 6355, 6361, 6364, 6374, 6392, 6404, 6433, 6438, 6450, 6451, 6466, 6469, 6489, 6497, 6505, 6543, 6554, 6556, 6570, 6590, 6593, 6618, 6620, 6621, 6623, 6624, 6625, 6630, 6632, 6636, 6637, 6639, 6640, 6641, 6642, 6646, 6651, 6659, 6661, 6671, 6674, 6678, 6691, 6693, 6702, 6704, 6706, 6723, 6733, 6739, 6746, 6748, 6749, 6755, 6759, 6763, 6772, 6773, 6779, 6781, 6783, 6785, 6794, 6801, 6807, 6808, 6809, 6811, 6814, 6818, 6820, 6827, 6881, 6989. Uganda, 4509, 5620, 7115. Ugarit, 1220. Ukraine, 313, 598, 4510-4522, 4630, 4799, 5404, 5849, 6266, 6379, 6390, 6428. Ulster, 3989, 4058, 4071, 4756. Uluburun, 1028. Umbria, 3441.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Umm el-Marra (Syria), 1231. Uppsala, 2836. Ur, 1224. Urals, 987, 4321, 5489. Urartu, 1080. Urbino, 1552. Urfa, 1095. Uruguay, 4595-4599, 5887. Uttar Pradesh, 4032. Uzbekistan, 5722. V Val di Chiana, 1031. Valachia, 126, 604, 4432. Valencia, 4627. Valladolid, 4698. Valle d'Aosta, 3211. Vangadizza (Badia Polesine), 2653. Vanuatu, 4600. Vaucouleurs, 5985. Vayia, 1050. Velia, 1405. Veneto, 4098. Venezia, 357, 689, 690, 704, 2605, 2921, 2932, 3201, 4100, 4118, 4622, 4691, 5188, 5361, 5483, 5792, 6261. Venezuela, 4601-4605, 6222, 6239, 6376, 6543. Verdun, 3443, 3808. Vergina, 1401. Viangchan, 4140. Vicenza, 2660. Victoria, 267, 5930, 7123. Vietnam, 4570, 4606-4613, 4707, 6322, 6570, 6694, 6733, 6783, 6794, 6796, 6803, 6806, 6819, 6823, 6823, 6835. Vila Pouca de Aguiar, 2642. Vindolanda (Chesterholm, England), 2266, 2267. Virginia, 4535, 4545, 4563, 5708. Vitebsk, 4785. Vizcaya, 5743. Volga, 987, 4971. Volhynia, 4521. Vorarlberg, 3579, 6669. Voronež, 4308, 4309, 4331. Vulci (Etruria), 1828, 1833. W Wadi Hammamat, 1146. WƗdƯ Ram (Jordan), 1286.
Wales, 2701. Wallonia, 3586. War Kabud (Western Iran), 1320. Warszawa, 4236, 5808. Washington, 4939, 5429. Waterloo, 346. West Bank, 4215. Westfalen, 2796, 3902, 5742. Westminster, 522. Wielkopolska, 535, 4244, 4246. Wien, 459, 5287, 6669. Wisconsins, 5719. Worm, 2631. Wrocáaw, 5607. Wülfinghausen (Klosters), 2666. Württemberg, 2891, 3850, 3880, 3906. X Xanthos, 1087. Xi'an, 7040. Xinzhou, 6905. Yamatai-koku, 7083. Y Yangtze Valley, 6960. Yavu-Bergland (Lycia), 1093. Yellowstone, 5841. Yogyakarta, 4045. York (England), 1965, 2645, 2655, 3094, 3322. Yugoslavia v. Jugoslavija. Yunnan Sheng, 6887. Yunnan, 7034. Z Zadar, 6398. Zagreb, 5314, 5845. Zakarpattia, 4522. Zambia, 4614-4617. Zaragoza, 4397. Zeytinli Bahçe (Birecik, ùanliUrfa), 1029. Zhangjiashan, 6986. Zhusanjiao, 6857, 6914. Zimbabwe, 4618, 5648, 6458. Zion (mount in Jerusalem), 2440. Zonguldak øli, 5422. Zoumalou, 6999. Zürich, 4470, 4752, 5974.