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AUTOMATION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING A Series of Reference Books and Textbooks Editor FRANK L. LEWIS, PH.D. Professor Automation and Robotics Research Institute The University of Texas at Arlington
Co-Editor SHUZHI SAM GE, PH.D. The National University of Singapore
1. Nonlinear Control of Electric Machinery, Darren M. Dawson, Jun Hu, and Timothy C. Burg 2. Computational Intelligence in Control Engineering, Robert E. King 3. Quantitative Feedback Theory: Fundamentals and Applications, Constantine H. Houpis and Steven J. Rasmussen 4. Self-Learning Control of Finite Markov Chains, A. S. Poznyak, K. Najim, and E. Gómez-Ramírez 5. Robust Control and Filtering for Time-Delay Systems, Magdi S. Mahmoud 6. Classical Feedback Control: With MATLAB®, Boris J. Lurie and Paul J. Enright 7. Optimal Control of Singularly Perturbed Linear Systems and Applications: High-Accuracy Techniques, Zoran Gajif and Myo-Taeg Lim 8. Engineering System Dynamics: A Unified Graph-Centered Approach, Forbes T. Brown 9. Advanced Process Identification and Control, Enso Ikonen and Kaddour Najim 10. Modern Control Engineering, P. N. Paraskevopoulos 11 . Sliding Mode Control in Engineering, edited by Wilfrid Perruquetti and Jean-Pierre Barbot 12. Actuator Saturation Control, edited by Vikram Kapila and Karolos M. Grigoriadis 13. Nonlinear Control Systems, Zoran Vukiç, Ljubomir Kuljaãa, Dali Donlagiã, and Sejid Tesnjak 14. Linear Control System Analysis & Design: Fifth Edition, John D’Azzo, Constantine H. Houpis and Stuart Sheldon 15. Robot Manipulator Control: Theory & Practice, Second Edition, Frank L. Lewis, Darren M. Dawson, and Chaouki Abdallah 16. Robust Control System Design: Advanced State Space Techniques, Second Edition, Chia-Chi Tsui 17. Differentially Flat Systems, Hebertt Sira-Ramirez and Sunil Kumar Agrawal
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18. Chaos in Automatic Control, edited by Wilfrid Perruquetti and Jean-Pierre Barbot 19. Fuzzy Controller Design: Theory and Applications, Zdenko Kovacic and Stjepan Bogdan 20. Quantitative Feedback Theory: Fundamentals and Applications, Second Edition, Constantine H. Houpis, Steven J. Rasmussen, and Mario Garcia-Sanz 21. Neural Network Control of Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems, Jagannathan Sarangapani 22. Autonomous Mobile Robots: Sensing, Control, Decision Making and Applications, edited by Shuzhi Sam Ge and Frank L. Lewis 23. Hard Disk Drive: Mechatronics and Control, Abdullah Al Mamun, GuoXiao Guo, and Chao Bi 24. Stochastic Hybrid Systems, edited by Christos G. Cassandras and John Lygeros 25. Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks: Protocols, Performance, and Control, Jagannathan Sarangapani 26. Optimal and Robust Estimation: With an Introduction to Stochastic Control Theory, Second Edition, Frank L. Lewis, Lihua Xie, and Dan Popa
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Optimal and Robust Estimation With an Introduction to Stochastic Control Theory
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Optimal and Robust Estimation With an Introduction to Stochastic Control Theory
Boca Raton London New York
CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
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To Galina, Roma, Chris. Frank L. Lewis To my wife, Meiyun, and daughters, Jassica and Julie, for their constant support and enduring love. Lihua Xie In memory of my late wife Priya Mancharam, for her constant support and inspiration during the revision of the book. Dan Popa
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Preface ............................................................................................. xv Authors ............................................................................................ xvii Subject ............................................................................................. xix Audience .......................................................................................... xxi
Optimal Estimation
1 Classical Estimation Theory 1.1 Mean-Square Estimation ....................................................... 1.1.1 Mean-Square Estimation of a Random Variable X by a Constant .................................................................... 1.1.2 Mean-Square Estimation of a Random Variable X Given a Random Variable Z: General Case ............................ 1.1.3 The Orthogonality Principle ........................................ 1.1.4 Linear Mean-Square Estimation of a Random Variable X Given a Random Variable Z ...................... 1.2 Maximum-Likelihood Estimation ........................................... 1.2.1 Nonlinear Maximum-Likelihood Estimation.................. 1.2.2 Linear Gaussian Measurements.................................... 1.3 The Cram´er–Rao Bound ....................................................... 1.4 Recursive Estimation ............................................................ 1.4.1 Sequential Processing of Measurements ........................ 1.4.2 Sequential Maximum-Likelihood Estimation ................. 1.4.3 Prewhitening of Data.................................................. 1.5 Wiener Filtering ................................................................... 1.5.1 The Linear Estimation Problem................................... 1.5.2 Solution of the Wiener–Hopf Equation ......................... Infinite-Delay Steady-State Smoothing ........... Causal Steady-State Filtering ........................ Problems .....................................................................................
1 3 3 4 5 13 14 19 19 20 25 28 28 31 33 34 36 38 38 41 50
2 Discrete-Time Kalman Filter 59 2.1 Deterministic State Observer ................................................ 59 2.2 Linear Stochastic Systems ..................................................... 64 2.2.1 Propagation of Means and Covariances ........................ 65 2.2.2 Statistical Steady-State and Spectral Densities ............. 68
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Contents 2.3
The Discrete-Time Kalman Filter .......................................... 2.3.1 Kalman Filter Formulations ........................................ 2.4 Discrete Measurements of Continuous-Time Systems .............. 2.4.1 Discretization of Continuous Stochastic Systems........... 2.4.2 Multiple Sampling Rates ............................................. 2.4.3 Discretization of Time-Varying Systems ....................... 2.5 Error Dynamics and Statistical Steady State ......................... 2.5.1 The Error System ....................................................... 2.5.2 The Innovations Sequence ........................................... 2.5.3 The Algebraic Riccati Equation................................... 2.5.4 Time-Varying Plant .................................................... 2.6 Frequency Domain Results .................................................... 2.6.1 A Spectral Factorization Result ................................... 2.6.2 The Innovations Representation................................... 2.6.3 Chang–Letov Design Procedure for the Kalman Filter ............................................................ 2.6.4 Deriving the Discrete Wiener Filter ............................. 2.7 Correlated Noise and Shaping Filters ..................................... 2.7.1 Colored Process Noise ................................................. 2.7.2 Correlated Measurement and Process Noise.................. 2.7.3 Colored Measurement Noise ........................................ 2.8 Optimal Smoothing .............................................................. 2.8.1 The Information Filter ................................................ 2.8.2 Optimal Smoothed Estimate ....................................... 2.8.3 Rauch–Tung–Striebel Smoother ................................... Problems ..................................................................................... 3 Continuous-Time Kalman Filter 3.1 Derivation from Discrete Kalman Filter ................................. 3.2 Some Examples .................................................................... 3.3 Derivation from Wiener–Hope Equation ................................ 3.3.1 Introduction of a Shaping Filter .................................. 3.3.2 A Differential Equation for the Optimal Impulse Response.................................................................... 3.3.3 A Differential Equation for the Estimate ...................... 3.3.4 A Differential Equation for the Error Covariance .......... 3.3.5 Discussion .................................................................. 3.4 Error Dynamics and Statistical Steady State ......................... 3.4.1 The Error System ....................................................... 3.4.2 The Innovations Sequence ........................................... 3.4.3 The Algebraic Riccati Equation................................... 3.4.4 Time-Varying Plant .................................................... 3.5 Frequency Domain Results .................................................... 3.5.1 Spectral Densities for Linear Stochastic Systems........... 3.5.2 A Spectral Factorization Result ................................... 3.5.3 Chang–Letov Design Procedure ...................................
70 71 84 85 98 101 101 101 102 103 110 112 112 114 115 118 123 124 127 130 132 133 136 138 140 151 151 157 166 167 168 169 170 172 177 177 178 179 180 180 181 181 184
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Contents 3.6
Correlated Noise and Shaping Filters ..................................... 3.6.1 Colored Process Noise ................................................. 3.6.2 Correlated Measurement and Process Noise.................. 3.6.3 Colored Measurement Noise ........................................ 3.7 Discrete Measurements of Continuous-Time Systems .............. 3.8 Optimal Smoothing .............................................................. 3.8.1 The Information Filter ................................................ 3.8.2 Optimal Smoothed Estimate ....................................... 3.8.3 Rauch–Ting–Striebel Smoother ................................... Problems .....................................................................................
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4 Kalman Filter Design and Implementation 4.1 Modeling Errors, Divergence, and Exponential Data Weighting .................................................................... 4.1.1 Modeling Errors ......................................................... 4.1.2 Kalman Filter Divergence ........................................... 4.1.3 Fictitious Process Noise Injection ................................ 4.1.4 Exponential Data Weighting ....................................... 4.2 Reduced-Order Filters and Decoupling .................................. 4.2.1 Decoupling and Parallel Processing.............................. 4.2.2 Reduced-Order Filters................................................. 4.3 Using Suboptimal Gains ....................................................... 4.4 Scalar Measurement Updating .............................................. Problems .....................................................................................
5 Estimation for Nonlinear Systems 5.1 Update of the Hyperstate ..................................................... 5.1.1 Discrete Systems ........................................................ 5.1.2 Continuous Systems.................................................... 5.2 General Update of Mean and Covariance ............................... 5.2.1 Time Update.............................................................. 5.2.2 Measurement Update .................................................. 5.2.3 Linear Measurement Update ....................................... 5.3 Extended Kalman Filter ....................................................... 5.3.1 Approximate Time Update.......................................... 5.3.2 Approximate Measurement Update.............................. 5.3.3 The Extended Kalman Filter....................................... 5.4 Application to Adaptive Sampling ......................................... 5.4.1 Mobile Robot Localization in Sampling........................ 5.4.2 The Combined Adaptive Sampling Problem ................. 5.4.3 Closed-Form Estimation for a Linear Field without Localization Uncertainty ............................................. 5.4.4 Closed-Form Estimation for a Linear Field with Localization Uncertainty ..................................... 5.4.5 Adaptive Sampling Using the Extended Kalman Filter ............................................................
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213 213 223 226 230 236 236 242 249 253 254
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Contents 5.4.6
Simultaneous Localization and Sampling Using a Mobile Robot .......................................................... 297 Problems ..................................................................................... 305
Robust Estimation
6 Robust Kalman Filter 6.1 Systems with Modeling Uncertainties .................................... 6.2 Robust Finite Horizon Kalman a Priori Filter ....................... 6.3 Robust Stationary Kalman a Priori Filter ............................. 6.4 Convergence Analysis ........................................................... 6.4.1 Feasibility and Convergence Analysis ........................... 6.4.2 ε–Switching Strategy .................................................. 6.5 Linear Matrix Inequality Approach ....................................... 6.5.1 Robust Filter for Systems with Norm-Bounded Uncertainty ................................................................ 6.5.2 Robust Filtering for Systems with Polytopic Uncertainty ................................................................ 6.6 Robust Kalman Filtering for Continuous-Time Systems .......... Proofs of Theorems ...................................................................... Problems .....................................................................................
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7 H∞ Filtering of Continuous-Time Systems 7.1 H∞ Filtering Problem .......................................................... 7.1.1 Relationship with Two-Person Zero-Sum Game ............ 7.2 Finite Horizon H∞ Linear Filter ........................................... 7.3 Characterization of All Finite Horizon H∞ Linear Filters ....... 7.4 Stationary H∞ Filter—Riccati Equation Approach ................ 7.4.1 Relationship between Guaranteed H∞ Norm and Actual H∞ Norm ................................................. 7.4.2 Characterization of All Linear Time-Invariant H∞ Filters .......................................... 7.5 Relationship with the Kalman Filter ..................................... 7.6 Convergence Analysis ........................................................... 7.7 H∞ Filtering for a Special Class of Signal Models .................. 7.8 Stationary H∞ Filter—Linear Matrix Inequality Approach ..... Problems .....................................................................................
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8 H∞ Filtering of Discrete-Time Systems 8.1 Discrete-Time H∞ Filtering Problem .................................... 8.2 H∞ a Priori Filter ............................................................... 8.2.1 Finite Horizon Case .................................................... 8.2.2 Stationary Case .......................................................... 8.3 H∞ a Posteriori Filter ......................................................... 8.3.1 Finite Horizon Case .................................................... 8.3.2 Stationary Case ..........................................................
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Contents 8.4 Polynomial Approach to H∞ Estimation ............................... 8.5 J-Spectral Factorization ........................................................ 8.6 Applications in Channel Equalization .................................... Problems .....................................................................................
Optimal Stochastic Control
xiii 408 410 414 419
9 Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems 9.1 Dynamic Programming Approach .......................................... 9.1.1 Discrete-Time Systems................................................ 9.1.2 Continuous-Time Systems ........................................... 9.2 Continuous-Time Linear Quadratic Gaussian Problem ............ 9.2.1 Complete State Information ........................................ 9.2.2 Incomplete State Information and the Separation Principle.............................................. 9.3 Discrete-Time Linear Quadratic Gaussian Problem ................ 9.3.1 Complete State Information ........................................ 9.3.2 Incomplete State Information ...................................... Problems .....................................................................................
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10 Stochastic Control for Polynomial Systems 10.1 Polynomial Representation of Stochastic Systems ................... 10.2 Optimal Prediction ............................................................... 10.3 Minimum Variance Control ................................................... 10.4 Polynomial Linear Quadratic Gaussian Regulator .................. Problems .....................................................................................
463 463 465 469 473 481
Appendix: Review of Matrix Algebra A.1 Basic Definitions and Facts ................................................... A.2 Partitioned Matrices ............................................................. A.3 Quadratic Forms and Definiteness ......................................... A.4 Matrix Calculus ...................................................................
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This book is intended for use in a second graduate course in modern control theory. A background in both probability theory and the state variable representation of systems is assumed. One advantage of modern control theory is that it employs matrix algebra, which results in a simplification in notation and mathematical manipulations when dealing with multivariable systems. The Appendix provides a short review of matrices for those who need it. The book is also intended as a reference. Equations of recurring usefulness are displayed in tabular form for easy access. Many examples are used to illustrate the concepts and to impart intuition, and the reader is shown how to write simple software implementations of estimators using MATLAB . In this edition, the example problems have been revisited and updated. Sample code in MATLAB will be available from the publisher’s Web site for download. Optimal control and optimal estimation are the dual theories that provide the foundation for the modern study of systems. Optimal control can be studied in a purely deterministic context in which the unrealistic assumption is made that perfect information about nature is available. The solutions to control problems are discovered by a backward progression through time. Optimal estimation, however, is the problem of casting into a useful form information from an inherently noisy and substantially uncooperative environment; it is, therefore, intimately concerned with probabilistic notions. Solutions to estimation problems are discovered by a forward progression through time. Stochastic control theory uses information reconstructed from noisy measurements to control a system so that it has a desired behavior; hence, it represents a marriage of optimal estimation and deterministic optimal control. In Part I, we discuss the estimation problem, covering in detail a system that extracts information from measured data and which is known as the Kalman filter. Kalman filters are used, for example, in communication networks and in the navigation of ships, aircraft, and space vehicles. Classical estimation theory, including the Wiener filter, is reviewed in Chapter 1, and throughout the book we point out relationships between the Kalman filter and this older body of knowledge. In Part II, we focus our discussions on robust estimation in which the dynamics of the underlying system are not exactly known. First, we are concerned with the design of a filter that would have an optimal guaranteed performance for systems with parametric uncertainties of a norm-bounded type or polytopic type. However, when little information about the statistics xv
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of noises is given, an H∞ filter would be more desirable than a Kalman filter. In Chapters 7 and 8, we give a detailed account of H∞ filtering. In Part III, we introduce stochastic control theory, treating both state variable systems and polynomial systems. For a complete foundation in modern system theory and more insight on stochastic control, a course in deterministic optimal control is required. Frank L. Lewis—This book is dedicated to my teachers, J.B. Pearson and E.W. Kamen, whose knowledge and wisdom I have imperfectly transcribed into this written volume wherein the insight and the better ideas are completely theirs. It is also dedicated to N.B. Nichols, whose achievements have been a source of inspiration and whose friendship a source of strength. Finally, it is dedicated to Brian Stevens, a true engineer, and a close friend who has given me more insight than he realizes in our years of working together. Lihua Xie—The book is dedicated to C.E. de Souza, M. Fu, and U. Shaked for their willingness to share their extensive knowledge and their research collaborations on robust estimation. We are also indebted to Y.C. Soh and H. Zhang for many useful discussions and S. Sun and J. Xu for their careful reading of Part II of the book. The help from J. Xu in some simulation examples of Part II is greatly appreciated. The book is also dedicated to my wife, Meiyun, and daughters, Jassica and Julie, for their constant support and enduring love. Dan Popa wishes to dedicate his contribution to this edition in the memory of his late wife Priya Mancharam, for her constant support and inspiration during the revision of the book. We also acknowledge the collaboration work with Professors Arthur Sanderson and Harry Stephanou, and the help of Chad Helm, Vadiraj Hombal, Koushil Sreenath, and Muhammad Mysorewala on the example of adaptive sampling with robots added to Chapter 5. Finally, we thank Muhammad Mysorewala for his patience and diligence working through most of the examples, codes, and the diagrams in the book. Frank L. Lewis Lihua Xie Dan Popa
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Frank L. Lewis, Fellow IEEE, Fellow U.K. Institute of Measurement and Control, PE Texas, U.K. Chartered Engineer, is distinguished scholar professor and Moncrief-O’Donnell chair at the University of Texas at Arlington’s Automation and Robotics Research Institute. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in physics/EE and his MSEE degree at Rice University, his MS degree in aeronautical engineering from the University of West Florida, and his PhD at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He works in feedback control, intelligent systems, and sensor networks. He is the author of five U.S. patents, 174 journal papers, 286 conference papers, and 11 books. He received the Fulbright Research Award, NSF Research Initiation Grant, and ASEE Terman Award. He also received the Outstanding Service Award from the Dallas IEEE Section and was selected as engineer of the year by the Ft. Worth IEEE Section. He is listed in the Ft. Worth Business Press Top 200 Leaders in Manufacturing. He was appointed to the NAE Committee on Space Station in 1995. Dr. Lewis is an elected guest consulting professor at both South China University of Technology and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is the founding member of the Board of Governors of the Mediterranean Control Association. He helped win the IEEE Control Systems Society Best Chapter Award (as founding chairman of the DFW Chapter), the National Sigma Xi Award for Outstanding Chapter (as president of UTA Chapter), and the US SBA Tibbets Award in 1996 (as director of ARRI’s SBIR Program). Lihua Xie received his BE and ME degrees in electrical engineering from Nanjing University of Science and Technology in 1983 and 1986, respectively, and his PhD degree in electrical engineering from the University of Newcastle, Australia, in 1992. Since 1992, he has been with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, where he is a professor. He held teaching appointments in the Department of Automatic Control, Nanjing University of Science and Technology from 1986 to 1989. He has also held visiting appointments with the University of Newcastle, the University of Melbourne, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dr Xie’s research interests include robust control and estimation, networked control systems, time delay systems, control of disk drive systems, and sensor networks. He has published over 120 journal papers and coauthored the books H-Infinity Control and Filtering of Two-Dimensional Systems (with C. Du), Optimal and Robust Estimation (with F.L. Lewis and D. Popa), and Control and Estimation of Systems with Input/Output Delays (with H. Zhang). He is an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, xvii
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Automatica, and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II. He is also a member of the editorial board of IEE Proceedings on Control Theory and Applications. He served as an associate editor of the International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems from 2004 to 2006 and an associate editor of the Conference Editorial Board, IEEE Control Systems Society from 2000 to 2005. He was the general chairman of the 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision. Dr. Xie is a fellow of IEEE and a fellow of Institution of Engineers, Singapore. Dan Popa is presently an assistant professor of electrical engineering at the Automation and Robotics Research Institute at the University of Texas at Arlington. He received a BA degree in engineering, mathematics, and computer science and an MS degree in engineering, both from Dartmouth College where he was a Montgomery Scholar from 1990 to 1994. He received a PhD in EE from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1998, focusing on nonholonomic robotics. He then joined the Center for Automation Technologies at RPI, where he held the rank of senior research scientist until 2004. Dr. Popa led numerous projects sponsored by government agencies and industry in the areas of robotics, control, and microsystems assembly and packaging. Dr. Popa has a broad experience base in control and robotics, including the design, characterization, modeling, and control of MEMS actuators; the design of parallel and multiscale assembly architectures; the deployment of mobile sensor networks; and the development of new processes for 3D wafer integration. His current research focuses on sensors, actuators, and integrated microsystems, and their deployment using robots. He is the recipient of several prestigious awards and the author of over 60 refereed papers, and a member of IEEE, ASME, SME, and IMAPS.
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The book covers estimation theory and design techniques that are important in navigation, communication systems and signal processing, aerospace systems, industry, seismology and earthquake prediction, and elsewhere. Estimators seek to combine the available measurements and knowledge of system dynamics to provide the most accurate knowledge possible of desired characteristics or quantities of interest. An example is in spacecraft navigation where dynamical information about the motion of the vehicle and also measurements from navigation systems and star positioning information are available. The Kalman filter combines all this information to provide the best possible estimate of the vehicle’s location. Another example is in communications, where one seeks to reconstruct the signals in the presence of noise and distortions. The book covers optimal filtering including the Kalman filter, optimal smoothing, and nonlinear estimation. Three chapters on robust estimation and H∞ estimation show how to apply filtering for modern-day high-performance systems with disturbances and uncertainty. Both continuous-time and discretetime systems are discussed. Extensive computer examples and case studies provide insight and design experience. MATLAB code is available on the Web site. Design equations and algorithms are collected in tables for ease of use and reference.
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The book is intended for senior undergraduate or first graduate courses on estimation. The first edition has been used for both. It is also useful for researchers in academia and government labs. Industry engineers currently using the book will welcome the new material on robust and H-infinity filtering. The material is important in navigation, communication systems and signal processing, aerospace systems, industry, seismology and earthquake prediction, biological systems, control systems, and elsewhere. As such it will market in the above IEEE societies and other corresponding societies nationally and internationally.
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Part I
Optimal Estimation
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1 Classical Estimation Theory
There are many ways to estimate an unknown quantity from available data. This chapter basically covers mean-square estimation and the Wiener filter. A discussion of recursive estimation is included, since it provides a good background for the Kalman filter. The techniques presented here can be described as classical techniques in that they represent the state of the art prior to 1960, when Kalman and Bucy developed their approach (Kalman 1960, 1963; Kalman and Bucy 1961).
Mean-Square Estimation
Suppose there is an unknown vector X and available data Z that is somehow related to X, so that knowing Z we have some information about X. Meansquare estimation implies a setting in which there is prior information about both the unknown X ∈ Rn and the measurement Z ∈ Rp , so that both X and Z are stochastic. That is, we know the joint statistics of X and Z. If Z ˆ is given, we would like to make an estimate X(Z) of the value of X so that the estimation error ˜ =X −X ˆ X (1.1) is small. “Small” can be defined in several ways, leading to different methods of estimation. Define the mean-square error as the expected value of the Euclidean norm ˜ squared of X, ˆ T (X − X) ˆ ˜T X ˜ = (X − X) J =X
˜ is a random variable, the expected value (overbar) is required as Since X shown. (We use both overbars and E(·) for expected value.) The mean-square estimation criterion can be stated as follows. Using all ˆ to minimize Equation 1.2. available information, select an estimate X It is worth saying a few words about the “available information.” In the next subsection, we consider the case where there is no information other than the statistics of X. Next, we consider the case where a random variable Z, the measurement, provides additional information on X. There will be no assumption about how Z derives from X, so this latter result will be 3
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
completely general. Finally, in the third subsection we make a useful restricting assumption on the form of the estimate. This presentation is modified from the one in Papoulis (1965). Mean-square estimation is a special case of Bayesian estimation. The general Bayesian estimation problem is to find the estimate that minimizes the Bayes risk ∞ ˆ XZ (x, z)dx dz ˜ = C(x − X)f (1.3) J = E[C(X)] −∞
˜ =X ˜T X ˜ results in Equation 1.2. where C(·) is a cost function. Selecting C(X) ˜ = 0, if all Another special case is maximum a posteriori estimation (C(X) ˜ ˜ components of X have magnitude less than a given ε, C(X) = 1 otherwise). It can be shown that as long as the cost is symmetric and convex, and the conditional probability density function (PDF) fX/Z (x/z) is symmetric about its mean, then all Bayes estimates yield the same optimal estimate (Sorenson 1970a). As we shall discover, this is the conditional mean of the unknown, given the data X/Z.
Mean-Square Estimation of a Random Variable X by a Constant
Suppose the measurement Z is not yet given, but we know only the a priori statistics of the unknown X. That is, the PDF fX (x) is known, or equivalently all moments of X are given. The problem is to choose a constant that will ˆ for X in the mean-square sense. yield the best a a priori estimate X To solve this problem, work with the mean-square error (Equation 1.2) ˆ T (X − X) ˆ = XT X − X ˆT X ¯ −X ¯T X ˆ +X ˆT X ˆ J = (X − X) ˆT X ¯ +X ˆT X ˆ = X T X − 2X ˆ does not depend where we have used the fact that, since it is a constant, X on X and so can be taken out from under the expectation operator. Now, differentiating this, it is seen that ∂J ˆ ∂X
¯ + 2X ˆ =0 = −2X
or ¯ ˆ MS = X X
We have thus arrived at the possibly obvious and certainly intuitive conclusion that if only the statistics of X are known, then the best constant to estimate X is the mean of X. To obtain a measure of confidence for the estimate (Equation 1.4), let us find the error covariance. Notice first that ˜ = E(X − X) ¯ =X ¯ −X ¯ =0 E(X)
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Classical Estimation Theory
so that the expected estimation error is equal to zero. This property is of ˆ to sufficient importance to give it a name. Accordingly, define an estimate X be unbiased if ˜ =0 E(X)
ˆ =X ¯ E(X)
This is equivalent to
which says that the expected value of the estimate is equal to the mean of the unknown. (In the absence of data, the optimal mean-square estimate is the mean of the unknown, as we have just discovered.) We can now write for the error covariance ¯˜ X ¯˜ T = X ˜ − X)( ˜ − X) ˜X ˜T PX˜ = (X ˆ ˆ T = (X − X)(X ¯ ¯ T = (X − X)(X − X) − X) but this is just equal to the covariance of X. The a priori error covariance is therefore just PX˜ = PX
If the error covariance is small, then the associated estimate is a good one. −1 We call the inverse of the error covariance, PX ˜ , the information matrix.
Mean-Square Estimation of a Random Variable X Given a Random Variable Z: General Case
Now, additional information is prescribed. Suppose that in addition to the statistics of X, the value of another related random variable Z is known (presumably by some measurement process). We shall make no assumptions on how Z derives from X. It is assumed that only the joint density fXZ (x, z) of X and Z is given. The optimal mean-square estimate depends on the (known) measurement, ˆ so write X(Z). We call this estimate after taking the measurement the a ˆ but if Z has posteriori estimate for X. As the value of Z changes, so does X, ˆ ˆ a fixed value of Z = z, then X(Z) has the fixed value X(z). This fact will be required later. ˆ By definition, to find X(Z), write Equation 1.2 as J=
T ˆ ˆ [x − X(z)] [x − X(z)]f XZ (x, z)dx dz
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
or, using Bayes’ rule, ∞ fZ (z) J= −∞
T ˆ ˆ [x − X(z)] [x − X(z)]f X/Z (x/z)dx dz
Since fZ (z) and the inner integral are nonnegative, J can be minimized by fixing Z = z and minimizing for every such z the value of the conditional mean-square error ∞ T ˆ ˆ [x − X(z)] [x − X(z)]f (1.8) J = X/Z (x/z)dx −∞
Now, repeat the derivation of Equation 1.4 using conditional means. Then, T [X − X(Z)]/Z ˆ ˆ J = [X − X(Z)] T T ˆ ˆ ˆ = X T X/Z − 2X(Z) X/Z + X(Z) X(Z)
ˆ where we have used our previous realization that X(Z) is fixed if Z is fixed, ˆ so that X(Z) comes out from under the conditional expectation operator. Differentiate to find that ∂J ˆ =0 = −2X/Z + 2X(Z) ˆ ∂ X(Z) or finally ˆ MS (Z) = X/Z X
This is the not so obvious but equally intuitive counterpart to Equation 1.4. If a measurement Z = z is given, then we should take as the a posteriori estimate for X the conditional mean of X, given that Z = z. If X and Z are independent then fXZ = fX fZ so that fXZ (x, z) dx X/Z = xf X/Z (x/z)dx = x fZ (z) ¯ = xf X (x)dx = X (1.11) and the a priori and a posteriori estimates are the same. Then, knowledge of Z does not provide any information about X. Equation 1.10 appears very simple, but the simplicity of its appearance belies the difficulty of its use, the computation of the conditional mean X/Z may be an intractable problem. Worse than this, to find X/Z we require fXZ , which may not be known. In some cases, we may know only its first and second moments. Equation 1.10 is the mean-square estimate in the most general case. It is often called the conditional mean estimate of X and, under the general conditions we have mentioned, all Bayes estimation schemes lead to this same optimal estimate.
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Classical Estimation Theory
It is sometimes convenient to express the conditional mean X/Z in terms of the PDF fZ/X (z/x). To do this, note that by Bayes’ rule X/Z = X/Z =
−∞ ∞ −∞
= −∞ ∞ X/Z =
xf X/Z (x/z) dx x
fX/Z (x, z) dx fZ (z)
xfXZ (x, z)dx
f (x, z)dx −∞ XZ ∞ xfZ/X (z/x)fX (x)dx −∞ ∞ f (z/x)fX (x)dx −∞ Z/X
(1.12) (1.13)
which is the desired result. ¯ = E(X/Z): The conditional mean estimate is unbiased since X ˆ ˜ = E(X/Z) ˜ = E((X − X/Z)/Z) E(X) = E((X − X)/Z) = E(X/Z − X/Z/Z) = E(X/Z − X/Z) = 0 (Note that taking the same expected value twice is the same as taking it once.) A measure of confidence in an estimate is given by the error covariance. To find the error covariance associated with the conditional mean estimate, ¯ ˜ = 0, write, since X ˜X ˜T PX˜ = X ˆ ˆ T = (X − X)(X − X) = E((X − X/Z)(X − X/Z)T /Z) = E(PX/Z ) or PX˜ = PX/Z
Under some conditions PX˜ = PX/Z , so that the unconditional error covariance is the same as the conditional error covariance given a particular measurement Z. In general, however, Equation 1.14 must be used since PX/Z may depend on Z. It is worth noting that J as given by Equation 1.2 is equal to trace (PX˜ ) ˆ MS minimizes the trace of the error covariance matrix. so that X The next example shows how to compute mean-square estimates. We shall ¯ PX ) to denote a random variable with mean X ¯ and covariance PX . If use (X, ¯ PX ). X is normal we write N (X,
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Example 1.1
Nonlinear Mean-Square Estimation (Melsa and Cohn 1978)
Let unknown X be distributed uniformly according to 1, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 fX (x) = 0, otherwise
a. In the absence of other information, choose a constant to estimate X in the optimal mean-square sense (i.e., find the a priori estimate). According to Equation 1.4, in this case the best estimate is ∞ ˆ ap = X ¯= ˆ MS = X xf X (x)dx X = 0
x dx =
1 2
b. Now, suppose a Z is measured, which is related to X by 1 Z = ln +V X where V is noise with exponential distribution e−v , v ≥ 0 fV (v) = 0, v 0 and X and V are orthogonal so that XV T = 0. Let X ∈ Rn and V ∈ Rp , so that H is a p × n matrix and Z ∈ Rp . The measurement Z is then a normal RV, and it is not difficult to determine ¯ PX , R, and its mean Z¯ and variance PZ in terms of the known quantities X, H. Thus ¯ + V¯ Z¯ = HX + V = H X by linearity, or ¯ Z¯ = H X
Furthermore, ¯ ¯ T = (HX + V − H X)(HX ¯ ¯ T PZ = (Z − Z)(Z − Z) + V − H X) ¯ ¯ T H T + H(X − X)V ¯ T + V (X − X) ¯ T H T + VV T = H(X − X)(X − X) ¯ V¯ T + VX T H T − V¯ X ¯ T HT + R = HP X H T + HXV T − H X or PZ = HP X H T + R ¯ HP X H T + R). Therefore, Z is N (H X,
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Optimal and Robust Estimation To find the cross-covariance of X and Z, write ¯ ¯ T = (X − X)(HX ¯ ¯ T − Z) + V − H X) PXZ = (X − X)(Z ¯ ¯ T H T + XV T − X ¯ V¯ T = (X − X)(X − X)
or T = HP X PZX = PXZ
since PX is symmetric. The error covariance is obtained by using the above expressions for PZ , PXZ , and PZX in Equation 1.27, which yields PX˜ = PX/Z = PX − PXZ PZ−1 PZX = PX − PX H T (HP X H T + R)−1 HP X
By using the matrix inversion lemma (Appendix), this can be written as −1 + H T R−1 H)−1 PX˜ = PX/Z = (PX
if |PX | = 0. Notice that PX/Z ≤ PX . If strict inequality holds, measuring RV Z decreases our uncertainty about the unknown RV X. The conditional mean estimate is found by substituting for PXZ , PZ , and Z¯ in Equation 1.26 ¯ + PXZ P −1 (Z − Z) ¯ ˆ = X/Z = X X Z ¯ + PX H T (HP X H T + R)−1 (Z − H X) ¯ =X
To find a neater expression for X/Z, note that PX H T (HP X H T + R)−1 = PX H T (HP X H T + R)−1 [(HP X H T + R) − HP X H T ]R−1 = PX H T [I − (HP X H T + R)−1 (HP X H T )]R−1 = [PX − PX H T (HPX H T + R)−1 HP X ]H T R−1 = PX/Z H T R−1 Hence, ¯ + PX/Z H T R−1 (Z − H X) ¯ ˆ = X/Z = X X
The PDF fX/Z (x/z) is normal with conditional mean X/Z and conditional covariance PX/Z . It is important to note that X/Z depends on the value of Z, but that covariance PX/Z is independent of the value of Z. Thus, PX/Z can be computed before we take any measurements. It is not difficult to redo this example for the case of nonorthogonal X and V. See the problems.
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Classical Estimation Theory
EXERCISE 1.1 Kalman Gain In the case of linear Gaussian measurements, define the Kalman gain by K = PX H T (HP X H T + R)−1
a. Express PX/Z and X/Z in terms of K. b. Prove that PX/Z = (I − KH )PX (I − KH )T + KRK T = (I − KH )PX
The Orthogonality Principle
The following orthogonality principle is basic to probabilistic estimation theory. Let RVs X and Z be jointly distributed. Then, for any function g(·), g(Z)(X − X/Z)T = 0
That is, any function of Z is orthogonal to X once the conditional mean has been subtracted out. To show this, write g(Z)(X − X/Z)T = g(Z)X T − g(Z)X T /Z = g(Z)X T − g(Z)X T /Z = g(Z)X T − g(Z)X T = 0 We used the fact that g(Z) · X T /Z = g(Z)X T /Z
for any function g(·), since g(Z) is deterministic if Z is fixed. The idea behind this can be illustrated as in Figure 1.2 where orthogonal RVs are represented as being at right angles. All functions of Z are represented ˆ LMS as X/Z.) The as being in the direction of Z. (In the figure, interpret X orthogonality principle says that the RV ˜ = X − X/Z X
which is the estimation error, is orthogonal to all other RVs g(Z). It is emphasized that this figure is extremely heuristic, since if nonlinear functions g(·) are allowed, then RVs of the form g(Z) do not form a subspace. The figure should only be considered as a mnemonic device. We can quickly show that the orthogonality principle has an immediate application to estimation theory. In fact, if g(·) is any function, then EX − X/Z ≤ EX − g(Z)
where “ · ” denotes the Euclidean norm. Thus, no other function of Z provides a “closer approximation to X” in a probabilistic sense than does X/Z. This is a partial statement of the stochastic projection theorem. To show it, a probabilistic formulation of Pythagoras’ theorem is used: if Y and Z are
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FIGURE 1.2 The orthogonality principle. orthogonal, then EY + Z2 = EY 2 + EZ2
Now use Equation 1.43 to write for any g(·) EX − g(Z)2 = EX − X/Z + X/Z − g(Z)2 = EX − X/Z)2 + EX/Z − g(Z)2 ≥ EX − X/Z2 with equality if and only if g(Z) = X/Z.
Linear Mean-Square Estimation of a Random Variable X Given a Random Variable Z
No assumptions are made here on the relation between Z and X; the results to be presented are valid for any possible nonlinear relation between measurement and unknown. In the realization that Equation 1.10 is in general too much trouble to compute, except for the Gaussian case, let us restrict the ˆ admissible estimate X(Z) to those that depend linearly on Z, that is, ˆ X(Z) = AZ + b
for some constant matrix A ∈ Rn×p and vector b ∈ Rn . This linear estimate restriction should not be confused with the linear measurement model (Equation 1.32). An additional motive for restricting an admissible estimate to those of the form in Equation 1.48 is that this form allows processing of the measurements ˆ Z by a linear system to obtain X.
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Since the class of admissible estimate is restricted, the linear mean-square estimate will not, in general, be as good in the sense of minimizing Equation 1.2 as the general mean-square estimate (Equation 1.10). The constants A and b depend on the measurement process and on the a priori information available before the measurement is made. They must be chosen to minimize the mean-square error (Equation 1.2). Recall that trace(MN ) = trace(NM ) for compatible matrices M and N and write ˆ T (X − X) ˆ = trace(X − X)(X − X)T J = (X − X) = trace(X − AZ − b)(X − AZ − b)T ¯ − (AZ + b − X)][(X ¯ ¯ − (AZ + b − X)] ¯ T = trace[X − X) − X) After some straightforward work we arrive at T
¯ ¯ T J = trace[PX + A(PZ + ZZ )AT + (b − X)(b − X) ¯ − X) ¯ T − 2AP ZX ] + 2AZ(b
From Appendix, (d/dA) trace (ABAT ) = 2AB and (d/dA) trace(BAC ) = B C T ; so for a minimum T
∂J ¯ + 2AZ¯ = 0 = 2(b − X) ∂b
∂J ¯ Z¯ T = 0 = 2A(PZ + Z¯ Z¯ T ) − 2PXZ + 2(b − X) ∂A
T (Recall PZX = PXZ .) From Equation 1.50a
¯ − AZ¯ b=X and substituting this into Equation 1.50b AP Z − PXZ = 0 or A = PXZ PZ−1 Using this A and b in Equation 1.48 the optimal linear mean-square estimate is determined as ˆ LMS = X ¯ + PXZ P −1 (Z − Z) ¯ X Z
This equation is typical of the form of many estimators. We can consider Z¯ as an estimate for the measurement Z. We also define the residual as Z˜ = Z − Z¯
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¯ is an a priori estimate for X and the second term is a correction The mean X ¯ based on the residual. If we measure exactly what we expect, so that Z = Z, ¯ then the a priori estimate X is correct and it does not need to be modified; ˆ = X. ¯ The weighting PXZ P −1 by which the measurement error in that case X Z ¯ is incorporated into the estimate X ˆ is dependent on the second-order (Z − Z) joint statistics. Thus, if PXZ is smaller, then X and Z depend on each other to a lesser degree and measurement of Z yields less information about X. In fact, if X and Z are independent, then PXZ = 0 and Z yields no information ˆ =X ¯ for any value of Z, as given by Equation 1.4. Or about X. In this case X ¯ again, if PZ is very large, then we have little confidence in Z and so (Z − Z) ˆ If we have great confidence in Z, then PZ is is weighted less heavily into X. ˆ small and the residual has a greater role in determining X. ˆ MS given by Compare Equation 1.51 to the general mean-square estimate X ˆ MS , all the joint statistics of X and Z are required Equation 1.10. To find X since the PDF fZ/X (or equivalently fXZ and fZ ) is needed. To find the best ˆ LMS , however, all that is required is the first-order statistics linear estimate X (i.e., means) and second-order statistics (i.e., covariances). ˆ LMS , first verify that X ˆ LMS To find the error covariance associated with X is unbiased by writing ¯ ¯ + P P −1 (Z − Z) ¯ ˆ LMS = X X XZ Z ¯ ¯ + PXZ P −1 (Z¯ − Z) =X Z ¯ =X ¯ = 0 and ˜ Therefore, X ¯ ¯ ˜ − X)( ˜ X ˜ − X) ˜ T =X ˜X ˜T PX˜ = (X ˆ ˆ T = (X − X)(X − X) ¯ − PXZ P −1 (Z − Z)][(X ¯ ¯ − PXZ P −1 (Z − Z)] ¯ T = [(X − X) − X) Z Z = PX − PXZ PZ−1 PZX − PXZ PZ−1 PZX + PXZ PZ−1 PZ PZ−1 PZX or PX˜ = PX − PXZ PZ−1 PZX
In this expression, PX represents the a priori error covariance and the second term represents the reduction in uncertainty because of the measurement. We see again that if X and Z are independent then PXZ = 0 and PX˜ = PX , therefore measuring Z provides no increase in our knowledge of X. A very important point will now be made. Equations 1.51 and 1.53 are identical on the right-hand sides to Equations 1.26 and 1.27. This means that in the Gaussian case, the optimal mean-square estimate is linear, since ˆ MS = X/Z and X ˆ LMS are the same. X
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The similarity of Equations 1.51 and 1.53 to Equations 1.26 and 1.27 implies another very important result which we shall need later. The expressions derived in Example 1.3 are the optimal linear mean-square estimate and error covariance for the case of linear measurements even if the measurement noise is not Gaussian. EXERCISE 1.2 The Orthogonality Principle with Linear Estimates If we restrict our attention to linear estimates, we have a particularly nice geometric formulation of the orthogonality principle, for we can talk in terms of vector spaces. ˆ LMS )T = 0 a. The linear mean-square estimate does not satisfy g(Z)(X − X for all function g(·). Show that it does satisfy the orthogonality condition ˆ LMS )T = 0 Z(X − X
ˆ LMS ) is orthogonal to all linear functions of Z of the Thus, (X − X ˆ LMS is unbiased show that, form g(Z) = AZ for constant A. Since X ˆ LMS ) is orthogonal to all linear functions g(Z) = AZ + b for (X − X constants A and b. Show this. b. Show that the set of all linear functions g(Z) = AZ is a vector space, with an inner product of two elements defined as Z1T Z2 = trace Z2 Z1T . c. In terms of these constructions we can now use Figure 1.2, where the axis labeled “Z” represents the subspace of linear functions of Z. This should be contrasted to the situation in the previous subsection, where the orthogonality principle was first discussed. There, we did not restrict g(·) to be linear, so we could not speak in terms of subspaces. d. Show that if g(·) is any linear function, then ˆ LMS ≤ EX − g(Z) EX − X
ˆ LMS provides a “closer apˆ LMS . Thus, X with equality only if g(Z) = X proximation” in a probabilistic sense to the unknown X than any other linear function g(Z). Does Equation 1.55 hold in general for nonlinear g(·)? ˆ LMS . Suppose we e. The orthogonality principle can be used to derive X ˆ want to derive an optimal estimate of the form X = AZ + b. First, assume that A is given. Then the best value for b is the optimal estimate for the RV (X − AZ ) by a constant. Write it down. ˆ is unbiased, the optimal A satisfies Now, to find A, show that, assuming X ¯ − A(Z − Z)](Z ¯ ¯ T =0 [(X − X) − Z) ˆ unbiased? Hence, find A. Is X
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18 Example 1.4
Optimal and Robust Estimation Linear Mean-Square Estimation
Find the optimal linear mean-square estimate for Example 1.1. To apply Equation 1.51 we need to compute the first and second moments of X and Z. Some of the intermediate steps will be left out ∞ 1 ¯= xf X (x)dx = X 2 −∞ fXZ (x, z) = fZ/X (z/x)fX (x) 1 −z e ; e−z ≤ x ≤ 1; = x 0, otherwise ∞ fZ (z) = fXZ (x, z)dx −∞ ze−z ; z ≥ 0 = 0; z 0 P (YN − Y > ε) → 0
for N → ∞
ˆ ML has Under fairly general conditions, the maximum-likelihood estimate X the following limiting properties: ˆ ML converges in probability to the correct value of X as N → ∞. (Any 1. X estimate with this property is said to be consistent.) ˆ ML becomes efficient as N → ∞. 2. X ˆ ML becomes Gaussian N (X, P ˜ ). 3. As N → ∞, X X For a stochastic unknown X, a result similar to the Cram´er–Rao bound can be stated as follows: ˆ is any estimate of a stochastic variable X based on measurement Z, If X ˜ =X −X ˆ is bounded by then the covariance of the estimation error X PX˜ ≥ L−1 where the information matrix L is given by T ∂ ln fXZ (x, z) ∂ ln fXZ (x, z) L=E ∂x ∂x 2 ∂ ln fXZ (x, z) = −E ∂x2
(1.84) (1.85)
Equality holds in Equation 1.83 if and only if ∂ ln fXZ (x, z) ˆ = k(x − X) ∂x
where k is a constant. It is assumed that ∂fXZ /∂x and ∂ 2 fXZ /∂x2 exist and are absolutely integrable with respect to both variables, and that lim B(x)fX (x) = 0
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and lim B(x)fX (x) = 0
ˆ Z/X (z/x)dz (x − X)f
ˆ for which the bound is satisfied with equality (i.e., condition An estimate X Equation 1.86 on the form of fXZ holds) is said to be efficient. The proof is similar to that of the Cram´er–Rao bound, but expectations are now taken with respect to Z and X (Van Trees 1968; Sorenson 1970a,b). Several points should be noted. 1. This bound depends on the joint PDF fXZ while the Cram´er–Rao bound (for deterministic unknown X) depends on the likelihood function fZ/X . ˆ this bound 2. The Cram´er–Rao bound deals with unbiased estimates X; ˆ substitutes requirements 1.87a or 1.87b for unbiasedness of X. 3. The efficiency condition (Equation 1.86) in terms of the constant k should be contrasted with the efficiency condition of the Cram´er–Rao bound in terms of the function k(X) of X. 4. Differentiating Equation 1.86 yields the equivalent condition for efficiency ∂ 2 ln fXZ (x, z) =k ∂x2
or (since fZ (z) is independent of X) ∂ 2 ln fX/Z (x, z) =k ∂x2
Integrating twice and taking the antilog yields T
fX/Z (x/z) = e−(k/2)x
ˆ T x+c x+kX
so that the a posteriori PDF must be Gaussian for an efficient estimate to exist. It is interesting to relate information matrix L to the Fisher information matrix JF . Since fXZ = fZ/X fX , it follows that 2 ∂ ln fX (x) L = JF − E (1.92) ∂x2 so that the stochastic description of X enters independent of the noise statistics. We can gain a little more insight by considering the linear Gaussian measurement model. Thus, let measurement Z and unknown X be related by Equation 1.60 with V = N (0, R). Then, by Equation 1.81 we know that JF = H T R−1 H. To find L, note that 1 ¯ T −1 ¯ fX (x) = e−(1/2)(x−X) PX (x−X) n (2π) |PX |
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so that ∂ ln fX (x) −1 ¯ = −PX (x − X) ∂x
Then, by Equation 1.92 −1 L = H T R−1 H + PX
The total information available has been increased by a priori information on X. See Equation 1.38.
1.4 1.4.1
Recursive Estimation Sequential Processing of Measurements
Up to this point, we have considered batch processing of the measurements in which all information is incorporated in one single step into the estimate. This leads to the necessity for inverting p × p matrices, where p is the number of measurements. The next examples demonstrate a more sensible approach when p is large. Example 1.10
Recursive Computation of Sample Mean and Variance
Given k measurements, Zi the sample mean is k ˆk = 1 Zi X k i=1
ˆ k has been computed based on measurements Zi for i = Suppose that X 1, . . . , k. Now, one more measurement Zk+1 is made. The new sample mean could be computed as k+1 ˆ k+1 = 1 Zi (1.97) X k + 1 i=1 but this clearly involves duplication of some of the work we have already done. ˆ k and Zk+1 by proceeding ˆ k+1 can be computed in terms of X To avoid this, X as follows: k 1 1 1 ˆ Zk+1 Zi + Xk+1 = k + 1 k i=1 k+1 =
1 ˆ 1 Xk + Zk+1 k+1 k+1
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Classical Estimation Theory Z k +1
29 Xˆ k +1
1 −
Z −1
Xˆ k
FIGURE 1.4 Linear system for recursive generation of sample mean. To make this look like some of our previous results, write it as ˆ k+1 = X ˆk + X
1 ˆk ) (Zk+1 − X k+1
This recursive equation can be represented as a time-varying linear system, ˆ k can be interpreted as a as in Figure 1.4. The quantity Z˜k+1 = Zk+1 − X ˆ k is the residual. If the Zi are measurements of a constant unknown X, then X estimate of X based on the first k measurements and Equation 1.98 is the estimate update equation that adds in the effects of the next measurement Zk+1 . Compare this equation to Equation 1.40. Conceptually, the two are identical; they both express the current estimate as a linear combination of the previous estimate and the residual. Note that as k increases, the measurements Zk+1 ˆk . have less and less effect as more weighting is given to X A recursive method can also be found to compute the sample variance. To wit, after k measurement we have σk2 =
k 1 ˆ k )2 (Zi − X k i=1
Introducing one more measurement Zk+1 , there results 2 = σk+1
1 ˆ k+1 )2 (Zi − X k + 1 i=1 k+1
1 ˆ k ) + (X ˆk − X ˆ k+1 )]2 [(Zi − X k + 1 i=1
After some manipulation, we achieve 2 = σk+1
k 1 ˆ k )2 − (X ˆ k+1 − X ˆ k )2 σ2 + (Zk+1 − X k+1 k k+1
Now, using Equation 1.98 write ˆ k )2 = ˆ k+1 − X (X
1 ˆ k )2 (Zk+1 − X (k + 1)2
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so that k k ˆ k )2 σ2 + (Zk+1 − X k + 1 k (k + 1)2 1 k ˆ k )2 − σ 2 (Zk+1 − X = σk2 + k k+1 k+1
2 = σk+1 2 σk+1
Schemes such as the above in which the current estimate depends on the previous estimate and the current measurement are called recursive or sequential estimation schemes. Such schemes rely on sequential processing of data, where the measurements are processed in stages. Example 1.11 Suppose there are four measurements of a scalar unknown X given by Z1 = 10, Z2 = 12, Z3 = 11.5, and Z4 = 11. Find the sample mean and variance recursively. ˆ 0 = 0, Using Equation 1.98 several times with X ˆ 0 + (Z1 − X ˆ 0 ) = Z1 = 10 ˆ1 = X X ˆ 2 = 10 + 1 (12 − 10) = 11 X 2 ˆ 3 = 11 + 1 (11.5 − 11) = 11 1 X 3 6 1 1 1 1 ˆ 4 = 11 + 11 − 11 = 11 X 6 4 6 8 ˆ k provides an up-to-date estimate Thus, after each such measurement Zk , X of X. These estimates are up to date in the maximum-likelihood sense, since there is no a priori information about X. To find σk2 recursively, let σ02 = 0. Then, applying Equation 1.101, σ12 = 0 1 ˆ 1 )2 = 1 σ22 = (Z2 − X 4 1 2 2 2 (11.5 − 11) − 1 = 0.722 σ3 = 1 + 3 3
2 1 1 3 2 σ4 = 0.722 + 11 − 11 − 0.722 = 0.547 4 4 6 ˆ k after each The sample variance σk2 yields a measure of confidence in X 2 measurement Zk . Sequence σk is decreasing, indicating that each measurement ˆk . increases the reliability of X
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Sequential Maximum-Likelihood Estimation
Let us generalize our results by deriving a sequential maximum-likelihood estimator. Let there be given a linear Gaussian measurement Z of an unknown constant X: Z = HX + V (1.102) where X ∈ Rn , Z ∈ Rp , V ∈ Rp , V ∼ N (0, R), and |R| = 0. Recall that “maximum likelihood” implies ignorance of any statistics of X. Write Equation 1.102 explicitly in terms of the components of vectors as hT1 v1 z1 T v2 z2 h 2 .. = . X + .. . . .. zp vp hTp where hTi is the ith row of H and suppose that R = diag{σi2 }. This assumption says that the measurements are independent and is sufficient to guarantee that a recursive estimation procedure exists. (Note that in this subsection, lowercase letters are used to define components of RV, which are themselves random variables.) Define hT1 z1 v1 T z2 h2 v2 Vk = . Hk = . , Zk = . , . .. .. . zk vk hTk as the first k components of Z, H, and V , respectively. Define Rk = diag{σ12 , σ22 , . . . , σk2 }. Considering the first k components of Z, we have Zk = Hk X + Vk ,
Vk ∼ N (0, Rk )
Based on this information, the error covariance Pk is given by Equation 1.68, or Pk = (HkT Rk−1 Hk )−1 (1.103) ˆ k is given by Equation 1.69, or and the estimate X ˆ k = Pk HkT R−1 Zk X k
Now, it is necessary to include the effects of measurement component Zk+1 ˆ k to X ˆ k+1 . To do this, write to update X Zk+1 = Hk+1 X + Vk+1 ,
Vk+1 ∼ N (0, Rk+1 )
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Hk X + Vk+1 , hTk+1
Zk+1 =
Vk+1 ∼ N
R 0, k 0
2 σk+1
The error covariance Pk+1 based on the first k + 1 measurement components is −1 T Rk+1 Hk+1 )−1 Pk+1 = (Hk+1 T −1 −1 Hk Hk 0 Rk = 2 0 σk+1 hTk+1 hTk+1 −1 hk+1 hTk+1 T −1 = Hk Rk Hk + 2 σk+1
Pk+1 =
hk+1 hTk+1 Pk−1 + 2 σk+1
−1 (1.105)
This is the error covariance update equation. To find an alternative form for Equation 1.105, use the matrix-inversion lemma to write 2 Pk+1 = Pk − Pk hk+1 (hTk+1 Pk hk+1 + σk+1 )−1 hTk+1 Pk
To find the estimate update equation, we have T ˆ k+1 = Pk+1 Hk+1 R−1 Zk+1 X
−1 Hk 0 Rk Zk = Pk+1 T 2 0 σk+1 hk+1 zk+1 hk+1 = Pk+1 HkT Rk−1 Zk + 2 zk+1 σk+1
By Equation 1.104, this becomes hk+1 −1 ˆ ˆ Xk+1 = Pk+1 Pk Xk + 2 zk+1 σk+1
This is the estimate update. To find a more familiar form for this update, note that hk+1 hTk+1 −1 −1 Pk+1 Pk = Pk+1 Pk+1 − 2 σk+1 = I − Pk+1
hk+1 hTk+1 2 σk+1
hence Equation 1.107 is equivalent to ˆ k+1 = X ˆ k + Pk+1 hk+1 zk+1 − hT X ˆ X k+1 k 2 σk+1 ˆ k is the residual. Note that z˜k+1 = zk+1 − hTk+1 X
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33 Xˆk+1
Z k +1
~ Z k +1
Z −1
2 k+1
Xˆ k
FIGURE 1.5 Linear system for sequential maximum-likelihood estimation. The recursions (Equations 1.105 and 1.108) should be started using P0−1 = 0, ˆ 0 = 0, which models complete ignorance of the a priori statistics of X. X To summarize our results then, if the measurements are independent, the maximum-likelihood (batch) estimator (Equations 1.68 and 1.69) is equivalent to the sequential maximum-likelihood estimator given by Equations 1.106 and 1.108, which requires no matrix inversions but only scalar divisions. The sequential estimator can be implemented as in Figure 1.5. Note that owing to the unity feedback, it has the structure of a summer or integrator. It is a 2 time-varying system where σk+1 and hk+1 are given directly by the structure of the measurement process and the Pk+1 are computed off-line (i.e., before we begin to take measurements) from the knowledge of the measurement process. Compare with Figure 1.4. ¯ and PX on X are available, then we should use If a priori statistics X ˆ 0 = X, ¯ P0 = PX to initialize Equations 1.106 and 1.108, which then amount X to a recursive mean-square estimator.
Prewhitening of Data
Now, suppose that the assumptions required to derive Equations 1.105 and 1.108 all hold except that R is nonsingular but arbitrary. For sequential processing of Z, one component at a time, we require a diagonal R, that is, the measurement components must be independent. The data can be prefiltered to make R diagonal as follows. Let S be any square root of R−1 so that R−1 = S T S. Now premultiply Equation 1.102 by S to obtain SZ = SHX + SV and define new quantities by Z ω = SZ H ω = SH V ω = SV
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so that
Zω = HωX = V ω
The covariance of the prefiltered noise V ω is Rω = SV (SV )T = SVV T S T = SRS T = S(S T S)−1 S T = I so that the components of V ω are independent and V ω is a white noise vector. Hence the superscripts. To implement Equation 1.109, we define a new measurement matrix H ω and process all our measurements Z through a linear prewhitening filter S. We can now proceed as above to derive Equations 1.105 and 1.108 using Z ω , H ω , and Rω = I instead of Z, H, and R.
Wiener Filtering
Wiener developed the ideas we are about to discuss in the early 1940s for application to antiaircraft fire control systems. His monograph in 1949 brought stochastic notions into control and communication theory, and was the basis for a great deal of subsequent work. Wiener dealt with the continuous-time case; Kolmogorov (1939) applied mean-square theory to discrete stochastic processes. See Van Trees (1968) and the excellent survey by Kailath (1974). Recall (Papoulis 1965) that if x(t) is a stationary stochastic process with autocorrelation function RX (τ ) = x(t + τ )xT (t)
then its spectral density ΦX (ω) is ΦX (s) =
RX (t)e−st dt
evaluated at s = jω. In the discrete case, we have RX (k) = xi+k xTi
and the spectral density is ΦX (z) =
∞ k=−∞
evaluated at z = ejω .
RX (k)z −k
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If u(t) and y(t) are the input and output of a linear system with impulse response h(t) and transfer function H(s), then the autocorrelation functions and spectral densities are related by RYU (t) = h(t) ∗ RU (t)
(1.115) T
RY (t) = h(t) ∗ RU (t) ∗ h (−t) ΦYU (s) = H(s)ΦU (s)
(1.116) (1.117)
ΦY (s) = H(s)ΦU (s)H (−s)
where * represents convolution. In the discrete counterparts, −s is replaced by z −1 . We shall have occasion to use the spectral factorization theorem, which can be stated as follows (˚ Astr¨ om 1970; Anderson and Moore 1979): Let |ΦY (s)| = 0 for almost every s (such a process is said to be of full rank). Then, ΦY (s) can be factored uniquely as ΦY (s) = H(s)ΩH T (−s)
where H(s) is a square, real, rational transfer function with all poles in the open left-half plane; lims→∞ H(s) = I; H −1 (s) has all poles in the left-half plane or on the jω axis; and Ω = ΩT > 0 is a real matrix. If |ΦY (s)| = 0 for all s satisfying Re(s) = 0, then H −1 (s) has all poles in the open left-half plane. For a square multivariable transfer function H(s) as described above, the zeros of H(s) are the poles of H −1 (s). A transfer function with all poles and zeros stable is said to be of minimum phase. A similar result holds for discrete systems, with −s replaced by z −1 and using the discrete version of stability (i.e., with respect to the unit circle). According to Equation 1.118 and the spectral factorization theorem, the process y(t) can be regarded as the output of the stable system H(s) when the input is white noise with spectral density Ω. This is the representation theorem. Example 1.12
Discrete Spectral Factorization
The rational (in cos ω) spectral density Φ(ω) =
(ejω + 0.5)(e−jω + 0.5) 1.25 + cos ω = jω 1.0625 + 0.5 cos ω (e + 0.25)(e−jω + 0.25)
can be factored in four ways: z + 0.5 z + 0.25 z + 0.5 H2 (z) = 1 + 0.25z
H1 (z) =
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Optimal and Robust Estimation 1 + 0.5z z + 0.25 1 + 0.5z H4 (z) = 1 + 0.25z H3 (z) =
Only H1 (z) has no poles and zeros outside the unit circle. Thus, if the stable system H1 (z) has a white noise input with unit spectral density, the output will have spectral density given by Φ(ω). Example 1.13
Continuous Spectral Factorization
The rational function of ω Φ(ω) =
(jω + 2)(−jω + 2) ω2 + 4 = ω2 + 1 (jω + 1)(−jω + 1)
can be factored in four ways, one of which has H(s) =
s+2 s+1
the minimum phase. The system with this transfer function will have output with spectral density Φ(ω) when driven by continuous-time white noise with unit spectral density.
The Linear Estimation Problem
Suppose that x(t) ∈ Rn is an unknown stochastic process. A related process z(t) ∈ Rp is measured, and based on this data it is desired to reconstruct x(t). We want to use a linear filter, in general time-varying, for this purpose; so suppose that the estimate for x(t) is x ˆ(t) =
h(t, τ )z(τ )dτ
The interval [t0 , T ] is the time interval over which the data are available. It is desired to find the optimal filter impulse response h(t, τ ), which is called the time-varying Wiener filter. If T < t, the determination of h(t, τ ) is called the linear prediction problem; if T = t, it is the linear filtering problem; and if T > t, it is called linear smoothing or interpolation. The general problem is known as linear estimation. To find the optimal linear after h(t, τ ), which reconstructs unknown x(t) given the data z(τ ) for t0 ≤ τ ≤ T , minimize the mean-square error at time t ˜(t)] = tracePX˜ (t) J(t) = E[˜ x(t)T x
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where the estimation error is x ˜(t) = x(t) − x ˆ(t), fE[˜x(t)] = 0. The error covariance is PX˜ (t) = [x(t) − x ˆ(t)][x(t) − x ˆ(t)]T
T T T =E x(t) − h(t, τ )z(τ )dτ x(t) − h(t, τ )z(τ )dτ t0 t0 (1.122) According to the orthogonality principle, J(t) is minimized when x ˜(t) is orthogonal to the data over the interval (t0 , T ), that is,
x ˜(t)z(u)T = E = 0;
x(t) −
h(t, τ )z(τ )dτ z(u)T
t0 < u < T
This results in the nonstationary Wiener–Hopf equation T h(t, τ )z(τ )z(u)T dτ ; t0 < u < T x(t)z(u)T =
In terms of correlation functions, this can be written as T h(t, τ )RZ (τ, u)dτ ; t0 < u < T RXZ (t, u) =
It is important to note that the optimal linear filter is found by knowing only the first- and second-order joint statistics of x(t) and z(t). If the statistics are Gaussian, then Equation 1.125 provides the optimal filter for reconstructing x(t) from z(t). For arbitrary statistics, it provides the optimal linear filter. (In the Gaussian case, the optimal filter is linear.) With impulse response given by the Wiener–Hopf equation, the error covariance is equal to (use Equation 1.122 and the orthogonality of x ˜(t) and z(τ ))
PX˜ (t) = E
x(t) −
h(t, τ )z(τ )dτ x(t)T
or PX˜ (t) = RX (t, t) −
h(t, τ )RZX (τ, t)dτ
If x(t) and z(t) are stationary and t0 = −∞ so that there is an infinite amount of data, then the optimal filter turns out to be time-invariant, h(t, τ ) = h(t − τ ). In this steady-state case, Equation 1.125 becomes T RXZ (t − u) = h(t − τ )RZ (τ − u)dτ ; −∞ < u < T −∞
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or by changing variables ∞ RXZ (τ ) = h(u)RZ (τ − u)du; t−T
t−T 0. Then, λ=
H(jω) =
2acγ ω 2 + a2 (1 + λ)
so the impulse response of the optimal linear filter is √ cγ h(t) = √ e−a 1+λ|t| 1+λ This impulse response is sketched in Figure 1.6. The error variance (Equation 1.133) becomes ∞ 1 rΦX (ω) dω PX˜ = 2 2π −∞ c ΦX (ω) + r ∞ 1 2aσω2 dω = 2π −∞ ω 2 + (a2 + 2ac2 γ) c
0 t
FIGURE 1.6 Optimal infinite-delay smoother.
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√ Letting α = a 1 + λ, we get PX˜ =
2 2aσw πα
α 2 dω = aσw /α + α2
or PX˜ = √
2 σw 1+λ
If γ = 0, so that the measurements provide no information, then h(t) = 0 so that the estimate is x ˆ(t) = 0, the expected value of x(t). The error variance is then 2 = RX (0) (1.147) PX˜ = σw which is independent of the measurement noise. If γ = ∞, then the measurements are perfect. Examine Equation 1.142 to see that in this case h(t) =
1 δ(t) c
x ˆ(t) =
1 z(t) c
a 2c2
so that
Then the error variance is zero. If γ=
(i.e., λ = 1), then the optimal infinite-delay smoother is c 2 −√2a|t| e h(t) = √ σw 2r
with error variance σ2 RX (0) PX˜ = √w = √ 2 2 This example points out a problem with the simple-minded approach of letting T = ∞. Although this assumption leads to an easy solution, the resulting impulse response is noncausal and so unrealizable.
Causal Steady-State Filtering
To find a stable causal h(t) that can be used for real-time processing of the data, we present the solution of Wiener and Hopf in a modification owing
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to Bode and Shannon (1950). Accordingly, consider the steady-state Wiener– Hopf equation 1.127 with T = t, which corresponds to the filtering problem, ∞ h(τ )RZ (t − τ )dτ ; 0 < t < ∞ (1.152) RXZ (t) = 0
Recall that the steady-state case means that x(t) and z(t) are stationary and a data signal z(t) with infinite past history (i.e., t0 = −∞) is available. Because of the constraint t > 0, the Fourier transform theorems can no longer be directly used to provide a simple solution h(t) to the Wiener–Hopf equation. However, if the data signal has a rational spectral density ΦZ (ω), we can proceed as follows. For simplicity, we initially consider the scalar case. Our presentation is modified from that of Van Trees (1968). Note first that if the data z(t) are white then Equation 1.152 has a trivial solution, for then RZ (t) = rδ(t) and 1 RXZ (t), t > 0 h(t) = r (1.153) 0, t 0. In this case the positive (definite) solution to Equation 2.12 is q 4λ 2 p+ = − (1 − λ) (2.15) (1 − λ) + 2λ (1 − a2 ) and the observer gain (Equation 2.7) is selected as l=
ahp + h2 p+ + r
Then the error system matrix is acl = a − lh =
a 1 + (h2 /r)p+
or acl = 1+
1−a2 2
a (1 − λ)2 +
4λ (1−a2 )
− (1 − λ)
(Superscript “cl” means “closed loop.”) Since the denominator is greater than or equal to 1, we have |acl | ≤ |a| < 1, so the observer error system is stable. b. Original system unstable If |a| > 1, then (1 − a2 ) < 0 and λ < 0. In this case the positive solution to Equation 2.12 is −q 4λ p+ = + (1 − λ) (2.19) (1 − λ)2 + 2λ (1 − a2 )
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0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2
a cl
0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5 −25
−10 1 a
FIGURE 2.2 Closed-loop versus open-loop plant matrix.
Then the error system is given by acl =
1−a2 2
a (1 − λ)2 +
4λ (1−a2 )
+ (1 − λ)
It is not quite so easy this time to show that |acl | < 1 (although it is if λ= 0). Note, however, that if |a| 1 then λ ≈ 0 and it is not difficult to show that 1 (2.21) acl ≈ a This is certainly stable if |a| 1! A plot of acl versus a for the case h2 q/r = 1 is shown in Figure 2.2. Note that acl is always stable. Now consider the situation shown in Figure 2.3. Process noise wk has been added to the plant and measurement noise vk to the measurement. Under these more realistic circumstances, the observer designed deterministically as above cannot be expected to make x ˜k → 0. It is somewhat surprising, however, that by using a structure virtually identical to Figure 2.1 the error can be forced to zero even in this noisy case. What is required in general is to find a time-varying observer gain Lk based on stochastic considerations such as those of the previous chapter. The resulting state estimator depends on a time-varying version of the Riccati Equation 2.6 and is known as the Kalman filter.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation Process noise wk
Measurement noise vk
z −1
A Plant
Measurement zk
Measurement model
FIGURE 2.3 Plant and measurement with additive noise.
Linear Stochastic Systems
To describe a system with noise like the one shown in Figure 2.3, write the discrete stochastic dynamical equation xk+1 = Ax k + Bu k + Gw k zk = Hx k + vk
(2.22a) (2.22b)
where xk ∈ Rn , uk ∈ Rm , zk ∈ Rp , wk ∈ Rl , vk ∈ Rp . Let process noise wk have mean w ¯k = 0 and covariance wk wkT = Q, which is symbolized as wk ∼ (0, Q). The overbar denotes expected value. Let measurement noise vk be (0, R). Both {wk } and {vk } are assumed to be stationary white noise processes, that is, their covariance functions satisfy Pwk1 wk2 = wk1 wkT2 = Qδ(k1 − k2 )
where δ(k) is the Kronecker delta, and the corresponding version for vk . Suppose that initial state x0 is unknown, but that there is available a priori knowledge that x0 is (¯ x0 , Px0 ). We assume that x0 , wk , and vk are mutually uncorrelated, so that wk vjT = 0 for all j and k, and so on. Of course, Px0 , Q, and R are symmetric and positive semidefinite. Signal uk is a deterministic control input. Under these circumstances, state xk is a random variable with mean x ¯k and zk , Pzk ). Notice that {xk } and covariance Pxk . Similarly, output zk is random (¯ {zk } are stochastic processes, in general nonstationary. EXERCISE 2.1 Discrete Markov Process A discrete first-order Markov process xk can be represented as the state of the linear system (Equation 2.22a). Using this system, we can manufacture
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stationary or nonstationary Markov processes. Let xk be a scalar for simplicity. Let uk = 0, g = 1. (We use lowercase letters for scalar system parameters.) a. Stationary Markov process 2 Let the initial condition at k = −∞ equal zero and wk ∼ (0, (1 − a2 )σw ). Show that xk is a stationary Markov process with spectral density ΦX (ω) =
2 (1 − a2 )σw 1 + a2 − 2a cos ω
and autocorrelation function 2 |k| RX (k) = σw a
In this case the system must be stable. b. Nonstationary Markov process 2 Let wk = 0 and initial condition x0 ∼ (0, σX ). Show that xk is a nonstationary Markov process with autocorrelation function 2 (j+k) a RX (j, k) = σX
This result is valid for a stable or unstable system. Note: If wk is Gaussian, then so is xk . In that case the statistics of xk are completely described by the autocorrelation function.
Propagation of Means and Covariances
It is not difficult to find how the means and covariances of xk and zk propagate through time under the influence of the dynamics (Equation 2.22a). For the mean of the state, simply write x ¯k+1 = Ax k + Bu k + Gw k = A¯ xk + B u ¯k + Gw ¯k or xk + B u ¯k x ¯k+1 = A¯
The initial condition of Equation 2.27 is x ¯0 , which is given. Therefore, the mean propagates exactly according to the deterministic dynamics (2.1a)! To find how the state covariance propagates, write ¯k+1 )(xk+1 − x ¯k+1 )T Pxk+1 = (xk+1 − x = [A(xk − x ¯k ) + Gw k ][A(xk − x ¯k ) + Gwk ]T = A(xk − x ¯k )(xk − x ¯k )T AT + Gwk (xk − x ¯k )T AT + A(xk − x ¯k )wkT GT + Gwk wkT GT
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or Pxk+1 = AP xk AT + GP wk xk AT + AP xk wk GT + GQG T Hence, Pxk+1 = AP xk AT + GQG T
The last step follows from the uncorrelatedness of x0 and wk , and the whiteness of wk through the following argument. State xk depends on x0 and the process noise wj for j ≤ k − 1. However wk is uncorrelated with x0 and all previous wj , hence Pwk xk = 0. Equation 2.28 is a Lyapunov equation for Pxk . The initial condition is Px0 , which is given. (A Lyapunov equation is a linear matrix equation.) Next, we want to find the mean and covariance of the output. Taking expectations in (Equation 2.22b) yields ¯k z¯k = H x
The cross covariance between state and output is ¯k )(zk − z¯k )T Pxk zk = (xk − x = (xk − x ¯k )[H(xk − x ¯k ) + vk ]T or Pxk zk = Pxk H T
due to the uncorrelatedness of xk and vk (why are they uncorrelated?). For the covariance of the output, Pzk = (zk − z¯k )(zk − z¯k )T = [H(xk − x ¯k ) + vk ][H(xk − x ¯k ) + vk ]T so Pzk = HP xk H T + R
where we again used the uncorrelatedness assumptions. Now note, and this is the most important point of this section, that xk and zk are jointly distributed RV with moments given by
xk x ¯k Pxk x ¯k Pxk Pxk zk Pxk H T ∼ , = , zk z¯k Pzk xk Hx ¯k Pzk HP xk HP xk H T + R (2.32) where x ¯k and Pxk are determined recursively by Equations 2.27 and 2.28. If the RV of sequence zk is measured and the related RV xk is unknown, then we can apply the results of the previous chapter to find an estimate x ˆk for the state given the data zk . (At this point, x0 , wk , and vk are assumed to have arbitrary statistics and only the first- and second-joint moments are given
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above, so the linear mean-square approach would be used.) In the next section, we pursue this to find the optimal linear mean-square estimate of xk given the measurement sequence zk . The quantities x ¯k and Pxk found using Equations 2.27 and 2.28 should actually be considered as the conditional mean and covariance given x ¯0 , Px0 , and inputs u0 , u1 , . . . , uk−1 . All of these derivations have been for the case of general statistics. If it is assumed that x0 , wk , and vk are Gaussian, then since the system (Equation 2.22) is linear, xk and zk are also Gaussian for all k. Furthermore, xk and zk are jointly Gaussian, with moments given by Equation 2.32. In this case the first and second moments totally specify the joint PDF, so that complete information on the interdependence of state and output is available in Equation 2.32. If all statistics are Gaussian, then xk is described by the PDF
1 1 exp − (x − x ¯k )T Px−1 (x − x ¯ ) (2.33) fxk (x, k) = k k 2 (2π)n |Pxk | Note that this is actually a conditional PDF, given x ¯0 , Px0 , and inputs u0 , u1 , . . . , uk−1 . Define the hyperstate as the conditional PDF of the state. Then in the Gaussian case, if no measurements are taken the hyperstate is completely described by the pair (¯ xk , Pxk )
the conditional mean and covariance, and so Equations 2.27 and 2.28 provide an updating algorithm for the entire hyperstate in the absence of measurements. Example 2.2
Propagation of Scalar Mean and Covariance
Let x0 ∼ N (0, 1) (i.e., normal) and xk , zk be given by Equation 2.22, where all quantities are scalars and wk ∼ N (0, 1), vk ∼ N (0, 12 ). Suppose that all of our assumptions hold. Let uk = u−1 (k) be the unit step. Take b = 1, g = 1 for simplicity. Then the mean x ¯k is given by Equation 2.27, so x ¯k+1 = a¯ xk + uk which has the solution k
x ¯k = a x ¯0 +
= ak−1
k−1 i=0
= ak−1 x ¯k =
1 a
1 − (1/a)k 1 − 1/a
ak − 1 a−1
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This has a limiting value x ¯∞ if and only if |a| < 1, that is, if Equation 2.35 is stable. It is 1 (2.36) x ¯∞ = 1−a To find the covariance of the state use Equation 2.28, Pxk+1 = a2 Pxk + 1,
Px0 = 1
Thus Pxk = (a2 )k +
(a2 )k−1−i
a2k − 1 = a2k + 2 a −1 a2(k+1) − 1 (2.37) = a2 − 1 There is a limiting solution Px∞ if and only if Equation 2.35 is stable, and then 1 (2.38) Px∞ = 1 − a2 Since xk , zk are normal, the conditional PDF fxk (x, k) is given by Equation 2.33 and we can sketch it as a function of k. This is done in Figure 2.4 for a = 1/2 and a = 2. It is evident that the effect of the process noise is to “flatten” the PDF for xk as k increases, thus decreasing our confidence that xk is near x ¯k . There are two cases. If the system is stable, a limiting PDF fxk (x) is reached and subsequent propagation does not inject further uncertainty. This limiting case is known as statistical steady state. In this case we can say that limk→∞ xk is near x ¯∞ to some tolerance described by Px∞. However, if Equation 2.35 is unstable, there is no limiting PDF and as k increases both the value of x ¯k and the probable spread of xk about x ¯k go to infinity. The analysis of the time-varying stochastic system xk+1 = Ak xk + Bk uk + Gk wk zk = Hk xk + vk where x0 ∼ (¯ x0 , Px0 ), wk ∼ (0, Qk ), vk ∼ (0, Rk ) is identical to the above. The results differ only in that subscripts k must be added to A, B, G, H, Q, and R.
Statistical Steady-State and Spectral Densities
In this subsection, we are interested in examining the state and output of a discrete system when they are stationary random processes. We shall set the deterministic input uk to zero. The solution Pk to Equation 2.28 is in general time-varying. However, if A is asymptotically stable, then the Lyapunov equation has a steady-state
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69 a=1/2
k=0 k =2 k =3
k =∞
fx k (x, k)
k =1
1 x (a)
1.5 1.75 2
a =2 k=0
f xk (x,k)
k=1 k=2
k=3 k =4 0
0 1
15 x (b)
FIGURE 2.4 Propagation of the hyperstate. (a) Stable plant. (b) Unstable plant. solution P Pk+1 = Pk for large k. This steady-state covariance satisfies the algebraic Lyapunov equation P = APAT + GQG T
Under these circumstances, as k increases the state xk tends to a stationary Markov process with mean x ¯k = 0 and covariance P . This limiting case is called statistical steady state. If A is unstable, then in general the covariance Pxk increases without bound.
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If the system has reached statistical steady state, then it is possible to discuss spectral densities. Using Equation 2.22a and the identities at the beginning of Section 1.5, the spectral density of the state xk is given by ΦX (z) = (zI − A)−1 GQG T (z −1 I − A)−T
where superscript −T denotes the transpose of the inverse. (Note that (zI − A)−1 G is the transfer function from wk to xk and Φw (z) = Q.) Likewise, the spectral density of the output zk in statistical steady state is ΦZ (z) = H(zI − A)−1 GQG T (z −1 I − A)−T H T + R
(If we add two uncorrelated processes, their spectral densities add.) This can be written as ΦZ (z) = H(z)H T (z −1 ) + R where
H(z) = H(zI − A)−1 G
(2.43) √
is the transfer function from wk to zk , where wk = Qwk and wk is white noise with unit spectral density. H(z) will be very useful to us later.
The Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
Consider the discrete-time stochastic dynamical system (Equation 2.22) with the attendant assumptions. All matrices describing the system, and x ¯0 and all covariances are given, with Q ≥ 0, Px0 ≥ 0. We shall assume that R > 0. The statistics are not necessarily Gaussian, but arbitrary. According to our results from Section 1.1, in the absence of measurements the best mean-square estimate for the unknown state xk is just the conditional mean x ¯k of the state given x ¯0 and u0 , u1 , . . . , uk−1 , which propagates according to the deterministic version of the system (Equation 2.27). Then the error covariance is just the (conditional) covariance of the state and it propagates according to the Lyapunov equation (Equation 2.28). To derive these results, we used only the state equation (Equation 2.22a). However, according to Equations 1.51 and 1.53, and Example 1.3, given the linear measurement model (Equation 2.22b), the best linear estimator for the RV xk , given measurement zk and a priori statistics x ¯k , Pxk on xk is given by −1 −1 (2.44) Px˜k = Pxk + H T R−1 H x ˆk = x ¯k + Px˜k H T R−1 (zk − H x ¯k )
ˆk ). In the case of Gaussian statistics where the estimation error is x ˜k = (xk − x this is the conditional mean estimator, which is the optimal estimator.
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
In this section we must reconcile the time update (Equations 2.27 and 2.28), which describes the effects of the system dynamics (Equation 2.22a) with the measurement update (Equations 2.44 and 2.45) that describes the effects of measuring the output zk according to Equation 2.22b. Since measurements zk occur at each time k and the system dynamics describe the transition between times, we can do this as follows.
Kalman Filter Formulations
Define at each time k the a priori (before including measurement zk ) estimate − x ˆ− k and error covariance Pk , and the a posteriori (after including measurement zk ) estimate x ˆk and error covariance Pk . The relation between Pk− and Pk is illustrated in Figure 2.5. Then the optimal estimator for the state of Equation 2.22 with stated assumptions and given measurements zk for all k ≥ 1 is realized as follows, assuming that there is no measurement z0 at time zero. Discrete Kalman Filter Algorithm: Set x ˆ0 = x ¯0 , P0 = Px0 . Given x ˆk−1 and Pk−1 , for each value of k ≥ 1 apply − time update (Equations 2.27 and 2.45) to obtain x ˆ− k , Pk . Then apply measurement update (Equations 2.44 and 2.45) to obtain x ˆk , Pk . The resulting estimator is called the discrete-time Kalman filter and it is the best linear estimator if x0 , wk , vk have arbitrary statistics. If x0 , wk , vk are normal, then it is the optimal estimator. For convenient reference, the discretetime Kalman filter is summarized in Table 2.1. The time-varying case, where all system matrices and noise covariances are functions of k, is presented for the sake of generality. Note that even for time-invariant systems and statistics, the Kalman filter itself is still time-varying since Pk+1 depends on k! The time update portion of the algorithm gives a prediction x ˆ− k+1 of the − state at time k + 1, along with the associated error covariance Pk+1 . The measurement update provides a correction based on the measurement zk+1 at Error covariance
a posteriori error covariance P0
1 Time k
FIGURE 2.5 Error covariance update timing diagram.
P 3−
P 2−
(T U
a priori error covariance
Measurement update (MU)
P 1−
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Discrete-Time Kalman Filter System model and measurement model xk+1 = Ak xk + Bk uk + Gk wk zk = Hk xk + vk x0 ∼ (¯ x0 , Px0 ),
(2.46a) (2.46b)
wk ∼ (0, Qk ),
vk ∼ (0, Rk )
Assumptions {wk } and {vk } are white noise processes uncorrelated with x0 and with each other. Rk > 0. Initialization P0 = Px0 ,
x ˆ0 = x ¯0
Time update (effect of system dynamics) − Pk+1 = Ak Pk ATk + Gk Qk GTk
Error covariance
x ˆ− k+1
= Ak x ˆk + Bk uk
Measurement update (effect of measurement zk ) −1 − −1 −1 T ) + Hk+1 Rk+1 Hk+1 Error covariance Pk+1 = (Pk+1 Estimate
x ˆk+1 =
x ˆ− k+1
−1 T Pk+1 Hk+1 Rk+1 (zk+1
Hk+1 x ˆ− k+1 )
(2.49) (2.50)
time k + 1 to yield the net a posteriori estimate x ˆk+1 and its error covariance Pk+1 . For this reason the equations in Table 2.1 are called the predictor– corrector formulation of the discrete Kalman filter. The correction term (Equation 2.50) depends on the residual ˆ− z˜k = zk − Hk x k
The residual weighting coefficient is called the Kalman gain Kk = Pk HkT Rk−1
It is often useful to have an expression for Kk in terms of the a priori error covariance Pk− . To derive this expression, write Kk = Pk HkT Rk−1
−1 = Pk HkT Rk−1 Rk + Hk Pk− HkT Rk + Hk Pk− HkT −1 = Pk HkT + HkT Rk−1 Hk Pk− HkT Rk + Hk Pk− HkT −1 −1 = Pk Pk− + HkT Rk−1 Hk Pk− HkT Rk + Hk Pk− HkT −1 = Pk Pk−1 Pk− HkT Rk + Hk Pk− HkT
so that
−1 Kk = Pk− HkT Hk Pk− HkT + Rk
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
There are many equivalent formulations for Equations 2.47 and 2.49. Using the matrix inversion lemma, the latter can be written as −1 − − − − T T Pk+1 = Pk+1 Hk+1 Pk+1 − Pk+1 Hk+1 Hk+1 + Rk+1 Hk+1 Pk+1
The advantage of Equation 2.54 over Equation 2.49 is that inversion of only one p × p matrix is required. Equation 2.49 requires the inversion of two n × n matrices and the number of measurements p is usually less than n. If − | = 0 then Equation 2.54 must be used in any event. |Pk+1 It is often convenient to replace the measurement update equations 2.49 and 2.50 by the alternative equations in Table 2.2. TABLE 2.2
Alternative Measurement Update Equations −1 − − T T Hk+1 Pk+1 Kk+1 = Pk+1 Hk+1 Hk+1 + Rk+1 Pk+1 = (I − x ˆk+1 =
x ˆ− k+1
− Kk+1 Hk+1 )Pk+1
+ Kk+1 (zk+1 −
Hk+1 x ˆ− k+1 )
Equation 2.56 is equivalent (See the problems) to the Joseph Stabilized version. − T (I − Kk+1 Hk+1 )T + Kk+1 Rk+1 Kk+1 Pk+1 = (I − Kk+1 Hk+1 )Pk+1
This symmetric version guarantees the positive semidefiniteness of Pk+1 in the presence of roundoff error and is often used for actual software implementation of the filter. Note that the Kalman gain is the weighting which determines the influence of the residual in updating the estimate. Thus it plays the same role as the 1/(k + 1) in the recursive sample mean equation in Example 1.10. It is worth noting that although we demanded |Rk | = 0, this is not required since we only need |Hk Pk− HkT + Rk | = 0. An important point is that error covariance update equations 2.47 and 2.49 do not depend on the measurements. Thus, if Ak , Gk , Hk , Qk , and Rk are known beforehand for all k, these equations can be used to find Pk off-line before the experiment is performed. The time and measurement updates can be combined. The recursion for the a posteriori error covariance Pk involves a somewhat lengthy equation, so it is customary to use the recursion for the a priori error covariance Pk− . To derive this, substitute Equation 2.54 into Equation 2.47. If we also use Equation 2.50 in Equation 2.48, there results the alternative filter formulation in Table 2.3, which manufactures the a priori estimate and error covariance. We have suppressed the time index on the plant matrices, as we shall usually do henceforth for convenience.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Kalman Filter A Priori Recursive Formulation Kalman Filter x ˆ− x− k+1 = A(I − Kk H)ˆ k + Bu k + AK k zk −1 − T − T Kk = Pk H HP k H + R Error covariance −1 T T − T = A Pk− − Pk− H T HP − HP − Pk+1 kH +R k A + GQG
(2.59) (2.60)
The a priori filter formulation is identical in structure to the deterministic observer in Section 2.1, and Figure 2.1 provides a block diagram if L is replaced by the time-varying gain AK k . Even if the plant (Equation 2.46) is timeinvariant, the Kalman filter is time-varying since the gain Kk depends on time. Some authors define AK k as the Kalman gain. Equation 2.61 is a Riccati equation, which is a matrix quadratic equation. As we promised at the end of Section 2.1, it is just a time-varying version of Equation 2.6, which can be used to design the deterministic state observer! In terms of the a posteriori estimate, we can write the recursion x ˆk+1 = (I − Kk+1 H)Aˆ xk + (I − Kk+1 H)Bu k + Kk+1 zk+1
It is worth remarking that if the unknown is constant, then (Equation 2.46a) becomes xk+1 = xk
− so the time update is simply x ˆ− ˆk , Pk+1 = Pk . Then the error covariance k+1 = x measurement update in Table 2.1 is −1 −1 T Pk+1 = Pk−1 + Hk+1 Rk+1 Hk+1
which has the simple solution for the information matrix Pk−1 = P0−1 +
k i=1
HiT Ri−1 Hi
The Kalman filter is ˆk + Kk+1 (zk+1 − Hk+1 x ˆk ) x ˆk+1 = x
To get a maximum-likelihood estimate, we would set P0−1 = 0, x ˆ0 = 0 to model a complete lack of a priori information. Use the matrix inversion lemma to compare Equations 2.64 and 2.66 to Equations 1.106 and 1.108. The software for implementing the Kalman filter efficiently may be found in Bierman (1977). The number of computations required per iteration by the
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
filter is on the order of n3 . As we shall see in subsequent examples, it is often possible in a particular application to do some preliminary analysis to simplify the equations that must actually be solved. Some short computer programs showing implementations of presimplified filters are included in the examples. To gain some insight into the Kalman filter, let us consider a few examples. Example 2.3
Ship Navigational Fixes
Suppose a ship is moving east at 10 mph. This velocity is assumed to be constant except for the effects of wind gusts and wave action. An estimate of the easterly position d and velocity s = d˙ is required every hour. The navigator guesses at time zero that d0 = 0, s0 = 10, and his “guesses” can be modeled as having independent Gaussian distributions with variances σd20 = 2, σs20 = 3. Hence the initial estimates are dˆ0 = 0, sˆ0 = 10. The north-south position is of no interest. If dk , sk indicate position and velocity at hour k, we are required to find estimates dˆk , sˆk . The first task is to model the system dynamics. During hour k the ship moves with velocity sk mph, so its position will change according to dk+1 = dk + sk
The quantity sk+1 should ideally be equal to sk since velocity is constant at 10 mph; however, to model the unknown effects of wind and waves add a noise term wk so that sk+1 = sk + wk
To apply the Kalman filter, suppose wk is white and independent of x0 for all k. If, for example, there is a steady easterly current then wk is not white. (We shall see later how to handle nonwhite noise. Basically, in this case a model of the noise process itself must be included in the system dynamics.) Define the system state at time k as
d xk k sk and write Equations 2.67 and 2.68 as one state equation
1 1 0 xk + w xk+1 = 0 1 1 k
There is no deterministic input uk . Suppose that previous observations of ships in the region have shown that wk has on the average no effect, but that its effect on velocity can be statistically described by a Gaussian PDF with covariance 1. Then wk ∼ N (0, Q) = N (0, 1). From the above, the initial condition is 0 2 0 x0 ∼ N (¯ x0 , P0 ) = N , 10 0 3 This completes our modeling of the dynamics (Equation 2.46a).
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Now, suppose that navigational fixes are taken at times k = 1, 2, 3. These fixes determine position to within an error covariance of 2, but yield directly no information about velocity. The fixes yield easterly positions of 9, 19.5, and 29 miles, respectively. Before we can incorporate this new information into the estimates for dk and sk we need to model the measurement process. The situation described above corresponds to the output equation. zk = [1 0]xk + vk ,
vk ∼ N (0, 2)
where only the position is observed and it has been assumed that the fixes are corrupted by additive zero mean Gaussian noise with covariance of 2. Equation 2.70 corresponds to Equation 2.46b. We are now ready to estimate the state using the Kalman filter. To incorporate the measurements z1 = 9, z2 = 19.5, z3 = 29 into the estimate we use Table 2.1 to proceed as follows: k=0 Initial estimate:
0 ¯0 = x ˆ0 = x 10
2 0 P0 = 0 3 k=1
Time update: propagate estimate to k = 1 using system dynamics
10 − x ˆ1 = Aˆ x0 + Bu 0 = , a prior estimate at k = 1 10
5 3 T − T P1 = AP 0 A + GQG = 3 4 Measurement update: include the effects of z1 P1 =
(P1− )−1
+H R
1.429 = 0.857
0.857 2.714
T −1 x ˆ1 = x ˆ− (z1 − H x ˆ− 1 + P1 H R 1)
9.286 = , a posteriori estimate at k = 1 9.571
k=2 Time update: effects of system dynamics
18.857 x ˆ− = Aˆ x + Bu = , a priori estimate at time k = 2 1 1 2 9.571
5.857 3.571 P2− = AP 1 AT + GQG T = 3.571 3.714
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
Measurement update: effects of z2 P2 =
(P2− )−1
+H R
1.491 = 0.909
0.909 2.091
T −1 x ˆ2 = x ˆ− (z2 − H x ˆ− 2 + P2 H R 2)
19.336 = , a posteriori estimate at k = 2 9.864
k=3 Time update: effects of system dynamics
29.2 = Aˆ x + Bu = , a priori estimate x ˆ− 2 2 3 9.864
5.4 3 P3− = AP 2 AT + GQG T = 3 3.091 Measurement update: effects of z3 −1 P3 = (P3− )−1 + H T R−1 H =
1.46 0.811
0.811 1.875
T −1 x ˆ3 = x ˆ− (z3 − H x ˆ− 3 + P3 H R 3)
29.054 = , a posteriori estimate 9.783
Note that there are in fact two covariance sequences, the a priori sequence P1− , P2− , P3− and the a posteriori sequence P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 as shown in Figure 2.5. As indicated in the figure, a time update generally increases the covariance due to the injection of uncertainty by the process noise wk . A measurement update generally decreases the error covariance due to the injection of information by the measurement. In this example, the error covariance sequences seem to be approaching a limit even after three iterations. In fact, limiting values to three decimal for Pk− and Pk are reached after 10 iterations. They are
4.783 2.604 − P10 = 2.604 2.836
1.410 0.768 P10 = 0.768 1.836 To give an indication of how the covariance develops, the (2, 2) components of Pk− and Pk , that is, the a priori and a posteriori velocity error variances (sk − sˆk )(sk − sˆk )T , are plotted in Figure 2.6 using code written in MATLAB. It is thus apparent that even for an unstable system, taking measurements can make the error covariance converge to a finite value.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
a posteriori variances a priori variances
Velocity error variance
% Example 2.3 % Program to plot the apriori and aposteriori error covariance x=[0;10]; p=[2 0 ; 0 3]; % Initialization A=[1 1 ; 0 1]; G=[0;1]; Q=1; R=2; H=[1 0]; p22(1,1)= p(2,2); for i=1:10 pm= A*p*A’+ G*Q*G’; pm22(i+1,:)= pm(2,2); % apriori error covariance p(2,2) for velocity s p= inv(inv(pm)+H’* inv(R)*H); p22(i+1,:)= p(2,2); % aposteriori error covariance p(2,2) for velocity s end plot([0:10],p22,‘k.’,[1:10],pm22([2:11]),‘k*’); % Plotting grid on; legend(‘aposteriori error covariance’,‘apriori error covariance’); xlabel(‘k’); ylabel(‘Velocity error variances’);
FIGURE 2.6 MATLAB code and plots of velocity error variances. Example 2.4
Recursive Estimation of a Constant Scalar Unknown
To estimate the value of a constant scalar unknown x from measurements corrupted by additive white noise, the system and measurement models are xk+1 = xk zk = xk + vk x0 , p0 ). where xk , zk ∈ R and vk ∼ (0, r) is white noise. Let x0 ∼ (¯
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
Before any measurements are taken, determine the error covariance off-line using Equations 2.47 and 2.49 (i.e., Equation 2.64). Thus (Gelb 1974), k=0
is given
k=1 Time update: p− 1 = p0 Measurement update: p1 =
1 1 + p0 r
−1 =
p0 1 + p0 /r
k=2 Time update: p− 2 = p1 =
p0 1 + p0 /r
Measurement update: −1 1 1 + p2 = p1 r p0 p1 = = 1 + p1 /r 1 + 2p0 /r
.. . k Time update: p− k =
p0 1 + (k − 1)p0 /r
Measurement update: pk =
p0 1 + k(p0 /r)
The error covariance is shown in Figure 2.7. Now, to find the estimate x ˆk incorporating the a priori information on x0 and all measurements through time k, use Equations 2.48 and 2.50 (or ¯0 and Equation 2.66), so that x ˆ0 = x x ˆ− ˆk k+1 = x x ˆk+1 = x ˆk +
pk+1 (zk+1 − x ˆk ) r
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
FIGURE 2.7 Error covariance for estimation of a constant.
Equations 2.72 and 2.73 constitute the Kalman filter for this example. Note that even in this case of time-invariant system and statistics, the filter is still varying since the Kalman gain (Equation 2.52) given by Kk =
p0 /r pk = r 1 + k(p0 /r)
is dependent on k. In fact, the weighting Kk+1 = pk+1 /r of the residual in Equation 2.73 goes to zero with k. This means that as more measurements are taken and our confidence in the estimate grows, subsequent measurements are increasingly discounted. It is not difficult to find an explicit expression for x ˆk . Putting Equation 2.74 into Equation 2.73 yields ˆk + x ˆk+1 = x
p0 /r (zk+1 − x ˆk ) 1 + (k + 1)p0 /r
Therefore p0 /r x ˆ0 + (p0 /r)z1 (z1 − x ˆ0 ) = 1 + p0 /r 1 + p0 /r p0 /r (1 + p0 /r)ˆ x1 + (p0 /r)z2 (z2 − x ˆ1 + ˆ1 ) = x ˆ2 = x 1 + 2p0 /r 1 + 2p0 /r x ˆ0 + (p0 /r)(z1 + z2 ) = 1 + 2p0 /r
x ˆ1 = x ˆ0 +
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter and in general
k 1 x ˆ0 + (p0 /r) zi x ˆk = 1 + kp 0 /r i=1
As k → ∞, x ˆk becomes
k 1 zi x ˆk → k i=1
the average of the data points. This is the law of large numbers (cf. Bryson and Ho 1975). Now, let us consider two special cases. First let r → ∞ so that the measurements are completely unreliable. Then Kk → 0 so that the estimate (Equation 2.73) becomes x ˆk+1 = x ˆk = x ¯0 . The filter is thus telling us to disregard ¯0 . The error covariance all measurements and retain our initial estimate x ˆ0 = x pk is then constant p0 for all k. Suppose that x ¯0 = 0 and p0 → ∞, corresponding to the lack of any a priori information on the unknown; the case of deterministic x. The filter Equations 2.72 and 2.73 now provides the maximum-likelihood estimate (if vk is normal). Then Kk → 1/k, so that the estimate (Equation 2.73) becomes x ˆ0 = 0 1 (zk+1 − x ˆk + ˆk ) (2.78) x ˆk+1 = x k+1 This is exactly the recursive sample mean equation from Example 1.10! Note that the same result is obtained if r → 0 (the case of perfect measurements). If the statistics are time-varying so that vk ∼ (0, rk ), then Equations 2.72 and 2.73 are replaced by pk , given p0 (2.79) pk+1 = 1 + pk /rk pk+1 x ˆk+1 = x ˆk + (zk+1 − x ˆk ), x ˆ0 = x ¯0 (2.80) rk To summarize the insight gained from this example, the Kalman filter embodies many different estimators. If x0 , wk , vk have arbitrary statistics, it is the best linear estimator. If all statistics are normal, they yield the conditional mean estimate. If all statistics are normal and we set x ¯0 = 0, P0 → ∞ then the filter yields the maximum-likelihood estimate. If P0 → ∞, then Equation 2.49 should be used instead of Equation 2.54 for the measurement update, at least initially, since this uses the information matrix (Pk− )−1 which is bounded (i.e., P0−1 = 0). Example 2.5
Filtering for a Scalar System
Let there be prescribed the scalar time-invariant system and measurement described by xk+1 = ax k + bu k + wk zk = hx k + vk
(2.81) (2.82)
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
with x0 ∼ (¯ x0 , p0 ), wk ∼ (0, q), vk ∼ (0, r). Let {wk } and {vk } be white noise processes uncorrelated with each other and with x0 . Using the formulation in Table 2.3, the Riccati equation becomes 2 − p− k+1 = a pk −
2 a2 h2 (p− k) +q h2 p− k +r
or p− k+1 =
a2 rp − k +q h2 p− + r k
The Kalman gain becomes Kk+1 =
hp − k+1
h2 p− k+1 + r
so that the (a priori) closed-loop formulation is x ˆ− k+1 =
ar ahp − − k + bu + x ˆ zk k k − h 2 pk + r h 2 p− k +r
Even in this simple case, the closed-form solution to Equation 2.84 is difficult to deal with. Let us consider three special cases for which it can be solved without too much trouble. a. Perfect measurements Let r → 0 so that our measurements become exact. Then Equation 2.84 becomes p− k+1 = q
and Equation 2.86 yields for the a priori estimate, x ˆ− k+1 =
a zk + bu k h
We can understand Equation 2.88 by noting that in this case of no measurement noise, the best (a posteriori) estimate at time k of the state given zk is just 1 x ˆ k = zk (2.89) h The predicted value at time k + 1 is therefore xk + bu k x ˆ− k+1 = aˆ or Equation 2.88. Thus, in the case of perfect measurements the estimate depends only on the latest measurement and the a priori error covariance is just the effect of the process noise over one time step. The initial information (¯ x0 , p0 ) is not used at all after k = 0.
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
b. Completely unreliable measurements Let r → ∞ so that the measurements are totally unreliable. Then Equation 2.84 becomes 2 − p− k+1 = a pk + q
The solution to this equation is 2k p− k = a p0 + q
= a2k p0 + q
(a2 )k−i−1
1 − a2k 1 − a2
or 2k p− k = a p0
k q −2i 1+ a p0 i=1
which converges to a limiting value if and only if a is stable. Equation 2.86 becomes xk + bu k , x ˆ− k+1 = aˆ
with x ˆ− ¯0 0 =x
In this case, the estimate depends completely on the system dynamics. In fact, reexamine Example 2.2 to see that these two situations are identical! c. No process noise Let q → 0. In this situation it is easier to propagate the information matrix than the error covariance. Combine Equations 2.47 and 2.49 to obtain −1 (p− = k+1 )
p−1 1 h2 −1 k = 2 (p− + 2 k) 2 a a ra
which has solution −1 (p− k)
h2 1 = + p0 a2k i=1 ra 2
1 a2
−1 for k ≥ 2, with (p− = 1/a2 p0 . This is equivalent to 1) −1 (p− = k)
1 h2 (a2 − a2k ) + p0 a2k r (1 − a2 )a2k
which can in turn be manipulated to yield p− k =
a2k p0 2 2 −a2k 1 + hr p0 a1−a 2
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
or p− k =
h2 r
a2k p0 k−1 p0 i=1 a2i
for k ≥ 2. If a = h = 1 this is equivalent to Equation 2.72. Now, compare Equation 2.96 to Equation 2.92. Equation 2.92 converges to a steady-state solution as k increases if and only if |a| < 1. However, Equation 2.96 can converge for unstable a. In fact, it converges for any value of a as long as h2 /r is nonzero! EXERCISE 2.2 Kalman Filter Derivation Using Orthogonality Principle Assume that the system with measurement 2.46 is prescribed and let all statistics be Gaussian. Suppose that z1 , . . . , zk−1 have been measured and that the optimal estimate − x ˆ− k and error covariance Pk have been computed. Now another measurement zk is made. a. Use the orthogonality principle from Chapter 1 to derive the measurement update equations for the estimate and error covariance. b. Prove that the residual z˜k is orthogonal to all the previous data z0 , . . . , zk−1 . It therefore contains the new information in measurement zk , which could not have been anticipated from the previous data. For this reason {˜ zk } is also called the innovations process. c. Now derive the time update equations by finding the best estimate x ˆ− k+1 for the linear function Equation 2.46a of xk . d. Prove that the innovations sequence is a white noise process. Notes: See Luenberger (1969) for an excellent treatment using these vector space methods. If the statistics are not Gaussian, then the recursive filter derived in this exercise is the best linear estimator. It is also possible to derive the Kalman filter from the Wiener–Hopf equation. We shall do this in the continuous case in Chapter 3.
Discrete Measurements of Continuous-Time Systems
With the increasing sophistication of microprocessors, more and more control schemes are being implemented digitally. In a digital implementation, the state of the plant is required at discrete time instants. It therefore behooves us to discuss state estimation for continuous-time systems using discrete, or sampled, data.
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
Discretization of Continuous Stochastic Systems
Suppose the plant to be controlled is described by x(t) ˙ = Ax (t) + Bu(t) + Gw (t)
z(t) = Hx (t) + v(t)
with measurements
Let x(0) ∼ (¯ x0 , P0 ), w(t) ∼ (0, Q), v(t) ∼ (0, R), where {w(t)} and {v(t)} are white noise processes uncorrelated with each other and with x(0). To control the plant using state feedback, we would first need to estimate its state x(t). Suppose the microprocessor samples input u(t) and measurement z(t) every T s. We can apply the discrete Kalman filter to the continuous plant by first discretizing it. To do this, we begin with the solution to Equation 2.98a t t x(t) = eA(t−t0 ) x(t0 ) + eA(t−τ ) Bu(τ ) dτ + eA(t−τ ) Gw (τ ) dτ (2.99) t0
To describe the state propagation between samples, let t0 = kT , t = (k+1)T for an integer k. Defining the sampled state function as xk x(kT ), we can write (k+1)T AT xk+1 = e xk + eA[(k+1)T −τ ] Bu(τ ) dτ
kT (k+1)T
eA[(k+1)T −τ ] Gw (τ ) dτ
Assuming that control input u(t) is reconstructed from the discrete control sequence uk by using a zero-order hold, u(τ ) has a constant value of u(kT ) = uk over the integration interval. The third term is a smoothed (i.e., low-pass filtered) version of the continuous white process noise w(t) weighted by the state transition matrix and the noise input matrix G. It is not difficult to show that this term describes a discrete white noise sequence. Hence, define (k+1)T eA[(k+1)T −τ ] Gw(τ ) dτ (2.101) wk = kT
Now Equation 2.100 becomes (k+1)T AT eA[(k+1)T −τ ] B dτ · uk + wk xk+1 = e xk + kT
On changing variables twice (λ = τ − kT and then τ = T − λ), we obtain xk+1 = eAT xk +
eAτ B dτ · uk + wk
CRC 9008 C002.pdf
Optimal and Robust Estimation This is the sampled version of Equation 2.98a, which we can write as xk+1 = As xk + B s uk + wk
As = eAT T s B = eAτ B dτ
To find the covariance Qs of the new noise sequence wk in terms of Q, write
Qs = wk wkT (k+1)T
eA[(k+1)T −τ ] Gw(τ )w(σ)T GT eA
[(k+1)T −σ]
dτ dσ
But w(τ )w(σ)T = Qδ(τ − σ) so Qs =
eA[(k+1)T −τ ] GQG T eA
[(k+1)T −τ ]
By changing variables twice (as above), T T s Q = eAτ GQG T eA τ dτ
It is worth noting that even if Q is diagonal, Qs need not be. Sampling can destroy independence among the components of the process noise! Discretizing the measurement equation is easy since it has no dynamics: zk = Hx k + vk
To find the covariance Rs of vk in terms of the given R, we need to think a little. Define the unit rectangle as 1, −1/2 ≤ t ≤ 1/2 (t) = (2.108) 0, otherwise and note that limT →0 (1/T )Π(t/T ) = δ(t), the Kronecker delta. We can write the covariance of vk in terms of its spectral density Rs as Rv (k) = Rs δ(k)
Since δ(k) has a value of one at k = 0, in this discrete case the covariance is equal to Rs , a finite matrix. The covariance of v(t), however, is given by Rδ(t)
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
where R is its spectral density. For continuous white noise, the covariance is unbounded since δ(t) is unbounded at t = 0. To make Equation 2.109 approach Equation 2.110 in the limit, we must write 1 t (2.111) Rδ(t) = lim (Rs T ) T →0 T T so that Rs =
By examining Equation 2.111 it is evident that Equation 2.112 is the relation required between R and Rs so that noise processes v(t) and vk have the same spectral densities. Note that if R is diagonal, then so is Rs . Sampling does not affect the a priori information x ¯0 , P0 . It is worthwhile to write down the first few terms of the infinite series expansions for the sampled matrices. They are A2 T 2 + ··· 2! ABT 2 + ··· B s = BT + 2! (AGQG T + GQG T AT )T 2 + ··· Qs = GQG T T + 2! As = I + AT +
(2.113a) (2.113b) (2.113c)
If terms of order T 2 are disregarded, then the result is Euler’s approximation to the sampled system. In Euler’s approximation note that process noise covariance Qs results from multiplication by T and measurement noise covariance Rs results from division by T . Several examples are given to illustrate the application of the discrete Kalman filter to continuous systems. First we discuss the discretization of a continuous system which occurs quite often. Example 2.6
Sampling Motion Governed by Newton’s Laws
Consider the continuous system described by
0 1 0 0 x˙ = x+ u+ w 0 0 1/m 1
If u(t) = mg is a constant, then by an easy integration the components of x = [d s]T satisfy s(t) = s(0) + gt
1 d(t) = d(0) + s(0)t + gt 2 2
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
For an input force u(t) = F = mg, therefore, Equation 2.114 is just a formulation of Newton’s law F = ma, with d the position and s the velocity. Let x(0) ∼ (¯ x0 , p0 ), w ∼ (0, Q), and measurements of position d(t) be made so that z = 1 0 x+v (2.117) Measurement noise v is (0, R) and all uncorrelatedness assumptions hold. If measurements are made at intervals of T units, the discretized system can quickly be written down by noting that, since A is nilpotent (i.e., A2 = 0), the sequences for the sampled plant matrices are all finite, so
1 T As = eAT = 1 + AT = (2.118) 0 1 and B s = BT + Letting
1 T 2 /2 ABT 2 = T 2 m
q Q= 1 q2 we get
q2 Q = QT + q4 /2 s
q2 q4
q4 /2 2 q /3 T + 4 0 0
0 3 T 0
Finally, R T The sampled version of Equations 2.114 and 2.117 is thus
1 T 2 /2 1 T 0 xk+1 = uk + xk + w T 0 1 1 k m zk = 1 0 xk + vk Rs =
(2.122) (2.123)
with noise covariance Qs and Rs given above. Compare Equation 2.122 to Equation 2.69 of Example 2.3, where we used Euler’s approximation. Note that even if Q is diagonal, Qs may not be. Example 2.7
Estimation of a Constant
If x is a time-invariant scalar random variable measured in additive white noise, then the system and measurement models are x˙ = 0 z =x+v
(2.124) (2.125)
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
Let x ∼ (˜ x0 , p0 ) and v(t) ∼ (0, rc ) be uncorrelated. Compare this continuous formulation to the discrete formulation in Example 2.4. To estimate x using measurements provided at sampling interval T , discretize Equations 2.124 and 2.125 to get xk+1 = xk zk = xk + vk
(2.126) (2.127)
with vk ∼ (0, rc /T ). These are identical to Equations 2.71 in Example 2.4, so from the results of those examples the error covariance is given by pk =
p0 1 + kT (p0 /rc )
Kk =
p0 T /rc 1 + kT (p0 /rc )
The Kalman gain is
Example 2.8
Radar Tracking with Discrete Measurements
Consider the two-dimensional radar tracking problem illustrated in Figure 2.8. For simplicity, let velocity V be in the x direction. a. State and measurement models To derive the state model, write
r2 = x2 + y 2 2rr˙ = 2xx˙ + 2y y˙ x y r˙ = x˙ + y˙ r r
FIGURE 2.8 Radar tracking geometry.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
but x = r cos θ, x˙ = V , and y˙ = 0, therefore r˙ = V cos θ
r¨ = V˙ cos θ − V θ˙ sin θ
For θ, write tan θ =
y x
so xy˙ − xy ˙ θ˙ sec2 θ = 2 x xy˙ − xy ˙ x y ˙ − xy ˙ = θ˙ = 2 x sec2 θ r2 but y = r sin θ, x˙ = V , and y˙ = 0, therefore V θ˙ = − sin θ r Differentiating,
V˙ r − V r˙ θ¨ = − r2
sin θ −
V ˙ θ cos θ r
State Equations 2.131 and 2.133 are nonlinear. We shall see in Chapter 5 how to apply the Kalman filter to nonlinear systems. In this example, we will apply the Kalman filter in Table 2.1 by taking advantage of its robustness and converting to a linear system as follows. Assume that the aircraft is not accelerating, so that V˙ = 0. Then, if r and θ do not change much during each scan of the radar (about 1–10 s), we have r¨ ≈ 0 and θ¨ ≈ 0. To account for the small changes in r˙ and θ˙ during the scan time T , introduce random disturbances w1 (t) and w2 (t) so that d r˙ = w1 (t) (2.134) dt d ˙ θ = w2 (t) (2.135) dt The robustness properties of the Kalman filter in the presence of process ˙ Notice that process noise has been noise will now allow tracking of r˙ and θ. added to compensate for the unmodeled dynamics that we introduced by ignoring the nonlinear terms. We have more to say about this in Chapter 4. The state equations are now linear: r r 0 1 0 0 0 d r˙ = 0 0 0 0 r˙ + w1 (t) (2.136) θ 0 0 0 1 0 dt θ 0 0 0 0 w2 (t) θ˙ θ˙
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
Symbolize Equation 2.136 as ˙ X(t) = AX (t) + w(t)
(Do not confuse the state X(t) with the x coordinate in Figure 2.8!) The process w(t) is known as maneuver noise. The radar measures range r and azimuth θ, so
1 0 0 0 z(t) = X(t) + v(t) (2.138) 0 0 1 0 is the measurement model. To find the maneuver noise covariance, suppose that the disturbance accelerations are independent and uniformly distributed between ±a. Then (show this) their variances are a2 /3. Note that w2 (t) is an angular acceleration, so w2 (t)r is distributed according to the maneuver noise PDF and w2 (t) has variance a2 /3r2 . However, w1 (t) is a radial acceleration and its variance is a2 /3. Therefore, w(t) has covariance 0 0 0 0 0 a2 /3 0 0 (2.139) Q= 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 a /3r Let the variance of the range and azimuth measurements be σr2 and σθ2 (for radar σr2 σθ2 ). Then the measurement noise has covariance
2 σ 0 R= r (2.140) 0 σθ2 b. Discretization The measurements z(t) are available at each scan. Let T be the scan time. Then, since A2 = 0 it is easy to use the series representations for the sampled matrices to get 1 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 xk+1 = (2.141) 0 0 1 T xk + wk 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 zk = x + vk (2.142) 0 0 1 0 k where
T 3 /3 T 2 /2 0 0 a2 T 2 /2 T 0 0 wk ∼ 3 2 2 2 0, 3 0 0 T /3r T /2r 0 0 T 2 /2r2 T /r2 2 0 σ /T vk ∼ 0, r 0 σθ2 /T
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Suppose the a priori information is x0 ∼ (¯ x0 , p0 ). To find x ¯0 and P0 we could take one initializing measurement z0 = (r0 θ0 )T . Then 2 σr 0 0 0 r0 0 1 0 σr2 0 0 (2.145) P0 = x ¯0 = 2 θ0 , 0 σθ 0 T 0 0 0 0 0 σθ2 In fact it is often more convenient to select x ¯0 = 0, P0 = I, since (as we shall discover) the filter converges to the same stochastic steady state for any x ¯0 and P0 , if it is properly designed. c. Applying the discrete Kalman filter Now all we need to do is enter these system and covariance matrices into our computer program, which implements the discrete Kalman filter. At each time kT we give the filter the radar readings r(kT ) and θ(kT ), and it will give the ˙ best estimates of r, r, ˙ θ, and θ. The next examples show how to perform some preliminary analysis to simplify the software implementation of the filter. Example 2.9
α–β Tracker for Radar
a. Parallel filtering In the previous example we discussed the radar tracking problem with discrete measurements. By neglecting the nonlinear terms we obtained the discrete Equations 2.141 through 2.145 in that example. Note that these equations describe two completely decoupled systems, one for the range dynamics rr˙ and one for the angle dynamics θθ˙ . This means that we can considerably simplify things by running not one Kalman filter on a fourth-order system, but two parallel Kalman filters on two second-order systems. See Figure 2.9. The number of computations required per iteration by the Kalman filter is of the order of n3 , so one fourth-order filter requires about 43 = 64 operations while two second-order filters require about 2 × 23 = 16 operations. Aside from this, using parallel processing a separate microprocessor can be assigned to each filter, resulting in a further saving of time.
Range measurement
Filter for range subsystem
r r
Angle measurement
Filter for angle subsystem
θ θ
FIGURE 2.9 Parallel Kalman filtering.
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
b. α–β Tracker An α–β tracker, or second-order polynomial tracking filter, is a Kalman filter to estimate the state of the system y¨(t) = w with scalar measurements z = y + v (Gelb 1974; Schooler 1975). This corresponds exactly to the equations for the range subsystem Equation 2.134 and angle subsystem Equation 2.135 in the previous example. The Kalman filters in Figure 2.9 are therefore both α–β trackers. Let us consider the range subsystem in greater detail. We have the discretized system
1 T xk+1 = x + wk (2.146) 0 1 k zk = 1 0 xk + vk (2.147) with xk now representing
rk r˙k
The noises are described by 2 σp µpv 0, µpv σv2 2 vk ∼ 0, σm
wk ∼
(2.148) (2.149)
The range (position) uncertainty is σp2 , the range velocity uncertainty is 2 and the measurement error variance is σm . We have shown a way to find quantities in the previous example. With this formulation, a Kalman filter program can now be run to provide filtered estimates of range and range rate. The Kalman filter for this problem has the form
σv2 ,
xk + Kk+1 (zk+1 − HAˆ xk ) x ˆk+1 = Aˆ
where the Kalman gain is traditionally represented in radar problems as
αk (2.151) Kk = βk T
Hence the name “α–β tracker.” We can write Equation 2.150 as rˆk+1 = rˆk + T rˆ˙k + αk+1 (zk+1 − rˆk − T rˆ˙k ) βk+1 (zk+1 − rˆk − T rˆ˙k ) rˆ˙k+1 = rˆ˙k + T
(2.152a) (2.152b)
c. Zero process noise Setting the process noise to zero in Equation 2.146 is not a good idea, since (as we shall see in Chapter 4) it can be very detrimental to the performance
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
of the filter, especially if the target is maneuvering rapidly. We do it here to get a closed-form solution for Kk to obtain further insight. Thus, suppose that the process noise covariance Q is zero and that there is no a priori state information so that P0 = ∞. (P0 = ∞ corresponds to maximum-likelihood estimation.) Then, since the plant matrix is nonsingular, we have for the information matrix −1 = A−T Pk−1 A−1 + H T R−1 H Pk+1
To find a closed-form solution, let Pk−1 = Since A−1 = we have
1 pk+1 p2k+1
p2k+1 1 = −T p4k+1
0 p1k 1 p2k
p1k p2k
p2k p4k
1 0
−T 1
p2k p4k
1 0
2 −T 1/σm + 1 0
0 0
or 1 2 σm
p2k+1 = p2k − Tp 1k
p4k+1 = p4k − 2Tp 2k + T 2 p1k
p1k+1 = p1k +
The solution to the first-order difference Equation 2.157 is (P0−1 = 0) p1k =
k−1 i=0
k 1 = 2 2 σm σm
Using this sequence as “input” to Equation 2.158, we can solve for p2k : p2k
= −T
k−1 i=0
i 2 σm
−T (k − 1)k 2 2σm
Finally, using Equations 2.160 and 2.161 in Equation 2.159, T2 T2 (k − 1)k + k 2 2 σm σm T2 = p4k + 2 k 2 σm
p4k+1 = p4k +
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
which has solution p4k = Therefore Pk−1 =
k−1 T2 2 T 2 (k − 1)k(2k − 1) i = 2 2 σm i=0 σm 6
k 1 2 (−T /2)(k − 1) σm
(−T /2)(k − 1) (T 2 /6)(k − 1)(2k − 1)
Inverting this yields
2 2σm 2k − 1 Pk = k(k + 1) 3/T
3/T 6/[T 2 (k − 1)]
The Kalman gain is given by Kk = Pk H T R−1 =
2 2k − 1 k(k + 1) 3/T
In the case of no process noise, the filter gains are thus given by the simple expressions 2(2k − 1) k(k + 1) 6 βk = k(k + 1)
αk =
(2.167) (2.168)
Note that the steady-state gains with no process noise are zero, so that as time passes the measurements are increasingly discounted. This is because Q = 0 implies that the model r¨ = 0 is exact, so that as time passes we rely to a greater extent on predictions based on this model. In a practical situation this would be undesirable, and Q should not be set to zero. d. α − β − γ Tracker If the aircraft is maneuvering rapidly so that r¨ and θ¨ are nonzero, then we can obtain more robust performance by using an α–β–γ tracker in each channel in Figure 2.9. This is a Kalman filter to estimate the state of the system y (3) (t) = w(t) with measurements z = y + v. (The superscript means “third derivative”.) Example 2.10
Filter Simplification by Preliminary Analysis
We can often considerably simplify the implementation of the Kalman filter by doing some preliminary analysis. Our object is basically to replace matrix equations by scalar equations. We demonstrate by implementing in MATLAB the α–β tracker in part b of the previous example. We only consider the computation of the error covariances and Kalman gain.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation Suppose the a posteriori error covariance Pk is represented as
p1 p2 p2 p4
For Pk− we will add superscripts “–” to Equation 2.169. Let the Kalman gain components be represented as
K1 (2.170) K2 For the time update, time Equation 2.47 as − = AP k AT + Q Pk+1
1 T p1 p2 1 = 0 1 p2 p4 T
2 σ 0 + p 1 0
0 σv2
which results in the scalar replacements 2 2 p− 1 = p1 + 2T p2 + T p4 + σp
p− 2 p− 4
= p2 + T p4 = p4 +
(2.172a) (2.172b)
For the measurement update, use Table 2.2 to obtain
− p − T Pk+1 H = 1− p2 − T 2 HP − k+1 H + R = p1 + σm
− 1 p1 Kk+1 = − 2 p− p1 + σ m 2
(2.173) (2.174) (2.175)
or K1 =
p− 1 2 p− 1 + σm
K2 =
p− 2 2 p− 1 + σm
and − Pk+1 = (I − Kk+1 H)Pk+1
p− 1 − K1 0 p− 1 2 = 1 p− −K2 p− 2 4
which yields the scalar updates p1 = (1 − K1 )p− 1
K1 )p− 2
p2 = (1 −
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
% Example 2.10 % Define variables T=1; sigpsq=150; sigvsq=150; sigmsq=30; A=[1 T ; 0 1]; Q=[sigpsq 0 ; 0 sigvsq]; H=[1 0]; % Initial values p=[30 0 ; 0 30]; alpha(1)=0.5; beta(1)=0; % Calculate error covariance and filter gains for i=1:10 pm=A*p*A'+Q; % apriori error covariance k=pm*H'*inv(H*pm*H'+sigmsq); % kalman gain p=(eye(2)-k*H)*pm; % aposteriori error covariance alpha(i+1)=k(1); beta(i+1)=k(2); end % Plot the Filter Gains plot([0:10],alpha,'k-','linewidth',2); hold on; plot([0:10],beta,'k-','linewidth',2); xlabel('k'); ylabel('Filter Gains'); legend('\alpha_k','\beta_k_/_T','location',[0.72 0.7 0.16 0.15])
FIGURE 2.10 MATLAB program for α–β tracker error covariance and gains. or equivalently, − p2 = p− 2 − K 2 p1
− p4 = p− 4 − K 2 p2
(Show that Equations 2.174b, and 2.174c are equivalent.) Equations 2.172, 2.175, and 2.178 are MATLAB replacements, with quantities on the right representing old values and quantities on the left representing updated values. A MATLAB implementation of Equations 2.172, 2.175, and 2.178 appears in Figure 2.10. Note that we have been able to avoid using two sets of covariance elements, one for Pk and one for Pk− , by careful attention to the order of the operations. Using this software and representative values for constants, the filter gains αk and βk /T were plotted. See Figure 2.11. Note that the steady-state values of αk and β k /T are reached in five scans. They are nonzero, in contrast with the situation in part c of the previous example, so that measurements are not discounted with increasing k. We shall see in Section 2.5 that this is a consequence of nonzero Q. In practice, it
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Optimal and Robust Estimation 1 0.9
k /T
Filter gains
0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0
5 k
FIGURE 2.11 Filter gains for α–β tracker. is wise to use a stabilized version of Equation 2.178 (Bierman 1977), since it can occur that Equations 2.178b and 2.178c do not give the same values due to round-off error. For greater numerical stability, the average of these two values can be taken as p2 .
Multiple Sampling Rates
We can considerably increase the usefulness of the method presented here by sampling the system at a higher rate than the data sampling rate. Let the continuous system be discretized using a period of T in Equations 2.104 through 2.106, where T is much less than the data sampling period Td . Let T be an integral divisor of Td . Since the data arrive at the rate 1/Td , we should use the data sampling period Td in Equation 2.112. The Kalman filter would now be applied as follows. No data arrive between the times iT d , where i is an integer, so during these intervals we should perform only the time-update portion of the Kalman filter equations. For this update, we would use the system dynamics discretized with period T . When data are received, at times iT d , we should perform the measurement update portion of the filter algorithm. For this update, we would use the measurement noise covariance Rs = R/Td . Two advantages of this technique immediately come to mind. First, an optimal estimate is available at every time iT , where i is an integer. Estimates
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
Run complete?
Time update k=k+1
Data available?
Measurement update
FIGURE 2.12 Flowchart for multiple-rate Kalman filter.
can thus be made available at points on as fine a division of the time line as we desire, independently of the sampling period Td , which may not be up to us to choose. This means, for example, that in a radar tracking problem, range and azimuth estimates can be made available between scans. For a slowly scanning radar this can be quite useful! The second advantage is that the data arrival times need not be uniform. For aperiodically sampled data we merely perform time updates until a data sample is received, then we perform a measurement update at the next integral multiple of T . If the discretization period T is chosen to be small, the data are incorporated virtually as soon as they arrive. A flowchart/block diagram for the “multiple-rate Kalman filter” is given in Figure 2.12. The next example illustrates this technique. Example 2.11
Multiple-Rate Kalman Filter for Radar Tracking
Suppose we discretize the range subsystem of the previous examples using a period of T = 50 ms. The data sampling period Td is the radar period of revolution (which we called T in the previous examples). Suppose Td is 1 s. Using the multiple-rate Kalman filter will then result in up-to-date optimal estimates every 50 ms although the data arrive only every 1 s. If T = 50 ms is used in the error covariance time update Equation 2.170 in Example 2.10, and the measurement update (Equations 2.176 and 2.178) is performed only every Td = 1 s, then position and velocity error variances like those in Figure 2.13 result. A simple modification of Figure 2.10 was used to obtain these curves.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
% Example 2.11 % Multi-rate Kalman Filter for radar tracking % Time update every 50msec (T) and measurement update every 1 sec (Td) % Define/Initialize variables clear all; close all i=1; T=0.05; Td=1; sigpsq=150*T; sigvsq=150*T; sigmsq=30/Td; % Qs=Q*T, Rs=Q/Td Q=[sigpsq 0 ; 0 sigvsq]; H=[1 0]; p=[30 0 ; 0 30]; p1(1)=p(1,1); p4(1)=p(2,2); % Loop for calculating the error variances for t=0:T:10-T A=[1 T ; 0 1]; i=i+1; p=A*p*A'+Q; k=p*H'*inv(H*p*H'+sigmsq); % Take Measurement at T=1,2...10 secs if (mod(t,1)==0 && t~=0) p=(eye(2)-k*H)*p; end p1(i)=p(1,1); p4(i)=p(2,2); end % Plotting figure(1); plot([0:0.05:10],p1,'k'); hold on; plot([0:0.05:10],p4,'k','linewidth',2); legend('p_1','p_4'); grid on; xlabel('Time (Secs.)'); ylabel('Error Variances');
450 p1
Error variances
300 250 200 150 100 50 0
5 Time (s)
FIGURE 2.13 Range and range-rate error variances with time update every 0.05 s and measurement update every 1 s.
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
In Section 3.7 we present another approach to discrete filtering for continuous-time systems, which is known as the continuous-discrete Kalman filter. No preliminary discretization of the plant is required there. Instead, the estimate and error covariance are propagated between measurements in continuous time using equations we shall derive in Chapter 3.
Discretization of Time-Varying Systems
It is straightforward to find equations for discretizing time-varying continuous systems, as the next exercise indicates. EXERCISE 2.3 Discretization of Time-Varying Systems Suppose the prescribed plant is time-varying so that x˙ = A(t)x + B(t)u + G(t)w
z = H(t)x + v
with x(0) ∼ (¯ x(0), P (0)), w(t) ∼ (0, Q(t)), v(t) ∼ (0, R(t)), and the usual whiteness and uncorrelatedness assumptions. Let φ(t, t0 ) be the state-transition matrix of A(t) defined by d φ(t, t0 ) = A(t)φ(t, t0 ), φ(t0 , t0 ) = I (2.180) dt Show that the discrete system and noise covariance matrices are timevarying matrices given by As (k) = φ((k + 1)T, kT ) (k+1)T φ((k + 1)T, τ )B(τ ) dτ B s (k) = kT
Qs (k) =
Gs (k) = I
(2.182) (2.183)
φ((k + 1)T, τ )G(τ )Q(τ )GT (τ )φT ((k + 1)T, τ ) dτ (2.184) H s (k) = H(kT )
R(kT ) T
Rs (k) =
Error Dynamics and Statistical Steady State The Error System
To study the stability and convergence properties of the Kalman filter, we need to examine the error system. This will give us some of the insight we need to design Kalman filters for practical problems.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Define the a priori estimation error as ˆ− x ˜− k = xk − x k
the error at time k before the inclusion of data zk . This is a one-step ahead prediction error. To find a recursion for x ˜− k , we use Equations 2.46a, 2.46b, and 2.59 to write ˆ− x ˜− k+1 = xk+1 − x k+1 = Ax k + Bu k + Gw k − A(I − Kk H)ˆ x− k − Bu k − AK k (Hx k + vk ) This simplifies to x− x ˜− k+1 = A(I − Kk H)˜ k + Gw k − AK k vk
(We assume a time-invariant original plant for ease of notation.) Note that the error system is driven by both the process and measurement noises, but not by the deterministic input uk . It is easy to express the residual as a function of x ˜− k ; using Equations 2.46b and 2.51, we have z˜k = H x ˜− (2.189) k + vk We call Equations 2.188 and 2.189 the a priori error system. Note that the residual depends on x ˜− k exactly as the data zk depends on xk . To find the covariance of x ˜− k note that x− E(˜ x− k+1 ) = A(I − Kk H)E(˜ k)
so that E(˜ x− x− 0 ) = 0. This, however, is guaranteed by the way we k ) = 0 if E(˜ initialize the filter (Table 2.1). Hence the Kalman filter produces an unbiased estimate and so, from Equation 2.188, − T =x ˜− x− Pk+1 k+1 (˜ k+1 ) = A (I − Kk H)Pk− (I − Kk H)T + Kk RK Tk AT + GQG T
By substituting for Kk from Equation 2.60, it is easy to see that we have just found another way to derive the Riccati equation (Equation 2.61). In fact, Equation 2.191 is called the Joseph stabilized formulation of the Riccati equation (cf. Equation 2.58). Note that the Riccati equation is a symmetric equation (transpose both sides), so Pk− is symmetric for all k ≥ 0. Pk− is also positive semidefinite for all k since it is a covariance matrix.
The Innovations Sequence
According to Equation 2.189, the residual has zero mean, z¯˜k = 0
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
Therefore, by the uncorrelatedness of x ˜− k and vk the residual has covariance given by T Pz˜k = HP − kH +R
where Pk− satisfies the Riccati equation. If the measurements are not used to correct x ˆ(t), then Equation 2.193 still holds, but Pk− = Pk now satisfies the Lyapunov equation (Equation 2.28). (Why?) Suppose that all statistics are Gaussian. Let Zk {z1 , z2 , . . . , zk }
represent all the data up through time k. Then the Kalman filter manufactures the conditional mean and covariance x ˆk = xk /Zk Pk = Pxk /Zk
(2.195a) (2.195b)
at each time k. (Recall from Section 1.1 that the error covariance Pk is equal to the conditional covariance Pxk /Zk .) In other words, in the Gaussian case the Kalman filter provides an update for the entire hyperstate. The conditional mean of the data is zk /Zk−1 = H x ˆ− k
z˜k = zk − zk /Zk−1
so that
The residual is therefore the new information contained in zk that could not have been anticipated by using the previous data Zk−1 . It is called the innovations process. See Exercise 2.2. From the orthogonality principle, z˜k is orthogonal to (and hence uncorrelated with) Zk−1 . Since z˜j depends only on x0 , the input, and Zj , it follows that z˜k is uncorrelated with z˜j for j < k. The innovation is therefore a zeromean white noise process. One good way to verify that the Kalman filter is performing as designed is to monitor the residual. If it is not white noise, there is something wrong with the design and the filter is not performing optimally.
The Algebraic Riccati Equation
Now consider the limiting behavior of the Kalman filter. As k → ∞, the solution to the Riccati equation tends to a bounded steady-state value P if lim Pk− = P
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− is bounded. In this case, for large k, Pk+1 = Pk− P and Equation 2.61 tends to the algebraic Riccati equation
P = A[P − PH T (HPH T + R)−1 HP ]AT + GQG T
It is clear that any limiting solution to Equation 2.61 is a solution to Equation 2.199. The algebraic Riccati equation can have more than one solution. Its solutions can be positive or negative, semidefinite or definite, indefinite, or even complex. There is quite a body of literature on conditions under which it has a unique positive definite solution. In the scalar case of course, a quadratic equation has only two solutions. See Example 2.1. At this point, we can ask several questions: 1. When do bounded limiting solutions to Equation 2.61 exist for all choices of P0 ? (That is, when is the a priori error covariance bounded for all initial conditions?) 2. Clearly, the limiting solution P depends on the initial condition P0 . When is P independent of our choice (possibly inaccurate!) of P0 ? And most important of all, 3. When is the error system (Equation 2.188) asymptotically stable? (That is, when does the estimate x ˆk converge to the true state xk ? This is the whole point of the Kalman filter design!) We can answer these very important questions in terms of the dynamical properties of the original system (Equation 2.46). Recall that (A, H) is observable if the poles of (A − LH ) can be arbitrarily assigned by appropriate choice of the output injection matrix L. (A, H) is detectable if (A − LH ) can be made asymptotically stable by some matrix L. This is equivalent to the observability of the unstable modes of A. Recall also that (A, B) is reachable if the poles of (A−BK ) can be arbitrarily assigned by appropriate choice of the feedback matrix K. (A, B) is stabilizable if (A − BK ) can be made asymptotically stable by some matrix K. This is equivalent to the reachability of all the unstable modes of A. THEOREM 2.2 Let (A, H) be detectable. Then for every choice of P0 there is a bounded limiting solution P to Equation 2.61. Furthermore, P is a positive semidefinite solution to the algebraic Riccati equation. Proof: Since (A, H) is detectable, there exists a constant output injection matrix L so that (A − LH ) is asymptotically stable. Define a suboptimal a priori estimate for xk by xL (2.200) x ˆL k+1 = (A − LH )ˆ k + Bu k + Lz k
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Then the associated a priori error system xL x ˜L k+1 = (A − LH )˜ k + Gw k + Lv k
is asymptotically stable. Using a derivation like that of Equation 2.191, the error covariance Sk of x ˆL k satisfies the Lyapunov equation Sk+1 = (A − LH )Sk (A − LH )T + LRLT + GQG T
Since (A − LH ) is stable, the Lyapunov theory shows that Sk is bounded with a finite steady-state value. However, the optimal estimate is given by the Kalman filter with timevarying gain Kk as shown in Table 2.3. Optimally implies that Pk− < Sk (i.e., (Sk − Pk− ) > 0) for all k, so that Pk− is bounded above by a finite sequence. It can be shown that the Riccati solution Pk− is smooth, so that if it is bounded above by a finite sequence, then it converges to a finite limit P (see Casti 1977; or Kwakernaak and Sivan 1972). Since the Riccati equation consists of a sum of positive semidefinite terms (see Equation 2.191) and P0 ≥ 0, we are guaranteed symmetry and positive semidefiniteness of Pk− , and hence of P . Clearly, P is a solution to Equation 2.199. This result gives a neat test for the boundedness of the error covariance, especially if (A, H) satisfies the stronger condition of observability, which implies detectability. It is easy to test for observability by determining if the rank of the observability matrix (Equation 2.5) of (A, H) is equal to n. Since the state estimation problem clearly depends on the observability properties of the original system, the theorem is not surprising. It reassures our intuition. The next result initially seems very strange. It was first derived by Kalman and Bucy (1961). It amounts to a restatement of Theorem 2.2, given a reachability hypothesis. This hypothesis makes the results much stronger. THEOREM 2.3 √ Let Q be a square root of the process noise covariance so that Q = √ √ T √ Q Q ≥ 0, and let the measurement noise have R > 0. Suppose (A, G Q) is reachable. Then (A, H) is detectable if and only if a. There is a unique positive definite limiting solution P to Equation 2.61, which is independent of P0 . Furthermore, P is the unique positive definite solution to the algebraic Riccati equation. b. The steady-state error system is defined as in Equation 2.188, with steady-state Kalman gain K = PH T (HPH T + R)−1 asymptotically stable.
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Proof: T Define D by R = DD and note that R > 0 implies that |D| = 0. We first √ claim that if (A, G Q) is reachable and |D| = 0, then for any L (2.204) (A − LH ), G Q LD is also reachable. To show this, note that |D| = 0 implies that H = DM for some M . The PBH test for reachability (Kailath 1980) implies that (2.205) rank zI − A G Q = n for all z and therefore
n = rank zI − A
G Q = LD
I 0 G Q = LD 0 I M 0 = rank zI − A + LH G Q = LD = rank zI − A
0 0 I (2.206)
This proves the claim. To prove necessity, let gain L define a suboptimal estimate x ˆL k as an (1) of the proof of Theorem 2.2, with (A − LH ) asymptotically stable. By Theorem 2.2, (A, H) detectable implies Pk− → P with P bounded and at least 2 2 xL positive semidefinite. However, E ˜ x− k for all L because of the k ≤ E ˜ − T − optimality of the Kalman filter (note that E[(˜ xk ) x ˜k ] = trace (Pk− )). Hence system A(I −KH ) is also asymptotically stable with K = PH T (HPH T +R)−1 . Define L = AK . Then we can write the algebraic Riccati equation as T P = (A − L H)P (A − L H)T + L DD T (L )T + G Q Q GT T = (A − L H)P (A − L H)T + G Q L D G Q L D (2.207) We know that P is an at least positive semidefinite solution of Equation 2.207. However, Equation 2.207 is also a Lyapunov equation, for √ which we know that (A−L H) is stable and also that the pair ((A−L H), [G Q L D]) is reachable. So the solution P is also unique and positive definite, and the gain K = PH T (HPH T + R)−1 is uniquely defined. To show sufficiency, note that if A(I − KH ) is asymptotically stable, there is an L = AK for which the system (A − LH ) is stable and hence the pair (A, H) is detectable. This theorem is quite surprising. It says that if the state is reachable by the process noise, so that every mode is excited by wk , then the Kalman filter is asymptotically stable if (A, H) is detectable. Thus, we can guarantee a stable filter by selecting the measurement matrix H correctly and ensuring that the process model is sufficiently corrupted by noise! This is the type of thing we need to know to develop sufficient intuition to apply the Kalman filter in practice. To simplify the proof, we made the hypothesis of √ the theorem unnecessarily restrictive. In fact, it is only required that (A, G Q) be stabilizable. In this
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
107 Plant state
State estimates
k Plant state
State estimates
FIGURE 2.14 Relation between plant and filter stability. (a) Unstable plant, stable filter. (b) Unstable plant, unstable filter.
case, though, the unique limiting Riccati solution P can only be guaranteed to be positive semidefinite. The difference between a stable original plant and a stable Kalman filter should be clearly realized. We are not concerned here with regulating the plant, but only with estimating its state. With a stable filter the estimate closely tracks the state of the plant, whether it is stable or not. Figure 2.14 shows the relation between an unstable plant and an unstable filter. Example 2.12
Steady-State Behavior in the Scalar Case
Theorem 2.3 is illustrated by Example 2.1, where the algebraic Riccati equation was solved in the scalar case. For scalars, detectability is equivalent to the condition |a| < 1 or h = 0. The reachability condition is equivalent to q = 0. In Example 2.1 part a, |a| < 1 so detectability is immediate regardless of the value of h. A solution p > 0 is given by Equation 2.15 when q = 0 and h = 0. If q = 0 and h = 0, then the solutions to Equation 2.12 are p = 0,
−1(1 − a2 )r/h2
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
so there is only a positive semidefinite solution (i.e., p = 0). If h = 0 but q = 0, then from Equation 2.12 p = q/(1 − a2 )
is greater than zero. In Example 2.1 part b, |a| > 1 so for detectability we require h = 0 and for stabilizability q = 0. Indeed, Equation 2.209 is less than zero if a is unstable. If h = 0 and q = 0 then Riccati equation solution (Equation 2.19) is strictly positive. Furthermore, the closed-loop system (Equation 2.20) is stable if and only if h = 0 and q = 0. Example 2.13
Steady-State Filter for Damped Harmonic Oscillator
Many systems can be modeled, at least to a first approximation, by the equation y¨(t) + 2αy(t) ˙ + ωn2 y(t) = bu(t)
For instance, if y(t) is aircraft pitch and u(t) is elevator deflection, then Equation 2.210 corresponds to the short-period approximation to the longitudinal dynamics (Blakelock 1965). By selecting the state components as y and y˙ the plant (Equation 2.210) can be put into the reachable canonical form
0 0 1 x(t) + u(t) + w(t) (2.211) x(t) ˙ = b −ωn2 −2α where we have added (0, Q) process noise w(t) to compensate for unmodeled system dynamics (as we did in Example 2.8). Let the measurement be z = y + v(t), with noise v(t) ∼ (0, r). Let sampling period be T 1 so that terms of order T 2 can be ignored. Then the sampled plant is approximately
1 T 0 xk+1 = x + u + wk (2.212) −ωn2 T 1 − 2αT k bT k zk = [1 0]xk + vk
with QS = QT , rS = r/T . (In practice we should use the exact discretized system, not Euler’s approximation.) To study the behavior of the Kalman filter error system, let ωn = 0, α = −0.1, r = 0.02, T = 20 ms, and ignore uk . Then the sampled plant is
1 0.02 xk+1 = x + wk As xk + wk (2.214) 0 1.004 k and rs = 1. The poles are at z = 1, 1.004 so the plant is unstable.
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Note that the plant is observable through the measurements. Let
0 0 (2.216) Qs = 0 0.02 S ) is reachable, allowing w to excite both modes ( QS = Q so that (As, k √ [0 0.02]T ). A computer program was written to solve the Riccati equation (Equation 2.61). The solution sequence for the case P0− = I converges within 4 s (k = 200) to a steady-state value of
0.08247 0.16363 P = (2.217) 0.16363 0.61545 The same steady-state value is obtained if P0− = 0. We can use the Kalman gain (Equation 2.60) to compute the error system matrix s Acl (2.218) k A (I − Kk H) for each value of k. Clearly, the poles of the error system are functions of time k and we can plot a root locus for the error system as a function of k. The results are shown in Figure 2.15 for P0− = I. In this figure, the poles for k = 0 are marked by X’s and the steady-state values of 0.9624 ± j0.036117, corresponding to a steady-state error system of
0.92079 0.02 (2.219) Acl = −1.15177 1.004 Unit circle
(25) (16) (30)
(150) (70) Re(z) 0.5
FIGURE 2.15 Locus of error system poles for detectable plant reachable by wk .
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
This error system is stable and does not depend on P0− , so for any P0− the estimation error x ˜− k will be bounded with the steady-state variances of its components given by 0.08247 and 0.61545. EXERCISE 2.4 Weighted Minimum-Variance Estimate Show that under the conditions of Theorem 2.3 the steady-state optimal gain minimizes T J∞ = lim (˜ x− x− k ) W (˜ k) k→∞
for any W ≥ 0 and that the minimum value is given by J∞ = tr(WP )
where P is the steady-state error covariance. EXERCISE 2.5 A Posteriori Error System Define the a posteriori estimation error as x ˜k = xk − x ˆk
a. Show that its dynamics are described by x ˜k+1 = (I − Kk+1 H)A˜ xk + (I − Kk+1 H)Gw k − Kk+1 vk+1
b. Show that the a posteriori error covariance satisfies Pk+1 = (I − Kk+1 H)AP k AT (I − Kk+1 H)T + (I − Kk+1 H)GQG T (I − Kk+1 H)T + Kk+1 RK Tk+1 (2.224) c. When does Pk tend to a steady-state value? When is Equation 2.223 asymptotically stable? d. Show that A(I − KH ) and (I − KH )A have the same eigenvalues.
Time-Varying Plant
If the original plant is time-varying, we need to redefine observability and reachability. Let the plant be given by xk+1 = Ak xk + Bk uk + Gk wk zk = Hk xk + vk
(2.225) (2.226)
with wk ∼ (0, Qk ) and vk ∼ (0, Rk ). Let φ(k, i) be the state transition matrix.
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
We say the plant is uniformly completely observable, or stochastically observable, if for every integer N the observability gramian satisfies α0 I ≤
N −1 k=i
φT (k, i)HkT Rk−1 Hk φ(k, i) ≤ α1 I
for some i < N, α0 > 0, and α1 > 0. (This guarantees the positive definiteness of both the gramian and its inverse.) We say the plant is uniformly completely reachable or stochastically reachable, if for every i the reachability gramian satisfies α0 I ≤
N −1
φ(N, k + 1)Gk Qk GTk φT (N, k + 1) ≤ α1 I
for some N > i, α0 > 0, and α1 > 0. If the plant is time-varying, then there is in general no constant steadystate solution to the Riccati equation. However, stochastic observability and stochastic reachability (and boundedness of Ak , Qk , Rk ) guarantee that for large k the behavior of Pk is unique independent of P0 . They also guarantee uniform asymptotic stability of the Kalman filter error system. See Kalman and Bucy (1961) and Kalman (1963). It is quite illuminating to compute the Fisher information matrix for the system 2.225 with measurements 2.226 when Gk = 0 (i.e., no process noise) (Sorenson 1970b). Let us assume all statistics are Gaussian. If uk = 0, then the solution to Equation 2.225 is xk = φ(k, i)xi for some initial time i, so that the measurements can be written in terms of the initial state as zk = Hk φ(k, i)xi + vk
Suppose we take measurements from k = i to k = N − 1. Let Z represent the entire collection of data, Z = {zi , zi+1 , . . . , zN −1 }. Then if vk has the Gaussian PDF T
fvk (vk ) = cv evk Rk
vk /2
with cv a constant, the independence of the measurements means that % K−1 1 [zk − Hk φ(k, i)xi ]T Rk−1 [zk − Hk φ(k, i)xi ] fZ/xi (Z/xi ) = c exp − 2 k=i
(2.231) with c a constant. Now we can find the Fisher information matrix JF (Section 1.3) by writing N −1 ∂ lnfZ/xi (Z/xi ) = φT (k, i)HkT Rk−1 [zk − Hk φ(k, i)xi ] ∂xi k=i
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∂ 2 lnfZ/xi (Z/xi ) JF = −E ∂x2i =
N −1 k=i
φT (k, i)HkT Rk−1 Hk φ(k, i)
This is exactly the observability gramian!
Frequency Domain Results
In the steady-state case, we can work in the frequency domain and derive two nice results; one gives an alternative “root locus” approach to the design of the optimal steady-state filter and the other shows the link between the Kalman filter and the Wiener filter.
A Spectral Factorization Result
The optimal steady-state filter for a time-variant plant is given by (see Table 2.3) x− x ˆ− k+1 = A(I − KH )ˆ k + Bu k + AKz k
K = PH T (HPH T + R)−1
with P the positive semidefinite solution of (2.235) P = APAT − APH T (HPH T + R)−1 HPAT + GQG T √ It exists and is stable if (A, H) is detectable and (A, G Q) is stabilizable. Note that (Appendix) ∆cl (z) |zI − A(I − KH )| = |I + AKH (zI − A)−1 | · |zI − A| = |I + H(zI − A)−1 AK | · ∆(z)
where ∆(z), ∆cl (z) are the open-loop (i.e., plant) and closed-loop (i.e., filter) characteristic polynomials, respectively. To derive the result on which this section is based, note that P − APAT = (zI − A)P (z −1 I − A)T + AP (z −1 I − A)T + (zI − A)PAT
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
Now use Equation 2.235 to write (zI − A)P (z −1 I − A)T + AP (z −1 I − A)T + (zI − A)PAT + APH T (HPH T + R)−1 HPAT = GQG T Premultiply this by H(zI − A)−1 and postmultiply it by (z −1 I − A)−T H T to get HPH T + H(zI − A)−1 APH T + HPAT (z −1 I − A)−T H T + H(zI − A)−1 APH T (HPAT + R)−1 HPAT (z −1 I − A)−T H T = H(zI − A)−1 GQG T (z −1 I − A)−T H T Substituting from Equation 2.234, there results HPH T + H(zI − A)−1 AK (HPH T + R) + (HPH T + R)K T AT × (z −1 I − A)−T H T + H(zI −A)−1AK (HPH T + R)K T AT (z −1 I − A)−T H T = H(zI − A)−1 GQG T (z −1 I − A)−T H T and by adding R to each side and factoring, we obtain (see Equation 2.41) ΦZ (z) = H(zI − A)−1 GQG T (z −1 I − A)−T H T + R = [I + H(zI − A)−1 AK ](HPH T + R)[I + H(z −1 I − A)−1 AK ]T (2.237) Defining W −1 (z) = [I + H(zI − A)−1 AK ](HPH T + R)1/2
this can be written as ΦZ (z) = W −1 (z)W −T (z −1 )
To see why this is an important result, examine Equation 2.236. Clearly |W −1 (z)| = |HPH T + R|1/2 ·
∆cl (z) ∆(z)
and |W (z)| =
∆(z) ∆cl (z)|HPH T
+ R|1/2
The optimal filter (Equation 2.233) is asymptotically stable, and this means that |W −1 (z)| has all zeros inside |z| = 1. Thus W (z) has all poles stable. If in
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addition the original plant is asymptotically stable, then |W (z)| has all zeros inside |z| = 1, so that W −1 (z) has all poles stable. Under these circumstances, Equation 2.239 provides a minimum-phase factorization for the spectral density of zk . Thus the Kalman filter can be viewed as an algorithm to compute a spectral factorization of the density ΦZ (z) of the output process zk of a stable plant. Solving the algebraic Riccati equation is equivalent to performing a spectral factorization! The system with transfer function W −1 (z) when driven by a white noise input vk with unit spectral density yields a process with density ΦZ (z), hence system W (z) when driven by zk results in the white noise process vk . This means that W (z) is a minimum-phase whitening filter for the data process zk . The Kalman filter can be viewed as a system that whitens the measurement sequence. The sequence vk resulting when zk is whitened by W (z) is called the innovations sequence (cf. Section 1.5).
The Innovations Representation
It is not difficult to relate the innovations vk to the residual z˜k . Using Table 2.3 and Equation 2.51, we have x ˆ− x− k+1 = A(I − Kk H)ˆ k + Bu k + AK k zk
−H x ˆ− k
z˜k =
+ zk
This formulation of the filter equations is called the innovations representation. It has as input the data zk and as output the white residual z˜k . This form makes it especially clear that the Kalman filter is a whitening filter. Once the filter has reached steady state so that Kk is a constant K, the transfer function from zk to z˜k can be written as W (z) = {I − H[zI − A(I − KH )]−1 AK }
We can use the matrix inversion lemma to see that W (z) = [I + H(zI − A)−1 AK ]−1
It is now clear (see Equation 2.238) that z˜k = (HPH T + R)1/2 vk
so that the residual is simply a scaled version of the innovations. The process z˜k has covariance Pz˜k = HPH T + R (2.247) while vk has covariance I. Although technically the innovations and the residual are not the same, z˜k is commonly called the innovations.
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Chang–Letov Design Procedure for the Kalman Filter
In this subsection, let us not assume that the original plant is stable. Then W (z) is not necessarily minimum phase, but we can still derive a useful result from Equation 2.237. In fact, note that this equation along with Equation 2.236 yields the Chang–Letov Equation (Letov 1960) ∆cl (z)∆cl (z −1 ) = |H(z)H T (z −1 ) + R | ·∆(z)∆(z −1 ) · |HPH T + R|−1 (2.248) where
H(z) = H(zI − A)−1 G
(2.249) √ is the transfer function in the original plant from wk to zk , where wk = Qwk and wk is white noise with unit covariance. See Equation 2.43. This is an extremely important result since it allows us an alternative method to steady-state Kalman filter design, which does not depend on solving an algebraic Riccati equation. Instead, we can compute the gain K by using tools such as Ackermann’s formula (Equation 2.4). See Kailath (1980). To see this, note that in the single-output case we can represent Equation 2.249 as N (z) H(z) = (2.250) ∆(z) √ with the numerator polynomial N (z) = H[adj (zI − A)]G Q, a row vector. Then Equation 2.248 becomes ∆cl (z)∆cl (z −1 ) =
N (z)N T (z −1 ) + r∆(z)∆(z −1 ) HPH T + r
Since ∆cl (z) is asymptotically stable, to find the poles of the optimal steadystate observer we only need to form N (z)N T (z −1 ) + r∆(z)∆(z −1 ) for the given covariances Q and r, and then take the stable roots of this polynomial. (The constant HPH T + r only plays a normalizing role and can be disregarded.) Then, Ackermann’s formula or another design technique yields the value for the gain K. By this method, solution of the Riccati equation is completely avoided. The zeros of Equation 2.251 are the same as the zeros of 1 1 + H(z)H T (z −1 ) r
Since this is in exactly the form required for a classical root locus analysis, it is evident that as 1/r goes from 0 to ∞, the optimal steady-state filter poles move from the stable poles of G(z) H(z)H T (z)−1 to its stable zeros. The next example illustrates these notions.
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Example 2.14
Chang–Letov Design of Steady-State Filter
Consider the discrete system
1 0.02 0 xk + u + wk xk+1 = 0.1176 1 0.012/m k zk = [5 0]xk + vk
(2.254) (2.255)
where xk = [θk θ˙k ] and we are measuring the angle θk . Let the process noise have covariance of
0.04 0 Q= 0 0.04 and the measurement noise have covariance of r. We want to find the best steady-state filter for estimating θk and θ˙k from zk . The plant is unstable with characteristic equation ∆(z) = (z − 0.9515)(z − 1.0485) √ Since (A, H) is observable and (A, G Q) is reachable
0.2 0 note G Q = 0 0.2
we know that there is an asymptotically stable steady-state Kalman filter. Let us use the Chang–Letov equation to find it. The transfer function from the process noise to the measurement is
H(z) = H(zI − A)−1 G
N (z) [z − 1 0.02] ∆(z) ∆(z)
so the Chang–Letov equation becomes (HPH
+ r)∆ (z)∆ (z
z −1 − 1 ) = [z − 1 0.02] 0.02
+ r(z − 0.9515)(z − 1.0485)(z −1 − 0.9515)(z −1 − 1.0485) or z 2 (HPH T + r)∆cl (z)∆cl (z −1 ) = (−z 3 + 2.0004z 2 − z) + r(0.99765z 4 − 3.9953z 3 + 5.9953z 2 − 3.9953z + 0.99765) n(z) + rd (z)
The constant term (HPH T + r) only plays a normalizing role, and it can be disregarded. The “symmetric” form of the right-hand side of Equation 2.258 is worth noting. It means that if z is a root, then so is z −1 .
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Unit circle
1.049 1.051
FIGURE 2.16 Chang–Letov root locus. The roots of the right-hand side of Equation 2.258 depend on r. When r = 0, they are the roots of n(z); these are (adding an ∞ for reasons we shall soon discover) 0, 0.9802, 1.0202, ∞
As the r → ∞ the roots of the right-hand side of Equation 2.258 tend to the roots of d(z); these are 0.9515, 0.95375, 1.0485, 1.051
As r increases from 0 to ∞, the roots move from Equation 2.259 to Equation 2.260. The root locus is shown in Figure 2.16, where the roots (Equation 2.259) of n(z) = N (z)N T (z −1 ) are denoted by X’s and the roots (Equation 2.260) of d(z) = ∆(z)∆(z −1 ) are denoted by 0’s. We added ∞ to the roots of Equation 2.259 since there are four loci. Note also that both sets of roots Equations 2.259 and 2.260 are symmetric about |z| = 1, that is, if z is a root then so is z −1 . (This is why the factorization of Equation 2.251 into ∆cl (z) and ∆cl (z −1 ) works.) According to the Chang–Letov procedure, we should select as the poles of the optimal steady-state filter the stable roots of Equation 2.258. Suppose r = 1, then the roots are 0.38083, 0.98011, 1.0203, 2.6258
so we would select ∆cl (z) = (z − 0.38083)(z − 0.98011) = z 2 − 1.3609z + 0.37325
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This is the desired characteristic equation of the closed-loop plant matrix (A − LH ). To find the required steady-state gain L = AK for use in the filter equation in Table 2.3, use Ackermann’s formula (Equation 2.4). Thus
H 5 0 = (2.263) V2 = HA 5 0.1 and cl
L = AK = ∆
0.12781 = 0.1467
0 1 (2.264)
The same gain AK would be found by using the algebraic Riccati equation approach. In the general multioutput case, it is necessary to use the multivariable root locus techniques to study the optimal steady-state filter poles as a function of R. In the case of R = 0, meaning perfect measurements, we can see from the Chang–Letov equation that the filter poles are the stable zeros of |H(z)H T (z −1 )|. In the limit as R → ∞, the case of totally unreliable measurements, the filter poles are the original plant poles simply reflected inside the unit circle (i.e., unstable poles z are replaced by z −1 ).
Deriving the Discrete Wiener Filter
Consider the Wiener problem of estimating an unknown stationary stochastic process xk from a stationary data process zk that is known for all past time. From Section 1.5 we know that the Wiener filter that performs this task is given by (2.265) F (z) = ΦXZ (z)W T (z −1 ) + W (z) where T −1 )W (z) Φ−1 Z (z) = W (z
By introducing a shaping filter for the unknown process, we can easily find F (z) in terms of a solution to the algebraic Riccati equation. To wit, suppose xk is generated by the shaping filter xk+1 = Ax k + Gw k
with wk ∼ (0, Q) a white process noise. Suppose the data are related to xk by zk = Hx k + vk
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with vk ∼ (0, R) a white measurement noise. The object is now to estimate xk in terms of zk assuming Equation 2.267 has reached steady state. This requires of course that A be stable. The first step in the solution of the problem is to find a whitening filter W (z) to manufacture the innovations vk from the data; but we have already solved this problem! We know that the whitening filter satisfying spectral factorization (Equation 2.266) is given by Equation 2.238, where K is the gain given in Equation 2.234. From Example 1.3, ΦXZ (z) = ΦX (z)H T
ΦZ (z) = HΦX (z)H T + R = HΦXZ (z) + R
therefore, ΦZ (z) = HΦXZ (z) + R = W −1 (z)W −T (z −1 ) or HΦXZ (z)W T (z −1 ) = −RW T (z −1 ) + W −1 (z)
To find the Wiener filter, we next require the realizable (i.e., stable) part of the left-hand side of this equation. Let us assume that |ΦZ (z)| = 0 on |z| = 1
so that W (z) is minimum phase. Then, since the realizable part operator is linear H[ΦXZ (z)W T (z −1 )]+ = −[RW T (z −1 )]+ + [W −1 (z)]+ W −1 (z) is realizable since W (z) is minimum phase, and by using arguments like those in Example 1.16 it can be shown that the realizable (i.e., constant) part of RW T (z −1 ) is (HPH T + R)1/2 . Therefore, H[ΦXZ (z)W T (z −1 )]+ = W −1 (z) − (HPH T + R)1/2
To complete the computation of F (z), note that by the matrix inversion lemma W (z) = (HPH T + R)−1/2 [I − H(zI − A(I − KH ))−1 AK ]
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so that by Equation 2.265 HF (z) = H[zI − A(I − KH )]−1 AK
This is the Wiener filter required to yield estimates of Hx k from zk . By construction it is stable and causal. Now examine Equation 2.233 to see that this is exactly the transfer function from zk to H x ˆ− k in the steady-state Kalman filter! The Wiener and the Kalman approach therefore give identical solutions for the optimal steadystate filter. If we examine our formulas, we will see that this is not the only interesting conclusion that follows from our line of thought. From Equations 2.265 and 2.272, we can write HF (z) = I − (HPH T + R)1/2 W (z)
This is important because it is possible to find (HPH T + R) and W (z) without solving the algebraic Riccati equation for P . For, suppose we can factor Φ−1 Z (z) as in Section 1.5 to obtain −1 T Φ−1 )] ΩW (z) Z (z) = [W (z
where Ω = ΩT > 0 is a real matrix, W (z) is minimum phase, and limz→∞ W (z) = I. Then the whitening filter is given by W (z) = Ω1/2 W (z)
Now note that the term in square brackets in the factorization (Equation 2.237) satisfies the limiting condition which defines (Equation 2.276) [limz→∞ W (z) = I is equivalent to limz→∞ [W (z)]−1 = I]. Therefore Ω = (HPH T + R)−1 . Hence in the case of linear measurements we have the nice expression for the Wiener filter HF (z) = I − Ω1/2 W (z)
where Ω and W (z) are both found by factoring Φ−1 Z (z). Alternatively, HF (z) = I − W (z)
Compare this to Equation 1.202, which was for the continuous case. Note that due to Equation 2.244, Equation 2.279 yields for the Wiener filter HF (z) = H[zI − A(I − KH )]−1 AK
This is exactly Equation 2.274. We have been discussing the Wiener filter for estimating yk = Hx k from zk . ˆ− A natural question arises. If yˆk = H x k is reconstructed by Equation 2.274, is − x ˆk also provided by filtering the data by F (z) = [zI − A(I − KH )]−1 AK
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We should hope so, since this is the transfer function from zk to x ˆ− k in the steady-state Kalman filter (Equation 2.233). Indeed, if (A, H) is observable, then this is the case. The demonstration is left to the problems. The next example uses the simplified Equation 2.279 to find the Wiener filter and demonstrates that either the Wiener approach or the Kalman approach can be used to find the optimal steady-state filter. Example 2.15 Kalman and Wiener Filters for Angle-of-Attack Measurements in the Presence of Wing Flutter An aircraft wing experiences torsional flutter when it vibrates in a twisting mode. If yk is the angle of attack, then this vibration might be modeled by the spectral density ΦY (ω) =
0.36(2 + 2 cos ω) 2.04 + 0.8 cos ω + 2 cos 2ω
which corresponds to a resonant frequency ωn of 1 rad/s (selected for illustration only!) and a Q factor Q = ωn /2α = 5. See Figure 2.19. Let measurements be made with an angle-of-attack indicator with additive white noise (2.283) zk = yk + vk vk ∼ (0, 1). We shall now find the optimal steady-state filter to estimate yk using both the Wiener and the Kalman approaches. a. Wiener filter We will use Equation 2.278, which is based on a spectral factorization of Φ−1 Z (z). Thus, ΦZ (ω) = ΦY (ω) + 1 =
2.76 + 1.52 cos ω + 2 cos 2ω 2.04 + 0.8 cos ω + 2 cos 2ω
so Φ−1 Z (z) =
(e2jω + 0.2ejω + 1) (e−2jω + 0.2e−jω + 1) (0.4597) 2jω −jω (e + 0.239e + 0.46) + 0.239ejω + 0.46)
[W (z −1 )]T ΩW (z)
(Note that this factorization is not a trivial step! Much has been written about spectral factorization techniques and some techniques are based on solving Riccati equations.) The whitening filter is therefore given by W (z) = 0.678
(z 2 + 0.2z + 1) + 0.239z + 0.46)
(z 2
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which is minimum phase and Ω = 0.4597. According to Equation 2.278 (or Equation 2.279), the Wiener filter is given by F (z) = I − Ω−1/2 W (z) 0.039z − 0.54 = 2 z + 0.239z + 0.46
This filter provides angle-of-attack estimates yˆk if its input is the data zk . b. Steady-State Kalman filter The Wiener approach uses a factorization of the spectral density of the data. The Kalman approach uses a state model of the data generation procedure. From Figure 2.17, one state model corresponding to ΦY (ω) given by Equation 2.282 is
0 1 1 xk + w xk+1 = −1 −0.2 0.8 k Axk + Gwk yk = 1 0 xk Hx k
(2.287) (2.288)
with wk ∼ (0, 0.36) a white noise process. This may be verified by finding H(z) = H(zI − A)−1 G and using ΦY (z) = H(z)Φw (z)H T (z −1 ), with Φw (z) = 0.36. State model (Equations 2.287 and 2.288) contains the same stochastic information as the spectral density (Equation 2.282). These are equivalent models for the unknown stochastic process {yk }. To incorporate the measurement noise into our state model, modify Equation 2.288 to read zk = Hx k + vk
with vk ∼ (0, 1). √ Since (A, H) is observable and (A, G Q) is reachable, there is a unique positive definite solution P to the algebraic Riccati equation, and the resulting error system A(I − KH ) is asymptotically stable. To find P , iteratively solve Equation 2.61 with any P0 (we used P0 = I) until a steady-state solution is reached. The result, achieved within 50 iterations, is
1.1758 0.0855 P = (2.290) 0.0855 0.81915 Then, by Equation 2.234
0.5404 K= 0.03931
and the error system matrix is
A(I − KH ) =
−0.03931 −0.45174
1 −0.2
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State equation
Random bias
xk +1 = xk x0 ~ (x0, P0)
123 Spectral density
0 xk +1 = xk + wk wk ~ (0, Q )
Brownian motion
− 1+a 2 1−a
xk +1 = axk + wk wk ~ (0, (1−a 2 ) 2)
First-order markov
0 ΦX () =
Second-order markov
xk +1 =
−2n − 2
xk +
1 n−2
(1 − a 2)2 1+ a 2 − 2a cos
yk = [1 0]x k wk ~ (0, (1- 2) 2)
0 ΦY () =
(1 − 2) 2[(1+ 2n ) + 2ncos] (1+4 2+ 2n )
+ 4(1+ 2n )cos + 22n cos 2
FIGURE 2.17 Some useful discrete spectrum-shaping filters. The steady-state filter that reconstructs angle-of-attack yk given zk is therefore implemented by Equation 2.233, or
−0.03931 1 0.03931 − − x ˆk+1 = x ˆ + z −0.45174 −0.2 k −0.5483 k − yˆk = 1 0 x ˆk+1 (2.293) If we take the transfer function of the Kalman filter (Equation 2.293), we obtain exactly the Wiener filter (Equation 2.286).
Correlated Noise and Shaping Filters
We have discussed the optimal filter for the ideal case of white uncorrelated noise sequences. Departure from this case can occur in three ways: the process noise can be nonwhite (i.e., correlated with itself), the measurement and
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process noises can be correlated with each other, or the measurement noise can be nonwhite.
Colored Process Noise
Suppose we are prescribed the plant xk+1 = Ax k + Bu k + Gw k zk = Hx k + vk
(2.294a) (2.294b)
where vk ∼ (0, R) is white; x0 ∼ (¯ x0 , P0 ); vk , wk , and x0 are uncorrelated; but process noise wk is not white. A noise sequence wk whose spectral density ΦW (ω) is not a constant is said to be colored. From the spectral factorization theorem, if φW (z) is rational and if |ΦW (z)| = 0 for almost every z, then there is a square, rational, asymptotically stable spectral factor H(z) with zeros inside or on the unit circle such that φW (z) = H(z)H T (z −1 )
If |ΦW (z)| = 0 on |z| = 1, then H(z) is minimum phase (i.e., all zeros strictly inside |z| = 1). If the linear system H(z) is driven by white noise wk with unit spectral density, then the output of the system has spectral density ΦW (z). The system H(z) that manufactures colored noise wk with a given spectral density from white noise is called a spectrum shaping filter. See Figure 2.18. In the continuous case, Equation 2.295 becomes ΦW (s) = H(s)H T (−s)
Given a spectral factorization for the density of wk , we can find a state realization for H(z), H(z) = H (zI − A )−1 G + D
(Kailath 1980). (Note that primes denote additional variables.) Then the noise wk can be represented by xk+1 = A xk + G wk wk = H xk + D wk
White noise w ′k
FIGURE 2.18 Spectral density shaping filter.
Shaping filter H (z)
(2.298a) (2.298b)
Colored noise wk
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where wk ∼ (0, I) is white. Augmenting the state of Equation 2.294 by xk we get
xk+1 A GH xk B GD = + u + wk (2.299a) xk+1 0 k 0 A xk G
xk zk = H 0 + vk (2.299b) xk with wk and vk white and uncorrelated. Now the Kalman filter in Table 2.1 can be run on this augmented plant. Note that it must estimate the states of the original plant and also of the noise-shaping filter. In practice, to find ΦW (z) in the first place one could assume {wk } is ergodic and use one sample function wk to determine the autocorrelation function Rw (k) by time averages. A Z transform yields the spectral density and then a curve fit yields ΦW (z). Example 2.16
Aircraft Longitudinal Dynamics with Gust Noise
The longitudinal dynamics of an aircraft can be represented in the shortperiod approximation by the harmonic oscillator
0 1 0 x˙ = x + w (2.300) −ωn2 −2δωn 1 ˙ T and θ is pitch angle. The process noise w(t) represents where x = [θ θ] wind gusts which change the angle of attack α and so influence pitch rate. The gust noise might have a spectral density that can be approximated by the low-frequency spectrum ΦW (ω) =
2aσ 2 , ω 2 + a2
This density is shown in Figure 2.19. Performing a factorization on Equation 2.301, there results √ √ 2aσ 2aσ · ΦW (s) = (s + a) (−s + a)
so that the minimum-phase shaping filter is H(s) =
1 s+a
which must be driven by input noise w (t) with covariance 2aσ 2 . A state realization of Equation 2.303 is x˙ = −ax + w w = x
(2.304a) (2.304b)
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State equation
Spectral density 2(P0 + x 20)
Random bias
x=0 x0 ~ (x0, P0)
0 Brownian motion
x = w(t ) x(0) = 0, w ~ (0, Q)
First-order markov
x = −ax + w(t) w ~ (0, 2a 2)
Nonstationary with zero mean and covariance Px(t ) = Qt
ΦX () =
Second-order markov
0 x=
− 2n
1 −2
1 x+
2a2 2 + a2
w (t )
y = [1 0]x w ~ (0, 2 2) 0
ΦY () =
22(2 + 2n ) + 2(22 − 2n )2 + 4n 4
FIGURE 2.19 Some useful continuous spectrum-shaping filters. Augmenting the plant (Equation 2.300) by the shaping filter (Equation 2.304) and redefining the state as x [θ θ˙ x ]T there results 0 0 1 0 2 −2δω 1 −ω (2.305) x + 0 w x˙ = n n 0 0 −a 1 If pitch θ is measured every T s, then z = [1
0]x + v
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suppose the measurement noise is white with v ∼ (0, r). If the sampling period T is small so that T 2 is negligible then the discretized plant is 1 T 0 0 T xk + 0 wk xk+1 = −ωn2 T 1 − 2δωn T (2.307a) 1 0 0 1 − aT zk =[1
0]xk + vk
with which noises wk ∼ (0, 2aσ 2 T ), vk ∼ (0, r/T ). Now the discrete Kalman filter can be run on Equation 2.307. In practice the discretization would be performed using eAT, not by the Euler’s approximation I + AT , BT , QT , R/T . We use the latter method in the examples for simplicity only. The actual sampling process with zero-orderhold corresponds to discretization by eAT , not I + AT . Some useful continuous and discrete shaping filters are shown in Figures 2.17 and 2.19. In these figures, w(t) and wk are white noise processes. The random bias could be used in a ship navigation problem where there is a constant unknown current. Brownian motion, or the Wiener process, is useful in describing the motion of particles under the influence of diffusion. It should also be used to model biases that are known to vary with time. First-order Markov processes are useful to model band-limited noises. The second-order Markov process has a periodic autocorrelation and is useful to describe oscillatory random processes such as fuel slosh or vibration (Maybeck 1979).
Correlated Measurement and Process Noise
Now we consider the plant (Equation 2.294) with wk ∼ (0, Q) and vk ∼ (0, R) both white, but with vj wkT = Sδjk
where δjk is the Kronecker delta. In this case we could write
wk vk
T wk Q = vk S
To rederive the Kalman filter equations for this case it is easiest to begin with the measurement update. Since xk and vk in Equation 2.294b are still uncorrelated (xk depends on wk−1 and hence on vk−1 ), we obtain from Table 2.2 at time k − T − T −1 ˆ− (zk − H x ˆ− x ˆk = x k + Pk H (HP k H + R) k)
Pk =
T Pk− H T (HP − kH
+ R)
HP − k
(2.310) (2.311)
The correlation (Equation 2.308) does not affect the measurement update. For the time update, we recall that the best estimate of a linear function is
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the same function of the estimate, that is, fˆ(x) = f (ˆ x)
if f (·) is linear. Hence from Equation 2.294a xk + B u ˆk + Gw ˆk x ˆ− k+1 = Aˆ
The effect of the correlatedness of wk and vk can be clearly understood at this point, for in contrast to our previous derivations, the estimated value w ˆk of wk given zk is no longer zero. To see this, use Example 1.2 to write ¯k + PWZ PZ−1 (zk − z˜k ) w ˆk = w
where T T ˆ− PWZ = wk (zk − z˜k )T = wk (Hx k + vk − H x k) =S
since wk and xk are uncorrelated. Therefore, we obtain as the estimate for the process noise given measurement zk , T −1 (zk − H x ˆ− w ˆk = S T (HP − k H + R) k)
Now use this and Equation 2.310 in Equation 2.313 to get − T T − T −1 x− (zk −H x ˆ− x ˆ− k+1 = Aˆ k +Bu k +(AP k H +GS )(HP k H +R) k)
If we define a modified Kalman gain by T − T T −1 Kk = (AP − k H + GS )(HP k H + R)
then this becomes x− ˆ− x ˆ− k+1 = Aˆ k + Bu k + Kk (zk − H x k)
Equations 2.319 and 2.59 are identical except for the gain terms; the only effect of measurement and process noise correlated as in (Equation 2.308) is to modify the Kalman gain. To find the effect of the correlation (Equation 2.308) on the error covariance, write the new a priori error system as ˆ− x ˜− k+1 = xk+1 − x k+1 = Ax k + Bu k + Gw k = −Aˆ x− ˆ− k − Bu k − Kk (zk − H x k) or x− x ˜− k+1 = (A − Kk H)˜ k + Gw k − Kk vk
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with Kk as in Equation 2.318. Compare this to Equation 2.188. The only difference is the modified gain. ˜− Now, since x k+1 = 0, we have − T = E(˜ x− x− Pk+1 k+1 (˜ k+1 ) )
= (A − Kk H)Pk− (A − Kk H)T + GQG T + Kk RK Tk − GS T KkT − Kk SG T It takes only a few steps to show that this is equivalent to − T T − T T Pk+1 = AP − k A − Kk (HP k H + R)Kk + GQG
Examine Equation 2.61 to see that it can be put into this same form, with a difference only in the Kalman gain definition. All of the results for this correlated noise case are, therefore, identical to our old ones, but the gain term AK k with Kk as in Equation 2.60 must be replaced by the modified gain (Equation 2.318) and the formulation (Equation 2.321) of the Riccati equation must be used. From Equation 2.321, it is clear that the error covariance is decreased due to the new information provided by the cross-correlation term S. Even if S = 0, we could still implement the filter of Table 2.1, but it would be suboptimal in this case. EXERCISE 2.6 Measurement Noise Correlated with Delayed Process Noise Suppose that instead of Equation 2.308, we have T vj wk−1 = Sδjk
This is sometimes useful if Equation 2.294 is a sampled continuous system, for it represents correlation between the process noise over a sample period and the measurement noise at the end of the period (see Equation 2.101). Show that in this case: a. The time update is still the same as in the uncorrelated noise case. b. The measurement update is now given by x ˆk = x ˆ− ˆ− k + Kk (zk − H x k)
with a modified gain defined by T T T T −1 Kk = (Pk− H T + GS T )(HP − (2.324) k H + R + HGS + SG H )
Note that Equation 2.323 is identical to Equation 2.57. c. The new error covariance is given by − T T T T T 1 T T Pk+1 = AP − k A − AK k (HP k H + R + HGS + SG H )Kk TA + GQG (2.325)
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Colored Measurement Noise
Suppose now that we are prescribed the plant (Equation 2.294) with wk ∼ (0, Q) white and wk and vk uncorrelated; but that the measurement noise is vk = nk + vk
where nk is colored and vk is white. If ΦN (z) is the spectral density of nk , then a spectral factorization yields ΦN (z) = H(z)H T (z −1 )
and we can find a state realization for the shaping filter so that H(z) = H (zI − A )−1 G + D
Then the measurement noise is modeled by xk+1 = A xk + G wk
vk = H xk + D wk + vk
where wk ∼ (0, I) is white. Let vk ∼ (0, R ) with R > 0. The new measurement noise in Equation 2.329 is Dw k + vk , and since wk and vk are uncorrelated, R (D wk + vk )(D wk + vk )T = R + D (D )T (2.330) Augmenting the state of Equation 2.294 by Equation 2.329, there results the new plant
xk+1 A 0 xk B wk G 0 = + u + xk+1 0 A xk 0 k 0 G wk
xk zk = H H + (D wk + vk ) (2.331) xk which describes the original dynamics and the measurement noise process. T The new process noise [wkT w k ]T is white with
wk Q 0 ∼ 0, (2.332) 0 I wk and the new measurement noise is white with (D wk + vk ) ∼ (0, R)
Now, however, the measurement and process noises are correlated with
T w = 0 D (2.334) E (D wk + vk ) k wk
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so the modified gain of the previous subsection should be used for optimality. If the relative degree of ΦN (z) is greater than zero, then D = 0 and the new measurement and process noises are uncorrelated. If vk = 0 in Equation 2.326, then R = 0; however this approach can often still be used, since the discrete Kalman filter requires that |[H H ]P [H H ]T + R| = 0. In the case of colored measurement noise, there is an alternative to state augmentation. Suppose we are given plant (Equation 2.294) with wk ∼ (0, Q) white, but with colored vk generated by the shaping filter xk+1 = A xk + G wk vk = xk
with wk ∼ (0, I) white and uncorrelated with wk . (Presumably, this shaping filter was found by factoring the spectrum of vk .) Define the derived measurement as zk+1 = zk+1 − A zk − HBu k
Then zk+1 = Hx k+1 + vk+1 − A Hx k − A vk − HBu k
= (HA − A H)xk + G wk + HGw k
Defining a new measurement matrix as H = HA − A H
we can write a new output equation in terms of the derived measurement as zk+1 = H xk + (G wk + HGw k )
In this equation, the measurement noise (G wk + HGw k ) is white with (G wk + HGw k ) ∼ [0, (G (G )T + HGQG T H T )]
Therefore, Equations 2.294a and 2.338 define a new plant driven by white noises. In this plant, the measurement and process noises are correlated with E (G wk + HGw k )wkT = HGQ (2.340) so the modified Kalman gain of the previous subsection should be used for optimality. The advantage of the derived measurement approach is that the dimension of the state is not increased by adding a shaping filter. To see how to implement the Kalman filter with derived measurements, by Equations 2.319 and 2.336 we have − x ˆ− x− ˆk ) k+1 = Aˆ k + Bu k + Kk (zk − H x = (A − Kk H )ˆ x− k + Bu k − Kk A zk−1 + Kk (zk − HBu k−1 )
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Kk−1 uk
Z −1
xˆ k−
Zk −1
FIGURE 2.20 Implementing the Kalman filter with derived measurements. We claim that an implementation of this recursion is given in Figure 2.20. To see this, note that the signal at the input to the delay z −1 is (A − Kk H )ˆ x− k + Bu k − Kk A zk−1
so the output of the delay is this signal delayed by 1. Now it is easy to see from the figure that − x ˆ− xk−1 + Bu k−1 − Kk−1 A zk−2 k = (A − Kk−1 H )ˆ
+ Kk−1 (zk−1 − HBu k−2 )
which is a delayed version of Equation 2.341 (see Anderson and Moore 1979). Compare this figure to Figure 2.1.
Optimal Smoothing
This chapter has heretofore been devoted to the filtering problem. Given a linear stochastic system, the solution to the prediction problem is very straightforward and we deal with it in the problems. In this section we discuss optimal smoothing. Suppose data are available over a time interval (0, N ]. The determination of the state estimate x ˆk for k ∈ (0, N ) using all the data, past and future, is called the smoothing problem. It is a non-real-time operation where the available data are processed to obtain an estimate x ˆk for some past value of k. There are several types of smoothing, and here we shall consider fixed interval smoothing, where the final time N is fixed. An application of smoothing is satellite orbit determination. The satellite’s position is measured over a time interval and smoothed estimates over the
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interval of its radial and angular positions and velocities are computed. From these estimates the parameters of the orbit can be found. See Example 5.4. Let the unknown xk be described by the dynamics xk+1 = Ax k + Bu k + Gw k
zk = Hx k + vk
and let the data be
White noises wk ∼ (0, Q) and vk ∼ (0, R) are uncorrelated with each other x0 , P0 ). Let Q > 0, R > 0. and with x0 ∼ (¯ To find the optimal state estimate x ˆk at time k in the time interval (0, N ], we need to take account of the data zj for 0 < j ≤ k and also for k < j ≤ N . We know now to incorporate the data for the subinterval prior to and including k. All we must do is use the Kalman filter. If we denote the estimate at time k based only on the data zj for 0 < j ≤ k by x ˆfk (for “forward”), then we have f f x ˆk = x ¯0 , P0 = P0 and: Time update
− x ˆfk+1 = Aˆ xfk + Bu k
f− Pk+1 = AP fk AT + GQG T
Measurement update ˆfk − + Kkf zk − H x ˆfk − x ˆfk = x −1 HP fk − Pkf = Pkf − − Pkf − H T HP fk − H T + R −1 = (Pkf − )−1 + H T R−1 H −1 Kkf = Pkf − H T HP fk − H T + R = Pkf H T R−1
(2.347) (2.348a) (2.348b) (2.349a) (2.349b)
What we now propose to do is the following. First we will construct a filter that runs backward in time beginning at N to make an estimate x ˆbk incorporating the data zj for k < j ≤ N . This is the information formulation ˆbk into the of the Kalman filter. Then we will discuss how to combine x ˆfk and x overall smoothed estimate x ˆk that incorporates all the data over the entire interval. The smoother we will develop provides the best linear estimate of xk given the data in (0, N ]. If all statistics are normal, it provides the optimal estimate. It also extends directly to the time-varying case.
The Information Filter
In the problems for Section 2.3, we discuss a filter based on the information matrix Pk−1 . This filter uses A−1 . Here we shall see that the natural direction
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Optimal and Robust Estimation xˆk−
xˆk 0
Time N
FIGURE 2.21 Backward filter update diagram. for time flow in the information formulation is backward. If we reverse time, then A appears instead of A−1 . The key to solving the smoothing problem by our approach is to derive a convenient backward form of the optimal filter, and this form is provided by the information formulation. We now derive a filter that provides the best estimate of xk given the data on the subinterval k < j ≤ N . All x ˆ, K, and P in this subsection of the book should be considered as having a superscript “b” (for “backward”), which we suppress for notational brevity. In the derivation we assume |A| = 0, though the final form of the information filter does not require this. Write the system Equation 2.344a as xk = A−1 xk+1 − A−1 Bu k − A−1 Gw k
This is a recursion for decreasing k beginning at k = N . At time k, before ˆ− the data zk are included, we have the a priori estimate x k . After zk is included we have the a posteriori estimate x ˆk . Since we are proceeding backward, the timing diagram is as depicted in Figure 2.21. Note that x ˆ− k occurs immediately to the right of k, while x ˆk occurs to its left. The error covariance measurement update is Pk−1 = (Pk− )−1 + H T R−1 H
The time update for stochastic system (Equation 2.350) is easily seen to be Pk− = A−1 (Pk+1 + GQG T )A−T
where A−T (A−1 )T . By using the matrix inversion lemma on Equation 2.352 and defining information matrices Sk Pk−1
(Pk−1 )−1
we can write these updates as Sk = Sk− + H T R−1 H Sk− = AT [Sk+1 − Sk+1 G(GT Sk+1 G + Q−1 )−1 GT Sk+1 ]A
(2.354) (2.355)
If a gain matrix is defined as Kk = Sk+1 G(GT Sk+1 G + Q−1 )−1
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then the time update becomes Sk− = AT (I − Kk GT )Sk+1 A
A Joseph stabilized version is Sk− = AT (I − Kk GT )Sk+1 (I − Kk GT )T A + AT Kk Q−1 KkT A
Note that these equations do not involve A−1 . For the estimate updates, it is convenient to define intermediate variables as yˆk = Pk−1 x ˆk = Sk x ˆk − −1 − − x ˆk = Sk− x ˆ− yˆk = Pk k
(2.359a) (2.359b)
According to the problems for Section 1.2, the measurement update of the Kalman filter can be written as T −1 Pk−1 x ˆk = (Pk− )−1 x ˆ− zk k +H R
yˆk = yˆk− + H T R−1 zk
The backward time update for the estimate for stochastic system (Equation 2.350) is −1 x ˆ− x ˆk+1 − A−1 Bu k k =A
−1 −1 − ˆ− (Sk+1 yˆk+1 − Buk ) yˆk− = Sk− x k = Sk A
Taking into account Equation 2.357 yields yˆk− = AT (I − Kk GT )(ˆ yk+1 − Sk+1 Bu k )
Equations 2.354 through 2.356, Equation 2.361, and Equation 2.364 comprise the information filter. Note the duality between this version and the Kalman filter. In the latter, time updates are simple while in the information formulation measurement updates are simple. It is sometimes convenient to have another expression for the gain Kk . To find it, write T −1 T T −1 −1 Kk = (AP − (AP − ) kA ) k A )Sk+1 G(G Sk+1 G + Q
But using Equation 2.352 −1 G (APk− AT )Sk+1 G = (Pk+1 + GQG T )Pk+1 −1 = GQ(Q−1 + GT Pk+1 G)
so that T −1 Kk = (AP − GQ kA )
Compare this to Equation 2.349b.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation xˆ kf − xˆ kf
Foreward filter 0
k N
yˆ k yˆ k−
Backward filter 0
k N
FIGURE 2.22 Smoother timing diagram.
Optimal Smoothed Estimate
Let us now suppose that a Kalman filter has been run on the interval [0, N ] to compute for each k an estimate x ˆfk based on data zj for 0 < j ≤ k. Let us also suppose that a separate information filter has been run backward on the interval to find for each k an estimate x ˆb− k based on data zj for k < j ≤ N . It is now necessary to combine x ˆfk and x ˆb− and their respective error covariances to k determine an optimal overall estimate x ˆk and error covariance that incorporate all the available data. See Figure 2.22. This is very easy to do. Since wk and vk are white, estimates x ˆfk and x ˆb− k are independent and we can use the “Millman’s theorem” from the problems in Section 1.2. (For simplicity, we suppress the superscript “b” on yˆ and S.) The a posteriori smoothed error covariance is given by −1 −1 + Pkb− −1 −1 + Sk− Pk = Pkf Pk =
(2.366a) (2.366b)
The matrix inversion lemma can be employed to write this in several alternative ways, two of which are −1 f Pk = Pkf − Pkf Pkf + Pkb− Pk
−1 f Pk = Pkf − Pkf Sk− I + Pkf Sk− Pk
Note that the smoothed covariance Pk is smaller than or equal to the Kalman filter covariance Pkf , so that using future data adds information. See Figure 2.23. The a posteriori smoothed estimate is (by “Millman’s theorem”) −1 b− ˆfk + (Pkb− x ˆk x ˆk = Pk Pkf )−1 x
Use Equation 2.366b to write −1 f x ˆk = I + Pkf Sk− x ˆk + Pk yˆk−
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
Error covariances
Information filter P kb − Kalman filter P fk
Smoothed covariances Pk k N
FIGURE 2.23 Relation of forward, backward, and smoothed error covariances. so that by the matrix inversion lemma (or we can use Equation 2.368 in Equation 2.369) xfk + Pk yˆk− x ˆk = (I − Kk )ˆ =x ˆfk + Pk yˆk− − Kk x ˆfk
where the “smoother gain” is
−1 Kk = Pkf Sk− I + Pkf Sk−
In terms of this gain, smoother update (Equation 2.368) becomes Pk = (I − Kk )Pkf
The entire smoothing scheme, which includes a Kalman filter, an information filter, and a smoother is shown in Table 2.4. A corresponding scheme can be derived for the a priori smoothed estimate x ˆ− k. A word on the boundary conditions is in order. The initial conditions on the forward filter are x ˆf0 = x ¯0 , P0f = P0 . At time N we have PN = PNf , since the filtered and smoothed estimates for xN are the same. According to − = 0. The boundary condition x ˆb− Equation 2.366b then, SN N is not known, − but according to Equation 2.359b, yˆN = 0. These are the boundary conditions needed to start up the backward filter. (Now it is evident why we propagate yˆk− instead of x ˆb− k in the information filter; we do not know the boundary b− condition x ˆN .) It is possible in some cases that Pk = Pkf , therefore the smoothed estimate is no better than the filtered estimate. It is also possible for only some of the directions of the state x ˆk to be improved by smoothing. These are called √ smoothable states. It can be shown that only those states which are (A, G Q) reachable are smoothable. In particular, when Q = 0, smoothing does not improve the estimate. For further discussion, see Gelb (1974) and Fraser (1967). Additional references on smoothing are Anderson and Moore (1979), Bryson and Ho (1975), and Maybeck (1979).
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Optimal Smoothing Scheme System and measurement model xk+1 = Ax k + Bu k + Gw k zk = Hx k + vk , x ∼ (¯ x0 , P0 ), wk ∼ (0, Q), vk ∼ (0, R). x0 , wk , vk , uncorrelated. Forward filter Initialization ¯0 , P0f = P0 x ˆf0 = x
Time update
f− = AP fk AT + GQG T Pk+1 − x ˆfk+1 = Aˆ xfk + Bu k
Measurement update Kkf = Pkf − H T (HP fk − H T + R)−1
Pkf = (I − Kkf H)Pkf −
x ˆfk = x ˆfk − + Kkf (zk − H x ˆfk − )
Backward filter Initialization − − yˆN = 0, SN =0
Measurement update Sk = Sk− + H T R−1 H yˆk = yˆk− + H T R−1 zk Time update Kkb = Sk+1 G(GT Sk+1 G + Q−1 )−1 Sk− = AT (I − Kkb GT )Sk+1 A yˆk− = AT (I − Kkb GT )(ˆ yk+1 − Sk+1 Bu k ) Smoother Kk = Pkf Sk− (I + Pkf Sk− )−1 Pk = (I − Kk )Pkf
x ˆk = (I − Kk )ˆ xfk + Pk yˆk−
Rauch–Tung–Striebel Smoother
The smoothing scheme in Table 2.4 requires three components: a forward filter, a separate backward filter, and a separate smoother. It is possible to devise a scheme with only two components: a forward filter and a backward smoother algorithm that incorporates both the backward filter and the smoother. This
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
Rauch–Tung–Striebel formulation is more convenient than the scheme we have just presented. See Rauch, Tung, and Striebel (1965). To derive a backward recursion for the smoothed error covariance Pk that depends only on the forward filter covariances, we can eliminate Sk− = (Pkb− )−1 and Sk = (Pkb )−1 from the smoother equations as follows. First note that by using Equations 2.351, 2.348b, and 2.366a we have b− −1 −1 b = Pk+1 + H T R−1 H Pk+1 b− −1 f −1 f − −1 −1 = Pk+1 + Pk+1 − Pk+1 −1 f − −1 −1 = Pk+1 − Pk+1 (2.374) Therefore, by Equations 2.352, 2.346, and 2.374 & f '−1 & f b '−1 Pk + Pkb− = Pk + A−1 Pk+1 + GQG T A−T & '−1 b = AT AP fk+1 AT + GQG T + Pk+1 A & ' −1 f− b + Pk+1 A = AT Pk+1 & f − f − −1 −1 '−1 −1 − Pk+1 A = AT Pk+1 + Pk+1 f − −1 & f − −1 T Pk+1 = A Pk+1 f − −1 −1 f − −1 −1 f − −1 '−1 f − −1 Pk+1 − Pk+1 Pk+1 Pk+1 + Pk+1 A According to the matrix inversion lemma, there results & f '−1 f − −1 & f − ' f − −1 Pk + Pkb− Pk+1 − Pk+1 Pk+1 = AT Pk+1 A Using this in Equation 2.367 yields f − −1 f − f − −1 Pk = Pkf − Pkf AT Pk+1 Pk+1 − Pk+1 Pk+1 AP fk
By defining the gain matrix f − −1 Fk = Pkf AT Pk+1
f− Pk = Pkf − Fk Pk+1 − Pk+1 FkT
this becomes
Equations 2.376 and 2.377 are the desired backward recursion for the smoothed error covariance Pk . They depend only on {Pkf } and {Pkf − }, so that only the forward filter must be run before using them. By the same sort of manipulations, the recursive smoother measurement update can be determined to be − x ˆk = x ˆk+1 − x (2.378) ˆfk + Fk x ˆfk+1 The Rauch–Tung–Striebel smoother algorithm is thus as follows. First run the usual Kalman filter on the data. Then run the recursive smoother defined
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
by Equations 2.376 through 2.378 backward for k = N − 1, N − 2, . . . . The initial conditions for the smoother are PN = PNf ,
x ˆN = x ˆfN
It is worth remarking that the backward recursive smoother depends neither on the data nor on the deterministic input.
Problems Section 2.1 1. Stabilization via Riccati Equation. The plant is
1 1 0 xk+1 = x + u 0 0 k 1 k zk = 1 0 xk
and we want to design a stable observer. (a) Solve the algebraic Riccati equation with DD T = 1, GT = [0 Substitute
p1 p2 P = p2 p3
q]. Hint:
and solve for the pi . (b) Find the observer gain L. (c) Plot the observer poles as q goes from 0 to ∞.
Section 2.2 2. Writing the Lyapunov Equation as a Vector Equation. Let ⊗ denote Kronecker product (Appendix) and s(·) denote the stacking operator. Show that the Lyapunov (matrix) equation Pk+1 = AP k AT + GG T is equivalent to the vector equation s(Pk+1 ) = (A ⊗ A)s(Pk ) + s(GG T ) 3. Solutions to Algebraic Lyapunov Equations. Use the results of the previous problem to show that P = APAT + GG T has a unique solution if and only if λi λj = 1 for all i and j, where λi is an eigenvalue of A. Show that the stability of A is sufficient to guarantee this.
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter 4.
(a) Find all possible solutions to P = APAT + GG T if
1 2 1 , G= A= 2 0 0 −1 Interpret this in the light of the previous problem. Classify the solutions as positive definite, negative definite, and so on.
(b) Repeat if G = [2 1]T . (c) Repeat if A=
1 2
1 , − 12
2 G= 1
5. Analytic Solution to the Lyapunov Equation. lution to Pk+1 = AP k AT + GQG T for k ≥ 0 is Pk = Ak P0 (AT )k +
Show that the so-
Ai GQG T (AT )i
6. Stochastic System
1 2 x + w 1 k 0 − 12 k zk = 1 0 xk + vk
xk+1 =
1 2
where wk ∼ (0, 1), vk ∼ (0, 2) are white and uncorrelated. (a) Find analytic expressions for x ¯k and Pxk if x ¯0 = [1 1]T , Px0 = I. (b) Find steady-state values x ¯∞ , Px∞ . (c) Find spectral densities of xk and zk in steady state.
Section 2.3 7. Recursion for A Posteriori Error Covariance (a) Show that a recursion for Pk is given by Pk+1 = (AP k AT + GQG T ) − (AP k AT + GQG T )H T × [H(AP k AT + GQG T )H T + R]−1 H(AP k AT + GQG T ) (2.382) or, if Q = 0, Pk+1 = A(Pk−1 + AT H T R−1 HA)−1 AT
(b) Show that if |A| = 0 (which is always true if A is obtained by sampling a continuous system) then a recursion for the a posteriori information
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Optimal and Robust Estimation matrix when Q = 0 is given by −1 = A−T Pk−1 A−1 + H T R−1 H Pk+1
8. Riccati Equation as Lyapunov Equation for Closed-Loop System. Show that Equations 2.53 and 2.58 are equivalent to Equation 2.54. 9. Information Matrix Formulation. The Kalman filter measurement update in terms of information matrices is Pk−1 = (Pk− )−1 + H T R−1 H
Show that the information matrix time update is − )−1 = Sk − Sk G(GT Sk G + Q−1 )−1 GT Sk (Pk+1
Sk A−T Pk−1 A−1
Note that the measurement update is easier to perform in terms of measurement matrices, while the time update is easier in terms of covariance matrices. 10. Square Root Riccati Formulation. Define square roots Sk , Sk− by Pk = Sk SkT , Pk− = Sk− (Sk− )T . The following results show how to propagate Sk , Sk− instead of Pk , Pk− , resulting in stable algorithms and a reduced numerical range. See Schmidt (1967, 1970), Businger and Golub (1965), Dyer and McReynolds (1969), Bierman (1977), and Morf and Kailath (1975). (a) Show that time update 2.47 is equivalent to [AS k
− C]T1 = [Sk+1
where CC T = GQG T and T1 is any orthogonal transformation (i.e., − has n columns. T1 T1T = I) selected so that Sk+1 (b) Show that measurement update Equation 2.54 is equivalent to
− T 1/2 D HS − 0 k T = (HP k H + R) (2.389) 2 ¯k K Sk 0 Sk− where R = DD T and T2 is any orthogonal transformation so that ¯ k during the Sk has n columns. (You will find an expression for K demonstration.) (c) Show that both updates can be expressed together (i.e., as in Equation 2.61) in square root form as
0 D HS − H T + R)1/2 0 0 (HP − k k T = (2.390) − ¯k AK Sk+1 0 0 AS − C 3 k where T3 is orthogonal.
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
y = f (x) = c +mx (xk,yk)
(xk+1, yk+1)
(x1, y1) c
FIGURE 2.24 Recursive line of best fit. 11. Recursive Line of Best Fit. There is prescribed a set of data points (xk , yk ) as in Figure 2.24 to which it is desired to fit a line y = mx +c. We want to use the Kalman filter to determine recursively the best estimates m ˆ k , cˆk for the slope and intercept given the data through tie k. Define the state as
c (2.391) Xk = m Then Xk+1 = Xk . Suppose the measurements xk are exact and yk are corrupted by (0, r) white noise vk so that zk yk = Hk Xk + vk
with Hk = [1 xk ]. (a) Write the filter equations. ¯ 0 = 0. Then (b) To obtain the maximum-likelihood estimate, set P0−1 = 0, X the information matrix Pk−1 is given by Equation 2.65. Compute it. (c) For the special case of uniformly spaced abscissas, we may have xk = k. Find the error covariance in this case and show that the Kalman gain is
2 −(k + 1) Kk = 3 k(k + 1) Write down the Kalman filter. 12. Prediction and Intermittent Measurements.
xk+1 = ax k + wk
zk = xk + vk
with wk ∼ (0, q), vk ∼ (0, rk ) white and uncorrelated. Let x0 ∼ (¯ x0 , p0 ).
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
(a) Let a = 0.9, q = 1, rk = 12 , and x0 ∼ (1, 2). The data are z1 = 0.9, z2 = 0.8, z3 = 0.7, z4 = 0.7, z5 = 0.6. Find filtered estimates x ˆk and error covariances pk for k = 0 through 8. (Note, no data are available beyond k = 5.) (b) Find the filtered maximum-likelihood estimate x ˆk , k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, for (a) if all statistics are Gaussian. (c) Repeat (a) if the available data are z1 = 0.9, z3 = 0.7, z4 = 0.7, z6 = 0.53, z8 = 0.43047. (d) Repeat (a) if rk = 0.9k /2, that is, the data get better with time. (e) Now let a = 1, and q = 0, so there is no process noise. Show that after two measurements −1 1 1 1 + + (2.395) p2 = p0 r1 r2 z1 z2 x ¯0 x ˆ2 = p2 (2.396) + + p0 r1 r2 Compare to Millman’s theorem. 13.
The plant is
0.9 −1 0 0 xk + uk + w 0 0.8 1 1 k zk = 1 0 xk + vk
xk+1 =
Let wk ∼ (0, 2) and vk ∼ (0, 1) be white, and x0 ∼ (0, 1), with all three uncorrelated. ˆ0 = 0, uk = u−1 (k) the unit step for k = 0 through 5. (a) Find x ¯k if x (b) Find x ˆk and Pk for k = 0 through 5 if uk = u−1 (k) and the data are z1 = 0.1, z2 = −1, z3 = −2, z4 = −5, z5 = −7.2. (c) If all statistics are normal, find the filtered maximum-likelihood estimate x ˆk , k = 0, 1, 2, 3, for (b). 14. Time-Varying System.
Consider the time-varying system
xk+1 = 2k xk + (−1)k uk + wk zk = xk + vk with x0 ∼ (1, 2), wk ∼ (0, 1.1k ), vk ∼ (0, 0.9k ). (That is, as time passes, the process noise increases and the measurement noise decreases.) (a) Find error covariances for k = 0, 1, 2, 3. (b) Suppose uk = 1 for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . and the measurements are given by z1 = −5, z2 = −10, z3 = −30. Find the state estimates x ˆk for k = 0, 1, 2, 3.
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter 15. Scalar Algebraic Riccati Equation. Examples 2.5 and 2.12.
145 Consider the scalar system in
(a) Let h = 0 so there are no measurements. Sketch the steady-state error variance p as a function of the plant matrix a. Interpret this. (b) Let h = 1, r = 1, a = 12 . Write the algebraic Riccati equation. Plot the root locus of this equation as q varies from zero to infinity. For what values of q does there exist a positive root to the algebraic Riccati equation?
Section 2.4 16.
There is prescribed the system
0 1 0 x˙ = x+ u+w −2 −3 2 z = 1 1 x+v
with w(t), v(t), and x(0) having means of zero and covariances of
2 1 1 −2 Q= , R = 0.4, P0 1 1 −2 4 respectively. The usual uncorrelatedness assumptions apply. (a) Measurements zk are taken every T = 0.1 s. Find the discretized system (not Euler’s approximation). (b) For the continuous system, find the mean z¯(t) if u(t) = u−1 (t) the unit step. (c) For the discretized system, find z¯k for k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 if uk = u−1 (k) the unit step. Sketch z¯k and z¯(t) on the same graph. Do they agree? (d) Find error covariances Pk and Kalman gains Kk for k = 0, 1, 2 for the discretized system assuming no measurement at time k = 0. (e) If uk = u−1 (k) and the data are z1 = 0.181, z2 = 0.330 find the estimates x ˆk for k = 0, 1, 2. (f) Now, after completing (d) you discover that there is a change in plant and a measurement z0 is taken. It is equal to 0.05. The remaining data and the input are given as in (e). Find the new optimal linear estimates x ˆk for k = 0, 1, 2. 17. Vibration Isolation System. A cargo vibration isolation system on an aircraft is shown in Figure 2.25a. The cargo mass is M , k is a spring constant, B is a damper, y(t) is vertical position, and f (t) is an input control force. An electrical analog is shown in Figure 2.25b, where F (t) is the integral of f (t). (a) Write the state equation if the state is defined as x = [y y] ˙ T . To compensate for unmodeled dynamics, add a white process noise w(t) ∼ (0, 12 ) to y¨(t).
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Optimal and Robust Estimation f (t )
M +
y(t )
F (t )
+ −
y (t ) −
FIGURE 2.25 (a) Vibration isolation system. (b) Electrical analog. (b) We are interested in the vertical position y(t) of the cargo. Unfortunately, we can only measure the velocity y(t), ˙ which is done by using a device with a gain of 1 that adds white measurement noise v(t) ∼ (0, 21 ). Write the measurement equation. (c) The onboard flight computer samples the velocity measurement every T = 50 ms. Find the discretized system (not Euler’s approximation) which we can use to run a Kalman filter on. Let M = 2, K = 4, B = 6. Note that the process noise in the discretized system excites both states, although w(t) excites only the velocity in the continuous system. (d) The next step is to find the Kalman gains to store a priori in the computer so that we can save time during the online computation of the estimates. Assume no measurement at time k = 0. Find Pk and Kk for k = 0, 1, 2, 3. (e) Let x(0) ∼
0 0.5 0 , 1 0 0.5
and suppose the data samples are z1 = 0.429, z2 = 0.366, z3 = 0.311. Find estimates for the position y(kT ) for k = 0, 1, 2, 3 if f (t) = 0. 18.
(a) Find the differential equation relating x(t) to u(t) in Figure 2.26.
(b) We take measurements z(t) of x(t) every 50 ms and get the results Time t (s)
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
0.95 1.00 1.10 1.01
0.05 0.20 0.24 0.30
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147 R =1
x (t )
L =1
u(t )
FIGURE 2.26 An electric circuit.
The measurements are corrupted by additive zero-mean white noise with a variance of 0.1. We know that x(0) ∼ (0, 0.2). Let u(0) = 1.05. Assume that the plant has process noise which we can model as being zeromean white noise with variance of 2 added to the derivative of x(t). The usual uncorrelatedness assumptions hold. Find the best estimates for x(t) at t = 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15. (Use three decimal places.)
Section 2.5 19. Limiting Behavior. Let
4 0 0 xk+1 = xk + wk , wk ∼ 0, 0 1 0 zk = Hx k + vk , (a) Let H = [0
0 0.5
x0 ∼ (0, P0 )
vk ∼ (0, 1)
3]. Find Pk for k = 0, 1, 2, 3 if
i. P0 = 0. ii. P0 = I. (b) Repeat (a) if H = [3
(c) Discuss. What is going on here?
Section 2.6 20. Wiener Filter for Optimal Estimation of the State. Prove the statements accompanying Equation 2.281. (Assume A and H are known. Then suppose that the optimal filter for estimating yk = Hx k is given by Equation 2.274 using a gain of K1 . Suppose further that x ˆk is provided by Equation 2.281 with a gain K2 . Show that observability implies that K1 = K2 . See Anderson and Moore (1979).) 21. Kalman and Wiener Filters. In this problem we consider a rather artificial discrete system which is simple enough to obtain analytic results.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
xk+1 =
0 0
zk = 1
1 q xk + w 0 1 k 0 xk + vk
with wk ∼ (0, 1), vk ∼ (0, 1) white and uncorrelated. Let q = 1. (a) Solve the ARE to determine the optimal steady-state Kalman filter. Find the filter poles and the transfer function from data zk to estimate x ˆ− k. (b) Find spectral density ΦZ (z). Factor to obtain the whitening filter W (z). Hence, find the Wiener filter. Compare with (a). (c) Use the Chang–Letov equation to find the steady-state Kalman filter. (d) Find the steady-state Kalman filter if q = 0 so that the process noise does not drive state component one.
Section 2.7 22. Colored Measurement Noise due to Tachometer Vibration. DC servo motor is described by the transfer function 1 θ = e s(1 + 0.2s)
˙ where e(t) is applied voltage and θ is shaft angle. Angular velocity θ(t) is ˙ measured using a tachometer which yields a voltage of y(t) = θ(t). Tachometer vibration results in an additive measurement noise v(t) with spectrum Φv (ω) =
0.2(ω 2 + 4π 2 ) ω 4 + 4(0.01 − 2π 2 )ω 2 + 16π 4
The sampling period for the measurements is T = 20 ms. Assume that terms of the order of T2 can be ignored. (a) Set up the continuous state and measurement equations. (b) Find a measurement noise shaping filter in state variable form. (c) Use state augmentation to convert to an equivalent problem with white measurement noise. Sample this system and set up the discrete Kalman filter equations. (Use Euler’s approximation to simplify this.) (d) Sample the plant and shaping filter in (a) and (b). Now use the derived measurement approach to convert to an equivalent system driven by white noises. Find all covariances and set up the discrete Kalman filtering problem.
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Discrete-Time Kalman Filter
23. Riccati Equation as Lyapunov Equation for Closed-Loop System. Define Kk by Equation 2.318. Show that if Q = I and R = SS T then Equation 2.321 can be written as − Pk+1 = (A − Kk H)Pk− (A − Kk H)T + (G − Kk S)(G − Kk S)T
This is the Joseph stabilized formulation. Note that this is a Lyapunov equation for the closed-loop system formed by applying the time-varying output injection Kk . 24. Correlated Measurement and Process Noise. In Problem 13, let vk wk = −0.5. Repeat (b) of the problem. 25. Colored Process Noise. The plant xk+1 = 0.9xk + wk zk = xk + vk has vk ∼ (0, 1) white, but the process noise has spectral density of φw (ω) =
2 + 2 cos ω 4 3 − cos ω
The two noises vk and wk are uncorrelated. (a) Find a shaping filter for wk . (b) Write the augmented state equations and set up the Kalman filter equations.
Section 2.8 26. A Priori Optimal Smoother. Derive a smoothing scheme like the one in Table 2.4 for the a priori smoothed estimate x ˆ− k. 27.
Find optimal smoothed estimates for Problem 12(a) using:
(a) The scheme of Table 2.4. (b) The Rauch–Tung–Striebel smoother. 28.
Repeat Problem 27 for the system of Problem 13.
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3 Continuous-Time Kalman Filter
If discrete measurements are taken, whether they come from a discrete or a continuous system, the discrete Kalman filter can be used. The continuous Kalman filter is used when the measurements are continuous functions of time. Discrete measurements arise when a system is sampled, perhaps as part of a digital control scheme. Because of today’s advanced microprocessor technology and the fact that microprocessors can provide greater accuracy and computing power than analog computers, digital control is being used more frequently instead of the classical analog control methods. This means that for modern control applications, the discrete Kalman filter is usually used. However, a thorough study of optimal estimation must include the continuous Kalman filter. Its relation to the Wiener filter provides an essential link between classical and modern techniques, and it yields some intuition which is helpful in a discussion of nonlinear estimation.
Derivation from Discrete Kalman Filter
There are several ways to derive the continuous-time Kalman filter. One of the most satisfying is the derivation from the Wiener–Hopf equation presented in Section 3.3. In this section we present derivation that is based on “unsampling” the discrete-time Kalman filter. This approach proves an understanding of the relation between the discrete and continuous filters. It also provides insight into the behavior of the discrete Kalman gain as the sampling period goes to zero. Suppose there is prescribed the continuous time-invariant plant x(t) ˙ = Ax (t) + Bu(t) + Gw (t)
z(t) = Hx (t) + v(t)
with w(t) ∼ (0, Q) and v(t) ∼ (0, R) white; x(0) ∼ (¯ x0 , P0 ); and w(t), v(t) and x(0) mutually uncorrelated. Then if sampling period T is small, we can use Euler’s approximation to write the discretized version of Equation 3.1 as xk+1 = (I + AT )xk + BTu k + Gw k zk = Hx k + vk
(3.2a) (3.2b)
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
with wk ∼ (0, QT ) and vk ∼ (0, R/T ) white; x(0) ∼ (¯ x0 , P0 ); and x(0) mutually uncorrelated. By using Tables 2.1 and 2.2 we can write the covariance update equations for Equation 3.2 as − = (I + AT )Pk (I + AT )T + GQG T T Pk+1 −1 R − − T T Kk+1 = Pk+1 H HP k+1 H + T − Pk+1 = (I − Kk+1 H)Pk+1
(3.3) (3.4) (3.5)
We shall manipulate these equations and then allow T to go to zero to find the continuous covariance update and Kalman gain. Let us first examine the behavior of the discrete Kalman gain Kk as T tends to zero. By Equation 3.4 we have 1 T −1 Kk = Pk− H T (HP − k H T + R) T
so that lim
T →0
1 Kk = Pk− H T R−1 T
This implies that lim Kk = 0
T →0
the discrete Kalman gain tends to zero as the sampling period becomes small. This result is worth remembering when designing discrete Kalman filters for continuous-time systems. For our purposes now, it means that the continuous Kalman gain K(t) should not be defined by K(kT ) = Kk in the limit as T → 0. Turning to Equation 3.3, we have − = Pk + (AP k + Pk AT + GQG T )T + 0(T 2 ) Pk+1
where O(T 2 ) represents terms of order T 2 . Substituting Equation 3.5 into this equation there results − = (I −Kk H)Pk− +[A(I −Kk H)Pk− +(I −Kk H)Pk− AT +GQG T ]T +0(T 2 ) Pk+1
or, on dividing by T , 1 − T − − T (P − Pk− ) = (AP − k + Pk A + GQG − AK k HP k T k+1 1 T Kk HP − − Kk HP − kA )− k + 0(T ) T
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In the limit as T → 0 the continuous-error covariance P (t) satisfies P (kT ) = Pk−
so letting T tend to zero in Equation 3.10 there results (use Equations 3.7 and 3.8) P˙ (t) = AP (t) + P (t)AT + GQG T − P (t)H T R−1 HP (t)
This is the continuous-time Riccati equation for propagation of the error covariance. It is the continuous-time counterpart of Equation 2.61. The discrete estimate update for Equation 3.2 is given by Equation 2.62, or x ˆk+1 = (I + AT )ˆ xk + BTu k + Kk+1 [zk+1 − H(1 + AT )ˆ xk − HBTu k ] (3.13) which on dividing by T can be written as Kk+1 x ˆk+1 − x ˆk = Aˆ xk + Bu k + [zk+1 − H x ˆk − H(Aˆ xk + Bu k )T ] T T
Since, in the limit as T → 0, x ˆ(t) satisfies x ˆ(kT ) = x ˆk
x ˆ˙ (t) = Aˆ x(t) + Bu(t) + P (t)H T R−1 [z(t) − H x ˆ(t)]
we obtain in the limit
This is the estimate update equation. It is a differential equation for the estimate x ˆ(t) with initial condition x ˆ(0) = x ¯0 . If we define the continuous Kalman gain by K(kT ) =
1 Kk T
in the limit as T → 0, then K(t) = P (t)H T R−1
x ˆ˙ = Aˆ x + Bu + K(z − H x ˆ)
Equations 3.12, 3.18, and 3.19 are the continuous-time Kalman filter for Equation 3.1. They are summarized in Table 3.1. If matrices A, B, G, Q, and R are time-varying, these equations still hold.
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Continuous-Time Kalman Filter System model and measure model x˙ = Ax + Bu + Gw z = Hx + v x(0) ∼ (¯ x0 , P0 ), w ∼ (0, Q), v ∼ (0, R)
(3.20a) (3.20b)
Assumptions {w(t)} and {v(t)} are white noise processes uncorrelated with x(0) and with each other. R > 0. Initialization P (0) = P0 , x ˆ(0) = x ¯0 Error covariance update P˙ = AP + PAT + GQG T − PH T R−1 HP
Kalman gain K = PH T R−1
x ˆ˙ = Aˆ x + Bu + K(z − H x ˆ)
Estimate update
It is often convenient to write P (t) in terms of K(t) as P˙ = AP + PAT + GQG T − KRK T
It should be clearly understood that while, in the limit as T → 0, the discrete-error covariance sequence Pk− is a sampled version of the continuouserror covariance P (t), the discrete Kalman gain is not a sampled version of the continuous Kalman gain. Instead, Kk represents the samples of TK (t) in the limit as T → 0. Figure 3.1 shows the relation between P (t) and the discrete covariances Pk − and Pk− for the case when there is a measurement z0 . As T → 0, Pk and Pk+1 tend to the same value since (I + AT ) → I and QT → 0 (see Equation 2.47). They both approach P (kT ). A diagram of Equation 3.23 is shown in Figure 3.2. Note that it is a linear system with two parts: a model of the system dynamics (A, B, H) and an error correcting portion K(z − H x ˆ). The Kalman filter is time-varying even when the original system (Equation 3.1) is time invariant. It has exactly the same form as the deterministic state observer of Section 2.1. It is worth remarking that according to Figure 3.2 the Kalman filter is a low-pass filter with timevarying feedback. If all statistics are Gaussian, then the continuous Kalman filter provides the optimal estimate x ˆ(t). In general, for arbitrary statistics it provides the best linear estimate.
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Continuous-Time Kalman Filter
Error covariances
P 0−
P k− P (t ) Pk time
zˆ (t ) = Hxˆ (t )
FIGURE 3.1 Continuous and discrete error covariances. u(t )
xˆ (t )
K(t )
− ~ z (t )
z(t )
FIGURE 3.2 Continuous-time Kalman filter. If all system matrices and noise covariances are known a priori, then P (t) and K(t) can be found and stored before any measurements are taken. This allows us to evaluate the filter design before we build it, and also saves computation time during implementation. The continuous-time residual is defined as z˜(t) = z(t) − H x ˆ(t)
since zˆ(t) = H x ˆ(t) is an estimate for the data. We shall subsequently examine the properties of z˜(t). It should be noted that Q and R are not covariance matrices in the continuous time case; they are spectral density matrices. The covariance of v(t), for example, is given by R(t)δ(t). (The continuous Kronecker delta has units of s−1 .) In the discrete Kalman filter it is not strictly required that R be nonsingular; T all we required was |HP − k H + R| = 0 for all k. In the continuous case, however, it is necessary that |R| = 0. If R is singular, we must use the Deyst filter (Example 3.8).
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
The continuous Kalman filter cannot be split up into separate time and measurement updates; there is no “predictor-corrector” formulation in the − continuous-time case. (Note that as T tends to zero, Pk+1 tends to Pk ; so that in the limit the a priori and a posteriori error covariance sequences become the same sequence.) We can say, however, that the term −PH T R−1 HP in the error covariance update represents the decrease in P (t) due to the measurements. If this term is deleted, we recover the analog of Section 2.2 for the continuous case. The following example illustrates. Example 3.1
Linear Stochastic System
If H = 0 so that there are no measurements, then P˙ = AP + PAT + GQG T
represents the propagation of the error covariance for the linear stochastic system x˙ = Ax + Bu + Gw
It is a continuous-time Lyapunov equation which has similar behavior to the discrete version (Equation 2.28). When H = 0 so that there are no measurements, Equation 3.19 becomes x ˆ˙ = Aˆ x + Bu
so that the estimate propagates according to the deterministic version of the system. This is equivalent to Equation 2.27. In Part II of the book, we shall need to know how the mean-square value of the state X(t) = x(t)xT (t)
propagates. Let us derive a differential equation satisfied by X(t) when the input u(t) is equal to zero and there are no measurements. Since there are no measurements, the optimal estimate is just the mean value of the unknown so that x ¯=x ˆ. Then ¯)(x − x ¯)T = X − xx T P = (x − x so that by Equation 3.28 ˙ T − xx˙ T = X˙ − Axx T − xx T AT P˙ = X˙ − xx Equating this to Equation 3.26 yields X˙ = AX + XAT + GQG T
The initial condition for this is ¯0 x ¯T0 X(0) = P0 + x
Thus, in the absence of measurements and a deterministic input, X(t) and P (t) satisfy the same Lyapunov equation.
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Continuous-Time Kalman Filter
Let us now assume the scalar case x ∈ R and repeat Example 2.2 for continuous time. Suppose x0 ∼ (0, p0 ) and u(t) = u−1 (t), the unit step. Let the control weighting b = 1, and suppose g = 1 and w(t) ∼ (0, 1). Then, by using the usual state equation solution there results from Equation 3.28 x ˆ(s) =
1 1/a −1/a 1 · = + s−a s s−a s
so that 1 at (e − 1)u−1 (t) a
x ˆ(t) =
This reaches a finite steady-state value only if a < 0; that is, if the system is asymptotically stable. In this case x ˆ(t) behaves as in Figure 3.3a. Equation 3.26 becomes p˙ = 2ap + 1
with p(0) = p0 . This may be solved by separation of variables. Thus, t p(t) dp = dt 2ap + 1 p0 0 or
p(t) =
1 p0 + 2a
e2at −
1 2a
There is a bounded limiting solution if and only if a < 0. In this case p(t) behaves as in Figure 3.3b.
Some Examples
The best way to gain some insight into the continuous Kalman filter is to look at some examples. Example 3.2
Estimation of a Constant Scalar Unknown
This is the third example in the natural progression, which includes Examples 2.4 and 2.7. If x is a constant scalar unknown that is measured in the presence of additive noise, then x˙ = 0 z =x+v v ∼ (0, rc ). Let x(0) ∼ (x0 , p0 ) be uncorrelated with v(t).
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
1 a
xˆ (t )
0 t (a)
p (t)
1 2a
0 t (b)
FIGURE 3.3 Propagation of (a) estimate and (b) error covariance. Equation (3.21) becomes p˙ =
−p2 rc
which can be solved by separation of variables: p(t) 1 t 1 dp = − dt p2 rc 0 p0
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Continuous-Time Kalman Filter
so that p(t) =
p0 1 + (p0 /rc )t
Comparing this to Example 2.7, Equation 2.128 p(kT ) = pk
so that the discrete covariance sequence pk simply corresponds to the samples of the continuous covariance p(t). The continuous Kalman gain is K(t) =
p0 /rc 1 + (p0 /rc )t
which is shown in Figure 3.4. Note that K(t) vanishes as t → ∞, meaning that for large t the measurements are disregarded as we become more and more certain of the estimate. As is seen from Example 2.7, K(kT ) =
Kk T
In this example, pk and Kk correspond exactly to the samples of p(t) and TK (t) because the plant matrix and process noise in Equation 3.35 are equal to zero (so that the discretized plant matrix is equal to zero). By Equation 2.47 this means that pk = p− k+1 .
K(t) p0 rC
FIGURE 3.4 Kalman gain for estimation of a constant.
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Example 3.3
Continuous Filtering for a Scalar System
a. Solution of Riccati equation In the case of x(t) ∈ R, it is not difficult to solve the continuous Riccati equation analytically. We have, with g = 1, p(0) = p0 (lowercase letters emphasize these are scalars) p˙ = −
h2 2 p + 2ap + q r
so that by separation of variables
dp =− (h2 /r)p2 − 2ap − q
(h2 /r)p − a − β (h2 /r)p − a + β
(h2 /r)p0 − a + β = e−2βt (h2 /r)p0 − a − β
where β=
a2 + h2 q/r
By defining (Bryson and Ho 1975) p1 =
r (β − a), h2
p2 =
r (β + a) h2
this yields p(t) = p2 +
p 1 + p2 [(p0 + p1 )/(p0 − p2 )]e2βt − 1
A sketch is provided in Figure 3.5. The steady-state value of p(t) is given by p2 , or, if a > 0, 2q λ 1+ 1+ p∞ = λ 2a
where λ=
2h2 q ar
is a signal-to-noise ratio. A similar expression holds if a < 0. (See Example 2.1.) The steady-state value p2 is bounded if h = 0, corresponding to observability. It is strictly positive if q = 0, which corresponds to reachability, and h = 0. The conditions for existence and uniqueness of a steady-state solution for the continuous Riccati equation are the same as those found in Section 2.5 for the discrete equation, as we shall discuss in Section 3.4.
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Continuous-Time Kalman Filter
p(t ) p∞
0 t
FIGURE 3.5 Error covariance for first-order system.
The entire Kalman filter, including the Riccati equation, for the first-order system is shown in Figure 3.6. Note that the Riccati equation manufacturing p(t) is a sort of “doubled” or “squared” replica of the filter manufacturing x ˆ(t). This figure helps make the point that in the continuous Kalman filter, the data z(t) are a continuous-time signal and all quantities vary continuously with time. To implement Figure 3.6, we would use either an analog computer, or a digital computer with an integration routine such as Runge–Kutta, as found in MATLAB. We now consider some special cases. The next two parts of this example should be compared to Example 2.5. b. Completely unreliable measurements Let r → ∞ so that the measurements are total unreliable. Then the Riccatti equation is p˙ = 2ap + q
This solution is p(t) = e2at p0 +
e2a(t−τ ) qdτ
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Optimal and Robust Estimation xˆ (0)
u(t )
xˆ (t )
zˆ (t ) = hxˆ (t )
h /r
z~ (t )
z (t )
p (t )
− 2a
h 2/r
FIGURE 3.6 Kalman filter for first-order system. or
q 2at q p(t) = p0 + e − 2a 2a
There is a steady-state solution of p∞ = −
q 2a
if and only if the original plant is stable, a < 0. In this case the Kalman gain K(t) is equal to zero, so the estimate update is x ˆ˙ = aˆ x + bu
with x ˆ(0) = x(0). The estimate is a prediction based purely on the plant dynamics. This is as in Example 3.1. c. No process noise Let q = 0 so that the plant dynamics are purely deterministic. Then the solution of a applies with β = |a|. If a > 0, the plant is unstable, then β = a,
p1 = 0,
p2 =
2ar h2
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Continuous-Time Kalman Filter
p(t ) a 0
2ar h2
0 t
FIGURE 3.7 Error covariance with zero process noise for unstable plant and stable plant. and p(t) is given by Equation 3.42, which can be written as p0 p(t) = 2 p0 h /2ar + (1 − p0 h2 /2ar )e−2at
The steady-state solution is p2 , or 2ar h2 which is nonzero, and is bounded if h = 0. If a < 0, the plant is stable, then p∞ =
β = −a,
p1 =
2ar , −h2
p2 = 0
In this case p(t) is also given by Equation 3.56, however, now p∞ = 0
Figure 3.7 shows p(t) for both unstable and stable plant. In either case, p(t) is bounded if h = 0. If a is stable, then K(t) → 0 and the measurements are discounted for large t. If a is unstable, then K(t) approaches a nonzero steady-state value of 2a h so that the measurements are not discounted for large t. K∞ =
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
d. Estimating a scalar Wiener process Let a = 0 and h = 1 so that the plant is x˙ = w z =x+v w ∼ (0, q), v ∼ (0, r). Then
β= The error covariance is √ p(t) = qr +
(3.61a) (3.61b)
q √ , p1 = p2 = qr r
√ 2 qr √ √ √ [(p0 + qr )/(p0 − qr )]e2 q/rt − 1
Since q = 0 the process noise excites x(t) and the error covariance reaches a nonzero limiting value. The steady-state error covariance and Kalman gain are √ p∞ = qr (3.63) q K∞ = (3.64) r Example 3.4
Continuous Filtering for Damped Harmonic Oscillator
In Example 2.13 we applied the discrete Kalman filter to the discretized harmonic oscillator. Let us discuss here the continuous Kalman filter. Suppose the plant is given by 0 0 1 x+ w (3.65) x˙ = 1 −ωn2 −2α z = [0 1]x + v
w(t) ∼ (0, q), v(t) ∼ (0, r), x(0) ∼ (x(0), P0 ). This is a harmonic oscillator driven by white noise with a velocity measurement. a. Riccati equation solution To convert the Riccati equation into scalar equations, suppose that (P is symmetric) p1 p2 P = (3.67) p2 p4 Then, Equation 3.21 yields the system of three coupled nonlinear differential equations 1 p˙1 = 2p2 − p22 r 1 p˙2 = p4 − ωn2 p1 − 2αp2 − p2 p4 r 1 2 2 p˙4 = −2ωn p2 − 4αp4 − p4 + q r
(3.68a) (3.68b) (3.68c)
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Continuous-Time Kalman Filter
1.2 p1 (t) 1
0.8 p4 (t ) 0.6
0 p2 (t ) −0.2
5 t (s)
FIGURE 3.8 Error covariance terms for a harmonic oscillator.
These equations cannot easily be solved in closed form. The MATLAB code that uses a Runge–Kutta integrator is shown in Figure 3.9 and error covariance are plotted in Figure 3.8. The Kalman gain is 1 p2 (t) (3.69) K(t) = r p4 (t) According to Figure 3.8, the first component of K(t) tends to zero, while its second component tends to a nonzero steady-state value. The filter is 1 p2 ˙x (z − x ˆ2 ) ˆ = Aˆ x+ r p4 where x2 is the second component of x. During the transient phase where p2 (t) = 0, the velocity measurement has a direct effect on the position estimate x ˆ1 . At steady-state p2 = 0 and the measurement has a direct effect only on the velocity estimate x ˆ2 . b. Steady-state solution It is easy to find the steady-state error covariance. At steady state, p˙1 = p˙2 = p˙3 = 0, so that Equation 3.68 becomes an algebraic equation. The steady-state
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% Example 3.4 function f3p2d6() % Runge Kutta Integrator for Continuous time Kalman Filter options = odeset('RelTol',1e-4,'AbsTol',[1e-8 1e-8 1e-8]); % Runge-Kutta Integrator [t p] = ode45(@errcov,[0 10],[0 0 0],options); % Plot the error covariances plot(t,p(:,1),t,p(:,2),t,p(:,3)); legend('p_1','p_2','p_3'); grid on; xlabel('t (secs.)'); return function dp=errcov(t,p) dp = zeros(3,1); q=1; r=1; wns=0.64; a=0.16; % Constants dp(1)=2*p(2)-(1/r)*p(2)^2; % Differential Equations dp(2)=p(3)-wns*p(1)-2*a*p(2)-p(2)*p(3)/r; dp(3)=-2*wns*p(2)-4*a*p(3)-(1/r)*p(3).^2+q; return
FIGURE 3.9 Harmonic oscillator error covariance MATLAB code using ode45. solutions given by 2αr p1 (∞) = 2 ωn p2 (∞) = 0 p4 (∞) = 2αr
q 1+ 2 −1 4α r
q −1 4α2 r
(3.70a) (3.70b) (3.70c)
where we have selected positive roots (assuming α > 0) since p(∞) ≥ 0. Note that q (3.71) λ= αr can be interpreted as a signal-to-noise ratio. See Bryson and Ho (1975) and Parkus (1971). This is a good example of simplifying a filter by preliminary analysis prior to implementation. The scalar equations (Equations 3.68a,b,c) are easier to program and require fewer operations to solve than the matrix Riccati equation. Even fairly complicated systems can be implemented by these techniques if their order is not too high.
Derivation from Wiener–Hope Equation
This section provides the complete connection between the Wiener filter and the Kalman filter. In section 1.5 we saw that the optimal linear filter h(t, τ ) for estimating an unknown process x(t) from a data process z(t) given on
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(t0 , t) is the solution to the Weiner–Hopf equation t h(t, τ )RZ (τ, u)dτ ; t0 < u < t RXZ (t, u) =
We have selected the final time for which data are available as t to focus on the filtering problem. In terms of the time-varying filter h(t, τ ), the optimal estimate for x(t) is given by t h(t, τ )z(τ )dτ (3.73) x ˆ(t) = t0
The associated estimation error is defined as x ˜(t) = x(t) − x ˆ(t) with covariance given by
P (t) = RX (t, t) −
h(t, τ )RZX (τ, t)dτ
Wiener solved Equation 3.72 for the steady-state case with t0 = −∞, and {z (t)} and {x(t)} stationary processes. We derived the solution for the Wiener filter in Section 1.5. In the steady-state case the optimal filter is time invariant, and Wiener’s solution was in the frequency domain. In 1961 Kalman and Bucy solved the Weiner–Hopf equation in the general nonstationary case. We follow here the solution procedure in Van Trees (1968). The solution is somewhat roundabout, and the result is not an expression for h(t, τ ). Instead, by working in the time domain a differential equation is found for P (t). This turns out to be the Riccati equation. From P (t), h(t, t) can be found, which leads to a method of finding x ˆ(t). The full impulse response h(t, τ ) is not explicitly constructed. The solution is laid out in several subsections. They are 1. Introduction of a shaping filter 2. A differential equation for the optimal impulse response 3. A differential equation for the estimate 4. A differential equation for the error covariance 5. Discussion
Introduction of a Shaping Filter
The approach of Kalman and Bucy depends on assuming that the unknown x(t) is generated by the shaping filter x(t) ˙ = Ax (t) + Gw (t)
with x(0) ∼ (x0 , P0 ). It is also assumed that the data z(t) are related to x(t) by the linear measurement model z(t) = Hx (t) + v(t)
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
The processes w(t) and v(t) are white, with w ∼ (0, Q), v ∼ (0, R), and Q ≥ 0, R > 0. Suppose w(t), v(t), and x(0) are uncorrelated. Under these circumstances, the required autocorrelations are given by RXZ (t, u) = x(t)z T (u) = x(t)[Hx (u) + v(u)]T or RXZ (t, u) = RX (t, u)H T
and RZ (t, u) = z(t)z T (u) = [Hx (t) + v(t)][Hx (u) + v(u)]T or RZ (t, u) = HR X (t, u)H T + Rδ(t − u)
The frequency domain solution of Wiener required a knowledge of ΦXZ (ω) and ΦZ (ω). By assuming Equation 3.76, we have substituted for this requirement the alternative requirement of knowledge of the matrices A, G, H, P0 , Q, and R. By using the expression for RXZ (t, u) in the Wiener–Hopf equation, we obtain t h(t, τ )RZ (τ, u)dτ ; t0 < u < t (3.79) RX (t, u)H T = t0
A Differential Equation for the Optimal Impulse Response
The solution does not provide an explicit expression for h(t, τ ), but it depends on the fact that a differential equation can be found for the optimal impulse response. Differentiate the Wiener–Hopf Equation 3.79 using Leibniz’s rule (Bartle 1976) to get ∂RX (t, u) T H = h(t, t)RZ (t, u) + ∂t
∂h(t, τ ) RZ (τ, u)dτ ; ∂t
t0 < u < t (3.80)
Now use Equation 3.78 to write for u < t h(t, t)RZ (t, u) = h(t, t)HR X (t, u)H T By using Equation 3.79, this can be written as t h(t, t)RZ (t, u) = h(t, t)Hh(t, τ )RZ (τ, u)dτ ; t0
t0 < u < t
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Now, use Equation 3.76a to say that ∂RX (t, u) dx(t) T =E x (u) ∂t dt = [Ax (t) + Gw (t)]xT (u) = AR X (t, u);
u 0. Suppose (A, G Q) is reachable. Then (A, H) is detectable if and only if: a. There is a unique positive definite limiting solution P to Equation 3.21, which is independent of P (0). Furthermore, P is the unique positive definite solution to the algebraic Riccati equation. b. The steady-state error system defined by Equation 3.144 with the steadystate Kalman gain (3.154) K = PH T R−1 is asymptotically stable.
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The proofs of these results are similar to the discrete-time case in Section 2.5. These theorems of course explain the limiting behavior noted in the examples of Section 3.2. √ If we relax the requirement in Theorem 3.2 to stabilizability of (A, G Q), then the theorem still holds but the unique solution P can then only be guaranteed to be positive semidefinite.
Time-Varying Plant
If the plant is time-varying then we must redefine observability and reachability. Suppose the plant is x˙ = A(t)x + B(t)u + G(t)w
z = H(t)x + v
with w ∼ [0, Q(t)] and v ∼ [0, R(t)]. Let φ(t, t0 ) be the state transition matrix of A. We say the plant is uniformly completely observable or stochastically observable, if for every final time T the observability gramian satisfies α0 I ≤
φT (τ, t0 )H T (τ )R−1 H(τ )φ(τ, t0 )dτ ≤ α1 I
for some t0 < T, α0 > 0, and α1 > 0. We say the plant is uniformly completely reachable, or stochastically reachable, if for every initial time t0 the reachability gramian satisfies α0 I ≤
φ(t, τ )G(τ )GT (τ )φT (t, τ )dτ ≤ α1 I
for some T > t0 , α0 > 0, and α1 > 0. Stochastic observability and reachability (and boundedness of A(t), Q(t), R(t)) guarantee that for large t the behavior of P (t) is unique, independent of P (0). They also guarantee the uniform asymptotic stability of the error system, which means that the estimate x ˆ(t) converges to the expected value of x(t). See Kalman and Bucy (1961).
Frequency Domain Results
The presentation in this section parallels that in Section 2.6, and the proofs follow the same philosophy as in the discrete case. Because the continuous innovations process has a covariance equal simply to R, the measurement noise covariance, the results here are somewhat simpler than in Section 2.6.
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Continuous-Time Kalman Filter
We assume here a time-invariant plant, and begin with some frequency domain results for continuous linear stochastic systems corresponding to those at the end of Section 2.2. Then we derive a spectral factorization result and discuss further the relation between the Wiener and Kalman filters. Next we present the Chang–Letov design procedure for continuous systems, which gives a connection with the classical root-locus design method.
Spectral Densities for Linear Stochastic Systems
Consider the linear stochastic system x˙ = Ax + Bu + Gw
z = Hx + v
with w(t) ∼ (0, Q) and v(t) ∼ (0, R) white; x(0) ∼ (x0 , P0 ); R > 0; and w(t), v(t), and x(0) uncorrelated. If A is asymptotically stable, then there is a positive semidefinite solution to the algebraic Lyapunov equation 0 = AP + PAT + GQG T
In this event, as t → ∞ the effects of the initial condition x(0) die away and if w(t) is stationary (let us suppose for simplicity that u(t) = 0) then x(t) also tends to a stationary process with covariance P . Under these conditions of stochastic steady state, we can discuss spectral densities. According to Equation 3.158, the spectral density of x(t) is ΦX (s) = (sI − A)−1 GQG T (−sI − A)−T
(See Section 1.5.) Likewise, the spectral density of the output z(t) is ΦZ (s) = H(sI − A)−1 GQG T (−sI − A)−T H T + R
be defined by w(t) = √ Let the white noise w (t) with unit spectral density Qw (t), and define the transfer function from w (t) to z(t) as (3.162) H(s) = H(sI − A)−1 G Q
Then we can say ΦZ (s) = H(s)H T (−s) + R
A Spectral Factorization Result
As in the discrete case, the Kalman filter manufactures a minimum-phase factorization for the spectral density of the data z(t). Therefore, solution of the
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Riccati equation in the time domain is equivalent to a spectral factorization in the frequency domain. To show this, we proceed as follows: The steady-state Kalman filter is given by x ˆ˙ = (A − KH )ˆ x + Bu + Kz
where the steady-state Kalman gain satisfies K = PH T R−1 with P the positive semidefinite solution to the algebraic Riccati equation 3.153, which exists √ if (A, H) is detectable and (A, G Q) is stabilizable. Using a derivation like the one for Equation 2.236 we have ∆cl (s) = |I + H(sI − A)−1 K|∆(s)
where the plant and filter characteristic polynomials are ∆(s) = |sI − A|
∆cl (s) = |sI − (A − KH )|
We can also show ΦZ (s) = H(s)H T (−s) + R = [I + H(sI − A)−1 K]R[I + H(−sI − A)−1 K]T
with plant transfer function H(s) as in Equation 3.162. By defining W −1 (s) = [I + H(sI − A)−1 K]R1/2
this can be written as ΦZ (s) = W −1 (s)W −T (−s)
which is a spectral factorization of ΦZ (s). The Kalman filter is guaranteed to be stable under the detectability and stability conditions. If in addition the plant is stable, then by Equation 3.165, W −1 (s) is a minimum-phase spectral factor of ΦZ (s). The innovations representation is given by x ˆ˙ = [A − K(t)H]ˆ x + Bu + K(t)z
z˜ = −H x ˆ+z
which at steady state has a transfer function from z to z˜ of W (s) = I − H[sI − (A − KH )]−1 K
By the matrix inversion lemma W (s) = [I + H(sI − A)−1 K]−1
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so that W (s) = R−1/2 W (s)
The residual z˜(t) is white noise with covariance Pz˜ = R
so that Equation 3.171 is a whitening filter that turns the data z(t) into the white noise process z˜(t). It is clear then that W (s) is a whitening filter that turns the data z(t) into the innovations (Equation 3.150). In terms of W (s) we can write ΦZ (s) = [W (s)]−1 R[W (−s)]−T
lim W (s) = I
Note that s→∞
since H(sI − A)−1 K has a relative degree of at least 1. Hence, Equation 3.175 is the spectral factorization defined by Equation 1.119. These results show that the Kalman filter is a whitening filter that converts the data z(t) to the residual z˜(t), simultaneously providing the optimal estimate x ˆ(t). It can be viewed alternatively as a time-domain algorithm for computing a spectral factorization for the density of z(t). For further discussion of these ideas see Shaked (1976). We showed in the previous section that the Wiener filter and steady-state Kalman filter are identical, since they both provide the solution to the stationary Wiener–Hopf equation. Another demonstration of this follows. In the case of linear measurements Equation 3.158b, the Wiener filter that estimates y(t) = Hx (t) is given by (see Section 1.5) the simple expression HF (s) = I − R1/2 W (s)
T Φ−1 Z (s) = W (−s)W (s)
In terms of W (s), therefore, the Wiener filter is HF (s) = I − W (s)
According to Equation 3.172, this is just HF (s) = H[sI − (A − KH )]−1 K
which is the transfer function of the Kalman filter (Equation 3.164) from z(t) to zˆ(t) = H x ˆ(t). Recall from Section 2.6 that if Equation 3.180 provides the optimal estimate of y = Hx and (A, H) is observable, then the optimal estimate x ˆ of the state is given by the filter F (s) = [sI − (A − KH )]−1 K
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Chang–Letov Design Procedure
We do not assume here that the plant matrix A is stable. By manipulation of our equations, we can drive a design procedure that provides a link with classical root-locus techniques. By using Equations 3.168 and 3.165, we obtain the continuous Chang–Letov equation ∆cl (s)∆cl (−s) = |H(s)H T (−s) + R| · ∆(s)∆(−s) · |R|−1
H(s) = H(sI − A)−1 G
All matrices on the right-hand side are known so that this represents a method of determining the closed-loop poles ∆cl (s) = 0 of the optimal filter (Equation 3.164). We√know that the steady-state filter is stable if (A, H) is observable and (A, G Q) is reachable. Thus, it is only necessary to compute the right-hand side of the Chang–Letov equation and find the roots of the resulting polynomial. The stable roots are the roots of ∆cl (s), and the unstable roots are the roots of ∆cl (−s). Once the desired closed-loop poles have been determined in this fashion, a technique such as Ackermann’s formula can be used to find the required output injection K. This procedure allows determination of the optimal filter by a method that does not involve either the solution of a Riccati equation or a spectral factorization. In the single-output case we can represent H(s) as H(s) =
N (s) ∆(s)
√ where N (s) = H adj(sI − A)G Q is a row vector. Then the Chang–Letov equation is ∆cl (s)∆cl (−s) =
1 N (s)N T (−s) + ∆(s)∆(−s) r
The right-hand side is in exactly the canonical form for a root-locus design: as r increases from 0 (perfect measurements) to ∞ (totally unreliable measurements), the roots of ∆cl (s)∆cl (−s) move from the roots of N (s)N T (−s) to the roots of ∆(s)∆(−s). This means the following: • If r = 0, then we examine the original plant zeros considering w(t) as the input. If any of them are in the right-half of the s plane, we reflect them into the left-half plane by making them negative. The resulting n stable complex numbers are the required poles of (A − KH ). • If r → ∞, then we examine the original plant poles. Unstable plant poles are reflected into the left-half plane to form a set of n stable poles for (A − KH ).
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• If 0 < r < ∞, then the roots of ∆cl (s) are on loci between the above two sets of stable numbers. The following variation of the above procedure shows that the Chang–Letov method does not apply only to the state-variable formulation. Example 3.7
Chang–Letov Design for Lateral Aircraft Dynamics
a. The plant The transfer function from rudder displacement δr (t) to sideslip angle β(t) in a typical jet transport flying straight and level at 300 mph at sea level might be given by (Blakelock 1965) H(s) =
0.0364s2 + 1.3737s − 0.0137 β = 3 δr s + 0.376s2 + 1.8115s − 0.00725 =
0.0364(s − 0.01)(s + 37.75) [(s + 0.19)2 + 1.3332 ](s − 0.004)
(3.186) (3.187)
(Sideslip is the angle in the horizontal plane between the relative wind and the aircraft longitudinal axis. It should be zero in straight and level flight to conserve fuel.) The pole at s = 0.004 corresponds to the unstable spiral mode. The complex-conjugate pole pair corresponds to the Dutch roll mode, which causes the nose of the aircraft to move in a damped figure-eight pattern with a period of 0.75 = 1/1.333 s. The magnitude portion of the Bode plot for Equation 3.186 is given in Figure 3.11. Wind gusts acting on the rudder are a source of perturbing noise. This noise is not white, but is low-frequency noise, so we should add a noise-shaping filter to our model (Section 3.6). Rather than complicate things in this matter, let us make the following approximation. The plant (Equation 3.186) is itself a low-pass filter, so let us assume the wind-gust noise is white. According to Figure 3.11, only the low-frequency components of this white noise will have r
n =1.346
FIGURE 3.11 Bode magnitude plot for lateral dynamics.
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an appreciable effect on β(t). If the wind-gust noise contains frequencies up to at least about 10ωn = 13.46 rad/s, this is a satisfactory approximation. Let the noise δr (t) have covariance of q. Suppose sideslip angle β(t) is measured in additive white noise so that z(t) = β(t) + v(t)
with v(t) ∼ (0, r). b. Chang–Letov design of optimal steady-state filter To design the Wiener filter to estimate β(t) from the data z(t), let us use the Chang–Letov approach. According to Equation 3.185 we have q ∆cl (s)∆cl (−s) = 0.03642 (s − 0.01)(s + 37.75)(s + 0.01)(s − 37.75) r + [(s + 0.19)2 + 1.3332 ](s − 0.004)[(−s + 0.19)2 + 1.3332 ](−s − 0.004) where we have included in the numerator of H(s) the factor Equation 3.183. Symbolize Equation 3.189 as
(3.189) √ q required in
∆cl (s)∆cl (−s) = cn(s) + d(s)
where gain c is 0.03642 q/r. The root-locus plot for Equation 3.190 as c varies from 0 to ∞ can be found by the conventional rules. It is shown in Figure 3.12, where 0’s represent the roots of n(s) and x’s represent the roots of d(s). Note that the roots of Equation 3.190 move from the poles of n(s)/d(s) to the zeros of n(s)/d(s). [Observe from Equation 3.189 that the last factor in d(s) is negative, so that we must actually compute the conventional root locus with negative gain values −c.] Now suppose that q = 10, r = 0.1. In this case, c = 0.1325 so that Equation 3.189 yields ∆cl (s)∆cl (−s) = −s6 − 3.3491s4 − 192.11s2 + 0.018935
Note the even structure of this polynomial which has roots symmetric about the jω axis. The roots of Equation 3.191 are s = 0.0099, −0.0099, 2.468 ± j2.787, −2.468 ± j2.787
and assigning the stable roots to the optimal filter yields ∆cl (s) = (s + 0.0099)[(s + 2.468)2 + 2.7872 ] = s3 + 4.946s2 + 13.907s + 0.137
This is the closed-loop characteristic polynomial of the desired Wiener filter.
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Im(s) c = 1512
j1.333 c = 0.2 .004 .01 .19
c = 5709
− j 1.333
FIGURE 3.12 Chang–Letov root locus.
c. Computation of optimal filter The denominator of the filter transfer function is given by Equation 3.193. To find the numerator of the filter transfer function, realize Equation 3.186 in observable canonical form (Kailath 1980). By inspection, −0.376 1 0 0.0364 x˙ = −1.8115 0 1x + 1.3737 δr 0.00725 0 0 −0.0137 β= 1 0 0 x (3.194) With Kalman gain K = [K1 K2 K3 ]T , we have −0.376 − K1 1 A − KH = −1.8115 − K2 0 0.00725 − K3 0
0 1 0
By comparison with the desired coefficients (Equation 3.193), therefore, −0.376 4.946 4.57 K = −1.8115 + 13.907 = 12.0955 (3.196) 0.00725 0.137 0.14425
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Now, by Equation 3.180 the optimal filter for estimating the sideslip angle β(t) from the measurements is 4.57s2 + 12.0955s + 0.14425 βˆ = 3 z s + 4.946s2 + 13.907s + 0.137 (Since we are using observable canonical form, the numerator coefficients are just the coefficients of the Kalman gain.)
Correlated Noise and Shaping Filters
The philosophy in this section is the same as for the discrete situation. Where the details are different they are explicitly given.
Colored Process Noise
Let the plant be x˙ = Ax + Bu + Gw
z = Hx + v
with v(t) ∼ (0, R) white and uncorrelated with x(0) ∼ (x0 , P0 ). If process noise w(t) is uncorrelated with x(0) and v(t) but not white, then we should proceed as follows: Factor the spectral density of w(t) as ΦW (s) = H(s)H T (−s)
If |ΦW (s)| = 0 for Re(s) = 0, then H(s) is minimum phase. Find a state representation for H(s): H(s) = H (sI − A )−1 G + D
where primes denote additional variables. Then a shaping filter for w(t) is given by x˙ = A x + G w
w =H x +D w
In this shaping filter, w (t) ∼ (0, I) is white noise. To describe the dynamics of both the unknown x(t) and the process noise w(t), write the augmented system A GH x B GD x˙ = + u + w (3.201a) x 0 0 A G x˙ x z= H 0 +v (3.201b) x The continuous Kalman filter is now applied to this augmented system.
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Example 2.16 demonstrates the procedure, since the continuous Kalman filter can be applied to Equations 2.305 and 2.306. See Figure 2.18 for some useful shaping filters.
Correlated Measurement and Process Noise
Now let the plant be described by Equation 3.197 with w(t) ∼ (0, Q) and v(t) ∼ (0, R) both white, but with v(t) and w(t) correlated according to v(t)wT (τ ) = Sδ(t − τ )
t w(τ ) Q = v(τ ) S
w(t) v(t)
ST δ(t − τ ) R
Rather than proceeding as in Section 2.7, let us use an interesting alternative (Gelb 1974). We can convert this problem into an equivalent problem with uncorrelated process and measurement noises by adding zero to the right-hand side of Equation 3.197a to get x˙ = Ax + Bu + Gw + D(z − Hx − v)
This results in the modified plant x˙ = (A − DH )x + Dz + Bu + (Gw − Dv )
z = Hx + v
which has process noise of (Gw − Dv ). This noise is white since it is zero mean and its covariance is given by [Gw (t) − Dv (t)][Gw (τ ) − Dv (τ )]T = (GQG T + DRD T − DSG T − GS T DT )δ(t − τ )
The motivation behind these manipulations is that D can be selected to make (Gw − Dv) and v uncorrelated. To wit, [Gw (t) − Dv (t)]v T (τ ) = (GS T − DR)δ(t − τ ) which is zero if we select
D = GS T R−1
(3.207) (3.208)
With this choice, the modified plant is x˙ = (A − GS T R−1 H)x + GS T R−1 z + Bu + (Gw − GS T R−1 v)
z = Hx + v
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where GS T R−1 z(t) is an additional deterministic input. The new process noise autocorrelation (Equation 3.206) is [Gw (t) − Dv (t)][Gw (τ ) − Dv (τ )]T = G(Q − S T R−1 S)GT δ(t − τ )
which is less than the GQG T term arising from the original process noise w(t). Applying the continuous Kalman filter to Equation 3.209, there results the estimate update x ˆ˙ = (A − GS T R−1 H)ˆ x + Bu + GS T R−1 z + PH T R−1 (z − H x ˆ) or x ˆ˙ = Aˆ x + Bu + (PH T + GS T )R−1 (z − H x ˆ)
Defining a modified Kalman gain by K = (PH T + GS T )R−1
x ˆ˙ = Aˆ x + Bu + K(z − H x ˆ)
this becomes
which is identical in form to the estimate update equation in Table 3.1. The error covariance update equation for Equation 3.209 with process noise autocorrelation (Equation 3.210) is P˙ = (A − GS T R−1 H)P + P (A − GS T R−1 H)T + G(Q − S T R−1 S)GT − PH T R−1 HP This can be written in terms of the modified gain as P˙ = AP + PAT + GQG T − KRK T
which is identical to Equation 3.24. Nonzero S results in a smaller error covariance than the uncorrelated noise case due to the additional information provided by the cross-correlation term S. We have found that if the measurement and process noises are correlated, then it is only necessary to define a modified Kalman gain and use the formulation Equation 3.214 for the Riccati equation; all other equations are the same as for the uncorrelated case. This is the same result as for the discrete Kalman filter.
Colored Measurement Noise
If the plant (Equation 3.197) has w(t) ∼ (0, Q) white with w(t) and v(t) uncorrelated, but nonwhite v(t) of the form Equation 2.326 then a continuous analog to Equation 2.331 can be written. However, if the term v in Equation 2.326
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is zero then this approach cannot be used unless |R| = |D (D )T | = 0. An alternative to state augmentation is to define a derived measurement that has white measurement noise. Suppose that, by spectral factorization or some other means, a shaping filter for v(t) has been found to be x˙ = A x + G w
with w (t) ∼ (0, I) white and uncorrelated with plant process noise w(t). Define the derived measurement by z = z˙ − A z − HBu
Then, if H is time-invariant z = H(Ax + Bu + Gw ) + v˙ − A (Hx + v) − HBu = (HA − A H)x + G w + HGw Defining a new measurement matrix by H = HA − A H
z = H x + (G w + HGw )
we can write
This is a new output equation in terms of the derived measurement. The reason for these manipulations is that the new measurement noise is white with [G w (t) + HGw (t)] ∼ {0, [G (G )T + HGQG T H T ]}
so that Equations 3.197a and 3.218 define a new plant driven by white noises. The order of this plant is still n, which is a reason for preferring the derived measurement approach over the augmented state approach. In this new plant, the process and measurement noises are correlated with E{[G w (t) + HGw (t)]wT (τ )} = HGQ
so that for optimality the modified Kalman gain of the previous subsection should be used. The optimal filter is therefore given by x ˆ˙ = Aˆ x + Bu + K(z˙ − A z − HBu − H x ˆ) T
(3.221) T
P˙ = AP + PA + GQG − K[G (G ) + HGQG H ]K K = [P (H )T + GQG T H T ][G (G )T + HGQG T H T ]−1
(3.222) (3.223)
A disadvantage of Equation 3.221 is that the data must be differentiated. To avoid this (Gelb 1974), note that d ˙ + K z˙ (Kz ) = Kz dt
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z (t )
K −
xˆ − Kz
xˆ (t )
u(t )
FIGURE 3.13 Continuous Kalman filtering with derived measurements. so we can write Equation 3.221 in the alternative form d ˙ − K(A z + HBu + H x (ˆ x − Kz ) = Aˆ x + Bu − Kz ˆ) (3.225) dt Figure 3.13 gives a block diagram of this version of the optimal filter. To initialize the derived filter, we must use x ˆ(0+ ) = x0 + P0 H T (HP 0 H T + R)−1 [z(0) − Hx 0 ]
P (0)+ = P0 − P0 H T (HP 0 H T + R)−1 HP 0
and Since the instant after data are available (t = 0+ ), discontinuities in x ˆ(t) and P (t) occur. These equations amount to a discrete Kalman filter measurement update. For details see Bucy (1967), Bryson and Johansen (1965), and Stear and Stubberud (1968). Example 3.8
Continuous Filtering with No Measurement Noise
In the continuous Kalman filter, it is required that the measurement noise covariance R be nonsingular. Reexamining the last few pages, it becomes apparent that the derived measurement approach allows us to derive a filter that does not require |R| = 0. Let the plant be x˙ = Ax + Bu + Gw z = Hx
(3.228a) (3.228b)
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w(t) ∼ (0, Q) with the usual assumptions. Then in the “measurement-noise shaping filter” (Equation 3.215) we evidently have A = G = 0, and the derived measurement is given by Equation 3.216, or z = z˙ − HBu
According to Equations 3.221 through 3.223, the optimal filter is now x ˆ˙ = Aˆ x + Bu + K(z˙ − HBu − HAˆ x)
= (I − KH )Aˆ x + (I − KH )Bu + K z˙ T
P˙ = AP + PA + GQG − K(HGQG H )K K = (PAT + GQG T )H T (HGQG T H T )−1
(3.230b) T
(3.231) (3.232)
If |HGQG T H T | = 0, then we must differentiate the data once more to define a new derived measurement and obtain the resulting filter. This is basically the Deyst filter. See Deyst (1969) and Maybeck (1979).
Discrete Measurements of Continuous-Time Systems
In this section, we discuss an alternative to the method of Section 2.4 for discrete filtering of continuous-time systems. In that section we proceeded by first discretizing the continuous system. Here, we show how to avoid system discretization by propagating the estimate and error covariance between measurements in continuous time using an integration routine such as Runge– Kutta. This approach yields the optimal estimate continuously at all times, including times between the data arrival instants. Let the plant be given by x˙ = Ax + Bu + Gw
with w(t) ∼ (0, Q). Suppose measurements are given at discrete times tk according to zk = Hx k + vk
where we represent x(tk ) by xk . Let white noises w(t) ∼ (0, Q) and vk ∼ (0, R) be uncorrelated with each other and with x(0) ∼ (¯ x0 , P0 ). Note that R is a covariance matrix while Q is a spectral density matrix. The approach we are about to describe applies to time-varying systems, though for ease of notation all plant and noise matrices are written as constants here. Applying the Kalman filter directly to Equation 3.233 with no preliminary discretization is very easy since the estimate at each time is the conditional mean given all previous data. The time update between measurements for the continuous linear stochastic system (Equation 3.233a) is found from
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Continuous-Discrete Kalman Filter System and measurement models x˙ = Ax + Bu + Gw zk = Hx k + vk x(0) ∼ (¯ x0 , P0 ), w(t) ∼ (0, Q), vk ∼ (0, R) Assumptions {w(t)} and {vk } are white noise processes uncorrelated with each other and with x(0). Initialization P (0) = P0 , x ˆ(0) = x ¯0 Time update between measurements P˙ = AP + PAT + GQG T x ˆ˙ = Aˆ x + Bu Measurement update at times tk Kk = P − (tk )H T [HP − (tk )H T + R]−1 P (tk ) = (I − Kk H)P − (tk ) x ˆk = x ˆ− ˆ− k + Kk zk − H x k Table 3.1 by setting H = 0; x ˆ˙ = Aˆ x + Bu
P˙ = AP + PAT + GQG T
See Example 3.1. The measurement update to incorporate a discrete data sample zk is given in Table 2.2. The optimal filter for the plant (Equation 3.233) is given by combining these two updates. The resulting continuous-discrete Kalman filter is summarized in Table 3.2. In the Gaussian case, this is the optimal filter. In the case of arbitrary statistics, it is the best linear filter. Note that we do not require |R| > 0 as is the case for continuous measurements. All we require is R ≥ 0 and |HP − (tk )H T + R| = 0 for each k. One advantage of the continuous-discrete filter over the alternative approach using system discretization is that in the former, it is not necessary for the sample times tk to be equally spaced. This means that the cases of irregular and intermittent measurements are easy to handle. In the absence of data, the optimal prediction is given by performing only the time update portion of the algorithm. A block diagram/flowchart of a continuous-discrete Kalman filter using a Runge–Kutta integrator with step size ∆t is shown in Figure 3.14. The measurement update routine can be based on one of the measurement update
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Run complete?
Y Stop
N Time update Runge−Kutta integrator time=time+∆t
Data available?
Measurement update
FIGURE 3.14 Software implementation of the continuous-discrete Kalman filter. routines (stabilized Kalman, U DU T ) in Bierman (1977). Figure 3.14 should be compared to Figure 2.12. As an illustration of the continuous-discrete Kalman filter, let us supply it to one of the examples we did by discretization in Section 2.4. Example 3.9
Continuous-Discrete α-β Tracker
Consider the range subsystem in the radar tracking problem of Example 2.8: 0 1 0 x˙ = x+ w (3.236) 0 0 1 where x [r r] ˙ T . Let w ∼ (0, q) and range r be measured every T s so that tk = kT and (3.237) zk = 1 0 xk + vk vk ∼ (0, R). We use the notation xk x(kT ). In Examples 2.9 and 2.10 we derived simple scalar updates implementing the optimal filter by first discretizing Equation 2.146, respectively. Here, we intend to avoid this discretization by using the continuous-discrete optimal filter formulation. In this simple example, discretization is quite easy since eAT = I + AT . In general, however, it can be quite complicated to find eAT and if a good integration routine is available this is not required. An additional advantage we will have in the solution we are about to present is that up-todate estimates for range and range rate will be available at all times, including times between the appearance of the target on the radar screen. With slowly scanning radars this can be quite a valuable benefit!
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
a. Time update Between measurements, the optimal estimate propagates according to x ˆ˙ = Aˆ x
or dˆ r = rˆ˙ dt dˆ r˙ = 0 dt
(3.239a) (3.239b)
The error covariance obeys the Lyapunov equation P˙ = AP + PAT + GQG T . Let p p2 (3.240) P 1 p2 p4 and substitute to obtain the scalar equations p˙1 = 2p2 p˙2 = p4 p˙4 = q
(3.241a) (3.241b) (3.241c)
We could easily solve these analytically, but shall deliberately refrain from doing so to make the point that this is not required to implement the optimal filter. b. Measurement update At a data point the Kalman gain is found as follows. Let δ HP −1 (tk )H T + R Write P − (tk )
p− 1 p− 2
p− 2 p− 4
and, therefore δ = p− 1 +R Then
p− 1 k1 K = pδ− k2 2
The error covariance update is P (tk ) =
1 − k1 −k2
0 − P (tk ) 1
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or Rp − 1 δ Rp − 2 = p2 = (1 − k1 )p− 2 δ − p4 = p− 4 − k2 p2 p1 = (1 − k1 )p− 1 =
(3.247a) (3.247b) (3.247c)
The estimate update is (omitting the time subscript k) rˆ = rˆ− + k1 (z − rˆ− ) rˆ˙ = rˆ˙− + k2 (z − rˆ− )
(3.248a) (3.248b)
c. Filter implementation Our preliminary analysis has yielded scalar updates that are easy to program and faster to run than matrix updates. MATLAB implementations of the time update between measurements and the measurement update are given in Figure 3.15. The argument X is a vector containing both the estimate and the error covariance entries. We have been able to avoid using two sets of covariance entries, one for P (tk ) and one for P − (tk ), by paying careful attention to the order of the operations. The error variances for range and range rate shown in Figure 3.16 were obtained. Measurements were taken every second, and each time a measurement update was made, the error variances decreased. Steady state has nearly attained after 6 s. The Runge–Kutta integration step size was 10 ms. This figure is similar in concept to Figure 2.13, though different parameters were used.
Optimal Smoothing
We have discussed the filtering problem at some length. Given a stochastic system, the solution to the prediction problem is straightforward. All we must do to find the optimal prediction is use only the time update portion of the Kalman filter, which simply involves setting H = 0 in Table 3.1. Here we discuss optimal smoothing. This is the continuous version of Section 2.8. We shall basically follow the presentation in Gelb (1974). Suppose data are available over a time interval [0, T ], and we desire optimal estimate x ˆ(t) for every t within the interval. All smoothed estimates are based somehow on filtered estimates, so the first step is to run the usual Kalman filter on the data to generate a filtered estimate x ˆf (t). We proceed as follows: Let the unknown x(t) be described by x˙ = Ax + Bu + Gw
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% Example 3.9 % Multi-rate Continuous Discrete KF implementation for alpha-beta tracker % A=2x2, G=2x1, X0=2x1, P0=2x2, Q=1x1, ttu=ix1, H=1x2, z=mx1, R=1x1, % tmu=mx1 % Example: cdkf([0 1;0 0],[0;1],[0;0],[10 10 10 10],1,[0:0.1:10],[1 0],[5 ; 10 ; 15 ; 20 ; 25 ; 30 ; 35 ; 40 ; 45 ; 50]+randn(10,1),1,[1:10]) function cdkf(A,G,X0,P0,Q,ttu,H,Z,R,tmu) global P1; X=X0'; P=P0; j=1; for i=1:length(ttu)-1 % Time update for states X(i+1,:)=(A*X(i,:)')'; % Time update for error covariance P1=vectortomatrix(P(i,:)); P1=A*P1+P1*A'+G*Q*G'; P1=matrixtovector(P1); [t1 P1] = ode45(@tu_ecov,[ttu(i) ttu(i+1)],P(i,:)); P(i+1,:)=P1(end,:); % Measurement Update if (ttu(i+1)>=tmu(j)) % if true then do measurement update [X(i+1,:),P(i+1,:)]=measurement_update(X(i+1,:)',P(i+1,:),Z(j,1),H,R); j=j+1; end end % Plotting plot(ttu,P(:,1),'k-',ttu,P(:,4),'k--'); legend('p_1','p_4'); grid on; return % Function used by ode45() for finding Pfunction Pd=tu_ecov(t,P) global P1; Pd=P1'; return % Measurement Update function [X,P]=measurement_update(X,P,Z,H,R) P=vectortomatrix(P); K=P*H'*inv(H*P*H'+R); P=(eye(length(P))-K*H)*P; X=X+K*(Z-H*X); P=matrixtovector(P); X=X'; return function P1=matrixtovector(P) P1=[]; for i=1:length(P) P1=[P1 P(i,:)]; end return function P1=vectortomatrix(P) lng=sqrt(length(P)); P1=[]; for k=1:lng:length(P) P1=[P1 ; P(k:k+lng-1)]; end return
FIGURE 3.15 Continuous-discrete-tracker time and measurement update subroutines. with measurements z = Hx + v
White noises w(t) ∼ (0, Q) and v(t) ∼ (0, R) are uncorrelated with each other and with x(0) ∼ (¯ x0 , P0 ). Let Q ≥ 0 and R > 0. (In contrast to the discrete case, we will not require |Q| = 0.)
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40 p1 35
Error variances
30 25 20 15 10 5
5 Time (s)
FIGURE 3.16 Continuous-discrete-tracker range and range-rate error variances.
To find the optimal smoothed estimate x ˆ(t) for t ∈ [0, T ] we must take into account the data z(τ ) for 0 ≤ τ ≤ t and for t < τ ≤ T . Suppose that the data for the subinterval preceding time t have been used to construct via the Kalman filter an estimate x ˆf (t). This estimate is given by P˙f = APf + Pf AT + GQG T − Pf H T R−1 HPf T
Kf = Pf H R
xf + Bu + Kf (z − H x ˆf ) x ˆ˙ f = Aˆ
(3.250) (3.251) (3.252)
Then we can use the filtered estimate x ˆf (t) to manufacture the smoothed estimate x ˆ(t), which includes the effects of future data. To do this, we first construct a filter that runs backward in time to generate an estimate x ˆb (t) that includes the data z(τ ) for t < τ ≤ T . This is known as the information filter. Then we use a smoother algorithm to combine x ˆf (t) and x ˆb (t) into the smoothed estimate x ˆ(t). The smoother scheme we will present gives the best linear estimate if the statistics are arbitrary, and the optimal estimate if all statistics are normal. It extends directly to the time-varying case.
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The Information Filter
All x ˆ and P in this subsection should be considered as having a subscript “b” (i.e., “backward”), which we suppress for convenience. To reverse time, define τ = T − t. Then d d x=− x dτ dt
so that d x = −Ax − Bu − Gw (3.253b) dτ replaces plant equation 3.249a. The measurement equation remains the same. Evidently, then, the filter equations are simply d P = −AP − PAT + GQG T − PH T R−1 HP (3.254) dτ d x ˆ = −Aˆ x − Bu + PH T R−1 (z − H x ˆ) (3.255) dτ It is more convenient to express these equations in terms of the information matrix (3.256) S(τ ) = P −1 (τ ) and to define an intermediate variable x(τ ) = S(τ )ˆ x(τ ) yˆ(τ ) = P −1 (τ )ˆ By using d −1 P = −P −1 dτ
d P dτ
P −1
Equation 3.254 yields d −1 P = P −1 A + AT P −1 − P −1 GQG T P −1 + H T R−1 H dτ
or d S = SA + AT S − SGQG T S + H T R−1 H (3.260) dτ Differentiating Equation 3.257 with respect to τ and using Equations 3.255 and 3.260 yields d yˆ = (AT − SGQG T )ˆ y − SBu + H T R−1 z dτ By defining the backward filter gain
Kb = SGQ
d yˆ = (AT − Kb GT )ˆ y − SBu + H T R−1 z dτ
we can write
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Equations 3.260 and 3.261 are the information formulation of the continuous Kalman filter. The information filter runs backward in time beginning at time t = T , or τ = 0.
Optimal Smoothed Estimate
Suppose now that a Kalman filter has been run forward on the interval [0, T ] to compute for each t in [0, T ], a filtered estimated x ˆf (t) based on data prior to t. Suppose also that a separate information filter has been run backward on [0, T ] to find for each t an estimate x ˆb (t) based on data subsequent to t. To ˆb (t) into an overall smoothed estimate x ˆ(t) which takes combine x ˆf (t) and x into account all the available data is very simple. Since w(t) and v(t) are white, the estimate x ˆf (t) and x ˆb (t) are independent. We can therefore use the “Millman’s theorem” result from the problems of Chapter 1 to write for the smoothed error covariance −1 P = Pf−1 + Pb−1 (3.264) or −1 P = Pf−1 + S
(We shall suppress subscripts “b” on S(t) and yˆ(t).) By the matrix inversion lemma P = Pf − Pf S(I + Pf S)−1 Pf
P = (I − K)Pf
K = Pf S(I + Pf S)−1
where the smoother gain is
The smoothed estimate is ˆf + Pb−1 x ˆb x ˆ = P Pf−1 x
or, using Equations 3.267 and 3.257, x ˆ = (I − K)ˆ xf + P yˆ x ˆ=x ˆf + (P yˆ − K x ˆf )
(3.270) (3.271)
The smoothing scheme contains a Kalman filter, an information filter, and a smoother; it is shown in its entirely in Table 3.3. Since for time T the filtered and smoothed estimates are the same, we have the boundary condition S(τ = 0) = 0. According to Equation 3.257 then, yˆ(τ = 0) = 0. (The boundary condition x ˆb (T ) is unknown, and this is the reason for using the intermediate variable yˆ(τ ) in the backward filter instead of x ˆb (τ ).)
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Optimal Smoothing Scheme System and measurement models x˙ = Ax + Bu + Gw z = Hx + v, x(0) ∼ (¯ x0 , P0 ), w(t) ∼ (0, Q), v(t) ∼ (0, R). x(0), w(t), v(t) uncorrelated. Forward filter: Initialization x ˆf (0) = x ¯0 , Pf (0) = P0 Update P˙f = AP f + Pf AT + GQG T − Pf H T R−1 HPf Kf = Pf H T R−1 xf + Bu + Kf (z − H x ˆf ) x ˆ˙ f = Aˆ Backward filter (τ = T − t): Initialization yˆ(0) = 0, S(0) = 0 Update d S(T − τ ) = S(T − τ )A + AT S(T − τ ) dτ −S(T − τ )GQG T S(T − τ ) + H T R−1 H Kb (T − τ ) = S(T − τ )GQ d yˆ(T − τ ) = [AT − Kb (T − τ )GT ]ˆ y (T − τ ) dτ −S(T − τ )Bu(T − τ ) + H T R−1 z(T − τ ) Smoother K(t) = Pf (t)S(t)[I + Pf (t)S(t)]−1 P (t) = (I − K(t)]Pf (t) x ˆ(t) = [I − K(t)ˆ xf (t) + P (t)ˆ y (t)] In some cases P may be equal to Pf , so that the smoothed and filtered estimates are the same. In this case, smoothing does not offer an improvement over filtering alone. States whose estimates are improved by smoothing are said √ to be smoothable. It can be shown that if the plant is (A, G Q) reachable so that all states are distributed by the process noise, then all states are smoothable. See Gelb (1974) and Fraser (1967). Figure 2.23 shows the relation between forward, backward, and smoothed error covariances. There are other types of smoothers (“fixed-point,” “fixed-lag”). The type we are discussing in which the final time T is fixed is known as the fixed-interval smoother.
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Rauch–Ting–Striebel Smoother
The smoothing scheme in Table 3.3 requires a forward filter, a backward filter, and a smoother. We can quickly derive a more convenient scheme which combines the backward filter and the smoother into a single backward smoother recursion (Rauch, Tung, and Striebel 1965). To this end, it is necessary to eliminate S and yˆ from the smoother equations. To accomplish this, use Equation 3.258 to obtain from Equation 3.264 d d −1 P = −Pf−1 P˙f Pf−1 + (Pb−1 ) dt dt
As in Equation 3.253a, we have d d −1 P = −P −1 P˙ P −1 = Pf−1 P˙f Pf−1 + (P −1 ) dτ dτ b
so that Equations 3.250, 3.259, and 3.264 imply P −1 P˙ P −1 = Pf−1 A + AT Pf−1 + Pf−1 GQG T Pf−1 − H T R−1 H + Pb−1 A + AT Pb−1 − Pb−1 GQG T Pb−1 + H T R−1 H = P −1 A + AT P −1 + Pf−1 GQG T Pf−1 − P −1 − Pf−1 GQG T P −1 − Pf−1 or T T −1 T P˙ = AP + PAT + PP −1 f GQG + GQG Pf P − GQG
Finally, P˙ = (A + GQG T Pf−1 )P + P (A + GQG T Pf−1 )T − GQG T
Defining a smoother gain as F = GQG T Pf−1
P˙ = (A + F )P + P (A + F )T − GQG T
this becomes
In a similar fashion, we obtain the equation for the smoothed estimate x ˆ˙ = Aˆ x + F (ˆ x−x ˆf )
The Rauch–Tung–Striebel smoother algorithm is then as follows. First run the usual Kalman filter on the given data. Then run the recursive smoother defined by Equations 3.275 through 3.277 backward for t ≤ T to generate the smoothed estimate x ˆ(t) and error covariance P (t). Since at t = T , the filtered and smoothed estimates are identical, the initial conditions for the backward recursion are x ˆ(T ) = x ˆf (T ) P (T ) = Pf (T ),
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Problems Section 3.1 1. The Lyapunov Equation Written as a Vector Equation. Let ⊗ denote the Kronecker product (Appendix) and s(·) the stacking operator. Show that the continuous matrix Lyapunov equation P˙ = AP + PAT + CC T is equivalent to the vector equation d s(P ) = [(A ⊗ I) + (I ⊗ A)]s(P ) + s(CC T ) dt 2. Solutions to Algebraic Lyapunov Equations. Use the results of the previous problem to show that 0 = AP + PAT + CC T has a unique solution if and only if λi + λj = 0 for all i and j, where λi is an eigenvalue of A. Show that the stability of A is sufficient to guarantee this. (a) Find all solutions to 0 = AP + PAT + CC T if 0 0 0 A= , C= 1 −1 1 Interpret this in light of the previous problem. (b) Find all symmetric solutions. (c) Find the positive definite solution(s). (d) Which eigenvalues of A are (A, C) reachable? 3. For the A and C of the previous problem, solve P˙ = AP + PAT + CC T for t ≥ 0 if P (0) = 0 and if P (0) = I. Now let t go to infinity. To which of the solutions found in the previous problem do the solutions for P (0) = 0 and P (0) = I converge? 4. System Described by Newton’s Laws. A system is described by x ¨(t) = w(t), with white noise w(t) ∼ (0, q) independent of the initial state x(0) x ¯0 px (0) 0 ∼ , x(0) ˙ 0 px˙ (0) v¯0 (v0 means initial velocity.) ¯˙ (a) Find and sketch the means x ¯(t), x(t). (b) Find and sketch the variances px (t), px˙ (t), and pxx˙ (t). 5. Computer Simulation of Stochastic Systems. 0 0 1 x + w x˙ = 1 −ωn2 −2α z = 1 0 x+v
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with w(t) ∼ (0, 1), v(t) ∼ (0, 1/2) independent white noise processes with uniform distribution. Write the MATLAB code to simulate the system. 6. Stochastic Harmonic Oscillator. Solve analytically for the mean and covariance of x(t) in Problem 5 if x(0) ∼ ([1 1]T , I). ωn = 1, α = 0.1. 7. Periodic Solution of Riccati Equations (a) Find the general solution to p˙ = ap 2 +bp +c for the case q = 4ca −b2 > 0 if the initial condition is p(0) = p0 . (b) Show that p(t) exhibits periodic behavior and never converges to a steady-state value. Sketch p(t). 8. (Friedland 1969). Let P¯ be any solution to Equation 3.21. Then show that any other solution can be expressed as P = P¯ + VMV T
V˙ = (A − P¯ H T R−1 H)V
M˙ = −MV T H T R−1 HVM
Section 3.2 9. Kalman Filter Simulation. Consider the plant in Example 3.4. Write the MATLAB code to simulate the entire Kalman filter. You must integrate the Riccati equation and the actual filter dynamics (Equation 3.23). To run your program, use ωn2 = 2, α = 1.5, q = 0.1, r = 0.1, x ¯(0) = [1 1]T , P0 = I. −1.1t −1.9t + 41e ; t ≥ 0. For data, use z(t) = −29e 10. Harmonic Oscillator with Position Measurements. In Example 3.4, suppose measurements of position instead of velocity are taken so that z = [1 0]x + v Let α = 1, ωn = 2, q = 1, r = 1. (a) Write Riccati equation as three coupled scalar equations. (b) Find steady-state error covariance. (c) Find steady-state Kalman filter (Equation 3.23). (d) Write MATLAB code to simulate the entire time-varying filter.
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11. Filtering with No Process Noise. Show that if there is no process noise so that Q = 0, the Riccati equation can be written in terms of the information matrix P −1 (t) as the Lyapunov equation d −1 (P ) = −P −1 A − AT P −1 + H T R−1 H dt (Hint: d/dt(P −1 ) = −P −1 P˙ P −1 .) 12. Filtering with No Process Noise.
Consider Newton’s system
x ¨=u z =x+v with v(t) ∼ (0, r) white and x(0) ∼ (x(0), P0 ). (a) Find the error covariance P (t) for the maximum-likelihood estimator. Note that no a priori information about x(t) means x ¯(0) = 0, P (0) = ∞, which can more conveniently be expressed as P −1 (0) = 0. (b) Find the Kalman gain and write down the maximum-likelihood Kalman filter. A filter to estimate the state of this system is called a second-order polynomial tracking filter. 13. Repeat Problem 12 for the harmonic oscillator in Example 3.4 with no process noise. 14. Discrete Polynomial Tracking Filter. Repeat Problem 12, first discretizing the plant using a sampling period of T s. Section 3.3 15. Steady-State Filter for Harmonic Oscillator. Consider the harmonic oscillator in Example 3.4, where velocity measurements were made. (a) Find steady-state Kalman filter. Show it is always stable (consider the two cases α > 0 and α < 0 separately). (b) Find transfer function of Wiener filter. (c) Plot filter root locus as q/r goes from 0 to ∞. Show that the damping ratio of the filter is α2 + q/4r/ωn and that the natural frequency is the same as that of the original plant. 16. Harmonic Oscillator with Position Measurements. Redo Problem 15 if position measurements are taken instead of velocity measurements. Note that now the filter natural frequency changes with q/r, while the real part of the poles stays constant.
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17. Newton’s System with Velocity Measurements. Repeat Problem 15 for the system in Example 3.6 if position and velocity measurements are taken so that z = [1 1]x + v Section 3.4 18. Algebraic Riccati Equation Analytic Solution (a) Show that a solution to the equation 0 = AP T + PAT + PR −1 P T + Q
for R > 0 is given by P =
√ T ARAT − QL R − AR
where L is any orthogonal matrix, LLT = I. Show that this reduces to the well-known quadratic equation solution in the scalar case. (b) Show that if we want P = P T in Equation 3.282, then L must be selected as the solution to a Lyapunov equation. 19. Covariance of Residual. Use Equation 3.91 (with x ˜(t0 ) = 0) to show T that PZ˜ (t, u) = z˜(t)˜ z (u) = Rδ(t − u). (Hint: let the error system have state-transition matrix φ(t, t0 ). Then show x ˜(t)˜ xT (u) = φ(t, u)P (u) for t ≥ u (Bryson and Ho 1975).) 20. Estimation of a Voltage Using Continuous and Discrete Filters. Consider the circuit of Figure 3.17 where u(t) is an input voltage and w(t) ∼ (0, q) is a noise source. The initial state is x(0) ∼ (0, p0 ), uncorrelated with w(t). (a) Write state equation. R
+ C x(t ) −
+ − + − w(t )
FIGURE 3.17 An electric circuit.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
(b) Find and sketch x(t) if u(t) = u−1 (t) the unit step, for the deterministic case p0 = 0 and w(t) = 0. Now let RC = 1 and measurements be taken according to z(t) = x(t) + v(t) (3.283) with noise v(t) ∼ (0, r) uncorrelated with w(t) and x(0). (c) Solve the algebraic Riccati equation for p∞ , the steady-state error variance. When is p∞ greater than zero? Find a differential equation for the estimate x ˆ(t) in the steady-state filter. Find the transfer function of the Wiener filter. (d) Let q = 3, r = 1. Using the steady-state filter, find x ˆ(t) if u(t) = u−1 (t) and the data are z(t) = 0.75(1 − e−1.2t )u−1 (t). (e) Find the differential equation x ˆ(t) in the steady-state filter if r tends to infinity. Comment. What happens as r goes to zero so that the measurements are perfect? (f) Let q = 3, r = 1. Use separation of variables to solve the Riccati equation for p(t) if p0 = 2. Sketch p(t). Verify that the limiting behavior agrees with p∞ in part c. (g) Now, convert to the discretized system with T = 0.1 s. Let q = 3, r = 1, p0 = 2. (h) For the discrete system, find pk for k = 0–5. Do these values agree with p(kT ) in (f)? (i) For the discrete system, use data zk = z(kT ) with z(t) as in (d). ˆk for k = 0, 1, 2, 3. (Disregard z0 .) Let uk = u−1 (k). Find optimal estimate x Compare to the (suboptimal) estimates x ˆ(kT ) in (d). 21. An Alternative Design Method for Steady-State Filters. observer for the plant 3.76 is given by
x ˆ˙ = Aˆ x + K(z − H x ˆ) The observer gain K can be chosen, for example, to place the observer poles so that x ˆ(t) converges to x(t) as quickly as desired. The error system using this observer is given by Equation 3.90. Write an equation that may be solved for P∞ , the steady-state error covariance. Now select K to minimize P∞ . One way to do this is to differentiate the error covariance equation with respect to K, using ∂P∞ /∂K = 0 for a minimum (Schultz and Melsa 1967). 22. ARE Solutions (a) Find all symmetric solutions to Equation 3.153 if √ 0 8 2 0 , H= 0 1 , A= , G= 1 −2 0 1
Q = I,
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(b) Check the stability of the closed-loop system (A − KH ), where K = PH T R−1 , for all your solutions. Section 3.5 23.
Prove Equation 3.168.
24. Steady-State Filters. Design an optimal steady-state filter to separate a signal x(t) with spectral density ΦX (ω) =
ω2 + 5 ω 4 + 6ω 2 + 25
from additive white noise v(t) ∼ (0, r): (a) Using Kalman theory. (b) Using Wiener theory. (c) Sketch filter poles as a function of r. (d) Sketch ΦX (ω), noise spectral density, and filter frequency response for r = 1. 25. Filter Design Using Hamiltonian Matrix. The Hamiltonian matrix A −GQG T M= −H T R−1 H −AT provides an alternative design procedure for the optimal steady-state filter. (a) Perform a state-space transformation I P T = 0 I Show that if P satisfies the ARE, then A − KH −1 TMT = −H T R−1 H
0 −(A − KH )T
where K = PH T R−1 . (b) Hence, show that
|sI − M | = ∆cl (s)∆cl (−s)
where ∆cl (s) = |sI − (A − KH )| is the characteristic polynomial of the optimal steady-state filter. Therefore, the filter poles are the stable eigenvalues of M . Knowing these, a technique like Ackermann’s formula can be used to determine the optimal filter gain K without solving the ARE for P (Kailath 1980).
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
26. Filtering with No Process Noise. Use Problem 25 to show that if GQG T = 0, then the optimal steady-state filter poles are the “stabilized” poles of the plant (i.e., unstable plant poles si are replaced by −si ). 27. Steady-State Filter Design. In Example 3.4, let ωn2 = 5, α = 1, q = 1, r = 1. Design the steady-state filter using: (a) Chang–Letov. (b) The results of Problem 25. (c) Wiener theory. 28.
Redo Problem 24 using:
(a) The Hamilton matrix. (b) The Chang–Letov procedure. 29. Steady-State Filter Poles.
x˙ 1 = −x1 + 0.5x2 x˙ 2 = 8.5x1 − 2x2 + w z = x1 + v where w(t) ∼ (0, q), v ∼ (0, r) are uncorrelated white noises. Sketch the poles of the optimal steady-state filter as q/r goes from 0 to ∞. Find the optimal filter if q/r = 2. Section 3.6 30. Derived Measurement for Time-Varying Measurement Model. Redo the derived measurement analysis for the case of time-varying measurement matrix H(t). 31. Colored Measurement Noise. Design an optimal time-invariant filter to estimate a signal with spectral density ΦY (ω) =
3ω 2 ω4 + 4
which is measured in the presence of additive noise with spectral density ΦV (ω) =
2 ω2 + 4
(a) Using Kalman filter theory with state augmentation. (b) Using Wiener filter theory. (c) Using the Kalman filter with derived measurements. (d) Sketch the signal and noise spectral densities.
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Continuous-Time Kalman Filter
32. Aircraft Longitudinal Dynamics with Gust Noise. situation in Example 2.16.
Consider the
(a) Sketch Φw (ω) and find and sketch the autocorrelation function Rw (t). (b) Find a shaping filter for w(t). Augment the state Equation 2.300. (c) If ωn = 3 rad/s, δ = 0.1, a = 1, σ 2 = 2, use Chang–Letov to plot the poles of the optimal steady-state filter as r goes from ∞ to 0. (d) Find the steady-state filter if r = 2. (e) Find the optimal estimate for pitch θ(t) if the data are z(t) = 0.1 cos 4tu −1 (t). Use the steady-state filter. (f) Find steady-state error covariance. 33. Correlated Process and Measurement Noise.
x˙ = x + u + w z =x+v where w(t) ∼ (0, 1), v(t) ∼ (0, r), and vw = µ. (a) Find optimal filter gain K(t) and error covariance P (t). (b) Find optimal steady-state filter and error covariance. (c) Sketch poles of steady-state filter as µ/r goes from 0 to ∞. (d) Let µ = 1, r = 2. Find optimal estimate for x(t) if the data are z(t) = e0.9t u−1 (t) and the input u(t) = 0. Use steady-state filter. Section 3.7 34. Newton’s System. In Example 3.9, let x(0) ∼ ([1 1]T , I), q = 1, r = 0.5, T = 0.5 s. Solve analytically for and sketch the components of P (t) for t = 0 to 2 s if the continuous-discrete filter is used. 35. Harmonic Oscillator (a) Repeat Problem 34 for the harmonic oscillator in Example 3.4 if x(0) ∼ √ ([1 1]T , I), q = 1, r = 0.5, T = 0.5 s, ωn = 2 rad/s, α = 1. (b) Write MATLAB code for this example to implement the continuousdiscrete Kalman filter. 36. Comparison of Continuous, Discrete, and Continuous-Discrete Filters. Let x˙ = 0.2x + w z =x+v with w(t) ∼ (0, 1) and v(t) ∼ (0, 0.5) uncorrelated white noises. Let x(0) ∼ (1, 1). (a) Write the continuous filter equations. Solve for the error covariance p(t).
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
(b) Measurements are now taken every second. Discretize and write the discrete Kalman filter equations. Solve for error covariance pk for t = 0 to 5 s. (c) Write the continuous-discrete filter equations. Solve for p(t) for t = 0 to 5 s. (d) Plot all three error covariance on the same graph. 37. √ Convergence for Continuous-Discrete Filter. Show that if (A, G Q) is reachable and (A, H) is detectable, then in the continuous-discrete filter, P (t) displays a bounded steady-state behavior independent of P (0). Furthermore, the Kalman filter is stable. (What does stability mean in this case?) Section 3.8 38. Smoothing for Scalar System x˙ = ax + bu + w z =x+v with w(t) ∼ (0, q), v(t) ∼ (0, r). (a) Formulate the two-filter smoothing in Table 3.3. Now, if a = 0, q = 1, r = 0.5, final time T = 5 s, x(0) ∼ (1, 1) solve analytically for smoothed error covariance p(t). Sketch pf (t), s(t), and p(t). (b) Repeat using the Rauch–Tung–Striebel formulation. 39. Smoothing for Newton’s System.
x ¨=w z =x+v w(t) ∼ (0, q), v(t) ∼ (0, r). Repeat Problem 38. For the numerical work, let x(0) ∼ (1, I), q = 0, r = 1.
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4 Kalman Filter Design and Implementation
In this chapter we discuss some practical aspects of Kalman filter design and implementation. There are two general topics. In Section 4.1, we analyze the effects of assuming a model that does not accurately describe the physical system whose state is to be estimated. This topic is also discussed in Part II (Robust Estimation) of the book. In the remaining sections we present some techniques for designing filters of simplified structure.
Modeling Errors, Divergence, and Exponential Data Weighting
We have discussed Kalman filter design for the deal situation when all plant dynamics and noise statistics are exactly known. If this is not the case serious divergence problems can occur where the theoretical behavior of the filter and its actual behavior do not agree. The Kalman filter has no mechanism built into its theory for dealing with inaccurate dynamics A, B, G, and H, or statistics P0 , Q, and R. If the plant is inaccurately known we should, to be theoretically rigorous, apply not Kalman filter theory but adaptive control theory, which can result in more complicated designs. Fortunately, by understanding the properties of the Kalman filter we can often use its robustness in the face of process noise to compensate for inaccurately known plant dynamics. Alternatively, we can modify the filter to get better performance. These topics are the subject of this section.
Modeling Errors
For this discussion we need to define two concepts. They must be clearly distinguished from each other. The plant is the actual physical system we are interested in. The model is the mathematical description of the physical system, which we use for the filter design stage. (The plant is also called the “truth model.”) Let the model be given by xk+1 = Ax k + Bu k + Gw k zk = Hx k + vk
(4.1a) (4.1b)
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
with wk and vk white and uncorrelated with each other and with x0 . Let wk ∼ (0, Q), vk ∼ (0, R), and x0 ∼ [E(x0 ), P0 ]. The Kalman filter designated on the basis of this model is given by Time update: − Pk+1 = AP k AT + GQG T
x ˆ− k+1
= Aˆ xk + Bu k
Measurement update: −1 T Kk = Pk− H T HP − kH +R Pk = (I − x ˆk =
x ˆ− k
Kk H)Pk− (I
+ Kk (zk −
− Kk H) +
Hx ˆ− k)
(4.4) (4.5) (4.6)
The a priori error covariance is defined as T Pk− = E[(xk − x ˆ− ˆ− k )(xk − x k) ]
Now suppose that in reality the plant is described not by Equation 4.1 but by the state xk with dynamics ¯ + Bu ¯ + Gw ¯ xk+1 = Ax k k k ¯ +v zk = Hx k k
(4.8a) (4.8b)
Assume wk and vk are white and uncorrelated with each other and with x0 , ¯ v ∼ (0, R), ¯ and x ∼ [E(x ), P¯0 ]. We assume here that and let wk ∼ (0, Q), 0 0 k ¯ B, ¯ G, ¯ H, ¯ P¯0 , Q, ¯ the model and the plant have the same order n. Matrices A, ¯ and R are in general all different from the values we assumed in our model (Equation 4.1), which we used to design the “optimal” filter. (In this section, overbars denote not expected values, but plant quantities.) The word “optimal” is in inverted commas because, although it is indeed optimal for the assumed model, it is not necessarily optimal for the actual plant. In fact, if the filter (Equations 4.2 through 4.7) is applied to the plant (Equation 4.8) some very serious problems may result. Now we need to develop a theoretical background for analyzing mismatch between the model and the plant. Define the a priori and a posteriori errors between the estimate generated by the filter (Equations 4.2 through 4.7) and the state of the actual plant (Equation 4.8) as x ˜− ˆ− k = xk − x k
x ˜k = xk − x ˆk
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Kalman Filter Design and Implementation
These are not the same as the predicted error (xk − x ˆ− k ) between the estimate − and the model state whose covariance Pk in Equation 4.7 is minimized by the filter (Equations 4.2 through 4.7)! They are, however, the errors we are interested in. If the filter is designed and implemented correctly then the actual errors x ˜− ˜k should be acceptably small during the identification run. k and x T x− To find expressions for the actual error covariances E[˜ x− k (˜ k ) ] and T E(˜ xk x ˜k ) we proceed as follows. First consider the time update. We have x ˜− ˆ− k+1 = xk+1 − x k+1 ¯ + Bu ¯ + Gw ¯ − Aˆ = Ax xk − Bu k k k k
By defining the model mismatch system matrix ∆A = A¯ − A
¯ − Bu k + Gw ¯ x ˜− xk + ∆Ax k + Bu k k k+1 = A˜
This can be written as
Now append the error onto the plant state to define an augmented state, and write Equations 4.8a and 4.12 in one equation (Gelb 1974), ¯ ¯ ¯ xk+1 A 0 xk B 0 uk G = + (4.13) ¯ −B uk + G ¯ wk x ˜− ∆A A B x ˜ k k+1 Define correlation matrices by T xk xk Uk (Vk− )T = E x ˜− x ˜− Vk− Sk− k k
T x xk VkT =E k x ˜k x ˜k Sk
Uk Vk
Then from Equation 4.13 ¯ − T Uk+1 (Vk+1 ) A = − − ∆A Vk+1 Sk+1
Uk Vk
0 A
VkT Sk
¯T A 0
¯ G ¯ ¯T ∆AT G + ¯ Q T G A
¯T G
where we have set uk = 0 and uk = 0 for simplicity. Multiplying this out there results the time-update equations
− Sk+1
¯ k A¯T + G ¯Q ¯G ¯T Uk+1 = AU (4.16) − T T T ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Vk+1 = ∆AUk A + AV k A + GQG (4.17) T T T T T T ¯Q ¯G ¯ + ∆AUk ∆A + AV k ∆A + ∆AV A = AS k A + G (4.18) k
We should make a digression to ensure we have a feel for these equations before proceeding.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Note that Uk is the plant state correlation matrix E[xk (xk )T ]. Also note ¯ Q=Q ¯ so that there is no model mismatch, then Equathat if ∆A = 0, G = G, tion 4.18 is identical to Equation 4.2. The extra terms in Equation 4.18 represent the increase in the error covariance due to modeling inaccuracies. We are not directly interested in the plant state correlation Uk or the cross-correlation matrix Vk− ; they are required only to update the quantity of interest Sk− , which is the correlation matrix of the actual error x ˜− ˆ− k = xk − x k . In the presence of modeling errors, the actual error correlation depends on the plant state correlation. If Sk− is small then our estimate x ˆ− k matches well with the actual plant state xk , which is what we really want. Now let us derive the measurement update equations. We have x ˜k = xk − x ˆk = xk − x ˆ− ˆ− k − Kk (zk − H x k)
A comment needs to be made at this point. What we are doing is running the designed filter (Equations 4.2 through 4.7) on the plant (Equation 4.8). The measurements are therefore the actual plant output. For this reason, zk and not the model output zk is used in Equation 4.19. The model is used only to design the filter. Proceeding, Equation 4.19 becomes ¯ x ˜k = x ˜− ˆ− k − Kk Hxk − Kk vk + Kk H x k
If we define the model mismatch output matrix ¯ −H ∆H = H
x ˜k = (I − Kk H)˜ x− k − Kk ∆Hx k − Kk vk
this can be written as
By defining an augmented state vector we can write xk xk I 0 0 = + v −Kk ∆H I − Kk H x −Kk k x ˜k ˜− k Now take correlations of both sides to obtain I 0 Uk (Vk− )T Uk VkT = −Kk ∆H I − Kk H Vk− V k Sk Sk− I −∆H T KkT 0 ¯ 0 −K T × R k T + −Kk 0 (I − Kk H)
which yields the measurement update Uk = Uk Vk = (I −
Kk H)Vk−
(4.24) − Kk ∆HU k
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Kalman Filter Design and Implementation
¯ kT + Kk ∆HUk ∆H T KkT Sk = (I − Kk H)Sk− (I − Kk H)T + Kk RK − (I − Kk H)Vk− ∆H T KkT + Kk ∆H(Vk− )T (I − Kk H)T (4.26) ¯ so that there are no modeling errors, then Note that if ∆H = 0 and R = R updating Equation 4.26 for the actual error correlation is equal to update Equation 4.5 for the predicted covariance. Again, we are not interested in Uk and Vk , but we are forced to carry them as “excess baggage” to find the quantity of interest Sk . Since initially the uncertainty in the estimate is the same as the uncertainty in the plant state, we would initialize the recursion by S0 = −V0 = U0 = P¯0
By combining Equations 4.12 and 4.21 we obtain the error system for the actual error ¯ x ˜− x− k+1 = A(I − Kk H)˜ k + (∆A − AK k ∆H)xk + Buk − Buk ¯ − AK k v + Gw k
Several things are worth mentioning about this equation. First, it should be compared to Equation 2.188, to which it reduces if the model is an exact description of the plant. Second, it is driven by the plant noise processes. Third, if the model mismatch matrices ∆A and ∆H are not both zero, the error system is driven by the plant state xk . Unless xk is bounded, the error x ˜− k will grow. We are thus faced with the realization that in the presence of modeling inaccuracies, the plant must in most cases be stable to avoid causing an unbounded estimation error. The effect of an inaccurately known deterministic input is also clearly seen ¯ − Bu k ). If in Equation 4.28, for the error system is driven by the term (Bu k − this is not zero, unbounded errors can again occur in x ˜k . It is evident from the brief discussion that even if A(I − Kk H) is stable for large k, which is guaranteed by the steady-state properties of the Kalman filter, modeling inaccuracies can lead to nonconvergence and unbounded actual estimation errors. A final point is worth making. The expected error is given by ¯ E(˜ x− x− k+1 ) = A(I −Kk H)E(˜ k )+(∆A−AK k ∆H)E(xk )+ Buk −Bu k
Even if E(˜ x− x− 0 ) = 0, it is not guaranteed that E(˜ k ) = 0 in the presence of modeling inaccuracies. Therefore Uk , Vk , and Sk should not be considered as covariances, but as correlation matrices. Modeling inaccuracies can result in biased estimates. We shall call Pk the predicted error covariance given by Equations 4.2 through 4.7, and Sk the actual error correlation given by Equations 4.16 through 4.18 and Equations 4.24 through 4.26.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Example 4.1
Inaccurate Modeling of Wiener Process as Constant Unknown
To illustrate the use of Equations 4.16 through 4.18 and Equations 4.24 through 4.26 in the analysis of model mismatch, suppose the model is assumed to be the scalar system xk+1 = xk
zk = xk + vk
vk ∼ (0, r), x0 ∼ (m0 , p0 ). Then according to Example 2.4, using Equations 4.2 through 4.7 to design a filter for this model results in an error covariance given by pk =
p0 1 + k(p0 /r)
Kk =
p0 /r 1 + k(p0 /r)
and in Kalman gain given by
The predicted error covariance (Equation 4.32) is sketched in Figure 4.1 for p0 = 1, r = 10; it shows the anticipated decrease to zero of the error as more and more measurements are made. The Kalman gain also goes to zero with k; this means that as more measurements are made, the estimate theoretically
sk 0.8
0 0
FIGURE 4.1 Behavior of error covariances with model mismatch. Predicted error covariance pk and actual error covariance sk are shown.
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Kalman Filter Design and Implementation
becomes more reliable so that each subsequent measurement has less and less effect. Now let the actual plant, which is supposedly modeled by Equations 4.30 and 4.31, be given by xk+1 = xk + wk zk
(4.34) (4.35)
wk ∼ (0, q), vk ∼ (0, r), x0 ∼ (m0 , p0 ). Thus, the actual unknown is a Wiener process, which we have incorrectly modeled as a random constant. Applying the Kalman filter (Equation 4.33) to the actual plant results in x ˆk+1 = x ˆk +
p0 /r (z − x ˆk ) 1 + (k + 1)(p0 /r) k+1
ˆ− To find the resulting actual error correlation for x ˜− k = xk − x k , we need to use Equations 4.16 through 4.18 and Equations 4.24 through 4.26. Since ∆A = 0 and ∆H = 0, we do not need to compute Uk , Vk , and Vk− , but can simply use the recursion for the actual error correlation sk :
s0 = p0
s− k+1 = sk + q
Time update:
Measurement update: 2 sk = (1 − Kk )2 s− k + Kk r 2 p20 /r 1 + (k − 1)p0 /r s− = k + 1 + kp 0 /r (1 + kp 0 /r)2
(4.39) (4.40)
We get k=0 k=1 Time update:
s0 = p0
s− 1 = p0 + q
Measurement update: p0 + q + p20 /r p0 (1 + p0 /r) + q = (1 + p0 /r)2 (1 + p0 /r)2
p0 (1 + p0 /r) + q 1 + (1 + p0 /r)2 = (1 + p0 /r)2
s1 = k=2 Time update: s− 2
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Measurement update: p0 (1 + p0 /r) + q 1 + (1 + p0 /r)2 + p20 /r s2 = (1 + 2p0 /r)2 p0 (1 + 2p0 /r) + q 1 + (1 + p0 /r)2 = (1 + 2p0 /r)2
And, in general k−1 p0 (1 + kp 0 /r) + q i=0 (1 + ip0 /r)2 (1 + kp 0 /r)2 k−1 q i=0 (1 + ip0 /r)2 = pk + (1 + kp0 /r)2
sk =
This actual error correlation is also shown in Figure 4.1 for p0 = 1, r = 10, and q = 0.01. The behavior of the actual correlation sk is quite different from the behavior of the predicted covariance pk ! To find the limiting behavior of sk , use the identities k−1
i=0 k−1
i2 =
(k − 1)k 2
(k − 1)k(2k − 1) 6
to write sk →
1 + (2ip0 /r) + i2 (p20 /r2 ) 1 + 2k(p0 /r) + k 2 (p20 /r2 )
q k 2 (p0 /r) + (k 3 /3 − k 2 /2)(p20 /r2 ) → k 2 p20 /r2 k 1 r + =q − p0 2 3
While we think that all is well for large k because of (4.32), the actual error correlation sk is increasing linearly with k! The program used to make Figure 4.1 is shown in Figure 4.2. It implements the predicted error covariance recursion pk+1 = pk −
p2k pk + r
and the actual error covariance recursion (Equations 4.38 and 4.39). Note that carrying out a performance analysis often requires only simple programs. The analysis we have done subsequent to Equation 4.39 is not required in a practical performance study!
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Kalman Filter Design and Implementation
% Example 4.1 % Program for Kalman Filter performance study clear all; close all; k=[0:150]; p0=1; r=10; q=0.01; s=p0; p=p0./(1+k*(p0/r)); % Predicted error Covariance p K=p./r;% Kalman Gain K for i=2:length(k) s(i)=s(i-1)+q; s(i)=(1-K(i)).^2*s(i)+K(i).^2*r; % Actual Error covariance s end plot(k,p,k,s); grid on; legend('p_k','s_k'); xlabel('k');% Plot p
FIGURE 4.2 MATLAB program for Kalman filter performance study. EXERCISE 4.1 Model Mismatch in Reduced-Order Filters Let the actual plant be given by Equation 4.8 and the assumed model by Equation 4.1. It can happen that the order nm of the model is less than the order np of the plant. This can occur in two ways. Either we can fail to account for all the states through ignorance of the plant, or we can deliberately select a reduced-order model of describing the plant by omitting some of the plant states. If done properly, this reduced-order modeling can result in a (nonoptimal!) reduced-order filter that has a simplified structure and yet gives us the essential information we require about the plant state (Gelb 1974, D’Appolito 1971, Nash et al. 1972). The design of reduced-order filters is discussed further later on in this chapter. Here we discuss the actual error correlation equations. Let T ∈ Rnm ×n p be the state-space transformation that takes the actual plant state xk to the model state xk (i.e., xk = Tx k ). Let T have full row rank nm . Define modified model mismatch matrices by ∆A = A¯ − T + AT ¯ − HT ∆H = H
(4.51) (4.52)
where T + is the Moore–Penrose matrix inverse of T . Note that TT + = I since T has full row rank, so T + is a right inverse here. [Since T has full row rank, its right inverse is given by T + = T T (TT T )−1 .] Then the actual errors are defined as the np vectors + − ˆk x ˜− k = xk − T x
x ˜k =
−T x ˆk
(4.53) (4.54)
a. Show that the actual error correlation Sk− for a reduced-order filter that does not estimate the full plant state is given by Equations 4.16 through 4.18 with A replaced everywhere by T + AT , and Equations 4.24 through 4.26 with H and Kk replaced everywhere by HT and T + Kk , respectively. Let uk = 0, uk = 0 for simplicity.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
b. Show that the actual error for the reduced-order filter develops according to Equation 4.28 with the above replacements, and with B also replaced by T + B. EXERCISE 4.2 Actual Error Correlation for Continuous Kalman Filter In the continuous-time case, define the actual error as x ˜(t) = x (t) − x ˆ(t)
where x (t) is the actual plant state and x ˆ(t) the estimate produced by the filter designed based on the model. Define correlation matrices by
T x x VT =E x ˜ x ˜ S
a. Show that the actual error correlation S(t) is given by ¯Q ¯G ¯T S˙ = (A − KH )S + S(A − KH )T + G ¯ T + (∆A − K∆H)V T + V (∆A − K∆H)T + K RK ¯Q ¯G ¯T V˙ = V A¯T + (A − KH )V + (∆A − K∆H)U + G ¯Q ¯G ¯T ¯ + U A¯T + G U˙ = AU
(4.57a) (4.57b) (4.57c)
where overbars denote actual plant quantities, and ∆A and ∆H are the same as for the discrete case. The initial conditions are given by Equation 4.27. b. Show that the actual error system is ¯ − Bu + Gw ¯ − Kv x ˜˙ = (A − KH )˜ x + (∆A − K∆H)x + Bu
EXERCISE 4.3 Model Mismatch in Continuous Reduced-Order Filters For the continuous Kalman filter the results of Exercise 4.1 are also valid. a. Defining the actual error as x ˜ = x − T + x ˆ
show that the actual error correlation S(t) for a filter that does not estimate the entire plant state is given for the special case T + = T T by ¯Q ¯G ¯ T + T T K RK ¯ TT S˙ = T T (A − KH )TS + ST T (A − KH )T T + G + (∆A − T T K∆H)V T + V (∆A − T T K∆H)T
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Kalman Filter Design and Implementation
¯Q ¯G ¯T V˙ = V A¯T + T T (A − KH )TV + (∆A − T T K∆H)U + G ¯Q ¯G ¯T ¯ + U A¯T + G U˙ = AU
(4.61) (4.62)
The model mismatch matrices ∆A and ∆H are as defined in Exercise 4.1. b. Show that the actual error evolves according to x ˜˙ = T T (A − KH )T x ˜ + (∆A − T T K∆H)x ¯ − T T Bu + Gw ¯ − T T Kv + Bu
Kalman Filter Divergence
Filter divergence occurs when the actual error correlation Sk is not bounded as expected from the predicted error covariance Pk (Gelb 1974, Anderson and Moore 1979). In apparent divergence, Sk remains bounded, but it approaches a larger bound than does Pk (see Figure 4.3). This occurs when there are modeling errors that cause the implemented filter to be suboptimal. In true divergence, Pk remains bounded while Sk tends to infinity (see Figure 4.1). This occurs when the filter is not stable (Section 2.5), or when there are unmodeled unstable plant√states. An illustration of an unstable filter is provided by Example 4.1 ((A, G Q) is not reachable in that example). An illustration of unmodeled unstable states is provided in the next example. Example 4.2
Unmodeled Unstable States
Suppose the assumed model is the scalar random bias xk+1 = xk zk = xk + vk
(4.64) (4.65)
x0 , p0 ). Then by the results of Example 2.4, the predicted vk ∼ (0, r), x0 ∼ (˜ ˆk )) is error covariance (for (xk − x p0 pk = (4.66) 1 + k(p0 /r)
sk pk k
FIGURE 4.3 Apparent filter divergence.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
and the Kalman gain is Kk =
p0 /r 1 + k(p0 /r)
As k increases Pk and Kk go to zero. Now suppose the actual plant is given by 1 τ xk+1 = x 0 1 k zk = 1 0 xk + vk
(4.68) (4.69)
x0 , P¯0 ), where τ is the sampling period. Thus, the plant vk ∼ (0, r), x0 ∼ (¯ has an unmodeled random ramp behavior. The zero-input response of Equation 4.68 is shown in Figure 4.4, where xk [x1 (k) x2 (k)]T . Applying the Kalman filter designed based on model (Equations 4.64 and 4.65) to the plant (Equations 4.68 and 4.69) there results x ˆk+1 = x ˆk +
p0 /r (z − x ˆk ) 1 + (k + 1)(p0 /r) k+1
as the estimate for x1 (k). We can use Exercise 4.1 to investigate the behavior of the actual error in this situation. What we have inadvertently done is to assume a reduced-order model related to the plant by xk = Tx k with T = 1 0 (4.71) Hence T + = [1 0]T is a right inverse for T and 1 0 T + AT = 0 0 HT = 1 0
(4.72) (4.73)
x 1′ (k)
x 2′ (0)
x 2′ (k)
x 1′ (0) k
FIGURE 4.4 Zero-input response of plant with random ramp.
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Kalman Filter Design and Implementation
The model-mismatch matrices are
0 + ¯ ∆A = A − T AT = 0
τ 1
and ¯ − HT = 0 ∆H = H and
T Kk =
p0 /r 1 + k(p0 /r)
The actual error system therefore becomes (see Equation 4.28 and Exercise 4.1) 1 + (k − 1)(p0 /r) p0 /r 0 0 τ − − 1 + k(p0 /r) x ˜k + 1 + (4.77) x ˜k + xk + 1 + k(p0 /r) vk 0 1 0 0 0 If the plant were indeed described by Equations 4.64 and 4.65, then the error system would be only the scalar system obtained by keeping the (1, 1) entries of the coefficient matrices. In this example, however, we are not so fortunate. Error system (Equation 4.77) is driven by the plant state xk . According to Figure 4.4, xk (k) is constant at x2 (0), so this term tends to make the first component of x ˜− k increase linearly with k at the rate τ . In the limit of large k, the Kalman gain tends to zero and Equation 4.77 becomes 1 0 − 0 τ − x ˜ + x (4.78) x ˜k+1 = 0 0 k 0 1 k so that the error increases without bound because of the unmodeled unstable plant dynamics! It is also easy to see this behavior in terms of an unbounded actual error correlation matrix Sk by using Equations 4.16 through 4.18 and Equations 4.24 through 4.26. Let us suppose P¯0 = I. Then S0 = −V0 = U0 = I. According to Equations 4.16 and 4.24, the plant state correlation matrix develops by the recursion ¯ k A¯T Uk+1 = AU which has solution Uk = A¯k U0 (A¯T )k =
1 0
kτ 1
1 kτ
(4.79) 0 1 + k2 τ 2 = kτ 1
kτ 1
The correlation of x1 (k) increases quadratically with k. Define the components of Vk and Sk by V (k) V2 (k) (4.81) Vk 1 V3 (k) V4 (k)
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S (k) Sk 1 S2 (k)
S2 (k) S4 (k)
Now use Equations 4.17 and 4.25 (and Exercise 4.1!) to see that 1 + k(p0 /r) 0 (k + 1)τ 2 + V1 (k) + V2 (k)τ V2 (k) + τ 1 + (k + 1)(p /r) 0 Vk+1 = (k + 1)τ 1 0 1 (4.83) Thus, for large k the first factor is I and then V1 (k), V2 (k), and V3 (k) increase with k. Finally, by Equations 4.18 and 4.26 1 0 0 τ 0 0 1 0 − + U S Sk = 0 1 k τ 1 0 0 k 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 τ T 1 0 + V + V 0 0 k τ 1 0 1 k 0 0 (4.84) S1 (k) + 2V2 (k)τ + τ 2 V2 (k) + τ = V2 (k) + τ 1 1 + k(p0 /r) 0 S1 (k) + 2V2 (k)τ + τ 2 V2 (k) + τ 1 + (k + 1)(p /r) 0 Sk+1 = V2 (k) + τ 1 0 1 2 1 + k(p0 /r) p0 /r 0 0 × 1 + (k + 1)(p0 /r) + [1 + (k + 1)(p0 /r)]2 (4.85) 0 0 0 1 Again, for large k the first and third factors of the first term in Equation 4.85 tend to I, and S1 (k) then increases with k. Note that S4 (k) does not increase but remains at S4 (0) = 1. The actual error associated with the unmodeled state x2 (k) does not increase; the effect here of the unmodeled unstable dynamics is to provide an unaccounted for “input” to error component, one which makes it increase. It turns out that it is not very difficult to correct the divergence in this example. The problem is that the Kalman gain Kk goes to zero with k, and so the filter disregards the measurements for large k. All we need to do is prevent this from happening! We give two methods for doing this in the next subsections.
Fictitious Process Noise Injection
We discuss two methods for preventing divergence: fictitious process noise injection and exponential data weighting. Both methods work by preventing the predicted error covariance Pk , and hence the Kalman gain Kk from going to zero with k.
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To prevent divergence, we can ensure that in the model all states are √ sufficiently excited by the process noise. Thus, we must ensure that (A, G Q) is reachable, √ even though in the plant there may be no process noise (wk = 0). If (A, G Q) is reachable, then as was seen in Section 2.5, the detectability of (A, H) guarantees that Pk approaches a strictly positive definite (i.e., nonzero) steady-state value P . At this point, it is worthwhile to look back at the radar tracking problem in Example 2.8. In that example the actual plant was nonlinear. To apply the Kalman filter in Table 2.1, we assumed a model of simplified linear structure. To prevent divergence, although we were not yet speaking in those terms, we added fictitious process noise (maneuver noise) in the model to compensate for the unmodeled nonlinear dynamics. It is easy to see that adding process noise to the model in Example 4.1 will correct the divergence problem, for this will make the model the same as the plant! The next example shows how to use fictitious process noise injection to correct to divergence in Example 4.2. Example 4.3
Prevention of Divergence by Process Noise Injection
The plant in Example 4.2 is a random ramp with no process noise. The model assumed for filter design was a random bias with no process noise. It was found that while the predicted error covariance pk tended to zero with k, the actual error correlation Sk increased with k. We can use the simplified random bias model to design a first-order nondivergent filter for this second-order plant by adding fictitious process noise wk to the model. Thus, assume a model of the form xk+1 = xk + wk zk = xk + vk
(4.86) (4.87)
wk ∼ (0, q), vk ∼ (0, r), x0 (¯ x0 , p0 ). According to Table 2.1, the predicted error covariance is given by p− k+1 = pk + q pk =
p− k (p− k /r)
(4.88) (4.89)
With nonzero q it is not easy to find a closed-form expression for the error covariance like the one we gave in Example 4.2; however, pk is sketched in Figure 4.5 for p0 = 10, r = 10, and q = 0.1. This figure was made using a simple program for Equations 4.88 and 4.89, like the one in Figure 4.2. Note that pk does not go to zero. We can find its steady-state value (cf., Example 2.1) by noting that at steady state Equations 4.88 and 4.89 can be combined with − − p− k+1 = pk p to yield rp − +q p− = r + p−
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6 5 4 3 2 1 0
FIGURE 4.5 Predicted error covariance with fictitious model process noise.
or (p− )2 − qp − − qr = 0
q 4r p = 1+ 1+ 2 q
whose positive solution is −
Hence the steady-state value of pk is 4r q −1 1+ p= 2 q The Kalman gain is Kk =
pk r
which reaches a nonzero, steady-state value of 4r q −1 1+ K= q 2r
The steady-state Kalman gain is plotted as a function of q/r in Figure 4.6. Note that it varies from 0 to 1 as q/r increases.
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1 0.95 0.9
0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65
q /r
FIGURE 4.6 Steady-state Kalman gain as a function of q/r. Now suppose the actual plant is the random ramp 1 τ x xk+1 = 0 1 k zk = 1 0 xk + vk
(4.95) (4.96)
x0 , P¯0 ). vk ∼ (0, r) x0 = (¯ If we apply the above Kalman filter to this plant, the model mismatch matrices are as in Example 4.2 and the actual error system becomes 1 − Kk 0 − 0 τ Kk − x ˜k+1 = x ˜ + vk x + (4.97) 0 0 k 0 0 1 k with gain Kk given by (Equation 4.93). The difference between this and Equation 4.77 in Example 4.2 is that, now that fictitious process noise has been added to the model, Kk does not go to zero. This means that as k becomes large the measurements are not discounted. In fact, Equation 4.97 approaches the steady-state error system 1−K 0 − 0 τ K − x ˜k+1 = x ˜ + x + v (4.98) 0 0 k 0 1 k 0 k Two effects are of interest here. First, if q = 0, then the plant measurement noise vk continues to excite the error as k → ∞, that the limiting value of the first component x ˜− 1 (k) is nonzero even if plant state component x2 (k) is zero.
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Fictitious process noise injection into the model has resulted in suboptimal behavior of the filter. This degradation is compensated for by the second effect: if q is correctly chosen, the error remains bounded even in the face of the unmodeled plant dynamics. √ To see this, note that since in the model (A, H) is detectable and (A, G Q) is reachable, A(I − KH ) = (1 − K) is always stable (i.e., |1 − K| < 1 for all q, so the error in Equation 4.98 remains bounded. As q increased, (1−K) tends to zero (see Figure 4.6). In the extreme, if we select q so that (1 − K) 0, then the error is given in steady state by x ˜− 1 (k) = τ x2 (k) + vk
x ˜− 2 (k)
x2 (k)
which is bounded since, according to Figure 4.4, x2 (k) has a constant value of x2 (0). This bounded behavior of x ˜− k induced by the fictitious process noise can also be seen by examining the actual error correlation Sk . From Equations 4.16 through 4.18 and Equations 4.24 through 4.26 it is apparent that we still have (if P¯0 = I) 1 + k 2 τ 2 kτ Uk = (4.101) kτ 1 Now, however, 1 − Kk+1 Vk+1 = 0 and Sk+1
(k + 1)τ 2 + V1 (k) + V2 (k)τ (k + 1)τ
0 1
1 − Kk+1 0 S1 (k) + 2V2 (k)τ + τ 2 = 0 1 V2 (k) + τ 2 Kk+1 r 0 + 0 0
To make the point, if we choose q very state there results 0 Vk = kτ r Sk = 0
V2 (k) + τ 1
V2 (k) + τ 1
1 − Kk+1 0
0 1
large so that K 1, then in steady 0 1 0 1
(4.104) (4.105)
so that Sk is bounded.
Exponential Data Weighting
Another way to prevent divergence by keeping the filter from discounting measurements for large k is to use exponential data weighting. Additional
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R 2
0 k
FIGURE 4.7 Exponential data weighting. references for this material are Anderson (1973), Anderson and Moore (1979), and Gelb (1974). Let us set the model covariance matrices equal to Rk = Rα−2(k+1) Qk = Qα
for some α ≥ 1 and constant matrices Q and R. Since α ≥ 1, this means that as time k increases, the process and measurement noise covariances decrease, so that we are giving more credibility to the recent data by decreasing the noise covariance exponentially with k (see Figure 4.7). According to Table 2.3, the Kalman filter is now given as follows. The error covariance develops by T T −2k−2 − T −2k−2 −1 = A Pk− − Pk− H T HP − HP − Pk+1 k H + Rα k A + GQG α (4.108) or − α2(k+1) Pk+1 2
=α A
Pk− α2k
− Pk− α2k H T
2k T HP − kα H
R + 2 α
2k HP − kα
By defining the weighted covariance Pkα Pk− α2k
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this becomes α Pk+1
=α A
Pkα H T
T HP α kH
R + 2 α
HP α k
The initial condition is P0α = P0 . The Kalman gain is T −2k−2 −1 Kk = Pk− H T HP − k H + Rα which can be written in terms of Pkα as Kk =
Pkα H T
T HP α kH
R + 2 α
−1 (4.111)
Finally, the estimate update equation is x ˆ− x− ˆ− k+1 = Aˆ k + Bu k + AK k (zk − H x k)
x ˆ− x− k+1 = A(I − Kk H)ˆ k + Bu k + AK k zk
This filter has time-varying noise covariance Qk and Rk , however, since they are exponentially varying we see from Equations 4.110 and 4.111 that we can compute Pkα and Kk by considering the equivalent time-invariant model xk+1 = αAx k + Bu k + Gw k zk = Hx k + vk
(4.114a) (4.114b)
wk ∼ (0, Q), vk ∼ (0, R/α2 ). The error covariance update equation for this model that is given in Table 2.3 is identical to Equation 4.110. While Pkα is the error covariance for the time-invariant model (Equation 4.114), it is not the error covariance for the original model (Equation 4.1) with time-varying covariances (Equations 4.106 and 4.107). By using the sensitivity relations Equations 4.16 through 4.18 and Equations 4.24 through 4.26 it can be shown (Anderson 1973) that Pkα provides an upper bound for the actual error covariance. The error covariance Pk− with no data weighting reaches a bounded steadystate value if (A, H) is detectable. The covariance Pkα reaches such a value if (αA, H) is detectable. But detectability of (A, H) is equivalent to detectability of (αA, H), so that if the plant (Equation 4.1) is detectable then Pkα is bounded. To investigate the stability√of the filter (Equations 4.110, 4.111, and 4.113), note the following. If (αA, G Q) is stabilizable, then the filter designed from Table 2.3 for the equivalent model (4.1-51) is asymptotically stable for large k. Although the covariance for this filter is given by Equation 4.110 and the
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Kalman gain by Equation 4.111, the estimate update is not given by Equation 4.113. It is given, from Table 2.3, by x− x ˆ− k+1 = αA(I − Kk H)ˆ k + Bu k + αAKk zk
The stabilizability property for Equation 4.114 guarantees that for large k the poles of αA(I − Kk H) are inside |z| = 1. This means that the poles of A(I − Kk H) are inside 1 (4.116) |z| = < 1 α so that in the limit, Equation 4.113 has at least exponential stability with terms decaying like α−k√. Reachability of (A, G Q) [i.e., of the model 4.1] is equivalent to reachability √ model 4.114). Thus, by using exponential of (αA, G Q) (i.e., of the equivalent √ data weighting, reachability of (A, G Q) guarantees a stability margin of α−1 for the filter Equation 4.113. We can show that exponential data weighting is equivalent to fictitious process noise injection. To wit, write Equation 4.110 as −1 R α T α α α α T (4.117) HP k AT + Qk Pk+1 = A Pk − Pk H HP k H + 2 α where Qk
= GQG + (α − 1)A
Pkα H T
T HP α kH
R + 2 α
HP α k
AT (4.118)
Evidently, Qk corresponds to a process noise whose covariance is increased over the original Q. If α = 1, then the actual error covariance is increased since the filter is suboptimal. Compare with the discussion of (Equation 4.98) in Example 4.3. This means that Pk1 (i.e., Pkα for α = 1) provides a lower bound for the actual error covariance, while Pkα (for the α actually used) provides an upper bound. The next example shows that if α > 1, then Pkα reaches a nonzero steadystate value. Thus, exponential data weighting can be used to prevent divergence. It works by preventing the discounting of data for large k as much as fictitious process noise injection prevented divergence in Example 4.3. Example 4.4 Weighting
Steady-State Kalman Gain with Exponential Data
Let us again consider the scalar system of Example 4.1, xk+1 = xk
zk = xk + vk
x0 , p0 ). In Examples 4.1 and 4.2, we showed that the vk ∼ (0, r), x0 ∼ (¯ predicted error covariance pk went to zero with k, which resulted in divergence
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problems. We showed in Example 4.3 how to prevent divergence by keeping pk from going to zero with fictitious process noise. In this example, we show how to prevent pk from going to zero with exponential data weighting. If we use the Kalman filter with exponential data weighting, then Equation 4.110 becomes 2 (pα α 2 α k) pk+1 = α pk − α pk + r/α2 α pk r/α2 = α2 (4.121) 2 pα k + r/α This can be written (cf. Equation 2.64) as 1 α2 α2 = α+ α pk+1 pk r
We can more easily solve this for the information matrix −1 lk (pα k)
Equation 4.122 can be written as the linear difference equation in lk , lk+1 = α−2 lk +
1 r
The solution to this (for α > 1) is lk = α
l0 +
1 r
or, k−1 α−2(k−1) 2i l0 + α lk = α r i=0 α−2(k−1) 1 − α2k −2k =α l0 + r 1 − α2 −2k
so lk = α−2k l0 + In terms of pα k, pα k
α−2k p−1 0
1 r
1 + r
1 − α−2k 1 − α−2
1 − α−2k 1 − α−2
−1 (4.126)
or pα k =
1 + (p0
p0 α2k − α−2k )/(1 − α−2 )]
/r)α2k [(1
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11 10 9 8 7 pk
6 5 4 3
2 1 0
10 k
FIGURE 4.8 Covariance matrix with exponential data weighting. This can be profitably compared to Equation 4.32 in Example 4.1. Figure 4.8 shows pα k for p0 = 10, r = 10, and α = 1.1. The steady-state value of pα k is easily seen by Equation 4.126 to be 1 α (4.128) p =r 1− 2 α so that the steady-state Kalman gain is pα = K= α p + r/α2
1 1− 2 α
This is nonzero if α > 1, which shows that if exponential data weighting is used, data are not discounted as k becomes large. EXERCISE 4.4 Expression for Covariance with Exponential Data Weighting a. Suppose that in Equation 4.1, A = I, G = 0, and H is time-varying so that zk = Hk xk + vk . Then show that the solution to Equation 4.110 can be written explicitly as (Pkα )−1 = α−2k (P0 )−1 +
T Hi+1 R−1 Hi+1 α−2(k−i−1)
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b. Suppose that Hk does decrease with k and that α = 1 corresponding to no exponential data weighting. Show that in this case Pkα approaches a limiting value of zero for all P0 as k increases. c. Suppose that Hk = H = 0 is constant and α > 1. Then show that Pkα approaches a bounded but nonzero positive semidefinite limit, which is independent of P0 .
Reduced-Order Filters and Decoupling
The dominant factor in determining the computational complexity of the Kalman filter is the dimension n of the model state vector. The number of computations per iteration is on the order of n3 . Any reduction in the number of states will therefore pay off directly in terms of increased computation time. In this section we discuss methods of reducing the dimension of the state vector in the Kalman filter.
Decoupling and Parallel Processing
If the model is a block diagonal of the form A1 0 x1 w x˙ 1 = + 1 x˙ 2 w2 0 A2 x2 z1 H1 0 x1 v = + 1 z2 v2 0 H2 x2
(4.131a) (4.131b)
w1 ∼ (0, Q1 ), w2 ∼ (0, Q2 ), v1 ∼ (0, R1 ), v2 ∼ (0, R2 ), P (0) = diag[P1 (0), P2 (0)], where x1 ∈ Rn1 and x2 ∈ Rn2 , then the filtering problem decouples into two separate and unrelated problems. A Kalman filter can be designed for each subsystem (Ai , Gi , Hi , Qi , Ri ). Each filter has the form x ˆ˙ i = Ai x ˆi + Ki (zi − Hi x ˆi )
and they can be implemented in a parallel fashion on separate microprocessors. We have seen an example of this parallel filter implementation in the α–β radar tracker of Example 2.9. In that case, the range and azimuth filters are independent. The effect of this decoupling into independent filters is to reduce the number of operations from the order of (n1 +n2 )3 to the order of (n31 +n32 ). If n = 8, for example, and if we have two 4 × 4 subsystems, then the number of operations is reduced from about 512 to about 128. If model matrices A, H, Q, and R are block diagonals, then using decoupled filters, each of which is optimal for its subsystem, results in an optimal overall filter. (See the problems.) If A is not block diagonal it may still be desirable
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in some instances to implement suboptimal decoupled filters by ignoring the off-diagonal terms. Example 4.5
Suboptimal Filters for Weakly Coupled Systems
Let the second-order plant be a1 ε x1 w x˙ 1 = + 1 0 a2 x2 x˙ 2 w2 z1 1 0 x1 v = + 1 0 1 x2 z2 v2
(4.133) (4.134)
with wi (t) ∼ (0, qi ), vi (t) ∼ (0, ri ), and xi (0) ∼ (xi (0), 0) uncorrelated (Gelb 1974). a. Optimal filter To find the optimal second-order filter, we must solve the second-order Riccati equation. If we let p1 p12 P = (4.135) p12 p2 then the Riccati equation can be written as the three scalar equations. p21 p2 − 12 + 2a1 p1 + 2εp12 + q1 r1 r2 p1 p12 p12 p2 =− − (a1 + a2 )p12 + εp2 r1 r2
p˙1 = − p˙12
p˙2 = −
p212 p2 − 2 + 2a2 p2 + q2 r1 r2
p12 /r2 p2 /r2
(4.136b) (4.136c)
The Kalman gain is then PH T R−1 or p1 /r1 p12 /r2 K= p12 /r1 p2 /r2 and the (second-order) optimal filter is a1 ε x ˆ1 p /r x ˆ˙ 1 = + 1 1 0 a2 x ˆ2 p12 /r1 x ˆ˙ 2
(4.137) z1 − x ˆ1 z2 − x ˆ2
b. Optimal filter for ε = 0 If ε = 0, then Equation 4.133 decouples into two separate systems. Writing a Riccati equation for each of these first-order systems we get p21 + 2a1 p1 + q1 r1 p2 p˙2 = − 2 + 2a2 p2 + q2 r2 p˙1 = −
(4.139a) (4.139b)
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The Kalman gains are p1 r1 p2 K2 = r2 K1 =
(4.140a) (4.140b)
and the optimal filter in case ε = 0 is composed of the two separate filters p1 ˆ1 + (z1 − x ˆ1 ) x ˆ˙ 1 = a1 x r1 p2 x ˆ˙ 2 = a2 x ˆ2 + (z2 − x ˆ2 ) r2
(4.141a) (4.141b)
Note that, since p12 (0) = 0, if ε → 0, then the filter Equations (Equation 4.136) and the filter (Equation 4.138) tend to Equations 4.139 and 4.141. c. Suboptimal filter for ε = 0 The filter in part a is optimal for any ε. If ε = 0, the filter in part b is optimal. If ε is small but nonzero, it is worth asking whether a state estimate based on the simplified filter 4.139 and 4.141 would be accurate enough for our purposes. To answer this question, the optimal error covariances (Equation 4.136) must first be computed. MATLAB code is shown in Figure 4.9 to implement Equation 4.136. The outputs are shown in Figure 4.10 for several values of ε. The steady-state variances are indicated. % Example 4.5 % Optimal error covariance using Runge-Kutta integrator function f4p2d1() global eps; eps_set=[0 0.3 0.7 1.0 1.5 2.0]; % Different values for epsilon for j=1:6 eps=eps_set(j); [t p] = ode45(@errcov422,[0 3],[0 0 0]); % Runge-Kutta Integrator subplot(3,2,j); plot(t,p(:,1),'k-',t,p(:,2),'k--',t,p(:,3),'k-.');% Plot p axis([0 3 -0.1 0.5]); grid on; xlabel('t (secs)') title(strcat('\epsilon = ',num2str(eps))); end return % Differential Equations function dp=errcov422(t,p) global eps dp = zeros(3,1); a1=-2; a2=-1; q1=1; q2=1; r1=1; r2=1; p1=p(1); p12=p(2); p2=p(3); dp(1)=-p1^2/r1-p12^2/r2+2*a1*p1+2*eps*p12+q1; dp(2)=-p1*p12/r1-p12*p2/r2+(a1+a2)*p12+eps*p2; dp(3)=-p12^2/r1-p2^2/r2+2*a2*p2+q2; return
FIGURE 4.9 Subroutine for Runge–Kutta to find optimal error covariance.
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=0.3 p2
0.4 0.3
0.4 0.3
0.1 p12
0 −0.1
1.5 t (s)
0 2
1.5 t (s)
0.3 p1
p12 0
0 0
1.5 t (s)
1.5 t (s)
0.2 p12
p1 p12
0.1 0
0 −0.1
1.5 t(s)
1.5 t (s)
FIGURE 4.10 Optimal error variances. Now suppose that we use the decoupled filter 4.139 and 4.141 to estimate the plant state in Equation 4.133. This is suboptimal when ε = 0. For the sake of discussion, let ε = 0.7 so that the curves in Figure 4.10 represent the optimal error variances, which are obtained by using the filter 4.136 and 4.138. The curves for ε = 0 in the figure are the predicted error variances using the suboptimal filter 4.139 and 4.141. It is clear that we do not yet have enough
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information to judge the performance of our suboptimal filter on the plant (Equation 4.133) when ε = 0.7. If x ˆ = [ˆ x1 x ˆ2 ]T is the estimate provided by the suboptimal filter 4.139 and 4.141 and x (t) is the state of the plant (1), then the actual error is x ˜(t) = x (t) − x ˆ(t)
The actual error correlation S(t) = E[˜ x(t)˜ xT (t)] must be examined to determine the adequacy of our suboptimal filter. Note that we must deal with three error covariances to do a complete performance analysis. According to Exercise 4.2, S(t) is found as follows. The model mismatch matrices are a a 0 ε ε 0 ∆A = 1 − 1 = (4.143) 0 0 0 a2 0 a2 and ∆H = I − I = 0 S(t) is found by using Equation 4.57. Let U1 U12 V1 V12 U= , V = , U12 U2 V21 V2
s1 s12
s12 s2
[Note that correlations U (t) and S(t) are symmetric while cross-correlation V (t) is not.] Then we obtain the scalar equations U˙ 1 = 2a1 U1 + 2εU12 + q1 U˙ 12 = (a1 + a2 )U12 + εU2 U˙ 2 = 2a2 U2 + q2 V˙ 1 = (2a1 − K1 )V12 + εU12 V˙ 12 = (a1 + a2 − K1 )V12 + εU2 V˙ 21 = (a1 + a2 − K2 )V21 + εV2 V˙ 2 = (2a2 − K2 )V2 + q2 r1 K12
s˙ 1 = 2(a1 − K1 )s1 + + 2εV12 + q1 s˙ 12 = (a1 + a2 − K1 − K2 )s12 + εV2 s˙ 2 = 2(a2 − K2 )s2 + r2 K22 + q2
(4.145a) (4.145b) (4.145c) (4.146a) (4.146b) (4.146c) (4.146d) (4.147a) (4.147b) (4.147c)
In these equations, K1 and K2 are the gains actually used to find x ˆ. In this case they are the suboptimal values in Equation 4.140. Note that if ε = 0 then Equation 4.147 reduces to Equation 4.136, which is equivalent to Equation 4.139, since p12 (0) = 0. These equations are rather tedious, but it is straightforward to integrate them by using a Runge–Kutta integrator, as shown in Figure 4.11. Note that
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Kalman Filter Design and Implementation
% Code to find the predicted and actual error covariances using % Runge-Kutta Integrator function f4p2d3() global eps; eps_set=[0.3 0.7 1.0 1.5];% Different values for epsilon for j=1:4 eps=eps_set(j); [t s] = ode45(@s422,[0 3],[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]);% Runge-Kutta Integrator subplot(2,2,j); plot(t,s(:,11),'k-',t,s(:,12),'k--',t,s(:,13),'k--',t,s(:,1),'k-.'); axis([0 3 -0.1 0.5]); grid on; xlabel('t (secs)') title(strcat('\epsilon = ',num2str(eps))); end return % Function for actual error covariance function ds=s422(t,s) ds = zeros(12,1); a1=-2; a2=-1; q1=1; q2=1; r1=1; r2=1; global eps % suboptimal (predicted) error covariance p1=s(1); p12=s(2); p2=s(3); ds(1)=-p1^2/r1-p12^2/r2+2*a1*p1+2*eps*p12+q1; ds(2)=-p1*p12/r1-p12*p2/r2+(a1+a2)*p12+eps*p2; ds(3)=-p12^2/r1-p2^2/r2+2*a2*p2+q2; % Suboptimal Gains K1=p1/r1; K2=p2/r2; % Plant state correlations u1=s(4); u12=s(5); u2=s(6); ds(4)=2*a1*u1+2*eps*u12+q1; ds(5)=(a1+a2)*u12+eps*u2; ds(6)=2*a2*u2+q2; % Actual error/plant state crosscorrelations v1=s(7); v12=s(8); v21=s(9); v2=s(10); ds(7)=(2*a1-K1)*v12+eps*u12; ds(8)=(a1+a2-K1)*v12+eps*u2; ds(9)=(a1+a2-K2)*v21+eps*v2; ds(10)=(2*a2-K2)*v2+q2; % Actual error correlations s1=s(11); s12=s(12); s2=s(13); ds(11)=2*(a1-K1)*s1+r1*K1^2+2*eps*v12+q1; ds(12)=(a1+a2-K1-K2)*s12+eps*v2; ds(13)=2*(a2-K2)*s2+r2*K2^2+q2; return
FIGURE 4.11 Subroutine to find actual error covariance.
we have been forced to include Equation 4.139 to find the suboptimal gains K1 and K2 . Figure 4.12 shows the predicted error variances P (t) from Equation 4.139 and the actual error variances S(t) from Equation 4.147 for several values of ε. The actual variances in this figure should be compared with the optimal variances in Figure 4.10 to decide for a given ε, if the suboptimal filter has a satisfactory performance. Note that Equations 4.137 and 4.147c with gains as in Equation 4.140 are identical. Thus the predicted and actual error variances for the second plant state are the same. They are independent of ε, and they are both greater than the optimal error variance (Equation 4.136c), which decreases with ε.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation =0.7
=0.3 p2=s2
p2=s2 0.4
0.4 0.3
s1 p1
0.2 0.1
0.2 0.1
0 −0.1
0 0
1.5 t (s)
−0.1 0
1.5 t (s)
=1 p2=s2
p2=s2 0.4
s1 0.3
p1 0.2
0.2 s12 0.1
1.5 t (s)
1.5 t (s)
FIGURE 4.12 Predicted [p(t)] and actual [s(t)] error variances.
The predicted error variance (Equation 4.139a) and actual error correlation (Equation 4.147a) for the first plant state are not the same. As ε increases, the actual correlation becomes significantly larger than the predicted variance. The actual variance is again larger than the optimal error variance given by Equation 4.136a, though our prediction says it should be smaller.
Reduced-Order Filters
We discuss here two topics: elimination of a portion of the state vector by substitution and ignoring of a portion of the state vector. Suppose first that the system is of the form
A1 xk+1 = ξk+1 A21 zk = H1
xk w + k ξk ηk xk H2 ξk 0 A2
(4.148a) (4.148b)
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Kalman Filter Design and Implementation
with wk ∼ (0, Q1 ), ηk ∼ (0, Q2 ) white and uncorrelated with each other, and with x0 ∼ (¯ x0 , P0 ). An estimate of xk ∈ Rn1 is desired, but the value of n2 ξk ∈ R is unimportant to us and an estimate for this portion of the state is not required. Suppose that H2 has full column rank so that a left inverse H2+ exists, H2+ H2 = I
(Note that H2+ = (H2T H2 )−1 H2T .) We can reduce this from an (n1 +n2 )-order problem to an n1 -order problem by substituting for ξk as follows (Simon and Stubberud 1969). Define the derived measurement (cf., Section 2.7) as = zk+1 − H2 A2 H2+ zk zk+1
Then we have = H1 (A1 xk + wk ) + H2 (A21 xk + A2 ξk + ηk ) − H2 A2 H2+ H1 xk − H2 A2 ξk zk+1
This becomes = H xk + vk zk+1
where the new measurement matrix is H = H1 A1 + H2 A21 − H2 A2 H2+ H1
and the new measurement noise is vk = H1 wk + H2 ηk
The new measurement noise is white noise with zero mean and a covariance of (4.154) R vk vkT = H1 Q1 H1T + H2 Q2 H2T Now the system model can be reduced to xk+1 = A1 xk + wk zk+1 = H xk + vk
(4.155a) (4.155b)
x0 , P0 ). The noises wk and vk are with wk ∼ (0, Q1 ), vk ∼ (0, R), and x0 ∼ (¯ correlated with cross-correlation vj wkT = (H1 wj + H2 ηj )wkT = H1 Qδjk
so that for optimality the modified Kalman gain of Section 2.7 should be used. A Kalman filter of order n1 designed using this reduced-order model will provide the optimal estimate x ˆk for the (n1 + n2 )-order plant (Equation 4.148).
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
EXERCISE 4.5 Kinematic Modeling for Continuous Systems As a variation on the above procedure, consider the plant x˙ = A1 x + A12 ξ + w ξ˙ = f (x, ξ, u, η)
(4.157a) (4.157b)
where w(t) ∼ (0, Q1 ), η(t) ∼ (0, Q2 ) are white noise processes uncorrelated with each other and with the initial states. The function f (·) is in general nonlinear and u(t) is a deterministic input. See Kort¨ um (1976). In the context of mechanical systems, Equation 4.157a is the set of linearized kinematic equations describing the behavior of the angles and angular velocities. Equation 4.157b represents the nonlinear dynamic equations of motion, the Euler equations. Suppose measurements are available of the form z1 = H1 x + v1 z2 = H2 ξ + v2
(4.158a) (4.158b)
where v1 (t) ∼ (0, R1 ) and v2 (t) ∼ (0, R2 ) are white noises uncorrelated with each other and with w(t), η(t), and the initial states. Assume that H2 has a left inverse H2+ . This corresponds to having good information about the dynamic state components ξ. We desire an estimate of x(t) but not of ξ(t). a. Eliminate ξ(t) to show that x˙ = A1 x + A12 H2+ z2 + (w − A12 H2+ v2 )
where A12 H2+ z2 (t) can be treated as a known deterministic input. b. Find the spectral density matrix of the new process noise w (t) = w(t) − A12 H2+ v2 (t)
c. A Kalman filter can now be applied to the reduced model 4.158a and 4.159. Write down the Riccati equation, the Kalman gain, and the filter equation. d. Why is this filter suboptimal? (Note: This procedure is called “kinematic modeling.” The dynamics (Equation 4.157b) can even be unknown.) Let us now examine the effects of simply ignoring some of the states of a system. To do this we shall use the results of Exercises 4.1 and 4.3. Let the actual plant be given by ¯ + Gw ¯ xk+1 = Ax k k ¯ zk = Hxk + vk
(4.161a) (4.161b)
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Kalman Filter Design and Implementation
¯ v ∼ (0, R) ¯ white and uncorrelated with each other and with with wk ∼ (0, Q), k ¯ x0 ∼ [E(x0 ), P0 ]. Let the plant state xk be an np vector. (The following results can easily be modified to incorporate a deterministic input.) To design a filter for this plant, suppose that we assume the model xk+1 = Ax k + Gw k zk = Hx k + vk
(4.162a) (4.162b)
with wk ∼ (0, Q), vk ∼ (0, R) white and uncorrelated with each other and with x0 ∼ [E(x0 ), P0 ]. Let the model state xk be an nm vector. The object here is to obtain filters or reduced order by assuming a model of order nm less than np , the order of the plant. Let us simplify things by supposing that to find a reduced-order model we just select certain components of the plant state xk to incorporate in Equation 4.162 discarding the remaining components. Then we have xk = Tx k
with the state transformation given without loss of generality by T = Inm 0
A right inverse of T is given by T
I = nm 0
In this case, the estimate x ˆk provided by a filter based on the model will be a (suboptimal) estimate for the portion of the plant state retained in the model. According to Exercise 4.1 the correlation matrix Sk of the actual error ˆk x ˜k = xk − T T x
is found as follows. Let Uk be the correlation of plant state vector xk and Vk the cross-correlation of x ˜k with xk . Define the model mismatch matrices as ∆A = A¯ − T T AT ¯ − HT ∆H = H
(4.167a) (4.167b)
Then, to find Sk perform the time update ¯ k A¯T + G ¯Q ¯G ¯T Uk+1 = AU − ¯Q ¯G ¯T Vk+1 = ∆AUk A¯T + T T ATV k A¯T + G − ¯Q ¯G ¯ T + ∆AUk ∆AT Sk+1 = T T ATS k T T AT T + G + T T ATV k ∆AT + ∆AV Tk T T AT T
(4.168a) (4.168b) (4.168c)
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
followed by the measurement update Uk = Uk (4.169a) − T T Vk = I − T Kk HT Vk − T Kk ∆HU k (4.169b) T Sk = I − T T Kk HT Sk− I − T T Kk HT ¯ + ∆HUk ∆H T K T T − I − T T Kk HT V − ∆H T K T T + T T Kk R k k k T − T T T + T Kk ∆H(Vk ) I − T Kk HT (4.169c) (Note that these equations are not as messy as they seem, since the multiplications by T and T T simply correspond to “padding” a matrix with zero blocks!) T − The dynamics of the a priori actual error (˜ x− ˆk ) are described k = xk − T x by the error system T T x ˜− ˜− k+1 = T A(I − Kk H)T x k + ∆A − T AKk ∆H xk ¯ − T T AKk v + Gw (4.170) k
The continuous counterparts to these equations are given in Exercise 4.3. To carry out a performance analysis of the effects of disregarding the bottom portion of the plant state vector, it is only necessary to proceed as follows: 1. Compute the optimal error covariance using the Riccati equation for the full plant (Equation 4.161). 2. Design a Kalman filter for the reduced model (Equation 4.162). 3. Use the filter gain Kk found in step 2 in Equations 4.168 and 4.169 to compute the actual error covariance Sk resulting when the reduced filter in step 2 is applied to the full plant. 4. If Sk is unacceptably greater than the optimal covariance from step 1, select a different set of plant states to retain in the model and return to step 2. Basically, we should retain in the model all the states we are directly interested in estimating and all states strongly coupled with them, and all unstable states. An illustration of an analysis for a reduced-order filter is given in Example 4.2. In practice we would not fine error covariances analytically, as we did in that example. Instead we would implement the equations for Sk or S(t) in a subroutine and make some plots for comparison with the optimal error covariance. A special case of reduced-order modeling occurs when the plant has the form x˙ A1 A12 x w = + (4.171a) 0 A2 ξ η ξ˙ ¯ + v z = Hx
with w (t) ∼ (0, Q1 ), η (t) ∼ (0, Q2 ), and v (t) ∼ (0, R) white and uncorrelated with each other and with the initial states. An estimate of x (t) is required, but we are not interested in ξ (t).
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Kalman Filter Design and Implementation
This system could arise, for example, when the subsystem of ξ (t) is a shaping filter for a portion of the process noise (Sections 2.7 and 3.6). See Huddle (1967), Huddle and Wismer (1968), and Darmon (1976). The optimal Kalman gain is of the form K1 (t) K(t) = (4.172) K2 (t) To design a reduced-order filter, assume the reduced-order model x˙ = A1 x + w z = Hx + v
(4.173a) (4.173b)
with w(t) ∼ (0, Q1 ), v(t) ∼ (0, R) white and uncorrelated. (In the case where ξ (t) is the state of a shaping filter, this corresponds to assuming the process noise is white when it is not.) Then x(t) is related to the plant state by the transformation 4.164. Discounting the lower portion of the plant state is equivalent to restricting the filter gain to the form K1 (t) K(t) = (4.174) 0 which results in a suboptimal but simplified filter. Such a design has been called a Kalman–Schmidt filter (Schmidt 1966). We could analyze the actual error by using the results of Exercise 4.3. It is quite enlightening, however, to use instead another approach which gives the same answers in a simplified form. Let the error covariance for the plant P¯ be partitioned conformably with x (t), ξ (t) as P1 P12 ¯ P = (4.175) T P12 P2 Applying a filter with gain of K(t) to the full plant (Equation 4.171), the error covariance satisfies the full Riccati equation ¯ P¯ + P¯ (A¯ − K H) ¯ T +Q ¯ + K RK ¯ T P¯˙ = (A¯ − K H)
Let us now restrict the gain K(t) to have the suboptimal form in Equation 4.174. Then by using the partitioning in Equations 4.171 and 4.175, and the fact that ¯ = H 0 H (4.177) we can write Equation 4.176 as T + P12 AT12 + K1 RK1T + Q1 P˙1 (A1 − K1 H)P1 + P1 (A1 − K1 H)T + A12 P12
(4.178a) P˙12 = (A1 − K1 H)P12 + A12 P2 + P˙2 = A2 P2 + P2 AT2 + Q2
P12 AT2
(4.178b) (4.178c)
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
The interpretation of these Kalman–Schmidt equations is as follows. P1 (t) is the actual error covariance for the estimate of x (t) using the suboptimal gain (Equation 4.174). P2 (t) is the actual error covariance for the estimate of ξ (t). Since no correction is applied to this estimate based on the measurements, it is the same as the covariance of ξ (t) itself (see Section 1.1). P12 (t) is the crosscovariance between the estimation error in x (t) and the state portion ξ (t). The predicted error covariance based on the model 4.173 only is given by P˙ = (A1 − K1 H)P + P (A1 − K1 H)T + Q1 + K1 RK T1
Define the degradation in performance incurred due to using the suboptimal gain as E = P1 − P
Then we have, by subtracting Equation 4.179 from Equation 4.178a T + P12 AT12 E˙ = (A1 − K1 H)E + E(A1 − K1 H)T + A12 P12
This is the error increase induced by the unmodeled states ξ (t). In some cases this may be small enough to warrant using the reduced-order filter implied by Equation 4.174. The gain K1 (t) is usually selected to be the optimal (Kalman) gain based on the reduced-order model, K1 = PH T R−1
EXERCISE 4.6 Alternative Derivation of Kalman–Schmidt Error Covariance Equations Equation 4.178 can also be derived using Exercise 4.3. a. Show that the model mismatch matrices are 0 A12 ∆A = , ∆H = 0 0 A2
b. Write down the equations of Exercise 4.3 in terms of the subblocks of the partitioned plant matrices, also partitioning the correlation matrices as S1 S12 U1 U12 V1 V12 , V = , S= T (4.184) U= T V21 V2 U12 U2 S12 S2 c. Show that, for the correct choice of initial conditions, S12 = V12 S2 = U2 = V2 so that the simplified equations (Equation 4.179) are recovered.
(4.185) (4.186)
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Kalman Filter Design and Implementation
Using Suboptimal Gains
The Kalman filter is time-varying even when the system is time-invariant because the gain K depends on time. In the discrete filter this means that Kk must either be precomputed and stored as a sequence, or that the Riccati equation must be solved for each k during the measurement run. In the continuous filter implemented on an analog computer, it means that continuously variable gains must be used. In the continuous filter implemented on a digital computer, it means that a time-dependent gain must be used in the filter routine that is called by the integration algorithm. In some application it is desirable to approximate the optimal Kalman gain by suboptimal gain that is easier to implement. One common choice is to use the steady-state gain K∞ ; for this gain the Kalman filter is just the Wiener filter. To examine the effects of using suboptimal gains, let us summarize some results from Sections 2.5 and 3.4. The discrete Kalman filter is given by x ˆ− x− k+1 = A(I − Kk H)ˆ k + Bu k + AKk zk
The error system is x ˜− x− k+1 = A(I − Kk H)˜ k + Gw k − AKk vk
and the associated error covariance is given by − Pk+1 = A(I − Kk H)Pk− (I − Kk H)T AT + AKk RK Tk AT + GQG T
If the gain is selected as the optimal Kalman value T −1 Kk = Pk H T (HP − k H + R)
then Equation 4.189 reduces to the Riccati equation in Table 2.3. With a little bit of thought, however, it is clear that Equation 4.189 is the error covariance of filter for any fixed gain sequence Kk . This is because, once Kk has been selected, Equation 4.188 is a stochastic system with a fixed plant matrix. The error covariance, therefore, propagates according to the Lyapunov (i.e., not Riccati Equation 4.189). This equation can, therefore, be used to analyze the effects of selecting a suboptimal Kk . If the steady-state Kalman gain K∞ is used for all k, we obtain the (timeinvariant) Wiener filter which is Equation 4.187 with Kk replaced by K∞ . The Wiener filter has an associated error covariance of Equation 4.189 with Kk replaced by K∞ . The continuous estimate for any gain K(t) is given by x ˆ˙ = [A − K(t)H]ˆ x + Bu + K(t)z
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
The error system is x ˜˙ = [A − K(t)H]˜ x + Gw − K(t)v with associated error covariance P˙ = (A − KH )P + P (A − KH )T + KRK T + GQG T
If the optimal gain K = PH T R−1
is used in Equation 4.191 then Equation 4.193 reduces to the Riccati equation in Table 3.1. It is important to realize, however, that Equation 4.193 describes the error covariance associated with any gain K(t) used in the filter (Equation 4.191). If K(t) is a given gain function, then Equation 4.193 is a Lyapunov equation, not a Riccati equation. If the steady-state Kalman gain K∞ is used, the result is the time-invariant Wiener filter (Equation 4.191), with K(t) replaced by K∞ . This filter has an associated error covariance of Equation 4.193 with K(t) replaced by K∞ . The next example shows how Equation 4.189 and 4.193 are used to analyze the effects of using simplified suboptimal filter gains. Example 4.6
Suboptimal Filter Gains for Continuous Wiener Process
Let the system model be x˙ = w z =x+v
(4.195) (4.196)
with w(t) ∼ (0, q) and v(t) ∼ (0, r) white and uncorrelated with x(0) ∼ (0, p0 ). A low-pass filter for estimating x(t) from the data z(t) is given by x ˆ˙ = K(z − x ˆ) = −K x ˆ + Kz (4.197) Let us discuss several ways to select the filter gain K(t). a. Kalman filter To find the optimal gain K(t) we must solve the Riccati equation p˙ = − According to Example 3.3 part d, p(t) = where
qr +
p2 +q r
√ ce t/τ
qr − (1/2)
√ 1 p0 + qr c= √ 2 p0 − qr
1 r τ= 2 q
(4.200) (4.201)
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Kalman Filter Design and Implementation
251 x (t )
z~(t )
− z (t )
p (t )
− (.)2
FIGURE 4.13 Optimal filter. Hence K = p/r or K(t) =
1 q 1 + t/τ r ce − (1/2)
This time-varying gain must be implemented to get the optimal filter. One way to do this is shown in Figure 4.13. b. Time-invariant filter To simplify the implementation, let us use the Wiener filter. The steady-state covariance and gain are √ qr
q = r
p∞ = K∞
(4.203) (4.204)
so the Wiener filter is
x ˆ˙ = −
q x ˆ+ r
q z r
An implementation is shown in Figure 4.14. To compare the performances of the Kalman and Wiener filters, we need to find the Wiener filter error covariance. This can be done by using Equation 4.193 with K = K∞ , which becomes 2 +q p˙ = −2K∞ p + rK∞
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Optimal and Robust Estimation x (t ) 1/s
~ z (t )
− z (t )
FIGURE 4.14 Suboptimal time-invariant filter. Optimal filter error covariance Suboptimal filter error covariance
FIGURE 4.15 Error covariances for Kalman and Wiener filters. or
q p + 2q r
p˙ = −2
The solution to Equation 4.207 is p(t) = e−t/τ p0 +
e−(t−λ)/τ 2q dλ
or p(t) =
√ qr + p0 − qr e−t/τ
The optimal and suboptimal error covariances 4.199 and 4.208 are sketched in Figure 4.15. Note that their steady-state values are identical. By comparing
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Kalman Filter Design and Implementation
the two error covariances, we can now decide if the simplified structure of the suboptimal filter justifies its degraded performance in our particular application. The curves in Figure 4.15 were obtained by writing MATLAB code to implement Equations 4.198 and 4.207.
Scalar Measurement Updating
If the measurement zk is a scalar, then the discrete Kalman filter measurement update is considerably simplified. In this case we have, from Table 2.2, Kk =
Pk− H T T HP − kH +R
Pk = (I − Kk H)Pk−
x ˆk = x ˆ− ˆ− k + Kk (zk − H x k)
T (HP − kH
+ R) is a scalar. where no matrix inversions are needed, since In general, zk ∈ Rp is not a scalar, but we can always perform the single p-vector measurement update with p sequential scalar updates by prewhitening the data. This results in a dramatic reduction in computing time if p is large. (In a vector update, the number of operations depends on p3 . In sequential scalar updates, it depends on p.) To do this, we proceed as in Section 1.4. The measurement equation is zk = Hx k + vk
vk ∼ (0, R). Factor R into its square roots U : R = UU T
To save operations, it is convenient to require that U be upper triangular, which we can always do. We can find U by the upper triangular Cholesky decomposition in Bierman (1977). Now invert the triangular matrix U . Then a decomposition of R−1 is R−1 = U −T U −1
As in Section 1.4 we now define new data, measurement matrix, and noise by zkw = U −1 zk H
Then Equation 4.210 becomes zkw = H w xk + vkw
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Since vkw ∼ (0, I), the components of zkw are statistically uncorrelated so that is a white data vector. The operation (4.213) corresponds to prefiltering the data by U −1 prior to using it in the Kalman filter. Suppose the data have been prewhitened. Then according to the results in Section 1.4, at each time R we can incorporate each of the p components of zk separately by a scalar update like Equation 4.209. To do this, in Equation 4.209 we replace R by 1, zk by the ith component of the whitened data zkw , and H by the ith row of H w . Then we cycle through Equation 4.209 for i = 1, . . . , p. This procedure is repeated at each time k. If the noise covariance is time-varying (Rk ), then we need to do the Cholesky decomposition Rk = Uk UkT at each time k to get Hkw = Uk−1 H at each time. In the time-invariant case we only need to factor R and find H w at the beginning of the estimation run. A stabilized (e.g., Equation 2.59) version of scalar measurement update (Equation 4.209) is given in Bierman (1977). The algorithm uses symmetry to minimize the number of operations. Scalar sequential processing of the data when R = I should be compared to our discussion in Section 4.2 on breaking the optimal filter into smaller “subfilters,” when the plant matrices A, Q, R, and P0 are block diagonals. zkw
Problems Section 4.1 1. Divergence in the Continuous Kalman Filter (a) Let the model be the random constant x˙ = 0 z =x+v
(4.217) (4.218)
with v ∼ (0, 1) white and uncorrelated with x(0) ∼ (0, 1). Show that the optimal estimate is given by x ˆ˙ =
1 (z − x ˆ) t+1
with predicted error variance p(t) =
1 t+1
(b) Show that the state transition matrix of (4.219) is φ(t, t0 ) =
1 t − t0 + 1
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Kalman Filter Design and Implementation
(Hint: Solve (d/dt)φ(t, 0) = [−1/(t + 1)] φ(t, 0), with φ(0, 0) = 1.) Hence find the estimate x ˆ(t) if the data are z(t) = tu −1 (t). (c) Now suppose that the actual plant is the Wiener process x˙ = w z =x+v
(4.222) (4.223)
with w ∼ (0, ε) and v ∼ (0, 1) white and uncorrelated with x(0) ∼ (0, 1). Show that if the filter (Equation 4.219) is used then the actual error variance is ε ε 1 + (t + 1) − (4.224) s(t) = t+1 3 3(t + 1)2 which is unbounded for any ε = 0 (Anderson 1973). 2. Inaccurate Modeling of Newton’s System as Constant Unknown. The model used to design a filter for an unknown x is x˙ = 0 z =x+v v(t) ∼ (0, r). In fact, the unknown has dynamic described by x˙ = εx2 x˙ 2 = 0 for a small ε. (a) Find Kalman gain and predicted error covariance. (b) Write down the actual error dynamics. (c) Use Exercise 4.3 to determine the actual error covariance. (d) Select another first-order model than can be used to design a filter in which divergence does not occur. For this model, repeat (a) through (c). 3. Exponential Data Weighting. Use exponential data weighting to correct the filter divergence experienced in (a) Example 4.2. (b) Problem 1. (c) Problem 2. 4. Filter with a Margin of Stability. Redo Example 2.12 if the steadystate filter must be guaranteed to have poles inside |z| = 0.98. 5. Filter with a Margin of Stability. Redo Problem 10 if the steadystate filter must be guaranteed to have poles to the left of s = −0.1.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Section 4.2 6. Decoupled Filter (a) Let the model be decoupled so that A = diag[A1 , A2 ], Q = diag[Q1 , Q2 ], R = diag[R1 , R2 ], and P (0) = diag[P1 (0), P2 (0)]. Show that P (t) is block diagonal for all t, and that the optimal filter decomposes into two independent subfilters. (b) Repeat (a) for the discrete-time filter. 7. Block Triangular Filter Structure. Suppose the system is block triangular of the form x˙ 1 A1 A12 x1 w = + 1 (4.225a) x˙ 2 0 A2 x2 w2 z1 H1 H12 x1 v = + 1 (4.225b) z2 0 H2 x2 v2 w1 (t) ∼ (0, Q1 ), w2 (t) ∼ (0, Q2 ), v1 (t) ∼ (0, R1 ), v2 (t) ∼ (0, R2 ), x1 (0) ∼ [x1 (0), P1 (0)], x2 (0) ∼ [x2 (0), P2 (0)]. Then subsystem 2 is not influenced by subsystem 1, but drives it. In this case we might try the simplified filter structure ˆ2 + K2 (z2 − H2 x ˆ2 ) x ˆ˙ 2 = A2 x ˆ1 + A12 x ˆ2 + K1 (z1 − H1 x ˆ1 − H12 x ˆ2 ) x ˆ˙ 1 = A1 x
(4.226a) (4.226b)
where Equation 4.226a does not depend on Equation 4.226b but only drives it. (a) Write the Riccati equation in terms of the submatrices. (b) Is the filter 4.226 ever optimal? 8. Effect of Mismodeling of Process Noise.
x˙ = εw z =x+v
(4.227) (4.228)
where x(0) ∼ (0, 1) and v(t) ∼ (0, 1) is white and uncorrelated with the nonwhite process noise which has spectral density of Φw (ω) =
1 ω2 + 1
(a) Find a shaping filter for w(t) and augment the state equation. (b) Design a filter for Equations 4.227 and 4.228 assuming incorrectly that w(t) is white (0, 1). Find error covariance and optimal gain. (c) Making the same erroneous assumption as in (b), find K∞ and use this suboptimal gain in a filter for x(t). Find suboptimal error variance. Assume ε = 0.1 if simplification is desired.
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Kalman Filter Design and Implementation
(d) Now we use this K∞ on the actual overall plant found in (a). Solve Equation 4.178 for the actual error variance p1 (t). (e) Write the optimal Kalman filter equations for the full plant in (a). Find optimal steady-state error covariance and compare to the steady-state value of p1 (t) from (d).
Section 4.3 9. Suboptimal Filtering.
In Problem 12:
(a) Find the steady-state Kalman gain K∞ if rk = r is constant. (b) Redo Problem 12 (a), determining for k = 0 through 5 the estimate and (suboptimal) error covariance if K∞ is used for the data processing instead of the optimal Kk . 10. Suboptimal Filtering.
Let x˙ = 0.1x + w z =x+v
with w(t) ∼ (0, 2), v(t) ∼ (0, 1) uncorrelated white noise processes and x(0) ∼ (0, 1). (a) Find optimal error covariance and Kalman gain. (b) Find steady-state Kalman gain K∞ . Now use a suboptimal filter x ˆ˙ = (A − KH )ˆ x + Kz
with K = K∞ . Find the resulting error covariance. (c) Now a constant feedback gain K is selected in Equation 4.227 to make the filter stable with a pole at s = − 1. Find this gain and compute the error covariance resulting when this suboptimal filter is used on the data. (d) Plot the three error covariances on the same graph.
11. Suboptimal Filtering. optimal filters are proposed.
For Newton’s system in Example 3.6, two sub-
(a) A filter is built using K∞ . Find the resulting suboptimal error covariance. (b) Use Ackermann’s formula to find a filter gain that places both the filter √ poles at s = − γ. Compute the error covariance of this suboptimal filter.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Section 4.4 12. Scalar Measurement Updating 1 0.5 0 xk + u + wk xk+1 = 0 1 1 k 1 1 zk = x + vk 1 −1 k where
1 −0.5 Q= , −0.5 1
2 R= 1
1 , 1
x0 (0) ∼ (0, I)
The input is uk = u−1 (k) and the data are z1 =
1 , −1
z2 =
2.5 , −1.5
z3 =
4.5 −1.5
(a) Determine x ˆk and Pk for k = 0, 1, 2, 3. (b) Repeat using prewhitening of the data and scalar measurement updating.
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5 Estimation for Nonlinear Systems
We have derived the optimal estimator for linear stochastic systems with Gaussian statistics. It is known as the Kalman filter, and is itself a linear system with a gain matrix that depends on the solution to a matrix quadratic equation. The optimal estimation problem for nonlinear systems is in general very complicated, and only in a few special cases do algorithms exist that are easy to implement or understand. In this chapter, we find time and measurement updates for the entire hyperstate (i.e., the conditional probability density function of the unknown given the data). We then use these to find update equations for the estimate and error covariance that are in general not computationally realizable. It is demonstrated that these reduce to the Kalman filter in the linear Gaussian case. To obtain a computationally viable algorithm for general nonlinear systems, we make some approximations that result in the extended Kalman filter (EKF).
Update of the Hyperstate
In this section, general equations for time and measurement updates of the hyperstate fx/Z , are derived where x is the unknown and Z is all of the available data. Since most practical applications today use sampled time signals, we deal with the case of discrete measurements. First discrete systems, and then continuous systems are considered.
Discrete Systems
Consider a general dynamical discrete-time system with state xk . The system is assumed to be Markov, so that the conditional PDF of xk+1 given the entire previous history of the system is simply fxk+1 /xk, the conditional PDF given the previous state. There are prescribed measurements zk of the unknown state xk . The measurement process has no memory and zk depends only on xk , so that the measurement is completely described probabilistically by the conditional PDF fzk /xk. This situation is shown in Figure 5.1, where fxk /xk−1 and fzk /xk are assumed known. 259
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Optimal and Robust Estimation Unknown xk
Measurement zk
System with memory
fzk/xk Memoryless measurement process
FIGURE 5.1 Characterization of general nonlinear stochastic system using conditional PDFs. As an illustration of such a characterization of systems using PDFs, consider the special case of linear Gaussian measurements zk ∈ Rp, zk = Hx k + vk
where vk ∼ N (0, R), or 1
fvk (vk ) =
(2π)p |R|
e−(1/2)vk R
This situations can be alternatively represented by specifying the conditional PDF 1
fzk xk (zk /xk ) = fvk (zk − Hx k ) =
(2π)p |R|
e−(1/2)(zk −Hx k )
R−1 (zk −Hx k )
(5.3) The characterizations 5.1–5.3 are equivalent. The optimal mean-square estimate of xk is the conditional mean given all previous data (Section 1.1). Let us represent the data through time k by Zk = {z1 , z2 , . . . , zk }
It is desired to find a recursive optimal estimation procedure by finding an expression for the optimal estimate xk+1 /Zk+1 in terms of xk /Zk, where overbar denotes expected value. To determine an error bound we would also like an expression for the error covariance Pxk+1 /Zk+1 in terms of Pxk /Zk. Both of these expressions can in principle be determined from a recursive expression for the conditional PDF fxk+1 /Zk+1 in terms of fxk /Zk . The quantity fxk /Zk is the hyperstate of the system. We can use the PDF chain rule and its integral the Chapman–Kolmogorov equation (Papoulis 1965) to find quite easily a recursion for the hyperstate. (See Sorenson 1970a and Bryson and Ho 1975.) According to the chain rule we have fxk+1 ,zk+1 /Zk = fxk+1 /zk+1 ,Zk fzk+1 /Zk = fzk+1 /xk+1 ,Zk fxk+1 /Zk
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Estimation for Nonlinear Systems
Rearranging and taking into account the memoryless nature of the measurement process, there results the difference equation fxk+1 /Zk+1 =
fzk+1 /xk+1 fxk+1 /Zk fzk+1 /Zk
This represents the measurement update of the hyperstate. To find the time update from fxk /Zk to fxk+1 /Zk , use the Chapman– Kolmogorov equation to write fxk+1 /Zk = fxk+1 /xk ,Zk fxk /Zk dxk By the Markov system assumption, we obtain the time update fxk+1 /Zk = fxk+1 /xk fxk /Zk dxk
which is a prediction of fxk+1 /Zk in terms of fxk /Zk . Combining the time and measurement updates yields the desired recursion for the hyperstate fzk+1 /xk+1 fxk+1 /xk fxk /Zk dxk (5.8) fxk+1 /Zk+1 = fzk+1 /Zk According to the Chapman–Kolmogorov equation, the normalizing constant can be expressed as fzk+1 /Zk = fzk+1 /xk+1 ,xk ,Zk fxk+1 /xk ,Zk fxk /Zk dxk dxk+1 Taking into account both the memorylessness of the measurements and the Markov property results in fzk+1 /Zk = fzk+1 /xk+1 fxk+1 /xk fxk /Zk dxk dxk+1 (5.9) The hyperstate recursion then becomes fzk+1 /xk+1 fxk+1 /xk fxk /Zk dxk fxk+1 /Zk+1 = fzk+1 /xk+1 fxk+1 /xk fxk /Zk dxk dxk+1
The next example shows the power of this recursion by demonstrating that it yields the Kalman filter as a special case! Example 5.1 Recursion
Derivation of Discrete Kalman Filter from Hyperstate
Let the system be given by xk+1 = Ax k + Gw k
zk = Hx k + vk
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
with wk ∼ N (0, Q) and vk ∼ N (0, R) white and uncorrelated with each other and with x0 ∼ N (¯ x0 , P0 ). Suppose xk ∈ Rn , zk ∈ Rp . a. Time update xk , Pk ), or Assume that xk /Zk ∼ N (ˆ −1 T 1 fxk /Zk = e−(1/2)(xk −ˆxk ) Pk (xk −ˆxk ) n (2π) |Pk |
We could use fxk+1 /xk = fwk [G−1 (xk+1 −Ax k )] and perform the integration in Equation 5.7. (If G is singular we must use characteristic functions. See Sorenson 1970a,b.) However, since xk+1 is a sum of Gaussian random vectors (RVs) (see the problems at the end of this chapter), we know that xk+1 /Zk ∼ N (Aˆ xk , APk AT + GQG T )
or fxk+1 /Zk =
− T
− (2π)n |Pk+1 |
e−(1/2)(xk+1 −ˆxk )
− (Pk+1 )−1 (xk+1 −ˆ x− k+1 )
where the predicted estimate and error covariance are x ˆ− xk k+1 = Aˆ
− Pk+1 = APk AT + GQG T
− − xk+1 /Zk ∼ N x ˆk+1 , Pk+1
b. Measurement update We have a priori
and we must use Equation 5.6 to determine the PDF of the a posteriori RV xk+1 /Zk+1 . First, let us find the normalizing constant. We could evaluate the expression (Equation 5.9). However, since zk+1 is a sum of Gaussian RVs, we know that − − zk+1 /Zk ∼ N H x ˆk+1 , HPk+1 HT + R (5.19) We can also say (see Equation 5.3) zk+1 /xk+1 ∼ N (Hx k+1 , R)
Using Equations 5.18 through 5.20 in Equation 5.6 T (2π)p |HP − k+1 H + R| fxk+1 /Zk+1 = − (2π)p |R| (2π)n |Pk+1 | 1 × exp − [(zk+1 − Hx k+1 )T R−1 (zk+1 − Hx k+1 ) 2 − T −1 + (xk+1 − x ˆ− (xk+1 − x ˆ− k+1 ) (Pk+1 ) k+1 ) −1 − − T T − (zk+1 − H x HP ˆ− ) H + R (z − H x ˆ )] k+1 k+1 k+1 k+1
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Estimation for Nonlinear Systems
After completing the square in the exponent and some slightly tedious work, we realize that this can be written as 1
fxk+1 /Zk+1 =
(2π)n |Pk+1 |
e−(1/2)(xk+1 −ˆxk+1 )
−1 Pk+1 (xk+1 −ˆ xk+1 )
where the updated estimate and error covariance are T −1 ˆ− (zk+1 − H x ˆ− x ˆk+1 = x k+1 + Pk+1 H R k+1 ) −1 − − T − Pk+1 H T HP − HP − Pk+1 = Pk+1 k+1 H + R k+1
(5.23) (5.24)
(See Example 1.2.) Equations 5.16, 5.17, 5.23, and 5.24 are exactly the Kalman filter equations. A simple alternative derivation of Equations 5.23 and 5.24 is worth mentioning. Equation 5.6 can be written as fxk+1 /zk+1 =
fzk+1 /xk+1 fxk+1 fzk+1
where all PDFs are interpreted as being conditioned on the previous data Zk . This is Bayes’ rule. Now, consider the augmented RV
− − Pk+1 x ˆ− Pk+1 HT xk+1 k+1 (5.26) , ∼N − − zk+1 Hx ˆ− HPk+1 HPk+1 HT + R k+1 with means and covariances conditioned on Zk . We want to find an alternate to Equation 5.25 for determining the conditional mean and covariance of xk+1 given the new data zk+1 (and all previous data; this is implicit in Equation 5.18). But this is exactly the problem we solved in Example 1.3, which yields Equations 5.23 and 5.24 immediately.
Continuous Systems
Now let us discuss a nonlinear continuous-time system with discrete measurements. A full analysis requires the use of Itˆ o calculus. We shall avoid this by ignoring the mathematical niceties and taking some liberties with notation to make clear the essential ideas. For a rigorous treatment, see Jazwinski (1970). Let there be prescribed nonlinear time-varying system x˙ = a(x, t) + g(x, t)w
with discrete measurements at times tk given by zk = h[x(tk ), k] + vk
with w(t) ∼ (0, Q) and vk ∼ (0, R) uncorrelated white noises. Let x(t) ∈ Rn .
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
The hyperstate measurement update can easily be found by using the same techniques as in the discrete case. It is fx(tk )/Zk = with normalization constant
fzk /x(tk ) fx(tk )/Zk−1 fzk /Zk−1
fzk /Zk−1 =
fzk /x fx /Zk−1 dx
The time update is not so easy to discover, and it is here that the Itˆ o calculus is needed (Jazwinski 1970). We merely state the result that between measurements the hyperstate satisfies the Fokker–Planck (or Kolmogorov) diffusion equation n ∂fx(t)/Zk a 1 ∂ 2 fx(t)/Zk [gQg T ]ij ∂ fx(t)/Zk = −trace + ; ∂t ∂x 2 i,j=1 ∂xi ∂xj
tk ≤ t < tk+1 (5.31)
where [M ]ij is the (i, j)th element of a matrix M . This is very similar to the heat equation. The Fokker–Planck equation has only been solved in a few simple cases, one of which is the following. Example 5.2
Fokker–Planck Equation for Wiener Process
Let x(t) ˙ = w(t)
with w(t) ∼ N (0, 1) white. Suppose x(0) is initially zero with probability 1, that is, fx(t) (x, 0) = δ(x)
a. Mean and variance To find the mean and variance of x(t), we can use Example 3.1 to see that x ¯˙ (t) = 0,
x ¯(0) = 0
so x ¯(t) = 0
Furthermore, the Lyapunov equation is p(t) ˙ = 1,
p(0) = 0
so p(t) = t
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x (t )
Estimation for Nonlinear Systems
FIGURE 5.2 Sample function of a Wiener process. Thus, the variance of a Wiener process increases linearly with t, which expresses our increasing uncertainty regarding x(t). A sample function of the Wiener process {x(t)} is shown in Figure 5.2. b. Fokker–Planck equation In this simple case, the Fokker–Planck equation for the unconditional PDF fx(t) (x, t) is ∂fx(t) 1 ∂ 2 fx(t) (x, t) = ; t≥0 (5.38) ∂t 2 ∂x2 with fx(t) (x, 0) = δ(x). Since the white noise w(t) is normal, so is x(t). Thus, according to Equations 5.35 and 5.37 1 −x2 /2t (5.39) fx(t) (x, t) = √ e 2πt It is straightforward to verify that Equation 5.39 satisfies Equation 5.38. A sketch of fx(t) (x, t) for several values of t is shown in Figure 5.3.
General Update of Mean and Covariance
Here, we discuss the exact time and measurement updates for the mean and covariance of the nonlinear continuous system with discrete measurements (Equations 5.27 and 5.28). First, we derive a useful preliminary result. To simplify the appearance of our equations as far as possible, let us define the following shorthand notation for the a posteriori and a priori conditional
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
f x(t )(x, 1) =
f x(t )(x, 0) = (x)
1 − x2 2
2 1
0 (b)
f x(t )(x, 2) =
1 4
FIGURE 5.3 Propagation of PDF for a Wiener process. (a) t = 0. (b) t = 1. (c) t = 2. expected values: x ˆ(t) = ε[x(t)] E[x(t)/(zk ; tk ≤ t)]
x ˆ− (t) = ε− [x(t)] E[x(t)/(zk ; tk < t)]
Thus, x ˆ(tk ) incorporates the measurements zk , zk−1 , . . ., while x ˆ− (tk ) incorporates only zk−1 , zk−2 , . . . . (The only reason we introduce ε(·) is to avoid using very large carats over entire expressions!) Note that the carat has the same meaning here as it has in the past; it simply denotes the optimal estimate.
Time Update
Let φ[x(t)] be an arbitrary twice differentiable scalar function of x ∈ Rn . To determine a time update between measurements for φ[x(t)] due to Equation 5.27, we proceed as follows (Jazwinski 1970). By definition ˆ φ[x(t)] = φ(x)fx/Zk dx; tk ≤ t (5.41)
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Estimation for Nonlinear Systems
Therefore, ˆ dφ[x(t)] = dt
∂fx/Zk dx ∂t
Taking into account the Fokker–Planck equation, this becomes
ˆ dφ[x(t)] =− dt
n ∂fa 1 ∂ 2 f [gQg T ]ij trace φ(x) dx + φ(x) dx ∂x 2 ∂xi ∂xj i,j=1
where f fx(t)/Zk . Integrating by parts, assuming f is well behaved at infinity, and using some matrix identities, this yields (see the problems at the end of this chapter) ˆ dφ[x(t)] = dt
φTx af x/Zk dx +
1 2
trace(gQg T φxx )fx/Zk dx
By definition, this is ˆ 1 dφ[x(t)] = ε φTx a + trace ε(gQg T φxx ) dt 2
This is an important preliminary result which we can use to determine exact time updates for the mean and covariance for the nonlinear system (Equation 5.27). To wit, first let φ(xi ) = xi , the ith component of x ∈ Rn . Then, gradient φxi = 1 and Hessian φxi xi = 0. Therefore, dˆ xi = ε(ai ) = a ˆi dt
with ai (x, t) the ith component of a(x, t). Therefore, a time update between measurements for the conditional mean is provided by x ˆ˙ = a ˆ(x, t)
To find a time update for the conditional covariance ˆ)(x − x ˆ)T ] = ε(xx T ) − x ˆx ˆT P (t) Px(t)/Zk = ε[(x − x
random we first let φ(y) = xi xj , with y = [xi xj ]T , a temporary auxiliary vector. Then, gradient φy = [xj xi ]T and Hessian φyy = 01 10 . Therefore, by Equation 5.44 1 d ε(xi xj ) = ε(ai xj + xi aj ) + ([gQg T ]ij + [gQg T ]ji ) dt 2 = ε(ai xj + xi aj ) + ε([gQg T ]ij )
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
where we have used the symmetry of gQg T . (To show this, first find an expression for y.) ˙ Now, d d d (ˆ xi x ˆj + x ˆi ˆj ) = x ˆi x ˆj x dt dt dt so by Equation 5.45 d (ˆ xi x ˆj ) = x ˆi a ˆj + a ˆi x ˆj dt
By combining Equations 5.47 through 5.49 and employing some bookkeeping to keep track of indices, we finally achieve the desired error covariance time update ˆa ˆT ] + [ε(ax T ) − a ˆx ˆT ] + ε(gQg T ) P˙ = [ε(xa T ) − x
This componentwise derivation is tedious, but it is required because differentiating a matrix with respect to a vector yields a three-dimensional object (a third-order tensor). Equations 5.46 and 5.50 are the exact estimate and error covariance time updates between measurements for the nonlinear system (Equation 5.27). They are in general unsolvable, since they are not ordinary differential equations. To see this, note that Equation 5.46 is really dˆ x = a(x, t)fx(t)/Zk dx; tk ≤ t (5.51) dt which depends on all the conditional moments of x(t). Note the important point that, in general, a ˆ(x, t) = a(ˆ x, t) (5.52) In the linear case x˙ = a(x, t) + g(x, t)w = Ax + Gw
we do have a ˆ(x, t) = ε(Ax ) = Aˆ x = a(ˆ x, t), so the mean update is the familiar x ˆ˙ = Aˆ x
Furthermore, in the linear case, Equation 5.50 reduces to the familiar Lyapunov equation since P˙ = [ε(xx T AT ) − x ˆx ˆT AT ] + [ε(Axx T ) − Aˆ xx ˆT ] + GQG T = PAT + AP + GQG T
Measurement Update
It is quite easy to determine how an arbitrary matrix function Φ[x(t)] is updated at a measurement due to Equation 5.28. Multiplying the PDF update
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Estimation for Nonlinear Systems
(Equation 5.29) by Φ[x(t)] and integrating with respect to x(tk ), there results ε{Φ[x(tk )]} =
ε− {Φ[x(tk )]fzk /x(tk ) } ε− [fzk /x(tk ) ]
From this it follows immediately that the exact measurement updates for the estimate and error covariance are given by ε− [x(tk )fzk /x(tk ) ] ε− [fzk /x(tk ) ]
ε− [x(tk )xT (tk )fzk /x(tk ) ] −x ˆ(tk )ˆ xT (tk ) ε− [fzk /x(tk ) ]
x ˆ(tk ) = and P (tk ) =
Unfortunately, these expressions are of no use algorithmically. Furthermore, judging by Example 5.1 part b which was for the linear Gaussian case, any attempt to use them to derive more convenient measurement updates for x ˆ and P will quickly become embroiled in some lengthy manipulations. Consequently, we select an alternate approach. For further discussion of Equations 5.57 and 5.58, see Jazwinski (1970).
Linear Measurement Update
To find more convenient expressions for measurement updating of the estimate and error covariance in the nonlinear case, we shall restrict the estimate to be a linear function of the data (Gelb 1974). Define the a priori and a posteriori estimation errors as x ˜− ˆ− (tk ) k x(tk ) − x
ˆ(tk ) x ˜k x(tk ) − x
Then the a priori and a posteriori error covariance are T P − (tk ) E[˜ x− x− k (˜ k) ]
xk x ˜Tk ] P (tk ) E[˜
(5.61) (5.62)
For notational ease, define xk x(tk )
and suppress the k argument of h(·, ·). The nonlinear measurement is then written as zk = h(xk ) + vk with white noise vk ∼ (0, R) uncorrelated with x(t).
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
To make this problem tractable, let us now restrict the a posteriori estimate to be a linear function of the data, so that x ˆk = bk + Kk zk
for some deterministic bk and Kk which are yet to be found. Then the estimation error update is x ˜k = xk − bk − Kk [h(xk ) + vk ] = −bk − Kk h(xk ) − Kk vk + x ˜− ˆ− k +x k
It is desired that x ˆk be unbiased if x ˆ− k is, so by taking expected values ˆ − (xk ) + x 0 = −bk − Kk h ˆ− k
Solving for bk and substituting into Equation 5.65 yields the familiar form ˆ− x ˆk = x ˆ− k + Kk [zk − h (xk )]
Taking Equation 5.67 into account, Equation 5.66 becomes ˆ− x ˜k = x ˜− k − Kk [h(xk ) − h (xk )] − Kk vk
Using this, an expression for the error covariance P (tk ) in terms of the as yet undetermined Kk can now be written as ˆ − (xk )][h(xk ) − h ˆ − (xk )]T }K T P (tk ) = P − (tk ) + Kk E{[h(xk ) − h k ˆ − (xk )](˜ − Kk E{[h(xk ) − h x− )T } k
E{˜ x− k [h(xk )
ˆ − (xk )]T }K T + Kk RK T −h k k
The gain Kk is now selected to minimize P (tk ). Differentiating P (tk ) with respect to Kk and solving for Kk results in the “Kalman-like” gain T ˆ− Kk = E{(xk − x ˆ− k )[h(xk ) − h (xk )] } ˆ − (xk )][h(xk ) − h ˆ − (xk )]T } + R)−1 × (E{[h(xk ) − h
Substituting this into Equation 5.70 and simplifying yields T ˆ − (xk )](xk − x P (tk ) = P − (tk ) − Kk E{[h(xk ) − h ˆ− k )] }
The complete linear estimate update due to nonlinear measurements is given by Equations 5.68, 5.71, and 5.72. These equations are computationally intractable because they are not ordinary difference equations. They depend ˆ − [x(tk )]. In the next subsecon all conditional moments of x(t) to compute h tion, we make first-order approximations to derive a computationally viable algorithm known as the EKF . It can quickly be demonstrated that in the case of linear measurements zk = Hx k + vk
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Estimation for Nonlinear Systems
our equations reduce to the Kalman filter measurement update. In general ˆ − [x(tk )] = h[ˆ h x− (tk )], however, in the linear case ˆ − [x(tk )] = ε− (Hx k ) = H x ˆ− x− (tk )] h k = h[ˆ
Substituting this into Equations 5.68, 5.71, and 5.72 yields the measurement update in Table 2.2.
Extended Kalman Filter
Let us discuss continuous nonlinear systems of the form x˙ = a(x, t) + G(t)w
with measurements at discrete times tk given by zk = h[x(tk ), k] + vk
where w(t) ∼ (0, Q) and vk ∼ (0, R) are white noise processes uncorrelated with each other and with x(0) ∼ (˜ x0 , P0 ). For simplicity, we assume the process noise matrix G(t) is independent of x(t). The case g[x(t), t] is covered in the problems. Exact time and measurement updates for the hyperstate fx(t)/Zk , where Zk = {zk , zk−1 , . . . , } is all the data available through time tk , are given by Equations 5.31 and 5.29, respectively. Using these equations, we derived the exact time and measurement updates for the estimate (Equations 5.46 and 5.57) and error covariance (Equations 5.50 and 5.58). To make the measurement updates assume a more convenient form, we next restricted the estimate to a linear dependence on the data zk . This resulted in the measurement updates (Equation 5.68) for the estimate and (Equations 5.61 and 5.71) for the error covariance. All these update equations are in general intractable, since they depend on the entire hyperstate, or equivalently on all the moments of x(t). We demonstrated at several points that in the linear Gaussian case, the Kalman filter was recovered. What we would like to do now is to make some approximations to a(x, t) and h(x, k) to obtain a computationally viable algorithm for filtering in nonlinear systems. We shall see that the result is an “extended” version of the Kalman filter. See Gelb (1974).
Approximate Time Update
The exact time update for nonlinear a(x, t) is given by Equations 5.46 and 5.50. To find a time update that can be conveniently programmed on a computer,
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expand a(x, t) in a Taylor series about x ˆ(t), the current state estimate ∂a (x − x ˆ) + · · · (5.76) a(x, t) = a(ˆ x, t) + ∂x x=ˆ x
Taking conditional expectations yields a ˆ(x, t) = a(ˆ x, t) + O(2)
where O(2) denotes terms of order 2. A first-order approximation to a ˆ(x, t) is, therefore, a(ˆ x, t). Update 5.46 is thus replaced by x ˆ˙ = a(ˆ x, t) (5.78) To determine a first-order approximation to Equation 5.50, substitute for a(x, t) using the first two terms of Equation 5.76 and then take the indicated expected values. Representing the Jacobian as A(x, t)
∂a(x, t) ∂x
this results in P˙ = A(ˆ x, t)P + PAT (ˆ x, t) + GQG T
Equations 5.78 and 5.80 represent an approximate, computationally feasible time update for the estimate and error covariance. The estimate simply propagates according to the nonlinear dynamics, and the error covariance propagates like that of a linear system with plant matrix A(ˆ x, t). Note that Jacobian A(·, t) is evaluated for each t at the current estimate, which is provided by Equation 5.78, so that there is coupling between Equations 5.78 and 5.80. To eliminate this coupling, it is possible to introduce a further approximation and solve not Equation 5.80 but instead x(tk ), t] + G(t)QG T (t); tk ≤ t < tk+1 P˙ (t) = A[ˆ x(tk ), t]P (t) + P (t)AT [ˆ (5.81) In this equation, the Jacobian is evaluated once using the estimate x ˆ(tk ) after updating at tk to include zk . This is used as the plant matrix for the time propagation over the entire interval until the next measurement time tk+1 . We shall soon present an example demonstrating how to accomplish the time update (Equations 5.78 and 5.80) very easily on a digital computer using a Runge–Kutta integrator.
Approximate Measurement Update
The optimal linear measurement update for nonlinear measurement matrix h[x(tk ), k] was found to be given by Equations 5.68, 5.71, and 5.72. To find a measurement update that can be conveniently programmed, expand h(xk ) in a Taylor series about x ˆ− k , the a priori estimate at time tk : ∂h x− ) + (xk − x ˆ− (5.82) h(xk ) = h(ˆ k k ) + ··· ∂x x=ˆx− k
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Represent the Jacobian as ∂h(x, k) (5.83) ∂x To find a first-order approximate update, substitute for h(xk ) in Equations 5.68, 5.71, and 5.72 using the first two terms of Equation 5.82. The result is H(x, k) =
ˆ− x− x ˆk = x k + Kk [zk − h(ˆ k )] −
Kk = P (tk )H
− T (ˆ x− x− x− k )[H(ˆ k )P (tk )H (ˆ k)
− P (tk ) = [I − Kk H(ˆ x− k )]P (tk )
(5.84) −1
+ R]
(5.85) (5.86)
These equations represent an approximate, computationally feasible linear measurement update for the estimate and the error covariance. The residual is computed using the nonlinear measurement function h(·, k) evaluated at the a priori estimate x ˆ− k . The error covariance is found using the Jacobian − matrix H(ˆ xk ).
The Extended Kalman Filter
The approximate time and measurement updates we have derived are collected for reference in Table 5.1. They comprise what is known as the EKF for a continuous system with discrete measurements. If Q and R are time varying, it is only necessary to use their values Q(t) and Rk in the filter. A deterministic input u(t) is included in the equations for completeness. An important advantage of the continuous–discrete EKF is that the optimal estimate is available continuously at all times, including times between the measurement times tk . Note that if a(x, u, t) and h(x, k) are linear, then the EKF reverts to the continuous–discrete Kalman filter in Section 3.7. Given the continuous nature of dynamical systems and the requirement of microprocessors for discrete data, the continuous–discrete EKF is usually the most useful formulation for modern control purposes. The EKF approximation can also be applied to continuous systems with continuous measurements. For the sake of completeness, the continuous–continuous EKF is given in Table 5.2. A discrete–discrete Kalman filter could also be written down very easily. Since the time and measurement updates depend on Jacobians evaluated at the current estimate, the error covariance and Kalman gain Kk cannot be computed off-line for the EKF. They must be computed in real time as the data become available. In some cases, the nominal trajectory xN (t) of the state x(t) is known a priori. An example is a robot arm for welding a car door which always moves along the same path. In this case, the EKF equations can be used with x ˆ(t) replaced by xN (t). Since xN (t) is known beforehand, the error covariance and Kk can now be computed off-line before the measurements are taken. This procedure of linearizing about a known nominal trajectory results in what is called the linearized Kalman filter. If a controller is employed to keep the state
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Continuous–Discrete Extended Kalman Filter System model and measurement model x˙ = a(x, u, t) + G(t)w zk = h[x(tk ), k] + vk x(0) ∼ (¯ x0 , P0 ), w(t) ∼ (0, Q), vk ∼ (0, R) Assumptions {w(t)} and {vk } are white noise processes uncorrelated with x(0) and with each other. Initialization P (0) = P0 , x ˆ(0) = x ¯0 Time update Estimate Error covariance
x ˆ˙ = a(ˆ x, u, t) x, t) + GQG T P˙ = A(ˆ x, t)P + PAT (ˆ
Measurement update Kalman gain − T −1 Kk = P − (tk )H T (ˆ x− x− x− k )[H(ˆ k )P (tk )H (ˆ k ) + R]
Error covariance Estimate
− P (tk ) = [I − Kk H(ˆ x− k )P (tk )]
x ˆk = x ˆ− x− k + Kk [zk − h(ˆ k , k)]
Jacobians ∂a(x, u, t) ∂x ∂h(x, k) H(x) = ∂x
A(x, t) =
x(t) on the nominal trajectory xN (t), the linearized Kalman filter performs quite well. Higher-order approximations to the optimal nonlinear updates can also be derived by retaining higher-order terms in the Taylor series expansions. For details, see Jazwinski (1970) and Gelb (1974). It should be realized that the measurements times tk need not be equally spaced. The time update is performed over any interval during which no data are available. When data become available, a measurement update is performed. This means that the cases of intermittent or missing measurements, and pure prediction in the absence of data can easily be dealt with using the EKF. A block diagram of a software implementation of the continuous–discrete EKF is shown in Figure 3.14. The implementation of the continuous– continuous Kalman filter is even easier. The time update function is used to
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Continuous–Continuous Extended Kalman Filter System model and measurement model x˙ = a(x, u, t) + G(t)w z = h(x, t) + v x(0) ∼ (¯ x0 , P0 ), w(t) ∼ (0, Q), v(t) ∼ (0, R) Assumptions {w(t)} and {v(t)} are white noise processes uncorrelated with x(0) and with each other. Initialization P (0) = P0 , x ˆ(0) = x ¯0 Estimate update x ˆ˙ = a(ˆ x, u, t) + K[z − h(ˆ x)] Error covariance update x, t) + GQG T − PH T (ˆ x, t)R−1 H(ˆ x, t)P P˙ = A(ˆ x, t)P + PAT (ˆ Kalman gain K = PH T (ˆ x, t)R−1 Jacobians ∂a(x, u, t) ∂x ∂h(x, t) H(x, t) = ∂x A(x, t) =
integrate the estimate and error covariance dynamics simultaneously. The vector X in the subroutine argument will contain the components of both x ˆ(t) and P (t). The next examples illustrate how to write code to use the EKF. They also make the point that the filter implementation can be considerably simplified by doing some preliminary analysis! Example 5.3
FM Demodulation
a. System and measurement Let message signal s(t) be normal with zero mean and variance σ 2 . Suppose, it has a first-order Butterworth spectrum with a bandwidth of α (cf., Anderson and Moore 1979),
Φs (ω) =
2ασ 2 ω 2 + α2
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The FM modulated signal that is transmitted is √ y(t) = 2σ sin[ωc t + θ(t)]
where ωc is the carrier frequency and the phase is related to the message by t θ(t) = s(τ )dτ (5.89) 0
It is desired to use the EKF to estimate s(t) from samples of the received signal, which is z(t) = y(t) + v(t) with v(t) ∼ (0, r), a white noise added by the communication channel. Defining state x = [s θ]T , the processes 5.87 and 5.89 can be modeled as (see Figure 2.18).
−α 0 1 x˙ = x+ w Ax + Gw (5.90) 1 0 0 with white noise w(t) ∼ (0, 2ασ 2 ). The discrete nonlinear time-varying measurements are √ zk = 2σ sin(ωc Tk + Cx k ) + vk h(xk , k) + vk (5.91) with C [0
1] and T the sampling period.
b. Time update The time update is straightforward since the dynamics (Equation 5.90) are linear. Therefore, the error covariance propagates according to P˙ = AP + PAT + GQG T
Letting P
p1 p2
p2 p4
we can write Equation 5.92 as the set of linear scalar equations p˙1 = −2αp1 + 2ασ 2 p˙2 = −αp2 + p1 p˙4 = 2p2
(5.94a) (5.94b) (5.94c)
It is quite easy to solve these analytically; however, we shall deliberately refrain from doing so to make the point that an analytical solution is not required to implement the Kalman filter. The estimate propagates by x ˆ˙ = Aˆ x
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or sˆ˙ = −αˆ s ˙ θˆ = sˆ
(5.96a) (5.96b)
c. Measurement update The measurement is nonlinear, so the EKF update in Table 5.1 is required here. The measurement Jacobian is H(x) = Letting H(ˆ x− k ) [h1
∂h(x, k) √ = 2σC cos(ωc Tk + Cx ) ∂x
h2 ], we have h1 = 0 √ h2 = 2σ cos(ωc Tk + θˆk− )
(5.98a) (5.98b)
The updated Kalman gain is found as follows. Let − T x− δ H(ˆ x− k )P (tk )H (ˆ k)+
r T
Defining P − (tk )
p− 1 p− 2
p− 2 p− 4
After simplifying, we have r 2 2 − ˆ− δ = 2σ 2 p− 4 cos (ωc Tk + θk ) + r = h2 p4 + T
Hence, Kk
p h /δ k1 = 2− 2 k2 p4 h2 /δ
The update covariance is given by
1 −k1 h2 P − (tk ) P (tk ) = 0 1 − k2 h2
or − − p1 = p− 1 − k1 h2 p2 = p2 −
p2 = (1 − k2 h2 )p− 2 =
rp− 2
δT − rp 4 p4 = (1 − k2 h2 )p− 4 = δT
2 h22 (p− 2) δ
(5.104a) (5.104b) (5.104c)
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Finally, the estimate update is (omitting the time subscript k) √ sˆ = sˆ− + k1 [z − 2σ sin(ωc Tk + θˆ− )] √ θˆ = θˆ− + k2 [z − 2σ sin(ωc Tk + θˆ− )]
(5.105a) (5.105b)
d. Filter implementation The time update (Equations 5.94 and 5.96) is implemented between measurement with an integration routine such as MATLAB’s ODE45. The measurement update (Equations 5.98, 5.101, 5.102, 5.104, and 5.105) is performed whenever data become available. Note that it is not necessary for measurements to be taken at regular intervals. For irregular or intermittent measurements at times tk , it is only necessary to change the time dependence Tk in Equations 5.98b and 5.105 to tk . Note also that the EKF yields the optimal estimate at all times, even between the measurement times tk . The preliminary analysis we performed resulted in scalar updates, which are easier to program and faster to run than matrix updates. MATLAB implementations of the time update and measurement update are given in Figure 5.4. The vector X in that figure contains both the estimates and the error covariance entries. We have avoided using two sets of error covariances, one for P (tk ) and one for P − (tk ), by paying attention to the order of operations. Thus, in the program Equation 5.104a must be performed before Equation 5.104b since it needs the a priori value p− 2 , which is updated in Equation 5.104b. We would expect the error covariance to behave much like the error covariance in Example 3.9. Example 5.4
Satellite Orbit Estimation
a. Satellite equations of motion The equations of motion of a satellite in a planar orbit about a point mass are µ r¨ = rθ˙2 − 2 + wr r −2r˙ θ˙ 1 θ¨ = + wθ r r
(5.106) (5.107)
where r is the radial distance of the satellite from the mass and θ its angle from a reference point on the orbit (usually perigee, the closest point of the satellite’s orbit to the attracting mass M ). White process noises wr (t) ∼ (0, qr ) and wθ (t) ∼ (0, qθ ) represent disturbance accelerations. The gravitational constant of the point mass M is µ GM , with G the universal gravitation constant. See Maybeck (1979), Bryson and Ho (1975), and Jazwinski (1970).
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% Example 5.3 % FM Demodulation function f5p3d1() % px(1:3)=Error covariances, px(4:5)=State estimates % Sampling period T=0.1 sec, Measurement every 1 sec. px=[10 10 10 10 10]; i=0; wc=1; r=1; del=0.1; del_mu=1; global sig; sig=1; rnd=randn(1000,1); for t=0:del:10 % Time Update t1=t+del; [td px] = ode45(@diffeqns,[t t1],px); px=px(end,:); % Measurement Update if (mod(t1,del_mu)==0) i=i+1; h=[0 sqrt(2)*sig*cos(wc*t1+px(5))]; d=2*sig^2*px(3)*cos(wc*t1+px(5))+r/del; % Kalman Gain k=[px(2)*h(2)/d ; px(3)*h(2)/d]; % Error covariances px(1)=px(1)-k(1)*h(2)*px(2); px(2)=(1-k(2)*h(2))*px(2); px(3)=(1-k(2)*h(2))*px(3); % Available measurement zk z=sqrt(2)*sig*sin(wc*t1+px(5))+rnd(i); % State estimate after measurement update px(4)=px(4)+k(1)*(z-sqrt(2)*sig*sin(wc*t1+px(5))); px(5)=px(5)+k(2)*(z-sqrt(2)*sig*sin(wc*t1+px(5))); end % Plotting subplot(3,1,1); plot(t1,px(1),'k.'); hold on; ylabel('p_1'); grid on; subplot(3,1,2); plot(t1,px(2),'k.'); hold on; ylabel('p_2'); grid on; subplot(3,1,3); plot(t1,px(3),'k.'); hold on; ylabel('p_4'); grid on; xlabel('Time (Secs.)'); end return function dpx=diffeqns(t,px) global sig; a=1; % Differential equations for Error covariance dpx(1)=-2*a*px(1)+2*a*sig^2; dpx(2)=-a*px(2)+px(1); dpx(3)=2*px(2); % Differential equations for states dpx(4)=-a*px(4); dpx(5)=px(4); dpx=dpx'; return
FIGURE 5.4 Time update and measurement update subroutines for FM demodulation.
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5 Time (s)
10 5 p2
0 −5 200 100
0 −100
FIGURE 5.4 (Continued.)
b. Orbit estimation An elliptic orbit in a plane is completely specified if we know a, the semimajor axis e, the eccentricity tp , the time of perigee passage θp , the angle between perigee and a reference axis. Within a specified orbit, the satellite’s position is completely specified if we know θ(t). The variables a, e, θp , and θ(t) are the Keplerian orbital elements. The orbital elements of a satellite can be determined from its state x ˙ T . For example, [r r˙ θ θ] 2 r˙ 2 − r µ 2 r (rr) ˙ 2 e2 = 1 − + 2 aµ a2 =
(5.108) (5.109)
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Estimation for Nonlinear Systems Another useful parameter is the period T = 2π
a3 µ
The problem of orbit estimation is thus equivalent to the problem of determining the instantaneous state x(t) of the satellite, which we can do using the continuous–discrete EKF. c. Time update ˙ T propagates between measurements acThe estimate for x = [r r˙ θ θ] cording to the deterministic (noise-free) version of Equations 5.106 and 5.107. dˆ r = rˆ˙ dt µ drˆ˙ ˆ = rˆθ˙2 − 2 dt rˆ ˆ dθ ˆ = θ˙ dt ˆ ˆ −2θ˙rˆ˙ dθ˙ = dt rˆ
(5.111a) (5.111b) (5.111c) (5.111d)
To determine the error covariance time update we require the Jacobian 0 1 0 0 θ˙2 + 2µ/r3 0 0 2rθ˙ A(x, t) = (5.112) 0 0 0 1 2 ˙ ˙ −2θ/r 0 −2r/r ˙ 2r˙ θ/r In addition, the process noise matrix is 0 0 1 0 g(x, t) = 0 0 0 1/r
which is a function of the state, so we must use (see the problems at the end of this chapter) P˙ = A(ˆ x, t)P + PAT (ˆ x, t) + g(ˆ x, t)Qg T (ˆ x, t) n 1 ∂g ∂g T + Q pij (t) 2 i,j=1 ∂xi x=ˆx ∂xj x=ˆx
where x ∈ Rn and pij is the (i, j)th element of P . We could approximate by omitting the last term, but we shall include it for completeness since it
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presents no real complication. The only nonzero term in the double sum is 0 0 0 0 1 ∂g ∂g T 1 0 0 0 0 (5.115) Q p11 (t) = 0 2 ∂r x=ˆx ∂r x=ˆx 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 p11 qθ /ˆ r By substituting Equations 5.112 and 5.115 in Equations 5.114 and simplifying, 10 scalar differential equations are obtained for the n(n + 1)/2 distinct components of P . Defining auxiliary variables 2µ ˆ a1 θ˙2 + 3 rˆ ˆ˙ ˆ 2r˙ θ a2 2 rˆ ˆ −2θ˙ a3 rˆ ˆ rθ˙ a4 −2ˆ −2rˆ˙ a5 rˆ
(5.116a) (5.116b) (5.116c) (5.116d) (5.116e)
we have p˙11 = 2p12 p˙12 = a1 p11 + p22 + a4 p14 p˙13 = p14 + p23 p˙14 = a2 p11 + a3 p12 + a5 p14 + p24 p˙22 = 2a1 p12 + 2a4 p24 + qr p˙23 = a1 p13 + a4 p34 + p24 p˙24 = a2 p12 + a3 p22 + a5 p24 + a1 p14 + a4 p44
(5.117a) (5.117b) (5.117c) (5.117d) (5.117e) (5.117f) (5.117g)
p˙33 = 2p34
p˙34 = a2 p13 + a3 p23 + a5 p34 + p44
qθ p11 qθ = 2a2 p14 + 2a3 p24 + 2a5 p44 + 2 + rˆ 2ˆ r4
The time update equations 5.111, 5.116, and 5.117 can easily be programmed. It is hoped that we are making the point that, even for fairly complicated nonlinear systems, some preliminary analysis makes the EKF very straightforward to implement! d. Measurement update We have deliberately made no mention yet of measurements. The time update is dependent only on the satellite dynamics, and whatever measurements are used, the subroutine time update routine does not change.
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Several measurement schemes can be used, some of which combine measurements by both ground tracking stations and instruments on board the satellite. We shall discuss a simple scheme in which range r and range rate r˙ are measured by a station on the Earth’s surface. Thus, the data are
1 0 0 0 v1 (k) zk = (5.118) x + v2 (k) 0 1 0 0 k with v1 (k) ∼ (0, σr2 ) and v2 (k) ∼ (0, σr2˙ ). Suppose data are taken at times tk , so that xk x(tk ). Suppose also that r and r˙ are determined by independent means (e.g., radar ranges and doppler range rates) so that v1 (k) and v2 (k) are uncorrelated. The measurements are linear, so the EKF measurement update in Table 5.1 reduces to the regular discrete Kalman filter update. This means that the stabilized measurement update software in Bierman (1977), for example, can be used. Since
2 σr 0 (5.119) R= 0 σr2˙ is diagonal, scalar updates can be performed with no prewhitening of the data. Thus, at each time tk we would perform a two-step update to include separately the two independent measurements (5.120) z1 (k) = 1 0 0 0 xk + v1 (k) and
z2 (k) = 0
0 xk + v2 (k)
e. Discussion The sample times tk need not be uniform. We propagate through time by integrating the differential equations until data are available, at which point we call a measurement update routine to incorporate the data. If, at a given tk , only one of the measurements (Equations 5.120 and 5.121) is available, we can include it individually with a call only to the appropriate scalar measurement update routine. These examples clearly demonstrate the power and convenience of the EKF. It is a scheme that can be tailored to each application, and its modular structure can be exploited by using modular programming techniques that make it easy to modify the measurement scheme with a minimum of software redevelopment. It does not depend on a uniform data arrival rate.
Application to Adaptive Sampling
In this section, we present an in-depth discussion of the application of EKF to localization of mobile robotic platforms while concurrently sampling an unknown physical variable of interest.
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The use of robots in environmental monitoring applications requires distributed sensor systems optimized for effective estimation of relevant models. Here, we consider mobile sensing nodes (robots) characterized by sensing or measurement noise and localization uncertainty, and navigation in a region with a parameterized field model. We discuss a problem of great importance to the robotic deployment of such nodes, namely, adaptive sampling by repositioning to estimate a parametric distributed variable field models in the presence of localization uncertainty.
Mobile Robot Localization in Sampling
Recently, there has been renewed interest in using mobile robots as sensorcarrying platforms to perform hazardous tasks, such as searching for harmful biological and chemical agents, search and rescue in disaster areas, or environmental mapping and monitoring. (See, for instance, the work of Mataric et al. 2002, Kumar et al. 2003, and Popa et al. 2004). Developing robust deployment algorithms for mobile sensor units requires simultaneous consideration of several optimization problems that have traditionally addressed separately. One problem is related to the quality and usefulness of the collected sensor information (e.g., choosing optimal locations in space where environmental samples are taken to yield the maximum information), another is related to the robot team localization and navigation (e.g., how do we achieve accurate sampling location). The EKF has been used extensively as a localization tool for mobile robots, including the so-called simultaneous localization and mapping algorithms (SLAM) (see, for instance, Fenwick et al. 2002). In this context, the EKF has been used as a means to accomplish sensor fusion from different inertial sensors, global positioning units, and other sensor measurements. While multiple vehicle localization and sensor fusion are classic problems in robotics, the problem of distributed field variable estimation is typically relevant to charting and prediction in oceanography and meteorology. The typical inverse modeling approach involves finding a partial differential equation and corresponding boundary conditions to express the evolution of the field variables in the 4D position–time space, based on a set of observation samples. In this context, measurement uncertainty has also been addressed using EKF estimation (Bennet 2002).
The Combined Adaptive Sampling Problem
We now describe the problem of adaptive sampling, e.g., the problem of reconstructing a parameterized field model from observations taken using mobile robots. In this section, we assume that a parametric form of a measured field is known, as might be the case, e.g., with a bottom profile or systematic variations in temperature or salinity. As an example, consider navigation in a shallow region (lake or coastal region) where smooth changes in depth provide a linear field model measured as altitude by the vehicle. We will use the EKF to integrate the field estimation with localization to improve these estimates.
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FIGURE 5.5 Cooperative mapping, localization, and sampling of a field variable using multiple autonomous vehicles.
Given uncertainty models for the field measurements and the location where the samples are taken, determining optimal sampling points can be based on minimizing information measures. An example of such measures is the state covariance estimates of the Kalman filter. In the case of simple distributions, such as linear ones, we can also compute a closed-form solution of the information gain without the need of a Kalman filter. The sampling objective is to determine the unknown coefficients of the hyperplane that describes the field variable, given a known localization uncertainty described by the robot dynamic model. We are coordinating N autonomous vehicles (AVs) to sample a space–time field distribution, subject to a set of constraints (Figure 5.5). Localization uncertainties are relevant here since position estimates of robots are often inaccurate due to navigational errors, especially in GPS-denied environments. We can reduce localization uncertainty by building accurate models of distributed fields and vice versa. For instance, if a robot is sampling an unknown field, but its location is accurately known, a distributed parameter field model can be constructed by taking repeated field samples. Later on, this field model can be used to reduce the localization error. We pose the adaptive sampling (AS) problem both qualitatively and qualitatively as follows (see Popa et al. 2004 and Popa et al. 2006): Given a parametric field variable Z = Z(A, X) depending on an unknown parameter vector A and position vector X, and a robotic vehicle navigating the field with localization uncertainty, what
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Optimal and Robust Estimation sampling locations Xi,1≤i≤n should be chosen such that the uncertainty in estimating the unknown parameter vector is minimized?
Let Xi [k] denote the 3D position of the ith AV at sample number k. The ith vehicle motion is typically governed by kinematics that is nonlinear or nonholonomic, and describes the state evolution as Xi [k + 1] = Xi [k] + h(Xi [k], ui [k]) + Gw i [k]
where ui is the control input to the vehicle and wi the process noise. At each sample point, the ith vehicle measurement model is written as g(Xi [k], A[k], Yi [k] + νi [k]) = 0
where g is a nonlinear function of the vehicle position, Xi [k], measurements of a noisy field variable Yi [k], with a white noise component with zero mean, and covariance matrix Λi . The vector A is a set of known or unknown coefficients describing the field variable dependence with the sample location. If the set of coefficients is unknown but constant, the vector A will be added to the overall system state, and its evolution will be governed by A[k + 1] = A[k]. The simultaneous sampling and navigation estimation problem reduces to estimating the overall state vector X[k] = (X1 [k]; . . . XN [k], A), along with its covariance matrix P [k]. The adaptive sampling algorithm will then seek to sample at a new location such as to minimize the variance of the field parameter and the RV location estimates. In the next sections, we describe how we can represent uncertainty to guide the adaptive sampling process. A solution to determine the covariance of the overall state uncertainty is available using the EKF. The effectiveness of EKF algorithm is also compared to direct calculation of the coefficient variance through closed-form formulas.
Closed-Form Estimation for a Linear Field without Localization Uncertainty
For the AS problem with a single vehicle, let us first assume that the position of the robot is accurately known, and that we are estimating a field distribution that is also known to be linear in its parameters. For instance, the field can represent dissolved oxygen in a body of water that varies linearly with the location of the sample point in the (x, y) direction, and quadratically with the sample point depth (z). Or it can represent a general field distribution that has been approximated through a finite number of coefficients using a polynomial or a radial basis function expansion. The linear-in-parameters form allows us to compute a closed-form solution for the information measure used by the sampling algorithm. Since there is no uncertainty in the vehicle localization, the unknown field coefficient covariance can be calculated directly using a simple least-square estimation. After n measurements taken at location xi , the field model depends linearly on the coefficients aj via position-dependent
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functions, and we can directly estimate the unknown coefficients from the least-square solution: Z1 = ao + a1 g1 (x1 ) + · · · + am gm (x1 ) Z2 = ao + a1 g1 (x2 ) + · · · + am gm (x2 ) .. . Zn = ao + a1 g1 (xn ) + · · · + am gm (xn ), Aˆn = 1
x1 Z1 + .. + .. gi (xj ) i≤m,j≤n . = Mn . (5.124) xn
In Equation 5.124, gi (x) are nonlinear basis functions that depend on the sample location x, while the field variables Zi represents the field model at location xi . Because the pseudoinverse of the matrix Mn = (1 gi (xj ))i≤m,j≤n can be directly calculated from Mn+ = (MnT Mn )−1 MnT , we obtain a closedform solution for the covariance of the unknown parameters aj : −1 1 1 .. .. . . n n g (x ) (1 . . . g (x ) . . . g (x )) Z Aˆn = i j m j i j j gi (xj ) (5.125) j=1 . j=1 . .. .. gm (xj ) gm (xj ) The covariance matrix of Aˆn can now be related directly to the (constant) measurement uncertainty as var(Aˆn ) = var(zi )(MnT Mn )−1 , and the adaptive sampling algorithm will move the vehicle from location xn to xn+1 , such that the following p-norm is maximized over the search space Θ: " " " " 1 " " " " .. " " . " " T Mn " m(x) = " "Mn gi (x) 1 . . . gi (x) . . . gm (x) " , m(xn+1 ) ≥ m(x), (∀)x ∈ Θ " " . .. " " " " " " gm (x) p
(5.126) Example 5.5
Sampling of a 1D and 2D Linear Fields
This example is similar to the problem of estimating the slope and intercept of a line fit from Exercise 2.10. Specifically, we have m = 1 and gi (x) = x, for the 1D case and m = 2 and gi (x) = (x, y) for the 2D case. We consider two uncertainty norms, p = 2 and p = ∞. We simulate sets of Monte Carlo measurement runs for the sampling problem in both 1D and 2D. In each case, a nominal linear model was imposed,
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and measurement samples were generated using Gaussian random numbers with a set covariance of 10% of the nominal field value. The averaged results over 1000-field-sample instantiations were compared to one another using the 2-norm, the infinity norm, and the default raster scan (e.g., sequential scanning). To determine the next best sampling location, we use the closed-form parameter variance formulas. Figures 5.6 and 5.7, compare the results of simulation sets for the 1D and 2D cases, respectively. While the resulting sampling sequences are different for each sampling set, the value of the estimation residuals are similar in the adaptive sampling cases, and much smaller than the estimate residuals obtained in the default raster-scan sampling sequence. As clearly seen in Figure 5.8, the field prediction error (e.g., the difference between actual value and the estimated one in the unsampled points) decreases much faster if we sample adaptively.
Example 5.6
Sampling of a 2D Gaussian Field
For a 2D spatially distributed field variable, a common basis is the RBF distribution. If the Gaussian centers and variance are known, then the unknown RBF coefficients aj can be estimated using Equations 5.124–5.126. If, however, the centers and variances of the Gaussians are unknown, then the field to be estimated becomes nonlinear-in-parameters. For instance, for m = 2, an example of such a field is given by the measurement equation: −
z = a0 + a1 e
(x−x1 )2 +(y−y1 )2 2 2σ1
+ a2 e
(x−x2 )2 +(y−y2 )2 2 2σ2
and we are estimating a0 , a1 , a2 , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , σ1 , σ2 . Instead of the linear leastsquare solution (Equation 5.126), we can a use a numerical nonlinear-leastsquare solution, but it is difficult to obtain a closed-form measure of uncertainty for the whole parameter vector. First, on a 2D 100 × 100 sampling grid we assume that the centers and covariances of two Gaussians g1 (x, y), g2 (x, y) are known, and they are located at (30, 30), (65, 45), σ1 = σ2 = 10. The resulting sampling sequences generated are shown in Figures 5.9(a) through 5.9(d). The second sampling sequence is obtained for a Gaussian field assuming that the location of the centers are not known, but the variance is known. In this case, we use a numerical constrained optimization solver from MATLAB (fmincon) to solve the variance minimization problem defining the next sampling step. Assuming nominal values of a0 = 1, a1 = 4, a2 = −5.5, (x1 , y1 ) = (30, 30), (x2 , y2 ) = (35, 65), we first divide the Gaussian center’s search space into a N × N grid. We constrain our nonlinear optimization routine to searching inside all grid pairs where the centers are located (to avoid local minima). The optimal location of the grid center moves according to the graphs shown in Figure 5.10 if N = 2. The figure also shows the convergence of the three linear field coefficients to their actual values.
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6 4 2 0 −2 −4 −6 6 4 2 0 −2 −4 −6 6 4 2 0 −2 −4 −6
Sampling sequence using the closed-form variance formulas and 2-norm
10 9
0 2 4 6 8 10 Sampling sequence using the SVD and the infinty norm
2 4 6 8 Default sampling sequence 1,2...
Sampling sequence using the closed-form variance formulas and 2-norm 1 0.5 0
Sampling sequence using the SVD and the infinity norm 1 0.5 0
Deafault sampling sequence 1,2... 10 5 0
FIGURE 5.6 1D problem: different sampling paths using information measures and default raster scanning (top), and corresponding parameter residuals for different sampling paths using information measures and the default raster scan (bottom).
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Optimal and Robust Estimation Case 1: Sampling sequence using SVD and the infinity norm 6 5 20
4 3 2 1 0 −1 −1
8 6 4 2 0
Case 1: estimated residuals (top) and distance traveled (bottom) 80 60 40 20 0 0
FIGURE 5.7 2D problem: adaptive sampling path using p = 2 (top) and corresponding residuals and distance traveled plots (bottom).
Closed-Form Estimation for a Linear Field with Localization Uncertainty
Previously, we used a numerical “closed-form” calculation of the parameter variance, in the absence of location state uncertainty. In the linear case, the
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(a) Prediction error after sampling step using the 2-norm 8
(b) Prediction error after each sampling step using the infinity norm 8
(c) Prediction error after each step using lawnmower (default) sampling 8
FIGURE 5.8 2D problem: comparison of prediction error residuals for 2 AS algorithms and the default raster scan. Clearly, sampling to maximize information gain is much better than a default lawn mower or raster-scan sampling sequence. parameter variance calculation relies on calculating the pseudoinverse of a matrix whose entries are assumed to be known. Example 5.6 shows that if the field is nonlinear, the AS algorithm requires numerical optimizations that may suffer from convergence difficulties. In addition, the entries of the optimization function depend on the position where measurements are taken, and in the context of mobile robots, this location is not known exactly.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation (c)
Sampling sequence 100
Original field
12 14
90 4
Field magnitude
15 7
−1.5 100 80
y -P60 40 os 20
2 3 1 10 20
5 90 100
x-Pos Sampling sequence
Estimated field
13 5 7
100 90
Field magnitude
0.5 −0.5 −1
4 14
6 12 9
50 40
−1.5 100
8 15 11
80 60
y - P 40 os 20
s x-Po
20 10
2 1 3 10
10 90 100
FIGURE 5.9 Sampling sequence for a Gaussian field distribution (original (a), estimated (b)) is generated to minimize error variance using the infinity norm (c), and the 2-norm (d). First 15 sampling locations are shown. Let us consider a very simple one-dimensional sampling example, to which we add localization uncertainty. We set m = 2 and g(x) = x to obtain an algebraic closed-form solution of the parameter variance. If the set of measurements is given by z1 = a1 + a2 x1 z2 = a1 + a2 x2 .. . zn = a1 + a2 xn
1 x1 z1 z2 1 x2
a1 .. = .. . . a2 zn 1 xn
Zn = Mn A
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Original field 5
−5 150 100 50
y -Pos
50 0 0 Sampling sequence
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 150 10
12 6 7 25 3
1 15 1413 1110 9
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 x-Pos Field parameter a1 - g1(x,y)
a1 estimate a1 actual
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Gaussian center #1 movement (30 30) 50 B
4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1
10 8 6 4 2 0 −2 −4 −6 −8
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Field parameter a0-Constant a0 estimate a0 actual
Field parameter a2 - g2(x,y) a2 estimate a2 actual
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Gaussian center #2 movement (35 65) 70 8 9 Exact 65 10 Start 7 2 60 45 6 55 5 3 50 40 45 40 35 5 35 6 7 30 30 0 act Start 89 25 2 25 20 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
FIGURE 5.10 Sampling sequence for a Gaussian field distribution where the Gaussian centers are unknown, generated using MATLAB’s fmincon and the 2-norm of the linear field parameters. Convergence of all parameters, including the Gaussian centers to their true values is observed, but one must use a branch-and-bound search routine on a 2 × 2 grid for initial search conditions.
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in which Zn is the measurement vector after n samples, Mn the basis function matrix, and A the vector of unknown parameters. The least-square estimate of A after n measurements will be Aˆ = Mn+ Zn = (MnT Mn )−1 MnT Zn (5.130) −1 1 x1 z1
1 x
z 2 1 1 . . . 1 2 1 1 ... 1 Aˆ = .. (5.131) x1 x2 . . . xn ... x1 x2 . . . xn . 1 xn zn n n n n 2 zi xi − xi zi xi 1 i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1 ˆ n A= n n 2 n n 2 − z x + n x z i i i i n xi − xi i=1
f1 (x, z) F1 (x, z) 1 = f0 (x) f2 (x, z) F2 (x, z)
The variance of Aˆ can now be calculated based on the variance of (x, z) through Jacobians: T ˆ ˆ ∂ A ∂ A var(Aˆ ) = var(x, z) (5.133) ∂(x, z) ∂(x, z) where the Jacobian is given by
∂F1 ˆ ∂A ∂xi = ∂(x, z) ∂F2 ∂xi
∂F1 ∂zi ∂F2 ∂zi
and ∂f1 ∂f0 ∂f2 ∂f0 − f1 ∂x − f2 ∂x f0 ∂x f0 ∂x ∂F2 ∂F1 j j j j = , = ∂xj ∂xj f02 f02 n n n ∂f1 = zi 2xj − xi zi − xi zj ∂xj i=1 i=1 i=1 n n ∂f2 ∂f0 = 2nx j − 2 xi , =− zi + nz j ∂xj ∂xj i=1 i=1
Similarly, 1 ∂f1 1 ∂F1 = = f0 ∂zj f0 ∂zj
* n i=1
n i=1
* n + 1 ∂f2 1 ∂F2 − = = xi + nx j ∂zj f0 ∂zj f0 i=1
+ xj (5.136)
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Even though we obtained closed-form algebraic solutions for the unknown parameter covariance, we can see that introducing localization uncertainty to our sampling problem makes it hard to obtain closed-form solutions for a large number of parameters or for nonlinear fields. Using closed-form variance solutions to determine optimal sampling locations is only feasible if no localization uncertainty is considered.
Adaptive Sampling Using the Extended Kalman Filter
Owing to difficulties in estimating the combined parametric and localization uncertainty using closed-form solutions, we employ an iterative estimation approach to select optimal sampling points. Let xk denote the 3D position of one of the mobile robots at sample number k. A model for the mobile node is usually nonlinear, and describes the state evolution as xk+1 = xk + f (xk , uk ) + wk
where uk is the control input to the vehicle and wk the state measurement noise, assumed to be white, with zero mean, and covariance matrix Q1k . Additional navigation measurements are then given by yk = h(xk ) + ξk
The field measurements depend on the state as well as a set of parameters which are unknown: zk = g(xk , ak ) + ζk (5.139) If the set of unknown coefficient is constant or slow time-varying, we add the vector a to the overall system state, with an evolution governed by ak+1 = ak + vk . The noise covariances are given by E[ξk ξkT ] = Rk1 , E[ςk ςkT ] = Rk2 , and E[νk νkT ] = Q2k . A simultaneous sampling and navigation estimation problem formulated using the EKF, using an overall state vector Xk = (xk , ak ), a measurement ∂F ∂H vector Zk = (yk , zk ), using Jacobians FX (·) ≡ ∂X (.), HX (.) ≡ ∂X (.) is as follows: System equations: Xk+1 = F (Xk , uk ) + pk , 1 Qk 0 E[pk pTk ] = = Qk , 0 Q2k
Zk = H(Xk ) + nk 1 Rk E[nk nTk ] = 0
0 Rk2
= Rk
Time update: ˆ k , uk ) ˆ − = F (X X k+1 − ˆ− ) Zˆk+1 = H(X k+1 ˆ k , uk )Pk F T (X ˆ k , uk ) + Q P − = FX (X k+1
(5.142) (5.143) (5.144)
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Measurement update: − − − T T (Pk+1 )−1 = (Pk+1 )−1 + HX (Xk+1 )R−1 HX (Xk+1 )
T −1 − − − − − − Pk+1 = Pk+1 − Pk+1 HX (Xk+1 ) HX (Xk+1 )Pk+1 HX (Xk+1 )+R − − T × HX (Xk+1 )Pk+1
ˆ k+1 = X ˆ − + Pk+1 H T (X ˆ − )R−1 (Zk+1 − Zˆ − ) X X k+1 k+1 k+1
(5.146) (5.147)
The EKF provides a recursive method for computing the state covariance which can be utilized as an information measure. The sampling algorithm will choose locations in space to sample next such that the covariance norm is minimized. Note that in the time and measurement updates, no measurement is needed to be taken for the covariance updates. The measurement Zk+1 is only needed for the estimate measurement update (Equation 5.147). This means that Equations 5.144 and 5.146 are covariance updates available before the measurement is taken at time k + 1. They can be used to predict the usefulness of the measurement at time k + 1 before it is ever taken. Also, they show the effect not only of the measurement Zk+1 in reducing the error covariance, they also show the cost of moving to the estimated position ˆ − needed to take the measurement Zk+1 in terms of uncertainty injected X k+1 due to the motion uncertainty (e.g., covariance increase in Equation 5.144). This aspect may avoid long-distance movements where we are jumping to far corners of the map to take the next measurements, and has added benefits in that the EKF linear approximation becomes less accurate as we move long distances. To choose the next sampling location, we use the following algorithm: EKF—Adaptive Sampling Algorithm: Evaluate Equations 5.142 through 5.146 over the search space Θ of possible next states and select the next measurement position that yields the smallest norm of Pk+1 . Then move to that position and take the measurement Zk+1 and do Equation 5.147. Example 5.7
EKF Estimation for a Parameter-Linear Field
Instead of using the closed-form numerical or algebraic solutions from the previous sections, sampling measures can be obtained for parameter-linear fields by using the EKF. First, if there is no localization uncertainty, the state and output equations can be written as
Ak+1 = Ak Zk = Gk Ak + νk
Gk = (1 . . . gi (Xk ) . . . gm (Xk )), E νk νkT = R
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Because of the simple state update equation, the error covariance update can be reduced to −1 Ao ∼ (Aˆo , PAo ), Po = PA0 , Pk+1 = Pk−1 + GTk+1 R−1 Gk+1 Aˆk+1 = Aˆk + Pk+1 GTk+1 R−1 (Zk+1 − Gk+1 Aˆk )
The error covariance is similar to the least-squares solution, and can be directly calculated by Pk =
P0−1 +
GTj R−1 Gj
−1 (5.151)
Because the field has a linear in the parameter form, we don’t have to use the Taylor series expansion in the EKF. If however, the parameterized field is nonlinear, such as in the case of RBF basis with unknown centers or variance, the recursive equations need to be set up using the Taylor series expansion of H. A set of simulations was performed for the 1D case sampling case (e.g., a linear field with two unknowns—intercept and slope). We considered data sets generated under Gaussian noise assumptions, using nominal coefficient values a0 = 2 and a1 = 0.5 (intercept and slope), and measurement noise covariance of 0.5, state measurement noise covariance of 0.1, and state transition noise covariance of 0.1. The convergence of the coefficient estimates to their nominal values is shown in Figures 5.11a through 5.11d for two different sampling sequences. For Figures 5.11a and 5.11c, the sampling sequence is the default one (1, 2, . . .), while Figures 5.11b and 5.11d were obtained by minimizing the error covariance, e.g., the adaptive sampling algorithm moves the vehicle from location Xn to Xn+1 , such that the following infinity norm is maximized over the search space Θ: m(X) = Pn ∞ , m(Xn+1 ) ≥ m(X), (∀)X ∈ Θ
Note that the slope estimate of the second sampling sequence convergences faster to its nominal value. The optimal sampling sequences are very similar to the ones obtained in Figure 5.6 using the closed-form parameter variance.
Simultaneous Localization and Sampling Using a Mobile Robot
AS algorithms direct the robot to sample a spatiotemporally distributed field variable to estimate it. In the previous example, the localization of the robot was not explicitly included in the EKF equations. The advantage of using the EKF framework is its ability to combine robot navigation and sensor measurement uncertainty. Accounting for localization errors is important in environments where global positioning estimates are not available (e.g., GPSdenied environments), such as underwater or inside buildings.
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Slope estimate, sequence: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,.. 1.4 Estimate Actual
Intercept estimate, sequence: 1,2,19,3,4,5,18,6,7,17,8,16,9,15,10,14,11,13,12,... 2.5 Estimate Actual
2 1 1.5
0.8 0.6
0.4 0.5
0.2 0 0 (a)
10 12 14 16 18 20
Slope estimate, sequence: 1,2,19,3,4,5,18,6,7,17,8,16,9,15,10,14,11,13,12,.. 1.4 Estimate Actual
0 (c)
0.5 4
10 12 14 16 18 20
10 12
14 16 18 20
Estimate Actual
0 (b)
Intercept estimate, sequence: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18...
0 (d)
10 12 14 16 18 20
FIGURE 5.11 The convergence of slope and intercept in a field estimation sampling problem for the default (a,c) and optimal (b,d) 1D sampling sequence using the infinity norm. The field parameter error covariance decreases much faster for the adaptive sampling sequence.
Assuming that the field variable distribution is time stationary and linear in parameters, the combined nonlinear vehicle dynamics and sensor model with Gaussian noise assumptions can be represented as in Equations 5.137 through 5.139. For a differential drive robot (such as the ARRI-Bot shown in Figure 5.12), localization uncertainties arise from model parameter errors and the use of dead-reckoning with inertial navigation sensors (e.g., wheel encoders). ˆ 1 (k) = X ˆ 3 (k − 1)) ˆ 1 (k − 1) + Kdrv−R ∆φR rR + Kdrv−L ∆φL rL cos(X X 2 ˆ 3 (k − 1)) ˆ 2 (k − 1) + Kdrv−R ∆φR rR + Kdrv−L ∆φL rL sin(X ˆ 2 (k) = X X 2
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Estimation for Nonlinear Systems
Solar panel Cricket
Piezoelectric energy harvester
Ultrasonic range finders
Wheel encoders
On-board electronics
Color sensor
Cricket processor & radio module Javelin stamp microcontroller
Wheel encoders
Ultrasonic range finders
Color sensor
FIGURE 5.12 Schematic diagram of the differential-drive ARRI-bot V-2. ˆ 3 (k − 1) + Kturn−R ∆φR rR − Kturn−L ∆φL rL ˆ 3 (k) = X X L b ˆ2 X ˆ3 = x y θ ˆ1 X X= X
which include nominal physical dimensions (lengths—Lb , wheel radii— rl , rR ), the wheel encoder counts ∆φL , ∆φR , and the actuator drive constants Kdrv , Kturn . The states of the robot are the position and orientation, T X= x y θ .
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
In the case of an m-dimensional linear-in-parameters field distribution, g(Xk , Ak ) = ako +
gi (Xk )aki = 1
g1 (Xk )T Ak
where (Ak ) is the parameter vector and gi a nonlinear basis for the field. The nonlinear EKF equations can be represented by
Xk I3 Xk ωk = + + Bk Uk + ϑk Uk + = Ak 0 0 Ak Zk = 1 g1 (Xk )T Ak + νk DR Xk+1 = XkDR + h XkDR , u ¯k
Xk+1 Ak+1
where, E ϑk ϑTk = Q =
0 , 0
Q1 0
E λk λTk = R
are the white noise covariances of the state and output, and XkDR is the deadreckoning estimate for the robot position computed after a command vector u ¯k is applied to the robot to cause a predicted position change equivalent to Uk . The nonlinear Kalman filter update equations become − Pk+1
ˆ− X k+1 Aˆ−
= Pk + Q,
∂gk Hk = = ˆ ∂(X − , Aˆ− ) k
Aˆ−T k
ˆk X Aˆk 0
DR + Bk Xk+1 − XkDR
ˆ −) ∂g1 (X k ˆ− ∂X k
ˆ − )T g1 (X k
−1 − −1 T Pk+1 = (Pk+1 ) + Hk+1 R−1 Hk+1 ˆ− ˆ k+1 X X k+1 T ˆ − , Aˆ− ) = + Pk+1 Hk+1 R−1 Zk+1 − gk+1 (X k k − Aˆ Aˆk+1 k+1
The dead-reckoning estimates are calculated on the vehicle and used to correct the vehicle position estimate at the end of the vehicle transition. Note that the command vector u ¯k is determined using a chosen path planner, which for the case of our mobile robot nodes is a simple holonomic planner. The AS algorithm selects best next-grid closest sampling point by searching ¯k ’s, such that the 2-norm of the covariance matrix Pk+1 is over possible U minimized.
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Base station
Mobile sensor
Mobile sensor
Parametric field model
FIGURE 5.13 Illustration of adaptive sampling of a color field using ARRI-Bots. Example 5.8
Sampling a Color Field with Mobile Robots
The ARRI-Bots equipped with a color sensor, are used to reconstruct a color field printed on the lab floor as shown in Figure 5.13. The field is distributed over a search space of 3.15 m × 2.25 m. A wide-angle overhead camera system gives the true robot location and is used to compare it with the estimated robot location. The camera at a height of 10.5 m encompasses the entire area in its field of view. Three separate linear field models, one for each primary color, are used to generate a linear RGB color field with nine parameters: R = r0 + r1 x + r2 y,
G = g0 + g1 x + g2 y,
B = b0 + b1 x + b2 y
Nominal values for the field shown in Figure 5.13 are r0 = 0.2307, g2 = 0.0018,
r1 = 0.0012, r2 = −0.00048, g0 = 0, g1 = 0.0002 b0 = 1.0, b1 = −0.00078, b2 = −0.001 (5.159)
Based on this field, we test the effectiveness of the sampling algorithm by using the color sensor measurement for field estimation as well as localization. Figures 5.14 and 5.15 show the resulting field distribution assuming ever-increasing values of color sensor measurement uncertainty in the EKF model. The sensor measurement uncertainty is increased from 0.01 to 0.45, and the norm of error in field parameter estimates is compared for different
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Optimal and Robust Estimation Original field & sampling pts: DR (gray), true(black), est(white) Estimated field after 25 samples
r0 0.5
× 10
0.5 0
−0.05 40 0
0 0
× 10
r2 −3
r1 −3
2-Norm of error 1.05
Original field & sampling pts: DR (gray), true(black), Est(white) Estimated field after 25 samples
−0.02 0 40
−0.05 0
2-Norm of error 1.05
−0.02 0
b1 0.02
0 20
1 0
FIGURE 5.14 Uncertainty of (0.01, 0.01, 0.01) (top) and (0.1, 0.1, 0.1) (bottom) in color sensor measurement: Field estimate converges and localization error is very small (after 25 samples).
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Original field & sampling pts: DR (gray), true(black), est(white) Estimated field after 25 samples
−1 0
−0.05 0
−0.02 40 0
0 20
−0.02 0
−0.05 0
2-Norm of error 1.4 1.2
Original field & sampling pts: DR (gray), True(black), Est(white) Estimated field after 25 samples
−0.05 40 0
−0.05 0
b0 0.05
−0.05 0
−1 0
−0.05 0
−0.05 40 0
−0.05 0
2-Norm of error 1.4 1.2
FIGURE 5.15 Uncertainty of (0.35, 0.35, 0.35) (top) and (0.45, 0.45, 0.45) (bottom) in color sensor measurement: Field estimates are less accurate and the localization error is large.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
sensor measurements uncertainties. As expected, since only the color sensor measurement is used for localization, the increase in the color sensor noise adversely affects both the estimation of the field, as well as the localization of the robot. In Figures 5.14 and 5.15, the lines in gray color show the dead-reckoning robot location calculated from a differential drive kinematics without using geometric and encoder uncertainties. The location estimate based on the color sensor measurement EKF is shown in white, while the “true” robot position calculated from differential drive kinematics with added geometric and encoder uncertainties is plotted in black. The “true” sampling locations correspond to measurements of position using the overhead camera. As expected, the dead-reckoning error increases as the robot covers more distance. It is also clear that the location estimate is close to the true location for small error in color sensor measurement, and that large discrepancies in both the estimated field and robot position result in large measurement uncertainties (Figure 5.16).
R =0.01 40 20 0
15 R = 0.1
15 R = 0.3
15 R =0.35
15 R = 0.45
15 Sample#
40 20 0
40 20 0 40 20 0 40 20 0
FIGURE 5.16 Difference between the true and estimated robot location versus the number of samples for different sensor measurement errors.
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Estimation for Nonlinear Systems
Problems Section 5.1 1. Sum of Random Variables. and Y so that
Let Z be a linear combination of RVs X
Z = AX + BY with A and B deterministic matrices. Show that the mean and covariance of Z are ¯ + B Y¯ Z¯ = AX PZ = AP X AT + AP XY B T + BP YX AT + BP Y B T with PX , PY the covariances of X and Y , and PXY the cross-covariance. 2. Fokker–Planck Equation for Wiener Process. Verify that fx(t) in Example 5.2 satisfies the Fokker–Planck equation. 3. Fokker–Planck Equation for Markov Process.
x˙ = ax + w with w(t) ∼ N (0, q) white and independent of x(0) ∼ N (¯ x0 , p0 ). (a) Determine the mean and covariance, and hence the unconditional PDF f (x, t) of x(t). (b) Write the Fokker–Planck equation and verify that the PDF satisfies it. (c) Now, measurements are taken every T s so that z =x+v with v(t) ∼ N (0, r) independent of w(t) and x(0). Determine the measurement update of f (x, t− ) to f (x, t) at t = kT . (d) Between measurements, the PDF of x(t) satisfies the Fokker–Planck equation. Sketch the covariance of x(t) over several measurement periods. 4.
Let xk+1 = xk + wk zk = xk + vk
with wk ∼ N (0, 1) and vk ∼ N (0, 1) white and independent of each other and of x0 ∼ N (¯ x0 , 2). Use Equations 5.6 and 5.7 to find time and measurement updates for the hyperstate.
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5. Measurement Update for Uniform Noise. Repeat Problem 4 if vk is zero mean white noise uniformly distributed on [− 12 , 12 ]. 6. Update with Nonlinear Measurement. Repeat Problem 4 if 1 zk = ln + vk xk with vk white noise with PDF
e−v , v ≥ 0 0, v 0 (iii) E(wk vjT ) = 0 where δkj is the Kronecker Delta.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
We allow the uncertainty to be time-varying and assume that the matrices Aδ and Hδ have the form (Xie et al. 1991; Fu et al. 1992): A D1 Aδ = + ∆k F (6.4) H Hδ D2 where ∆k ∈ Rα×β is an unknown real time-varying matrix satisfying ∆Tk ∆k ≤ I,
∀ k≥0
and D1 , D2 , and F are known real constant matrices of appropriate dimensions that specify how the elements of the system matrices Aδ and Hδ are affected by the uncertainty in ∆k . This type of uncertainty is commonly referred to as norm-bounded uncertainty, which can be used to describe the variations of system parameters over known ranges. Example 6.1 Consider a wireless fading channel described by a second-order auto-regressive model: h(k) = d1 h(k − 1) + d2 h(k − 2) + w(k) where d1 and d2 are the transition coefficients of the channel often estimated through the use of training sequences and they suffer from uncertainty. Denote x1 (k) = h(k − 1) and x2 (k) = h(k − 2). Then, d d2 x1 (k) 1 x1 (k + 1) = 1 + w(k) (6.6) 1 0 x2 (k) 0 x2 (k + 1) Let d1 ∈ [0.4, 0.6] and d2 ∈ [−0.2, −0.4]. Then, Equation 6.6 can be put into the model 6.1 with uncertainty of the form in Equations 6.4 and 6.5, and 0.5 −0.3 0 0.1 0.1 δ A= , D1 = , F =I , ∆k = 1 1 0 0 δ2 0 0
We also make the following assumption concerning system parameters. Assumption 6.2
rank A
1 GQ 2 = n.
We are concerned with the design of a filter for the uncertain system 6.1 through 6.3 to achieve an optimal guaranteed filtering performance regardless of the uncertainty characterized in Equation 6.5. More specifically, we would like to design a robust Kalman a priori filter of the form ˆ k + K k zk , x ˆk+1 = Aˆk x ˆkx sˆk = L ˆk
x ˆ0 = 0
(6.7) (6.8)
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ˆ k are time-varying matrices to be determined so that where Aˆk , Kk , and L the variance of the filtering error sk − sˆk is guaranteed to be smaller than a certain bound for all uncertainty matrices ∆k satisfying Equation 6.5. Similar to the Kalman filtering for systems without uncertainty, it can be shown that the optimal estimate of a linear combination of the state is the same as the linear combination of the optimal estimate of the state (Shaked ˆ k = L and design and de Souza 1995). Therefore, in the sequel, we shall set L a filter so that the filtering error dynamics satisfies E (xk − x ˆk )(xk − x ˆk )T ≤ Pk (6.9) with Pk being an optimized upper bound of the filtering error covariance. In this case, E (sk − sˆk )(sk − sˆk )T ≤ Sk = LPk LT
Robust Finite Horizon Kalman a Priori Filter
In terms of system 6.1 through 6.3 with uncertainty of Equation 6.5 and filter (Equations 6.7 and 6.8), the state-space equations for the filtering error s˜k = sk − sˆk are as follows: ¯ k ∆k F¯ )ξk + G ¯ k ηk ξk+1 = (A¯k + D ¯ k s˜k = Lξ
(6.10) (6.11)
T T T where ξk = eTk x ˆTk with ek = xk −ˆ xk and ξ0 = xT0 0 , ηk = wkT vkT and A − Kk H A − Aˆk − Kk H ¯ k = G −Kk A¯k = (6.12) , G 0 Kk Kk H Aˆk + Kk H ¯ k = D1 − Kk D2 , ¯= L 0 D F¯ = F F , L (6.13) Kk D2 Unlike a system without uncertainty, the above filtering error is also dependent on the system state. For a given ∆k , the covariance matrix Σk of ξk , i.e., Σk = E(ξk ξkT ), satisfies the following Lyapunov equation: ¯ k ∆k F¯ )Σk (A¯k + D ¯ k ∆k F¯ )T − Σk+1 + G ¯kQ ¯G ¯ Tk = 0 (A¯k + D (6.14) Q 0 ¯= is the covariance matrix of ηk . where Q 0 R Note, however, that the covariance matrix Σk is dependent on ∆k which is unknown. Therefore, in robust Kalman filtering, we are concerned with finding
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¯ k , of Σk for all uncertainties. Thus, we shall replace the an upper bound, Σ above Lyapunov equation by the Lyapunov inequality ¯ k ∆k F¯ )Σ ¯ k ∆k F¯ )T − Σ ¯ k+1 + G ¯kQ ¯ k (A¯k + D ¯G ¯ Tk ≤ 0 (A¯k + D
which is to be satisfied for all admissible uncertainties characterized in Equa¯ k for all ∆k if Σ ¯ k satisfies Equation 6.15. tion 6.5. It is easy to show that Σk ≤ Σ ¯ k ≥ 0, there exists Ξk ≥ 0 such In fact, if Equation 6.15 is satisfied for some Σ that ¯ k ∆k F¯ )Σ ¯ k ∆k F¯ )T − Σ ¯ k+1 + G ¯kQ ¯ k (A¯k + D ¯G ¯ Tk + Ξk = 0 (A¯k + D
Subtracting Equation 6.16 from Equation 6.14 leads to ¯ k ∆k F¯ )(Σk − Σ ¯ k )(A¯k + D ¯ k ∆k F¯ )T − (Σk+1 − Σ ¯ k+1 ) − Ξk = 0 (A¯k + D or ¯ k+1 ) = (A¯k + D ¯ k ∆k F¯ )(Σk − Σ ¯ k )(A¯k + D ¯ k ∆k F¯ )T − Ξk (Σk+1 − Σ ¯ 0 = Σ0 = diag{Px , 0} and Ξk ≥ 0, the above implies Σk − Σ ¯ k ≤ 0, i.e., With Σ 0 ¯ Σk ≤ Σk . We focus on the design of a robust a priori filter as defined below. DEFINITION 6.1 The filter (Equations 6.7 and 6.8) is said to be a robust ˜k = Σ ˜ T ≥ 0 that a priori filter if for some εk > 0, there exists a bounded Σ k satisfies the following difference Riccati equation (DRE): ˜ k+1 = A¯k Σ ˜ k F¯ T )−1 F¯ Σ ˜ k A¯Tk + A¯k Σ ˜ k F¯ T (ε−1 I − F¯ Σ ˜ k A¯Tk Σ k ¯ ¯ ¯T ¯ ¯T + ε−1 k Dk Dk + Gk QGk P T ˜ ¯ ˜ ¯ such that I − εk F Σk F > 0, where Σ0 = Σ0 = x0 0
(6.17) 0 . 0
¯k ≤ Σ ˜k It is easy to show that a robust a priori filter guarantees that Σk ≤ Σ for any admissible uncertainty in Equation 6.5. The proof is left as an exercise (see Problem 1). Thus, for a given robust filter, an upper bound for the filtering error variance can be given by ˜ 1,1,k LT E (sk − sˆk )T (sk − sˆk ) ≤ trace LΣ ˜ k and has the dimension n × n. ˜ 1,1,k is the (1,1)-block of Σ where Σ
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Robust Kalman Filter
Before presenting a solution to the optimal robust a priori filtering, we introduce the following two DREs: −1 1 1 T T T I − F Xk F F Xk AT + D1 D1T + GQGT Xk+1 = AXk A + AXk F εk εk (6.19) −1 1 Pk+1 = AYk AT − AYk H T + D1 D2T Rεk + HYk H T εk T 1 1 × AYk H T + D1 D2T + D1 D1T + GQGT (6.20) εk εk where X0 = P0 = Px0 , εk > 0 is a scaling parameter, Yk−1 = Pk−1 − εk F T F , and Rεk = R + ε1k D2 D2T . REMARK 6.1 Pk+1
˜ 2,k D
The DRE 6.20 can be rewritten as (see Problem 2) T ˜ k Pk H ˜ 1,k D ˜ k −1 ˜ kT + D ˜ 2,k ˜ kT + R H = APk AT − APk H T T T ˜ 1,k D ˜ 1,k D ˜ kT + D ˜ 2,k ˜ 1,k × APk H (6.21) +D
˜ k = √εk H , ˜ 1,k = GQ 12 √1 D1 0 H D εk F ¯ ¯T ¯ 2,k D ¯ 2,k = 0 D2 ˜ k = D2,k D2,k 0 , D , R = 0 0 −I
(6.22) √
εk R 2
LEMMA 6.1 (Zhu et al. 2002) Consider the system (Equations 6.1 through 6.3) satisfying Assumptions 6.1 and 6.2. Then, the following hold: (i) If for a given horizon N > 0, scaling parameter εk > 0, and filter (Equations 6.7 and 6.8), the DRE (Equation 6.17) has a bounded solution ˜ k over [0, N ] such that I − εk F¯ Σ ˜ k F¯ T > 0, then there exists a bounded Σ T solution Xk = Xk > 0 to the DRE (Equation 6.19) satisfying Xk−1 − ˜ 11,k + Σ ˜ 12,k + Σ ˜ 21,k + Σ ˜ 22,k . εk F T F > 0 for the same εk . Further, Xk = Σ (ii) If for a given horizon N > 0, scaling parameter εk > 0 and filter (Equations 6.7 and 6.8), the DRE (Equation 6.19) has a bounded solution Xk over [0, N ] satisfying Xk−1 − εk F T F > 0, then there exists Pk = PkT > 0 satisfying Pk−1 − εk F T F > 0 in Equation 6.20 for the same εk . Furthermore, Xk ≥ Pk > 0. The proof of the lemma is left as an exercise (See Problem 3).
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
THEOREM 6.1 (Zhu et al. 2002) Consider the uncertain system 6.1 through 6.3 with uncertainty of Equation 6.5 and satisfying Assumptions 6.1 and 6.2. There exists a robust a priori filter for the system that minimizes the bound on the filtering error variance in Equation 6.18 if and only if for some εk > 0 there exists a solution Xk = XkT > 0 over [0, N] to the DRE 6.19 such that Xk−1 − εk F T F > 0. Under this condition, a robust a priori filter with an optimized upper bound of filtering error covariance is given by x ˆk+1 = (A + Ae,k )ˆ ˆ0 = 0 xk + Kk zk − (H + He,k )ˆ xk , x (6.24) sˆk = Lˆ xk (6.25) where −1 Ae,k = εk APk F T I − εk F Pk F T F −1 F He,k = εk HPk F T I − εk F Pk F T −1 1 Kk = AYk H T + D1 D2T Rεk + HYk H T εk 1 Rεk = R + D2 D2T εk
(6.26) (6.27) (6.28) (6.29)
and Pk = PkT > 0 is a solution of DRE 6.20 or 6.21 over [0, N] satisfying Yk−1 = Pk−1 − εk F T F > 0. Moreover, the optimized covariance bound of the filtering error, xk − x ˆk , is Pk . The proof of Theorem 6.1 can be found at the end of this chapter. Note that Equation 6.19 can be rewritten as 1 1 T Xk+1 = A D1 GQ 2 diag{Xk , ε−1 GQ 2 k I, I} A D1 T −1 + AXk F T ε−1 F X k AT k I − F Xk F It is clear that under Assumption 6.2, Xk > 0 and I − εk F Xk F T > 0 imply that Xk+1 > 0. Further, in view of Lemma 6.1, the existence of Pk > 0 such that Pk−1 − εF T F > 0 is guaranteed. REMARK 6.2 Note from Theorem 6.1 that the filter parameters (Equations 6.26 through 6.28) are only dependent on the solution of the DRE 6.20 and have nothing to do with the solution of the DRE 6.19. However, the existence of a solution to Equation 6.19 is needed to ensure that the derived filter is indeed a robust a priori filter. That is to say, the filter (Equations 6.26 through 6.28) computed based on the solution of Equation 6.20 may not guarantee the filtering error covariance bound Pk if the DRE Equation 6.19 does not admit a solution Xk > 0. The matrices Ae,k and He,k of the filter can be viewed respectively as correction matrices on A and H in consideration of the norm-bounded uncertainty in
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Robust Kalman Filter
Aδ and Hδ . We observe from Equation 6.20 and (Equations 6.26 through 6.28) that when the parameter uncertainty in system 6.1 and 6.2 disappears, the DRE 6.20 and the robust filter of Theorem 6.1 reduce respectively to those in the standard finite horizon Kalman a priori filter for the nominal system of Equations 6.1 and 6.2 as discussed in Chapter 2. Further, Equation 6.19 becomes Xk+1 = AXk AT + GQGT whose existence of a solution is guaranteed and hence becomes redundant. From Theorem 6.1, it is clear that the optimal robust a priori filtering performance at time k depends not only on system data but also on the scaling parameters ε0 , ε1 , . . . , εk−1 . This is a major difference from the optimal estimation of systems without uncertainty where the optimal estimate at time k can be obtained from the optimal estimate at k − 1 by a one-step recursion. This latter property, however, is no longer valid for the robust Kalman filtering in general except for a scalar system (see Problem 4). From Theorem 6.1, to obtain an optimal robust estimate at time k, an optimization with respect to the scaling parameters ε0 , ε1 , . . . , εk−1 needs to be carried out, which may be costly with the increase of k. To reduce the computational complexity, instead of optimizing the cost over all the k scaling parameters, we may optimize trace(Pk ) over a fixed length of scaling parameters εk−1 , εk−2 , . . . , εk−d , where d is called a window (Fu et al. 2001). This can be done as follows. Given the computed suboptimal Xk−d and Pk−d . First, for any k −d ≤ i ≤ k −1 it follows that given Xi > 0 and Pi > 0, the solution Pi+1 > 0 of Equation 6.20 exists if 0 < εi < ε¯i = F Xi F T −1 . Hence, we can grid the interval (0, ε¯i ) and for each εk from the interval calculate the corresponding Xi+1 and Pi+1 . The optimization of trace(Pk ) over εk−1 , εk−2 , . . . , εk−d will then involve the calculation of Xi and Pi of a tree structure. The optimal solution will be the one with minimal trace(Pk ). The performance of the robust filter and its computational cost will depend on the size of window, d. The larger the d the better the performance. However, a larger d also implies a higher computational cost. For d = 1, given Pk , let ε¯k be the supremum of εk such that εk F Pk F T < I, the DREs 6.19 and 6.20 admit positive definite solutions for any ε ∈ (0, ε¯k ). The scaling parameter εk could be exploited to minimize trace(Pk+1 ), which is a convex function of εk (Xie and Soh 1995).
Robust Stationary Kalman a Priori Filter
We now discuss the design of robust stationary a priori filter. Unlike the standard Kalman filtering in Chapter 2 where the dynamic system is allowed to be unstable, the uncertain system for robust Kalman filtering is required
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
to be stable when discussing stationary filtering. This is because in the presence of parametric uncertainty it is impossible to isolate the filtering error from the system state unlike the standard Kalman filtering case. That is to say, the filtering error is driven by the system state when there exists parameter uncertainty in the system. This can be clearly seen from Equations 6.10 and 6.11. We assume that the system 6.1 is quadratically stable (Petersen and McFarlane 1994). The definition is as follows. DEFINITION 6.2 The system 6.1 is said to be quadratically stable if there exists a symmetric positive definite matrix P such that ATδ P Aδ − P < 0
for all admissible uncertainties ∆k in 6.5. We note that the notion of quadratic stability is only sufficient for the asymptotic stability of an uncertain system. This basically means that there exists a single quadratic Lyapunov function, xT P x, for all admissible uncertainties. It is a powerful machinery in dealing with parameter uncertainty, especially time-varying parameter uncertainty. We consider a linear time-invariant filter (Equations 6.7 and 6.8) where ˆ k are now constant matrices denoted by A, ˆ K, and L, ˆ respecAˆk , Kk , and L ˆ = L. tively. Recall that L We introduce the notion of stabilizing solution of an algebraic Riccati equation (ARE) as follows. DEFINITION 6.3
Consider the ARE
AP AT − P + AP H T (R − HP H T )−1 HP AT + Q = 0 where A, H, R, and Q are known real matrices of appropriate dimensions with Q and R being symmetric. Then a real matrix P = P T is called a stabilizing solution of the ARE if it satisfies the ARE such that the matrix A + AP H T (R − HP H T )−1 H is asymptotically stable, i.e., all its eigenvalues lie in the open unit disk. It is a known fact that the stabilizing solution of an ARE is unique. We introduce the definition of robust stationary a priori filter, similar to the finite horizon case. DEFINITION 6.4 The filter (Equations 6.7 and 6.8) is said to be a robust stationary a priori filter if for some ε > 0, there exists a stabilizing solution ˜ =Σ ˜ T ≥ 0 to the ARE: Σ ˜ = A¯Σ ˜ A¯T + A¯Σ ˜ F¯ T (ε−1 I − F¯ Σ ˜ F¯ T )−1 F¯ Σ ¯Q ¯G ¯T ˜ A¯T + ε−1 D ¯D ¯T + G Σ
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Robust Kalman Filter
¯ D, ¯ F¯ , and G ¯ are as in Equations 6.12 such that ε−1 I − F¯ ΣF¯ T > 0, where A, and 6.13 by dropping the subscript k since they are time-invariant now. Define two AREs related to the optimal robust stationary a priori filter design below.
1 F XAT + D1 D1T + GQGT = 0 ε (6.32) T T T T −1 T T T ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ AP A − P − (AP H + D1 D2 )(HS H + R) (AP H + D1 D2 ) ˜ 1D ˜ 1T = 0 +D (6.33) AXAT − X + AXF T
1 I − F XF T ε
˜ D ˜ 1, D ˜ 2 , and R ˜ are as given in Equations 6.22 and 6.23 by dropping where H, the subscript k and ε > 0 is a scaling parameter. The next theorem provides a solution to the optimal robust a priori filtering for the uncertain system (Equations 6.1 through 6.3) in the stationary case. THEOREM 6.2 Consider the uncertain quadratically stable system 6.1 through 6.3 satisfying Assumption 6.1. Then there exists a robust a priori filter with an optimized upper bound of filtering error covariance if and only if for some ε > 0, there exists a stabilizing solution P = P T ≥ 0 to the ARE 6.32 such that I − εF P F T > 0. Under this condition, a robust a priori filter that optimizes the upper bound of filtering error covariance is given by xk + K zk − (H + He )ˆ xk (6.34) x ˆk+1 = (A + Ae )ˆ where −1 F Ae = εAP F T I − εF P F T T T −1 F He = εHP F I − εF P F −1 1 K = AY H T + D1 D2T Rε + HY H T ε −1 Y = P + εP I − εF P F T P with P = P T ≥ 0 the stabilizing solution of the ARE 6.33 satisfying I − εF P F T > 0 and Rε = R + 1ε D2 D2T . Moreover, the optimized filtering error covariance bound is P . We note again that the ARE 6.32 has nothing to do with the computation of the optimal robust filter. However, it is needed to ensure that the computed filter using the ARE 6.33 is indeed a robust a priori filter. In fact, the existence of the stabilizing solution of the ARE 6.32 implies the quadratic stability of the system 6.1.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
The filtering error variance trace(P ) is a convex function of the scaling parameter ε > 0. The optimal robust filter can be designed by a simple onedimensional search of ε. Example 6.2 Consider the following scalar system. xk+1 = (a + δa)xk + gwk zk = hxk + vk where |δa| ≤ d1 and wk and vk are uncorrelated white noises with zero means and covariances q and r, respectively. In this case, D1 , D2 , and F in Equation 6.4 can be given respectively by D1 = d1 , D2 = 0, and F = 1. Associated with the system, the DRE 6.19 and DRE 6.20 become Xk+1 =
a2 Xk 2 2 + ε−1 k d1 + g q 1 − εk Xk
and Pk+1 =
a2 rPk 2 2 + ε−1 k d1 + g q r(1 − εk Pk ) + h2 Pk
with εk Pk < 1. Note from Lemma 6.1 that 1−εk Pk > 0 when εk Xk < 1. Hence, Pk+1 > 0 as long as Pk > 0 and εk < Xk−1 . Let a = 0.5,
h = 1,
d1 = 0.2,
g = 1,
Px0 = 1,
q = 1,
The above DREs become Xk+1 =
0.25Xk + 0.04ε−1 k +1 1 − εk Xk
and Pk+1 =
0.25Pk + 0.04ε−1 k +1 1 + (1 − εk )Pk
respectively. Setting εk = ε = 0.205, the evolutions of Xk and Pk are shown in Figure 6.1. It is clear that Pk ≤ Xk and Pk converges after a number of iterations to P∞ = 1.3584 while Xk takes a longer time to converge to X∞ = 2.1826. The robust a priori filter is given by Equation 6.24 with 0.5εPk εPk , He,k = 1 − εPk 1 − εPk 0.5Yk Pk Kk = , Yk = 1 + Yk 1 − εPk
Ae,k =
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Robust Kalman Filter
Xk 2
1.5 Pk
FIGURE 6.1 The evolutions of Xk and Pk .
We now consider the stationary case. It can be verified numerically that there exists a stabilizing solution X ≥ 0 to the ARE 6.32 such that 1 − εX > 0 if 0 < ε < 0.21. For ε ∈ (0, 0.21), the larger the ε the smaller the P . Thus, by setting ε = 0.205, we obtain a close to optimal solution X = 2.1826 and P = 1.3584 that are the final values of the finite horizon case computed earlier. The robust stationary a priori filter is given by xk + 0.3265zk , sˆk = x ˆk x ˆk+1 = 0.2404ˆ whereas the standard Kalman a priori filter without considering the parameter uncertainty is given by xk + 0.2656zk , sˆk = x ˆk x ˆk+1 = 0.2344ˆ The filtering error covariance for the robust a priori filter in comparison with the standard Kalman a priori filter is shown in Figure 6.2. The maximum filtering error covariance for the robust filter is 1.3079, which is below the bound trace(LP LT ) = 1.3584. As observed from this simple example, the robust filter performs more consistently over the entire uncertainty range than the standard Kalman filter, which does not take into account possible parameter variation.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation 1.4
Filtering error covariance
Robust kalman filter Standard kalman filter
1.3 1.25 1.2 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 −0.2
FIGURE 6.2 The comparison between the robust and standard Kalman a priori filters when δa varies from −0.2 to 0.2.
6.4 6.4.1
Convergence Analysis Feasibility and Convergence Analysis
Recall that for systems without uncertainty, the solution to the DRE associated with the standard Kalman a priori filter converges to that of the ARE of its corresponding stationary filter under very mild conditions on system matrices (Anderson and Moore 1979). This, however, is no longer the case for the robust filter whose convergence depends on the given initial condition, that is, the covariance matrix of the initial state. For Example 6.2, if we set the initial condition Px0 = 2.6715, the solution Xk of the DRE 6.19 becomes negative for some values of k as seen from Figure 6.3. In this section, we shall study the feasibility and convergence properties of the solutions of the DREs 6.19 and 6.20 with the associated AREs 6.32 and 6.33. That is, we shall find conditions on the initial condition Px0 such that the solutions of the DREs 6.19 and 6.20 exist and converge to the stabilizing solutions of the AREs 6.32 and 6.33, respectively, as k approaches ∞. We assume here that εk = ε, a constant. Note that the existence of finite horizon robust a priori filter requires the fulfillment at each step of a suitable matrix inequality (feasibility condition).
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Robust Kalman Filter
6 4 Xk 2 Pk
0 −2 −4 −6 −8 −10 −12
FIGURE 6.3 The solutions Xk and Pk when Px0 = 2.6715. In such case, we are interested in finding conditions (relating to the initial state uncertainty and the scaling parameter ε) under which we can ensure feasibility of the solutions of DREs over an arbitrarily long time interval, and convergence toward the optimal stationary robust filter (Bolzern and Maron 1999; Zhu et al. 2000). DEFINITION 6.5 (Feasible Solution) A real positive definite solution Xk (or Pk ) of DRE 6.19 (or DRE 6.20) is termed a “feasible solution of DRE 6.19 (or DRE 6.20)” if it satisfies the condition Xk−1 − εF T F > 0 (or Pk−1 − εF T F > 0) at each step k ∈ [0, N ]. √ ˜ ¯ T ¯ ¯ T −1 Assumption 6.3 A and A − εD are invertible for some 1 D2 (D2 D2 ) ˜ 1 and D ¯ 2 are as in Equation 6.23 by dropping the subscript given ε > 0, where D k, and ARE 6.32 and ARE 6.33 admit stabilizing and feasible solutions Xs > 0 and Ps > 0, respectively. Under Assumption 6.3, the feasibility and convergence analysis can be stated as follows: Given an arbitrarily large N, find suitable conditions on the initial state covariance Px0 such that the solutions Xk and Pk are feasible at every step k ∈ [0, N ], and Xk and Pk converge respectively to the stabilizing solutions Xs and Ps as N → ∞ and k → ∞.
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To state the conditions on Px0 for feasibility and convergence, we introduce two Lyapunov equations. The first one is (6.35) AˆT1 Y1 Aˆ1 − Y1 = −M1− where
−1 F Aˆ1 = A + AXs F T ε−1 I − F Xs F T −1 −1 −1 −T T T F Aˆ1 − G1 M1 = Aˆ1 G1 − F ε I − F Xs F −1 G1 = −Xs−1 − Xs−1 εF T F − Xs−1 Xs−1
The definition of M− is: M = M+ + M− , where M+ ≥ 0 (M− ≤ 0) and the nonzero eigenvalues of M+ (the nonzero eigenvalues of M− ) are the positive (negative) eigenvalues of M . The second Lyapunov equation is (6.36) AˆT2 Y2 Aˆ2 − Y2 = −M2− where
˜ sH ˜ 1D ˜ −1 H ˜T + D ˜ 2T HP ˜T + R ˜ Aˆ2 = A − APs H T ˜ sH ˜ T HP ˜ −1 H ˜T + R ˜ Aˆ−1 − G2 G2 + H M2 = Aˆ−1 2 2 T −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 G2 = −Ps − Ps εF F − Ps Ps
˜ R ˜ are as defined in Equations 6.22 and 6.23, respectively, by dropping and H, the subscript k. Finally, we let Ξi = Gi − Yi + Mi− ,
i = 1, 2
It can be known that Ξi (i = 1, 2) are positive semi-definite. The following theorem provides a sufficient condition for ensuring feasibility and convergence of the solutions of DRE 6.19 and DRE 6.20 over [0, ∞). THEOREM 6.3 Consider the DREs 6.19 and 6.20, and let Assumptions 6.1 through 6.3 hold. Then the solutions Xk of DRE 6.19 and Pk of DRE 6.20 are feasible over [0, ∞), and converge to the stabilizing solutions Xs and Ps , respectively, as k → ∞, if for a sufficiently small scalar ρ > 0, the positive initial state Px0 satisfies Xs + (Ξ1 + ρI)−1 0 0 Px0 < (6.38) 0 Px0 0 Ps + (Ξ2 + ρI)−1 where Ξi (i = 1, 2) is defined as in Equation 6.37. Example 6.3 Consider Example 6.2 again. With ε = 0.205, we know that there exist stabilizing solutions Xs = 2.1826 and Ps = 1.3564 to Equations 6.32 and 6.33, respectively. It can be computed that Aˆ1 = 0.9049, G1 = 0.3710, M1 = −0.3710
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Thus, M1− = − 0.3710. Solving Lyapunov Equation 6.35 yields that Y1 = − 2.0474. Similarly, we can obtain Aˆ2 = 0.2404,
G2 = 0.2841,
M2 = 11.2465.
In this case, M2− = 0 and Y2 = 0. Hence, Ξ1 = 2.0474 and Ξ2 = 0.2841. By applying Theorem 6.3, a sufficient condition for feasibility and convergence of the DREs 6.19 and 6.20 is given by 0 < Px0 < 2.6710 In fact, this condition is also necessary for the example as observed from Figure 6.3 where Px0 = 2.6715 is adopted.
ε–Switching Strategy
In the last subsection, we learned that, for a given ε, the convergence and feasibility of Xk and Pk depend on the initial state covariance bound Px0 and parameter ε. Since Px0 is usually given a priori, it is necessary to study the following problem: given Px0 > 0 and an obtained optimal εopt ∈ (0, ε¯), which minimizes trace(P ), is it possible to drive Xk and Pk from Px0 > 0 to Xs (εopt ) and Ps (εopt ) by means of a suitable time-varying function εk ? To solve this problem, we shall apply a strategy which varies ε according to a piecewise-constant pattern {εi , i = 0, 1, . . . , n ¯ , εn¯ = εopt } at switching ¯ }. We determine the sequences {εi } and {Ti } such times {Ti , i = 0, 1, . . . , n that the solutions Xk and Pk with (Ti ≤ k < Ti+1 ), i = 0, 1, . . . , n ¯−1 εi εk = εopt (k ≥ Tn¯ ) are feasible and converge to Xs (εopt ) and Ps (εopt ), respectively, and the minimum trace(P ) is then obtained. We note that if the initial covariance Px0 is sufficiently small and satisfies Equation 6.38, the optimal value εopt with minimum trace(Pεopt ) can be computed directly and convergence and feasibility conditions can also be satisfied over [0, ∞). However, if the initial covariance Px0 is very large, we cannot approach εopt immediately. In fact, we must first select a suitable ε0 = εopt which satisfies Equation 6.38 such that feasibility and convergence are guaranteed with this Px0 . Then εi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n ¯ ) could approach εopt through a finite number of steps occurring at suitable instants. The selection of such instants and the changes in εi must satisfy Equation 6.38 and follow the ε−switching algorithm given below. Step 1. Given an a priori initial state P00 = X00 = Px0 and let i = 0. In this algorithm, X0i and P0i (i = 1, 2, . . .) denote the (initial) state of DREs 6.19 and 6.20 at Ti , respectively. If Px0 ≤ P0opt , where P0opt denotes the maximum possible initial state which satisfies Equation 6.38 with ε = εopt , then set εk = εopt for the subsequent recursions.
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Step 2. Let initial state be X0 = X0i and P0 = P0i , find an εi which satisfies Equation 6.38 and minimizes |εopt − εi |. Then the stabilizing solutions Xs (εi ) and Ps (εi ) of AREs 6.32 and 6.33, respectively, can be computed. Step 3. Let ε = εi , X0 = X0i , and P0 = P0i , and iteratively compute Xk (εi ) of DRE 6.19 and Pk (εi ) of DRE 6.20 until they almost approach the stabilizing solutions Xs (εi ) and Ps (εi ), respectively. We denote Xk (εi ) ˆ k (εi ) and Pˆk (εi ), respectively. and Pk (εi ) at this instant as X Step 4. If εi = εopt , then set εk = εopt for the subsequent recursions. Otherwise, go to Step 5. ˆ k (εi ) and Pˆk (εi ) be new initial states X i+1 and P i+1 , respecStep 5. Let X 0 0 tively, and let i = i + 1, go to Step 2. Example 6.4 Consider the following uncertain discrete-time system: 0 −0.5 −6 x + wk xk+1 = 1 1+δ k 1 zk = −100 10 xk + vk
(6.39) (6.40)
where δ is an uncertain parameter satisfying |δ| ≤ 0.3. Note the above 0 that system is of the form in Equations 6.1 and 6.2 with D1 = 10 , D2 = 0, F = [0 0.03], Q = 1, and R = 1. We now want to estimate the signal sk = Lxk with L = [1 0]. In such case, the filtering error variance is bounded by tr(LP LT ). We apply the stationary filter design procedure in Section 6.3 to the system (Equations 6.39 and 6.40). By applying Theorem 6.2, we obtain ε¯ = 1.38. The optimal ε is also equal to ε¯, i.e., εopt = 1.38. Then, 225.5 −195.3 69.2 −79.0 Xs (εopt ) = , Ps (εopt ) = −195.3 390.4 −79.0 234.1 The corresponding optimal robust a priori filter is given by ¯xk + K zk − H ¯x ˆk x ˆk+1 = Aˆ where A¯ =
0 −0.71 , 1.00 1.27
¯ = −100 H
27.94 ,
−0.007 K= 0.005
and the optimal filtering error variance bound is 69.2. The actual filtering error variances with δ = 0, δ = 0.3, and δ = −0.3 are 51.06, 54.44, and 52.80, respectively. Now we analyze feasibility and convergence properties. For the finite horizon case, according to Theorem 6.3, when the initial state Px0 satisfies 249.45 −213.23 0 < Px0 < = P¯0up (6.42) −213.23 414.38
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k 1
tr(LPk LT)
tr (LPkLT) 0.15 0
40 Time (k)
65 80
FIGURE 6.4 Time courses of ε-switching strategy—right vertical scale: tr(LPk LT ); left vertical scale: εk . then Xk and Pk are both feasible and converge to the stabilizing solution Xs (εopt ) and Ps (εopt ), respectively, as k → ∞. If the initial condition does not satisfy Equation 6.42, for example, Px0 = P¯0up + diag{200, 200} > P¯0up , then the feasibility is lost at the first step itself. In such case, we can apply the ε−switching strategy by finding a sequence {εi , i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n ¯ , εn¯ = εopt = 1.38}, such that Xk and Pk are feasible and converge to Xs (εopt ) and Ps (εopt ) with trace(LPεopt LT ) = 69.2. Simulation results are shown in Figure 6.4.
Linear Matrix Inequality Approach
Here, we only consider the stationary filter design using a linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach (Xie 2005). Recall the system under investigation: xk+1 = Aδ xk + Gwk zk = Hδ xk + vk sk = Lxk n
(6.43) (6.44) (6.45)
where xk ∈ R is the state vector, zk ∈ R the measurement, sk ∈ Rr the signal to be estimated, wk ∈ Rl the noise input and vk ∈ Rp the measurement noise. The uncertain matrices Aδ and Hδ are described by A D1 Aδ = + ∆k F (6.46) H Hδ D2
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where ∆k is an unknown real time-varying matrix having a block diagonal structure: ∆k = diag{∆1,k , ∆2,k , . . . , ∆l,k }
with ∆i,k ∈ Rαi ×βi satisfying ∆Ti,k ∆i,k ≤ I, i = 1, 2, . . . , l. The block diagonal structure offers more flexibility in characterizing uncertainty in practical systems and can lead to a less conservative filter design than the single block uncertainty in general. Observe that the uncertainty in Example 6.1 has the above block diagonal structure. We consider a linear time-invariant filter of the general form: ˆxk + Kzk x ˆk+1 = Aˆ ˆ xk + Jzk sˆk = Lˆ
(6.48) (6.49)
ˆ K, L, ˆ and J are matrices to be determined. Obviously, if J is set where A, to zero, Equations 6.48 and 6.49 will be a priori filter. If J = 0, the filter is known to be a posteriori filter. Our objective is to design a time-invariant filter of the above form such that for any uncertainty of Equation 6.47 the filtering error dynamic is asymptotically stable and E (sk − sˆk )(sk − sˆk )T ≤ S (6.50) for a constant matrix S = S T ≥ 0. Furthermore, trace(S) is to be minimized.
Robust Filter for Systems with Norm-Bounded Uncertainty
In this subsection we shall address the robust Kalman filtering of systems with norm-bounded uncertainty through the LMI approach. Denote ξk = [xTk x ˆTk ]T , s˜k = sk −ˆ sk , and ηk = [wkT vkT ]T . Observe that ηk ¯ = diag{Q, R}. is a random vector with zero mean and covariance matrix of Q Then, it follows from Equations 6.1 through 6.3 and 6.47 through 6.49 that ¯ 1 ∆k F¯ )ξk + Gη ¯ k ξk+1 = (A¯ + D ¯ +D ¯ 2 ∆k F¯ )ξk + Jη ¯ k s˜k = (H where
A¯ =
0 , Aˆ
F¯ = F 0 , ¯ = L − JH H
D1 G 0 ¯ , G= 0 K KD2 J¯ = − 0 J ˆ , ¯ 2 = −JD2 −L D
(6.51) (6.52)
¯1 = D
(6.53) (6.54) (6.55)
In association with the system 6.51, we define the Lyapunov matrix inequality ¯ 1 ∆k F¯ )Σ(A¯ + D ¯Q ¯G ¯T ≤ 0 ¯ 1 ∆k F¯ )T − Σ + G (A¯ + D
where Σ is a constant matrix that provides an upper bound for the covariance matrix of ξk for all admissible uncertainties (Equation 6.47).
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In view of Equation 6.52, the design objective is min trace(S) subject to Equation 6.56 and ¯ J¯T ≤ S ¯ +D ¯ 2 ∆k F¯ )T + J¯Q ¯ +D ¯ 2 ∆k F¯ )Σ(H (H
THEOREM 6.4 Suppose that the system (Equations 6.43 through 6.45) is quadratically stable. Then, there always exists a robust Kalman filter of the form 6.48 and 6.49. Further, the optimal robust Kalman filter can be obtained by solving the following optimization min
X,Y,A,K,L,J,ε1 ,...,εl ,ε1 ,...,εl
subject to 1 1 −X −Y XA + KH A XGQ 2 KR 2 XD1 + KD2 1 YA YA Y GQ 2 0 Y D1 ∗ −Y T T ∗ ∗ −X + F Γ F −Y + F Γ F 0 0 0 2 2 T ∗ < 0 ∗ ∗ −Y + F Γ2 F 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ −I 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ −I 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ −Γ1
−S ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
L − JH −X + F T Γ2 F ∗ ∗ ∗
L−L −Y + F T Γ2 F −Y + F T Γ2 F ∗ ∗
−JR 0 0 −I ∗
1 2
−JD2 0 0 < 0 0
where “∗” denotes entry that can be deduced from the symmetry property of the matrix and Γ1 = diag{ε1 Iα1 , ε2 Iα2 , . . . , εl Iαl } Γ2 = diag{ε1 Iβ1 , ε2 Iβ2 , . . . , εl Iβl } Γ1 = diag{ε1 Iα1 , ε2 Iα2 , . . . , εl Iαl } Γ2 = diag{ε1 Iβ1 , ε2 Iβ2 , . . . , εl Iβl } are scaling matrices. Indeed, given the optimal solution (X > 0, Y > 0, A, K, L, J, ε1 , . . . , εl , ε1 , . . . , εl ), an optimal robust Kalman filter can be computed as K = M −1 K ˆ = (L − JH)Y −1 W −T L Aˆ = M
(A − XA − KH)Y
(6.61) (6.62) −1
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where M and W are any invertible matrices satisfying M W T = I − XY −1
Note that J is a decision variable of the LMIs 6.59 and 6.60 that has been obtained from the optimization. The proof of the theorem can be found at the end of this chapter. It is observed that Equations 6.59 and 6.60 are linear in X, Y , A, K, L, J, ε1 , ε2 , . . . , εl , ε1 , ε2 , . . . , εl . Therefore, the optimal filter design involves a convex optimization which can be easily solved by using the Matlab LMI Toolbox. Although the Riccati equation approach in the last section provides good insights on the optimal robust filter in terms of its structure and how uncertainty affects the optimal filter, it requires searching for a scaling parameter. In the LMI approach of this section, even with the block diagonal uncertainty the scaling parameters can be obtained together with the optimal filter parameters by convex optimization which is very convenient. Note that Theorem 6.4 also allows to handle both the optimal robust a priori filtering (J = 0) and a posteriori filtering (J = 0). It can be known that I − XY −1 is invertible if Equations 6.59 and 6.60 hold (see Problem 7). Thus, there exist invertible matrices M and W in Equation 6.64. In practice, for simplicity, we may let W = I and thus M = I − XY −1 . The choices of M and W do not affect the filter performance and the filter transfer function but will give rise to different state space realizations of the filter. In fact, the transfer function of the filter (Equations 6.48 and 6.49) is given by ˆ ˆ −1 K + J F(z) = L(zI − A) −1 −1 M K+J = (L − JH)Y −1W −T zI − M −1(A − XA − KH)Y −1 W −T −1 K+J = (L − JH)Y −1 z(I − XY −1 ) − (A − XA − KH)Y −1 which is independent of the choices of M and W . Alternatively, by a dual approach, Equations 6.59 and 6.60 may be replaced respectively by −X + F T Γ2 F ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ −Y + F T Γ2 F −Y + F T Γ2 F ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ XA + KH A −X ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 the ARE 6.91 has a stabilizing solution X = X T ≥ 0. In this situation, the optimal robust filter is given by x ˆ˙ (t) = A + εP F T F x ˆ(t) + K [z(t) − H x ˆ(t)] (6.95) sˆ(t) = Lˆ x(t) (6.96) where
1 P H + D1 D2T ε T
˜ −1 R
and P = P T ≥ 0 is the stabilizing solution to the ARE 6.92. Moreover, the filter guarantees that asymptotically E s˜T (t)˜ s(t) ≤ trace(LP LT ) We note that the existence of a stabilizing solution X = X T ≥ 0 to Equation 6.91 guarantees that of a stabilizing solution P = P T ≥ 0 to Equation 6.92.
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Proofs of Theorems Proof of Theorem 6.1 Proof: (Necessity) Suppose that there exists a robust a priori filter for the uncertain system. It follows from Definition 6.1 that there exist εk > 0 and a bounded solution ˜ k ≥ 0 to (Equation 6.17) such that I − εk F¯ Σ ˜ k F¯ T > 0 over [0, N ]. Thus, it is Σ known from Lemma 6.1 that there exist bounded positive definite solutions Xk and Pk to the DREs 6.19 and 6.20 satisfying Xk−1 − εk F T F > 0 and Pk−1 − εk F T F > 0, respectively, over [0, N ]. Next, we shall derive the necessary condition on the filter for optimality of ¯Σ ˜ kL ¯ T ), ∀k ∈ [0, N ]. the upper bound on the above error variance, i.e., trace(L It will be shown that the filter of Equation 6.24 indeed satisfies this condition. Note that for x ˆk to be optimal, it should be orthogonal to the estimation error ek (Shaked and de Souza 1995). Thus, it follows from Lemma 6.1 that ˜ 12,k = Σ ˜ T = 0 and Σ 21,k ˜ ˜ k = Σ11,k Σ ˜ Σ21,k
˜ 11,k ˜ 12,k Σ Σ = ˜ Σ22,k 0
0 ˜ 11,k Xk − Σ
where all blocks are n × n matrices. By multiplying both sides of Equation 6.17 from the left and from the right T ˜ 11,k satisfies by I 0 and I 0 , respectively, it follows that Σ ˜ 11,k+1 = I Σ
˜ k+1 I 0 T 0 Σ ˜ 11,k (A − Kk H)T + (A − Aˆk − Kk H)(Xk − Σ ˜ 11,k ) = (A − Kk H)Σ ˜ 11,k F T M ˜ −1 F × (A − Aˆk − Kk H)T + (A − Aˆk − Kk H)Xk + Aˆk Σ k T ˜ 11,k × (A − Aˆk − Kk H)Xk + Aˆk Σ T + GQGT + Kk RKkT + ε−1 k (D1 − Kk D2 )(D1 − Kk D2 )
˜ k = ε−1 I − F Xk F T > 0. where M k Some algebraic manipulations lead to ˜ 11,k )F T M ˜ 11,k+1 = Aˆk I + (Xk − Σ ˜ −1 F Σ k ˜ −1 F − (A − Kk H) I + Xk F T M k
˜ 11,k )F T M ˜ 11,k ) ˜ −1 F −1 (Xk − Σ × I + (Xk − Σ k ˜ 11,k ) AˆT ˜ −1 F (Xk − Σ × I + FTM k k ˜ −1 F )T (A − Kk H)T + Ξk − (I + Xk F T M k
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where ˜ 11,k (A − Kk H)T + GQGT + Kk RK T Ξk = (A − Kk H)Σ k 1 T ˜ 11,k )(A − Kk H)T + (D1 − Kk D2 )(D1 − Kk D2 ) + (A − Kk H)(Xk − Σ εk ˜ −1 F Xk (A − Kk H)T + (A − Kk H)Xk E T M k ˜ 11,k )F T M ˜ −1 F ) I + (Xk − Σ ˜ −1 F −1 − (A − Kk H)(I + Xk F T M k
˜ 11,k )(I + Xk F T M ˜ −1 F )(A − Kk H)T × (Xk − Σ k ˜ 11,k ≥ 0 and M ˜ k > 0, to minimize trace(Σ ˜ 11,k ), ∀k ∈ [0, N ], in Since Xk − Σ view of Equation 6.99, we therefore need to have
−1 ˜ 11,k )F T M ˜ −1 F I + (Xk − Σ ˜ −1 F Aˆk = (A − Kk H) I + Xk F T M k k ˜ 11,k F T M ˜ 11,k − Xk )F T M ˜ −1 F I − (Σ ˜ −1 F −1 = (A − Kk H) + (A − Kk H)Σ k k (6.100) By the matrix inversion lemma, ˜ −1 = (ε−1 I − F Xk F T )−1 M k k ˜ 11,k − Xk )F T M −1 F −1 (Σ ˜ 11,k − Xk )F T M −1 = Mk−1 − Mk−1 F I + (Σ k k T ˜ where Mk = ε−1 k I − F Σ11,k F > 0. So we have
˜ 11,k − Xk )F T M −1 F −1 ˜ −1 F = F T M −1 F I + (Σ FTM k k k and ˜ 11,k − Xk )F T M ˜ 11,k − Xk )F T M −1 F −1 ˜ −1 F = I + (Σ I − (Σ k k
Thus, it follows from Equations 6.100 and 6.101 that ˜ 11,k F T M ˜ 11,k − Xk )F T M −1 F ] ˜ −1 F [I + (Σ Aˆk = (A − Kk H) + (A − Kk H)Σ k k ˜ 11,k F T M −1 F = (A − Kk H) + (A − Kk H)Σ k
T T −1 ˜ ˜ = A + εk AΣ11,k F (I − εk F Σ11,k F ) F
˜ 11,k F T (I − εk F Σ ˜ 11,k F T )−1 − K H + εk H Σ (6.102) Next, let us substitute Equation 6.102 into Equation 6.99, we have ˜ 11,k+1 = Ξk Σ
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After some tedious algebraic manipulations, Equation 6.103 can be simplified as ˜ 11,k+1 = AY˜k AT − AY˜k H T + 1 D1 DT Rε + H Y˜k H T −1 Σ 2 k εk T 1 1 T T ˜ × AYk H + D1 D2 + D1 D1T + GQGT εk εk −1 1 T T T ˜ ˜ + Rεk + H Yk H Kk − AYk H + D1 D2 Rεk + H Y˜k H T εk T 1 × Kk Rεk + H Y˜k H T − AY˜k H T + D1 D2T (6.104) εk where Rεk is positive definite and as defined in Equation 6.29 and Y˜k = ˜ −1 − εk F F T > 0. Σ 11,k ˜ 11,k , ∀k ∈ [0, N ], in view of Equation 6.104, Because we want to minimize Σ we therefore need to have −1 1 Kk = AY˜k H T + D1 D2T Rεk + H Y˜k H T (6.105) εk Now, substituting Equation 6.105 into Equation 6.104, we have −1 1 T T T ˜ ˜ ˜ Σ11,k+1 = AYk A − AYk H + D1 D2 Rεk + H Y˜k H T εk T 1 1 × AY˜k H T + D1 D2T + D1 D1T + GQGT (6.106) εk εk ˜ 11,k It is clear that Equation 6.106 is equivalent to the DRE 6.20 and Σ ˜ coincides with Pk and Yk with Yk . Further, it is clear that Equation 6.102 implies Equations 6.26 and 6.27, and Equation 6.105 is identical to Equation 6.28. (Sufficiency) First, it follows from Lemma 6.1 that there exists a bounded solution 0 ˜ k = Pk Pk = PkT > 0 to the DRE 6.20. Also, Xk − Pk ≥ 0. Let Σ 0 Xk −Pk , where Xk and Pk are solutions to the DREs 6.19 and 6.20, respectively. Then, by some straightforward manipulations, it follows from Equations 6.26 through 6.28 that −1 ˜ k F¯ T ˜ k A¯Tk + A¯k Σ ˜ k F¯ T I − F¯ Σ ˜ k A¯Tk F¯ Σ A¯k Σ εk 1 ¯ ¯T ˜ ¯ ¯ ¯T + D k Dk − Σk+1 + Gk QGk = 0 εk Thus, in view of Definition 6.1 and Lemma 6.1, the filter (Equation 6.24) is a robust a priori filter with an upper bound of error covariance Pk .
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Proof of Theorem 6.4 The proof of the theorem relies on Schur complement which is introduced below. LEMMA 6.2 Given matrices M, R, and Q of appropriate dimensions, where Q and R
are Q MT symmetric, then R > 0 and Q + M T R−1 M < 0 if and only if M < 0, −R
−R M or equivalently, M T Q < 0. LEMMA 6.3 Given matrices D and F , then D∆k F + F T ∆Tk DT ≤ DΓ1 DT + F T Γ−1 2 F for any ∆k satisfying Equation 6.47, where Γ1 = diag{ε1 Iα1 , ε2 Iα2 , . . . , εl Iαl }, Γ2 = diag{ε1 Iβ1 , ε2 Iβ2 , . . . , εl Iβl }, εi > 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , l, are scaling matrices. Proof of Theorem 6.4: By applying Lemma 6.2, Equations 6.56 and 6.57 are equivalent to
¯ 1 ∆k F¯ )Σ G ¯Q ¯ 12 −Σ (A¯ + D ¯ ¯ −Σ 0 ≤0 Σ(A + D1 ∆k F¯ )T ¯ 12 G ¯T 0 −I Q ¯ +D ¯ 2 ∆k F¯ ) J¯Q ¯ 12 −S (H ¯ ¯ 2 ∆k F¯ )T −Σ1 0 ≤0 (H + D 1 ¯ 2 J¯T 0 −I Q
respectively, where Σ1 = Σ−1 . By multiplying Equation 6.107 from the left and the right by diag{Σ1 , Σ1 , I} and its transpose, respectively, we obtain
−Σ1 ¯T Σ1 A 1 ¯ ¯ Q 2 G T Σ1
Σ1 A¯ −Σ1 0
¯Q ¯ 12 ¯1 Σ1 G 0 Σ1 D T ¯ Σ1 0 0 ≤ 0 0 + 0 ∆k 0 F¯ 0 +F¯ T ∆Tk D 1 0 0 −I
By applying Lemma 6.3, the above holds if
−Σ1 A¯T Σ 1 1 ¯ 1 ¯ 2 GΣ Q ¯ T Σ1 D 1
Σ1 A¯ −Σ1 + F¯ T Γ2 F¯
¯Q ¯ 12 Σ1 G 0
0 0
−I 0
¯1 Σ1 D 0 0, using the 353
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Optimal and Robust Estimation Measurement system
Signal generator w(t )
v(t) Filter z(t)
FIGURE 7.1 Signal generating mechanism.
measurements {z(τ ), 0 ≤ τ ≤ t}. The noise w is assumed to be an arbitrary signal in L2 [0, T ], which is the set of energy-bounded signals, and A, B, H, D, and L are known real constant matrices with appropriate dimensions. When the matrix L is the identity, the state x(t) is to be estimated. For the sake of technical simplification, we shall adopt the following assumption: Assumption 7.1 R DDT > 0 Note that Assumption 7.1 is similar to the standard assumption in Kalman filtering where all the components of the measurement vector are assumed to be corrupted by noise. We observe that the case where the input and measurement noise signals are different as in Equations 6.1 through 6.2 is a particular case of Equations 7.1 and 7.2 by setting B = G 0 and D = 0 I . The above signal estimation setting is quite general and encompasses a number of typical situations that arise in the areas of control engineering and signal processing. For example, consider the filtering problem with a signalgenerating mechanism as shown in Figure 7.1. The signals w(t) and v(t) are energy-bounded noise sources and s(t) is the signal to be estimated using the noisy measurements, {z(τ ), 0 ≤ τ ≤ t}. Both the signal generator and measurement subsystem are described by linear state–space models with the signal generator model being strictly proper and the measurement system is assumed square. In this situation, it is easy to see that this filtering problem can be recast as a filtering problem similar to those analyzed in this chapter. Here, we are concerned with obtaining an estimate sˆ(t) of s(t) over a horizon [0, T ] via a linear causal filter F using the measurements Zt = {z(τ ), 0 ≤ τ ≤ t}, and where no a priori estimate of the initial state of Equation 7.1 is assumed. The filter is required to provide a uniformly small estimation error, s˜(t) = s(t) − sˆ(t), ∀ t ∈ [0, T ], for all w ∈ L2 [0, T ] and x0 ∈ Rn . We shall consider the following worst-case performance measure: J(Px0 , T ) sup
s − sˆ2[0,T ]
w2[0,T ] + xT0 Px−1 0 x0
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H∞ Filtering of Continuous-Time Systems
T where x2[0,T ] = 0 xT (t)x(t)dt for an integrable function x(t), Px0 = PxT0 > 0 is a given weighting matrix for the initial state and the supremum is taken over all (w, x0 ) ∈ L2 [0, T ] ⊕ Rn such that w2[0,T ] + xT0 Px−1 x0 = 0. The weighting 0 matrix Px0 is a measure of the uncertainty in x0 relative to the uncertainty in w. A “small” value of Px0 indicates that the initial state is likely to be very close to zero. The above index of performance is indeed the induced norm of the operator from the “noise” signal, (w, x0 ), to the estimation error, s− sˆ. Thus, J(Px0 , T ) can be interpreted as the worst-case gain from (w, x0 ) to s − sˆ. In the case where the initial state x0 is known to be zero, the performance measure of Equation 7.4 is replaced by J0 (T )
sup 0=w ∈ L2 [0,T ]
s − sˆ[0,T ] w[0,T ]
In Equation 7.5, T is allowed to be ∞. We observe that the index of performance of Equation 7.5 can be viewed as the limit of Equation 7.4 as the largest eigenvalue of weighting matrix Px0 tends to 0. The reason for this is because for such matrix Px0 , the initial state x0 will be forced to be zero. Also, note that the performance measure J0 (∞) coincides with Gs˜w (s)∞ , where Gs˜w (s) is the transfer function matrix from w to the estimation error, s˜ = s − sˆ. The H∞ filtering problems are stated as follows: Given a prescribed level of “noise” attenuation γ > 0 and an initial state weighting matrix Px0 = PxT0 > 0, find a linear causal filter F such that • In the finite horizon case, J(Px0 , T ) < γ, or alternatively, J0 (T ) < γ when x0 = 0. • In the stationary case, the filtering error dynamic is asymptotically stable, and under zero initial condition Gs˜w (s)∞ < γ. The above estimation problems will be referred to as standard H∞ filtering, and the resulting filters, which are commonly known as H∞ suboptimal filters, are said to achieve a level of noise attenuation γ. These filters are designed to guarantee that the worst-case energy gain from (w, x0 ) to the estimation error s − sˆ is less than γ. We note that in the stationary case, an H∞ filter ensures that the “maximum gain” in frequency from the noise source to the estimation error is bounded by γ. An H∞ optimal filter is the one which minimizes either J(Px0 , T ) (alternatively, J0 (T )) or Gs˜w (s)∞ , i.e., it minimizes the worstcase energy gain from the noise input to the estimation error. Unlike the traditional minimum variance filtering approach, e.g., the celebrated Kalman filtering method, H∞ filtering treats the noise signals as deterministic disturbances and thus no a priori knowledge of the noise statistics is required, except the boundedness assumption of its energy or average power. This makes the H∞ filtering approach suitable for applications where little knowledge about the noise statistics is available.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Relationship with Two-Person Zero-Sum Game
The standard H∞ filtering problem can be interpreted as a minimax problem where the estimator strategy sˆ(·) is determined such that the payoff function JT s − sˆ2[0,T ] − γ 2 w2[0,T ] + xT0 Px−1 (7.6) x 0 0 satisfies JT < 0 for all w ∈ L2 [0, T ] and x0 ∈ Rn subject to the constraint w2[0,T ] + xT0 Px−1 x0 = 0. 0 We can view the H∞ estimation problem as a dynamic, two-person, zerosum game (Yaesh and Shaked 1992). In this game the first player, say a statistician, is required to find an estimation strategy sˆ(t) = F(Zt ), so that the cost function JT will be minimized. The statistician opponent, say nature, is looking for the worst-possible noise signal and initial state that comply with the given measurements and will maximize JT . The H∞ estimator will correspond to the statistician’s strategy, which is indeed designed to handle the worst-possible x0 and w. In the remainder of this section, we introduce a bounded real lemma for the system x(t) ˙ = Ax(t) + Bw(t),
x(0) = x0
s(t) = Lx(t)
(7.7) (7.8)
where x ∈ Rn , w ∈ Rl , and s ∈ Rr are, respectively, the state, the input, and the output of the system. We also consider the cost function JT of Equation 7.6 (setting sˆ ≡ 0) for the system 7.7 and 7.8. LEMMA 7.1 Consider the system 7.7 and 7.8 and the cost function (Equation 7.6) with sˆ ≡ 0. Then, we have the following: (a) For given T > 0 and Px0 positive definite, JT < 0 for any nonzero (x0 , w) with x0 bounded and w ∈ L2 [0, T ] if and only if the differential Riccati equation (DRE) P˙ = AP + P AT + γ −2 P LT LP + BB T ,
P (0) = Px0
has a solution P (t) over [0, T ]. Note that if the solution P (t) exists, P (t) > 0 for any t ∈ [0, T ]. (b) When T → ∞, for a given Px0 = PxT0 > 0, J∞ < 0 for any nonzero (x0 , w) with x0 bounded and w ∈ L2 [0, ∞) if and only if the DRE 7.9 has a solution P (t) over [0, ∞) such that the following unforced linear time-varying system p(t) ˙ = A + γ −2 P (t)LT L p(t) is exponentially stable. (c) If x(0) = 0 and T → ∞, then J∞ < 0 if and only if the algebraic Riccati equation (ARE) AP + P AT + γ −2 P LT LP + BB T = 0
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H∞ Filtering of Continuous-Time Systems
has a stabilizing solution P = P T ≥ 0 or the algebraic Riccati inequality AP¯ + P¯ AT + γ −2 P¯ LT LP¯ + BB T < 0
has a positive definite solution P¯ . A stabilizing solution means that P is such that A + γ −2 P LT L is asymptotically stable. The stabilizing solution is unique. Note that J∞ < 0 is equivalent to G(s)∞ < γ, where G(s) is the transfer function from w to s.
Finite Horizon H∞ Linear Filter
We first note that the standard H∞ filtering problem can be solved via several different approaches, including interpolation theory approach (Fu 1991), game theoretic approach (Yaesh 1992), and Riccati equation approach (Nagpal and Khargonekar 1991). In the sequel, we will first present a solution to the standard finite horizon H∞ filtering problem using a Riccati equation approach. To this end, we introduce the following DRE: T P˙ (t) = A − BDT R−1 H P (t) + P (t) A − BDT R−1 H + P (t) γ −2 LT L − H T R−1 H P (t) + B I − DT R−1 D B T (7.12) It can be easily shown that the existence of a bounded solution P (t) to Equation 7.12 over [0, τ ], ∀ τ > 0, with initial condition P (0) > 0 (respectively, P (0) ≥ 0), implies that P (t) is symmetric and positive definite (respectively, positive semidefinite) over [0, τ ]. Observe that when BDT = 0, i.e., the process noise is independent of the measurement noise, Equation 7.12 becomes P˙ (t) = AP (t) + P (t)AT + P (t) γ −2 LT L − H T R−1 H P (t) + BB T (7.13) THEOREM 7.1 Consider the system 7.1 through 7.3 satisfying Assumption 7.1 and let γ > 0 be a given constant. Then we have the following results: (a) Assume that x0 is unknown and let Px0 = PxT0 > 0 be a given initial state weighting matrix. Then, there exists a linear causal filter such that J(Px0 , T ) < γ if and only if there exists a bounded solution P (t) to the DRE 7.12 over [0, T ] with initial condition P (0) = Px0 . (b) Assuming that x0 = 0, there exists a linear causal filter such that J0 (T ) < γ if and only if there exists a bounded solution P (t) to the DRE 7.12 over [0, T ] with initial condition P (0) = 0.
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FIGURE 7.2 The central H∞ filter. (c) When condition (a) or (b) is satisfied, a suitable (central) H∞ filter for both the above cases is given by x ˆ˙ (t) = Aˆ x(t) + K(t) [z(t) − H x ˆ(t)] ,
x ˆ(0) = 0
sˆ(t) = Lˆ x(t)
(7.14) (7.15)
where the filter gain matrix K(t) satisfies K(t) = P (t)H T + BDT R−1
The block diagram of the central H∞ filter is shown in Figure 7.2. Proof of Sufficiency: We first consider the proof of the sufficiency of (a). Let P (t) be a bounded solution to Equation 7.12 over [0, T ] with initial condition P (0) = Px0 . In view of Equation 7.16, it is easy to verify that the DRE 7.12 can be rewritten in the form T P˙ (t) = [A − K(t)H] P (t) + P (t) [A − K(t)H] + γ −2 P (t)LT LP (t) T
+ [B − K(t)D] [B − K(t)D] ,
P (0) = Px0
Next, letting that e(t) x(t) − x ˆ(t) and considering Equations 7.1 through 7.3 and Equations 7.14 and 7.15, we have that the estimation error, s(t)− sˆ(t), that can be described by the following state-space model: e(t) ˙ = [A − K(t)H]e(t) + [B − K(t)D]w(t),
e(0) = x0
s(t) − sˆ(t) = Le(t) Hence, in view of Lemma 7.1, Equation 7.17 implies that J(Px0 , T ) < γ. The proof of the sufficiency of (b) is similar.
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H∞ Filtering of Continuous-Time Systems
Proof of Necessity: (a) Since J(Px0 , T ) < γ, it follows that for any τ ∈ [0, T ] x0 − γ −2 s − sˆ2[0,τ ] > 0 w2[0,τ ] + xT0 Px−1 0
whenever w2[0,τ ] + xT0 Px−1 x0 = 0. 0 Now, define the Hamiltonian system ˙ −(A − BDT R−1 H)T −(γ −2 LT L − H T R−1 H) ξ(t) ξ(t) = q(t) B(I − DT R−1 D)B T A − BDT R−1 H q(t) ˙ −1 ξ(0) P x (7.19) = x0 0 x0 q(0) and introduce w0 (t) (I − DT R−1 D)B T ξ(t) − DT R−1 Hx(t)
Note that w0T (t)w0 (t) = ξ T (t)B(I − DT R−1 D)B T ξ(t) + xT (t)H T R−1 Hx(t)
We also observe that by setting w(t) ≡ w0 (t), ∀τ ∈ [0, τ ] in Equation 7.1, x(t) and q(t) will have the same trajectory. Furthermore, z(t) = 0, ∀ t ∈ [0, τ ], which implies by the causality that sˆ(t) = 0 for any t ∈ [0, τ ]. Hence, Equation 7.18 becomes x0 − γ −2 s2[0,τ ] > 0 w0 2[0,τ ] + xT0 Px−1 0 for any τ ∈ [0, T ], whenever x0 = 0. In view of Equation 7.19, it follows that for any t ≥ 0, d T [q (t)ξ(t)] = ξ T (t)B(I − DT R−1 D)B T ξ(t) + xT (t)H T R−1 Hx(t) dt − γ −2 sT (t)s(t) Hence, considering Equations 7.19 and 7.21 and integrating the above from 0 to τ , we obtain x0 − γ −2 s2[0,τ ] > 0 q T (τ )ξ(τ ) = w0 2[0,τ ] + xT0 Px−1 0 for any τ ∈ [0, T ], whenever x0 = 0. Next, denote the transition matrix of Equation 7.19 by Φ11 (t, τ ) Φ12 (t, τ ) Φ(t, τ ) = Φ21 (t, τ ) Φ22 (t, τ )
+ Φ12 (τ, 0) is nonsingular. We now show that the matrix Φ11 (τ, 0)Px−1 0 By contradiction, assume that Φ11 (τ, 0)Px−1 + Φ 12 (τ, 0) is singular. Then, 0 there exists a nonzero α ∈ Rn such that [Φ11 (τ, 0)Px−1 + Φ12 (τ, 0)]α = 0. Note 0
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
from Equation 7.19 that with x0 = α we conclude that ξ(τ ) = [Φ11 (τ, 0)Px−1 + 0 Φ12 (τ, 0)]α = 0, which contradicts with Equation 7.22. Hence, the matrix + Φ12 (τ, 0) is nonsingular for any τ ∈ [0, T ]. Φ11 (τ, 0)Px−1 0 Now, define the matrix function −1 P (t) = Φ21 (t, 0)Px−1 + Φ22 (t, 0) Φ11 (t, 0)Px−1 + Φ12 (t, 0) (7.24) 0 0 +Φ12 (t, 0) is nonsingular, the above matrix function is well Since Φ11 (t, 0)Px−1 0 defined and bounded [0, T ]. Also, note that P (0) = Px0 . It is routine to check that P (t) as defined above satisfies the DRE 7.12. Finally, since P (0) = Px0 > 0, P (t) > 0 for any t ∈ [0, T ]. (b) Consider the Hamiltonian system of Equation 7.19 but now with initial conditions T ξ (0) q T (0) = ξ0T 0 where ξ0 ∈ Rn is nonzero but otherwise arbitrary. Similarly to the proof of (a), by choosing w0 (t) as in Equation 7.20, x(t) and q(t) will have the same dynamics and q T (τ )ξ(τ ) = w0 2[0,τ ] − γ 2 s2[0,τ ] > 0
for any τ ∈ [0, T ], whenever ξ0 = 0. For the transition matrix given in Equation 7.23, it is claimed that Φ11 (τ, 0) is nonsingular. Suppose, contrary to what we want to prove, i.e., there exists some nonzero α ∈ Rn such that Φ11 (τ, 0)α = 0. Since q(0) = 0, with ξ0 = α we have that ξ(τ ) = Φ11 (τ, 0)ξ0 + Φ12 (τ, 0)q(0) = 0, which contradicts with Equation 7.25. Hence, Φ11 (τ, 0) is nonsingular for any τ ∈ [0, T ]. Next, let the matrix function P (t) = Φ12 (t, 0)Φ−1 11 (t, 0) Clearly, P (t) is bounded on [0, T ] and P (0) = 0. It is straightforward to verify that P (t) is the solution of the DRE 7.12. ∇∇∇ REMARK 7.1 It should be observed that the results of Theorem 7.1 still hold in the case where the matrices A, B, H, D, and L of the system 7.1 through 7.3 are bounded, piecewise continuous time-varying. REMARK 7.2 Note the similarity of the above H∞ filtering result with the Kalman filtering. As γ → ∞, the Riccati Equation 7.12 becomes the Riccati equation of the finite-horizon Kalman filter for the system 7.1 and 7.2 subject to the assumption that the noise signal w(t) is a zero-mean white process with an identity power spectrum density matrix. Furthermore, the estimator of Equations 7.14 through 7.16 becomes the corresponding Kalman filter for the system 7.1 through 7.3.
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H∞ Filtering of Continuous-Time Systems
Next, we analyze the bound for the variance of the estimation error when the H∞ filter is applied to the system 7.1 through 7.3 with the noise, w, being a white noise with unit power spectral density matrix. To this end, we assume that the initial state is a random variable with statistics: E{x(0)} = m E [x(0) − m][x(0) − m]T = Px0
and is independent of the noise signal, w(t) for any t ≥ 0. In order that the H∞ filter in Equations 7.14 through 7.16 is unbiased, we need to set that x ˆ(0) = m. By applying the filter, we obtain that the variance of the estimation error, s˜ = s − sˆ, is given by E{˜ s(t)˜ sT (t)} = LP¯ (t)LT ,
t ∈ [0, T ]
where P¯ (·) satisfies P¯˙ (t) = [A − K(t)H]P¯ (t) + P¯ (t)[A − K(t)H]T + [B − K(t)D][B − K(t)D]T , P¯ (0) = Px
Let P˜ (t) = P (t) − P¯ (t), where P (t) is a solution of the DRE 7.17. Then, subtracting Equation 7.26 from Equation 7.17 leads to P˜˙ (t) = [A − K(t)H]P˜ (t) + P˜ (t)[A − K(t)H]T + γ −2 P (t)LT LP (t), P˜ (0) = 0 (7.27) Since P˜ (0) = 0, it is known that P˜ (t) ≥ 0 for any t ∈ [0, T ], i.e., P (t) ≥ P¯ (t). Hence, the central H∞ filter will guarantee that E{˜ s(t)˜ sT (t)} = LP¯ (t)LT ≤ LP (t)LT for any t ∈ [0, T ]. That is to say, the H∞ filter has a predictable bound for its filtering error variance. Note that since the Kalman filtering is optimal in the sense of minimal error variance, we should have that Pˆ (t) ≤ P¯ (t) ≤ P (t), where Pˆ is the error variance achieved by the Kalman filter. We observe from Equations 7.12, 7.16, and 7.27 that when γ → ∞, P˜ (t) → 0, i.e., P (t) → P¯ (t) → Pˆ (t).
Characterization of All Finite Horizon H∞ Linear Filters
A filtered estimate sˆ(t) = F(Zt ) that achieves the desired suboptimal level of noise attenuation, γ, exists for the system 7.1 through 7.3, on the time interval [0, T ], if and only if the DRE 7.12 has a solution on [0, T ]. When it exists, this
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Optimal and Robust Estimation 2
z −
FIGURE 7.3 A parameterization of all linear filters by L1 and L2 . estimate is in general not unique. In this section, we shall find all the linear filters that achieve the desired suboptimal H∞ performance (Limebeer and Shaked 1991). To begin with, we note that all linear causal filters can be represented by x ˆ˙ = Aˆ x + L1 v,
x ˆ(0) = 0
sˆ1 = Lˆ x + L2 v
v = z − Hx ˆ
where L1 and L2 are linear operators. As in the Kalman filtering, v is known as innovation. The block diagram of the above filter is shown in Figure 7.3. Note that the linear operators L1 and L2 are in fact dependent. This is to say, only one linear operator may be used in the parameterization of all linear causal filters. To show this, we consider the parameterization given by Figure 7.4, where P (·) is the solution of the DRE 7.12 and K(·) is the gain of the H∞ filter given in Equation 7.16, and U is an operator. First, we shall show that for any given linear causal operators L1 and L2 in Figure 7.3, there exists an operator U in Figure 7.4 that produces the same estimate for s, i.e., sˆ1 ≡ sˆ for the same w. To this end, by setting x ¯=x−x ˆ it follows from Equations 7.1 through 7.3 and 7.28 through 7.30 that x + (B − L1 D)w, x ¯˙ = (A − L1 H)¯
x ¯(0) = x0
s − sˆ1 = (L − L2 H)¯ x − L2 Dw
(7.31) (7.32)
Also, the state-space realization of the filter in Figure 7.4 is as follows: x ˆ˙ = Aˆ x + K(z − H x ˆ) − γ −2 P LT η,
x ˆ(0) = 0
sˆ = Lˆ x−η
η = U(z − H x ˆ)
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H∞ Filtering of Continuous-Time Systems
H z
FIGURE 7.4 A parameterization of all linear filters by U. Define x ˜=x−x ˆ for the filter in Figure 7.4. Then, the filtering error dynamic for the filter 7.33 through 7.35 is given by x ˜˙ = (A − KH)˜ x + (B − KD)w + γ −2 P LT η,
x ˜(0) = x0
s − sˆ = L˜ x+η
(7.36) (7.37)
v = Hx ˜ + Dw
η = U(z − H x ˆ)
By setting sˆ1 = sˆ, it follows from Equations 7.32, 7.37, and 7.38 that x − L2 Dw − L˜ x η = (L − L2 H)¯ = (L − L2 H)(¯ x−x ˜) − L2 v
Now, subtracting Equation 7.36 from Equation 7.31 yields x + (B − L1 D)w x ¯˙ − x ˜˙ = (A − L1 H)¯ − (A − KH)˜ x − (B − KD)w − γ −2 P LT η
Substituting Equations 7.38 and 7.40, the above leads to x−x ˜) x ¯˙ − x ˜˙ = A − L1 H − γ −2 P LT (L2 H + L) (¯ + (K + γ −2 P LT L2 − L1 )v
Thus, the linear causal operator U : v → η is defined by Equations 7.42 and 7.40, which produces the same estimation error as that of filter 7.28 and 7.29 for given linear operators L1 and L2 .
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Hence, we can concentrate on the linear filter of the form of Equations 7.33 through 7.35 and shall show that (7.43) x s − sˆ2[0,T ] < γ 2 w2[0,T ] + xT0 Px−1 0 0 for any nonzero (w, x0 ) ∈ L2 [0, T ] ⊕ Rn , if and only if UD < γ. First, we introduce the adjoint system of Equations 7.36 through 7.38 as follows: x ˜˙ a = −(A − KH)T x ˜a + LT wa + H T ηa ,
x ˜a (T ) = 0
ea = −(B − KD)T x ˜a + DT ηa
va = γ −2 LP x ˜a + wa
x ˜a0 = Px0 x ˜a (0)
By applying the DRE 7.17 and some routine computations we have that γ 2 wa 2[0,T ] − ea 2[0,T ] + x ˜Ta0 Px−1 x ˜a0 0 T 2 T T = γ wa wa − − (B − KD)T x ˜a + DT ηa 0 ˜Ta (0)Px0 x × − (B − KD)T x ˜a + DT ηa dt − x ˜a (0) T = γ 2 waT wa − x ˜Ta (B − KD)(B − KD)T x ˜a + x ˜Ta (B − KD)DT ηa 0 d T T T T T x ˜ Px + ηa D(B − KD) x ˜a − ηa DD ηa + ˜a dt dt a T 2 = γ (wa + γ −2 LP x ˜a )T (wa + γ −2 LP x ˜a ) − ηaT DDT ηa dt 0
+ 0
ηaT HP x ˜a + x ˜Ta P H T ηa + x ˜Ta (B − KD)DT ηa + ηaT D(B − KD)T x ˜a dt
Note that by using Equation 7.16 (B − KD)DT = −P H T Thus, it follows from Equation 7.48 that 2 2 T 2 ˜Ta0 Px−1 x ˜ γ 2 wa 2[0,T ] − ea 2[0,T ] + x a0 = γ va [0,T ] − D ηa [0,T ] 0 Since ηa = U ∗ va , we thus have that 2 2 2 T −1 ˜a0 Px0 x ˜a0 = γ wa [0,T ] − ea [0,T ] + x
vaT (γ 2 I − UDDT U ∗ )va dt.
Hence, ˜Ta0 Px−1 x ˜a0 < γ 2 wa 2[0,T ] ea 2[0,T ] + x 0
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H∞ Filtering of Continuous-Time Systems
if and only if UD < γ. Thus, we conclude that for the original (error) system 7.36 through 7.40. s − sˆ2[0,T ] + xT0 Px−1 x0 < γ 2 w2[0,T ] 0 for any (w, x0 ) ∈ L2 [0, T ] ⊕ Rn if and only if UD < γ. The above results are summarized in the following theorem: THEOREM 7.2 Consider the system 7.1 through 7.3 with unknown initial condition x0 (respectively, x0 = 0). If there exists a bounded solution P (t) with P (0) = Px0 (respectively, P (0) = 0) to the DRE 7.12, then all linear causal filters that achieve s − sˆ2[0,T ] < γ 2 w2[0,T ] + xT0 Px−1 x0 0 for all nonzero (w, x0 ) ∈ L2 [0, T ] ⊕ Rn are given by Equations 7.33 through 7.35, where K is the H∞ filter gain given in Equation 7.16 and U any linear causal operator satisfying UD < γ. Note that in Theorem 7.2, when U is set to be 0, we obtain the H∞ filter of Equations 7.14 through 7.16. Thus, the filter given by Equations 7.14 through 7.16 is called the central H∞ filter. The parameterization in Theorem 7.2 may be useful when multiobjective performances are required to be achieved by a linear causal filter. For example, when a mixed H2 /H∞ performance is considered, the free parameter U in Figure 7.4 may be used to minimize the required H2 performance. Finally, we point out that the above result also holds when the system matrices of Equations 7.1 through 7.3 are time-varying, bounded, and continuous.
Stationary H∞ Filter—Riccati Equation Approach
We now analyze the stationary H∞ filtering problem. To simplify our analysis, we assume that the system matrices A, B, H, and D are constant. Since the stationary filter is required to be asymptotically stable, we shall make the following assumption for the system 7.1 and 7.2: Assumption 7.2 (a) (H, A) is detectable A − jωI B (b) Rank = n + p, f or all ω ∈ (−∞, ∞) H D It should be noted that Assumption 7.2 (a) is necessary for the existence of an asymptotically stable filter for the system 7.1 and 7.2. Assumption 7.2 (b) is equivalent to requiring that the transfer function matrix H(sI −A)−1 B + D
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has no transmission zeros on the imaginary axis. We observe that Assumption 7.2 is a standard assumption in stationary Kalman filtering. A complete solution to the stationary H∞ filtering is provided by the next theorem. THEOREM 7.3 Consider the system 7.1 through 7.3 with x0 = 0 and satisfying Assumptions 7.1 and 7.2. Given a constant γ > 0, the following statements are equivalent: (a) There exists a linear causal filter such that the filtering error transfer function Gs˜w (s) is asymptotically stable and Gs˜w (s)∞ < γ. (b) There exists a stabilizing solution P = P T ≥ 0 to the ARE T A − BDT R−1 H P + P A − BDT R−1 H + P γ −2 LT L − H T R−1 H P + B I − DT R−1 D B T = 0 (7.49) When the above condition (b) is satisfied, we have that a suitable timeinvariant H∞ filter (central H∞ filter) is given by x ˆ˙ (t) = Aˆ x(t) + K[z(t) − H x ˆ(t)], sˆ(t) = Lˆ x(t)
x ˆ(0) = 0
(7.50) (7.51)
where the filter gain matrix K is given by K = (P H T + BDT )R−1
and the matrix P ≥ 0 is the stabilizing solution of Equation 7.49. Proof: (b)→(a): By considering Equation 7.52, it follows that Equation 7.49 can be rewritten as (A−KH)P +P (A−KH)T +γ −2 P LT LP +(B−KD)(B−KD)T = 0
Since P is the stabilizing solution of Equation 7.49, it is easy to show that A − KH and A − KH + γ −2 P LT L are asymptotically stable. In contrast, the transfer function matrix from the disturbance input, w, to the filtering error, s˜, is given by Gs˜w (s) = L[sI − (A − KH)]−1 (B − KD) By Lemma 7.1, it is known that Gs˜w (s)∞ < γ. (a)→(b): Recall from the finite-horizon case that when w is chosen as in Equation 7.20 we have −1 R 2 Hx2 + (I − DT R−1 D)B T ξ 2 − γ −2 Lx2 > 0 (7.54) 2 2 2
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H∞ Filtering of Continuous-Time Systems
for any ξ ∈ L2 [0, ∞). Then, by Lemma 7.1, we conclude that the algebraic Riccati Equation 7.49 possesses a nonnegative definite stabilizing solution. Example 7.1 Consider the following second-order system 0 1 0.1 x(t) ˙ = x(t) + w(t) −25 −7.07 1 z(t) = −100 100 x(t) + v(t) s(t) = 0 10 x(t)
(7.55) (7.56) (7.57)
where the noise sources w(t) and v(t) are assumed to be deterministic and from L2 [0, ∞). Note that B and D are given by 0.1 0 B= , D= 0 1 1 0 The problem is to design a stationary H∞ filter to attenuate the level of the effect of the noises. Let γ = 0.3. By solving the ARE 7.49 using MATLAB, we obtain the stabilizing solution 0.1280 0.0958 P = 0.0958 0.0806 and the corresponding H∞ filter is given by Equations 7.50 and 7.51 with filter gain −3.2235 K= −1.5144 The singular value plot of the filtering error transfer function is shown in Figure 7.5. The actual H∞ norm of the filtering error transfer function is 0.2996 which is below γ = 0.3. The H∞ filter gains and actual H∞ norms of the filtering error transfer functions for different level of noise attenuation are tabulated in Table 7.1. It is observed that when the γ is reduced, the solution of the ARE is increased and the corresponding filter gain will be higher. Also, the larger the γ the larger the difference between the actual H∞ norm and γ. Example 7.2 We consider a pitch leveling loop for marine navigation system. Leveling error is a major factor that affects the accuracy of the navigation system. As the ship experiences rotational disturbances due to sea motion, sea disturbances have sinusoidal character and could result in high pitch and roll amplitudes.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation 0.35 0.3
Singular values
0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05
0 10−2
100 101 Frequency (rad/s)
FIGURE 7.5 The singular value plot of the H∞ filtering error transfer function and its upper bound γ. TABLE 7.1
H∞ Performance versus γ γ
Gs˜w (s)∞
The system model can 0 x(t) ˙ = 0 0 z(t) = 1 s(t) = 0
−3.2235 0.1280 0.0958 −1.5144 0.0958 0.0806 −0.5294 0.0223 0.0170 0.4787 0.0170 0.0218 −0.2321 0.0106 0.0083 0.6815 0.0083 0.0151 −0.1617 0.0078 0.0062 0.7213 0.0062 0.0134 −0.1463 0.0072 0.0057 0.7286 0.0057 0.0130
be represented by √ q1 −g 0 0 0 x(t) + 0 0 α −α 0 0 x(t) + n(t) 0 1 x(t)
0 √ q2 w(t) 0
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T where x = v µ ξ , with v the velocity, µ the direction cosine, and ξ the output of v passing through a low-pass filter: W (s) =
α s+α
and n is the measurement noise. √ √ Let α = 10 rad/s, q1 = 3 ft/s, q2 = 0.1 rad, and g = 32.174 ft/s2 . Thus,
3 B = 0 0
0 0 0.1 0 , 0 0
D= 0
By applying Theorem 7.3, we obtain the optimal H∞ filtering performance γinf = 0.096 for which the magnitude plots of the H∞ filter (solid line) and the Kalman filter (dashed line) are compared in Figure 7.6. It can be observed that the bandwidth of the optimal H∞ filter is much higher than that of the Kalman filter. However, the optimal H∞ filter gain is 191.0399 K∞ = − 18.0963 − 18.0426 −20 −25
Magnitude (dB)
−30 −35 −40 −45 −50 −55 −60 −65 10−1
Frequency (rad/s)
FIGURE 7.6 Comparison of the bandwidths of the optimal H∞ filter and the Kalman filter.
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which is also much higher than the Kalman filter gain 3.9287 K = − 0.1000 − 0.0977 We now take a slightly larger γ = 0.097. The suboptimal H∞ filter 7.50 and 7.51 will have a much small filter gain 24.0670 K∞ = − 2.0403 − 2.0322 but its bandwidth is also significantly reduced as shown in Figure 7.7. The comparison between the singular value plots of the filtering error transfer functions of the suboptimal H∞ filter (γ = 0.097) and the Kalman filter is shown in Figure 7.8. The actual H∞ norm of the Kalman filtering error transfer function is 0.1462, which is much larger than 0.097 given by the H∞ filter. From the singular value plots, it can be known that for disturbances with frequency below 1 rad/s, the H∞ filter will result in a much smaller filtering error than the Kalman filter.
−20 −25
Magnitude (dB)
−30 −35 −40 −45 −50 −55 −60 −65 10−1
Frequency (rad/s)
FIGURE 7.7 Comparison of the bandwidths of the suboptimal H∞ filter and the Kalman filter.
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0.16 Kalman filter
Singular values
0.12 0.1 ∞
0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 10−2
100 101 Frequency (rad/s)
FIGURE 7.8 Comparison between the singular value plot of the H∞ filtering error transfer function for γ = 0.097 and that of the Kalman filter.
Relationship between Guaranteed H∞ Norm and Actual H∞ Norm
We consider here a special case with L = H. That is, the signal to be estimated is the same as the uncorrupted measurement signal. For simplicity of discussions, we adopt the following standard assumption for system 7.1 through 7.3: Assumption 7.3 (a) (A, B) is controllable and (A, H) is observable (b) BDT = 0 and DDT = I The assumption that BDT = 0 essentially implies that the process noise and observation noise are independent of each other. With the above assumption, Equation 7.49 becomes AP + P AT − (1 − γ −2 )P H T HP + BB T = 0 and the filter gain Equation 7.52 becomes K = P HT
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From the Kalman filter, we know that if γ > 1 and with Assumption 7.3(a), Equation 7.58 always admits a stabilizing solution P = P T > 0. Therefore, the minimum achievable γinf ≤ 1. For unstable A, Equation 7.58 does not admit a positive definite stabilizing solution for γinf < 1 and hence γinf = 1. However, the central H∞ filter designed with parameter γ generally guarantees a level of attenuation γ¯ strictly less than γ. The following result gives an estimate of an upper bound of γ¯ (Bolzern et al. 2001): LEMMA 7.2 Let γ > 1 and consider the system 7.1 through 7.3 with L = H and satisfying Assumption 7.3. The central H∞ filter designed with γ has a guaranteed H∞ performance γ˜ , i.e., the actual H∞ filtering performance γ¯ satisfies γ¯ ≤ γ˜ < γ where γ˜ =
2 1 + γ −2
Proof: Using Equations 7.1 through 7.3 and Equations 7.50 and 7.51, the filtering error system is given by e˙ = (A − P H T H)e + (B − P H T D)w s˜ = He By applying Lemma 7.1, the H∞ norm of the above error system can be assessed by the existence of a matrix P¯ > 0 such that (A − P H T H)P¯ + P¯ (A − P H T H)T + γ˜ −2 P¯ H T H P¯ + BB T + P H T HP ≤ 0 Let P¯ = P/α with 0 < α ≤ 1 and substitute Equation 7.58 into the above matrix inequality. We obtain that (α + α−1 γ˜ −2 − 1 − γ −2 )P H T HP + (1 − α)BB T ≤ 0 which can be satisfied if γ˜ −2 ≤ α(1 + γ −2 − α) Minimizing γ˜ with respect to α gives the optimal value of α as α∗ =
1 + γ −2 γ0 2 − γ0 achieves the desired H∞ filtering performance γ0 .
Characterization of All Linear Time-Invariant H∞ Filters
Similarly to the finite horizon case, we characterize all the linear stationary H∞ filters that achieve the desired suboptimal noise attenuation level, γ. THEOREM 7.4 Consider the system 7.1 through 7.3 with A, B, H, and D being constant matrices and satisfying Assumptions 7.1 and 7.2. If there exists a stabilizing solution P = P T ≥ 0 to the ARE 7.49, then all linear causal H∞ filters are parameterized by ˆ(0) = 0 (7.59) x ˆ˙ (t) = Aˆ x(t) + K[z(t) − H x ˆ(t)] − γ −2 P LT η(t), x sˆ(t) = Lˆ x(t) − η(t)
η(t) = U[z(t) − H x ˆ(t)]
where U is any proper stable transfer function matrix U (s) satisfying U (s)D∞ < γ The block diagram of the above parameterization is also shown in Figure 7.4 with K given by Equation 7.52 and P being the stabilizing solution of Equation 7.49.
Relationship with the Kalman Filter
Similarly to the case of finite-horizon H∞ filtering, as γ → ∞, the result of Theorem 7.3 reduces to the well-known stationary Kalman filtering result for the system 7.1 through 7.3 under the assumption that the noise signal w(t) is a zero-mean white process with an identity power spectrum density matrix.
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Assume that the disturbance signal, w, of Equation 7.1 is a zero-mean Gaussian white noise with identity power spectrum density matrix and that the H∞ filter of Equations 7.50 and 7.51 exists. By applying the H∞ filter, the filtering error dynamic is given by e˙ = (A − KH)e + (B − KD)w
s˜ = Le
Then, the filtering error variance is given by M = E(˜ ss˜T ) = LP¯ LT where P¯ satisfies (A − KH)P¯ + P¯ (A − KH)T + (B − KD)(B − KD)T = 0
By subtracting Equation 7.64 from Equation 7.53 we have (A − KH)(P − P¯ ) + (P − P¯ )(A − KH)T + γ −2 P LT LP = 0
Since A − KH is asymptotically stable, it is easy to see that P − P¯ ≥ 0, i.e., P ≥ P¯ . Therefore, the filtering error variance is bounded by M ≤ LP LT It is clear that the H∞ filter is suboptimal in terms of the filtering error variance when the system under consideration is driven by a white noise. However, the H∞ filter has a predictable upper bound for its error variance. Also, in view of Equation 7.53, the H∞ filter can be interpreted as the Kalman filter for the system of Equations 7.1 through 7.3 with an additional white noise input, i.e., x˙ = Ax + Bw + γ −1 P LT w ˜ z = Hx + Dw s = Lx where w ˜ is a white noise with identity power spectrum matrix and is independent of w.
Convergence Analysis
Recall that under Assumption 7.3, the DRE associated with the finite horizon H∞ filter is given by P˙ = AP + P AT + P γ −2 LT L − H T H P + BB T , P (0) = Px0 (7.66)
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and the ARE associated with the stationary H∞ filter is 0 = AP + P AT + P γ −2 LT L − H T H P + BB T
The question to be answered here is whether the solution 7.66 will be bounded and converge to the nonnegative definite stabilizing solution of 7.67. For the case of zero initial condition of Equation 7.66, we have the following result (Bolzern et al. 1997): THEOREM 7.5 If (A, H) is detectable and the ARE 7.67 admits a nonnegative definite stabilizing solution Ps , then the solution P (t) of the DRE 7.66 with P (0) = 0 exists over [0, ∞) and converges to Ps as t → ∞. However, this nice convergence property does not carry over for the case of P (0) = 0 in general. To see this, we consider Example 7.3. Example 7.3 Let A = −1, H = 1, B = Equation 7.66 becomes
0 ,D= 0
√ 1 , L = 5 and γ = 2. Then,
√ √ 1 3 1 P˙ = −2P + P 2 + = P − 4 − 10 P − 4 + 10 4 2 4 i.e.,
1 1 √ − √ P − 4 − 10 P − 4 + 10
√ dP = 0.5 10 dt.
Denote Pa = 4 +
Ps = 4 −
Then, by solving the above differential equation we have ln
√ P (t) − Pa = 0.5 10t + c1 P (t) − Ps
or yet √ P (t) − Pa = ce0.5 10t P (t) − Ps
With the initial condition P (0), c = (P (0) − Pa )/(P (0) − Ps ). Hence, √ 2 10 [P (0) − Ps ] √ P (t) = Ps + P (0) − Ps + [Pa − P (0)] e0.5 10t
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Optimal and Robust Estimation 8 P(0)=7.0623 7 6
P(t )
5 4
3 2 Ps =0.8377
P(0)=0 0 0
2.5 t
FIGURE 7.9 Convergence of P (t). Note that both Pa and Ps are solutions of the ARE 7.67 with Ps being the stabilizing one. √ Clearly, if P (0) < Pa , P (t) → Ps = 4 − 10 when t → ∞. The convergence √ can be seen from Figure 7.9, where P (0) is equal to 0, 0.5, 4, and 4 + 10 − 0.1 = 7.0623, respectively. However, when P (0) > Pa , there always exists a finite escape time ! √ 2 10 2 τ = √ ln 1 + P (0) − Pa 10 √ For example, when P (0) = 4 + 10 + 0.1 = 7.2623, P (t) is shown in Figure 7.10. When P (0) = Pa , P (t) ≡ Pa . Hence, the following issue arises: Given γ such that the ARE 7.67 admits a nonnegative definite stabilizing solution Ps , for what values of Px0 does the solution P (·) of Equation 7.66 remains bounded and converges to Ps ? First, for a given γ > 0, it can be easily argued that if the ARE 7.67 admits a nonnegative definite stabilizing solution Ps , then for any Px0 satisfying 0 ≤ Px0 ≤ Ps , the solution P (t) of the DRE 7.66 will remain bounded over [0, T ] for any T > 0 and converges to Ps . This is because the existence of the stabilizing solution Ps to the ARE 7.67 implies that P (t) ≡ Ps when P (0) = Ps . Thus, there exists a filter such that J(Ps , T ) < γ. But J(Px0 , T ) ≤ J(Ps , T ) for any T > 0. That is to say, there always exists a filter such that J(Px0 , T ) < γ.
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P(t )
2.5 t
FIGURE 7.10 Finite time escape of P (t). Hence, for T > 0 by considering Theorem 7.1 the DRE 7.66 must have a bounded solution P (t) for t ∈ [0, T ]. Further, P0 (t) ≤ P (t) ≤ Ps (see Problem 6), where P0 (t) is the solution of Equation 7.66 corresponding to P (0) = Px0 = 0. In view of Theorem 7.5, P0 (t) → Ps . Hence, P (t) √ → Ps . Note that for Example 7.3, we have verified that when Px0 ≤ Ps = 4 − 10 < Pa , P (t) is bounded and P (t) → Ps . However, from Example 7.3, we also know that Px0 can be greater than Ps for the boundedness of the solution of Equation 7.66 and the convergence. A less-conservative estimate of the upper bound of Px0 is provided next. Since Ps is the stabilizing solution of Equation 7.67, the matrix As = A + Ps (γ −2 LT L − H T H) is asymptotically stable. For a symmetric matrix M , decompose M as M = M+ + M− where M+ (M− ) is nonnegative (nonpositive) definite with its nonzero eigenvalues coinciding with the positive (negative) eigenvalues of M . Using these notations, define the Lyapunov equation ATs Y + Y As + [γ −2 LT L − H T H]+ = 0
The above Lyapunov equation is guaranteed to have a solution Y = Y T ≥ 0. A sufficient condition for the boundedness and convergence of the solution of Equation 7.66 is given below (Bolzern et al. 1997).
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THEOREM 7.6 Let (A, B) be controllable and the ARE 7.67 admits a nonnegative definite stabilizing solution Ps . Then, if 0 ≤ Px0 < Ps + (Y + ρI)−1 , where ρ is a sufficiently small positive constant, the solution of Equation 7.66 converges to Ps as t → ∞. For Example 7.3, As = A + Ps (γ −2 LT L − H T H) = −
√ 10 4
and [γ −2 LT L − H T H]+ =
1 4
√ It follows from Equation 7.68 that Y = 1/2 10. Take ρ = 0 and apply Theorem 7.6. We know that the solution of Equation 7.66 will be bounded over [0, ∞) and converges to Ps if √ 0 ≤ Px0 < Ps + Y −1 = 4 + 10 which is also known to be a necessary condition from Example 7.3. COROLLARY 7.1 From Theorem 7.6, if the ARE 7.67 admits a nonnegative definite stabilizing solution Ps and γ −2 LT L − H T H < 0, then for any Px0 ≥ 0, the convergence of P (t) to Ps is guaranteed. Proof: In fact, if γ −2 LT L − H T H < 0, the Lyapunov Equation 7.68 gives the solution Y = 0. Thus, by Theorem 7.6, Px0 can be any nonnegative definite matrix which guarantees the convergence of P (t). Observe that when γ −2 LT L − H T H < 0, Equation 7.66 is in fact a Kalman filter type of DRE and Corollary 7.1 is consistent with the convergence result of the Kalman filter.
H∞ Filtering for a Special Class of Signal Models
In Theorem 7.3, we provide a complete solution for suboptimal stationary H∞ filtering of the general signal model 7.1 through 7.3. It should be noted that to obtain the optimal H∞ filter iteration on γ is required. In the following, we consider the H∞ filtering for a class of linear signal models and show that the optimal noise attenuation level can be obtained without going through iteration (Petersen 1989).
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Consider the signal model of Equations 7.1 through 7.3 with D = I, i.e., x(t) ˙ = Ax(t) + Bw(t)
z(t) = Hx(t) + w(t)
s(t) = Lx(t)
We note that when D = I, Assumption 7.2 (b) is reduced to that the matrix A − BH has no purely imaginary eigenvalues (see Problem 7). First, we consider the case when the matrix A − BH is asymptotically stable. By substituting Equation 7.70 into Equation 7.69 we obtain x(t) ˙ = Ax(t) + B[z(t) − Hx(t)] i.e., x(t) ˙ = (A − BH)x(t) + Bz(t)
Since A − BH is asymptotically stable, with the zero initial condition the above is an exact state observer. By setting sˆ = Lx, we have that sˆ = s, i.e., the filtering error is zero. In another words, the optimal noise attenuation level is γinf = 0 Hence, in the sequel we assume that the matrix A − BH has at least one unstable eigenvalue. We have the following result: THEOREM 7.7 Consider the system of Equations 7.69 through 7.71 satisfying Assumption 7.2. Let γ > 0 be a given constant. Then, the following statements are equivalent: (a) There exists a linear causal filter such that the filtering error dynamic is asymptotically stable and Gs˜w (s)∞ < γ (b) There exists a stabilizing solution P = P T ≥ 0 to the ARE: (A − BH)P + P (A − BH)T − P H T HP + γ −2 P LT LP = 0
Moreover, if any of the above conditions holds, a suitable H∞ filter is given by Equations 7.50 and 7.51 with the filter gain given by K = P HT + B
Proof: (b) → (a): First, the ARE 7.73 can be rewritten as (A − KH)P + P (A − KH)T + P H T HP + γ −2 P LT LP = 0
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where K is given by Equation 7.74. Since P is the stabilizing solution of Equation 7.73, it is easy to see that A − KH is asymptotically stable. In contrast, the filtering error transfer function matrix is Gs˜w (s) = −L(sI − A + KH)−1 P H T By Lemma 7.1, we conclude that Gs˜w (s)∞ < γ. (a) → (b): First, it is known from Theorem 7.3 that if H∞ filters exist, then there will be a central filter in the form of Equations 7.50 and 7.51. Hence, there exists K in Equations 7.50 and 7.51 such that Gs˜w (s)∞ < γ, where Gs˜w (s) = L(sI − A + KH)−1 (B − K) Then, by Lemma 7.1 there exists a matrix P¯ = P¯ T > 0 satisfying (A − KH)P¯ + P¯ (A − KH)T + γ −2 P¯ LT LP¯ + (B − K)(B − K)T < 0 which by completing the square leads to (A − BH)P¯ + P¯ (A − BH)T − P¯ H T H P¯ + γ −2 P¯ LT LP¯ + [K − (P¯ H T + B)][K − (P¯ H T + B)]T < 0 i.e.,
(A − BH)P¯ + P¯ (A − BH)T − P¯ H T H P¯ + γ −2 P¯ LT LP¯ < 0
This implies by Lemma 7.1 that there exists a stabilizing solution P = P ≥ 0 to the ARE 7.73. This ends the proof. Next, we shall determine the optimal noise attenuation level γinf . Since there exists at least one unstable eigenvalue of the matrix A − BH and A − BH has no purely imaginary eigenvalues, by applying a state-space transformation we can have that A1 0 A − BH = A21 A2 H = [H1 H2 ] L = [L1 L2 ] where the matrix A1 is asymptotically stable and the matrix A2 is antistable, i.e., −A2 is asymptotically stable. Note that with the detectability of (A, H), (A2 , H2 ) is observable. Next, define the following Lyapunov equations: −AT2 S − SA2 + H2T H2 = 0
−AT2 T
− T A2 +
LT2 L2
Since (A2 , H2 ) is observable and −A2 is asymptotically stable, there exist solutions S = S T > 0 and T = T T ≥ 0 to Equations 7.76 and 7.77, respectively.
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THEOREM 7.8 Consider the system 7.69 through 7.71 satisfying Assumption 7.2 and suppose the matrix A − BH has at least one unstable eigenvalue. Then, for a given γ > 0, there exists a linear causal filter such that the filtering error dynamic is asymptotically stable and Gs˜w (s)∞ < γ if and only if S > γ −2 T , where S > 0 and T ≥ 0 satisfy Equations 7.76 and 7.77, respectively. Proof: Suppose that for given γ, S > γ −2 T . Define X = S − γ −2 T . It follows from Equations 7.76 and 7.77 that X satisfies AT2 X + XA2 − H2T H2 + γ −2 LT2 L2 = 0 which implies that A2 P2 + P2 AT2 − P2 H2T H2 P2 + γ −2 P2 LT2 L2 P2 = 0
where P2 = X −1 > 0. Also, note that P2−1 A2 − P2 H2T H2 + γ −2 P2 LT L P2 = −AT2 Since −A2 is asymptotically stable, we conclude that A2 − P2 H2T H2 + γ −2 P2 LT L is asymptotically stable. Now, define
0 P = 0
0 P2
It is routine to check that P is a solution of the ARE 7.73 and A − BH − P H T H + γ −2 P LT L A1 = A21 − P2 H2T H1 + γ −2 P2 LT2 L1
0 A2 − P2 H2T H2 + γ −2 P2 LT2 L2
Since the matrices A1 and A2 −P2 H2T H2 +γ −2 P2 LT2 L2 are both asymptotically stable, then P is the stabilizing solution of Equation 7.73. Therefore, by Theorem 7.4 that there exists a causal linear H∞ filter. The proof of necessity is left for an exercise (see Problem 8). The above theorem implies that the optimal noise attenuation of the H∞ filtering is γinf = λmax (T S −1 ) where λmax (·) denotes the maximum eigenvalue. Recall that when the matrix A − BH is stable, γinf = 0.
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Stationary H∞ Filter—Linear Matrix Inequality Approach
In Section 7.4, we have discussed the Riccati equation approach to the stationary H∞ filter design. There are some inherent restrictions. First, they cannot be applied directly to general singular (the matrix R = DDT is singular) H∞ filtering problem. Secondly, it is required that the transfer function matrix from the noise input to the measurement output has no invariant zeros on the imaginary axis. This section provides an alternate to the Riccati equation approach. Consider the system of Equations 7.1 through 7.3. In view of the results in Section 7.4, we shall concentrate on the filter of the form x ˆ˙ (t) = Aˆ x(t) + K[z(t) − H x ˆ(t)],
x ˆ(0) = 0
sˆ(t) = Lˆ x(t)
(7.79) (7.80)
By defining e = x − x ˆ, the error dynamic of the filter 7.79 and 7.80 is given by e(t) ˙ = (A − KH)˜ x(t) + (B − KD)w(t),
x ˜(0) = 0
s(t) − sˆ(t) = Le(t)
(7.81) (7.82)
By Lemma 7.1, we know that for a given γ > 0, there exists a linear causal filter such that the filtering error dynamics is asymptotically stable and Gs˜w (s)∞ < γ, where Gs˜w (s) denotes the transfer function from w to s˜, if and only if there exists P = P T > 0 such that (A−KH)P +P (A−KH)T +γ −2 P LT LP +(B−KD)(B−KD)T < 0
Now, set X = P −1 and Y = P −1 K ∈ Rn×m . Then, by multiplying the above from the left and the right by X, Equation 7.83 leads to AT X + XA − Y H − H T Y T + γ −2 LT L + (XB − Y D)(XB − Y D)T < 0 By applying the Schur complement, the above is equivalent to
AT X + XA − Y H − H T Y T + γ −2 LT L XB − Y D Υ(X, Y ) = 0 and Y are obtained, the filter gain is given by K = X −1 Y
We point out that in the LMI approach, Assumptions 7.1 and 7.2(b) are no longer needed, and we are able to address the singular H∞ filtering problem. Example 7.4 For Example 7.1, by applying the LMI approach, we can obtain the optimal γ of 0.2084. For the optimal H∞ filtering, the corresponding filter gain is −3.9628 × 106 K= −2.6778 × 106 which, as expected, is very high. However, by slightly increasing the γ to 0.22 and solving the LMI, we obtain the filter gain of −68.8288 K= −44.8581 which is much lower than the optimal H∞ filter gain.
Problems 1. Consider the problem of estimating an unknown constant parameter. The problem is modeled as x˙ = 0 z =x+v where the measurement noise is energy-bounded but otherwise with unknown characteristics. Find a finite horizon H∞ filter for estimating the parameter (state). Comment on the effects of the initial condition Px0 of the DRE on the filter. 2.
Consider the scalar system x˙ = ax + w z = hx + v s=x
with a = −1,
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√ (a) Given γ = 1/ 2, show that a finite horizon H∞ filter over [0, T ] for any T > 0 exists if and only if the weighting for the initial estimate satisfying 0 < Px0 < 4. Obtain an H∞ filter when 0 < Px0 < 4. (b) Show that √ the optimal stationary H∞ filtering performance is γinf = 1/ 2. 3. Let the system be described by 0 0 1 x+ w x˙ = 1 −ωn2 −2α z = 1 0 x+v s= 1 0 x (a) Write a MATLAB program to compute the optimal stationary H∞ filter. Assume that ωn = 1 and α = 0.1. (b) Verify that the Kalman filter provides an H∞ performance of Ge (s)∞ ≤ 2, where Ge (s) is the filtering error transfer function. 4.
Consider the problem of estimating motion described by 0 1 0 x˙ = x+ w 0 0 1
where w is a disturbance input with bounded energy. Let the measurement equation be given by z = 1 0 x+v with v the measurement noise which is also energy-bounded. Let s = [0 1]x be the signal to be estimated. Given γ = 2 and Px0 = 0, find a finite horizon H∞ filter and a stationary H∞ filter. 5. Consider Problem 2. Let γ = 1. Find condition on Px0 such that the solution of the DRE associated with the finite horizon H∞ filtering exists and converges to the stabilizing solution of the ARE associated with the stationary H∞ filtering. Obtain a stationary H∞ filter. 6. Suppose for a given γ, the DRE 7.66 has bounded solutions P1 (t) and P2 (t) for P (0) = M1 and P (0) = M2 , respectively, where 0 ≤ M1 ≤ M2 . Show that P1 (t) ≤ P2 (t). 7. Show that when D = I, Assumption 7.2(b) is equivalent to that the matrix A − BH has no purely imaginary eigenvalues. 8.
Prove the necessity part of Theorem 7.8.
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Consider the system
−1 0 0 x˙ = x+ w 2 1 1 z = 1 0 x+w s= 1 0 x Find the optimal H∞ filtering performance γinf . 10. Consider the H∞ filtering problem for the system without measurement error: x(t) ˙ = Ax(t) + Bw(t) z(t) = Hx(t) s(t) = Lx(t) Assume that A is stable and LT L ≤ H T H. Show that for any given γ > 0, there exists an H∞ stationary filter that achieves the H∞ filtering performance γ.
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8 H∞ Filtering of Discrete-Time Systems
In this chapter, we study the H∞ filtering of discrete-time systems. The Riccati equation approach is first applied to derive H∞ a priori and a posteriori filters in both the finite horizon and stationary cases (Yaesh and Shaked 1991; Takaba and Katayama 1996). We also present a polynomial approach to the H∞ filtering problem whose solution relies on J-spectral factorization (Zhang et al. 2000; Colaneri and Ferrante 2002). An application of H∞ filtering to channel equalization is given to illustrate the design of an H∞ filter.
Discrete-Time H∞ Filtering Problem
Consider the following dynamical system: xk+1 = Axk + Gwk
zk = Hxk + vk
sk = Lxk
where xk ∈ Rn is the state vector, zk ∈ Rp the measurement, and sk ∈ Rr the signal to be estimated. The process noise wk ∈ Rl and the measurement noise vk ∈ Rp are assumed to be deterministic and with bounded energy. The initial ¯0 . state x0 of the system is unknown with estimate x We introduce the following notation for a discrete-time signal {z0 , z1 ,. . ., zN}: z22,[k1 ,k2 ] =
ziT zi
The signal {z0 , z1 , . . . , zN } is said to be energy-bounded or from 2 [0, N ] if z2,[0,N ] < ∞. Depending on where there exists a (unity) delay in obtaining the measurement, the filtering problem can be classified as a priori filtering or a posteriori filtering. Given a prescribed scalar γ > 0, the H∞ a priori filtering is concerned with finding an estimate sˆk of sk based on the measurements {z0 , z1 , . . . , zk−1 } such that for any nonzero (x0 , w, v) with x0 bounded, w ∈ 2 [0, N − 1] and 387
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v ∈ 2 [0, N − 1],
¯0 )T Px−1 (x0 − x ¯0 ) Jpri = s − sˆ22,[1,N ] − γ 2 (x0 − x 0 2 2 + w2,[0,N −1] + v2,[0,N −1] < 0
where Px0 is a positive definite matrix reflecting the uncertainty of the initial state estimate relative to the combined energy of the process and measurement noises. For the H∞ a posteriori filtering, the measurement at time k is available for estimating the signal sk . That is, there is no delay in obtaining the measurement data. In this connection, given a prescribed scalar γ > 0, the H∞ a posteriori filtering is stated as finding an estimate sˆk of sk based on the measurements {z1 , . . . , zk }, such that for any nonzero (x0 , w, v) with x0 bounded, w ∈ 2 [0, N − 1] and v ∈ 2 [1, N ], T ¯0 ) Px−1 (x0 − x ¯0 ) Jpost = s − sˆ22,[1,N ] − γ 2 (x0 − x 0 + w22,[0,N −1] + v22,[1,N ] < 0 (8.5) In the remainder of this section, we shall present several versions of bounded real lemma which play a crucial role in deriving an H∞ filter. Consider the discrete-time system of the form xk+1 = Axk + Gwk yk = Cxk
(8.6) (8.7)
where wk is the disturbance input which is from 2 [0, N ] and yk the output. We introduce the following cost functions associated with the system: 2 J = y22,[0,N −1] − γ 2 xT0 Px−1 (8.8) x + w 0 2,[0,N −1] 0 and
2 J = y22,[1,N ] − γ 2 xT0 Px−1 x + w 0 2,[0,N −1] 0
where Px0 is a positive definite matrix. The bounded real lemma for the system 8.6 and 8.7 is given in Theorem 8.1. THEOREM 8.1 Consider the system 8.6 and 8.7 and the performance measures 8.8 and 8.9. Then, for a given positive scalar γ, we have the following results: (a) J < 0 for any 0 = (x0 , w) with w ∈ 2 [0, N −1], if and only if there exists a solution Pk to the differential Riccati equation (DRE): −1 CPk AT Pk+1 = APk AT + γ −2 APk C T I − γ −2 CPk C T + GGT ,
P0 = Px0
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H∞ Filtering of Discrete-Time Systems
such that I − γ −2 CPk C T > 0. Moreover, the solution Pk , if exists, is positive definite. (b) J < 0 for any 0 = (x0 , w) with w ∈ 2 [0, N −1] if and only if there exists a solution P¯k to the DRE −1 C P¯k AT + GGT P¯k+1 = AP¯k AT + γ −2 AP¯k C T I − γ −2 C P¯k C T (8.11) −2 T −1 −2 ¯k C T > 0. Morewhere P¯0 = (Px−1 + γ C C) , such that I − γ C P 0 over, the solution P¯k , if it exists, is positive definite. Proof: For simplicity, we assume that A is invertible and set γ = 1. Note that, for the case of γ = 1 we may just scale the matrix C, i.e., replace C by γ −1 C. (a) Sufficiency. Since Pk > 0, we first apply the matrix inversion lemma to Equation 8.10 to obtain Pk+1 − GGT = A(Pk−1 − C T C)−1 AT
Since A is invertible, taking inversion on both sides of Equation 8.12 leads to AT (Pk+1 − GGT )−1 A = Pk−1 − C T C Denote Qk = Pk−1 and apply the matrix inversion lemma again. Then, we obtain the following DRE: −1 T AT Qk+1 A−Qk +AT Qk+1 G I − GT Qk+1 G B Qk+1 A+C T C = 0 (8.13) . Further, since I − CPk C T > 0, it can be known from Equawhere Q0 = Px−1 0 tion 8.12 that Pk+1 − GGT > 0 or equivalently I − GT Qk+1 G > 0. Denote Jk = xTk+1 Qk+1 xk+1 − xTk Qk xk . Then, it follows from Equation 8.6 that Jk = xTk (AT Qk+1 A − Qk )xk + xTk AT Qk+1 Gwk + wkT GT Qk+1 Axk + wkT GT Qk+1 Gwk By utilizing Equations 8.7 and 8.13 and completing the squares, it can be obtained that Jk + ykT yk − wkT wk = −ηkT (I − GT Qk+1 G)ηk −1 T where ηk = I − GT Qk+1 G G Qk+1 Axk − wk . By taking summation of the above from k = 0 to N − 1, we have y32,[0,N −1] −w22,[0,N −1] −xT0 Px−1 x0 = −xTN QN xN − 0
N −1 k=0
ηkT (I−GT Qk+1 G)ηk
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That is, J < 0 for any nonzero (x0 , w) since I − GT Qk G > 0 for any k ∈ [1, N ] and QN > 0. The proof of necessity is left as an exercise. To prove (b), we note that since y0 = Cx0 and wN does not affect yN (the worst case is wN = 0), the cost function J with γ = 1 can be rewritten as x0 + w22,[0,N ] J = y22,[0,N ] − xT0 P¯x−1 0 = Px−1 + C T C. The rest of the proof then follows from the proof where P¯x−1 0 0 of (a). In the case when A is singular, we can replace A by A + I so that A + I is nonsingular. The above result still holds when taking the limit of → 0. Furthermore, Pk > 0 will be satisfied. Consider now x0 = 0 and N approaches ∞. We assume that the system 8.6 is asymptotically stable. In this case, that J < 0 for any nonzero w ∈ 2 [0, ∞) is equivalent to G(z)∞ < γ, where G(z) = C(zI − A)−1 G is the transfer function matrix of the system and G(z)∞ refers to the infinity norm of the stable transfer function G(z), i.e., G(z)∞ = sup0≤ω≤2π σmax [G(ejω )] with σmax (·) being the maximum singular value of a matrix. Then, we have the following result: THEOREM 8.2 The following statements are equivalent: (a) The matrix A is asymptotically stable and G(z)∞ < γ. (b) There exists P¯ = P¯ T > 0 satisfying −1 C P¯ AT + GGT < 0 (8.14) AP¯ AT − P¯ + γ −2 AP¯ C T I − γ −2 C P¯ C T such that I − γ −2 C P¯ C T > 0. (c) There exists a stabilizing solution P = P T ≥ 0 to the ARE. −1 CP AT + GGT = 0 (8.15) AP AT − P + γ −2 AP C T I − γ −2 CP C T such that I − γ −2 CP C T > 0. Further, if (A, G) is reachable, P is positive definite.
H∞ a Priori Filter
In this section, we shall present a solution to the H∞ a priori filtering for the system 8.1 through 8.3.
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H∞ Filtering of Discrete-Time Systems
Finite Horizon Case
We consider an observer-based filter of the form xk + Kk (zk − H x ˆk ) , x ˆk+1 = Aˆ
x ˆ0 = x ¯0
sˆk = Lˆ xk
(8.16) (8.17)
It should be noted that there is no loss of generality in assuming the above observer-based filter. The following result gives a solution to the H∞ a priori filtering. THEOREM 8.3 Consider the system 8.1 through 8.3. For a given γ > 0, there exists an H∞ a priori filter over [0, N ] if and only if there exists a solution Pk = PkT > 0, k = 0, 1, . . . , N , to the DRE −1 Pk+1 = APk AT + γ −2 Pk+1 LT I + γ −2 LPk+1 LT LPk+1 −1 − APk H T I + HPk H T HPk AT + GGT (8.18) where P0 = Px0 > 0. If the condition is satisfied, a suitable H∞ a priori filter can be given by Equations 8.16 and 8.17 with the filter gain of −1 Kk = APk H T I + HPk H T (8.19) Proof: Denote ek = xk − x ˆk and s˜k = sk − sˆk . Then, it follows from Equations 8.1 through 8.3 and Equations 8.16 and 8.17 that the filtering error dynamic is given by
w ¯0 (8.20) ek+1 = (A − Kk H)ek + [G −Kk ] k , e0 = x0 − x vk s˜k = Lek
By applying Theorem 8.1(b), there exists an H∞ a priori filter that achieves 2 2 Jpri = ˜ s2[2,[1,N ] − γ 2 eT0 Px−1 e + w + v 0 2,[0,N −1] [2,[0,N −1] < 0 0 for any nonzero (x0 , w, v) if and only if there exists a solution P¯k = P¯kT > 0 to the DRE: −1 P¯k+1 = (A − Kk H)P¯k (A − Kk H)T + γ −2 (A − Kk H)P¯k LT I − γ −2 LP¯k LT × LP¯k (A − Kk H)T + GGT + Kk K T , P¯0 = (P −1 + γ −2 LT L)−1 k
such that I − γ LP¯k LT > 0, or yet −1 P¯k+1 = (A − Kk H) P¯k−1 − γ −2 LT L (A − Kk H)T + GGT + Kk KkT
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Denote Pk−1 = P¯k−1 − γ −2 LT L > 0. The above implies that −1 −1 = (A − Kk H)Pk (A − Kk H)T + GGT + Kk KkT (8.22) Pk+1 + γ −2 LT L where P0 = Px0 . By completing the squares and applying the matrix inversion lemma, Equation 8.22 leads to −1 Pk+1 = APk AT + γ −2 Pk+1 LT I + γ −2 LPk+1 LT LPk+1 −1 − APk H T RH HPk AT + GGT −1 −1 T RH Kk − APk H T RH + Kk − APk H T RH
where RH = I + HPk H T . Hence, the sufficiency is obvious by setting Kk as in Equation 8.19. In this situation, Equation 8.23 reduces to Equation 8.18. The necessity follows from the monotonicity of DRE. That is, if for some given Kk , there exists P1,k = T P1,k > 0 satisfying Equation 8.23, then there exists a solution Pk = PkT > 0 to Equation 8.18 and Pk ≤ P1,k . We now discuss the computation of Equation 8.18. To this end, we show that the existence of Pk to Equation 8.18 is equivalent to the existence of Mk , satisfying Mk−1 − γ −2 LT L > 0, to the following DRE: ¯ + HM ¯ kH ¯T R ¯ T −1 HM ¯ k AT + GGT Mk+1 = AMk AT − AMk H −1 + γ −2 LT L and where M0 = Px−1 0
H I ¯ ¯ H= , R= L 0
0 −γ 2 I
In fact, by the matrix inversion lemma, Equation 8.18 can be rewritten as −1 −1 −1 T Pk+1 + γ −2 LT L = A Pk−1 + H T H A + GGT Define Mk−1 = Pk−1 + γ −2 LT L. Then, we have −1 T A + GGT Mk+1 = A Mk−1 + H T H − γ −2 LT L i.e., ¯TR ¯ −1 H ¯ −1 AT + GGT Mk+1 = A Mk−1 + H Thus, Equation 8.24 follows by utilizing the matrix inversion again. Observe that the condition Pk > 0 is equivalent to that of I > γ −2 LM k LT > 0. Thus, we can compute Mk via the recursion 8.24. If I − γ −2 LMk LT > 0, then Pk = (Mk−1 − γ −2 LT L)−1 and the H∞ filter gain of 8.16 and 8.17 is calculated as in Equation 8.19.
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H∞ Filtering of Discrete-Time Systems
Example 8.1 Consider the scalar system xk+1 = axk +
zk = hxk + vk
sk = xk
where a, q, and h are constants. The DRE 8.18 becomes −1 −1 a2 h2 Pk2 Pk+1 + γ −2 = a2 Pk − +q 1 + h 2 Pk i.e., Pk+1 =
1 + h2 Pk − γ −2 (a2 + qh2 )Pk + q
−1 (8.28)
where P0 = Px0 is the weighting factor of the initial estimate. From Equation 8.19, the filter gain is given by Kk =
ahPk 1 + h 2 Pk
and the H∞ a priori filter is x ˆk+1 = aˆ xk + Kk (zk − hˆ xk ) i.e., x ˆk+1 =
a ahPk x ˆk + zk 1 + h 2 Pk 1 + h 2 Pk
To study the effect of the measurement noise, we modify Equation 8.26 as √ zk = hxk + rvk i.e., z h √k = √ xk + vk r r Then, Equation 8.28 becomes
−1 r + h 2 Pk −2 Pk+1 = − γ (a2 r + qh2 )Pk + rq
and the H∞ a priori filter is then x ˆk+1 =
ar ahPk x ˆk + zk r + h 2 Pk r + h 2 Pk
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When γ → ∞, Equation 8.29 reduces to Pk+1 =
a2 rPk +q r + h 2 Pk
Hence, the H∞ a priori filter reduces to the Kalman a priori filter as in Example 2.5. a. Perfect measurements In this case, r = 0. Then Equation 8.29 becomes Pk+1 = (q −1 − γ −2 )−1 √ Obviously, γ > q is required. That is, the optimal H∞ filter performance is √ γopt = q. Also, Equation 8.30 yields the filter x ˆk+1 =
a zk h
which is the same as the Kalman a priori filter. It becomes clear that the Kalman a priori filter also achieves the optimal H∞ performance. b. Completely unreliable measurements Let r → ∞, implying that the measurement is unreliable. In this situation, Equation 8.29 and the filter Equation 8.30 become Pk+1 =
1 a2 Pk + q
− γ −2
−1 (8.31)
and x ˆk+1 = aˆ xk respectively. For the case a = 0, i.e., we consider the system xk+1 =
√ qwk
In the case, −1 Pk = q −1 − γ −2 √ which is positive if and only if γ > q. This can be explained as follows: With x ˆk = 0, then e20 + w22,[0,N −1] + v22,[0,N −1] Jpri = qw22,[0,N −1] − γ 2 Px−1 0 which is clearly less than zero if γ >
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When γ → ∞, Equation 8.31 reduces to Pk+1 = a2 Pk + q which is the same as that of Kalman filter and converges if and only if |a| < 1.
Example 8.2 Consider the system
−0.2 −0.5 0 xk + w xk+1 = 1.5 1 1 k zk = −2 1 xk + vk
1 1 sk = x 0 1 k Let γ = 2.5, Px0 = I, and N = 100. Then,
−1 0.8767 −0.1063 −2 T M0 = Px−1 + γ L L = 0 −0.1063 0.7705 By the Riccati recursion 8.24, we can obtain Mk which satisfies Mk−1 − γ −2 LT L > 0. Then, Pk = (Mk−1 − γ −2 LT L)−1 and the filter gain is computed by Equation 8.19. The filter gain Kk versus k is shown in Figure 8.1. We observe that the filter gain converges within three steps. 0.5 0.4
K 2,k
Filter gains
0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2
K 1,k
−0.3 −0.4
FIGURE 8.1 H∞ a priori filter gains.
5 6 Time
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Signal s1,k and its estimate
50 60 Time (k )
FIGURE 8.2 Comparison between the input signal s1,k and its estimate sˆ1,k .
Given that wk and vk are Gaussian white noises with zero means and variances of 1 and 0.01, respectively, the tracking performance of the H∞ a priori filter is shown in Figures 8.2 and 8.3, respectively, where the solid line denotes the actual signal s1,k or s2,k , where sk = [s1,k s2,k ]T , and the dashed dot line denotes their estimates. For the purpose of making a comparison with the H∞ a posteriori filtering in the next section, we now consider a modified cost function = ˜ s22,[0,N ] − γ 2 eT0 Px−1 e0 + w22,[0,N −1] + v22,[0,N −1] Jpri 0
in which we have included s˜0 in the cost function, i.e., we have taken into consideration the estimation error at k = 0. Note that s˜0 = Le0 . Hence, the cost function 8.32 can be rewritten as 2 2 = ˜ s22,[1,N ] − γ 2 eT0 P¯x−1 e + w + v Jpri 0 2,[0,N −1] 2,[0,N −1] 0
= Px−1 − γ −2 LT L is required to be positive definite, otherwise Jpri where P¯x−1 0 0 cannot be negative for all e0 . By applying Theorem 8.1(a) and a similar proof of Theorem 8.3, we have the following result.
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5 4
Signal s2,k and its estimate
3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5
50 60 Time (k)
FIGURE 8.3 Comparison between the input signal s2,k and its estimate sˆ2,k .
THEOREM 8.4 Consider the system 8.1 through 8.3. For a given γ > 0, there exists an H∞ a priori filter over [0, N ] such that Jpri < 0 for any nonzero (x0 , w, v) if and only if there exists a solution Mk > 0 to Equation 8.24 with the initial condition M0 = Px0 such that Mk−1 −γ −2 LT L > 0 (or equivalently, I −γ −2 LMk LT > 0). If the condition is satisfied, a suitable H∞ a priori filter that achieves Jpri < 0 for any nonzero (x0 , w, v) can be given by Equations 8.16 and 8.17 with the filter gain of −1 Kk = APk H T I + HPk H T
−1 where Pk = Mk−1 − γ −2 LT L > 0. It should be noted that the above result is also applicable to linear timevarying systems.
Stationary Case
We now consider the stationary case. In this situation, the initial state is known and the filter 8.16 and 8.17 will be time-invariant, i.e., Kk = K will be a constant matrix. We make the following assumption concerning the system 8.1 through 8.3.
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Assumption 8.1 (i) The pair (H, A) is detectable. (ii) The pair (A, G) has no unreachable mode on the unit circle. It should be noted that Assumption 8.1 is necessary for the existence of H∞ a priori filter. It can be seen from Equations 8.20 and 8.21 that the transfer function matrix from the noise input [w v]T to s˜ is given by E(z) = L [zI − (A − KH)]
For a given scalar γ > 0, the stationary H∞ a priori filter design problem is to determine the gain K of the filter 8.16 and 8.17 so that the matrix A − KH is asymptotically stable (with all of its eigenvalues inside the unit disk) and E(z)∞ < γ. THEOREM 8.5 Consider the system 8.1 through 8.3 satisfying Assumption 8.1. Then, for a given scalar γ > 0, the stationary H∞ a priori filtering problem is solvable if and only if there exists a stabilizing solution M = M T ≥ 0, satisfying I − γ −2 LM LT > 0, to the following ARE: ¯ T HM ¯ H ¯T + R ¯ −1 HM ¯ AT + GGT = 0 AM AT − M − AM H
¯ = H , H L
I 0
0 −γ 2 I
If the above condition is satisfied, a suitable H∞ a priori filter is given by xk + K(zk − H x ˆk ), x ˆk+1 = Aˆ
x ˆ0 = x0
sˆk = Lˆ xk
(8.37) (8.38)
with the filter gain of −1 K = AP H T I + HP H T where
−1 LM P = M + γ −2 M LT I − γ −2 LM LT
Proof: From Theorem 8.2, the matrix A − KH is asymptotically stable and ¯ =M ¯ T ≥ 0 to the ARE: E(z)∞ < γ if and only if there exists a solution M ¯ (A − KH)T − M ¯ + γ −2 (A − KH)M ¯ LT I − γ −2 LM ¯ LT −1 (A − KH)M ¯ (A − KH)T + GGT + KK T = 0 × LM (8.40)
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H∞ Filtering of Discrete-Time Systems
¯ LT > 0 and the matrix such that I − γ −2 LM ¯ LT I − γ −2 LM ¯ LT −1 L A¯ = A − KH + γ −2 (A − KH)M is stable. Similar to the proof of Theorem 8.4, by completing the square, Equation 8.40 is equivalent to (de Souza and Xie 1992) ¯ AT − M ¯ + γ −2 AM ¯ LT U −1 LM ¯ AT − U3 U −1 U T AM 3 1 2 −1 −1 T T + K − U3 U2 U2 K − U3 U2 + GG = 0
where ¯ LT > 0 U1 = I − γ −2 LM ¯ H T + γ −2 H M ¯ LT U −1 LM ¯ HT U2 = I + H M 1
¯ H T + γ −2 AM ¯ LT U −1 LM ¯ HT U3 = AM 1 By some standard matrix manipulations (left as an exercise), Equation 8.41 can be rewritten as ¯ AT − M ¯M ¯H ¯T + R ¯ − AM ¯H ¯T H ¯ −1 H ¯M ¯ AT AM T + GGT + K − U3 U2−1 U2 K − U3 U2−1 = 0 (8.42) and A¯ is equivalent to ¯H ¯T H ¯M ¯H ¯T + R ¯ −1 H ¯ A¯ = A − AM By the monotonicity of ARE, it is easy to know that there exists a solution ¯ =M ¯ T ≥ 0 to the above ARE such that A¯ is stable and U1 > 0 if and only M if there exists a stabilizing solution M = M T ≥ 0 to the ARE 8.36 such that I − γ −2 LM LT > 0. Furthermore, setting K = U3 U2−1 , Equation 8.42 reduces ¯ = M . It is easy to see that K = U3 U −1 is the same to Equation 8.36 and M 2 as that of Equation 8.39. Example 8.3 Consider Example 8.2. Let γ = 2.5. Solving the ARE 8.36 yields the stabilizing solution
0.1607 −0.3416 M= −0.3416 1.8088 which satisfies I − γ −2 LM LT > 0. The filter gain is then computed by Equation 8.39 as
−0.2773 K= 0.4092
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which is the same as the converged gain of Example 8.2. That is, the finite horizon H∞ a priori filter converges to that of the stationary case. It can be checked that the minimum achievable γ by the stationary H∞ a priori filtering is 1.82. One should, however, be cautious that unlike the Kalman filter which converges to its stationary filter under very mild conditions, the convergence of the finite horizon H∞ filter relies on a proper choice of the initial condition of the DRE 8.24, i.e., on the choice of Px0 . Note that we need to ensure the feasibility condition Mk−1 −γ −2 LT L > 0, ∀k ∈ [1, N ]. For Example 8.2, for the same γ = 2.5, if Px0 = [ 20 02 ], it can be verified that the feasibility condition is violated for k = 1. Suppose that A is invertible and the ARE 8.36 has a stabilizing solution M > 0 which is feasible, i.e., I − γ −2 LM LT > 0. Then, the DRE 8.24 has a feasible solution Mk > 0 and Mk → M if 0 < M0 ≤ M .
8.3 8.3.1
H∞ a Posteriori Filter Finite Horizon Case
We now study the H∞ a posteriori filtering problem for the system 8.1 through 8.3. In this situation, the filter is of the form xk + Kk (zk+1 − HAˆ xk ), x ˆk+1 = Aˆ
x ˆ0 = x ¯0
sˆk = Lˆ xk
(8.43) (8.44)
where the filter gain Kk is to be determined such that Equation 8.5 is satisfied. THEOREM 8.6 Consider the system 8.1 through 8.3. For a given γ > 0, there exists an H∞ a posteriori filter over [0, N ] if and only if there exists a solution P¯k = P¯kT > 0 to the DRE Mk+1 = AP¯k AT + GGT ,
P¯0 = Px0
−1 −1 = Mk+1 + H T H − γ −2 LT L P¯k+1
(8.45) (8.46)
If the above condition holds, then a suitable H∞ a posteriori filter is given by Equations 8.43 and 8.44 with the filter gain of −1 Kk = Mk+1 H T I + HMk+1 H T
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H∞ Filtering of Discrete-Time Systems
Proof: For the simplicity of presentation, we assume that A is invertible. First, it follows from Equations 8.1 through 8.3 and Equations 8.43 and 8.44 that the filtering error dynamic is given by
wk ek+1 = (I − Kk H)Aek + [(I − Kk H)G −Kk ] (8.48) vk+1 s˜k = Lek
k Denote w ¯k = [ vw k+1 ]. Then, the cost function (Equation 8.5) can be rewritten as 2 s22,[1,N ] − γ 2 eT0 Px−1 e + w ¯ Jpost = ˜ 0 2,[0,N −1] 0
Hence, by applying Theorem 8.1(b), there exists an H∞ a posteriori filter if and only if there exists a solution Pˆk = PˆkT > 0 to the DRE Pˆk+1 = (I − Kk H)APˆk AT (I − Kk H)T −1 + γ −2 (I − Kk H)APˆk LT I − γ −2 LPˆk LT LPˆk AT (I − Kk H)T −1 + (I − Kk H)GGT (I − Kk H)T + Kk KkT , Pˆ0 = Px−1 + γ −2 LT L 0 such that I −γ −2 LPˆk LT > 0. Denote P¯k−1 = Pˆk−1 −γ −2 LT L > 0. By applying the matrix inversion lemma, we get −1 −1 P¯k+1 + γ −2 LT L = (I − Kk H) AP¯k AT + GGT (I − Kk H)T + Kk KkT which, by completing the squares, leads to −1 −1 −1 T P¯k+1 + γ −2 LT L = Mk+1 − Mk+1 H T RH HMk+1 −1 −1 T + Kk − Mk+1 H T RH RH Kk − Mk+1 H T RH (8.50) where RH = I + HM k+1 H T and Mk is as in Equation 8.45 and is positive definite. Again, by applying the matrix inversion lemma to the right-hand side of Equation 8.50, we have −1 −1 −1 −1 P¯k+1 + γ −2 LT L = Mk+1 + H T H −1 −1 T RH Kk − Mk+1 H T RH + Kk − Mk+1 H T RH (8.51) Hence, the sufficiency is obvious by setting Kk as in Equation 8.47. The necessity follows from the monotonicity of DRE. That is, if for some given
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T Kk , there exists P¯1,k = P¯1,k > 0 satisfying Equation 8.51, then there exists a T ¯ ¯ solution Pk = Pk > 0 to Equations 8.45 and 8.46 and P¯k ≤ P¯1,k .
REMARK 8.1 Observe that −1 −1 −1 ¯TR ¯ −1 H ¯ −1 Mk + H T H − γ −2 LT L = Mk + H ¯ + HM ¯ kH ¯T R ¯ T −1 HM ¯ k = Mk − Mk H where
¯ = H , H L
¯= I R 0
0 −γ 2 I
Hence, the DREs 8.45 and 8.46 can be replaced by a single one: ¯ + HM ¯ kH ¯T R ¯ T −1 HM ¯ k AT + GGT Mk+1 = AMk AT − AMk H −1 where M0 = Px−1 + γ −2 LT L − H T H . 0
Example 8.4 Consider now the H∞ a posteriori filtering of Example 8.2. With the same γ = 2.5 and Px0 = I, we know that the H∞ a posteriori filtering problem is solvable as the H∞ a priori filtering has been solved in Example 8.2. Setting P¯0 = Px0 and solving Equations 8.45 and 8.46 recursively, we can obtain Mk and P¯k and verify that P¯k > 0 for k = 1, 2, . . . , N . The filter gains are then computed using Equation 8.47 and are shown in Figure 8.4. The gain converges to
−0.1376 K= 0.5172 Given that wk and vk are Gaussian white noises with zero means and variances of 1 and 0.01, respectively, the comparison between the signal sk and its H∞ a posteriori filtering estimate is shown in Figures 8.5 and 8.6, respectively. Clearly, it shows much better tracking performance than the H∞ a priori filter. The minimum γ achievable by the H∞ a posteriori filtering is 1.23 which is in comparison with the minimum γ of 2.40 by the H∞ a priori filtering. By reducing the uncertainty in the initial estimate, that is, by decreasing Px0 , the minimum achievable γ can be improved. Indeed, by choosing Px0 = 0.01I, the minimum achievable γ by the H∞ a posteriori filtering is 1.07. We now modify the cost function Jpost by taking into consideration the initial estimation error as in Equation 8.32. That is, we consider 2 2 (8.54) = ˜ s22,[0,N ] − γ 2 eT0 Px−1 e + w + v Jpost 0 2,[0,N −1] 2,[0,N ] 0
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0.6 0.5 K 2,k
Filter gains
0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0
−0.1 −0.2
FIGURE 8.4 H∞ a posteriori filter gains. 4
Signal s1,k and its estimate
3 2 1 0
−1 −2 −3
50 60 Time (k )
FIGURE 8.5 Signal s1,k and its H∞ a posteriori filtering estimate.
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Signal s2,k and its estimate
2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5
50 60 Time (k )
FIGURE 8.6 Signal s2,k and its H∞ a posteriori filtering estimate. Note that s˜0 = Le0 , whereas the initial measurement error can be given as v0 = Hx0 − H x ¯0 = He0 Thus, Equation 8.54 is given by = ˜ s2 − γ 2 eT0 P¯x−1 e0 + w2 Jpost 2,[1,N ]
2 2,[0,N −1] + v2,[1,N ]
where P¯x−1 = Px−1 +H T H −γ 2 LT L. By applying a similar proof as in Theorem 0 0 8.6, we have the following: THEOREM 8.7 Consider the system 8.1 through 8.3. For a given γ > 0, there exists an H∞ a posteriori filter over [0, N ] such that Jpost < 0 for all (x0 , w, v) if and only if there exists a solution Mk to the DRE (8.24) with M0 = Px0 such that Mk−1 + H T H − γ −2 LT L > 0
If the above condition is satisfied, then a suitable H∞ a posteriori filter is given by Equations 8.43 and 8.44 with the filter gain of Equation 8.47. REMARK 8.2 Observe that both the H∞ a priori and a posteriori filtering require the existence of a solution Mk to Equation 8.24. Note from
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Theorem 8.4 that the former requires Mk−1 −γ −2 LT L > 0, which implies Equation 8.56 of the latter in Theorem 8.7. Thus, it is concluded that if the H∞ a priori filtering is solvable, then the H∞ a posteriori filtering is solvable for the same γ > 0. The converse is not true in general. This is because the latter has made use of the measurements yi , 1 ≤ i ≤ k when estimating sk , whereas the former only uses the measurements yi , 1 ≤ i ≤ k − 1. REMARK 8.3 When γ approaches ∞, the H∞ a priori filter and a posteriori filter reduce to their Kalman filter counterparts. In this case, P¯k and Pk are respectively the a posteriori and a priori Kalman filtering error covariances. From Theorem 8.6, when γ → ∞, Pk = Mk , whereas P¯k = (Mk−1 + H T H)−1 ≤ Mk = Pk . Pk is the prediction error covariance, whereas P¯k is the error covariance of the updated estimate.
Stationary Case
We now consider the stationary H∞ a posteriori filtering. In this situation, the filter 8.16 and 8.17 under consideration will be time-invariant. It can be seen from Equations 8.48 and 8.49 that the transfer function from the noise [wT v T ]T to the filtering error s˜ is given by E (z) = L [zI − (I − KH)A]
[(I − KH)G −Kz]
The stationary H∞ a posteriori filtering problem is to design the filter gain K such that the matrix (I − KH)A is asymptotically stable and E (z)∞ < γ For simplicity, we replace Assumption 8.1(ii) by the following assumption. Assumption 8.2
The pair (A, G) is reachable.
THEOREM 8.8 Consider the system 8.1 through 8.3 satisfying Assumptions 8.1(i) and 8.2. Then, for a given scalar γ > 0, the stationary H∞ a posteriori filtering problem is solvable if and only if there exists a stabilizing solution M = M T > 0 to the ARE ¯ + HM ¯ H ¯ T −1 HM ¯T R ¯ AT + GGT = 0 (8.58) AMAT − M − AM H ¯ and R ¯ are as given in Equasuch that M −1 + H T H − γ −2 LT L > 0, where H tion 8.52. If the above condition is satisfied, a suitable H∞ a posteriori filter is given by Equations 8.43 and 8.44 with the filter gain of K = M H T (I + HM H T )−1
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Proof: Noting the fact that the H∞ -norm of E (z) is the supreme of the square root of the maximum eigenvalue of E (ejω )E T (e−jω ) over ω ∈ [0, 2π], we set E (z) = L [zI − (I − KH)A]
[(I − KH)G −K]
In view of Theorem 8.2, the H∞ a posteriori filtering problem is solvable if and only if there exists a matrix Pˆ = Pˆ T ≥ 0 to the matrix equation (I − KH)APˆ AT (I − KH)T − Pˆ −1 LPˆ AT (I − KH)T + γ −2 (I − KH)APˆ LT I − γ −2 LPˆ LT + (I − KH)GGT (I − KH)T + KK T = 0 such that I − γ −2 LPˆ LT > 0 and the matrix
−1 L A¯ = (I − KH)A + γ −2 (I − KH)APˆ LT I − γ −2 LPˆ LT
is asymptotically stable. Note that the reachability of (A, G) implies that of ((I − KH)A, [(I − KH)G − K]). Hence, in view of Theorem 8.2, Pˆ > 0. Next, following a similar proof of Theorem 8.6, it can be shown that the above is equivalent to the existence of P¯ = P¯ T > 0 such that M = AP¯ AT + GGT , P¯ −1 = M −1 + H T H − γ −2 LT L (8.60) Note that M > 0 since P¯ > 0 and (A, G) is reachable. By using the notations in Equation 8.52 and the matrix inversion lemma, −1 −1 −1 ¯TR ¯ −1 H ¯ −1 M + H T H − γ −2 LT L = M +H ¯ + HM ¯ H ¯ T −1 HM ¯T R ¯ = M − MH Hence, Equation 8.60 becomes ¯ + HM ¯ H ¯ T −1 HM ¯T R ¯ AT + GGT = 0 (8.61) AM AT − M − AM H −1 ¯T R ¯ + HM ¯ H ¯T ¯ is similar to the We now show that Aˆ = A − AM H H matrix −1 A¯ = (I − KH)A + γ −2 (I − KH)APˆ LT I − γ −2 LPˆ LT L Note that, with K as given in Equation 8.59,
−1 −1 I − KH = I − M H T (I + HM H T )−1 H = M −1 + H T H M
Recall from the proof of Theorem 8.6 that M −1 + H T H = P¯ −1 + γ −2 LT L = Pˆ −1 . Hence, −1 L A¯ = (I − KH)A I + γ −2 Pˆ LT I − γ −2 LPˆ LT −1 −1 −1 −2 T ˆ ˆ = (I − KH)A P − γ L L P −1 −1 = Pˆ M AP¯ Pˆ = Pˆ M −1 AP¯ M −1 (M Pˆ −1 )
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The above implies that A¯ is similar to the matrix −1 −1 M AP¯ M −1 = A M −1 + H T H − γ −2 LT L −1 ¯ + HM ¯ H ¯T ¯T R ¯ = Aˆ = A − AM H H Hence, A¯ is stable if and only if Aˆ is stable. REMARK 8.4 It is worth pointing out that in Theorem 8.8, Assumption 8.2 can be replaced by Assumption 8.1(ii). In this situation, the solution M of the ARE 8.58 is only required to be positive semidefinite. Example 8.5 Consider Example 8.2. Let γ = 1.2. Solving the ARE 8.58 yields the stabilizing solution
2.0240 −4.5289 M= −4.5289 11.2719 which satisfies M > 0 and M −1 + H T H − γ −2 LT L > 0. The filter gain is then computed by Equation 8.59 as
−0.2229 K= 0.5283 It can be obtained that the minimum achievable γ by the stationary H∞ a posteriori filtering is 1.07, which is the same as that of the finite horizon H∞ a posteriori filtering when Px0 is small. REMARK 8.5 Let (A, G) and (H, A) be respectively controllable and observable and H = L. Then, the following hold (Bolzern et al. 2001): (i) For the case when H = L and A is unstable, then the infimum achievable γ by an H∞ a posteriori filter is 1. That is, γinf = 1. If A is stable, then γinf =
µ 1 + µ2
where µ = H(zI − A)−1 G∞ . (ii) Assume that γ > 1. Then, the actual H∞ a posteriori filtering performance γ˜ achieved by the central H∞ filter satisfies γ˜ ≤
2 1 + γ −2
The Kalman filter is a special case of the central H∞ filter with γ → ∞. Hence, γ˜ ≤ 2
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(iii) Suppose the desired H∞ performance γ0 satisfying 1 < γ0 < 2. Then, the central H∞ filter designed with γ0 > γ0 γ= 2 − γ0 achieves the desired H∞ filtering performance γ0 .
Polynomial Approach to H∞ Estimation
In this section, we study the stationary H∞ estimation using a polynomial approach. We note that a polynomial approach is often preferred in signal processing and communications due to its efficient computation. We recall the linear time-invariant system under consideration: xk+1 = Axk + Bηk
zk = Hxk + Dηk
sk = Lxk
where zk ∈ Rp is the measurement output, sk ∈ Rr is the signal to be estimated, and ηk ∈ Rl is the input noise. Note that the above modelcontains the model 8.1 through 8.3 as a special case since the latter can be obtained by setting ηk = [wkT vkT ]T , B = [G 0], and D = [0 I]. Define the transfer functions from the noise input η to z and s, respectively, as T1 (z) = H(zI − A)−1 B + D
T2 (z) = L(zI − A)−1 B
The stationary H∞ filtering problem is concerned with the design of a stable causal filter F(z), such that the filtering error dynamic F(z)T1 (z) − T2 (z) is asymptotically stable and with its H∞ norm less than a prescribed value γ. We introduce the following standard assumption. Assumption 8.3 on the unit circle.
(H, A) is detectable and (A, G) has no unreachable mode
The above assumption is necessary. The detectability of (H, A) ensures the existence of a filter such that the filtering error dynamic is asymptotically stable. Denote
T (z) 0 T (z) = 1 (8.68) T2 (z) Ir
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I = i 0
0 −γ 2 Ij
where Ii is the identity matrix of dimension i × i. Then, we have the following result. THEOREM 8.9 Consider the system 8.63 through 8.65. The H∞ filtering problem has a solution if and only if there exists a square transfer function matrix
Ω11 (z) Ω12 (z) Ω(z) = Ω21 (z) Ω22 (z) such that (i) Ω−1 (z), Ω−1 (z)T (z) and Θ(z) = Ω22 (z) − Ω21 (z)Ω−1 11 (z)Ω12 (z) are stable. (ii)
Ω(z)Jp,r Ω∗ (z) = T (z)Jl,r T ∗ (z)
If the above conditions are met, a class of filters that solve the H∞ filtering problem is given by −1
F(z) = [Ω21 (z) − Ω22 (z)U (z)] [Ω11 (z) − Ω12 (z)U (z)]
where U (z) is any stable transfer function matrix satisfying U (z)∞ < γ. Proof: We first prove the sufficiency. From condition (ii), the (1,1)-block in Equation 8.70 gives T1 (z)T1∗ (z) = Ω11 (z)Ω∗11 (z) − γ 2 Ω12 (z)Ω∗12 (z) i.e., −∗ ∗ −2 −1 Ω11 (z)T1 (z)T1∗ (z)Ω−∗ γ −2 I − Ω−1 11 (z)Ω12 (z)Ω12 (z)Ω11 (z) = γ 11 (z) ≥ 0 −1 ∗ for all z on the unit circle, where Ω−∗ Ω11 (z) . Further, it can be 11 (z) = −1 −1 easily checked that Ω11 (z)Ω12 (z) = − Ω(z) 12 Θ which is stable. Hence, −1 . In view of U (z)∞ < γ, using the small gain theoΩ−1 11 (z)Ω12 (z)∞ ≤ γ rem we know that −1 Γ(z) = I − U (z)Ω−1 11 (z)Ω12 (z)
is stable. Next, we show that [F(z) −I] = −Θ(z)Γ(z) [U (z)
I] Ω−1 (z)
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To this end, we note that [F(z) −I] Ω(z) = [F(z)Ω11 (z) − Ω21 (z)
F(z)Ω12 (z) − Ω22 (z)]
By taking into account Equation 8.71, F(z)Ω11 (z) − Ω21 (z) −1
= [Ω21 (z) − Ω22 (z)U (z)] [Ω11 (z) − Ω12 (z)U (z)] Ω11 (z) − Ω21 (z) −1 − Ω21 (z) = [Ω21 (z) − Ω22 (z)U (z)] I − Ω−1 11 (z)Ω12 (z)U (z) −1 −1 = −Θ(z)U (z) I − Ω11 (z)Ω12 (z)U (z) −1 = −Θ(z) I − U (z)Ω−1 U (z) 11 (z)Ω12 (z) = −Θ(z)Γ(z)U (z) Similarly, we can show that F(z)Ω12 (z) − Ω22 (z) = −Θ(z)Γ(z) Hence, in the light of Equation 8.73, the above implies Equation 8.72. It is clear from Equation 8.72 that F(z) and F(z)T1 (z) − T2 (z) = [F(z) −I]T (z) are both stable. Next, we show that the filtering error transfer function matrix has an H∞ norm of less than γ. ∗
[F(z)T1 (z) − T2 (z)] [F(z)T1 (z) − T2 (z)] − γ 2 I ∗ = [F(z) −I] T (z)Jm,r T ∗ (z) [F(z) −I] ∗
−I] Ω(z)Jp,r Ω∗ (z) [F(z) −I] = Θ(z)Γ(z) U (z)U ∗ (z) − γ 2 I Γ∗ (z)Θ∗ (z) = [F(z)
which implies that F(z)T1 (z) − T2 (z)∞ < γ if and only if U (z)∞ < γ. As seen from Theorem 8.9, the polynomial approach to the H∞ filtering relies on the J-spectral factorization as in Equation 8.70. An ARE-based method will be given next (Zhang et al. 2001).
J-Spectral Factorization
First, define the ARE: ¯ T + [BDT AP AT − P − (AP H ¯ H ¯ T and where Qw = R + HP
DDT R= 0
T ¯T 0])Q−1 w (AP H + [BD
0 , −γ 2 Ir
¯ = H H L
0])T + BB T = 0 (8.74)
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If the ARE 8.74 has a nonnegative definite stabilizing solution P , and the matrices Qw and Jp,r have the same inertia (same numbers of positive, negative eigenvalues), then there exists a nonsingular constant matrix W such that Qw = W Jp,r W T In fact, W can be computed in terms of P as
W =
(DDT + HP H T )1/2 LP H T (DDT + HP H T )−1/2
0 V 1/2
where −1 T V = I − γ −2 L P − P H T DDT + HP H T HP L Further, a J-spectral factor Ω(z) of Equation 8.70 with Ω−1 (z) and Ω11 (z) being stable can be computed as ¯ Ω(z) = H(zI − A)−1 KW + W where ¯ T Q−1 K = AP H w Example 8.6 Consider again the system in Example 8.2
−0.2 −0.5 0 xk + w xk+1 = 1.5 1 1 k zk = −2 1 xk + vk
1 1 sk = x 0 1 k Let γ = 1.2. By solving the ARE 8.74, we obtain
P =
0.6006 −1.3243 −1.3243 4.0415
It follows from Equation 8.75 that
0.2802 W = −0.3269 −0.5251
0 0 0.7052 −0.2523 −0.2523 0.7545
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Thus, a J-spectral factor can be computed using Equation 8.76 as 3.5694z 2 − 0.4513z + 0.1541 1 1.1667z 2 − 0.9160z Ω(z) = 2 z − 0.8z + 0.55 1.8743z 2 − 0.6864z −1.7999z + 0.3092 0.7052z 2 − 1.1086z + 0.8860 −0.2523z 2 − 0.7610z + 0.2963
−1.5783z + 0.3692 −0.2523z 2 − 0.2256z + 0.2963 0.7545z 2 − 1.4147z + 0.8281
Note that Ω(z) is stable and so is Ω−1 11 (z) =
z 2 − 0.8z + 0.55 3.5694z 2 − 0.4513z + 0.1541
A class of filters that achieve the H∞ performance γ = 1.2 can be parameterized by Equation 8.71. In particular, the central H∞ filter (setting U (z) ≡ 0) is given by F(z) =
Ω21 (z)Ω−1 11 (z)
1.1667z 2 −0.9160z 3.5694z 2 −0.4513z+0.1541 1.8743z 2 −0.6864z 3.5694z 2 −0.4513z+0.1541
The singular value plots of the filtering error transfer function matrix F(z) T1 (z) − T2 (z) with sampling period of 0.01 are shown in Figure 8.7. 1.4 1.2
Singular values
150 200 Frequency (rad/s)
FIGURE 8.7 The singular value plots of the filtering error transfer function matrix.
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It can be known that the actual H∞ norm of the filtering error transfer function matrix is 1.055, i.e., F(z)T1 (z) − T2 (z)∞ = 1.055 which is below the prescribed performance requirement. Example 8.7 Consider the unstable system 5 xk+1 = 0 0
1 zk = 1
1 sk = 1
0.5 0 0 2 1 xk + 0 0 3 1 2 0 x + vk 0 0 k 2 0 x 0 0 k
Let γ = 1.1. By solving the ARE 124.4740 P = −44.0057 −58.3527
0 1 wk 0
8.74, we obtain −58.3527 183.6707 452.0973
−44.0057 84.4010 183.6707
It follows from Equation 8.75 that 16.8927 1.3014 1.3014 11.1257 W = 16.8329 1.3084 1.3084 11.0350
0 0 0 0 0.4202 −0.0010 −0.0010 0.4247
Then, Ω−1 (z) and Ω−1 11 (z) can be obtained as
0.0597z 3 −1.6049z 2 +2.4807z−0.4590 z 3 −0.9362z 2 +0.2830z−0.0271
−0.0070z3 +0.0467z2 −0.1367z−0.0354 z 3 −0.9362z 2 +0.2830z−0.0271 −1 Ω (z) = −2.3710z3 +1.9989z2 −0.3187z−0.0001 z 3 −0.9362z 2 +0.2830z−0.0271 −0.0082z 3 +0.0412z 2 −0.0708z z 3 −0.9362z 2 +0.2830z−0.0271
1.2801z 2 −2.0365z+0.3780 z 3 −0.9362z 2 +0.2830z−0.0271 −0.0332z 2 +0.1114z+0.0294 z 3 −0.9362z 2 +0.2830z−0.0271 2.3800z 3 −2.0457z 2 +0.3823z−0.0113 z 3 −0.9362z 2 +0.2830z−0.0271 0.0058z 3 −0.0331z 2 +0.0582z z 3 −0.9362z 2 +0.2830z−0.0271
−0.0070z 3 −0.1870z 2 +0.0856z−0.0357 z 3 −0.9362z 2 +0.2830z−0.0271 0.0907z 3 −2.4099z 2 +1.7180z−0.3017 z 3 −0.9362z 2 +0.2830z−0.0271 −0.0082z 3 +0.0176z 2 −0.0171z−0.0001 z 3 −0.9362z 2 +0.2830z−0.0271 −2.3350z 3 +1.6928z 2 −0.3010z z 3 −0.9362z 2 +0.2830z−0.0271 0.1602z 2 −0.0721z+0.0296 z 3 −0.9362z 2 +0.2830z−0.0271
0.0058z 3 −0.0136z 2 +0.0139z+0.0001 z 3 −0.9362z 2 +0.2830z−0.0271 1.9217z 2 −1.3988z+0.2474 z 3 −0.9362z 2 +0.2830z−0.0271
2.3540z 3 −1.7962z 2 +0.3688z−0.0115 z 3 −0.9362z 2 +0.2830z−0.0271
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Singular values
1.02 1.01 1 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95
150 200 Frequency (rad/s)
FIGURE 8.8 The singular value plots of the filtering error transfer function matrix. Ω−1 11 (z)
0.0597z 3 −0.3142z 2 +0.3897z−0.0146 z 3 −0.6860z 2 +0.0467z−0.0008 −0.0070z 3 +0.0139z 2 −0.0291z−0.0011 z 3 −0.6860z 2 +0.0467z−0.0008
−0.0070z 3 −0.0289z 2 +0.0098z−0.0009 z 3 −0.6860z 2 +0.0467z−0.0008 0.0907z 3 −0.4817z 2 +0.2774z−0.0092 z 3 −0.6860z 2 +0.0467z−0.0008
Both Ω−1 (z) and Ω−1 11 (z) are verified to be stable. Then, the central H∞ filter is given by 2 3 2 3 F(z) = Ω21 (z)Ω−1 11 (z) =
0.9964z −0.6679z +0.0241z z 3 −0.6867z 2 +0.0476z−0.0009 0.0011z 3 −0.0035z 2 +0.0054z z 3 −0.6867z 2 +0.0476z−0.0009
0.0011z −0.0016z +0.0014z z 3 −0.6867z 2 +0.0476z−0.0009 0.9917z 3 −0.6432z 2 +0.0225 z 3 −0.6867z 2 +0.0476z−0.0009
The singular value plots of the filtering error transfer function matrix F(z) T1 (z) − T2 (z) with sampling period of 0.01 are shown in Figure 8.8. From the figure, it can be known that the actual H∞ norm of the filtering error dynamics is 1.0310 which is below the prescribed value of 1.1.
Applications in Channel Equalization
Channel equalization is illustrated in Figure 8.9, where H denotes the channel model and F is the filter to be designed to reconstruct the input signal sk−d at the time instant k, with d the allowable delay. More specifically, given the measurements {z1 , z2 , . . . , zk }, the equalization problem is to find the filter F
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vk +
~ s k−d
~ s k−d −
s k−d
Z −d
FIGURE 8.9 Equalization filtering problem.
so as to minimize sk−d − sˆk−d in a certain sense. This problem is also termed as deconvolution. We consider a linear time-invariant channel model described by an nth order finite impulse response (FIR) filter of the form z¯k = h0 sk + h1 sk−1 + h2 sk−2 + · · · + hn sk−n
and the equalization problem with one step delay (d = 1). By taking into consideration the measurement noise, zk = z¯k + vk Then, a state space representation of the model and the measurement can be given by xk+1 = Axk + Bwk
zk = Hxk + Dwk
sk−1 = Lxk
where xk = [sk−n sk−n+1 · · · sk−1 ]T , wk = [sk vk ]T , and
0 0 A = ... 0 0 H = hn L= 0
1 0 .. .
0 1 .. .
··· ··· .. .
0 0
0 0
··· ···
hn−1 0
0 0 .. , . 1 0
··· 0
0 0 B = ... 0 1 h1 , D
0 0 .. . 0 0 = [h0 1]
Using the polynomial approach in the last sections, an H∞ equalization filter can be designed.
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Singular values
0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6
150 200 Frequency (rad/s)
FIGURE 8.10 The singular value plots of the filtering error transfer function matrix. Example 8.8 Assume a third-order FIR channel model with h0 = 1,
h1 = 0.5,
h2 = −0.5,
h3 = 0.5
and d = 1. Let the prescribed H∞ performance γ = 0.95. Then, following the approach of the last section, the central H∞ filter can be designed which is given by F(z) =
0.3520z 2 (z + 0.4960) z 3 − 0.3498z 2 + 0.0887z + 0.0873
The singular value plot of the filtering error transfer function is shown in Figure 8.10. The actual H∞ performance achieved is 0.9451. We note that the channel model is nonminimum phase and there exists measurement noise. Thus, perfect reconstruction is not possible. Let the input signal sk be a uniformly distributed signal from [0, 1] and the measurement noise be a white noise with variance of 0.01. The initial states of the system and filter are zeros. The comparison between the input signal and its estimate is given in Figure 8.11. Now, let us take a look at minimum-phase channel model: h0 = 1,
h1 = −0.5,
h2 = 0.5,
h3 = 0.3
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1 0.9
Input signal and its estimate
0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0
50 Time
FIGURE 8.11 Comparison between the input signal s and its estimate sˆ. where the FIR model has zeros at 0.4334 ± 0.7938i and −0.3668. Let us assume that D = [h0 0.001], i.e., the measurement is almost perfect. With γ = 0.01, we can obtain the filter F(z) =
z −1 + 0.001z −2 + 0.001z −3 1 − 0.5z −1 − 0.5z −2 + 0.3z −3
which results in H(z)F(z) = z −1 + 0.001z −2 + 0.001z −3 By neglecting the measurement error, the tracking error with respect to the input is given by sˆk−1 − sk−1 = 0.001(sk−2 + sk−3 ) which is negligible. This can be seen from the singular value plot of the filtering error transfer function shown in Figure 8.12 as well. Again, let the input signal sk be a uniformly distributed signal between 0 and 1 and the measurement noise be a white noise with variance of 0.01. The initial states of the system and filter are zeros. The comparison between the input signal and its estimate is given in Figure 8.13, where both the signals almost overlap with each other.
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x 10−3
5 4.5
Singular values
4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5
150 200 Frequency (rad/s)
FIGURE 8.12 The singular value plots of the filtering error transfer function matrix. 1
Input signal and its estimate
50 Time
FIGURE 8.13 Comparison between the input signal s and its estimate sˆ.
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H∞ Filtering of Discrete-Time Systems
Problems 1. Consider the problem of estimating a constant parameter. The problem can be formulated as an estimation problem for the system xk+1 = xk zk = xk + vk sk = xk (a) Show that for any horizon N > 0 and any initial state weighting Px0 , there exists an H∞ a priori filter if and only if γ > 1. (b) For a given γ > 1, compare the central H∞ filter with the Kalman filter. Assume that the covariance of the initial state estimate for the Kalman filter is Px0 . √ (c) Obtain an H∞ filter for γ = 2.
2. In the least mean square (LMS) estimation, we consider the problem of estimating the unknown vector w based on an observed sequence {zk }, where zk = φTk w + vk with φk = [φk1 φk2 . . . φkn ] being known. Let w ˆk be an estimate of w based on {z0 , z1 , . . . , zk }. The objective is to minimize the prediction error: ˆk−1 s˜i = φTk w − φTk w Given an initial estimate w ˆ0 , formulate an H∞ estimation for the above problem and show that the achievable H∞ performance cannot be less than 1. 3.
Consider the system
0 1 1 x + w xk+1 = −1 −0.2 k 0.5 k zk = 1 0 xk + vk The signal to be estimated is sk = 1 0 xk . The weighting matrix for the initial estimate is Px0 = I. Use MATLAB to compute the following: (a) For N = 20 and γ = 2, derive an H∞ a priori filter. (b) Find the optimal stationary H∞ a priori filtering performance. (c) Obtain the singular value plot of the optimal H∞ filtering error transfer function.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
4. Consider the H∞ a posteriori filtering for the system in Problem 8.1. Compare that the optimal achievable H∞ a posteriori filtering performance that of the H∞ a priori filtering. Explain the result. 5. Repeat Problem 3 by considering the stationary H∞ a posteriori filtering. For the given γ = 1.1, verify the result in Remark 8.5. 6.
Prove Equation 8.62 in Remark 8.5.
Consider the system
1 1 1 x + w xk+1 = 0 1 k 1 k zk = 1 0 xk + vk sk = 1 0 xk Use Matlab, find the optimal H∞ a priori and a posteriori filtering performances. Also, verify that the Kalman a posteriori filter and a priori filter provide H∞ filtering performances of γ = 2 and γ = 3.0810, respectively. 8. For a given γ > 0, suppose the DRE 8.53 has feasible solutions Mk > 0 and Mk > 0 for the given initial condition M0 > 0 and M0 > 0, respectively. Show if M0 > M0 , then Mk ≥ Mk for any positive integer k. 9. Consider again the Problem 7. Given γ = 2, obtain an H∞ filter via the spectral factorization approach. 10. Consider Example 8.8. Suppose the allowable equalization delay is d = 2. Formulate the equalization problem as an H∞ filtering problem via state augmentation. Use MATLAB to verify that a better H∞ filtering can be achieved than the case of d = 1.
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Part III
Optimal Stochastic Control
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9 Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
In Part I we showed how to estimate the state vector of a stochastic system given the noise-corrupted measurements z(t) of the state. We shall now show how to use this state estimate for the optimal control of stochastic systems. Since nature is inherently noisy and seldom gives us information in the form in which we need it, the techniques we shall discuss here are usually required for optimal control of the actual physical systems. The deterministic optimal control theory is generally useful only in some ideal noise-free situations where the entire state can be exactly measured. Although our presentation stands on its own, an introduction to the optimal control of deterministic systems providing full state information will make the next two chapters more meaningful.
Dynamic Programming Approach
Dynamic programming is based on Bellman’s principle of optimality (Bellman 1957, Bellman and Dreyfus 1962, Bellman and Kalaba 1965): An optimal policy has the property that no matter what the previous decisions (i.e., controls) have been, the remaining decisions must constitute an optimal policy with regard to the state resulting from those previous decisions. (9.1) We shall see that the principle of optimality serves to limit the number of potentially optimal control strategies that must be investigated. It also implies that optimal control strategies must be determined by working backward from the final stage; the optimal control problem is inherently a backward-in-time problem, in direct contrast to the optimal filtering problem which is a forwardin-time problem. Dynamic programming can easily be used to find optimal controls for nonlinear stochastic systems. In this section we shall assume full state information; that is, that the entire state xk is exactly measurable at time k. Thus, we only consider the effects of process noise, not measurement noise. First, we cover discrete, and then continuous, systems. 423
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Discrete-Time Systems
Consider the nonlinear stochastic plant xk+1 = f k (xk , uk ) + Gw k ,
where wk is a white noise sequence. Superscript k indicates time dependence. The initial state xi is a random variable. To make the plant exhibit a desired behavior over a time interval [i, N ], we could try to select the control input uk to minimize the performance index Ji (xi ) = φ(N, xN ) +
N −1
Lk (xk , uk )
where φ and Lk are deterministic functions. However, since xk is a random variable due to the random process noise wk and initial state xi , so also is the cost Ji (xi ). To define a control problem that does not depend on the particular xi or sequence wk , let us select uk to minimize not Ji (xi ), but its expected value, the expected cost ji = E[Ji (xi )]
We shall assume that xk is exactly measurable at time k. Example 9.1
Some Useful Performance Indices
To clarify the problem formulation, it is worthwhile to discuss some common performance indices (Equation 9.3) that we can select for the given system (Equation 9.2). a. Minimum time problems Suppose we want to find the control uk to drive the system from the given initial state xi to a desired final state x ∈ Rn in minimum time. Then we could select the performance index J =N −i=
N −1
and specify the boundary condition xN = x
In this case φ = N − i and L = 0, or equivalently φ = 0 and L = 1. b. Minimum fuel problems To find the scalar control uk to drive the system from xi to a desired final state x at a fixed time N using minimum fuel, we could use J=
N −1 k=i
|uk |
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
since the fuel burned is proportional to the magnitude of the control vector. Then φ = 0 and Lk = |uk |. The boundary condition xN = x would again apply. c. Minimum energy problems Suppose we want to find uk to minimize the expected energy of the final state and all intermediate states, and also of the control used to achieve this. Let the final time N be fixed. Then we could use J=
N −1 1 T 1 T sx N xN + qx k xk + ru Tk uk 2 2
where q, r, and s are scalar weighting factors. Then φ = 12 sx TN xN and L = 1 T T 2 (qx k xk + ru k uk ) are quadratic functions. Minimizing the expected energy corresponds in some sense to keeping the state and the control close to zero. If it is more important to us that the intermediate state be small, then we should choose q large to weight it heavily in J, which we are trying to minimize. If it is more important that the control energy be small, then we should select a large value of r. If we are more interested in a small final state, then s should be large. For more generality, we could select weighting matrices Q, R, S instead of scalars. At this point, several things should be clearly understood. First, the system dynamics (Equation 9.2) are given by the physics of the problem, while the performance index (Equation 9.3) is what we choose to achieve the desired system response. Second, to achieve different control objectives, different types of performance indices J may be selected. Finally, the optimal control problem is characterized by compromises and tradeoffs, with different weighting factors in J resulting in different balances between conformability with performance objectives and magnitude of the required optimal controls. Returning to the problem at hand, using Bayes’ rule we may write Equation 9.4 as ji = Exi{E[Ji (xi )/xi ]}
where Exi is the expected value with respect to xi . We shall find it very useful at times to consider the initial state xi fixed. Let us therefore define J¯i (xi ) = E[Ji (xi )/xi ]
the expected cost with fixed initial state, or conditional expected cost. Then ji = Exi[J¯i (xi )]
It can be shown (˚ Astr¨ om 1970) that, if asterisks denote optimal values, ji∗ = min(ji ) = Exi{min[J¯i (xi )]} = Exi[J¯i∗ (xi )] uk
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that is, minimization with respect to the control sequence uk , i ≤ k ≤ N −1 and expectation with respect to xi commute. Thus, to minimize ji we can equivalently minimize J¯i (xi ) for each xi (cf. Equation 1.8). This is the approach we shall take. To see what the principle of optimality (9.1) looks like for this stochastic system, we proceed as follows (see Fel’dbaum 1965 and ˚ Astr¨om 1970). Sup∗ pose we have computed the optimal conditional expected cost J¯k+1 (xk+1 ) ∗ ∗ ∗ and the associated optimal control sequence uk+1 , uk+2 , . . . , uN −1 for each admissible value of xk+1 ; that is, the optimal control problem on the interval [k + 1, N ] has been solved. To solve the optimal control problem on [k, N ], first decompose Jk (xk ) into two parts as Jk (xk ) = Lk (xk , uk ) + Jk+1 (xk+1 )
We assume throughout that xk is fixed (i.e., known by some measurement process) at time k. Suppose first that the transition ∆xk = xk+1 − xk
is deterministic (i.e., fixed). Then so is xk+1 , since xk is exactly known. Taking expected values of Equation 9.13 conditioned on ∆xk fixed, or equivalently on xk+1 fixed, yields E[Jk (xk )/xk+1 ] = E[Lk (xk , uk )/xk+1 ] + E[Jk+1 (xk+1 )/xk+1 ]
The quantity Lk (xk , uk ) is a deterministic function of the control uk which we are trying to determine, since xk is given. Therefore, E[Jk (xk )/xk+1 ] = Lk (xk , uk ) + J¯k+1 (xk+1 )
According to the optimality principle (9.1), the only costs that need be considered at time k in determining u∗k are those the last portions of which are optimal. This means that we may restrict our attention to the admissible costs ∗ E[Jk (xk )/xk+1 ] = Lk (xk , uk ) + J¯k+1 (xk+1 ) (9.17) We now realize that in fact xk+1 is not deterministic. The transition ∆xk depends on the process noise wk , so it is a random variable. According to Equation 9.14, so is xk+1 . Using Bayes’ rule and denoting expectation with respect to xk+1 as Exk+1, we obtain ∗ (xk+1 )] J¯k (xk ) = Lk (xk , uk ) + Exk+1 [J¯k+1
since Lk (xk , uk ) is deterministic. Referring to the principle of optimality again, we see that at time k the optimal conditional cost is ∗ (xk+1 )]} J¯k∗ (xk ) = min{Lk (xk , uk ) + Exk+1 [J¯k+1 uk
and the optimal control u∗k is the value of uk achieving the minimum.
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
This equation is the principle of optimality for the discrete nonlinear stochastic control problem with complete state information. Optimal controls found using this equation have the form of a state-variable feedback. Because of the one-to-one relation (9.14) between ∆xk and xk+1 , we can replace the expectation in Equation 9.19a by E∆xk, which is sometimes more convenient. Note also that since Lk (xk , uk ) is deterministic, Equation 9.19a can be written as ∗ (xk+1 )] J¯k∗ (xk ) = min Exk+1 [Lk (xk , uk ) + J¯k+1 uk
Examining Equations 9.3 and 9.10, it is evident that the boundary condition for Equation 9.19 is ∗ J¯N (xN ) = E[φ(N, xN )/xN ] = φ(N, xN )
if we assume that xN is known at time k = N . In terms of J¯i∗ (xi ), the minimal expected cost is ji∗ = Exi [J¯i∗ (xi )] Example 9.2 System
Dynamic Programming for a Scalar Discrete Stochastic
To illustrate the use of Equation 9.19, consider the stochastic plant xk+1 = xk + uk + wk
where process noise wk is white with the PDF shown in Figure 9.1. The performance index selected is J0 (x0 ) = (xN − 1)2 +
N −1 1 2 uk 2
For simplicity, let N = 2. The admissible controls are uk = −0.5, 0, 0.5
and the admissible state values are half-integers: xk = 0, ±0.5, ±1, . . .
It is desired to find the control input uk to minimize j0 = E[J0 (x0 )], the expected cost. This will tend to keep the final state xN near 1, but we would also like to ensure that the final state constraint 0 ≤ xN ≤ 1.5
holds. That is, the final state must belong to the target set xN ∈ (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5)
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f wk (w )
0 w
FIGURE 9.1 Process noise probability density function. TABLE 9.1
Final Costs x2
J¯2 (x2 ) = (x2 − 1)2 = J¯2∗ (x2 )
1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0
0.25 0.0 0.25 1.0
To solve this optimal control problem using Equation 9.19, we can construct a decision grid in tabular form, showing the decision process at each stage separately. First, set k = N = 2 to determine the final cost J¯N (xN ). Since at k = N no ∗ decision needs to be made, these costs are also equal to J¯N (xN ). This step is simple, since we must only compute the deterministic quantity J¯2∗ (x2 ) = (x2 − 1)2
for each admissible value of x2 in Equation 9.27. The result is shown in Table 9.1. Now decrement to k = N − 1 = 1 to find u∗1 . For each admissible value of state x1 , we must apply each admissible value of the control as u1 and compute the costs u2 J1 (x1 ) = 1 + J¯2∗ (x2 ) (9.29) 2
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for each resulting x2 . (Note: This is actually J1 (x1 )/x2 .) We also need to compute the probability P (x2 ) of each value of x2 arising when u1 is applied to x1 . Then Equation 9.18 can be used to compute the admissible expected costs J1 (x1 )P (x2 ) (9.30) J¯1 (x1 ) = Ex2 [J1 (x1 )] = x2
Finally, we must use Equation 9.19, comparing the J¯1 (x1 ) for each value of u1 to determine the optimal expected cost J¯1∗ (x1 ) = min[J¯1 (x1 )] u1
and to select u∗1 . See Table 9.2. To accomplish all of this, suppose first that x1 = 1.5. Then u1 = 0.5 is clearly a bad choice since it will result in x2 = x1 + u1 + w1 = 2 + w1
which does not satisfy Equation 9.26 if w1 = 0 or 0.5. Therefore, control u1 = 0.5 is inadmissible if x1 = 1.5. Let us next examine the control u1 = 0. If x1 = 1.5 and u1 = 0, then x2 = x1 + u1 + w1 = 1.5 + w1
so that, using Figure 9.1, 2.0 x2 = 1.5 1.0
with probability 0.25 with probability 0.5 with probability 0.25
This information is recorded in Table 9.2. Since x2 = 2 is not admissible, and since it occurs with probability 0.25 if we select u1 = 0, this control is inadmissible if x1 = 1.5. We symbolize this by a line in the J1 (x1 ) column, which simply means that further computations using u1 = 0 are not required, since we cannot apply that control if x1 = 1.5. Now apply u1 = −0.5 when x1 = 1.5. The result is x2 = x1 + u1 + w1 = 1.0 + w1
so that, using PDF of w1 , the possible values of x2 and their probabilities P (x2 ) are 1.5 with probability 0.25 x2 = 1.0 with probability 0.5 (9.36) 0.5 with probability 0.25 This is recorded in the table. Since all values of x2 are in the target set, u1 = − 0.5 is an admissible control, so we can proceed to complete the information required in the Table 9.2.
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First Stage Optimization x1
0.0 −0.5
0.0 −0.5
0.5 0.0
P (x2 )
2.0 1.5 1.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5
0.25 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25
J1 (x1 ) = u21 /2 + J¯2∗ (x2 )
J¯1 (x1 )
J¯1∗ (x1 )
– – 0.375 0.125 0.375 0.25 0.0 0.25 0.125 0.375 1.125 0.375 0.125 0.375 0.0 0.25 1.0 0.125 0.375 1.125 –
0.5 0.25 0.375 0.5
The cost (Equation 9.29) is given by 0.375 if x2 = 1.5 u21 ∗ ∗ ¯ ¯ J1 (x1 = 1.5) = + J2 (x2 ) = 0.125 + J2 (x2 ) = 0.125 if x2 = 1.0 2 0.375 if x2 = 0.5
where J¯2∗ (x2 ) is found from Table 9.1. Now, the expected cost (Equation 9.30) is found so as to remove the dependence on the particular value of w1 : J¯1 (x1 = 1.5) = Ex2 [J1 (x1 )] = 0.375 × 0.25 + 0.125 × 0.5 + 0.375 × 0.25 = 0.25
At this point, J¯1 (x1 ) has been determined for x1 = 1.5 for all admissible values of u1 (i.e., only one value: u1 = −0.5). Then, according to Equation 9.31, u∗1 = −0.5 and J¯1∗ (x1 = 1.5) = 0.25.
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
We now assume x1 = 1.0 and determine x2 , P (x2 ), J1 (x1 = 1.0), and J¯1 (x1 = 1.0) for values of u1 equal to 0 and −0.5 (clearly u1 = 0.5 is inadmissible, since if the noise w1 = 0.5, it results in x2 = x1 + u1 + w1 = 2). We obtain (see Table 9.2) 0.125 if u1 = 0 (9.39) J¯1 (x1 = 1) = 0.5 if u1 = −0.5 Performing the minimization (Equation 9.31), we select u∗1 = 0
J¯1∗ (x1 = 1) = 0.125
Similarly, we fill in the table for x1 = 0.5 and x1 = 0 using only control values which ensure that Equation 9.26 is satisfied. We have also filled in the table for x1 = 2 and x1 = − 0.5. Note, however, that x1 = 2 and x1 = − 0.5 are not admissible states, since no control drives them to a final state satisfying Equation 9.26 with certainty. Now, decrement k to zero to find the optimal costs J¯0∗ (x0 ) and u∗0 for each possible initial state x0 . In exactly the manner just described, Table 9.3 is completed. The required values of J¯1∗ (x1 ) are taken from Table 9.2. Any combination of the state x0 and control u0 which results in x1 > 1.5 or x1 < 0 is not allowed since according to Table 9.2 these are inadmissible values of x1 . TABLE 9.3
Zeroth Stage Optimization x0
P (x1 )
J0 (x0 ) = u20 /2 + J¯1∗ (x1 )
1.5 1.0 0.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.5 0.0
0.25 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25
0.375 0.25 0.375 0.25 0.125 0.25 0.25 0.375 0.625 0.375 0.25 0.375 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.375 0.625
0.5 0.0
J¯0 (x0 )
J¯0∗ (x0 )
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Optimal and Robust Estimation − 1.5 (J0*=0.3125)
1 *=
− (J1*=0.25)
1 *=
(0.25) = u 1*
(0.40625) 0
= u 1*
u 1*
− (J2*=0.25)
N=2 k
FIGURE 9.2 State feedback optimal control law.
The tables we have constructed contain the optimal feedback control law. To display it more clearly, a graph as in Figure 9.2 can be constructed, which shows for each state value the optimal control and cost-to-go. The arrows indicate xk+1 = xk + uk for the given state and control; they ignore the effect of the noise. Such a graph could be called a “stochastic field of extremals” (Bryson and Ho 1975) since it has the form of a vector field. Changing the weightings in the performance index (Equation 9.23) will change the form of the graph (see problems at the end of the chapter). The figure indicates the optimal conditional cost J¯0∗ (x0 ) for each x0 . To compute the optimal expected cost j0∗ , we require some statistics for the initial state x0 . Let us suppose it is known that 0 with probability 0.5 0.5 with probability 0.25 x0 = (9.41) 1.0 with probability 0.125 1.5 with probability 0.125 Then, performing the expectation with respect to x0 yields j0∗ = Ex0 [J¯0∗ (x0 )] = J¯∗ (x0 )P (x0 ) = 0.3359
We have not yet discussed a very important aspect of optimal control for stochastic systems. We know how to find the optimal control minimizing an expected cost using Equation 9.19, and the Example 9.2 demonstrated how easy it is to ensure that the final state xN belongs to a specified target set.
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
However, once the optimal control has been constructed, if we are given an initial state xi the actual value of the final state is still not known! Given an initial state xi , it is impossible to say with certainty what value xN will take on if the optimal control u∗k is applied, since wk is unknown. Unlike the deterministic control problem, the optimal control sequence and state trajectory cannot be exactly predicted given xi . This is because the extremal field is now stochastic, depending as it does on the values of the process noise wk . Given the transition probabilities that were computed to determine u∗k (i.e., P (x2 ) in Table 9.2 and P (x1 ) in Table 9.3), we can determine the transition PDF f (xN /xi ) using the Chapman–Kolmogorov equation. Let i = 0 for notational simplicity. Since the process 9.2 is Markov, we have f (x2 /x1 , x0 ) = f (x2 /x1 ) and so on, so that f (xN /xN −1 ) · · · f (x2 /x1 )f (x1 /x0 ) (9.43) f (xN /x0 ) = x1 ,x2 ,...,xN −1
Let us demonstrate using Example 9.1. Example 9.1 (continued) Suppose that it is required to determine the possible values of the final state x2 and their probabilities if x0 = 0.5 and the optimal control scheme of Figure 9.2 is used. Equation 9.43 becomes f (x2 /x0 = 0.5) = f (x2 /x1 )f (x1 /x0 = 0.5) (9.44) x1
The PDFs f (x2 /x1 ) and f (x1 /x0 ) are found using Tables 9.2 and 9.3, respectively. Note that what we called P (x2 ) and P (x1 ) in those tables are actually the conditional probabilities P (x2 /x1 ) and P (x1 /x0 ). These are called transition probabilities. If x0 = 0.5 and u∗0 = 0 is applied, then according to Table 9.3, x1 takes on values of 1.0 with probability 0.25 (9.45) x1 = 0.5 with probability 0.5 0 with probability 0.25 The conditional PDF f (x1 /x0 = 0.5) is therefore as shown in Figure 9.3. Note that due to Equation 9.22, u∗0 = 0. f (x1 /x0 = 0.5) = fwk (w − 0.5)
Equation 9.44 can now be written as f (x2 /x0 = 0.5) =
1 1 1 f (x2 /x1 = 1)+ f (x2 /x1 = 0.5)+ f (x2 /x1 = 0) 4 2 4
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f (x1/x0=0.5)
FIGURE 9.3 Transition PDF for x0 = 0.5. Next, we determine the transition PDFs f (x2 /x1 ), assuming u∗1 is applied, from Table 9.2. The results are 1 4 , x2 = 1.5 f (x2 /x1 = 1) = 12 , x2 = 1.0 (9.48) 1 , x = 0.5 4
and so on. Using these values in Equation 9.47 yields 3 16 , x2 = 1.5 7 , x = 1.0 2 f (x2 /x0 = 0.5) = 16 5 16 , x2 = 0.5 1 16 , x2 = 0
Thus, for example, the probability that x2 = 1 given that x0 = 0.5 and the optimal control used is 7 (9.50) P (x2 = 1/x0 = 0.5) = 16 We shall now discuss an alternative to the performance index (Equation 9.3). Suppose it is desired to maximize the probability that xN takes on a value in a given target set S (which might contain a single value rN , the desired or “reference” final state). Then we could define the performance index Ji (xi ) = P (xN ∈ S/xi )
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
Let us determine the form of the optimality principle in this case. Using the Chapman–Kolmogorov equation, decompose Jk (xk ) into two parts as Jk (xk ) = P (xN ∈ S/xk+1 )P (xk+1 /xk , uk ) xk+1
Jk+1 (xk+1 )P (xk+1 /xk , uk )
where P (xk+1 /xk , uk ) is the transition probability from xk to xk+1 if the control uk is applied. According to Equation 9.1, we only need to consider costs the last portions of which are optimal: ∗ P (xk+1 /xk , uk )Jk+1 (xk+1 ) (9.53) Jk (xk ) = xk+1
Maximizing over these admissible costs yields ∗ P (xk+1 /xk , uk )Jk+1 (xk+1 ) Jk∗ (xk ) = max uk
This is the principle of optimality for the plant (Equation 9.2) with performance index given by Equation 9.51. The optimal control u∗k is the value of uk for which the maximum is attained. We shall not present an example illustrating Equation 9.54, but its use is very similar to that of Equation 9.19. See Elbert (1984).
Continuous-Time Systems
The discrete stochastic principle of optimality (Equation 9.19) can be applied to continuous systems if they are first discretized and quantized. Note that the process noise values must also be quantized. This approach to the optimal control of stochastic systems is very suitable for programming on a digital computer, although the curse of dimensionality (Bellman and Kalaba 1965) is a limitation on the size of the systems that can be dealt with and the accuracy that can be achieved. We shall now derive a partial differential equation that is satisfied by the optimal conditional expected cost in a continuous stochastic control problem. The steps are similar to those leading up to Equation 9.19. See Fel’dbaum (1965). Consider the nonlinear stochastic plant x˙ = a(x, u, t) + w 2
where w(t) ∼ N (0, σ ) is white noise and x(t0 ) is random. For simplicity we consider the scalar case x ∈ R. Let us associate with Equation 9.55 the performance index T J[x(t0 ), t0 ] = φ[x(T ), T ] + L(x, u, t)dt, (9.56) t0
where φ and L are deterministic functions.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
We want to find the optimal control that minimizes the expected cost j(t0 ) = E{J[x(t0 ), t0 ]}
and ensures that the final state satisfies ψ[x(T ), T ] = 0
for a given deterministic function ψ. Final time T is fixed. The entire state x(t) is assumed to be known by measurement at time t. Using Bayes’ rule we have ¯ j(t0 ) = Ex(t0 ) {J[x(t 0 ), t0 ]}
where the conditional expected cost assuming x(t0 ) is fixed is defined as ¯ J[x(t 0 ), t0 ] = E{J[x(t0 ), t0 ]/x(t0 )}
It can be shown (see Equation 1.8) that j ∗ (t0 ) = Ex(t0 ) {J¯∗ [x(t0 ), t0 ]}
so that the optimal control problem can be solved by minimizing the conditional cost. To solve this modified problem, we shall find a partial differential equation that can be solved for J¯∗ (x, t). Before we do this, the conditional PDF of the increment ∆x given x and t must be determined, since it will soon be needed. From the state equation, for small ∆t we may write ∆x = a∆t + w∆t
with the process w∆t ∼ N (0, σ 2 ∆t). Since w∆t = ∆x−a∆t we have (function of a random variable) f (∆x/x, t) = √
1 2πσ 2 ∆t
/2σ 2 ∆t
so that ∆x with x, t fixed is N (a∆t, σ 2 ∆t). The PDF in Equation 9.63 is conditional since a(x, u, t) depends on x and t (and, to be complete, on u(t)). Since ∆x depends only on the current state and not previous states, the process x(t) is Markov. Now, let us focus our attention on a fixed current state and time (x, t). Let ∆x be a deterministic (i.e., fixed) increment in x occurring over a small time ∆t. Then Equation 9.56 can be decomposed into two parts as t+∆t L(x, u, τ )dτ + J(x + ∆x, t + ∆t) (9.64) J(x, t) = t
Taking expected values conditioned on ∆x being fixed yields
t+∆t E[J(x, t)/∆x] = E L(x, u, τ )dτ /∆x + E[J(x + ∆x, t + ∆t)/∆x] t (9.65)
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
but the integral is a deterministic function of the control u(τ ), t ≤ τ ≤ t + ∆t, since x(t) is fixed. Therefore, t+∆t ¯ + ∆x, t + ∆t) E[J(x, t)/∆x] = L(x, u, τ )dτ + J(x (9.66) t
(Note: x and ∆x fixed implies x + ∆x fixed.) According to Bellman’s principle (Equation 9.1), the only costs we must consider at time t in determining the optimal policy are those of the form t+∆t L(x, u, τ )dτ + J¯∗ (x + ∆x, t + ∆t) (9.67) E[J(x, t)/∆x] = t
Now we consider the fact that ∆x is not fixed; it depends on the process noise and so it is a random variable. Its conditional PDF is given by Equation 9.63. Therefore, using Bayes’ rule and denoting expectation with respect to ∆x as E∆x, we obtain
t+∆t ∗ ¯ t) = E∆x L(x, u, τ )dτ + J¯ (x + ∆x, t + ∆t) J(x, t
= t
L(x, u, τ )dτ + E∆x [J¯∗ (x + ∆x, t + ∆t)]
Principle 9.1 therefore yields t+∆t J¯∗ (x, t) = min L(x, u, τ )dτ u(τ )
t≤τ ≤t+∆t
J¯∗ (x + ∆x, t + ∆t)f (∆x/x, t) d(∆x)
with f (∆x/x, t) given by Equation 9.63. This is the continuous stochastic principle of optimality assuming complete state information. To find a method for determining analytic expressions for the optimal conditional cost J¯∗ (x, t) and control u∗ (t), let us derive a partial differential equation satisfied by J¯∗ (x, t). Take a first-order approximation to the first integral in Equation 9.69, and perform a Taylor series expansion of J¯∗ (x + ∆x, t + ∆t) about (x, t). Then (recall x ∈ R) ∗ ¯ L(x, u, τ )∆t + J¯∗ (x, t)f (∆x/x, t)d(∆x) J (x, t) = min u(τ )
t≤τ ≤t+∆t
∗ ¯ + Jx ∆xf (∆x/x, t)d(∆x) + J¯t∗ ∆tf (∆x/x, t)d(∆x) 1 1 ∗ + J¯xx J¯tt∗ (∆t)2 f (∆x/x, t)d(∆x) (∆x)2 f (∆x/x, t)d(∆x) + 2 2
∗ + J¯xt ∆x∆tf (∆x/x, t)d(∆x) + · · · (9.70)
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
∗ ∗ Now observe that ∆t, J¯∗ , and the partials J¯x∗ , J¯t∗ , J¯xx , J¯tt∗ , J¯xt can be removed from the integrals, and that the remaining mathematical expectations are either the area under the PDF (i.e., equal to 1) or the moments of ∆x ∼ N (a∆t, σ 2 ∆t). Therefore, L(x, u, τ )∆t + J¯∗ (x, t) + J¯x∗ a∆t J¯∗ (x, t) = min u(τ )
t≤τ ≤t+∆t
1 ∗ 2 1 ∗ + J¯t∗ ∆t + J¯xx σ ∆t + J¯tt∗ (∆t)2 + J¯xt ∆t(a∆t) + · · · 2 2
(To first order approximation, E(∆x2 ) = σ 2 ∆t.) Removing from under the minimization the quantities J¯∗ (x, t) and J¯t∗ ∆t, which are independent of u(τ ) for t ≤ τ ≤ t + ∆t, and neglecting second-order terms in ∆t yields
1 ∗ 2 L(x, u, τ )∆t + J¯x∗ a∆t + J¯xx σ ∆t (9.72) 0 = J¯t∗ ∆t + min 2 u(τ ) t≤τ ≤t+∆t
Finally, we divide by ∆t and let it become small to get
1 ∂ 2 J¯∗ 2 ∂ J¯∗ ∂ J¯∗ = min L + a+ σ − ∂t ∂x 2 ∂x2 u(t)
This is the stochastic Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) equation for the case of completely known state x(t). In the vector case x˙ = a(x, u, t) + Gw with x ∈ Rn and white process noise w(t) ∼ (0, Q ), it generalizes to
2 ¯∗ ¯∗ T ∂ J¯∗ 1 ∂ J ∂J T − = min L + a + trace GQ G ∂t ∂x 2 ∂x2 u(t)
The stochastic HJB equation is solved backward for the optimal conditional cost with a boundary condition of J¯∗ [x(T ), T ] = φ[x(T ), T ] on the hypersurface ψ[x(T ), T ] = 0
Then j ∗ (t) is given using Equation 9.61 for general t. Once u(t) has been eliminated, the stochastic HJB equation becomes a Kolmogorov equation. In principle, it can be solved for analytic expressions for the optimal conditional cost and control, yielding a state feedback control law. In practice, the HJB equation has been solved for only a few cases. Fortunately, these cases are quite important, as the next example shows. Example 9.3
HJB Derivation of Stochastic Linear Quadratic Regular
Let the linear stochastic plant x˙ = Ax + Bu + Gw
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
with white process noise w(t) ∼ N (0, Q ) and x(t0 ) random have the associated quadratic performance index 1 1 T T (x Qx + uT Ru)dt (9.78) J[x(t0 ), t0 ] = xT (T )S(T )x(T ) + 2 2 t0 with the final state x(T ) free. It is desired to minimize the expected cost j(t0 ) = E{J[x(t0 ), t0 ]}
if the final time T is fixed. The control u(t) can depend on x(t), which is assumed exactly known at time t. Assume Q − > 0, R > 0. a. Solution of HJB equation The stochastic HJB equation for the optimal conditional cost is
1 T 1 1 T T ∗ ∗ T ∗ ¯ ¯ ¯ −Jt = min x Qx + u Ru + (Jx ) (Ax + Bu) + trace(Jxx GQ G ) 2 2 u(t) 2 (9.80) Since the input is not constrained, the minimization can be performed by differentiating, so that 0 = Ru + B T J¯x∗ and the optimal control is given in terms of u = −R−1 B T
(9.81) by
∂ J¯∗ ∂x
Using Equation 9.82 to eliminate u(t) in Equation 9.80 yields the Kolmogorov equation 1 T 1 1 ∗ x Qx − (J¯x∗ )T BR −1 B T J¯x∗ +(J¯x∗ )T Ax + trace(J¯xx GQ GT ) (9.83) 2 2 2 Let us initially make the naive assumption that J¯∗ (x, t) has the same form as it does for the deterministic case (Bryson and Ho 1975, Lewis 1986). That is, assume 1 (9.84) J¯∗ (x, t) = xT Sx 2 for some as yet unknown deterministic symmetric matrix function S(t). Then
−J¯t∗ =
1 ˙ J¯t∗ = xT Sx, 2 Using these in Equation 9.83 results in J¯x∗ = Sx ,
∗ =S J¯xx
1 ˙ = 1 xT Qx + xT SAx − 1 xT SBR −1 B T Sx + 1 trace(SGQ GT ) − xT Sx 2 2 2 2 (9.86) 1 1 T ˙ 0 = x (S + Q + AT S + SA − SBR −1 B T S)x + trace(SGQ GT ) (9.87) 2 2
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
where we have replaced xT SAx by the symmetric form 12 xT (AT S + SA)x, which has the same value (Appendix). Unfortunately, Equation 9.87 has no solution for S(t) which is independent of x(t). Evidently the assumption (Equation 9.84) is not valid. J¯∗ (x, t) must contain a term whose partial derivative yields a term like 12 trace (SGQ GT ). Let us therefore assume that
T 1 ∗ T T x Sx + trace SGQ G dτ (9.88) J¯ (x, t) = 2 t ∗ are as in Equation 9.85, but now Then J¯x∗ and J¯xx
1 ˙ − trace(SGQ GT )] J¯t∗ = [xT Sx 2
Using these new partials in the HJB Equation 9.83 results in 0=
1 T ˙ x (S + AT S + SA − SBR −1 B T S + Q)x 2
since the trace terms cancel. Now we can select S(t) as the solution of −S˙ = AT S + SA − SBR −1 B T S + Q
with boundary condition (see Equation 9.76) of S(T ) given
This is the same Riccati equation appearing in the deterministic LQ regulator! The optimal control can be computed as a state variable feedback, since Equations 9.82 and 9.85 yield U = −R−1 B T Sx
The optimal conditional cost (Equation 9.88) on [t, T ] is given in terms of the state x(t) at time t. To eliminate the need for knowing x(t), we can take expectations with respect to x(t) to get the optimal expected cost
T 1 j ∗ (t) = Ex xT Sx + trace SGQ GT dτ 2 t
T 1 T S(t)X(t) + trace = SGQ G dτ (9.94) 2 t We have used trace (AB ) = trace(BA) and the fact that j ∗ (t) is a scalar. We have also defined X(t) = E[x(t)xT (t)] (9.95)
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
the mean-square value of x(t) (i.e., correlation of x(t)). The optimal expected cost over [t0 , T ] is thus
T 1 T ∗ S(t0 )X(t0 ) + trace SGQ G dτ (9.96) j (t0 ) = 2 t The effect of the process noise w(t) is now clear: the solution to the stochastic optimal control problem, Equations 9.91 and 9.93, is exactly the same as in the deterministic case. The only difference is that the term T 1 trace SGQ GT dτ (9.97) 2 t must be added to the optimal cost. This represents the increase in cost due to the disturbing process noise with covariance Q . b. Average closed-loop behavior (Bryson and Ho 1975) In the deterministic case, as (Q − R) tends to infinity, the LQ regulator will drive the state to zero as (T − t0 ) becomes large. In the stochastic case, this is not true. Owing to the influence of the process noise w(t), the state is continually disturbed from zero and at steady state the behavior of the state x(t) is determined by a balance between the disturbing effect of w(t) and the regulating effect of the optimal control. The net result is that the mean-square value X(t) of the state does not go to zero at steady state. To find the mean-square state X(t), write the closed-loop system under the influence of the optimal control (Equation 9.93) as x˙ = (A − BK )x + Gw
K(t) = R−1 B T S(t)
where w(t) ∼ (0, Q ) and
is the Kalman (control) gain. This is a stochastic system, and so from Example 3.1 the mean-square state is given by the Lyapunov equation X˙ = (A − BK )X + X(A − BK )T + GQ GT
with initial condition ¯0 x ¯T0 X(t0 ) = E[x(t0 )xT (t0 )] = P0 + x
x0 , P0 ). with x0 ∼ (¯ Note that the Riccati Equation (9.91) is solved backward in time. Since it is independent of x(t) it can be solved off-time. Then K(t) is found using Equation 9.99. Next, X(t) can be determined using Equation 9.100 by integrating forward in time given the initial value X(t0 ). Finally, the optimal expected cost is given by Equation 9.96. We can therefore determine both the expected cost and the mean-square value of the state before we actually apply
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
the optimal control to the plant. Thus the performance of the control can be evaluated before we build the controller. We can also determine the mean-square value of the control before it is applied, for by Equations 9.93 and 9.99 E(uu T ) = E(Kxx T K T ) = KX (t)K T
At steady state, the mean-square value of x(t) is found by solving the algebraic Lyapunov equation 0 = (A − BK )X + X(A − BK )T + GQ GT
c. Non-Gaussian process noise The regulator (Equations 9.91 and 9.93) is the optimal solution of the control problem Equations 9.77 through 9.79 if w(t) is not normal, then it provides the best control u(t) which is a linear function of the state x(t). See Kwakernaak and Sivan (1972) and ˚ Astrom (1970). Example 9.4 Optimal Feedback Control and Simulation of a Scalar Stochastic System To show how to apply the results of the previous example and how to simulate stochastic control systems on a computer, let us consider the scalar plant x˙ = ax + bu + gw
with white Gaussian process noise w(t) ∼ N (0, q ) and x(0) ∼ N (¯ x0 , p0 ). The performance index is 1 T 1 2 (qx 2 + ru2 )dt (9.105) J = s(T )x (T ) + 2 2 0 It is desired to find a control to minimize the expected cost j(0) = E(J)
and to find the resulting mean-square value of the state. The state x(t) is assumed exactly measurable at each time t. The LQ regulator is u(t) = −K(t)x(t)
K(t) = s(t)b/r
with Kalman gain
where −s˙ = 2as − b2 s2 /r + q,
with s(T ) given. This could easily be solved by separation of variables as in Example 3.3.
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
The mean-square state, X(t) = E[x2 (t)], resulting when this control is applied is given by the Lyapunov equation X˙ = 2(a − bK )X + g 2 q ,
¯0 x ¯T0 . The optimal expected cost on [0, T ] is with X(0) = p0 + x
T 1 s(0)X(0) + g 2 q s(τ )dτ j ∗ (0) = 2 0
Implementation of the stochastic LQ regulator is very easy. First the Riccati equation 9.82 is integrated backward to find s(t), and the gain K(t) is found and stored. We actually implement s˙ = 2as − b2 s2 /r + q,
with s(0) given, and then reverse the resulting function s(t) in time. (Note if τ = T − t then d/dτ = −d/dt.) The Lyapunov equation 9.83 must be integrated forward in time. Since the simulation using control (Equation 9.80) on the plant also runs forward in time, we can integrate Equations 9.77 and 9.83 simultaneously. Implement the plant dynamics (Equation 9.77) and also Equation 9.83 in time update function, where the vector in the argument X is integrated forward by the Runge–Kutta routine (ODE23 in our case). To do this, assign the components of argument X as X(1) = x(t) the state, and X(2) = X(t) the mean-square value of the state. This subroutine is also shown in Figure 9.4. A word on generating the normal process w(t) ∼ N (0, q ) is in order. MATLAB’s routine RANDN( ) generates a random variable z that is uniformly distributed on [0, 1]. To convert this to a normally distributed RV, we use the line of code in Figure 9.4 that defines a function of z that is normal with mean of zero and variance of q . The results of a computer simulation using this software are shown in Figure 9.5. The final state weighting was s(T ) = 0, and the control weighting was r = 1. Note that as state weighting q increases, the steady-state values of the mean and mean-square of the state x(t) both decrease. The Runge–Kutta step size was 10 ms.
Continuous-Time Linear Quadratic Gaussian Problem
In this section we discuss the linear stochastic plant x˙ = Ax + Bu + Gw
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
% Simulation of stochastic control system % To run the program pass the process noise covariance q=1,10,100,e.g. f6p1d4(10) function f6p1d4(q1) global u i gnoise q; q=q1; b=1; r=1; i=1; s=0; x1=[10 10]; % initial values gnoise=randn(102,1); % white gaussian noise options = odeset('RelTol',1e-6,'AbsTol',[1e-61e-6]); for t=0:0.1:10 [td s]=ode23(@sfunc,[t t+0.1],s); s=s(end); % Optimal Feedback gains & control input k=b*s/r; u(1)=-k*x1(end,1); u(2)=k; [td x]=ode23(@xfunc,[t t+0.1],x1(end,:),options); x1(i,:)=x(end,:); t1(i)=td(end); i=i+1; end % Plotting plot(t1,x1(:,1),'k-',t1,x1(:,2),'k-.'); grid on; legend('x(t)','X(t)'); title(strcat(' q = ',num2str(q))); xlabel('Time (secs)'); axis([0 10 -5 12]); return % Function for Ricatti equation solution function ds=sfunc(t,s) global q; a=0.05; b=1; r=1; ds(1)=2*a*s(1)-b^2*(s(1)^2)/r+q; return % Function for plant dynamics and Lyapunov equation function dx=xfunc(t,x) global u i gnoise; a=0.05; b=1; qp=5; g=1; dx(1)=a*x(1)+b*u(1)+g*qp*gnoise(i,1); dx(2)=2*(a-b*u(2))*x(2)+(g^2)*qp; dx=dx'; return
FIGURE 9.4 Subroutines for use with CTLQR for stochastic LQ regulator. with white process noise w(t) ∼ N (0, Q ) and x(t0 ) ∼ N (¯ x0 , P0 ) a random variable. The associated performance index is the quadratic form 1 T 1 T T (x Qx + uT Ru)dt (9.114) J[x(t0 ), t0 ] = x (T )S(T )x(T ) + 2 2 t0 with symmetric weighting matrices S(T ) ≥ 0, Q ≥ 0, R > 0. The plant and weighting matrices can be functions of time. It is desired to determine the control u∗ (t) on [t0 , T ] which minimizes the expected cost j(t0 ) = E{J[x(t0 ), t0 ]}
with x(T ) free and T fixed. This is called the linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control problem. Two cases must be considered. In the case of complete state information, the state vector x(t) is exactly known at time t, so u(t) can be expressed as a
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
12 x(t) X(t)
x(t) X(t)
−4 0
Time(s) q=100
12 x(t) X(t)
10 8 6 4 2 0 −2 −4 0
FIGURE 9.5 State and mean-square value of state for stochastic LQ regulator. function of x(t); that is, as a state variable feedback. In the case of incomplete state information, the state is measured in the presence of Gaussian noise to produce the observation, or measurement, vector Z = Hx + v
with measurement noise v(t) ∼ N (0, R ). Now the control u(t) can only depend on the estimate x ˆ(t) of the state given the measurements. The results we are about to derive represent the optimal control if the noise(s) are Gaussian. In the situation where the noise statistics are not Gaussian, they yield the best linear control law (˚ Astr¨om 1970, Kwakernaak and Sivan 1972).
Complete State Information
Here we rederive the results of Example 9.3 by a different approach. Suppose that the state x(t) of Equation 9.113 is exactly measurable at time t. Then
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
admissible feedback control laws are of the form u(t) = K[x(t), t]
where K is a general nonlinear function. Admissible linear feedback control laws have the form u(t) = K(t)x(t)
We shall see that the optimal control is the linear state variable feedback (Equation 9.118) if all noises are normal. As a preliminary step we would like to find an expression for (d/dt)E(xT Sx ), where S(t) is a symmetric function of time and x(t) described by Equation 9.113 is stochastic with a PDF of fx (x). Equation 5.44 provides an expression for (d/dt)E{φ[x(t)]}, where φ[x(t)] is an arbitrary twice-differentiable scalar function of x(t). The quadratic form xT (t)S(t)x(t) is of the form φ[x(t), t]. Carrying out a derivation like the one leading to Equation 5.44 for the case where φ is an explicit function of x and of t, we obtain instead of Equation 5.44: d d E[φ(x, t)] = φ(x, t)fx (x)dx dt dt
∂fx (x) ∂φ(x, t) = fx (x) + φ(x, t) dx ∂t ∂t ∂fx (x) ∂φ =E + φ(x, t) dx (9.119) ∂t ∂t Continuing the derivation, the final result is clearly (note that a(x, t) = Ax + Bu) 1 d E[φ(x, t)] = E φt + E[φTx (Ax + Bu)] + traceE(GQ GT φxx ) dt 2
Substituting φ(x, t) = xT Sx , we obtain d ˙ + 2E[xT S(Ax + Bu)] + traceE(GQ GT S) E(xT Sx ) = E(xT Sx) dt ˙ + E[xT S(Ax + Bu) + (Ax + Bu)T Sx ] = E(xT Sx) + trace(SGQ GT )
where we have used a symmetric form for the scalar xT S(Ax + Bu) (Appendix). This holds for any symmetric matrix S(t). Now, note the identity 1 1 1 T d E(xT Sx)dt = E[xT (T )S(T )x(T )] − E[xT (t0 )S(t0 )x(t0 )] (9.122) 2 t0 dt 2 2 Using these two preliminary results, we can solve the LQG control problem with complete state information. Add zero in the form of the left side of Equation 9.122 minus its right side to Equation 9.114, and then use Equation 9.121
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
to obtain for the expected cost j(t0 ) =
1 1 E[xT (t0 )S(t0 )x(t0 )] + E 2 2
T t0
[xT (S˙ + AT S + SA + Q)x
1 + x SBu + u B Sx + u Ru]dt + trace 2 T
Suppose that S(t) is selected to satisfy the Riccati equation −S˙ = AT S + SA − SBR −1 B T S + Q
for t ≤ T . Then Equation 9.123 becomes j(t0 ) =
1 1 E[xT (t0 )S(t0 )x(t0 )] + E 2 2
T t0
−1 T ˙ [xT SBR B Sx
1 + xT SBu + uT B T Sx + uT Ru]dt + trace 2
and the first integrand is now the perfect square of a weighted norm (McReynolds 1966), so that 1 1 j(t0 ) = E[xT (t0 )S(t0 )x(t0 )] + E 2 2 t 1 SGQ GT dt + trace 2 t0
T t0
R−1 B T Sx + u2R dt (9.126)
Note that the Riccati equation arises quite naturally in completing the square in the first integrand. Since only the second term depends on u(t), the minimum value of j(t0 ) is 1 1 j (t0 ) = E[xT (t0 )S(t0 )x(t0 )] + trace 2 2 ∗
and it is achieved for the optimal control u∗ (t) = −R−1 B T S(t)x(t)
where S(t) satisfies Equation 9.124. The boundary condition for the Riccati equation is S(T ), the final weighting matrix in J(t0 ), since then j ∗ (T ) = j(T ). We have just discovered that the solution to the stochastic LQG control problem with complete state information is identical to the deterministic LQ regulator (Bryson and Ho 1975, Kwakernaak and Sivan 1972, Lewis 1986), except that a term is added to j ∗ (t0 ) to account for the cost increase due to the process noise with covariance Q . This is the same result obtained by dynamic programming in Example 9.3. For computational purposes, note that the trace and integration operators commute.
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In terms of the Kalman gain K(t) = R−1 B T S(t)
the optimal control can be written as u(t) = −K(t)x(t)
which is a linear time-varying state variable feedback. It would be useful to know the answer to another question. Suppose that the control input is selected as the suboptimal feedback (Equation 9.130), where K(t) is any given state feedback gain, not necessarily the optimal gain (Equation 9.129). Then what is the resulting value of the expected cost j(t0 )? The motivation for our interest is that it is often convenient to use a suboptimal feedback of simplified form; for example, the constant steady-state feedback K∞ = R−1 B T S − (∞)
where S − (∞) is the limiting Riccati solution. We might want to determine the resulting j(t0 ) to see if the closed-loop plant behavior using this simplified control law is acceptable. To answer this question, use (Equation 9.130) in (Equation 9.123) to obtain j(t0 ) =
1 E[xT (t0 )S(t0 )x(t0 )] 2 T 1 + E xT [S˙ + (A − BK )T S + S(A − BK ) + Q + K T RK ]x dt 2 t0 T 1 + trace SGQ GT dt (9.132) 2 t0
Now select S(t) to satisfy the Lyapunov equation −S˙ = (A − BK )T S + S(A − BK ) + Q + K T RK
for t ≥ T , which is expressed in terms of the known plant matrix of the closedloop system x˙ = (A − BK )x + Gw
Then the expected cost resulting from any feedback control of the form u = −Kx is equal to j(t0 ) =
1 1 E[xT (t0 )S(t0 )x(t0 )] + trace 2 2
where S(t) satisfies Equation 9.133. The boundary condition for the Lyapunov equation is S(T ).
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
If K(t) is selected as the optimal feedback gain (Equation 9.129), then Equation 9.133 becomes the Joseph-stabilized Riccati equation. To determine how successful the control is at regulating the state in the presence of process noise, we can examine the mean-square value of the state X(t) = E[x(t)xT (t)]
Since Equation 9.134 is a stochastic system (Example 3.1), we have X˙ = (A − BK )X + X(A − BK )T + GQ GT
for t ≥ t0 . X(t0 ) = P0 + x ¯0 x ¯T0 is given. If X(t) is small, then the regulating action of the control is satisfactory. It is worth comparing the two Lyapunov equations (Equations 9.133 and 9.137). In terms of the mean-square value of the initial state, the optimal expected cost can be written as
T 1 j(t0 ) = trace s(t0 )X(t0 ) + SGQ GT dt (9.138) 2 t0 According to Equation 9.130, the mean-square value of the control is given by E[u(t)uT (t)] = K(t)X(t)K T (t) (9.139) It is useful in predicting the control effort required by the LQG regulator. An illustration of the software simulation of the LQG regulator is provided by Example 9.4.
Incomplete State Information and the Separation Principle
Now let us assume that the entire state is not available. Instead, there are available measurements z(t) given by Equation 9.116. Then the optimal estimate of the state for any input u(t) is given by the Kalman filter equations from Table 3.1: P˙ = AP + PAT + GQ GT − PH T (R )−1 HP , T
t ≥ t0 ,
P (t0 ) = P0
L = PH (R ) ˙x ˆ = Aˆ x + Bu + L(z − H x ˆ),
(9.140) (9.141)
x ˆ(0) = x ¯0
where P (t) is the error covariance, L(t) the Kalman filter gain, and x ˆ(t) the state estimate. Recall that x ˆ(t) and P (t) are also the conditional mean and covariance of x(t) given the control input and measurements prior to time t (Section 1.1). The admissible controls are now functions of the estimate x ˆ(t), and not the unknown state x(t). To find the optimal control under these circumstances, we return to Equation 9.126.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Only the second term in Equation 9.142 depends on the input u(t). Defining the set of data available at time t as Zt = {z(τ ) | t0 ≤ τ ≤ t}
we can write this term as T T −1 T 1 R B Sx + u2 dt = 1 EZ E E[(u + Kx )T R(u + Kx )/Zt ]dt R 2 2 t t0 t0 (9.144) with the Kalman control gain defined in Equation 9.129 and EZt denoting expectation over Zt . To proceed, we require a preliminary result (˚ Astr¨om 1970). Suppose that an arbitrary random variable x has mean x ¯ and covariance Px . Then we can write, for a symmetric deterministic R ≥ 0, ¯)T R(x − x ¯) + x ¯T R¯ x=x ¯T R¯ x + traceE[R(x − x ¯)(x − x ¯)T ] E(xT Rx ) = E(x − x or ¯T R¯ x + trace(RPx ) E(xT Rx ) = x
This expression also holds if x ¯ and Px are a conditional mean and covariance, and E is a conditional expectation. Using this identity, we can write Equation 9.144 as T T −1 T 2 1 1 E R B Sx + u R dt = EZt (u + K x ˆ)T R(u + K x ˆ)dt 2 2 t0 t0 T 1 + trace K T RKP dt (9.146) 2 t0 Since minimization with respect to u(t) and the operator EZt commute, the optimal control is u(t) = −K(t)ˆ x(t)
Using the minimum value of Equation 9.146 in Equation 9.126 yields the optimal expected cost T 1 1 SGQ GT dt j ∗ (t0 ) = E[xT (t0 )S(t0 )x(t0 )] + trace 2 2 t0 T 1 + trace K T RKP dt (9.148) 2 t0 (For computational purposes, trace and integration may be interchanged.) This is quite an important result known as the separation principle. (It is also called the certainty equivalence principle; however, in adaptive control
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
theory this term means something a little bit different.) It can be stated as follows. The solution to the stochastic LQG control problem with incomplete state information is to use the optimal deterministic LQ regulator, except that the control is a feedback (Equation 9.147) of the optimal state estimate which is constructed using the Kalman filter in Table 3.1. The resulting optimal expected cost is given by Equation 9.148, where the first term comes from the deterministic LQ regulator, the second term represents the increase in cost due to the disturbing influence on x(t) of the process noise, and the last term is the increase in cost due to measurement uncertainties. The importance of the separation principle is that the LQG regulator design procedure can be accomplished in two separate stages: the Kalman filter design and the control feedback design. This means that all results derived separately for the deterministic optimal control problem and the optimal estimation problem are still valid. For instance, if the process and measurement noises are correlated, we need only use the modified filter gain in Section 3.9. If the noise statistics are not Gaussian, then the separation principle yields the best linear regulator in terms of the best linear estimate of the state. The form of the LQG regulator is shown in Figure 9.6, where a reference or command input r(t) has been included and s(t) is an intermediate signal to be used later. The main regulator equations are x ˆ˙ = (A − LH )ˆ x + Bu + Lz u = −K x ˆ+r
(9.149) (9.150)
which describe a dynamic output feedback. That is, the plant output z(t) and the control input u(t) are processed by a dynamical system (Equation 9.152), whose output K(t)ˆ x(t) is returned as the control. The function of the added dynamics in such a scheme is to reconstruct information about the state that is not directly measurable at the output. In our present application, the state of the dynamic output feedback system is actually an optimal estimate for the state of the plant. This output feedback should be contrasted with the state feedback we used in the case of complete state information.
w(t )
u (t )
r (t) −
v (t )
s(t )
K xˆ (t)
xˆ = (A − LH)xˆ + Bu + Lz
FIGURE 9.6 LQG regulator with incomplete state information.
z (t )
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Since we are considering a stochastic plant, we would like some feel for how small the regulator keeps the state. Thus, it would be useful to determine the mean-square value of the state X(t) = E[x(t)xT (t)] under the influence in our LQG regulator. See Bryson and Ho (1975). The dynamics of the estimation error x ˜(t) = x(t) − x ˆ(t)
x ˜˙ = (A − LH )˜ x + Gw − Lv
are given by (Section 3.4)
Note that x ˜(t) is independent of the control, which is one of the reasons the separation principle works. (The other is our ability to express Equation 9.146 in terms of x ˆ(t).) Since Equation 9.152 is a stochastic system, we can use Example 3.1 to see that the error covariance satisfies P˙ = (A − LH )P + P (A − LH )T + GQ GT + LR LT ,
t ≥ t0
which is a Joseph-stabilized version of Equation 9.140. Now we turn to Equation 9.142. Using the control (Equation 9.147) and introducing the residual z˜(t) = H x ˜(t) + v(t) (9.154) we can write the estimate dynamics as x ˆ˙ = (A − BK )ˆ x + L˜ z
Since z˜(t) is a white noise process with mean zero and covariance R which is independent of x ˆ (Section 3.4), the mean-square value of the estimate ˆ X(t) E[ˆ x(t)ˆ xT (t)]
ˆ˙ = (A − BK )X ˆ + X(A ˆ − BK )T + LR LT X
propagates according to
What we are interested in determining here is X(t). However, X(t) = E[xx T ] = E[(ˆ x+x ˜)(ˆ x+x ˜)T ] so that ˆ + P (t) X(t) = X(t)
where we have used the fact that E(˜ x) = 0. Therefore, the mean-square value ˆ of the state X(t) is the sum of the mean-square value of the estimate X(t) and the error covariance P (t), which are found using Equations 9.157 and 9.153.
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
Since the initial mean x ¯0 and covariance P0 of the state are known, we have ¯0 x ¯T0 X(t0 ) = P0 + x
Therefore, by Equation 9.158, ˆ 0 ) = X(t0 ) − P0 = x0 xT0 X(t
is the initial condition for Equation 9.157. In terms of the mean-square value of the initial state, the optimal expected cost can be written as T T 1 1 1 T SGQ G dt + trace K T RKP dt j(t0 ) = trace S(t0 )X(t0 ) + trace 2 2 2 t0 t0 (9.161) The mean-square value of the control is useful to know so that we can predict the control effort required. According to Equation 9.147, it is given by T ˆ (t) E[u(t)uT (t)] = K(t)X(t)K
The software simulation of the LQG regulator with incomplete state information is a straightforward extension of the procedure in Example 9.4.
Discrete-Time Linear Quadratic Gaussian Problem
Our concern here is the discrete linear stochastic plant xk+1 = Ax k + Bu k + Gw k ,
k− >i
xi , Pi ). The with white process noise wk ∼ N (0, Q ) and initial state xi ∼ N (¯ performance index over the time interval of interest [i, N ] is Ji (xi ) =
N −1 1 T 1 T xN SN xN + xk Qx k + uTk Ru k 2 2
with SN ≥ 0, Q ≥ 0, R > 0. If the plant and weighting matrices are time-varying, the subscript k can be added to our results. We want to find the control u∗k on the time interval [i, N ] which minimizes the expected cost ji = E[Ji (xi )]
with xN free and final time N fixed. This is the discrete LQG problem.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
The results for complete and incomplete state information are presented in turn. They represent the optimal controller if the noise is Gaussian, and for arbitrary noise statistics they give the best linear control law. We do not derive the results. Derivations would be along the lines of the previous section, though somewhat more involved due to the more complicated form of the curvature matrix (B T Sk+1 B + R) and residual covariance (HP k H T + R ) for discrete-time systems.
Complete State Information
If the state xk is completely measurable at time k, then the LQG regulator is the same as the deterministic LQ regulator (Bryson and Ho 1975, Kwakernaak and Sivan 1972, Lewis 1986). Thus the optimal control is uk = −Kk xk
where the Kalman control gain is Kk = (B T Sk+1 B + R)−1 B T Sk+1 A
and Sk satisfies the Riccati equation Sk = AT [Sk+1 − Sk+1 B(B T Sk+1 B + R)−1 B T Sk+1 ]A + Q, with boundary condition of SN . The optimal expected cost is
N −1 1 T ∗ Sk+1 GQ G ji = trace Si Xi + 2
k i. The initial condition is given by Equation 9.171. Using Equation 9.165, the mean-square value of the optimal control is E uk uTk = Kk Xk KkT (9.174)
Incomplete State Information
If the state is not completely measurable at time k, but if noisy measurements are available of the form zk = Hx k + vk
with white measurement noise vk ∼ N (0, R ), then a dynamic output feedback must be used to control the plant. Carrying out a derivation like the one in Section 9.2 shows that the LQG regulator with incomplete state information is composed of a state estimator like the one in Table 2.1, followed by a deterministic LQ regulator that feeds back the estimate x ˆk and not xk . Thus the separation principle also holds for discrete systems. We gather the equations into one place here for convenience. − If x ˆk , Pk are the a posteriori estimate and error covariance, and x ˆ− k , Pk are the a priori quantities, then the optimal stochastic LQG regulator is given by Dynamic Output Feedback uk = −Kk x ˆk x ˆ− k+1
= Aˆ xk + Bu k ,
x ˆk =
x ˆ− k
+ Lk (zk −
x ˆi = x ¯i
Hx ˆ− k)
Computation of Gains Kk = (B T Sk+1 B + R)−1 B T Sk+1 A Lk =
T Pk− H T (HP − kH
(9.179) −1
= Pk H (R )
For k < N Sk = AT Sk+1 A − KkT (B T Sk+1 B + R)Kk + Q,
SN given
For k ≥ i − Pk+1 = AP k AT + GQ GT , Pi given T T Pk = Pk− − Lk HP − k H + R Lk
(9.182) (9.183)
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
The control gain is Kk and the filter gain is Lk . (We have written the Riccati equations in this form because it will be convenient later.) The optimal expected cost using this LQG regulator is
N −1 N −1 1 T ∗ T (9.184) Sk+1 GQ G + Sk+1 BK k Pk A ji = trace Si Xi + 2 k=i
where the third term is the cost increase due to measurement uncertainties. If the plant, covariance, and cost-weighting matrices depend on time, the subscript k should be appended everywhere. To determine the success of the LQG regulator at keeping the state small in the presence of process noise and to see how much control effort will be required, we can proceed as follows (Bryson and Ho 1975). Define the a priori and a posteriori estimation errors as ˆ− x ˜− k = xk − x k x ˜k = xk − x ˆk
(9.185) (9.186)
Then the mean-square value of the state is ˆ− Xk = Pk− + X k
˜− (We used Equation 9.185, where the estimate x ˆ− k and the estimation error x k − are orthogonal.) Pk is given by Equation 9.182 but the mean-square value of the a priori estimate T ˆ − E[ˆ x− x− X k k (ˆ k) ]
remains to be determined. ˆ − , use Equations 9.175 through 9.178 to write the dynamics of To find X k the a priori estimate (cf. Table 2.3) as xk = (A − BKk )[ˆ x− ˆ− x ˆ− k+1 = (A − BKk )ˆ k + Lk (zk − H x k )] = (A − BKk )[ˆ x− ˜− k + Lk H x k + Lk vk ]
˜− Now note that x ˆ− k ,x k , and vk are pairwise orthogonal; multiply Equation 9.189 on the right by its transpose, and take expectations to obtain − ˆ + Lk HP − H T LT + Lk R LT (A − BK k )T (9.190) ˆ − = (A − BK k ) X X k k k k+1 k Using Equation 9.183, there results the forward recursion ˆ − + P − − Pk )(A − BKk )T ˆ − = (A − BKk )(X X k+1 k k
for the mean-square value of the a priori estimate. We know the initial mean and covariance of the state, x ¯i and Pi . From Equations 9.171 and 9.187 ˆ − = Xi − P − = Pi − P − + x ¯i x ¯Ti X i i i
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
Using this in Equation 9.191 yields ˆ − = (A − BK i )¯ xi x ¯Ti · (A − BK i )T X i+1
which is used to start (Equation 9.191). ˆ − in Equation 9.187 we can determine Xk , which allows us to Using X k tell if the regulating action of the controller will be satisfactory. To find the mean-square value of the control input, write uk = −Kk x ˆk = −Kk (ˆ x− ˜− k + Lk H x k + Lk vk )
ˆ − + P − − Pk )K T E uk uTk = Kk (X k k k
so that
It is of some interest to compare the differencing between a priori and a posteriori error covariances in these equations with the Rauch–Tung–Striebel smoother in Section 2.8. For additional insight on the LQG regulator, see ˚ Astr¨ om (1970), Bryson and Ho (1975), and Kwakernaak and Sivan (1972).
Problems Section 9.1 1. For the system in Example 9.2, select the control sequence to maximize the probability that x3 = 0 for any initial state x0 . 2. Effect of Control Weighting on Field of Extremals. 9.2 if J0 = (xN − 1)2 +
Redo Example
N −1 1 2 ruk 2 k=0
for r = 14 , 4, and 8 and compare the resulting fields of extremals. 3. Stochastic Bilinear System.
Consider the scalar bilinear system
xk+1 = xk uk + u2k + wk with cost index J0 = x2N +
N −1 k=0
|xk uk |
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
where N = 2. The control is constrained to take on values of uk = ±1, and the state xk to take on values of −1, 0, 1, or 2. The process noise wk has PDF 1 1 with probability 2 fwk (w) = 0 with probability 14 −1 with probability 1 4
(a) Find an optimal state feedback control law minimizing E(J0 ). (b) Suppose the control of (a) is used. Find the conditional PDF of x2 given that x0 = 1. (c) Suppose x0 takes on each of the allowed state values with probability 1/2. Find the expected cost using the control in (a). (d) Now find a control law to maximize the probability that x2 is either 1 or 2. 4.
Consider Newton’s system x ¨=u+w
with process noise w(t) ∼ N (0, q ) and x(0) ∼ N (¯ x0 , p0 ). Select T 1 1 ru2 dt J(0) = x2 (T ) + 2 2 t0 where T = 2. (a) Write the HJB equation, eliminating u(t). (b) Assume that 1 1 1 J¯∗ (x, t) = s1 (t)x2 (t) + s2 x(t)x(t) ˙ + s3 (t)x˙ 2 (t) + 2 2 2
q s3 (τ )dτ
for some functions s1 , s2 , s3 . Use the HJB equation to find coupled scalar equations for these si . Find boundary conditions for the equations. Express the optimal control as a linear state feedback in terms of the si (t).
Section 9.2 5.
The plant is x˙ = u + w z =x+v
with w ∼ (0, q ), v ∼ (0, r ), and performance index 1 T 1 (qx 2 + ru2 )dt J = s(T )x2 + 2 2 0
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
Determine analytic expressions for the optimal feedback gain and optimal cost for the cases of (a) Complete state information. (b) Incomplete state information. For this case, determine also the transfer function at steady from the output z(t) to the control u(t). Draw a block diagram of the optimal steady-state regulator. (c) Write MATLAB code to simulate the controller in (b).
6. Polynomial Formulation of Optimal Regulator. 9.6. Assume a single-input single-output system.
Examine Figure
(a) Find transfer functions from z(t) to intermediate signal s(t) and from u(t) to s(t). (b) Show that the regulator can be put into the form in Figure 9.7, where T (s) is the Kalman filter characteristic polynomial (i.e., find R(s), S(s), and T (s)). This is called a two-degree of freedom regulator.
7. Scalar Plant.
To the plant in Example 9.4, add measurements of z = hx + v
with v(t) ∼ N (0, r ) white and uncorrelated with w(t) and x(0). (a) Write down the complete set of equations for the LQG regulator. (b) Write MATLAB code to implement the regulator using continuous time LQR. (c) Find analytic solutions for S(t) and the error covariance P (t). v
T/R −
Plant B/A
FIGURE 9.7 Two-degree of freedom regulator.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
8. Suboptimal Scalar LQG Regulator.
x˙ = ax + bu + gw z = hx + v with w(t) ∼ N (0, q ) and v(t) ∼ N (0, r ) white and uncorrelated with each other and with x(0) ∼ N (˜ x0 , p0 ). Suppose J(0) =
1 2
(qx 2 + ru 2 )dt
Let x ∈ R (a) Find steady-state feedback gain K∞ . (b) Find steady-state Kalman gain L∞ . Find transfer function from z to x ˆ of the Wiener filter x ˆ˙ = (a − L∞ h)ˆ x + bu + L∞ z Now we will combine the results of (a) and (b) to get a suboptimal regulator. Accordingly, suppose that gains K∞ , L∞ are used for all time. (c) Find transfer function of the steady-state regulator (Equation 9.149), (Equation 9.150) from z to u. Draw a block diagram of the closed-loop system. (d) Find the associated suboptimal error covariance p(t). (e) Find the resulting suboptimal mean-square state X(t). 9. Steady-State LQG Regulator for Newton’s System.
y¨ = u + w z =y+v with w(t) ∼ N (0, σ 2 ), v(t) ∼ N (0, ρ2 ) white and uncorrelated. Select the infinite horizon cost 1 ∞ J= [q(y 2 + y˙ 2 ) + ru2 ]dt 2 0 (a) Determine the optimal feedback gain K if the state is x = [y
y] ˙ T.
(b) Sketch the poles of the closed-loop plant (A − BK ) as q/r varies from 0 to ∞. Find the closed-loop damping ratio and natural frequency. (c) In terms of the signal-to-noise ratio Λ = σ/ρ determine the steady-state Kalman gain. ˆ (d) Find the transfer function H(s) = X(s)/Z(s) of the Wiener filter.
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Stochastic Control for State Variable Systems
(e) Now suppose the Wiener filter is used to estimate the state for all t. Find the transfer function from the data z to the control u for the resulting suboptimal regulator. (f) The observer polynomial is |sI − A + LH |. Plot the observer poles. Find the observer damping ratio and natural frequency (in terms of Λ). (g) Find the suboptimal error covariance and mean-square state analytically. (h) Write MATLAB code to implement the optimal time-varying regulator using continuous-time LQR. 10.
The plant is described by x˙ = u + v
and the state is measured according to z =x+v where noise v(t) has spectral density 2σ 2 ω2 + 1 It is desired to find a control u(t) to minimize 1 T 1 (qx 2 + u2 )dt J = x2 (T ) + 2 2 0 Φz (ω) =
(a) Find the optimal steady-state feedback and observer gains, and the steady-state regulator transfer function from z(t) to u(t). (b) Plot root loci of steady-state closed-loop plant and Wiener filter poles versus σ 2 and q. (c) If the steady-state regulator is used for all t, find the resulting meansquare state X(t).
Section 9.3 11. Derive the discrete LQG regulator equations in Section 9.3 for the case of: (a) Complete state information (b) Incomplete state information 12. Feedback of A priori Estimate. equations if a feedback of the form
Derive the discrete LQG regulator
uk = −Kk x ˆ− k is used, where x ˆ− k is a one-step-ahead prediction of xk . This feedback might be useful in a sampled system where there is a delay in implementing the control input.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
13. Scalar Discrete LQG Regulator.
xk+1 = xk + uk zk = xk + vk with vk ∼ N (0, r ) white and uncorrelated with x0 ∼ (¯ x0 , p0 ). Select N −1 1 2 1 2 J = xN + ru k 2 2 k=0
(a) Write the LQG regulator equations. (b) Solve for the observer and feedback gains. 14. Steady-State LQG Regulator.
xk+1 = ax k + bu k + wk zk = hx k + vk with wk ∼ N (0, q ) and vk ∼ N (0, r ) white and uncorrelated. Select the infinite horizon cost ∞ 1 2 J= (qx k + ru 2k ) 2 k=0
For simplicity, let xk ∈ R. (a) Find the optimal feedback gain K∞ . (b) Find the steady-state Kalman gain L∞ . Find the transfer function from zk to x ˆk of the Wiener filter. (c) Suppose that the Wiener filter is used to estimate xk for all k. Find the transfer function from zk to uk of the resulting suboptimal regulator.
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10 Stochastic Control for Polynomial Systems
In this chapter, we discuss the optimal control of stochastic polynomial systems. Only discrete systems are covered, so that the results will be useful in digital control schemes. In the problems, it is shown that the results also apply to continuous systems. We treat single-input single-output systems, but the extension to multivariable systems is not too difficult (Borison 1979, Koivo 1980).
Polynomial Representation of Stochastic Systems
Here, discrete linear stochastic systems will be represented as A(z −1 )yk = z −d B(z −1 )uk + C(z −1 )wk
where uk ∈ R, yk ∈ R are the control input and measured output, and wk ∈ R is a zero-mean white noise process with variance of q. The polynomials A(z −1 ) = 1 + a1 z −1 + · · · + an z −n B(z
) = b 0 + b1 z C(z
+ · · · + bm z
) = 1 + c1 z
+ · · · + cn z
(10.2) b0 = 0
(10.3) (10.4)
are expressed in terms of the delay operator z −1 (i.e., z −1 yk = yk−1 ). It is assumed that C(z −1 ) is stable. The control delay is d. Let us motivate the formulation 10.1 using two points of view. Suppose yk is a stochastic process with known spectral density Φy (ejω ). Then (Section 1.5) we can perform the factorization Φy (ejω ) = H(ejω )qH (e−jω )
where H(ejω ) is stable, with all zeros inside or on the unit circle. We shall assume H(ejω ) is of minimum phase, with relative degree of zero and monic numerator and denominator. Represent H(z) as H(z) =
z n + c1 z n−1 + · · · + cn z n + a1 z n−1 + · · · + an
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
(i.e., q has been selected to make c0 = 1). Now, it is seen that Equation 10.1 with uk = 0 represents the process yk . Next, consider the single-input singleoutput state representation xk+1 = Fx k + Gu k + Je k yk = Hx k + vk
(10.7a) (10.7b)
where F , G, J, and H are matrices, process noise ek is (0, Q ), measurement noise vk is (0, R ), and the noises ek and vk are independent. In terms of transfer functions, we have Y (z) = H(zI − F )−1 GU (z) + H(zI − F )−1 JE (z) + V (z)
Represent the coefficient of E(z) by HE (Z) so that the noise term in Equation 10.8 is HE (z)E(z) + V (z). Now, perform a spectral factorization to determine H(z) (minimum phase) and q in H(ejω )qH (e−jω ) = HE (ejω )Q HE (e−jω ) + R
Defining H(z) =
C1 (z) A1 (z)
with both C1 (z) and A1 (z) monic, and A2 (z) = |zI − F | B2 (z) = H[adj(zI − F )]G
(10.11) (10.12)
Equation 10.8 can be written as Y (z) =
C1 (z) B2 (z) U (z) + W (z) A2 (z) A1 (z)
where wk ∼ (0, q) is white noise whose effect is equivalent to the combined effects of ek and vk . If n1 = deg[A1 (z)] = deg[C1 (z)], n2 = deg[A2 (z)], and m2 = deg[B2 (z)], then it is evident that Equation 10.1 represents Equation 10.7 if A(z −1 ) = z −(n1 + n2) A1 (z)A2 (z) B(z
−(n1 + m2)
−(n1 + n2)
A1 (z)B2 (z)
C1 (z)A2 (z)
and the control delay is d = n 2 − m2
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Stochastic Control for Polynomial Systems
Optimal Prediction
The treatment of the control problem is deferred to the next section; at this point, we merely want to find an optimal d-step-ahead prediction for the output of Equation 10.1 given any control sequence. That is, it is desired to predict yk+d in terms of quantities that occur at times k or before. We shall follow ˚ Astr¨ om (1970). In this section, we shall assume A(z −1 ) is stable. To solve this problem, first perform a long division of A(z −1 ) into C(z −1 ) to define quotient F (z −1 ) and remainder z −d G(z −1 ): A(z
F (z −1 ) ) / C(z −1 ) .. . z −d G(z −1 )
The division is carried out in d steps, that is, until z −d can be factored out of the remainder to yield G(z −1 ). Then AF + z −d G = C
This is a Diophantine equation for F (z −1 ) and G(z −1 ). The solution to Equation 10.19 is not unique, but the particular solution F (z −1 ) and G(z −1 ) determined by long division has the form F (z −1 ) = 1 + f1 z −1 + · · · + fd−1 z −(d−1) G(z
) = g0 + g1 z
+ · · · + gn−1 z
(10.20) (10.21)
The degree (d − 1) of F (z −1 ) will be particularly important. Multiply Equation 10.1 by F (z −1 ) to get AFy k+d = BFu k + CFw k+d
then the Diophantine equation gives Cy k+d = z −d Gy k+d + BFu k + CFw k+d or yk+d =
G BF yk + uk + Fw k+d C C
Denote the optimal prediction of yk+d in terms of yk , yk−1 , . . ., uk , uk−1 , . . . as yˆk+d/k . The d-step prediction error is y˜k+d/k yk+d − yˆk+d/k
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Let us determine yˆk+d/k to minimize the mean-square error, 2 yk+d/k ) = E[(yk+d − yˆk+d/k )2 ] jk = E(˜
Using Equation 10.23, this becomes 2 BF G yk + uk − yˆk+d/k + F wk+d jk = E C C
The term in parentheses depends only on the input and output at times k and before, since yˆk+d/k is only allowed to be expressed in terms of these values. Therefore, the term in parentheses depends only on the noise values wk , wk−1 , . . . . The remaining term looks like F (z −1 )wk+d = wk+d + f1 wk+d−1 + · · · + fd−1 wk+1
since the degree of F (z −1 ) is (d − 1), so it only depends on noise values subsequent to and including time (k + 1). Since the noise sequence is zeromean and white, we concluded that the term in parentheses is orthogonal to f (z −1 )wk+d . Therefore, since yk , uk , and yˆk+d/k are deterministic, the performance index separates into a deterministic part and a stochastic part: 2 BF G yk + uk − yˆk+d/k + E(F wk+d )2 (10.28) jk = C C It is now evident that the minimum value of jk occurs if we define the d-step prediction of the output as yˆk+d/k =
G BF yk + uk C C
Then the prediction error is ˜yk+d/k = Fw k+d
Thus, the optimal prediction is the output of a linear deterministic system whose inputs are uk and yk , and the error is a moving average of the noise sequence. See Figure 10.1. Since we assumed C(z −1 ) is stable, the predictor is a stable system. The output can be decomposed into two parts as yk+d = yˆk+d/k + y˜k+d/k
These parts are orthogonal since the prediction depends only on values of the noise at times k and before, and the error depends only on noise values subsequent to time k. This decomposition is written explicitly as Equation 10.23. Equation 10.23 is called the predictive formulation of the plant 10.1. We shall see that the solution to stochastic control problems depends on using this representation for the plant dynamics. In the present application, the predictive
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Stochastic Control for Polynomial Systems
467 ~ y k+d/k
wk+d uk
z −d
∧ y k+d/k
BF C Predictor
FIGURE 10.1 The d-step ahead predictor. formulation allowed us to decompose the performance index J into two parts so we could solve the optimal prediction problem. The minimum mean-square error is given by 2 jk∗ = E F (z −1 )wk+d = E(wk+d + f1 wk+d−1 + · · · + fd−1 wk+1 )2 2 2 2 2 + f12 E wk+d−1 + · · · + fd−1 = E wk+d E wk+1 or 2 jk∗ = q 1 + f12 + · · · + fd−1
The cross-terms of the square drop out due to the whiteness of the noise. Since E(˜ yk+d/k ) = 0, Equation 10.32 is the minimum error variance, hence Equation 10.29 is a minimum variance estimate. The results we have just derived are the equivalent for polynomial systems of the discrete Kalman filter in Chapter 2. The Kalman filter requires the solution of a Riccati equation, while the polynomial system predictor requires the solution of a Diophantine equation.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Example 10.1
Minimum Variance Predictor
If the discretized plant dynamics are described by the difference equation yk + a1 yk−1 + a2 yk−2 = b0 uk−d + wk + c1 wk−1 with white noise wk ∼ (0, q), then Equation 10.1 becomes 1 + a1 z −1 + a2 z −2 yk = z −d b0 uk + (1 + c1 z −1 )wk
a. 1-step predictor Let the control delay be d=1
Then, dividing A(z −1 ) into C(z −1 ) yields 1 1 + a1 z −1 + a2 z −2 /1 + c1 z −1 1 + a1 z −1 + a2 z −2 −1 z [(c1 − a1 ) − a2 z −1 ]
so that F (z −1 ) = 1 G(z
) = (c1 − a1 ) − a2 z
(10.37) −1
Note that, for d = 1, there always results F (z −1 ) = 1 and G(z −1 ) = [C(z −1 ) − A(z −1 )]z
The optimal 1-step prediction satisfies Equation 10.29, or C(z −1 )ˆ yk+1/k = z[C(z −1 ) − A(z −1 )]yk + B(z −1 )uk
so that yˆk+1/k is given by the difference equation yˆk+1/k = −c1 yˆk/k−1 + (c1 − a1 )yk − a2 yk−1 + b0 uk ,
The initial conditions can be taken as yˆ0/−1 = 0,
y−1 = 0
Since C(z −1 ) is stable, the prediction error will eventually reach its optimal value regardless of the initial conditions. The minimum error variance (Equation 10.32) is jk∗ = q
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Stochastic Control for Polynomial Systems
b. 2-step predictor Let d=2
so that we now need to predict ahead two steps. Carrying out the long division of A(z −1 ) and C(z −1 ) out steps yields 1 + a1 z
+ a2 z
1 + (c1 − a1 )z −1 / 1 + c1 z −1
1 + a1 z −1 + a2 z −2 (c1 − a1 )z −1 − a2 z −2 (c1 − a1 )z −1 + a1 (c1 − a1 )z −2 + a2 (c1 − a1 )z −3 z −2 {[−a2 − a1 (c1 − a1 )] − a2 (c1 − a1 )z −1 }
so that F (z −1 ) = 1 + (c1 − a1 )z −1 G(z
) = −[a2 + a1 (c1 − a1 )] − a2 (c1 − a1 )z
(10.46) −1
The predictor recursion (Equation 10.29) is now yˆk+2/k = −c1 yˆk+1/k−1 − [a2 + a1 (c1 − a1 )]yk − a2 (c1 − a1 )yk−1 + b0 uk + b0 (c1 − a1 )uk−1
and the optimal 2-step error variance is yk∗ = q + (c1 − a1 )2 q
Note that as we attempt to predict further into the future, the error variance increases. Note also that G(z −1 ) generally has degree of n−1, while the degree d − 1 of F (z −1 ) increases with the delay. Thus, the d-step-ahead predictor requires n − 1 previous values of the output and d − 1 previous values of the input.
Minimum Variance Control
Now, let us determine one type of optimal controller for the polynomial system A(z −1 )yk = z −d B(z −1 )uk + C(z −1 )wk
with white noise wk ∼ N (0, q), and polynomials given by Equations 10.2 through 10.4. Our result will be the following: the control uk will be selected to zero the d-step prediction yˆk+d/k of the output. To derive this result,
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
we shall use the predictive formulation 10.23 of the plant, again following ˚ Astr¨ om (1970). Select as a performance index the mean-square value of the output 2 ) jk = E(yk+d
and use predictive formulation 10.23 to say that jk = E
BF G yk + uk C C
2 + Fw k+d
We want to select uk to minimize jk . Admissible controls uk depend on previous values of the control, and on yk , yk−1 , . . .. Since the term in parentheses in Equation 10.52 depends only on wk , wk−1 , . . ., and F (z −1 )wk+d depends only on wk+1 , wk+2 , . . ., wk+d , we have the decomposition jk = E
BF G yk + uk C C
+ E(F wk+d )2
Thus, it is clear that the minimum value of jk is attained if the control is selected to satisfy uk = −
G yk BF
Then, the optimal cost is 2 jk∗ = E F (z −1 )wk+d 2 = q 1 + f12 + · · · + fd−1
exactly as Equation 10.32. This control scheme is shown in Figure 10.2, where a reference signal sk has been added. Since the feedback is a function of z −1 , it contains some dynamics. Therefore, it is a dynamic output feedback, exactly like the LQG regulator in Chapter 9, which contained a state estimator and a deterministic LQ regulator. It can also be described as a one-degree-of-freedom regulator, since there is no feedforward term so that only the plant poles, and not the zeros, can be moved. By examining Equation 10.30, it is seen that the optimal control uk given by Equation 10.54 simply zeros the d-step prediction yˆk+d/k of the output. The resulting mean-square value (Equation 10.55) of the output is exactly equal to the prediction error variance! It is therefore apparent that the dynamic output feedback (Equation 10.54) implicitly contains an estimator for the output. The upshot of all this is that the control law we have just derived could be interpreted as a separation principle for polynomial systems (˚ Astr¨om 1970).
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Stochastic Control for Polynomial Systems
C(z −1)
A(z −1)
B(z −1)
uk −
A(z −1) Plant
G(z −1) B(z
z −d yk
F(z −1)
FIGURE 10.2 Minimum variance controller. That is, to derive the minimum variance control, we could first find the optimal prediction of the output and then select the control input to zero the prediction. We must now discuss the closed-loop behavior under the influence of our control law. Using Equation 10.54 in Equation 10.50, the transfer characteristics from the noise wk to the output yk are seen to be described by BG yk = Cwk (10.56) A + z −d BF or yk =
BFC wk B(AF + z −d G)
According to Equation 10.19, yk =
C(z−1 ) is assumed stable. If B(z−1 ) is stable, that is, if the plant B(z−1 )/A(z−1 ) is minimum phase, then we can cancel to obtain yk = F (z −1 )wk
which is the regulator error. (This agrees with the result obtained by using Equation 10.54 in Equation 10.23.) Therefore, the minimum variance regulation error is simply equal to the prediction error (Equation 10.30). According to Equation 10.58, if wk has a mean of zero, then so does yk in the closed-loop system (as long as reference input sk is zero) (see Section 1.5). Thus, jk in Equation 10.51 is the variance of the output, which justifies calling our control law a minimum variance controller.
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Now, let us turn to the closed-loop transfer relation between the reference input sk and yk+d . From Figure 10.2, yk+d =
B/A sk 1 + GBz −d /BAF
or yk+d =
B2F sk B(AF + z −d G)
Taking into account the Diophantine equation gives yk+d =
B2F sk BC
The closed-loop characteristic polynomial is therefore ∆cl (z) = B(z −1 )C(z −1 )z m+n
(multiplication by z m+n removes terms in z −1 ). If the plant B(z −1 )/A(z −1 ) is minimum phase, then the closed-loop system is stable (since C(z −1 ) is stable by assumption). Then we can cancel to obtain yk+d =
B(z −1 )F (z −1 ) sk C(z −1 )
so that the closed-loop poles are the zeros of the noise polynomial C(z −1 ). Example 10.2
Minimum Variance Controller
We can easily find the minimum variance controllers for the two cases in Example 10.1, for the work has already been done. a. 1-step controller If the control delay is d = 1, then the 1-step predicted output can be set to zero using Equation 10.54, which becomes B(z −1 )uk = −z[C(z −1 ) − A(z −1 )]yk
or, in our case uk =
−(c1 − a1 ) a2 yk + yk−1 b0 b0
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Stochastic Control for Polynomial Systems
With this control, the regulation error is given by Equation 10.59, or yk = wk
and the regulation error variance is jk∗ = q
b. 2-step controller If d = 2, then the 2-step predicted output can be zeroed using the control defined by the recursion
b0 1 + (c1 − a1 )z −1 uk = [a2 + a1 (c1 − a1 )] + a2 (c1 − a1 )z −1 yk (10.68) or uk = −(c1 − a1 )uk−1 +
a2 + a1 (c1 − a1 ) a2 (c1 − a1 ) yk + yk−1 b0 b0
The regulation error is now yk = wk + (c1 − a1 )wk−1
jk∗ = q + q(c1 − a1 )2
with a variance of
Note that the regulation error variance increases with the control delay.
Polynomial Linear Quadratic Gaussian Regulator
The minimum variance controller was found in the previous section by minimizing the cost index (Equation 10.51). In this section, it is desired to find the control minimizing a more general cost index. The linear plant is described by Ay k = z −d Bu k + Cwk
with white noise wk ∼ N (0, q), and A(z −1 ) = 1 + a1 z −1 + · · · + an z −n B(z −1 ) = b0 + b1 z −1 + · · · + bm z −m , C(z
) = 1 + c1 z
+ · · · + cn z
b0 = 0 (10.73)
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
Let us select the quadratic performance index Jk = (Py k+d − Qs k )2 + (Ru k )2
with weighting polynomials P (z −1 ) = 1 + p1 z −1 + · · · + pnP z −nP Q(z −1 ) = q0 + q1 z −1 + · · · + qnQ z −nQ R(z −1 ) = r0 + r1 z −1 + · · · + rnR z −nR
Signal sk is a given reference signal. We have chosen this cost index for two reasons: it results in a very nice solution, and it can be selected to specify a wide range of designs that result in desirable closed-loop behavior for different applications. Let us discuss some examples. To keep the output small without using too much control energy, we might simply select P = 1, Q = 0, and R = r0 , so that 2 + r02 u2k Jk = yk+d
(In this case the reference input is not needed.) If we are more concerned about keeping the changes small in the control input, we could select P = 1, Q = 0, and R = r0 (1 − z −1 ), so that 2 + r02 (uk − uk−1 )2 Jk = yk+d
By choosing P = Q = 1 and R = r0 , we get the cost index Jk = (yk+d − sk )2 + r02 u2k
which is a polynomial tracker; the controlled output will follow a (delayed) reference signal sk . We can also design a regulator that makes the plant Bz −d /A behave like any desired model, for if R is chosen as zero, then the optimal controller will attempt to ensure that Py k+d = Qs k
This results in model-following behavior, where the plant output tracks the output of a desired model Q(z −1 )z −d /P (z −1 ) which has input sk . To see this, write Equation 10.79 as yk =
Q(z −1 )z −d sk P (z −1 )
Therefore, Q(z −1 ) and P (z −1 ) in Equation 10.74 need only be selected to be the specified model numerator and denominator dynamics. Finally, if P = 1, Q = 0, and R = 0, then E(Jk ) reduces to (Equation 10.51).
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Stochastic Control for Polynomial Systems
The polynomial linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) problem is to determine a control sequence that minimizes the expected cost jk = E(Jk )
Admissible controls uk depend on uk−1 , uk−2 , . . ., yk , yk−1 , . . .. To solve this problem, we shall follow Clarke and Gawthrop (1975). We cannot immediately differentiate the expected cost jk to determine the optimal control uk , since yk+d depends on uk . This dependence must first be made explicit. To do this, we shall find an optimal j-step-ahead predictor for values yk+j of the output for j ≤ d. According to Equation 10.31, yk+d can be decomposed into two orthogonal parts as yk+d = yˆk+d/k + y˜k+d/k
where yˆk+d/k =
Gd BF d yk + uk C C
is the optimal prediction of yk+d given the values yk , yk−1 ,. . ., uk , uk−1 ,. . ., and y˜k+d/k = Fd wk+d
is the prediction error. The polynomials Fd (z −1 ) and Gd (z −1 ) are defined by the Diophantine equation AF d + z −d Gd = C
which amounts to a d-step long division of A(z −1 ) into C(z −1 ). We would like to find an optimal prediction for each yk+j , j ≤ d, in terms of quantities that occur at times k and before, since the values of the output appearing in Equation 10.74 are yk+d , yk+d−1 , . . ., yk+d−np , with np the degree of P (z −1 ). If yˆk+j/k denotes the optimal prediction of yk+j in terms of quantities that occurs at times k and before, and y˜k+j/k is the associated prediction error, then yk+j = yˆk+j/k + y˜k+j/k ,
with yˆk+j/k and y˜k+j/k orthogonal. For j ≤ 0, it is clear that yˆk+j/k = yk+j ,
since, then yk+j itself is part of the known data. For j = d, we know that yˆk+j/k and y˜k+j/k are given by Equations 10.83 and 10.84. However, it is not
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Optimal and Robust Estimation
true that we can generalize Equation 10.83 to say, for j < d, yˆk+j/k =
Gd BF d yk−d+j + uk−d+j C C
The reason is that this estimate disregards the available data yk−d+j+1 , . . ., yk , so it is not optimal. To construct a minimum variance estimate for yk+j , 0 < j ≤ d, in terms of yk , yk−1 , . . ., uk , uk−1 , . . ., we proceed as follows. Perform a j-step long division of A(z −1 ) into C(z −1 ) to define Fj (z −1 ) and Gj (z −1 ) by AF j + z −j Gj = C
Fj (z −1 ) = 1 + f1 z −1 + · · · + fj−1 z −(j−1)
Then, Fj (z −1 ) has the form
The polynomials Fj (z −1 ) and Gj (z −1 ) must be determined for all j such that d − np ≤ j ≤ d. If we perform a single d-step long division of A(z −1 ) into C(z −1 ), the Fj (z −1 ) is the quotient and z −j Gj (z −1 ) is the remainder at the jth step. See Example 10.3. Multiply the plant 10.72 by Fj to get AFj yk+j = BFj uk−d+j + Fj Cw k+j
and use the Diophantine equation 10.89 to see that Cy k+j = z −j Gj yk+j + BFj uk−d+j + Fj Cw k+j or
yk+j =
BF j Gj yk + uk−d+j C C
+ Fj wk+j
Since the term in parentheses depends only on wk , wk−1 , . . ., and Fj (z −1 )wk+j depends only on wk+1 , wk+2 , . . ., these two terms are orthogonal. Therefore, an argument like the one in Section 10.2 shows that Equation 10.86 holds, where the optimal j-step prediction is yˆk+j/k =
Gj BF j yk + uk−d+j , C C
0 0) if xT Qx > 0 for all nonzero x. Positive semidefinite (Q ≥ 0) if xT Qx ≥ 0 for all nonzero x. Negative semidefinite (Q ≤ 0) if xT Qx ≤ 0 for all nonzero x. Negative definite (Q < 0) if xT Qx < 0 for all nonzero x. Indefinite if xT Qx > 0 for some x, xT Qx < 0 for other x. We can test for definiteness independently of the vectors x. If λi are the eigenvalues of Q, then Q > 0 if all λi > 0 Q ≥ 0 if all λi ≥ 0 Q ≤ 0 if all λi ≤ 0 Q < 0 if all λi < 0
Another test is provided as follows. Let Q = [qij ] ∈ Rn×n . The leading minors of Q are m1 = q11 ,
q m2 =
11 q21
, q22
m3 =
q12 q22 q32
, . . . , mn = |Q| q33 (A.34)
In terms of the leading minors, we have Q > 0 if mi > 0, all i mi < 0, all odd i Q < 0 if mi > 0, all even i
Any positive semidefinite matrix Q can be factored into square roots either as Q=
or as
The (“left” and “right”) square roots in Equations A.36 and A.37 are not in general the same. Indeed, Q may have several roots since each of these factorizations is not even unique. If Q > 0, then all square roots are nonsingular. If P > 0, then Equation A.27 is a norm. If P ≥ 0, it is called a seminorm since xT Px may be zero even if x is not.
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Matrix Calculus
Let x = [x1 x2 . . . xn ]T ∈ C n be a vector, s ∈ C a scalar, and f (x) ∈ C m an m vector function of x. The differential in x is dx1 dx2 dx = . (A.38) .. dxm and the derivative of x with respect to s (which could be time) is dx1 /ds dx dx2 /ds = . ds .. dxn /ds
If s is a function of x, then the gradient of s with respect to x is the column vector ∂s/∂x1 ∂s/∂x2 ∂s sx = . (A.40) ∂x .. ∂s/∂xn (The gradient is defined as a row vector in some references.) Then the total differential in s is T n ∂s ∂s ds = dx = dxi (A.41) ∂x ∂xi i=1 If s is a function of two vectors x and y, then T T ∂s ∂s ds = dx + dy ∂x ∂y The Hessian of s with respect to x is the second derivative 2
∂2s ∂ s = sxx ∂x2 ∂xi ∂xj
which is a symmetric n × n matrix. In terms of the gradient and the Hessian, the Taylor series expansion of s(x) about x0 is T 1 ∂2s ∂s (x − x0 ) + (x − x0 )T 2 (x − x0 ) + 0(3) (A.44) s(x) = s(x0 ) + ∂x 2 ∂x where 0(3) represents terms of order 3 and derivatives are evaluated at x0 .
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The Jacobian of f with respect to x is the m × n matrix
∂f ∂f ∂f ∂f fx = ··· ∂x ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂xn
so that the total differential of f is n
∂f ∂f dx = dxi df = ∂x ∂xi i=1 We shall use the shorthand notation T ∂f T ∂f ∈ C n×m ∂x ∂x
If y is a vector, and A, B, D, and Q are matrices, all with dimensions so that the following expressions make sense, then we have the following results: d −1 ˙ −1 (A ) = −A−1 AA dt
Some useful gradients are ∂ T ∂ T (y x) = (x y) = y ∂x ∂x ∂ T T ∂ T (y Ax ) = (x A y) = AT y ∂x ∂x ∂ T ∂ T [y f (x)] = [f (x)y] = fxT y ∂x ∂x ∂ T (x Ax ) = Ax + AT x ∂x
(A.49) (A.50) (A.51) (A.52)
and if Q is symmetric, then ∂ T (x Qx ) = 2Qx ∂x
∂ (x − y)T Q(x − y) = 2Q(x − y) ∂x
(A.53) (A.54)
The chain rule for two vector functions becomes ∂ T (f y) = fxT y + yxT f ∂x
∂ 2 xT Ax = A + AT ∂x2
Some useful Hessians are
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and if Q is symmetric ∂ 2 xT Qx = 2Q ∂x2
∂2 (x − y)T Q(x − y) = 2Q ∂x2
(A.57) (A.58)
Some useful Jacobians are ∂ (Ax ) = A ∂x
(contrast this with Equation A.49), and the chain rule (with s a scalar) ∂ ∂ (sf ) = (fs) = sf x + fs Tx ∂x ∂x
(contrast this with Equation A.55). If A = [aij ] ∈ Rn×n is a matrix and s a scalar, then the derivative of s with respect to A is defined as
∂s ∂s = ∈ Rn×n (A.61) ∂A ∂aij Some useful derivatives involving the trace and determinant are ∂ trace(A) = I ∂A
∂ trace(BAD) = B T DT ∂A
∂ trace(ABAT ) = 2AB , if B = B T ∂A ∂ |BAD| = |BAD|A−T ∂A where A−T (A−1 )T .
(A.62) (A.63) (A.64) (A.65)
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A Ackermann’s formula Chang-Letov equation, Kalman filter design, 115–118 discrete-time Kalman filtering, deterministic state observer, 60–64 actual error correlation continuous reduced-order filters, 222–223 Kalman filters, model mismatch, continuous Kalman filter, 222 reduced-order Kalman filter decoupling, suboptimal filters, weakly coupled systems, 240–244 actual norms, stationary H∞ filters, 371–373 adaptive sampling, extended Kalman filter, 283–304 algorithms, 296 closed-form estimation, linear field, 286–290 closed-form estimation, uncertainty in linear field, 290–295 combined adaptive sampling technique, 284–286 measurement update, 296 mobile robot color field sampling, 301–304 localization, 284 simultaneous localization and sampling, 297–304 parameter-linear field, 296–297 system equations, 295–296 time update, 295 additive noise, deterministic state observer, 63–64 aircraft longitudinal dynamics continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, gust noise, 211 gust noise, 125–127
algebraic Lyapunov equation continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, solutions, 204 solutions, 140–141 algebraic Riccati equation (ARE) continuous-time Kalman filter derivation analytic solution, 207 error dynamics, 179–180 solutions, 208–209 spectral factorization, 181–183 discrete Wiener filter, 118–123 dscrete-time H∞ filtering, stationary case, 397–400 error dynamics, statistical steady state, 103–110 H∞ filtering continuous-time systems, 356–357 convergence analysis, 374–378 J-spectral factorization, 410–414 robust Kalman filters asymptotically stable filters, 342–343 convergence analysis and, 326–329 robust stationary Kalman filtering, 322–326 scalar variant, 145 stabilization via, 140 stationary H∞ filters, 367–373 a posteriori filtering, 406–408 steady-state Kalman filter, 122–123 weighted minimum-variance estimate, 110 alpha-beta-gamma radar tracking, 95 alpha-beta radar tracking continuous-discrete Kalman filter, 195–199 discrete-time Kalman filter, 92–98 angle-of-attack measurements, Kalman and Wiener filtering, 121–123 a posteriori filtering discrete-time H∞ filtering, 400–408 finite horizon case, 400–405
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502 a posteriori filtering (contd.) overview, 388–390 stationary case, 405–408 discrete-time Kalman filter, 71–75 discrete-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, incomplete information, 456–457 error covariance recursion, 141–142 error systems, 110 Kalman filters, modeling errors, 214–223 linear measurement updates, 269–271 mean-square estimation, 5–6 measurement update approximation, extended Kalman filter, 272–273 optimal smoothing, 136–140 robust Kalman filters, 338–340 apparent divergence, Kalman filter, 223–226 a priori filtering correlated measurement and process noise, 128–132 discrete-time Kalman filter, 71–75 discrete-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, incomplete information, 456–457 dscrete-time H∞ filtering, 390–400 finite horizon case, 391–397 stationary case, 397–400 error system, 102 Kalman filters, modeling errors, 214–223 linear mean-square estimation, 15–19 linear measurement updates, 269–271 measurement update approximation, extended Kalman filter, 272–273 optimal smoothing, 136–140 robust finite horizon Kalman filter, 317–321 robust Kalman filtering, linear matrix inequality, 334–335 robust stationary Kalman filter, 321–326 robust stationary Kalman filters, convergence analysis, 329–331 stochastic control, feedback of, 461–462 asymptotically stable filters H∞ filtering, signal models, 378–381 robust Kalman filtering, 342–343
Index stationary H∞ filters a posteriori filtering, 405–408 Riccati equation approach, 365–373 autocorrelation function, Wiener filtering, 34 autonomous vehicles (AVs), extended Kalman filter, combined adaptive sampling, 285–286 average closed-loop behavior, stochastic control, state variable systems, 441–443
B backward filter updates continuous-discrete Kalman filter, information, 200–201 optimal smoothing, 134–140 ballistic coefficient, extended Kalman filter, 310–312 batch processing, recursive estimation, 28–30 Bayesian estimation, mean-square estimation, 4 Bayes’ rule hyperstate propagation, discrete systems, 263 mean-square estimation, 6–7 stochastic control, state variable systems continuous-time systems, 436–443 discrete-time systems, 425–426 Bellman’s principle of optimality dynamic programming, stochastic control, state variable systems, 423–424 stochastic control, state variable systems, continuous-time systems, 437–443 block diagonals, sequential estimation, 55 block triangular filter structure, Kalman filtering, 256 boundary conditions, stochastic control, state variable systems, discrete-time systems, 424 bounded behavior H∞ filtering, convergence analysis, 376–378 Kalman filter divergence, process noise injection, 230 robust Kalman filters, difference Riccati equation, 343–345
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Index robust stationary Kalman filters, 325–326 Butterworth spectrum, FM demodulation, extended Kalman filter, 275–278
C causal steady-state filtering H∞ filtering, continuous-time systems, finite horizon linear filters, 362–365 H∞ filtering, signal models, 379–381 stationary H∞ filters, Riccati equation approach, 365–373 Wiener-Hopf equation, 41–49 certainty equivalence principle, continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 450–453 chain rule, hyperstate propagation, discrete systems, 260–263 Chang-Letov equation continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 184–188 Kalman filter design, frequencydomain solution, 115–118 channel equalization, H∞ filtering applications, 414–418 Chapman-Kolmogorov equation hyperstate propagation, discrete systems, 260–263 stochastic control, state variable systems, 431–435 Cholesky decomposition, scalar measurement updating, Kalman filter, 253–254 classical estimation theory Cram´ er-Rao bound, 25–28 maximum-likelihood estimation, 19–25 mean-square estimation, 3–19 recursive estimation, 28–34 Wiener filtering, 34–49 closed-form estimation, linear field extended Kalman filter, 286–290 localization uncertainty, 290–295 closed-loop system Lyapunov equation, 142 stochastic control, polynomial systems, 472–473
503 color field sampling, mobile robot localization, 301–304 colored measurement noise continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 190–193, 210 discrete-time Kalman filtering, 130–132 tachometer vibration, 148 colored noise process, continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 188–189 colored process noise, 149 shaping filters, 124–127 combined adaptive sampling, extended Kalman filter, 284–286 completely unreliable measurements continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, scalar system, 161–166 dscrete-time H∞ filtering, finite horizon case, 394–397 scalar system filtering, 83 complete state information continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 445–449 discrete-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 454–455 conditional expected cost, stochastic control, state variable systems, 425–426 continuous-time systems, 436–443 conditional mean estimate linear Gaussian measurements, 11–12 mean-square estimation, 6–7 nonlinear mean-square estimation, 8–9 conditional probabilities, stochastic control, state variable systems, 433–435 constant parameter estimation continuous stochastic systems, 88–89 H∞ filter estimation, 419 constant unknown condition, Kalman filters, modeling errors Newton’s system, 255 Wiener filtering, 218–223 continuous-continuous extended Kalman filter, 275 continuous-discrete Kalman filter convergence of, 211–212 nonlinear estimates, 273–274 system and measurement models, 193–197 continuous estimation updating, 51
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504 continuous reduced-order filters, model mismatch, 222–223 continuous spectrum-shaping filters, properties of, 126 continuous stochastic systems, discrete-time Kalman filtering, 85–98 continuous-time Kalman filter actual error correlation, 222 constant scalar unknown estimation, 157–159 discrete Kalman filter derivation, 151–157 discrete Kalman measurements, 84–101 discrete measurements, 193–197 error covariance differential equation, 170–171 error dynamics and statistical steady state, 177–180 estimate differential equation, 169–170 frequency domain results, 180–188 Chang-Letov design, 184–188 linear stochastic system spectral densities, 181 spectral factorization, 181–183 kinematic modeling, 244–248 multiple sampling rates, 101 multiple-system rates, 98–101 noise correlation and shaping, 188–193 colored measurement noise, 190–193 colored process noise, 188–189 correlated measurement and process noise, 189–190 optimal impulse response differential equation, 168–169 optimal smoothing, 197–203 estimation, 201–202 information filter, 200–201 Rauch-Ting-Striebel smoother, 203 robust filtering for, 341–342 scalar systems, 160–166 shaping filter derivation, 167–168 stochastic system discretization, 85–98 Wiener-Hopf equation, 166–167 continuous-time systems extended Kalman filter applications, 273–283 H∞ filtering convergence analysis, 375–378 finite horizon linear filter, 357–365
Index guaranteed vs. actual norms, 371–373 Kalman filter vs., 373–374 linear matrix inequality, 382–383 linear time-invariant filters, 373 overview, 353–355 signal model applications, 378–381 stationary Riccati equation, 365–371 two-person zero-sum game, 356–357 hyperstate propagation, nonlinear estimation, 263–265 stochastic control, polynomial systems, 484 stochastic control, state variable systems dynamic programming, 435–443 linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 443–453 complete state information, 445–449 incomplete state information, separation principle, 449–453 continuous Wiener process, suboptimal gains, 250–253 convergence analysis H∞ filtering, 374–378 robust stationary Kalman filters, 326–331 ε-switching strategy, 329–331 feasibility, 326–329 convex optimization, robust Kalman filter modeling, linear matrix inequality, 337–340 correlated measurement continuous-time Kalman filter actual error correlation, 222 derivation, 189–190 measurement noise and, 211 correlated noise continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 188–193 colored measurement noise, 190–193 colored process noise, 188–189 correlated measurement and process noise, 189–190 linear measurements, 52 measurement and process noise, 127–132, 149
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Index correlation functions, linear estimation, 37–38 cost function dscrete-time H∞ filtering, finite horizon case, 396–397 H∞ filtering, continuous-time systems, 356–357 mean-square estimation, 4 covariances closed-form estimation, extended Kalman filter, 287–290 finite horizon robust Kalman a priori filter, 317–321 Kalman filter, exponential data weighting, 234–236 linear stochastic systems, 65–70 nonlinear updates, 265–266 radar tracking model, 92 Cram´ er-Rao bound, basic principles, 25–28 cross-variance, linear Gaussian measurements, 11–12 curse of dimensionality, continuous-time systems, dynamic programming, 435–443
D damped harmonic oscillator, continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 164–166 data prewhitening causal steady-state filtering, 41–49 recursive estimation, 33–34 dead-reckoning estimates, mobile robot localization, simultaneous localization and sampling, 300–304 decoupling, reduced-order Kalman filters, 242–248 Kalman-Schmidt error covariance equations, 248 kinematic modeling, continuous systems, 244–248 derived measurements colored measurement noise, 131–132 continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, colored measurement noise, 190–193 reduced-order Kalman filter decoupling, 243–244 detectability parameters, H∞ filter estimation, polynomial approach, 408–410
505 deterministic asymptotic estimation, discrete-time Kalman filtering, 59–64 deterministic functions, continuous-time systems, dynamic programming, 435–443 deterministic inputs, linear stochastic systems, 64 deterministic linear quadratic regulation, stochastic control, state variable systems, 447–449 deterministic state observer, discrete-time Kalman filtering, 59–64 deterministic variable, Cram´er-Rao bound, 25–28 Deyst filter, continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 192–193 difference Riccati equation (DRE) discrete-time H∞ filtering, 388–390 dscrete-time H∞ filtering, finite horizon case, 391–397 finite horizon H∞ filters, a posteriori filtering, 400–405 finite horizon robust Kalman a priori filter, 318–321 H∞ filtering continuous-time systems, 356–357 convergence analysis, 374–378 finite horizon linear filter, 357–365 robust Kalman filters convergence analysis and, 326–329 proof, 343–345 robust stationary Kalman filters, 324–326 differential drive robots, simultaneous localization and sampling, 298–301 Diophantine equation, stochastic control, polynomial systems closed-loop system, 472–473 linear quadratic Gaussian control, 476–481 optimal prediction, 465–469 discrete Markov process, linear stochastic systems, 64–65 discrete polynomial tracking filter, continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 206 discrete spectrum-shaping filters, properties of, 123
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506 discrete stochastic dynamical equation, linear stochastic systems, 64 discrete systems, hyperstate propagation, nonlinear estimation, 259–263 discrete-time H∞ filtering a priori filter, 390–400 finite horizon case, 391–397 stationary case, 397–400 channel equalization, 414–418 J-spectral factorization, 410–414 overview, 388–390 polynomial approach, 408–410 stationary case, 400–408 discrete-time Kalman filter a posteriori error system, 110 a priori recursive formulation, 74–75 algebraic Riccati equation, 103–110 algorithm, 71–73 alternative measurement update equations, 73–74 Chang-Letov design procedure, 115–118 colored measurement noise, 130–132 colored process noise, 124–127 continuous-time discrete measurements, 84–98 continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 151–157 correlated measurement and process noise, 127–129 correlated noise and shaping, 123–124 deterministic state observer, 59–64 error dynamics, 101–102 formulation, 71 frequency domain results, 112–114 information filter, 133–136 innovations representation, 114 innovations sequence, 102–103 linear stochastic systems, 64–70 multiple sampling rates, 98–101 optimal smoothing, 132–138 orthogonality principle, 84 Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother, 138–140 recursive estimation, constant scalar unknown, 78–81 scalar system filtering, 81–84 ship navigational fixes, 75–78 spectral factorization, 112–114 suboptimal gains, 247–253 time-varying systems, 101, 110–112
Index weighted minimum-variance estimate, 110 Wiener filter derivation, 118–123 discrete-time systems, stochastic control dynamic programming, 424–435 linear quadratic Gaussian problem, stochastic control, 453–457 complete state information, 454–455 incomplete state information, 455–457 discretization, radar tracking, 91–92 divergence continuous Kalman filter, 254–255 Kalman filters, 223–226 process noise injection and prevention of, 227–230 dscrete-time H∞ filtering, a posteriori filtering, 400–408 finite horizon case, 400–405 stationary case, 405–408 dynamic output feedback continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 451–453 discrete-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, incomplete information, 455–457 dynamic programming, stochastic control, state variable systems, 424–443 continuous-time systems, 435–443 discretetime systems, 424–435
E ε-switching strategy, robust stationary Kalman filters, convergence analysis, 329–331 efficiency condition, Cram´er-Rao bound, 27–28 eigenvalues, H∞ filtering, signal models, 379–381 electric circuit analog, maximumlikelihood estimation, 24–25 equality, Cram´er-Rao bound, 27–28 equalization filtering, H∞ filtering applications, channel equalization, 414–418 error covariance continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 153–157 differential equation, 170–172
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Index continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 449–453 continuous Wiener process, suboptimal gains, 251–253 Cram´ er-Rao bound, 26–28 discrete-time Kalman filter, 72–73 finite horizon robust Kalman a priori filter, 318–321 H∞ filtering vs. Kalman filtering, 373–374 Kalman filters exponential data weighting, 232–236 modeling errors, 215–223 Wiener filtering, constant unknown condition, 218–223 timing diagram, 70 Kalman-Schmidt filter, 248 linear estimation, 37–38 linear Gaussian measurements, 12, 22–25 linear mean-square estimation, 16–19 linear measurement updates, 269–271 maximum-likelihood estimation, electric circuit analog, 24–25 mean-square estimation, 4–5, 7 optimal smoothing, 134–140 preliminary analysis, Kalman filter simplification, 95–98 recursive estimation, scalar unknown, 79–81 robust Kalman filters convergence analysis, 329–331 stationary filter, 323–326 uncertainty in, 316–317 scalar linear measurements, 46–49 scalar uknown, independent measurement, 23–25 sequential maximum-likelihood estimation, 32–33 ship navigational fixes, 77–78 stationary H∞ filters, Kalman filters vs., 370–373 stochastic control, polynomial systems, optimal prediction, 467–469 suboptimal gain filtering, 249–253 error covariance update equation, sequential maximumlikelihood estimation, 32–33
507 error dynamics continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 177–180 discrete-time Kalman filters, 101–102 time-variant plant, 110–112 weighted minimum-variance estimate, 110 error system a posteriori, 110 algebraic Ricatti equation, 108–110 discrete-time Kalman filtering, 60–64 Kalman filters, modeling errors, 217–223 statistical steady state, 101–102 suboptimal gain filtering, 249–253 error transfer function H∞ filtering J-spectral factorization, 412–414 performance analysis, 419 stationary H∞ filters, algebraic Riccati equation, 368–373 estimate differential equation, causal steady-state filtering, 169–170 estimate updates, linear measurements, 55 estimation error continuous-time Kalman filter, Wiener-Hopf equation, 166–167 continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 451–453 linear estimation, 37–38 linear Gaussian measurements, 21–25 mean-square estimation, 3–4 estimators, linear Gaussian measurements, 22 Euclidean norm, orthogonality principle, 13–14 Euler’s approximation colored process noise, 127 continuous stochastic systems, discrete-time Kalman filtering, 87 expected cost stochastic control, polynomial systems, 474–481 stochastic control, state variable systems continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 446–449 discrete-time systems, 424–435 exponential data weighting, Kalman filter, 230–236 covariance expression, 235–236 fictitious process noise, 226–230
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508 exponential data weighting, Kalman filter (contd.) filter stability margin, 255 stability margin, 255 extended Kalman filter (EKF) adaptive sampling, 295–297 nonlinear system estimation, 271–283 adaptive sampling applications, 283–304 continuous-continuous model, 275 continuous-discrete model, 273–274 FM demodulation, 275–278 measurement update approximation, 272–273 satellite orbit estimation, 278–283 time update approximation, 271–272 pendulum analysis, 307 rocket dynamics, 308 spacecraft reentry trajectory estimation, 308–309 waste sewage treatment, 312
F feasibility analysis, robust stationary Kalman filters, convergence analysis and, 326–329 feedback gain scalar linear measurements, 48–49 stochastic control, state variable systems, 448–449 fictitious process noise, Kalman filter, 226–230 finite horizon H∞ filters a posteriori filtering, 400–405 characterization, 361–365 dscrete-time H∞ filtering, 391–397 finite horizon robust Kalman filter a priori model, 317–321 convergence analysis, 326–329 finite time horizons, H∞ filtering, continuous-time systems, 354–355 linear filters, 357–361 first-order statistics continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, scalar system, 160–166 linear mean-square estimation, 16–19 time update approximation, extended Kalman filter, 271–272
Index first stage optimization, stochastic system, dynamic programming, 430–435 Fisher information matrix Cram´ er-Rao bound, 25–28 time-variant plant, 111–112 fixed interval smoothing continuous-discrete Kalman filter, 202 discrete-time Kalman filtering, 132–140 FM demodulation, extended Kalman filter, 275–278 Fokker-Planck equation hyperstate propagation, continuous systems, 264–265 Markov process, 305 time update estimates, 267–268 Wiener process, 305 Fourier transform theory causal steady-state filtering, 41–49 Wiener-Hopf equation, infinite-delay steady-state smoothing, 38–41 free fall tracking, extended Kalman filter, 310–312 frequency-domain solution causal steady-state filtering, 43–49 Chang-Letov design procedure, 115–118 continuous-time Kalman filter, 180–188 Chang-Letov design, 184–188 linear stochastic system spectral densities, 181 spectral factorization, 181–183 discrete Wiener filter derivation, 118–123 innovations representation, 114 spectral factorization result, 112–114 full rank processes, Wiener filtering, 35
G Gaussian conditional mean and covariance linear mean-square estimation, 16–19 linear stochastic systems, 67–70 mean-square estimation, 9–11 Gaussian field sampling, extended Kalman filter, 288–290 Gaussian measurements, maximumlikelihood estimation, 21–25
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Index guaranteed norms, stationary H∞ filters, 371–373 gust noise, aircraft longitudinal dynamics, 125–127
H Hamiltonian matrix, continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 209 Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation Newton’s system, 458 stochastic control, state variable systems, continuous-time systems, 438–443 harmonic oscillators, continuous-time Kalman filter derivation damped oscillator, 164–166 position measurements, 205, 206 stochastic oscillators, 205 Hessian matrices, time update estimates, 267–268 H∞ filtering continuous-time systems convergence analysis, 375–378 finite horizon linear filter, 357–365 guaranteed vs. actual norms, 371–373 Kalman filter vs., 373–374 linear matrix inequality, 382–383 linear time-invariant filters, 373 overview, 353–355 signal model applications, 378–381 stationary Riccati equation, 365–371 two-person zero-sum game, 356–357 discrete-time systems a priori filter, 390–400 channel equalization, 414–418 J-spectral factorization, 410–414 overview, 388–390 polynomial approach, 408–410 stationary case, 400–408 hyperstate propagation nonlinear system estimation, 259–265 continuous systems, 263–265 discrete systems, 259–263 plant stability/instability, 69–70
I identity matrix, linear Gaussian measurements, 22–23 inaccurate noise parameters, 52–54 incomplete state information continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 445–449 discrete-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 455–457 independent measurements optimal combinations, 54–55 scalar unknown, 23–25 infinite-delay steady-state smoothing, Wiener-Hopf equation, 38–41 information formulation, Kalman filter continuous-discrete Kalman filter, 200–201 matrix for, 142 optimal smoothing, 133–140 innovations sequence continuous-time Kalman filter derivation error dynamics, 178–180 spectral factorization, 182–183 error dynamics, statistical steady state, 102 frequency domain results, 114 input signals, H∞ filter estimation, channel equalization, 416–418 intermittent measurements, prediction and, 143–144
J Jacobian matrices closed-form linear field estimation, 294–295 measurement update approximation, extended Kalman filter, 272–273 time update approximation, extended Kalman filter, 272 Joseph stabilization continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 449 optimal smoothing, 135–140 J-spectral factorization, H∞ filter estimation, 410–414
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K Kalman filters angle-of-attack measurements, 121–123 continuous-time Kalman filter constant scalar unknown estimation, 157–159 discrete Kalman filter derivation, 151–157 measurements, 84–101 discrete measurements, 193–197 error covariance differential equation, 170–171 error dynamics and statistical steady state, 177–180 estimate differential equation, 169–170 frequency domain results, 180–188 Chang-Letov design, 184–188 linear stochastic system spectral densities, 181 spectral factorization, 181–183 multiple sampling rates, 101 multiple-system rates, 98–101 noise correlation and shaping, 188–193 colored measurement noise, 190–193 colored process noise, 188–189 correlated measurement and process noise, 189–190 optimal impulse response differential equation, 168–169 optimal smoothing, 197–203 estimation, 201–202 information filter, 200–201 Rauch-Ting-Striebel smoother, 203 scalar systems, 160–166 shaping filter derivation, 167–168 stochastic system discretization, 85–98 Wiener-Hopf equation, 166–167 continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 449–453 decoupling and parallel processing, 236–242 block triangular filter structure, 256 process noise mismodeling effect, 256–257
Index suboptimal filters, weakly coupled systems, 237–242 discrete-time filters a posteriori error system, 110 a priori recursive formulation, 74–75 algebraic Riccati equation, 103–110 algorithm, 71–73 alternative measurement update equations, 73–74 Chang-Letov design procedure, 115–118 colored measurement noise, 130–132 colored process noise, 124–127 continuous-time discrete measurements, 84–98 correlated measurement and process noise, 127–129 correlated noise and shaping, 123–124 deterministic state observer, 59–64 error dynamics, 101–102 formulation, 71 frequency domain results, 112–114 information filter, 133–136 innovations representation, 114 innovations sequence, 102–103 linear stochastic systems, 64–70 multiple sampling rates, 98–101 optimal smoothing, 132–138 orthogonality principle, 84 Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother, 138–140 recursive estimation, constant scalar unknown, 78–81 scalar system filtering, 81–84 ship navigational fixes, 75–78 spectral factorization, 112–114 time-varying systems, 101, 110–112 weighted minimum-variance estimate, 110 Wiener filter derivation, 118–123 divergence, 223–226 exponential data weighting, 230–236 covariance expression, 235–236 filter stability margin, 255 fictitious process noise injection, 226–230 finite horizon H∞ filters, a posteriori filtering, 405
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Index H∞ filtering comparisons, 373–374 continuous-time systems, finite horizon linear filter, 360–361 stationary filters, 368–373 modeling errors, 213–223 continuous reduced-order filter mismatch, 222–223 continuous-time Kalman filter divergence, 254–255 continuous-time Kalman filter error correlation, 222 Newton’s system as constant unknown, 255 reduced-order filter mismatch, 221–222 Wiener process inaccuracies, 218–221 reduced-order filters, 242–248 Kalman-Schmidt error covariance equations, 248 kinematic modeling, continuous systems, 244–248 robust filters continuous-time systems, 341–349 convergence analysis, 326–331 finite horizon a priori filter, 317–321 linear matrix inequality, 331–340 modeling uncertainties, 315–317 stationary a priori filter, 321–326 scalar measurement updating, 253–254, 257–258 suboptimal gains, 249–253 continuous Wiener process, 250–253 filtering problems, 257 Kalman gain continuous stochastic systems, 89 continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 151–157, 172–173 discrete-time Kalman filter, 72 exponential data weighting, 232–236 steady-state solution, 233–236 Kalman filter divergence, 224–226 process noise injection, 227–230 mean-square estimation, 13 preliminary analysis, Kalman filter simplification, 95–98 reduced-order Kalman filter decoupling, suboptimal filters, weakly coupled systems, 238–244 scalar system filtering, 81–84
511 Kalman-Schmidt filter error covariance equations, 248 kinematic modeling, 247–248 Keplerian orbital elements, satellite orbit determination, extended Kalman filter approximation, 280–283 kinematic modeling, continuous filter systems, 244–248 Kronecker delta continuous stochastic systems, discrete-time Kalman filtering, 86–87 linear stochastic systems, 64 Lyapunov equation, vector formulation, 204
L lateral aircraft dynamics, continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, Chang-Letov equation, 184–188 law of large numbers, recursive estimation, scalar unknown, 81 least mean square (LMS) estimation, H∞ filters, 419 least-squares solutions closed-form linear field estimation, 290–295 linear equations, 50 Leibniz’s rule, continuous-time Kalman filter, optimal impulse response, 169–170 likelihood function linear Gaussian measurements, 21–25 maximum-likelihood estimation, 20–25 limiting behavior, discrete-time Kalman filtering, 147 linear data combination, scalar unknown, 54 linear equations, least-squares solution, 50 linear estimation, Wiener filtering, 36–38 linear field closed-form estimation, extended Kalman filter, 286–290 one-dimensional/two-dimensional sampling, extended Kalman filter, 287–290
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512 linear field (contd.) parameter-linear field, extended Kalman filter estimation, 296–297 linear filters H∞ filtering continuous-time systems, 361–365 finite time horizons, 357–361 signal models, 379–381 linear functions, unknown factor, 51–52 linear Gaussian measurements conditional mean estimate, 11–12 Cram´er-Rao bound, 25–28 maximum-likelihood estimation, 21–25 scalar unknown, 23–25 sequential maximum-likelihood estimation, 31–33 linearized Kalman filter, continuous systems, 273–274 linear matrix inequality (LMI) H∞ filtering, 382–383 robust Kalman filters, 331–340 norm-bounded uncertainty, 332–335 polytopic uncertainty, 335–340 linear mean-square estimation, 14–19 orthogonality principle, 17–19 quadratic estimation, 19 linear measurements continuous-time Kalman filter, shaping filter, 167–168 correlated noise, 52 estimate updates, 55 updates, nonlinear systems, 269–271 Wiener filtering, 46–49 linear quadratic Guassian (LQG) regulators continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 443–453 complete state information, 445–449 incomplete state information, 445–449 discrete-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 453–457 complete state information, 454–455 incomplete state information, 455–457 scalar discrete regulator, 462 steady-state regulator, 463–465 stochastic control polynomial systems, 473–481 state variable systems, 439–443
Index suboptimal regulator, 460 linear stochastic systems continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 156–157 spectral densities, 181 discrete-time Kalman filtering, 64–70 linear time-invariant filters H∞ filter estimation, polynomial approach, 408–410 robust Kalman filter modeling, linear matrix inequality, 332–340 robust stationary Kalman filtering, 322–326 stationary H∞ filters, 373 localization uncertainty closed-form linear field estimation, 290–295 mobile robot localization, simultaneous localization and sampling, 297–301 Lyapunov equation algebraic Riccati equation, 104–105 closed-loop system equation, 142 continuous-discrete Kalman filter, 196–197 continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 156–157 spectral densities, linear stochastic systems, 181 finite horizon robust Kalman filter, convergence analysis, 328–329 H∞ filtering convergence analysis, 377–378 signal models, 379–381 hyperstate propagation, continuous systems, 264–265 Ricatti equation as, closed-loop system equation, 149 robust Kalman filter modeling, linear matrix inequality, 332–339 robust stationary Kalman filter, 322–326 steady-state covariance, 69–70 stochastic control, state variable systems continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 449 continuous-time systems, 443 time update estimates, 267–268 vector equation, 140 vector formulation, 204
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M Markov process causal steady-state filtering, 45–49 colored process noise, 127 Fokker-Planck equation, 305 hyperstate propagation, discrete systems, 261–263 linear stochastic systems, 64–65 sampled signal predictions, 482 stochastic control, state variable systems, continuous-time systems, 436–443 Wiener filtering, second-order process, 57 Wiener-Hopf equation, infinite-delay steady-state smoothing, 39–40 matrix inversion lemma, finite horizon H∞ filters, a posteriori filtering, 401–405 maximum a posteriori estimation, mean-square estimation, 4 maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE), 19–25 Cram´er-Rao bound, 26–28 discrete-time Kalman filter, 74–75 electric circuit analog example, 24–25 linear Gaussian measurements, 20–25 nonlinear, 19–20 recursive estimation, scalar unknown, 81 sequential MLE, 31–33 means propagation, linear stochastic systems, 65–70 mean-square error defined, 3–4 stochastic control, polynomial systems, optimal prediction, 467–469 mean-square estimation (MSE) continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 444–453 criterion, 3–4 discrete-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, complete information, 454–455 Gaussian conditional mean and covariance, 9–11 hyperstate propagation, discrete systems, 259–263 Kalman gain, 13 linear estimation, 14–19 nonlinear example, 8–9
513 orthogonality principle, 13–14 random variable X, 4–13 stochastic control, state variable systems, 440–443 mean updates, nonlinear estimation, 265–266 measurement model H∞ filtering, continuous-time systems, 353–355 radar tracking, 89–91 measurement noise colored measurement noise, 130–132 continuous stochastic systems, Newton’s laws, sampling motion, 88 continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, correlated measurement, 211 delayed process noise, 129 deterministic state observer, 63–64 dscrete-time H∞ filtering, finite horizon case, 393–397 linear Gaussian measurements, 11–12 linear stochastic systems, 64 process noise and, 127–132 Wiener-Hopf equation, infinite-delay steady-state smoothing, 39–40 measurement update equations continuous-discrete Kalman filter, 196–197 discrete-time Kalman filter, 73 extended Kalman filter/adaptive sampling algorithm, 295–297 extended Kalman filter approximation, 272–273 continuous systems, 273–283 FM demodulation, 277–278 satellite orbit determination, 282–283 hyperstate propagation, discrete systems, 261–263 nonlinear systems, 268–269 recursive estimation, scalar unknown, 79–81 ship navigational fixes, 76–78 uniform noise, 306 Millman’s theorem continuous-discrete Kalman filter, optimal smoothed esimate, 201–202 maximum-likelihood estimation, electric circuit analog, 25 optimal smoothing estimate, 136–140
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514 minimum energy problems, stochastic control, state variable systems, discrete-time systems, 425 minimum fuel problems, stochastic control, state variable systems, discrete-time systems, 424–425 minimum time problems, stochastic control, state variable systems, discrete-time systems, 424 minimum variance control, polynomial systems, 469–471 minimum variance predictor, stochastic control, polynomial systems, optimal prediction, 468–469 mismatch errors, Kalman filters, modeling errors, 214–223 mobile robot localization, extended Kalman filter sampling, 284 simultaneous localization and sampling, 297–301 model-following behavior linear quadratic Guassian (LQG) regulators, stochastic control, polynomial systems, 474–481 stochastic control controller, 482–483 control weighting, 484 modeling errors Kalman filters, 213–223 continuous reduced-order filter mismatch, 222–223 continuous-time Kalman filter divergence, 254–255 continuous-time Kalman filter error correlation, 222 Newton’s system as constant unknown, 255 reduced-order filter mismatch, 221–222 Wiener process inaccuracies, 218–221 Kalman-Schmidt filter, 247–248 robust Kalman filters, uncertainties, 315–317 Monte Carlo measurements, linear field sampling, 287–290 Moore-Penrose matrix, Kalman filters, model mismatch, reduced-order filters, 221–222
Index motion estimation continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 174–175 extended Kalman filter approximation, satellite orbit determination, 278–283 H∞ filtering, 383–384 multiple sampling rates, Kalman filtering, 98–101 multiplicative noise, estimation theory, 52 multivariable root locus techniques, Chang-Letov equation, 118
N Newton’s system Kalman filter modeling, constant unknown condition, 255 sampling motion continuous stochastic systems, discrete-time Kalman filtering, 87–88 continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 174–175, 204 velocity measurements, 207 steady-state LQG regulator, 460–461 stochastic control, 458 polynomial systems, 483–484 noise covariance H∞ filtering, signal models, 379–381 H∞ filtering, continuous-time systems, 354–355 inaccuracy, 52–53 noise sequence, shaping filter correlation, 124–132 noise-weighting matrix, nonlinear system estimation, 307 nonlinear least-squares estimation, 50 nonlinear maximum-likelihood estimation, 19–20 nonlinear mean-square estimation, example of, 8–9 nonlinear system estimation conversion to linear systems, 310 dynamics measurement, 306 extended Kalman filter, 271–283 adaptive sampling applications, 283–304 continuous-continuous model, 275 continuous-discrete model, 273–274 FM demodulation, 275–278
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Index measurement update approximation, 272–273 satellite orbit estimation, 278–283 time update approximation, 271–272 hyperstate update, 259–265 continuous systems, 263–265 discrete systems, 259–263 linear measurement update, 269–271 mean and covariance updates, 265–266 measurement update, 268–269 noise-weighting matrix, 307 time update, 266–268 nonstationary Markov process, linear stochastic systems, 64–65 norm-bounded uncertainty finite horizon robust Kalman a priori filter, 320–321 robust Kalman filter modeling, 316–317 linear matrix inequality, 332–335 stationary H∞ filters, guaranteed vs. actual norms, 371–373
O observability gramian, time-variant plant, 111–112 one-degree-of-freedom regulator, stochastic control, polynomial systems, 469–471 optimal combination, independent measurements, 54–55 optimal error variances finite horizon robust Kalman filter, 320–321 reduced-order Kalman filter decoupling, suboptimal filters, weakly coupled systems, 239–244 optimal feedback control, stochastic control, state variable systems polynomial formulation, 459 scalar systems, 442–443 optimal filters alternative design methods, 55–56 continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, Chang-Letov equation, 187–188 H∞ filtering, continuous-time systems, 354–355 linear estimation, 37–38
515 robust Kalman filtering difference Riccati equation, 343–345 linear matrix inequality, 338–340 optimal impulse response, continuous-time Kalman filter, 169–170 optimality principle, dynamic programming, stochastic control, state variable systems, 423–424 continuous-time systems, 435–443 discrete-time systems, 425–435 optimal prediction, stochastic control, polynomial systems, 465–469 optimal smoothing a priori estimates, 149 continuous-time Kalman filter, 197–203 estimation, 201–202 information filter, 200–201 Newton’s system, 212 Rauch-Ting-Striebel smoother, 203 scalar system, 212 discrete-time Kalman filtering, 132–140 estimates, 136–140 information formulation, 133–140 Rauch-Tung-Striebel formulation, 138–140 orthogonality principle Kalman filter derivation, 84 linear mean-square estimation, 17–19 mean-square estimation, 13–14 stochastic control, polynomial systems, linear quadratic Gaussian control, 476–481 output feedback, continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 451–453
P parallel combination, maximum-likelihood estimation, electric circuit analog, 24–25 parallel Kalman filtering, alpha-beta radar tracking, 92
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516 parallel processing, reduced-order Kalman filter decoupling, 236–244 suboptimal filters, weakly coupled systems, 237–244 parameter-linear field, extended Kalman filter estimation, 296–297 parametric measured field, extended Kalman filter, combined adaptive sampling, 284–286 partial differential equation, continuous-time systems, dynamic programming, 435–443 pendulum analysis, extended Kalman filter, 307 perfect measurements dscrete-time H∞ filtering, finite horizon case, 394–397 scalar system filtering, 82 performance analysis continuous filter systems, kinematic modeling, 246–248 discrete-time H∞ filtering, 388–390 H∞ filtering continuous-time systems, 354–355 error transfer function, 419 Kalman filters, modeling errors, Wiener filtering, constant unknown condition, 220–221 robust a priori and a posteriori filters, 340 stationary H∞ filters, guaranteed vs. actual norms, 372–373 performance indices linear quadratic Guassian (LQG) regulators, stochastic control, polynomial systems, 473–481 stochastic control, polynomial systems, 469–471 stochastic control, state variable systems, discrete-time systems, 424–435 plant matrix, deterministic state observer, 62–64 plant system, Kalman filters, modeling errors, 213–223 polynomial approach H∞ filter estimation, 408–410 channel equalization, 415–418 stochastic control, state variable systems, 459
Index polynomial systems, stochastic control linear quadratic Gaussian regulator, 473–481 minimum variance control, 469–473 optimal prediction, 465–469 overview, 463–464 polytopic uncertainty, robust Kalman filtering, linear matrix inequality, 335–340 positive definite matrix discrete-time H∞ filtering, 387–390 robust stationary a priori Kalman filter, 320–321 predicted error covariance Kalman filter divergence, process noise injection, 227–230 Kalman filters, modeling errors, 217–223 Wiener filtering, constant unknown condition, 218–223 reduced-order Kalman filter decoupling, suboptimal filters, weakly coupled systems, 239–244 prediction intermittent measurements and, 143–144 Wiener filtering and, 56 predictive formulation, stochastic control, polynomial systems, optimal prediction, 466–469 predictor-corrector formulation, discrete-time Kalman filter, 71–72 prefiltered data, recursive estimation, 33–34 preliminary analysis, Kalman filter simplification, 95–98 prewhitening of data, scalar measurement updating, Kalman filter, 253–254 probability density function (PDF) a priori estimates, 4–13 conditional mean estimate, 6–7 continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, complete state information, 445–449 Cram´ er-Rao bound, 27–28 Gaussian conditional mean and covariance, 9–11 hyperstate propagation continuous systems, 264–265
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Index discrete systems, 259–263 linear stochastic systems, 67–70 maximum-likelihood estimation, 20–25 mean-square estimation, 4 scalar discrete stochastic system, dynamic programming, 427–435 stochastic control, state variable systems, continuous-time systems, 436–443 process noise algebraic Ricatti equation, 106–107 continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 189–190, 206 scalar system, 162–166 correlated measurement and, 127–132 delayed noise, measurement correlation with, 129–132 deterministic state observer, 63–64 Kalman filter mismodeling, 256–257 scalar discrete stochastic system, dynamic programming, 427–435 scalar system filtering, absence of, 83–84 stochastic control, state variable systems, non-Gaussian noise, 442 proof of necessity, H∞ filtering, continuous-time systems, finite horizon linear filter, 359–360 proof of sufficiency, H∞ filtering, continuous-time systems, finite horizon linear filter, 358–359 Pythagoras’ theorem, orthogonality principle, 13–14
Q quadratic linear mean-square estimation, 19 quadratic performance index, Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation derivation, 439–443 quadratic stability, robust stationary Kalman filter, 321–326
R radar tracking alpha-beta tracker, 92–98 discrete-time Kalman filtering, 89–92 extended Kalman filter, 309–310 multiple-rate Kalman filter, 99–101 random variables, nonlinear systems, sum of, 305 Rauch-Tung-Striebel formulation continuous-discrete Kalman filter, 203 discrete-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, incomplete information, 457 optimal smoothing, 138–140 RBF coefficients, Gaussian field sampling, extended Kalman filter, 288–290 reachability, time-variant plant, 111–112 recursive estimation data prewhitening, 33–34 discrete-time Kalman filter, 74–75 dscrete-time H∞ filtering, finite horizon case, 395–397 extended Kalman filter/adaptive sampling algorithm, 295–297 hyperstate propagation, discrete systems, 261–263 line of best fit, 143 scalar unknown, 78–81 sequential measurement processing, 28–30 sequential maximum-likelihood estimation, 31–33 reduced-order Kalman filters decoupling and, 242–248 Kalman-Schmidt error covariance equations, 248 kinematic modeling, continuous systems, 244–248 model mismatch, 221–222 regulator error, stochastic control, polynomial systems, 471–472, 484 representation theorem causal steady-state filtering, 42–49 Wiener filtering, 35 residuals continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 155–157 covariance, 207
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518 residuals (contd.) linear Gaussian measurements, 21–25 linear mean-square estimation, 15–16 Riccati equation. See also algebraic Riccati equation; difference Riccati equation continuous filter systems, kinematic modeling, 244–248 continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 153–157 damped harmonic oscillator, 164–166 error covariance, 171–172 periodic solution, 205 scalar system, 160–166 continuous Wiener process, suboptimal gains, 250–253 difference Riccati equation, finite horizon robust Kalman a priori filter, 318–321 discrete-time Kalman filtering, deterministic state observer, 61–64 discrete-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, complete information, 454–455 dscrete-time H∞ filtering, finite horizon case, 395–397 error dynamics, statistical steady state, 102 H∞ filtering, linear matrix inequality, 382–383 H∞ filtering, stationary filters, 365–373 guaranteed and actual norm, 371–373 linear time-invariant filters, 373 innovations sequence, 102 Lyapunov closed-loop system equation, 142, 149 reduced-order Kalman filter decoupling, suboptimal filters, weakly coupled systems, 237–244 robust Kalman filter modeling, linear matrix inequality, 334–335 scalar system filtering, 81–84 square-root formulation, 142–143 stabilization via, 140 stochastic control, state variable systems, 440–443 continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 447–449 time-variant plant, 111–112
Index robust Kalman filters continuous-time systems, 341–349 convergence analysis, 326–331 finite horizon a priori filter, 317–321 linear matrix inequality, 331–340 modeling uncertainties, 315–317 stationary a priori filter, 321–326 rocket dynamics, extended Kalman filter, 308 root locus, error systems algebraic Ricatti equation, 108–110 Chang-Letov equation, 117–118 continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 187–188 Runge-Kutta integrator continuous-discrete Kalman filter, 194–197 continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, damped harmonic oscillator, 165–166 reduced-order Kalman filter decoupling, suboptimal filters, weakly coupled systems, 238–244 stochastic control, state variable systems, continuous-time systems, 443 time update approximation, extended Kalman filter, 272
S sampled signal predictions, stochastic control, 482 sample mean and variance, recursive estimation, 28–30 sampling motion, continuous stochastic systems, discrete-time Kalman filtering, 87–88 satellite orbit determination, optimal smoothing, 132–140 scalar system continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 160–166 deterministic observer, Riccati equation design, 61–64 discrete stochastic system, dynamic programming, 427–435 dscrete-time H∞ filtering, finite horizon case, 392–397 H∞ filtering, 382–383 Kalman filtering, 81–84 linear measurements
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Index steady-state filtering, 107–108 Wiener filtering, 46–49 mean propagation, linear stochastic systems, 67–70 measurement updating, Kalman filters, 253–254, 257–258 optimal feedback control, 442–443 robust stationary Kalman filters, 324–326 stochastic control, state variable systems, 459 scalar unknown continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 157–158 linear data combination, 54 linear Gaussian measurements, 23–25 recursive estimation, 30 Kalman filter, 78–81 scaling parameters, finite horizon robust Kalman a priori filter, 321 Schur complement Gaussian conditional mean and covariance, 10–11 robust Kalman filtering, 346–349 second-order autoregressive model, robust Kalman filter modeling, 316–317 second-order polynomial tracking Kalman filter, alpha-beta radar tracking, 93 second-order statistics, linear mean-square estimation, 16–19 separation principle continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 450–453 stochastic control, polynomial systems, 469–471 sequential maximum-likelihood estimation block diagonals, 55 recursive estimation, 31–33 sequential measurement processing, recursive estimation, 28–30 shaping filters colored process noise, 124–127 continuous-time Kalman filter, 167–168 correlated noise, 188–193 ship navigational fixes, discrete-time Kalman filter, 75–78 signal generating mechanisms discrete-time H∞ filtering, 387–390 H∞ filtering, continuous-time systems, 353–355
519 signal models, H∞ filtering, 378–381 simultaneous localization and mapping algorithms (SLAM), extended Kalman filter sampling, mobile robot localization, 284 single-input single-output state representation, stochastic control, polynomial systems, 464 singular value plots, H∞ filtering, J-spectral factorization, 412–414 smoothable states, optimal smoothing estimates, 136–140 smoothing problem, discrete-time Kalman filtering, 132–140 spacecraft reentry trajectory estimation, extended Kalman filter, 308–309 spectral density colored process noise, 124–127 continuous-time Kalman filter, linear stochastic system, 181 statistical steady state, 68–70 stochastic control, polynomial systems, 465 Wiener filtering, 34 spectral factorization theorem causal steady-state filtering, 42–49 continuous, 36 continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 173–174 frequency domain solution, 181–183 discrete, 35–36 frequency domain results, 112–114 H∞ filter estimation, 410–414 Wiener filtering, 35 square root Ricatti formulation, 142–143 square transfer function matrix, H∞ filter estimation, polynomial approach, 409–410 stability margin H∞ filtering, convergence analysis, 378 Kalman filter, exponential data weighting, 233–236 state feedback optimal control law, stochastic control, state variable systems, 431–435 state models H∞ filtering, continuous-time systems, 353–355 radar tracking, 89–91
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520 state models (contd.) steady-state Kalman filter, 122–123 Wiener filtering, 147 state-space equations finite horizon robust Kalman a priori filter, 317–321 H∞ filtering, continuous-time systems, 353–355 state space representation, H∞ filtering applications, channel equalization, 415–418 state-variable feedback, stochastic control, state variable systems, discrete-time systems, 427–435 state variable systems, stochastic control continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 443–453 complete state information, 445–449 incomplete state information, separation principle, 449–453 continuous-time systems, 435–443 discrete-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 453–457 complete state information, 454–455 incomplete state information, 455–457 discrete-time systems, 424–435 dynamic programming, 423–443 stationary H∞ filters a posteriori filtering, 405–408 dscrete-time H∞ filtering, 391–397 Riccati equation approach, 365–373 guaranteed and actual norm, 371–373 linear time-invariant filters, 373 stationary Markov process, linear stochastic systems, 64–65 stationary robust Kalman filter, a priori properties, 321–326 statistical steady state continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, error dynamics, 177–180 error dynamics, 101–102 linear stochastic systems, 68–70 spectral densities and, 68–70 steady-state solution angle-of-attack measurements, 122–123 causal steady-state filtering, 41–49 Chang-Letov design, 116, 147–148
Index continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 209 alternative design method, 208–209 Chang-Letov equation, 186–188 damped harmonic oscillator, 165–166 harmonic oscillator, 205 no process noise, 210 scalar system, 160–166 spectral factorization, 181–183 continuous Wiener process, suboptimal gains, 252–253 damped harmonic oscillator, 108 discrete Wiener filter derivation, 120–123 infinite-delay steady-state smoothing, 38–41 Kalman filter divergence, process noise injection, 229–230 exponential data weighting, 233–236 linear estimation, 37–38 scalar case, 107–108 suboptimal Kalman gains, 247–253 stochastic control bilinear systems, 457–458 continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, computer simulation, 204–205 discrete-time Kalman filtering, 141 external fields, 457 hyperstate propagation, discrete systems, 259–263 polynomial systems linear quadratic Gaussian regulator, 473–481 minimum variance control, 469–473 optimal prediction, 465–469 overview, 463–464 state variable systems continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 443–453 complete state information, 445–449 incomplete state information, separation principle, 449–453 discrete-time linear quadratic Gaussian problem, 453–457 complete state information, 454–455
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Index incomplete state information, 455–457 dynamic programming continuous-time systems, 435–443 discrete-time systems, 424–435 stochastic convergence, Cram´er-Rao bound, 26–28 stochastic harmonic oscillator, continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 206 stochastic linear quadratic regular, Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation derivation, 438–443 stochastic projection theorem orthogonality principle, 13–14 Wiener filtering, 34 suboptimal gains H∞ filtering, continuous-time systems, 354–355 finite horizon linear filters, 361–365 Kalman filters, 249–253, 257 continuous Wiener process, 250–253 filtering problems, 257 reduced-order Kalman filter decoupling, 237–244 system stability/instability, deterministic state observer, 62–64
T tachometer vibration, colored measurement noise, 148 Taylor series measurement update approximation, extended Kalman filter, 272–273 stochastic control, state variable systems, continuous-time systems, 437–443 time update approximation, extended Kalman filter, 271–272 time-domain function, causal steady-state filtering, 44–49 time-invariant model continuous Wiener process, suboptimal gains, 251–253 Kalman filter, exponential data weighting, 232–236
521 robust stationary Kalman filtering, 322–326 time update estimates continuous-discrete Kalman filter, 196–197 delayed process noise, 129 extended Kalman filter approximation, 271–272 continuous systems, 273–283 FM demodulation, 276–277 satellite orbit determination, 281–283 hyperstate propagation, discrete systems, 262–263 moments, 306 multiple sampling rates, 98–101 nonlinear systems, 266–268 optimal smoothing, 134–140 recursive estimation, scalar unknown, 79–81 ship navigational fixes, 76–78 time-variant plant continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, 180 discrete-time Kalman filtering, 144 error dynamics, 110–112 time-varying stochastic system continuous-time Kalman filter, robust filtering for, 341–342 covariance propagation, 68–70 derived measurement, 210 time-varying Wiener filter, linear estimation, 36–38 tracking systems, stochastic control, polynomial systems, linear quadratic Gaussian control, 480–481 transfer functions causal steady-state filtering, 43–49 Wiener filtering, 35 transition probability density function, stochastic control, state variable systems, 433–435 true divergence, Kalman filter, 223–226 truth model, Kalman filters, modeling errors, 213–223 two-person zero-sum game, H∞ filtering, continuous-time systems, 356–357
U uncertainty discrete-time H∞ filtering, 387–390
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522 uncertainty (contd.) extended Kalman filter, linear field closed-form estimation, 290–295 mobile robot localization, 297–301 norm-bounded uncertainty finite horizon robust Kalman a priori filter, 320–321 robust Kalman filter modeling, 316–317 linear matrix inequality, 332–335 polytopic uncertainty, robust Kalman filtering, linear matrix inequality, 335–340 robust Kalman filter modeling, 315–317 continuous-time systems, 341–342 linear matrix inequality, 331–340 robust stationary Kalman filter, 321–326 unique positive solution, algebraic Riccati equation, 104–106 unit rectangle definition, continuous stochastic systems, discrete-time Kalman filtering, 86–87 unknown constant parameter, H∞ filtering, 382 unmodeled dynamics, radar tracking, 90–91 unstable states H∞ filtering, J-spectral factorization, 412–414 Kalman filter divergence, 223–226 upper triangular Cholesky decomposition, scalar measurement updating, Kalman filter, 253–254
V velocity error variances, ship navigational fixes, 77–78 vibration isolation system, discrete-time Kalman filtering, 145–146 voltage estimation, continuous and discrete filters, 207–208
W waste sewage treatment, nonlinear system estimations, 312 weakly coupled systems, reduced-order Kalman filter decoupling, suboptimal filters, 237–244
Index weighted covariance, Kalman filter, exponential data weighting, 231–236 weighted minimum-variance estimate, algebraic Riccati equation, 110 whitening property causal steady-state filtering, 42–49 continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, spectral factorization, 183 discrete Wiener filter, 119–123 white noise continuous stochastic systems, discrete-time Kalman filtering, 85–98 finite horizon H∞ filters, a posteriori filtering, 402–405 linear stochastic systems, 64 mobile robot localization, simultaneous localization and sampling, 300–304 Wiener filtering, 34–49 angle-of-attack measurements, 121–123 continuous spectral factorization, 36 continuous-time Kalman filter derivation motion estimation, 174–177 scalar system, 164 spectral factorization, 183 discrete derivation, 118–123 discrete spectral factorization, 35–36 Fokker-Planck equation, 305 hyperstate propagation, continuous systems, 264–265 Kalman filters, modeling errors, constant unknown condition, 218–223 linear estimation, 36–38 linear measurements, 46–49 optimal state estimation, 147 prediction problems, 56 second-order Markov process, 57 steady-state filter design, 209 suboptimal gains, 250–253 suboptimal Kalman gains, 247–253 Wiener-Hopf equation causal steady-state filtering, 41–49 continuous-time Kalman filter, 166–167 optimal impulse response, 169–170
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Index infinite-delay steady-state smoothing, 38–41 linear estimation, 37–38 prediction problems, 56
Z zero-input response, Kalman filter divergence, 224–226
523 zero noise conditions alpha-beta radar tracking, 93–95 continuous-time Kalman filter derivation, scalar system, 162–163 H∞ filtering vs. Kalman filtering, 373–374 zeroth stage optimization, stochastic control, state variable systems, 431–435