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Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications – VII
PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS A Program of Monographs, Textbooks, and Lecture Notes
EXECUTIVE EDITORS Earl J. Taft Rutgers University Piscataway, New Jersey
Zuhair Nashed University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida
EDITORIAL BOARD M. S. Baouendi University of California, San Diego Jane Cronin Rutgers University Jack K. Hale Georgia Institute of Technology S. Kobayashi University of California, Berkeley Marvin Marcus University of California, Santa Barbara W. S. Massey Yale University Anil Nerode Cornell University
Freddy van Oystaeyen University of Antwerp, Belgium Donald Passman University of Wisconsin, Madison Fred S. Roberts Rutgers University David L. Russell Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Walter Schempp Universität Siegen Mark Teply University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
LECTURE NOTES IN PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS Recent Titles F. Ali Mehmeti et al., Partial Differential Equations on Multistructures D. D. Anderson and I. J. Papick, Ideal Theoretic Methods in Commutative Algebra Á. Granja et al., Ring Theory and Algebraic Geometry A. K. Katsaras et al., p-adic Functional Analysis R. Salvi, The Navier-Stokes Equations F. U. Coelho and H. A. Merklen, Representations of Algebras S. Aizicovici and N. H. Pavel, Differential Equations and Control Theory G. Lyubeznik, Local Cohomology and Its Applications G. Da Prato and L. Tubaro, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications W. A. Carnielli et al., Paraconsistency A. Benkirane and A. Touzani, Partial Differential Equations A. Illanes et al., Continuum Theory M. Fontana et al., Commutative Ring Theory and Applications D. Mond and M. J. Saia, Real and Complex Singularities V. Ancona and J. Vaillant, Hyperbolic Differential Operators and Related Problems G. R. Goldstein et al., Evolution Equations A. Giambruno et al., Polynomial Identities and Combinatorial Methods A. Facchini et al., Rings, Modules, Algebras, and Abelian Groups J. Bergen et al., Hopf Algebras A. C. Krinik and R. J. Swift, Stochastic Processes and Functional Analysis: A Volume of Recent Advances in Honor of M. M. Rao S. Caenepeel and F. van Oystaeyen, Hopf Algebras in Noncommutative Geometry and Physics J. Cagnol and J.-P. Zolésio, Control and Boundary Analysis S. T. Chapman, Arithmetical Properties of Commutative Rings and Monoids O. Imanuvilov et al., Control Theory of Partial Differential Equations C. De Concini et al., Noncommutative Algebra and Geometry A. Corso et al., Commutative Algebra: Geometric, Homological, Combinatorial and Computational Aspects G. Da Prato and L. Tubaro, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications – VII L. Sabinin et al., Non-Associative Algebra and Its Application K. M. Furat et al., Mathematical Models and Methods for Real World Systems A. Giambruno et al., Groups, Rings and Group Rings P. Goeters and O. Jenda, Abelian Groups, Rings, Modules, and Homological Algebra J. Cannon and B. Shivamoggi, Mathematical and Physical Theory of Turbulence A. Favini and A. Lorenzi, Differential Equations: Inverse and Direct Problems R. Glowinski and J.-P. Zolesio, Free and Moving Boundries: Analysis, Simulation and Control
PrefaceF 2005/9/7 page x i
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications – VII
Edited by
Giuseppe Da Prato Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, Italy
Luciano Tubaro Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Trento Trento, Italy
Boca Raton London New York
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Published in 2006 by Chapman & Hall/CRC Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Chapman & Hall/CRC is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group No claim to original U.S. Government works Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 International Standard Book Number-10: 0-8247-0027-9 (Hardcover) International Standard Book Number-13: 978-0-8247-0027-0 (Hardcover) Library of Congress Card Number 2005049749 This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use. No part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers. For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from this work, please access www.copyright.com (http://www.copyright.com/) or contact the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC) 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400. CCC is a not-for-profit organization that provides licenses and registration for a variety of users. For organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by the CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged. Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Stochastic partial differential equations and applications--VII / edited by Giuseppe Da Prato and Luciano Tubaro. p. cm. -- (Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics ; 245) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-8247-0027-9 1. Stochastic partial differential equations--Congresses. I. Da Prato, Giuseppe. II. Tubaro, L. (Luciano), 1947- III. Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics ; v. 245. QA 274.25.S754 2002 519.2--dc22
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TableCon 2006/8/8 page vii i
Contents Preface
1 Weak, strong, and four semigroup solutions of classical stochastic differential equations: an example
Luigi Accardi, Franco Fagnola, and Michael R¨ ockner 2 Feynman path integrals for time-dependent potentials
Sergio Albeverio and Sonia Mazzucchi 3 The irreducibility of transition semigroups and approximate controllability
Viorel Barbu 4 Gradient bounds for solutions of elliptic and parabolic equations
Vladimir I. Bogachev, Giuseppe Da Prato, Michael R¨ockner, and Zeev Sobol 5 Asymptotic compactness and absorbing sets for stochastic Burgers’ equations driven by space–time white noise and for some two-dimensional stochastic Navier–Stokes equations on certain unbounded domains
Zdzislaw Brze´zniak 6 A characterization of approximately controllable linear stochastic differential equations
Rainer Buckdahn, Marc Quincampoix, and Gianmario Tessitore 7 Asymptotic behavior of systems of stochastic partial differential equations with multiplicative noise
Sandra Cerrai 8 On L1 (H, µ)-properties of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck semigroups
Anna Chojnowska-Michalik 9 Intertwining and the Markov uniqueness problem on path spaces
K. David Elworthy and Xue-Mei Li 10 On some problems of regularity in two-dimensional stochastic hydrodynamics
Benedetta Ferrario 11 Two models of K41
Franco Flandoli 12 Exponential ergodicity for stochastic reaction–diffusion equations
Beniamin Goldys and Bohdan Maslowski 13 Stochastic optimal control of delay equations arising in advertising models
Fausto Gozzi and Carlo Marinelli
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14 On acceleration of approximation methods
Istv´ an Gy¨ ongy and Nicolai V. Krylov 15 Stochastic variational equations in white-noise analysis
Takeyuki Hida 16 On the foundation of the Lp -theory of stochastic partial differential equations
Nicolai V. Krylov 17 L´evy noises and stochastic integrals on Banach spaces
Vidyadhar Mandrekar and Barbara R¨ udiger 18 A stabilization phenomenon for a class of stochastic partial differential equations
David Nualart and Pierre A. Vuillermot 19 Stochastic heat and wave equations driven by an impulsive noise
Szymon Peszat and Jerzy Zabczyk 20 Harmonic functions for generalized Mehler semigroups
Enrico Priola and Jerzy Zabczyk 21 The dynamics of the three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations
Marco Romito 22 Stochastic Navier–Stokes equations: Solvability, control, and filtering
Sivaguru S. Sritharan 23 Stability of the optimal filter via pointwise gradient estimates
Wilhelm Stannat 24 Fractal Burgers’ equation driven by L´evy noise
Aubrey Truman and Jiang-Lun Wu 25 Qualitative properties of solutions to stochastic Burgers’ system of equations
Krystyna Twardowska and Jerzy Zabczyk 26 On the stochastic Fubini theorem in infinite dimensions
Jan van Neerven and Mark C. Veraar 27 Itˆo–Tanaka’s formula for SPDEs driven by additive space–time white noise
Lorenzo Zambotti
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PrefaceF 2005/9/7 page ix i
Preface The seventh meeting on “Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications” was held in Levico Terme (Trento) in January 2004. This conference brought together a particularly distinguished and representative group of researchers in the field. The topics discussed included: 1. Stochastic partial differential equations: general theory and applications 2. Finite- and infinite-dimensional diffusion processes 3. Stochastic calculus 4. Theory of interacting particles 5. Quantum probability 6. Stochastic control The aim of this book is to present several new results, often in a review form, in order to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art research in the field. This conference was financed by • Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Matematica (CIRM), • Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, Gruppo Nazionale per l’Analisi Matematica, la Probabilit` a e le loro Applicazioni (INDAM-GNAMPA), • Mathematics Department of the University of Trento, and • Programmi di Ricerca Scientifica di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN 2002) “Equazioni di Kolmogorov, Equazioni Differenziali alle Derivate Parziali ed Applicazioni alla Dinamica delle Popolazioni e alla Teoria dei Campi Quantistici.” The Organizing Committee (D. Nualart, E. Pardoux, M. R¨ ockner, and the editors) would like to express their warmest thanks to the Secretary of the CIRM, Augusto Micheletti, for his continuous assistance.
Giuseppe Da Prato Luciano Tubaro
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PrefaceF 2005/9/7 page x i
Contribu 2006/8/17 page xi i
Luigi Accardi Centro Vito Volterra Universit`a di Roma Tor Vergata Roma, Italy
Franco Fagnola Dipartimento di Matematica Politecnico di Milano Milano, Italy Benedetta Ferrario Dipartimento di Matematica F. Casorati Universit`a di Pavia Pavia, Italy Franco Flandoli Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U. Dini Universit`a di Pisa Pisa, Italy Beniamin Goldys School of Mathematics University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia Fausto Gozzi Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali Libera Universit` a Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Roma, Italy Istv´ an Gy¨ ongy School of Mathematics University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, United Kingdom Takeyuki Hida Department of Mathematics Meijo University Nagoya, Japan Nicolai V. Krylov School of Mathematics University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States Xue-Mei Li Department of Computing and Mathematics Nottingham Trent University Nottingham, United Kingdom Vidyadhar Mandrekar Department of Statistics and Probability Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan, United States
Sergio Albeverio Institut f¨ ur Angewandte Mathematik Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universit¨at Bonn Bonn, Germany Viorel Barbu Faculty of Mathematics Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, Romania Vladimir I. Bogachev Department of Mechanics and Mathematics Moscow State University Moscow, Russia Zdzislaw Brze´ zniak Department of Mathematics University of Hull Hull, United Kingdom Rainer Buckdahn D´epartement de Math´ematiques Facult´e des Sciences et Techniques Universit´e de Bretagne Occidentale Brest, France Sandra Cerrai Dipartimento di Matematica per le Decisioni Universit`a di Firenze Firenze, Italy Anna Chojnowska-Michalik Institute of Mathematics University of L´ od´z L´ od´z, Poland Giuseppe Da Prato Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, Italy K. David Elworthy Mathematics Institute Warwick University Coventry, United Kingdom xi i
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Contribu 2006/8/17 page xii i
Carlo Marinelli Institut f¨ ur Angewandte Mathematik Universit¨at Bonn Bonn, Germany
Sivaguru S. Sritharan Department of Mathematics University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming, United States
Bohdan Maslowski Mathematical Institute Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic Prague, Czech Republic Sonia Mazzucchi Dipartimento di Matematica Universit`a di Trento Povo-Trento, Italy David Nualart Facultat de Matem`atiques Universitat de Barcelona Barcelona, Spain
Wilhelm Stannat Fakult¨ at f¨ ur Mathematik Universit¨at Bielefeld Bielefeld, Germany Gianmario Tessitore Dipartimento di Matematica Universit`a di Parma Parma, Italy Aubrey Truman Department of Mathematics University of Wales Swansea, United Kingdom
Szymon Peszat Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences Krak´ ow, Poland Enrico Priola Dipartimento di Matematica Universit`a di Torino Torino, Italy Marc Quincampoix D´epartement de Math´ematiques Facult´e des Sciences et Techniques Universit´e de Bretagne Occidentale Brest, France
Krystyna Twardowska Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Warsaw University of Technology Warsaw, Poland Jan van Neerven Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics Technical University of Delft Delft, The Netherlands Mark C. Veraar Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics Technical University of Delft Delft, The Netherlands
Michael R¨ ockner Fakult¨ at f¨ ur Mathematik Universit¨at Bielefeld Bielefeld, Germany Marco Romito Dipartimento di Matematica U. Dini Universit`a di Firenze Firenze, Italy Barbara R¨ udiger Mathematisches Institut Universit¨at Koblenz-Landau Koblenz, Germany Zeev Sobol Department of Mathematics University of Wales Swansea, United Kingdom
Pierre A. Vuillermot Universit´e Henri-Poincar´e, Nancy 1 Laboratoire Elie Cartan Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France Jiang-Lun Wu Department of Mathematics University of Wales Swansea, United Kingdom Jerzy Zabczyk Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw, Poland Lorenzo Zambotti Dipartimento di Matematica Politecnico di Milano Milano, Italy
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AccardiF 2005/9/7 page 1 i
1 Weak, Strong, and Four Semigroup Solutions of Classical Stochastic Differential Equations: An Example Luigi Accardi, Universit`a di Roma Tor Vergata Franco Fagnola, Politecnico di Milano Michael R¨ockner, Universit¨at Bielefeld
The structure of the present note is the following. In section (1.2) we recall some known facts about strong and weak solutions of stochastic differential equations and we refer to [KarShre88] for more information. In section (1.3) we motivate the definition of the four semigroup solution of an SDE. Finally, in section (1.4) we describe the four semigroups canonically associated to the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process. The main point of the four semigroup solution, which is intermediate between weak and strong solutions, is that it reduces the theory of stochastic flows to the study of a particular class of semigroups. This fact was exploited in [AcKo99b], [AcKo00b] to prove the existence of the infinite volume flow of a class of interacting particle systems by means of Hille–Yoshida type estimates. The usual existence criteria for classical or quantum flows were not applicable to this cases. Here we deal only with scalar-valued processes but the fact that the theory can be applied to arbitrary vector-valued (including infinite-dimensional) processes supports our hope that, combining this approach with some analytical estimates due to R¨ockner, one could prove existence results for stochastic flows which cannot be handled with the present techniques.
Weak and strong solutions of SDE
We will only consider real-valued processes and all Lp -spaces considered (1 ≤ p ≤ ∞) will be complex valued). For any Hilbert space H, we denote B(H) the algebra of bounded linear operators on H. Definition 1.1 Given a probability space (Ω, F , P ), a filtration (Ft] ) in (F ), an (Ft] )Brownian motion is a process Wt : Ω → R such that (i) (Wt − Ws ) is a mean zero Gaussian (Ft] )-adapted independent increment process with variance |t − s|. (ii) ∀ t ∈ R+ and P − ∀ ω ∈ Ω, the map t → Wt (ω) is continuous. Definition 1.2 Given a probability space (Ω, F , P ), a filtration (Ft] ) an (Ft] )-Brownian motion (Wt ) and two measurable functions b, σ : R+ × R → R, a strong solution of the SDE dXt = bdt + σdW.
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AccardiF 2005/9/7 page 2 i
Accardi, Fagnola, and R¨ ockner
Is a real-valued stochastic process X ≡ (Xt ), defined on (Ω, F , P ) and (Ft] )-adapted, satisfying t t Xt = X0 + b(s, Xs )ds + σ(s, Xs )dWs (1.2) 0
in the sense that the integrals exist and the identity holds. Definition 1.3 In the above notations, a weak solution of (1.1) is a quadruple X ≡ (Xt ) ;
ˆ ≡ (W ˆ t ) ; (Ω, ˆ F, ˆ Pˆ ) ; W
(Fˆt] )
with the following properties: ˆ F, ˆ Pˆ ) is a probability space. (i) (Ω, (ii) (Fˆt] ) is a filtration in (Fˆ ). (iii) X is an (Fˆt] )-adapted, continuous trajectories, real-valued process. ˆ is an (Fˆt] )-adapted Brownian motion. (iv) W (v) X satisfies the integral equation Xt = X0 +
b(s, Xs )ds +
ˆ s. σ(s, Xs )dW
Thus the main difference between a strong and a weak solution of an SDE is that, in the strong case the Brownian motion is given a priori and the solution is adapted to the filtration generated by it and by its initial data, while in the weak case the BM is built from the solution and is adapted to the filtration generated by it. A typical example of an equation admitting a weak solution which is not strong is dXs = sgn (Xs )dBs . Definition 1.4 Given b, σ as above, a Markovian generator L on C ∞ (R+ , R), Ω = C(R+ ; R), F = Borel (Ω), (Ft] ) the natural filtration, a solution of the martingale problem for L is a probability measure on (Ω, F ) such that f(Xt ) −
(Lf)(Xs )ds =: Mt
∀ f ∈ C ∞ (R+ , R)
is an (Ft] ) − P -local martingale with continuous trajectories. It is known that, under general conditions, given a solution X of the martingale problem for L there exist two measurable functions b, σ, with b and |σ| uniquely determined by L, such X is a weak solution of (1.1).
The four semigroup solution
Let W = (Wt ) be a given Brownian motion on a probability space (Ω, F , P ) with associated filtration (Ft] ) and associated L2 -space Γ = L2 (Ω, F , P ).
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i Weak, Strong, and Four Semigroup Solutions of Classical SDEs
AccardiF 2005/9/7 page 3 i
Let X0 = X(0) be the initial data of equation (1.1). We assume that X0 is a random variable with distribution equivalent to the Lebesgue measure. Therefore X0 can be identified to the self-adjoint multiplication operator on L2 (R) given by id(x) := x
x ∈ R.
In the same way L∞ (R) is identified to the algebra of multiplication by bounded measurable functions acting on L2 (R). When ambiguities are possible, we write Mf to distinguish between f ∈ L∞ (R) and the corresponding multiplication operator. If (Xt ) is a strong solution of equation (1.1), then the map (1.5) jt : f ∈ L∞ (R) → jt (f) := Mf(Xt ) ∈ L∞ (R × Ω) ⊆ B L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (Ω, F , P ) is a w ∗ -continuous Markov flow of random multiplication operators. According to the convenience one can replace the algebra L∞ (R) by other algebras such as Cb (R), cylindrical functions, ... . Conversely, given jt , the process (Xt ) is uniquely determined by the relation jt (id) = Xt
and by the fact that the id, defined by (1.4), is a limit, in the strong operator function operator topology on B L2 (R) , of bounded measurable functions. The flow equation for f(Xt ) 2 σ df(Xt ) = σf (Xt )dWt + (1.7) f (Xt ) − bXt f (Xt ) dt 2 when translated in terms of the corresponding flow of multiplication operators (jt (f) = Mf(Xt ) ) becomes djt (f) = i[p(σ), jt (f)]dwt −
1 [p(σ), [p(σ), jt(f)]]dt + i[p(bσ ), jt (f)]dt 2
where f runs in a suitable domain in L∞ (R) and, for any differentiable function g we use the notations [a, b] := ab − ba (1.9) 1 (gp + pg) (1.10) 2 1 (1.11) p := ∂x . i Equation (1.8) continues to have a meaning if we replace the multiplication operator f by an arbitrary bounded operator A on L2 (R) for which all the commutators make sense. This gives (formally) a quantum extension of the equation of a classical diffusion flow. Formally any diffusion has a quantum extension; analytically this is false even in one dimension (cf. [FagMon96]). Furthermore, even at a formal level, there are several quantum extensions of a classical diffusion flow (e.g., in (1.8) one can replace p(σ) and p(bσ ) by p(σ) + u and p(bσ ) + v, where u, v are arbitrary multiplication operators, without changing the classical flow). See [Fag99] Section 4.2 for a detailed discussion including the d-dimensional case. In the present note we only discuss the classical case for which it can be proved that the results below do not depend on the choice of this extension. Let us introduce the notations p(g) :=
ψ0 := 1
ψχ[0,t] = e−
t 0
dWs − 2t
∈ L2 (Ω, F , P )
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AccardiF 2005/9/7 page 4 i
Accardi, Fagnola, and R¨ ockner
where 1 denotes the constant function equal to 1 in L2 (Ω, F , P ). Moreover, if ϕ, ψ ∈ L2 (Ω, F , P ) are arbitrary vectors, the map b ⊗ B ∈ B L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (Ω, F , P ) → b ϕ, Bψ ∈ B L2 (R) has a unique extension to a bounded linear map denoted A ∈ B L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (Ω, F , P ) → ϕ, Aψ ∈ B L2 (R) . One can show that this map is an extension of the time zero conditional expectation E0] onto the σ-algebra of the initial condition X0 of equation (1.1), i.e., if A = f(Xt ) then
ϕ, f(Xt )ψ = E0] (ϕ · f(Xt ) · ψ) where, for ω ∈ Ω, (ϕ · f(Xt ) · ψ) (ω) is the multiplication by: ϕ(ω)f(Xt ((ω))ψ(ω) (replacing Xt (ω) by Xt (x, ω) — the solution of (1.1) starting at x ∈ R — one would obtain a multiplication operator on L2 (R)). With these notations one can define four 1-parameter linear maps t t t t P00 , P01 , P01 , P11 : L∞ (R) → L∞ (R) through the prescription f t
ψ0 , jt (f)ψ0 P00 (f)(X0 ) P01 (f)(X0 ) := t t
ψ P01 (f)(X0 ) P11 (f)(X0 ) χ[0,t] , jt (f)ψ0 =
E0] (f1 (Xt )) t t E0] (f2 (Xt )e− 0 dws − 2 )
ψ0 , jt (f)ψχ[0,t]
ψχ[0,t] , jt (f)ψχ[0,t] t
E0] (f2 (Xt )e− 0 dws − 2 ) t E0] (fs (Xt )e−2 0 dws −t )
t t t The second identity in (1.13) shows that P01 = P01 and that all the Pαβ are positivity preserving. Both properties are not obvious from the first identity and in the quantum case they are not true in general. t t t t It can be proved [AcKo99b], [AcKo00b] that P00 , P01 , P01 , P11 are w ∗ -continuous semigroups and that they uniquely determine the classical flow jt (f) = f(Xt ) in the sense that they uniquely determine all the partial scalar products (in L2 (R) ⊗ L2 (Ω, F , P ))
e R gs dWs , f(Xt )e R hs dWs = E0] e R gs dWs · f(Xt ) · e R hs dWs
for any choice of g, h ∈ L2 (R). By the totality of the exponential martingales these products uniquely determine the flow f(Xt ). By the Hille–Yoshida theorem also the generators of these four semigroups L00 L01 L10 L11 uniquely determine the classical flow jt (f) = f(Xt ) in the same sense. t It is clear from (1.13) that P00 is the usual Markov semigroup associated to the process (Xt ) and the other ones are perturbations of it. The formal generators of these semigroups are easily determined using (1.13) and the Ito formula L00 =
1 2 2 σ ∂x − b∂x 2
L01 = L10 = L00 + σ∂x
L11 = L00 + σ∂x + 1.
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i Weak, Strong, and Four Semigroup Solutions of Classical SDEs
AccardiF 2005/9/7 page 5 i
However, it should be emphasized that the sums in (1.15) and (1.16) are only formal in the sense that it may happen that the integral expressions (1.13) are well defined while the domains of the corresponding differential operators have zero intersections. The situation is exactly analogous to what happens in the usual Feynman–Kac or Girsanov formula. In fact the semigroups (1.13) are Girsanov perturbations of the basic Markov semigroup. We sum up our conclusions in the following theorem. Theorem 1.1 A necessary condition for a process (Xt ) to be a strong solution of equation (1.1) is that the four operators defined by (1.14), (1.15), (1.16) are generators of w ∗ continuous semigroups (possibly on different domains). Remark 1.1 One can prove the converse of the above statement if the following linear combinations of the above four generators: 1 θ0 := L00 = b∂x + σ 2 ∂x2 2
θ2 := σ∂x
have a common core containing a sequence of functions (necessarily twice continuously differentiable) converging to the multiplication operator by the function id, defined by (1.4), strongly on a core of this operator. In view of the above result the following definition is quite natural. Definition 1.5 Given b, σ, W , and (Ω, P, F , (Ft]) as above, we say that the SDE (1.1) admits a solution in the sense of the four semigroups, if the four operators defined by (1.14), (1.15), (1.16) are generators of w ∗ -continuous semigroups (possibly on different domains).
The four semigroups canonically associated to the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process
The classical (one-dimensional) Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process is the real-valued stochastic process satisfying dXt = σdWt − bXt dt ; X(0) = X0 where σ, b are positive constants and (Wt )t≥0 is the standard Wiener process on (Ω, F , P ). Equivalently Xt = X0 e−bt + σ
e−b(t−s)dWs .
The associated flow jt : L∞ (R) → L∞ (Ω, F , P ) ; t ≥ 0 is defined by jt (f) := f(Xt ) and, for f ∈ C 2 (R) it satisfies the equation 2 σ df(Xt ) = σf (Xt )dWt + f (Xt ) − bXt f (Xt ) dt. 2
In this case (i.e., with σ and b constants) the four operators defined by (1.14), (1.15), and (1.16) are effectively generators of strongly (and not only w ∗ -) continuous semigroups which can be written explicitly by applying Mehler’s formula to the two perturbations of L00 −y2 /2σ2 +∞ e t √ dy (1.19) P00 (f)(x) = f e−bt x + (1 − e−bt )/b y 2πσ −∞
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Accardi, Fagnola, and R¨ ockner
t P01 (f)(x)
= −∞
−y2 /2σ2 e −bt √ dy x + (1 − e )/b y + σt 2πσ
t t P10 (f) = P01 (f) −y2 /2σ2 +∞ e t √ dy. P11 (f)(x) = et f e−bt x + (1 − e−bt )/b y + σt 2πσ −∞
(1.20) (1.21) (1.22)
Indeed, for a smooth f (which is bounded by assumption), the right-hand sides of all these identities are differentiable in t and lead to the correct partial differential equation which has a unique solution. Remark 1.2 Although the semigroups (1.20), (1.21) are simple perturbations of the semigroup (1.19), it is worth noticing that the differentiation operator on L∞ f → σf is not relatively bounded with respect to the generator (1.19). Indeed, for σ 2 = 2, b = 2, there exists a sequence (fn ) of smooth functions vanishing at infinity and satisfying √ √ fn ∞ = π/(2 n), fn ∞ ≥ e−1 log(1 + n), L00 (fn )∞ = 1/ n. Therefore the generators (1.20), (1.21) are simple but not “regular” perturbations of the generator (1.19).
References [AcKo99b] L. Accardi, S.V. Kozyrev, On the structure of Markov flows, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 12 (2001), 2639–2655, Volterra Preprint N. 393 November (1999). [AcKo00b] L. Accardi, S.V. Kozyrev, Quantum interacting particle systems, Lectures given at the Volterra–CIRM International School: Quantum interacting particle systems, Levico Terme, 23–29 September 2000, in: QP–PQ XIV Accardi L., F. Fagnola (eds.) “Quantum interacting particle systems,” World Scientific (2002), Preprint Volterra, N. 431 September (2000). [FagMon96] F. Fagnola, R. Monte, A quantum extension of the semigroup of Bessel processes. Mat. Zametki 60 (5) (1996), 519–537. [Fag99] F. Fagnola, Quantum Markov semigroups and quantum flows, Proyecciones 18 (1999), 1–144. [FagWil03] F. Fagnola, S.J. Wills, Solving quantum stochastic differential equations with unbounded coefficients, J. Funct. Anal. 198 (2) (2003), 279–310. [KarShr88] I. Karatzas, S.E. Shreve, Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus, I, Springer, New York, (1988).
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2 Feynman Path Integrals for Time-Dependent Potentials Sergio Albeverio, Universit¨at Bonn Sonia Mazzucchi, Universit`a di Trento
Let us consider the Schr¨ odinger equation describing the time evolution of the state of a quantum particle moving in a potential V ∂ 2 i ∂t ψ = − 2m ∆ψ + V ψ (2.1) ψ(0, x) = ψ0 (x) where m > 0 is the mass of the particle, is the reduced Planck constant, t ≥ 0, x ∈ Rd . The aim of the present work is to give a rigorous mathematical meaning to the Feynman path integral representation of the solution of the Cauchy problem (2.1) in the case where the potential depends explicitly on the time variable t i ψ(t, x) = “ e St (γ) ψ0 (γ(0))Dγ (2.2) {γ|γ(t)=x}
t t 2 (where St (γ) = m |γ(s)| ˙ ds− 0 V (s, γ(s))ds is the classical action of the system evaluated 2 0 along the path γ and Dγ an heuristic “flat” measure on the space of paths, see e.g., [23, 17] for a discussion of Feynman’s approach and its applications). In the physical and in the mathematical literature several rigorous mathematical realizations of the heuristic “Feynman complex measure” i −1 i e St (γ) Dγ e St (γ) Dγ can be found, for instance, by means of analytic continuation of probabilistic Wiener integrals [16, 34, 15, 28, 18], via white-noise calculus [25, 20], via non standard analysis [4], or as “infinite-dimensional oscillatory integrals” (see [8, 9, 19, 2]). In the following we shall focus on the latter approach, which is particularly interesting as it allows the rigorous implementation of an infinite-dimensional version of the stationary phase method and the corresponding study of the asymptotic behavior of the solution of the Schr¨ odinger equation in the limit where is considered as a small parameter approaching zero. We remark that some interesting results concerning the rigorous Feynman path integral representation of the solution of (2.1) in the case V depending explicitly on time have already been obtained by means of the white-noise approach [20, 24, 32, 33] and by means of the analytic continuation approach (see [27] and references therein). In [37, 38, 39] the Schr¨ odinger equation with a harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian with a time-dependent frequency has been considered. In [6, 7] the infinite-dimensional oscillatory integral approach has been applied to the rigorous Feynman path integral representation of the solution of a stochastic Schr¨ odinger equation with a time-dependent Hamiltonian. 7 i
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In section 2.2 we recall some classical results, that is, the definitions and the main theorems on finite- and infinite-dimensional oscillatory integrals. In sections 2.3 and 2.4 the Schr¨ odinger equation for a linearly forced harmonic oscillator and for a harmonic oscillator with a time-dependent frequency is considered. In the latter case the problem is solved by adopting a suitable transformation of the time and space variables which allows mapping, both in the classical and in the quantum case, the solution of the time-independent harmonic oscillator to the solution of the time-dependent one. In section 2.5 the potentials considered in sections 2.3 and 2.4 are perturbed with a bounded (time-dependent) potential, satisfying suitable assumptions.
Infinite-dimensional oscillatory integrals
In this section we recall for later use the definitions and the main results on infinitedimensional oscillatory integrals; for more details we refer to [2, 8, 19]. In the following we will denote by H a (finite or infinite-dimensional) real separable Hilbert space, whose elements are denoted by x, y ∈ H and the scalar product with x, y. f : H → C will be a function on H and L : D(L) ⊆ H → H an invertible, densely defined and self-adjoint operator. Let us denote by M(H) the Banach space of the complex bounded variation measures on H, endowed with the total variation norm, that is µ ∈ M(H), µ = sup |µ(Ei )|, i
where the supremum is taken over all sequences {Ei } of pairwise disjoint Borel subsets of H, such that ∪i Ei = H. M(H) is a Banach algebra, where the product of two measures µ ∗ ν is by definition their convolution µ ∗ ν(E) = µ(E − x)ν(dx), µ, ν ∈ M(H) H
and the unit element is the vector δ0 . Let F (H) be the space of complex functions on H which are Fourier transforms of measures belonging to M(H), that is f :H→C f(x) = eix,β µf (dβ) ≡ µ ˆ f (x). H
F (H) is a Banach algebra of functions, where the product is the pointwise one; the unit element is the function 1, i.e., 1(x) = 1 ∀x ∈ H and the norm is given by f = µf . Let us suppose first of all that H is finite dimensional, i.e., H = Rn . In this case, following H¨ ormander [26], the “oscillatory integral” i e 2 x,x f(x)dx, >0 is defined as the limit of a sequence of regularized, hence absolutely convergent, Lebesgue integrals. More precisely, we have for such integrals, called after normalization, “Fresnel integrals.” Definition 2.1 A function f : Rn → C is Fresnel integrable if and only if for each φ ∈ S(Rn ) such that φ(0) = 1 the limit i lim (2πi)−n/2 e 2 x,x f(x)φ(x)dx (2.3) →0
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i Feynman Path Integrals for Time-Dependent Potentials
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exists and is independent of φ. In this case the limit is called the Fresnel integral of f and denoted by i e 2 x,x f(x)dx. (2.4) In the case where the Hilbert space H is infinite dimensional, the oscillatory integral is defined as the limit of a sequence of finite-dimensional approximations. Definition 2.2 A function f : H → C is Fresnel integrable if and only if for any sequence Pn of projectors onto n-dimensional subspaces of H, such that Pn ≤ Pn+1 and Pn → 1 strongly as n → ∞ (1 being the identity operator in H), the finite-dimensional approximations i −n/2 (2πi) e 2 Pn x,Pn x f(Pn x)d(Pn x), Pn H
are well defined and the limit lim (2πi)−n/2
Pn H
e 2 Pn x,Pn x f(Pn x)d(Pn x)
exists and is independent of the sequence {Pn }. In this case the limit is called the Fresnel integral of f and is denoted by i e 2 x,x f(x)dx. An “operational characterization” of the largest class of “Fresnel integrable functions” is still an open problem, even in finite dimension, but one can find some interesting subsets of it, such as F (H). Theorem 2.1 Let L : H → H be a self-adjoint trace-class operator, such that (I − L) is invertible. Let f : H → C be the Fourier transform of a complex bounded variation measure µf i on H. Then the function e− 2 x,Lx f(x) is Fresnel integrable and the corresponding Fresnel integral can be explicitly computed in terms of a well-defined absolutely convergent integral with respect to a σ-additive measure, by means of the following Parseval-type equality: i −1 i i e− 2 α,(I−L) α µf (dα) e 2 x,x e− 2 x,Lx f(x)dx = (det(I − L))−1/2
where det(I − L) = | det(I − L)|e−πi Ind (I−L) is the Fredholm determinant of the operator (I −L), | det(I −L)| its absolute value and Ind((I −L)) is the number of negative eigenvalues of the operator (I − L), counted with their multiplicity.
The linearly forced harmonic oscillator
Let us consider the Schr¨ odinger equation (2.1) for a linearly forced harmonic oscillator, i.e., let us assume that the potential V is of the type “quadratic plus linear” and that the linear part depends explicitly on time H=−
2 ∆ + V (t, x), 2m
V (t, x) =
1 2 xΩ x + f(t) · x, 2
x ∈ Rd
where Ω is a positive symmetric constant d × d matrix with eigenvalues Ωj , j = 1, . . . , d, and f : I ⊂ R → Rd is a continuous function. This potential is particularly interesting from
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a physical point of view, as it is used in simple models for a large class of processes as the vibration–relaxation of a diatomic molecule in gas kinetics and the interaction of a particle with the field oscillators in quantum electrodynamics. Feynman calculated heuristically the Green function for (2.7) in his famous paper on the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics [22]. Our aim is to give meaning to the Feynman path integral representation of the solution of equation (2.1) (with m = 1, for simplicity, and V given by (2.7)) t t 2 i i ˙ ds− 2 γ(s)Ω2 γ(s)ds− i 0t f(s)·γ(s)ds 0 ψ(t, x) = e 2 0 |γ(s)| ψ0 (γ(0))dγ (2.8) γ(t)=x
in terms of a well-defined infinite-dimensional oscillatory integral on the Cameron–Martin space Ht , i.e., the Hilbert space of absolutely continuous paths γ : [0, t] → Rd , such that t 2 ˙ ds < ∞, endowed with the inner γ(t) = 0, and square integrable weak derivative 0 |γ(s)| t product γ1 , γ2 = 0 γ˙ 1 (s)· γ2 (s)ds. We recall that a similar result has been obtained in the case d = 1 by means of the white-noise approach [20]. Let L : Ht → Ht be the trace-class symmetric operator on Ht given by
(Lγ)(s) = s
(Ω2 γ)(s )ds ,
γ ∈ Ht .
t One can easily verify that γ1 , Lγ2 = 0 γ1 (s)Ω2 γ2 (s)ds. Moreover, if t = (n + 1/2)π/Ωj , n ∈ Z and Ωj any eigenvalue of Ω, (I − L) is invertible with −1
(I − L)
γ(s) = γ(s) − Ω
sin[Ω(s − s)]γ(s )ds t + sin[Ω(t − s)] [cos Ωt]−1 Ω cos(Ωs )γ(s )ds , (2.9) 0
and det(I − L) = det(cos(Ωt)) (for more details see [19]). With these notations, formula (2.8) can be written in the following way: ψ(t, x) =
γ(t)=0 i
e 2
t 0
t 0
2 i |γ(s)| ˙ ds− 2
t 0
(γ(s)+x)Ω2 (γ(s)+x)ds 2
ψ0 (γ(0) + x)dγ = e−i 2 xΩ x e−i 2 · 0 f(s)ds i e 2 γ,(I−L)γ eiv,γ eiw,γ ψ0 (γ(0) + x)dγ
where w, v ∈ Ht are defined by Ω2 x 2 w(s) ≡ (s − t2 ), 2
1 v(s) ≡
f(s )ds ds ,
s ∈ [0, t]. Under the assumption that ψ0 ∈ F(Rd ) it is possible to prove that the functional on Ht given by γ → ψ0 (γ(0) + x) belongs to F (Ht ). In fact if ψ0 (x) = Rd eik·xµ0 (dk), then eiη,γ µψ0 (dη), ψ0 (γ(0) + x) = Ht
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i Feynman Path Integrals for Time-Dependent Potentials
f(γ)µψ0 (dγ) =
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eik·xf(kG0 )µ0 (dk)
and, for any k ∈ Rd , kG0 is the element in Ht such that kG0 , γ = k · γ(0); that is, kG0 (s) = k(t − s). In this case the functional γ → eiv,γ eiw,γ ψ0 (γ(0) + x) belongs to F (Ht ) and the infinite-dimensional oscillatory integral (2.10) on Ht can be explicitly computed by means of the Parseval-type equality (2.6)
e 2 γ,(I−L)γ eiv,γ eiw,γ ψ0 (γ(0) + x)dγ Ht = (det(I − L))−1/2
e− 2 γ,(I−L)
δv ∗ δw ∗ µψ0 (dγ)
and we have 2
e−i 2 xΩ x e−i 2 · 0 f(s)ds ψ(t, x) = det(cos(Ωt))
eik·x i
e− 2 (v+w+kG0 ),(I−L)
(v+w+kG0 )
µ0 (dk). (2.14)
If ψ0 ∈ S(Rd ), we can proceed further and compute explicitly the Green function G(0, t, x, y) ψ(t, x) = G(0, t, x, y)ψ0 (y)dy, Rd
where −d/2
G(0, t, x, y) = (2πi) i
e− x sin(Ωt) i
−1 1 (2
t 0
Ω iΩ sin(Ωt)−1 (x cos(Ωt)x+y cos(Ωt)y−2xy) 2 e sin(Ωt)
sin(Ωs)f(s)ds− i y(
cos(Ωt) sin(Ωt)−1 (
t 0
t 0
cos(Ωs)f(s)ds−cos(Ωt) sin(Ωt)−1
sin(Ωs)f(s)ds)2− i
t 0
t 0
t 0
t s
t 0
cos(Ωs)f(s)ds) sin(Ωs)f(s )ds ds.
One can easily verify by a direct computation that (2.15) is the Green function for the Schr¨ odinger equation with the time-dependent Hamiltonian (2.7). Remark 2.1 Our result can be obtained even if the initial assumption on the continuity of the function f : [0, t] → Rd is weakened. In fact it is sufficient to assume that the function t s v in (2.11) belongs to Ht ; that is, 0 | 0 f(s )ds |2 ds < ∞.
The Schr¨ odinger equation with time-dependent harmonic part
Let us consider the Schr¨ odinger equation with a harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian with a time-dependent frequency H=−
2 1 ∆ + xΩ2 (t)x, 2m 2
x ∈ Rd
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where Ω : [0, t] → L(Rd , Rd ) is a continuous map from the time interval [0, t] to the space of symmetric positive d × d matrices. This problem has been analyzed by several authors (see, for instance, [31, 35] and references therein) as an approximate description for the vibration of complex physical systems, as well as an exact model for some physical phenomena; the motion of an ion in a Paul trap; the quantum mechanical description of highly cooled ions, the emergence of nonclassical optical states of light owing to a time-dependent dielectric constant; or even in cosmology for the study of a three-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator in a spatially flat universe such that gij = R(t)δij , with R(t) being the scale factor at time t. If d = 1, it is possible to solve the Schr¨odinger equation with Hamiltonian (2.16) (and also the corresponding classical equation of motion) by adopting a suitable transformation of the time and space variables which allows mapping of the solution of the time-independent harmonic oscillator to the solution of the time-dependent one (see [37, 38, 39] and references therein). Let us consider the classical equation of motion for the time-dependent harmonic oscillator (2.16) u¨(s) + Ω2 (s)u(s) = 0. (2.17) Let u1 and u2 be two independent solutions of (2.17) such that u1 (0) = u˙ 2 (0) = 0 and u2 (0) = u˙ 1 (0) = 1; then it easy to prove that the Wronskian w(u1 , u2) = u1 u˙ 2 − u˙ 1 u2 is a constant function w = 1. Let us define the function ξ := u21 + u22 ; then one proves that ξ(s) > 0 ∀s and it satisfies the following differential equation: 2ξ ξ¨ − ξ˙2 + 4ξ 2 − 4 = 0. Moreover, the function η : [0, ∞] → R η(s) =
ξ(τ )−1 dτ
is well defined and strictly increasing. One verifies that u(s) = ξ(s)1/2 (A cos(η(s)) + B sin(η(s)))
is the general solution of the classical equation of motion (2.17). In other words, by rescaling the time variable s → η(s) and the space variable x → ξ −1/2 x it is possible to map the solution of the equation of motion for the time-independent harmonic oscillator u¨(s)+u(s) = 0 into the solution of (2.17). In other words, it is possible to find (see, for instance, [29] for more details) a general canonical transformation (x, p, t) → (X, P, τ ), given by ⎧ −1/2 x ⎨ X = ξ(t) dτ(t) −1 (2.19) = ξ(t) ⎩ dt dX ˙ P = dτ = (ξ 1/2 x˙ − 12 ξ −1/2 ξx) and the Hamiltonian is given by H(X, P, τ ) = 12 (P 2 + X 2 ), while the generating function
of the transformation (x, p, t) → (X, P, τ ) is given by F (x, P, t) = ξ(t)−1/2 xP + and the transformation is given more explicitly as ⎧ ∂ F (x, P, t) ⎨ p = ∂x ∂ F (x, P, t) X = ∂P ⎩ ∂ F (x, P, t). H(X, P ; τ )τ˙ = H(x, p; t) + ∂t
ξ(t)−1 ξ˙ 2 x 4
A similar result holds also in the quantum case. In fact by considering the Schr¨ odinger equations for the time-independent and time-dependent harmonic oscillator, respectively, (i
∂ 2 1 + ∆ − x2 )φ(t, x) = 0, ∂t 2 2
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i Feynman Path Integrals for Time-Dependent Potentials
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2 1 ∂ (2.22) + ∆ − Ω2 (t)x2 )ψ(t, x) = 0, ∂t 2 2 where φ(t, x) and ψ(t, x) are continuously differentiable with respect to t and twice continuously differentiable with respect to x, it is possible to prove the following [37]. (i
Theorem 2.2 Let φ(t, x) be such a solution of (2.21). Then 2 ˙ ψ(t, x) = ξ(t)−1/4 exp[iξ(t)x /4ξ(t)]φ(η(t), ξ(t)−1/2 x)
is a solution of (2.22). In an analogous way it is possible to prove that, denoting by KT I (t, 0; x, y) and KT D (t, 0; x, y), the Green functions for the Schr¨ odinger equations (2.21) and (2.22), respectively, the following holds: KT D (t, 0; x, y) = KT I (η(t), 0; ξ(t)−1/2x, y). (2.23) −1/4 2 ˙ exp[iξ(t)x /4ξ(t)] in Theorem It is interesting to note that the “correction term” ξ(t) 2.2 can be interpreted in terms of the classical canonical transformation (2.20) (see [29] for more details). The aim of the present section is to give a rigorous mathematical meaning to the Feynman path integral representation of the solution of equation (2.22) by means of a well-defined infinite-dimensional oscillatory integral associated with the Cameron–Martin space Ht and to prove by means of it formula (2.23). A similar result has been obtained in the framework of the white-noise approach [24]. Let us consider the following linear operator L : Ht → Ht : s r (Lγ)(s) = − Ω2 (u)γ(u)dudr, γ ∈ Ht . t
One can easily verify that L is self-adjoint and positive; moreover, for any γ1 , γ2 ∈ Ht one has t γ1 , Lγ2 = γ1 (s)Ω2 (s)γ2 (s)ds. 0
Moreover, by using formula (2.18), it is possible to prove that, if t = η −1 (π/2 + nπ), n ∈ N, the operator I − L is invertible and its inverse is given by
sin(η(t)) t ξ(s )1/2 cos(η(s ))¨ γ (s )ds + ( (I − L)−1 γ(s) = − cos(η(t)) 0 s ξ(s )1/2 sin(η(s ))¨ γ (s )ds ξ(s)1/2 cos(η(s))+ + γ(0)) ˙ − t
t + ξ(s )1/2 cos(η(s ))¨ γ (s )ds + γ(0)+ ˙ 0 s ξ(s )1/2 cos(η(s ))¨ γ (s )ds ξ(s)1/2 sin(η(s)). +
The Fredholm determinant of the operator I − L can be computed by exploiting the general relation between infinite-dimensional determinants of the form det(I + L), ∈ C and where L is of trace class, and finite-dimensional determinants associated with the solution of a certain Sturm–Liouville problem [1, 39]. According to [1], by using the fact that v(s) = Lγ(s) is the unique solution of the problem v¨(s) = −Ω2 (s)γ(s), s ∈ (0, t), (2.25) v(0) ˙ = 0, v(t) = 0
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and by using the ellipticity of the problem (2.25), one proves that the range of L is contained in H 3 ((0, t); R), the Sobolev space of functions belonging to L2 ((0, t); R) which derivatives up to order 3 belong also to L2 ((0, t); R); hence L is a trace-class operator. Moreover, by considering the solution K of the initial value problem ¨ (s) + Ω2 (s)K (s) = 0, K (2.26) K˙ (0) = 0, K (0) = 1 one has K (t) = det(I − L). By substituting = 1 in (2.26) and by using formula (2.18) for the general solution of the differential equation (2.17) one has det(I − L) = ξ(t)1/2 cos(η(t)).
Let us consider now the vectors G0 , u ∈ Ht given by x s u 2 G0 (s) = t − s, u(s) = Ω (r)drdu, x ∈ R. t 0 With the notations introduced so far and by assuming that the initial vector ψ0 belongs to F (R), so that ψ0 = µ ˆ0 , the heuristic Feynman path integral representation for the solution of the Schr¨ odinger equation (2.1) with the time-dependent Hamiltonian (2.16) t 2 t 2 2 i i ψ(t, x) = “ e 2 0 γ˙ (s)ds− 2 0 Ω (s)(γ(s)+x) ds ψ0 (γ(0) + x)Dγ {γ|γ(t)=0}
can be rigorously realized as the infinite-dimensional oscillatory integral associated with the Cameron–Martin space Ht t 2 ix2 i ψ(t, x) = e 2 0 Ω (s)ds It , It = e 2 γ,(I−L)γ eiu,γ µ ˆψ0 (γ)dγ Ht
where µψ0 is given by formula (2.12). By the Parseval-type equality, It can be explicitly computed and one has −1 i −1/2 It = det(I − L) e 2 γ,(I−L) γ δu ∗ µψ0 (dγ). (2.28) Ht
By assuming ψ0 ∈ S(R), we can proceed further and compute explicitly the Green function of the problem; that is ψ(t, x) = KT D (t, 0; x, y)ψ0 (y)dy. R
By substituting in (2.28) formulae (2.24) and (2.27), and performing a simple calculation we obtain KT D (t, 0; x, y) = ξ(t)−1/4 e
ix2 4
e 2 ˙ ξ(t)
( sin(η(t)) )(ξ(t)−1 x2 +y 2 )−
2ξ(t)−1/2 xy sin(η(t))
(2πi sin(η(t)))1/2
and by recalling the well-known formula for the Green function KT I (t, 0; x, y) of the Schr¨ odinger equation with a time-independent harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian (see, e.g., [40] ) i
e 2 ( sin(t) (x +y )− sin(t) ) KT I (t, 0; x, y) = (2πi sin(t))1/2 one can verify directly formula (2.23).
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i Feynman Path Integrals for Time-Dependent Potentials
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Remark 2.2 The case where d > 1 is more complicated. In fact neither a transformation formula analogous to (2.19) exists in general, nor a formula analogous to (2.23) relating the Green function of the Schr¨ odinger equation with a time-dependent resp. time-independent harmonic oscillator potential (see, for instance, [38, 39] for some partial results in this direction).
Bounded perturbations in the Schr¨ odinger equation
Let us consider now a quantum mechanical Hamiltonian of the following form: H = H0 + V (t, x),
where H0 is of the type (2.7) or (2.16) and V : [0, t] × Rd → R satisfies the following assumptions: 1. For s ∈ [0, t], the application V (s, · ) : Rd → R belongs to F (Rd ), i.e. V (s, x) = each ikx e σs (dk), σs ∈ M(Rd ). Rd 2. The application s ∈ [0, t] → σs ∈ M(Rd ) is continuous in the norm · of the Banach space M(Rd ). Note that condition (1) implies that for each s ∈ [0, t], the function V (s, · ) : Rd → R is bounded. Moreover, by condition (2) one can easily verify that the application s ∈ [0, t] → V (s, ·) ∈ C(Rd ) ∩ L∞ (Rd ) in continuous in the sup-norm. Under the assumptions above it is possible to prove that the application γ ∈ Ht → V (s, γ(s) + x) belongs to F (Ht ), more precisely it is the Fourier transform of the complex bounded variation measure µs on the Cameron–Martin space Ht given by µs (I) = eikxχI (kGs)σs (dk) I ∈ B(Ht ), Rd
where χI is the characteristic function of the Borel set I and, for any k ∈ Rd , kGs is the element in Ht given by kGs (s ) = k(t − s) for s ≤ s and kGs (s ) = k(t − s ) for s > s. As a consequence also the application i
γ ∈ Ht → e−
s r
V (u,γ(u)+x)du
, r, s ∈ [0, t]
belongs to F (Ht ). Let us denote by νrs the bounded variation measure on Ht associated to it. Under the assumptions the initial datum ψ0 belongs to L2 (Rd ) ∩ F(Rd ), the infinitedimensional oscillatory integral associated with the Cameron–Martin space Ht γ(t)=0
e 2
t 0
2 i |γ(s)| ˙ ds− 2
t 0
(γ(s)+x)Ω2 (s)(γ(s)+x)ds i
t 0
f(s)·(γ(s)+x)ds − i
t 0
V (s,γ(s)+x)ds
ψ0 (γ(0) + x)dγ
(with Ω2 (s) = Ω2 independent of s if f = 0) giving the rigorous mathematical realization of the Feynman path integral representation of the solution of the Schr¨ odinger equation with time-dependent Hamiltonian (2.29), with H0 is is given by (2.7) (if Ω2 (s) = Ω2 and f = 0) and by (2.16), respectively, are well defined. In the following the detailed proof is
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given in the particular case where the “free Hamiltonian” H0 is given by (2.7), but the same reasonings can be repeated in the case where H0 is given by (2.16). b If {µu : a ≤ u ≤ b} is a family in M(Ht ), we shall let a µu du denote the measure on Ht given by b f(γ)µu (dγ)du f→ a
whenever it exists (it exists, e.g., if f is continuous and we have that u → µu is continuous from [0, t] to M(Ht ), the space of measures on Ht with the norm given by the total variation µu ). Since for any continuous path γ exp i
i − t 0
V (s, γ(s))ds = 0 i u V (u, γ(u)) exp − V (s, γ(s))ds du, 0 t
we get ν0t = δ0 −
(µu ∗ ν0u )du
where δ0 is the Dirac measure at 0 ∈ Ht . on Ht whose Fourier transforms when For r, s ∈ [0, t], let λsr and ηrs be the measures s s 2 i i evaluated at γ ∈ Ht are, respectively, e− r f(u)γ(u)du and e− r xΩ γ(u)du . We set for t > 0 and x ∈ Rd t t 2 i i ˙ ds− 2 (γ(s)+x)Ω2 (γ(s)+x)ds 0 U (t, 0)ψ0 (x) = e 2 0 |γ(s)| γ(t)=0
t 0
f(s)·(γ(s)+x)ds − i
t 0
V (s,γ(s)+x)ds
ψ0 (γ(0) + x)dγ
ψ0 (γ(0) + x)dγ.
and U0 (t, 0)ψ0 (x) =
e 2
t 0
2 i |γ(s)| ˙ ds− 2
t 0
(γ(s)+x)Ω2 (γ(s)+x)ds i
t 0
By the Parseval-type equality we have 2
U (t, 0)ψ0 (x) = e−i 2 xΩ x e−i ·
t 0
(det(I − L))−1/2
e− 2 γ,(I−L)
γ t η0
∗ λt0 ∗ ν0t ∗ µψ0 (dγ),
where µψ0 is given by (2.12). By applying equation (2.30) we obtain U (t, 0)ψ0 (x) = C(t)
e− 2 γ,(I−L) −
i C(t)
γ t η0
t 0
∗ λt0 ∗ µψ0 (dγ) i
e− 2 γ,(I−L)
γ t η0
∗ λt0 ∗ µu ∗ ν0u ∗ µψ0 (dγ)du,
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i Feynman Path Integrals for Time-Dependent Potentials 2
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where C(t) = e−i 2 xΩ x e−i · 0 f(s)ds (det(I −L))−1/2 . By applying the Parseval-type equality in the other direction we get t 2 t x i U (t, 0)ψ0 (x) = U0 (t, 0)ψ0 (x) − e−i 2 xΩ xe−i · 0 f(s)ds t t t 2 i i ˙ ds− 2 γ(s)Ω2 γ(s)ds − i 0t f(s)γ(s)ds − i 0t xΩ2 γ(s)ds 0 e 2 0 |γ(s)| e e 0
V (u, γ(u) + x)e−
V (s,γ(s)+x)ds
ψ0 (γ(0) + x)dγdu. (2.33)
Denoting by Hr,s the Cameron–Martin space of paths γ : [r, s] → Rd , we have Ht ≡ H0,t = H0,u ⊕Hu,t ; indeed each γ ∈ Ht can uniquely be associated to a couple (γ1 , γ2 ), with γ1 ∈ H0,u and γ2 ∈ Hu,t , γ(s) = γ2 (s) for s ∈ [u, t] and γ(s) = γ1 (s) + γ2 (u) for s ∈ [0, u). By means of these notations and by Fubini’s theorem for oscillatory integrals (see [8, 19]) equation (2.33) can be written in the following form: U (t, 0)ψ0 (x) = U0 (t, 0)ψ0 (x) − i − 2
t u
t 0
(γ2 (s)+x)Ω2 (γ2 (s)+x)ds − i
e i
i 2
u 0
u 0
|γ˙ 1 (s)|
i ds− 2
e 2
u 0
t u
t u
|γ˙ 2 (s)|2 ds
f(s)(γ2 (s)+x)ds
V (u, γ(u)2 + x)
(γ1 (s)+γ2 (u)+x)Ω (γ1 (s)+γ2 (u)+x)ds
f(s)(γ1 (s)+γ2 (u)+x)ds − i
u 0
V (s,γ1 (s)+γ2 (u)+x)ds
ψ0 (γ1 (0) + γ2 (u) + x)dγ1 dγ2 du and by equations (2.31) and (2.32) U (t, 0)ψ0 (x) = U0 (t, 0)ψ0 (x) −
t 0
U0 (t, u)(V (u)U (u, 0)ψ0)(x)du.
Now the iterative solution to the latter integral equation is the Dyson series for U (t, 0), which coincides with the convergent power series expansion for the solution of the Schr¨ odinger equation (2.1) with the time-dependent Hamiltonian (2.29). Remark 2.3 A similar result can be obtained under the assumption that the potential is the Laplace transform of a complex bounded measure (with some restrictions on its growth at infinity), see [3] and [32] for rigorous Feynman path integrals defined for this class. In particular, in [32] by means of the white-noise approach a class of potential V (s, x) = Rd eα·xdµs (α) is considered, where µ denotes a family of complex measures on t Rd labeled by the parameter s ∈ [0, t] such that 0 Rd eC|α| dµ(α, s)ds < ∞ ∀C > 0 and µ is of one of the following forms: µs (α) =
µj (α)ρj (s)
with k ∈ N, µj complex Borel measures on Rd and ρj ∈ C 0 (R, C) for all j = 1, . . . , k, or µs (α) = ρ(α, s)dα where ρ : Rd ×[0, t] → C, with ρ(α, · ) continuous on [0, t] for all α ∈ Rd and sups∈[0,t] |ρ(α, s)||eCα | in L1 (Rd , dα) for all C > 0.
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Albeverio and Mazzucchi
Remark 2.4 In [5] by means of a well-defined infinite-dimensional oscillatory integral on the Hilbert space Ht ×Lt , i.e., the product space of the Cameron–Martin space Ht and Lt = L2 ([0, t]), a rigorous mathematical meaning to the “phase space Feynman path integrals,” i.e., to the Hamiltonian version of the Feynman heuristic formula, has been given. These results can been generalized using the results in the present chapter to the case where the potential depends explicitly from position x, momentum p, and time t in the following way: V (x, p, t) = V1 (p, t) + V2 (x, t), where V2 (x, t) satisfies the assumptions 1. and 2. of page 15 and V1 is such that the functional on the Hilbert space Lt t p(s)s∈[0,t] ∈ Ht → V1 (p(s), s)ds 0
is the Fourier transform of a complex bounded variation measure on Lt .
Future developments
In [10, 11, 12] a class of finite- and infinite-dimensional oscillatory integrals with phase functions of polynomial growth is studied. The main motivation is the rigorous realization of the Feynman path integral representation of the solution of the Schr¨ odinger equation with a quartic potential. In [10, 11, 12] the quartic potential is time independent; the extension of these results to the case where the quartic potential is time dependent is in preparation [13].
Acknowledgments Very stimulating discussions with Luciano Tubaro are gratefully acknowledged, as well as the hospitality of the Mathematics Institutes in Bonn and Trento. This research is part of the I.D.A. project of I.N.D.A.M, supported by P.A.T. (Trento) and M.I.U.R. (Italy).
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i Feynman Path Integrals for Time-Dependent Potentials
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3 The Irreducibility of Transition Semigroups and Approximate Controllability Viorel Barbu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
The main result
Consider the stochastic differential equation in a Hilbert space H √ dX + AXdt + γXdt = Q dW X(0) = x0 .
√ Here Q dW is a colored noise with covariance Q, Q ∈ L(H, H), Q = Q∗ , Tr Q < ∞, defined on some probability space {Ω, F , IP} and with values in H. We shall assume further that Q ∈ L(U, X), (3.2) where U is a Hilbert space, H ⊂ U and the injection of H into U is Hilbert–Schmidt. As regards the nonlinear operator A : D(A) ⊂ H → H we shall assume that (i) A is m-accretive in H × H and (Ax − Ay, x − y) ≥ ω|Ax − Ay|2X , ∀x, y ∈ D(A) where X is a Hilbert space such that X ⊂ H ⊂ X (the dual space of X) algebraically and topologically. Finally, γ ∈ R is a given constant. We note that A could be multivalued as well. The transition semigroup Pt associated to (3.1) (if exists) is given by Pt (ϕ) = Eϕ(X(t, ·)), t ≥ 0, ϕ ∈ Cb (H).
Pt is said to be irreducible if P (|X(T, x0 ) − x1 | ≥ r) < 1, ∀T > 0, x0 , x1 ∈ D(A), r > 0.
If ν is an invariant measure associated to Pt , then by (3.4) it follows that ν is full, i.e., ν(B(x, r)) > 0, ∀x, r > 0, where B(x, r) is the ball of center x and radius r. Theorem 3.1 Assume that (i) holds and that Pt is a transition semigroup associated to (3.1). Then Pt is irreducible. Here | · | is the norm of H.
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1. The two-phase Stefan problem (see V. Barbu & G. Da Prato [1]) √ dx − ∆β(x)dt = Q dw in O × [0, ∞) β(x) = 0
on ∂O × [0, ∞).
In this case H = H −1 (O), O an open bounded subset of Rn , A = −∆β, D(A) = {u ∈ H −1 (O) ∩ L1loc (O), β(u) ∈ H01 (O)} where β is a monotonically increasing continuous function satisfying the condition
or, equivalently
(β(u) − β(v))(u − v) ≥ ω|β(u) − β(v)|2
|β(u) − β(v)| ≤ ω−1 |u − v|, ∀u, v ∈ R.
In the special case, β(u) = α1 u for u < 0, β(u) = 0 on [0, ρ], β(u) = α2 (u − ρ) for u > ρ; this reduces to classical two-phase Stefan problem (see V. Barbu and G. Da Prato [3]). We note that in this case assumption (i) holds with X = H 1 (O) ∩ H01 (O). 2. Diffusion with flux on the boundary This is an equation of the form √ dX − ∆X dt = Q dW ∂X + β(X) = 0 ∂ν X(0) = x(ξ)
in O × (0, ∞) on ∂O × (0, ∞)
in O
where β is a monotonically continuous function satisfying condition (3.6). Equation (3.7) can be written in the abstract form (3.1) where H = L2 (O), A = −∆, ∂X 2 D(A) = x ∈ H (O); + β(X) = 0 a.e. on ∂O , ∂ν X = H 1 (O), X = (H 1 (O)) . Then assumption (i) holds. 3. Porous media equation dX − ∆ψ(X)dt =
Q dw
in O × [0, ∞),
ψ(X) = 0
on ∂O × [0, ∞),
X(0) = x0
in O.
Here ψ is a monotonically increasing continuous function with polynomial growth and in particular of the form ψ(r) = r|r|2m−1. (For a treatment of equation (3.8) we refer to G. Da Prato and M. R¨ ockner [6], V. Barbu, V. Bogachev, G. Da Prato, and M. R¨ ockner [4]). In particular in the latter paper, it is established via controllability arguments a irreducibility result for the associated invariant measure for d < 2(r + 1)(r − 1)−1 .
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i Irreducibility of Transition Semigroups
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Equation (3.8) is of the form (3.1) where H = H −1 (O), A − ∆ψ, D(A) = {u ∈ H (O), ψ(u) ∈ H01 (O)}. If ψ is Lipschitzian on {r; |r| ≥ R}, then condition (i) is satisfied. For other irreducibility results we refer to S. Cerrai [5] (the case of semilinear parabolic equations) and to the book [7] by G. Da Prato and J. Zabczyk. In the work [2] the irreducibility of the transition semigroup associated with the reaction diffusion equation with reflexion is proved. −1
Approximate controllability
It is well known (see [7]) that the irreducibility is closely related to the approximate controllability of the deterministic equation associated with (3.1). Consider the equation y + Ay + γy = Bu, r > 0 y(0) = x0
where B ∈ L(U, H), A is m-accretive and ker{B ∗ } = {0}.
Proposition 3.1 System (3.9) is approximately controllable, i.e., for all x0 ∈ D(A), x1 ∈ D(A), and ε > 0, T > 0, ∃ u ∈ C([0, T ]; U ) such that |y(T ) − x1 | ≤ ε.
Proof No. 1 First, one shows that for each x0 ∈ D(A) and all x1 ∈ D(A), ∃ v ∈ L2 (0, T ; H) such that y(T ) = x1 . Consider the feedback system z + Az + γz = v, t > 0 z(0) = x0
v(t) = −ρ sgn(z(t) − x1 ). sgn z = We get
z , sgn 0 = B(0, 1) = {x; |x| ≤ 1}. |z|
1 d |z(t) − x1 |2 + ρ|z(t) − x1 | ≤ γ|z(t) − x1 |2 . 2 dt
This yields |z(t) − x1 | = 0 for t ≥ T if
ρ ≥ γ|x0 − x1 |e−γT − |Ax1 |(e−γT − 1).
Next, by assumption (3.10) it follows that {Bu; u ∈ C(0, T ; U )} is dense in L2 (0, T ; H) which implies via standard device (3.11).
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Proof of irreducibility We have X(t, x0 ) − y(t) + +γ V (t) = This yields (B =
t 0
t 0
(AX(s, x0 ) − Ay(s))ds
(X(s, x0 ) − y(s))ds =
√ Q(W (t) − V (t))
Q) X(t, x0 ) − y(t) +
e−γ(t−s) (AX(s, x0 ) − Ay(s))ds
= BW (t) − BV (t) − γ
t 0
(3.15) −γ(t−s)
(BW (s) − BV (s))ds.
Multiplying (3.15) by AX − Ay and integrating on (0, t), yields 0
(X(s) − y(s), AX(s) − Ay(s))ds + ≤
t 0
Z(t) =
This yields
(BW − BV, AX − Ay)ds
AX(s) − Ay(s),
1 −γt e |Z(t)|2 2
s 0
e−γ(t−s) (BW (τ ) − BV (τ ))dτ
eγs (AX(s) − Ay(s))ds, t ≥ 0.
(X(s) − y(s), AX(s) − Ay(s))ds + |z(T )|2
≤ ⎝|BW − BV |L2 (0,T ;X)
1/2 ⎞ ⎠. |AX − Ay|2X dt
Finally, by assumption (i) 0
(X(s) − y(s), AX(s) − Ay(s))ds + |z(T )|2 ≤ c|BW − BV |2L2(0,T ;X) .
Recalling that in virtue of (2.7) X(T, x0 ) − y(T ) = B(W (T ) − V (T )) − e−γT z(T ) T −γ e−γ(T −s) (BW (s) − B(V (s)) 0
we get
|X(T, x0 ) − y(T )| ≤ c(|BW (T ) − V (T )| + |BW − BV |L2(0,T ;X) )
≤ c(|BW (T ) − V (T )| + |W − V |L2 (0,T ;U )).
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i Irreducibility of Transition Semigroups
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By approximate controllability ∃ v ∈ C([0, T ]; U ) such that |y(T ) − x1 | ≤ ε. This yields |X(T, x0 ) − x1 | ≤ ε + c(|B(W (T ) − V (T )| − |W − V |L2(0,T ;U ) ). Hence
P [|X(T, x0 ) − x1 | ≥ r]
≤ P |BW (T ) − BV (T )| + |W − V |L2 (0,T ;X)
r−ε ≥ 0 and x0 , x1 ∈ D(A), ∃ unε ∈ L2 (0, T ; U ) such that |yn (T ) − Pn x1 | ≤ ε n→∞
unε −→ uε strongly in L2 (0, T ; U ).
(3.20) (3.21)
Proof For each n consider the equation zn + An zn + γzn + ρ sgn(z0 − Pn x1 ) 0 zn (0) = Pn x0 . We set vn (t) = −ρ sgn(zn (t) − Pn x1 ) and note that
√ Next, define Bn = Pn Q
vn (t) −→ v(t) strongly in L2 (0, T ; H).
unε = arg min{|Bn u − vn |2L2(0,T ;H) + ε|u|2L2(0,T ;U ) }. It turns out that {unε } satisfies the conditions of Lemma 3.1. (Complete proof can be found in [2], [3].)
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We obtain as above P [|Xn(T, xn0 ) − Pn x1 ) ≥ r] ≤ P [|W (T ) − Vn (T )| + |W − Vn |L2(0,T ;U ) 1 ≥ (r − ε)] ≤ δn < 1, c independent of n. This implies that PTn (χB(Pn x1 ,r) (xn0 )) ≥ 1 − ρ. Hence if νn is the invariant measure associated with Ptn , we have νn (B(Pn x1 , r)) = PTn χB(Bn ,x1 ,r) (Pn x0 )νn (dx0 ) > η > 0 Hn
and since νn → ν weak star, we infer that ν(B(x1 , r)) > 0 as claimed.
References [1] V. Barbu, G. Da Prato, The two phase stochastic Stefan problem, Probability Theory Related Fields, 124 (2002), 544-560. [2] V. Barbu, G. Da Prato, Irreducibility of the transition semigroup associated with the stochastic obstacle problem (to appear). [3] V. Barbu, G. Da Prato, Irreducibility of the transition semigroup associated with the two phase Stefan problem (to appear). [4] V. Barbu, V. Bogachev, G. Da Prato, M. R¨ ockner, L2 -solutions to the Kolmogorov equations associated to stochastic porous media equations (to appear). [5] S. Cerrai, Second order PDE’s in finite and infinite dimension. A probabilistic approach, Lecture Notes in Math, 1762, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001. [6] G. Da Prato, M. R¨ockner, Weak solutions to porous media equation (to appear). [7] G. Da Prato, J. Zabczyk, Ergodicity for Infinite Dimensional Systems, London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes, 229, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996.
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4 Gradient Bounds for Solutions of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations Vladimir I. Bogachev, Moscow State University Giuseppe Da Prato, Scuola Normale Superiore Michael R¨ockner, Universit¨at Bielefeld Zeev Sobol, University of Wales
Suppose that for every t ∈ [0, 1], we are given a strictly positive definite symmetric matrix A(t) = (aij (t)) and a measurable vector field x → b(t, x) = (b1 (t, x), . . . , bn (t, x)). Let Lt be the elliptic operator on Rd given by aij (t, x)∂xi ∂xj u(x) + bi (t, x)∂xi u(x). (4.1) Lt u(x) = i,j≤d
Suppose that A and b satisfy the following hypotheses: (Ha) supt∈[0,1] A(t) + A(t)−1 < ∞, supt∈[0,1] b(t, · )Lp (U ) < ∞ for every ball U in Rd with some p > d, p ≥ 2. (Hb) b is dissipative in the following sense: for every t ∈ [0, 1] and every h ∈ Rd , there exists a measure zero set Nt,h ⊂ Rd such that b(t, x + h) − b(t, x), h ≤ 0 for all x ∈ Rd \ Nt,h . (Hc) For every t ∈ [0, 1], there exists a Lyapunov function Vt for Lt , i.e., a nonnegative C 2 -function Vt such that Vt (x) → +∞ and Lt Vt (x) → −∞ as |x| → ∞. We consider the parabolic equation ∂u = Lt u, ∂t
u(0, x) = f(x),
where f is a bounded Lipschitz function. A locally integrable function u on [0, 1] × Rd is 1,2 called a solution if, for every t ∈ (0, 1], one has u(t, · ) ∈ Wloc (Rd ), the functions ∂xi ∂xj u and i b ∂xi u are integrable on the sets [0, 1]×K for every cube K in Rd , and for every ϕ ∈ C0∞ (Rd ) and all t ∈ [0, 1] one has t u(t, x)ϕ(x) dx = f(x)ϕ(x) dx + Ls ϕ(x) u(s, x) dxds. Rd
In the case where A and b are independent of t, so that we have a single operator L, Hypotheses (Ha) and (Hc) imply (see [6] and [8]) that there exists a unique probability measure µ on Rd such that µ has a strictly positive continuous weakly differentiable density , |∇| ∈ Lploc (Rd ), and L∗ µ = 0 in the following weak sense: Lu dµ = 0 for all u ∈ C0∞ (Rd ). 27
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Bogachev, Da Prato, R¨ ockner, and Sobol
The closure L of L with domain C0∞(Rd ) in L1 (µ) generates a Markov semigroup {Tt }t≥0 for which µ is invariant. Let D(L) denote the domain of L in L1 (µ) and let {Gλ }λ>0 denote the corresponding resolvent, i.e., Gλ = (λ − L)−1 . The restrictions of Tt and Gλ to L2 (µ) are contractions on L2 (µ). In particular, if v ∈ D(L) is such that λv − Lv = g ∈ L2 (µ), 2,2 then v ∈ L2 (µ). Moreover, it follows by [8, Theorem 2.8] that one has v ∈ Hloc (Rd ) and Lv = Lv almost everywhere, so that one has a.e. λv − Lv = g.
p,2 In fact, due to our assumptions on the coefficients of L one has even v ∈ Wloc (Rd ) (see 1 [10]). It has been shown in [3] that for every function f ∈ L (µ) that is Lipschitzian with constant C and all t, λ > 0, the continuous version of the function Tt f is Lipschitzian with constant C, and the continuous version of Gλ f is Lipschitzian with constant λ−1 C. Here we establish pointwise estimates in both cases and prove their parabolic analogue. The main results of this work are the following two theorems.
Theorem 4.1. Suppose that A and b are independent of t and satisfy (Ha), (Hb), and (Hc). Then, for any Lipschitzian function f ∈ L1 (µ) and all t, λ > 0, Tt f and Gλ f have Lipschitzian versions such that |∇Tt f(x)| ≤ Tt |∇f|(x)
|∇Gλ f(x)| ≤
1 Gλ |∇f|(x) λ
for the corresponding continuous versions. In particular, sup |∇Tt f(x)| ≤ sup |∇f(x)|, x,t
sup |∇Gλf(x)| ≤ x
1 sup |∇f(x)|. λ x
Theorem 4.2. Suppose that A and b satisfy (Ha), (Hb), and (Hc). Then, for any bounded Lipschitzian function f there is a solution u of equation (4.2) such that for all t one has sup |∇u(t, x)| ≤ sup |∇f(x)|. x
In the case where A = I and b = 0, estimate (4.6) has been established in [12], [13] for solutions of boundary problems in bounded domains. It should be noted that gradient estimates of the type sup |∇u(x, t)| ≤ C(t) sup |f(x)| x
for solutions of parabolic equations have been obtained by many authors, see, e.g., [1], [2], [11], [15], and the references therein. Such estimates do not require (Hb) and one has C(t) → +∞ as t → 0 or t → +∞. In contrast to this type of estimates, our theorems mean a contraction property on Lipschitz functions rather than a smoothing property. It is likely that some results of the cited works, established for sufficiently regular b, can be extended to more general drifts satisfying just (Ha), but not (Hb). A short proof of the following result can be found in [3]. Lemma 4.1. Suppose that b is infinitely differentiable, Lipschitzian, and strongly dissipative, so for some α > 0, one has b(x + h) − b(x), h ≤ −α(h, h) for all x, h ∈ Rd . Then, for any λ > 0 and any smooth bounded Lipschitzian function f, one has pointwise |∇Gλ f| ≤ Gλ |∇f|. In particular, sup |∇Gλ f(x)| ≤ λ−1 sup |∇f(x)|. x
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Proof of Theorem 4.1. The estimate with the suprema has been proved in [3], and the stronger pointwise estimate can be derived from that proof. For the reader’s convenience, instead of recursions to the steps of the proof in [3] we reproduce the whole proof and explain why it yields a stronger conclusion. We recall that if a sequence of functions on Rd is uniformly Lipschitzian with constant L and bounded at a point, then it contains a subsequence that converges uniformly on every ball to a function that is Lipschitzian with the same constant. Therefore, approximating f in L1 (µ) by a sequence of bounded smooth functions fj with sup |∇fj (x)| ≤ sup |∇f(x)|, x
it suffices to prove (4.5) for smooth bounded f. Moreover, due to Euler’s formula Tt f = n limn nt G nt f, it suffices to establish the resolvent estimate. First, we construct a suitable sequence of smooth strongly dissipative Lipschitzian vector fields bk such that bk → b in Lp (U, Rd ) for every ball U as k → ∞. Let σj (x) = j −d σ(x/j), where σ is a smooth compactly supported probability density. Let βj := b∗σj . Then βj is smooth and dissipative and βj → b, j → ∞, in Lp (U, Rd ) for every ball U . For every α > 0, the mapping I −αβj is a homeomorphism of Rd and the inverse mapping (I−αβj )−1 is Lipschitzian with constant α−1 (see [9]). Let us consider the Yosida approximations Fα (βj ) := α−1 (I − αβj )−1 − I = βj ◦ (I − αβj )−1 . It is known (see [9, Ch. II]) that |Fα(βj )(x)| ≤ |βj (x)|, the mappings Fα (βj ) converge locally uniformly to βj as α → 0, and one has Fα (βj )(x) − Fα (βj )(y), x − y ≤ 0. Thus, the sequence bk := F k1 (b ∗ σk ) − k1 I, k ∈ N, is the desired one. For every k ∈ N, let Lk be the elliptic operator defined by (4.1) with the same constant matrix A and drift bk in place of b. Let µk = k dx be the corresponding invariant probability measure and let (k) Gλ denote the associated resolvent family on L1 (µk ). Since bk is smooth, Lipschitzian and (k) strongly dissipative, vk := Gλ f is smooth, bounded, Lipschitzian, and sup |vk (x)| ≤ x
1 sup |f(x)| and λ x
sup |∇vk (x)| ≤ x
1 sup |∇f(x)| λ x
by the lemma. Moreover, for every ball U ⊂ Rd , the functions vk are uniformly bounded in the Sobolev space W 2,2 (U ), since the mappings |bk | are bounded in Lp (U ) uniformly in k and f is bounded. This follows from the fact that for any solution w ∈ W 2,2 (U ) of the equation ij a ∂xi ∂xi w + bi ∂xi ∂xi w − λw = g one has wW 2,2 (U ) ≤ CwL2(U ) , where C is a
constant that depends on U , A, and the quantity κ := gL2 (U ) + |b|Lp(U ) in such a way that as a function of κ it is locally bounded. Thus, the sequence {vk } contains a subsequence, again denoted by {vk }, that converges locally uniformly to a bounded Lipschitzian function 2,2 v ∈ Wloc (Rd ) such that sup |v(x)| ≤ λ−1 sup |f(x)| x
sup |∇v(x)| ≤ λ−1 sup |∇f(x)|, x
and, in addition, the restrictions of vk to any ball U converge to v|U weakly in W 2,2 (U ). be the elliptic operator with the same second order part as L, but with drift is Let L b = 2A∇/ − b. Then by the integration by parts formula dµ for all ψ, ϕ ∈ C ∞(Rd ). ψLϕ dµ = ϕLψ 0
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on C ∞ (Rd ) are dense in L1 (µ). The In addition, for any λ > 0, the ranges of λ−L and λ− L 0 1 also generates a Markov semigroup on L (µ) with respect to which µ is invariant. operator L λ . For the proofs we refer to [7, Proposition The corresponding resolvent is denoted by G 2.9] or [14, Proposition 1.10(b)] (see also [8, Theorem 3.1]). Now we show that v = Gλ f. Note that k → uniformly on balls according to [5],[6]. Hence, given ϕ ∈ C0∞ (Rd ) with support in a ball U , we have [λv − Lv − f]ϕ dx = lim [λvk − Lk vk − f]ϕk dx = 0 k→∞
by weak convergence of vk to v in W 2,2 (U ) combined with convergence of bk to b in Lp (U, Rd ). Therefore, by the integration by parts formula dµ = fϕ dµ v(λϕ − Lϕ) for all ϕ ∈ C0∞ (Rd ). The function Gλ f is bounded and satisfies the same relation, so dµ = 0 for all it remains to recall that if a bounded function u satisfies u(λϕ − Lϕ) ∞ d ∞ d 1 ϕ ∈ C0 (R ), then u = 0 a.e., since (λ − L) C0 (R ) is dense in L (µ). Now we turn to the pointwise estimate |∇Gλ f(x)| ≤ λ−1 Gλ |∇f|(x). Suppose first that (k) f ∈ C0∞ (Rd ). The desired estimate holds for every Gλ in place of Gλ . It has been (k) shown above that v = Gλ f is a weak limit of vk = Gλ f in W 2,2 (U ) for every ball U . (k) In addition, the functions Gλ |∇f| converge weakly in W 2,2 (U ) to the function Gλ |∇f|, which is also clear by the above reasoning. Since the embedding of W 2,2 (U ) into W 2,1 (U ) (k) is compact, we may assume, passing to a subsequence, that ∇Gλ f(x) → ∇Gλ f(x) and (k) Gλ |∇f|(x) → Gλ |∇f|(x) almost everywhere on U . Hence we arrive at the desired estimate. If f is Lipschitzian and has bounded support, we can find uniformly Lipschitzian functions fn ∈ C0∞ (Rd ) vanishing outside some ball such that fn → f uniformly and ∇fn → ∇f a.e. Then, by the same reasons as above, one has Gλ |∇fn | → Gλ |∇f| and ∇Gλ fn → ∇Gλ f in L2 (U ). Passing to an almost everywhere convergent subsequence we obtain a pointwise inequality. Finally, in the case of a general Lipschitzian function f ∈ L1 (µ), we can find uniformly Lipschitzian functions ζn such that 0 ≤ ζn ≤ 1 and ζn (x) = 1 if |x| ≤ n. Let fn = fζn . By the previous step we have |∇Gλfn (x)| ≤ λ−1 Gλ |∇fn |(x). The functions fn are uniformly Lipschitzian. Hence, for every ball U , the sequence of functions Gλ fn |U is bounded in the norm of W 2,2 (U ). In addition, the functions Gλ |∇fn | on U converge to Gλ |∇f| in L2 (U ), since |∇fn | → |∇f| in L2 (µ) by the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem. Therefore, the same reasoning as above completes the proof. Proof of Theorem 4.2. Suppose first that A is piecewise constant, i.e., there exist finitely many intervals [0, t1), [t1 , t2 ),. . . , [tn , 1] such that A(t) = Ak whenever tk−1 ≤ t < tk , where each Ak is a strictly positive symmetric matrix. In addition, let us assume that there exist vector fields bk such that b(t, x) = bk (x) whenever tk−1 ≤ t < tk . Then we obtain a solution (k) u by successively applying the semigroups Tt generated by the elliptic operators with the diffusion matrices Ak and drifts bk , i.e., u(t, x) = Tt−tk−1 Ttk−1 · · · Tt1 f(x)
whenever t ∈ [tk−1 , tk ).
The conclusion of Theorem 4.2 in this case follows by Theorem 4.1. Our next step is to approximate A and b by mappings of the above form in such a way that the corresponding sequence of solutions would converge to a solution of our equation. Let us observe that,
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for an arbitrary sequence of such solutions uk corresponding to piecewise constant in time coefficients, for every compactly supported function ϕ on Rd , the functions ϕ(x)uk (t, x) dx (4.7) t → Rd
are uniformly Lipschitzian provided that the operator norms of the matrix functions Ak are uniformly bounded and that the Lp (K)-norms of the vector fields bk (t, · ) are uniformly bounded for every fixed cube K in Rd . This is clear, because (4.2) can be written as t ϕ(x)u(t, x) dx = [Ls ϕ(x) u(s, x) + ϕ(x)bi (s, x)∂xi u(s, x)] dx ds, Rd
where in the case u = uk we have |u(s, x)| ≤ sup |f(x)|
and |∇xu(s, x)| ≤ sup |∇f(x)|.
One can choose a subsequence in {uk } that converges to some function u on [0, 1] × Rd in the following sense: for every cube K in Rd , the restrictions of the functions uk to [0, 1] × K converge weakly to u in the space L2 ([0, 1], W 2,2(K)), where each uk is regarded as a mapping t → uk (t, · ) from [0, 1] to W 2,2 (K). Passing to another subsequence we obtain ϕ(x)uk (t, x) dx = ϕ(x)u(t, x) dx lim n→∞
for all t ∈ [0, 1] and all smooth compactly supported ϕ. Indeed, for a given function ϕ this is possible due to the uniform Lipschitzness of the functions (4.7). Then our claim is true for a countable family of functions ϕ, which, on account of the uniform boundedness of uk , yields the claim for all ϕ. Therefore, it remains to find approximations Ak and bk such that, for every function ψ ∈ C[0, 1], the integrals 1 i ψ(s) [L(k) s ϕ(x) uk (s, x) + ϕ(x)bk (s, x)∂xi uk (s, x)] dx ds 0
would converge to the corresponding integral with A, b, and u. Clearly, it suffices to obtain the desired convergence for suitable countable families of functions ϕi and ψj . Let us fix two sequences {ψj } ⊂ C[0, 1] and {ϕi } ⊂ C0∞ (Rd ) with the following property: every compactly supported square-integrable function v on [0, 1]×Rd can be approximated in L2 by a sequence of finite linear combinations of products ψj ϕi . Let us consider the functions αi,j,k (t) := aij (t)ψk (t), βi,j,k (t) := ψk (t) bi (s, x)ϕj (x) dx, θk,i (t) =
bi (t, x)2 dx.
Let F denote the obtained countable family of functions extended periodically from [0, 1) to R with period 1. It is well known that, for almost every s ∈ [0, 1), the Riemannian sums 2n Rn (θ)(s) = 2−n θ(s + k2−n ) converge to the integral of θ over [0, 1] for each θ ∈ F. It k=1
follows that one can find points tn,l , l = 1, . . . , Nn , n ∈ N, such that 0 = tn,0 < tn,1 < tn,2 < · · · < tn,Nn = 1 and, for every θ ∈ F, letting θn (t) := θ(tn,l ) whenever tn,l−1 ≤ t < tn,l , one has 1 1 θn (t) dt → θ(t) dt. 0
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To this end, we pick a common point s0 of convergence of the Riemann sums Rn (θ)(s0 ) to the respective integrals and let tn,l = s0 +l2−n (mod1). By using the points tn,l , one obtains the desired piecewise constant approximations of A and b. Namely, let An (t) = A(tn,l ) and bn (t, x) = b(tn,l , x) whenever tn,l−1 ≤ t < tn,l . As explained above, passing to a subsequence, we may assume that the corresponding solutions un converge to a function u such that, for every cube K = [−m, m]d in Rd and every t ∈ (0, 1], one has u(t, · )|K ∈ W 2,2 (K),
u(t, · )2W 2,2 (K) dt < ∞,
and for any function ζ ∈ L2 ([0, 1] × K) there holds the equalities
n→∞ 0 1 0
K 1
ζ(t, x)∂xi ∂xj un (t, x) dx dt =
ζ(t, x)un (t, x) dx dt =
n→∞ 0
ζ(t, x)u(t, x) dx dt,
bni (t, x)2 dx dt =
ζ(t, x)∂xi un (t, x) dx dt =
ζ(t, x)∂xi ∂xj u(t, x) dx dt, ζ(t, x)∂xi u(t, x) dx dt, bi (t, x)2 dx dt.
Note that for every cube K in Rd , the restrictions of the functions bin to [0, 1] × K converge to the restriction of bi in the norm of L2 ([0, 1] × K). This is clear from the last displayed equality, which gives convergence of L2 -norms, along with convergence of the Riemann sums Rn (βi,j,k )(s0 ) to the integral of βi,j,k over [0, 1], which yields weak convergence (we recall that if a sequence of vectors hn in a Hilbert space H converges weakly to a vector h and the norms of hn converge to the norm of h, then there is norm convergence). It follows that for any ψ ∈ C[0, 1] and any ϕ ∈ C0∞ (Rd ) with support in [−m, m]d , we have
ψ(t)aij n (t)
∂xi ∂xj ϕ(x)un (t, x) dx dt =
ψ(t)aij (t)
∂xi ∂xj ϕ(x)u(t, x) dx dt.
In addition, lim
ϕ(x)∂xi un (t, x)bin (t, x) dx dt
= 0
ϕ(x)∂xi u(t, x)bi (t, x) dx dt.
This follows by norm convergence of bin to bi and weak convergence of ϕ∂xi un to ϕ∂xi u in L2 ([0, 1] × [−m, m]d ). Therefore, for every ϕ ∈ C0∞ (Rd ), one has Rd
ϕ(x)u(t, x) dx dt =
ϕ(x)f(x) dx +
t 0
ϕ(x)Lt u(t, x) dx dt
for almost all t ∈ [0, 1], since the integrals of both sides multiplied by any function ψ ∈ C0∞ (0, 1) coincide. Taking into account the continuity of both sides (the left-hand side is Lipschitzian as explained above), we conclude that the equality holds for all t ∈ [0, 1].
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Acknowledgments This work has been supported in part by the RFBR project 04-01-00748, the DFG Grant 436 RUS 113/343/0(R), the INTAS project 03-51-5018, the Scientific Schools Grant 1758.2003.1, the DFG–Forschergruppe “Spectral Analysis, Asymptotic Distributions, and Stochastic Dynamics,” the BiBoS–reseach centre, and the research programme “Analisi e controllo di equazioni di evoluzione deterministiche e stocastiche” from the Italian “Ministero della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica.”
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5 Asymptotic Compactness and Absorbing Sets for Stochastic Burgers’ Equations Driven by Space–Time White Noise and for Some Two-Dimensional Stochastic Navier–Stokes Equations on Certain Unbounded Domains Zdzislaw Brze´zniak, University of Hull
In the last decade there has been a growing interest in the ergodic properties of infinite dimensional systems governed by stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs). In particular, existence of attractors for two-dimensional (2-D) Navier–Stokes equations (NSEs)in bounded domains both driven by real and additive noise has been established, see e.g., [BrzCapFl93], [CrFl94], and [Schmalfuss92]. Recently in a joint work with Y. Li we have generalized the results from [CrFl94] and [Schmalfuss92] to the case of unbounded domains. We observed there that the method of asymptotical compactness used by us should work also for equations in bounded domains with much rougher noise than the original methods could handle. The main motivation of this chapter is to show that this is indeed the case for the one dimensional (1D) stochastic Burgers’ equations with additive space–time white noise. Even for readers mainly interested in the Navier–Stokes equations it could be useful to study the Burgers’ equations case. Contrary to some recent works on stochastic Burgers’ equations, see [DaPrZab6] and references therein, our approach is very similar to the approach we use for the NSEs in [BrzLi02]. The second motivation is to show that it also works for certain special form of two-dimensional (2D) stochastic NSEs with multiplicative noise. In fact, using a generalization of a recent result [CapCutl99] to bounded and unbounded domains, we show the existence of a compact invariant set for such problems. Full proofs of the results presented in this section will be published elsewhere. We should make it clear that we only study functional version of stochastic NSEs. For questions related to the pressure we refer the reader to [LRS04].
Random dynamical systems-short introduction
This section is a revised and compact version of Sections 2 and 3 from [BrzLi02]. See [Arnold98] for a comprehensive presentation of the theory. A triple T = (Ω, F , ϑ) is called measurable dynamical system (DS) iff (Ω, F ) is a measure space and ϑ : R × Ω (t, ω) → ϑt ω ∈ Ω is a measurable map such that for all t, s ∈ R, ϑt+s = ϑt ◦ ϑs . A quadruple T = (Ω, F , P, ϑ) is called a metric DS iff (Ω, F , P) is a probability space and T := (Ω, F , ϑ) is measurable DS such that for each t ∈ R, the map ϑt : Ω ω → ϑ(t, ω) ∈ Ω preserves P. 35 i
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Suppose also that (X, d) is a complete and separable metric space and B is its Borel σfield. Let R+ = [0, ∞). Given a metric DS T and a Polish space X as above, a measurable map ϕ : R+ × Ω × X (t, ω, x) → ϕ(t, ω)x ∈ X is called a measurable random dynamical system (RDS) (on X over T), iff ϕ(0, ω) = id, for all ω ∈ Ω and the following cocycle property is satisfied: ϕ(t + s, ω) = ϕ(t, ϑs ω) ◦ ϕ(s, ω) for all s, t ∈ R+ . An RDS ϕ is said to be continuous, differentiable, or analytic iff for all (t, ω) ∈ R+ × Ω, ϕ(t, ·, ω) : X → X is continuous, differentiable or analytic, respectively. Similarly, an RDS ϕ is said to be time continuous iff for all ω ∈ Ω and for all x ∈ X ϕ(·, x, ω) : R+ → X is continuous. Because our interest lies in nonlocally compact metric spaces (in particular, in infinite-dimensional Banach spaces), our definition of continuous RDS differs from Definition 1.1.2 in [Arnold98]. Let us recall, see [CastVal77], that for two sets A, B ⊂ X the Hausdorff metric is defined by ρ(A, B) := max{d(A, B), d(B, A)}, where d(A, B) = supx∈A d(x, B). In fact, when ρ is restricted to the family C of all closed subsets of X, it is a metric. From now on, X will denote the σ-field on C generated by open sets with respect to the Hausdorff metric ρ, see e.g., [BrzCapFl93], [CastVal77], or [Crauel95]. A set valued map C : Ω → C, where (Ω, F ) is a measurable space and (X, d) is a complete separable metric space, is called measurable or a closed random set iff C is (F , X )-measurable. Let ϕ : R+ × Ω × X (t, ω, x) → ϕ(t, ω)x ∈ X be a measurable RDS on a Polish space (X, d) over a metric DS T. A random set B is called ϕ-forward, resp. strictly forward invariant, iff for all ω ∈ Ω, ϕ(t, ϑ−t ω)B(ϑ−t ω) ⊆ B(ω) for all t ≥ 0, or, respectively, ϕ(t, ϑ−t ω)B(ϑ−t ω) = B(ω), t ≥ 0. The Ω-limit set of a random set B, is the random set Ω(B, ω) = ΩB (ω) =
ϕ(t, ϑ−t ω)B(ϑ−t ω).
T ≥0 t≥T
Obviously ΩB (ω) is a closed random set. There are examples of RDSs and random sets B for which Ω(B, ω) is an empty set. One can easily show that y ∈ ΩB (ω) iff there exists sequences: tn → ∞, {xn } ⊂ B(ϑ−tn ω) such that ϕ(tn , ϑ−tn ω)xn → y. A random set K(ω) is said to (a) attract, (b) absorb, or (c) ρ-attract a random set B(ω) iff for all ω ∈ Ω, respectively, (a) lim d(ϕ(t, ϑ−t ω)B(ϑ−t ω), K(ω)) = 0; (b) t→∞
there exists a time tB (ω) such that ϕ(t, ϑ−t ω)B(ϑ−t ω) ⊂ K(ω), for t ≥ tB (ω); or, (c) limt→∞ ρ(ϕ(t, ϑ−t ω)B(ϑ−t ω), K(ω)) = 0. Let us observe that if a random set K absorbs a random set B, then K ρ-attracts B and if K ρ-attracts B, then K attracts B. By replacing ω by ϑ−s ω and t by t − s one can prove that a random set K absorbs a random set B iff for all ω ∈ Ω, there exists a random time τB such that ϕ(t − s, ϑ−t ω)B(ϑ−t ω) ⊂ K(ϑ−s ω) for t ≥ s + τB . The following definition is new in the framework of RDS. It is motivated, in particular, by the following works: [Ladyzhenskaya91], [Ghidaglia94], and [Rosa98]. Definition 5.1 An RDS ϕ on a separable Banach space X is called asymptotically compact iff for all ω ∈ Ω, for any bounded deterministic set B ⊂ X, and any sequence (tn ): tn → ∞, {xn }n ⊂ B, the set {ϕ(tn , ϑ−tn ω)xn : n ∈ N} is relatively compact in X. Let us point out that the definition of asymptotical compactness given in [CrDebFl97] is not equivalent to the above. Moreover, the definition from [CrDebFl97] appears not to be applicable to SPDEs in unbounded domains. From now on we will assume that T = (Ω, F , P, ϑ) is a metric DS, X is a separable Banach space, and ϕ is a continuous, asymptotically compact RDS on X (over T). We list now some basic properties of ω-limit sets, see [BrzLi02] for proofs. Theorem 5.1 If B ⊂ X is a bounded deterministic set, then for all ω ∈ Ω, ΩB (ω) is non-empty, attracts B, and is strictly ϕ-forward invariant and compact.
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i Asymptotic Compactness for Stochastic Burgers’ Equations
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A very important consequence of the previous result is the existence of invariant measures for RDS ϕ. Let me first recall, see [Arnold98] Remark 1.1.8, that the skew product of a measurable DS T with an RDS ϕ on a Polish space X over T is the map Θ : R+ × Ω × X (t, ω, x) → (ϑ(t, ω), ϕ(t, ω)x) =: Θt (ω, x) ∈ Ω × X.
:= (Ω × X, F ⊗ B, Θ) It is known that if Θ is the skew product of T with ϕ, then the triple T is a measurable DS. Conversely, if T is a measurable DS, ϑ : R+ × Ω × X → X is measurable, is a measurable DS, then ϕ is an RDS on the function Θ defined by (5.2), and the triple T X over T. If ϕ is an RDS over a metric DS T, a probability measure µ on (Ω × X, F ⊗ B) is called an invariant measure for ϕ iff (a) Θt preserves µ, i.e., Θt (µ) = µ for each t ∈ R+ ; (b) the first marginal of µ is equal to P, i.e., πΩ (µ) = P, where πΩ : Ω × X (ω, x) → ω ∈ Ω. Since by Corollary 4.4 in [CrFl94], if an RDS ϕ on a Polish space X has an invariant compact random set K(ω), ω ∈ Ω, it also has an invariant probability measure, we have the following. Corollary 5.1 A continuous and asymptotically compact RDS ϕ on a separable Banach space has at least one invariant probability measure µ on (Ω × X, F ⊗ B). If f : X → R is a bounded and Borel measurable function, then we put (Pt f)(x) = E f(ϕ(t, x)),
t ≥ 0, x ∈ X.
One can show, see again [BrzLi02], that the family (Pt )t≥0 is Feller, i.e., Pt f ∈ Cb (X) if f ∈ Cb (X). Moreover, if the RDS ϕ is time continuous, then for any f ∈ Cb (X), (Pt f)(x) → f(x) as t0. Finally, a Borel probability measure µ on X is called an invariant measure for the semigroup (Pt )t≥0 iff Pt∗µ = µ, t ≥ 0, where (Pt∗ µ)(Γ) = H Pt (x, Γ) µ(dx) for Γ ∈ B(H) and the Pt (x, ·) is the transition probability, Pt (x, Γ) = Pt (1Γ )(x), x ∈ B. A Feller invariant probability measure for an RDS ϕ on H is, by definition, an invariant probability measure for Pt defined above. It is proved in [CrFl94], see Corollary 4.4, that if an RDS ϕ on a Polish space X has an invariant compact random set K(ω), ω ∈ Ω, then there exists a Feller invariant probability measure µ. Thus we have the following. Corollary 5.2 An asymptotically compact, time-continuous and continuous RDS ϕ possesses at least one Feller invariant probability measure. The uniqueness of an invariant Borel probability measure (and thus its independence of the set B) and the existence of a global attractor remain open questions.
Wiener and Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes
Suppose that H = L2 (0, 1) and A = −∆ with D(A) = H01,2 (0, 1) ∩ H 2,2 (0, 1), where H k,p(0, 1), for k ∈ N and p ∈ [1, ∞), denotes the Sobolev space of all f ∈ Lp (0, 1) whose weak derivatives Dj u, j ∈ {1, . . . , k} belong to Lp (0, 1) as well. Equivalently, H k,p(0, 1) is the space of all u ∈ C k−1([0, 1]) such that u(k−1) is absolutely continuous and whose derivative belongs to Lp (0, 1). H01,2(0, 1) is the space of those u ∈ H 1,2 (0, 1) that satisfy u(0) = u(1) = 0. The norm in H will be denoted by | · | (or by | · |L2(0,1) in danger of ambiguity). It is well known that A is a positive self-adjoint operator on H, that −A is an infinitesimal generator of an analytic semigroup (e−tA )t≥0 , and that the semigroup (e−tA )t≥0 has a unique restriction or extension to an analytic semigroup on Lp (0, 1) for all p ∈ [0, 1). These various semigroups and their corresponding infinitesimal generators will be be simply denoted by (e−tA )t≥0 and −A.
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We set X := L4 (0, 1) and choose δ ∈ ( 14 , 12 ). Then we observe that the map A−δ : H → X is γ-radonifying. Indeed, A is a self-adjoint operator in H with compact inverse, eigenvalues π 2 j 2 , j = 1, 2, 3, . . . (and eigenvectors ej = sin(jπ·), j = 1, 2, 3, . . .), X is of type 2 and −δ ej |2L4(0,1) < ∞. Denote next by E the completion of X with respect to the image j |A norm |x|E = |Aδ x|X , for x ∈ X. In fact it is well known, see e.g., [Brzezniak95] for a simple 2δ,4/3 explanation, that E = H −2δ,4 (0, 1) which a dual of the Sobolev space H0 (0, 1) and that 1 E is M-type 2 (hence separable) Banach space. For ξ ∈ (0, 2 ) define ξ (R, E) := {ω ∈ C(R, E) : sup C1/2
|ω(t) − ω(s)|E 1
|t − s|ξ (1 + |t| + |s|) 2
< ∞, ω(0) = 0}.
ξ It is standard to prove that C1/2 (R, E) is a Banach space with norm
ω C ξ
= sup
|ω(t) − ω(s)|E 1
|t − s|ξ (1 + |t| + |s|) 2
ξ Despite the fact that the space C1/2 (R, E) is non separable, the closure of {ω ∈ C0∞ (R, E) :
ξ ω(0) = 0} in C1/2 (R, E), denoted by Ω(ξ, E), is separable. We denote by F the Borel σ-algebra on Ω(ξ, E). We also need a separable Banach space C1/2 (R, X) of all continuous functions ω : R → X such that |ω(t)|X
ω C1/2 (R,X) := sup 1 < ∞. t∈R 1 + |t| 2
One can show, see [Hairer05] for a similar problem in a 1D case, that for ξ ∈ (0, 12 ), there exists a Borel probability measure P on Ω(ξ, E) such that the canonical process (wt )t∈R , defined by wt (ω) := ω(t), ω ∈ Ω(ξ, E) (5.3) is a two-sided Wiener process such that the Cameron–Martin (or reproducing kernel Hilbert) space the law L(w1 ) is equal to H. Let for t ∈ R, Ft := σ{ws : s ≤ t}. Since for each 2δ,4/3 t ∈ R the map z ◦ it : E∗ = H0 → L2 (Ω(ξ, E), Ft , P), where it : Ω(ξ, E) γ → γ(t) ∈ E, 2 2 satisfies E|z ◦ it | = t|z|L2(0,1), there exists a unique extension of z ◦ it to a bounded linear map W (t) : H → L2 (Ω(ξ, E), Ft , P). Moreover, the family (Wt )t∈R is an −H-cylindrical Wiener process in the sense of, e.g., [BrzPesz01]. ξ On both spaces C1/2 (R, E) and Ω(ξ, E) we consider a flow ϑ = (ϑt )t∈R defined by ϑt ω(·) = ω(· + t) − ω(t),
ω ∈ Ω, t ∈ R.
It is obvious that for each t ∈ R, ϑt preserves P. Finally, we define a family, indexed by α ≥ 0, of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes (with fixed ξ ∈ (δ, 12 )) by, with Aα = A + αI t −(t−r)Aα −δ zα (ω)(t) := A1+δ Aα (θr ω)(t − r) dr, t ∈ R (5.4) α e −∞
for ω ∈ when ω
ξ C1/2 (R, E). Notice that ξ ∈ C1/2 (R, E). Hence, if
ξ the choice of ξ implies that (A + αI)−δ ω ∈ C1/2 (R, X)
ξ ω ∈ C1/2 (R, E), then zα (ω) ∈ C1/2 (R, X) and the map
ξ zα : C1/2 (R, E) ω → zα (ω) ∈ C1/2 (R, X) is linear and bounded. For ζ ∈ C1/2 (R, X) we define C0 -group (τs )s∈R of linear contractions on C1/2 (R, X) by
(τs ζ) = ζ(t + s),
t, s ∈ R.
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One can prove, see [BrzLi02], that for s ∈ R, τs ◦ zα = zα ◦ ϑs .
Hence, if µα denotes the law of the process (zα (t))t∈R defined on the probability space Ω(ξ, E), P, then µ is invariant with respect to the transformations τs , s ∈ R. In particular, µα (t) = µα (0), for all t ∈ R, where µα (t) is the image of the measure µα by the evaluation operator it : C1/2(R, X) ζ → ζ(t) ∈ X. In fact, one can show, see [BrzLi02], the following. Proposition 5.1 The process zα (t), t ∈ R, is a stationary Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process. It is a mild solution of equation dzα (t) + (A + αI)zα dt = dW (t),
t ∈ R,
t i.e., for all t ∈ R, almost surely zα (t) = −∞ e−(t−s)(A+αI) dW (s), where the integral is the Itˆ o integral on the M-type 2 Banach space X, see, e.g., [Brzezniak97]. In particular, for some C > 0 t t 2 (A+αI)(s−t) 2 E|zα (t)|X = E| e dW (s)|X ≤ C
e(A+α)(s−t) 2R(H,X) ds −∞ −∞ ∞ = C e−2αs e−sA 2R(H,X) ds, (5.6) 0
where R(K, X) is the Banach space of γ-radonifying operators from K to X. Moreover, E|zα (t)|2X tends to 0 as α → ∞.
Stochastic 1D Burgers’ equations with additive noise
In this section we keep the notation introduced in Section 5.3. Our aim is to study the following stochastic Burgers’ equations: du + [Au + B(u)] dt = fdt + dW (t),
with the initial condition u(0) = u0 ,
d where B(u) = uux = 12 dx (u2 ), u0 ∈ H = L2 (0, 1), V = H01,2 (0, 1), and f ∈ V = H −1,2(0, 1). 1 Let us notice that V is a Hilbert space with norm u 2 := 0 |∇u(x)|2, dx which is equivalent 1 2 with the norm inherited from the Sobolev space H 1,2 (0, 1), i.e., |||u||| = 0 |∇u(x)|2dx + 1 2 2 2 0 |u(x)| , dx. In fact, u ≥ λ1 |u| , where λ1 is the smallest eigenvalue of A. Finally, (W (t))t∈R , is the H-cylindrical Wiener process introduced in the previous section. Let us observe that we could also consider K-cylindrical Wiener process with the Hilbert space K even bigger than H. The above problem (5.7) is of a similar form as the stochastic NSEs, however, with one essential difference. The nonlinearity B defined above still satisfies the condition (B(u), u) = 0, u ∈ V d but its symmetric bilinear counterpart defined by B(u, v) = 12 dx (uv) no longer satisfies the stronger condition (B(u, v), v) = 0 (even for very smooth functions u, v). We have the following definition of a solution to problems (5.7) and (5.8).
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Definition 5.2 A continuous H-valued, (Ft )t≥0 adapted process u(t), t ≥ 0 is a solution to (5.7) and (5.8) iff T 2 |u(t)|4L4(0,1) dt < ∞ for each T > 0 a.s. (5.9) sup |u(t)| + 0≤t≤T
and for any ψ ∈ V ∩ H 2,2 (0, 1) and t > 0, the following holds a.s. t 1 t 2 (u(t), ψ) − (u0 , ψ) − (u(s), ∆ψ) ds − (u (s), ∇ψ) ds 2 0 0 t = (f, ψ) ds + ψ, W (t). 0
In order to prove local existence of solutions we need the following result in which by H1,2 (0, T ) we denote the Banach space of all u belonging to L2 (0, T ; V) such that its weak time derivative u belongs to L2 (0, T ; V). Lemma 5.1 If u ∈ H1,2 (0, T ) and z ∈ L4 (0, T ; L4 (0, 1)), then T 1 1 |B(u(t))|2V dt ≤ T 2 u 4 , 2 0 T 1 T |B(z(t))|2V dt ≤ |z(t)|4L4 dt. 4 0 0
(5.10) (5.11)
Proof The integration by parts formula together with the H¨ older inequality implies that if p, q ∈ [2, ∞] and 1p + 1q = 12 , then 1 1 (5.12) |B(u, v), φ| = | u(x)v(x)φx (x) dx| ≤ |u|Lp |v|Lq |∇φ|, u, v, φ ∈ V. 2 2 In particular, (5.12) implies that B can be uniquely extended to a bounded bilinear form from L4 (0, 1) to V (of norm ≤ 12 ). Because also, see Theorem 9.3 in [Friedman69] |u|4L4 ≤ 2|∇u|L2 |u|3L2 , u ∈ H01,2(0, 1), we infer that 0
dt ≤ ≤ ≤
1 T dt ≤ |∇u(t)|L2 |u(t)|3L2 dt 2 0 0 T 1 1 1 |∇u(t)|2L2 dt 2 sup |u(t)|3L2 T 2 2 0≤t≤T 0 1 1 T 2 u 4H1,2 (0,T ), u ∈ H1,2 (0, T ). 2 1 22
The proof of (5.11) is even simpler. A tool for studying the existence and uniqueness of solutions for the problems (5.7) and (5.8) is the following. Proposition 5.2 Assume that z ∈ L4 (0, T ; L2 (0, 1)), g ∈ L2 (0, T ; V), and v0 ∈ H. Then, there exists a unique v ∈ H1,2 (0, T ) such that dv dt v(0)
+ Av + B(v, z) + B(z, v) + B(v, v) = g, = v0 .
t ≥ 0,
(5.15) (5.16)
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T T 4 Moreover, with K 2 := e2 0 |z(s)| ds , L2 := |v0 |2 + 2 0 |g(s)|2V ds, M 2 = |v0 |2 + T T 1/4 9KL 0 |z(t)|4 dt+ 0 |g(t)|2V dt, and N := |g|L2 (0,T ;V ) +2KLM |z|2L4(0,T ;H) + T√2 K 3/2 L1/2 , we have
sup |v(t)|2
K 2 L2 ,
|∇v(t)|2 dt ≤
M 2,
|v (t)|2V dt ≤
N 2,
2T 1/2 K 3 L3 M.
t∈[0,T ]
|v(t)|4L4 (0,1) dt ≤
Finally, the map L2 (0, T ; V) × H (g, v0 ) → v ∈ H1,2 (0, T ), where v is the unique solution to (5.15) and (5.16), is real analytic. Proof Define a family K(t), t ∈ [0, T ], of linear operators from V to V by K(t)u := B(z(t), u),
u ∈ V.
In view of (5.12) with p = 2 and q = ∞ and of the classical inequality |u|2L∞ ≤ 2|u|L2 |∇u|L2 , v ∈ V, we have, for H1,2 (0, T ) T 1 T |B(z(t), u(t))|2V dt ≤ |z(t)|2L2 |u(t)|L2 |∇u(t)|L2 dt 2 0 0 T 1 T 1 1 ≤ |z(t)|4 dt 2 |∇u(t)| dt 2 (5.21) sup |u(t)| 2 0≤t≤T 0 0 1 1 T ≤ |z(t)|4 dt 2 u H1,2 (0,T ) . 2 0 The above, in view of a slight modification of Lemma 2 from [Brzezniak91], implies that the linear part of problems (5.15) and (5.16) is an isomorphism between H1,2 × H and L2 (0, T ; V). Because of (5.10), the method borrowed from [Brzezniak91], see the proof of Theorem 7, yields existence of T1 ∈ (0, T ] and a unique v ∈ H1,2 (0, T1 ) which solves (5.15) and (5.16) on the interval [0, T1 ]. Moreover, for some constant C independent of v0 and g, T T 1 1 T1 ≥ C(|v0 |2 + 0 1 |g(s)|2 ds)− 2 ≥ C(|v0 |2 + 0 |g(s)|2 ds)− 2 . Hence, it suffices to show that the H-norm of v(t) remains bounded on the interval [0, T1]. As it is standard, we use Lemma III.1.2 from [Temam84] to infer that 1 d (5.22) |v(t)|2 + |∇v(t)|2 + B(z, v) + B(v, z), v = g(t), v(t), on (0, T1 ). 2 dt √ 1 Since |B(z, v) + B(v, z), v| ≤ |z||v|L∞ |∇v| ≤ 2|z||v| 2 |∇v|3/2 ≤ 34 |∇v|2 + |z|4 |v|2 , the 1 norm on V is the |∇ · | norm and |g, v| ≤ 4 |∇v|2 + |g|2V , we infer that d |v(t)|2 ≤ 2|z(t)|4|v(t)|2 + 2|g(t)|2V , on (0, T1 ). dt Hence, by invoking the Gronwall lemma we infer that t t t 4 4 |v(t)|2 ≤ e2 0 |z(s)| ds |v0 |2 + 2 e2 s |z(σ)| dσ |g(s)|2V ds, 0
t ∈ [0, T1 ].
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T From the last inequality we easily infer that |v(t)|2 ≤ K 2 (|v0 |2 + 2 0 |g(s)|2V ds) for all t ∈ [0, T1], which proves the requested boundedness of |v(·)|2 on [0, T1]. Therefore, there exists a solution v ∈ H1,2 (0, T ) to the problems (5.15) and (5.16). The uniqueness of solutions follows from the very first part of the proof. A by-product of the above argument is also a proof of (5.17). the argument leading inequality (5.23), i.e., using inequality |z||v|L∞ |∇v| ≤ √ By modifying 1 2|z||v| 2 |∇v|3/2 ≤ 14 |∇v|2 + 27|z|4|v|2 we can easily show that d |v(t)|2 + |∇v(t)|2 ≤ 27|z(t)|4 |v(t)|2 + 2|g(t)|2V , on (0, T ). dt
From it we can easily deduce inequality (5.18). Inequality (5.19) follows from the triangle inequality applied to (5.7) and inequalities (5.17), (5.18), (5.21), and (5.14). Inequality (5.20) follows from inequalities (5.13), (5.17) and (5.18). The last statement can be proved easily following the method from [Brzezniak91]. Remark 5.1 Our existence proof is different than the original proof from [DaPrDebTem94]. It seems to be simpler. We have clarified the definition of a solution. Since, with λ1 = π 2 being the smallest eigenvalue of A, |∇v(t)|2 ≥ λ1 |v|2 for v ∈ V, d from (5.24) we get that dt |v(t)|2 ≤ (−λ1 + 27|z(t)|4 )|v(t)|2 + 2|g(t)|2V , on (0, T ), from which by a simple use of the Gronwall lemma we infer the following corollary. Corollary 5.3 Under the assumptions of Proposition 5.2, we have for t ∈ [0, T ] t t 4 t 4 |v(t)|2 ≤ e 0 (−λ1 +27|z(σ)| ) dσ |v0 |2 + 2 e s (−λ1 +27|z(σ)| ) dσ |g(s)|2V ds.
Another consequence of the previous result is that the map L2 (0, T ; V) × H (g, v0 ) → v ∈ H1,2 (0, T ) is not only real analytic but also continuous in the weak topologies. To be precise we have the following result in which by v(·, x) we denote the unique solution to the problem (5.7) with the initial condition v(0, x) = x ∈ H and z ∈ L4loc (R+ , L4 (0, 1)). Corollary 5.4 If T > 0 and xn → x weakly in H, then v(·, xn ) → v(·, x) weakly in L2 (0, T ; V) and for all φ ∈ H, (v(·, xn ), φ) → (v(·, x), φ) uniformly on [0, T ], as n → ∞. Proof Because the sequence {xn } is bounded in H, from Proposition 5.2 we infer that the sequence (vn )n , where vn := v(·, xn ), is bounded in H1,2 (0, T ). Hence, there exists a subsequence vn and v˜ ∈ L∞ (0, T ; H) ∩ L2 (0, T ; V) such that vn → v˜ weakly star in L∞ (0, T ; H) and weakly in L2 (0, T ; V) and, by the compactness Theorem III.2.1 from [Temam84], strongly in L∞ (0, T ; H). One can then prove that v˜ is a solution of (5.7) with initial condition v˜(0) = x. By the uniqueness of solution to (5.7) and (5.8) we infer that v˜ = v. Hence, in particular, vn → v weakly in L2 (0, T ; V). Let us notice that we have in fact proved that from each subsequence of the sequence (vn )n we can choose a sub-subsequence that is weakly convergent to v in L2 (0, T ; V). Since the weak topology on any ball in a Hilbert space, hence in L2 (0, T ; V), is metrizable, we infer that the sequence (vn )n itself is weakly convergent to v in L2 (0, T ; V). The proof of the second part is preceded by two observations. First, because of (5.17), the sequence vn (·), φ is bounded in C([0, T ]) for any φ ∈ H. Second, if φ ∈ H, then for 1/2 t , so because t1 < t2 ∈ [0, T ], |vn (t2 ), φ − vn (t1 ), φ| ≤ φ (t2 − t1 )1/2 t12 |vn (s)|2V ds of (5.19), the sequence vn (·), φ is uniformly continuous on [0, T ]. Hence, by the Arzela– Ascoli theorem, it is relatively compact in C([0, T ]). Moreover, by what we have proved
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earlier, the sequence (vn ) is relatively compact in L2 (0, T ; H). Hence, if φ ∈ V, from any subsequence vn (·), φ we can choose a sub-subsequence vn (·), φ, a function η ∈ C([0, T ]) and a subset Γ ⊂ [0, T ] of full Lebesgue measure such that vn (t), φ → v(t), φ for all t ∈ Γ and vn (·), φ → η uniformly on [0, T ]. Since v(·), φ ∈ C([0, T ]), we infer that vn (·), φ → v(·), φ uniformly on [0, T ]. Hence, vn (·), φ → v(·), φ uniformly on [0, T ]. Since V is dense in H, the last statement in conjunction with (5.17) concludes the proof of the second part. It can be shown that the Definition 5.2) of a solution to problems (5.7) and (5.8) is equivalent to the following one, which is modeled on another paper [Flandoli94]. Definition 5.3 A solution to the stochastic Burgers’ equation, (5.7) and (5.8) is an Hvalued continuous process (u(t))t≥0 satisfying condition (5.9) and such that for some α ≥ 0, u(t) = vα (t) + zα (t), a.s., for all t ≥ 0, where vα (t) = vα (t, ω) is the solution of (5.15) such that v(0) = u0 − zα (0) and the force g = gα (t) = f + αzα (t) − B(zα (t)), t ≥ 0. Let us observe that for any fixed α ≥ 0 there exists a unique solution to (5.7) and (5.8). Indeed, this follows from Proposition 5.2 because a.s. zα (·) ∈ C1/2 (R, X) ⊂ L4loc (R+ , L4 (0, 1)) so that by Lemma 5.1, B(zα (·), zα (·)) ∈ L2loc (R+ , V). In order to justify Definition 5.3 we will show its independence from the parameter α. Let u0 ∈ H be fixed. We need to show that vα (t) + zα (t) = v0 (t) + z0 (t), t ≥ 0 for each ω ∈ Ω(ξ, E), where zα is defined by (5.4) and vα (t) = vα (t, ω) is the solution of (5.15) such that v(0) = u0 − zα (0) and the force g = gα (t) = f + αzα (t) − B(zα (t), zα (t)), t ≥ 0. Since for each T > 0, the maps Ω(ξ, E) ω → vα ∈ H1,2 (0, T ) and Ω(ξ, E) ω → zα ∈ L4 (0, T ; L4 (0, 1)) are continuous and C0∞ (R, E) is dense in Ω(ξ, E), it enough to prove that equality for ω ∈ C0∞ (R, E). But for such an ω, zα (ω)(·) is the solution of dzα (t) ˙ + (A + αI)zα = ω(t), dt
t ∈ R,
and hence u¯ := uα (ω, ·) − uβ (ω, ·) is a solution of d(¯ u(t)) + A¯ u(t) + [B(uα (t)) − B(uβ (t))] = 0, dt with initial condition u¯(0) = 0. Applying then an appropriate version of (5.22), the inequalities (5.12) (with p = 8) and (5.13) as well as the H¨ older inequality we can find C > 0 such that d 8/7 8/7 u(t)|2 ≤ C |uα (t)|L4 + |uβ (t)|L4 |¯ (5.27) |¯ u(t)|2 + |∇¯ u(t)|2 on (0, T ). dt Because uα , uβ ∈ C([0, T ]; L4(0, 1)) ⊂ L8/7 (0, T ; L4(0, 1)) we infer, by applying the Gronwall lemma, that u¯(t) = 0, for all t ∈ [0, T ]. Since by the second part of Lemma 5.1, B(zα ) ∈ L2loc (0, ∞; V) for each ω ∈ Ω(ξ, E), from Proposition 5.2 applied to force g(t) = gα (t) := f + αzα (t) − B(zα (t), zα (t)), t ≥ 0 we infer the following. Theorem 5.2 For any u0 ∈ H there exists a unique solution u(t), t ≥ 0, to the stochastic Burgers’ equations (5.7) and (5.8). Since the construction of the solution given above is pathwise, as a by-product of it we can show that the map ϕ : R+ × Ω(ξ, E) × H → H defined by (t, ω, x) → vα (t, zα (ω))(x − zα (ω)(0)) + zα (ω)(t),
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is well defined (so, in particular, independent of the choice that the
of α). One can show ∞ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ quadruples T = (Ω(ξ, E), F , P, ϑ) and T = Ω(ξ, E), F , P, ϑ , where Ω(ξ, E) = n=0 Ωn (ξ, E) and Ωn (ξ, E) the set of those ω ∈ Ω(ξ, E) for which∗ 1 0 lim |zn (s)|4 ds = E|zn (0)|4 , (5.29) k→∞ k −k ˆ ˆ E). Finally, |zn (ω)(0)|2 dP(ω) = 0 for ω ∈ Ω(ξ, are metric DS’s. Moreover, limn→∞ Ω(ξ,E) ˆ we have the following. ˆ Theorem 5.3 ϕ is an RDS on H over both T and T. The following are the main results of this section. Theorem 5.4 The RDS ϕ over T generated by stochastic Burgers’ equations (5.7) and (5.8) is asymptotically compact. We will show below that it is enough to prove the following.
ˆ E), Fˆ , P, ˆ ϑˆ , Proposition 5.3 Suppose that for the RDS ϕ on H over the metric DS T = Ω(ξ, every bounded set B ⊂ H possesses a closed, bounded random set K(ω) absorbing it. Then ϕ is asymptotically compact. In what follows we denote by v(·, x) the unique solution to the problem (5.7) with the initial condition v(0, x) = x ∈ H, with z ∈ L4loc (R+ , L4 (0, 1)). Proof of Theorem 5.4 Let B ⊂ H be a bounded set. In view of Proposition 5.3, it is sufficient to prove that there exist a bounded closed random set K(ω) ⊂ H which absorbs B. Following [Flandoli94] we choose α ≥ 0 such that E|zα (0)|4 < λ541 and fix the stationary O-U process zα (t), t ∈ R ˆ E). One should point out that the reason for choosing such a defined everywhere on Ω(ξ, value of the parameter α is to make the linearization at the origin of the problem (5.15) asymptotically stable. Let ω ∈ Ω is fixed, s ≤ 0 and x ∈ H be given, v be the solution of (5.15) on [s, 0] with the initial data v(s) = x − zα (s), and external force gα = f + αzα − B(zα ). From (5.25) we get for t ∈ [s, T ] |v(0)|2
≤ +
≤ +
eλ1 s+27 s |zα(t)| dt |v(s)|2 0 0 4 2 |gα (t)|2V eλ1 t+27 t |zα (r)| dr dt
2|x|2eλ1 s+27 s |zα(t)| dt + 2|zα (s)|2 eλ1 s+27 0 0 4 2 |gα (t)|2V eλ1 t+27 t |zα (r)| dr dt.
0 s
|zα (t)|4 dt
First, we shall prove the lemma that follows. Lemma 5.2 If α ≥ 0 is such that E|zα (0)|4 <
λ1 54
(1 + |zα (s)|4L4 (0,1))eλ1 s+27
0 s
0 s
|zα (r)|4 dr
|zα (r)|4 dr
ds < ∞.
lims→−∞ |zα (s)|2 eλ1 s+27
(5.31) (5.32)
∗ Since the X-valued process z (t), t ∈ R is a stationary and ergodic, by the Strong Law of Large Numbers, α the set Ω(n, E) is of full measure.
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Proof of Lemma 5.2 ˆ E) we get By the construction of the space Ω(ξ, 0 1 λ1 lim |zα (s)|4 ds = E|zα (0)|4 < . t→∞ −(−t) −t 54 Therefore, for t big enough, we have 0 λ1 t (−λ1 + 27|zα (s)|4 ) ds ≤ − . 2 −t
On the other hand, because zα ∈ C1/2(R, L4 (0, 1)), we can find ρ2 ≥ 0 and s0 < 0 such that |zα (s)| ≤ ρ2 for s ≤ s0 . Hence by (5.33) |s|
limt→∞ |z(−t)|2L4(0,1)e
−k (−λ1 +27|z(s)|4) ds −t
limt→∞ |t|2e
−k (−λ1 +27|z(s)|4) ds −t
limt→∞ |t|−2 |z(−t)|2L4(0,1)
ρ22 limt→∞ |t|2 e−
λ1 (t−k) 2
= 0.
This finishes the proof of Lemma 5.2. We claim that it is enough to prove that r12 (ω) < ∞,
ˆ E), for all ω ∈ Ω(ξ,
where r1 (ω)2
2 + 2 sup |zα (s)|2 eλ1 s+27
0 s
|zα (t)|4 dt
+ −∞
|gα (t)|2V eλ1 t+27
0 t
|zα (r)|4 dr
Indeed, since the set B is bounded in H, there exists ρ > 0 such that |x| ≤ ρ for x ∈ B. 0 4 Since by (5.33) we can find tρ (ω) ≤ 0 such that ρ2 eλ1 s+27 s |zα (r)| dr ≤ 1 provided that s ≤ tρ (ω), we infer by (5.30), that |v(0, ω; s, x − zα (s))|2 ≤ r12 (ω) provided |x| ≤ ρ and s ≤ tρ (ω). Therefore, for all ω ∈ Ω(ξ, E) |u(0, s; ω, x)| ≤ |v(0, s; ω, x − zα (s))| + |zα (0)| ≤ r2 (ω), where r2 (ω) = r1 (ω) + |zα (0, ω)|. From (5.35) and the assumptions we infer that for all ω ∈ Ω, r2 (ω) < ∞. Hence we can define K(ω) = {u ∈ H : |u| ≤ r2 (ω)} and thus conclude the proof of the lemma. In order to prove (5.35) we observe that equality (5.31) and the fact that zα ∈ C1/2 (R, H), we may infer that the first term on the right-hand side (RHS) of (5.35) is finite. We also 0 0 4 immediately see that because of (5.33), −∞ |f|2 eλ1 t+27 t |zα (r)| dr dt is finite. Thus it 0
0 4 remains to show that −∞ |zα (t)|2V + |B(zα (t))|2V eλ1 t+27 t |zα (r)| dr dt is finite as well. Since |zα (t)|2V + |B(zα (t))|2V ≤ C|zα (t)|2 + C|zα (t)|4L4 (0,1) this follows from (5.32). Main ideas of the proof of Proposition 5.3 We keep the choice of α ≥ 0 from the beginning of the proof of Theorem 5.4. Let B ⊂ H ˆ E). Let tn ∞ and (xn )n be be a closed bounded set. Let us choose and fix ω ∈ Ω(ξ, any sequence taking values in B. Our aim is to construct a subsequence of the sequence ϕ(tn , ϑ−tn ω)xn which is strongly convergent in H (obviously to some element of B). By the assumptions we can find a closed and bounded random set K(ω) which absorbs B. Therefore we can find N1 (ω) ∈ N such that ϕ(tn , ϑ−tn ω)B ⊂ K(ω) for n ≥ N1 (ω). Since
i i
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bounded and closed sets in H are sequentially weakly compact, we can find a subsequence of the original sequence which is weakly convergent to some y0 ∈ H. We denote this subsequence as the original sequence. Since zα (0) ∈ H, we infer that ϕ(tn , ϑ−tn ω)xn − zα (0) → y0 − zα (0) weakly in H. This implies that |y0 − zα (0)| ≤ lim inf n→∞ |ϕ(tn , ϑ−tn ω)xn − zα (0)| and because H is a Hilbert space, if we prove that |y0 − zα (0)| ≥ limn→∞ |ϕ(tn , ϑ−tn ω)xn − zα (0)|,
then we would infer that ϕ(tn , ϑ−tn ω)xn − zα (0) → y0 − zα (0) strongly in H what in turn would conclude the proof. In fact it is enough to prove (5.37) for some sub-subsequence. First, we construct a negative trajectory, i.e., a sequence (yn )0n=−∞ such that yn ∈ K(θn ω), n ∈ Z− , and yk = ϕ(k − n, θn ω)yn , n < k ≤ 0 (and y0 is the element of H constructed earlier). We also construct a decreasing sequence of subsequences {n(k)} ⊂ {n(k−1)}, k = 1, 2, . . . such that ϕ(−k + tn(k) , ϑ−tn(k) ω)xn(k) → y−k
weakly in H,
as n(k) → ∞.
We only show how to construct y−1 ∈ K(θ−1 ω); the rest is just induction. Since K(ϑ−1 ω) absorbs B, there exists a constant N2 (ω) ∈ N, such that {ϕ(−1 + tn , ϑ1−tn ϑ−1 ω)xn : n ≥ N2 (ω)} ⊂ K(ϑ−1 ω). Then there exists a subsequence {n(1)} and y−1 ∈ K(ϑ−1 ω) satisfying ϕ(−1 + tn(1) , ϑ−tn(1) ω)xn(1) → y−1 weakly in H.
The cocycle property, with t = 1, s = tn − 1, and ω being replaced by ϑ−tn ω, reads as follows: ϕ(tn , ϑ−tn ω) = ϕ(1, ϑ−1 ω)ϕ(−1 + tn , ϑ−tn ω). Hence, by Corollary 5.4 and (5.39), we infer that ϕ(1, ϑ−1ω)y1 = y0 . Next, as in [Ghidaglia94] and [Rosa98], we put [u, v] = ((u, v)) − λ21 (u, v), for any u, v ∈ V. Clearly, [·, ·] is an inner product on V and the norm generated by it is equivalent to the norm · . By adding and subtracting λ21 |v(t)|2 to the equation (5.22) we get, with b(z, v, u) = −B(z, v) + B(v, z), u and v = v(t), d 2 |v| + λ1 |v|2 = 2 b(zα (t), v, v) − [v]2 + gα (t), v + f, v , dt
from which we infer that for t ≥ τ , 2
2 −λ1 (t−τ)
|v(t)| = |v(τ )| e
+ +
e−λ1 (t−s) b(zα (t), v(t), v(t)) τ gα (s), v(s) + f, v(s) − [v(s)]2 ds. t
Using the last equality we can show exactly as in [BrzLi02] that for some constant C > 0 and some nonnegative function h ∈ L1 (0, ∞) and all k ∈ N limn(k) →∞ |ϕ(tn(k) − k, ϑ−tn(k) ω)xn(k) − zα (−k)|2 e−λ1 k ≤
h(s) ds.
Moreover, also from (5.41) we get the following important equality:
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|ϕ(tn(k) , ϑ−tn(k) ω)xn(k) − zα (0)|2 = e−λ1 k (5.43) 0 (k) eλ1 s [vn (s)]2 ds |ϕ(tn(k) − k, ϑ−tn(k) ω)xn(k) − zα (−k)|2 − 2
+2 −k
eλ1 s b(zα (s), vn
(s), vn
(s)) + gα (s), vn
(s) + f, vn
(s) ds,
where vn is the solution to (5.7) on the time interval [−k, ∞) with initial condition (k) v(−k) = ϕ(tn(k) −k, ϑ−tn(k) ω)xn(k) −zα (−k)), i.e., vn (s) = v(s, −k; ω, ϕ(tn(k) −k, ϑ−tn(k) ω)xn(k) − zα (−k)), s ∈ [−k, 0]. Let us also denote y˜k = yk − zα (−k) and vk (s) = v(s, −k; ω, y−k − zα (−k)), s ∈ (−k, 0). Notice that then from (5.41) we infer that |y0 − zα (0)|2
= = +
|ϕ(k, ϑ−k ω)yk − zα (0)|2 = |v(0, −k; ω, yk − zα (−k))|2 0 |yk − zα (−k)|2 e−λ1 k + 2 eλ1 s gα (s), vk (s) −k B(vk (s), zα (s)), vk (s) + f, vk (s) − [vk (s)]2 ds.
From equation (5.38) and Corollary 5.4 we infer that vn (·) → vk weakly in L2 (−k, 0; V) 0 0 (k) and therefore we get −k eλ1 s gα (s), vn (s) ds → −k eλ1 s gα (s), vk (s) ds and 0 0 λ s (k) e 1 f, vn (s) ds → −k eλ1 s f, vk (s) ds, as n(k) → ∞. −k (k)
On the other hand, we can find a subsequence of {vn }, for which we do not introduce (k) of notation, such that vn → vk strongly in L2 (−k, 0; H) and so 0 0 λ s n(k) (k) e 1 b(v (s), zα (s)), vn (s)) ds → −k eλ1 s b(vk (s), zα (s), vk (s)) ds. Finally, since the −k 0 norms [·] and · are equivalent on V so that ( −k eλ1 s [·]2 ds)1/2 is a norm in L2 (−k, 0; V) equivalent to the standard one, we infer that 0 0 n(k) 2 limn(k) →∞ − [v (s)] ds ≤ − eλ1 s [vk (s)]2 ds. −k
Taking the limn(k) →∞ of (5.43) and combining it with (5.44) we arrive at limn(k) →∞ |ϕ(tn(k) , ϑ−tn(k) ω)xn(k) − zα (0)|2 ≤ |y0 − zα (0)|2 −k −k 2 −λ1 k 2 h(s) ds − |yk − zα (−k)| e ≤ |y0 − zα (0)| + h(s) ds. + −∞
(j) , j ∈ N. Then To conclude we use the diagonal process (mj )∞ j=1 defined by mj = j ∞ (k) for each k ∈ N, the sequence (mj )j=k is a subsequence of the sequence (n ) and hence by −k (5.45), limj |ϕ(tmj , ϑ−tmj ω)xmj −zα (0)|2 ≤ −∞ h(s) ds+|y0 −zα (0)|2 . By taking the k → ∞
limit in the last inequality we infer that limj |ϕ(tmj , ϑ−tmj ω)xmj − zα (0)|2 ≤ |y0 − zα (0)|2 which proves the claim in (5.37).
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Stochastic 2D Navier–Stokes equations with multiplicative noise
We consider a domain D ⊂ R2 with smooth boundary ∂D. By u(t, x) ∈ R2 and p(t, x) ∈ R we denote, respectively, the velocity and the pressure of the an incompressible viscous fluid† at the point x ∈ D at time t ≥ 0. The flow of fluid subject to internal noise and determined by the following stochastic initial-boundary value problem: ⎧ ∂u − νu + (u · ∇)u + ∇p = f + g(u(t)) w(t) ˙ in D, ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ∂t divu = 0 in D, (5.46) u = 0 on ∂D, ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ u(·, 0) = u0 in D. In the above f : R+ × D → R2 is an external deterministic body force and g, depending on both the position and the velocity, is the stochastic force, see, e.g., [BrzCapFl91], [BrzCapFl92], and [MikRoz04]. We assume that the Poincar´e inequality holds on D, i.e., there exists λ1 > 0 such 1 φ2 dx ≤ | ∇φ |2 dx, ∀φ ∈ C0∞ (D, R2 ). (5.47) λ 1 D D We will use the standard mathematical framework of the NSEs, see, e.g., [Temam84]. The basic functional space is the Lebesgue space L2 (D) := L2 (D, R2 ) with scalar prod uct (u, v) = j D (uj (x)vj (x)) dx and norm | · | = (·, ·)1/2. We will also need the Sobolev space Hkp(D) = H k,p(D, R2 ), k ∈ N, and p ∈ [1, ∞) of all Lp (D, R2 ) whose weak derivatives up to order k belong to Lp (D, R2 ) as well. Let V be the space of all φ ∈ C0∞ (D, R2 ) such that φ is solenoidal (i.e., divφ = 0). The closure of V in L2 (D), respectively, in H1,2 (D), will be denoted by H, resp. V. The scalar product norms in those two spaces are those inherited from L2 (D), resp. H1,2 (D). Because of the assumption (5.47), the original norm on V is equivalent to the norm · induced by the scalar product ((u, v)) =
2 D j=1
∇uj · ∇vj dx = (∇u, ∇v),
u, v ∈ V.
A bilinear form a : V × V → R is defined by a(u, v) := (∇u, ∇v),
u, v ∈ V,
i.e., a is simply a (new) scalar product in V. Since a is V-continuous, by the Riesz lemma, there exists a unique linear operator A : V → V , where V is the dual of V, such that a(u, v) = Au, v, for u, v ∈ V. Since moreover, the form a is obviously V-coercive, by the Lax–Milgram theorem, the operator A : V → V is an isomorphism. Since V is densely and continuously embedded into H, and we can identify H with its dual H , we have V ⊂ H = H ⊂ V . We then define an unbounded linear operator A in H by D(A) = {u ∈ V : Au ∈ H}, Au := Au, u ∈ D(A). A is a self-adjoint operator in H and (Au, u) = u 2 , u ∈ V. D(A) endowed with the |A · | norm is a Hilbert space and A is an isomorphism of D(A) onto H. It is well known that D(A) = V ∩ H1,2 (D). Let P : L2 (D) → H be the orthogonal projection; † of
constant density (assumed to be equal to 1) and of constant viscosity ν > 0.
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then Au = −P ∆u, u ∈ D(A), V = D(A1/2 ), see [Temam97] and the graph norm on D(A) is equivalent to the norm |A · | and, see [Temam97] Au, u = ((u, u)) = u 2 = |∇u|2,
u ∈ D(A).
Next, we define the following fundamental trilinear form: b(u, v, w) =
u∇vw dx =
2 i,j=1
ui (x)Di vj (x)w j (x) dx.
If u, v are such that the linear map b(u, v, ·) is continuous on V, the corresponding operator will be denoted by B(u, v). We will also denote, somehow with a bit of notational abuse, B(u) = B(u, u). Note that if u, v ∈ H are such that (u∇)v = j uj Dj v ∈ L2 (D), then B(u, v) = P (u∇v). It is well known that b(u, v, v) = 0, for u ∈ V, v ∈ H1,2 0 (D) and, among many similar ones, there is C > 0 such that |b(u, v, w)| ≤ C|u|1/2|∇u|1/2|∇v||w|1/2|∇w|1/2, 1/2
u, v, w ∈ V.
older inequality we have Since |v|L4 (D) ≤ 21/4 |v|L2 (D) |∇v|L2 (D) , v ∈ H01,2 (D), from the H¨ the following: |b(u, v, w)| ≤ |u|L4(D) |∇v|L2(D) |w|L4 (D) ,
u, v, w ∈ H01,2 (D).
It follows that b is a bounded trilinear map from L4 (D) × V × L4 (D) to R. Moreover, b has a unique extension to a bounded trilinear map from L4 (D) × (L4 (D) ∩ H) × V to R. Hence, B maps L4 (D) ∩ H (and so V) into V and |B(u)|V ≤ C1 |u|2L4(D) ≤ 21/2 C1 |u||∇u| ≤ C2 |u|2V ,
u ∈ V.
Our aim is to study the following functional form of the Navier–Stokes equations (5.46): du + {νAu + B(u)} dt = f dt + g(u)dW (t), t ≥ 0 (5.54) u(0) = u0 , where we assume that u0 ∈ H, f ∈ V , and W (t), t ∈ R is a two-sided real-valued Wiener process defined on some filtered and complete probability space A = (Ω, F , (Ft)t∈R , P). Let us now list those assumtions from [CapCutl99] that we will need. (F1) f ∈ V ; (G1) |g(u)|2 ≤ α(1 + |u|2) + β u 2 , u ∈ V with β ∈ (0, 2ν); (G2) |g(u) − g(v)|2 ≤ c|u − v|2 ) + β u − v 2 , u ∈ V with β ∈ (0, 2ν); (G3) (g(u), v) = −(u, g(v)), for all u, v ∈ V. Let us notice that (G3) is equivalent to two conditions: (g(u), u) = 0 and (g(u) − g(v), u − v) = 0 for all u, v ∈ V. The conditions (G1)–(G3) are satisfied, in particular, by g = B(h, ·) for h ∈ D(A) with |A(h)| < 2ν. The following is a generalization of some results from [CapCutl99], e.g., Theorem 5.5, where only the periodic case (i.e., when D is a 2D torus) is studied. Theorem 5.5 There exists an adapted probability space (Ω, F , Ft∈R, P) carrying a twosided real-valued Wiener process w(t), t ∈ R with w(0) = 0, a filtration Ft≥s for each s ∈ R, and a map ϕ : R+ × Ω × H → H which is a continuous and time continuous RDS and such that a process u(t, ω) = ϕ(t − s, u0 , ω), t ≥ s, ω ∈ Ω is the solution to the problem (5.54). This process satisfies
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50 (1) For all t ≥ s and all ω ∈ Ω, 2
|u(t)| + c1
u(r) 2 dr
|u(s)|2 eα(t−s)
c4 eα(t−s)−1.
(2) If α < λ1 (2ν − β), then for all t ≥ s and all ω ∈ Ω,
|u(t)|2 ≤ |u(s)|2 e−c3 (t−s) + c5 1 − e−c3 (t−s) .
(3) For all t ≥ s, v1 , v2 ∈ H and all ω ∈ Ω, t
u2 (r) − u1 (r) 2 dr ≤ |u2 (s) − u1 (s)|2 c(t − s, |u1(s)|). |u2 (t) − u1 (t)|2 + c1
The next theorem is the main result in this section. Let us point out that in the periodic case and under much stronger assumptions on f and g it was proved in [CapCutl99] the existence of an attractor. Theorem 5.6 If g is a linear map, then the RDS ϕ constructed in Theorem 5.5 is asymptotically compact. Hence, for each nonempty bounded set B ⊂ H, its random omega-limit set ΩB (ω) is nonempty, compact, strictly ϕ-invariant, and attracting B. Moreover, there exists an invariant probability measure for φ on (Ω × H, F ⊗ B) and there exists at least one Feller invariant probability measure. The main idea of the proof is to notice that there exists δ > 0 such that the norm [u, u] := ν u 2 − δ2 |u|2 − 12 |gu|2 is equivalent to the · norm. Hence the energy equality, associated with (5.54), see [BrzCapFl92] t t t
u(r) 2 dr = |u(s)|2 + 2 (f, u(r)) dr + |gu(r)|2 dr |u(t)|2 + 2ν s
can be rewritten in the following form: t t 2 2 2 |u(t)| + δ |u(r)| dr = |u(s)| + 2 ((f, u(r)) − [u(r), u(r)]) dr, s
from which we infer that |u(t)|2 = |u(0)|2 e−δt + 2
e−δ(t−s) ((f, u(r)) − [u(r), u(r)]) dr.
Acknowledgments I would like to thank the organizers of the meeting in Trento (2004), where a preliminary version of this chapter was presented, for their kind invitation.
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6 A Characterization of Approximately Controllable Linear Stochastic Differential Equations∗ Rainer Buckdahn and Marc Quincampoix, Universit´e de Bretagne Occidentale Gianmario Tessitore, Universit`a di Parma
Statement of the problem and of the main result
The objective of the chapter is to study controllability for the following linear stochastic differential equation: ⎧ m ⎪ ⎨ Ci y(t)dβi (t) dy(t) = Ay(t)dt + Bu(t) dt + (6.1) i=1 ⎪ ⎩ y(0) = x, where A ∈ L(Rn , Rn ), B ∈ L(Rd , Rn ), Ci ∈ L(Rn , Rn ), i = 1, ..., m, and the processes {β1 , ..., βm, i=1,..., m} are independent Brownian motions defined on a complete probability space (Ω, E, P). We denote by {Ft : t ≥ 0} the filtration they generate, augmented with all P-null sets of E. A process u : Ω×[0, +∞[→ Rd is said to be an admissible control if it is (Ft )-predictable T and such that E 0 |u(s)|2 ds < +∞, for all T > 0. As it is well known, under the above assumptions, for all initial datum x ∈ Rn and all admissible control u, equation (6.1) (intended in Ito sense) admits a unique predictable solution y with continuous trajectories. Moreover, this solution is square integrable over all compact time intervals, i.e., for all T > 0, E sups∈[0,T ] |y(s)|2 < +∞. Such a solution (representing the state in the system) will be denoted by y(·, x, u). Definition 6.1 We say that equation (6.1) is approximately controllable if for all x ∈ Rn , all T > 0, all η ∈ L2 (Ω, FT , P, Rn ), and all ε > 0 there exists an admissible control u such that E|y(T, x, u) − η|2 ≤ . Moreover, we say that equation (6.1) is approximately null controllable if the above condition holds in the particular case η = 0. We also give the following definition. Definition 6.2 Given m + 1 linear operators L, M1 , ..., Mm ∈ L(Rn , Rn ), a linear subspace V ⊂ Rn is said to be (L; M1 , ..., Mm)-strictly invariant if LV ⊂ SpanV, M1 V, ..., MmV . Remark 6.1 We notice that V ⊂ Rn is (L; M1 , ..., Mm)-strictly invariant if and only if there exists operators K1 , ..., Km ∈ L(Rn , Rn ) such that Ki V ⊂ V and (L + M1 K1 + · · · + Mm Km )V ⊂ V or, equivalently, if and only if for all v ∈ V there exist w1 , ..., wm ∈ V such that Lv + M1 w1 + · · · + Mm wm ∈ V . ∗ Research is supported by European Community’s Human Potential Program under contract HPRNCT-2002-00281, Evolution Equations.
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Remark 6.2 Given an arbitrary linear subspace V ⊂ Rn it is easy to compute the largest linear subspace of V which is (L; M1 , ..., Mm )-strictly invariant (see also [12] and [17] for similar computations in wider generality). Indeed, if we put V0 = V ; Vi+1 = {v ∈ Vi : Lv ∈ SpanVi , M1 Vi , ..., MmVi } = L−1 (SpanVi , M1 Vi , ..., MmVi )∩Vi , then Vn is the required maximal (L; M1 , ..., Mm)-strictly invariant subspace of V . Let us now present the main result of the present chapter. Theorem 6.1 The following assertions are equivalent: 1. Equation (6.1) is approximately controllable. 2. Equation (6.1) is approximately null controllable. ∗ )-strictly invariant subspace of Ker B ∗ is the origin. 3. The largest (A∗ ; C1∗, ..., Cm
Remark 6.3 Remark 6.2 implies that condition 3 is easily computable.
Remarks on related literature
In [7] (see also [9]) S. Peng has studied the “exact controllability” and “exact terminal controllability” of the following stochastic linear equation with control acting on the noise term as well: dy(t) = Ay(t)dt + Bu(t) dt + Cy(t) + Du(t) dβ(t). (6.2) In particular in [7], it is shown that equation (6.2) is exactly terminal controllable (that is, for each final condition η in L2 (Ω, FT , P, Rn ) there exists an initial datum y(0) in Rn and an admissible control u such that y(T ) = η, P-almost surely (a.s.)) if and only if D has full rank. Then algebraic conditions of Kalman type under which equation (6.2) with full rank D is exactly terminal controllable (that is, each final condition can be exactly replicated starting from any initial datum. Our result can be seen as a counterpart of the ones described above. Namely, here we do not allow the control to act on the noise (D = 0 in (6.2). Consequently, we cannot expect to have exact terminal controllability (or, a fortiori, exact controllability). Nevertheless, we prove that if we weaken our request from exact to approximate controllability, then the condition can be satisfied and, in particular, if satisfied if and only if computable algebraic conditions on A, B, and C hold. We also notice that Definition 6.2 is a modification of the definition of (A, B) invariant subspaces that has been introduced in [17] and then generalized in [12], [13], [14]. In particular in [16], this last concept was used to obtain, by algebraic Riccati equation methods, a characterization of stochastic linear equations admitting a feedback that stabilizes the system for all noise intensities. Finally, we notice that the property of approximate controllability treated here is tightly connected to the one of exact null controllability. See [10] for the relation between this last property and backward stochastic differential equations or Riccati equations, both in finite and infinite-dimensional spaces; moreover, see [3] for a review on partial result in the direction of proving null controllability of specific infinite dimensional stochastic evolution equations.
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The dual equation
Let us consider the following backward stochastic differential equation: ⎧ m m ⎪ ⎨ dp(t) = − A∗ p(t) + C ∗ q i (t) dt + q i (t)dβ (t) i i i=1 i=1 ⎪ ⎩ p(T ) = η.
It is shown in [8] (se also [1] and [2] for earlier results in the control theory framework) that for all T > 0 and all η ∈ L2 (Ω, FT , P, Rn) there exists a unique m + 1-tuple of Rn -valued predictable processes (p, q 1 , ..., q m) such that equation (6.3) is satisfied, p has continuous trajectories and it holds T 2 E sup |p(s)| < +∞, E |q i (s)|2 ds < +∞, i = 1, ..., m. s∈[0,T ]
The following proposition specifies the connection between the above equation and controllability of equation (6.1). Proposition 6.1 Equation (6.1) is approximately controllable if and only if for all T > 0, every solution to equation (6.3) verifying B ∗ p(s) = 0, P-a.s., ∀s ∈ [0, T ] is trivial, (i.e., is such that p(s) = 0, P-a.s. for all s ∈ [0, T ]). Moreover, equation (6.1) is approximately null controllable if and only if for all T > 0, every solution to equation (6.3) satisfying B ∗ p(s) = 0, P-a.s., ∀s ∈ [0, T ], also verifies p(0) = 0. Proof For fixed T > 0 we deduce from Itˆ o’s formula that dp(s), y(s, x, u)) = p(s), Bu(s) ds +
i q (s), y(s, x, u) + p(s), Ci y(s, x, u) dβ i (s), i=1
where · , · denotes the inner product in Rn . Since E
1/2 2
i < +∞, q (s), y(s, x, u) + p(s), Ci y(s, x, u) ds
i = 1, ..., m,
we can compute the mean value and obtain Ep(T ), y(T, x, u)) − Ep(0), x) = E
p(s), Bu(s) ds.
Let L2P ([0, T ], Rd) be the space of all predictable processes u : Ω × [0, +∞] → Rd satisfying T E 0 |u(s)|2 ds < +∞, endowed with the natural norm, and define the linear operator MT : L2P ([0, T ], Rd) → L2 (Ω, FT , P, Rn ),
MT u := y(T, u, 0).
It is evident that equation (6.1) is approximately controllable if and only if, for all T > 0, the image of MT is dense in L2 (Ω, FT , P, Rn ). Moreover, by relation (6.4) (with x = 0 and p(T ) being equal to an arbitrary η ∈ L2 (Ω, FT , P, Rn ) we deduce that MT∗ η = B ∗ p. The first part of the claim follows by observing that the image of MT is dense if and only if the kernel of MT∗ is trivial and by noticing that, thanks to the uniqueness and the continuity of the solution to equation (6.3), η = 0 if and only if p(s) = 0 P-a.s. for all s ∈ [0, T ].
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As far as the second part of the proposition is concerned we introduce the linear operator LT : Rd → L2 (Ω, FT , P, Rn ),
LT x := y(T, 0, x)
and notice that equation (6.1) is approximately null controllable if and only if, for all T > 0, LT [Rn ] ⊂ MT [L2P ([0, T ], Rd)]. Then again by relation (6.4) (now with u = 0) we get that L∗T η = p(0), and the claim follows recalling that LT [Rn ] ⊂ MT [L2P ([0, T ], Rd)] if and only if Ker[MT∗ ] ⊂ Ker[L∗T ]. Now we interprete equation (6.3) as a forward equation. More precisely, we consider the equation ⎧ m m ⎪ ⎨ Ci∗ q i (t) dt + q i (t)dβi (t) dp(t) = − A∗ p(t) + (6.7) i=1 i=1 ⎪ ⎩ p(0) = θ. For all θ ∈ Rn and q i ∈ L2P ([0, T ], Rd), i = 1, ...., m, there exists a unique predictable solution p with continuous trajectories verifying, for all T > 0, E sups∈[0,T ] |p(s)|2 ds < +∞. We denote this solution by p(·, q 1 , ..., q m, θ). By existence and uniqueness of solutions to equation (6.3) we get that for all T > 0 and η ∈ L2 (Ω, FT , P, Rn ), there exists unique θ ∈ Rn and unique q i ∈ L2P ([0, T ], Rd), i = 1, ...., m such that p(·, q 1 , ..., q m, θ) = η. Thus Proposition 6.1 can be reformulated as follows. Proposition 6.2 Equation (6.1) is approximately controllable if and only if for all T > 0, all θ ∈ Rn , and all q i ∈ L2P ([0, T ], Rd), i = 1, ...., m, for which B ∗ p(s, q 1 , ..., q m, θ) = 0, P-a.s. ∀s ∈ [0, T ] it holds p(s, q 1 , ..., q m, θ) = 0, P-a.s. ∀s ∈ [0, T ]. Moreover, equation (6.1) is approximately null controllable if and only if for all T > 0, all θ ∈ Rn , and all q i ∈ L2P ([0, T ], Rd), i = 1, ...., m, such that B ∗ p(s, q 1 , ..., q m, θ) = 0, P-a.s. ∀s ∈ [0, T ], it holds θ = 0.
Local in time viability
Proposition 6.2 justifies our interest in the following concept. Definition 6.3 A linear subspace V ⊂ Rn is said to be locally in time viable (l.i.t.v.) with respect to equation (3.5) if for all θ ∈ V there exists a T > 0 and q i ∈ L2P ([0, T ], Rd), i = 1, ...., m, such that p(s, q 1 , ..., q m, θ) ∈ V P-a.s. for all s ∈ [0, T ]. Moreover, the set of all θ ∈ V for which there exists a T > 0 and q i ∈ L2P ([0, T ], Rd), i = 1, ...., m, such that p(s, q 1 , ..., q m, θ) ∈ V P-a.s. for all s ∈ [0, T ], is called the local viability kernel of V . Note that the above notion of local (in time) viability slightly differs from the local (in space) viability defined and studied in [6]. We recall here some basic facts on Riccati equations and linear quadratic optimal control related to equation (6.7). The reader can find proofs (in a much wider generality), for instance, in [17] or [18]. For an arbitrarily fixed subspace V ⊂ Rn let ΠV denote the orthogonal projection on V (the orthogonal of V ). For all N ≥ 1, we consider the following Riccati equation with ⊥
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i A Characterization of Approximately Controllable Linear SDEs
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values in L(Rn , Rn ): ⎧ m ⎪ ⎨ P (s) = −AP (s) − P (s)A∗ − P (s)C ∗ [I + P (s)]−1 C P (s) + N Π , t ≥ 0, N N N N i N V N i i=1 ⎪ ⎩ PN (0) = 0. (6.8) The above equation admits a unique continuous solution with values in the cone of linear symmetric nonnegative operators in Rn . Moreover, for all t > 0 the sequence {PN (t) : N ∈ N} increases in N . The following equation, satisfied for all 0 ≤ t ≤ T , is known as fundamental relation: T m 2 i 2 EPN (T − t)pt , pt = E |q (s)| ds N |ΠV ps | + −
m i=1
2 [I + PN (T − s)]1/2 [I + PN (T − s)]−1 Ci P (T − s)p(s) − q i (s) ds
(6.9) where we use the short-writing ps = p(s, q 1 , ..., q m, θ). This relation is obtained by applying Itˆo’s formula to the product of PN (T − t)pt with pt . Using (6.9) one can immediately deduce that T m PN (T )θ, θ ≤ E |q i (s)|2 ds N |ΠV p(s, q 1 , ..., q m, θ)|2 + (6.10) 0
for arbitrary q i ∈ L2P ([0, T ], Rd), i = 1, ...., m. Moreover, for all θ ∈ Rn there exist suitable q i ∈ L2P ([0, T ], Rd), i = 1, ...., m, for which the second term in (6.9) vanishes T m 1 m 2 i 2 PN (T )θ, θ = E |q (s)| ds. N |ΠV p(s, q , ..., q , θ)| + (6.11) 0
We will call these controls q i ∈ L2P ([0, T ], Rd), i = 1, ...., m optimal. Proposition 6.3 The viability kernel of V with respect to equation (3.5) has the following representation: (6.12) θ ∈ V |∃T > 0 : lim PN (T )θ, θ < +∞ . N→∞
Proof If θ is in the viability kernel and q i ∈ L2P ([0, T ], Rd), i = 1, ...., m are such that T m p(s, q 1 , ..., q m, θ) ∈ V , P-a.s., for all s ∈ [0, T ], then by (6.10) PN (T )θ, θ ≤ i=1 E 0 |q i (s)|2 ds ∀N ∈ N. Vice versa, choosing for every N ∈ N the optimal set of controls (q 1N , ..., qm N ) we get T m 2 PN (T )θ, θ = E , θ)| + |q iN (s)|2 ds. N |ΠV p(s, q 1 , ..., qm N 0
Thus the sequences {qiN : N ∈ N}, i = 1, ..., m, are bounded in L2P ([0, T ], Rd) and, consequently, for a suitable subsequence of {(q 1N , . . . , q m N ) : N ∈ N} (that, abusing notations, will still be denoted by {(q 1N , . . . , qm ) : N ∈ N}) we can assume that, for some q i in N L2P ([0, T ], Rd), i = 1, ..., m, q iN q i weakly in L2P ([0, T ], Rd). Moreover, since equation 1 m (6.7) is affine in q 1 ,...,q m, we have p(s, q 1N , ..., qm N , θ) p(s, q , ..., q , θ).
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Consequently, by (6.11) PN (T )θ, θ ≥ N E
2 |ΠV p(s, q1N , ..., qm N , θ)| ds
and we can conclude ΠV p(s, q 1, ..., qm , θ) = 0, P-a.s. for every s ∈ [0, T ]. The next result that will be essential in the following, is now very easy to prove. See [11] for a different proof in a much more general nonlinear situation but with bounded control space. While in [11], the viability kernel is always closed. This is not necessarily the case in our concept (when the set is not a finite-dimensional linear space). Theorem 6.2 The viability kernel of an arbitrary subspace V ⊂ Rn is locally in time viable. Proof Fix θ in the viability kernel and let T > 0 and q i ∈ L2P ([0, T ], Rd), i = 1, ...., m such that p(s, q 1 , ..., q m, θ) ∈ V , P-a.s. for every s ∈ [0, T ]. Then, for every t < T , by (6.9) T m EPN (T − t)p(t, q 1 , ..., q m, θ), p(t, q 1 , ..., q m, θ) ≤ E |q i (s)|2 ds. i=1
Thus, by monotone convergence, E limN+∞ PN (T − t)p(t, q 1 , ..., q m, θ), p(t, q 1 , ..., q m, θ) < +∞ and we can conclude with the help of Proposition 6.3 that p(t, q 1 , ..., q m, θ) belongs, P-a.s. to the viability kernel of V . Remark 6.4 In the above argument we prove something more precise than the claim of the theorem. Namely, we show that for all θ in the viability kernel of V , all T > 0, and all q i ∈ L2P ([0, T ], Rd), i = 1, ...., m, for which {p(s, q 1 , ..., q m, θ), s ∈ [0, T ]} ⊂ V , P-a.s., we even have that {p(s, q 1 , ..., q m, θ), s ∈ [0, T ]} is P-almost surely a subset of the viability kernel of V .
Proof of the main result
We start by showing that our problem can now be reduced to the computation of a viability kernel. Theorem 6.3 The following assertions are equivalent: 1. Equation (6.1) is approximately controllable. 2. Equation (6.1) is approximately null controllable. 3. The viability kernel of KerB ∗ is trivial (i.e., it contains only the origin). Proof 2 ⇔ 3 is just a reformulation of Proposition 6.2. Moreover, 1 ⇒ 2 is evident by definition. Thus it remains to prove that 3 ⇒ 1. This will be done by exploiting Proposition 6.2. Assume that the viability kernel of KerB∗ is trivial and let q i ∈ L2P ([0, T ], Rd), i = 1, ...., m, such that p(s, q 1 , ..., q m, θ) ∈ Ker B ∗ , P-a.s. for every s ∈ [0, T ]. Then we know that θ = 0 but also, see Remark 6.4, that p(s, q 1 , ..., q m, θ) belongs to the viability kernel of KerB ∗ . But since this last set coincides with the origin, we conclude that p(s, q 1 , ..., q m, θ) = 0, P-a.s. for all s in [0, T ]. Then we only need to characterize the local in time viability in an explicit way. We refer the reader to [4] and to the appendix of [5] for other characterizations of stochastic viability for nonlinear systems with bounded control space.
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∗ Theorem 6.4 A subspace V ⊂ Rn is locally in time viable if and only if it is (A∗ ; C1∗ , ..., Cm )strictly invariant.
Proof We start proving that any (A∗ ; C1∗, ..., Cm)-strictly invariant time viable. For this we just notice that there exist linear operators Ki , i ∗ Ki V ⊂ V and (A∗ + C1∗ K1 + · · · + Cm Km )V ⊂ V . Thus, for any θ following forward linear equation: ⎧ m m ⎪ ⎨ d C ∗ K i p(t)dt + K i p(t)dβ p(t) = − A∗ + ⎪ ⎩
p(0) = θ,
= 1, ..., m such that ∈ V , we consider the
i (t),
subspace is locally in
which solution p is clearly in V . If we set q i = K i p, then p(t, q 1 , ..., q m, θ) = p(t) ∈ V for all t > 0. Vice versa, assume now that {p(s, q 1 , ..., q m, θ), s ∈ [0, T ]} ⊂ V P-a.s., for suitable θ in V , T > 0 and q i in L2P ([0, T ], Rd), i = 1, ...., m. If we multiply equation (6.7) by (ΠV ) and write pt = p(t, q 1 , ..., q m, θ), we get ⎧ m m ⎪ ⎨ d(I − Π )p = −(I − Π ) A∗ p + C ∗ q i (t) dt + (I − Π )q i (t)dβ (t), V t V t V i i (6.13) i=1 i=1 ⎪ ⎩ p(0) = θ. Since (I − ΠV )pt = 0, P-a.s. for every t > 0, a successive computation of the quadratic t variation in [0, t] of the components of (I − ΠV )p(t) yields 0 |(I − ΠV )q i (s)|2 ds = 0, P-a.s. for every t ∈ [0, T ], i = 1,..., m. Thus qsi ∈ V , P-a.s. for s ∈ [0, T ]. almost every m ∗ ∗ i Coming back to equation (6.13) we get (I − ΠV ) A p(t) + i=1 Ci q (t) = 0, P-a.s. for almost every t ∈ [0, T ]. If now W is the linear space m ∗ ∗ Ci ξi ∈ V θ ∈ V |∃ξ1 , ..., ξm ∈ V : A θ + i=1
we have ps ∈ W P-a.s. for almost every t ∈ [0, T ]. But since p has continuous trajectories and W is closed, we get θ ∈ W and this completes the proof. Let us conclude the proof of Theorem 6.1. By Theorem 6.2, the viability kernel of KerB ∗ is locally in time viable thus, by The∗ orem 6.4, it is (A∗ ; C1∗, ..., Cm )-strictly invariant. Vice versa, again by Theorem 6.4, any ∗ ∗ ∗ (A ; C1 , ..., Cm)-strictly invariant subspace of KerB ∗ is locally in time viable and consequently included in the viability kernel of KerB ∗ . So we can conclude that the viability ∗ kernel of KerB ∗ is the largest (A∗ ; C1∗, ..., Cm )-strictly invariant subspace of KerB ∗ . The claim follows immediately by Theorem 6.3.
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7 Asymptotic Behavior of Systems of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations with Multiplicative Noise Sandra Cerrai, Universit`a di Firenze
We are here interested with the problem of existence and uniqueness of the invariant measure for the following class of reaction–diffusion systems perturbed by a multiplicative noise: ⎧ ∂u i ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ∂t (t, ξ) = Ai ui (t, ξ) + fi (ξ, u1 (t, ξ), . . . , ur (t, ξ)) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ r ∂wj + gij (ξ, u1 (t, ξ), . . . , ur (t, ξ))Qj (t, ξ), t ≥ 0, ξ ∈ O, ⎪ ∂t ⎪ ⎪ j=1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ ui (0, ξ) = xi (ξ), ξ ∈ O, Bi ui (t, ξ) = 0, t ≥ 0, ξ ∈ ∂O. (7.1) Here O is a bounded open set of R d , with d ≥ 1, having regular boundary, and ∂wi (t)/∂t are independent space–time white noises defined on the same stochastic basis (Ω, F , Ft , P). For each i = 1, . . . , r, the operator Ai is defined by Ai (ξ, D) :=
d h,k=1
aihk (ξ)
∂2 ∂ + bih (ξ) , ∂ξh ∂ξk ∂ξh
ξ ∈ O.
The coefficients aihk and bih are taken of class C 1 (O) and for any ξ ∈ O the matrix [aihk (ξ)] is nonnegative, symmetric, and uniformly positive definite. Moreover, Bi is an operator acting on the boundary either of Dirichlet or of conormal type. The Qi ’s are bounded linear operators from L2 (O) into itself, which are not assumed to be Hilbert–Schmidt and in the case of space dimension d = 1 can be taken equal to identity. This means that in dimension d = 1 we can consider systems perturbed by white noise and in dimension d > 1 we have clearly to color the noise but we do not assume any trace-class property for its covariance. Finally, concerning the nonlinear terms, we assume that f := (f1 , . . . , fr ) : O × R r → R r ,
g := [gij ] : O × R r → L(R r )
are continuous in both variables and are Lipschitz-continuous in the second variable, uniformly with respect to the first. Notice that here we are not assuming any restriction on the linear growth of G or on any its degeneracy (for example, we can take gij (ξ, u) = λij uj , for some λij ∈ R). In this chapter we show that the transition semigroup Pt associated with system (7.1) admits a unique invariant measure µ which is ergodic and strongly mixing. Here we are not 61 i
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assuming the diffusion term g in front of the noise to be nondegenerate, and hence it is not possible to prove any smoothing effect of Pt in order to apply the Doob theorem which in turn implies the uniqueness of the invariant measure (see for all details [6]). In [3] we have studied a class of stochastic reaction–diffusion equations with multiplicative noise, in which the diffusion term in front of the noise may vanish and the deterministic part of the equation is not necessary asymptotically stable. Developing some arguments introduced by Mueller in [10] we have shown that the L1 -norm of the difference of two solutions starting from any two different initial data converges P-a.s. to zero, as time goes to infinity. But the method followed in [3] seems to apply only to one single equation (in space dimension d = 1). Actually such a method is based on comparison and at present it is not clear how to extend it to systems. In [12] Sowers has proved the existence and uniqueness of the invariant measure for a class of reaction–diffusion equations in space dimension d = 1 perturbed by a noise of multiplicative type. In his paper he has considered one single equation and has assumed the reaction term f to be Lipschitz continuous with Lipschitz constant Lf , the second order operator A to be of negative type −λ, with λ > Lf , and the multiplication term g in front of the noise bounded from above and below (that is, 0 < g0 ≤ g(x) ≤ g1 < ∞, for all x ∈ R) and sufficiently small (that is, g1 ≤ , for some > 0). In [10], the result of Sowers is extended to the case of a multiplication term g which is still bounded both from above and below, but not necessarily small. In his paper Sowers proves that the family of probability measures {L(ux)} is tight in C([0, ∞); C(O)) for any x ∈ C(O) and shows the mean square convergence to zero of the sup-norm of the difference of two solutions ux (t) − uy (t), starting form any two initial data x, y ∈ C(O). In the present chapter we extend these results to the case of systems in any space dimension, with a diffusion coefficient which is not bounded, neither from above nor from below. But in order to have this extension we have to assume some stronger dissipativity condition for the second order operator A. Namely, we assume that there exist suitable nonnegative constants α1 , α2 , α3 , and δ such that λ > max{ α1 Lf , α2 Mgδ , α3 Lδg },
where Lf and Lg are the Lipschitz constants of f and g, respectively, and Mg is defined by Mg :=
sup ξ∈ O, σ∈ R d
|g(ξ, σ)| , 1 + |σ|β
for some β ∈ [0, 1]. Note that if β < 1, we can take α2 = 0. It is important to notice that, due to condition (7.2) we can assume λ to be arbitrarily close to zero, if we take Lf , Lg and Mg sufficiently small; on the other hand, if Lf , Lg and Mg are given, we can prove ergodicity by taking λ sufficiently large. Moreover, we would like to stress that, since g is not bounded, not even the uniform estimate of solutions in the H¨ older norm (which implies the existence of an invariant measure) is straightforward.
Assumptions and preliminaries
In what follows we shall denote by H the separable Hilbert space L2 (O; R r ), with r ≥ 1, endowed with the scalar product x, yH :=
x(ξ), y(ξ)R r dξ =
r i=1
xi (ξ)yi (ξ) dξ =
r i=1
xi , yi L2 (O)
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and the corresponding norm | · |H . For any other p ≥ 1 the usual norm in Lp (O; R r ) is denoted by | · |p . If > 0 and p ≥ 1, we denote by | · |,p the norm in W ,p (O; R r ) |x|,p := |x|p +
r i=1
|xi (ξ) − xi (η)|p dξ dη. |ξ − η|p+d
We denote by E the Banach space C(O; R r ), endowed with the sup-norm |x|E :=
12 sup |xi (ξ)|
i=1 ξ∈ O
and the duality ·, ·E . Next, for any x, y ∈ E we define ⎧ r ⎪ 1 ⎪ ⎪ xi (ξi )yi (ξi ) ⎨ |x|E i=1 δx , yE := ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ δ, yE
if x = 0 (7.3) if x = 0,
where δ is any element of E having norm equal 1 and ξ1 , . . . , ξr ∈ O are such that |xi (ξi )| = |xi |C(O) , for all i = 1, . . . , r. Note that δx ∈ ∂ |x|E := { h ∈ E ; |h |E = 1, h, h E = |h|E } (see, e.g., [1, Appendix A] for all definitions and details). In what follows we shall denote by A the realization in H of the differential operator A = (A1 , . . . , Ar ) endowed with the boundary conditions B = (B1 , . . . , Br ). Also, we can assume without any loss of generality that A is a nonpositive and self-adjoint operator which generates an analytic semigroup etA with dense domain. If this is not the case, A can be written as the sum of an operator C which fulfills these properties and of a first order operator L which can be treated as a lower order perturbation. Actually, we can take C and L as the realizations in H of the operators C = (C1 , . . . , Cr ) and L = (L1 , . . . , Lr ), respectively, endowed with the boundary conditions B = (B1 , . . . , Br ), where for any i = 1, . . . , r d d ∂ i ∂ i Li (ξ, D) := ahk (ξ) , ξ ∈ O, bh (ξ) − ∂ξk ∂ξh h=1
and by difference Ci := Ai − Li (for all details we refer to [2, Section 2 and Section 3]). Due to this decomposition, we can also assume that etA may be extended to a nonnegative one-parameter contraction semigroup on Lp (O; R r ), for all 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. These semigroups are strongly continuous for 1 ≤ p < ∞ and are consistent, so that we shall denote all of them by etA . Moreover, if we consider the part of A in the space of continuous functions E, it generates an analytic semigroup etA (which has no dense domain, in general, due to the boundary conditions). Next, we notice that for any t, > 0 and p ≥ 1, the semigroup etA maps Lp (O; R r ) into ,p W (O; R r ) and |etA x|,p ≤ c (t ∧ 1)− 2 |x|p, x ∈ Lp (O; R r ), (7.4)
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for some constant c independent of p. Then, as W ,p (O; R r ) embeds into L∞ (O; R r ), for any > d/p, we have that etA maps H into L∞ (O; R r ), for any t > 0, and d
|etAx|∞ ≤ c (t ∧ 1)− 4 |x|H ,
x ∈ H.
This means that etA is ultracontractive. As a consequence of ultracontractivity and of the boundedness of O, as proved in [7, Theorems 2.1.4 and 2.1.5] we have that etA is compact on Lp (O; R r ) for all 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ and t > 0. The spectrum {−αk }k∈ N of A is independent of p and etA is analytic on Lp (O; R r ), for all 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. Concerning the complete orthonormal system of eigenfunctions {ek }k∈ N , we have that ek ∈ E, for any k ∈ N. In what follows we shall assume that the operator Q := (Q1 , . . . , Qr ) fulfills the following condition. Hypothesis 7.1 The bounded linear operator Q : H → H is nonnegative and diagonal with respect to the orthonormal basis {ek } which diagonalizes A, with eigenvalues {λk }. Moreover, if d ≥ 2 ∞ κQ := λρk |ek |2∞ < ∞, (7.5) k=1
with ρ
0 and p ≥ 1, we define Lp (Ω; Cb ((0, T ]; X)) as the set of all Ft -adapted X-valued processes u having P-a.s. continuous and bounded trajectories in (0, T ] and such that |u|pLT,p(X) := E sup |u(t)|pX < ∞. t∈ [0,T ]
Lp (Ω; Cb ((0, T ]; X)) is a Banach space, endowed with the norm | · |LT,p(X) . Moreover, we denote by Lp (Ω; C([0, T ]; X)) the subspace of processes u which take values in C([0, T ]; X), P-a.s. With these notations, for any fixed u ∈ Lp (Ω; Cb ((0, T ]; X)) the solution γ(u) of the system ⎧ r ⎪ ∂wj ⎪ ∂γi (t, ξ) = A γ (t, ξ) + ⎪ gij (ξ, u1 (t, ξ), . . . , ur (t, ξ)) Qj (t, ξ), ξ ∈ O, i i ⎨ ∂t ∂t j=1 (7.8) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ γi (0, ξ) = 0, ξ ∈ O, Bi γi (t, ξ) = 0, ξ ∈ ∂O, t ≥ 0, for any i = 1, . . . , r, is given by t γ(u)(t) = e(t−r)C G(r, u(r))Q dw(r), 0
t ≥ 0.
Notice that it is possible to adapt the proof of [2, Lemma 4.1 and Theorem 4.2] to the more general case we are considering in the present chapter (see Remark 7.1 for a comparison between condition (7.5) and [2, Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis 3.1]) and prove that γ is a contraction in Lp (Ω; C([0, T ]; E)). Namely, under Hypotheses 7.1 and 7.2 we have the following result. Theorem 7.1 There exists p¯ ≥ 1 such that γ maps the space Lp (Ω; Cb((0, T ]; E)) into the space Lp (Ω; C([0, T ]; E)), for any p ≥ p¯, and for any u, v ∈ Lp (Ω; C([0, T ]; E)) |γ(u) − γ(v)|LT,p (E) ≤ cγp (T )|u − v|LT,p (E) ,
for some continuous increasing function cγp such that cγp (0) = 0. In particular, by a fixed point argument, if both the reaction term f = 0 and the initial datum x vanish, system (7.1) admits a unique mild solution in Lp (Ω; C([0, T ]; E)), for any p ≥ 1 and T > 0. Concerning the reaction term f the following condition is assumed. Hypothesis 7.3 The mapping f : O × R r → R r is continuous and for any σ, ρ ∈ R r sup |f(ξ, σ) − f(ξ, ρ)| ≤ Lf |σ − ρ|,
ξ∈ O
for some constant Lf ≥ 0.
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66 In particular, if we define the operator F by setting for any x : O → R r F (x)(ξ) := f(ξ, x(ξ)),
ξ ∈ O,
we have that F is Lipschitz continuous in Lp (O; R r ), for any 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, and also in E. We recall that a process u ∈ Lp (Ω; Cb ((0, T ]; E)) is a mild solution of system (7.1) if t t tA (t−s)A e F (u(s)) ds + e(t−s)A G(u(s)) dw(s). u(t) = e x + 0
By assuming the conditions above it is known that the following result holds (for a proof see [6, Theorem 5.3.1] and [11]; see also [2, Theorem 5.3, Proposition 5.6]). Theorem 7.2 Under Hypotheses 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3, for any p ≥ 1 and T > 0 and for any initial datum x ∈ E system (7.1) admits a unique mild solution ux ∈ Lp (Ω; Cb ((0, T ]; E)) such that E sup |ux(t)|pE ≤ cp (T ) (1 + |x|pE ). (7.11) t∈ [0,T ]
Moreover, the mapping
x ∈ E → ux ∈ Lp (Ω; Cb ((0, T ]; E))
is uniformly continuous. Now, since for any x ∈ E we have a unique mild solution for system (7.1), we can associate to it its transition semigroup by setting for any x ∈ E and for any ϕ belonging to Bb (H), the space of bounded Borel functions defined on H with values in R, Pt ϕ(x) := E ϕ(ux(t)),
t ≥ 0.
Notice that, as the solution ux depends continuously on its initial datum x ∈ E, Pt is a Feller semigroups; that is, it maps the subspace of continuous functions into itself.
Main result
In this section we show that the semigroup Pt associated with system (7.1) admits an invariant measure which is unique, ergodic, and strongly mixing. To this purpose we have to assume a suitable dissipativity conditions on the operator A. Hypothesis 7.4 There exists λ > 0 such that Ah, h E ≤ −λ |h|E , for any h ∈ D(A) and h ∈ ∂ |h|E . In particular, we have e tA = e−tλ e t(A+λ) and the semigroup e t(A+λ) satisfies all conditions described for e tA in Section 7.2. As proved in [2, Theorem 4.2, Proposition 4.5], if u ∈ Lp (Ω; Cb ((0, T ]; E)) and γ(u) is the solution of system (7.8), due to Hypothesis 7.4 we have E sup |γ(u)(t) − γ(v)(t)|pE ≤ cγp,λ (T ) E sup |u(t) − v(t)|pE , t∈ [0,T ]
t∈ [0,T ]
for some continuous increasing function cγp,λ ∈ L∞ (0, ∞). This implies, in particular, that for any u, v ∈ Lp (Ω; Cb ((0, ∞); E)) E sup |γ(u)(t) − γ(v)(t)|pE ≤ |cγp,λ |∞ E sup |u(t) − v(t)|pE . t≥0
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Moreover, in [2, Theorem 4.2, Proposition 4.5] it is also shown that cγp,λ (0) = 0 and lim |cγp,λ |∞ = 0.
The following result generalizes an analogous result proved in [12] for one single equation in space dimension d = 1 with a diffusion bounded both from above and from below. Lemma 7.1 Assume Hypotheses 7.1 to 7.4. Then there exists p¯ > 1 such that for any t > 0, p ≥ p¯, and 0 < δ < λ and for any u, v ∈ Lp (Ω; Cb ((0, t]; E)) p
sup eδp s E |γ(u)(s) − γ(v)(s)| E ≤ c1,p s≤t
Lpg p sup eδp s E |u(s) − v(s)|E , (λ − δ)c2,p s≤t
where Lg is the Lipschitz constant of the diffusion coefficient g introduced in (7.7) and c1,p and c2,p are some positive constants. Proof By using a factorization argument (see, e.g., [5, Theorem 8.3]), for any t ≥ 0 we have γ(u)(t) − γ(v)(t) =
where υα (s) :=
sin πα π
(t − s)α−1 e(t−s)A υα (s) ds,
(s − σ)−α e(s−σ)A [G(u(σ)) − G(v(σ))] Q dw(σ),
and α ∈ (0, 1/2). As shown in [2, Theorem 4.2], according to (7.4) and to the H¨ older inequality for any α > 1/p and η < 2(α − 1/p) and for any δ > 0 we have |γ(u)(t) − γ(v)(t)|pη,p ≤ cpα ≤
t 0
p η (t − s)α− 2 −1 e−λ(t−s)|υα (s)|p ds
p (α− η2 −1) p−1 −(λ−δ)s
p−1 t ds e−(λ−δ)(t−s) e−δp(t−s)|υα (s)|pp ds 0
t α−η/2 (α − η/2 − 1)p e−(λ−δ)(t−s)eδps |υα (s)|pp ds ≤ cpα Γp−1 1 + (λ − δ)1− p e−δpt p−1 0 (here Γ(x) denotes the Gamma function at x > 0). Thus, if η > d/p, that is, α > (d +2)/2p, due to the Sobolev embedding theorem eδpt E |γ(u)(t) − γ(v)(t)|pE
α−η/2 (α − η/2 − 1)p ≤ cpα Γp−1 1 + (λ − δ)− p sup eδps E |υα (s)|pp . p−1 s≤t
Now, if is the constant introduced in Hypothesis 7.1, we can find some p¯ large enough such that for any p ≥ p¯ d + 2 d( − 2) + < 1. p 2 This implies that there exists some α ¯ ∈ (0, 1/2) such that for any p ≥ p¯ α ¯>
d+2 2p
2α ¯+
d( − 2) < 1. 2
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68 Then, proceeding as in the proof of [2, Theorem 4.2], for any ξ ∈ O we have
E |υα¯ (s, ξ)| ≤ c
p(p − 1) 2
p ρ
κQ E
(s − σ)−2α¯ e−2λ(s−σ) 1ς
−2(ς−1) |e(s−σ)(A+λ) ([G(u(σ)) − G(v(σ))] ek ) (ξ)|2ς |ek |∞
⎞ p2 dσ ⎠ ,
and then
p 2 ⎞2 ρ p(p − 1)κ Q⎠ eδps E |υα¯ (s)|pp ≤ c Lpg ⎝ 2
d −(2α− ¯ 2ς ) −2(λ−δ)(s−σ) 2δσ
(s − σ)
|u(σ) −
p 2 ⎞2 s
p−2 ρ 2 p(p − 1)κ p d Q⎠ −(2α− ¯ 2ς ) p−2 p ⎝ −2(λ−δ)σ ≤ c Lg σ e dσ 2 0
e−2(λ−δ)(s−σ)eδpσ E |u(σ) − v(σ)|pE dσ.
This implies ⎛ eδps E |υα¯ (s)|pp ≤ c Lpg ⎝ d
ρ p(p − 1)κQ
⎞ p2 ⎠
p−2 p
d p 1 − (2α ¯− ) 2ς p − 2
¯ 2ς )−2(1− p ) sup eδpσ E |u(σ) − v(σ)|pE . [2(λ − δ)](2α− σ≤s
Therefore, due to (7.14) we can conclude eδpt E |γ(u)(t) − γ(v)(t)|pE ≤ cp Lpg (λ − δ)−c2,p sup eδps E |u(s) − v(s)|pE , s≤t
where cp := ⎛ ⎝
p p−1 c cα ¯Γ
2 ρ
p(p − 1)κQ 2
(¯ α − η/2 − 1)p 1+ p−1
p−2 p
d p 1 − (2α ¯− ) 2ς p − 2
⎞ p2 ⎠ 2
(7.15) d (2α− ¯ 2ς
and c2,p :=
1− 1p
α ¯ − η/2 d 1 − (2α ¯− )−2 1− > 0. p 2ς p
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Remark 7.2 With the same arguments used in the proof of the Lemma above we can prove that if sup |g(ξ, σ)|L(R r ) = Mg (1 + |σ|β ), σ ∈ R r, ξ∈ O
for some β ∈ [0, 1] and c > 0, then for any p ≥ p¯, u ∈ Lp (Ω; Cb ((0, t]; E)) and δ > 0 Mgp p βp δp s 1 + E |u(s)| , (7.17) sup e sup eδp s E |γ(u)(s)| E ≤ c1,p E (λ − δ)c2,p s≤t s≤t for some positive constants c1,p and c2,p , with c2,p given by (7.16). Theorem 7.3 Assume Hypotheses 7.1 to 7.4. Moreover, assume that sup ξ∈ O σ∈ R r
|g(ξ, σ)|L(R r ) =: Mg < ∞, 1 + |σ|β
for some β ∈ [0, 1]. Then 1. If β < 1 and λ > Lf , for any p ≥ 1 sup E |ux(t)|pE ≤ cp (1 + |x|pE ) t≥0
and there exists θ¯ ∈ (0, 1) such that for any a > 0 sup E |ux(t)|C θ¯(O;R r ) < +∞. t≥a
2. If β = 1, (7.19) and (7.20) are still valid for any p ≥ p¯, under the further condition k1,p for suitable positive constants k1,p
Lpf Mgp + k2,p c2,p < 1, p λ λ and k2,p.
Proof By setting v := ux − γ(ux ), we have that v solves the problem dv v(0) = x. (t) = Av(t) + F (ux (t)), dt Therefore, due to Hypotheses 7.4 and to the Lipschitz continuity of F , we have d− |v(t)|E ≤ Av(t), δv(t) E + F (ux(t)), δv(t) E ≤ −λ |v(t)|E + Lf |ux (t)|E + |F (0)|E . dt By comparison, this yields t |F (0)|E −λt |v(t)|E ≤ e |x|E + Lf e−λ(t−s)|ux(s)|E ds + , λ 0 and hence, as ux (t) = v(t) + γ(ux )(t), for any p ≥ 1 and 0 < δ < λ − Lf /2 and for any > 0 we have
|F (0)|pE |ux(t)|pE ≤ cp, |γ(ux )(t)|pE + cp, e−λpt |x|pE + λp + (1
+ )Lpf
+ (1 + )Lpf
p−1 (λ − δ)p
p |F (0)|pE p p x −λpt |u (s)|E ds ≤ cp, |γ(u )(t)|E + cp, e |x|E + λp x
p−1 0
e−δp(t−s) |ux(s)|pE ds
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70 for some constant cp, > 0. According to (7.17), this implies that for any p ≥ p¯ ∨ 2
eδpt |F (0)|pE p p p δpt x δpt x e E |u (t)|E ≤ cp, e E |γ(u )(t)|E + cp, |x|E + λp + (1 + )Lpf
p−1 (λ − δ)p
eδps E |ux(s)|pE ds
Mgp eδpt |F (0)|pE βp p δps x 1 + E |u (s)|E + cp, |x|E + sup e ≤ cp, c1,p (λ − δ)c2,p s≤t λp + (1 + )Lpf
p−1 (λ − δ)p
sup eδpσ E |ux(σ)|pE ds.
0 σ≤s
Now, if β < 1, due to the Young inequality for any η > 0 we can find some cη > 0 such that cp, |F (0)|pE p + c α eδpt E |ux(t)|pE ≤ η α sup eδps E |ux(s)|pE + eδpt η + cp, |x|E p λ s≤t + (1 + )Lpf
p−1 (λ − δ)p
sup eδpσ E |ux(σ)|pE ds,
0 σ≤s
where α := cp, c1,p
Mgp ≤ cp, c1,p Mgp (λ − δ)c2,p
2 Lf
=: K .
Therefore, if we take η > 0 such that η < 1/K for any η ≤ η and define h(t) := sup eδps E |ux(s)|pE ,
cp, kη,(t) := 1 − η K and Nδ,,η
|F (0)|pE cη α p −δpt + +e |x|E , λp cp,
1+ := Lp 1 − η K f
then we have
h(t) ≤ Nδ,,η
p−1 p
(λ − δ)1−p ,
h(s) ds + eδpt kη, (t).
Thanks to the Gronwall lemma this yields h(t) ≤ eδpt kη,(t) + Nδ,,η
eNδ,,η (t−s) eδps kη,(s) ds,
so that E |u
≤ kη,(t) + Nδ,,η
e−(δp−Nδ,,η )(t−s)kη, (s) ds,
t ≥ 0.
Now, the function f,η (δ) := δp −
1+ Lp 1 − η K f
p−1 p
(λ − δ)1−p ,
δ ∈ (0, λ − Lf /2),
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attains its maximum at p−1 δ¯ := λ − Lf p since p−1 p
1+ 1 − η K
1+ 1 − η K
1/p ∈ (0, λ − Lf /2),
1/p >
1 , 2
for p ≥ 2. As we are assuming λ > Lf , we can find ¯ > 0 and η¯ < η¯ such that
1/p 1 + ¯ ¯ > 0, f,η (δ) = p λ − Lf 1 − η¯ K¯ and, since kη,¯ ¯ ∞ < +∞, we can conclude that (7.19) holds for p ≥ p¯ ∨ 2. Estimate (7.19) for any p ≥ 1 follows from the H¨older inequality. Next, assume that β = 1. If we fix p > 0 such that (1 + p )
p−1 p
p−1 < 1,
and take δ = λ/2, due to (7.21) for any p ≥ p¯ we have eδpt E |ux(t)|pE ≤ αλ,p sup eδps E |ux(s)|pE s≤t
t Lpf 2p−1 cp,p |F (0)|pE p −δpt + + α + e c |x| sup eδpσ E |ux(σ)|pE ds, λ,p p, p E λp λp−1 0 σ≤s
Mgp 2c2,p . λc2,p Therefore, if we take λ such that αλ,p < 1, we have αλ,p := cp,p c1,p
h(t) ≤ eδpt kλ,δ (t) + Nλ,δ
eδps h(s) ds,
t ≥ 0,
with h(t) defined as in (7.22) (for δ = λ/2) and cp,p |F (0)|pE 1 p −λ 2 pt c + α + e |x| kλ,p(t) := λ,p p,p E , 1 − αλ,p λp and Nλ,p
Lpf 2p−1 Lpf 2p−1 1 1 := = 1 − αλ,p λp−1 1 − cp,p c1,pMgp (λ/2)−c2,p λp−1
As in (7.23) we can conclude E |ux(t)|pE ≤ kλ,p(t) + Nλ,p
e−( 2 p−Nλ,p )(t−s) kλ,p(s) ds,
t ≥ 0.
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This means that we have (7.19) if
p λp 1 Lf 2 λp 1 − Nλ,p = 1− > 0. 2 2 1 − cp,p c1,pMgp (λ/2)−c2,p λ p Therefore, if we set k1,p :=
2p , p
we have that
k2,p := cp,p c1,p 2c2,p ,
λp − Nλ,p > 0, 2
if k1,p
Lpf λp
+ k2,p
Mgp < 1. λc2,p
Finally, once we have (7.19), estimate (7.20) follows as in [2, Theorem 6.2]. Remark 7.3 If g has growth strictly less than linear (that is, β < 1), then the size of g does not play any role in order to have estimates (7.19) and (7.20). Actually, they hold for any λ > Lf , exactly as in the deterministic case (when g = 0). If g has linear growth (that is, β = 1), then we have to assume that λ > fp (Lf , Mg ), for some function fp which is increasing with respect to both variables and such that 1/p
fp (x, 0) = k1,p x,
fp (0, y) = k2,p 2,p yp/c2,p ,
for some constants k1,p and k2,p defined in the proof of Theorem 7.3. This means, in particular, that we can assume λ to be arbitrarily close to zero, if we take Lf and Mg sufficiently small. On the other hand, if Lf and/or Mg are given, we can prove (7.19) and (7.20) by taking λ sufficiently large. From the theorem above, by standard arguments we have that there exists an invariant for the semigroup Pt associated with system (7.1). In the next theorem we show that two solutions starting from any two different initial data converge the one to the other as time t goes to infinity. This will imply that the invariant measure is unique. Theorem 7.4 Under Hypotheses 7.1 to 7.4, for any p ≥ p¯ there exist two positive constants h1,p and h2,p such that if Lpf Lpg h1,p p + h2,p c2,p < 1, λ λ then for any initial data x, y ∈ E ¯ lim E |ux (t) − uy (t)|pE = 0.
Proof If we define ρ(t) := ux(t) − uy (t) and v(t) := ρ(t) − [γ(ux ) − γ(uy )](t), we have dv (t) = Av(t) + F (ux (t)) − F (uy (t)), dt
v(0) = x − y.
Hence, according to Hypothesis 7.4 and to the Lipschitz continuity of F we get d− |v(t)|E ≤ Av(t), δv(t) E + F (ux(t)) − F (uy (t)), δv(t) E dt ≤ −λ |v(t)|E + Lf |ux(t) − uy (t)|E .
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i Asymptotic Behavior of Systems of SPDEs with Multiplicative Noise
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By comparison, this yields −λt
|v(t)|E ≤ e
|x − y|E + Lf
e−λ(t−s)|ρ(s)|E ds,
and hence, for any p ≥ 1 and η > 0 we get |ρ(t)|pE ≤ 2p−1 (1 + η) |γ(ux )(t) − γ(uy )(t)|pE + cp,η e−λpt |x − y|pE +2
(1 +
η) Lpf
p |ρ(s)|E ds ,
for some constant cp,η > 0. As in the proof of Theorem 7.3, for any δ ∈ (0, λ) this yields eδpt E |ρ(t)|pE ≤ 2p−1 (1 + η) eδpt E |γ(ux )(t) − γ(uy )(t)|pE + cp,η |x − y|pE + 2p−1 (1 + η)
Lpf (λ − δ)p−1
p−1 p
eδps E |ρ(s)|pE ds.
Then, due to (7.13), for any p ≥ p¯ we have eδpt E |ρ(t)|pE ≤ 2p−1 (1 + η) c1,p
(1 + η)
Lpf (λ − δ)p−1
Lpg sup eδps E |ρ(s)|pE + cp,η |x − y|pE (λ − δ)c2,p s≤t
p−1 p
Thus, if we set δ = λ/2 and αλ,p := 2p−1 c1,p and βλ,p := 4
eδps E |ρ(s)|pE ds.
Lpg 2c2,p , λc2,p p−1 p
p−1 ,
and define as in the proof of Theorem 7.3 λ
h(t) := sup e 2 ps E |ρ(s)|pE , s≤t
we have h(t) ≤ (1 + η)αλ,p h(t) + cp,η |x − y|pE + (1 + η) βλ,p
h(s) ds.
Now, if we assume that
Lpg < 1, λc2,p there exists some η¯ such that αλ,p(1 + η) < 1, for any η ≥ η¯, so that αλ,p = 2c2,p +p−1 c1,p
cp,η (1 + η) βλ,p h(t) ≤ |x − y|pE + 1 − (1 + η)αλ,p 1 − (1 + η)αλ,p
t 0
h(s) ds.
By the Gronwall lemma this implies h(t) ≤
cp,η |x − y|pE exp 1 − (1 + η)αλ,p
(1 + η) βλ,p t , 1 − (1 + η)αλ,p
t ≥ 0,
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74 and hence, recalling how h(t) was defined, E |ρ(t)|pE
cp,η ≤ |x − y|pE exp 1 − (1 + η)αλ,p
λp (1 + η) βλ,p − 2 1 − (1 + η)αλ,p
t .
Therefore, if we set h1,p := 2
p−1 p
and assume h1,p
λp for some η ≤ η¯ sufficiently small we have
1 , p−1
+ h2,p
h2,p := 2p+c2,p +1 c1,p ,
Lpg < 1, λc2,p
p ⎤ 1 Lf p−1 λp λp λp ⎣ (1 + η) βλ,p ⎦>0 = 1− − Lp g 2 1 − (1 + η)αλ,p 2 1 − (1 + η)2p+c2,p +1 c1,p λc2,p
(1 + η)22p+1
p−1 p
and the thesis follows. By standard arguments (for all details see [6]), as a consequence of Theorem 7.3 and Theorem 7.4 we have the following result. Corollary 7.1 Assume that Hypotheses 7.1 to 7.4 hold. Then there exist suitable nonnegative constants α1 , α2 , α3 , and δ such that if Lf , Lg are the Lipschitz constants of f and g, respectively, and Mg is defined by (7.18) and if λ > max{ α1 Lf , α2 Mgδ , α3 Lδg },
then the transition semigroup Pt associated with system (7.1) admits a unique invariant measure which is ergodic and strongly mixing. Remark 7.4
1. From Theorem 7.3 one sees that if Mg =
sup ξ∈ O//σ∈ R r
|g(ξ, σ)| , 1 + |σ|β
with β < 1, then we can take α2 = 0. 2. It can useful to notice that due to condition (7.25) in order to have existence and uniqueness of the invariant measure for Pt we can assume λ to be arbitrarily close to zero, if we take Lf , Mg , and Lg sufficiently small. On the other hand, if Lf , Mg and Lg are given, we can prove the uniform estimates (7.19) and (7.20) and the convergence result (7.24) by taking λ sufficiently large.
References [1] S. Cerrai, Second Order PDE’s in Finite and Infinite Dimension. A Probabilistic Approach, Lecture Notes in Mathematics Series 1762, Springer Verlag (2001). [2] S. Cerrai, Stochastic reaction-diffusion systems with multiplicative noise and nonLipschitz reaction term, Probability Theory and Related Fields 125 (2003), 271-304.
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i Asymptotic Behavior of Systems of SPDEs with Multiplicative Noise
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[3] S. Cerrai, Stabilization by noise for a class of stochastic reaction-diffusion equations, to appear in Probability Theory and Related Fields. [4] S. Cerrai, M. R¨ ockner, Large deviations for invariant measures of stochastic reactiondiffusion systems with multiplicative noise and non-Lipschitz reaction term, Annales de l’IHP (Probabilit´es et Statistiques) 41(1) (2005), 69-105. [5] G. Da Prato, J. Zabczyk, Stochastic Equations in Infinite Dimensions, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1992). [6] G. Da Prato, J. Zabczyk, Ergodicity for Infinite Dimensional Systems, London Mathematical Society, Lecture Notes Series 229, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1996). [7] E.B. Davies, Heat Kernels and Spectral Theory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1989). [8] M. Hairer, Exponential mixing properties of stochastic PDEs through asymptotic coupling, Probability Theory and Related Fields 124 (2002), 345-380. [9] J. Mattingly, Exponential convergence for the stochastically forced Navier-Stokes equations and other partially dissipative dynamics, Communications in Mathematical Physics 230 (2002), 421-462. [10] C. Mueller, Coupling and invariant measures for the heat equation with noise, Annals of Probability 21 (1993), 2189-2199. [11] S. Peszat, Existence and uniqueness of the solution for stochastic equations on Banach spaces, Stochastics and Stochastics Reports 55 (1995), 167-193. [12] R. Sowers, Large deviations for the invariant measure of a reaction-diffusion equation with non-Gaussian perturbations, Probability Theory and Related Fields 92 (1992), 393-421.
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8 On L1 (H, µ)-Properties of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Semigroups Anna Chojnowska-Michalik, University of L o´d´z
Let H and K be real separable Hilbert spaces and consider a linear stochastic differential equation in H dX = AXdt + BdW . (8.1) X0 = x ∈ H We assume that A generates on H a strongly continuous semigroup (St ); W is a standard cylindrical Wiener process on K and B ∈ L (K, H) (bounded), B = 0. Let Q = BB ∗ and t Ss QSs∗ xds, x ∈ H, t ∈ (0, +∞] . Qt x = 0
If for t ∈ (0, +∞), the operators Qt are of trace class, then the solution to (8.1) is given by the formula t Xt (x) = St x + St−s BdWs , t ≥ 0. (8.2) 0
The process X is Gaussian and Markov and it is called an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (O-U) process in H. In this note our basic assumption is the following: ∞ tr Ss QSs∗ ds < +∞ (8.3) 0
which is equivalent to the existence of an invariant measure for (8.1). If (8.3) holds, then the Gaussian measure µ = N (0, Q∞ ) on H with mean 0 and the covariance operator Q∞ is an invariant measure for the O-U process X given by (8.2) (see [D-Z; S]). The O-U semigroup (Rt ), i.e., the transition semigroup for the O-U process X in (8.2) is given by Rt φ (x) = Eφ (Xt (x)) = φ (St x + y) µt (dy) , H
φ ∈ Bb (H)
(Borel bounded),
where µt = N (0, Qt ). Then (Rt ) is a positivity preserving C0 -semigroup of contractions on Lp (H, µ) for 1 ≤ p < ∞ (see, e.g., [D-Z; P]). We define the following class of cylindrical functions: FCb∞ := {φ : H → R : φ (x) = f (x, h1 , . . . , x, hm ) , and
h1 , . . . , hm ∈ dom (A∗ ) ,
for some m ∈ N
f ∈ Cb∞ (Rm )} .
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78 and the differential operator for φ ∈ FCb∞ L0 φ (x) :=
1 tr QD2 φ (x) + Ax, Dφ (x) , 2
x ∈ dom (A) ,
where D denotes the Fr´echet derivative. It was proved in [Ch-G; E, Lem. 1] (see also [D-Z; P]) that under (8.3) the generator L of (Rt ) in Lp (H, µ), 1 ≤ p < ∞, is the closure of L0 , and, moreover, FCb∞ is invariant for (Rt ). Two classes of O-U semigroups have been intensely studied for many years. The first one is the class of symmetric O-U semigroups, which is important because of applications in physics. Recall that symmetric transition semigroups correspond to reversible processes. The second one is the class of strongly Feller O-U semigroups, which is important in the theory of Kolmogorov equations because of smoothing properties of such semigroups. Regularity properties in Lp (H, µ), for 1 < p < ∞ were studied for various classes of O-U semigroups in many papers (e.g., [G-Ch,...], [F], [D-F-Z], [D-Z, P] Sec. 10 and references therein). Properties of O-U semigroups in L1 (H, µ) may completely differ from those in Lp (H, µ) for 1 < p < ∞. For H = Rn a result on the L1 -spectrum of the O-U generator in [M-P-Pr] implies that, e.g., the compactness and analycity of (Rt ) fail in L1 . It is known that a strongly Feller Rt , t > 0, maps Lp (H, µ) into C ∞ (H) ∩ W 1,p (H) for 1 < p < ∞ ([Ch-G; E], [D-F-Z]) but by [D-F-Z] Rt f may not be even continuous if f ∈ L1 (H, µ) and dim H = ∞. It follows easily from Prop. 2.2. b) in this note that Rt does not map L1 (H, µ) into the Sobolev space W 1,1 (H). The aim of this chapter is to investigate certain properties of O-U semigroups in L1 (H, µ). In Sec. 8.2 we briefly review known results on the compactness, hypercontractivity, and WQn,p -regularity of O-U semigroups in Lp (H, µ) for 1 < p < ∞ and we give direct simple ∞ proofs of lack of these properties in L1 (H, µ). New results are proved in Sec. 8.3 and Sec. 8.4. In Sec. 8.3 we describe the L1 (H, µ)-spectrum of L for a certain class of O-U semigroups that contains (nonpathological) strongly Feller semigroups and we thus extend the finite-dimensional result of [M-P-Pr]. A corollary on convergence to equilibrium is proved in Sec. 8.4 (Thm. 8.3). We also recall the corresponding result in Lp (H, µ) for 1 < p < ∞ (Thm. 8.2). Example 8.1 shows that the situation in infinite dimension is completely different from that in finite dimension. In the last part of this section we briefly summarize certain properties of general O-U semigroups proved in [Ch-G; R and Q] (and slightly extended in [Ch] to the case of possibly noninjective Q∞ ). 1/2 −1/2 Let H0 = Q∞ (H), H1 = H 0 (the closure of H0 in H), and Q∞ denote the pseudoin1/2 −1/2 1/2 verse of Q∞ . Then Q∞ : H0 → H1 and H0 = Q∞ (H1 ). Lemma 8.1 We have (i) St (H0 ) ⊂ H0 for each t ≥ 0. −1/2
(ii) The family of operators S0 (t) = Q∞ tractions on H1 . 1/2
St Q∞ |H1 , t ≥ 0, is a C0 -semigroup of con−1/2
(iii) For each t, the adjoint S0∗ (t) = Q∞ St∗ Q∞
. 1/2
(iv) Let A0 be the generator of (S0 (t)). Then H2 = Q∞ (dom A∗ ) is a core for A∗0 in H1 . (v) ker Q∞ ⊂ ker Q.
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i On L1 (H, µ)-Properties of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Semigroups
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linear functional on H1 s.t. ϕh (x) = For h ∈H1 we denote by ϕh the µ measurable −1/2 2 1 h, Q∞ x for x ∈ H0 and let Eh (x) = exp ϕh (x) − 2 h , x ∈ H1 . Since µ (H1 ) = 1, for each 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ the spaces Lp (H, µ) and Lp (H1 , µ) are isometrically isomorphic. Then 2 ϕ2h dµ = h = ϕ2h dµ and H1 H Eh dµ = 1 = Eh dµ. H1
Let L2 (H1 , µ) = ⊕∞ n=0 Hn be the Ito–Wiener decomposition (e.g., [W], [D-Z; P]). By In we denote the orthogonal projection in L2 (H1 , µ) onto Hn . 1/2 −1/2 If T ∈ L (H1 ), then the operator Q∞ T Q∞ is bounded on H0 and hence it can be uniquely extended to a µ-measurable linear transformation TQ∞ on H1 such that 2 ∗ 1/2 TQ∞ x µ (dx) = tr Q1/2 ∞ T T Q∞ . H1
Lemma 8.2 ([Ch-G; Q]). We have 1/2 (i) Rt φ (x) = H1 φ (S0 (t))Q∞ x + (I − S0 (t) S0∗ (t))Q∞ y µ (dy) := Γ (S0∗ (t)) (x) for µ a.a. x ∈ H1 , φ ∈ Lp (H1 , µ), 1 ≤ p < ∞. (ii) Rt In (ϕnh ) = In ϕnS ∗ (t)h , h ∈ H1 . 0
(iii) Rt Eh = ES0∗ (t)h
h ∈ H1 .
Compactness and hypercontractivity
Let (Rt ) be an O-U semigroup and fix t > 0. If Rt is a compact operator on L2 (H, µ), then by interpolation Rt is compact on LpH = Lp (H, µ) for all 1 < p < ∞ ([Ch-G; E]). Prop. 8.1 below shows that the compactness fails for p = 1. (This follows from Thm. 3 in [Ch-G; Q] but we give a direct argument because of its simplicity.) By [Ch-G; Q], Rt is compact on LpH for 1 < p < ∞ iff S0 (t) is a compact operator and S0 (t) < 1.
Moreover, by [Ch-G; R or Q], (8.4) is equivalent to the following condition: 1/2
(H) = Q1/2 ∞ (H) .
(8.5) 1/2
Recall also that if Rt is strongly Feller (sF for short) and (8.3) St (H) ⊂ Qt (H) holds, then −1/2 1/2 and (8.5) is satisfied (see [D-Z; S or P]). Hence S0 (t) = Q∞ St Q∞ is compact, as 1/2
the superposition of the compact operator Q∞ and the bounded operator Q∞ St , and therefore Rt is compact on LpH for 1 < p < ∞ (comp. [D-Z; E or P] for a different proof of the compactness). By [Ch-G; Q] and [F] condition (8.5) is equivalent to the hypercontractivity of Rt on LpH , 1 < p < ∞. (Rt is hypercontractive on Lp if for a certain q > p, Rt : LpH → LqH is a contraction.) The hypercontractivity also fails in L1H , which follows from Nelson’s
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conditions ([Ch-G; Q] Thm. 2, [S]). A direct simple proof is given in Prop. 8.2a below, where we follow [N]. (8.5) also implies that for all 1 < p < ∞ and n = 1, 2, . . . , Rt : LpH → WQn,p is bounded. ∞ Prop. 8.2b) below shows that this is not true for p = 1. Recall that the Sobolev space WQ1,p (H), 1 ≤ p < ∞, is defined as the completion of ∞ space P(H0 ) of polynomials in Lp (H, µ) with respect to the norm
1/2 p p p φW 1,p = φLp +
Q∞ Dφ dµ, H
P(H0 ) = lin {ϕnh : n = 0, 1, 2, . . .,
h ∈ H0 } .
We say that i) (Rt ) is a compact (etc.) semigroup, if for every t > 0, Rt is a compact operator (etc.), ii) (Rt ) is an eventually compact (etc.) semigroup, if for a certain a > 0 and every t ≥ a, Rt is compact (etc.) (see [E-Na]). Proposition 8.1 (comp. [Ch-G; Q] Thm. 3). Assume (8.3) and let (Rt )t≥0 be an arbitrary O-U semigroup acting in the scale of Lp (H, µ), 1 ≤ p < ∞. Then (Rt )t≥0 is not a compact semigroup on L1 (H, µ). Proof Let Rt = Γ (S0∗ (t)), t ≥ 0, and fix t > 0 and h ∈ H1 such that S0∗ (t) = 0 and S0∗ (t) h = α > 0. Let for n = 1, 2, . . . 1 2 2 Ψn (x) = Enh (x) = exp nϕh (x) − n h . 2 Then by [Ch-G; Q] (see also Introduction) Rt Ψn (x) = EnS0∗ (t)h (x) and Ψn L1 = Rt Ψn L1 = 1. H
Suppose that Rt : L1 (H, µ) → L1 (H, µ) is a compact operator. Then we can choose a subsequence (Rt Ψmn ) convergent in L1 (H, µ) to a certain φ of norm one. Since ϕS0∗ (t)h ∈ L2 (H, µ), for µ almost all (a.a.) x ∈ H, ϕS0∗ (t)h (x) is finite and for such x log Rt Ψn (x) = nϕS0∗ (t)h (x) − n2
α2 → −∞, 2
as n → ∞. Hence Rt Ψn (x) → 0 for µ almost all (a.a.) x ∈ H and we obtain a contradiction. Remark 8.1 We have actually proved that if S0∗ (t) = 0, then Γ (S0∗ (t)) is not a compact 1 operator on L (H, µ). Note that Γ (0) ϕ (x) = ϕ (y) µ (dy) , for ϕ ∈ L1H , H
i.e., Γ (0) :
→ R · 1 ⊂ LpH ,
1 ≤ p ≤ ∞,
L1H .
This observation is used in Sect. 8.4, and, in particular, Γ (0) is a compact operator on where we give a simple example of an O-U semigroup (Rt ) that is eventually compact on LpH for all 1 ≤ p < ∞. Proposition 8.2 Assume (8.3) and let Rt = Γ (S0∗ (t)), t ≥ 0, be an O-U semigroup acting on the scale of Lp (H, µ)-spaces, 1 ≤ p < ∞. Fix t0 ∈ (0, ∞). If S0∗ (t0 ) = 0 then
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i On L1 (H, µ)-Properties of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Semigroups
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a) For every q > 1, Rt0 : L1H → LqH is unbounded. b) Rt0 : L1H → WQ1,1 (H) is unbounded. ∞ Proof As in the proof of Prop. 8.1 consider the functions Ψn = Enh , n = 1, 2, . . ., for a fixed h ∈ H1 with S0∗ (t0 ) h = α > 0. Then Rt0 Ψn (x) = EnS0∗(t0 )h (x), Ψn L1 = 1 and, H
Rt0 Ψn Lq = exp 12 (q − 1) n2 α2 , q ≥ 1. Hence for q > 1, supn Rt0 Ψn Lq = +∞ and H H −1/2 (a) follows. To prove (b) first observe that for g ∈ H0 , the function eϕg (x) = exp Q∞ g, x is Fr´echet differentiable (in x) on H and −1/2 ϕg (x) ge , x ∈ H, Deϕg (x) = Q∞
which implies that
ϕg Q1/2 = geϕg ∞ De
for g ∈ H0 and consequently for g ∈ H1 . Therefore ∗ Q1/2 ∞ D (Rt Ψn ) = nS0 (t) hRt Ψn
Q∞ DRt0 Ψn
L1 (H,µ;H1 )
= nα.
Hence supn Rt0 Ψn W 1,1 = +∞, which proves b). Q∞
L1 spectrum of L
The spectrum in L2 (H, µ) of the O-U generator L of symmetric and compact semigroup (Rt ) was described in [Ch-G;Q] Sec. 2 by second quantization method. Recently, this result has been generalized in [Ne], where the Lp -spectrum, 1 < p < ∞, of the O-U generator is characterized for hypercontractive and eventually norm continuous semigroup (Rt ). For H = Rn the full description of the Lp -spectrum of L, 1 ≤ p < ∞, has been given in [M-PPr]. By this result the L1 -spectrum of L completely differs from the Lp -spectrum, p = 1, which is the same for all 1 < p < ∞. It has been proved in [M-P-Pr] that if H = Rn , (St ) is exponentially stable and the corresponding O-U semigroup (Rt ) is strongly Feller, then the spectrum of its generator L acting in L1 (Rn , µ) is of the form SpL1 L = {z ∈ C : Re z ≤ 0} = C− . Below we prove a certain generalization of this result. As usual, C− = {z ∈ C : Re z < 0}. Theorem 8.1 Let (8.3) hold and assume that A∗0 has an eigenvalue λ ∈ C− . Then SpL1H L = C− and every α ∈ C− is an eigenvalue of L in L1H . Proof We consider two cases: λ ∈ R or λ ∈ C\R and reduce the problem to H = R or H = R2 , respectively. Part 1. Let λ ∈ R, λ < 0 and h ∈ H1 be a corresponding eigenvector of norm one. In the notation of Introduction (Lem. 8.2) we have Rt In (ϕnh ) = In ϕnS ∗ (t)h 0
i i
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In (ϕnh ) (x) =
n!χn (ϕh (x)) ,
x ∈ H,
where χn , n = 0, 1, 2, . . ., are the real Hermite polynomials (see, e.g., [Ch-G; Q] or [D-Z; P] p. 193). Hence Rt (χn ◦ ϕh ) = enλt χn (ϕh ) . (8.6) ∞
Since {χn }n=0 is an orthonormal basis (ONB for short) in H = L2 (R, N (0, 1)), the formula Ut f =
∞ n=0
enλt f, χn χn ,
f ∈H
defines a self adjoint H-S semigroup on H and its generator A satisfies Aχn (u) = nλχn (u) = |λ| (χn (u) − uχn (u)) ,
u ∈ R.
(The last equality follows by the properties of the Hermite polynomials — see, e.g., [D-Z; S], p. 189.) Hence for an arbitrary polynomial f ∈ P (R) Af (u) = |λ| (f (u) − uf (u)) ,
u ∈ R.
Then the generator A coincides on P (R) with the O-U generator Lλ on H corresponding to the stochastic equation in R √ dzt = λzt + −2λdwt . Since P (R) is a core for Lλ , A = Lλ . From (8.6) and (8.7) we obtain Rt (f ◦ ϕh ) (x) = (Ut f) (ϕh (x)) ,
f ∈ H,
x ∈ H.
Observe that for an H-valued random variable ξ with the distribution µ, ϕh (ξ) has N (0, 1) distribution and hence for 1 ≤ p < ∞ p p |f (ϕh (x))| µ (dx) = |f (u)| N (0, 1) (du) . H
Therefore equality (8.8) extends to all f ∈ L1R = L1 (R, N (0, 1)). From this we deduce that if f ∈ domL1R (A) ,
f ◦ ϕh ∈ domL1H (L)
L (f ◦ ϕh ) = (Af) ◦ ϕh . By the one-dimensional result ([Da-S] Thm. 3, see also [M-P-Pr] Thm. 5.1) every α ∈ C− is an eigenvalue of the O-U generator A considered in L1R . Let fα ∈ L1R be a corresponding eigenvector. Then by (8.9), L (fα ◦ ϕh ) = α (fα ◦ ϕh ) and hence every α ∈ C− is an eigenvalue of L in L1H . Since the spectrum of a closed operator is closed, we obtain C− ⊂ SpL1H (L). On the other hand, SpL1H (L) ⊂ C− , since L generates a semigroup of contractions in L1H . This finishes the proof of Part 1. Part 2. Let λ = β + iγ, where β < 0, γ = 0, and let h + i g be a corresponding eigenvector, h, g ∈ dom (A∗0 ) in H1 . It is easy to check that h and g are linearly independent, A∗0 h = β h − γ g, g = γ h + β g, A∗
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i On L1 (H, µ)-Properties of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Semigroups
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and by the spectral properties of semigroups, h − sin (γt) g , S0∗ (t) h = eβt cos (γt) h + cos (γt) g . S0∗ (t) g = eβt sin (γt)
Hence G = lin h, g is a two-dimensional real subspace invariant for S0∗ (t) , t ≥ 0. Let {h, g} be an ONB in G and let V = A∗0 |G. Then Tt = eV t = S0∗ (t) |G . G with the ONB {h, g} is identified as R2 with the standard basis {e1 , e2 } and V and Tt are treated as operators on R2 . Let 11 τt12 τt . Tt = τt21 τt22 Since Tt is a contraction, the formula Ut f (x) = ΓR2 (Tt ) f (x) = f Tt∗ x + I − Tt∗ Tt y N (0, I) (dy) , R2
for any f ∈ LpR2 = Lp R2 , N (0, I) , defines a contraction Ut on
LpR2 .
1 ≤ p < ∞,
By (8.11), (Tt ) is exponentially stable. Then = − (V + V ∗ ) , Q
obtained from the Liapunov equation satisfies ∞ s ds = I, =Q ∗ , Ts∗ QT Q 0
t = Q
s ds = I − Tt∗ Tt . Ts∗ QT
> 0, because V and V ∗ generate contraction semigroups and they are invertible Moreover Q by (8.10). This yields the equality for f ∈ LpR2 t dz, Ut f (x) = f (Tt∗ x + z) N 0, Q R2
which implies that (Ut ) is the transition semigroup of the solution to the equation in R2 dXt = V ∗ Xt dt + − (V + V ∗ )dWt . Let χkl (u) = χk (u1 ) χl (u2 ) ,
u = (u1 , u2 ) ∈ R2 ,
(the Hermite polynomials in R2 ), and let fej (u) = u, ej = uj , j = 1, 2. Then by Lem. 8.2 ii) with Rt = Ut we have Ut (χkl ) (u) = χk (fTt e1 (u)) · χl (fTt e2 (u)) = χk τt11 u1 + τt21 u2 · χl τt12 u1 + τt22 u2 ,
u ∈ R2 ,
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84 and for x ∈ H Rt (χkl ◦ (ϕh , ϕg )) (x) = χk ϕS0∗ (t)h (x) · χl ϕS0∗ (t)g (x)
= χk (ϕTt h (x)) χl (ϕTt g (x)) = χk τt11 ϕh (x) + τt21 ϕg (x) · χl τt12 ϕh (x) + τt22 ϕg (x) = Ut (χkl ) (ϕh (x) , ϕg (x)) . ∞
Since {χkl }k,l=1 is an ONB in L2R2 , we obtain the identity for every f ∈ L2R2 Rt (f (ϕh , ϕg )) (x) = (Ut f) (ϕh (x) , ϕg (x)) ,
x ∈ H.
By the same argument as in Part 1 the identity (8.12) extends to all f ∈ L1R2 , which implies (8.9). The generator A of (Ut ) for the O-U process in R2 satisfies all the assumptions of Thm. 5.1 in [M-P-Pr] and hence by this result every α ∈ C− is an L1R2 eigenvalue of A. Then we complete the proof as in Part 1. Remark 8.2 If SpL1H L = C− , then by Thm. II., 4.18 in [E-Na] the semigroup (Rt ) is not eventually norm continuous in L1 (H, µ). As a consequence of Thm. 8.1 we obtain a slight generalization of Thm. 5.1 in [M-P-Pr], since in Cor. 8.1 we also allow of det Q∞ = 0. Corollary 8.1 If H = Rn and (8.3) holds, then SpL1n L = C− . R
Proof Since dim H < ∞, we have Q∞ (H) = H0 = H 0 = Q∞ (H0 ) and Q∞ is a 1/2 −1/2 −1/2 bijection on H0 . In particular, S0∗ (t) = Q∞ St∗ Q∞ . Let x ∈ H0 and y = Q∞ x. As a consequence of (8.3) we have for all t > 0 Q∞ = Qt + St Q∞ St∗ , x, x = Qt y, y +
and hence
S0∗ (t)x, S0∗ (t)x .
If t → ∞, Qt y, y → Q∞ y, y = x, x and hence S0∗ (t)x → 0, x ∈ H0 . Since dim H0 < ∞, the last yields Sp (A∗0 ) ⊂ C− and the conclusion follows from Thm. 8.1. Corollary 8.2 Assume (8.3). Let (Rt ) be an eventually sF (strongly Feller) O-U semigroup and let 1 ω0 = lim log St > −∞. (8.13) t→∞ t Then SpL1H L = C− . Proof Since (Rt ) is an event, sF semigroup, for a certain a > 0 and all t ≥ a the inclusions hold (e.g., [D-Z; S]) 1/2 St (H) ⊂ Qt (H) ⊂ Q1/2 (8.14) ∞ (H) = H0 . −1/2 1/2 By [D-Z; S or P] condition (8.14) implies that St and S0 (t) = Q∞ St Q∞ are H-S operators for t ≥ a and (8.5) holds. It follows, e.g., from Prop. IV., 2.2. in [E-Na] that for every t > 0, the spectral radius of St , Rad (St ) = eω0 t > 0 and hence a nonzero λt is in Sp (St ). Then by spectral properties of eventually compact semigroup there exists an eigenvalue β and a corresponding eigenvector hβ of A such that St hβ = etβ hβ , t ≥ 0 (e.g.,
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i On L1 (H, µ)-Properties of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Semigroups
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[Da] Thm. 2.20, [E-Na] Cor. IV, 3.8 (i)). By (8.14) hβ ∈ H0 and hence we can define −1/2 gβ = Q∞ hβ ∈ H 0 . Then S0 (t) gβ = etβ gβ , t ≥ 0, and hence etβ is an eigenvalue of S0∗ (t), t ≥ 0 which implies that β is an eigenvalue of A∗0 . By (8.5), S0∗ (t) < 1, hence Re β < 0. Therefore the corollary follows from Thm. 8.1. Corollary 8.3 Assume (8.3). If the O-U semigroup (Rt ) is compact in L2 (H, µ) (in particular sF) and symmetric (Rt = R∗t ), then (a) (Rt ) is compact and analytic semigroup in Lp (H, µ), for 1 < p < ∞. (b) In L1 (H, µ) the semigroup (Rt ) is neither compact nor differentiable and SpL1H L = C− . Proof By [Ch-G; Q and S], Rt = R∗t iff S0 (t) = S0∗ (t). Moreover, for t > 0, Rt is compact in L2 iff S0 (t) is compact and S0 (t) < 1. Then (a) follows by [Ch-G; Q] and (b) is an immediate consequence of Thm. 8.1 and Rem. 8.2.
Exponential convergence to equilibrium
By a result in [Ch-G; N], the condition 1/2 Q1/2 (H) ∞ (H) ⊂ Q
is equivalent to the existence of a gap in the L2H -spectrum of L, that is for a certain δ > 0 SpL2H L\ {0} ⊂ {λ ∈ C : Re λ ≤ −δ} ,
and moreover (8.15) implies the uniform exponential convergence to equilibrium in Lp (H, µ) for every 1 < p < ∞. We recall below the suitable result from [Ch-G; N] and next show that this convergence fails in L1 (H, µ). Let φ = φdµ for φ ∈ L1H and H
Lp0 (H, µ) = φ ∈ Lp (H, µ) : φ = 0 , 1 ≤ p < ∞. Clearly, Lp0 is a closed subspace of LpH and Rt (Lp0 ) ⊂ Lp0 (since Rt φ = φ). By, e.g., [Z 1] the inclusion (8.15) is equivalent to the following condition. For a certain a > 0
for all x ∈ H. (8.17) x
Q x ≥ a Q1/2 ∞
Theorem 8.2 ([Ch-G; N] Thm. 3.3). Assume (8.3). Then for any fixed a > 0, the following conditions are equivalent: (i) (8.17) holds for a. 2 (ii) S0 (t) ≤ exp − a2 t , t ≥ 0. 2
(iii) (8.16) holds for δ = a2 . 2 (iv) Rt φL2 ≤ exp − a2 t φL2 , φ ∈ L20 , t ≥ 0. H
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Moreover, if (8.17) holds then for every p ∈ (1, ∞). p p pa2 dµ, where p = (v) H Rt φ − φ dµ ≤ exp − max(p,p ) t · H φ − φ Remark 8.3 Condition (v) can be written equivalently as a2 Rt Lp →Lp ≤ exp − t , 1 < p < ∞, 0 0 max (p, p )
p , p−1
t ≥ 0,
t ≥ 0, φ ∈ LpH .
and it follows from (iv) and the Riesz–Thorin interpolation theorem. Moreover, Thm. 8.2 holds true without the assumption that Q∞ is injective ([Ch] Cor. 2.6). Condition (b) in Thm. 8.3 below says that in L1 (H, µ) there is no uniform exponential convergence to equilibrium but the limit estimate for p = 1 obtained from (8.18) is the best one in L10 . Theorem 8.3 Let (8.3) and (8.15) hold. Then Rt φ − φ dµ → 0 as t → ∞, for φ ∈ L1H . (8.19) H
If moreover, the point spectrum of A∗0 is nonempty, then Rt L1 →L1 = 1 0
for t ≥ 0.
Proof By Thm. 8.2, (8.19) is true for φ ∈ L2H and hence (8.19) holdsfor φ ∈ L1H by density. 2
To prove (8.20) note that by Thm. 8.2 for a certain a > 0, Sp A∗0 ⊂ λ ∈ C : Re λ ≤ − a2 .
Then by Thm. 8.1 every real α < 0 is an L1H -eigenvalue of L and let fα ∈ L1H with fα L1 = 1 be an eigenvector corresponding to α. Then for a fixed α < 0 H
Rt fα − f α = eαt fα − f α → f α
in L1H ,
as t → ∞,
and hence by (8.19), f α = 0, i.e, fα ∈ L10 . Taking αn → 0− , we obtain for a fixed t ≥ 0 Rt fαn L1 = eαn t → 1 as 0
n → ∞.
This proves (8.20). Corollary 8.4 Under the assumptions of Cor. 8.3 the conclusions of Thm. 8.3 hold true. A simple example below illustrates the difference between the case of dim H < ∞ and the case of dim H = ∞. This example is of some importance in mathematical finance (see [Z 2]) and in [Ch-G; N] and [Ch] we investigated the hypercontractivity of the corresponding O-U semigroup (Rt ). Example 8.1 In the space H = L2 (0, 1) consider the equation dXt = AXt dt + bdwt , t ≥ 0 X0 = x ∈ H, where the operator A=
d du
dom (A) = x ∈ H 1 (0, 1) : x (1) = 0
generates the semigroup S (t) x (u) =
x (t + u) , if t + u ≤ 1 0, if t + u > 1,
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i On L1 (H, µ)-Properties of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Semigroups
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(wt ) is a Wiener process in R and b ∈ H, b = 0 (for simplicity we can take b = 1). For t ≥ 1, St = 0, hence Q∞ = Q1 and S0∗ (t) = 0 for t ≥ 1. Then the corresponding O-U semigroup (Rt ) and its generator L injoy the following properties. For t ≥ 1, Rt φ = H φdµ, for φ ∈ Lp (H, µ), 1 ≤ p < ∞. Therefore for each t ≥ 1: Rt is compact and hypercontractive in Lp (H, µ) for all 1 ≤ p < ∞ (actually a contraction Rt isn,p 1 ∞ from L1H to L∞ (H) (and into W (H)). Note H ); Rt is sF and maps LH into C n≥1 p≥1
that Sp (A∗0 ) = ∅, SpLpH (Rt ) = {0, 1}
SpLpH (L) = {0}
for all 1 ≤ p < ∞. It has been proved in [Ch] that for 0 < t < 1, (8.5) is not satisfied. Hence for 0 < t < 1 and any 1 ≤ p < ∞, Rt is not hypercontractive or compact in LpH , or sF.
References [Ch]
A. Chojnowska-Michalik, Transition semigroups for stochastic semilinear equations on Hilbert spaces, Diss. Math. 396 (2001).
[Ch-G; E] A. Chojnowska-Michalik and B. Goldys, Existence, uniqueness and invariant measures for stochastic semilinear equations on Hilbert spaces, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 102 (1995), 331-356. [Ch-G; N] A. Chojnowska-Michalik and B. Goldys, Nonsymmetric Ornstein-Uhlenbeck generators, Proceedings of Colloquium on Infinite Dimensional Stochastic Analysis, Symposium of the Royal Netherlands Academy, Amsterdam, 1999. [Ch-G; Q] A. Chojnowska-Michalik and B. Goldys, Nonsymmetric Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup as second quantized operator, J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 36 (1996), 481498. [Ch-G; R] A. Chojnowska-Michalik and B. Goldys, On regularity properties of nonsymmetric Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup in Lp spaces, Stoch. Stoch. Rep. 59 (1996), 183-209. [Ch-G; S] A. Chojnowska-Michalik and B. Goldys, Symmetric Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroups and their generators, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 124 (2002), 459-486. [D-F-Z]
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E.B. Davies, One-Parameter Semigroups, Academic Press, London, 1980.
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E.B. Davies and B. Simon, L1 -properties of intrinsic Schr˝ odinger semigroups, J. Funct. Anal. 65 (1986), 126-146.
K. Engel and R. Nagel, One-parameter semigroups for linear evolution equations, Graduate Texts Math. 194, Springer, 2000.
M. Fuhrman, Hyprercontractivit´e des semigroupes d’Ornstein-Uhlenbeck non sym´etriques, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, S´er. I, Math. 321 (1995), 929-932.
[M-P-Pr] G. Metafune, D. Pallara and E. Priola, Spectrum of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators in Lp spaces with respect to invariant measures, J. Funct. Anal. 196 (2002), 40-60. [N]
E. Nelson, Probability theory and euclidean field theory, in Constructive Quantum Field Theory, Velo, G. (editor) Lect. Notes in Physics 25, Springer, New York, 1973, 94-124.
J.M.A.M. van Neerven, Second quantization and the Lp spectrum of nonsymmetric Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators, preprint, 2004.
B. Simon, The P (φ)2 Euclidean (Quantum) Field Theory, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1974.
S. Watanabe, Stochastic Differential Equations and Malliavin Calculus, SpringerVerlag, New York, 1984.
[Z 1]
J. Zabczyk, Mathematical Control Theory: An Introduction, Systems and Control: Foundations and Applications, Birkh¨ auser, Boston, 1992.
[Z 2]
J. Zabczyk, Stochastic invariance and consistency of financial models, Rend. Mat. Acc. Lincei 11 (2000), 67-80.
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9 Intertwining and the Markov Uniqueness Problem on Path Spaces K. David Elworthy, Warwick University Xue-Mei Li, Nottingham Trent University
9.1 9.1.1
Malliavin calculus on C0 Rm and Cx0 M Notation
Let M be a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension n. Fix T > 0 and x0 in M . Let Cx0 M denote the smooth Banach manifold of continuous paths σ : [0, T ] → M such that σ0 = x0 furnished with its Brownian motion measure µx0 . However, most of what follows works for a class of more general, possible degenerate, diffusion measures. Let C0 Rm be the corresponding space of continuous Rm -valued paths starting at the m origin, with Wiener measure P, and let H denote its Cameron–Martin space: H = L2,1 0 R T ˙ with inner product α, βH = 0 α(s), ˙ β(s) Rm ds. As a Banach manifold Cx0 M has tangent spaces Tσ M at each point σ, given by Tσ M = {v : [0, T ] → T M v(0) = 0, v is continuous , v(s) ∈ Tσ(s) M, s ∈ [0, T ]}. Each tangent space has the uniform norm induced on it by the Riemannian metric of M . As an analogue of H there are the “Bismut tangent spaces” Hσ defined by Hσ = {v ∈ Tσ Cx0 M //s−1 v(s) ∈ L2,1 0 Tx0 M, 0 s T } where //s denotes parallel translation of Tx0 M to Tσ(s) M using the Levi–Civita connection.
Malliavin calculus on C0 Rm
To have a calculus on C0 Rm the standard method is to choose a dense subspace, Dom(dH ), of Fr´echet differentiable functions (or elements of the first chaos) in L2 (C0 Rm ; R). By differentiating in the H-directions we obtain the H-derivative operator dH : Dom(dH ) → L2 (C0 Rm ; H ∗ ). By the Cameron –Martin integration by parts formula this operator is closable. Let d : Dom(d) → L2 (C0 Rm ; H ∗ ) be its closure and write ID2,1 for its domain with its graph norm and inner product. From work of Shigekawa and Sugita, [Sugita], ID2,1 does not depend on the (sensible) choice of initial domain Dom(dH ) and, moreover, if a function is weakly differentiable with weak derivative in L2 , in a sense described below, then it is in ID2.1 . In particular, if Dom(dH ) consists of the polygonomial cylindrical functions, then ID2,1 contains the space BC1 of bounded functions with bounded continuous Fr´echet derivatives. 89 i
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Malliavin calculus on Cx0 M
If f : Cx0 M → R is Fr´echet differentiable with differential (df)σ : Tσ Cx0 M → R at the point σ, define (dH f)σ : Hσ → R by restriction. Choosing a suitable domain Dom(dH ) in L2 the integration by parts results of [Driver] imply closability and we obtain a closed operator d : Dom(d) ⊂ L2 (Cx0 M ; R) → L2 H*, for L2 H∗ the space of L2 -sections of the dual “bundle” H∗ of H. Let ID2.1 or ID2,1 (Cx0 M ; R) denote the domain of this d furnished with its graph norm and inner product. Possible choices for the initial domain Dom(dH ) include the following: (i) C ∞ Cyl, the space of C ∞ cylindrical functions; (ii) BC1 , the space of BC1 bounded functions with first Fr´echet derivatives bounded; (iii) BC∞ , the space of infinitely Fr´echet differentiable functions all of whose derivatives are bounded. One fundamental question is whether such different choices of the initial domain lead to the same space ID2,1 . At the time of writing this question appears to still be open. There is a gap in the proof suggested in [Elworthy-Li3] as will be described in Section 9.3 below. However, the techniques given there do show that choices (i) and (iii) above lead to the same ID2,1 . From now on we shall assume that choice (i) has been taken. We use ∇ : Dom(d) → L2 H defined from d using the canonical isometry of Hσ with its dual space H∗σ . This requires the choice of a Riemannian structure on H; for this see below. Let div : Dom(div) ⊂ L2 H → L2 (Cx0 M ; R) denote the adjoint of −∇. Then if f ∈ Dom(d) and v ∈ Dom(div), we have df(v)dµx0 = − f div(v)dµx0 = ∇f, v. dµx0 . Using these we get the self-adjoint operator ∆ defined to be div ∇. Another basic open question is whether this is essentially self-adjoint on C ∞ Cyl. From the point of view of stochastic analysis it would be almost as good for it to have Markov uniqueness. Essentially this means that there is a unique diffusion process on Cx0 M whose generator A agrees with ∆ on C ∞ cylindrical functions, see [Eberle]. Another characterization of this is given below. Finally, there is the question of the existence of “local charts” for Cx0 M which preserve, at least locally, this sort of differentiability. The stochastic development maps D : C0 Rm → Cx0 M appear not to have this property, [XD-Li]. The Itˆ o maps we use seem to be the best substitute for such charts.
9.2 9.2.1
The approach via Itˆ o maps and main results Itˆ o maps as a charts
As in [Aida-Elworthy] and [Elworthy-LeJan-Li] take a stochastic differential equation (SDE) on M dxt = X(xt ) ◦ dBt ,
with our given initial value x0 . Here (Bt , 0 ≤ t ≤ T ) is the canonical Brownian motion on Rm and X(x) is a linear map from Rm to the tangent space Tx M for each x in M , smooth in x. Choose the SDE with the following properties: SDE1 The solutions to (1) are Brownian motions on M .
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SDE2 For each e ∈ Rm the vector field X(−)e has covariant derivative which vanishes at any point x where e is orthogonal to the kernel of X(x). This can be achieved, for example, by using Nash’s theorem to obtain an isometric immersion of M into some Rm and taking X(x) to be the orthogonal projection onto the tangent space; see [Elworthy-LeJan-Li]. Let I : C0 Rm → Cx0 M denote the Itˆ o map ω → x· (ω) with It (ω) = xt (ω). Then I maps P to µx0 . Set F x0 = σ{xs : 0 ≤ s ≤ T } 2,1 m and f is F x0 -measurable}. ID2,1 F x0 = {f : C0 R → R s.t. f ∈ ID
Also consider the isometric injection I ∗ : L2 (Cx0 M ; R) → L2 (C0 Rm ; R) given by f → f ◦ I.
Basic results
Theorem 9.1 [Elworthy-Li1] The map I ∗ sends ID2,1 (Cx0 M ; R) to ID2,1 F x0 with closed range. 2,1 Theorem 9.2 Markov uniqueness holds if and only if I ∗ [ID2,1 (Cx0 M ; R)] = IDF x0 .
Theorem 9.3 If f : C0 Rm → R is in Dom(∆) and F x0 -measurable then f belongs to I ∗ [ID2,1 (Cx0 M ; R)]. From Theorem 9.3 we see that BC2 ⊂ ID2,1 on Cx0 M . Theorem 9.2 is a consequence of Theorem 9.4 below. Problem 9.1 Is the set {f : C0 Rm → R s.t. fis in Dom(∆) and F x0 -measurable} dense in ID2,1 F x0 ? Problem 9.1 is open. An affirmative answer would imply Markov uniqueness by the theorems above.
A stronger possibility
Problem 9.2 If f ∈ ID2,1 does E{f|F x0 } ∈ ID2,1 ? Problem 9.2 is open: there is a gap in the “proof” in [Elworthy-Li3]. It is true for f an exponential martingale or in a finite chaos space. An affirmative answer would imply an affirmative answer to Problem 9.1 and Markov uniqueness.
Markov uniqueness and weak differentiability
Let ID2,1 H and ID2,1 H∗ be the spaces of ID2,1 -H-vector fields and H-1-forms on Cx0 M , respectively, with their graph norms (see details below). Write Cyl0 H∗ W 2,1 0 W 2,1 Then ID2,1 ⊆ W 2,1 ⊆
= = = 0
linear span {gdk|g, k : Cx0 M → R are in C ∞ Cyl} Dom(d∗ | ID2,1 H∗ )∗ Dom(d∗ | Cyl0 H∗ )∗ .
W 2,1 . From [Eberle] we have Markov uniqueness ⇐⇒ ID2,1 =
W 2,1 .
We claim
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Elworthy and Li
92 Theorem 9.4 A. f ∈ W 2,1 on Cx0 M ⇐⇒ I ∗ (f) ∈ W 2,1 on C0 Rm . B.
W 2,1 = 0 W 2,1 .
If f ∈ W 2,1 it has a “weak derivative” df ∈ L2 ΓH defined by df(V )dµx0 = − f div V dµx0 for all V ∈ ID2,1 H. See Section 9.3.4 below where the proof of Proposition 9.2 also demonstrates one of the implications of Theorem 9.4A. An important step in the proof of Part B is the analogue of a fundamental result of [Kree-Kree] for C0 Rm . Theorem 9.5 The divergence operator on Cx0 M restricts to give a continuous linear map div : ID2,1 H → L2 (Cx0 M ; R).
Some details and comments on the proofs
We will sketch some parts of the proofs. The full details will appear, in greater generality, in [Elworthy-Li2].
To prove Theorem 9.3
For f : C0 Rm → R in ID2,1 take its chaos expansion f=
∞ k=1
I k (αk ) =
I k (αk ) + RN+1
say. This converges in ID2,1 as is well known, e.g., see [Nualart]. Set E{I k (αk )|F x0 } = J k (αk ). Then E{f|F x0 } =
J k (αk ).
The right-hand side converges in L2 . An equivalent probem to Problem 9.2 is Problem 9.3 Does the right-hand side of equation (9.4) always converge in ID2,1 ? to show that there is conIf f is F x0 -measurable and in the domain of ∆, it is not difficult N vergence in ID2,1 , using the Lemma 9.1 below. Moreover, k=1 J k (αk ) ∈ I ∗ [ID2,1 (Cx0 M ; R)]. Therefore by Theorem 9.1 we see f ∈ I ∗[ID2,1 (Cx0 M ; R)]. Again this uses the basic result (c.f. [Elworthy-Yor], [Aida-Elworthy], [Elworthy-LeJan-Li]). Lemma 9.1 Let K ⊥ (x) : Rm → Rm denote the orthogonal projection onto the orthogonal complement of the kernel of X(x) for each x in M . Suppose (αs , 0 ≤ s ≤ T ) is progressively measurable, locally square integrable and L(Rm ; Rp )-valued. Then T T x0 E αs (dBs ) F E{αs|F x0 }K ⊥ (xs ) dBs . = 0 0
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The Riemannian structure for H
Let Ric : T M → T M correspond to the Ricci curvature tensor of M , and Ws : Tx0 M → Txs M the damped, or “Dohrn-Guerra”, parallel translation, defined for v0 in Tx0 M by IDWs (v0 ) = 0 ds W0 (v0 ) = v0 . T ID 1 ID 2 ID D = ds + 12 Ric . Define v1 , v2 σ = 0 ds v , ds v σs ds and let ∇ denote the damped Here ds Markovian connection of [Cruzeiro-Fang]; see [Elworthy-Li2] for details. For each 0 ≤ t ≤ T the Itˆo map It : H → Txt M is infinitely differentiable in the sense of Malliavin calculus, with derivative Tω It : H → Txt (ω) M giving rise to a continuous linear map Tω I : H → Tx· (ω) M defined almost surely for ω ∈ C0 Rm . For σ ∈ Cx0 M define T I σ : H → Hσ by T I σ (h)s = E{T Is (h)|x· = σ}. From [Elworthy-LeJan-Li] this does map into the Bismut tangent space and gives an orthogonal projection onto it. It is given by ID T I σ (h)s = X(σ(s))(h˙ s ) ds and has right inverse Y σ : Hσ → H given by t ID Yσ(s) ( vs )ds, Y σ (v)t = ds 0 for Yx : Tx M → Rm the right inverse of X(x) defined by Yx = X(x)∗ . It turns out, [Elworthy-Li2], that for suitable H-vector fields V on Cx0 M , the covariant derivative is given by ∇ u V = T I σ (d(Y − (V (−)))σ (u)), for u ∈ Tσ Cx0 M , and we define V to be in ID2,1 H iff σ → Y σ (V (σ)) is in ID2,1 (Cx0 M ; H).
Continuity of the divergence
There is also a continuous linear map T I(−) : L2 (C0 Rm ; H) → L2 H defined by T I(U )(σ)s = E{T− Is (U (−))|x· (−) = σ}, [Elworthy-Li1]. Another fundamental and easily proved result follows Proposition 9.1 Suppose the H-vector field U on C0 Rm is in Dom(div). Then T I(U ) is in Dom(div) on Cx0 M and E{div U |F x0 } = (div T I(U )) ◦ I
Theorem 9.5 follows easily from Proposition 9.1 by observing that if V ∈ ID2,1 H then, from Theorem 9.1, I ∗(Y − V (−)) ∈ ID2,1 . By [Kree-Kree] this implies that I ∗ (Y− (V (−)) is in Dom(div). Since T I(I ∗(Y− (V (−))) = V Proposition 9.1 assures us that V ∈ Dom(div). Moreover div V (x· ) = E{div I ∗ (Y − (V (−)))|F x0 }.
Theorem 9.4A can be deduced from Proposition 9.1 together with the following lemma. Lemma 9.2 The set of H-vector fields V on C0 Rm such that T I(V ) ∈ ID2,1 H is dense in ID2,1 .
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i Elworthy and Li
Elworthy 2005/9/7 page 94 i
Intertwining and weak differentiability
To see how weak differentiability relates to intertwining by our Itˆ o maps we have: Proposition 9.2 If f ∈ W 2,1 , it has weak derivative df given by (df )σ = E{d(I ∗(f))ω |x·(ω) = σ}Y σ .
Proof Let V ∈ ID2,1 H. Then for f ∈ W 2,1 , by equation (9.6) and then by Theorem 9.4A, f div(V )dµ = I ∗(f) div(V ) ◦ I dP C0 Rm
Cx0 M
C0 Rm
I ∗(f) div I ∗ (Y − (V (−))) dP
C0 Rm
Cx0 M
d(I ∗(f))ω (Y x· (ω) (V (x· (ω))) dP(ω) E{d(I ∗(f))ω |x·(ω) = σ}Y σ (V (σ)) dµx0 (dσ)
as required.
Acknowledgments This research was partially supported by EPSRC research grant GR/H67263, NSF research grant DMS 0072387, and a Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship. It benefited from our contacts with many colleagues, especially S. Aida, S. Fang, Y. LeJan, Z.-M. Ma, and M. R¨ ockner. K.D.E wishes to thank L. Tubaro and the Mathematics Department at Trento for their hospitality with excellent facilities during February and March 2004.
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i Intertwining and the Markov Uniqueness Problem on Path Spaces
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M. Kr´ee and P. Kr´ee, Continuit´e de la divergence dans les espaces de Sobolev relatifs l’espace de Wiener. (French) [Continuity of the divergence operator in Sobolev spaces on the Wiener space] C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris S`er. I Math., 296 no. 20, 833–836, 1983.
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D. Nualart, The Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995.
H. Sugita, On a characterization of the Sobolev spaces over an abstract Wiener space. J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 25 no. 4, 717-725, 1985.
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FerrarioF 2005/9/7 page 97 i
10 On Some Problems of Regularity in Two-Dimensional Stochastic Hydrodynamics Benedetta Ferrario, Universit`a di Pavia
We are interested in the Navier–Stokes equation perturbed by a time white noise. In the literature there are many papers on the subject, dealing with problems of existence, uniqueness, and regularity of solutions, of invariant measures, of asymptotic behavior, and so on. In a bounded spatial domain, the solutions interesting from the physical viewpoint are that of finite energy velocity vectors. The minimal assumptions on the noise to have a well-defined two-dimensional dynamics in the space of finite energy velocity vectors have been investigated in [Fl], improving results by [BT] and [VF]. In [Fl], the stochastic term is an additive noise and the spatial domain is a smooth bounded subset of R2 with vanishing velocity on the boundary. On the other hand, when the spatial domain is the torus, i.e., a square with periodic boundary conditions, solutions with infinite energy velocity vectors exist (see [ARHK, AC, DPD, AF]; they are interesting because, in the setting considered by all these papers, they are stationary solutions with respect to an invariant measure of Gaussian type. In order to introduce our result, some technical detail is required. [Fl] deals with a noise A−ε dw(t), where ε > 14 . [ARHK, AC, DPD, AF] deal with a noise dw(t) (same w as [Fl] and ε = 0, so there is no regularizing operator in front of the “basic” noise); moreover, they work in different spatial domains, as we said. Consequently, the techniques used in these two groups of papers are very different. In [Fe97] it has been pointed out that, in the periodic case, solutions of finite energy can be obtained even for a noise slightly more regular than the cylindrical one, i.e., A−ε dw(t) with ε > 0. This fills the gap between ε = 0 and ε > 14 . Here we make precise this result and, moreover, the regularity of the solution is expressed in term of ε. This is the new result (see Theorem 10.1); it might be useful in the study of the limit as ε ↓ 0. We postpone this analysis to a future work. Finally, we remember that the opposite analysis for big (positive) ε has been investigated in the periodic case by [Fe99].
Navier–Stokes equation: the periodic case
We consider the equations governing the motion of an homogeneous incompressible viscous fluid in the two-dimensional torus T2 = [0, 2π]2 ⎧ ∂ ⎪ ⎨ ∂t u(t, ξ) − ν∆u(t, ξ) + [u(t, ξ) · ∇]u(t, ξ) + ∇p(t, ξ) = ϕ(t, ξ) (10.1) ∇ · u(t, ξ) = 0 ⎪ ⎩ u(0, ξ) = u0 (ξ) 97 i
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with periodic boundary condition. The definition domains of the variables are t ≥ 0, ξ = (ξ1 , ξ2 ) ∈ T2 . The unknowns are the velocity vector field u = u(t, ξ) and the pressure scalar ∂2 ∂2 ∂ ∂ 2 field p = p(t, ξ). Here ∆ = ∂ξ 2 + ∂ξ 2 , ∇ = ( ∂ξ , ∂ξ ), and · is the scalar product in R . 1 2 1 2 The viscosity ν is a strictly positive constant; u0 and ϕ are the data. We define the mathematical setting as follows. Consider any periodic divergence-free vector distribution u. Since ∇ · u = 0, there exists a periodic scalar distribution ψ, called the stream function, such that ∂ψ u = ∇⊥ψ ≡ (− ∂ξ , 2
∂ψ ∂ξ1 ).
We decompose ψ in Fourier series with respect to the complete orthonormal system in 1 ik·ξ L2 (T2 ) given by { 2π e }k∈Z2 ψ(ξ) =
eik·ξ , 2π
ψk ∈ C, ψk = ψ−k .
By (10.2) we get that u has the following Fourier series representation: u(ξ) = uk ek (ξ), uk ∈ C, uk = −u−k
k⊥ where ek (ξ) = 2π|k| eik·ξ . Here k ⊥ = (−k2 , k1), |k| = k12 + k22 , and Z20 = {k ∈ Z2 : |k| = 0}. We define also Z2+ = {k ∈ Z20 : k1 > 0 or {k1 = 0, k2 > 0} } to consider half of the sequence (containing the same information as the whole sequence). Each ek is a periodic divergence-free C ∞-vector function. The convergence of the series (10.4) depends on the regularity of the vector function u, and can be used to define Sobolev spaces as in the following definition. Let U be the space of zero mean value periodic divergence-free vector distributions. Any element u ∈ U is uniquely defined by the sequence of the coefficients {uk }k∈Z2+ ; indeed, by duality, uk = u, e−k , since each ek is a periodic divergence-free and infinitely differentiable function. Following [Tr], we define the periodic divergence-free vector Sobolev spaces (s ∈ R, 1 < p < ∞) Hsp = u = uk ek : uk (1 + |k|2 )s/2 ek (·) ∈ [Lp (T2 )]2 U
which are Banach spaces with norms u Hsp =
uk (1 + |k|2)s/2 ek [Lp (T2 )]2 .
The Hilbert space Hs2 is isomorphic to the space of complex valued sequences {uk }k∈Z2+ such that k |uk |2 |k|2s < ∞. Set Lp = H0p . Let Π be the projector operator from the space of periodic vectors onto the space of periodic divergence-free vectors. Applying Π to both sides of the first equation in the Navier–Stokes system (10.1), we get rid of the pressure term (see, e.g., [Te]). The other terms lead to introduce the two following operators. The Stokes operator is defined as A = −Π∆,
D(A) = H22
which is a linear unbounded self-adjoint operator in L2 . For u = k∈Z20 uk ek we have 2 2 Au = k uk |k| ek ({ek } and {|k| } are the sequences of the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the Stokes operator, respectively. Note that {ek } is a complete orthonormal system in
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i Problems of Regularity in 2-D Stochastic Hydrodynamics
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L2 .) Since A is a strictly positive operator, all the power operators As are well defined s s s+2 (s ∈ R): A u = k uk |k|2sek , D(As ) = H2s 2 . Moreover, A is an isomorphism from Hp s to Hp . The operator B is defined as the bilinear operator B(u, v) = Π [(u · ∇)v]
whenever it makes sense. For instance, a classical result is that B : H12 × H12 → H−1 2 (see, e.g., [Te]). By the incompressibility condition, we have B(u, v), z = −B(u, z), v
where B(u, v), z = T2 [(u(ξ) · ∇)v(ξ)] · z(ξ) dξ for u, v, z ∈ H12 . Let us now introduce the stochastic Navier–Stokes equation we are interested in. It has the following abstract Itˆ o form: d u(t) + [νAu(t) + B(u(t), u(t))] dt = f(t) dt + A−ε dw(t), t > 0 (10.8) u(0) = u0 . The right-hand side has two components: the deterministic f and the stochastic A−ε dw(t). More precisely, we assume ε > 0, {w(t)}t≥0 is a Wiener process defined on a complete probability space (Ω, F , P ) with filtration {Ft }t≥0, which is cylindrical in the space of finite energy L2 , i.e. w(t) = βk (t)ek (10.9) k∈Z20
where {βk }k∈Z20 is a sequence of standard independent complex-valued Wiener processes (1)
(for k ∈ Z2+ this means βk (t) = βk (t) + iβk (t), where the βk ’s are i.i.d. (independent identically distributed) real-valued standard Wiener processes; for −k ∈ Z2+ the βk ’s are defined by the condition βk = −β−k providing w(t) to be real). We denote by E the expectation with respect to the measure P .
Definition of generalized solution
We define a generalized solution as a process whose paths are regular enough for the dynamics to exist in the space of finite energy (initial velocity u0 ∈ L2 is considered); implicitely this requires also that the nonlinear term is well defined. Definition 10.1 The stochastic process u is a generalized solution in [0, T ] of the system (10.8) if u ∈ C([0, T ]; L2) ∩ L2 (0, T ; L4) P − a.s. and u satisfies P -a.s. the equation t t u(t), φ + ν u(s), Aφds − B(u(s), φ), u(s)ds 0
= u0 , φ +
f(s), φds + A−ε w(t), φ
∀t ∈ [0, T ] and ∀φ ∈ H22 . Moreover, u is progressively measurable in these topologies.
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Remark 10.1 All the terms in the previous equality make sense and this equation corresponds to that of formulation (10.8). In fact |B(u, u), φ|
| − B(u, φ), u| ≤ c φ H1 u 2L4 2
by the H¨ older’s inequality and because the norms ∇φ L2 and φ H12 are equivalent. This shows that B : L4 × L4 → H−1 2 . As to the noise term A−ε w(t), φ, it makes sense because the process A−ε w has C([0, T ]; H−1 2 )−ε 2 valued paths. (To see this, use the equality E A w(t) H−1 = 4 k∈Z2 |k|−4ε−2. More+
−1 2ε over, notice that A−ε w is a cylindrical noise in the space H2ε 2 , the embedding H2 ⊂ H2 is Hilbert–Schmidt, and conclude as in Section 4.3.1 by [DPZ].) 2
This definition is based on that by [Fl]; the difference is that [Fl] deals with the Dirichlet boundary conditions for the velocity field, whereas here the periodic boundary conditions are assumed. As we shall see in the next section, the mathematical properties of the Stokes eigenfunctions in the periodic case allow us to get good estimates in the Lebesgue space L4 ; 1/2+˜ ε otherwise, in [Fl] the spatial regularity H2 is required. Keeping in mind the embedding 1/2 H2 (T2 ) ⊂ L4 (T2 ), we conclude that our definition is more general (but meaningful only in the periodic case). Other regularity results in different domains are given also in [BrLi].
Existence and uniqueness result
The results on solutions to equation (10.8) are obtained as suggested first by [Fl], analyzing two auxiliary equations: the linear stochastic Stokes equation (see (10.11) below) and the nonlinear equation obtained by making the difference between equation (10.8) and equation (10.11). With respect to previous works with this technique, here we specify a different regularity for the linear process. The linear equation Let us consider the stochastic Stokes equation d z(t) + νAz(t) dt = A−ε dw(t),
(the nonlinearity in (10.8) is neglected). It has a unique stationary solution, given by the stochastic convolution t z(t) = e−(t−s)νAA−ε dw(s). (10.12) −∞
It can be developed in series as t 2 e−(t−s)ν|k| |k|−2εdβk (s) ek ≡ zk (t) ek . z(t) = k∈Z20
We estimate the spatial regularity of the process z. First, given any integer n and positive ε˜ consider 2n 2n 2n E z(t) H2˜ε = E z1 (t) H 2˜ε (T2 ) + E z2 (t) H 2˜ε (T2 ) . 2n
We estimate each component of the vector z(t), showing the computations only for the first one z1 (t). We have
e 2n 2˜ ε
E z1 (t) H2˜ε = E |k| zk (t)(−k2 ) 2n 2π|k|
2 k∈Z 2 T
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i Problems of Regularity in 2-D Stochastic Hydrodynamics
FerrarioF 2005/9/7 page 101 i
We rewrite the series
k2 zk (t)eik·ξ 2π|k|
k2 [zk (t)eik·ξ − z−k (t)e−ik·ξ ] 2π|k| k∈Z2+ |k|2˜εk2 t 2 (1) e−(t−s)ν|k| |k|−2εdβk (s) cos(k · ξ) = π|k| −∞ k∈Z2+ t 2 (2) e−(t−s)ν|k| |k|−2εdβk (s) sin(k · ξ) . −
For fixed t and ξ, it is the sum of independent centered Gaussian real random variables. Their variance is given by
|k|2˜ε k2 E π|k|
(1) dβk (s) cos(k
2 · ξ) =
(2) dβk (s) sin(k
2 · ξ) =
(k2 )2 cos2 (k · ξ) 2π 2 ν|k|4ε−4˜ε+4
|k|2˜ε k2 E π|k|
(k2 )2 sin2 (k · ξ). 2π 2 ν|k|4ε−4˜ε+4
⎛ ⎞n
2˜ε k2 (k ) 2 ⎠ . E
|k| zk (t)eik·ξ
= (2n − 1)!! ⎝ 2 ν|k|4ε−4˜ ε+4 2π|k| 2π
k∈Z2 k∈Z2 0
The latter sum is convergent as soon as 4ε − 4˜ ε > 0. ε Therefore we have that given ε˜ < ε, for any finite n, z(t) ∈ H2˜ 2n P -a.s. The continuity of the trajectories holds (see [DPZ], Th. 5.9). We sum up these properties in the following. Proposition 10.1 Assume we are given ε > 0. Then, for any ε˜ < ε, the process z defined ε by (10.12) has continuous trajectories with values in the space H2˜ p for any 2 ≤ p < ∞, P -a.s. Remark 10.2 By interpolation, the spatial regularity is extended into the Besov spaces. Indeed they can be defined as real interpolation spaces Bps q = (Hsp0 , Hsp1 )θ,q ,
s ∈ R, 1 < p, q < ∞ s = (1 − θ)s0 + θs1 ,
0 < θ < 1.
(For the theory of interpolation spaces see, e.g., [BeL]). We keep in mind that, for ε = 0, [DPD] deals with z ∈ C([0, T ]; Bp−s q ), for s > 0, 2 ≤ p ≤ q < ∞; this is obtained in the above case when ε ↓ 0. 2
∗ Given
independent real random variables Xj , with Xj ∼ N (0, vj ), it is elementary to show that 2n n E Xj = (2n − 1)!! vj . j
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The Navier–Stokes equation Instead of analyzing equation (10.8), define the process v = u − z; it satisfies the following system: ⎧d ⎨ dt v(t) + νAv(t) + B(v(t), v(t)) +B(v(t), z(t)) + B(z(t), v(t)) (10.14) = f(t) − B(z(t), z(t)), t>0 ⎩ v(0) = u0 − z(0). The equation is nonlinear and random (the process z appears), but there is no more the noise A−ε dw(t). Working pathwise, we have by Proposition 10.1 that z ∈ C([0, T ]; L4), so B(z, z) ∈ C([0, T ]; H−1 2 ). Usual techniques of a priori estimates (see [Fl], modifying the proof using only the L4 -space regularity; this is successful as already remarked in [Fe97]) given that for any u0 ∈ L2 there exists a unique solution v to system (10.14): v ∈ C([0, T ]; L2) ∩ 1/2 1/2 L2 (0, T ; H12 ). By interpolation v ∈ L4 (0, T ; H2 ); by the embedding H2 (T2 ) ⊂ L4 (T2 ) we 4 also have that v ∈ L (0, T ; L4). Therefore there exists a process u = v +z ∈ C([0, T ]; L2)∩ L4 (0, T ; L4). This is a generalized solution to problem (10.8), as defined in Section 10.3. This regularity grants uniqueness. (For the proof, see [Fe03]. The key points are first that the estimates there depending on u ∈ L4 (0, T ; D(A1/4 )) hold also if u ∈ L4 (0, T ; L4); moreover, this “regularity in time (i.e., u ∈ L4 (0, T ; D(A1/4 ))) is useful in order to prove uniqueness”.) Proposition 10.2 Assume we are given ε > 0. Then, for any u0 ∈ L2 and f ∈ L2 (0, T ; H−1 2 ), there exists a unique process u ∈ C([0, T ]; L2) ∩ L4 (0, T ; L4)
P − a.s.
which is a generalized solution to (10.8). Now we want to express the regularity of this generalized solution as depending on the parameter ε > 0. The case ε = 0 has been considered in previous papers: [ARHK, AC] constructed the Gaussian invariant measure of the enstrophy and proved existence of a weak solution (weak in the probabilistic sense), [DPD] proved the existence of a strong solution, and [AF] proved its uniqueness. The solution is defined for almost all initial velocity with respect to the invariant measure of the enstrophy. The solution by [DPD] has paths in the space C([0, T ]; Bp−s q ) for any s > 0 and 2 ≤ p ≤ q < ∞. The spatial regularity is of negative order (−s < 0), i.e., infinite energy velocity vectors are considered. As soon as we take ε > 0, the solution is more regular as stated above; i.e., we work in the space of finite energy velocity vectors. In order to compare the result for ε = 0 with that for ε > 0 we make precise the regularity of the solution u when ε > 0. According to ε Proposition 10.1, z ∈ C([0, T ]; H2˜ ˜ < ε and 2 ≤ p < ∞. By interpolation, as p ) for any ε 2
2˜ ε+1− 2
2˜ ε+1− p2
p ). By the embedding H2 already done before, v ∈ L2/(2˜ε+1− p ) (0, T ; H2 (p ≥ 2) we conclude that the unique solution to (10.14) is such that 2
ε v ∈ C([0, T ]; L2) ∩ L2 (0, T ; H12 ) ∩ L2/(2˜ε+1− p ) (0, T ; H2˜ p )
ε ⊂ H2˜ p
for any ε˜ < ε, 2 ≤ p < ∞. Combining the regularity of v and of z, we obtain the following result. Theorem 10.1 Assume we are given ε > 0. Then, for any u0 ∈ L2 and f ∈ L2 (0, T ; H−1 2 ), there exists a unique process 2
ε u ∈ C([0, T ]; L2) ∩ L4 (0, T ; L4) ∩ L2/(2˜ε+1− p ) (0, T ; H2˜ p )
P − a.s.
(given ε˜ < ε and 2 ≤ p < ∞), which is a generalized solution to (10.8).
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i Problems of Regularity in 2-D Stochastic Hydrodynamics
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We remark that formally for ε = 0 (so ε˜ < 0) the parameter p has to be greater than 2, if we want the exponent 2/(2˜ ε + 1 − 2p ) to be positive; therefore in the limit ε = 0 we cannot ε expect to work any longer in Hilbert spaces, but in the spaces H2˜ ˜ < 0. p with p > 2, ε
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FlandoliF 2005/9/7 page 105 i
11 Two Models of K41 Franco Flandoli, Universit`a di Pisa
Let u (x) be the velocity of a fluid at point x ∈ R3 . Assume that u (x) is a random field (namely, a family of random variables, indexed by x ∈ R3 , all defined on a probability space (Ω, A, P ) with expectation E). Assume that u (x) is homogeneous and isotropic, so that the law of u (x + re) − u (x) is independent of x ∈ R3 and e ∈ R3 , with |e| = 1. Consider the structure function of order p > 0 p
Sp (r) = E [|u (x + re) − u (x)| ] with r > 0. [The literature often considers the longitudinal structure function, where u (x + re) − u (x) is projected along e, but this distinction is immaterial here.] The function Sp (r) is one of the main objects of investigation in statistical fluid dynamics and one of the aims is to discover its scaling properties for turbulent fluids, with the hope to observe universal behaviors. The scaling exponent log Sp (r) r→0 log r
ζp = lim
is of major interest. In his 1941 paper [10], Kolmogorov predicted ζp =
p . 3
In fact [10] treats only the case p = 2, and the result ζ2 = 23 is in excellent agreement with experimental observations. But the (intuitive) arguments in [10] leading to ζ2 = 23 apply also for p > 2 and yield ζp = p3 , which, on the contrary, is not confirmed by experiments. The experimental data, although do not allow a precise fitting, clearly indicate that the function p → ζp is a sort of concave function below the line p → p3 . A good explanation of this correction to K41 is still missing, although several arguments and phenomenological models have been devised, in particular, the multifractal model (see [7] for a careful discussion). This short note has the only aim to indicate two mathematical models having the K41 scaling (11.1). The first model is based on stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) of Navier–Stokes and Euler type and is inspired by the presentation of Kupiainen [8]. We advertise that, at present, this model is not rigorous. The second model is an ad-hoc-constructed ensemble of random vortex filaments, having the K41 scaling. It is rigorous, but the relation with fundamental physical laws like the Navier–Stokes equations is unknown. At least, it is based on geometrical objects (vortex 105 i
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filaments) that have, in numerical visualizations, shapes quite similar to those observed in direct numerical simulations of Navier–Stokes equations at high Reynold numbers, see for instance, [1], [11], [13]. This ensemble of vortex filaments is a particular case of those studied in [6], along lines inspired initially by the work of Chorin [2]; we emphasize here this particular case since it has simpler scaling properties that, at least formally, allow us to argue by self-similarity. Let us mention that the scope of [6] is wider: indeed it covers also the multifractal model under suitable choices of certain parameters. The reason to list these two examples of models with K41 properties is an attempt to understand which kind of idealizations are behind it, when rigorous or semirigorous models are devised (the arguments in [10] are purely phenomenological). The hope for the future is to identify the source of the necessary correction.
ζp by self-similarity
In this section we introduce a concept of self-similarity which easily implies a scaling of K41 type. Unfortunately, this concept cannot be rigorously applied in our context, because it is incompatible with space homogeneity, another property fulfilled by our random fields: self-similar space homogeneous fields are either trivial (identically zero) or non-well-defined (identically infinite). However, the power of suggestion of this concept of self-similarity is strong and we shall see below that, inspired by this concept, we may rigorously construct a random field with K41 scaling. In the following definition of blow-up, think that we take a small λ > 0 and observe the field with a zoom at scale λ, rescaling also the amplitude of the field by a factor λα , α a given real number (negative in our applications). Given a random field u(x), we call α-blow-up of u at scale λ > 0 the new random field u(λ,α) (x) = λα u (λx) . L
Denote by = the equality in law. Definition 11.1 The random field is α-self-similar if for every λ > 0 it is equal in law to L its α-blow-up of u at scale λ > 0: u(λ,α)(x) = u(x), or L
u (λx) = λ−α u(x) (the equality is understood jointly in x, namely, as random fields). Under the assumption of α-self-similarity, if the moments are finite (in fact we only need moments of the increments, not of the solution itself), we have p
E [|u (re) − u (0)| ] = r −αp E [|u (e) − u (0)| ] . p
If we adopt the very particular definition Sp (r) := E [|u (re) − u (0)| ] (centered at x = 0, which is particular since we do not assume space homogeneity), we obtain that the limit ζp exists; if in addition E [|u (e) − u (0)|p ] = 0, then ζp is given by ζp = −αp. These computations are correct but useless in our context: indeed, first notice that u(0) = 0 for an α-self-similar field with α = 0; then, since in all our examples we shall deal with homogeneous (translation invariant) fields u, we conclude that u is identically zero. The other possibility, unfortunately nonrigorous at present, is that u is in a sense identically “infinite”: such case would be very suggestive in connection with the example below of the Euler equation forced by white noise, whose stationary solution seems to be infinite because of lack of dissipation (formally such stationary solution seems to be self-similar and homogeneous).
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Remark 11.1 Suitable generalizations of the previous notion of self-similarity seem possible, in the direction of requiring a self-similarity only at small scales, or at the level of the p increments. In such cases the relevant assumption becomes that E [|u (e) − u (0)| ] is finite and not zero. This is work in progress.
Looking for K41 in stochastic Navier–Stokes equations
The equations
Let us stress the fact that almost all arguments described in this section are only formal. For this reason we state the results as “claims” instead of “theorems.” Let us consider the stochastic Navier–Stokes equations in R3 , for t ≥ 0 ∂u (t, x) + (u (t, x) · ∇) u (t, x) + ∇p (t, x) = νu (t, x) + f (t, x) ∂t with the condition divu = 0, where f (t, x) is white noise in time, possibly correlated in space. Formally ∂W (t, x) f (t, x) = ∂t where t → W (t, .) is a Brownian motion in a suitable function space with covariance tensor q (x, y) := E [W (1, x) ⊗ W (1, y)] . The literature contains a number of foundational results on such equations, see, for instance, [3], [12] and references therein, but the results of well-posedness and ergodicity we need to continue our discussion are still open. Therefore we avoid to put precise assumptions and proceed at an intuitive level. Assume stationarity and isotropy in space q (x, y) = q(|x − y|) for some tensor q(r), r > 0.
Scaling transformations
To simplify the understanding, let us recall the result in the case of regular force f. We again consider the blow-up of u(t, x), where now time has to be rescaled in a particular way for coherence between the terms ∂u ∂t and (u · ∇) u. Claim 11.1 Given α ∈ R, λ > 0, the fields u(λ,α) (t, x) = λα u λα+1 t, λx , p(λ,α) (t, x) = λ2α p λα+1 t, λx , f(λ,α) (t, x) = λ2α+1 f λα+1 t, λx satisfy the Navier–Stokes equations in R3 , for t ≥ 0, ∂u(λ,α) + u(λ,α) · ∇ u(λ,α) + ∇p(λ,α) = ν(λ,α)uλ + f(λ,α) ∂t with the viscosity
ν(λ,α) = νλα−1.
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The reader may easily verify this claim, by a formal computation. In the case of whitenoise force, we have ∂W α+1 f(λ,α) (t, x) = λ2α+1 t, λx . λ ∂t Introduce the process α+1 W(λ,α) (t, y) := λ− 2 W λα+1 t, y . It has the same law as W (t, y) L
W(λ,α) (t, y) = W (t, y) . We have
∂W(λ,α) α+1 ∂W (t, y) = λ 2 λα+1 t, y . ∂t ∂t
∂W(λ,α) (t, λx) . ∂t Therefore, up to equality in law, we have the following. f(λ,α) (t, x) = λ
3α+1 2
Claim 11.2 ∂u(λ,α) 3α+1 ∂W + u(λ,α) · ∇ u(λ,α) + ∇p(λ,α) = ν(λ,α)u(λ,α) + λ 2 (t, λx) . ∂t ∂t 3α+1
(t, λx) has covariance q(λ,α) (x, y) = λ3α+1 q(λ (x − y)). If we The white noise λ 2 ∂W ∂t express q(λ,α) (x, y) as q(λ,α) (|x − y|), then q(λ,α) (r) = λ3α+1 q(λr).
We describe now two arguments leading to K41 result (11.1).
Argument 1
Consider the ν → 0 limit of the previous stochastic Navier–Stokes equations, namely, the stochastic Euler equation ∂u ∂W + (u · ∇) + ∇p = (11.3) ∂t ∂t (divu = 0) with the special noise (see the acknowledgments) q(r) = q independent of r. We advise the reader that what we are going to describe is extremely formal. Assume there exists a unique-in-law stationary process satisfying this equation. Take α=−
1 3
and the corresponding scaled (stationary) processes u(λ,α), p(λ,α). They satisfy the equation ∂u(λ,α) ∂W + u(λ,α) · ∇ u(λ,α) + ∇p(λ,α) = (t, λx) . ∂t ∂t The white noise
∂W ∂t
(t, λx) has the covariance q(λ,α) (x, y) = q(λ (x − y)) = q
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i.e., it is equal to W in law. By the uniqueness-in-law assumption, we have, for the stationary solution L u(λ,α) = u and therefore (11.1) “holds” as explained in Section 11.1.1. Notice that, due to time stationarity, we may compute the structure function by means of the field u (0, x). Besides many other obscure points, one the problems is that this field is expected to be space homogeneous and self-similar, hence trivial or “infinite” by the comments of Section 11.1.1. Our conjecture is that the crucial property to be proved is that the following expression, suitably defined, is finite and not zero: E |u (0, e) − u (0, 0)|2 (u(t, x) being the stationary solution). This would be related to ζ2 at least. Also, the assumption above of existence and uniqueness of a stationary solution is of course full of troubles. First, equation (11.3) is not dissipative, so we cannot expect the existence of a stationary solution by easy methods. It could be that Euler equation in the turbulent regime has a form of dissipation, but this is unknown, although sometimes conjectured. It could be that individual solutions u (t, x) (from a given initial condition) do not approach an equilibrium and have energy increasing to infinity, but the moments of the 2 increments E |u (t, e) − u (t, 0)| remain bounded and different from zero (this is a form of the previous conjecture); in such a case there could be the possibility to prove a suitable form of self- similarity and deduce K41 scaling (see the remark at the end of Section 11.1.1). It could be that statements can be rigorously formulated as a limit from ν > 0. We do not know an answer. A second problem with the previous assumption is the uniqueness. A third one, less apparent, is that the constant covariance corresponds to the constant in space noise, so the noise can be absorbed in the term ∇p; so, for instance, in principle the solution u ≡ 0 is a solution if the initial condition is zero, an apparent paradox under such a strong noise. Thus one has to restrict properly the space where we look for solutions. All these items are open at present.
Argument 2
Kolmogorov [10] based part of his argument on the assumption that, in the limit ν → 0, the mean dissipation energy (density) 2 ε := νE |∇u (0, 0)| converges to a limit different from zero, and that the structure function Sp (r), in the limit ν → 0 and for small r, depends only on ε and r. 3 By Itˆo formula (in fact one has to apply it to approximations on bounded sets [−n, n] , where the covariance of the noise has finite trace, and then take the limit n → ∞) ε=
1 T race q(0). 2
Therefore, a reformulation of Kolmogorov assumption, for the stochastic Navier–Stokes equations, is that Sp (r) depends only on q(0) in the limit ν → 0 and for small r. Let us adopt this assumption.
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From (11.2), for the rescaled solution we have q(λ,α) (0) = λ3α+1 q(0). Hence for α=−
1 3 (λ,α)
(r) is independent of λ, we discover that q(λ,α) (0) is independent of λ, and therefore Sp hence equal to Sp (r). We get again (11.1). Notice that this second argument is based on an exogenous assumption, external to the stochastic Navier–Stokes equations; on the other side it is not based on stationary solutions of Euler equation with noise. The way to express that the result is true in the limit ν → 0 and for small r is mathematically less clear.
A model of K41 by vortex filaments
A single random vortex filament
Following [4], [5], [6] (as a translation in the continuum of the lattice models of [2]; or, from another viewpoint, as a randomized version of the so-called Burgers’ vortices), let us consider a three-dimensional (3D) random field ξsingle (x) on R3 defined as ξsingle (x) =
(X0 ,l,T ,U ) ξsingle
U (x) = 2 l
ρl (x − Xt ) ◦ dXt
where: • Xt = X0 + Wt , (Wt )t≥0 is a 3D Brownian motion, X0 ∈ R3 is a given point. • ρl (x) = ρ xl , ρ (x) = exp − |x|2 (for instance). • (l, T, U ) ∈ (0, ∞)3 . The intuitive picture is that of a tubular structure around the irregular core Xt , with cross section of radius ∼ l, the tube being the support of a vorticity field ξsingle (x), with the direction of the vorticity ξsingle (x) being a local mean of “dXt .” The shape (in numerical simulations) of the isosurfaces of ξsingle (x) looks very similar to the extremely complex and filament-like structures reported in [1], obtained there by direct numerical simulations of the 3D Navier–Stokes equations. The factor U l2 in front of the integral has been chosen of this particular form so that, from later computations (see [6]), U has the interpretation of typical velocity intensity of the fluid near the vortex filament. The random field ξsingle (x) has been introduced mainly for interpretation, but the rigorous analysis is based on the associated velocity field usingle (x) defined as (X ,l,T ,U )
0 usingle (x) = usingle
(x) =
U l2
kl (x − Xt ) ∧ dXt
with kl = ∇ϕl where ϕl is the solution of ϕl = ρl . Itˆ o and Stratonovich integral here give us the same result, as explained in [6].
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Ensemble of vortex filaments and main result
We have in mind a random velocity (r.v.) field of the form ∞ Ui Ti (i) (i) (i) ∧ dWt . kli x − X0 − Wt u (x) = 2 li 0 i=1
It should be the velocity field associated to a vorticity field composed of infinitely many vortex filaments, of different length Ti , thickness li ,and intensity Ui . (i) We take independent Brownian motions Wt , starting from independent uniformly (i)
distributed points X0 , with independent random parameters (li , Ti , Ui ). Sometimes, for √ a minor notational advantage, we shall work with li , Ti , Ui . We shall specialize to the case 1/3 Ui = li , Ti = li2 , with li being independent r.v. distributed according to the measure l−4 dl or a truncation of it. (i) Two of the previous elements are not well defined: uniformly distributed X0 ∈ R3 and l−4 dl-distributed r.v. li (their “laws” are only σ-finite). Since we deal with infinitely many of them, independent, we may give a rigorous definition by means of Poisson random measures. The rigorous presentation can be found in [6]. Since it is classical, we hope the reader may accept here, for the benefit of the intuition, that we continue to speak of (i) uniformly distributed X0 ∈ R3 and l−4 dl-distributed li . With this agreement on our formally language, we can prove the following result. Theorem 11.1 The velocity field u (x) =
∞ i=1
−5 li 3
(i) (i) (i) ∧ dWt kli x − X0 − Wt
−4 where X0 are independent uniformly distributed r.v., li > 0 are distributed as 1l∈(0,lmax ) l dl (i)
(lmax < ∞), and Wt ζp = p3 .
are independent 3D Brownian motions, satisfies the K41 scaling
The rigorous proof is given in [6]. The aim of the next section is to give a formal argument in favor of the following “fact”: the random field described in the theorem, but in the case when li > 0 are distributed as l−4 dl (no cut-off at large scales), is self-similar with exponent α = −1/3; hence formally has the K41 scaling property, as explained in Section 11.1.1. The bad point is that such random field is not well defined: in a sense it is identically “infinite,” due to the infinite contribution of the arbitrarily large structures. On the contrary, with the cut-off 1l∈(0,lmax ) l−4 dl, u is finite, and its small scale self-similarity is preserved (in intuitive terms), yielding the desired scaling.
Scaling property of a single vortex
Later on we shall take β =
5 3,
but we express some of the steps in terms of β for sake √ X0 , l, T is a given (deterministic) point of Λ =
of clarity. In the following lemma R3 × (0, ∞) × (0, ∞). Lemma 11.1 Let (X0 ,l, usingle
(x) = l−β
kl (x − X0 − Wt ) ∧ dWt .
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112 Then, for every λ > 0 (X0 ,l, λα usingle
λ−1 (X0 ,l, L (λx) = λα−β+2 usingle
(x) .
Proof By obvious facts and the equality in law between the processes λ−1 Wt and (Wλ−2 t ), we have T kl (λx − X0 − Wt ) ∧ dWt λα l−β 0
α+1 −β
= λα+1 l−β
kl λ x − λ−1 X0 − λ−1 Wt ∧ d λ−1 Wt
kl λ x − λ−1 X0 − Wλ−2 t ∧ d (Wλ−2 t ) .
Using the definition of Itˆ o integral it is not difficult to see that the latter expression is equal to λ−2 T α+1 −β λ l kl λ x − λ−1 X0 − Wt ∧ dWt . Since kl (x) = l · k
x l
kl (λx) = λk l (x) . λ
Hence we get α−β+2
−1 −β λ l −1
(λ−1 √T )2
λ (X0 ,l, This is equal to λα−β+2 usingle
0 √
kλ−1 l x − λ−1 X0 − Wt ∧ dWt .
(x). The proof is complete.
Corollary 11.1 With β = 53 , α = − 13 , we have (X0 ,l, λα usingle
−1 L λ (X0 ,l, (λx) = usingle
(x) .
Scaling properties of the full velocity field
We describe the scaling argument at a certain level of generality and then specialize to the case of theorem 11.1. Let (NA )A∈B(Λ) be a Poisson random field on Λ = R3 × (0, ∞) × (0, ∞), with intensity σ-finite measure ν. This means that to every ν-finite Borel set A ⊂ Λ a Poisson r.v. NA is associated, with parameter ν (A), and the variables NA are independent on disjoint sets; moreover, the mapping A → NA has a version that is almost surely (a.s.) a measure. √ (i) Formally, we may think to have a sequence of independent random variables X0 , li , Ti with values in Λ, distributed according to ν (but ν is only σ-finite). We define the full velocity random field as u (x) =
where Wt
∞ i=1
(i) (i) (i) ∧ dWt kli x − X0 − Wt
is a sequence of independent 3D Brownian motions, also independent from √ (i) the sequence X0 , li , Ti . In [6] it has been proved that u (x) is a well-defined random variable for every x, with finite moments, under assumptions that include those of theorem 11.1. In addition, it has been proved that the random field u (x) is stationary and isotropic.
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Claim 11.3 Let β = 53 , α = − 13 . Assume that ν satisfies ν λ−1 A = ν (A) for every λ > 0 and Borel set A. Then L
λα u (λx) = u (x) . This implies ζp =
p . 3
We have stated this result as a claim, since it is not rigorous: under the prescribed assumption on ν, the random field u is not well defined. If we take it as a formal expression and perform formal computations, we verify the claim. This is not a proof of anything, but a rather convincing argument behind Theorem 11.1. √ (i) X0 ,li , Ti ,W (i)
The “proof” of the claim goes as follows. Use the notation usingle √ (X0 ,l, T ) to usingle . Since √ ∞ (i) X0 ,li , Ti ,W (i) usingle (x) , u (x) =
by Corollary 11.1 we have L
λ u (λx) =
∞ i=1
√ (i) λ−1 X0 ,li , Ti ,W (i)
(x) .
√ (i) Since the law of X0 , li , Ti is invariant by homothety, we have L (i) (i) λ−1 X0 , li , Ti = X0 , li , Ti and these random vectors are independent, so the equality in law holds true for the full sequences. We get ∞ i=1
√ (i) λ−1 X0 ,li , Ti ,W (i)
(x) =
∞ i=1
√ (i) X0 ,li , Ti ,W (i)
and the “proof” is complete. Remark 11.2 The result of the previous Claim holds true, in particular, for the measure ν defined on smooth functions ϕ with compact support in Λ as ∞ ∞ √ √ ϕ X0 , l, T dν X0 , l, T R3 0 ∞0 ϕ (X0 , l, l) l−4 dldX0 . = R3
Proof The property ν λ−1 A = ν (A) is equivalent to ∞ ∞ √ √ ϕ λX0 , λl, λ T dν X0 , l, T R3 0 ∞0 ∞ √ √ ϕ X0 , l, T dν X0 , l, T . = R3
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114 Using the definition of ν, what we have to prove is ∞ −4 ϕ (λX0 , λl, λl) l dldX0 = R3
ϕ (X0 , l, l) l−4 dldX0 .
This is true by change of variables, and the proof is complete. The formal proof of the self-similarity idea behind theorem 11.1 is complete.
Acknowledgment Some conceptual mistakes were present in a first draft of this work. Massimiliano Gubinelli helped to clarify the assumption on the covariance of the noise in Argument 1, Section 11.2.3, that was wrong before, and proposed part of the content of Remark 11.1.
References [1] J.B. Bell and D.L. Marcus, Vorticity intensification and transition to turbulence in the three-dimensional Euler equations. Comm. Math. Phys., 147, no. 2, 371–394, 1992. [2] A.J. Chorin, Vorticity and turbulence, volume 103 of Applied Mathematical Sciences. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994. [3] G. Da Prato, A. Debussche, Ergodicity for the 3D stochastic Navier-Stokes equations, J. Math. Pures Appl., (9) 82, no. 8, 877–947, 2003. [4] F. Flandoli, On a probabilistic description of small scale structures in 3D fluids. Ann. Inst. H. Poincar´e Probab. Statist., 38, no. 2, 207–228, 2002. [5] F. Flandoli and M. Gubinelli, The Gibbs ensemble of a vortex filament. Probab. Theory Related Fields, 122, no. 3, 317–340, 2002. [6] F. Flandoli and M. Gubinelli, Statistics of a vortex filament model, preprint, 2004. [7] U. Frisch, Turbulence. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995. The legacy of A.N. Kolmogorov. [8] A.J. Kupiainen, Lessons for turbulence. Geom. Funct. Anal., Part I, 316–333, 2002. [9] M. Ghil, R. Benzi, and G. Parisi, ed., Fully developed turbulence and intermittency, Amsterdam, 1985. Proc. Int. School on Turbulence and Predictability in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Climate Dynamics, North-Holland. [10] A.N. Kolmogorov, The local structure of turbulence in incompressible viscous fluid for very large Reynolds numbers. Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A, 434(1890):9–13, 1991. Translated from the Russian by V. Levin, Turbulence and stochastic processes: Kolmogorov’s ideas 50 years on. [11] M. Lesieur, P. B´egou, E. Briand, A. Danet, F. Delcayre, and J. L. Aider, Coherentvortex dynamics in large-eddy simulations of turbulence. J. Turbulence, 4, 016, 2003. [12] R. Mikulevicius, B.L. Rozovskii, Stochastic Navier-Stokes equations for turbulent flows. SIAM J. Math. Anal., 35, no. 5, 1250–1310, 2004. [13] A. Vincent and M. Meneguzzi, The spatial structure and statistical properties of homogeneous turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., 225, 1–25, 1991.
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12 Exponential Ergodicity for Stochastic Reaction–Diffusion Equations∗ Beniamin Goldys, University of New South Wales Bohdan Maslowski, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic
Let (Xt ) be a Markov process evolving in the state–space E and possessing a unique invariant measure µ∗ . The question when and in what sense the transition measures P (t, x, ·) converge to µ∗ and the problem of finding the exact rate of convergence are well known, see for example [27]. The aim of this chapter is to review some recent results of this type for Markov processes defined by semilinear stochastic equations in separable Banach spaces. We will concentrate on cases when the forementioned properties hold in a very strong sense, namely, the transition measures converge to the invariant measure exponentially fast in the norm of total variation. We prove the uniform exponential ergodicity and the V -uniform ergodicity (see below for the precise formulation) for a general class of strongly Feller and irreducible Markov processes and then specify these results in the case of stochastic reaction– diffusion equations. Some consequences for the existence and lower estimate of the spectral gap in the space Lp (µ∗ ) are also discussed. Though convergence to the invariant measure in the metric of total variation for infinitedimensional systems has been investigated earlier (see, e.g., the monograph [9] or the survey paper [23]), little is known about the speed of convergence. Jacquot and Royer [19] proved exponential ergodicity for semilinear parabolic equations with bounded drift, Shardlow [34] applied the theory of Meyn and Tweedie to obtain V -uniform ergodicity for some semilinear equations in Hilbert spaces. Hairer [15], [16] and Goldys and Maslowski [11] proved, under different sets of conditions, uniform exponential ergodicity for equations with drifts growing faster than linearly. Recently, Goldys and Maslowski [12] have found some explicit bounds on convergence constants (including the convergence rate) for semilinear equations with additive noise (some lower estimates on spectral gap have been proved as well) and [13] have shown V -uniform ergodicity for nondegenerate stochastic two-dimensional (2D) Navier– Stokes and Burgers’ equations. This chapter consists of five sections including Introduction. In Section 12.2, basic definitions are given and the general results on V -uniform ergodicity and uniform exponential ergodicity are stated. Some of these results appear for the first time in the present form and the proofs are given in such cases. However, Section 12.2 is to a large extent based on earlier authors’ papers [11], [12], [13] and a nice idea borrowed from the Shardlow’s paper [34]. The hypotheses are rather general; the Markov process defined by the equation is supposed to be strongly Feller and irreducible and a certain compactness condition (12.2) is assumed to hold. Then the V -uniform ergodicity and uniform exponential ergodicity follow from ultimate boundedness and uniform ultimate boundedness of solutions, respectively ∗ This work was partially supported by the ARC Discovery Grant DP0346406, the UNSW Faculty Reˇ Grant 201/04/0750. search Grant PS05345 and the GACR
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Goldys and Maslowski
(Theorem 12.1). Exponential convergence in Lp sense and existence of a spectral gap are obtained as corollaries (Theorems 12.2 and 12.3). Section 12.3 is technical and provides a fairly general method to verify the compactness Hypothesis 12.2, which is especially useful for stochastic reaction–diffusion equations. The idea may be interesting for itself, because the assertion that is proved in Proposition 12.1 is sometimes needed in proofs of mere existence of invariant measure (see, e.g., [9], Theorem 6.1.2). The proof itself is related to an earlier result on weak Feller property by Maslowski and Seidler [24]. Section 12.4 contains a summary of results from the recent paper [12] on explicit bounds for constants in the convergences for both V -uniform ergodicity and uniform exponential ergodicity. In Section 12.5, the results from previous sections are applied to stochastic reactiondiffusion equations. Two situations are considered: a one-dimensional (1D) second order semilinear parabolic equation with a multiplicative noise term equipped with Dirichlet boundary conditions and an analogous multidimensional equation with an additive noise. The first case is elaborated in detail (Subsection 12.5.1), the basic setting and some estimates being taken from Peszat [30]. In the multidimensional case the example is basically taken from [11] (where, however, only uniform exponential convergence is considered). It should be noted that there exist several other important concepts of exponential or geometric ergodicity which are not discussed in this chapter. As mentioned above, we obtained some corollaries to exponential convergence and the spectral gap in Lp , which has been studied by numerous authors, cf. [1], [2], [3], [6], [14], [17]. The case of exponentially fast convergence in the metric defined by weak convergence of measures has been also extensively studied (some related results may be found, e.g., in the monograph [9]). Let us mention the paper by Mattingly [26] where exponential convergence to equilibrium in a norm intermediate between the total variation metric and Wasserstein metric has been obtained for stochastic Navier–Stokes equation.
Ergodicity–general results
In this section simple proofs of V -uniform ergodicity and uniform exponential ergodicity are given, the assumptions being formulated in the form which is convenient for applications to stochastic partial differential equations (SPDE’s). Let E = (E, | · |E ) be a real separable Banach space and denote by B, P, and bB the Borel σ-algebra of E, the space of Borel probability measures on E, and the space of bounded Borel functions, respectively. The space of bounded continuous functions on E will be denoted by Cb (E). In the sequel we use the standard notation φdν, φ ∈ bB, ν ∈ P. φ, ν = E
Let (Xt )t0 be a Markov process taking values in E Pt φ(x) = Ex φ (Xt ) ,
φ ∈ bB,
x ∈ E,
t 0,
and P (t, x, Γ) = Pt IΓ (x). Let
denote the adjoint Markov semigroup, i.e. P (t, x, Γ)ν(dx), ν ∈ P, Pt∗ ν(Γ) = Γ
Γ ∈ B,
t 0.
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An invariant measure µ∗ ∈ P is defined as a stationary point of the semigroup (Pt∗), i.e. Pt∗µ∗ = µ∗ ,
t 0.
Obviously, Pt∗ ν may be interpreted as the probability distribution of Xt in the case when the initial distribution is ν, and the invariant measure, if it exists, is a stationary distribution. Hypothesis 12.1 The Markov semigroup (Pt ) is strongly Feller and irreducible, that is (a) Pt (bB) ⊂ Cb (E) for all t > 0 (Strong Feller property). (b) Pt IU (x) > 0 for each t > 0, x ∈ E and any nonempty open set U ⊂ E (irreducibility). Hypothesis 12.2 For each r > 0 there exists T0 > 0 and a compact set K ⊂ E such that inf P (T0 , x, K) > 0,
where Br = {y ∈ E : |y|E r}. Hypothesis 12.2 is often helpful in adapting finite-dimensional results (for example, the classical Krylov–Bogolyubov proof of the existence of invariant measure) to infinite-dimensional processes. In Proposition 12.1 a method to verify Hypothesis 12.2 is proposed for a rather large class of stochastic evolution equations, cf. also examples in Section 12.5. Let V : E → [1, ∞) be a measurable function. We will denote by bV B the space of Borel-measurable functions φ : E → R such that φV := sup
|φ(x)| < ∞. V (x)
The following concepts are well known (see, e.g., [27]). Definition 12.1 The process (Xt ) (or the Markov semigroup (Pt )) is said to be V -uniformly ergodic if there exist C, α > 0 such that for all t 0 and x ∈ E sup |Pt φ(x) − φ, µ∗ | CV (x)e−αt .
φV 1
If V ≡ 1, then process (Xt ) is said to be uniformly exponentially ergodic. Remark 12.1 In terms of the norm ·var of the total variation of signed measures on B, V -uniform ergodicity obviously implies Pt∗ ν − µ∗ var CLν e−αt ,
t 0,
ν ∈ P,
where Lν = V, ν ∞, while the uniform exponential ergodicity is equivalent to Pt∗ν − µ∗ var Ce−αt ,
t 0,
ν ∈ P.
t 0, x ∈ E,
Theorem 12.1 Let Hypotheses 12.1 and 12.2 be satisfied. (i) If the p-th moment of (Xt ) is ultimately bounded, that is p
Ex |Xt |E k|x|pE e−ωt + c,
for some p > 0, ω > 0 and k ∈ R, then there exists a unique invariant measure µ∗ and the semigroup (Pt ) is V -uniformly ergodic with V (x) = 1 + |x|pE . (ii) If the p-th moment of (Xt ) is uniformly ultimately bounded, that is p
Ex |XT |E M,
x ∈ E, T Tˆ,
for some p 1, M < ∞, and Tˆ > 0, then the semigroup (Pt ) is uniformly exponentially ergodic.
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Proof of (i) Step 1. First, we prove that for each τ > 0 the skeleton (Xnτ ) has geometric ˆ < 1 and b ∈ R drift toward Br ; that is, for some λ ˆ (x) + bIB (x), ExV (Xτ ) λV r
x ∈ E,
1/p 1 . 4 c+ 2
where τ, r are such that τ >−
1 1 log , ω 4k
Indeed, we have 1 p |x| + c + 1 4 E 1 1 p 1 1 1 p (1 + |x|E ) − |x|E + c + V (x) + c + IBr (x), 2 4 2 2 2 p
Ex |Xτ |E + 1 k|x|pE e−ωτ + c + 1
ˆ = 1 and b = c + 1 . for x ∈ E, hence (12.6) holds with λ 2 2 Step 2. We will show that Br is a nontrivial small set for a suitable skeleton of the process (Xt ). By Hypothesis 12.1 the transition measures P (t, x, ·) are equivalent for all t > 0 and x ∈ E. Thus, setting ψ(·) = P (1, x0, ·) for a fixed x0 ∈ E it is easy to see that any skeleton (Xnt0 ), t0 > 0, is ψ-irreducible. Therefore (cf. Lemma 2 in [18]) or Theorem 5.2.2 in [27]) there exists a small set S ∈ B such that ψ(S) > 0, that is P (1, x0 , S) > 0,
and inf P (T, x, Γ) λ(Γ),
Γ ∈ B,
for some T > 0 and a nonnegative measure λ satisfying λ(S) > 0. Invoking Hypothesis 12.2 we obtain from the Chapman–Kolmogorov equality P (T, y, Γ)P (T + T0 , x, dy) inf P (2T + T0 , x, Γ) inf x∈Br
λ(Γ) inf P (T + T0 , x, S) λ(Γ) inf x∈Br
P (T, y, S)P (T0 , x, dy) .
By (12.9) and the equivalence of transition measures we have P (T, y, S) > 0 for all y ∈ K. By Hypothesis 12.1 the function y → P (T, y, S) is continuous, hence bounded away from zero on K. By Hypothesis 12.2 it follows that for Γ ∈ B inf P (2T + T0 , x, Γ) δ1 λ(Γ) inf P (T0 , x, K) δ2 λ(Γ),
for some δ1 , δ2 > 0. From (12.4) and (12.12) it easily follows that there exists an invariant measure µ∗ ∈ P (see, e.g., [25]), which is unique due to Hypothesis 12.1. Also, (12.12) means that Br is a small set for any chain Xnm(2T +T0 ) with arbitrary m 1. Let us fix m 1 such that T1 = m (2T + T0 ) > τ . By Step 1 of the proof we find that the chain Yn = XnT1 , n 1, is V -uniformly ergodic, that is sup |PnT1 φ(x) − φ, µ∗| C0 e−nωT1 V (x),
φV 1
x ∈ E, n 1,
for some C0 , ω > 0, where µ∗ is the invariant measure for the chain (Yn ). It follows that sup |PnT1+s φ(x) − φ, µ∗|
φV 1
sup |Ps (PnT1 φ − φ, µ∗ ) (x)|
φV 1
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i Exponential Ergodicity for Stochastic Reaction–Diffusion Equations p
C0 e−nT1 ω Ex (1 + |Xs |E ) C (1 + |x|pE ) e−(nT1+s)ω ,
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for some C > 0 and each x ∈ E, n 1 and s ∈ [0, T1 ). Proof of (ii) Using the uniform ultimate boundedness condition (12.5) it may be shown as in Step 2 above that the whole space E is a small set for the chain Xn(2T +Tˆ) . Hence, the chain is uniformly geometrically ergodic (cf. Theorem 16.0.2 in [27]) and the uniform exponential ergodicity of the semigroup (Pt ) easily follows (cf. Theorem 2.4 of [11] for details). Note that Hypothesis 12.2 may be weakened: we may assume that it is satisfied only for some r large enough (and not for each r > 0), which, however, depends on V and the constant c from the ultimate boundedness condition (12.4) (cf. (12.7)). Our next aim is to examine ergodicity of the Markov semigroup (Pt ) in the space Lp = L (E, µ∗), q ∈ [1, ∞), with the norm denoted by ·p . Note that Hypothesis 12.1 implies that the transition measures P (t, x, ·) and µ∗ are equivalent for all t > 0 and x ∈ E. Since the σ-algebra B is countably generated, there exists, for each t > 0, a version of the dP (t,x,·) transition density p(t, x, y) = dµ∗ (y) that is B ⊗ B measurable (cf. [27], Theorem 5.2.1) ∗ and thereby (Pt ) is a C0 -semigroup on Lp for all p ∈ [1, ∞) and Pt∗Lp →Lp = 1 (cf. [12], Lemma 7.1). It is known that (Pt ) extends to a contraction semigroup on Lp for p ∈ [1, ∞] and is a C0 -semigroup if p < ∞. Let Lp be the generator of the semigroup (Pt ) in Lp . We say that Lp has the spectral gap in Lp if there exists δ > 0 such that p
σ (Lp ) ∩ {λ : Reλ > −δ} = {0} . The largest δ with this property is denoted by gap (Lp ). Theorem 12.2 Let Hypotheses 12.1 and 12.2 and the ultimate boundedness condition (12.4) be satisfied and assume that Pt = Pt∗ for all t 0. Then for all t 0 Pt φ − φ, µ∗2 e−αt φ2 ,
φ ∈ L2 ,
where α is the same constant as in (12.1). The above theorem is a simple corollary to our Theorem 12.1 and Theorem 2.1 in [33] (cf. Corollary 7.4 in [12]). Theorem 12.3 Let Hypotheses 12.1, 12.2 and the uniform ultimate boundedness condition (12.5) hold. Then for each p > 1 α gap (Lp ) , p and for each φ ∈ Lp Pt φ − φ, µ∗p Cp e−αt/p φp ,
t 0,
where α > 0 is the same constant as in (12.3). If, moreover, the semigroup (Pt ) is symmetric in L2 , then the above assertions remain true for p = 1. The proof of this theorem is based on Theorem 12.1 and an interpolation argument (cf. Theorem 7.2 of [12]). Remark 12.2 (i) In Theorem 12.3 it is essential that the ultimate boundedness is assumed to be uniform. The usual ultimate boundedness condition (12.4) is not sufficient (cf. [10] for an example of one-dimensional (1D) Ornstein–Uhlenbeck semigroup with σ (L1 ) = {λ : Reλ 0}). (ii) In Theorem 12.2 the condition of symmetry of (Pt ) may not be removed (cf. Example 9.1 of [12]).
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A remark on the compactness hypothesis
In this section we consider a stochastic evolution equation dXt = (AXt + F (Xt )) dt + G (Xt ) Q1/2 dWt , X0 = x,
where A is linear operator in H with the domain dom(A) ⊂ H, (H, | · |) being a real separable Hilbert space with continuous embedding E → H. We assume that (Wt ) is a standard cylindrical Wiener process on H defined on a filtered probability space (Ω, F, (Ft ) , P), the operator Q = Q∗ ∈ L(H) is nonnegative and Q 0. Moreover, we assume that F : E → H and GQ1/2 : E → L(H). Equation (12.17) is a fairly general model for the study of stochastic evolution equations. Our aim is to apply the abstract theory developed in Section 12.2 to the solution (Xt ) of (12.17). To this end we need to know first that the process (Xt ) has the Markov property, which usually follows from the existence and uniqueness of the solutions to (12.17) in an appropriate sense, see, e.g., [8] and for recent results in this direction [29]. We need also to show that the process (Xt ) satisfies Hypotheses 12.1 and 12.2. There seems to be no general procedure to accomplish this task but certain methods have been developed for more specific equation of the form (12.17), as we shall see in Section 12.5. On the present level of generality we only prove Proposition 12.1 below, which may be useful in case when equation (12.17) may be approximated by a sequence of “nice” equations (for SPDEs it typically means a truncation and/or smoothing of F ). Let us consider a sequence of equations dXnx (t) = (AXnx (t) + Fn (Xnx (t))) dt + Gn (Xnx (t)) Q1/2 dWt , (12.18) Xnx (0) = x ∈ E, where A is a generator of the C0 -semigroup (St ) on E, Fn : E → E is Lipschitz for each n and Gn is such that for each T > 0 and all t T p t St−r (Gn (ζr ) − Gn (χr )) Q1/2 dWr E 0
kn (t − r) |ζr − χr |E dr,
holds for certain p 2, kn ∈ L1loc (0, ∞), and all progressively measurable processes ζ, χ ∈ Lp (Ω, C(0, T ; E)). For the results on maximal inequalities which yield (12.19) see, e.g., [4], [5], [30], and [31]. Finally, we assume that for each n equation (12.18) has a unique mild solution, i.e., an E-valued process satisfying t Xnx (t) = St x + St−r Fn (Xnx (r)) dr + St−r Gn (Xnx (r)) Q1/2 dWr , t 0, (12.20) 0
and ∈ L (Ω, C(0, T ; E)). The transition measures defined by equation (12.18) will be denoted by P n (t, x, ·). Proposition 12.1 Suppose that E is reflexive, that St : E → E is a compact operator for each t > 0 and for every r > 0 there exists T0 > 0 such that lim sup P (T0 , x, ·) − P n (T0 , x, ·)var = 0
n→∞ x∈Br
holds for a transition probability P = (P (t, x, ·)). Then P satisfies Hypothesis 12.2.
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Proof In view of (12.21) it suffices to show that for each fixed n 1, r > 0, T > 0, and
> 0 there exists a compact set K ⊂ E such that inf P n (T, x, K) 1 − .
By Theorem 2.2 of [24] the operator PTn (which is defined by the kernel P n (T, ·, ·)) maps the space Cb (E) into the space of weakly sequentially continuous functions on E. By the definition of the narrow topology, this implies that x −→ P n (T, x, ·) is a continuous mapping from Br equipped with the weak topology to the space of probability measures on (E, | · |E ) endowed with the narrow topology. Since Br is weakly compact, the set {P n (T, x, ·), x ∈ Br } is narrowly compact, and (12.22) follows. In [24], the space E is Hilbertian and the condition (12.19) takes a slightly different form. The proof is not affected by these changes, but for completeness we repeat here the simple arguments that yield weak sequential continuity of PTn f for f ∈ Cb (E). Take arbitrary (xm )m0 ⊂ Br , such that xm → x0
weakly in E.
By (12.19) and (12.20)
E |Xnxm (t) − Xnx0 (t)|E t p p Cn |St (xm − x0 )|E + E (1 + kn (t − r)) |Xnxm (r) − Xnx0 (r)|E dr ,
for all t T and a certain Cn < ∞. By the generalized Gronwall lemma (see, e.g., [7], Corollary 8.11) we obtain for t T ⎞ ⎛ ∞ p p p (12.24) E |Xnxm (t) − Xnx0 (t)|E Cn ⎝|St (xm − x0 )|E + Vnj (|S· (xm − x0 )|E )⎠ , j=1
where Vn is the integral Volterra operator s Cn (1 + kn (s − r)) y(r)dr, Vn y(s) = 0
s > 0,
y ∈ L1loc (0, ∞).
As the semigroup St : E → E is compact, we have |St (xm − x0 )|E → 0 for m → ∞ and it is easy to conclude that p
lim E |Xnxm (t) − Xnx0 (t)|E = 0,
t T.
By a standard argument it follows that P n (T, xm , ·) → P n (T, x0 , ·) in the narrow topology. Remark 12.3 It is possible to modify Proposition 12.1 so that nonreflexive state spaces could be considered if we assume more about approximating equations (12.18). Namely, suppose that St : H → E is a compact operator for each t > 0, St H→E ∈ L1loc (0, ∞), and let equation (12.18) have a solution in Lp (Ω × (0, T ); E) for each x ∈ H. Assume also, that (12.19) holds with kn constant for progressively measurable processes ζ, χ ∈ Lp (Ω × (0, T ); E). Then Proposition 12.1 remains true. To show this, we can use the same proof with xm ∈ Br , m 1, x0 ∈ H, and τ denoting now the weak topology of H. We find that the mapping Br , τ x → P n (T, x, ·) ∈ (P, ) is continuous, where Br is the closure of Br in H.
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Explicit bounds on convergence
In what follows we restate the results on exact bounds for the V -uniform ergodicity with V (x) = |x|E + 1, and exponential ergodicity as proved in [12], i.e., we find explicit estimates on the constants C and α in (12.1) and (12.3), in case when the process (Xt ) is a solution of a stochastic evolution equation with additive noise. These results are based on finding a specific lower measure λ for a small set S = Br (or S = E in case of uniform exponential ergodicity) of the form λ(dy) = γ(y)µ1 (dy), where the measure µ1 is Gaussian and γ is a (1,x,·) positive lower estimate of the density dP δµ on Br . However, more specific hypotheses 1 will be needed. We consider an equation dXt = (AXt + F (Xt )) dt + Q1/2 dWt , (12.25) X0 = x ∈ E, which is a version of equation (12.17) with G(x) = I for all x ∈ E. We assume that A generates a C0 -semigroup (St ) on H. Hypothesis 12.3 The operator Qt =
Ss QSs∗ ds
is a trace-class operator on H and, moreover, 1/2 im (St ) ⊂ im Qt ,
t > 0.
Obviously, (12.26) and (12.27) imply that the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process t Ztx = St x + St−s Q1/2 dWs , t 0, 0
is well defined, strongly Feller, and irreducible on H. Hypothesis 12.4 (a) The part A˜ of A in E, A˜ = A| dom A˜ , dom A˜ = {y ∈ dom(A) ∩ E : Ay ∈ E} , on E, denoted again by (St ). generates a C0 -semigroup (b) The process Zt0 is E-valued and E-continuous. Hypothesis 12.5 We have
−1/2 St Q1/2 Qt
dt < ∞,
where · HS denotes the Hilbert–Schmidt norm of operators on H. Hypothesis 12.5 is not standard. It is always fullfilled if dim(H) < ∞ (cf. [20]). If there exist α ∈ (0, 1) and β < 1+α such that 2 1 2 t−α St Q1/2 dt < ∞, (12.28) 0
c −1/2 St β , Qt t then Hypothesis 12.5 is also satisfied (cf. [12]).
t ∈ (0, 1],
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Hypothesis 12.6 (a) The mapping F : E → E is Lipschitz continuous on bounded sets of E and equation (12.25) has a unique mild solution for x ∈ E and defines an E-valued Markov process. (b) We have im(F ) ⊂ im Q1/2 and there exists a continuous function F˜ : E → H such that Q1/2 F˜ = F and ˜ x ∈ E, (12.30) F (x) K (1 + |x|m E), for some constants K, m > 0. Set µ1 = N (0, Q1 ). The following lower estimate of the transition density of the process (Xt ) has been proved in [12]. The constants c1 , c2 and the mapping Λ may be further specified in various particular cases. Proposition 12.2 Let Hypotheses 12.3-12.6 be satisfied. Then for each x ∈ E dP (1, x, ·) (y) c1 exp (−c2 |x|κE − Λ(y)) dµ1
µ1 − a.e.,
where Λ : M1 → R is a measurable mapping, M1 ∈ B, µ1 (M1 ) = 1, κ = max(2, 2m) and the constants c1 , c2 > 0 depend only on A, Q, and K, m from Hypothesis 12.6b. The following result (cf. [12]) enables us to verify the ultimate boundedness conditions (12.4) and (12.5) in terms of the coefficients of Equation (12.25). By < ·, · >E,E ∗ we denote the duality between E and E ∗ and by ∂| · |E the subdifferential of the norm | · |E . Theorem 12.4 Assume that δ k(δ) := sup E Zt0 E < ∞, t0
and for each x ∈ dom A˜ there exists x∗ ∈ ∂|x|E such that for some k1 , k2 , k3 , s > 0, and
0 we have s ˜ + F (x + y), x∗ Ax −k1 |x|1+ y ∈ E. (12.32) E + k2 |y|E + k3 , E,E ∗
Then (i) For = 0 (12.4) holds with p = k = 1, ω = k1 , and c = k(1) + k1−1 (k2 k(s) + k2 ). (ii) If > 0, then (12.5) holds with p = 1, Tˆ 1 and 1+ 1/ 1 2 (k2 k(s) + k2 ) , 2+ . M = k(1) + max k1 k1 Now we define some constants that are used to establish bounds on the convergence rate. Recalling (12.4) and (12.5) we take arbitrary R > 4c, r > 4 c + 12 , and define 1 R c 1 1 1 − , T = max t0 + 1, − log , b=c+ , (12.33) t0 = − log k1 2rk0 rk k1 4k 2 and δ=
1 −c2 Rκ c1 e 2
e−Λ(y) µ1 (dy),
where c1 , c2 , κ, and Λ are as in Proposition 12.2. The following is our key result.
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Lemma 12.1 Let Hypotheses 12.3–12.6 hold and assume (12.4) with p = 1. Then the following holds. (a) For any Γ ∈ B inf P (T, x, Γ) δ µ ¯(Γ), x∈Br
µ ¯(Γ) =
−1 µ1 (dy)
Br ∩Γ
e−Λ(y) µ1 (dy),
is a probability measure concentrated on Br . (b) For any x ∈ E 1 Ex (|XT |E + 1) (|x|E + 1) + bIBr (x), 2 i.e., the chain (XnT ) satisfies the one-step Lyapunov–Foster condition of geometric drift toward Br with constants 12 and b and the function V (x) = |x|E + 1. Now we are in a position to use the results on explicit convergence bounds from [28]. Following [28] we set v = r + 1, γc = δ −2 (4b + δv) , 2 ˆ = 1 + γc (1 + γc ) < 1, ˆb = v + γc , ξ¯ = 4b2 4 − δ , λ 5 2 δ and Mc =
1 ˆ 1−λ
ˆ + ˆb + ˆb2 + ξ¯ ˆb 1 − λ ˆ + ˆb2 . 2 1 − λ
We may choose a constant ρ ∈ (1 − Mc , 1) which provides the geometric convergence rate for the chain (XnT ). Theorem 12.5 Assume that the process (Xt ) is defined by equation (12.25) and Hypotheses 12.3–12.6 and the ultimate boundedness condition (12.4) are satisfied with p = 1. Then (Xt ) is V -uniformly ergodic with V (x) = |x|E + 1, i.e., (12.1) and (12.2) hold true with α=−
1 log ρ, T
C = (1 + γc )
ρ (c + k + 1) e− log ρ . ρ + Mc − 1
If, moreover, the uniform ultimate boundedness condition (12.5) is satisfied, then (Xt ) is uniformly exponentially ergodic, i.e., (12.3) holds true, where α = − 12 log(1 − δ) > 0, δ is defined by (12.34) with R = 2M , r = ∞, and C = 2(1 − δ)−1 . Corollary 12.1 If Hypotheses 12.3–12.6, (12.31) and (12.32) are satisfied, then the solution of equation (12.25) is (i) V -uniformly ergodic with V (x) = |x|E + 1 (if = 0 in (12.32))), (ii) Uniformly exponentially ergodic (if > 0 in (12.32)). In both cases the convergence rate α and C are specified in Theorem 12.5 and Theorem 12.4 and, in particular, are uniform with respect to all nonlinear terms F satisfying (12.32) and (12.30) with the same constants K, m, k1, k2 , k3 , s, and . Proof See Theorems 6.3 and 6.4 in [12]. Remark 12.4 Under the conditions of Theorem 12.5, the conclusions of Theorems 12.2 and 12.3 on Lp -ergodicity and spectral gap hold true, the convergence rate α being the same as in Theorem 12.2 and 12.3, respectively.
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Reaction–diffusion equations
We will begin with a study of 1D case.
One-dimensional equation
In this section we consider the equation ∂u ∂2W ∂t (t, ζ) = Lu(t, ζ) + f(u(t, ζ)) + g(u(t, ζ)) ∂t∂ζ , (t, ζ) ∈ (0, ∞) × (0, 1), u(0, ζ) = x(ζ), u(t, 0) = u(t, 1) = 0, where
∂ Lφ(ζ) = ∂ζ
∂ ∂ a(·) φ(·) (ζ) + b(ζ) φ(ζ) + c(ζ)φ(ζ), ∂ζ ∂ζ
ζ ∈ (0, 1),
with a, b, c ∈ C([0, 1]), a(ζ) a0 > 0. We assume that there exist k > 0 and γ 1 such that the function f : R → R satisfies the following conditions: |f(ζ)| k (1 + |ζ|γ ) , |f(ζ) − f(η)| k|ζ − η| 1 + |ζ|γ−1 + |η|γ−1 , f(ζ + η)sign(ζ) k 1 + |ζ| + |η|γ−1 , ζ, η ∈ R.
(12.36) (12.37) (12.38)
The diffusion coefficient g : R → R is a Lipschitz function satisfying the condition 0 < δ1 g(ζ) δ2 ,
ζ ∈ R,
for some δ1 , δ2 . The formal system (12.35) may be rewritten in the form (12.17), where H = L2 (0, 1), A = L with dom(A) = H 2 (0, 1) ∩ H01 (0, 1), and F and G are the Nemytskii operator and the multiplication operator associated with f and g, respectively. Finally, the 2 W d is formally replaced with dt Q1/2 dWt , where (Wt ) is a cylindrical Wiener noise term ∂∂t∂ζ ∗ process on H and Q = Q 0 is a bounded operator on H with bounded inverse (cf. [30] for details). Let KθT (Lq ) denote the Banach space of Lq (0, 1)-valued continuous and adapted processes (Yt ) endowed with the norm 1/θ |||Y |||θ,T = E sup |Yt |θq , tT
where | · |q denotes the norm in Lq = Lq (0, 1). Under the above conditions we have the following: Theorem 12.6 (S. Peszat). Let q ∈ (max(γ, 2), ∞) ,
θ > 2qγ.
Then for each initial condition x ∈ Lq (0, 1) and T > 0 there exists a unique mild solution to equation (12.35) in the space KθT (Lq ). Our aim is to apply the results obtained in the previous sections to the Markov process (Xt ) defined by equation (12.35) in the space E = Lq (0, 1). In order to do this we have to verify Hypotheses 12.1 and 12.2 and the uniform boundedness conditions (12.4) or (12.5). We start with three estimates which are based (as well as our basic setting) on the results contained in [30]. We denote by (Xtx ) the solution starting from X0x = x ∈ E and put t St−r G (Xrx ) Q1/2 dWr , Vtx = Xtx − Ztx , t 0. Ztx = 0
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126 Lemma 12.2 (a) For each T > 0 and r > 0 we have θ
sup E sup |Ztx |γq < ∞,
with q and θ the same as in Theorem 12.6. (b) For any T > 0 there exists cˆT > 0 such that for ζ, χ ∈ KθT (Lq ) with θ large enough θ T T 1/2 E sup St−s (G (ζs ) − G (χs )) Q dWs cˆT E |ζs − χs |θq ds. tT 0 0
(c) There exists k1 > 0 such that for all t T t ek1 (t−s) 1 + |Zsx |γγq ds |Vtx |q ek1 t |x|q + k1 0
P − a.s.
Proof (a) Let p ∈ (0, 1) be such that 2qγ < p∗ < θ. Then we may find α ∈ 0, 14 satisfying
Since for a certain σ >
1 2
1 2
1 q
1 1 qγ − 2 +1− < α < . 4qγ p 4
St L2 →Lq we obtain
c , tσ
t ∈ (0, 1],
t(α−1)p St L2 →Lq dt < ∞.
It is known that St G (Xtx ) Q1/2 HS cT t−1/4 for t ∈ (0, T ), where by (12.39) the constant cT does not depend on x ∈ E; hence the standard factorization argument yields θ
sup E sup |Ztx |γq
p t(α−1)p St L2 →Lq
1/p dt E
θ/2 St−s G (X x ) Q1/2 2 s HS ds < ∞, (t − s)2α
which completes the proof. (b) Proceeding as in the proof of Theorem 2.1 in [30] and invoking the H¨ older inequality we obtain θ θ/2 T t 2 T St−s HS 2 1/2 E sup St−s (G (ζs ) − G (χs )) Q dWs c E |ζs − χs |q ds 2α tT 0 0 0 (t − s) q
2α+ 12
(t − s)
θ θ−2
θ−2 2 ds
|ζs − χs |q ds,
which yields (12.41) for θ large enough. (c) See the proof of Lemma 3.2 in [30]. It follows easily from the (a) and (c) of the above lemma that M →∞ x −→ 0, (12.46) sup P sup |Xt |q > M x∈Br
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i Exponential Ergodicity for Stochastic Reaction–Diffusion Equations for each r > 0. Let
Fn (x) =
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if |x|q n, if |x| > n,
F (x) nx F |x| q
and consider an approximating sequence of equations (12.18) with Gn = G. Obviously, Fn : E → E is Lipschitz, (12.19) follows from part (b) of Lemma 12.2 and (12.21) from (12.46) and therefore Hypothesis 12.2 holds true. If f = 0, then the strong Feller property and irreducibility follow from [32] (cf. also Theorem 11.2.4 of [9]). This fact together with (a) and (b) of Lemma 12.2 enables us to use Theorem 3.1 of [22] to obtain both strong Feller property and irreducibility in the case of f = 0 and thereby Hypothesis 12.1 is verified. Let us note that in fact a minor modification of Theorem 3.1 in [22] is needed: our F : E → E is not continuous but this condition has been used in [22] only to prove convergence of the Yosida approximations which are not needed here as the semigroup (St ) is analytic. Note also that the growth condition on F in [22] must be slightly modified. To obtain the ultimate boundedness (12.4) or (12.5) the growth condition (12.38) must be strengthened. We will assume that f(ζ + η)sign(ζ) −k1 |ζ|1+ + k2 |η|γ + k3 , ζ, η ∈ R, for some k1 , k2 , k3 > 0, γ, 0. Since ∂|x|q = |x|q1−q |x|q−2 x , (12.47) implies γ ˜ ˜ F (x + y), x∗ E,E ∗ −k˜1 |x|1+ q +k2 |y|qγ +k3 ,
x ∈ dom (A) , y ∈ Lqγ , x∗ ∈ ∂|x|q , (12.48)
for some k˜1 , ˜ k2, k˜3 > 0 (for > 0 the constant k1 depends on the norm of the continuous embedding Lq+ → Lq ). By analyticity of the semigroup (St ) we find that Vtx ∈ dom(A) for t > 0 and d x V = AVtx + F (Vtx + Ztx ) , dt t
x ∈ E,
t ∈ [t0 , τ ] ,
0 < t0 < τ,
d− x 1+ γ (12.50) |V | −k˜1 |Vtx |q + k˜2 |Ztx |γq + k˜3 , x ∈ E, t ∈ [t0 , τ ] . dt t q Let = 0. Using a simple comparison argument on [t0 , τ ] and taking t0 → 0 we obtain t ˜ (12.51) e−k1 (t−s) k˜2 |Zsx |γγq + k˜3 ds |Xtx |q |Ztx |q + |Vtx |q |Ztx |q + e−k1 t |x|q + 0
P − a.s. Note that for α ∈ 0, 12 and t > 0 t (t − s)α−1 St−s Iα (s)ds, Ztx = 0
Iα (t) =
(t − s)−α St−s G (Xsx ) Q1/2 dWs ,
and the semigroup (St ) is exponentially stable on H, so that taking α, p, and θ as above we obtain for some ω, ω ˜ > 0 and a universal constant C (which may differ from line to line) sup
(t − s)
p S t−s 2 2
L →L
E |Ztx |γq
θ/p ds qγ
e−ωθ(t−s)/2 |Iα (s)| ds
i i
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128 C C
e−ωθ(t−s)/2 E |Iα (s)| ds (s − r)
2 Ss−r G (Zrx ) Q1/2
−2α− 12 −2ωr ˜
θ/2 dr
θ/2 dr
ds < ∞.
Therefore if = 0, then the ultimate boundedness condition (12.4) is satisfied with p = 1 in view of (12.51). If > 0, then we may proceed similarly, obtaining from (12.50) by virtue of the Jensen inequality t 1+ E |Vsx |q ds + C (t − t0 ) , 0 < t0 < t, (12.53) E |Vtx |q E Vtx0 q − k˜1 t0
for a suitable constant C, which yields E |Vtx |q ψ(t), where ψ solves the differential equation ˙ ψ(t) = −k˜1 (ψ(t))1+ + C, ψ(0) = |x|q , so the uniform ultimate boundedness condition (12.5) follows from (12.52) and all the assumptions of Theorem 12.1 are verified. Let us assume now that g = 1. Then the results of Section 12.3 are applicable with the choice of H = L2 (0, 1), and E = Lq (0, 1). Condition (12.29) follows with β = 12 from a standard controllability argument (cf. [8]) and (12.28) holds with α < 12 , so that Hypothesis 12.5 holds true. Hypotheses 12.3 and 12.4 are trivially satisfied or were verified above. By virtue of (12.36) we have 1 2 x ∈ L2γ , |F (x)|2 k 2 (1 + |x(ζ)|γ ) dζ c 1 + |x|2γ 2γ , 0
for a constant c > 0 and taking q > 2γ (we may always enlarge q in the general model, if necessary) the polynomial bound (12.30) is obtained. Similarly, we obtain continuity of the mapping F˜ = Q−1/2 F : E → H. On the other hand, the mapping F : E → E is not Lipschitz on bounded sets as required in Hypothesis 12.6(a). However, given that equation 12.35 has a unique mild solution, Lipschitz continuity is not needed. So we may conclude that if the growth condition (12.47) is satisfied, then we obtain V -uniform ergodicity ( > 0) with some explicit bounds on the convergence rates stated in Theorem 12.5. A similar example is given in [12], where however E = C(0, 1).
Multidimensional equation
Consider the equation ∂u ∂t (t, ζ) = ∆u(t, ζ) + f(u(t, ζ)) + u(0, χ) = x(ζ), ζ ∈ O,
∂ 2W ∂t∂ζ (t, ζ),
(t, ζ) ∈ (0, ∞) × O, (t, ζ) ∈ (0, ∞) × ∂O,
where O ⊂ Rd , d 3, is a bounded domain with smooth boundary. The function f : R → R is locally Lipschitz and satisfies the growth condition (12.47). We will consider the operator ∆ with the domain dom(∆) = H 2 (O) ∩ H01 (O) in the space L2 (O). Then ∆ is self-adjoint and negative definite. Let {en : n 1} be its set of eigenvectors and {αn n 1} the corresponding set of eigenvalues. It is well known that en ∈ C0 (O). We will assume that there exists C > 0 such that √ sup |en |∞ < C and sup |∇en |∞ C αn . n
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W The noise ∂∂t∂ζ is modeled as in the previous example and we assume that Qen = λn en , n 1, where 0 < λn < λ0 . The present example has been studied in [11] (the second part of Example 3) and we summarize the conclusions here (only the case > 0 is discussed in [11], the case = 0 being a simple modification). We assume that ∞ λn 1−γ < ∞ α n=1 n
holds for some γ > 0 and sup
−1 αn 1 − e−2αn t λn
∈ L1 (0, 1).
Conditions (12.47) and (12.55) assure that the problem (12.54) is well posed in the space C(O) and (12.55) implies that for any p > 0 p
sup E |Zt | < ∞, t>0
cf. Theorems 5.2.9 and 11.3.1 in [9] (Zt = Ztx does not depend on x in this case). Hence the ultimate boundedness (for = 0) or uniform ultimate boundedness (for > 0) may be verified similarly as in the previous example (cf. also [11]). Condition (12.56) yields the strong Feller property (by virtue of a suitable smoothing property of the corresponding backward Kolmogorov equation, see [8], while irreducibility follows from [21], Proposition 2.8 and Remark 2.9, since St H→E ∈ L1 (0, T ) for d 3. Hypothesis 12.2 has been verified in Lemma 2.2 of [11]). Hence, we may conclude that if (12.55), (12.56) and the growth condition (12.47) are satisfied then the E-valued Markov process defined by equation (12.54) is V -uniformly ergodic with V (x) = |x|E + 1 (for = 0) or uniformly exponentially ergodic (for > 0). Note that both (12.55) and (12.56) are satisfied if c1 n−2a/d λn c2 n−2b/d , for some c1 , c2 > 0, where
d 2
n 1,
− 1 < b a < 1.
Acknowledgment The authors are grateful to Jan Seidler for his valuable comments and suggestions.
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13 Stochastic Optimal Control of Delay Equations Arising in Advertising Models Fausto Gozzi, Libera Universit`a Internazionale degli Studi Sociali di Roma Carlo Marinelli, Universit¨at Bonn
In this chapter we consider a class of stochastic optimal control problems where the state equation is a stochastic delay differential equations (SDDEs). Such problems arise for instance in modeling optimal advertising under uncertainty for the introduction of a new product to the market, generalizing classical work of Nerlove and Arrow [30]. The main novelty in our model is that we deal also with delays in the control: this is interesting from the applied point of view and introduces new mathematical difficulties in the problem. Dynamic models in marketing have a long history, that begins at least with the seminal papers of Vidale and Wolfe [33] and Nerlove and Arrow [30]. Since then a considerable amount of work has been devoted to the extension of these models and to their application to problems of optimal advertising, both in the monopolistic and the competitive settings, mainly under deterministic assumptions. Models with uncertainty have received instead relatively less attention (see Feichtinger, Hartl, and Sethi [9] for a review of the existing work until 1994, Prasad and Sethi [31] for a Vidale and Wolf-like model in the competitive setting, and, e.g., Grosset and Viscolani [21], Marinelli [29] for recent work on the case of a monopolistic firm). Moreover, it has been advocated in the literature (see, e.g., Hartl [22], Feichtinger et al. [9] and references therein), as it reasonable to assume, that more realistic dynamic models of goodwill should allow for lags in the effect of advertisement. Namely, it is natural to assume that there will be a time lag between advertising expenditure and the corresponding effect on the goodwill level. More generally, a further lag structure has been considered, allowing a distribution of the forgetting time. In this work we incorporate both lag structures mentioned above. We formulate a stochastic optimal control problem aimed at maximizing the goodwill level at a given time horizon T > 0, while minimizing the cumulative cost of advertising expenditure until T . This optimization problem is studied using techniques of stochastic optimal control in infinite dimension. In particular, we extend to the stochastic case a representation result, proved by Vinter and Kwong [34] in the deterministic setting, that allows to associate to a controlled SDDE with delays both in the state and in the control a stochastic differential equation (without delays) in a suitable Hilbert space. This in turn allows us to associate to the original control problem for the SDDE, an equivalent (infinite-dimensional) control problem for the “lifted” stochastic equation. We deal with the resulting infinite-dimensional optimal control problem through the dynamic programming approach, i.e., through the study of the associated Hamilton–Jacobi– Bellman (HJB) equation. The HJB equation that arises in this case is an infinite-dimensional second order semilinear partial differential equation (PDE) that does not seem to fall into the ones treated in the existing literature (see Section 13.5 for details). Here we give some 133 i
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preliminary results for this equation. First, we consider the particular case (but still interesting from the applied point of view) when the delay does not enter the control term. In this case the L2 approach of Goldys and Gozzi [13] and the forward–backward stochastic differential equation (SDE) approach of Fuhrman and Tessitore [10], [11], [12] apply. We show how to apply the former in Section 13.4). Moreover, we consider the general case of delays in the state and in the control: since we do not know whether a regular solution exists, the natural approach would be the one of viscosity solutions. We leave the treatment of the viscosity solution approach to a subsequent work. Here we concentrate on the special case where regular solutions exist. In this case we prove a verification theorem and the existence of optimal feedbacks. Finally, we show through a simple example (but nevertheless still interesting in applications) that, possibly in special cases only, smooth solutions may exist, allowing us to prove verification theorems and the existence of optimal feedback controls. Some further steps are still needed to build a satisfactory theory: concerning the viscosity solutions theory, it would be important to get an existence and uniqueness result and a verification theorem; concerning regular solutions, other cases where further regularity may arise should be studied. These issues are part of work in progress. For references on viscosity solutions of HJB equations in infinite dimensions, and their connection with stochastic control and applications, we refer to, e.g., Lions [26], [27], [28], ´ ech [32], Gozzi, Rouy, and Swi¸ ´ ech [17], Gozzi and Swi¸ ´ ech [19], Gozzi, Sritharan, and Swi¸ ´ Swi¸ech [18]. Other approaches to optimal control problems for systems described by SDDEs without infinite-dimensional reformulation have been proposed in the literature: for instance, see Elsanosi [6] and Larssen [24] for a more direct application of the dynamic programming principle without appealing to infinite-dimensional analysis, and Kolmanovski˘ı and Sha˘ıkhet [23] for the linear-quadratic case. See also Elsanosi, Øksendal, and Sulem [8] for some solvable control problems of optimal harvesting, and Elsanosi and Larssen [7] for an application in financial mathematics. The chapter is organized as follows: in Section 13.2 we formulate the optimal advertising problem as an optimal control problem for an SDDE with delays both in the state and the control. In Section 13.3 we prove a representation result allowing us to “lift” this nonMarkovian optimization problem to an infinite-dimensional Markovian control problem. In Section 13.4 we study the simpler case of a controlled SDDE with delays in the state only, for which known results apply. Section 13.5 deals with the general case of delays in the state and in the control, for which we only give the verification result. Finally, in Section 13.6 we construct a simple example of a controlled SDDE with delay in the state and in the control, whose corresponding HJB equation admits a smooth solution; hence there exists an optimal control in feedback form for the control problem.
The advertising model
Our general reference model for the dynamics of the stock of advertising goodwill y(s), 0 ≤ s ≤ T , of the product to be launched is given by the following controlled SDDE, where z models the intensity of advertising spending ⎧ 0 0 ⎪ ⎪ y(s) + a (ξ)y(s + ξ) dξ + b z(s) + b (ξ)z(s + ξ) dξ ds dy(s) = a ⎪ 0 1 0 1 ⎪ ⎨ −r −r (13.1) +σ dW0 (s), 0 ≤ s ≤ T ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ y(0) = η 0 ; y(ξ) = η(ξ), z(ξ) = δ(ξ) ∀ξ ∈ [−r, 0],
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i Stochastic Optimal Control of Delay Equations
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where the Brownian motion W0 is defined on a filtered probability space (Ω, F , F = (Fs )s≥0 , P), with F being the completion of the filtration generated by W0 , and z belongs to U := L2F ([0, T ]; R+), the space of square integrable nonnegative processes adapted to F. Moreover, we shall assume that the following conditions are verified: (i) a0 ≤ 0; (ii) a1 (·) ∈ L2 ([−r, 0]; R); (iii) b0 ≥ 0; (iv) b1 (·) ∈ L2 ([−r, 0]; R+); (v) η 0 ≥ 0; (vi) η(·) ≥ 0, with η(0) = η 0 ; (vii) δ(·) ≥ 0. Here a0 is a constant factor of image deterioration in absence of advertising, b0 is a constant advertising effectiveness factor, a1 (·) is the distribution of the forgetting time, and b1 (·) is the density function of the time lag between the advertising expenditure z and the corresponding effect on the goodwill level. Moreover, η 0 is the level of goodwill at the beginning of the advertising campaign, η(·) and δ(·) are the histories of the goodwill level and of the advertising expenditure, respectively, before time zero (one can assume η(·) = δ(·) = 0, for instance). Note that when a1 (·), b1 (·), and σ are identically zero, equation (13.1) reduces to the classical model of Nerlove and Arrow [30]. Finally, we define the objective functional J(z(·)) = E ϕ0 (y(T )) −
h0 (z(s)) ds ,
where ϕ0 is a concave utility function with polynomial growth at infinity, and h0 is a convex cost function which is superlinear at infinity, i.e. lim
h(z) = +∞, z
and the dynamics of y is determined by (13.1). The problem we will deal with is the maximization of the objective functional J over all admissible controls in U. Remark 13.1 Note that in the general framework of delay equations the functions a1 and b1 are measures. Here we do not consider such general framework for two reasons: first taking a1 and b1 to be L2 already captures the applied idea of the problem; second, taking a1 and b1 to be measures would introduce some technical difficulties that we do not want to treat here. More precisely this would create some problems in the infinite-dimensional reformulation bringing unbounded terms into the state equation. Indeed, if b1 ≡ 0, the case where a1 is a measure can be easily treated by a different standard reformulation. This fact allows us to treat the case of point delays in the state with no delays in the control. This will be the subject of Section 13.4.
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Reformulation in Hilbert space
Throughout the chapter, X will be the Hilbert space defined as X = R × L2 ([−r, 0]; R), with inner product
x, y = x0 y0 +
and norm
|x| =
|x0 | +
−r 0
x1 (ξ)y1 (ξ) dξ
|x1 (ξ)| dξ
1/2 ,
where x0 and x1 (·) denote the R-valued and the L2 ([−r, 0]; R)-valued components, respectively, of the generic element x of X. In this section we shall adapt the approach of Vinter and Kwong [34] to the stochastic case to recast the SDDE (13.1) as an abstract SDE on the Hilbert space X and so to reformulate the optimal control problem. We start by introducing an operator A : D(A) ⊂ X → X as follows: A : (x0 , x1 (ξ))
dx1 (ξ) a.e. ξ ∈ [−r, 0]. a0 x0 + x1 (0), a1 (ξ)x0 − dξ
The domain of A is given by D(A) = (x0 , x1 (·)) ∈ X : x1 (·) ∈ W 1,2 ([−r, 0]; R), x1 (−r) = 0 . The operator A is the adjoint of the operator A∗ : D(A∗ ) ⊂ X → X defined as ∗
A : (x0 , x1 (·)) → a0 x0 + on
a1 (ξ)x1 (ξ) dξ, x1 (·)
D(A∗ ) = (x0 , x1(·)) ∈ R × W 1,2 ([−r, 0]; R) : x0 = x1 (0) .
It is well known that A∗ is the infinitesimal generator of a strongly continuous semigroup (see, e.g., Chojnowska–Michalik [2] or Da Prato and Zabczyk [4]); therefore the same is true for A. We also need to define the bounded linear control operator B : U → X as
B : u → b0 u, b1 (·)u , (13.4) where U := R+ . Sometimes we shall identify the operator B with the element (b0 , b1 (·)) ∈ X. We introduce now an abstract SDE on the Hilbert space X that is equivalent, in the sense made precise by Proposition 13.1, to the SDDE (13.1): dY (s) = (AY (s) + Bz(s)) ds + G dW0 (s) (13.5) Y (0) = x ∈ X, where G : R → X is defined by
G : x0 → (σx0 , 0),
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and z(·) ∈ U. Using Theorems 5.4 and 5.9 in Da Prato and Zabczyk [3], we have that equation (13.5) admits a unique weak solution (in the sense of [3], p. 119) with continuous paths given by the variation of constants formula s s sA (s−τ)A Y (s) = e x + e Bz(τ ) dτ + e(s−τ)A G dW0 (τ ). 0
In order to state equivalence results between the SDDE (13.1) and the abstract evolution equation (13.5), we need to introduce the operator M : X × L2 ([−r, 0]; R) → X defined as follows: M : (x0 , x1(·), v(·)) → (x0 , m(·)), where
m(ξ) :=
a1 (ζ)x1 (ζ − ξ) dζ +
b1 (ζ)v(ζ − ξ) dζ.
The following result is a generalization of Theorems 5.1 and 5.2 of Vinter and Kwong [34]. Proposition 13.1 Let Y (·) be the weak solution of the abstract evolution equation (13.5) with arbitrary initial datum x ∈ X and control z(·) ∈ U. Then, for t ≥ r, one has, P-a.s. (almost surely), Y (t) = M (Y0 (t), Y0 (t + ·), z(t + ·)). Moreover, let {y(t), t ≥ −r} be a continuous solution of the stochastic delay differential equation (13.1), and Y (·) be the weak solution of the abstract evolution equation (13.5) with initial condition x = M (η 0 , η(·), δ(·)). Then, for t ≥ 0, one has, P-a.s., Y (t) = M (y(t), y(t + ·), z(t + ·)), hence y(t) = Y0 (t), P-a.s., for all t ≥ 0. Proof Let x = (x0 , x1 ) ∈ D(A) (for general x the same result will follow by standard density arguments — see, e.g., Vinter and Kwong [34]). Equation (13.5) can be written as ⎧
⎪ dY0 (t) = a0 Y0 (t) + Y1 (t)(0) + b0 z(t) dt + σ dW0 (t) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨
d (13.6) dY1 (t)(ξ) = a1 (ξ)Y0 (t) − Y1 (t)(ξ) + b1 (ξ)z(t) dt, ⎪ ⎪ dξ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ Y0 (0) = x0 , Y1 (0)(·) = x1 (·), therefore, P-a.s., Y0 (t)
Y1 (t)(ξ)
t t e(t−s)a0 Y1 (s)(0) ds + e(t−s)a0 b0 z(s) ds + e(t−s)a0 σ dW0 (s) 0 0 0 t t [Φ(t)x1 ](ξ) + [Φ(t − s)a1 (·)Y0 (s)](ξ) ds + [Φ(t − s)b1 (·)z(s)](ξ) ds,(13.7)
eta0 x0 +
where Φ(t) is the semigroup of truncated right shifts defined as f(ξ − t), −r ≤ ξ − t ≤ 0, [Φ(t)f(·)](ξ) = 0, otherwise
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for all f ∈ L2 . Then (13.7) for t ≥ r can be rewritten, using the definition of Φ and recalling that x1 (−r) = 0, since x ∈ D(A), as (P-a.s.) Y1 (t)(ξ) =
a1 (α)Y0 (t + α − ξ) dα +
b1 (α)z(t + α − ξ) dα,
which is equivalent to Y (t) = M (Y0 (t), Y0 (t + ·), z(t + ·)), as claimed. Let us now prove the second claim: the L2 -valued component of the weak solution of the evolution equation (13.5) with initial data Y (0) = x = M (η 0 , η(·), δ(·)) satisfies, for ξ − t ∈ [−r, 0], ξ ∈ [−r, 0], t ≥ 0 Y1 (0)(ξ − t) =
a1 (α)η(t + α − ξ) dα +
b1 (α)δ(t + α − ξ) dα,
P-a.s., as follows from (13.7). We assume here η(0) = η 0 , without loss of generality (the general case follows by density arguments, as in [34]). Again by (13.7) and some calculations we obtain, P-a.s. Y1 (t)(ξ) =
a1 (α)Y˜0 (t + α − ξ) dα +
where Y˜0 (ξ) =
b1 (α)z(t + α − ξ) dα,
η(ξ), ξ ∈ [−r, 0], Y0 (ξ), ξ ≥ 0.
Observe that the definition of Y˜ is well posed because of the assumption η(0) = η 0 , and because η 0 = Y0 (0) by the definition of the operator M . In order to finish, we need to prove that Y0 (·) satisfies the same integral equation (in the mild sense) as the solution y(·) to the SDDE (13.1), i.e., that the following holds for all t ≥ 0: 0
Y1 (s)(0) ds =
a1 (ξ)Y0 (s + ξ) dξ +
b1 (ξ)z(s + ξ) dξ ds.
But this follows immediately from (13.8) with ξ = 0: Y1 (t)(0) =
a1 (ξ)Y0 (t + ξ) dξ +
b1 (ξ)z(t + ξ) dξ,
which proves the claim. The fact that y(t) = Y0 (t), P-a.s., for all t ≥ 0, easily follows. Using Proposition 13.1, we can now give a Hilbert space formulation of our problem. Since we want to use the dynamic programming approach, from now on we let the initial time vary, calling it t with 0 ≤ t ≤ T . The state space is X = R × L2 ([−r, 0]; R), the control space is U = R+ , and the control strategy is z(·) ∈ U. The state equation is (13.5) with initial condition at t, i.e. dY (s) = (AY (s) + Bz(s)) ds + G dW0 (s) (13.9) Y (t) = x ∈ X,
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and its unique weak solution, given the initial data (t, x) and the control strategy z(·), will be denoted by Y (·; t, x, z(·)). The objective functional is J(t, x; z(·)) = Et,x ϕ(Y (T, t, x; z(·))) +
h(z(s)) ds ,
where the functions h : U → R and ϕ : X → R are defined as h(z)
−h0 (z)
ϕ(x0 , x1(·))
ϕ0 (x0 ).
The problem is to maximize the objective function J(t, y; z(·)) over all z(·) ∈ U. We also define the value function V for this problem as V (t, x) = inf J(t, x; z(·)). z(·)∈U
Moreover, we shall say that z ∗ (·) ∈ U is an optimal control if it is such that V (t, x) = J(t, x; z ∗(·)). Following the dynamic programming approach we would like first to characterize the value function as the unique solution (in a suitable sense) of the following HJB equation ⎧ ⎨ v + 1 Tr(Qv ) + Ax, v + H (v ) = 0 t xx x 0 x 2 (13.11) ⎩ v(T ) = ϕ, where Q = G∗ G and
H0 (p) = sup (Bz, p + h(z)). z∈U
Moreover, we would like to find a sufficient condition for optimality given in terms of V (a so-called verification theorem) and a feedback formula for the optimal control z ∗ .
The case with no delay in the control
In a model for the dynamics of goodwill with distributed forgetting factor, but without lags in the effect of advertising expenditure, i.e., with b1 (·) = 0 in (13.1), it is possible to apply both the approach of HJB equations in L2 spaces developed by Goldys and Gozzi [13], and the backward SDE approach of Fuhrman and Tessitore [11]. We follow here the first approach, showing that both the value function and the optimal advertising policy can be characterized in terms of the solution of a HJB equation in infinite dimension. In fact we treat a somewhat different case assuming that the distribution of the forgetting factor is concentrated on a point. This can be treated by a different standard reformulation and with simpler computations and interpretations. In particular, we consider the case where the goodwill evolves according to the following equation: ⎧ ⎨ dy(s) = [a0 y(s) + a1 y(s − r) + b0 z0 (s)] ds + σ dW0 (s), 0 ≤ s ≤ T (13.12) ⎩ y(0) = η 0 ; y(ξ) = η(ξ) ∀ξ ∈ [−r, 0]. By the representation theorems for solutions of stochastic delay equations of Chojnowska– Michalik [2], one can associate to (13.12) an evolution equation on the Hilbert space X of the type ⎧ √ √ ⎨ dY (s) = (AY (s) + Qz(s)) ds + Q dW (s), (13.13) ⎩ Y (0) = y,
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140 where A : D(A) ⊂ X → X is defined as A : (x0 , x1 (·)) → (a0 x0 + a1 x1 (−r), x1 (·)) on its domain
D(A) = (x0 , x1 (·)) ∈ (R × W 1,2 ([−r, 0]; R) : x0 = x1 (0) ; moreover, z = (σ −1 b0 z0 , z1 (·)) ∈ R+ × L2 ([−r, 0]; R), with z1 (·) a fictitious control; Q : X → X is defined as Q : (x0 , x1 (·)) → (σ 2 x0 , 0); W is an X-valued cylindrical Wiener process with W = (W0 , W1 ), and W1 is a (fictitious) cylindrical Wiener process taking values in L2 ([−r, 0]; R). Finally, y = (η 0 , η(·)). Remark 13.2 Note that the operator A just introduced does not coincide with the A introduced in Section 13.3. In fact, A here is exactly the A∗ defined there. Similarly, the initial datum of this section differs from that of Section 13.3. Note also that the reformulation carried out in this section does not extend to the more general case of delay in the control, explaining why the more elaborate construction of the previous section is needed. We also note that the insertion of the fictitious control z1 is not necessary here. We do it to keep the control space U equal to the state–space X so the formulation falls into the results contained in Goldys and Gozzi [13]. However, it can be easily proved that the 1 results of [13] still hold when the weaker condition B(U ) ⊂ Q 2 (X) is satisfied. The operator A is the infinitesimal generator of a strongly continuous semigroup {S(s), s ≥ 0} (see again Chojnowska–Michalik [2]). More precisely, one has S(s)(x0 , x1 (·)) = (y(s), y(s + ξ)|ξ∈[−r,0] ), where y(·) is the solution of the deterministic delay equation ⎧ ⎨ dy(s) = a0 y(s) + a1 y(s − r), 0 ≤ s ≤ T dt ⎩ y(0) = x0 ; y(ξ) = x1 (ξ) ∀ξ ∈ [−r, 0].
Moreover, the X-valued mild solution Y (·) = (Y0 (·), Y1 (·)) of (13.13) is such that Y0 (·) solves the original stochastic delay equation (13.12). As in Section 13.3, we now consider an associated stochastic control problem letting the initial time t vary in [0, T ]. The state equation is (13.13) with initial condition at t, i.e. ⎧ √ √ ⎨ dY (s) = (AY (s) + Qz(s)) ds + Q dW (s), (13.15) ⎩ Y (t) = x, and the objective function is J(t, x; z0 (·)) = E
ϕ0 (y(T )) −
h0 (z0 (s)) ds ,
with y(·) obeying the SDDE (13.12). Defining h(z0 , z1 (·))
−h0 (z0 )
ϕ(x0 , x1(·))
ϕ0 (x0 ),
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thanks to the above mentioned equivalence between the SDDE (13.12) and the abstract SDE (13.13), we are led to the equivalent problem of maximizing the objective function J(t, x; z(·)) = Et,x ϕ(Y (T )) +
h(z(s)) ds ,
with Y subject to (13.13). Before doing so, however, following [13], we need to assume conditions on the coefficients of (13.12) such that the uncontrolled version of (13.13), i.e. ⎧ √ ⎨ dZ(t) = AZ(t) dt + Q dW (t), (13.17) ⎩ Z(0) = x, admits an invariant measure. It is known (see Da Prato and Zabczyk [4]) that a0 < 1, a0 < −a1 < γ 2 + a20 ,
where γ coth γ = a0 , γ ∈]0, π[, ensures that (13.17) admits a unique nondegenerate invariant measure µ. Remark 13.3 The deterioration factor a0 is always assumed to be negative; hence the first condition in (13.18) is not a real constraint. In general, however, it is not clear what sign a1 should have. If a1 is also negative, i.e., it can again be interpreted as a deterioration factor, condition (13.18) says that a1 cannot be “much more negative” than a0 . On the other hand, if a1 is positive, then the second condition in (13.18) implies that the improvement effect as measured by a1 cannot exceed the deterioration effect as measured by |a0 |. Let us now define the Hamiltonian H0 : X → R as
H0 (p) = sup Qz, pX + h(z) z∈U
and write the HJB equation associated to the control problem (13.16): ⎧ ⎨ vt + 1 Tr(Qvxx ) + Ax, vx + H0 (vx ) = 0 2 ⎩ v(T, x) = ϕ(x).
If the Hamiltonian H0 is Lipschitz (which follows from the hypothesis on h0 ), ϕ ∈ L2 (X, µ) (which follows from the hypothesis on ϕ), and the operator A satisfies (13.18), then (13.19) admits a unique mild solution v in the space L2 (0, T ; WQ1,2(X, µ)), as follows from Theorem 3.7 of [13]. Moreover, Theorem 5.7 of [13] guarantees that v coincides (µ-a.e.) with the value function V (t, x) = inf Et,x ϕ(Y (T )) + z∈U
h(z(s)) ds
(by z ∈ U we mean, with a slight abuse of notation, z0 ∈ U), and that there exists a unique optimal control z ∗ , i.e. V (t, x) = J(t, x; z ∗(·)) with
Q v(t, Y ∗ (t))), z ∗ (t) = DH(D
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and Y ∗ is the solution of the closed-loop equation ⎧ Q v(s, Y (s))] ds + Q dW (t) ⎨ dY (s) = [AY (s) + QDH(D ⎩
Y (t) = x.
Q is, roughly speaking, a “weakly closable” extension of the MalliThe gradient operator D 1/2 avin derivative Q D acting on WQ1,2 (X, µ). For the exact definition and construction of Q we refer the reader to [13]. D Remark 13.4 The HJB equation (13.19) is “genuinely” infinite dimensional; i.e., it reduces to a finite-dimensional one only in very special cases. For example, by the results of Larssen and Risebro [25], (13.19) reduces to a finite-dimensional PDE if and only if a0 = −a1 . However, under this assumption, we cannot guarantee the existence of a nondegenerate invariant measure for the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck semigroup associated to (13.17). Even more extreme would be the situation of distributed forgetting time: in this case the HJB is finite dimensional only if the term accounting for distributed forgetting vanishes altogether!
Delays in the state and in the control
We now consider the case when also delays in the control are present. The optimal control problem is the one described in Section 13.2 with a1 (·) = 0, b1 (·) = 0. The HJB equation associated to the problem is ⎧ ⎨ v + 1 Tr(Qv ) + Ax, v + H (v ) = 0 t xx x 0 x 2 (13.22) ⎩ v(T ) = ϕ, where Q = G∗ G and
H0 (p) = sup (Bz, p + h(z)). z∈U
Unfortunately, it is not possible, in general, to obtain regular solutions of the HJB equation (13.22) using the existing theory based on perturbations of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck semigroups (see, e.g., Barbu and Da Prato [1], Da Prato and Zabczyk [5], and Gozzi [15], [16]). The main problem is the lack of regularity properties of a suitable Ornstein–Uhlenbeck semigroup associated to the problem: in particular, the associated gradient operator is not closable and the semigroup is not strongly Feller (see Goldys and Gozzi [13] and Goldys, Gozzi, and van Neerven [14]). As mentioned in Section 13.4, if there is no lag in the effect of advertisement spending on the goodwill, i.e., if b1 (·) = 0, then both the L2 approach of Goldys and Gozzi [13] and the backward SDE approach of Fuhrman and Tessitore [11] can be applied, obtaining a characterization of the value function and of the optimal advertising policy in terms of the (unique) solution to (13.22). Both approaches, however, fail in this more general case, since they require, roughly speaking, that the image of the control is included in the image of the noise, i.e., that B(U ) ⊆ G(X), which is clearly not true. The only approach that seems to work in the general case of delays in the state and in the control is, to the best of our knowledge, the framework of viscosity solutions (see Lions [26], [27], [28]). However, while this approach gives a characterization of the value function in terms of the unique (viscosity) solution of the HJB equation (13.22), this solution is only guaranteed to be continuous; hence one can construct from it an optimal control only in a rather weak form, through the so-called viscosity verification theorems (see Gozzi, Swiech,
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and Zhou [20]). The study of this problem in the framework of viscosity solutions is the subject of a forthcoming publication. Here we want to prove a verification theorem in the case when regular solutions of the HJB equation are available. Definition 13.1 A function v is said to be • A classical solution of the HJB equation (13.22) if v ∈ C 1,2([0, T ] × X) and v satisfies (13.22) pointwise; • An integral solution if v ∈ C 0,2 ([0, T ]×X), and moreover for t ∈ [0, T ] and x ∈ D(A), one has T 1 ϕ(x) − v(t, x) + Tr(Qvxx(s, x)) + Ax, vx (s, x) + H0 (vx (s, x)) ds = 0. 2 t (13.23) Theorem 13.1 (Verification Theorem) Let v be an integral solution of the HJB (13.22) and let V be the value function of the optimal control problem. Then (i) v ≥ V on [0, T ] × X. (ii) If a control z ∈ U is such that, at starting point (t, x), H0 (vx (s, Y (s))) = sup {Bz, vx (s, Y (s)) + h(z)} = Bz(s), vx (s, Y (s)) + h(z(s)) z∈U
for almost every s ∈ [t, T ], P-a.e., then this control is optimal and v(t, x) = V (t, x). (iii) If we know a priori that V = v, then (ii) is a necessary (and sufficient) condition of optimality. Although there is a standard way to prove such results, this version of the verification theorem is not contained in the existing literature. We give an idea of the method by sketching the proof in the case of bounded A. The case of unbounded A can be treated by approximating A with its Yosida approximations An , and then passing to the limit as n → +∞ (see, e.g., Barbu and Da Prato [1]). Proof Let A and B be bounded operators. The core of the job is to prove that, for every (t, x) ∈ [0, T ] × X and any z ∈ U the following fundamental identity holds: T v (t, x) = J (t, x; z (·)) + [H0 (vx (s, Y (s))) − Bz(s), vx (s, Y (s)) − h(z(s))] ds, (13.24) t
where Y (s) := Y (s; t, x; z(·)). Once this is proved, the three claims of the theorem follow as straightforward consequences of the definitions of the Hamiltonian H0 , of value function and of optimal strategy. Let us then prove (13.24). We first approximate v by a sequence of smooth function vn that solve suitable approximating equations and that are such that vn −→ v,
vnx −→ vx .
This is possible, e.g., using the same ideas of Goldys and Gozzi [13], Section 4. Then for a.e. s ∈ ([t, T ] ∩ R), one may show that d vn (s, Y (s)) ds
vnt (s, Y (s)) + y (s), vnx (s, Y (s))
vnt (s, Y (s)) + AY (s) + Bz(s), vnx (s, Y (s)).
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Since vn is a classical solution of a suitable approximating HJB equation (see again [13]), we have vnt (s, Y (s)) + AY (s), vns (s, Y (s)) = −H0 (B ∗ vnx(s, Y (s))) − gn (s, Y (s)), where gn is a term appearing in the approximating HJB such that gn → 0 as n → ∞ (see again [13]). Substituting in (13.26) and then adding and subtracting h (s, z (s)), we obtain d vn (s, Y (s)) ds
z(s), B ∗ vnx (s, Y (s)) − H0 (B ∗ vnx(s, Y (s))) − gn (s, Y (s))
z(s), B ∗ vnx (s, Y (s)) + h(z(s)) −H0 (B ∗ vnx (s, Y (s))) − gn (s, Y (s)) − h(z(s)).
Integrating between t and T we get vn (T, Y (T )) − vn (t, x) + = t
[gn (s, Y (s)) + h(z(s))] ds
[z(s), B ∗ (vnx(s, Y (s))) + h(z(s)) − H0 (B ∗ vnx (s, Y (s)))] ds,
which gives the desired equality (13.24) after passing to the limit as n → ∞. About feedback maps, the following theorem holds true. Theorem 13.2 Under the same hypotheses of Theorem 13.1, assume that there exists a measurable map Γ : ([0, T ] ∩ R) × X → U , such that Γ (t, p) is a maximum point of the map z → z, B ∗ p + h(z) for given (t, p) ∈ ([0, T ] ∩ R) × X. Assume also that for every (t, x) there exists a (mild) solution Y ∗ (·) of the closed loop equation dY ∗ (τ ) = AY ∗ (τ ) + BΓ(τ, vx (τ, Y ∗ (τ ))) + G dW (t), τ ∈ [t, T ] ∩ R; Y ∗ (t) = x,
x ∈ X,
such that τ → Γ(τ, vx (τ, Y ∗ (τ ))) belongs to U. Then the couple (Y ∗ (·), z ∗(·)) is optimal whenever the control strategy satisfies the feedback relation z ∗ (τ ) = Γ (τ, vx (τ, Y ∗ (τ ))) . Proof This is a straightforward consequence of (ii) in the verification theorem, as the control generated by the feedback relation satisfies (ii).
An example with explicit solution
Here we restrict ourselves to some less general specification of the objective function, but still meaningful, for which the HJB equation admits a smooth solution, and therefore the value function and the optimal control can be completely characterized. Let us assume h(z) = −βz02 and ϕ(x) = γx0 ,
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with β, γ > 0. Then we have HCV (p, z) = Bz, p + h(z) = B, pz − βz 2 , and
⎧ 2 ⎪ ⎨ B, p , B, p ≥ 0 4β H0 (p) = sup HCV (z, p) = ⎪ z∈U ⎩ 0, B, p < 0,
or equivalently, in more compact notation, H0 (p) =
(B, p+ )2 . 4β
We conjecture a solution of the HJB equation (13.22) of the form v(t, x) = w(t), x + c(t),
t ∈ [0, T ], x ∈ X,
where w(·) : [0, T ] → X and c(·) : [0, T ] → R are given functions whose properties we will study below. Hence for t ∈ [0, T ] and x ∈ X we have, assuming that all objects are well defined vt (t, x) = vx (t, x) = vxx = and
w (t), x + c (t) w(t) 0,
⎧ + 2 ⎪ ⎨ w (t), x + c (t) + Ax, w + (B, w(t) ) = 0, t ∈ [0, T ), x ∈ X, 4β ⎪ ⎩ w(T ), x + c(T ) = γx , x ∈ X. 0
It is clear that, if A∗ w(t) is well defined for all t ∈ [0, T ], (13.27) is equivalent to w (t), x + A∗ w(t), x = 0, t ∈ [0, T [ w(T ) = (γ, 0) and
⎧ + 2 ⎨ c (t) + (B, w(t) ) = 0, t ∈ [0, T [ 4β ⎩ c(T ) = 0.
Since (13.28) must hold for all x, then it implies w (t) + A∗ w(t) = 0, t ∈ [0, T [ w(T ) = (γ, 0). Recalling (13.3), we obtain that (13.28) is equivalent to ⎧ 0 ⎨ w (t) + a w (t) + a1 (ξ)w1 (t, ξ) dξ = 0, t ∈ [0, T [ 0 0 0 −r ⎩ w0 (T ) = γ
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⎧ ∂w1 ∂w1 ⎪ ⎪ (t, ξ) + (t, ξ) = 0, t ∈ [0, T [, ξ ∈ [−r, 0[ ⎪ ⎨ ∂t ∂ξ ξ ∈ [−r, 0[ w1 (T, ξ) = 0, ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ t ∈ [0, T ]. w1 (t, 0) = w0 (t),
The solution of (13.31) is given by w1 (t, ξ) = w0 (t − ξ)I{t−ξ∈[0,T ]} ,
from which one can solve equation (13.30), obtaining w0 (·). Note that, unfortunately, the function w is never in D(A∗ ), except for the case when it is 0 everywhere. However, this does not exclude that the candidate v(t, x) = w(t), x+c(t) solves the HJB equation (13.22) in some sense. Indeed it is an integral solution of (13.22) in the sense of Definition (13.1), as it follows from the above calculations. Note that v ∈ C([0, T ] × X) and that it is twice differentiable in the x variable, i.e., it satisfies the hypotheses of the verification Theorem 13.1. Since a maximizer of the current-value Hamiltonian is given by z ∗ = B, p+ /(2β), then it is immediately seen that the control z ∗ (t) =
B, vx (t)+ B, w(t)+ = , 2β 2β
t ∈ [0, T ],
which does not depend on Y ∗ (t), is admissible; hence (ii) of the verification Theorem 13.1 holds, and z ∗ (·) is optimal.
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14 On Acceleration of Approximation Methods Istv´an Gy¨ongy,∗ University of Edinburgh Nicolai V. Krylov,† University of Minnesota
We consider for every τ ∈ (0, 1] a pair of equations w(τ ) = ϕ(τ ) +
Ak (τ )Θk (τ )(Lk (τ )w(τ ) + fk (τ )),
v(τ ) = ϕ(τ ) + A0 (τ )Θ0 (τ )(L(τ )v(τ ) + f(τ )) for w = w(τ ) and v = v(τ ) in a Banach space W , where ϕ, fk , f ∈ W , and L, Lk , Θk , Ak are linear operators, L, Lk are possibly unbounded. We assume that L = L1 + · · · + Lm ,
f = f1 + · · · + fm .
For brevity of notation we suppress τ in some arguments. We are interested in the dependence of the difference of the solutions, w − v, on the parameter τ . For example, for each τ we can consider the equations w(t) = v0 +
m (0,t]
(Θk Lk w(s) + Θk fk (s)) dak (s),
t ∈ [0, T ],
v(t) = v0 +
(Θ0 L(s)v + Θ0 f(s)) da0 (s),
t ∈ [0, T ],
for the functions w(t) and v(t), t ∈ [0, T ], taking values in some separable Banach space V . Here, for each τ and k = 0, 1, 2, ..., m, ak is a right-continuous function on (0, ∞), having finite limits from the left, and finite variation on each finite interval. The operator Ak is defined by the Bochner integral (Ak v)(t) = v(s) dak (s), t ∈ [0, T ], (0,t]
where v is from W = Dw ([0, T ], V ), the space of V -valued functions on [0, T ], having weak limits from the left and from the right. The operators Lk in this example are defined by (Lk u)(t) = Lk (t)u(t), ∗ The † The
t ∈ [0, T ],
work of the first author was partially supported by EU Network HARP. work of the second author was partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-0140405.
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where Lk (t) is a linear, possibly unbounded, operator on V for every t ∈ [0, T ]. Furthermore, fk ∈ W , and Θk is a bounded linear operator on W . The main example of Θk , from the point of view of applications we have, is defined as follows: (Θk v)(0) = 0, and (Θk v)(t) = ϑk v(t) + (1 − ϑk )v(t−),
t ∈ (0, T ],
for some real number ϑk . More specifically, we can think of Lk (t) as differential operators, V as a Sobolev space of functions on Rd , Θ0 as the identity operator, and a0 (t) = t. Then equation (14.4) can be cast in the form d v(t) = L(t)v(t) + f(t), dt
t ∈ (0, T ],
v(0) = v0 ,
and by equation (14.3) we want to represent approximations for (14.6). Namely, we view equation (14.3) as a numerical method applied to equation (14.6) on the grid Tτ := {iτ : i = 0, 1, ...} ∩ [0, T ], by taking suitable operators Θk , Lk , and functions ak (τ, t) = τ Hk (t/τ ), with appropriate right-continuous functions H1 ,...,Hm over R, which have finite variation over finite intervals, such that the measures dH1 ,..., dHm are periodic with period 1. Let us take, for example, H1 (t) = · · · = Hm (t) = [t], the integer part of t, and Θk defined by (14.5) with ϑ1 = · · · = ϑm = ϑ. Then equation (14.3) represents the Θ-method, which is the implicit Euler method for ϑ = 1, the explicit Euler method for ϑ = 0, and is often called the Crank–Nicolson method for ϑ = 1/2. Using an idea from [1] we can also easily represent splitting-up approximations for equation (14.6) by an appropriate choice of the functions a1 , ..., am in equation (14.3). To explain this let us assume that Lk , fk in (14.3) do not depend on s. Then the splitting-up approximation u, corresponding to the splitting (14.2), is defined by t/τ v0 , u(t) = Pm (τ ) · · · · · P1 (τ )
t ∈ Tτ ,
where Pk (t)ϕ, k = 1, 2, ..., m, denotes the solution at time t of the equation d v(t) = Lk v(t) + fk , dt
t > 0 v(0) = ϕ.
This means that to get the approximation u(ti ) for 0 < ti ∈ Tτ from u(ti−1 ), we solve first equation (14.7) with k = 1 on [0, τ ] with initial value u(ti−1 ); then we solve (14.7) with k = 2 on [0, τ ] again, with initial value P1 u(ti−1 ), and so on, finally we solve (14.7) with k = m on [0, τ ], taking the solution at τ of the previous equation as the initial value. Borrowing an idea from [1], instead of going back and forth in time when solving equations (14.7) one after another on the same interval [0, τ ], we “stretch out the time” and rearrange solving these equations in forward time. We achieve this by introducing the equation u¯(t) = ϕ +
t m 0 k=1
(Lk u¯(s) + fk )h˙ k (s/τ ) ds,
where h˙ k is a function of period m, defined by h˙ k (t) = 1[k−1,k)(t) for t ∈ [0, m], k = 1, 2, ..., m. Then clearly u¯(mt) = u(t) for all t ∈ Tτ , and it is easy to see that w(t) := u ¯(mt), t ∈ [0, T ], satisfies the equation w(t) = ϕ +
t m 0 k=1
(Lk w(s) + fk ) dak (s)
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i Acceleration
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mt with ak (t) := τ Hk (t/τ ), Hk (t) := 0 h˙ k (s) ds. Notice that dHk are periodic with period 1, and equation (14.8) is of the type (14.3). A more general type of splitting-up approximation, called fractional step approximation, is defined by t/τ v0 , t ∈ Tτ (14.9) u(t) = Pkp (sp τ ) · · · · · Pk1 (s1 τ ) for some integer p ≥ m, k1 , ..., kp ∈ {1, ..., m}, and real numbers s1 , ..., sp, such that p
sj δrkj = 1, for every r = 1, 2, ..., m,
where δrkj = 1 for r = kj and 0 otherwise. Notice that these approximations are described by equation (14.8) with the functions pt ak (t) := τ Hk (t/τ ), Hk (t) := κ˙ k (s) ds, (14.10) 0
where κ˙ r is a function of period p, such that κ˙ r (t) =
sj δrkj 1[j−1,j)(t),
t ∈ [0, p),
r = 1, 2, ..., m.
We can combine the fractional step method with the Θ-method. Namely, we can consider the approximations obtained by solving (14.7) by the Θ-method in each ‘fractional’ step. It is not difficult to see that these approximations are described by (14.3) with ak (t) := τ [Hk (t/τ )], where Hk is defined in (14.10). The above examples illustrate the variety of numerical methods which can be implemented by means of equation (14.1). They motivate our general setting, and our main results, Theorems 14.1, 14.2 and 14.3, given in Section 14.2. Theorem 14.1 presents an expansion of w − v in powers of τ , which implies Theorem 14.2, an implementation of Richardson’s idea for accelerating numerical methods. Theorem 14.1 follows from Theorem 14.3. To keep the chapter down to a reasonable size, we will prove Theorem 14.3 elsewhere. We apply the general results to the splitting-up approximations of nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in Section 14.3. Splitting-up approximations have been studied extensively in numerical analysis. It is known, see, e.g., [4], [10], that if a fractional step method has accuracy higher than τ 2 , then at least one of the numbers s1 , ..., sp in (14.9) is negative. This means that such methods cannot be applied to parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs), and it is considered to be a challenging problem to work out effective methods of an order higher than 2 for parabolic PDEs (see the survey article [3].) From our results it follows that for any integer k ≥ 0 there exist universal numbers λ0 , λ1 , ..., λk, such that the linear combination of appropriate splitting-up approximations with these coefficients has the accuracy of order k + 1 for a large class of differential equations, containing parabolic PDEs and systems of parabolic, possibly degenerate, PDEs, in particular, symmetric systems of first order hyperbolic PDEs.
General setting and an illustration
In this section we present three theorems in a very abstract setting. In order not to lose connection to real things and give the reader some justification of our assumptions we interrupt a few times the main stream of the section with discussions of a simple looking example.
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It is probably hard to appreciate Theorems 14.1 and 14.2 looking only at Example 14.1. We reiterate that the goal of this example is to give the reader a feeling of what is behind quite abstract assumptions and objects. Later we will see a much more serious application of our abstract results to nonlinear ODEs. We will present other applications elsewhere. Fix an integer l ≥ 1 and assume that we have a sequence of Banach spaces W0 , W1 , W2 , ..., Wl, such that Wi is continuously embedded into Wi−1 , for every i = 1, 2, ..., l. We also assume that W1 is dense in W0 . By · i we mean the norm in Wi . For each number τ ∈ (0, 1] we consider a pair of equations v = ϕ + A0 Θ0 (Lv + f) m w = ϕ+ Ak Θk (Lk w + fk ),
(14.11) (14.12)
for v = v(τ ) and w = w(τ ), respectively, where L = L(τ ), Lr = Lr (τ ), Ak = Ak (τ ), Θk = Θk (τ ) are certain linear operators and f = f(τ ), fr = fr (τ ), ϕ = ϕ(τ ) are elements from Wl , for all k = 0, 1, ..., m and r = 1, 2, ..., m. Almost everywhere below in the chapter we drop the argument τ . Let K be a finite constant, independent of τ . Assumption 14.1 (i) For all i = 0, ..., l the operators Ak , Θk are bounded operators from Wi to Wi and for k = 0, ..., m and u ∈ Wi Θk ui ≤ Kui ,
Ak ui ≤ Kui .
(ii) For all i = 0, ..., l − 1 the operators L, Lk are bounded operators from Wi+1 to Wi and for k = 1, ..., m and u ∈ Wi+1 Lui ≤ Kui+1 ,
Lk ui ≤ Kui+1 .
(iii) For all i = 1, 2, ..., l and k = 1, 2, ..., m we have ϕi ≤ K, (iv) L=
fk i ≤ K.
Lk ,
fk .
Example 14.1 Let d ≥ 1 be an integer, T ∈ (0, ∞), W0 = ... = Wl = D([0, T ], Rd) be the space of Rd -valued bounded functions on [0, T ] having right limits on [0, T ) and left limits on (0, T ]. We provide these spaces with the uniform norm. Let m = 1, a0 (t) = t, a1 (t) = τ [t/τ ], and define the operators Ak , k = 0, 1, by (Ak u)(t) = u(s) dak (s). (14.13) (0,t]
Next, take a d × d-matrix valued c`adl` ag function L(t), t ∈ [0, T ], and define the operators L, L1 by (Lu)(t) = (L1 u)(t) = L(t)u(t).
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Finally, take a ϕ ∈ Rd and consider two equations t v(t) = ϕ + L(s)v(s) ds, w(t) = ϕ +
L(s−)w(s−) da1 (s),
which in our notation are written as (14.11) and (14.12), respectively, i.e. v = ϕ + A0 Θ0 Lv,
w = ϕ + A1 Θ1 Lw,
where Θ0 is the unit operator and Θ1 is the operator defined by (Θ1 u)(t) = u(t−)
t ∈ (0, T ],
(Θ1 u)(0) = 0.
Our goal is to compare w and v. Assumption 14.2 For each k = 0, ..., m there is a bounded linear operator Rk : W0 → W0 such that (i) We have Rk : Wi → Wi for all i = 0, ..., l and Rk gi ≤ Kgi ,
g ∈ Wi , i = 0, ..., l;
(ii) (Existence) for any g ∈ W1 the function u = Rk g satisfies u = A0 Θ0 Lu + Ak g;
(iii) (Uniqueness) if gk ∈ W0 , k = 0, ..., m, u ∈ W1 and u = A0 Θ0 Lu +
Ak gk , then u =
Rk gk .
Remark 14.1 Assumption 14.2 is satisfied in Example 14.1. To see this it suffices to notice that for u ¯ = u − Ak g equation (14.17) becomes u + h), u¯ = A0 (L¯
d¯ u = L¯ u + h, dt
where h = LAk g. We assume in the future that equations (14.11) and (14.12) have a solution v ∈ Wl and w ∈ Wl , respectively, and we want to expand the difference w − v in a kind of power series in τ . To this end we need to introduce some further objects and to formulate further assumptions. We call a sequence of numbers α = α1 α2 , ..., αi a multinumber of length |α| := i, if + − − αj ∈ {0, 1, 2, ..., m}. For each τ ∈ (0, 1] and α ∈ N let b+ α = bα (τ ), bα = bα (τ ) be some linear operators and let cα = cα (τ ) be a real number. Let Bα be a linear operator introduced by τ Bα = Aα Θα − A0 Θ0 , |α| = 1, τ Bαk = Ak b− α Θk − cαk A0 Θ0 ,
k = 0, ..., m.
We impose the following assumptions, in which Kα , α ∈ N , are some fixed finite constants, independent of τ .
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− Assumption 14.3 For all i = 0, ..., l, the operators b+ α , bα are bounded operators from Wi to Wi and b+ b− α ui ≤ Kα ui , α ui ≤ Kα ui
for all α ∈ N and u ∈ Wi . Assumption 14.4 For any α ∈ N and k = 0, ..., m − Bα Ak = b+ α Ak − Ak bα ,
− A0 Θ0 b+ α = A0 bα Θ0 .
Assumption 14.5 For any α ∈ N and k = 1, ..., m and r = 0, ..., m Lk Θr = Θr Lk ,
± Lk b± α = bα Lk ,
Bα ϕ = b+ α ϕ,
Ar Lk = Lk Ar ,
Bα fk = b+ α fk .
Remark 14.2 Since L = k Lk , the operator L commutes with Θr , b± α , and Ar as well. Also it follows from the definition of Bα and Assumption 14.5 that, Bα commutes with L, Lk for all α and k. Remark 14.3 In Example 14.1 the requirement that A0 L = LA0 means that L(t) is independent of t. We want to show how to introduce b± α and Bα in this example and do this by formulas ready for use later on. In more general situations along with Θk we ¯ k and Θ ¯ α , which we set in Example 14.1 to be identity operators. So also need operators Θ we let k vary in {0, 1} and for α ∈ N define recursively 1 1 ¯ α bα (s) dak (s), bk (t) = [ak (t) − a0 (t)], cαk = Θ τ τ (0,τ] (14.20) 1 ¯ α bα (s) dak (s) − cαk a0 (t) . bαk (t) = Θ τ (0,t] It is easy to prove (see, however, Lemma 14.1 in a more general setting) that cα are independent of τ , bα (t) are τ -periodic in t, and bα (iτ ) = 0 for integers i ≥ 0. Next, introduce b± α as the operator of multiplying by the function bα and Bα by the formula (Bα u)(t) = u(s−) dbα (s). (0,t]
These definitions are consistent with what is done in the general scheme. Indeed, (14.18) holds obviously as well as the the second relation in (14.19). The first relation is a consequence of the well-known fact that for two right-continuous functions of bounded variation d(b(t)a(t)) = a(t−) db(t) + b(t) da(t), so that d bα (t)
u(s) dak (s) =
u(s) dak (s) dbα (t) + bα (t)u(t) dak (t).
Remark 14.4 If we modify the definition of Θ1 in (14.16) as (Θ1 u)(t) = ϑu(t) + (1 − ϑ)u(t−),
− with a fixed constant ϑ ∈ R, then equation b+ α = bα may no longer hold, and one sees the + − necessity to use bα = bα . We show this in the following modification of Example 14.1.
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Example 14.2 Consider Example 14.1 with L independent of t, and with Θ1 defined by (14.22) in place of (14.16), so that if ϑ = 0 we just have the same situation as in Example ¯ α different 14.1. Interestingly enough, even if below ϑ = 0, this time we take the operators Θ from identity. As in Example 14.1 we set Θ0 to be the identity operator and introduce the operators Ak as before by (14.13). Then clearly Assumptions 14.1 and 14.2 remain to hold. In order to make further notation ready for future use, we set ϑ0 = 1 and ϑ1 = ϑ and let k ¯ k by vary in {0, 1}. Define the operators Θ ¯ k u)(t) = (1 − ϑk )u(t) + ϑk u(t−), (Θ and set for α = α1 , ..., αj ∈ N Θα = Θαj ,
¯α = Θ ¯ αj . Θ
Notice that for right-continuous functions of bounded variation, say a and b, we have by (14.21) that ¯ α b(t) da(t). d(b(t)a(t)) = Θα a(t) db(t) + Θ (14.23) Next use formulas (14.20) to define the functions bα and numbers cα . Observe that by Lemma 14.1 below the numbers cα do not depend on τ . Define for every α ∈ N the operator Bα by (Bα u)(t) = Θα u(s) dbα (s), (0,t]
¯ and let b− α be the operator of multiplying by the function Θα bα . Then this definition of the operator Bα reads as the general definition of Bα given by (14.18), by virtue of the above definition of bα . Using (14.23) with b = bα and a = Ak u we get d bα (t) u(s) dak (s) = d(Bα Ak u)(t) + d(Ak b− α u)(t). (0,t]
Thus, defining the operator b+ α as the multiplication by bα , we have − b+ α Ak = Bα Ak + Ak bα , − i.e., the first identity in Assumption 14.4. Notice that b+ α = bα if ϑ = 0 in (14.22). Clearly, the second identity in Assumption 14.4 and Assumption 14.5 hold also for this example.
Next we formulate a lemma, which implies that for a large class of examples of the general scheme, the numbers cα are independent of the parameter τ . To this end let H0 , H1 , ..., Hm be right-continuous real functions on R which have finite variation on every finite interval. Assume that Hr (0) = 0,
Hr (t + 1) − Hr (t) = Hr (1) = 1,
∀t ∈ R,
r = 0, 1, ..., m.
For each τ ∈ (0, 1] we define the functions ar (t) = τ Hr (t/τ ),
t ≥ 0,
r = 0, 1, ..., m.
For each τ and α ∈ N , let Λα (τ ) be an operator mapping Bτ (R+ ) into itself, where Bτ (R+ ) denotes the class of τ -periodic bounded functions on R+ , having left and right limits at every t ∈ (0, ∞). We assume that (Λα (τ )u(·))(τ t), t ∈ R+ , is independent of τ for each α ∈ N and every u ∈ Bτ (R). For every α ∈ N we define a function bα : [0, ∞) → R and a number cα recursively, as follows: bγ = τ −1 (aγ − a0 ),
cγ = 0 for γ = 0, 1, 2, ..., m.
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If for every multinumber β = β1 , ..., βi of length i the function Bβ and the number cβ are defined, then 1 τ cαγ := Λα bα (t) daγ (t), (14.24) τ 0 1 t Λα bα (s) daγ (s) − cαγ a0 (t) . (14.25) bαγ (t) := τ 0 Lemma 14.1 For every α ∈ N the function bα is τ -periodic, and bα (iτ ) = 0 for all integers i ≥ 0. Moreover, the numbers cα , the functions Cα (t) := bα (τ t), and sup |bα (t)| = sup |Cα (t)| t≥0
are finite and do not depend on τ . Proof One can easily prove this lemma by induction on the length of α ∈ N and by the change of variable t = sτ in (14.24) and (14.25). Theorem 14.1 Let Assumptions 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4 and 14.5 hold with l ≥ 2, and take an integer k ≥ 0 such that 2k +2 ≤ l. Assume that (for a given τ ∈ (0, 1]) equations (14.11) and (14.12) have a solution v ∈ Wl and w ∈ Wl , respectively, such that wl ≤ K. Then for any continuous linear functional w ∗ on W0 such that w ∗b+ α = 0 for all α ∈ N , it holds that k
w ∗ , w = τ i w ∗ , vi + O(τ k+1 ), (14.26) i=0
where v0 = v, vi ∈ W0 are uniquely determined by A0 , Θ0 , Lr , fr , and cα , and |O(τ k+1 )| ≤ N τ k+1 w ∗, where N depends only on Kα , K, and l. Theorem 14.1 is a straightforward consequence of Theorem 14.3 below. Generally, the solutions of (14.11) and (14.12) depend on τ : w = w(τ ), v = v(τ ). However, if A0 , Θ0 , Lr , fr , and cα are independent of τ , then v and other vi ’s in (14.26) are independent of τ as well (since they are uniquely determined by A0 , Θ0 , Lr , fr , and cα ). In this situation we have the following result about “acceleration.” Theorem 14.2 Let A0 , Θ0 , Lr , fr , and cα be independent of τ , and assume that equation (14.11) has a solution v. Let Assumptions 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, and 14.5 hold with l ≥ 2, and take an integer k ≥ 0 such that 2k + 2 ≤ l. Let τ0 ∈ (0, 1], and suppose that for each j = 0, 1, ..., k equation (14.12) with τ = τj := τ0 2−j has a solution w = wj , such that wj l ≤ K. Assume that a w ∗ ∈ W0∗ satisfies w ∗ b+ α (τj ) = 0,
∀α ∈ N , j = 0, 1, ...k.
Then, for some constants λ0 , ..., λk , depending only on k, we have k λj w ∗ , wj − w ∗ , v ≤ N τ k+1 w ∗ , 0
where N depends only on Kα , K, and l.
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The proof of this theorem is based on elementary algebra once we define (λ0 , λ1 , ..., λk) = (1, 0, 0, ..., 0)V −1 , where V is the square matrix with entries V ij := 2−(i−1)(j−1), i, j = 1, ..., k + 1. Remark 14.5 In Example 14.1 assume that L(t) is independent of t. Then by Remark 14.3 the assumptions of Theorem 14.1 are satisfied for any k with appropriate l, K, and Kα . Also since bα (jτ ) = 0 for all j = 0, 1, ..., as a w ∗ in Theorem 14.1 one can take the restriction of elements in D([0, T ], Rd) to any of the times in Tτ := {jτ : j = 0, 1, ...} ∩ [0, T ]. From Theorem 14.1 we now conclude that there exist Rd -valued functions vi (t), i = 0, 1, ..., t ∈ [0, T ] independent of τ , with v0 = v such that sup |w(τ, t) −
τ i vi (t)| ≤ N τ k+1 ,
where N depends only on T , k, |L|, and |ϕ|. Clearly, under the above time independence assumption we have v(t) = eLt ϕ. Also equation (14.15) amounts to saying that w(0) = ϕ,
w(t) = w(jτ ) for t ∈ [jτ, (j + 1)τ ),
w((j + 1)τ ) = w(jτ ) + Lw(jτ )τ,
j = 0, 1, ...,
which is just Euler’s scheme for equation (14.14). It is also an explicit finite-difference scheme for the equation v = Lv. It follows that w(t) = w(jτ ) = (1 + τ L)j ϕ for t ∈ [jτ, (j + 1)τ ),
j = 0, 1, ... .
Hence (14.27) means that max |(1 + τ L)j ϕ −
τ i vi (jτ )| ≤ N τ k+1 ,
with N depending only on T , k, |ϕ|, and L, and vi independent of τ with v0 = v. In particular, for τ = 1/n, T = 1, j = n we get that as n → ∞ (1 + L/n)n ϕ = eL ϕ +
k vi + O(n−(k+1) ), ni
where vi are some vectors. Theorem 14.2 applied to Example 14.1 says that, as τ ↓ 0 max |
λi (1 + τ 2−i L)2 j ϕ − eLjτ ϕ| = O(τ k+1 ).
We illustrate some directions of further applications in the following example. Example 14.3 (Splitting-up combined with finite differences) For a d × d-matrix L we want to approximate the solution, v(t) = eLt ϕ, of the equation d v(t) = Lv(t), dt
v(0) = ϕ ∈ Rd
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on the grid Tτ = {t = jτ : j = 0, 1, 2, ..., } ∩ [0, T ], by splitting-up the equation into m equations d v(t) = Lk v(t), k = 1, 2, · · · , m, L = L1 + L2 + ... + Lm , dt and solving them numerically on each fixed interval [jτ, (j + 1)τ ], consecutively, by finite differences. Namely, for each k we take some ϑk ∈ R and approximate the equation dv(t) = Lk v(t) dt on each [jτ, (j + 1)τ ) by the θ-method with θ = ϑ¯k := 1 − ϑk , i.e., for its numerical solution u we take u(t) = u(jτ ), for t ∈ [jτ, (j + 1)τ ), u((j + 1)τ ) = u(jτ ) + τ ϑ¯k Lk u(jτ ) + τ ϑk Lk u((j + 1)τ ). Thus, assuming that the matrix I − τ ϑk Lk is invertible, we have the recursion u((j + 1)τ ) = (I − τ ϑk Lk )−1 (I + τ ϑ¯k Lk )u(jτ ). Using this recursion for each k = 1, 2, ..., m consecutively on every interval [jτ, (j + 1)τ ), for j = 0, 1, 2, ..., i − 1, we get the approximation i −1 w(ti ) = Πm (I + τ ϑ¯k Lk ) ϕ k=1 (I − τ ϑk Lk )
for v(ti ) = eti L ϕ, when ti = iτ . Now we describe this approximation in terms of the general setting. In order to express the splitting-up algorithm, we introduce the absolutely continuous functions h1 , ..., hm on R, whose derivatives are periodic with period m, such that h˙ k (t) := 1[k−1,k)(t) t ∈ [0, m). We define for each τ ∈ [0, 1) the nondecreasing right-continuous functions ak (t) = τ [hk (mt/τ )],
t ≥ 0,
k = 1, 2, ..., m,
where, as before, [c] denotes the integer part of c. Then the approximation w given by (14.31) coincides with the solution of the equation dw(t) =
Lk Θk w(t) dak (t),
w(0) = ϕ,
at the points ti := iτ ∈ Tτ , where (Θk w)(t) := ϑk w(t) + (1 − ϑk )w(t−). Clearly, this equation can be written as w=ϕ+
Ak Θk Lk w,
and equation (14.30) has the form v = ϕ + A0 Θ0 Lv, where Θ0 is the identity and A0 , A1 , ..., Am are the integral operators on the spaces W0 = · · · = Wl = D([0, T ], Rd) defined as usual by (14.13) for k = 0, 1, ..., m with a0 (t) ≡ t.
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¯ α , then the functions bα , and numbers cα and, Now introduce the operators Θα and Θ ± finally, the operators bα and Bα by the same formulas which were used in Example 14.2 allowing there k to vary in {0, 1, ..., m}. Notice that by Lemma 14.1 the numbers cα do not depend on τ and as in Example 14.2, it is easy to check that all assumptions of the general scheme are satisfied. Furthermore, we have bα (jτ ) = 0 for all integers j ≥ 0. Therefore we can apply Theorem 14.1 with w ∗ , the restriction of functions u ∈ D([0, T ], Rd) to any tj ∈ Tτ . Then we obtain that there exist v0 , v1 , ..., vk ∈ D([0, T ], Rd), independent of τ , with v0 = v, such that max |w(τ, t) − t∈Tτ
vi (t)τ i | ≤ N τ k+1 for τ ∈ (0, 1],
where w(τ, ·) := w is the approximation defined by (14.31), and N is a constant depending only on T , k, m, |L|, |ϕ|, and ϑ1 , ...., ϑm. From Theorem 14.2 we get max |eLt ϕ − t∈Tτ
λi w(2−i τ, t)| = O(τ k+1 ).
We will see that Theorem 14.1 follows from an expansion of w into a power series with respect to τ . To state the corresponding result we need more notation. For γ ∈ N we define fγ ∈ W0 and a linear operator Lγ as follows: L0 = 0, f0 = 0, Lγ = Lr , fγ = fr for γ = r ∈ {1, 2, ..., m}, Lγ0 = LLγ ,
Lγr = −Lγ Lr
fγ0 = Lfγ ,
fγr = −Lγ fr
for r = 1, 2, ..., m, γ ∈ N . Notice that Lα is a bounded linear operator from Wj into Wj−|α| if |α| ≤ j, and fα ∈ Wl−|α|+1 if |α| ≤ l + 1. Let M be the set of multinumbers γ1 γ2 , ..., γi with γj ∈ {1, 2, ..., m}, j = 1, 2, ..., i, and integers i ≥ 1. Note that M ⊂ N and, in contrast with N , the entries in γ ∈ M are different from zero. We introduce sequences σ = (β1 , β2 , ..., βi) of multinumbers βj ∈ M, where i ≥ 1 is any integer, and set |σ| = |β1 | + |β2 | + · · · + |βi |. The set of these sequences, together with the “empty sequence” e of length |e| = 0 is denoted by J . For σ = (β1 , β2 , ..., βi), i ≥ 1, we define Sσ = RLβ1 · · · · · RLβi , where R = R0 Θ0 , and for σ = e, we set Se = R. Notice that Sσ is welldefined as a bounded linear operator from Wj+|σ| to Wj if j + |σ| ≤ l. If we have a collection of gν ∈ W0 indexed by a parameter ν taking values in a set A, then we use the notation * g for any linear combination ν∈A ν
of gν with coefficients depending only on cα , A, and ν. For instance * S w = *S w = σ γ σ γ A
c(σ, γ)Sσ wγ ,
where c(σ, γ) are certain functions of cα , α ∈ N , and (σ, γ) ∈ A. These functions are allowed to change from one occurrence to another.
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For µ = 0, ..., l, κ ≥ 0, and functions u = uα (τ ) depending on the parameters α ∈ N and τ we write u = Oµ (τ κ ) if uα (τ )µ ≤ N τ κ , where the constant N < ∞ depends only on α, Kβ , β ∈ N , µ, l, and K. Finally, set A(i) = {(σ, β) : σ ∈ J , β ∈ M, |σ| + |β| ≤ i}, B ∗ (i, j) = {(α, β) : α ∈ N , β ∈ M, |α| ≤ i, |β| ≤ j}, and vβ = Lβ v + fβ , wβ = Lβ w + fβ . Theorem 14.3 Under the assumptions of Theorem 14.1 we have w=v+
k *S v + * b+ w + O (τ k+1 ), τi σ β 0 α 1 β1 A(2i)
B ∗ (i,i+j)
Furthermore, if k ≥ 1, then m *S v = (cij − cj0 )Rvij σ β A(2)
in (14.32), so that it vanishes if cij = cj0 for all i, j = 1, ..., m. Remark 14.6 If the coefficient of τ in the first sum in (14.32) is zero, then to accelerate to get the order of accuracy τ 3 it suffices to mix two grids instead of three as in the general case. Indeed, let τ0 ∈ (0, 1] and assume that equation (14.12) with τ0 and τ1 := τ0 /2 has a solution w0 and w1 , respectively. Then by virtue of Theorem 14.3, under the assumptions of Theorem 14.2, if cij = cj0 for all i, j, then we have 4 1 | w1 , w ∗ − w0 , w ∗ − v, w∗ | ≤ N τ03 w ∗ 3 3 for all w ∗ ∈ W0∗ , satisfying w ∗ b+ α (τj ) = 0, for all α ∈ N , j = 0, 1.
An application to ODEs
We take two integers m, d ≥ 1 and sufficiently smooth and bounded vector fields b1 , ..., bm on Rd , and consider the ordinary differential equation (ODE) x˙ t = b1 (xt ) + · · · + bm (xt ) =: b(xt ),
t ≥ 0.
We want to develop a splitting-up method for solving this equation on the basis of solving the equations x˙ t = bk (xt ) (14.34) for each particular k = 1, 2, ..., m. More precisely, denote by P (t) and Pk (t) the mappings x → xt , where xt is the solution of (14.33) and (14.34), respectively, with starting point x. Taking a parameter τ > 0, we want to approximate P (t) by means of the products S(τ ) := Pkp (sp τ ) · · · · · Pk1 (s1 τ ),
s1 , s2 , ..., sp ∈ R, k1, ..., kp ∈ {1, ..., m}.
Consider, for example, the product S(τ ) = Pm (τ ) · · · · · P2 (τ )P1 (τ ), which corresponds to a simple splitting-up algorithm over the grid Tτ = {ti := iτ : i = 0, 1, ..., } ∩ [0, T ],
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where T ∈ (0, ∞) is fixed. Then it is wellknown that for every x ∈ Rd max |P (ti )x − S i (τ )x| ≤ N τ,
ti ∈Tτ
for all τ > 0, where N is a constant, which does not depend on τ . It is also known that the symmetric product S(τ ) = P1 (τ /2) · · · · · Pm−1 (τ /2)Pm (τ )Pm−1 (τ /2) · · · · · P1 (τ /2),
introduced by Strang [5] gives a better approximation. Namely, for this product estimate (14.36) holds with τ 2 in place of τ in the right-hand side. Let p ≥ m, k1 , ..., kp ∈ {1, ..., m} be any integers and let s1 , ..., sp be real numbers satisfying p sj δrkj = 1 for every r = 1, 2, ..., m, j=1
where δrkj = 1 for r = kj and 0 otherwise. Then we say that the product (14.35) is a fractional step method of “length” p. It is called a method with accuracy of order q, if for each x the fractional step approximations, S i x, satisfy estimate (14.36) with τ q in place of τ in the right-hand side. We characterize the product (14.35) by the absolutely continuous functions κr = κr (t), r = 1, ..., m, whose derivatives, κ˙ r (t) are periodic functions on R with period p, such that κr (0) = 0, and κ˙ r (t) =
sj δrkj 1[j−1,j)(t) for t ∈ [0, p).
We say that (14.35) is a symmetric product if κ˙ r (p − t) = κ˙ r (t) for dt-almost every t ∈ (0, p),
r = 1, 2, ..., m.
Clearly, (14.37) is a simple example of a symmetric product. By using Theorem 14.1 we will see in this section that for every fractional step method S, each integer k ≥ 0, and each compact set K ⊂ Rd , there is an expansion S t/τ (τ )x = P (t)x +
τ j hj (t, x) + Rk (τ, t, x)
valid for all t ∈ Tτ , τ ∈ (0, 1] and x ∈ K, where h1 , h2 , ..., hk are some functions, independent of τ , and Rk is a function such that sup sup |Rk (τ, t, x)| ≤ N τ k+1
t∈Tτ x∈K
for all τ ∈ (0, 1] with a constant N independent of τ . We note that analyzing the functions h1 , ..., hj one can find fractional step methods of order j. In particular, by Theorem 14.3 one gets that for some functions gij h1 (t, x) =
(cij − cj0 )gij (t, x)
with numbers cij , which are easily computable, at least for special products, like symmetric products. If cij = cj0 for every i, j, then clearly S is a method of order 2. Thus, see Remark
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14.7 below, we can easily rediscover that Strang’s product (14.37) is a method of order 2, and we also find many other second order methods. Analyzing the terms hj for j > 1 in the expansion (14.40) is rather tedious. We are not going into this direction in the present chapter. For any given k ≥ 1, the existence of methods of order k is known in the literature. This is proved by the Baker–Campbell– Hausdorff formula, or by other ways, different from our approach (see, e.g., [2], [7], [8], [9], [11].) It is also known, see [4], [10], that if the product (14.35) is a method of order k > 2, then at least one of the numbers s1 , s2 , ..., sp is negative, which means that we solve equation (14.34) backward in time in the corresponding steps. Our main interest lies in accelerating any methods of order k ≥ 1, with little extra computational effort, to get numerical methods of order k + 1, or higher. Since we have the above expansion for any given fractional step method S(τ ), we can easily accelerate it by choosing different “step-sizes” τ0 = τ , τ1 , ..., τj and mixing S(τ0 ), ..., S(τj ), appropriately, as it is demonstrated in the general setup by Theorem 14.2. As an illustration we formulate first a result on the acceleration of an arbitrary method of order 2. Theorem 14.4 Let S(τ ) be a fractional step method such that p 1 κi (t)κ˙ j (t) dt = , for 1 ≤ i < j ≤ m, 2 0
where p is the length of the product S. Then S is a method of order 2. Moreover, for any compact set K ⊂ Rd there exists a constant N , such that for all τ > 0 and t ∈ Tτ , x ∈ K we have |P (t)x − λ0 S t/τ (τ )x − λ1 S 2t/τ (2−1 τ )x| ≤ N τ 3 , (14.42) with λ0 = −1/3, λ1 = 4/3. We will prove this theorem at the end of the chapter after a suitable adaptation of the general scheme of Section 14.2 to ordinary differential equations. We will present also a more general result at the end of this section. Remark 14.7 All fractional step methods, which are symmetric products satisfy condition (14.41). There are infinitely many fractional step methods, which are nonsymmetric products, yet still satisfying (14.41). For example, when m = 2, every product of the form S(τ ) = P2 ((1 − b)τ )P1 ((1 − a)τ )P2 (bτ )P1 (aτ )
1 with a = 1, and b = 2(1−a) , satisfies (14.41). If a = 12 then (14.43) is Strang’s product with 1 m = 2. For a = 2 these products are not symmetric.
Proof Let S be a symmetric fractional step method of length p, and let κ1 , ..., κm be the functions characterizing S. Note that κi (p) = 1, κi (t) + κi (p − t) = 1. Then by the change of variable t = p − s, and by (14.39) p p κi (t)κ˙ j (t) dt = κi (p − s)κ˙ j (p − s) ds
= 0
(1 − κi (s))κ˙ j (s) ds = 1 −
κi (s)κ˙ j (s) ds,
which immediately implies equation (14.41). For the functions κ1 , κ2 , which characterize (14.43) we have κ˙ 1 (t) = a1[0,1) (t) + (1 − a)1[2,3)(t),
κ˙ 2 (t) = b1[1,2)(t) + (1 − b)1[3,4) (t),
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for t ∈ (0, 4), and 0
κ1 (t)κ˙ 2 (t) dt = ab + 1 − b = 1 − b(1 − a) =
1 , 2
i.e., condition (14.41) holds. If a = 12 , then clearly (14.43) is not symmetric. If a = 12 , then b = 1, and (14.43) is Strang’s symmetric product with m = 2. The proof of the remark is complete. Our approach to proving Theorem 14.4 is based on the observation that the solutions of (14.33) are characteristics of the corresponding PDE (14.44) below, where Lu(t, x) := bi (x)uxi (t, x) =
Lk u(t, x),
Lk u(t, x) := bik (x)uxi (t, x).
The same approach is applicable to equations on smooth manifolds, one replaces P (t)x in (14.42) with ϕ(P (t)x), and time-dependent systems when one just adds one additional coordinate t. To avoid introducing too much detail from the beginning and making our presentation slightly more general we take certain continuous functions H1 ,..., Hm on R which have finite variation on every finite interval and such that Hr (t + 1) − Hr (t) = Hr (1) = 1,
∀t ∈ R,
r = 1, 2, ..., m.
For each τ > 0 we define the functions ar (t) = τ Hr (t/τ ),
t ≥ 0,
r = 1, 2, ..., m.
We take a sufficiently regular function ϕ on Rd , and consider two Cauchy problems ∂v(t, x) = Lv(t, x), ∂t
t > 0, x ∈ Rd ,
v(0) = ϕ,
t > 0, x ∈ Rd ,
dw(t, x) = Lk w(t, x) dak (t),
w(0) = ϕ,
(14.44) (14.45)
where by (14.45) we mean, of course, that w(t, x) = ϕ(x) +
m k=1
Lk w(s, x) dak (s).
Fix an integer l ≥ 1 and for i = 0, ..., l, let Wi := C([0, T ], C0i (Rd )) be the space of bounded continuous functions u(t, x) on [0, T ] × Rd such that their i derivatives in x are also bounded and continuous and lim
sup |u(t, x)| = 0.
|x|→∞ t∈[0,T ]
The latter condition is introduced to make W0 separable and W1 dense in W0 with respect to the norms on Wi defined by ui = sup |D1α1 , ..., Ddαd u(t, x)|, |α1 |+...+|αd |≤i
where Dkα =
∂α . (∂xk )α
In the following lemma by xt (x) we denote the solution of (14.33) starting at x, that is, P (t)x.
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Lemma 14.2 Let H(t), t ∈ [0, T ], be a continuous function of bounded variation and g ∈ W0 . Define an operator R(H) by (R(H)g)(t, x) =
g(s, xt−s (x)) dH(s).
Then (i) For all i, R(H) : Wi → Wi is a bounded operator; (ii) If g ∈ W1 , then u = R(H)g satisfies u(t, x) =
bi (x)uxi (s, x) ds +
g(s, x) dH(s),
t ∈ [0, T ] , x ∈ Rd ;
(iii) If g ∈ W0 and there is an u ∈ W1 satisfying (14.46), then u = R(H)g. Proof Assertion (i) follows from the well-known fact that xt (x) is a smooth function of x. It is also wellknown that xt (x) satisfies x˙ t (x) = bi (x)
xt+s (x) = xt (xs (x)),
∂ xt (x), ∂xi
s, t ≥ 0, x ∈ Rd .
Now in (ii) by expressing g(s, xt−s ) through the integral of its derivative in t and using (14.47) we obtain t u(t, x) = g(s, x) dH(s) + J(t, x), 0
J(t, x) := = bi (x)
∂ ∂xi
0 t
t−s 0 t−s
gxi (s, xr (x))bi (x)
∂ xr (x) dr dH(s) i ∂x
∂ g(s, xr (x)) dr dH(s) =: bi (x) i I(t, x). ∂x
By changing variables and using Fubini’s theorem we get t t t I(t, x) = g(s, xp−s (x)) dp dH(s) = u(p, x) dp. 0
This proves (ii). To prove (iii) it suffices to observe that for each fixed t0 ∈ [0, T ], on [0, t0] we have du(t, xt0−t (x)) = bi (xt0 −t (x))uxi (t, xt0−t (x)) dt + g(t, xt0−t (x)) dH(t) + uxi (t, xt0−t (x))
∂ i (x) dt = g(t, xt0−t (x)) dH(t). x ∂t t0 −t
The lemma is proved. This lemma implies that Assumption 14.2 is satisfied with the integral operators A0 , and A1 , ..., Ak defined by the integrators a0 (t) := t, and a1 , ..., ak, respectively, and with ¯0 = Θ ¯1 = · · · = Θ ¯ m = I and Θ0 = Θ1 = · · · = Θm = I being the identity. We also define Θ ± after that introduce bα , cα , Bα , bα in exactly the same way as in Example 14.2. By the way, in our present situation we could have introduced ϑk as well, but they would not play any role because all our integrators are absolutely continuous.
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It is a matter of simple calculations to check that these objects satisfy Assumptions 14.3, 14.4, and 14.5 (with fk = 0). Next we show that the solution of (14.45) exists. To this end we fix a k and for s ≤ t denote by xs,t (x) the unique solution of the equation xs,t (x) = x +
bk (xr,t (x)) dak (r).
Then xs,t(x) is a smooth function of x, satisfying x0,t(x) = x0,s (xs,t (x)),
s ≤ t,
dx0,t (x) = bik (x)
∂ x0,t (x) dak (t). ∂xi
Assume that ϕ ∈ C0l+1 (Rd ). Then ϕ satisfies Assumption 14.1 (iii). Moreover, it follows that w(t, x) := ϕ(x0,t (x)) is in Wl , and satisfies (14.45). Under the same condition on ϕ v(t, x) = ϕ(xt (x)). Therefore relying on Lemma 14.1 and Theorems 14.2, 14.3 we get that for 2k + 2 ≤ l, k ≥ 1 sup t∈Tτ ,x∈Rd
|ϕ(x0,t (x)) − ϕ(xt (x)) − τ
(cij − cj0 )gij (t, x)
τ i hi (t, x)| ≤ N τ k+1 ,
t∈Tτ ,x∈Rd j=0
λj ϕ(x0,t (x)) − ϕ(xt (x))| ≤ N τ k+1 , (j)
where N , gij , and hi are independent of τ , and xs,t (x) is defined as the solution of (14.48) with ak (r) = 2−j τ Hk (r2j /τ ). Now we specify the above result for the fractional step method (14.35). Let κr = κr (t), r = 1, 2, ..., m, be the absolutely continuous functions introduced by (14.38). Define Hr (t) = κr (pt). Then it is easy to see that x0t (x) = S t/τ (τ )x for all t ∈ Tτ ,
τ ∈ (0, 1],
x ∈ Rd .
Let K ⊂ Rd be a compact set and let ϕ1 , ..., ϕd ∈ C0∞(Rd ) be such that ϕi (x) = xi , for all x = (x1 , ..., xd) ∈ K .
Set κ0 (t) = t/p, and use the notation W0d = W0 × · · · × W0 . Then from (14.49) we get the following theorem. Theorem 14.5 Let k ≥ 1 and l be integers such that l ≥ 2k + 2. Assume that the vector fields b1 , ..., bm have l bounded and continuous derivatives. Then for any compact set K ⊂ Rd there exists a constant N , such that for all τ ∈ (0, 1] and t ∈ Tτ , x ∈ K we have S t/τ (τ )x = xt (x) + τ
(cij − cj0 )hij (t, x) + τ 2 h2 (t, x) + ...
+ τ k hk (t, x) + Rk (τ, t, x),
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166 where for i = 1, 2, ..., m, j = 0, 1, 2, ..., m p cij = (κi (t) − κ0 (t)) dκj (t),
hij , h2 , ..., hk belong to W0d , they are independent of τ , Rk (τ, ·, ·) ∈ W0d , for every τ ∈ (0, 1], and sup |Rk (τ, t, x)| ≤ N τ k+1 . t∈Tτ ,x∈K
Proof We get (14.52) from (14.49) by taking into account (14.50) and (14.51). By (14.20) 1 τ cij = (ai (t) − a0 (t)) daj (t) τ 0 1 = (κi (pt) − t)) dκj (pt)
= 0
(κi (t) − κ0 (t)) dκj (t)
for all i = 1, 2, ..., m and j = 0, 1, 2, ..., m. Remark 14.8 For every pair of integers i, j ∈ [1, m] p 2(cij − cj0 ) = κi (t) dκj (t) − 0
κj (t) dκi (t).
In particular, cij − cj0 = −(cji − ci0 ), so that if cij − cj0 = 0, then also cji − ci0 = 0. Furthermore, cij = cj0 if and only if p p κi (t) dκj (t) = κj (t) dκi (t), 0
which is equivalent to
κi (t) dκj (t) =
1 . 2
Proof By (14.53) cij − cj0 = = 0
(κi (t) − κ0 (t)) dκj (t) −
(κj (t) − κ0 (t)) dκ0 (t)
1 κi (t) dκj (t) − κ0 (p)κj (p) + κ20 (p) = 2
p 0
1 κi (t) dκj (t) − . 2
Hence we get (14.54) by taking into account that p p 1 1 1 κi (t) dκj (t) + κj (t) dκi (t) , = κi (p)κj (p) = 2 2 2 0 0 and the rest of the remark is obvious. Now Theorem 14.4 follows from Theorem 14.5 and Remarks 14.8 and 14.6. In order to generalize it we fix two integers 1 ≤ q ≤ k and define (λ0 , λ1 , ..., λk−q+1) = (1, 0, ..., 0)V −1 , where V is a (k − q + 2) × (k − q + 2)-matrix with entries Vi1 = 1 and Vi,j = 2−(i−1)(q+j−2) for i = 1, 2, ..., k −q +2, j = 2, ..., k −q +2. Notice that V is invertible, since its determinant, a Vandermonde determinant generated by 1, 2−p , 2−p−1, ..., 2−k, is different from 0.
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Theorem 14.6 Let l ≥ 2k + 2 be an integer. Assume that the vector fields b1 ,...,bm have l bounded and continuous derivatives. Let S be a fractional step method of order q. Then for every compact set K ⊂ Rd there exists a constant N , such that k−q+1 j λj S 2 t/τ (2−j τ )x ≤ N τ k+1 max sup P (t)x − t∈Tτ x∈K
for all τ ∈ (0, 1]. Proof Since S(τ ) is a fractional step method of order q, by Theorem 14.5 for any compact set K there is a constant N such that for all τ ∈ (0, 1] S t/τ (τ )x = xt (x) +
τ j hj (t, x) + Rk (τ ; t, x),
for all t ∈ Tτ , x ∈ K, where hq , ..., hk do not depend on τ , and max sup |Rk (τ ; t, x)| ≤ N τ k+1 t∈Tτ x∈K
with a constant N independent of τ . Hence we get the theorem in the same way as Theorem 14.2 is proved.
References [1] Gy¨ ongy, I. and Krylov, N. (2003). On splitting up method and stochastic partial differential equations. Ann. Probab. 31, 564–591. [2] Murua, A. and Sanz-Serna, J.M. (1999). Order conditions for numerical integrators obtained by composing simpler integrators. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 357, 1079– 1100. [3] McLachlan, R.I. and Quispel, G.R.W. (2002). Splitting methods. Acta Numer. 11, 341–434. [4] Sheng, Q. (1989), Solving linear partial differential equations by exponential splitting. IMA J. Numer. Anal. 9, 199-212. [5] Strang, W.G. (1963). Accurate partial difference methods I. Linear Cauchy problems. Arch. Mech. 12, 392–402. [6] Strang, W.G. (1964). Accurate partial difference methods II. Non-linear problems. Numer. Math. 13, 37–46. [7] Suzuki, M. (1992). General theory of higher order decomposition of exponential operators and symplectic integrators. Phys. Lett. A 165, 387–395. [8] Suzuki, M. (1996). Convergence of exponential product formulas for unbounded operators. Rev. Math. Phys. 8 No. 3, 487–502. [9] Tsuboi, Z. and Suzuki, M. (1995). Determining equations for higher-order decompositions of exponential operators. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 25, 3241–3268. [10] Victoir, N. (2002). On the non-existence of non-negative splitting method of degree greater or equal to 3. Preprint. [11] Yosida, H. (1990). Construction of higher order symplectic integrators. Phys. Lett. A 165, 387–395.
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15 Stochastic Variational Equations in White-Noise Analysis Takeyuki Hida, Meijo University
Our approach to random complex systems is always in line with the following idea: Reduction −→ Synthesis −→ Analysis, where the causality is always involved. To make the problem concretized, we may say that our first step is to get the innovation of the random systems such as stochastic processes, random fields, and so on. For the case of a stochastic process X(t) our idea is motivated by the following formal expression of the stochastic infinitesimal equation, due to P. L´evy (see [12]): δX(t) = Φ(X(s), s ≤ t, Y (t), t, dt),
where δX(t) stands for the variation of X(t) for the infinitesimal interval [t, t + dt), the Φ is a sure functional, and the Y (t) is the innovation. Intuitively speaking, the innovation is a system of infinitesimal random variables such that each Y (t) contains the same information as that newly gained by the X(t) during the infinitesimal time interval [t, t + dt) and {Y (t)} is a system of independent idealized elemental random variable. If such an equation is obtained, then the pair (Φ, Y (t)) can completely characterize the probabilistic structure of the given process X(t). As a generalization of the stochastic infinitesimal equation for X(t), one can introduce a stochastic variational equation for random field X(C) parameterized by an ovaloid C: δX(C) = Φ(X(C ), C < C, Y (s), s ∈ C, C, δC),
where C < C means that (C ) ⊂ (C), where (C) denotes the domain enclosed by C. The system {Y (s), s ∈ C} is the innovation which is understood in the similar sense to the case of X(t). A rigorous and general definition of the innovation has been given by the literature [10].
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Gaussian systems
15.2.1 First, we discuss a Gaussian process X(t), t ∈ T , where T is an interval of R1 , say [0, ∞) or the entire R. Assume that X(t) is separable and has no remote past. Then, the innovations can be considered explicitly in this case. The original idea came from P. L´evy (the third Berkeley Synposium paper; see [13]). Under the assumption that the process has unit ˙ multiplicity and other mild conditions, a Gaussian process has innovation B(t) which is a white noise and is expressed in the form t ˙ X(t) = F (t, u)B(u)du. (15.3) 0
This is the so-called canonical representation. It might seem to be rather elementary; however, such an easy understanding is, in a sense, not quite correct. There is profound structure behind this formula and we are led to a deep insight that is applicable to a general class of Gaussian processes and even to a non-Gaussian case. Let a Brownian motion B(t) and a kernel function G(t, u) of Volterra type be given. Define a Gaussian process X(t) by X(t) =
˙ G(t, u)B(u)du.
Now we assume that G(t, u) is a smooth function on the domain 0 ≤ u ≤ t < ∞ and G(t, t) never vanishes. Then we have the following. Theorem 15.1 The variation δX(t) of the process X(t) is defined and is given by ˙ δX(t) = G(t, t)B(t)dt + dt
˙ Gt (t, u)B(u)du,
∂ ˙ G(t, u). The B(t) is the innovation of X(t) if and only if G(t, u) is the where Gt (t, u) = ∂t canonical kernel.
Proof The formula for the variation of X(t) is easily obtained. If G in (15.2) is not a ˙ in particular, canonical kernel, then the sigma field Bt (X) is strictly smaller than B(B); ˙ the B(t) is not really a function of X(s), s ≤ t + 0. Note that if, in particular, G(t, u) is of the form f(t)g(u), then X(t) is a Markov process ˙ and there is always given a canonical representation. Hence B(t) is the innovation. Remark 15.1 In the variational equation, the two terms in the right-hand side seem to be different order as dt tend to zero, so that two terms may be discriminated. But in reality the problem like that is not as simple and even not our present concern. We now have to pause to prepare some background to proceed calculus of functionals of ˙ B(t) in the Hilbert space (L2 ) ≡ L2 (µ), µ being the white-noise measure. The so-called Stransform, which is an infinite-dimensional analogue of the Laplace transform, is introduced in order to have a representation of (L2 )-functionals and to achieve actual calculations and operations. The S-transform is a mapping ϕ −→ (Sϕ)(ξ) = exp[−ξ2 ] exp[< x, ξ >]ϕ(x)dµ(x).
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i Stochastic Variational Equations in White-Noise Analysis With this transform the partial differential operator ∂t = ∂t = S −1 where
δ δξ(t)
HidaFina 2006/8/8 page 171 i
171 ∂ ˙ ∂ B(t)
is defined to be
δ S, δξ(t)
is the Fr´echet derivative.
˙ Having obtained the innovation B(t) of the process X(t) given by (15.3), one can use the partial differential operator to have the canonical kernel F (t, u) F (t, u) = ∂u X(t), u < t. Note that it is given by the knowledge of the original process X(s), s ≤ t, since the representation (15.3) is now assumed to be canonical. 15.2.2 Gaussian random fields Having reviewed the case of Gaussian process, we now begin the main part of the chapter. First, the innovation approach to Gaussain random fields is discussed. To fix the idea we consider a Gaussian random field X(C) parameterized by a smooth convex contour (in R2 ) that runs through a certain class C which is topologized by the usual method using the Euclidean metric. Denote by W (u), u ∈ R2 , a two-dimensional 2D parameter white noise. Let (C) denote the domain enclosed by the contour C. Given a Gaussian random field X(C) and assume that it is expressed as a stochastic integral of the form X(C) = F (C, u)W (u)du, (15.6) (C)
where F (C, u) be a kernel function which is locally square integrable in u. For convenience we assume that F (C, u) is smooth in (C, u). The integral is a causal representation of the X(C). The canonical property can be defined as a generalization to a random field as in the case of a Gaussian process. The stochastic variational equation for this X(C) is of the form δX(C) = F (C, s)δn(s)W (s)ds + δF (C, u)W (u)du. C
In a similar manner to the case of a process X(t), but somewhat complicated manner, we can form the innovation {W (s), s ∈ C}. Remark 15.2 A sample function of W is often denoted by x. It is a generalized function in E ∗ on which a white-noise measure µ is supported. With this notation we may write (15.6) as X(C) = X(C, x) =
F (C, u)x(u)du.
Example 15.1 A variational equation of Langevin type. Given a stochastic variational equation δX(C) = −X(C) kδn(s)ds + X0 v(s)∂s∗ δn(s)ds, C ∈ C, C
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where C is taken to be a class of concentric circles, v is a given continuous function, and ∂s∗ is the adjoint operator of the differential operator ∂s . Applying the equation the so-called S-transform, we can solve the transformed equation by appealing to the classical theory of functional analysis. Then, applying the inverse transform S −1 , the solution, with a trivial boundary condition, is given exp[−kρ(C, u)]∂u∗ v(u)du, X(C) = X0 (C)
where ρ denotes the Euclidean distance. More general stochastic variational equations will be discussed in Section 15.4. Now one may ask the integrability condition of a given stochastic variational equation. This question has been discussed by Si Si [15]. Another question concerning how to obtain the innovation from a random field may be discussed by referring to the literature [9].
General innovations and their functionals
Returning to the innovation Y (t) of a process X(t) one can see that, in favorable cases, ˙ there is an additive process Z(t) such that its derivative Z(t) is equal to the Y (t), since the collection {Y (t)} is an independent system. There is tacitly assumed that, in the system, there is no random function singular in t. There is the L´evy decomposition of an additive process. If Z(t) has stationary independent increments, then except trivial component the Z(t) involves a compound Poisson process and a Brownian motion up to constant. With this remark in mind we proceed to the Poisson case. 15.3.1 After Brownian motion comes another kind of elemental additive process which is to be the Poisson process denoted by P (t), t ≥ 0. Taking its time derivative P˙ (t) we have a Poisson white noise. It is a generalized stationary stochastic process with independent value at every point. For convenience we may assume that t runs through the whole real line. In fact, it is easy to define such a noise. The characteristic functional of the centered Poisson white noise is of the form ∞ CP (ξ) = exp[ (eiξ(t) − 1 − iξ(t))dt], (15.8) −∞
where ξ ∈ E. There is the associated measure space (E ∗ , µP ), and the Hilbert space L2 (E ∗ , µP ) = (L )P is defined. 2
Many results of the analysis on (L2 )P have been obtained; however, most of them have been studied by analogy with the Gaussian case or its modifications, as far as the construction of the space of generalized functionals. Here we only note that the (L2 )P admits the direct sum decomposition of the form HP,n . (L2 )P = n
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i Stochastic Variational Equations in White-Noise Analysis
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The subspace is formed by the Poisson Charlier polynomials. However, there might occur a misunderstanding regarding the functionals of Poisson noise, even in the case of linear functional. The following example would illustrate this fact (see [2], [8]). Let a stochastic process X(t) be given by the following integral (analogous to (15.3)): t X(t) = F (t, u)P˙ (u)du. (15.9) 0
It seems to be simply a linear functional of P (t); however, there are two ways of understanding the meaning of the integral (15.9); one is defined 1. In the Hilbert space by taking P˙ (t)dt to be a random measure. Another way is to define the integral 2. For each sample function of P (t) (the pathwise integral). This can be done if the kernel is a smooth function of u over the interval [0, t]. Assume that F (t, t) never vanishes and that it is not a canonical kernel; that is, it is not a kernel function of an invertible integral operator. Then, we can claim that for the integral in the first sense X(t) has less information compared to P (t), because there is a linear function of P (s), s ≤ t which is orthogonal to X(s), s ≤ t. On the other hand, if X(t) is defined in the second sense, we can prove the following. Proposition 15.1 (c.f. [8]) Under the assumptions stated above, if the X(t) above is defined sample function-wise, we have the following equality for sigmafields: Bt (X) = Bt (P ), t ≥ 0. Proof By assumption it is easy to see that X(t) and P (t) share the jump points, which means the information is fully transferred from P (t) to X(t). This proves the equality. The above argument tells us that we are led to introduce a space (P) of random variables that come from separable stochastic processes for which existence of variance is not expected. This sounds to be a vague statement; however, we can rigorously define it by using a Lebesgue space without atoms, and others. There the topology is defined by either the almost sure convergent or the convergence in probability, and there is no need to think of mean square topology. On the space (P), filtering and prediction for strictly stationary process can naturally be discussed. For further ideas we may refer to the literature [18], where one can see further profound ideas of N. Wiener. It is almost straightforward to come to an introduction of a multiparameter Poisson (white) noise (see [16]), denoted by {V (u)}, which is the generalization of {P˙ (t)}. Theorem 15.2 Let a random field X(C) parameterized by a contour C be given by a stochastic integral X(C) = G(C, u)V (u)du, (15.10) (C)
where the kernel G(C, u) is continuous in (C, u). Assume that G(C, s) never vanishes on C for every C. Then, the V (u) is the innovation. Proof The variation δX(C) of X(C) in the equation (15.10) exists and we can easily prove that it involves a term of the form G(C, s)δn(s)V (s)ds, C
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where {δn(s)} determines the variation δC of C. Here the same technique is used as in the case of [9], so that the values V (s), s ∈ C, are determined by taking various δC’s. This shows that the V (s) is obtained by the X(C) according to the infinitesimal change of C. Hence V (s) is the innovation. Here is an important remark. In the Poisson case one can see a significant difference on getting the innovation from the case of a representation of a Gaussian process. However, if one is permitted to use some nonlinear operations acting on sample functions, it is possible to form the innovation from a noncanonical representation of a Gaussian process (Si Si [16]), although the proof needs a profound property of a Brownian motion (see P. L´evy [11, Chapt. VI]). 15.3.2 Compound Poisson processes As soon as we come to a compound Poisson process, which is a more general innovation, the second order moment may not exist, so that we have to come to the space (P). The L´evy decomposition of an additive process, with which we are now concerned, is expressed in the form tu Z(t) = (uPdu (t) − dn(u)) + σB(t), (15.11) 1 + u2 where Pdu (t) is a random measure of the set of Poisson processes, and where dn(u) is the L´evy measure such that u2 dn(u) < ∞. 1 + u2 The decomposition of a compound Poisson process into the individual elemental Poisson processes with different scales of jump can be carried out in the space (P) with the use of the quasi-convergence (see [11, Chapt.V]) . We are now ready to discuss the analysis acting on sample functions of a compound Poisson process. A generalization of the Proposition 15.1 in the last subsection to the case of compound Poisson white noise is not difficult in a formal way without paying much attention. However, we wish to pause at this moment to consider carefully about how to find a jump point of Z(t) with scale u designated in advance. This question is heavily depending on the computability or measurement problem. Questions related to this problem shall be discussed in the separate paper.
Stochastic variational equations
We are going to discuss a stochastic vaiational equation of the form δX(C) = X (C, s)δn(s)ds.
Applying the S-transform, it is represented as δU (C) = U (C, s)δn(s)ds.
Letting C be represented by a function ξ, we are given δU = f(ξ, U, s)δξ(s)ds,
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i Stochastic Variational Equations in White-Noise Analysis
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where ξ is a function defined on I = [0, 1] and is a member of some suitable space E ⊂ L2 (I). Assume that A.1) f(ξ, U, s) is continuous in (ξ, U, s) ∈ E ×R ×I, and satisfies the integrability condition. A.2) In some neighborhood of U0 , e.g., |U − U0 | < C, |V − V0 | < C, there exist constants M and K such that (i) I f(ξ, U, s)2 ds < M 2 . (ii) I |f(ξ, U, s) − f(ξ, V, s)|2 ds < K 2 |U − V |2 . A.3) We may write ξ = ξ0 + λη, η = 1, λ > 0. Then the solution of the variational equation exists and is unique. For details of the proof see the literature [10., Chapt. VII]. Example 15.2 Consider a Gaussian 1-ple Markov random field expressed in the form (15.6) (see [10]). Then, the kernel is degenerated F (C, u) = f(C)g(u), where f never vanishes and g is locally square integrable. We assume that g(u) = g(r, θ), u = (r, θ), is in the Sobolev space of order 2 and never vanishes. This assumption guarantees the existence of white noise parameterized by a point of an ovaloid. Set Y (C) = g(u)W (u)du. (C)
Then, it is a martingale. The S-transform of Y (C) is of the form g(u)ξ(u)du. U (C) = (C)
Its variation is δU (C) =
If we are allowed to apply automorphisms C → C, then we should be given the innovation g(s)x(s), s ∈ C, (see the proof of Theorem 15.3), although it is not homogeneous. Obviously the variational equation can be solved and it is Y (C) up to a random variable independent of C.
Reversible fields
There is a hope that the discussion in the previous section would be generalized to the case of a field parameterized by a plane curve C. As a first step we have established the following result (see [8]). Let x(u), u ∈ R2 , denote a sample function of a 2D parameter white noise W (u), and let {Cr , r > 0} be a family of concentric circles. Denote by (C) the disc enclosed by C. Now we define a Gaussian random field X(Cr ) by g(u)x(u)du, C0 = Cr0 , (15.15) X(Cr ) = f(r) (Cr )−(C0 )
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where f(r) = and
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(r12 − r02 )(r12 − r 2 ) r 2 − r02
g(u) = (r12 − |u|2 )−1 .
It is easy to prove that the covariance function Γ(s, t) = E[X(Cs )X(Ct )] of X(Cr ) is given by π (s2 , t2 ; r02 , r12 ). (15.16) Theorem 15.3 The representation of X(Cr ) given above is a canonical representation in the sense that Bt (Ur (X(Cr )), r ≤ t) = Bt (W (u), |u| ≤ t), (15.17) where Ur is a unitary operator such that for ϕ(x) ∈ (L2 ), x ∈ E ∗ (µ) Ur ϕ(x) = ϕ(gr∗ x), gr ∈ O(E), gr ξ(r, θ) = ξ(r, f(θ)) |f (θ)|.
Proof is easy. Indeed, take the variation δX(Cr ), which is equal to dr X(Cr ). It is expressed as a stochastic integral over S 1 : if we note that gξ(r, θ) with f ∈ Diff(S 1 ) defining a member g of O(E) spans a dense subset of L2 (S 1 ) for any fixed r. In fact, those g’s form a subgroup of O(E) and the subgroup has an irreducible unitary representation on L2 (S 1 ). These facts easily prove the theorem. The variation of X(Cr ) is actually differential in the variable r, and we can discuss the martingale X(Cr )/f(r). It is noted that we have to be careful about its behavior near Cr1 . Proposition 15.2 Apply to x(u) a conformal transformation r0 r1 r0 r1 x(u) −→ x u . |u|2 |u|2
Then, we have the same (in distribution) Gaussian random field. Remark 15.3 Let X(Cr ) be the same as above. Take a diffeomorphism g˜ which defines a rotation g in the infinite dimensional rotation group O(E). Then, the same conformal invariance holds for the field {X(˜ g Cr )}. Hence, the system {X(gCr )} may be considered as a probabilistic expression of the fluctuation of a classical trajectory with variable C. Remark 15.4 Various topics related to the variation of the random fields like X(Cr ) are discussed in the forthcoming Lecture Notes by the author.
Concluding remarks
1. Under the same idea that has been discussed so far, we can come to the Chern–Simon– Witten action integral. There we shall use a generalization of the Brownian bridge whose
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i Stochastic Variational Equations in White-Noise Analysis
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value is a higher (actually two-) dimensional parameter. Consider a simple case, satisfying gauge invariant and abelian, etc. where the action is of the form k CS(A) = A ∧ dA, 4π M where A is a 1-form expressed as A = a0 dx0 + a1 dx1 + a2 dx2 ai being Lie algebra-valued functions on R3 . Thus the Feynman path integral has the form 1 exp[iCS(A)]φ(A)DA. Z A The question is now to give a plausible mathematical definition of DA. This problem has now developed to be an interesting and significant subject of stochastic analysis. 2. The next topic to be mentioned is an application of stochastic variational equations to quantum field theory aiming at the study of the Tomonaga–Schwinger equation, although we are far from the actual discussion at present. We should like to refer to groundbreaking article [17] by Tomonaga, where one can see suggestions on the integration of functionals of a manifold. There is an additional remark as follows: 3. A Brownian motion and each Poisson process with a fixed scale of jump that is a component of a compound Poisson process seem to be elemental. Indeed, this is true in a sense. On the other hand, there are another aspects. For instance, we know that the inverse function of the maximum of a Brownian motion is a stable process, which is a compound Poisson process ( see [11, Chapt. VI]). A Poisson process comes from a Brownian motion, certainly not by the L2 method.
References [1] L. Accardi et al. ed., Selected papers of Takeyuki Hida. World Scientific Pub. Co. Singapore. 2001. [2] L. Accardi, T. Hida and Si Si, Innovation approach to some stochastic processes. Volterra Center Notes N. 537, 2002. [3] T. Hida, Stationary stochastic processes. Princeton Univ. Press. Princeton, NJ. 1970. [4] T. Hida, Analysis of Brownian functionals. Carleton Univ. Math. Notes, no. 13, 1975. [5] T. Hida, Brownian motion. Springer-Verlag. Berlin. 1980. [6] T. Hida et al., White Noise. An infinite dimensional calculus. Kluwer Academic Pub. Co. Dordrecht. 1993. [7] T. Hida, White Noise Analysis: A New Frontier. Volterra Center Notes. no. 499 January 2002. [8] T. Hida and N. Ikeda, Note on linear processes. J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 1 (1961) 75-86.
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[9] T. Hida and Si Si, Innovations for random fields. Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probab. Related Top. 1, no. 4 (1998), 499-509. [10] T. Hida and Si Si, An innovation approach to random field: Application of white noise theory. World Scientific Pub. Co. River Edge, NJ. 2004. [11] P. L´evy, Processus stochastiques et mouvement brownien. Gauthier-Villars. Paris. 1948; 2`eme ´ed. 1965. [12] P. L´evy, Random functions: General theory with special reference to Laplacian random functions. Univ. of California Publications in Statistics. I no. 12 (1953), 331-388. [13] P. L´evy, A special problem of Brownian motion, and a general theory of Gaussian random functions. Proceedings of the third Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, vol. II, (1956), 133-175. [14] P. L´evy, Fonction al´eatoires `a corr´elation lin´eaire. Illinois J. of Math. 1 no. 2 (1957), 217-258. [15] Si Si, Integrability condition for stochastic variational equation. Volterra Center Pub. N. 217, Univ. di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, 1995. [16] Si Si, Effective determination of Poisson noise. Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probab. Related Top. 6 (2003), 609-617. [17] S. Tomonaga, On a relativistically invariant formulation of the quantum theory of wave field. Progr. Theor. Phys., 1 (1946), 27-42. [18] N. Wiener, Extrapolation, interpolation and smoothing of stationary time series. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 1949.
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KrylovFi 2005/9/7 page 179 i
16 On the Foundation of the Lp-Theory of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Nicolai V. Krylov, University of Minnesota
The goal of this chapter is to give complete proofs of two related results from [Kr94a] and [Kr94b], which lie in the foundation of the Lp -theory of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) originated about 1994. By now the literature related to this theory is quite impressive (see, for instance, recent articles [Kim], [KK], [Lo], [MR], and the references therein). At the same time the proofs in [Kr94a] and [Kr94b] are rather far from being complete. As a matter of fact recently the author went back to the proofs in [Kr94a] and [Kr94b] and noticed errors but just could not see how the arguments yield the desired result. These arguments are based on a parabolic version of Stampacchia’s interpolation theorem and in the present chapter we also use a few tools from real analysis. However, unlike in [Kr94a] and [Kr94b], we prove all results from that theory which we need. This is done only for the sake of completeness, so that the reader can see that whatever is needed is quite simple and readily available. Furthermore, while discussing the auxiliary results we use the language of probability theory in order to make the chapter closer to probabilists. For deeper and somewhat more involved exposition also tilted to probability theory of similar and other powerful results from real analysis, we refer the reader to [Ga] and [St]. The author is sincerely grateful to Hongjie Dong who kindly indicated a few errors in the first version of the chapter. The work was partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-0140405.
Main result
Our motivation is as follows. Consider the simplest one-dimensional (1D) SPDE du(t, x) =
1 uxx (t, x) dt + g(t, x) dwt 2
t > 0,
u(0, x) = 0,
where wt is a 1D Wiener process. Naturally, the solution of this problem should be t Tt−s g(s, ·)(x) dws , u(t, x) = 0
where Tt h(x) = Eh(x + wt ). If g is nonrandom and by Du we denote the derivative of u with respect to x, then the above integral is Gaussian and T t T Du(t, ·)||pLp dt = N (p) [ |DTt−s g(s, ·)(x)|2 ds]p/2 dx dt. E 0
Hence, in order to prove that Du ∈ Lp and thus get the Lp -theory a legitimate start, we have to estimate the right-hand side. 179 i
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Observe that
√ DTt h(x) = t−d/2 φ(x/ t) ∗ h(x),
where φ(x) =
2 2 x 1 De−|x| /2 = − e−|x| /2 . d/2 d/2 (2π) (2π)
It is somewhat more convenient to consider convolutions with slightly more general functions. Fix a constant K ∈ (0, ∞) and let ψ(x) be a C 1 (Rd ) integrable function such that ψ dx = 0, |ψ(x)| + |∇ψ(x)| + |x| |ψ(x)| dx ≤ K, Rd
Introduce ˆ 2ψ(x) = ψ(x)d + (x, ∇ψ(x)) and assume that there exists a continuously differentiable function ψ¯ defined on [0, ∞) such that ∞ ˆ ¯ |ψ¯ (ρ)| dρ ≤ K, |ψ(x)| + |∇ψ(x)| + |ψ(x)| ≤ ψ(|x|), 0
¯ ψ(∞) = 0,
|ψ¯ (ρ)|ρd dρ ≤ K/r,
∀r ≥ 1.
Note that φ satisfies this assumptions with some K. Define √ Ψt h(x) := t−d/2 ψ(x/ t ) ∗ h(x). so that the above operator DTt is a particular case of Ψ. The classical Littlewood–Paley inequality (see, for instance, Chapter 1 in [Ste]) says that for any p ∈ (1, ∞) and f ∈ Lp it holds that
|Ψt f(x)|2
dt t
dx ≤ N fpp ,
where the constant N depends only on d, p. Here we want to generalize this fact by proving the following result in which H is a Hilbert space, Rd+1 = {(t, x) : t ∈ R, x ∈ Rd }. For f ∈ C0∞ (Rd+1 , H), t > a ≥ −∞, and x ∈ Rd we set t ds 1/2 |Ψt−s f(s, ·)(x)|2H , G = G−∞ . Ga f(t, x) = t −s a Theorem 16.1 Let p ∈ [2, ∞), −∞ ≤ a < b ≤ ∞ f ∈ C0∞ ((a, b) × Rd , H). Then
[Ga f(t, x)] dt dx ≤ N
|f(t, x)|pH dt dx,
where the constant N depends only on d, p, and K. The proof of this theorem is given in Section 16.6, after we prove some elementary properties of partitions in Section 16.3, prove deep albeit simple Fefferman–Stein theorem in Section 16.4 and study a few properties of the operator G in Section 16.5.
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i Foundation of the Lp -Theory of SPDEs
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Let F be a Banach space. For a domain Ω ⊂ Rd , by Lp (Ω, F ) we denote the closure of the set of F -valued continuous functions compactly supported on Ω with respect to the norm · Lp (Ω,F ) defined by upLp(Ω,F ) =
|u(x)|pF dx.
We also stipulate that Lp (Ω) = Lp (Ω, R), Lp = Lp (Rd ). By |Ω| we denote the volume of Ω. Definition 16.1 Let Z = {n : n = 0, ±1, ±2, ...} and let (Qn , n ∈ Z) be a sequence of partitions of Rd each consisting of disjoint bounded Borel subsets Q ∈ Qn . We call it a filtration of partitions if (i) The partitions become finer as n increases: inf |Q| → ∞
n → −∞,
sup diam Q → 0
n → ∞.
(ii) The partitions are nested: for each n and Q ∈ Qn there is a (unique) Q ∈ Qn−1 such that Q ⊂ Q . (iii) The following regularity property holds: for Q and Q as in (ii) we have |Q | ≤ N0 |Q|, where N0 is a constant independent of n, Q, Q. Example 16.1 In the applications in this chapter we will be dealing with the filtration of parabolic dyadic cubes in Rd+1 = {(t, x) : t ∈ R, x ∈ Rd }, defined by Qn = {Qn (i0 , i1 , ..., id), i0 , i1 , ..., id ∈ Z}, Qn (i0 , i1 , ..., id) = [i0 4−n , (i0 + 1)4−n ) × Qn (i1 , ..., id), Qn (i1 , ..., id) = [i1 2
, (i1 + 1)2
) × · · · × [id 2
, (id + 1)2
(16.2) −n
Definition 16.2 Let Qn , n ∈ Z, be a filtration of partitions of Rd . (i) Let τ = τ (x) be a function on Rd with values in {∞, 0, ±1, ±2, ...}. We call τ a stopping time (relative to the filtration) if, for each n ∈ Z, the set {x : τ (x) = n} is the union of some elements of Qn . (ii) For any x ∈ Rd and n ∈ Z, by Qn (x) we denote the (unique) Q ∈ Qn containing x. (iii) For a function f ∈ L1,loc (Rd , F ) and n ∈ Z, we denote 1 f|n (x) = – f(y) dy – f dx = f dx . |Γ| Γ Qn (x) Γ If we are also given a stopping time τ , we let f|τ (x) = f|τ(x) (x) for those x for which τ (x) < ∞ and f|τ (x) = f(x) otherwise. Remark 16.1 It is easy to see that in the case of real-valued functions f ∈ L2 , for each n, f|n provides the best approximation in L2 of f by functions that are constant on each element of Qn . We are going to use the following simple and well-known properties of the objects introduced above.
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182 Lemma 16.1 Let Qn , n ∈ Z, be a filtration of partitions of Rd . (i) Let p ∈ [1, ∞), f ∈ L1,loc (Rd , F ), and let τ be a stopping time. Then p |f|τ (x)|F Iτ λ}
(inf ∅ := ∞)
is a stopping time. Furthermore, we have |{x : τ (x) < ∞}| ≤ λ−1
0 ≤ g|τ (x)Iτ λ}| as in Corollary 16.1 is based on the following formula valid for any f ≥ 0: ∞ f(x) dx = |{x : f(x) > t}| dt. (16.8) Rd
Corollary 16.2 Let p ∈ (1, ∞), g ∈ L1 , g ≥ 0. Then M gLp ≤ qgLp , where q = p/(p − 1). Indeed, from (16.8), (16.7), and Fubini’s theorem we conclude that, for any finite constant ν > 0, ∞ ν ∧ M gpLp = |{x : ν ∧ M g(x) > λ1/p }| dλ
= 0
|{x : M g(x) > λ1/p }| dλ ≤
= Rd
(ν∧M g)p
λ−1/p dλ dx = q
λ−1/p IM g>λ1/p dλ dx g(ν ∧ M g)p−1 dx.
older’s inequality we get This and g ∈ L1 imply that ν ∧ M gLp < ∞. Then upon using H¨ p−1 , ν ∧ M gpLp ≤ qgLp ν ∧ M gL p
ν ∧ M gLp ≤ qgLp
and it only remains to let ν → ∞ and use Fatou’s theorem. Theorem 16.2 For any p ∈ (1, ∞) and g ∈ Lp (Rd , F ) M gLp ≤ qgLp (Rd ,F ) . Proof Since M g = M |g|F
gLp (Rd ,F ) = |g|F Lp
we may concentrate on real-valued g ∈ Lp , g ≥ 0. For r > 0 define gr (x) = g(x)I|x|≤r . Then gr ∈ L1 and M gr Lp ≤ qgr Lp ≤ qgLp by Corollary 16.2. It only remains to use Fatou’s theorem along with the observation that for any x since Qn (x) is bounded, we have (gr )|n (x) → g|n (x)
r → ∞,
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which implies
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g|n (x) ≤ limr→∞ sup(gr )|m (x), m
M g ≤ limr→∞ M gr .
The theorem is proved. Let f ∈ L1,loc (Rd , F ). Define the sharp function of f by |f(y) − f|n (y)|F dy. f # (x) = sup – n 0, and f ∈ L1 (Rd , F ), we have 2 IM f(x)>αc f # (x) dx. |{x : |f(x)|F ≥ c}| ≤ c Rd Proof Define g = |f|F and τ (x) = inf{n : g|n (x) > cα}. Observe that g|n (x) ≥ |f|n (x)|F ,
|f(x)|F − |f|n (x)|F ≤ |f(x) − f|n (x)|F .
Also use Lemma 16.1 (ii) and the fact that along a subsequence n → ∞, we have f|n → f almost everywhere (a.e.). Then we find that (a.e.) {x : |f(x)|F ≥ c} = {x : |f(x)|F ≥ c, τ (x) < ∞} = {x : |f(x)|F ≥ c, τ (x) < ∞, g|τ (x) ≤ c/2} ⊂ {x : τ (x) < ∞, |f(x) − f|τ (x)|F ≥ c/2} =: A. Next, represent the set {τ < ∞} as the union n,k Qnk of disjoint Qnk , satisfying Qnk ∈ Qn and τ = n on Qnk for each n, k, and use Chebyshev’s inequality to find |A| ≤ (2/c) Iτ(x) 0 |{x : Mg(x) > N λ}| ≤ N |{x : M g(x) > λ}|.
Proof Without losing generality we may assume that g ≥ 0. If x0 and λ > 0 are such that Mg(x0 ) > λ, then for an r > 0 we have g(y) dy > λ|Br (x0 )|. (16.11) Br (x0 )
Set n = −[log2 r],
ik = [xk 2n ],
x¯0 = (i1 2−n , ..., id2−n ).
¯k0 | < 2−n ≤ r, and Br (x0 ) is covered by the union of 2d Then 2−n ≤ r < 2−n+1 , |xk0 − x dyadic cubes each of which has x ¯0 as one of its vertices and they are taken from the family Qn−2 . Owing to (16.11) the integral of g over at least one of these cubes Q is greater than λ2−d |Br (x0 )| = N λr d ≥ N∗ λ|Q|. Furthermore, it is not hard to see that x0 ∈ 2Q, where by 2Q we mean the twice dilated Q with the center of dilation being that of Q.
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Now define τ (x) = inf{n : g|n (x) > N∗ λ}. Then τ ≤ n − 2 on Q ∈ Qn−2 . Actually, it may happen that τ = m < n − 2 on Q. In that case Q ⊂ Q ∈ Qm and τ = m on Q . Since x0 ∈ 2Q , we conclude that x0 is in the union over j and m of twice dilated dyadic cubes Qjm from the family Qm composing {x : τ (x) = m}. Hence, |Qjm | |{x : Mg(x) > λ}| ≤ 2d m
= 2d |{x : τ (x) < ∞}| = 2d |{x : M g(x) > N∗ λ}|. This proves the lemma. Here is the classical maximal function estimate. Theorem 16.4 Let p ∈ (1, ∞) and g ∈ Lp . Then Mg ∈ Lp and MgLp ≤ N gLp ,
where N is independent of g. Proof Without losing generality we assume that g ≥ 0. If g ∈ L1 , then (16.12) is obtained by replacing λ with λ1/p in (16.10), integrating with respect to λ, remembering (16.8), and using Corollary 16.2. If the additional assumption that g ∈ L1 is not satisfied, it suffices to use the argument from the proof of Theorem 16.2. The theorem is proved.
Preliminary estimates on G
Throughout the section f is a fixed element of C0∞(Rd+1 , H) and u = Gf. Lemma 16.4 For any T ∈ (−∞, ∞] uL2(Rd+1 ∩{t≤T }) ≤ N (d, K)fL2 (Rd+1 ∩{t≤T }) .
Proof Since f is smooth, its values belong to a separable subspace of H. Then by using orthonormal bases and the Fourier transform it is easy to show that the square of the left-hand side in (16.13) equals
= −∞
√ ˜ ˜ ξ)|2 ds dt dξ |ψ(ξ t − s )|2 |f(s, H t − s −∞
T −s
√ 2 dt ˜ ˜ ξ)|2 dξds =: I. |ψ(ξ t )| |f(s, H t
˜ Here ψ(0) = 0 and ˜ ˜ ≤ N (d)|ξ| |ψ(ξ)| ≤ |ξ| sup |∇ψ| ˜ |ξ| |ψ(ξ)| ≤ N (d) so that with ξ¯ = ξ/|ξ| 0
√ 2 dt ˜ |ψ(ξ t )| = t
|x| |ψ(x)| dx,
|∇ψ(x)| dx,
√ ˜ ξ¯ t)|2 dt ≤ N (d, K), |ψ( t
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i Foundation of the Lp -Theory of SPDEs I≤N
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˜ ξ)|2 dξds, |f(s, H
where the last expression equals the right-hand side of (16.13). The lemma is proved. To proceed further we need some notation. According to (16.9) introduce the maximal function of a real-valued function h given on Rd relative to balls. We denote this function Mx h to emphasize that this maximal function is taken with respect to x. Similarly, for functions h on R we introduce Mt h as the maximal function of h relative to symmetric intervals r 1 |h(t + r)| dr. Mt h(t) = sup r>0 2r −r For a function h(t, x) set Mx h(t, x) = Mx (h(t, ·))(x),
Mt h(t, x) = Mt (h(·, x))(t).
Notice the following consequence of Lemma 16.4, in which and below we denote by Br (x) the open ball of radius r centered at x and Br = Br (0). Corollary 16.3 Set
Q0 = [−4, 0] × [−1, 1]d
and assume that f = 0 outside of [−12, 12] × B3d . Then for any (t, x) ∈ Q0 |u(s, y)|2 dsdy ≤ N Mt Mx |f|2H (t, x),
where N depends only on d and K. Indeed, for g := |f|2H the left-hand side is less than 0 N g dyds ≤ N Rd+1 ,s≤0
g dyds ≤ N
g dyds
Mx g(s, x) ds ≤ N Mt Mx g(t, x).
Here is a generalization of Corollary 16.3. Lemma 16.5 Assume that f(t, x) = 0 for t ∈ (−12, 12). Then (16.15) holds again for any (t, x) ∈ Q0 . Proof We take a ζ ∈ C0∞ (Rd ) such that ζ = 1 in B2d and ζ = 0 outside of B3d . Set α = ζf and β = (1 − ζ)f. Since Gf ≤ Gα + Gβ and Gα admits the stated estimate, it suffices to concentrate on Gβ. In other words, in the rest of the proof we may assume that f(t, x) = 0 for x ∈ B2d . Introduce f¯ = |f|H , take 0 > s > r > −12, and write √ ¯ y − z) dz. ¯ |Ψs−r f(r, ·)(y)|H ≤ (s − r)−d/2 s − r)f(r, ψ(|z|/ Rd
We transform the last integral by using the formula R F (z)G(|z|) dz = − G (ρ) R≥|z|≥ε
+G(R) |z|≤R
F (z) dz − G(ε)
F (z) dz dρ
F (z) dz,
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where 0 ≤ ε ≤ R ≤ ∞ and F and G satisfy appropriate conditions. Formula (16.16) is easily obtained by differentiating both sides with respect to R. Also notice that if (s, y) ∈ Q0 and |z| ≤ ρ with a ρ > 1, then |x − y| ≤ 2d =: ν,
Bρ (y) ⊂ Bν+ρ (x) ⊂ Bµρ (x),
µ = ν + 1,
whereas if |z| ≤ 1, then |y − z| ≤ 2d and f(r, y − z) = 0. Then we see that for 0 > s > r > −12 and (s, y) ∈ Q0 |Ψs−r f(r, ·)(y)|H ∞ √ ≤ (s − r)−(d+1)/2 |ψ¯ (ρ/ s − r)| 1
≤ (s − r)−(d+1)/2
∞ 1
√ |ψ¯ (ρ/ s − r)|
≤ N Mx f¯(r, x)(s − r)−(d+1)/2 ≤ N Mx f¯(r, x)
f¯(r, y − z) dz dρ
Bµρ (x)
f¯(r, z) dz dρ
√ |ψ¯ (ρ/ s − r)|ρd dρ
|ψ¯ (ρ)|ρd dρ ≤ N (s − r)1/2 Mx f¯(r, x).
¯ 2 ≤ Mx f¯2 . Then for (s, y) ∈ Q0 , we obtain Also observe that by H¨ older’s inequality (Mx f) |u(s, y)|2 =
|Ψs−r f(r, ·)(y)|2
dr ≤N s−r
Mx |f|2H (r, x) dr,
where the last expression is certainly less than the right-hand side of (16.15). The lemma is proved. Lemma 16.6 Assume that f(t, x) = 0 for t ≥ −8. Then for any (t, x) ∈ Q0 |u(s, y) − u(t, x)|2 dsdy ≤ N Mt Mx |f|2H (t, x),
where the constant N depends only on K and d. Proof The left-hand side of (16.18) is certainly less than a constant times sup[|Ds u|2 + |∇u|2].
Fix (s, y) ∈ Q0 and note that s ≥ −4 and by Minkowski’s inequality (the derivative of a norm is less then the norm of the derivative) |∇u(s, y)|2 ≤
I 2 (r, s, y)
dr . s−r
where I(r, s, y) := |∇Ψs−r f(r, ·)(y)|H √ = (s − r)−(d+1)/2 | (∇ψ)(z/ s − r)f(r, y − z) dz|H Rd
≤ (s − r)−(d+1)/2
√ ¯ s − r)f¯(r, y − z) dz, ψ(|z|/
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i Foundation of the Lp -Theory of SPDEs
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and as before f¯ = |f|H . Also use again (16.16) and (16.17). Then we see that for s > r ∞ √ −(d+2)/2 ¯ I(r, s, y) ≤ (s − r) f¯(r, z) dz dρ |ψ (ρ/ s − r)| 0
Bρ (y)
¯ x)(s − r)−(d+2)/2 ≤ N Mx f(r, = N Mx f¯(r, x)(s − r)−1/2
0 ∞
√ |ψ¯ (ρ/ s − r)|(ν + ρ)d dρ
√ |ψ¯ (ρ)|(ν/ s − r + ρ)d dρ.
For r ≤ −8 we have s − r ≥ 4 and we conclude ∞ √ |ψ¯ (ρ)|(ν/ s − r + ρ)d dρ ≤ N, I(r, s, y) ≤ N (s − r)−1/2 Mx f¯(r, x), 0
|∇u(s, y)| ≤ N
Mx f¯2 (r, x)
dr . (4 − r)2
We transform the last integral integrating by parts or using (16.16) to find |∇u(s, y)|2 ≤ N
≤ N Mt Mx f¯2 (t, x)
1 3 (4 − r)
Mx f¯2 (p, x) dp dr
|r| dr = N Mt Mx f¯2 (t, x). (4 − r)3
We thus have estimated part of (16.19). To estimate Ds u, we proceed similarly |Ds u(s, y)| ≤
|Ds Ψs−r f(r, y)|2H
dr = s−r
J 2 (r, s, y)
dr , s−r
where J(r, s, y) = |Ds Ψs−r f(r, y)|H √ ˆ = (s − r)−(d+2)/2 | s − r)f(r, y − z) dz|H , ψ(z/ Rd
≤ (s − r)−(d+2)/2
√ ¯ s − r)f¯(r, y − z) dz. ψ(|z|/
For r ≤ −8 we may further write −(d+1)/2
J(r, s, y) ≤ N (s − r)
√ ¯ s − r)f¯(r, y − z) dz ψ(|z|/
and then it only remains to refer to the above computations. The lemma is proved.
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Proof of Theorem 16.1
First, note that for any f ∈ C0∞ ((a, b) × Rd , H) we have f ∈ C0∞ (Rd+1 , H) and equation (16.1) with −∞ and ∞ in place of a and b, respectively, is stronger than as is. Therefore, we may assume that a = −∞, b = ∞. Then our assertion is that for f ∈ C0∞ (Rd+1 , H) and u = Gf we have uLp (Rd+1 ) ≤ N (d, p, K)fLp(Rd+1 ,H) . This estimate follows from Lemma 16.4 if p = 2. Hence we may concentrate on p > 2. We start considering this case by claiming that at each point in Rd+1 (Gf)# ≤ N (d, K)(Mt Mx |f|2H )1/2 ,
where the sharp function (Gf)# is defined relative to the parabolic dyadic cubes of type (16.2). Remark 16.3 shows that to prove (16.20) it suffices to prove that for each Q = Qn (i0 , ..., id) (see (16.2)) and (t, x) ∈ Q (16.21) – |Gf − (Gf)Q |2 dyds ≤ N (d, K)Mt Mx |f|2H (t, x), Q
(Gf)Q = – Gf dyds.
To prove (16.21), observe that if a constant c = 0, then Ψt h(c ·)(x) = Ψtc2 h(cx), and 2
Gf(c ·, c ·)(t, x) =
|Ψ(t−s)c2 f(c2 s, ·)(cx)|2H
|Ψtc2 −s f(s, ·)(cx)|2H
ds 1/2 t−s
ds 1/2 = Gf(c2 t, cx). −s
This and the fact that dilations do not affect averages show that it suffices to prove (16.21) for Q = Q−1 (i0 , ..., id). In that case Q is just a shift of Q0 from (16.14). Furthermore, the shift is harmless since Mx and Mt are defined in terms of balls rather than dyadic cubes. Thus let Q = Q0 and take a function ζ ∈ C0∞ (R) such that ζ = 1 on [−8, 8], ζ = 0 outside of [−12, 12], and 1 ≥ ζ ≥ 0. Set α = fζ,
β = f − α.
Observe that Ψt−s α(s, ·) = ζ(s)Ψt−s f(s, ·),
Gf ≤ Gα + Gβ,
Gβ ≤ Gf.
It follows that for any constant c |Gf − c| ≤ |Gα| + |Gβ − c| and in light of Remark 16.1 the left-hand side of (16.21) is less than 2 2 – |Gα| dyds + 2 – |Gβ − c|2 dyds. Q
We finally take c = Gβ(t, x) and obtain (16.21) from Lemmas 16.5 and 16.6.
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i Foundation of the Lp -Theory of SPDEs
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After having proved (16.20), by combining the Fefferman–Stein theorem with the Lq , q > 1, boundedness of the maximal operators we conclude (recall that p > 2) upLp(Rd+1 ) ≤ N (Mt Mx |f|2H )1/2 pLp (Rd+1 ) =N
(Mt Mx |f|2H )p/2
dt dx ≤ N
(Mx |f|2H )p/2 dt dx
(Mx |f|2H )p/2 dx dt ≤ N fpLp (Rd+1 ,H) .
This proves the theorem.
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Ruediger 2006/8/8 page 193 i
17 L´evy Noises and Stochastic Integrals on Banach Spaces∗ Vidyadhar Mandrekar, Michigan State University Barbara R¨ udiger, Universit¨at Koblenz-Landau
The purpose of this work is to define stochastic integrals with respect to a certain class of martingales with jumps in a Banach space. These martingales are constructed from the Poisson random measures associated with a L´evy process in a Banach space [9]. The definition of these stochastic integrals (called p-integrals) were first considered in [40] and were extended to a larger class of functions in [36]. This work is in the spirit of Pratelli [38]. In [36] we undertook a systematic study of the solutions of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) and their Markov properties and applied it to an example in finance [16] using stochastic integral with respect to (w.r.t.) L´evy process. We also extended some work of [42]. This study was done by considering stochastic integral with respect to L´evy processes to those studied in [36], [40] using L´evy–Ito decomposition in [9]. We give this, in brief, in the appendix in Section 17.5. As a further application of this idea, we derive a precise definition of L´evy white noise as a stochastic integral and relate it to the L´evy type white noise considered in [10]. In the appendix we give application to perpetuity in insurance again using stochastic integrals with respect to the L´evy process. Defining the stochastic integral in this manner allows us to use the theory developed in [36] to construct a Markov process and obtain perpetuity as an invariant measure of this process. This enables us relate the invariant measure to the infinitesimal generator of the Markov process as in the classical case using the Ito formula. Similar work was done in ad hoc manner in [18] under some additional assumptions.
Stochastic integrals w.r.t. compensated Poisson random measure on separable Banach spaces
We assume that a filtered probability space (Ω, F , (Ft)0≤t≤+∞ , P ), satisfying the “usual hypothesis,” is given (i) Ft contain all null sets of F , for all t such that 0 ≤ t < +∞. (ii) Ft = Ft+ , where Ft+ = ∩u>t Fu , for all t such that 0 ≤ t < +∞, i.e., the filtration is right continuous. In the whole chapter we assume that E is a separable Banach space with norm · and B(E) is the corresponding Borel σ-algebra. ∗ This
chapter is dedicated to the 65th birthday of Sergio Albeverio.
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Definition 17.1 A process (Xt )t≥0 with state–space (E, B(E)) is an Ft -additive process on (Ω, F , P ) if (i) (Xt )t≥0 is adapted (to (Ft )t≥0 ). (ii) X0 = 0 a.s. (almost surely). (iii) (Xt )t≥0 has increments independent of the past, i.e., Xt − Xs is independent of Fs if 0 ≤ s < t. (iv) (Xt )t≥0 is stochastically continuous, i.e., ∀ > 0 lims→t P (Xs − Xt > ) = 0. (v) (Xt )t≥0 is c` adl` ag. An additive process is a L´evy process if the following condition is satisfied: (vi) (Xt )t≥0 has stationary increments; that is, Xt − Xs has the same distribution as Xt−s , 0 ≤ s < t. Let (Xt )t≥0 be an additive process on (E, B(E)) (in the sense of Definition 17.1). Set Xt− := lims↑t Xs and ∆Xs := Xs − Xs− . Definition 17.2 We denote with N (dtdx)(ω) the Poisson random measure associated to the additive process (Xt )t≥0 and ν(dtdx) its compensator. We recall that N (dtdx)(ω), for each ω fixed, resp. ν(dtdx), are σ-finite measures on the σ-algebra B(IR + × E \ {0}), generated by the product semi-ring S(IR + ) × B(E \ {0}) of product sets (t1 , t2 ] ×A, with 0 ≤ t1 < t2 , and A ∈ B(E \ {0}), where B(E \ {0}) is the trace σ-algebra on E \ {0} of the Borel σ-algebra B(E) on E (see, e.g., [22], [40]). q(dtdx)(ω):= N (dtdx)(ω) − ν(dtdx) is the compensated Poisson random measure associated to the additive process (Xt )t≥0 . (We omit sometimes writing the dependence on ω ∈ Ω.) Remark 17.1 (Xt )t≥0 is a L´evy process iff ν(dtdx)= dtβ(dx), where dt denotes the Lebesgues measure on B(IR + ), and β(dx) is a σ-finite measure on (E \ {0}, B(E \ {0})), and is called the L´evy measure associated to (Xt )t≥0 . Given in general two σ-algebras M and L, with measure m and resp. l, we denote by M ⊗ L the product σ-algebra generated by the product semiring M × L, and by m ⊗ l the corresponding product measure. Let F be a separable Banach space with norm · F . (When no misunderstanding is possible we write · instead of · F ). Let Ft := B(IR + × (E \ {0})) ⊗ Ft be the product σ-algebra generated by the semi-ring B(IR + × (E \ {0})) × Ft of the product sets Λ × F , Λ ∈ B(IR + × E \ {0}), F ∈ Ft . Let T > 0, and
{f : IR+ × E \ {0} × Ω → F, f(t, x, ω)
M T (E/F ) := such that f
FT /B(F )
Ft − adapted ∀x ∈ E \ {0},
t ∈ (0, T ]}.
In this section we shall introduce the stochastic integrals of random functions f(t, x, ω) ∈ M T (E/F ) with respect to the compensated Poisson random measures q(dtdx)(ω) := N (dtdx) (ω)−ν(dtdx) discussed in [36], [40]. (We omit sometimes to write the dependence on ω ∈ Ω.) There is a “natural definition” of stochastic integral w.r.t. q(dtdx)(ω) on those sets (0, T ] × Λ where the measures N (dtdx)(ω) (with ω fixed) and ν(dtdx) are finite, i.e., 0 ∈ / Λ. According to [40] (see also [9] for the case of deterministic functions f(x) , x ∈ \{0} ) we give the following definition:
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Definition 17.3 Let t ∈ (0, T ], Λ ∈ B(E \ {0}), 0 ∈ / Λ, f ∈ M T (E/F ). Assume that f(·, ·, ω) is Bochner integrable on (0, T ]×Λ w.r.t. ν, for all ω ∈ Ω fixed. The natural integral of f on (0, t] ×Λ w.r.t. the compensated Poisson random measure q(dtdx) := N (dtdx)(ω)− ν(dtdx) is t f(s, x, ω) (N (dsdx)(ω) − ν(dsdx)) := 0 Λ t (17.2) 0 0 and there exist n ∈ IN , m ∈ IN , such that m n−1 1Ak,l (x)1Fk,l (ω)1(tk ,tk+1 ] (t)ak,l (17.3) f(t, x, ω) = k=1 l=1
where Ak,l ∈ B(E \ {0}) and 0 ∈ / Ak,l , tk ∈ (0, T ], tk < tk+1 , Fk,l ∈ Ftk , ak,l ∈ F . For all k ∈ 1, ..., n − 1 fixed, Ak,l1 × Fk,l1 ∩ Ak,l2 × Fk,l2 = ∅ if l1 = l2 . Proposition 17.1 Let f ∈ Σ(E/F ) be of the form (17.3), then T m n−1 f(t, x, ω)q(dtdx)(ω) = ak,l 1Fk,l (ω)q((tk , tk+1 ] ∩ (0, T ] ×Ak,l ∩ A)(ω), (17.4) 0
k=1 l=1
for all A ∈ B(E \ {0}), T > 0.
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Remark 17.2 The random variables 1Fk,l in (17.4) are independent of q((tk , tk+1 ]∩(0, T ]× Ak,l ∩ A) for all k ∈ 1, ..., n − 1, l ∈ 1, ..., m fixed. Proof of Proposition 17.1: The proof is an easy consequence of the Definition 17.2 of the random measure q(dtdx)(ω). We recall here the definition of strong-p-integral, p ≥ 1, (Definition 17.7 below) given in [40] through approximation of the natural integrals of simple functions. First, we establish some properties of the functions f ∈ MνT ,p (E/F ), where T E[f(t, x, ω)p] ν(dtdx) < ∞}. (17.5) MνT ,p(E/F ) := {f ∈ M T (E/F ) : 0
Theorem 17.1 [40] Let p ≥ 1. Suppose that the compensator ν(dtdx) of the Poisson random measure N (dtdx) satisfies the following hypothesis A. Hypothesis A: ν is a product measure ν = α ⊗ β on the σ-algebra generated by the semi ring S(IR + ) × B(E \ {0}), of a σ-finite measure α on S(IR + ), s.th. α([0, T ]) < ∞ , ∀T > 0 , α is absolutely continuous w.r.t the Lebesgues measure on IR + , and a σ-finite measure β on B(E \ {0}). Let T > 0; then for all f ∈ MνT ,p (E/F ) and all Λ ∈ B(E \ {0}), there is a sequence of simple functions {fn }n∈IN satisfying the following property: Property P: fn ∈ Σ(E/F ) ∀n ∈ IN , fn converges ν ⊗ P -a.s. to f on (0, T ] × Λ × Ω, when n → ∞, and T E[fn (t, x) − f(t, x)p ] dν = 0 , (17.6) lim n→∞ 0
i.e., fn − f converges to zero in Lp ((0, T ] × Λ × Ω, ν ⊗ P ), when n → ∞. Definition 17.5 We say that a a sequence of functions fn are Lp -approximating f if these satisfy property P, i.e., fn converge ν ⊗ P -a.s. to f on (0, T ] × Λ × Ω, when n → ∞, and satisfy (17.6). Definition 17.6 Let p ≥ 1; LF p (Ω, F , P ) is the space of F -valued random variables, such p p that EY = Y dP < ∞. We denote by · p the norm given by Y p = (EY p )1/p . p Given (Yn )n∈IN , Y ∈ LF p (Ω, F , P ), we write limn→∞ Yn = Y if limn→∞ Yn − Y p = 0. In [40] we introduce the following. Definition 17.7 Let p ≥ 1, t > 0. We say that f is strong-p-integrable on (0, t] × Λ, Λ ∈ B(E \ {0}), if there is a sequence {fn }n∈IN ∈ Σ(E/F ), which satisfies the property P in Theorem 17.1, and such that the limit of the natural integrals of fn w.r.t. q(dtdx) exists in LF p (Ω, F , P ) for n → ∞, i.e. t t p f(t, x, ω)q(dtdx)(ω) := lim fn (t, x, ω)q(dtdx)(ω) (17.7) 0
exists. Moreover, the limit (17.7) does not depend on the sequence {fn }n∈IN ∈ Σ(E/F ), for which property P and (17.7) hold.
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We now give sufficient conditions for the existence of the strong-p-integrals, when p = 1, or p = 2. In the whole chapter we assume that hypothesis A in Theorem 17.1 is satisfied. Theorem 17.2 [40] Let f ∈ MνT ,1(E/F ); then f is strong-1-integrable w.r.t. q(dt, dx) on (0, t] × Λ, for any 0 < t ≤ T , Λ ∈ B(E \ {0}). Moreover t t f(s, x, ω)q(dsdx)(ω)] ≤ 2 E[f(s, x, ω)]ν(dsdx)(ω). (17.8) E[ 0
Theorem 17.3 [40] Suppose (F, B(F )):= (H, B(H)) is a separable Hilbert space. Let f ∈ MνT ,2 (E/H); then f is strong 2-integrable w.r.t. q(dtdx) on (0, t] × Λ, for any 0 < t ≤ T , Λ ∈ B(E \ {0}). Moreover t t E[ f(s, x, ω)q(dsdx)(ω)2 ] = E[f(s, x, ω)2 ]ν(dsdx). (17.9) 0
The following Theorem 17.4 was proved in [40] for the case of deterministic functions on type-2 Banach spaces, and on M-type-2 spaces for functions which do not depend on the random variable x, in [36] for the general case. Theorem 17.4 [36] Suppose that F is a separable Banach space of M-type 2. Let f ∈ MνT ,2 (E/F ); then f is strong 2-integrable w.r.t. q(dtdx) on (0, t] × Λ, for any 0 < t ≤ T , Λ ∈ B(E \ {0}). Moreover t t 2 2 E[ f(s, x, ω)q(dsdx)(ω) ] ≤ K2 E[f(s, x, ω)2 ]ν(dsdx) . (17.10) 0
where K2 is the constant in the Definition 17.8 of M-type-2 Banach spaces. Theorem 17.5 [40] Suppose that F is a separable Banach space of type 2. Let f ∈ MνT ,2 (E/F ), and f be a deterministic function, i.e., f(t, x, ω) = f(t, x); then f is strong 2-integrable w.r.t. q(dtdx) on (0, t] × A, for any 0 < t ≤ T , A ∈ B(E \ {0}). Moreover, inequality (17.10) holds, with K2 being the constant in the Definition 17.10 of type-2 Banach spaces. We recall here the definition of M-type-2 and type-2 separable Banach space (see, e.g., [33]). Definition 17.8 A separable Banach space F , with norm · , is of M-type 2, if there is a constant K2 , such that for any F -valued martingale (Mk )k∈1,..,n the following inequality holds: n 2 E[Mk − Mk−1 2 ] , (17.11) E[Mn ] ≤ K2 k=1
with the convention that M−1 = 0. We remark that a separable Hilbert space is in particular a separable Banach space of Mtype 2. In fact, any 2-uniformly-smooth separable Banach space is of M-type 2 [37], [48]. We recall here the definition of 2-uniformly-smooth separable Banach space. Definition 17.9 A separable Banach space F , with norm · , is 2-uniformly-smooth if there is a constant K2 > 0, s.th. for all x, y ∈ F x + y2 + x − y2 ≤ 2x2 + K2 y2 .
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Definition 17.10 A separable Banach space F is of type 2, if there is a constant K2 , such that if {Xi }ni=1 is any finite set of centered independent F -valued random variables, such that E[Xi 2 ] < ∞, then n n 2 Xi ] ≤ K2 E[Xi 2 ]. (17.12) E[ i=1
We remark that any separable Banach space of M-type 2 is a separable Banach space of type 2. Proposition 17.2 [36], [40] Let f satisfy the hypothesis of Theorem 17.2, or 17.4. Then t f(s, x, ω)q(dsdx)(ω) , t ∈ [0, T ] is an Ft -martingale with mean zero and is c` adl` ag. 0 Λ Remark 17.3 [36]Let f satisfy the hypothesis of Theorem 17.2, or 17.4. From Doob’s inequality it follows that for any sequence fn ∈ Σ(E/F ), which is Lp -approximating f, the t t convergence of 0 Λ fn (s, x, ω)q(dsdx)(ω) to 0 Λ f(s, x, ω)q(dsdx)(ω) holds also in the following sense: lim P
t∈[0,T ]
f(s, x, ω)q(dsdx) −
t 0
fn (s, x, ω)q(dsdx) >
It follows that there is a subsequence such that
lim sup
n→∞ t∈[0,T ]
t 0
f(s, x, ω)q(dsdx)(ω) −
t 0
fn (s, x, ω)(ω)q(dsdx) = 0
P − a.s. (17.14)
t Definition 17.11 We call 0 A f(s, x, ω)q(dsdx)(ω) the strong-p-integral of f w.r.t. q(dtdx) on (0, t] × Λ, if it is obtained from the limit in (17.14).
Integration w.r.t. strong-p-integrals
We use the same notations as in the previous section. Moreover, we denote also with G a separable Banach space and with L(F/G) the Banach space of linear bounded operators from F to G, with the usual supremum norm. With ·K we denote the norm of a Banach space K, so that, in particular, F L(F /G) = (y)G , if F ∈ L(F/G). When no misunderstanding is possible, we shall write supy∈K Fy F simply · , leaving the subscript which denotes the Banach space. In the above example we would, e.g., write F instead of F L(F /G), and y, resp. F (y), instead of yF , resp. F (y)G . Let M T (IR + /L(F/G)) be the set of progressive measurable processes (Ht )t∈[0,T ] with values on L(F/G)).
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Definition 17.12 We denote with E T (IR + /L(F/G)) the set of elementary processes (H(t, ω))t∈[0,T ] , i.e., those which are in M T (IR+ /L(F/G)) , are uniformly bounded and are of the form r−1 H(t, ω) = 1(ti,ti +1] (t)Hi (ω) , (17.15) i=1
with Hi (ω) Fti -adapted, 0 < ti < ti+1 ≤ T . In the usual way we introduce the stochastic integral of elementary processes w.r.t. martingales. Definition 17.13 Let (Mt )t∈[0,T ] be an Ft -adapted martingale with values on F . Let (H(t, ω))t∈[0,T ] ∈ E T (IR+ /L(F/G)) , (H(t, ω))t∈[0,T ] be of the form (17.15). The stochastic integral (H · M )t , t ∈ [0, T ], of (H(t, ω))t∈[0,T ] w.r.t. (Mt (ω))t∈[0,T ] is defined with (H · M )t (ω) :=
H(s, ω)dMs (ω) :=
Hi (ω)[Mti+1 ∧t (ω) − Mti ∧t (ω)]
(we sometimes omit writing the dependence on ω). Proposition 17.3 Let (H(t, ω))t∈[0,T ] ∈ E T (IR + /L(F/G)) . Let f ∈ Σ(E/F ) (defined in Definition 17.4). Let t Mt (ω) := f(s, x, ω)q(dsdx)(ω) (17.17) 0
(H · M )t (ω) :=
t 0
t 0
H(s, ω)dMs (ω)
H(s, ω)(f(s, x, ω)q(dsdx)(ω)
∀ω ∈ Ω , t ∈ (0, T ]
i.e., (H · M )t (ω) coincides with the integral of H(f(s, x, ω)) w.r.t. q(dsdx)(ω). Proof of Proposition 17.3 Let (H(t, ω))t∈[0,T ] be of the form (17.15) and f ∈ Σ(E/F ) be of the form (17.3). By linearity it follows r−1 =
r−1 n−1 m i=1
Hi (ω)[Mti+1 ∧t (ω) − Mti ∧t (ω)]
Hi (ω)(ak,l )1Fk,l (ω)q((tk , tk+1 ] ∩ (0, T ] × Ak,l ∩ A)(ω) t (17.19) = 0 A H(s, ω)((f(s, x, ω))q(dsdx)(ω).
Let p = 1 or p = 2. Let E be a separable Banach space. Let F and G be separable Banach spaces. If p = 2, we suppose also that G is an M-type-2 Banach space. Let f ∈ MνT ,p(E/F ) (defined in (17.5)). We define
{(H(t, ω))t∈[0,T ]
T ,p Mf,ν (IR + /L(F/G)) := (17.20) T ∈ M T (IR+ /L(F/G)), s.th. 0 E\{0} E[H(s)pf(s, x)p ]ν(dsdx) < ∞}.
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T ,p Remark 17.4 If (H(t, ω))t∈[0,T ] ∈ Mf,ν (IR + /L(F/G)), then there exists a sequence of elementary processes (Hn (t, ω))t∈[0,T ] ∈ E T (IR + /L(F/G)) such that (s.th.)
E[Hn(s) − H(s)p f(s, x)p ]ν(dsdx) = 0.
This can be proved, e.g., with the analogous techniques used in STEP 1–STEP 4 in the proof of Theorem 17.1 in [40]. T ,p We denote with MTf,ν,p(IR + /L(F/G)) the set of dt⊗dP equivalence classes in Mf,ν (IR + /L(F/ T ,p G)). Mf,ν (IR+ /L(F/G)) is a separable Banach spaces.
Proposition 17.4 Let p = 1 or p = 2. If p = 2, suppose that F and G are separable Banach spaces of M-type 2. Let (H(t, ω))t∈[0,T ] ∈ E T (IR + /L(F/G)), f ∈ MνT ,p(E/F ). Let Mt (ω) be like in (17.17), then t t P H(s, ω)dMs (ω) = H(f(s, x, ω))q(dsdx)(ω) , ∀t ∈ [0, T ] = 1. (17.22) 0
Proof of Proposition 17.4 We first prove that there is a set Γ ∈ FT ⊗ B([0, T ]), s.th. dt ⊗ dP (Γ) = 1 and ∀t, ω ∈ Γ t t H(s, ω)dMs (ω) = H(f(s, x, ω))q(dsdx)(ω) , (17.23) 0
i.e., the right-hand side (r.h.s.) and left-hand side (l.h.s.) coincide in MTf,ν,p(IR+ /L(F/G)) . Suppose that fn is a sequence which is Lp -approximating f. We have t t H(s, ω)dMsn (ω) = H(fn (s, x, ω))q(dsdx)(ω) ∀ω ∈ Ω , (17.24) 0
is the strong-p-integral of fn . Hence t 0
t H(s, ω)dMs (ω) = limpn→∞ 0 H(s, ω)dMsn (ω) t = limpn→∞ 0 A H(fn (s, x, ω)q(dsdx)(ω) t 0 A H(f(s, x, ω)q(dsdx)(ω)
where we used that for any 0 ≤ τ < t ≤ T p
lim (Mtn − Mτn ) = (Mt − Mτ )
t E[ 0 A (H(fn (s, x)) − H(f(s, x)))q(dsdx)p ] t ≤ C 0 A E[H(fn (s, x)) − H(f(s, x))p ]ν(dsdx)
for C = 2 or C = K22 . That equation (17.22) holds, is a consequence of inequality (17.27) and Doob’s inequality (see also Remark 17.3). In fact, given any > 0,
t P supt∈[0,T ] 0 A (H(fn (s, x)) − H(f(s, x)))q(dsdx) >
(H(fn (s,x))−H(f(s,x)))q(dsdx)p ] p t p E[H(f (s,x))−H(f(s,x)) ]ν(dsdx) n C 0 A →n→∞ p
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T ,p We now introduce the stochastic integral (H · M )t for (H(t, ω))t∈[0,T ] ∈ Mf,ν (IR+ /L(F/G)) t w.r.t. the martingale Mt (ω) = 0 A f(s, x, ω)q(dsdx)(ω).
Theorem 17.6 Let p = 1 or p = 2. If p = 2 suppose that F and G are separable Banach T ,p spaces of M-type 2. Let (H(t, ω))t∈[0,T ] ∈ Mf,ν (IR + /L(F/G)). There is a unique element (H · M )t ∈ MTf,ν,p (IR+ /L(F/G)), such that t p p (H · M )t = lim (Hn · M )t = lim Hn dMs (17.29) n→∞
for any sequence of elementary processes (Hn (t, ω))t∈[0,T ] ∈ E T (IR + /L(F/G)), for which (17.21) holds. Moreover, the following properties hold: 1.
The convergence (17.29) holds also in the following sense: P (sup (Hn · M )t − (H · M )t > ) →n→∞ 0.
[0,T ]
It follows that there is a subsequence such that lim sup (Hn · M )t − (H · M )t = 0
n→∞ t∈[0,T ]
(H · M )t coincides with the strong-p-integral of H(f), i.e. t P (H · M )t = H(f(s, x, ω))q(dsdx)(ω) ∀t ∈ [0, T ] = 1. 0
P − a.s.
(H · M )t is an Ft -martingale.
t Definition 17.14 We call 0 H(s, ω)dMs (ω) := (H · M )s (ω) the stochastic integral of (H(t, ω))t∈[0,T ] w.r.t. (Mt (ω))t∈[0,T ] , if it is obtained from the limit in (17.31). Remark 17.5 If f is a deterministic function and p = 2 then in Proposition 17.4 and Theorem 17.6 it is sufficient that F is a separable Banach spaces of type 2. If H(s, ω)= H(s), i.e., H is deterministic, too, then G too can be of type 2. Proof of Theorem 17.6 Let Hn (t, ω)∈ E T (IR + /L(F/G)) be a sequence for which (17.21) holds. Then
t P supt∈[0,T ] 0 A (Hn (f(s, x)) − H(f(s, x)))q(dsdx) > ≤ ≤
(Hn (f(s,x))−H(f(s,x)))q(dsdx)p ] p t p E[H (f(s,x))−H(f(s,x)) ]ν(dsdx) n C 0 A p E[
for C = 2 or C = K22 , which together with Proposition 17.4 proves that all statements in the theorem hold.
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Remark 17.6 Let F = H, with H a separable Hilbert space with scalar product < ·, · >, and G = IR. For this particular case Theorem 17.6 shows that the definition of Ito integral, that we usually use for L2 bounded continuous martingales (see, e.g., [39]), can be extended also to martingales with jumps, if these are strong-p-integrals. In this case the following identity holds: t
H(s, ω)dMs (ω) =
< H(s, ω), f(s, x, ω) > q(dsdx)(ω).
Moreover, it shows that the Ito integral w.r.t. strong-p-integrals can be extended to separable Banach spaces, too. Remark 17.7 Let f ∈ MνT ,2 (E/F ), and f(s, x, ω) := f(s, x), i.e., f be deterministic and F and G separable Banach spaces of M-type 2 (in fact F might be also of type 2). According to the definition of [38], the strong 2 -integrable of f , is for any 0 < t ≤ T controlled by (the deterministic function) t At := f(s, x)2 ν(dsdx) (17.35) 0
as E[Mt − Ms 2 /Fs ] = E[Mt − Ms 2 ] ≤ At − As = E[At − As /Fs ].
For controlled Banach-valued martingales the possibility of defining the Ito-integral (H · M )t , H ∈ M T (IR + /L(F/G)) was already mentioned in [38]. We did such extension in this section for all martingales being strong-p-integrals. Moreover, we identified here such Ito-integrals with the strong-p-integrals of H(f) w.r.t. the compensated Poisson random measure. The relation of these two integrals is obviously fundamental in several applications where stochastic calculus w.r.t. the strong-p-integrals appears, as, e.g., by analyzing SDEs with non-Gaussian additive noise. In the appendix we make some example to show how the relation of the Ito integral and strong-p-integral analyzed in this section is important to analyze the solution of certain SDEs coming from problems of finance and insurance.
L´ evy-type white noise constructed by stochastic integration of L´ evy white noise
In [3, 4, 5, 46] a program was started of constructing Euclidean covariant vector Markov random fields as solutions of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) driven by L´evy-type white noise where by L´evy-type white noise we mean a generalized infinite divisible random field determined by a L´evy–Khinchine function [10] (see Definition 17.18 below). The relation between L´evy white noises and L´evy-type white noises has been discussed in great generality, e.g., in [6], [7], [43], [44], [1], [2]. We refer to [10] for an overview of such results. A concrete computation of the L´evy-type white noise through stochastic integration of L´evy noise has, however, been given in terms of a chaos expansion in [20]. We prove in this section how the L´evy-type white noise can be obtained by a direct computation of strong-2-integrals without doing a chaos expansion. We start by recalling some well-known definition and result on L´evy measures on IR (see, e.g., [25]).
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Definition 17.15 A σ-finite positive measure β on (IRd \ {0}, B(IR \ {0})) is a “L´evy measure,” if there is a probability measure µ such that the Fourier transform µ ˆ (z), z ∈ IR d satisfies µ ˆ (z) = exp (ψ(z))
with ψ(z) = exp
(e IR\{0}
− 1 − 1|y| the natural dual pairing between S(IR d ) and S (IR d ). Let B be the σ-algebra generated by cylinder sets of S (IR d ). Then (S (IRd ), B) is a measurable space. By a characteristic functional on S(IR d ), we mean a functional C : S(IR d ) → C with the following three properties: (1) C is continuous on S(IR d ); (2) C is positive–definite; and (3) C(0) = 1. By the well-known Bochner–Minlos theorem (see, e.g., [23]) there exists a one to one correspondence between characteristic functionals C and probability measures P on (S (IRd ), B) given by the following relation: C(f) = ei dP (ω), f ∈ S(IR d ). S (IRd )
The following result follows as a direct consequence of the Bochner–Minlos theorem (see, e.g., [10], [20]) Proposition 17.5 Let ψ be a L´evy–Khinchine function. Then there exists a unique probability measure Pψ on (S (IRd ), B) such that i e dPψ (ω) = exp ψ(f(x))dx , f ∈ S(IR d ). (17.42) S (IRd )
In [10] we give the following. Definition 17.18 We call Pψ in the above proposition a L´evy white-noise measure with L´evy–Khinchine function ψ, and (S (IR d ), B, Pψ ) the L´evy white-noise space associated with ψ. The associated coordinate process F : S(IR d ) × (S (IRd ), B, Pψ ) → IR (17.43) defined by F (f, ω) =< f, ω >,
f ∈ S(IR d ), ω ∈ S (IRd )
evy-type is a random field on (S (IR d ), B, Pψ ) with parameter space S(IR d ). We call it L´ white noise. F in (17.43), (17.44), can be extended to the parameter space L2 (IR d ) from S(IR d ). (cf. [11], see also [10]). Definition 17.19 Given a L´evy-type white noise F on (S (IR d ), B, Pψ ), we say that there is a L´evy noise L(·, ω) on (IR d , B(IRd )) associated to F , if there is a L´evy noise L(dx, ω) on (IR d , B(IR d )) defined on the probability space (S (IR d ), B, Pψ ) and (17.45) F (f, ω) = f(x)L(dx, ω) ∀f ∈ L2 (IRd ).
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i L´evy Noises and Stochastic Integrals on Banach Spaces
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Theorem 17.9 Let β(dy) be a L´evy measure on IR, and ψ be the corresponding L´evy– Khinchine function. Then there is a L´evy noise L(dx, ω) on (IR d , B(IR d )) with compensator dxdsβ(dy), s.th L(A, ω) :=
∀A ∈ B(IR d ) (17.46)
and such that L(·, ω) is associated to the L´evy-type white noise with L´evy–Khinchine function ψ. Proof of Theorem 17.9: First, we remark that dxdsβ(dy) is a L´evy measure on IRd+1 × IR + , as 1 s2 |x|2y2 dxβ(dy) < ∞. 0 0.
Theorem 19.4 Assume (19.4) and assume that λ is absolute continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure and λ# is bounded from above. If ρ ≤ 0, we assume also that f(0) = 0 = b(0). Then for any ζ ∈ L2 (ρ) there is a unique u ∈ U (T, L2 (ρ)) satisfying (19.1). Moreover, uζ is mean-square continuous and (19.1) defines a Feller family on L2 (ρ). Proof Let us denote by || · ||(HS) the Hilbert–Schmidt norm on L(HS) Lλ , L2 (ρ) . Let {fj } be an orthonormal basis of L2λ . Let φ ∈ L2 (ρ) and t > 0. Let M (φ) be a multiplication operator; M (φ)ψ = φψ. Then 2 ||S(t)M (φ)||2(HS) = |S(t) (φfj )|L2 (ρ) j
2 Gt (x − y)fj (y)φ(y)dy e−ρ|x| dx j
= = = ≤ where
2 Gt (x − y)λ# (y)fj (y)φ(y)λ(y)dy e−ρ|x| dx R R j Gt (x − y)λ# (y)φ(y) 2 e−ρ|x| dydx R R 2 G2t (x − y) λ# (y) e−ρ|x|+ρ|y| |φ(y)|2 e−ρ|y| dydx R R 2 |φ|L2(ρ) G2t (z)Rρ (z)dz, R
2 Rρ (z) := sup λ# (y) e−ρ|z+y|+ρ|y| ≤ ec(|z|+1) y∈R
with a certain c > 0. Thus |z|2 |z|2 r 1 G2t (z)Rρ (z)dz ≤ G2t (z)ec(|z| +1) dz ≤ e− 2t e− 2T +c(|z|+1)dz. 2πt R R R
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i Stochastic Heat and Wave Equations Driven by an Impulsive Noise
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|z|2 sup − + c (|z| + 1) < ∞, 2T z∈R
for any T < ∞ there is a constant CT such that CT ||S(t)M (u)||2(HS) ≤ √ |u|2L2(ρ) , t
t ∈ (0, T ].
√ Since t → 1/ t is integrable, one can use the standard arguments leading to the existence and uniqueness of a solution, see the proof of Theorem 19.3 and [PZ1,PZ2,P].
Wave equation
Let ek (x) =
√ 2 sin(πkx), and let H = L2 × H −1 , where H −1 := h = hk ek : |h|2H −1 := h2k k −2 < ∞ . k
The space H will be the state space for the wave equation on [0, 1]. For the equation on R we take H := (ζ, η)T : ζ ∈ L2 (Rd , ϑρ(x)dx), η ∈ Hρ−1 , (19.14) where
−1/2 F (ϑ1/2 η) < ∞ . Hρ−1 := η ∈ S (Rd ) : ||η||Hρ−1 := 1 + | · |2 ρ L2 (Rd ,dx)
S (Rd ) is the space of tempered distributions on Rd , F denotes the Fourier transform, and ϑρ ∈ S(Rd ) is a strictly nonnegative and ϑρ (x) = e−ρ|x| , |x| ≥ 1. We write (19.2) in the form X(0) = (ζ, η)T ,
dX = (AX + F(X)) dt + B(X)dZ,
where A=
0 I A 0
u v
u v
[ψ](x) =
(x) =
0 f(u(x))
0 b(u(x))ψ(x) .
Then, see, e.g., [P], A generates C0 -semigroup U on H defined at the beginning of this subsection as the state space for the equation on [0, 1] and on R. Obviously here in the definition of Hρ−1 we take d = 1. Thus we have the following integral form of (19.2): T
X(t) = U (t) (ζ, η) +
U (t − s)F(X(s))ds +
Define M(X)ψ =
0 ζψ
U (t − s)B(X(s))dZ(s).
X = (ζ, η)T .
Theorem 19.5 Assume that the measure λ is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure and satisfies (19.12). Then for any X(0) ∈ H there is a unique solution X to (19.2) such that for all T < ∞, X ∈ U (T, H). Moreover, X is mean-square continuous and (19.2) defines a Feller family.
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Proof Let T be fixed, and let || · ||(HS) be the norm on L(HS) (L2λ , H). It is enough to show that M(X) ∈ L(HS) (L2λ , H), X ∈ H and there is a constant C1 such that ||M(X)||2(HS) ≤ C1 |X|2H ,
X ∈ H,
see [P]. To this end, note that for X = (ζ, η)T ∈ H we have √ 2 √ 2 ||M(X)||2(HS) = M(X)ek λ# = ζek λ# H
H −1
√ 2 2 √ = n−2 ζek λ# , en = n−2 ek , ζ λ# en k,n
√ 2 n−2 ζ λ# en ≤ n−2 λ2n |ζ|2L2 . L2
−2 2 λn nn
< ∞. Hence (19.16) holds true with C1 = Now we consider (19.2) on the whole space. Theorem 19.6 Let H be given by (19.14). If ρ ≤ 0, we assume that f(0) = 0 = b(0). Assume that the measure λ is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure and the density, which we denote by λ is such that λ# is bounded from above. Then for any (ζ, η)T ∈ H there is a unique X satisfying (19.2) such that for all T < ∞, X ∈ U (T, H). Moreover, X is mean-square continuous and (19.2) defines a Feller family on H. Proof As in the proof of Theorem 19.5 it is enough to show (19.16) with H given by (19.14). Let X = (ζ, η)T ∈ H and let {fn } be an orthonormal basis on L2λ . Then 2 −1/2 1/2 2 ||M(X)||2(HS) = |M(X) (fn )|H = F ϑρ ζfn 2 1 + | · |2 n
2 −1 1/2 1 + |x|2 F ϑρ ζfn (x)dx. n
2 F ϑ1/2 ρ ζfn (x) =
2 √ √ λ λ# fn (x) F ϑ1/2 ρ ζ
2 √ √ F ϑ1/2ζ λ# (x − y) F λfn (y)dy ρ R n 2 √ # (x − y) dy ζ λ F ϑ1/2 ρ R √ 2 ζ λ# (y) dy. F ϑ1/2 ρ
= ≤ ≤ Hence ||M(X)||2(HS)
√ 2 # (y) dydx F ϑ1/2 ρ ζ λ R R −1 dx |ζ(y)|2 λ# (y)ϑρ (y)dy 1 + |x|2
C |ζ|2L2(R,ϑρ (y)dy) ≤ C |X|2H ,
where C=
−1 1 + |x|2
1 dx sup λ# (y) < ∞. 1 + |x|2 y∈R
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i Stochastic Heat and Wave Equations Driven by an Impulsive Noise
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Equations driven by general white noise
We consider now equations driven by the noise for which (19.4) is not satisfied. To simplify the presentation we restrict our considerations to the stochastic heat and wave equations on [0, 1] or R driven by the process Z introduced in Example 19.1. We will also assume that the measure λ is the Lebesgue measure dx. Assume, that Z is given by (19.6). Let (n,m) σj , t ≥ 0. Y (t) = (n,m)
Given N ∈ N and T < ∞ define RN = inf {t: |Y (t−) − Y (t)| ≥ N } , (n,m) ZN (t, dx) = σj δx(n,m) (dx) (n,m)
≤t, |σj
(n,m) (n,m) (ω) ≤ N for all n, m, j: τj ≤T . ΓN,T = ω ∈ Ω: σj
Finally, let νN (dσ) = |σ|−1−α χ{|σ|≤N} dσ be the restriction of the measure ν to [−N, N ]. Note that ZN (t)(ω) = Z(t)(ω) for (t, ω) ∈ [0, T ] × ΓN,T , RN is a Markov stopping time with respect to the filtration defined by ZN , ΓN,T = {RN ≥ T }, and that −2T N −α → 1 as N → ∞. P (ΓN,T ) = exp {−T ν(R \ [−N, N ])} = exp α Moreover, ZN corresponds to the Poisson random measure with the intensity measure equal to dtλ(dx)νN (dσ). Thus, since νN satisfies (19.3) and (19.4), there is a solution XN to the heat (or wave) equation driven by ZN . We will show that ∀N ≤ M
on the set [0, T ] × ΓN,T .
Then as a solution X we take XN on [0, T ] × ΓN,T . We will show (19.17) only for the heat equation. However, the same arguments work for the wave equation. Let S be the heat semigroup. Then, since ZN = ZM on [0, T ] × ΓN,T we have, see Remark 19.1, t XN (t) − XM (t) = S(t − s) (f(XN (s)) − f(XM (s))) ds 0
+ 0
S(t − s) (b(XN (s)) − b(XM (s))) dZN (s)
on [0, T ] × ΓN,T . Next, since on [0, T ] × ΓN,T we have (b(XN (s)) − b(XM (s))) χ{RN >s} = (b(XN (s)) − b(XM (s))) , then, see Remark 19.1, we have
(XN (t) − XM (t)) χ{t 0, P0 u(x) = u(x), x ∈ Rn , t ≥ 0; (2πt)n Rn i.e., if, for a bounded Borel function u, one has Pt u(x) = u(x), for all t ≥ 0, x ∈ Rn , then u is constant on Rn . More generally, let E be a Polish space and let Pt be a Markov semigroup, acting on the space Bb (E) of all real Borel and bounded functions defined on E. A bounded from below function u : E → R is said to be harmonic for Pt , if u is Borel and invariant for Pt , i.e. Pt u(x) = u(x), t ≥ 0, x ∈ E.
We say that a harmonic function u is a bounded harmonic function (BHF) or a positive harmonic function (PHF) for Pt if in addition u is bounded or nonnegative. Note that if u is a BHF for Pt , then Lu(x) = 0, x ∈ E, where the operator L is defined as follows: Lu(x) = lim
Pt u(x) − u(x) , x ∈ E. t
A converse statement is true as well, see Section 20.3. Preliminaries are gathered in Section 20.2. Our main concern in the present chapter are harmonic functions for generalized Mehler semigroups introduced in [5]. They have recently received a lot of attention; see, for instance, [9], [17], [21], [28], [32], and references therein. This class includes transition semigroups determined by infinite-dimensional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes perturbed by a L´evy noise. ∗ He was partially supported by the Italian National Project MURST “Equazioni di Kolmogorov” and by the “Centre of Excellence,” IM PAN-BC, Warsaw, Poland.
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Those processes are solutions to the following-infinite dimensional stochastic differential equation on a Hilbert space H dXt = AXt dt + BdWt + CdZt , X0 = x ∈ H, t ≥ 0.
Here A generates a C0 -semigroup etA on H, B, and C are bounded linear operators from another Hilbert space U into H. Moreover, Wt and Zt are independent processes; Wt is a U valued Wiener process and Zt is a U -valued L´evy process (without a Gaussian component). One says that the transition semigroup Pt has the Liouville property if all BHFs for Pt are constant. The Liouville property has been studied for various classes of linear and nonlinear operators L on Rn . In particular, second order elliptic operators on Rn , or on differentiable manifolds E, have been intensively investigated; see, for instance, [1], [3], [6], [18], [23], [31], and references therein. Liouville theorems for nonlocal operators are given in [2] and [27]. The probabilistic interpretation of the Liouville property is discussed in [27]; see also [23]. A Liouville theorem for the infinite-dimensional heat semigroup has already been considered in [12]. For connections between the Liouville property and the existence of invariant ergodic measures, see also Remark 20.4. Theorem 20.2 of Section 20.4 is our main result on the Liouville property. In the particular case of an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process Xt perturbed by a L´evy noise, see (20.3), and under suitable assumptions, the theorem states that the corresponding transition semigroup Pt has the Liouville property if and only if all λ in the spectrum σ(A) of A have a nonpositive real part. Moreover, when there exists λ ∈ σ(A) with a positive real part, we are able to construct a nonconstant BHF for Pt . This theorem extends to infinite dimensions a result given in [27]. In Section 20.5, we prove a result concerning positive harmonic functions. Under the assumptions of Theorem 20.2, we show that all PHFs for the transition semigroup Pt associated to (20.3) are convex. This result can be regarded as a stronger version of the first part of Theorem 20.2, see also Corollary 20.1. The final section contains two open questions.
Let H be a real separable Hilbert with inner product ·, · and norm | · |. We will identify H with H ∗ (the topological dual of H). Let U be another separable Hilbert space. By L(U, H) we denote the space of all bounded linear operators from U into H. We set L(H, H) = L(H). If B ∈ L(U, H), its adjoint operator is denoted by B ∗ (B ∗ ∈ L(H, U )). The space Cb (H) (resp., Bb (H)) stands for the Banach space of all real, continuous (resp., Borel) and bounded functions f : H → R, endowed with the supremum norm: f0 = supx∈H |f(x)|. The space Cbk (H) is the set of all k-times differentiable functions f, whose Fr´echet derivatives Di f, 1 ≤ i ≤ k, are continuous and bounded on H, up to the order k ≥ 1. Moreover, we set Cb∞ (H) = ∩k≥1 Cbk (H).
Characteristic functions
We collect some basic facts about characteristic functions in infinite dimensions. These will be used in the sequel, see [7] or [22] for more details. A function ψ : H → C is said to be negative definite if, for any h1 , . . . hn ∈ H, c1 , n n . . . , cn ∈ C, verifying k=1 ck = 0, one has i,j=1 ψ(hi − hj )ci cj ≤ 0.
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i Harmonic Functions for Generalized Mehler Semigroups
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A function θ : H → C is said to be positive definite if, for any h1 , . . . , hn ∈ H, the n × n Hermitian matrix (θ(hi − hj ))ij is positive definite. Remark that ψ : H → C is negative definite if and only if the function exp(−tψ(·)) is positive definite for any t > 0. A mapping g : H → C is said to be Sazonov continuous on H if it is continuous with respect to the locally convex topology on H generated by the seminorms p(x) = |Sx|, x ∈ H, where S ranges over the family of all Hilbert–Schmidt operators on H. Of course, any Sazonov continuous function is, in particular, continuous. The Bochner theorem states that any function f : H → C is the characteristic function of a probability measure µ on H, i.e. µ ˆ (h) = eiy,h µ(dy) = f(h), h ∈ H, H
if and only if f is positive definite, Sazonov continuous, and such that f(0) = 1. Let Q be a symmetric nonnegative definite trace class operator on H; we denote by N (x, Q), x ∈ H, the Gaussian measure on H with mean x and covariance operator Q. The trace of Q will be denoted by Tr (Q).
Mehler semigroups
A L´evy process Zt with values in H is an H-valued process defined on some stochastic basis (Ω, F , (Ft )t≥0 , P), continuous in probability, having stationary independent increments, c`adl` ag trajectories, and such that Z0 = 0. One has that EeiZt ,s = exp(−tψ(s)), s ∈ H, (20.4) where ψ : H → C is a Sazonov continuous, negative definite function such that ψ(0) = 0. We call ψ the exponent of Zt . Vice versa given ψ with the previous properties, there exists a unique in law H-valued L´evy process Zt , such that (20.4) holds. The exponent ψ can be expressed by the following infinite-dimensional L´evy–Khintchine formula is, y 1 eis,y − 1 − M (dy), s ∈ H, (20.5) ψ(s) = Qs, s − ia, s − 2 1 + |y|2 H where Q is a symmetric nonnegative definite trace class operator on H, a ∈ H, and M is the spectral L´evy measure on H associated to Zt , see also [29]. A generalized Mehler semigroup St , acting on Bb (H), is given by f(etA x + y)µt (dy), t ≥ 0, x ∈ H, f ∈ Bb (H), (20.6) St f(x) = H
where e is a C0 -semigroup on H, with generator A, µt , t ≥ 0, is a family of probability measures on H, such that t ∗ µ ˆt (h) = exp − ψ(esA h)ds , h ∈ H, t ≥ 0. (20.7) 0
Here ψ : H → C is a continuous, negative definite function such that ψ(0) = 0. We call ψ the exponent of St . Note that we are not assuming that the exponent ψ is Sazonov continuous, i.e., we are not requiring that exp(−ψ(·)) is the characteristic function of a probability measure on H or, equivalently, that there exists an associated H-valued L´evy process. Generalized Mehler semigroups were introduced in [5], see also [9], [17], [21] [28], and [32].
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i Priola and Zabczyk
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Abstract Liouville theorems
Here, combining arguments from [14] and [24], we prove an abstract result which allows us to formulate the Liouville problem in terms of generators; see in particular, Theorem 20.1. We also provide an application to an infinite-dimensional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck operator. Let Pt be any Markov semigroup acting on Bb (E), the space of all bounded Borel functions on a Polish space E. Define the subspace B0 (E) = {f ∈ Bb (E), on [0, ∞)}.
such that, for any x ∈ E, the map: t → Pt f(x) is continuous
(20.8) This space is a slight modification of the space Bb0 (E) introduced in [14], see also Remark 20.1. It is easy to verify that the space B0 (E) is invariant for Pt . Moreover, it is a closed subspace of Bb (E) with respect to the supremum norm. This space also satisfies the assumptions (i) and (ii) in [24, Section 5]. We consider Pt acting on B0 (E) and define a generator L : D(L) ⊂ B0 (E) → B0 (E) of Pt as a version of the Dynkin weak generator, by the formula: P u − u t D(L) := u ∈ B0 (E) : sup (20.9) < ∞, ∃ g ∈ B0 (E) such that t 0 t>0 Pt u(x) − u(x) lim = g(x), ∀ x ∈ E}, + t t→0 Pt u(x) − u(x) Lu(x) = lim , for u ∈ D(L), x ∈ E. t t→0+ We have the following characterization. Theorem 20.1 If f ∈ Bb (E), then f ∈ D(L) and Lf = 0
f is a BHF for Pt .
The theorem is a direct corollary of the following proposition. Proposition 20.1 For any function f ∈ Bb (E), the following statements are equivalent: (i) f ∈ D(L); (ii) there exists g ∈ B0 (E) such that
Pt f(x) − f(x) =
Ps g(x)ds, x ∈ E, t ≥ 0.
Moreover, if (20.10) holds, then Lf = g. Proof (ii) ⇒ (i). By (20.10) one has that f ∈ B0 (E). Moreover, t → 0+ , for any x ∈ E. Finally, there results P f − f t sup ≤ sup Ps g0 ≤ g0 . t 0 t>0 s>0
Pt f(x)−f(x) t
→ g(x), as
(i) ⇒ (ii). Fix x ∈ E. Note that P f − f t (x) = Ps Lf(x), s ≥ 0. lim Ps t t→0+ Hence, there exists the right derivative ∂s+ Ps f(x) = Ps Lf(x), s ≥ 0. Since the functions: s → Ps f(x) and s → Ps Lf(x) are both continuous on [0, +∞), by a well-known lemma of real analysis, the function: s → Ps f(x) is C 1 ([0, +∞)). This gives the assertion.
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i Harmonic Functions for Generalized Mehler Semigroups
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Remark 20.1 Given a Markov transition semigroup Pt , acting on Bb (E), Dynkin introduces in [14] the space Bb0 (E) = {f ∈ Bb (E) such that limt→0+ Pt f(x) = f(x), x ∈ E}. ˜ of Pt as in (20.9), replacing B0 (E) with B0 (E). Moreover, he defines the weak generator L b ˜ extends the operator L given in (20.9). However, it seems a difficult It is clear that L problem to clarify if Bb0 (E) = B0 (E) holds in general. Moreover, it is not clear how to prove ˜ an analogous of Proposition 20.1 when L is replaced by L. Let us apply the previous theorem to the generator of a Gaussian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process Xt , which solves the SDE dXt = AXt dt + dWt , x ∈ H.
Here Wt is a Q-Wiener process with values in H, and Q is a trace class operator on H; see also (20.5). Moreover, A generates a C0 -semigroup etA on H. Define Cˆ ⊂ Cb2 (H) as the space of all functions f such that Df(x) ∈ D(A∗ ), for all x ∈ H, and the functions A∗ Df and D2 f are both uniformly continuous and bounded on H. Combining [34, Theorem 5.1] and Theorem 20.1, we get the following Proposition 20.2 Let us consider the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck semigroup Pt associated to the ˆ one has process Xt in (20.11). Then for any f ∈ C, Af(x) =
1 Tr (QD2 f(x)) + A∗ Df(x), x = 0, x ∈ H ⇐⇒ f is a BHF for Pt . 2
ˆ f ∈ D(L) if and only if Proof By the Ito formula, in [34] it is showed that, for any f ∈ C, ˆ Af is bounded. Moreover if f ∈ C ∩ D(L), then Lf = Af. Using this result and Theorem 20.1, we finish the proof.
The Liouville theorem
If A : D(A) ⊂ H → H is a closed operator on H, we denote by σ(A) its spectrum and by A∗ its adjoint operator. We collect our assumptions on the generalized Mehler semigroup St ; see (20.6) and (20.7). Hypothesis 20.1 (i) there exists B0 ∈ L(U, H), where U is another Hilbert space, such that the linear nonnegative bounded operators Qt : H → H t ∗ Qt x = esA B0 B0∗ esA x ds, x ∈ H, are trace class, t > 0. (20.12) 0
(ii) µt = νt ∗ N (0, Qt), where νt is a family of probability measures on H, such that t ∗ νˆt (h) = exp − ψ1 (esA h)ds , h ∈ H, t ≥ 0, (20.13) 0
with ψ1 : H → C being a continuous, negative definite function such that ψ1 (0) = 0. 1/2
Hypothesis 20.2 There exists T > 0, such that etA(H) ⊂ Qt (H), t ≥ T . If St is, in particular, the Gaussian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck semigroup corresponding to (20.11), then Hypothesis 20.2 is implied by the strong Feller property of St . Recall that a Markov semigroup Pt , acting on Bb (H), is called strong Feller if Pt (Bb (H)) ⊂ Cb (H), t > 0.
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Hypothesis 20.3 One has H
(log |y| ∨ 0) M (dy) < ∞.
Remark that if H is finite dimensional, then the previous hypotheses reduce to the assumptions in [27, Theorem 3.1]. The aim of this section is to prove the following theorem. Theorem 20.2 Let St be a generalized Mehler semigroup on H. If Hypotheses 20.1 and 20.2 hold and, moreover s(A) := sup{Re(λ) : λ ∈ σ(A)} ≤ 0,
then all BHFs for St are constant. If Hypotheses 20.1, 20.2 and 20.3 hold and further sup{Re(λ) : λ ∈ σ(A)} > 0, then there exists a nonconstant BHF h for St . Remark 20.2 As we mentioned in Introduction, a natural class of generalized Mehler semigroups which satisfy Hypotheses 20.1 and 20.2 is the one associated to the SDE dXt = AXt dt + BdWt + CdZt , X0 = x ∈ H, t ≥ 0,
where A generates a C0 -semigroup etA on H, B, and C ∈ L(U, H). Here Wt and Zt are U -valued, independent Q0 -Wiener and L´evy processes (the operator Q0 is a symmetric nonnegative trace class operator on U ). Without any loss of generality, we may assume that Zt has no Gaussian component (i.e., the exponent ψ0 of Zt is given by (20.5) with Q = 0). It is well known that there exists a unique mild solution to (20.17), see [9] and [11]. This is given by Xtx = Ytx + ηt , (20.18) where Ytx = etA x +
e(t−s)ABdWs , ηt =
e(t−s)ACdZs .
The latter stochastic integral involving Zt can be defined as a limit in probability of elementary processes. Moreover, Ytx is a Gaussian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process; compare with 1/2 (20.11). Clearly, setting B0 = B Q0 , the operators B0 and A satisfy condition (i) in Hypothesis 20.1. If µt denotes the law of Xt0 , then it is clear that the Markov semigroup St associated to x Xt is given by f(etA x + y)µt (dy), t ≥ 0, x ∈ H, f ∈ Bb (H). (20.19) St f(x) = H
If νt is the law of ηt , then we have µt = νt ∗ N (0, Qt ). Indeed t t ∗ ∗ µ ˆt (h) = exp − |B0∗ esA h|2 ds exp − ψ0 (C ∗ esA h) ds 0
= N (0,ˆ Qt)(h) νˆt (h), h ∈ H.
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Remark 20.3 An example of a generalized Mehler semigroup with exponent ψ which is not Sazonov continuous, is the one determined by the SDE dYt = AYt dt + B0 dWt , Y0 = x ∈ H, t ≥ 0,
where A : D(A) ⊂ H → H generates a C0 -semigroup etA on H, B0 ∈ L(U, H) and the process Wt is a U -valued cylindrical Wiener process; see [11] for more details. If we assume that A and B0 verify (i) in Hypothesis 20.1, then there exists a unique H-valued process Ytx , which is the mild solution to (20.20) Ytx = etA x +
e(t−s)A B0 dWs , x ∈ H, t ≥ 0.
Note that Ytx is a Gaussian process. The associated Ornstein–Uhlenbeck semigroup Ut is given by x Ut f(x) = Ef(Yt ) = f(etA x + y) κt (dy), f ∈ Bb (H), (20.22) H
x ∈ H, t > 0, where κt = N (0, Qt) is the Gaussian measure on H with mean 0 and covariance operator Qt , see (20.12). Note that the exponent ψ of Ut , i.e. ψ(y) = |B0∗ y|2 , y ∈ H, However, the asis not Sazonov continuous unless the operator B0 is Hilbert–Schmidt. t ∗ sociated process Ytx takes values in H, i.e., the function: y → 0 ψ(esA y)ds is Sazonov continuous on H, for each t ≥ 0. Remark 20.4 One can show that the existence of an ergodic invariant probability measure with full support for a strong Feller transition semigroup implies the Liouville property. However, we are especially interested in cases in which there are no invariant probability measures. In particular, if some λ ∈ σ(A) is purely imaginary, then there are no invariant probability measures for the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck semigroup Ut given in (20.22), see [11], but still, under Hypothesis 20.2, the Liouville theorem holds. In the proof of the first statement of Theorem 20.2, we will need assertion (1) of the next result: this lemma also extends previous results proved in [11, Section 9.4] and in [28]. Recall that IB denotes the indicator function of a set B ⊂ H. Lemma 20.1 Let us assume that Hypotheses 20.1 and 20.2 hold. Then one has (1) St (Bb (H)) ⊂ Cb∞ (H), t ≥ T . (2) St is irreducible, i.e., St IO (x) > 0, for any x ∈ H, t ≥ T and O open set in H. Proof Take any f ∈ Bb (H). We have νt (dz) f(etA x + y + z)N (0, Qt )(dy) St f(x) = H H = νt (dz) f(y + z)N (etA x, Qt )(dy), t ≥ 0, x ∈ H. H
Using the Cameron–Martin formula, see [11], we can differentiate St f in each direction h ∈ H and get, for any x ∈ H, t ≥ T DSt f(x), h = νt (dz) f(etA x + y + z)Qt −1/2 y, Qt −1/2 etA hN (0, Qt )dy. (20.24) H
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Recall that the function: y → Qt −1/2 y, Qt −1/2 etA h is a Gaussian random variable on the probability space (H, B(H), N (0, Qt)), for any t ≥ T , see [11] and [34]. Formulas similar to (20.24) can be easily established for higher order derivatives of St f. It is then straightforward to verify that St f ∈ Cb∞ (H), t ≥ T . This concludes the proof of the first statement. The second statement follows since the measure N (0, Qt ) has support on the whole H, for any t ≥ T . Proof of Theorem 20.2. The first part. Here we prove that any bounded harmonic function for St is constant. −1/2 tA e are bounded operators on H, for By Hypothesis 20.2, the closed operators Qt any t ≥ T . They have also a control theoretic meaning; see, for instance, [10] or [33]. Note that (i) in Hypothesis 20.1 and Hypothesis 20.2 imply that the semigroup etA is compact, 1/2 −1/2 for any t ≥ T . To see this, we write eT A = QT (QT eT A ) and remark that the operator 1/2 QT is Hilbert–Schmidt. Thus we can apply the following result, which is proved in [25]: −1/2 tA
lim Qt
e x = 0, x ∈ H, if and only if s(A) = sup{Re(λ) : λ ∈ σ(A)} ≤ 0.
(20.25) Take any BHF f for St . We show that f is constant. By (20.24), we get the estimate ≤ f0
νt (dz)
Df(·), h0 = DSt f(·), h0 |Qt −1/2 y, Qt −1/2 etA h|N (0, Qt)dy ≤ |Qt −1/2 etA h| f0 ,
t ≥ T, h ∈ H. Now letting t → ∞ in the last formula, we get that f is constant, using (20.25). The assertion is proved. The second part. Here we assume that s(A) > 0 and construct a nonconstant BHF h for St . It was already noted that Hypotheses 20.1 and 20.2 imply that etA is compact, for any t ≥ T . Hence, see [15], pages 330 and 247, the spectrum σ(A) consists entirely of eigenvalues of finite algebraic multiplicity, is discrete, and is at most countable. Moreover, for any r ∈ R, the set {µ ∈ σ(A) : Re(µ) ≥ r} is finite. (20.26) It follows that there exists an isolated eigenvalue µ such that s(A) = Re(µ). Using this fact, the claim follows by the next result. Proposition 20.3 Let St be a generalized Mehler semigroup on H. Assume that there exists an isolated eigenvalue µ of A with finite algebraic multiplicity and such that Re(µ) > 0. Then there exists a nonconstant BHF h for St . Proof Let D0 be the finite-dimensional subspace of H consisting of all generalized eigenvectors of A associated to µ. Let P0 : H → D0 be the linear Riesz projection onto D0 (not orthogonal in general) 1 (w − A)−1 x dw, x ∈ H, (20.27) P0 x = 2πi γ where γ is a circle enclosing µ in its interior and σ(A)/{µ} in its exterior; see, for instance, Lemma 2.5.7 in [10] and [15, page 245]. We have H = D0 ⊕ D1 , where D1 = (I − P0 )H. The closed subspaces D0 and D1 are both invariant for etA and, moreover, D0 ⊂ D(A). We set A0 = AP0 and further A1 = A(I − P0 ), where A0 : D0 → D0 , A1 : (D(A) ∩ D1 ) ⊂ D1 → D1 .
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The operator A0 generates a group etA0 on D0 and A1 generates a C0 -semigroup etA1 on D1 . The projection P0 commutes with etA and the restrictions of etA to D0 and D1 coincide with etA0 and etA1 , respectively. Moreover, on D0 one has σ(A0 ) = {µ}. By means of P0 , let us define a generalized Mehler semigroup St0 on D0 0 tA St f(a) = f(e P0 a + P0 y)µt (dy) = f(etA0 a + z)(P0 ◦ µt )(dz), H
where t ≥ 0, a ∈ D0 , f ∈ Bb (D0 ), and (P0 ◦ µt ) is the probability measure on D0 image of µt under P0 . Suppose that we find g : D0 → R, such that St0 g(a) = g(a), a ∈ D0 ,
i.e., g is a BHF for St0 . Then, defining h(x) = g(P0 x), x ∈ H, we get that h is a nonconstant BHF for St . Thus our aim is to construct a nonconstant BHF g for St0 . Note that t ∗ ∗ ˆ (P0 ◦ µt )(y) = µ ˆt (P0 y) = exp − ψ(P0∗ erA y)dr , y ∈ D0 . 0
Since D0 is finite dimensional, the negative function ψ0 : D0 → C, ψ0 (s) = ψ(P0∗ s), s ∈ D0 , corresponds to a L´evy process Lt with values in D0 and defined on a stochastic basis (Ω, F , (Ft )t≥0 , P). The law νt of Lt verifies νˆt (y) = exp(−tψ(P0∗ y)), y ∈ D0 , t ≥ 0. ˜ a on D0 Let us consider the process X t ˜ a = etA0 a + X t
e(t−s)A0 dLt , t ≥ 0, a ∈ D0 .
˜ 0 is just (P0 ◦ µt ), t ≥ 0. This implies that the Markov semigroup It is clear that the law of X t a 0 ˜ is S . associated to X t t We have reduced our initial problem of finding a nonconstant BHF for St to a corresponding finite-dimensional problem. Now in order to construct a nonconstant function g such that (20.29) holds, we can apply [27, Proposition 3.6]. The proof is complete. Remark 20.5 Here we show a possible improvement of Hypothesis 20.3. Let F (H) be the subspace of L(H) consisting of all finite rank operators R which commute with etA , i.e., RetA = etAR, t ≥ 0. For any R ∈ F(H), M R denotes the spectral L´evy measure on ImR = R(H) corresponding to ψR through formula (20.5), where ψR (s) = ψ(R∗ s), s ∈ R(H); note that ψR : R(H) → C is a continuous, negative definite function such that ψR (0) = 0. Moreover, the image of µt under R, has characteristic function t ∗ ψR (esA h)ds , h ∈ R(H), t ≥ 0. (R ◦ˆ µt )(h) = exp − 0
It is straightforward to check that the second part of Theorem 20.2 continues to hold if Hypothesis 20.3 is replaced by the following weaker assumption: (log |y| ∨ 0) M P (dy) < ∞, for any projection P ∈ F(H). P (H)
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Remark 20.6 One can extend the definition of generalized Mehler semigroup and show that Theorem 20.2 holds true in this more general setting. A shifted generalized Mehler semigroup Pt , acting on Bb (H), is given by f(etA x + etA h − h + y)µt (dy), t ≥ 0, x ∈ H, f ∈ Bb (H). (20.31) Pt f(x) = H
Compare with (20.6), where etA is a C0 -semigroup on H, µt , t ≥ 0, is a family of probability measures on H satisfying (20.7) and h is a fixed vector in H. It is straightforward to verify that Pt is a Markov semigroup acting on Bb (H). An example of shifted generalized Mehler semigroup is the Markov semigroup Pt associated to the Markov process Jtx Jtx = Xtx+h − h, t ≥ 0, x ∈ H, where Xtx is the mild solution to (20.17). If in addition we assume that h ∈ D(A), then Jtx solves dJt = AJt dt + Ahdt + BdWt + CdZt , J0 = x ∈ H, t ≥ 0, under the same assumptions of Remark 20.2. There is a one to one correspondence between BHFs for St given in (20.6) and BHFs for Pt . Indeed if g is a BHF for Pt , then the function f, f(y) = g(y − h), y ∈ H, is a BHF for St . Vice versa, if u is a BHF for St , then the function w, w(z) = u(z + h), z ∈ H, is a BHF for Pt . This shows that Theorem 20.2, with the same assumptions on etA , B, and µt , holds more generally when the generalized Mehler semigroup St is replaced by the semigroup Pt , given in (20.31), without any additional hypothesis on h ∈ H.
Convexity of positive harmonic functions
In this section we prove that positive harmonic functions for generalized Mehler semigroups are convex under suitable assumptions. This result can be regarded as a stronger version of the first part of Theorem 20.2; see, in particular, Corollary 20.1. Theorem 20.3 Assume Hypotheses 20.1 and 20.2 and consider the generalized Mehler semigroup St given in (20.6). Moreover, suppose that s(A) = sup{Re(λ) : λ ∈ σ(A)} ≤ 0.
holds. Then any positive harmonic function g for St is convex on H. The following lemma is an extension of a result due to S. Kwapien [19] (proved by him in the Gaussian case with a similar proof). Lemma 20.2 Under Hypotheses 20.1 and 20.2, for any nonnegative function f : H → R, there results (20.33) St f(x + a) + St f(x − a) ≥ 2Ct (a) St f(x), x, a ∈ H, −1/2 tA 2 where Ct (a) = exp − 12 |Qt e a| , t > 0. Proof Using the notation in (20.23), we have St f(x) = νt (dz) f(etA x + y + z)N (0, Qt )(dy), t ≥ 0. H
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By the Cameron–Martin formula, one finds dNetA a,Qt St f(x + a) = νt (dz) f(etA x + y + z) (y)N0,Qt (dy) dN0,Qt H H 1
−1/2 tA 2 −1/2 tA −1/2 νt (dz) f(etA x + y + z) exp − |Qt e a| + Qt e a, Qt y N0,Qt (dy). = 2 H H It follows that 1 (St f(x + a) + St f(x − a)) 2 −1/2 tA 2 1 1 −1/2 tA −1/2 νt (dz) f(etA x + y + z) eQt e a,Qt y = e− 2 |Qt e a| 2 H H −1/2 tA −1/2 −Qt e a,Qt y N0,Qt (dy) +e
1 −1/2 tA 2 ≥ exp − |Qt e a| νt (dz) f(etA x + y + z)N0,Qt (dy) 2 H H = Ct (a) St f(x). Proof of Theorem 20.3. By the previous lemma, we have 1 1 (g(x + a) + g(x − a)) = (St g(x + a) + St g(x − a)) 2 2
1 1 −1/2 tA 2 −1/2 tA 2 ≥ exp − |Qt e a| St g(x) = exp − |Qt e a| g(x). 2 2 Passing to the limit as t → ∞, we infer, see (20.25), 1 (g(x + a) + g(x − a)) ≥ g(x), x, a ∈ H. 2
By a classical result due to Sierpinski, see [30], this condition together with the measurability of g implies the convexity of g. Corollary 20.1 Under the assumptions of Theorem 20.3, any bounded harmonic function g for St is constant on H. Proof We may assume that that 1 − g is a nonnegative BHF (otherwise replace g by Using 1 − g instead of g in (20.34), we obtain
g g0 ).
1 1 (1 − g(x + a) + 1 − g(x − a)) = 1 − (g(x + a) + g(x − a)) ≥ 1 − g(x). 2 2 It follows that g(x + a) + g(x − a) ≤ 2g(x) and so, by (20.34), g(x + a) + g(x − a) = 2g(x), x ∈ H.
Note that, by Lemma 20.1, g is continuous on H. Since any continuous function which satisfies identity (20.35) is affine, we have g(x) = g(0) + h, x for some h ∈ H. It follows that g is constant.
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Open questions
Problem 20.1 It is not known, even in finite dimension and for strong Feller Gaussian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck semigroups Pt , whether the hypothesis sup{Re(λ) : λ ∈ σ(A)} ≤ 0 implies that all PHFs for Pt are constant (compare with Theorems 20.2 and 20.3). A partial positive answer can be given in R2 , see [8], and more generally in Rn , assuming in addition that the dimension of the Jordan part of A corresponding to eigenvalues in the imaginary axis is at most two. This condition is equivalent to the recurrence of a strong Feller Gaussian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process Xt in Rn , see [13], [16], and [33]. Remark that for recurrent processes with strong Feller transition semigroups all positive harmonic functions, or even more generally all excessive functions, are constant, see [4]. We also mention the following related result, which has been recently proved in [18]. Let L be the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck operator on Rn Lu(x) =
1 Tr (QD2 u(x)) + Ax, Du(x), x ∈ Rn , 2
where Q and A are real n × n matrices and Q is symmetric and nonnegative definite. Assume that L is hypoelliptic (or equivalently that the corresponding Ornstein–Uhlenbeck semigroup Pt is strong Feller, see, for instance, [20]). In [18] it is shown that if 0 is the only eigenvalue of A and if in addition the matrix Q is degenerate, then any nonnegative classical solution to Lu(x) = 0, x ∈ Rn , is constant on Rn . Problem 20.2 Given a generalized Mehler semigroup St , acting on Bb (H), it is an open problem to find conditions on the drift operator A and on the exponent ψ in order to construct a c` adl` ag Markov process Yt with values in H, having St as the associated Markov semigroup. In [17] such a process is constructed only on an enlarged Hilbert space E, containing H.
Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the Banach Centre of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw) and Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Italy), where parts of the chapter were written, for hospitality and nice working conditions.
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21 The Dynamics of the Three-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Equations Marco Romito, Universit`a di Firenze
The analysis of the asymptotic behavior of linear and nonlinear stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) is well developed and fruitful. There is one important case, the Navier– Stokes equations in three dimensions, that remains essentially open. The stochastic approach is not the real source of difficulties in the study of such equations. Well-posedness of the deterministic equations is a major open problem (see, for example, Fefferman [13], where the problem is introduced in relation to the Millennium prizes announced by the Clay Institute). In this review we will focus mainly on the ergodicity of the stochastic equations (Section 21.2) and on the existence of the global attractor (Sections 21.3 and 21.4). In both cases, the analysis faces a main open problem, since the very beginning. No natural way is known in order to define the principal objects, such as dynamical systems, flows, invariant measures, and attractors, that are the subject of the study. We shall see how the selected authors have dealt with these difficulties. Every section has its own short introduction to the problem, and we refer to those for the understanding of each single subject. The review given here is by no means complete. There are several other possible ideas that can be applied to the problem, such as the statistical approach in Vishik and Fursikov [32], the abstract limit approach of Foia¸s, the set-valued trajectories in Babin and Vishik [3], or the nonstandard analysis approach of Capi´ nski and Cutland [6], and many others.
Here we fix a few standard notations, that will be conveniently used throughout the chapter. Let D ⊂ R3 be a open bounded domain, with smooth boundary. Define the space H = { v ∈ L2 (D, R3 ) | div(v) = 0, v · n = 0 on ∂D } and set V = H01 (D, R3 ) ∩ H. Moreover, let P be the projection of L2 (D, R3 ) onto H. The operator A is defined as A = νP∇,
D(A) = H 2 (D, R3 ) ∩ V ;
notice that V = D((−A) 2 ). Finally, the nonlinear operator B : V × V → V is formally given as B(u, v) = P(u · ∇)v. We denote the norm on H by | · | and the norm on V by · . There is a constant λ1 (depending only on the domain D) such that u ≥ λ1 |u|. 257 i
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Invariant measures
Establishing the ergodicity property for the Navier–Stokes equations is one of the main open problems for the statistical analysis of fluid dynamics. In comparison, the theory in the case of a two-dimensional fluid is far more advanced (for a review on recent results concerning the ergodicity of the Navier–Stokes equations in two dimensions, one can see Mattingly [24]). In the first part of the section, we shall see that a small dimensional noise is sufficient for the ergodicity of the Galerkin approximations to the Navier–Stokes equations. Such a result can have a qualitative interest for the statistical behavior of an incompressible fluid. Indeed, if the Kolmogorov theory of turbulence is taken into account, one can believe that the cascade of energy, responsible of the transport of the energy through the scales, is effective in the inertial range so that at smaller scales only the dissipation ends up to be relevant. Hence the long-time statistical properties of the fluid can be sufficiently depicted by the low modes of the velocity field. In some sense, if the ultraviolet cutoff is sufficiently large, in order to capture all the important modes, the corresponding invariant measure gives the real behavior of the fluid. In the model, the noise injects energy at the level of the large length-scales, the geometric cascade describes what happens in the inertial range, where energy is transmitted from scale to scale, and the dissipation range is neglected via the spectral approximation. In the second part of the section we shall see the only, as far as we know, infinitedimensional result related to the problem under examination.
A geometric cascade for the ergodicity of the finite-dimensional approximation of the 3D Navier–Stokes equations forced by a degenerate noise
In [25] (see also [26]) it is proved the uniqueness of the statistical steady state (i.e., the ergodicity property) for the spectral Galerkin approximation of the 3D Navier–Stokes equations, with periodic boundary condition, driven by a random force du = (ν∆u − (u · ∇)u − ∇p) dt + dBt , with t ≥ 0 and x ∈ [0, 2π]3. First, the equations are projected in the space of divergence-free vector fields, in order to get rid of the pressure. After, the equations are written in the Fourier components. Namely, u(t, x) = uk (t)eik·x . k∈Z3
Here we make, for the sake of simplicity, the following assumption: the trajectories of the noise are divergence-free and the covariance is diagonal in the Fourier basis. So we can write our equations as an infinite system of stochastic differential equations duk = −ν|k|2uk − i (k · uh )Pk (ul ) dt + qk dβtk , h+l=k
with k ∈ Z3 , where Pk is the projection of R3 onto the space orthogonal to the vector k. We use a spectral Galerkin approximation of the system above. From now on, we fix a threshold N and we write the process u as u(t, x) = uk (t)eik·x, |k|∞ ≤N
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so the problem reduces to a system of finite number (but quite large: the number of equations is of the order O(N 3 )) of stochastic differential equations (SDEs): duk = Fk(u) dt + qk · dβtk ,
|k|∞ ≤ N
where Fk is the deterministic dynamics, βtk are three-dimensional Brownian motions and the qks are 3 × 3 matrices. The main assumption we take on the noise is the following: qk ≡ 0 unless |k|2 = 1, that means that the only forced modes are the one corresponding to the Fourier modes (±1, 0, 0), (0, ±1, 0), and (0, 0, ±1). Our main result is the following. Theorem 21.1 The system of SDE (21.1) admits a unique invariant measure. Moreover, the support of such a measure is the whole state space. The convergence to the invariant measure is exponentially fast. The proof of the main theorem uses some classical tools, the main one being the Doob’s theorem. We shall prove the Strong Feller property by verifying that the generator of the diffusion satisfies the H¨ ormander condition. The irreducibility property, by using the support theorems of Stroock, can be checked by solving the associated control problem.
The H¨ ormander condition
We define the vector field F corresponding to the deterministic dynamics and the vector fields Xk giving the directions where the noise is effective as F=
|k|∞ ≤N
∂ , ∂uk
Xk = qkr
∂ . ∂uk
Proving the H¨ ormander condition means proving that the Lie algebra generated by the vector fields F and Xk is full rank when evaluated at each point of the space state. We’ll see in Section that such a condition is true by means of some algebraic considerations.
The controllability argument
The control problem associated to our equations is simply the system (21.1) where the noise is replaced by controls. The heuristic idea behind the controllability is that, if at each point of the state space the system is allowed to follow any direction in any way (only the first assumption is true in the hypoellipticity proof), then the system is controllable. Our proof is based on some ideas from control theory (see [21]). The main point is that one defines, for each point of the state space, the set of reachable points. After, we add new vector fields from the Lie algebra defined in the previous section, to the set of vector fields F and Xk . A vector field can be added only if the addition does not change the reachable set. The largest set of vector fields with this property is called the saturation set. If the saturation set is full rank, when evaluated at each point, then the system is global controllable. The Lie algebra and the saturation set coincide, when we deal with an odd polynomial system, since both those sets turn out to be symmetric. In the case of even polynomials, like the one we are dealing with, the positive terms do not ensure the symmetry, and some direction can be run by the system in one way only. What we prove is that in our spectral approximation the obstructions given by those terms are not effective.
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The geometric cascade
The idea of the geometric cascade is that, in order to prove that the saturation set generated by the vector fields (a similar argument works for the Lie algebra) of the dynamics is full ranked, one has to trace how the energy is transmitted through the Fourier modes. Indeed, once one knows that two modes, say h and l, are indirectly forced by the noise (or, more precisely, they belong to the saturation set), then, by means of the nonlinearity, it is possible to prove that the vector fields corresponding to the mode h +l is forced by the noise. Hence, the system can follow that direction.
A toy model
As an example, we shall examine the following toy model, where we can prove or disprove the claims of the previous sections. Consider the system of stochastic differential equations dxt = −xt + yt2 − xt yt + dBt , dyt = −yt + x2t − xt yt , where Bt is a one-dimensional Brownian motion. We can have a rough idea of the deterministic dynamics from the picture below.
It is easy to see that the system has a global in time solution (just apply Ito formula to x2t + yt2 ). Define the following vector fields: F = (−x + y2 − xy)
∂ ∂ + (−y + x2 − xy) ∂x ∂y
and X =
∂ , ∂x
where F is the vector fields given by the deterministic dynamics (the drift ) and X is the one given by the direction of the noise. Since ∂ [F, X], X = 2 , ∂y it follows that the Lie algebra generated by F and X has full rank, once it is evaluated at each point of the state space R2 . In other words, H¨ ormander’s condition holds. On the other hand, the system is not globally controllable. Indeed, if one considers the solution at the starting point x0 = 0 and y0 = 0, it is easy to solve the equation for yt (it is a linear equation with random coefficients), thus obtaining t t yt = x2s e− s (1+xr ) dr ds, 0
which is almost surely nonnegative. In view of the control theory issues explained in the previous section, one can explain the above phenomenon in the following way: since the direction ∂x is the one forced by
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the noise, both ∂x and −∂x are in the saturation set, and ∂y = [[F, X], X] as well. On the contrary, the vector field −∂y (which is in the Lie algebra, thus ensuring the regularity of the transition probability densities) does not belong to the saturation set. Hence, the system can’t follow that direction.
Ergodicity for the stochastic Navier–Stokes equations
The most striking result, up to now, concerning the problem of ergodicity for the threedimensional Navier–Stokes equations has been proved in a recent paper by Da Prato and Debussche [11]. More precisely, consider the Navier–Stokes equations in an open bounded domain D ⊂ R3 , with Dirichlet boundary conditions, in the abstract form (see Section 21.1.1 for notations): (21.2) { d u = [Au + B(u, u)] dt + QdW, u(0) = u0 , where W is a cylindrical Wiener process on H and Q is a nonnegative symmetric linear operator on H, of trace-class. Moreover, some technical conditions of smoothness and non-degeneracy of the noise are assumed. For example, one can take Q = (−A)β with β ∈ (−3, − 52 ). Following the same approach used for SDEs (see Stroock and Varadhan [29]), the analysis is based on the Kolmogorov equation associated to (21.2), dv 1 2 dt = 2 Tr[QD v] + Ah + B(h, h), Dv, (21.3) v(0) = ϕ, where ϕ is in the space Bb (H, R) of bounded measurable functions on H. The solution to the above equation is provided, formally, by the following Feynman–Kac formula: v(t, h) = E[ϕ(u(t, ·; h))], where u(t, ·; h) is the solution of (21.2) with initial condition h ∈ H. Indeed, all of the estimates of the chapter are evaluated on the Galerkin approximations of the solutions of an equation which is (21.3) modified by a potential d˜ v 1 v − K|Ah|2 v˜. = Tr[QD2 v˜] + Ah + B(h, h), D˜ dt 2 The constant K is large but fixed.
Theorem 21.2 (Da Prato, Debussche [11]) There is a Markov semigroup (Pt )t≥0 on Bb (D(A), R), and for every h ∈ D(A) a martingale solution u(t, ·; h) to the Navier–Stokes equations (21.2) on a suitable probability space, such that Pt ϕ(h) = Eh ϕ(u(t, ·; h),
ϕ ∈ Cb (D((−A)α , R),
for all α < 0. Moreover, (Pt )t≥0 has a unique invariant measure which is ergodic and strongly mixing. The proof of ergodicity follows from Doob’s theorem, namely, the transition semigroup is both strong Feller and irreducible. The irreducibility follows from an argument similar to Flandoli [14], while the strong Feller property is deduced by careful and rather difficult estimates on the Galerkin approximations of (21.4). In view of Section 21.4.3 we wish to emphasize how the transition semigroup (Pt )t≥0 is selected. Consider the Galerkin approximations (um )m∈N for equations (21.2); by the energy inequality one gets t 1 |(−A) 2 um (s, hm )|2 ds ≤ |h|2 + t Tr Q, E|um (t, hm )|2 + E 0
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and it is possible to deduce that the laws (L(um ))m∈N are tight in suitable topologies. Hence there is a subsequence, depending on the initial condition h, such that the laws converge weakly. In order to manage the dependence of the subsequence from h, they consider approximations of the solutions to the Kolmogorov equation (21.3) with nice continuity properties with respect to both the variables (t, h) and the initial condition ϕ. So first they are able to find a subsequence (mk )k∈N such that the laws L(umk (·, hmk )) converge for all h in a dense subset of D(A). After, such a convergence holds for all h ∈ D(A) and regular ϕ, due to the uniqueness of the solutions for the Galerkin approximations to (21.3) and the forementioned continuity properties.
Analysis of the path space
The approach introduced by Sell (see, for example, Sell [28]) bypasses the nonuniqueness problem in the analysis of the existence of global attractors (see also the next section) by changing the underlying state space. A new state space is introduced, where a point is a complete trajectory which is, a solution to the Navier–Stokes equations. The dynamics on the new state space is given by the shift, forward in time, of solutions; that is, for each function f τt (f)(s) = f(t + s). Roughly speaking, by pushing each trajectory more and more forward in time, the shift dynamics approaches the asymptotic behavior of solutions. The path space approach has been applied to global attractors for the deterministic equations (Section, for the stochastic equations (Section and for the analysis of invariant probabilities (Section 21.3.2).
Global attractors for the topological flow
In the first part, we aim to present some results of Sell [28] on the existence of the global attractor for the Navier–Stokes equations. In the second part, we report the existence of the random attractor given by Flandoli and Schmalfuss [18] (see also Flandoli and Schmalfuss [19] for the stochastic Navier–Stokes equations with multiplicative noise).
The deterministic theory
Let D ⊂ R3 be a bounded open set with smooth boundary, let f ∈ L2 (D, R3 ), and consider the Navier–Stokes equations { ∂ t u + (u · ∇)u + ∇p = ν∆u + f, div(u) = 0. A global attractor for the shift semiflow (τt )t≥0 is a subset A of the state space such that 1. A = ∅ is compact. 2. τt A = A, for all t ≥ 0. 3. There is a bounded neighborhood U of A such that for each neighborhood V of A, there is a time T such that τ (t)U ⊂ V . 4. A attracts all points of the state space. We wish to study the shift dynamics on the state space given by the trajectories of the solutions. The first step is to define a suitable state space made of solutions to the Navier–Stokes equations.
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Definition 21.1 Let f ∈ L2 (D, R3 ). A vector field u ∈ L2loc ([0, +∞); H) is a weak solution if 1. u ∈ L∞ (0, +∞; H) ∩ L2loc ([0, +∞); V ). 4
3 2. ∂t u ∈ Lloc ([0, +∞); V ).
3. For almost all t and t0 , with t ≥ t0 ≥ 0, the following inequalities hold: |u(t)|2 ≤ e−νλ1(t−t0) |u(t0 )|2 + C |f|2∞ , t t |u(t)|2 + 2ν t0 u(s)2 ds ≤ |u(t0 )|2 + 2 t0 f, uH ds.
(21.5) (21.6)
4. For all t ≥ t0 ≥ 0, the following equality hold for all φ ∈ V : t t t
u(t) − u(t0 ), φ + ν
u(s), φV ds + B(u(s), u(s)), φ) ds =
f, φ ds. (21.7) t0
Denote by WWS (f) the set of all weak solutions corresponding to f. It is possible to see that WWS (f) is not empty (see Temam [30]). Notice also that, by properties (1) and (4), it follows that every weak solution u ∈ C([0, +∞); Hweak). Moreover, from this fact and the lower semicontinuity of the norm, property (3) holds for all t and t0 . The main problem is that the set WWS (f) of weak solutions happens to be not closed in L2loc ([0, +∞); H), hence the flow is not compact and it is not possible to apply the theory of attractors. So, Sell introduces the notion of generalized weak solution, where the requirements for the solutions about t = 0 are relaxed. Definition 21.2 Let f ∈ L2 (D, R3 ). A vector field u ∈ L2loc ([0, +∞); H) is a generalized weak solution if 1. u ∈ L∞ (0, 2; H) ∩ L∞ ([1, +∞); H) ∩ L2loc (0, +∞; V ). 4
3 2. ∂t u ∈ Lloc (0, +∞; V ).
3. For almost all t and t0 , with t ≥ t0 > 0, inequalities (21.5) hold. 4. For all t ≥ t0 > 0, equation (21.7) holds. Denote by WGWS (f) the set of all generalized weak solutions corresponding to f. Such a set ends up to be closed. Moreover, the shift dynamics (τt )t≥0 on this space is compact and point dissipative.∗ By the classical theory for attractors, it follows that the semiflow (τt )t≥0 on WGWS (f) has a global attractor. Moreover, it is possible to show that the elements of the attractor are indeed weak solution, as given in Definition 21.1. Theorem 21.3 (Sell [28]) Let f ∈ L2 (D, R3 ). Then there exists a global attractor A for the shift dynamics on WGWS(f). Moreover, A attracts all bounded sets of WGWS(f) and A ⊂ WWS (f). ∗ A semiflow S(t) is compact if S(t)B is relatively compact for all t > 0 and all bounded sets B. It is point dissipative if there is a bounded set U such that for all points x there is a time T = T (x) after which S(t)x ∈ U .
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The stochastic theory
For the theory of random dynamical systems, one can refer to Arnold [1] (see also Arnold and Crauel [2]). One can see, for example, Crauel and Flandoli [10] for an introduction to random attractors. Flandoli and Schmallfuss [18] follow the approach of Sell we have discussed in the previous section, to show that the stochastic Navier–Stokes equations with additive noise du + (Au + B(u, u)) dt = f dt + dWt
have a unique global attractor. Here, W is a two-sided Wiener process on a probability space, with covariance of trace class in V . We assume that W is the canonical process on the space C0 (R, V ) of functions taking value 0 at t = 0, so that W (t, ω) = ω(t). A fundamental tool for the analysis of the Navier–Stokes equations is the energy inequality (see below). In order to manage the inequality with the nondifferentiable term ∂t ω, it is proper to introduce the auxiliary linear problem dzα + (A + α)zα dt = dWt , and consider its stationary solution t zα (t, ω) = e−(t−s)(A+α)dWs = Wt − −∞
(A + α)e−(t−s)(A+α)Ws ds
(the second version being more suitable for the pathwise approach), with initial condition 3 in D(A 8 ). Notice that the dumping term −αzα has been introduced for the study of the long time behavior. The approach is pathwise, that is, a weak solution solves ∂t u + Au + B(u, u) = f + ∂t ω
and the process solution to the SDE (21.8) has trajectories that are almost surely (a.s.) such weak solutions. The natural counterpart to Definition 21.2 in this framework is given as follows: Definition 21.3 Given f ∈ L2loc (D), for each ω ∈ C0 ([0, +∞); V ), a vector field u ∈ L2loc ([0, +∞); H) is a weak solution of (21.9) corresponding to ω if 2 1. u ∈ L∞ loc (0, +∞; H) ∩ Lloc (0, +∞; V ). 4
3 2. ∂t (u − g) ∈ Lloc (0, +∞; V ).
3. For all ω in a suitable set of full measure, all α ≥ 0 and for almost every t, t0 , with t ≥ t0 ≥ 0 V1 (u, ω)(t) ≤ V1 (u, ω)(t0 )
V2 (u, ω)(t) ≤ V2 (u, ω)(t0 ).
4. For almost every t, t0 , with t ≥ t0 > 0, and for all ϕ ∈ D(A),
u(t) − u(t0 ), φ +
t0 t
= t0
1 2
1 2
A u(s), A φ ds +
B(u(s), u(s)), φ) ds
f, u(s) ds + ω(t) − ω(t0 ), φ.
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In the above definition, the terms V1 and V2 substantiate the energy inequality (for the precise definition, we refer to Flandoli and Schmalfuss [18]). Consider the set WGWS (ω) ⊂ L2loc ([0, +∞); H) of weak solutions corresponding to ω, and define on WGWS (ω) the map φ(t, ω)u = u(· + t). This mapping has nice dynamics properties, namely
φ(t, ω)WGWS (ω) ⊂ WGWS (θt ω),
φ(t + s, ω) = φ(s, θt ω) ◦ φ(t, ω) and φ(0, ω) = I,
u −→ φ(t, ω)u is continuous,
where θt is the shift of increments on C0 (R, V ). In comparison with the theory of the following section, we see that the space of forcing terms lacks of compactness properties. Moreover, such forcings are quite irregular. So, the forward procedure used by Sell can’t be used and Flandoli and Schmalfuss use a pullback procedure, where the system comes from −∞ and it is observed at a finite time. In this way, the flow is compact and dissipative. Theorem 21.4 (Flandoli and Schmalfuss [18]) For each ω, there is a set A(ω) contained in WGWS (ω) such that 1. A(ω) in nonempty and compact. 2. It is invariant: φ(t, ω)A(ω) = A(θt ω) for all t ≥ 0. 3. The map ω −→ A(ω) is a measurable multifunction. 4. It attracts all bounded sets, in the sense that for each functions M with subexponential growth at −∞ d(φ(t, θ−t ω)B(M (θ−t ω), θ−t ω), A(ω)) −→ 0. 5. It is the only attractor among all measurable multifunctions that are contained in balls B(M (ω), ω). 6. For any such multifunction D P[d(φ(t, ω)D(ω), A(θt (ω)) > ε] −→ 0
as t → +∞.
In the above theorem, for any constant M0 B(M0 , ω) = { u ∈ WGWS (ω) |
1 0
|u(s)|2 ds ≤ M0 }.
In a few words, the properties of attraction of A(·) given in the theorem above say that all trajectories which started in the remote past from a point not too far, in a suitable sense, from the origin, end up to be more and more close to a set, namely, A(·), of trajectories.
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Stationary solutions
Here we see how the path space approach explained in this section can be used in the analysis of invariant measure. Indeed, the main feature of the method presented by Sell is to avoid any problem concerning the nonuniquess of the equations. Hence, a natural question to be asked is whether there are invariant measures for the time shift, and moreover which kind of objects they are, which properties they have, etc. In order to define such objects, it is easier to look at the processes, rather than the laws; hence consider a martingale weak solution u of { d u + (Au + B(u, u)) dt = dBt , div u = 0. The process u is stationary if the joint law of (u(t1 + s), . . . , u(tn + s)) is independent of s ≥ 0, for all n and 0 ≤ t1 ≤ · · · ≤ tn . The stationary solution u has finite dissipation rate
E 0
|∇u|2 dx dt < ∞,
for all T > 0,
and moreover satisfies a local version of the energy inequality (see Flandoli and Romito [16]) we have seen in the previous sections. The local energy inequality allows to consider the balance of energy in small space–time neighborhoods and it is aimed at the analysis of the blowup of solutions to the Navier–Stokes equations (see Caffarelli, Kohn, and Nirenberg [5]). A space–time point (t, x) is a blowup point, or a singular point, for a solution u if there is no neighborhood of (t, x) where u is bounded. Theorem 21.5 If u is a stationary solution with finite dissipation rate, then for all t > 0 the set of singular points at time t is empty for P-almost every trajectory of u. For a given stationary solution u, let µ0 be the probability measure on H which is the law of u at a fixed time t. Notice that µ0 is independent of t and, if the Navier–Stokes gave a proper dynamical system, µ0 would be an invariant measure. The law of u disintegrates with respect to µ0 and so for µ0 -a.e. (almost everywhere) initial condition u0 , it is possible to consider the martingale solution u(·; u0 ) to the Navier–Stokes equations starting in u0 at time t = 0 as a process whose law is the law of the stationary solution conditioned to the event u(0) = u0 . As a consequence of the previous theorem, one gets the following result. Theorem 21.6 For µ0 -a.e. u0 ∈ H, there is a martingale solution to the Navier–Stokes equations starting in u0 at time t = 0, having no singular points at all times. Such results are true both in the deterministic case (Flandoli and Romito [15]) and with a white-noise forcing (Flandoli and Romito [16]). In the former case, the above theorem is potentially trivial, in case the stationary solution is a delta measure concentrated on a time-independent solution to the equation (it is a well-known fact that such solutions are regular). If, on the other hand, we consider the stochastic equations forced by the derivative of a Brownian motion whose covariance is injective† (in the language of Section 21.2.1, the noise forces all Fourier modes), then the mixing effects of the noise avoid concentrations. Theorem 21.7 Assume, as above, that the Brownian motion has injective covariance. Then the measure µ0 is fully supported in H. † By comparison with the results of Section 21.2.1, it is a reasonable hope that the assumption of injectivity on the covariance can be weakened.
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Generalized flows
The method of Sell we have reviewed in the previous section has a drawback: in some sense the analysis loses the connection with the true evolution of the system. Indeed, the real dynamics is recovered only by means of the state space on which the topological dynamics is defined. The way to define a dynamical system from the Navier–Stokes equations seems to be still an open problem, at least if one wishes to have interesting properties (on the other hand, one can see the result of Da Prato and Debussche [11] given in Section 21.2.2). Foia¸s and Temam [20] (see also Temam [31]) do prove that there exists a global attractor, but under the (rather strong) assumption that globally defined strong solutions exist. In this section we will assume that weak solutions are continuous from (0, +∞) to H, with the strong topology‡. It is an assumption much weaker than the one of Foia¸s and Temam. Anyway, it allows Ball [4] to prove the existence of the global attractor for the generalized semiflow associated with the Navier–Stokes equations. Similarly, Marin-Rubio and Robinson [23] have extended the result to random attractors for the stochastic equations.
Attractor for the generalized semiflow
Ball [4] develops an abstract theory of generalized semiflows, as a way to solve different problems, such as equations having a genuine nonuniqueness; or equations, like Navier– Stokes, where we don’t know yet whether uniqueness holds; or problems with controls or parameters, where the main interest is in a global behavior, which unifies the role of the different parameters. Given two functions ϕ, ψ : [0, +∞) → X, and a time t ∈ [0, ∞) such that ϕ(t) = ψ(0), define the new function ϕ ⊕t ψ, obtained by concatenation of ϕ and ψ, as ϕ ⊕t ψ(s) =
ϕ(s), ψ(s − t),
0 ≤ s < t, s ≥ t.
Definition 21.4 (Generalized semiflow) A generalized semiflow G on a Polish space X is a family of maps ϕ : [0, +∞) → X such that (S1 ) For all x ∈ X, there is a ϕ ∈ G such that ϕ(0) = x. (S2 ) If ϕ ∈ G and t ≥ 0, then τt ϕ ∈ G. (S3 ) If ϕ and ψ ∈ G and ψ(0) = ϕ(t), then ϕ ⊕t ψ ∈ G. (S4 ) If (ϕj )j∈N and ϕj (0) → x, then there is a subsequence (ϕjn )n∈N such that ϕjn (t) → ϕ(t) for all t ≥ 0, with ϕ ∈ G and ϕ(0) = x. The generalized semiflow GNS for the Navier–Stokes equations { ∂ t u + (u · ∇)u + ∇p = ν∆u + f, div u = 0, with Dirichlet boundary conditions is defined in terms of weak solutions. By usual methods, like the Galerkin approximation, etc., it is possible to show existence for the following kind of solutions. Definition 21.5 A function u : [0, +∞) → H is a weak solution to the Navier–Stokes equations if 1. u ∈ C([0, T ); Hweak) ∩ L2 (0, T ; V ) and u ∈ L1 (0, T ; V ) for all T > 0. ‡ Indeed,
it is well known that weak solutions are continuous with respect to the weak topology of H.
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268 2. For all φ ∈ V , for a.e. t > 0,
u , φ + ν ∇u, ∇φ + B(u, φ), u = u, f. 3. For a.a. (almost all) s > 0 and s = 0, and all t ≥ s, V (u)(t) ≤ V (u)(s). In the above definition, the term V gives the energy inequality, namely t t 1 V (u)(t) = |u(t)|2 + ν u(s)2 ds −
f, u ds. 2 0 0
As such, the set GNS defined above is not a generalized semiflow. The two properties (S2 ) and (S4 ) are not true. Here the additional (unproved) assumption of strong continuity of solution is necessary and sufficient to assure that GNS is a generalized semiflow. Once this is settled, the energy inequality shows that the semi-flow is point-dissipative § and asymptotically compact. Using these claims, it is possible to conclude that the attractor is unique and is the maximal compact invariant set of H. Theorem 21.8 (Ball [4]) There is a global attractor A for the generalized semiflow GNS , that is a compact subset of H such that 1. A is invariant: A = { ϕ(t) | ϕ ∈ G, ϕ(0) ∈ A }. 2. A attracts all bounded sets: for each bounded B ⊂ H, d({ ϕ(t) | ϕ ∈ G, ϕ(0) ∈ B }, A) → 0.
Random attractor for the generalized semiflow
The approach of Ball explained in the previous section has been adapted to the stochastic setting in Marin-Rubio and Robinson [23]. On one hand, following Ball, they need to assume that weak solutions (that are understood in the sense of Flandoli and Schmallfuss, see Definition 21.3) are continuous from (0, +∞) with values in H with the strong topology. On the other hand, the global attractor attracts bounded sets in the pullback sense (see also Section, due to the forementioned lack of compactness of the random forcing. Let Ω = C0 (R, V ) be the two-sided Wiener space. We assume, as before, that the stochastic Navier–Stokes equation are forced by a noise which is the derivative of the canonical Wiener process on the Wiener space Ω. Definition 21.6 (stochastic generalized semiflow) A family of pairs G = { (u, ω) | ω ∈ Ω, u : [0, +∞) → X } is a stochastic generalized semiflow if (S1 ) For each x ∈ X, there is at least one (u, ω) ∈ G such that u(0) = x, P-a.s. (S2 ) If t ≥ 0 and (u, ω) ∈ G, then (τt u, θt ω) ∈ G. (S3 ) If (u, ω) ∈ G and (v, θt ω) ∈ G, then (u ⊕t v, ω) ∈ G. (S4 ) If (un , ωn ) ∈ G and un (0) → x, ωn → ω, then there are (u, ω) ∈ G and a subsequence such that unk (t) → u(t) for all t ≥ 0. § In this context, the property means that there is a bounded set B such that ϕ(t) ∈ B for all φ and 0 0 t large enough. Moreover, the flow is asymptotically compact if any sequence (ϕj )j∈N with bounded values at t = 0 has limit points for t → +∞.
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The shift θt for the noise is the shift of increments θt (ω)(s) = ω(t + s) − ω(t), in such a way that the Wiener measure is invariant for θ. Let GSNS be the set of all pairs (u, ω) such that u is a weak solution to the Navier–Stokes equations corresponding to ω. Again, GSNS is a stochastic generalized semiflow if and only if every weak solution is continuous in time with respect to the weak topology of H. Under this assumption, Marin-Rubio and Robinson [23] show the existence of a random global attractor.
A selection principle
As we have already said, the path space approach explained, in all its flavors, in Section 21.3, in some sense hides the true dynamics of the equations, by introducing a topological dynamics, the time shift. On the other hand, the multivalued approach of the generalized semiflows probably gives an attractor which is too large, since, by definition, it attracts all possible solutions that, in the hypothesis of nonuniqueness, is quite large and includes nonphysical solutions as well. In Romito [27] an attempt is made to find, by an abstract selection principle, singlevalued selections of a generalized semiflow, that are themselves dynamical flows. This is, in the philosophy but not in the methods, more in the spirit of the work of Da Prato and Debussche [11] we have seen in Section 21.2.2. We also assume that weak solutions are continuous.¶ We need to give a slightly different definition of generalized semiflow, which we call multivalued random dynamical map (MRDM), in order to take more precisely into account the different initial conditions. Definition 21.7 (Multivalued random dynamical map) The map Φ defined on X × Ω with values in the set Comp(X) of all compact subsets of X is a multivalued random dynamical map if the following properties hold: (M1 ) Φ is measurable with values in Comp(X). (M2 ) If x ∈ Φ(x0 , ω), then τt x ∈ Φ(xt , ϑt ω). (M3 ) If x ∈ Φ(x0 , ω) and y ∈ Φ(xt , ϑt ω). then πt x ⊕t y ∈ Φ(x0 , ω). The weak solutions examined in this setting are those given in Definition 21.3. Under these assumptions, we define the MRDM ΦSNS of solutions to the stochastic Navier–Stokes equations. The main theorem follows. Theorem 21.9 There exists a random dynamical system ϕ : H × Ω → H such that ϕ(x, ω) ∈ ΦSNS (x, ω),
for all x ∈ X, ω ∈ Ω.
Moreover, the RDS ϕ has a global attractor. The drawback of the selection method is that it provides a random dynamical system (RDS) which is not continuous. In particular, this means that the attractor is not invariant. The problem seems to be quite general, as we shall see in the following example. A possibility, really a hope at this stage, is that the presence of the noise can help in solving this problem, as in the case of finite-dimensional SDEs. ¶ As
far as we know, such an assumption seems to be necessary for the definition of semiflows. in some sense, it is not a proper attractor.
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Example 21.1 We give a very simple example of MRDM. Let Ω = R, choose an arbitrary probability measure P on R and a Bernoulli random variable BΨ on Ω and set ϑt to be the identity on R. Set X = R and consider the following ordinary differential equation: x arctan |x|; x˙ = |x| x(0) ∈ R, the solution is obviously global and unique if x(0) = 0. If x(0) = 0, we have the two maximal solutions, say x and x, and every other solution starting at zero is null for an interval and then continues as x or x. Define Ψ(x0 , ω) to be the set whose only element is the unique solution of the above equation, if x0 = 0, and Ψ(0, ω) as the set of all functions x which are 0 in a finite interval [0, t0] (where t0 depends on x) and then continue as x if BΨ (ω) = 1, and as x if BΨ (ω) = 0. It is easy to see, even without the above theorem, that there exist infinitely many RDS that can be selected from Ψ. Indeed, let Tλ be an exponential random variable of parameter λ and set ψ(0, ω) to be the solution which is identically 0 in the interval [0, Tλ(ω)] and then x or x, depending on the value of BΨ . Notice that none of these selections is a continuous RDS. Indeed, no selection of Ψ can be a continuous RDS.
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i The Dynamics of the 3D Navier–Stokes Equations
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[29] D.W. Stroock, S.R.S. Varadhan, Multidimensional Diffusion Processes, Springer, Berlin, 1979. [30] R. Temam, Navier-Stokes equations. Theory and numerical analysis, Studies in Mathematics and Its Applications, 2, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1984. [31] R. Temam, Infinite dimensional dynamical systems in mechanics and physics, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 68, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1997. [32] M.I. Vishik, A.V. Fursikov, Mathematical Problems of Statistical Hydromechanics, Kluwer, Dodrecht, 1988.
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22 Stochastic Navier–Stokes Equations: Solvability, Control, and Filtering Sivaguru S. Sritharan, University of Wyoming
Stochastic Navier–Stokes equation: solvability
Let us begin with the abstract evolution form of the controlled stochastic Navier–Stokes equation [9] in the divergence free subspace H of square integrable vector fields which are parallel to the boundary du(t) + (νAu(t) + B(u(t)))dt = U (t)dt + dW (t).
Here ν is the coefficient of kinematic viscosity, A is the Stokes operator and B(·) is the nonlinear inertia term with well-known properties. U (t) is a distributed control with possible local support and W (t) is an H-valued Wiener process with covariance operator Q. Here both the cases of degenerate noise (where Q is of trace class) and nondegenerate noise (where, for example, Q = I) are of importance. Moreover, flow problems in two and threedimensional bounded, periodic as well as unbounded physical regions are of interest. In this chapter we will denote · for H-norm, · 1 for the norm of the space V = D(A1/2 ) and · −1 for the norm of the dual space V = D(A−1/2 ). Let us first consider the solvability of the stochastic Navier–Stokes equations with degenerate noise. Theorem 22.1 (Strong Solutions [5])Let (Ω, Σ, Σt, m) be a complete filtered probability space and W (t) be an H-valued Wiener process with trace-class covariance. Let the control function U (·) ∈ L2 (Ω; L2 (0; T ; V )) be adapted to Σt and the initial data be u0 ∈ L2 (Ω; H) and measurable with respect to Σ0 . Then there exists a unique strong solution u(·) ∈ C([0, T ]; H) ∩ L2 (0, T ; V ), a.s. (almost surely) and adapted to Σt such that T T 2 1/2 2 2 2 E sup u(t) + ν A u(t) dt ≤ E u0 + U (t)−1 dt + TrQ.T. t∈(0,T )
This solution satisfies the equation (22.1) in the generalized sense and also can be conveniently described as u(·) ∈ L2 (Ω; C([0, T ]; H)) ∩ L2 (Ω; L2 (0, T ; V )). The proof given in [5] relies on a local monotonicity property associated with the inertia term and Minty– Browder type technique and does not utilize the usual compactness arguments used in classical Navier–Stokes theory. Because of this reason this theorem holds in two-dimensional (2D) bounded as well as unbounded regions including exterior domains and R2 . We will now turn to the concept of weak solutions. In this case we will also consider the multiplicative noise du(t) + (νAu(t) + B(u(t)))dt = U (t)dt + g(u)dW (t),
where the map u → g(u) from H → L(H; H) satisfies (i) g(u) ≤ C1 u + C2 , ∀u ∈ H, 273 i
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274 (ii) g(u1 ) − g(u2 ) ≤ C3 u1 − u2 , ∀u1 , u2 ∈ H. For the path space we will take the Lusin space Ω := L2 (0, T ; H) ∩ D([0, T ]; V ) ∩ L2 (0, T ; V )σ ∩ L∞ (0, T ; H)w∗ .
adl` ag (right continuous, left limit) Here D([0, T ]; V ) is the V -valued Skorohod space of c` functions endowed with J-topology [7], and σ and w ∗ denote weak and weak-star topologies, respectively. We will take the cannonical filtration Σt = σ{u(s), s ≤ t}. The martingale problem is to find a Radon measure P on the Borel algebra B(Ω) such that Mt := u(t) +
(νAu(s) + B(u(s)) − U (s)) dt
is an H-valued, (Ω, B(Ω), Σt , P )-martingale (i.e., a Σt -adapted process such that E[Mt |Σs ] = Ms ) with quadratic variation process >t :=
g(u(s))Qg∗ (u(s))ds.
The following theorem is a simplified version of what is proved in the paper [10] which includes measure-valued relaxed controls. Theorem 22.2 (Martingale solutions)For 2D and 3D Navier–Stokes equation in bounded domains, there exists a martingale solution P which is carried by the subset of paths satisfying the following bounds: EP
sup u(t)2 + ν
t∈(0,T )
A1/2 u(t)2 dt ≤ C
E u0 2 +
U (t)2−1 dt + TrQ.T
Moreover, the martingale solution is unique for the 2D case. We note finally that for the above strong and weak solutions it is possible to get the following apriori estimate for the higher order moments: EP
sup u(t)2l + ν
t∈(0,T )
≤ C1 E u0 +
u(s)2l−2 A1/2 u(t)2 dt
U (t)2l −1 dt
+ C2 (TrQ.T ) .
Other apriori estimates and continuous dependence theorems as well as discussions on earlier literature can be found in [5], [10]. Open Problems 22.1 The solvability of strong as well as martingale solutions are open for the nondegenerate case of Q = I.
Feedback control and infinite-dimensional Hamilton– Jacobi equations
Let us consider the control problem J(t, u; U ) := E
1 2 2 u(r) + U (r) dr + u(T ) → inf . 2 2
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We get insight into the nature of cost functional by noting the well-known equivalence of the integrand A1/2 u2 and the enstrophy or the total vorticity Curlu2 . We will take the state equation as du(t) + (νAu(t) + B(u(t)))dt = KU (t)dt + dW (t),
where K ∈ L(H; V ) and the control U (·) : [0, T ]×Ω → U will be taken from the set of control strategies Ut (for example, Ut = L2 ([0, T ] × Ω; U)). The control set U = BH (0, R) ⊂ H is the ball of radius R in H. Let us define the value function as V(t, v) :=
U (·)∈Ut
J(t, u; U (·)),
for the initial data u(t) = v. Formally the value function satisfies the infinite-dimensional second-order Hamilton–Jacobi (–Bellman) equation 1 Vt + Tr QD2 V −(νAv+B(v), DV)+A1/2 v2 +H(K ∗ DV) = 0, for (t, v) ∈ (0, T )×D(A), 2 V(T, v) = v2 , for v ∈ H. Here H(·) : H → R is given by
1 2 H(Z) := inf (U, Z) + U . U ∈U 2 More explicitly we can write H(Z) =
⎧ 1 ⎨ − 2 Z2 ⎩
−RZ + 12 R2
for Z ≤ R for Z > R.
Moreover, the optimal feedback control is given formally by ˜ (t) = Υ (K ∗ Dv V(t, u(t))) U where Υ(Z) := DZ H(Z) =
⎧ ⎨ −Z
for Z ≤ R
⎩ −Z R Z
for Z > R.
Let us now state a rigorous result on viscosity solutions to the above Hamilton–Jacobi equation from the paper [4] where more general cost functionals involving polynomial growth in the V -norm also treated. In [3] a semigroup treatment of this problem with nondegenerate noise is given. Definition 22.1 (Test Functions) A function ψ is a test function of the above Hamilton– Jacobi equation if ψ = φ + δ(t)(1 + v21 )m , where (i) φ ∈ C 1,2((0, T ) × H), and φ, φt , Dφ, D2 φ are uniformly continuous on [, T − ] × H for every > 0. (ii) δ ∈ C 1 ((0, T )) is such that δ > 0 on (0, T ) and m ≥ 1. Definition 22.2 (Viscosity Solution) A function V : (0, T ) × V → R that is weakly sequentially upper-semicontinuous (respectively, lower-semicontinuous) on (0, T ) × V is called a viscosity subsolution (respectively, supersolution) of the above Hamilton–Jacobi equation.
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If for every test function ψ, whenever V − ψ has a global maximum (respectively, V + ψ has a global minimum) over (0, T ) × V at (t, v), then we have v ∈ D(A) and 1 ψt + Tr QD2 ψ − (νAv + B(v), Dψ) + A1/2 v2 + H(K ∗ Dψ) ≥ 0, 2 (respectively 1 −ψt − Tr QD2 ψ + (νAv + B(v), Dψ) + A1/2 v2 + H(K ∗ (−Dψ)) ≤ 0.) 2 A function is a viscosity solution if it is both a viscosity subsolution and a supersolution. For the 2D stochastic Navier–Stokes equation on a periodic domain (or compact manifold) with H and V degeneracies on the noise (i.e., TrQ < ∞ and Tr(A1/2 QA1/2 ) < ∞) we can establish the following two theorems. Theorem 22.3 (Continuity of the Value Function) For each r > 0, there exists a modulus of continuity ωr such that |V(t1 , v) − V(t2 , z)| ≤ ωr (|t1 − t2 | + v − z), for t1 , t2 ∈ [0, T ] and v1 , z1 ≤ r, and
|V(t, v)| ≤ C(1 + v21 ).
Theorem 22.4 (Existence and Uniqueness) The value function V is the unique viscosity solution for the Hamilton–Jacobi equations. Open Problems 22.2 Existence and uniqueness of viscosity solutions for the cases of arbitrary 2D domains (bounded and unbounded) as well as the nondegenerate noise cases (e.g., Q = I) are open.
Optimal stopping and infinite-dimensional variational inequality
The optimal stopping problem for the stochastic Navier–Stokes equations in 2D bounded domains has been studied in [6] and in [2] by different methods. In this section we present a slightly simplified version of the results in [2]. Consider the optimal stopping problem of characterizing the value function
τ A1/2 u(s)2 ds + k(u(τ ))u(τ )2 , V(t, v) := inf E τ
with state equation du(t) + (νAu(t) + B(u(t)))dt = dW (t).
Formally, the value function solves the following variational inequality: 1 Vt − Tr QD2 V + (νAv + B(v), DV) ≤ A1/2 v2 , for t > 0, v ∈ D(A), 2 V(t, v) ≤ k(v)v2 , for t ≥ 0, v ∈ H, V(0, v) = φ0 (v), for v ∈ H,
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and in the (continuation) set (t, v) ∈ R+ × H; V(t, v) < k(v)v2 , we have equality 1 Vt − Tr QD2 V + (νAv + B(v), DV) = A1/2 v2 , for t > 0, v ∈ D(A). 2 This problem can be viewed as a nonlinear evolution problem with multivalued nonlinearity Wt − N W + NK (W) A1/2 · 2 , t ∈ [0, T ], W(0) = φ0 . Here N is the generator of the stochastic Navier–Stokes process (infinitesimal generator of the transition semigroup P (t)) and NK is the normal cone to the closed convex subset K ⊂ L2 (H, µ) K = φ ∈ L2 (H; µ); φ ≤ k(·) · 2 on H , where µ is an invariant measure for P (t). In fact NK is defined as
2 η(v)(ψ(v) − φ(v))µ(dv) ≤ 0, ∀ψ ∈ K , φ ∈ K. NK (φ) = η ∈ L (H; µ); H
Let us use the solvability theorem (Theorem 22.1) for strong solutions to define the transition semigroup P (t) : Cb (H) → Cb (H) by (P (t)ψ)(v) = Eψ(u(t, v)), v ∈ H, ∀t ≥ 0, ψ ∈ Cb (H), where u(t, v) is the strong solution with initial data v. Existence of invariant measure µ and its uniqueness for large ν are shown in [1] (P (t)ψ)(v)µ(dv) = ψ(v)µ(dv), ψ ∈ Cb (H). H
Then P (t) has an extension to a C0 -contraction semigroup on L2 (H; µ). We denote by N : D(N ) ⊂ L2 (H, µ) → L2 (H, µ) the infinitesimal generator of P (t) and let N0 ⊂ N be defined by (N0 ψ)(v) =
1 Tr QD2 ψ(v) − (νAv + B(v), Dψ(v)), ∀ψ ∈ εA (H), 2
where εA (H) is the linear span of all functions of the form φ(·) = exp (i(h, ·)), h ∈ D(A). It is shown in [1] that if ν ≥ C(QL(H;H) + TrQ) is sufficiently large and if Tr[Aδ Q] < ∞ for δ > 2/3, then N0 is dissipative in L2 (H, µ) and ¯0 in L2 (H, µ) coincides with N . Moreover, from the definition of the invariant its closure N measure, taking ψ(v) = v2 we have (N ψ)(v)µ(dv) = 0 H
which implies the integrability of enstrophy curlv2 = A2 v2 with respect to the invariant measure µ 2ν H
A1/2 v2 µ(dv) = TrQ < ∞.
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We will now state a slightly simplified version of the solvability theorem from [2] for the variational inequality (or the nonlinear evolution problem formulated above). The proof is based on nonlinear semigroup theory for the m-accretive operator A = −N + NK in L2 (H, µ). Theorem 22.5 Suppose k(v) such that G(v) = k(v)v2 satisfies G ∈ C 2 (H) and (N0 G)(v) ≤ 0, ∀v ∈ D(A). Then, for each φ0 ∈ D(N ) ∩ K there exists a unique function φ ∈ W 1,∞ ([0, T ]; L2(H, µ)) such that N φ ∈ L∞ (0, T ; L2 (H, µ)) and d φ(t) − N φ(t) + η(t) − A1/2 · 2 = 0, a.e. t ∈ (0, T ), dt η(t) ∈ NK (φ(t)), a.e. t ∈ (0, T ), φ(0) = φ0 . 2
Moreover, φ : [0, T ] → L (H, µ) is differentiable from the right and d+ φ(t) − N φ(t) − A1/2 · 2 + PNK (φ(t)) (A1/2 · 2 + N φ(t)) = 0, ∀t ∈ [0, T ), dt where PNK (φ) is the projection on the cone NK (φ). Remarks on Impulse Control In [6] impulse control problem is treated for the 2D stochastic Navier–Stokes equation with degenerate noise in bounded domains. This problem is of the form Ui δ(t − τi )dt + dW (t), (22.5) du(t) + (νAu(t) + B(u(t)))dt = i≥1
where the control strategy Θ consists of the set of random stopping times τi and the control decisions Ui Θ := {(τ1 , U1 ); (τ2 , U2 ); , · · ·} . The goal would be to find an optimal control such that a cost functional of the following form is minimized: ∞ J(v; Θ) := E F (u(t))dt + L(Ui ) . 0
In this case we end up with quasi-variational inequalities of the following form for the value function V: N V ≤ F, V ≤ M (V), and N V = F in the set {V < M (V)} . Here the nonlinear operator M is defined as M (V)(v) = inf {L(U ) + V(v)} . U
In [6] a “hybrid control” generalization of this problem is formulated and solvability is proved by designing a convergent sequence of stopping time problems (and a sequence of variational inequalities) to approximate the quasi-variational inequality. The proof involves a generalization of the generator N using the concept of weak generator and the resolvant operator of the Feller semigroup associated with the stochastic Navier–Stokes process. This is a technical construction so we omit the details and refer the interested readers to this paper.
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Nonlinear filtering of stochastic Navier–Stokes equations
Let us now consider a flow field in which both the viscosity coefficient and noise may be unknown so we propose the situation to be modeled by equation (4). Let us also assume that we have sensors at specific locations measuring the flow characteristics in real time t z(t) = h(u(s))ds + W2 (t). 0
Here W2 is a Wiener process representing uncertainty in measurements and h is called the observation vector. Depending on the type of measurement h could be finite or infinite dimensional. Moreover, the domain of h(·) will be H if we are making velocity measurements and D(A1/2 ) if we measure the vorticity. Let us assume that we have the back measurements {z(s), 0 ≤ s ≤ t} . How does the least square best estimate of a function of the velocity f(u(t)) evolve in time? It is well known that the best estimator is the conditional expectation of f(u(t)) given the back measurements (or the sigma algebra Σzt generated by {z(s), 0 ≤ s ≤ t}). Let us denote µzt [f] := E[f(u(t))|Σzt ]. Let us describe the special case of uncorrelated W and W2 from the more general correlated case developed in [8]. Using martingale methods we derive the equation of evolution for µzt [f] called the Fujisaki–Kallianpur–Kunita equation dµzt [f] = µzt [N0 f]dt + (µzt [hf] − µzt [h]µzt [f]) (dz(t) − µzt [h]dt) , If we set ϑzt [f]
µzt [f]. exp
µzs [h]
1 · dz(s) − 2
for f ∈ εA (H).
|µzs [h]|2ds
We then get (using the Ito formula) a linear equation called the Duncan–Mortensen–Zakai equation dϑzt [f] = ϑzt [N0 f]dt + ϑzt [hf] · dz(t), for f ∈ εA (H). Existence and uniqueness of measure-valued solutions to the above two evolution equations has been proved in [8] for the case of 2D periodic domains with H and V degeneracies on the noise (i.e., TrQ < ∞ and Tr(A1/2 QA1/2 ) < ∞). Theorem 22.6 Let M(H) and P(H), respectively, denote the class of positive Borel measures and Borel probability measures on H. Then there exists a unique P(H)-valued random probability measure µzt and a unique M(H)-valued random measure ϑzt , both processes being adapted to the filtration Σzt such that the Fujisaki–Kallianpur–Kunita and the Zakai equations are, respectively, satisfied for the class of functions from εA (H). The proof is based on the uniqueness theorem for the backward Kolmogorov equation.
Acknowledgment This research has been supported by the Army Research Office, Probability and Statistics Program.
References [1] V. Barbu, G. Da Prato and A. Debussche, “The Transition Semigroup of Stochastic Navier-Stokes Equations in 2-D,” Atti. Acad. Naz. Lincei. (to appear).
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[2] V. Barbu and S.S. Sritharan, “Optimal Stopping-Time Problem for Stochastic NavierStokes Equations and Infinite-Dimensional Variational Inequalities,” preprint, 2004. [3] G. Da Prato and A. Debussche, “Dynamic Programming of the Stochastic NavierStokes Equation,” Math. Model. Numer. Anal., 34(2), pp. 459-475, 2000. [4] F. Gozzi, S.S. Sritharan, and A. Swiech, “Bellman Equations Associated to the Optimal Feedback Control of Stochastic Navier-Stokes Equations,” Commun. Pure Appl. Math., 58(5), pp. 671-700, 2005. [5] J. L. Menaldi and S.S. Sritharan, “Stochastic 2-D Navier-Stokes Equation,” Appl. Math. Optimization, 46, pp. 31-52, (2002). [6] J.L. Menaldi and S.S. Sritharan, “Impulse Control of Stochastic Navier-Stokes Equations,” Nonlinear Anal., 52, pp. 357-381, (2003). [7] M. Metivier, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations in Infinite Dimensional Spaces, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, (1988). [8] S.S. Sritharan, “Nonlinear Filtering of Stochastic Navier-Stokes Equations,” in T. Funaki and W.A. Woycznski, Editors, Nonlinear Stochastic PDEs: Burgers Turbulence and Hydrodynamic Limit, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994. [9] S.S. Sritharan, Editor, Optimal Control of Viscous Flow, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1998. [10] S.S. Sritharan, “Deterministic and Stochastic Control of Navier-Stokes Equation with Linear, Monotone and Hyperviscosities,” Appl. Math. Optimization, 41, pp. 255-308, 2000.
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23 Stability of the Optimal Filter via Pointwise Gradient Estimates Wilhelm Stannat, Universit¨at Bielefeld
Introduction and main result
The purpose of this chapter is to complement the main result in [10] on the stability of the optimal filter w.r.t. (with respect to) its initial condition for a nonlinear timedependent signal observed with independent additive noise. More precisely, consider a time-inhomogeneous signal process (Xt )t≥0 given by the stochastic differential equation dXt = Q(t)∇x log ϕ(t, x) dt + C(t) dWt .
Here, (Wt )t≥0 is a d-dimensional Brownian motion, C ∈ C([0, ∞); Rd×d), Q(t) = C(t)C(t)T , ∇x denotes the gradient w.r.t. space variables and ϕ ∈ C 1,2 ([0, ∞) × Rd) is strictly positive and for any T > 0 there exists a finite constant LT with (23.2) Q(t)∇x log ϕ(t, x), x ≤ LT x2 + 1 , (t, x) ∈ [0, T ] × Rd . It follows from Theorem 1 in Section V.1 of [6] that (23.1) has a unique strong solution for any initial condition x ∈ Rd . Suppose that (Xt )t≥0 is observed through the p-dimensional process ˜ t , Y0 = 0 . dYt = G(t)Xt dt + dW Here
G : [0, ∞) → Rp×d is continuously differentiable
˜ t )t≥0 is a p-dimensional Brownian motion independent of the signal (Xt )t≥0 . We and (W are interested in the stability of the conditional distribution ηt (A) := E [1A(Xt )|Yt ] , A ∈ B(Rd ) , of the signal Xt , given the observation Yt := {Ys : s ∈ [0, t]} up to time t, w.r.t. the initial distribution η0 of the signal. This is a major problem in filter theory and has been studied by many authors. It is reasonable to believe that ηt will become independent of η0 for large t if the distribution of Xt will become independent of η0 , that is, if the process (Xt ) is ergodic. This has been worked out in the time-independent setting in [7] by Ocone and Pardoux for a linear signal and for a nonlinear signal on a compact space, in [1], [2] by Atar and Zeitouni for a nonlinear 281 i
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signal and in [5] by Da Prato, Fuhrman, and Malliavin for a nonlinear signal on a compact Riemannian manifold. However, the linear case in [7] shows that ergodicity of the signal process is not necessary for stability. In [9] and [10] a new variational approach has been introduced to this problem to obtain results on the stability and at the same time explicit estimates on the rate of stability for a nonlinear signal which is not necessarily ergodic. In this chapter, we provide an alternative proof of the main result in [10] on the stability for a time-dependent nonlinear signal, using pointwise gradient estimates as our main tool. For a more precise comparison with our previous result see Remark 23.1 below.
The Kallianpur–Striebel formula
The Kallianpur–Striebel formula provides an explicit formula for ηt : denote by P˜ the law of X· and let t 1 t G(s)Xs dYs − G(s)Xs 2 ds . Zt := exp 2 0 0 Under appropriate assumptions on the coefficients of (23.1) and (23.3) (the main assumption being that the martingale problem associated to (23.1) and (23.3) is well-posed (see Chapter I of [8])), it follows that E [f(Xt )|Yt ] =
E˜ [f(Xt )Zt ] , f ∈ Bb (Rd ) . E˜ [Zt ]
Proposition 23.1 gives an alternative representation for the expectation E˜ [f(Xt )Zt ]. To state our proposition we need the following notations. Let ∆Q(t) f := tr (Q(t)fxx ) . For any y ∈ C([0, ∞); Rp), y(0) = 0, and x ∈ Rd , let 1 1 ˙ σ y (t, x) := y(t) · G(t)x − C(t)T G(t)T y(t)2 + W (t, x) , 2 2 where W (t, x) := G(t)x2 +
∆Q(t)ϕ(t, x) + 2∂t ϕ(t, x) . ϕ(t, x)
For a Brownian motion (Vt )t≥0 on Rd , 0 ≤ s ≤ t, and x ∈ Rd let ξt (x) := x − Define the integral kernel
Q(r)G(r)T y(r) dr +
C(r) dVr .
Kty f(x) := E [f(ξt (x))Ayt (x)] ,
where Ayt (x)
t y := exp − σ (r, ξr (x)) dr . 0
To further simplify notations in the following let: t y Mt := − ∇x log ϕ(s, Xs ) + ysT G(s) C(s) dWs . 0
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Note that t M·y t = Q(s)∇x log ϕ(s, Xs ), ∇x log ϕ(s, Xs ) ds 0 t t T +2 Q(s)∇x log ϕ(s, Xs ), ys G(s) ds + C(s)T G(s)T y(s)2 ds . 0
Proposition 23.1. Assume that (i) The Kallianpur–Striebel formula (23.4) holds. (ii) For all y ∈ C([0, ∞); Rp), y(0) = 0, the process 1 Zty := exp(Mty − M y t ) 2 is a P˜ -martingale. Let µ0 be the initial distribution of X0 . Then there exists a Brownian motion (Vt )t≥0 on Rd such that T 1 ˜ a.s. E [f(Xt )Zt ] = KtY· (feG(t) Yt · ϕ(t, ·)) dµ0 ϕ(0, ·) Rd Proof The integration by parts formula and the time-dependent Ito formula imply that t G(s)Xs dYs = G(t)Xt · Yt 0 t t ˙ − Ys · G(s)Q(s)∇x log ϕ(s, Xs ) + G(s)Xs ds − YsT G(s)C(s) dWs . 0
˜ · , the covariation X, W ˜ · vanishes. Here we used the fact that, by independence of X· and W It follows that t T ˙ Zt = exp G(t) Yt · Xt − Ys · G(s)Q(s)∇x log ϕ(s, Xs ) + G(s)Xs ds · 0 (23.8) t 1 t T 2 · exp − Ys G(s)C(s) dWs − G(s)Xs ds . 2 0 0 Using again the time-dependent Ito formula, we have that t1 2 ∆Q(s) + ∂t ϕ(s, Xs ) ds· ϕ(s, Xs ) 0 t ϕ(t, Xt ) ∇x log ϕ(s, Xs ) C(s) dWs = log − ϕ(0, X0 ) 0 1 t − Q(s)∇x log ϕ(s, Xs ), ∇x log ϕ(s, Xs ) ds . 2 0
Combining (23.8) and (23.9) we now conclude that t ϕ(t, Xt ) Zt = σ Y· (s, Xs ) ds ZtY· . exp G(t)T Yt · Xt exp − ϕ(0, X0 ) 0
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Fix y ∈ C([0, ∞); Rp), y(0) = 0. By our assumption Zty is an (FtW )t≥0 -martingale, so that we can define the probability measure Qy on FtW := σ{Ws : s ∈ [0, t]} by dQy = Zty . dP˜ |F W t
Girsanov’s theorem implies that w.r.t. the new measure Qy , the process t Vt := Wt + C(s)T ∇x log ϕ(s, Xs ) + G(s)T y(s) ds 0
is a Brownian motion. It follows that t t Xt = X0 + Q(s)∇x log ϕ(s, Xs ) ds + C(s) dWs 0 0 t t = X0 − Q(s)G(s)T y(s) ds + C(s) dVs = ξt (X0 ) , 0
so that Y·
E [f(Xt )Zt ] = E Q =
f(ξt (X0 ))eG(t)
Yt ·ξt (X0 ) ϕ(t, ξt (X0 ))
AYt · (X0 )
ϕ(0, X0 ) T 1 a.s. K Y· feG(t) Yt · ϕ(t, ·) dµ0 ϕ(0, ·) t
To emphasize the dependence of the conditional distribution on µ0 we will write Eµ0 [1A (Xt )|Yt ] in the following. Before we state our assumptions needed for our main result let us introduce some notations. Let Cpm,n ([0, ∞) × Rd ) denote the space of all functions f ∈ C m,n ([0, ∞) × Rd ) for which f and all partial derivatives up to order m w.r.t. t and up to order n w.r.t. the space variables are polynomially bounded. Let Cpm,n ([0, T ] × Rd ) for any T > 0 and Cpn (Rd ) be defined in a similar way. For a Lipschitz continuous function f on Rd let fLip be its Lipschitz constant. Finally, we say that a function f is log-concave if f ∈ C 2 (Rd ), f > 0 and −(log f)xx ≥ 0. Assumption 23.1 W defined by (23.6) is in Cp0,2([0, ∞) × Rd ) and ∃ κ∗ > 0 such that W (t, ·)xx ≥ κ2∗ · I for any t ≥ 0 . Here, I denotes the d × d-identity matrix. Note that our assumption implies, in particular, that for any T there exists a finite constant cT such that W (t, x) ≥
κ2∗ x2 − cT x , 2
(t, x) ∈ [0, T ] × Rd .
Assumption 23.2 For any t ≥ 0 there exists a log-concave function ϕ˜t and some finite positive constant Mt such that ˜t . Mt−1 ϕ˜t ≤ ϕ(t, ·) ≤ Mt ϕ Assumption 23.3 ∃ κ− ∈ B([0, ∞)), κ− > 0, κ+ ≥ 1 such that κ− (t) · I ≤ Q(t) ≤ κ+ · I for all t ≥ 0. Assumption 23.4 Q(·) is differentiable and ∞ 1 − 12 ˙ χ := Q(t)− 2 Q(t)Q(t) op dt < ∞ . 0
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Here, · op denotes the operator norm. To state our main result fix a log-concave function g0 ∈ Cp2 (Rd ) such that −(log g0 )xx ≥ κ∗ · I .
Let ν(dx) := ϕ(0, x)g0 (x) dx . We then have Theorem 23.1. Let µi , i = 1, 2, be such that µi ν with Lipschitz continuous density hi bounded from below and from above. Let δ > 0 be such that δ ≤ hi ≤ δ −1 . Then (i) Let T > 0, y ∈ C([0, ∞[; Rp), y(0) = 0, and ηTy (µi ) be defined by T 1 1 ηTy (µi )(A) := y KTy 1AeG (T )y(T )· ϕ(T, ·) dµi , ZT (µi ) Rd ϕ(0, ·) where ZTy (µi ) :=
T 1 KTy eG (T )y(T )· ϕ(T, ·) dµi ϕ(0, ·)
is the normalizing constant. Then
−1 d MT κ+ eχ −κ∗ κ+ 2 y y ηT (µ1 ) − ηT (µ2 )var ≤ e 3 2κ∗ δ κ−(0)
T 0
κ− (r) dr
(h1 Lip + h2 Lip) .
(ii) Suppose that (i) and (ii) in Proposition 23.1 hold. Let f ∈ Bb (Rd ). Then −1 2
lim sup eκ∗ κ+ t→∞
t 0
κ− (r) dr
Eµ1 f(Xt )|Y0t − Eµ2 f(Xt )|Y0t < ∞
The proof of Theorem 23.1 is given in Section 23.3 Section 23.2 collects some facts on contraction properties of Markovian integral kernels that are needed in Section 23.3. Remark 23.1. (i) Theorem 23.1 has been obtained with a slightly different rate in [10] under the stronger assumption that κ− (t) ≥ κ− > 0 is bounded from below. On the other hand, the assumptions on the initial condition µi are less restrictive in [10]. Instead of Lipi schitz continuity of the density hi = dµ dν , only a finite energy condition is needed. Moreover, no assumption on differentiability of Q(·) was needed, in contrast to the present approach. The main advantage of the present proof is that existence of classical and uniqueness of weak solutions of the pathwise filter equation associated to the problem (23.1) and (23.3) are not needed in the present proof in contrast to the proof in [10]. (ii) Suppose that C(t) = I, ϕ(t, ·) = ϕ, and G(t) = G are independent of time. Then Theorem 23.1 yields stability of ηty (µ) with exponential rate κ∗ for suitable initial condition µ if ∆ϕ W (x) := Gx2 + (x) ϕ is uniformly strictly convex with Wxx ≥ κ2∗ · I. Note that W consists of two parts: the second part ∆ϕ depends on the signal whereas the first part Gx2 depends on our choice ϕ G how to observe the signal. Basically, the more precise our observation is, the more convex Gx2 . Conversely, our criterion provides a priori lower bounds on our choice G to reach a certain exponential rate κ∗ . Also note that ergodic and nonergodic directions of the signal process can be “separated” in the criterion.
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Contraction properties of Markovian integral operators
Gradient estimates for solutions of time-inhomogeneous heatequations
B : [0, T ] × Rd → Rd ,
C : [0, T ] → Rd×d
be continuous. Suppose that for all R > 0 there exists a constant LR such that B(t, x) − B(t, y) ≤ LR x − y ; x, y ∈ BR (0) , t ∈ [0, T ] , and that there exists κ∗ ∈ B([0, T ])+ , such that B(t, x) − B(t, y), x − y ≤ −κ∗ (t)x − y2 ; x, y ∈ Rd , t ∈ [0, T ] .
Let Q∗ : [0, T ] → Rd×d be differentiable, Q∗ (t) symmetric, positive definite with q∗− (t) · I ≤ Q∗ ≤ q∗+ (t) · I , t ∈ [0, T ] for q∗± > 0. Theorem 1 in Section V.1 of [6] implies that for all (s, x) ∈ [0, T ] × Rd there exists a unique strong solution Xt (s, x), t ∈ [s, T ], of the stochastic differential equation dXt = Q∗ (t)B(t, Xt ) dt + C(t) dWt
with initial condition Xs (s, x) = x. Here, (Wt )t≥0 denotes a Brownian motion on Rd . For h ∈ B(Rd ), h ≥ 0, define ps,t h(x) = E [h(Xt (s, x))] , 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T . Consider the parabolic partial differential equation 1 ∂t u(t, x) = − ∆Q(t)u(t, x) − Q∗ (t)B(t, x), ∇xu(t, x) 2
where u ∈ C 1,2 ([0, T ] × Rd ). Ito’s formula implies for bounded u that ˜ t (s, x))] , 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T , u(s, x) = E[u(t, X
˜ s (s, x) = x. ˜t (s, x), t ∈ [s, T ], is any weak solution of (23.12) with initial condition X where X Proposition 23.2. Let f ∈ C02 (Rd ) and u ∈ C 1,2 ([0, T ] × Rd ) be a bounded solution of (23.13) with terminal condition u(T, ·) = f. Then ∇xu(s, x)2 ≤
q∗+ (T ) T Q∗ (r)− 12 Q˙ ∗ (r)Q∗ (r)− 12 op −2q∗− (r)κ∗ (r) dr e s ∇x f2∞ . q∗− (s)
If in addition the weak solution of (23.12) is unique in the sense of probability law for any initial condition (s, x), x ∈ Rd , then u(s, x) = ps,T f(x) and ∇xps,T f(x)2 ≤
q∗+ (T ) T Q∗ (r)− 12 Q˙ ∗ (r)Q∗ (r)− 12 op −2q∗− (r)κ∗ (r) dr e s ps,t ∇xf2 (x) . − q∗ (s)
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Proof We will use the coupling technique and adopt the proof from the time-homogeneous case (see Lemma 9.1 in [4]). Fix x0 , y0 ∈ Rd , x0 = y0 , and a 2d-dimensional Brownian motion (Vt , V˜t )t≥0 . Theorem 1 in Section V.1 of [6] implies that the 2d-dimensional stochastic differential equation ¯ s = x0 , ¯ t = B(t, X ¯ t ) dt + √1 C(t) dVt + dV˜t , X dX 2 1 dY¯t = B(t, Y¯t ) dt + √ C(t) dVt + dV˜t , Y¯s = y0 . 2 has a unique strong solution for t ∈ [s, T ]. To simplify notations in the following, let: v2S := Sv, v , v ∈ Rd for any symmetric d × d-matrix S. Ito’s formula implies that t 2 ¯t − Y¯t 2 ¯r − Y¯r 2 X = x − y + X −1 −1 0 0 Q∗ (s) ˙ ∗ (r)Q∗ (r)−1 dr Q∗ (t) Q∗ (r)−1 Q s t ¯ r ) − B(r, Y¯r ), X ¯ r − Y¯r dr . + 2 B(r, X s
Using the dissipativity assumption (23.11) on B, we obtain, in particular d ¯ ¯ r − Y¯r 2 Xt − Y¯t 2Q∗ (t)−1 = X ˙ ∗ (r)Q∗ (r)−1 Q∗ (r)−1 Q dt ¯ t ) − B(t, Y¯t ), X ¯ t − Y¯t + 2B(t, X 1 1 −2 ˙ ¯t − Y¯t 2 ≤ Q(t)− 2 Q(t)Q(t) op − 2q∗− (t)κ∗ (t) X
Q∗ (t)−1
Consequently + 1 −1 ˙ 2 op −2q − (r)κ∗ (r) dr ¯ t − Y¯t 2 ≤ q∗ (t) e st Q(r)− 2 Q(r)Q(r) ∗ X x0 − y0 2 , − q∗ (s)
and integrating the last inequality w.r.t. P yields +
−1 ˙ −1 2 op −2q − (r)κ∗ (r) dr ¯ t − Y¯t 2 ≤ q∗ (t) e st Q(r) 2 Q(r)Q(r) ∗ E X x0 − y0 2 . − q∗ (s)
¯t and Y¯t , t ∈ [s, T ], are weak solutions Fix f and u as in the assumption. Since both, X of the stochastic differential equation (23.12) we have that ¯ T )] = E[f(X ¯T )] u(s, x0 ) = E[u(T, X and similarly, u(s, y0 ) = E[f(Y¯T )]. Fix ε > 0. Then we can find δ > 0 such that |f(x) − f(y)| ≤ ∇x f(x) + ε for all x − y ∈ ]0, δ[ . x − y Then
2 f(X ¯T ) − f(Y¯T ) X ¯ T − Y¯T E X ¯T − Y¯T · x0 − y0 1{X¯ T =Y¯T } ¯T ) − f(Y¯T ) 2 f(X −2 sT κ∗ (r) dr ≤e E 1{X¯ T =Y¯T } . X ¯T − Y¯T 2 2
|u(s, x0 ) − u(s, y0 )| ≤ x0 − y0 2
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¯T ) − f(Y¯T ) 2 f(X E 1{X¯T =Y¯T } ≤ ∇xf2∞ X ¯T − Y¯T 2
which implies the first assertion letting x0 → y0 . If we have in addition uniqueness in the sense of probability law of the weak solution of (23.12) for initial condition (s, x), x ∈ Rd , it follows that f(X ¯T ) − f(Y¯T ) 2 E 1{X¯ T =Y¯T } X ¯T − Y¯T 2 2 (23.16) ¯T ) + ε 2 + ∇fx2 1 ¯ ¯ ≤ E ∇xf(X ∞ {|XT −YT |≥δ } 2 2 ∇xf2∞ 2 ¯ ¯ . ≤ ps,T ∇xf + ε (x0 ) + E XT − YT δ2 Inserting (23.16) into (23.15) and using the fact that uniqueness in the sense of probability law of the weak solution of (23.12) implies u(s, x) = ps,T f(x) by (23.14), we obtain that 2
−1 |ps,T f(x0 ) − ps,T f(y0 )| q∗+ (T ) T Q(r)− 12 Q(r)Q(r) ˙ 2 op −2q − (r)κ∗ (r) dr ∗ e s ≤ − 2 x0 − y0 q∗ (s) 2 ∇xf2∞ ¯T − Y¯T 2 X . · ps,T ∇x f2 + ε (x0 ) + E δ2
Letting x0 → y0 and then ε → 0, we get the second assertion.
Feynman–Kac propagators preserving log-concavity
From now on we will assume for the rest of this section that there exists κ− ∈ B([0, T ]), κ− > 0, and κ+ ≥ 1 such that κ− (t) · I ≤ Q(t) ≤ κ+ · I for t ∈ [0, T ]. Let σ ∈ Cp0,2([0, T ] × Rd ) be such that σ(t, x) ≥ −σ− > −∞ for all (t, x) ∈ [0, T ] × Rd . Assume that for all t ∈ [0, T ] σxx (t, ·) ≥ κ2 · I ≥ 0 for some κ ≥ 0 .
For the rest of the section fix a d-dimensional Brownian motion (Vt )t≥0 and a continuous path d : [0, T ] → Rd . For x ∈ Rd and 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T define t t Xt (s, x) := x + d(r) dr + C(r) dVr s
and the integral operator
t Ks,t f(x) := E f (Xt (s, x)) exp − σ(r, Xr (s, x)) .
Clearly, (Ks,t ) is a forward propagator; that is, Ks,t = Ks,r ◦ Kr,t if 0 ≤ s ≤ r ≤ t ≤ T . Theorem 4 in Section V.6 of [6] implies that if f ∈ Cp2 (Rd ), then u(t, x) := Kt,T f(x) ∈ C 1,2([0, T ] × Rd ) and u satisfies the equation 1 ∂t u(t, x) = − (23.19) ∆Q(t)u(t, x) − σ(t, x)u(t, x) . 2 We then have the following proposition:
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Proposition 23.3. Let f ∈ Cp2 (Rd ), f > 0, be log-concave with −(log f)xx ≥ κ · I ≥ 0 . Then u(t, x) = Kt,T f(x) is log-concave too with κ ·I. −(log u(t, x))xx ≥ √ κ+ The proof of the Proposition 23.3 is exactly the same as the proof of Proposition 4.4 in [10]. Note that a strictly positive lower bound κ−(t) ≥ κ− > 0 is not needed in the proof of Proposition 4.4.
Gradient estimates for Feynman–Kac propagators
For the rest of this section assume that Q(·) is differentiable with χ :=
−2 ˙ Q(t)− 2 Q(t)Q(t) op dt < ∞ .
Fix mT ∈ Cp2 (Rd ), such that mT is log-concave with − (log mT )xx ≥ κ · I ,
where κ ≥ 0 is as in (23.17). Let mt (x) := Kt,T mT (x) ,
(t, x) ∈ [0, T ] × Rd .
Define the ground state transform of Ks,t and mt as follows: p∗s,t f(x) :=
1 Ks,t (fmt ) (x) , ms (x)
Proposition 23.4. Let f ∈ Cp2 (Rd ). Then p∗·,T f ∈ C 1,2([0, T ] × Rd ) and d ∗ p f =− dt t,T
1 ∆Q(t)p∗t,T f + Q(t)∇x log mt · ∇x p∗t,T f 2
Proof Let v(t, x) := Kt,T (fmT )(x), 0 ≤ t ≤ T . Clearly, mt (x), v(t, x) ∈ C 1,2 ([0, T ] × Rd ) are solutions of (23.19). Consequently, p∗t,T f(x) ∈ C 1,2 ([0, T ] × Rd ) and 1 d v(t, ·) d ∗ d p f = v(t, ·) − mt · dt t,T mt dt dt m2t v(t, ·) 1 ∆Q(t)v(t, ·) =− − ∆Q(t)mt 2 mt m2t 1 = − ∆Q(t) p∗t,T f − Q(t)∇x log mt · ∇xp∗t,T f , 2 hence the assertion. Combining Proposition 23.2 and Proposition 23.3 we now obtain
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290 Theorem 23.2. Let f ∈ C02 (Rd ) and 0 ≤ s ≤ T . Then ∇x p∗s,T f(x)2 ≤
1 2 κ+ χ −2κκ− + e e κ0 (s)
T s
κ− (r) dr
∇xf2∞ .
If, in addition, the weak solution of (23.12) with B(t, x) = Q(t)∇x log mt (x) is unique in the sense of probability law for any initial condition (s, x), x ∈ Rd , then ∇xp∗s,T f(x)2 ≤
1 κ+ eχ −2κκ− 2 + e κ0 (s)
T s
κ− (r) dr ∗ ps,T
∇xf2 (x) .
Proof For the proof it suffices to estimate the dissipativity constant of the vector-field Q(t)∇x log mt (x). Proposition 23.3 implies that mt is uniformly strictly log-concave with −(log mt )xx ≥ √κκ+ · I, so that −DB(t, x) ≥ √κκ+ · I, where B(t, x) := ∇x log mt (x). Since
u(t, x) := p∗t,T f(x) is a bounded solution in C 1,2([0, T ] × Rd ) of equation (23.13) with terminal condition f, Proposition 23.2 now implies the assertion.
Remark 23.2. Using a straightforward approximation, estimate (23.24) implies the following estimate: 1 T q + (T )eχ −2κκ− 2 κ− (r) dr + s e f2Lip (23.25) p∗s,T f2Lip ≤ ∗ − q∗ (s) for all Lipschitz continuous f.
Proof of Theorem 23.1
Fix T > 0 and y ∈ C([0, ∞); Rp), y(0) = 0. Denote by K the adjoint integral operator of KTy in L2 (Rd ). Using time-reversibility of Brownian motion on Rd w.r.t. dx, it follows that Kf can be represented as Kf(x) = E f(XT (0, x)) exp − where
Xt (s, x) = x +
σ(r, Xr (0, x)) dr
Q(T − r)G(T − r) y(T − r) dr +
C(T − r) dVr
for some Brownian motion (Vt )t≥0 on Rd and σ(t, x) := σ y (T − t, x) , (t, x) ∈ [0, T ] × Rd . Assumption 23.1 implies that σ satisfies (23.17) with κ = κ∗ > 0. Let Ks,t , 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T be as in (23.18) so that, in particular, K0,T = K. Let mt (x) := Kt,T g0 (x), 0 ≤ t ≤ T , and νTy (dx) := eG(T )
y(T )·x
ϕ(T, x)m0 (x) dx .
We can then write T 1 eG(T ) y(T )·x ϕ(T, x)K (hi g0 ) (x) ZTy (µ1 ) p∗0,T hi (x) νTy (dx) , i = 1, 2 . = ∗ p0,T hi dνTy
ηTy (µi )(dx) =
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Consequently ηTy (µ1 )
− ηTy (µ2 )var
1 = 2
∗ p∗0,T h2 y p0,T h1 − ∗ dν ∗ p0,T h1 νTy p0,T h2 νTy T
2p∗0,T h1 νTy p∗0,T h2 νTy
∗ p h1 (x)p∗ h2 (z) − p∗ h1 (z)p∗ h2 (x) ν y (dx) ν y (dz) . 0,T 0,T 0,T 0,T T T
Using Theorem 23.2 and Remark 23.2, we can estimate ∗ p0,T h1 (x)p∗0,T h2 (z) − p∗0,T h1 (z)p∗0,T h2 (x) ≤ p∗0,T h1 (x) p∗0,T h2 (z) − p∗0,T h2 (x) + p∗0,T h2 (x) p∗0,T h1 (x) − p∗0,T h1 (z)
1 T κ+ eχ −κ∗ κ− 2 κ− (r) dr + 0 (h2 Lip h1 ∞ + h1 Lip h2 ∞ ) x − z . e ≤ κ− (0) (23.27) Integrating the last inequality and using the upper and lower bound δ ≤ hi ≤ δ −1 equation (23.26) implies that ηTy (µ1 )
− ηTy (µ2 )var
−1 2
κ+ eχ e−κ∗ κ+ 0 κ− (r) dr (h1 Lip + h2 Lip) · κ− (0) 2δ 3 x − z ν y (dx) ν y (dz) y T y T · . νT (dx) νT (dz)
Denote by yT the density of the probability measure νTy (Rd )−1 νTy (dx) and by ˜yT the density of the probability measure
T (T )y(T )·x
ϕ ˜T (x)g0 (x) dx , eGT (T )y(T )· ϕ ˜T g0 dx
where ϕ ˜T is as in Assumption 23.2. Then
MT−2 ˜yT ≤ yT ≤ MT2 ˜yT .
Since ˜yT is uniformly strictly log-concave with −(log ˜yT )xx = −(GT (T )y(T )·)xx − (log ˜yT )xx − (log g0 )xx ≥ κ∗ · I Theorem 4.1 in [3] implies that 2 1 y y f − f˜T dx ˜T dx ≤ |∇f|2 ˜yT dx , f ∈ C 1 (Rd ) . κ∗ The last estimate combined with estimate (23.29) now gives in particular d
x2i − xi 2y
d i=1
y dx T (x) dx =
xi − xi ˜yT dx
d i=1
xi − xi yT dx
yT (x) dx
yT (x) dx
xi − xi ˜yT dx
˜yT (x) dx ≤
dMT2 . κ∗
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It follows that x −
zyT (x) dxyT (z) dz =
d i=1
− z2 yT (x) dxyT (z) dz 12
− xi 2y dx yT (x) dx T
2d MT . κ∗
Inserting the last estimate into (23.28) we obtain the assertion
1 T d MT κ+ eχ −κ∗ κ− 2 y y κ− (r) dr + 0 ηT (µ1 ) − ηT (µ2 )var ≤ (h1 Lip + h2 Lip ) . e 3 2κ∗ δ κ− (0) The proof of Theorem 23.1 (ii) is now immediate. Indeed, part (i) implies that −1 y y κ∗ κ+ 2 0t κ− (r) dr lim sup e f dηt (µ1 ) − f dηt (µ2 ) < ∞ t→∞
for all y ∈ C([0, ∞); Rp), y(0) = 0, and f ∈ Bb (Rd ). Proposition 23.1 implies that a.s. (23.31) Eµi [f(Xt )|Yt ] = f dηtY· (µi ) Combining (23.30) and (23.31), we obtain that −1 2
lim sup eκ∗ κ+ t→∞
t 0
κ− (r) dr
|Eµ1 [f(Xt )|Yt ] − Eµ2 [f(Xt )|Yt ]| < ∞
hence the assertion.
References [1] R. Atar, Exponential stability for nonlinear filtering of diffusion processes in a noncompact domain, Ann. Probab. 26 (1998), 1552-1574. [2] R. Atar, O. Zeitouni, Exponential stability for nonlinear filtering, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincar´e 33 (1997), 697-725. [3] H.J. Brascamp, E.H. Lieb, On extensions of the Brunn-Minkowski and Pr´ekopaLeindler theorems, including inequalities for log concave functions, and with an application to the diffusion equation, J. Funct. Anal. 22 (1976), 366-389. [4] M.F. Chen, F.Y. Wang, Estimation of spectral gap for elliptic operators, Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 349 (1997), 1239-1267. [5] G. Da Prato, M. Fuhrman, P. Malliavin, Asymptotic ergodicity of the process of conditional law in some problem of non-linear filtering, J. Funct. Anal. 164 (1999), 356-377. [6] N.V. Krylov, Introduction to the Theory of Diffusion Processes, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1995. [7] D. Ocone, E. Pardoux, Asymptotic stability of the optimal filter with respect to its initial condition, SIAM J. Control Optimization 34 (1996), 226-243.
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i Stability of the Optimal Filter
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[8] E. Pardoux, Equations of non-linear filtering; and applications to stochastic control with partial observation, in: Nonlinear Filtering and Stochastic Control, eds. Mitter, S.K., Moro, A., Lecture Notes in Math. 972, Springer, Berlin, 1982. [9] W. Stannat, Stability of the pathwise filter equation on Rd , Preprint, Bielefeld (2004). [10] W. Stannat, Stability of the filter equation for a time-dependent signal on Rd , Appl. Math. Optim. 52 (2005), no. 1, 39-71.
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24 Fractal Burgers’ Equation Driven by L´evy Noise Aubrey Truman and Jiang-Lun Wu, University of Wales
This chapter is concerned with the initial problem for the following stochastic fractal Burgers’ equation: (∂t + ν∆α u(t, x) + λ∂x (|u(t, x)|r) = f(u)(t, x) + g(u)(t, x)Ft,x 2
d 2 on the given domain [0, ∞)×IR with L2 (IR) initial condition, where ν > 0, ∆α := −(− dx 2) is the fractional Laplacian on IR with α ∈ (0, 2], λ ∈ IR is a constant, r ∈ [1, 2], f, g : [0, ∞) × IR × IR → IR are measurable and Ft,x is the so-called L´evy space–time white noise consisting of Gaussian space–time white noise (i.e., a Brownian sheet on [0, ∞) × IR) and Poisson space–time white noise (see Section 24.2 for the definition). There has recently been increasing interest in considering fractal Burgers’ equations (see, e.g., [3, 4, 5] and references therein) and in studying Burgers’ turbulence with non-Gaussian (random) initial data (see, e.g., [2, 10, 18] and references therein). Stochastic Burgers’ equations driven by Gaussian white noise have been studied intensively (see, e.g., [1, 6, 7, 8, 11] and references therein). As is wellknown, one of the main investigations of Burgers’ equation is based on the intriguing connection between the Burgers’ equation (nonlinear) and the somehow simpler linear heat equation, via the celebrated Hopf–Cole transformation. This technique can be still adapted to stochastic Burgers’ equations with additive Gaussian white noise (see, e.g., [1]), but it is no longer available in the case of stochastic Burgers’ equations driven by more general Gaussian white noise (for instance, multiplicative Gaussian space–time white noise). This is because the noise term cannot be written in a conservative form which then destroys the way to link the stochastic Burgers’ equations with stochastic heat equations in a simple manner. Another method can be used successfully, e.g., in [6, 7, 8, 11] (here we just mention a few references), to study the mild solutions to stochastic Burgers’ equations driven by Gaussian space–time white noise. Along this line, the stochastic Burgers’ equation driven by L´evy space–time white noise has been considered in [16] where the initial problem for the stochastic Burgers’ equation with L´evy space–time white noise is examined in the mild formulation. In this chapter we introduce a class of stochastic fractal Burgers’ equations in one space dimension driven by L´evy space–time white noise which links fractal Burgers’ equations and stochastic Burgers’ equations with white noises considered in the literature mentioned above. We will prove existence of a unique, local, mild solution to the initial problem for the fractal stochastic Burgers’ equations we posed above. The chapter is organized as follows. In the next section, we elucidate briefly what L´evy space–time white noise is. In Section 24.3, in order to make the problem we are considering precise, we interpret the initial problem for the stochastic fractal Burgers’ equation driven by L´evy space–time white noise (weakly) as a jump type stochastic integral equation involving the convolution kernels associated with the fractional Laplacian. We present existence
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of a unique local L2 -solution. Namely, for any initial function from L2 (IR), we obtain a local solution with c` adl` ag (i.e., right continuous with left-hand limits in the time variable t ∈ [0, ∞)) trajectories in L2 (IR). Our approach is based on combining the method for solving stochastic Burgers’ equations driven by L´evy noise in [16] with the techniques for solving fractal Burgers’ equations developed in [3, 5].
L´ evy space–time white noise
Let (Ω, F , P ) be a given complete probability space and (U, B(U ), ν) be an arbitrary σ-finite measure space. Following, e.g., [12] (cf. Theorem I.8.1), there exists a Poisson random measure on the product measure space ([0, ∞) × IR × U, B([0, ∞) × IR) × B(U ), dtdxν) associated with Lebesgue (product) measure space ([0, ∞) × IR, B([0, ∞) × IR), dtdx), i.e. N : B([0, ∞) × IR) × B(U ) × Ω → IN ∪ {0} ∪ {∞}
with mean measure E[N (A, B, ·)] = |A|ν(B), A ∈ B([0, ∞) × IR), B ∈ B(U ). Here and in the sequel in this chapter, |A| stands for Lebesgue measure for any Borel measurable set A ∈ B([0, ∞) × IR). In fact, N can be constructed canonically as follows:
N (A, B, ω) :=
n (ω) η
n∈IN j=1
1(A∩En )×(B∩Un ) (ξj (ω))1{ω∈Ω:ηn (ω)≥1} (ω) , ω ∈ Ω
for A ∈ B([0, ∞) × IR) and B ∈ B(U ), where (a) {En }n∈IN ⊂ B([0, ∞) × IR) is a partition of [0, ∞) × IR with 0 < |En| < ∞, n ∈ IN , and {Un }n∈IN ⊂ B(U ) is a partition of U with 0 < ν(Un ) < ∞, n ∈ IN . (n) (b) ∀n, j ∈ IN , ξj : Ω → En × Un is F /En × B(Un )-measurable with (n)
P {ω ∈ Ω : ξj (ω) ∈ A × B} =
|A|ν(B) , |En |ν(Un )
A ∈ En , B ∈ B(Un ),
where En := B([0, ∞) × IR) ∩ En and B(Un ) := B(U ) ∩ Un . (c) ∀n ∈ IN , ηn : Ω → IN ∪ {0} ∪ {∞} is a Poisson distributed random variable with P {ω ∈ Ω : ηn (ω) = k} = (n)
(d) ξj
e−|En |ν(Un) [|En|ν(Un )]k , k ∈ IN ∪ {0} ∪ {∞}. k!
and ηn are mutually independent for all n, j ∈ IN .
Given any σ-finite measure ν on (U, B(U )), there is always a Poisson random measure N on the product measure space ([0, ∞) × IR × U, B([0, ∞) × IR) × B(U ), dtdxν) which can be constructed in the above manner. Such an N is called a canonical Poisson random measure associated with the product σ-finite measure dtdxν. Let {Ft }t∈[0,∞) be a right continuous increasing family of sub-σ-algebras of F , each containing all P -null sets of F , such that the canonical Poisson random measure N has the property that (i) N ([0, t] × A, B, ·) : Ω → IN ∪ {0} ∪ {∞} is Ft /P(IN ∪ {0} ∪ {∞})measurable ∀(t, A, B) ∈ [0, ∞) × B(IR) × B(U ) and (ii) {N ([0, t + s] × A, ·) − N ([0, t] × A, ·)}s>0,(A,B)∈B(IR)×B(U ) is independent of Ft for any t ≥ 0, where P(IN ∪ {0} ∪ {∞}) is the power set of IN ∪ {0} ∪ {∞}. (For instance, we may directly take Ft := σ({N ([0, t] × A, B, ·) : (A, B) ∈ B(IR) × B(U )}) ∨ N ,
t ∈ [0, ∞)
where N denotes the totality of P -null sets of F .)
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i Fractal Burgers’ Equation Driven by L´evy Noise
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Next we introduce the compensating {Ft }-martingale measure M (t, A, B, ω) := N ([0, t], A, B, ω) − t|A|ν(B)
for any (t, A, B) ∈ [0, ∞) × B(IR) × B(U ) with |A|ν(B) < ∞. Obviously E[M (t, A, B, ·)] = 0 and E([M (t, A, B, ·)]2) = t|A|ν(B) .
For any {Ft }-predictable integrand f : [0, ∞) × IR × U × Ω → IR which satisfies t E |f(s, x, y, ·)|dsdxν(dy) < ∞ , a.s. ∀t > 0 0
for some (A, B) ∈ B(IR) × B(U ), we can define the stochastic integral t+ 0
f(s, x, y, ω)M (ds, dx, dy, ω)
f(s, x, y, ω)N (ds, dx, dy, ω) A B t − 0 A B f(s, x, y, ω)dsdxν(dy) .
t+ Clearly, t ∈ [0, ∞) → 0 A B f(s, x, y, ·)M (ds, dx, dy, ·) ∈ IR is an {Ft }-martingale. Moreover, stochastic integrals with respect to M are also well defined for {Ft }-predictable integrands f satisfying t |f(s, x, y, ·)|2dsdxν(dy) < ∞ , ∀t ∈ [0, ∞) E 0
for some (A, B) ∈ B(IR) × B(U ) by a limit procedure (see the argument in Section II.3 t+ of [12]) and t ∈ [0, ∞) → 0 A B f(s, x, y, ·)M (ds, dx, dy, ·) ∈ IR is a square integrable {Ft }-martingale with the quadratic variation process ·+ < f(s, x, y)M (ds, dx, dy) >t 0 A B t = [f(s, x, y)]2 dsdxν(dy) . 0
On the other hand, it is clear that M defined by (24.3) is a worthy, orthogonal, {Ft }-martingale measure in the context of Walsh [17]. Thus stochastic integrals of {Ft }predictable integrands with respect to M can be defined alternatively by the method in Section II.3 of [17]. For the Poisson random measure N and its compensating martingale measure M , we can define heuristically the Radon–Nikodym derivatives Nt,x (B, ω) :=
N (dtdx, B, ω) (t, x) dtdx
M (dtdx, B, ω) (24.7) (t, x) = Nt,x(B, ω) − ν(B) dtdx for (t, x) ∈ [0, ∞)×IR and (B, ω) ∈ B(U )×Ω. We call Mt,x Poisson space–time white noise. Mt,x(B, ω) :=
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A L´evy space–time white noise has the following heuristic structure which is similar to that of a L´evy process: Ft,x(ω) = Wt,x(ω)
+ U0
c1 (t, x; y)Mt,x (dy, ω)
U \U0
c2 (t, x; y)Nt,x (dy, ω) ,
where c1 , c2 : [0, ∞) × IR × U → IR are measurable, Wt,x is a Gaussian space–time white 2 W (t,x) , where W (t, x) noise on [0, ∞) × IR used initially by Walsh [17] (formally, Wt,x := ∂ ∂t∂x is a Brownian sheet on [0, ∞) × IR), Mt,x and Nt,x are defined formally as Radon–Nikodym derivatives as in (24.7) and (24.6), respectively, and U0 ∈ B(U ) with ν(U \ U0 ) < ∞.
Fractal Burgers’ equation with L´ evy noise
Let (Ω, F , P ; {Ft}t∈[0,∞)) be given as in the previous section. In this section we will consider the Cauchy problem for the following stochastic fractal Burgers’ equation: ⎧ ⎨ (∂t + ν∆α u(t, x, ω) + λ∂x (|u(t, x, ω)|r ) = f(u)(t, x, ω) + g(u)(t, x, ω)Ft,x(ω) , (t, x, ω) ∈ (0, ∞) × IR × Ω ⎩ u(0, x, ω) = u0 (x, ω) , (x, ω) ∈ IR × Ω 2
d 2 is the fractional Laplacian on I where ν > 0, ∆α := −(− dx R with α ∈ (0, 2], λ ∈ IR is a 2) constant, r ∈ [1, 2], f, g : [0, ∞)×IR×IR → IR are measurable, F is a L´evy space–time white noise as introduced in the previous section, and the initial condition u0 is F0 -measurable. Following [17], let us introduce a notion of weak solution to Equation (24.9). An L2 (IR)valued and {Ft }t∈[0,∞) -adapted c` adl` ag (in the variable t ∈ [0, ∞)) process u : [0, ∞) × IR × Ω → IR is a solution to (24.9) if for any ϕ ∈ S(IR), the Schwartz space of rapidly decreasing C ∞ -functions on IR u(t, x)ϕ(x)dx IR t = u0 (x)ϕ(x)dx + u(s, x)(∆α ϕ)(x)dxds 0 IR IR t t r +λ |u(s, x)| (∂x ϕ)(x)dxds + f(s, x, u(s, x))ϕ(x)dxds 0 0 IR IR t + g(s, x, u(s, x))ϕ(x)W (ds, dx) 0 IR t+ + g(s, x, u(s, x))c1 (s, x; y)ϕ(x)M (ds, dx, dy)
IR t+
+ U \U0
g(s, x, u(s, x))c2(s, x; y)ϕ(x)N (ds, dx, dy)
holds for all t ∈ [0, ∞). Moreover, based on this notion, one can present a mild formulation of Equation (24.9): u(t, x) =
Gα (t, x − z)u0 (z)dz
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i Fractal Burgers’ Equation Driven by L´evy Noise
t +λ [∂z Gα (t − s, x − z)]|u(s, z)|r dzds 0 IR t + Gα (t − s, x − z)f(s, z, u(s, z))dzds 0 IR t + Gα (t − s, x − z)g(s, z, u(s, z))W (ds, dz) 0 IR t+ + Gα (t − s, x − z)g(s, z, u(s−, z); y) 0
×c1 (s, x; y)M (ds, dz, dy)
+ 0
WuFinal 2006/8/8 page 299 i
U \U0
Gα (t − s, x − z)g(s, z, u(s−, z); y) ×c2 (s, x; y)N (ds, dx, dy) ,
where Gα (t, x) stands for the fundamental solution, i.e., satisfies the following: ∂ (t, x) ∈ (0, ∞) × IR ∂t v = ν∆αv , v(0, x) = δ(x) , x ∈ IR. We have in fact
Gα (t, x) = [F −1 (eνt|·| )](x) .
Moreover, by the scaling properties of Equation (24.11), 1
Gα (t, x) = (νs)− α Gα (s−1 t, (νs)− α x) for s, t ∈ (0, ∞), x ∈ IR, or equivalently 1
Gα (t, x) = (νt)− α Gα (1, (νt)− α x). Furthermore, let us list some known asymptotic estimates for Gα (cf., e.g., [14]): (i) ∃ constants 0 < cα,ν ≤ Cα,ν such that ∀(t, x) ∈ (0, ∞) × IR 1
cα,ν ≤ t α (ν α +1 + t− α −1 |x|1+α )Gα (t, x) ≤ Cα,ν
and ∀t ∈ (0, ∞), the following limit exists: 1
lim t α (ν α +1 + t− α −1 |x|1+α )Gα (t, x).
(ii) ∃ a constant Kα,ν > 0 such that ∀(t, x) ∈ (0, ∞) × IR 2
|∂xGα (t, x)| ≤ Kα,ν t−1− α |x|α(ν α +1 + t− α −1 |x|1+α)−2 .
Let us reformulate Equation (24.10) by the following consideration. Observing that ν(U \ U0 ) < ∞, we have t+ Gα (t − s, x − z)g(s, z, u(s−, z))c2 (s, z; y)N (ds, dz, dy) 0
IR U \U0 t+
IR U \U0 t+
Gα (t − s, x − z)g(s, z, u(s−, z))c2 (s, z; y)M (ds, dz, dy)
U \U0
[Gα (t − s, x − z)g(s, z, u(s, z))c2 (s, z; y)ν(dy)] dzds .
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Thus, without loss of generality, we shall consider the equation in the following form: u(t, x) =
Gα (t, x − z)u0 (z)dz t +λ [∂z Gα (t − s, x − z)]q(s, z, u(s, z, ω))dzds 0 IR t + Gα (t − s, x − z)f(s, z, u(s, z))dzds (24.14) 0 IR t + Gα (t − s, x − z)g(s, z, u(s, z))W (ds, dz) 0 IR t+ + Gα (t − s, x − z)h(s, z, u(s−, z); y)M (ds, dz, dy) IR
where f, g : [0, ∞) × IR × IR → IR and h : [0, ∞) × IR × IR × U → IR are measurable, and q : [0, ∞) × IR × IR → IR is measurable and satisfies the following growth condition: |q(t, x, z)| ≤ K1 (x) + K2 (x)|z| + C|z|2
∀(t, x, z) ∈ [0, ∞) × IR × IR, for some nonnegative functions K1 ∈ L1 (IR), K2 ∈ L2 (IR), and for some constant C > 0.1 Clearly, the term containing |u|r for r ∈ [1, 2] in Equation (24.10) satisfies the above growth condition (namely, q(t, x, z) = |z|r ). Therefore, the condition for the coefficient q we posed above covers at least this concrete and interesting case. Also, it is obvious that q(t, x, z) = z is another special case under our growth condition, which corresponds to the second term containing the linear u instead of the nonlinear |u|r on the right-hand side of Equation (24.10). Clearly, Equation (24.14) is a mild formulation of the following (formal) equation: (∂t + ν∆α )u(t, x) + λ∂x q(u)(t, x) =
f(u)(t, x) + g(u)(t, x)Wt,x + h(t, x, u(t, x); y)Mt,x(dy) . U
Let us now give a precise formulation of solutions for Equation (24.14). By a (global) solution of (24.14) on the setup (Ω, F , P ; {Ft}t∈[0,∞) ), we mean an {Ft }-adapted function u : [0, ∞)×IR×Ω → IR which is c`adl` ag in the variable t ∈ [0, ∞) for all x ∈ IR and for almost all ω ∈ Ω such that (24.14) holds. Furthermore, we say that the solution is (pathwise) unique if whenever u(1) and u(2) are any two solutions of (24.14), then u(1)(t, x, ·) = u(2)(t, x, ·), P -a.e., ∀(t, x) ∈ [0, ∞) × IR. Moreover, one can formulate a (global) solution over a finite time interval [0, T ] for any 0 < T < ∞ in the same pattern. Furthermore, an {Ft }-adapted function u : [0, T ] × IR × Ω → IR which is c`adl` ag in t ∈ [0, T ] is called a local solution to Equation (24.14) if there exists an increasing sequence {τn }n∈IN of stopping times such that ∀t ∈ [0, T ] and ∀n ∈ IN , the stopped process u(t ∧ τn , x, ω) satisfies Equation (24.14) almost surely. Clearly, a local solution becomes a global solution if τ∞ := supn∈IN τn = T . Moreover, a local solution to Equation (24.14) is (pathwise) unique if for any other local solution u ˜ : [0, T ]×IR×Ω → IR, u(t, x, ω) = u ˜(t, x, ω) for all (t, x, ω) ∈ [0, τ∞ ∧˜ τ∞)×IR×Ω := {(t, x, ω) ∈ [0, T ] × IR × Ω : 0 ≤ t < τ∞ (ω) ∧ τ˜∞ (ω)}. We have the following main result. Theorem 24.1 Let α ∈ ( 32 , 2] and let T > 0 be arbitrarily fixed. Assume that there exist (positive) functions L1 , L2 , L3 ∈ L1 (IR) such that the following growth conditions: |f(t, x, z)|2 ≤ L1 (x) + C|z|2 ,
1 For
simplicity, here and in the sequel the constant C is a generic positive constant whose value may vary from line to line.
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i Fractal Burgers’ Equation Driven by L´evy Noise 2
|g(t, x, z)| +
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|h(t, x, z; y)|2ν(dy) ≤ L2 (x) + C|z|2
and Lipschitz conditions
|q(t, x, z1) − q(t, x, z2 )|2 + |f(t, x, z1 ) − f(t, x, z2 )|2 [L3 (x) + C(|z1 |2 + |z2 |2 )]|z1 − z2 |2
|g(t, x, z1 ) − g(t, x, z2 )|2 + ≤
C|z1 − z2 |2
|h(t, x, z1; y) − h(t, x, z2; y)|2 ν(dy) (24.19)
hold for all (t, x) ∈ [0, T ]×IR and z, z1 , z2 ∈ IR. Then for every F0 -measurable u0 : IR×Ω → IR with E IR (|u0 (x, ·)|2)dx < ∞, there exists a unique local solution u to Equation (24.14) with the following property: 2 |u(t ∧ τ∞ (·), x, ·)| dx < ∞ , ∀t ∈ [0, T ]. E IR
Remark 24.1 The assumption α ∈ ( 32 , 2] is a sufficient condition from our proof to Theorem 24.1. It would be interesting to study the case of α ∈ (0, 32 ) as well. Apparently, our approach in the present chapter does not work for the latter case. We need some preparation before the proof to Theorem 24.1. For any fixed n ∈ IN , let the mapping 2
πn : L (IR) → Bn := {u ∈ L (IR) : ||u||L2 := be defined via
πn (u) =
Clearly, for any n ∈ IN , we have
nu , ||u||L2
u (x)dx
≤ n}
if ||u||L2 ≤ n if ||u||L2 > n.
||πn(u)||L2 ≤ n .
Moreover, it is clear that the norm ||πn||L2 :=
sup ||u||L2 ≤1
||πn u||L2 ≤ 1
that is, πn : L2 (IR) → L2 (IR) is a contraction. Notice that if u is a solution to Equation (24.14), then u is L2 (IR)-valued, {Ft }progressive process. Thus, by Theorem 2.1.6 in [9], ∀n ∈ IN u2 (t, x, ω)dx ≥ n2 }, ω ∈ Ω τn (ω) := inf{t ∈ [0, T ] : IR
defines a stopping time. It is clear that {τn }n∈IN is an increasing sequence of stopping times determined by u. Moreover, for any fixed n ∈ IN , the stopped process u(t ∧ τn ) satisfies the following equation:
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u(t, x, ω) =
Gα (t, x − z)u0 (z, ω)dz t +λ [∂z Gα (t − s, x − z)]q(s, z, (πnu)(s, z, ω))dzds 0 IR t + Gα (t − s, x − z)f(s, z, (πn u)(s, z, ω))dzds 0 IR t + Gα (t − s, x − z)g(s, z, (πn u)(s, z, ω))W (ds, dz) 0 IR t+ + Gα (t − s, x − z) IR
×h(s, z, (πn u)(s−, z, ω); y)M (ds, dz, dy, ω) .
On the other hand, any solution to Equation (24.20) is a local solution to Equation (24.14). Therefore, the existence of a unique local solution to Equation (24.14) is equivalent to the existence of a unique solution to Equation (24.20). Hence, we will focus our attention on showing the existence of a unique solution to Equation (24.20). To that end, let us first prove the following lemma which presents some useful inequalities. Lemma 24.1 For u : [0, T ] × IR → IR, the following estimates hold: t IR
0 t
2 [∂z Gα (t − s, x − z)]u(s, z)dzds dx 3 − 2α
(t − s)
2 |u(s, z)|dzds
and t 0
t 0
2 Gα (t − s, x − z)u(s, z)dzds dx 2
|u(s, z) |dz
2 ds
in particular t Gα (t − s, x − z)u(s, z)dzds 0 IR 12 t 1 (t − s)− 2α |u(s, z)|2 dz ds . ≤ C 0
Proof By inequality (24.13) and Minkowski inequality (cf., e.g., p. 47 of [15]) in turn, we have 2 t [∂z Gα (t − s, x − z)]u(s, z)dzds dx 0
⎡ ⎢ ⎣
t 0
⎤2 α
(t − s)|x − z| |u(s, z)| ⎥ 2 dzds⎦ dx 1 1+ 1+α (t − s) α + |x − z|
i i
i Fractal Burgers’ Equation Driven by L´evy Noise
⎡ ⎛ ⎢ t ⎜ ⎢ (t − s)|u(s, z)| ⎝ C⎣ 0
303 ⎞ 12
WuFinal 2006/8/8 page 303 i
|x − z|2α dx 1
(t − s)1+ α + |x − z|1+α
⎥ ⎟ 4 ⎠ dzds⎥ ⎦ .
Now, by shifting and scaling the integral variable x, we get |x − z|2α dx |x|2αdx − 3+2α α = (t − s) . 4 1+α)4 1 IR (t − s)1+ α IR (1 + |x| + |x − z|1+α Since IR
|x|2αdx (1 + |x|1+α)4
∞ x2α dx x2α dx + 2 1+α 4 ) (1 + x1+α )4 0 (1 + x 1 1 ∞ 2 x2α dx + 2 x−4−2αdx
= ≤
|x|2α dx IR (1+|x|1+α )4
t 0
2 1 + 0 be arbitarily fixed. For any L2 (IR)-valued, {Ft }-adapted, c` adl` ag process u : [0, T ] × IR × Ω → IR with initial condition u(0, x, ω) = u0 (x, ω), we define T ||u||2θ := e−θt E u2 (t, x, ·)dx dt . 0
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Clearly, || · ||θ is a norm. Let B denote the collection of all L2 (IR)-valued, {Ft }-adapted, c`adl` ag process u : [0, T ] × IR × Ω → IR with initial condition u(0, x, ω) = u0 (x, ω), such that T 2 −θt 2 ||u||θ = e E u (t, x, ·)dx dt < ∞ . 0
Then (B, || · ||θ ) is a Banach space. Now ∀u ∈ B, J u is well defined and for any fixed t ∈ [0, T ] 3 1 |(J u)(t, x, ·)|2dx ≤ C(T 2− α + T 2 + T 1− α ) < ∞ . E IR
Thus, by the following Laplace transform formula: ∞ tr−1 e−st = Γ(r)s−r ,
∀r ∈ (0, ∞)
we get
||J u||2θ
e−θt E
= 0
3 2− α
C[Γ(3 −
∂v (t, x) ∂ 2 ∂ 2 v (t, x) + U (t) v (t, x) − = ν v (t, x) 2 ∂t ∂x ∂x with the initial and boundary conditions
P − νU (t) − 0
U (0) = U0, v (0, x) = v0 (x) , v (t, 0) = v (t, 1) = 0, x ∈ (0, 1), t > 0.
The existence and uniqueness for the global solution of the deterministic system was examined by Dlotko in [2], using the Galerkin method. But system (25.1)–(25.3) does not display any chaotic phenomena and therefore stochastic perturbations of (25.1)–(25.3) are proposed as a better model (25.4) (P − νU (t) − v(t)2 )dt + g0 (U (t), v(t))dW0 (t) 2 ∂ v (t, x) dv(t, x) = (ν + U (t) v (t, x) (25.5) ∂x2 ∂ 2 − v (t, x) )dt + g1 (U (t), v (t, x))dW1 (t, x) ∂x for t > 0, with the initial and boundary conditions (25.3). The existence and uniqueness of the solution of the system without the term dU (t) =
g0 (U (t), v(t, x))dW0 (t) in (25.4) were given in [5] and [6]. In the present chapter we establish existence and uniqueness of the global solution to the general system (25.4)–(25.5). Under appropriate conditions on the coefficients we establish the irreducibility property of the corresponding transition semigroup. In the proofs we adapt the methods from [3] and [6]. In the forthcoming paper [7] strong Feller property, as well as existence and uniqueness of invariant measure, are treated. 311 i
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Let (Ω, F , (Ft )t∈[0,T ] , P ) be a filtered probability space on which an increasing and rightcontinuous family (Ft )t∈[0,T ] of sub-σ-algebras of F is defined such that F0 contains all P-null sets in F . We consider the one-dimensional (1D) Wiener process W0 (t) and the cylindrical Wiener process W1 (t, ·) such that W1 (t, x) =
Wk (t)ek (x).
Here (ek ) is an orthonormal basis of L2 = L2 (0, 1) 2 ek (x) = sin kπx, x ∈ (0, 1), k = 1, 2, .... π
The scalar product in L2 is denoted by (·, ·) and the usual norm by · . Let S(t), t ≥ 0, be the classical heat semigroup on L2 . It is well known that the generator A of the semigroup S(t), t ≥ 0, is identical with the second derivative operator ∂2 ∂v on the domain D(A) consisting of functions v such that v, ∂x are absolutely continuous ∂x2 2 ∂ v 2 with ∂x2 ∈ L , v(0) = v(1) = 0. In some places S(t), t ≥ 0, will be denoted by eAt , t ≥ 0. U ) with values in R1 and L2 , v respectively, is said to be an integral solution to problem (25.4) and (25.5) if t e−ν(t−s)(P − v(s)2 )ds (25.8) U (t) = e−νt U0 + 0 t + e−ν(t−s)g0 (U (s), v(s))dW0 (s), Definition 25.1 A pair of continuous adapted processes (
t S(t − s)U (s) v(s)ds (25.9) v(t) = S(t)v0 + 0 t t ∂ − S(t − s) v2 (s)ds + S(t − s)g1 (U (s), v(s))dW1 (s). ∂x 0 0 t ∂ 2 In the integral 0 S(t−s) ∂x v (s)ds, t > 0, we use the extension of the operators S(t−s) 1 to L (0, 1) described in [5] and [6]. It is not difficult to prove (see [5], [6]) that integral solution is the same as the weak solution of (25.4) and (25.5). U (t) ) on Let ZTp , p > 1, denote the space of all continuous adapted processes X(t) = ( v(t) [0, T ] with values on H = R1 × L2 such that U )T v
XZTp = (
(E(supt∈[0,T ] | U (t) |p ))1/p + (E(supt∈[0,T ] v(t)p ))1/p < ∞
with the fixed initial conditions U (0) = U0 , v(0) = v0 . We define (
U )T = U 1,T + v2,T . v
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i Qualitative Properties of Solutions to Stochastic Burgers’ System of Equations
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Let πn,1 : R1 → B1 (0, n) be the projection onto the interval B1 (0, n) = {U ∈ R1 :| U |≤ n} and let πn,2 : L2 → B2 (0, n) be the projection onto the ball B2 (0, n) = {v ∈ L2 : v ≤ n}, where U if | U |≤ n, v if v ≤ n, . (25.12) and πn,2(v) = nv πn,1(U ) = nU if v > n if | U |> n |v| |U |
Existence and uniqueness of solution
It was shown in [6], Theorem 1, that system (25.4) and (25.5) but without the term g0 (U (t), v(t, x))dW0 (t) in (25.4), has a unique weak solution. In the present section we extend this result to the general system (25.4) and (25.5). Theorem 25.1 If the functions g0 : R1 × R1 → R1 and g1 : R1 × L2 → R1 are bounded and Lipschitz continuous, then system (25.4) and (25.5) has a unique integral solution. To show the existence of local solution it is enough to prove the following. Proposition 25.1 For arbitrary p > 4, T > 0, and each n = 1, 2, ... the following system of equations t e−ν(t−s)(P − πn,2v(s)2 )ds (25.13) U (t) = e−νt U0 + 0 t + e−ν(t−s)g0 (U (s), v(s))dW0 (s), 0
t S(t − s)πn,1 U (s) πn,2 v(s)ds v(t) = S(t)v0 + 0 t t ∂ − S(t − s) (πn,2v(s))2 ds + S(t − s)g1 (U (s), v(s))dW1 (s), ∂x 0 0
t ∈ [0, T ], has a unique weak solution in the space ZTp . Proof of Proposition 25.1 Similarly as in [6] we introduce some nonlinear operators Fn , G, Hn , In , and additionally operator K acting on processes U (t), t ∈ [0, T ], and v(t), t ∈ [0, T ], according to the following formulae: t e−ν(t−s)(P − πn,2 v(s)2 )ds, (25.15) Fn (U, v)(t) = e−νt U0 + 0 t G(U, v)(t) = S(t − s)g1 (U (s), v(s))dW1 (s), (25.16) 0 t ∂ Hn (U, v)(t) = S(t − s) (πn,2 v(s))2 ds, (25.17) ∂x 0 t In (U, v)(t) = S(t)v0 + S(t − s)πn,1 U (s) πn,2v(s)ds (25.18) 0
K(U, v)(t) =
e−ν(t−s)g0 (U (s), v(s))dW0 (s).
Observe that system (25.15)–(25.19) is equivalent to the fixed point problem U = Fn (U, v) + K(U, v),
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314 v = G(U, v) + Hn (U, v) + In (U, v).
We have to show that for arbitrary n the mapping (
U Fn (U, v) + K(U, v) )→( ) v G(u, v) + Hn (U, v) + In (U, v)
is a contraction in the space ZTpn , for properly chosen Tn . We estimate only the new term. We get using the Burkholder inequality 1
K(U, v) − K(U , v)1,T = [E sup | K(U, v)(t) − K(U , v)(t) |p ] p
t∈[0,T ]
= [E sup | t∈[0,T ]
e−ν(t−s)(g0 (U (s), v(s)) − g0 (U (s), v(s)))dW0 (s) |p ] p
T p 1 p p ≤ [( | g0 (U (s), v(s)) − g0 (U (s), v(s)))ds |2 ) 2 ] p ) E( p−1 0 T p 1 p p U (s) U (s) 2 ≤ [( ds) 2 ] p ) E(g0 2Lip | ( )| )−( v(s) v(s) p−1 0 2 p 1 1 p p 2 ≤ ( )g0 Lip T 2 [E sup (| U (s) − U (s) | +v(s) − v(s)2 ) 2 ] p . p−1 s∈[0,T ] p
Further we get using the inequalities (a + b) 2 ≤ 2 2 −1 (a 2 + b 2 ) for a, b ≥ 0, and (a + b)α ≤ aα + bα for a, b ≥ 0, 0 < α ≤ 1:
× T 2 [E sup ( s∈[0,T ]
+ [E sup s∈[0,T ]
p p 2 )g0 Lip p−1
K(U, v) − K(U , v)1,T ≤ 2 2 −1 (
U (s) − U (s) |p +v(s) − v(s)p )] p
2 2 −1 (
v(s) − v(s)p ] p }
2 2 −1 (
p 1 1 p 2 T 2 {[E sup (| U (s) − U (s) |p ] p )g0 Lip p−1 s∈[0,T ]
p 1 p U (s) U(s) 2 T 2 ( )g0 Lip )T . )−( v(s) v(s) p−1
We put
CT5 ,n = 2 2 −1 (
p 1 p 2 T 2. )g0 Lip p−1
It was shown in [6] that the operators Fn , G, Hn , and In are Lipschitz transformations with the constants 1
CT1 ,n
21− p 2nT, CT2 ,n = T p (
CT3 ,n
2CnT 4 , CT4 ,n = T n2
1 p sin πγ 2 )( ) g1 2Lip(aγ ) 2 , p−1 γ π
p−1 p
respectively, where γ is any number from the interval ( 1p , 14 ) and aγ =
∞ π2 2 s−2γ ( e−2 ν k s )ds. k=1
It is clear that there exists Tn such that Cn = max{CTi n,n , i = 1, ..., 5} < 1.
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i Qualitative Properties of Solutions to Stochastic Burgers’ System of Equations
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By Banach fixed point theorem there exists a unique fixed point of operator (25.22) U (t) ) to problems (25.13) and in the space ZTpn ,; hence there exists a unique solution ( n vn (t) (25.14) on the interval [0, Tn ]. By a standard iteration procedure there exists a unique solution to problem (25.13) and (25.14) on arbitrary time interval [0, T ]. U (t) ), t ≥ 0, be the solution to problems (25.4) and (25.5). Define Now let Xn (t) = ( n vn (t) τn = min[inf{t ≥ 0 :| Un (t) |2 ≥ n2 }, inf{t ≥ 0 : vn (t)2 ≥ n2 }].
Notice that Xn (t) = Xm (t) for m ≥ n and t ≤ τn . Therefore, we can set X(t) = Xn (t) if t ≤ τn and this is a solution to problems (25.4) and (25.5) on the time interval [0, τ∞ ), where τ∞ = limn→∞ τn . It is enough to show that τ∞ = +∞. For this we modify the proof of Theorem 1 from [6]. Let us set V0 (t) = V1 (t) =
U (t) − Z0 (t), U (t) = V0 (t) + Z0 (t), v(t) − Z1 (t), v(t) = V1 (t) + Z1 (t), t < τ∞ ,
Z0 (t)
Z1 (t)
and we assume that (
(25.27) (25.28)
e−ν(t−s)g0 (U (s), v(s))χs 0, x, y ∈ H, r > 0 there exists a bounded adapted process ϕ(t), t ∈ [0, T ] such that for the solution Y of dY = [AY + F (Y ) + ϕ(t)]dt + G(Y )dW (t),
Y (0) = x,
one has P (Y (T ) − y < r) > 0. Then the semigroup P (t), t ≥ 0, corresponding to (25.35) is irreducible. Proof Define
α(t) = −G−1 (Y (t))ϕ(t), t ≥ 0,
and a new probability measure P ∗ such that
dP ∗ = e
T 1 0 (α(s),dW (s))− 2
Then ∗
W (t) = W (t) −
T 2 0 |α(s)| ds
α(s)ds, t ≥ 0
is a P ∗ Wiener process and P ∗ is equivalent to P. Notice that dY (t) = = =
[AY + F (Y ) + ϕ(t)]dt + G(Y (t))dW ∗ (t) + G(Y (t))α(t)dt [AY + F (Y ) + ϕ(t)]dt + G(Y (t))dW ∗ (t) − G(Y (t))G−1 (Y (t))ϕ(t)dt [AY (t) + F (Y ))dt + G(Y (t))dW ∗ (t).
By our assumptions the law of Y under P ∗ and the law of X under P are identical and the result follows. We shall also need some results on controllability of the following deterministic system: y = Ay + u,
y(0) = a ∈ H,
on a Hilbert space H, where A generates a C0 -semigroup S(t), t ≥ 0, such that S(t)L(H,H) ≤ M eωt , ω ≥ 0, M > 0.
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i Qualitative Properties of Solutions to Stochastic Burgers’ System of Equations
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Lemma 25.1 (i) Assume that b ∈ D(A). For arbitrary a ∈ H and T > 0 the control 1 S(t)(b − a) − Ab, t ∈ [0, T ] T steers a to b and the following formulae hold: u(t) =
t − 1)S(t)(b − a), T t t = − S(t)a + ( − 1)S(t)b + b, t ∈ [0, T ]. T T
= b+(
S(t − σ)u(σ)dσ
(ii) Assume in addition that for some c > 0, σAS(σ)H ≤ c, σ > 0. Then t sup A[ S(t − σ)u(σ)dσH 0≤t≤T
(25.39) (25.40)
cS(T )aH + 3M eωT AbH ≤ M eωT (caH + 3AbH ).
Proof The result follows by direct computation: t 1 y(t) = S(t)a + S(t − σ)[ S(σ)(b − a) − Ab]dσ T 0 t d 1 t = S(t)a + S(t)(b − a)dσ − S(σ)bdσ T 0 dσ 0 t t = S(t)a + S(t)(b − a) − S(T )b + b = b + ( − 1)S(t)(b − a). T T If b ∈ D(A), then for the control u given by (25.38) t A[ S(t − σ)u(σ)dσH sup 0≤t≤T
≤ ≤
t AS(t)aH + 3 sup S(t)AbH T 0≤t≤T 0≤t≤T t t sup AS( )S(T )aH + 3 sup S(t)AbH . T 0≤t≤T T 0≤t≤T sup |
If S1 (t), t ≥ 0 is the heat semigroup on L2 corresponding to the Dirichlet boundary condition, then ω = 0 and M = 1 and the domain of its infinitesimal generator A1 is D(A) = {x ∈ L2 : x, x are absolutely continuous, x ∈ L2 , x(0) = x(1) = 0}. One checks easily that for arbitrary p ≥ 1 and x ∈ D(A1 ) xLp(0,1) ≤ xL∞ (0,1) ≤ 2A1 .
Since for some c > 0, σA1 S(σ) ≤ c, σ > 0, we have the following proposition. Proposition 25.4 Let S(·) be a C0 semigroup on H = R1 ×L2 acting on the first coordinate as multiplication by S0 (t) = eνt and on the second coordinate as the heat semigroup S1 (t), and let u(t) = (u0 (t), u1 (t)) be the control from the proposition which transfers state a = (a0 , a1 ) to b = (b0 , b1), b1 ∈ D(A1 ). Then t sup S1 (t − σ)u1 (σ)dσL4 (25.43) ≤ 2 sup A1 0≤t≤T
S1 (t − σ)u1 (σ)dσ ≤ 2(ca1 + 3A1 b1
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S0 (t − σ)u0 (σ)dσL4 ≤ 2(c | a0 | +3ν | b0 |).
Denote the control u described in Proposition 25.4 by v(t, T ; a, b), t ∈ [0, T ], a ∈ H, b = (b0 , b1 ), b1 ∈ D(A). Corollary 25.1 For arbitrary R > 0 and T > 0 sup sup v(t, T ; a, b) < +∞. t≤T a≤R
The proof of the following proposition is the same as Proposition 5, p. 1658 in [6]. Proposition 25.5 Assume that S1 (t), t ≥ 0, is a heat semigroup on L2 , ψ is an adapted L(L2 , L2 )-valued process and W1 is a cylindrical Wiener process on L2 . Then there exists a constant c > 0 such that for all T ≥ 0 t T S1 (t − s)ψ(s)dW1 (s)4L4 (0,1) ≤ cE( ψ(s)4L(L2 ,L2 ) ds). (25.45) E(sup t≤T
Proof of Theorem 25.2 We use Proposition 25.2. In the present situation X
F0 (U, v)
U U F (U, v) ), F ( )=( 0 ) v v F1 (U, v) e−νt 0
0 ), S1 (t), t ≥ 0, is the heat semigroup, S1 (t) ∂ 2 P − v2 , F1 (U, v) = U v − (v ), ∂x (
∂ where − ∂x (v2 ) Burgers’ nonlinearity. We show that for arbitrary T > 0, r > 0, and x, y ∈ H there exists a uniformly bounded process ϕ with values in H such that for the solution Y of equation (25.36) we have P (Y (T ) − yH < r) > 0. Since the set D(A) is dense in H one can assume that y ∈ D(A). For each s ∈ [0, T ] and R > 0 we define 0 if X(s)H > R, ϕs,R (t) = v(t − s, T − s; x(s), y) if t ∈ [s, T ].
Then ϕs,R is a uniformly bounded, adapted process and for t ∈ [s, T ] t Y (t) = S(t − s)X(s) + S(t − σ)F (Y (σ))dσ s t t + S(t − σ)ϕs,R (σ)dσ + S(t − σ)G(Y (σ))dW (σ). s
In particular Y (T )
= S(T − s)X(s) +
+ s
S(T − σ)F (Y (σ))dσ
S(T − σ)ϕs,R (σ)dσ +
S(T − σ)G(Y (σ))dW (σ).
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Thus if X(s)H ≤ R,
then Y (T ) = y +
S(T − σ)F (Y (σ))dσ +
S(T − σ)G(Y (σ))dW (σ).
By taking R sufficiently large the event (25.47) holds for all s ∈ [0, T ] with probability arbitrarily close to 1. Moreover, if s is sufficiently close to T , then the stochastic integral in (25.48) can be smaller in norm than a given number with probability arbitrarily close to 1. One has to show that one can find s ∈ [0, T ] such that with probability close to 1 the following events: T r S(T − σ)F (Y (σ))dσH < 2 s hold. Denote the first and second coordinates of the process Y by Y0 and Y1 . Then the first and the second coordinates of the stochastic integral
are equal, respectively
I1 =
I2 + I3 =
S(T − σ)F (Y (σ))dσ
e−ν(t−s)(P − Y1 (σ))dσ
S1 (T − σ)Y0 (σ)Y1 (σ)dσ +
S1 (T − σ)
∂ (Y1 (σ))2 dσ. ∂x
Note that I2 ≤ (T − s)( sup | Y0 (σ) |)( sup Y1 (σ)). s≤σ≤T
Moreover, from the definition of the process Y0 sup
+ sup
| Y0 (t) |≤| Y0 (s) | +(T − s)( sup Y1 (t)) |
e−ν(t−s)g0 (Y (σ))dW0 (σ) | .
By Burkholder inequality the stochastic integral in the above expression is bounded by a sufficiently large number with probability close to 1. Moreover, by Proposition 5 in Appendix in [6]:
S1 (T − σ)
∂ 2 (v )(Y1 (σ))dσ ≤ ∂x
S1 (T − σ)
1 ∂ 2 (v )(Y1 (σ))dσ ≤ C(T − s) 4 sup Y1 (σ)2 . ∂x s≤σ≤T
Taking into account the formula for I1 and the obtained estimate for I2 , it is enough to show that with a probability arbitrarily close to 1 sup Y (σ)2
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is bounded by a deterministic number. To show this, fix s ∈ [0, T ] and introduce processes Z0 , Z1 on [s, T ] given by t t 0 S0 (t − σ)ϕs,R (σ)dσ + S0 (t − σ)g0 (Y (σ))dW0 (σ), Z0 (t) = s s t t Z1 (t) = S1 (t − σ)ϕ1s,R (σ)dσ + S1 (t − σ)g1 (Y (σ))dW1 (σ), s
where ϕ0s,R (σ), ϕ1s,R (σ) are the first and the second coordinates of ϕs,R (σ). Then Y (t)
S1 (t − s)Y1 (s) + S1 (T − σ)Y0 (σ)Y1 (σ)dσ s t ∂ − S1 (T − σ) (Y1 (σ))2 dσ + Z1 (t) ∂x s
and the processes V0 (t) = Y0 (t) − Z0 (t), V1 (t) = Y1 (t) − Z1 (t), t ∈ [s, T ] satisfy conditions of Proposition 25.2. Consequently V1 (t)2 + V02 (t) ≤ eC(µs +2)t (V12 (s) + V02 (s) + C(T − s)(µs + 1)],
where µs = supt∈[s,T ] (Z1 (s)4L4 + (Z0 (s))4 ). From the estimates on the steering control from Proposition 25.4 on the supremum of the stochastic convolution given by Proposition 25.5 the random variable µs can be estimated by a sufficiently large constant uniformly in u ∈ [s, T ] with probability arbitrarily close to 1. Taking into account that Y1 (t) = V1 (t) + Z(t), t ∈ [s, T [, the required estimate by a large constant of (25.51) with a probability close to 1 follows. This finishes the proof of the irreducibility.
References [1] J.M. Burgers, Mathematical examples illustrating relations occurring in the theory of turbulent fluid motion, Verh. Kon. Nerderl. Akad. Weten-Schappen Amsterdam, Afdeel Natuurkunde, 17, No. 2 (1939), 1-53. [2] T. Dlotko , The one-dimensional Burgers’ equation; existence, uniqueness and stability, Zeszyty Naukowe UJ, Prace Mat., 23 (1982), 157-172. [3] G. Da Prato and D. G¸atarek, Stochastic Burgers’ equation with correlated noise, Stoch. Stoch. Rep., 52 (1995), 29-41. [4] S. Peszat, J. Zabczyk, Strong Feller property and irreducibility for diffusions on Hilbert spaces, Ann. Probab., 23, No. 1 (1995), 157-172. [5] K. Twardowska, J. Zabczyk, A note on stochastic Burgers’ system of equations, Preprint No. 646, Polish Academy of Sciences, Inst. of Math., Warsaw, 2003, 1-32. [6] K. Twardowska, J. Zabczyk, A note on stochastic Burgers’ system of equations, Stoch. Anal. Appl., 22, No. 6 (2004), 1641-1670. [7] K. Twardowska, J. Zabczyk, On invariant measures for Burgers’ system of equations, in preparation.
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26 On the Stochastic Fubini Theorem in Infinite Dimensions Jan van Neerven∗ and Mark C. Veraar, Technical University of Delft
The stochastic Fubini theorem and stochastic processes indexed by a parameter have been studied by many authors, cf. [1, 4, 5, 8, 11, 18, 21]. A general version of the stochastic Fubini theorem, valid for real-valued semimartingales as integrators, is due to Dol´eans-Dade [8] and Jacod [11, Th´eor`eme 5.44]. Roughly speaking it can be formulated as follows. Let (S, Σ, µ) be a σ-finite measure space, let (Ω, F, P) be a probability space, and let φ : S×[0, T ]×Ω → R be Σ ⊗ B([0, T ]) ⊗ F-measurable. If (t, ω) → φs (t, ω) := φ(s, t,ω) is integrable with respect to a semimartingale X for all s ∈ S, if the process (t, ω) → S φs (t) dµ(s) is well defined and integrable with respect to X, and if
φs (t) dX(t) dµ(s) < ∞ almost surely
then, almost surely, S
φs (t) dX(t) dµ(s) =
φs (t) dµ(s) dX(t).
Motivated by applications to stochastic differential equations in infinite dimensions, it is desirable to have a version of the stochastic Fubini theorem for integrals of operator-valued processes with respect to cylindrical Hilbert space-valued semimartingales. Generalizing an earlier result of Chojnowska-Michalik [4], a stochastic Fubini theorem for L(H, H )-valued processes with respect to H-cylindrical Brownian motions WH was proved by Da Prato and Zabczyk [5]. Here H and H are separable real Hilbert spaces. In this result the condition (26.1) is replaced by the condition φ ∈ L1 (S; L2 ((0, T ) × Ω; S; L2 (H, H ))),
where L2 (H, H ) denotes the Hilbert–Schmidt operators from H into H . The purpose of this chapter is to prove a stochastic Fubini theorem for integration of L(H, E)-valued processes with respect H-cylindrical Brownian motions under assumptions analogous to (26.1) but which may be easier to verify in concrete applications. Here, E is assumed to be a real Banach space. Since the special case E = R already exhibits all main ideas, we have written our results in detail for H-valued processes only; here we identify ∗ Support came from the VIDI subsidie 639.032.201 in the Vernieuwingsimpuls programme of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Research Training Network HPRN-CT-200200281.
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L(H, R) with H. The extension to L(H, E)-valued processes is sketched at the end of the chapter. It turns out that condition (26.2) may be weakened to φ ∈ L1 (S; L2 (0, T ; L2 (H, H ))) almost surely. Our approach to the stochastic Fubini theorem is based on a straightforward extension of the theory of stochastic integration developed recently by Lutz Weis and the authors in [14] to processes with values in a UMD− space, together with the basic fact that L1 -spaces possess the UMD− property. The idea is to interpret the stochastic integral parametrized by S as a stochastic integral in the Banach space L1 (S). The essence of the stochastic Fubini theorem is then nothing but the statement that a bounded linear functional may be moved into the stochastic integral T T φs (t) dWH (t) dµ(s) = φ(·)(t) dWH (t), 1 S
= 0
φ(·) (t), 1L1 (S;H),L∞ (S) dWH (t) =
L1 (S),L∞ (S)
φs (t) dµ(s) dWH (t).
In order to develop this simple idea in a rigorous way, some measurability problems have to be overcome. The main difficulty consists of lifting measurability properties of φ that hold pointwise in s to the corresponding L1 (S)-valued functions. This problem is discussed in Section 26.2. The main results of the chapter are contained in Section 26.3. In a forthcoming paper, the results of this chapter will be applied to study stochastic evolution equations.
Measure theoretical preliminaries
Let (S, Σ) be a measurable space and let (Y, d) be a complete metric space. A function N φ : S → Y is called Σ-simple if it is of the form φ = n=1 1An ⊗ yn with An ∈ Σ and yn ∈ Y for n = 1, . . . , N . countably valued Σ-simple functions are defined similarly. A function φ : S → Y is called strongly Σ-measurable if it is the pointwise limit in Y of a sequence of Σ-simple functions. It is wellknown [17, Lemma V-2-4] that a function φ : S → Y is strongly Σ-measurable if and only if the following two conditions are satisfied: (i) The range of φ is separable. (ii) We have φ−1 (B) ∈ Σ for all Borel sets B in Y . This implies that the pointwise limit of a sequence of strongly M-measurable functions is strongly M-measurable again. By covering the range of a strongly M-measurable function φ with countably many balls Bjn with radius n1 and center yjn , and defining φn to have the constant value yjn on the set φ−1 (Bkn \ j 0 is strictly increasing with n and n1 Ωn = Ω. Put Y1 := Ω1 and Yn+1 = Ωn+1 \ Ωn for n 1, and define ν˜(A) :=
1 ν(A ∩ Yn ) , A ∈ F. 2n ν(Yn )
Then ν˜ is a probability measure on (Ω, F) which has the same null sets as ν, and therefore we may replace ν by ν˜ in Proposition 26.1. From now on we assume that ν(Ω) < ∞. We denote by L0 (Ω; E) the space of strongly F-measurable functions, identifying functions that are equal ν-almost everywhere. This is a complete metric space with respect to the translation invariant metric · 0 defined by f(ω) ∧ 1 dν(ω). f 0 := Ω
A sequence in L0 (Ω; E) converges in the metric · 0 if and only if it converges in νmeasure. If G is a sub-σ-algebra of F, we denote by L0 (Ω, G; E) the closed subspace of L0 (Ω; E) consisting of all strongly G-measurable functions, identifying again functions that are equal ν-almost everywhere. For a sequence (fn )n1 in L0 (Ω; E) and a := (an )n1 ∈ l1 , we make the following observation: if fn 0 an for all n 1, then limn→∞ fn = 0 ν-almost everywhere. Indeed, define g : Ω → [0, ∞] by g(ω) := n1 fn (ω) ∧ 1. We have Ω
g(ω) dν(ω) =
fn 0 = a l1 < ∞.
Hence g is ν-almost everywhere finite and the claim follows. The proof of the proposition follows the proof of the celebrated result of Dellacherie and Meyer on the existence of a progressively measurable version of adapted measurable processes [6, Theorem IV.30] with some simplifications due to the absence of a filtration, and is included for the reader’s convenience. Proof of Proposition 26.1 Assume that ν(Ω) < ∞. It follows from the Fubini theorem that for all s ∈ S, φ(s, ·) is a strongly F-measurable function, so we may define ψ : S → L0 (Ω; E) as (ψ(s))(ω) := φ(s, ω). We claim that ψ is strongly Σ-measurable. By a monotone class argument we can find a sequence of Σ ⊗ F-simple functions φn : S × Ω → E, each of which is a finite linear combination of functions of the form 1A×F ⊗ x with A ∈ Σ, F ∈ F, x ∈ E, such that φ = limn→∞ φn pointwise on S × Ω. Define ψn : S → L0 (Ω; E) as (ψn (s))(ω) := φn (s, ω). Then each ψn is a Σ-simple function and for all s ∈ S we have ψ(s) = limn→∞ ψn (s) in L0 (Ω; E). This proves the claim.
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Choose a sequence of countably valued Σ-simple functions ηn : S → L0 (Ω; E), say ηn (s) = 1Ank (s)hnk k
∈ Σ and
: Ω → E strongly F-measurable, such that for all s ∈ S we have ψ(s) − ηn (s) 0 2−n .
For n, k 1 let snk ∈ Ank be arbitrary and fixed. Then ψ(snk ) − hnk 0 2−n . Put φ˜n (s, ω) := 1Ank (s)φ(snk , ω). k
By the G-measurability assumption on the sections of φ, we obtain a countably valued Σ-simple function ψ˜n : S → L0 (Ω, G; E) by (ψ˜n (s))(ω) := φ˜n (s, ω), and for all s ∈ S we have ψ(s) − ψ˜n (s) 0 ψ(s) − ηn (s) 0 + ηn (s) − ψ˜n (s) 0 2−n+1 . By the observation preceding the proof, for all s ∈ S we have φ(s, ω) = (ψ(s))(ω) = lim (ψ˜n (s))(ω) = lim φ˜n (s, ω) for ν-almost all ω ∈ Ω. n→∞
Let C be the set of all (s, ω) ∈ S × Ω for which the sequence (φ˜n (s, ω)) converges. Then the function ˜ ω) := lim 1C (s, ω)φ˜n (s, ω). φ(s, n→∞
is a Σ ⊗ G-measurable modification of φ.
The following example was communicated to us by Klaas Pieter Hart. It shows that in general the strong G-measurability of the sections φs of a jointly measurable function φ does not imply the strong Σ ⊗ G-measurability of φ. Example 26.1 Let (S, Σ) = (Ω, F) = (ω1 , P), where ω1 is the first uncountable ordinal and P = P(ω1 ) is its power set. Let G be the sub-σ-algebra of P consisting of all sets that are either countable or have countable complement. Let A := {(α, β) ∈ ω1 × ω1 : α < β}. It is well known that P ⊗ P = P(ω1 × ω1 ) [20], see also [12, Theorem 12.5], and therefore A ∈ P ⊗ P. Moreover, for all α ∈ ω1 the section Aα := {β ∈ ω1 : (α, β) ∈ A} belongs to G. We will show that A ∈ P ⊗ G. The example announced above is obtained by taking for φ the indicator function of A. Define an increasing family of collections of subsets (Cβ )β∈ω1 as follows. Let C0 denote the collection of all measurable rectangles in P ⊗ G. If β ∈ ω1 is a successor ordinal, say β = α + 1, let Cβ be the collection of all sets obtained from Cα by taking complements, intersections, and countable unions. If β ∈ ω is a limit ordinal, let C := 1 β α 0: 1 ut (x) := g(x, y) ut (y) dy = g+t−s (x, y) dWs,y , 0
t ≥ 0, x ∈ [0, 1].
We want to prove the following theorem.
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Theorem 27.1. Let ϕ ∈ C 4 (R) with bounded i-th derivative, i = 1, . . . , 4. Then for all T ≥ 0 and ∈ Cc2 (0, 1) ϕ(uT ), =
1 − 2 where, setting C (x) :=
T 0
1 2
ϕ(u0 ), +
1 0
, ϕ(us ) ds +
∂us 2 : ϕ (us ) ds , : ∂x
O(T )
(x) ϕ (ut (x))
+2 O(T )
ϕ (us ) , dWs (27.7)
g2 (x, y) dy
∂us 2 def , : : ϕ (us ) ds = lim 0 ∂x
= −
∂us 2 − C ϕ (u ) ds , s ∂x 2
|gt (x, y)| dy dx dt
∂x gt−s (·, y) ∂x gt−r (·, z) ϕ (ut ), dt dWr,z
and the stochastic integrals in the last term are Skorohod integrals. The assumption ϕ ∈ C 4 (R) will be removed in Corollary 27.1 below, after proving the Tanaka formula (27.13). Proof of Theorem 27.1 Notice that ut ∈ C 2 (0, 1) for all t ≥ 0. Moreover for all x ∈ (0, 1), by (27.6) with = g(x, ·), we have that t → ut (x) is a semimartingale and dut(x) =
1 2 ∂ u (x) dt + dWt (x) 2 x t
with the notation ∂x := ∂/∂x, and (Wt (x) : t ≥ 0) is the martingale Wt (x) :=
g (x, y) W (t, dy)
with quadratic variation
< W (x) >t = t
g2 (x, y) dy = t C(x).
Recall that C(x) ∼ c(x)−1/2 , as 0. Then we have the Itˆo formula for t → ut (x) 1 1 2 dϕ(u ) = ϕ (u ) ∂x u dt + dWt + ϕ (u ) C dt. 2 2 Since ut (·) ∈ C 2 (R) we can compute 2
∂x2 [ϕ(u )] = ϕ (u ) ∂x2 u + ϕ (u ) |∂x u| . Then dϕ(u ) =
1 2 1 2 ∂x [ϕ(u )] dt + ϕ (u ) dWt − ϕ (u ) |∂x u | − C dt. 2 2
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i Itˆ o–Tanaka’s Formula for SPDEs
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In particular, multiplying by ∈ Cc2 (0, 1) and integrating over O(T ) T 1 T , ϕ(us ) ds + ϕ (us ) , dWs ϕ(uT ), = ϕ(u0 ), + 2 0 0 1 T 2 − , ϕ (ut ) |∂x ut | − C dt. 2 0 It is easy to see that
ϕ(uT ), → ϕ(uT ), ,
, ϕ(us ) ds →
ϕ (us ) , dWs →
, ϕ(us ) ds,
ϕ (us ) , dWs
a.s. and in L2 . Then the process 1 T 2 JT := (x) ϕ (ut(x)) |∂x ut(x)| − C (x) dt dx, 0
T ≥ 0,
converges a.s. and in L2 as 0 to a continuous process (JT )T ≥0 . We want to identify J. We fix t ∈ [0, T ] and set Gs (x, y) := ∂x g+s (x, y) and Gt−r (x, y) dWr,y , s ∈ [0, t]. Ms := O(s)
Then (Ms : s ∈ [0, t]) is an (Fs )-martingale, where Fs := σ(W (r, y) : r ∈ [0, s], y ∈ [0, 1]). Moreover ∂x ut (x) = Gt−s (x, y) dWs,y = Mt . O(t)
Applying the Itˆ o formula to M we obtain t Mt2 = 2 Ms dMs + < M >t 2 |∂x ut(x)|
= 2 0
Ms dMs +
Therefore JT = KT + 2 HT , where t 1 T KT := (x) ϕ (ut(x)) 0
:= 0
We consider first KT . We have 1 |gt+(x, y)|2 dy − 0
1 0
|Gs (x, y)| ds dy.
|G(x, y)|2 ds dy − C(x) dt dx,
(ut (x))
|g(x, y)|2 dy =
t 0
Ms dMs dt dx.
d ds
|gs (x, y)|2 dy ds
t+ 1 ∂ ∂2 2gs (x, y) gs (x, y) 2 gs (x, y) dy ds gs (x, y) dy ds = ∂s ∂y 0 0 t 1 t+ 1 2 |∂y gs (x, y)|2 dy ds = − |G (x, y)| ds dy, −
t+ 1
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342 so that almost surely and in L2 0
KT → −
T 0
ϕ (ut (x))
|gt (x, y)|2 dy dt dx.
Since KT and JT converge a.s. and in L2 as 0, then also HT = (JT − KT )/2 does and we only have to identify the limit. We claim that
lim HT =
∂x gt−s ∂xgt−r ϕ (ut ), dt dWr,z
dWs,y ,
where the stochastic integrals in the right-hand side (r.h.s.) are Skorohod integrals. In order to prove (27.9) we want to commute the deterministic integral in dt and the double stochastic Itˆo integral which appear in Ms dMs in the definition of HT . However, since t > s > r, the double stochastic integral ϕ (ut (x)) dWr,z dWs,y is anticipative and therefore has to be interpreted in the Skorohod sense. Recall the following commutation property of the Skorohod integral (p. 40 of [6]): if F ∈ D1,2 , v ∈ Dom(δT ), and E[F 2 O(T ) v2 ] < ∞, then: F
O(T )
v dWs,y =
O(T )
(F v) dWs,y +
O(T )
(Ds,y F ) v ds dy
where D is the Malliavin derivative. Recalling that ϕ ∈ C 4 (R) we have Ms Gt−s (x, y) dWs,y = ϕ (ut (x)) Ms Gt−s (x, y) dWs,y ϕ (ut (x)) O(t)
+ O(t)
Ds,y [ϕ (ut )] Gt−s (x, y) dy Ms ds =: A1 + A2 .
Now by the chain rule Ds,y [ϕ (ut(x))] = ϕ (ut (x)) Ds,y ut (x) = ϕ (ut (x)) g+t−s (x, y), see (1.46) at page 38 of [6], and it follows that 0
Ds,y [ϕ
(ut )] Gt−s(x, y) dy
= ϕ
(ut )
1 2 ∂y [g+t−s (x, y)] dy = 0 2
by the boundary conditions at y = 0, 1 so that A2 = 0. Arguing analogously we obtain A1
= O(t)
ϕ (ut (x))
= O(t)
(ut (x))
Gt−r (x, z) dWr,z Gt−s (x, y) dWs,y Gt−r (x, z) dWr,z
Gt−s (x, y) dWs,y ,
where in the r.h.s. we have two Skorohod integrals. Therefore
T HT = Gt−s (·, y) Gt−r (·, z) ϕ (ut), dt dWr,z dWs,y . O(T )
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i Itˆ o–Tanaka’s Formula for SPDEs
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Let F ∈ D2,2 . Denoting ζ := (s, y, r, z) ∈ OT × OT , we compute T E [HT F ] = E Ds,y F dWr,z Gt−s Gt−r ϕ (ut ), dt ds dy OT
= E
= E
Gt−s Gt−r ϕ (ut ), dt
Φ (ζ) :=
where for all > 0 we set
Ds,y Dr,z F
[Ds,y Dr,z F ] Φ (ζ) dζ ,
T +
∂y gt−s (x, y) ∂z gt−r (x, z) ϕ
(ut− (x)) dt
We claim that Φ converges weakly in L2 (OT × OT ), with a bound in L2 (OT × OT ) uniform in ω ∈ Ω: from this (27.9) follows easily by dominated convergence. First, we estimate the norm of Φ in L2 (OT × OT ) Φ2L2 =
T +
T +
= 2 OT
Ot1 ∧t2
T +
, ∂y gt−s (·, y) ∂z gt−r (·, z) ϕ
dx1 (x1 )
(ut−) dt
dx2 (x2 ) ϕ (ut1 − (x1 )) ϕ (ut2 −(x2 ))
∂y gt1−s (x1 , y) ∂z gt1 −r (x1 , z) ∂y gt2−s (x2 , y) ∂z gt2 −r (x2 , z) dζ.
Now we integrate by parts w.r.t. y and z ∂y gt1 −s (x1 , y) ∂z gt1−r (x1 , z) ∂y gt2 −s (x2 , y) ∂z gt2−r (x2 , z) dζ Ot1 ∧t2
= Ot1 ∧t2
∂gt1 −s ∂gt2 −r (x1 , y) gt2 −s (x2 , y) 2 (x2 , z) gt1−r (x1 , z) dζ ∂t1 ∂t2
∂gt1 +t2 −2s ∂gt1 +t2 −2r (x1 , x2 ) 2 (x2 , x1 ) dr ds ∂t1 ∂t2
= 0
2 1 g|t1−t2 | (x1 , x2 ) − gt1 +t2 (x1 , x2 ) , 2
obtaining sup Φ 2L2 >0
≤ C
dt (gt (x1 , x2 ))2 < ∞.
By this estimate, we can conclude the proof of the claim by considering h smooth with
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344 compact support in OT × OT and computing
Φ h dζ
= OT ×OT
= OT ×OT
Zambott 2005/9/7 page 344 i
∂ 2h ∂y∂z ∂ 2h ∂y∂z h
T +
s T
gt−s gt−r ϕ
(ut−), dt
gt−s gt−r ϕ (ut ), dt dζ
∂x gt−s ∂x gt−r ϕ (ut ), dt dζ.
Tanaka’s formula
Recall that the Itˆo formula (27.7) has been proved under the assumption ϕ ∈ C 4 . The reason is that the double Skorohod integral in (27.8) might require two Malliavin derivatives of ϕ (ut (x)). We are going to prove that in fact this is not the case, i.e., (27.7) makes sense also for convex ϕ. First, we need existence of local times for the 1D process t → ut (x), i.e., the following. Lemma 27.1. There exists a jointly measurable process (Lat (x) : t ≥ 0, a ≥ 0, x ∈ (0, 1)) such that for all bounded Borel f : R → R and x ∈ (0, 1)
f(us (x)) ds =
f(a) Lat (x) da,
t ≥ 0.
Proof Fix x ∈ (0, 1) and denote by ∆(s, t) the variance of the r.v. ut (x) − us (x): since u is a Gaussian process, by Theorem 22.1 of [4], a process (Lat (x) : t ≥ 0, a ≥ 0) satisfying (27.11) exists if T sup (∆(s, t))−1/2 dt < ∞, ∀ T ≥ 0. (27.12) s∈[0,T ]
In order to estimate the integral in (27.12), we write for s ≤ t ut (x) =
gt−s (x, y) us (y) dy +
t s
gt−r (x, z) dWr,z ,
so that, setting Fs := σ(W (r, y) : r ∈ [0, s], y ∈ [0, 1]) 2 E (ut (x) − us (x)) Fs = 0
2 gt−s (x, y) [us (y) − us (x)] dy
t + s
2 gt−r (x, z) dz dr
and therefore ∆(s, t)
= E (ut (x) − us (x)) = s
g2(t−r) (x, x) dr =
s t−s
2 gt−r (x, z) dz dr
g2r (x, x) dr.
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i Itˆ o–Tanaka’s Formula for SPDEs
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By standard estimates on heat kernels (see, e.g., p. 268 of [1]) we have for all x ∈ (0, 1): g2r (x, x) ≥ c r −1/2 for all r > 0, where c > 0 is a constant possibly depending on x. In particular, for all x ∈ (0, 1) and s ≤ t t−s c ∆(s, t) ≥ g2r (x, x) dr ≥ (t − s)1/2 2 0 and (27.11) is proved. The joint measurability follows from the continuity of u. To the increasing process t → Lat (x) we associate as usual a random measure dLat (x) on [0, ∞). Notice that (dLat (x) : a ∈ R, x ∈ (0, 1)) is a measurable kernel. Moreover, if (ρ )>0 is a family of smooth mollifiers, i.e. ∞ ρ (x) = ρ(x/)/, x ∈ R, ρ ∈ Cc (R), ρ ≥ 0, ρ = 1, R
then for all Borel bounded f : [0, T ] × R → R, x ∈ (0, 1), ∈ R
f(s, us (x)) ρ (us (x) − a) ds →
f(s, a) dLas (x).
Then the Tanaka formula is the following. Theorem 27.2. For all T ≥ 0 and ∈ Cc2 (0, 1) 1 |uT − a|, = |u0 − a|, + 2
+ 0
, |us − a| ds
sign(us − a) , dWs −
T 0
∂us 2 : dLas , : ∂x
where, for any family of smooth mollifiers (ρ )>0 T ∂us 2 ∂us 2 def a : ρ (us − a) ds , : : dLs = lim , : 0 0 ∂x ∂x 0
1 2 (x) |gt (x, y)| dy dLat (x) dx = −
O(T )
+2 O(T )
∂x gt−s (·, y) ∂x gt−r (·, z) , dLat dWr,z
dWs,y ,
and the stochastic integrals in the last term are Skorohod integrals. Proof Let Φ ∈ C 2 (R) such that Φ = 2 ρ (· − a) and Φ → | · − a | as 0. By (27.7) we have T 1 T Φ (uT ), = Φ (u0 ), + , Φ(us ) ds + Φ (us ) , dWs 2 0 0 ∂us 2 1 T : Φ (us ) ds. − , : (27.15) 2 0 ∂x It is easy to see that all terms in the first line of the last formula converge almost surely and in L2 as 0: this yields the convergence of the remaining term. Using (27.8) we can
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now identify the limit. First, by the occupation time formula
1 2 KT := (x) Φ (ut (x)) |gt (x, y)| dy dx dt O(T )
Φ (b)
= R
O(T )
2 O(T )
(x) 1
|gt (x, y)| dy
dLbt (x) dx
|gt (x, y)|2 dy dLat (x) dx =: KT
almost surely and in L2 . In particular, also
T HT := ∂x gt−s (·, y) ∂x gt−r (·, z) Φ (ut ), dt dWr,z dWs,y O(T )
converges almost surely as 0 and in L2 to a continuous process (HT )T ≥0 . It remains to identify H as the double Skorohod integral appearing in the last term of (27.14). On one hand, by the occupation time formula γ (ζ)
:= s
∂x gt−s (·, y) ∂x gt−r (·, z) Φ (ut ), dt 0
→ 2
∂x gt−s (·, y) ∂x gt−r (·, z) , dLat =: γ(ζ),
with ζ := (s, y, r, z). On the other hand, one has to prove that the last term of (27.14) is well defined, i.e., that γ(s, y, ·, ·) ∈ Dom(δs ),
(δs (γ(s, y, ·, ·)))(s,y)∈O(T ) ∈ Dom(δT ),
(see (27.5 above). To this aim, notice first that, arguing like in the proof of Theorem 27.1, for all F ∈ D2,2 , we can compute
γ (ζ) dWr,z dWs,y = E [Ds,y Dr,z F ] γ (ζ) dζ E F× OT
→ E
[Ds,y Dr,z F ] γ(ζ) dζ
=: Γ(F ).
On the other hand, since HT → HT in L2 , then Γ(F ) = E [F × HT ], so that |Γ(F )| ≤ F L2 HT L2 ,
∀F ∈ D2,2 .
Therefore (27.16) holds and we can integrate by parts twice in the expectation T a Γ(F ) = E F × ∂x gt−s ∂x gt−r , dLt dWr,z dWs,y 2 OT
and the Theorem follows.
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i Itˆ o–Tanaka’s Formula for SPDEs
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Corollary 27.1. The Itˆ o formula (27.7) holds for ϕ linear combination of convex functions, with T ∂us 2 : ϕ (us ) ds , : ∂x 0
1 def = − ϕ (da) (x) |gt (x, y)|2 dy dLat (x) dx R
+2 R
ϕ (da)
O(T )
O(T )
∂x gt−s (·, y) ∂x gt−r (·, z) , dLat dWr,z dWs,y .
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