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Pages 114 Page size 598.228 x 787.651 pts Year 2008
Rod Revell & Trish Stott
Oxford University Press Great Clarendon Street, Ox ford OX2 bDP Oxford New York Athe ns Auc kland Bang kok Bogota Buen os Aires Ca lcu tta Cepe Town Chen nai Dar es Salaa m Delhi Florence Hoo t; Kong Istanbul Ka rach i Kuala Lu mpu r Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumba i Nairobi Pari s Sdo Pau lo Singa pore Taipei Tok yo Toronto War50lw
and associated com panies in Berlin lba dan
Oxford a nd Oxford rllglish are tr ad e ma rks of Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19437665 6 (2nd ed ition) If)
Oxford University Press 1988
First pu blished 1988 (re printed eight times ) New Ed itio n 1994 Seventh impress io n 1999 :"rrlo unauthorized photocopying All rig hts reserved . 1':0 part of this publication Illdy be re prod uced . stored in a ret riev al sys tem. or tran smitted . in an y form or by any mea ns, elec tronic, mecha nical. ph otoco py ing. recording, or otherwise. wit ho ut the prio r written permi ssion of O xford Universi ty !'flOSS. This book is sol d subject to the cond itio n Iha t it shall not , by wa y of trad e or otherw ise, OC· len t, resold, hin-d out, or otherwise circu lated withou t tho publisher's p rio r consent in ilny form of bin d ing or cover other tha n thai in which it is pub lished and withou t r'Y. 1didn't catch that. Call you spt'ok "I'?
Simple pas t: questions. short answers, and negative sta tements
Dealing wi th phoned req uests
Ho tel facilities and serv ices: TIl(' room needs cleaning. fll send soml'lmt up .
Main verb: needtdon't need Auxiliary verb: need/needn't
Giving di rections indoors
Hall porter and chambermaid d irecting g Uf.'S ts-: It's on tht . . . Take tht'lilt to . . .
Prepositions of location an d di rectio n
Giving directions outside
H.111 porter and doorman d irec ting guests: It's IlOt far. About 10 minutes' walk. Go down . . .
Mor e prepositions
Offering he lp a nd advice
Hall porter to guests: Why don't you . . . ? You OIlght to . . . You'd better . . .
Presen t perfect w ith yt't/just may1misht ollght to/should
Dea ling wi th com plain ts (2)
Hotel - gues ts compla ining to recept ion : My mom hasn't been cit-ailed. It should Iflll'e IWt'll cleaned.
snculd haoe: he should have dealled it/it should have been cleaned
Paying bills
Hotel an d restaura nt - payments:
Object pr on ouns Presen t continuo us
Hr:rw are you paying? Would you sign . . 26
Payment queries
Hotel and restau rant - guests query bills:
muclllmally/a lot of
It can't be right. I'm afraid there's no mistake. I beg your pardon . . . 27
Fare wells
Hotel an d restaurant - guests aft' leaving: 1hopeyou enjvyed your slay. Hal¥! a plt'Ilsant trip.
Fut u re refere nce
Answering personal questions
A job in terview Writing lette rs of application
Letter beginnings and endings:
Dear Sir/.\1aJam , .. Yours
Pl.EAse ?
Listening one
Structures to practise A Making qu estions with Can I ... ? and Could I . . . ?
Listen to the four telephone calls and put in the missing words.
Language study Expressions to learn Can 1help you ?
Could I have _. . ?
Who's calling?
Could 1speak to ... ?
What nam e, please ?
I'd like to . . _
Can I ha ve .. . ?
Make se ntences . Examp le: morninglca nlh elp ... Good morning . Can I help you? 1 aftemoonlcan/help 2 cou ldlhave/na me 3 can/have/reserva tions 4 cou ld/speak/manager 5 couldlbooklsingle roo m/two nigh ts 6 cou ldlspeakIJohn 7 cou ld/reserve/table for six 8 can/have/room service
8 Making re quests with I'd like . ..
1 A room for four
Make sentences. Examp le: bo ok/sin gle room/th ree nights ... I'd like to book a single room for three nights.
4 5
1 book/double room/two nigh ts 2 rese rve/table for twofTuesday evening 3 book/sing le room/four nights -t reserve/table for fouriSaturday/8 p.m. S speak/manager
8 10
______ , ple ase. (4-ll August) Goo d . Could I a tabl e for tw o, please? A room for tw o . __ , I'm sorry, the hotel is full.
1 My is Jose Artesco . 2 A room for one person . 3 The day before Wednesd ay . 6 Good . 7 The day after Su nday. 9 Ca n I a room, please?
New words to use
Su mmary
Check the meaning of these new wo rds in the Word List at th e back of th is book. boo k (v.) ma nager double name full
number table rese rve sing le
Now you can Ans wer th e telepho ne politely Gc?0d morning, can 1 help you? Ask for things Could 1 have your name, please?
Listening two
Un de rstand w hat people wa nt I'd like a single room. Could I speak to the manager, please?
l iste n to the dial ogu e a nd fill in the chart. Name
Ask who is on the phone \-Vho's calling?
D single D double
Room number Number of nights
Activity Fill in the crossword:
IA iiiiiilliliil ll1ll @II 5
.. lILof...,.l...·,"""'~
--...... •........__"'..... -.. _ " ...... tl .. ""• ............ ildt
" ~tl'lii
....r-_.__ --.....-
.._.,,___ ...
Tar i ff
room Double/t win room
Suilcs Executi\'e .......
' vums
from £1 70.00 fro m £ 140.00
Listening one Liste n to the cassette and fill in the blanks on the brochure and on the menu .
Language study Expressions to learn The ho tel's in the centre of th e city. There's a sa una . There are two bars. Th e cost is £16.50. I'm Mr Evans .
My name' s Evans . 6
GIVING INFORMATION Structures to practise Describin g th ings u sing the Present tense of the verb to be and using there is/there are . a. _ _ b. _ _ c. _ _ d. _ _ e. _ _ f. _ _
This tab le shows the full and short form s:
Singular Full form lam You are He is She is It is Th ere is
Short form I'm You're
Plural Full form We ar e You are
Short form We're You're
Th ey' re
There are
The re are
g. _
It's There's
Fill in the blanks . Use short forms where possible: My name (1) Mr Black. I (2) the ma nager of the Savoy Hotel. The ho tel (3) in Main Street . There (4) 100 do uble rooms and a bar and a resta ura nt. 20 sing le rooms. (5) There (6) table d'hote meal s at lunchtime and table d'bcte and .it la carte in the evening .
j . _ _ k. _ _ I. _ _
5 excha nge 9 telephone 10 exit bureau 6 women's toilet 11 coffee shop 12 infor mation 7 la undry 8 men's toilet
Now you can Identify yourself
Talk about numbers There are 27 rooms.
I'm Peter. M y name's Evans.
a la car te
exch ang e burea u exit di sabled facilities information meal city coffee sho p men's toilet course menu bar car pa rk cen tre
per sau na special street sw im ming-pool table d'h6te women 's toilet
Talk about prices
The hotel's in Park Street . The restauran t's at 23 Green St.
The cost is . The price is .
currencies Pounds Dollars Francs Marks Crowns Yen Pesetas
Listen to the cassette. Match the items with the prices . a. b. c. d. e.
Say where you are
Listening two 1 child ren' s menu do uble room beer single room table d'hote menu
Summa ry
New words to use
2 3 4 5
_ i. _
1 restauran t 2 disabl ed facilities 3 car pa rk 4 swimming-pool
There are two bars.
Remembe r: There is a sauna .
_ h. _
£105 $1.95 £22.50 £8 950 FF
numbers eleven ' twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen
twenty thirty forty frfty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred
Activity Look at th ese twelve sy mbols and decide which wo rd goe s with each.
~EEK NO. 1able Reservations
for" IUI'\ch
opel'lS o closes e dOSeO on
DaYoe -
. ., . .. , .
Number 01
peeple"0 .
OJ · .... •..
Name:~ -------
Listening one
Structures to practise Questions and answers in the Simp le Present ten se are for rou tines, timetables , and the everyday state of thin gs.
Listen a nd fill in the in forma tion on the note pad s.
Language study
Does he s peak Eng lish? Yes, he does.INa, he d oesn't. Do yo u se rve lunch ? Yes: we do.lNo, we don't. Wh at time do you serve lunch ? We serve lu nch from 12.00 to 2.30. How mu ch d oes a single room cost? It costs £55.
Exp ressions to learn What time do you serve lunch ? Are you open every da y? from Tuesday to Sunday on Monday at l p m Wha t name is it?
How many for?
A Answer these questions . Use short a nswers . Example: 'Do yo u serve lunch ?' 'Yes. we do.' 1 Do yo u serve d inner? No, _ _ 2 Do you spea k English? Yes, 3 Do yo u have a sing le roo m fo r tonig ht? No, -l Does th e wa ite r spea k French? Yes . _ _ 5 Does the ho tel ha ve a sauna? No, _ 6 Does th e ba r open at six? Yes ,
Work in pairs . Ask and answer questions about your routines . _
What time do yo u
How d o you What time do you
B Make questions and anSWt'T5. Example: what timel serve lu nch .. \Vhat time do you sene lunch? 12.30-2.00 .... We serte lunch from 12.30 to 2.00 .
What d o you etc ...
I What time/serve dinner 7_15-11.00 2 How much/single room/cos t
____ ._S_ll_I1_II_na_rt.-:y~---
Now yo u ca n Ask and understand time q ues tions
3 Wha t tim e/ba r open seven o'clock 4, How much/sm all beer/cos t 51.55
What time do you open? Answer time qu estions We open at 6.
New words to use a. m.
dose dosed
every day head wa ite r o'clock get up leave open go lunch p.m.
ge t up? have breakfast? leave yo ur home? travel to sch ool/college? have lunch ? go home ? d o in the evening?
Ask and answer o ther q uestions room
Hoto much does a single room cost?
se rve
It costs £55.
Do yO Il speak English? Yes, I do.
Listening two
Talk about th e time I get III' at 7.30.
listen to people talking about the time .
. 'o w listen to the sen tences a nd write in th e times o n the wa tches belo w:
restaurant staff
winter spring summer autumn
Maitre d'hetel Maitre d'accuell Maitre d' Head Waiter WineWaiter waitress waiter
Mr Ms Mrs Miss
breakfast lunch dinner
Language study
Ma tch the questions a nd a nswers . Listen and check your an swers. 1 Could I reserve a table for two for ton ight? 2 Can I book a do ub le room for tonight ? 3 Can I reserve a table for Sunday lunch ? 4 Could J book a family room for the Christmas weekend? 5 Ca n I reserve a tab le for tomorrow nigh t? 6 Can I spea k to Me Smith in room IOl?
Exp ressions to learn
a. I'm very so rry. We d on 't open on Sundays . b . I'm sorry , sir, we 've nothi ng left. Tomorrow's our busy night. c. I'm sorry, we 're fully boo ked for ton igh t. d.Frn afraid we haven 't any rooms left that weekend . e. I'm afraid we haven 't any tables left for tonigh t. L I'm sorry, there's no answe r. Can I take a message ?
Struc tures to practise
I'm so rry. we 're fully booked . I'm afraid we haven't any left. I'm very so rry , we do n't ope n on Sundays .
w e've no thing left. I'm so rry , there's no a nswer.
In spoken English. and informal writt en English, we usually use the short forms (contrac tions) of th e verbs be. have. a nd do .
Short forms Be
we're you 're
we aren't you aren't
they aren't
I ha ven't you haven't he ha sn 't she hasn't it ha sn't
we've you've
we haven't you ha ven't
they' ve
th ey ha ven't
I don't you don't he d oesn 't she doesn 't it d oesn't
we do you d o
we don't yo u don't
they d o
they don't
I'm you're he's she's it's
I'm not you aren't he isn 't she isn't it isn 't
Have I've you've he 's she's it' s Do ( do you do he d oes she does it d oes
Ask questions and give answers about thes e pictures:
_SoI_ 0f'EH1Ny
16'1Xl-2+«> ' SunMy-
~oo · 1.3 .... 16 TUESDAY
Answer these questions about you r future using : I' m going to . . . or I'll . . . 1 Wh at a re you go ing to do whe n yo u finish college? 2 Wh at so rt of job do you ho pe to get? 3 Where w ill you live? 4 Where w ill you live if th e job is far awa y? 5 How will you spe nd your first m onth's salary? 6 Are yo u going to travel to othe r countries? 7 Where do you hope to go?
eo"""" "3
fly forget hope job journey
looks like lost money pleasant sata ry
""t To....,..·s
17 WEDNESDAY N ' \o>t ~hof' f1~t· t M -'!
to t, :1»
bean 9 beat 17 bcautv salon 21 bedside table 21 (US: nig ht stand) bedspread 24 beef 9 Mfbul'"~£'r 18 (US; hamburger) believe 23 below 7 bidet 21 bill 13 (noun) biscuit 11 (US: cookie ) bitter 6 (US: beer) blackberrv II blackcurrant 11 blanch 17 blank..: 24 blend 17 ( l'tTb ) blender 16
Bohne schlegen Kosmeriksalon
~ tJ qjh~1II.
Tage:;decke Rindfleisch Hamburger
i'.aAt'I4lU xQr~tk lTlOl' JIobtvO lI.Qfn;
~ 1 ~· qj lJJt : t
Il-"tLIJ T£>U
+ ft!,, :;,, / l - 'f -
-tZ,. (,11'-5
glauben unterhalb BidetJSi tzbad Rechnung
fJ'~ !1f~
H'" N"
;WQf~ {,.1l
't /f.111I
tH JtJ:
.'f\' Nt t' Z'-':
H tlt t
j" +"- ~
1-(:} ",l,\ ~1)-a .!j
f .. :;< .nII (:tJ] .:. 7' l Il- I f!' tt't )
tt -'lH nA
..1 nflt'r-ld assaison nernent
de bonne beure/tot e tud es/education anguille oeu f coqu etier [aun e d'oeuf urge nce
emplo yeur vid e inclure
apprecter se rense igner enveloppe ustensues (de cu isine) esc elope tous les JO Ul'S excellent bureau d e change ta uv d e change excursion exposition objet expose so rtie
,11 p ian o di sotto
scola re alla s pin a es posto a correnti d'aria vesti to condi me n to
rned iceztone toilette {il mobile )
bevande secco anar ra anatrcccolo piumone
in a n licipo
lstruzlone dnguilla UO\'O
portau ovo tuorlo e mergc nz a datore di lav oro vuoto
allegare gus tare richiedere informaz ioni b usta at trezzoru ra scaloppina ogni giomo eccellen te camblo la sso d i cambio
aba]o esc u rrir/secar a p resio n co n co men tes de at re ves ndo ali t'lo \'enda tocador bebi das SlKO
pato panto edredon
p ro nto educacion angu ila h uevo h ue vera yt'ma emergencia jefe vacio adj unta r disf rutar p rcgun ta r sob re uten silios esc alope tod os los d ias excelente cambio
tipo de cambro d e dtvisas excursion exposicicn objl;'to ex puesto salida caro
experie nce e n suppleme nt
esperienLil in piu
t.'xpt"riencia t.'), tra
e leml;'nts d e co nfort
a tl rez zalu re
ins ta lacionl;'s/facilid ades
en face de
d i front e
fre ntt' a
oggeuo esposto usota
:IE),UTll;li'vOlxo; s£vo..... OXE 10 "L'
xo~w rrr n
I -If 7 rH') " OJ 'I 7 )
haircut 20 hairdressing 20 half 6 (pI. halves) halibut 12 halve 14 (verb ) hall porter 20 ham 8 handle 16 hanger 21 hard-belled 9 (egg) headache 23 head waiter 3
(*:j.; )
,Ii 1f'i (I ) ;,t rtl
~ f'i {,f;
( M;J4~ )
II1lt 'n.lIKln.:J1 code 19 (phonel
mdicatif mtemanonal
prefi ssc m te m azlonale
rodigo internacional
e n tre tien inviter facture nu rnerozarn cle
colloquio invitare fattura voce
ent revtste in vita r factu re pieza
pommt>d e terre en robe des cha m ps
palata con 1.'1 bu ccia (.'II fom o)
pata ta asa da (sin pe lar ]
jewclh-rv 20 (US: je welry ) lob 27 [oint 13 (US: ro ast)
bijouterie travail r6ti
gioielll lavoro ar ros to
trah ajo
[ouencv 27 lu icv 12 jUlientll' 17
\'oya~ e
vtagg to
jutoux julienne
succoso tag llare a bastonci n i
[ugoso juliana
kt't.'r 16 (t't'rl» kt't'p-lil 20 (Ilolm)
ga mer gymnastiqu e
te ne re
gua rder
il ma nte nersi in forme
(gimnasia de ) mantenlmi en to
chteve carte di eccesso ai servizi rognone cucina impastare coltello
inn. n (\~
(I/tlIlIl )
m\lh' 28 tnt OK+! 26
item 14
jo yerf a
k", 5 card 5 kldnev J.l, kitchen 16 knead 17 kn It' 13 (1'1. kn iI't"S)
fiche d 'horel rognon cuisine pe trir couteeu
I. :>oil 10
e tiquette lou ch e biere blonde
e tichena
e t iqueta
birra chia ra
ol ~n eau
egn elto
lampe grand retard blanchis sa ge di sposition qui tter poireau gauche [arnbe citron lentilles let tre laitue
lampada gra nd e in ritardo lavanderia lr npagina zione pa rtire
ce rveza rubia co rdero lampara gra nde con retraso lavanderia dlseno/composlcion marc ha rse pUt:'rro izq uier da piema lim6n
l: fJ !:. fJ , llfLtf
Of t m fjQ £o la
. '/ - -1' D RIl1lll'*' ( ~ D(1) *, - 7 - )
, 00
JU' m ltMHa
t4'!Jt or
X(J flllLUOl
'''of- .f llIlM;-HI , JllI 1H
Olt£ (l ~ 11
verse r
crevette preferer lieu x preparer rep asser prece den t profiteroles
gamberetto preferire in loco prep arare sti rare
precedente profi teroles
cerdo oporto botones porci6n posid6n correos patata ave s verter garnb a preferir en el mismo edlf icio preparar presionar anterior profiteroles
prullt' 11 p u ree 17
prun eau puree
prugna secca purea
druela pasa p ure
quarter 7 qUl'ry 26 (n'm) guit't 18 quite 12
qua rt d emand er une explication IranquiUe assez
quarto mettere in d ubbio sllenzioso piuttosto
cu arto poner en du da tran qui lo bastante
radish 9 ra ~uu t 17 railwa v 22 rare 9 ' (for stt'tl'k) rarelv 7 ra.\ln ;>.
sausage 18 sa u te "17 scales 17 scallop 14 scampi 9 score 17 (verb) sea bream 12 seasoning 14 sed iment 10 sec to 24 (verb) serious 23 serve 3 service charge 26 settle 25 (- the bill) settle for 9 sew 20 sewing kit 24 sha ke 7 shaker 7
xUQ'W lTrACt,ov QEAl~
(lTlxuvmtll ocxrcc ue AaxaVlxu) ElTtblOQ8wvw EJtaVaAU~~uvW
ilfll-t ,:;
N ',T {,
",..le ry 27
Mnd 'Wi(t,:; 9 -Hj ( ~) lIlI~H
"*J,: ~ , :#J;j ~ ';~ p
-r Q ,
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