Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television: A Biographical Guide Featuring Performers, Directors, Writers, Producers, Designers, Managers, Choreographers, Technicians, Composers, Executives, Volume 54

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television: A Biographical Guide Featuring Performers, Directors, Writers, Producers, Designers, Managers, Choreographers, Technicians, Composers, Executives, Volume 54

ISSN 0749-064X A Biographical Guide Featuring Performers, Directors, Writers, Producers, Designers, Managers, Choreogra

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ISSN 0749-064X

A Biographical Guide Featuring Performers, Directors, Writers, Producers, Designers, Managers, Choreographers, Technicians, Composers, Executives, Dancers, and Critics in the United States, Canada, Great Britain and the World Thomas Riggs, Editor

Volume 54 Includes Cumulative Index Containing References to Who’s Who in the Theatre and Who Was Who in the Theatre

Contemporary Theatre, Film & Television, Vol. 54

Editor Thomas Riggs

Project Editor Michael J. Tyrkus

Editorial Support Services Ryan Cartmill

CTFT Staff Mariko Fujinaka, Laura Gabler, Janice Jorgensen, Annette Petrusso, Susan Risland, Lisa Sherwin, Arlene True, Andrea Votava, Pam Zuber

Editorial Jim Craddock, Steve Cusack

Composition and Electronic Capture Carolyn A. Roney, Gary Leach

© 2004 by Gale. Gale is an imprint of The Gale Group, Inc., a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.

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Preface .......................................................................................... vii Biographies ..................................................................................... 1 Cumulative Index (Including references to Who’s Who in the Theatre and Who Was Who in the Theatre) ......................................... 351


Preface Provides Broad, Single-Source Coverage in the Entertainment Field Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television (CTFT) is a biographical reference series designed to provide students, educators, researchers, librarians, and general readers with information on a wide range of entertainment figures. Unlike single-volume reference works that focus on a limited number of artists or on a specific segment of the entertainment field, CTFT is an ongoing publication that includes entries on individuals active in the theatre, film, and television industries. Before the publication of CTFT, information-seekers had no choice but to consult several different sources in order to locate the in-depth biographical and credit data that makes CTFT’s one-stop coverage the most comprehensive available about the lives and work of performing arts professionals.

Scope CTFT covers not only performers, directors, writers, and producers, but also behind-the-scenes specialists such as designers, managers, choreographers, technicians, composers, executives, dancers, and critics from the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and the world. With 252 entries in CTFT 54, the series now provides biographies on approximately 17,207 people involved in all aspects of theatre, film, and television. CTFT gives primary emphasis to people who are currently active. New entries are prepared on major stars as well as those who are just beginning to win acclaim for their work. CTFT also includes entries on personalities who have died but whose work commands lasting interest.

Compilation Methods CTFT editors identify candidates for inclusion in the series by consulting biographical dictionaries, industry directories, entertainment annuals, trade and general interest periodicals, newspapers, and online databases. Additionally, the editors of CTFT maintain regular contact with industry advisors and professionals who routinely suggest new candidates for inclusion in the series. Entries are compiled from published biographical sources which are believed to be reliable, but have not been verified for this edition by the listee or their agents.

Revised Entries To ensure CTFT’s timeliness and comprehensiveness, entries from previous volumes, as well as from Gale’s Who’s Who in the Theatre, are updated for individuals who have been active enough to require revision of their earlier biographies. Such individuals will merit revised entries as often as there is substantial new information to provide. Obituary notices for deceased entertainment personalities already listed in CTFT are also published.

Accessible Format Makes Data Easy to Locate CTFT entries, modeled after those in Gale’s highly regarded Contemporary Authors series, are written in a clear, readable style designed to help users focus quickly on specific facts. The following is a summary of the information found in CTFT sketches: •

ENTRY HEADING: the form of the name by which the listee is best known.

PERSONAL: full or original name; dates and places of birth and death; family data; colleges attended, degrees earned, and professional training; political and religious affiliations when known; avocational interests.

ADDRESSES: home, office, agent, publicist and/or manager addresses. vii

CAREER: tagline indicating principal areas of entertainment work; resume of career positions and other vocational achievements; military service.

MEMBER: memberships and offices held in professional, union, civic, and social organizations.

AWARDS, HONORS: theatre, film, and television awards and nominations; literary and civic awards; honorary degrees.

CREDITS: comprehensive title-by-title listings of theatre, film, and television appearance and work credits, including roles and production data as well as debut and genre information.

RECORDINGS: album, single song, video, and taped reading releases; recording labels and dates when available.

WRITINGS: title-by-title listing of plays, screenplays, scripts, and musical compositions along with production information; books, including autobiographies, and other publications.

ADAPTATIONS: a list of films, plays, and other media which have been adapted from the listee’s work.

SIDELIGHTS: favorite roles; portions of agent- prepared biographies or personal statements from the listee when available.

OTHER SOURCES: books, periodicals, and internet sites where interviews or feature stories can be found.

Access Thousands of Entries Using CTFT’s Cumulative Index Each volume of CTFT contains a cumulative index to the entire series. As an added feature, this index also includes references to all seventeen editions of Who’s Who in the Theatre and to the four-volume compilation Who Was Who in the Theatre.

Available in Electronic Format Online. Recent volumes of CTFT are available online as part of the Gale Biographies (GALBIO) database accessible through LEXIS-NEXIS. For more information, contact LEXIS-NEXIS, P.O. Box 933, Dayton, OH 45401-0933; phone (937) 865-6800, toll-free: 800-543-6862.

Suggestions Are Welcome Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television is intended to serve as a useful reference tool for a wide audience, so comments about any aspect of this work are encouraged. Suggestions of entertainment professionals to include in future volumes are also welcome. Send comments and suggestions to: The Editor, Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television, Gale Group, 27500 Drake Rd., Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535; or feel free to call toll-free at 1-800877-GALE.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television


Film Casting Director: The Hot Karl, American Film Partners International, 2002. Shattered Souls, American Film Partners International, 2002. The Hot Karl II, Angelang Moving Pictures, 2003.


Television Appearances; Miniseries: Bartender, Titanic, CBS, 1996. Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) representative, Medusa’s Child, ABC, 1997.

Film Appearances: Garbage collector, Deep Sleep, Deep Sleep Productions, 1990. Police officer outside garage, Run, Buena Vista, 1991. Hospital room police officer, The Crush, Warner Bros., 1993. Ed Dawson, Someone to Die For, Libra, 1995. The Amazing Panda Adventure (also known as The Amazing Panda Rescue and Little Panda), Warner Bros., 1995. Guard, Big Bully, Warner Bros., 1996. Narrator Hachiro Tohbe, Jin–Roh (also known as Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade, Kerberos Panzer Cops, and The Wolf Brigade), Tidepoint, 1998. Security guard, Disturbing Behavior (also known as Disturbing Behaviour), Columbia/TriStar, 1998. McGraw, The Silencer, Justin Johnson, 1999. Police detective, How to Kill Your Neighbor’s Dog, Millennium Films, 2000. Sergeant McKinsey, Bear with Me, Endemol Entertainment, 2000. Detective Steve Finn, 3000 Miles to Graceland, Warner Bros., 2001. Grisson, Ignition, New World, 2001. Stan, The Hot Karl, American Film Partners International, 2002. Deputy Clark, Snakehead Terror, Cinetel Films, 2003. Stan, The Hot Karl II, Angelang Moving Pictures, 2003. Winthrop, Unrecoverable Error, 2003. The Core, Paramount, 2003.

Television Appearances; Movies: The Trial of the Incredible Hulk, NBC, 1989. Frank Hemingway, Shame, Lifetime, 1992. Watch captain, Deadlocked: Escape from Zone 14 (also known as Deadlock 2), Fox, 1995. (As Doug Abrams) Hank Whitehead, Murder at My Door, Fox, 1996. Night manager, Abducted: A Father’s Love (also known as Fugitive from Justice), NBC, 1996. Parent, The Limbic Region, Showtime, 1996. Tavish, Brothers of the Frontier, ABC, 1996. Fifth police officer, Five Desperate Hours, NBC, 1997. Parole chairperson, Convictions, Lifetime, 1997. Detective Greeden, Catch Me If You Can (also known as Deadly Game and Hide and Seek), Fox Family Channel, 1998. Guard, Perfect Little Angels, Fox Family Channel, 1998. Mail carrier, The Inspectors, Showtime, 1998. Off–duty police officer, Killers in the House, USA Network, 1998. Second friend, My Husband’s Secret Life, USA Network, 1998. Manager, A Cooler Climate, Showtime, 1999. Steve Boyd, Road Rage, NBC, 1999. Press coordinator, The Linda McCartney Story, CBS, 2000. Roger Darrow, The Man Who Used to Be Me, Fox Family Channel, 2000. Super Mead, Wildfire 7: The Inferno, PAX, 2002. Hale, Stargate SG–1, Sci–Fi Channel, 2003.

ABRAHAMS, Doug (Douglas Abrahms, Doug Abrams)

Career: Actor.



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 High roller, ⬙The Family of Man,⬙ The Chris Isaak Show, Showtime, 2001. Vice principal, ⬙Dances with Squirrels,⬙ The Sausage Factory, Comedy Network, 2001. Walter Daily (some sources cite Daley), ⬙Sugar Mountain,⬙ Seven Days, UPN, 2001. ⬙Be a Cruel Twist,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 2001. Commander Hale, ⬙Shadow Play,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Sci–Fi Channel and syndicated, 2002. Commander Hale, ⬙Fallen,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Sci–Fi Channel and syndicated, 2003. Commander Hale, ⬙Homecoming: Part 2,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Sci–Fi Channel and syndicated, 2003. Fred Jenkins, ⬙The Combination,⬙ The Dead Zone, USA Network, 2003. Second banker, ⬙No Excuse,⬙ Peacemakers, USA Network, 2003.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Douglas Abrahms) ⬙Caper,⬙ Stingray, NBC, 1987. Robert Kelham, ⬙Early Retirement,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1988. First Gallum brother, ⬙The Heart of Adventure,⬙ Bordertown, The Family Channel, 1990. Captain Briggs, ⬙The Education of Terry Carver,⬙ 21 Jump Street, syndicated, 1991. Benson’s deputy, ⬙Mountain Men,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1992. Del Ray, Traps, CBS, 1994. General Farley, ⬙Soldier of Misfortune⬙ (also known as ⬙Virtually Falling Down⬙), M.A.N.T.I.S., Fox, 1994. Luke Hoskins, ⬙Bless the Child,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1994. Police officer, Birdland, ABC, 1994. Second agent, ⬙Genderbender,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1994. Cook, ⬙Hester,⬙ Hawkeye, syndicated, 1995. Detective Marty Phipps, The Marshal, ABC, 1995. Foreman, ⬙Living Hell,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1995. Paul Vitaris, ⬙Die Hand Die Verletzt,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1995. Dix, ⬙The Tenement,⬙ Poltergeist: The Legacy, Showtime, Sci–Fi Channel, and syndicated, 1996. Ed Matson, ⬙Many Happy Returns,⬙ Two, CBC and syndicated, 1996. Harbaugh, ⬙The Field Where I Died,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1996. Lieutenant Neary, ⬙Hell Money,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1996. ⬙Cattle War,⬙ Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years, syndicated, 1996. Albert Lane (some sources cite Albert Lone), ⬙Pennies from Heaven,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1997. Chief Harris, ⬙Breakdown on Thunder Road,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1997. Detective Kent, ⬙Loin Like a Hunting Flame,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1997. Sergeant Manny Walters, ⬙A Single Blade of Grass,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1997. Sheriff Nealy, ⬙The Judgment of Joe Dean Bonner,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime, 1998. Sergeant, Three, The WB, 1998. First guard, ⬙The Hanged Man,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 1999. Major Emerson, ⬙Chem Lab,⬙ The Net, USA Network, 1999. Becker, ⬙Through the Looking Glass,⬙ Level 9, UPN, 2000. Officer Cronen, ⬙The Believers,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 2000. Sheriff O’Brien, ⬙Revival,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 2000. ⬙Lost Souls,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 2000. Dwayne Kurtzman, ⬙Smackdown,⬙ The Chris Isaak Show, Showtime, 2001.

Appeared as Sergeant Murphy in The Commish, ABC; appeared in episodes of other series, including Cold Squad, CTV and Lifetime. Television Appearances; Pilots: Thomas Brill, ⬙Booker,⬙ Booker, Fox, 1989. (As Doug Abrams) First patrolman, The X–Files, Fox, 1993. Phil, Cupid, ABC, 1998. Second police officer, The Chronicle, Sci–Fi Channel, 2001. Cashier, John Doe, Fox, 2002.

AMATO, Mark 1965– (Mark A. Amato) PERSONAL Born December 16, 1965, in Saddle Brook, NJ; married JoAnn Willette (an actress), October 10, 1992; children: two. Addresses: Agent—Endeavor Talent Agency, 9701 Wilshire Blvd., Tenth Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Writer. Worked early in his career as a joke writer for comedian Dennis Miller. Cocreator of the Internet magazine Daily Anxiety. CREDITS Television Story Editor; Series: Pauly, Fox, 1997. Grown Ups, UPN, c. 1999–2000. 2

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

AMATO ⬙Deportation,⬙ Earth: Final Conflict (also known as EFC, Gene Roddenberry’s Battleground Earth, Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict, Invasion planete Terre, and Mission Erde: Sie sind unter uns), syndicated, 2002. (As Mark A. Amato) ⬙Empty the Dragon,⬙ Son of the Beach, USA Network, 2002. ⬙Subterra,⬙ Earth: Final Conflict (also known as EFC, Gene Roddenberry’s Battleground Earth, Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict, Invasion planete Terre, and Mission Erde: Sie sind unter uns), syndicated, 2002.

WRITINGS Teleplays; Series: Mutant X, syndicated, multiple episodes, 2002–2003. Teleplays; Episodes: ⬙The Busybody,⬙ Harry and the Hendersons, syndicated, 1992. ⬙The Ghostmakers,⬙ Extreme Ghostbusters (animated), syndicated, 1997. ⬙The Irritable Bow–Wow Syndrome,⬙ Men in Black: The Series (animated), The WB, 1997. ⬙The Neuralizer Syndrome,⬙ Men in Black: The Series (animated), The WB, 1997. ⬙Pauly Come Home,⬙ Pauly, Fox, 1997. (With Dalina Soto–Loesser and Dan Berendsen) ⬙Spies Like Us,⬙ Pauly (also based on a story by Amato), Fox, 1997. ⬙Friend or Faux,⬙ Maggie Winters, CBS, 1998. ⬙A Comic Tragedy,⬙ Grown Ups, UPN, 1999. (With Arthur Harris) ⬙Vegas, a Place in the Sun,⬙ Grown Ups, UPN, 1999. (As Mark A. Amato) ⬙The Sexorcist,⬙ Son of the Beach, USA Network, 2001. ⬙Deep Sleep,⬙ Earth: Final Conflict (also known as EFC, Gene Roddenberry’s Battleground Earth, Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict, Invasion planete Terre, and Mission Erde: Sie sind unter uns), syndicated, 2002.

Also writer for the series Home Improvement, ABC; and The New America’s Funniest People, ABC. Teleplays; Specials: G–Saviour (animated; also known as Gundam Savior), [Japan], 1999. Other: Contributor to magazines, including Spy. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Daily Anxiety,, September 16, 2001.


B CREDITS BAKER, Simon 1969– (Simon Baker–Denny, Simon Baker Denny)

Television Appearances; Series: (As Simon Baker–Denny) Sam Farrell, E Street, 10 Network (Australia), 1991–1992. James Healey, Home and Away, 7 Network (Australia), 1994. (As Baker–Denny) Naked (also known as Naked: The Blind Side Breakaway), ABC (Australia), c. 1995. (As Baker–Denny) Thomas ⬙Tom⬙ Summers, Heartbreak High, 10 Network, 1995–1996. Nick Fallin, The Guardian, CBS, 2001—.


Born July 30, 1969, in Launceston, Tasmania, Australia; immigrated to the United States, 1995; son of Barry Baker (a mechanic and groundskeeper) and Elizabeth Labberton (a high school English teacher); married Rebecca Rigg (an actress), 1998; children: Stella Breeze, Claude Blue, Harry Friday. Education: Briefly studied nursing in Sydney, Australia. Avocational Interests: Surfing, sports.

Television Appearances; Movies: (As Simon Baker–Denny) Junior Armstrong, Judas Kiss, Cinemax, 1998. Andy Greville, Secret Men’s Business, 1999.

Addresses: Agent—Greg Siegel, Endeavor Talent Agency, 9701 Wilshire Blvd., Tenth Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Untitled Entertainment, 8436 West Third St., Suite 650, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Publicist—Christine Tripicchio, Wolf–Kasteler and Associates, 335 North Maple Dr., Suite 351, Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Sweat, [Australia], c. 1995. Young Eric Draven, ⬙Brother’s Keeper,⬙ The Crow: Stairway to Heaven, syndicated, 1999. Guest, The View, ABC, 2002 and 2003. Guest, The Late Show with David Letterman, CBS, 2003.

Career: Actor. Worked as a model, appeared in commercials, and worked as a director’s assistant. Also worked as bartender, bricklayer, electrician, pizza maker, and salesperson.

Appeared as Stewart Waterman, ⬙Local Hero: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ A Country Practice; as Ben, GP, [Australia]; and as a member of the band Decoy, Heartbreak High, 10 Network (Australia).

Awards, Honors: Logie Award, TV Week, most popular new talent, 1992, for E Street; Australian Film Institute Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a leading role in a television feature or miniseries, 2000, for Secret Men’s Business; Family Television Award, best actor, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a television series—drama, both 2002, for The Guardian.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 53rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, CBS, 2001. Presenter, The Eighth Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, TNT, 2002. The 54th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, NBC, 2002. Presenter, The 60th Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 2003. 4

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

BARBER Addresses: Office—Capilano College, Visual and Performing Arts Division, Theatre Department, 202 Arbutus Bldg., 2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver, British Columbia V7J 3H5, Canada.

Also a presenter for the 2003 Logie Awards ceremony in Australia. Television Appearances; Pilots: Private Stan Hawke, Which Way to the War, [Australia], 1994. Christian McNeill, The Last Best Place, CBS, 1996.

Career: Actress. Capilano College, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, instructor in musical theatre and director. Centennial Theatre, director of Broadway on the Beach (musical theatre school for young people), 2000; founding member of Vancouver Shakespeare Festival and Bard on the Beach; performer with Vancouver Playhouse and other local theatre companies; also worked as a choreographer.

Television Director; Episodic: ⬙My Aim Is True,⬙ The Guardian, CBS, 2003. Film Appearances: (As Simon Baker Denny) Matt Reynolds, L.A. Confidential, Warner Bros., 1997. Stephen Barnes, Most Wanted, New Line Cinema, 1997. Eric, Love from Ground Zero, Sandbox Films, 1998. (As Simon Baker–Denny) Kenny, Restaurant, 1998, Palisades Pictures, 2000. George Clyde, Ride with the Devil, Universal, 1999. Chip Pettengill, Red Planet, Warner Bros., 2000. Michael Scott, Sunset Strip, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. Retaux de Vilette, The Affair of the Necklace, Warner Bros., 2001.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Voice of the hawk, Adventures from the Book of Virtues (animated), PBS, 2000. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Bonnie Clutter, In Cold Blood, CBS, 1996. Chairperson, Intensity (also known as Dean Koontz’s Intensity), Fox, 1997. Arlene, A Girl Thing, Showtime, 2001. Catherine, Christy, Choices of the Heart, Part II: A New Beginning, PAX, 2001.

RECORDINGS Music Videos: Appeared in music videos, including ⬙Love You Right⬙ by Euphoria.

Television Appearances; Movies: Ski shop clerk, Brotherly Love, The WB, 1985. Marilyn, Matinee (also known as Midnight Matinee), [Canada], 1990. Susan Blankenship, Diagnosis of Murder, CBS, 1992. Adoptive mother, Moment of Truth: A Child Too Many, NBC, 1993. City attorney, Whose Child Is This? The War for Baby Jessica, ABC, 1993. Renata Reed, Someone Else’s Child (also known as Lost and Found), Lifetime, 1994. Art sycophant, The Man Who Wouldn’t Die, ABC, 1995. Colonel Koufalis, Serving in Silence: The Margarethe Cammermeyer Story (also known as Serving in Silence), NBC, 1995. Francine Hood, Jack Reed: One of Our Own, NBC, 1995. Mrs. Kramer, The Other Mother: A Moment of Truth Movie, Lifetime, 1995. Francine Hood, Jack Reed: A Killer amongst Us, 1996. Julie Taft, Maternal Instincts, USA Network, 1996. Sister Mary Catherine, The Halfback of Notre Dame, Showtime, 1996. Betty, Touched by Evil, ABC, 1997. Case worker, Unwed Father, ABC, 1997. Cheryl Puccio, The Advocate’s Devil, ABC, 1997. Dr. Melville, Nightscream, NBC, 1997. Pediatrician, High Stakes, Lifetime, 1997.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Age Green Guide, February 13, 2003. Detour, November, 1999. Orange Coast, October, 2003. Parade, September 1, 2002, p. 14. Premiere, December, 2001, p. 22. TV Guide, December 8, 2001, pp. 42–44; November 9, 2002, p. 16. TV Week, January 25, 2003. Whirl, October, 2003. Who Weekly, July 1, 2002. Wow, September 14, 2002.

BARBER, Gillian 1957– PERSONAL Born 1957, in England; immigrated to Canada. Education: Attended Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London. 5


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Dr. Rita Hagen, ⬙Hypnotic,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Flora Becker, ⬙Winner Takes All,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime, 1998. Michelle Dorn, Cold Squad, CTV, 1998. Rita Brice, Cold Squad, CTV, 1998. Violet Kaymore, ⬙We All Fall Down,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 1998. ⬙Passed Imperfect,⬙ Sleepwalkers, NBC, 1998. Mary Hollander, ⬙Listen,⬙ So Weird, The Disney Channel, 1999. ⬙Better Luck Next Time,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1999. Clarice Jacobs, ⬙The Gray Lady,⬙ Mysterious Ways, PAX, 2000. Isabel Anderson, ⬙Bride’s Kiss,⬙ The Immortal, syndicated, 2000. Mrs. Hogan, ⬙Good Harvest,⬙ The Fearing Mind, 2000. ⬙Among My Souvenirs,⬙ Hollywood Off–Ramp, E! Entertainment Television, 2000. Madelaine Figelsteen, ⬙Lost Souls,⬙ Mysterious Ways, PAX, 2001. ⬙Patient Zero,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 2001. Ambassador Dralok, ⬙Shadow Play,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Sci–Fi Channel and syndicated, 2002. Julia Haines, ⬙Simple, Sad,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 2002. Rena Dunne’s mother, ⬙Room 245,⬙ Beyond Belief, Fox, 2002. Ambassador Dralok, ⬙Fallen,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Sci–Fi Channel and syndicated, 2003. Ambassador Dralok, ⬙Homecoming: Part 2,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Sci–Fi Channel and syndicated, 2003. Lorna’s aunt, Out of Order, Showtime, 2003.

Ann Corley, Crimes of Passion: Nobody Lives Forever (also known as Crimes of Passion: Edna Buchanan’s Nobody Lives Forever and Edna Buchanan’s Nobody Lives Forever), ABC, 1998. Eric’s mother, I’ve Been Waiting for You, NBC, 1998. Mother Fitz, Goldrush: A Real Life Alaskan Adventure (also known as Gold Rush!), ABC, 1998. Nurse Nancy, The Baby Dance, Showtime, 1998. Carol, The Color of Courage, USA Network, 1999. Mrs. Hofflund, Final Run, CBS, 1999. Mrs. Parker, A Storm in Summer, Showtime, 2000. Nancy Canton, In the Name of the People, CBS, 2000. Catherine, Christy: The Movie (also known as Christy: Return to Cutter Gap), PAX, 2001. ⬙How Doc Waddems Finally Broke 100,⬙ The Sports Pages, Showtime, 2001. Dr. Bonnie Talbott, Shadow Realm, Sci–Fi Channel, 2002. Principal Meyer, Bang, Bang, You’re Dead, Showtime, 2002. Alice Marshall, Mary Higgins Clark’s Before I Say Goodbye, PAX, 2003. Rita, An Unexpected Love (also known as This Much I Know), Lifetime, 2003. Television Appearances; Episodic: Donna Lansing, ⬙The Bay Mystery,⬙ The Beachcombers, CBC, 1988. Julia Ashley, ⬙Blood Fury,⬙ Bordertown, The Family Channel and Global, 1989. Vivian Schneer, ⬙All or Nothing,⬙ Wiseguy, CBS, 1989. Dr. Sheila West, ⬙The Commissioner’s Ball,⬙ The Commish, ABC, 1991. ⬙Nowhere Fast,⬙ Neon Rider, syndicated, 1991. Drug dealer’s girlfriend, ⬙Cross Fire,⬙ Street Justice, syndicated, 1992. Agent Nancy Spiller (some sources cite Jane Spiller), ⬙Ghost in the Machine,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1993. Alice Lowry, Robin’s Hoods, syndicated, 1994. Beth Kane, ⬙Red Museum,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1994. Winnoma Masters, ⬙Family Affairs,⬙ Madison, Global, 1994. Joanne Wiley, Birdland, ABC, 1994. Dr. Helen Malloy (some sources cite Mallory), ⬙In the Shadows of the Gallows,⬙ The Commish, ABC, 1995. Fisk, ⬙The Voice of Reason,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1995. Penny Northern, ⬙Nisei,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1995. Nicole, ⬙Gillian of the Spirits,⬙ Sliders, Fox, 1996. Dr. Gladstone, ⬙Red Dust,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1997. Joan Warner, ⬙The Devil’s Lighthouse,⬙ Poltergeist: The Legacy, Showtime, Sci–Fi Channel, and syndicated, 1997. Mrs. Barbakow, ⬙Monster,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1997. Mrs. DuPree, ⬙Chateau L’Feet J’mae,⬙ Breaker High, 1997. Penny Northern, ⬙Memento Mori,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1997.

Appeared as Ramona Cutting in Beggars and Choosers, Showtime. Also appeared in episodes of The Addams Family, The Family Channel and Fox Kids Network. Television Appearances; Specials: Roselyn McPherson, Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County (also known as Alien Abduction: The McPherson Tape and Incident in Lake County), UPN, 1998. Ambassador Dralok, Stargate SG–1, Sci–Fi Channel, 2003. Television Work; Series: Additional voices, Action Man (live action and animated), USA Network, c. 1995–1996. Film Appearances: Yellow queen, Rainbow War, Pyramid Media, 1985. Anne Barnes, The Stepfather (also known as Stepfather I), New Century Vista, 1987. Nurse, Short Time, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1990. 6

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Concord secretary, North of Pittsburgh, Telefilm Canada/British Columbia Film Commission, 1992. Voice on the telephone, Impolite, Asylum, 1992. Myrtle Keeton, Needful Things, Columbia, 1993. Coroner, Double Cross, A B C Distributing, 1994. Donna (Jayne’s friend), Max, Apple Pie Pictures, 1994. Grace Briggs, Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain, Universal, 1995. Mrs. Thomas, Jumanji, Columbia/TriStar, 1995. Barb, Kitchen Party, Highwire Entertainment, 1997. Iris, Double Suspicion, Worldvision Entertainment, 1997. Therapist, Bliss, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Judy Effkin, Disturbing Behavior, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1998. Rebecca Tingely, Double Jeopardy (also known as Doppelmord and Double condamnation), Paramount, 1999. Doctor, The 6th Day (also known as Le sixieme jour), Columbia, 2000. Maddy Corrigan, The Guilty, Dogwood Pictures, 2000. Mrs. Schmidt, Suspicious River, Beyond Films, 2000. Factory receptionist, Cats & Dogs, Warner Bros., 2001. Mary Keenan, Stealing Sinatra, Ron Ziskin Production, 2003.

BARNETTE BARNETTE, Alan PERSONAL Engaged to Kim Delaney (an actress); children: Cameron. Addresses: Office—Alan Barnette Productions, 100 Universal City Plaza, Bldg. 2352, Suite 101, Universal City, CA 91608. Career: Producer. Alan Barnette Productions, principal. CREDITS Film Work: Associate producer, Nightmares, Universal, 1983. Producer, Off Limits (also known as Saigon), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1988. Producer, S Club Seeing Double (also known as Seeing Double), Columbia TriStar, 2003.

Stage Appearances: Sitting on Paradise, Arts Club Theatre, then Surrey Arts Centre, both Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1997. Anna, Hamlet, Arts Club Theatre, 1999. Anna, Two Ships Passing, Arts Club Theatre, then Stanley Theatre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1999. A Little Princess, Arts Club Theatre, 2002.

Television Work; Series: Associate producer, Otherworld, CBS, 1985. Producer, The Equalizer, CBS, 1985. Producer, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, NBC, 1985–1986, then USA Network, 1987–1988. Producer, B. L. Stryker, ABC, 1989. Executive producer, Extreme, ABC, 1995. Executive producer, Sliders, Fox, 1995–1997. Producer, L.A. 7 (also known as S Club 7 in L.A.), BBC, then Fox Family, 2000, then ABC Family, 2001. Executive producer, Other People, 2001. Executive producer, Viva S Club, BBC and ABC Family, 2002.

Appeared as Lady Constance, The Life and Death of King John, The Shakespeare Project, Savage God Company, Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Television Work; Pilots: Coproducer, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, NBC, 1985. Producer, Streets of Justice, NBC, 1985. Co–executive producer, The Monkees, NBC, 2003.

Stage Director: (And choreographer) Jerry’s Girls, Capilano College Performing Arts Theatre, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2000. A Little Princess, Arts Club Theatre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2002.

Television Work; Movies: Producer, Streets of Justice, 1985. Producer, Royal Gambit, ABC, 1989. Producer, The King of Jazz, ABC, 1989. Producer, The Dancer’s Touch, ABC, 1989. Producer, Blind Chess, ABC, 1989. Producer, Auntie Sue, ABC, 1989. Producer, Curiosity Kills, USA Network, 1990. Producer, Somebody Has to Shoot the Picture, HBO, 1990. Executive producer, Murder 101, USA Network, 1991. Executive producer, Red Wind, USA Network, 1991.

Director of You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown and director and choreographer of Cinderella, both Capilano College, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

BARKER, Sean See HAYTER, David 7


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 General West, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Rules of Engagement (also known as Les regales d’engagement and Rules—Sekundender Entscheidung), Paramount, 2000. Agent Bilkins, The Fast and the Furious, MCA/Universal, 2001. Agent Bilkins, 2 Fast 2 Furious, Universal, 2003.

Executive producer, White Lie, USA Network, 1991. Executive producer, The Broken Cord, Lifetime, 1992. Executive producer, Blindsided, USA Network, 1993. Executive producer, Dead Air, USA Network, 1994. Executive producer, The Man Who Wouldn’t Die, ABC, 1995. Co–executive producer, Flight for Justice: The Nancy Conn Story, NBC, 1995. Executive producer, The Devil’s Child, ABC, 1997. Executive producer, Resurrection, ABC, 1999. Executive producer, Love and Treason, CBS, 2001.

Television Appearances; Series: Voice of Agent Gabriel Jones, The Incredible Hulk (animated), UPN, 1996. Television Appearances; Movies: Therapist, Out of Darkness, ABC, 1994. Moore, Alien Nation: The Udara Legacy, Fox, 1997. Tyler, The Expendables, USA Network, 2000. General Gates, The President’s Man: A Line in the Sand, CBS, 2002. War Stories, NBC, 2002.

BARRY, Thom (Thomas Barry) PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—400 South Beverly Dr., Suite 101, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; c/o Don Buchwald & Associates, 6500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2200, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Manager—Protocol, 8899 Beverly Blvd., Suite 606, Los Angeles, CA 90048.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Charlie, Common Law, ABC, 1996. Franklin Harris, Guys Like Us, UPN, 1998. The Education of Max Bickford, CBS, 2001. Without a Trace, CBS, 2002.

Career: Actor. Appeared in television commercials for Nexium and Sears, both 2001, and Home Depot and UPS, both 2003.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Walter, ⬙Growth Pains,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. Cleaning man, ⬙Love Is a Beach,⬙ Martin, Fox, 1995. Chief mechanic, ⬙Mutiny,⬙ Space: Above and Beyond, Fox, 1995. Manager, ⬙The Hot Tub,⬙ Seinfeld, NBC, 1995. Super, ⬙The Soup Nazi,⬙ Seinfeld, NBC, 1995. Cop, ⬙There’s the Rub: Part 2,⬙ The Fresh Prince of Bel– Air, NBC, 1995. Judge, ⬙Private Lives,⬙ The Client, CBS, 1996. T–Ball, ⬙The Right Thing,⬙ ER, NBC, 1996. Judge, ⬙The High Ground,⬙ The Client, CBS, 1996. Judge, ⬙Money Talks,⬙ The Client, CBS, 1996. John Raye, ⬙Hair Affair,⬙ Dangerous Minds, ABC, 1996. Maintenance worker, ⬙Grey 17 Is Missing,⬙ Babylon 5, syndicated, 1996. Mark, ⬙Doctor in the House,⬙ Living Single, Fox, 1996. Captain Phil Bryant, ⬙Murder Two: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Diagnosis: Murder, CBS, 1997. Chief Moret, ⬙Power Corrupts,⬙ Soldier of Fortune, Inc. (also known as Special Ops Forces), syndicated, 1997. Bartender, ⬙All’s Well That Ends Well,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1997. ⬙Chains of Command,⬙ JAG, CBS, 1998. Governor of Ohio, ⬙Shoot to Kill,⬙ Profiler, NBC, 1998. Ralph Poland, ⬙Wild Life,⬙ Martial Law, CBS, 1999. Judge Watson, ⬙Lawyers, Reporters and Cockroaches,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 1999. Ralph Samuels, ⬙Big Trouble,⬙ Martial Law, CBS, 1999.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Nice junkman, Schemes, Bristol Entertainment, 1994. Samahani, Congo, Paramount, 1995. Orderly, Apollo 13 (also known as Apollo 13: The IMAX Experience), MCA/Universal, 1995. Landlord, White Man’s Burden (also known as White Man), Savoy Pictures, 1995. Guard, The American President, Turner Entertainment, 1995. SETI technician Ⲇ2, Independence Day (also known as ID4), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. Teacher, High School High, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1996. James Jordan, Space Jam, Warner Bros., 1996. (As Thomas Barry) Bennie Thompson, Ghosts of Mississippi (also known as Ghosts from the Past), Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1996. Fred Baker, Riot, PM Entertainment Group, 1996. Ramstein S.O.F. watch officer, Air Force One (also known as A.F.O.), Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Sergeant Marcus, Steel, Warner Bros., 1997. Pops Morgan, Major League: Back to the Minors, Warner Bros., 1998. 8

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Judge Watson, ⬙Home Invasions,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 1999. Voice of Jimal, ⬙Dances with Dingoes,⬙ The Wild Thornberrys (animated), Nickelodeon, 1999. Mark Richardson, ⬙Five Votes Down,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 1999. Detective Oberg, ⬙Saved,⬙ Get Real, Fox, 2000. Leonard, ⬙Meltdown,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 2000. ⬙Going Home,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2000. Garvis, ⬙Hearts and Minds,⬙ The Education of Max Bickford, CBS, 2001. Garvis, ⬙Herding Cats,⬙ The Education of Max Bickford, CBS, 2001. Mark Richardson, ⬙Ways and Means,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2001. Lyle Wakefield, ⬙In Too Deep,⬙ Any Day Now, Lifetime, 2002. Judge Watson, ⬙Special Deliveries: Part 2,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 2003. Congressman Mark Richardson, ⬙Angel Maintenance,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2003.

BARTON Kat Peterson, The Adventures of A.R.K. (also known as The Adventures of A.R.K. (Animal Rescue Kids)), The Discovery Channel, 1998–1999. Tess Farraday, Stark Raving Mad, NBC, beginning 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Tiffany Kennedy, How to Marry a Billionaire: A Christmas Tale (also known as How to Marry a Billionaire), Fox, 2000. Young Martha Stewart, Martha Inc.: The Story of Martha Stewart, NBC, 2003. Just Desserts, Hallmark Channel, 2003. Television Appearances; Specials: Crosstown, CBS, 1996. Presenter, The 14th Annual Genesis Awards, Animal Planet, 2000. Television Appearances; Episodic: Wendy, ⬙Break a Leg,⬙ Maybe This Time, ABC, 1996. Helen Merrit (some sources cite Helen Meyerson), ⬙Shine a Light on You,⬙ Nowhere Man, UPN, 1996. ⬙The Penance,⬙ The Lazarus Man, TNT and syndicated, 1996. Lucy Loengard, ⬙The Enemy Within,⬙ Dark Skies, NBC, 1997. Lucy Loengard, ⬙The Last Wave,⬙ Dark Skies, NBC, 1997. ⬙It’s the Great Pumpkin, Harry,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1999. Lindsay Conkle, ⬙Most Wanted,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1999. Meg Wheeler, ⬙To Halve and to Hold,⬙ C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation, CBS, 2001. Penelope, ⬙My Dinner with Jake,⬙ What about Joan, ABC, 2001. Christina More, ⬙Indian Summer,⬙ The Guardian, CBS, 2001. Rebecca, ⬙Hex, Lies, and No Video Tape,⬙ Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, The WB, 2001. Karen, ⬙Mommy and Me,⬙ Baby Bob, CBS, 2002. Stacey, ⬙The Mattress King,⬙ In–Laws, NBC, 2002. Stacey, ⬙Lucky Charms,⬙ In–Laws, NBC, 2002.

Also appeared as Judge Campbell, The Monroes, ABC.

BARTON, Dorie PERSONAL Original name, Dorothy Barton; also known as Dorie L. Barton. Addresses: Agent—Barry McPherson, Agency for the Performing Arts, 9200 Sunset Blvd., Suite 900, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Manager—Daniel Spilo, Evolution Entertainment, 901 North Highland Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90038. Career: Actress. Appeared in commercials, including one for Dish Network, 2002. Awards, Honors: Los Angeles Ovation Award nomination, best featured actress in a play, 1999, for Die! Mommy! Die!; Los Angeles Weekly Theatre Award, best supporting female performance, 2003, for Pentecost.

Also appeared as Jessica in an episode of The Client (also known as John Grisham’s The Client), CBS. Film Appearances: Delinquent’s Derby, 1995. Coffee shop girl, Foreign Correspondents, Creative Light Entertainment, 1999. Georgia, The Kidnapping of Chris Burden, 1999. Beth Morgan, Do You Wanna Know a Secret?, Mainline Releasing, 2001. Sally, Down with Love, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2003.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Beth Garvey, One Life to Live (also known as One Life to Live: The Summer of Seduction), ABC, 1993–1994. 9


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Co–executive producer, Smallville (also known as Smallville Beginnings and Smallville: Superman the Early Years), The WB, 2001—. Co–executive producer, Dark Angel (also known as James Cameron’s Dark Angel), Fox, 2002.

Stage Appearances: Sophistry, Lost Studio Theatre, Los Angeles, 1995. Edith Sussman and Verna, Die! Mommy! Die!, House of Sussman Company, Coast Playhouse, West Hollywood, CA, 1999. Secretary and Toni Newsome, Pentecost, Theatre of Note, Evidence Room Theatre, Los Angeles, 2002. ⬙Cringe,⬙ Hollywood Stories, Evidence Room Theatre, 2002–2003.

Television Work; Movies: Executive producer, The Last Man on Planet Earth, UPN, 1999.

Also appeared as Paulinka, A Bright Room Called Day; member of ensemble for a production of The Skin of Our Teeth.

Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Revulsion,⬙ Star Trek: Voyager (also known as Voyager), UPN, 1997. ⬙One,⬙ Star Trek: Voyager (also known as Voyager), UPN, 1998. ⬙Dawg Day Afternoon,⬙ Dark Angel (also known as James Cameron’s Dark Angel), Fox, 2002. ⬙Harbor Lights,⬙ Dark Angel (also known as James Cameron’s Dark Angel), Fox, 2002. ⬙Suspect,⬙ Smallville (also known as Smallville Beginnings and Smallville: Superman the Early Years), The WB, 2003. ⬙Calling: Part 1,⬙ Smallville (also known as Smallville Beginnings and Smallville: Superman the Early Years), The WB, 2003. ⬙Shattered,⬙ Smallville (also known as Smallville Beginnings and Smallville: Superman the Early Years), The WB, 2003.

RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Megan for Earth & Beyond, Westwood Entertainment.

BILLER, Kenneth (Ken Biller) PERSONAL Married; children: one daughter. Education: Graduated from Brown University, 1986.

Stage Work: Associate producer, Mail, Music Box Theatre, New York City, 1988.

Addresses: Agent—Endeavor, 9701 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.


Career: Writer, producer, director, and story editor. Sometimes credited as Ken Biller.

Television Movies: The Last Man on Planet Earth, UPN, 1999.


Television Episodes: ⬙Wild Horses,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1992. ⬙A Song of Myself,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1992. ⬙Sex, Lies and Volleyball/Photo Fini,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, 1992. (With Chris Brancato) ⬙Eve,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1993. Star Trek: Voyager, 1995–2001. (With Jeph Loeb) ⬙Insurgence,⬙ Smallville (also known as Smallville Beginnings and Smallville: Superman the Early Years), The WB, 2003. ⬙Shattered,⬙ Smallville (also known as Smallville Beginnings and Smallville: Superman the Early Years), The WB, 2003.

Television Work; Series: Executive story editor, Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1992. Story editor, Star Trek: Voyager (also known as Voyager), UPN, 1995. Coproducer, Star Trek: Voyager (also known as Voyager), UPN, 1995–1997. Producer, Star Trek: Voyager (also known as Voyager), UPN, 1997–1998. Supervising producer, Star Trek: Voyager (also known as Voyager), UPN, 1998–1999. Co–executive producer, Star Trek: Voyager (also known as Voyager), UPN, 1999–2000. Executive producer, Star Trek: Voyager (also known as Voyager), UPN, 2000–2001.

Also wrote an episode of Hawkeye, syndicated. 10

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

BOOTH Dr. Jack Schweigert, The Don’s Analyst (also known as National Lampoon’s The Don’s Analyst), Showtime, 1997. Russ Siler, My Father’s Shadow: The Sam Sheppard Story (also known as Death in the Shadows), CBS, 1998. Judge—1983, Judgment Day: The Ellie Nesler Story, USA Network, 1999. Mr. Clavestone, The Loretta Claiborne Story, ABC, 2000.

Television Episode Stories: ⬙Lineage,⬙ Smallville (also known as Smallville Beginnings and Smallville: Superman the Early Years), The WB, 2002.


Television Appearances; Miniseries: Assistant Principal Burke, To Catch a Killer, syndicated, 1992.

Addresses: Agent—Edna Talent Management, Ltd., 318 Dundas St. West, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1G5, Canada. Career: Actor.

Television Appearances; Specials: Red Emma, CBC, 1974. CREDITS Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Double Trouble,⬙ The Littlest Hobo, CTV and syndicated, 1979. Zoo official, ⬙Passage,⬙ The Littlest Hobo, CTV and syndicated, 1983. Sgt. Wells, ⬙Blind Alley,⬙ Seeing Things, CBC, 1985. ⬙Man with a Gun,⬙ Diamonds, CBS and CBC, 1988. ⬙Street Song,⬙ Diamonds, CBS and CBC, 1989. Colonel, ⬙Eye of Death,⬙ Friday the 13th, syndicated, 1989. Andrews, ⬙Chinatown Murder Mystery: The Case of the Poisoned Hand,⬙ Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, syndicated, 1995. Sam Baskers, ⬙Queen of Harps,⬙ Forever Knight, syndicated, 1995. Arno Fahamian, ⬙Thief,⬙ F/X: The Series, 1998. Edward McInnis, ⬙Oh Happy Day,⬙ Wind at My Back, 2000.

Film Appearances: Phipps, A Sweeter Song (also known as Snapshot), 1976. French doctor, Lost and Found, Columbia, 1979. Adjuster, Summer’s Children, 1979. Coordinator, Murder by Phone (also known as Bells, The Calling, and Hell’s Bells), New World Pictures, 1980. Mr. Marty Weller, Prom Night, AVCO Embassy Pictures, 1980. Henry Owen, Phobia, Paramount, 1980. Raphael, Videodrome, Universal, 1983. Customs officer, Spasms (also known as Death Bite), Producers Distributing Corp., 1983. Dr. Rolph, Samuel Lount, Utopia Pictures, 1985. James, A Nest of Singing Birds, 1987. First board member, Millennium, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1989. Tom Hansen, The Killing Machine (also known as The Killing Man), 1994. The Grace of God (documentary), 1997. Bob, Dual Citizen (short film), 2001.

Also appeared in Night Heat. Stage Appearances: Zastrozzi, Toronto Free Theatre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1977. The Rehearsal, Canadian Stage Berkeley St. Theatre Upstairs, Toronto, 1995. The Widow Judith, Glen Morris Studios, Toronto, 1998.

Television Appearances; Movies: Psychoanalyst, Heartsounds, ABC, 1984. Epstein, Charlie Grant’s War, CBC, 1984. Politician Ⲇ1, The Hearst and Davies Affair, ABC, 1985. Jerry—at therapy, Letting Go, USA Network, 1985. Mr. Henderson, Perry Mason Returns (also known as The Defense Never Rests), NBC, 1985. District Attorney Coleman, Doing Life (also known as Truth or Die), NBC, 1986. Father Benoit, Betrayal of Silence, CTV and Lifetime, 1988. Harry Gold, Day One, CBS, 1989. Uri Steinman, A Prayer in the Dark, USA Network, 1997.

BOOTH, Kristin 1974– (Kristen Booth) PERSONAL Born August 28, 1974, in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. Education: Ryerson University, B.F.A. (with honors), acting. 11


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Sondra, ⬙Hand to Hand,⬙ Nikita (also known as La Femme Nikita), USA Network, 1999. Mandie, ⬙24 Hours,⬙ Code Name: Eternity, Channel 4 and syndicated, 2000. (As Kristen Booth) Nurse Dini Lauer, ⬙Door to Death,⬙ A Nero Wolfe Mystery, Arts and Entertainment, 2001. Herself, Open Mike with Mike Bullard, 2001. Charlie, ⬙Prostitutes for Jesus,⬙ Puppets Who Kill, Comedy Network, 2004.

Addresses: Agent—Edna Talent Management, Ltd., 318 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1G5, Canada. Career: Actress. Toured with children’s theatre groups in Ontario and Quebec, Canada. CREDITS Film Appearances: Cashier, Detroit Rock City, New Line Cinema, 1999. Diane, Gossip, Warner Bros., 2000. Sam, On the Line, Miramax, 2001. Samantha, Foolproof, Odeon Films, 2003.

Also appeared as Leslie Wilco, ⬙Cheerleader,⬙ Exhibit A, The Discovery Channel; voice of Evie, ⬙Clean Slate,⬙ Braceface (animated), ABC Family. Stage Appearances: Olivia, Twelfth Night, Soulpepper Theatre Company’s Young Company, du Maurier Theatre Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2000.

Also appeared in A Child Unknown; Sigh; Sympathy. Television Appearances; Series: Tracy Grace, Daring & Grace: Teen Detectives (also known as Daring & Grace), CBC, 1999. Trudy Sinclair, Paradise Falls, Showtime, 2001.

BRADY, Wayne 1972–

Television Appearances; Movies: Jessica, Ice (also known as Eis—wenn die Welt erfriert), ABC, 1998. Ashley Roberts, Crime in Connecticut: The Story of Alex Kelly, CBS, 1999. Jennifer Stoller, The Promise, NBC, 1999. Evie, A Tale of Two Bunnies (also known as The Price of Beauty), ABC, 2000. (As Kristen Booth) Emma O’Rourke, Blessed Stranger: After Flight 111, CTV, 2000. (Uncredited) Lauren, Cruel Intentions 2 (also known as Cruel Intentions 2: Manchester Prep), Fox, 2000. Annie (age 19), Jewel, CBS, 2001. Motel girl, Stolen Miracle, Lifetime, 2001. Lara, A Mother’s Fight for Justice (also known as Crash Course), Lifetime, 2001. Kimberley, Two against Time, CBS, 2002. Marita Wraight, Burn: The Robert Wraight Story, CTV, 2003. Dr. Macy Olsen, Sleep Murder, CTV, 2003.

PERSONAL Born June, 2, 1972, in Orlando, FL; son of Wayne Brady (a U.S. Army officer); married Mandie Taketa, April 3, 1999; children: Maile Masako. Education: Graduated from Dr. Phillips High School, 1990. Avocational Interests: Playing Sony PlayStation 2. Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager— Brillstein–Grey Entertainment, 9150 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 350, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Publicist—Bragman/Nyman/Cafarelli, 9171 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 300, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Actor, writer, and producer. Began doing comedy work at Sak Theatre, Orlando, FL, 1990; Houseful of Honkeys (stage improvisational group), member; appeared in numerous television commercials for Church’s chicken (1999), Bud Light (1999), McDonald’s (2002), Avaya Telecom Equipment (2002), International Delight non–dairy creamers (2003), and Avaya, Inc. (2003).

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Buffy Maddux, The Hunt for the Unicorn Killer, NBC, 1999. Lizzy Porter, Salem Witch Trials, CBS, 2002. Television Appearances; Pilots: Teacher (Miss Julian), Brimstone, Fox, 1998.

Awards, Honors: Rookie of the Year, Sak Theatre, 1992, for TheatreSports/Improv; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding individual performance in a variety or music program, 2001, 2003, Emmy Award, outstanding individual performance in a variety or music program, 2003, all for Whose Line Is It Anyway?; Daytime Emmy

Television Appearances; Episodic: Ashley Ambrose, ⬙Brightness Falls,⬙ Total Recall 2070, Showtime, 1999. 12

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Award, outstanding talk show host, 2003, for The Wayne Brady Show; Best Actor in a Musical Award, for Cotton Patch Gospel.

BRADY Television Appearances; Episodic: John, ⬙The Sons of Icarus,⬙ Superboy, syndicated, 1990. Henry Ulmer, ⬙Hatton’s Turn: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ In the Heat of the Night, CBS, 1993. (Uncredited) Pepe’s pizza delivery man, ⬙Editor in Chief,⬙ Clarissa Explains It All, Nickelodeon, 1993. Himself/interviewee, The Martin Short Show, syndicated, 1999. Wayne, ⬙Drew Live,⬙ The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 1999. Himself, Strassman, 2000. Himself, ⬙Frat Party,⬙ The Cindy Margolis Show, 2000. Wayne, ⬙Drew Live II,⬙ The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 2000. Voice of Micron, ⬙The Call: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Batman Beyond (animated), The WB, 2000. Guest, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, 2001, 2002. Himself, The View, ABC, 2002. Himself, ⬙Daredevilin,⬙ Player$, 2003. Jackie Wilson, ⬙The One,⬙ American Dreams, NBC, 2003. Himself, ⬙To Live and Diaper in L.A.,⬙ The Anna Nicole Show, E! Entertainment Television, 2003.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Himself, Kwik Witz (also known as Quick Witz), 1996. Himself, Whose Line Is It Anyway? (also known as Whose Line?), ABC, 1998. Himself, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Channel 4, 1998. Officer Brady, Vinyl Justice, VH1, 1998. Various characters, The Wayne Brady Show, ABC, 2001. Host, The Wayne Brady Show, syndicated, 2002–2004. Television Appearances; Movies: Eli James, On Promised Land, The Disney Channel, 1994. The magician, Geppetto, ABC, 2000. Voice of Sly, the Electric Piper, The Electric Piper (animated), Nickelodeon, 2003.

Also appeared as himself, The Hollywood Squares; guest host, Talk Soup, E! Entertainment Television; Damon, I’ll Fly Away, NBC; waiter, The Home Court, NBC; judge, Star Search, CBS.

Television Appearances; Specials: Walt Disney World Very Merry Christmas Parade, ABC, 1998. Reporter, Walt Disney World Very Merry Christmas Parade, ABC, 1999. Host (Los Angeles), Safe Night USA, PBS and Black Entertainment Television, 1999. Santa Tracker, Walt Disney World ’Twas the Night Before Christmas, ABC, 2000. Cohost (Hollywood), Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve 2001, ABC, 2000. The 52nd Annual Primetime Emmy Award, ABC, 2000. Himself, The Second Annual TV Guide Awards, Fox, 2000. The Walt Disney World Very Merry Christmas Parade, ABC, 2001. Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve 2002, ABC, 2001. The 53rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, CBS, 2001. VH1 Big in 2002 Awards, VH1, 2002. Himself, Inside TV Land: African Americans in Television (documentary), TV Land, 2002. Himself, TV Guide 50 Best Shows of All Time: A 50th Anniversary Celebration, ABC, 2002. Himself (host), Miss America Pageant, ABC, 2002. Himself (host), Walt Disney World Christmas Day Parade, ABC, 2002. Himself, The 55th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 2003. Host, The 30th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, ABC, 2003. Presenter, The 17th Annual Soul Train Music Awards, The WB, 2003.

Television Work; Series: Executive producer, The Wayne Brady Show, ABC, 2001. Co–executive producer, The Wayne Brady Show, syndicated, 2002–2004. Stage Appearances: Blade to the Heat, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 1996. Also appeared in A Chorus Line; Fences; A Raisin in the Sun; Jesus Christ Superstar; I’m Not Rappaport; Cotton Patch Gospel, Edyth Bush Theatre; as Joe Grady, The Only Game in Town, Los Angeles. Major Tours: Toured in Wayne Brady and Friends (improv show), U.S. cities. WRITINGS Television Episodes: The Wayne Brady Show, ABC, 2001. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Parade Magazine, August 31, 2003, p. 14. 13


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 First jeweler, To Love, Honor and Betray, CBS, 1999. First partner, Spenser: Small Vices (also known as Robert B. Parker’s Small Vices), Arts and Entertainment, 1999. First patient, Forget Me Never, CBS, 1999. William Chase, Deacons for Defense, Showtime, 2003. Doctor, Out of the Ashes, Showtime, 2003.

BRITTON, Christopher (Chris Britton) PERSONAL Education: Graduated from York University Theatre program.

Television Appearances; Specials: Brewster, A Journey to the New World, HBO, 1999.

Addresses: Agent—Edna Talent Management, 318 Dundas St. West, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1G5, Canada.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Prospero, ⬙Tempest Probe,⬙ The Littlest Hobo, CTV and syndicated, 1983. Mr. Murch, ⬙Second Best,⬙ The Littlest Hobo, CTV and syndicated, 1984. Popovich, ⬙Defective Vision,⬙ Seeing Things, CBC, 1985. Phil, ⬙Symphony in BⲆ,⬙ Friday the 13th, syndicated, 1988. (As Chris Britton) Reporter, ⬙The Celebrity Visitor,⬙ Maniac Mansion, The Family Channel, 1991. Father Williams, ⬙The Possessed,⬙ Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, syndicated, 1994. Janus, ⬙Tek Posse,⬙ TekWar, USA Network, 1995. Gerald Archer, ⬙Fever,⬙ Forever Knight, USA Network and syndicated, 1995. Ghost, ⬙The House of No Return,⬙ Goosebumps, Fox, 1997. Sanders Cooke, ⬙Faith, Hope and Chastity,⬙ Beggars and Choosers, Showtime, 1997. Doctor, ⬙The Critic,⬙ Foolish Heart, CBC, 1999. (As Chris Britton) Tobias, ⬙Vampire’s Kiss,⬙ Relic Hunter, syndicated, 2001. Dr. Estes, ⬙Symbiosis,⬙ Odyssey 5, Showtime, 2002. (As Chris Britton) J. K. Bergman, ⬙Sign from Above,⬙ Mutant X, syndicated, 2002.

Career: Actor. Performed at Stratford Festival, Canada. CREDITS Film Appearances: Man in auditorium, The Brood (also known as La clinique de la terreur and David Cronenberg’s The Brood), New World Pictures, 1979. Simon, Ticket to Heaven, United Artists Classics, 1981. Narrator, Splatter: Architects of Fear (documentary), Synchron Video, 1986. Council Chamber member, Buffalo, Millennium, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1989. (As Chris Britton) Bookseller, Whispers (also known as Dean R. Koontz’s Whispers), 1989. (As Chris Britton) Executive Ⲇ2, Good Will Hunting, Miramax, 1997. (As Chris Britton) Guard, Judgment (also known as Apocalypse IV: Judgment), Cloud Ten Pictures, 2001. Dr. Lieber, Godsend, 2003. (As Chris Britton) Vorsteen, The Day after Tomorrow, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2004. (As Chris Britton) Jason Monroe, The Final Cut, Lions Gate Films, 2004.

Stage Appearances: The Secret Garden, Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2001.

Television Appearances; Series: Voice of Mr. Sinister (Nathaniel Essex), X–Men (animated), Fox, 1992. (As Chris Britton) Voice of Pirot, The Accuser, 2000.

BROPHY, Brian Television Appearances; Miniseries: Charles Delmann, Sole Survivor (also known as Dean Koontz’s Sole Survivor), Fox, 2000. Ted’s doctor, Jackie, Ethel, Joan: Women of Camelot, NBC, 2001.

PERSONAL Education: California State University, Los Angeles, M.A.

Television Appearances; Movies: Englishman, Spies, Lies & Naked Thighs, CBS, 1988. Tony, Tails You Live, Heads You’re Dead, USA Network, 1995. Officer, Keeping the Promise, CBS, 1997.

Addresses: Agent—Tyler Kjar Agency, 5116 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood, CA 91601. Office—The Actors’ Gang Theater, 6209 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, CA 90038. 14

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Career: Actor and director. Actors Gang, Los Angeles, CA, member of company, 1985—; University of California, Riverside, Pomona College, and Cal Arts, lecturer, c. 2003; worked with community–based theatre groups.

BROPHY Television Appearances; Miniseries: Medical examiner, Invasion (also known as Robin Cook’s Invasion), NBC, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Sean Anderson, Sight Unseen, syndicated, 1991. Wine steward, Sex, Love and Cold Hard Cash, USA Network, 1993. Agent Chutuk, Come Die with Me: A Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer Mystery, CBS, 1994. Special agent Donovan, Sleep, Baby, Sleep, ABC, 1995. L.A. reporter, Virus (also known as Formula for Death, Robin Cook’s ⬙Formula for Death,⬙ and Robin Cook’s Virus), NBC, 1995. Detective Benny Francis, Sleeping with the Devil, CBS, 1997.

CREDITS Film Appearances: The Roommate, 1988. Damon, Skinheads (also known as Skinheads: The Second Coming of Hate), Amazing Movies, 1989. Nate Blitman, Donatlli’s attorney, An Innocent Man, Buena Vista, 1989. Ellis, Brain Dead (also known as Paranoia), Concorde, 1990. Voice of Phil/Blackmailer, The Player, Fine Line, 1992. Kevin, Freaked (also known as Hideous Mutant Freekz), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1993. Store manager, Quick (also known as Crossfire), New City Releasing, 1993. Welles, Future Shock, Hannover House, 1993. Carman, At Ground Zero, 1994. Parole hearings man (1967), The Shawshank Redemption, Columbia, 1994. Slick, Guardian Angel (also known as Beyond Justice), 1994. Dr. Taylor, Project: Metalbeast, 1995. Bank teller, White Man’s Burden (also known as White Man), Savoy Pictures, 1995. Philip K., The Nervous Breakdown of Philip K. Dick, Big Film Shorts, 1996. Backus, City of Industry, Orion, 1997. Harry, The Girl Gets Moe (also known as Love to Kill), New City Releasing, 1997. Swim team manager, Kiss the Girls, Paramount, 1997. Bartholomew Trust, The Seller, Proletariat Pictures, 1997. Padre Delbert, Ocean Tribe, 1997. Bomb expert, Ted, 1998. NASA tech, Armageddon, Buena Vista, 1998. (Uncredited) Extra, The Waterboy, Buena Vista, 1998. Pierre de Rohan, Cradle Will Rock, Buena Vista, 1999. CNN reporter, Picking up the Pieces, Kushner–Locke Company, 2000. Military official, Imposter, Dimension Films, 2002. Barney Montana, A Day without a Mexican, Altavista Films, 2004.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Slick, Cameo by Night, NBC, 1987. Television Appearances; Episodic: Traker, ⬙The Blanks,⬙ Max Headroom, ABC, 1987. Commander Bruce Maddox, ⬙The Measure of a Man,⬙ Star Trek: The Next Generation, syndicated, 1989. ⬙Mannequins of Horror,⬙ Monsters, syndicated, 1989. Van Dyke, ⬙Stranger in a Strange Land,⬙ Hard Time on Planet Earth, 1989. Fashion designer, ⬙The Royal Mystery,⬙ Father Dowling Mysteries, ABC, 1990. Reporter, ⬙The Warmth Episode,⬙ The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1992. Edgar Wharton, ⬙Learning from the Masters,⬙ Profiler, NBC, 1997. Investigator, ⬙The Exile,⬙ Perversions of Science, HB0, 1997. Stage Appearances: Uncle and Yang Sun, the flyer, Good Woman of Setzuan, 1990. Taino Radio and reporter, MAYHEM: The Invasion, L.A. Theatre Works, 1992. Cover for Tyndareus, Orestes, 1994. Aegisthus, The Oresteia, 1994. The Seagull, Actors’ Gang Theater, Hollywood, CA, 2001–2002. Thomas Bruckner, Mephisto, Actors’ Gang Theater, 2001–2002. Stage Director: MAYHEM: The Invasion, L.A. Theatre Works, 1992.

Film Work: Automated dialogue replacement loop group, Dead Man Walking, Gramercy, 1995.

Also directed Tales of the Lost Formicans, The Laramie Project, and Book of Days, all University of California, Riverside.

Television Appearances; Series: Slick, Cameo by Night, 1987. 15


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 (In archive footage) Phil in The Guardian, Boogeyman: The Killer Compilation (also known as Boogeyman), Flixmix, 2001. Mr. Jacobi, Red Dragon (also known as Roter Drache), MCA/Universal, 2002.


Television Appearances; Movies: Bibi Sutton, Copacabana (also known as Barry Manilow’s Copacabana), CBS, 1985. Jim Buckner, Desperado: Avalanche at Devil’s Ridge, NBC, 1988. John Harlen, When You Remember Me, ABC, 1990. Red Robin, Revenge on the Highway (also known as Silent Thunder), NBC, 1992. Mitch, Deconstructing Sarah, USA Network, 1994. Matt Jensen, Without Warning, CBS, 1994. Jim Towler, Lily in Winter, USA Network, 1994. Mack, Intimate Betrayal, Black Entertainment Television, 1996. Ben, Rip Girls, The Disney Channel, 2000.

Born January 30, 1959, in Sharon Center, OH (some sources say Norton, OH); married Kim Maxwell (an actress). Education: Ashland University, B.A. (with honors), drama/speech and radio/television; studied acting with Joanne Baron, Larry Moss, and Edward Kaye–Martin. Addresses: Agent—Michael Slessinger & Associates, 8730 Sunset Blvd., Suite 270, West Hollywood, CA 90069. Career: Actor. Theater 150, Ojai, CA, cofounder, artistic director, and acting instructor, beginning c. 1997; Alliance Repertory Theater, founding member; Ojai Playwriters Festival, founding member; appeared with Organic Theatre Company, Chicago, IL, and Second City Improvisational Company; previously worked as a carpenter with a set design company.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Stuart Cleary, The Thorn Birds, ABC, 1983. Jeff Simms, Guts and Glory: The Rise and Fall of Oliver North, CBS, 1989. Television Appearances; Specials: Jarvis Addams, The Member of the Wedding, NBC, 1982.

CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Doctor, To Live and Die in L.A., Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1985. Lieutenant, House (also known as House: Ding Dong, You’re Dead), New World Pictures, 1986. Clarence, House II: The Second Story, New World Pictures, 1987. John Kinsella, Field of Dreams, Universal, 1989. Young Mr. Ray, Visions of Marie, 1989. Phil, The Guardian, Universal, 1990. Hale Forrest, The Cutting Edge, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1992. Sirk, Raff’s son, Mom and Dad Save the World, Warner Bros., 1992. Adam, Galaxies Are Colliding (also known as Planet of Love), Paramount Home Video, 1992. Captain Brewer, Gettysburg, New Line Cinema, 1993. Hal, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 1995. Mikey, Same River Twice, 1996. Lewis & Clark & George, 1996. Mack, Intimate Betrayal, 1996. Henry Mitchell, Dennis the Menace Strikes Again, Warner Bros., 1998. Deputy Sheriff, Falling Like This, Outrider Pictures, 2000. Patrick, Reunion (also known as Dogme Ⲇ17— Reunion), 2001. The Zeros, 2001.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙King of the Cowboys,⬙ The Fall Guy, ABC, 1984. Robbie, ⬙Wordplay,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1985. Neil Walters, ⬙Promised Land—December 22, 1971,⬙ Quantum Leap, NBC, 1992. Philip Polachek, ⬙Ship of Thieves,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1993. Bill Richards, ⬙Race to Death,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1996. Dr. David Herlihy, ⬙Fear of Flying,⬙ ER, NBC, 1996. Dr. David Herlihy, ⬙No Brain, No Gain,⬙ ER, NBC, 1996. Dr. David Herlihy, ⬙Union Station,⬙ ER, NBC, 1996. Kevin, ⬙Stuck in the Middle with You,⬙ 7th Heaven, The WB, 1998. Roger Young, ⬙Infiltration,⬙ Prey, ABC, 1998. Josh Manning, ⬙Body Count,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 1998. Sheriff Kyle, ⬙Lady of the Lake,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1998. ⬙What You Do Is as Important as Who You Are,⬙ Chicken Soup for the Soul, PAX, 2001. Tyler’s foster father, ⬙Lost and Bound,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2002. Steven Green, ⬙All of Me,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2002. Also appeared in ⬙Trash,⬙ Firefly, Fox. 16

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

BRUHANSKI Roger Horn, Beyond Obsession (also known as A Daughter’s Secret: The Traci di Carlo Story), ABC, 1994. Convict Cowboy, Showtime, 1995. Truck driver, Nightscream (also known as Night Scream), NBC, 1997. Jitters, Lifetime, 1997. Doc Morton, Out of Time, Showtime, 2000. Rick Buckley, My Brother’s Keeper (also known as Brother’s Keeper), USA Network, 2002.

Stage Appearances: Talley’s Folly, Ashland University, Ashland, OH, 2002. Hermes, The Whole Banana, Theater 150, Ojai, CA, 2003. Down & Dirty (staged reading), Ojai Playwrights Conference, 2003. Simeon Cabot, Desire under the Elms, Plays in Radio– Theatre Series, Los Angeles, 2003. Also appeared in Anna Christie, L.A. Theatre Works; Hate Mail, Theater 150; Millennium Approaches (workshop production), Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles; Eleusinian king, The King Must Die, Organic Theater Company, Chicago, IL.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Bodyguard, ⬙Poppy Chain,⬙ Airwolf, USA Network, 1987. Bruno, ⬙Moving Day,⬙ Trying Times, PBS, 1987. Cartwright, ⬙Wiseguy: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Wiseguy, CBS, 1987. Sal, ⬙Back from the Dead,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1987. Sal Boca, ⬙The Marriage of Heaven and Hell,⬙ Wiseguy, CBS, 1987. ⬙Next of Kin,⬙ Wiseguy, CBS, 1988. Alex Vechoff, ⬙A Rightful Place,⬙ Wiseguy, CBS, 1989. Alex Vechoff, ⬙Heir to the Throne,⬙ Wiseguy, CBS, 1989. Ernie, Jack’s Place, ABC, 1992. Mr. Mazelli, The Heights, Fox, 1992. ⬙Countdown,⬙ Street Justice, syndicated, 1993. Pavel Kurlienko, ⬙Fever,⬙ Sliders, Fox, 1995. Dr. Bugger, ⬙War of the Coprophages,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1996. Grossman, ⬙Vow of Silence,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1996. Pavel Kurlienko, ⬙Into the Mystic,⬙ Sliders, Fox, 1996. Reynaldo, ⬙Money No Object,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1996. Angelo Pintero, ⬙Elegy,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1997. Charley Peabody, ⬙The Highwayman,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime, 1997. Henri, ⬙Chateau l’feet j’mae,⬙ Breaker High, 1997. Bernie Polk, ⬙People Like Us,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1999. Gene, ⬙Four of a Kind,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime, 1999. ⬙Man Plus,⬙ Strange World, ABC, 1999. Leonard Campbell, ⬙Looking for Mr. Campbell,⬙ Hollywood Off–Ramp, E! Entertainment Television, 2000. Jimmy, ⬙The First Freshman,⬙ Seven Days, UPN, 2001. Homer, ⬙Something Fishy,⬙ Mysterious Ways, PAX, 2002.

BRUHANSKI, Alex PERSONAL Married Jeanne Robinson. Career: Actor. Founder of Alex Bruhanski Theatre Studio, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; drama instructor at Actors Working Academy, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Creator of Smokefree Success Program. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Detective Irv Wallerstein, The Commish, ABC, 1991–1992. C. C. Dechardon, Neon Rider, CTV and syndicated, 1991–1994. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Bluestone, Hands of a Stranger, NBC, 1987. Diner cook, Sole Survivor (also known as Dean Koontz’s Sole Survivor), Fox, 2000. Television Appearances; Movies: A Masterpiece of Murder, NBC, 1986. Hospital police officer, After the Promise, CBS, 1987. Donoso, Higher Ground, CBS, 1988. Sissy Mayo, The Red Spider, CBS, 1988. Captain Mundy, The Penthouse, ABC, 1989. Chuck O’Donnell, Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster (also known as Disaster at Valdez), HBO, 1992. Mr. Farley, Sin and Redemption, CBS, 1994.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Sol, Jumpin’ Joe, ABC, 1992. Pavel Kurlienko, Sliders, Fox, 1995. Film Appearances: Herbie, Cousins, Paramount, 1989. Street worker, Look Who’s Talking (also known as Daddy’s Home), TriStar, 1989. 17


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Television Appearances; Series: Dr. Abe Matthews, Wonderland, ABC, 2000. Gary Matheson, a recurring role, 24, Fox, 2002–2003.

Taxi driver, The Experts (also known as Les experts), Paramount, 1989. Needle doctor, Look Who’s Talking Too, TriStar, 1990. Raun, Bird on a Wire, Universal, 1990. Scarlini, The Hitman, Cannon, 1991. Erney Pratt, The Raffle, White Rock, 1994. Fred, Black Point, Blockbuster Video, 2001.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Rob Kinney, Gone in the Night, CBS, 1996. Television Appearances; Movies: Dale, The Ultimate Lie, HBO, 1996. Monk, Marshal Law, Showtime, 1996. Mark Engel, Don’t Look Down (also known as Wes Craven Presents Don’t Look Down), ABC, 1998. Detective Mike Chapman, Final Jeopardy, ABC, 2001.

Stage Appearances: The Ecstasy of Rita Joe, Vancouver Playhouse, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, beginning 1967. Love Letters, 1999.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Owen Bishop, Roadie, ABC, 1996. Shaw Taylor, Flashpoint (also known as E.I.S.: Epidemiologic Intelligence Service), ABC, 2002.


Television Appearances; Episodic: Guy in club, ⬙Fathers and Sons,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1994. Ari, ⬙Second Skin,⬙ Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, syndicated, 1994. Cody, ⬙Notes from the Underground,⬙ All–American Girl, ABC, 1995. ⬙Over Exposure,⬙ Strange Luck, Fox, 1995. Gil, ⬙Poor Substitutes,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1996. Alex Lesman, ⬙I Solemnly Swear,⬙ Gilmore Girls, The WB, 2003. Alex Lesman, ⬙Lorelai Out of Water,⬙ Gilmore Girls, The WB, 2003. Alex Lesman, ⬙Swan Song,⬙ Gilmore Girls, The WB, 2003.

Born in Bellingham, WA. Education: Studied drama at Western Washington University. Addresses: Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager— Ellen Meyer Entertainment, 8899 Beverly Blvd., Suite 616, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Career: Actor, writer, and producer. Sang with a rock band as a teenager. CREDITS

Also appeared as Marco, ⬙Parallel Lives,⬙ VR.5, Fox.

Film Appearances: (Feature film debut) Dante—Ortega, Daredreamer, Lensman Company, 1990. James Bird, To Cross the Rubicon, 1991. Joey Cortino, Jane Austen’s Mafia! (also known as Mafia!), Buena Vista, 1998. Kenny Moore, Without Limits, Warner Bros., 1998. Title role, Dill Scallion, The Asylum, 1999. Oates, Komodo, Komodo Film Productions, 1999. Dwayne, The Independent, New City Releasing, 2000. (Scenes deleted) Himself, The Acting Class, 2000. Sammy, After Image, Intermedia Films, 2000. Ben Devine, Along Came a Spider (also known as Im Netz der Spinne), Paramount, 2001. Jimmy, Lost Junction, USA Networks, 2002. Peter, Something More, 2003. Dennis, Ladder 49, Buena Vista, 2003. Dead and Breakfast, 2003.

Stage Appearances: Performed in productions at the Annex Theater, New City Festival, and A.H.A. Theater, all Seattle, WA. WRITINGS Screenplays: Something More, 2003. (Story) Dead & Breakfast, 2003.

BURNETT, Carol 1933– PERSONAL Full name, Carol Creighton Burnett; born April 26, 1933, in San Antonio, TX; daughter of Joseph Thomas (known as Jody; a movie theatre manager) and Ina Lou-

Film Work: Coproducer, Something More, 2003. 18

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 ise (a Hollywood movie studio publicity writer; maiden name, Creighton; some sources site maiden name as Melton) Burnett; married Don Saroyan (an actor), December, 1955 (divorced, 1962); married Joseph Hamilton (a television producer), May 4, 1963 (divorced, 1983); married Brian Miller (a music contractor and musician), November, 2001; children: (second marriage) Erin Kate (a singer), Jody Ann, Carrie Louise (an actress, singer, filmmaker, and writer; deceased), and eight stepchildren. Education: Attended University of California, Los Angeles, c. 1952–54; some sources cite A.A. from University of California, Berkeley, 1954.

BURNETT Club, 1970; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding single variety or musical program (with others), 1972, for Julie and Carol at Lincoln Center; Golden Globe Award nomination, best actress in a motion picture musical or comedy, 1973, for Pete ’n’ Tillie; Emmy Award nomination, 1974, for 6 Rms Riv Vu; People’s Choice awards, favorite all–around female entertainer, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, and 1981; People’s Choice awards, favorite female television performer, 1976, 1979, 1980, 1981; voted favorite all– around female entertainer by the public in A. C. Nelson Company polls, 1976, 1977, 1978, and 1979; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding comedy–variety or music special (with others), Christopher Award, and Bronze Rose Award from Montreaux Television Contest, all 1977, for Sills and Burnett at the Met; National Critics’ Circle Award, outstanding performance, 1977–78; named one of the world’s twenty most admired women in a Gallup Poll, 1977; first annual National Television Critics Circle Award, outstanding performance, 1977; Prize San Sebastian, best actress, San Sebastian International Film Festival, 1978, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actress in a motion picture, 1979, both for A Wedding; Emmy Award nomination, 1979, for The Tenth Month; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actress in a limited series or special, 1979, for Friendly Fire; Louella Parsons Award, Hollywood Women’s Press Club, 1979; Crystal Award, Women in Film, 1980; honorary Doctor of Humane Letters, Emerson College, 1980; American Guild of Variety Artists Award, favorite television performer, 1981; Jack Benny Humanitarian Award, March of Dimes, 1981; Golden Globe Award nomination, best actress in a motion picture comedy or musical, 1982, for The Four Seasons; Golden Globe Award nomination, best actress in a motion picture comedy or musical, 1983, for Annie; Golden Globe Award nomination, best actress in a miniseries or television movie, 1983, for Life of the Party: The Story of Beatrice; Humanitarian of the Year Award, Variety Clubs International, 1983; named one of the world’s ten most admired women by Good Housekeeping magazine, 1983; Gold Medal Award, International Radio and Television Society, 1984; Annual CableACE Award, best actress in a dramatic or theatrical program, National Cable Television Association, 1984, for Between Friends; inducted into Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Hall of Fame, 1985; Lifetime Achievement Award in Comedy, American Comedy Awards, 1987; Horatio Alger Distinguished Americans Award, Horatio Alger Association, 1988; People’s Choice Award, favorite female performer in a new program, 1991; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding guest actress in a comedy series, 1993, for ⬙The Spider Episode,⬙ The Larry Sanders Show; American Comedy Award, funniest female performer in a television special, 1990, for Julie and Carol: Together Again!; Golden Globe Award nomination, best actress in a television comedy or musical series, 1991, for Carol and Company; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding

Addresses: Office—Kalola Productions, 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1034, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Agent— International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211–1934. Career: Actress, singer, and comedienne. Kalola Productions Inc., Beverly Hills, CA, cofounder and president. Appeared as a nightclub performer, beginning at the Blue Angel, New York City, 1957; appeared in commercials, including voice work for Nyquil cold medicine. Emerson College, Franklin D. Murphy Associate and board member; University of California, Los Angeles, established the ⬙Carol Burnett Musical Competition Award⬙ at Theatre Arts School. Worked as a restaurant hat check girl in New York City and as an usher. Awards, Honors: American Guild of Variety Artists Award, outstanding comedienne, and Theatre World Award, both 1960, and Outer Critics Circle Award, outstanding performance, 1965, all for Once upon a Mattress; TV Guide awards, outstanding female performer, 1961, 1962, and 1963, and Emmy Award, outstanding performance in a variety or musical program or series, 1962, all for The Garry Moore Show; Emmy Award, outstanding performance in a variety or musical program or series, 1963, for Julie and Carol at Carnegie Hall and Carol and Company; George Foster Peabody Broadcasting Award, Henry W. Grady School of Journalism and Mass Communications, University of Georgia, 1963; Golden Laurel Award nomination, top female new face, 1964; Golden Globe Award, best television actress, 1968, Emmy Award nominations, outstanding variety or musical series (with others), 1969, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1978, and Emmy awards in the same category (with others), 1972, 1974, 1975, Golden Globe awards, best actress in a musical or comedy television series, 1971, 1972, 1977, 1978, and Golden Globe Award nominations in the same category, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1979, and People’s Choice Award, best variety show, 1975, 1977, all for The Carol Burnett Show; Special Antoinette Perry Award, 1969; named Hasty Pudding Woman of the Year, Hasty Pudding Theatricals, 1969; Golden Apple Award, star of the year, Hollywood Women’s Press 19


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

individual performance in a variety or music program, 1995, for Men, Movies, and Carol; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, 1995, for Moon over Buffalo; award for personal style and lifetime achievement in fashion, Dallas Market Center, 1995; Emmy Award, outstanding guest actress in a comedy series, 1997, and Emmy Award nomination in the same category, 1998, American Comedy Award, funniest female guest appearance in a television series, 1997, 1998, and American Comedy Award nomination in the same category, 1999, all for Mad about You; American Comedy Award, funniest female performer in a television special, 1999, for The Marriage Fool; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding variety, music, or comedy special (with others), 2002, for Carol Burnett: Show Stoppers; Kennedy Center Honors, 2003; honored by Museum of Radio and Television, 2003; Woman of the Year Award, Los Angeles Times; Woman of the Year Award, Academy of Television Arts and Sciences; five Gold Medals as most popular television star, Photoplay magazine; four Entertainer of the Year awards, best comedienne, American Guild of Variety Artists; named most popular television star by the Newspaper Enterprise Association; Variety Club Award, top female star; named entertainer of the year, New York Friars Club; received star on Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Beatrice O’Reilly, Life of the Party: The Story of Beatrice, CBS, 1982. Mary Catherine Castelli, Between Friends (also known as Nobody Makes Me Cry), HBO, 1983. Martha Madden, Hostage (also known as Against Her Will), CBS, 1988. Vivian Levinson, Seasons of the Heart (also known as The Winter Garden), NBC, 1994. Grace, 1998. Florence, The Marriage Fool (also known as Love after Death), CBS, 1998. Interviewee, The Desilu Story: The Rags to Riches Success of the Desilu Empire, Bravo, 2003. Television Appearances; Specials: The General Motors 50th Anniversary Show, NBC, 1957. Julie and Carol at Carnegie Hall, CBS, 1962. Carol and Company, CBS, 1963. Title role, Calamity Jane, CBS, 1963. Princess Winifred the Woebegone, Once upon a Mattress, CBS, 1964. Host, The Entertainers, CBS, 1964. Carol + 2, CBS, 1967. The Perry Como Christmas Show, NBC, 1968. Girl Friends and Nabors, CBS, 1968. Carol Channing Proudly Presents the Seven Deadly Sins, ABC, 1969. Bing Crosby and Carol Burnett—Together Again for the First Time, NBC, 1969. A Last Laugh at the ’60s, ABC, 1970. Rowan and Martin Bite the Hand That Feeds Them, NBC, 1970. The Tim Conway Special, CBS, 1970. Li’l Abner, NBC, 1971. Cohost, Julie and Carol at Lincoln Center, CBS, 1971. Super Comedy Bowl, CBS, 1971. Bing Crosby and His Friends, NBC, 1972. Burt Bacharach: Close to You, ABC, 1972. Princess Winifred the Woebegone, Once upon a Mattress, CBS, 1972. Keep U.S. Beautiful, NBC, 1973. Burt and the Girls, NBC, 1973. Shirley MacLaine: If They Could See Me Now, CBS, 1974. Anne Miller, 6 Rms Riv Vu, CBS, 1974. Emily, Celia, Dorothy, and Mother, Twigs, CBS, 1975. Cohost, Sills and Burnett at the Met, CBS, 1976. CBS Salutes Lucy: The First 25 Years, 1976. Steve and Eydie Celebrate Irving Berlin, NBC, 1978. A Special Evening with Carol Burnett, CBS, 1978. Dolly and Carol in Nashville, CBS, 1978. The Sensational, Shocking, Wonderful, Wacky 70s, NBC, 1980. The Bert Convy Special—There’s a Meeting Here Tonight, syndicated, 1981. Christmas in Hawaii (also known as Jim Nabors’ Christmas in Hawaii), 1981.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Celia, Stanley, NBC, 1956–1957. Pantomime Quiz (also known as Mike Stokey’s Pantomime Quiz and Stump the Stars), ABC, 1958–1959. The Garry Moore Show, CBS, 1959–1962. The Entertainers, CBS, 1964–1965. Host, The Carol Burnett Show, CBS, 1967–1978, repeat compilations broadcast as Carol Burnett and Friends, 1977. Host, Carol Burnett and Company, ABC, 1979. Eunice Harper Higgins, a recurring role, Mama’s Family, NBC, 1983–1984. Host, Carol and Company, NBC, 1990–1991. Host, The Carol Burnett Show, CBS, 1991. Theresa Stemple, a recurring role, Mad about You, NBC, 1995–1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Cohost, CBS: On the Air, CBS, 1978. Charlotte Kensington, Fresno, CBS, 1986. A Century of Women (also known as A Family of Women), TBS, 1994. Television Appearances; Movies: Dorothy Benson, The Grass Is Always Greener over the Septic Tank, CBS, 1978. Peg Mullen, Friendly Fire, ABC, 1979. Dori Gray, The Tenth Month, CBS, 1979. 20

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 ⬙A Lincoln Center Special: Beverly! Her Farewell Performance,⬙ Great Performances, PBS, 1981. The Barbara Walters Special, 1982. Cheryl Ladd: Scenes from a Special, ABC, 1982. Miss Hannigan, Lights, Camera, Annie!, 1982. Hollywood: The Gift of Laughter, ABC, 1982. Eunice Higgins, Eunice, CBS, 1982. Texaco Star Theater: Opening Night, NBC, 1982. The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, 1983. Host, Burnett ⬙Discovers⬙ Domingo, CBS, 1984. The Night of 100 Stars II, ABC, 1985. The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1985. Here’s Television Entertainment, syndicated, 1985. Alberta Johnson, The Laundromat, HBO, 1985. The American Film Institute Salute to Billy Wilder, NBC, 1986. Neil Diamond ... Hello Again, CBS, 1986. ⬙Follies in Concert,⬙ Great Performances, PBS, 1986. A Carol Burnett Special: Carol, Carl, Whoopi, and Robin (also known as Carol, Carl, Whoopi, and Robin), ABC, 1987. James Stewart: A Wonderful Life, PBS, 1987. Karen Nash, ⬙Visitor from Mamaroneck,⬙ Muriel Tate, ⬙Visitor from Hollywood,⬙ and Norma Hubley, ⬙Visitor from Forest Hills,⬙ Plaza Suite, ABC, 1987. Happy Birthday, Hollywood!, ABC, 1987. Host, Great Moments in Disney Animation, ABC, 1987. Secrets Women Never Share, NBC, 1987. A Star–Spangled Celebration, ABC, 1987. This Is Your Life, NBC, 1987. Superstars and Their Moms, ABC, 1987, 1988. A Conversation with Carol, The Disney Channel, 1988. Walt Disney World 4th of July Spectacular, 1988. America’s All–Star Tribute to Elizabeth Taylor, ABC, 1989. Julie and Carol: Together Again!, ABC, 1989. The Muppets Celebrate Jim Henson, CBS, 1990. The Los Angeles Music Center’s 25th Anniversary Celebration (also known as The Music Center’s 25th Anniversary), PBS, 1990. The Tube Test, ABC, 1990. Segment host, Funny Women of Television: A Museum of Television and Radio Tribute (also known as Funny Women of Television), NBC, 1991. Host, The Very Best of the Ed Sullivan Show, CBS, 1991. Children’s Miracle Network Telethon, syndicated, 1991. The Dream Is Alive: The 20th Anniversary Celebration of Walt Disney World (also known as Walt Disney World’s 20th Anniversary Celebration), CBS, 1991. The 14th Annual Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1991. In a New Light, ABC, 1992. Jack Benny: Comedy in Bloom (also known as Comedy in Bloom), HBO, 1992. Total Exposure—Privacy and the Press, NBC, 1992.

BURNETT Host, The American Film Institute Salute to Elizabeth Taylor, ABC, 1993. Bob Hope: The First Ninety Years, NBC, 1993. The Carol Burnett Show: A Reunion, CBS, 1993. The Harry Connick, Jr. Christmas Special, CBS, 1993. In a New Light ’93, ABC, 1993. Legend to Legend Night, NBC, 1993. Host, Carol Burnett: The Special Years, CBS, 1994. Men, Movies, and Carol, CBS, 1994. Host, The All My Children 25th Anniversary Special, ABC, 1995. CBS Soap Break, CBS, 1995. What Makes You Laugh?, 1995. (In archive footage) Ed Sullivan All–Star Comedy Special, 1995. ⬙Boris Karloff: The Gentle Monster,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 1995. ⬙Betty Grable: Behind the Pin–Up,⬙ Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 1995. ⬙Julie Andrews: Back on Broadway,⬙ Great Performances, PBS, 1995. Host and narrator, Jimmy Stewart, The Disney Channel, 1996. Happy Birthday Elizabeth—A Celebration of Life, ABC, 1997. Alan Alda (also known as Alan Alda: More Than Mr. Nice Guy), Arts and Entertainment, 1997. At Home with Carol Burnett, Home and Garden Television, 1997. Jimmy Stewart, Arts and Entertainment, 1997. Guest host, CBS: The First 50 Years, CBS, 1998. (In archive footage) Sonny & Me: Cher Remembers, CBS, 1998. Grand marshal, ⬙The Tournament of Roses Parade,⬙ Coming Up Roses, CBS, 1998. Intimate Portrait: Carol Burnett, Lifetime, 1998. Roddy McDowell: Hollywood’s Best Friend (also known as A&E Biography: Roddy McDowell—Hollywood’s Best Friend), Arts and Entertainment, 1998. Grand marshal, The 109th Tournament of Roses Parade, ABC, 1998. Tony Bennett: An All–Star Tribute—Live by Request, Arts and Entertainment, 1998. Interviewee, William S. Paley: The Eye of CBS, Arts and Entertainment, 2000. Interviewee, Lucille Ball: Finding Lucy, PBS, 2000. Interviewee, The 70s: The Decade That Changed Television, ABC, 2000. Wife, Putting It Together, BTN, 2000. Host, Carol Burnett: Show Stoppers (also known as The Carol Burnett Show: Show Stoppers), CBS, 2001. Presenter, The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 2001. Interviewee, Intimate Portrait: Lucille Ball, Lifetime, 2002. ⬙Carol Burnett: Just to Have a Laugh,⬙ TVography, Arts and Entertainment, 2002. ⬙Tim Conway: Just Clowning Around,⬙ TVography, Arts and Entertainment, 2002.



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Susan Johnson, ⬙Rembrandt’s Girl,⬙ Magnum, P.I., CBS, 1984. Narrator, ⬙Happily Ever After⬙ (animated), WonderWorks, PBS, 1985. The Dick Cavett Show, ABC, 1986. Super Dave, Showtime, 1987. Susan Johnson, ⬙A Girl Named Sue,⬙ Magnum, P.I., CBS, 1988. Rose, ⬙Reggie and Rose,⬙ Fame, c. 1988. A Conversation with Dinah, 1989. Voices of narrator, Mrs. Rabbit, and Mr. McGregor’s cat, ⬙The Tale of Peter Rabbit,⬙ HBO Storybook Musicals (animated), HBO, 1991. Alan King: Inside the Comedy Mind, Comedy Central, 1991. Herself, ⬙The Spider Episode,⬙ The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1992. ⬙Total Exposure—Privacy and the Press,⬙ First Person with Maria Shriver, NBC, 1992. Herself, ⬙One Down, Three to Go,⬙ Evening Shade, 1993. Inside the Actors Studio, Bravo, 1995. The Movie That Changed My Life, AMC, 1995. ⬙Women in Film,⬙ Women of the House, 1995. Lillian Bennett, ⬙The Comeback,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1997. Celebrity square, Hollywood Squares, syndicated, 1998. Herself, ⬙Flip,⬙ The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1998. Larry King Live, Cable News Network, 2000. Guest, The View, 2002. Host, ⬙I Will Walk with You: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Touched by an Angel, 2003.

The Honeymooners 50th Anniversary, CBS, 2001. Interviewee, Intimate Portrait: Vicki Lawrence, Lifetime, 2003. Interviewee, Intimate Portrait: Florence Henderson, Lifetime, 2003. Interviewee, Intimate Portrait: Linda Lavin, Lifetime, 2003. Interviewee, Intimate Portrait: Susan Lucci, Lifetime, 2003. Interviewee, Great Women of Television Comedy: A Museum of Television & Radio Special, NBC, 2003. Presenter, CBS at 75: A Primetime Celebration, CBS, 2003. The 26th Annual Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 2003. Television Appearances; Episodic: Jerry Mahoney’s girlfriend, The Paul Winchell–Jerry Mahoney Show, NBC, 1955. The Ed Sullivan Show, CBS, multiple appearances, 1957–1958. The Jack Paar Show, NBC, 1957. ⬙The American Cowboy,⬙ The United States Steel Hour, CBS, 1960. Guest, I’ve Got a Secret, 1960, 1961, 1962. Narrator, ⬙The Wonderful World of Toys,⬙ The DuPont Show of the Week, NBC, 1961. Agnes Grep, ⬙Cavender Is Coming,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1962. Password, multiple appearances, 1962–1964. Herself, ⬙Jack Plays Tarzan,⬙ The Jack Benny Show (also known as The Jack Benny Program), CBS, 1962. Herself, ⬙Riverboat Sketch,⬙ The Jack Benny Show (also known as The Jack Benny Program), CBS, 1963. Mystery guest, What’s My Line?, 1964, 1966. ⬙Lucy and Carol in Palm Springs,⬙ The Lucy Show (also known as The Lucille Ball Show), CBS, 1966. ⬙Lucy Gets a Roommate,⬙ The Lucy Show (also known as The Lucille Ball Show), CBS, 1966. ⬙Lucy and Carol Burnett: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Lucy Show (also known as The Lucille Ball Show), CBS, 1967. Corporal Carol Barnes, ⬙Corporal Carol,⬙ Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., CBS, 1967. Ozark Annie, ⬙One of Our Olives Is Missing,⬙ Get Smart, NBC, 1967. Here’s Lucy, CBS, 1967, 1969, 1970. Sergeant Carol Barnes, ⬙Showtime with Sgt. Carol,⬙ Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., CBS, 1969. Carol Krausmauer, ⬙Lucy and Carol Burnett,⬙ Here’s Lucy, CBS, 1971. Mrs. Johnson, All My Children (also known as All My Children: The Summer of Seduction), ABC, 1976. Eve, ⬙This Side of Eden,⬙ Insight, 1977. Password Plus, 1979. Omnibus, 1980. Herself and cleaning lady, The Muppet Show, syndicated, 1980. Verla Grubb, All My Children (also known as All My Children: The Summer of Seduction), ABC, 1983.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Cohost, The 45th Annual Academy Awards, 1973. Presenter, The 28th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, 1976. The 30th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, 1978. The 31st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, 1979. Presenter, The 55th Annual Academy Awards, 1983. The 37th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, ABC, 1985. Soap Opera Digest Awards, NBC, 1988. The 9th Annual ACE Awards, HBO, 1988. The 3rd Annual American Comedy Awards, ABC, 1989. The Walt Disney Company Presents the American Teacher Awards, The Disney Channel, 1990. Presenter, The 42nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 1990. The 4th Annual American Comedy Awards, ABC, 1990. Presenter, The 48th Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1991. The 17th Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 1991. The 43rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 1991. Presenter, The 14th Annual CableACE Awards, Lifetime, 1993. Presenter, The 19th Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 1993. 22

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Presenter, The 45th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, ABC, 1993. The First Annual Comedy Hall of Fame, NBC, 1993. Presenter, The 20th Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 1994. Presenter, The 46th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, ABC, 1994. Presenter, The 48th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1994. Presenter, The 51st Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1994. Presenter, The 49th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1995. Presenter, The 48th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (also known as The 1996 Emmy Awards), ABC, 1996. The 12th Annual Soap Opera Awards, NBC, 1996. Presenter, The 54th Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 1997. American Comedy Honors, Fox, 1997. Presenter, The 19th Annual CableACE Awards, TNT, 1997. Presenter, The 49th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, CBS, 1997. Presenter, The 25th Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 1999. Presenter, The 53rd Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1999. Presenter, The 54th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 2000. Presenter, The 28th Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 2002. Presenter, The 60th Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 2003.

BURNETT Television Director; Specials: The Universal Story, 1995. Film Appearances: (Film debut) Stella Irving, Who’s Been Sleeping in My Bed?, Paramount, 1963. Miss Grebs, Star Spangled Salesman, 1966. Herself, Rowan and Martin at the Movies, 1968. Tillie Schlaine, Pete ’n’ Tillie, Universal, 1972. Mollie Malloy, The Front Page, Universal, 1974. Katherine ⬙Tulip⬙ Brenner, A Wedding, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1978. Gloria Burbank, HealtH (also known as H.E.A.L.T.H.), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1980. Chu–Chu/Emily, Chu Chu and the Philly Flash, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1981. Kate Burroughs, The Four Seasons, Universal, 1981. Miss Hannigan, Annie, Columbia, 1982. Dotty Otley and Mrs. Clackett, Noises Off, Buena Vista, 1992. Herself (in archive footage), Wisecracks (documentary), Alliance Releasing, 1992. Herself, Moon over Broadway, Artistic License, 1997. Herself, Get Bruce!, Miramax, 1999. Voice of Mrs. Hammerbotham, The Trumpet of the Swan (animated), TriStar, 2001. Herself, Broadway: The Golden Age, by the Legends Who Where There (documentary; also known as Broadway: The Golden Age), Second Act Productions, 2003.

Television Appearances; Other: Where Have All the Children Gone?, 1980. Herself, One for the Road, 1989.

Film Work: Executive producer (with Marcia Brandwynne and Nadine Schiff), Made in America, Warner Bros., 1993.

Television Executive Producer; Series: The Carol Burnett Show, CBS, 1991.

Stage Appearances: (Off–Broadway debut) Princess Winifred the Woebegone, Once upon a Mattress, Phoenix Theatre, 1959, then (Broadway debut) Alvin Theatre, 1960. Hope Springfield and Lila Tremaine, Fade Out—Fade In (musical), Mark Hellinger Theatre, New York City, 1964. Karen Nash, ⬙Visitor from Mamaroneck,⬙ Muriel Tate, ⬙Visitor from Hollywood,⬙ and Norma Hubley, ⬙Visitor from Forest Hills,⬙ Plaza Suite, Huntington Hartford Theatre, Los Angeles, 1970. Agnes, I Do! I Do!, Huntington Hartford Theatre, 1973. Doris, Same Time, Next Year, Huntington Hartford Theatre, 1977, then Burt Reynolds’ Jupiter Dinner Theatre, Jupiter, FL, 1980. The Night of 100 Stars II, Radio City Music Hall, New York City, 1985. Melissa Gardner, Love Letters, Canon Theatre, Los Angeles, 1990. Moon over Buffalo, Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, 1995–1996.

Television Executive Producer; Specials: Plaza Suite, ABC, 1987. A Conversation with Carol, The Disney Channel, 1988. The Carol Burnett Show: A Reunion, CBS, 1993. Carol Burnett: The Special Years, CBS, 1994. Men, Movies, and Carol, CBS, 1994. Carol Burnett: Show Stoppers (also known as The Carol Burnett Show: Show Stoppers), CBS, 2001. Television Producer and Director; Specials: Fred Astaire: Puttin’ On His Top Hat, 1980. Fred Astaire: Change Partners and Dance, 1980. Starring Katharine Hepburn, 1981. Judy Garland: The Concert Years, 1985. James Stewart: A Wonderful Life, PBS, 1987. Bacall on Bogart, 1988. The Fred Astaire Songbook, 1991. Katharine Hepburn: All about Me, 1992. Southern Star: A Portrait of Atlanta, 1996. 23


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Amy, Putting It Together (musical revue), Center Theatre Group, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 1998, then Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1999–2000. Broadway on Broadway (outdoor concert), Times Square, New York City, 2002.

People Weekly, December 17, 2001, p. 17; February 4, 2002, pp. 50–55. Other: Intimate Portrait: Carol Burnett (television special), Lifetime, 1998. ⬙Carol Burnett: Just to Have a Laugh,⬙ TVography (television special), Arts and Entertainment, 2002.

Appeared in Follies, Lincoln Center Theatre, New York City, 1980s. RECORDINGS

BURNS, Brooke 1977(?)–

Videos: Herself, A Bing Crosby Christmas, 2000.

PERSONAL Full name, Brooke Elizabeth Burns; born October 28, 1977 (some sources cite March 16, 1978), in Dallas, TX; daughter of Brad (in health care) and Betsy (a homemaker) Burns; married Julian McMahon (an actor), December 22, 1999 (divorced, 2001); children: Madison. Avocational Interests: Dancing, horseback riding, hiking, swimming, scuba diving, other outdoor activities, writing.

Albums: Let Me Entertain You, Decca, 2000. WRITINGS Television Specials: Katharine Hepburn: All about Me, 1992. (With others) Men, Movies, and Carol, CBS, 1994. The Universal Story, 1995. Southern Star: A Portrait of Atlanta, 1996.

Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress. Worked as a model and appeared in commercials. Volunteer with Camp Baywatch, Planet Hope, and PennyLane.

Stage Plays: (With daughter Carrie Hamilton) Hollywood Arms (two–act; based on Burnett’s book One More Time: A Memoir), Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL, 2002, then Cort Theatre, New York City, 2002–2003.


Other: What I Want to Be When I Grow Up, created by George Mendoza and Sheldon Secunda, photographs by Secunda, Simon & Schuster, 1975. One More Time: A Memoir, Random House, 1986.

Television Appearances; Series: Meg, Out of the Blue, c. 1996. Jessica ⬙Jessie⬙ Owens, Baywatch (also known as Baywatch Hawai’i), syndicated, 1998–2000. Panelist, To Tell the Truth, syndicated, 2000–2002. Host, Dog Eat Dog, NBC, 2002—.

OTHER SOURCES Television Appearances; Episodic: Jennifer Higgin (the fantasy girl), ⬙The Attitude,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 1997. Jennifer Higgin (the fantasy girl), ⬙The Dirty Joke,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 1997. Jennifer Higgin (the fantasy girl), ⬙Drawing the Lines,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 1997. Jennifer Higgin (the fantasy girl), ⬙The Promise,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 1997. ⬙The Three Virgins,⬙ Conan, syndicated, 1997. Guest, Happy Hour, USA Network, 1999. Lori, ⬙Festival of Death,⬙ Mortal Kombat: Conquest, TNT and syndicated, 1999. Contestant, ⬙Celebrity Fear Factor,⬙ Fear Factor, NBC, 2001.

Books: Burnett, Carol, One More Time: A Memoir, Random House, 1986. Encyclopedia of World Biography Supplement, Volume 23, Gale, 2003. Newsmakers 2000, Issue 3, Gale, 2000. Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, September 15, 2000, p. 84. Good Housekeeping, October, 2002, pp. 98–100, 102, 104. Interview, March, 1990, p. 122; October, 1994, p. 174. New Yorker, August 21, 1995, p. 56. 24

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Jessica ⬙Jessie⬙ Owens, ⬙Dead Reckoning,⬙ Baywatch (also known as Baywatch Hawai’i), syndicated, 2001. Jessica ⬙Jessie⬙ Owens, ⬙The Return of Jessie,⬙ Baywatch (also known as Baywatch Hawai’i), syndicated, 2001. Kristle, ⬙Cheese Dog,⬙ Men, Women, & Dogs, The WB, 2001. Beatrice Epps, ⬙Motherhunt: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ A Nero Wolfe Mystery, Arts and Entertainment, 2002. Kelly, ⬙Halloween? Halloween!,⬙ Just Shoot Me!, NBC, 2002. Guest, The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn, CBS, 2002 and 2003. Celebrity judge, America’s Most Talented Kid, NBC, 2003. Guest, Last Call with Carson Daly, NBC, 2003. Host, Good Day Live, Fox, 2003. Nicolette ⬙Nick⬙/⬙Nicki⬙ Shields, ⬙The Replacement,⬙ She Spies, syndicated, 2003.

BURR Career: Director, writer, and actor. Director of music videos. Florida State University Film School, Tallahassee, FL, guest instructor, 1997. Awards, Honors: Grand prize for short film, Tokyo International Film Festival, c. 1980, for Divided We Fall; International Fantasy Film Award nomination, Fantasporto, best film, 1990, for Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III. CREDITS Film Director: Divided We Fall (short film), 1980. The Offspring (also known as From a Whisper to a Scream), Moviestore Entertainment, 1987. Stepfather II (also known as Stepfather 2: Make Room for Daddy), Miramax, 1989. Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (also known as TCM3 and Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3), New Line Cinema, 1990. Eddie Presley, Raven Pictures International, 1993. Puppet Master 4, Paramount Home Video, 1993. Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings (also known as Pumpkinhead 2: The Demon Returns), Motion Picture Corporation of America, 1994. Puppet Master 5: The Final Chapter (also known as The Final Chapter: Puppet Master 5), Paramount Home Video, 1994. Night of the Scarecrow, Republic, 1995. Johnny Mysto: Boy Wizard, Kushner–Locke, 1996. American Hero, 1997. Spoiler, Artist View Entertainment, 1997. The Werewolf Reborn!, Amazing Fantasy Entertainment/Full Moon Pictures, 1998. The Boy with the X–Ray Eyes (also known as X–Ray Boy and X–treme Teens), Full Moon Entertainment/ Kushner–Locke, 1999. Frankenstein & the Werewolf Reborn!, Full Moon Entertainment, 2000. Straight into Darkness, Silver Bullet, 2003.

Television Appearances; Specials: Host, Sexy Swimsuits, E! Entertainment Television, 1998. Celebrity Homes, E! Entertainment Television, 1999. Host, Miss Teen USA 2003, NBC, 2003. Member of blue team, Battle of the Network Stars, NBC, 2003. Maxim Hot 100, NBC, 2003. Television Appearances; Pilots: Roses Wild, syndicated, 2000. Appeared as Meg in the pilot Smilin’ Jack. Film Appearances: Katrina, Shallow Hal (also known as Schwer verliebt), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Parade, July 6, 2003, p. 14. People Weekly, August 19, 2002, p. 63. Stuff, August, 2002, pp. 86–90, 92. TV Guide, July 6, 2002, p. 3.

Film Work; Other: (With others) Producer, The Offspring (also known as From a Whisper to a Scream), Moviestore Entertainment, 1987. Editor, Eddie Presley, Raven Pictures International, 1993. (With others) Cinematographer, The Shrunken City, Amazing Fantasy Entertainment, 1998. (As Jeffrey C. Burr) Executive producer, Broke Sky, Buzzard Films, 2003.

BURR, Jeff 1963(?)– (Jeffrey C. Burr) PERSONAL

Film Appearances: The coroner, Things, Vista Street Entertainment, 1993. Chicago police officer, Fear of a Black Hat, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1994.

Born 1963 (some sources cite 1962), in Aurora, OH; raised in Georgia. Education: Studied film and television at University of Southern California. 25


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Doctor, Deadly Desire (also known as The Abduction of Crystal Blue and Saturday Night Special), Concorde–New Horizons, 1994. The coroner, With Criminal Intent, 1995. Himself, Halloween ... The Happy Haunting of America!, Chuck Williams Productions/Whiz Bang Entertainment, 1997. Guy on sidewalk, Witchouse 2: Blood Coven, Full Moon Entertainment, 2000. Fergusson, Dark Asylum, Lions Gate Films, 2001. Voice of radio show caller, Zombiegeddon, 2003.

BURTON, Tim 1958(?)– PERSONAL Full name, Timothy William Burton; born August 25, 1958 (some sources cite 1960), in Burbank, CA; son of Bill (a minor league baseball player and parks department sports coordinator) and Jean (a shop manager) Burton; married Lena Gieseke (a photographer), February 24, 1989 (separated, 1991); children: (with actress Helena Bonham Carter) one son. Education: Studied animation at California Institute of the Arts, 1979–80.

Television Director; Movies: Phantom Town, Showtime, 1999.

Addresses: Agent—Mike Simpson, William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Publicist—Kristin Borella, Bumble Ward and Associates Public Relations, 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 340, Beverly Hills, CA 90211.

Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Brain in the Attic,⬙ Big Bad Beetleborgs (also known as Beetleborgs and Saban’s Big Bad Beetleborgs), Fox Kids Network, 1996. ⬙Fang over Charterville,⬙ Big Bad Beetleborgs (also known as Beetleborgs and Saban’s Big Bad Beetleborgs), Fox Kids Network, 1996. ⬙Space Case,⬙ Big Bad Beetleborgs (also known as Beetleborgs and Saban’s Big Bad Beetleborgs), Fox Kids Network, 1996.

Career: Director, animator, producer, and writer. Walt Disney Productions, cartoon artist and apprentice animator, including work on The Fox and the Hound, 1981, Vincent, 1982, Frankenweenie, 1984, and The Black Cauldron, 1985; Tim Burton Productions, founder, 1989. Also animator of the films The Island of Doctor Agor, 1971, Stalk of the Celery (also known as Stalk of the Celery Monster), 1979, and Tron, 1982. Director of television commercials, beginning 1998.

Director for the series Land of the Lost, ABC. Television Appearances; Movies: Uncle Jack, Phantom Town, Showtime, 1999.

Awards, Honors: Walt Disney fellow, California Institute of the Arts, 1979–80; Chicago Film Festival Award, 1982, for Vincent; ShoWest Award, director of the year, National Association of Theatre Owners, 1990, for Batman; Emmy Award, outstanding animated program (with others), 1990, for Beetlejuice; nomination for Golden Palm, Cannes International Film Festival, 1995, and nomination for Silver Condor, best foreign film, Argentinian Film Critics Association, 1996, both for Ed Wood; Golden Satellite Award nomination, best animated or mixed media picture, International Press Academy, 1997, for Mars Attacks!; Golden Satellite Award nomination, best animated or mixed media motion picture (with others), 1997, for James and the Giant Peach; Saturn Award nomination, best director, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Films, and nomination for Silver Ribbon, best director of a foreign film, Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists, both 2000, for Sleepy Hollow; Leo Award, best writing in a music, comedy, or variety program or series (with others), 2002, for Point Blank.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Second reporter, ⬙The Upset,⬙ Hang Time, NBC, 1999. RECORDINGS Videos; Documentaries: Shock Cinema Vol. 1, Cinema Home Video, 1991. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Shocking Truth, Exploited Film, 2000. The Saw Is Family: Making ⬙Leatherface,⬙ New Line Home Video, 2003. We Knows What to Do with Them Parts..., New Line Home Video, 2003. WRITINGS Screenplays: (With others) The Offspring (also known as From a Whisper to a Scream), Moviestore Entertainment, 1987. The Boy with the X–Ray Eyes (also known as X–Ray Boy and X–treme Teens), Full Moon Entertainment/ Kushner–Locke, 1999. Straight into Darkness, Silver Bullet, 2003.

CREDITS Film Director: (And producer) Stalk of the Celery (also known as Stalk of the Celery Monster), 1979. (And producer) Luau, 1982. 26

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 (And production designer) Vincent (animated short film), Buena Vista, 1982. Frankenweenie (animated), Buena Vista, 1984. Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, Warner Bros., 1985. Beetlejuice, Warner Bros., 1988. Batman, Warner Bros., 1989. (And producer, with Denise DiNovi) Edward Scissorhands, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1990. (And producer, with DiNovi) Batman Returns, Warner Bros., 1992. (And producer, with DiNovi) Ed Wood, Buena Vista, 1994. Vincent and Me, 1995. (And producer) Mars Attacks!, Warner Bros., 1996. Sleepy Hollow, Paramount, 1999. Planet of the Apes, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Big Fish, Columbia, 2003.

BURTON Television Work; Series: Creator and executive producer, Beetlejuice (animated series), c. 1990. Producer, Batman: The Animated Series, Fox, 1992–1993. Creator (with Steven Spielberg) and executive producer, Family Dog (series), CBS, 1993. Television Director; Episodic: ⬙The Jar,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, NBC, 1986. ⬙Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp,⬙ Faerie Tale Theatre (also known as Shelley Duvall’s Faerie Tale Theatre), Showtime, 1986. Television Work; Other: Director, Hansel and Gretel, 1982. Executive producer, Lost in Oz (pilot; also known as Tim Burton’s Lost in Oz), syndicated, 2000.

Film Producer: (With Denise DiNovi; and production designer) Tim Burton’s The Nightmare before Christmas (also known as The Nightmare before Christmas), Buena Vista, 1993. (With DiNovi) Cabin Boy, Buena Vista, 1994. Batman Forever (also known as Forever), Warner Bros., 1995. James and the Giant Peach, Buena Vista, 1996.

RECORDINGS Videos: Himself, Sleepy Hollow: Behind the Legend, Paramount/Mandalay Pictures, 2000. WRITINGS

Film Appearances: Mortie (the Supreme Being), Luau, 1982. Brian, Singles, Warner Bros., 1992. Himself, A Century of Cinema, 1994.

Films: The Island of Doctor Agor (animated), 1971. Stalk of the Celery (animated; also known as Stalk of the Celery Monster), 1979. Luau, 1982. Vincent (animated short film), Buena Vista, 1982. Mars Attacks!, Warner Bros., 1996.

Television Appearances; Specials: Premiere: Inside the Summer Blockbusters, Fox, 1989. Fox/MTV Guide to Summer ’92, Fox, 1992. The Bat, the Cat and the Penguin, CBS, 1992. Interviewee, Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas: A TNT Special Edition, TNT, 1994. Masters of Illusion: The Wizards of Special Effects, 1994. Freaks, Nerds, and Weirdos: An MTV News Special Report, MTV, 1994. Mario Bava: Maestro of the Macabre, 2000. The Making of ⬙Planet of the Apes,⬙ 2001. Interviewee, Planet of the Apes: Rule the Planet, Fox, 2001. The Inside Reel: Digital Filmmaking, PBS, 2001.

Television Episodes: Alfred Hitchcock Presents, NBC, 1986. Television Writing; Other: Lost in Oz (pilot; also known as Tim Burton’s Lost in Oz), syndicated, 2000. Point Blank (series), 2002. Books: My Art and Films, HarperCollins, 1993. The Nightmare before Christmas Pop–up Book, Mouse Works, 1993. Burton on Burton, edited by Mark Salisbury, Faber & Faber, 1995. The Melancholy Death of Oyster Bay and Other Stories, Morrow, 1997.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Ben, ⬙The Quality of Mercy,⬙ Twice in a Lifetime, 1999. Guest, The Martin Short Show, syndicated, 1999. Guest, Exposure, Sci–Fi Channel, 2000. Television Appearances; Miniseries: A–Z of Horror (also known as Clive Barker’s A–Z of Horror), BBC (England), 1997.

Contributor to books, including The Art of Sleepy Hollow, Pocket Books, 1999. 27


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Addresses: Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212; ICM London, 76 Oxford St., London W1N 0AX, England. Manager— Alan Siegel Entertainment, 345 N. Maple Dr., Suite 375, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Publicist—PMK/HBH, 8500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 700, Beverly Hills, CA 90211.

Other: (Creator, writer, and director) Stainboy (animated Internet series),, 2000. ADAPTATIONS The 1982 television program Hansel and Gretel was based on an idea by Burton. The film Frankenweenie, released by Buena Vista in 1984, was based on an idea by Burton. Episodes of the television series Amazing Stories (also known as Steven Spielberg’s Amazing Stories), broadcast by NBC in 1987, were based on animation and character designs by Burton. The television series Family Dog, broadcast by CBS in 1993, was also based on Burton’s character designs. The film Tim Burton’s The Nightmare before Christmas, released by Buena Vista in 1993, was based on a story and characters created by Burton. The film Beetlejuice, released by Warner Bros. in 1988, was based on a story by Burton. The film Edward Scissorhands, released by Twentieth Century–Fox in 1990, was based on a story by Burton and Caroline Thompson.

Career: Actor. Previously worked at a carnival and as a lawyer. Awards, Honors: Certificate of Bravery, Royal Humane Society. CREDITS Film Appearances: Archie Brown, Mrs. Brown (also known as Her Majesty, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Brown), Miramax, 1997. Leading seaman (HMS Devonshire), Tomorrow Never Dies, United Artists, 1997. Burke, Tale of the Mummy (also known as Talos the Mummy and Russell Mulcahy’s Tale of the Mummy), Dimension Films, 1998. Jacko, Fast Food, 1998. Sam, One More Kiss, Alibi Films International, 1999. Yasha, The Cherry Orchard (also known as O Byssinokipos and La cerisaie), Kino International, 1999. (As Gerry Butler) Peter, Please!, AtomFilms, 1999. Jackie Junior, Shooters, 2000. Chris Kumac, photojournalist, Harrison’s Flowers (also known as Les fleurs d’Harrison), MCA/Universal, 2000. Title role, Dracula 2000 (also known as Dracula 2001 and Wes Craven Presents Dracula 2000), Miramax, 2000. Captain Charles Belamy, Jewel of the Sahara, 2001. Creedy, Reign of Fire, Buena Vista, 2002. Terry Sheridan, Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (also known as Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Die Weige des Lebens), Paramount, 2003. Andre Marek, Timeline, Paramount, 2003. Frank Borghi, The Game of Their Lives, 2003.

OTHER SOURCES Books: Burton, Tim, My Art and Films, HarperCollins, 1993. Henke, Ken, Tim Burton: An Unauthorized Biography of the Filmmaker, Renaissance Books, 1999. Salisbury, Mark, editor, Burton on Burton, Faber & Faber, 1995. Periodicals: Empire, Issue 93, 1997, pp. 68–75. Film Review, February, 2000, pp. 62–63. Harper’s Bazaar, September, 1994. Interview, December, 1990, pp. 110–13. Neon, March, 1997, pp. 36–41. Newsweek, April 9, 1999, p. 66. Radio Times, August 17, 2002, p. 42. Rolling Stone, July 9, 1992. Starlog, March, 1991; July, 1992; January, 1997. Total Film, February, 2000, pp. 50–56. Vanity Fair, November, 1994. Village Voice, October 4, 1994. Washington Post, July 29, 2001, pp. G1, G6.

Television Appearances; Series: Marty Claymore, The Young Person’s Guide to Becoming a Rock Star, Channel 4, 1998. Gus, Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married, ITV and YTV, 1999.

BUTLER, Gerard 1969– (Gerry Butler) PERSONAL

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Title role, Attila (also known as Attila the Hun), USA Network, 2001. Johnnie Donne, The Jury, ITV1 and PBS, 2002.

Full name, Gerard James Butler; born November 13, 1969, in Glasgow, Scotland; son of Margaret and Edward Butler. Education: Studied law at Glasgow University. 28

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Television Appearances; Movies: Peter, Little White Lies, BBC, 1998.

BUTLER Stage Appearances: Coriolanus, Mermaid Theatre, 1995. Mark Renton, Trainspotting, Ireland and Fringe Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1996. Snatch, Soho Theatre Company, 1998. Dr. Cukrowicz, Suddenly Last Summer, Donmar Warehouse, London, 1999.

Television Appearances; Specials: Attila: The Making of an Epic Mini–Series, USA Network, 2001. Television Appearances; Episodic: Dr. Tim Bolton, ⬙Playing God,⬙ An Unsuitable Job for a Woman, ITV, 2001.

Also appeared as a street urchin, Oliver!, Kings Theatre, Glasgow, Scotland.


C best motion picture actor in a drama, 1975, for The Gambler; Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture actor in a musical or comedy, 1976, for Funny Lady; Golden Scroll, best actor, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Films, 1976, for Rollerball; Hollywood Discovery Award, outstanding achievement in acting, Hollywood Film Festival, 1999; Video Premiere Award nomination, best supporting actor, 2001, for Luckytown; Lifetime Achievement Award, Florida Film Festival, 2003; received star on Hollywood Walk of Fame.

CAAN, James 1940(?)– (Jimmy Caan) PERSONAL Born March 26, 1940 (some sources cite 1939), in Bronx, NY; son of Arthur (a meat dealer) and Sophie Caan; brother of Ronald ⬙Ronnie⬙ Caan (a producer); married DeeJay Mathis (a dancer), c. 1961 (divorced, 1966); married Sheila Ryan (a model and actress), 1976 (divorced, 1977); married Ingrid Hajek, September 9, 1990 (divorced, 1994); married Linda Stokes (some sources cite name as Linda O’Gara), October 7, 1995; children: (first marriage) Tara; (second marriage) Scott Andrew (an actor and musician); (third marriage) Alexander James; (fourth marriage) James Arthur, Jacob Nicholas. Education: Attended Michigan State University; studied drama at Hofstra College (now University); trained for the stage with Sanford Meisner at the Neighborhood Playhouse and with Wynn Handman. Religion: Jewish. Avocational Interests: Tennis, basketball, skiing, martial arts (holds black belt in karate).

CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut; uncredited) Soldier with radio, Irma La Douce, United Artists, 1963. Randall, Lady in a Cage, Paramount, 1964. Mike Marsh, Red Line 7000, Paramount, 1965. Private Anthony Dugan, The Glory Guys, United Artists, 1965. Paul Montgomery, Games, Universal, 1967. Alan Bourdillon ⬙Mississippi⬙ Traherne, El Dorado, Paramount, 1967. Buck Burnett, Journey to Shiloh, Universal, 1968. Lee Stegler, Countdown, Warner Bros., 1968. Jimmie ⬙Killer⬙ Kilgannon, The Rain People, Warner Bros., 1969. Lieutenant Commander John Bolton (some sources cite Commander Richard Bolton), Submarine X–1, United Artists, 1969. Rabbit Angstrom, Rabbit, Run, Warner Bros., 1970. Larry Moore, T. R. Baskin (also known as A Date with a Lonely Girl), Paramount, 1971. Sonny Corleone, The Godfather (also known as Mario Puzo’s The Godfather), Paramount, 1972. Dick Kanipsia, Slither, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1973. Sonny Corleone, The Godfather, Part II (also known as Mario Puzo’s The Godfather, Part II), Paramount, 1974. Freebie, Freebie and the Bean, Warner Bros., 1974.

Addresses: Agent—Endeavor, 9701 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor. Worked as a rodeo rider on the professional circuit for nine years; also worked as a waiter, bouncer, lifeguard, and camp counselor. Awards, Honors: Golden Globe Award nomination, most promising male newcomer, 1966, for The Glory Guys; nomination for Golden Laurel Award, outstanding male new face, 1968; Emmy Award nomination, best actor in a single performance, 1972, for Brian’s Song; Academy Award nomination and Golden Globe Award nomination, both best supporting actor, 1973, for The Godfather; Golden Globe Award nomination, 30

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Alex Freed, The Gambler, 1974. John Baggs, Jr., Cinderella Liberty, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1975. Mike Locken, The Killer Elite, United Artists, 1975. Jonathan E., Rollerball, United Artists, 1975. Billy Rose, Funny Lady, Columbia, 1975. Jud McGraw, Gone with the West (also known as Bronco Busters, Little Moon and Jud McGraw, and Man without Mercy), 1975. Himself, From Rome to Rollerball: The Full Circle, 1975. Himself, Silent Movie, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1976. Harry Dighby, Harry and Walter Go to New York, Columbia, 1976. Staff Sergeant Eddie Dohun, A Bridge Too Far, United Artists, 1977. David Williams, Un autre homme, une autre chance (also known as Another Man, Another Chance and Another Man, Another Woman), United Artists, 1977. Frank ⬙Buck⬙ Athearn, Comes a Horseman, United Artists, 1978. George Schneider, Chapter Two, Columbia, 1979. (Uncredited) Sailor in fight, 1941, Universal, 1979. Thomas Hacklin, Jr., Hide in Plain Sight, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1980. Frank, Thief (also known as Violent Streets), United Artists, 1981. Jack Glenn and Jason Glenn, Bolero (also known as Within Memory and Les uns et les autres), Double 13, 1982. Jolly Villano, Kiss Me Goodbye, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1982. Clell Hazard, Gardens of Stone, TriStar, 1988. Detective Sergeant Matthew Sykes, Alien Nation, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1988. Paul Sheldon, Misery, Columbia, 1990. Spaldoni, Dick Tracy, Buena Vista, 1990. Sonny Corleone (in archive footage), The Godfather: Part III (also known as Mario Puzo’s The Godfather: Part III), 1990. Eddie Sparks, For the Boys, Twentieth–Century Fox, 1991. Dr. Scurvy, The Dark Backward (also known as The Man with Three Arms), RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video, 1991. Tommy Korman, Honeymoon in Vegas, Columbia, 1992. Coach Sam Winters, The Program, Buena Vista, 1993. Roy Sweeney, Flesh and Bone, Paramount, 1993. Jim, A Boy Called Hate, Dove Entertainment, 1996. Things to Do in Denver When You’re Dead, 1996. Abe Henry, Bottle Rocket, Columbia, 1996. U.S. Marshal Robert Deguerin, Eraser, Warner Bros., 1996. Frank Colton, Bulletproof, Universal, 1996. Sean McLennon, North Star (also known as Alaska, Duello tra i ghiacci, Grand nord, and Tashunga), Goldcrest Films International, 1996. Howard Hawks, American Artist, 1997.

CAAN Kieran Johnson, This Is My Father (also known as L’histoire de mon pere), Sony Pictures Classics, 1999. Frank Vitale, Mickey Blue Eyes, Warner Bros., 1999. Frank Olchin, The Yards, Miramax, 2000. Charlie Doyles, Luckytown, A Plus Entertainment, 2000. Joe Sarno, The Way of the Gun, Artisan Entertainment, 2000. Roy Baker, Viva Las Nowhere (also known as Dead Simple), Viva Las Nowhere Productions, 2001. Lance Huston, In the Shadows, Lions Gate Films, 2001. (Uncredited) Prison warden, Night at the Golden Eagle, Shangri–La Entertainment, 2002. Marvin, City of Ghosts, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2002. The big man, Dogville, Lions Gate Entertainment, 2003. Walter, Dallas 362, Dallas & Rusty/Konwiser Brothers/ Sunlion Films, 2003. Jimmy ⬙The Con,⬙ This Thing of Ours, Small Planet Pictures, 2003. Leonard Grey, Jericho Mansions, Vine International, 2003. Buddy’s biological father, Elf, New Line Cinema, 2003. William Larnach, Castle of Lies, First Sun/Parallel Castle Pictures, 2003. Dogville Confessions (documentary), Trust Film Sales, 2003. Film Work: Director, Hide in Plain Sight, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/ United Artists, 1980. Television Appearances; Series: Big Ed Deline, Las Vegas, NBC, beginning 2003. Television Appearances; Movies: Brian Piccolo, Brian’s Song, ABC, 1971. Philip Marlowe, Poodle Springs, HBO, 1998. John Flinders, Warden of Red Rock, Showtime, 2001. Captain Fred Moosally, A Glimpse of Hell, FX Channel, 2001. Dr. William Haber, The Lathe of Heaven, Arts and Entertainment, 2002. Sheriff Morgan McKenna, Blood Crime, USA Network, 2002. Hearts of Men, USA Network, 2002. Harry Dewitt, The Incredible Mrs. Ritchie, Showtime, 2003. Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Jimmy Caan) ⬙Bullets Cost Too Much,⬙ Naked City, ABC, 1961. Johnny, ⬙And the Cat Jumped over the Moon,⬙ Route 66, CBS, 1961. ⬙The Masked Marine,⬙ Alcoa Premiere, ABC, 1962. Keir Brannon, ⬙A Fist of Five,⬙ The Untouchables, ABC, 1962.



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Buddie Simpson, ⬙A Cry from the Mountains,⬙ The Wide Country, NBC, 1963. Charley Johnson, ⬙The Mosaic,⬙ Dr. Kildare, NBC, 1963. Dr. Keith Gregory, ⬙Justice to a Microbe,⬙ Ben Casey, ABC, 1963. Jim McKinney, ⬙Deadly Decision,⬙ Death Valley Days, syndicated, 1963. ⬙Shadow of Violence,⬙ Death Valley Days, syndicated, 1963. Sergeant Beckman, ⬙Anatomy of a Patrol,⬙ Combat!, ABC, 1963. Rick Peterson, ⬙The Hunt,⬙ Kraft Suspense Theater, NBC, 1963. ⬙Glass Flowers Never Drop Petals,⬙ Breaking Point, ABC, 1964. ⬙My Son, the All American,⬙ Channing, ABC, 1964. Jay Shaw, ⬙Memo from Purgatory,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents (also known as The Alfred Hitchcock Hour), NBC, 1964. Paul, ⬙The Echo Pass Story,⬙ Wagon Train, ABC, 1965. Eugene David ⬙Gene⬙ Holt, ⬙A Life in the Balance,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1969. (Uncredited) Rotten Rupert of Rathskeller, ⬙To Sire, with Love: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Get Smart, 1969. Guest, Rowan & Martin’s Laugh–In, 1972. Guest, Late Show with David Letterman, multiple appearances, 1994–2001. Himself, ⬙Movie Star,⬙ NewsRadio, NBC, 1996. Himself, ⬙Hollywood,⬙ Unzipped, 1999. Guest, Dinner for Five, 2003. Guest, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, 2003.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Himself, ⬙Naked Hollywood,⬙ A&E Premieres, Arts and Entertainment, 1991. Stage Appearances: (Off–Broadway debut; as Jimmy Caan) The soldier, La Ronde, Theatre Marquee, 1960. (Broadway debut) Blood, Sweat, and Stanley Poole, Morosco Theatre, 1961. Mandingo, Lyceum Theatre, New York City, 1961. Night of 100 Stars, Radio City Music Hall, New York City, 1982. RECORDINGS Videos: Don Rickles: Buy This Tape You Hockey Puck, 1975. Dorothy Stratten: The Untold Story, 1985. Santino ⬙Sonny⬙ Corelone, The Godfather Trilogy: 1901–1980 (also known as The Godfather Saga and The Godfather Trilogy), 1992. The Directors: Norman Jewison, 1997. Come Get Some: The Women of the WWF, Silver Vision Video, 1999. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, June 28, 1996, pp. 44–46, 48, 50. Esquire, May, 1998, p. 82. Parade, October 12, 2003, p. 14. People Weekly, October 4, 1993, p. 53; July 8, 1996, p. 110. Premiere, December, 1991, p. 79; October, 2000, p. 34. Time, May 27, 2002, p. G10. TV Guide, July 25, 1998, pp. 27–29; September 27, 2003, pp. 55–59.

Also appeared in Inside the Actors Studio. Television Appearances; Specials: Rickles, CBS, 1975. Himself and Billy Rose, Funny Girl to Funny Lady, 1975. Celebration: The American Spirit, ABC, 1976. Superstunt, NBC, 1977. Playboy’s 25th Anniversary Special, ABC, 1979. Night of 100 Stars, ABC, 1982. Kenny Rogers Classic Weekend, ABC, 1988. All–Star Tribute to Kareem Abdul–Jabbar, NBC, 1989. The Godfather Family: A Look Inside, HBO, 1990. The AFI’s 100 Years ... 100 Stars, CBS, 1991. Voice, Earth and the American Dream, HBO, 1993. Host, Harley–Davidson: The American Motorcycle, TBS, 1993. The Making of a Mobster: ⬙Mickey Blue Eyes,⬙ 1999. ESPY Awards, 2000. Playboy: The Party Continues, 2000. James Caan: Making a Scene, Arts and Entertainment, 2001. Inside the Playboy Mansion, Arts and Entertainment, 2002.

Other: James Caan: Making a Scene (television special), Arts and Entertainment, 2001.

CAMPBELL, Neve 1973– PERSONAL Given name rhymes with ⬙Bev⬙; full name, Neve Adrienne Campbell; born October 3, 1973, in Guelph, Ontario, Canada; immigrated to United States, 1994; daughter of Gerry (a high school drama teacher) and 32

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Marnie (a psychologist and yoga instructor; maiden name, Neve) Campbell; married Jeff Colt (an actor and songwriter), April 3, 1995 (divorced, May 8, 1998); sister of Christian Campbell (an actor and producer). Education: Studied at National Ballet School of Canada, 1982–87. Avocational Interests: Dance, swimming, horseback riding, inline skating, yoga and meditation, reading, singing, listening to classical music, making jewelry.

CAMPBELL Frances Kroll, Last Call (also known as Fitzgerald), Showtime, 2003. Missy Lofton, Lost Junction, USA Network, 2003. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Pirate Radio,⬙ My Secret Identity, 1991. Nonnie Walker, ⬙Tale of the Dangerous Soup,⬙ Are You Afraid of the Dark?, 1994. Trish Collins, ⬙Kundela,⬙ Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, 1994. Guest, Mad TV, 1995. Host, Mad TV, 1996. Guest, Late Night with Conan O’Brian, NBC, 1996. Guest, Late Show with David Letterman, 1996, 2001. Guest, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 1997, 1999, 2001. Guest host, Saturday Night Live, NBC, 1997. Guest, Rosie O’Donnell Show, 1998.

Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Manager—Arlene Forster, Forster Entertainment, 12533 Woodgreen, Los Angeles, CA 90066. Publicist—Jennifer Allen, PMK/HBH Public Relations, 8500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 700, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actress, producer, and ballet dancer. Blue Sphere Alliance (production company), Los Angeles, founding partner, c. 1998; founded a theatre company with brother Christian Campbell in Los Angeles. Appeared in television and print commercials; Tourette Syndrome Association, national spokesperson.

Appeared as Laura Capelli in an episode of The Kids in the Hall. Television Appearances; Specials: Interviewee, Paparazzi, E! Entertainment Television, 1998. Celebrity Profile: Jennifer Love Hewitt, E! Entertainment Television, 2000. Scream: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2001. Interviewee, Kevin Bacon: Am I Me?, Arts and Entertainment, 2002.

Awards, Honors: Family Film Award, best television actress, 1996, for The Canterville Ghost; Saturn Award, best actress, Academy of Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantasy Films, and MTV Movie Award nomination, best female performance, both 1997, for Scream; Blockbuster Entertainment Award, favorite horror actress, and MTV Movie Award, best female performance, both 1998, for Scream 2; shared MTV Movie Award nomination, best kiss (with Matt Dillon and Denise Richards), 1999, for Wild Things; named one of the fifty most beautiful people of the year, People Weekly, 1998; MTV Award nomination, best female performance, 2000, and Blockbuster Entertainment Award, favorite horror actress (from Internet poll), 2001, both for Scream 3; Prism Award, outstanding performance in a television movie or miniseries, 2003, for Last Call.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 1997 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 1997. Presenter, The 1997 MTV Video Music Awards, MTV, 1997. Presenter, The 49th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, CBS, 1997. Presenter, The 1998 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 1998. Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, UPN, 1998. Presenter, The 70th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1998. The 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, Fox, 2000. 7th Annual Prism Awards, F/X Channel, 2003.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Daisy McKenzie, Catwalk, MTV, 1992–1993. Julia Salinger Holbrook, Party of Five, Fox, 1994–2000.

Television Appearances; Other: Herself, The Witching Hour, 1996.

Television Appearances; Movies: Jess Foy, The Forget–Me–Not Murders (also known as Janek: Forget–Me–Not Murders), CBS, 1994. Beth, I Know My Son Is Alive (also known as Web of Deceit), NBC, 1994. Nepeese, Baree (also known as Baree: The Wolf Dog, Bari, and Northern Passage), 1994. Virginia ⬙Ginny⬙ Otis, The Canterville Ghost, ABC, 1996.

Film Appearances: Deputy Jesse Donovan, The Dark, Imperial Entertainment, 1994. Rose, Ruskin (also known as The Passion of John Ruskin), 1994. Tristesse, Paint Cans, 1994. Deidre, Love Child, 1995. 33


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Bonnie, The Craft, Columbia, 1996. Sidney Prescott, Scream, Dimension Films, 1996. Sidney Prescott, Scream 2, Dimension Films, 1997. Julie Black, 54, Miramax, 1998. Renee Weber, Hairshirt (also known as Too Smooth), Lions Gate Releasing, 1998. Voice of adult Kiara, The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride (animated), Buena Vista Home Video/Walt Disney Home Video, 1998. Suzie Marie Toller, Wild Things (also known as Sex Crimes), Columbia, 1998. Amy Post, Three to Tango, Warner Bros., 1999. Sarah, Panic, Artisan Entertainment, 1999. Herself, Predators from beyond Neptune, 1999. Sidney Prescott, Scream 3, Miramax/Dimension Films, 2000. Ellen Rash, Drowning Mona, Destination Films, 2000. Alice, Investigating Sex, Janus Films/Kingsgate Films, 2001. Against the Current, 2002. Ry, The Company (musical), Sony Pictures Classics, 2003. Chloe, Blind Horizon, Nu Image, 2004. Churchill: The Hollywood Years, Pathe, 2004.

Newsmakers 1998, Issue 2, Gale, 1998. Tracy, Kathleen, Neve Campbell, ECW Press, 2000.

Film Producer: (With others) Hairshirt (also known as Too Smooth), Lions Gate Releasing, 1998. The Company (musical), Sony Pictures Classics, 2003.

CARDINAL, Tantoo 1950(?)– (Tantoo Martin, Tantoo Martin–Cardinal)

Periodicals: Cosmopolitan, January, 1997, p. 80. Dance, February, 2003, p. 11. Entertainment Weekly, June 21, 1996, p. 24; August 22, 2003, p. 81. Interview, January, 1997, p. 60. Jane, May, 1999, pp. 93–97. Movieline, Volume 8, number 5, 1996, p. 14. People Weekly, May 27, 1996, pp. 79–80; July 15, 1996, May 11, 1998, p. 103; May 8, 2000, p. 106. Premiere, Volume 5, number 4, 1997, p. 27. Rolling Stone, October 6, 1994, p. 93; September 18, 1997, pp. 56–60. Sassy, June, 1996. Teen, April, 2000. Time, March 23, 1998, p. 78. Time International, March 30, 1998, p. 44. TV Guide, August 14, 1996; February 8, 1997, pp. 22–24, 26–28.

PERSONAL Stage Appearances: Member of ballet chorus, The Phantom of the Opera, Pantages Theatre, Toronto, Ontario, c. 1989–1990.

Born July 20, 1950 (some sources cite 1951), in Anzac (near Fort McMurray), Alberta, Canada; daughter of Julia Cardinal; married Fred Martin (a lawyer and native rights activist), 1968 (divorced, 1976); married John Lawlor (an actor), January 14, 1988 (separated); children: (first marriage) Eric and Bryan (stepsons), Elizabeth and Annie (stepdaughters), Cheyenne (son); (with actor Beaver Richards) Clifford; (second marriage) Riel, Annie. Education: Attended Bonnie Doon High School.

Performed in The Nutcracker and Sleeping Beauty, both National Ballet of Canada. RECORDINGS Videos: Conjuring ⬙The Craft,⬙ 2000. Sidney Prescott (in archive footage), Boogeymen: The Killer Compilation (also known as Boogeymen), Flixmix, 2001. Made in Canada, Volume 1: Best of the CFC, Asylum, 2002.

Career: Actress. United Native Youth (Alberta), president, 1970–71. Awards, Honors: Best Actress Award, American Indian Film Festival, 1986, Genie Award nomination, best actress, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1987, People’s Choice Award, Toronto Film Festival, and best actress awards from Tairo International Film Festival and Harare International Film Festival, all for Loyalties; award from Alberta motion picture industry, 1987; Elizabeth Sterling Award, best actress, 1990, for All My Relations; Eagle Spirit Award, 1990; Totem Award, First Americans in the Arts, 1993, for Widows; honorary D.F.A., University of Rochester, 1993; Best Actress Award, American Indian Film Festival, 1993,

ADAPTATIONS The musical film The Company, released by Sony Pictures Classics in 2003, was based on a story by Campbell. OTHER SOURCES Books: Furman, Elina, Neve Campbell: An Unauthorized Biography, Renaissance Books, 2000. 34

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 and Rudy Martin Award, outstanding achievement by a Native American in film, 1994, both for Where the Rivers Flow North; Sir Peter Ustinov Award, Banff Television Festival, 1995; award for lasting contribution to the arts, International Women in Film, 1995; Gemini Award, best performance by an actress in a guest role in a drama series, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1996, and Gemini Award nominations in the same category, 1997, 1998, all for North of 60; First Americans in the Arts Award, outstanding supporting actress in a television movie or special, 2001, for Navigating the Heart; awarded eagle feather headdress, Pincher Creek International Aboriginal Film Festival; Outstanding Achievement Award, Toronto Women in Film and Television; named in honor roll, actress of the year, Maclean’s.

CARDINAL Film Director: Stories from the Seventh Fire (short film), 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Father Lacombe, CBC (Canada), 1971. (As Tantoo Martin) Tantou, Indian princess, Marie–Anne (also known as Marie Ann), 1979. Rosanne Ladouceur, Loyalties (also known as Double allegeance), CBC, 1986. Little Doe, Gunsmoke: Return to Dodge, CBS, 1987. Dr. Vivian Dominguez, Lightning Field (also known as The Lightning Incident), USA Network, 1991. Emily Moore, Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee, TNT, 1994. Marilyn St. Claire, ⬙Spirit Rider,⬙ WonderWorks Family Movie, PBS, 1994. Turtle Mother, Tecumseh: The Last Warrior, TNT, 1995. Nellie, Grand Avenue, HBO, 1996. Violet Boucher, Heartwood, The Family Channel, 1998. Mary, Navigating the Heart, Lifetime, 2000. Aunt Mary, ⬙The Lost Child,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 2000. Dodson’s Journey, CBS, 2001.

CREDITS Film Appearances: He Comes without Calling, 1975. (As Tantoo Martin) Indian woman, Death Hunt, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1981. New Day—New Horizon, 1982. (As Tantoo Martin) Caroline, Running Brave, Buena Vista, 1983. Annie, Candy Mountain, Metropolis, 1987. Sonny’s mother, War Party, 1988. Molly Brant, Divided Loyalties, 1989. Black Shawl, Dances with Wolves, Orion, 1990. Chomina’s wife, Black Robe (also known as Robe noire), Samuel Goldwyn, 1991. Sister Amantha, Mustard Bath, [Canada], 1993. Pet, Legends of the Fall, TriStar, 1994. Title role, Silent Tongue (also known as Le gardien des esprits), Trimark Pictures, 1994. Dawn Rainfeather, Sioux City (also known as Ultimate Revenge), IRS Releasing, 1994. Bangor, Where the Rivers Flow North, Caledonia Pictures, 1994. Dolores, Silence, 1997. Granma, The Education of Little Tree, Paramount, 1997. Arlene Joseph, Smoke Signals (also known as Le secret des cendres), Miramax, 1998. A Stranger in the Kingdom, Kingdom Come Pictures, 1998. In Jest, 1999. Singing Bird, The Hi–Line, Panorama Entertainment, 1999. Reenie, Postmark Paradise, Outrider Pictures, 2000. Claire/Mattie, Blood River (short film), 2000. Ruth, A Wilderness Station (also known as Edge of Madness and Station sauvage), Lions Gate Films, 2002. Disappearances, Kingdom County Productions, 2002.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Francoise, By Way of the Stars (also known as Der Lange Weg des Lukas B.), CBC (Canada), 1992–1993, The Disney Channel, 1994. Voice, The West, PBS, 1996. Voice, Lewis and Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery, PBS, 1997. Running Second, Big Bear, syndicated, 1998. Old Pawnee woman, DreamKeeper, ABC, 2003. Television Appearances; Specials: (As Tantoo Martin–Cardinal) Rose Lesperance, Places Not Our Own (also known as Daughters of the Country: Places Not Our Own and Histoire sans fin), 1988. Sarah Winnemucca, Nobody’s Girls (also known as Nobody’s Girls: Five Women of the West), PBS, 1994. Voice, 500 Nations, CBS, 1995. Narrator, In the Light of Reverence, PBS, 2001. Television Appearances; Episodic: Renee Stonehouse, ⬙Breach of Trust,⬙ Street Legal, CBC (Canada), 1992. Renee Stonehouse, ⬙November,⬙ Street Legal, CBC, 1992. Helena, ⬙Auggie’s End,⬙ Harts of the West, 1993. Gabe LaRoche’s mother, ⬙Bounty,⬙ Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years, syndicated, 1996. ⬙Salty Cheever,⬙ Cold Squad, CTV (Canada), 1998.

Also appeared in the documentaries Before Columbus and Native Indians: Images of Reality. 35


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Mrs. Grant, ⬙Americans,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2001. Walloha, ⬙Red Wolf’s Daughter,⬙ MythQuest, 2001. Judge Crowfoot, ⬙Royalty,⬙ Tom Stone, CBC, 2002.

CARPENTER, Willie C. (Willie Carpenter)

Also appeared as Maria Brant, ⬙Miles to Go,⬙ The Campbells.

PERSONAL Career: Actor. Appeared in television commercial for Microsoft, 2000, and K.C. Masterpiece barbecue sauce, 2002.

Television Appearances; Series: Host, As Long As the Rivers Flow (documentary), Canadian Public Television, 1991. Snow Bird, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, CBS, 1993–1995. Betty Moses, North of 60, CBC (Canada), beginning 1993.

CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Willie Carpenter) Aunt Em’s party, The Wiz, Universal, 1978. ⬙Caper⬙ cop, Family Business, TriStar, 1989. Al, The Chair (also known as Hot Seat), Angelika Films, 1989. Simon’s friend, Grand Canyon, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1991. Police captain, Double Trouble, Motion Picture Corp. of America, 1992. Doctor, Amityville 1992: It’s About Time, Republic Pictures Corp., 1992. Elijah Roper, Hard Target, Universal, 1993. Police officer, Dollman vs. Demonic Toys, Paramount Home Video, 1993. Ref Ⲇ1, Little Giants, Warner Bros., 1994. INS guard, My Family (also known as Cafe con leche, East L.A., and My Family, Mi Familia), New Line Cinema, 1995. Marcus, White Man’s Burden (also known as White Man), Savoy Pictures, 1995. Reporter, Albino Alligator, Miramax, 1996. Police inspector, Men in Black (also known as MIB), Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. The hound, The Underground, PM Entertainment Group, 1997. (As Willie Carpenter) Around the Time, 1997. (As Willie Carpenter) Jack Falk, At First Sight, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1999. Pastor, The Best Man, MCA/Universal, 1999. John Harris, The Insider, Buena Vista, 1999. Horace, The Hunter’s Moon, Entertainment Around the World, 1999. Mr. Trayer, Followers, Castle Hill, 2000.

Appeared as Annie in the series Spirit Bay, CBC. Television Appearances; Other: Virgil White Wolf, The Last Best Place (pilot), CBS, 1996. Irene Musket, A Thief of Time, 2003. Stage Appearances: Title role, Jessica, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 1982, then Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1986. The Young Poundmaker, Saskatoon, 1985. Kookom, All My Relations, 1990. Katerina, Widows, 1993. RECORDINGS Audio Books: Reader, Island of the Blue Dolphins, by Scott O’Dell, Bantam Doubleday Dell Audio, 1995. WRITINGS Author of five short radio plays for Alberta school broadcasts, 1978–1979. OTHER SOURCES Books: Native North American Almanac, Gale, 1994. Notable Native Americans, Gale, 1995.

Television Appearances; Series: Robert Maxwell, Reasonable Doubts, NBC, 1991–1992. (As Willie Carpenter) Eugene, General Hospital, ABC, 1994.

Periodicals: Maclean’s, October 20, 1986, pp. 63–64; December 30, 1991, p. 42.

Television Appearances; Movies: Ron Edmunds, Full Eclipse, HBO, 1993. Contractor, Rattled, USA Network, 1996. 36

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Dr. Calloway, vice president of BioChem Co., Earth vs. the Spider, Cinemax, 2001.

CHAUVIN Sleep Deprivation Chamber, Signature Theatre Company, 1996. Murder in Mind, La MaMa E.T.C., New York City, 1999. Legacies, Matrix Theatre, Los Angeles, 2001. Samuel, Jr. (father), Blue: A Collaboration of Silky Smooth Jazz and Soulful Drama, Herberger Theatre Centre, Arizona Theatre Company, then Coconut Grove Playhouse, Miami, FL, 2002, later Paper Mill State Theatre, Milburn, NJ, 2003.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Danny, Welcome to New York, CBS, 2000. Television Appearances; Episodic: Derek, ⬙Flying Down to Leo’s,⬙ 227, NBC, 1989. (As Willie Carpenter) Man at post office, ⬙The Case of the Swami Scam,⬙ Mathnet, PBS, 1990. Mallory, ⬙The Sacrifice,⬙ Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1990. Mr. Altman, ⬙The Candidate,⬙ The Wonder Years, ABC, 1991. Mr. Altman, ⬙The Yearbook,⬙ The Wonder Years, ABC, 1991. Scott, ⬙The Last One Out,⬙ Knots Landing, 1991. Mr. Glavin, ⬙The Test,⬙ The Wonder Years, ABC, 1992. Detective, ⬙Much Ado about Everything,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1993. Mr. Glavin, ⬙The Little Women,⬙ The Wonder Years, ABC, 1993. (As Willie Carpenter) Agent Wilder, ⬙The President’s Coming,⬙ Bakersfield P.D., Fox, 1993. ⬙Them That Has ... ,⬙ The Client (also known as John Grisham’s The Client), CBS, 1995. ⬙Christmas Truce,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. Rick, ⬙It’s Not Such a Wonderful Life,⬙ Nowhere Man, 1995. Officer Wilson, ⬙The Mugging,⬙ Ellen, ABC, 1996. (As Willie Carpenter) ⬙Welcome to America,⬙ High Incident, ABC, 1996. Judge, ⬙Kirby Carlisle, Trouble–Shooter,⬙ Arli$$, HBO, 1997. (As Willie Carpenter) ⬙The Sandman,⬙ C–16: FBI, ABC, 1997. ⬙Enter Lucas,⬙ Cosby, CBS, 1998. Nigerian delegate, ⬙Quest for Fire,⬙ Spin City, ABC, 1998. Dorian, ⬙Death House,⬙ L.A. Heat, TNT, 1999. Ed, Darien’s father, ⬙The Wedding,⬙ Cosby, CBS, 1999. Captain Whaling, FDNY, ⬙Responsible Parties,⬙ Third Watch, NBC, 1999. Jack Favreau, ⬙The Jackal,⬙ The District, CBS, 2000. ⬙Kate,⬙ Kate Brasher, CBS, 2001. ⬙Red Herring,⬙ Deadline, NBC, 2001. Tribal chief, ⬙02.20.01—Tuesday: Fate,⬙ Port Charles, ABC, 2001. Chief Baker, ⬙A Tale of Poes and Fire,⬙ Gilmore Girls, 2003.


CHAUVIN, Lilyan 1925(?)– (Lylian Chauvin) PERSONAL Full name, Lilyan L. Chauvin; born May 7, 1925 (some sources cite August 6, 1931), in Paris, France; divorced. Addresses: Office—LCJ Productions, 3968 Eureka Dr., Studio City, CA 91604–3108. Contact—c/o Directors Workshop, Women in Film, 8857 West Olympic Blvd., Suite 201, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actress and director. Women in Film, chair of Directors Workshop On–Camera; also television director and producer. Instructor of acting and directing classes at extensions of University of Southern California and University of California, Los Angeles. Affiliated with LCJ Productions. Member: Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Actors’ Equity Association, Directors Guild of America, Women in Film (former vice president and member of board of directors), Hollywood Association of French Artists. Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nominations for acting, 1979 and 1995; Emmy Award nomination for directing, 1997.

Also appeared as Sergeant Miller, Courthouse; in ⬙Look Out Baby I’m Your Love Man,⬙ Chicken Soup for the Soul, PAX.

CREDITS Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Dancer, Les Girls, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1957. (Uncredited) Sonia, Silk Stockings, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1957.

Stage Appearances: Michael Kelly, The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940, Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1987. 37


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

(Uncredited) Catherine, King Creole, Paramount, 1958. Tanya Pernaud, Lost, Lonely and Vicious, Howco International, 1958. French nurse, The Perfect Furlough (also known as Strictly for Pleasure), Universal International, 1959. (Uncredited) Nun, The Wreck of the Mary Deare, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1959. (Uncredited) Jenny Lamont, North to Alaska, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1960. Madame Lili Raide, Walk Like a Dragon, Paramount, 1960. Paris airport employee, Back Street, Universal International, 1961. Sandra Balleau, Bloodlust!, Crown International, 1961. (Uncredited) Bar girl, Two Weeks in Another Town, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1962. (Uncredited) French prisoner, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1962. Ronnie, Tickle Me, Allied Artists, 1965. French actress on television screen, Yours, Mine and Ours, United Artists, 1968. Kate, Machismo: 40 Graves for 40 Guns (also known as Forty Graves for Forty Guns, Machismo, and The Revenge of the Wild Bunch), Boxoffice International Pictures, 1971. Woman writer, The Mephisto Waltz, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1971. Mademoiselle, Funny Lady, Columbia, 1975. (Uncredited) Mrs. Page, The Other Side of Midnight, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1977. Beyond Reason, Goldfarb Distribution, 1977. Mrs. Tremont, Private Benjamin, Warner Bros., 1980. Mother Superior, Silent Night, Deadly Night (also known as Slayride), TriStar, 1984. German woman, Born in East L.A., Universal, 1987. (Uncredited) Mother Superior (in archive footage), Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2, International Video Entertainment, 1987. French professor, Listen to Me, Columbia, 1989. French teacher, Angel Town, Taurus Entertainment Group, 1989. Art gallery patron, Bad Influence, Triumph Releasing, 1990. Irene Edwards, Predator 2, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1990. Woman in police station, True Identity, Buena Vista, 1991. Chaperone, Round Trip to Heaven, Prism Pictures, 1992. Mrs. Devreux, Universal Soldier, TriStar, 1992. Mother Superior, No Place to Hide, Cannon, 1993. Miss Osie (some sources cite Miss Osle), Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings (also known as Pumpkinhead 2: The Demon Returns), Motion Picture Corporation of America, 1994. Illusion Infinity, 1997. Dr. Hartley, Duty Dating, 1998. Bone gatherer, Skeleton Woman, Lampedusa Films, 2000. Grace, Stanley’s Gig, Left Hook Productions, 2000.

Medium, The Man Who Wasn’t There, USA Films, 2001. Mrs. Lavalier, Catch Me If You Can, DreamWorks, 2002. Nurse, Paradise, Sunset International, 2003. Television Appearances; Movies: French nun, Victory at Entebbe, ABC, 1976. Louise, Ziegfeld: The Man and His Women, NBC, 1978. Madame Dumaine (some sources cite Madame Donahue), Child of Glass, 1978. Yvette, Portrait of a Stripper (also known as The Secret Life of Susie Hanson), CBS, 1979. Raylen, Right to Die, NBC, 1987. Caretaker, Spy Games, ABC, 1991. Sister Eugenia, For the Very First Time (also known as Till I Kissed Ya), NBC, 1991. Mrs. Comden, Stormy Weathers, ABC, 1992. Coach, Attack of the 5 Ft. 2 Women (also known as National Lampoon’s Attack of the 5 Ft 2 Woman), Showtime, 1994. Skating judge, Tonya & Nancy: The Inside Story, NBC, 1994. Camille Ewald, Tyson, HBO, 1995. Ilovna Koblets, The Rockford Files: Punishment and Crime, CBS, 1996. Mashwah, The Warlord: Battle for the Galaxy (also known as The Osiris Chronicles), UPN, 1998. Grandmother Kalliope, Five Aces, Cinemax, 1999. Old woman, Missing Pieces, CBS, 2000. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Kelly,⬙ Kraft Television Theatre, NBC, 1950. Extra, ⬙One for the Road,⬙ The Lux Video Theatre, CBS, 1953. ⬙Letter from Cairo,⬙ Studio One, CBS, 1953. ⬙The Swordsman,⬙ The Adventures of Jim Bowie, ABC, 1956. Anna Constantine, ⬙Peril in Paris,⬙ Adventures of Superman (also known as Superman), syndicated, 1957. Suzy, ⬙The Man from Paris,⬙ The Californians, NBC, 1958. Sybil, ⬙The Return of the Hero,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, CBS, 1958. Sydney Sue Shipley, ⬙High Card Hangs,⬙ Maverick, ABC, 1958. Francesca, ⬙The Return of Mitchell Campion,⬙ Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond (also known as One Step Beyond), ABC, 1959. ⬙The Big Thirteen,⬙ Dragnet, NBC, 1959. ⬙The Mouse,⬙ Richard Diamond, Private Detective, NBC, 1960. ⬙Man in a Cage,⬙ Thriller, NBC, 1961. Flavette, ⬙The Short Day of Private Putnam,⬙ Combat!, ABC, 1964. Voice of Paris announcer, ⬙The Personal Touch,⬙ The Rogues, NBC, 1964. 38

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Madame Claudile, ⬙The Hong Kong Shilling Affair,⬙ The Man from U.N.C.L.E., NBC, 1965. Matron, ⬙The Case of the Fugitive Fraulein,⬙ Perry Mason, CBS, 1965. Sister, ⬙The Fliers,⬙ Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theater, NBC, 1965. Madame Simon, ⬙When a King Is a Pawn,⬙ Daniel Boone, NBC, 1966. Mrs. Beruch, ⬙Charity,⬙ Mission: Impossible, CBS, 1967. ⬙How Tall Is Blood?,⬙ The Outcasts, ABC, 1969. Housekeeper, ⬙Man from Taos: Part 2⬙ (also known as ⬙Our Man in Paris⬙), McCloud, NBC, 1970. Anna, ⬙The Vanishing Lady,⬙ The Magician, NBC, 1973. Mrs. Goerlich, ⬙Out of the Night,⬙ Mannix, CBS, 1973. Olga, ⬙Fit, Fat, and Forty–One,⬙ The Bob Newhart Show, CBS, 1973. Sister Dominique, ⬙Poor Little Lambs,⬙ Baa Baa Black Sheep (also known as Black Sheep Squadron), NBC, 1977. ⬙Little Girl Lost,⬙ The American Girls, CBS, 1978. Selena, ⬙Nobody’s There/The Dancer,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1979. Madame LeClerc, ⬙Guillotine,⬙ Darkroom, ABC, 1982. Maid, ⬙The Hart of the Matter,⬙ Hart to Hart, ABC, 1982. Maria, ⬙Italian Ice,⬙ Magnum, P.I., CBS, 1982. Nurse, ⬙Last Time I Saw Paris,⬙ One Day at a Time, CBS, 1982. Zenashkaya Rokova, ⬙On Your Toes,⬙ Diff’rent Strokes, NBC, 1982. Marie, ⬙Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?,⬙ The Facts of Life, NBC, 1983. Sister Jeanette, ⬙The Odyssey,⬙ Falcon Crest, CBS, 1983. Sister Jeanette, ⬙Bitter Harvest,⬙ Falcon Crest, CBS, 1984. Sister Jeanette, ⬙Suitable for Framing,⬙ Falcon Crest, CBS, 1984. Woman in post office, ⬙The Defectus,⬙ Masquerade, ABC, 1984. Dr. Lester, ⬙Shark’s Cove,⬙ Baywatch, syndicated, 1992. Inspector, ⬙The Lacemakers,⬙ Homefront, ABC, 1993. Madame Dussolier, ⬙Happy Birthday to Moi,⬙ Cafe Americain, NBC, 1993. Madame Dussolier, ⬙Le Confidence Game,⬙ Cafe Americain, NBC, 1993. Madame Dussolier, ⬙Weekend at Holly’s,⬙ Cafe Americain, NBC, 1993. Dispatcher, ⬙Amsterdam Kill,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1994. Golda, ⬙The Calusari,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1995. Katrina, ⬙The Greatest Love Story Never Told,⬙ Earth 2, NBC, 1995. Vedek Yassim, ⬙Rocks and Shoals,⬙ Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (also known as Deep Space Nine, DS9, and Star Trek: DS9), syndicated, 1997. Farm lady, ⬙Excess’s Ex,⬙ USA High, syndicated, 1998. Grandma Tribbiani, ⬙The One Where Ross Can’t Flirt,⬙ Friends, NBC, 1999. Mama, ⬙The Three Faces of Frasier,⬙ Frasier, NBC, 2000.

CHAUVIN Sister Mary, ⬙Leo Is a Pain in My Ass,⬙ Shasta McNasty, UPN, 2000. Anna, ⬙The Damage Done,⬙ The Beast, ABC, 2001. Signora Ventutti, ⬙The Prophecy,⬙ Alias, ABC, 2002. Also appeared as Marianne in The Young and the Restless (also known as Y & R), CBS; and as Nurse Rose in Ryan’s Four, ABC. Television Appearances; Pilots: Madame Jamac (some sources cite Madame Jatnal), Once upon a Dead Man (pilot for McMillan and Wife), NBC, 1971. Mrs. Goodman, Medical Story, NBC, 1975. French scientist, The Man from Atlantis, NBC, 1977. Miss Simmons, Flying High, CBS, 1978. Madame Dussolier, Cafe Americain, NBC, 1993. Nicole, The Pretender, NBC, 1996. Television Appearances; Other: Paulette, Nutcracker: Money, Madness & Murder (miniseries), NBC, 1987. Lil, The Young and the Restless (series; also known as Y & R), CBS, 1990. Stage Appearances: Appeared in stage productions, including performances in England. RECORDINGS Taped Readings: (As Lylian Chauvin) Candide, Caedmon, 1958. Videos: Hollywood Structured (series of videos), LCJ Productions, 1990. Discover Yourself in Hollywood, LCJ Productions, 1992. Video Games: Voice of Ethel, Phantasmagoria (also known as Roberta Williams’ Phantasmagoria), Sierra On–Line, 1995. Voices, Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix, Activision, 2002. Video Director: Hollywood Structured (series of videos), LCJ Productions, 1990. Discover Yourself in Hollywood, LCJ Productions, 1992.



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Television Appearances; Series: Wanda Webb Wolek Ⲇ1, One Life to Live, ABC, 1972–1976, 1980–1993. Edie Hoffman, All My Children, ABC, 1972.

WRITINGS Screenplays; Videos: Hollywood Structured (series of videos), LCJ Productions, 1990. Discover Yourself in Hollywood, LCJ Productions, 1992.

Television Appearances; Movies: Faye Stone, Strike Force (also known as Crack and Crackdown), NBC, 1975. Harriet, Some Kind of Miracle, CBS, 1979. Mabel, The Secret War of Jackie’s Girls, NBC, 1980. Anne Wickes, A Doctor’s Story, NBC, 1984. Rae Torre, Joe Torre: Curveballs along the Way, Showtime, 1997.

Nonfiction: Hollywood Scams and Survival Tactics, LCJ Publications, 1993.

Television Appearances; Specials: Naomi, Kaddish, WNET, 1977.

CHRIS, Marilyn 1938– PERSONAL

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Backstairs at the White House, NBC, 1979.

Original name, Marilyn Miller; born May 19, 1938, in Brooklyn, NY; married Lee Wallace (an actor), December 14, 1975; children: Paul Christopoulos. Education: Attended The School of Performing Arts and City College of New York.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Dorothy Owens, ⬙Paniolo,⬙ Hawaii Five–O, CBS, 1970. ⬙The Wild Child,⬙ Rafferty, CBS, 1977. ⬙The Harris Incident,⬙ Barney Miller, ABC, 1978. ⬙The Stalking Man,⬙ Kaz, CBS, 1979. Sylvia, ⬙A Different Drummer,⬙ Fame, syndicated, 1987. Mary Perella, ⬙White Rabbit,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1994. Mrs. Capetti, ⬙Bitter Fruit,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1995. Gayatri Devi, ⬙DWB,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1998. Rena, Tina’s mom, ⬙Modern Designs for Better Living,⬙ Third Watch, NBC, 1999. Mrs. Freedman, ⬙The First Commandment,⬙ Deadline, NBC, 2001. Mrs. Oppenheimer, ⬙Exeunt Omes,⬙ Oz, HBO, 2003.

Career: Actress. The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, member of company, c. 1966. Awards, Honors: OBIE Award, distinguished performance, Drama Desk Award, outstanding performance, 1972, Outer Critics Circle Award, outstanding actress, 1973, all for Kaddish. CREDITS

Also appeared in ⬙Past Imperfect,⬙ New York News, CBS.

Film Appearances: Gina, Love with the Proper Stranger, Paramount, 1963. The film director’s wife, John and Mary, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1969. Myrtle Young, The Honeymoon Killers (also known as The Lonely Hearts Killers), Cinerama, 1970. Discotheque waitress, The People Next Door, AVCO Embassy Pictures, 1970. Mrs. Bingham, Rhinoceros, American Film Theatre, 1973. Rose Lander, Looking Up, Levitt–Pickman, 1977. Sally, Loving Couples, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1980. Mavis Skinner, The Black Marble, AVCO Embassy Pictures, 1980. Histoires d’Amerique (also known as American Stories, Food, Family and Philosophy and Family and Philosophy), 1988. Josie Basilio, Trees Lounge, Orion Classics, 1996. Carmel, The Bookie’s Lament, 2000.

Stage Appearances: Standby for the role of Lulu, Meg, The Birthday Party, Booth Theatre, New York City, 1967–1968. Standby for the role of Myrtle, The Seven Descents of Myrtle, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1968. Dagmar, Bread, American Place Theatre, New York City, 1974. Mildred Wringe, Curtains, Wonderhorse, New York City, 1977. Sore, God of Vengeance, Jewish Repertory Theatre, New York City, 1992. Josie Delaney, Man Enough, Apple Corps Theatre, New York City, 1995. The Interview, Northampton Film Festival, 1999. Rose, Knowing Cairo, Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA, 2003. 40

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

CHRISTENSEN Television Appearances; Series: Abigail Winthrop, Thanks, CBS, 1999.

Also appeared in Kaddish. Stage Work: Director, I’m Not Rapappore, Hampton Playhouse, Hampton, NH, 1988. Director, Taking Stock, Jewish Repertory Theatre, New York City, 1990–1991.

Television Appearances; Movies: Katelyn, Can of Worms, The Disney Channel, 1999. Cate Earnshaw, Wuthering Heights, CA, MTV, 2003.

CHRISTENSEN, Erika 1982–

Television Appearances; Specials: Herself, Inside Traffic: The Making of ⬙Traffic⬙ (documentary), 2000. Herself, Young Hollywood Awards, 2001. Herself, The 2001 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 2001. The Teen Choice Awards 2001, Fox, 2001. Sizzlin’ 16 of 2002, E! Entertainment Television, 2002.

PERSONAL Born August 19, 1982, in Seattle, WA; son of Steven (a human resource executive) and Kathy (a construction manager) Christensen. Education: Graduated from Voyager Charter School, 1998. Religion: Scientologist. Avocational Interests: Charity work.

Awards, Honors: YoungStar Award nomination, best performance by a young actress in a drama TV series, 1998, for Nothing Sacred; MTV Movie Award, breakthrough female performance, Screen Actors Guild Award (with others), outstanding performance by the cast of a theatrical motion picture, Young Hollywood Award, standout performance—female, 2001, all for Traffic.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Garner’s tutor, ⬙House of Rage,⬙ Nothing Sacred, ABC, 1997. Melissa, ⬙The Pursuit of Dignity,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 1998. Teenager, ⬙Frasier’s Curse,⬙ Frasier, NBC, 1998. Brianna, ⬙Collect Call for Dick,⬙ 3rd Rock from the Sun, NBC, 1998. Ivy, ⬙Voice of an Angel,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1999. Flynn Halloway, ⬙The Time She Turned 21,⬙ Time of Your Life, Fox, 2000. Tawny, ⬙La Vida Loca,⬙ Movie Stars, The WB, 2000. Lee Wright, ⬙Corn Man,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 2000. Cassie, ⬙Subject: Coelacanth This!,⬙ Freaky Links, Fox, 2000. Isabel, ⬙Momma Bear,⬙ The Geena Davis Show, ABC, 2001. Isabel, ⬙Sex, Lies and Videotape,⬙ The Geena Davis Show, ABC, 2001. Isabel, ⬙The Prime Directive,⬙ The Geena Davis Show, ABC, 2001. Stacey, ⬙Red and Stacey,⬙ That ’70s Show, Fox, 2001. Herself, Last Call with Carson Daly, NBC, 2002. Herself, Punk’d, MTV, 2003.


Also appeared as herself, ⬙Teen Stars Week,⬙ Hollywood Squares.

Addresses: Agent—United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., 5th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—James/Levy/Jacobson, 3500 West Olive Ave., Suite 1470, Burbank, CA 91505. Publicist—Nicole Nassar PR, 521 Spoleto Dr., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. Career: Actress. Appeared in a television commercial for McDonald’s, 1995, and Payless Shoe Source, 1997.

Film Appearances: Karen, Leave It to Beaver, Universal, 1997. Caroline Wakefield, Traffic (also known as Traffic—Die Macht des Kartells), USA Films, 2001. Deanna, Home Room, DEJ Productions, 2002. Madison Bell, Swimfan (also known as Swimf@n and Tell Me You Love Me), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2002. Hannah Kingsley, The Banger Sisters, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2002. Britney McPherson, Britney’s (also known as A Day at Britney’s), 2002. Anna, The Perfect Score, Paramount, 2004.

Stage Appearances: Appeared as title role, Ramona Quimby, Lead Serendipity Theatre Co., Burbank, CA; lead party girl, The Nutcracker, Pasadena Dance Theatre, CA; in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Artist’s Rep, CA; A Night on Broadway, Celebrity Pavilion; Kids on Stage, Celebrity Pavilion. RECORDINGS Music Videos: Appeared in Michael Jackson’s ⬙Childhood,⬙ c. 1995. 41


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 See You in My Dreams, CBS, 2000. Crossing the Line, Lifetime, 2002. Losing It, 2002. Redeemer, USA Network, 2002. A Matter of Family, CBS, 2003. Profoundly Normal, CBS, 2003. Remembering Charlie, Lifetime, 2003.

Albums: Performed backup vocals on Neil Diamond’s Christmas Album II. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Erika Christensen Official Site, http://www., August 26, 2003.

Television Producer; Movies: (With others) Crossing the Line, Lifetime, 2002. Profoundly Normal, CBS, 2003. Television Director; Specials: The Turn of the Screw, Showtime, 1989.


Television Director; Episodic: The New Avengers (also known as The New Avengers in Canada and Chapeau melon et bottes de cuir), ITV, c. 1977, CBS, c. 1978. ⬙Fatal Overture,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1979. ⬙The Silent Accuser,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1980. ⬙Little Red Riding Hood,⬙ Faerie Tale Theatre (also known as Shelley Duvall’s Faerie Tale Theatre), Showtime, 1982. ⬙Episode Twelve,⬙ Twin Peaks, ABC, 1990. Crossroads, ABC, c. 1992. ⬙Handle with Care,⬙ For the People, Lifetime, 2002. ⬙Privilege,⬙ The Guardian, CBS, 2002.

Born 1942, in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; married Patricia Robinson (a producer), 1976; children: Chloe. Education: Attended Sydney University. Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Contact—The Workshops, P.O. Box 200, 2 Central St., Rockport, ME 04856. Career: Director, producer, and editor. Artransa Park (film studio), Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, film editor and other positions; British Broadcasting Corporation Television (BBC TV), assistant editor, then editor; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Television (CBC TV), editor, director, producer, and writer; The Workshops, Rockport, ME, instructor.

Director of episodes of other series, including Sisters, NBC. Television Appearances; Specials: Jessica Lange: It’s Only Make–Believe (documentary), Cinemax, 1991.

Awards, Honors: Film Award nomination, best film editing, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1974, for Don’t Look Now; Golden Prize nomination, Moscow International Film Festival, 1983, for Frances.

Film Director: Frances, Universal, 1982. Burke & Wills, Hemdale, 1985. Gleaming the Cube (also known as A Brother’s Justice and Skate or Die), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1989. Ruby Cairo (also known as The Missing Link: Ruby Cairo), Miramax, 1993, recut version released on video as Deception, Miramax, c. 1993.

CREDITS Television Director; Miniseries: The Last Don (also known as Mario Puzo’s The Last Don), CBS, 1997. The Last Don II (also known as Mario Puzo’s The Last Don II), CBS, 1998.

Film Assistant Director: That Cold Day in the Park, Republic, 1969. McCabe & Mrs. Miller, Warner Bros., 1971. The Long Goodbye, United Artists, 1973.

Television Director; Movies: Nightmare Classics, Showtime, 1989. Past Tense, Showtime, 1994. A Loss of Innocence (also known as The End of Eden), ABC, 1996. My Husband’s Secret Life, USA Network, 1998. Caracara (also known as The Last Witness), HBO, 1999.

Film Editor: Assistant editor, That Cold Day in the Park, Republic, 1969. Brewster McCloud, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1970. M*A*S*H, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1970. 42

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Images, Columbia, 1972. Don’t Look Now (also known as A Venezia ... un dicembre rosso shocking), Paramount, 1973. The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Image, 1975. The Man Who Fell to Earth, RCA/Columbia, 1976. F.I.S.T., United Artists, 1978. Supervising editor, Convoy, United Artists, 1978. The Postman Always Rings Twice, Paramount, 1981.

Film Appearances: (Uncredited) To Live and Die in L.A., 1985. Assistant coach, Lucas, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1986. Bill Watts, In the Line of Fire, Columbia, 1993. Mike Brady, The Brady Bunch Movie, Paramount, 1995. Mike Brady, A Very Brady Sequel, Paramount, 1996. Manks, Cyclops, Baby (short film), 1996. Paul Thomas, Santa Fe, Absolute Unequivocal Productions, 1997. Richard Sims, Gang Related (also known as Gang City), Orion, 1997. Neil Baxter, A Simple Plan (also known as Ein Einfacher Plan and Un plan simple), Paramount, 1998. Jake’s dad, I’ll Be Home for Christmas, Buena Vista, 1998. Avery Hodge, The Rising Place, Warner Bros., 1999. William ⬙Bill⬙ Lumbergh, Office Space (also known as Cubiculos de la oficina), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1999. David Duncan, The Gift, Paramount, 2000. Bill Owens, One Hour Photo, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2002. Carlos, I Spy (also known as I–Spy), Columbia, 2002. Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!!!, DreamWorks, 2004.

Film Work; Other: Casting director, McCabe & Mrs. Miller, Warner Bros., 1971. Music editor, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Image, 1975. Producer, Burke & Wills, Hemdale, 1985. WRITINGS Screenplays: Burke & Wills, Hemdale, 1985. Songs for Films: ⬙The Secrets of My Heart,⬙ Ruby Cairo (also known as The Missing Link: Ruby Cairo), Miramax, 1993, recut version released on video as Deception, Miramax, c. 1993.

Television Appearances; Series: Jack ⬙Nighthawk⬙ Killian, Midnight Caller, NBC, 1988–1991. Sheriff Lucas Buck, American Gothic, CBS, 1995–1996. Captain Matthew Gideon/Voice of the Apocalypse Box, Crusade, TNT, beginning 1999. Voices of Harvey, Judge Mightor, and Stan, Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law (animated), Cartoon Network, 2001. Voice of Dr. Possible (Dad), Kim Possible (animated; also known as Disney’s Kim Possible), The Disney Channel, 2002. Bill Davis, Family Affair, The WB, 2002. ⬙Bingo Bob⬙ Russell, a recurring role, The West Wing, NBC, beginning 2003.

COLE, Gary 1956– PERSONAL Full name, Gary M. Cole; born September 20, 1956 (some sources cite 1957), in Park Ridge, IL; parents, a school administrator and a director of finance; married Teddi Siddall (an actress), March, 1992; children: one daughter. Education: Studied theatre at Illinois State University. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Manager—Barbara Gale, Envoy Entertainment, 1640 South Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 530, Los Angeles, CA 90025.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: General George Armstrong Custer, Son of the Morning Star, ABC, 1991. Title role, When Love Kills: The Seduction of John Hearn, 1993. Major Tom F. O’Neill, Fall from Grace (also known as Fortitude), CBS, 1994. Edgar ⬙Ed⬙ Mitchell, From the Earth to the Moon, HBO, 1998.

Career: Actor. Remains Theatre, cofounder, 1979, member, 1979–86; Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL, resident member of company, 1985; Steppenwolf Theatre Company, Chicago, member of company, beginning 1985. Also worked as a bartender and house painter.

Television Appearances; Movies: Lee, Heart of Steel, ABC, 1983. Captain Jeffrey MacDonald, Fatal Vision, NBC, 1984.

Awards, Honors: Joseph Jefferson Award, best actor, Joseph Jefferson Awards Committee, 1987, for Bang. 43


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Zeta, ⬙Batman Beyond: Zeta,⬙ The Zeta Project, 2000. Charlie Radcliff, ⬙Pandora’s Box,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 2000. Voices, ⬙He’s Too Sexy for His Fat,⬙ Family Guy, Fox, 2000. Voices of bartender, Dean Wagner, and Jack, ⬙The Story on Page 1,⬙ Family Guy, Fox, 2000. Voices, ⬙Wasted Talent,⬙ Family Guy, Fox, 2000. Voices of Charles, Dr. McKenzie, and Gambler Bob, ⬙Fore, Father,⬙ Family Guy, Fox, 2000. Luke Parker, ⬙The New Friend,⬙ Frasier, NBC, 2000. Defense Attorney Solomon Tager, ⬙Home of the Brave,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 2001. Voice of Michael Eisner, ⬙Brian Does Hollywood,⬙ Family Guy, Fox, 2001. Voice of Michael Eisner, ⬙Screwed the Pooch,⬙ Family Guy, Fox, 2001. Voice of Principal Shepherd, ⬙The Kiss Seen around the World,⬙ Family Guy, Fox, 2001. Voices of Mike Brady and first thug, ⬙Emission Impossible,⬙ Family Guy, Fox, 2001. J. Allen Carter, ⬙Secret Origins: Parts 1–3,⬙ Justice League, 2001. Johnny Scanlon, ⬙Brothers in Arms,⬙ Hack, CBS, 2003. Dexter Larson, ⬙Mr. Monk Meets the Playboy,⬙ Monk, USA Network, 2003. Konner, ⬙Blown Away,⬙ Karen Sisco, ABC, 2003. Konner, ⬙Justice,⬙ Karen Sisco, ABC, 2003.

Manny, First Steps, CBS, 1985. Dr. David Hayward, Vital Signs, CBS, 1986. Detective Jack Holtz, Echoes in the Darkness, CBS, 1987. Scott Grimes, Those She Left Behind (also known as Daddy), NBC, 1987. Tom Pruitt, Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea (also known as The Old Man and the Sea), NBC, 1990. Larry McAfee, The Switch, 1993. James ⬙Jim⬙ McCain, ⬙The Theater,⬙ Twilight Zone: Rod Serling’s Lost Classics, CBS, 1994. Jay Barton, A Time to Heal (also known as Jenny’s Story and Out of Darkness), NBC, 1994. Coach Peter ⬙Pete⬙ Nash, For My Daughter’s Honor (also known as Indecent Seduction), CBS, 1996. Dave Bay, Lies He Told Me (also known as Lies He Told), ABC, 1997. Marty, Kiss the Sky, The Movie Channel, 1999. General Joseph Maxwell, Cadet Kelly, The Disney Channel, 2002. Mike Brady, The Brady Bunch in the White House, Fox, 2002. Television Appearances; Pilots: The 119, CBS, 1997. The Miles Family, CBS, 1998. Captain Matthew Gideon, A Call to Arms (also known as Babylon 5: A Call to Arms), TNT, 1999. Chuck, American Adventure (also known as National Lampoon’s American Adventure), Fox, 2000. Neurotic Tendencies, NBC, 2001. Roy Franks, Not a Clue, CBS, 2003. Lloyd, What Happened?, HBO, 2003.

Voices of old Aquaman, old Batman, and old Superman, ⬙That Old Time Feeling,⬙ an episode of Cartoon World; voice of Mr. Smith, the art teacher, ⬙The Art of War,⬙ Kim Possible (animated; also known as Disney’s Kim Possible), The Disney Channel; also appeared in Sherman Oaks.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Man with a Christmas tree, ⬙A Matter of Principle,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1984. Daniel Gaddis, ⬙Her Pilgrim Soul,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1985. Chris Sykes, Jack and Mike, ABC, 1986. Jackson Crane, ⬙Trust Fund Pirates,⬙ Miami Vice, NBC, 1986. Alan, ⬙It’s Maddie’s Turn to Cry,⬙ Moonlighting, ABC, 1987. Guest, Late Night with David Letterman, 1990. Detective Ray Venable, ⬙Criminal Nature,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1998. Travis Thornberry, ⬙The Photographer,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime, 1998. Attorney Solomon Tager, ⬙Crossfire,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 1999. Dad, ⬙Where’s My Kiss, Then?,⬙ Chicken Soup for the Soul, PAX, 1999. Justin, ⬙You Can’t Go Home Again,⬙ What about Joan, ABC, 2000. Alan Farrell, ⬙Human Error,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2000. Zeta, ⬙Zeta,⬙ Batman Beyond, The WB, 2000.

Television Appearances; Specials: Gordon, After Midnight, ABC, 1988. Brady Bunch Home Movies (also known as The Brady Bunch 25th Anniversary Special), CBS, 1995. Himself, Reel Comedy: I Spy, Comedy Central, 2002. Stage Appearances: Gardenia, Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL, 1982. Austin, True West, Cherry Lane Theatre, New York City, 1983. Captain Marvin Holahan, Landscape of the Body, Goodman Theatre, 1987. Bang, Chicago, c. 1987. Speed the Plow, Chicago, c. 1989. Side Man, Steppenwolf Theatre Company, Chicago, 1999. Larry, Closer, Steppenwolf Theatre Company, 2000. True West, Los Angeles, 2001. Also appeared in productions of Balm in Gilead, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, and Philadelphia Here I Come, all with Steppenwolf Theatre Company. 44

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CONAWAY Russ Moran, For the Love of It, ABC, 1980. Buddy Walker, Nashville Grab, NBC, 1981. Chuck Lanyard, The Making of a Male Model, ABC, 1983. Josh McGwin, Bay Coven (also known as Bay Cove, The Devils of Bay Cove, Eye of the Demon, and Strangers in Town), NBC, 1987. Sergeant Holt, Dirty Dozen: The Fatal Mission, NBC, 1988. Tom Farrell, The Ghost Writer, syndicated, 1990. Zack Allan, Babylon 5: Thirdspace (also known as Thirdspace and Thirdspace: A Babylon 5 Adventure), TNT, 1998. Zack Allan, Babylon 5: The River of Souls (also known as The River of Souls), TNT, 1998. Zack Allan, Babylon 5: A Call to Arms (also known as A Call to Arms), TNT, 1999. Ricky Bixby, Shadow of Doubt (also known as Reasonable Doubt), Cinemax, 1999.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Babylon 5, July, 1999, pp. 14–20. Entertainment Weekly, November 29, 2002, p. 88. Universe Today, fall, 1998, p. 13.

CONAWAY, Jeff 1950– PERSONAL Full name, Jeffrey Charles William Michael Conaway; born October 5, 1950, in New York, NY; brother of Michele Conaway (an actress); married, 1972 (divorced, 1973); married Rona Newton–John (an actress), July 4, 1980 (divorced, 1985); married Kerri; children: (second marriage) Emerson (stepson). Education: Attended North Carolina School of the Arts and New York University.

Also appeared in Eye of the Storm. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Landslide,⬙ Movin’ On, NBC, 1975. Rocko, ⬙Ritchie Fights Back,⬙ Happy Days, ABC, 1975. ⬙The Long Haul,⬙ Movin’ On, NBC, 1975. ⬙The Best Laid Schemes,⬙ Joe Forrester, NBC, 1975. Kenny Stevens, ⬙Menage–a–Lou,⬙ The Mary Tyler Moore Show, CBS, 1976. Rocko, ⬙The Second Anniversary Show,⬙ Happy Days, ABC, 1976. Taylor Chappell, ⬙Wipe Out,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1976. Jeff Saunders, ⬙Killer on Campus,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1977. ⬙May the Horse Be with You,⬙ Kojak, CBS, 1978. ⬙Sterile Wife,⬙ Having Babies, ABC, 1978. Marie, 1980. Guest, The Midnight Special, 1981. Bobby Wheeler, ⬙Bobby Doesn’t Live Here Anymore,⬙ Taxi, NBC, 1982. ⬙Shots in the Dark,⬙ Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer (also known as Mike Hammer), CBS, 1984. Howard Griffin, ⬙Birds of a Feather,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1984. Jeff, ⬙First Kiss,⬙ Who’s the Boss?, ABC, 1985. ⬙Love and the Stranger,⬙ The New Love, American Style, ABC, 1986. ⬙Love and the Private Eye: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The New Love, American Style, ABC, 1986. Daniel Ward, ⬙The Affair,⬙ Matlock, NBC, 1986. Howard Griffin, ⬙Corned Beef and Carnage,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1986. Harry Farris, ⬙Little Miss Murder,⬙ The New Mike Hammer Show (also known as Mike Hammer), CBS, 1987. Eric Madison, ⬙Class of ’72,⬙ Hotel, ABC, 1987. Ty Gardiner, ⬙Cry Wolf,⬙ Stingray, NBC, 1987.

Addresses: Manager—Alexandra Karrys, Sharp/Karrys, 117 North Orlando Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90048. Career: Actor, producer, and director. Burt Reynolds’ Jupiter Dinner Theatre, Jupiter, FL, guest artist, 1985–86; teacher of acting classes. Worked as a fashion model; appeared in commercials; also performed as a singer and guitarist with the music group ⬙3 1/2.⬙ Los Angeles Mission, volunteer. Awards, Honors: Grammy Award nomination, album of the year (with Olivia Newton–John, John Travolta, and others), National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, 1978, for Grease; Golden Globe Award nominations, best television actor in a supporting role, 1979 and 1980, both for Taxi. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Robert L. ⬙Bobby⬙ Wheeler, Taxi, ABC, 1978–1981. Prince Erik Greystone, Wizards and Warriors, CBS, 1983. John Higgins, Berrenger’s, NBC, 1985. Michael ⬙Mick⬙ Savage, The Bold and the Beautiful (also known as Glamour, Top Models, and Belleza y poder), CBS, 1989–1990. Host, The Image Workshop, 1991. Zack Allen, a recurring role, Babylon 5 (also known as B5), syndicated, 1994–1997, then TNT, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Terry Nicholas, Delta County, U.S.A., ABC, 1977. Roy Fletcher, Breaking Up Is Hard to Do, ABC, 1979. 45


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Peter, ⬙My Ghostwriter—The Vampire,⬙ Tales from the Darkside, syndicated, 1987. Phil, ⬙Fools’ Gold,⬙ Monsters, 1989. Buddy Powers, ⬙Identity Crisis,⬙ Freddy’s Nightmares, 1989. Richard, ⬙Where There’s No Will, There’s a Weigh–In,⬙ Shades of LA, 1990. Winston Payne, ⬙Bury Me a Little,⬙ Good Grief, 1990. Nolan Walsh, ⬙For Whom the Ball Tolls,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1993. Slick, ⬙Matlock’s Bad Bad Dream,⬙ Matlock, 1993. Tom Powell, ⬙Murder of the Month Club,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1994. Dr. Alex Kenyon, ⬙Who Killed the Hollywood Headshrinker?,⬙ Burke’s Law, 1995. Bud Green, ⬙Love in the Afternoon,⬙ Hope and Gloria, 1995. Rich Edwards, ⬙The Poor Pitiful Put–upon Singer Episode,⬙ Mr. & Mrs. Smith, CBS, 1996. ⬙The Cameo Episode,⬙ George & Leo, CBS, 1997. Bobby Stigwell, ⬙Jive Talkin’,⬙ Hitz, UPN, 1997. Manager of radio station, ⬙Working,⬙ L.A. 7 (also known as S Club 7 in Hollywood), Fox Family Channel, 2000.

Travis, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark, New World, 1988. Taxi driver, Tale of Two Sisters, 1989. Cowboy, The Banker, 1989. Bud Sorenson, The Sleeping Car, Triax, 1990. Frank, A Time to Die, PM Home Video, 1991. Peter Keynes, Total Exposure, Republic, 1991. Charlie Anderson, Almost Pregnant, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1992. Jeffrey ⬙Jeff⬙ Blair, Mirror Images, Academy, 1992. Tony, Sunset Strip, PM Home Video, 1992. Stu Stocker, Bikini Summer II, PM Home Video, 1992. Doorman (some sources cite Borman), Alien Intruder, PM Home Video, 1993. Werner Soehnen, In a Moment of Passion (also known as In der Haut des Killers), Hemdale Home Video, 1993. Sean, L.A. Goddess, Prism Entertainment, 1993. It’s Showtime, 1993. The Reverend, 2002: The Rape of Eden (also known as Bounty Hunter, 2002), American International Pictures Home Video, 1994. Jagger, The Last Embrace, 1997. Marcie’s father, Jawbreaker, TriStar, 1999. Himself and Bobby Wheeler, Man on the Moon (also known as Der Mondmann), Universal, 1999. Agent Owen Sacker, Do You Wanna Know a Secret?, Mainline Releasing, 2001. Dating Service, 2001. Digger’s dad, Y.M.I., Temple 4 Films, 2002. Gavin Elliot, The Biz, CRC Entertainment/London Simon Productions, 2002. Reverend Sutter, Curse of the Forty–Niner (also known as Curse of the 49er and Miner’s Massacre), DEJ Productions, 2003. Himself, Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star (also known as Dickie Roberts: (Former) Child Star), Paramount, 2003.

Television Appearances; Specials: From Sea to Shining Sea, syndicated, 1974. Guest, Cheryl Ladd ... Looking Back—Souvenirs (also known as The Cheryl Ladd Special: Souvenirs), ABC, 1980. Guest, The Jimmy McNichol Special, CBS, 1980. ABC team member, Battle of the Network Stars X, ABC, 1981. Best of Taxi (also known as Hey Taxi), CBS, 1994. Himself and Kenickie, VH–1 Where Are They Now: Grease, VH1, 1998. Interviewee, Celebrity Profile: Marilu Henner, E! Entertainment Television, 1999. Himself, Andy Kaufman’s Really Big Show, Arts and Entertainment, 1999.

Film Work: Associate producer, Sunset Strip, PM Home Video, 1992. Associate producer and director, Bikini Summer II, PM Home Video, 1992. Associate producer, 2002: The Rape of Eden (also known as Bounty Hunter, 2002), American International Pictures Home Video, 1994.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 51st Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1994. Presenter, The 1998 Creative Arts Emmy Award, TV Land, 1998.

Stage Appearances: (Broadway debut) All the Way Home, Belasco Theatre, 1960. Danny Zuko, Grease, Royale Theatre, New York City, 1978. Executive editor, The News, Helen Hayes Theatre, New York City, 1985. Vince Fontaine, Grease, Broadway, 1997.

Film Appearances: (Film debut) Hanki, Jennifer on My Mind, United Artists, 1971. The Eagle Has Landed, Columbia, 1977. Willie, Pete’s Dragon, Buena Vista, 1977. Lactamaeon, I Never Promised You a Rose Garden, New World, 1977. Kenickie, Grease, Paramount, 1978. T. C. Sloane, Covergirl (also known as Dreamworld), New World, 1984. Mitchell, The Patriot, Crown International, 1986.

Also appeared as Billy, Wanted, Judson Poet’s Theatre, New York City. 46

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CONLEY All Hands on Deck, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1961. Jock McGee, Blueprint for Robbery, Paramount, 1961. Johnny, Patty (also known as Case of Patty Smith, Gang Rape, and The Shame of Patty Smith), Impact Films, 1962. Jenkins, 80 Steps to Jonah, Warner Bros./Seven Arts, 1969. We Are the Guinea Pigs, 1980. Father Minnelli, Impure Thoughts, Double Helix Films, 1986. Frank, Whatever It Takes, Pioneer Entertainment, 1999. Joe Wally (man at Christmas dinner), Cast Away, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. Blind Obsession, 2001.

Major Tours: Toured in Critics Choice, U.S. cities, and Grease. RECORDINGS Albums: Grease (original soundtrack recording), Arista, 1978. ADAPTATIONS The film Bikini Summer II, released by PM Home Video in 1992, was based on a story by Conaway. OTHER SOURCES

Television Appearances; Series: Ike Godsey, The Waltons, CBS, 1972–1981.

Periodicals: Babylon 5, June, 1998, pp. 54–58. People Weekly, December 11, 1989. Starlog, September, 1996.

Also appeared in Bracken’s World; Acapulco; People’s Choice; Richard Diamond. Television Appearances; Movies: Salesman, The Longest Night, ABC, 1972. Ike Godsey, A Wedding on Walton’s Mountain, NBC, 1982. Ike Godsey, A Day for Thanks on Walton’s Mountain, NBC, 1982. Ike Godsey, Mother’s Day on Walton’s Mountain, NBC, 1982. Ike Godsey, A Walton Thanksgiving Reunion, CBS, 1993. Ike Godsey, A Walton Wedding, CBS, 1995. Ike Godsey, A Walton Easter, CBS, 1997.

CONLEY, Joe 1928– PERSONAL Born March 3, 1928, in Buffalo, NY; son of Mary Conley (an actress); married Louise; children: Erin, Jana. Education: Graduated from Arizona State University; also attended Loyola University. Avocational Interests: Golf, tennis, swimming, charity work. Addresses: Contact—P.O. Box 6487, Thousand Oaks, CA 91359.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙The Ghost of Jean Battoo,⬙ The Adventures of Jim Bowie, ABC, 1956. Martha’s bakery deliveryman, ⬙Lassie’s Day,⬙ Lassie, CBS, 1957. ⬙The Big Yak,⬙ Dragnet, NBC, 1957. ⬙Disappearing Trick,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, CBS, 1958. ⬙The Big Malcolm,⬙ Dragnet, NBC, 1959. Henry Jackson, ⬙The Hostage,⬙ Wanted: Dead or Alive, CBS, 1959. ⬙The Mouse,⬙ Richard Diamond, Private Detective, NBC, 1960. Photographer/reporter, ⬙The Contest,⬙ Mister Ed, CBS, 1961. Photographer/reporter, ⬙Ed the Beachcomber,⬙ Mister Ed, CBS, 1962. Singing telegram man, ⬙Horse Party,⬙ Mister Ed, CBS, 1962. Joe, ⬙Don’t Laugh at Horses,⬙ Mister Ed, CBS, 1963.

Career: Actor. Truly Yours (a restaurant), Tarzana, CA, co–owner. Appeared on radio programs in Buffalo, NY; appeared in over 200 television commercials. Military service: U.S. Army, World War II and Korean conflict, infantry and special services; second lieutenant; Silver Star, Purple Heart. CREDITS Film Appearances: The Scarlet Hour, Paramount, 1956. Delivery boy, Crime of Passion, United Artists, 1957. Juvenile Jungle, Republic Pictures Corp., 1958. Benjy, A Nice Little Bank That Should be Robbed (also known as How to Rob a Bank), Twentieth Century– Fox, 1958. 47


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Carl, stagecoach driver, ⬙Help Me, Kitty,⬙ Gunsmoke, CBS, 1964. Reporter, ⬙Never Ride Horses,⬙ Mister Ed, CBS, 1965. Reporter, ⬙TV or Not TV,⬙ Mister Ed, CBS, 1965. Policeman, ⬙The Deputy,⬙ Green Acres, CBS, 1966. Sergeant, ⬙The Army Game,⬙ The Beverly Hillbillies, CBS, 1967. Cabbie, ⬙Time of Trial,⬙ Felony Squad, ABC, 1967. Deliveryman, ⬙The Hero,⬙ The Brady Bunch, ABC, 1970. Manager Ⲇ1, ⬙Short Notice,⬙ Knight Rider, NBC, 1983. Claude, ⬙Dick Goes Home,⬙ Night Stand, syndicated, 1996.

Arabian Adventure, Universal, 1979. Motel Hell, United Artists, 1980. The House Where Evil Dwells, United Artists, 1982. Sunset Grill, New Line Cinema, 1993. Age of Treason, Columbia, 1993. Film Editor: Oh! What a Lovely War, Paramount, 1969. The Magic Christian, Commonwealth United Entertainment, 1969. Bloomfield (also known as The Hero), AVCO Embassy Pictures, 1971. Romance of a Horsethief (also known as Le roman d’un voleur de chevaux), Allied Artists Pictures Corp., 1971. Young Winston, 1972. Hitler: The Last Ten Days (also known as Gli ultimi 10 giorni di Hitler), Paramount, 1973. The Last Winter, 1982. Ha—Choref Ha’acharon, 1984.

Also appeared in Studio One; Playhouse 90.

CONNOR, Kevin 1937(?)– PERSONAL

Film Work; Other: Sound editor, Lancelot and Guinevere (also known as Sword of Lancelot), 1964. Sound, The Sailor from Gibraltar, Lopert Pictures Corp., 1967.

Born 1937 (some sources say July 14, 1940), in London, England; married Johanna; children: one. Addresses: Agent—Becsey/Wisdom/Kalajian, 9200 Sunset Blvd., Suite 820, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Manager—John Redway Associates, 5 Denmark St., London WC2H 8LP, England.

Television Director; Miniseries: Goliath Awaits, syndicated, 1981. Master of the Game, CBS, 1984. (Hours 5–8) Mistral’s Daughter, CBS, 1984. North and South II (also known as North and South: Book II), ABC, 1986. Great Expectations, The Disney Channel, 1989. I misteri della giungla nera (also known as Das Geheimnis des schwarzen Dschungels and The Mysteries of the Dark Jungle), 1990. L’amerique en otage (also known as Iran: Days of Crisis), TNT, 1991. Diana: Her True Story, NBC, 1993. The Old Curiosity Shop, The Disney Channel, 1995. Liz: The Elizabeth Taylor Story, NBC, 1995. The Apocalypse Watch (also known as Robert Ludlum’s The Apocalypse Watch), ABC, 1997. In the Beginning, NBC, 2000. The Seventh Scroll, 2001. Frankenstein, 2004.

Career: Director and editor. Awards, Honors: Audience Award, 1998, for Mother Teresa: In the Name of God’s Poor. CREDITS Film Director: From Beyond the Grave (also known as Creatures, Creatures from Beyond the Grave, Tales from Beyond the Grave, Tales from the Beyond, and The Undead), Warner Bros., 1975. The Land That Time Forgot, American International Pictures, 1975. At the Earth’s Core (also known as Edgar Rice Burroughs’ At the Earth’s Core), American International Pictures, 1976. Trial by Combat (also known as A Choice of Arms, Choice of Weapons, and Dirty Knight’s Work), Gamma III, 1976. The People That Time Forgot, American International Pictures, 1977. Warlords of Atlantis (also known as Warlords of the Deep), Columbia, 1978.

Television Director; Movies: The Return of Sherlock Holmes, CBS, 1987. The Lion of Africa, HBO, 1987. Danko’s Dozen, 1988. What Price Victory, ABC, 1988. The Hollywood Detective, USA Network, 1989. Spies, The Disney Channel, 1992. 48

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COSGROVE Addresses: Agent—Innovative Artists, 1505 Tenth St., Santa Monica, CA 90401. Manager—James/Levy/Jacobson, 3500 West Olive Ave., Suite 1470, Burbank, CA 91505.

Lethal Exposure (also known as Declic fatal), NBC, 1993. Jack Reed: Badge of Honor, NBC, 1993. Shadow of Obsession, NBC, 1994. Hart to Hart: Secrets of the Hart, NBC, 1995. The Little Riders, The Disney Channel, 1996. Mother Teresa: In the Name of God’s Poor (also known as Mutter Teresa), The Family Channel, 1997. Mary, Mother of Jesus, NBC, 1999. Santa, Jr., 2002. Just Desserts, Hallmark Channel, 2003.

Career: Actor. Worked as a model; bailiff for New Haven County Sheriff’s Department, New Haven County, CT. Awards, Honors: Golden Lighthouse Award nominations, Guiding Light City (fan website), best supporting actor, best newcomer, and best new couple (with Nancy St. Alban), all 2002, for Guiding Light.

Television Work; Movies: Editor, The Story of Jacob and Joseph, ABC, 1974. Television Director; Pilots: Powers Play, CBS, 1986. Age of Treason, CBS, 1993.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Scott Parker Chandler, All My Children, ABC, 1996–1998. Matt Durning, Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1998–2000. Dr. Brad Sterling, All Souls, UPN, 2001—. Bill Lewis III, Guiding Light, CBS, 2002—.

Television Director; Episodic: ⬙The Imprudent Professor,⬙ Return of the Saint (also known as The Son of the Saint), 1978. ⬙Harts’ Desire,⬙ Hart to Hart, ABC, 1982. ⬙The Dungeon of Death,⬙ Wizards and Warriors, CBS, 1983. ⬙Vulkar’s Revenge,⬙ Wizards and Warriors, CBS, 1983. ⬙Harts on the Scent,⬙ Hart to Hart, ABC, 1983. ⬙The Wayward Hart,⬙ Hart to Hart, ABC, 1983. ⬙Two Harts Are Better than One,⬙ Hart to Hart, ABC, 1983. ⬙Straight through the Hart,⬙ Hart to Hart, ABC, 1983. ⬙Harts and Hounds,⬙ Hart to Hart, ABC, 1983. ⬙Getting in Shape,⬙ Partners in Crime, 1984. ⬙Elegy in Steele,⬙ Remington Steele, NBC, 1984. ⬙Wins and Losses,⬙ Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s Hotel), ABC, 1985. ⬙Next Stop Murder,⬙ Moonlighting, ABC, 1985. ⬙A Quiet Weekend in the Country,⬙ Dirty Dozen: The Series, Fox, 1988.

Television Appearances; Movies: Mark, Satan’s School for Girls, ABC, 2000. Jason, The Way She Moves, VH1, 2001. Television Appearances; Other: Himself, Beverly Hills 90210: The Final Goodbye (special), Fox, 2000. Himself, Beverly Hills 90210: The E! True Hollywood Story (episodic), E! Entertainment Television, 2001. Film Appearances: Trotter Bull, The Object of My Affection, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. Dean, Lucid Days In Hell (also known as Kiss & Tell), 1999. Campbell Morris, Valentine, Warner Bros., 2001. Ted Gage, They Crawl (also known as Crawlers), Lions Gate Films, 2001. Richard Bagg, Van Wilder (also known as National Lampoon’s Van Wilder, Van Wilder: Party Liaison, and Party Animals—wilder geht’s nicht), Artisan Entertainment, 2002.

Also directed episodes of Space: 1999 (also known as Spazio: 1999), syndicated; ⬙Red Holt Steele,⬙ Remington Steele, NBC; Partners in Crime (also known as 50/50), NBC.


Stage Appearances: Appeared in stage productions, including Hello Out There and Sorry, Wrong Number.

Born December 16, 1970, in New Haven, CT; married; wife’s name, Marie; children: Lily. 49


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 CREDITS

COSTELLO, Elvis 1954– (Napoleon Dynamite, Declan McManus)

Film Appearances: Earl of Manchester, Americathon, United Artists, 1979. Himself, Concert for Kampuchea, Miramax, 1980. Himself, Fundamental Frolics, 1981. Rosco de Ville, No Surrender, 1985. Hives the Butler, Straight to Hell, Island, 1987. Himself, Weird Nightmare, 1993. Himself, Spice World, Columbia/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Himself, Robert Wyatt: Little Red Robin Hood (documentary), 1998. Himself, 200 Cigarettes, Paramount, 1999. Himself, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (also known as Austin Powers 2: The Spy Who Shagged Me), Buena Vista, 1999. Mayor of the Sunset Strip, First Look Pictures Releasing, 2000. Himself, Sans plomb (also known as Unleaded), Mongrel Media, 2000. Public defender and teacher, Prison Song, New Line Cinema, 2001. Himself (in archive footage), If I Should Fall from Grace: The Shane MacGowan Story (documentary), Buena Vista International, 2001. Himself, Freedom Highway: Songs That Shaped a Century (also known as Freedom Highway), Filmove Studio Barrandov, 2001. Himself, I Love Your Work, Cyan Pictures/Departure Entertainment/Muse Productions/Rice–Walters Productions, 2003. De Lovely, United Artists, 2004.

PERSONAL Original name, Declan Patrick McManus (some sources spell the surname MacManus); name legally changed to Elvis Costello, 1977, then to Declan Patrick Aloysius McManus, 1986; born August 24, 1954, in London, England; son of Ross (a bandleader and musician) and Mary (maiden name, Costello) McManus; married Mary, 1974 (divorced, c. 1985); married Caitlin O’Rioran (a musician and actress), May 16, 1986 (divorced, 2002); married Diana Krall (a musician), December 6, 2003; children: (first marriage) Matthew. Avocational Interests: Fan of Liverpool Football Club. Addresses: Agent—Tony Goldring, William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Musician, songwriter, composer, and actor. Musician, 1969—; Flip City (band), founder, c. 1974; recorded and appeared in concert with the Attractions, between 1977 and 1987; solo artist, 1986—. Record producer, 1979—. Performed and recorded as Declan McManus, as Napoleon Dynamite with Napoleon Dynamite and the Royal Guard, and with the Coward Brothers, Emotional Toothpaste, Imposter, and Nick Lowe and His Sound. Appeared in commercials. University of California, Los Angeles, musician in residence, 2001. Elizabeth Arden (cosmetic factory), computer operator, 1974–77.

Film Work; Song Performer: (With the Attractions) ⬙Accidents Will Happen,⬙ E.T. The Extra–Terrestrial, Universal, 1982. ⬙Days,⬙ Bis ans Ende der Welt (also known as Until the End of the World and Jusqu’au bout du monde), 1991. ⬙Alison,⬙ Metroland, Lions Gate Films, 1997. (With the Attractions) ⬙My Mood Swings,⬙ The Big Lebowski, Gramercy, 1998. ⬙I Throw My Toys Around,⬙ The Rugrats Movie (animated), Paramount, 1998. ⬙Mystery Dance,⬙ Zero Effect, Columbia/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1998. ⬙She,⬙ Notting Hill, MCA/Universal, 1999. ⬙I Want You,⬙ I Want You (also known as Beloved), Gramercy, 1999. ⬙You Stole My Bell,⬙ The Family Man, Universal, 2000. ⬙Welcome to the Working Week,⬙ Loser, Sony Pictures Releasing, 2000. (With the Attractions) ⬙Watching the Detectives,⬙ When Brendan Met Trudy, Shooting Gallery, 2001. (With the Attractions) The Shape of Things, Focus Features, 2003. Just One of Those Things, 2003.

Awards, Honors: Rolling Stone critics’ poll, album of the year, 1977, for My Aim Is True; Rolling Stone critics’ poll, songwriter of the year, 1979, 1982, 1989; Grammy Award nomination, new artist of the year, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, 1978; MTV Video Award, best male video, 1989, for Veronica; Television Award, best original television music (with Richard Harvey), British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1992, for G.B.H.; Golden Satellite Award nomination, outstanding original song (with Burt Bacharach), International Press Academy, 1997, for ⬙God Give Me Strength,⬙ Grace of My Heart; Grammy Award, best pop collaboration with vocals (with Burt Bacharach), 1999, for ⬙I Still Have That Other Girl,⬙ Painted from Memory; Television Award nomination, best original television music (with Paul Pritchard), British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 2000, for Oliver Twist; Founders Award, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers, 2003; inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (with the Attractions), 2003; Ivor Novello Award, lifetime achievement, British Academy of Composers; Silver Clef Award, lifetime achievement, Nordoff–Robbins. 50

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COSTELLO Stone deaf A & R man, ⬙The Bullshitters: Roll out the Gunbarrel,⬙ The Comic Strip Presents, 1984. Guest, Late Night with David Letterman, 1989. MTV Unplugged, MTV, 1989, 1991, 1994. ABC in Concert, ABC, 1991. Himself, ⬙People’s Choice,⬙ The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1994. Guest, Late Show with David Letterman, CBS, multiple appearances, beginning 1994. Guest, Have I Got News for You, 1996. Himself, ⬙Everybody Loves Larry,⬙ The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1996. Guest, Clive Anderson All Talk, 1997. Sessions at West 54th, PBS, 1997. Voice, ⬙All Aboard the Cat Bus,⬙ Comedy Lab, 1999. Guest, TFI Friday, Channel 4 (England), 1999. Guest, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 1999, 2002, 2003. ⬙Atlantic Crossing,⬙ Walk On By: The Story of Popular Song, 2001. Himself, ⬙The Thing That Wouldn’t Die: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ 3rd Rock from the Sun, NBC, 2001. Guest, The South Bank Show, 2001. Guest, Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, BBC (England), 2002. Voice, ⬙How I Spent My Strummer Vacation,⬙ The Simpsons (animated), Fox, 2002. Guest host, Late Show with David Letterman, CBS, 2003. Ben, ⬙Farewell, Nervosa,⬙ Frasier, NBC, 2003. Guest, The Frank Skinner Show, ITV (England), 2003. Guest, Die Harald Schmidt Show, [Germany], 2003.

Television Appearances; Specials: Live Aid, 1985. (In archive footage) Rolling Stone Presents Twenty Years of Rock & Roll (also known as Rolling Stone: The First Twenty Years), 1987. Roy Orbison & Friends: A Black & White Night, Cinemax, 1988. Paul McCartney: Put It There (also known as Put It There), Showtime, 1989. Late Night with David Letterman Eighth Anniversary Special, NBC, 1990. The Best of the Cinemax Sessions, Cinemax, 1990. The 25th Montreaux Music Festival, The Disney Channel, 1992. The Juliet Letters, PBS, 1993. Irish in America ... A Musical Migration, The Disney Channel, 1994. Unplugged: Tony Bennett, 1994. The Music of Kurt Weill: September Songs (also known as September Songs: The Music of Kurt Weill), PBS, 1995. Burt Bacharach: This Is Now, PBS, 1997. Bacharach: One Amazing Night, TNT, 1998. Brian Wilson: Imagination, PBS, 1998. Endless Harmony: The Beach Boys and Their Music, VH1, 1998. Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary Primetime Special, NBC, 1999. Woodstock 99, Fox, 1999. A History of Britain, History Channel, 2001. (In archive footage) The 100 Greatest TV Ads, Channel 4 (England), 2000. The Irish Gala, PBS, 2001. Interviewee, The 100 Greatest Albums of Rock & Roll, VH1, 2001. There’s Only One Paul McCartney, BBC (England), 2002. Willie Nelson & Friends: Live and Kickin’, USA Network, 2003.

Also appeared in CMT Crossroads, CMT; Popular Song: Soundtrack of the Century, Bravo; and Storytellers, VH1. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 39th Grammy Awards, CBS, 1997. The 26th Annual American Music Awards, ABC, 1999. Presenter, The 45th Annual Grammy Awards, CBS, 2003. The 2003 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Ceremony, VH1, 2003.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Himself, The History of Rock ’N’ Roll, Volume 9 (also known as Punk), syndicated, 1995. The Irish in America: Long Journey Home, 1998.

Television Work; Pilots: Creator and executive producer, The Archangels, The WB, 2001.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (With the Attractions) So It Goes, 1977. Saturday Night Live, multiple appearances, 1977–1991. Top of the Pops, multiple appearances, 1977–1999. The Midnight Special, 1979. (With the Attractions) The Kenny Everett Video Show, 1979, 1980. (With the Attractions) Multicoloured Swap Shop, multiple appearances, 1979–1980. (With the Attractions) Tiswas, 1980. (With the Attractions) Jim’ll Fix It, 1981. (With the Attractions) The Russell Harty Show, 1981. ⬙Elvis Costello,⬙ The South Bank Show, 1981.

Television Work; Specials: Theme song performer, The Long Journey Home, 1987. RECORDINGS Albums: My Aim Is True, Columbia, 1977. (With the Attractions) This Year’s Model, Columbia, 1978. 51


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

(With the Attractions) Live at El Mocambo, Columbia, 1978. (With the Attractions) Armed Forces, Columbia, 1978. (With the Attractions) Get Happy, Columbia, 1979. (With the Attractions) Taking Liberties, Columbia, 1980. Ten Bloody Marys & Ten How’s Your Fathers, F Beat, 1980. (With the Attractions) Trust, Columbia, 1981. (With the Attractions) Almost Blue, Columbia, 1981. (With the Attractions) Imperial Bedroom, Columbia, 1982. (With the Attractions) Punch the Clock, Columbia, 1983. (With the Attractions) Goodbye Cruel World, Columbia, 1984. The Best of Elvis Costello, Telstar, 1985. The Best of Elvis Costello and the Attractions, Columbia, 1985. (With the Confederates) King of America, Columbia, 1986. (With the Attractions) Blood and Chocolate, Columbia, 1986. The Man: The Best of Elvis Costello, Demon, 1986. Out of Our Idiot, Demon, 1987. The Costello Show, Demon, 1987. The Courier (film score), 1988. Girls, Girls, Girls, Columbia, 1989. Spike, Warner Bros., 1988. Mighty Like a Rose, Warner Bros., 1991. (With Richard Harvey) G.B.H.: Original Music from the Channel Four Series, Demon, 1991. 2 1/2 Years, four–volume set, Rykodisc, 1993. (With the Brodsky Quartet) The Juliet Letters, Warner Bros., 1993. (With Steve Nieve, Pete Thomas, Bruce Thomas, and Nick Lowe) Brutal Youth, Warner Bros., 1994. G.B.H., Rykodisc, 1994. The Very Best of Elvis Costello and the Attractions, Rykodisc, 1994. Deep Dead Blue, Live at Meltdown, Nonesuch, 1995. Jake’s Progress, Demon, 1995. Kojack Variety, Warner Bros., 1995. Original Music from Channel 4 Series, Demon, 1996. All This Useless Beauty, Warner Bros., 1996. Costello and Nieve, Warner Bros., 1996. Terror & Magnificence, PolyGram, 1997. Extreme Honey: The Very Best of the Warner Bros. Years, Warner Bros., 1997. (With Burt Bacharach; includes “I Still Have That Other Girl”) Painted from Memory, Mercury, 1998. The Sweetest Punch: The Songs of Elvis Costello, Polygram, 1999. Best of Elvis Costello, Polygram International, 1999. (With Anne Sofie von Otter) For the Stars, Deutsche Grammophon, 2001. When I Was Cruel, Island, 2002. North, 2003.

WRITINGS Film Composer: (As Declan McManus) The Courier, 1988. End title music, Family, 1994. Songs Featured in Films: ⬙Crawling to the USA,⬙ Americathon, United Artists, 1979. ⬙Accidents Will Happen,⬙ E.T. The Extra–Terrestrial, Universal, 1982. ⬙Party Girl⬙ (theme song), Party, Party, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1982. ⬙Seven Day Weekend,⬙ Club Paradise, 1986. ⬙Almost Blue,⬙ Let’s Get Lost, 1988. ⬙Miracle Man,⬙ The Godfather: Part III (also known as Mario Puzo’s The Godfather: Part III), 1990. ⬙Days,⬙ Bis ans Ende der Welt (also known as Until the End of the World and Jusqu’au bout du monde), 1991. ⬙Pump It Up,⬙ PCU, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1994. ⬙Almost Blues,⬙ Georgia, Miramax, 1995. (With Burt Bacharach) ⬙God Give Me Strength,⬙ Grace of My Heart, 1996. ⬙Alison,⬙ Metroland, Lions Gate Films, 1997. ⬙My Mood Swings,⬙ The Big Lebowski, Gramercy, 1998. ⬙I Throw My Toys Around,⬙ The Rugrats Movie (animated), Paramount, 1998. Zero Effect, Columbia/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1998. ⬙Everyday I Write the Book,⬙ The Wedding Singer, New Line Cinema, 1998. ⬙Oliver’s Army,⬙ 200 Cigarettes, Paramount, 1999. ⬙I Want You,⬙ I Want You (also known as Beloved), Gramercy, 1999. ⬙Shipbuilding,⬙ High Fidelity, Buena Vista, 2000. Sans plomb (also known as Unleaded), Mongrel Media, 2000. ⬙You Stole My Bell,⬙ The Family Man, Universal, 2000. ⬙Welcome to the Working Week,⬙ Loser, Sony Pictures Releasing, 2000. ⬙Watching the Detectives,⬙ When Brendan Met Trudy, Shooting Gallery, 2001. The Shape of Things, Focus Features, 2003. Just One of Those Things, 2003. Some of these songs have also been featured in other films. Television Composer; Miniseries: (With others) G.B.H., 1991. Jake’s Progress, Channel 4 (England), 1995. (With others) Oliver Twist, PBS, 1999.

Recorded numerous videos, including Veronica. 52

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COUNCIL 15, 1982); married Melissa Hurts, November 19, 1986; children: (second marriage) one.

Television Composer; Series: Scully, 1984. ⬙Let Them All Talk⬙ (theme song), Clive Anderson All Talk, 1996.

Career: Actor.

Television Songs; Specials: Theme song, The Long Journey Home, 1987. The Juliet Letters, PBS, 1993. ⬙My Dark Life,⬙ More Secrets of the X–Files, Fox, 1996.

CREDITS Film Appearances: John in Nova, Streetwalkin’ (also known as City Streets and Cookie), Concorde Pictures, 1984. Government (University Lab), The Manhattan Project (also known as Deadly Game), Twentieth Century– Fox, 1987. Robert, Just Like in the Movies, 1989. Diamond room man, Carlito’s Way, Universal, 1993. (Uncredited) Reporter Ⲇ1, Quiz Show, Buena Vista, 1994. Otto, Die Hard: With a Vengeance (also known as Die Hard 3), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1995. Russian President Vladimir Krushkin, Canadian Bacon, Gramercy, 1995. Cop, Killer: A Journal of Murder (also known as The Killer), Republic Pictures Corp., 1996. Butcher, I’m Not Rappaport, Gramercy, 1996. First FBI agent, A Further Gesture (also known as The Break), Castle Hill, 1996. Older Paul, Camp Stories, Artistic License, 1997. (As Richard E. Council) Noel, Unbreakable, Buena Vista, 2000. (As Richard E. Council) Del Strickland, Thirteen Conversations about One Thing (also known as 13 Conversations), Sony Pictures Classics, 2001.

Television Pilots: Writer and song composer, The Archangels, The WB, 2001. Books: A Singing Dictionary (lyrics and sheet music), Plangent Visions, 1980. Everyday I Write the Song (Grumbling Appendix to the Singing Dictionary), Plangent Visions, 1983. OTHER SOURCES Books: Clayton–Lea, Tony, Elvis Costello: A Biography, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1999. Contemporary Musicians, Volume 40, Gale, 2003. Geoff, Parkyn, Elvis Costello: The Illustrated Disco/ Biography, Omnibus Press, 1984. Gouldstone, David, Elvis Costello: God’s Comic, St. Martin’s Press, 1989. Perone, James E., Elvis Costello: A Bio–Bibliography, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1998.

Television Appearances; Series: Michael Blake, Love of Life, CBS, 1976–1978. Dr. Guardia, Another World (also known as Another World: Bay City), NBC, 1997. (As Richard E. Council) Dr. Babcock, One Life to Live, ABC, 1999.

Periodicals: Billboard, October 26, 1996, p. 1; April 26, 1997, p. 10; October 25, 1997, p. 9; February 7, 1998, p. 1. Entertainment Weekly, March 11, 1994, p. 55; July 26, 1996, p. 54; October 2, 1998, p. 72; May 17, 2002, p. 43. Hollywood Reporter, June 3, 1999, p. 10. Interview, March, 1997, p. 80. Newsweek, October 5, 1998, pp. 80–81. People Weekly, October 19, 1998, p. 45; March 31, 2003. Q, May, 2002, pp. 66–68. Vanity Fair, November, 2000, pp. 158–64.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Louie Di Bono, Witness to the Mob, NBC, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Ray Morris, Good Old Boy (also known as Good Ole Boy: A Delta Boyhood and The River Pirates), The Disney Channel, 1988. Doorman, Fatal Flaw, ABC, 1989.

COUNCIL, Richard 1947– (Richard E. Council)

Television Appearances; Episodic: Jerry, ⬙Kate and the Cab Driver,⬙ Kate & Allie, CBS, 1987. Alex Iliescu, ⬙Securitate,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1993. ⬙Home, Street, Home,⬙ The Cosby Mysteries, NBC, 1994.

PERSONAL Born October 1, 1947, in Tampa, FL; married Chris Weatherhead (an actress), June 2, 1971 (divorced July 53


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John Law, ⬙Baby, It’s You: Part 1,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1997. Claude Hays, ⬙Panic,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2000. (As Richard E. Council) Bartender, ⬙True Love,⬙ Third Watch, NBC, 2001. ⬙Just Lie Back,⬙ Deadline, 2001. (As Richard E. Council) Matthew Crain, ⬙Goodbye Sadie,⬙ Ed, NBC, 2001.

ographer, playwright, and novelist). Education: Attended California State University, Northridge. Addresses: Agent—Michael Slessinger & Associates, 8730 Sunset Blvd., Ⲇ270, West Hollywood, CA 90069; International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Contact—c/o P.O. Box 568, Venice, CA 90284.

Also appeared as Ivan Karkov, New York Undercover, Fox; Thimble Man, Cosby, CBS.

Career: Actor. The Antaeus Company (a classical ensemble), member.

Stage Appearances: Ensemble member, The Merchant of Venice, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, New York City, 1973. ⬙Lightfoot⬙ McTague and ensemble member, Sherlock Holmes, Broadhurst Theatre, New York City, 1974–1976. Tony Cavendish, Fanny’s son, The Royal Family, Helen Hayes Theatre, New York City, 1975–1976. Raymond Duncan, Oscar Beregi, Paris Singer, and chorus member, Isadora Duncan Sleeps with the Russian Navy, 1977. Sparrow, The Winter Dancers, 1979. George Kittredge, The Philadelphia Story, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, 1980–1981. Simon Blumberg, Paul Stuart, and Vladimir, Isn’t It Romantic, Lucille Lortel Theatre, New York City, 1983. Cowboy and Danforth, I’m Not Rappaport, Booth Theatre, New York City, 1985. Frank, The Good Coach, WPA Theatre, 1989. Blue and Scalso, Conversations with My Father, Royale Theatre, New York City, 1992–1993. Worker, Astrov, and Serebryakov, Uncle Vanya, Circle in the Square Theatre, New York City, 1995. Deputy Commissioner O’Brien, Pal Joey, City Center Theatre, New York City, 1995. Uncle Garo, Nine Armenians, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1996–1997. William Marshall, The Little Foxes, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, 1997.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Eccles (Science Fair), The Manhattan Project (also known as Deadly Game), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1986. (As John David Cullum) Tom, Willy/Milly (also known as I Was a Teenage Boy and Something Special), Cinema Group, 1986. (As John David Cullum) Garrett, Morgan’s roommate, Morgan Stewart’s Coming Home (also known as Home Front), New Century Vista Film Company, 1987. (As John David Cullum) Henry Sturgis Russell, Glory, TriStar, 1989. (As John David Cullum) John, Reversal of Fortune, Warner Bros., 1990. Jack, Ambition, Miramax, 1991. Providence, 1991. Mr. Andrews, Roadside Prophets, Fine Line, 1992. (As J. D. Cullum) Frank, Forever Young, Warner Bros., 1992. (As J. D. Cullum) Laurence St. Lawrence, Shafted!, Vanguard Cinema, 2000. (As J. D. Cullum) Ned Smythe, Luster, TLA Releasing, 2002.

Also appeared in Mr. Gogol and Mr. Preen, Lincoln Center Theater; The Merchant of Venice, Vivian Beaumont Theatre; Subfertile, Playwrights Horizons, New York City; Sleeping Dogs, INTAR; Kid Twist, Soho Rep; Winter Dancers, Phoenix/Marymount.

Television Appearances; Series: Roy Raskin, Campus Cops, USA Network, 1995. Television Appearances; Miniseries: First deputy, Return to Lonesome Dove, CBS, 1993. Nicholas Cresswell, LIBERTY! The American Revolution, PBS, 1997.

CULLUM, J D 1966– (J. D. Cullum, John David Cullum)

Television Appearances; Movies: Denny, Fever, HBO, 1991. Pink Lightning, Fox, 1991. (As J. D. Cullum) Gabe Pressman, 61* (also known as 61), HBO, 2001.

PERSONAL Born March 1, 1966, in New York, NY; son of John Cullum (an actor) and Emily Frankel (a dancer, chore54

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Television Appearances; Specials: (As John David Cullum) Jock guy, Revenge of the Nerd, CBS, 1983. (As John David Cullum) Digby ⬙The Hawk⬙ Hummer, The Great American Music Video, syndicated, 1987.

CURTIS Safe in Hell, Julianne Argyos Stage, Pacific Playwrights Festival, Costa Mesa, CA, 2003. Also appeared in Look Homeward, Angel, Syracuse Stage; Fully Committed; The Cripple of Inishman, Geffen Playhouse; The Pagliacci Project; Falling Boy; Affliction of Glory, Getty Center; The Water Children, Matrix Theatre Co.; Woman in Mind, Tiffany Theatre and Manhattan Theatre Club; Murdering Marlowe, Malibu Stage Co.; The Lady’s Not for Burning, Malibu Stage Co.; The Liar, Anteaus Theatre Company; Habeas Corpus, Matrix Theatre Company; The Show Off, Williamstown Theatre Festival; The White Rose, WPA Theatre; Abington Square, American Place Theatre; as Florio, The Music Teacher.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Blake, Can’t Hurry Love, CBS, 1995. Television Appearances; Episodic: (As J. D. Cullum) Toral, ⬙Redemption: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Star Trek: The Next Generation, syndicated, 1991. (As J. D. Cullum) Travis, ⬙Blindside,⬙ Bodies of Evidence, CBS, 1993. Randall Loomis, ⬙The Prankster,⬙ Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, ABC, 1994. (As J. D. Cullum) Dr. Kessler, ⬙User Friendly,⬙ Married ... with Children, Fox, 1995. Second year resident, ⬙Fear of Flying,⬙ L.A. Doctors, CBS, 1998. (As J. D. Cullum) Arlo, ⬙Please Press One,⬙ Sliders, Sci–Fi Channel, 1999. Glen Rafkin, ⬙Painful Cuts,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 2000. (As J. D. Cullum) Redfield, ⬙The Burden of Perspective,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2000. Jimmy Ceisler, ⬙Family Ties,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2001. (As J. D. Cullum) AAG Redfield, ⬙Between the Wanting and the Getting,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2001. (As J. D. Cullum) ⬙No cinco, seis!,⬙ Ladies Man, CBS, 2001. Ted, ⬙To Serve, with Love,⬙ Dead Last, The WB, 2001. Donald, ⬙Tales from the Crypt,⬙ Frasier, NBC, 2002.

WRITINGS Screenplays: (With Dan Brenner and Evan Brenner) Just Friends, 2000. Stage Plays: Wrote Falling Boy.

CURTIS, Dan 1928– PERSONAL Full name, Daniel Mayer (some sources cite Meyer) Curtis; born August 12, 1928, in Bridgeport, CT; son of Edward Philip (a dentist) and Mildred Bernice Cherkass; married Norma May Klein, June 22, 1952; children: Linda, Cathy, Tracy (an actress and producer). Education: Attended University of Bridgeport, 1947; Syracuse University, B.A., 1950.

Also appeared as Paul, Smart Guy, The WB; aggressive ghost, Dead Last, 2001. Stage Appearances: The sons in ⬙media,⬙ Kings, Alvin Theatre, New York City, 1976. Huck Finn, Romance Language, 1984. Philip Clandon, You Never Can Tell, Circle in the Square, New York City, 1986–1987. Cecil, Getting Married, Circle in the Square, 1991. Side Man, Pasadena Playhouse, Pasadena, CA, 1998. Waiting for Godot, Matrix Theatre, Hollywood, CA, 2000. Clifford, Side Man, Pasadena Playhouse, 2001. Isaac, announcer, and accountant, Joe Louis Blues, Tiffany Theatre, Los Angeles, 2001. Langley Collyer, The Dazzle, South Coast Repertory Theater, Costa Mesa, CA, 2002. Paolo, Making It, South Coast Repertory Theater, 2002. Major Barbara, South Coast Repertory Theater, 2002. Preston, Terrence, Colonel Hubbard, Dr. Yakunin, The Intelligent Design of Jenny Chow, South Coast Repertory, 2003.

Addresses: Office—Dan Curtis Productions Inc., 11766 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1410, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Agent—Rick Rosen, Endeavor, 9701 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Producer, director, and writer. National Broadcasting Co., head of sales in film division, 1952–61; MCA, New York City, network television program sales representative, 1961–62; Dan Curtis Productions, Los Angeles, founder and partner, 1962—. CBS Golf Classic, owner, 1963–73. Military service: U.S. Naval Reserve, active duty, 1945–47. Member: Directors Guild of America, Sigma Alpha Mu, Riviera Country Club. 55


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Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nomination, outstanding dramatic program, 1968, for The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; Golden Scroll, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Films, and Medalla Sitges en Oro de Ley, Catalonian International Film Festival, both best director, 1977, for Burnt Offerings; Emmy Award nominations, outstanding limited series and outstanding directing in a limited series or special, both 1983, for The Winds of War; Emmy Award, outstanding miniseries (with Barbara Steele), Emmy Award nomination, outstanding directing in a miniseries or special, Golden Globe Award, best television miniseries or movie, Distinguished Service Award for the Performing Arts, Simon Wiesenthal Center, and Directors Guild of America Award nomination, outstanding directorial achievement in dramatic specials, all 1989, Directors Guild of America Award, 1990, and People’s Choice Award, all for War and Remembrance; Golden Laurel Award, Hall of Fame for television programs, Producers Guild of America, 1998, for The Winds of War and War and Remembrance.

Frankenstein, ABC, 1973. The Picture of Dorian Gray, ABC, 1973. Television Producer and Director; Movies: Scream of the Wolf, ABC, 1974. The Great Ice Rip–off, ABC, 1974. Dracula (also known as Bram Stoker’s Dracula), CBS, 1974. The Turn of the Screw, ABC, 1974. The Kansas City Massacre, ABC, 1975. Trilogy of Terror (includes ⬙Julie,⬙ ⬙Millicent and Therese,⬙ and ⬙Amelia⬙; also known as Tales of Terror and Terror of the Doll), ABC, 1975. When Every Day Was the Fourth of July, NBC, 1978. ⬙The Love Letter,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1998. Television Executive Producer and Director; Movies: (And director) Curse of the Black Widow (also known as Love Trap), ABC, 1977. (And director) The Last Ride of the Dalton Gang, NBC, 1979. (And director) Mrs. R’s Daughter, NBC, 1979. (And creator) Johnny Ryan (also known as Against the Mob, G–Men, and Ryan’s Way), NBC, 1990. (And director) Trilogy of Terror II, USA Network, 1996.

CREDITS Television Director; Miniseries: (And producer) The Winds of War, ABC, 1983. (And executive producer) War and Remembrance, ABC, 1988. (And creator and executive producer) Dark Shadows, NBC, 1990. (And producer) Intruders, CBS, 1992.

Television Director; Episodic: Dark Shadows, ABC, 1968. Supertrain, NBC, 1979. Dark Shadows (also known as Dark Shadows Revival), 1991.

Television Executive Producer; Series: (And creator) Dark Shadows, ABC, 1966–1971. Supertrain, NBC, 1979. (And creator) Dark Shadows (also known as Dark Shadows Revival), NBC, 1991.

Television Work; Other: Producer, CBS Golf Classic (special), CBS, annually, 1963–1973. Producer, A Darkness at Blaisedon, 1968. (Uncredited) Producer and director, The Invasion of Carol Enders, 1973. Director, Express to Terror, 1979.

Television Producer and Director; Pilots: In the Dead of Night, ABC, 1969. The Night Stalker (also known as Kolchak: The Night Stalker), ABC, 1972. The Night Strangler, ABC, 1973. The Norliss Tapes, NBC, 1973. Melvin Purvis: G–Man (also known as G–Man: The Legend of Machine Gun Kelly), ABC, 1974.

Television Appearances; Specials: War and Remembrance: A Living History, ABC, 1988. The 41st Annual Emmy Awards, Fox, 1989. Interviewee, Intimate Portrait: Jane Seymour, Lifetime, 1998.

Television Executive Producer; Pilots: (And director) The Long Days of Summer, ABC, 1980. The Big Easy, NBC, 1982. Angie, the Lieutenant, ABC, 1992. Dark Shadows, Fox, 2002.

Film Producer and Director: House of Dark Shadows, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1970. Night of Dark Shadows (also known as Curse of Dark Shadows), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1971. Burnt Offerings, United Artists, 1976. Dead of Night, 1977. In Advance of the Landing (documentary), Cygnus Communications, 1993.

Television Producer; Movies: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (also known as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde), ABC, 1968. 56

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Film Executive Producer and Director: Me and the Kid, Orion, 1993.


WRITINGS Surname is pronounced ⬙Chair–nee⬙; born February, 1959, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada; father, a welder; mother, a bakery worker; married Dana Delaney (marriage ended); married Claudine Cassidy, 2001. Education: Attended Banff School of Fine Arts and York University; National Theatre School, Montreal, Quebec, graduated, 1982. Avocational Interests: Carpentry.

Television Miniseries: (With Earl Wallace) War and Remembrance (based on the novel by Herman Wouk), ABC, 1988. Dark Shadows, NBC, 1990. Television Pilots: In the Dead of Night, ABC, 1969. Dark Shadows, Fox, 2002.

Addresses: Agent—IFA Talent Agency, 8730 Sunset Blvd., Suite 490, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Manager— Perry Zimel, Oscars Abrams Zimel and Associates, 438 Queen St. E., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5A 1T4.

Television Movies: Frankenstein, ABC, 1973. The Kansas City Massacre, ABC, 1975. Trilogy of Terror II, USA Network, 1996.

Career: Actor. Stratford Festival, Stratford, Ontario, resident member of company, c. 1986–88. Awards, Honors: Best Actor Award, Cannes Festival of International Audiovisual Productions, 1993, and Gemini Award, best performance by an actor in a drama or miniseries, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1994, both for The Boys of St. Vincent; Gemini Award nominations, best lead actor in a dramatic program or miniseries, 1998, for Promise the Moon, and 1999, for The Girl Next Door; Gemini Award nomination, best supporting actor in a dramatic program or miniseries, 2000, for External Affairs; Theatre World Award, 2000, for Arms and the Man; Dora Mavor Moore Award, Toronto Theatre Alliance, for Romeo and Juliet; Dora Mavor Moore Award nominations, for Arabs Mouth and Glenn; Tyrone Guthrie Award, best actor, for Not about Heroes.

Television Episodes: (With others) Dark Shadows (also known as Dark Shadows Revival), NBC, 1991. Screenplays: (With William F. Nolan) Burnt Offerings (based on a novel by Robert Marasco), United Artists, 1976. Me and the Kid (based on the novel The Taking of Gary Feldman by Stanley Cohen), Orion, 1993. Writings; Other: Contributor of foreword to Dark Shadows Resurrected, by Jim Pierson, Pomegranate Press, 1993.


Film Appearances: Nelson, Buried on Sunday (also known as Northern Extremes), Falter Street Productions, 1992. Sean Mathieson, Cold Sweat, Norstar Entertainment, 1993. Joseph Riggs, A Man in Uniform (also known as I Love a Man in Uniform), Miracle Pictures, 1993. Johnson ... Johnson (short film), 1993. CIA Deputy Director of Operations Robert Ritter, Clear and Present Danger, Paramount, 1994. Michael Coleman, Jenipapo (also known as The Interview), Boku Films/Ravina Films, 1995. Martin, When Night Is Falling, October Films, 1995. Lawson Hughes, Anchor Zone, Norstar Entertainment, 1995. Alex, The Michelle Apartments, Alliance, 1995. The underground man, Notes from the Underground, Renegade Films, 1995.

The film Night of Dark Shadows was based on a story by Curtis. The television movie When Every Day Was the Fourth of July, released by NBC in 1978, was based on a story by Curtis and Lee Huston. OTHER SOURCES Books: Pierson, Jim, Dark Shadows Resurrected, Pomegranate Press, 1993. Periodicals: Hollywood Reporter, November 22, 1988, pp. 10, 40. 57


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Eugene Kittridge, Mission: Impossible, Paramount, 1996. Asa Robinson, Kayla (also known as Kayla—Mein Freund aus der Wildnis), Cine–Action, 1997. George Clair, The Ice Storm, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1997. Truman Rickhart, Cement, Keystone Film Partners/ Cargo Films, 1999. Dog Park, 1999. Danny Jackman, External Affairs, Alliance Atlantis Motion Picture Distribution, 1999. Love Machine 4.0, 2001. Ivan, Klepto, Nucleus Films, 2003. Denny, The Limit, Alliance Atlantis Communications, 2003. Frank Kyle, The Failures, Werner Film, 2003.

Reverend Samuel Parris, Salem Witch Trials, CBS, 2002. Television Appearances; Episodic: Night Heat, CBS, 1986. Hot Shots, CBS, 1986. Joe, ⬙Hate on Your Dial,⬙ Friday the 13th, 1989. John Connors, ⬙Wedding,⬙ Street Legal, 1990. Gregory O’Toole, ⬙Fink,⬙ Katts and Dog, 1991. Top Cops, 1992. Christopher Szabo, Street Legal, 1992. Blade, Secret Service, NBC, 1992. Agent Martel, Secret Service, NBC, 1992. Oliver Montcalm, ⬙Peacemaker,⬙ Counterstrike, 1993. David Dawson, ⬙May I Ride with You,⬙ Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, 1994. Ludwig von Beethoven, ⬙A Ninth of Beethoven,⬙ Mentors, 1998. Sheriff, ⬙Jackpot,⬙ C.S.I., 2003.

Television Appearances; Movies: Fred Burham, A Town Torn Apart (also known as The Dennis Littky Story and Doc: The Dennis Littky Story), NBC, 1992. Brother Peter Lavin, The Boys of St. Vincent (also known as Le College St. Vincent), CBC (Canada), 1993, later released theatrically in the United States. Ed Rodgers, Ultimate Betrayal (also known as The Rodgers Sisters Story), CBS, 1994. Bill Sanger, Choices of the Heart: The Margaret Sanger Story (also known as Crusade: The Margaret Sanger Story), Lifetime, 1995. Daniel Metz, Trial at Fortitude Bay, CBC, 1995, Lifetime, 1996. Royal Leckner, Promise the Moon, CBC, 1997. Ken, For Hope, ABC, 1997. Robert Peary, Glory & Honor, TNT, 1998. Sam Reese Sheppard, My Father’s Shadow: The Sam Sheppard Story (also known as Death in the Shadows), CBS, 1998. Harvey, After Alice (also known as Eye of the Killer and Visions of Death), HBO, 1999. Father Raymond McBride, Possessed, Showtime, 2000. Ted Merrick (some sources cite role of Jay), Range of Motion, Lifetime, 2000. Come l’America (also known as Almost America), 2001. Mitchell Gold, The Pact, Lifetime, 2002.

Television Appearances; Other: Lucentio, The Taming of the Shrew, 1988. Second officer, Lifeline to Victory, 1993. Arthur Bradley, The Girl Next Door, 1999. Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Ce Stazzi, National Arts Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, 1982. Captain Bluntshli, Arms and the Man, Roundabout Theatre Company, Gramercy Theatre, New York City, 2000. Appeared as Victor, Arabs Mouth, Factory Theatre, Toronto, Ontario; as Antipholus, Comedy of Errors, Canadian Stage Company; as Glenn Gould, Glenn, Du Maurier Theatre, Toronto; and as Mercutio, Romeo and Juliet, Toronto Free Theatre, Toronto; appeared in The Cherry Orchard, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Not about Heroes, Romeo and Juliet, and Taming of the Shrew, all Stratford Festival, Stratford, Ontario, and in Trafford Tanzi, produced in England; also performed at Citadel Theatre, Edmonton, Alberta, and Theatre Terra Nova. OTHER SOURCES

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Rick Peterson, Deadly Matrimony (also known as Shattered Promises and Shattered Vows), NBC, 1992. Casey Baldwin, The Sound and the Silence, 1993. Greenwood, P. T. Barnum, Arts and Entertainment, 1999. Ernst Breuer, Haven, CBS, 2001. Luke, Further Tales of the City (also known as Armistead Maupin’s Further Tales of the City), Showtime, 2001.

Periodicals: Calgary Sun, February 9, 2001, p. G15. Edmonton Sun, November 22, 1998, p. TV55; July 21, 1999, p. 27; July 30, 1999, p. WE23. Maclean’s, July 19, 1994, p. 53; May 20, 1996, p. 66. Saturday Night, March, 1995, pp. 79–82. Time, November 7, 1994, p. 72. Toronto Star, December 18, 1998. Toronto Sun, January 10, 1996; November 16, 1998.


D Plays and Players Award and London Fringe Award, both 1991, for Damned for Despair; Laurence Olivier Award, best direction of a play, Society of West End Theatre, 1994, for Machinal; Evening Standard Award, 1992, London Critics Circle Award, 1992, Laurence Olivier Award, 1993, Antoinette Perry Award, 1994, and Drama Desk Award, 1994, all best direction of a play, for An Inspector Calls; Film Award nomination, best short film (with others), British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1998, for Eight; British Independent Film awards, best director and best British independent film, 2000, Audience Award, Edinburgh International Film Festival, 2000, second place award, best new filmmaker, Boston Society of Film Critics, 2000, Public Prize and Golden Hitchcock Award, Dinard British Film Festival, 2000, Audience award, best distributed feature film (with others), Austin Film Festival, 2000, nomination for People’s Choice Award, Toronto International Film Festival, 2000, Best New Director Award and nomination for Golden Spike, Valladolid International Film Festival, 2000, Golden Castle, Castellinaria International Festival of Young Cinema, 2000, Audience Award and special mention for FIPRESCI Award, Flanders International Film Festival, 2000, Audience Choice Award, award for best directorial debut, FIPRESCI Award, and nomination for Bronze Horse, all Stockholm Film Festival, 2000, International Jury Award, Sao Paulo International Film Festival, 2000, Molodist International Film Festival Award, best full– length fiction film, 2000, Propellor of Motovun Award, Motovun Film Festival, 2000, Starboy Award nomination, Oulu International Children’s Film Festival, 2000, award for most enjoyable film, 2000, and Silver Clod Award, best foreign film of the year, 2001, both Norwegian International Film Festival, Academy Award nomination, best director, 2001, Alexander Korda Award for Best British Film (with others), British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 2001, nominations for David Lean Award for Direction and Film Award, most promising newcomer in British film, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 2001, Cesar Award nomination, best foreign film, Academie des

DALDRY, Stephen 1961(?)– PERSONAL Full name, Stephen David Daldry; born May 2, 1961 (some sources cite 1960), in Dorset, England; son of Patrick (a bank manager) and Cherry (a singer; maiden name, Thompson) Daldry; married Lucy Sexton (an actress), October 18, 2001; children: Annabel Clare. Education: University of Sheffield, B.A.; studied with Il Circo di Nancy Orfei in Italy, c. 1984. Addresses: Office—Film and Music Entertainment, 34 Bloomsbury St., London WC1B 3QJ, England. Agent— Elizabeth Swofford, Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager— Hamilton Asper Management Ltd., 24 Hanway St., London W1P 9DD, England. Career: Director. Metro Theatre, cofounder and artistic director, 1984–86; Crucible Theatre, Sheffield, England, associate artist, 1986–88; Gate Theatre, London, artistic director, 1989–92; Royal Court Theatre, London, artistic director, 1992–98; Stephen Daldry Pictures, founder and director, 1998—; Film and Music Entertainment, executive producer. Old Vic Theatre, London, trustee and artistic advisor; also directed stage productions in Brighton, England, at Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland, and at Manchester Library Theatre and Oxford Stage. Director and producer of radio and television programs for British Broadcasting Corp. Member: Directors Guild of America, British Actors’ Equity Association. Awards, Honors: Time Out Award, 1990, for Figaro Gets Divorced; Time Out Award and Peter Brook/Empty Space Award, both 1991, for Purgatory in Ingolstadt; 59


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Arts et Techniques du Cinema, 2001, ALFS Award, British film director of the year, and nomination, British film newcomer of the year, both London Critics Circle, 2001, David di Donatello Award nomination, best foreign film, 2001, Silver Ribbon, best director of a foreign film, Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists, 2001, Empire Award nomination, best British director, 2001, Lumiere Award, best foreign film, 2002, Goya Award nomination, best European film, 2002, Norwegian Amanda Award, best foreign feature film, 2001, and nomination for Czech Lion, best foreign language film, 2002, all for Billy Elliot; Academy Award nomination, best achievement in directing, Golden Globe Award nomination, best director of a motion picture, Directors Guild of America Award nomination, outstanding directorial achievement in motion pictures, Golden Satellite Award nomination, best director, International Press Academy, nominations for David Lean Award for Direction and Alexander Korda Award for Best British Film (with others), British Academy of Film and Television Arts, nomination for Golden Berlin Bear and winner of Reader Jury of Berliner Morgenpost award, both Berlin International Film Festival, David di Donatello Award nomination, best foreign film, German Film Award, best foreign film, Vancouver Film Critics Circle Award, best director, and Norwegian Amanda Award, best foreign feature film, all 2003, for The Hours.

Machinal, National Theatre Company, Lyttelton Theatre, 1993. The Europeans, 1993. The Kitchen, Royal Court Theatre, 1994. The Editing Process, Royal Court Theatre, 1994. Rat in the Skull, Duke of York’s Theatre, London, 1995. The Libertine, Royal Court Theatre, 1995. The Man of Mode, Royal Court Theatre, 1995. Body Talk, 1996. ⬙This Is a Chair,⬙ in London International Festival of Theatre, London, 1997. Via Dolorosa (solo show), Royal Court Theatre, 1998, then Booth Theatre, New York City, 1999. Far Away, Royal Court Theatre, 2000, then New York Theatre Workshop, New York City, 2002–2003. A Number, Jerwood Theatre Downstairs, Royal Court Theatre, 2002, then New York Theatre Workshop, 2002–2003. Director of The Fleisser Plays, National Theatre Company; also directed productions of Huckleberry Finn, Jerker, Manon Lescaut, and Of Mice and Men. Stage Appearances: Guard, Prometheus in Evin, Mazdak Theatre Company, Young Vic Studio Theatre, London, 1988. Television Work; Specials: Coproducer, The ⬙Billy Elliot⬙ Boy (also known as Omnibus: The Billy Elliot Boy), BBC (England), 2001.

CREDITS Film Director: (And producer) Eight (short film), 1998. Billy Elliot (also known as Dancer), USA Films/ Universal Focus, 2000. The Hours, Paramount, 2002.

Television Appearances; Specials: The ⬙Billy Elliot⬙ Boy (also known as Omnibus: The Billy Elliot Boy), BBC (England), 2001. Bourne to Dance, Channel 4 (England), 2001.

Stage Director: Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, Liverpool Playhouse, Liverpool, England, then Theatre Royale, Stratford, England, 1988. Judgement Day, Old Red Lion Theatre, London, 1989. Figaro Gets Divorced, Gate Theatre, London, 1990. Cutting Room, Royal Court Theatre Upstairs, London, 1990. Our Man in Marzibah and Rousseau’s Tale (double– bill), Gate Theatre, 1991. Damned for Despair, Gate Theatre, 1991. (With Annie Castledine) Pioneers in Ingolstadt, Gate Theatre, 1991. (With Castledine) Purgatory in Ingolstadt, Gate Theatre, 1991. An Inspector Calls, National Theatre Company, Lyttelton Theatre, London, 1992, then Royale Theatre, New York City, 1994–1995, later Garrick Theatre, London, 1995. Search and Destroy, Royal Court Theatre Upstairs, 1993.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Changing Stages, PBS, 2001. RECORDINGS Videos: Director (with others), Cinema 16, Momac Films, 2003. OTHER SOURCES Books: Lesser, Wendy, A Director Calls: Stephen Daldry and the Theatre, Faber & Faber, 1997. Periodicals: Interview, November, 2000, p. 74. Talk, September, 2000, p. 54. Variety, June 16, 1997, p. 39. 60

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

DALE Al Patterson, ⬙The Visit⬙ (also known as ⬙I Loved You, God, How I Loved You⬙), ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 2000. Al Patterson, ⬙Rock, Paper, Scissors,⬙ ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 2001. Bruce Frohman, ⬙Loving Sons,⬙ Philly, ABC, 2001. Michael Wilhelm, ⬙Eine Kleine Frohike,⬙ The Lone Gunmen, Fox, 2001. Judge Robert Brenford, ⬙The Good Fight,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 2002. Judge Robert Brenford, ⬙Silent Partners,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 2002. Mitch Bryce, ⬙20 Hours in America: Part 1,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2002. Toothpick man, ⬙Provenance,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 2002. Toothpick man, ⬙Providence,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 2002. Toothpick man, ⬙The Truth: Part 1,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 2002. ⬙Soldier Boy,⬙ American Dreams, NBC, 2002. Himself, Pure 24 (two episodes), BBC–3, 2003. Caleb Nichol, ⬙The Girlfriend,⬙ The O.C., Fox, 2003. Caleb Nichol, ⬙The Perfect Couple,⬙ The O.C., Fox, 2003. Canadian consulate, ⬙Blood Brothers,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2003. Mitch Bryce, ⬙Twenty–Five,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2003. Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) director, ⬙Ice Queen,⬙ JAG, CBS, 2003. Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) director, ⬙Meltdown,⬙ JAG, CBS, 2003.

DALE, Alan 1947– PERSONAL Born May 6, 1947, in Dunedin, New Zealand; married Claire (divorced, c. 1979); married Tracey Dale, April 8, 1990; children: Matthew (an actor, writer, and filmmaker), Simon (a radio announcer), Nicholas. Education: Studied law. Avocational Interests: Car racing, vintage cars. Addresses: Contact—Mitchell K. Stubbs & Associates, 1450 South Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035. Career: Actor. Worked as a voice–over artist. Worked as a salesperson, milk delivery person, and in other positions. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Dr. John Forrest, The Young Doctors, Nine Network, 1979–1982. Jim Robinson, Neighbours, Seven Network and Ten Network, 1985–1993. Richard Issacs, Janus, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 1994—. Senior sergeant Mitch Mitchell, Plainclothes, TVNZ, 1995—. Space: Above and Beyond, Fox, 1995—. Police minister (some sources cite attorney general) Dudley Mills, State Coroner, Ten Network, 1997–1998. Vice president Jim Prescott, a recurring role, 24, Fox, 2003—.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Colonial governor Borman, Space: Above and Beyond, Fox, 1995. Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) director Tom Morrow, ⬙Yankee White,⬙ Navy NCIS, CBS, 2003. Television Appearances; Other: Dave Marshall, The Far Country (miniseries; also known as Nevil Shute’s The Far Country), Seven Network and BBC, 1986. 24: Access All Areas (documentary special), BBC, 2003.

Television Appearances; Movies: Caleb, First Daughter, TBS, 1999. Icore (explorer dolphin), Alien Cargo, UPN, 1999.

Film Appearances: Evans, Houseboat Horror, AME Video, 1989. Uncle Joe, Playing Mona Lisa, Buena Vista, 2000. George, Rent Control, Capital Arts, 2002. Praetor Hiren, Star Trek: Nemesis, Paramount, 2002. Commander Preston, Hollywood Homicide (also known as Two Cops), Columbia, 2003. Richard Knowles, The Extreme Team (also known as The X–Team), Buena Vista, 2003.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Mr. Bergdorf, ⬙The Crash,⬙ Time Trax, syndicated, 1994. Dave, ⬙Dick on the Line,⬙ Frontline, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 1997. Rod Wright, ⬙Off the Air,⬙ Blue Heelers, 1997. ⬙U–Boat,⬙ Flipper (also known as Flipper: The New Adventures), syndicated, 1998. Al Patterson, ⬙The Dance We Do⬙ (also known as ⬙Rapid Cycling⬙), ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 2000. Al Patterson, ⬙The Greatest of Gifts,⬙ ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 2000.

Stage Appearances: Appeared in stage productions. 61


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Television Appearances; Series: Deputy mayor Lofton, Knots Landing, CBS, 1992–1993.

Radio Appearances: Presenter and deejay for radio programs in New Zealand.

Television Appearances; Movies: First paramedic, Honor Thy Mother, CBS, 1992. Military police officer at police station, Breach of Conduct, USA Network, 1994. Police captain, Desire, HBO, 1996. Detective Footman, Perfect Prey (also known as When the Bough Breaks II), HBO, 1998.

RECORDINGS Video Games: X–Men: Next Dimension, Activision, 2002. OTHER SOURCES

Television Appearances; Episodic: Bartender, ⬙The Mother,⬙ Matlock, NBC, 1990. ⬙Kiss the Girls and Make Them Die: Parts 1 and 2,⬙ Mancuso F.B.I., NBC, 1990. Emcee, ⬙Corky’s Romance,⬙ Life Goes On, ABC, 1992. Mr. Ross, ⬙Losers Win,⬙ Blossom, NBC, 1992. The proctor, ⬙The Test,⬙ Blossom, NBC, 1992. Simms, ⬙The Unimportance of Being Charley,⬙ Empty Nest, NBC, 1992. Jerry Holborne, ⬙Dances with Tools,⬙ Home Improvement, ABC, 1993. ⬙Banshies,⬙ Space Rangers, CBS, 1993. Dean Whitmore, ⬙Hate Is Just a Four Letter Word,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1994. Officer, ⬙Meltdown,⬙ Models Inc., Fox, 1994. Second parent, ⬙Give ’Em Hell, Bobbi,⬙ Thunder Alley, ABC, 1994. Assistant director, ⬙Model Husband,⬙ Ned and Stacey, Fox, 1995. Dean Whitmore, ⬙Hazardous to Your Health,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1995. Dean Whitmore, ⬙Love Hurts,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1995. Dean Whitmore, ⬙The Real McKay,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1995. Detective McCabe, ⬙Leave of Absence,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. Dr. Kaufman, ⬙Donny’s Exhibit,⬙ New York Daze (also known as Too Something), Fox, 1995. Neighbor, ⬙Two Tickets to Paradise,⬙ Mad about You (also known as Loved by You), NBC, 1995. Dean Whitmore, ⬙If I Had a Hammer,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1996. Eddy Dearden, ⬙Winner Takes All,⬙ Picket Fences, CBS, 1996. Gregg, ⬙The Team Player,⬙ Wings, NBC, 1996. Second man, ⬙Caroline and the Cereal,⬙ Caroline in the City (also known as Caroline), NBC, 1996. Croupier, ⬙Infrequent Flyers,⬙ Chicago Sons, NBC, 1997. Kevin Sparks, ⬙Our Fiftieth Episode,⬙ NewsRadio (also known as The Station), NBC, 1997. Coach Higby, ⬙How Do You Spell Faith?,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1998. Dr. Calsyn, ⬙Free and Clear,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1998. Dr. Calsyn, ⬙Square One,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1998.

Periodicals: Manchester Evening News, May 9, 1988.

DANIEL, Gregg PERSONAL Born in Brooklyn, New York, NY. Education: New York University, B.F.A., acting. Career: Actor and director. Member of the Blacksmyths and Newscripts theatrical programs. CREDITS Film Appearances: Teacher Moore, Pump Up the Volume (also known as Plein volume), New Line Cinema, 1990. Lab technician, Mars Attacks!, Warner Bros., 1996. Trace’s lawyer, Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace (also known as Lawnmower Man 2: Jobe’s War), New Line Cinema, 1996. Minister, Boogie Nights, New Line Cinema, 1997. (Uncredited) Police officer, Clockwatchers, Artistic License, 1997. Tinseltown (also known as Self Storage), Samuel Goldwyn, 1997. New Jersey Turnpikes, 1999. Jonathan, Gun Shy (also known as Gunshy), Buena Vista, 2000. English professor, Van Wilder (also known as National Lampoon’s Van Wilder, Van Wilder: Party Liaison, and Party Animals—wilder geht’s nicht), Artisan Entertainment, 2002. Detective Mando Lopez, Hollywood Homicide (also known as Two Cops), Columbia, 2003. Also appeared in other films, including Pepper Pot. 62

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Martin, ⬙The Domino Effect,⬙ Sister, Sister, The WB, 1998. ⬙Big Brother’s Secret,⬙ Mike Hammer, Private Eye, syndicated, 1998. ⬙A Candidate for Murder,⬙ Mike Hammer, Private Eye, syndicated, 1998. ⬙Dump the Creep,⬙ Mike Hammer, Private Eye, syndicated, 1998. ⬙Gone Fishin’,⬙ Mike Hammer, Private Eye, syndicated, 1998. ⬙Lucky in Love,⬙ Mike Hammer, Private Eye, syndicated, 1998. ⬙The Maya Connection,⬙ Mike Hammer, Private Eye, syndicated, 1998. ⬙Songbird: Part 2,⬙ Mike Hammer, Private Eye, syndicated, 1998. Carl Doker, ⬙Who Nose?,⬙ 7th Heaven, The WB, 1999. Financial aid officer, ⬙Docuventary,⬙ Felicity, The WB, 1999. Mr. Powell, ⬙Greene with Envy⬙ (also known as ⬙Lawrence of Northwestern⬙), ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 1999. Dr. Ted Gill, ⬙Jerque du soleil,⬙ City of Angels, CBS, 2000. Dr. Ted Gill, ⬙Leg Erie,⬙ City of Angels, CBS, 2000. Mobar, ⬙Live Fast and Prosper,⬙ Star Trek: Voyager, UPN, 2000. Steve Adamley, ⬙The Portland Trip,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2000. ⬙Affirmative Action,⬙ Curb Your Enthusiasm, HBO, 2000. ⬙The Prince and the Porker,⬙ City of Angels, CBS, 2000. Darryl Woodside, ⬙Everyone into the Poole,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2001. Peter West, ⬙It’s Not Just a Word: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Any Day Now, Lifetime, 2001. Charles Bailey, ⬙Chapter Thirty,⬙ Boston Public, Fox, 2002. Jim, ⬙Max’s Big Adventure,⬙ George Lopez, ABC, 2002. Sean Morgan, ⬙Prisoner Exchange,⬙ Crossing Jordan, NBC, 2002. ⬙Sweet Home Chicago: Part 1,⬙ The Bernie Mac Show, Fox, 2002. ⬙Cradle Will Rock,⬙ The Division (also known as Heart of the City), Lifetime, 2003. General Tucker, Threat Matrix, ABC, 2003.

DAPKUNAITE Stage Appearances: Of Gods and Supergods, New Works Festival, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 1988. Agamemnon, The Elektra Fugues, The Ivy Substation Performance Space, Culver City, CA, 1999. Sidney Bechet, Joe Louis Blues, Tiffany Theatre, Los Angeles, 2001. Appeared in other stage productions, including productions with the South Coast Repertory. Stage Director: The Importance of Being Earnest, 24th Street Theatre, Los Angeles, 1997. A Thimble of Smoke, 24th Street Theatre, 2000.

DAPKUNAITE, Ingeborga 1963– PERSONAL Born January 20, 1963, in Vilnius, U.S.S.R. (now Lithuania); married Simon Stokes, 1993. Career: Actress. Festival des Trois Continents de Nantes, France, jury member, 1994. Awards, Honors: Nika Award, best actress, 1994, and Russian Film Academy Award, best actress, both for Katya Ismailova. CREDITS Film Appearances: Nochnye shyopoty (also known as Night Whispers), Lithuanian Film Studios, 1986. Zagadochnyj naslednik (also known as The Mysterious Heir), 1987. Voskresnyj den’ v adu, 1987. Stecheniye obstoyatel’stv, 1987. Pereprava, 1987. Trinadtsatyj apostol (also known as The Thirteenth Apostle), Armenfilm Studios, 1988. Osen, Chertanovo ... (also known as Autumn in Chertanova and Autumn, Chertanovo), 1988. Kisulya, Interdevochka (also known as Intergirl), 1989. Fa–Minor (short film; also known as F Minor), 1989. Tsiniki (also known as Cynics), 1991. Katia, Katya Ismailova (also known as Podmoskovnye vechera), Gorky Film Studios/Metro Tartan, 1993. Marusia, Utomlyonnye solntsem (also known as Burnt by the Sun, Soleil trompeur, and Utomlionie solntsem), Sony Pictures Classics, 1993.

Appeared as a man in a Corvette, Seinfeld, NBC; and as a newscaster in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (also known as Lois & Clark and Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman), ABC. Appeared in episodes of other series, including Ally McBeal, Fox; Fired Up, NBC; and Born Free. Television Appearances; Pilots: Human Target, ABC, 1992. 63


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 McBride (marriage ended); married Christine Bolster (a model), August 19, 1990; children: (first marriage) Sean Christian; (second marriage) Ariana Marie, Frances, Isabella Rose and Nicholas Edward (twins). Education: Attended Juilliard School; studied drama at Hofstra University; studied acting with Lee Strasberg at Actors Studio and with Stella Adler; trained as an opera singer with Tito Gobbi in Florence, Italy. Avocational Interests: Boxing, art, scuba diving, horseback riding, motorcycling, coaching a girls’ softball team, sketching, reading, collecting classical and modern art, fitness workouts, singing.

Avtobus (also known as The Bus), 1994. Marie and mother in 1944, Letters from the East, Lichtblick Filmproduktion, 1995. Hannah Williams, Mission: Impossible, Paramount, 1996. Ingrid Harrer, Seven Years in Tibet, TriStar/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Carolyn Kramer, Sunburn, 1999. Masha, Moskva (also known as Moscow), Studio Telekino, 1999. (Uncredited) Micheline, Shadow of the Vampire (also known as Burned to Light), Lions Gate Films, 2000. Margaret, Vojna (also known as War), Intercinema Art Agency, 2002. Maria, Odinochestvo krovi (also known as Solitude of Blood), 2002. Asya, Shik (also known as The Suit, Le costume, and Shik—il vestito), A–Film Distribution/Ocean Films/ Sharada Distribuzione, 2003. Helen, Kiss of Life, BBC Films, 2003. 25 degres en hiver, 2003.

Addresses: Agent—Innovative Artists, 1505 10th St., Santa Monica, CA 90201. Manager—Felicia Sager, Sager & Bloom Management, 260 South Beverly Dr., Suite 205, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Actor and producer. Sunlight Films, principal and producer. I Save America, national spokesperson; volunteer with charitable organizations, including Dream Foundation, Exceptional Children’s Foundation, Heart of a Child Foundation, National Italian American Foundation, and Unico. Worked as a waiter, vendor, factory worker, and telephone clerk.

Television Appearances; Movies: Lubya, Fatal Deception: Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald (also known as Marina’s Story), NBC, 1993. Asta, On Dangerous Ground (also known as Jack Higgins’ On Dangerous Ground), Showtime, 1995. Tsarina Alexandra, The Lost Prince, BBC (England), 2003.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Gangster Wars, 1981. Nino, City Heat, Warner Bros., 1984. Jake Fratelli, The Goonies, Warner Bros., 1985. Max, Raw Deal (also known as Triple Identity), De Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1986. Chopper biker, Wild Thing, Atlantic Releasing, 1987. Aldo Palucci, mob boss, Traxx, De Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1988. Big Johnson, Die Hard, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1988. Tony Moretti, Action Jackson, Lorimar, 1988. Franz Sanchez, License to Kill (also known as Albert R. Broccoli’s Licence to Kill and Licence to Kill), United Artists, 1989. Sean McKinney, Maniac Cop 2, Shapiro Glickenhaus, 1990. Captain Phil Heinemann, Predator 2, 1990. Dan, Amazon, 1991. Fix Cleary, Legal Tender (also known as Ladies Game), 1991. Robert ⬙Bat⬙ Masterson, The Taking of Beverly Hills (also known as Boomer: The Taking of Beverly Hills), 1991. Under Surveillance, 1991. Franz Sanchez, The Dark Backward, 1991. Richard Morgan, Center of the Web, Pyramid Releasing, 1992. Lieutenant Matt Walker, Illicit Behavior (also known as Criminal Intent), 1992.

Television Appearances; Specials: Shona, Sex ’n’ Death, BBC America, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Sanda, ⬙Moldavian Rhapsody,⬙ The Good Guys, 1993. Natalia, ⬙She’s a Lovely Girl,⬙ Big Bad World, ITV (England), 1999. Elkie, ⬙High Speed,⬙ CI5: The New Professionals, syndicated, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Nikolai Vavilov, [Germany and U.S.S.R.], 1990. Alaska Kid, [Germany, Poland, and Russia], 1993. Stage Appearances: Appeared as Katya, A Slip of the Tongue, London, England, and Chicago, IL; appeared in Libra, Chicago, IL; also appeared in Aida and Madame Butterfly.

DAVI, Robert 1952(?)– PERSONAL Born June 26, 1952 (some sources cite 1953), in Astoria, Queens, NY; mother’s name, Maria; married Jeri 64

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Martin Pinzon, Christopher Columbus: The Discovery (also known as Cristobal Colon: El descubrimiento), Warner Bros., 1992. Sully, Wild Orchid 2: Two Shades of Blue (also known as Wild Orchid 2: Blue Movie Blue), Triumph Releasing, 1992. Hans, Blake Edwards’ Son of the Pink Panther (also known as Son of the Pink Panther and Il figlio della pantera rosa), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1993. Detective Sean McKinney, Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence (also known as Maniac Cop 3), Academy, 1993. Mike Turner, Mardi Gras for the Devil (also known as Night Trap), Prism Entertainment, 1993. Osborn, Cops and Robbersons, TriStar, 1994. Salima Ajami, In the Hands of the Enemy, Vidmark, 1994. (Uncredited) Himself, The November Men, Arrow Releasing, 1994. Matthew Davenport, Quick (also known as Crossfire), Academy, 1994. Al Torres, Showgirls (also known as HOgirls), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1995. Rowdy Welles, The Zone (also known as The Dogfighters), Live Entertainment, 1995. R. D. Crowley, Cyber Vengeance (also known as Nexxus and Virtual Hell), 1995. Carlito Escalara, For Which He Stands, 1996. R. D. Crowley, Absolute Aggression, 1996. Eddie Cook, Body Count (also known as Codename: Silencer), Gramercy, 1997. Himself, L.A. without a Map (also known as GO! GO! L.A., I Love L.A., and Los Angeles without a Map), United Media, 1998. McQue, The Bad Pack, Lions Gate Films Home Entertainment/Avalanche Home Entertainment, 1998. Merlin/Milner, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Peakviewing Transatlantic, 2002. Ierra, The 4th Tenor, Imageworks Entertainment International, 2002. Stan Thomas, The Hot Chick, Buena Vista, 2002. Nick, Hitters, Fries Film Group, 2002. Father, One Last Ride, July Street Entertainment, 2003.

DAVI Television Appearances; Miniseries: Guard, From Here To Eternity, NBC, 1979. Vito Genovese, The Gangster Chronicles (also known as The Gangster Chronicles: An American Story), NBC, 1981. Television Appearances; Movies: Mickey Sinardos, Contract on Cherry Street (also known as Stakeout on Cherry Street), NBC, 1977. Dickie, And Your Name Is Jonah, CBS, 1979. First resident, Rage!, NBC, 1980. Bobby Jim, The $5.20 an Hour Dream, CBS, 1980. Hubbard, Alcatraz: The Whole Shocking Story (also known as Alcatraz and Clarence Carnes), NBC, 1980. Salim Ajami, Terrorist on Trial: The United States v. Salim Ajami (also known as Hostile Witness), 1988. Detective Jack ⬙Harley⬙ Kessler, Deceptions, 1990. Detective Sergeant Frank Ramos, Peacemaker, 1990. Lucky Luciano, White Hot: The Mysterious Murder of Thelma Todd, NBC, 1991. Alacran, Blind Justice (also known as Canaan’s Way), HBO, 1994. The collector, Delta of Venus, Showtime, 1995. Billy Davalos, The Dangerous, HBO, 1995. Sergeant Crane, No Contest, HBO, 1995. Trooper Abbott, An Occasional Hell, HBO, 1996. Gil Potter, The Beneficiary, HBO, 1997. Frank Sturgis, My Little Assassin, Lifetime, 1999. Mallion, Soulkeeper, Sci–Fi Channel, 2001. Wade Waters, Verdict in Blood, CTV, 2002. Television Appearances; Episodic: Ritchie, ⬙Mother Angel,⬙ Charlie’s Angels, ABC, 1978. ⬙Licensed to Kill,⬙ Trapper John, M.D., CBS, 1979. Hector, ⬙Slammer,⬙ Lou Grant, 1979. Mr. Rader, ⬙The Slam,⬙ The Incredible Hulk, 1979. Pete Cerilla, ⬙False Witness,⬙ Barnaby Jones, 1979. Amos, ⬙The Honeymoon,⬙ Dynasty, 1981. ⬙Gotham Swansong,⬙ Shannon, 1981. Stan Maizel, ⬙Stan the Man,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1982. ⬙The Shadow Women of Chung Tai,⬙ Bring ’em Back Alive, CBS, 1982. Patrick, ⬙Legionnaires: Part 2,⬙ St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1982. Patrick, ⬙Samuels and the Kid,⬙ St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1982. Joseph Picartus, ⬙Second Chance,⬙ T. J. Hooker, ABC, 1982. Zealotta, ⬙The Italian Caper,⬙ The Powers of Matthew Star, 1982. Scar De Bond, ⬙The Molly Sue,⬙ The Fall Guy, ABC, 1983. Norman ⬙Norm⬙ Clayton, ⬙The Marshal of Sladetown,⬙ The Rousters, 1983. ⬙Beautiful Peoples,⬙ Bay City Blues, 1983.

Also appeared in 1984 and Down and Dirty. Film Producer: Hitters, Fries Film Group, 2002. Television Appearances; Series: Albert Cerrico, a recurring role, Wiseguy, CBS, 1989. Bailey Malone, Profiler, NBC, 1996–2000. Also appeared in the series The More You Know. 65


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Boyle, ⬙Sheriffs of Rivertown,⬙ The A–Team, NBC, 1984. Tom Warfield, ⬙Exercise in Murder,⬙ T. J. Hooker, ABC, 1984. Dan Kowal, ⬙Dead Bounty,⬙ The Fall Guy, ABC, 1984. Tony Bairos, ⬙Always, Elizabeth,⬙ Hart to Hart, 1984. Michael Riegert, ⬙Wash–Up,⬙ The Equalizer, CBS, 1985. Sonny Dunbar, ⬙Million Dollar Misunderstanding,⬙ Hunter, NBC, 1985. Dominic Simonetti, ⬙Leapin’ Lizards,⬙ L.A. Law, 1986. Donnie Brasco/Joe Pistone, ⬙Undercover,⬙ FBI: The Untold Stories, ABC, 1991. Simon Buchanan, ⬙Simon’s Choice,⬙ VR.5 (also known as Avenging Angel, Virtual Reality, and VR), Fox, 1995. Voices of Magma and Dr. Mike Morgan, ⬙Heroes,⬙ Batman Beyond (animated), The WB, 1999. Agent Bailey Malone, ⬙End Game,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 1999. Agent Bailey Malone, ⬙Spin Doctor,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 2000.

(With others) The Phantom of the Opera, Dove Books Audio, 1999. (With others) The Children’s Shakespeare: As You Like It, Hamlet, King Lear, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Pericles, Romeo and Juliet, and The Winter’s Tale, by William Shakespeare, Audio Literature, 2002. Video Games: Voice of Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Rockstar Games/Take 2 Interactive, 2002. Videos: Inside ⬙Licence to Kill,⬙ 1999. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, January 12, 1996, p. 64. Starlog, November, 1989. TV Guide, November 9, 2002, pp. 30–32. US, August 21, 1989.

Television Appearances; Pilots: William Quantrill, The Legend of the Golden Gun, NBC, 1979. Lieutenant Elbone, Nick and the Dobermans, NBC, 1980.


Television Appearances; Specials: Host and narrator, Confirmation: The Hard Evidence of Aliens among Us, NBC, 1999. (Uncredited) Franz Sanchez, The James Bond Story (also known as 007: The James Bond Story), AMC, 2000. (Uncredited, in archive footage) Best Ever Bond, ITV (England), 2002.

Full name, Embeth Jean Davidtz; born January 1, 1966, in Lafayette, IN; raised in Trenton, NJ, and in South Africa; father, a university teacher of chemical engineering; married Jason Sloane, June 22, 2002. Education: Rhodes University, B.A., English literature, and M.F.A., drama and English literature (with highest honors). Addresses: Agent—Joe Funicello, International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Manager—Judy Hofflund, Hofflund/Polone, 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 820, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Television Producer; Movies: The November Men, Arrow Releasing, 1994. Stage Appearances: Benny, Broadway, Wilbur Theatre, Boston, MA, 1978.

Career: Actress. National Theatre Company, Johannesburg, South Africa, member of company for three years.

Appeared in productions of The Cherry Orchard, Much Ado about Nothing, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, and The Seagull; also performed with Lyric Opera Company, Long Island, NY, c. 1972.

Awards, Honors: Blockbuster Entertainment Award nomination, favorite actress in a comedy, 2000, for Bicentennial Man.



Audio Books; Narrator: Backflash, by Richard Stark, Dove Books Audio, 1998. The Greatest Mystery Stories of the 20th Century (anthology), Dove Books Audio, 1998.

Film Appearances: Jennifer, Mutator (also known as Time of the Beast), Prism Entertainment/Radiance Films International, 1991. 66

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Laurie Shannon, Sweet Murder, Vidmark, 1993. Helen Hirsch, Schindler’s List, Universal, 1993. Sheila/Evil Sheila, Army of Darkness (also known as Army of Darkness: Evil Dead 3, Army of Darkness, the Ultimate Experience in Medieval Horror, Bruce Campbell vs. Army of Darkness, Captain Supermarket, Evil Dead 3, and The Medieval Dead), Universal, 1993. Oh, What a Day! 1914, Touchstone, 1994. Mary McCasslin, Murder in the First (also known as Meurtre a Alcatraz), Warner Bros., 1995. Bella Ford, Feast of July, Buena Vista, 1995. Miss Jennifer ⬙Jenny⬙ Honey, Matilda (also known as Roald Dahl’s Matilda), 1996. Gretta Milano, Fallen, Warner Bros., 1998. Mallory Doss, The Gingerbread Man, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, 1998. Leah, Simon Magus, Goldwyn Films, 1999, Fireworks Pictures, 2001. Mary Crawford, Mansfield Park, Miramax, 1999. Little Miss Amanda Martin/Portia Charney, Bicentennial Man (also known as Der 200 Jahre Mann), Buena Vista, 1999. Wayward Son, 1999. Natasha Glenville, Bridget Jones’s Diary (also known as Le journal de Bridget Jones), Miramax, 2001. Dr. Philippa Horwood, The Hole (also known as After the Hole), Dimension Films, 2001. Kalina Oretzia, Thir13en Ghosts, Warner Bros., 2001. Secret Passage, 2001. Elizabeth, The Emperor’s Club, MCA/Universal, 2002. The Palace Thief, 2002.

DAVIES OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Drama–Logue, October 5, 1995. Empire, August, 1998, pp. 58–59. Madison, November, 1999, pp. 132–34. Movieline, December, 1995; April, 1998, pp. 72–73. Premiere, December, 1993, p. 33. Us, December, 1993. Vanity Fair, January, 2000, pp. 108–09.

DAVIES, Jackson PERSONAL Born in the province of Alberta, Canada; married; children: Christopher, Michaela. Avocational Interests: Hockey, motorcycles. Career: Actor, director, and executive producer. Wrote, produced, and appeared in industrial films and commercials. Member of a hockey team for charitable causes in Canada. Awards, Honors: Viewers’ Choice awards, TV Week, 1986, 1987, 1988, and 1989, all for The Beachcombers; inducted into the British Columbia Entertainment Hall of Fame and Starwalk, 1995; awards for commercials and industrial films; honorary sergeant, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (the ⬙Mounties⬙).

Also appeared in Night of the Nineteenth. Television Appearances; Series: Ellen Baines Croland, Citizen Baines, CBS, 2001.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Constable John Constable, The Beachcombers (also known as Beachcombers), CBC, 1974–1990. Constable John Constable, Constable Constable, [Canada], beginning 1985.

Television Appearances; Movies: Older Karen, A Private Life, 1988. Katherine Palliko, Till Death Do Us Part (also known as Married for Murder), NBC, 1992. Adriana, The Garden of Redemption, Showtime, 1997. Dr. Lauren Riggs, Last Rites, Starz!, 1998.

Television Appearances; Movies: Walker, The Plutonium Incident, CBS, 1980. Jane Doe, CBS, 1983. Terry, Secrets of a Married Man, NBC, 1984. Dr. Simmons, Picking Up the Pieces, Cinemax, 1985. Mr. Woods, Love Is Never Silent, NBC, 1985. Mr. Yates, Love, Mary, CBS, 1985. Bob Stavros, Nobody’s Child, CBS, 1986. Officer Poole, Deadly Deception, CBS, 1987. Brad Tyler, High Country, CBC, 1991. Dave, I Still Dream of Jeannie, NBC, 1991.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Dianne Masters, Deadly Matrimony (also known as Shattered Promises), NBC, 1992. Rosalind Chetwynd, Shackleton, Arts and Entertainment, 2002. Stage Appearances: Juliet, Romeo and Juliet, National Theatre Company, Johannesburg, South Africa, c. 1988. 67


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Captain Joseph Hazelwood, Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster (also known as Disaster at Valdez), HBO, 1992. Television assistant director, Diagnosis of Murder, CBS, 1992. Lieutenant Powers, The Man Who Wouldn’t Die, ABC, 1995. Sergeant John Constable, The New Beachcombers, CBC, 2002.

Film Appearances: Elevator guard, A Man, a Woman and a Bank, Avco– Embassy, 1979. Inspector Fred Foster, Dead Wrong, 1983. Inspector, Runaway, TriStar, 1984. Billings, High Stakes, Simcom International, 1986. FBI agent Lusk, Stakeout, Buena Vista, 1987. Minister at funeral, Home Is Where the Hart Is, Atlantic Releasing Corporation, 1987. Mr. Chesterton, The Stepfather (also known as Stepfather I), New Century, 1987. Paul Bernard, Bird on a Wire, Universal, 1990. Jack, Icetime (video), 1991. Vet, Bingo, Columbia/TriStar, 1991. Ted, Trust in Me, 1994. Mr. Malloy (some sources cite Mr. Malley), Freddy Got Fingered, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Stewart, The Wild Guys, 2002.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Jake McElhaney, ⬙Split Decision,⬙ The Hitchhiker, HBO, 1984. Charlie, ⬙Moving Day,⬙ Trying Times, PBS, 1987. Philly Weinstein, ⬙Last Rites for Lucci,⬙ Wiseguy, CBS, 1987. Sam Mulligan, ⬙Early Retirement,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1988. ⬙Chapel of Love,⬙ 21 Jump Street, Fox, 1988. ⬙Permanent Hiatus,⬙ J. J. Starbuck, NBC, 1988. Father Pat Lafferty, ⬙The Madonna,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1989. J. J. Nelson, ⬙The Reaper,⬙ 21 Jump Street, Fox, 1989. ⬙High High,⬙ 21 Jump Street, Fox, 1989. ⬙Silent Stalker,⬙ Unsub, NBC, 1989. Mike Kiley, ⬙Lesson in Evil,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1990. Mike Kiley, ⬙Twenty Questions,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1990. Mike Kiley, ⬙The Wall,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1990. Agent Smith, ⬙Backbeat,⬙ Street Justice, syndicated, 1992. Agent Smith, ⬙Back from the Dead Again,⬙ Street Justice, syndicated, 1992. Agent Smith, ⬙Debt of Honor,⬙ Street Justice, syndicated, 1992. Agent Smith, ⬙Missing,⬙ Street Justice, syndicated, 1992. Dr. Jackson, The Round Table, NBC, 1992. O’Bannon, The Hat Squad, CBS, 1992. Agent Bruskin, ⬙Lazarus,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1994.

Film Producer: Producer of the film The Foursome. Stage Appearances: Herb, I Oughta Be in Pictures, Shadbolt Centre for the Arts, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, 2001. The Foursome, c. 2001. Gabe, Dinner with Friends, Arts Club Theatre Company, Stanley Theatre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2002. Wesley, Two Ships Passing, Stanley Theatre, 2003. Appeared as Lenny, Of Mice and Men; appeared in productions in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and other Canadian productions, such as The Wild Guys.

Appeared in episodes of other series, including Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventures (animated), CBS and Fox; Hit the Spot; and Kurt Vonnegut’s Monkey House (also known as Monkey House and Vonnegut Theatre), Showtime.

RECORDINGS Music Videos: Appeared in the music video for ⬙The Same Thing Twice⬙ by the Flashing Lights.

Television Appearances; Other: Bob Bradley, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (special), ABC, 1983. Captain Lauder, Hands of a Stranger (miniseries), NBC, 1987.


Television Director; Series: The Beachcombers (also known as Beachcombers), CBC, various episodes between 1974 and 1990.

Screenplays: (With Rex Bromfield) The Wild Guys (based on the play of the same name by Rebecca Shaw and Andrew Wreggitt), 2002.

Television Executive Producer; Movies: The New Beachcombers, CBC, 2002.

Author of other screenplays, including The Foursome (based on the play). 68

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

de LANCIE Television Appearances; Series: Raul, Another World (also known as Another World: Bay City), NBC, 1985. Voice of Daniel, The Karate Kid (animated), NBC, 1989. Voice of Wheeler Sloane, Captain Planet and the Planeteers (animated; also known as The New Adventures of Captain Planet), TBS and syndicated, 1990. Louden, Denver, the Last Dinosaur, 1992. Voice of Baby Trey, Sunset Beach, NBC, 1998.

OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Vancouver Lifestyles Online, http://www.vancouver, September, 2001.

DEDIO, Joey 1966– Television Appearances; Movies: Larden, Timelock, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Rock the Boat (also known as Atlantis Conspiracy), HBO, 2000.

PERSONAL Born September 11, 1966, in New York, NY.

Television Appearances; Specials: Anthony, The Great Love Experiment, ABC, 1982. Voice of The Dealer, Cartoon All–Stars to the Rescue (animated), Black Entertainment Television, Nickelodeon, Fox, USA Network, ABC, CBS, NBC, Disney, and syndicated, 1990.

Addresses: Agent—Special Artist Agency, 345 North Maple Dr., Suite 302, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Actor, producer, and writer.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Dwyer, ⬙Family Values,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1994. Roberto Rodriguez, ⬙The Ethics of Hope,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. Voice, ⬙Rage,⬙ Extreme Ghostbusters (animated), syndicated, 1997.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Pound Puppies and the Legend of Big Paw (animated), TriStar, 1988. Jose, Desert Steel, 1989. Teen, Where the Day Takes You, New Line Cinema, 1992. Tony, The Pros & Cons of Breathing (also known as L.A. Rules: The Pros & Cons of Breathing), Leisure Time Features, 1994. Angelo, Stonewall, Strand Releasing, 1995. Lenny, Shooting Blanks, 1996. Fred, Strays, 1997. (Uncredited) Ramon, Somewhere in the City, Artistic License, 1998. Ex go–go boy, Trick, Fine Line, 1999. Miguel, On the Q.T., 1999. Voice of Bently the Dog, The Last Great Ride, 1999. Tim, Another Happy Tear, 2000. Chino, Queenie in Love, 2001. Lenny, Shooting Blanks, 2001. Masked man, Bridget, 2002. Petey, A Good Night to Die, Regent Entertainment, 2003. Hazer, Bomb the System, 2003. Angelo, Downtown: A Street Tale, 2004.

Also appeared as voice of Link, The Legend of Zelda (animated). WRITINGS Screenplays: Downtown: A Street Tale, 2004.

de LANCIE, John 1948– (John DeLancie, John deLancie) PERSONAL Born March 20, 1948, in Philadelphia, PA; son of John (a professional oboist) and Andrea de Lancie; married Marnie Mosiman (an actress); children: Keegan (an actor), another son. Education: Attended Kent State University and Juilliard. Avocational Interests: Sailing. Addresses: Agent—SDB Partners, Inc., 1801 Avenue of the Stars, Ⲇ902, Los Angeles, CA 90067; Stone Manners Agency, 6500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 550, Los Angeles, CA 90048; Brady, Brannon & Rich, 5670 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 820, Los Angeles, CA 90036.

Film Work: Technical advisor, Where the Day Takes You, 1992. Associate producer, Bomb the System, 2003. Producer, Downtown: A Street Tale, 2004. 69


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Career: Actor, producer, director, and writer. Seattle Repertory Company, member, 1980–c. 1981; L.A. Philharmonic Young Peoples Concerts, resident narrator, 1998–99; Alien Voices (production company), co–owner (with Leonard Nimoy); previously worked at L.A. Theater Works, as associate artistic director; previously member of American Shakespeare Festival at Stratford; performed with numerous orchestras in North America; Compaq computers, spokesperson.

Television Appearances; Series: Eugene Bradford, Days of Our Lives (also known as DOOL and Days), NBC, 1982–1986, 1989. Q, a recurring role, Star Trek: The Next Generation, syndicated, 1987–1994. Bob Adams, Trial and Error, CBS, 1988. Professor Janos Bartok, Legend, UPN, 1995. Voice of Dr. Benton C. Quest (alternating), The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest (animated; also known as Jonny Quest: The Real Adventures), Cartoon Network and syndicated, 1996–1997. Q, a recurring role, Star Trek: Voyager, UPN, 1996–2001.

Awards, Honors: Soap Opera Digest Awards, outstanding actor in a supporting role in a daytime soap opera, 1984, 1985, Soap Opera Digest Award nomination, outstanding comic relief role on a daytime serial, 1986, all for Days of Our Lives.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Timothy Armagh, Captains and the Kings, NBC, 1976. Jerome Eaton, Testimony of Two Men, syndicated, 1977. Ray Chilton, Aspen (also known as The Innocent and the Damned), NBC, 1977. Henry, Black Beauty, NBC, 1978. Lieutenant Stark, The Bastard (also known as The Kent Chronicles), syndicated, 1978. Pierre Goodman, Scruples, CBS, 1980. Alastair MacQueen, The Thorn Birds, ABC, 1983.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Legacy, Arthur Productions, 1975. LAPD lieutenant Ⲇ2, The Onion Field, AVCO Embassy Pictures, 1979. Alan, Loving Couples, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1980. Blood Red, Nelson, 1989. Howard, Bad Influence, Triumph Releasing Corp., 1990. Ted Bradford, Jr., vice president of High Quality Foods, Taking Care of Business (also known as Filofax), Buena Vista, 1990. TV executive, The Fisher King, TriStar, 1991. Paul/Walter Thackary, Missing Pieces, Orion, 1991. Dr. Victor Mott, OB/GYN, The Hand That Rocks the Cradle, Buena Vista, 1992. Difford, Arcade, Paramount, 1993. Jeff Gordon, Fearless, Warner Bros., 1993. Arthur Martin, Schemes, Bristol Entertainment, 1994. Himself, Journey’s End—The Saga of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Paramount, 1995. Ted, Multiplicity, Columbia, 1996. (Uncredited) Himself, Trekkies (documentary), Paramount, 1997. (Uncredited) Voice of letter reader, Saving Private Ryan, DreamWorks, 1998. Q, Star Trek World Tour, 1998. Voice of Colonel John ⬙Jack⬙ Lynch, Gen 13 (animated short film), Hollywood Pictures, 1998. Various, Roswell: The Unheard Broadcast, 2000. Alex Reeves, Woman on Top, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. Nathan Eastman, Quality Time (also known as For What It’s Worth), Film Club Productions, 2000. Dr. Fisher, The Catch (short film), 2001. (As John DeLancie) Ted, Good Advice, Family Room Entertainment, 2001. Nicolas, 2001. Dr. Gene Kramer, Patient 14, 2003. Himself, Four Fingers of the Dragon (animated short film), 2003.

Television Appearances; Movies: Bob Connors, SST: Death Flight (also known as Death Flight, Flight of the Maiden, and SST: Disaster in the Sky), ABC, 1977. Frank Vaughn, Little Women, NBC, 1978. Willy Pitts, Nightside, ABC, 1980. Dr. Christiansen, The Miracle of Kathy Miller, CBS, 1981. John Van Fossen, Houston: The Legend of Texas (also known as Gone to Texas), CBS, 1986. Bobby Holicker, On Fire, 1987. Major Waterhouse, Get Smart, Again!, Fox, 1989. Lee Drexel, Kennonite, ABC, 1989. Jeffrey Howell, Angel of Death, CBS, 1990. Q, Star Trek: The Next Generation—All Good Things ... (also known as All Good Things ... ), syndicated, 1994. Barry Steinbrenner, Without Warning, CBS, 1994. Thomas Newmeyer, Deep Red, Sci–Fi Channel, 1994. Stansfield, Raven Hawk (also known as Ravenhawk), HBO, 1996. Russell Bennett, Evolver, Sci–Fi Channel, 1996. Captain George W. Bouchard, Final Descent, CBS, 1997. Lyle, You Lucky Dog, The Disney Channel, 1998. Border Line, NBC, 1999. Vaughn Clay, The Big Time, TNT, 2002. Television Appearances; Pilots: Clark, The Man with the Power, NBC, 1977. Q, Star Trek: The Next Generation—Encounter at Farpoint (also known as Encounter at Farpoint), 1987. 70

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Edward Stevens, ⬙Things That Go Bump in the Night,⬙ Christine Cromwell, ABC, 1989. Kevin, Working, NBC, 1997. Captain George W. Bouchard, Final Run, CBS, 1999.

de LANCIE Voice of Eagleton, ⬙Blind as a Bat,⬙ Batman: The Animated Series (animated), Fox, 1993. Q, ⬙Q–Less,⬙ Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, syndicated, 1993. Gandolf Reicher, ⬙Beautiful Songbird,⬙ Time Trax, syndicated, 1993. Dr. Levinson, ⬙The Haunted,⬙ Matlock, ABC, 1993. Mitchell Garron, esquire, ⬙Chapter Thirteen,⬙ Murder One, ABC, 1996. District Attorney, ⬙Three Weddings and a Meltdown,⬙ Picket Fences, CBS, 1996. Voice of construction worker/Blaine, ⬙Undersea Urgency,⬙ The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest (animated), 1996. Voice of screaming guard, ⬙Nemesis,⬙ The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest (animated), 1996. Voice of guard, ⬙DNA Doomsday,⬙ The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest (animated), 1996. Voice of agent, ⬙Without a Trace,⬙ The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest (animated), 1996. Voice of Moffat, ⬙Village of the Doomed,⬙ The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest (animated), 1996. Voice of first guard, ⬙Digital Doublecross,⬙ The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest (animated), 1997. Mr. McFadden, ⬙Spontaneous Combustion,⬙ Dave’s World, CBS, 1997. Voice of Tyler Fitzgerald, ⬙From Brad to Worse,⬙ Duckman (animated), USA Network, 1997. Dr. David Lynk, ⬙And That About Concludes Our Session,⬙ Spy Game, ABC, 1997. Justinian Jones, ⬙Jones vs. God,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1997. Mr. Lux, ⬙Beat the Clock,⬙ Fired Up, NBC, 1997. Voice of Kirilin, ⬙Heart of Darkness,⬙ Extreme Ghostbusters (animated), syndicated, 1997. ⬙Race with the Devil,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 1997. Mr. Lux, ⬙Mission: And A–Hopin,⬙ Fired Up, NBC, 1998. Jackson Poile, ⬙Making Spirits Bright,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 1998. Donald Finley, ⬙The Gun,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 2000. Al Kiefer, ⬙20 Hours in L.A.,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2000. Bert Stors, ⬙April Is the Cruelest Month,⬙ Sports Night, ABC, 2000. Al Kiefer, ⬙Mandatory Minimums,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2000. Marshall Gilder, ⬙The Face,⬙ Secret Agent Man, UPN, 2000. Walter Bannish, ⬙Payback,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 2001. Uncle Sid, ⬙The Pearls That Were His Eyes,⬙ Andromeda, syndicated, 2001. ⬙The Eve,⬙ Special Unit 2, UPN, 2001. Himself, ⬙Star Trek Edition,⬙ Weakest Link, NBC, 2001. Colonel Frank Simmons, ⬙The Fifth Man,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 2001. Colonel Frank Simmons, ⬙Ascension,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 2001.

Television Appearances; Specials: The 16th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, NBC, 1989. Himself, Star Trek 25th Anniversary Special (documentary), 1991. Himself, Star Trek: 30 Years and Beyond (documentary), UPN, 1996. The First Men in the Moon, Sci–Fi Channel, 1997. The Lost World, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Alien Voices: A Halloween Trilogy, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Narrator, Are You Being Watched? (documentary), The Discovery Channel, 1999. (In archive footage) Ultimate Trek: Star Trek’s Greatest Moments, UPN, 1999. Narrator, Deadly Bugs, The Discovery Channel. Television Appearances; Episodic: Medic, ⬙Death Probe,⬙ The Six Million Dollar Man, 1977. ⬙Sharks: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Six Million Dollar Man, 1977. ⬙The Steel Inferno,⬙ Emergency!, NBC, 1978. Sargent Chapman, ⬙Just a Matter of Time,⬙ The Six Million Dollar Man, ABC, 1978. Mitchell Grady II, ⬙Terror on a Quiet Afternoon,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1978. Dr. DeRoy, ⬙What’s a Nice Girl Like You Doing ... ?,⬙ Emergency!, NBC, 1978. Officer, ⬙Experiment in Terra,⬙ Battlestar Galactica, ABC, 1979. John, ⬙Garbage Man/Doctor’s Wife,⬙ Time Express, CBS, 1979. Dr. DeRoy, ⬙The Convention,⬙ Emergency!, NBC, 1979. John Irvin, ⬙Might As Well Be Dead,⬙ Nero Wolfe, NBC, 1981. Groom, ⬙The Wedding,⬙ It’s a Living, ABC, 1981. The dispatcher, ⬙Dead Run,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1986. Brian Ashford, ⬙The Escape,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1986. Binky Holborn, ⬙If the Frame Fits,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1986. Cary Deveraux, ⬙The Perfect Man,⬙ The New Gidget, 1986. Lucius Cain, ⬙High Noon,⬙ Hooperman, ABC, 1988. Matthew Drake, ⬙The Killer,⬙ Mission: Impossible, ABC, 1988. Mark Chelios, ⬙The Beverly Hills Hangers,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1991. Wicks, ⬙Good Night, Sweet Charlotte,⬙ The Young Riders, ABC, 1992. ⬙Pro Se Can You See,⬙ Civil Wars, ABC, 1992. Voice of Eagleton, ⬙The Mechanic,⬙ Batman: The Animated Series (animated), Fox, 1993. 71


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Colonel Frank Simmons, ⬙Desperate Measures,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 2001. Colonel Frank Simmons, ⬙Red Sky,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 2001. Colonel Frank Simmons, ⬙48 Hours,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 2002. Colonel Frank Simmons, ⬙Prometheus,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 2002. Frank Newburg, ⬙Privilege,⬙ The Guardian, CBS, 2002. Medical examiner, ⬙Payback,⬙ Crossing Jordan, NBC, 2002. Sid Barry, ⬙Cui Bono,⬙ Andromeda, syndicated, 2002. Voice of Agent Darkbootie (disguised), ⬙Battle of the Planets,⬙ Invader ZIM (animated), Nickelodeon, 2002. Dr. Eagan, ⬙Picture of Perfect,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2003. (As John DeLancie) Voice of Sinestro, ⬙The Green Loontern,⬙ Duck Dodgers (animated), Cartoon Network, 2003.

Tape Readings; with Others: The Lost World, Simon & Schuster Audio, 1997. Journey to the Center of the Earth, Simon & Schuster Audio, 1997. Time Machine, Simon & Schuster Audio, 1997. The Invisible Man, Simon & Schuster Audio, 1998. The First Men in the Moon, Simon & Schuster Audio, 1998. ⬙Star Trek: Spock vs. Q,⬙ Alien Voices, Simon & Schuster Audio, 1999. WRITINGS Television Specials: Alien Voices: A Halloween Trilogy, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Novels: Wrote (with Peter David) I, Q.; (with Tom Cool) Soldier of Light.

Also appeared as Agent Darkbootie, ⬙ZIM Eats Waffles,⬙ Invader ZIM (animated), Nickelodeon.

Comic Books: Wrote an issue of Star Trek: The Next Generation, DC Comics.

Television Work; Series: Producer, Return to Area 51, The Discovery Channel, 2002. Television Executive Producer (Alien Voices); Specials: Alien Voices: A Halloween Trilogy, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. The Lost World, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998.

DELFINO, Majandra 1981– PERSONAL

Stage Appearances: Appeared as Jack Tanner, Man and Superman; Humphrey, The Common Pursuit.

Full name, Maria Alejandra Delfino; born February 20, 1981, in Caracas, Venezuela; immigrated to the United States, c. 1984; father, an entrepreneur. Education: Attended New World School of the Arts. Avocational Interests: Painting.

Radio Appearances: Appeared as Cassius, Julius Caesar, BBC Radio.

Addresses: Agent—Writers & Artists Agency, 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 550, Los Angeles, CA 90211. Manager—3 Arts Entertainment, 9460 Wilshire Blvd., 7th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Publicist—Bragman/Nyman/Cafarelli, 9171 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 300, Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

Radio Director: Directed Fallen Angel; The Play’s the Thing; The Waldorf Conference; Invasion from Mars; When Welles Collide. RECORDINGS

Career: Actress and singer. Previously member of China Girl (singing group), c. 1992.

Video Games: Voice of Q, Star Trek: Borg, Simon & Schuster Interactive, 1996. Voice of Matthew ⬙Dr. Death⬙ Jackson, Outlaws, 1997. Voice of Antonio Malochio, Interstate ’76, 1997. Voice of Q, Star Trek: The Game Show, 1998. Voice of Montreaux, Gabriel Knight: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned, Sierra OnLine, 1999. Voice of Trias, Planescape: Torment, 1999.

Awards, Honors: ALMA Award nomination, outstanding individual performance in a television series in a crossover role, 1998, for The Tony Danza Show; Young Artist Award nomination, best performance in a TV drama series—leading young actress, ALMA Award nomination, outstanding actress in a drama series, 2000, both for Roswell. 72

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DE LOS REYES York, N&. Manager—Essential Talent Management, 6399 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 401, Los Angeles, CA 90048.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Judith, Zeus and Roxanne, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1997. Natalie Sanford, The Secret Life of Girls (also known as Unglued), 1999. Vanessa, Traffic (also known as Traffic—Die Macht des Kartells), USA Films, 2000. Ashley, The Learning Curve (also known as Dangerous Seduction), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2001. Callie, R.S.V.P., Dream Entertainment, 2002. Iris Buchanon, Reeseville, 2003.

Career: Actor. Also worked as dancer and musician; was a childhood trumpet prodigy; previously worked as an encyclopedia salesman. Awards, Honors: ALMA Award nominations, outstanding actor in a daytime drama, 1998, 2001, 2002, Special Fan Award nomination (with Sherri Saum), America’s Favorite Couple, Daytime Emmy Awards, 2002, all for One Life to Live. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Specials: The Teen Choice Awards 2000, Fox, 2000. The 5th Annual ALMA Awards, ABC, 2000. The 2001 ALMA Awards, ABC, 2001.

Film Appearances: (As Kamar Reyes) Dancer, Salsa, Cannon Films, 1988. (As Kamar Reyes) Paulo Santees, Guerrero del este de Los Angeles (also known as East L.A. Warriors), 1989. (As Kamar Reyes) Chato, Ghetto Blaster, Prism Entertainment, 1989. (As Kamar Reyes) Nick Navarro, Coldfire, 1990. (As Kamar Reyes) Kickboxer, The Silencer, Academy, 1992. (As Kamar Reyes) Smokey, Street Knight, Cannon Films, 1993. Drug dealer Ⲇ2, Father Hood (also known as Desperado, Honor among Thieves, and Mike Hardy), Buena Vista, 1993. Latin dancer, Da Vinci’s War, 1993. Eugenio Martinez (Watergate burglar), Nixon, Buena Vista, 1995. Marcos, Buscando un sueno (also known as In Search of a Dream), Nova Creative Releasing, 1997. Manny, Mambo Cafe, Kushner–Locke Company, 1999. Officer Alexander, The Cell, New Line Cinema, 2000.

Television Appearances; Series: Tina DiMeo, The Tony Danza Show, NBC, 1997. Sara Shotz, Katie Joplin, The WB, 1999. Maria DeLuca, Roswell (also known as Roswell High), The WB, 1999–2001, UPN, 2001–2002. Television Appearances; Specials: Martina Martinez, Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth, USA Network, 2000. RECORDINGS Albums: The Sicks, 2001.

DE LOS REYES, Kamar 1967– (Kamar Ryes)

Television Appearances; Series: Ray Ariaz, Valley of the Dolls, syndicated, 1994. Antonio Vega, One Life to Live (also known as One Life to Live: The Summer of Seduction), ABC, 1995–1998, 2000—. Father Tomas Alvarez, Four Corners, CBS, 1998.

PERSONAL Born November 8, 1967, in San Juan, Puerto Rico; son of Walfredo de los Reyes (a drummer and percussionist); married Elaine (a model; divorced); children: Caylen Luis. Education: Studied acting at Black Nexus, New York City; attended University of Nevada at Las Vegas and San Diego State University. Avocational Interests: Reading, writing, street basketball, rollerblading, jogging, boxing, and working out.

Television Appearances; Movies: Puerto Rican, The Corpse Had a Familiar Face, CBS, 1994. Daedalus Is Dead, Sundance Channel, 1996. Gavin Kendrick, Blood on Her Hands, ABC, 1998. Nicholas, The Way She Moves, VH1, 2001. Jose Beveagua, Undefeated, HBO, 2003.

Addresses: Contact—c/o One Life to Live, ABC–TV, 77 West 66th St., New York, NY 10023. Agent—Innovative Artists, 1505 10th St., Santa Monica, CA 90401; The Gersh Agency, 41 Madison Ave., 33rd Floor, New

Television Appearances; Specials: The 30th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, ABC, 2003. 73


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Television Appearances; Episodic: Paramedic, ⬙Sleepless in Chicago,⬙ ER, NBC, 1995. Hernandez, ⬙Full Moon, Saturday Night,⬙ ER, NBC, 1995. Hernandez, ⬙House of Cards,⬙ ER, NBC, 1995. Luis, ⬙Bad Blood,⬙ New York Undercover, Fox, 1996. Luis, ⬙Fire Show,⬙ New York Undercover, Fox, 1996. Leon Flores, ⬙Denver, Welcome Home,⬙ Promised Land, CBS, 1998. Leon Flores, ⬙Out of Bounds,⬙ Promised Land, CBS, 1998. Leon Flores, ⬙The Visitor,⬙ Promised Land, CBS, 1999. Leon Flores, ⬙It’s All in the Family,⬙ Promised Land, CBS, 1999. Jack Brant, ⬙Paranoid,⬙ Total Recall 2070, Showtime, 1999. Jack Brant, ⬙Restitution,⬙ Total Recall 2070, Showtime, 1999. Eddie Testaverde, ⬙Godspeed,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1999. Ramon Archiletta, ⬙Take Me Out to the Ballgame,⬙ Early Edition, CBS, 1999.

DENT, Catherine PERSONAL Born in Baton Rouge, LA; daughter of Fred C. Dent (a politician) and Eleanor Brown; married Peter. Education: Graduated from North Carolina School of the Arts. Avocational Interests: Yoga, modern fiction, traveling. Addresses: Agent—Paradigm, 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., 25th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Publicist— Guttman Associates PR, 118 S. Beverly Dr., Suite 201, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Bragman/Nyman/Cafarelli, 9171 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 300, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Actress and producer. Appeared in a commercial for Chrysler PT Cruiser, 2000.

Also appeared in Dirty Dancing, UPN; as Palo Montega, Swift Justice, UPN; Damian, To Have & Hold, CBS.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Tracy, A Girl’s Guide to Sex, Six Shooter Films, 1990. Charlotte, Nobody’s Fool, Paramount, 1994. Lisa Heller, Jaded, Avalanche Home Entertainment, 1996. Jane Freedman, March 29th, 1979, 1997. Laura, Dangerous Proposition, 1998. Alice, Jane’s sister, Someone Like You ... (also known as Animal Attraction), Fox 2000 Pictures, 2001. Angie, Replicant, Artisan Entertainment, 2001. Marley Weber, It Is What It Is, 2001. Mabel, The Majestic, Warner Bros., 2001. Susan Edmonton, Venomous, New City Releasing, 2001. Susan, Auto Focus, Sony Pictures Classics, 2002. Anna, 21 Grams, Universal, 2003.

Stage Appearances: Pedro Quinn, Blade to the Heat, New York City, 1994. Ferdinand, The Tempest, Delacorte Theatre, New York City, 1995. Lopez, Golden Boy, City Center Encores!, New York City, 2002. RECORDINGS Albums: Vocals and percussion, Daniel de los Reyes’ San Rafael 560, 1999. Music Videos: Appeared in ⬙Spanish Guitar⬙ by Toni Braxton, 2000; also appeared in ⬙We All Sleep Alone⬙ by Cher.

Film Work: Associate producer, Riders, 2001.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Latin Style Magazine, August/September, 2001. New York Latino Magazine, fall, 1996. Soap Opera Digest, winter, 1996. Soap Opera Weekly, June 2, 1996. Venice Magazine, September, 2001.

Television Appearances; Series: Janice Talbert, One Life to Live, ABC, 1997. Danielle Sofer, The Shield, F/X, 2002—.

DENNY, Simon Baker See BAKER, Simon

Television Appearances; Specials: Robin, The Steven Banks Show, PBS, 1991.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Sally Clarke, Taken (also known as Steven Spielberg Presents Taken), Sci–Fi Channel, 2002.


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Television Appearances; Episodic: Shirley, ⬙Downtown Girl,⬙ New York Undercover, Fox, 1995. Dr. Goetz, ⬙Crazy,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 1998. Claudia Kynock, ⬙The Seal Who Came to Dinner,⬙ Frasier, NBC, 1998. Tanya Anderson, ⬙Gun with the Wind,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1998. Alice Field, ⬙Denial,⬙ L.A. Doctors, CBS, 1999. June Gurwich, ⬙Trevor,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1999. Deborah Latrell, ⬙Or Just Look Like One,⬙ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (also known as Law & Order: S.V.U.), NBC and USA Network, 1999. Doris Fontaine, ⬙Hell Is What You Make Of It,⬙ Third Watch, NBC, 1999. Cynthia, ⬙Looking for the Goodbars,⬙ Dharma & Greg, ABC, 1999. Tara Browning, ⬙Rip Off,⬙ Nash Bridges, CBS, 1999. Arlene Riley, ⬙Do Not Resuscitate,⬙ The Sopranos, HBO, 2000. Dr. Elizabeth Rendell, ⬙Money for Nothing: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Invisible Man, Sci–Fi Channel, 2001. Carol Strode, ⬙The Lying Game,⬙ The Lone Gunmen, Fox, 2001. Dr. Elizabeth Rendell, ⬙Brother’s Keeper,⬙ The Invisible Man, Sci–Fi Channel, 2001.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: General Walsh, Medusa’s Child, ABC, 1997. Steven Spielberg Presents: Taken, Sci–Fi Channel, 2002. Television Appearances; Movies: Bad Attitude, Fox, 1991. Detective Hardwick, Dying to Remember, USA Network, 1993. Greiger, The Disappearance of Vonnie, CBS, 1994. Deadly Vows, Fox, 1994. Detective, The Surrogate, ABC, 1995. Officer Landers, Fighting for My Daughter, ABC, 1995. Otis, Convict Cowboy, Showtime, 1995. Sergeant Matson, Jack Reed: One of Our Own, NBC, 1995. Elisha Swan, Color Me Perfect, Lifetime, 1996. Sheriff Warren Easter, Dead Ahead, USA Network, 1996. Lyddie, CBC and BBC, 1996. Moses, The Escape, The Movie Channel, 1997. Ron, Contagious (also known as Virus), USA Network, 1997. Sergeant Stern, The Perfect Mother (also known as The Mother–in–Law), Fox, 1997. Commissioner Andrew Wilkens, My Husband’s Secret Life, USA Network, 1998. James Coleman, Voyage of Terror (also known as The Fourth Horseman and Die Schreckensfahrt der Orion Star), Fox Family Channel, 1998. Jefferson, Hoods, Starz!, 1998. Salvador, The Spree, The Movie Channel, 1998. Scott Davies, Loyal Opposition: Terror in the White House, Fox Family Channel, 1998. Vic, Outrage, ABC, 1998. Dewey Austin, The Jack Bull, HBO, 1999. Landlord, The Color of Courage, USA Network, 1999. Sergeant Ganz, Road Rage, Showtime, 1999. Vincent Lexington, In a Class of His Own, Showtime, 1999. Captain John Bonnheim, The Wednesday Woman, CBS, 2000. Russ, Love Lessons, CBS, 2000. Jack Fletcher, Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal (also known as Turbulence 3: Metal hurlant), Cinemax, 2001.

Also appeared as Janice, High Incident, ABC; Laura, Crisis Center, NBC. Stage Appearances: Understudy for the roles of Sofya and Yelena, Uncle Vanya, Circle in the Square, New York City, 1995. Corrine, The Country, La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla, CA, 2003. Also appeared as title role, Baby Doll; Maggie, Cat On a Hot Tin Roof; in Bang the Drum Slowly; The Street of the Sun, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles; Amoeba Concerto.

DeVEAUX, Nathaniel (Nathaniel De Veaux, Nathaniel Deveaux)

Television Appearances; Episodic: Elias Kasari, ⬙Cease Fire,⬙ M.A.N.T.I.S., Fox, 1994. Miller, ⬙Bank Job,⬙ The Commish, ABC, 1994. Prison guard, Traps, CBS, 1994. Colonel Birch, ⬙I, Robot,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1995. Detective Baron, ⬙Soft Light,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1995. FBI agent Lazarski, The Marshal, ABC, 1995. Security captain, ⬙Sandkings,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1995. Ray Weaver, ⬙The Rig,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1996.

PERSONAL Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Leo Award, Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Foundation of British Columbia, best supporting performance—male, 2002, for ⬙Be a Cruel Twist,⬙ an episode of Da Vinci’s Inquest. 75


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Reverend Thomas Bell, ⬙Little Tin God,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1996. ⬙Beyond the Veil,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1996. Dr. Arnold, ⬙Transference,⬙ Poltergeist: The Legacy, Showtime, Sci–Fi Channel, and syndicated, 1997. Porterhouse Willie, ⬙Tamira Is Another Day,⬙ Breaker High, 1997. Ed Schaeffer, ⬙Aftermath,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1998. ⬙Janine Elston,⬙ Cold Squad, CTV and Lifetime, 1998. Louis Bonet, ⬙The Possession,⬙ Poltergeist: The Legacy, Showtime, Sci–Fi Channel, and syndicated, 1999. Portland police officer, ⬙The Hunt,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 1999. Roger Cress, ⬙The Shroud,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1999. Captain Elias, Hope Island, 1999. ⬙Scent of a Woman,⬙ Night Man, Disney Channel and syndicated, 1999. First FBI agent, ⬙Brother, Can You Spare a Bomb?,⬙ Seven Days, UPN, 2000. Lewis Kane, ⬙Stranger in the Mirror,⬙ Mysterious Ways, PAX, 2000. Morris Steadman, ⬙It’s a Bad Corner,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 2000. Peter, ⬙Wherefore Art Thou,⬙ Higher Ground, Fox Family Channel, 2000. ⬙Alpha Dogs,⬙ Freedom, UPN, 2000. Agent John Kelly, ⬙Avatar,⬙ Level 9, UPN, 2001. The bartender, ⬙Replay,⬙ The Immortal, syndicated, 2001. Detective Reginald Steele, ⬙Revelation,⬙ Seven Days, UPN, 2001. Dutch captain, ⬙The Mathematics of Tears,⬙ Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda (also known as Andromeda), syndicated, 2001. Father Andrew, ⬙Mr. Isaak’s Opus,⬙ The Chris Isaak Show, Showtime, 2001. Lieutenant Gary ⬙Dee⬙ D’Addario, ⬙Meat the Parents,⬙ Wolf Lake, CBS, 2001. Morris Steadman, ⬙Banging on the Wall,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 2001. Morris Steadman, ⬙Be a Cruel Twist,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 2001. Morris Steadman, ⬙I’m an Anomaly and an Anachronism, But I’m Not Alone,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 2001. (As Nathaniel De Veaux) Shaha, ⬙The Blessing,⬙ MythQuest, 2001. Terrance Babbage, ⬙Of Fathers and Sons,⬙ UC: Undercover, NBC, 2001. Abasi, ⬙MUTI,⬙ Mysterious Ways, PAX, 2002. Fred Tillman, ⬙Above the Law,⬙ Just Cause, 2002. Carl Taggart, The Twilight Zone, 2002. Dr. McCants, ⬙Zion,⬙ The Dead Zone, USA Network, 2003. Mose, ⬙Legend of the Gun,⬙ Peacemakers, USA Network, 2003.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Detective Jacobs, Two, CBC and syndicated, 1996. Dobrinsky, Once a Thief (also known as John Woo’s Once a Thief and John Woo’s Violent Tradition), CTV and Fox, 1996. Film Appearances: Detective Saunders, Dangerous Intentions, New Films International, 1995. Lieutenant Martin Munroe, Hard Evidence, Libra, 1995. Fire captain, Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco, Buena Vista, 1996. George (first guard), Unforgettable, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1996. Northfield Mall police officer, Carpool, Warner Bros., 1996. Coach Louie, Something More, First Look, 1999. Wayne, Crash and Byrnes, Regent Entertainment, 1999. Sheriff Powers Crawford, The Art of Murder, 2000. Talk show host, Sanctimony, Regent Entertainment, 2000. Vorhees, Get Carter, Warner Bros., 2000. (As Nathaniel Deveaux) Coast guard captain, Along Came a Spider (also known as Im Netz der Spinne), Paramount, 2001. (As Nathaniel Deveaux) Lawyer, AntiTrust (also known as, Regent Entertainment, 2001. Emergency room doctor, Blackwoods, Boll, 2002. Lyle Devine, The Burial Society, Seville, 2002. USS Constellation captain, The Core (also known as Core), Paramount, 2003.

DILLAHUNT, Garret 1964– PERSONAL Born November 24, 1964, in Alameda County, CA. Education: New York University, M.F.A., theatre. Addresses: Agent—The Gersh Agency, 41 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10010. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Brother, Pants on Fire, 1997. Chris Goodman, Remembering Sex (also known as Getting Off), 1998. Curtis, Loft Story (also known as Last Call), 1999. The man, By Courier, 2000. Billings, The Believer, Fireworks Pictures, 2001. 76

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Television Appearances; Series: Charlemagne Moody, One Life to Live, ABC, 1995–1996. Gregory Paget, Leap Years, Showtime, 2001. Lou Peterson, A Minute with Stan Hooper, Fox, 2003. Jack McCall, Deadwood, HBO, 2004.


DILLANE, Stephen 1957– (Stephen Dillon) PERSONAL Original name, Stephen Delaney; born 1957, in London, England; father, a doctor; children: (with actress Naomi Wirthner) two sons, including Frank. Education: Studied history and politics at University of Exeter; studied acting at Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, London, 1982, 1984.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Deputy Dawson Hayes, Maximum Bob, ABC, 1998. Duane, Grapefruit Moon, ABC, 1998. Rock, Paper, Scissors, Fox, 1998. Lou Peterson, A Minute with Stan Hooper, Fox, 2003.

Addresses: Agent—Brian Swardstrom, Endeavor, 9701 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Bryce Coopersmith, ⬙Where’d the Van Gogh?,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1996. Edward Skur, ⬙Travelers,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1998. Deputy Dawson Hayes, ⬙A Little Tail,⬙ Maximum Bob, ABC, 1998. Deputy Dawson Hayes, ⬙Good Dog Karl,⬙ Maximum Bob, ABC, 1998. Kevin Poe, ⬙The Gettysburg Virus,⬙ Seven Days, UPN, 1998. Rick Van Horn, ⬙Closure,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1998. Julian Preuss, ⬙Open Season,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2002. Luke, ⬙Precious Metal,⬙ C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation, CBS, 2003.

Career: Actor. Croydon Advertiser, worked as reporter. Awards, Honors: Richard Burton Shakespeare Globe Award, 1995, for Hamlet; Australian Film Institute Award, best performance by an actor in a leading role in a television drama, 1998, for Kings in Grass Castles; Evening Standard Award, best actor, 1999, Showbusiness Award, best stage actor, Variety Club, Theatre World Award, outstanding new performer, Antoinette Perry Award, best actor, Drama Desk Award, outstanding actor in a play, and Outer Critics Circle Award nomination, best actor in a play, all 2000, all for The Real Thing; Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by the cast of a theatrical motion picture (with others), 2003, for The Hours.

Stage Appearances: (New York debut) Ianos and painter, Mad Forest, City Center Stage I, New York City, 1992. Agis, The Triumph of Love, CSC Theatre, New York City, 1994. Bertram Cates, Inherit the Wind, Royale Theatre, New York City, 1996. Tom, The Glass Menagerie, Boston, MA, 1997. Nojd, The Father, Criterion Theatre, New York City, 1995, then Geffen Playhouse, Los Angeles, 1998. Jackie, The Beginning of August, Atlantic Theatre Company, New York City, 2000. Henry, Outward Bound, Westport Country Playhouse, Westport, CT, 2002.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Miniseries: Nicolas Thorne, The One Game, CTV (England), 1988. Peter Bielenberg, Christabel, PBS, 1988. Antony Strickland, Frankie’s House, Arts and Entertainment, 1992. James, You Me + It, BBC, 1993. Patsy, Kings in Grass Castles, 1998. Alexis ⬙Alexey⬙ Karenin, ⬙Anna Karenina,⬙ Masterpiece Theatre, PBS, 2000. Edward Cazalet, The Cazalets (also known as The Cazalet Chronicles), PBS, 2001.

Also appeared in A Perfect Ganesh, Manhattan Theatre Company, New York City; 900 Oneota and Streets of Gold, Circle Repertory Theatre, New York City; Careless Love, SoHo, New York City; The Invention of Love, A.C.T., San Francisco, CA; Angels in America, Parts I and II, A.C.T., San Francisco, CA; Side men, Steppenwolf; Sweet Bird of Youth, Williamstown; Present Laughter, Williamstown; Therese Raquin, Williamstown; Milk Train Doesn’t Stop Here Anymore, Williamstown; Eye of God, Seattle Repertory.

Television Appearances; Movies: (As Stephen Dillon) Captain Lennox, ⬙The Secret Garden,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame, 1987. Gray Harston, ⬙An Affair in Mind⬙ (also known as ⬙The Face of Trespass⬙), The Ruth Rendell Mysteries, BBC (England), 1988. (As Stephen Dillon) John, The Yellow Wallpaper, BBC, 1989. 77


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Philip Blackstock, ⬙Achilles Heel,⬙ The Ruth Rendell Mysteries, BBC, 1991. Leonard Meopham, Heading Home, Arts and Entertainment, 1992. Chris Pearson, ⬙Hostages,⬙ HBO Showcase, HBO, 1993. Mr. Blackmore, The Widowing of Mrs. Holyroyd, BBC, 1995.

Clov, Endgame, Donmar Warehouse Theatre, London, 1996. Title role, Uncle Vanya, Royal Shakespeare Company, Young Vic Theatre, London, 1998. Henry, The Real Thing, Albery Theatre, London, then Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, both 2000. Alexander Herzen, The Coast of Utopia (triple–bill; includes ⬙Voyage,⬙ ⬙Shipwreck,⬙ and ⬙Salvage⬙), Olivier Theatre, Royal National Theatre, 2002. Title role, Life after George, Duchess Theatre, London, 2002.

Television Appearances; Specials: Jonathon Byrne, The Rector’s Wife, PBS, 1993. Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Stephen Dillon) Bradford Galt, ⬙Steele Searching: Part 1,⬙ Remington Steele, NBC, 1985. D. C. Danny Keech, ⬙White Lies,⬙ Bulman, 1987. Paul Lyle, ⬙Help Me Make It through the Night,⬙ Boon, ITV (England), 1991. Captain Mike Davidson, ⬙Hard Knocks,⬙ Soldier Soldier, 1993.

Also appeared as Prior Walter, ⬙Millennium Approaches,⬙ and Declan Donnellan, ⬙Perestroika,⬙ Angels in America, Royal National Theatre, London; Gerry Evans, Dancing at Lughnasa, Royal National Theatre; Tony, Hush, Royal Court Theatre, London; and Edmund Tyrone, Long Day’s Journey into Night, Royal National Theatre; appeared in productions of The Decision, Almeida Theatre, London; and Our Late Night, Royal Court Theatre.

Television Appearances; Series: Appeared in By Herself, Channel 4 (England).

Radio Appearances: Performed the title role in a radio broadcast of Macbeth; also appeared in A Month in the Country, Oates after His Fingers, Something Understood, and The Trojan Women.

Film Appearances: (As Stephen Dillon) Mr. Dunlop, Business As Usual, 1987. (As Stephen Dillon) Alec, Comeback, 1987. Horatio, Hamlet, Warner Bros., 1990. Antonio, La chance (also known as Powers and Lovers), 1994. Evan Marsh, Two If by Sea (also known as Stolen Hearts), Warner Bros., 1996. Michael Henderson, Welcome to Sarajevo, Miramax, 1997. Charles Godwin, Firelight (also known as Firelight—Le lien secret), Miramax, 1997. Sean (Dover), Deja Vu, Rainbow Releasing, 1997. Dr. Croly, Love and Rage (also known as Liebe und Leidenschaft), New City Releasing, 1998. Tom, The Darkest Light, Pathe, 1999. Noel Quigley, Ordinary Decent Criminal (also known as Ein Ganz gewoehnlicher Dieb), Miramax, 2000. Detective Inspector Burton, The Parole Officer, MCA/ Universal, 2001. Charles Harker, Spy Game, MCA/Universal, 2001. Charlie Lambert, The Truth about Charlie, Universal, 2002. Leonard Woolf, The Hours, Paramount, 2002. Simon, The Gathering, Dimension Films, 2002.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Empire, December, 1997, pp. 66–67. Entertainment Weekly, November 28, 1997, p. 42. Variety, January 5, 1998, p. 71.

DILLON, Kevin 1965(?)– PERSONAL Full name, Kevin Brady Dillon; born August 19, 1965 (some sources cite 1966), in Mamaroneck, NY; son of Paul (an investment manager and portrait painter) and Mary Ellen (a homemaker) Dillon; brother of Matt Dillon (an actor). Education: Studied commercial art at School of Visual Arts, New York City. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Manager—Evolution Entertainment, 901 North Highland Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90038.

Stage Appearances: Archer, The Beaux’s Stratagem, Royal National Theatre, London, c. 1989. Title role, Hamlet, Royal National Theatre, 1994, then Gielgud Theatre, London, 1995.

Career: Actor. 78

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DILLON Television Appearances; Episodic: Les Wilton, ⬙A House of Horror,⬙ Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1993. Officer Neil Baker, ⬙Raging Bulls,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1998. Officer Neil Baker, ⬙I Have a Dream,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1999. ⬙From the Heart/Don’t Hope, Friend, Decide/How Much Is Enough/Going, Going, Gone...,⬙ Chicken Soup for the Soul, 1999. Officer Neil Baker, ⬙Loogie Nights,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2000. Lonnie McRae, ⬙Day 2: 7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.,⬙ 24, Fox, 2003. Lonnie McRae, ⬙Day 2: 8:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.,⬙ 24, Fox, 2003. Lonnie McRae, ⬙Day 2: 9:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.,⬙ 24, Fox, 2003. Himself, Pure 24, BBC (England), 2003. Bob Salchek, ⬙Dumb Bunnies,⬙ Karen Sisco, ABC, 2003.

Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination, best young actor in a motion picture drama, 1989, for The Rescue; Young Artist Award nomination, best young actor in a supporting role in a motion picture, 1990, for Immediate Family; Young Artist Award nomination, best young actor starring in a television movie, pilot, or special, 1990, for When He’s Not a Stranger. CREDITS Film Appearances: Rooney, Heaven Help Us (also known as Catholic Boys), TriStar, 1985. Bunny, Platoon, Orion, 1986. Brian Flagg, The Blob, TriStar, 1988. J. J. Merrill, The Rescue, Buena Vista, 1988. Cosmo, Remote Control, Vista Organization, 1988. Skitty Harris, War Party, TriStar, 1988. Sam, Immediate Family (also known as Parental Guidance), Columbia, 1989. John Densmore, The Doors, TriStar, 1991. Mel Avakian, A Midnight Clear, InterStar Releasing, 1992. Casey, No Escape (also known as No Escape from Absolom), Savoy Pictures, 1994. Tony Campbell, True Crime (also known as Dangerous Kiss and True Detective), Trimark Pictures, 1995. Rafe, Criminal Hearts, Libra Home Entertainment, 1995. David McLean, Hidden Agenda (also known as Secret Agenda), Spartan Home Entertainment, 1998. Vinnie (some sources cite Joe Weldon), Interstate 84, Pop. 403 Entertainment, 2000. Mob Dot Com, Regent Entertainment, 2003. Hank Holten, As Good As Dead, 2004.

Also appeared in ⬙Nightwatch,⬙ an episode of Chicken Soup for the Soul. Stage Appearances: Appeared in productions of Dark at the Top of the Stairs and The Indian Wants the Bronx.

DILLON, Matt 1964– PERSONAL Born February 18, 1964, in New Rochelle, NY; son of Paul (an investment manager and portrait painter) and Mary Ellen (a homemaker) Dillon; brother of Kevin Dillon (an actor). Avocational Interests: Collecting antiques and contemporary art, music, art and architecture, wine and food, reading, visiting antique stores and museums.

Television Appearances; Series: Paulie DeLucca, That’s Life, ABC, 2000. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Sean Flynn, Frankie’s House, Arts and Entertainment, 1993. David Dowaliby, Gone in the Night, CBS, 1996. Jeffrey Carnel, Medusa’s Child, ABC, 1997.

Addresses: Agent—Patrick Whitesell, Endeavor, 9701 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Julie Silverman–Yorn, The Firm, 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 212, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Publicist—Baker/Winokur/Ryder, 909 Third Ave., 10th Floor, New York, NY 10022; Staci Polaris Public Relations, 8135 West Fourth St., 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90048.

Television Appearances; Movies: Arnold Norberry, No Big Deal, HBO, 1983. Rick Fiorentino, When He’s Not a Stranger, CBS, 1989. Hawkeye (title role), The Pathfinder, Showtime, 1996. Billy Crapshoot, Misbegotten, HBO, 1997. Daniel Kane, Stag, HBO, 1997.

‘Career: Actor, director, and writer. Director of rock music videos, including work for Dinosaur Jr.; appeared in commercials, including print advertisements for Sketchers shoes. Co–owner of The Whiskey (bar) and The Falls (restaurant), both New York City.

Television Appearances; Specials: Voice of Jack, Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam (also known as Dear America), HBO, 1987. 79


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Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination, best young actor in a major motion picture, 1982, for My Bodyguard; Young Artist Award nomination, best young motion picture actor, 1983, for Tex; Independent Spirit Award, best actor, Independent Film Project, 1990, for Drugstore Cowboy; Blockbuster Entertainment Award nomination, favorite supporting actor in a comedy, and MTV Movie Award nomination, best villain, both 1999, for There’s Something about Mary; MTV Movie Award nomination, best kiss (with Denise Richards and Neve Campbell), 1999, for Wild Things.

Sam Lombardo, Wild Things (also known as Sex Crimes and wildthings), Columbia, 1998. Pat Healy, There’s Something about Mary, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. Himself, Rockets Redglare! (documentary), Big Plate Pictures, 2000. Randy, One Night at McCool’s, USA Films, 2001. Fritzy Zennetti, Deuces Wild (also known as Deuces Wild—Wild in den Strassen), Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer/United Artists, 2002. Jimmy Cremming, City of Ghosts, United Artists, 2003. Interviewee, Breakfast with Hunter, 2003. David Wells, Employee of the Month, Bull’s Eye Entertainment, 2004.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Richie, Over the Edge, Warner Bros., 1979. Randy, Little Darlings, Paramount, 1980. Melvin Moody, My Bodyguard, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1980. Jack Duncan, Liar’s Moon, Crown, 1982. Tex McCormick, Tex, Buena Vista, 1982. Host, Wild Rides, 1982. Dallas ⬙Dally⬙ Winston, The Outsiders, Warner Bros., 1983. Rusty James, Rumble Fish, Universal, 1983. Jeffrey Willis, The Flamingo Kid, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1984. Title role, Rebel, Vestron, 1985. Chris Lloyd, Target, Warner Bros., 1985. Jan Florek, Native Son, Cinecom, 1986. J. C. Cullen, The Big Town (also known as The Arm), Columbia, 1987. Doyle Kennedy, Kansas, Trans World, 1988. Regret, Bloodhounds of Broadway, Columbia, 1989. Bob Hughes, Drugstore Cowboy, Avenue R Films, 1989. Jonathan Corliss, A Kiss before Dying, Universal, 1991. Narrator, Prufrock, 1991. (Uncredited) Madonna: Truth or Dare (also known as In Bed with Madonna and Truth or Dare), 1991. Cliff Poncier, Singles, Warner Bros., 1992. Gus DeMarco, Mr. Wonderful, Warner Bros., 1993. Matthew, The Saint of Fort Washington, Warner Bros., 1993. Kevin Walker, Golden Gate, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1994. Larry Maretto, To Die For, Columbia, 1995. Terry Klout, Frankie Starlight, Fine Line, 1995. Tommy ⬙Birdman⬙ Rowland, Beautiful Girls, Miramax, 1996. Jay Phillips, Grace of My Heart, Gramercy/Universal, 1996. Dova, Albino Alligator, Miramax, 1996. Himself, Off the Menu: The Last Days of Chasen’s (documentary), Northern Arts Entertainment, 1996. Cameron Drake, In and Out, Paramount, 1997. Himself, Pitch, 1997.

Film Work: Producer and director, City of Ghosts, United Artists, 2003. Television Appearances; Series: Fishing with John, Independent Film Channel and Bravo, 1991. Television Appearances; Movies: When He’s Not a Stranger, CBS, 1989. Eddie Megeffin, ⬙Return to Kansas City,⬙ Women & Men II (broadcast as a segment of HBO Showcase; also known as A Domestic Dilemma and Women & Men 2: In Love There Are No Rules), HBO, 1991. Television Appearances; Specials: Young Ralph, ⬙The Great American Fourth of July and Other Disasters,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1982. The Boy Who Loved Trolls, PBS, 1984. Night of 100 Stars II, ABC, 1985. Voice of Mike, Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam (also known as Dear America), HBO, 1987. Marsalis on Music, PBS, 1995. AFI’s 100 Years ... 100 Stars, CBS, 1999. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 55th Annual Academy Awards, 1983. The 67th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1995. The 70th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1998. Presenter, The 1998 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Late Show with David Letterman, multiple appearances, 1993–1998. Inside the Actors Studio, Bravo, 1994. The Entertainment Business, Bravo, 1998. Contest Searchlight, Comedy Central, 2002. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, 2003. The View, 2003. 80

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Stage Appearances: Night of 100 Stars II, Radio City Music Hall, New York City, 1985. (Broadway debut) Monsoon, Boys of Winter, Biltmore Theatre, 1985.

DILLON DILLON, Paul PERSONAL Education: DePaul University, B.F.A., acting, 1986.

Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Napoleon’s Boney Parts,⬙ Oz, HBO, 1999.

Career: Actor, producer, and director. Bang Bang Spontaneous Theatre, Rogers Park, IL, founding member, artistic director, producer, and director.

RECORDINGS Awards, Honors: Joseph Jefferson Award (with others), best ensemble, for The Conquest of the South Pole.

Videos: Cop, ⬙Bad Girl,⬙ Madonna: The Video Collection 93:99, Warner Reprise Video, 1999.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Delivery boy, The Wild Pussycat, 1970. Lon Recchia, The Beat, 1987. Sid, Kiss Daddy Good Night, Beast of Eden, 1987. First police officer, Spike of Bensonhurst (also known as Throw Back!), FilmDallas, 1988. Neal Booker, Blink, New Line Cinema, 1994. (Uncredited) Prison inmate who breaks television, Natural Born Killers, Warner Bros., 1994. Hacker, Fair Game, Warner Bros., 1995. Rochus, O monge e a filha do carrasco (also known as The Monk and the Hangman’s Daughter), Riofilmes, 1995. Snelgrave, Cutthroat Island (also known as Corsari, Die Piratenbraut, and L’ile aux pirates), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1995. Patty O’Brien, Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, New Line Cinema, 1997. Cab driver, Chicago Cab (also known as Hellcab), Castle Hill, 1998. Slade, Soldier, Warner Bros., 1998. (Uncredited) Irvin, Fight Club, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1999. John, Held for Ransom, Cutting Edge Entertainment, 2000. Pidgeon, P.S. Your Cat Is Dead, Cargo Films/TLA Releasing, 2002.

Appeared as a cop in the music video ⬙Fairytale of New York⬙ by the Pogues. Audio Books: Narrator, On the Road, by Jack Kerouac, Caedmon Audio, 2000. WRITINGS Screenplays: (With Barry Gifford) City of Ghosts, United Artists, 2003. OTHER SOURCES Books: Mead, Cheryl L., The Matt Dillon Scrapbook, St. Martin’s Press, 1984. Periodicals: American Film, February, 1991, p. 22. Blast, September, 1998, p. 4. Cosmopolitan, September, 1997, p. 248. Empire, October, 1998, pp. 62–64, 66, 67, 68. Entertainment Weekly, October 9, 1992, p. 16. Flicks, October, 1998, p. 31. Harper’s Bazaar, August, 1998, pp. 114–21. Interview, April, 1991, p. 80; May, 2003, p. 36. Los Angeles, August, 1998, pp. 62–67. Movieline, February, 1999, p. 55. People Weekly, September 9, 1996, p. 120; September 28, 1998, p. 11. Premiere, May, 1991, p. 94. Prevue, October, 1991, p. 37. Us, October 2, 1989, p. 112.

Film Work: Producer, Chicago Cab (also known as Hellcab), Castle Hill, 1998. Television Appearances; Series: Angelo/Timmy, The Pretender, NBC, 1996–2001. Philip Parker, Pasadena, Fox, 2001. Television Appearances; Movies: Angelo, The Pretender: Island of the Haunted (also known as Island of the Haunted), TNT, 2001. Angelo, The Pretender 2001, TNT, 2001. 81


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Addresses: Manager—Steve Owens, Up Front Management, 499 North Canon Dr., Penthouse, Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Roderick, ⬙Life during Wartime,⬙ Dead at 21, MTV, 1994. Clyde Fullner, ⬙The Nutty Confessor,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1996. ⬙Admissions,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1999. Probation officer Paul Tibbets, ⬙My Aim Is True,⬙ The Guardian, CBS, 2003.

Career: Actress. Appeared in advertisements. Acting instructor in Sherman Oaks, CA. Involved in fund– raisers for charity. Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nominations, best young actress starring in a television drama series, 1988, and best young actress in a daytime drama series, 1989, both for General Hospital.

Television Appearances; Pilots: The Frenchman, Millennium, Fox, 1996. Stage Appearances: Killer Joe Cooper, Killer Joe, Next Lab, Evanston, IL, beginning 1993, later produced at other venues, including Soho Playhouse, New York City, 1998.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Fran, Can’t Buy Me Love (also known as Boy Rents Girl), Buena Vista, 1987. Katie Simpson, She’s Out of Control, Columbia, 1989. Cheryl, Faith, Vidmark Entertainment, 1990. Lucy Barrett, Children of the Night, Columbia, 1991. Jeannie, Miracle Beach, Motion Picture Corporation of America, 1992. Kathy, To Die, to Sleep (also known as Mortal Danger and Turn Your Pony Around), Calimo Film Group/ Imperial Entertainment/Peacock Films, 1992. Dee Dee Davenport, Ticks (also known as Infested), Republic Pictures Home Video, 1993. Ginny Grafton, Rescue Me (also known as Street Hunter), Cannon, 1993. Paige, Witchboard 2 (also known as Witchboard 2: The Devil’s Doorway), Republic, 1993. Wendy, Stepmonster, New Horizons Home Video, 1993. Jenny Braddock, Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings (also known as Pumpkinhead 2: The Demon Returns), Motion Picture Corporation of America, 1994. Joy, Life 101, 1995. Billy Daedalus, Daedalus Is Dead (short film), Sundance Channel, 1996. Heather Dombrowski, Mr. Id, NOCI Pictures Entertainment, 2003.

Appeared as a cab driver in Hellcab, Ivanhoe Theatre, Chicago, later produced in Los Angeles; appeared in The Conquest of the South Pole, Custer, Hauptmann, Jane Eyre, Peer Gynt, Serious Money, The Three Musketeers, and ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore, all productions in and around Chicago. Stage Work: Producer of Hellcab, Los Angeles production; producer and director of productions at the Bang Bang Spontaneous Theatre, Rogers Park, IL. WRITINGS Stage Plays: With others, wrote Hellcab, Ivanhoe Theatre, Chicago, later produced in Los Angeles.

DILLON, Stephen See DILLANE, Stephen

Television Appearances; Series: Melissa McKee, General Hospital, ABC, 1987–1989. Sloan Peterson, Ferris Bueller, NBC, 1990–1991.

DOLENZ, Ami 1969– (Amy Dolenz)

Television Appearances; Movies: The Children of Times Square, ABC, 1986. Cara, White Wolves: A Cry in the Wild II (also known as A Cry in the Wild II), The Disney Channel, 1993. Lila, Bandit: Bandit Bandit, syndicated, 1994. Laura, Virtual Seduction (also known as Addicted to Love), Showtime, 1995. Jenny, Demolition University, Showtime, 1997.

PERSONAL Full name, Ami Bluebell Dolenz; born January 8, 1969, in Burbank, CA; daughter of Micky (an actor) and Samantha (an actress; maiden name, Juste) Dolenz; married Jerry Trimble (an actor), August 10, 2002. Education: Studied acting with Lynette Katselas. 82

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DONAHUE Donahue. Education: University of the Arts, Philadelphia, graduated, 1995; also attended Battersea Arts Centre, London. Avocational Interests: Camping, reading, rock climbing, running, skiing, snowmobiling.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Linda, ⬙Slice of Life,⬙ Growing Pains, ABC, 1985. Kelly Jordan, ⬙One for the Road,⬙ Starman, ABC, 1986. Linda, ⬙Be a Man,⬙ Growing Pains, ABC, 1986. Shannon, ⬙The Ticket,⬙ Mr. Belvedere, ABC, 1987. Lauren, ⬙The Out of Towner,⬙ Hardball, NBC, 1989. Jessica James, ⬙Superstar,⬙ Superboy (also known as The Adventures of Superboy), syndicated, 1990. Tammy, ⬙Tammy Tell Me True,⬙ Glory Days, Fox, 1990. Tracey Noble, ⬙Bloodlines,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1993. Christy, ⬙Marry Me,⬙ Saved by the Bell: The College Years, NBC, 1994. Cindy, ⬙Living Doll,⬙ Teen Angel, ABC, 1997. Darla Wallenchik, ⬙Runaway,⬙ Pacific Blue, USA Network, 1997. Oatz Cautere, ⬙I.H.R.F./Oatz,⬙ The Secret Files of the SpyDogs (animated), Fox, 1998.

Addresses: Agent—Paradigm, 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., 25th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Manager— Rigberg–Rugolo Company, 1180 South Beverly Dr., Suite 608, Los Angeles, CA 90035. Career: Actress. Appeared in commercials. Also an office worker. Awards, Honors: Blockbuster Entertainment Award nomination, favorite actress—newcomer (Internet voting), and Online Film Critics Society Award nomination, best actress, both 2000, for The Blair Witch Project; Saturn Award nomination, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, best supporting actress in a television series, 2003, for Taken.

Appeared in ⬙Blackout,⬙ an episode of Dark Realm (also known as Frightmares and Le monde des tenebres). Television Appearances; Other: Sunset Beat (pilot), ABC, 1990. Ali Cooper, ⬙Boys Will Be Boys,⬙ ABC Afterschool Specials, ABC, 1994. Presenter, The Ninth Annual Genesis Awards, The Discovery Channel, 1995.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Sadey, Raw: Stripped to the Bone, 1997. Heather Donahue, The Blair Witch Project, Artisan Entertainment, 1999. Heather Donahue, Sticks and Stones: Investigating the Blair Witch (also known as An Exploration of the Blair Witch Legend), Blockbuster Video, 1999. (Uncredited) Herself (in archive footage), Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (also known as Book of Shadows: Blair Witch Project 2, BWP2, and BW2), Artisan Entertainment, 2000. Megan, Boys and Girls, Dimension Films, 2000. Wendy waitress, Home Field Advantage, Native Pictures Productions, 2000. Voice, The Velvet Tigress (animated short film), California Institute of the Arts, 2001. Whit, Seven and a Match, Film Kitchen, 2001. Wendy, The Walking Hack of Asbury Park, Native Pictures Productions, 2002. Molly Kerzner–Ching, New Suit, Trillion Entertainment, 2003.

RECORDINGS Video Games: (As Amy Dolenz) Voice of Jenny Braddock, Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead’s Revenge, BAP Interactive/Electronic Arts/Motion Picture Corporation of America Interactive, 1995. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, September 29, 1995, p. 69. Electronic: Ami Dolenz Web Site,, August 23, 2003.

Appeared as a prostitute in Under the Hammock. Television Appearances; Specials: Herself, Curse of the Blair Witch, Sci–Fi Channel, 1999. Presenter, The 1999 MTV Video Music Awards, MTV, 1999. Herself (in archive footage), The Burkittsville 7, Sci–Fi Channel, 2000. Inside Steven Spielberg Presents: Taken, Sci–Fi Channel, 2002.

DONAHUE, Heather 1974– PERSONAL Born December 22, 1974, in Upper Darby, PA; daughter of James (a printer) and Joan (an office manager) 83


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Television Appearances; Episodic: Claire Linkwood, ⬙The Surrogate,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 2001. Linda Schmidt, ⬙The Friendly Skies,⬙ Without a Trace, CBS, 2003.

Awards, Honors: National Society of Film Critics Award, best supporting actor, 1997, for The Portrait of a Lady.

Television Appearances; Other: Mary Crawford as an adult, Taken (miniseries; also known as Steven Spielberg Presents Taken), Sci–Fi Channel, 2002. The Big Time (movie), TNT, 2002.

Film Appearances: Josh, Hard Choices, Lorimar, 1986. Matthew Slaughter, Trust, Fine Line/Republic, 1990. Martin, Simple Men (also known as Uomini semplici), Fine Line, 1992. FBI agent, Malcolm X (also known as X), Warner Bros., 1992. Herschel Brewer, Quick (also known as Crossfire), Academy, 1993. John Abbott, The Rook, 1994, Phaedra Cinema, 1999. Jim, Nadja, October Films, 1994. Thomas Ludens, Amateur, 1994. Partygoer, French Exit, Columbia/TriStar Home Video, 1995. Walter, Flirt, Columbia/TriStar Home Video, 1995. Martyn Wyatt, Hollow Reed (also known as Believe Me, Lautlose Schreie, and Tras el silencio), Cinepix Film Properties, 1996. Ralph Touchett, The Portrait of a Lady, Gramercy, 1996. Robert ⬙Bob⬙ Nelson, Living Out Loud (also known as The Kiss), New Line Cinema, 1998. Dr. Phillip Spence, In a Savage Land, Universal, 1998. Robert Marling, Heaven, Miramax, 1998. Jesus Christ, The Book of Life, True Fiction Pictures, 1998. Bill Truitt, The Opposite of Sex, Sony Pictures Classics, 1998. Carl Livingston, Spanish Fly, Miramax, 1999. Prince Nikitin, Onegin (also known as Eugene Onegin), Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1999. Desire (also known as Fatale Sehnsucht), Remstar Distribution, 2000. The Pornographer: A Love Story, Blow Up Pictures, 2000. Ulysses, Cuba libre, 2000. David Kulovic, Pipe Dream, Castle Hill, 2002. Detective Hap Eckhart, Insomnia, Warner Bros., 2002. Harry Pollard, The United States of Leland, Paramount, 2003. Dr. Connors, Agent Cody Banks, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 2003. Pastor Skip, Saved, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 2004.


Stage Appearances: Appeared in the production Fried Blood, London; performed with Collision Theory (experimental theatre company), New York City, and in productions in and around Philadelphia, PA. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Details, October, 1999. Femme Fatales, February 25, 2000, pp. 16–18, 21–22, 27, 28–29, 61. Movieline, May, 2000, p. 22. People Weekly, August 23, 1999. Village Voice, July 20, 1999. Wicked, winter, 1999, p. 3. Electronic: Blair Witch Fan Site,, September 23, 2003. Film Freak Central,, September 23, 2003.

DONOVAN, Martin 1957– PERSONAL Original name, Martin Smith; born August 19, 1957, in Reseda, CA; married Vivian Lanko (an actress), 1984; children: two. Education: Studied at American Theatre Arts, Los Angeles. Religion: Roman Catholic.

Television Appearances; Series: Dr. Neil Harrison, Wonderland, ABC, 2000. Will McAllister, Pasadena, Fox, 2001.

Addresses: Agent—Endeavor, 9701 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Marc Epstein, Personal Management Co., 425 North Robertson Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90048.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Detective Regan (some sources cite Rogen), At Mother’s Request, CBS, 1987. Paul Garrison, Night Sins, CBS, 1997.

Career: Actor. Cucuracha Theatre Company, New York City, member of company, mid–1980s–1994. 84

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Richard DiBenedetto, The Hunt for the Unicorn Killer, NBC, 1999. Mike, Traffic, USA Network, 2004.


Television Appearances; Movies: Jude, ⬙Surviving Desire,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1991. Gordon Wexler, Scam, Showtime, 1993. Aart Vos, ⬙Aart and Johte Vos,⬙ Rescuers: Stories of Courage: Two Couples, Showtime, 1997. Captain Roy Pritchett, When Trumpets Fade (also known as Hamburger Hill 2), HBO, 1998. Dennis Raphael, Custody of the Heart, Lifetime, 2000. Tom Buchanan, The Great Gatsby, Arts and Entertainment, 2001. Peter Robertson, Amy & Isabelle (also known as Oprah Winfrey Presents: Amy and Isabelle), ABC, 2001. John F. Kennedy, RFK, FX Channel, 2002.

Original name, Gary Durdin; born December 11, 1966, in Philadelphia, PA; son of Robert (a musicians’ agent and entrepreneur) and Sandy (a fashion designer and teacher) Durdin; married Roshumba Williams (a model), c. 1992 (divorced, 1994); children: (with publicist Jennifer Sutter) Nyla. Education: Studied at Lee Strasberg Institute, New York City. Addresses: Agent—Holly Baril, William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Colton Gramm, Original Film Management, 2045 South Barrington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025. Publicist—Jenni Weinman, Patricola Lust Public Relations, 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 530, Beverly Hills, CA 90211.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Spencer Robinson, ⬙School for Scandal,⬙ South Beach, c. 1993. Dr. Archibald Newlands, ⬙Serendipity,⬙ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, NBC and USA Network, 2003.

Career: Actor. Appeared in commercials, including one for TV Guide, 2003. Member of the band Rent Money; music producer and musician; performed at nightclubs in New York City.

Appeared as Louis, The Woman in White.

Awards, Honors: New American Cinema Award, outstanding ensemble cast performance (with others), Seattle International Film Festival, 2000, for The Weekend; Screen Actors Guild Award nominations, outstanding performance by an ensemble in a drama series (with others), 2002 and 2003, and Image Award, outstanding supporting actor in a drama series, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 2003, all for CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

Television Appearances; Specials: Crossing guard, The Adventures of Pete & Pete: Apocalypse Pete (also known as Pete and Pete), Nickelodeon, 1992. Security guard, The Adventures of Pete & Pete: Space, Geeks, and Johnny Unitas (also known as Pete and Pete), Nickelodeon, 1992. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s ⬙The Great Gatsby⬙: The Making of a Classic, 2000.


Stage Appearances: Richard’s Cork Leg, American Theatre Arts, Hollywood, CA, 1980–1981. Winesburg, Ohio, American Theatre Arts, 1981. Craven, Homo Sapien Shuffle, New York Shakespeare Festival, Susan Stein Shiva Theatre, Public Theatre, New York City, 1992.

Film Appearances: Second cartel man, Weekend at Bernie’s II, TriStar, 1993. Copy guy, The Paper, Universal, 1994. Dreadlock guy, Sunset Park, TriStar, 1996. Christie, Alien: Resurrection (also known as Alien 4), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1997. Yates, Playing God (also known as Playing Hero), Buena Vista, 1997. A Woman Like That, 1997. Derek, Fool’s Paradise, Trident Releasing, 1997. Frankie D, 1997. James, Get That Number, 1997. Ballpean, Thursday, Volcanic Films/Legacy Releasing, 1998. New Jersey Turnpikes, Universal, 1999.

Also appeared in Famine Plays. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Premiere, January, 1997, p. 38. 85


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Jermaine Davis, Trois, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 2000. Dancing in September, Home Box Office, 2000. Thierry, The Weekend, Strand Releasing, 2000. Captain Burke, Imposter, Dimension Films, 2002.

Also appeared in Angeles in the Men’s Lounge; The Colored Museum; The Third Rhythm; and Three Ways Home. RECORDINGS

Television Appearances; Series: Shazza Zulu, A Different World, NBC, 1991–1992. Robert ⬙Bobby⬙ Harold, The Office, CBS, 1995. Randall Patterson, Swift Justice, UPN, 1996. Warrick Brown, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as C.S.I.), CBS, beginning 2000. Jack Van Adams, a recurring role, Soul Food, Showtime, 2001–2002. Host, Lyric Cafe, Black Entertainment Television, 2002.

Videos: Voice of Christie, Alien: Resurrection (video game), Fox Interactive, 2000. Gary, Wanted: Soulful Energy Xchange, Abyssinian Moon Productions/HighFarGone Productions, 2002. Voice of Warrick Brown, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (video game), Ubi Soft Entertainment, 2003.

Television Appearances; Movies: The Good Fight, Lifetime, 1992. Sergeant Dan Creedy, Scar City (also known as S.C.A.R. and Scarred City), HBO, 1998. Jeff Nelson, Rendezvous, Black Entertainment Television, 1999. Malcolm X, King of the World (also known as Muhammad Ali: King of the World), ABC, 2000.

Appeared as the boyfriend in the music video ⬙Again⬙ by Janet Jackson. OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Black Biography, Volume 37, Gale, 2003. Who’s Who among African Americans, 16th edition, Gale, 2003.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Trey King, ⬙To Protect and Serve,⬙ New York Undercover, Fox, 1994. Ziggy, ⬙Never on Sunday,⬙ Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, ABC, 1996. Premiere episode, Sins of the City, USA Network, 1998. Sergeant Mohmand, ⬙Daddy’s Girl,⬙ 7 Days, UPN, 1999. Kris Bumstead, ⬙The Strange Loves of Shelley Bumstead,⬙ Cold Feet, NBC and Bravo, 1999. Guest, Larry King Live, Cable News Network, 2002. Warrick Brown, ⬙Cross–Jurisdictions,⬙ CSI: Miami, 2002. Guest, The View, 2002. Karim Fillmore, ⬙Cry, the Beloved Mascot,⬙ Fillmore!, 2002. Guest, The Wayne Brady Show, syndicated, 2003.

Periodicals: Ebony, April, 1998; September, 2001, p. 103. Entertainment Weekly, June 28, 2002, p. 68. People Weekly, October 3, 2002. Radio Times, June 29, 2002, pp. 12–13. TV Guide, March 14, 2002; April 26, 2003, p. 10. Us, April 30, 2001.

DOWN, Lesley–Anne 1954– (Lesley Down) PERSONAL

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 7th Annual Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards, syndicated, 2001. Presenter, The 2001 Essence Awards, Fox, 2001.

Born March 17, 1954, in London, England; daughter of P. James (a caretaker) and Isabella (maiden name, Gordon–Young) Down; married Henri Gabriel (a camera operator), March 2, 1980 (divorced, 1981); married William Friedkin (a director, producer, actor, and writer), 1982 (divorced, 1985); married Don E. FauntLeRoy (a director, producer, and cinematographer), September 27, 1986; children: (second marriage) Josh ⬙Jack⬙ (a director); (third marriage) George Edward, Season–Marie and Juliana (stepdaughters). Avocational Interests: Animal rights activism, collecting Victorian children’s books.

Television Appearances; Other: Anthony, Laurel Avenue (miniseries), HBO, 1993. Loot, Keys (pilot; also known as Keys to Her Past), Lifetime, 1999. Stage Appearances: Samson, The Balm Yard, Theatre of Riverside Church, New York City, 1991. 86

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Career: Actress. Appeared in commercials, beginning at age ten, and worked as a model.

DOWN Linda McClelland, Munchie Strikes Back, New Horizons Home Video, 1994. Jean, In the Heat of Passion II: Unfaithful (also known as Behind Closed Doors and Unfaithful), New Horizons Home Video, 1994. Morgana, Beastmaster III: The Eye of Braxus (also known as Beastmaster III), MCA Home Entertainment, 1995. Lillian, Saving Grace, 1996. Eve, The Secret Agent Club, Hit Entertainment, 1996. Prostitute nurse, Meet Wally Sparks, Trimark Pictures, 1997. Queen Beatrice, The King’s Guard, Lions Gate, 2000. Emily Meeks, The Meeksville Ghost, 2001. District Attorney Murphy, 13th Child (also known as 13th Child, Legend of the Jersey Devil, Volume 1), Alex Mendoza and Associates, 2002.

Awards, Honors: Evening Standard British Film Award, most promising female newcomer, 1978, for The Pink Panther Strikes Again; Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actress in a series, miniseries, or television movie, 1986, and German Bravo Award, best actress, both for North and South. CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Lesley Down) Diana, School for Unclaimed Girls (also known as Hellhouse Girls, House of Unclaimed Women, and The Smashing Bird I Used to Know), 1969, Grand National, 1973. Laura, All the Right Noises, 1969, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1973. Sin un adios, Mercurio Films, 1970. Tessa Hurst, Assault (also known as The Creepers, In the Devil’s Garden, Satan’s Playthings, and Tower of Terror), Rank, 1971. Ilona Nodosheen, Countess Dracula, Hammer Films/ Twentieth Century–Fox, 1971. Cecilia, Pope Joan (also known as The Devil’s Imposter), Warner Bros., 1972. Rosemary Seaton, ⬙The Door,⬙ From beyond the Grave (also known as Creatures, Creatures from beyond the Grave, Tales from beyond the Grave, Tales from the Beyond, and The Undead), Amicus/Howard Mahler Films, 1972. Lucy–Ann, Scalawag (also known as Un magnifico ceffo di galera and Protuva), Paramount, 1973. Luana, Brannigan (also known as Joe Battle), United Artists, 1975. Olga, The Pink Panther Strikes Again, United Artists, 1976. Anne Egerman, A Little Night Music (also known as Das Laecheln einer Sommernacht), New World, 1977. Lady Roberta ⬙Bobby⬙ Ayres, The Betsy (also known as Harold Robbins’ The Betsy), Allied Artists, 1978. Miriam/Madame Lucienne/Miss Brigid Lawson, The Great Train Robbery (also known as The First Great Train Robbery), United Artists, 1979. Margaret Sellinger, Hanover Street, Columbia, 1979. Gillian Bromley, Rough Cut (also known as Roughcut), Paramount, 1980. Erica Baron, Sphinx, Warner Bros., 1980. Dr. Flax, Nomads, Atlantic Releasing, 1984. Herself, Scenes from the Goldmine, Hemdale, 1987. Christine Turner, Night Trap (also known as Mardi Gras for the Devil), Prism Entertainment, 1993. Olivia Regent, Death Wish V: The Face of Death, Trimark Pictures, 1993. Elaine, Out of Control (also known as Over the Line), 1993.

Television Appearances; Series: Stephanie Rogers, Dallas, CBS, 1990. Olivia Blake Richards, Sunset Beach, NBC, 1997. Lady Sheraton, a recurring role, Days of Our Lives, NBC, 2001. Jacqueline Payne, The Bold and the Beautiful (also known as Belleza y poder), CBS, beginning 2003. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Georgina Worsley, Upstairs, Downstairs, London Weekend Television (England), 1971–1975, broadcast on Masterpiece Theatre, PBS, 1974–1977. Chloe, The Last Days of Pompeii, ABC, 1984. Madeline Fabray LaMotte, North and South, ABC, 1985. Madeline LaMotte Main, North and South, Book II, ABC, 1986. Madeline Main, Heaven & Hell: North & South, Book III (also known as John Jakes’ Heaven & Hell: North & South, Book III and North and South III), ABC, 1994. Television Appearances; Movies: Ellie Dunn, Heartbreak House (also known as Play of the Month: Heartbreak House), BBC (England), 1977, then PBS. Unity Mitford (title role), Unity, BBC, 1981, then PBS. Esmerelda, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (also known as Hunchback), CBS, 1982. Bridget Conway, Murder Is Easy (also known as Agatha Christie’s ⬙Murder Is Easy⬙), CBS, 1982. Joan Madou, Arch of Triumph, CBS, 1985. Morganna Ross, Ladykillers, USA Network, 1988. Anne Kingston, Indiscreet, CBS, 1988. Geneva Miller, Night Walk, CBS, 1989. Anna Novacek, Family of Cops (also known as Une famille de flics), CBS, 1995. Barbara, Young Hearts Unlimited, Fox Family Channel, 1998. 87


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Addresses: Agent—Don Buchwald & Associates, 6500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2200, Los Angeles, CA 90048; L.A. Talent, 7700 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90069. Manager—Roz Tillman, 11054 Ventura Blvd., Ⲇ289, Studio City, CA 91604. Contact—P.O. Box 325, North Hollywood, CA 91603.

Dr. Susan Chandler, You Belong to Me (also known as Mary Higgins Clark’s ⬙You Belong to Me⬙ and Mary Higgins Clark: Tu m’appartiens), PAX, 2001. Helen Coburn, The Perfect Wife, Lifetime, 2001. Television Appearances; Specials: Diana Carver, Out of the Unknown: To Lay a Ghost (also known as To Lay a Ghost), BBC–2 (England), 1971. Phyllis Dixey, The One and Only Phyllis Dixey (also known as Peek–a–Boo and Peek–a–Boo: The One and Only Phyllis Dixey), PBS, 1979. Third testifier, ⬙Frog Girl: The Jennifer Graham Story⬙ (also known as ⬙The Frog Girl⬙), CBS Schoolbreak Special, CBS, 1989. An All–Star Party for Aaron Spelling, ABC, 1998. Herself, After Upstairs Downstairs, ITV (England), 2002.

Career: Actress and director. Full Moon Pictures VideoZone, celebrity merchandise host; Pledge Night, on– location video interviewer; appeared in numerous television commercials, including Chex Mix, Budweiser, Ivory Soap, Mervyns, Fruit of the Loom, Virginia Slims, Mars Bar, Kodak, Prudential, Sunkist Orange Juice, Coors, and Fisher Studio 24; previously worked as a model and an intern at Hollywood Talent Search contest. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Episodic: Cheeky, ⬙2774 AD: All the World’s a Stooge,⬙ 6 Dates with Barker, London Weekend Television (England), 1971. Caroline, ⬙Chalk and Cheese,⬙ The Sweeney, ITV (England), 1975. Chloe Simpson, ⬙Maggie the Model,⬙ The Nanny, CBS, 1994. Catherine Windsor, ⬙A Model Murder,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1996. Guest, The Buzz, YTV, 2002.

Film Appearances: Meet Me at the Dog Bar, 1990. Nancy Borelli, Martial Law II: Undercover (also known as Martial Law II), 1992. (As Denice Marie Duff) Anani, Dark Vengeance (also known as Warlord 3000 and Warlords 3000), Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1992. Dr. Spangle, Frogtown II (also known as Hell Comes to Frogtown II and Return to Frogtown), York Home Video, 1993. Michelle Morgan, Bloodstone: Subspecies II (also known as Subspecies II: Bloodstone), Full Moon Entertainment, 1993. Candy, Bloodfist V: Human Target (also known as Human Target), 1993. Michelle, Bloodlust: Subspecies III (also known as Subspecies III: Bloodlust), Paramount Home Video, 1994. Seline, Phoenix, 1995. Michelle Morgan, Subspecies 4: Bloodstorm (also known as Subspecies: The Awakening), Full Moon Entertainment, 1998. Linda, The Silencing (short film), 2000. Katherine Great, The Monster Man, 2001. Victoria Thorn, Song of the Vampire (also known as Vampire Resurrection), 2001. Sally Winward, The Rose Technique (also known as Deranged), Showcase Entertainment, 2002. Michelle Morgan, Subspecies 5, Full Moon Entertainment, 2003. Dr. Susan Verger, The Last Patient, 2003. Herself, Something to Scream About, Temple Video, 2003. Francesca, L.A. Twister, 2004.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Cassandra, ⬙Shivers,⬙ CBS Summer Playhouse, CBS, 1989. Annabelle Proctor, 1775, CBS, 1992. Stage Appearances: Appeared in productions of Great Expectations, Hamlet, The Marquis, and Pygmalion. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Celebrity Sleuth, Volume 9, issue 5, 1996, pp. 8–9. TV Guide, February 26, 1994, p. 24.

DUFF, Denice (Denice Marie Duff) PERSONAL Born July 1, in New York, NY (some sources say Long Island, NY); married Michael Duff. Education: Studied directing at New York University and engineering at University of California, Los Angeles. Avocational Interests: Photography and backpacking.

Film Director: Song of the Vampire (also known as Vampire Resurrection), 2001. 88

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

DUGAN Addresses: Agent—Geddes Agency, 8430 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 200, West Hollywood, CA 90069. Contact—Acme Talent and Literary Agency, 875 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 2108, New York, NY 10001.

Television Appearances; Series: Amanda Browning, The Young and the Restless (also known as Y&R), CBS, 2001–2002. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Denice, Invasion (also known as Robin Cook’s Invasion), NBC, 1997.

Career: Actor. Has an autobiographical comedy piece, Oscar to Oscar. Sometimes credited as Tommy Dugan.

Television Appearances; Movies: Double Jeopardy, Showtime, 1992.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Diner owner, Superman II, Warner Bros., 1980. Lester, Odd Jobs (also known as Summer Jobs and This End Up), TriStar, 1986. Wolf, Thunder Run, Cannon, 1986. Brandon Poole, Perfect Victims (also known as Hidden Rage), Academy Video, 1988. Second drug dealer, The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (also known as The Naked Gun), Paramount, 1988. First restaurant police officer, Ghostbusters II, Columbia, 1989. Second neanderthal, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Orion, 1989. William, Brothers in Arms, Republic, 1989. Nightwish, Vidmark Entertainment, 1989. Crisp’s lawyer, Kindergarten Cop, Universal, 1990. Mr. Adams, Lisa (also known as Candlelight Killer), United Artists, 1990. Paco, Marked for Death (also known as Screwface), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1990. Hot dog vendor, Beethoven’s 2nd, Universal, 1993. Jerry, Dave, Warner Bros., 1993. First operator, The Puppet Masters (also known as Robert A. Heinlein’s The Puppet Masters), Buena Vista, 1994. Freddie, Dangerous Touch, Trimark Pictures, 1994. Lobster man, Junior, Universal, 1994. Paul, Twogether, Borde Releasing, 1994. Ajax spokesperson, Stuart Saves His Family, Paramount, 1995. Art, Leprechaun 3, Trimark Pictures, 1995. Chamberlain, Hellraiser: Bloodline (also known as Hellraiser IV and Hellraiser IV: Bloodline Story), Miramax/Dimension Films, 1996. Robert, White Cargo, 1996. William, Galgameth (also known as The Adventures of Galgameth and The Legend of Galgameth), Trimark Pictures, 1996. Arms dealer, P.U.N.K.S. (also known as Rebels), A–Pix Entertainment/Ardustry Home Entertainment, 1998. Second reporter, Race to Space, Lions Gate Films, 2001.

Television Appearances; Episodic: General Hospital, ABC, 1990. Patti, ⬙Only You,⬙ Northern Exposure, CBS, 1991. ⬙Making Dirt Stick,⬙ Reasonable Doubts, NBC, 1991. ⬙Daddy’s Little Girl,⬙ Reasonable Doubts, NBC, 1991. Lisa Sullivan, ⬙The Picture: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Matlock, NBC, 1992. Tina, ⬙Intensive Care,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1992. Dream On, 1992. Dr. Kreiger, ⬙Searcher in the Mist,⬙ Danger Theatre, Fox, 1993. Mrs. Caplin’s sister, ⬙Slaughterhouse,⬙ C.S.I.: Miami, CBS, 2002. Stage Appearances: Appeared in Night of January 16th, Los Angeles; His & Hers, Los Angeles; Midsummer Night’s Dream, Los Angeles; Beyond Therapy, New York City; Detective Story, New York City; Hamlet Machine, New York City. RECORDINGS Taped Readings: (With others) L. Ron Hubbard’s The Kingslayer: Seven Steps to the Arbiter, 2003. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Denice Duff Official Site,, November 30, 2003.

DUGAN, Tom (Tommy Dugan) PERSONAL

Television Appearances; Movies: Public defender, A Friend to Die For (also known as Death of a Cheerleader), NBC, 1994.

Born in New Jersey. 89


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Lance Heflin, If Looks Could Kill (also known as If Looks Could Kill: From the Files of “America’s Most Wanted” and If Looks Could Kill: The John Hawkins Story), Fox, 1996. Ted Rankin, I’ve Been Waiting for You, NBC, 1998. Prosecutor Thomas Crittenden, The Trial of Old Drum, Animal Planet, 2000. Keith, The Even Stevens Movie, The Disney Channel, 2003.

RECORDINGS Music Videos: Appeared as a hamburger cook in the music video ⬙Legs⬙ by ZZTop.

DUTTON, Charles S. 1951– (Charles Dutton)

Television Appearances; Episodic: Silas Marner, ⬙The Red Room,⬙ Alien Nation, Fox, 1989. Paramedic, ⬙Strung Along,⬙ Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1992. O. B., ⬙Heartbreak,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. Waiter, ⬙In the Company of Maya,⬙ Just Shoot Me!, NBC, 1998. Charles O’Hara, ⬙Judgment,⬙ Vengeance Unlimited (also known as Mr. Chapel), ABC, 1999. Economics professor, ⬙Too Cool for School,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 2000. Dr. Peter Kendall, ⬙The Case of Harland Bassett,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 2001. Lab technician, ⬙An Officer and a Prankster,⬙ Black Scorpion, Sci–Fi Channel, 2001.

PERSONAL Born January 30, 1951, in Baltimore, MD; father, a truck driver; married Debbi Morgan (an actress), 1989 (divorced, 1994). Education: Hagerstown Junior College, A.A., 1976; Towson State University, B.A., 1978; Yale University, M.A., drama, 1983. Addresses: Agent—Charles King, William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor, producer, and director. Roc Productions, founder, 1991; consultant to Cash Money Pictures. As a prison inmate, founder and director of theatre workshops in the 1970s; American Conservatory Theatre, San Francisco, CA, guest artist, 1986–87; also performed standup comedy in New York City with partner Reg E. Cathy. Fly Guys (singing group), manager; also worked as amateur boxer under the nickname Roc.

Appeared as a police officer in an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, HBO; as a soldier, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (also known as Lois & Clark and The New Adventures of Superman), ABC; and as a waiter, Phenom, ABC; appeared as multiple characters in The Tracey Ullman Show, Fox.

Awards, Honors: Theatre World Award, 1984, Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actor in a featured dramatic role, 1985, Drama Desk Award, outstanding featured actor in a play, 1985, and Outer Critics’ Circle Award nomination, all for Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best leading actor, Drama Desk Award nomination, best actor, and Helen Hayes Award, outstanding lead actor in a non–resident production, Washington Theatre Awards Society, all 1990, for The Piano Lesson; Image Award, outstanding lead actor in a comedy series, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1994, for Roc; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actor in a miniseries or special, 1995, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a miniseries or motion picture made for television, 1996, and Image Award nomination, outstanding actor in a television movie, miniseries, or drama series, 1996, all for ⬙The Piano Lesson,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame; Image Award nominations, outstanding supporting actor in a motion picture, 1996, for Cry, the Beloved Country, and 1997, for A Time to Kill; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding guest actor in a drama series, and Image Award nomination, outstanding supporting actor in a

Television Appearances; Other: Member of Lyle Menendez’s jury, Menendez: A Killing in Beverly Hills (miniseries), CBS, 1994. Pundit, The First Gentleman (special), CBS, 1994. Cop Files (special), UPN, 1996. Host of Dugan’s Pub, a local–access cable series. Stage Appearances: Grandpa, Dandelion Wine, Colony Theatre Company, Burbank Center Stage Theatre, Burbank, CA, 2000. Sheridan Whiteside, The Man Who Came to Dinner, Colony Theatre Company, Burbank Center Stage Theatre, c. 2001. General George Rogers Clark, Beautiful in the Extreme, Colony Theatre Company, Burbank Center Stage Theatre, c. 2002. Also appeared in productions of All’s Well That Ends Well, The Elephant Man, and The Unified Field. 90

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 drama series, both 1999, for Oz; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best supporting male, Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by an actor in a television movie or miniseries, and Grand Jury Award, outstanding actor in a feature film, Los Angeles Outfest, all 1999, for Blind Faith; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best supporting male, and Image Award nomination, outstanding supporting actor in a motion picture, both 2000, for Cookie’s Fortune; Emmy Award, outstanding director of a miniseries, movie, or special, 2000, and Black Reel Award, best network or cable director, 2001, both for The Corner; Image Award nomination, outstanding actor in a television movie, miniseries, or dramatic special, 2001, for Deadlocked; Emmy Award, outstanding guest actor in a drama series, 2002, for ⬙Killing Time,⬙ The Practice; Image Award nomination, outstanding supporting actor in a drama series, 2002, for ⬙Another Toothpick,⬙ The Sopranos; Emmy Award, outstanding guest actor in a drama series, and Image Award nomination, outstanding supporting actor in a drama series, both 2003, for Without a Trace; Image Award, outstanding actor in a television movie, miniseries, or dramatic special, and Black Reel Award, best network or cable supporting actor, both 2003, for 10,000 Black Men Named George.

DUTTON John Kumalo, Cry, the Beloved Country, Miramax, 1995. Huey, Nick of Time, Paramount, 1995. (Uncredited) Cop, Se7en, 1995. (As Charles Dutton) Sheriff Ozzie Walls, A Time to Kill, Warner Bros., 1996. George, Get on the Bus, Columbia TriStar, 1996. (Uncredited) John Henry Reese, Last Dance, Buena Vista, 1996. Leonard, Mimic, Dimension Films, 1997. (As Charles Dutton) FBI agent Allen Ford, Black Dog, Universal, 1998. Willis Richland, Cookie’s Fortune, October Films, 1999. Alcee, Random Hearts, Columbia, 1999. Charlie ⬙Chuck⬙ Hendricks, D–tox (also known as Eye See You and Im Auge der Angst), Universal, 2002. Dr. Doug Grey, Gothika, Columbia TriStar/Warner Bros., 2003. Felix Reynolds, Against the Ropes, Paramount, 2004. Film Director: Against the Ropes, Paramount, 2004. Television Appearances; Series: (As Charles Dutton) Roc Emerson, Roc (also known as Roc Live), Fox, 1991–1994.

CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Charles Dutton) Dom, ⬙The Ledge,⬙ Cat’s Eye (also known as Stephen King’s Cat’s Eye), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1985. (As Charles Dutton) Sergeant Savoy (some sources cite Sergeant Sandy), No Mercy, TriStar, 1986. (As Charles Dutton) Leroy Brown, Crocodile Dundee II, Paramount, 1988. (As Charles Dutton) White, Astonished, Leo Films, 1988. (As Charles Dutton) Jake, Jacknife, Cineplex Odeon, 1989. An Unremarkable Life, 1989. (As Charles Dutton) Detective Sam Chapman, Q & A, TriStar, 1990. Tyrone, Mississippi Masala, Samuel Goldwyn, 1991. (As Charles Dutton) Pretty Hattie’s Baby, 1991. Elijah Hawkins, The Distinguished Gentleman, Buena Vista, 1992. Dillon, Alien 3, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1992. The Colors of Love, 1992. Mr. Butler, Menace II Society, New Line Cinema, 1993. (As Charles Dutton) Fortune, Rudy, TriStar, 1993. (As Charles Dutton) Rothmiller, A Low Down Dirty Shame (also known as Mister Cool), Buena Vista, 1994. (As Charles Dutton) Howlin’ Wolf, Foreign Student (also known as L’etudiant etranger), Gramercy, 1994. (As Charles Dutton) Walter Cole, Surviving the Game, New Line Cinema, 1994.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: (As Charles Dutton) Jim Conley, The Murder of Mary Phagan, 1988. (As Charles Dutton) Arlo McDaniel, A Matter of Justice (also known as Final Justice), 1993. (As Charles Dutton) Josiah, True Women, 1997. (As Charles Dutton) Reverend Willie Taylor, The ’60s, NBC, 1999. Mayor Bruce Lincoln, Aftershock (also known as Aftershock: Earthquake in New York), CBS, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: (As Charles Dutton) Assistant district attorney, Apology, HBO, 1986. (As Charles Dutton) Equal Justice, 1990. Charles Silvera, Jack Reed: A Search for Justice (also known as Deadly Justice), NBC, 1994. (As Charles Dutton) Boy Willie Charles, ⬙The Piano Lesson,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1995. (As Charles Dutton) Emmett, Zooman, 1995. (As Charles Dutton) Charles Silvera, Jack Reed: One of Our Own, 1995. (As Charles Dutton) Charles Silvera, Jack Reed: A Killer among Us (also known as Jack Reed: A Killer among Us), NBC, 1996. Charles Silvera, Jack Reed: Death and Vengeance, NBC, 1996. Dr. Eldon James, Night Visitors, NBC, 1996. (Uncredited) Inmate, First Time Felon, HBO, 1997. 91


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 (As Charles Dutton) Elijah Sanborn, ⬙Prison Riot,⬙ Homicide: Life on the Street, NBC, 1996. ⬙Lockdown,⬙ Homicide: Life on the Street, NBC, 1996. Professor Alvah Case, ⬙The Tip,⬙ Oz, HBO, 1998. Reverend Thomas Carver, ⬙Valentine’s Day,⬙ Ed, NBC, 2001. Officer Leon Wilmore, ⬙Another Toothpick,⬙ The Sopranos, HBO, 2001. Leonard Marshall, ⬙Killing Time,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 2001. (As Charles Dutton) Chet Collins, ⬙Between the Cracks,⬙ Without a Trace, CBS, 2002. (As Charles Dutton) Chet Collins, ⬙Hang On to Me,⬙ Without a Trace, CBS, 2003.

Charles Williams, Blind Faith, Showtime, 1998 (later released theatrically). Jacob Doyle, Deadlocked (also known as Deadlocked—Die fuenfte Gewalt), TNT, 2000. Dizzy Gillespie, For Love or Country: The Arturo Sandoval Story (also known as The Arturo Sandoval Story), HBO, 2000. Milton Webster, 10,000 Black Men Named George, Showtime, 2002. McGill, Conviction, Showtime, 2002. Chief Charles Moose, D.C. Sniper: 23 Days of Fear, USA Network, 2003. Television Appearances; Specials: (As Charles Dutton) Colby, ⬙Runaway,⬙ Wonderworks, PBS, 1989. (As Charles Dutton) Cyrus Quarles, Traitor in My House, PBS, 1990. The Meaning of Life, CBS, 1991. Muhammad Ali’s 50th Birthday Celebration, ABC, 1992. The Making of ⬙Alien 3,⬙ 1992. Narrator, Overture: East Meets West in Music, PBS, 1993. Narrator, Mo’ Funny: Black Comedy in America, HBO, 1993. Voice of Frederick Douglass, Frederick Douglass: When the Lion Wrote History, PBS, 1994. Narrator, Lock Up/Lock Down, The Disney Channel, 2000. Voice, Homecoming: Sometimes I Am Haunted by Memories of Red Dirt and Clay, PBS, 2000.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 24th Annual NAACP Image Awards, NBC, 1992. The 19th Annual Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame, syndicated, 1992. Presenter, The 44th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 1992. The 19th Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 1993. The 35th Annual Grammy Awards, CBS, 1993. The 54th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, NBC, 2002. Presenter, The 55th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 2003. Television Work; Series: (As Charles Dutton) Producer and executive consultant, Roc (also known as Roc Live), Fox, 1991. Executive producer, Roc (also known as Roc Live), Fox, 1993–1994. Television Work; Miniseries: (As Charles Dutton) Executive producer, Laurel Avenue, 1993. Creator, director, and director of photography, The Corner, HBO, 2000.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Charles Dutton) Abmennet, ⬙Bump and Run,⬙ The Equalizer, CBS, 1985. (As Charles Dutton) Pearson, ⬙Prodigal Son,⬙ Miami Vice, 1985. (As Charles Dutton) McCain, ⬙The Good Collar,⬙ Miami Vice, 1986. (As Charles Dutton) Mr. Johnson, ⬙The Marathon,⬙ Cagney & Lacey, 1986. (As Charles Dutton) Charles Hodges, ⬙Hear No Evil,⬙ A Man Called Hawk, 1989. ⬙Choice of Change,⬙ A Man Called Hawk, 1989. Guest, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, 1990, 1991. Guest, Late Show with David Letterman, 1990, 1992, 1997. (As Charles Dutton) Captain Jonas Cutter, ⬙The Tale of Cutter’s Treasure: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Nickelodeon, 1992. Marcus Emerson, Roc (also known as Roc Live), Fox, 1993. Storytime, PBS, 1994. Voice of ’Ol George, ⬙Pinocchio,⬙ Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (animated), HBO, 1995.

Television Work; Movies: Director, First Time Felon, HBO, 1997. Stage Appearances: Rip Van Winkle; or ⬙The Works,⬙ Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1981. Beef, No Chicken, Yale Repertory Theatre, 1981. Astopovo, Yale Repertory Theatre, 1982–1983. Levee, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, Yale Repertory Theatre, then Cort Theatre, New York City, 1984–1985. Title role, Othello, Yale Repertory Theatre, 1986, then American Conservatory Theatre, San Francisco, CA, 1986–1987. Herald Loomis, Joe Turner’s Come and Gone, Yale Repertory Theatre, 1986, then American Conservatory Theatre, 1986–1987. Pantomime, 1986. 92

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

DUVALL ments; recording artist with Triad Records. Restaurant owner in Virginia. Worked as a postal clerk, truck driver, and dishwasher. Military service: U.S. Army, c. 1953–55.

Fried Chicken and Invisibility, 1987. Boy Willie, The Piano Lesson, Huntington Theatre Company, Boston, MA, 1987–1988, later Walter Kerr Theatre, New York City, 1990–1991, also at John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, c. 1990. Ira Aldridge, Splendid Mummer (solo show), American Place Theatre, New York City, 1988. Levee, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, Royale Theatre, New York City, 2003.

Awards, Honors: Obie Award, Village Voice, 1965, for A View from the Bridge; New York Film Critics Circle Award, Academy Award nomination, and Film Award nomination, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, all best supporting actor, 1973, for The Godfather; London Film Festival Award, 1975, for We’re Not the Jet Set; Film Award nomination, best supporting actor, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1978, for Network; Golden Globe Award, Film Award nomination, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, and Academy Award nomination, all best supporting actor, 1980, and Marquee Award, best supporting actor, American Movie Awards, 1980, all for Apocalypse Now; Best Actor Award, Montreal World Film Festival, 1980, and Academy Award nomination, best actor, 1981, both for The Great Santini; Pasinetti Award, best actor, Venice Film Festival, 1981, for True Confessions; New York Film Critics Circle Award and Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award, both best actor, 1983, Academy Award, best actor, and Golden Globe Award, best performance by an actor in a motion picture, both 1984, all for Tender Mercies; Pasinetti Award, best actor, 1985, for The Lightship; Golden Boot Award, 1989; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actor in a miniseries or special, 1989, Golden Globe Award, best actor in a miniseries or motion picture made for television, 1990, and Bronze Wrangler Award, outstanding television feature film (with others), Western Heritage Awards, 1990, all for Lonesome Dove; Independent Spirit Award nomination, Independent Film Project, best male lead, 1992, for Rambling Rose; Golden Globe Award, best performance by an actor in a miniseries or television movie, and Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actor in a miniseries, both 1993, for Stalin; Bronze Wrangler Award, outstanding theatrical motion picture (with others), 1994, for Geronimo: An American Legend; Humanitas Award, Human Family Educational and Cultural Institute, c. 1996, for A Family Thing; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actor in a miniseries or special, and Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by a male actor in a television movie or miniseries, both 1997, for The Man Who Captured Eichmann; Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by a cast (with others), 1997, for Sling Blade; President’s Award, American Society of Cinematographers, 1997; Career Achievement Award, National Board of Review, 1997; Carl Foreman Prize, American Cinema Foundation, 1997; Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award and Society of Texas Film Critics Award, both best actor, 1997, National Society of Film Critics Award, best actor, Chicago Film Critics Association Award, best actor, Florida Film Critics Circle Award, best actor, Golden Satellite Award, best actor in

Also appeared in A Day of Absence. OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Black Biography, Volume 22, Gale, 1999. Who’s Who among African Americans, 16th edition, Gale, 2003. Periodicals: Jet, March 30, 1992, p. 58. Premiere, July, 1988.

DUVALL, Robert 1931– PERSONAL Full name, Robert Selden Duvall; born January 5, 1931, in San Diego, CA; son of William Howard Duvall (a naval officer); mother, an amateur actress; married Barbara Benjamin (a designer), 1964 (divorced, 1975); married Gail Youngs (an actress), 1982 (divorced, 1986); married Sharon Brophy (a dance instructor), May 1, 1991 (divorced, 1996); companion of Luciana Pedraza (an equestrienne); children: two stepdaughters, including Nancy Horne. Education: Principia College, degree in drama; studied acting with Sanford Meisner at the Neighborhood Playhouse, c. 1955. Avocational Interests: Tango dancing, ranching and breeding horses, soccer, tennis. Addresses: Office—Butchers Run Films, 1041 North Formosa Ave., Santa Monica Bldg., East 200, West Hollywood, CA 90046. Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor, director, producer, writer, and songwriter. Butchers Run Films (production company), founder and principal, beginning 1992. Appeared in advertise93


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

a motion picture drama, Independent Spirit awards, best actor and best director, Academy Award nomination, best actor, Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, best actor, and Independent Spirit Award nomination, best screenplay, all 1997, and Sierra Award, best actor, Las Vegas Film Critics Society, 1998, all for The Apostle; Special Texas Legend Award, Lone Star Film and Television Awards, 1998; Filmmaker Award, Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, 1998; Screen Actors Guild Award, best supporting actor, Florida Film Critics Circle Award, best supporting actor, Academy Award nomination, best actor, Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actor in a motion picture, Chicago Film Critics Association Award nomination, best supporting actor, Golden Satellite Award nomination, best supporting actor in a motion picture drama, and Blockbuster Entertainment Award nomination, favorite supporting actor in a drama, all 1999, for A Civil Action; Blockbuster Entertainment Award nomination, favorite science fiction actor, 1999, for Deep Impact; nomination for Grand Special Prize, Deauville Film Festival, 2003, for Assassination Tango; Donostia Lifetime Achievement Award, San Sebastian International Film Festival, 2003; received star on Hollywood Walk of Fame, 2003; award from the National Association of Theatre Owners.

Earl Macklin, The Outfit (also known as The Good Guys Always Win), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1973. (Uncredited) Director, The Conversation, Paramount, 1974. Tom Hagen, The Godfather, Part II (also known as Mario Puzo’s The Godfather, Part II), Paramount, 1974, released as part of The Godfather Trilogy, 1901–1980 (also known as The Godfather Saga and The Godfather Trilogy), Paramount, 1992. Ray Wagner (some sources cite Jay Wagner), Breakout, Columbia, 1975. George Hansen, The Killer Elite, United Artists, 1975. Frank Hackett, Network, United Artists, 1976. Bill McDonald, The Greatest, Columbia, 1977. Dr. John H. Watson (the narrator), The Seven Percent Solution, Universal, 1977. Colonel Max Radl, The Eagle Has Landed, Columbia, 1977. Loren Hardeman III, The Betsy (also known as Harold Robbins’ The Betsy), Allied Artists, 1978. (Uncredited) Priest on a swing, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, United Artists, 1978. Lieutenant Colonel William ⬙Bill⬙ Kilgore, Apocalypse Now, United Artists, 1979, released as Apocalypse Now Redux, 2001. Bull Meechum, The Great Santini (also known as The Ace and The Gift of Fury), Warner Bros., 1979. Gruen, The Pursuit of D. B. Cooper (also known as Pursuit), Universal, 1981. Tom Spellacy, True Confessions, United Artists, 1981. Mac Sledge, Tender Mercies, Universal, 1982. Joe Hillerman, The Stone Boy, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1984. Max Mercy, The Natural, TriStar, 1984. Interviewee, Sanford Meisner: The American Theatre’s Best Kept Secret (documentary), Columbia, 1984. Calvin Caspary, The Lightship (also known as Killers at Sea), Warner Bros., 1985. Roberto Carrasco (Luca), Hotel Colonial, Hemdale, 1986. The preacher, Belizaire the Cajun, Skouras/Norstar, 1986. Norman Shrike, Let’s Get Harry (also known as The Rescue), TriStar, 1987. Tango bayle nuestro (documentary; also known as Tango, Our Dance), [Argentina], 1987. Officer Bob Hodges, Colors, Orion, 1988. Howard Baslin, A Show of Force, Paramount, 1990. Commander, The Handmaid’s Tale (also known as Die Geschichte der Dienerin), Cinecom, 1990. Harry Hogge, Days of Thunder, Paramount, 1990. Roots in a Parched Land, 1990. Daddy Hillyer, Rambling Rose, Seven Arts, 1991. Soll Gautier, Convicts (also known as Horton Foote’s Convicts), Management Company Entertainment Group, 1991. Joseph Pulitzer, Newsies (also known as Newsboys), Buena Vista, 1992. Walter, Wrestling Ernest Hemingway, Warner Bros., 1993.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Arthur ⬙Boo⬙ Radley, To Kill a Mockingbird, Universal, 1962. Captain Paul Cabot Winston, Captain Newman, M.D., Universal, 1963. Motorcyclist, Nightmare in the Sun, Zodiac, 1964. Edwin Stewart, The Chase, Columbia, 1966. Weissberg, Bullitt, Warner Bros., 1968. Chiz, Countdown, Warner Bros., 1968. Nestor, The Detective, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1968. Gordon, The Rain People, Warner Bros., 1969. Ned Pepper, True Grit, Paramount, 1969. Major Frank Burns, M*A*S*H, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1970. Despard, The Revolutionary, United Artists, 1970. Vernon Adams, Lawman, United Artists, 1971. Title role, THX 1138, Warner Bros., 1971. Jesse James, The Great Northfield, Minnesota Raid, Universal, 1972. Frank Harlan, Joe Kidd, Universal, 1972. Jackson Fentry, Tomorrow, Filmgroup, 1972. Tom Hagen, The Godfather (also known as Mario Puzo’s The Godfather), Paramount, 1972, released as part of The Godfather Trilogy, 1901–1980 (also known as The Godfather Saga and The Godfather Trilogy), Paramount, 1992. Eddie Ryan, Badge 373, Paramount, 1973. Ford Pierce, Lady Ice, National General, 1973. 94

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Joseph Grand, La peste (also known as The Plague), Live Home Video, 1993. Al Sieber, Geronimo: An American Legend (also known as Geronimo), Columbia, 1993. Prendergrast, Falling Down (also known as Chute libre), Warner Bros., 1993. Himself, Cachao: Like His Rhythm There Is No Other (documentary; also known as Cachao ... como su ritmo no hay dos), 1993. Bernie White, The Paper, Buena Vista, 1994. Mr. Cox, The Stars Fell on Henrietta, Warner Bros., 1995. Dr. Roger Prynne/Roger Chillingsworth, The Scarlet Letter, Buena Vista, 1995. Wyly King, Something to Talk About (also known as Grace under Pressure), Warner Bros., 1995. Earl Pilcher, Jr., A Family Thing, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer/United Artists, 1996. Doc Brunler, Phenomenon, Buena Vista, 1996. Frank Childers, Sling Blade (also known as Reckoning), Miramax, 1996. Euliss F. ⬙E. F.⬙/⬙Sonny⬙ Dewey, The Apostle, October Films, 1997. Captain Spurgeon ⬙Fish⬙ Tanner, Deep Impact (also known as Impact), DreamWorks, 1998. Jerome Facher, A Civil Action, Buena Vista, 1998. Dixon Doss, The Gingerbread Man, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, 1998. Otto Halliwell, Gone in Sixty Seconds, Buena Vista, 2000. Dr. Griffin Weir, The 6th Day (also known as Le sixieme jour), Columbia, 2000. Lieutenant Frank Grimes, John Q, New Line Cinema, 2002. Gordon McLeod, A Shot at Glory, Mac Releasing, 2002. John J. Anderson, Assassination Tango, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 2002. General Robert E. Lee, Gods and Generals, Warner Bros., 2003. Boss Spearman, Open Range, Buena Vista, 2003. Hub, Secondhand Lions, New Line Cinema, 2003.

DUVALL Television Appearances; Miniseries: General Dwight D. ⬙Ike⬙ Eisenhower (title role), Ike (also known as Ike: The War Years), ABC, 1979. Captain Augustus ⬙Gus⬙ McCrae, Lonesome Dove, CBS, 1989. Television Appearances; Movies: Ernie Milden, Cosa Nostra, Arch Enemy of the F.B.I., 1968. Bill Vigars, The Terry Fox Story, HBO, 1983. Josef Stalin (title role), Stalin, HBO, 1992. Adolf Eichmann, The Man Who Captured Eichmann, TNT, 1996. Television Appearances; Specials: John Brown’s Raid, NBC, 1960. Howard, Flesh and Blood, NBC, 1968. Narrator, Mary Baker Eddy: A Heart in Protest, The Learning Channel, 1989. Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse, Showtime, 1991. The Godfather Family: A Look Inside, HBO, 1991. Lonesome Dove: The Making of an Epic, The Nashville Network, 1992. Interviewee, Ralph Emery: On the Road with Waylon Jennings, The Nashville Network, 1996. The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1996. Workin’ Man: A Tribute to Merle Haggard, The Nashville Network, 1998. With the Filmmaker: Portraits by Albert Maysles, Independent Film Channel, 2001. Interviewee, James Caan: Making a Scene, Arts and Entertainment, 2001. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙The Jailbreak,⬙ Armstrong Circle Theatre, CBS, 1959. ⬙Positive Identification,⬙ Armstrong Circle Theatre, CBS, 1960. ⬙A Hole in the City,⬙ Naked City, ABC, 1961. ⬙The Newborn,⬙ Route 66, CBS, 1961. Title role, ⬙William Wilson,⬙ Great Ghost Tales, NBC, 1961. Tom Nugent, ⬙King of the Mountain,⬙ Cain’s Hundred, NBC, 1961. Arnie, ⬙Birdcage on My Foot,⬙ Route 66, CBS, 1961. Al Rogart, ⬙Perjury,⬙ The Defenders, CBS, 1961. Bart Collins (some sources cite Bart Conway), ⬙Bad Actor,⬙ The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (also known as Alfred Hitchcock Presents), NBC, 1962. ⬙The One Marked Hot Gives Cold,⬙ Naked City, ABC, 1962. ⬙Five Cranks for Winter ... Ten Cranks for Spring,⬙ Naked City, ABC, 1962. ⬙Torment Him Much and Hold Him Long,⬙ Naked City, ABC, 1962. Eddie Moon, ⬙Blues for a Gone Goose,⬙ The Untouchables, ABC, 1963.

Film Work: Director, We’re Not the Jet Set (documentary), 1977. Producer (with Philip S. Hobel, Mary Ann Hobel, and Horton Foote), Tender Mercies, Universal, 1982. Producer (with others) and director, Angelo, My Love (documentary), Cinecom International, 1983. Producer, A Family Thing, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/ United Artists, 1996. Director and executive producer, The Apostle, October Films, 1997. Producer, A Shot at Glory, Mac Releasing, 2002. Producer and director, Assassination Tango, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 2002. 95


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

⬙Suppose I Said I Was the Queen of Spain,⬙ Route 66, CBS, 1963. Luke Jackson, ⬙Metamorphosis,⬙ The Defenders, CBS, 1963. Johnny Keel, ⬙The Golden Door,⬙ The Virginian, NBC, 1963. Joby Pierce, ⬙Joby,⬙ Stoney Burke, ABC, 1963. Eric Christian, ⬙Never Wave Goodbye: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Fugitive, ABC, 1963. ⬙The Quality of Justice,⬙ Arrest and Trial, ABC, 1963. Charley Parkes, ⬙Miniature,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1963. Louis Mace, ⬙The Chameleon,⬙ The Outer Limits, ABC, 1964. Adam Ballard, ⬙The Inheritors: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Outer Limits, ABC, 1964. ⬙Lament for a Dead Goldbrick,⬙ The Lieutenant, NBC, 1964. Harvey Farnsworth, ⬙Portrait of an Unknown Man,⬙ Kraft Suspense Theater, NBC, 1964. ⬙Fingerman,⬙ Brenner, CBS, 1964. Karl, ⬙The Enemy,⬙ Combat!, ABC, 1965. Leslie Sessions, ⬙Brass Ring,⬙ The Fugitive, ABC, 1965. Zar, ⬙The Invaders,⬙ Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, ABC, 1965. Bill Andrews, ⬙Only a Child,⬙ The Defenders, CBS, 1965. Joseph Maurice Walker, ⬙The Giant Killer,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1965. ⬙The Theory of the Innocent Bystander,⬙ Hawk, ABC, 1966. Johnny Albin, ⬙The Scourge,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1966. Albie Froehlich, ⬙Death of a Dream,⬙ Felony Squad, ABC, 1966. Tom Gary, ⬙Poor Tom’s A–Cold,⬙ Shane, ABC, 1966. Scorpio, ⬙Crossing at Destino Bay,⬙ T.H.E. Cat, NBC, 1966. Peter Halsman, ⬙A Cry for Help,⬙ Combat!, ABC, 1966. Laurent, ⬙The Long Chase,⬙ T.H.E. Cat, NBC, 1967. Ernie Milden, ⬙The Executioners: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1967. Michel, ⬙The Partisan,⬙ Combat!, ABC, 1967. Dr. Horace Humphries (the Falcon), ⬙The Night of the Falcon,⬙ The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1967. Joe Wyman, ⬙The Roarer,⬙ Cimarron Strip, CBS, 1967. Raul Niman, ⬙Chase through Time,⬙ The Time Tunnel, ABC, 1967, later broadcast as Aliens from Another Planet, 1982. ⬙The Killing Scene,⬙ Run for Your Life, NBC, 1968. Joseph Troy, ⬙The Harvest,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1968. ⬙Murder in a Square Hole,⬙ Judd, for the Defense, ABC, 1968. ⬙Square House,⬙ Judd, for the Defense, ABC, 1968. Matt Jenkins, ⬙Keep the Faith, Baby,⬙ Mod Squad, ABC, 1969. Gerald Wilson, ⬙Nightmare Road,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1969. Guest, Late Night with David Letterman, 1986. Guest, CBS This Morning, CBS, 1989.

Guest, Late Show with David Letterman, between 1996 and 1999. Guest, The Howard Stern Show, E! Entertainment Television, 1998. Guest, Saturday Night Live, NBC, 1998. ⬙Robert Duvall,⬙ Autograph, 2002. ⬙On the Set with Robert Duvall,⬙ Autograph, 2002. Guest, The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn, CBS, 2003. Guest, The Best Damn Sports Show Period, 2003. Also appeared in episodes of Celebrity Profile, E! Entertainment Television; Festival Pass with Chris Gore, Starz!; and Unseen Hollywood, AMC. Television Appearances; Pilots: Frank Reeser, Guilty or Not Guilty (broadcast as an episode of Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theater), NBC, 1966. Eddie Franchot, Fame Is the Name of the Game (also known as The Name of the Game), NBC, 1966. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 45th Annual Academy Awards, NBC, 1973. The 56th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1984. Presenter, The 57th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1985. The 41st Annual Emmy Awards Presentation, Fox, 1989. The 26th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards, NBC, 1991. Presenter, The 64th Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1992. Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, UPN, 1998. The 70th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1998. The 14th Annual Independent Spirit Awards, Bravo and Independent Film Channel, 1999. The 75th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2003. Television Appearances; Other: Voice of Gopher, Apocalypse Pooh, 1987. Television Work; Movies: Executive producer, The Man Who Captured Eichmann, TNT, 1996. Stage Appearances: Frank Gardner, Mrs. Warren’s Profession, Gate Theatre, New York City, 1958. ⬙The Midnight Caller,⬙ Two Plays by Horton Foote, Sheridan Square Playhouse, New York City, 1958. Doug, Call Me by My Rightful Name, Sheridan Square Playhouse, 1961. Bob Smith, The Days and Nights of Beebee Fenstermaker, Sheridan Square Playhouse, 1962. 96

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Eddie, A View from the Bridge, Sheridan Square Playhouse, 1965. Wait until Dark, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1966. Jackson Fentry, Tomorrow, 1968. Walter ⬙Teacher⬙ Cole, American Buffalo, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, then Belasco Theatre, both New York City, 1977.

DZUNDZA Parade, August 16, 1998, p. 12. People Weekly, April 15, 1996, p. 160; February 23, 1998, p. 23. Premiere, March, 1998, p. 55. Time, January 26, 1998, pp. 68–70. Times (London), June 3, 1998. TV Guide, February 4, 1989; November 21, 1992. Washington Post, September 27, 2002, pp. C1, C4.

Also appeared in Camino Real. DYNAMITE, Napoleon See COSTELLO, Elvis

RECORDINGS Videos: Fearful Symmetry (also known as Fearful Symmetry: The Making of ⬙To Kill a Mockingbird⬙), Universal Studios Home Video, 1998. Miracles & Mercies, Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2002. Behind the Scenes of ⬙John Q⬙, New Line Home Video, 2002.

DZUNDZA, George 1945– PERSONAL Surname is pronounced ⬙Zuhn–za⬙; born July 19, 1945, in Rosenheim, Germany; immigrated to the United States, 1956, naturalized U.S. citizen; married; children: three daughters. Education: Studied speech and theatre at St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY; trained with Stella Adler and Harold Clurman.

WRITINGS Screenplays: Angelo, My Love (documentary), Cinecom International, 1983. The Apostle, October Films, 1997. A Shot at Glory, Mac Releasing, 2002. Assassination Tango, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2002.

Addresses: Agent—Bob Gersh, Gersh Agency, 232 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Manager— Raw Talent Management, 9615 Brighton Way, Suite 300, Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

Songs Featured in Films: ⬙Love Me and Let Me Love You,⬙ Apocalypse Now, United Artists, 1979, released as Apocalypse Now Redux, 2001. Tender Mercies, Universal, 1982.

Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Volpi Cup, best actor (with others), Venice Film Festival, 1983, for Streamers. CREDITS


Television Appearances; Series: Gordon Feester, Open All Night, ABC, 1981–1982. John Moss, Glory Years, HBO, 1987. Detective Sergeant Max Greevey, Law & Order, NBC, 1990–1991. Voice of Gustav Hovac, Road Rovers (animated), The WB, 1996. Voice of Perry White, Superman (also known as Superman: The Animated Series), The WB, 1996–1997. John Warner, Sr., Jesse, NBC, 1998–1999. Robbery Homicide Division, CBS, 2002. Father Tom ⬙Grizz⬙ Grzelak, Hack, CBS, 2002–2003.

Books: Newsmakers 1999, Issue 3, Gale, 1999. Slawson, Judith, Robert Duvall, Hollywood Maverick, St. Martin’s Press, 1985. St. James Encyclopedia of Pop Culture, St. James Press, 2000. Periodicals: Empire, July, 1998, pp. 72–74. Entertainment Weekly, February 13, 1998, pp. 24–26; March 13, 1999, p. 72. Flicks, June, 1998, p. 37. Interview, October, 1991; March, 1998, pp. 100–02. Los Angeles Times, March 18, 1998. New York Times, January 29, 1989, section 2, pp. 1, 37.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Detective Frank Dileo, Something Is Out There, NBC, 1988. Boyd Gurley, Cross of Fire, NBC, 1989. 97


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 ⬙Requiem for a Rip–Off,⬙ Bert D’Angelo/Superstar, ABC, 1976. Paul Weber, ⬙The Canine Collar,⬙ Streets of San Francisco, ABC, 1977. ⬙Dead Man’s Hand: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Young Maverick, CBS, 1979. ⬙Sleeping Beauty,⬙ Faerie Tale Theatre, Showtime, 1983. Colonel Ulyanov, ⬙Red Snow,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1985. Ivan Ivanovitch Patchenko, ⬙MIG–21,⬙ Crime Story, NBC, 1987. Guest, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, 1990. Voice of Chubb, ⬙Cat Scratch Fever,⬙ Batman: The Animated Series, Fox, 1992. Voice of G. Carl Francis, ⬙The Laughing Fish,⬙ Batman: The Animated Series, Fox, 1993. Voices of Arnold Wesker, the ventriloquist, and Scarface, ⬙Read My Lips,⬙ Batman: The Animated Series, Fox, 1993. Voice of Ivan Plotski (some sources cite Ivan Bloski), ⬙Plane Pals,⬙ Animaniacs (animated), Fox and The WB, 1993. Voices of Arnold Wesker, the ventriloquist, and Scarface, ⬙Trial,⬙ Batman: The Animated Series, Fox, 1994. Voices of Arnold Wesker, the ventriloquist, and Scarface, ⬙Batgirl Returns,⬙ Batman: The Animated Series, Fox, 1994. Voices of Arnold Wesker, the ventriloquist, and Scarface, ⬙Lock–Up,⬙ Batman: The Animated Series, Fox, 1994. Michael Brennen, ⬙Brennen,⬙ Matlock, NBC and ABC, 1994. Voice of Perry White, ⬙Action Figures,⬙ The New Batman/Superman Adventures (animated), The WB, 1997. Voices of Arnold Wesker, the ventriloquist, and Scarface, ⬙Double Talk,⬙ Batman: Gotham Knights (animated), 1997. Voice of Perry White, ⬙In Brightest Day...,⬙ Superman (animated), 1999. Bud Baxter, ⬙The Empty Chair,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 2000. Jack Mitchell, ⬙Know Thyself,⬙ Third Watch, NBC, 2000. Helmut, ⬙The Gauntlet,⬙ The Agency, CBS, 2002.

Television Appearances; Movies: Gruzauskas, The Defection of Simas Kudirka, CBS, 1978. Reg ⬙Cullie⬙ Sawyer, Salem’s Lot (also known as Blood Thirst, Salem’s Lot: The Miniseries, and Salem’s Lot: The Movie), CBS, 1979. Floyd Booth, A Long Way Home, ABC, 1981. Frank Collin, Skokie (also known as Once They Marched through a Thousand Towns), CBS, 1981. Nicholas ⬙Nick⬙ Cadchuck, The Face of Rage, ABC, 1983. Lieutenant DeCarlo, The Lost Honor of Kathryn Beck (also known as Act of Passion), CBS, 1984. Paul Fellows, When She Says No, ABC, 1984. ⬙Stiggy⬙ Blastig, The Rape of Richard Beck (also known as The Broken Badge and Violated), ABC, 1985. Detective Lieutenant Conde, Brotherly Love, CBS, 1985. Detective Gustav ⬙Gus⬙ Stamms, One Police Plaza, CBS, 1986. Sheriff Jesse Barton, Terror on Highway 91, CBS, 1989. Dr. Kleiman, The Ryan White Story, ABC, 1989. Detective Jack Kilcoin, What She Doesn’t Know (also known as For I Have Sinned and Shades of Gray), NBC, 1992. Jake, The Enemy Within, HBO, 1994. Dr. Cecil Jacobson, Babymaker: The Dr. Cecil Jacobson Story (also known as Seeds of Deception), CBS, 1994. Lloyd Warden, The Limbic Region (also known as The Zodiac), Showtime, 1996. Voice of Dr. Gregory Belson, Batman and Mr. Freeze: SubZero (animated; also known as Subzero), The WB, 1998. Voice of Perry White, The Batman/Superman Movie (animated; also known as Batman/Superman Adventures: World’s Finest), The WB, 1998. Stamos, Above Suspicion, USA Network, 2000. Mac, Determination of Death, Lifetime, 2001. Television Appearances; Specials: Mr. Elder, ⬙All the Kids Do It,⬙ CBS Schoolbreak Specials, CBS, 1984. Prison chaplain, ⬙The Execution of Raymond Graham,⬙ ABC Theatre, ABC, 1984. Pete Seltzer, ⬙2 1/2 Dads,⬙ Disney Sunday Movie, ABC, 1986. Arthur Jennings, ⬙Gambler,⬙ CBS Schoolbreak Specials, CBS, 1988.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Lieutenant John Mahovlich, Hollywood Division, CBS, 1995. Father Tom Grzelak, Hack, CBS, 2002.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Evans, ⬙Night of the Owls, Day of the Doves,⬙ Kung–Fu, ABC, 1974. ⬙From Baltimore to Eternity,⬙ Movin’ On, NBC, 1975. Crandell, ⬙Snowstorm,⬙ Starsky and Hutch, ABC, 1975. A. J. Covington, ⬙The Abdication,⬙ The Waltons, CBS, 1975. ⬙The Best Laid Schemes,⬙ Joe Forrester, NBC, 1975.

Film Appearances: Chet, The Happy Hooker, Cannon, 1975. John, The Deer Hunter, Warner Bros., 1978. Eugene, Honky Tonk Freeway, Universal, 1981. Sergeant Cokes, Streamers, United Artists, 1983. Steve Loparino, Best Defense, Paramount, 1984. 98

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Captain Stemkowski, No Mercy, TriStar, 1986. Sam Hesselman, No Way Out, Orion, 1987. Daskal, The Beast (also known as The Beast of War), A&M Films, 1988. Paul Landers, White Hunter, Black Heart, Warner Bros., 1990. Lieutenant Joe Morgan, Impulse, Warner Bros., 1990. Wocjinski, Honor Bound, 1990. Leo Lemke, The Butcher’s Wife, Paramount, 1991. Gus Moran, Basic Instinct, TriStar, 1992. Hal Griffith, Dangerous Minds (also known as My Posse Don’t Do Homework and The New Public Enemy), Buena Vista, 1995. Chief of the boat (C.O.B.), Crimson Tide, Buena Vista, 1995. Captain Boetticher, That Darn Cat, Buena Vista, 1997. Wallace Muller, Do Me a Favor (also known as Trading Favors), Imperial Entertainment, 1997. Colonel Carter Burgess, Jr., Species II, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1998. Dr. John Murray, Instinct, Buena Vista, 1999. Reg Duffy, City by the Sea, Warner Bros., 2002.

DZUNDZA Dream man, Mert and Phil, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, Lincoln Center, New York City, 1974. Abe, The Ritz, Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1975–1976. William F. P. Morgan, Legend, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1976. As to the Meaning of Words, Hartman Theatre Company, Stamford, CT, 1977. Kelly, A Prayer for My Daughter, New York Shakespeare Festival, LuEsther Hall, Public Theatre, New York City, 1977–1978. Pompey, Measure for Measure, Center Theatre Group, Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles, 1999. Appeared at McCarter Theatre, Princeton, NJ, 1976; also appeared in A Streetcar Named Desire. Stage Appearances; Major Tours: George Sikowski, That Championship Season, New York Shakespeare Festival, U.S. cities, 1973. RECORDINGS

Stage Appearances: Gentleman, King Lear, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, Public Theatre, New York City, 1973.

Videos: Voice of Perry White, Superman: The Last Son of Krypton (compiled from episodes of the television series Superman), Warner Bros., 1996.


E American Taboo, Lustgarten, 1984. (With others) Mala noche (also known as Bad Night), 1985. Five Ways to Kill Yourself (short film), 1986. Resan (also known as The Journey), Swedish Film Institute, 1988. (With others) Drugstore Cowboy, Avenue R Films, 1989. (With John J. Campbell) My Own Private Idaho, Fine Line, 1991. Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, New Line Cinema, 1993. El jardin del Eden (also known as The Garden of Eden), Verseau, 1994. To Die For, Columbia, 1995. Kids, Miramax, 1995. (As Eric Edwards) Flirting with Disaster, Miramax, 1996. (As Eric Edwards) Cop Land, Buena Vista/Miramax, 1997. Clay Pigeons (also known as Moonlight Drive and Lebende Ziele), Gramercy, 1998. (As Eric Edwards) Another Day in Paradise, Trimark Pictures, 1998. The Debtors, 1999. The Smiling Suicide Club, 1999. (As Eric Edwards) Sarah McLachlan: Mirrorball (documentary), Arista, 1999. Catch the Sun, Focus Features, 2000. On the Edge, Universal, 2001. The Slaughter Rule, Cowboy Pictures, 2002. (As Eric Edwards) Crossroads, Paramount, 2002. How to Deal, New Line Cinema, 2003.

EDWARDS, Eric Alan 1953– (Eric Edwards) PERSONAL Born August 10, 1953, in Portland, OR; son of Thomas William and Nancy Naomi (maiden name, Beltz) Edwards. Education: Rhode Island School of Design, B.F.A., 1975. Avocational Interests: Aviation, still photography, graphic design. Addresses: Office—3404 Southwest Water Ave., Portland, OR 97201–4636. Career: Cinematographer. Media Project, member of grants commission, beginning 1984; Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, judge of student films, 1987; Sundance Institute, teacher of cinematography; also worked as camera operator and still photographer. Member: International Television Association, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Oregon Media Producers Association (founder, 1984). Awards, Honors: Student Academy Award, best feature, 1984, for American Taboo; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best cinematographer (with John J. Campbell), Independent Film Project, 1991, for My Own Private Idaho.

Also cinematographer for the short film Five Naked Boys and a Gun.


Film Appearances: Charlie, Last Night at the Alamo, Cinecom International, 1984.

Film Cinematographer: (And lighting designer) Property, West Bank, 1979. Paydirt, 1981. Last Night at the Alamo, Cinecom International, 1984.

Television Cinematographer; Movies: The Gift, Showtime, 1993. 100

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54


Amy & Isabelle (also known as Oprah Winfrey Presents: Amy and Isabelle), ABC, 2001.

Film Appearances: Nurse, The Green Slime (also known as After the Destruction of Space Station Gamma: Big Military Operation, Battle Beyond the Stars, The Battle of Space Station Gamma, Death and the Green Slime, Il fango verde, Gamma Ⲇ3 Big Military Space, and Gamma sango uchu daisakusen), Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1968. Martha, Birch Interval, Gamma III, 1977. Helene, Somebody Killed Her Husband, Columbia, 1978. Woman on train, Natural Enemies, Cinema 5 Distributing, 1979. Good Samaritan, Criminal Hearts, Libra Home Entertainment, 1995. Mortified teacher, Casper: A Spirited Beginning, Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 1997. Hazel, Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish (also known as Richie Rich: A Christmas Story), Warner Home Video, 1998. Ruth, 101 Ways (The Things a Girl Will Do to Keep Her Volvo), 2000.

RECORDINGS Music Videos: Cinematographer for ⬙Good Friends⬙ by Joni Mitchell, 1985; ⬙The Boy in the Bubble⬙ by Paul Simon, 1986; ⬙Don’t Give Up⬙ by Peter Gabriel, 1987; ⬙Leave Me Alone⬙ by Michael Jackson, 1987; ⬙Speed Demon⬙ by Jackson, 1988; ⬙Ritual De Lo Habitual⬙ by Jane’s Addiction, 1990; ⬙Under the Bridge⬙ by Red Hot Chili Peppers, 1991; ⬙Fifty–seven Channels and Nothin’ On⬙ by Bruce Springsteen, 1992; ⬙Bang, Bang, Bang⬙ by Tracy Chapman, 1992; and ⬙She’s Already Made Up Her Mind⬙ by Lyle Lovett, 1992. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: American Cinematographer, November, 1993, pp. 74–77.

Television Appearances; Series: Renee, Empire, CBS, 1984. Voice, The 13 Ghosts of Scooby–Doo (animated), ABC, 1985. Renee Divine Buchanan Ⲇ2, One Life to Live (also known as One Life to Live: The Summer of Seduction), ABC, 1987—.

ELIAS–FAHN, Dorothy See MELENDREZ, Dorothy

ELLIOTT, Patricia 1942–

Television Appearances; Movies: Mrs. Graff, The Man without a Country, ABC, 1973. Rita Quinn O’Neill, The Quinns, ABC, 1977. The Cartier Affair, NBC, 1984. Mrs. Davis, A Special Friendship, CBS, 1987. Darlene Patten, The Ladies, NBC, 1987. Men in White (also known as National Lampoon’s Men in White), Fox Family, 1998.

PERSONAL Born July 21, 1942, in Gunninson, CO. Education: Studied at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts. Addresses: Agent—Writers & Artists Agency, 19 West 44th St., Suite 1000, New York, NY 10036.

Television Appearances; Specials: Dorine, Tartuffe, PBS, 1978. Emily, Summer Solstice, ABC, 1981.

Career: Actress. Plays for Living, board member; previously worked at the public relations office at Harvard University.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Minnie Adams, The Adams Chronicles, PBS, 1976. Christina, ⬙The Godson,⬙ Kojak, CBS, 1977. Ms. Coleman, ⬙The Women,⬙ St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1984. ⬙Dr. Hoof and Mouth,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1985. ⬙Discord in a Minor,⬙ Spenser: For Hire, ABC, 1985. Vera Canning, ⬙I Confess,⬙ Spenser: For Hire, ABC, 1987. ⬙A Catered Affair,⬙ Kate & Allie, CBS, 1988.

Awards, Honors: Antoinette Perry Award, best featured actress in a musical, 1973, Theatre World Award, Drama Desk Award, all for A Little Night Music; Antoinette Perry Award, best featured actress in a play, 1977, for The Shadow Box; Soap Opera Digest Award nominations, outstanding supporting actress: daytime, 1992, 1993, both for One Life to Live; Drama Desk Award nomination, for Tartuffe; Los Angeles Dramalogue Award, for Hay Fever. 101


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Addresses: Contact—c/o Bob Eubanks Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 1634, Santa Ynez, CA 93460.

Stage Appearances: Regan, Lear’s daughter, King Lear, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, New York City, 1968–1969. Townsperson, A Cry of Players, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, 1968–1969. Alice, Katherine’s attendant, King Henry V, ANTA Playhouse, 1969. Kristine Linde, A Doll’s House, Playhouse Theatre, New York City, 1971. Thea Elvstead, Hedda Gabler, Playhouse Theatre, 1971. (Broadway debut) Countess Charlotte Malcolm, A Little Night Music, Sam S. Shubert Theatre, 1973–1974. By Bernstein, Westside Theatre (Downstairs), New York City, 1975. Patricia Natalia, The Prince of Homburg, Theatre Four, New York City, 1976. Beverly, The Shadow Box, Morosco Theatre, New York City, 1977. Dorine, Tartuffe, Circle in the Square Theatre, New York City, 1977. Leontine, 13 rue de l’amour, Circle in the Square Theatre, 1978. Margaret Morley, Artichoke, Manhattan Theatre Club Stage I, New York City, 1979. Wine Untouched, Harold Clurman Theater, New York City, 1979. Mrs. Kendal and Pinhead, The Elephant Man, Booth Theatre, New York City, 1979–1981. Lina Szczepanowska, Misalliance, Roundabout Stage I, New York City, 1981. Vita, Virginia, Joseph Papp Public Theater/Newman Theater, New York City, 1985. Olive Lashbrooke, The Voice of the Turtle, Roundabout Stage I, 1985. Margaret, Bunker Reveries, Union Square Theatre, New York City, 1987. Julia, A Month of Sundays, Ritz Theatre, New York City, 1987. Melissa Gardner, Love Letters, Promenade Theatre, New York City, 1989. Mrs. Sorken/Dr. Martina/Nina/Margaret, Durang! Durang, Manhattan Theatre Club Stage II, New York City, 1994.

Career: Game show host, actor, and producer. Bob Eubanks Enterprises, Inc., principal; worked as commentator for Tournament of Roses Parade, KTLA, 1978—; worked as commentator for National Finals Rodeo; appeared in television commercials for Powerball Lottery (2000) and Comcast Cable (2002); Hill/ Eubanks (a production company), cofounder, early 1970s; worked as lecturer; helped finance The Beatles’ first appearance at the Hollywood Bowl, 1964; previously worked as a disc jockey, c. early 1960s, and manager of country musicians, including Dolly Parton, Barbara Mandrell, Marty Robbins, and Merle Haggard, c. 1960s and 1970s. Member: Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (gold card member). Awards, Honors: Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame. CREDITS Film Appearances: Himself as voice of concert announcer, Out of Sight, MCA/Universal, 1966. M.C., Johnny Dangerously, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1984. Himself, How I Got Into College, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1989. Himself, Roger & Me (documentary; also known as A Humorous Look at How General Motors Destroys Flint, Michigan), Warner Bros., 1989. Ding–Dang–Dong host, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (also known as Home Alone II), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1992. (Uncredited; in archive footage) Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Miramax, 2002. Film Work: Producer, Payback, Republic Pictures Corp., 1990.

Also appeared in Hay Fever, Ahamson Theatre, Los Angeles.

Television Appearances; Series: Host, The Newlywed Game, ABC, 1966–1974, then syndicated, 1977–1980, then syndicated, 1997–1999. Host, Diamond Head Game, syndicated, 1975. Host, Rhyme and Reason, ABC, 1975–1976. Host, All Star Secrets, NBC, 1979. Host, Dream House, NBC, 1983–1984. Host, Trivia Trap, ABC, 1984–1985. Host, The New Newlywed Game (also known as The All New Newlywed Game), syndicated, 1985–1988.

EUBANKS, Bob 1937(?)– PERSONAL Born January 8, 1937 (some sources say 1938), in Flint, MI; married; children: Corey Michael (an actor and writer), two others. Avocational Interests: Competing in rodeos. 102

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Host, Chard Sharks (also known as The New Card Sharks), CBS, 1986–1989. Host, Infatuation, syndicated, 1992. Host, Family Secrets, NBC, 1993. Guest host, Prime Time Country, TNN, 1996. (In archive footage) Himself, Faux Pause, Game Show Network, 1998.

EVANS Television Work; Series: Executive producer, All Star Secrets, NBC, 1979. Producer, You Bet Your Life, syndicated, 1980. Executive producer, The Toni Tennille Show, syndicated, 1980. Executive producer, Infatuation, syndicated, 1992. Executive consultant, The Newlywed Game, syndicated, 1997–1999.

Also appeared as host, Powerball: The Game Show. Television Appearances; Specials: Guest, Life’s Most Embarrassing Moments, ABC, 1983. Himself/host, The 53rd Annual Hollywood Christmas Parade, 1984. Anything for a Laugh—Twenty Years of the Best of the Chuck Barris Show, ABC, 1985. Host, The Hollywood Christmas Parade, syndicated, 1987, 1988, 1990. Game Show Biz, syndicated, 1987. Cohost, The Hollywood Christmas Parade, syndicated, 1989. Host, Hollywood’s Welcome Home Desert Storm Parade, syndicated, 1991. Host, The 61st Annual Hollywood Christmas Parade, syndicated, 1992. Host, The Newlywed Game—A Silver Anniversary of Love and Laughter, Game Show Network, 1998. Merle Haggard, Arts and Entertainment, 2000. Cohost, The Most Outrageous Game Show Moments, NBC, 2002. Host, The Most Outrageous Game Show Moments 2, NBC, 2002. Host, The Most Outrageous Game Show Moments 3, NBC, 2003. Host, The Most Outrageous Game Show Moments 4, NBC, 2003. Host, The Most Outrageous Game Show Moments 5, NBC, 2003.

Also producer, The Guinness Game.

RECORDINGS Music Videos: Appeared in ⬙Why Don’t You Get a Job?⬙ by the Offspring.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, December 12, 1997, p. 65. Electronic: Bob Eubanks Official Site, http://www.bobeubanks. com, December 3, 2003.

EVANS, Andrea 1957– (Andrea Evans Massey)


Television Appearances; Episodic: Himself, ⬙The Newlywed Game,⬙ The Brady Brides, NBC, 1981. Himself, ⬙Gams People Play,⬙ Riptide, NBC, 1985. Himself, ⬙Beauty & The Beast,⬙ Drexell’s Class, Fox, 1992. Himself, ⬙Eyes on the Prize,⬙ The Fresh Prince of Bel– Air, NBC, 1992. Himself, ⬙The Phantom Menace,⬙ Providence, NBC, 1999. Himself, ⬙The Honeymoon’s Over,⬙ Keenan & Kel, 1999. Emcee, ⬙Eric’s Stash,⬙ That ’70s Show, Fox, 2000. I’ve Got A Secret, Oxygen, 2001. Himself, ⬙The Wedding Planner,⬙ Providence, NBC, 2002. Himself, ⬙Game Show Week,⬙ The Hollywood Squares, 2003.

Full name, Andrea Lynn Evans; born June 18, 1957, in Aurora, IL; married Wayne Massey (divorced); married Steve, January 10, 1998. Education: Attended the University of Illinois Champagne–Urbana. Avocational Interests: Charity work, cooking, gardening, working out, and baseball. Addresses: Office—c/o Passions, CBS Radford Studios, 4024 Radford Ave., Studio City, CA 91604. Career: Actress. Appeared in television commercials, print ads, and on stage, beginning at the age of 10; has own jewelry line, Platinum by Andrea. Member: Actors Equity.

Also appeared as guest, The Test. 103


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination, best younger actress—daytime TV series, 1981, Soap Opera Digest Award nominations, outstanding younger leading actress on a daytime serial and outstanding villainess in a daytime serial, 1986, Soap Opera Digest Award nomination, outstanding villainess: daytime, 1988, Daytime Emmy Award nomination, outstanding ingenue in a drama series, 1988, all for One Life to Live.

Stage Appearances: A. R. Gurney’s Love Letters, 1986. The Vagina Monologues, Apollo Theatre, Chicago, IL, 2002.

EWEN, Lesley (Leslie Ewen)



Film Appearances: (Uncredited) The Fury, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1978. (Uncredited) The Opposite Sex and How to Live with Them, Miramax, 1993. Denise, A Low Down Dirty Shame (also known as Mister Cool), Buena Vista, 1994. Wanda, Ice Cream Man, A–Pix Entertainment, 1995.

Career: Actress, director, producer, and writer. Director of 30 Helens, a comedy troupe; publicist for theatrical productions; speaker at various venues. Member: Canadian Actors’ Equity Association. Awards, Honors: Jessie Richardson Theatre Award nomination, outstanding performance by an actress in a supporting role, 1998, for WASPS.

Television Appearances; Series: Tina Clayton Lord Roberts Ⲇ1, One Life to Live, ABC, 1978–1981, 1985–1990. Patti Williams Ⲇ2, The Young and the Restless (also known as Y&R), 1983–1984. Tawny Moore, The Bold and the Beautiful (also known as Belleza y poder), CBS, 1999–2000. Rebecca Hotchkiss Crane Ⲇ2, Passions (also known as Harmony’s Passions and The Passions Storm), NBC, 1999—.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Schoolgirl, Fire with Fire (also known as Captive Hearts), Paramount, 1986. Airport x–ray guard, Who’s Harry Crumb?, TriStar, 1989. Debbie, Look Who’s Talking Too, TriStar, 1990. Larner’s secretary, Narrow Margin, TriStar, 1990. Night receptionist, Bird on a Wire, Universal, 1990. Photo editor, The Crush, Warner Bros., 1993. Carmen the casting director, Double Happiness (also known as Bonheur aigre–doux), Fine Line, 1994. Private nurse, Magic in the Water (also known as Glenorky and Le lac magique), TriStar, 1995. Slam Dunk Ernest (video), Buena Vista, 1995. Person at party, Shoes Off! (short film), 1998. Revisited (short film), 1998. Casino bartender, Trixie, Sony Pictures Classics, 2000. Envy, Lift (short film), 2000. Voice of Turaga Nokama, Bionicle: Mask of Light (animated video; also known as Bionicle: Mask of Light—The Movie), Miramax, 2003.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: The Awakening Land, NBC, 1978. (Uncredited) Receptionist, Jenny’s War, syndicated, 1985. Television Appearances; Movies: Mrs. Brent, Florence Nightingale, NBC, 1985. Nurse Eugenie, Arch of Triumph, CBS, 1985. Television Appearances; Specials: Daytime Lovers ... A Soap Opera Special, syndicated, 1986. The 14th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, ABC, 1987. Host, The Soap Opera Digest Awards, NBC, 1989. Judge, The 49th Annual Miss USA Pageant, CBS, 2000.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) representative, Atomic Train, NBC, 1999.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Andrea Evans Massey) Julie, ⬙Meet the New Guy,⬙ CHiPs, NBC, 1982. Herself, ⬙Guys and Dolls Week,⬙ Family Feud, ABC, 1985.

Television Appearances; Movies: Sarah, That Secret Sunday, CBS, 1986. Second intern, Stranger in My Bed, NBC, 1986. Dispatcher, Backfire, Showtime, 1987.

Also appeared in Capital News, ABC. 104

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

EWEN Serena Chang (some sources cite Serena Baxter), ⬙Dead End on Blank Street,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1999. Serena Chang (some sources cite Serena Baxter), ⬙The Waiting Room,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1999. Nola, ⬙Voodoo,⬙ So Weird, Disney Channel, 2000. Samantha Ludwig, ⬙The Dunwych Madness,⬙ Seven Days, UPN, 2000. ⬙Intentions,⬙ Mysterious Ways, PAX, 2000. Maggie Tyner (some sources cite Maggie Tyler), ⬙Descent,⬙ The Dead Zone, USA Network, 2003. Meter maid, ⬙Arms and the Girl,⬙ Jake 2.0, UPN, 2003. Mrs. Hart, Black Sash, The WB, 2003.

Young Christian woman, Omen IV: The Awakening, Fox, 1991. Liar, Liar (also known as Liar, Liar: Between Father and Daughter), CBC and CBS, 1992. Ms. Williams, Green Dolphin Beat (also known as Green Dolphin Street), Fox, 1994. Alicia Jennings, Deceived by Trust: A Moment of Truth Movie, NBC, 1995. Marina, Mixed Blessings (also known as Danielle Steel’s ⬙Mixed Blessings⬙), NBC, 1995. Jennifer, For Hope, ABC, 1996. Social worker, A Kidnapping in the Family, ABC, 1996. First nurse, Contagious (also known as Virus), USA Network, 1997. Linda Keesler, Daughters (also known as Our Mother’s Murder), USA Network, 1997. Security chief, The Stepsister, USA Network, 1997. Duty officer, Outrage, ABC, 1998. Social worker, The Baby Dance, Showtime, 1998. (As Leslie Ewen) Truck driver, The Long Way Home, CBS, 1998. Belinda, Becoming Dick, E! Entertainment, 2000. Francine, Life–Size, ABC, 2000. Wendy, Dodson’s Journey, CBS, 2001.

Appeared as Margaret Page, The Commish, ABC. Television Appearances; Pilots: Receptionist, The X–Files, Fox, 1993. Glenda Frank, Family Law, CBS, 1999. Stage Appearances: Writing with Our Feet, Dark Horse Theatre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1990. Marg, WASPS, Vancouver Little Theatre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1997. An Understanding of Brown (solo show), Little Reeve Theatre, Canada, also Norm Theatre, University of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada, and Douglas College, New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada, all 2002.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Beneath the Pacific,⬙ Mom P.I., CBC, 1990. Detective Lyons, The Round Table, NBC, 1992. Jane Goodwin, The Heights, Fox, 1992. First agent, ⬙Genderbender,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1994. Carina Maywald, ⬙Revelations,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1995. Nurse Sally Scofield, ⬙Living Hell,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1995. O’Neill, ⬙Time and Again World⬙ (some sources cite ⬙Time Again and World⬙), Sliders, Fox, 1996. Serena Chang (some sources cite Serena Baxter), ⬙Deep Water,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1996. Renee Davenport, ⬙Unrequited,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1997. Serena Chang (some sources cite Serena Baxter), ⬙His Brother’s Keeper,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1997. Serena Chang (some sources cite Serena Baxter), ⬙Pennies from Heaven,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1997. Serena Chang (some sources cite Serena Baxter), ⬙Secret,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1997. Serena Chang (some sources cite Serena Baxter), ⬙Smart Alec,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1997. Marian Price, ⬙The People’s Choice,⬙ Night Man, The Disney Channel and syndicated, 1998. Tilley Sarakalean, ⬙Deleted,⬙ The Net, USA Network, 1998. ⬙Jane Doe: Part 2,⬙ Cold Squad, CTV and Lifetime, 1998. Diane, ⬙People Like Us,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1999. Dr. Hilary Heath, ⬙Darwin’s Eye,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1999.

Also appeared in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Stage Work; Director: A Bordello of Comedy (musical), Vancouver Fringe Festival, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2001. An Understanding of Brown (solo show), Little Reeve Theatre, Canada, 2002. Assistant director of Wildcat, Richmond Gateway Theatre; director or producer of various productions; also involved in set production. WRITINGS Stage Plays: An Understanding of Brown (solo show), Little Reeve Theatre, Canada, also Norm Theatre, University of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada, and Douglas College, New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada, all 2002.


F ers; Chicago International Film Festival Award and London International Award, both for film trailer for Speechless; New York Festivals Award and Telly Award, both for film trailer for Species; London International Award and Telly Award, for film trailer for Stargate; Chicago International Film Festival Award and Key Art Award, both for film trailer for U–Turn; BMI Cable Award, Broadcast Music, Inc., 2003, for The Division.

FAHN, Dorothy Elias See MELENDREZ, Dorothy

FAIR, Jeff Eden (Jeff Fair)

WRITINGS PERSONAL Film Composer, with Starr Parodi: (As Jeff Fair) Marilyn: The Last Word (documentary), Paramount, 1993. The Eighteenth Angel, Rysher Entertainment, 1997. Screenland Drive, Zzyzx Films, 2000. Do You Wanna Know a Secret?, Mainline Releasing, 2001. Stuey, AWV Productions, 2003.

Married Starr Parodi (a composer and musician). Education: Studied music at Cornish Institute. Addresses: Agent—Christine Russell, Bully Music, L.L. C., 12300 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025. Career: Composer and musician. Hybrid Arts (music software designers), head of research and development; Sonic Doppler–Gray Dog Studios, Los Angeles, cofounder and partner; composer (with Starr Parodi) of music for several film and television program trailers since 1996, including those for the films Blade 2, Blown Away, Die Another Day, Dreamcatcher, Goldeneye, A Guy Thing, Hackers, I Am Sam, Kangaroo Jack, Species, Speechless, Stargate, Tombstone, and U–Turn. With Starr Parodi, composer of music for film studio logos, special events, and promotions. Also a sound designer and record producer.

Jeff Eden Fair and Starr Parodi’s songs have been featured in films. Their songs ⬙Bertha Lands⬙ and ⬙Warning⬙ both appeared in Ghost World, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer/United Artists, 2001. Television Composer, with Starr Parodi; Series: The Edge, Fox, 1992–1993. Champs, ABC, 1996. Malibu Shores, CBS, 1996. Main title music, Gottschalk, beginning 1996. (And theme music) Arsenio, ABC, 1997. Maggie, Lifetime, 1998–1999. The Division (also known as Heart of the City), Lifetime, 2001–2003.

Member: Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI).

With Starr Parodi, also contributed music to the series Fame, NBC and syndicated.

Awards, Honors: (All with Starr Parodi) Telly Award for film trailer for Blown Away; Chicago International Film Festival Award, London International Award, Key Art Award, and Telly Award, all for film trailer for Goldeneye; Chicago International Film Festival Award, Key Art Award, and Telly Award, all for film trailer for Hack-

Television Composer, with Starr Parodi; Movies: Shame II: The Secret, Lifetime, 1995. The Secret She Carried, NBC, 1996. 106

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FARMER Awards, Honors: American Indian Film Festival Award, best actor, 1989, and Independent Spirit Award nomination, best supporting male, Independent Feature Project, 1990, both for Powwow Highway; Genie Award nomination, best actor, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1994, for Henry & Verlin; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best supporting male, and First Americans in the Arts Award, outstanding actor, both 1997, for Dead Man; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best supporting male, 1999, for Smoke Signals; Taos Mountain Award, Taos Talking Picture Festival, 2001; Gemini Award nomination, best performance in a children’s or youth program or series, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 2002, for Screech Owls.

Crowned and Dangerous, ABC, 1997. Little Girls in Pretty Boxes, Lifetime, 1997. A Nightmare Come True, CBS, 1997. I’ve Been Waiting for You, NBC, 1998. The Sky’s on Fire (also known as Countdown: The Sky’s on Fire), ABC, 1998. A Family in Crisis: The Elian Gonzales Story (also known as The Elian Gonzales Story), Fox Family Channel, 2000. Sex, Lies & Obsession, Lifetime, 2001. Composer for Albums: Change, Capitol, 1991. With Starr Parodi and Aeone, composer for music catalog collections.



Film Appearances: Sidewalk store owner, Police Academy (also known as Police Academy: What an Institution!), Warner Bros., 1984. Lost!, 1986. Duke, The Big Town, Columbia, 1987. A mover, The Believers, Orion, 1987. Philbert Bono, Powwow Highway, Warner Bros., 1988. Billy, Still Life (also known as Art Killer Framed and Still Life: The Fine Art of Murder), 1988, then Greycat Films, 1993. Doug, Blue City Slammers, 1988. George, Renegades (also known as Lakota), Universal, 1989. Sheriff Albert ⬙Cowboy⬙ Dashee, The Dark Wind, Live, 1993. Big Lar, Ed and His Dead Mother (also known as Bon Appetit, Mama and Motherhood), ITC, 1993. Russell Baker (some sources cite Russell White), Sioux City (also known as Ultimate Revenge), IRS Releasing, 1994. Henry, Henry & Verlin, Malofilm, 1994. Nobody, Dead Man (also known as Jim Jarmusch’s Dead Man), Miramax, 1995. Deputy Bob Martel, Tales from the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight (also known as Demon Keeper and Demon Knight), Universal, 1995. Timothee Doucet, Lilies (also known as Lilies—Les feluettes), Turbulent Arts, 1996. Rosa’s Time, 1997. Arnold Joseph, Smoke Signals (also known as Le secret des cendres), Miramax, 1998. Agent Whitaker, Stolen Heart, Norstar Entertainment, 1998. George, Shegalla, Red Sky Entertainment, 1999. Ben, Heater, Marble Island Pictures, 1999. George, Touched, Red Sky Entertainment, 1999. Nobody, Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (also known as Ghost Dog—Der Weg des Samurai and Ghost Dog, la voie du samouraie), Artisan Entertainment, 2000.

Periodicals: Grammy, December 2, 2002. Mix, September 1, 1999. Electronic: ParodiFair Web Site,, September 16, 2003. SoundtrackNet,, July 19, 1999.

FARMER, Gary 1953– PERSONAL Full name, Gary Dale Farmer; born June 12, 1953, in Ohswekan, Ontario, Canada; member of Cayuga nation, Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy. Education: Attended Genesee Community College; studied communications at Syracuse University; studied photography and film production at Ryerson Polytechnical University. Addresses: Agent—Belle Zwerdling, Progressive Artists, 400 South Beverly Dr., Suite 216, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor, director, and producer. Native Earth Performing Arts Company, actor and director; also performs as a musician (plays blues harmonica). Aboriginal Voices, Toronto, Ontario, founder, c. 1994, and editor in chief; lecturer on Native American topics at colleges and universities in the United States and Canada. Ontario Arts Council, board member. 107


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Lou Washington, Angels Don’t Sleep Here, Lions Gate Films, 2000. Max, Delivering Milo, IMMI Pictures/Lakeshore International, 2001. Burt, The Score, Paramount, 2001. Shaman, Route 666, Trimark Pictures, 2001. George Bia, Two Grey Hills (short film), 2001. Verdell Weasel Tail, Skins, First Look Pictures Releasing, 2002. Buster Baxley, Adaptation, Columbia, 2002. Junk man, A Thousand Guns, 2002. Fagin, Twist, Victorious Films, 2003. Ted, The Republic of Love, Seville Pictures, 2003. Bob, The Big Empty, Artisan Entertainment, 2003. Seven Thumbs, Sawtooth, Tribal Alliance Productions, 2004.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Wilson, ⬙Bad Timing,⬙ Miami Vice, 1988. Rick, ⬙Wedding Bell Blues,⬙ Friday the 13th, 1989. Dreamwalker, ⬙Strange Brew,⬙ China Beach, ABC, 1989. Detective, ⬙Two for the Show,⬙ E.N.G., CTV, 1992. Detective, ⬙Acid Test,⬙ E.N.G., CTV, 1992. Conrad Shorty, ⬙The Outrage,⬙ Promised Land, CBS, 1996. Jake Rizzo, ⬙Past Tense,⬙ The New Ghostwriter Mysteries, CBS, 1997. Vincent LaPahie, ⬙Hope & Prey,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 1998. Jack Lone Feather, ⬙The Indians in the Lobby,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2001. Injun Joe, ⬙Soup,⬙ The Job, ABC, 2002. Thomas, ⬙Sacred Ground,⬙ Screech Owls, 2002. Dr. Marcus, ⬙The Taking of Crows,⬙ Mutant X, 2003. Larry, ⬙The Family of Man,⬙ The Chris Isaak Show, Showtime, 2003.

Film Director: The Hero (short film), Cayuga, 1995. The Gift, 1999. What the Eagle Hears, 2000. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Voice, 500 Nations, CBS, 1995. Ernie Ross, Dice, 2001. Iktome, DreamKeeper, ABC, 2003.

Also appeared as the manager, Adderly, CBS; and as Captain Leo Burnetti, Forever Knight. Television Appearances; Other: Paul Vico, Alaska (pilot), 2003.

Host of the miniseries Powwow, Multilingual Television (Canada).

Also appeared in Where the Heart Is.

Television Appearances; Movies: Castro, The Undergrads, 1985. Jody, Christmas Eve, NBC, 1986. First prisoner, Doing Life (also known as Truth or Die), NBC, 1986. Pete Russell, Sparks: The Price of Passion, CBS, 1990. Todd, Plymouth, ABC, 1991. Anderson, Blown Away, HBO, 1993. Hooch Wilson, Moonshine Highway, Showtime, 1996. Lou Belcourt, Justice, Cinemax, 1999. Buster, The Virginian, TNT, 1999. Captain Largo, Coyote Waits, PBS, 2003.

Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Father Figure,⬙ Forever Knight, CBS, 1992. Television Producer: Producer of Our Native Land (series), CBC (Canada); and Powwow (miniseries), Multilingual Television (Canada). Stage Appearances: Life Sentences, Toronto, Ontario, 1996.

Television Appearances; Series: Captain Stonetree, Forever Knight, CBS, 1992–1993. Chief Tom, The Rez, 1996.

Appeared in Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing, Theatre Passe; and in productions of Guys and Dolls, History of the Village of the Small Hut, Of Mice and Men, and One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

Appeared as Chimo in the series Spirit Bay. Radio Appearances; Series: Host, Prevailing Winds, 1989.

Television Appearances; Specials: Tooby, Overdrawn at Memory Bank, PBS, 1985. Himself, ⬙Alabama Amtrak,⬙ I Survived a Disaster 3, ABC, 1997.

Radio Producer; Series: Prevailing Winds, 1989. 108

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FARRELL Lieutenant Jadzia Dax, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine— Emissary (also known as Emissary), 1993. Elizabeth, Danielle Steel’s Star (also known as Star), NBC, 1993. Detective Karen Ryder, Red Sun Rising, HBO, 1994. Maggie Livingston, Reasons of the Heart, 1996. Major Agatha Doyle, Legion, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Dana Boyer, One True Love, CBS, 2000. Laura Mosbach, Crossing the Line, Lifetime, 2002. Marilyn Taylor, Gleason (also known as Gleason: The Jackie Gleason Story), CBS, 2002. Michelle Novack, Code 11–14, CBS, 2003.

WRITINGS Composer of Film Music: ⬙Henry’s Harmonica,⬙ Henry & Verlin, Malofilm, 1994. Harmonica music, Heater, Marble Island Pictures, 1999. OTHER SOURCES Books: Notable Native Americans, Gale, 1995.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Nikki Philips, ⬙The Younger Woman,⬙ The Cosby Show, NBC, 1985. Liz Oberman (some sources cite Liz Obeck), ⬙The Big Fix,⬙ Family Ties, NBC, 1986. Marsha Cole, ⬙The After Hours,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS and syndicated, 1986. Navy Nurse Lieutenant Lisa Sherman, ⬙A Leap for Lisa—June 25, 1957,⬙ Quantum Leap, NBC, 1992. Laurie, ⬙The Allison and Ken Story,⬙ Grapevine, CBS, 1992. Herself, An Evening at the Improv, Arts and Entertainment, 1993. Herself, Talk Soup, E!, 1993. Darlene Kersky, ⬙Far beyond the Stars,⬙ Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, syndicated, 1998. Herself, TV Censored Bloopers 98, 1998. Sin City Spectacular (also known as Penn & Teller’s Sin City Spectacular), FX Channel, c. 1998. Panelist, ⬙Baby the Great Dane,⬙ You Lie Like a Dog, Animal Planet, 2000.

Periodicals: Maclean’s, May 27, 1996, p. 47.

FARRELL, Terry 1963– PERSONAL Full name, Theresa Lee Farrell Grussendorf; born November 19, 1963, in Cedar Rapids, IA; raised in Boston, MA; married Brian Baker (an actor), September 1, 2002. Education: Studied acting with Kate McGregor–Stuart, New York City, with Peggy Furry, and with the Stella Adler Conservatory, beginning 1989. Avocational Interests: Deep sea fishing. Addresses: Agent—Don Buchwald and Associates, 6500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2200, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Manager—Rebecca Kovacik, Hofflund/Polone, 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 820, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Panelist on The List, VH1. Television Appearances; Specials: Funny Flubs & Screw–Ups III, CBS, 1999. (In archive footage) Ultimate Trek: Star Trek’s Greatest Moments, UPN, 1999.

Career: Actress. Elite modeling agency, New York City, model, early 1980s. Has appeared on covers of Mademoiselle and Vogue magazines and in numerous commercials.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, UPN, 1997. Prism Awards 2001, syndicated, 2001.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Laurie Casell (some sources cite Laurie Caswell), Paper Dolls, ABC, 1984–1985. Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (also known as Deep Space Nine, DS9, and Star Trek: DS9), UPN and syndicated, 1993–1998. Regina ⬙Reggie⬙ Kostas, Becker, CBS, 1998–2002.

Television Appearances; Other: Katie Hargreaves, The Deliberate Stranger (miniseries), NBC, 1986. Mimi Molloy, Mimi & Me (pilot), CBS, 1991. Film Appearances: Elite model, Portfolio, 1983. Jenell Johnson, Off the Mark (also known as Crazy Legs), 1986. Valerie Desmond, Back to School, Orion, 1986.

Television Appearances; Movies: Julie Taylor, Beverly Hills Madam (also known as Ladies of the Night), NBC, 1986. 109


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Voice of Raphael, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze, New Line Cinema, 1991. Voice, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (animated), 1996.

(Uncredited) Party guest listening to Aubrey Buffing, The Bonfire of the Vanities, 1990. Joanne ⬙Joey⬙ Summerskill, Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth, Dimension Films, 1992. Herself, Trekkies, Paramount Classics, 1997. Allison ⬙Ally⬙ Saunders, Deep Core 2000 (also known as Deep Core), Paramount/New City Releasing, 1999. Voice of ⬙Six of One,⬙ Tripping the Rift (animated short film), Dark Bunny Productions, 2000. Macy, Psychic Murders, Skullrock Entertainment, 2002.

Film Work: Automated dialogue replacement (ADR) loop group, Death Becomes Her (also known as La muerte le sienta bien), Universal, 1992. Loop group, In Dark Places, 1997. ADR group, The Prince of Egypt (animated), 1998.


Television Appearances; Series: Marlo Higgins, Marlo and the Magic Movie Machine, CBS, 1977. Voices of Yabbot, Fassit, Scumgor, Monchichis (animated), CBS, 1983. Voices of Tunnel Rat and E5 Nicky Lee, G.I. Joe (animated; also known as Chijo saikyo no Expert Team G.I. Joe), CBS, 1983. Voice of Divebomb, Orion Pax, Rampage, and Skydive, Transformers (animated; also known as Super God Robot Force, Tatakae! Cho robot seimeitai Transformers, The Transformers, Transformers: 2010, and Transformers: Generation 1), syndicated, 1984. Emcee, I’m Telling, NBC, 1987.

Video Games: Voice of spiritual guide, Treasure Quest, 1996. Voice of Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion (also known as Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Episode Guide), Imergy/ Simon & Schuster Interactive, 1999. Voice of Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax, Star Trek: Seep Space Nine—The Fallen, Collective Studios, 2000. Videos; Other: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine—Behind the Scenes, 1993. OTHER SOURCES

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Voice of Zak and Bitaur, Sectaurs (animated), syndicated, 1986.

Periodicals: In Style, April, 2000, pp. 469–74. Starlog, March, 1993; September, 1998. TV Guide, Volume 32, issue 40, 1984, pp. 13–15; November 8, 1997, pp. 18–23; June 20, 1998, p. 6; August 7, 1999, p. 24.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Regular, The Steve Landesberg Television Show, NBC, 1983. Television Appearances; Episodic: Juan Two, ⬙Episode 78,⬙ Soap, ABC, 1981. Juan Two, ⬙Episode 79,⬙ Soap, ABC, 1981. First customer, ⬙The Pit Stop,⬙ Getting By, ABC, 1993. Audience member Ⲇ3, ⬙The Great Race II,⬙ Home Improvement, ABC, 1994. Bar customer, ⬙My Casual Friend’s Wedding,⬙ Jesse, NBC, 1999. Reporter Ⲇ3, ⬙Media Relations,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2000. Bailiff, ⬙Love and Money,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2000. U.S. Attorney Timothy Felder, ⬙Liar’s Club: Part 2,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2001. Attorney Michael Dolenz, ⬙Recovery,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2001.

FASO, Laurie PERSONAL Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Coroner’s assistant, He Knows You’re Alone (also known as Blood Wedding), Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1980. Student, Summer School, Paramount, 1987. Voices of Tunnel Rat and E5 Nicky Lee, G.I. Joe: The Movie (animated; also known as Action Force: The Movie), 1987.

Also appeared as voices of warden, train conductor, policeman, and prison guard, ⬙Darkly Dawns the Duck: Part 1,⬙ Darkwing Duck (animated), ABC and syndicated; voices of policeman and biker, ⬙Darkly Dawns 110

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FERNANDEZ (Uncredited) Voice of Alakazam, Saiyu–ki (animated; also known as Alakazam the Great, The Enchanted the Monkey, and The Magic Land of Alakazam), American International Pictures, 1960. (Uncredited; English version) Siddhartha, Shaka (also known as Buddha), Lopert Pictures Corp., 1961. L’homme de Rio (also known as That Man from Rio and L’uomo del Rio), Lopert Pictures Corp., 1964. Dubbing voice, Peur sur la ville (also known as Fear over the City, The Night Caller, and Il poliziotto della brigata criminale), 1975. Voices, The Enchanted Journey (animated), Film Gallery, 1984. (Uncredited) Voice, War and Love (also known as The Children’s War), 1985. (Uncredited; English dubbed version) Narrator, Tenku no shiro Rapyuta (animated; also known as Castle in the Sky and Laputa: Castle in the Sky), Buena Vista, 1986. Voices, Christmas in Cartoontown (animated), UAV Corp., 1996. Voice, The Secret of Anastasia (animated), UAV Corp., 1997. Otaku Unite!, 2003.

the Duck: Part 2,⬙ Darkwing Duck (animated), ABC and syndicated; voice, The Paw Paws, syndicated; voice, Sectaurs—Warriors of Symbion, syndicated; voice, The New Adventures of the Snorks, syndicated; announcer, Step by Step; Maitre d’ and third audience member, Home Improvement, ABC; bartender, Love & War, CBS; voice of caller no. 1, Ink, CBS; reporter no. 3, Family Law, CBS. Television Work; Series: Additional voices, The Snorks (animated), NBC, 1984. Additional voices, Transformers (animated; also known as Super God Robot Force, Tatakae! Cho robot seimeitai Transformers, The Transformers, Transformers: 2010, and Transformers: Generation 1), syndicated, 1984. Additional voices, Jem! (animated; also known as Jem and the Holograms), syndicated, 1985. Television Work; Episodic: Provided additional voices, The Shirt Tales (animated). Stage Appearances: Godspell, Promenade Theatre, 1974. The Glorious Age, Theatre Four, New York City, 1975. Merchant, The Comedy of Errors, Delacorte Theater, New York City, 1975.

Film Director: (English language version) Winnetou—1.Teil (also known as Apache Gold, La valle dei lunghi coltelli, Vinetu I, Winnetou I, and Winnetou the Warrior), Columbia, 1963. (Uncredited; English version) The Enchanted Journey (animated), Film Gallery, 1984.

FERNANDEZ, Peter (Pete Fernandez)

Film Voice Director; English Version: Goha, U.G.C. Worldwide Distribution, 1958. Bidaya wa nihaya (also known as The Beginning and the End and Dead among the Living), 1960. Shaka (also known as Buddha), Lopert Pictures Corp., 1963. L’homme de Rio (also known as That Man from Rio and L’uomo del Rio), United Artists, 1964. Winnetou—2.Teil (also known as Last of the Renegades, Giorni di fuoco, Le tresor des montagnes bleues, Vinetu II, Winnetou II, and Winnetou: Last of the Renegades), Columbia, 1964. Il segreto del vestito rosso (also known as Assassination in Rome, Assassinio Made in Italy, and El secreto de Bill North), Walter Manley Enterprises, 1964. I misteri della giungla nera (also known as Das Geheimnis der Lederschlinge, Geheimnis der Schlangeninsel, The Mystery of Thug Island, and Snake Hunter Strangler), Columbia, 1964. Gojira–Ebira–Mosura: Nankai no daiketto (also known as Big Duel in the North, Big Duel in the North Sea, Ebirah, Horror of the Deep, Ebirah, Terror of the Deep, Godzilla versus the Sea Monster, and The Great South Seas Duel), Continental Distributing, Inc., 1966.

PERSONAL Born in New York, NY; married Noel Smith, June 3, 1978. Addresses: Agent—c/o Access Talent Agency, 37 East 28th St., Suite 500, New York, NY 10016. Career: Actor, writer, producer, and director. Worked as a child model for the John Robert Powers Agency; did voice work for television and radio commercials. Sometimes credited as Pete Fernandez. Military service: U.S. Army, technical sergeant, 1946. CREDITS Film Appearances: Frank Cusack, City across the River, MCA/Universal, 1949. Die Bruecke (also known as The Bridge), Allied Pictures Corp., 1959. 111


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Kokusai himitsu keisatsu: Zettai zetsumi (also known as International Secret Police: Driven to the Wall, The Killing Bottle, and Zettai zatsumi), 1967. (Uncredited) Mimi metallurgico ferito nell’onore (also known as The Seduction of Mimi), New Line Cinema, 1972. Film d’amore e d’anarchia, ovvero ⬘stamattina alle 10 in via dei Fiori nella nota casa di tolleranza ... ’ (also known as Film d’amore e d’anarchia and Love and Anarchy), Peppercorn–Wormser, 1973. Tutto a posto e niente in ordine (also known as All Screwed Up and Everything Ready, Nothing Works), New Line Cinema, 1973. Satsujin ken 2 (also known as Return of the Street Fighter), New Line Cinema, 1974. (Uncredited) Stavisky ... (also known as L’empire d’Alexandre and Stavisky, il grande truffatore), Cinemation Industries, 1974. Onna hissatsu ken (also known as Female Fighting Fist in Danger, Jo hissatsu ken, Nyo hissatsu ken, Sister Street Fighter, and Women Certain Kill Fist), New Line Cinema, 1974. L’Anticristo (also known as The Antichrist and The Tempter), AVCO Embassy Pictures, 1974. Piedone a Hong Kong (also known as Flatfoot Goes East and Flatfoot in Hong Kong), 1975. Jung–Gwok chiu–yan (also known as Chinese Superman, The Infra Superman, Infra–Man, and The Super Inframan), Frontier Entertainments, 1975. (Uncredited) Bordella, 1976. Il deserto dei Tartari (also known as Le desert des Tartares, Le desert des Tartars, The Desert of the Tartars, and Die Tartarenwuste), Quartet Films, 1976. Il corsaro nero (also known as The Black Pirate), American International Pictures, 1976. Un moment d’egarement (also kwon as In a Wild Moment, One Wild Moment, and A Summer Affair), Quartet Films, 1977. Une histoire simple (also known as Eine Einfache Geschichte and A Simple Story), New Line Cinema, 1978. (Uncredited) Coup de tete (also known as Hothead), Quartet Films, 1979. El nido (also known as The Nest), Quartet Films, 1979. Le choix des armes (also known as Choice of Arms), 1981. Vabank (also known as Hit the Bank and Va banque), 1981. Coup de torchon (also known as Clean Slate), Biograph International, 1981. Le grand pardon, 1982. Au nom de tous les miens (also known as For Those I Loved), 1983. 2019—Dopo la caduta di New York (also known as 2019 apres la chute de New York, 2019: After the Fall of New York, and After the Fall of New York), Almi Pictures, 1983.

Un amour de Swann (also known as Eine Liebe von Swann, A Love of Swann, and Swann in Love), Orion Classics, 1984. (Uncredited) Ciske de Rat (also known as The Rat), Concorde, 1984. Gandahar (also known as Light Years), Miramax, 1986. Nuovo cinema Paradiso (also kwon as Cinema Paradiso and Cinema Paradiso: The New Version), Miramax, 1988. The Magic Snowman (also known as Bio jednom jedan snesko), Miramax, 1988. Al Andalus (also known as Al Andalus, el camino del sol), 1989. Topazu (also known as Sex Dreams of Topaz, Tokyo Decadence, and Topaz), Northern Arts Entertainment, 1992. Fei zhou chao ren (also known as The Gods Must Be Funny in China), 1994. Film Dialogue Director: Una magnum special per Tony Saitta (also known as .44 Special, Blazing Magnums, Shadows in an Empty Room, A Special Magnum for Tony Saitta, and Strange Shadows in an Empty Room), American International Pictures, 1976. (English version) De Stilte rond Christine M. (also known as A Question of Silence), Quartet Films, 1982. (English version) Ingenjoer Andrees luftfard (also known as The Flight of the Eagle and Ingenior Anrees luftferd), Summit, 1982. Blood Link (also known as Blutspur, Extrasensorial, and The Link), 1982. (English version) Bonheur d’occasion (also known as The Tin Flute), National Film Board of Canada, 1983. (English version) La diagonale du fou (also known as Dangerous Moves), International Spectrafilm, 1984. Film Work; Other: (English language version) Producer, Elvira Madigan, Cinema V, 1967. Voice director, Dogs of Hell (also known as Rottweiler and Rottweiler: Dogs of Hell), Astral Films Limited, 1982. Cleaner English dialog version, Day of the Dead, United Film Distribution Company, 1985. Group voices, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Paramount, 1993. Voice director, Christmas in Cartoontown (animated), UAV Corp., 1996. Voice director, The Secret of Anastasia (animated), UAV Corp., 1997. Dubbing director, Nattens engel (also known as Angel of the Night), 1998. Also appeared as additional voices, Hugo the Hippo (animated). 112

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Television Appearances; Series: Captain Video and His Video Rangers (also known as Captain Video), DuMont Television Network, 1949. Son, Leave It to Papa, 1950. Dorian Grey, Tales of Tomorrow, ABC, 1952–1953. Crunch and Des, 1955. Voices, Jangaru taitei (also known as Jungle Emperor and Kimba the White Lion), 1965. Voices, Gigantor (also known as Tetsujin 28–go), syndicated, 1965. Dr. Mariner/Piper, Marine Boy, syndicated, 1966. Voice of Speed Racer, James Racer, Racer X, Speed Racer (animated; also known as Mach gogo), syndicated, 1967. Voices, The Space Giants (also known as Captain Magma and Monsters from Outer Space), 1967. Voices, Ultraman, 1972. (English dub) Voices, Roboto Taekwon (also known as Robot Taekwon), 1976. Voice of Mark Venture, Star Blazers (also known as Space Battleship Yamato), syndicated, 1979. Voices, Anime oyako gekijo (also known as Superbook), CBN, 1981. Voices, Thunderbirds (also known as Kagaku kyujo–tai Techno Voyager and Techno Voyager, Scientific Rescue Unit), 1982. Voice, Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders (also known as Starla and the Jewel Riders), syndicated, 1995. Voices of Benton Tarentella and Robot Randy, Courage the Cowardly Dog (animated), Cartoon Network, 1999. Obie and Bingie (animated), 2002.

Television Voice Director; English Language Version; Series: (Uncredited) Astroboy, 1963. Jangaru taitei (also known as Jungle Emperor and Kimba the White Lion), 1965. (Uncredited) Gigantor (also known as Tetsujin 28–go), syndicated, 1965. Marine Boy, syndicated, 1966. Les chevaliers du ciel (also known as The Aeronauts, Les aventures de Michel Tanguy, and Les aventures de Tanguy et Laverdure), 1967. Speed Racer (animated; also known as Mach gogo), syndicated, 1967. The Space Giants (animated; also known as Captain Magma and Monsters from Outer Space), 1967. (Uncredited) Ultraman, 1972. Star Blazers (also known as Space Battleship Yamato), syndicated, 1979. Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders (also known as Starla and the Jewel Riders), 1995.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: The cardinal, Les tisserands du pouvoir, 1988.

Television Voice Director; Miniseries: (English version) Au nom de tous les miens, 1985. Jalna, 1994.

Television Voice Director; Series: Thunderbirds 2086 (also known as Kagaku kyujo–tai Techno Voyager and TechnoVoyager, Scientific Research Unit), 1982. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (animated), CBS, 1996. Courage the Cowardly Dog (animated), Cartoon Network, 1999. Television Dialogue Director; Series: The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers (also known as Galaxy Rangers), 1986.

Television Appearances; Movies: (Uncredited) Background voices, Skokie (also known as Once They Marched Through a Thousand Towns), CBS, 1981.

Television Director; Movies: (English version) Schrei–denn ich werde dich toeten! (also known as Schools’ Out), 1999.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Pink Strings and Sealing Wax,⬙ Kraft Television Theatre, NBC, 1949. ⬙Michael and Mary,⬙ Kraft Television Theatre, NBC, 1950. ⬙Those Wonderful People,⬙ Armstrong Circle Theatre, NBC, 1951. Voice of Benton Tarentella, ⬙Queen of the Black Puddle/Everyone Wants to Direct,⬙ Courage the Cowardly Dog (animated), Cartoon Network, 2000. Voice of Robot Randy, ⬙The Magic Tree of Nowhere/ Robot Randy,⬙ Courage the Cowardly Dog (animated), Cartoon Network, 2000. Voice of Benton Tarentella, ⬙Fishy Business/Angry Nasty People,⬙ Courage the Cowardly Dog (animated), Cartoon Network, 2002.

Television Work; Pilots: Producer, 8 Man, c. 1965. Television Work; Series: Additional voices, Astroboy, 1963. Additional voices, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (animated), CBS, 1996. Television Work; Episodic: Directed episodes of the English version of Obie and Bingie. Stage Appearances: Wakefield, Whiteoaks, Broadway production, 1938. 113


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Georgie, Love’s Old Sweet Song, Broadway production, 1940. Joshua, Watch on the Rhine, Broadway production, 1941. Michael, The Damask Cheek, Broadway production, 1942. Listen, Professor, Broadway production, 1943. Once upon a Tailor, Broadway production, 1953.

(Uncredited) Speed Racer (animated; also known as Mach gogo), syndicated, 1967. Television Scripts: Wrote Rendezvous. Television Series: Member of the writing staff of The Verdict Is Yours.

Major Tours: Pickup Girl, U.S. cities, 1948.

Radio Episodes: Wrote for Suspense; When a Girl Marries.

Radio Appearances; Series: Appeared in Mr. District Attorney; Let’s Pretend; Gangbusters; My Best Girls; Superman; Suspense; as George Bigelow, The Aldrich; Jerry, The Sea Hound; various voices, Coast to Coast on a Bus; Skip Allen, The Right to Happiness.

Fiction: Wrote the book Bedtime Stories From the Bible and the story ⬙The Night the Animals Talked.⬙



Video Games: Voices of Minstrume Yerin, Elder Banda, Stickman Wick, and Old Alatien Man, The Longest Journey (also known as Den Lengste reisen), 1999.

Fernandez’s Christmas story ⬙The Night the Animals Talked⬙ was adapted for a television special.


FILLION, Nathan 1971–

Screenplays: The Dirty Girls, 1964. The Alley Cats, 1968. The Mad Doctor Hump, 1969. Faire l’amour—Emmanuelle et ses soeurs, 1971. (Uncredited) Stavisky ... (also known as L’Empire d’Alexandre and Stavisky, il grande truffatore), 1974. (U.S. version) Puss ’N Boots Travels around the World, 1976. (Uncredited; English version) Ciske de rat (also known as Ciske the Rat), 1984. (English version) The Enchanted Journey, 1984. (Uncredited; English dubbed version) Gandahar (also known as Light Years), 1986. (Dialogue only) Woof!, 1989.

PERSONAL Born March 27, 1971, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; son of Bob (an English teacher) and Cookie (an English teacher) Fillion. Education: Attended University of Alberta. Addresses: Agent—Mark Schumacher, The Gersh Agency, 232 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Manager—3 Arts Entertainment, 9460 Wilshire Blvd., 7th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Television Miniseries: (Uncredited; English dubbed version) Jalna, 1994.

Career: Actor. Performed on stage with Theatresports at Rapidfire Theatre, Edmonton, Alberta, and at the Edmonton Fringe Festival. Once worked as a singing telegram delivery person.

Television Episodes; English dialogue: (Uncredited) Astroboy (animated), 1963. (Uncredited) Jangaru taitei (animated; also known as Jungle Emperor and Kimba the White Lion), 1965. (Uncredited) Gigantor (animated; also known as Tetsujin 28–go), syndicated, 1965. (Uncredited) Marine Boy (animated), syndicated, 1966.

Awards, Honors: Daytime Emmy Award nomination, outstanding younger leading actor in a drama series, and Soap Opera Digest Award nomination, outstanding younger leading actor, both 1996, for One Life to Live; Cinescape Genre Face of the Future Award, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Films, 2003, for Firefly. 114

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CREDITS FINKELSTEIN, William M. (Bill Finkelstein, William Finkelstein)

Film Appearances: Walter Hoade, Strange and Rich, 1994. Private James Frederick ⬙Minnesota⬙ Ryan, Saving Private Ryan, DreamWorks/Paramount, 1998. Cliff, Blast from the Past, New Line Cinema, 1999. Father David, Dracula 2000 (also known as Dracula 2001 and Wes Craven Presents Dracula 2000), Miramax/Dimension Films, 2000. Robert, Water’s Edge, Lions Gate Films, 2003.

PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Writer, producer, director, and series creator. Sometimes credited as Bill Finkelstein or William Finkelstein.

Television Appearances; Series: Reverend Joseph Francis ⬙Joe⬙/⬙Joey⬙ Buchanan/Joe Riley, Jr., One Life to Live (also known as One Life to Live: The Summer of Seduction), ABC, 1994–1997. Johnny Donnelly, Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place (also known as Two Guys and a Girl), ABC, 1998–2001. Captain Malcolm ⬙Mal⬙ Reynolds, Firefly, Fox, 2002. Caleb, a recurring role, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, UPN, 2003.

Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nominations (with others), outstanding writing in a drama series, 1989, 1990, Emmy Award (with others), outstanding drama series, 1989, 1990, Edgar Award nomination, best television episode, Edgar Allan Poe Awards, 1990, all for L.A. Law; Edgar Award nominations (with others), best television episode, 1999, both for Brooklyn South; Emmy Award nomination (with others), outstanding drama series, 2001, for Law & Order. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Episodic: (Uncredited) Guy, ⬙A Star Is Born,⬙ Spin City, ABC, 1996. Troy Larson, ⬙Das Booty,⬙ Total Security, ABC, 1997. Ronald, ⬙Mama’s Got a Brand New Bag,⬙ Maggie Winters, CBS, 1998. Michael Ryan, ⬙Star Crossed,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1999. Voice, ⬙Luanne Virgin 2.0,⬙ King of the Hill (animated), Fox, 2001.

Television Work; Series: Executive story editor, story editor, coproducer, executive producer, and supervising producer, L.A. Law, NBC, 1986. Executive producer, Law & Order, NBC, 1990–2000. Creator and supervising producer, Cop Rock, ABC, 1990. Creator and executive producer, Civil Wars, ABC, 1991. Executive producer, Murder One, ABC, 1995. Executive producer, Brooklyn South, CBS, 1997.

Appeared as Glenn Collins in ⬙A River in Egypt,⬙ ⬙Someone to Talk To,⬙ and ⬙The Truth Hurts,⬙ episodes of Pasadena, Fox.

Television Work; Pilots: Executive producer, On Seventh Avenue, NBC, 1996. Executive producer, What Just Happened, HBO, 2003.

Television Appearances; Specials: Hot Summer Soaps, ABC, 1995. The 12th Annual Soap Opera Awards, NBC, 1996.

Also worked as executive producer, Ticket to Ride, The WB. Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Finish Line,⬙ L.A. Law, 1994.

Television Appearances; Other: Master Warrant Officer Tom Jardine, Ordeal in the Arctic (movie), ABC, 1993. Bill, Alligator Point (pilot), NBC, 2003.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Steven Jacobs, On Seventh Avenue, NBC, 1996.


Television Appearances; Episodic: Appeared as Howard Hulse, L.A. Law; Howard Hulce, L.A. Law; male legal expert, Murder One, ABC; William, Ally McBeal, Fox.

Periodicals: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, August, 2003, pp. 38–40. 115


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 WRITINGS FINN, Pat (Patrick Finn)

Television Movies: L.A. Law: The Movie, NBC, 2002.

PERSONAL Television Pilots: On Seventh Avenue, NBC, 1996. (With others) Brooklyn South, NBC, 1997. What Just Happened, HBO, 2003.

Full name, Patrick Cassidy Finn; born July 31, in Evanston, IL; married Donna Crowley, September 29, 1990; children: two. Education: Marquette University, graduated.

Also wrote Ticket to Ride, The WB. Addresses: Agent—Karen Forman, Metropolitan Talent Agency, 4526 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010.

Television Episodes: ⬙Sidney, the Dead–Nosed Reindeer,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1986. ⬙The Douglas Fur Ball,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1987. ⬙Becker on the Rox,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1987. ⬙The Grace of Wrath,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1987. (With others) ⬙Auld l’Anxiety,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1987. ⬙Princess and the Pee,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1988. (With David E. Kelley) ⬙Bounds for Glory,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1990. (With Kelley) ⬙The Last Gasp,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1990. Cop Rock, 1990. Civil Wars, ABC, 1991. (With Julie Martin) ⬙Rhyme and Punishment,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1993. (With Paul Manning) ⬙Cold Cuts,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1994. (With Manning) ⬙Three on a Patch,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1994. (With Roger Lowenstein) ⬙Dead Issue,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1994. (With Martin and Paul Haggis) ⬙How Am I Driving,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1994. (With Manning, Martin, and Peter Schneider) ⬙Finish Line,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1994. (With Geoffrey Neigher) ⬙Chapter Ten,⬙ Murder One, 1996. (With Charles H. Eglee) ⬙Chapter Nineteen,⬙ Murder One, 1996. (With others) ⬙Chapter Twenty–three,⬙ Murder One, 1996. ⬙Chapter Nine, Year Two,⬙ Murder One, 1997. ⬙Chapter Ten, Year Two,⬙ Murder One, 1997. (Story only) ⬙Chapter Eleven, Year Two,⬙ Murder One, 1997. (With Eglee) ⬙Chapter Twelve, Year Two,⬙ Murder One, 1997. High Incident, ABC, 1996. Brooklyn South, CBS, 1997–1998. ⬙Whose Monkey Is It Anyway?⬙ (also known as ⬙Curious George⬙), Law & Order, NBC, 2001. ⬙Sunday in the Park with Jorge,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2001. ⬙Swept Away—A Very Special Episode,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2001.

Career: Actor. Performer in Chicago with Second City and ImprovOlympic improvisation companies, and as a member of Beer Shark Mice. Appeared in commercials, including spots for Holiday Inn Express, H & R Block, and HDTV. Awards, Honors: Ensemble of the Year Award (with others), Chicago Improv Festival, 2003, for work with the group Beer Shark Mice. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Dan Coleman, The George Wendt Show (also known as Under the Hood), CBS, 1995. Television Appearances; Movies: Mr. Kroft, Detention: The Siege at Johnson High (also known as Hostage High and Target for Rage), ABC, 1997. Keith, Unconditional Love, Starz!, 2002. Television Appearances; Episodic: Phil, Jr., ⬙Sex or Death,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1995. Phil, Jr., ⬙The Ten Percent Solution,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1995. Phil, Jr., ⬙Nobody’s Perfect,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1996. Phil, Jr., ⬙Phil’s Dead—Long Live Phil’s,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1996. Phil, Jr., ⬙That’s the Way the Corky Crumbles,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1996. Phil, Jr., ⬙Underdogs,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1996. Steve, ⬙Caroline and the Bridesmaids,⬙ Caroline in the City (also known as Caroline), NBC, 1996. Phil, Jr., ⬙And That’s the Way It Was?,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1997. Phil, Jr., ⬙Mama Miller,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1997. Phil, Jr., ⬙Oh, Danny Boy,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1997. 116

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Phil, Jr., ⬙You Don’t Know Jackal,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1997. George, ⬙Cain and Mabel,⬙ The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 1998. Joe Mayo, ⬙The Reverse Peephole,⬙ Seinfeld, NBC, 1998. (As Patrick Finn) Paul, ⬙The Great Dickdater,⬙ 3rd Rock from the Sun (also known as Life As We Know It), NBC, 1998. Construction guy, ⬙With Friends Like Porter,⬙ Brother’s Keeper, ABC, 1999. Frank, ⬙Halloween,⬙ That ’70s Show, Fox, 1999. (As Patrick Finn) Anthony ⬙Phil⬙ Filibuto, ⬙French Connection,⬙ M.Y.O.B., NBC, 2000. Dr. Roger, ⬙The One That Could Have Been: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Friends, NBC, 2000. Chaz Montana, ⬙Dick’s Art,⬙ 3rd Rock from the Sun (also known as Life As We Know It), NBC, 2001. Chaz Montana, ⬙You Don’t Know Dick,⬙ 3rd Rock from the Sun (also known as Life As We Know It), NBC, 2001. Jim Frost, ⬙Changes,⬙ Ed (also known as Stuckeyville), NBC, 2001. Jim Frost, ⬙Closure,⬙ Ed (also known as Stuckeyville), NBC, 2001. Jim Frost, ⬙Crazy Time,⬙ Ed (also known as Stuckeyville), NBC, 2001. Jim Frost, ⬙Goodbye Sadie,⬙ Ed (also known as Stuckeyville), NBC, 2001. Kevin, ⬙The New Guy,⬙ Three Sisters, NBC, 2001. Football player, ⬙Wisconsin,⬙ The Sweet Spot, Comedy Central, 2002. Jim Frost, ⬙Nice Guys Finish Last,⬙ Ed (also known as Stuckeyville), NBC, 2002. Jim Frost, ⬙The Shot,⬙ Ed (also known as Stuckeyville), NBC, 2002. Jim Frost, ⬙Things to Do Today,⬙ Ed (also known as Stuckeyville), NBC, 2002. Jim Frost, ⬙Youth Bandits,⬙ Ed (also known as Stuckeyville), NBC, 2002. Luke McNamara, ⬙The Vacation,⬙ Less Than Perfect, ABC, 2002. Ted, ⬙The Baby Monitor,⬙ According to Jim, ABC, 2002. Mr. Donahue, ⬙Love Is in the Air,⬙ The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 2003. Security guard, ⬙Divorce–o–Rama,⬙ Oliver Beene, Fox, 2003.

FIRTH Rick, Dude, Where’s My Car?, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. Army recruiter, How High, Universal, 2001. Commercial actor, Prairie Dogs (short film), Prairie Dog Productions, 2001. Russell, Love & Support, Hi Tide, 2001. Stage Appearances: (With Beer Shark Mice and others) House of Lies, Chicago Improv Festival, Chicago, 2003. Appeared in other stage productions and at other venues. With Beer Shark Mice, performed at the First Annual Los Angeles Improv Comedy Festival, Hollywood, CA, 2003.

FIRTH, Colin 1960– PERSONAL Born September 10, 1960, in Grayshott, Hampshire, England; son of David (a college history lecturer) and Shirley (a university lecturer in comparative religion) Firth; brother of Jonathan Firth (an actor) and Kate Firth (a vocal coach); married Livia Giuggioli (a film producer), June 21, 1997; children: Luca (son), Mateo; (with actress Meg Tilly) William. Education: Attended junior high school in St. Louis, MO; attended Drama Centre at Chalk Farm, London, 1980–82. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actor. Shaw Theatre, London, telephone clerk, 1979; National Theatre, London, worked in wardrobe department, 1979–80; performed in England with National Youth Theatre. Awards, Honors: Seattle Film Festival Award, best actor, 1988, for Apartment Zero; Royal Television Society awards, best actor, 1989, 1990, and Television Award nomination, best actor, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1989, all for Tumbledown; Television Award nomination, best actor, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Broadcasting Press Guild Award, best actor, and National Television Award nomination, most popular actor, all 1996, for Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”; Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding cast performance (with others), 1997, for The English Patient; Screen Actors Guild Award, outstanding performance by a cast (with others), 1999, for Shakespeare in Love; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding supporting actor in a miniseries or movie,

Appeared as Tom Busterman, The King of Queens, CBS; and appeared in an episode of Grown Ups, UPN. Television Appearances; Pilots: Doug, Local Zeroes, CBS, 1998. Wayne Belmont, With You in Spirit, 2003. Film Appearances: Bolt, The Bachelor, New Line Cinema, 1999. 117


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, Jane Austen’s ⬙Pride and Prejudice,⬙ BBC (England), 1995, then Arts and Entertainment, 1996. Charles Gould, Nostromo (also known as Joseph Conrad’s Nostromo and Nostromo—Der Schatz in den Bergen), BBC, 1996, then PBS, 1997. William Shakespeare, Blackadder Back & Forth, PBS, 1999.

2001, and Golden Satellite Award nomination, best supporting actor in a series, miniseries, or television movie, International Press Academy, 2002, both for Conspiracy; Audience Award, best actor, European Film Awards, 2001, Film Award nomination, outstanding performance by a supporting actor, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 2002, Golden Satellite Award nomination, best actor in a comedy or musical motion picture, 2002, and MTV Movie Award nomination, best kiss (with Renee Zellweger), 2002, all for Bridget Jones’s Diary.

Television Appearances; Movies: Armand Duval, Camille, CBS, 1984. Colin Craven as an adult, The Secret Garden, CBS, 1987. Lieutenant Robert Lawrence, Tumbledown, BBC (England), 1987, then Arts and Entertainment, 1990. Alan, Out of the Blue, BBC, 1991. John McCarthy, Hostages, Granada (England), 1992, then on HBO Showcase, HBO, 1993. Stephen Whalby, Master of the Moor (also known as The Ruth Rendell Mysteries: Master of the Moor), Meridian (England), 1993, then U.S. broadcast, 1994. Freddie Page, The Deep Blue Sea, BBC, 1994. Charles Holroyd, The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd, 1995. The master, ⬙The Turn of the Screw,⬙ Masterpiece Theatre, PBS, 1999. Title role, Donovan Quick, BBC, 1999. Peter Ingleton, Relative Values, Starz!, 2000. Dr. Wilhelm Stuckart, Conspiracy, HBO, 2001. Allen Portland, Londinium, Cinemax, 2001.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Tommy Judd, Another Country, Orion, 1984. Young Alexander, 1919, British Film Institute/Channel 4, 1984. Tom Birkin, A Month in the Country, Orion, 1987. Adrian LeDuc, Apartment Zero, Skouras, 1988. Vicomte DeValmont (title role), Valmont, Orion, 1990. Brian Smith, Wings of Fame, Cannon, 1990. Joseph ⬙Joe⬙ Prince, Femme Fatale (also known as Fatal Woman), 1991. Richard Courtois, The Advocate (also known as The Hour of the Pig), Miramax, 1994. Ross Talbert/Michael Condren, Playmaker (also known as Private Teacher), Odyssey Entertainment, 1994. Simon Westward, Circle of Friends (also known as Good Girls), Savoy Pictures, 1995. Geoffrey Clifton, The English Patient, Miramax, 1996. Paul Ashworth, Fever Pitch, Film Four Distributors, 1997. Jess Clark, A Thousand Acres, Buena Vista, 1997. Lord Wessex, Shakespeare in Love, Miramax, 1998. Matthew Field, The Secret Laughter of Women, Optimum Releasing, 1998. Edward Pettigrew, My Life So Far, Miramax, 1999. Mark Darcy, Bridget Jones’s Diary (also known as Le journal de Bridget Jones), Miramax, 2001. Jack Worthing, The Importance of Being Earnest (also known as L’importance d’etre constant), Miramax, 2002. Colin Ware, Hope Springs, Buena Vista, 2003. Lord Henry Dashwood, What a Girl Wants, Warner Bros., 2003. Johannes Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Lions Gate Films, 2003. Jamie, Love Actually, Universal, 2003. Ben, Trauma, Warner Bros., 2004. Mark Darcy, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, Miramax, 2004.

Television Appearances; Specials: Neil Truelove, Dutch Girls, London Weekend Television (England), 1985. Rene Wilcox, ⬙Tales from the Hollywood Hills: Pat Hobby Teamed with Genius⬙ (also known as ⬙Pat Hobby Teamed with Genius⬙), Great Performances, PBS, 1987. ⬙Milos Forman: Portrait,⬙ American Masters, PBS, 1989. Windmills on the Clyde: Making ⬙Donovan Quick,⬙ BBC (England), 2000. We Know Where You Live (also known as Amnesty International’s We Know Where You Live Live!), Channel 4 (England), 2001. Judi Dench: A BAFTA Tribute, BBC, 2002. Interviewee, Forever Ealing, TCM, 2002. Television Appearances; Episodic: Guest, RI:SE, 2003. Stage Appearances: (London debut) Guy Bennett, Another Country, Queen’s Theatre, 1981. Dubedat, The Doctor’s Dilemma, Churchill Theatre, Bromley, England, 1984.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Richard Herncastle, Lost Empires, Granada (England), 1985–1986, then on Masterpiece Theatre, PBS, 1987. 118

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FITZPATRICK Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Publicist—PMK/HBH Public Relations, 8500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 700, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Contact—c/o 419 Park Ave. So., Ⲇ1009, New York, NY 10019; Vitamin C Fan Club, P.O. Box 965, Salinas, CA 93902.

Felix, The Lonely Road, Old Vic Theatre, London, 1985. Eben, Desire under the Elms, Greenwich Theatre, London, 1987. Aston, The Caretaker, Comedy Theatre, London, 1991. Chatsky; or, The Importance of Being Stupid, Almeida Theater, London, 1993. Walker and Ned, Three Days of Rain, Donmar Warehouse Theatre, London, 1999–2000. Title role, Hamlet, London, 2001.

Career: Actress and singer. Previously the lead singer for band Eve’s Plum; also recorded as solo act, Vitamin C. Sometimes credited as Colleen Ann Fitzpatrick or Colleen A. Fitzpatrick.

Radio Appearances: Richard II, Two Planks and a Passion, BBC (England), 1986. Rupert Brooke, The One before the Last, BBC, 1987.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Amber von Tussle, Hairspray, New Line Cinema, 1988. Blues singer, The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear, Paramount, 1991. Redhead on bus, The Mambo Kings, 1992. Festival singer, Higher Learning, Columbia, 1995. Crinoline Head, Scorpio International, 1995. Singer, High School High, Tristar, 1996. Conference room attorney, Liar Liar, Universal, 1997. Cassie, St. Patrick’s Day, Sceneries Distribution, 1997. (As Colleen Anne Fitzpatrick) Lucy Westerman, Dracula 2000 (also known as Dracula 2001 and Wes Craven Presents Dracula 2000), Miramax, 2000. (As Vitamin C) Herself, Da Hip Hop Witch, A–Pix Entertainment, 2000. (As Vitamin C) Herself, Get Over It (also known as Get Over It!), Miramax, 2001. Guitarist in the crowd outside the mansion, Rock Star, Warner Bros., 2001. (As Vitamin C) Paprika, My X–Girlfriend’s Wedding Reception, Premier Attractions, 2001. (As Vitamin C) Voice of herself, Scary Movie 2 (also known as Scarier Movie), Miramax, 2001.

RECORDINGS Audio Books: Narrator, Comeback, Random Century Audio Books, 1992. WRITINGS Author of a short story, ⬙The Department of Nothing,⬙ anthologized in Speaking with the Angel, compiled by Nick Hornby, 2000. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Daily Telegraph, February 26, 1999; March 22, 2000; April 3, 2001. Empire, Issue 94, 1997, pp. 68–70, 72. Evening Standard, June 12, 2000. Harper’s Bazaar, May, 1996, p. 168. New York Times, January 15, 1996. People Weekly, February 5, 1996, p. 128; February 8, 1999, pp. 73–74, 76; May 14, 2001, p. 179. Premiere, Volume 5, issue 3, 1997, pp. 22–23.

Television Appearances; Series: Herself, The Andy Dick Show, MTV, 2001. Television Appearances; Specials: Presenter, The WB Radio Music Awards, The WB, 1999. L’Oreal’s Summer Music Mania ’99, UPN, 1999. The 1999 Billboard Music Awards, Fox, 1999. Presenter, The Teen Choice Awards 2000, Fox, 2000. Music Mania 2000, Fox, 2000. Host, Fox Family Countdown Interview Special, Fox Family Channel, 2000. The 2000 Radio Music Awards, ABC, 2000. Lifetime Presents: Disney’s American Teacher Awards, Lifetime, 2001. (As Vitamin C) Herself, The 28th Annual American Music Awards, ABC, 2001.

FITZPATRICK, Colleen 1970(?)– (Vitamin C, Colleen A. Fitzpatrick, Colleen Ann Fitzpatrick, Colleen Anne Fitzpatrick) PERSONAL Born June 27, 1970 (some sources say 1969), in Old Bridge, NJ; daughter of Gerard (a communications executive) and Vita (a legal secretary) Fitzpatrick. Education: New York University, B.A., 1991. 119


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Kia Presents Front Row Center: Shaggy, Vitamin C and 3LW, Fox, 2001. Celebrity Boot Camp, Fox, 2003.

Periodicals: Billboard, July 17, 1999, p. 12. Interview, December, 2000, p. 103.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Susan, ⬙Last Call,⬙ The Equalizer, CBS, 1988. Beverly Heat, ⬙Eighteen with a Bullet,⬙ The Equalizer, CBS, 1988. Cathy, ⬙Cloud Ten,⬙ Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, The WB, 2002.


Also appeared as herself, The Amanda Show, Nickelodeon; (as Vitamin C) herself, ⬙The Tux,⬙ The Sausage Factory, MTV; Liz, ⬙Seeking Asylum,⬙ Haunted, UPN; Bibi Taggart, ⬙Episode 30,⬙ Heartbreak High; panelist, The List, VH1; guest, The Test, F/X.

Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Gemini Award nomination, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, best guest performance in a series by an actor or actress, 1993, for Secret Service.

Stage Appearances: Annie Warbucks, Variety Arts Theatre, New York City, 1993–1994. Ludovic, Fosca, Clara, Mother, and Mistress, Passion, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1994. Singing ensemble, Call Me Madam, City Center Theatre, New York City, 1995. Susan, Jenny, Marta, April, Company, New York City, 1995. Ensemble, Strike Up the Band, City Center Theatre, 1998. Babe Williams, The Pajama Game, Goodspeed Opera House, East Haddam, CT, 1998. The Swingers, Do Re Mi, City Center Theatre, 1999.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Various characters, Bizarre, Showtime, 1980–1985. Ralph Barrett, Vanderberg, CBC, beginning 1983. Bob Quimby (Ramona’s father), The Ramona Stories (also known as Ramona and Ramona Q), PBS, 1988–1989. Ted Sheppard, Dog House, YTV, beginning 1990. Voice of Vindicator/James MacDonald Hudson, X–Men (animated), Fox Kids, beginning 1992. Connor McDeere, Family Passions (also known as Macht der Leidenschaft), CTV, beginning 1993. President Daniel Thompson, a recurring role, Earth: Final Conflict (also known as EFC, Gene Roddenberry’s Battleground Earth, Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict, Invasion planete Terre, and Mission Erde: Sie sind unter uns), syndicated, 1999. General Teddy Steele, The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, Sci–Fi Channel, beginning 1999. Prime minister Stewart Collingwood, Rideau Hall, beginning 2002.

Also appeared in Into the Woods; Jerome; Jerome Robbin’s Broadway; Cats; Hello, Dolly!; Sweeney Todd; Camelot; 1776; Jacques Brel ... ; Sayonara. Major Tours: Toured with Into the Woods. RECORDINGS Albums; with Eve’s Plum: Envy, 1993. I Want it All Alive, 1994. Cherry Alive, 1995. Live in Albany, NY, 1996.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: George Peterson, I’ll Take Manhattan, CBS, 1987. Lieutenant colonel Nalls, Thanks of a Grateful Nation, Showtime, 1998. Leroy Wauck, Master Spy: The Robert Hanssen Story, CBS, 2002.

Albums; as Vitamin C: Vitamin C, 1999. More, 2001. Last Nite, V2, 2003.

Television Appearances; Movies: Jeremy Kreiger, Reckless Disregard, 1985. Roarke, Murder in Space, Showtime, 1985. Journalist at basketball game, Young Again, ABC, 1986. Second reporter, A Deadly Business, CBS, 1986. Wells, Easy Prey, ABC, 1986. Tom Moore, Prescription for Murder, 1987. Walter, Lonely Knights, 1988.

OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Musicians, Volume 33, Gale Group, 2002. 120

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

FLATMAN Robert Peerless, ⬙The Playground,⬙ The Ray Bradbury Theatre, HBO, 1985. Andy Johnson, ⬙The Intruder,⬙ Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future (live action and animated), syndicated, 1987. Jeremy Fellows, ⬙Baby Talk,⬙ Street Legal, CBC, 1987. Tom Riordan, ⬙A Vision in White,⬙ Seeing Things, CBC, 1987. Bishop, ⬙You’ll Die Laughing,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, USA Network, 1988. Harry, ⬙Goodbye Cabin,⬙ Diamonds, CBS and CBC, 1988. Hewlit, ⬙The Good Samaritan,⬙ War of the Worlds, syndicated, 1988. Howard, ⬙Ay, There’s the Rib,⬙ Diamonds, CBS and CBC, 1988. Thaxton, ⬙Fools Rush In,⬙ E.N.G., CTV and Lifetime, 1990. ⬙Club Dead,⬙ Katts and Dog, CTV and The Family Channel, 1991. Henry Gyrich, ⬙Night of the Sentinels: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ X–Men (animated), Fox Kids, 1992. Matt Grady, ⬙Ocean Park,⬙ Sweating Bullets, CBS, 1992. Boardman, Secret Service, NBC, 1992. ⬙Spin Doctor,⬙ Forever Knight, CBS, 1992. Franklin Stohis, ⬙Bail Out,⬙ E.N.G., CTV and Lifetime, 1993. Guardian, ⬙Repo Man,⬙ X–Men (animated), Fox Kids, 1993. Jack Hawks, ⬙Tournament,⬙ Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, syndicated, 1994. Marty Dollar, ⬙Sellout,⬙ TekWar, USA Network, 1994. Simon Atwater, ⬙Robocop vs. Commander Cash,⬙ Robocop, syndicated, 1994. Sammy Watson, ⬙Paying the Bill,⬙ Taking the Falls, 1996. Seth Caldwell, ⬙Emeritus No More,⬙ Traders, CTV and Lifetime, 1996. President Daniel Thompson, ⬙Fissures,⬙ Earth: Final Conflict (also known as EFC, Gene Roddenberry’s Battleground Earth, Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict, Invasion planete Terre, and Mission Erde: Sie sind unter uns), syndicated, 1998. Nathaniel Canby, ⬙O’er the Ramparts We Watched,⬙ Twice in a Lifetime, PAX and CTV, 1999. Plaxico, ⬙Tawrens,⬙ Code Name: Eternity, Channel 4 and syndicated, 2000. President Daniel Thompson, ⬙Second Wave,⬙ Earth: Final Conflict (also known as EFC, Gene Roddenberry’s Battleground Earth, Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict, Invasion planete Terre, and Mission Erde: Sie sind unter uns), syndicated, 2000. Leap Years, Showtime, 2001. John Fennimore, ⬙Mr. Monk Takes a Vacation,⬙ Monk, USA Network, 2002. Senator Brian Perry, ⬙Dark at the End of the Tunnel,⬙ Odyssey 5, Showtime, 2002. Senator Brian Perry, ⬙Skin,⬙ Odyssey 5, Showtime, 2002.

Dr. Levine, Sorry, Wrong Number, CBS, 1989. Peter, Age–Old Friends (also known as A Month of Sundays), HBO, 1989. Charles, The World’s Oldest Living Bridesmaid, CBS, 1990. Jake Sadoff, The Spider and the Fly, USA Network, 1994. Lenny Hollister, Prince for a Day (also known as The Prince and the Pizza Boy), NBC, 1995. Max Keiser, When the Dark Man Calls, USA Network, 1995. Phillips, Terminal Justice (also known as Cybertech PD), 1995. Richard Taylor, Almost Golden: The Jessica Savitch Story (also known as Almost Golden), Lifetime, 1995. Between Love and Honor, CBS, 1995. Donald Fraser, The Morrison Murders, USA Network, 1996. Larry Milan, We the Jury, USA Network, 1996. Rick, My Mother’s Ghost, Fox Family Channel, 1996. Commander Stevens, Any Mother’s Son, Lifetime, 1997. David Trask, When Innocence Is Lost, Lifetime, 1997. Mel Stottlemyre, Joe Torre: Curveballs Along the Way, Showtime, 1997. Mr. Anderson, End of Summer, Showtime, 1997. Blake Preston, Random Encounter, HBO, 1998. Dr. Comsky, Naked City: A Killer Christmas, Showtime, 1998. Mr. Blair, When He Didn’t Come Home, CBS, 1998. Agent Allard, Strange Justice, Showtime, 1999. Charles Koppelmann, Ricky Nelson: Original Teen Idol, VH1, 1999. Frank Sutton, The Witness Files, Cinemax, 1999. Gordon Cornell, Coming Unglued (also known as Let’s Ruin Dad’s Day), Fox Family Channel, 1999. Jim Fisher, The Wrong Girl, NBC, 1999. Joe Kelly, Crime in Connecticut: The Story of Alex Kelly, CBS, 1999. Jonathan (man on train), Dash and Lilly, Arts and Entertainment, 1999. Charles Jensen, Someone Is Watching, Lifetime, 2000. Headmaster Sherman, Cruel Intentions 2 (also known as Cruel Intentions 2: Manchester Prep), Fox, 2000. Ned Cannon, The Last Debate, Showtime, 2000. Bob Green, Moms on Strike, ABC, 2002. Dick Heath, Hell on Heels: The Battle of Mary Kay, CBS, 2002. Jerry Blackstone, Crossing the Line, Lifetime, 2002. News reporter, The Brady Bunch in the White House, Fox, 2002. Television Appearances; Episodic: Castro, ⬙I’m Looking through You,⬙ Seeing Things, CBC, 1984. Coach Hart, ⬙Second Best,⬙ The Littlest Hobo, CTV and syndicated, 1984. 121


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Senator Brian Perry, ⬙Symbiosis,⬙ Odyssey 5, Showtime, 2002. ⬙Time Flies,⬙ Doc, PAX, 2002. ⬙Respect,⬙ Blue Murder, 2003.

Addresses: Agent—Characters Talent Agency, 200–1505 West Second Ave., Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 3Y4, Canada. Career: Actor. Also credited as Peter Fleming.

Provided the voices for Mr. Hogcut, a newspaper stand owner, two police officers, and various teammates in ⬙Hyde and Go Shriek,⬙ an episode of Tales from the Cryptkeeper (animated), ABC.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Movies: First college guy, Annie O, Showtime, 1996. Robert Bedsoe, Murder in My Mind, CBS, 1997. Barry Keown, Goldrush: A Real Life Alaskan Adventure (also known as Gold Rush!), ABC, 1998. Dan, Crimes of Passion: Nobody Lives Forever (also known as Crimes of Passion: Edna Buchanan’s Nobody Lives Forever and Nobody Lives Forever), ABC, 1998. Greg, Dirty Little Secret, USA Network, 1998. Lieutenant Colonel Muro, Y2K (also known as Countdown to Chaos), NBC, 1999. Second waiter, Meet Prince Charming, Cinemax, 2000. Steve, Mermaid, Showtime, 2000. Stewart McCall, First Target, TBS, 2000.

Television Appearances; Other: Mr. Moore, The Day They Came to Arrest the Book (special), CBS, 1987. Harold Mason, X–Rated (pilot; also known as X–Rated: Liberty Street), CBC, 1993. Film Appearances: Journalist, Threshold, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1981. Reporter, Spasms (also known as Death Bite), Producers Distribution Corporation, 1983. Walt Bracknell, The Dead Zone, Paramount, 1983. Talk show host Phil Kennedy, Too Outrageous!, Spectra Film, 1987. Taking Care, 1987. Robotic company chief executive officer, Short Circuit 2, TriStar, 1988. Second suitor, A New Life, Paramount, 1988. Walter, Lonely Knights, 1988. Zaks, Switching Channels, TriStar, 1988. Arrogant yuppie, The Dream Team, Universal, 1989. Brody, Physical Evidence, Columbia, 1989. Arthur, Falling over Backwards, Moving Image Productions, 1990. Rick Tuttle, The Cutting Edge, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1992. Mr. McFarley, The Paper Boy (also known as The Paperboy), Republic Pictures, 1994. Kerwin Keesler, Open Season, Republic Pictures, 1996. Crime show host, The Wrong Guy, Lions Gate Films, 1997. Jack Gates, High Adventure, e–m–s the DVD Company, 2001. Kenner, True Blue, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2001. Reid Archer, Death, Deceit & Destiny aboard the Orient Express, e–m–s the DVD Company, 2001. The Sea Wolf, Hermes Films/Prophecy Entertainment/ The Asylum, 2001. Mr. Garfield, My Name Is Tanino, Medusa, 2002.


Television Appearances; Episodic: First officer, ⬙Aubrey,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1995. Second police officer, ⬙Wrong Number,⬙ Strange Luck, Fox, 1996. Traffic police officer, ⬙Gillian of the Spirits,⬙ Sliders, Fox, 1996. Don Trout, ⬙Pennies from Heaven,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1997. Young man, ⬙Black Widow,⬙ Poltergeist: The Legacy, Showtime, Sci–Fi Channel, and syndicated, 1997. Gil Hedges, ⬙Get a Life,⬙ The Crow: Stairway to Heaven, syndicated, 1998. Grant, ⬙Blue Agave,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Ken Guthrie, ⬙Aftermath,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1998. Tom Young, ⬙Glyphic,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1998. ⬙Jane Klosky,⬙ Cold Squad, CTV and Lifetime, 1998. ⬙Michelle Dorn,⬙ Cold Squad, CTV and Lifetime, 1998. ⬙Food,⬙ Strange World, ABC, 1999. ⬙Susperience,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 1999. Jerry Barnes, ⬙What Remains,⬙ Higher Ground, Fox Family Channel, 2000. Tom Shanley, ⬙Hunting Armando,⬙ UC: Undercover, NBC, 2002. Wolowicz, ⬙Hunted,⬙ The Twilight Zone, UPN, 2002. Jim Michaels, ⬙Karma,⬙ Breaking News, Bravo, c. 2002. NID agent Malcolm Barrett, ⬙Smoke & Mirrors,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Sci–Fi Channel and syndicated, 2003. ⬙Hide and Seek,⬙ Just Cause, PAX, 2003. Mark’s brother, Out of Order, Showtime, 2003.

Born 1967, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; children: Emily.

Also appeared in episodes of other series, including Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime.

FLEMMING, Peter 1967–


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

FONTAINE Carlo Gambino, Bonanno: A Godfather’s Story, Showtime, 1999. Second reporter, Too Rich: The Secret Life of Doris Duke, CBS, 1999. Doctor, Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, CBS, 2000. Reichsfeldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel, Nuremberg, TNT, 2000.

Television Appearances; Other: Dennis, Atomic Train (miniseries), NBC, 1999. With Cliff Thorburn, hosted Hooked on Pool, The Sports Network. Television Work; Movies: Stand–in for David Keith, Deadly Sins, HBO, 1995. Casting associate, Meet Prince Charming, Cinemax, 2000.

Television Appearances; Movies: Liam, Shades of Love: The Garnet Princess, 1987. Frank Brayman, Random Encounter, HBO, 1998. Harvey, Out of Control, Showtime, 1998. Senate committee chairperson, Sublet (also known as Codename: Jaguar), Cinemax, 1998. Mayor Galliano, The Patty Duke Show: Still Rockin’ in Brooklyn Heights, CBS, 1999. Charles Wettering, Artificial Lies (also known as Le manipulateur), Lifetime, 2000. Charles Vance Miller, The Stork Derby, Lifetime, 2001. City judge, Life in the Balance, Lifetime, 2001. Detective Moore, Xchange, HBO, 2001. George Toba, Stiletto Dance, HBO, 2001. Second businessperson, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman: The Heart Within, CBS, 2001. Detective Witkowski, Redeemer, USA Network, 2002. Judge, Nightwaves, Lifetime, 2003. Parker, Deception, 2003.

Film Appearances: Second mouth, Power of Attorney, Prism Pictures, 1995. Lucky Strike, Barbecue ... A Love Story, 1997. Dan, Something More, First Look Pictures, 1999. Roy, The Last Stop, Lions Gate Films, 2000. Paul, Replicant, Artisan Entertainment, 2001. Officer, D–Tox (also known as Detox, Eye See You, and Im Auge der Angst), Universal, 2002. Ted, Dead Heat (also known as I Fought the Law and Dead Heat—Toedliches Rennen), Infinity Entertainment, 2002. Hope Springs (also known as New Cardiff), Buena Vista, 2003. Also appeared in other films, including The Duke, He Ain’t Heavy, and Who Is Myra Johnson.

Television Appearances; Specials: Monet, Sr., Monet: Shadows and Light, HBO, 2000.

Film Work: Stand–in, Someone to Die for, Libra Home Entertainment, 1995.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Limousine driver, ⬙Missing,⬙ Sirens, syndicated, 1995. Old man, ⬙The Obsession,⬙ Sirens, syndicated, 1995. Bishop, ⬙Clarimonde,⬙ The Hunger, CTV and Showtime, 1998.

FONTAINE, Frank Television Work; Movies: Additional voices, Thunder Point (also known as Jack Higgins’ Thunder Point), The Movie Channel, 1998.

PERSONAL Career: Actor.

Film Appearances: Rencontre avec une femme remarquable: Laure Gaudreault, 1985. Detective, Les tisserands du pouvoir 2, 1988. Vive Quebec, 1988. Malarek, Consolidated Entertainment, 1989. Dr. Williamson, Bethune: The Making of a Hero (also known as Dr. Bethune), Tara Releasing, 1990. Guard, Le party, Association Cooperative des Productions Audio Visuelles, 1990. Poker player, The Five Heartbeats, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1991. Officer, Requiem pour un beau sans–coeur (also known as Requiem for a Handsome Bastard), Lux Film, 1992.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Romuald Gagnon, Cormoran, Societe Radio–Canada, beginning 1990. Dick Irvin, Maurice Richard: Histoire d’un canadien (also known as The Maurice Rocket Richard Story), beginning 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Mr. Colby, Le grand secret (also known as Das grosse Geheimnis), 1989. Fourth reporter, Hiroshima, Showtime, 1995. 123


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 WRITINGS

Double or Nothing: The Rise and Fall of Robert Campeau, National Film Board of Canada, 1992. Policier non–fumeur, Matusalem, National Film Board of Canada, 1993. Andre’s father, Zigrail, Alliance, 1995. Eli, Silent Hunter, New Line Cinema, 1995. Dewhurst, Suspicious Minds, Trimark Pictures, 1997. General Greenfield (chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), The Peacekeeper (also known as Hellbent and Red Zone), HBO, 1997. Man in market, Little Men (also known as Louisa May Alcott’s Little Men), Legacy Releasing, 1997. General Reed, Provacateur (also known as Agent provocateur), Via Appia Communications, 1998. Sheriff Earl Knudsen, Free Money, New City Releasing, 1998. Grandfather, The Bone Collector, Universal, 1999. Sewer worker, Babel, Motion International, 1999. First police officer, Where the Money Is (also known as Ein Heisser Coup), USA Films, 2000. Frank Bauers, Nowhere in Sight, Blackwatch Releasing, 2000. First Cornish pedestrian, Chasing Holden, Lions Gate Films, 2001. ABC executive, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Miramax, 2002. General Rand, The Sum of All Fears (also known as Der Anschlag), Paramount, 2002. Herbert Poppy, Two Summers, Image Harvest, 2002.

Television Episodes: ⬙Frozen in Time,⬙ Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, syndicated, 1997. ⬙The Edge,⬙ Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, syndicated, 1998. ⬙Comings and Goings: Part 3,⬙ Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, syndicated, 1998. ⬙Beer Bad,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The WB, 1999. ⬙Something Blue,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The WB, 1999. ⬙Where the Wild Things Are,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The WB, 2000. ⬙Bounty Hunter,⬙ Code Name: Eternity (also known as Code: Eternity), Channel 4 and syndicated, 2000. ⬙24 Hours,⬙ Code Name: Eternity (also known as Code: Eternity), Channel 4 and syndicated, 2000. ⬙Deep Down,⬙ Code Name: Eternity (also known as Code: Eternity), Channel 4 and syndicated, 2000. ⬙Isis & Osiris: Part 1,⬙ MythQuest, PBS, 2001. ⬙Fifth Element,⬙ Beastmaster, syndicated, 2001. ⬙Warlock of Nu Theta Phi,⬙ Relic Hunter (also known as Relic Hunter—Die Schatzjaagerin and Sydney Fox l’aventuriere), syndicated, 2002. ⬙Without a Trace,⬙ Tracker, syndicated, 2002. Also wrote episodes of The Huntress, USA Network; Spider–Man (animated; also known as Spider–Man: The Animated Series); The Big Comfy Couch. OTHER SOURCES

FORBES, Tracey Periodicals: Toronto Sun, November 2, 1999. PERSONAL Born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


Addresses: Agent—The Alpern Group, 15645 Royal Oak Rd., Encino, CA. Manager—Overview Management, 11634 Victory Blvd., Suite 3, North Hollywood, CA 91606.

Born July 15, 1966, in Los Angeles, CA; daughter of John Foreman (a producer) and Linda Lawson (an actress); sister of Julie Foreman (an actress).

Career: Writer, executive story editor, and producer.

Addresses: Manager—The Bauer Company, 9300 Wilshire Blvd., Penthouse, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

CREDITS Career: Actress. Television Work; Series: Executive story editor, Code Name: Eternity (also known as Code: Eternity), Channel 4 and syndicated, 1999.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Debbie, Forever Young, Warner Bros., 1992. Waitress, The Opposite Sex and How to Live with Them, Miramax, 1993.

Worked as producer, Wish Kids. 124

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FOREST publicist). Education: San Jose State, B.A., English and drama; also attended University of Washington; studied acting with Jeff Corey. Avocational Interests: Flying.

Samantha Moore, Sliver (also known as Sliver—Gier der Augen), Paramount, 1993. Paula, Future Shock, Hemdale Home Video, 1993. Delivery, 1997. Shala, Road Kill, Trident Releasing, 1999. Jennifer, Rocket’s Red Glare, 2000. Julie, On the Line, Miramax, 2001. Natalie Reed, Purgatory Flats, American Cinema International, 2002. Daddy and Them, 2002. Tracy, Extreme Dating, Franchise Pictures, 2003.

Addresses: Contact—c/o 1909 S. Wilbur Ave., Walla Walla, WA 99362. Career: Actor. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Series: Megan Rotundi Blumberg, Felicity, The WB, 1998–2002.

Film Appearances: (As Mike Forrest) Zarko, The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent (also known as The Saga of the Viking, Undersea Monster, Viking Women, and The Viking Women and the Sea Serpent), American International Pictures, 1957. Gil Jackson, Beast from Haunted Cave, Allied Artists Pictures Corp., 1959. Dave Harris, Valley of the Redwoods, 1960. Lieutenant Factor, Ski Troop Attack, Filmgroup, 1960. Title role, Atlas, The Filmgroup, 1961. Bernie, A House Is Not a Home, Embassy Pictures, 1964. Fred Cushman, The Glory Guys, United Artists, 1965. Greeneyes, Deathwatch, Altura Films, 1967. Barry Green, The Sweet Ride, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1968. The Money Jungle, Commonwealth United Entertainment, 1968. Humara, Yaqui Indian at ruins, 100 Rifles, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1969. Requiem per un bounty hunter (also known as Requiem for a Bounty Hunter), 1970. Chidley, My Lover, My Son, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1970. (As Mike Forrest) Cowboy, The Last Rebel, Columbia, 1970. (As Mike Forrest) Achilles, Ettore lo fusto (also known as Ettore the Trunk, Hector the Mighty, and El rapto de Elena, la decente italiana), 1971. Sinbad sailor, Under Milk Wood (animated), Altura Films International, 1972. (As Mike Forrest) Jim, The Assassinating of Trotsky (also known as L’assassinat de Trotsky and L’assassinio di Trotsky), Cinerama Releasing Corp., 1972. I bandoleros della dodicesima ora (also known as Desperado, Hijos de pobres, pero deshonestros padres ... Le llamaban Calamadid, Les llamaban Calamidad, and Now They Call Him Amen), 1972. Lo ammazzo come un cane ... ma lui rideva ancora (also known as Death Played the Flute and Requiem for a Bounty Killer), 1972. Zeno, The Dirt Gang, American International Pictures, 1972.

Television Appearances; Movies: Larissa, The Preppie Murder, ABC, 1989. Heather, Murder without Motive: The Edmund Perry Story (also known as Best Intentions), NBC, 1992. Molly, Live Wire, HBO, 1992. Lola, Breast Men, HBO, 1997. Ms. Garrett, coed, Storm (also known as Storm Trackers), Fox Family, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Naomi, The Gift, Showtime, 1994. Television Appearances; Episodic: Lucy, ⬙The Day the Earth Moved,⬙ Relativity, 1997. Shanee Ramsey, ⬙Since I Don’t Know You,⬙ To Have & to Hold, CBS, 1998. Gina Banks, ⬙Frisco Blues,⬙ Nash Bridges, CBS, 1999. Gina Banks, ⬙Goodbye Kiss,⬙ Nash Bridges, CBS, 1999. Rebecca, ⬙Tears, Bones & Desire,⬙ Six Feet Under, HBO, 2003. Carrie Bowman, ⬙Countdown,⬙ Alias, ABC, 2003. Carrie Bowman, ⬙The Telling,⬙ Alias, ABC, 2003. Carrie Bowman, ⬙The Two,⬙ Alias, ABC, 2003. Marla, ⬙Who’s Your Daddy?,⬙ Miss Match, NBC, 2003. Carrie Bowman, ⬙A Missing Link,⬙ Alias, ABC, 2003. Also appeared as Lesley Summers, Jack’s Place, ABC.

FOREST, Michael 1929– (Mike Forest, Michael Forrest, Mike Forrest) PERSONAL Original name, Gerald Michael Charlebois; born April 17, 1929, in Harvey, ND; married first wife, 1962 (divorced, 1980); married Diana Hale (an actress and 125


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Brauner, Troppo rischio per un uomo solo (also known as The Magnificent Dare Devil), 1973. Elena si, ma ... di Troia, 1973. Cotter, 1973. Danglar, Le avventure e gli amori di Scaramouche (also known as The Loves and Times of Scaramouche, Scaramouche, and Skaramus u ratu i ljubavi), AVCO Embassy Pictures, 1975. Khalid, al–Risalah, 1976. Khalid The Message (also known as Mohammed, Messenger of God), Tarik Film Distributors, 1976. (As Mike Forest) Donovan, Il cacciatore di squali (also known as El cazador de tiburones, Guardians of the Deep, and The Shark Hunter), 1979. Voice of Admiral Haines, Lensman (animated), Steamline, 1984. Vance, King Kong Lives, De Laurentiis Group, 1986. Hawkins, Deep Space, 1987. (English version) Various voices, Teito monogatari (animated; also known as Doomed Megalopolis and Doomed Megalopolis: The Haunting of Tokyo), 1988. (English version) Voice of Dietrich, Dirty Pair (animated), 1989. Andrew Marsh, Body of Evidence (also known as Deadly Evidence), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1993. (English version) Various voices, Cashan: Robot Hunter, 1993. Pilot Jack, Cast Away, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. (As Michael Forrest) Voice of Olympius, Power Rangers in 3D: Triple Force (also known as Power Rangers Triple Force! And Trakeena’s Revenge), 2000. (English version) Voice of Ticket, Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no tobira (also known as Cowboy Bebop the Movie: Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door, Cowboy Bebop: Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door, and Cowboy Bebop: The Movie), 2001. Voice of Olympius, The Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue: Queen’s Wrath, 2001. (English version) Voice of Frederick Ohara, Armitage: Dual Matrix (animated), Pioneer, 2002.

Voice of Lieutenant Colonel Jokima, Kido senshi Gundam: Dai 08 MS shotai (animated; also known as Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team), Cartoon Network, 1996. Voice of Olympius, Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (also known as Operation Lightspeed), Fox, 2000. Also appeared as voice of Gord, Zillion (animated). Television Appearances; Miniseries: (English version) Voice of bartender, Kido senshi Gundam 0080 pocket no naka no sensou (animated; also known as Gundam 0080: A War in the Pocket and Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: A War in the Pocket), Cartoon Network, 1989. Television Appearances; Movies: Fallow, Final Demand (also known as Theatre 625: Final Demand), BBC, 1966. Hamid, Now You See It, Now You Don’t, NBC, 1968. Trace Evans, The Silent Gun, ABC, 1969. Coach Owen, Extralarge: Cannonball, 1991. Television Appearances; Specials: Mitrane, Semiramide, PBS, 1990. Joe, La fanciulla del West (also known as The Girl of the Golden West from the Metropolitan Opera), PBS, 1992. Television: The First 50 Years, PBS, 2001. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙One in a Hundred,⬙ Death Valley Days, syndicated, 1953. (As Mike Forest) Floyd Rank, ⬙Apache Vendetta,⬙ Tombstone Territory, ABC, 1957. A brave, ⬙Rusty’s Remedy,⬙ The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin, ABC, 1958. Strong Eagle, ⬙The Daughter of Casey O’Grady,⬙ Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok, syndicated, 1958. ⬙The Road to Wickenberg,⬙ Have Gun Will Travel, CBS, 1958. ⬙Trail Incident,⬙ Zane Grey Theater, CBS, 1959. ⬙The Has–Been,⬙ 26 Men, syndicated, 1959. (As Mike Forest) ⬙Blood Money,⬙ The Texan, CBS, 1959. Chaqua, ⬙The Raid,⬙ The Rifleman, ABC, 1959. ⬙The Desert Ship,⬙ Bat Masterson, NBC, 1959. Jean–Paul St. Cloud, ⬙Pappy,⬙ Maverick, ABC, 1959. Jacques Perrault, ⬙Red Water North,⬙ Bronco, ABC, 1959. (As Mike Forest) Young Winnemucca, ⬙The Paiute War,⬙ Bonanza, NBC, 1959. Jacques Boutier, ⬙Encounter,⬙ Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond, ABC, 1960. ⬙Stage to Nowhere,⬙ Bat Masterson, NBC, 1960. Troy McKeen, ⬙The Old Man,⬙ The Westerner, NBC, 1960.

Also appeared as voice of Vice Minister Jessup, Armitage III: Poly–Matrix (animated), Pioneer; voice of E. Young, The Professional: Golgo 13 (animated). Television Appearances; Series: Pierre Duran, The Alaskans, 1960. (English version) Voice of Chief, Kagaku ninja tai Gatchaman (animated; also known as Gatchaman and Science Ninja Team Gatchaman), 1972. Corley Maxwell, Days of Our Lives (also known as DOOL and Days), CBS, 1979–1980. Nick Andropoulos, As the World Turns, CBS, 1980–1982. Commander Jamison, Uchu no kishi tekkaman bureido (animated; also known as Starknight Tekkaman Blade and Teknoman), UPN, 1994. 126

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 John Thompson, ⬙Angel of Death,⬙ Adventures in Paradise, ABC, 1961. Bob Tallhorse, ⬙The Devil’s Necklace: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Maverick, ABC, 1961. Ledall, ⬙Ransom of a Town,⬙ The Tall Man, NBC, 1961. Julio, ⬙The Don Alvarado Story,⬙ Wagon Train, NBC, 1961. ⬙Cross Purpose,⬙ Cheyenne, ABC, 1961. ⬙The Queen of Craven Point,⬙ The Detectives Starring Robert Taylor, NBC, 1961. Karl Andrade, ⬙Give the Boys a Great Big Hand,⬙ 87th Precinct, NBC, 1962. Roy Clatter, ⬙Mr. Grady Regrets,⬙ Frontier Circus, CBS, 1962. Duke Tolliver, ⬙Incident at Crossbow,⬙ Tales of Wells Fargo, NBC, 1962. Dev Bardeen, ⬙The High Country,⬙ Laramie, NBC, 1962. ⬙The Jeff Hartfield Story,⬙ Wagon Train, NBC, 1962. Lew Catlin, ⬙The Runt,⬙ Laramie, NBC, 1962. Chance Hopper, ⬙The Cousin,⬙ Gunsmoke, CBS, 1963. Cobey, ⬙The Dispossessed,⬙ Laramie, NBC, 1963. Wilkerson, ⬙The Sometime Gambler,⬙ Laramie, NBC, 1963. Phillipe Bouvier, ⬙La vie, la vie interieure,⬙ Ben Casey, ABC, 1963. Julian Forman, ⬙The Eleventh Commandment,⬙ Dr. Kildare, NBC, 1963. Stuart Peters, ⬙It Crawled out of the Woodwork,⬙ The Outer Limits, ABC, 1963. Joe Coogan, ⬙The Life and Loves of Joe Coogan,⬙ The Dick Van Dyke Show, CBS, 1964. Hugh Stager, ⬙The Drifter,⬙ The Virginian, NBC, 1964. Steve, ⬙Black Leather Jackets,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1964. Pierre Dubois, ⬙The Case of the Betrayed Bride,⬙ Perry Mason, CBS, 1964. George MacGregor, ⬙Portrait of a Widow,⬙ The Virginian, NBC, 1964. Bob Sullins, ⬙Innocence,⬙ Gunsmoke, CBS, 1964. Lieutenant Fest, ⬙The Terbuf Affair,⬙ The Man from U.N.C.L.E., NBC, 1964. Yuma, ⬙The Violent Land,⬙ Rawhide, CBS, 1965. Ray Pate, ⬙The Lady,⬙ Gunsmoke, CBS, 1965. Frank Shirmer, ⬙A Good Night’s Rest,⬙ Bonanza, NBC, 1965. Fred Cummins, ⬙Gomer, the Star Witness,⬙ Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., CBS, 1965. Zach Wheeler, ⬙Beyond the Border,⬙ The Virginian, NBC, 1965. Mikhail, ⬙We’re Not Coming Back,⬙ Twelve O’Clock High, ABC, 1965. Newt Woolery, ⬙Yellow for Courage,⬙ Branded, NBC, 1966. Company commander, ⬙Hills Are for Heroes: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Combat!, ABC, 1966. Cavalry lieutenant, ⬙The Captive,⬙ The Virginian, NBC, 1966. Lupesh, ⬙The Reluctant Dragon,⬙ Mission: Impossible, CBS, 1967.

FRAPPIER Miguel, ⬙Hey Diddle Diddle,⬙ Laredo, NBC, 1967. Ugundi, ⬙Slave Girl,⬙ Gilligan’s Island, CBS, 1967. Canuda, ⬙The Fallow Land,⬙ Daniel Boone, NBC, 1967. Apollo, ⬙Who Mourns for Adonais?,⬙ Star Trek, NBC, 1967. Wabuska, ⬙Sense of Duty,⬙ Bonanza, NBC, 1967. James Edmond, ⬙The Monster of Comus Towers,⬙ Ironside, NBC, 1967. Long Feather, ⬙Chief Mingo,⬙ Daniel Boone, NBC, 1967. Basil, ⬙The King Lives?,⬙ Get Smart, NBC, 1968. Courier, ⬙A Thief Is a Thief⬙ (also known as ⬙Magnificient Thief⬙), It Takes a Thief, ABC, 1968. Gustav, ⬙The War Diamonds,⬙ Garrison’s Gorillas, ABC, 1968. Gallagher, ⬙A Kiss Just for You,⬙ Here Comes the Brides, ABC, 1969. Cheech, ⬙A Matter of Grey Matter: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ It Takes a Thief, ABC, 1969. ⬙The Eyes of London Bob,⬙ Here Comes the Brides, ABC, 1969. Brideson, ⬙See You in Moscow,⬙ Bergerac, 1981. Croupier, ⬙Gambling Jag,⬙ Who’s the Boss?, 1989. Stickman, ⬙Lady Luck,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1992. General Lagerfield, ⬙Lifeboat,⬙ Seven Days, UPN, 1999. Also appeared as T. J. Catlin, The Catlins, TBS; voice of Daemon, Digimon; voice of Jackel, Fist of the North Star (animated); voice of Kudo, Psycho Driver (animated). Stage Appearances: Appeared as title role, Othello, Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA; Petruchio, Taming of the Shrew. RECORDINGS Video Games: (As Mike Forest; English version) Voice, .hack/Mutation, Bandai America, Inc., 2002. (As Mike Forest; English version) Voice, .hack/Infection, Bandai America, Inc., 2002.

FRAPPIER, Jill PERSONAL Born in England; married; children: Jamie. Addresses: Office—c/o Unit IA, Felim Court, 1444 Dupont St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 127


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Career: Actress, voice–over artist, and writer. Dragontails Drama School (a dramatic arts school), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, director.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Emma Cruze, Spearfield’s Daughter, syndicated, 1986. Mrs. Blaine, Chasing Rainbows, CBC, 1988. Mrs. Dodd, Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story, PBS, 2000.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Specials: The countess, Strauss: The King of 3/4 Time, PBS, 1995.

Film Appearances: The Happy Prince (animated short film), 1974. Madame Braner, Une nuit en Amerique, 1975. Lady teacher, In Praise of Older Women (also known as En hommage aux femmes de trente ans), AVCO Embassy Pictures, 1978. Mother, Jacob Two–Two Meets the Hooded Fang, Cinema Shares International, 1979. Gertrude, The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie: Strange Brew (also known as The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie and Strange Brew), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1983. (English language version) Voice of Luna, Bishojo senshi Sailor Moon S: The Movie (animated; also known as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S: The Movie, Sailor Moon 2: The Movie, and Sailor Moon S the Movie: Hearts on Ice), Pioneer Entertainment, 1994. (English language version) Voice of Luna, Bishojo senshi Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie (animated; also known as Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Super S: The Fabulous 9 Get Together! Miracle in the Black Draem Hole!, Sailor Moon 3: The Movie, and Sailor Moon Super S the Movie: Black Hole Dream), Pioneer Entertainment, 1995. (English language version) Voice of Luna, Bishojo senshi Sailor Moon R: The Movie (animated; also known as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R: The Movie and Sailor Moon R the Movie: Promise of the Rose), Pioneer Entertainment, 2000.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Museum patron, ⬙The Call,⬙ The Twilight Zone, syndicated, 1988. K. Samuels, ⬙Equal Partners,⬙ Street Legal, CBC, 1988. ⬙New Dawn,⬙ The Hitchhiker, USA Network, 1989. Mrs. Dallion, ⬙The Prophecies: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Friday the 13th: The Series, 1989. Barbara Lambert, ⬙Return Visit,⬙ Beyond Reality, USA Network, 1991. Helen Sloan, ⬙Alter Ego,⬙ Tek War, USA Network, 1995. Helen McCloud, ⬙My Dog Pal,⬙ Wind at My Back, CBC, 1996. Voice of Sailor Pluto, Sailor Moon (animated; also known as English Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon S, and Sailor Moon Super S), syndicated and Cartoon Network, 1997. Also appeared in Night Heat, CBS; as Mrs. Periwinkle, ⬙Franklin at the Seashore/Franklin & Snail’s Dream,⬙ Franklin; voice of Doucette, Anatole (animated), CBS. Stage Appearances: La locandiera, Saidye Bronfman Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1975. Rexy!, 1980. Private Lives, Arbor Theatre, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, 1985. My Darling Judith, Arbor Theatre, 1989. Without Her, 1993. Office Hours, Theatre New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, 2001. Ann Putnam and Sarah Good, The Crucible, Theatre Aquarius, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 2001.

Television Appearances; Series: Voice of Keroppi, Keroppi and Friends (animated), 1984. Voice of Fifi, Hello Kitty’s Furry Tale Theater (animated), CBS, 1987. Voice of Mrs. Shambles, Blazing Dragons (animated), syndicated, 1992. Hello Kitty (animated), 1993. Voice of Luna, Sailor Moon (animated; also known as English Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon S, and Sailor Moon Super S), syndicated, 1995–2000, and Cartoon Network, 1997–2000. Voice of Mrs. Prysselius, Pippi Longstocking, HBO, 1998. Voice of Miss Finch, Birdz (animated), CBS, 1998. Voice of Aunty, Pecola (animated), Teletoon, 2001.

Also appeared in Actress/Lizzie, Blood Relations; Amanda, Private Lives; power mistress, The Applecart. Radio Appearances: Appeared as Isabelle, Lay Down with the Lion, CBC Radio; Shirley, An Awful Question, CBC Radio; in The Answer, CBC Radio; Lost Children, CBC Radio; Daughters, CBC Radio. WRITINGS Stage Plays: Wrote I Remember Roswell; Tweenie’s Triumph; A Crack in the Concrete; Operation: Ella.

Television Appearances; Movies: Lady Ⲇ2, Under the Piano, Lifetime, 1995. 128

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FREDERICKS Wind Farm (short film), 2001. Callback, CubraLibra Entertainment/G–Man Productions, 2002. (With others) Hell’s Highway, A the Asylum Presentations, 2002. Out of Sync, R.P. Productions, 2002. (As Neal L. Fredericks) The Stonecutter, Pop/Art Film Factory, 2002. Voodoo Tailz (also known as Voodoo Mardi Gras), Spartan Home Entertainment/Vision Films, 2002. Compadres, Spartan Home Entertainment, 2003. Erosion, Dark Lantern Pictures, 2003. Latin Kingz, Spartan/El Matador, 2003. (And producer) The Legend of Diablo, Pop/Art Film Factory and Premium Resources, 2003. Vengeance, Pop/Art Film Factory, 2003. Wrong Casa, Matador Home Entertainment/Spartan Home Entertainment, 2003. (With others) You’ll Never Wiez in This Town Again, Dimension Films, 2003.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Toronto Sun, August 19, 1996.

FREDERICKS, Neal 1969– (Neal L. Fredericks) PERSONAL Full name, Neal Leslie Fredericks; born July 24, 1969, in Newport Beach, CA; son of Carl Leslie (in U.S. Navy) and Judith Ann Fredericks; married Ann Lu (a director and writer), 1999. Education: Montgomery College, Rockville, MD, graduated, 1989; Towson University, graduated, 1991. Addresses: Contact—[email protected].

Also cinematographer for Da Crib and The Social Hour, both Pop/Art Film Factory.

Career: Cinematographer and producer. Began career as a camera operator in Florida and Washington, DC; photographer for commercials, promotional clips, and music videos, including ⬙Big Bang to This⬙ by Redstone featuring KAM, ⬙Faithful⬙ by Poww Brothers, and ⬙2DaCurb⬙ by Playa Hamm featuring Jewel.

Film Camera Operator: First assistant camera operator, Compelling Evidence, Stratosphere Entertainment, 1995. First assistant camera operator, Deadly Run, G.E.L. Distribution, 1995. First assistant camera operator, Perfect Mate, Images of Light, 1996. Patriot Son, Encore Media Corporation, 1997. Hard, Jour de Fete Films, 1999.

Awards, Honors: FLO Film Festival Award, best cinematography, 2000, for Dreamers. CREDITS

Television Cinematographer; Specials: (Uncredited; with others) Curse of the Blair Witch, Sci–Fi Channel, 1999. The Burkittsville 7, Sci–Fi Channel, 2000. Shadow of the Blair Witch, Sci–Fi Channel, 2000.

Film Cinematographer: (With others) Vicious Kiss, Stratosphere Entertainment, 1995. (With others) Carjack, Star International Productions, 1996. (With others) Demolition Highway, Stratosphere Entertainment, 1996. (With others) Raven’s Ridge, Asylum, 1997. Laughing Dead, BijouFlix Releasing, 1998. (With others) Streetwise, 1998. The Blair Witch Project, Artisan Entertainment, 1999. Dreamers, Pathfinder Pictures, 1999. George’s Auto, Captain Michael P. Indigaro Productions/Majestyk Brand Entertainment, 1999. C–Scam, Landscape Films, 2000. Diaries of Darkness, 2000. Jonni Nitro, Eruptor Entertainment, 2000. Don’t Make Me Blush, 2001. Jay’s Garden, Malibu (short film), 2001. Killer Me, Point Blank Films/Vanguard Cinema, 2001. Tea Time (short film), 2001.

Television Work; Other: Camera operator, Gun (series; also known as Robert Altman’s Gun), ABC, 1997. Camera operator, The 119, 1997. (With others) Director of photography, The Scariest Places on Earth (series), ABC Family Channel, 2000–2002. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Neal Fredericks Home Page, camopdp, September 16, 2003. 129


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Television Appearances; Series: In Their Shoes, BBC (England), 1990. Poppy Bruce, Emmerdale Farm (also known as Emmerdale), YTV (England), 1992. Beth Jordache, Brookside, Channel 4 (England), c. 1993–1995. In Suspicious Circumstances, Granada (England), 1994. Storyteller, The Fear, BBC, 2001.

FRIEL, Anna 1976– PERSONAL Full name, Anna Lulu Friel; born July 12, 1976, in Belfast, Northern Ireland; raised in Rochdale, Lancashire, England; daughter of teachers; companion of David Thewlis (an actor). Education: Briefly attended Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, London.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Susan Nelson, G.B.H., Channel 4 (England), 1991. Bella Wilfer, Our Mutual Friend (also known as Our Mutual Friend—by Charles Dickens), PBS, 1999.

Addresses: Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager— Abi Harris, Artists Independent Network, 270 Lafayette St., Suite 402, New York, NY 10012.

Television Appearances; Movies: Lisa Leeson, Rogue Trader, Cinemax, 1998. Lizzie, The Tribe, BBC (England), 1998. Lucia Merritt, Fields of Gold, BBC, 2002.

Career: Actress. Oldham Theatre Workshop, member of company, beginning 1989. Appeared in commercials.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Holly Jarrett, Medics, ITV (England), 1993. Herself, ⬙Xmas,⬙ Shooting Stars, BBC (England), 1995. The Imaginatively Titled Punt and Dennis Show, BBC, 1995. Angelica, ⬙About Face,⬙ Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1996. ⬙Cadfael 2,⬙ Mystery!, PBS, 1997. Sioned, ⬙A Morbid Taste for Bones,⬙ in ⬙Cadfael 3,⬙ Mystery!, PBS, 1998. Guest, Clive Anderson All Talk, BBC1, 1999. Film ’72, BBC, 1999.

Awards, Honors: TV Quick Award, best newcomer, 1994; British National Television Award, most popular actress, 1995, for Brookside; Theatre World Award, outstanding new performer, Drama Desk Award, outstanding featured actress in a play, and Outer Critics Circle Award, outstanding ensemble performance (with others), all 1999, for Closer; Genie Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a leading role, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 2002, for The War Bride.

Also appeared in episodes of Coronation Street, Granada; and Going Live, BBC.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Helen, The Stringer, British Screen/Pepper Pictures, 1997. Flora, St. Ives (also known as All for Love), Buena Vista Home Video, 1998. Prue, The Land Girls (also known as Trois Anglaises en campagne), Gramercy, 1998. Hermia, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (also known as William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Sogno di una notte di mezza estate), Fox Searchlight, 1999. Tammy Franklin, Sunset Strip, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1999. Maddy, Mad Cows, Capitol Films, 1999. Shiner, 2000. Bronagh, An Everlasting Piece, DreamWorks, 2000. Lily, The War Bride (also known as Love and War), PorchLight Entertainment, 2001. Marina, Me without You, IDP Distribution/Samuel Goldwyn Company, 2002. Lady Claire, Timeline, Paramount, 2003.

Television Appearances; Other: The Orange British Academy Film Awards (special), 2002. Claire Ryan, Watermelon, 2003. Stage Appearances: Look Europe, Almeida Theatre, London, 1997. Alice, Closer, Music Box Theatre, New York City, 1999. Lulu, Almeida Theatre, then Eisenhower Theatre, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, both 2001. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Empire, October, 1998, pp. 74–77. Flicks, September, 1998, p. 32. Ms London, September 7, 1998, p. 3. Time, May 10, 1999, p. 82. 130

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FRIELS Louis Strack, Jr., Darkman, Universal, 1990. Michael Grazier, Class Action, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1991. John ⬙Dingo⬙ Anderson, Dingo (also known as Dingo— Dog of the Desert), 1992. American preacher, The Nostradamus Kid, Live Entertainment, 1993. Morgan Leafy, A Good Man in Africa, Gramercy, 1994. Connor, Back of Beyond, Imagine Entertainment/Live Entertainment, 1995. Morris Goodman, Angel Baby, Cineplex Film Properties, 1995. Errol Grier, Cosi, Miramax, 1996. Wally Mellish, Mr. Reliable (also known as Mr. Reliable: A True Story and My Entire Life), Gramercy, 1996. Walenski, Dark City (also known as Dark Empire and Dark World), New Line Cinema, 1998. David Myers, The Man Who Sued God, Icon Entertainment International, 2001. Father Tom Dixon, Black and White, New Vision Films, 2002. Mark Bryce, Max’s Dreaming, 2003. Missing Tom, Cinemavault Releasing, 2004.

Vanity Fair, May, 1998, p. 161. Vogue, June, 1999, pp. 238–40. Electronic: Anna Friel Official Web Site, uk/annafriel, November 7, 2003.

FRIELS, Colin 1952– PERSONAL Born September 25, 1952, in Glasgow, Scotland; father, a carpenter; mother, a mill worker; married Judy Davis (an actress), 1984; children: Jack, Charlotte. Education: Attended National Institute of Dramatic Arts, Sydney, Australia. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Rufus Dawes, For the Terms of His Natural Life, 9 Network (Australia), 1982. Pride, Seven Deadly Sins, ABC (Australia), 1993. Sly Morgan, Stark, ABC (Australia), 1993. Tom Cooper, The Farm, ABC (Australia), 2001.

Career: Actor. Performed with State Theatre Company of South Australia. Worked in construction and as a factory worker and farm hand. Awards, Honors: Australian Film Institute Award, best actor in a lead role, 1986, for Malcolm; Australian Film Institute Award nominations, best actor in a lead role, 1987, for Ground Zero, and 1991, for Dingo; Australian Film Institute Award, best actor in a television drama, 1995, for Halifax f.p.: Hard Corps; nomination for Silver Logie, most outstanding actor in a series, Logie Awards, 2000, for Water Rats.

Television Appearances; Movies: Big Toys, ABC (Australia), 1980. Kevin Tait, Halifax f.p.: Hard Corps, 9 Network (Australia), 1994. David McKinnon, Marriage Acts, ABC (Australia), 2000. George Temple, Child Star: The Shirley Temple Story, ABC, 2001. Bob Inkster, My Husband My Killer, 10 Network (Australia), 2001. Jack Kempson, BlackJack, 10 Network, 2003.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Nick, Prisoners, 1981. Robert, Hoodwink, 1981. Javo, Monkey Grip, Cinecom International, 1982. Mike, Buddies, 1983. Adam Lucas, The Coolangatta Gold (also known as The Gold and the Glory), 1984. Richard Lovat Somers, Kangaroo, Cineplex Odeon Films, 1986. Malcolm Hughes (title role), Malcolm, Vestron, 1986. Harvey Denton, Ground Zero, Avenue Pictures, 1987. The man, Warm Nights on a Slow Moving Train, Millimeter, 1988. Mick, High Tide, TriStar, 1988. Tom Stewart, Grievous Bodily Harm (also known as Bodily Harm), Fries Entertainment, 1988. Richard Muir, Weekend with Kate, 1990.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Lew Campbell, ⬙Reason to Live,⬙ Police Rescue, ABC (Australia), 1992. Television Appearances; Other: Lieutenant Colonel Fouts, Space: Above and Beyond (pilot), Fox, 1995. Frank Holloway, a recurring role, Water Rats (series), 9 Network (Australia), between 1996 and 1999. Roberto Francobelli, Temptation, 2003. Stage Appearances: The Temple, 1993. Macbeth, 1994. 131


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Host, MTV US Top 20 Countdown, MTV, beginning 1992. Host, Beach MTV, MTV, 1993–1995. Host, Rock n’ Jock, MTV, 1993–1995. Host, Daisy Fuentes, CNBC, 1994. Host, Mt. MTV, MTV, 1995. Host, MTV’s Top 20 Video Countdown, MTV, beginning 1996. Host, MTV Latino’s Top 20 Video Countdown, MTV Latino, beginning 1996. Guest host, The Vicki Lawrence Show, Fox, 1997. Host, House of Style, MTV, 1997–1998. Cohost, America’s Funniest Home Videos (also known as AFHV, AFV, America’s Funniest Videos, and America’s Funniest), ABC, 1997–2000.

Don Juan, Sydney Theatre Company, Sydney, Australia, 2001. Also appeared in productions of Hedda Gabler and Sweet Bird of Youth.

FUENTES, Daisy 1966– PERSONAL Born November 17, 1966, in Havana, Cuba; immigrated to Spain, 1969, then to the United States, c. 1973; daughter of Amado (a grocer and real estate broker) and Maria (a painter) Fuentes; married Timothy Adams (an actor), August 5, 1991 (divorced, 1994). Education: Bergen Community College, degree in communications, 1986; studied acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Herself, The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1992. Galaxy Girl, ⬙Am I Blue?,⬙ Ghostwriter, PBS, 1993. ⬙The Taking of Pablum 1–2–3: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Dream On, HBO, 1994. Carmen, ⬙Glove Story,⬙ Can’t Hurry Love, CBS, 1995. Voice of Princess Daisy, ⬙The Twelve Dancing Princesses,⬙ Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (animated), HBO, 1995. Herself, ⬙Bringing Home the Bacon,⬙ Cybill, CBS, 1996. Guest, Late Show with David Letterman, 1996, 1997. Herself, ⬙All Teed Off,⬙ Clueless, ABC, 1997. Herself, ⬙Larry’s New Love,⬙ The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1997. Herself, ⬙Al Plays Hooky,⬙ The Weird Al Show, CBS, 1997. Guest, Pajama Party, Oxygen, 2000. Maya Morgan, ⬙Stone Cold,⬙ Baywatch (also known as Baywatch Hawaii), syndicated, 2000. Isabel Selvera, ⬙Running Wild,⬙ Queen of Swords, syndicated, 2000. Isabel Selvera, ⬙End of Days,⬙ Queen of Swords, syndicated, 2001. Herself, ⬙Infidelity Test,⬙ The Test, FX Channel, 2001. Herself, ⬙On Call with Dr. Luv,⬙ Rendez–View, 2001. Guest, The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn, CBS, 2002, 2003. Herself, I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!, 2003. America’s Funniest Home Videos, 2003. Judge, America’s Most Talented Kid, NBC, 2003.

Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Ray McKigney, Shelter Entertainment, 9255 Sunset Blvd., Suite 1010, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Career: Actress, television personality, and model. Worked as a runway model as a college student; WXTV–TV (Spanish–language station), New York City, weather reporter, 1986–87; WNJU–TV (Spanish– language station), New York City, began as weather anchor, became news reader and news anchor, 1987–90; MTV Networks, New York City, ⬙veejay,⬙ beginning c. 1988. Revlon cosmetics, spokesperson, beginning 1993; appeared in Spanish–language versions of Cosmopolitan, Vanidades, Vanity Fair, and Harper’s Bazaar magazines, and in television and print advertisements, including ones for milk and M&Ms candy. Dish (restaurant), New York City, co–owner. Awards, Honors: Outstanding Woman in Media Award, Latin Coalition for Fair Media, 1992; Bravo Award nomination, outstanding performance by a female in a variety or music series or special, National Council of La Raza, 1996, for Latino Laugh Festival; ALMA Award nomination, outstanding host in a variety, music, or comedy special or series, American Latin Media Arts, 1999, for America’s Funniest Home Videos.

Television Appearances; Specials: Cool People/Hot Places, syndicated, 1993. Cable Crossings: The Early Months, America’s Talking, 1994. Concert of the Americas, PBS, 1994. Talk Back America II, CNBC, 1994. Cohost, The 1994 Miss Teen USA Pageant, CBS, 1994. Host, Fox All Star Challenge, Fox, 1995. Host, The 1995 Miss USA Pageant, CBS, 1995. Host, The 1995 Miss Universe Pageant, CBS, 1995. Host, You Gotta See This!, ABC, 1996.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Host, MTV Internacional, syndicated, Telemundo, 1987–1993. Tess, Loving, ABC, 1992. 132

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FUENTES 2nd Annual MTV Video Music Awards Latin America, MTV, 2003.

Cohost, Latino Laugh Festival, Showtime, 1996. Host from Las Vegas, Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve ’98, ABC, 1997. The American Red Cross Celebrates Real Life Miracles, CBS, 1998. Wild on Key West, E! Entertainment Television, 1998. Host, Will You Marry Me?, ABC, 1998. Wild on South Beach, E! Entertainment Television, 1999. House of Style: 10th Anniversary Special, MTV, 1999. 25 Years of No. 1 Hits: Arista Records’ Anniversary Celebration, NBC, 2000. Take 2: Living the Movies, USA Network, 2002. Host, Miss Universe Pageant, CBS, 2002. Host, Miss Universe Pageant (also known as Miss Universe 2003), NBC, 2003. Host, Miss USA 2003, NBC, 2003.

Television Appearances; Other: Kenzie Pearson, Shutterspeed (movie), TNT, 2000. I Spike (pilot), UPN, 2000. I Love the ’80s (miniseries), VH1, 2002. Film Appearances: Clara, Curdled, Miramax, 1996. RECORDINGS Videos: I Want My MTV, 1996. Daisy Fuentes: Totally Fit Workout, 1996.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: MTV Video Music Awards, MTV, 1992. Jim Thorpe Pro Sports Awards, ABC, 1994. The VIDA Awards, NBC, 1995. The 1996 Billboard Music Awards, Fox, 1996. The 27th Annual NAACP Image Awards, Fox, 1996. Host, The 1998 ALMA Awards, ABC, 1998. Cohost, The 1998 World Music Awards, ABC, 1998. Presenter, The 24th Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 1998. Presenter, The 25th Annual American Music Awards, ABC, 1998. Host, The 1999 ALMA Awards, ABC, 1999. The 1999 Teen Choice Awards, Fox, 1999. Presenter, The 1999 World Music Awards, ABC, 1999. Host, 13th Annual Hispanic Heritage Awards, NBC, 1999. Presenter, The 26th Annual American Music Awards, ABC, 1999. ESPY Awards, 2000. Presenter, 5th Annual ALMA Awards, Fox, 2000. Presenter, 6th Annual Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, Fox, 2000. Presenter, The 4th Annual Latin Grammy Awards, CBS, 2003.

OTHER SOURCES Books: Notable Hispanic American Women, Book 2, Gale, 1998. Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, February 11, 1994, p. 42; June 27, 1997, p. 54. George, July, 1999, p. 100. Hispanic, August, 1993, pp. 14–15. In Style, February, 2000, p. 210. Los Angeles Times, August 17, 1993, p. F1. Mademoiselle, December, 1999, pp. 96–101, 158–59. New York Times, April 25, 1993, p. 8; October 10, 1993, section 9, p. 3. People Weekly, September 19, 1994, p. 72; September 2, 1996, p. 65; July 7, 1997, p. 37. Playboy, February, 1999, p. 21. TV Guide, March 14, 1998, pp. 52–54. Us, February, 1999, p. 72. USA Today, January 13, 1995, p. D1. Vogue, August, 1991, p. 110–16.


G NASA official, Hangar 18 (also known as Invasion Force), Sunn Classic Pictures, 1980. Teddy, the robber, Not for Publication, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1984. Kelly, The Return of Josey Wales, Magnum Entertainment, 1986. Chief, The Dirt Bike Kid (also known as Crazy Wheels), Concorde, 1986. Officer Lloyd, Nadine, TriStar, 1987. Bank’s president, Rosalie Goes Shopping, Four Seasons, 1989. Fat Republican—Miami convention, Born on the Fourth of July, Universal, 1989. Warden, Problem Child, Universal, 1990. Voice of President Lyndon B. Johnson, JFK, Warner Bros., 1991. Customs officer, Touch and Die (also known as Chi tocca muore), 1991. Obese slob, Hexed, Columbia, 1993. Voice of President Lyndon B. Johnson, Forrest Gump, Paramount, 1994. Voice of Orson Welles, Headless at the Fair, 1998.

GALT, John William 1940– (John Galt) PERSONAL Born April 4, 1940, in Jackson, MS; son of William Neal and Lyndel Janes (maiden name, Fortenberry) Galt; married Anna Marie Kolenovsky, December 14, 1965 (divorced, 1973); married Diane Renee Wallace, June 6, 1981; children: (first marriage) Joseph William, Edward Wayne; (second marriage) Christopher Wallace. Education: Attended University of Maryland at Munich, 1960–61. Career: Actor and writer. Toured as folksinger, U.S. and Europe, 1960–62; Texas Independent Feature Productions, 1981; Jackson Galt Creative Enterprise, Inc., 1991–99; Vox Omnia Productions, owner, 1999; appeared and provided voices for numerous television commercials. Military service: United States Air Force, 1957–62.

Also appeared as voice replacement, First Family; voice replacement, Hardcore; voice of three callers, Talk Radio.

Member: National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (Heartland chapter), Actor’s Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Writers Guild of America, Academy of the Preservation of Talking Pictures.

Television Appearances; Series: Appeared as voice of narrator, Jay Jay the Little Jet (animated).

Awards, Honors: Dallas Citizen’s Certificate, 1973; 28 Clio Awards; 31 Tellys; New York Film Festival Silver; 43 Addys; CHA Gold Spirit Award; several Tops in Advertising awards.

Television Appearances; Movies: The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald, ABC, 1977. Ruby and Oswald (also known as Four Days in Dallas), CBS, 1978. (As John Galt) Mr. Kirby, Crisis at Central High, CBS, 1981. Walt Duminal, With Intent to Kill (also known as Urge to Kill), CBS, 1984. Guest, Dallas: The Early Years, CBS, 1986.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Peterson, The Bermuda Triangle, Sunn Classic Pictures, Inc., 1979. 134

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GARCIA Career: Actor, producer, director, and writer. Scott J–R Productions, cofounder (with John–Roger), 1998.

Grannie of Grannie’s Old Log Cabins, Ollie Hopnoodle’s Haven of Bliss, The Disney Channel, 1988. Jimmy, Fugitive among Us, CBS, 1992. Santa, Holiday in Your Heart, ABC, 1997.

Awards, Honors: Dramalogue Award (Los Angeles), best acting achievement, for Short Eyes.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (As John Galt) Vern, ⬙Behind the Badge,⬙ Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1996.


Also appeared (as John Galt) as Mayor Boggs and Mr. Rockerler in episodes of Paws & Tales.

Film Appearances: Waiter, The Cotton Club, New Line Cinema, 1982. (As Nick Corri) Rod Lane, A Nightmare on Elm Street, New Line Cinema, 1984. (As Nick Corri) Manolo, Gotcha!, Universal, 1985. (As Nick Corri) Cerulo, Wildcats (also known as First and Goal), 1986. (As Nick Corri) Falco, The Lawless Land, Concorde, 1988. (As Nick Corri) Marley, Slaves of New York, Columbia, 1989. (As Nick Corri) Gustavo ⬙Tavo⬙ Luna, Tropical Snow (also known as Nieve tropical), 1989. (As Nick Corri) Detective, Predator 2, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1990. (As Nick Corri) Charlie Bronson, In the Heat of Passion (also known as Heat of Passion), Concorde, 1992. (As Nick Corri) Himself, New Nightmare (also known as A Nightmare On Elm Street 7 and Wes Craven’s New Nightmare), 1994. (As Nick Corri) Anthony, Vampire in Brooklyn (also known as Wes Craven’s Vampire in Brooklyn), Paramount, 1995. (As Nick Corri) ⬙Four on the Floor,⬙ Red Shoe Diaries 13: Four on the Floor, 1996. (As Nick Corri) Captain Rattner, Strategic Command, Command Productions, 1997. (As Nick Corri) Maitre’d, Woo, New Line Cinema, 1998. Jesu Matamoro, My Little Havana (short film), 1998. David de La Paz, Candyman: Day of the Dead (also known as Candyman 3: Day of the Dead), Artisan Entertainment, 1999. New patient, Window, Cinema Royale, 1999. Pablo Obregon, Traffic (also known as Traffic—Die Macht des Kartells), USA Films, 2000. Miguel, The Quickie, Monarch Home Video, 2001. (In archive footage) Rod in A Nightmare on Elm Street, Boogeyman: The Killer Compilation (also known as Boogeyman), Flixmix, 2001. Jorge Colon, L.A.X., 2002. Roman, Collateral Damage, Warner Bros., 2002. Captain Tony Nadal, We Were Soldiers (also known as Wir waren Helden), Paramount, 2002. Carlos, Back by Midnight, 2002. Nick, Klepto, 2003. Javier, Captured, Universal, 2003.

RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Lo Wang, Shadow Warrior, 1997. Also appeared as voice of cop 1 and old man, Balls of Steel; various voices, Dai Katana; various voices, Dominion; various voices, Nocturne; voice of narrator and spirit guide, Prey; various voices, Urban Chaos. WRITINGS Screenplays: Iceman, 1976. For the Love of Benji, 1977. Step Back from Anger, 1986. The Guardians, 1987. The Internal Affair, 1988. To Ease the Loss, 2000. Novels: (With Phillip Ellis Jackson) What Price Paradise?, PublishAmerica, 2002.

GARCIA, Jsu 1963– (Nick Corri) PERSONAL Born October 6, 1963, in New York, NY. Education: Studied acting with Howard Fine, Stella Adler, Vincent Chase, Peggy Feury, William Taylor, and Janet Alhanti; studied singing with Seth Riggs. Avocational Interests: Golf, horseback riding, and watching movies. Addresses: Agent—Stone Manners Agency, 8436 West Third St., Suite 740, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Manager— Carlyle Productions & Management, 2050 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90046. Contact—c/o 11300 West Olympic Blvd., Ⲇ610, Los Angeles, CA 90064–1637. 135


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Film Work: Director and executive producer, My Little Havana (short film), 1998. Associate producer, Klepto, 2003.

Vargas, ⬙Like Father, Like Monk,⬙ Secret Agent Man, UPN, 2000. Antonio Ronoso, ⬙Three Women and a Baby,⬙ She Spies, syndicated, 2002.

Television Appearances; Movies: Sam Deckner, Devil in the Flesh 2, HBO, 2000.

Stage Appearances: Appeared in Short Eyes, Fig Tree Theatre, Los Angeles; Rainmaker; A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Television Appearances; Specials: (As Nick Corri) Javier Iglesia, The House of Ramon Iglesia, PBS, 1986.

WRITINGS Screenplays: My Little Havana (short film), 1998.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Generation, ABC, 1985. (As Nick Corri) Thunderboat Row, ABC, 1989. Rocky Times, NBC, 2000. County 187, NBC, 2000. Rick, These Guys, ABC, 2003. El Fuego, Then Came Jones, ABC, 2003.

OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Jsu Garcia Official Site,, August 26, 2003.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Nick Corri) Enrico Quinterez, ⬙The Wedding Day,⬙ The Facts of Life, NBC, 1986. (As Nick Corri) Mario Dagostine, ⬙Changes,⬙ The Bronx Zoo, NBC, 1987. (As Nick Corri) Colon, ⬙Badge of Dishonor,⬙ Miami Vice, NBC, 1988. Miguel, ⬙Four on the Floor,⬙ Red Shoe Diaries, Showtime, 1994. Manuel Ramirez, ⬙Proof in the Pudding,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1994. Lieutenant Ramirez, ⬙All Alone in the Night,⬙ Babylon 5, syndicated, 1995. (As Nick Corri) ⬙Blind Love,⬙ Women: Stories of Passion, Showtime, 1996. (As Nick Corri) Alex Lebron, ⬙Death Goes Double Platinum,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1996. (As Nick Corri) Eduardo Portalegre, ⬙Chapter Eleven,⬙ Murder One, ABC, 1996. (As Nick Corri) Eduardo Portalegre, ⬙Chapter Seventeen,⬙ Murder One, ABC, 1996. (As Nick Corri) Eduardo Portalegre, ⬙Chapter Twenty,⬙ Murder One, ABC, 1996. Robo, ⬙A Man of Our Times,⬙ Arli$$, HBO, 1996. (As Nick Corri) Juan, ⬙Crime and Coconuts,⬙ Dave’s World, CBS, 1996. (As Nick Corri) Juan, ⬙Miami Beached,⬙ Dave’s World, CBS, 1996. (As Nick Corri) Branko Mendoza, ⬙Yesterday’s Heroes,⬙ JAG, CBS, 1998. (As Nick Corri) Mariano Maza, ⬙Go Like You Know,⬙ The Net, USA Network, 1998. (As Nick Corri) Mariano Maza, ⬙Zero,⬙ The Net, USA Network, 1999. Vargas, ⬙From Prima with Love,⬙ Secret Agent Man, UPN, 2000.

GAUTIER, Richard 1931– (Dick Gautier) PERSONAL Born October 30, 1931, in Los Angeles, CA (some sources say Culver City, CA); son of Aldoma Napoleon and Marie Antoinette Gautier; married Barbara Stuart (an actress; divorced); children: Christine, Rand, Denise. Addresses: Agent—Sandie Schnarr Talent Agency, 8500 Melrose Ave., Suite 212, West Hollywood, CA 90069. Contact—c/o 11333 Moorpark St., PMB59, Studio City, CA 91602. Career: Actor, writer, and producer. Military service: United States Navy, special services. Member: Actors Equity Association, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Screen Actors Guild, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers, American Guild of Variety Artists. Awards, Honors: Antoinette Perry Award and Most Promising Actor nomination, for Bye Bye Birdie. CREDITS Film Appearances: Stefanowski, Ensign Pulver, Warner Bros., 1964. 136

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 (As Dick Gautier) Larry, Divorce American Style, Columbia TriStar, 1967. Maryjane, American International Pictures, 1968. Diver, Wild in the Sky (also known as Black Jack and God Bless the Bomb), American International Pictures, 1972. (As Dick Gautier) Oscar, Manchu Eagle Murder Caper Mystery, United Artists, 1973. (As Dick Gautier) Dr. Will, Fun with Dick and Jane, Columbia, 1977. Governor Hubert Hopper, Billy Jack Goes to Washington, Taylor–Laughlin, 1977. Sonny Silverton, Copper Mountain (also known as Club Med and Copper Mountain: A Club Med Experience), 1983. Voices of Brimstone, Klaws, and Rock Narlie, GoBots: War of the Rock Lords (animated; also known as GoBots: Battle of the Rock Lords), Atlantic Releasing Corp., 1986. Voices of Pyre, Crygen, and Magnakor, InHumanoids: The Movie (animated), 1986. (As Dick Gautier) Voice of Serpentor, G.I. Joe: The Movie (animated; also known as Action Force: The Movie), 1987. Julius Lazar, Glitch!, 1988. (As Dick Gautier) The bartender, The Naked Truth, 1992.

GAUTIER Charlie Nichels, Freddy’s Nightmares (also known as Freddy’s Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series), syndicated, 1988. Television Appearances; Movies: John, Thursday’s Game (also known as The Berk), ABC, 1974. Louis Grosscup, Sex and the Married Woman, NBC, 1977. Bud Vase, Marathon, CBS, 1980. Howard Greer, This Wife for Hire, ABC, 1985. Hymie, Get Smart, Again!, Fox, 1989. Television Appearances; Specials: This Will Be The Year That Will Be, ABC, 1973. Himself, Billy Jack: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2000. Television Appearances; Pilots: Will Dawson, Benny and Barney: Las Vegas Undercover (also known as Benny and Barney, the Aristocrats and Las Vegas Undercover), NBC, 1977. Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Dick Gautier) ⬙I Feel Like a Rutabaga,⬙ The Eleventh Hour, NBC, 1963. Himself, ⬙Show D,⬙ The Lively Ones, 1963. Mark Hillman, ⬙Gidget Gadget,⬙ Gidget, ABC, 1965. Aubert, ⬙Samantha the Dressmaker,⬙ Bewitched, ABC, 1966. ⬙Anywhere I Hang My Horn Is Home,⬙ The Patty Duke Show, 1966. (As Dick Gautier) Guest panelist, The Hollywood Squares, NBC, 1967. ⬙Who Was That Husband I Saw You With?,⬙ Love on a Rooftop, ABC, 1967. (As Dick Gautier) Guest star, The Hollywood Squares, NBC, 1968. Joe, ⬙The Forward Pass,⬙ The Doris Day Show, CBS, 1971. Omar, ⬙The Sheik of Araby,⬙ The Doris Day Show, 1971. ⬙Love and Women’s Lib,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1971. ⬙Love and the Traveling Salesman,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1971. ⬙Love and the Four–Sided Triangle,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1971. ⬙Love and the Security Building,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1972. ⬙Love and the Sexpert,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1973. ⬙Love and the Fractured Fibula,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1973. Eddie Cavanaugh, ⬙Hi There, Sports Fans,⬙ Mary Tyler Moore, CBS, 1973.

Film Work: Producer, Wild in the Sky (also known as Black Jack and God Bless the Bomb), 1972. Television Appearances; Series: Hymie, the CONTROL robot, Get Smart, NBC, 1965–1969, then CBS, 1969–1970. Hal Walters, Mr. Terrific, CBS, 1967. Himself/joke teller, Can You Top This, ABC, 1970. Host, It’s Your Bet, NBC, 1970–1971. Honeymoon Suite, 1973. Jerry Standish, Here We Go Again, ABC, 1973. Robin Hood, When Things Were Rotten, ABC, 1975. Himself/panelist, Liar’s Club, syndicated, 1976. (As Dick Gautier) Voice of Sepentor, G.I. Joe (animated; also known as Chijo saikyo no Expert Team G.I. Joe), syndicated, 1983. Voice of Klaws, Challenge of the GoBots (animated), syndicated, 1984. Voices of Apeface, Hot Rod, Rodimus Prime Ⲇ2—Firebolt, and Inquirata, Transformers (animated; also known as Super God Robot Force, Tatakae! Cho robot seimeitai Transformers, The Transformers, Transformers: 2010, and Transformers: Generation 1), syndicated, 1984. Voice of Pyre, Crygen, and Magnakor, InHumanoids (animated), syndicated, 1986. Voice of Mordax, Sky Commanders (animated), syndicated, 1987. 137


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(As Dick Gautier) Mario Fratelli, ⬙The Three Million Dollar Piracy,⬙ Banacek, NBC, 1973. Panelist, Match Game 73, 1973, 1974. (As Dick Gautier) Carl Brego, ⬙The Countess,⬙ The Rockford Files, NBC, 1974. Mel Tarter, ⬙The Werewolf,⬙ Kolchak: The Night Stalker, ABC, 1974. Himself, Tattletales, CBS, 1976. Vince Dager, ⬙All Passions Spent,⬙ Marcus Welby, M.D., ABC, 1976. The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, 1977. Count Cagliostro, ⬙Diana’s Disappearing Act,⬙ Wonder Woman, CBS, 1978. Curt, ⬙Musical Cabins,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1978. (As Dick Gautier) ⬙Do They Really Have to Die?,⬙ Eischied, NBC, 1979. (As Dick Gautier) ⬙Feelings Can Be Murder,⬙ Kate Loves a Mystery, NBC, 1979. John Hardley, ⬙Doc’s ’Ex’ Change/The Gift/Making the Grade,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1979. (As Dick Gautier) Barry Kingsbrook, ⬙Homes $weet Homes,⬙ Charlie’s Angels, ABC, 1980. ⬙The Snow Bird/The Invisible Woman,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1980. Dr. Ludlow, ⬙Welcome to My Nightmare⬙ (also known as ⬙Horror Show⬙), Happy Days, ABC, 1981. (As Dick Gautier) Rich, ⬙The Boy in the Band,⬙ Too Close for Comfort, ABC, 1981. (As Dick Gautier) ⬙The Ego Experience,⬙ Trapper John M.D., CBS, 1981. Michael, ⬙Forget Me Not/The Quiz Masters,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1982. (As Dick Gautier) El Excellente, ⬙The Butcher of Barcelona,⬙ Zorro and Son, CBS, 1983. (As Dick Gautier) Captain Sacks, ⬙Jolene Gets Her Wings,⬙ Alice, CBS, 1983. (As Dick Gautier) ⬙Diamonds,⬙ Masquerade, ABC, 1983. Mr. Bonner, ⬙A Cry for Help,⬙ Quincy M.E., 1983. Mike Dupont, ⬙Birds of a Feather,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1984. (As Dick Gautier) Ted Marshall, ⬙Kiss the Grill Goodbye,⬙ Alice, CBS, 1984. (As Dick Gautier) J. Gordon ⬙The Chameleon⬙ Baxter, ⬙Knight of the Chameleon,⬙ Knight Rider, NBC, 1984. Gordon Mills, ⬙Lady of the House/Mrs. Bartlett’s Favorites,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1984. ⬙Love and Time Served/Love and the Solitary Santa,⬙ New Love, American Style, ABC, 1986. Fred Dunlap, ⬙Lucy Gets Her Wires Crossed,⬙ Life with Lucy, 1986. ⬙Horse Scents,⬙ DuckTales (animated), ABC and syndicated, 1987. Bobby Fremont, ⬙The Gambler,⬙ Matlock, NBC, 1987. ⬙Feds,⬙ She’s the Sheriff, syndicated, 1987. ⬙New Year’s Eve,⬙ She’s the Sheriff, syndicated, 1987. (As Dick Gautier) Harry Hileman, ⬙The Buddy System,⬙ Charles in Charge, syndicated, 1988.

Chaz Crewe, ⬙Just Another Fish Story,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1988. (As Dick Gautier) Karl Higler, ⬙Lost Resort,⬙ Charles in Charge, syndicated, 1990. (As Dick Gautier) Voice of Teddy Lupus, ⬙Feat of Clay: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Batman: The Animated Series (animated), Fox, 1992. Sonny Carlisle, ⬙The Queen Is Dead,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1992. Bobby Lee, ⬙The Chicken and the Egg,⬙ The Golden Palace, CBS, 1993. Also appeared as (as Dick Gautier) guest celebrity, Password Plus, NBC; (as Dick Gautier) guest player, Body Language, CBS; in ⬙Millady the Horse Episode,⬙ Duck Tales (animated), ABC and syndicated; voice, Yogi’s Treasure Hunt (animated); voice, Goltar and the Golden Lance (animated); voice, Wildfire (animated); voice of Louis, Foofur (animated); voice, Sky Commanders (animated); voice of Malcolm Milkem, ⬙Monster Tails,⬙ Wake, Rattle & Roll (animated); interviewee, ⬙Get Smart,⬙ Inside TV Land, TV Land; voice, The Midnight Patrol (animated). Television Work; Series: (As Dick Gautier) Additional voices, The Smurfs (animated; also known as Smurfs’ Adventures), NBC, 1981. Additional voices, Transformers (animated; also known as Super God Robot Force, Tatakae! Cho robot seimeitai Transformers, The Transformers, Transformers: 2010, and Transformers: Generation 1), syndicated, 1984. (As Dick Gautier) Additional voices, Wildfire (animated), 1986. Additional voices, Jonny Quest (animated), syndicated, 1986. (As Dick Gautier) Additional voices, A Pup Named Scooby–Doo (animated), ABC, 1988–1991. Additional voices, Pirates of Darkwater (animated; also known as Dark Water), Fox, 1991. Additional voices, The Addams Family (animated), 1992. Television Work; Episodic: Appeared as additional voices, Super Sunday (animated). Stage Appearances: Conrad Birdie, Bye Bye Birdie, Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, 1969. RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Bert, Detective Barbie: Mystery of the Carnival Caper, Mattel Media, 1998. 138

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GERBER Voice of Freddy the flute, H. R. Pufnstuf, syndicated, 1969–1971. Voice of Maggie, Sky Hawks (animated), ABC, 1969–1971. Voices of Irma Boyle and Sara Whitaker, Wait ’Til Your Father Gets Home (animated), syndicated, 1972. Voice of Agnes Barkley, The Barkleys (animated), NBC, 1972–1973. Voice of Connie Partridge, Partridge Family: 2200 A.D. (animated), CBS, 1974–1975. Voice of Goldie Hound, The Oddball Couple (animated), ABC, 1975–1977. Voices of Mrs. Regina Rich and Irona the maid, The Richie Rich/Scooby–Doo Show (animated), ABC, 1980–1982, CBS, 1986. Voice of Mrs. Kelp, The Smurfs (animated; also known Smurfs’ Adventures), NBC, 1981–1990. Voice of Mrs. Kelp, The Snorks (animated), NBC, 1984–1986. Voices of Mrs. Beakley and Glittering Goldie, DuckTales (animated), ABC and syndicated, 1987–1992.

WRITINGS Screenplays: (As Dick Gautier) Maryjane, 1968. (As Dick Gautier) Wild in the Sky (also known as Black Jack and God Bless the Bomb), 1972. Also wrote Uncle Sam. Television Episodes: ⬙Love and the Fractured Fibula,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1973. Nonfiction: The Art of Caricature, 1985. The Creative Cartoonist, 1988. The Career Cartoonist, 1992. Actors as Artists, 1992. Drawing and Cartooning 1001 Faces, 1992. A Child’s Garden of Weirdness, Turtle, 1992. Musicians as Artists, 1994.

Television Appearances; Voice Performer: The Bugaloos, NBC, 1970–1972. Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp (also known as The Lancelot Link Secret Chimp Hour), ABC, 1970–1972. Lidsville, ABC, 1971–1973. Help! It’s the Hair Bear Bunch (animated), CBS, 1971–1974. The New Scooby–Doo Movies (animated; also known as Scooby–Doo’s New Comedy Movie Pictures), CBS, 1972–1976. The Clue Club (animated), CBS, 1976–1979. (As Joanie Gerber) The Kwicky Koala Show (animated), CBS, 1981–1982.

Songs: Wrote ⬙Like Our Love,⬙ ⬙Lonely River,⬙ ⬙Quiet Place,⬙ and others. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Richard Gautier Official Site, http://www.dickgautier. com, August 16, 2003.

Voice performer for Fred Flintstone and Friends, syndicated.

GERBER, Joan 1935– (Joanie Gerber)

Television Appearances; Movies: Voice of Dreadonia, Scooby–Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf (animated), The Cartoon Network, 1988. Street of Dreams (animated), CBS, 1988.

PERSONAL Born July 29, 1935, in Detroit, MI (some sources cite Davenport, IA); married Frank Dowse, June 16, 1957 (marriage ended, 1961); children: one daughter.

Television Appearances; Specials: Voice, Tales of Washington Irving, CBS, 1970. Voice of Aunt Henrietta, ⬙Nanny and the Professor,⬙ The ABC Superstar Movie (also known as The New Saturday Superstar Movie), ABC, 1972. Voices of mother, Adeline, and Diane, The Magical Mystery Trip through Little Red’s Head, ABC, 1974. Voice, The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy, ABC, 1978. Voice of evil fairy, Christmas at Walt Disney World, 1978. Voice, The Puppy’s Great Adventure, ABC, 1979. Voices of Lavonne, second woman, and waitress, Scooby–Doo Goes Hollywood (animated), 1979.

Addresses: Agent—Sutton, Barth & Vennari, Inc., 145 South Fairfax Ave., Suite 310, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Career: Actress and voice artist. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Voices of Dee and Lotta Love, Roger Ramjet (animated), syndicated, 1965. 139


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Voices of Tic Toc, Ozma, Adeline, and Diane, Oz (also known as Christmas in Oz, Christmas in the Land of Oz, Dorothy in the Land of Oz, In the Land of Oz, Thanksgiving in Oz, and Thanksgiving in the Land of Oz), CBS, 1980. Voice, A Tale of Four Wishes, CBS, 1981. Voices of Apricot, Blueberry Muffin, and Apple Dumplin’, Strawberry Shortcake in Big Apple City (animated), 1981. Voice of Rebecca Boone, Daniel Boone, CBS, 1981. Voice, The Wrong Way Kid, CBS, 1983. Voices of blond girl and other girls, How to Eat Fried Worms, CBS, 1985. Voice of Rosetta, Witch–Cat, CBS, 1985. Voice of Mrs. Beakley, DuckTales: Treasure of the Golden Suns (animated), 1987. Voice of Mrs. Beakley, Super DuckTales (animated), syndicated, 1989.

Voice of flower clerk, ⬙The Bride Wore Stripes,⬙ DuckTales (animated; also known as Disney’s DuckTales), syndicated, 1989. Voice of Gotcha Grabmore, ⬙Rainy Daze,⬙ Tiny Toon Adventures (animated), syndicated, 1990. Voice of Gotcha Grabmore, ⬙Whale’s Tales,⬙ Tiny Toon Adventures (animated), syndicated, 1990. Voice of Zsa Zsa Labrador, ⬙They Shoot Dogs, Don’t They?,⬙ Chip ⬘n’ Dale Rescue Rangers (animated), syndicated, 1990. Voices of alien cow and Gerdie, ⬙Twin Beaks,⬙ Darkwing Duck (animated), syndicated, 1991. Voice of teacher, ⬙Educating Goofy,⬙ Goof Troop (animated), syndicated, 1992.

Voice of witch, ⬙The Banana Splits in Hocus Pocus Park,⬙ and voices of Mrs. Puddy, old hag, Rose, and Tess, ⬙Oliver Twist and the Artful Dodger,⬙ special presentations of The ABC Superstar Movie (also known as The New Saturday Superstar Movie), ABC.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Arnold’s Closet Review, NBC, 1971. Voice of Aunt Henrietta, Nanny and the Professor and the Phantom of the Circus, ABC, 1973.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Voice of woman, ⬙The Pique Poquette of Paris,⬙ The Inspector (animated), 1965. Voice of Irma Boyle, ⬙Love and the Old–Fashioned Father,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1972. Voice of G.A.L., ⬙It’s All in Your Mind,⬙ Far Out Space Nuts (animated), CBS, 1975. Voices of Lefty Callahan, Vampire Lady of the Bay, and Mrs. Cornell, ⬙I Left My Neck in San Francisco,⬙ Scooby and Scrappy–Doo (animated), ABC, 1979. Voice of Anastasia, ⬙The Golden Fleecing,⬙ DuckTales (animated; also known as Disney’s DuckTales), syndicated, 1987. Voices of beauty shop woman, elevator woman, and television woman, ⬙Money Vanishes,⬙ DuckTales (animated; also known as Disney’s DuckTales), syndicated, 1987. Voices of female reporter and Queen Oofa, ⬙Launchpad’s First Crash,⬙ DuckTales (animated; also known as Disney’s DuckTales), syndicated, 1987. Voice of Lady Delardo, ⬙The Status Seeker,⬙ DuckTales (animated; also known as Disney’s DuckTales), syndicated, 1987. Voice of Skiddles’s mother, ⬙Cold Ducks,⬙ DuckTales (animated; also known as Disney’s DuckTales), syndicated, 1987. Voice of Snowy, ⬙The Lost Crown of Genghis Khan,⬙ DuckTales (animated; also known as Disney’s DuckTales), syndicated, 1987. Voice of Webra Walters, ⬙Send in the Clones,⬙ DuckTales (animated; also known as Disney’s DuckTales), syndicated, 1987.

Television Work; Additional Voices; Animated Series: Matty’s Funday Funnies (also known as Beany and Cecil and Matty’s Funnies with Beany and Cecil), ABC, 1959–1961. The Bugs Bunny Show, ABC, 1960–1967, CBS, 1971–1973, ABC, 1973–1975. (As Joanie Gerber) The Jetsons, ABC, 1962–1964, CBS, 1964–1965, NBC, 1965–1967, CBS, 1969–1971, NBC, 1971–1976, NBC, 1979–1981, NBC, 1982–1983, syndicated, 1985 and 1987. The Super 6, NBC, 1966–1969. Scooby–Doo, Where Are You?, CBS, 1969–1972. The Pink Panther Show, NBC, 1969–1978, ABC, 1978–1979, syndicated, 1993–1994. The Houndcats, NBC, 1972–1973. These Are the Days, ABC, 1974–1976. The New Tom and Jerry/Grape Ape Show (later known as The Tom and Jerry/Grape Ape/Mumbly Show), ABC, 1975–1976. Tarzan: Lord of the Jungle, CBS, 1976–1977 and 1984. The Scooby–Doo/Dynomutt Hour (also known as The Scooby–Doo Show), ABC, 1976–1978. Baggy Pants & the Nitwits, NBC, 1977–1978. The Great Grape Ape, ABC, 1977–1978. I Am the Greatest: The Adventures of Muhammad Ali, NBC, 1977–1978. Dynomutt (also known as Dynomutt, Dog Wonder), ABC, 1978. The New Fantastic Four (also known as The Fantastic Four), NBC, 1978–1979. The All–New Popeye Hour, CBS, 1978–1983. The Plasticman Comedy/Adventure Hour, ABC, 1979–1981, CBS, 1983–1984.

Provided the voice of a female tourist, The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries (animated; also known as The Sylvester & Tweety Movies), The Cartoon Network.


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Laverne & Shirley (also known as Laverne & Shirley with the Fonz and The Mork & Mindy/Laverne & Shirley/Fonz Hour), ABC, 1981–1982. Jokebook, NBC, 1982. Monchhichis, CBS, ABC, 1983–1984. The 13 Ghosts of Scooby–Doo, ABC, 1985–1986. The Bugs Bunny & Tweety Show, ABC, 1986–2000. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (also known as Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Series), syndicated, 1987–1990, CBS, 1990–1996. Fantastic Max, beginning 1988. The Adventures of Don Coyote and Sancho Panda, syndicated, beginning 1990. The Midnight Patrol (also known as Potsworth & Co.), beginning 1990. Gravedale High (also known as Rick Moranis in Gravedale High), NBC, 1990–1991. Tom & Jerry Kids Show, Fox, 1990–1993. Capitol Critters, ABC, 1992. Droopy, Master Detective, Fox, 1993–1994. That’s Warner Bros.!, The WB, beginning 1995. The Bugs ’n’ Daffy Show, The WB, 1996–1999.

Film Work: Animator, Fowl Play (animated short film), United Artists, 1973. (As Joanie Gerber) Special vocal effects artist, Explorers, Paramount, 1985.

Television Work; Additional Voices; Animated Movies: The Point, 1971. I Yabba–Dabba Do!, ABC, 1993.

GILLIS, Paulina

Also provided additional voices for Crazylegs Crane. Radio Appearances: Appeared as Julia Fairholm, Return to Paper Plates; and in the title role, The Story Lady. RECORDINGS Videos: The Stan Freberg Commercials (also known as Tip of the Freberg: The Stan Freberg Collection 1951–1998), Rhino Entertainment, 1999.


Film Appearances: (As Joanie Gerber) Voices of Granny and ghost trick– or–treater, Corn on the Cop (animated short film), Warner Bros., 1965. Voice of Freddy Flute, Pufnstuf, Universal, 1970. Voice, Shinbone Alley (animated), Allied Artists/Fine Arts Films, 1971. Voice, Kloot’s Kounty (animated short film), United Artists, 1973. Voices of Mrs. Zuckerman and Mrs. Fussy, Charlotte’s Web (animated; also known as E. B. White’s Charlotte’s Web), Paramount Home Video, 1973. Voice, The Badge and the Beautiful (animated short film), DePatie–Freleng Enterprises, 1974. Voice, The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat (animated), American International Pictures, 1974. Voice, Goldilox & the Three Hoods (animated short film), United Artists, 1975. Voice, Gentleman Tramp, PWE Inc., 1976. Voice of the elephant, The Mouse and His Child (animated), Sanrio Communications, 1977. Voice, J–Men Forever (animated), International Harmony, 1979. Voice of a mouse, Nutcracker Fantasy (animated), Sanrio Communications, 1979. Voice of Fraulein Rottenmeier, Heidi’s Song (animated), Paramount, 1982. Voice of Mrs. Beakley, DuckTales: The Movie—Treasure of the Lost Lamp (animated), Buena Vista, 1990.

Career: Actress and voice performer. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Voice, The Care Bears Family (animated; also known as The Care Bears), ABC, 1986–1988, syndicated, 1988–1990. Voice of Ashley Evergreen, Sylvanian Families (animated), syndicated, 1987. Voices of Augie Shumway and Rhonda, ALF (animated; also known as The 80s Saturday Show), NBC, 1987–1990. Voice of Spryte, The Legend of Zelda (animated), syndicated, 1989. Voices of Augie Shumway and Rhonda, ALF Tales (animated; also known as The 80’s Saturday Show), NBC, 1989–1990. Voice of Spryte, The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! (animated), syndicated, 1989–1991. Voices of undead girl scout and Claire Brewster, Beetlejuice (animated), ABC, 1989–1992. Voices of Kootie Pie Koopa and Wendy O. Koopa, Captain N & the Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 (animated), NBC, 1990–1991. Voice of Tess, Little Rosey (animated), ABC, 1990–1991. Voice, Swamp Thing (animated), Fox, 1991. 141


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Voices of Kootie Pie Koopa and Wendy O. Koopa, Captain N and the New Super Mario World (animated), NBC, 1991–1992. Voice of Kitty, Dog City (animated and live action), Fox, 1992–1995. Voices of Ms. Demeanor and Grace Elizabeth Victoria Winsmore, Cyber C.O.P.S. (animated; also known as C.O.P.S.), CBS, 1993. Voice, Hurricanes (animated), beginning 1996. Voice of Dende, Dragon Ball Z (anime; also known as DBZ), Showtime and syndicated, 1997–1998.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Maria, Due South, CBS, 1994. Karen, Dark Eyes, ABC, 1995.

Some of these series were broadcast within other series, including Lost in the Cartoon World and Toon Jam.

Film Appearances: Secretary, Where the Heart Is, Buena Vista, 1990. Janet, I Love a Man in Uniform (also known as A Man in Uniform), A–Pix Entertainment, 1994. Jane, Love Child, 1995.

Television Work; Additional Voices; Series: Ewoks (animated; also known as The All New Ewoks, The Ewoks and Droids Adventure Hour, and Star Wars: Ewoks), ABC, 1985–1987. Action Man (live action and animated), USA Network, c. 1995–1996. Mummies Alive! (animated), syndicated, 1997.

Television Appearances; Movies: Intensive care unit nurse, And Then There Was One, Lifetime, 1994.

Film Work; Additional Voices: Mummies Alive! The Legend Begins (animated), Buena Vista Home Video, 1998.

Voices of Bertha and Produce, Beetlejuice: The Animated Movie. Television Appearances; Specials: Voice of Bee, The Rosey and Buddy Show, ABC, 1992. Salem Witch Trials, The Discovery Channel, 1994.

GIULIANI, Donna Hanover See HANOVER, Donna

Television Appearances; Episodic: Rosalita, ⬙Lost and Lonely Hearts,⬙ Street Legal, CBC, 1987. Ellen Davis, ⬙Down to the Sea,⬙ The Campbells, The Family Channel, c. 1989. Voice of fairy, ⬙Fairies in the Spring,⬙ The Legend of Zelda (animated), syndicated, 1989. ⬙12 Cops and a Baby,⬙ Katts and Dog, The Family Channel, 1989. ⬙Bang, Bang, You’re Dead,⬙ Katts and Dog, The Family Channel, 1992. Maria, ⬙They Eat Horses, Don’t They?,⬙ Due South (also known as Direction: Sud and Tandem du choc), CBS, 1994. Voice of Sally, ⬙All the Gory Details,⬙ Tales from the Cryptkeeper (animated), ABC, 1994. Maria, ⬙Victoria’s Secret: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Due South (also known as Direction: Sud and Tandem du choc), CBS, 1995. Second pregnant woman, ⬙Angie’s Turn,⬙ Strange Luck, Fox, 1995. Byrsa woman, ⬙Cor–Ai,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime, 1998.


GLASSER, Isabel PERSONAL Addresses: Manager—Whatley Management, 315 East 57th St., New York, NY 10022. Career: Actress. Appeared in television commercial for Sony PlayStation 2 (2002). CREDITS Film Appearances: Nancy, A Marriage (also known as Broken Promise), Cinecom International, 1983. Harley Tucker, Pure Country, Warner Bros., 1992. Helen, Forever Young, Warner Bros., 1992. Lauren Sadler, Death Ring, New Line Home Video, 1993.

Appeared as voice of Angel, ⬙All Is Wrong in Love and War,⬙ and voice of Kootie Pie Koopa, ⬙Les Enfants Terribles,⬙ episodes of The Super Mario Bros. Freaky Show (animated). 142

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GODRECHE Career: Actress and writer. Appeared in commercials, including one for L’Oreal hair care products, 2002.

Dr. Theresa McCann, Exquisite Tenderness (also known as Die Bestie im weissen Kittel, Exquisite Tenderness—Hoellische Qualen, and The Surgeon), A–Pix Entertainment, 1995. Cheryl Henderson, Mother, Paramount, 1996. Mom, The Kings of Brooklyn, 2003.

Awards, Honors: Cesar Award nomination, most promising actress, Academie des Arts et Techniques du Cinema, 1991, for La desenchantee; Cesar Award nomination, best supporting actress, 2003, for L’auberge espagnole.

Television Appearances; Series: Marty Edison, Loving, ABC, 1987–1989.


Television Appearances; Movies: Sarah McCann, The Enemy Within, HBO, 1994. Deena Reuschel, Circumstances Unknown, USA Network, 1995. Brianne Lambert, Rockford Files: Murder and Misdemeanors, CBS, 1997. Jennifer Banning, Tactical Assault, HBO, 1998. Kathleen Matthews, Second Chances, Animal Planet, 2001.

Film Appearances: Nickie, L’ete prochain (also known as Next Summer), 1985. Catherine, Les mendiants (also known as The Beggars), 1987. Stephane, La meridienne (also known as Lounge Chair), 1988. Ophelie, Les saisons du plaisir, 1988. Laurence, Un ete d’orages (also known as Stormy Summer), 1989. Juliette, La fille de quinze ans (also known as The 15 Year Old Girl), 1989. Florence’s daughter, Sons, 1989. Beth, La desenchantee (also known as The Disenchanted), 1990. Louise, Paris s’eveille (also known as Paris at Dawn, Paris Awakens, and Contro il destino), 1991. Zoo, Ferdydurke (also known as 30 Door Key), 1991. Lise, Une nouvelle vie (also known as A New Life), 1993. Madeleine, Tango, Cine Co., 1993. Benedicte, Grande petite, 1994. L’aube a l’envers, 1995. Marie–Antoinette, Beaumarchais, l’insolent (also known as Beaumarchais the Scoundrel), New Yorker Films, 1996. Mathilde de Bellegarde, Ridicule, Miramax, 1996. Cecile Bussy, Bimboland, Gaumont Buena Vista International, 1998. Christine Balfour (some sources cite Christine Bellefort), The Man in the Iron Mask, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer/United Artists, 1998. Stella, Entropy, Magic Light Pictures, 1999. Susanna, South Kensington, International Video 80, 2001. Lela Forin, Quicksand, First Look Home Entertainment, 2001. Anne–Sophie, L’auberge espagnole (also known as Pot Luck, Euro Pudding, The Spanish Apartment, The Spanish Inn, and Una casa de locos), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2002, subtitled version, Fox Searchlight, 2003. Justine, Parlez–moi d’amour (also known as Speak to Me of Love), Mars Distribution, 2002. Estelle, France Boutique, Pyramide Distribution, 2003.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Lorraine Juega, Falls Road, NBC, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: Chrissie Williamson, ⬙The Final Adjustment,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1994. Chrissie Williamson, ⬙Double Abandando,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1994. Lieutenant Nancy Gleason, ⬙The Better Part of Valor,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 1997. Dr. Stephanie Kahn, ⬙He Said, She Said,⬙ Crisis Center, NBC, 1997. Patty Taylor, ⬙Thin Ice,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2000. Elaine Gergis, ⬙Probability,⬙ Law & Order: Criminal Intent, NBC, 2003. Rita Devore, ⬙The Price of Nobility,⬙ Third Watch, NBC, 2003.

GODRECHE, Judith 1972– PERSONAL Born March 23, 1972, in Paris, France; daughter of psychoanalysts; married Danyboon (a comedian), 1998; children: Noe (son). Addresses: Agent—Nadia Redler, William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Becca Kovacik, Hofflund/Polone, 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 820, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Publicist—PYR Public Relations, 139 South Beverly Dr., Suite 230, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. 143


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 CREDITS

Television Appearances; Episodic: Herself, Les nuls, l’emission, [France], 1991. Guest, Tout le monde en parle, [France], 2002, 2003.

Film Appearances: Voice of Daikaku Inumura, Hakkenden shin sho (animated video; also known as Hakkenden), AIC, 1993. MacDonald, Double Cross, A B C Distributing, 1994. Aaron Wingate, Dream Man, Republic Pictures, 1995. Doctor, Bad Company, Buena Vista, 1995. Leo, Midnight Heat, Libra Pictures, 1995. Peterman, Fear (also known as No Fear and Obsession mortelle), Universal, 1996. Second Villa Essex man, Underworld, Trimark Pictures, 1996. Santos, Hardball (also known as Bounty Hunters II and Bounty Hunters 2: Hardball), Dimension Films, 1997. Schmitt, Mr. Magoo, Buena Vista, 1997. Baker, Dudley Do–Right, Universal, 1999. Detective Rourke, A Twist of Faith (also known as Beyond Redemption), Avalanche Home Entertainment, 1999. Captain, My 5 Wives, Artisan Entertainment, 2000. High roller, Rat Race (also known as Course folle), Paramount, 2001. Mr. Szchevisky, Various Positions, Telefilm Canada, 2002. Professor Crowley, They (also known as Wes Craven Presents: They), Miramax/Dimension Films, 2002. Bernie, On the Corner, On the Corner Productions, 2003. Louis, Crossing, Cinevu Productions/Relevision Productions, 2003.

Television Appearances; Other: Title role, Emma Zunz, 1992. Mila, Pour une vie ou deux, 1995. Mathilde de la Mole, Le rouge et le noir (miniseries; also known as The Red and the Black, The Scarlet and the Black, and Il rosso e il nero), Bravo, 1997. Stage Appearances: Three Tall Women, 1996. Appeared in a French adaptation of I Ought to Be in Pictures. WRITINGS Screenplays: La fille de quinze ans (also known as The 15 Year Old Girl), 1989. (With Benoit Jacquot) La desenchantee (also known as The Disenchanted), 1990. Other: Point de cote (novel; also known as Stitch on the Side), 1995.

Periodicals: Celebrity Sleuth, Volume 12, issue 3, 1999, pp. 22–25. USA Today, January 3, 1997. Vanity Fair, December, 1996.

Television Appearances; Series: Voice of Colonel Matai Shinkai in English–language version, Kishin heidan (animated; also known as Alien Defender Geo–Armor: Kishin Corps, Kishin Corps, and Machine God Corps), c. 1993—. Narrator, Legends of Hockey, The Sports Network, c. 1996—.

GOLD, L. Harvey

Also appeared as the voice of Murao Mima in the English–language version of the Japanese animated series Key the Metal Idol.


Television Appearances; Miniseries: Arnold, A Girl Thing, Showtime, 2001.

PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—Lucas Talent, Inc., 100 West Pender St., Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1R8, Canada.

Television Appearances; Movies: Manny, Tears and Laughter: The Joan and Melissa Rivers Story (also known as Starting Again), NBC, 1994. Carl Brecht (some sources cite Carl Breck), Broken Trust (also known as Court of Honor), TNT, 1995. Special effects man, The Adventures of Captain Zoom in Outer Space, Starz!, 1995.

Career: Actor. Producer of short films; chief executive officer, president, and manager of various radio stations in Canada; voice artist, producer, and copywriter for radio and television commercials. Canadian Country Music Association (CCMA), former president. 144

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GORDON First committee member, ⬙Smoke & Mirrors,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Sci–Fi Channel, syndicated, 2003. Stern, ⬙Family Man,⬙ John Doe, Fox, 2003.

Brent Greene, Sealed with a Kiss, ABC, 1996. Lyle Gibbs, Sr., Robin of Locksley, Showtime, 1996. Al Weiss, A Call to Remember, Starz! and Encore, 1997. Judge, The Stepsister, USA Network, 1997. Psychiatrist, Married to a Stranger, The Family Channel, 1997. Draper, Circle of Deceit, ABC, 1998. Kleinman, Cuori in campo (also known as Greener Fields and World Cup ’98), Cinemax, 1998. Mayor Joe Levine, My Husband’s Secret Life, USA Network, 1998.

Appeared as voice of Yoshizane Satomi, Hakkenden: Legend of the Dog Warriors (animated). Also appeared in Alien Defender Geo–Armor (animated); and Freedom, UPN. Television Appearances; Pilots: Wayne Bottecelli, ⬙Cobra: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Cobra, syndicated, 1993. Donberry, Generation X, Fox, 1996. Judge Gilpin, Family Law, CBS, 1999.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Bourchek, ⬙The Revolutionary,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1994. Dr. Merritt, ⬙The New Breed,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1995. Patrick Newirth, ⬙Soft Light,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1995. Dr. Greeson, ⬙Double Helix,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1997. Igor Stefanovich, ⬙The Valkyrie,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1997. Judge, ⬙Honey, You’re Living in the Past,⬙ Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show (also known as Honey, I Shrunk the Kids), syndicated, 1997. Ambassador, ⬙End Game,⬙ Cold Squad, CTV and Lifetime, 1998. Judge R. Maxwell, ⬙Book of Shadows,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Nathan Mitchelson, ⬙Diamonds Aren’t Forever,⬙ The Net, USA Network, 1998. Samuel Caldwell, ⬙The Regulator,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime, 1999. Voice characterization, Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths & Legends (animated; also known as Roswell Conspiracies), syndicated, 1999. National Security Agency panel member, ⬙The Cure,⬙ Seven Days, UPN, 2000. Stained glass maker, ⬙Reason to Cry,⬙ Mysterious Ways, PAX, 2000. ⬙Judgement Day,⬙ Hollywood Off–Ramp, E! Entertainment Television, 2000. ⬙The Trial of Joshua Bridges,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 2000. Voice of Terra, Cybersix (animated), TeleToon and Fox, c. 2000. Egyptian man, ⬙Honor among Thieves,⬙ UC: Undercover, NBC, 2001. Judge, ⬙The Invisible,⬙ Special Unit 2, UPN, 2001. Stan, ⬙Spike,⬙ Mysterious Ways, PAX, 2001. Lawyer, ⬙Dawg Day Afternoon,⬙ Dark Angel (also known as James Cameron’s Dark Angel), Fox, 2002. Congressperson Smollen, ⬙I24gate,⬙ Breaking News, Bravo, c. 2002. Aaron Harper (some sources cite Aaron Higgins), ⬙Scars,⬙ The Dead Zone, USA Network, 2003.

Television Work; Series: Additional voices, Action Man (animated), USA Network, 1995–1996. Additional voices, Cybersix (animated), TeleToon and Fox, c. 2000—.

GORDON, Barry 1948– PERSONAL Born December 21, 1948, in Brookline, MA; married Sally Julian (a television host; marriage ended); married Gail Schaper (a corporate executive); children: two. Education: Attended University of California, Los Angeles, 1968–69; California State University, Los Angeles, B.A., 1986; Loyola University, J.D., 1990. Religion: Judaism. Addresses: Agent—Herb Tannen and Associates, 8370 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 902, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Contact—SDB Partners, 1801 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 902, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Actor, voice performer, and attorney. Appeared in commercials, including voice of rabbit for Nestle Quik, beginning in the 1970s, and voice of bumblebee for Honey Nut Cheerios breakfast cereal; Partnership for a Drug–Free America, member of advisory board and voice for public service announcements. Win Win Workplace Solutions, consultant; Dispute Resolution Services, Inc., member of board of directors; United Services Organizations, member of board of governors, 1994; Pasadena Community Access Corporation, chair of board of directors. Member of the Bar of California; Democratic candidate for Congress, 1998. Member: International Association for Conflict Resolution, Screen Actors Guild (president, 1988–95), American Association for Single People (honorary member), Southern California Mediation Association. 145


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Awards, Honors: Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best featured actor in a play, 1963, for A Thousand Clowns.

Voices of Donatello and Bebop, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Planet of the Turtleoids (animated), CBS, 1991.


Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Hideout,⬙ Richard Diamond, Private Detective, CBS, 1959. Aaron Gold, ⬙The Contest for Aaron Gold,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, NBC, 1960. Chopper Cooper, ⬙Beaver’s House Guest,⬙ Leave It to Beaver, ABC, 1960. Ignace ⬙Iggy⬙ Kovacs, ⬙The Day of the Bullet,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, CBS, 1960. Boy, ⬙Man in a Cage,⬙ Thriller, NBC, 1961. Harry Johnson, ⬙Jack Casting for TV Special,⬙ The Jack Benny Program, CBS, 1961. Jack Benny as a child, ⬙Musicale,⬙ The Jack Benny Program, CBS, 1961. ⬙Children’s Version of the Show,⬙ The Jack Benny Program, CBS, 1961. ⬙A Flame in the Dark,⬙ Arrest and Trial, ABC, 1963. ⬙Love and the High School Flop–Out,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1969. Barry the waiter, ⬙Horror in the Heights,⬙ Kolchak: The Night Stalker, ABC, 1974. Todd Corvin, ⬙Portrait in Blues,⬙ Mannix, CBS, 1974. ⬙I Want Nancy!,⬙ Good Heavens, ABC, 1976. Billy, ⬙Where Have You Been Billy Boy,⬙ Supertrain, NBC, 1979. Harold Milburn, ⬙The Confession,⬙ The Incredible Hulk, CBS, 1979. Stanley Fine, ⬙Computer Crime,⬙ Barney Miller, ABC, 1979. Gilbert Larwin, ⬙Secret Admirer,⬙ Three’s Company, ABC, 1980. David Dingler, ⬙Inquiry,⬙ Barney Miller, ABC, 1982. Guest, The $25,000 Pyramid, CBS, 1982. Voice, ⬙Judy Takes Off,⬙ The Jetsons (animated; also known as The New Jetsons), syndicated, 1985. Voice of Cogswell’s spy, ⬙Solar Snoops,⬙ The Jetsons (animated; also known as The New Jetsons), syndicated, 1985. Voice of garage mechanic, ⬙S.M.A.S.H.,⬙ The Jetsons (animated; also known as The New Jetsons), syndicated, 1985. Voice of the lieutenant, ⬙The Great Boldini,⬙ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (animated; also known as Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Series), syndicated, 1989. Voice of Dr. Fossil, ⬙Jurassic Jumble,⬙ Darkwing Duck (animated), ABC and syndicated, 1991. Voice of Englebert Newton, ⬙The Mayhem of the Moving Mollusk,⬙ A Pup Named Scooby–Doo (animated), ABC, 1991. Mel Wittnauer, ⬙Chute First, Ask Questions Later,⬙ Civil Wars, ABC, 1992. Mel Wittnauer, ⬙Oboe Phobia,⬙ Civil Wars, ABC, 1992.

Television Appearances; Series: Conrad Musk, The Don Rickles Show, CBS, 1972. Dennis Whitehead, The New Dick Van Dyke Show, CBS, 1973–1974. Voice of Clamhead, Jabberjaw (animated), ABC, 1976–1978. Charlie Harrison, Fish, ABC, 1977–1978. Stan, Good Time Harry, NBC, 1980. Voice of Freddy Freeman/Captain Marvel, Jr., The Kid Superpower Hour with Shazam! (animated), NBC, 1981–1982. Gary Rabinowitz, Archie Bunker’s Place, CBS, 1981–1983. Voice of Brainy Smurf, The Smurfs (animated; also known as Smurfs’ Adventures), NBC, 1981–1990. Voice, Meatballs and Spaghetti (animated), CBS, 1982–1983. Voice of Inky, The Pac–Man/Little Rascals/Richie Rich Show (animated), ABC, 1982–1983. Voice of Inky, Pac–Man (animated), ABC, 1982–1984. Voice of Robert Simmons, The Mighty Orbots (animated), ABC, 1984–1985. Voice, Pole Position (animated), CBS, 1984–1986. Voice of Junior Wetworth, The Snorks (animated), NBC, 1984–1986. Voices of Donatello and Bebop, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (animated; also known as Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Series), syndicated, 1987–1990, CBS, 1990–1996. Roger Hightower, A Family for Joe, NBC, 1990. Voice of Reggie Moonshroud, Gravedale High (animated; also known as Rick Moranis in Gravedale High), NBC, 1990–1991. Voices of Jake Clawson and Razor, Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron (animated), syndicated, 1993–1994. Some of these animated series were also broadcast within other series, including Cartoon All–Stars to the Rescue: Stop Digimon!, Lost in the Cartoon World, and PokeMadness 2000. Television Appearances; Movies: Lee Vogel, Stark, CBS, 1985. Lee Vogel, Stark: Mirror Image (also known as Stark II), CBS, 1986. Television Appearances; Specials: Voice of Inky, Christmas Comes to Pacland, ABC, 1984. Voices of Donatello and Bebop, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cufflink Caper (animated), 1990. 146

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Nava, ⬙The Nagus,⬙ Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (also known as Deep Space Nine, DS9, and Star Trek: DS9), syndicated, 1993. Seth, ⬙Pacific Rimshot,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1993. Voice of knight, ⬙Bride of the Pastmaster,⬙ Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron (animated), syndicated, 1993. Voice of Sheldrake, ⬙Blind As a Bat,⬙ Batman: The Animated Series, Fox, 1993. Voice of Sheldrake, ⬙The Mechanic,⬙ Batman: The Animated Series, Fox, 1993. ⬙Captain Kangaroo Court,⬙ Civil Wars, ABC, 1993. Philip Fox, ⬙Simone Says,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1994. Seth, ⬙Cold Cuts,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1994. Earl, ⬙Single White Male,⬙ Empty Nest, NBC, 1995. Marty Futterman, ⬙The Kernel,⬙ Over the Top, ABC, 1997. Dr. Berger, ⬙Twin Petes,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1998. Rabbi Katz, ⬙Caroline and the Bar Mitzvah,⬙ Caroline in the City (also known as Caroline), NBC, 1998. Judge, ⬙Dog Eat Dog,⬙ The Hughleys, ABC, 1999. Baxter, ⬙Homecoming⬙ (also known as ⬙Indian Summer⬙), ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 2000. Judge, ⬙The Truth Shall Set Me Free,⬙ The Hughleys, ABC, 2000. Preston Ross, ⬙These Shoots Are Made for Joaquin,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2000. Arden Broht, ⬙Author, Author,⬙ Star Trek: Voyager, UPN, 2001. Mr. Levin, ⬙Too Much, Too Late,⬙ Becker, CBS, 2002.

GORDON Film Appearances: Himself, The Girl Can’t Help It, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1956. Cinderfella at age eleven, Cinderfella, Paramount, 1960. Boy patient, Pressure Point, United Artists, 1962. ⬙Skeet⬙ Wilder, Hands of a Stranger (also known as The Answer), Allied Artists, 1962. Nick, Wilbur Malcolm, Theodore, Raphael Sabatini, Dr. Morris Fishbein, Woodrow, King, Rover, Lefty, Chevrolet, and Big Sam Burns, A Thousand Clowns, United Artists, 1965. Steve Powell, The Spirit Is Willing, Paramount, 1967. First art student, Double–Stop, World Entertainment, 1968. Paul, Out of It, United Artists, 1969. Flashlight vendor, Love at First Bite, American International Pictures, 1979. Voices of Rob and American rabbit, The Adventures of the American Rabbit (animated), Clubhouse Pictures, 1986. Sheldon Brockmeister, Body Slam, De Laurentiis Entertainment Group/Worldvision Enterprises, 1987. Auctioneer, The Object of Beauty, Avenue Pictures Productions, 1991. Alex, Gruene Wueste (also known as The Green Desert), Bavaria Film International/Lichtmeer Film/ MC–One, 1999. Stage Appearances: Nick Burns, A Thousand Clowns, Eugene O’Neill Theatre, New York City, 1962–1963, later produced in 1969.

Appeared as a guest panelist, The Match Game/Hollywood Squares Hour, NBC; as Dr. Byron Fisk, The Practice, NBC; provided a voice for Tom & Jerry Kids Show (animated), Fox; and in an episode of Arli$$, HBO.

RECORDINGS Video Games: (Uncredited) Voice of Bebop, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (also known as Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game), Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, 1990.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Kid, The Jimmy Durante Show, CBS, 1964. Harry Toffler, Jr., You’re Just Like Your Father, CBS, 1976. Cousin Anton, Mr. and Mrs. Dracula, ABC, 1980. Newton Hobbs, Dr. Paradise, CBS, 1988.

Singles: ⬙I’m Gettin’ Nuttin’ for Christmas,⬙ 1950s.

Television Appearances; Other: The Perfect Woman, 1978. David Ingalls, Warp Speed, 1981. Voices of Donatello, Bebop, and others, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (animated; miniseries), syndicated, 1987.

GORDON, Lawrence 1936– (Lawrence A. Gordon) PERSONAL

Television Work; Additional Voices; Animated Series: A Pup Named Scooby–Doo, ABC, 1988–1991. The Smurfs (also known as Smurfs’ Adventures), NBC, 1981–1990.

Born March 25, 1936, in Belzoni (some sources cite Yazoo City), MS; brother of Charles Gordon (a producer); children: George Joseph Gordon (a musician and filmmaker). Education: Tulane University, M.B.A. 147


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Addresses: Office—Lawrence Gordon Productions, 3000 West Olympic Blvd., Building 5, Suite 2121, Santa Monica, CA 90404. Publicist—Nancy Seltzer, Nancy Seltzer and Associates, 6220 Del Valle Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90048.

(With Silver and Gordon) Die Hard 2 (also known as Die Hard 2: Die Harder), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1990. (With Robert D. Wachs) Another 48 Hours (also known as Another 48 HRS.), Paramount, 1990. (With Silver and Davis) Predator 2, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1990. (With Gordon) The Rocketeer, Buena Vista, 1991. Used People, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1992. Waterworld, Universal, 1995. Event Horizon, Paramount, 1997. The Devil’s Own, Columbia, 1997. Mystery Men, MCA/Universal, 1999. Thieves, Universal, 1999. Tomb Raider (also known as Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Tomb Raider: The Adventures of Lara Croft), Paramount, 2001. K–PAX, MCA/Universal, 2001. Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (also known as Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Die Wiege des Lebens), Paramount, 2003. Hellboy, Columbia, 2004.

Career: Producer and executive. Four Star Television, assistant to producer Aaron Spelling, 1964; Aaron Spelling Productions, writer and associate producer, 1964; ABC–TV, head of West Coast talent development, 1965–66; Bob Banner Associates, television and film executive, 1966–68; American International Pictures, vice president in charge of product development, 1968–71; Screen Gems (television division of Columbia Pictures), vice president, 1971; American International Pictures, vice president in charge of worldwide production, 1971–84; Lawrence Gordon Productions, Santa Monica, CA, founder and partner, beginning 1971; Twentieth Century–Fox, president and chief operating officer, 1984–86; Largo Entertainment, chair, chief executive officer, and producer, beginning 1987; Dark Horse Entertainment, partner, beginning 1994.

Film Executive Producer: (As Lawrence A. Gordon) Dillinger, American International Pictures, 1973. It’s Not the Size That Counts (also known as Percy’s Progress), 1974. Rolling Thunder, American International Pictures, 1977. Hooper, Warner Bros., 1978. The Wrong Guys, New World, 1988. (With Charles Gordon) Leviathan, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer/United Artists, 1989. Boogie Nights, New Line Cinema, 1997.

Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best picture (with Charles Gordon), 1989, for Field of Dreams; David O. Selznick Lifetime Achievement Award, Golden Laurel Awards, Producers Guild of America, 2002. CREDITS Film Producer: Hard Times (also known as The Streetfighter), Columbia, 1975. The Driver, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1978. The End, United Artists, 1978. The Warriors, Paramount, 1979. Xanadu, Universal, 1980. (With Hank Moonjean) Paternity, Paramount, 1981. Jekyll and Hyde ... Together Again, Paramount, 1982. (With Joel Silver) 48 Hours (also known as 48 HRS.), Paramount, 1982. (With Silver) Streets of Fire, Universal/RKO Radio Pictures, 1984. (With Silver) Brewster’s Millions, Universal, 1985. (With Silver) Jumpin’ Jack Flash, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1986. Lucas, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1986. (With Silver and John Davis) Predator, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1987. The Couch Trip, Orion, 1988. (With Silver) Die Hard, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1988. (With Charles Gordon) K–9, Universal, 1989. (With Gordon) Field of Dreams, Universal, 1989. Family Business, TriStar, 1989. (With Gordon) Lock Up, TriStar, 1989.

Television Executive Producer; Series: Dog and Cat, ABC, 1977. (With Aaron Spelling and Douglas S. Cramer; and creator) Matt Houston, ABC, 1982–1985. (With Charles Gordon) The Renegades, ABC, 1983. Just Our Luck (also known as Just My Luck), ABC, 1983. (With Gordon; and creator) Our Family Honor, ABC, 1985–1986. Timecop, ABC, 1997–1998. Television Executive Producer; Movies: The Missing Are Deadly, ABC, 1975. Television Executive Producer; Pilots: Home Cookin’, ABC, 1975. Dog and Cat, ABC, 1977. Lacy and the Mississippi Queen, NBC, 1978. The Nightengales, NBC, 1979. Stunts Unlimited, ABC, 1980. The Renegades, ABC, 1982. (With Charles Gordon) Lone Star, NBC, 1983. 148

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GORDON Awards, Honors: Daytime Emmy Award, outstanding children’s special (with Frank Doelger and Alan C. Blomquist), 1986, for The War between the Classes; Academy Award nomination, best picture, Film Award nomination, best film, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Golden Satellite Award nomination, best motion picture drama, International Press Academy, and Golden Laurel Award, motion picture producer of the year, Producers Guild of America, all (with Steven Spielberg, Ian Bryce, and Gary Levinsohn) 1999, for Saving Private Ryan; Children’s Award, best children’s film (with others), British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1999, for Paulie.

(With Gordon and Stuart Sheslow) The Streets, NBC, 1984. (With Gordon; and creator) Our Family Honor, ABC, 1985. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Naked Hollywood,⬙ A&E Premieres, Arts and Entertainment, 1991. Stage Producer: (With Howard Feuer, Jeremy Ritzer, and Sidney Shlenker) Entertaining Mr. Sloane, Cherry Lane Theatre, New York City, 1981–1982. (With Richard M. Kagan and Shlenker) Smile, Lunt– Fontaine Theatre, New York City, 1986–1987.



Film Executive Producer: Fly by Night, Arrow Releasing, 1993. The Relic (also known as Das Relikt), PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, 1997. Speed 2: Cruise Control, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1997. The Jackal (also known as Le chacal and Der Schakal), Universal, 1997. A Simple Plan (also known as Ein Einfacher Plan and Un plan simple), Paramount, 1998. Black Dog, MCA/Universal, 1998. Virus, MCA/Universal, 1999. All the Rage (also known as It’s the Rage), Silver Nitrate Films, 2000. Isn’t She Great (also known as Ist sie nicht grossartig?), MCA/Universal, 2000. Self Storage (short film), Wander Bird Films, 2002. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (also known as The League and LXG), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2003. Laws of Attraction, New Line Cinema, 2004.

Videos: Executive producer, K–911, Universal Studios Home Video, 1999. WRITINGS Television Episodes: Writer for Burke’s Law, ABC. ADAPTATIONS The television movie Five Desperate Women, broadcast by ABC in 1971, was based on a story idea by Gordon. The television pilot The Renegades, broadcast by ABC in 1982, was also based on a story idea by Gordon.

GORDON, Mark 1956–

Film Producer: (With Chris Meledandri) Brothers in Arms, Guild Home Video, 1989. (With Meledandri) Opportunity Knocks, Universal, 1990. Traces of Red, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1992. (With John Bard Manulis) Swing Kids, Buena Vista, 1993. Speed, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1994. (With Meledandri and James G. Robinson) Trial by Jury, Warner Bros., 1994. A Pyromaniac’s Love Story (also known as Burning Love), Buena Vista, 1995. Broken Arrow, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. Hard Rain (also known as Flood and Pluie d’enfer), Paramount, 1998. Paulie, DreamWorks, 1998. (With Steven Spielberg, Ian Bryce, and Gary Levinsohn) Saving Private Ryan, DreamWorks/Paramount, 1998.

PERSONAL Born October 10, 1956. Education: New York University, degree in film. Addresses: Office—Stratus Film Co., 10850 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90024; Mark Gordon Co., 12200 West Olympic Blvd., Suite 259, Los Angeles, CA 90064. Agent—Chris Silbermann, Broder/Webb/ Chervin/Silbermann, 9242 Beverly Blvd., Suite 200, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Producer and director. Mutual Film Co., partner (with Gary Levinsohn); Stratus Film Co., Los Angeles, partner; Mark Gordon Co., Los Angeles, principal. Producer and director of commercials and promotions for the MTV network. 149


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 counselor; married Tibor Hardik, 1990. Education: Attended Rider College.

The Patriot (also known as Der Patriot), Columbia, 2000. The Day after Tomorrow, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2004.

Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Television Executive Producer; Movies: Lightning Field (also known as The Lighting Incident), 1991. Love Kills, 1991. The Man Who Wouldn’t Die, 1995. The Ripper, 1997. And Starring Pancho Villa As Himself, PBS, 2003. Footsteps, CBS, 2003.

Career: Actress and singer. Performed in a musical road show and in a cabaret act at nightclubs in New York City, including The Brothers and the Sisters Club and Reno Sweeney’s. Awards, Honors: Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actress in a featured role in a Broadway musical, 1977, for Threepenny Opera.

Television Producer; Movies: Out of Step, CBS, 1983. One Too Many, 1983. How to Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days, PBS, 1985. Double Switch, The Disney Channel, 1987. Sawdust, CBC (Canada), 1988.

CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Sarah, Next Stop, Greenwich Village, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1976. Karen Mulligan, I’m Dancing As Fast As I Can, Paramount, 1982. Audrey, Little Shop of Horrors, Warner Bros., 1986. Annette Uttanzi, Me and Him (also known as Ich und Er), Columbia, 1988. Ellen, Talk Radio, Universal, 1988. Jan Emerson, Pump Up the Volume (also known as Plein volume and Y a–t–il une vie apres le lycee?), New Line Cinema, 1990. Little Feet, 1990. Voice of Goldie, Rock–a–Doodle (animated), Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1991. Maxine, Stepping Out, Paramount, 1991. Judy, Fathers & Sons, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1992. Mathilda’s mother, The Professional (also known as The Cleaner and Leon), Sony Pictures Releasing, 1994. Louise, Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult, Paramount, 1994. Belle, Wagons East!, TriStar, 1994. Mrs. Baron, Murdered Innocence, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1996. Elizabeth Wyatt, Killer: A Journal of Murder (also known as The Killer), Republic, 1996. Elaine Liberman, One Fine Day, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1996. Louise Smith, Jaded, Avalanche Home Entertainment, 1996. Carol, States of Control, Phaedra Cinema, 2001. Clarice Markov, Alex in Wonder, Dog Films, 2001. Doris, The Cooler, Lions Gate Films, 2003. Typing supervisor, Love Object, Content International, 2003.

Television Producer; Specials: (With Frank Doelger and Alan C. Blomquist) The War between the Classes, CBS, 1985. (And director) Children Remember the Holocaust (also known as Nothing But Sun), 1995. Television Work; Episodic: Director of episodes of the series Good Time Harry. Television Appearances; Movies: Second paramedic, One Too Many, 1983. Television Appearances; Specials: The Making of ⬙Speed,⬙ 1994. Stage Work: Produced The Buddy System, Circle in the Square Downtown, New York City. RECORDINGS Videos: Himself, True Patriots, Columbia TriStar, 2000.

GREENE, Ellen 1950(?)– PERSONAL Born February 22, 1950 (some sources cite 1952), in Brooklyn, NY; father, a dentist; mother, a guidance 150

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Stage Appearances: (Broadway debut) Title role and voice of Barbara, Rachel Lily Rosenbloom and Don’t You Ever Forget It!, Broadhurst Theatre, 1973. Chrissy, In the Boom Boom Room, New York Shakespeare Festival, Anspacher Theatre, Public Theatre, New York City, 1974. Jenny Towler, Threepenny Opera, New York Shakespeare Festival, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, Lincoln Center, New York City, 1976, then Delacorte Theatre, Public Theatre, New York City, 1977. Funny Face, Studio Arena Theatre, Buffalo, NY, 1978–1979. United Nations referee and Eurydice, Wake Up, It’s Time to Go to Bed!, New York Shakespeare Festival, LuEsther Hall, Public Theatre, New York City, 1979. Disrobing the Bride, Music–Theatre Group, Lenox Arts Center, Cubiculo Theatre, New York City, 1981. Suzanne/Little Rose, The Little Prince and the Aviator, Alvin Theatre, New York City, 1981–1982. Audrey, Little Shop of Horrors, Workshop of the Players Art Theatre, then Orpheum Theatre, both New York City, 1982. Ellis, Starting Monday, Workshop of the Players Art Theatre, 1990. P. Burke and Nola, Weird Romance, Workshop of the Players Art Theatre, 1992. Mabel, Three Men on a Horse, National Actors Theatre, Lyceum Theatre, New York City, 1993. Younger Anne, The First Picture Show, Center Theatre Group, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 1999.

GREY Television Appearances; Episodic: Darlene, ⬙Made for Each Other,⬙ Miami Vice, NBC, 1985. Guest, Late Night with David Letterman, 1989. Sharon, ⬙How Can I Call You My Ex–Husbands If You Won’t Go Away?,⬙ Cybill, CBS, 1995. Sharon, ⬙Look Who’s Stalking,⬙ Cybill, CBS, 1995. Mrs. Gaines, ⬙Bitter Fruit,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1995. Harriet Graham, ⬙The Break Up,⬙ Suddenly Susan, NBC, 2000. ⬙Secrets and Lies,⬙ Crossing Jordan, NBC, 2002. Vicki Louise Burdick, ⬙Improbable,⬙ The X Files, Fox, 2002. Also appeared as Abilene Jones in ⬙Time Tunnel,⬙ The Adventures of Pete and Pete. Television Appearances; Specials: Superman’s 50th Anniversary: A Celebration of the Man of Steel, CBS, 1988. Audrey, Hey, Mr. Producer! The Musical World of Cameron Mackintosh (also known as Hey, Mr. Producer), PBS, 1998. Television Appearances; Other: Jess, The Rock Rainbow (pilot; also known as Rock Follies), ABC, 1978. Winona, All My Children (series; also known as All My Children: The Summer of Seduction), ABC, 1998. OTHER SOURCES

Appeared as Audrey in productions of Little Shop of Horrors, Westwood Playhouse, Los Angeles, and in London; appeared in The Sorrows of Stephen and Stage Directions, both New York Shakespeare Festival, New York City; The Nature and Purpose of the Universe and Teeth ’n’ Smiles, both New York City; David’s Mother, Los Angeles; and ⬙The Seven Deadly Sins⬙ (produced with ⬙The Berlin Requiem⬙ as Two by Brecht and Weill), American Repertory Theatre, Cambridge, MA.

Periodicals: Celebrity Sleuth, Volume 5, issue 1, 1991, pp. 46–47. People Weekly, January 12, 1987, p. 43.

GREY, Joel 1932–

Major Tours: Singer and dancer, George M!, U.S. cities, 1970–1971. Sonia Walsk, They’re Playing Our Song, U.S. cities, 1979.

PERSONAL Original name, Joel Katz; born April 11, 1932, in Cleveland, OH; son of Mickey (a comedian, actor, and director) and Grace Katz; married Jo Wilder (an actress), June 29, 1958 (divorced, 1982); children: Jennifer (an actress), James. Education: Trained for the stage at the Cleveland Playhouse, Cleveland, OH, and the Neighborhood Playhouse, New York City.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Paula, Seventh Avenue, NBC, 1977. Sister Ruth, Glory! Glory!, HBO, 1989. Television Appearances; Movies: Kitty Packard, Dinner at Eight, TNT, 1989. Sally Maggio, Road Show, CBS, 1989. Della, An Occasional Hell, HBO, 1997.

Addresses: Agent—Nevin Dolcefino, Innovative Artists, 1505 10th St., Santa Monica, CA 90401. 151


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Career: Actor, dancer, and singer. As a child, worked as a dancer and singer in acts with his father; performer at Chez Paris, Chicago, IL, c. 1950. Cabaret performer at such venues as Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, CA, Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, NV, Caribe Hilton, San Juan, PR, and the Empire Room, Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City, early 1970s; concert performer, including appearances at the Music Hall, Cleveland, OH, 1973, and later appeared frequently at special benefit performances and concerts. American Repertory Theatre, Cambridge, MA, member of resident company, 1991–92. Photographer, with work exhibited at Staley Wise Gallery, New York City.

Master of ceremonies, Cabaret (musical), Broadhurst Theatre, 1966–1967. George M. Cohan (title role), George M! (musical), Palace Theatre, New York City, 1969, then Curran Theatre, San Francisco, CA, 1969. 1776, Theatre at Maddox Hall, Atlanta, GA, 1972. Charley, Goodtime Charley (musical), Palace Theatre, 1975. The Joel Grey Show, Nanuet, NY, 1975. Stony McBride, Marco Polo Sings a Solo, New York Shakespeare Festival, Estelle R. Newman Theatre, Public Theatre, New York City, 1977. Title role, Platonov, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Williamstown, MA, 1977. S. L. Jacobowsky, The Grand Tour (musical), Palace Theatre, 1979. Olim, Silverlake, New York City Opera, New York City, 1980. Night of 100 Stars, Radio City Music Hall, New York City, 1982. Pal Joey, 1983. Ned Weeks, The Normal Heart, New York Shakespeare Festival, LuEsther Hall, Public Theatre, New York City, 1985. Master of ceremonies, Cabaret (musical), Imperial Theatre, New York City, 1987–1988, then Minskoff Theatre, New York City, 1988. Pal Joey, 1988–1989. Night of 100 Stars III, Radio City Music Hall, 1990. When We Dead Awaken, American Repertory Theatre, Cambridge, MA, 1991. Title role, Herringbone, Hartford Stage Company, Hartford, CT, 1992–1993. Master of ceremonies, Cabaret (musical), Broadway production, c. 1995, then London, 1998. Amos Hart, Chicago (musical), City Center Theatre, New York City, then Richard Rodgers Theatre, New York City, 1996. Jack Donovan, Give Me Your Answer, Do!, Roundabout Theatre Company, Gramercy Theatre, New York City, 1999–2000. The wizard, Wicked, Gershwin Theatre, New York City, 2003.

Awards, Honors: Antoinette Perry Award and New York Critics Circle Poll Award, both best supporting or featured actor in a musical, 1967, for Cabaret; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actor in a musical, and Outer Critics Circle Award, outstanding performance, both 1969, for George M!; National Board of Review Award, 1972, Academy Award, best supporting actor, Golden Globe Award, best supporting actor in a motion picture, and Film Award, outstanding newcomer to film, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, all 1973, all for Cabaret; honorary Litt.D., Cleveland State University, 1974; Antoinette Perry Award nominations, best actor in a musical, 1975, for Goodtime Charley, and 1979, for The Grand Tour; Grammy Award nomination, best opera recording (with others), National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, 1980, for Silverlake; received star on Hollywood Walk of Fame, 1985; Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actor in a motion picture, 1986, for Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding guest actor in a comedy series, 1993, for ⬙The Last Immigrant,⬙ Brooklyn Bridge; Drama Desk Award and Outer Critics Circle Award, both outstanding featured actor in a musical, 1997, for Chicago; Drama Desk Award nomination, best featured actor in a play, 2000, for Give Me Your Answer, Do! CREDITS Stage Appearances: Pud, On Borrowed Time, Cleveland Playhouse, Cleveland, OH, 1941. Borscht Capades (revue), 1948, then Royale Theatre, New York City, 1951. The Littlest Revue, Phoenix Repertory Theatre, New York City, 1956. Buddy Baker, Come Blow Your Horn, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1961. Littlechap, Stop the World—I Want to Get Off, Ambassador Theatre, New York City, 1963–1964. Arthur Kipps, Half a Sixpence (musical), Broadhurst Theatre, New York City, 1965. Harry, Noon and Night, American Place Theatre, New York City, 1965.

Appeared in A Fool and Her Fortune, New York Stage and Film Theatre, New York City; also appeared in productions of Finian’s Rainbow (musical), Greenwich Village Follies, Joy Ride, Mardi Gras, Tom Sawyer, and West Side Story (musical). Major Tours: Come Blow Your Horn, U.S. cities, 1961. Littlechap, Stop the World—I Want to Get Off, U.S. cities, 1963–1964. Half a Sixpence, U.S. cities, 1965. Harry, Noon and Night, U.S. cities, 1965. George M! (musical), U.S. cities, 1969. Variety Revue, U.S. cities, 1974. 152

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Marco Polo Sings a Solo, U.S. cities, 1977. Master of ceremonies, Cabaret (musical), U.S. cities, 1987.

GREY Television Appearances; Specials: Jack, Jack and the Beanstalk, ABC, 1970. George M. Cohan (title role), George M!, NBC, 1970. The Magical Music of Burt Bacharach, syndicated, 1972. Voice of Joshua Trundle (the narrator), ’Twas the Night before Christmas, 1974. Jubilee! (also known as The Bell Telephone Jubilee), NBC, 1976. Merry Christmas ... with Love, Julie, syndicated, 1979. Night of 100 Stars, ABC, 1982. Jack Point, The Yeomen of the Guard (also known as The Merryman and His Maid), 1984. The Kraft All–Star Salute to Ford’s Theatre, CBS, 1986. Host, Christmas at Radio City Music Hall, HBO, 1986. Liberty Weekend, ABC, 1986. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, NBC, 1987. The 1990 King Orange Jamboree Parade, NBC, 1990. Night of 100 Stars III, NBC, 1990. A Capitol Fourth, PBS, 1991. Street Scenes: New York on Film, AMC, 1992. In a New Light, ABC, 1992. Michael, Just Deserts, ABC, 1992. Host, A Capitol Fourth, PBS, 1994. The Wizard of Oz (narrator), The Wizard of Oz in Concert: Dreams Come True (also known as The Wizard of Oz in Concert), TNT, 1995. The 53rd Presidential Inaugural Gala: An American Journey, CBS, 1997. The Music of Kander and Ebb: Razzle Dazzle, PBS, 1997. Presenter, Broadway ’97: Launching the Tonys, PBS, 1997. The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1998. Interviewee, NYTV: By the People Who Made It, PBS, 1998. Interviewee, Julie Newmar: The Cat’s Meow, Arts and Entertainment, 2000. Interviewee, Burt Bacharach, Arts and Entertainment, 2001. Liza Minnelli: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2002. Broadway’s Lost Treasures, PBS, 2003.

Toured U.S. cities in a solo show, 2000. Film Appearances: Bender, About Face, Warner Bros., 1952. Alex Nash, Calypso Heat Wave, Columbia, 1957. Beagle, Come September, Universal, 1961. Master of ceremonies, Cabaret (musical; also known as Cabaret: Goodbye Berlin), Allied Artists, 1972. Franklin Wills, Man on a Swing, Paramount, 1974. Nate Salisbury, Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull’s History Lesson (also known as Buffalo Bill and the Indians), United Artists, 1976. Lowenstein, The Seven Per Cent Solution, Universal, 1976. Chiun, Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins (also known as Remo: Unarmed and Dangerous), Orion, 1985. Burgel, Kafka, Renn Productions, 1991. Himself, The Player, Fine Line, 1992. Willy Stone, The Music of Chance, IRS Releasing, 1993. Jimmie, Venus Rising, IRS Releasing, 1995. Josef Goebbels, The Empty Mirror, Lions Gate Films, 1996. Simon, My Friend Joe (also known as Mein Freund Joe), Gemini Films, 1996. Oldrich Novy, Dancer in the Dark (musical), Fine Line, 2000. Amos Babcock Bellamy, The Fantasticks (musical), United Artists, 2000. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Offline Releasing, 2001. Himself, The Making and Meaning of ⬙We Are Family⬙ (documentary; also known as We Are Family), 2002. Television Appearances; Series: Host, Paddington Bear, 1981. Lemuel Idzik, Oz, HBO, 2003. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Aaron Diamond, Queenie, ABC, 1987. Guido, Further Tales of the City (also known as Armistead Maupin’s Further Tales of the City), Showtime, 2001.

Host of Live from Wolf Trap, PBS. Television Appearances; Episodic: The Colgate Comedy Hour, NBC, 1950. ⬙Forty Weeks of Uncle Tom,⬙ Kraft Television Theatre, 1954. ⬙Jack and the Beanstalk,⬙ Producers Showcase, NBC, 1956. ⬙Vallee’s Protege,⬙ December Bride, 1957. Billy the Kid, ⬙Full House,⬙ Maverick, ABC, 1959. Runt Bowles, ⬙The Masquerade,⬙ Bronco, ABC, 1960. Owny O’Reilly, ⬙The Salvation of Owny O’Reilly,⬙ Lawman, 1960.

Television Appearances; Movies: Theodore ⬙Laurie⬙ Laurence, Little Women, NBC, 1958. Johnny Hyde, Marilyn and Me, ABC, 1991. Flea, The Dangerous, HBO, 1995. The ghost of Christmas past, A Christmas Carol, TNT, 1999. Dr. Mensley, ⬙Reaching Normal,⬙ On the Edge, Showtime, 2001. Columbo: The Man Who Murdered Himself, 2002. 153


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Owny O’Reilly, ⬙The Return of Owny O’Reilly,⬙ Lawman, 1960. Willy, ⬙The Clown,⬙ Surfside 6, 1960. Joey Kellogg, ⬙Open and Close in One,⬙ 77 Sunset Strip, 1961. Owny O’Reilly, ⬙Owny O’Reilly, Esq.,⬙ Lawman, 1961. Herbie, ⬙Nanette’s Teenage Suitor,⬙ The Nanette Fabray Show, 1961. Guest panelist, What’s My Line?, syndicated, 1967. Guest, The Ed Sullivan Show, 1967, 1968. Mystery guest, What’s My Line?, syndicated, 1968. Guest, Kraft Music Hall, 1969, 1970. Andrew MacBane, ⬙There Aren’t Any More McBanes,⬙ Night Gallery (also known as Rod Serling’s Night Gallery), NBC, 1972. Guest, The Julie Andrews Hour, ABC, 1972. Guest, The Carol Burnett Show, CBS, 1972, 1974. Guest, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, 1974, 1978. Guest, Front Page Challenge, 1975. Himself, The Muppet Show, syndicated, 1976. Evening at Pops, PBS, 1979. Himself, ⬙Joel Grey Saves the Day,⬙ Alice, CBS, 1982. Himself, ⬙Alice at the Palace,⬙ Alice, CBS, 1982. Tommy DeLuca, ⬙The Critic,⬙ Matlock, NBC, 1991. Adam the Devil, ⬙The Conundrum,⬙ Dallas, CBS, 1991. Jacob Prossman, ⬙The Last Immigrant,⬙ Brooklyn Bridge, CBS, 1992. Jacob Prossman, ⬙In a Family Way,⬙ Brooklyn Bridge, CBS, 1993. Caylem, ⬙Resistance,⬙ Star Trek: Voyager, UPN, 1995. Himself, ⬙Twins,⬙ It’s Like, You Know..., ABC, 1999. Dr. Neil Stewart, ⬙Essence of Life,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1999. Gideon, ⬙Simon Says,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 2000. Ronald, ⬙The Lord Moves in Mysterious Ways,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 2001. Ronald, ⬙Band of Angels,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 2001. Doc, ⬙Forever,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The WB, 2001. Doc, ⬙The Weight of the World,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The WB, 2001. Doc, ⬙The Gift,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The WB, 2001. Milton Winters, Sr., ⬙Cuba Libre,⬙ Law & Order: Criminal Intent, NBC, 2003. Gunman, ⬙Sonata de Oz,⬙ Oz, HBO, 2003.

The 45th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1991. Danny Kaye’s International Children’s Awards for UNICEF, The Disney Channel, 1992. The 70th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1998. The 75th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2003. Television Appearances; Pilots: Big Joe Brown, Man on a String, ABC, 1972. Guest, Don’t Call Me Mama Anymore, CBS, 1973. 111 Gramercy Park, ABC, 2003. RECORDINGS Audio Books: Narrator (with others), The Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe, New Millennium Audio, 2002. Narrator (with others), The Poetry of Robert Frost, New Millennium Audio, 2002. Narrator (with others), The Poetry of Walt Whitman, New Millennium Audio, 2002. Albums: Silverlake (cast recording), c. 1980. Chicago: The Musical (cast recording), 1997. Videos: Choreography: Creating Vincent Paterson’s Dance Sequences, New Line Home Video, 2000. Interviewee, Let Freedom Sing? The Story of ⬙Yankee Doodle Dandy,⬙ Warner Home Video, 2003. WRITINGS Film Music: Composer, About Face, Warner Bros., 1952. Other: Author of a book, Pictures I Had to Take, PowerHouse Books. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: New York Post, November 12, 1996. Variety, September 29, 1997, p. S57.

Also appeared in The Engelbert Humperdinck Show, ABC; Ironside, NBC; and This Is Tom Jones, ABC.

GREYEYES, Michael 1967–

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 44th Annual Academy Awards, NBC, 1972. The 45th Annual Academy Awards, NBC, 1973. The 42nd Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1988.

PERSONAL Full name, Michael Joseph Charles Greyeyes; born June 4, 1967, in Qu’Appelle Valley, Saskatchewan, Canada, to the Plains Cree Nation; married Nancy Leroszewski 154

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GREYEYES Walks in the Night, ⬙His Father’s Son,⬙ Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, CBS, 1997. Joe Reynard, ⬙A Single Blade of Grass,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1997. Imala, ⬙Ghosts of the Confederacy⬙ (premiere episode), The Magnificent Seven, CBS, 1998. Brian Falcon, ⬙Team Cherokee: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1999. The brave, ⬙Cincinnati,⬙ Harsh Realm, Fox, 2000. Beau Lightfeather, ⬙The Good, the Bad, and the Cursed,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2001. Strong Bear, ⬙Red Wolf’s Daughter,⬙ MythQuest, 2001. ⬙Graveyard Shift,⬙ Body and Soul, 2002.

(a ballet dancer); children: Eva Rose. Education: Studied at National Ballet School of Canada, 1977–84; Kent State University, M.F.A., acting, 2003. Addresses: Agent—Gold Liedtke and Associates, 3500 West Olive Ave., Suite 1400, Burbank, CA 91505. Manager—Marshak/Zachary Co., 8840 Wilshire Blvd., 1st Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actor and dancer. National Ballet of Canada, Toronto, Ontario, member of company, 1987–90; Feld Ballet, New York City, principal dancer and choreographer, 1990–93; Tipiskaki Goroh (dance company), cofounder, 1994. USA Film Festival, member of panel of judges, 2003.

Television Appearances; Specials: Cohost, Aboriginal Achievement Awards, 1999. Interviewee, Buffalo Tracks, Aboriginal People’s Television Network, 2001.

Awards, Honors: Canada Council grant, 1996; First Americans in the Arts awards, best actor, 1996, for Crazy Horse, and 1997, for Stolen Women: Captured Hearts; Americans in the Arts Award, best supporting actor in a television movie or special, 2001, for ⬙The Lost Child,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame; First Americans in the Arts Award, best actor in a film, c. 2000, for Skipped Parts.

Appeared in He Who Dreams: Michael Greyeyes on the Powwow Trail, CBC (Canada); voice (in English and Cree) for Little Bear, CBC. Television Work; Specials: Choreographer for He Who Dreams: Michael Greyeyes on the Powwow Trail, CBC (Canada).


Film Appearances: Gooch, Dance Me Outside, A–Pix Entertainment, 1994. Spirit dancer, Rude, A–Pix Entertainment, 1995. Howkan, The League of Old Men, 1998. Junior Polatkin, Smoke Signals (also known as This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona and Le secret des cendres), Miramax, 1998. Andy, Firestorm, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. Gray Eagle, The Minion (also known as Fallen Knight and Guerrier des tenebres), Touchstone Home Video, 1998. Hank Elkrunner, Skipped Parts (also known as The Wonder of Sex), Trimark Pictures, 2000. Dale, ZigZag, Silver Nitrate Films, 2002. Billy Trucks, Sunshine State, Sony Pictures Classics, 2002.

Television Appearances; Movies: Juh, Geronimo, TNT, 1993. Title role, Crazy Horse, TNT, 1996. Chief Tokalah, Stolen Women: Captured Hearts, CBS, 1997. Eddie, ⬙The Lost Child,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 2000. Johnny Black Eagle, Race against Time, TNT, 2000. Dr. Stone, Skinwalkers, PBS, 2002. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Frank, ⬙The Hero,⬙ The Four Directions, CBC (Canada), 1994. Tarantula, True Women, CBS, 1997. Delchaney, Rough Riders (also known as Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders), TNT, 1997. Wandering spirit, Big Bear, syndicated, 1998. Thunder spirit, DreamKeeper, ABC, 2003.

Film Work: (Uncredited) Choreographer, Rude, A–Pix Entertainment, 1995.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Shaman, ⬙The Tale of the Manaha,⬙ Are You Afraid of the Dark?, 1995. Rod, ⬙The Outrage,⬙ Promised Land, CBS, 1997. Walks in the Night, ⬙Moment of Truth: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, CBS, 1997. Walks in the Night, ⬙Before the Dawn,⬙ Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, CBS, 1997.

Stage Appearances: Ancient Rivers (multi–disciplinary work), 1992. Nanabush and the bingo master, The Rez Sisters, 1994. Night Traveller, Tipiskaki Goroh, Canada Dance Festival, Ottawa, Ontario, 1994. A Child of 10,000 Years, Tipiskaki Goroh, Canada Dance Festival, 1994. 155


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Awards, Honors: Obie Award and Drama Desk Award nomination, 1990, both for Machinal; CurtainUp Award, outstanding director, 2001, for Dogeaters; Obie Award, Antoinette Perry Award, Drama Desk Award, all for Rent.

Chief Bromden, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Porthouse Theatre, Cleveland, OH, 2002. Performed as a dancer in Giselle, Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, and modern works by George Balanchine, Kenneth MacMillan, John Cranko, and Glen Tetley, all with National Ballet of Canada, Toronto, Ontario; performed in Bloom’s Wake (also known as Dew upon Their Feet), Common Ground, and other works with Feld Ballet, New York City, early 1990s.

CREDITS Stage Director: A Bright Room Called Day, New York Shakespeare Festival, 1990. Marisol Connie Congdon’s Casanova, New York Shakespeare Festival, 1990. Percles, New York Shakespeare Festival, 1990. Machinal, New York Shakespeare Festival, 1990. Dogeaters, La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla, CA, 1999. Dogeaters, Public Theater, Martinson Hall, New York City, 2001. Our Town, La Jolla Playhouse, 2001. Cavedweller, New York Theatre Workshop, New York City, 2003.

Stage Choreographer: Night Traveller, Tipiskaki Goroh, Canada Dance Festival, Ottawa, Ontario, 1994. A Child of 10,000 Years, Tipiskaki Goroh, Canada Dance Festival, 1994. Buffalo Jump, Soundstreams Canada, 1996. Songs, Centre for Indigenous Theatre, Toronto, Ontario, 1998. Choreographer for Glory of the Morning and other New York City productions.

Also directed Rent, La Jolla Playhouse; Faust, La Jolla Playhouse; Faust, Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL; Slavs!, La Jolla Playhouse; Slavs!, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles; Therese Raquin; What the Butler Saw; (with Bill Irwin) The Three Cuckholds; Rent, New York Theatre Workshop and Nederlander Theater; Dogeaters, La Jolla Playhouse; Fucking A, Public Theater, New York City.

RECORDINGS Videos: Performer and choreographer, A Nation Is Coming, 1997. WRITINGS

Major Tours; Director: Rent, U.S. cities, 2002.

Stage Plays: Nunatsuaq, produced in a staged reading, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, Toronto, Ontario, 2001.

WRITINGS OTHER SOURCES Stage Plays: (With Bill Irwin) adapter, The Three Cuckholds.

Electronic: Michael Greyeyes Official Information Site, http://www., November 10, 2003.

GRIFFIN, Katie 1974(?)– (Katie Griffen, Kate Griffin, Kathy Griffin) GRIEF, Michael PERSONAL


Born c. 1974, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada; father, an air traffic controller and pilot; mother, a teacher. Education: Attended American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Los Angeles; also attended Ryerson Polytechnic University. Avocational Interests: Running, playing the guitar, playing hockey in a women’s league, watching hockey games, playing video games.

Addresses: Agent—Zanuck, Passion & Pace, 13317 Ventura Blvd., Suite 1, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423. Career: Director and artistic director. New York Shakespeare Festival, director–in–resident, 1990; La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla, CA, artistic director. 156

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Addresses: Manager—Paul Hemrend, Edna Talent Management, Ltd., 318 Dundas St. West, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1G5, Canada.

GRIFFIN Television Appearances; Episodic: Allison Nesbitt, ⬙Off the Record,⬙ My Secret Identity, syndicated, 1990. Renee, ⬙From the Trenches,⬙ My Secret Identity, syndicated, 1991. Dede/Judy Larson, ⬙The Tale of the Prom Queen,⬙ Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Nickelodeon, 1992. ⬙Stage Mother,⬙ Katts and Dog, The Family Channel, 1992. ⬙Camille,⬙ The Great Defender, Fox, 1995. ⬙Naked Truth: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Great Defender, Fox, 1995. UltraForce (animated), 1995. Amanda Sanderson, ⬙Second Sight/Chocolate Soldier,⬙ Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, syndicated, 1997. Mansfield’s sister, ⬙Heartland,⬙ Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, syndicated, 1998. Attendant, ⬙Burning Desire,⬙ Total Recall 2070, Showtime, 1999. Giselle, ⬙Deja Vu,⬙ Earth: Final Conflict (also known as EFC, Gene Roddenberry’s Battleground Earth, Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict, Invasion planete Terre, and Mission Erde: Sie sind unter uns), syndicated, 1999. Bronwyn, ⬙Sirens,⬙ The Associates, CTV, 2001. Nina Harper, ⬙Triangles,⬙ Braceface, ABC Family Channel, 2002. Diane Lang, ⬙Lost and Found,⬙ Doc, PAX, 2003. (As Kate Griffin) Diane Lang, ⬙Safety First,⬙ Doc, PAX, 2003. Guest, The Mike Bullard Show, 2003. Knights of the Zodiac (also known as Saint Seiya and Saint Seiya—The Hades Chapter), [Japan], 2003, later The Cartoon Network.

Career: Actress, voice performer, and singer. Voice performer for commercials and industrial films. Performer of Canadian national anthem at various events. Sometimes credited as Kathy Griffin. Member: Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television, and Radio Artists. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Nikki, Boogie’s Diner, 1994. DNA, beginning 1994. Voice of Raye (Sailor Mars), Sailor Moon (anime; also known as English Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon S, and Sailor Moon Super S), syndicated, 1995–2000, also The Cartoon Network. Voice, Undergrads (animated; also known as MTV’s Undergrads and UnderGRADS), MTV, 2001. Voice of Nina Harper, Braceface (animated), TeleToon Channel and ABC Family Channel, 2001–2003. Voice of Ruby, Max and Ruby (animated), YTV and Nickelodeon, 2002—. Appeared as voice of Oona, Traffix (animated). The anime series Sailor Moon was originally broadcast in Japanese and has also been broadcast within other series, including Cartoon All–Stars to the Rescue: Stop Digimon! and PokeMadness 3000; the character of Sailor Mars was also featured in the movies Cartoon Babe Survivor 2 and Cartoon Survivor.

Appeared as Christine Buckley, Side Effects, CBS; as Jill, Forever Knight, CBS and syndicated; as voice of Psycho Pink, Power Rangers in Space, Fox Kids Network; as a voice for The Care Bears Family (animated; also known as The Care Bears), ABC and syndicated; and as Julie’s singing voice, ⬙My Fantasy World,⬙ Pokemon Magical 2 (anime). Also appeared in The Adventures of Sinbad, syndicated; The Judge, syndicated; and Traders, Global and Lifetime.

Television Appearances; Movies: Second interviewee, The World’s Oldest Living Bridesmaid, CBS, 1990. Shelly, The Good Fight, Lifetime, 1992. Anna, Fatal Vows: The Alexandra O’Hara Story, CBS, 1994. April Ernst, Getting Gotti, CBS, 1994. Gina, Prince for a Day (also known as The Prince and the Pizza Boy), NBC, 1995. Mary Anne Parker, Electra, HBO, 1995. Profound reporter, Mr. Music, Showtime, 1998. Jennifer, Black and Blue, CBS, 1999. June Blair, Ricky Nelson: Original Teen Idol, VH1, 1999. (As Katie Griffen) Award presenter, Daydream Believers: The Monkees Story, VH1, 2000. Jacqueline, Power and Beauty, Showtime, 2002. First girl at shrine, America’s Prince: The John F. Kennedy Jr. Story, TBS, 2003.

Television Appearances; Other: Abigail Williams, Salem Witch Trials (special), The Discovery Channel, 1994. DNA (pilot), 1994. Lucky Day (also known as Mary Higgins Clark’s ⬙Lucky Day⬙), 2002. Appeared in the pilot for Cooking with Lucio. Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Young girl, RoboCop, Orion, 1987. 157


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

(As Katie Griffen) Lorraine, Boulevard, Norstar Entertainment, 1994. Girl at bar, To Die For, Columbia, 1995. Herself, Cutting Loose (documentary), 1995. Up to Now, 1995. (Uncredited) Sixth student, Getting Away with Murder, Savoy Pictures, 1996. Empty V interviewer, The Real Blonde, Paramount, 1998. First female contestant and Sue, The Safety of Objects, Killer Films, 2001. Gina, Protection, Alliance Atlantic Communications, 2001. (As Katie Griffen) Judy, $windle (also known as Swindle), Faulkner Productions, 2002. Katie, Alice Blue, Toothin Productions, 2003.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Now, May 15, 2003. Electronic: Katie Griffin Home Page,, September 15, 2003. The Gate,, June, 2002.


Stage Appearances: Appeared as Wilma in Lovers and Other Strangers, American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Los Angeles; and in Put Yourself in Your Teacher’s Shoes, Ryerson Theatre.

Education: North Carolina School of the Arts, B.F.A. Career: Actress. CREDITS


Film Appearances: Jacqueline Kennedy, Love Field, Orion, 1992. Reporter Ⲇ3, The Program, Buena Vista, 1993. Ty’s mother, Cobb, Warner Bros., 1994. Edna, Something to Talk About (also known as Grace under Pressure), Warner Bros., 1995. Mother at house, To Love, Honor, and Deceive (also known as The Protected Wife), 1996. Card club woman Ⲇ2, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Warner Bros., 1997. Saleswoman, The Rage: Carrie 2, United Artists, 1999. Pregnant woman, Chill Factor, Warner Bros., 1999. Mrs. Prentiss, Doomsday Man, 1999. Clementine McFarland, Songcatcher, Lions Gate Films, 2000. Tour group mom, Road Trip, DreamWorks, 2000. Mother in shack, A Good Baby, Curb Entertainment, 2000. Chippy Trick, The Chester Story (also known as A Touch of Fate), Outrider Pictures, 2001. Attending nurse, New Best Friend, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2002. Rikki Coleman, Runaway Jury, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2003.

Videos: Voice of Raye (Sailor Mars), Bishojo senshi Sailor Moon R: The Movie (anime; also known as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R: The Movie and Sailor Moon R the Movie: Promise of the Rose), Pioneer Entertainment, 2000. Voice of Raye (Sailor Mars), Bishojo senshi Sailor Moon S: The Movie (anime; also known as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S: The Movie, Sailor Moon S the Movie: Hearts in Ice, and Sailor Moon 2: The Movie), Pioneer Entertainment, 2000. Voice of Raye (Sailor Mars), Bishojo senshi Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie (anime; also known as Sailor Moon Super S the Movie: Black Dream Hole, Sailor Moon 3: The Movie, and Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Super S: The Fabulous 9 Get Together! Miracle in the Black Dream Hole!), Pioneer Entertainment, 2000. These videos were originally broadcast in Japanese as television series. Albums: Kiss Me Chaos, 2003.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Martha Chaffee, From the Earth to the Moon, HBO, 1998. Young Mrs. Hopkins, Mama Flora’s Family, CBS, 1998.


Television Appearances; Movies: Sharon, A Mother’s Right: The Elizabeth Morgan Story (also known as Shattered Silence), ABC, 1992.

Songs for Albums: Kiss Me Chaos, 2003. 158

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Dina, The Conviction of Kitty Dodds, CBS, 1993. A Family Torn Apart (also known as Sudden Fury: A Family Torn Apart), NBC, 1993. Mrs. Virgil, Scattered Dreams (also known as Scattered Dreams: The Kathryn Messenger Story), CBS, 1993. Ellen Appletree, On Promised Land, The Disney Channel, 1994. Lynn Wickstrom, One of Her Own, ABC, 1994. Diane Marsh, Big Dreams & Broken Hearts: The Dottie West Story, CBS, 1995. Kelly Richards, The Sister–in–Law (also known as Bloodknot), USA Network, 1995. Lucille, Close to Danger, ABC, 1997. Gia, Perfect Crime, USA Network, 1997. Sophie Dupree, The Tempest, NBC, 1998. Katie, The Price of a Broken Heart, Lifetime, 1999. Young lady, The Hunley, TNT, 1999. Aunt May, The Locket, CBS, 2002.

GRIMES GRIMES, Scott 1971– PERSONAL Full name, Scott Richard Grimes; born July 9, 1971, in Lowell, MA; son of Rick and Pam Grimes; brother of Heather Grimes (an actress); uncle of Camryn Grimes (an actress); married Dawn Bailey, May 5, 1997; children: Madison, Jackson Richard. Avocational Interests: Playing basketball and hockey. Addresses: Agent—Karen Forman, Metropolitan Talent Agency, 4526 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010; (commercials) Hervey/Grimes Talent Agency, 10561 Missouri Ave., Suite 2, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Manager—Adam Levine, Anthem Entertainment, 6100 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1170, Los Angeles, CA 90048; McGowan Management, 8733 West Sunset Blvd., Suite 103, West Hollywood, CA 90069.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Jane, ⬙The Murder Game,⬙ Matlock, ABC, 1994. Linda, ⬙The Tabloid,⬙ Matlock, ABC, 1994. Dr. Marlee Summer, ⬙Be Careful What You Wish For,⬙ Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1999. Dr. Marlee Summer, ⬙Reunited,⬙ Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1999.

Career: Actor, writer, singer, and songwriter. Scott Grimes and the Misdemeanors, bandleader, singer, and songwriter.

Also appeared as secretary in an episode of In the Heat of the Night.

Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination, exceptional performance by a young actor in a television special or miniseries, 1986, for It Came upon the Midnight Clear; Young Artist Award nomination, exceptional performance by a young actor starring in a comedy or dramatic feature film, 1987, for Critters; Young Artist Award nominations, exceptional performance by a young actor in a television series, 1987 and 1988, both for Together We Stand; Young Artist Award nomination, best animation voice–over group (with others), 1988, for Potato Head Kids; Young Artist Award nomination, best young actor guest–starring in a syndicated comedy, drama, or special, 1989, for Frog; Young Artist Award nomination, outstanding hosts for a youth variety or game show (with Jason Hervey), 1992, for Wide World of Kids.

Stage Appearances: Ramona, Della’s Diner VI, GA, 1997. Beth, Dinner with Friends, Alliance Theatre Company, Atlanta, GA, 2000. The Good Doctor, Alliance Theatre Company, 2001. Lainie, Two Rooms, Alliance Theatre Company, 2001. Collected Stories, Alliance Theatre Company, 2002. Claire, Proof, Alliance Theatre Company, 2002, then Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, 2002. Sally Talley, Talley’s Folly, Post Theatre, Actors Theatre of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, 2003. Your Name in Bold, Alley Stage, Theatre in the Square, Marietta, GA, 2003. Crimes of the Heart, Alliance Theatre Company, 2003.


Also appeared in Angels in America, Dark at the Top of the Stairs, and Picasso at the Lapin Agile, all Alliance Theatre Company, Atlanta, GA; Come September and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, both off–Broadway productions.

Film Appearances: Brad Brown, Critters, New Line Cinema, 1986. Voice of Pinocchio, Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night (animated), New World, 1987. Brad Brown, Critters 2: The Main Course, New Line Cinema, 1988. Archie Melville, Night Life, 1989. Petty Officer Hilaire, Crimson Tide, Buena Vista, 1995. Brian ⬙Birdie⬙ Burns, Mystery, Alaska (also known as Pond Rules), Buena Vista, 1999.

RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Laurie Wood, head curator, Temujin: A Supernatural Adventure, 1997. 159


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Television Appearances; Series: Jack Randall, Together We Stand (also known as Nothing Is Easy), CBS, 1986. Cohost, Wide World of Kids, syndicated, 1991–1992. Will McCorkle, Party of Five, Fox, 1994–1996, 1999–2000. Garth Shoup, Goode Behavior, UPN, 1996.

Owen, Couples (also known as Three Couples), ABC, 2002. Television Appearances; Specials: An All–Star Tribute to General Jimmy Doolittle, syndicated, 1986. Bob Hope’s Royal Command Performance from Sweden, NBC, 1986. The Eleventh Annual Circus of the Stars, CBS, 1986. Arlo Anderson, Frog, PBS, 1990.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Technical Sergeant Donald S. Malarkey, Band of Brothers, HBO, 2001. Tehan, DreamKeeper, ABC, 2003.

Television Work; Series: Additional voices, Wildfire, CBS, 1986.

Television Appearances; Movies: David Baldwin, The Night They Saved Christmas, ABC, 1984. Robbie Westin, It Came upon the Midnight Clear, syndicated, 1984. Charles Wickes, A Doctor’s Story, NBC, 1984. Georgie Gillis, Bring Me the Head of Dobie Gillis, CBS, 1988. Arlo Anderson, Frogs!, PBS, 1992.

Also provided voice for the animated series Potato Head Kids. Stage Appearances: Young Guido’s schoolmate, Nine (musical), Forty–Sixth Street Theatre, New York City, between 1982 and 1984.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Josh Gilmour, ⬙Detours,⬙ Hotel, 1985. Chad McCann, ⬙The Babysitter,⬙ Who’s the Boss?, ABC, 1985. Kenny, ⬙Little Boy Lost,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS and syndicated, 1985. Chad McCann, ⬙Hit the Road, Chad,⬙ Who’s the Boss?, ABC, 1986. Voice, My Little Pony ’n’ Friends (animated), syndicated, 1986. Jack, Nothing Is Easy, CBS, 1986. Gary Marlin, ⬙Sarah Steps Out,⬙ Charles in Charge, 1988. (Uncredited) Eric, ⬙Evolution,⬙ Star Trek: The Next Generation, syndicated, 1989. ⬙Buddy System,⬙ 21 Jump Street, Fox, 1990. Marty, ⬙Noses Off,⬙ Wings, NBC, 1992. Seth Kolatch, ⬙... And Then You Die,⬙ First Years, NBC, 2001. Dr. Archie Morris, ⬙Dear Abby,⬙ ER, NBC, 2003. Dr. Archie Morris, ⬙Shifts Happen,⬙ ER, NBC, 2003. Dr. Archie Morris, ⬙Out of Africa,⬙ ER, NBC, 2003.

Also appeared in Traveler in the Dark.

RECORDINGS Albums: Scott Grimes, A&M, 1989. Guest vocalist on an album recorded by ⬙30 Odd Foot of Grunts.⬙

WRITINGS Television Series: Wide World of Kids, syndicated, 1991–1992.


Guest on The Test, FX Channel.

Periodicals: TV Guide, September 22, 2001.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Scott McKenzie, Birdland, ABC, 1994.


H Manhattan Moods anchor woman, Celebrity, Miramax, 1998. District Attorney, The Siege, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. Realtor, Just the Ticket (also known as Gary & Linda), United Artists, 1999. Mrs. Corrigan, Superstar, Paramount, 1999. Fox News anchor, Light It Up, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1999. Lady Ⲇ3, The Intern (also known as Intern), Moonstone Entertainment, 2000. Confessional woman Ⲇ1, Keeping the Faith, Buena Vista, 2000. Sheila, Series 7: The Contenders, USA Films, 2001. Mary Lou Corkle, Someone Like You ... (also known as Animal Attraction), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Newscaster, Just a Kiss, Paramount Classics, 2002. Catherine Mirnada, Julie Johnson, 2001.

HANOVER, Donna 1950– (Donna Hanover Giuliani) PERSONAL Original name, Donna Ann Kofnovec; born February 13, 1950, in Oakland, CA; daughter of Bob (an officer in the U.S. Navy) and Gwen Kofnovec; married Stanley Hanover (a writer; divorced); married Rudolph W. Guiliani (a politician and former mayor of New York City), April 1984 (divorced July 10, 2002); married Edwin Oster (a lawyer), August 3, 2003; children: (second marriage) Andrew, Caroline. Education: Stanford University, B.A., political science; Columbia University, M.S., journalism. Addresses: Manager—Barking Dog Entertainment, 9 Desbrosses St., 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10013.

Television Appearances; Series: Host, In Food Today, Food Network, 1996. Judge Ellen Landregan, Another World (also known as Another World: Bay City), NBC, 1997. Claire Wentworth, As the World Turns, CBS, 1999. Judge Virginia Casey, All My Children, ABC, 1999. Host, House Beautiful, Arts and Entertainment, 1999. Host, Famous Homes & Hideaways, syndicated, 2000. Dr. Elyse Hanson, One Life to Live (also known as One Life to Live: The Summer of Seduction), ABC, 2000—.

Career: Actress and producer. Worked as an anchor and news reporter for television stations in Ohio, New York, Pittsburgh, PA, and Miami, FL. Sometimes credited as Donna Hanover Giuliani. CREDITS Film Appearances: Herself, Turk 182!, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1985. Commentator, Power, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1986. Reporter, Running on Empty, Warner Bros., 1988. Field reporter, The Dream Team, 1989. Herself, The Paper, Universal, 1994. Ruth Carter Stapleton, The People vs. Larry Flynt, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1996. News reporter, Ransom, Buena Vista, 1996. TV newsperson Ⲇ1, Night Falls on Manhattan, Paramount, 1997.

Television Appearances; Movies: Lee, Love Lessons, CBS, 2000. Psychologist, Another Woman’s Husband, Lifetime, 2000. Herself, Jenifer (also known as The Jenifer Estess Story), CBS, 2001. Television Appearances; Specials: Host, Let’s Make Sure Everybody Eats ’95, Food Network, 1995. 161


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 B.F.A. (drama); University of California, Los Angeles, M.F.A. (playwriting); studied acting at Banff School of Fine Arts; studied directing with Robert Carnegie at Playhouse West, Los Angeles; studied with Uta Hagen and Carol Rosenfeld at HB Studio, New York City, and with Bill Esper and Curt Dempster at Ensemble Studio Theatre.

Host, The Fifth Annual James Beard Awards, Food Network, 1995. Anchor, The Sixth Annual James Beard Awards, Food Network, 1996. Host, Celebrating a Fat Lady: A Salute to Jennifer Paterson (documentary), Food Network, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Announcer, ⬙You Belong to Me!,⬙ Central Park West, CBS, 1996. Judge Deborah Bourke, ⬙Entrapment,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1997. Judge Deborah Bourke, ⬙Disappeared,⬙ Law & Order, NCB, 1998. Realtor, ⬙Sex and the City,⬙ Sex and the City, HBO, 1998. ⬙Crossfire,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 1999. Judge Deborah Bourke, ⬙Admissions,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1999. Judge Helen Westerfield, ⬙The Fourth Trimester,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 1999. Secretary, ⬙Out in the Cold,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2000. Judge Deborah Bourke, ⬙Trade This,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2000. Judge Deborah Bourke, ⬙Standoff,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2000. Judge Helen Westerfield, ⬙Sacrifices,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2001. Board member, All My Children, ABC, 2001. Attorney Lauren Barbera, ⬙The Good Doctor,⬙ Law & Order: Criminal Intent, NBC, 2001. Psychologist, ⬙Eat and Run,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 2002. Judge Deborah Bourke, ⬙American Jihad,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2002.

Addresses: Contact—Oscars, Abrams, Zimel & Associates, 438 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario M5A 1T4, Canada. Career: Actress, voice artist, writer, and director. Performer with the Second City theatre company and the Homothespians improvisational group, both Canada. Script reader at Pasadena Playhouse and Lort Theatre. Guest voice teacher at Ryerson Polytechnic University; teacher of acting and playwriting at University of California, Los Angeles. Sometimes credited as Terry Hawkes. Member: Actors’ Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Canadian Actors’ Equity Association, Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television, and Radio Artists. Awards, Honors: Soap Opera Digest Award nomination, outstanding female newcomer: daytime, 1991, for General Hospital; Gemini Award nomination, Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television, best performance by an actress in a featured supporting role in a dramatic series, 1997, for Traders; Radio Drama Award nomination, Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television, and Radio Artists, best actress, for Vivian.

Also appeared as Terry, Guiding Light, CBS; television newscaster/Tracy Sloane, Feds, CBS.


Television Work; Series: Executive producer, Famous Homes & Hideaways, syndicated, 2000.

Television Appearances; Series: Voices of Shreeky, Cheer Bear, and Hugs Bear, The Care Bears Family (animated; also known as The Care Bears), ABC, 1986–1988, syndicated, 1988–1990. Voices of Bianca Dupree and Blaze Summers, Beverly Hills Teens (animated), syndicated, 1987–1988. Wendy Masters, General Hospital, ABC, 1990. Voice of Serena (Sailor Moon), Sailor Moon (anime; also known as English Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon S, and Sailor Moon Super S), syndicated, 1995–2000, also The Cartoon Network. Monika Barnes, Traders, Global and Lifetime, 1996–2000. Voices of Princess Sissi and Elizabeth, Princess Sissi (animated), TeleToon Channel and Fox Kids Channel, beginning 1997. Maggie Cummings, All My Children, ABC, 1997–1998. Voice of Serena, Hercules (animated; also known as Disney’s Hercules), syndicated, 1998–1999.

Stage Appearances: Guest narrator, The Travels of Babar, Florence Gould Hall, New York City, 2001. Also appeared in The Vagina Monologues.

HAWKES, Terri (Terry Hawkes) PERSONAL Born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Education: University of Calgary, B.A. (political science; with honors) and 162

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HAWKES Dr. Cleo Lazar, ⬙Deja Vu,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1999.

Voice of Billy O’Toole, Flying Rhino Junior High (animated), CTV and CBS, 1998–2000. Impostra, Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Fox Kids Network, beginning 1999. Voice of Brandi, Committed (animated), CTV and Fox Family Channel, 2001. Voices of Franny and Lana, Quads! (animated; also known as John Callahan’s Quads!), TeleToon Channel, beginning 2001.

Appeared as voice of the monster of the day, Sailor Moon (anime; also known as English Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon S, and Sailor Moon Super S), syndicated; as the voices of Click and Flash in Miniman; as voice of Shrieky, Kim Possible (animated), The Disney Channel; and as voices in Bob & Margaret (animated), Channel 4.

Appeared as a voice for the program Strawberry Shortcake. The series Sailor Moon was originally broadcast in Japanese.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Deadline Now, Fox, 1997.

Television Appearances; Movies: Ellen Jenkins, Slaughter of the Innocents, HBO, 1994. Maria (some sources cite Myrtle Walsh), The Shamrock Conspiracy, UPN, 1995. Nicole, Night of the Running Man, HBO, 1995. Little Marilyn, Murder She Purred: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery (also known as Murder, She Purred), ABC, 1998. Waitress at Magic Lounge, Vig (also known as Money Kings), Cinemax, 1998. Esther, Murder in a Small Town, NBC, 1999.

Appeared in the pilot Casino, syndicated. Television Work; Animated Series: Additional voices, Blazing Dragons (animated), syndicated, 1992–1994. Additional voices, Herself the Elf (animated), 1994–1996. Voice director, Flying Rhino Junior High (animated), CTV and CBS, 1998–2000.

Also appeared in the movie Once a Cop, [Canada].

Film Appearances: Voices of Baby Hugs and Shrieky, The Care Bears Movie (animated), Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1985. Voice of Hannah, The World Turned Upside Down, National Film Board of Canada/Parks Canada, 1985. Melanie, Killer Party (also known as The April Fool), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1986. Kelly Hennenlotter, Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (also known as The Haunting of Hamilton High and Prom Night II), Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1987. Pamela, Crazy Moon (also known as Huggers and D’amour et d’eau fraiche), Miramax, 1987. Christine, White Hot (also known as Crack in the Mirror), Paul Entertainment, 1989. Leila, Foreign Nights, 1989. Denise, Watch It, Skouras Pictures, 1993. Dr. Ann Kendall, The Killing Machine (also known as The Killing Man), Starlight, 1994. Jess, Sabotage, New City Releasing, 1996. Rachel Quinn, Papertrail (also known as Trail of a Serial Killer), Avalanche Home Entertainment, 1997. Anchorwoman, Bone Daddy (also known as Palmer’s Bones and L’affaire Palmer), Artisan Entertainment, 1998. Announcer, Dog Park, New Line Cinema, 1999. Lana, Prisoner of Love, Sterling Home Entertainment, 1999.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Lorelei, E.N.G., Lifetime, 1989. ⬙12 Cops and a Baby,⬙ Katts and Dog, The Family Channel, 1989. ⬙Crime of Fashion,⬙ Katts and Dog, The Family Channel, 1992. Sovereign of light, ⬙For the Sake of Light,⬙ Wish Kids, PBS, c. 1992. Bernice Applebaum, ⬙If Looks Could Kill,⬙ Forever Knight, CBS, 1993. Charlotte Ames, ⬙The Return of Gus Pike,⬙ Road to Avonlea, CBC, c. 1994. Adrienne, ⬙You Gotta Have Heart,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1995. Kim Stoner, ⬙The Aftermath,⬙ Sirens, syndicated, 1995. Ruby, ⬙High Lonesome,⬙ Lonesome Dove: The Series, syndicated, c. 1995. Catherine ⬙Kate⬙ Azzopardi, ⬙Man of War,⬙ Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, syndicated, 1997. Catherine ⬙Kate⬙ Azzopardi, ⬙Map to the Stars,⬙ Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, syndicated, 1998. Catherine ⬙Kate⬙ Azzopardi, ⬙Palimpsest,⬙ Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, syndicated, 1998. Carina, ⬙Strangeling,⬙ So Weird, The Disney Channel, 1999. Dr. Cleo Lazar, ⬙Deja Vu,⬙ Earth: Final Conflict (also known as EFC, Gene Roddenberry’s Battleground Earth, Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict, Invasion planete Terre, and Mission Erde: Sie sind unter uns), syndicated, 1999.

Film Work: Director of automated dialogue replacement, Hawk’s Vengeance (also known as Hawke’s Revenge), Cinepix Film Properties, 1996. 163


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Voice director for English version, Karmina, Cine 360, c. 1996.

Also credited for voices of Chibi Serena, Chibi Usagi, Makoto Kino, Sailor Jupiter, Neo Queen Serenity, Princess Serenity, Snow Dancer, Super Sailor Moon, and Usagi Tuskino for the Sailor Moon videos. These videos were originally broadcast in Japanese as television series.

Producer and director of the short film The Private Journal. Director of automated dialogue replacement for the films Bounty Hunters, Shakedown Productions.

WRITINGS Stage Appearances: Appeared in title role, Alice, Theatre Three; as Lily, Best Friends, Double Image Theatre, New York City; Louise, Dreaming and Duelling, Alberta Theatre Project; Baby, The Greenhouse Keeper Died ... , Manhattan Punchline Theatre, New York City; Norma Jean, Hey, Marilyn, Citadel Theatre; Mary, Salt–Water Moon, Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia; member of ensemble, The Second City, Old Firehouse Theatre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Marcia, Sorrows and Sons, Vineyard Theatre, New York City; Carlotta and Emilia, Tamara, Theatre at Park Avenue Armory, New York City; and Bianca, The Taming of the Shrew, Colonnades Theatre, New York City.

Screenplays: The Book of Eve (based on a novel by Constance Beresford–Howe), Lions Gate Films, 2002. Author of the short film The Private Journal. Also author of the screenplay Kiss Me, Hug Me, Fax Me. Teleplays; Episodic: ⬙Carrots,⬙ Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series, PBS, 2001. Stage Plays: ⬙I Survived the Search for Scarlett,⬙ One–Act Festival, Los Angeles, 1994. ⬙Rhubarb, Rhubarb, Rhubarb,⬙ New Works Festival, Los Angeles, 1995.

Stage Work: Producer and director of Murder Mystery Theatre and Mystery Train Ride (both interactive productions), Blyth and Company, New York City; director of Angel Killer (staged reading), Geffen Playhouse, Los Angeles; assistant director of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum, Los Angeles.

Author of Finding H.P. (one–act), Powerhouse Theatre, Santa Monica, CA, and Los Angeles production; Murder Mystery Theatre and Mystery Train Ride (both interactive productions), Blyth and Company, New York City; and On Guard for Thee. Also wrote material for Second City theatre company and for the Homothespians improvisational group, both Canada.

Radio Appearances: Appeared in the radio broadcast Mom, the Wolfman, and Me; voice performer for several radio plays for CBC, including Vivian.

Radio Plays: Author of Harmony’s Hopes (one–act), broadcast in Los Angeles.



Videos: Voice of Serena (Sailor Moon), Bishojo senshi Sailor Moon R: The Movie (anime; also known as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R: The Movie and Sailor Moon R the Movie: Promise of the Rose), Pioneer Entertainment, 2000. Voice of Serena (Sailor Moon), Bishojo senshi Sailor Moon S: The Movie (anime; also known as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S: The Movie, Sailor Moon S the Movie: Hearts in Ice, and Sailor Moon 2: The Movie), Pioneer Entertainment, 2000. Voice of Serena (Sailor Moon), Bishojo senshi Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie (anime; also known as Sailor Moon Super S the Movie: Black Dream Hole, Sailor Moon 3: The Movie, and Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Super S: The Fabulous 9 Get Together! Miracle in the Black Dream Hole!), Pioneer Entertainment, 2000.

Electronic: Terri Hawkes Home Page,, September 19, 2003.

HAYES, Phil (Philip Hayes, Philip Maurice Hayes, Phillip Hayes, Phillip M. Hayes, Phillip Maurice Hayes) PERSONAL Born in England; raised in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; married Maria Louisa Figura (an actress). Avocational Interests: Classic cars. 164

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212 (voice work).

HAYES (As Phillip Maurice Hayes) Second commentator, Ice Angel (also known as On Thin Ice: Going for the Gold), Fox Family Channel, 2000. (As Phillip Maurice Hayes) Sergeant, Holiday Heart, Showtime, 2000. (As Phillip Maurice Hayes) Detective Striker, ⬙The Heidi Bowl,⬙ The Sports Pages, Showtime, 2001.

Career: Actor and voice performer. Performer of stand–up comedy. Awards, Honors: Annie Award nomination, International Animated Film Society, outstanding achievement for voice acting by a male in an animated television production, 1997, for School Daze.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Say It Ain’t So, Pete,⬙ 21 Jump Street, Fox, 1989. ⬙Hacker,⬙ Neon Rider, syndicated, 1990. The driver, ⬙Nightmare Café,⬙ Nightmare Café, NBC, 1992. Marco, ⬙The Sea Witch,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1992. Mark, ⬙Backbeat,⬙ Street Justice, syndicated, 1992. First driver, ⬙Fire,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1993. ⬙Walking Tall,⬙ Neon Rider, syndicated, 1993. (As Philip Hayes) First man in black, ⬙Through the Dark Circle,⬙ M.A.N.T.I.S., Fox, 1994. Alan Wells, ⬙Innocent,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1995. (As Philip Hayes) Bradstreet, ⬙The Warrior,⬙ Hawkeye, syndicated, 1995. (As Philip Hayes) First man in black, ⬙Spider in the Tower,⬙ M.A.N.T.I.S., Fox, 1995. ⬙High Lonesome,⬙ Lonesome Dove: The Series, syndicated, c. 1995. (As Philip Maurice Hayes) Rafe, ⬙Street Pirates,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1996. Voice of Deke, ⬙The Dark Mountain,⬙ The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest (animated), The Cartoon Network and syndicated, 1996. Voice of guard, ⬙Feeding Time,⬙ Superman (animated), The WB, 1996. Voice of Sergeant Curse, ⬙Hunter’s Heroes,⬙ Road Rovers (animated), The WB, 1996. (As Philip Maurice Hayes) Terry Neff, ⬙The Inside Man,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1997. Voice of Blaine, ⬙Tools of the Trade,⬙ Superman (animated), The WB, 1997. ⬙Honey, They Call Me the Space Cowboy,⬙ Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, syndicated, 1997. Member of jury, ⬙Honey, I’m Wrestling with a Problem ... and the Chief,⬙ Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, syndicated, 1998. (As Philip Maurice Hayes) Sergeant Bluth, ⬙Kill the Buddha,⬙ The Net, USA Network, 1998. Voice of second pollster, ⬙You’ll Never Eat Food Pellets in This Town, Again!,⬙ Pinky and the Brain (animated), The WB, 1998. Voice of sergeant, ⬙Critters,⬙ Batman: Gotham Knights (animated), The WB, 1998. (As Philip Maurice Hayes) Joey Trillo, ⬙The Real Deal,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1999. (As Philip Hayes) Phil, ⬙The Hunt,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 1999. Voice of guard, ⬙Rebirth: Part 2,⬙ Batman Beyond (animated), The WB, 1999.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Voice, G.I. Joe: A Great American Hero (animated), syndicated, 1985 and 1990–1992. Voice of Scratch, The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (animated), ABC and syndicated, 1993. Voice of Conan, Conan and the Young Warriors (animated), CBS, 1994. Voice of Slash, ReBoot (animated), ABC, 1994–1995. Voice, The Littlest Pet Shop (animated), syndicated, beginning 1995. Voice of Roscoe, The Twisted Adventures of Felix the Cat (animated; also known as The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat), CBS, 1995–1997. (As Philip Maurice Hayes) Artie, Big Sound, Global, 2000–2001. Voice of Mr. Smith, X–Men: Evolution (animated), The WB, 2000–2003. Voice of Oly, Sitting Ducks (animated), The Cartoon Network, 2001—. Also appeared in That’s Us. Television Appearances; Movies: Reporter, Slow Burn, [Canada], 1989. (As Philip Hayes) First deputy, Deadly Intentions ... Again?, ABC, 1991. (As Philip Hayes) Camera operator, Miracle on Interstate 880 (also known as Miracle on I–880), NBC, 1993. (As Philip Hayes) Max, Sherlock Holmes Returns (also known as 1994 Baker Street: Sherlock Holmes Returns), CBS, 1993. (As Phillip Maurice Hayes) Paul Makely, The Amy Fisher Story (also known as Beyond Control), ABC, 1993. (As Philip Hayes) Mickey, Roommates, NBC, 1994. (As Philip Hayes) Bob Rand, Falling from the Sky: Flight 174 (also known as Freefall: Flight 174), ABC, 1995. Mick, Decoy, HBO, 1995. Wayne–Powers guard, Batman Beyond: The Movie (animated), The WB, 1999, also broadcast as the episodes ⬙Rebirth: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Batman Beyond. 165


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

⬙Vendetta,⬙ Poltergeist: The Legacy, Showtime and Sci–Fi Channel, 1999. Voice of Giles, ⬙DNA Land,⬙ Kong: The Animated Series, TeleToon Channel, 2000.

(As Philip Hayes) Uniformed police officer, The Resurrected (also known as Shatterbrain), 1992. Pilot, Look Who’s Talking Now, TriStar, 1993. Voice, Deadly Deposits (animated short film), National Film Board of Canada, 1993. (As Philip Hayes) Gordon Nimitz, Double Cross, A B C Distributing, 1994. Voice, Highway of Heartache, Scorn–a–Rama Pictures, 1994. (As Phillip Hayes) FBI agent, Bulletproof Heart (also known as Killer), Republic, 1995. (As Phillip Maurice Hayes) Greg Reed, Powder, Buena Vista, 1995. Kelly Burns, Ski Hard (also known as Downhill Willie and Ski Nuts), Cinepix Film Properties, 1995. (As Philip Hayes) Second detective, Malicious, Republic, 1995. (As Philip Hayes) Kelso, Nether World, Dalgaard Hull Productions/Noir Films, 1997. Voice of Yocheved, Prince of Egypt (animated), DreamWorks, 1998. (As Philip Maurice Hayes) Agent Johnson, Crash and Byrnes, Regent Entertainment, 1999. Himself, Middlemen, Weaselman Productions, 2000. Voice, Monster Mash, Universal, 2000. Anton, Bulldog, Bird in the Hand Productions, 2002. Dante, Straight Out, Amsell Entertainment, 2003.

Appeared as Detective Hayes, Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox; voice for The Brothers Grunt, MTV; appeared as Wideload and Willy, The Hat Squad, CBS; as voice, Madeline (animated), Fox Family Channel; voice of Dad, ⬙No Tip!,⬙ Pizza Boy; Burt, Strange Luck, Fox; voice of Power Pooch, The Wacky World of Tex Avery (animated), syndicated; voice, Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego?, PBS; and appeared in Alien Nation, Fox. Also voice for episodes of The Crow: Stairway to Heaven, syndicated; NASCAR Racers (animated), Fox; and The New Addams Family, ABC Family Channel. Television Appearances; Specials: Voice, Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer, The WB, 2000. Voice of Basher, Santa Mouse and the Rat Deer (special), Fox Family Channel, 2000. Television Appearances; Other: Voice of Tumbleweed Tex, School Daze (animated), c. 1996. Voice, NASCAR Racers: The Movie (animated pilot), Fox, 1999.

Film Work; Additional Voices: Mummies Alive! The Legend Begins (animated), Buena Vista Home Video, 1998.

Television Work; Additional Voices; Animated Series: Conan and the Young Warriors (animated), CBS, 1994. Mega Man (animated), syndicated, 1994–1995. The Twisted Adventures of Felix the Cat (animated; also known as The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat), CBS, 1995–1997. Mummies Alive! (animated), syndicated, 1997. Sabrina the Animated Series (also known as Sabrina), ABC, 1999–2000. Aaagh! It’s the Mr. Hell Show! (animated), [Canada], beginning 2000, BBC–2, 2001– 2002.

RECORDINGS Video Games: (As Phillip M. Hayes) Voices, Enter the Matrix, Atari/ Infogames Entertainment, 2003. WRITINGS

Television Work; Series: Cocreator and executive producer of the series That’s Us.

Teleplays; Series: Writer for the series That’s Us.

Film Appearances: Voices of huntsman, Sloopy, and Tubby, Snow White (animated short film; also known as Sugar & Spice: Snow White), Video Treasures, 1991. Voices of March Hare, Mad Hatter, rat, and guards, Alice in Wonderland (animated short film; also known as Sugar & Spice: Alice in Wonderland), Video Treasures, 1991. (As Philip Hayes) Lippy MacGregor, Unforgiven, Warner Bros., 1992.

HAYTER, David 1969– (Sean Barker) PERSONAL Full name, David B. Hayter; born February 6, 1969, in Santa Monica, CA. 166

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Sandie Schnarr Talent Agency, 8500 Melrose Ave., Suite 212, West Hollywood, CA 90069. Manager—Kaplan/Perrone Entertainment, 10202 West Washington Blvd., Astaire Bldg., Suite 3003, Culver City, CA 90232.

HAYTER Television Appearances; Other: Voice of Captain America for several animated specials, movies, and series, including Cartoon All–Stars to the Rescue, Cartoon Madness, Hollywood Jam, House of Toons Live!, Mickey’s Toontown USA, PokeMadness 2000, Rapsheeba Strikes Out, The Search for Harry Potter, Super Hero Jam, and Toon Jam.

Career: Actor, voice artist, producer, and writer. Voice performer for commercials and for logo on Electronic Arts Sports games.

Television Work: Additional voices, Captain Planet and the Planeteers (animated series), TNT, 1990—, syndicated, 1990—. Additional voices, ⬙Sins of the Fathers: Part 2/Make a Wish: Part 1,⬙ Spider–Man (animated), Fox, 1996. Executive producer, Lost in Oz (pilot), The WB, beginning 2002.

Awards, Honors: Apex Award, best adapted screenplay for a fantasy, science fiction, or horror film, and Fennecus Award nominations, best story and screenplay, both 2000, Saturn Award, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, best writing, 2001, and Nebula Award nomination (with Tom DeSanto and Bryan Singer), Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, best script, 2002, all for X–Men.

Film Appearances: Presume dangereux (also known as Believed Violent), Candice Productions, 1990. First police officer, Drive, Ardustry Home Entertainment, 1997. Tom Rice, Burn, 1998. Museum police officer, X–Men (also known as X–Men 1.5), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Voice of Roger ⬙Steve⬙ Wilson (Captain America), a recurring role, Spider–Man (animated), Fox, 1997. (As Sean Barker) Voice of Roger ⬙Steve⬙ Wilson (Captain America), Spider–Man Unlimited (animated), Fox, 1999–2001.

Film Producer: Burn, 1998. RECORDINGS Videos: (As Sean Barker) Voice of Arsene Lupin III, Rupan sansei: Kariosutoro no shiro (anime; also known as Arsene Lupin and the Castle of Cagliostro, The Castle of Cagliostro, and Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro), Streamline Pictures, 1991. Voice of Hiroshi Ozora, Moldiver (anime), Pioneer Entertainment, 1993. (As Barker) Voice of Kurama, Yu Yu Hakusho: The Movie (anime), Media Blasters, c. 1993. Voices of Taka and Tamahome, Fushigi Yugi: Memories First OAV (anime), Pioneer Entertainment, 1995. (As Barker) Voice of reporter, Hyper Doll (anime), Pioneer Entertainment, c. 1995. Voices of Taka Sukunami and Tamahome, Fushigi Yugi: The Mysterious Play—Reflections OAV 2 (anime), Pioneer Entertainment, 1997. Voices of Taka Sukunami, Tamahome, and Yoshui, Fushigi Yugi: The Mysterious Play—Reflections OAV 3 (anime), Pioneer Entertainment, 1997. (As Barker) Voice of Tamahome, Fushigi Yugi: The Mysterious Play—Suzaku DVD Box Set (anime), Pioneer Entertainment, 1999. Himself, X–Men Production Scrapbook, Twentieth Century–Fox Home Entertainment, 2003.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Voices of Belgian soldier and Hasan, The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century, PBS, 1996. (As Sean Barker) Voice of Bernie Wiseman, Kido senshi Gundam 0080 pocket no naka no sensou (anime; also known as Gundam 0080: A War in the Pocket and Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: A War in the Pocket), The Cartoon Network, 2001. Television Appearances; Movies: Ed’s secretary, Long Shadows, PBS, 1994. (As Sean Barker) Voice, Guyver: Dark Hero (anime; also known as Guyver 2: Dark Hero), Sci–Fi Channel, 1994. Television Appearances; Episodic: Misha Sarotsky, ⬙From Russia with Like,⬙ Major Dad, CBS, 1993. Voice of Brace Huntington, ⬙Partners in Danger, Part 2: The Cat,⬙ Spider–Man (animated), Fox, 1997. Dave Bowman, ⬙Wednesday’s Child,⬙ Blue Heelers, Network 7, 2002. 167


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Voice of Spike Spiegel for all English–language versions of the ⬙Cowboy Bebop⬙ anime videos; voice of Isamu, Macross Plus (anime); voice of Raiden, Sonic X (anime); voice of Lei Fang, Street Fighter II (anime); also provided voices for the anime videos Blackjack and They Were 11. Several of these videos were originally broadcast as television series in Japan.

HENDERSON, A. J. PERSONAL Career: Actor and voice performer.

Video Games: Voices of Solid Snake and David/⬙Dave,⬙ Metal Gear Solid (also known as MGS), Konami Computer Entertainment, 1998. Voice of Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions (also known as Metal Gear Solid: Special Missions), Konami Computer Entertainment, 1999. Voices of Solid Snake and Lieutenant J. G. Iroquois Pliskin, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2001. Voice of announcer, Madden NFL 2003, Electronic Arts, 2002. Voices of first and second Roman legionnaires and the Angkor Thom guard, Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem (also known as Eternal Darkness), Nintendo of America, 2002. Voice of Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, Konami Computer Entertainment, 2002. Voice of Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Nintendo of America, 2003.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Voices of Walter and mayor, Jak un koala ui mohoum (animated; also known as Adventures of the Little Koala and Koala Boy Kocky), Nickelodeon, 1984–1985 and 1987–1993. Voices of Matt and Shangor, Les mondes engloutis (animated; also known as The Absorbed Worlds and Spartakus and the Sun beneath the Sea), [France, Lebanon, and South Korea], beginning 1985. Voice of Pepe for English version, Avventura di Pinocchio (animated; also known as Saban’s Adventures of Pinocchio and Mohoum ui Pinokiyo), [Italy and South Korea], YTV and HBO, beginning 1985. Voice of Flip, Mitsubachi Maaya no Boken (anime; also known as Adventures of Maya the Honeybee, Maya the Bee, and Die Biene Maja), Nickelodeon, beginning 1988. Voice of Tik–Tok, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (animated), HBO, 1988–1990. Voice of Holler, David the Gnome (animated; also known as David el gnomo), Nickelodeon, 1988–1996. Voices of ⬙Big Al⬙ Dente, General Catton, and Jerry Atrick, Samurai Pizza Cats (animated; also known as SPC and Kyatto ninden teyandee), syndicated, 1990. Voice of Spanish ambassador, Madeline (animated), 1990–1992. Voice of Sammie, The Little Flying Bears (animated), [Canada], beginning 1991. Voice, The Littl’ Bits (animated; also known as Mori no Yogi na Shojintachi: Berufi to Rirubitto), Nickelodeon, 1991–1995. Voice of Sharky, Sharky & George (animated), beginning 1992. Voice of the sheriff of Nottingham, Young Robin Hood (animated), syndicated, beginning 1992. Voice of Sergeant Folenfant, Night Hood (animated), TeleToon Channel, c. 1996–1997. Voice, Princess Sissi (animated), TeleToon Channel and Fox Kids Channel, beginning 1997.

Also provided voices for the video game Mechwarrior 2. WRITINGS Screenplays: X–Men (based on a story by Tom DeSanto and Bryan Singer and on X–Men comic books; also known as X–Men 1.5), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. (With others) The Scorpion King, Universal, 2002. (Uncredited; with others) The Hulk, Universal, 2003. (And story) X2 (also known as X–Men 2, X–Men 2: X–Men United, X–2, and X2: X–Men United), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2003. Teleplays; Pilots: Lost in Oz, The WB, 2002. OTHER SOURCES

Appeared as the voice of Robinson Sucroe in Robinson Sucroe. Some of these animated series were also broadcast within other series, including Toons Take over the World! and Toon Jam. Several of these programs originally aired on Japanese television.

Electronic: Scriptwriters Network,, December, 2002. 168

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Television Appearances; Miniseries: Ford: The Man and the Machine, CBS, 1987. Champagne Charlie, syndicated, 1989.


Television Appearances; Animated Specials: Voices of Edward ⬙Ed⬙ Crosswire and Grandpa David ⬙Dave⬙ Read, Arthur’s Perfect Christmas (animated), PBS, 2000.

Career: Cinematographer. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Episodic: Carnival barker, ⬙The Tale of the Dark Music,⬙ Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Nickelodeon, 1992. Mr. Olson, ⬙The Tale of the Pinball Wizard,⬙ Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Nickelodeon, 1992. Voice of Grandpa David ⬙Dave⬙ Read, ⬙Arthur’s Family Vacation/Grandpa Dave’s Old Country Farm,⬙ Arthur (animated), PBS, 1996. Voice of Edward ⬙Ed⬙ Crosswire, ⬙I’m a Poet/The Scare– Your–Pants–Off Club,⬙ Arthur (animated), PBS, 1997. Voice of Edward ⬙Ed⬙ Crosswire, ⬙My Dad, the Garbage Man/Poor Muffy,⬙ Arthur (animated), PBS, 1997. Voice of Edward ⬙Ed⬙ Crosswire, ⬙Background Blues/ And Now Let’s Talk to Some Kids,⬙ Arthur (animated), PBS, 1998. Voice of Edward ⬙Ed⬙ Crosswire, ⬙The Blizzard/The Rat Who Came to Dinner,⬙ Arthur (animated), PBS, 1999. Voice of Edward ⬙Ed⬙ Crosswire, ⬙Buster’s Breathless/ The Fright Stuff,⬙ Arthur (animated), PBS, 1999. Voice of Edward ⬙Ed⬙ Crosswire, ⬙Kids are from Earth, Parents are from Pluto/Nerves of Steal,⬙ Arthur (animated), PBS, 2000. Voice of Grandpa David ⬙Dave⬙ Read, ⬙Just Desserts/ The Big Dig,⬙ Arthur (animated), PBS, 2000.

Film Cinematographer: (Miniatures crew) Adventures in Dinosaur City (also known as Dinosaurs), 1992. Postcards, 1993. Morning Glory, 1995. Kounterfeit (also known as Money Crush), Live Entertainment, 1996. (Seattle second unit) Life or Something Like It, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2002. (Additional photography) They (also known as Wes Craven Presents: They), Miramax, 2002. (Second unit) Agent Cody Banks, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 2003. Film Work: Visual effects camera operator, One from the Heart, Columbia, 1982. Visual effects camera assistant, E.T. the Extra–Terrestrial (also known as E.T. and E.T. the Extra–Terrestrial: The 20th Anniversary), MCA/Universal, 1982. Effects cameraman: USFX, The Right Stuff, Warner Bros., 1983. Additional camera operator, Holy Matrimony, Buena Vista, 1994. Television Cinematographer; Series: Spaceflight, PBS, 1985. The Road Home, CBS, 1994. Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1994. MAD TV, Fox, 1995. The Sentinel, UPN, 1996. Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 1998. Special Unit 2 (also known as SU2), UPN, 2001. The Lone Gunmen, Fox, 2001.

Television Work; Additional Voices: David Copperfield (special; also known as Charles Dickens’s David Copperfield), NBC, 1993. Animal Crackers (animated series), TeleToon Channel, 1997–1998. Film Appearances: Voice of Tweed, Macskafogo (animated; also known as Cat City), Wang, 1986. Voice of Chef Henri, The Real Story of Happy Birthday to You (animated short film), Western, 1992. Ranger Will, Silent Hunter, New Line Cinema, 1995. Voice, Coucou, monsieur Edgar! (animated short film; also known as Cuckoo, Mr. Edgar!), National Film Board of Canada, 1999. Voice of Gulliver, Gulliver’s Travels (animated), 2001. Voices of Edward ⬙Ed⬙ Crosswire and Grandpa David ⬙Dave⬙ Read, Arthur, the Movie (animated), Cinar Films, 2003.

Television Cinematographer; Movies: America’s Dream, HBO, 1996. Our Son, the Matchmaker, CBS, 1996. A Kiss So Deadly, NBC, 1996. Perfect Body, NBC, 1997. Funny Valentines, Starz!, 1999. If You Believe, Lifetime, 1999. Missing Pieces, CBS, 2000. The Color of Love: Jacey’s Story, CBS, 2000. Love Lessons (also known as A Time to Decide), CBS, 2000. 169


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Jenny Diamond, Capitol, CBS, 1985–1986. Brooke Logan Ⲇ2 (temporary replacement), The Bold and the Beautiful (also known as Belleza y poder), CBS, 1987. Tess Wilder Partou, Loving, ABC, 1993–1995. Tess Wilder Partou Huston, The City, ABC, 1995–1997. Lindsay Rappaport, One Life to Live (also known as One Life to Live: The Summer of Seduction), ABC, 1998—.

Good Guys/Bad Guys, 2000. The Ultimate Christmas Present, The Disney Channel, 2000. For Love of Olivia, CBS, 2001. Television Cinematographer; Pilots: Family Brood, CBS, 1998.

Television Appearances; Movies: Judy, The Seeding of Sarah Burns, CBS, 1979. Marcie, To Race the Wind, CBS, 1980.

HICKLAND, Catherine 1956– PERSONAL Born February 11, 1956, in Fort Lauderdale, FL; daughter of Arthur (a dentist) and Mary (a dental ceramist) Hickland; married Richard Knowlton, 1978 (divorced, 1978); married David Hasselhoff (an actor, director, and producer), March 24, 1984 (divorced March 1, 1989); married Michael E. Knight (an actor), June 1992.

Television Appearances; Specials: Host, Weddings of a Lifetime, Lifetime, 1996, 1997. Herself, Intimate Portrait: Melody Thomas Scott, Lifetime, 2002. Television Appearances; Pilots: (Uncredited) Julie, Vega$ (also known as High Roller), ABC, 1978. Toby, The Hee Haw Honeys, syndicated, 1978.

Addresses: Office—c/o One Life to Live, 77 W. 66th St., New York, NY 10023.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Vicki, ⬙Marriage and Other Flights of Fancy: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Eight Is Enough, ABC, 1979. Lori, ⬙Hot Date,⬙ CHiPs, NBC, 1983. Stephanie ⬙Stevie⬙ Mason, ⬙White Bird,⬙ Knight Rider, NBC, 1983. Stephanie ⬙Stevie⬙ March, ⬙Let It Be Me,⬙ Knight Rider, NBC, 1984. Angelica Horn (alias Angelica Bolitan), ⬙The Horn of Plenty,⬙ Airwolf, CBS, 1985. Stephanie ⬙Stevie⬙ Mason, ⬙The Scent of Roses,⬙ Knight Rider, NBC, 1986. Lila Storm, ⬙Blood Ties,⬙ Werewolf, Fox, 1987. Faye Ireland, ⬙Whose Monkey Is It Anyway?⬙ (also known as ⬙Curious George⬙), Law & Order, NBC, 2001. Herself, The View, ABC, 2002.

Career: Actress and writer. Cat Cosmetics, founder, 2001; previously worked as a flight attendant and answering service woman. Awards, Honors: Tegegatto Award, Milan, Italy, 1987; Soap Opera Update Award, best actress, 1996, for The City; Soap Opera Digest Award nomination, outstanding female scene stealer, 1999, Soap Opera Digest Award nomination, outstanding supporting actress, 2000, both for One Life to Live. CREDITS Film Appearances: Rebecca, The Last Married Couple in America, Universal, 1980. Linda Sullivan, Witchery (also known La casa 4, Ghosthouse 2, Malefiche presenze, and Witchcraft), Vidmark Entertainment, 1988. Taxi Killer, 1988. Virgin, Robowar—Robot da guerra (also known as Robowar), 1988. Kate, Ghost Town, New World Pictures, 1988. Connie, Miliardi (also known as Billions, Miliardi/Millions, and Millions), 1991. Chris Barnes, Sweet Justice, Triboro, 1992.

Also appeared as guest player, Body Language, CBS. Stage Appearances: Linda, Run for Your Wife, Odyssey Theatre, Los Angeles, 1992. Fantine, Les miserables, Imperial Theatre, New York City, 1995. Also appeared in Boys on the Side (cabaret).

Television Appearances; Series: Dr. Courtney Marshall, Texas (also known as Another World: Texas), NBC, 1980–1981. Julie Clegg McCandless, Capitol, CBS, 1983–1987.

Major Tours: Fantine, Les miserables, U.S. cities, 1997. 170

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

HILL Casey, In the Heat of Passion II: Unfaithful (also known as Behind Closed Doors and Unfaithful), Concorde–New Horizons, 1994. Lauren, Puppet Master 5: The Final Chapter (also known as The Final Chapter: Puppet Master 5 and Puppet Master 5), Paramount Home Video, 1995. Love and Happiness, 1995. (Uncredited) Raging Angels, Borde Releasing, 1995. Jen, Bio–Dome, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1996. Shannon (Lucifer’s sister), Nowhere, Fine Line, 1997. Circles, 1998. Sissy, Twin Falls Idaho, Columbia/TriStar, 1999. Ivy, Kiss & Tell, Phaedra Cinema, 2000. Lois, Looking for Lois (short film), 2000. Gentleman B. (also known as Criminal Mentality and The Gentleman Bandit), 2000. Tami, The 3 Little Wolfs, Decade Productions, 2001. Tania, The New Women, Ariztical Entertainment, 2001. Wendy, The Hollywood Sign (also known as Der Himmel von Hollywood), Lions Gate Films, 2001. Bluebird, 2001. Female doctor, Van Wilder (also known as National Lampoon’s Van Wilder, Van Wilder: Party Liaison, and Party Animals—wilder geht’s nicht), Artisan Entertainment, 2002. Stephanie, The Look, Carmichael Films, 2003.

RECORDINGS Albums: Sincerely Broadway, Baby Blues Records, 1995. WRITINGS Television Episodes: ⬙White Bird,⬙ Knight Rider, NBC, 1983. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Parade, June 13, 1999. People, June, 1994. Soap Opera Weekly, November 11, 1996. Soaps in Depth, September 5, 2000. Teen Magazine, December, 1984, p. 32. TV Guide, January 19, 1985; December 2, 2000. Electronic: Catherine Hickland Official Site, http://www.hickland. com, August 16, 2003.

Also appeared in other films, including The Being, [Germany]; Electric Youth; and Highway Patrolman. HILL, Teresa 1969– Television Appearances; Series: Linda Holden, Models Inc., Fox, 1994–1995. Claire Duncan, Melrose Place, Fox, 1996. Eden August, Guiding Light, CBS, 2002–2003.

PERSONAL Original name, Tricia Hill; born May 9, 1969, in Burley, ID; raised in Salt Lake City, UT. Education: Studied theatre at Santa Monica City College; attended London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art; also studied with others. Avocational Interests: Yoga, skydiving.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Nemesis, ⬙The Enforcer,⬙ Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, syndicated, 1995. Nemesis, ⬙The Fire down Below,⬙ Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, syndicated, 1995. Sheila Dickson, ⬙Repeat Offenders,⬙ Pacific Blue, USA Network, 1997. ⬙Strange Bedfellows,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1999. Brit Schuster, ⬙Boiling Point,⬙ Baywatch, syndicated, 2001. Gwen, ⬙Seer,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2003.

Addresses: Agent—Epstein Wyckoff Corsa Ross & Associates, 280 South Beverly Dr., Suite 400, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress. Also worked as a sales clerk, nanny, and waitress. Awards, Honors: Golden Lighthouse Award nominations, Guiding Light City (fan website), outstanding newcomer and outstanding villainess, both 2003, for Guiding Light.

Appeared in Soap Talk, Soap Opera Network; and Sullivan Street. Appeared as Lilly in ⬙Dysfunction Junction,⬙ an unaired episode of Manchester Prep, Fox.


Television Appearances; Other: Battle in the Erogenous Zone (short), 1992. Lilly, Cruel Intentions 2 (movie; also known as Cruel Intentions 2: Manchester Prep and Naughty), Fox, 2001.

Film Appearances: Lauren, Puppet Master 4, Paramount Home Video, 1993. 171


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 John Gower, The Outsider, 1994. Coach, Strong Island Boys, Dream Entertainment, 1997. Austin (some sources cite Brian), When, Infinity Filmworks, 1999. Michael Phillips, A terceira morte de Joaquim Bolivar (also known as The Three Deaths of Joaquim Bolivar), 2000. Mike, Just for the Time Being, Creative Light Worldwide, 2000. Spanky Reardon, The Gentleman from Boston, 2000. Ben, Sally, Creative Light Worldwide, 2002.

Stage Appearances: Appeared as Phoebe, As You Like It, Victory Theatre; as Robin, The Monitor, Urban Fairytales, New York City Theatre Festival, New York City; and as Benedick, Much Ado about Nothing, London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Ramp, January/February, 2003. Soap Opera Digest, June 10, 2003.

Also appeared in The Surrogate, Two of Hearts, and The Wild Party. Film Work: Coproducer and director, The Outsider, 1994. Coproducer, Abbeville and the Mystery of the Lost Confederate Gold, 1995.

HINES, Grainger (Frank Hines) PERSONAL

Television Appearances; Series: Brian Beckett, One Life to Live, ABC, 1984–1985. Dr. Kyle Morgan, General Hospital, ABC, 1990. Malcolm Christopher, The City (also known as Loving), ABC and CTV, 1995–1996.

Children: Gray, (with singer and actress Michelle Phillips) Austin. Addresses: Agent—Kathleen Schultz, Kathleen Schultz Associates Talent Agency, 6442 Coldwater Canyon, Suite 206, North Hollywood, CA 91606. Manager— Michael Kaliski, Omniquest Entertainment, 1416 North La Brea Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90028.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Pete Betmann (Moray), War and Remembrance, ABC, 1988.

Career: Actor, producer, director, and writer. Greenwood Community Theatre, Greenwood, SC, acting instructor and fund–raiser.

Television Appearances; Movies: Steve, Someone’s Watching Me! (also known as High Rise), NBC, 1978. The Ordeal of Patty Hearst, ABC, 1979. Gregg Burkhardt, Amber Waves, ABC, 1980. Cal, The Gift of Life, CBS, 1982. Garage attendant, One Shoe Makes It Murder, CBS, 1982. Charles Despelier, The Alamo: Thirteen Days to Glory, NBC, 1987. Harry Benzaquin, Divided We Stand, ABC, 1988. Jimmy Lee, Jailbirds, CBS, 1991. Robert Stiller, The Secretary, CBS, 1995. Aurora’s date, Yellow Bird (short television movie), Women’s Entertainment Channel, 2001. First hunter, Frozen Impact, PAX, 2003.

Member: Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Actors’ Equity Association. CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Frank Hines) Shelley’s dance partner, Together for Days (also known as Black Cream), Olas Corporation, 1972. Bob, Summer School Teachers, New World, 1974. French lieutenant, The Day of the Locust, Paramount, 1975. Emergency room aide, Rocky II, United Artists, 1979. Jerry, Protocol, Warner Bros., 1984. Rusty, Innerspace, Warner Bros., 1987. Reverend Tommy Lawler, False Identity, RKO, 1990. Link, Soldier’s Fortune (also known as Soldiers of Fortune), Republic, 1992. Austin, Discretion Assured, Curb Communications, 1993. Murphy, Street Knight, Cannon, 1993.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Bristow, ⬙Drive, Lady, Drive: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ CHiPs, NBC, 1979. Jamie, ⬙Child of Love, Child of Vengeance: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1979. Mort, ⬙The Pug/Class of ’69,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1979. Varro, ⬙Weed Wars,⬙ CHiPs, NBC, 1981. ⬙Cops at Sea,⬙ Enos, CBS, 1981. 172

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Officer Rex Saunders, ⬙No Big Thing,⬙ Knight Rider, NBC, 1982. Sheriff Lewis, ⬙Deadly High,⬙ Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, CBS, 1982. Sheriff Lewis, ⬙The Killer,⬙ Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, CBS, 1982. Lane, ⬙Dirty Laundry,⬙ The Fall Guy, ABC, 1983. Rick Logan, ⬙Episode 5,⬙ Emerald Point N.A.S., CBS, 1983. Rick Logan, ⬙Episode 9,⬙ Emerald Point N.A.S., CBS, 1983. Rick Logan, ⬙The Rescue,⬙ Emerald Point N.A.S., CBS, 1983. Sheriff Lewis, ⬙The Rescue,⬙ Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, CBS, 1983. Vince Hurst, ⬙What’s in a Gnome?,⬙ Simon & Simon, CBS, 1983. ⬙Night of the Beast,⬙ Manimal, NBC, 1983. Bud Taylor, ⬙Cover Up,⬙ Cover Up, CBS, 1984. Demolition man, ⬙Boom,⬙ The Fall Guy, ABC, 1984. Mark Howard, ⬙Pursuit⬙ (also known as ⬙Hot Pursuit⬙), T. J. Hooker, ABC, 1984. ⬙In Plane Sight,⬙ The A–Team, NBC, 1984. Steve Cochran, ⬙Knight Racer,⬙ Knight Rider, NBC, 1985. Carl Lang, ⬙Santa Claus,⬙ Matlock, NBC, 1986. ⬙Little Wolf,⬙ Airwolf, CBS, 1986. Colonel Curtis, ⬙Poppy Chain,⬙ Airwolf, USA Network, 1987. Elisa Sellers, ⬙Pros and Cons,⬙ Fame, syndicated, 1987. ⬙Secrets,⬙ Houston Knights, CBS, 1987. Buxton, ⬙Long Ago and Far Away,⬙ Jake and the Fatman, CBS, 1989. Gosheven, ⬙The Ensigns of Command,⬙ Star Trek: The Next Generation (also known as Star Trek: TNG), syndicated, 1989. Roscoe (some sources cite Jefry), ⬙Murder Most Ancient,⬙ In the Heat of the Night, NBC, 1989. Travis Brady, ⬙Rodeo,⬙ Hard Time on Planet Earth, CBS, 1989. Jack Sandrich, ⬙One Witness Too Many,⬙ Dangerous Curves, CBS, 1993. J. M. Maledy, High Sierra Search and Rescue, NBC, 1995.

HOCHBERG One Last Ride, Blooming Grove Theatre, Montclair, NJ, then Met Theatre and Zephyr Theatre, both Los Angeles; Thursday’s Girls, Coronet Theatre and Odyssey Theatre, both Los Angeles; in Los Angeles productions of A Rainbow in the Night and The Unexpected Guest; and in regional productions of Inherit the Wind, Mr. Roberts, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, The Rainmaker, and Summer and Smoke. WRITINGS Screenplays: The Outsider, 1994. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Grainger Hines Home Page, http://www.graingerhines. com, September 16, 2003.

HOCHBERG, Victoria 1952– PERSONAL Full name, Victoria Greene Hochberg; born December 24, 1952; daughter of Jacob and Lillian (maiden name, Greene) Hochberg. Education: Antioch College, B.A.; attended American Film Institute, 1975. Addresses: Agent—Writers & Artists Agency, 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 550, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Office—Raleigh Studios, 650 N. Bronson Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90004–1404. Career: Director, writer, and technical advisor. Directing Workshop for Women, American Film Institute, writer, 1982–83.

Television Appearances; Pilots: First cowboy, Law of the Land (also known as The Deputies), NBC, 1976. Hemi Circle, The Circle Family, NBC, 1982.

Member: Directors Guild of America (organizer of women’s committee, Los Angeles, CA, 1980–84). Awards, Honors: R. W. Altschuler Award, 1975; American Women in Radio and TV Award, 1984; California Governor’s Award, 1984; Lillian Gish Women–in–Film Award, 1988, 1990; Emmy Award NATAS, 1988, 1990; Directors Guild of America Award (with others), outstanding directorial achievement in dramatic shows—daytime, 1988, for Just a Regular Kid: An AIDS Story; Directors Guild of America Award (with others), outstanding directorial achievement in dramatic shows—daytime, 1990, for Jacob Have I Loved; Direc-

Stage Appearances: Valentine’s Day, HB Playwrights Foundation, New York City, 1980. Dance with Me, West End Theatre, New York City, 2002. Also appeared in Fool for Love, Williams Art Center Theatre, Rutherford, NJ, and Lee Strasberg Theatre, Los Angeles; Mannerhouse, HB Playwrights Foundation; 173


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 ⬙T&A,⬙ The Chris Isaak Show, Showtime, 2001. ⬙You Make Me Sick,⬙ Tucker, NBC, 2001.

tors Guild of America Award nomination, outstanding directorial achievement in children’s programs, 1999, for Honey, I Shrunk the Kids; Directors Guild of America Award nomination, outstanding directorial achievement in comedy series, 2000, for Sex and the City.

Also directed episodes of The Trials of Rosie O’Neill, CBS; Touched by an Angel, CBS; Cold Feet, NBC; Doogie Howser, M.D., ABC.



Film Work: Director, Metroliner, 1975. Technical advisor, Moment by Moment, 1978. Director, Tell Them I’m a Mermaid, 1984. Director, Bad Boy (also known as Dawg), Dawg LLC, 2002.

Television Movies: I Married a Centerfold, NBC, 1984. Television Specials: Just a Regular Kid: An AIDS Story (also known as Just a Regular Kid), ABC, 1987. Jacob Have I Loved, PBS, 1989.

Television Director; Series: State of Grace, Fox Family, 2001–2002. Television Director; Specials: Just a Regular Kid: An AIDS Story (also known as Just a Regular Kid), ABC, 1987. Jacob Have I Loved, PBS, 1989. Sweet 15, PBS, 1990.

HOGAN, Robert 1936– (Bob Hogan, Robert J. Hogan)

Television Director; Pilots: Loralei Lee, CBS, 1994.

Born September 28, 1936, in New York, NY; married; wife’s name, Sharon; children: two sons. Education: Attended American Academy of Dramatic Arts; also trained with Stella Adler.


Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Jake vs. Jake,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1992. ⬙Bye Bye Billy,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1993. ⬙Duet for One,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1993. ⬙The Visitor,⬙ Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, CBS, 1993. ⬙Grand Delusions,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1994. ⬙Just Say No,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1994. ⬙Nothing Is as It Seems,⬙ Models, Inc., 1994. ⬙Grayson, Inc.,⬙ Models, Inc., 1995. ⬙Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Dinner at Eight,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1995. ⬙All about Brooke,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1995. ⬙Blind Ambition,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1995. ⬙When I Deceive You ... ,⬙ Central Park West, CBS, 1995. ⬙The Story of Gil and Rachel,⬙ Central Park West, CBS, 1995. ⬙True Fibs,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1996. ⬙The Promise,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 1997. ⬙From Honey, with Love,⬙ Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, syndicated, 1998. ⬙Honey, You’ll Always Be a Princess to Me,⬙ Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, syndicated, 1999. ⬙The Promise,⬙ Ally, Fox, 1999. ⬙the chicken dance,⬙ Sex and the City, HBO, 1999. ⬙the man, the myth, the viagra,⬙ Sex and the City, HBO, 1999. ⬙French Connection,⬙ M.Y.O.B., NBC, 2000.

Addresses: Agent—Borinstein–Oreck–Bogart Agency, 8271 Melrose Ave., Suite 110, Los Angeles, CA 90046. Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Outer Critics Circle Award nomination, outstanding featured actor in a play, c. 1998, for Never the Sinner; Helen Hayes Award nomination, Washington Theatre Awards Society, outstanding supporting actor in a resident play, 2003, for A Moon for the Misbegotten. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Gillespie, The Young Marrieds, ABC, 1965–1966. Dr. Phil Brewer, General Hospital, ABC, 1966. Reverend Mr. Tom Winter, Peyton Place, ABC, 1968–1969. Will Austin, Days of Our Lives (also known as Days and DOOL), NBC, 1969. Scott Banning, Sr., Days of Our Lives (also known as Days and DOOL), NBC, 1970–1971. 174

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

HOGAN Lieutenant Richardson, ⬙All the Streets Are Silent,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1965. Paul Dane, ⬙She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Part 2,⬙ Dr. Kildare, NBC, 1965. Paul Diamante, ⬙Instant Freeze,⬙ Batman, ABC, 1966. Paul Diamante, ⬙Rats Like Cheese,⬙ Batman, ABC, 1966. Lloyd Mitchell, ⬙By Force and Violence: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1967. Fred Post, ⬙Crisis Ground,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1968. Tobias Horn, ⬙A Ride in the Sun,⬙ Bonanza, NBC, 1969. Brady, ⬙The Marionettes,⬙ Land of the Giants, ABC, 1970. Commando Tobin, ⬙Crittendon’s Commandos,⬙ Hogan’s Heroes, CBS, 1970. Wingate, ⬙The Solid Gold Jeannie,⬙ I Dream of Jeannie, NBC, 1970. Captain Darnell, ⬙Gold Train: The Bullet, Parts 1–3,⬙ Gunsmoke, CBS, 1971. Captain Perry, ⬙Lucy and the Astronauts,⬙ Here’s Lucy, CBS, 1971. Detective Finnegan, ⬙Encounter with Aries,⬙ McCloud, NBC, 1971. Jim Emsden, ⬙Brenda,⬙ Night Gallery, NBC, 1971. Pete Schroeder, ⬙Country Blues,⬙ Cannon, CBS, 1971. Jack Stoneham, ⬙The Good–Time News,⬙ The Mary Tyler Moore Show (also known as Mary Tyler Moore), CBS, 1972. Mark, ⬙Love and the Pick–Up Fantasy,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1972. Tom Garver, ⬙45 Minutes from Home,⬙ The Streets of San Francisco, ABC, 1972. Deputy, ⬙He Who Digs a Grave: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Cannon, CBS, 1973. Lyle Casey, ⬙Secret of the Dunes,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1973. Reed Carpenter, ⬙Requiem for a Son,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1973. Thomas O’Connel, ⬙Incarnate,⬙ Mission: Impossible, CBS, 1973. Waiter, ⬙The Carters Meet Frankie Avalon,⬙ Here’s Lucy, CBS, 1973. Mr. Warren, ⬙Flags of Terror,⬙ The Streets of San Francisco, ABC, 1974. Stephen Triplett, ⬙Odd Man Loses,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1974. Dwight Kincaid, ⬙Honeymoon with Death,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1975. Gordon Wilde, ⬙The Adventure of the Chinese Dog,⬙ Ellery Queen, NBC, 1975. Martin Rogers, ⬙Anatomy of a Bribe,⬙ Hawaii Five–O, CBS, 1976. Smilin’ Jack Mitchell, ⬙Smilin’ Jack,⬙ M*A*S*H, CBS, 1976. Greg Stemple (some sources cite Greg Lawrence), ⬙Single Belles,⬙ Alice, CBS, 1977. Hal, ⬙The Cheshire Project,⬙ The Six Million Dollar Man, ABC, 1977. Ken Scanlan, ⬙The Marathon Murders,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1977.

Tyler Benedict, The Don Rickles Show, CBS, 1972. Burt Marshall, General Hospital, ABC, 1973. Sheriff Paul Tate, Manhunter, CBS, 1974. Sergeant Ted Coopersmith, Richie Brockelman, Private Eye, NBC, 1978. Lieutenant Commander Sam Haller, Operation Petticoat (also known as The New Operation Petticoat), NBC, 1978–1979. Professor Nathan Welsh, Secrets of Midland Heights, CBS, 1980–1981. Vince McKinnon, Another World, NBC, 1987–1989 and 1991. L. J. McDermott, As the World Turns, CBS, 1991–1992. Charles ⬙Charlie⬙ Briggs, One Life to Live, ABC, 1995–1998 and 2000. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Ben Krisler, Once an Eagle, NBC, 1976. Television Appearances; Movies: Jim Bryan, Cry Rape, CBS, 1973. Don Talbert, Roll, Freddy, Roll!, ABC, 1974. Harry, Heat Wave! (also known as Heatwave), ABC, 1974. Sergeant Ted Coopersmith, Richie Brockelman: The Missing 24 Hours, NBC, 1976. Jordan Donnelly, The Critical List, NBC, 1978. J. H. Martin, The Memory of Eva Ryker, CBS, 1980. Lloyd, Desperate Intruder, syndicated, 1983. Harry Daye, Gone Are the Dayes, 1984. Laurence, Cupid & Cate, CBS, 2000. Lyle’s father, Maze (also known as Touched), Showtime, 2000. Television Appearances; Episodic: Billy Hay, ⬙The Bad Penny,⬙ Cheyenne, ABC, 1961. (As Bob Hogan) Captain Meadows, ⬙The Immovable Object,⬙ Bronco, ABC, 1962. (As Bob Hogan) Clarke Woodruff, ⬙Blackmail in Satin,⬙ Hawaiian Eye, ABC, 1962. Captain Mewlay, ⬙Pressure Point,⬙ Twelve O’Clock High, ABC, 1964. Danny Adams, ⬙Old Man,⬙ Gunsmoke, CBS, 1964. Lieutenant Norris, ⬙Guest in the Barracks,⬙ Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., CBS, 1964. Lieutenant Norris, ⬙Pay Day,⬙ Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., CBS, 1964. Robert Blake, ⬙Spur of the Moment,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1964. Sergeant Barrett, ⬙When the Bough Breaks,⬙ The Fugitive, ABC, 1964. Braden, ⬙Reservations Are Required,⬙ Hogan’s Heroes, CBS, 1965. Harry Bisk, ⬙To Free My Enemy,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1965. Lieutenant Farrell, ⬙The Mission,⬙ Twelve O’Clock High, ABC, 1965. Lieutenant Kelly, ⬙The Idolator,⬙ Twelve O’Clock High, ABC, 1965. 175


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Alan Johnson, ⬙Who Is Don Luis Higgins ... and Why Is He Doing These Terrible Things to Me?,⬙ Magnum, P.I., CBS, 1986. Colonel Timothy Holmes, ⬙Burden of Proof,⬙ The Colbys, ABC, 1986. Colonel Timothy Holmes, ⬙The Trial,⬙ The Colbys, ABC, 1986. Dr. Wylie Graham, ⬙Dead Man’s Gold,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1986. Dr. Wylie Graham, ⬙Obituary for a Dead Anchor,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1986. Martin Moss, ⬙Nobody’s Perfect,⬙ The Wizard, CBS, 1986. ⬙A Madness Most Discreet,⬙ Spenser: For Hire, ABC, 1986. Agent Phil Guilfoyle, ⬙Double Exposure,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1989. Patrick Monahan, ⬙Heaven,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1991. Ted Parker, ⬙Kids,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1994. Agent Carlin, ⬙Entrapment,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1997. Pilot Tom Hogan, ⬙Pilot (Not the Pilot),⬙ Cosby, CBS, 1997. Warren Dunlap, ⬙The First Mrs. Bloom,⬙ Remember WENN, American Movie Classics, 1997. Captain Walder, ⬙Ramparts,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1999. Janus Lucic, ⬙One for the Money,⬙ Now and Again, CBS, 1999. Phil Carbone, ⬙Daniel in the Lion’s Den,⬙ Deadline, NBC, 2000. Phil Carbone, ⬙Perception,⬙ Deadline, NBC, 2000. Judge Albert Scholl, ⬙The Good Doctor,⬙ Law & Order: Criminal Intent, NBC, 2001. Judge Albert Scholl, ⬙Who Let the Dogs Out?,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2001. Phil Carbone, ⬙The Old Ball Game,⬙ Deadline, NBC, 2001. ⬙Blink,⬙ Law & Order: Criminal Intent, NBC, 2003.

⬙The Sacrament,⬙ The Fitzpatricks, CBS, 1977. Rosetti and Ryan, NBC, 1977. Greg Stemple (some sources cite Greg Lawrence), ⬙What’re You Doing New Year’s Eve?,⬙ Alice, CBS, 1978. Lester Shaw, ⬙The Competitive Edge,⬙ The Rockford Files, NBC, 1978. Moseley, ⬙Port of Entry,⬙ Sword of Justice, NBC, 1978. Sergeant Ted Coopersmith, ⬙The House on Willis Avenue,⬙ The Rockford Files, NBC, 1978. Greg Stemple (some sources cite Greg Lawrence), ⬙Mel Grows Up,⬙ Alice, CBS, 1979. Greg Stemple (some sources cite Greg Lawrence), ⬙Mona Lisa Alice,⬙ Alice, CBS, 1979. The old boyfriend, ⬙Penny’s Old Boyfriend,⬙ Turnabout, NBC, 1979. Sheriff Tom Brady, ⬙The Money Plague,⬙ Quincy, M.E. (also known as Quincy), NBC, 1979. ⬙Conspiracy in Blue,⬙ Kaz, CBS, 1979. ⬙Hearts o’ Gold,⬙ Young Maverick, CBS, 1979. Michael Jansen, A New Kind of Family, ABC, 1979. Captain Chapman, ⬙The Mork Syndrome,⬙ Mork & Mindy, ABC, 1980. Greg Stemple (some sources cite Greg Lawrence), ⬙One Too Many Girls,⬙ Alice, CBS, 1980. Harry Henderson, ⬙The Lottery,⬙ The Incredible Hulk, CBS, 1980. Roy Corbett, ⬙The Silent Accuser,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1980. ⬙Deep Sleeper,⬙ Stone, ABC, 1980. Jeff, ⬙My Fair Stella,⬙ Harper Valley P.T.A., NBC, 1981. G. ⬙Bullets⬙ Klein, ⬙Lost in Spacesuits,⬙ Laverne & Shirley, ABC, 1982. Greg Stemple (some sources cite Greg Lawrence), ⬙Alice’s Turkey of a Thanksgiving,⬙ Alice, CBS, 1982. Kenneth Stadler, ⬙The Mourning After,⬙ Quincy, M.E. (also known as Quincy), NBC, 1982. Lou Hogan, ⬙Domestic Beef,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1982. Neil Stoner, ⬙The Witness,⬙ T. J. Hooker, ABC, 1982. Senator David Dannon, ⬙The Senator’s Wife Was Indiscreet,⬙ Newhart, CBS, 1982. Lucas, ⬙The Long Christmas Eve,⬙ Scarecrow and Mrs. King, CBS, 1983. Michael Carr, ⬙Living and Presumed Dead,⬙ Tucker’s Witch, CBS, 1983. Mr. Greely, ⬙AIDS and Comfort,⬙ St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1983. Dale Hobbs, ⬙Murder in Malibu,⬙ Cover Up, CBS, 1984. Jeffrey Harding, ⬙Intimate Strangers,⬙ Hotel, ABC, 1984. Lieutenant Bergkamp, ⬙Death Casts a Spell,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1984. Morton Abrahams/Eric Moss, ⬙Echoes from the Past,⬙ Airwolf, CBS, 1984. Shatner, ⬙Ten Wheel Trouble,⬙ Knight Rider, NBC, 1985. Shelby Robinson (some sources cite Robert Robinson), ⬙The Skip Family Robinson,⬙ The Fall Guy, ABC, 1985.

Appeared as Gillespie, A Time for Us, ABC; as Louis Sobotka, The Wire, HBO; and in an episode of House Calls, CBS. Television Appearances; Pilots: Kelly, Three for Tahiti, ABC, 1970. Jack Merlino, Amanda Fallon, NBC, 1972. J. C. Tyler, Fools, Females and Fun: What about That One?, NBC, 1974. Paul Tate, The Manhunter, CBS, 1974. Glenn Puber, Calling Dr. Storm, NBC, 1977. Whitaker Halliday, Ransom for Alice!, NBC, 1977. (As Robert J. Hogan) Peterson, Automan, ABC, 1983. George Stone, Summer, CBS, 1984. District attorney, Crazy Dan, NBC, 1986. Stage Appearances: Kenneth O’Keefe, The Ginger Man, Stage Society Theatre, Los Angeles, 1965. 176

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Captain Matthew A. Markinson, A Few Good Men, Music Box Theatre, New York City, between 1989 and 1991. Burly Victor, On the Bum, Playwrights’ Horizons Theatre, New York City, 1992. Ghost of Hamlet’s father and player king, Hamlet, Roundabout Theatre Company, Criterion Theatre, New York City, 1992. Harry, The Shattering, Players Theatre, New York City, 1996. Howard, The Preservation Society, Primary Stages Theatre, New York City, 1996. Agate, Waiting for Lefty, Blue Light Theatre Company, Classic Stage Company Theatre, New York City, 1997. Clarence Darrow, Never the Sinner, American Jewish Theatre, New York City, 1997, then John Houseman Theatre, New York City, 1998. The old doctor, Hope Is a Thing with Feathers, Greenwich House Theatre, New York City, 1998. Dr. Weiss, Birdy, Duke University, Reynolds Theatre, Durham, NC, 2000. Rutherford, Rutherford and Son, Mint Theatre Company, New York City, 2001. Alan, What Didn’t Happen, Playwrights’ Horizons, Duke Theatre on 42nd Street, New York City, 2002. Bill Lavarello, Further Than the Furthest Thing, Manhattan Theatre Club Stage I, New York City, 2002. Mr. Cobb, Cobb, Chautauqua Conservatory Theatre, Chautauqua, NY, 2003. Phil Hogan, A Moon for the Misbegotten, Arena Stage, Washington, DC, 2003.

HORTON Svelte, Blue Christmas, HARMless Pictures/Stable Films, 1998. Coach Huston, Little Man, Cinema Guild, 1999. Diner husband, Advice from a Caterpillar, Keystone Entertainment, 1999. John O’Hagen, Brooklyn Sonnet (also known as Borough of Kings), Lions Gate Films, 2000. Rebecca’s adoptive father, The Sleepy Time Gal, Antarctic Pictures, 2001. Also appeared in Backward Looks.

HORTON, John PERSONAL Career: Actor. CREDITS Stage Appearances: Sam Young and Tommy, Photo Finish: An Adventure in Biography, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1963. Stephen, Otherwise Engaged, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1977. J. S. Jameson, The Rear Column, Manhattan Theatre Club Stage I, New York City, 1978. Julian, Spokesong; or, The Common Wheel, Circle in the Square, New York City, 1979. Nick, Bedroom Farce, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, 1979. Antonio Salieri, Amadeus, Broadhurst Theatre, New York City, between 1980 and 1983. Boyet, Love’s Labour’s Lost, New York Shakespeare Festival, Estelle R. Newman Theatre, Public Theatre, New York City, 1989. Sam, The Homecoming, Roundabout Theatre Company, Criterion Theatre, New York City, 1991. Ned Brinker, Allegro, City Center Theatre, New York City, 1994. Cool, London Assurance, Roundabout Theatre Company, New York City, 1997. Reverend Anthony Baines, Golden Child, Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1998. Harry Trevor and Baptista, Kiss Me, Kate, Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, between 1999 and 2001. Selsdon Mowbray, Noises Off, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, 2002. Dr. Dillamond, Wicked (musical; also known as Wicked: The Untold Story of the Witches of Oz), Curran Theatre, San Francisco, CA, then Gershwin Theatre, New York City, both 2003.

Appeared in Death Takes a Holiday, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Williamstown, MA; appeared in off– Broadway productions of The Baby Dance and Major Crimes; appeared in regional productions of Camping with Henry and Tom, Grand View, Indolent Boys, Keely and Du, Picnic, Robbers, and State of the Union. Appeared in productions at the Actors Studio, New York City. Film Appearances: Brian, Greenwich Village Story (also known as Birthplace of the Hootenanny), Shawn International, 1964. Timothy Farrell, FBI Code 98, Warner Bros., 1964. (Uncredited) Interviewer of Delos guests, Westworld, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1973. John, Memory of Us, Cinema Financial, 1974. Jake Lingle, The Lady in Red (also known as Guns, Sin and Bathtub Gin), New World, 1979. Jack Kennedy, Prince Jack, Castle Hill, 1985. Hamburger ... The Motion Picture (also known as Hamburger: The Movie), FM Home Video, 1986. Pentagon employee, Species II, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1998. 177


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Television Appearances; Series: Eric, Moment of Truth, NBC, 1965. Dr. Greg Corwin, Corwin, CBC, 1969. The second Leonard Brooks, Another World, NBC, 1977–1979. Hugo Monroe, One Life to Live, ABC, 1999.

HOWARD, Terrence Dashon (Terrence Howard) PERSONAL Children: Heavenly. Education: Earned degree in chemical engineering from Pratt Institute. Avocational Interests: Doing experiments in his chemistry lab.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Lucius Seth Huntington, The National Dream: Building the Impossible Railway, CBC, 1974. General Charles Cornwallis, George Washington, CBS, 1984. Grenville, Roanoak, PBS, 1986. David Richardson, At Mother’s Request, CBS, 1987. Solicitor general Lord Alexander Wedderburn, Liberty! The American Revolution, PBS, 1997.

Addresses: Agent—ICM 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211; United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager— Evolution Entertainment, 7720 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA; Handprint Entertainment, 1100 Glendon Ave., Suite 1000, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Contact—c/o 9200 Sunset Blvd., Ⲇ1130, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Television Appearances; Movies: Fox, The Man Inside, CBC, 1976. Fenley, He’s Fired, She’s Hired, CBS, 1984. Congressman Gadsden, A Special Friendship, CBS, 1987.

Career: Actor and producer. Awards, Honors: Independent Spirit Award nomination, best supporting male, Image Award, outstanding supporting actor in a motion picture, Chicago Film Critics Association Award nomination, most promising actor, 2000, all for The Best Man; Image Award nomination, outstanding actor in a television movie, miniseries, or dramatic special, 2002, for Boycott.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Lost man, ⬙The Souvenir,⬙ The Forest Rangers, CBC, 1964. Grievous, ⬙Breaking In, Breaking Out, Breaking Up, Breaking Down,⬙ Trinity, NBC, 1999. Mr. Edwards, ⬙Suite Sorrow,⬙ Law & Order: Criminal Intent, NBC, 2003.

CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Terrence Howard) Customer, Who’s the Man?, New Line Cinema, 1993. Warren, Lotto Land, 1995. Cowboy, Dead Presidents, Buena Vista, 1995. (As Terrence Howard) Louis Russ, Mr. Holland’s Opus, Buena Vista, 1995. Spaceman, Sunset Park, TriStar, 1996. Jimmy the Warlock, Johns, First Look Releasing, 1996. Byron, Spark, 1998. K. C., The Players Club, New Line Cinema, 1998. Hitchhiker, Valerie Flake, Dream Entertainment, 1999. Jimmy, Best Laid Plans, Fox Searchlight Pictures, 1999. (As Terrence Howard) Quentin, The Best Man, MCA/ Universal, 1999. Lester, Big Momma’s House (also known as Big Mamas Haus), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. (As Terrence Howard) Chris, Love Beat the Hell Outta Me, Del Paso Heights Entertainment Group, 2000. Robby, Angel Eyes, Warner Bros., 2001. (As Terrence Howard) Timothy Walker, Glitter, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Lorenz, Investigating Sex, 2001. (As Terrence Howard) Lieutenant Lincoln A. Scott, Hart’s War, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2002.

Appeared as Judge Nelseon Warbet, Feds, CBS; as Mr. Phillips, New York Undercover, Fox; and as Quentin Bilken, The Wright Verdicts, CBS. Television Appearances; Other: Business person, Private Sessions (pilot), 1985. Harrison Chambers, We’re Puttin’ on the Ritz (pilot), CBS, 1986. Himself, CIA: America’s Secret Warriors (special), The Discovery Channel, 1997. Film Appearances: Samuel Gale, Selkirk of Red River, 1964. Stafford, Guns in the Heather (also known as The Secret of Boyne Castle and Spy Busters), Buena Vista, 1968. Judge in 1946, The Shawshank Redemption, Columbia, 1994. Judge Cary Rossington, Thinner (also known as Stephen King’s Thinner), Paramount, 1996. FBI director, Donnie Brasco, TriStar, 1997. First guy, This Space between Us, Atmosphere Entertainment, 2000. 178

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Love Chronicles, 2002. Chu Chu, Biker Boyz, DreamWorks, 2003. From the Outside Looking In, 2003. Guitar Slim, Unchain My Heart: The Ray Charles Story, 2004.

Music Videos: Appeared in ⬙Foolish⬙ by Ashanti, 2002.

Film Work: Executive producer, Love Beat the Hell Outta Me, 2000.

HOWELL, Chris (Christopher Howell)

Television Appearances; Series: Chester Harris (age 16), Tall Hopes, CBS, 1993. Greg Sparks, Sparks, UPN, 1996. Lucius Mosley, Street Time, Showtime, 2002.

PERSONAL Married; wife’s name, Candice; children: C. Thomas (an actor), John, Candy, Stacy.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Jackie, The Jacksons: An American Dream, ABC, 1992.

Career: Stunt performer, stunt coordinator, director, writer, and actor.

Television Appearances; Movies: (As Terrence Howard) Young A. C., The O. J. Simpson Story, Fox, 1995. (As Terrence Howard) Ulysses, Double Tap, HBO, 1997. Dexter Howard, Butter (also known as Never 2 Big), HBO, 1998. Cassius Clay, King of the World (also known as Muhammad Ali: King of the World), ABC, 2000. Ralph Abernethy, Boycott, HBO, 2001.

CREDITS Film Stunt Performer: Deathsport, 1978. The In–Laws, 1979. Motel Hell, 1980. Night of the Juggler (also known as New York Killer), Columbia, 1980. Defiance, 1980. Cutter’s Way (also known as Cutter and Bone), United Artists, 1981. The Sword and the Sorcerer, Group 1 Film Distributors, 1982. Yes, Giorgio, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1982. Parasite, 1982. Cujo, Warner Bros., 1983. Amityville 3–D (also known as Amityville III: The Demon and Amityville: The Demon), Orion, 1983. Miracles, Orion, 1984. Up the Creek, Orion, 1984. Red Dawn, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1984. Into the Night, Universal, 1985. Iron Eagle, TriStar, 1986. Made in USA, 1988. Miracle Mile, 1988. K–9, Universal, 1989. Road House, United Artists, 1989. Loverboy, Tristar, 1989. Catchfire (also known as Backtrack and Do It the Hard Way), Vestron Pictures, 1989. Impulse, Warner Bros., 1990. Robocop 2, Orion, 1990. Cold Dog Soup, Anchor Bay Entertainment, 1990. Diplomatic Immunity, Fries Distribution Corp., 1991. Hook, TriStar, 1991. Grand Canyon, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1991. Missing Pieces, Orion, 1991. Honeymoon in Vegas, Columbia, 1992.

Television Appearances; Specials: Rio, Shadow–Ops, UPN, 1995. It’s Hot in Here: UPN Fall Preview, UPN, 1996. The 31st Annual NAACP Image Awards, Fox, 2000. Television Appearances; Episodic: Brendan King, ⬙The Hand That Robs the Cradle,⬙ Living Single, Fox, 1994. Johnny Williams, ⬙Blue Chip Blues,⬙ Coach, ABC, 1994. John, ⬙Opposites Attract,⬙ Family Matters, ABC, 1994. (As Terrence Howard) Malik, ⬙Enemy Lines,⬙ Picket Fences, CBS, 1994. (As Terrence Howard) Malik, ⬙Elective Conduct,⬙ Picket Fences, CBS, 1994. Herbert, ⬙My Brilliant Career,⬙ Getting By, 1994. Buster, ⬙Buster and Claudia,⬙ New York Undercover, Fox, 1995. Host, Soul Train, 1997. Lonnie, ⬙Hammer Time,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1998. AJ, ⬙What’s Up, Chuck?,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1999. (As Terrence Howard) Benny Jones, ⬙Emotional Collateral,⬙ Soul Food, Showtime, 2002. Alton Loud, ⬙Things Done Changed,⬙ Fastlane, Fox, 2002. Benny Jones, ⬙The New Math,⬙ Soul Food, Showtime, 2003. 179


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That Night (also known as One Hot Summer), Warner Bros., 1992. On Deadly Ground, Warner Bros., 1994. Speed, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1994. The Hidden II (also known as The Hidden II: The Spawning), New Line Cinema, 1994. Born to Be Wild (also known as Katie), Warner Bros., 1995. Cyber–Tracker 2, PM Entertainment Group, 1995. The Sweeper, 1995. Skyscraper, PM Entertainment Group, 1995. Desperate Measures (also known as Desperate—Verzweifelt, Im Sog des Bosen, In the Flesh, Nanny’s Nightmare, and Undercurrent), 1995. Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, 1995. Barb Wire, Gramercy, 1996. The Sunchaser, Warner Bros., 1996. Independence Day (also known as ID4), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. Kingpin, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1996. (As Christopher Howell) Sometimes They Come Back ... Again (also known as Sometimes They Come Back 2), Trimark Pictures, 1996. The Silencers, PM Entertainment Group, 1996. Pure Danger, PM Entertainment Group, 1996. Black Out (also known as A.K.A. and Midnight Heat), New City Releasing, 1996. Set It Off, 1996. Lost Highway, October Films, 1997. The Rage, Miramax, 1997. Top of the World (also known as Cold Cash and Showdown), Warner Bros., 1997. Laws of Deception, Eternity Pictures, 1997. I Got the Hook Up, Dimension Films, 1998. Star Trek: Insurrection (also known as Star Trek 9), Paramount, 1998. Foolish, Artisan Entertainment, 1999. Ride with the Devil, USA Films, 1999. Hot Boyz (also known as Gang Law), Artisan Entertainment, 1999. Poor White Trash, Hollywood Independents, 2000. The Patriot, Sony Pictures Releasing, 2000. The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle (also known as Die Abenteuer von Rocky und Bullwinkle), Universal, 2000. Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles, Paramount, 2001. Blow, New Line Cinema, 2001.

Iron Eagle, TriStar, 1986. Soul Man (also known as The Imposter), New World Pictures, 1986. Teen Wolf Too, 1987. Out Cold, 1987. Clean and Sober, Warner Bros., 1988. The Fisher King, TriStar, 1991. Kid (also known as Back for Revenge), Intercontinental, 1991. American Heart, Triton Pictures, 1992. Breaking the Rules (also known as Sketches), Miramax, 1992. Nickel & Dime, 1992. The Vanishing, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1993. Fearless, Warner Bros., 1993. Treacherous, 1994. Jailbait (also known as Streetwise), Planet Productions Corp., 1994. Hourglass, Live Entertainment, 1995. House Arrest, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1996. Lost Highway, October Films, 1997. Prefontaine, Buena Vista, 1997. Leave It to Beaver, Universal, 1997. Truth or Consequences, N.M., Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. The End of Violence (also known as Am Ende der Gewalt and Am.Ende.der.Gew@lat), Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1997. Out to Sea, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1997. The Locusts (also known as A Secret Sin), Orion, 1997. Very Bad Things, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, 1998. Ringmaster, Artisan Entertainment, 1998. The Out–of–Towners, Paramount, 1999. Big Bad Love, IFC Films, 2001. Purpose, Lakeshore Entertainment, 2002. The Last Man Club, 2002. Gods and Generals, Warner Bros., 2003. Film Stunt Safety: Playing Dangerous 2 (also known as Hide & Seek: Playing Dangerous 2), Trimark Pictures, 1996. Film Second Unit Director: Breaking the Rules (also known as Sketches), Miramax, 1992. House Arrest, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1996. Truth or Consequences, N.M., Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Very Bad Things, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, 1998.

Film Stunt Coordinator: Urban Cowboy, 1980. Night of the Juggler, 1980. The Jazz Singer, 1980. The Entity, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1981. Smokey Bites the Dust, 1981. Amityville 3–D (also known as Amityville III: The Demon and Amityville: The Demon), Live Video, 1983. Up the Creek, Orion, 1984. Secret Admirer (also known as The Letter), Orion, 1985.

Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Rodeo rider, The Honkers, United Artists, 1972. Stateman Officer, Deathsport, New World Pictures, 1978. 180

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Guard Ⲇ4, Cutter’s Way (also known as Cutter and Bone), United Artists, 1981. Guard, The Entity, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1981. Red Knight, The Fisher King, 1991. Roadside bar fighter, Truth or Consequences, N.M., Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Featured performer, The End of Violence (also known as Am Ende der Gewalt and Am.Ende.der.Gew@lt), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1997. Major Perkins, Air Force One (also known as AFO), Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Highway patrol officer, James Dean: Race with Destiny (also known as James Dean: Live Fast Die Young), Capstone Film Company, 1997. (As Christopher Howell) Grant, Urban Ghost Story, Panorama Entertainment, 1998. Mysterious man, Eastside, Hollywood Independents, 1999. Ted Otis, Purpose, 2002.

HOWELL A Memory in My Heart, CBS, 1999. Mutiny, NBC, 1999. Pirates of Silicon Valley, TNT, 1999. Hefner: Unauthorized, USA Network, 1999. The Elian Gonzalez Story, Fox Family, 2000. Dinner with Friends, HBO, 2001. Television Stunt Performer; Movies: The Burning Bed, NBC, 1984. Blind Witness, ABC, 1989. Fourth Story, Showtime, 1991. Another Pair of Aces: Three of a Kind, CBS, 1991. Blind Justice, HBO, 1994. Here Come the Munsters, Fox, 1995. Top of the World, HBO, 1998. Laws of Deception, Cinemax, 1999. Firetrap, HBO, 2001. Television Second Unit Director; Miniseries: House of Frankenstein, NBC, 1997.

Television Stunt Coordinator; Series: Moonlighting, ABC, 1985. (Los Angeles) Our Family Honor, ABC, 1985. Kindred: The Embraced, Fox, 1996.

Television Second Unit Director; Movies: Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee, TNT, 1994. Mutiny, NBC, 1999.

Television Stunt Coordinator; Miniseries: House of Frankenstein 1997, NBC, 1997. The 70s, NBC, 2000.

Television Stunt Coordinator; Pilots: (Los Angeles unit) Our Family Honor, ABC, 1985. Mimi & Me, CBS, 1991. (And second unit director) N.Y.P.D. Mounted, CBS, 1991.

Television Stunt Coordinator; Movies: High Noon, Part II: The Return of Will Kane, CBS, 1980. Long Time Gone, ABC, 1986. Ladykillers, USA Network, 1988. Hiroshima: Out of the Ashes, NBC, 1990. Prison Stories: Women on the Inside, HBO, 1991. (First unit) The Cisco Kid, TNT, 1994. Confessions of a Sorority Girl (also known as Confessions of Sorority Girls), Showtime, 1994. Runaway Daughters, Showtime, 1994. Girls in Prison, Showtime, 1994. Jailbreakers, Showtime, 1994. Blind Justice (also known as Canaan’s Way), HBO, 1994. Dragstrip Girl, Showtime, 1994. As Good As Dead, USA Network, 1994. Riot, Showtime, 1995. The Price of Love, Fox, 1995. A Dangerous Affair, ABC, 1995. Blue Rodeo, CBS, 1996. On the Edge of Innocence, NBC, 1997. Tempting Fate, ABC, 1998.

Television Appearances; Movies: Gas station attendant, Jailbreakers, Showtime, 1994. Blind Justice, HBO, 1994. Karl Ranklin, Blue Rodeo, CBS, 1996. Thug No. 2, Laws of Deception, Cinemax, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Fear Is the Bucking Horse,⬙ The Mod Squad, ABC, 1969. WRITINGS Television Movie Stories: Hope Ranch, Animal Planet, 2002. Television Episodes: Wrote episodes of Gilligan’s Planet, CBS.


I–J CREDITS INGALLS, John F. Stage Lighting Designer: The Impossible H. L. Mencken, American Place Theatre, New York City, 1980. Geniuses, Playwrights’ Horizons Theatre, New York City, 1982–1983. The Visions of Simone Machard, Mandell Weiss Theatre, La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla, CA, 1983. ’Night, Mother, John Golden Theatre, New York City, 1983, then Westside Theatre Upstairs, New York City, 1984. Isn’t It Romantic, Playwrights’ Horizons, Lucille Lortel Theatre, New York City, 1983–1985. All Night Long, Second Stage Theatre, McGinn–Cazale Theatre, New York City, 1984. The Human Comedy, New York Shakespeare Festival, Royale Theatre, New York City, 1984. Messiah, Manhattan Theatre Club Stage I, New York City, 1984–1985. Anteroom, Playwrights’ Horizons Theatre, 1985. Coming of Age in Soho, New York Shakespeare Festival, Martinson Hall, Public Theatre, New York City, 1985. Cheapside, Roundabout Theatre Company, Union Square Theatre, New York City, 1986. The Dreamer Examines His Pillow, Double Image Theatre Company, Forty–Seventh Street Theatre, New York City, 1986. Women of Manhattan, Manhattan Theatre Club Stage I, 1986. The Count of Monte Cristo, American National Theatre Company, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, c. 1986. Ajax, American National Theatre Company, Mandell Weiss Theatre, La Jolla Playhouse, 1986, then John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, c. 1987. Bodies, Rest, and Motion, Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre, New York City, 1986–1987. The Electrification of the Soviet Union, Glyndebourne Opera, Glyndebourne, Lewes, East Sussex, England, 1987.

PERSONAL Born in the United States. Education: Attended University of Connecticut; studied drama at Yale University. Career: Lighting designer. Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT, worked as resident stage manager; stage manager for choreographer Twyla Tharp, beginning 1978; Celebration of Yourself (concerts for young people), stage manager and lighting designer, beginning 1980; American Repertory Theatre, Cambridge, MA, resident lighting director at Loeb Drama Center, 1981–84. Glyndebourne Productions, Ltd., Glyndebourne, Lewes, East Sussex, England, lighting designer, beginning 1987; Mark Morris Dance Group, lighting designer, beginning 1987; lighting designer for other dance companies, including Boston Ballet, Merce Cunningham Dance Company, St. Joseph Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, and White Oak Ballet. Guest lecturer at California Institute of the Arts, New York University, University of Connecticut, and University of California, San Diego. Awards, Honors: Obie Award, Village Voice, lighting design, 1987; Helen Hayes Awards, Washington Theatre Awards Society, outstanding lighting design in a resident production, 1986, for The Count of Monte Cristo, 1987, for Ajax, and 1997, for Anthony and Cleopatra; Hewes Design Award nomination and Outer Critics Circle Award nomination, American Theatre Wing, both outstanding lighting design, 2002, for The Elephant Man; Lucille Lortel Award nomination, League of Off–Broadway Theatres and Producers, outstanding lighting design, 2003, for My Life with Albertine. 182

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 On the Verge; or, The Geography of Yearning, Acting Company, John Houseman Theatre, New York City, 1987. Hamlet, Guthrie Theatre, Minneapolis, MN, 1988. Lighting designer of Act III wedding scene, Le Nozze di Figaro (also known as The Marriage of Figaro), PepsiCo Summerfare, Theatre B, Performing Arts Center, State University of New York, Purchase, NY, 1988. The Misanthrope, Mandell Weiss Theatre, La Jolla Playhouse, 1989. Playboy of the West Indies, Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre, 1993. The Good Person of Setzuan, Mandell Weiss Theatre, La Jolla Playhouse, 1994. Slavs! Thinking about the Longstanding Problems of Virtue and Happiness, Mandell Weiss Forum, La Jolla Playhouse, 1995. Boy, Mandell Weiss Forum, La Jolla Playhouse, 1996. A Fair Country, Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre, 1996. The Night of the Iguana, Roundabout Theatre Company, Criterion Theatre, New York City, 1996. The Taming of the Shrew, Center Stage, Baltimore, MD, 1996. Anthony and Cleopatra, Shakespeare Theatre, Washington, DC, 1996–1997. The Devils, New York Theatre Workshop, New York City, 1997. The Importance of Being Earnest, Mandell Weiss Theatre, La Jolla Playhouse, 1997. The School for Wives, Mandell Weiss Forum, La Jolla Playhouse, 1997. Wozzeck, Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, 1997. The Young Man from Atlanta, Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1997. Ivanov, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, Lincoln Center, New York City, 1997–1998. Chesapeake (solo show), New York Stage and Film, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY, then Second Stage Theatre, New York City, 1999. Goodnight Children Everywhere, Playwrights’ Horizons Theatre, 1999. Much Ado about Nothing, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1999. Red, Manhattan Theatre Club Stage II, New York City, 1999. The Cherry Orchard, McCarter Theatre, Princeton, NJ, 2000. Closer, Steppenwolf Theatre, Chicago, IL, 2000. Nixon in China, English National Opera, London, 2000. Platee, New York City Opera, 2000. Valparaiso, Steppenwolf Theatre, 2000. The Invention of Love, American Conservatory Theatre, San Francisco, CA, c. 2000. Garden, Owen Bruner Goodman Theatre, Chicago, 2001. George Gershwin Alone (solo one–act), Helen Hayes Theatre, New York City, 2001.

INGALLS House, Albert Ivar Goodman Theatre, Chicago, 2001. Lady in the Dark, Prince Music Theatre, Philadelphia, PA, 2001. Richard II, American Repertory Theatre, Loeb Drama Center, Cambridge, MA, 2001. The Elephant Man, Royale Theatre, 2002. Further Than the Furthest Thing, Manhattan Theatre Club Stage I, 2002. The General from America, Alley Theatre, Houston, TX, then Theatre for a New Audience, Lucille Lortel Theatre, 2002. A Year with Frog and Toad, Children’s Theatre Company, Minneapolis, MN, 2002, then New Victory Theatre and Cort Theatre, both New York City, 2003. Benvenuto Cellini, Metropolitan Opera House, 2003. Children of Herakles, American Repertory Theatre, Loeb Drama Center, 2003. My Life with Albertine, Playwrights’ Horizons Mainstage Theatre, New York City, 2003. Writer’s Block, Atlantic Theatre Company, New York City, 2003. Salome, Metropolitan Opera House, 2004. Also lighting designer for A Day in the Life of the Czar; or, I, Too, Have Lived in Arcadia, La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club, New York City; Christmas on Mars and The Rocket, both Playwrights’ Horizons Theatre; The Gambler, Les Troyens, and War and Peace, all Metropolitan Opera House; El Nino, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Lincoln Center Theatre, New York City; Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, National Theatre, London; Richard II, Royal Shakespeare Company, British production; The Boys from Syracuse, Ghosts, Grownups, Major Barbara, The Marriage of Figaro, Mastergate, Once in a Lifetime, Orlando, Rundown, The Seagull, The Seven Deadly Sins, Sganarelle, Traveler in the Dark, True West, and Waiting for Godot, all American Repertory Theatre; Citizen Tom Paine, Idiot’s Delight, and A Seagull, all American National Theatre Company, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; The Baltimore Waltz, The Broken Pitcher, Buried Child, Execution of Justice, Fool for Love, Ghosts, Happy End, Les Blancs, Mary Stuart, Native Speech, On the Verge; or, The Geography of Yearning, Our Town, Police Boys, The Taming of the Shrew, and Who They Are and How It Is with Them, all Center Stage, Baltimore, MD; Die Zauberfloete (also known as The Magic Flute), Idomeneo, and Theodora, all Glyndebourne Opera; I Was Looking at the Ceiling and Then I Saw the Sky and The Persians, both Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland; Don Giovanni and Cosi Fan Tutti, PepsiCo Summerfare, State University of New York, Purchase, NY; Four Seasons, Boston Ballet; Le Grande Macabre, Salzburg Festival, Salzburg, Austria; Oedipus Rex, De Nederlandse Opera (the Netherlands Opera); St. Francis of Assisi, Paris Opera; The Flying Dutchman and War and Peace, Kirov/Maryinsky Opera, Russia; lighting designer for Mathis der Maler; lighting designer



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for productions at Covent Garden, London, England and other productions at the Guthrie Theatre.

Also designer for the opera L’Amour de Loin, Salzburg Festival, Salzburg Austria, Theatre du Chatelet, Paris, and Sante Fe Opera, Santa Fe, NM.

Stage Lighting Designer; with Dance Groups: Nixon in China, Houston Grand Opera, Houston, TX, later produced at Wortham Theatre Workshop, Brown Theatre, New York City, 1987, then John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, 1988, and De Nederlandse Opera (the Netherlands Opera), 1988. L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, Theatre Royal de la Monnaie, Brussels, Belgium, 1988. Dido and Aeneas, Theatre Royal de la Monnaie, 1989. Long Song Waltzes, Theatre Royal de la Monnaie, 1989. Wonderland, Theatre Royal de la Monnaie, 1989. Ein Herz, Paris Opera Ballet, Paris Opera House, Paris, 1990. Motorcade, White Oak Dance Project, Wang Center, Boston, 1990. Pas de Poisson, Opera House, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, New York City, 1990. Death of Klinghoffer, Theatre Royal de la Monnaie, 1991. The Hard Nut, Theatre Royal de la Monnaie, 1991. A Lake, White Oak Dance Project, Filene Center, Wolf Trap Farm Park, Vienna, VA, 1991. Le Nozze di Figaro, Theatre Royal de la Monnaie, 1991. Beautiful Day, Manhattan Center Grand Ballroom, New York City, 1992. Bedtime, Dance Umbrella, Emerson Majestic Theatre, Boston, 1992. Polka, Manhattan Center Grand Ballroom, 1992. Three Preludes, Dance Umbrella, Emerson Majestic Theatre, 1992. Maelstrom, San Francisco Ballet, War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco, CA, 1994. Pacific, San Francisco Ballet, War Memorial Opera House, 1995. Sandpaper Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, War Memorial Opera House, 1999. Beyond the Messiah: Handel’s L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, Mostly Mozart Festival, New York State Theatre, Lincoln Center, New York City, 2002. Fluid Canvas, Merce Cunningham Dance Company, Barbican Theatre, 2002. Sylvia: A Three–Act Ballet by Mark Morris, San Francisco Ballet, San Francisco, CA, 2004.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Lighting Dimensions, November 1, 2000.

JEFFCOAT, Don 1975– (Donnie Jeffcoat) PERSONAL Born February 16, 1975, in Gulfport, MS; father, a chocolate factory worker; mother, a beautician. Education: Attended University of California, Irvine. Avocational Interests: Cooking, dancing, martial arts, snow– boarding, water skiing. Career: Actor. Also worked as a newspaper vendor. Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination (with others), best young actor/actress ensemble in a television comedy, drama series, or special, 1989, for After the Promise; Young Artist Award (with others), outstanding hosts for a youth variety or game show, 1992, and Young Artist Award nomination (with others), outstanding hosts for a youth magazine, news, or game show, 1993, both for Wild & Crazy Kids. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: (As Donnie Jeffcoat) Cohost, Wild & Crazy Kids, Nickelodeon, beginning 1990. (As Donnie Jeffcoat) Craig, General Hospital, ABC, 1990. Reverend Joseph ⬙Joe⬙/⬙Joey⬙ Buchanan/Joe Riley, Jr., One Life to Live (also known as One Life to Live: The Summer of Seduction), ABC, 1997–2001. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Stuart, Guts and Glory: The Rise and Fall of Oliver North, CBS, 1989.

Also lighting designer for the dance productions Motorcade, London Contemporary Dance; and Shoulder to Shoulder, The Place.

Television Appearances; Movies: Richard, After the Promise, CBS, 1987. Brad, Broken Angel (also known as Best Intentions), ABC, 1988. (As Donnie Jeffcoat) Young Matt, Red River, CBS, 1988.

Major Tours: Lighting designer, Nixon in China, U.S. and European cities, 1987–1988. 184

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 (As Donnie Jeffcoat) Sam, The Last Chance Detectives: Legend of the Desert Bigfoot, 1995.

JOFFIN Billy Cassidy, Night of the Demons (also known as Halloween Party), International Film Marketing, 1988. Kyle Harding, Wish upon a Star, Warner Home Video, 1996.

Television Appearances; Specials: Douglas D’Llugash, Home Free, NBC, 1988. Tommy, No Means No, CBS, 1988.

Appeared in Baggage. Stage Appearances: Appeared as Prince Charming and Jack, Into the Woods; and as Much, Robin Hood.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Donnie Jeffcoat) Brad Ellis, ⬙Sam’s Car,⬙ Who’s the Boss?, ABC, 1988. (As Donnie Jeffcoat) Jerry Lake, ⬙Christmas Hero,⬙ Punky Brewster, NBC, 1988. Eric Antonio, ⬙Just between Me and You and Kirk and Paul and Carla and Becky,⬙ The Wonder Years, ABC, 1989. Eric Antonio, ⬙The Wonder Years,⬙ The Wonder Years, ABC, 1991. (As Donnie Jeffcoat) Jonah, ⬙Daddy’s Girl,⬙ Step by Step, ABC, 1992. (As Donnie Jeffcoat) Jonah, ⬙Home Alone,⬙ Step by Step, ABC, 1992. (As Donnie Jeffcoat) Teenage boy, ⬙The Legacy of Borbey House,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1993. (As Donnie Jeffcoat) Jim Younger, ⬙Baby Outlaws,⬙ Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, CBS, 1995. Kyle, ⬙Hello, Baby, Hello,⬙ The John Larroquette Show, NBC, 1996. Logan, ⬙New Kids in Town,⬙ Malibu Shores, CBS, 1996. Paul, ⬙I Do,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1996. Todd, ⬙Wheels of Fire,⬙ Pacific Blue, USA Network, 1996. Gordon, ⬙Jones vs. God,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1997. Keegan, ⬙The Last of Eden,⬙ Sliders, Fox, 1997. Michael Towner, ⬙Brave New World,⬙ 7th Heaven, The WB, 1997. Michael Towner, ⬙Dangerous Liaisons: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ 7th Heaven, The WB, 1997. ⬙The Fight,⬙ Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, CBS, 1998. Michael Towner, ⬙All Dogs Go to Heaven,⬙ 7th Heaven, The WB, 1999. Michael Towner, ⬙All That Jazz,⬙ 7th Heaven, The WB, 1999. Celebrity contestant, Search Party, E! Entertainment Television, three episodes, 2000.

RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Jack Curtis, Disruptor, 1996. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Soap Opera Digest, July, 2000, pp. 34–37.

JOFFIN, Jon 1963– PERSONAL Born June 13, 1963, in Johannesburg, South Africa. Addresses: Agent—Montana Artists Agency, 625 Montana Ave., Second Floor, Santa Monica, CA 90403. Career: Cinematographer. Also worked as camera operator. CREDITS Television Cinematographer; Series: The X–Files, NBC, multiple episodes, 1996–1997. Strange World, ABC, 1999, Sci–Fi Channel, 2002.

Also appeared as John Willingham, The Client (also known as John Grisham’s The Client), CBS; and in Cagney & Lacey, CBS.

Television Cinematographer; Miniseries: Aftershock: Earthquake in New York, CBS, 1999. Sole Survivor (also known as Dean Koontz’s Sole Survivor), Fox, 2000. DreamKeeper, ABC, 2003. A Wrinkle in Time, ABC, 2003.

Television Appearances; Pilots: (As Donnie Jeffcoat) Eric Antonio, The Wonder Years, ABC, 1988. Logan, Malibu Shores, CBS, 1996.

Television Cinematographer; Movies: Five Desperate Hours, NBC, 1997. (With others) Futuresport, ABC, 1998. I’ve Been Waiting for You, NBC, 1998.

Film Appearances: Eddie, Ghoulies II, LIVE Home Video, 1987. 185


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Nightworld: Lost Souls (also known as Lost Souls and Nightworld), UPN, 1998. Nightworld: 30 Years to Life (also known as 30 Years to Life), UPN, 1998. Riddler’s Moon (also known as Nightworld: Riddler’s Moon), UPN, 1998. Mermaid, Showtime, 2000. A Glimpse of Hell, FX Channel, 2001. Snow White (also known as Snow White: The Fairest of Them All), ABC, 2001. Trapped, USA Network, 2001. Young Arthur, NBC, 2002. Lucky 7, ABC Family Channel, 2003.

JUDGE, Christopher 1967– (D. Christopher Judge, Doug Judge, Douglas Judge) PERSONAL Full name, Douglas Christopher Judge; born October 13, 1967, in Los Angeles, CA; children: Christopher Jordan, Cameron Justin, Katrina Katherine (some sources spell Catrina). Education: Studied film and telecommunications at the University of Oregon; studied drama at Howard Fine Studio, Los Angeles. Avocational Interests: Skiing, golf.

Television Work; Pilots: Focus puller, Mom P.I., CBC, 1990. Cinematographer, The Fugitive, CBS, 2000.

Addresses: Agent—Evangelista Talent Management, Ltd., 5870 Lincoln St., Vancouver, British Columbia V5R 4P7, Canada; Cunningham/Escott/Dipene & Associates, 10635 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025.

Television Work; Other: First assistant camera operator, Just One of the Girls (movie; also known as Anything for Love), Fox, 1992.

Career: Actor. Also a morning show host. Chic Shots (photography studio), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, founder, c. 2002, and photographer; worked at modeling agencies. Affiliated with the Boys and Girls Club of Canada.

Film Cinematographer: Welcome to the Parade, 1986. (With others) The X–Files (also known as Blackwood, Fight the Future, The X Files, The X–Files: Blackwood, The X–Files: Fight the Future, The X–Files: The Movie, and Aux frontieres du reel), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. The Snow Walker, First Look Media, 2003.

Awards, Honors: Saturn Award nomination, best supporting actor in a television series, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, 2002, for Stargate SG–1; single ⬙We’re Going to Take Our Clothes Off⬙ reached number one in Asia.

Film Camera Operator: Killer (also known as Bulletproof Heart), Republic Pictures, 1994. Max, 1994. Dream Man, Republic Pictures, 1995. Malicious, Republic Pictures, 1995. Additional camera operator, Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain, Universal, 1995.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: (As D. Christopher Judge) Richie Stiles, Sirens, syndicated, 1994–1995. Teal’c, Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 1997–2002, then Sci–Fi Channel and syndicated, 2002—. Voice of Simon Grey, Action Man (animated), Fox, 2000–2002. Voice of Magneto/Eric Magnus Lehnsherr, X–Men: Evolution (animated), The WB, 2000—. Voice of Zodak, He–Man and the Masters of the Universe (animated), The Cartoon Network, 2002—.

Film Assistant Camera Operator: The Top of His Head, 1988. Additional assistant camera operator, We’re No Angels, Paramount, 1989. Morning Glory, 1993. Film Work; Other: Focus puller, North of Pittsburgh, 1992.

Host of morning talk show on KLSR–TV, a Fox affiliate in Oregon.

RECORDINGS Video Games: Director of photography, The X–Files Game (also known as The X–Files), 1998.

Television Appearances; Movies: The Glory Years, HBO, 1987. 186

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Nigel, Romantic Comedy 101, E! Entertainment Television, 2001.

JUDGE Film Appearances: (As Douglas Judge) Military police officer in bar, Cadence (also known as Count a Lonely Cadence and Stockade), New Line Cinema, 1990. Police officer in café, Bird on a Wire, Universal, 1990. Miles, House Party 2, New Line Cinema, 1991. Alfonso James, Out of Line (also known as Out of Pocket), Curb Entertainment, 2001. Dr. Brooks, Snow Dogs (also known as Chiens des neiges), Buena Vista, 2002.

Television Appearances; Specials: Himself and (in archive footage) Teal’c, Stargate: The Lowdown, Sci–Fi Channel and syndicated, 2003. Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Doug Judge) Deron, ⬙Live and Learn,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1990. (As D. Christopher Judge) Workman, ⬙There’s the Rub: Part 2,⬙ The Fresh Prince of Bel–Air, NBC, 1995. Voice of Unas, ⬙Demons,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 1999. Xevallah, ⬙Beneath the Black Sky,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 2001. Achilles Avatar, ⬙The Knight, Death and the Devil,⬙ Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda (also known as Andromeda), syndicated, 2002. Reverend Lester Stokes, ⬙The Wives of Christmas Past,⬙ Just Cause, PAX, 2002. High guard avatar DSX 91–369 (Hector), ⬙Day of Judgement, Day of Wrath,⬙ Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda (also known as Andromeda), syndicated, 2003.

Also appeared in Hacks (short film) and Little Feet. Film Work: Producer of Hacks (short film). RECORDINGS Albums: Recorded an album featuring the single ⬙We’re Going to Take Our Clothes Off.⬙ Video Games: D–Mob, Def Jam Vendetta, Electronic Arts, 2003. WRITINGS

Appeared as the voice of Plato, Book of Virtues (animated), PBS; and as the voice of Quetlzelcoatl in an episode of Stargate SG–1, Showtime, syndicated, and Sci–Fi Channel. Appeared in episodes of other series, including The Burning Zone, UPN; Gabriel’s Fire, ABC; The Jamie Foxx Show, The WB; Lush Life, Fox; Martin, Fox; 21 Jump Street, Fox and syndicated; and Wiseguy, CBS. Appeared as Doctor Roeg in ⬙Mind Game,⬙ an unaired episode of Freedom, UPN.

Teleplays; Episodic: (Story only) ⬙The Warrior,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Sci–Fi Channel and syndicated, 2002. ⬙Birthright,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Sci–Fi Channel and syndicated, 2003. ⬙The Changeling,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Sci–Fi Channel and syndicated, 2003. OTHER SOURCES

Television Appearances; Pilots: Richie Stiles, Sirens, syndicated, 1993. Teal’c, Stargate SG–1: Children of the Gods, syndicated, 1997.

Periodicals: Starlog, June, 1998. TV Guide, September, 1998.


K Television reporter, The Taking of Pelham One Two Three, ABC, 1998. Farantino, Spenser: Small Vices (also known as Robert B. Parker’s Small Vices and Small Vices), Arts and Entertainment, 1999. Mike, Switching Goals, ABC, 1999. Bob Lucas, The Last Debate, Showtime, 2000. Mizibov, Dirty Pictures, Showtime, 2000. George Kolker, Hangman, The Movie Channel, 2001. Lew Oslansky, Final Jeopardy, ABC, 2001. Lister, Xchange, HBO, 2001. Trauma team doctor, The Day Reagan Was Shot, Showtime, 2001. Defense attorney, The Matthew Shepard Story, NBC, 2002. Perry Cashen, Second String, TNT, 2002. District attorney, The Pentagon Papers, F/X, 2003. Dr. Jonas Ruben, Out of the Ashes, Showtime, 2003. Michael Kramer, Spinning Boris, Showtime, 2003.

KATZ, Judah PERSONAL Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Freddie, Movers and Shakers, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1985. First journalist, Obsessed, New Star Entertainment, 1988. Tillinger sound man, Switching Channels, TriStar, 1988. Marc, Moonlight and Valentino, Gramercy, 1995. Harry, The Long Kiss Goodnight, New Line Cinema, 1996. Salesperson, Crash, New Line Cinema, 1996.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Inner Ear,⬙ Beyond Reality, USA Network, 1993. Judge Sherman, ⬙The Wild Bunch,⬙ Due South (also known as Due South: The Series, Direction: Sud, and Tandem de choc), CBS and CTV, 1995. Kevin Stansky, ⬙The Freefall/Presence,⬙ Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, syndicated, 1996. Dr. William Melmoth, ⬙First Wave,⬙ Total Recall 2070, Showtime, 1999. Judge Holmes, ⬙Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Lose,⬙ Soul Food, Showtime, 2001. Pancho Ryder, ⬙A Change of Heart,⬙ Queer As Folk, Showtime, 2001. Pancho Ryder, ⬙Now Approaching ... the Line,⬙ Queer As Folk, Showtime, 2001. Pancho Ryder, ⬙Very Stupid People,⬙ Queer As Folk, Showtime, 2001. ⬙My Secret Identity,⬙ Doc, PAX, 2002. Lawyer, ⬙High Holy Roller,⬙ Street Time, Showtime, 2003.

Television Appearances; Movies: First man, Conspiracy of Love, CBS, 1987. Harbey, True Confections, 1991. Corporal, Bloodknot, Showtime, 1995. Doctor, Family of Cops (also known as Une famille de flics), CBS, 1995. Dr. Granger, Visitors of the Night, NBC, 1995. Dr. Leff, Rent–a–Kid, 1995. Young newscaster, Almost Golden: The Jessica Savitch Story (also known as Almost Golden), Lifetime, 1995. Andy Parker, Ed McBain’s 87th Precinct: Ice, NBC, 1996. Lieutenant Steine, Any Mother’s Son, Lifetime, 1997. Pruitt, On the 2nd Day of Christmas, Lifetime, 1997. Paul Blackwell, When He Didn’t Come Home, CBS, 1998. Paul Jacobs, A Father for Brittany (also known as A Change of Heart), CBS, 1998. 188

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

KAYE Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 23rd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, CBS, 1996. The 12th Annual Soap Opera Awards, NBC, 1996.

Television Appearances; Other: ⬙The Resurrection⬙ (first pilot), War of the Worlds, syndicated, 1988. Reform aide, More Tears (series), CBC, 1998, later PBS, 1999.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Ralph Hackett, ⬙Asylum,⬙ Sliders, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. KAYE, Thorsten 1966– Also appeared in Air America, syndicated; and Law & Order, NBC.


Television Appearances; Other: Jury foreperson, Nothing Lasts Forever (miniseries; also known as Sidney Sheldon’s Nothing Lasts Forever), CBS, 1995. Isadore Rechelko (some sources cite Isadore Rechenko), Falcone (pilot), CBS, 2000.

Original name, Thorsten Ernst Kieselbach; born February 22, 1966, in London, England (some sources cite Mainz, West Germany [now Germany]); immigrated to the United States, 1985; father, an auto industry worker; children: (with Susan Haskell, an actress) McKenna. Education: U.S. International University, B.A. (fine arts); Wayne State University, M.A. (theatre and theatre history). Avocational Interests: Literature, music, riding American motorcycles, watching hockey and football.

Film Appearances: Deadly Desire, Paramount, 1991. Writer’s Block, Skylark Films, 1991.

Career: Actor. Also worked as a stunt performer. Hilberry Repertory Theatre Company, Detroit, MI, member of company, 1991–94; teacher of acting workshops. Also worked as a physical education teacher, rugby player, runner, decathlete, and carpenter.

Film Work: Stunt performer, The Bone Collector, Universal, 1999. Stage Appearances: Feraillon, A Flea in Her Ear, Hilberry Theatre, Detroit, MI, 1991. Marc Antony, Julius Caesar, Hilberry Theatre, 1991. Bazarov, Nothing Sacred, Hilberry Theatre, 1992. Billy, The Real Thing, Hilberry Theatre, 1992. Major Sergius, Arms and the Man, Hilberry Theatre, 1992. Bensinger, The Front Page, Hilberry Theatre, 1993. Brick, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Hilberry Theatre, 1993. Christian, Cyrano de Bergerac, Hilberry Theatre, 1993. Eilert Loevborg, Hedda Gabler, Hilberry Theatre, 1993. Title role, Macbeth, Hilberry Theatre, 1993. Dogberry, Much Ado about Nothing, Hilberry Theatre, 1994.

Awards, Honors: Soap Opera Digest Award nomination, outstanding male newcomer, 1997, for One Life to Live; Soap Opera Digest Award nomination, outstanding hero, 2001, and Daytime Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actor in a drama series, 2003, both for Port Charles. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Patrick Thornhart, One Life to Live, ABC, 1995–1997. Dr. Ian Thornhart, Port Charles (also known as Port Charles: Fate, Port Charles: Miracles Happen, Port Charles: Naked Eyes, Port Charles: Secrets, Port Charles: Superstitions, Port Charles: Tainted Love, Port Charles: Tempted, Port Charles: Time in a Bottle, and Port Charles: Torn), ABC, 2000–2003.

Appeared in Love for Love, Tartuffe, and The Winter’s Tale, all London productions; appeared in other productions, including Hamlet, Love’s Labour’s Lost, The Taming of the Shrew, and Twelfth Night. Appeared as the Wicked Witch of the West, c. 1983.

Television Appearances; Movies: Donor, 1990. Airport agent, Deadly Desire, USA Network, 1991. Runaway Father, 1991. Joey Highsmith as an adult, The Prophet’s Game, Cinemax, 1999. Dr. Nick Harris, Shark Attack 2 (also known as Shark II), USA Network, 2000. Jasper, The Silencers, PM Entertainment Group, 1996.

RECORDINGS Audio Books: Narrator, From Timber Ridge to Daymer Gardens: A Journey in Words, 1999. 189


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Television Work; Movies: Editor, Roe vs. Wade, NBC, 1989. Director, The Deliverance of Elaine, CBS, 1996. Director, On the Line, ABC, 1998. Director, Point Last Seen, CBS, 1998. Director, Babyraub—Kinder fremder Maechte (also known as Visioner), 1998. Director, My Mother, the Spy, Lifetime, 2000.

WRITINGS Poetry: (With Dorothy Bridges and Jesse Wilder) From Timber Ridge to Daymer Gardens: A Journey in Words, 1998. OTHER SOURCES

Television Work; Pilots: Director, Line of Fire, ABC, 2003.

Periodicals: Soap Opera, December 5, 1995. Soap Opera Digest, July 30, 1996; February 13, 2001. Soap Opera Weekly, May 28, 1996. Soaps in Depth, February 6, 2001; January 7, 2003; July 22, 2003.

Television Director; Episodic: ⬙The Bitch Is Back,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1990. ⬙He’s a Crowd,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1991. ⬙There Goes the Judge,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1991. ⬙Silence of the Lambskins,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1992. ⬙Second Time Around,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1992. ⬙Spanky and Art Gang,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1993. ⬙Cold Cuts,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1994. ⬙Whose San Andreas Fault Is It Anyway?,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1994. ⬙Tunnel of Love,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1994. ⬙Chicago Heat,⬙ ER, NBC, 1994. ⬙You Bet Your Life,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1994. ⬙Dirty Socks,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1995. ⬙Heavin’ Can Wait,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1995. ⬙The Birthday Party,⬙ ER, NBC, 1995. ⬙She Was,⬙ Strange Luck, Fox, 1995. ⬙In Dreams Begin Responsibilities,⬙ My So–Called Life, ABC, 1995. ⬙Chapter Three, Year Two,⬙ Murder One, ABC, 1996. ⬙Resurrector,⬙ American Gothic, CBS, 1996. ⬙A Tushful of Dollars,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1996. ⬙McMurder One,⬙ Brooklyn South, CBS, 1997. ⬙Why Spy?,⬙ Spy Game, ABC, 1997. ⬙Hitting Olansky,⬙ C–16: FBI, ABC, 1998. ⬙A Truly Fractured Fairy Tale,⬙ Cupid, ABC, 1998. ⬙Duty Bound,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 1998. ⬙Once in a Lifetime,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 1998. ⬙Good Dog Karl,⬙ Maximum Bob, ABC, 1998. ⬙Tangled Up in You,⬙ To Have & To Hold, CBS, 1998. ⬙The Power of Two,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 1999. ⬙Once in a Lifetime,⬙ Ally, Fox, 1999. ⬙Pyramids on the Nile,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 1999. ⬙Say Something,⬙ Any Day Now, 1999. ⬙Happy Birthday,⬙ Felicity, The WB, 1999. ⬙Fall on Your Knees,⬙ Popular, The WB, 1999. ⬙We Are Family,⬙ Popular, The WB, 2000. ⬙Style and Substance Abuse: Part 1,⬙ Popular, The WB, 2000. ⬙Things Changed,⬙ Felicity, The WB, 2000. ⬙There Are No Rules,⬙ Any Day Now, Lifetime, 2000. ⬙Media Relations,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2000. ⬙Love and Money,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2000. ⬙Noncompliance,⬙ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (also known as Law & Order: SVU and Special Victims Unit), NBC and USA Network, 2000.

Electronic: Thorsten Kaye Home Page, http://www.thorstenkaye. com, September 17, 2003.

KEENE, Elodie 1948– PERSONAL Born 1948; married Bruce Fortune (a sound editor); children: two. Addresses: Agent—Broder/Webb/Chervin/Silbermann, 9242 Beverly Blvd., Suite 200, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Director, editor, and producer. Member: Directors Guild of America. Awards, Honors: Eddie Award nomination (with Joe Ann Fogle), best edited television special, 1990, for Roe vs. Wade; Emmy Awards (with others), outstanding drama series, 1990, 1991, Emmy Award nomination (with others), outstanding drama series, 1992, all for L.A. Law. CREDITS Film Work: Director, T.I.O.T.: Tomorrow Is Only Tuesday, 1981. Television Work; Series: Producer, L.A. Law, NBC, 1986. Editor, L.A. Law, NBC, 1986–1989. Editor, Hooperman, ABC, 1987. 190

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 ⬙How Green Is Your Mail?,⬙ Bull, TNT, 2000. ⬙It’s Not the Wrapping, It’s the Candy,⬙ The Education of Max Bickford, CBS, 2001. ⬙Fag,⬙ Popular, The WB, 2001. ⬙My Day Off,⬙ Scrubs, NBC, 2001. ⬙Chapter Eighteen,⬙ Boston Public, Fox, 2001. ⬙Americans,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2001. ⬙Planting Seeds,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2001. ⬙The Beginning, the End, and the Murky Middle,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2001. ⬙Crime and Puzzlement,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2001. ⬙Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2002. ⬙Cause for Alarm,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2002. ⬙Chapter Forty,⬙ Boston Public, Fox, 2002. ⬙Chapter Fifty–Two,⬙ Boston Public, Fox, 2002. ⬙Textbook Perfect,⬙ For the People, Lifetime, 2002. ⬙One Step (Parent) Backward,⬙ Once and Again, ABC, 2002. ⬙All Night Long,⬙ Hack, CBS, 2002. ⬙Kurty Dempsey,⬙ Nip/Tuck, F/X, 2003. ⬙Hot Shots,⬙ The Wire, HBO, 2003.

KELLY Television Appearances; Miniseries: The father, Brothers by Choice, CBC, 1986. Police officer Aloysius Nell, It (also known as Stephen King’s It), ABC, 1990. Jack Wheeler, And the Sea Will Tell, CBS, 1991. Captain Arthur Henry Rostron, Titanic, CBS, 1996. Television Appearances; Movies: Mr. Emory, A Piano for Mrs. Cimino, CBS, 1982. The Accident, 1983. Jeff Andrews, The Other Kingdom, 1984. (As Terrence Kelly) Bank officer, Deadly Deception, CBS, 1987. Sergeant Phelps (some sources cite Sergeant Poole), Sworn to Silence, ABC, 1987. Mike (some sources cite Ike Carr), Child of Rage, CBS, 1992. Eddie Barrigan, Sidney Sheldon’s A Stranger in the Mirror (also known as A Stranger in the Mirror), ABC, 1993. Lefcourt, Final Appeal (also known as L’ultime proces), NBC, 1993. Medical examiner, When a Stranger Calls Back, Showtime, 1993. Judge, Jane’s House, CBS, 1994. Pete Myers, Jack Reed: One of Our Own, NBC, 1995. Uncle Salter, Captains Courageous, The Family Channel, 1996. Captain Richie, The Spree, The Movie Channel, 1998. Charles L. Birch, Goldrush: A Real Life Alaskan Adventure (also known as Gold Rush!), ABC, 1998. Griffin, The Hunted (also known as Die Gejagte), USA Network, 1998. Roy Jenkins, Y2K (also known as Countdown to Chaos), NBC, 1999. (As Terrence Kelly) Clay, First Target, TBS, 2000. Judge Richard Faraday, L.A. Law: The Movie, NBC, 2002. Norman Fell, Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of ⬙Three’s Company,⬙ NBC, 2003.

Also directed episodes of Civil Wars, ABC; Medicine Ball, Fox; Mister Sterling, NBC.

KELLY, Terence (Terrance Kelly, Terrence Kelly) PERSONAL Born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Education: Graduated from the National Theatre School of Canada, c. 1965. Career: Actor. Arena Theatre Company, White Rock, artistic director; also worked as a director.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Flying Home,⬙ Airwolf, USA Network, 1987. Mr. Brosz, ⬙The Odd Triple,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1988. Mr. Phillip Cunningham, ⬙Over the Line,⬙ Neon Rider, CTV and syndicated, 1990. Peter Towne, ⬙Career Moves,⬙ Mom P.I., CBC, 1990. ⬙Last Chance High,⬙ 21 Jump Street, Fox, 1990. Marshal Lee Ford, ⬙Marshal Law,⬙ Bordertown, Global and The Family Channel, 1991. Doc Belco, Palace Guard, CBS, 1991. Dr. Rappaport, ⬙By the Book,⬙ The Odyssey, CBC, 1992. Dr. Rappaport, ⬙No Fair,⬙ The Odyssey, CBC, 1992. Dr. Rappaport, ⬙Out of the Woods,⬙ The Odyssey, CBC, 1992. George Usher, ⬙Squeeze,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1993. Kemp, ⬙Obsession,⬙ Street Justice, syndicated, 1993.

Awards, Honors: Jesse Richardson Theatre Award, outstanding achievement in performance by an actor in a leading role, 1984, for K2; Gemini Award nomination, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, best performance by a lead actor in a dramatic program or miniseries, 1987, for Red Serge. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Sergeant John Wilkes, Red Serge, CBC, beginning c. 1986. Sweater man, Tom Stone, CBC, 2002–2003. 191


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Detective Kerney, ⬙Kingdom Come,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1996. Judge Daniel McAllister, ⬙A.D.,⬙ Two, CBC and syndicated, 1996. Mr. Murphy (landlord), ⬙Wrong Number,⬙ Strange Luck, Fox, 1996. Johnny, ⬙First Mob Wives Club,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1997. Oscar Reynolds, ⬙New Lease,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1997. Chief fire investigator Henry Whiteside, ⬙We All Fall Down,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 1998. Gordon Davis (Dad), ⬙The Fourth Horseman,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1998. Preacher Morgan, ⬙Before I Wake,⬙ The Crow: Stairway to Heaven, syndicated, 1998. ⬙Black Box,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1998. ⬙Tess,⬙ Cold Squad, CTV and Lifetime, 1998. Eric Brooks, ⬙The Devil Still Holds My Hand,⬙ Strange World, ABC, 1999. Daniels, ⬙All Tricked Up,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 2000. Dan Scarbrow, ⬙Falling Up,⬙ Higher Ground, Fox Family Channel, 2000. Dan Scarbrow, ⬙Innocence,⬙ Higher Ground, Fox Family Channel, 2000. Dan Scarbrow, ⬙Walking the Line,⬙ Higher Ground, Fox Family Channel, 2000. Kennan Barton, ⬙Legacy,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 2000. Pastor James, ⬙Afterlife,⬙ Night Visions, Fox, 2001. Pastor James, ⬙Rest Stop,⬙ Night Visions, Fox, 2001. David Walker, ⬙I24gate,⬙ Breaking News, Bravo, c. 2002. Hagan, ⬙Space Race,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Sci–Fi Channel and syndicated, 2003. Patrick Cassidy, Dead Like Me, Showtime, 2003.

Charlie, Star 80, Warner Bros., 1983. Mongo, The Golden Seal, Samuel Goldwyn, 1983. Neil MacCallum, Chautauqua Girl, 1983. Al Fletcher, Beyond the Stars (also known as Personal Choice), Moviestore Entertainment, 1989. Lawyer, Firestorm (also known as Markus 4), Somerset Films, 1995. McManus, Mr. Magoo, Buena Vista, 1997. Silence, Rainforest Releasing, 1997. Neal Donovan, The Silencer, Prophecy Entertainment, 1999. Mr. Joe Lang, Trixie, Sony Pictures Classics, 2000. Dog walker, Agent Cody Banks, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 2003. Fisherman, The Core (also known as Core), Paramount, 2003. Stage Appearances: Harold, K2, Vancouver Playhouse, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, c. 1983. Enobarbus, The Tragedie of Anthonie and Cleopatra, Savage God Performance Ensemble, Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2001. Master Frank Ford, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Savage God Performance Ensemble, Christ Church Cathedral, 2001. Appeared as Brutus, The Tragedie of Julius Caesar, as Hortensio, The Taming of the Shrew, and as Hubert, The Life and Death of King John, all with the Savage God Performance Ensemble, St. Paul’s Anglican Church and Christ Church Cathedral, both Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Appeared as John Proctor, The Crucible; as Judge Brack, Hedda Gabler; as Lopakin, The Cherry Orchard; as Macduff, Macbeth; and as the title role, Oedipus Rex. Appeared in The Mill and the Floss, Soulpepper Theatre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Appeared as Lieutenant Hart, J. J. Starbuck, NBC; as Mr. Benson, The Hat Squad, CBS; as Preston Hawkes, Jack’s Place, ABC; as Principal Hearst, The Commish, ABC; and as Dick Gerard, Sea Hunt, syndicated; also appeared in The Underground.

KESTNER, Boyd 1964– (Boyd R. Kestner)

Television Appearances; Pilots: (As Terrence Kelly) Banker Horace Trico, Peacemakers, USA Network, 2003.

PERSONAL Film Appearances: Quigley, McCabe & Mrs. Miller, Warner Bros., 1971. (As Terrance Kelly) One Minute before Death (also known as Edgar Allan Poe’s One Minute before Midnight, The Oval Portrait, and El retrato ovalado), 1972. Bessom, The Kids Are Alright, 1979. Sergeant Durban, The Changeling (also known as L’enfant du diable), Associated Film Distribution, 1980.

Born November 23, 1964, in Manassas, VA; brother (identical twin) of Bryan Kestner (an actor). Education: Studied acting with Janet Alhanti, Los Angeles, Sandra Lee’s Actors Study, New York, and Greg Zitel. Addresses: Agent—Scott Melrose, Endeavor, 9701 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; c/o Paradigm Agency, 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 192

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 2500, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Manager—Beth Holden– Garland, Untitled Entertainment, 8436 W. 3rd St., Suite 650, Los Angeles, CA 90048.


Career: Actor. Born in Canada; niece of Margot Kidder (an actress). Avocational Interests: Singing, dancing, tae kwon do, horseback riding, skiing, in–line skating, gymnastics.

CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Boyd R. Kestner) Yuppie yeller, The Running Man, TriStar, 1987. Lionel Moise, Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story (also known as Entertaining Angels), Warner Home Video, 1996. ⬙Wick⬙ Wickwire, G.I. Jane, Buena Vista, 1997. Zack Taylor, Cleopatra’s Second Husband, Indican Pictures, 1998. Ike, Bubba and Ike, 1998. Captain Jake Elby, The General’s Daughter (also known as Wehrlos—Die Tochter des Generals), Paramount, 1999. Joey Murphy, Goosed, Tradewinds Entertainment, 1999. Tony Blanchard, The Art of Murder, Avalanche, 1999. FBI Special Agent Hayden Burke, Hannibal, United International, 2001. Chief Warrant Officer Mike Goffena, Black Hawk Down, Columbia, 2001. Seth, Snakeskin, Portman Entertainment, 2001. Adult Shep, Jr., Divine Secrets of the Ya–Ya Sisterhood, Warner Bros., 2002.

Career: Actress. Awards, Honors: Gemini Award nomination, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, best performance by an actress in a continuing leading dramatic role, 2002, for Tom Stone. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Lisa Sutton, Made in Canada (also known as The Industry), CBC, beginning 1998. Julia Cook, a recurring role, Earth: Final Conflict (also known as EFC, Gene Roddenberry’s Battleground Earth, Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict, Invasion planete Terre, and Mission Erde: Sie sind unter uns), syndicated, 1999. Corporal Marina Di Luzio, Tom Stone, CBC, 2002–2003. Television Appearances; Movies: Coed, The Absolute Truth, CBS, 1997. Phoebe, Bad to the Bone, ABC, 1997. Deputy Colleen, The Girl Next Door, CBS, 1999. Ms. Busby (swim teacher), Sea People, Showtime, 1999. Cheryl Barkhouse, Blessed Stranger: After Flight 111, CTV, 2000. Andrea Miller, A Mother’s Fight for Justice, Lifetime, 2001. Kimberly ⬙Kick⬙ Birmingham, Dead Awake, Cinemax, 2001. Maria, The Big Heist, Arts and Entertainment, 2001. Cassandra Harris, Defending Our Kids: The Julie Posey Story, Lifetime, 2003.

Television Appearances; Series: Darrel ⬙Darry⬙ Curtis, The Outsiders, Fox, 1990. Alex Barth, Knots Landing, CBS, 1992–1993. Television Appearances; Movies: Toby, Somebody’s Daughter, ABC, 1992. Paul Makely, Amy Fisher: My Story (also know as Lethal Lolita—Amy Fisher: My Story), NBC, 1992. Brad Dexter, Ray Alexander: A Taste for Justice, NBC, 1994. Billy Sabbath, Hell Swarm, UPN, 2000. Television Appearances; Episodic: Tommy Rafonte, ⬙Vanishing Act: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1993. Roger Davis, ⬙Naked Babes,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1995. Dr. Greg Barrett, ⬙Love on Holiday,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2000.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Vizcano, ⬙First Mission,⬙ Nikita (also known as La Femme Nikita), USA Network, 1998. Christine Ambrose, ⬙Forever and a Day: Part 1,⬙ Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, syndicated, 1999. Christine Ambrose, ⬙Y2K,⬙ Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, syndicated, 1999. Young Roberta, ⬙Walk on By,⬙ Nikita (also known as La Femme Nikita), USA Network, 1999. Wild Card, Lifetime, 2003.

Stage Appearances: Appeared in the off–Broadway production Fighting Light. 193


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Defense attorney, I Love You Perfect, ABC, 1989. Sid (Dolly’s husband), American Boyfriends (also known as My American Boyfriend), CBC and CBS, 1989. Skeggs, Last Train Home (also known as Tom Alone), The Family Channel, 1990. Desk sergeant, Dying to Remember, USA Network, 1993. Photographer, Thirty Two Short Films about Glenn Gould (also known as Glenn Gould—32 lyhytelokuvaa, 32 curtas metragens sobre Glenn Gould, and Trent–deux films brefs sur Glenn Gould), CBC, 1993. Cargo handler, Race to Freedom: The Underground Railroad, The Family Channel, 1994. Moss, Green Dolphin Beat (also known as Green Dolphin Street), Fox, 1994. Officer Felix, Royce, Showtime, 1994. Secret police agent, Down Came a Blackbird (also known as Ramirez), Showtime, 1995. Martin Slatter, Devil’s Food, Lifetime, 1996. Mr. Tatum, Hidden in America, Showtime, 1996. Redneck, Talk to Me, ABC, 1996. Vic Mason, Harrison: Cry of the City, UPN, 1996. Agent Adams, Hostile Intent, HBO, 1997. Al Post, Joe Torre: Curveballs along the Way, Showtime, 1997. Woody Ryan, Too Close to Home, CBS, 1997. Arnold, ⬙Aart and Johtje Vos⬙ segment, Rescuers: Stories of Courage: Two Couples, Showtime, 1998. Bormann, Thunder Point (also known as Jack Higgins’ Thunder Point), Showtime, 1998. Walter Chibley, Resurrection, HBO, 1999. Colonel Rall, The Crossing, Arts and Entertainment, 2000. Penthouse emcee, Holiday Heart, Showtime, 2000. Pimp in diner, Criminal Instinct: The Wandering Soul Murders, Lifetime, 2001. Loves Music, Loves to Dance, PAX, 2001.

Television Appearances; Other: Rosea, Thanks of a Grateful Nation (miniseries; also known as The Gulf War), Showtime, 1998. Strong Medicine (pilot), Lifetime, 2000. Alison De Wasy, Xchange (movie), HBO, 2001. Film Appearances: Crystal, Men with Guns, Norstar Entertainment, 1997. Carol Holman, A Cool, Dry Place, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1998. Diane, Bride of Chucky, MCA/Universal, 1998. Amber, Too Much Sex, Allied Entertainment, 2000. Beth, Century Hotel, Victorious Films, 2001. Megan/Jane Wright, Darkness Falling, Bedford Entertainment, 2002. Alice, Ginger Snaps 2, Lions Gate Films, 2003. Stage Appearances: Loretta, Featuring Loretta, Factory Theatre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1998.

KIDNIE, James PERSONAL Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Gemini Award nomination, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, best guest performance in a series by an actor, 1995, for Robocop: The Series. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: William Ray ⬙Pudface⬙ Morgan, Robocop (also known as Robocop: The Series), syndicated, 1994–1995. Voice of Amphonoids, Free Willy (animated), ABC, beginning 1994.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Hear No Evil, See No Evil,⬙ Seeing Things, CBC, 1982. Fazle, ⬙Brotherly Love,⬙ Adderly, CBS, 1986. Mike, ⬙Mr. Nice Guy,⬙ Street Legal, CBC, 1987. ⬙Domestic Spirits,⬙ Diamonds, CBS and CBC, 1987. ⬙Storm Warning,⬙ Airwolf, USA Network, 1987. Captain Murphy, ⬙The Second Seal,⬙ War of the Worlds, syndicated, 1988. Hotel clerk, ⬙Gotcha!,⬙ The Ray Bradbury Theatre, USA Network, 1988. John York, ⬙Pipe Dream,⬙ Friday the 13th (also known as Friday the 13th: The Series), syndicated, 1988. Vigilante, ⬙Memories,⬙ The Twilight Zone, syndicated, 1988. ⬙Ghost Writer,⬙ Diamonds, CBS and CBC, 1988. Dr. Crane, ⬙Skeletor and Weirdlyworks,⬙ The Beachcombers, CBC, 1989. Hans Felder, ⬙Renegade,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1989.

Television Appearances; Movies: Bobby Lynch, Perry Mason Returns (also known as The Defense Never Rests), NBC, 1985. Butch, The Undergrads, The Disney Channel, 1985. Federal agent, Starcrossed, ABC, 1985. Second thug, Overdrawn at the Memory Bank, PBS, 1985. Lieutenant Arroyo, Many Happy Returns, CBS, 1986. Police officer in park, The Park Is Mine, HBO, 1986. Waiter, Christmas Eve, NBC, 1986. Brother Martin, Betrayal of Silence, CTV and Lifetime, 1988. 194

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Ken Reesor, ⬙Vigilante,⬙ Bordertown, Global and The Family Channel, 1989. ⬙The Gun,⬙ Katts and Dog, CTV and The Family Channel, 1989. ⬙Payola,⬙ Diamonds, CBS and CBC, 1989. John ⬙Bruns⬙ Bronzell, ⬙Argo the Venusian,⬙ Broken Badges, CBS, 1991. ⬙Daniel,⬙ Neon Rider, CTV and syndicated, 1992. Orson, ⬙Def Poet’s Society,⬙ The Great Defender, Fox, 1995. Rutman, ⬙Bounty,⬙ Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years, syndicated, 1996. Ilia Benko, ⬙Gray,⬙ Nikita (also known as La Femme Nikita), USA Network, 1997. Martin Shaw, ⬙Fire Within/Fate,⬙ Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, syndicated, 1997. Johnny’s grandfather, ⬙Full Disclosure,⬙ Highlander: The Raven, syndicated, 1998. Lonnie Stevens, ⬙Neighborhood Watch,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1998. Man, ⬙Dead Men Don’t Throw Rice,⬙ Due South (also known as Due South: The Series, Direction: Sud, and Tandem de choc), CTV and TNT, 1998. Producer, ⬙The Critic,⬙ Foolish Heart, CBC, 1999. Max Stareman, ⬙The Vessel,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 2000. Troy Sarrazin, ⬙Interview,⬙ Earth: Final Conflict (also known as EFC, Gene Roddenberry’s Battleground Earth, Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict, Invasion planete Terre, and Mission Erde: Sie sind unter uns), syndicated, 2000. Gerhardt Bronck, ⬙Out,⬙ Dark Angel (also known as James Cameron’s Dark Angel), Fox, 2001.

KOMOROWSKA Underworld boss, Bird on a Wire, Universal, 1990. Defense attorney, Bingo, Columbia/TriStar, 1991. Detective Jackson, Body Parts, Paramount, 1991. Sammy, Run, Buena Vista, 1991. Mr. Coleson, Gate II: The Trespassers (also known as Gate 2: The Trespassers, Gate II, and Gate II: Return to the Nightmare), Columbia, 1992. Attorney, The Crush, Warner Bros., 1993. Lazlo, Harmony Cats, Harmony Productions, 1993. Burt, Boozecan, Annex Entertainment, 1994. Wess, Max, Apple Pie Pictures, 1994. Goodwin, Crash (also known as Breach of Trust and Dirty Money), Bad Boy Films, 1995. Mummified man, Booty Call, Columbia, 1997. Subway repairperson, Mimic, Miramax, 1997. Red, D–Tox (also known as Detox, Eye See You, and Im Auge der Angst), Universal, 2002. Doc, Absolon, Hannibal Pictures, 2003. Stage Appearances: Phillie, Criminal Genius, Factory Theatre Mainstage, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, beginning 1997. Phillie, Problem Child, Factory Theatre, c. 1998. Werner Heisenberg, Copenhagen, Centaur Theatre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2003.

KOMOROWSKA, Liliana (Liliana Glabczynska) PERSONAL Original name, Liliana Glabczynska; born in Poland; married Christian Duguay (a director). Education: Zelwerowicz State Theatre Academy, Warsaw, Poland, M.A. (with honors), 1979.

Television Appearances; Other: Dr. Blumberg, Hands of a Stranger (miniseries), NBC, 1987. American trader, By Way of the Stars (special), CBC and The Disney Channel, 1994.

Career: Actress. Polish Film Festival, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, member of organizing committee.

Film Appearances: Sonny (an undercover police officer), Head On (also known as Fatal Attraction), Summa Vista Pictures, 1980. Younger man, Deadline, Pan–Canadian Film Distributors, 1981. Attendant, Curtains, Jensen Farley, 1983. Marshal, The Wars, International Spectrafilm, 1983. Big thug, Big Deal, Alliance, 1985. Dr. Kline, Terminal Choice (also known as Critical List, Death Bed, Death List, and Trauma), Almi Pictures, 1985. Sandy, Blindside, Norstar Entertainment, 1986. Officer Pritchard, Murder One, Miramax, 1988. Guard, We’re No Angels, Paramount, 1989. Surveillance team member, Sea of Love, Universal, 1989. The Big Deal, Alliance, 1989.

Awards, Honors: Polish Television Academy Award, best actor, c. 1980, for ⬙The Crucible,⬙ Polish Masterpiece Theatre. CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Liliana Glabczynska) Narutowicz’s niece, Smierc Prezydenta (also known as Death of a President), Film Polski, 1978. (As Liliana Glabczynska) Wsciekly (also known as Mad Dog), 1980. (As Liliana Glabczynska) Ballet dancer, Kontrakt (also known as The Contract), Polish Corporation for Film Production, 1980, released with English subtitles by New Yorker Films, 1981. 195


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(As Liliana Glabczynska) Planeta krawiec (also known as The Planet ⬙Tailor⬙), Zespol Filmowy ⬙X,⬙ 1983. (As Liliana Glabczynska) Jewdocha, Austeria (also known as The Inn), Zespol Filmowy ⬙Kadr,⬙ 1983, released with English subtitles by Afra Films, 1988. Esther, War and Love (also known as The Children’s War), Cannon, 1985. Sonia/Lucille, Astonished, Leo Video, 1988. Beata, Misplaced, Original Cinema, 1989. Laura, Her Alibi, Warner Bros., 1989. Helena Monet, Scanners III: The Takeover (also known as Scanner Force), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1992. Marina, Martial Outlaw, Republic, 1993. Landowska (some sources cite Melendez), Screamers (also known as Screamers—L’armee souterraine), Triumph Releasing, 1996. Agnieska, The Assignment, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Katherine Whitmore, Suspicious Minds, Trimark Pictures, 1997. Novak, The Art of War (also known as L’art de la guerre), Warner Bros., 2000. La bouteille (also known as The Bottle), Lions Gate Films, 2000. Scheherezade, L’odyssee d’Alice Tremblay (also known as Alice’s Odyssey and Il etait des fois), Alliance Atlantis Communications/Vivafilm, 2002. Yana, Extreme Ops (also known as Extremist), Paramount, 2002.

Television Appearances; Specials: Abigail, ⬙The Crucible,⬙ Polish Masterpiece Theatre, 1980. Veronique, Late for Dinner, Cinemax, 1988. Danuta, Mother Love, BBC and PBS, 1989. Appeared as Linda Manion, ⬙Anatomy of a Murder,⬙ as Roxanne, ⬙Cyrano de Bergerac,⬙ and as a prostitute, ⬙Death of a Salesman,⬙ all presentations of Polish Masterpiece Theatre. Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Liliana Glabczynska) Delegacy member, ⬙Upadek,⬙ Alternatywy 4, [Poland], 1983. Sarka, ⬙Encounter in a Closed Room,⬙ The Equalizer, CBS, 1987. ⬙Deadly Minds,⬙ Veronica Clare, Lifetime, 1991. ⬙Anonymous,⬙ Veronica Clare, Lifetime, 1991. Frederica ⬙Freddy⬙ Fluke, ⬙Code Name: Archangel,⬙ Acapulco H.E.A.T., syndicated, 1993. Mara, ⬙The Revolutionary,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1994. Mara, ⬙Brothers in Arms,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1995. Natasha, ⬙Red Light,⬙ The Hunger, Showtime, 1997. ⬙The Marvellon,⬙ Bliss, The Movie Network, Movie Central, Super Ecran, Series, and Oxygen, 2003. Also appeared in episodes of The Cosby Show, NBC; and Simon & Simon, CBS.

Television Appearances; Series: Daphne Grimaldi, Another World, NBC, 1985. Angela Visconti, As the World Turns, CBS, 1986. Anabella Corto, One Life to Live, ABC, 1987.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Margot Katka, The Saint in Manhattan (also known as The Saint), CBS, 1987. Stage Appearances: Appeared in productions of As You Like It, Britannicus, Jacques the Fatalist, and Operetta, all Dramatic Theatre, Warsaw, Poland; appeared in Shots at Fate, off– Broadway production.

Appeared in the series Napoleon, [Poland and France]. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Francesca Fern, Lucky/Chances (also known as Jackie Collins’s Lucky/Chances), NBC, 1990. Emile’s mother, Joan of Arc (also known as Jeanne d’Arc), CBS, 1999. Baroness, Hitler: The Rise of Evil, CBS, 2003.

OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Liliana Komorowska Home Page, http://www.darkface.˜komorowska, October 12, 2003.

Television Appearances; Movies: (As Liliana Glabczynska) Nun, From a Far Country (also known as From a Far Country: Pope John Paul II, A Man from a Far Country, Da un paese lontano, and Z dalekiego kraju), Radiotelevisione Italiana, Incorporated Television Company, NBC, and Polish television, 1981. Nicole Pappas, Kojak: Ariana, ABC, 1989. Irene Adler, The Royal Scandal (also known as Scandal in Bohemia), CTV and Hallmark Channel, 2001.

KORF, Mia 1965– PERSONAL Born November 1, 1965, in Ithaca, NY; father, a university professor; mother, an architect and artist; 196

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KRIMMER Voice of Dragonelle, ⬙Sphinxes,⬙ Max Steel (animated), The WB, 2000. Voice of Mrs. Chen, ⬙Swashbucklers,⬙ Max Steel (animated), The WB, 2000. Voices of Dragonelle and Sofia Skarsgard, ⬙Seraphim,⬙ Max Steel (animated), The WB, 2000. Rachel, ⬙Donuts and Beer,⬙ Danny, CBS, 2001. Rachel, ⬙The Dress Mess,⬙ Danny, CBS, 2001. Rachel, ⬙Forget about Your Boss,⬙ Danny, CBS, 2001. Andrea Chang, ⬙Finale,⬙ The Agency, CBS, 2002. Andrea Chang, ⬙French Kiss,⬙ The Agency, CBS, 2002. Andrea Chang, ⬙The Greater Good,⬙ The Agency, CBS, 2002. District attorney Yolanda Lawrence, ⬙City of Strivers⬙ (also known as ⬙Defense Lawyer⬙), Robbery Homicide Division, CBS, 2002. Gina, ⬙Cat Bugerla,⬙ Bram and Alice, CBS, 2002.

married Jeffrey Leabow, 1991. Avocational Interests: Designing jewelry, fishing. Addresses: Agent—Talent Group, Inc., 6300 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 900, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Career: Actress. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Dr. Kim Rosenthal, The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd, Lifetime, 1990. Blair Daimler Cramer Buchanan Manning, One Life to Live, ABC, 1991–1993. Anya ⬙Ace⬙ Whitney, Under Fire, beginning 1995. Christine ⬙Chris⬙ Kowalski, Players, NBC, 1997–1998. Inspector Leanne Tao, The Division (also known as Heart of the City), Lifetime, beginning 2001.

Appeared as a boy’s doctor in an episode of Sweet Justice, NBC. Provided the voice of Dragonelle in ⬙Truth Be Told,⬙ an episode of Max Steel (animated), The WB; and provided the voice of Natsuko for an English language episode of the Japanese series 3X3 Eyes (anime), Encore Action.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Liz Gorman, OP Center (also known as Tom Clancy’s ⬙OP Center⬙), ABC, 1995.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Fukiko Masaguchi, Philly Heat, ABC, 1995. Eva, Ask Harriet, Fox, 1998. Dr. Grace Yakura, Crossing Jordan, NBC, 2001. Rachel, Danny, CBS, 2001. Gina, Bram and Alice, CBS, 2002.

Television Appearances; Movies: Carol Lee–Rembrandt, Silent Witness: What a Child Saw, USA Network, 1994. Erin Kai, Just One of the Girls, Fox, 1997. Linda Chang, Color of Justice, Showtime, 1997.

Film Appearances: Carol Rembrandt, Blood Brothers (also known as Native Strangers), USA Pictures, 1993. (Uncredited) Former girlfriend, Jerry Maguire, TriStar, 1996. Beth, Moving Pieces, Frogleg Films, 1998. (Uncredited) Josh’s date, Anywhere but Here, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1999.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Mari, Dream Street, NBC, 1989. Sonia, ⬙Don’t Stop the Music,⬙ Ghostwriter, PBS, 1994. Brenda, ⬙Gracie under Fire,⬙ Maybe This Time, ABC, 1995. Gwen, ⬙Aftershocks,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1995. Gwen, ⬙Brother’s Keeper,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1995. Gwen, ⬙Who Cares?,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1995. Akiko Keno/Angela Kamura, ⬙Payback,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1996. Jane Butler, ⬙Doppelganger,⬙ Nowhere Man, UPN, 1996. Valerie Farr, ⬙Ex Marks the Spot,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1996. Valerie Farr, ⬙Last One Out, Get the Lights,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1996. Anna, ⬙Mr. Lee,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 1999. Lorna, ⬙Shovel Off to Buffalo,⬙ Becker, CBS, 1999. Sophie, ⬙The Time She Turned 21,⬙ The Time of Your Life, Fox, 2000. Sophie, ⬙The Time They Got E–rotic,⬙ The Time of Your Life, Fox, 2000. Voice of Dragonelle, ⬙Shattered,⬙ Max Steel (animated), The WB, 2000.

Stage Appearances: LindaAnne Wing, Face Value, Cort Theatre, New York City, 1993.

KRIMMER, Wortham PERSONAL Original name, Robert Krimmer; born November 24, in Chicago, IL; married Mary Ellen Wortham (a photographer); children: Max, Tess. Education: Colorado College, B.A.; American Conservatory Theatre, M.F.A.; studied acting with Stella Adler and Robert Lewis; studied law at University of California, San Francisco. 197


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Jonathan Weiss, ⬙Feb 5, ⬘95,⬙ ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 1995. Emperor Cartagia, ⬙Falling toward Apotheosis,⬙ Babylon 5, syndicated, 1996. Emperor Cartagia, ⬙The Hour of the Wolf,⬙ Babylon 5, syndicated, 1996. Emperor Cartagia, ⬙The Summoning,⬙ Babylon 5, syndicated, 1996. Emperor Cartagia, ⬙Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?,⬙ Babylon 5, syndicated, 1996. Emperor Cartagia, ⬙The Long Night,⬙ Babylon 5, syndicated, 1997. (Uncredited) Emperor Cartagia (in archive footage), ⬙The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari,⬙ Babylon 5, TNT, 1998.

Addresses: Agent—Michael Slessinger & Associates, 8730 Sunset Blvd., Suite 270, West Hollywood, CA 90069. Career: Actor. Also known as Robert Wortham Krimmer. Awards, Honors: Soap Opera Digest Award, best hero, and Soap Opera Digest Award nomination, outstanding supporting actor, both 1993, for One Life to Live. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Dr. Alexander Raines, Family Medical Center, syndicated, 1988. Cal Winters, Days of Our Lives (also known as Cruise of Deception: Days of Our Lives, Days, and DOOL), NBC, 1989–1990. Reverend Andrew Carpenter, One Life to Live (also known as One Life to Live: The Summer of Seduction), ABC, 1991–2000, 2001, 2002, 2003—.

Appeared as Zeiss, The Paper Chase: The Second Year, Showtime; and as Eric, A Whole New Ballgame, ABC. Stage Appearances: Appeared in productions of The Cherry Orchard, Man and Superman, Men’s Singles, Our Town, Richard III, and Tamara; performed at American Conservatory Theatre, San Francisco, CA, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, and South Coast Repertory, Costa Mesa, CA.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Dave Falletta, ⬙Murder, She Rote,⬙ St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1985. Dr. Heath, ⬙Grin and Bear It,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1985. Dr. Heath, ⬙You’re in Alice’s,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1985. Everett Blaisdale, ⬙Diced Steele,⬙ Remington Steele, NBC, 1985. Addi Birol, ⬙Night Crawler,⬙ Scarecrow and Mrs. King, CBS, 1986. Customer, ⬙Torn between Three Brothers,⬙ Newhart, CBS, 1986. Jack Friday, ⬙Rakers,⬙ Max Headroom, ABC, 1987. ⬙Voices in the Earth,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1987. Prosecutor Demby, ⬙In the Dog House,⬙ Knots Landing, CBS, 1991. Dr. Nick, ⬙Laid Up,⬙ Harry and the Hendersons, syndicated, 1993.

RECORDINGS Videos: Voice of adult, When Mom and Dad Break Up (animated short documentary), Paramount, 1987. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Babylon 5, November, 1997, pp. 62–63. Electronic: Soap Central,, September 5, 2003.


L for Love Story; French Film Board Award, best music score, 1972, for Smic, Smac, Smoc; Midem Trophy Award, 1972; Beograd Music Festival Award, 1972; Tokyo Song Festival Award, 1972, for ⬙Pour un homme⬙; decorated chevalier, French Order of Arts and Letters, 1973; Tokyo Song Festival Award, 1974, for ⬙Et ce soir tu telephones⬙; nomination for Anthony Asquith Award for Film Music, 1975, for La bonne annee; gold record certification, 1976, for Francis Lai—The Man and His Music; gold record certification, 1977, for Les etoiles du cinema; Yamaha Song Festival Award, best foreign song, 1977, for ⬙Bonsoir Tristesse⬙; Europe 1 Award and Cesar Award nomination, best music written for a film, Academie des Arts et Techniques du Cinema, 1978, for Bilitis; gold record certification, 1978, platinum record certification, Recording Industry Association of America, gold record award (Switzerland), and platinum record award (France), all 1980, all for the album Bilitis; Cesar Award nomination, best music written for a film, 1982, for Les uns et les autres; Cesar Award, best music written for a film, 1989, for Itineraire d’un enfant gate; Cesar Award nomination, best music written for a film (with Claude Bolling), 1999, for Hasards ou coiencidences.

LAI, Francis 1932– PERSONAL Full name, Francis Albert Lai; born April 26, 1932, in Nice, France; son of market gardeners; married Dagmar Puetz, 1968; children: two sons, one daughter. Avocational Interests: Electric trains, drawing cartoon strips, football, tennis, skiing. Addresses: Office—23 Rue Franklin, 75016 Paris, France. Agent—Milander, Schleussner, Kaufman Agency, 4146 Lankershim Blvd., Suite 401, North Hollywood, CA 91602. Career: Composer. Performer as an orchestra musician, beginning 1950; accompanist for other performers, including Claude Goaty, 1955, Edith Piaf, 1960–63, and Mireille Mathieu, 1965. Composer for radio broadcasts. Awards, Honors: Gold record certification, Recording Industry Association of America, Triumph Award, and Best Original Song award, all 1966, for the album A Man and a Woman; Golden Globe Award nomination, best original score, 1967, for Un homme et une femme; Golden Globe Award nomination, best original score, 1968, nomination for Anthony Asquith Award for Film Music, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1969, and Broadcast Music Award, 1974, all for Vivre pour vivre; Best Music Score award, 1969, for Le passager de la pluie; Grammy Award nominations, best instrumental and best original score, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, and gold record certification, all 1970, for the album Love Story; Academy Award, best original music score, Golden Globe Award, best original score, and nomination for Golden Laurel, best composer, Laurel Awards, all 1971,

CREDITS Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Blind man, Smic, Smac, Smoc, GSF, 1971. Edith et Marcel (also known as Edith and Marcel), Miramax, 1984. Hasards ou coiencidences (also known as Chance or Coincidence and Chances or Coincidences), UGC– Fox Distribution, 1998. Film Work: Music performer, Robert et Robert, Quartet, 1978. Television Appearances; Specials: Interviewee, Edith Piaf: La vie en rose, PBS, 1998. 199


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 RECORDINGS

Du soliel plein les yeux (also known as Eyes Full of Sun), 1970. La modification, 1970. Smic, Smac, Smoc, GSF, 1971. Le voyou (also known as The Crook and Simon the Swiss), United Artists, 1971. Les petroleuses (also known as Frenchie King, The Legend of Frenchie King, The Oil Girls, The Petroleum Girls, and Le pistolere), Hemdale, 1971. L’odeur des fauves (also known as Scandal Man), 1971. La course du lievre a travaers leschamps (also known as ... And Hope to Die and La corsa della lepre attraverso i campi), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1972. L’aventure c’est l’aventure (also known as Money Money Money and L’avventura e l’avventura), GSF, 1972. Le petite poucet (also known as Tom Thumb), 1972. Un homme libre (also known as A Free Man), 1973. Par le sang des autres (also known as By the Blood of Others), 1973. Un amour de pluie (also known as Loving in the Rain, Male d’amore, and Sommerliebelei), 1973. La bonne annee (also known as Happy New Year, The Happy New Year Caper, and Una donna e una canaglia), Avco Embassy, 1973. Les hommes (also known as Killing in the Sun, Men, and Regolamenti di conti), Cocinor, 1973. Reigen (also known as Dance of Love and Merry–Go– Round), 1973. Dans le poussiere du soleil (also known as Dust in the Sun and Lust in the Sun), 1973. Visit to a Chief’s Son, United Artists, 1974. Emmanuelle, 1974. Jeune fille libre le soir (also known as The Babysitter, L.A. Babysitter, The Raw Edge, Wanted: Babysitter, Babysitter—Un maledetto pasticcio, and Das Banz grosse Ding), Titanus, 1975. Le chat et la souris (also known as Cat and Mouse and Seven Suspects for Murder), Quartet, 1975. Child under a Leaf (also known as Love Child), Cinema National, 1975. Toute une vie (also known as And Now My Love and Tutta una vita), Avco Embassy, 1975. Mariage (also known as Marriage), 1975. Emmanuelle II (also known as Emmanuelle’s 7th Heaven, Emmanuelle: The Joys of a Woman, and Emmanuelle l’antivierge), 1975. Si c’etait a refaire (also known as If I Had to Do It All Over Again and Second Chance), United Artists Classics, 1976. Le corps de mon ennemi (also known as Body of My Enemy), AMLF, 1976. Le bon et les mechants (also known as The Good Guys and the Bad Guys), 1976. The Good and the Bad, Paramount, 1976. Bilitis, Topar, 1976. Strip–tease (also known as Insanity), 1976. Un autre homme, une autre chance (also known as Another Man, Another Chance and Another Man, Another Woman), United Artists, 1977.

Albums: Love Story (soundtrack recording), MCA, 1970. Lai’s music is represented on a number of albums, including the soundtrack recordings from Bilitis, A Man and a Woman (album from Un homme et une femme), and Vivre pour vivre, and on the albums Les etoiles du cinema and Francis Lai—The Man and His Music. Recordings of singles include ⬙Bonsoir Tristesse,⬙ ⬙Et ce soir tu telephones,⬙ and ⬙Pour un homme.⬙ WRITINGS Film Music: Circle of Love (also known as La ronde), Continental, 1964. Un homme et une femme (also known as A Man and a Woman), Allied Artists, 1966. Masculine Feminine (also known as Masculin feminin), Royal, 1966. The Bobo, Warner Bros., 1967. Vivre pour vivre (also known as Live for Life and Vivere per vivere), United Artists, 1967. Mon amour, mon amour (also known as My Love, My Love), 1967. I’ll Never Forget What’s ’is Name, Regional, 1968. La louve solitaire (also known as The Lone She Wolf and La gatta dagli artigli d’oro), 1968. 13 jours en France (documentary; also known as Challenge in the Snow and Grenoble), 1968. La lecon particuliere (also known as Tender Moment), 1968. Le soleil des voyous (also known as Action Man, Leather and Nylon, and Il piu grande colpo del secolo), H. K. Film Distribution, 1969. La vie, l’amour, la mort (also known as Life Love Death and La vita, l’amore, la morte), Lopert, 1969. Three into Two Won’t Go, Universal, 1969. House of Cards, Universal, 1969. Mayerling, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1969. Hannibal Brooks, United Artists, 1969. The Games, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1970. Hello–Goodbye, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1970. Un homme qui me plait (also known as Again a Love Story, Love Is a Funny Thing, A Man I Like, Histoire d’aimer, and Un tipo che mi piace), United Artists, 1970. Le passager de la pluie (also known as Passenger in the Rain, Rider in the Rain, and L’uomo venuto dalla pioggia), Avco Embassy, 1970. Love Story, Paramount, 1970. Madly (also known as The Love Mates and Madly, il piacere dell’uomo), New Line Cinema, 1970. Le petite matin (also known as Early Morning), 1970. 200

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Anima persa (also known as The Forbidden Room, Lost Soul, and Ames perdues), Dean Films/Les Productions Fox Europe, 1977. Nido de viudas (also known as Widow’s Nest), Navarro Productions, 1977. First musical theme, Robert et Robert, Quartet, 1978. International Velvet, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1978. Les ringards (also known as The Small Timers), 1978. Leidenschaftliche Bluemchen (also known as Boarding School, Passion Flower Hotel, Preppy School Girls, and Virgin Campus), 1978. (With Lee Holdridge; and song ⬙Oliver’s Theme⬙) Oliver’s Story, Paramount, 1979. A nous deux (also known as An Adventure for Two and Us Two), AMLF, 1979. Les borsalini, 1980. (And song ⬙J’attends l’amour⬙) Beyond the Reef (also known as Sea Killer and Shark Boy of Bora Bora), Universal, 1981. Madame Claude 2 (also known as Intimate Moments), 1981. (With Michel Legrand) Bolero (also known as Within Memory and Les uns et les autres), Double 13/ Sharp Features, 1982. Salut la puce, Naja Film, 1983. Canicule (also known as Dog Day), UGC, 1984. Edith et Marcel (also known as Edith and Marcel), Miramax, 1984. Les ripoux (also known as My New Partner and Le cop), AMLF, 1984. (With Roman Romanelli) Gefahr fuer die Liebe—Aids (also known as AIDS—A Danger for Love and A.I. D.S.: Trop jeune pour mourir), Cinevox, 1985. J’ai rencontre le Pere Noel (also known as Here Comes Santa Claus), New World, 1985. Marie (also known as Marire: A True Story), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1985. Saijo densetsu, 1985. Un homme et une femme: Vingt ans deja (also known as A Man and a Woman: Twenty Years Later), Warner Bros., 1986. Attention Bandits! (also known as Bandits), Grange Communications/Jerry Winters, 1987. Oci ciornie (also known as Dark Eyes and Ochi Chyornye), Island Pictures, 1987. (With others) Date with an Angel, DeLaurentiis Entertainment Group, 1987. L’association des malfaiteurs (also known as Association of Wrongdoers), AMLF, 1987. Bernadette, Cannon, 1988. Les pyramides bleues (also known as The Novice, Paradise Calling, and La novicia), Sofracima/FR3 Films/Artedis, 1988. Itineraire d’un enfant gate (also known as Itinerary of a Spoiled Child and Der Loewe), AFMD, 1988. Keys to Freedom (also known as Death Dealers), RPB Pictures/Queen’s Cross Productions, 1989. Der Atem (also known as The Spirit), 1989. La passion de Bernadette, 1989.

LAI Ripoux contre ripoux (also known as My New Partner at the Races, My New Partner II, and Le cop 2), AMLF, 1990. Tolgo il disturbo (also known as I’ll Be Going Now and Valse d’amour), 1990. Il y a des jours ... et des lunes (also known as There Were Days and Moons), 1990. Le provincial, 1990. Les cles du paradis (also known as The Keys to Paradise), 1991. La belle histoire (also known as The Beautiful Story), 1992. L’inconnu dans la maison (also known as Stranger in the House), 1992. Tout ca ... pour ca! (also known as All That ... for This?), Jose Frade Producciones Cinematograficas, 1993. Le voleur et la menteuse (also known as The Thief and the Liar), Les Films 13/Les Films Tapon, 1994. Les Miserables (also known as Les miserables du vingtieme siecle), Warner Bros., 1995. Hommes, femmes, mode d’emploi (also known as Men, Women: A User’s Manual), Gala Films, 1996. Le serment sous la lune, 1997. Hasards ou coiencidences (also known as Chance or Coincidence and Chances or Coincidences), UGC– Fox Distribution, 1998. Une pour toutes (also known as One 4 All), Bac Films, 1999. Les insaisissables, Opening Distribution, 2000. Plastic Tree, 2003. Ripoux 3, Gaumont, 2003. Also composer for the film Indian Summer. Songs Featured in Films: Many of Lai’s original film songs have been featured in subsequent films. The music from Love Story was featured in Earth Girls Are Easy, released in 1988; Trop belle pout roi (also known as Too Beautiful for You), released by Orion Classics in 1990; and 200 Cigarettes, released by Paramount in 1999. Excerpts of his music were included in One Hundred and One Nights, released by Cinema Village Features in 1995. The music from Un homme et une femme was featured in Hustle, released in 1970; My Best Friend’s Wedding, released by TriStar in 1997; in Bringing Down the House, released by Buena Vista in 2003; and in The In–Laws, released in 2003. Several of Lai’s songs were featured in the film The Kid Stays in the Picture, released by Focus Features in 2002. Television Music; Miniseries: Les uns et les autres, 1983. (Including theme song, ⬙Hard to Be Tender⬙) Sins (also known as 3Sins), CBS, 1986. Disperatamente Giulia, 1989.



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Lincoln Center; grants from William and Eva Fox Foundation, Smithsonian Institution, and District of Columbia Commission on the Arts and Humanities.

Television Music; Movies: The Berlin Affair, NBC, 1970. Theme song, The Sex Symbol, ABC, 1974.


Television Music; Other: Brigitte Bardot (special), NBC, 1968. Ein Abend zu zweit, 1969. Pig in the Middle (series), 1980.

Stage Appearances: Bootsie, Mattie, and Thomas, Mule Bone, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1991. Man, Woman, Dinosaur, Playwrights’ Horizons Theatre, New York City, 1992. Nurse Hanniman, The Destiny of Me, Circle Repertory Company, Lucille Lortel Theatre, New York City, 1992–1993. Racael Tate, Zooman and the Sign, Second Stage Theatre, McGinn–Cazale Theatre, New York City, 1994–1995. Ama Cyllah, Mud, River, Stone, Playwrights’ Horizons, Wilder Theatre, 1997. Nurse Logan, The Ride down Mt. Morgan, New York Shakespeare Festival, Estelle R. Newman Theatre, Public Theatre, New York City, 1998, then Ambassador Theatre, New York City, 2000. Biblical Pieces (opera), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1999. The Dark Kalamazoo (solo show), Woolly Mammoth Theatre, Washington, DC, 1999, later Drama Dept., Greenwich House Theatre, New York City, 2001 and 2002.

Also composer of music for Les etoiles du cinema. The theme music for the film Love Story was also featured in the television series Love Story, broadcast by NBC in 1973. Lai’s original compositions have been featured in subsequent television programs. The music from the film Bilitis was featured in the television series Celeste, broadcast in 1977; and Celeste siempre Celeste, broadcast in 1994. Other: Contributor to periodicals, including Film Francais. OTHER SOURCES Books: International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, Volume 4: Writers and Production Artists, St. James Press, 1996.

Appeared in Two Trains Running, Broadway production; also appeared in All’s Well That Ends Well and The Misanthrope.

LAMPLEY, Oni Faida 1959(?)– (Oni F. Lampley)

Major Tours: The Dark Kalamazoo (solo show), U.S. cities, 1999–2001.

PERSONAL Film Appearances: Young mother with child, Strictly Business, Warner Bros., 1991. Dispatcher, Money Train, Columbia, 1995. (As Oni F. Lampley) Mrs. Grant, The Keeper, Rada Film, 1995. Attractive woman, Bullet, New Line Cinema, 1996. Celie, Lone Star, Sony Pictures Classics, 1996. Baroness, The Misadventures of Margaret (also known as Les folies de Margaret), Shaw Brothers, 1998. Madeleine, Jungle 2 Jungle (also known as Un indien a New York), Buena Vista, 1998. Waitress, Advice from a Caterpillar, Keystone Entertainment, 1999. Private duty nurse, Dragonfly (also known as Im Zeichen der Libelle), Universal, 2002.

Born c. 1959; married; children: sons. Education: Graduate of Oberlin College and New York University; studied playwriting at the Juilliard School; attended Sundance Screenwriters Lab, 1998. Career: Actress and writer. Acting Company, member; Drama Dept., founding member; InterAct Theatre Company, member of national honorary committee; affiliated with the New York Theatre Workshop. Appeared in commercials. Awards, Honors: Charles MacArthur Award, Helen Hayes Awards, Washington Theatre Awards Society, outstanding new play, 1991, for Mixed Babies; Charles MacArthur Award nomination, outstanding new play, 1999, and Charlotte Cushman Award nomination, Barrymore Awards, Theatre Alliance of Greater Philadelphia, outstanding leading actress in a play, 2001, both for The Dark Kalamazoo; LeComte du Nouy Award,

Television Appearances; Series: Janelle West, In Our Lives, CBS, beginning 1980. Hallie Mitchell, One Life to Live, ABC, 1994. Prentice Little, One Life to Live, ABC, 1997. 202

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Television Appearances; Miniseries: Dr. Georgette Taylor, A Will of Their Own, NBC, 1998.

LASHLY Also wrote other plays and screenplays. Essays: ⬙The Wig and I,⬙ Mirabella, 1993.

Television Appearances; Movies: Marsha (some sources cite Marisha) Williams, ... First Do No Harm, ABC, 1997. Nurse Bascam, The Bumblebee Flies Anyway, Starz!, 1999.

Contributor to other periodicals, including Elle.

Television Appearances; Specials: Larry Kramer, PBS, 1993. The Green Room, Bravo, 2000.


PERSONAL Television Appearances; Episodic: Barbara Kennedy, ⬙Profile,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1993. Dollie Withers, ⬙Gone for Goode,⬙ Homicide: Life on the Street (also known as Homicide and H: LOTS), NBC, 1993. Third reporter, ⬙Brown Appetit,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1993. Third reporter, ⬙4B or Not 4B,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1993. Sharlene Patterson, ⬙Custody,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1996. Reverend Truman, ⬙Unnatural Disasters,⬙ Oz, HBO, 1999. Cynthia Weller, ⬙Big Girls Don’t Cry,⬙ The Sopranos, HBO, 2000. Reverend Truman, ⬙The Bill of Wrongs,⬙ Oz, HBO, 2000. Ryan, ⬙Faith,⬙ Third Watch, NBC, 2000. ⬙A Hero’s Rest,⬙ Third Watch, NBC, 2001. United Nations official, ⬙Phantom,⬙ Law & Order: Criminal Intent, NBC, 2002. Janet Thomas, ⬙Suicide Box,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2003.

Addresses: Agent—Geddes Agency, 8930 Santa Monica Blvd., W. Hollywood, CA 90069. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Desert gas station attendant, Cannonball (also known as Carquake), Warner Home Video, 1976. Mott’s buddy, Bloodbrothers, Warner Bros., 1978. State trooper, Howard the Duck (also known as Howard: A New Breed of Hero), Universal, 1986. Deputy Purvis, Extreme Prejudice, TriStar, 1987. Freemont, Like Father, Like Son, TriStar, 1987. First cop, Out Cold, 1988. Charlie, Always, United Artists, 1989. Gas station attendant, Enid Is Sleeping (also known as Over Her Dead Body), Vestron, 1990. Wild Wild West, Warner Bros., 1999. Jason, Domestic Disturbance, Paramount, 2001. Reverend Daniels, White Oleander, Warner Bros., 2002.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Alyson Wardlaw, Philly Heat, ABC, 1995. WRITINGS

Television Appearances; Movies: Cop, The Dollmaker, ABC, 1984. First baseball player, Triplecross, ABC, 1985. Hoyt Wilson, Manhunt for Claude Dallas, CBS, 1986. Chaplain, In Love and War, NBC, 1987. Stranger on My Land, ABC, 1988. Sidney Winnik, Columbo: Grand Deceptions, ABC, 1989. Terry, Guess Who’s Coming for Christmas, NBC, 1990. Stetson, Grave Secrets: The Legacy of Hilltop Drive (also known as Grave Secrets), CBS, 1992. Deputy Sheriff Neely, A Walton Wedding, CBS, 1995. Duncan, Journey, CBS, 1995. Outlaw Jake Carver, The Cherokee Kid, HBO, 1996.

Plays: Mixed Babies, Washington Stage Guild, Washington, DC, 1991, then Manhattan Class Company Theatre, New York City, published by Dramatists Play Services. Class 1 Acts: ’91–’92, Manhattan Class Company Theatre, New York City, 1992. The Dark Kalamazoo (solo show), Woolly Mammoth Theatre, Washington, DC, 1999, produced on tour of U.S. cities, 1999–2001, later Drama Dept., Greenwich House Theatre, New York City, 2001–2001 and 2002, published in The Fire This Time, Theatre Communications Group. 203


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Leather jacket man, Miracle in Lane 2, Disney Channel, 2000. Vernon Bartlett, Night of the Wolf, Animal Planet, 2002.


Television Appearances; Specials: Man, The Killing Floor, PBS, 1984. Dick, Medusa: Dare to Be Truthful (also known as Dare to Be Truthful), Showtime, 1992.

Born c. 1930; raised in Cleveland, OH; mother, an automotive upholstery maker; children: Gina. Career: Actor. Dancer in stage productions. Also worked as a machinist and newspaper delivery person.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Henry Blaine, ⬙The Bus,⬙ Alice, CBS, 1978. Phil, ⬙Merry Wives of Sheinfeld: Part 1,⬙ E/R, CBS, 1985. Hullen, ⬙Sour Grapes,⬙ Scarecrow and Mrs. King, CBS, 1985. Merle, ⬙Dead Run,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1986. Chris, ⬙The Audit,⬙ 227, 1987. Bobby, ⬙The Junction,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1987. E. J., ⬙The Poker Game,⬙ Married ... with Children, Fox, 1987. Voice of control tower, ⬙Fear of Flying,⬙ Amen, 1988. Driver, ⬙Yokel Hero,⬙ The Golden Girls, NBC, 1988. First deputy, ⬙Stranger in a Strange Land,⬙ Hard Time on Planet Earth, 1989. Caterer, ⬙Loco Hero,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1990. Ensign Kopf, ⬙Brothers,⬙ Star Trek: The Next Generation, syndicated, 1990. ⬙The Inside Man,⬙ Shannon’s Deal, 1991. ⬙Judgement Day,⬙ The Young Riders, ABC, 1991. Assistant, ⬙The Baby Shower,⬙ Seinfeld, NBC, 1991. Mr. Thorne, ⬙No Hiding Place,⬙ Nurses, NBC, 1992. Starfleet Chief of Security Lieutenant George Primmin, ⬙The Passenger,⬙ Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, syndicated, 1993. Yasch, The Second Half, 1993. Starfleet Chief of Security Lieutenant George Primmin, ⬙Move Along Home⬙ (also known as ⬙Sore Losers⬙), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, syndicated, 1993. Ed Durrant, ⬙The Enemy Within,⬙ Nowhere Man, UPN, 1995. ⬙The High Ground,⬙ The Client (also known as John Grisham’s The Client), CBS, 1996. ⬙To Serve and Protect,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 1996. Eddie, ⬙Obstruction of Justice,⬙ ER, NBC, 1997. Shawn Campbell, ⬙Second Chance,⬙ Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1998. Joseph Butlington, ⬙Judge and Jury,⬙ The Practice, 1999. Mike Babcock, ⬙Family Values,⬙ Family Law, 2000. Mitch Evans, ⬙Human Touch,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2000. Groom, ⬙Simplification,⬙ The Michael Richards Show, NBC, 2000. Bartender, ⬙The Good, the Bad, and the Cursed,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2001. Neighbor, ⬙The Prisoner,⬙ The Agency, 2002.

Awards, Honors: Obie Award, Village Voice, outstanding performance, 1975, for Philemon; Helen Hayes Award, Washington Theatre Awards Society, outstanding supporting actor in a non–resident production, 2000, for Cabaret; Antoinette Perry Award, Drama Desk Award, and Outer Critics Circle Award, all best featured actor in a musical, 2003, for Hairspray; Grammy Award (with others), National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, best musical show album, 2003, for Hairspray; Neil–Man Award from Neil Simon and Manny Eisenberg. CREDITS Stage Appearances: Giovanni Pastora, The Education of H*Y*M*A*N K*A*P*L*A*N (musical), Alvin Theatre, New York City, 1968. Major domo and understudy for Gene Nelson, Follies (musical), Winter Garden Theatre, New York City, 1971–1972. Clown, Philemon, off–Broadway production, c. 1975. Nicolo Polo, Marco Polo, Marymount Manhattan Theatre, New York City, 1976–1977. Leo Schneider, Chapter Two, Imperial Theatre, New York City, 1978–1979. Renzo, Passione, Morosco Theatre, New York City, 1980. Herb, I Ought to Be in Pictures, Eugene O’Neill Theatre, New York City, 1980–1981. Myron Berger, Awake and Sing!, Circle in the Square, New York City, 1984. Diamonds, Circle in the Square Downtown, New York City, 1984–1985. Crossing the Bar, 1985. Jack Jerome, Brighton Beach Memoirs, Forty–Sixth Street Theatre, New York City, 1985–1986. Avram Cohen, Rags (musical), Mark Hellinger Theatre, New York City, 1986. Jack, Broadway Bound, Broadhurst Theatre, New York City, between 1986 and 1988. Ernie Cusak, Rumors, Broadhurst Theatre, between 1988 and 1990. Clem Rogers, The Will Rogers Follies (musical), Palace Theatre, New York City, between 1991 and 1993.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Russell Pendergast, P.O.P., NBC, 1984. 204

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Daniel Shannon, Man in His Underwear, Playwrights’ Horizons Theatre, New York City, 1992. Captain Jack Boyle, Juno, Vineyard Theatre, New York City, 1992–1993. Whitey McCoy, Sophistry, Playwrights’ Horizons Theatre, 1993. Van Buren, Damn Yankees (musical), Marquis Theatre, New York City, 1994–1995. Carl, Fit to Be Tied, Playwrights’ Horizons Theatre, 1996. Dr. Michel, Du Barry Was a Lady (concert performance), City Center Theatre, New York City, 1996. Senex, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (musical), St. James Theatre, New York City, between 1996 and 1998. Dr. Dreyfuss, Promises, Promises (concert performance), City Center Theatre, 1997. Burt Hines, Proposals, Eisenhower Theatre, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, 1997, then Broadhurst Theatre, 1997–1998. Nunzio Christano, Over the River and through the Woods, John Houseman Theatre, New York City, between 1998 and 2000. Herr Schultz, Cabaret (musical), Roundabout Theatre Company, Wilshire Theatre, Los Angeles, 1999, also Warner Theatre, Washington, DC, and Kit Kat Klub, New York City. Ron, Chaucer in Rome, Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre, New York City, 2001. Heart Song: The Heroes’ Concert (two benefit performances), Bottom Line, New York City, 2001. Wilbur Turnblad, Hairspray (musical), Fifth Avenue Theatre, Seattle, WA, 2002, then Neil Simon Theatre, New York City, beginning 2002. Broadway Barks 5 (benefit performance), Shubert Alley, New York City, 2003.

LATESSA Mr. Pugliese, Trackdown: Finding the Goodbar Killer, CBS, 1983. ⬙Boss⬙ Tom Messenger, Out of the Darkness, CBS, 1985. Lieutenant Murphy, Izzy and Moe, CBS, 1985. Malcolm Sterling, Rockabye, CBS, 1986. Jack Karney, Shattered Trust: The Shari Karney Story (also known as Shattered Trust), NBC, 1993. Joe Ciccilone, Thicker Than Blood, TNT, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: Paul Wescott, And They All Lived Happily Ever After, 1981. Creech, Pudd’nhead Wilson, PBS, 1984. Charles Hirsch, The Trial of Bernhard Goetz, PBS, 1988. Coach Schneider, Over the Limit, ABC, 1990. Appeared in Philemon, PBS. Television Appearances; Episodic: Woodman, ⬙One Nation Invisible,⬙ Get Smart, NBC, 1968. General Tamaar, ⬙Nitro,⬙ Mission: Impossible, CBS, 1969. ⬙Resurrection,⬙ Spenser: For Hire, ABC, 1985. George Kendrick, ⬙Personal Demons,⬙ Spenser: For Hire, ABC, 1987. Admiral Miles Coty, ⬙Conduct Unbecoming,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1993. Dr. Kyle Rose, ⬙Mairmaids Strike Better,⬙ Central Park West (also known as CPW), CBS, 1996. Dr. Kyle Rose, ⬙You Belong to Me!,⬙ Central Park West (also known as CPW), CBS, 1996. ⬙Judgement in LA: D–Girl,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1997. Mr. Dunn, ⬙Just the Three of Us,⬙ Soul Man, ABC, 1998. Mr. Dunn, ⬙Raising Heck,⬙ Soul Man, ABC, 1998. Ike Munro, Talk to Me, ABC, 2000. Father L’Oiseau, ⬙The Army of One,⬙ The Sopranos, HBO, 2001. Jerry Waldrop, ⬙Closure,⬙ Ed, NBC, 2001. Bishop Burning, ⬙The Collar,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2002. Bishop Burning, ⬙Under God,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2003.

Appeared as Hucklebee, The Fantasticks (musical), Sullivan Street Playhouse, New York City; appeared in The King and I and L’il Abner, City Center Theatre; appeared in The King and I and other productions in Ohio; appeared in Encores!; performed at the Huntington Theatre, Boston, MA, and the Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT.

Played Mr. Giamelli in ⬙Surprise! I Hate Your Friend!,⬙ an unaired episode of Working It Out, NBC.

Television Appearances; Series: Noel Douglas, The Edge of Night, CBS, 1975, then ABC, 1975–1976. Mike Duffy, True Blue, NBC, 1989–1991. Neil Hayes, One Life to Live, ABC, 1997.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Conti, ⬙Everybody’s Favorite Bagman⬙ (original pilot for series), Law & Order, CBS, aired as an episode of series on NBC, 1990. Gus, The Circle Game, ABC, 1993.

Television Appearances; Movies: Fred, The Family Man, CBS, 1979. Charlie, A Question of Honor, CBS, 1982. The Neighborhood (also known as Breslin’s Neighborhood), NBC, 1982.

Film Appearances: Cul–de–Sac, 1995. Mr. McCormack, Sr., The Substance of Fire, Miramax, 1996. 205


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Delivery boy, Fantasies (also known as The Studio Murders), ABC, 1982.

Mr. Mayhew, Better Than Ever, Panorama Entertainment, 1997. Father Gianni Delmonico, Stigmata, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1999. Uncle Leo, The Event, ThinkFilm, 2003.

Television Appearances; Specials: Wally, Tough Girl, ABC, 1981. The All My Children 25th Anniversary Special, ABC, 1995.


Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 16th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, NBC, 1989. Soap Opera Digest Awards, NBC, 1989.

Albums; Original Cast Recordings: The Will Rogers Follies: A Life in Revue, Sony, 1991. Hairspray, Sony, 2002.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Larry, ⬙Generations,⬙ Eight Is Enough, ABC, 1980. Young soldier, ⬙The Pledge,⬙ The Waltons, CBS, 1980. (As Laurence Lau, Jr.) ⬙Fitz’s Boys,⬙ Paris, CBS, 1980. Phil, ⬙Bride and Gloom⬙ (also known as ⬙Fonzie and Jenny Married⬙), Happy Days, ABC, 1981. ⬙The Victims/The Man in the Iron Shorts/Heavens to Betsy,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1982. Greg Hutchens (some sources cite Greg Haller), ⬙Dead in the Water,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1998. Steven, ⬙Where Every Bloke Knows Your Name,⬙ Frasier, NBC, 1998. ⬙A New Leaf: Part 2,⬙ Mike Hammer, Private Eye, syndicated, 1998. Brad Armstrong, ⬙Lovers,⬙ Brimstone, Fox, 1999. Dr. Lawrence Gettis, ⬙Family Secrets,⬙ JAG, CBS, 2000. Dr. Lawrence Gettis, ⬙Legacy: Part 1,⬙ JAG, CBS, 2000. Dr. Lawrence Gettis, ⬙The Princess and the Petty Officer,⬙ JAG, CBS, 2000. Warren Hargrove, ⬙Scorpio Rising,⬙ Martial Law, CBS, 2000.

OTHER SOURCES Electronic:,, July 20, 2000.

LAU, Laurence 1954– (Laurence Lau, Jr.) PERSONAL Surname is pronounced ⬙law⬙; born May 10, 1954, in Long Beach, CA; married Karen Wallace (divorced, c. 1978); married Linda McCullough (an actress), February 25, 1982 (divorced, 1983). Education: Attended Columbia University, Brigham Young University, and the Side Action Project School. Avocational Interests: Dancing, drawing, horseback riding, jogging, karate (first–degree black belt), skiing, weightlifting, playing the drums, watching movies, reading.

Appeared in ⬙I’ve Got a Secret,⬙ an unaired episode of Charlie Grace, ABC. Film Appearances: Finders Keepers, 1999. Tom Carter, Return to the Secret Garden, Feature Films for Families, 2000. Jumping for Joy, 2000. The Penny Promise, 2001.

Career: Actor. Also worked in construction and at a newsstand and sold used cars. Also billed as Lawrence Lau. CREDITS

Also appeared in Dare and Fortune Seller.

Television Appearances; Series: Gregory ⬙Greg⬙ Nelson, All My Children, ABC, 1981–1986. Dr. James ⬙Jamie⬙ Frame/James ⬙Jamie⬙ Matthews, Another World, NBC, 1986–1990. Samuel ⬙Sam⬙ Rappaport, One Life to Live (also known as One Life to Live: The Summer of Seduction), ABC, 2001–2003.

Stage Appearances: Martin, The Goat, Vienna, Austria, 2002. Also appeared in other productions, including a one– act play. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Laurence Lau Fan Site,, September 17, 2003.

Television Appearances; Movies: Mark, The Best Little Girl in the World, ABC, 1981. 206

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

LENEHAN Robert Simons, Knots Landing: Back to the Cul–de– Sac, CBS, 1997.

LAUGHLIN, John (John McLaughlin)

Television Appearances; Movies: Rick Goodwin, High Powder, 1982. Wally Markham, Murder with Mirrors (also known as Agatha Christie’s ⬙Murder with Mirrors⬙), 1985. Hudson James, Streets of Justice, NBC, 1985. Codie Branch, Longarm (also known as Showdown in Silver City), ABC, 1988. Milner, Fire! Trapped on the 37th Floor, ABC, 1991. Rufus Hutton, Memphis, TNT, 1992. Martin Kester, A Perry Mason Mystery: The Case of the Jealous Jokester, NBC, 1995. Dussecq, Back to Back (also known as Back to Back: American Yakuza 2), HBO, 1996. Stark, Storm Trooper, Showtime, 1999. Nick Saunders, Malaika (also known as Tons of Trouble), HBO, 1997.

PERSONAL Born April 3, in Memphis, TN. Avocational Interests: Outdoors. Addresses: Contact—c/o 11815 Magnolia Blvd., Ⲇ2, North Hollywood, CA 91607. Career: Actor. Hollywood Celebrity Shoot, host; Irlene Mandrell Celebrity Shoot, shooter. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Specials: John Evans III, Dead Wrong: The John Evans Story (also known as Dead Wrong), CBS, 1984.

Film Appearances: (As John McLaughlin) Steve, Summer School, Lima Productions, 1977. Rogue, Final Cut (also known as Death Games), 1980. Troy, An Officer and a Gentleman, Paramount, 1982. Woody, Footloose, Paramount, 1984. Bobby Grady, Crimes of Passion, New World Pictures, 1984. Hulk, The Hills Have Eyes Part II, Castle Hill, 1985. Walker, Space Rage (also known as A Dollar a Day, Space Rage: Breakout on Prison Planet, and Trackers), Lightning Video, 1985. Jeff Schubb, Midnight Crossing, Vestron Pictures, 1988. Man at wagon wheel, Motorama, Two Moon Releasing, 1991. Jake Simpson, The Lawnmower Man (also known as Stephen King’s The Lawnmower Man), New Line Cinema, 1992. Barry, Night Fire, Dream LLC, 1994. Jack, Sexual Malice, A–Pix Entertainment, 1994. Michael Miller, Improper Conduct, New City Releasing, 1994. General Peterson, The Rock, Buena Vista, 1996. Himself, Independence Day, 1996. Garcia, Operation Delta Force 4: Deep Fault, 1999. Detective Kay, The Crawl Space (also known as Gacy), Lions Gate Films, 2003. Sheriff Clay, Ghost Rock (also known as The Reckoning), Silverline Pictures, 2003.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Gregory, ⬙The Treasure of Soggy Marsh,⬙ The Dukes of Hazzard, CBS, 1982. Brian, ⬙Jackal,⬙ The Powers of Matthew Star, 1982. Gary Burke, ⬙Murder Is the Key,⬙ Tucker’s Witch, 1983. Bill Ainsley, ⬙Dead Man’s Gold,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1986. Jake Hughes, ⬙Carnal Persuasion,⬙ The Equalizer, CBS, 1987. Mike Lowery, ⬙Snow White, Blood Red,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1988. Brendan McMurphy, ⬙The World: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ China Beach, ABC, 1989. Landau, ⬙Dead Weight,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1993. Victor Carlton, ⬙Missing in Action,⬙ Soldier of Fortune, Inc. (also known as Special Ops Forces), syndicated, 1997. Also appeared as Johnny, ⬙Food for Thought,⬙ Tales from the Crypt, HBO.

LENEHAN, Nancy (Nancy Lenihan)

Television Appearances; Series: Patrick ⬙Paddy⬙ Falahey, The White Shadow, CBS, 1980–1981.

PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—Mitchell K. Stubbs & Associates, 8675 West Washington Blvd., Suite 203, Culver City, CA 90232.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Charles Stanhope, If Tomorrow Comes, CBS, 1986. 207


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Television Appearances; Specials: Neighbor, The Hit List, PBS, 1989. Mother, To the Moon, Alice, Showtime, 1990. Susan Thomas, Other Mothers, CBS, 1993. Judy Miller, Missing Parents, Showtime, 1994.

Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Ramona, Smokey and the Bandit II (also known as Smokey and the Bandit Ride Again), Universal, 1980. Guard, The Incredible Shrinking Woman, Universal, 1981. Mother in supermarket, Jekyll & Hyde ... Together Again, Paramount, 1982. Waitress in desert diner, Like Father, Like Son, TriStar, 1987. Cynthia, She’s Having a Baby, Paramount, 1988. Waitress, The Great Outdoors, 1988. Miss Clayton, Out on a Limb, MCA/Universal, 1992. Vegas Motel 9 desk clerk, Roadside Prophets, Fine Line, 1992. Marge Jenkins, Pleasantville, New Line Cinema, 1998. Lady on plane, The Limey, Artisan Entertainment, 1999. Puff’s mother, Human Nature, Fine Line, 2001. Woman on plane, Full Frontal, Miramax, 2002. Voice of Kaufman’s mother, Adaptation, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2002. Carol Strong, Catch Me If You Can, DreamWorks, 2002.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Vivian, Mickey and Nora, CBS, 1987. Maryedith Sweetzer, Passion, CBS, 1991. Colleen Wilson, Mystery Dance, ABC, 1995. Sandy, Married to the Kellys, ABC, 2003. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Mona Lisa Alice,⬙ Alice, CBS, 1979. ⬙Too Many Robert Goulets,⬙ Alice, CBS, 1980. ⬙Vegas: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Alice, 1980. ⬙One Daisy Per Summer,⬙ Enos, 1981. Katy Moore, ⬙Pestolozzi’s Revenge,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1982. Katy Moore, ⬙Zen and the Art of Law Enforcement,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1982. (As Nancy Lenihan) Roberta, ⬙No Nukes Is Good Nukes,⬙ Family Ties, NBC, 1982. ⬙The Visitors,⬙ Newhart, CBS, 1983. ⬙Show Biz Mamas,⬙ Love, Sidney, 1983. ⬙Sexiest Bachelor,⬙ We Got It Made, 1983. Customer, ⬙Store Games,⬙ The Facts of Life, NBC, 1983. Georgette, ⬙Beauty and the Beast,⬙ Faerie Tale Theatre (also known as Shelley Duvall’s Faerie Tale Theatre), Showtime, 1984. Charlotte, ⬙1/4/84,⬙ Empire, CBS, 1984. ⬙The Hero,⬙ V, NBC, 1985. Woman addict, ⬙Dead Run,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1986. ⬙The Reunion Show,⬙ It’s a Living, syndicated, 1986. Lucy, ⬙No Way Down,⬙ Beauty and the Beast, CBS, 1987. Kristi Gastetter, ⬙My Three Dads,⬙ Newhart, 1988. Laverne Litwak, ⬙Baby Love,⬙ ALF, NBC, 1989. ⬙A Matter of Honor: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Paradise, CBS, 1989. Ms. Abrams, ⬙Yet Another Day in the Life,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1989. Sydney, ⬙Subpoena Envy,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1990. ⬙Hair,⬙ Roseanne, ABC, 1990. Mrs. Williams, ⬙Babyface,⬙ Dear John, NBC, 1990. Nun, ⬙Cheaters,⬙ The Golden Girls, NBC, 1990. Joy Zimmer, ⬙Devoted Husband, Loving Father,⬙ Sisters, NBC, 1991. Cheryl Pinson, ⬙This Joint Is Jumpin’,⬙ Nurses, 1991. Colleen McBain, ⬙Raped—June 20, 1980,⬙ Quantum Leap, NBC, 1991. ⬙For Better or Perverse,⬙ Civil Wars, ABC, 1992. Volunteer, ⬙The Handicap Spot,⬙ Seinfeld, NBC, 1993. Amy Baker, ⬙Cable Does Not Pay,⬙ Bakersfield, P.D., Fox, 1993.

Television Appearances; Series: Beverly Melrod, Great Scott!, Fox, 1992. Daisy Skelnick, The Faculty, ABC, 1996. Sandy Kelly, Married to the Kellys, ABC, 2003. Television Appearances; Movies: Bonnie, When She Was Bad ... , ABC, 1979. Laura, Your Place or Mine, CBS, 1983. Young woman, Emergency Room, syndicated, 1983. Grace Decker, Assassin, CBS, 1986. Receptionist, Sunday Drive, ABC, 1986. Dinah, Baby Girl Scott, CBS, 1987. Mrs. Barton, Student Exchange, ABC, 1987. Connie Orsini, Rock ’n’ Roll Mom, ABC, 1988. Mrs. Harris, Parent Trap: Hawaiian Honeymoon (also known as Parent Trap IV: Hawaiian Honeymoon), NBC, 1989. Harriet Alvena Baum Neal, The Dreamer of Oz (also known as The Dreamer of Oz: The L. Frank Baum Story), CBS, 1990. Blanche, Runaway Father, CBS, 1991. Radio show hostess, Amelia Earhart: The Final Flight, TNT, 1994. Sister Faith, Love Gang, The Cherokee Kid, HBO, 1996. Temperance Lady 1, The Ransom of Red Chief, ABC, 1998. Charlotte, Door to Door, TNT, 2002. Teacher, Eddie’s Million Dollar Cook–Off, The Disney Channel, 2003. 208

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

LENNOX Faye Rotundi, ⬙Happy Birthday,⬙ Felicity, The WB, 1999. Dr. Peel, ⬙Teacher’s Pet Peeve,⬙ Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place (also known as Two Guys and a Girl), ABC, 1999. ⬙The Birthday Party,⬙ Providence, NBC, 1999. Bunny, ⬙Jack Vents,⬙ Just Shoot Me!, NBC, 1999. Dr. Peel, ⬙Feast or Fireman,⬙ Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place (also known as Two Guys and a Girl), ABC, 2000. Judy, ⬙The Good Couple,⬙ Yes, Dear, CBS, 2000. Christie, ⬙Therapy,⬙ Malcolm in the Middle, Fox, 2000. Dr. Gibson, ⬙Subject: Me and My Shadow,⬙ Freaky Links, Fox, 2001. Mrs. Hoeller, ⬙One for the Road,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2001. ⬙The Time/Sex Continuum,⬙ Jack & Jill, The WB, 2001. LaDawn, ⬙The Road Trip to Harvard,⬙ Gilmore Girls, The WB, 2001. Faye Rotundi, ⬙Your Money or Your Wife,⬙ Felicity, The WB, 2001. Jan, ⬙Let Sleeping Dogs Lie,⬙ Men, Women & Dogs, The WB, 2001. Faye Rotundi, ⬙Fire,⬙ Felicity, The WB, 2001. Principal Deborah Harkness, ⬙The New Day,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2002. Principal Deborah Harkness, ⬙Heart and Soul,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2002. Fay, ⬙After Mrs. Shafter,⬙ Titus, Fox, 2002. Pamela, ⬙Counseling,⬙ Everybody Loves Raymond, CBS, 2002. Jeff’s mom, ⬙The Cheerleading Incident,⬙ What I Like about You, The WB, 2003. Jeff’s mom, ⬙The Game,⬙ What I Like about You, The WB, 2003. Nina’s mother, ⬙Bring It on Home,⬙ That ’70s Show, Fox, 2003. Helen, ⬙Day Care,⬙ Malcolm in the Middle, Fox, 2003.

Mrs. Audrey Sheffield, ⬙Up on the Roof,⬙ Grace under Fire, ABC, 1993. Mrs. Audrey Sheffield, ⬙Say Goodnight, Gracie,⬙ Grace under Fire, ABC, 1993. Mrs. Audrey Sheffield, ⬙Grace and Beauty,⬙ Grace under Fire, ABC, 1994. Mrs. Audrey Sheffield, ⬙Tears of Joy,⬙ Grace under Fire, ABC, 1994. Mrs. Tubmann, ⬙Prom Night,⬙ Step by Step, ABC, 1994. Russian immigrant woman, ⬙The Nanny Napper,⬙ The Nanny, CBS, 1994. Dr. Wallach, ⬙Purseona,⬙ Mad about You, NBC, 1995. Mrs. Audrey Sheffield, ⬙Sticks and Stones,⬙ Grace under Fire, ABC, 1995. Mrs. Audrey Sheffield, ⬙You Can Lead a Horse to Water ... ,⬙ Grace under Fire, ABC, 1995. Mrs. Audrey Sheffield, ⬙Head Games,⬙ Grace under Fire, ABC, 1996. Mrs. Audrey Sheffield, ⬙Guess Who’s Not Coming to Lunch?,⬙ Grace under Fire, ABC, 1996. Margaret, ⬙Give Me Equity or Give Me Death,⬙ Ellen, ABC, 1996. Margaret, ⬙Splitsville, Man,⬙ Ellen, ABC, 1996. Lila, Shannon’s mom, ⬙Things That Go Bump in the Water,⬙ Townies, ABC, 1996. Lila, Shannon’s mom, ⬙It’s Go Time,⬙ Townies, ABC, 1996. ⬙The Blessing,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 1997. Margaret, ⬙Joe’s Kept Secret,⬙ Ellen, ABC, 1997. Susan Kalliback, ⬙Quiz Show,⬙ Boy Meets World, ABC, 1997. Mrs. St. Clair, ⬙Dickmalion,⬙ 3rd Rock from the Sun, NBC, 1997. Nancy Milford, ⬙Logan’s Run,⬙ Ink, CBS, 1997. Margaret, ⬙Moving On,⬙ Ellen, ABC, 1997. ⬙The Baby–Care Class,⬙ George & Leo, CBS, 1997. Mrs. Audrey Sheffield, ⬙Grace of Wrath,⬙ Grace under Fire, ABC, 1997. Mrs. Audrey Sheffield, ⬙The Victory Tree,⬙ Grace under Fire, ABC, 1997. Mrs. Audrey Sheffield, ⬙Digging up the Dirt,⬙ Grace under Fire, ABC, 1998. Mrs. Audrey Sheffield, ⬙Fire in the Hole,⬙ Grace under Fire, ABC, 1998. Meredith Hirsh, ⬙Equality,⬙ Working, NBC, 1998. Plum, ⬙Caroline and the Office,⬙ Caroline in the City, NBC, 1998. Plum, ⬙Caroline and the Rotten Plum,⬙ Caroline in the City, NBC, 1998. Pat, ⬙Dead Man’s Party,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The WB, 1998. Edie Harvell, ⬙Nobody Doesn’t Like Amanda Lee,⬙ ER, NBC, 1999. Karen Love, ⬙Run, Dharma, Run,⬙ Dharma & Greg, ABC, 1999. Karen Love, ⬙See Dharma Run Amok,⬙ Dharma & Greg, ABC, 1999. Mrs. Needles, ⬙Down and Out at Bleeker and Houston,⬙ Zoe, Duncan, Jack & Jane, The WB, 1999.

Also appeared as maiden at ball, ⬙Cinderella,⬙ Faerie Tale Theatre (also known a Shelley Duvall’s Faerie Tale Theatre), Showtime; Mrs. Erlich, ⬙C’gar Face,⬙ The Tony Danza Show; Marla, ⬙Pinch Sitter,⬙ The Sinbad Show; Linda Kilmer, Heart of the City, ABC; Nancy Kendricks, Dudley, CBS. RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Magentia Moonbeam, Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, 1994.

LENNOX, Doug PERSONAL Career: Actor. 209


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Gangster, ⬙The Return of Eliot Ness,⬙ The Untouchables, 1991. Lieutenant Will Kelly, ⬙The Duel,⬙ Due South (also known as Due South: The Series, Direction: Sud, and Tandem de choc), CBS and CTV, 1996. Colonel Purcell, ⬙The Devil You Know,⬙ Earth: Final Conflict (also known as EFC, Gene Roddenberry’s Battleground Earth, Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict, Invasion planete Terre, and Mission Erde: Sie sind unter uns), syndicated, 1998. Mr. Horner, ⬙That Old Gang of Mine,⬙ Once a Thief (also known as John Woo’s Once a Thief), CTV, 1998. General Bull Jennings, ⬙Honey, It’s Doomsday,⬙ Cold Squad, CTV and Lifetime, 1999. ⬙Marilyn Larson,⬙ Cold Squad, CTV and Lifetime, 1999. Chief of staff, ⬙Extra Credit,⬙ The Famous Jett Jackson, The Disney Channel, 2000. Asher, ⬙Fire in the Sky,⬙ Relic Hunter, syndicated, 2002. Detective Jacob Walen, ⬙Cop Killer,⬙ A Nero Wolfe Mystery, Arts and Entertainment, 2002. Dusty, ⬙Out with the Old,⬙ Soul Food, Showtime, 2002. Fabian, ⬙Before I Die,⬙ A Nero Wolfe Mystery, Arts and Entertainment, 2002. Roger Mason, ⬙Dark at the End of the Tunnel,⬙ Odyssey 5, Showtime, 2002.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Regular performer, TGIF, CBC, 1973–1974. Cohost, Juliette and Friends, CBC, 1973—. Roger Mason, Odyssey 5, Showtime, 2003—. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Jack Whiting, Thanks of a Grateful Nation (also known as The Gulf War), Showtime, 1998. Mr. Hanssen, Sr., Master Spy: The Robert Hanssen Story, CBS, 2002. Texas Ike (some sources cite Nelms Hutton), Johnson County War, Hallmark Channel, 2002. Television Appearances; Movies: Himbigger, He’s Fired, She’s Hired, CBS, 1984. Vinnie, Perry Mason Returns (also known as The Defense Never Rests), NBC, 1985. The Execution of Raymond Graham, ABC, 1985. Bristol, A Deadly Business, CBS, 1986. Congressperson Vince D’Angelo, Many Happy Returns, CBS, 1986. Phil Harrison, Covert Action, CBC, 1987. Third chief gangster, The Return of Eliot Ness, NBC, 1991. Grogan, Teamster Boss: The Jackie Presser Story, HBO, 1992. Police officer, Harrison Bergeron (also known as Kurt Vonnegut’s Harrison Bergeron), [Canada], 1995. Sheriff, At the Midnight Hour, CBS, 1995. Bud Munsch, Pretty Poison, Fox, 1996. Parker, Moonshine Highway, Showtime, 1996. Dr. Landers, What Happened to Bobby Earl? (also known as Murder in a College Town), CBS, 1997. General Dodd, The White Raven, HBO, 1998. Harlan Wade, Evidence of Blood, The Movie Channel, 1998. Uncle Maury, John Woo’s Once a Thief: Family Business, The Movie Channel, 1998. Captain, Execution of Justice, Showtime, 1999. Lungren, Family of Cops III, CBS, 1999. Ron Sachs, In the Company of Spies, Showtime, 1999. Nelms Hatton, Harlan County War, Cinemax, 2000. Robert Culley, Someone Is Watching, Lifetime, 2000. Giff Verdon, Sanctuary (also known as Nora Roberts’ Sanctuary), CBS, 2001. Jack Kash, Sins of the Father, F/X, 2002. Percy Foreman, Whitewash: The Clarence Brandley Story, Showtime, 2002. General Tommy Francks, DC 9/11: Time of Crisis, Showtime, 2003.

Television Appearances; Pilots: ⬙My Secret Identity,⬙ My Secret Identity, syndicated, 1988. Staff inspector, E.N.G. (two parts), CTV and Lifetime, 1990. ⬙The Return,⬙ Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years, syndicated, 1995. Film Appearances: Damoni, Breaking Point, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1976. Stauffenberg, Power Play, 1978. Beechum, Kelly (also known as Like Father, Like Daughter), Paramount, 1981. Captain, The Last Chase, Crown International Pictures, 1981. Cabe, Self Defense (also known as Siege), New Line Cinema, 1983. Zed (main bad guy), Police Academy (also known as Police Academy: What an Institution!), Warner Bros., 1984. Axe murderer, Police Academy 3: Back in Training, Warner Bros., 1986. Kane’s pug, The Boy in Blue, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1986. Lieutenant Evans, Blood Brothers (also known as Native Strangers), USA Pictures, 1993. Mr. Kittrie, Mercy, New City Releasing, 1996. Andrew Bahr, The Herd (documentary), National Film Board of Canada, 1998. Bartender, X–Men (also known as X–Men 1.5), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Patrol man, ⬙The Initiation,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, USA Network, 1987. ⬙New Dawn,⬙ The Hitchhiker, HBO, 1989. 210

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

LETTS Sheriff, Where the Heart Is, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. Sheriff, Secondhand Lions, New Line Cinema, 2003.

General Tyson Keenen, Judgment (also known as Apocalypse IV: Judgment), Once upon a Time Films/Cloud Ten Pictures, 2001. Harvey, Dual Citizen (short film), Accidental Films, 2001. Hal, Interstate 60 (also known as Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road and I–60), Samuel Goldwyn, 2002. Barrel chest, Against the Ropes (also known as The Jackie Kallen Story), Paramount, 2004.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Clyde Ott, Trial: The Price of Passion, NBC, 1992. Senator Rogers, Tom Clancy’s Netforce, ABC, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Captain Ross, Houston: The Legend of Texas (also known as Gone to Texas), CBS, 1986. Crick, Dallas: The Early Years, CBS, 1986. Plant supervisor, Margaret Bourke–White (also known as Double Exposure), TNT, 1989. Cecil Houston, Challenger, ABC, 1990. Chief McAlester, A Killing in a Small Town (also known as Evidence of Love), CBS, 1990. Ed Warren, A Triumph of the Heart: The Ricky Bell Story, CBS, 1991. Grandpa Maguire, A Seduction in Travis County (also known as Blind Judgement), CBS, 1991. Harlan Parker, Wild Texas Wind, NBC, 1991. Poppa, Jailbirds, CBS, 1991. The Last Prostitute, 1991. Lawyer, A Taste for Killing, USA Network, 1992. Lloyd Yarborough, Fugitive among Us, CBS, 1992. Governor Griffin, The Ernest Green Story, The Disney Channel, 1993. Railroad chief executive officer, Frank and Jesse, HBO, 1994. Prosecutor, Her Hidden Truth, NBC, 1995. Judge Crawford, Two Mothers for Zachary, ABC, 1996. Mickey Braddock, Frequent Flyer, Lifetime, 1996. Roland Tate, Road to Galveston, USA Network, 1996. Dr. Moran, To Live Again, CBS, 1998. Buchanan, A Face to Kill For, USA Network, 1999. Too Legit: The M. C. Hammer Story, VH1, 2001.

LETTS, Dennis PERSONAL Raised in Wagoner, OK; married; wife’s name, Billie D. (a writer and university instructor); children: Shawn (a musician and composer), Tracy (an actor and writer). Education: Northeastern Oklahoma State University, B.A.; University of Tulsa, M.A.; University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Ph.D. Career: Actor and writer. Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Durant, OK, associate professor of English, 1976–87. Awards, Honors: Distinguished Alumnus Award, Northeastern State University, 1999. CREDITS Film Appearances: General Sanders, Blood Suckers from Outer Space, Warner Bros., 1984. Tabloid, Tapeworm Video Distributors, 1985. Bob Hadley, Square Dance (also known as Home Is Where the Heart Is), Island Pictures, 1987. Army general, Johnny Be Good, Orion, 1988. It Takes Two (also known as My New Car), United Artists, 1988. Alan Fortas, Heartbreak Hotel, Buena Vista, 1989. Doc White, The Man in the Moon, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1991. Senior district attorney, Rush, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1991. Frank Allen, Passenger 57, Warner Bros., 1992. Man with dog, Sidekicks, Triumph Releasing, 1992. Governor, A Perfect World, Warner Bros., 1993. Voice, A Goofy Movie (animated), Buena Vista, 1995. Gordy, Miramax, 1995. Dr. Schultz, Fire Down Below, Warner Bros., 1997. Preston Liddy, Keys to Tulsa, Gramercy, 1997. Sergeant Phillips, Little Boy Blue, Castle Hill, 1997. Dennis Larson, Cast Away, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Tough Love,⬙ Dallas, CBS, 1987. Winthrop Pierson, ⬙In the Name of Love,⬙ Dangerous Curves, CBS, 1992. Ethan, ⬙Right Man, Wrong Time,⬙ Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1994. Fred Garrett, ⬙Whitewater: Part 1,⬙ Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1995. Paul Gellis, ⬙A Woman’s Place,⬙ Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1997. Sidney Berlin, ⬙Strangers and Brothers,⬙ Once and Again, ABC, 2000. Television Appearances; Pilots: Watchdog, Time Bomb, NBC, 1984. Dudan, Travelling Man, CBS, 1987. 211


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Cutthroat Island (also known as Corsari, Die Piratenbraut, and L’ile aux pirates), Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1995. The War at Home, Buena Vista, 1996. Lost in Space (also known as LS), Warner Bros., 1998. Under Suspicion (also known as Suspicion), Lions Gate Films, 2000. Torque, Warner Bros., 2004.

WRITINGS Plays: Author (with Billie D. Letts) of Mountain Memories, Prairie Dreams, produced at Durant Community Theatre, Durant, OK.


Film Cinematographer; Short Documentary Films: Community Health ... The Australian Concept, 1974. Living Way Out (also known as Habitat), 1976. Ghan to Alice, 1979. Leong (also known as Angela—A Cultural Transition), 1979. Picture and Words, Australian Film and Television School, 1981.

Addresses: Agent—Paul Hook, International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Contact—Australian Cinematographers Society, New South Wales, P.O. Box 207, Cammeray, New South Wales 2062, Australia.

Cinematographer for other short documentary films, including Bojo and I’m Okay with the Band; cinematographer of other documentaries, including The Africans, The Australian, Cattle King, and Public Enemy No. 1.

Career: Cinematographer. Photographer for commercials; music video photographer for various artists, including Bob Dylan, INXS, the Little River Band, Mick Jagger, and Pink Floyd.

Film Work; Other: Second unit cinematographer, The Getaway, Universal, 1994. Second unit photographer, Little Women, Columbia, 1994.

LEVY, Peter

Born in Australia.

Member: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Australian Cinematographers Society.

Television Cinematographer; Miniseries: A Fortunate Life, Nine Network, 1985. Joe Wilson, Seven Network, 1988.

Awards, Honors: Milli Award, Australian Cinematographers Society, cinematographer of the year, 1991, for Predator 2; American Society of Cinematographers Award nomination, outstanding achievement in cinematography in movies of the week, miniseries, or pilot for network or basic broadcast television, 2002, for the pilot of the series 24; awards for music videos and commercials.

Television Cinematographer; Movies: Robbery, Ten Network, 1985. The Life and Death of Peter Sellers, HBO, 2004. Television Cinematographer; Other: ⬙12:00 Midnight–1:00 A.M.,⬙ 24 (pilot), Fox, 2001. Without a Trace (episodic), CBS, episodes beginning 2002.

CREDITS Film Cinematographer: With Prejudice, Australian Film Institute, 1982. Short Changed, 1New South Wales, 1986. Dangerous Game, Four Seasons, 1987. The Edge of Power, Trident Releasing, 1987. A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Child (also known as A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child), New Line Cinema, 1989. Predator 2, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1990. Ricochet, Warner Bros., 1991. Judgment Night, Universal, 1993. Blown Away, United International, 1994. Broken Arrow, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1995.

LEW, James 1952– PERSONAL Full name, James Jene Fae Lew; born September 6, 1952, in Escalon, CA (some sources say Los Angeles, CA). Education: Trained in martial arts by Doug Wong. Addresses: Agent—Ann Waugh Talent Agency, 4741 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Suite 200, North Hollywood, CA 91607. 212

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Career: Actor, stunt performer, stunt coordinator, producer, fight coordinator, and martial arts coordinator.

LEW Darius, Robo Warriors, Republic Entertainment, 1996. Kung Fu Lew, Fox Hunt, Capcom Entertainment, 1996. Kaan Woo, For Life or Death, 1996. Takamura, Balance of Power, Complete Films, 1996. Soul of the Avenger, 1997. Jason, Boogie Boy, Imperial Entertainment, 1997. Bodyguard, The Replacement Killers, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1998. Freighter’s captain, Lethal Weapon 4 (also known as Lethal 4), Warner Bros., 1998. Lou Chang, Deep Core (also known as Deep Core 2000), New City Releasing, 2000. DEA agent (CalTrans), Traffic (also known as Traffic—Die Macht des Kartells), USA Films, 2000. (In archive footage) Knife Ⲇ1 in Timecop, Ultimate Fights from the Movies, Flixmix, 2002. Daddy, Chapter 21, 2003. Mr. Fue, Paris, 2003.

Member: Hollywood Stuntman Association. CREDITS Film Appearances: Kung Fu fighter, Going Berserk, 1983. Nighthawk’s gunman, Killpoint, Crown International Pictures, 1984. Chan, Los Angeles Streetfighter (also known as Chinatown, L.A. Streetfighter, and Ninja Turf), Ascot Entertainment Group, 1985. Chang Sing Ⲇ1, Big Trouble in Little China (also known as John Carpenter’s Big Trouble in Little China), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1986. Martial Arts instructor, Action Jackson, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1988. Sae Jin Kwon, Best of the Best, Taurus Entertainment Company, 1989. Agent Ⲇ1, Savage Beach, Malibu Bay Films, 1989. Ninja trainer, Ninja Academy, Simitar Entertainment, 1990. Ninja Ⲇ1, Guns, Malibu Bay Films, 1990. Mr. James, Aftershock, Paramount Home Video, 1990. Crewcut, The Perfect Weapon, Paramount, 1991. Hector Sabatei, Night of the Warrior, Trimark Pictures, 1991. Lew, Do or Die (also known as Girls, Games and Guns), Columbia TriStar, 1991. Akiro, Mission of Justice (also known as Martial Law III), 1992. Yakuza Ⲇ5, Ulterior Motives, Imperial Entertainment, 1992. Mantis, Dark Vengeance (also known as Warlord 3000 and Warlords 3000), Vision International, 1992. Kickboxer opponent, Hot Shots! Part Deux (also known as Hot Shots! 2), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1993. Novacek’s man, Undercover Blues, United International Pictures, 1993. Hit man, Showdown, Imperial Entertainment, 1993. Jaho, Red Sun Rising, 1993. Obata, Private Wars, PM Entertainment Group, 1993. Viper, American Ninja V (also known as American Ninja 5: Young Ninja Warrior), 1993. Mongols, The Shadow, Universal, 1994. Knife Ⲇ1, Timecop, MCA/Universal, 1994. Asian fighter, Ring of Steel, MCA, 1994. Prince Samarki, Midnight Man (also known as Blood for Blood), 1994. Chin, Cage II (also known as Cage II: The Arena of Death), 1994. Lee, Excessive Force II: Force on Force, 1995. Woo, Ballistic (also known as Fist of Justice), Imperial Entertainment, 1995. Tom Cutter, Night Hunter, Amirtraj Premiere Entertainment, 1995.

Film Stunt Performer: Steele Justice, Paramount, 1987. They Live (also known as John Carpenter’s They Live and They Live!), MCA/Universal, 1988. Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects, Cannon Films, 1989. Dance to Win, 1989. Ninja Academy, 1990. Why Me?, Triumph Releasing Corp., 1990. Solar Crisis (also known as Kuraishisu niju–goju nen), Trimark Pictures, 1990. Double Impact, Columbia, 1991. Showdown in Little Tokyo, Warner Bros., 1991. Ring of Fire, Imperial, 1991. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1992. Rapid Fire, 1992. Undercover Blues, United International Pictures, 1993. On Deadly Ground, Warner Bros., 1994. Blue Tiger (also known as Irezumi), Overseas FilmGroup, 1994. Deadly Target (also known as Fire Zone), 1994. Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (also known as Under Siege 2), Warner Bros., 1995. Escape from L.A. (also known as John Carpenter’s Escape from L.A.), Paramount, 1996. Dog Watch, 1996. Double Tap, New City Releasing, 1997. (Uncredited) Red Corner, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1997. Rush Hour, New Line Cinema, 1998. Shadow Hours, 2000. Planet of the Apes, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Imposter, Dimension Films, 2002. Kung Pow: Enter the Fist (also known as Kung Pow! Enter the Fist), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2002. Film Stunt Coordinator: Aftershock, Paramount Home Video, 1990. Guns, 1990. 213


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Tiger, ⬙Tiger’s Eye,⬙ Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1994. ⬙The Substitute Son,⬙ Family Matters, 1995. Benihana chef, ⬙The End of the Jackal,⬙ Deadly Games, UPN, 1995. Bloodhound teep Ⲇ1, ⬙Strange Relations,⬙ Babylon 5, TNT, 1998. Wong, ⬙Devil in Disguise,⬙ Night Man, The Disney Channel and syndicated, 1998. Bossman, ⬙Genie Junior,⬙ Weird Science, USA Network, 1998. The warrior, ⬙Facing the Past,⬙ Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Fox, 1999. Master Kim, ⬙Cat–in–Hat,⬙ Once and Again, ABC, 2000. Red Dragon, ⬙Blinded by the Light,⬙ Black Scorpion, Sci–Fi Channel, 2001. Red Dragon, ⬙Home Sweet Homeless,⬙ Black Scorpion, Sci–Fi Channel, 2001. Neeko, ⬙Penelope Meets Neeko,⬙ The Amanda Show, Nickelodeon, 2001. Quan Li, FTL, ⬙The Coup,⬙ Alias, ABC, 2002.

Dark Vengeance (also known as Warlord 3000 and Warlords 3000), Vision International, 1992. Ballistic (also known as Fist of Justice), Imperial Entertainment, 1995. Robo Warriors, Republic Entertainment, 1996. Boogie Boy, Imperial Entertainment, 1997. Four Fingers of the Dragon, 2003. Film Fight Choreographer: Killpoint, 1984. Excessive Force II: Force on Force, 1995. Ballistic (also known as Fist of Justice), Imperial Entertainment, 1995. Boogie Boy, Imperial Entertainment, 1997. The Base, 1997. Film Martial Arts Choreographer: Big Trouble in Little China (also known as John Carpenter’s Big Trouble in Little China), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1986.

Also appeared in ⬙Absolute Perfection,⬙ Robbery Homicide Division; as Jiro, Raven, CBS; security guard, Frasier, NBC; Chang, Marker, UPN; Tommy Cheung, Robbery Homicide Division, CBS.

Film Martial Arts Trainer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1992. Film Associate Producer: Big Trouble in Little China (also known as John Carpenter’s Big Trouble in Little China), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1986. Boogie Boy, Imperial Entertainment, 1997.

Television Work; Series: (Uncredited) Stunts, Kung Fu, ABC, 1972. Stunt coordinator, Stark Trek: Voyager, UPN, 1995. Fight coordinator, The Crow: Stairway to Heaven, syndicated, 1998. Stunt coordinator, Once and Again, ABC, 1999.

Television Appearances; Movies: Asian man No. 2, The Immortals, HBO, 1995. Quaid, Windham henchman, Assault on Dome 4 (also known as Chase Moran), Sci–Fi Channel, 1996. Harry, High Voltage, HBO, 1998. Brez, The Girl Gets Moe (also known as Love to Kill), HBO, 1998. Never Say Die (also known as Outside the Law), 2001.

Television Work; Movies: Stunts, The Fantastic Seven (also known as Steel Glory and Stunt Seven), CBS, 1979. Stunt man (Hatanaka), Girls of the White Orchid, NBC, 1983. Stunts, Dogwatch, HBO, 1997. Stunt performer, The Girl Gets Moe (also known as Love to Kill), HBO, 1998. Fight choreography (additional crew), Mr. Atlas, Showtime, 1999. Stunt coordinator, Late Last Night, Starz!, 1999. Fight coordinator, The Base, Cinemax, 1999. Action coordinator, Kiss Toledo Goodbye, Starz!, 2000. Stunt coordinator, Secret of the Horse, 2001.

Television Appearances; Specials: Asian voiceovers, The Martial Arts, Arts and Entertainment, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Ton Li, ⬙Outcall,⬙ T. J. Hooker, ABC, 1985. Soundman, ⬙A Star Is Born,⬙ Three’s a Crowd, 1985. Cambodian, ⬙The Szechuan Dragon,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1990. Male instructor, ⬙Stand on Your Man,⬙ Roseanne, ABC, 1992. Movie villain Ⲇ2, ⬙The Five Fingers of Ben,⬙ Growing Pains, 1992. Male instructor, ⬙Stand On Your Man,⬙ Roseanne, ABC, 1992. Karlat, ⬙The Trial,⬙ Space Rangers, CBS, 1994.

Television Work; Specials: Fight coordinator, ABC World Stunt Awards, ABC, 2001. Fight coordinator, World Stunt Awards, ABC, 2001. Television Work; Episodic: Martial arts coordinator, ⬙War of Nerves,⬙ Baywatch, syndicated, 1992. 214

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

LOHMAN Commercial director, Bejewelled, The Disney Channel, 1991. Tony, Prince William, ABC, 2002.

RECORDINGS Video Games: Virtual Samurai, Johnny Mnemonic: The Interactive Action Movie, 1995.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Mervyn Sykes, ⬙Assault and Battery,⬙ Heartbeat, Yorkshire Television, 1994. McNair, ⬙What Goes Up...,⬙ Bugs, BBC, 1995. Mike Cattran, ⬙Standing Stone,⬙ Wycliffe, Harlech Television, 1998. Evan Peyton, ⬙Dead on Arrival,⬙ Highlander: The Raven, syndicated, 1999. Robert Goodall, ⬙Never Judge a Book...,⬙ Holby City, BBC, 1999. Detective inspector Steven Maitland, ⬙Every Breath You Take,⬙ Waking the Dead, BBC, 2001.

Videos: The Art of Stretching and Kicking, Unique Publications Inc., 1992. Stretching and Kicking, Master Series I, 1992. WRITINGS Nonfiction: The Art of Stretching and Kicking, Unique Publications Inc., 1982.

Film Appearances: Thomas, Stealing Heaven, Scotti Brothers, 1989. Michael, The Tall Guy, Miramax, 1990. Lieutenant, Cutthroat Island (also known as Corsari, Die Piratenbraut, and L’ile aux pirates), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1995. Alastair Davies, Incognito, Warner Bros., 1997. Corporal Christoph Singer, The Scarlet Tunic, Marie Hoy Film and Television, 1998. Matthew Hale, Highlander: Endgame, Miramax/ Dimension, 2000. Corporal Bruce Campbell, Dog Soldiers, Artisan Entertainment, 2002. Richard, Adrenaline, A–Film Distribution, 2003.

OTHER SOURCES Electronic: James Lew Official Site,, September 7, 2003.

LOCKYER, Thomas PERSONAL Career: Actor.

LOHMAN, Alison 1979– CREDITS PERSONAL Television Appearances; Series: Archer, Archer’s Goon, BBC, 1992. Dr. Nick Goodson, Peak Practice, Carlton Television and Central Independent Television, 1998.

Born September 18, 1979, in Palm Springs, CA; daughter of Gary (an architect) and Diane (a bakery owner) Lohman. Education: Graduated from Palm Desert High School, 1997; attended Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, London, 1999. Avocational Interests: Horseback riding, ballet, playing guitar.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Duke of Cornwall, Merlin, NBC, 1998. Journalist Jacob Keanault, Ultraviolet, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Judas, Jesus (also known as Die Bibel–Jesus), CBS, 1999. Ruben, San Paolo (also known as Saint Paul), Czech Television and Radiotelevisione Italiana, 2000. Edward Seymour, Henry VIII, Granada Television and PBS, 2003.

Addresses: Agent—Creative Artists Management, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212; United Talent Agency Inc., 9560 Wilshire Blvd., 5th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Double R Management, 16350 Ventura Blvd., Suite 325, Encino, CA 91436. Publicist—Baker Winokur Ryder, 9100 Wilshire Blvd., 6th Floor West, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Television Appearances; Movies: Civil servant, Chimera (also known as Monkey Boy), Arts and Entertainment, 1991.

Career: Actress. Performed as a featured solo vocalist for performances of Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope, and the Desert Symphony. 215


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Awards, Honors: Award for most outstanding actress in a musical, Desert Theater League, c. 1990, for Annie; Young Hollywood Award, superstar of tomorrow, 2003; ShoWest Award, female star of tomorrow, 2003; received award from National Foundation of the Advancement of the Arts.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Interview, November, 2002, p. 48; February, 2003, p. 139. Premiere, October, 2001, pp. 70–71; June, 2003, pp. 71–72. Seventeen, November, 2002, pp. 174–75.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Curtis, Kraa! The Sea Monster (also known as Kraa!), Amazing Fantasy Entertainment, 1998. Honey bear girl, The Thirteenth Floor (also known as Abwarts in die Zukunft), Columbia, 1999. Teen Rosemary, The Auteur Theory, RGH/Lions Share, 1999. Patrolman Curtis, Planet Patrol, Full Moon Entertainment, 1999. Courtney Hunter, The Million Dollar Kid, A–Pix Entertainment, 1999. Ms. Madeline, Delivering Milo, Lakeshore International, 2000. Camelia, Alex in Wonder, Mediacs AG, 2001. Amy, White Boy, 2002. Astrid Magnussen, White Oleander, Warner Bros., 2002. Angela, Matchstick Men, Warner Bros., 2003. Young Sandy Bloom, Big Fish, Columbia, 2003.

LOPEZ, George 1961– PERSONAL Born April 23, 1961, in Mission Hills, CA; raised by grandparents Refugil (a builder) and Benita (a factory worker) Gutierrez; married Ann Serrano (a producer), 1993; children: Mayan. Addresses: Agent—Rick Greestein, The Gersh Agency, 232 N. Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210; Jason Heyman, United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., 5th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Publicist—Jeff Abraham, Jonas PR, 240 26th Street, Suite 3, Santa Monica, CA 90402. Contact—Warner Bros. Studios, 4000 Warner Blvd., Burbank, CA 91522.

Television Appearances; Series: McKenna Reid, Tucker, NBC, 2000. Lily McAllister, Pasadena, Fox, 2001.

Career: Actor, comedian, writer, and producer. Worked as a stand–up comedian; worked as a disc jockey on MEGA 92.3, Los Angeles; appeared in television commercials for Nextel communications, 2003. Also worked in an airplane parts plant. George & Ann Lopez–Richie Alarcon Care Foundation (charity providing arts resources for education), founder; spokesperson for charities, including Los Angeles Police Department’s Stop the Violence.

Television Appearances; Movies: Beth Moss, Sharing the Secret, CBS, 2000. Television Appearances; Pilots: Minor Threat, The WB, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Molly, ⬙Seduced,⬙ Pacific Blue, USA, 1998. Barbara, ⬙Let’s Talk about Sex,⬙ 7th Heaven, The WB, 1998. Claire, ⬙The Long Road,⬙ Crusade, TNT, 1999. Hayley, ⬙Can’t Touch That,⬙ Safe Harbor, The WB, 1999. Hayley, ⬙By Any Means Necessary,⬙ Safe Harbor, The WB, 1999. Hayley, ⬙Life Insurance,⬙ Safe Harbor, The WB, 1999. Hayley, ⬙One for the Road,⬙ Safe Harbor, The WB, 1999. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2002.

Awards, Honors: ALMA Award nomination, outstanding performance by an individual or act, 1999, for Second Annual Latino Laugh Festival; ALMA Award nomination, outstanding supporting actor in a motion picture, 2002, for Bread and Roses; received awards for charitable work, including National Hispanic Media Coalition Impact Award, the Manny Mota Foundation Community Spirit Award, and named Honorary Mayor of Los Angeles. CREDITS Film Appearances: Tomado, Fist of Fear, Touch of Death (also known as The Dragon and the Cobra and Fist of Fear), Ace Video, 1980.

Stage Appearances: Gretl, The Sound of Music, McCallum Theater, 1988. Title role, Annie, 1990. This Is Our Youth, West End production, London, 2002. 216

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

LUCIA Television Work; Series: Producer and co–creator, George Lopez, ABC, 2003.

Eddie Martinez, Ski Patrol, Triumph, 1990. Murder investigator, Fatal Instinct, United International, 1993. Perez, Bread and Roses (also known as Pan y rosas), Lions Gate Films, 2000. Mr. Guzman, Real Women Have Curves, Newmarket Film Group, 2002. Felix, Outta Time (also known as The Courier and Out of Time), Artisan Entertainment, 2002. Gangster, Ali G Indahouse, Universal, 2002. Detective 2 (uncredited), Frank McKlusky, C.I., Buena Vista, 2002. The Original Latin Kings of Comedy, Paramount, 2002. Everardo, Tortilla Heaven, 2003.

RECORDINGS Albums: Appears on his own comedy albums Right Now Right Now and Team Leaders. WRITINGS Television Series: George Lopez, ABC, 2002.

Television Appearances; Series: Title role, George Lopez, ABC, 2002—.


Television Appearances; Specials: A Pair of Jokers: George Lopez & Tom Parks, Showtime, 1994. Latino Laugh Festival, Pay–per–view, 1997. Second Annual Latino Laugh Festival, Showtime, 1998. ABC’s Christmas in Aspen, ABC, 2002. The View: His & Her Body Test, ABC, 2003. The Disco Ball, ABC, 2003. All ABC Bloopers, ABC, 2003. Presenter, ABC 50th Anniversary Celebration, ABC, 2003.

Periodicals: New York Times, November 22, 2002. New York Post, December 26, 2002. Parade, May 4, 2003, pp. 22. People, October 21, 2002. TV Guide, April 5, 2003, pp. 34–35. Electronic: George Lopez Online,, December 3, 2003.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Host, Seventh Annual Florida Sports Awards, 2002. Presenter, 30th Annual American Music Awards, ABC, 2003. Presenter, The 29th Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 2003.

LUCIA, Charles (Chip Lucia) PERSONAL

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Chucho Osorio, Fidel, Showtime, 2002.

Career: Actor. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Episodic: Stand–Up Spotlight, VH1, 1988. Caroline’s Comedy Hour, Arts and Entertainment, 1989. The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, NBC, 1991. Tompkins Square, Comedy Central, 1996. Resurrection Blvd., Showtime, 2000. Mr. Fender, ⬙Cold Turkey,⬙ The Brothers Garcia, 2001. Mr. Fender, ⬙The Student Buddy,⬙ The Brothers Garcia, 2001. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, 2002. The View, 2002, 2003. The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn, CBS, 2003.

Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Rick, The Baby and the Battleship, British Lion, 1956. (Uncredited) Phoenix police detective, Love and Bullets, Associated Film Distributors, 1979. Chip, Making Love, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1982. Harry, Hospital Massacre (also known as Be My Valentine, or Else...., Ward 13, and X–Ray), Cannon, 1982. Rage of Honor (also known as Contacto ninja en la Argentina), TransWorld Entertainment, 1987. Cliff, Vice Versa, Columbia, 1988. Jack Sturges, Primary Target, Concorde–New Horizon, 1989.

Also appeared on Good Morning America and Live with Regis and Kelly. 217


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Blake Cameron, ⬙Portrait of Death,⬙ Lady Blue, ABC, 1985. Jack Parrish, ⬙Deadly Silence,⬙ Finder of Lost Loves, ABC, 1985. Jim Saunders, ⬙Death Trap,⬙ Matt Houston, ABC, 1985. Darryl Bard, ⬙Disenfranchised,⬙ Cagney & Lacey, CBS, 1986. ⬙Love Me or Leave Me,⬙ Jake and the Fatman, CBS, 1987. ⬙Playback,⬙ Stingray, NBC, 1987. Pilot, ⬙Vicki and the Skyjacker,⬙ Small Wonder, syndicated, 1988. ⬙A Gathering of Guns,⬙ Paradise, CBS, 1990. Mabus, ⬙Alliances,⬙ Star Trek: Voyager, UPN, 1996. Grifin Trent, ⬙Lady Killer,⬙ Nash Bridges (also known as Bridges), CBS, 1998. Gordon Fowler, ⬙Home of the Brave,⬙ Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 2000. ⬙Meltdown,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 2000. Albert Putnam, ⬙A Southern Town,⬙ The District, CBS, 2001. Captain Keene, ⬙Fortunate Son,⬙ Enterprise, UPN, 2001.

Jim, Society, 1989, Zecca Films, 1992. Stan Armbrewster, Syngenor, Southgate Entertainment, 1990. The Gumshoe Kid (also known as The Detective Kid), Skouras Pictures, 1990. (As Chip Lucia) Bruce Silverman (the realtor), The Hand That Rocks the Cradle, Buena Vista, 1992. Captain Derouche, Tank Girl, United Artists, 1995. Dekland Colby, Indecent Behavior III, Buena Vista, 1995. Realtor, Cinema/Verite, TAKSEA Productions, 2001. Television Appearances; Series: (As Chip Lucia) Tony Harris Lord, One Life to Live, ABC, 1981–1983. Hart Bennett, Days of Our Lives (also known as DOOL and Days), NBC, 1985. Leopold Taub, General Hospital, ABC, 1991. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Lieutenant Christopher, Pearl, NBC, 1978. Robert Alderton (some sources cite Robert Alderson), Evita Peron, NBC, 1981.

Television Appearances; Episodic; As Chip Lucia: Stan Evans, ⬙Shadow of Fear,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1977. ⬙The Narrow Thread,⬙ Rafferty, CBS, 1977. Ritter, ⬙Deadly Music,⬙ The Bionic Woman, NBC, 1978. ⬙Milk and Sympathy,⬙ Eight Is Enough, ABC, 1978. Eddie Tucker, ⬙False Witness,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1979. Gary Cole, ⬙Touch of Death,⬙ Vega$, ABC, 1979. Larry, ⬙Episode 46,⬙ Soap, ABC, 1979. ⬙The Apology,⬙ 240–Robert, ABC, 1979. Jerome, ⬙Flying Aces/The Mermaid Returns,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1980. Theatre emcee, ⬙The Night the Cyclons Landed: Part 2,⬙ Galactica 1980, ABC, 1980. Coast Guard lieutenant, ⬙Thicker Than Blood,⬙ Magnum, P.I., CBS, 1981. Lieutenant Digby, ⬙Jungle Madness: Part 1,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1981. Police officer, ⬙Reckless,⬙ Lou Grant, CBS, 1981. Ronnie Cass, ⬙Blue Chip Murder,⬙ Hart to Hart, ABC, 1981. Ed Ruskin, ⬙A Cry for Help,⬙ Cagney & Lacey, CBS, 1983. Tom Peck, ⬙Hotshoes,⬙ Hardcastle and McCormick, ABC, 1983. Jeremy Thatcher, ⬙The Accident,⬙ Dynasty, ABC, 1984. Father, ⬙Alamo Jobe,⬙ Amazing Stories, NBC, 1985. Mitchen Mishkin, ⬙Simian Changed Evening,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1986. ⬙I Only Have Eyes for You,⬙ Jake and the Fatman, CBS, 1989. Ambassador Ves Alkar, ⬙Man of the People,⬙ Star Trek: The Next Generation (also known as Star Trek: TNG), syndicated, 1992.

Television Appearances; Movies: Bill Harper, Mary Jane Harper Cried Last Night, CBS, 1977. Ruby and Oswald (also known as Four Days in Dallas), CBS, 1978. (As Chip Lucia) Peter, A Last Cry for Help, ABC, 1979. (As Chip Lucia) Pope, Crisis in Mid–Air, CBS, 1979. (As Chip Lucia) Jimmy, Angel Dusted (also known as Angel Dust), NBC, 1981. Tony, Summer Fantasy, NBC, 1984. George Scudder, Tennessee Williams Sweet Bird of Youth (also known as Sweet Bird of Youth), NBC, 1989. Paul Wells, Her Final Fury: Betty Broderick, the Last Chapter (also known as Till Murder Do Us Part II), CBS, 1992. Honor Thy Father and Mother: The True Story of the Menendez Murders (also known as Honor Thy Father and Mother: The Menendez Killings), Fox, 1994. Man in bar, Edie & Pen (also known as Desert Gamble), HBO, 1996. Stan Vogler, For My Daughter’s Honor (also known as Indecent Seduction), CBS, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Thanksgiving Story,⬙ Barney Miller, ABC, 1977. Sergeant Al Benedek, ⬙Take Over,⬙ Beyond Westworld, CBS, 1980. ⬙What Passes for Love in East Pittsburgh,⬙ Skag, NBC, 1980. ⬙A Child Is Missing,⬙ T. J. Hooker, ABC, 1983. Coach, ⬙The Monster,⬙ Matt Houston, ABC, 1984. 218

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LUNA Television Appearances; Series: Anna Ryder, Search for Tomorrow, CBS, 1985. Maria Vasquez Roberts, One Life to Live, ABC, 1986–1987. Host, The Alpen Tour, The Travel Channel, beginning 1992. Sydney Jacobs, a recurring role, Sunset Beach, NBC, 1998.

LUFTIG, Aaron See LUSTIG, Aaron

LUNA, Barbara 1939– (BarBara Luna)

Television Appearances; Movies: Meriden, Winchester ’73, NBC, 1967. Leila, Women in Chains, ABC, 1972. Gayle Tyler, Pleasure Cove, NBC, 1979. Lily Norton, Lady against the Odds, NBC, 1992. Mama, Noriega: God’s Favorite, Showtime, 2000.

PERSONAL Born March 2, 1939, in New York, NY; married Doug McClure (an actor), 1961 (divorced, 1963). Avocational Interests: Golf, tennis, dancing on roller skates.

Television Appearances; Specials: Thanksgiving Day Parade, Lifetime, 1986.

Career: Actress. Cabaret singer at various venues. Member: The Thalians (charity for Cedars Sinai Hospital).

Television Appearances; Episodic: Rikki Stevens, ⬙The Case of the Sardonic Sergeant,⬙ Perry Mason, CBS, 1958. Theresa the tamale peddler, ⬙Ambush,⬙ Zorro, ABC, 1958. Theresa the tamale peddler, ⬙An Eye for an Eye,⬙ Zorro, ABC, 1958. Theresa the tamale peddler, ⬙The New Order,⬙ Zorro, ABC, 1958. Theresa the tamale peddler, ⬙Zorro and the Flag of Truce,⬙ Zorro, ABC, 1958. ⬙The Long Aloha,⬙ Meet McGraw, NBC, 1958. Lucita, ⬙Mexican Stake–Out,⬙ The Untouchables, ABC, 1959. Susan Chang, ⬙The Koa Man,⬙ Hawaiian Eye, ABC, 1959. ⬙The Reluctant Bridegroom,⬙ The Texan, CBS, 1959. ⬙Showdown at Abilene,⬙ The Texan, CBS, 1959. ⬙So Tender, So Profane,⬙ Desilu Playhouse, CBS, 1959. Cayetena Losaro, ⬙El Toro Grande,⬙ Bonanza, NBC, 1960. Estrellita, ⬙Mission into Mexico,⬙ Overland Trail, NBC, 1960. Michiko, ⬙Sword of the Samurai,⬙ Hawaiian Eye, ABC, 1960. Rosita, ⬙Vasquez,⬙ Tales of Wells Fargo, NBC, 1960. Tapou, ⬙Away from It All,⬙ Adventures in Paradise, ABC, 1960. ⬙A Matter of Honor,⬙ Assignment Underwater, syndicated, 1960. ⬙Pete Kitchen’s Wedding Night,⬙ Death Valley Days, syndicated, 1960. Delly, ⬙Captain Huckabee’s Beard,⬙ The Beachcomber, syndicated, 1961. Elise, ⬙The Death of Yellow Singer,⬙ Gunslinger, CBS, 1961. ⬙The Big Gun,⬙ Stagecoach West, ABC, 1961. Chavela, ⬙He Learned about Women,⬙ Gunsmoke, CBS, 1962.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Nikko, Tank Battalion (also known as Korean Attack), American International Pictures, 1957. Chorus girl, The Blue Angel, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1959. Tina, Cry Tough, United Artists, 1959. (Uncredited) Prostitute, Elmer Gantry, United Artists, 1960. Camille, The Devil at 4 O’Clock, Columbia, 1961. Makia, Five Weeks in a Balloon, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1962. Juanita, Dime with a Halo, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1963. Marietta, Mail Order Bride (also known as West of Montana), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1964. Amparo, Ship of Fools, Columbia, 1965. Mary, Synanon (also known as Get Off My Back), Columbia, 1965. Meli, Firecreek, Warner Bros./Seven Arts, 1968. Anita Marquez, Che!, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1969. Leona, The Gatling Gun (also known as King Gun), Universal Entertainment, 1973. Gentle Savage (also known as Camper John), Cinemation, 1973. Bilanggong birhen, Mga (also known as Captive Virgins), 1977. Woman in the Rain (also known as A Hell Black Night), Filmmakers International, 1978. Cat, The Concrete Jungle, Pentagon Films, 1982. Heartache City, 1985. Kay haba ng gabi, 1986. Fool’s Paradise, Trident Releasing, 1997. 219


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Magda Bartok, ⬙The Death Tree,⬙ The Untouchables, ABC, 1962. Tia Kuno, ⬙Payoff,⬙ Hawaiian Eye, ABC, 1962. ⬙Hour of the Bath,⬙ Alcoa Premiere, ABC, 1962. ⬙The Love Bug Bugs Pepino,⬙ The Real McCoys, CBS, 1962. Gaby Christian, ⬙It Crawled out of the Woodwork,⬙ The Outer Limits, ABC, 1963. Margarita Diaz, ⬙Farewell to Margarita,⬙ The Wide Country, NBC, 1963. ⬙Five Tickets to Hell,⬙ G.E. True, CBS, 1963. Gatita, ⬙The Night of the Deadly Bed,⬙ The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1965. Teresa Bedoya, ⬙The Man from Quasilia,⬙ Ben Casey, ABC, 1965. ⬙Last Path to Garcia,⬙ The Wackiest Ship in the Army, NBC, 1965. ⬙Nightmare in the Sun,⬙ Amos Burke: Secret Agent, ABC, 1965. O.K. Crackerby!, ABC, 1965. Carmella Alveras, ⬙Coup de Grace,⬙ Laredo, NBC, 1966. Elena Maria Del Barra, ⬙Elena,⬙ Mission: Impossible, CBS, 1966. Linda Rodriguez, ⬙Special Delivery,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1966. Barbara Reyes, ⬙The Gray Passenger,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1967. Conchita, ⬙The Firing Wall,⬙ The High Chaparral, NBC, 1967. Dolores, ⬙The Extortionist,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1967. Frankie, ⬙Curse of the Mugumba Tree,⬙ Tarzan, NBC, 1967. Lieutenant Marlena Moreau, ⬙Mirror, Mirror,⬙ Star Trek, NBC, 1967. (As BarBara Luna) Lisa (an invader), ⬙Storm,⬙ The Invaders, ABC, 1967. Marnya, ⬙The Man from T.H.R.U.S.H. Affair,⬙ The Man from U.N.C.L.E., NBC, 1967. Roseanne Todd, ⬙The Legend of Jud Starr,⬙ Cimarron Strip, CBS, 1967. Miranda, ⬙Miranda,⬙ The Big Valley, ABC, 1968. Jenny Fisher, ⬙The Young Warriors,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1969. Wai Lee, ⬙Time Bomb,⬙ Mission: Impossible, CBS, 1969. Yoko Collins, ⬙A Thousand Pardons—You’re Dead,⬙ Hawaii Five–O, CBS, 1969. Anna, ⬙Lifeline,⬙ Lancer, CBS, 1970. Anna, ⬙War Games,⬙ The Most Deadly Game, ABC, 1970. ⬙The Glass Prison,⬙ The Young Lawyers, ABC, 1970. Ana, ⬙Flight Plan,⬙ Cannon, CBS, 1971. ⬙Love and the Sweet Sixteen,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1971. Elena, ⬙Silent Target,⬙ Mannix, CBS, 1973. ⬙A Question of Fault,⬙ Marcus Welby, M.D., ABC, 1973. Isela, ⬙A Lamb to the Slaughter,⬙ Kung Fu, ABC, 1975. Maria Costello, ⬙Lady on the Run,⬙ Cannon, CBS, 1975. ⬙Five Yards of Trouble,⬙ Petrocelli, NBC, 1975.

⬙The Man in the Shadows,⬙ Police Story, NBC, 1975. Leslie Morales, ⬙Vulture of the Andes,⬙ The Six Million Dollar Man, ABC, 1976. ⬙The Brown Horse Connection,⬙ Bert D’Angelo— Superstar, ABC, 1976. ⬙The Hemlein Heist,⬙ Switch, CBS, 1977. Helen Ramirez, ⬙Sighting 4002: The Joshua Flats Incident⬙ (also known as ⬙Sighting 4002: Welcome to Saucer City⬙), Project U.F.O., NBC, 1978. Lisa Alvarez, ⬙Escort to Danger,⬙ The Amazing Spider– Man, CBS, 1978. ⬙The Broken Badge,⬙ Police Story, NBC, 1978. ⬙Death Tong,⬙ Switch, CBS, 1978. Herself, ⬙Roller Disco: Part 2,⬙ ChiPs, NBC, 1979. Elena Kamoku, ⬙A Lion in the Streets: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Hawaii Five–O, CBS, 1979. Mary, ⬙Baby/Marathon: Battle of the Sexes,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1979. ⬙Jungle Man/Mary Ann and Miss Sophisticate,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1980. Corri (some sources cite Koori), ⬙The Guardians,⬙ Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, NBC, 1981. Corri (some sources cite Koori), ⬙Time of the Hawk: Parts 1 and 2,⬙ Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, NBC, 1981. (As BarBara Luna) Cynthia Weaver, ⬙Attack Angels,⬙ Charlie’s Angels, ABC, 1981. ⬙Lover, Come Back,⬙ Freebie and the Bean, CBS, 1981. ⬙Operation Breakout/Candy Kiss,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1983. Barbara Canton, ⬙Outcall,⬙ T. J. Hooker, ABC, 1985. Isela Arragon, ⬙Birds of Paradise,⬙ Airwolf, CBS, 1986. Emilia Berezan, ⬙The Fortune,⬙ Mission: Impossible, ABC, 1989. ⬙Birthday Blues,⬙ The Cosby Show, NBC, 1989. Miss Lopez, ⬙The Nightmare,⬙ Hunter, NBC, 1990. ⬙Then There Was One,⬙ The Young Riders, ABC, 1990. Carmen Esperanza, ⬙Smooth Operator,⬙ Dallas, CBS, 1991. Appeared in episodes of other series, including The New Dragnet, syndicated. Television Appearances; Pilots: Soledad Villegas, The Hanged Man, ABC, 1974. Miss Chin, Wives, CBS, 1975. Receptionist, They Only Come Out at Night, NBC, 1975. Carmine Rivera, Side by Side, CBS, 1976. Luisa Santamaria, Brenda Starr, ABC, 1976. Also appeared in Calhoun, an unaired CBS pilot. Stage Appearances: Ngana, South Pacific, Broadway production, beginning c. 1945. 220

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LUSTIG Career: Actor.

Princess and swing girl, The King and I, St. James Theatre, New York City, c. 1951–1956. Understudy for the role of Lotus Blossum, The Teahouse of the August Moon, Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, c. 1956–1957. Anita, West Side Story, Lincoln Center, New York City, 1969. Dancer, Applause, Sacramento, CA, 1976. Diana Morales, A Chorus Line, Shubert Theatre, New York City, 1976. Linda Lo, Flower Drum Song, Muny Theatre, St. Louis, MO, 1981. Lenore, Fly by Night, New York City, 1985. ⬙Barbara Luna: Moonstruck,⬙ Soap Week at Arci’s (benefit concerts), Arci’s Place, New York City, 2002. Some Enchanted Evenings (three cabaret performances), Town Hall, New York City, 2002.

Awards, Honors: Daytime Emmy Award nomination, outstanding supporting actor in a drama series, 1997, for The Young and the Restless. CREDITS Television Appearances; Movies: Doctor Kent, Leap of Faith (also known as Question of Faith), CBS, 1988. Ellis Scott, Naked Lie, CBS, 1989. Reporter at beach, Summer Dreams: The Story of the Beach Boys, ABC, 1990. Anesthesiologist, The Operation, CBS, 1990. Frazier Lawyer, Empty Cradle, ABC, 1993. Teacher Haldeman, The Day My Parents Ran Away (also known as Missing Parents), Fox, 1993. Douglas Hirschman, Ray Alexander: A Taste for Justice, NBC, 1994. Dr. Shapiro, A Mother’s Prayer, USA, 1995. Cemetery manager, An Element of Truth, CBS, 1995. Paul Shaffer, The Late Shift, HBO, 1996. Tom, ⬙1952,⬙ If These Walls Could Talk, HBO, 1996. Mike, After Jimmy, CBS, 1996. Defense Attorney, Murder in Mind, HBO, 1997. Rabbi Al Axelrod, Tuesdays with Morrie (also known as Oprah Winfrey Presents: Tuesdays with Morrie), ABC, 1999. Sherwood Schwaltz, Surviving Gilligan’s Island: The Incredibly True Story of the Longest Three–Hour Tour in History, CBS, 2001.

As BarBara Luna, performed in the cabaret show An Evening with BarBara Luna. Major Tours: Lotus Blossum, The Teahouse of the August Moon, c. 1956–1957. Stage Work: Assistant choreographer, Applause, Sacramento, CA, 1976. RECORDINGS Albums; Original Cast Recordings: South Pacific, Columbia, 1949.

Television Appearances; Series: Tim Reid, The Young and the Restless (also known as Y & R), CBS, 1996–1998. Dr. Timothy ⬙Tim⬙ Reid, The Bold and the Beautiful (also known as Belleza y poder), CBS, 2001.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Starlog, February, 1997.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: First FBI agent, Family of Spies, CBS, 1990. Medical examiner, Blind Faith, NBC, 1990.

LUSTIG, Aaron 1956– (Aaron Luftig)

Television Appearances; Specials: What’s Right with America (documentary), CBS, 1997.

PERSONAL Born September 17, 1956, in Rochester, NY; children: Sam, Abby. Education: Ithaca College, B.F.A. in acting and directing.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Murder, She Wrote, 1984. L.A. Law, 1986. Bookstore customer, ⬙Here’s Who Ordered the Pizza,⬙ The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd, NBC, 1988. Dr. Darrow, ⬙Chao Ong,⬙ China Beach, ABC, 1988. Henry Geyster, ⬙Country Girl,⬙ Dallas, CBS, 1989. Amos N. Andy, Alien Nation, Fox, 1989.

Addresses: Agent—House of Representatives, 400 S. Beverly Dr., Suite 101, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Liberman Zerman Management, 252 N. Larchmont Blvd., Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90004. 221


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Second Willie, ⬙Wanted: Dead or Alive,⬙ ALF, NBC, 1989. Meadows, ⬙A Moving Experience,⬙ The Bradys, CBS, 1990. Officer Hitner, ⬙Whenever I Feel Afraid,⬙ Empty Nest, NBC, 1990. Assistant, ⬙Four Women,⬙ Falcon Crest, 1990. Meadows, ⬙Hat in the Ring,⬙ The Bradys, 1990. Gary, ⬙Clean Sweep,⬙ Going Places, 1990. State Department Official, ⬙13th Episode Anniversary Special,⬙ Good Grief, Fox, 1991. ⬙The Undergraduate,⬙ Parker Lewis Can’t Lose, Fox, 1991. Judge Bowers, ⬙Raped—June 20, 1980,⬙ Quantum Leap, NBC, 1991. Dr. Rand, ⬙Aftermath,⬙ Reasonable Doubts, NBC, 1991. Tim, ⬙The Pineapple Bowl: Part 1,⬙ Coach, ABC, 1991. ⬙Lose the Boss,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1991. Dr. Rand, ⬙One Woman’s Word,⬙ Reasonable Doubts, 1991. ⬙For Better or Perverse,⬙ Civil Wars, ABC, 1992. Attendant, ⬙Rock of Ages,⬙ Married... with Children, Fox, 1992. Sanders, ⬙Ted over Heels,⬙ Flying Blind, Fox, 1993. Mr. Sanders, ⬙Panic in Neil’s Park,⬙ Flying Blind, Fox, 1993. Ed Hicks’ doctor, ⬙Testing, Testing, 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1993. ⬙The Unplanned Child,⬙ Mad about You, NBC, 1993. Dr. Hangarter, ⬙Home Is Where the Heart Attack Is,⬙ The Fresh Prince of Bel–Air, NBC, 1993. (As Aaron Luftig) Additional voices, Family Dog, CBS, 1993. Mr. Berry, ⬙Whoomp! There It Ain’t,⬙ Martin, 1993. ⬙American Dick,⬙ Duckman, USA, 1994. Augie Blumbacher, ⬙The Murder Channel,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1994. Sweet Justice, 1994. Party of Five, 1994. ⬙Bear with Me,⬙ Dave’s World, CBS, 1995. Doctor, ⬙Ex Post Facto,⬙ Star Trek: Voyager, UPN, 1995. Bill, ⬙No Two Things in Nature Are Exactly Alike,⬙ The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 1995. Neurologist, ⬙E. R.,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1995. Phil Yosway, ⬙Death of a Saleswoman,⬙ Dave’s World, CBS, 1995. ⬙At the Pantheon: Part 2,⬙ Love & War, 1995. Sidney, ⬙Who’s Got the Button?,⬙ The Crew, 1995. Maitre ⬘D, ⬙Eating Hollywood,⬙ Unhappily Ever After, 1996. Terrell, ⬙Valentine’s Day,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1996. Terrell, ⬙Happily Ever After,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1996. Dr. Nadler, ⬙Out of Chicago,⬙ Nash Bridges, CBS, 1997. Dr. Alexander, ⬙The Party Favor,⬙ Men Behaving Badly, NBC, 1997. Wilheim, ⬙Break Yourself, Fool,⬙ The Jamie Foxx Show, The WB, 1997. Flunky/V. P., ⬙You Just Can’t Trust Anybody These Days,⬙ Spy Game, ABC, 1997. Mr. Sykes, ⬙The Play Scene,⬙ Moesha, UPN, 1997.

⬙Fallout,⬙ Pensacola: Wings of Gold, syndicated, 1997. Rabbi Switkin, ⬙Loss,⬙ Tracey Takes On..., HBO, 1998. Dr. Gerald Talbot, ⬙Don’t Kill the Messenger,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1998. Lloyd Spivak, ⬙Imagine: Part 1,⬙ Michael Hayes, CBS, 1998. Photographer, ⬙Caroline and the Visit from Mom,⬙ Caroline in the City, NBC, 1998. Dr. Gerald Talbot, ⬙Speak for Yourself, Bruce Clayton,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1998. Dr. Gerald Talbot, ⬙I Don’t Wanna Dye,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1998. Stanley, ⬙The Apology,⬙ Sports Night, ABC, 1998. ⬙Slayer,⬙ Brimstone, Fox, 1998. Tom Binner, ⬙Someone to Trust,⬙ The Pretender, 1998. Attorney Peter Bowe, ⬙Heat Wave,⬙ Ally McBeal, 1999. Rabbi, ⬙Books,⬙ Tracey Takes On..., HBO, 1999. Voice, ⬙I Never Met the Dead Man,⬙ Family Guy, Fox, 1999. Marv, ⬙Terms of Employment,⬙ Will & Grace, NBC, 1999. Dr. Severson, ⬙Sex and the Sally,⬙ 3rd Rock from the Sun, NBC, 1999. ⬙Second Chance,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2000. Senate aide, ⬙Let Bartlet Be Bartlet,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2000. Mr. Blumberg, ⬙The Quality of Mercy,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2001. Ted Clayton, ⬙Subject: The Final Word,⬙ Freaky Links, Fox, 2001. Silverton’s attorney, ⬙Sex, Lies, and Internet,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2001. Dr. McDonald, ⬙We’ll Be Right Back,⬙ She Spies, NBC, 2002. Mr. Blumberg, ⬙Celano v. Foster,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2002. Dr. Harris, ⬙Womb Raider,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2002. Tim Reid, ⬙Episode 7526,⬙ The Young and the Restless, CBS, 2002. Guri, ⬙The Catwalk,⬙ Enterprise, UPN, 2002. Film Appearances: Norman, the producer, Ghostbusters II, Columbia, 1989. Martin Katz, Darkman, MCA/Universal, 1990. Psychologist, Edward Scissorhands, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1990. Boring speaker, L.A. Story, TriStar, 1991. Technician, Memoirs of an Invisible Man (also known as Les adventures d’un homme invisible), Warner Bros., 1992. Morning desk clerk, Roadside Prophets, Fine Line, 1992. Vernon Locknut, Bad Channels, Paramount, 1992. Movie bully, The Opposite Sex and How to Live with Them, Miramax, 1993. Jack, I’ll Do Anything, Columbia, 1994. Store manager, Monkey Trouble (also known as Pet), New Line Cinema, 1994. 222

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LYNDE Judy, Doing Time on Maple Drive (also known as Faces in the Mirror), Fox, 1992. Madam, In the Arms of a Killer, NBC, 1992. First Washington woman, Life of the Party: The Pamela Harriman Story (also known as Life of the Party: Pamela Harriman), Lifetime, 1998. Evelyn Gray, One Kill, Showtime, 2000. Dr. Devaughn, Another Pretty Face, PAX, 2002.

Doctor, The Shadow, Universal, 1994. Dr. Polk, Clear and Present Danger, Paramount, 1994. Doctor, No Dessert Dad, til You Mow the Lawn, 1994. Girth of a Nation, 1994. Judge, Boys on the Side (also known as Avec ou sans hommes), Warner Bros., 1995. Fred, Stuart Saves His Family, Paramount, 1995. Doctor Gordon, Scanner Cop II (also known as Scanner Cop II: Volkin’s Revenge, Scanners IV: Scanner Cop, and Scanners: The Showdown), Showdown, 1995. Dr. Edwards, Pinocchio’s Revenge (also known as Pinocchio), Vidmark, 1996. Dr. Brown, The Relic (also known as Das Relikt), Paramount, 1997. Defense attorney, Murder in Mind, Hallmark, 1997. Paul, Blood Type, 1999. Fulvio’s neighbor, Gun Shy, Buena Vista, 2000. Synedyne supervisor, Bedazzled, Twentieth Century– Fox, 2000.

Television Appearances; Specials: After Hours: From Janice, John, Mary and Michael, with Love, CBS, 1976. Nina, A Question about Sex, ABC, 1990. Television Appearances; Episodic: Maria, ⬙Sing a Song of Murder,⬙ Mannix, CBS, 1973. ⬙Nightmare,⬙ Medical Center, CBS, 1973. Edna Triplett, ⬙Odd Man Loses,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1974. Phyllis, ⬙Cleanliness Is Next to Impossible,⬙ The Odd Couple, ABC, 1974. Phyllis, ⬙Vocal Girl Makes Good,⬙ The Odd Couple, ABC, 1974. ⬙Janice Lynde & William Grey Espy,⬙ Tattletales, CBS, 1974. Alice Caldwell, ⬙The Fatal Dive,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1976. Samantha Yates, ⬙Silent Vendetta,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1976. Panelist, Match Game PM, syndicated, 1976. Brenda, ⬙A Hand for Sonny Blue,⬙ Tales of the Unexpected, NBC, 1977. Tracy Boulder, ⬙Ashes to Ashes,⬙ Quincy, M.E. (also known as Quincy), NBC, 1978. ⬙The Apology,⬙ 240–Robert, ABC, 1979. District attorney Evelyn Collins, ⬙Magnum Farce,⬙ Sledge Hammer!, ABC, 1986. Monica, ⬙My Back Pages,⬙ Family Ties, NBC, 1986. Joan, ⬙Just Mona and Me,⬙ Who’s the Boss?, ABC, 1987. Toni Corbin, ⬙No Hard Feelings,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1987. Mary Porter, ⬙The Cretin of the Shallows,⬙ Baywatch, NBC, 1989. Anne, Promised Land, CBS, 1996. ⬙The Hooded Chair,⬙ Beyond Belief, Fox, 1997. Phyllis, ⬙Angel on the Roof,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1998. Valentina, ⬙Red Sub,⬙ Air America, syndicated, 1999.

LYNDE, Janice 1948– (Janice Lynne) PERSONAL Born March 28, 1948. Education: Attended the University of Pennsylvania; also studied music at the University of Indiana. Career: Actress. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Leslie Brooks Prentiss, The Young and the Restless (also known as Y & R), CBS, 1973–1977. Tracy DeWitt, Another World, NBC, 1979–1981. Laurel Chapin Coronal Wolek, One Life to Live, ABC, 1984–1986. Gloria, General Hospital, ABC, 1990. Television Appearances; Miniseries: (As Janice Lynne) Josie, Top of the Hill, syndicated, 1980.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Roxy Hagopian, Roxy Page, NBC, 1976. Paula, Escapade, CBS, 1978. For Lovers Only, ABC, 1982.

Television Appearances; Movies: Bernice Griffiths, The F.B.I. Story: The FBI versus Alvin Karpis, Public Enemy Number One (also known as Alvin Karpis: Public Enemy No. 1 and The FBI Story—Alvin Karpis), CBS, 1974. Girl at Palais, Evening in Byzantium, CBS, 1974. Lilly, Nightside, ABC, 1980.

Film Appearances: Alma Martin, Beyond Evil, Media Home Entertainment, 1980. 223


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Marion, Missing Pieces, Orion, 1991. Erika, In the Living Years, 1994. Newscaster, Subterfuge, Avalanche Home Entertainment, 1996.

Voice of adult Robbie Sutpen and narrator, Something between Us (short film), American Film Institute, 1999. Alice, The Marriage Undone, Bokken Films, 2002.


M Sudie, The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1973. Mrs. Phyllis Peaker, Capricorn One, Warner Bros., 1978.


Television Appearances; Series: Margy Martin, The First Hundred Years, CBS, 1950. Babby Dennis, The Brighter Day, CBS, 1959–1960. Libby, Naked City, ABC, 1960–1963. Robin Lang Bauer Holden Bowden Fletcher Ⲇ4, Guiding Light (also known as The Guiding Light), CBS, 1961–1964. Clara Varner, The Long Hot Summer, 1965. Eva, the marriage counselor, Forever Fernwood, syndicated, 1977.

Born March 19, 1935, in Queens Village, NY. Addresses: Manager—c/o Guild Management, 9911 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035. Contact—c/o 11624 Sunshine Terrace, Studio City, CA 91604. Career: Actress, producer, and director. Lilac Productions, founder.

Television Appearances; Movies: Honora Dundas, The Outsider, NBC, 1967. Shirley Hammond, Set This Town on Fire (also known as The Profane Comedy), NBC, 1973. Sara’s mother, The Girls of Huntington House, ABC, 1973. Ann Leonard, Skyway to Death, ABC, 1974. Jackie, Like Mom, Like Me, CBS, 1978. Lois Carter, The Killing of Randy Webster, CBS, 1981.

Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nomination, outstanding performance in a supporting role by an actress, 1963, for Naked City; Crystal Award, 1977; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding individual achievement in directing in a drama series, 1992, for The Trials of Rosie O’Neill; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding individual achievement in directing in a drama series, 1992, for Sisters; Emmy Award (with Linda Hope and Don Mischer), outstanding variety, music or comedy special, 1993, for Bob Hope: The First 90 Years; Founder’s Award, Women in Film, 1996.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Tina Scott, San Francisco International (also known as San Francisco International Airport), NBC, 1970. Harriet, Norman’s wife, Man in the Middle, CBS, 1972. Laura, RX for the Defense, ABC, 1973. Aunt Sissy, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, NBC, 1974. Nancy Howell, Lucas Tanner, NBC, 1974.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Ann Summers, Fright (also known as Spell of the Hypnotist), Budd Rogers Releasing Corp., 1956. Debbie Baumgarden, The Violators, Universal, 1957. Claire, An Affair of the Skin (also known as Love as a Disorder), Zenith International, 1963. Virginia Hawley, Intimacy (also known as The Deceivers), Goldstone Film Enterprises, 1966. Mary Moylan, The Trial of the Catonsville Nine, Cinema 5 Distributing, 1972.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Girl, ⬙Grandma Was an Actress,⬙ The Lux Video Theatre, 1951. ⬙For Worse,⬙ Armstrong Circle Theatre, NBC, 1952. Gloria L’Hommedieu, ⬙Days of Grace,⬙ The Elgin TV Hour, ABC, 1955. 225


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

⬙There’s No Need to Shout,⬙ Robert Montgomery Presents, NBC, 1955. ⬙The Thing That Never Happened,⬙ Star Tonight, ABC, 1956. ⬙Bobbie,⬙ Kraft Television Theatre, NBC, 1956. Grace Schroeder, ⬙Doll Face,⬙ Alcoa Hour, 1956. ⬙The Curly Headed Kid,⬙ Kraft Television Theatre, NBC, 1957. ⬙Gun at a Fair One,⬙ Kraft Television Theatre, NBC, 1957. ⬙Sturdevant’s Daughter,⬙ Robert Montgomery Presents, NBC, 1957. ⬙A Clearing in the Woods,⬙ The Play of the Week, 1961. Eva, ⬙First Class Mouliak,⬙ Route 66, 1961. Nurse Jean Dennis, ⬙Exploiters,⬙ Dr. Kildare, NBC, 1963. Kathy Frazier, ⬙Deposit with Caution,⬙ 77 Sunset Strip, 1963. ⬙The Story of Nathan Hale,⬙ The Great Adventure, CBS, 1963. Cora, ⬙Bloodline,⬙ The Fugitive, ABC, 1964. ⬙A Cause of Anger,⬙ Kraft Suspense Theatre, 1964. Laura Hanley, ⬙Fun and Games,⬙ The Outer Limits, ABC, 1964. Millie Frazier, ⬙Stopover in a Quiet Town,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1964. Pat Corby, ⬙Streetcar, Do You Read Me?,⬙ Kraft Suspense Theatre, 1965. Nedda, ⬙Right in the Middle of the Season,⬙ The Fugitive, ABC, 1966. Catharine Rowan, ⬙The Unseen Wound,⬙ Bonanza, NBC, 1967. Mary Davis, ⬙Hondo and the Superstition Massacre,⬙ Hondo, ABC, 1967. Dr. Edith Gibson, ⬙A Girl for Goober,⬙ The Andy Griffith Show, CBS, 1968. May Evans, ⬙Officer Bobby,⬙ Ironside, NBC, 1968. Marcy Howard, ⬙The Secret,⬙ The Big Valley, ABC, 1969. Mary Ann Whalen, ⬙Once upon a Time: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Hawaii Five–O, CBS, 1969. Nora McGurney, ⬙The Chemistry of Hope,⬙ Marcus Welby, M.D., ABC, 1969. ⬙Give Me Tomorrow,⬙ The Outcasts, ABC, 1969. Iris, ⬙Murder Arena (or The Concrete Corral): Parts 1 & 2,⬙ McCloud, NBC, 1970. Mrs. Jessup, ⬙Little Jerry Jessup,⬙ Ironside, NBC, 1970. Cathleen Darcy, ⬙They Shoot Managers, Don’t They?,⬙ The Partridge Family, ABC, 1971. ⬙Break–In,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1973. Elizabeth Gorman, ⬙The Dark and Bloody Ground,⬙ The Rockford Files, NBC, 1974. ⬙Three Letter Word,⬙ Lucas Tanner, 1974. Diana Quill, ⬙Vengeance,⬙ Cannon, CBS, 1975. Sandy Adams, ⬙Greed,⬙ McMillan and Wife, 1976. Armistead, ⬙Sam Casey, Sam Casey,⬙ Gemini Man, 1976. Ivy Norris, ⬙Strike,⬙ Lou Grant, CBS, 1981.

Television Work; Series: Producer, The Bionic Woman, ABC, 1976. Television Producer; Movies: Winner Take All (also known as Time Lock), NBC, 1975. Like Mom, Like Me, CBS, 1978. The Violation of Sarah McDavid, CBS, 1981. Merlene of the Movies, CBS, 1981. The Imposter, ABC, 1984. Television Executive Producer; Movies: Sherlock Holmes in New York, 1976. I Married a Monster, UPN, 1998. Television Director; Movies: Merlene of the Movies, CBS, 1981. Home Song (also known as LaVyrle Spencer’s ⬙Home Song⬙), CBS, 1996. I Married a Monster, UPN, 1998. Television Work; Specials: Coproducer and director, There Were Times, Dear, PBS, 1987. Supervising producer and remote segment director, A Salute to America’s Pets, ABC, 1991. Supervising producer, Bob Hope: The First 90 Years (also known as Bob Hope: A 90th Birthday Celebration), NBC, 1993. Director, Bob Hope’s Christmas Show: Hopes for the Holidays, NBC, 1994. Director, Bob Hope: Memories of World War II, NBC, 1995. Television Work; Pilots: Executive producer, Handle with Care, CBS, 1977. Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Moment of Truth,⬙ The Colbys (also known as Dynasty II: The Colbys), ABC, 1985. ⬙Cry Wolf,⬙ Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s Hotel), ABC, 1985. ⬙Recrimination,⬙ Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s Hotel), ABC, 1986. ⬙Promises to Keep,⬙ Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s Hotel), ABC, 1986. ⬙Horizons,⬙ Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s Hotel), ABC, 1986. ⬙Opening Moves,⬙ Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s Hotel), ABC, 1986. ⬙Pressure Points,⬙ Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s Hotel), ABC, 1986. Dynasty, ABC, 1986–1987.

Also appeared in Scene of the Crime, NBC. 226

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 ⬙Like Father, Like Son,⬙ Starman, ABC, 1986. ⬙Past Tense,⬙ Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s Hotel), ABC, 1987. ⬙Revelations,⬙ Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s Hotel), ABC, 1987. ⬙Contest of Wills,⬙ Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s Hotel), ABC, 1988. ⬙Aftershocks: Part 2,⬙ Hotel (also known as Arthur Hailey’s Hotel), ABC, 1988. ⬙Hat in the Ring,⬙ The Bradys, CBS, 1990. ⬙Concrete Evidence,⬙ Shades of L.A., 1990. ⬙Big Brother Is Watching,⬙ Shades of L.A., 1990. ⬙Isn’t It Romantic?,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1991. ⬙1,001 Nights of Anne Matheson,⬙ Knots Landing, 1991. ⬙Crash and Born,⬙ Sisters, NBC, 1992. Melrose Place, Fox, 1992–1994. ⬙Upbringings,⬙ Picket Fences, CBS, 1995. ⬙Operation Smile,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1995. ⬙Mairmaids Strike Better,⬙ Central Park West, CBS, 1996. ⬙Coda,⬙ Star Trek: Voyager (also known as Voyager), UPN, 1997. ⬙Elegy for a Dream,⬙ The Burning Zone, UPN, 1997. ⬙Message in a Bottle,⬙ Star Trek: Voyager (also known as Voyager), UPN, 1998. ⬙Santa Claude,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1999. ⬙Two Birds with One Sloan,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 2000. ⬙Sleight of Hand,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 2000. ⬙A Family Way,⬙ Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 2000. ⬙Hermanos [Brother],⬙ Resurrection Blvd., Showtime, 2000. ⬙Revelaciones [Revelations],⬙ Resurrection Blvd., Showtime, 2000. ⬙You Bet Your Life,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 2001. ⬙Who Shot Dick?,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2002. ⬙La guerra de Bibi,⬙ Resurrection Blvd., Showtime, 2002.

MANOUX Fairfax Ave., Suite 310, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Manager—Andrew Myler, Essential Entertainment Management, 6121 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 201, Hollywood, CA 90038. Career: Actor, voice performer, and writer. Appeared in commercials for Right Guard antiperspirant, Holiday Inn Express hotels, Volkswagen Passat and Honda automobiles, Circuit City electronic stores, Gatorade sport drinks, and other products. Awards, Honors: Los Angeles Ovation Award and Garland Award, Backstage West, both 1999, for Reefer Madness! The Musical. CREDITS Film Appearances: Tommy, Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings (also known as Pumpkinhead 2: The Demon Returns), Motion Picture Corporation of America, 1994. Eric, Clinic E, American Film Institute, 1996. Andy, Fairfax Fandango, 1997. Beezer, Art House, Asylum, 1998. Excited alien, Galaxy Quest, DreamWorks, 1999. Mayor’s assistant, Inspector Gadget, Buena Vista, 1999. Officer Hughes, Treasure Island, King Pictures, 1999. The unknown filmmaker and Mike Dong, The Auteur Theory, Pathfinder Pictures/RGH/Lions Share Pictures, 1999. (Scenes deleted) French bellhop, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (also known as Austin Powers 2: The Spy Who Shagged Me), New Line Cinema, 1999. Robber, Our Lips Are Sealed, Warner Home Video, 2000. Aide de camp, Ocean’s Eleven (also known as 11 and O11), Warner Bros., 2001. Voice of Kuzco, Mickey’s Magical Christmas: Snowed In at the House of Mouse (animated), Buena Vista Home Video/Walt Disney Home Video, 2001. Arnie, Crazy As Hell, Artistic License/Loose Screw Films, 2002. Voice of Scrappy Rex, Scooby–Doo, Warner Bros., 2002. Gary, Malibu’s Most Wanted, Warner Bros., 2003. Robot man, The Ugly Americans, DreamWorks, 2003. Technical sergeant Ari Peck, Starship Troopers 2, Screen Gems, 2003.

Also directed episodes of The Trials of Rosie O’Neill, CBS; Fame L.A., syndicated.

MANOUX, J. P. 1969– PERSONAL Full name, Jean–Paul Manoux; born June 8, 1969, in Fresno, CA. Education: Northwestern University, B.S. (theatre); trained at Groundlings School, ACME Comedy Theatre, Los Angeles Theatresports, and Improv Olympic West.

Film Work: Additional voices, The Auteur Theory, Pathfinder Pictures/RGH/Lions Share Pictures, 1999.

Addresses: Agent—Marc Chancer, Origin Talent Agency, 4705 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Suite 306, Studio City, CA 91607; Sutton, Barth & Vennari, 145 South

Television Appearances; Series: Voice of Kuzco, Mickey Mouse Works: The Unique Show (animated), ABC, 1999–2000. 227


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Clerk, ⬙Departure Time,⬙ The King of Queens, CBS, 2001. Colin, ⬙Fallback,⬙ Nikki, The WB, 2001. Dave, ⬙Baby You Can’t Drive My Car,⬙ Grounded for Life, Fox, 2001. Gene Bacon, ⬙Slam Dunk,⬙ Nash Bridges (also known as Bridges), CBS, 2001. Mr. Babbes, ⬙Go with the Flow,⬙ The Hughleys, UPN, 2001. Dave Henry, ⬙Fired,⬙ Wednesday 9:30 (8:30 Central), ABC, 2002. Host, ⬙Mr. Big Shot,⬙ Yes, Dear, CBS, 2002. Jerry Dworski, ⬙Old Wounds,⬙ The District, CBS, 2002. Jerry Dworski, ⬙Return of the King,⬙ The District, CBS, 2002. Jerry Dworski, ⬙Small Packages,⬙ The District, CBS, 2002. Minion, ⬙Hocus Focus,⬙ Will & Grace, NBC, 2002. Shorty, ⬙Ren–Gate,⬙ Even Stevens, The Disney Channel, 2002. Stan, ⬙Bada–Ping!,⬙ Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, The WB, 2002. Stan, ⬙Call My Crazy,⬙ Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, The WB, 2002. Stan, ⬙Sabrina Unplugged,⬙ Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, The WB, 2002. Armenian, Reno 911!, Comedy Central, 2003. Cameron Anderson, ⬙Reunion,⬙ Birds of Prey, The WB, 2003. Peter, ⬙Breaking Up,⬙ Less Than Perfect, ABC, 2003. Peter, ⬙Picture Perfect Party,⬙ Less Than Perfect, ABC, 2003. Stanley, ⬙The Day the Magic Died,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2003.

Various characters, The Wayne Brady Show, ABC, 2001–2002. Voice of Kuzco, House of Mouse (animated), ABC, 2001—. Curtis the caveman and Mr. Hackett, Phil of the Future (also known as The Out of Timers), The Disney Channel, 2003—. The character Kuzco has been featured in other series, including Cartoon All–Stars to the Rescue: Stop Digimon! and House of Toon. Television Appearances; Movies: Owner of the chihuahua, Breakfast with Einstein, The Disney Channel, 1998. Roger, Darwin Conspiracy, UPN, 1999. Carl, Running Mates, TNT, 2000. Neal Blank, Beer Money, USA Network, 2001. Television Appearances; Episodic: Mime, ⬙Fire in the Belly,⬙ ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 1996. Junior executive, ⬙Close Quarters,⬙ Working, NBC, 1997. Clerk, ⬙Collect Call for Dick,⬙ 3rd Rock from the Sun (also known as Life As We Know It), NBC, 1998. Father Stasniak, ⬙Where Is Joanne Going, and When?,⬙ Reunited, UPN, 1998. Glenn, ⬙The Mask,⬙ Just Shoot Me!, NBC, 1998. Rusty, ⬙My Dinner with Becker,⬙ Becker, CBS, 1998. Shelter director, ⬙The Gift That Keeps On Giving,⬙ For Your Love, The WB, 1998. Ted, ⬙The Greatest Story Ever Toad,⬙ Maggie, Lifetime, 1998. Customer, ⬙Caroline and the Ultimatum,⬙ Caroline in the City (also known as Caroline), NBC, 1999. Glenn, ⬙Hostess to Murder,⬙ Just Shoot Me!, NBC, 1999. Glenn, ⬙Softball,⬙ Just Shoot Me!, NBC, 1999. Lukaro, ⬙Wedding–Bell Blues,⬙ Suddenly Susan, NBC, 1999. Marc, ⬙Love Stinks,⬙ Oh Grow Up!, ABC, 1999. Bellman, ⬙Are You Now or Have You Ever Been,⬙ Angel, The WB, 2000. Dave, ⬙The Virgin Episode,⬙ Opposite Sex, Fox, 2000. Lewis, ⬙My Bodyguard,⬙ Stark Raving Mad, NBC, 2000. Malcolm, ⬙Drew Goes to Hell,⬙ The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 2000. Nicolai, ⬙Bed Worthy,⬙ Shasta McNasty (also known as Shasta), UPN, 2000. Nicolai, ⬙The F Word,⬙ Shasta McNasty (also known as Shasta), UPN, 2000. Thomas, ⬙Secret Crush⬙ (also known as ⬙I’ve Got a Crush on You⬙), The Norm Show (also known as Norm), ABC, 2000. Twitch, ⬙Stretching Ethics,⬙ Brutally Normal, The WB, 2000. ⬙In the Course of Human Events,⬙ Bull, TNT, 2000.

Appeared as a student in an episode of The John Larroquette Show, NBC; contestant on game shows, including The Family Feud, Jeopardy!, and Wheel of Fortune: Teen Week. Television Appearances; Other: Fighting student, How High, 2001. Appeared in the pilot Eddie & Vince, ABC. Stage Appearances: Stoned cannibal, Reefer Madness! The Musical, Hudson Backstage Theatre, Los Angeles, c. 1999–2000. Also appeared in Worldly Acts, Tiffany Theatre, Los Angeles. RECORDINGS Video Games: Cyberia 2: Resurrection, Virgin Interactive Entertainment, 1995. Motion capture performer, Redneck Rampage, Interplay Productions, 1997. 228

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

MAPLES Cynthia, For Richer or Poorer, Universal, 1997. Ann Chambeau, Happiness, Trimark, 1998. Mrs. Van Dough, Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish (also known as Richie Rich: A Christmas Story), Warner Home Video, 1998. Muffy, Black and White, Palm, 1999. Herself, Destiny of Peace, 2003. Samantha Blake, A Sight for Sore Eyes, 2003.

Blue Heat: The Case of the Cover Girl Murders, Orion Interactive, 1997. Redneck Rampage Rides Again: Arkansas, Interplay Productions, 1998. Voice, Monsters, Inc., Disney Interactive, 2002. WRITINGS Teleplays; with Others: Series: The Wayne Brady Show, ABC, 2001–2002.

Television Appearances; Movies: Faith, The Christmas List, Family Channel, 1997. Joan Michaelson, Two of Hearts, Fox Family Channel, 1999.

Stage Musicals: Author (with George Brant) of Tights on a Wire (musical), produced at Eclipse Theatre, Chicago, IL.

Television Appearances; Specials: Presenter, Soap Opera Digest Awards, NBC, 1992. Host, The 1996 Miss Universe Pageant, CBS, 1996. Interviewee, Donald Trump: Master of the Deal (documentary), Arts and Entertainment, 1997. Host, The 1997 Miss USA Pageant, CBS, 1997. Host, The 1997 Miss Universe Pageant, CBS, 1997. Snowfest 2000, PAX, 2000.

Radio Teleplays; Episodic: Contributor to All Things Considered, National Public Radio. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: J. P. Manoux Home Page,, September 29, 2003.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Maggie, ⬙Cally on a Hot Tin Roof,⬙ Dallas, 1989. ⬙Marriage Most Foul,⬙ Designing Women, CBS, 1991. Herself, Loving, 1992. (As Marla Maples Trump) ⬙For Sale by Owner,⬙ The Fresh Prince of Bel–Air, NBC, 1994. Donna Lorenzo, Something Wilder, NBC, 1994. Guest host, The Vicki Lawrence Show, Fox, 1996. Second buyer, ⬙Cher, Inc.,⬙ Clueless, ABC, 1996. Jennifer, ⬙The Goodbye Girl,⬙ Spin City, ABC, 1997. ⬙The Best Man,⬙ The Nanny, CBS, 1998. Barbara Birch, Sunset Beach, NBC, 1999.

MAPLES, Marla 1963– (Marla Maples Trump) PERSONAL Born October 27, 1963, in Dalton, GA; daughter of Stan (a real estate developer) and Ann (a former office worker) Maples; cousin of Heather Locklear (an actress); married Donald Trump (a business man), December, 1993 (divorced, 1999); children: Tiffany.

RECORDINGS Videos: Marla Maples: Journey to Fitness, Vestron Video, 1992.

Career: Actress. Worked as a model; won the Miss Resaca Beach Poster Girl contest and was runner–up for Miss Georgia, both 1983. Created a production company.



Books: All That Glitters Is Not Gold, HarperCollins, 2001.

Stage Appearances: The Will Rogers Follies—A Life in Revue, Palace Theatre, New York City, 1993.


Film Appearances: 2nd woman, Maximum Overdrive, Paramount, 1986. (As Marla Maples Trump) Nancy, flight attendant, Executive Decision (also known as Critical Decision), Warner Bros., 1996.

Periodicals: Celebrity Sleuth, Volume 5, Issue 2, 1992, pp. 22–23; Volume 6, Issue 3, 1993, pp. 66–67; Volume 7, Issue 6, 1994, pp. 64–65. People Weekly, May 19, 1997, pp. 122—. 229


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Carlos Zamora, Love’s Deadly Triangle: The Texas Cadet Murder (also known as Swearing Allegiance), NBC, 1997. John Milne, Perfect Crime, USA Network, 1997. (English version) Voice of Professor Marunami, Ao no roku go (animated short film; also known as Blue Submarine No. 6), Cartoon Network, 1998.

MARTIN, Tantoo See CARDINAL, Tantoo

MASSET, Andrew (Andrew Hyatt Masset)

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙In Your Hat,⬙ Chico and the Man, NBC, 1976. Carlos, ⬙The Judas Goat,⬙ Logan’s Run, CBS, 1977. Hough, ⬙Commander Pierce,⬙ M*A*S*H, CBS, 1978. Ishag, ⬙A Three–Day Affair with a Thirty–Day Escrow,⬙ The Rockford Files, NBC, 1978. Roger, ⬙Gopher’s Greatest Hits/The Vacation/One Rose a Day,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1979. Abercrombie, ⬙Three for the Money,⬙ Charlie’s Angels, ABC, 1980. ⬙The Mark of Cain,⬙ Dallas, CBS, 1981. Aldo, ⬙The Mid–East Meeting,⬙ Dynasty, ABC, 1982. ⬙The Candidate,⬙ Falcon Crest, CBS, 1982. Water, ⬙Black Widow,⬙ Cover Up, CBS, 1985. Peter, ⬙Ye Gods,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1985. Garret Hollander, ⬙Desert Fox,⬙ Crazy Like a Fox, CBS, 1985. The Insiders, ABC, 1985. Cassatti, ⬙Once upon a Night,⬙ Misfits of Science, NBC, 1986. Lionel Eagle, ⬙Brother, Can You Spare a Crime?,⬙ Hardcastle and McCormick, ABC, 1986. Healy, ⬙Jagga the Hunk,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1986. ⬙The Beautiful & the Dead: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Hunter, NBC, 1986. Young man, ⬙A Saucer of Loneliness,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1986. Daniel Paulsen, ⬙Santa Claus,⬙ Matlock, 1986. ⬙Orleans,⬙ Outlaws, CBS, 1987. Ed Sherlock, ⬙Blonde on Blonde,⬙ Moonlighting, ABC, 1987. Michael Bellius, ⬙Second–Story Simons,⬙ Simon & Simon, CBS, 1987. Jean Claude, ⬙Mike Gets Married,⬙ Mike Hammer, CBS, 1987. Quisguard, ⬙The Khrushchev List,⬙ Scarecrow and Mrs. King, CBS, 1987. Frank Stan, ⬙New Faces,⬙ Falcon Crest, CBS, 1987. Frank Stan, ⬙Sweet Revenge,⬙ Falcon Crest, CBS, 1987. Frank Stan, ⬙Manhunt,⬙ Falcon Crest, CBS, 1987. ⬙Crime Spree,⬙ Houston Knights, CBS, 1988. Jacques Fornier, ⬙I Wish It Would Rain,⬙ Tour of Duty, CBS, 1989. Mr. Watkins, ⬙Kind, Kompassionate and Karing,⬙ Nurses, NBC, 1991. ⬙Steal It Again, Sam,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1992. (Uncredited) ⬙Anniversary,⬙ Dark Justice, CBS, 1992.

PERSONAL Born March 7. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Male Robot, Futureworld, American International Pictures, 1976. Jerry, Hero at Large, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1980. Director Walters, To Love, Honor and Deceive (also known as The Protected Wife), 1996. (English version) Voice of Sagan, Legend of the Last Labyrinth (animated; also known as Princess Rouge: The Legend of the Last Labyrinth), 1997. Colonel William G. Bass, Remember the Titans, Buena Vista, 2000. Film Work: Additional voices, Bright Lights, Big City, United Artists, 1988. Television Appearances; Series: (As Andrew Hyatt Masset) Larry Welch, Days of Our Lives (also known as DOOL and Days), NBC, 1983–1985 then 2002–2003. Joseph, Santa Barbara, NBC, 1986. Trevor McCallum, Generations, NBC, 1989–1990. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Power, 1980. Dr. William House, From the Earth to the Moon, HBO, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Doug, The Last Fling, ABC, 1987. Ali, Desperate Rescue: The Cathy Mahone Story, NBC, 1993. Patrick Felks, Twisted Desire, NBC, 1996. Dr. Rosenfeldt, Twilight Man, Starz!, 1996. 230

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 ⬙Silence of the Lambskins,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1992. Philip, ⬙Every Bundy Has a Birthday,⬙ Married ... with Children, Fox, 1992. ⬙Suitable for Framing,⬙ Dark Justice, CBS, 1993. ⬙Going Home,⬙ Pointman, syndicated, 1995. ⬙’bout Money,⬙ Pointman, syndicated, 1995. Wayne, ⬙Close Encounters,⬙ Second Noah, ABC, 1996. Carl Reinhart, ⬙Enemy Within,⬙ The Cape, syndicated, 1997. Leland Kingston, ⬙Fevers,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1997. Dracula, ⬙Halloween,⬙ You Wish, ABC, 1997. Patrick Kelker, ⬙Four Stories,⬙ Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 2001.

McFEE Officer B, Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus, ABC, 1991. Squints, Blood River, CBS, 1991. Crew member, Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster (also known as Disaster at Valdez), HBO, 1992. Daniel Severin, The Amy Fisher Story (also known as Beyond Control), ABC, 1993. Detective Williams, Profile for Murder, HBO, 1996. Captain, Convictions, Lifetime, 1997. Guthrie, Angels in the Endzone, ABC, 1997. Painter, Nightscream, NBC, 1997. Charlie, My Husband’s Secret Life, USA Network, 1998. Dad, Floating Away, Showtime, 1998. Harris, Aldrich Ames: Traitor Within, Showtime, 1998. Teddy, Dirty Little Secret, USA Network, 1998. First police officer, The 4th Floor, HBO, 1999. Norm Coleman, The Jesse Ventura Story, NBC, 1999. Dave Faulkner, Second String, TNT, 2002. Painter, RFK, FX Channel, 2002. Tom’s father, Charms for the Easy Life, Showtime, 2002. Lieutenant general, DC 9/11: Time of Crisis, Showtime, 2003.

Also appeared in She’s the Sheriff, syndicated; Sonny Spoon, NBC; ⬙Dapper Drew,⬙ FBI: The Untold Stories, ABC; voice of Inspector Arizuka, You’re Under Arrest TV. Television Work; Episodic: Appeared as additional voices, Voogie’s Angel (animated).

Television Appearances; Episodic: Lou, ⬙Last Rites for Lucci,⬙ Wiseguy, CBS, 1987. ⬙Flying Home,⬙ Airwolf, USA Network, 1987. Tucker, ⬙Last of the True Believers,⬙ Wiseguy, CBS, 1988. First gunman, ⬙High Rise,⬙ Booker, Fox, 1989. Marty Ricco, ⬙Ma Dalton,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1989. Prison officer, ⬙Can I Get a Witness?,⬙ Broken Badges, 1991. ⬙Safe at Home,⬙ Mom P.I., CBC, 1991. Ray Holstrom, ⬙Studies in Light,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1993. Smith, ⬙On My Honor,⬙ Street Justice, syndicated, 1993. The commander, ⬙Little Green Men,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1994. David Gates, ⬙Shapes,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1994. Sammy the pawnbroker, ⬙Ghost,⬙ The Commish, ABC, 1994. Detective Havez, ⬙Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1995. Jack Spice, ⬙The Innocent,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1995. Suspect, ⬙Irresistible,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1995. Bruce Johnson, ⬙From Within,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1996. Martin Richards, ⬙Blinded by the Son,⬙ Strange Luck, Fox, 1996. Brendan McShane, ⬙The Healer,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime, 1997. Phil Tucker, ⬙Thieves Like Us,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1997.

MASSEY, Andrea Evans See EVANS, Andrea

McFEE, Dwight PERSONAL Married Cayle Lorraine Sinclair (an actress). Avocational Interests: Golfing, other sports. Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Jessie Richardson Theatre awards, Vancouver Professional Theatre Alliance, outstanding supporting actor, 1990, for ⬘Tis Pity She’s a Whore, outstanding performance, 1992, for Body of Work, and outstanding performance, for Extremities. CREDITS Television Appearances; Movies: Bully, Nightmare at Bitter Creek, CBS, 1988. Brenn, The Death of the Incredible Hulk, NBC, 1990. Murphy, Sky High, NBC, 1990. Library guard, Christmas on Division Street, CBS, 1991. 231


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Ring announcer, ⬙In the Zone,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1998. Marek Toporowski, ⬙Dr. Tara,⬙ Blue Murder, 2001.


Television Appearances; Other: Shelter worker, Spot Marks the X, 1986.

Education: Graduated from Institute for Advanced Theatre Training, Harvard University.

Film Appearances: Chicago worker, The Journey of Natty Gann, Buena Vista, 1985. First deputy, Fire with Fire (also known as Captive Hearts), Paramount, 1986. Voice, Debts (animated short film), National Film Board of Canada, 1986. First searcher, Backfire, Vidmark Entertainment, 1987. Harry, Malone, Orion, 1987. Voice of Ed, From Flores (animated short film), National Film Board of Canada, 1990. Technician, Knight Moves (also known as Face to Face and Knight Moves—Ein moerderisches Spiel), Interstar, 1993. Voice in crowd, This Boy’s Life, Warner Bros., 1993. Movie cowboy, Tokyo Cowboy, Castle Filmes, 1994. Third reporter, Sleeping with Strangers, 1994. Clarke, Little Criminals, 1995. Sergeant Weller, Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain, Universal, 1995. Andy and second guard, Unforgettable, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1996. Bus driver, Snow Falling on Cedars, Universal, 1999. Veteran controller, Pushing Tin (also known as Turbulenzen—und andere Katastrophen), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1999.

Career: Actress. Obsidian Theatre Company, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, actress, director, and founding member; Shakespeare Works, Toronto, Ontario, founding member; National Theatre School of Canada, Montreal, Quebec, faculty member; Humber School for Creative and Performing Arts, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, faculty member in theatre performance. Awards, Honors: Dora Award, 1998, for Valley Song; Dora Award, 2001, for Skylight. CREDITS Film Appearances: Slave woman, Down in the Delta, Miramax, 1998. Nicole, Spooky House, Entertainment Highway, 2000. Anna, True Blue, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2001. Penny Mills, Full Disclosure, First Look Pictures Releasing, 2001. State employee, John Q (also known as John Q.), New Line Cinema, 2002. Television Appearances; Series: Jenni Hernandez, Riverdale, CBC, 1997–1999. Eda Myles, a recurring role, The Eleventh Hour, CTV, 2002.

Stage Appearances: ⬘Tis Pity She’s a Whore, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, c. 1990. Body of Work, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, c. 1992. This Is My Life?, Headlines Theatre, Waterfront Theatre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, c. 1992. Theophile Sarder, Mephisto, Equity Showcase Theatre, York Quay Studio Theatre, Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2001. Speed, Oscar and Felix: A New Look at the Odd Couple, Victoria Playhouse Petrolia, Petrolia, Ontario, Canada, 2003.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Christina Roselli, Atomic Train, NBC, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Lab technician, The Babymaker: The Dr. Cecil Jacobson Story (also known as Seeds of Deception), Lifetime, 1994. Traynor’s lawyer, A Murder on Shadow Mountain, CBS, 1999. Jeanette, Strange Justice, Showtime, 1999. Elaine, Deliberate Intent, Fox, 2000. Acceptable Risk (also known as Robin Cook’s ⬙Acceptable Risk⬙), TBS, 2001. Doctor, The Rats, Fox, 2002. Catherine, The Glow, Fox, 2002.

Appeared as Teach, American Buffalo, and as George, Same Time Next Year, both Canadian productions; in Extremities, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; in The Black Bonspiel of Wullie MacCrimmon, The Ecstasy of Rita Joe, and Life after Hockey; also appeared in other Canadian productions.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Dr. Currie, Side Effects, CBC, 1996. 232

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Candace Madison, ⬙Seeing Is Believing,⬙ Due South, syndicated, 1997. ⬙Love and Death,⬙ Night Man, The Disney Channel and syndicated, 1999. Madame Clare, ⬙The Possession,⬙ Poltergeist: The Legacy, 1999. ⬙John Doe,⬙ Blue Murder, 2003.


Stage Appearances: The Impossible Can Happen, 1988. Penny Sewell, The Writing Game, American Repertory Theatre, Cambridge, MA, 1991. The Twelfth Night, 1994. Kyra, Skylight, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1995. Elmire, Orgon’s wife, Tartuffe, Loeb Drama Center, Cambridge, MA, 1996. Taming of the Shrew, du Maurier World Stage Festival, Trinity–St. Paul’s United Church, Toronto, 1996. Sheila, Famous, Tarragon Extra Space, Toronto, 1997. Guardian angel, Marisol, Theatre Passe Muraille, Canada, 1997. Veronica, Valley Song, 1997. Title role, Belle, Toronto, 2000. Mtubu, Lambton, Kent, Traverse Theatre, 2000. The Taming of the Shrew, 2000. Hostess, Shrew, CanStage High Park, Toronto, 2001. Skylight, Tarragon Mainspace, Toronto, 2001. Penelope, Danny: King of the Basement, 2001. Belle, National Arts Centre Studio, Toronto, 2002. The Piano Lesson, The du Maurier Theatre, Harbourfront Center, Toronto, 2003. Elena Ivanovna Popova, ⬙The Bear,⬙ The ⬙Vaudevilles⬙ of Chekhov, National Arts Centre, Toronto, 2003. Aricia, Phedre, du Marier Theatre Centre, Toronto, 2003.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Bill Winkler, Lifeguard, 1976. J. D. Walker, J. D.’s Revenge, American International Pictures, 1976. Invisible Stranger, TransWorld Entertainment, 1976. Man in elevator, Coma, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer Distribution Company, 1978. Uncle Ray, Hollywood Shuffle (also known as Robert Townsend’s Hollywood Shuffle), Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1987. Lieutenant Jordan, A Taste of Hemlock, 1989. Detective Ⲇ1, Pump Up the Volume (also known as Plein volume), New Line Cinema, 1990. Chuck, Terror in Paradise, New Horizons Home Video, 1990. Pastor Stone, The Five Heartbeats, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1991. Vince, Pizza Man, Megalomania, 1991. Flicker, Under Siege (also known as Piege en haute mer), Warner Bros., 1992. Harold Johnson, The Glass Shield (also known as The Johnny Johnson Trial), Miramax, 1994. Patrol officer Ⲇ2, Sprung, Trimark Pictures, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Black con, Dangerous Company, CBS, 1982. FBI agent, Stop at Nothing, Lifetime, 1991. Janitor, Divas, Fox, 1995. Dale Holman, On the Line, ABC, 1998.

Also appeared as Penny Sewell, The Writing Game; Maria, Twelfth Night, Stratford Shakespeare Festival; Lyse, The Illusion, Stratford Shakespeare Festival; Iras, Anthony and Cleopatra, Stratford Shakespeare Festival; First Fairy, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Stratford Shakespeare Festival; Helena, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Canadian Stage, Toronto; Beatrice, The Servant of Two Masters; Marge and Zee, A Fertile Imagination; Tamara, Savage Finesse.

Television Appearances; Specials: Voice of Arthur Pentax, C.L.U.T.Z., CBS, 1985. Jackson, 15 and Getting Straight, CBS, 1989.

Radio Appearances: Poems from Poetry Plus, CBC Radio, 2002. She, The Blind Assassin, CBC Radio, 2003.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Murphy, Off Duty, CBS, 1988. Maitre d’, Mister Sterling, NBC, 2003.

Appeared in The Nightingale, CBC Radio.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Clark, ⬙The Lottery,⬙ The Incredible Hulk, CBS, 1980. Sergeant–at–arms, ⬙Requiem for a Hairbag,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1982. ⬙Down the Drain,⬙ Benson, ABC, 1983. Salesman Ⲇ2, ⬙Tracy,⬙ Dynasty, ABC, 1983. Ed, ⬙Take This Job and Love It,⬙ Benson, ABC, 1985.

RECORDINGS Taped Readings: (With others) SightLines 7 Audio Pack, Prentiss Hall Literature. 233


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Police officer, ⬙Blonde on Blonde,⬙ Moonlighting, ABC, 1987. S.I.D. Ⲇ2, ⬙Dogsbreath Afternoon,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1987. Herbert, ⬙Men’s Club,⬙ 227, 1987. ⬙Best Friends,⬙ Katts and Dog, CTV and The Family Channel, 1988. Johnny Morrow, ⬙The Memphisto Ring,⬙ Friday the 13th, syndicated, 1989. Max, ⬙The Angel of Death,⬙ War of the Worlds, syndicated, 1989. ⬙Which Witch Is Witch?,⬙ Hardball, NBC, 1989. Jim, ⬙Terence Got His Gun,⬙ Roc, Fox, 1994. Robert’s father, ⬙Poppa Was a Rolling Stone,⬙ The Parent ’Hood, The WB, 1995. Melroy Jones, ⬙Think Fast,⬙ The Wayans Bros., The WB, 1995. Janitor, ⬙Night Shift,⬙ ER, NBC, 1997.

(As Don R. McManus) Colonel Carlton, Air Force One (also known as AFO), Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Jake Horowitz, I’m Losing You, Strand Releasing, 1998. Dr. Landon, Magnolia (also known as mag–no’li–a), New Line Cinema, 1999. Mr. Flemington, Dropping Out, 2000. RePet salesman, The 6th Day (also known as Le sixieme jour), Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2000. Assistant Mayor Benny Holcombe, Hannibal, MCA/ Universal, 2001. Voice of Plastic, Punch–Drunk Love, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2002. Father O’Neill, Auto Focus, Sony Pictures Classics, 2002. Television Appearances; Series: Lee Michaelson, Murder One, ABC, 1996–1997. Graham Pearce, Any Day Now, Lifetime, 1998–1999. Don Lewis, Oh Baby, Lifetime, 1998–2000.

Also appeared as Alan Jefferies and Hayes, The Commish, ABC; Father Greg, John Grisham’s The Client, CBS.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Dean Everett, Telling Secrets (also known as Contract for Murder), ABC, 1993. Innocent Victims, ABC, 1996. Clocker, Mr. Murder (also known as Dean Koontz’s Mr. Murder), ABC, 1998.



Television Appearances; Movies: German merchant, Seduced, CBS, 1985. Politician, The Hearst and Davies Affair, ABC, 1985. Joan’s father, Double Standard, NBC, 1988. Braxton, Jr., Gunsmoke: The Long Ride, CBS, 1993. Dean, Knight Rider 2010, syndicated, 1994. Art Stefanoff, White Mile, HBO, 1994. Cisco, Motorcycle Gang, Showtime, 1994. Dr. Raymond Moody, Saved by the Light, Fox, 1995. Santa Claus, A Holiday to Remember, CBS, 1995. Gavin, Noah, ABC, 1998. Choir member, The Sandy Bottom Orchestra, Showtime, 2000.


Television Appearances; Pilots: Modern Man, ABC, 1997. Gilbert, Keys (also known as Keys to Her Past), Lifetime, 1999.

Film Appearances: Voice of Caterpillar, The Care Bears Adventure in Wonderland, 1987. Bondsman, The Bonfire of the Vanities, Warner Bros., 1990. Stubblefield, True Colors, Paramount, 1991. Calgary airline officer, Josh and S.A.M., Columbia, 1993. (As Don R. McManus) Guard Wiley, The Shawshank Redemption, Columbia, 1994.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Don R. McManus) Doctor Feinberg, ⬙Christmas Presence,⬙ The Equalizer, CBS, 1987. Jordan, ⬙Prisoner of Love,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1990. (As Don R. McManus) Doctor, ⬙As God Is My Co– Defendant,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1991. Erick Reese Hillman, ⬙Slow Dance,⬙ Northern Exposure, CBS, 1991. Erick Reese Hillman, ⬙The Final Frontier,⬙ Northern Exposure, CBS, 1992.

McMANUS, Declan See COSTELLO, Elvis

McMANUS, Don (Don R. McManus)

Career: Actor.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 (As Don R. McManus) John Mason, ⬙All’s Affair in Love,⬙ Herman’s Head, Fox, 1993. (As Don R. McManus) ⬙Everybody Lies,⬙ Sirens, ABC, 1993. Herb, ⬙A Midsummer Night’s Dream On,⬙ Dream On, HBO, 1993. (As Don R. McManus) Fields, ⬙The Good, the Bad and the Pharmacist,⬙ Grace under Fire, ABC, 1993. Steve Hitler, ⬙There’s a Mister Hitler Here to See You,⬙ The John Larroquette Show, NBC, 1993. Erick Reese Hillman, ⬙Survival of the Species,⬙ Northern Exposure, CBS, 1993. Erick Reese Hillman, ⬙Sleeping with the Enemy,⬙ Northern Exposure, CBS, 1993. (As Don R. McManus) Erick Reese Hillman, ⬙Mr. Sandman,⬙ Northern Exposure, CBS, 1994. (As Don R. McManus) Erick Reese Hillman, ⬙I Feel the Earth Move,⬙ Northern Exposure, CBS, 1994. (As Don R. McManus) Duncan, ⬙The Race,⬙ Seinfeld, NBC, 1994. Santa, ⬙Gift of the Wheelman,⬙ Due South, CBS and CTV, 1994. (As Don R. McManus) Erick Reese Hillman, ⬙Buss Stop,⬙ Northern Exposure, CBS, 1995. Zio, ⬙The Chute,⬙ Star Trek: Voyager, UPN, 1996. Rudy Grasso, ⬙Operation: Murphy Brown,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1997. John L., ⬙Immediate Family,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1997. Victor Silva, ⬙A Bloody Miracle,⬙ Nothing Sacred, ABC, 1997. Doyle, ⬙Doyle’s Solution,⬙ Roar, Fox, 1997. Ned Springer, ⬙Legend II: Vengeance,⬙ Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, CBS, 1998. Dr. Blythe, ⬙Crazy,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 1998. Chris Tofsky, ⬙Tragedy Plus Time,⬙ Mad about You, NBC, 1998. Kenny Priest, ⬙Judas Priest,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1999. Kenny Priest, ⬙I’ll Draw You a Mapp,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1999. Kenny Priest, ⬙Voir Dire This,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1999. Chuck Greer, ⬙Bringing Up Barbie,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1999. John, ⬙Naked,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1999. John, ⬙Too Close,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1999. John, ⬙The Declaration of Co–Dependence,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 2000. Vic, ⬙The Customer Is Always Vic,⬙ Zoe, Duncan, Jack & Jane, The WB, 2000. Stan Peyton, ⬙Bad Seed,⬙ M.Y.O.B., NBC, 2000. The chameleon/Claude Escoffier, ⬙Beholder,⬙ The Invisible Man, Sci–Fi Channel, 2000. Harrod, ⬙Without a Net,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2000. Mason Gould, ⬙Won’t Someone Please Help George Bailey Tonight,⬙ Once and Again, ABC, 2001. Mr. Lindly, ⬙Eastern Standard Time,⬙ Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 2001. Greg Summerhays, ⬙Two Cathedrals,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2001. Tobias, ⬙Let’s Get Fiscal,⬙ Dharma & Greg, 2001. Calvin Beck, ⬙San Diego Padre,⬙ Philly, ABC, 2002.

McNULTY ⬙Recovery Time,⬙ Strong Medicine, 2002. Enrique Rayas/Erik Riden/Nedir Kire, ⬙Dispo Day,⬙ C.S.I.: Miami, CBS, 2003. P. J. Collins, ⬙Simone Says,⬙ Fastlane, Fox, 2003. ⬙My Mother’s Daughter,⬙ For the People, Lifetime, 2003. Donald Padgett, ⬙Sixteen Going on Seventeen,⬙ Judging Amy, 2003. David Collins, ⬙Kurt Dempsey,⬙ Nip/Tuck, F/X, 2003. Blaine, ⬙Breakpoint,⬙ The Shield, F/X, 2003. Also appeared in ⬙Do the Right Schwig,⬙ Total Security; as Bradley, ⬙Shootout at the Comedy Corral,⬙ The Jeff Foxworthy Show; voice, Ewoks, ABC; voice, Droids: The Adventures of R2D2 and C3PO, ABC; voice of Brachio, Dinosaucers, syndicated; voice, Madeline, Fox Family; Parole Officer Nick Seaver, Muddling Through, CBS; Dr. Shepard, Cracker, ABC. Stage Appearances: Blood Sports, Perry Street Theatre, New York City, 1987. Saturnius, Titus Andronicus, Delacorte Theatre, New York City, 1989. Oliver, The Art of Success, Manhattan Theatre Club Stage I, New York City, 1989–1990. David, Neddy, American Place Theatre, New York City, 1990. Will, One of the Guys, Joseph Papp Public Theater/ Newman Theatre, New York City, 1990. John Gower, Philemon, and Diana, Pericles, Public/ Newman Theatre, New York City, 1991. Customer, middle man, and magician, WASPs and Other Plays, Joseph Papp Public Theater/Martinson Hall, New York City, 1995–1996. Randall, The Water Children, Matrix Theatre, Los Angeles, 1998. RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Bert Mungle, Code Blue, 2000.

McNULTY, Kevin PERSONAL Married Susinn McFarlen (an actress, director, and producer); children: two. Education: Attended Studio 58, Langara College, 1980–82. Career: Actor. Director and producer of children’s theatrical productions; founder (with Susinn McFarlen) of Bliss House Productions; singer in choirs. 235


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 CREDITS

Minister, Beauty’s Revenge (also known as Midwest Obsession), syndicated, 1995. Mr. Dobson, Ebbie, TNT, 1995. Sergeant Burnett, Fighting for My Daughter, ABC, 1995. Tom McIntyre, The War between Us, CBC and Lifetime, 1995. Serving in Silence: The Margarethe Cammermeyer Story (also known as Serving in Silence), NBC, 1995. She Stood Alone: The Tailhook Scandal, ABC, 1995. Detective, Night Visitors, NBC, 1996. District attorney Davis, Abduction of Innocence (also known as Abduction of Innocence: A Moment of Truth Movie), NBC, 1996. Dr. Joe Reilly, Maternal Instincts, USA Network, 1996. Goldani, An Unexpected Family, USA Network, 1996. Mickelson, Mask of Death, HBO, 1996. Ted Friemund (Kathryn’s boss), When Friendship Kills (also known as A Secret between Friends: A Moment of Truth Movie), NBC, 1996. Mother, May I Sleep with Danger?, NBC, 1996. Brice Hendricks, Alibi, ABC, 1997. Henry, Tricks, Showtime, 1997. Henry Gibbons, Final Descent, Lifetime, 1997. Michael Bratton, A Call to Remember, Starz! and Encore, 1997. Raul Kramer, The Advocate’s Devil, ABC, 1997. Rob, A Child’s Wish (also known as A Fight for Justice), CBS, 1997. Dr. Braedon, Beauty, CBS, 1998. Donecker, Noah, ABC, 1998. Goldani, An Unexpected Life, USA Network, 1998. Hal Baylor, A Champion’s Fight: A Moment of Truth Movie (also known as A Champion’s Fight, Don’t Die My Love, and Shattered Hearts), NBC, 1998. Lee Goldberg, In the Doghouse, Showtime, 1998. Oz Gilbert, Max Q (also known as Max Q: Emergency Landing), ABC, 1998. Tom Stuartson, Silencing Mary (also known as Campus Justice), NBC, 1998. Coach Goodspeed (coach of the Annapolis Angels), H–E Double Hockey Sticks, ABC, 1999. Dr. Collard, Evolution’s Child, USA Network, 1999. Roger Weiss, Quarantine, ABC, 1999. Thompson, The Color of Courage, USA Network, 1999. Fret Anders, Special Delivery, Fox Family Channel, 2000. Jack Stanton, Navigating the Heart, Lifetime, 2000. Warren Vaughn, Trial by Fire, CBC, 2000. Miracle on the Mountain: The Kincaid Family Story, CBS, 2000. Carl Manzani, Anatomy of a Hate Crime, MTV, 2001. Director Horvath, Love and Treason, CBS, 2001. Gerald Atwater, ⬙How Doc Waddems Finally Broke 100⬙ segment, The Sports Pages, Showtime, 2001. Max Bettencart, L.A. Law: The Movie (also known as L.A. Law: Return to Justice), NBC, 2002. A Date with Darkness: The Trial and Capture of Andrew Luster, Lifetime, 2003.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Earth Star Voyager, ABC, 1988. Shoemaker, And the Sea Will Tell, CBS, 1991. Sheriff Harriman, Children of the Dust (also known as A Good Day to Die), CBS, 1995. Second officer Charles Lightoller, Titanic, CBS, 1996. Don Roberts, Medusa’s Child, ABC, 1997. Peter, A Girl Thing, Showtime, 2001. Television Appearances; Movies: Firefighter Stranan, Firefighter, CBS, 1986. Shelter worker, Spot Marks the X, 1986. Howard, Laura Lansing Slept Here, NBC, 1988. Pete, I Love You Perfect, ABC, 1989. Dr. Uttley, Deadly Intentions ... Again?, ABC, 1991. Herb Grayson, Blackmail, USA Network, 1991. Judge, Blood River, CBS, 1991. Police officer, Silent Motive, Lifetime, 1991. Foster, Diagnosis of Murder, CBS, 1992. Interrogator, The Man Upstairs, CBS, 1992. Reimer, Liar, Liar (also known as Liar, Liar: Between Father and Daughter), CBS and CBC, 1992. University lawyer, Sexual Advances, ABC, 1992. Blankenship, Final Appeal (also known as L’ultime proces), NBC, 1993. Daniel Hall, Moment of Truth: A Child Too Many, NBC, 1993. Dr. G. Thomas, For the Love of My Child: The Anissa Ayala Story, NBC, 1993. Dr. Schifrin, When a Stranger Calls Back, Showtime, 1993. FBI agent, Judgment Day: The John List Story, CBS, 1993. Frank Blake, Other Women’s Children, Lifetime, 1993. Louis Calder, Just One of the Girls (also known as Anything for Love), Fox, 1993. Gene, Tears and Laughter: The Joan and Melissa Rivers Story (also known as Starting Again), NBC, 1994. George Sabbath, For the Love of Nancy, ABC, 1994. Joe Tirado, Snowbound: The Jim and Jennifer Stolpa Story, CBS, 1994. Lecturer, My Name Is Kate, ABC, 1994. Leonard Marquis, Frostfire, Lifetime, 1994. Second officer, This Can’t Be Love, CBS, 1994. Travis, Moment of Truth: A Mother’s Deception (also known as Moment of Truth: Cult Rescue), NBC, 1994. Curruthers, The Man Who Wouldn’t Die, ABC, 1995. Edward, The Other Mother: A Moment of Truth Movie, Lifetime, 1995. Joe Rand, When the Vows Break (also known as Courting Justice), Lifetime, 1995. Judge Peatling, Broken Trust (also known as Court of Honor), TNT, 1995. Larry Roberts, Falling from the Sky: Flight 174 (also known as Freefall: Flight 174), ABC, 1995.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

McNULTY Assistant director Menzes, ⬙Lullaby,⬙ Strange World, ABC, 1999. Dr. Arnett, ⬙Darwin’s Eye,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1999. Dr. Arnett, ⬙Goodbye to All That: Part 2,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1999. Dr. Arnett, ⬙Via Dolorosa: Part 1,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1999. Dr. Warner, ⬙Legacy,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 1999. Jack Falvo, ⬙Hell Hath No Fury,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1999. Ryan, ⬙Deluge,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 1999. Clive, ⬙From Prima with Love,⬙ Secret Agent Man, UPN, 2000. Jack Clemons, ⬙The Dunwych Madness,⬙ Seven Days, UPN, 2000. ⬙Judgment Day,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 2000. Gilbert ⬙Gil⬙ Neal, ⬙I and I Am a Camera,⬙ Dark Angel (also known as James Cameron’s Dark Angel), Fox, 2001. Jeremy Walsh, ⬙Maximum Byers,⬙ The Lone Gunmen, Fox, 2001. Mr. Drubner, ⬙It’s the Music, Stupid,⬙ The Chris Isaak Show, Showtime, 2001. Mr. Drubner, ⬙Our Place,⬙ The Chris Isaak Show, Showtime, 2001. Ross, ⬙Don’t Stop Believin’,⬙ Strange Frequency, VH1, 2001. Cuatemoc, ⬙The Prince,⬙ Andromeda, syndicated, 2002. Mr. Drubner, ⬙Just Us Kids,⬙ The Chris Isaak Show, Showtime, 2002. Mr. Summers (Eric’s father), ⬙Leech,⬙ Smallville, The WB, 2002. ⬙Reasonable Doubts,⬙ Just Cause, 2002. Andy Blank, ⬙124gate,⬙ Breaking News, Bravo, c. 2002. Charles Curry, ⬙Dead to Rights,⬙ Peacemakers, USA Network, 2003. Priest, Out of Order, Showtime, 2003.

Television Appearances; Episodic: O’Brien, ⬙New Blood,⬙ Wiseguy, CBS, 1987. Phil, ⬙Heir to the Throne,⬙ Wiseguy, CBS, 1989. Mr. Bill Brenton, ⬙Vengeance,⬙ Neon Rider, CTV and syndicated, 1990. Psychiatrist, ⬙Crazy,⬙ Booker, Fox, 1990. ⬙Over the Line,⬙ Neon Rider, CTV and syndicated, 1990. Delucca, ⬙Crossfire,⬙ 21 Jump Street, syndicated, 1991. ⬙The Three–Minute Egg,⬙ Palace Guard, CBS, 1991. Andrew Horner, ⬙O.C.D.P.D. Blue,⬙ Birdland, ABC, 1992. Harry Dawes, ⬙Revenge Is Sweet,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1992. Mr. Frank, ⬙Catcher,⬙ Street Justice, syndicated, 1992. Mr. Ross, The Heights, Fox, 1992. Richard, The Round Table, NBC, 1992. Richard Moss, Jack’s Place, ABC, 1992. Sergeant McKay, The Hat Squad, CBS, 1992. ⬙Color Line,⬙ Neon Rider, CTV and syndicated, 1992. Agent Fuller, ⬙Squeeze,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1993. Special Agent Simpson, ⬙Desperate,⬙ Street Justice, syndicated, 1993. Fred Saxon, ⬙First Steps,⬙ M.A.N.T.I.S., Fox, 1994. Stu Davidson, Traps, CBS, 1994. Bob Steiner, ⬙Hitwoman,⬙ The Marshal, ABC, 1995. Captain Greg Burdage, ⬙Brooklyn,⬙ The Commish, ABC, 1995. David Markum, ⬙Reluctant Heroes,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1995. Dr. Christopher Davey, ⬙Soft Light,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1995. Dr. Leiberman, ⬙The Message,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1995. Ira Goldberg, Strange Luck, Fox, 1995. Agent Fuller, ⬙Apocrypha: Part 2,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1996. Attorney Boyle (Juno’s lawyer), ⬙Killers,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1996. Joe, ⬙Armies of the Night,⬙ Two, CBC and syndicated, 1996. Metcalf, ⬙Die Laughing,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1996. Alastair Hobbes, ⬙Fortune Teller,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime, 1997. Dr. Warner, ⬙The Enemy Within,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 1997. Dr. Warner, ⬙Singularity,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 1997. Redge, ⬙The Case of the Maestro’s Ghost,⬙ The Adventures of Shirley Holmes, 1997. Dr. Warner, ⬙Spirits,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 1998. Judge Thomas Mayall, ⬙Death of an Angel,⬙ The Net, USA Nework, 1998. Paul Miller, ⬙The Covenant,⬙ Poltergeist: The Legacy, Showtime, Sci–Fi Channel, and syndicated, 1998. Supervisor, ⬙Sentinel Too: Part 1,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1998.

Appeared as Wayne Tibbets in an episode of The Commish, ABC. Television Appearances; Pilots: Plumber, Party of Five, Fox, 1994. Balston, Generation X, Fox, 1996. Film Appearances: Bartender, Backfire, Atlantic Releasing, 1987. Plea bargain lawyer, The Accused, Paramount, 1988. San Francisco police officer, Shoot to Kill (also known as Deadly Pursuit), Buena Vista, 1988. Brad, Bird on a Wire, Universal, 1990. Dr. Drexler, Short Time, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1990. James Dahlbeck, Narrow Margin, TriStar, 1990. Network boss, Bingo, Columbia/TriStar, 1991. Weinfield, Impolite, The Asylum, 1992. ⬙30 Something to Life,⬙ Stay Tuned, Warner Bros., 1992. 237


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Career: Cinematographer.

Axwell, Ernest Goes to School, Monarch Home Video, 1994. Developer, Intersection, Paramount, 1994. Dr. Flock, Max, Apple Pie Pictures, 1994. Parker, Timecop, MCA/Universal, 1994. Barney Bux, The NeverEnding Story III (also known as The Neverending Story III: Escape from Fantasia, Neverending Story III: Return to Fantasia, and Die Unendliche Geschichte III—Rettung aus Phantasien), 1994, English version, Miramax, 1996. John MacIntosh, Live Bait, Cypher Productions, 1995. Mayor Petersen, Gunfighter’s Moon, Rysher Entertainment, 1995. Brent, Kitchen Party, Myriad Pictures, 1997. The Sixth Man (also known as The 6th Man), Buena Vista, 1997. Agent Dackhouse, The Arrangement (also known as Blood Money and Deadly Arrangement), Lions Gate Films, 1999. Rabbi, Last Wedding, ThinkFilm, 2001. Albert Torsfeld, Greenmail, Blockbuster Video, 2002. James Mohoney, Stealing Sinatra, Ron Ziskin Production, 2003.

Member: The Canadian Society of Cinematographers. Awards, Honors: Leo Award nomination, best cinematography in a dramatic series, 2000, for Call of the Wild. CREDITS Film Cinematographer: Maestro, 1987. Exquisite Corpses, ASA Communications, 1989. Transylvania Twist, Aquarius, 1989. Conquering Space, 1989. Without a Pass, 1991. Deuce Coupe, Resonant Pictures, 1992. Final Judgement, 1992. Shrunken Heads, Paramount Home Video, 1994. The Call of Mr. Sumatra, 1994. Spanish Judges (also known as Ruthless Behaviour), Trimark, 1999. Pilgrim (also known as Inferno), Lions Gate, 1999. Black Point, Blockbuster Video, 2001.

Stage Appearances: Egeus and the wall, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 1981. The Music Man, Vancouver Playhouse, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2001. Atticus Finch, To Kill a Mockingbird, Arts Club Theatre Company, Stanley Theatre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2002. Lazar Wolf, Fiddler on the Roof, Vancouver Playhouse, 2002. Gaslight Follies, 2002.

Film Work: (As Steven McNutt) Assistant camera operator, Death of a Prophet, 1981. Camera operator, Torch Song Trilogy, New Line Cinema, 1988. Additional camera operator, Killer Tomatoes Eat France!, New World Pictures, 1991. Television Cinematographer; Series: SeaQuest DSV (also known as SeaQuest 2032), NBC, 1994–1995. American Gothic, CBS, 1995–1996. Spy Game, ABC, 1996–1997. Call of the Wild (also known as Jack London’s Call of the Wild), CBS, 2000. Resurrection Blvd., Showtime, 2000. Pasadena, Fox, 2001. The Dead Zone (also known as Stephen King’s Dead Zone), USA, 2002.

Stage Work: Director (with Susinn McFarlen) and music director, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Studio 58, Langara College, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2000. WRITINGS Songs for Plays: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Studio 58, Langara College, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2000.

Television Work; Series: Camera operator, The Men Who Killed Kennedy (documentary), Arts and Entertainment, 1991.

McNUTT, Stephen (Steven McNutt)

Television Cinematographer; Episodic: Tribeca, Fox, 1993. PERSONAL Television Cinematographer; Movies: Chance of a Lifetime, NBC, 1991. Obsessed, ABC, 1992.

Addresses: Agent—Mirisch Agency, 1801 Century Park East, Suite 1801, Los Angeles, CA 90067. 238

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MELENDREZ (English version) Miz Mishtal, Shinpi no sekai Eru Hazado (animated; also known as El Hazard: The Magnificent World), 1995. Voice, Fushigi Yugi: The Mysterious Play—Reflections OAV 2 (animated), Pioneer Entertainment, 1997. (English version) Voice of Miz Mishtal, El Hazard: The Magnificent World 2 (animated; also known as El Hazard 2), 1997. (English version) Voice of Kris, Battle Athletes (animated), 1997. Voice of Miz Mishtal, El Hazard: The Alternative World (animated), Pioneer Entertainment, 1998. Voices of Mrs. Kui, TV announcer, and Cindy, Bio Zombie (animated; also known as Sang dut sau shut), 1998. Voice of Maureen, Miaka’s classmate, Fushigi Yugi: The Mysterious Play—Suzaku DVD Box Set (animated), Pioneer Entertainment, 1999. Voice of Lieza, Arc the Lad (animated), ADV Films, 1999. (As Dorothy Elias–Kahn) Digimon: The Movie (animated; also known as Digimon: Digital Monsters and Digimon: Digital Monsters: The Movie), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. (English version) Voice of Chihiro, Aa! Megamisama! The Movie (animated; also known as Ah! My Goddess!: The Movie), 2000. Voice of Cyberdoll Mami, Hand Maid May (animated), Pioneer Entertainment, 2001. (English version; as Dorothy Elias–Fahn) Voice of reporter, Armitage: Dual Matrix (animated), 2002.

Just My Imagination, NBC, 1992. The Girl in the Song Title (also known as Bobby Rex), 1993. The Cosby Mysteries (also known as Guy Hanks I), NBC, 1994. A Nightmare Come True, CBS, 1997. Tower of Terror, ABC, 1997. Out of Time, Showtime, 2000. Inferno, Cinemax, 2000. Romantic Comedy 101, E!, 2001. Television Cinematographer; Specials: Conquering Space, Showtime, 1990. Without a Pass, Showtime, 1992. Profiles, ABC, 1994. Television Work; Specials: Additional photography, The Making of Liberty (documentary), PBS, 1986. WRITINGS Periodicals: Contributor, ⬙Time Has Come Today,⬙ International Photographer Magazine, 1997.

MELENDREZ, Dorothy (Dorothy Elias–Fahn, Dorothy Elias Fahn)

Film Work: (English version; as Dorothy Elias–Fahn) Additional voices, Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no tobira (animated; also known as Cowboy Bebop the Movie: Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door and Cowboy Bebop: Knockin’ On Heavens Door), Paramount, 2001.

PERSONAL Married; husband’s name, Tom. Career: Actress and voice–over artist. Appeared in commercials.

Television Appearances; Series: (English dub) Voice of Miyu, Vampire Princess Miyu (animated), 1988. Nova, Magic Knight Rayearth, 1994. Voice of Mix Mishtal, El Hazard: Wanderers (animated), 1995. (English version) Voice of Space Gate, Cowboy Bebop (animated), Cartoon Network, 1998. (English version) Voice of Meryl Strife, Toraigan (animated; also known as Trigun Ⲇ1: The $60,000,000,000 Man), Cartoon Network, 1998. Serial Experiments: Lain, 1998. Voice, Head Trip (animated), MTV, 1999. (As Dorothy Elias–Fahn) Voices of Lillymon, Tai and Kari’s mother, Curly, Harpymon, and Otamamon, Digimon: Digital Monsters (animated; also known as Digimon 02, Digimon 03, and Digimon: Season 3), Fox, 1999–2002, then ABC, 2002—.

Member: Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Actors Equity Association. CREDITS Film Appearances: (English dub) Voice of Fujiko Mine, Rupan sansei: Kariosutoro no shiro (animated; also known as Arsene Lupin and the Castle of Cagliostro, The Castle of Cagliostro, and Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro), Streamline Pictures, 1979. (English version) Voice of Vivien, Moldiver (animated), 1993. (English version) Voice of Kelly McCanon, Armitage III (animated), Pioneer Entertainment, 1994. 239


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Voice of Louise Ferry, The Big O (animated), Cartoon Network 1999.. Voice of Yumeji, Saber Marionette J Again (animated), 1999. Voices of Kaoru Kamiya and Kuro, Rurouni Kenshin (animated), Cartoon Network, 2000. (English version) Voices of Parfet Balblair, newscaster, and other voices, Vandread (animated), 2000. (English version) Voice of Naru Narusegawa, Rabu Hina (animated; also known as Love Hina), 2000. (English version) Voice of Riho Yamazaki, Mayonaka no tantei Nightwalker (animated; also known as Nightwalkr: Midnight Detective), 2000. (English version; as Dorothy Elias–Fahn) Voice of Maki Agata, Argento Soma (animated), 2000. (English version; as Dorothy Elias Fahn) Voice of Mimori Kiryu, Scryed (animated), 2001. Voice of mom, Tokyo Pig (animated), 2002. Voice of Meryl Stryfe, Trigun (animated), 2003. Voice of Kaoru Kamiya, Rurouni Kenshin (animated), 2003. Voices of Francoise Arnou and Cyborg 003, Cyborg 009 (animated), 2003.

RECORDINGS Video Games: Additional voices, Brave Fencer Musashiden (also known as Brave Fencer Musashi), Square Electronic Arts LLC, 1998. Voice of Rain Qin, Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix (also known as Fear Effect 2), 2001. (Uncredited) Voice of Shelley Godwin, Xenosaga Episode 1: Chikara he no ishi (also known as Xenosaga Episode 1: Der Will zur Macht; animated), Namco Hometek, Inc., 2002.

MENDILLO, Stephen 1942– PERSONAL Born October 9, 1942, in New Haven, CT; Education: Yale University, graduated. Career: Actor.

Also appeared as Nine Purpleton, Gundam 003: Stardust Memory (animated).

CREDITS Television Appearances; Episodic: Appeared as (English version) voice of Kiyone Makabi, ⬙Tenchi Muyo! In Love 2,⬙ Tenchi Muyo! (animated).

Film Appearances: Patrolman, Across 110th Street, United Artists, 1972. Jim Ahern, Slap Shot, MCA/Universal, 1977. Third bomb squad member, Rollercoaster, MCA/ Universal, 1977. Newscaster, Remember My Name, Columbia, 1978. Adolf, King of the Gypsies, Paramount, 1978. Orderly, Big Wednesday (also known as Summer of Innocence), Warner Bros., 1978. Tom, You Better Watch Out (also known as Christmas Evil and Terror in Toyland), Pan American Pictures, 1980. Bob, Lianna, United Artists, 1983. Police officer, Without a Trace, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1983. Lecture cop, Teachers, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1984. Gerald Grunick, Broadcast News, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1987. Monk, Eight Men Out, Orion, 1988. Yoyo, City of Hope, Samuel Goldwyn, 1991. Ned Hale, Ethan Frome, Miramax, 1993. First bridge cop, The Saint of Forth Washington, Warner Bros., 1993. Mickey Cochrane, Cobb, Warner Bros., 1994. Federal marshal, The First Wives Club, Paramount, 1996. Sergeant Cliff, Lone Star, Columbia TriStar, 1996. Hiram, the guard, Killer: A Journal of Murder (also known as The Killer), Republic Pictures, 1996. Administrator O’Connor, G.I. Jane, Buena Vista, 1997.

Television Work; Series: Additional voices, Macross Plus (animated), 1994. Additional voices, Outlaw Star (animated), Cartoon Network, 1998. (English version) Additional voices, Kacho Oji (animated; also known as Black Heaven and The Legend of Black Heaven), 2000. Stage Appearances: Luisa, The Fantasticks, Actor’s Co–op, Crossley Theatre, Hollywood, CA, 1999–2000. Mrs. Titus and understudy for the role of Essie, The Devil’s Disciple, Actor’s Co–op, Crossley Terrace Theatre, Hollywood, CA, 2001. Annette, Beach Blanket Bash!, Milwaukee Repertory Theater, Milwaukee, WI, 2002. Also appeared as Lucy, The Beggar’s Opera, Pasadena Shakespeare Company; Amalia/Ilona, She Loves Me, Actor’s Co–op; Tuptim, The King and I; Maria, West Side Story; Johanna, Sweeney Todd; Eliza, My Fair Lady; in Breaking Legs, Long Beach Studio Theatre; Godspell; As You Like It; Something’s Afoot. Appeared in productions at Verdi, the Gardenia, Hollywood Bowl, and Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. 240

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Vincent Grasso, Uninvited (also known as L’escluso), Vine International Pictures, 1999. Dr. Marc, The Shrink Is In, New City Releasing, 2000.

METCALFE Stage Appearances: Tyler, The National Health, Circle in the Square Theatre, New York City, 1974. Bartender, Ah, Wilderness!, Circle in the Square Theatre, 1975. Martin, Fool for Love, Circle Repertory Company, off– Broadway, 1983. Louis/Marco, A View from the Bridge, Ambassador Theatre, New York City, 1983. Osip, a horse thief, Wild Honey, Virginia Theatre, New York City, 1986. Various roles, Orpheus Descending, Neil Simon Theatre, New York City, 1989. Twelfth Night or What You Will, Joseph Papp Public Theatre, New York City, 1989. Grotesque Love Songs, WPA Theatre, New York City, 1990. Country Girl, Roundabout Theater Company, New York City, 1991. Lt. Brannigan, Guys and Dolls, Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, 1995. Husband, Ivanov, The Ohio Theatre, 1996. The Red Devil Battery Sign, WPA Theatre, 1996. Minutes from the Blue Route, Atlantic Theatre Company, 1997. From Above, off–Broadway, 1998. Tubb/Lobb, The Hothouse, Atlantic Theatre Company, 1998. Lemonade, The Alley Theatre, Houston, TX, 1999. Alan George, The Waverly Gallery, Nikos Stage, Williamstown, MA, 1999. One Flea Spare, New Repertory Theatre, Newton, MA, 2001. Take Me Out, Joseph Papp Public Theatre, 2002. Constable Warren, Our Town, Booth Theatre, New York City, 2002–2003. Friends Like These, Arkansas Repertory Theatre, Little Rock, AR, 2003.

Film Work: Stunts, The Public Eye, Universal, 1992. Television Appearances; Movies: Billy: Portrait of a Street Kid (also known as Ghetto Child), CBS, 1977. Mike, Parole, CBS, 1982. Sergeant Reed, Trackdown: Finding the Goodbar Killer (also known as Trackdown), CBS, 1983. Bartender, Women & Men 2: In Love There Are No Rules (also known as Women & Men 2), HBO, 1991. Television Appearances; Series: Commissioner Raines, Another World (also known as Another World: Bay City), NBC, 1997. Television Appearances; Pilots: George Lucey, Key West, NBC, 1973. Television Appearances; Specials: Mr. Appell, Concealed Enemies, 1984. Constable Warren, Our Town, 2003. Television Appearances; Episodic: Leon, ⬙Trumpet of Time,⬙ Serpico, NBC, 1976. ⬙High Anxiety,⬙ Kate & Allie, CBS, 1986. SWAT captain, ⬙Intensive Care,⬙ A Man Called Hawk, ABC, 1989. Harmon, ⬙The Secret Sharers,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1991. Leon Prosky, ⬙Volunteers,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1993. ⬙You Belong to Me!,⬙ Central Park West, CBS, 1996. New Jersey Police Lieutenant Jeffrey London, ⬙I.D.,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1996. Joshua Burdett, ⬙Blood,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1996. ⬙Bowling,⬙ The High Life, 1996. Shabby man, Soul Man, ABC, 1997. Carl, ⬙Kids ⬘n’ guns,⬙ Lateline, 1999. Alias, ABC, 2001. ⬙Let’s Make a Night of It,⬙ 100 Centre Street, Arts and Entertainment, 2001. ⬙The Seventh,⬙ Enterprise, UPN, 2001. Judge Howard Doody, ⬙Taco Lips Now: Part 1,⬙ Son of the Beach, USA, 2002. Judge Howard Doody, ⬙Jailhouse Notch: Part 2,⬙ Son of the Beach, USA, 2002. Lucky, FX, 2003.

Also appeared in off–Broadway production The Last Yankee; appeared in Streamers and Subject to Fits in regional theatres.

METCALFE, Stephen 1953– (Steve Metcalfe) PERSONAL Born July 4, 1953, in New Haven, CT; son of Stephen B., Jr., and Marylouise (maiden name, Brigham) Metcalfe. Education: Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA, B.A., 1975; graduate study at Boston University, 1976. Addresses: Agent—Jeremy Zimmer, United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. 241


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Career: Writer and director. Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, member of Playwright’s Unit, 1980; Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA, associate artist; actor in regional productions and in New York City.

It Could Happen to You, TriStar, 1994. Roommates, Buena Vista, 1995. Mr. Holland’s Opus, Buena Vista, 1995. Eddie, Buena Vista, 1996. The Associate, Buena Vista, 1996. Beautiful Joe, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 2000.

Member: Dramatists Guild.

Television Episodes: The Comedy Zone, CBS, 1984.

Awards, Honors: Award from Double Image Theatre, 1978, for Jacknife; playwrighting commissions, Manhattan Theatre Club, 1980–82; playwriting grant, Creative Artists Public Service Program, 1982; grant, National Endowment for the Arts, 1983; San Diego Drama Critics Award, for Emily.

Television Writing; Other: Half a Lifetime (movie; based on his stage play), HBO, 1987. Turner and Hooch (pilot; also known as The Kid), NBC, 1990. The Apprentice (pilot), UPN, 2003.

CREDITS Stage Director: Sun Bearing Down, Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA, 1991.

Writing; Other: Associate editor, Racquet magazine, 1976–1979

Film Director: Beautiful Joe, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 2000.



Education: Studied acting with Stella Adler.

Stage Plays: Baseball Play (one–act), Quaigh Theatre, New York City, 1980. Jacknife (one–act), Quaigh Theatre, 1980. (As Steve Metcalfe) Vikings (two–act), Manhattan Theatre Club Stage I, New York City, 1980, published by Samuel French (New York City), 1981. Strange Snow (two–act), Manhattan Theatre Club, 1982, published by Theatre Communications Group, 1982. White Linen (two–act), Boarshead Theatre, Lansing, MI, 1982. Half a Lifetime, Manhattan Theatre Club, 1983. Loves and Hours, Playhouse in the Park, Cincinnati, OH, 1984. The Incredibly Famous Willy Rivers, Workshop of the Players Art Theatre, New York City, 1984, published by Samuel French, 1988. ⬙Sorrows and Sons,⬙ ⬙Spittin’ Image,⬙ and ⬙Pilgrims,⬙ Sorrows and Sons, Vineyard Theatre, New York City, 1986, published by Samuel French, 1986. Emily, Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA, 1987, then Manhattan Theatre Club Stage I, 1988, published by Samuel French, 1989.

Addresses: Office—C–2 Pictures, 2308 Broadway, Santa Monica, CA 90404. Career: Producer, actor, and executive. Ferdporqui Productions (independent film company), staff member; Cineplex Odeon Films, began as senior vice president, became president of production and distribution, 1986–90; MK Productions, president, 1996–98; C–2 Pictures, Santa Monica, CA, president of production, 1998—. Stratford Festival, Stratford, Ontario, Canada, member of acting company; formerly affiliated with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC); also appeared in Canadian and British television programs. Awards, Honors: Etrog Award (with Garth H. Drabinsky and Stephen Young), Canadian Film Awards, best feature film, 1978, for The Silent Partner; Genie Award (with Drabinsky), Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, best motion picture, 1980, and Golden Reel Award (with Drabinsky), Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1981, both for The Changeling; Genie Award nomination (with Drabinsky), best motion picture, 1981, for Tribute; Genie Award nomination (with Drabinsky), best motion picture, 1982, for The Amateur; Apex Award nomination (with Dean Devlin and Oliver Eberle), Fennecus Awards, best fantasy, science fiction, or horror picture, 1994, for Stargate.

Screenplays: Cousins (based on the film Cousine, Cousine by Jean– Charles Tacchella), Paramount, 1989. Jacknife (based on his play Strange Snow), Cineplex Odeon, 1989. 242

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

MINOR Member: American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Directors Guild of America, Screen Actors Guild.

CREDITS Film Producer: The Peace Killers, New World Home Video, 1971. Bittersweet Love, Avco–Embassy, 1976. The Silent Partner (also known as L’argent de la banque), EMC, 1979. The Changeling (also known as L’enfant du diable), Associated Film Distribution, 1980. Tribute (also known as Un fils pour l’ete), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1980. The Amateur, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1981. Losin’ It, Embassy, 1983. The Philadelphia Experiment, New World, 1984. Black Moon Rising, New World, 1986. Universal Soldier, TriStar, 1992. Three of Hearts, New Line Cinema, 1993. (With Dean Devlin and Oliver Eberle) Stargate (also known as Stargate, la porte des etoiles), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1994. Cutthroat Island (also known as Corsari, Die Piratenbraut, and L’ile aux pirates), Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1995. Last of the Dogmen, Savoy Pictures, 1995. Lolita, Samuel Goldwyn, 1998. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (also known as T3 and Terminator 3—Rebellion der Maschinen), Warner Bros., 2003.

CREDITS Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Barnaby, Blacksnake! (also known as Black Snake: The Whip, Dutchess of Doom, Slaves, and Sweet Suzy), Signal 166, 1973. Studs, Coffy, American International Pictures, 1973. Pimp, Scream, Blacula, Scream! (also known as Blacula II, Blacula Is Beautiful, Blacula Lives Again!, and The Name Is Blacula), American International Pictures, 1973. Sweet Jesus Preacher Man, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1973. Fred, The Soul of Nigger Charley, Paramount, 1973. Trooper Ⲇ5, Dirty Mary Crazy Larry, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1974. Ryan, The Swinging Cheerleaders (also known as H.O.T.S. II), Centaur, 1974. Oscar, Foxy Brown, American International Pictures, 1974. Dick Peters, Carnal Madness (also known as Bad Girls, Delinquent School Girls, and The Sizzlers), 1974. Samson’s street people, Black Samson, Warner Bros., 1974. Black Eye, Warner Bros., 1974. Zack, Hard Times (also known as The Streetfigher), Columbia, 1975. Parker, Switchblade Sisters (also known as The Jezebels and Playgirl Gang), Rolling Thunder, 1975. (Uncredited) Pirate, Swashbuckler (also known as Scarlet Buccaneer), MCA/Universal, 1976. Killer–Bahamas, The Next Man (also known as The Arab Conspiracy and Double Hit), Allied Artists Pictures Corp., 1976. Husband, J. D.’s Revenge, American International Pictures, 1976. Cuban slave, Drum, United Artists, 1976. Security guard, Dr. Black, Mr. Hyde (also known as Dr. Black and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Black and Mr. White, and The Watts Monster), Dimension Pictures, 1977. Black kidnapper, Mr. Billion (also known as The Windfall), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1977. Wiley, The Deep, Columbia, 1977. Hod carrier 2, The Choirboys (also known as Aanglarna), Universal, 1977. Green Mask, The Driver, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1978. Death Dimension (also known as Black Eliminator, Dead Dimension, Death Dimensions, Freeze Bomb, Icy Death, and The Kill Factor), 1978. Lucius White, Norma Rae, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1979. Skatetown, U.S.A., Columbia, 1979. Duty sergeant, Escape from New York (also known as John Carpenter’s Escape from New York), AVCO Embassy, 1981.

Film Work; Co–Executive Producer: Gospel of John, ThinkFilm, 2003. Television Consulting Producer; Miniseries: Harem, ABC, 1986. Television Producer; Movies: Courage, CBS, 1986. WRITINGS Stories for Films: The Peace Killers, New World Home Video, 1971.

MINOR, Bob (Robert Minor, Robert L. Minor) PERSONAL Career: Actor, stunt performer, stunt coordinator, and director. Former Mr. Los Angeles bodybuilding titleholder. 243


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Challenger, Rocky III, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1982. Joe, White Dog, 1982. LeRoy Nicely, Forced Vengeance, 1982. Tony Savitt, The Sting II, Universal, 1983. Ralph, NHRA official, Heart Like a Wheel, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1983. Jackson, Kirby’s man, Commando, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1985. Man, The Morning After, 1986. SP, Project X, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1987. (As Robert Minor) Gamble, Action Jackson, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1988. Gregory, Torch Song Trilogy, 1988. King Clive, W. B., Blue and the Bean (also known as Bail Out), Vestron Video, 1989. Sandman, Catch Me If You Can, 1989. Contraband solder in Darien, Glory, TriStar, 1989. Martin, L.A. Bounty, International Video Entertainment, 1989. Joe, Moses Bros. truck driver, Almost an Angel, Paramount, 1990. Cop Ⲇ1, Dead On: Relentless (also known as Dead On and Relentless II: Dead On), 1991. Bigman, Aces: Iron Eagle III, New Line Cinema, 1992. Detective Murray, Unlawful Entry, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1992. Bus driver, Innocent Blood (also known as A French Vampire in America), Warner Bros., 1992. Barricade policeman, Love Field, Orion, 1992. Alex, Posse, Gramercy, 1993. Security guard, Surviving the Game, New Line Cinema, 1994. Store owner, Murder Was the Case, 1994. Male police officer, The Tie That Binds, Buena Vista, 1995. Cop, Assassins (also known as Assassins and Day of Reckoning), Warner Bros., 1995. Deputy Lynch, The Sunchaser, Warner Bros., 1996. Biker Ⲇ1, Judge and Jury, Escee 3 Prods, 1996. Mr. Pitney, The Gingerbread Man, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, 1998. (As Robert L. Minor) Lester’s dad, Light It Up, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1999.

(Uncredited) Hell Up in Harlem, American International Pictures, 1973. (Uncredited) Earthquake, Universal, 1974. Rollerball, United Artists, 1975. (Uncredited) Black Sunday, Paramount, 1977. (Uncredited) A Piece of the Action, Warner Bros., 1977. (Uncredited) MacArthur (also known as MacArthur, the Rebel General), Universal, 1977. Smokey and the Bandit II (also known as Smokey and the Bandit Ride Again), Universal, 1980. Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen, American Cinema, 1981. Escape from New York (also known as John Carpenter’s Escape from New York), AVCO Embassy, 1981. The Sword and the Sorcerer, Group 1 Film Distributors, 1982. The Beastmaster (also known as Beastmaster—Der Befreier), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1982. Witness, 1985. (Los Angeles) Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold, 1987. (As Robert L. Minor) I’m Gonna Git You Sucka, United Artists, 1988. Catch Me If You Can, 1989. K–9, Universal, 1989. Ghostbusters II (also known as Ghostbusters 2), Columbia, 1989. Casualties of War, Columbia, 1989. Next of Kin, 1989. Downtown, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1990. Maniac Cop 2, Fox Home Video, 1990. House Party 2, New Line Cinema, 1991. Cool As Ice, 1991. Dead On: Relentless II (also know as Dead On and Relentless II: Dead On), 1991. Article 99, Orion, 1992. Deep Cover, New Line Cinema, 1992. Sommersby, Warner Bros., 1993. Amos & Andrew, Columbia, 1993. Hear No Evil (also known as Danger Sign), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1993. Blown Away, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1994. There Goes My Baby, Orion, 1994. (Los Angeles) Sugar Hill, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1994. Chasers, 1994. Blankman, Sony Pictures Releasing, 1994. How to Make an American Quilt, Universal, 1995. Die Hard: With a Vengeance (also known as Die Hard 3), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1995. True Crime (also known as Dangerous Kiss and True Detective), Trimark Pictures, 1995. The Sweeper, 1995. Rage, New City Releasing, 1995. For Better or Worse, Columbia, 1996. Jingle All the Way, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. Pure Danger, PM Entertainment Group, 1996. Judge and Jury, Ardustry Home Entertainment LLC, 1996. Leave It to Beaver, Universal, 1997. Volcano, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1997.

Film Stunts: (Uncredited) Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (also known as Hollywood Vixen), Twentieth Century– Fox, 1970. (Uncredited) Ben, Cinerama Releasing Corp., 1972. (Uncredited) Blacula, American International Pictures, 1972. (Uncredited) Come Back, Charleston Blue, Warner Bros., 1972. (Uncredited) Black Caesar (also known as The Godfather of Harlem), American International Pictures, 1973. (Uncredited) Cleopatra Jones, Warner Bros., 1973. (Uncredited) That Man Bolt, MCA/Universal, 1973. 244

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Conspiracy Theory, Warner Bros., 1997. Steel, Warner Bros., 1997. The Replacement Killers, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1998. Home Fries, Warner Bros., 1998. Luck of the Draw, 2000. The Italian Job, Paramount, 2003. 2 Fast 2 Furious, Universal, 2003.

MINOR Television Appearances; Miniseries: Walker Lewis, Flesh and Blood, CBS, 1979. Trimble, World War III, NBC, 1982. Poor black man, Queen (also known as Alex Haley’s Queen), CBS, 1993. Elias, Scarlett, CBS, 1994. Television Appearances; Movies: The Last Survivors, NBC, 1975. Burk, Friendly Persuasion (also known as Except for Me and Thee), ABC, 1975. Billy: Portrait of a Street Kid (also known as Ghetto Child), CBS, 1977. Jean Claud Ammatt, Dr. Scorpion, ABC, 1978. Noboro, Gold of the Amazon Women (also known as Quest for the Seven Cities and Amazon Women), NBC, 1979. Zane, Samurai, ABC, 1979. Shotgun, Donovan’s Kid, The Disney Channel, 1979. Jabbo, Angel City (also known as Field of Tears), CBS, 1980. J. W. Powers, Women of the San Quentin, NBC, 1983. Pool player, Kids Don’t Tell, CBS, 1985. Security guard Ⲇ1, Dangerous Passion, ABC, 1990. Art Blake, Extreme Justice (also known as S.I.S.— Extreme Justice), HBO, 1993. George, Torch Song (also known as Judith Krantz’s ⬙Torch Song⬙), ABC, 1993. Duty officer, The Rockford Files: I Still Love L.A., CBS, 1994. Motorcycle cop, Reform School Girl, Showtime, 1994. Goon Ⲇ2, Soul of the Game (also known as Field of Honour), HBO, 1996. (As Robert L. Minor) Cowboy Otis, The Cherokee Kid, HBO, 1996. Bad ass Ⲇ1, Don King: Only in America, HBO, 1997.

Film Stunt Double: (Uncredited) Black Gunn, Columbia, 1972. (For Sidney Poitier) Let’s Do It Again, Warner Bros., 1975. (Policeman) FM, Anchor Bay Entertainment, 1978. Holes, Buena Vista, 2003. (For Bernie Mac) Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2003. Film Stunt Coordinator: Blacksnake! (also known as Black Snake: The Whip, Dutchess of Doom, Slaves, and Sweet Suzy), Signal 166, 1973. Coffy, American International Pictures, 1973. Sweet Jesus Preacher Man, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1973. Black Eye, Warner Bros., 1974. Switchblade Sisters, 1975. Dr. Black, Mr. Hyde (also known as Dr. Black and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Black and Mr. White, and The Watts Monster), 1977. The Deep, Columbia, 1977. White Dog, 1982. Glory, TriStar, 1989. Boyz N the Hood (also known as Boys in the Hood), Columbia, 1991. Mississippi Masala, Samuel Goldwyn, 1991. Aces: Iron Eagle III, New Line Cinema, 1992. Unlawful Entry, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1992. Mo’Money, Columbia, 1992. Love Field, Orion, 1992. Poetic Justice, Sony Pictures Releasing, 1993. CB4, Universal, 1993. Posse, Gramercy, 1993. Surviving the Game, New Line Cinema, 1994. Higher Learning, Columbia, 1995. Panther, Gramercy, 1995. (Las Vegas and Newark crew) Bogus, Warner Bros., 1996. Set It Off, New Line Cinema, 1996. Baby Boy, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2001. The Beat, 2003.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Andy Jones, First Monday, CBS, 2002. Television Appearances; Specials: Security guard, Sweet 15, PBS, 1990. Television Appearances; Episodic: Ex–All–American halfback, ⬙Suffer My Child,⬙ Search, 1973. Second bodyguard, ⬙Wine, Women, and War,⬙ The Six Million Dollar Man, 1973. Policeman Ⲇ1, ⬙The Killing Defense,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1973. ⬙Double Take,⬙ McCoy, 1975. Sno man, ⬙The Rose and the Gun,⬙ The Blue Knight, CBS, 1976. Poker player, ⬙Is There a Doctor in the House?,⬙ Eight Is Enough, ABC, 1977. Major, ⬙African Connection,⬙ The Bionic Woman, NBC, 1977.

Film Work; Other: Fight choreographer and second unit director, Body and Soul, 1981. Second unit director, Dirty Tricks, AVCO Embassy, 1981. Second unit director, Posse, Gramercy, 1993. 245


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Blood, ⬙Once More from Birdland,⬙ Kojak, CBS, 1977. Hercules, ⬙Carnival of Spies,⬙ The Six Million Dollar Man, 1977. Mark Berkich, ⬙Hit and Run at Danny’s,⬙ Quincy, M.E., 1977. Cruiser, ⬙The Heavyweight,⬙ Starsky and Hutch, ABC, 1978. ⬙Escort to Danger,⬙ The Amazing Spider–Man, CBS, 1978. Nick, ⬙The Deadly Sting,⬙ Wonder Woman, CBS, 1978. Dick Alcott, ⬙House of No Return,⬙ Quincy, M.E., 1979. Kerner, ⬙Bear Bondage,⬙ B. J. and the Bear, NBC, 1980. Guard, ⬙Ardala Returns,⬙ Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, NBC, 1980. John Mackie, ⬙The Greatest American Hero: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Greatest American Hero, ABC, 1981. Carson, ⬙Accused,⬙ The Powers of Matthew Star, 1982. Fake cop, ⬙The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet,⬙ The Fall Guy, ABC, 1983. Rose, ⬙Legacy from a Friend,⬙ Magnum, P.I., CBS, 1983. (As Robert L. Minor) Limo driver, ⬙To Touch the Moon,⬙ Highway to Heaven, NBC, 1984. (As Robert L. Minor) Ron Pennington, ⬙Round and Around,⬙ Magnum, P.I., CBS, 1985. Rudy Chambers, ⬙The Prisoner: Part 1,⬙ Matlock, NBC, 1989. Cop Ⲇ2, ⬙The Good Human Bar,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1990. Cop, ⬙Gimme, Gimme,⬙ Alien Nation, Fox, 1990. Prisoner Ⲇ2, ⬙Goodbye: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Jake and the Fatman, CBS, 1990. Lennox, ⬙Ain’t Misbehavin’,⬙ Jake and the Fatman, CBS, 1992. Leotis Dineen, ⬙Since I Don’t Have You,⬙ Fallen Angels, Showtime, 1995. Bo’rak, ⬙Visionary,⬙ Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, syndicated, 1995. Marine colonel, ⬙Nobody Ever Said Growing Up Was Easy,⬙ Spy Game, ABC, 1997. Tom Loomis, ⬙A Father’s Image,⬙ Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1997. Officer Jenkins, ⬙Humpty Dumpty,⬙ ER, NBC, 1999. Buck, ⬙Homecoming⬙ (also known as ⬙Indian Summer⬙), ER, NBC, 2000. Security guard, ⬙The Visit⬙ (also known as ⬙I Loved You, God, How I Loved You⬙), ER, NBC, 2000. Stunt cop, ⬙Sanctuary,⬙ The Fugitive, CBS, 2000. Guard, ⬙Life Sentence,⬙ The Court, ABC, 2002.

Television Work; Movies: Second unit director, Crunch (also known as Fish Out of Water), 1976. (Uncredited) Stunts, Raid on Entebbe, NBC, 1977. Stunt coordinator, Gold of the Amazon Women, NBC, 1979. Stunt coordinator, Magnum P.I. (also known as Magnum P.I.: Don’t Eat the Snow in Hawaii), CBS, 1980. Second unit director and stunt coordinator, Dangerous Passion, ABC, 1990. Stunts, Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence (also known as Maniac Cop 3), HBO, 1992. Stunts, The Tower, Fox, 1993. Stunt coordinator, Someone She Knows, NBC, 1994. Stunt coordinator, Reform School Girl, Showtime, 1994. Stunt coordinator, The O. J. Simpson Story, Fox, 1995. Stunt coordinator, Letter to My Killer, USA Network, 1995. Stunt coordinator, Soul of the Game (also known as Field of Honour), HBO, 1996. Stunts, Last Man Standing, HBO, 1996. Stunts, The Second Civil War, HBO, 1997. Stunts, Double Tap, HBO, 1997. Utility stunts, Buffalo Soldiers, TNT, 1997. Stunts, Live from Baghdad, HBO, 2002.

Also appeared as Lou Kupfer, Diagnosis Murder, CBS.


Television Work; Pilots: Stunts, The Fantastic Seven (also known as Steel Glory and Stunt Seven), CBS, 1979. Stunt coordinator, Things That Go Bump, NBC, 1997. Television Work; Specials: Stunt coordinator, Sweet Potato Ride, Showtime, 1985. Television Work; Episodic: Worked as second unit director for 11 episodes of Magnum, P.I., CBS; stunt coordinator, ER, NBC; stunts, Team Knight Rider, syndicated.

MONROE, Steve (Steven Monroe)

Television Work; Series: Stunt coordinator Magnum, P.I., CBS, 1982–1987.

Born in Tulsa, OK; father, a pathologist. Education: Occidental College, B.A.; attended Duke University for three years.

Television Work; Miniseries: Stunt coordinator, If These Walls Could Talk, HBO, 1996.

Addresses: Agent—House of Representatives, 400 S. Beverly Dr., Suite 101, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. 246

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Career: Actor. Appeared in over 30 television commercials, including Tabasco Sauce, 1996, Taco Bell, 2001, AM/PM, Miller Light, and Xerox.

MONROE Television Appearances; Episodic: Pledge Ⲇ2, ⬙Life after Death,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1994. Brick, ⬙Bayside Story,⬙ Saved by the Bell: The New Class, NBC, 1994. Jock Ⲇ1, ⬙What’s the Problem,⬙ Saved by the Bell: The New Class, NBC, 1995. First jock, ⬙The Tutor,⬙ Sister, Sister, The WB, 1995. Engineer, ⬙ ... Tell Our Moms We Done Our Best: Part 2,⬙ Space: Above and Beyond, Fox, 1996. Steve, ⬙Goode Grades,⬙ Goode Behavior, UPN, 1996. Lance Corporal Sibley, ⬙Force Recon,⬙ JAG, CBS, 1997. Gorilla, ⬙Panic,⬙ Perversions of Science, HBO, 1997. Mitch, ⬙See You in September,⬙ 7th Heaven, The WB, 1997. DeAndre, ⬙Don’t Quit Your Day Job,⬙ The Steve Harvey Show, The WB, 1997. Steven, ⬙Caged,⬙ The Visitor, Fox, 1997. ⬙Sins of the Fathers,⬙ Mike Hammer, Private Eye, syndicated, 1997. Grant, ⬙The Old College Try,⬙ Home Improvement, ABC, 1998. Kevin, ⬙Rush to Judgement,⬙ 7th Heaven, The WB, 1998. Denny, ⬙Breaking Bread,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1998. Kevin, ⬙Drunk Like Me,⬙ 7th Heaven, The WB, 1998. Steve, ⬙Finally,⬙ Felicity, The WB, 1998. Deputy Jimmy Crowder, ⬙Key to the Heaven,⬙ 18 Wheels of Justice, TNN, 2000. The pig, ⬙Animal Pragmatism,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2000. PO Campbell, ⬙Overdue & Presumed Lost,⬙ JAG, CBS, 2000. Mark, ⬙Three Thanksgivings, One Turkey,⬙ Three Sisters, NBC, 2001. Lieutenant Jeremy Duncan, ⬙Standards of Conduct,⬙ JAG, CBS, 2003. Sergeant Myers, ⬙Mr. Monk Goes to the Circus,⬙ Monk, USA Network, 2003.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Ralph DeVore, The Kill–Off, Cabriolet Films, 1989. Pickpocket victim, Another 48 Hrs., Paramount, 1990. Student, The Nutty Professor, Universal, 1996. Son, Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, New Line Cinema, 1997. Headbanger (Rolly), Can’t Hardly Wait, Sony Pictures Releasing, 1998. Schminick, Red Letters, New City Releasing, 2000. Waiter, Space Cowboys, Warner Bros., 2000. Steve Larson, Cast Away, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. Frank Tobin, Miss Congeniality (also known as Miss Undercover), Warner Bros., 2000. Diesel, Vampires Anonymous, 2000. Guard Ⲇ3, Fish (short film), 2001. Nick, Going Greek, Miramax, 2001. 100 Women, 2001. (As Steven Monroe) Plant worker, 8 Mile, Universal, 2002. Holden, Girl Fever, 2002. Television Appearances; Series: Steve, Sister, Sister, ABC, 1994, then The WB, 1995–1996. Television Appearances; Movies: Young man, Roseanne: An Unauthorized Biography, Fox, 1994. Kravitz, The Rockford Files: Punishment and Crime, CBS, 1996. Howard, Inherit the Wind, Showtime, 1999. Officer Calhoun, The Santa Trap, PAX, 2002. Television Appearances; Pilots: Billy, Misery Loves Company, 1995. Din–Din, Costello, 1998. Helmet Heads, The WB, 1999. L.A. security officer, Snoops, ABC, 1999.

Also appeared as Eric Johnson, ⬙One Night–Stand Reunions,⬙ Night Stand.


N–O Peter ⬙Pete⬙ Winfield, Murder by the Book (also known as Alter Ego), NBC, 1987. Peter Pratman, Relative Fear (also known as The Child), Showtime, 1994. Dr. Roberts, ⬙The Clinic,⬙ Twists of Terror (also known as Primal Scream), The Movie Channel, 1996. Decker, The Peacekeeper (also known as Hellbent and Red Zone), HBO, 1997. Ernesto Rao, The Witness Files, Cinemax, 1999. Bobby ⬙B. J.⬙ Culley, Jr., Someone Is Watching, Lifetime, 2000. Klosterman, Silent Night, Hallmark Channel, 2002.

NEUFELD, Martin PERSONAL Born September 24. Education: Studied theatre at Dawson College, 1981–83, and at London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, 1990–91; studied with Jacques Lecoq at Ecole International de Theatre, Paris, 1991–93, and at Laboratoire d’Etude de Mouvement, 1991–92. Avocational Interests: Sculpting, painting, creating multi–media experiments, writing, designing web sites.

Television Appearances; Specials: Pissarro, ⬙Degas and the Dancer,⬙ The Artists, HBO Family Channel, 1999. Pissarro, ⬙Monet: Shadows and Light,⬙ The Artists, HBO Family Channel, 2000.

Addresses: Manager—Pam Friendly, Premier Artists Management, 671 Danforth Ave., Suite 305, Toronto, Ontario M4J 1L3, Canada.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Robert, ⬙The Great Montarro,⬙ Friday the 13th (also known as Friday the 13th: The Series), syndicated, 1987. Finny, ⬙The Resurrection,⬙ War of the Worlds, syndicated, 1988. Howard Moore, ⬙The Secret Agenda of Mesmer’s Bauble,⬙ Friday the 13th (also known as Friday the 13th: The Series), syndicated, 1989. Third advocate, ⬙The Meek Shall Inherit,⬙ War of the Worlds, syndicated, 1989. Third advocate, ⬙Unto Us a Child Is Born,⬙ War of the Worlds, syndicated, 1989. ⬙Night Bloomer,⬙ The Hunger, Showtime, 1989. One–Eyed Jack, ⬙The Tale of Prisoners Past,⬙ Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Nickelodeon, 1995. Ken Morris, ⬙Anais,⬙ The Hunger, Showtime, 1997. Conway, ⬙Critical List,⬙ Soldier of Fortune, Inc. (also known as Special Ops Force), syndicated, 1999. Dr. Dickens, ⬙In the Beginning,⬙ The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, 2000.

Career: Actor. Initiative Quebec, member of executive committee until 1997. Studio Ku (motion graphics design studio), founder. Member: Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television, and Radio Artists (president of Quebec branch until 1997). CREDITS Television Appearances; Miniseries: Morris Jeppson, Hiroshima, Showtime, 1995. Also appeared in La pepiniere, CBC. Television Appearances; Movies: Billy Pritchard, Cook & Peary: The Race to the Pole, CBS, 1983. 248

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Protector and Henry, ⬙The Tale of the Stone Maiden,⬙ Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Nickelodeon, 2000. William Lyon Mackenzie, ⬙Rebellion and Reform,⬙ Canada—A People’s History, CBC, 2000.

O’CONNOR Jeremy, Love for Love, McGowen Theatre, 1990. Malvolio, Twelfth Night, McGowen Theatre, 1991. Shalimov, Summerfolk, McGowen Theatre, 1991. The Nazi officer, The Visitor, Centaur Theatre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1996.

Appeared as Brosam in Secret Service, NBC. Also appeared in The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo, Nickelodeon; T and T, syndicated; and in Top Cops, CBS.

OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Martin Neufeld Home Page, http://www.martinneufeld. com, October 13, 2003.

Television Appearances; Other: Johnny–O, One Night Only, 1986. Film Appearances: Young Albert, Ca peut pas etre l’hiver, on n’a meme pas eu d’ete (also known as It Can’t Be Winter, We Haven’t Had Summer Yet), La Maison des Quatre, 1980. Emmanuel, Bonheur d’occasion (also known as The Tin Flute), National Film Board of Canada, 1983. The Gunrunner, New World Home Video, 1984. Member of Marino’s gang, Renegades, Universal, 1989. Snake, H, ARTO–pelli Motion Pictures, 1990. Lola Zipper, Acteurs Auteurs Associes, 1991. No Mystery (short film), Long Run Productions, 1993. Dill, Bolt (also known as Rebel Run), Avalanche Home Entertainment, 1994. Stenn, Highlander III: The Sorcerer (also known as Highlander 3, Highlander: The Final Dimension, Highlander: The Magician, and Highlander 3: The Final Conflict), Dimension Films, 1994. Paul Hartwig, War at Sea: The Black Pit (documentary; also known as War at Sea, Part 2), National Film Board of Canada, 1995. Obstruction of Justice, Blackwatch Films, 1995. Herman, Cosmos, Magouric Distribution, 1996. Dobbs, Nico the Unicorn, Kingsborough Greenlight Pictures, 1998. Musketeers Forever, Alpha Filmes, 1998. Senior editor, Hemingway: A Portrait (short film), Direct Cinema Limited, 1999. Davey Hicks, Protection, Alliance Atlantis Communications, 2001. Reginald Grover, Aftermath, Christal Films, 2002.

O’CONNOR, Raymond 1955– PERSONAL Born February 6, 1955, in East Boston, MA. Addresses: Agent—House of Representatives, 400 S. Beverly Dr., Suite 101, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor. Appeared in television commercials for Levi’s Button Fly Jeans and American Express, 1999. CREDITS Film Appearances: Sergeant Elgin Flowers, Off Limits (also known as Saigon), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1988. Drunk Ⲇ1, Arthur 2: On the Rocks, Warner Bros., 1988. Tibbs, Traxx, De Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1988. Security guard, Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers, Anchor Bay Entertainment, 1988. Drax, Dr. Alien (also known as I Was a Teenage Sex Maniac and I Was a Teenage Sex Mutant), Paramount Home Video, 1988. Dino, My Blue Heaven, Warner Bros., 1990. Taylor, Megaville, 1990. Yo, Life Stinks (also known as Life Sucks), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1991. Fireman, Pyrates, Vestron Video, 1991. Frank Olsen, Mr. Nanny, 1993. Park Ranger Bob, The Rock, Buena Vista, 1996. Eddie, My Giant, Sony Pictures Entertainments, 1998. Rabo Karabekian, Breakfast of Champions, Buena Vista, 1999. Father Tom Stowick, Drowning Mona, Destination Films, 2000. Sergeant Ted Burns, April’s Shower, 2003.

Also appeared in The Other Prison (short film), Winter Films. Stage Appearances: Charlie, Eat Your Heart Out, Les Masques Dinner Theatre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1984. Eckart, Baal, Toronto Free Theatre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1985. Priest, naked man, and gigolo, Tantrums, Canadian Repertory Theatre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1986. Delio, The Duchess of Malfi, McGowen Theatre, London, England, 1990. 249


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Engineer, ⬙Sons and Lovers,⬙ Wings, NBC, 1996. Carl Granger, ⬙Fool’s Gold,⬙ Land’s End, syndicated, 1996. Leo, ⬙One for the Monet,⬙ Hudson Street, CBS, 1996. Officer Dibble, ⬙Wheels,⬙ Boy Meets World, ABC, 1997. Charlie Spring, ⬙Private Eyes,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1997. ⬙Child’s Play,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1997. Frank Rizzo, ⬙I Was En Vogue’s Love Slave,⬙ The Wayan Bros., The WB, 1997. Mack, ⬙A View from the Gallery,⬙ Babylon 5, TNT, 1998. Vice principal Strauss, ⬙Barricade,⬙ Brutally Normal, The WB, 2000. Lenny Sinclair, ⬙All the Rage,⬙ Becker, CBS, 2000. Happy, ⬙Jerque Du Soleil,⬙ City of Angels, CBS, 2000. Harvey, ⬙USA Toy,⬙ The Michael Richards Show, NBC, 2000. Cookie, ⬙Heart Problems,⬙ That’s Life, ABC, 2001. Cab driver, Days of Our Lives, NBC, 2001. Teeth, the loan shark, ⬙Tabula Rosa,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer, UPN, 2001. Man on phone, ⬙The Plan,⬙ Six Feet Under, HBO, 2002.

Television Appearances; Movies: Joe, The Goddess of Love, NBC, 1988. Tugwell, Cast a Deadly Spell, HBO, 1991. Mickey Maven, Girls in Prison, Showtime, 1994. Mr. Muir, Skeletons, HBO, 1996. Stutts, Prehysteria! 3, HBO, 1998. Audrey’s Rain, Hallmark Channel, 2003. Television Appearances; Miniseries: New York newsboy, Kane & Abel, CBS, 1985. Television Appearances; Pilots: Hollywood Dog, Fox, 1990. Harrigan, Tag Team, ABC, 1991. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙The Cradle Will Rock,⬙ Hunter, NBC, 1987. Raymond, ⬙The Aztec Dagger,⬙ The Wizard, CBS, 1987. Rick Santini, ⬙The Lung Goodbye,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1987. ⬙Love Bytes,⬙ Hooperman, ABC, 1989. Manny, ⬙Five Grand,⬙ Growing Pains, ABC, 1989. Curtis Bray, ⬙Parental Guidance Recommended,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1993. Curtis Bray, ⬙The Child Is Father to Man,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1993. Curtis Bray, ⬙Duke’s Bad Boy,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1993. Security guard, ⬙Friday the 13th,⬙ Sirens, ABC, 1993. Merchant, ⬙The Ex–Files,⬙ Minor Adjustments, NBC, 1995. Howard, ⬙Thanksgiving in Hawaii: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Sister, Sister, The WB, 1995.

Also appeared in ⬙The Man Who Was Death,⬙ Tales from the Crypt, HBO; as INS officer, Sisters, NBC; Charlie, Roc, Fox; Ray, Drexell’s Class, Fox; Carl, Down the Shore, Fox; Hannon, Sirens; Father Russell, Phenom, ABC; Peter Kincaid, Diagnosis Murder, CBS; Joey, The Steve Harvey Show, The WB; Phil, Between Brothers; Walter, Two of a Kind, ABC; Paul Jarrett, To Have & To Hold, CBS; Mr. Man, Damon, Fox; in Frank Leaves for the Orient, Comedy Central; Boomtown, NBC.


P Matron, Against Her Will: The Carrie Buck Story, Lifetime, 1994. Mrs. Pinchot, A Burning Passion: The Margaret Mitchell Story, NBC, 1994. Tad’s nurse, Tad, The Family Channel, 1995. Waitress, Kingfish: A Story of Huey P. Long, TNT, 1995. Ma Brisson, Deadly Pursuits, NBC, 1996. Admission clerk, Twilight Man, Starz!, 1996. (As Joann Pankow) Hester Shaver, The Lottery, NBC, 1996. Town hall clerk, To Love, Honor and Deceive (also known as The Protected Wife), ABC, 1996. Mrs. Wray, The Member of the Wedding, USA Network, 1997. Miss Wainbright, The Ditchdigger’s Daughters, The Family Channel, 1997. Will’s nurse, Best Friends for Life, CBS, 1998.

PANKOW, Joanne (Joann Pankow) PERSONAL Career: Actress. Appeared in television commercials, including one for the U.S. Postal Store; previously worked as a teacher. CREDITS Film Appearances: Newsreel secretary, The Hudsucker Proxy, Warner Bros., 1994. Laughing lady, The Road to Wellville, Columbia, 1994. Maid, Richie Rich, 1994. Nurse, Getting In (also known as Student Body), 1994. Elderly woman, Traveller, October Films, 1997. Beatrice Lincoln, Animals, 1997. Nurse, Digging to China, Legacy Releasing Corp., 1998. Waitress Ⲇ1, Claudine’s Return (also known as Kiss of Fire), Jazz Pictures, 1998. Sunseeker Gladys, Forces of Nature, DreamWorks, 1999. Saleslady/night tech, 28 Days, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2000. Sister Consolata, Bruno (also known as The Dress Code), New Angel, 2000. Milena, The In Crowd, Warner Bros., 2000. Fay, The Angel Doll, 2000. Lottery lady, The Chester Story (also known as A Touch of Fate), Outrider Pictures, 2001. Grandma clerk, Love Liza, Sony Pictures Classics, 2002. Mrs. Habersham, Two Soldiers (short film), 2002.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Mrs. Dunbar, ⬙Quick Fix,⬙ In the Heat of the Night, NBC, 1990. (Uncredited) Mrs. Abercrombie, ⬙Bounty Hunter,⬙ In the Heat of the Night, NBC, 1990. Mrs. Abercrombie, ⬙An Execution of Trust,⬙ In the Heat of the Night, NBC, 1991. Woman in back, ⬙Cool Winter Blues,⬙ I’ll Fly Away, NBC, 1992. Woman, ⬙The Scam,⬙ Matlock, ABC, 1995. Mrs. Ebee, ⬙Middle of Nowhere,⬙ ER, NBC, 1999. Ma Fuller, ⬙First Strike,⬙ CI5: The New Professionals, syndicated, 1999. Doris Dalton, ⬙One for the Road,⬙ Safe Harbor, The WB, 1999. Wench, ⬙Four Scary Stories,⬙ Dawson’s Creek, The WB, 2001.

Television Appearances; Movies: (Uncredited) Ticket lady, ⬙The Theater,⬙ Twilight Zone: Rod Serling’s Lost Classics, 1994.

Also appeared as waitress, Going to California, Showtime. 251


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Musical performer for episodes of Doogie Howser, M.D., ABC; Hunter, NBC; L.A. Law, NBC; Magnum, P.I., CBS; Nashville Beat; Quantum Leap, NBC; 21 Jump Street, Fox and syndicated; and Wise Guy, CBS.

PARODI, Starr PERSONAL Born in Los Angeles, CA (some sources cite in Michigan); married Jeff Eden Fair (a composer and musician). Education: Orange Coast College, graduated, 1980; attended University of California, Los Angeles, and Ecole Normale de Musique, Paris; also studied with Edith Smith.

RECORDINGS Albums: Change, Capitol, 1991. WRITINGS

Addresses: Agent—Christine Russell, Bully Music, L.L.C., 12300 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025.

Film Composer, with Jeff Eden Fair: Marilyn: The Last Word (documentary), Paramount, 1993. The Eighteenth Angel, Rysher Entertainment, 1997. Screenland Drive, Zzyzx Films, 2000. Do You Wanna Know a Secret?, Mainline Releasing, 2001. Stuey, AWV Productions, 2003.

Career: Composer and musician. Sonic Doppler–Gray Dog Studios, Los Angeles, cofounder and partner; composer (with Jeff Eden Fair) of music for more than 150 film trailers, including those for Blown Away, Goldeneye, Hackers, Speechless, Species, Stargate, Tombstone, and U–Turn. Keyboard accompanist for numerous recording artists, including Phil Collins, Celine Dion, B. B. King, Patti LaBelle, and Carlos Santana; pianist for bandleader George Howard, 1985; pianist at the inauguration of President Bill Clinton, 1993; keyboard performer for commercials and music videos. Also works as a model.

Starr Parodi and Jeff Eden Fair’s songs have been featured in films. Their songs ⬙Bertha Lands⬙ and ⬙Warning⬙ both appeared in Ghost World, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer/United Artists, 2001.

Awards, Honors: (All with Jeff Eden Fair) Telly Award for film trailer for Blown Away; Chicago International Film Festival Award, London International Award, Key Art Award, and Telly Award, all for film trailer for Goldeneye; Chicago International Film Festival Award, Key Art Award, and Telly Award, all for film trailer for Hackers; Chicago International Film Festival Award and London International Award, both for film trailer for Speechless; New York Festivals Award and Telly Award, both for film trailer for Species; London International Award and Telly Award, for film trailer for Stargate; Chicago International Film Festival Award and Key Art Award, both for film trailer for U–Turn.

Television Composer, with Jeff Eden Fair; Series: The Edge, Fox, 1992–1993. Champs, ABC, 1996. Malibu Shores, CBS, 1996. Main title music, Gottschalk, beginning 1996. (And theme music) Arsenio, ABC, 1997. Maggie, Lifetime, 1998–1999. The Division (also known as Heart of the City), Lifetime, 2001–2003. With Jeff Eden Fair, also contributed music to the series Fame, NBC and syndicated; composer for The Fritz Coleman Show, KNBC.


Television Composer, with Jeff Eden Fair; Movies: Shame II: The Secret, Lifetime, 1995. The Secret She Carried, NBC, 1996. Crowned and Dangerous, ABC, 1997. Little Girls in Pretty Boxes, Lifetime, 1997. A Nightmare Come True, CBS, 1997. I’ve Been Waiting for You, NBC, 1998. The Sky’s on Fire (also known as Countdown: The Sky’s on Fire), ABC, 1998. A Family in Crisis: The Elian Gonzales Story (also known as The Elian Gonzales Story), Fox Family Channel, 2000. Sex, Lies & Obsession, Lifetime, 2001.

Television Appearances; Series: Fame, NBC and syndicated, 1983–1986. Synthesizer player with Michael Wolff and The Posse (house band), The Arsenio Hall Show, syndicated, 1988–1993. Keyboard performer for The Fritz Coleman Show, KNBC. Television Work: Pianist, The Division (also known as Heart of the City), Lifetime, 2001–2003. 252

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

PATZWALD Second heartbreaker, By Dawn’s Early Light, Showtime, 2000. Bessie Coburn, Christy: The Movie (also known as Christy: Return to Cutter Gap), PAX, 2001. Julia, The Secret Life of Zoey, Lifetime, 2002. Melinda, The Real World Movie: The Lost Season, MTV, 2002. Sixth actor, Bang, Bang, You’re Dead, 2002.

Composer for Albums: Change, Capitol, 1991. With Jeff Eden Fair and Aeone, composer for music catalog collections. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Grammy, December 2, 2002. Mix, September 1, 1999.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Samantha Franklin, ⬙Getting MADD,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1997. Cammi, ⬙Black Box,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1998. Rachel, ⬙The Case of the Miracle Mine,⬙ The Adventures of Shirley Holmes, YTV, 1998. Vanessa, ⬙Hypnotic,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Laura Wendkos, ⬙Lullaby,⬙ Strange World, ABC, 1999. Sara Winter, ⬙Chem Lab,⬙ The Net, USA Network, 1999. Tara Vanatter, ⬙Fathers and Sons,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1999. Abby’s granddaughter, ⬙Handshake,⬙ Mysterious Ways, PAX, 2000. Naytha, ⬙A Hundred Days,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 2000. Adelpha, ⬙Forest for the Trees,⬙ The Immortal, syndicated, 2001. Hallie, ⬙The Passenger List,⬙ Night Visions, Fox, 2001. Monica, ⬙T&A,⬙ The Chris Isaak Show, Showtime, 2001. Jill Deer, ⬙Enemy Mind,⬙ The Dead Zone (also known as Stephen King’s Dead Zone), USA Network, 2002. Nurse Joanie, ⬙Healing Hands,⬙ Beyond Belief (also known as Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction), Fox, 2002.

Electronic: ParodiFair Web Site,, September 16, 2003. SoundtrackNet,, July 19, 1999.

PATZWALD, Julie PERSONAL Career: Actress. Awards, Honors: Leo Award, Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Foundation of British Columbia, best guest performance by an actress in a dramatic series, 2003, for ⬙Enemy Mind,⬙ The Dead Zone. CREDITS Television Appearances; Miniseries: Bessie Coburn, Christy, Choices of the Heart, Part II: A New Beginning, PAX, 2001.

Also appeared in episodes of Beggars and Choosers, Showtime; and Wolf Lake, CBS. Television Appearances; Pilots: John Doe, Fox, 2002.

Television Appearances; Movies: Elaine, When Danger Follows You Home, USA Network, 1997. Holly, Perfect Body, NBC, 1997. Julie Vaccaro, Race against Fear (also known as Broken Silence and Sin of Silence), NBC, 1998. Leigh Eversol, Someone to Love Me (also known as Girl in the Backseat and Someone to Love Me: A Moment of Truth Movie), NBC, 1998. Misty, I’ve Been Waiting for You, NBC, 1998. Young Andrea, A Murder on Shadow Mountain, CBS, 1999. Counter girl, 2gether (also known as 2GE+HER), MTV, 2000. Kate, Quarantine, ABC, 2000.

Film Appearances: Tracey, Warriors of Virtue, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1997. Betty Caldicott, Disturbing Behavior, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1998. Kate, Air Bud: World Pup (also known as Air Bud 3), Miramax Home Entertainment, 2000. Stage Appearances: Appeared in a production of the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. 253


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Zipper, ⬙A Day in the Life,⬙ Suddenly Susan, NBC, 1999. Derek, ⬙History Lessons,⬙ Get Real, Fox, 2000. Ethan, ⬙Eddie Loves Tori,⬙ 100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd, Nickelodeon, 2001. Ethan Ritter, ⬙The Men from the Boys,⬙ The Guardian, CBS, 2001. Scott, ⬙Family Lies,⬙ Nikki, The WB, 2001. Sky commander David ⬙Winky⬙ Winkle, ⬙Lord of the Flies,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 2001. Tyler Petersen, ⬙Hero,⬙ The Division, Lifetime, 2001. ⬙X–Ray⬙ Conklin, ⬙Crime and Puzzlement,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2001. Marcus Denton, ⬙Oh, Mama,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2002. Peter ⬙Pete⬙ Hutchins, Jr., ⬙Felonious Monk,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, CBS, 2002. ⬙X–Ray⬙ Conklin, ⬙Can They Do That with Vegetables?,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2002. Adrian Pascal, Guiding Light, CBS, 2003. Ben Gordon, ⬙Grave Young Men,⬙ CSI: Miami, CBS, 2003. Doug Hawkes, ⬙A Saint in the City⬙ (also known as ⬙It’s Hard to Be a Saint in the City⬙), ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 2003. Shane, ⬙Natural Borne Killers,⬙ Threat Matrix, ABC, 2003. Kingpin, NBC, 2003.

PAUL, Aaron 1979– PERSONAL Full name, Aaron Michael Paul; original name, Aaron Paul Sturtevant; born August 27, 1979, in Emmett, ID. Avocational Interests: Writing, snowboarding, bungee jumping. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Manager—Loch Powell, Leverage Management, 1610 Broadway (some sources cite 3030 Pennsylvania Ave.), Santa Monica, CA 90404. Publicist—Mia Hansen, Platform Public Relations, 2133 Holly Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90068, or Mia Hansen Public Relations, 7700 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90046. Career: Actor. Appeared in commercials for Pepsi and Vanilla Coke soft drinks, Juicy Fruit chewing gum, Kellogg’s Corn Pops, and Burger King and Pizza Hut restaurants. Universal Studios Movie Theatre, Hollywood, CA, worked as an usher; also performed as a singer.

Appeared in an episode of Costello, NBC; also a contestant on The Price Is Right.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Floyd, Whatever It Takes, Columbia, 2000. Jonathan, A Fate Totally Worse Than Death, Bubble Factory, 2000. Voice of Chuck, Hjaelp, jeg er en fisk (animated; also known as Help I’m a Fish and Hilfe! Ich bin ein Fisch), A–Film, 2000. Meta, 2000. Michael Powell at age twenty–one, K–PAX, Universal, 2001. Monty Brant, A Piece of My Heart, Vault, 2002. Wasted guy, Van Wilder (also known as National Lampoon’s Van Wilder, Van Wilder: Party Liaison, and Party Animals—wilder geht’s nicht), Artisan Entertainment, 2002.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Jerry, Birds of Prey, The WB, 2002. Clay, The Snobs, Fox, 2003. Stage Appearances: Appeared in Hoodwinked, Coronet Theatre, Hollywood, CA; also appeared in Love, Death, and the Prom and The Wedding Party. RECORDINGS Music Videos: Appeared in the music video ⬙Thoughtless⬙ by Korn.

Television Appearances; Movies: Owen, Wasted, MTV, 2002. PETERS, Kelly Jean 1940–

Television Appearances; Episodic: Chad, ⬙Fortune Cookie,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1999. Second fraternity boy, ⬙The Daughterboy,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1999. Student, ⬙Dick’s Big Giant Headache: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ 3rd Rock from the Sun (also known as Life As We Know It), NBC, 1999.

PERSONAL Born July 2, 1940, in Columbus, OH; daughter of George Elliott and Marietta (maiden name, Curry) Peters; married Timothy John McIntire, August 17, 1969 254

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PETERS Jackie, ⬙The Silent Gun,⬙ The Green Hornet, ABC, 1966. Lee Diver, ⬙Broken Gun,⬙ The Iron Horse, ABC, 1966. Adele, ⬙Prairie Wolfers,⬙ Gunsmoke, CBS, 1967. Elaine, ⬙Yesterday’s Timepiece,⬙ The Virginian, NBC, 1967. Margie, ⬙These Boots Weren’t Made for Walking,⬙ That Girl, ABC, 1967. Nicole, ⬙Dark Outpost,⬙ The Invaders, ABC, 1967. Sister John, ⬙Ladies from St. Louis,⬙ Gunsmoke, CBS, 1967. Vera Cross, ⬙Johnny Cross,⬙ Gunsmoke, CBS, 1968. Winifred Proxmire, ⬙The Librarian,⬙ The Doris Day Show, CBS, 1968. ⬙Love and the New Roommate,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1971. ⬙The Outspoken Silence,⬙ The Young Lawyers, ABC, 1971. Miss ⬙Missy⬙ Hamilton, ⬙The Lonely Man,⬙ Bonanza, NBC, 1972. Lieutenant Louise Anderson, ⬙Love Story,⬙ M*A*S*H, CBS, 1973. Martha Lovitt, ⬙The Stone,⬙ Kung Fu, ABC, 1973. ⬙Love and the Laughing Lover,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1973. Sandra Reevus, ⬙The Investigator,⬙ Cannon, CBS, 1975. Vera Collins, ⬙Soldier’s Return,⬙ Little House on the Prairie, NBC, 1976. ⬙Has Anybody Here Seen Quincy?,⬙ Quincy (also known as Quincy, M.E.), NBC, 1977. Fay Parker, ⬙Kidnapped,⬙ Dallas, CBS, 1978. ⬙A Test for the Living,⬙ Quincy (also known as Quincy, M.E.), NBC, 1978. Mrs. Washington, ⬙Merry Christmas, Bogg,⬙ Voyagers!, NBC, 1982. ⬙What Is This Thing Called Lust?,⬙ Newhart, CBS, 1983. Sharon Coombs, ⬙The New Man,⬙ Tales from the Darkside, syndicated, 1984. ⬙Career Decision,⬙ Growing Pains, ABC, 1986. Ginger Cohen, ⬙Right to Remain Silent,⬙ Cagney & Lacey, CBS, 1987. Ginger Cohen, ⬙Amends,⬙ Cagney & Lacey, CBS, 1988. Ginger Cohen, ⬙Shadow of a Doubt,⬙ Cagney & Lacey, CBS, 1988. Mrs. Denton, ⬙Eyewitness News,⬙ Alien Nation, Fox, 1990. ⬙Back to the Suture,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1992.

(divorced, 1980). Education: Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie–Mellon University), B.A. (drama), c. 1966. Career: Actress. Residents of Beverly Glen, member of board of directors. Member: American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Screen Actors Guild, Actors’ Equity Association. Awards, Honors: DramaLogue Award, 1986, for These Men. CREDITS Film Appearances: Freya, An American Dream (also known as See You in Hell, Darling), Warner Bros., 1966. Girl in museum, Any Wednesday (also known as Bachelor Girl Apartment), Warner Bros., 1966. Olga Crabb, Little Big Man, National General, 1970. Sharon, Pocket Money, National General, 1972. Katharine Kilpatrick, The Deadly Trackers, Warner Bros., 1973. Rachel, Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1973. Patsy, The Great Waldo Pepper, Universal, 1975. We’re Going to Scare You to Death, Universal, 1975. Linda Reynolds, Witches’ Brew (also known as Which Witch Is Which?), United Artists, 1980. Young Jess, Poltergeist II: The Other Side (also known as Poltergeist II), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1986. Sally, Jack Frost, A–Pix Entertainment, 1997. Waitress, The Bachelor, New Line Cinema, 1999. Totally Irresponsible, Trimark Pictures, 2000. Mrs. DelVecchio, Killer Bud, Trimark Pictures, 2001. Television Appearances; Movies: Betty Carson, Terror on the 40th Floor (also known as The Blazing Tower), NBC, 1974. Mrs. Gates, ⬙Tail Gunner Joe,⬙ The Big Event, NBC, 1977. Mrs. Wharton, A Question of Guilt, CBS, 1978. Mary Roberts, Killjoy (also known as Who Murdered Joy Morgan?), CBS, 1981. Karen Hudson, Having It All, ABC, 1982. Ginger, Cagney & Lacey: The Return, CBS, 1994.

Appeared as Clara Nadolski in an episode of Homefront, ABC. Television Appearances; Other: Bob’s wife, Steel Collar Man (pilot), CBS, 1985. Principal, Bloodlines: Murder in the Family (miniseries), NBC, 1993.

Also appeared in McCarthy and The Only Way Is Down. Television Appearances; Episodic: Franny, ⬙Cherokee Hank,⬙ Hank, NBC, 1965. Fern Badderly, ⬙Too Many Girls⬙ (also known as ⬙Davy and Fern⬙), The Monkees, NBC, 1966.

Stage Appearances: Abigail Williams, The Crucible, Belasco Theatre, New York City, 1964. 255


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 ⬙Lost Weekend,⬙ Knightwatch, 1989. ⬙Racial Matters,⬙ Mancuso, FBI, NBC, 1989. ⬙Conspiracy,⬙ Mancuso, FBI, NBC, 1990. ⬙False Images,⬙ Equal Justice, 1990. ⬙Bounds for Glory,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1990. ⬙Happy Trails,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1990. ⬙Rest in Pieces,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1991. ⬙Since I Fell for You,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1991. ⬙Blood Ties,⬙ Midnight Caller, 1991. ⬙It’s the pictures that got small,⬙ Pros and Cons, 1991. ⬙P.S. Your Shrink Is Dead,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1992. ⬙Doogie Doesn’t Live Here Anymore,⬙ Doogie Howser, M.D., ABC, 1992. ⬙The Patient in Spite of Himself,⬙ Doogie Howser, M.D., ABC, 1992. ⬙Do the Right Thing ... If You Can Figure Out What I,⬙ Doogie Howser, M.D., ABC, 1992. ⬙Duets,⬙ Northern Exposure, CBS, 1993. ⬙Crystal Hawks,⬙ The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. (also known as Brisco County, Jr.), 1993. ⬙Red Museum,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1994. ⬙I Wuz Robbed,⬙ The Great Defender, Fox, 1995. ⬙Damn Yankees,⬙ The Client (also known as John Grisham’s The Client), 1996. ⬙Grumpy Old Genie,⬙ Weird Science, 1996.

Understudy, Beekman Place, Morosco Theatre, New York City, 1964. These Men, Los Angeles, c. 1986. Appeared in Ring around the Moon, Broadway production; Giant’s Dance, off–Broadway production; Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare in the Park production, New York City; appeared in The Birthday Party and Gemini, both Los Angeles area productions.

PHELPS, Win PERSONAL Career: Director. Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nomination, outstanding directing in a drama series, 1988, for L.A. Law. CREDITS

Also directed episodes of Fame; Once a Hero, ABC; The Commish, ABC; The Cosby Mysteries, NBC; Civil Wars, ABC; Moloney, CBS.

Film Assistant Director: The Pack, 1977. Film First Assistant Director: ... And Justice for All, Columbia, 1979. Herbie Goes Bananas, Buena Vista, 1980. Zoot Suit, Universal, 1981. Diner, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1982. Best Friends, Warner Bros., 1982. The Osterman Weekend, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1983.

PINNOCK, Arnold PERSONAL Born in England; raised in Canada.

Film Second Assistant Director: Logan’s Run, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1976. The Outlaw Josey Wales, Warner Bros., 1976. Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo, Buena Vista, 1977. F.I.S.T., United Artists, 1978.

Career: Actor. Second City (improvisation group), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, performed on Main Stage and in national touring company; also performed stand–up comedy at clubs in and around Toronto.

Television Director; Pilots: Appearances, NBC, 1990.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Tyrone Meeks, The City (also known as Deep in the City and Flesh & Blood), CTV, 1999–2000. Youth pastor Dwight Gooding, Lord Have Mercy!, VisionTV, beginning 2003. Wonderland, CBC, beginning 2003.

Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Changes,⬙ The Bronx Zoo, 1987. ⬙The Power of a Lie,⬙ The Bronx Zoo, NBC, 1987. ⬙The Long Grey Line,⬙ The Bronx Zoo, NBC, 1988. ⬙Behind Closed Doors,⬙ The Bronx Zoo, NBC, 1988. ⬙Symbiosis,⬙ Star Trek: The Next Generation (also known as Star Trek: TNG), 1988. ⬙Requiem for an S.O.B.,⬙ Hooperman, 1988. ⬙Full Marital Jacket,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1988. ⬙Victor/Victorious,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1989.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Paramedic, Undue Influence (also known as Steve Martini’s Undue Influence), CBS, 1996. 256

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Mohammed, ⬙We Are Circus,⬙ Rescuers: Stories of Courage: Two Families, Showtime, 1998. Reggie, Master Spy: The Robert Hanssen Story, CBS, 2002.

PLATT Television Appearances; Other: John Willis, The Secrets of Forensic Science: Beauty Shop Bandit/Turnbull (special), The Learning Channel, 2001. XPM (pilot), CBC, 2003.

Television Appearances; Movies: Drug dealer, Color of Justice, Showtime, 1997. Other cabbie number one, Elvis Meets Nixon, Showtime, 1997. Second prison truck driver, Dead Silence (also known as Silence de mort), HBO, 1997. Jackie Dee, Naked City: A Killer Christmas, Showtime, 1998. Jamail, Labor of Love, Lifetime, 1998. Leo, Giving Up the Ghost, Lifetime, 1998. Floyd Court/Santa, Must Be Santa, Starz!, 1999. Guy in convertible, A Saintly Switch (also known as In Your Shoes), ABC, 1999. Teacher, The Promise, NBC, 1999. Dickerson, X Change, HBO, 2000. Dr. Hite, A Mother’s Fight for Justice, Lifetime, 2001. Herman Miller, Final Jeopardy, ABC, 2001. Jimmy Wilmington, After Amy (also known as No Ordinary Baby), Lifetime, 2001. Lincoln, Bojangles, Showtime, 2001. Silas Bonner, Ruby’s Bucket of Blood, Showtime, 2001. Dr. Dean Cutler, Tru Confessions, The Disney Channel, 2002. Howard Katanga, The Brady Bunch in the White House, Fox, 2002. Mary Higgins Clark’s You Belong to Me, PAX, 2002.

Film Appearances: Alley officer, Bless the Child (also known as Die Prophezeiung), Paramount, 2000. Convict, Bait (also known as Piege), Warner Bros., 2000. Dean, Apartment Hunting, Alliance Atlantis Communications, 2000. V.S.A. member, The Ladies’ Man, Paramount, 2000. Alan Morris, Exit Wounds, Warner Bros., 2001. David Sands, Judgment (also known as Apocalypse IV: Judgment), Cloud Ten Pictures, 2001. Joe Guy, Down to Earth (also known as I Was Made to Love Her and Einmal Himmel und zurueck), Paramount, 2001. Wiry man, Paid in Full, Dimension Films, 2002. Against the Ropes (also known as The Jackie Kallen Story), Paramount, 2004. Stage Appearances: Last Tango on Lombard (revue), Second City, Old Fire Hall Theatre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1997.

PLATT, Howard 1938– (Howard T. Platt)

Television Appearances; Episodic: Clyde Rodriguez, ⬙Soul Survivor,⬙ Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, syndicated, 1999. Jones, ⬙Self–Inflicted,⬙ Total Recall 2070, Showtime, 1999. Bus driver, ⬙But I’m Too Young to Be My Dad,⬙ The Zack Files, Fox Family Channel, 2000. Dr. Stephens, ⬙Age Old Story,⬙ The Famous Jett Jackson, The Disney Channel, 2000. Neil, ⬙Death Dish,⬙ The War Next Door, USA Network, 2000. Neil, ⬙Get a Death,⬙ The War Next Door, USA Network, 2000. Souvenir shop owner, ⬙The Put Back,⬙ Relic Hunter, syndicated, 2000. Cookie man, ⬙Little Girl Blue,⬙ Soul Food, Showtime, 2001. ⬙No Time Like the Present,⬙ Doc, PAX, 2001. Music executive, ⬙Time Out of Mind,⬙ Odyssey 5, Showtime, 2002. 1–800 Missing, Lifetime, 2003.

PERSONAL Born June 5, 1938, in Chicago, IL. Addresses: Agent—Abrams Artists Agency, 9200 Sunset Blvd., Ⲇ1130, Los Angeles, CA 90069; Dulcie Eisen and Associates, 154 East 61st St., New York, NY 10021; Barry Freed Company, 2040 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Actor and director. Military service: Served in the U.S. Army. CREDITS Film Appearances: Arthur, T. R. Baskin (also known as A Date with a Lonely Girl), Paramount, 1971. Shaughnessy, Prime Cut, National General Pictures, 1972. Supervisor, Westworld, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1973.

Appeared as Elvis Sanders in an episode of The Hoop Life, Showtime; also appeared in episodes of Traders, Global; and Witchblade, TNT. 257


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Television Appearances; Series: Officer ⬙Hoppy⬙ Hopkins, Sanford and Sons, NBC, 1972–1976. Captain Doug March, Flying High, CBS, 1978. Roger Martinson, Empire, CBS, 1984.

Dr. Phil Newman, ⬙Serve for Daylight,⬙ The Bob Newhart Show, CBS, 1974. ⬙Ms. Cop,⬙ Barney Miller, ABC, 1975. Lawrence Weiskoff, ⬙Fire ’77,⬙ Barney Miller, ABC, 1977. Max, ⬙Vera Robs the Cradle,⬙ Alice, CBS, 1979. Major Ted Spector in the AG Office, ⬙Yessir, That’s Our Baby,⬙ M*A*S*H, CBS, 1979. ⬙Half–Past Noon,⬙ Young Maverick, CBS, 1980. Max, ⬙Cook’s Tour,⬙ Alice, CBS, 1980. Officer ⬙Hoppy⬙ Hopkins, ⬙The Ring,⬙ Sanford, NBC, 1980. Officer ⬙Hoppy⬙ Hopkins, ⬙Cal the Coward,⬙ Sanford, NBC, 1981. Nelson, ⬙Riot,⬙ Barney Miller, ABC, 1981. ⬙The Clown,⬙ Barney Miller, ABC, 1982. Gordon Lynch, ⬙Bones,⬙ Barney Miller, ABC, 1982. Larry, ⬙Calling Mr. Herbie,⬙ Herbie the Love Bug, 1982. Police officer, ⬙RoboBrat,⬙ Small Wonder, 1986. Norman, ⬙The Long Goodbye,⬙ Flying Blind, Fox, 1993. ⬙Witness for the Prosecution,⬙ Evening Shade, 1993. ⬙The Deep End,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1994. Minister, ⬙Betsey’s Wedding,⬙ What about Joan, ABC, 2001.

Also appeared as Raymond Peterson, Me, On the Radio?, CBS.

Also appeared in ⬙The Disappearing Floor,⬙ B. J. and the Bear, NBC.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Leroy Wilson, Tales of the City (also known as Armistead Maupin’s Tales of the City), PBS, 1993.

Stage Appearances: Appeared as Joe Horn, Rain, Emperor, Amadeus, Sir Rowland, The Spider’s Web, Brannigan, Guys and Dolls, Richard, Moon over Buffalo, Marcus Lycus, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Roger, The Fourth Wall, Bardolph, Lettice and Lovage, and Paul Sycamore, You Can’t Take It With You, all Peninsula Players, WI; Thurston Wheelis, Greater Tuna, Fish Creek, WI; Franklin Roosevelt, Eleanor, Williamstown Theatre Festival; Glenn Cooper, Rumors, Forum Theater; Les, Breakfast with Les and Bess, Pheasant Run Theatre; Terence O’Keefe, Breaking Legs, Peninsula Players, WI, and Forum Theatre; Jim Gates, The House That Goes On Forever, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City; Clifford Snell, Solid Gold Cadillac, Drury Lane; Alan Seymour, Picnic, Pheasant Run Theatre; Walter Fenn, Someone Waiting, Greenstreet Theatre I; Dion Kapakos, Critics Choice, Pheasant Run Theatre.

Carletti, Busting, United Artists, 1974. Keep, Three the Hard Way, Allied Artists Pictures Corp., 1974. Spink, Newman’s Law, 1974. Vishniac, Great Scout and Cathouse Thursday (also known as Wildcat), American International Pictures, 1976. Colonel Woodruff, The Cat from Outer Space, Buena Vista, 1978. Beyond Death’s Door, Sunn Classic Pictures, 1978. Fred Land, Walk Like a Man, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1987. Lawyer at party, Nixon, Buena Vista, 1995. Louis Lindstrom, The Rock, Buena Vista, 1996. Janitor supervisor, Blast, Imperial Entertainment, 1996. Maitre d’, Vegas Vacation (also known as National Lampoon’s Vegas Vacation), Warner Bros., 1997.

Television Appearances; Movies: First detective, Snatched, ABC, 1973. Ben Warren, Cry Rape, CBS, 1973. Lieutenant Levin, The Trial of Chaplain Jensen, ABC, 1975. Neighbor Pete Biggs, The Boy in the Plastic Bubble, ABC, 1976. Frank, Three on a Date, ABC, 1978. (As Howard T. Platt) Bubba, The Young Runaways, 1978. King, Overexposed, ABC, 1992. Howard Hawks, Norma Jean & Marilyn (also known as Norma Jean and Marilyn), HBO, 1996. Television Appearances; Pilots: Chester, Mr. and Mrs. Cop, CBS, 1974. Captain Doug March, Flying High, CBS, 1978. Harry Elliott, Alone at Last I, NBC, 1980.

Major Tours: Malachy, A Couple of Blaguards, U.S. cities, 2001–2003. Appeared as Joe, I’m Getting My Act Together and Taking It on the Road, U.S. cities; title role, Lincoln, Man of Destiny, Midwestern U.S. cities.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Genty, ⬙Trial by Doubt,⬙ The Rookies, ABC, 1974. Roy Benson, ⬙The Only Way Out,⬙ Kojak, CBS, 1974. Dr. Phil Newman, ⬙The Great Rimpau Medical Arts Co–op Experiment,⬙ The Bob Newhart Show, CBS, 1974.

Stage Work: Associate producer, The Speed of Darkness, Belasco Theatre, New York City, 1991. 258

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PLUNKETT Trevor Hayes, Murder at the Cannes Film Festival, E! Entertainment Television, 2000.

Producer and director, A Couple of Blaguards, Triad Theater, New York City, 1999. Director, A Couple of Blaguards, Curtis Theater, Brea, CA, 2002.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Bob Bigelow, ⬙When the Bough Breaks,⬙ Madison, Global, 1994. Phillip Cramer, ⬙The Lady Vanishes,⬙ The Commish, ABC, 1994. ⬙St. Vincent,⬙ Neon Rider, syndicated, 1994. Driver, ⬙Prince of Wails,⬙ Sliders, Fox, 1995. James Bailey, ⬙Homeland,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1995. Father Jerry, ⬙Gillian of the Spirits,⬙ Sliders, Fox, 1996. Jules Morak, ⬙Street Pirates,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1996. Roland Kantos, ⬙Prophecy,⬙ Highlander (also known as Highlander: The Series), syndicated, 1996. Dr. Calderon, ⬙Christmas Carol,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1997. Dr. Calderon, ⬙Emily,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1997. High Counselor Tuplo, ⬙The Broca Divide,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 1997. Nem, ⬙Fire and Water,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 1997. Quinn, ⬙Black Widow,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime, 1997. ⬙Bodies of Evidence,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1997. ⬙Pennies from Heaven,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1997. Bob Kelley, ⬙Gabriel,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 1998. Bob Kelley, ⬙Little Sister: Part 2,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 1998. (Uncredited) Bob Kelley, ⬙The Most Dangerous Time,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 1998. Boyd, ⬙Second Wave,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Dieter Imhoff, ⬙Honest Abe,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1998. Doc Connell, ⬙Voices,⬙ The Crow: Stairway to Heaven, syndicated, 1998. Liam Conklin, ⬙Winner Takes All,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime, 1998. High Counselor Tuplo, ⬙Enigma,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 1998. ⬙Amanda Millerd,⬙ Cold Squad, CTV, 1998. ⬙The Girl Who Was Plugged In,⬙ Welcome to Paradox, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. ⬙Manimal,⬙ Night Man, The Disney Channel and syndicated, 1998. Chief coroner Bob Kelley, ⬙A Cinderella Story: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 1999. Chief coroner Bob Kelley, ⬙The Hanged Man,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 1999. Chief coroner Bob Kelley, ⬙Sister’s Light,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 1999. George, ⬙The Haven,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1999.

Also directed Don’t Dress for Dinner; Pump Boys and Dinettes; Love Letters; Steel Magnolias. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Howard Platt Official Site, http://www.howardplatt. com, September 8, 2003.

PLUNKETT, Gerard PERSONAL Born in Dublin, Ireland. Career: Actor, voice performer, and comedian. Performed stand–up comedy and impersonations in and around Dublin, Ireland; performed improvisational comedy in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Voice of the shadow master, Double Dragon (animated), syndicated, 1993–1994. Voice of Yotsuya, Maison Ikkoku (anime), beginning c. 1996. Voice of Scarab, Mummies Alive (animated), syndicated, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Diamond merchant, Exception to the Rule (also known as Nach gefaehrlichen Regeln), HBO, 1997. Sklar, Contagious (also known as Virus), USA Network, 1997. Marcus, Baby Monitor: Sound of Fear, USA Network, 1998. Mike McClary, My Husband’s Secret Life, USA Network, 1998. Voice of Edgar, Futuresport, ABC, 1998. Dr. Leo Sardis, Life in a Day, UPN, 1999. Dr. Sarkisian, Shadow Warriors II: Hunt for the Death Merchant (also known as Assault on Death Mountain), TNT, 1999. Graham, A Cooler Climate, Showtime, 1999. Griffen Bockman, Shutterspeed, TNT, 2000. 259


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Maxmillian Montgomery, ⬙Bride’s Kiss,⬙ The Immortal, syndicated, 2000. Bloodmist, ⬙Its Hour Come ⬘Round at Last,⬙ Andromeda (also known as Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda), syndicated, 2001. Bloodmist, ⬙The Widening Gyre,⬙ Andromeda (also known as Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda), syndicated, 2001. George Atzerodt, ⬙The Brink,⬙ Seven Days, UPN, 2001. Gideon Robot, ⬙Family Values,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 2001. Bloodmist, ⬙Double or Nothingness,⬙ Andromeda (also known as Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda), syndicated, 2003. (Uncredited) Bloodmist, ⬙What Happens to a Rev Deferred?,⬙ Andromeda (also known as Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda), syndicated, 2003. Dr. Lawrence, ⬙Deja Voodoo,⬙ The Dead Zone, USA Network, 2003. Rudd, ⬙A Little Help from My Friends,⬙ The Chris Isaak Show, Showtime, 2003.

Anime Videos: Voice of Kiba, Green Legend Ran, Viz Video, 1992. Voice of Toristan, Ranma 1/2 (also known as Ranma 1/2: My Concubine and Ranma 1/2: Kessen Tougenkyou! Hanayomewo Torimodose!), Viz Video, 1993. Voice of Dr. Ban, Galaxy Express 999, Viz Video, 1996.

Appeared as Pat, ⬙A Blessing in Disguise,⬙ ⬙Duty Bound,⬙ and ⬙Many Happy Returns,⬙ and as Richard Maitland, ⬙Fortunes of War,⬙ all episodes of The Campbells, [Canada].

Voice of Saiyan warrior, Dragon Ball Z: Saiyan Saga (anime), released by Pioneer FUNimation. Some of these anime videos originally appeared as television series in Japan.

Rod Poker, Suddenly Naked, 2001, Pantheon Entertainment, 2003. Stage Appearances: Someone Who’ll Watch over Me, c. 1996. Henry Higgins, My Fair Lady (musical), Stanley Theatre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2001–2002. Also appeared as Richard in a production of The Lover. RECORDINGS

Television Appearances; Other: Fourth officer Joseph Boxhall, Titanic (miniseries), CBS, 1996. Miles Davenport, ⬙Room Service,⬙ Strange Frequency (pilot), VH1, 2001. Narrator, Guinea Pig Club (special), 2002. Voices of Pontius Pilate, mystic, and bystander, Ben Hur (animated), 2003.

POPE, Carly 1980– PERSONAL Born August 28, 1980, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; sister of Kris Pope (an actor). Education: Attended University of British Columbia. Avocational Interests: All sports, long walks, writing poetry, reading, travel.

Television Work; Series: Additional voices, Aaagh! It’s the Mr. Hell Show! (animated), BBC–2, 2001–2002, broadcast as The Mr. Hell Show, Cinemax.

Addresses: Agent—Jennifer Craig, William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Characters Talent Agency, 8 Elm St., Toronto, Ontario M5G 1G7, Canada. Manager—Handprint Entertainment, 1100 Glendon Ave., Suite 1000, Los Angeles, CA 90024.

Film Appearances: Sir Robert McKintyre, Wrongfully Accused (also known as Leslie Nielsen ist sehr verdaechtig, Sehr verdaechtig, and Unter falschem Verdacht), Warner Bros., 1998. Voice, Mummies Alive! The Legend Begins (animated), Buena Vista Home Video, 1998. Spinworthy, Dudley Do–Right, Universal, 1999. Technician, The 6th Day (also known as Le sixieme jour), Columbia, 2000. Voice of the oak tree, Lion of Oz (animated; also known as Lion of Oz and the Badge of Courage and Le lion d’Oz), Sunbow Productions, 2000. High roller, Rat Race (also known as Course folle), Paramount, 2001.

Career: Actress. Appeared in a commercial for Pepsi soft drinks. Also worked as a dancer. CREDITS Film Appearances: Abbey, Disturbing Behavior, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1998. 260

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Sara Johnson, Aliens in the Wild Wild West (also known as Cowboys and Aliens and Phantom Town), Full Moon Entertainment/Kushner–Locke, 1999. Fawn, Snow Day, Paramount, 2000. Carla, Finder’s Fee, Lions Gate Films, 2001. Tasha Bess, The Glass House, Columbia, 2001. Young single mother, See Spot Run, Warner Bros., 2001. Cheryth Bleyn, Various Positions, Telefilm Canada/ British Columbia Film Commission/CanWest Western Independent Producers Fund, 2002. Tanya, Orange County, Paramount, 2002. Sara Novak, Nemesis Game (also known as Paper, Scissors, Stone), Lions Gate Films, 2003. Sarah Calder, Whitecoats, TVA International, 2003. Everyone, 2003.

PORTMAN RECORDINGS Music Videos: ⬙Big New Shoes,⬙ 1999. ⬙Don’t Even Try⬙ by Jessie Farrell, 2002. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Teen People, June, 2000, p. 95. TV Guide, January 15, 2000, pp. 42–44. Electronic: Carly Pope Fan Site,, September 29, 2003.

Television Appearances; Series: Samantha ⬙Sam⬙ McPherson, Popular, The WB, 1999–2001.

PORTMAN, Rachel 1960–

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Young Loreto Callaghan, Hemingway vs. Callaghan, CBC, 2003.

PERSONAL Full name, Rachel Mary Berkeley Portman; born December 11, 1960, in Haslemere, England; daughter of Berkeley Charles and Penelope (maiden name, Mowat) Portman; married Count Uberto Pasolini Dall’Onda (a producer), February 25, 1995; children: Anna Gwendolen, Giulia Ginevra, Niky Joan. Education: Worcester College, Oxford, B.A.

Television Appearances; Movies: Cheerleader, I’ve Been Waiting for You, NBC, 1998. Beth Tanner, A Cooler Climate, Showtime, 1999. Mari Ferraez, Our Guys: Outrage at Glen Ridge (also known as Outrage in Glen Ridge), ABC, 1999. Molly White, Trapped in a Purple Haze, ABC, 2000. Cindy Thomas, 1st to Die (also known as F1rst to Die and James Patterson’s F1rst to Die), NBC, 2003. Melissa ⬙Mel⬙ Rochester, This Time Around, ABC Family Channel, 2003.

Addresses: Agent—Kraft–Engel Management, 15233 Ventura Blvd., Suite 200, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403. Career: Composer and orchestrator.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The WB Radio Music Awards, The WB, 1999. The Teen Choice Awards 2000, Fox, 2000.

Awards, Honors: Named composer of the year, British Film Institute, 1988; Schneider Trophy, theme music of the year, Tric Celebrity Awards, 1989, for Precious Bane; Television Award nominations, best original television music, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1990, for The Woman in Black, and 1991, for Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit; Australian Film Institute Award nomination, best original score, 1994, for Sirens; Carlton TV Rank Films Labs creative originality award, Women in Film, 1996; international prize for film and media music, 1997; Academy Award, best original musical or comedy score, 1997, for Emma; Annie Award nomination, outstanding individual achievement for music in an animated feature production (with Don Black), International Animated Film Society, 1997, for the song ⬙As Long As There’s Christmas,⬙ Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas; Golden Satellite Award nomination, best motion picture score, International Press Academy, 1999, for

Television Appearances; Episodic: Teresa Chase, ⬙Manimal,⬙ Night Man, The Disney Channel and syndicated, 1998. Herself, ⬙Mommie Dearest,⬙ Grosse Pointe, The WB, 2000. Voice of Amelia, ⬙The New Ron,⬙ Kim Possible (animated), The Disney Channel, 2002. Voice of Amelia, ⬙Animal Attraction,⬙ Kim Possible (animated), The Disney Channel, 2003. Television Appearances; Other: Teen People’s 25 Hottest Stars under 25 (special), ABC, 2000. Beth Ann, The Ranch, 2003. 261


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Beloved; Georges Delerue Prize, Flanders International Film Festival, 1999, for Ratcatcher; Phoenix Film Critics Society Award and Golden Satellite Award nomination, both best original score, 2000, for The Legend of Bagger Vance; Muse Award, New York Women in Film and Television, 2000; Academy Award nomination and Chicago Film Critics Association Award nomination, both best original score, 2000, for The Cider House Rules; Grammy Award nomination, best score soundtrack album for a motion picture, television, or other visual media, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, 2001, for The Cider House Rules; Academy Award nomination, best original score, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best original score for a motion picture, both 2001, for Chocolat; World Soundtrack Award nomination, soundtrack composer of the year, 2001, for Chocolat and The Legend of Bagger Vance; Touchstone Award, Women in Music, 2001; Grammy Award nomination, best score soundtrack album for a motion picture, television, or other visual media, 2002, for Chocolat.

(And score producer) The Truth about Charlie, Universal, 2002. Film Work; Other: Music director, Privileged, New Yorker, 1982. Music arranger, ⬙Tannhauser,⬙ Meeting Venus, Warner Bros., 1991. Score producer, The Adventures of Pinocchio (also known as Carlo Collodi’s Pinocchio, Pinocchio, and Die Legende von Pinocchio), New Line Cinema, 1996. RECORDINGS Albums: Performer and composer, Benny & Joon, Milan Records, 1993. Orchestrator, Only You, Sony, 1994. Performer, Smoke, Hollywood Records, 1995. Performer and producer, To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything!, MCA, 1995. Orchestrator and producer, Emma, Hollywood Records, 1996. Orchestrator and composer, Addicted to Love, TVT, 1997. Performer, orchestrator, and producer, The Other Sister, Hollywood Records, 1999. Performer, Out at the Movies, Varese Records, 1999. Orchestrator, Pure Meditation, Milan Records, 2001. Orchestrator and producer, The Truth about Charlie, Sony, 2002. Performer, Hart’s War, Universal, 2002.

CREDITS Film Work; Orchestrator: Where Angels Fear to Tread, Fine Line, 1991. Used People, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1992. Benny & Joon, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1993. The Joy Luck Club, Buena Vista, 1993. The Road to Wellville, Columbia, 1994. The War of the Buttons (also known as La guerre des boutons, ca recommence), Warner Bros., 1994. Only You (also known as Him and Just in Time), TriStar, 1994. Sirens, Miramax, 1994. The Road to Wellville, Columbia, 1994. To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar, Universal, 1995. A Pyromaniac’s Love Story (also known as Burning Love), Buena Vista, 1995. Smoke (also known as Smoke—Raucher unter sich), Miramax, 1995. Emma, Miramax, 1996. Marvin’s Room, Miramax, 1996. Palookaville, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1996. Addicted to Love (also known as Forlorn), Miramax, 1997. (And song performer, ⬙Uhuru⬙) Beloved, Buena Vista, 1998. The Other Sister, Buena Vista, 1999. (And score producer) The Cider House Rules, Miramax, 1999. Ratcatcher, First Look Pictures Releasing, 2000. The Legend of Bagger Vance, DreamWorks, 2000. (And score producer) Chocolat, Miramax, 2000. The Emperor’s New Clothes (also known as I vestiti nuovi dell’imperatore), Paramount, 2002.

WRITINGS Film Scores: Privileged, New Yorker, 1982. Experience Preferred ... but Not Essential (also known as First Love; originally broadcast in England as a television movie), Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1982. Last Day of Summer, 1984. Sharma and Beyond, Cinecom International, 1986. 90 Degrees South, 1987. High Hopes, Skouras, 1988. Life Is Sweet, October Films, 1990. Antonia and Jane, 1991. Where Angels Fear to Tread, Fine Line, 1991. (And song ⬙Where Are the Words?⬙) Used People, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1992. Rebecca’s Daughters, 1992. The Joy Luck Club, Buena Vista, 1993. Friends, First Run Features, 1993. Ethan Frome, Miramax, 1993. Benny & Joon, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1993. The War of the Buttons (also known as La guerre des boutons, ca recommence), Warner Bros., 1994. 262

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Only You (also known as Him and Just in Time), TriStar, 1994. Sirens, Miramax, 1994. The Road to Wellville, Columbia, 1994. To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar, Universal, 1995. A Pyromaniac’s Love Story (also known as Burning Love), Buena Vista, 1995. Smoke (also known as Smoke—Raucher unter sich), Miramax, 1995. The Adventures of Pinocchio (also known as Carlo Collodi’s Pinocchio, Pinocchio, and Die Legende von Pinocchio), New Line Cinema, 1996. Emma, Miramax, 1996. Palookaville, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1996. Marvin’s Room, Miramax, 1996. (And songs, including ⬙As Long As There’s Christmas,⬙ with Don Black) Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (also known as Beauty and the Beast 2), Walt Disney Home Video, 1997. Addicted to Love (also known as Forlorn), Miramax, 1997. Home Fries, Warner Bros., 1998. (And songs ⬙Little Rice, Little Bean⬙ and ⬙Sethe’s Lullaby⬙) Beloved, Buena Vista, 1998. The Other Sister, Buena Vista, 1999. The Cider House Rules, Miramax, 1999. Ratcatcher, First Look Pictures Releasing, 2000. The Legend of Bagger Vance, DreamWorks, 2000. The Closer You Get (also known as American Women), Fox Searchlight, 2000. Chocolat, Miramax, 2000. The Emperor’s New Clothes (also known as I vestiti nuovi dell’imperatore), Paramount, 2002. Hart’s War, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2002. (Including song ⬙Charade d’amour⬙) The Truth about Charlie, Universal, 2002. Nicholas Nickleby, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2002. The Human Stain, Miramax, 2003. Mona Lisa Smile, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2003.

POTTS Monster Maker, 1989. Living with Dinosaurs, 1989. Precious Bane, PBS, 1989. The Widowmaker, 1990. Shoot to Kill, YTV, 1990. Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, Arts and Entertainment, 1990. The Woman in Black, Arts and Entertainment, 1991. Flea Bites, BBC, 1991. The Cloning of Joanna May, Arts and Entertainment, 1991. Great Moments in Aviation (also known as Shades of Fear), 1993. Television Music; Specials: Fearnot, NBC, 1987. Hans My Hedgehog, NBC, 1987. A Story Short, NBC, 1988. The Luck Child, NBC, 1988. Elizabeth R: A Year in the Life of the Queen, PBS, 1992. The Hollywood Soundtrack Story, AMC, 1995. Television Music; Other: Mr. Wakefield’s Crusade, BBC Wales, 1991. Also composer for Cariani and the Courtesans, BBC (England); Charlie the Kid, Thames (England); Nice Work, BBC; Think of England, BBC; and Twice through the Heart, BBC. Stage Music: The Little Prince (opera), Houston Grand Opera, Houston, TX, 2003. Also composer for Ourselves Alone, Royal Court Theatre, London.

Television Music; Miniseries: A Little Princess, PBS, 1987. The Storyteller (also known as Jim Henson’s The Storyteller), 1987. Young Charlie Chaplin, PBS, 1989. The Storyteller: Greek Myths (also known as Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Greek Myths), HBO, 1990.

Other: Composer, Fantasy for Cello and Piano, 1985.


Television Music; Movies: Reflections, Channel 4 (England), 1984. Four Days in July, BBC (England), 1984. Good As Gold, BBC, 1986. The Short and Curlies, Channel 4, 1987. 1914 All Out, YTV (England), 1987. The Falklands War: The Untold Story, YTV, 1987. Sometime in August, BBC, 1988. Loving Hazel, BBC, 1988.

Education: Yale University, degree (drama). Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Obie Award, Village Voice, outstanding performance, 1994, for The America Play. 263


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 CREDITS

First DOE technician, The Peacemaker, DreamWorks, 1997. Justice guard, Conspiracy Theory, Warner Bros., 1997. Black People Hate Me and They Hate My Glasses (short film), 2000.

Stage Appearances: Brazil, The America Play, New York Shakespeare Festival, Martinson Hall, Public Theatre, New York City, 1994. Gratiano, Overtime, Manhattan Theatre Club Stage II, New York City, 1996. David Bradley, Mud, River, Stone, Playwrights’ Horizons Theatre, New York City, 1997. Sir Lucius O’Trigger, The Rivals, Adams Memorial Theatre, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Williamstown, MA, 1998. Julius Snaith, A Cup of Coffee, Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1999. Nicola, Arms and the Man, Roundabout Theatre Company, Gramercy Theatre, New York City, 2000. Ray and doctor, Joe Fearless (A Fan Dance), New York Performance Works, Atlantic Theatre, New York City, 2000. Brooklyn Bridge (staged reading), National Arts Club, New York City, 2000. Benvolio, Romeo and Juliet, Center Theatre Group, Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles, 2001. Revivalist minister, Salome (staged reading), Falconworks Artists Group, New York City, 2001. Rudy, Once around the City (musical), Second Stage Theatre, New York City, 2001. Feste, Twelfth Night, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, Public Theatre, New York City, 2002. ⬙Golden Boy,⬙ Encores!, City Center Theatre, New York City, 2002. ⬙Haiti,⬙ Brave New World: American Theatre Responds to 9/11, Town Hall Theatre, New York City, 2002. Counselor to the king, The Persians, National Actors Theatre, Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts, New York City, 2003. Member of ensemble, Highway Ulysses, American Repertory Theatre Company, Loeb Drama Center, Cambridge, MA, 2003.

Also appeared in George: A True Story and Stonewall. Television Appearances; Episodic: Mel, ⬙Yes, We Have NO Cannolis,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1996. Reggie Dobbs, ⬙Entrapment,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1997. Detective Jackson, ⬙No Secrets,⬙ Trinity, NBC, 1998. Floyd, ⬙The Wedding,⬙ Cosby, CBS, 1999. Reinhardt, ⬙Medium Rare,⬙ Oz, HBO, 2001. Brother Mouzone, The Wire, HBO, 2003. Also appeared in As the World Turns, CBS; Comic Strip Live, Fox; One Life to Live, ABC; and Queens Supreme, CBS. Television Appearances; Other: Voice, The West (miniseries), PBS, 1996. Voice of Isaac, Thomas Jefferson (special), PBS, 1997.

PRESSMAN, David 1965– PERSONAL Born November 6, 1965, in New York, NY; son of Lawrence Pressman (an actor). Addresses: Agent—Pakula/King and Associates, 9229 West Sunset Blvd., Suite 315, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Career: Actor.

Appeared in Jocasta, Voice and Vision Company, New York City; appeared in New York City productions of The 52nd Street Project, Playboy of the West Indies, and Rent; appeared in regional productions of The Hostage, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Othello, and Randy Newman’s Faust; also appeared in The Death of the Last Black Man in the Whole Entire World and St. Joan of the Stockyards.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Boy with envelope, Paradise Motel, Saturn International, 1984. Kid at grocery store, Black Moon Rising, 1986. Carlton, Pyrates, Vestron Video, 1991. Hospital prison ward guard, The Rocketeer, Walt Disney, 1991. Assistant lieutenant, Stargate (also known as Stargate, la porte des etoiles), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1994. Alex, Independence Day (also known as ID4), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996.

Film Appearances: Bill, Halloween Night (also known as The Damning, Death Mask, and Hack–o–Lantern), Atlantic Video, 1990. Tow truck driver, Hackers, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/ United Artists, 1995. 264

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Second protester, Volcano, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1997. Anchorage captain, Godzilla, TriStar, 1998. Brian, Lip Service, Artist View Entertainment, 2001. Maori tribesman, Zoolander, Paramount, 2001. Assistant director, Gigli, Columbia, 2003.

PRYOR PRYOR, Nicholas 1935– (Nicholas Probst) PERSONAL

Television Appearances; Series: Coozman, Imagine That, NBC, 2002.

Original name, Nicholas David Probst; born January 28, 1935, in Baltimore, MD; son of J. Stanley (a pharmaceutical manufacturer) and Dorothy (maiden name, Driskill) Probst; married Joan Epstein (an actress), December 21, 1958 (divorced, 1968); married Melinda Plank (an actress and dancer), February 27, 1968 (divorced); married Pamela (divorced); married Christina Belford; children: (third marriage) Stacey. Education: Yale University, B.A., drama, 1956.

Television Appearances; Movies: Sacrificial lamb, Police Story: The Freeway Killings, NBC, 1987. Television Appearances; Episodic: Roy, ⬙Take My Ex–Wife Please,⬙ Eisenhower & Lutz, CBS, 1988. Teenager, ⬙The Whiplash Kid Returns: Part 1,⬙ Eisenhower & Lutz, CBS, 1988. Fraternity boy, ⬙Animal Frat—October 19, 1967,⬙ Quantum Leap, NBC, 1990. Mr. Miller, ⬙The Christmas Mystery,⬙ Father Dowling Mysteries, ABC, 1990. Tino, ⬙Love Ya, Babe,⬙ Sydney, CBS, 1990. Waiter, ⬙Rose Loves Miles⬙ (also known as ⬙Ro$e Love$ Mile$⬙), The Golden Girls, NBC, 1991. Second guy, ⬙Kids,⬙ Blossom, NBC, 1992. Gasmer, ⬙The Good, the Bad, and the Pharmacist,⬙ Grace under Fire (also known as Grace under Pressure), ABC, 1993. Michael Walker, ⬙And the Heat Goes On,⬙ The John Larroquette Show, NBC, 1995. Recording engineer, ⬙Attraction,⬙ The Single Guy, NBC, 1995. Mike, ⬙Kelly’s Gotta Habit,⬙ Married ... with Children, Fox, 1996. Nino, ⬙Lockdown,⬙ Malcolm & Eddie, UPN, 1997. Recruiter, ⬙Romeo and Julie,⬙ Working, NBC, 1999. Tony, ⬙The Royal Flush,⬙ Unhappily Ever After, The WB, 1999. Ed Miller, ⬙Witches in Tights,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2002.

Addresses: Office—c/o Port Charles, ABC–TV, 4151 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027. Contact—SBD Partners, 1801 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 902, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Actor. Worked as a cabinet maker and inventor; developed and patented an accessory that improves the usefulness and storage capacity of household closets. Member: Actors’ Equity Association, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Screen Actors Guild, Writers Guild of America East. Awards, Honors: National scholar, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, 1953; RCA–NBC acting scholar, Yale University, 1955–56. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Ernest Cooper, Young Dr. Malone, NBC, 1959. Rex Stern, The Brighter Day, CBS, 1960–1961 (some sources cite 1958). Johnny Ellis, The Secret Storm, CBS, 1962–1963. Search for Tomorrow, CBS, 1963. As the World Turns, 1965. Ken Cora (some sources cite Ken Alexander), The Nurses, ABC, 1965–1967. Paul Bradley, Love Is a Many Splendored Thing, CBS, 1967. Lincoln ⬙Linc⬙ Tyler III, All My Children, ABC, 1971–1972. Joel Gantry, The Edge of Night, CBS, 1973–1974 and 1981–1982. Jeffrey Trout, a recurring role, Eight Is Enough, 1979–1981. Jack Felspar, The Bronx Zoo, NBC, 1986.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Sam Durkin, Jr., FM, NBC, 1989. Carl, Girl’s Best Friend, CBS, 1994. Elliot Tanny (some sources spell name Tenney), Can’t Hurry Love, CBS, 1995. Jonathan, World on a String, Fox, 1997. Appeared as Fuddy’s coworker, What’s Up, Peter Fuddy?, Fox. RECORDINGS Videos: (In archive footage) Alex, Independence Day: The ID4 Invasion, 1996. 265


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Chancellor Milton Arnold, a recurring role, Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1993–1997. Victor Collins, Port Charles (also known as Port Charles: Fate, Port Charles: Miracles Happen, Port Charles: Naked Eyes, Port Charles: Secrets, Port Charles: Superstitions, Port Charles: Tainted Love, Port Charles: Tempted, Port Charles: Time in a Bottle, and Port Charles: Torn), ABC, 1997—. Victor Collins, General Hospital, beginning 1997.

Majority Rule, Lifetime, 1992. Philip Carlyle, Love Can Be Murder (also known as Kindred Spirits), NBC, 1992. Judge Lamartine, Murder between Friends, NBC, 1994. Don Barnett, Trial by Fire, ABC, 1995. Paul Coster, Cagney & Lacey: Together Again, CBS, 1995. Paul Cleary, Broken Trust (also known as Court of Honor), TNT, 1995. Perry Davies, Betrayed: A Story of Three Women, ABC, 1995. Ralph Gilchrist, A Walton Wedding, CBS, 1995. Frank Sanborn, Carriers (also known as Virus X—Die toedliche Falle), CBS, 1998. Walter Burkett, Without Warning (also known as Diagnosis Murder: Without Warning), CBS, 2002.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: John Quincy Adams II, The Adams Chronicles, 1976. Hank Ferris, Washington: Behind Closed Doors, ABC, 1977. James Grew, East of Eden (also known as John Steinbeck’s East of Eden), ABC, 1981. Noble House (also known as James Clavell’s Noble House), 1988. Bert Yeager, Ruby Ridge: An American Tragedy (also known as Every Knee Shall Bow: The Siege at Ruby Ridge and The Siege at Ruby Ridge), CBS, 1996. Gerry Uelman, American Tragedy, CBS, 2000.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Kraft Television Theatre, NBC, 1955. The U.S. Steel Hour, CBS, 1958. Omnibus, ABC, 1958. The DuPont Show of the Month, NBC, 1960. Robert, ⬙Dear Arthur,⬙ Ford Startime, NBC, 1960. Dane Ross, ⬙The Changing Heart,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, NBC, 1961. Tom Baxter, premiere episode, Another World (also known as Another World: Bay City), NBC, 1964. ⬙A Little Shuck and a Whole Lotta Jive,⬙ Kaz, 1978. Clint Reilly, ⬙Passport to Murder,⬙ Hart to Hart, ABC, 1979. Al Mitchell, ⬙Kids,⬙ Lou Grant, 1979. Major Nathaniel Burnham, ⬙Rumor at the Top,⬙ M*A*S*H, CBS, 1981. ⬙Brain Child,⬙ Trapper John, M.D., 1981. ⬙A Time of Peril,⬙ McClain’s Law, 1981. Horace Simmons, ⬙The Late Sarah White,⬙ Tales of the Gold Monkey, ABC, 1982. Royal Wilder, ⬙Times Are Changing: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Little House on the Prairie (also known as Little House: A New Beginning), NBC, 1982. Victor Farrell, ⬙Double Entry,⬙ Simon & Simon, 1982. Dr. Braft, ⬙Matthew Star D.O.A.,⬙ The Powers of Matthew Star, 1983. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, ⬙Destiny’s Choice,⬙ Voyagers!, 1983. Norman MacClafferty, ⬙Golden Opportunity,⬙ Cover Up, 1984. Harry Parmel, ⬙Capitol Offense,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1985. Mr. Ardrey, ⬙The Life and Time of Dominic Florio, Jr.,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1985. Vince, ⬙Many Happy Returns,⬙ Knight Rider, NBC, 1985. Nathan Billings, ⬙The Ewing Connection,⬙ Dallas, CBS, 1985. Nathan Billings, ⬙Sentences,⬙ Dallas, CBS, 1985. Nathan Billings, ⬙The Verdict,⬙ Dallas, CBS, 1985. Dr. Maurice Boland, ⬙The Californians,⬙ Dynasty, 1985. Howard McBride, ⬙Does Not Compute,⬙ Riptide, 1985.

Television Appearances; Movies: Art Beresford, Fear on Trial, CBS, 1975. James T. O’Neil, Force Five (also known as Final Tactic), CBS, 1975. Mack, Widow, NBC, 1976. Manners, The Life and Assassination of the Kingfish (also known as Every Man a King), NBC, 1977. Man in a sports car, Night Terror, NBC, 1977. Jeff Kramer, Having Babies II, ABC, 1977. Bill Gilmore, Rainbow, NBC, 1978. Dick Owens, Reunion, CBS, 1980. Dave Gildea, The Plutonium Incident, CBS, 1980. Larry Wax, Marriage Is Alive and Well, NBC, 1980. Ryan, The Last Song, CBS, 1980. Jacob, Gideon’s Trumpet, CBS, 1980. Ed Lissik, The $5.20 an Hour Dream, CBS, 1980. Ralph Dortlund, Desperate Voyage, CBS, 1980. Elwin Potter, A Few Days in Weasel Creek, CBS, 1981. Dr. Judd, Splendor in the Grass, NBC, 1981. Greg Baker, Sr., The Kid from Nowhere, NBC, 1982. John Cye Cheasty, Blood Feud, syndicated, 1983. Dr. Thompson, Amazons, ABC, 1984. Mitchell McKay, Second Sight: A Love Story, CBS, 1984. Larry Walker, Into Thin Air, CBS, 1985. Freddie Dayton, Murder in Three Acts (also known as Agatha Christie’s Murder in Three Acts), CBS, 1986. Richard Baxter, A Stoning in Fulham County (also known as The Amish Story, Incident at Tile Mill Road, and The Stoning), NBC, 1988. Mr. Exeter, The Diamond Trap (also known as The Great Diamond Robbery), CBS, 1988. Colonel William Devereaux, Nightbreaker (also known as Advance to Ground Zero), TNT, 1989. Gordon Padway, The Hit Man, 1991. 266

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

PRYOR Dr. Kloves, ⬙The Pursuit of Dignity,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 1998. Dr. Llewellyn Young, ⬙The Crash,⬙ Gideon’s Crossing, ABC, 2001. Bart Shell, ⬙Paternity,⬙ The Guardian, CBS, 2001. Special Prosecutor Clement Rollins, ⬙Ways and Means,⬙ The West Wing, NBC, 2001. Father Tom, ⬙Bad Chemistry,⬙ That’s Life, ABC, 2001. ⬙Admissions,⬙ Strong Medicine, Lifetime, 2002. John Colohan, ⬙Meet the Grandparents,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2003. John Colohan, ⬙Maybe Baby,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2003. John Colohan, ⬙Yo, Adrian,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2003.

Dr. Maurice Boland, ⬙Moment of Truth,⬙ The Colbys, 1985. Ryan, ⬙Four O’Clock,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, NBC, 1986. Prison doctor, ⬙Cheek to Cheek,⬙ St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1986. Dr. Fetlock, ⬙One for the Books,⬙ Amazing Stories, 1986. Scott Cunningham, ⬙My Dad’s Bigger Than Yours,⬙ Sidekicks, 1986. Ben Crawley, ⬙When the Bough Breaks,⬙ Falcon Crest, CBS, 1987. The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, NBC, 1987. Jary Mallot, ⬙First Love,⬙ Rags to Riches, 1987. Professor Darnell, ⬙My Fair Tony,⬙ Who’s the Boss?, 1988. Dr. Simon Brill, ⬙Plastic Fantastic Lovers,⬙ Moonlighting, ABC, 1989. Porter, ⬙Conflict of Interest,⬙ Mancuso, FBI, 1989. David Kingston, ⬙O’Malley’s Luck,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1990. Theo Cayle, ⬙The Committee,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1991. Dr. Frankovich, ⬙Like Father, Like Son,⬙ Growing Pains, 1991. ⬙The Amazing Lassie,⬙ The New Lassie, 1991. Dr. Birch, ⬙There Goes the Judge,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1991. Dr. Birch, ⬙Monkey on My Back Lot,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1991. Dr. Birch, ⬙P.S. Your Shrink Is Dead,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1992. Jack, ⬙Tippecanoe and Georgie, Too!,⬙ Sisters, NBC, 1992. Mr. Simpson, Jack’s Place, ABC, 1992. Moriarty, Picket Fences, CBS, 1993. Doctor, The Mommies, NBC, 1993. George Lazlo, Jack’s Place, ABC, 1993. Dr. Paul Dodge, ⬙The Obsession,⬙ Matlock, ABC, 1993. Senator George Stewart, ⬙The Washington Affair: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, CBS, 1994. Dr. Harold Halpern, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1994. David Robinson, ⬙System Down,⬙ Picket Fences, CBS, 1994. Board member, ⬙Growth Pains,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. Phil, ⬙The Spider Webb,⬙ Nowhere Man, UPN, 1995. Alvin Felton, ⬙Miracle,⬙ Live Shot, UPN, 1995. Eugene ⬙Gene⬙ Bennett, ⬙Analogies,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1995. Eugene ⬙Gene⬙ Bennett, ⬙The Wedding,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1995. Dr. Raymond Huxley, ⬙A History of Murder,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1996. Eugene ⬙Gene⬙ Bennett, ⬙Going Home,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1996. Eugene ⬙Gene⬙ Bennett, ⬙Don’t Let Go,⬙ Party of Five, Fox, 1996. Joe Hockhowser, ⬙Buried in Peace,⬙ The Cape, 1996.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Ellsworth, The Outside Man, CBS, 1977. Harry Featherstone, Revenge of the Gray Gang, NBC, 1981. Scott Thomas, Homeroom, ABC, 1981. Walker Garrett, The Big Easy, ABC, 1982. Crazy Like a Fox, 1984. Nelson Sturgess, Starting Now, CBS, 1989. Captain Barrisford, Angie, the Lieutenant (also known as Angie), ABC, 1992. Eugene ⬙Gene⬙ Bennett, Party of Five, Fox, 1994. Richard, Dark Angel, Fox, 1996. Television Appearances; Other: Tom, Star for Tonight, NBC, 1955. Hallmark Hall of Fame (special), NBC, 1959. Appeared as Arthur in a broadcast of Ah, Wilderness. Film Appearances: Lionel Aldridge, The Way We Live Now, United Artists, 1970. Paul Kearney, Man on a Swing, Paramount, 1974. Andy DiCarlo, Smile, United Artists, 1975. Carl Gordon, The Happy Hooker, Cannon, 1975. Professor Samuel Graves, The Gumball Rally, Warner Bros., 1976. Dr. Charles Warren, Damien: Omen II (also known as Omen II and Omen II: Damien), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1978. George Brockington, The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh, United Artists, 1979. Jim Hammen, Airplane! (also known as Flying High), Paramount, 1980. Joel’s father, Risky Business, Warner Bros., 1983. Eddie, The Falcon and the Snowman, Orion, 1984. John Pilgrim, Choke Canyon (also known as On Dangerous Ground), United Film Distribution, 1986. Senator Tom Stewart, Morgan Stewart’s Coming Home (also known as Home Front), New Century/Vista, 1987. 267


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Benjamin Wells, Less Than Zero, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1987. Ramsen Conklin and man in bloody white suit, Brain Dead (also known as Paranoia), Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1990. Hotel manager, Pacific Heights, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1990. Hoffa’s attorney, Hoffa, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1992. Peter Farrell, Sliver (also known as Sliver—Gier der Augen), Paramount, 1993. Bidwell, Hail Caesar, Crystal Sky Communications, 1994. Judge Flynn F. Slattery, The Chamber, Universal, 1996. Secretary of State Jack Douglas, Executive Decision (also known as Critical Decision), Warner Bros., 1996. Paul Moran, Murder at 1600 (also known as Murder at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue), Warner Bros., 1997. Dr. Prentice, Molly, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1999. Dale, The Bachelor, New Line Cinema, 1999. Senator Delich, Collateral Damage, Warner Bros., 2002.

Ernest, The Importance of Being Earnest, Star Theatre, 1954. Turk, Come Back, Little Sheba, Star Theatre, 1954. Arthur, Detective Story, Star Theatre, 1954. Don, The Moon Is Blue, Star Theatre, 1954. Simon, Hay Fever, Star Theatre, 1954. John, The Old Maid, Drew Theatre, East Hampton, NY, 1957. (As Nicholas Probst) Captain Dupont, Small War on Murray Hill, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1957. Roger Parson, The Egghead, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 1957. Bill, Love Me Little, Helen Hayes Theatre, New York City, 1958. Bezano, He Who Gets Slapped, Falmouth Playhouse, Falmouth, MA, 1958. Jimmie Keefe, Howie, Forty–Sixth Street Theatre, New York City, 1958. Buzz, The Highest Tree, Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1959. Fredricks, Craig’s Wife, Tappan Zee Playhouse, Nyack, NY, 1960. Schuyler Grogan, Invitation to a March, Ogunquit Playhouse, Ogunquit, ME, 1961. Ed Hughes, The Advocate, Bucks County Playhouse, New Hope, PA, 1962. James Keller, The Miracle Worker, Bucks County Playhouse, 1962. Romeo, Romeo and Juliet, Casino Park Playhouse, Holyoke, MA, 1963. Young man, Moments of Love, Westport County Playhouse, Westport, CT, 1963. Understudy for Nick, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Billy Rose Theatre, New York City, 1964. Barney, A Party for Divorce, Provincetown Playhouse, New York City, 1966. Tiger, The Rehearsal, Theatre of Living Arts, Philadelphia, PA, 1968. James Daley, That Championship Season, Booth Theatre, New York City, 1974. Gordon, Thieves, Broadhurst Theatre, New York City, 1974. Mr. Webb, Our Town, 1990–1991.

Stage Appearances: Peter, Light Up the Sky, Drummond Players, Baltimore, MD, 1951. Trock, Winterset, Drummond Players, 1951. Haimon, Antigone, Drummond Players, 1951. John, John Loves Mary, Drummond Players, 1951. Loevborg, Hedda Gabler, Drummond Players, 1951. The Father, Drummond Players, 1951. Peg o’ My Heart, Drummond Players, 1951. Lord Chancellor, Iolanthe, Camden Hills Theatre, Camden, ME, 1952. Arthur Kindred, Detective Story, Camden Hills Theatre, 1952. Randy Curtis, Lady in the Dark, Camden Hills Theatre, 1952. Singer, My Heart’s in the Highlands, Camden Hills Theatre, 1952. Cromwell, Henry VIII, Camden Hills Theatre, 1952. Gremio, The Taming of the Shrew, Camden Hills Theatre, 1952. Owen, Jenny Kissed Me, Camden Hills Theatre, 1952. Launcelot Gobbo, The Merchant of Venice, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Ashland, 1953. Hortensio, The Taming of the Shrew, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, 1953. Suffolk, Henry IV, Part I, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, 1953. Coriolanus, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, 1953. Paul Verrall, Born Yesterday, Star Theatre, Minneapolis, MN, 1954.

Major Tours: Alan, The Boys in the Band, U.S. cities, 1969–1970. WRITINGS Television Episodes: ⬙The Overnight Case,⬙ Way Out, 1961.


Q–R Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare (also known as A Nightmare on Elm Street 6), New Line Cinema, 1991. Cousin Bobby, Cinevista, 1992. The Bargain Shop, 1992. The Ballad of Little Joe, Fine Line, 1993. All Things Bright and Beautiful, 1994. Vanya on 42nd Street, Sony Pictures Classics, 1994. Leaving Las Vegas, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1995. Carried Away (also known as Acts of Love), Fine Line, 1996. Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love, Trimark Pictures, 1997. One Night Stand, New Line Cinema, 1997. Sheet Rock, Sheet Rock Productions, 1997. One True Thing, MCA/Universal, 1998. 2 by 4, Strand Releasing, 1999. (And co–executive producer) This Is My Father (also known as L’histoire de mon pere), Sony Pictures Classics, 1999. Flawless, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1999. 28 Days, Columbia, 2000. Monsoon Wedding (also known as Le mariage des moussons), USA Films, 2002. In America, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2002. (With others) City by the Sea, Warner Bros., 2002. ⬙India,⬙ in 11’09⬙01—September 11 (also known as 11 minutes 9 seconds 1 image and Onze minutes, neuf secondes, un cadre), Empire Pictures, 2003. Cold Creek Manor, Buena Vista, 2003.

QUINN, Declan 1957– PERSONAL Born 1957; raised in Chicago, IL; father, a college professor; brother of Aidan Quinn (an actor), James Quinn (an actor), Marian Quinn (an actress), and Paul Quinn (an actor); married Etta; children: four daughters, including Stella, Sarah, and Rae. Education: Columbia College, Chicago, IL, graduated, 1979. Religion: Roman Catholic. Addresses: Agent—Peters, Fraser & Dunlop, Drury House, 34–43 Russell St., London WC2B 5HA, England. Career: Cinematographer and producer. Began career at Windmill Land Studios in Ireland. Photographer for commercials and public service announcements, including an AIDS awareness series for MTV, c. 1991, and commercials for Radio Shack electronics stores, Avis car rental agencies, Aruba Travel Board, Children’s Advil pain reliever, Pizza Hut restaurants, Unique Boutique, Coca Cola soft drinks, and Lee jeans. Awards, Honors: Clio Award, best cinematography, 1991, for ⬙MTV AIDS Campaign⬙; Annual CableACE Award, best cinematography, National Cable Television Association, c. 1993, for ⬙Dead–End for Delia,⬙ Fallen Angels; Independent Spirit Award, best cinematography, 1996, for Leaving Las Vegas; Cinematography Award, dramatic category, Sundance Film Festival, 1998, for 2 by 4; Independent Spirit Award, best cinematography, 1998, for Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love.

Television Cinematographer; Movies: Lapsed Catholic, RTE (Ireland), 1988. Clash of the Ash, RTE, 1987, then PBS, 1992. Lies of the Twins, USA Network, 1991. The Heart of Justice, TNT, 1993. Hysterical Blindness, HBO, 2002.

CREDITS Film Cinematographer: The Kill–Off, Cabriolet, 1989. Blood and Concrete—A Love Story (also known as Blood and Concrete), IRS Releasing, 1991.

Television Cinematographer; Specials: ⬙Over the Limit,⬙ ABC Afterschool Special, ABC, 1990. ⬙The Hollow Boy,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1991. 269


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Jesus de Montreal (also known as Jesus of Montreal), 1989, subtitled version, Orion Classics, 1990. Sexton, Cursed (also known as Pouvoir obscur), Pax Film International, 1990. Rostrovitch, Lola Zipper, Acteurs Auteurs Associes, 1991. Zigesfeld, If Looks Could Kill (also known as Teen Agent), Warner Bros., 1991. Dr. Bork, Stalked, Republic, 1994. Locust, Strip Search, A–Pix Entertainment, 1997. Kurt’s uncle, Provocateur (also known as Agent provocateur), Via Appia Communications, 1998. Governor Lawrence, Chasing Holden, Lions Gate Films, 2001. Bobcat, The Human Stain, Miramax, 2003.

Out of Order: Rock the Vote Targets Health Care, MTV, 1995. Television Cinematographer; Episodic: ⬙Dead–End for Delia,⬙ Fallen Angels, Showtime, 1993. ⬙The Quiet Room,⬙ Fallen Angels, Showtime, 1993. RECORDINGS Video Cinematographer: The Jim Rose Circus Sideshow, 1993. Also cinematographer for the music videos ⬙Rocky World⬙ by Daniel Lanois, 1983, ⬙U2: Unforgettable Fire,⬙ 1984, ⬙U2: Outside It’s America,⬙ 1987, ⬙Christy⬙ by Christy Moore, 1994, ⬙Tonight, Tonight⬙ by Smashing Pumpkins, and concert videos for REM, 1988 and 1994.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Hurlstone (some sources cite Hartstone), Spearfield’s Daughter, syndicated, 1986. Robert Oppenheimer, Race for the Bomb, CBC, 1986. John Dodge, Ford: The Man and the Machine, CBS, 1987. Abraham Lincoln, Champagne Charlie, syndicated, 1989. Vito, Vendetta II: The New Mafia (also known as Bride of Violence 2 and Donna d’onore 2), HBO, 1993. Bard, Hiroshima, Showtime, 1995. Dr. Weinrich, The Sleep Room, Lifetime, 1998. Hans Fritzsche, Nuremberg, TNT, 2000.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Elle, June, 1999, pp. 106–08, 110. Premiere, March, 1997, p. 38.


Television Appearances; Movies: Slepak (some sources cite Stepak), Secret Weapons (also known as Secrets of the Red Bedroom and Sexpionage), NBC, 1985. Edward, Young Ivanhoe, WIN, 1995. Mirak, For Love Alone: The Ivana Trump Story (also known as Ivana Trump’s For Love Alone), CBS, 1996. Reverend Schmidt, Free Money, Starz!, 1998. Windsor Protocol (also known as Jack Higgins’ Windsor Protocol), Showtime, 1998. Gilbert Miller, The Audrey Hepburn Story, ABC, 2000. Mr. Finerman, X Change, HBO, 2000. Mr. Walters, Someone Is Watching, Lifetime, 2000. Dr. Caldwell, The Killing Yard, Showtime, 2001. Reinhold Neibuhr, Varian’s War, Showtime, 2001. Brother Abel, The Case of the Whitechapel Vampire, Hallmark Channel, 2002.

PERSONAL Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Sol Silver, The Bay Boy (also known as Bad Company and Un printemps sous la neige), 1984, Orion, 1985. Discussions in Bioethics: The Courage of One’s Convictions (short film; also known as La bioethique: une question de choix—Le courage de ses convictions), National Film Board of Canada, 1985. Faulkner, Toby McTeague (also known as Toby), Filmline International, 1986. Automated Lovers (short film), National Film Board of Canada, 1986. Braindrain, Wild Thing, Atlantic Releasing, 1987. Dr. Rudge, Whispers (also known as Dean R. Koontz’s Whispers), International Video Entertainment, 1989. Mick, Mindfield, Allegro Films Distribution, 1989. William Green, Jacknife, Cineplex–Odeon, 1989.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Sheriff and security guard, ⬙The Tale of the Pinball Wizard,⬙ Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Nickelodeon, 1992. Boyfriend, ⬙The Needle and the Damage Done,⬙ Sirens, syndicated, 1994. Watcher, ⬙The Tale of Watcher’s Woods,⬙ Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Nickelodeon, 1994. 270

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RAITER Florio, ⬘Tis Pity She’s a Whore, New York Shakespeare Festival, Estelle R. Newman Theatre, Public Theatre, New York City, 1992. Monsignor Frigerio, Sacrilege, Belasco Theatre, New York City, 1995. Peter’s father, The Devils, New York Theatre Workshop, New York City, 1997. Ed, Defying Gravity, American Place Theatre, New York City, 1998. Philario and Philharmonous, Cymbeline, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, 1998. Narrator, The Glass Menagerie, Indiana Repertory Theatre, 1999. Egeon, The Comedy of Errors, Hartford Stage Company, Hartford, CT, 2000. Trufaldin, The Bungler, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 2000. Priam and Calchas, Troilus and Cressida, Theatre for a New Audience, American Place Theatre Main Stage, New York City, 2001. Francis Nurse, The Crucible, Virginia Theatre, New York City, 2002. The prince, La Dispute, American Repertory Theatre Company, Loeb Drama Center, Cambridge, MA, 2003.

John, ⬙The Lord Is My Shepherd,⬙ Soldier of Fortune, Inc. (also known as Special Ops Force), syndicated, 1999. Television Appearances; Other: Dr. Meister, The Blue Man (also known as Eternal Evil), 1985. Philippe Cameron, The Final Heist (also known as L’etrange rancon), 1991. Robert Oppenheimer, Einstein: Light to the Power of 2 (special), HBO, 1996. Mr. Winchwood, The Warden (pilot), TNT, 2001. WRITINGS Teleplays; Episodic: (With Louise Lamarre) ⬙The Tale of the Pinball Wizard,⬙ Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Nickelodeon, 1992.


Appeared in Oedipus, Broadway production; appeared in New York City productions of All’s Well That Ends Well, Endangered Species, Happy Days, and Marathon Dancing; appeared in The Last Hurrah, Huntington Theatre Company, Boston, MA.

Career: Actor. CREDITS

Film Appearances: Danny Yale, Lady in Cement, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1968. (Uncredited) Tough man, The Detective, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1968. Grant, The McMasters (also known as The Blood Crowd), Chevron, 1970. Warrior, A Man Called Horse, National General, 1970. Seabury, Q & A, TriStar, 1990. Slavko (some sources cite Stanko) Vasilj, Gospa, Penland, 1995.

Stage Appearances: Friar Laurence, Romeo and Juliet, Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL, 1985. Friar Laurence, Romeo and Juliet, Lowell Davies Festival Theatre, San Diego, CA, 1989. Jailor, officer, and servant, The Winter’s Tale, New York Shakespeare Festival, Anspacher Theatre, Public Theatre, New York City, 1989. Valentine, Twelfth Night; or, What You Will, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, Public Theatre, 1989. Savoisy and King Louis X, The Tower of Evil, Classic Stage Company Theatre, New York City, 1990. Gottfried Swetts, A Bright Room Called Day, New York Shakespeare Festival, LuEsther Hall, Public Theatre, New York City, 1990–1991. Ariste, The Learned Ladies, Classic Stage Company Theatre, 1991. Duke of Venice, Othello, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, 1991. Aegon, The Comedy of Errors, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, 1992. First Jew, Salome, Circle in the Square, New York City, 1992.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Monsignor Damien Ribot, ⬙Disciple,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 1999. Albert Jacobs, ⬙Blackout,⬙ Third Watch, NBC, 2002. Also appeared on All My Children, ABC. RECORDINGS Videos: Appeared in the music video ⬙Bad Girl⬙ by Madonna. 271


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

REASER, Elizabeth

REEVES, Matt 1966– (Matthew Reeves) PERSONAL

PERSONAL Full name, Matthew George Reeves; born April 27, 1966, in Rockville Centre, NY; raised in Los Angeles, CA. Education: University of Southern California, degree in film.

Education: Juilliard School, graduated. Addresses: Agent—Rhonda Price, The Gersh Agency, 41 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10010.

Addresses: Agent—John Lesher, Endeavor Agency, 9701 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Career: Actress.

Career: Director, writer, and producer.



Stage Appearances: Heavenly, Sweet Bird of Youth, La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla, CA, 1999. Froggy, Blackbird, Performance Space 122 (P.S.122), New York City, 2000. Mimi, The Hologram Theory, Blue Lights Theatre Company, McGinn–Cazale Theatre, New York City, 2000. Froggy, Blackbird, Bush Theatre, London, 2001. Shaylee Ledbetter and Sharice, Stone Cold Dead Serious, American Repertory Theatre Company, Loeb Drama Center, Cambridge, MA, 2002. Perdita, The Winter’s Tale, Classic Stage Company Theatre, New York City, 2003. Mr. Fox: A Rumination, O’Neill Playwright’s Conference, Waterford, CT, 2003.

Film Work: Director, ⬙Mr. Petrified Forest,⬙ Future Shock, Hemdale Home Video, 1994. Director, The Pallbearer, Miramax, 1996. Coproducer, The Yards, Miramax, 1999. Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Billable Hours,⬙ Relativity, ABC, 1997. ⬙All Is Bright⬙, Homicide: Life on the Street (also known as H:LOTS and Homicide), NBC, 1997. ⬙The Last Stand,⬙ Felicity, The WB, 1998. ⬙Felicity Was Here,⬙ Felicity, The WB, 1999. ⬙The Slump,⬙ Felicity, The WB, 2000. ⬙The Declaration,⬙ Felicity, The WB, 2001. (With Richard Hatem) ⬙The Ferguson Syndrome,⬙ Miracles, ABC, 2003.

Appeared as Tatjana, Tatjana in Color (some sources spell role as Tatyana and title as Tatyana in Color), Contemporary American Theatre Festival; also appeared in Closer, Portland Stage Center; and A Freeman in Paris, off–Broadway production.

Television Work; Series: Creator (with Jeffrey Abrams) and executive producer, Felicity, The WB, 1998–2002.

Film Appearances: Alison Holmes, Emmett’s Mark (also known as Killing Emmett Young), 2002. Young woman in class, Thirteen Conversations about One Thing (also known as 13 Conversations), Sony Pictures Classics, 2002.

Television Director; Pilots: Felicity, The WB, 1998. Gideon’s Crossing, ABC, 2000. Television Appearances; Specials: (As Matthew Reeves) Spotlight: David Schwimmer, Comedy Central, 1996.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Stace, ⬙D–Girl,⬙ The Sopranos, HBO, 2000. Serena Whitfield, ⬙The Insider,⬙ Law & Order: Criminal Intent, NBC, 2002.

WRITINGS Screenplays: Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (also known as Under Siege 2), Warner Bros., 1995. (With Jason Katims) The Pallbearer, Miramax, 1996. (With others) The Yards, Miramax, 1999.

Television Appearances; Other: Miriam, The Believer (movie), Showtime, 2001. Baseball Wives (pilot), HBO, 2002. 272

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REMINI Rose, ⬙Out of Ashes,⬙ Paradise, 1991. Serafina Tortelli, ⬙Unplanned Parenthood,⬙ Cheers, NBC, 1991. Ellen ⬙E. T.⬙ Travis, ⬙You Must Remember This,⬙ Blossom, NBC, 1991. Serafina Tortelli, ⬙Loathe and Marriage,⬙ Cheers, NBC, 1992. Daisy, ⬙She What?,⬙ Evening Shade, CBS, 1993. Daisy, ⬙The Graduation,⬙ Evening Shade, CBS, 1993. Gail Ross, ⬙Sergeant Kelly,⬙ The Commish, ABC, 1994. Tina, ⬙The King and I,⬙ Renegade, 1994. Agnes Benedetto, ⬙How to Murder Your Lawyer,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1995. Lydia, ⬙The One with the Birth,⬙ Friends, NBC, 1995. Angela Bohi, ⬙Closing Time,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1996. Guest, Late Show with David Letterman, 1999. Guest, The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn, CBS, 1999, 2000, 2001. Guest, The Howard Stern Show, E! Entertainment Television, 2000. Herself, ⬙Who’s the Boss?,⬙ TV Tales, 2002. Herself, ⬙Saved by the Bell,⬙ The E! True Hollywood Story, 2002. Guest cohost, The View, 2003.

REMINI, Leah 1970– PERSONAL Born June 15, 1970, in Brooklyn, NY; daughter of George Remini (owner of an asbestos removal company) and Vicki Marshall (a private school teacher); married Angelo Pagan (an actor and singer), July 19, 2003. Education: Studied acting at Beverly Hills Playhouse. Religion: Scientologist. Addresses: Office—c/o King of Queens, CBS–TV, 7800 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90036. Agent—Gold Liedtke Associates, 3500 West Olive Ave., Suite 1400, Burbank, CA 91505. Manager—Joel Stevens, Joel Stevens Entertainment, 11524 Amanda Dr., Studio City, CA 91604. Publicist—Karynne Tencer, Tencer and Associates Public Relations, 9777 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 504, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress. Appeared in commercials, including work for Quaker State Motor Oil. Worked as a telemarketer for a solar heating company, a cashier, a bill collector, and a waitress.

Television Appearances; Specials: ABC’s Comedy Sneak Peek, ABC, 1989. Woman on the street in New York, The All–American Thanksgiving Parade, 1998. Funny Flubs & Screw–Ups III, CBS, 1999. Voice of Vixen, Hooves of Fire (also known as Robbie the Reindeer in Hooves of Fire), BBC, 1999, then PBS, 2002. Celebrity Profile: Leah Remini, E! Entertainment Television, 2000. Interviewee, Intimate Portrait: Sharon Lawrence, Lifetime, 2000. Funny Flubs & Screw–Ups V, CBS, 2000. Host, CBS and VH1: Live at the Grammys, CBS, 2001. (In archive footage) Carrie Heffernan, The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, ABC, 2001. Herself, I Love Lucy’s 50th Anniversary Special, CBS, 2001. Voice of Koala, Legend of the Lost Tribe (also known as Robbie the Reindeer in Legend of the Lost Tribe), CBS, 2002. I Love the ’80s, VH1, 2002.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Charlie Briscoe, Living Dolls, ABC, 1989. Stacey Carosi, a recurring role, Saved by the Bell, 1991. Tina Bavasso, The Man in the Family, ABC, 1991. Voice of Carbine, Biker Mice from Mars (animated), syndicated, 1994, 1996. Voice of Sagan Cruz, Phantom 2040 (animated; also known as Phantom 2040: The Ghost Who Walks), syndicated, 1994. Dominique, First Time Out (also known as Jackie Guerra), The WB, 1995–1996. Terry Reynolds, Fired Up, NBC, 1996–1998. Carrie Heffernan, The King of Queens, CBS, 1998—. Television Appearances; Movies: Stephanie O’Neil, Getting Up and Going Home (also known as Unfaithful), Lifetime, 1992. Star Witness, 1995.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Frankie, Harlan & Merleen, CBS, 1993. Fun Jeans, Fox, 1995. Connie, Adam’s Way, The WB, 1996.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Let’s Rap,⬙ Head of the Class, 1988. Charlie Brisco, ⬙Life’s a Ditch,⬙ Who’s the Boss?, ABC, 1989. Charlie Brisco, ⬙Living Dolls,⬙ Who’s the Boss?, ABC, 1989. Joanne, ⬙A Sneaking Suspicion,⬙ Valerie (also known as The Hogan Family), 1990.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 53rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, CBS, 2001. Presenter, The 27th Annual People’s Choice Awards, CBS, 2001. 273


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination, best young actor costarring in a cable series, 1993, and Youth in Film Award nomination, best young actor, both for Fifteen; Young Hollywood Award, next generation male, 2003; MTV Movie Award nomination, breakthrough male performance, 2003, for Van Wilder.

Presenter, The 59th Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 2002. Presenter, The 29th Annual American Music Awards, ABC, 2002. Film Appearances: Theresa, Glory Daze, Seventh Art Releasing, 1995. Angie, Follow Your Heart, DMG Entertainment, 1997. Lara Campbell, Old School, DreamWorks, 2003.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Ganesh/Jeffrey, Ordinary Magic (also known as Ganesh), Triboro Entertainment, 1993. Howard Ancona, Life during Wartime (also known as The Alarmist), Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1997. Chip, Dick (also known as Dick, les coulisses de la presidence), Columbia/TriStar, 1999. Henry Lipschitz, Coming Soon, Unapix Entertainment, 2000. Red Shoes, We All Fall Down, Road Cone, 2000. Quigley, Finder’s Fee, Lions Gate Films, 2001. Mike Hanson, Buying the Cow, Destination Films, 2001. Title role, Van Wilder (also known as National Lampoon’s Van Wilder and Van Wilder: Party Liaison), Artisan Entertainment, 2002. Mark Tobias, The In–Laws, Warner Bros., 2003. Kevin, Foolproof, Odeon Films, 2003. Quentin, Standing Still, 2003. Michael D’Angelo, School of Life, School of Life Productions, 2003. Monty, Waiting..., Media Ventures Pictures/Wisenheimer Films, 2003.

RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Grace Nakimura, Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, 1994. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, March 29, 1999, p. 133. TV Guide, November 8, 1997, pp. 34–36. Electronic: Official Leah Remini Web Page, http://www.leahremini. net, August 8, 2003. Other: Celebrity Profile: Leah Remini (television special), E! Entertainment Television, 2000.

Television Appearances; Movies: Kevin Bannister, My Name Is Kate, ABC, 1994. Andy, Serving in Silence: The Margarethe Cammermeyer Story (also known as Serving in Silence), ABC, 1995. Ben Colson, A Secret between Friends: A Moment of Truth Movie (also known as When Friendship Kills), NBC, 1996. Wade Early, Tourist Trap, ABC, 1998. Karl O’Reilly, Big Monster on Campus (also known as Boltneck and Teen Monster), Cinemax, 1998.

REYNOLDS, Ryan 1976– PERSONAL Full name, Ryan Rodney Reynolds; born October 23, 1976, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; son of Jim (a food wholesaler and former semi–professional boxer) and Tammy (in retail sales) Reynolds. Education: Attended Kwantlen College in Canada.

Television Appearances; Series: Billy Simpson, Fifteen (also known as Hillside), Nickelodeon, 1991–1994. Macro, a recurring role, The Odyssey, Sci–Fi Channel, 1993–1994. Michael Leslie ⬙Berg⬙ Bergen, Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place (also known as Two Guys and a Girl), ABC, beginning 1998.

Addresses: Office—Dark Trick Films, 421 North Beverly Dr., Suite 280, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Agent— Darren Statt, United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager— Jonathan Perry, Original Film Management, 2045 South Barrington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025. Publicist— Baker/Wynokur/Ryder, 9100 Wilshire Blvd., 5th Floor W., Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Derek Tillman, ⬙If These Walls Could Talk,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime, 1995.

Career: Actor. Dark Trick Films, Beverly Hills, CA, partner. Formerly worked in a grocery store. 274

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 ⬙Redemption,⬙ Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years, 1995. Jay ⬙Boom⬙ DeBoom, ⬙Syzygy,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1996. Tony Hemingway, ⬙Napping to Success,⬙ The John Larroquette Show, 1996. Paul Nodel, ⬙Double Helix,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1997. Paul Nodel, ⬙The Origin of Species,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1998. Guest, SM:TV Live, ITV1 (England), 2002. Spence, ⬙My Dream Job,⬙ Scrubs, NBC, 2003. Guest, The View, 2003.

RICHMOND Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award (with others), best young actor/actress ensemble in a television comedy, drama series, or special, 1989, for The Cosby Show; Young Artist Award nomination, best supporting young actor in a television comedy series—supporting young actor, 1999, for Sister, Sister. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Kenny/⬙Bud,⬙ a recurring role, The Cosby Show, NBC, 1987–1989. Darren Dixon, Getting By, ABC, 1993, then NBC, 1993–1994. Jordan Bennett, a recurring role, Sister, Sister, The WB, 1998.

Appeared as Rick in an episode of The Marshal, ABC. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Young Hollywood Awards, 2003. 2003 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 2003.

Television Appearances; Movies: Jackie Watson, The Child Saver, NBC, 1988. Thomas Jefferson III, Desperado: The Outlaw Wars, NBC, 1989. Nat Crawford, Hallelujah, PBS, 1993. Coffee person, High Freakquency (also known as 24/7 Radio), Black Entertainment Television, 1998.

Television Appearances; Other: Bobby Rupp, In Cold Blood (miniseries), CBS, 1996. Seth, Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (pilot), ABC, 1996. Reel Comedy: National Lampoon’s Van Wilder (special), Comedy Central, 2002. RECORDINGS

Television Appearances; Specials: Kenny/⬙Bud⬙ (in archive footage) and himself, The Cosby Show: A Look Back, NBC, 2002.

Videos: Appeared in the music video ⬙Bouncing off the Walls⬙ by Sugarcult.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Kenny/⬙Bud,⬙ ⬙Cliff in Charge,⬙ The Cosby Show, NBC, 1986. Kenny/⬙Bud,⬙ ⬙Theo’s Flight,⬙ The Cosby Show, NBC, 1986. Kenny/⬙Bud,⬙ ⬙Getting the Story,⬙ The Cosby Show, NBC, 1990. Kenny/⬙Bud,⬙ ⬙The Last Barbecue,⬙ The Cosby Show, NBC, 1990. Kenny/⬙Bud,⬙ ⬙Not Everybody Loves the Blues,⬙ The Cosby Show, NBC, 1990. Kenny/⬙Bud,⬙ ⬙Rudy’s Walk on the Wild Side,⬙ The Cosby Show, NBC, 1990. Kenny/⬙Bud,⬙ ⬙Particles in Motion,⬙ The Cosby Show, NBC, 1991. Kenny/⬙Bud,⬙ ⬙Two Is a Crowd,⬙ The Cosby Show, NBC, 1991. Kenny/⬙Bud,⬙ ⬙And So We Commence: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Cosby Show, NBC, 1992. Kenny/⬙Bud,⬙ ⬙Bring Me the Lip Gloss of Deirdre Arpelle,⬙ The Cosby Show, NBC, 1992. Kenny/⬙Bud,⬙ ⬙Some Gifts Aren’t Deductible,⬙ The Cosby Show, NBC, 1992. Kenny/⬙Bud,⬙ ⬙You Can’t Stop the Music,⬙ The Cosby Show, NBC, 1992. Kevin, ⬙Girl Talk,⬙ On Our Own, ABC, 1995. Kevin, ⬙Little Rascals,⬙ On Our Own, ABC, 1995.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: TV Guide, May 27, 2000, pp. 26–28.

RICHMOND, Deon 1978– PERSONAL Born April 2, 1978, in New York, NY. Education: Attended Professional Children’s School and the American Film Institute. Avocational Interests: Basketball, football, listening to music, reading, video games. Addresses: Agent—Innovative Artists, 1505 Tenth St., Santa Monica, CA 90401. Manager—Cuzzins Management, 499 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Actor and producer. Appeared in television commercials. 275


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Lewis, ⬙R.O.T.C.,⬙ Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper, ABC, 1995. Troy Hollis, ⬙The Rake, the Fake, and the Gopher Snake,⬙ The Parent ⬘Hood, The WB, 1995. Lewis, ⬙Coach Counselor,⬙ Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper, ABC, 1996. Jordan Bennett, ⬙Two’s Company,⬙ Sister, Sister, The WB, 1997. Jordan Bennett, ⬙Sweet Talk,⬙ Sister, Sister, The WB, 1999.

Awards, Honors: Golden Ariel Award, Mexican Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences, 1973, for El castillo de la pureza; nomination for Golden Palm, Cannes Film Festival, 1974, for El santo oficio; Golden Ariel Award and Special Prize of the Jury, San Sebastian International Film Festival, both 1978, for El lugar sin limites; Golden Ariel Award, 1979, for Cadena perpetua; nomination for Golden Prize, Moscow International Film Festival, 1981, for La seduccion; Golden Ariel Award nomination, and Silver Ariel Award nomination, best direction, both 1984, for La viuda negra; Golden Ariel Award and Silver Ariel Award, best direction, both 1987, for El imperio de la fortuna; nomination for Golden St. George, Moscow International Film Festival, 1989, for Mentiras piadosas; Golden Seashell, San Sebastian International Film Festival, 1993, Golden Ariel Award, 1994, FIPRESCI Award and DICINE Award, both Guadalajara Mexican Film Festival, 1994, Grand Coral First Prize and FIPRESCI Award, both Havana Film Festival, 1994, and Special Achievement Award, San Diego International Film Festival, 1997, all for Principio y fin; nomination for Golden Palm, Cannes Film Festival, and nomination for Golden Kikito, best Latin film, Gramado Film Festival, both 1994, for La reina de la noche; FIPRESCI Award and DICINE Award, both Guadalajara Mexican Film Festival, 1995, for La mujer del puerto; Golden Lion Award nomination, Venice Film Festival, 1996, Grand Coral First Prize and award for best director, both Havana Film Festival, 1995, and honorable mention for Latin American Cinema Award, Sundance Film Festival, 1997, all for Profundo carmesi; Mayahuel Award, best film, Guadalajara Mexican Film Festival, and Silver Ariel Award nomination, best direction, both 1999, for El evangelio de las maravillas; nomination for Golden Palm, Cannes Film Festival, 1999, and Latin American Cinema Award, Sundance Film Festival, 2000, both for El coronel no tiene quien le escriba; Akira Kurosawa Award, San Francisco International Film Festival, 1999; Special Jury Prize and FIPRESCI Award (with Arcelia Ramirez), both Havana Film Festival, 2000, for Asi es la vida; Golden Seashell and FIPRESCI Award, San Sebastian International Film Festival, 2000, and two Golden Kikitos, best film and best director, both Latin film competition, 2002, all for La perdicion de los hombres; special mention for San Marco Prize, Venice Film Festival, 2002, for La virgen de la lujuria; retrospectives of Ripstein’s work have appeared at the Art Institute of Chicago and the Museum of Modern Art, New York City.

Appeared as ⬙T. C.⬙ in an episode of Me and the Boys, ABC. Television Appearances; Pilots: Moe, Moe’s World, ABC, 1990. Kenny, Southern Fried Ice, ABC, 1996. Jackson, Those Who Can, NBC, 2000. Film Appearances: Chet, Enemy Territory, Empire Pictures, 1987. Little Eddie, Eddie Murphy Raw (also known as Raw), Paramount, 1987. Tyrone, Mo’ Better Blues, Universal, 1990. Gregory Reed, Trippin’, October Films/Rogue Pictures, 1999. Tyson Fox, Scream 3, Miramax/Dimension Films, 2000. Malik, Not Another Teen Movie (also known as Sex Academy), Columbia/TriStar, 2001. Mini Cochran, Van Wilder (also known as National Lampoon’s Van Wilder, Van Wilder: Party Liaison, and Party Animals—wilder geht’s nicht), Artisan Entertainment, 2002. Shorty, The Blues, Ground Zero Entertainment, 2003. The Hustle, 2003. Film Work: Coproducer, The Blues, Ground Zero Entertainment, 2003.

RIPSTEIN, Arturo 1943– PERSONAL Full name, Arturo Ripstein Rosen; born December 13, 1943, in Mexico City, Mexico; son of Alfredo, Jr. (a producer) and Frieda (maiden name, Rosen) Ripstein; married Paz Alicia Garciadiego (a writer and composer). Education: Studied film at National Autonomous University of Mexico.

CREDITS Film Director: Tiempo de morir (also known as A Time to Die), Alameda Films, 1965. ⬙HO,⬙ Juego peligroso (also known as Jogo perigoso), Alameda Films, 1966.

Career: Director, producer, writer, and actor. Began career as an assistant director for filmmaker Luis Bunuel in 1962. 276

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Los recuerdos del porvenir (also known as Memories of the Future), Alameda Films, 1968. (And producer) La hora de los ninos (also known as The Children’s Hour), Cine Independiente de Mexico, 1969. (And producer) Crimen, 1970. (And producer) Exorcismo, 1970. (And producer) La belleza, 1970. (With Rafael Castanedo) El naufrago de la Calle Providencia (documentary; also known as The Castaway of Providence Street and The Castaway on the Street of Providence), 1970. (And producer) Autobiografia, 1971. El castillo de la pureza (also known as Castle of Purity), Estudios Churub busco Azteca, 1973. Los otros ninos, 1974. El santo oficio (also known as The Holy Office), 1975. Foxtrot (also known as The Far Side of Paradise and The Other Side of Paradise), New World, 1975. Lecumberri: El palacio negro (documentary; also known as Lecumberri: The Black Palace), 1976. El borracho, 1976. La causa (documentary; also known as The Cause), 1976. La viuda negra (also known as The Black Widow), 1977. El lugar sin limites (also known as Hell without Limits and The Place without Limits), 1978. Cadena perpetua (also known as In for Life and Vicious Circle), 1978. La Tia Alejandra, 1979. La ilegal, 1979. La seduccion (also known as Seduction), 1980. Rastro de muerte, 1981. El otro (also known as The Other), Conacine, 1984. Quitele el usted y tratamos, 1984. De todo como en botica, 1984. Contra hechos no hay palabras, 1986. El imperio de la fortuna (also known as The Realm of Fortune), Azteca, 1986. Mentiras piadosas (also known as Love Lies and White Lies), 1987. La mujer del puerto (also known as Woman of the Port), Alta Films, 1992. (And producer) Principio y fin (also known as The Beginning and the End), Prime Films, 1993. La reina de la noche (also known as The Queen of the Night and La reine de la nuit), JMM Invest, S.L., 1994. Profundo carmesi (also known as Deep Crimson and Carmin profond), New Yorker Films, 1996. El evangelio de las maravillas (also known as Divine), Wanda Distribucion Cinematografica de Films, 1998. El coronel no tiene quien le escriba (also known as No One Writes to the Colonel, Pas de lettre pour le colonel, and Personne n’ecrit au colonel), Alta Films, 1999. Asi es la vida (also known as Such Is Life and C’est la vie), Wanda Vision, 2000.

RIPSTEIN La perdicion de los hombres (also known as The Plagues of Man and The Ruination of Men), Wanda Vision, 2000. La virgen de la lujuria (also known as The Virgin of Lust), Laurenfilm, 2002. Film Work; Other: Producer, The Crime of Father Amaro, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 2002. Film Appearances: Dile que la quiero, 1963. Raul, Los novios de mis hijas, 1964. El dia comenzo ayer (also known as Opus 65), 1965. El camino de los espantos, 1965. Le muerte es puntual, 1967. Autobiografia, 1971. Adriana del Rio, actriz, 1979. Rastro de muerte, 1981. El amante africano, 1985. Himself, Kurosawa: The Last Emperor (documentary), Channel Four Films, 1999. Himself, A proposito de Bunuel (documentary; also known as Speaking of Bunuel and A propos de Bunuel), Wanda Vision, 2000. Television Director; Movies: Hombre con guitarra (also known as Man with Guitar), 1977. Television Director; Episodic: Director for the series Dulce desafio, La sonrisa del diablo, and Triangulo. WRITINGS Screenplays: La hora de los ninos (also known as The Children’s Hour), Cine Independiente de Mexico, 1969. Crimen, 1970. Exorcismo, 1970. La belleza, 1970. Autobiografia, 1971. (Adaptor) Cinco mil dolares de recompensa, 1972. (With Jose Emilio Pacheco) El castillo de la pureza (also known as Castle of Purity), Estudios Churub busco Azteca, 1973. El santo oficio (also known as The Holy Office), 1974. Foxtrot (also known as The Far Side of Paradise and The Other Side of Paradise), New World, 1975. Lecumberri: El palacio negro (documentary; also known as Lecumberri: The Black Palace), 1976. (With Vicente Lenero) Cadena perpetua (also known as In for Life and Vicious Circle), 1978.



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 CREDITS

(With Manual Puig) El lugar sin limites (based on a novel by Jose Donoso; also known as Hell without Limits and The Place without Limits), 1978. La seduccion (also known as Seduction), 1980.

Television Appearances; Series: Voice of Philo Quartz, The Flintstone Kids (animated), ABC, 1986–1988. Jonah Carver, Days of Our Lives (also known as Days and DOOL), NBC, 1987–1988 and 1989. Louis Duncan Jackson, Molloy, Fox, 1990. Clarence, a recurring role, Amen, NBC, 1991. Dorian Heywood, A Different World, NBC, 1992–1993. Ivan Ennis, a recurring role, Living Single (also known as My Girls), Fox, 1996. Marcus Ezekiel ⬙Candyman⬙ Miller, Three, The WB, 1998. Jared Harris, Guys Like Us, UPN, 1998–1999. James, Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (also known as Sabrina and Sabrina Goes to College), The WB, 2000–2003. Voice of Danny, What’s with Andy? (animated), TeleToon and Fox Family Channel, 2001–2002. J. T., Flatland, 2002.

ADAPTATIONS The film Rastro de muerte, released in 1981, was based on a story by Ripstein. OTHER SOURCES Books: International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, Volume 2: Directors, St. James Press, 1996. Periodicals: Film Quarterly, summer, 1999, p. 2.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Michael, North and South II, ABC, 1986. Jackie Jackson at the ages of twelve through sixteen, The Jacksons: An American Dream, ABC, 1992.


Television Appearances; Movies: Adam, The Liberators, ABC, 1987. Eubie, The Spirit, ABC, 1987. Voice of Jamaal, Scooby–Doo and the Ghoul School (animated), The Cartoon Network, 1988. Young O. J., The O. J. Simpson Story, Fox, 1995. Frank, Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters’ First 100 Years (also known as Having Our Say), CBS, 1999. Voice of singer, Rocket Power: Race across New Zealand (animated), Nickelodeon, 2002.

Original name, Larry C. Robinson II; born June 19, 1974, in Cleveland, OH; father, a singer and songwriter. Avocational Interests: Baseball, basketball. Addresses: Agent—Chris Schmidt, Writers and Artists Agency, 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 550, Beverly Hills, CA 90211; Cunningham, Escott & Dipene, 10635 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 130, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Manager—Sam Maydew, Pop Art Management, 9615 Brighton Way, Suite 426, Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

Television Appearances; Specials: Bobby Murphy, The Deacon Street Deer, ABC, 1986. Voice of Philo Quartz, The Flintstone Kids’ ⬙Just Say No⬙ Special (animated), ABC, 1988. Leander, The Jaleel White Special, ABC, 1992. Husband Witherspoon, ⬙The Old Settler,⬙ PBS Hollywood Presents, PBS, 2001.

Career: Actor. Appeared in commercials, including advertisements for Jello Pudding Pops. Also a singer and songwriter. Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination, best young actor—guest in a television series, 1985, for Matt Houston; Young Artist Award, best young actor— guest in a television series, 1986, for ⬙Who Says It’s Fair: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ an episode of Cagney & Lacey; Young Artist Award nominations, exceptional performance by a young actor, supporting role, feature film—comedy, fantasy, or drama, 1987, for Enemy Mine, and best young actor starring in a television drama series, 1988, for Days of Our Lives; Young Artist awards, best young actor recurring in a television series, 1993, for Family Matters, and best young actor in a television movie, 1993, for The Jacksons: An American Dream.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Artis, ⬙And the Winner Is,⬙ The Jeffersons, CBS, 1983. Boomer, ⬙Breakdance,⬙ Gimme a Break!, NBC, 1984. Curtis, ⬙Secrets of the Night,⬙ Webster, ABC, 1984. Curtis, ⬙Special Friends,⬙ Webster, ABC, 1984. Kid, ⬙Ratman and Bobbin,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1984. Nathaniel, ⬙Vanished,⬙ Matt Houston, ABC, 1984. Nathaniel, ⬙Wanted Man: Part 2,⬙ Matt Houston, ABC, 1984. 278

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Kevin Taggart, ⬙Who Says It’s Fair: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Cagney & Lacey, CBS, 1985. Leon, ⬙Mac and Quon Le: No Reservations,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1985. Leon, ⬙The Apartment,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1986. Leon, ⬙Halloween II: The Return of Leon,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1986. Leon, ⬙Harry and Leon,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1986. Leon, ⬙Leon, We Hardly Knew Ye,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1986. Donald Sotta, ⬙Best Friends,⬙ Punky Brewster, NBC, 1987. Todd, ⬙Sweet Charity,⬙ The Facts of Life, NBC, 1987. Clarence, ⬙Miracle on 134th Street: Part 1,⬙ Amen, NBC, 1990. Clarence, ⬙Yo, Deak,⬙ Amen, NBC, 1990. Kyle, ⬙Rock Video,⬙ Family Matters, ABC, 1990. Daniel Wallace, ⬙Old and Alone,⬙ Family Matters, ABC, 1991. Daniel Wallace, ⬙The Show Must Go On,⬙ Family Matters, ABC, 1991. Daniel Wallace, ⬙My Broken–Hearted Valentine,⬙ Family Matters, ABC, 1992. Cliff Colver (some sources cite Cliff Clover), ⬙Danesha Project,⬙ Thea, ABC, 1993. Ice, ⬙Jumping Off the Wagon,⬙ The John Larroquette Show, NBC, 1993. Bellboy, ⬙The Birthday,⬙ Sister, Sister, ABC, 1994. Doug Parker, ⬙Bayside Story,⬙ Saved by the Bell: The New Class, NBC, 1994. Doug Parker, ⬙The People’s Choice,⬙ Saved by the Bell: The New Class, NBC, 1994. Mike, ⬙Get a Job,⬙ Sister, Sister, ABC, 1994. Teenage Jem’Hadar, ⬙The Abandoned,⬙ Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (also known as Deep Space Nine, DS9, and Star Trek: DS9), syndicated, 1994. Ivan Ennis, ⬙The James Bond,⬙ Living Single (also known as My Girls), Fox, 1995. Ivan Ennis, ⬙On the Rebound,⬙ Living Single (also known as My Girls), Fox, 1995. Jimmy Roland, ⬙Them That Has...,⬙ The Client (also known as John Grisham’s The Client), CBS, 1995. Matthew Mackey, ⬙The Hero,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1995. Nat, ⬙The Easy Way,⬙ On Our Own, ABC, 1995. Eddie, ⬙Increase the Peace,⬙ Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper, ABC, 1996. Jesse, ⬙Some Like It Hockey,⬙ Sister, Sister, The WB, 1996. Clifford, ⬙Trial by Fury,⬙ Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (also known as Sabrina and Sabrina Goes to College), ABC, 1997. Ivan Ennis, ⬙Living Single Undercover,⬙ Living Single (also known as My Girls), Fox, 1997. Lawrence, ⬙The Play’s Not the Thing,⬙ The Steve Harvey Show, The WB, 1997. Nat, ⬙Girl Talk,⬙ On Our Own, ABC, 1997. Voice of teen police officer, ⬙Mean Seasons,⬙ Batman: The Animated Series (animated; also known as Bat-

ROBINSON man: Gotham Knights and The New Batman/ Superman Adventures), The WB, 1998. Voice of Tyrone Spellbinder, ⬙Dangerous Brains,⬙ Pinky and the Brain (animated), The WB, 1998. ⬙Hive,⬙ Godzilla: The Series (animated), Fox, 1998. Marcus Wentworth, ⬙Bachelor Auction,⬙ Grown Ups, UPN, 1999. Marcus Wentworth, ⬙The Out of Work–Out,⬙ Grown Ups, UPN, 1999. Benjamin, ⬙People Like Us,⬙ Linc’s, Showtime, 2000. Bradley, ⬙The Oddest Couple,⬙ The Parkers, UPN, 2000. Marcus Wentworth, ⬙Housesitter,⬙ Grown Ups, UPN, 2000. Marcus Wentworth, ⬙Instant Karma,⬙ Grown Ups, UPN, 2000. Marcus Wentworth, ⬙Out of Sync,⬙ Grown Ups, UPN, 2000. Voice of Derek Barnett, ⬙The Breed,⬙ Static Shock! (animated), The WB, 2000. Voice of Zack, ⬙Payback,⬙ Batman Beyond (animated), The WB, 2000. Voice of Dwight Conrad, ⬙The Route of All Evil,⬙ Futurama (animated), Fox, 2002. Contestant, Street Smarts, syndicated, 2003. Voice of Dwight Conrad, ⬙Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV,⬙ Futurama (animated), Fox, 2003. Voice of technician, ⬙Showtime,⬙ Static Shock! (animated), The WB, 2003. Appeared as the voice of Carter, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (animated); as the voice of Byron, Waynehead (animated), The WB; also a voice for Animaniacs (animated; also known as Steven Spielberg’s Presents Animaniacs), Fox and The WB. Appeared in the series Arli$$, HBO; and Son of the Beach, FX Channel. Appeared as Derek in ⬙The Blaze of Glory,⬙ an unaired episode of For Your Love, The WB. Television Appearances; Pilots: Brennen’s son, Cocaine and Blue Eyes, NBC, 1983. Cedric, The Last Days of Russell, ABC, 1995. Mondo, Generation X, Fox, 1996. J. T., Eve, UPN, 2003. Television Work; Series: Additional voices, Rocket Power (animated), Nickelodeon, beginning 1999. Film Appearances: Zammis, Enemy Mine, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1985. Martin, White Man’s Burden (also known as White Man), Savoy Pictures, 1993. SCIF technician, Behind Enemy Lines, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Marcus Gilmore, The Painting, 2002.



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 (With John Norvet and Danny Eisenberg) Dream a Little Dream, Vestron, 1989. (With Michael Hitchcock and Kurt Voss) Where the Day Takes You, CineTel Films, 1992.

Voice of chipmunks, Brother Bear (animated; also known as Bears), Buena Vista, 2003. Film Work: Member of automated dialogue replacement group, The Brothers, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2001.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: American Cinematographer, May, 1995, pp. 36–44.


ROE, Channon 1971–

Full name, Marc Daniel Rocco; original name, Domenico A. Petricone; born June 7, 1965, in Los Angeles, CA; son of Alessandro Fedrico Petricone (an actor, as Alex Rocco). Education: Attended University of Southern California; some sources also cite attendance at Rhode Island School of Design.

PERSONAL Born October 27, 1971, in Pasadena, CA. Education: Studied acting at Joanne Barron DW Brown Studio and British Academy of Dramatic Arts at Stanford University.

Addresses: Office—Camera Marc, 4605 Lankershim Blvd., Suite 201, North Hollywood, CA 91602. Agent— Ken Stovitz, Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—Nick Wechsler, Industry Entertainment, 955 South Carrillo Dr., 3rd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90048.

Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Stable for Transfer, 1994. Craig, The Low Life, Cabin Fever Entertainment, 1995. Roach, Bio–Dome, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1996. Surfer, Boogie Nights, New Line Cinema, 1997. Cab driver, Stir, Cintel Films, 1997. Razor, Full Blast, Showcase Entertainment, 1997. Kevin, Girl, Kushner–Locke Company, 1998. Jock Ⲇ1 (Jake), Can’t Hardly Wait, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1998. Steven, Dante’s View, Showcase Entertainment, 1998. Wedge Riley, Psycho Beach Party, Strand Releasing, 2000. Spin Cycle, 2000. Younger Bobby Ray, Mi amigo, 2000. Detective Jay Stanton, Angels Don’t Sleep Here, 2000.

Career: Producer, director, and writer. Camera Marc, North Hollywood, CA, producer. Awards, Honors: Critics Award nomination, Deauville Film Festival, 1992, for Where the Day Takes You. CREDITS Film Work: Producer (with D. E. Eisenberg) and director, Scenes from a Goldmine, Hemdale, 1988. Producer (with Pierre David) and director, Dream a Little Dream, Vestron, 1989. Executive producer (with Lisa M. Hansen) and director, Where the Day Takes You, CineTel Films, 1992. Executive producer, Teresa’s Tattoo, Trimark, 1994. Executive producer and director, Murder in the First (also known as Muertre a Alcatraz), Warner Bros., 1995.

Television Appearances; Series: Cash, Kindred: The Embraced, Fox, 1996. Voice of Joey, Spawn (also known as Todd McFarlane’s Spawn), HBO, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Surfer Ⲇ1, Sketch Artist II: Hands That See (also known as A Feel for Murder and Sketch Artist II), Showtime, 1995. Brophy, Soldier Boyz, HBO, 1995. Mr. Pizza, The Courtyard, Showtime, 1995. Lewis, Persons Unknown, HBO, 1996.

WRITINGS Screenplays: (With Daniel Jay Franklin and D. E. Eisenberg) Scenes from a Goldmine, Hemdale, 1988. 280

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54


Johnny, Buried Secrets, NBC, 1996. Skin, Marshal Law, Showtime, 1996.

Victoria Gioberti Hogan ⬙Vicki⬙ Stavros number one, Falcon Crest, CBS, 1981–1983.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: The Invaders, The WB, 1995.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Maureen, Voices Within: The Lives of Truddi Chase, ABC, 1990. Terry, To Serve and Protect, NBC, 1999.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Nicky, Significant Others, Fox, 1998.

Television Appearances; Movies: Lisa Hines, Twirl, NBC, 1981. Debbie Ross, In Love with an Older Woman, CBS, 1982. Marilyn Nichols, Flight 90: Disaster on the Potomac (also known as Flight No. 90 and Florida Flight 90), NBC, 1984. Nancy Brower, Columbo: Death Hits the Jackpot (also known as Death Hits the Jackpot), ABC, 1991. Elizabeth Bradshaw, Lying Eyes, NBC, 1996. Joann Brodsky, My Son Is Innocent, ABC, 1996. Sheila Adamson, Terminal (also known as Robin Cook’s Terminal), NBC, 1996. Judith, The Test of Love, CBS, 1999. A Secret Life (also known as A Breach of Trust), 2000.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Billy, ⬙Halloween,⬙ My So–Called Life, ABC, 1994. Lucas Tremaine, ⬙Random Acts,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1996. Derek Banks, ⬙Kaddish,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1997. Jimmy Mosler, ⬙Emission Impossible,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1997. ⬙Cinnamon Buns,⬙ Brooklyn South, CBS, 1998. Hermeac, ⬙Hermeac,⬙ Welcome to Paradox, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Pat Rush, ⬙Parole,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 1998. Jack O’Toole, ⬙The Zeppo,⬙ Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The WB, 1999. Nolan, ⬙Moving On,⬙ Jack & Jill, The WB, 1999. (Uncredited) Lucas, ⬙Gangland: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1998. Adam Bennett, ⬙Miles to Go,⬙ The Fugitive, CBS, 2000. Steve, ⬙What Sharp Teeth You Have,⬙ The Division, Lifetime, 2001. Cree, ⬙The Eyes Have It,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2002. Brad Rifkin, ⬙Broken,⬙ C.S.I.: Miami, CBS, 2002. Tommy K, ⬙Get Your Mack On,⬙ Fastlane, 2002.

Television Appearances; Specials: The Wave, ABC, 1981. Television Appearances; Episodic: Fourth girl, ⬙My Mother, the Countess,⬙ Green Acres, CBS, 1968. Victoria Gioberti Hogan ⬙Vicki⬙ Stavros, ⬙Cimmerean Dawn,⬙ Falcon Crest, CBS, 1983. Victoria Gioberti Hogan ⬙Vicki⬙ Stavros, ⬙Partners,⬙ Falcon Crest, CBS, 1983. Victoria Gioberti Hogan ⬙Vicki⬙ Stavros, ⬙Penumbra,⬙ Falcon Crest, CBS, 1983. Virginia ⬙Ginny⬙ Smith, ⬙The Other Man—Mr. Roarke/ Forbidden Love,⬙ Fantasy Island, ABC, 1983. Connor Crossland, Paper Dolls, ABC, 1984. Kit Parnell, ⬙Flesh Wounds,⬙ Jessie, ABC, 1984. Rhonda, ⬙Caged,⬙ Matt Houston, ABC, 1984. Brook Hastings, ⬙Images,⬙ Hotel, ABC, 1985. Mrs. Northrup, ⬙Vanessa in the Garden,⬙ Amazing Stories, NBC, 1985. Stephanie, ⬙Simon without Simon: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Simon & Simon, CBS, 1985. Dr. Susan Birch, ⬙Not My Type,⬙ St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1986. Dr. Susan Birch, ⬙A Room with a View,⬙ St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1986. Dr. Susan Birch, ⬙When You Wish upon a Scar,⬙ St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1986. Dr. Susan Birch, ⬙You Beta Your Life,⬙ St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1986. Ben’s old flame, ⬙Fugue⬙ (also known as ⬙Old, Old, Old Friends⬙), Duet, Fox, 1987.

Also appeared as Mikey, High Incident, ABC; Miles Crawford, The District, CBS; Baggo, Going to California, Showtime; on Mister Sterling, NBC.

ROSE, Jamie 1959– PERSONAL Born November 26, 1959, in New York, NY. Addresses: Manager—Felicia Sager, Sager Management, Inc., 260 South Beverly Dr., Suite 205, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Detective Katy Mahoney (title role), Lady Blue, ABC, 1985–1986.



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Anne Lowery, ⬙Snow White, Blood Red,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1988. Kate Morris, ⬙Power Play,⬙ Hotel, ABC, 1988. Peggy Hayes, ⬙Dad’s First Date,⬙ Valerie (also known as The Hogan Family), NBC, 1988. Dr. Laura Rowlands, ⬙Something to Bank On,⬙ Hard Time on Planet Earth, CBS, 1989. ⬙Playing with Fire,⬙ My Two Dads, NBC, 1989. Sarah, ⬙See You in September?,⬙ My Two Dads, NBC, 1990. Sarah Bakum, ⬙Strawberry,⬙ Broken Badges, CBS, 1990. ⬙The Angel of Death,⬙ Hardball, NBC, 1990. Lisa McCauley, ⬙Who Killed J. B. Fletcher?,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1991. Jasmine/Catherine Hayworth, ⬙Jasmine,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1993. Laura Martin, ⬙Threshold of Fear,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1993. Detective Stacey Halmora, ⬙Death Be Proud,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1994. Detective Stacey Halmora, ⬙With the Greatest of Ease,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1994. Gloria Jackson, ⬙Safe As Houses,⬙ Viper, NBC, 1994. Tanya, ⬙Rabbit Redux,⬙ Renegade, USA Network and syndicated, 1994. Agent Molly, ⬙Fly Boy,⬙ Weird Science, USA Network, 1995. Detective Stacey Halmora, ⬙Heartbreak,⬙ Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. Lauren, ⬙Heartburned,⬙ The Watcher, UPN, 1995. Claire Hillard, ⬙Doppelganger,⬙ Nowhere Man, UPN, 1996. Jill Tanner/Jody Whitley, ⬙The Dollhouse,⬙ Renegade, USA Network and syndicated, 1996. Patricia Van Barrow, ⬙Divorce, Palm Beach Style,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1996. Sheila Irwin, ⬙Deep Water,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1996. Lieutenant Sheila Irwin, ⬙Hear No Evil,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1997. Liz Holst (some sources cite Liz Holtz), ⬙Rendezvous,⬙ JAG, CBS, 1997. Marian Franklin, ⬙Getting MADD,⬙ Viper, syndicated, 1997. Sandra Winchell, ⬙The Promise,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 1997. Sarah Rose, ⬙Last of a Breed: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1997. Jacqueline ⬙Jackie⬙ Webster, ⬙Behind the Music,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1998. Molly, ⬙Night of the Swingin’ Steves,⬙ Weird Science, USA Network, 1998. Cynthia Allen, ⬙The Rules of the Game,⬙ Crusade, TNT, 1999. Nicki Cameron, ⬙The Irvin Files,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2000. Mrs. Rockland, ⬙A Wing and a Prayer,⬙ The Court, ABC, 2002. Andrea Furnell, ⬙Redemption,⬙ Dragnet (also known as L. A. Dragnet), ABC, 2003.

Appeared as Adriana Chase, Civil Wars, ABC; and as Toni, The Second Half, NBC. Television Appearances; Pilots: Abby Cartwright, Never Again, ABC, 1984. Detective Katy Mahoney, Lady Blue, ABC, 1985. Katherine ⬙Kate⬙ Battle, Brotherhood of the Gun (also known as Hollister), CBS, 1991. Film Appearances: Megan, Just before Dawn, Picturmedia, 1982. Libby, Heartbreakers, Orion, 1984. Melanie Silber, Tightrope, Warner Bros., 1984. Columbine Cromwell, Rebel Love (also known as Shadow Waltz), Troma Films, 1986. Happy End, Mladost Film/Radiotelevizija Beograd, 1989. Dede, Chopper Chicks in Zombietown (also known as Cycle Sluts), 1989, Troma Films, 1991. Marcy, Playroom (also known as Schizo), Republic Pictures Home Video, 1990. Constance Bigelow, To Die Standing (also known as Crackdown), Califilm, 1991. Ellen Morrisey, The Chain, Warner Vision Entertainment, 1996. Judy Stewart, Holiday in the Sun, Warner Home Video, 2001. Stage Appearances: Annie, Sunrise in My Pocket, Paul Green Theatre, Chapel Hill, NC, 2002. RECORDINGS Taped Readings: Narrator of an audio version of Ride the River by Louis L’Amour.

ROSEMONT, Romy PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—Tracy Christian, Don Buchwald & Associates, 6500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2200, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Manager—Main Title Entertainment, 5225 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Career: Actress. Awards, Honors: Method Fest Award, best actress in a feature film, 2001, for John, John in the Sky. 282

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ROSENMAN ⬙Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang,⬙ Melrose Place, Fox, 1995. Joanne Barris, ⬙Fevers of Unknown Origin,⬙ ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 1996. Troop leader, ⬙The One Where Rachel Quits,⬙ Friends, NBC, 1996. The woman, ⬙The Bubble Gum Incident,⬙ Ellen (also known as These Friends of Mine), ABC, 1996. Lynette, ⬙Pucker Up,⬙ Suddenly Susan, NBC, 1998. Publicist, ⬙Sleeping in Light,⬙ Babylon 5, TNT, 1998. ⬙Counting Sheep,⬙ Sleepwalkers, NBC, 1998. ⬙A Matter of Fax,⬙ Sleepwalkers, NBC, 1998. Dee Dee, ⬙Family Business,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1999. Mollie, ⬙The Time She Got Mobbed,⬙ Time of Your Life, Fox, 1999. Alice, ⬙Mea Culpa,⬙ Profiler, NBC, 2000. Martha, ⬙With a Little Help from My Friend,⬙ Dharma & Greg, ABC, 2001. Reba, ⬙Baby Got Back,⬙ The Chronicle, Sci–Fi Channel, 2001. ⬙Don’t Tell Me It’s Not about Frankie,⬙ Any Day Now, Lifetime, 2001. Brenda’s professor, ⬙The Plan,⬙ Six Feet Under, HBO, 2002. Gwen, ⬙The Sixteenth Minute,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 2002. Jacqui Franco, ⬙The Execution of Catherine Willows,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as CSI), CBS, 2002. Marie Hall, ⬙One Hundred Tears,⬙ Ally McBeal, Fox, 2002. Melora, ⬙Wing and a Prayer,⬙ MDs, ABC, 2002.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Platt receptionist, Dangerous Love, Motion Picture Corporation of America, 1988. Third nurse, Bad Dreams, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1988. Waitress, The End of Innocence, Skouras Pictures, 1990. The Ticket Outta Here, 1990. Dental assistant, Another You, TriStar, 1991. Receptionist, Driving Me Crazy, Motion Picture Corporation of America, 1991. Anya Stasiuk, My Life, Columbia, 1993. Assistant, Congo, Paramount, 1995. Rita, The Bachelor, New Line Cinema, 1999. Cosmo’s date, Whatever It Takes, Columbia, 2000. John’s mother, John, John in the Sky (also known as I’ll Wave Back), Monarch Home Video, 2000. Road rage woman, See Jane Run, Arrow Pictures, 2001. Debbie Waldman, Lovely & Amazing, Lions Gate Films, 2002. Sara, Zigzag, Silver Nitrate Films, 2002. Television Appearances; Series: Jacqui Franco, a recurring role, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as CSI), CBS, 2003. Television Appearances; Movies: Waitress, Long Road Home, NBC, 1991. Waitress, Shadow of a Doubt, CBS, 1991. Monica Carver, Harmful Intent (also known as Robin Cook’s ⬙Harmful Intent⬙), CBS, 1993. Cathy Newman, Trick of the Eye (also known as Primal Secrets), CBS, 1994. Lucy Treadway, What Love Sees, CBS, 1996. Mrs. Disarcina, The Rockford Files: If It Bleeds ... It Leads, CBS, 1999. Tracy, For All Time, CBS, 2000. Rhonda, Door to Door, TNT, 2002.

Appeared as Brenda, The Watcher, UPN. Also appeared in Limboland, Comedy Central; and in Strong Medicine, Lifetime. Television Appearances; Other: Neil’s daughter, Intruders (miniseries), CBS, 1992. Mrs. Nichols, John Doe (pilot), Fox, 2002.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Nurse Healy, ⬙The Bitch’s Back,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1990. Secretary, ⬙Slow Violence,⬙ Veronica Clare, Lifetime, 1991. ⬙The Naked and the Damned,⬙ Sibs, ABC, 1991. Jan, ⬙A Kept Herman,⬙ Herman’s Head, Fox, 1992. Linda, ⬙Skin Deep,⬙ Harry and the Hendersons, syndicated, 1993. Sally Dane, ⬙Mail Order Brides,⬙ The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. (also known as Brisco County Jr.), Fox, 1993. Nancy Fuller, ⬙Baby Blues,⬙ On Our Own, ABC, 1994. Margaret, ⬙My Name Is Bev,⬙ Roseanne, ABC, 1995. Mrs. Duffy, ⬙Just a Vacation,⬙ Thunder Alley, ABC, 1995.

ROSENMAN, Leonard 1924– PERSONAL Born September 7, 1924, in Brooklyn, NY; son of a store owner; married; wife’s name, Kay. Education: Attended University of California, Berkeley; studied piano with Julius Herford and Bernard Abramowitsch; studied composition with Arnold Schoenberg, Roger Sessions, and Luigi Dallapiccola. Addresses: Contact—c/o Dworkin and Associates, P.O. Box 248, Bedford Hills, NY 10507–0248. 283


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Career: Composer, conductor, and educator. Piano teacher in New York City during the 1950s; conductor in Rome, Italy, c. 1962–66; University of Southern California, instructor; Tanglewood, composer in residence; guest lecturer at other institutions, including California Institute of the Arts, Claremont College, Harvard University, Mount Holyoke College, New School for Social Research, Smith College, University of California at Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of Illinois, University of Massachusetts, and Yale University. New Muse (chamber orchestra), musical director; also conducted performances of London Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, and Santa Cecelia Orchestra. Also worked as a painter. Military service: U.S. Army Air Forces, served during World War II.

Music arranger, Charlton Heston Presents the Bible (special), Arts and Entertainment, 1992. Television Appearances; Specials: James Dean: The First American Teenager, 1975. The 49th Annual Academy Awards, 1977. Der Klang der Bilder, 1995. The Hollywood Soundtrack Story, AMC, 1995. Interviewee, James Dean: A Portrait, The Disney Channel, 1995. WRITINGS Film Music: The Cobweb, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1955. East of Eden (also known as John Steinbeck’s East of Eden), Warner Bros., 1955. Rebel without a Cause, Warner Bros., 1955. Bombers B–52 (also known as No Sleep Till Dawn), Warner Bros., 1957. Edge of the City (also known as A Man Is Ten Feet Tall), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1957. The Young Stranger, Universal, 1957. Lafayette Escadrille (also known as Hell Bent for Glory, With You in My Arms, and C’est la guerre), Warner Bros., 1958. Pork Chop Hill, United Artists, 1959. The Bramble Bush, Warner Bros., 1960. The Crowded Sky, Warner Bros., 1960. The Plunderers, Allied Artists, 1960. The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond, Warner Bros., 1960. The Savage Eye, 1960. The Chapman Report, Warner Bros., 1962. Convicts 4 (also known as Reprieve), Allied Artists, 1962. Hell Is for Heroes, Paramount, 1962. The Outsider, Universal, 1962. A Covenant with Death, Warner Bros., 1966. Fantastic Voyage (also known as Microscopia and Strange Journey), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1966. Countdown, Warner Bros., 1968. Hellfighters, 1968. This Savage Land, Universal, 1969. Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1970. A Man Called Horse, National General, 1970. The Todd Killings (also known as A Dangerous Friend and Skipper), National General, 1971. Battle for the Planet of the Apes (also known as Colonization of the Planet of the Apes), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1973. Music adaptor, Barry Lyndon, Warner Bros., 1975. Race with the Devil, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1975. Rooster Cogburn, 1975. The Return of a Man Called Horse, 1976. Birch Interval, Gamma III, 1976.

Member: International Society for Contemporary Music (member of board of directors). Awards, Honors: Margaret Lee Crofts scholar at Tanglewood, 1952; Academy awards, best music score, 1976, for Barry Lyndon, and 1977, for Bound for Glory; Emmy awards, outstanding music composition for dramatic underscore of a special, 1977 (with others), for Sybil, and 1979, for Friendly Fire; Golden Globe Award nomination, best original score for a motion picture, 1979, for The Lord of the Rings; Academy Award nomination, best original music score, 1984, for Cross Creek; Academy Award nomination, best original music score, and Film and Television Music Award, top box office film, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers, both 1987, for Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; honorary D.Phil., John F. Kennedy University, Orinda, CA. CREDITS Film Work: Music director, East of Eden (also known as John Steinbeck’s East of Eden), Warner Bros., 1955. Music conductor, Pork Chop Hill, United Artists, 1959. Music conductor, The Plunderers, Allied Artists, 1960. Music conductor, The Savage Eye, 1960. Music director, The Outsider, Universal, 1962. Music conductor, Countdown, Warner Bros., 1968. Music director and conductor, Barry Lyndon, Warner Bros., 1975. Music director, Bound for Glory, United Artists, 1976. Music director, The Lord of the Rings (also known as J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings), United Artists, 1978. Television Work: Music conductor, Sherlock Holmes in New York (movie), NBC, 1976. 284

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Music adaptation, Bound for Glory, United Artists, 1976. The Car, Universal, 1977. 9/30/55 (also known as 24 Hours of the Rebel), Universal, 1977. An Enemy of the People, Warner Bros., 1978. (Including the song ⬙Mithrandir⬙) The Lord of the Rings (also known as J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings), United Artists, 1978. Promises in the Dark, Warner Bros., 1979. Prophecy, Paramount, 1979. Hide in Plain Sight, United Artists, 1980. Additional music and incidental music, The Jazz Singer, Associated Film, 1980. Making Love, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1982. Cross Creek, Universal, 1983. Heart of the Stag, New World, 1984. Sylvia, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists Classics, 1985. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (also known as The Voyage Home: Star Trek IV), Paramount, 1986. Body Wars, 1989. Robocop 2, Orion, 1990. Ambition, Miramax, 1991. The Color of Evening, August Entertainment, 1994. Levitation, Tenth Muse Productions, 1997. Jurij, Key Film Distributors, 2001.

ROSENMAN In Broad Daylight, ABC, 1971. Vanished, NBC, 1971. The Bravos, ABC, 1972. The Cat Creature, ABC, 1973. Judge Dee and the Monastery Murders, ABC, 1974. The Phantom of Hollywood, CBS, 1974. The First Thirty–Six Hours of Dr. Durant, ABC, 1975. Sky Heist (also known as Sky Hei$t), NBC, 1975. Kingston: The Power Play (also known as Kingston and The Newspaper Game), NBC, 1976. Lanigan’s Rabbi (also known as Friday the Rabbi Slept Late), NBC, 1976. Mary White, ABC, 1977. The Possessed, NBC, 1977. The Other Side of Hell (also known as The Next Howling Wind), NBC, 1978. Friendly Fire, ABC, 1979. Nero Wolfe, ABC, 1979. City in Fear, ABC, 1980. The Wall, CBS, 1982. Heartsounds, ABC, 1984. The Return of Marcus Welby, M.D., ABC, 1984. First Steps, CBS, 1985. Promised a Miracle, CBS, 1988. Where Pigeons Go to Die, NBC, 1990. Aftermath: A Test of Love, CBS, 1991. Keeper of the City, Showtime, 1991. The Face on the Milk Carton, CBS, 1995. Mrs. Munck, Showtime, 1995.

Songs Featured in Films: ⬙I Leaned on a Man,⬙ The Big Land, Warner Bros., 1958.

Television Music; Miniseries: Sybil, NBC, 1976. Murder in Texas, NBC, 1981. Celebrity (also known as Tommy Thompson’s Celebrity), NBC, 1984.

Television Music; Series: The Virginian (also known as Men from Shiloh), NBC, 1970. Primus, syndicated, 1971. Nakia, ABC, 1974. Gibbsville, NBC, 1976. Holmes and Yoyo, ABC, 1976. Rafferty, CBS, 1977.

Television Music; Pilots: Marcus Welby, M.D. (also known as A Matter of Humanities), 1969. Nakia, ABC, 1974. Joshua’s World, CBS, 1980.

Also composer for the series Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Combat! (including theme music), The Defenders (including theme music), Falcon Crest, Garrison’s’ Gorillas, Law of the Plainsman (also known as The Westerners), Marcus Welby, M.D. (also known as Robert Young, Family Doctor), McKeever and the Colonel, National Geographic Specials, Quincy (also known as Quincy, M.E.), The Twilight Zone, and The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau.

Television Music; Specials: ⬙Miss Lonelyhearts,⬙ American Playhouse, PBS, 1983. ⬙No Day at the Beach,⬙ Amazing Stories, 1986. Charles Heston Presents the Bible, Arts and Entertainment, 1992. Other: Composer for orchestra and chamber orchestra. Contributor of articles to periodicals, including Film Music and Perspectives of New Music.

Television Music; Movies: Stranger on the Run (also known as Lonesome Gun), 1967. Shadow over Elveron, 1968. Any Second Now, 1969. Banyon, NBC, 1971.

ADAPTATIONS ⬙No Day at the Beach,⬙ an episode of the television series Amazing Stories, for which Rosenman composed 285


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Television Appearances; Miniseries: Colette, Zoya (also known as Danielle Steel’s ⬙Zoya⬙), NBC, 1995. Jennifer MacKenzie, Le dernier chapitre: La suite (also known as Final Chapter I & II and The Last Chapter), CBC, 2002.

the music, was included in the video Amazing Stories: Book Three, released by MCA/Universal Home Video, 1992. OTHER SOURCES Books: International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, Volume 4: Writers and Production Artists, St. James Press, 1996.

Television Appearances; Movies: Sasha Baley (some sources cite Sacha Blair), Platinum, CBC, 1997. Laura Maddox, Fatal Affair (also known as The Stalker), Cinemax, 1998. Isabel, Task Force: Caviar, [Canada], 2000. Missy Baldwin, Cause of Death, Cinemax, 2000. Rachel Hart (some sources cite Rachel Binder), Artificial Lies (also known as Artificial Dregs and Le manipulateur), Lifetime, 2000. Chaney Streeter, Dead Awake, Cinemax, 2001. Justine, Blind Terror, [Canada], 2001. Marjorie Watts, Federal Protection, HBO, 2002. Beth Petrone, Rudy: The Rudy Giuliani Story, USA Network, 2003.

Periodicals: New York Times, August 29, 1982.

ROY, Maxim 1972– PERSONAL Born March 7, 1972, in Rigaud, Quebec, Canada; sister of Gildor Roy (an actor), Luc Roy (an actor), and Yvon Roy (an actor).

Television Appearances; Episodic: Cynthia Doyle, ⬙Farewell to Arms,⬙ Sirens, ABC, 1994. Louise, ⬙Baby Baby,⬙ Forever Knight, syndicated, 1994. Claudia Reynolds, ⬙Skin Deep,⬙ Largo Winch, Mystery Channel, 2003.

Addresses: Agent—Perry Zimel, Oscars, Abrams, Zimel, 438 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario M5A 1T4, Canada; Maxime Vanasse, 853 Rockland, Outremont Canada, Quebec H2V 2Z8, Canada.

Television Appearances; Other: Karen Natov (some sources cite Karen Notov), A Woman Hunted (also known as Insult, Outrage, and Un femme aux abois), 2003.

Career: Actress. Member: Union des artistes, Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television, and Radio Artists.

Also appeared as Catherine, Canada: A History; as Madonna, A Gold Voice; and as she–devil, Men in Quarantine.

Awards, Honors: Gemini Award nomination, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, most popular artist, 2002.

Film Appearances: Marjo, Coyote, Alliance, 1992. Love & Human Remains (also known as Amour et restes humains), 1993, Sony Pictures Classics, 1995. Suzelle and Judith Lafresniere, Le sorcier (also known as The Wizard), 1994. Michelle, Curtains (short film), Ewola Cinema, 1995. Sonia, Les boys (also known as The Boys and Servant Boys), Cinepix, 1997. Fanny Carat, Babel, Motion International, 1999. Renee Brooks, Hidden Agenda (also known as Double Agenda and Hidden Diary), Trimark Video, 2001.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Judith Lafresniere, Au nom du pere et du fils (also known as In the Name of the Father and of the Son), [Canada], beginning 1993. Marie–Claude Roy, Virginie (also known as Virginia), [Canada], 1996–1999. Angel Vanessa, Misguided Angels, [Canada], beginning 1999. Josee Larose, (also known as, [Canada], beginning 2001. Michele Beliveau, Lance et compte—La nouvelle generation (also known as Launch and Counts Generation and Lance et compte 4), CBC, beginning 2001.

Appeared as Juliet in The Big World and as Nancy in Nomad. 286

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Stage Appearances: Appeared as Babsbrunet, Yeye; as Jeanne of Grandpre, The Business Sanctimonious; as Marie–Eve, Hypocrite; and in Oh! My God.

Screenplays: The Sister–in–Law, Crown International, 1975. (With Robert Rosenthal) The Pom Pom Girls, Crown International, 1976. (With Peter Rainer) Joyride, American International Pictures, 1977. Our Winning Season, American International Pictures, 1978. (With David Lougherty and Chuck Russell) Dreamscape, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1984.

RUBEN, Joseph 1951– PERSONAL Full name, Joseph P. Ruben; born 1951, in Briarcliff, NY. Education: Attended University of Michigan; received B.A. from Brandeis University.


Addresses: Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

PERSONAL Career: Director, writer, and producer. Ruben/Robinson Productions, partner.

Raised in Fife, Scotland. Education: Trained as a teacher.

Awards, Honors: Golden Raven, Brussels International Festival of Fantasy Film, and nomination for grand prize, Avoriaz Fantastic Film Festival, both 1985, for Dreamscape; Critics Award, Cognac Festival du Film Policier, 1988, and International Fantasy Film Award nomination, best film, Fantasporto, 1990, both for The Stepfather; grand prize, Cognac Festival du Film Policier, 1989, for True Believer.

Career: Actor. Worked as a drama teacher, 1969–77. Awards, Honors: Genie Award nomination, best actor in a leading role, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1996, for Margaret’s Museum.



Film Director: (And producer) The Sister–in–Law, Crown International, 1975. (And producer) The Pom Pom Girls (also known as Palisades High), Crown International, 1976. Joyride, American International Pictures, 1977. Our Winning Season, American International Pictures, 1978. G.O.R.P. (also known as Gorp), Filmways, 1980. Dreamscape, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1984. The Stepfather (also known as Stepfather I), New Century/Vista, 1987. True Believer (also known as Fighting Justice), Columbia, 1990. Sleeping with the Enemy, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1991. (And producer) The Good Son, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1993. Money Train, Columbia, 1995. Return to Paradise (also known as All for One), MCA/ Universal, 1998.

Television Appearances; Series: The Shari Lewis Show, NBC, 1960–1963. Tucker, Finney, ITV (England), 1994. Archie, Roughnecks, 1994. Kevin Mott, The Peter Principle, BBC (England), 1995. Voice of Boaz, ⬙Ruth,⬙ Testament: The Bible in Animation, HBO, 1996. Duggie Strachen, Heartburn Hotel, BBC, 1998. Phil Jakes, Hope & Glory, BBC, 1999. Angus O’Connor, Happiness, BBC, 2001. Gordon Urquhart, Rockface, BBC1, 2002. Callum, Being April, BBC, 2002. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Jute City, BBC (England), 1991. Adrian Fell, Tell Tale Hearts, 1992. Caleb Garth, Middlemarch, BBC, 1994. Mr. Vandemaar, NeverWhere, BBC, 1996. Scottish lawyer, Oliver Twist, PBC, 1999. Mark Dolby, Hearts and Bones, BBC, 2000. Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall and Orkney, The Mists of Avalon (also known as Die Nebel von Avalon), TNT, 2001.

Television Director; Episodic: Directed episodes of Breaking Away, ABC, and Eddie Dodd, ABC. 287


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Television Appearances; Movies: Terry Knapp, Tumbledown, BBC (England), 1989. Chief Inspector Ross, Advocates I, ITV (England), 1991. Krebs, Fatherland, HBO, 1994. Grazetti, Ruffian Hearts, BBC, 1995. Arthur, Lord of Misrule, 1996. Mick Boyd, Crossing the Floor, BBC, 1996. Gordon Weir, Flowers of the Forest, BBC, 1996. Joe Gargery, Great Expectations, BBC, then PBS, 1999. Station master, The Railway Children, PBS, 2000.

The creature, Frankenstein: The True Story (special), Arts and Entertainment, 1994. Film Appearances: Corporal Reade, The Naked Brigade (also known as I yimni taxiarhia), Universal, 1965. Redskirts on Clydeside, 1984. Sergeant Bormann, The Power of One (also known as La puissance de l’ange), Warner Bros., 1992. Clegg, Soft Top, Hard Shoulder, Gruber Bros., 1992. Chief Inspector Daybury, The Hawk, Castle Hill, 1993. Seconds Out, 1993. Neil Currie, Margaret’s Museum (also known as Le musee de Margaret), Astra Cinema, 1995. Miklos Rumbold, For My Baby (also known as Goodnight Vienna), 1997. Theophilus Hopkins, Oscar and Lucinda, Fox Searchlight, 1997. Billy Hunch, Bodywork, New City Releasing, 1999. The tramp, My Life So Far, Miramax, 1999. Helfdane the Fat, The Thirteenth Warrior, Buena Vista, 1999. Tinker, Out of Depth, Redbus Pictures/Steon Films, 2000. Mr. Michaelmas, Mr. In–Between, Enterprise Films/ Great British Films/Phantom Pictures/Spice Factory, 2001. Fraser, Landmark, 2001. Sergeant Justin Bommel, The Emperor’s New Clothes (also known as I vestiti nuovi dell’imperatore), Paramount, 2002. Dennis Betts, Silent Cry, Starmedia Home Entertainment, 2002. Angus MacKay, The Rocket Post, Ultimate Pictures, 2002.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Policeman, ⬙Jobs for the Boys,⬙ Boys from the Blackstuff, 1982. Captain Henry Stark, ⬙Kidnapped,⬙ Zorro, The Family Channel, 1990. Dave McCray, ⬙Hiding Place,⬙ Casualty, BBC1 (England), 1990. Albie Sloeman, ⬙Half a Ton of Heartaches,⬙ Spender, BBC, 1991. Scotch Tommy, Coronation Street, CBC (Canada), 1991. McReedy, ⬙Re–Hab,⬙ The Bill, 1992. Detective Sergeant, ⬙Joy,⬙ Drop the Dead Donkey, Channel 4 (England), 1993. Baxter, ⬙Wheels,⬙ Frank Stubbs Promotes, ITV (England), 1993. Mark Tabor, ⬙Fair Exchange,⬙ Lovejoy, BBC, 1994. Danny Fitzgerald, ⬙Brotherly Love: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Cracker, Arts and Entertainment, 1995. Danny Fitzgerald, ⬙Best Boys,⬙ Cracker, Arts and Entertainment, 1995. Danny Fitzgerald, ⬙True Romance,⬙ Cracker, Arts and Entertainment, 1995. Detective Chief Superintendent Barratt, ⬙Confess,⬙ Murder Most Horrid, BBC1, 1996. Saddam, the thug, Sunnyside Farm, BBC, 1997. Big Eddy, ⬙Wise Guys,⬙ Heartbeat, ITV, 2000. Raymond, ⬙White Knight,⬙ Black Cab, BBC, 2000. Special Brew, ⬙... And a Good Slopping Out,⬙ Lock, Stock..., Channel 4, 2000. Brand Spanking New Show, 2000. Damien Knox, ⬙Change,⬙ Spaced, Channel 4, 2001. Damien Knox, ⬙Mettle,⬙ Spaced, Channel 4, 2001. Damien Knox, ⬙Help,⬙ Spaced, Channel 4, 2001. Sandy Wilson, ⬙Faith,⬙ Where the Heart Is, ITV, 2001. Perry Coleman, ⬙Burn Out,⬙ Waking the Dead, BBC, 2001.

Stage Appearances: Macluby, The Bite of the Night, Royal Shakespeare Company, Theatre at the Pit, London, 1988.

RUSSO, James 1953– (Jim Russo) PERSONAL

Appeared as Harry Douglas in an episode of A Perfect Slate, BBC.

Full name, James Vincent Russo; born April 23, 1953, in borough of Queens, New York, NY. Education: Attended New York University.

Television Appearances; Other: Superintendent, The Accidental Death of an Anarchist, 1983. (Uncredited) The Alamut Ambush, 1986. Alan Simpson, Hancock, 1991. Chris Anderson, Do Not Disturb, 1991. Prisoner, Jolly a Man for All Seasons, 1994.

Addresses: Agent—Peter Strain, Peter Strain and Associates, 5724 West Third St., Suite 302, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Manager—Hillard Elkins, Elkins Management, 8306 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 438, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. 288

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Career: Actor, producer, and writer. Also worked as a cab driver and gravedigger.

RUSSO Joe Massa, BitterSweet, Pioneer Entertainment, 1998. Jukebox Danny, Butter (also known as Never 2 Big), Live Entertainment, 1998. Ziggy Rotella, Detour (also known as Too Hard to Die), October Films/Shoreline Entertainment, 1998. Max Targenville, Charades (also known as Felons and First Degree), York Entertainment, 1998. Luc, Fait Accompli (also known as VooDoo Dawn), Cutting Edge Entertainment, 1998. Otis Campbell, Jimmy Zip, Highland Crest Pictures/ Asylum, 1999. Bernie, The Ninth Gate (also known as La neuvieme porte and La novena puerta), Live Entertainment, 1999, Artisan Entertainment, 2000. (Uncredited) Damian, Diamonds, Miramax, 1999. Agent Nick Halton, Sonic Impact, New City Releasing, 1999. Mickey, The Unscarred (also known as Everybody Dies), Storm Entertainment, 1999. John Rourke, Paper Bullets (also known as American Samurai), MTI Home Video, 1999. Darryl Simmons, Deep Core (also known as Deep Core 2000), Paramount/New City Releasing, 2000. Edward Mills, Pendulum, DEJ Productions, 2001. Snake, Double Deception (also known as 24 Hours to Die), Phaedra Cinema, 2001. Sam, Shattered Lies, F.T.L. Films, 2002. Carl Schmidt, The House Next Door, Trinity Home Entertainment, 2002. Mr. Quinn, My Daughter’s Tears (also known as Against All Evidence), Capture Film, 2002. Frank Sinatra, Sr., Stealing Sinatra, Ron Ziskin Production, 2003. Roy, A Good Night to Die, Regent Entertainment, 2003. Leon King, Paris, Cinemavault Releasing, 2003. The Box, Local Talent Productions, 2003. Captain Grill, Redemption, 2003. Sheriff Poole, Open Range, Buena Vista, 2003.

Awards, Honors: Theatre World Award, 1983, for Extremities. CREDITS Film Appearances: Robber, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Universal, 1982. Ronald Thompson, A Stranger Is Watching, United Artists, 1982. Nick, Exposed, United Artists, 1983. Anthony Demmer, Vortex, B Movies, 1983. Bugsy, Once upon a Time in America (also known as C’era una volta in America), Warner Bros., 1984. Mikey Tandino, Beverly Hills Cop, Paramount, 1984. Vince’s hood, The Cotton Club, Orion, 1984. Joe, Extremities, Atlantic, 1986. Alberto ⬙Alby⬙ Monte, China Girl, Vestron, 1987. Reno, The Blue Iguana, Paramount, 1988. Frank Quinn, Freeway, New World Entertainment, 1988. Vittorio, La cintura (also known as The Belt), 1989. Teddy, The Vineyard, 1989. Bobby, We’re No Angels, Paramount, 1989. (Uncredited) DeMarco, State of Grace, Orion, 1990. Richard Waters, My Own Private Idaho, Fine Line, 1991. Dan Corelli, A Kiss before Dying, Universal, 1991. Daniel Corvin, Cold Heaven, Hemdale Releasing, 1992. Bill Tanner, Illicit Behavior (also known as Criminal Intent), Prism Entertainment, 1992. Captain Travis, Trauma (also known as Dario Argento’s Trauma), Worldvision Home Video, 1992. Francis Burns, Dangerous Game, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1993. Mintz, Da Vinci’s War, Triboro Entertainment, 1993. Kid Jarrett, Bad Girls, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1994. Rodgers, Panther, Gramercy, 1995. Dan Cappelli, Condition Red (also known as Condition Red—Haelytystila and Draussen lauert der Tod), Arrow, 1995. Jerry, Small Time (also known as Waiting for the Man), 1995. Eddie (some sources cite Harv), American Strays, A–Pix Entertainment, 1996. Rupert Little, Livers Ain’t Cheap (also known as The Real Thing), Windy City International, 1997. Idaho, The Postman, Warner Bros., 1997. Paulie, Donnie Brasco, TriStar, 1997. Tommy, No Way Home, Back Alley Productions, 1997. Nick the Stick, Heist, Trident Releasing, 1997. Warren Erickson, Under Oath (also known as Blood Money and Urban Justice), Concorde/New Horizons, 1997.

Also appeared in prize–winning short film Candy Store at New York University. Film Producer: The Box, Local Talent Productions, 2003. Television Appearances; Movies: Charlie Van, In the Shadow of a Killer, NBC, 1992. Nick Ciccini, Intimate Stranger, Showtime, 1992. Don Feeney, Desperate Rescue: The Cathy Mahone Story, NBC, 1992. Joshua Kane (some sources cite Jon Kane), Double Deception, NBC, 1993. Ted Burke, The Secretary, CBS, 1995. Kliff, The Set Up, Showtime, 1995. Sal Bianculli, My Husband’s Secret Life, USA Network, 1998. 289


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Brannagin, The Girl Gets Moe (also known as Love to Kill), HBO, 1998. Gino Carlucci, Laws of Deception, Cinemax, 1999.

Stage Appearances: Welcome to Andromeda, 1975. Raul, Extremities, Westside Arts Center, Cheryl Crawford Theatre, New York City, 1982–1983.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Jim Russo) ⬙China Rain,⬙ The Equalizer, 1985. Sacco, ⬙Prodigal Son,⬙ Miami Vice, NBC, 1985. Nat Martino, ⬙Ground Zero,⬙ Crime Story, 1987. Janos Korda, ⬙Symphony in BⲆ,⬙ Friday the 13th, syndicated, 1988. Charles Crowley, ⬙Belly of the Beast,⬙ Gabriel’s Fire, 1991. Frank Saretti, ⬙Eight Pounds of Pressure,⬙ C–16, ABC, 1997.

Also appeared in Deathwatch and Marat/Sade.

WRITINGS Film: The Box, Local Talent Productions, 2003.

Appeared as Tommy Bats in an episode of Dellaventura, CBS.

Author of the prize–winning short film Candy Store.

Television Appearances; Other: Chicago Story, 1981. Matt Forman, Hidden War, 2000. Victor Mura, Falcone (pilot), CBS, 2000.

RYES, Kamar See DE LOS REYES, Kamar


S Sergeant O’Neal, Godzilla, TriStar, 1998. Doctor, Dropping Out, Bad Clams Productions/Flemington Pictures, 2000. Borough of Kings, 2001.


Television Appearances; Series: Young Mack Mackenzie, a recurring role, Knots Landing, CBS, 1986–1987. Matt Fielding, Melrose Place, Fox, 1992–1997.

Full name, Douglas P. Savant; born June 21, 1964, in Burbank, CA; married Dawn (divorced); married Laura Leighton (an actress), 1998; children: (first marriage) two daughters; (second marriage) Jack Douglas. Education: Attended University of California, Los Angeles.

Television Appearances; Movies: Jeff Colburn, Aftermath: A Test of Love, CBS, 1991. Detective Dennis Mulrooney, Columbo: No Time to Die (also known as No Time to Die), ABC, 1992. Deputy Sheriff Ted Hinton, Bonnie and Clyde: The True Story, Fox, 1992. Dr. Peter Myerson, Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence (also known as Maniac Cop 3), HBO, 1992. Richard Mark Ellard, Fight for Justice: The Nancy Conn Story (also known as Fighting Back: The Nancy Conn Story), NBC, 1995. Dr. Sean O’Grady, Terminal (also known as Robin Cook’s Terminal), NBC, 1996. Virgil, A Face to Kill For (also known as Makeover), USA Network, 1999. Grant Coleman, First Daughter, TBS, 1999. Grant Coleman, First Target, TBS, 2000. Grant Coleman, First Shot, TBS, 2002.

Addresses: Agent—Charles Silver, Silver, Massetti & Szatmary, 8730 West Sunset Blvd., Suite 440, West Hollywood, CA 90069. Manager—Liberman/Zerman Management, 252 North Larchmont Blvd., Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90004. Career: Actor. Member: Screen Actors Guild. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Swing Shift, Warner Bros., 1984. Boy, Secret Admirer (also known as The Letter), Orion, 1985. Brad, Teen Wolf, Atlantic Releasing, 1985. Tim Hainey, Trick or Treat, De Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1986. Ashby, The Hanoi Hilton, Cannon, 1987. Mike McGill, Masquerade, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/ United Artists, 1988. Eric Hinsley (some sources cite Erik Hensley), Paint It Black, Vestron, 1989. Attila, Red Surf, Arrowhead, 1990. Michael, Shaking the Tree, Magnificent Mile Productions, 1990.

Television Appearances; Specials: A Day in the Lives of Melrose Place, Fox, 1994. The Road to Fame on Melrose Place and 90210, Fox, 1995. Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Violation,⬙ Cagney and Lacey, CBS, 1985. Joey Medwick, ⬙Road Hog,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, NBC, 1986. Elliot Jessup, ⬙Scapegoats,⬙ Hotel, ABC, 1986. 291


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Commandant Thomas O’Connor, ⬙Night Maneuvers,⬙ Stingray, syndicated, 1987. Dwayne, ⬙A Winter’s Tale,⬙ The Facts of Life, 1987. Richard, ⬙The Thanks of a Grateful Nation,⬙ China Beach, ABC, 1990. ⬙God Bless the Child,⬙ Jake and the Fatman, 1995. Chase Cobb, ⬙Who Killed the World’s Greatest Chef?,⬙ Burke’s Law, CBS, 1995. Josh Walters, ⬙Smooth Sailing,⬙ The Love Boat: The Next Wave, UPN, 1998. Kel–54, ⬙The Hunt,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1998. Toby Watson, ⬙Inheritance,⬙ Profiler, NBC, 1999. Sergeant Sommers, ⬙Kien Ausgang,⬙ Harsh Realm, Fox, 2000. Dillon Cole, ⬙Or What’s a Heaven For?,⬙ That’s Life, ABC, 2001. Jeffrey ⬙Jeff⬙ Riverton, ⬙To Serve and Protect,⬙ The District, CBS, 2001. Harold Raines, ⬙Sacrifices,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2001. Captain Harken, ⬙Bushwhacked,⬙ Firefly, Fox, 2002. Rick, ⬙The Bachelor,⬙ According to Jim, ABC, 2002. SEAL commander, ⬙Dangerous Game,⬙ JAG, 2002.

Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Manager—David J. Kanter, Anonymous Content, 8522 National Blvd., Suite 101, Culver City, CA 90232. Career: Director, writer, and producer. Also worked as production coordinator, auditor, editor, storyboard artist, and script reader. Awards, Honors: Haig P. Manoogian Award for overall excellence, New York University Student Film Festival, 1984, for Bad Timing and Renata; Grand Jury Prize for Drama, Sundance Film Festival, Prize San Sebastian and nomination for International Catholic Organization for Cinema and Audiovisual, both San Sebastian International Film Festival, 1989, and Independent Spirit Award nomination, best director, 1990, all for True Love; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best feature (with Richard Guay), 1994, for Household Saints; ALMA Award nomination, outstanding director of a feature film, American Latin Media Arts Awards, 2000, for The 24–Hour Woman; Lucy Award (with others), Women in Film, 2000.

Appeared in The Best Times, NBC. CREDITS Television Appearances; Pilots: Scott LaPierre, In the Heat of the Night, NBC, 1988. Dr. Barrow, The Knife and Gun Club, ABC, 1990.

Film Director: Renata (short film), 1982. Bad Timing (short film), World Northal, 1982. True Love, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1989. Dogfight, Warner Bros., 1991. Household Saints, Fine Line, 1993. The 24–Hour Woman, Artisan Entertainment/Shooting Gallery, 1999. Janis, Redeemable Features, 1999. (And executive producer) Reno: Rebel without a Pause (documentary), Seventh Art Releasing, 2003.

Stage Appearances: Appeared in a community theatre production of Hello Dolly! OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, May 20, 1994, p. 12. People Weekly, October 2, 1995, p. 142.

Television Director; Episodic: ⬙Chapter Five,⬙ Murder One, ABC, 1995. ⬙Know Thyself,⬙ Third Watch, NBC, 2000. ⬙Anywhere, Anytime,⬙ The Mind of the Married Man, HBO, 2001.


Director for The Great Spacecoaster, 1980s. Born July 23, 1959 in Bronx, NY; daughter of Carlo and Maria Elvira Savoca; married Richard Guay (a writer and producer), c. 1981; children: Kenneth, Bobby, one daughter. Education: Attended Queens College of the City University of New York; New York University, degree in film, 1982.

Television Director; Other: Dark Eyes (pilot), ABC, 1995. ⬙1952⬙ and ⬙1974,⬙ If These Walls Could Talk (miniseries), HBO, 1996. Dirt, Showtime, 2003. 292

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SCHOMBING Awards, Honors: Saguaro Film Festival Award, best short film, for Prey of Innocence.

WRITINGS Film: (With others) Renata (short film), 1982. (With others) Bad Timing (short film), World Northal, 1982. (With Richard Guay) True Love, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer/United Artists, 1989. (With Richard Guay) Household Saints, Fine Line, 1993. (With Richard Guay) The 24–Hour Woman, Artisan Entertainment/Shooting Gallery, 1999. Janis, Redeemable Features, 1999.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Detective Harry Spinoza, Likely Suspects, Fox, 1992–1993. Officer Ronnie Lopez, The Commish, ABC, 1994–1995. Martin Peltz, a recurring role, Breaking News, Bravo, 2002. Kaplan, a recurring role, Just Cause, PAX, 2002–2003. Voice of Mr. Trilobyte, Yakkity Yak (animated), Nickelodeon, 2003—.

Television: If These Walls Could Talk (miniseries), HBO, 1996. Dirt (movie), Showtime, 2003.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Assistant detective, Invasion (also known as Robin Cook’s Invasion), NBC, 1997.


Television Appearances; Movies: Guzer, I Still Dream of Jeannie, NBC, 1991. Joey, Dirty Work, USA Network, 1992. Weisberg, One of Her Own, ABC, 1994. Xylo, The Hard Truth, HBO, 1994. Come Die with Me: A Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer Mystery, CBS, 1994. Officer Ronnie Lopez, The Commish: Father Image, ABC, 1995. Officer Ronnie Lopez, The Commish: Redemption, ABC, 1996. Tommy Baylor, Asylum, HBO, 1997. Charlie, Fatal Error (also known as The Reaper), TBS, 1999. Marty, A Song from the Heart (also known as Music from the Heart), CBS, 1999. Jack Bryant, First Target, TBS, 2000. Mr. Martino, The Ultimate Christmas Present, The Disney Channel, 2000. Victor Blake, The Hostage Negotiator, USA Network, 2001. Jeff Kline, Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of ⬙Three’s Company,⬙ NBC, 2003.

Books: Women Filmmakers and Their Films, St. James Press, 1998. Periodicals: Filmmaker, autumn, 1993; February, 1999, pp. 46–48. Interview, September, 1993. Movieline, April, 1993. New York Times, December 28, 1997. Popular Literature and Film, summer, 1997. Premiere, October, 1993; October, 1998, pp. 82–90. Rolling Stone, September 21, 1989. Washington Post, February 28, 1999.

SCHOMBING, Jason (Jason Scott) PERSONAL Full name, Jason Scott Schombing.

Also appeared in Deader Than Ever, CBS.

Addresses: Agent—(Voice work) Arlene Thornton and Associates, 12711 Ventura Blvd., Suite 490, Studio City, CA 91604. Manager—Rodriguez Management, 223 South Beverly Dr., Suite 207, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Jason Scott) Angel, ⬙Tough Boys,⬙ MacGyver, ABC, 1990. Calvin Dunn, ⬙Each One, Teach One,⬙ Street Justice, syndicated, 1992. ⬙The Assassination: Part 1,⬙ Matlock, NBC, 1992. Warren James Dupre, ⬙Lazarus,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1994. Frank Meyers, ⬙To Serve and Protect,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 1996.

Career: Actor, producer, director, and writer. Member: Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television, and Radio Artists, Union of British Columbia Performers. 293


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Max the car salesman, ⬙Wrong Number,⬙ Strange Luck, Fox, 1996. Lenny Steinruder, ⬙The Last Ride,⬙ Pacific Blue, USA Network, 1997. Tony, ⬙A Bris Is Just a Bris,⬙ Early Edition, CBS, 1997. ⬙Www.murder,⬙ Mike Hammer, Private Eye, syndicated, 1997. Melvin Pinter, ⬙First Do No Harm,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1998. Royal Boyd, ⬙Death Wish,⬙ The Crow: Stairway to Heaven, syndicated, 1998. Shane Lothian, ⬙Fear City,⬙ Night Man, The Disney Channel and syndicated, 1998. Arnie Greenburg, ⬙Don’t Give Up the Ship,⬙ Hope Island, PAX, 1999. Dr. Robert Rothman, ⬙Forever in a Day,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 1999. Ramone, ⬙Keeping Up with the Joneses,⬙ The New Addams Family, Fox Family Channel, 1999. Dr. Robert Rothman, ⬙Crystal Skull,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 2000. Dr. Robert Rothman, ⬙The First Ones,⬙ Stargate SG–1, Showtime and syndicated, 2000. Howard Walker, ⬙The Hottest Places in Hell,⬙ Da Vinci’s Inquest, CBC, 2000. ⬙An Asian in the Sun,⬙ Beggars and Choosers, Showtime, 2000. Major Nicholas Garcia, ⬙The Final Countdown,⬙ Seven Days, UPN, 2001.

Appeared as Bernie, Heartbreak City, Last Resort. Film Work: Producer and director, Method or Madness (short film), 2002. Producer of the short film Prey of Innocence. WRITINGS Screenplays: Soul Remains, 2001. Method or Madness (short film), 2002. Teleplays; Stories for Movies: Stag, HBO, 1997. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Cult Times, September, 2002, p. 11. Electronic: Jason Schombing Official Site, http://www., October 17, 2003.

Also appeared in episodes of other series, including Cobra, syndicated; Cold Squad, CTV; and Palace Guard, CBS. Television Appearances; Pilots: Crow’s Nest, ABC, 1992. Crow, Trust in Me, NBC, 1994. Fitch, Final Run, CBS, 1999.


Film Appearances: (As Jason Scott) Carlos, Ultimate Desires (also known as Beyond the Silhouette), North American Pictures, 1992. (As Jason Scott) Paco, Ramona!, CNI Cinema, 1993. Lyle Atwood, Timecop, Universal, 1994. (As Jason Scott) Officer Simons, Car 54, Where Are You?, Orion, 1994. Vinnie, 3 Ninjas Kick Back, TriStar, 1994. Eli Spindel, Man with a Gun (also known as Gun for Hire and Hired for Killing), Nu Image/October Films, 1996. The Shot, Bread & Water Productions, 1996. Jerry Rome, Whacked, 1997. Marvin, Masterminds, Columbia, 1997. Ramon, Trixie, Sony Pictures Classics, 2000. Ronaldo Bazinni, The Whole Shebang, Christal Films, 2001. Carlos Cuesta, K–9: P.I., Universal Home Video, 2002.

Born in Los Angeles, CA; nephew of Francis Ford Coppola (a filmmaker). Education: University of Southern California, degree in film, 1985; apprenticed with Vittorio Storarro.


Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Cinematographer. Also photographer for music videos by various artists, including Madonna and Paula Abdul, and for commercials. Awards, Honors: American Society of Cinematographers Award nomination, outstanding achievement in cinematography in theatrical releases, and Golden Satellite Award nomination, best cinematography, both 2002, for Pearl Harbor. 294

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Film Cinematographer: (With others) The Unholy, Vestron, 1988. You Can’t Hurry Love (also known as Greetings from L.A. and Lovestruck), Lightning, 1988. Rockula, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer Home Entertainment, 1990. Red Surf, Arrowhead Entertainment, 1990. Benny & Joon, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1993. Airheads, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1994. A Pyromaniac’s Love Story (also known as Burning Love), Buena Vista, 1995. The Rock, Buena Vista, 1996. Mr. Wrong, Buena Vista, 1996. Conspiracy Theory, Warner Bros., 1997. Armageddon, Buena Vista/Touchstone, 1998. EDtv (also known as Ed TV), MCA/Universal, 1999. Pearl Harbor (also known as Pearl Harbour), Buena Vista, 2001. The Rookie, Buena Vista, 2002. Seabiscuit, Universal, 2003.

Television Work; Movies: Song producer, Revenge of the Nerds III: The Next Generation, Fox, 1992. Film Work: Orchestrator, Spooky House, R.S. Entertainment, 2000. WRITINGS Television Music; Series: (With Allen David Allen) Opening and closing theme music, This Is the Life (also known as The Fisher Family and This Is the Life: Patterns for Living), syndicated, c. 1978. Tales of the Gold Monkey (also known as The Curse of the Gold Monkey), ABC, 1982–1983. Land’s End, syndicated, 1995–1996. Television Music; Miniseries: ⬙The Secret of Lost Creek,⬙ The New Mickey Mouse Club, The Disney Channel, 1992. ⬙Trade Winds,⬙ Great Escapes, NBC, 1993.

Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Sniper, Conspiracy Theory, Warner Bros., 1997.

Television Music; Movies: Revenge of the Nerds III: The Next Generation, Fox, 1992. Mortal Fear (also known as Robin Cook’s ⬙Mortal Fear⬙), NBC, 1994. Revenge of the Nerds IV: Nerds in Love, Fox, 1994. Deadly Invasion: The Killer Bee Nightmare, Fox, 1995. Virus (also known as Formula for Death, Robin Cook’s ⬙Formula for Death,⬙ and Robin Cook’s Virus), NBC, 1995. Terminal (also known as Robin Cook’s Terminal), NBC, 1996. Tornado!, Fox, 1996. Nightscream, NBC, 1997.

Television Work: Director and cinematographer, To Save a Child (also known as The Craft), ABC, 1991. Television Appearances; Specials: Interviewee, Pearl Harbor: A Journey to the Screen (also known as Journey to the Screen: The Making of ⬙Pearl Harbor⬙), Black Entertainment Television, 2001.


Television Music; Other: Day of Reckoning, 1994. Race for the Poles (documentary special), The Learning Channel, 2000.

PERSONAL Addresses: Contact—[email protected].

Film Music: Penitentiary III, Cannon, 1987. Hit List, New Line Cinema, 1989. Judgement (also known as Hitz), Vidmark Entertainment, 1989. Horseplayer, Greycat Films, 1991. The Last Hour (also known as Concrete War), Academy, 1991. Lost in Africa, 1994.

Career: Composer and orchestrator. Member: Society of Composers and Lyricists (vice president; cochair of Performing Rights Committee), American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers. 295


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Man of the People, NBC, 1991. Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, ABC, 1993. Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1993. Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1994. Clueless, ABC, 1996. Wasteland, ABC, 1999.

Off World Interceptor, 1994. Spooky House, R.S. Entertainment, 2000. Composer for Video Games: Voyeur, Interplay, 1994. Voyeur II, Philips Interactive Media, 1996. Nonfiction: Contributor to periodicals, including Film Music.

Television Cinematographer; Miniseries: The Promised Land (documentary), The Discovery Channel, 1995. Television Cinematographer; Movies: Kung Fu: The Movie, CBS, 1986. Killer in the Mirror, NBC, 1986. Spies, Lies & Naked Thighs, CBS, 1988. Columbo: Columbo Goes to the Guillotine (also known as Columbo Goes to the Guillotine), ABC, 1989. Columbo: Murder, Smoke & Shadows (also known as Murder, Smoke and Shadows), ABC, 1989. Columbo: Sex and the Married Detective (also known as Sex and the Married Detective), ABC, 1989. Columbo: Grand Deceptions (also known as Grand Deceptions), ABC, 1989. Columbo: Murder, a Self Portrait (also known as Murder: A Self Portrait), ABC, 1989. Columbo: Columbo Cries Wolf (also known as Columbo Cries Wolf), ABC, 1990. Columbo: Agenda for Murder (also known as Agenda for Murder), ABC, 1990. The Secret Life of Archie’s Wife (also known as Runaway Heart), NBC, 1990. Perry Mason: The Case of the Ruthless Reporter, NBC, 1991. Perry Mason: The Case of the Maligned Mobster (also known as The Case of the Maligned Mobster), NBC, 1991. Perry Mason: The Case of the Glass Coffin, NBC, 1991. Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Fashion, NBC, 1991. Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Framing (also known as Perry Mason: The Case of the Posthumous Painter), NBC, 1992. Perry Mason: The Case of the Reckless Romeo, NBC, 1992. Perry Mason: The Case of the Heartbroken Bride, NBC, 1992. A Twist of the Knife, CBS, 1993. Perry Mason: The Case of the Skin–Deep Scandal, NBC, 1993. Perry Mason: The Case of the Telltale Talk Show Host, NBC, 1993. Perry Mason: The Case of the Killer Kiss, NBC, 1993. A Perry Mason Mystery: The Case of the Wicked Wives, NBC, 1991. (As Bob Seaman) A Child’s Cry for Help, NBC, 1994. Killers in the House, USA Network, 1998. Hounded, The Disney Channel, 2001.


SEAMAN, Robert (Bob Seaman, Robert E. Seaman) PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—Paradigm, 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., 25th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Cinematographer and camera operator. CREDITS Film Work: Camera operator, Divine Madness, Warner Bros., 1980. Additional cinematographer, The Adventures of Mary– Kate & Ashley: The Case of Thorn Mansion (short film), 1994. (As Bob Seaman) The Adventures of Mary–Kate & Ashley: The Case of the Logical i Ranch (short film), 1994. (As Bob Seaman) Camera operator, Things to Do in Denver When You’re Dead, 1995. Camera operator, Stop Making Sense, Cinecom, 1999. Cinematographer, Green Diggity Dog, 2001. Television Cinematographer; Series: Mike Hammer (also known as Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer and The New Mike Hammer), CBS, 1984. Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1984. Eye to Eye, 1985. I Had Three Wives, CBS, 1985. The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1985. L.A. Law, NBC, 1986. Beverly Hills Buntz, NBC, 1987. Hooperman, ABC, 1987. Parker Lewis Can’t Lose (also known as Parker Lewis), Fox, 1990. 296

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SEVERANCE Maureen Mallory, Almost Pregnant, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1992. Melissa Yarnell, Illicit Behavior (also known as Criminal Intent), Prism Pictures, 1992. Marla Stewart, The Runestone, Live Home Video, 1992. Detective Melanie Hudson, Criminal Passion (also known as Angel of Desire), Vidmark, 1994. Rose Gullerman, Payback, Trimark, 1995. Caroline Everett, Dangerous Indiscretion, Paramount Home Video, 1995. Madelyn Turner, Hard Evidence, Libra Home Entertainment, 1995. Theresa Marsh, Matter of Trust (also known as The Surgeon), Two Sticks Productions, 1997. Chapelle, In Dark Places, 1997. Bridget Gregory, The Last Seduction II, PolyGram Video, 1999.

The Poof Point, The Disney Channel, 2001. (As Bob Seaman) Double Teamed, The Disney Channel, 2002. (As Robert E. Seaman) L.A. Law: The Movie, NBC, 2002. The Brady Bunch in the White House, Fox, 2002. The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth about Enron, CBS, 2003. (As Bob Seaman) Right on Track, The Disney Channel, CBS, 2003. Thanksgiving Family Reunion (also known as National Lampoon’s Holiday Reunion), TBS, 2003. Television Work; Pilots: (As Bob Seaman) Camera operator, The Legend of the Golden Gun, NBC, 1979. Cinematographer, Why On Earth?, ABC, 1988. Cinematographer, Further Adventures, CBS, 1988. Photography, Neil Simon: Not Just for Laughs, PBS, 1989.

Film Coproducer: In Dark Places, 1997. Matter of Trust (also known as The Surgeon), Two Sticks Productions, 1997. Television Appearances; Series: Susan Profitt, Wiseguys, CBS, 1988. Camille Hunter, Love Boat: The Next Wave, UPN, 1998.



Television Appearances; Movies: Susan Davis, Another Pair of Aces: Three of a Kind, CBS, 1991. Irene, Lake Consequences, Showtime, 1993. Darcy Walker (title role), Black Scorpion (also known as Roger Corman Presents ⬙Black Scorpion⬙), Showtime, 1995. Darcy Walker (title role), Black Scorpion II: Aftershock (also known as Black Scorpion: Ground Zero), Showtime, 1996. Alison Rawlings, Frequent Flyer, ABC, 1996. Dr. Hanna Carras, Profile for Murder, HBO, 1997. Barbara ⬙Babe⬙ Paley, Life of the Party: The Pamela Harriman Story (also known as Life of the Party: Pamela Harriman), Lifetime, 1998. Angela Carter, Cause of Death, Cinemax, 2000. Mary Stenning, Mystery Woman, 2003.

Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Girl in black playsuit, Lethal Weapon, 1987. Samantha Moore, No Holds Barred, New Line Cinema, 1989. Eve, See No Evil, Hear No Evil, TriStar, 1989. Lizabette, Worth Winning, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1989. Rachel Varney, Bird on a Wire, Universal, 1990. Belle Washburn, Write to Kill, RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video, 1991.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Pauline, ⬙Lady Killer,⬙ Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer, CBS, 1987. Zik–Zak hallucination girl, ⬙Neurostim,⬙ Max Headroom, ABC, 1988. ⬙My Enemy,⬙ The Hitchhiker, HBO, 1989. Guest, Late Night with David Letterman, 1989. Alex Kovac, ⬙All’s Wrong That Ends Wrong,⬙ Murphy’s Law, 1989. Nora Cheever, ⬙Uninvited Guests,⬙ Midnight Caller, 1991.

Full name, Joan Marie Severance; born December 23, 1958, in Houston, TX; daughter of John C. Severance (a computer systems engineer); married Eric Milan (a model), 1977 (divorced, 1984). Avocational Interests: Target practice, cooking, writing, playing the saxophone, listening to slow jazz and blues. Addresses: Agent—Joel Dean, Agency for the Performing Arts, 9200 Sunset Blvd., Suite 900, Los Angeles, CA, 90069. Career: Actress and producer. Elite Modeling Agency, worked as a model.



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Rona, ⬙The New Arrival,⬙ Tales from the Crypt, 1992. The woman, ⬙Safe Sex,⬙ Zalman King’s Red Shoe Diaries (also known as Red Shoe Diaries), Showtime, 1992. Lauren Chase, ⬙How Much Is That Bentley in the Window,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1993. Lauren Chase, ⬙Foreign Co–respondent,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1993. Reno Hubbertson, ⬙Lady Madonna,⬙ Johnny Bago, CBS, 1993. Private Investigator Christine Logan, ⬙Venom,⬙ Profiler, NBC, 1996.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Twin Oaks customer, The Postman Always Rings Twice, Paramount, 1981. Otho, Beetlejuice, Warner Bros., 1988. Roscoe Arbuckle, Sunset, TriStar, 1988. Father Ripper, Heathers (also known as Fatal Game, Lethal Attraction, and Westerberg High), New World, 1989. Greg Samson, Meet the Applegates (also known as The Applegates), Triton Pictures, 1991. Duke, Bingo, TriStar, 1991. Mr. Fallows, Stephen King’s Sleepwalkers (also known as Sleepstalkers and Sleepwalkers), Columbia, 1992. Associate Bob, Demolition Man, Warner Bros., 1993. Voice of the mayor of Halloween Town, Tim Burton’s The Nightmare before Christmas (also known as Nightmare before Christmas), Buena Vista, 1993. Leopold Doppler, It Runs in the Family (also known as My Summer Story), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1994. Anthony Rotundo, Love Affair, Warner Bros., 1994. Leon Bennini, Dark Side of Genius, Paramount Home Video, 1995. Lionel Spalding, Dunston Checks In, Twentieth Century Fox, 1996. Building inspector, Multiplicity, Columbia/TriStar, 1996. Hermann Goering, The Empty Mirror, Lions Gate Films, 1997. Neil, Men, A–Pix Entertainment, 1997. Mr. Sweepstakes, Sparkler, Columbia/TriStar Home Video, 1998. Larry, Chairman of the Board, Trimark Pictures, 1998. Virgil Cunningham, Red Dirt, Sweet Tea Productions, 1999. Geoff, More Dogs Than Bones, Dream Entertainment, 1999. Jesse, Fast Sofa, Studio Home Entertainment, 2001. Senator Nado, Planet of the Apes, Twentieth Century– Fox, 2001. Casting director, Sol Goode, Cutting Edge Entertainment, 2001. Narrator, The Day the Dolls Struck Back, 2002. Peter, Shut Yer Dirty Little Mouth, SYDLM Productions, 2002. Sheriff Winslow, Rose’s (also known as Big Hopes, Little Lies and Confessions of a Florist), Envisage Media Production, 2003.

Television Appearances; Specials: The New Arrival, HBO, 1992. Host, Virtual World International, Sci–Fi Channel, 1995. Host, Contestants Tell All ... Secrets of Beauty Pageants Exposed, UPN, 1998. Television Appearances; Pilots: Libby Sinclair, Just Deserts, ABC, 1992. Television Coproducer; Movies: Black Scorpion II: Aftershock (also known as Black Scorpion: Ground Zero), Showtime, 1996. ADAPTATIONS Severance’s appearance in an episode of Zalman King’s Red Shoe Diaries in 1992 was included in the video collection Red Shoe Diaries 2: Double Dare, 1993.

SHADIX, Glenn 1952– PERSONAL Full name, William Glenn Shadix; born April 15, 1952, in Bessemer, AL. Addresses: Agent—SDB Agency, 1801 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 902, Los Angeles, CA 90067; (voice work) Marsha Hurwitz, Innovative Artists Agency, 1505 10th St., Santa Monica, CA 90401. Manager—Juliet Green Management, 445 South Beverly Dr., Suite 100, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Television Appearances; Series: Dr. Addington, a recurring role, Thanks, CBS, 1999.

Career: Actor. Stage actor for nearly twenty years. Appeared in commercials, including one for Post Cinna– Crunch Pebbles breakfast cereal, 1999.

Voice of Jelly Roll for the series Disney’s One Saturday Morning; also appeared in the series 13 Bourbon Street, Fox. 298

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Television Appearances; Movies: Mr. Barton, Student Exchange, ABC, 1987. Chet, Parent Trap: Hawaiian Honeymoon (also known as Parent Trap IV: Hawaiian Honeymoon), NBC, 1989. Clive, Nightlife, 1990. Nate, Storm (also known as Storm Trackers), Fox Family Channel, 1998.

SHADYAC in the Gift Horse,⬙ an episode of Time Squad, Cartoon Network; also appeared in an episode of Great Scott!, Fox. Television Appearances; Pilots: Royce Pruitt, Locals, Fox, 1994. Garland Madden, Ruby Romaine Trailer Tales, HBO, 2003.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Musician, ⬙Diamond in the Rough,⬙ The Golden Girls, 1987. Jay, ⬙Chicken Hearts–Chicken Hearts,⬙ Roseanne, ABC, 1989. Bud Larkin, ⬙Food for Thought,⬙ Empty Nest, NBC, 1991. Harold, ⬙The Apartment,⬙ Seinfeld, NBC, 1991. Bernard, ⬙The Beer Is Always Greener,⬙ Cheers, NBC, 1992. Dermot Drake, ⬙The 1992 Boat Show,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1992. Scorpius, ⬙Hex and the Single Guy,⬙ The Fresh Prince of Bel–Air, NBC, 1993. Walker, ⬙Amends,⬙ The John Larroquette Show, NBC, 1993. Walker, ⬙Thirty Day Chip,⬙ The John Larroquette Show, NBC, 1993. Leslie Loret, ⬙Lost Weekend,⬙ Dave’s World, CBS, 1994. Voice of Nimbar, Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills, USA Network, 1994. Typhon, ⬙Cast a Giant Shadow,⬙ Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, syndicated, 1995. Typhon, ⬙Monster Child in the Promised Land,⬙ Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, syndicated, 1996. Typhon, ⬙Beanstalks and Bad Eggs,⬙ Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, syndicated, 1997. Voice, Zorro, syndicated, 1997. Voice of mirror demon, ⬙The Ghostmakers,⬙ Extreme Ghostbusters, 1997. Voice, ⬙Duckman and Cornfed in ⬘Haunted Society Plumbers,’⬙ Duckman, USA Network, 1997. Gay agent, ⬙Agents,⬙ Tracey Takes On..., HBO, 1998. Caligula, ⬙Salem, the Boy,⬙ Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, ABC, 1999. Mr. Rook, ⬙Aloha Christmas,⬙ Ladies Man, CBS, 1999. Eldon, ⬙Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic,⬙ ER, NBC, 2001. Voice of Tso Lan, moon demon, ⬙The Stronger Evil,⬙ Jackie Chan Adventures, The WB, 2001. Voice of Tso Lan, moon demon, ⬙Shanghai Moon,⬙ Jackie Chan Adventures, The WB, 2001. Voice of Tso Lan, moon demon, ⬙Demon World: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Jackie Chan Adventures, The WB, 2002. ⬙The Wedding Planner,⬙ Providence, NBC, 2002. Mr. Val Templeton, Carnivale, HBO, 2003.

Also appeared in the pilots Angel City, ABC, and Hotel Dicks, Fox. Television Appearances; Specials: Voice of Jelly Roll, Disney’s One Saturday Morning on Friday Night, ABC, 1999. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: The Official Glenn Shadix Web Site, http://www., August 9, 2003.

SHADYAC, Tom 1958(?)– PERSONAL Surname is pronounced ⬙Shay–dee–ak⬙; born December, 1958 (some sources cite 1959 or 1960), in Virginia; son of Richard (a lawyer) and Julie Shadyac; married Jennifer Barker (an actress), June, 1997. Education: University of Virginia, B.A., pre–law, 1980; University of California, Los Angeles, M.A., film, 1989. Addresses: Office—Shady Acres Entertainment, 100 Universal City Plaza, Bldg. 6111, Universal City, CA 91608. Agent—Dan Aloni, United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Manager—The Firm, 9465 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 212, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Director, writer, producer, and executive. Shady Acres Entertainment, Universal City, CA, founder; 333 Music Group, founder and music producer, beginning 1999. Joke writer for comedian Bob Hope, 1983; standup comedian at the Improv in Los Angeles. CREDITS Film Director: Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Warner Bros., 1994. The Nutty Professor, Universal, 1996. Liar Liar, Universal, 1997.

Voice of monster for the animated series Dinosaurs, ABC; voice of Lonnie the Shark for the series The Mask; voices of man and King of Troy, ⬙Never Look a Trojan 299


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

(And executive producer) Patch Adams, MCA/ Universal, 1998. (And producer) Dragonfly (also known as Im Zeichen der Libelle), Universal, 2002. (And producer) Bruce Almighty, Universal, 2003.

Periodicals: Empire, Issue 96, 1997, pp. 86–88. USA Today, March 21, 1997, p. D1.

Film Work; Other: Executive Producer, The Nutty Professor II (also known as The Klumps and The Nutty Professor II: The Klumps), Universal, 2000.

SHAVER, Helen 1951(?)– PERSONAL Born February 24, 1951 (some sources cite 1952), in St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada; married Steven Smith; children: Mackenzie. Education: Attended University of Victoria; studied acting at Banff School of Fine Arts, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Film Appearances: Chris, Jocks (also known as Road Trip), Crown, 1987. Television Executive Producer; Series: 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter (also known as 8 Simple Rules...), ABC, beginning 2002.

Addresses: Agent—Innovative Artists, 1505 10th St., Santa Monica, CA 90401. Manager—Tavel Entertainment, 9171 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 406, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Publicist—Baker/Wynokur/Ryder, 9100 Wilshire Blvd., 6th Floor W., Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Television Executive Producer; Pilots: (And director) Homecoming Queen, ABC, 2001. Platonically Incorrect, ABC, 2003. The Last Angry Man of Good Behavior, ABC, 2003.

Career: Actress, director, and writer. Began career as a stage actress in Canada.

Television Director; Movies: Frankenstein: The College Years, Fox, 1991.

Awards, Honors: Canadian Film Award (now Genie Award), best performance by a leading actress, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1978, for In Praise of Older Women; Genie Award nomination, best supporting actress, c. 1980, for Who Has Seen the Wind?; Bronze Leopard Award, Locarno International Film Festival, 1985, for Desert Hearts; Genie Award nomination, best actress in a leading role, 1987, for Lost!; Gemini Award nomination, best lead actress in a dramatic program or miniseries, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1989, for No Blame; Theatre World Award, 1992, for Jake’s Women; Annual CableACE Award, National Cable Television Association, c. 1995, for ⬙Sandkings: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Outer Limits; Children’s Jury Award, outstanding live–action feature film, 1999, Chicago International Children’s Film Festival, 1999, and Daytime Emmy Award nomination, outstanding directing in a children’s special, 2000, both for Summer’s End; Genie Award, best supporting actress, 2001, for We All Fall Down; Gemini Award nomination, best direction in a dramatic series, 2001, for The Outer Limits.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Danny, ⬙Murder 101,⬙ Magnum, P.I., 1984. Also appeared in an episode of Trapper John, M.D. RECORDINGS Videos: Himself, Liar Liar: Bridging the Comedy Chasm, Universal Studios Home Video, 1999. WRITINGS Screenplays: (With Jim Carrey and Jack Bernstein) Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Warner Bros., 1994. (With others) The Nutty Professor (based on earlier screenplay by Jerry Lewis and Bill Richmond), Universal, 1996.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Paula Lissitzen, Shoot, Avco Embassy, 1976. Girl hitchhiker, The Supreme Kid, Cinepix, 1976. Jo, Outrageous!, Cinema V, 1977. Pickup, High–Ballin’, American International Pictures, 1978.

OTHER SOURCES Books: Authors and Artists for Young Adults, Volume 36, Gale, 2000. 300

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Ann MacDonald, In Praise of Older Women (also known as En hommage aux femmes de trente ans), Avco Embassy, 1978. Betty Duncan, Starship Invasions (also known as Alien Encounter, Project Genocide, War of the Aliens, and Winged Serpent), Warner Bros., 1978. Carolyn, The Amityville Horror, American International Pictures, 1979. Ruth Thompson, Who Has Seen the Wind?, Cinema World, 1980. Rhonda, Gas, Paramount, 1981. Catherine Tuttle, Harry Tracy—Desperado (also known as Harry Tracy), Quartet, 1982. Virginia Tremayne, The Osterman Weekend, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1983. Claire Lewis, Best Defense, Paramount, 1984. Coming Out Alive, TransWorld Entertainment, 1984. Vivian Bell, Desert Hearts, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1985. Maria, The War Boy, Hollywood Home Entertainment, 1985. Janelle, The Color of Money, Buena Vista, 1986. Linda, Lost!, Simcom–Norstar, 1986. (Uncredited) Sarah, The Men’s Club, 1986. Jessica Halliday (some sources cite Jessica Hallowell), The Believers, Orion, 1987. Herself, Walking after Midnight, Kay Film, 1988. Voice of Littlefoot’s mother, The Land before Time (animated), Universal, 1988. Benet Archdale, Innocent Victim (also known as The Tree of Hands), Castle Hill/Academy Home, 1990. A Smile in the Dark (also known as California 405, A Day in L.A., Destination Unknown, and Jungle of Love), 1991. Diane, Zebrahead (also known as The Colour of Love), Triumph Releasing, 1992. Mrs. Dowd, Dr. Bethune (also known as Bethune: The Making of a Hero), Tara Releasing, 1993. Ann O’Connor, That Night (also known as One Hot Summer), Warner Bros., 1993. Margaret Heller, Born to Be Wild (also known as Katie), Warner Bros., 1995. Kate White Reilly, Tremors 2: Aftershocks, Universal, 1995. Slim, Rowing Through, 1996. Rachel Rowen, Open Season, Republic Home Video, 1996. Grace Downs, The Craft, Columbia TriStar, 1996. Egg Salad, 1996. Sherry, We All Fall Down, Road Cone, 2000. Sara Bradley, Bear with Me, River of Stone Productions/WIC Entertainment, 2000. Ruthie, The Keeper, GTF Entertainment, 2003.

SHAVER Television Appearances; Series: Dr. Liz Warren, Search and Rescue: The Alpha Team (also known as Search and Rescue), NBC, 1977–1978. Libby Chapin, United States, NBC, then Arts and Entertainment, 1980. Title role, Jessica Novak, CBS, 1981. Kelby Robinson, WIOU, CBS, 1990–1991. Rachel Corrigan, Poltergeist: The Legacy, syndicated, beginning 1996. Erica Bettis, The Education of Max Bickford, CBS, beginning 2001. Also appeared in the series Terminal City, CBC (Canada). Television Appearances; Movies: Patty, Lovey: A Circle of Children, Part II, CBS, 1978. Miss Beecher, Off Your Rocker, 1980. Susan Frazer, Between Two Brothers, CBS, 1982. Dorian Waldorf, Countdown to Looking Glass, HBO, 1984. Valery Weaver, The Park Is Mine, HBO, 1985. Sally Robinson, Many Happy Returns, CBS, 1986. Amy Donaldson, No Blame, 1988. Claire Nichols, Mothers, Daughters, and Lovers (also known as American River), NBC, 1989. Dr. Diane Decker, ⬙The Dancer’s Touch,⬙ B. L. Stryker (broadcast as a segment of ABC Mystery Movie), ABC, 1989. Vivian Dimitri, Columbo: Rest in Peace, Mrs. Columbo (broadcast as a segment of ABC Saturday Mystery), ABC, 1990. Rose, Pair of Aces (also known as RIP), CBS, 1990. Elaine Tipton, Fatal Memories (also known as The Eileen Franklin Story and Memory of a Murder), NBC, 1992. Edie Ballew, Poisoned by Love: The Kern County Murders (also known as Blind Angel and Murder So Sweet), CBS, 1993. Katherine Woodfield, Trial & Error, USA Network, 1993. Stacy Larkin, Survive the Night (also known as Endless Fear and Night Hunt), USA Network, 1993. Lula Peaks, Morning Glory, 1993. Katherine Barnes, Ride with the Wind, ABC, 1994. Nora Fields, Without Consent (also known as Tell Laura I Love Her and Trapped and Deceived), ABC, 1994. Dr. Monique Dessier, The Forget–Me–Not Murders (also known as Janek: The Forget–Me–Not Murders and Janek: The Wallflower Murders), CBS, 1994. Dr. Monique Dessier, A Silent Betrayal (also known as Janek: The Brownstone Murders and Janek: A Silent Betrayal), CBS, 1994. Ellen (some sources cite Mary), Falling for You, CBS, 1995. Mrs. Martin, The Sweetest Gift, Showtime, 1998.

Also appeared in Christina and The Naked Man. Film Work: Executive producer, We All Fall Down, Road Cone, 2000. 301


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 ⬙Last Supper,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and syndicated, 1997. ⬙Stagecoach Marty,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime, 1997. ⬙Lithia,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and syndicated, 1998. ⬙Nightmare,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and syndicated, 1998. ⬙Phobos Rising,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and syndicated, 1998. ⬙Bulls and Bears,⬙ The Net, USA Network, 1998. ⬙What Will the Neighbors Think?,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and syndicated, 1999. ⬙Star Crossed,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and syndicated, 1999. ⬙Simon Says,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and syndicated, 2000. ⬙This Crazy Life,⬙ Soul Food, Showtime, 2001. ⬙Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,⬙ The Associates, 2001. ⬙8 1/2 Narrow,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2001. ⬙Boys to Men,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2002. ⬙Just Say Oops,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2003. ⬙Death’s Details,⬙ Just Cause, PAX, 2003.

Wallis Clayton, The Wishing Tree, Showtime, 1999. Janet, Common Ground, Showtime, 2000. Television Appearances; Episodic: Police Surgeon, syndicated, 1975. ⬙Detroit Story,⬙ King of Kensington, syndicated, 1976. Guest, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, multiple appearances, between 1979 and 1991. Teresa, ⬙Officer of the Year,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1982. Teresa, ⬙A Hair of the Dog,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1982. Teresa, ⬙The Phantom of the Hill,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1982. Teresa, ⬙No Body’s Perfect,⬙ Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1982. Lisa Jericho, ⬙The Shadow of Truth,⬙ T. J. Hooker, ABC, 1983. Karen, ⬙Mirror, Mirror...,⬙ Steven Spielberg’s Amazing Stories (also known as Amazing Stories), NBC, 1986. ⬙Spanish Blood,⬙ Philip Marlowe, Private Eye, HBO, 1986. ⬙Who Has Seen the Wind,⬙ WonderWorks, PBS, 1987. Miss Haight, ⬙The Emissary,⬙ Ray Bradbury Theatre, First Choice (Canada), then USA Network, both 1988. Guest, Late Night with David Letterman, 1992. Cathy Kress, ⬙Sandkings: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Outer Limits (also known as The New Outer Limits), Showtime and syndicated, 1995. Dianna McKinney, ⬙Next of Kin,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, Showtime, 1997.

Also directed episodes of The Agency; Beggars and Choosers, Showtime; Dead Like Me, Showtime; and The District, CBS. Stage Appearances: Tamara, Los Angeles, 1984. Julia, Ghost on Fire, La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla, CA, 1985. Maggie, Jake’s Women, Neil Simon Theatre, New York City, 1992.

Television Appearances; Specials: M*A*S*H, Tootsie, and God: A Tribute to Larry Gelbart, PBS, 1998. Interviewee, Outer Limits Farewell Tribute, Showtime, 2000.

Also appeared in Are You Lookin’?, A Doll’s House, The Hostage, and The Master Builder.

Television Appearances; Other: Herself, The Grand Knockout Tournament, 1987. President Marjorie Litchfield, The First Gentleman (pilot), CBS, 1994. Lynn Todd, The Risen, 2002.

RECORDINGS Audio Books: Narrator, Stories from Wilderness Tips, by Margaret Atwood, 1992.

Television Director; Movies: Summer’s End, Showtime, 1999. (And producer) Due East, Showtime, 2002.

SHEPPARD, Mark (Mark A. Sheppard)

Television Director; Episodic: ⬙The Bones of St. Anthony,⬙ Poltergeist: The Legacy, Showtime, Sci–Fi Channel, and syndicated, 1996. ⬙Brother’s Keeper,⬙ Poltergeist: The Legacy, Showtime, Sci–Fi Channel, and syndicated, 1996.

PERSONAL Full name, Mark Andreas Sheppard. 302

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

SMITH The first chameleon, ⬙The Skin,⬙ Special Unit 2, UPN, 2001. Nero, ⬙A.I. Highrise,⬙ V.I.P., syndicated, 2001. (As Mark A. Sheppard) Nitro, ⬙Bring Me the Head of Tucker Burns,⬙ The Chronicle, Sci–Fi Channel, 2001. Yuri Gregorov, ⬙Diseased,⬙ The Invisible Man, Sci–Fi Channel, 2001. (As Mark A. Sheppard) Arnon, ⬙Witches in Tights,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2002. (As Mark A. Sheppard) Badger, ⬙Serenity: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Firefly, Fox, 2002. (As Mark A. Sheppard) Badger, ⬙Shindig,⬙ Firefly, Fox, 2002. (As Mark A. Sheppard) Badger, ⬙The Train Job,⬙ Firefly, Fox, 2002. Mitchell Reeves, ⬙Manhunt,⬙ UC: Undercover, NBC, 2002. Nero, ⬙48 ½ Hours,⬙ V.I.P., syndicated, 2002. Rod Darling, ⬙The Hunger Artist,⬙ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also known as CSI), CBS, 2002. Liam Dennehy, ⬙Simone Says,⬙ Fastlane, Fox, 2003.

Addresses: Agent—Stone Manners Talent and Literary Agency, 6500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 550, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Career: Actor, producer, and writer. CREDITS Film Appearances: Paddy Armstrong, In the Name of the Father, Universal, 1993. Nigel Bowles, Lover’s Knot, Cabin Fever Entertainment, 1996. California, Nether World, Dalgaard Hull Productions/ Noir Films, 1997. Fang, Out of the Cold, Dream Rock/First Look Media/ Moonstone Entertainment, 1999. Himself, From Russia to Hollywood: The 100–Year Odyssey of Chekhov and Shdanoff (documentary), Pathfinder/RGH/Lions Share Pictures, 1999. Michael Reilly, Farewell, My Love, Win’s Entertainment, 1999. Doug Sweeney, Lady in the Box, Curb Entertainment, 2001. Chomsky, Deep Shock, Eel Productions, 2002. Yuri Brescov, New Alcatraz (also known as Boa), Columbia/TriStar/New City Releasing, 2002.

Television Appearances; Other: Christopher ⬙C. J.⬙ Yates, Soldier of Fortune (pilot), 1997. Ian Fields, Lost Voyage, 2001. (Uncredited) Himself, Murder, She Wrote: The Celtic Riddle (movie), CBS, 2003.

Film Work: Associate producer, Nether World, Dalgaard Hull Productions/Noir Films, 1997. Producer, Room 101, Very Dodgy Productions, 2001.

WRITINGS Screenplays: Room 101, Very Dodgy Productions, 2001.

Television Appearances; Series: Christopher ⬙C. J.⬙ Yates, Soldier of Fortune, Inc. (also known as S.O.F., Inc. and S.O.F. Special Ops Force), syndicated, 1997–1998. Himself, I Love 1990’s, BBC–2, 2001.


Television Appearances; Episodic: Eric, ⬙In Too Deep,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1992. Bob the caretaker/Cecil L’Ively, ⬙Fire,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1993. Eddie Bryce, ⬙Schemes Like Old Times,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1993. C. Flayton Ruell (The Spider), ⬙Spider in the Tower,⬙ M.A.N.T.I.S., Fox, 1995. (As Mark A. Sheppard) Jack, ⬙Net Worth,⬙ Sliders, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. (As Mark A. Sheppard) Clay Sullivan, ⬙Thieves among Thieves,⬙ Martial Law, CBS, 1999. Eddie Wicks, ⬙Day in Court,⬙ The Practice, ABC, 1999. Leucon, ⬙Child’s Play,⬙ Star Trek: Voyager, UPN, 2000. Younger Parker, ⬙A Separate Peace: Part 2,⬙ JAG, CBS, 2000.

Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Wendy, Angel Unchained (also known as Angels Unchained and Hells Angels Unchained), American International Pictures, 1970. Halls of Anger, United Artists, 1970. Hope/Mistress Victoria, Hardcore (also known as The Hardcore Life), Columbia, 1979. Kiri’s friend, The Beastmaster (also known as Beastmaster—Der Befreier), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1982. 303


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Addresses: Office—British Lion Film Productions, Ltd., Pinewood Studios, Pinewood Rd., Iver, Bucks SL0 0NH, England.

Ronda–Marie, Memoirs, National Film Board of Canada/Office national du film du Canada, 1984. Man’s date, Zombie Nightmare, Shapiro–Glickenhaus Entertainment, 1987. Rough Ridin’ Justice, 1987. Jane James, Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Traveller (also known as L’albuminable homme des timbres and Les aventuriers du timbre perdu), Les Productions La Fete, 1988. Neurologist, Shadows of the Past, Astral Film Enterprises, 1991. Annabelle, Legends of the North (also known as Esperanza and Grand nord), Trimark Pictures, 1995. Female prosecutor, The List, York Entertainment, 2000.

Career: Producer. British Lion Film Productions, head of production and managing director, 1973–75, owner and chief executive, 1988—; affiliated with Robert Stigwood group, 1975–78; Britannic Film and Television, chief executive, 1985–86. CREDITS Film Producer: The Winter’s Tale, Warner Bros., 1968. (With Trevor Wallace) Subterfuge, COM, 1969. (With Joseph Shaftel) Goodbye Gemini (also known as Twinsanity), Cinerama, 1970. Julius Caesar, COM/American International Pictures, 1970. Antony and Cleopatra (also known as Antoine et Cleopatre and Marco Antonio y Cleopatra), J. Arthur Rank, 1973. The Wicker Man (also known as Anthony Shaffer’s The Wicker Man), Warner Bros., 1974. Hennessy, American International Pictures, 1975. Bear Island (also known as Alistair MacLean’s Bear Island), Columbia, 1980. Lady Jane, Paramount, 1986. A Prayer for the Dying, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1987.

Television Appearances; Movies: Kelly, Miles to Go..., CBS, 1986. Heather, No Blame, 1988. Jane, Liberace: Behind the Music, CBS, 1988. Joanna Andersen (some sources cite Joanna Henderson), The Phone Call, 1989. Judy Grover, Taken, The Movie Channel, 1999. Ann Grayson, Someone Is Watching, Lifetime, 2000. Mrs. Laura Lyons, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Odyssey, 2000. Olivia, Obsessed, Lifetime, 2002. Television Appearances; Episodic: Carole Bayers, ⬙Videodate,⬙ The Hitchhiker, HBO, 1985. Mrs. Freeman, ⬙The Tale of the Twisted Claw,⬙ Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Nickelodeon, 1992.

Also producer of Carnaby 68 and A Month in the Country.

Television Appearances; Other: Courtney Fairchild, Shades of Love: The Rose Cafe, [Canada], 1987. Lily Reynolds, Shades of Love: Little White Lies, [Canada], 1988. Emily, A Cry in the Night, [Canada and France], 1992. Martha, Flight from Justice (also known as Justice a Eden River, Les aventuriers..., and Les aventuriers d’Eden River), [United States, Canada, and France], 1993. Nina Nathan (some sources cite Linda Nathan), Vendetta II: The New Mafia (miniseries; also known as Bride of Violence 2 and Donna d’onore 2), HBO, 1993.

Film Executive Producer: Mother Lode (also known as The Search for the Mother Lode: The Last Great Treasure), Agamemnon, 1982. Squaring the Circle, Metromedia, 1983. Turtle Diary, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1985. Treasure Island (also known as Devil’s Treasure), 1990. Television Producer; Movies: Some May Live (also known as In Saigon, Some May Live), 1967. (With Burt Nodella) The Hostage Tower, CBS, 1980. Tears in the Rain, Showtime, 1988. Death Train (also known as Alistair MacLean’s Death Train and The Detonator), USA Network, 1993. Night Watch (also known as Alistair MacLean’s Night Watch and Detonator 2: Night Watch), USA Network, 1995. Letters from a Killer, 1998.


Television Executive Producer; Movies: A Man for All Seasons, TNT, 1988.

Born November 17, 1941. 304

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SOISSON Producer, Countdown (also known as Kurizumasu mokushi–roku and Serial Bomber), NEO Motion Pictures, 1996. Executive producer, Trekkies (documentary), Paramount, 1997. Executive producer, Slaves to the Underground, First Look Pictures Releasing, 1997. Producer, The Prophecy II (also known as God’s Army II and Prophecy II: Ashtown), Dimension Films, 1998. Producer, Phantoms (also known as Dean Koontz’s Phantoms), Miramax, 1998. Executive producer, Sweet Jane, Phaedra Cinema, 1998. Co–executive producer, Six Days in Roswell, Synapse Films, 1998. Executive producer, Suckers, Creative Light Worldwide, 1999. Producer, The Prophecy 3: The Ascent (also known as God’s Army III), Dimension Films, 2000. Producer, Dracula 2000 (also known as Dracula 2001 and Wes Craven Presents Dracula 2000), Miramax, 2000. Producer, Children of the Corn: Revelation, Dimension Films, 2001. Executive producer, Hellraiser: Hellseeker, Buena Vista Home Video, 2002. Producer, Dracula II: Ascension, Buena Vista Home Video, 2003. Executive producer, Trekkies 2, 2003. Producer, Dracula III: Legacy, Dimension Films, 2004. Director, Prophecy: Revelation, Dimension Films, 2004.

Treasure Island (also known as Devil’s Treasure), TNT, 1990. The Crucifer of Blood, TNT, 1991.

SOISSON, Joel PERSONAL Born in Cleveland, OH; father, a commercial and fine artist; married, c. 1981. Education: Attended University of Southern California, American Film Institute, and three others. Addresses: Office—Neo Art & Logic Productions, 8315 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048. Agent—Above the Line Agency, 9200 Sunset Blvd., Suite 804, West Hollywood, CA 90069. Career: Producer, writer, and director. Neo Art & Logic Productions, founder, 1989. CREDITS Film Work: Art direction assistant, The Witch, 1981. Associate producer, Hambone and Hillie, New World Pictures, 1984. Associate producer, Avenging Angel, New World Pictures, 1985. Line producer and second unit director, A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy’s Revenge, New Line Cinema, 1985. Associate producer, The Boys Next Door (also known as Big Shots), New World Pictures, 1986. Producer, Trick or Treat, De Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1986. Producer, The Supernaturals, Samuel Goldwyn Group, 1986. Associate producer, KGB: The Secret War (also known as Lethal), Cinema Group, 1986. Producer, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Orion, 1989. Executive producer, Modern Love, 1990. Executive producer, Blue Desert (also known as Silent Victim), First Look Pictures Releasing, 1991. Producer, Lower Level, 1992. Producer and director, Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence (also known as Maniac Cop 3), 1992. Producer and second unit director, The Prophecy (also known as God’s Army and God’s Secret Army), Miramax, 1995. Producer, Infinity, First Look Pictures Releasing, 1996.

Television Work; Series: Producer, The Dave Thomas Comedy Show (also known as Dave Thomas), CBS, 1990. Television Work; Movies: Executive producer, Blue Tiger (also known as Irezumi), HBO, 1994. Producer, No Way Back, HBO, 1995. Co–executive producer, Fist of the North Star (also known as Hokuto no Ken), HBO, 1995. Executive producer, Back to Back (also known as Back to Back: American Yakuza 2), HBO, 1996. Executive producer, Drive, HBO, 1997. WRITINGS Screenplays: Hambone and Hillie, New World Pictures, 1984. Trick or Treat, De Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1986. The Supernaturals, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1986. Lower Level, 1992. 305


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Cousin Guy the postal cop, Dear God, Paramount, 1996. (As Tim Stack) Voice of Lampy, The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars (animated), Walt Disney Home Video, 1998. Principal Tidwell, Idle Hands, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1999. (As Tim Stack) Voice of Lampy, The Brave Little Toaster to the Rescue (animated), 1999. Morgan Madden, Cast Away, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2000. Doctor, Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd, New Line Cinema, 2003. Scary Movie 3, Dimension Films, 2003.

The Prophecy 3: The Ascent (also known as God’s Army III), Dimension Films, 2000. Highlander: Endgame, Dimension Films, 2000. Dracula (also known as Dracula 2001 and Wes Craven Presents Dracula 2000), Miramax, 2000. Mimic 2 (also known as Mimic 2: Hardshell), Miramax, 2001. Dracula II: Ascension, Buena Vista Home Video, 2003. Dracula III: Legacy, Dimension Films, 2004. Prophecy: Revelation, 2004. (Story only) Hellraiser: Hellworld, 2004. Highlander: The Source, Dimension Films, 2004. Prophecy: Revelation, Dimension Films, 2004. Television Movies: Blue Tiger (also known as Irezumi), HBO, 1994.

Television Appearances; Series: Tom Lockett, Reggie, ABC, 1983. (As Tim Stack) Himself, Our Time, NBC, 1985. Simon P. Chillings, Punky Brewster, NBC, 1986. Mr. Martin Lewis, Parker Lewis Can’t Lose (also known as Parker Lewis), Fox, 1990. Dick Deitrick, Night Stand (also known as Night Stand with Dick Dietrick and Nightstand), syndicated, 1995. Notch Johnson, Son of the Beach, USA Network, 2000.

STACK, Timothy (Tim Stack) PERSONAL Born in Doylestown, PA; son of Tom and Joan Stack; married; wife’s name, Jano; children: Murphy (daughter), Doyle. Education: Studied theater at Boston College; also attended Boston University.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: The Winds of War, ABC, 1983. Television Appearances; Movies: Means, Thornwell, CBS, 1981. Daryl, Desire, the Vampire (also known as I, Desire), ABC, 1982. Natty, Murder Me, Murder You (also known as Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer: Murder Me, Murder You), CBS, 1983. Officer Swan, Justin Case, ABC, 1988. Almost Vegas, MTV, 1990. (As Tim Stack) Larry the Lawyer, Maid for Each Other, NBC, 1992. (As Tim Stack) First federal agent, Ring of the Musketeers (also known as Der Ring der Musketiere), 1992. Father Frank, My Brother’s Keeper, CBS, 1995.

Addresses: Contact—c/o Cunningham, 10635 Santa Monica, Ⲇ130, Los Angeles, CA 90025–4900. Career: Actor, writer, producer, and composer. Performed with the comedy troupe The Groundlings. CREDITS Film Appearances: Melvin’s crew, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas (also known as The Best Little Cathouse in Texas), MCA/Universal, 1982. First officer, The Aviator, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1985. Trendy man, Back to School, Orion, 1986. Grant, Blind Date (also known as Blake Edwards’ Blind Date), TriStar, 1987. (As Tim Stack) Voice of Lampy/Zeke, The Brave Little Toaster (animated), Hyperion Pictures, 1987. Seagrams, Martians Go Home, Taurus Entertainment Company, 1990. (As Tim Stack) Albera, Double Trouble, Motion Picture Corporation of America, 1992. Tim, Nervous Ticks, IRS Media, 1992. Kevin’s father, Clifford, Orion, 1994. Doctor, It’s Pat, Buena Vista, 1994.

Television Appearances; Specials: Guy DiSimone, I’ll Do It Guy’s Way, Cinemax, 1987. The Cindy Williams Comedy Special, Family Channel, 1994. Harry Anderson: The Tricks of His Trade, CBS, 1996. (In archive footage) Himself/Dick Dietrick, Alright on the Night’s Cockup Trip, ITV, 1997. Television Appearances; Pilots: Bob Kelvin, Hurricane Sam, CBS, 1990. 306

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STACK ⬙Spotting Elvis,⬙ Johnny Bago, CBS; reporter, ⬙Lady Madonna,⬙ Johnny Bago, CBS.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Mr. Crowley, ⬙Slow Boat to Madness: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Quincy, M.E., NBC, 1981. Bank teller, ⬙Death Row: Part 1,⬙ Laverne & Shirley, ABC, 1982. Ernie, ⬙Little Broadcast of ’53,⬙ AfterMASH, 1983. Bartender, ⬙Insubordination,⬙ Cagney & Lacey, CBS, 1984. Carl, ⬙Jazzbeau,⬙ The Facts of Life, NBC, 1985. Arthur McKinley Reynolds III, ⬙Springtime for Steele,⬙ Remington Steele, NBC, 1985. ⬙Night at the Iguana,⬙ It’s a Living, syndicated, 1986. Bill, ⬙The Modest Proposal,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1987. Henry Kimble, ⬙The Wedding,⬙ Starman, ABC, 1987. (As Tim Stack) Maitre D’, valet attendant, and movie ticket seller, ⬙But Not for Me,⬙ thirtysomething, ABC, 1987. Tim Bond, ⬙From Snoop to Nuts: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1989. (As Tim Stack) Sam, ⬙Running on M.D.,⬙ Doctor Doctor, CBS, 1989. (As Tim Stack) Sam, ⬙The M.D. Nest Syndrome,⬙ Doctor Doctor, CBS, 1989. Dick Mohr, ⬙Not with My Sister You Don’t,⬙ Free Spirit, ABC, 1989. Dick Mohr, ⬙Radio Nights,⬙ Free Spirit, ABC, 1989. Harry, ⬙Happy Together,⬙ ALF, NBC, 1989. (As Tim Stack) Sam, ⬙Bachelor Doctor,⬙ Doctor Doctor, CBS, 1989. Mr. Marley, ⬙Wedding Bell Blues: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Night Court, NBC, 1990. (As Tim Stack) Sam, ⬙No Free Lunch,⬙ Doctor Doctor, CBS, 1990. Agent Bell, ⬙The President’s Coming! The President’s Coming: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Golden Girls, NBC, 1990. Eddie, ⬙My Brother’s Keeper,⬙ Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1990. Jim (Arthur) Kline, ⬙The Trickster,⬙ The Flash, 1991. Daniel Miller, ⬙Millennium,⬙ My Life and Times, 1991. Daniel Miller, ⬙Fare on Park Avenue,⬙ My Life and Times, 1991. Lee Corsair, ⬙Johnny Bago Free at Last,⬙ Johnny Bago, 1993. Mr. Plenitzer, ⬙Eclipse,⬙ The Wonder Years, ABC, 1993. Dwayne, ⬙The Glasses,⬙ Seinfeld, NBC, 1993. Feinberg, ⬙There’s a Mister Hitler Here to See You,⬙ The John Larroquette Show, NBC, 1993. Stanton’s attorney Stoddard, ⬙Tunnel of Love,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1994. Mr. Thomas, ⬙A Decent Proposal,⬙ Wings, NBC, 1994. Oscar, ⬙Parental Guidance Suggested,⬙ Nurses, 1994. Mr. Pinapel, ⬙The Boarder,⬙ On Our Own, ABC, 1995. ⬙Cougar Pines,⬙ Good vs. Evil (also known as G vs. E), 2000. Guest, The Test, FX, 2001.

Television Work; Series: Associate producer, Our Time, NBC, 1985. Creative consultant, Family Matters, 1989. Executive producer, Night Stand (also known as Night Stand with Dick Dietrick), 1995–1996. Creative consultant, The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer, UPN, 1998. Executive producer, Son of the Beach, USA Network, 2000. Television Work; Movies: Coproducer, What She Doesn’t Know, NBC, 1992. Television Work; Specials: Executive producer, I’ll Do It Guy’s Way, Cinemax, 1987. Television Work; Pilots: Executive producer, Big City Hospital, Fox, 2003. Television Director; Episodic: Directed (with others) ⬙Rap Wars,⬙ Night Stand (also known as Night Stand with Dick Dietrick). WRITINGS Television Title Music; Series: Son of the Beach, USA Network, 2000. Television Movies: Glory Days, CBS, 1988. What She Doesn’t Know (also known as Shades of Gray), NBC, 1992. Television Specials: I’ll Do It Guy’s Way, Cinemax, 1987. The Cindy Williams Comedy Special, Family Channel, 1994. Television Episodes: ⬙Member of the Club,⬙ Doctor Doctor, 1989. (With Michael Din) ⬙Little Rascals,⬙ On Our Own, ABC, 1995. (With others) Night Stand (also known as Night Stand with Dick Dietrick), 1995–1996. (With Gary M. Goodrich) ⬙Lost in Space: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Family Matters, 1998. Son of the Beach, USA Network, 2000–2002.

Also appeared as Bob Burrows, ⬙Johnny’s Golden Shaft,⬙ Johnny Bago, CBS; national tattletale reporter, 307


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Irwin, Sherwin, Snooky, and Blind Willie, An Adult Evening of Shel Silverstein, Atlantic Theater, 2001. Jon, Tape, Coast Playhouse, West Hollywood, CA, 2002. The Foreigner, Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 2002.

STAMBERG, Josh PERSONAL Full name, Joshua Collins Stamberg; born in Washington, DC; son of Louis C. (a government official) and Susan (a radio personality) Stamberg. Education: Graduated from the University of Wisconsin.

Also appeared in The Loop, Power Failure, Chambers, All Things Considered, Richard Cory, Much Ado about Nothing, and Flight Courier Service, all New York City productions; Johnny on the Spot, Dead End, Royal Family, Learned Ladies, Filumena, and A Screwball World, all Williamstown Theatre Festival; Macbeth and Henry V, both Next Theatre; Henry IV: The Shadow of Succession.

Addresses: Agent—Abrams Artists Agency, 275 Seventh Ave., 26th Floor, New York, NY 10001. Career: Actor.

RECORDINGS CREDITS Taped Readings: (With others) Herman Wouk’s The Caine Mutiny Court– Martial, L.A. Theatre Works, 2001.

Film Appearances: Colleague Bob, Kate & Leopold, Miramax, 2001. Eddie Oshinski, The Perfect You (also known as Crazy Little Thing), 2002. Motorist, The Time Machine, Warner Bros., 2002. Dr. Field, Washington Heights, Mac Releasing LLC, 2002. Steve, Standard Time, Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2002.


Television Appearances; Movies: Peter Morgan, The Photographer, HBO, 2000.

Education: Yale University, M.F.A., drama. Avocational Interests: Video games.

Television Appearances; Pilots: (Unaired) Charley, Hope & Faith, ABC, 2003.

Addresses: Office—American Repertory Theatre, Loeb Drama Center, 64 Brattle St., Cambridge, MA 02138. Contact—[email protected]

Television Appearances; Episodic: Brian, ⬙Valley of the Twenty–Something Guys,⬙ Sex and the City, HBO, 1998. Phil, ⬙Gentleman’s Agreement,⬙ Spin City, 1998. Grant Johnson, ⬙Rebound,⬙ The $treet, Fox, 2000. ⬙Broken,⬙ C.S.I.: Miami, CBS, 2002. Martin Stanley, ⬙Asterisk,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2002. ⬙Camp Fear,⬙ C.S.I.: Miami, CBS, 2002. Chris Dunwoody, ⬙Marine Life,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 2003. Sarge, ⬙Tears, Bones & Desire,⬙ Six Feet Under, HBO, 2003. Agent Grooms, ⬙Mr. Monk and the Sleeping Suspect,⬙ Monk, 2003.

Career: Director, sound designer, and writer. American Repertory Theatre, Cambridge, MA, associate director of company and associate director and preceptor of acting at the American Repertory Theatre/Moscow Art Theatre School (A.R.T./MXAT) Institute for Advanced Theatre Training affiliated with Harvard University. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, lecturer in dramatic arts and faculty advisor to Harvard–Radcliffe Dramatic Club. Also an instructor at Columbia University and New York University, both New York City, and Yale University, New Haven, CT. CREDITS

Stage Appearances: Dave Murray and ensemble, The Water Engine/Mr. Happiness, Atlantic Theater, New York City, 1999. Tom, Blue Window, Manhattan Ensemble Theater, New York City, 2000.

Stage Director: The Treatment, New York Shakespeare Festival, Estelle R. Newman Theatre, Public Theatre, New York City, 1993. 308

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 The America Play, American Repertory Theatre, New Stages, Hasty Pudding Theatre, Cambridge, MA, 1994. The Hyacinth Macaw, Primary Stages Theatre, New York City, 1994. The Accident, American Repertory Theatre, New Stages, Hasty Pudding Theatre, 1995. (And sound designer with Christopher Walker) Buried Child, American Repertory Theatre, Loeb Drama Center, Cambridge, MA, 1996. The Chang Fragments, New York Shakespeare Festival, LuEsther Hall, Public Theatre, New York City, 1996. (And sound designer with Walker) Woyzeck, American Repertory Theatre, Loeb Drama Center, 1997. (And sound designer with Walker) Peter Pan and Wendy, American Repertory Theatre, Loeb Drama Center, 1997–1998. The Ohio State Murders, American Repertory Theatre, New Stages, Hasty Pudding Theatre, 2000. (And sound designer with David Remedios) Nocturne, American Repertory Theatre, New Stages, Hasty Pudding Theatre, 2000, then New York Theatre Workshop, New York City, 2001. The Great God Brown, Harvard–Radcliffe Dramatic Club, Main Stage, Cambridge, MA, 2001, then New York City. Stone Cold Dead Serious, American Repertory Theatre, Loeb Drama Center, 2002. Donnie Darko, American Repertory Theatre, Zero Church Street Performance Space, Cambridge, MA, 2003.

STIMELY OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Boston Phoenix, December 11, 1997. Electronic: American Repertory Theatre Web Site, http://www., January, 2002; September 30, 2003.

STIMELY, Brett PERSONAL Education: Studied acting with Harry Mastrogeorge, Margie Haber, and George Gilbert. Avocational Interests: Working with Olive Crest Abused Children’s Foundation. Addresses: Agent—c/o Studio Talent Group, 1328 12th St., Santa Monica, CA 90401. Career: Actor and producer. Appeared in television commercials, including commercials in Europe. CREDITS Film Appearances: Sandy McVey, Bloodstone, 1988. Jean–Pierre, Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death (also known as Jungle Heat and Piranha Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death), Paramount Home Video, 1989. Last Chance Saloon (short film), 1990. Disco Years (short film), 1991. Steven, Last Chance Love (also known as Hong Kong— Eine Liebe fuers Leben), Lau Film International, 1997. Prescott, Citizens of Perpetual Indulgence, 2000. John, The Whisper, 2003.

Director of Cross Dressing in the Depression, Soho Repertory Theatre, New York City; Instant Girl’s on the Run, Dance Theatre Workshop, New York City; Juliet of the Spirits, Theatre Neumarkt, Zurich, Switzerland; The Land of Fog and Whistles, Whitney Museum Biennial, New York City; The Living Goddess, Magic Theatre; Marisol, Humana Festival, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Louisville, KY; The Marriage of Bette and Boo, American Repertory Theatre, Hasty Pudding Theatre and New York University, New York City; The Tibetan Book of the Dead (opera), American Music Theatre Festival, MTI Theatre, Philadelphia, PA; and Whole Hearted, Taper Too, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles.

Film Work: Producer, Citizens of Perpetual Indulgence, 2000.


Television Appearances; Series: Jay Garvin, The Bold and the Beautiful (also known as Belleza y poder), CBS, 1993–1994. Joshua Sloane, Sunset Beach, NBC, 1999. Host, Real Conspiracies, 2000.

Stage Adaptations: The Great God Brown (based on the work by Eugene O’Neill), Harvard–Radcliffe Dramatic Club, Main Stage, Cambridge, MA, 2001, then New York City. Author of Juliet of the Spirits (based on the screenplay by Federico Fellini), Theatre Neumarkt, Zurich, Switzerland; and Phoebe’s Got Three Sisters, Cucaracha Theatre, New York City.

Television Appearances; Movies: John, My First Love, ABC, 1988. Robert, Deconstructing Sarah, USA Network, 1994. 309


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Bill Seenis, ⬙Family Val’s,⬙ High Society, CBS, 1995. Reed, ⬙Goodbye, Mr. Chip,⬙ High Tide, syndicated, 1996. Man in restaurant, ⬙The Fifth Wheel,⬙ The Nanny, CBS, 1997. Mark, ⬙Laundromat,⬙ Red Shoes Diaries, Showtime, 1997. ⬙There Was an Old Woman,⬙ Cybill, CBS, 1997. Eric, ⬙Family Ties,⬙ Providence, NBC, 2000.

Television Appearances; Specials: Frederick Albert Cook, Race for the Poles, The Learning Channel, 2000. Television Appearances; Pilots: Larry, Unhappily Ever After, The WB, 1995. Television Appearances; Episodic: Bellman, ⬙The Mothers,⬙ Dynasty, ABC, 1987. Patrolman, ⬙Class Act,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1989. Porter Stevenson, ⬙End Game,⬙ Equal Justice, ABC, 1990. Chapman, ⬙Blue Fiber: Part 2,⬙ FBI: The Untold Stories, ABC, 1992. Avery at 35, ⬙One,⬙ Murphy Brown, CBS, 1993. Steve, ⬙The Penthouse,⬙ Getting By, ABC, 1993. Marty Jenkins, ⬙Pretty Woman,⬙ Step by Step, ABC, 1994. Dr. Julian Morgan, ⬙Love! Valor! Deception!,⬙ Kirk, The WB, 1995.

Also appeared as Brian, ⬙Bebe’s Wedding,⬙ Flesh ’n’ Blood, NBC. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Brett Stimely Official Site,, August 29, 2003.


T Charley, The Last Survivors, NBC, 1975. Detective Linsky, Death Scream (also known as Streetkill and The Woman Who Cried Murder), ABC, 1975. Kelton, Kill Me If You Can (also known as The Caryl Chessman Story), NBC, 1977. Groves, Terror Out of the Sky (also known as The Revenge of the Savage Bees), CBS, 1978. Lefty Gomez, A Love Affair: The Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story, NBC, 1978. Pete, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders II, ABC, 1980. Police Story: Confessions of a Lady Cop (also known as The Other Side of Fear), NBC, 1980. Cavelli, High Mountain Rangers, CBS, 1987. Lieutenant Johns, Terminal (also known as Robin Cook’s Terminal), NBC, 1996.

TATA, Joe E. 1936– (Joe Tata, Joey Tata) PERSONAL Born September 13, 1936; father, a vaudeville performer sometimes known as Rosey the Singing Barber; children: a daughter. Addresses: Publicist—Liza Anderson, Warren Cowan & Associates Public Relations, 8899 Beverly Blvd., Suite 919, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Career: Actor. Jerry Lewis Telethon, Los Angeles, cohost for ten years; voice performer for television and radio commercials; celebrity speaker at corporate events.

Television Appearances; Specials: Himself, Beverly Hills 90210: The Final Goodbye, Fox, 2000. Himself, Beverly Hills 90210: 10–Year High School Reunion, Fox, 2003.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: (As Joey Tata) Private Mike Neddick, No Time for Sergeants, ABC, 1964–1965. Rudy King, General Hospital, ABC, 1987. Nathaniel ⬙Nat⬙ Bussicio (some sources spell name Buccigio), Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1991–1995.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Farrell, ⬙The Mist of Silence,⬙ Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, ABC, 1964. (As Joey Tata) Dr. Michael Stone, ⬙For Jimmy, the Best of Everything,⬙ Ben Casey, ABC, 1964. (As Joey Tata) Joey, ⬙Gomer Learns a Bully,⬙ Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., CBS, 1964. (As Joey Tata) Joey, ⬙Guest in the Barracks,⬙ Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., CBS, 1964. (As Joey Tata) ⬙The Children of Spider County,⬙ The Outer Limits, ABC, 1964. First goon, ⬙Dizzoner the Penguin,⬙ Batman, ABC, 1966. First goon, ⬙Hizzoner the Penguin,⬙ Batman, ABC, 1966. Tallow, ⬙Give ⬘Em the Axe,⬙ Batman, ABC, 1966. Tallow, ⬙The Ring of Wax,⬙ Batman, ABC, 1966. Verlaine, ⬙Invasion,⬙ The Time Tunnel, ABC, 1966.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Voice, The Bastard (also known as The Kent Family Chronicles), syndicated, 1978. Art Williams, Jacqueline Susann’s Valley of the Dolls (also known as Jacqueline Susann’s ⬙Valley of the Dolls 1981⬙ and Valley of the Dolls), CBS, 1981. Elliot, Hollywood Wives, ABC, 1985. Television Appearances; Movies: Dr. Hernandez, Along Came a Spider, ABC, 1970. Pee Wee Reese, It’s Good to Be Alive, CBS, 1974. Bobby Dimasco (some sources cite Bobby DiMosco), Dead Man on the Run, ABC, 1975. 311


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(As Joey Tata) Bonapart, ⬙Reign of Terror,⬙ The Time Tunnel, ABC, 1966. (As Joe Tata) Roulette croupier, ⬙Odds on Evil,⬙ Mission: Impossible, CBS, 1966. (As Joey Tata) Tony Garlotti, ⬙The Pizza Parlor,⬙ Hogan’s Heroes, CBS, 1966. (As Joey Tata) ⬙Meantime, We Shall Express Our Darker Purpose,⬙ Ben Casey, ABC, 1966. Corpsman, ⬙Deadly Amphibians,⬙ Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, ABC, 1967. (Uncredited) Frank Brent, ⬙Fires of Death,⬙ Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, ABC, 1967. Suleiman the Great, ⬙I’ll Be a Mummy’s Uncle,⬙ Batman, ABC, 1968. King Said, ⬙Nitro,⬙ Mission: Impossible, CBS, 1969. (As Joey Tata) Morrison, ⬙Sylvia,⬙ The Immortal, ABC, 1970. Al Naylor, ⬙The Last Job,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1971. Barney Leeds, ⬙Turnabout,⬙ The F.B.I., ABC, 1971. Bellboy, ⬙The Ex–Secretary,⬙ Green Acres, CBS, 1971. Gas station attendant, ⬙What Happened to Sunday?,⬙ Mannix, CBS, 1971. Al, ⬙Bag Woman,⬙ Mission: Impossible, CBS, 1972. Noel Simmons, ⬙Substation,⬙ Adam–12, NBC, 1972. Augie, ⬙A World without Sundays,⬙ Mannix, CBS, 1973. Craig Hanawald, ⬙Training Division: The Rookie,⬙ Adam–12, NBC, 1973. Eby, ⬙A Problem of Innocence,⬙ Mannix, CBS, 1973. Frank Ducas, ⬙Easy Rap,⬙ Adam–12, NBC, 1973. Neighbor, ⬙Honest,⬙ Emergency!, NBC, 1973. ⬙Love and the Burglar Joke,⬙ Love, American Style, ABC, 1973. Solly Marshall, ⬙Profit and Loss: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Rockford Files, NBC, 1974. ⬙Trial by Terror,⬙ Ironside, NBC, 1974. Agent Hanzer, ⬙Roundabout,⬙ The Rockford Files, NBC, 1975. Higgins, ⬙The Man Who Died Twice,⬙ Cannon, CBS, 1975. Joe Slosser, ⬙Coffin Corner,⬙ Cannon, CBS, 1975. Vukovitch, ⬙Vice: 24 Hours,⬙ Police Story, NBC, 1975. Willie Thompson, ⬙The Gearjammers: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The Rockford Files, NBC, 1975. Bobby Waldron, ⬙Underground,⬙ The Streets of San Francisco, ABC, 1976. Solly Marshall, ⬙In Hazard,⬙ The Rockford Files, NBC, 1976. Solly Marshall, ⬙A Portrait of Elizabeth,⬙ The Rockford Files, NBC, 1976. Jimmy Ricks, ⬙End of the Line,⬙ Police Story, NBC, 1977. Little Angel, ⬙Circle of Treachery,⬙ Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1977. Mike Trevino, ⬙The Queen of Peru,⬙ The Rockford Files, NBC, 1977. ⬙Solitaire,⬙ Police Woman, NBC, 1977.

Joe, ⬙The Fine Art of Crime,⬙ Wonder Woman (also known as The New Adventures of Wonder Woman), CBS, 1978. Norman Abbott Kline, ⬙Heartaches of a Fool,⬙ The Rockford Files, NBC, 1978. Sal, ⬙Local Man Eaten by Newspaper,⬙ The Rockford Files, NBC, 1978. ⬙Accomplice to Murder,⬙ Quincy, M.E. (also known as Quincy), NBC, 1978. Dixon, ⬙Casualty of War,⬙ Vega$, ABC, 1980. Mickey Enright, ⬙Black Cat Killer,⬙ Vega$, ABC, 1980. Vinnie Rilato, ⬙Heist,⬙ Vega$, ABC, 1981. Bartender, ⬙Manna from Heaven,⬙ Simon & Simon, CBS, 1984. Nick, ⬙Goodbye, Sara,⬙ Finder of Lost Loves, ABC, 1984. ⬙King of the Cowboys,⬙ The Fall Guy, ABC, 1984. ⬙Sex Trap,⬙ Mike Hammer, CBS, 1984. Dr. Dyre, ⬙Breakpoint,⬙ Matt Houston, ABC, 1985. McGrudy, ⬙Champ!,⬙ The A–Team, NBC, 1985. ⬙The Long Weekend⬙ (also known as ⬙Love Hurts⬙), Hollywood Beat, ABC, 1985. ⬙Some Day My Prints Will Come,⬙ Crazy Like a Fox, CBS, 1985. Alex Hayes, ⬙Red Leader,⬙ Tales from the Darkside, syndicated, 1987. Benny Travis, ⬙Innocence ... A Broad,⬙ Magnum, P.I., CBS, 1987. Nathaniel ⬙Nat⬙ Bussicio (some sources spell name Buccigio), ⬙Every Dream Has Its Price (Tag),⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1990. Nathaniel ⬙Nat⬙ Bussicio (some sources spell name Buccigio), ⬙The Gentle Art of Listening,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1990. Nathaniel ⬙Nat⬙ Bussicio (some sources spell name Buccigio), ⬙Higher Education,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1990. Nathaniel ⬙Nat⬙ Bussicio (some sources spell name Buccigio), ⬙One on One,⬙ Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1990. Mr. Trickle, ⬙The Reporter,⬙ Hunter, NBC, 1991. Himself, ⬙Devil in a Blue Dress,⬙ Grosse Pointe, The WB, 2000. Inspector, ⬙Look Who’s Barking,⬙ Charmed, The WB, 2001. Himself and Nathaniel ⬙Nat⬙ Bussicio (some sources spell name Buccigio), Beverly Hills 90210: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 2001. Also appeared in episodes of Lost in Space, CBS; Playhouse 90, CBS; and The Red Skelton Show, NBC and CBS. Television Appearances; Pilots: Special Agent Bertino, O’Hara, U.S. Treasury (also known as O’Hara, U.S. Treasury: Operation Cobra and O’Hara, United States Treasury: Operation Cobra), CBS, 1971. 312

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

TAYLOR Television Appearances; Series: Uncle Bogg, Christy, CBS, 1994.

D.A.: Conspiracy to Kill (also known as Conspiracy to Kill), NBC, 1971. Father John Lucas, Mobile Two, ABC, 1975.

Television Appearances; Movies: (As Frank Taylor) Scattered Dreams (also known as Scattered Dreams: The Kathryn Messenger Story), CBS, 1993. (As Frank Taylor) Bus driver, The Vernon Johns Story (also known as The Road to Freedom: The Vernon Johns Story), syndicated, 1994. (As Frank Taylor) Bufford Sloan, Justice in a Small Town (also known as Day of Reckoning and Hard Evidence), NBC, 1994. Doc Norring, The Gift of Love (also known as Set for Life), CBS, 1994. Doctor, Stolen Memories: Secrets from the Rose Garden (also known as Forbidden Memories), The Family Channel, 1996. (As Frank Taylor) Officer in small town, To Love, Honor and Deceive (also known as The Protected Wife), 1996. (As Frank Taylor) Detective Franklin, Close to Danger, ABC, 1997. Deputy Ⲇ7, Country Justice (also known as Family Rescue), CBS, 1997. Milo Pfander, Love–Struck, The Family Channel, 1997. Coach Elroy, Passing Glory, TNT, 1999. Simmons, The Simple Life of Noah Dearborn, CBS, 1999. Sheriff Guidry, A Lesson before Dying, HBO, 1999. (As Frank Taylor) Tuggle, The Almost Perfect Bank Robbery, CBS, 1999. Gig Graff, The Price of a Broken Heart, Lifetime, 1999. Pug Holly, The Runaway, CBS, 2000. Delmer Collier, The Wilgus Stories, 2000. (As Frank Taylor) Jack Crenshaw, Boycott, HBO, 2001.

Film Appearances: Fate Is the Hunter, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1964. (As Joe Tata) Coroner’s assistant, Hickey & Boggs, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1972. Marshall, Unholy Rollers (also known as Leader of the Pack), American International Pictures, 1972. Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex but Were Afraid to Ask (also known as Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex), United Artists, 1972. Joe, Sisters of Death, United Video, 1978. Waiter, Ya Gotta Believe, 1982. Norm, Love Is Like That (also known as Bad Love and Wild Angel), A–Pix Entertainment, 1996. Also appeared in Sisters.

TAYLOR, Frank Hoyt (Frank Taylor) PERSONAL Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Frank Taylor) Zemke, The River, Universal, 1984. Al Felts, Matewan, Artisan Entertainment, 1987. Senator Lockerby, True Colors, Paramount, 1991. (As Frank Taylor) K.K.K. Ⲇ2, Sommersby, Warner Bros., 1993. Delmer, Night Ride, 1993. (As Frank Taylor) Straw Boss, Once upon a Time ... When We Were Colored), Republic Pictures Corp., 1995. Dan Prince, Ghosts of Mississippi (also known as Ghosts from the Past), Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1996. (As Frank Taylor) Efrem, Spirit Lost, Live Entertainment, 1996. (As Frank Taylor) Ed Sampson, Other Voices, Other Rooms, Artistic License, 1997. Judge at Indy, October Sky, MCA/Universal, 1999. Equine Therapist, 28 Days, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2000. Paul, Coming Down the Mountain (short film), 2002.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: (As Frank Taylor) Bluegrass, CBS, 1988. (As Frank Taylor) Reverend John Hickman, In a Child’s Name, CBS, 1991. Mr. Anderson, Mama Flora’s Family, CBS, 1998. Television Appearances; Pilots: Uncle Bogg, Christy, 1994. Television Appearances; Specials: Appeared in Roadside Theater’s Red Fox: Second Hangin’, PBS. Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Frank Taylor) ⬙Realpolitik,⬙ I’ll Fly Away, NBC, 1993. ⬙The Rabbi,⬙ In the Heat of the Night, 1994. Carson, ⬙First Strike,⬙ CI5: The New Professionals, syndicated, 1999. FBI Agent Dunn, ⬙Q & A,⬙ Alias, ABC, 2002. 313


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Also appeared as reenactment actor, The Prosecutors: In Pursuit of Justice, Discovery Channel.

TRUMP, Marla Maples See MAPLES, Marla

Stage Appearances: Appeared in Roadside Theater’s Red Fox: Second Hangin’.


U–V Tinker, Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (also known as Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, TCM 3, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3), New Line Cinema, 1990. Announcer, Love Field, Orion, 1992. Journalist, The Bodyguard, Warner Bros., 1992. Ernst, Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings (also known as Pumpkinhead 2: The Demon Returns), Motion Picture Corporation of America, 1994. Second deputy, Night of the Scarecrow, Republic, 1995. Clemets, Spoiler, Artist View Entertainment, 1997. Fight promoter, The Bad Pack, Lions Gate Home Entertainment, 1998. Roscoe, Together & Alone, Troma Films, 1998. Bubba, Stranger Than Fiction, Unapix Entertainment, 1999. Detective Richards, Natural Selection (also known as The Monster Slayer), Asylum, 1999. Nogales Sanchez, South of Heaven, West of Hell, Phaedra Cinema, 2000. Earl, Broke Sky, Buzzard Films, 2003. Prison guard, Death and Texas, Death & Texas, 2003.

UNGER, Joe PERSONAL Born in Lake County, TN. Education: Attended college in Tennessee; studied acting in New York City. Career: Actor. Playhouse on the Square, Memphis, TN, member of company; performer with Forth Wall Demolition (improvisation group), New York City. Boardner’s, Los Angeles, worked as a bartender; also worked as a cab driver, dock worker, private investigator, and process server. CREDITS Film Appearances: Lieutenant Raymond Hamilton, Go Tell the Spartans, Avco–Embassy, 1978. Bank teller, Fast Charlie ... the Moonbeam Rider (also known as Fast Charlie and the Moonbeam), Universal, 1979. Gas station attendant, UFOria, 1980, Universal, 1985. Taylor, Escape from New York (also known as John Carpenter’s Escape from New York), Avco–Embassy, 1981. Mr. Ranada, Joy of Sex (also known as National Lampoon’s The Joy of Sex), Paramount, 1984. Sergeant Garcia, A Nightmare on Elm Street, New Line Cinema, 1984. First boyfriend, Mask (also known as Peter Bogdanovich’s Mask), Universal, 1985. Ben, Barfly, Cannon, 1987. Kithy (some sources cite Sheriff Kirby), Lucky Stiff (also known as That Shamrock Touch), New Line Cinema, 1988. Joe, Checking Out, Warner Bros., 1989. Karpis, Road House, United Artists, 1989.

Film Work: Additional voices, Total Recall, TriStar, 1990. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Private, Ike, the War Years (also known as Ike), ABC, 1979. The Deliberate Stranger, NBC, 1986. Television Appearances; Movies: Captain Sickels, Stagecoach, CBS, 1986. Carly’s Web, NBC, 1987. Panhandler, The Rockford Files: Godfather Knows Best, CBS, 1996. Waterfront bartender, Drive, HBO, 1997. Charlie Sanders, Black & White, HBO, 1998. 315


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Member: American Society of Cinematographers, Netherlands Society of Cinematographers.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Breakout!,⬙ The A–Team, NBC, 1984. Manny, ⬙Alice Doesn’t Work Here Anymore: Part 1,⬙ Alice, CBS, 1985. Mickey, ⬙Out of the Sky,⬙ Airwolf, CBS, 1985. First rescuer, ⬙The Junction,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1987. Patrick Daley, ⬙The Hero,⬙ Highway to Heaven, NBC, 1987. Bounty hunter, ⬙The Expedition: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, CBS, 1995. Joe, ⬙Union Station,⬙ ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 1996. Murphy, ⬙Break–In,⬙ Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1996. George Ludd, ⬙People v. Mac,⬙ JAG, CBS, 1998. Eldridge Hailey, ⬙Flesh and Blood,⬙ The Pretender, NBC, 1999. Red, ⬙Milfay,⬙ Carnivale, HBO, 2003.

Awards, Honors: Emmy Award, outstanding individual achievement in sports programming, c. 1972, for photography at Olympic Games, Munich, West Germany (now Germany); Daytime Emmy Award, outstanding cinematography in children’s programming, 1982, for ⬙Egyptian Weavers,⬙ Big Blue Marble; American Society of Cinematographers Award nominations, outstanding achievement in cinematography in movies of the week or pilots, 1989, for Lena: My 100 Children, and 1990, for A Cry for Help: The Tracey Thurman Story; Emmy Award, outstanding cinematography for a miniseries or a movie, 1998, for ⬙What the Deaf Man Heard,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame; American Society of Cinematographers Award nomination, outstanding achievement in cinematography in movies of the week, miniseries, or pilots for network or basic broadcast television, 2001, for King of the World.

Appeared as Gary Jeter in High Incident, ABC. Also appeared in episodes of Cagney & Lacey, CBS; and Hill Street Blues, NBC.


Stage Appearances: Appeared in various stage productions, including From Here to Eternity and Long Time Coming.

Television Cinematographer; Miniseries: I Know My First Name Is Steven (also known as The Missing Years), NBC, 1989. Menendez: A Killing in Beverly Hills, CBS, 1994. To Serve and Protect (also known as Family Shield), NBC, 1999. A Girl Thing, Showtime, 2001.

RECORDINGS Taped Readings: Narrator of a recording of the poetry of Kim Burns, Little Dog Records.

Television Cinematographer; Movies: Dreams of Gold: The Mel Fisher Story, CBS, 1986. Lena: My 100 Children, NBC, 1987. Seize the Day, PBS, 1987. A Special Friendship, CBS, 1987. Go toward the Light (also known as Go to the Light), CBS, 1988. The Secret Life of Kathy McCormick, NBC, 1988. A Cry for Help: The Tracey Thurman Story, NBC, 1989. Too Young to Die?, NBC, 1990. Fugitive among Us, CBS, 1992. Highway Heartbreaker, CBS, 1992. Jonathan: The Boy Nobody Wanted, NBC, 1992. Firestorm: 72 Hours in Oakland (also known as Fire Storm), ABC, 1993. Trouble Shooters: Trapped beneath the Earth, NBC, 1993. Victim of Love: The Shannon Mohr Story, NBC, 1993. For the Love of Nancy, ABC, 1994. Out of Darkness, ABC, 1994. The Search for Grace, CBS, 1994. Blue River, Fox, 1995. Inflammable, CBS, 1995. A Mother’s Prayer, USA Network, 1995. Tecumseh: The Last Warrior, TNT, 1995.

Van HAREN NOMAN, Eric (Eric Van Haren–Noman) PERSONAL Born in the Netherlands. Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr. (some sources cite 1 William Morris Place), Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Mirisch Agency, 1801 Century Park East, Suite 1801, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Contact—c/o American Society of Cinematographers, P.O. Box 2230, Hollywood, CA 90078. Career: Cinematographer. Worked as a camera assistant in England; worked as a camera operator and panaglide operator, including work on a documentary film about the Olympic Games, Munich, West Germany (now Germany), 1972. 316

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 With Hostile Intent (also known as With Hostile Intent: Sisters in Black and Blue), CBS, 1995. For the Future: The Irvine Fertility Scandal (also known as For the Children: The Irvine Fertility Scandal), Lifetime, 1996. My Son Is Innocent, ABC, 1996. Sophie and the Moonhanger, Lifetime, 1996. Terminal (also known as Robin Cook’s Terminal), NBC, 1996. An Unexpected Family, USA Network, 1996. Lies He Told, ABC, 1997. Little Girls in Pretty Boxes, Lifetime, 1997. The Member of the Wedding, USA Network, 1997. The Sleepwalker Killing (also known as Crimes of Passion: Sleepwalker, From the Files of Unsolved Mysteries: The Sleepwalker Killing, and The Sleepwalker Killing: From the Files of Unsolved Mysteries), NBC, 1997. Her Own Rules (also known as Barbara Taylor Bradford’s ⬙Her Own Rules⬙), CBS, 1998. The Love Letter, CBS, 1998. The Sky’s on Fire (also known as Countdown: The Sky’s on Fire), ABC, 1998. An Unexpected Life, USA Network, 1998. The Color of Courage, USA Network, 1999. A Holiday Romance (also known as A Song for the Season), CBS, 1999. A Secret Affair (also known as Barbara Taylor Bradford’s ⬙A Secret Affair⬙), CBS, 1999. Take My Advice: The Ann and Abby Story, Lifetime, 1999. King of the World (also known as Muhammad Ali: King of the World), ABC, 2000. Navigating the Heart, Lifetime, 2000. The Truth about Jane, Lifetime, 2000. These Old Broads, ABC, 2001. Three Days, ABC, 2001. Crossed Over (also known as Destins croises), CBS, 2002. Dancing at the Harvest Moon, CBS, 2002. Heart of a Stranger, Lifetime, 2002. Scared Silent, Lifetime, 2002. Brush with Fate, CBS, 2003. A Date with Darkness: The Trial and Capture of Andrew Luster, Lifetime, 2003. More Than Meets the Eye: The Joan Brock Story, Lifetime, 2003.

VOLOKH Television Camera Operator; Movies: The Sins of Dorian Gray, ABC, 1983. Film Cinematographer: 25 Years—Impressions, 1977. Playing for Keeps, Universal, 1986. Hero and the Terror, Cannon, 1988. Inside Edge, 1993. Film Camera Operator: Madron (also known as His Name Was Madron), Edric/ Isracine/Sentifilvo Productions, 1970, English version released by Four Star Excelsior. (As Eric Van Haren–Noman) The Man Who Would Be King (also known as Rudyard Kipling’s The Man Who Would Be King), Columbia, 1975. Side by Side, GTO, 1975. The Greatest, Columbia, 1977. White Rock (documentary), 1977. The Kids Are Alright, New World Pictures, 1979. Yesterday’s Hero, EMI Entertainment, 1979. The Burning, Filmways Pictures, 1981. Second unit camera operator, Victory (also known as Escape to Victory), Paramount, 1981. Friday the 13th Part 3: 3D (also known as Friday the 13th Part 3), Paramount, 1982. G’ole (documentary), Warner Bros., 1982. The Man Who Wasn’t There, Columbia, 1983. Film Work; Other: Camera assistant, The Bridge at Remagen, United Artists, 1969. Panaglide operator and panaglide consultant, Hanover Street, Columbia, 1979. Panaglide operator, Friday the 13th Part 2, Paramount, 1981. Visual consultant, The Man Who Wasn’t There, Columbia, 1983. Camera assistant for other films.


Television Cinematographer; Specials: Will Rogers: Look Back in Laughter, HBO, 1987. ⬙What the Deaf Man Heard,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1997.

VOLOKH, Ilia (Ilia Volok, Ilya Volok)

Television Cinematographer; Other: ⬙Egyptian Weavers,⬙ Big Blue Marble (episode), syndicated, c. 1981. Over My Dead Body (pilot), CBS, 1990.

PERSONAL Career: Actor. 317


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 CREDITS

Bodyguard, Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies, HBO, 1999. (As Ilia Volok) Voice, Fail Safe, CBS, 2000. Man, Murder, She Wrote: A Story to Die For, CBS, 2000. (As Ilia Volok) War Stories, NBC, 2002.

Film Appearances: Slav, Midnight Man (also known as Blood for Blood), 1994. Wlad, Hail Caesar, 1994. Chechen, Executive Decision (also known as Critical Decision), Warner Bros., 1996. Russian group Ⲇ9, Jing cha gu shi IV: Jian dan ren wu (also known as First Strike, Jackie Chan’s First Strike, Police Story 4, Police Story 4: First Strike, Police Story 4: Piece of Cake, Police Story 4: Story of the CIA, and Story of the CIA), New Line Cinema, 1996. Vladimir Krasin, Air Force One (also known as AFO), Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Sergei, U Turn (also known as U Turn—Ici commence l’enfer), Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Flash, Plan B, Curb Entertainment, 1997. Taxi driver, My Mother Dreams the Satan’s Disciples in New York (short film), AtomFilms, 1998. Ilia, Best of the Best: Without Warning (also known as Best of the Best 4: Without Warning), Dimension Films, 1998. (As Ilia Volok) Daniel Grzbalski, One Man’s Hero (also known as Heroes sin patria and Herois sense patria), Orion, 1999. Faceless, Kolobos, 1999. (As Ilia Volok) Russian, Shadow Hours, Newmark Films, 2000. (As Ilia Volok) Rasputin, Monkeybone (animated), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Member of Gabriel’s crew, Swordfish, Warner Bros., 2001. Yuri, Boris (short film), American Film Institute, 2002. (As Ilia Volok) Master Org, Power Rangers Wild Force: Curse of the Wolf, 2002. (As Ilia Volok) Karloff, Night All Day, 2002. (As Ilia Volok) Elvis impersonator, Spinning Boris, 2003. Ray Fitchler, Land of Canaan, 2003.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Kovalev, ⬙Love among the Ruins,⬙ ER, NBC, 1995. Gomelsky, ⬙What a Dump!,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1997. Janos, ⬙Elegy for a Dream,⬙ The Burning Zone, UPN, 1997. ⬙Fools Russian,⬙ Brooklyn South, CBS, 1998. (As Ilia Volok) Major Nikolai, ⬙To Russia with Love,⬙ JAG, CBS, 1998. Major Nikolai, ⬙Gypsy Eyes,⬙ JAG, CBS, 1998. (As Ilia Volok) Sarkov, ⬙Shanghai Express,⬙ Martial Law, CBS, 1998. Russian man Ⲇ1, ⬙Caroline and the Office,⬙ Caroline in the City, NBC, 1998. (As Ilia Volok) Sonny, ⬙A Dream Deferred,⬙ Once and Again, ABC, 1999. (As Ilia Volok) Nicolia, ⬙Down and Out in Soho,⬙ City Guys, NBC, 1999. (As Ilia Volok) Vokoloff, ⬙Immigrant Evil,⬙ G vs. E (also known as Good vs. Evil), USA Network, 2000. Dry cleaner, ⬙The One Where Paul’s the Man,⬙ Friends, NBC, 2000. Russian man, ⬙Fools Russian: Part 2,⬙ The District, CBS, 2001. (As Ilya Volok) Emil, ⬙The Mulravian Candidate,⬙ Dead Last, The WB, 2001. Krupin, ⬙Chasing Anna,⬙ V.I.P., syndicated, 2001. Trajan Popovici, ⬙Men Aren’t Monsters,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2002. Thug Ⲇ2, ⬙Free and Clear,⬙ Robbery Homicide Division, CBS, 2002. (As Ilia Volok) Marco, ⬙Out of Gas,⬙ Firefly, Fox, 2002. Federov, ⬙Gone Native,⬙ Fastlane, Fox, 2002. Lieutenant, ⬙Nature of the Beast,⬙ Birds of Prey, The WB, 2002. (As Ilia Volok) Ryan, ⬙Mr. Monk Goes to the Circus,⬙ Monk, USA Network, 2003.

Television Appearances; Series: (As Ilia Volok) Master Org (Dr. Viktor Adler), Power Rangers Wild Force, Fox, 2002.

Also appeared as Sergei, The Boys Are Back; Andre, Profiler; (as Ilia Volok) Andrei, The King of Queens, CBS; Viktor Lavashko, City of Angels; Yuri, Six Feet Under; in Jack & Jill.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Militiaman Ⲇ2, OP Center (also known as Tom Clancy’s ⬙OP Center⬙), ABC, 1995.


Television Appearances; Movies: Petr, Deadly Voyage, HBO, 1996. Dr. Claus Feldman, Inhumunoid (also known as Circuit Breaker), Showtime, 1996. Boris, The Rockford Files: Punishment and Crime, CBS, 1996.

Video Games: (As Ilia Volok) Voice of English and Russian terrorists, Rogue Separ (also known as Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear), Red Storm Entertainment, 1999.


W Television Appearances; Series: Claudia James, Singer & Sons, NBC, 1990. Annie Roland, R.N., Nurses, NBC, 1991. Ms. Ross, Popular, The WB, 1999–2000.

WALKER, Arnetia 1961– (Arnetia Walker–Francis) PERSONAL

Television Appearances; Movies: Louise, The Whereabouts of Jenny, ABC, 1991. Hypolite Kropotkin, Cast a Deadly Spell, HBO, 1991. Paulette Rickles, Triumph over Disaster: The Hurricane Andrew Story, NBC, 1993. Jenny, The Cherokee Kid, HBO, 1996. Crystal, Balloon Farm, ABC, 1999. Geppetto, ABC, 2000.

Born 1961; married Elliot Francis (a correspondent for CNN). Education: Attended the School of Performing Arts and Bronx Community College. Addresses: Agent—Paul Kohner, 9300 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 555, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Don Buchwald & Associates, 10 East 44th St., New York, NY 10017. Contact—c/o 19551 Turtle Ridge Ln., Northridge, CA 91326.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Claudia, Handsome Harry’s, NBC, 1986. Dawnelle Washington, Heart and Soul, NBC, 1988. Judy, Bless This House, CBS, 1995. Tina, The Big House, ABC, 2003.

Career: Actress. Previously worked in a musical revue at Disneyland for two years. Awards, Honors: Fennecus Award nomination, actress in a supporting role, 1989, and Apex Award, actress in a supporting role—comedy, 1989, both for Scenes from the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Specials: The 7th Annual Stellar Gospel Music Awards, syndicated, 1992. The 24th Annual NAACP Image Awards, NBC, 1992. The 19th Annual Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame, syndicated, 1992.

Film Appearances: Chorus, The Wiz, Educational Audio Visual, Inc., 1978. Dogette, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas (also known as The Best Little Cathouse in Texas), MCA/ Universal, 1982. To–Bel, Scenes from the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills, Virgin Vision, 1989. Tina Dreem/Running Girl, The Wizard of Speed and Time, Shapiro–Glickenhaus Entertainment, 1989. Maria, Love Crimes, Millimeter Films, 1992. Airport bartender, For Love of the Game, MCA/ Universal, 1999.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Take Back the Streets,⬙ Midnight Caller, NBC, 1989. Traci, ⬙Disco Inferno—April 1, 1976,⬙ Quantum Leap, NBC, 1989. Maxine Varnay, ⬙I Can’t Help Loving That Man of Mine,⬙ Amen, NBC, 1989. Christy, ⬙Play Christy for Me,⬙ 227, NBC, 1990. Shelly Austin, ⬙Alex, Then and N.O.W.,⬙ The Five Mrs. Buchanans, CBS, 1994. (As Arnetia Walker–Francis) Samantha, ⬙The Wedding Show (Psyche!),⬙ The Fresh Prince of Bel–Air, NBC, 1995. 319


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

(As Arnetia Walker–Francis) Clea Duprey, ⬙The Medium Is the Message,⬙ The Cosby Mysteries, NBC, 1995. Carla, ⬙An Uncle in the Business,⬙ Renegade, USA Network and syndicated, 1995. Grace, ⬙At the Pantheon,⬙ Love & War, 1995. Jamie’s coworker, ⬙The Grant,⬙ Mad about You, NBC, 1996. Mrs. Taylor, ⬙Multiple Choice,⬙ Living Single, Fox, 1996. Thelma Morris, ⬙Ted and Carey’s Bogus Adventure,⬙ NYPD Blue, ABC, 1996. Mrs. Taylor, ⬙Oh, Solo Mio,⬙ Living Single, Fox, 1997. Sheila Sherman, ⬙The Courtship of Eddie’s Mother,⬙ Malcolm & Eddie, UPN, 1997. Sheila Sherman, ⬙Mixed Nuts,⬙ Malcolm & Eddie, UPN, 1998. Tisha, ⬙Rescue Me,⬙ Just Shoot Me!, NBC, 1998. Judge Maxine Sharp, ⬙And Injustice for All,⬙ The Steve Harvey Show, The WB, 1998. Sweeney, ⬙The Perfect Game,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 2000. Etta Southerby, ⬙Cry Me a River,⬙ City of Angels, CBS, 2000. Laura Evans, ⬙Human Touch,⬙ Judging Amy, CBS, 2000. Iris Rosemont, ⬙Tracy,⬙ Kate Brasher, CBS, 2001. Friendly mom, ⬙Cookies,⬙ Everybody Loves Raymond, CBS, 2002.

Career: Actor and voice performer. Neurotic Young Urbanites (theatre company), member of company, beginning c. 1994. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Venarius’s man, Enter the Ninja (also known as Ninja I), Cannon/Warner Bros., 1981. Croupier, Strapless, Miramax, 1990. Black and White, 1992. One of Joe Robbins’s pals, Short Cuts, Fine Line, 1993. Lieutenant Brown, Stargate (also known as Stargate, la porte des etoiles), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1994. Dr. Zoetrope, Josh Kirby ... Time Warrior: Chapter 1, Planet of the Dino–Knights (also known as Dino Knights: Josh Kirby ... Time Warrior!), Full Moon Entertainment/Kushner–Locke/Paramount, 1995. Dr. Zoetrope, Josh Kirby ... Time Warrior: Chapter 2, the Human Pets, Full Moon Entertainment, 1995. Dr. Zoetrope, Josh Kirby ... Time Warrior: Chapter 3, Trapped on Toyworld, Full Moon Entertainment, 1995. Dr. Zoetrope, Josh Kirby ... Time Warrior: Chapter 4, Eggs from 70 Million B.C., Paramount Home Video, 1995. Dr. Zoetrope, Josh Kirby ... Time Warrior: Chapter 5, Journey to the Magic Cavern, Paramount Home Video, 1995. Dr. Zoetrope, Josh Kirby ... Time Warrior: Chapter 6, Last Battle for the Universe, Paramount Home Video, 1996. Sky crane pilot, Independence Day (also known as ID4), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. Darryl, Sweet Jane, Phaedra Cinema, 1998. Utah captain, Godzilla, TriStar, 1998. Voice of Captain Harlock, Queen Emeraldas (animated), Selecta Vision, 1998.

Also appeared as Champagne Jones, ⬙Scenes from an Italian Party,⬙ Some of My Best Friends; Sister Harris, ⬙There Goes the Groom,⬙ Buddies. Stage Appearances: Singer, The Sign in Sidney Brustein’s Window, Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1972. Chorus, The Wiz, Majestic Theatre, New York City, 1975–1979. Lorell Robinson and understudy for the role of Effie Melody White, Dreamgirls, Ambassador Theatre, New York City, 1987.

Television Appearances; Series: Raleigh Jordan, Night Man, The Disney Channel and syndicated, 1997–1999. Jigsaw, beginning 2001.

Also appeared in Raisin; Two Gentlemen from Verona.

Television Appearances; Movies: The Return of Ironside, NBC, 1993. Lowell, Childhood Sweetheart?, CBS, 1997.


Television Appearances; Episodic: Lieutenant Sanders, ⬙Gambit: Part 1,⬙ Star Trek: The Next Generation (also known as The Next Generation and Star Trek: TNG), syndicated, 1993. Corbett, ⬙Whale Song,⬙ SeaQuest DSV (also known as SeaQuest 2032), NBC, 1994. Richard Scott, ⬙The Sea Wasp,⬙ M.A.N.T.I.S., Fox, 1995. Client, ⬙Just Say No,⬙ Party Girl, Fox, 1996. Reporter, ⬙Fashion Show,⬙ The Nanny, CBS, 1996.

PERSONAL Education: California Institute of the Arts, B.F.A., 1992. Addresses: Agent—Silver, Massetti & Szatmary, 8730 West Sunset Blvd., Suite 440, West Hollywood, CA 90069. 320

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Dr. Tarloff, ⬙Sleeping Beauty,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1997. David, ⬙Mirror Image,⬙ Promised Land, CBS, 1998. Oscar Parrish, ⬙The Local Weather,⬙ Sports Night, ABC, 2000. Greg Beckton, ⬙Survival of the Fittest,⬙ ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 2001. Gunnery Sergeant Smith, ⬙Dog Robber: Part 2,⬙ JAG, CBS, 2001. Cord, ⬙Untouchables,⬙ Hunter, NBC, 2003. ⬙Doctor Germ,⬙ Threat Matrix, ABC, 2003.

WEST known as Trip to the Center of the Earth), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1959. (Uncredited) Indian, Flaming Star, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1960. (Uncredited) Hank Tyler, Wild in the Country, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1961. (Uncredited) Party guest, Blue Hawaii, Paramount/ Viacom, 1961. (Uncredited) Bank guard, Follow That Dream, United Artists, 1962. (Uncredited) Bongo–playing crew member on tuna boat, Girls! Girls! Girls!, Paramount/Viacom, 1962. (Uncredited) Card player, Palm Springs Weekend, Warner Bros., 1963. (Uncredited) Fred, It Happened at the World’s Fair, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1963. (Uncredited) Poolside guest, Fun in Acapulco, Paramount/Viacom, 1963. (Uncredited) Carnival worker, Roustabout, Paramount, 1964. (Uncredited) A son of the lone star state, Viva Las Vegas (also known as Love in Las Vegas), Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1964. Assassin, Harum Scarum (also known as Harem Holiday), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1965. (Uncredited) Bully in bar, Tickle Me, Allied Artists, 1965. (Uncredited) Extra in Kit Kat Club, Girl Happy, Metro– Goldwyn–Mayer, 1965. (Uncredited) Football player, John Goldfarb, Please Come Home, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1965. (Uncredited) Member of Shorty’s pit crew, Spinout (also known as California Holiday), Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 1966. (Uncredited) Rusty, Paradise, Hawaiian Style, Paramount/Viacom, 1966. (Uncredited) The Navy vs. the Night Monsters (also known as Monsters of the Night and The Night Crawlers), Realart Pictures, 1966. (Uncredited) Ice cream vendor, Clambake, United Artists, 1967. (Uncredited) Newspaper vendor, Live a Little, Love a Little, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1968. Mike, Bigfoot, 1970, Ellman Enterprises, 1973. Himself, Elvis: That’s the Way It Is, Warner Bros./Turner Entertainment, 1970, released as Elvis: That’s the Way It Is—Special Edition, 2001. Sheriff Tanner, Walking Tall, Cinerama, 1973. Mallory, Framed, Paramount, 1975. Sheriff Tanner, Walking Tall Part II (also known as Legend of the Lawman and Part 2, Walking Tall), American International Pictures, 1975. George, Trapper County War, Republic, 1989. Red Webster, Road House, United Artists, 1989. Bodine, The Legend of Grizzly Adams (also known as Grizzly Adams: The Legend Continues), 1990. Dave, Raw Nerve, Action International Pictures, 1991. Judge, The Gun in Betty Lou’s Handbag, Buena Vista, 1992.

Appeared as Jared Everett, Family Law, CBS; appeared in Providence, NBC; voice of the commander, ⬙Snoot’s New Squat,⬙ Snoot; also voice performer in 2 Stupid Dogs (animated). Television Appearances; Pilots: Lieutenant Brown, Stargate SG–1: Children of the Gods (also known as Stargate SG–1), c. 1997. Raleigh Jordan, Night Man, syndicated, 1997. Stage Appearances: Appeared in the title role, Othello, and as Prospero, The Tempest; also appeared in Alone at the Beach, The Boys Next Door, Etta Jenks, The Myth of More, Private Eyes, Rope, and Twelfth Night, all Neurotic Young Urbanites, Powerhouse Theatre, Santa Monica, CA.

WEST, Red 1936– (Robert ⴖRedⴖ Gene West) PERSONAL Original name, Robert Gene West; born 1936, in Memphis, TN; son of Newton Thomas and Lois West; married Pat Boyd (a secretary), July 1, 1961; children: two sons, including John Boyd (an actor). Education: Studied drama with Jeff Corey; attended Jones Junior College. Addresses: Contact—c/o 6676 Memphis–Arlington, Bartlett, TN 38135. Career: Actor and stunt performer. Worked as a bodyguard, driver, and assistant for Elvis Presley; known as a member of Presley’s ⬙Memphis Mafia.⬙ Also a songwriter and Golden Gloves boxer. Military service: U.S. Marine Corps, 1956–58. CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Robert ⬙Red⬙ Gene West) Bearded man at newspaper stand, Journey to the Center of the Earth (also 321


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Maberly, ⬙The Night of the Underground Terror,⬙ The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1968. Third guard, ⬙The Night of the Doomsday Formula,⬙ The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1968. (Uncredited) Henchman, ⬙The Night of the Gruesome Games,⬙ The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1968. (Uncredited) Sparring partner, ⬙The Contender: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Mission: Impossible, CBS, 1968. (Uncredited) Thug, ⬙The Night of the Avaricious Actuary,⬙ The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1968. Arlan, ⬙Merry Go Round for Murder,⬙ Mannix, CBS, 1969. First heavy, ⬙The Night of the Sabatini Death,⬙ The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1969. (Uncredited) Thug, ⬙The Night of the Janus,⬙ The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1969. (Uncredited) Thug, ⬙The Night of the Plague,⬙ The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1969. Owner, ⬙The White Lightning War,⬙ The Six Million Dollar Man, ABC, 1975. ⬙Blue Movie, Blue Death,⬙ The Rookies, ABC, 1976. Marco, ⬙The Lost Warrior,⬙ Battlestar Galactica, ABC, 1978. The farrier, ⬙Dead Last,⬙ Quincy (also known as Quincy, M.E.), NBC, 1979. ⬙Double Take, Double Take,⬙ The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo, NBC, 1980. ⬙The Treasure of Sierra Madre Street,⬙ Tenspeed and Brown Shoe, NBC, 1980. Bull, ⬙All Roads Lead to Floyd,⬙ Magnum, P.I., CBS, 1981. Cliff, ⬙Here’s Looking at You, Kid,⬙ The Greatest American Hero, ABC, 1981. Frank Dawson, ⬙A Recipe for Disaster,⬙ Simon & Simon, CBS, 1981. ⬙Dead Stop,⬙ Quincy (also known as Quincy, M.E.), NBC, 1981. Ace Madden, ⬙The Ives Have It,⬙ The Fall Guy, ABC, 1982. Blandin, ⬙It’s All Downhill from Here,⬙ The Greatest American Hero, ABC, 1982. Pete Williams, ⬙Pirates of Nashville⬙ (also known as ⬙Nashville Pirates⬙), The Fall Guy, ABC, 1983. ⬙Pros and Cons,⬙ The A–Team, NBC, 1983. Charley, ⬙Desperado,⬙ The Greatest American Hero, ABC, 1984. Paul Connors, ⬙Scared Stiff,⬙ Hardcastle and McCormick, ABC, 1984. ⬙Semi–Friendly Persuasion,⬙ The A–Team, NBC, 1984. Billy Cockrell, ⬙Let Me Hear the Music,⬙ Magnum, P.I., CBS, 1985. Wild Bill Hillman, ⬙Tailspin,⬙ The Fall Guy, ABC, 1985. Boss, ⬙The Once and Future King,⬙ The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1986. Brooks, ⬙Alive at Five,⬙ The A–Team, NBC, 1986. Red, ⬙Waiting for Insane Wayne,⬙ The A–Team, NBC, 1986. Winner, ⬙Tag Team,⬙ The Fall Guy, ABC, 1986. ⬙Desperado,⬙ Houston Knights, CBS, 1987.

Cowboy sheriff, Natural Born Killers, Warner Bros., 1994. Judge, The Expert, New City Releasing, 1994. Chief Edwards, Felony, New Line Cinema, 1995. Buddy Black, The Rainmaker (also known as John Grisham’s The Rainmaker), Paramount, 1997. Sheriff Charlie Stone, The P.A.C.K., 4 Corners Entertainment, 1997. Paulsen, I Still Know What You Did Last Summer, Columbia, 1998. Mr. Henderson, Cookie’s Fortune, October Films, 1999. Judge Ewing, Woman’s Story, Muddy River Productions/Cinedge, 2000. Maggie’s father, Vampires Anonymous, Lantern Lane Entertainment, 2003. Television Appearances; Series: Mechanic sergeant Andy Micklin, Baa Baa Black Sheep, NBC, 1976–1977, later known as Black Sheep Squadron, NBC, 1977–1978. Sergeant Mick O’Brien, The Duke, NBC, 1979. Television Appearances; Movies: Chuck, The Concrete Cowboys (also known as Ramblin’ Man), CBS, 1979. Sud, Angel City (also known as Field of Tears), CBS, 1980. Kaworski, Will: The Autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy, NBC, 1982. Coach, Confessions of a Married Man, ABC, 1983. Master sergeant Red Tuttle, Hard Knox, NBC, 1984. David ⬙OO⬙ Buck, Charley Hannah, ABC, 1986. Cookie, Proud Men, ABC, 1987. (Uncredited) Soldier, The Alamo: Thirteen Days to Glory, NBC, 1987. Bates Boley, Once upon a Texas Train (also known as Texas Guns), CBS, 1988. Joe Grant, Gore Vidal’s ⬙Billy the Kid,⬙ TNT, 1989. Bob Maddox, From the Files of Joseph Wambaugh: A Jury of One, NBC, 1992. Pritchard, Prey of the Chameleon, Showtime, 1992. Mr. Sykes, Her Hidden Truth, NBC, 1995. Officer Ward, Above Suspicion, USA Network, 2000. Television Appearances; Episodic: Roy, ⬙The Night of the Iron Fist,⬙ The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1967. (Uncredited) Mrs. Moore’s thug, ⬙The Night of the Circus of Death,⬙ The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1967. (Uncredited) Thug, ⬙The Night of the Cutthroats,⬙ The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1967. Chuck, ⬙The Night of Fire and Brimstone,⬙ The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1968. First man, ⬙The Night of the Sedgewick Curse,⬙ The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1968. Klaxton, ⬙The Night of the Vipers,⬙ The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1968. 322

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Body shop man, ⬙Fatal Obsession: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Hunter, NBC, 1991.

WHALEY tion, dramatic category, and Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award, both Sundance Film Festival, and nomination for Open Palm Award, Gotham Awards, all 1999, for Joe the King; Feature Film Award, best actor, New York International Independent Film and Video Festival, 2001, for Pursuit of Happiness; Festival Achievement Award, Stony Brook Film Festival, 2002.

Television Appearances; Other: Superintendent Turner, Coach of the Year (pilot), NBC, 1980. Violent teamster, Blood Feud (miniseries), syndicated, 1983.

CREDITS Television Work; Series: Stunt performer, The Wild, Wild West, CBS, 1965–1969. Technical advisor, Quantum Leap, NBC, 1989–1993.

Film Appearances: Young Francis Phelan, Ironweed, TriStar, 1987. Younger Archie ⬙Moonlight⬙ Graham, Field of Dreams (also known as Shoeless Joe), Universal, 1989. Boy, Little Monsters, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1989. Timmy, Born on the Fourth of July, Universal, 1989. Steve Bushak, The Freshman, TriStar, 1990. Michael Latchmer, Cold Dog Soup, 1990. Robby Kreiger, The Doors, TriStar, 1991. Jim Dodge, Career Opportunities (also known as One Wild Night), Universal, 1991. Lee Harvey Oswald imposter (in director’s cut only), JFK, 1991. Archer Sloan, Back in the U.S.S.R., Twentieth Century– Fox, 1992. Paul ⬙Father⬙ Mundy, A Midnight Clear, InterStar Releasing, 1992. Young kid, Hoffa, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1992. Arvid, Swing Kids, Buena Vista, 1993. Brett, Pulp Fiction, Miramax, 1994. Guy, Swimming with Sharks (also known as The Boss, The Buddy Factor, and The Director), Trimark Pictures, 1994. Frank, I.Q., 1994. Archie Landrum, Homage, Arrow Releasing, 1995. Mickey Jelke, Cafe Society, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1995. Joey, The Winner, Live Entertainment/Norstar Entertainment, 1996. Himself, Cannes Man (also known as Canne$ Man), Rocket Pictures Home Video, 1996. Giles Prentice, Broken Arrow, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. Brian, Retroactive, Orion Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Brett (in archive footage), You’re Still Not Fooling Anybody, 1997. Skee–ball Weasel, Went to Coney Island on a Mission from God ... Be Back by Five, Phaedra Cinema, 1998. Brett Conway, Curtain Call (also known as Later Life), Ardustry Home Entertainment, 1999. (Uncredited) Narrator, Two Family House, Lions Gate Films, 2000. Franky Syde, Glam, Storm Entertainment, 2001. Oliver, Pursuit of Happiness, Showcase Entertainment, 2001. Jimmy O’Brien (title role), The Jimmy Show, First Look Media, 2002.

WRITINGS Books: (With Sonny West and Dave Hebler, as told to Steve Dunleavy) Elvis: What Happened?, Ballantine Books, 1977. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Elvis Presley News,, November 3, 1999.

WHALEY, Frank 1963– PERSONAL Born July 20, 1963, in Syracuse, NY; son of Robert W. and Josephine (maiden name, Timilione) Whaley; brother of Robert Whaley (a musician, composer, and actor); married Heather Bucha (a playwright and actress; divorced). Education: State University of New York at Albany, B.A., theatre, 1985; trained for the stage at Actors Studio, New York City. Addresses: Agent—Jeff Witjas, Agency for the Performing Arts, 9200 Sunset Blvd., Suite 900, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Manager—Alan Iezman, Shelter Entertainment, 9255 Sunset Blvd., Suite 500, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Career: Actor, musician, director, and writer. Naked Angels (theatre company), New York City, founding member and actor; Malaparte Theatre Company, founding member. The Niagras (band), cofounder and drummer. Awards, Honors: Young Artist Award nomination, outstanding youth ensemble in a motion picture (with others), 1994, for Swing Kids; Grand Jury Prize nomina323


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Lynny, Chelsea Walls (also known as Chelsea Hotel), Lions Gate Films, 2002. (Uncredited) Ralph Mandy, Red Dragon (also known as Roter Drache), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 2002. Chad, A Good Night to Die, Regent Entertainment, 2003. Battle of the Bands director, The School of Rock, Paramount, 2003.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Evicted boy, ⬙The Road Back,⬙ Spenser: For Hire, 1987. Himself, ⬙Super Robby,⬙ The State, 1995. Henry Marshall, ⬙The Conversion,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1995. Zig Fowler and Cliff Unger, ⬙Zig Zag,⬙ The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 2000. John McDowell, ⬙Access Nation,⬙ Law & Order, NBC, 2002. Martin, ⬙Future Trade,⬙ The Twilight Zone, 2002.

Film Director: Joe the King (also known as Joe Henry and Pleasant View Avenue), Trimark Pictures, 1999. The Jimmy Show, First Look Media, 2002.

Appeared in ⬙Time Is on My Side,⬙ an episode of Strange Frequency, VH1. Stage Appearances: Cob, Tigers Wild, Playhouse 91, New York City, 1986. Andrew, The Years, Manhattan Theatre Club, City Center Theatre State I, New York City, 1993. Jimmy Bonaparte, Veins and Thumbtacks, Malaparte Theatre Company, Theatre Row Theatre, New York City, 1994. Jacob, Hesh, Malaparte Theatre Company, Theatre Row Theatre, 1994. Tom Casey, The Great Unwashed, Malaparte Theatre Company, Theatre Row Theatre, 1994. Peter Hogancamp, The Size of the World, Circle Repertory Company, Circle in the Square Theatre, New York City, 1996.

Television Appearances; Series: Bob Jones, Buddy Faro, CBS, 1998. Christopher Wey, The Dead Zone (also known as Stephen King’s Dead Zone), USA Network, 2003. Television Appearances; Movies: Arnie Woods, Unconquered (also known as Invictus), CBS, 1989. Joey, Flying Blind, NBC, 1990. James, ⬙To Dance with the White Dog,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1993. Lee Harvey Oswald/Alik, Fatal Deception: Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald (also known as Marina’s Story), NBC, 1993. Walter Cooper, The Desperate Trail, TNT, 1995. Malcolm, Bombshell, 1996. Cole, ⬙My Brother’s Keeper,⬙ Dead Man’s Gun, ABC, 1997. Medic Chamberlain, When Trumpets Fade (also known as Hamburger Hill 2), 1998. Bishop, The Wall, Showtime, 1998.

Also appeared in a production of Good Evening. Stage Director: Gin–Jazz–Love–Drama, Rich Forum Theatre, Stamford, CT, 2003. RECORDINGS Audio Books: Narrator, Born to Steal: When the Mafia Hit Wall Street, by Gary Weiss, Warner Books, 2003.

Television Appearances; Specials: Jeff Dillon, ⬙Seasonal Differences,⬙ ABC Afterschool Specials, ABC, 1987. Scott McNichol, ⬙Soldier Boys,⬙ CBS Schoolbreak Specials, CBS, 1987. Voice of Alexander Graham Bell, The Telephone, PBS, 1997. Interviewee, Outer Limits Farewell Tribute, Showtime, 2000.

Videos: Himself, The Road of Excess, 1997. WRITINGS Screenplays: Joe the King (also known as Joe Henry and Pleasant View Avenue), Trimark Pictures, 1999. The Jimmy Show, First Look Media, 2002.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Sonny Day, Life on the Flipside (also known as Homeward Bound and Pop Rock), NBC, 1988. Bad News Mr. Swanson, FX Channel, 2001.


Television Appearances; Miniseries: Allen Kogan, Shake, Rattle, and Roll: An American Love Story (also known as Shake, Rattle, and Roll), CBS, 1999.

Periodicals: Back Stage, April 5, 1996, p. 5. Entertainment Weekly, April 25, 1997, p. 81. Madison, October, 1999, pp. 32–33. 324

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WHITTAKER (As Jonathan Whittaker) Nevin, For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down, CBC, 1996. Dr. Gordon, God’s New Plan (also known as No Higher Love), CBS, 1999. Paul as an adult, The Secret Path (also known as The Silent Path), CBS, 1999. Jerome, Coming Unglued (also known as Let’s Ruin Dad’s Day), Fox Family, 1999. (As Jonathan Whittaker) Dad Boyle, Genius, The Disney Channel, 1999. (As Jonathan Whittaker) District Attorney, Sirens, Showtime, 1999. Dr. Nestler, Resurrection, HBO, 1999. Nothing Too Good for a Cowboy, CBC and Lifetime, 1999. Muntz, Dirty Pictures, Showtime, 2000. Barney, Rona’s husband, Custody of the Heart, Lifetime, 2000. Stan Stanley, Out of Sync (also known as Lip Service), VH1, 2000. Alastair Palmerston, Lucky Girl (also known as My Daughter’s Secret Life), Lifetime and CTV, 2001. (As Jonathan Whittaker) Jeffrey Tract, Sex, Lies & Obsession, Lifetime, 2001. (As Jonathan Whittaker) Judge Comden, Recipe for Murder (also known as Murray Maguire, M.E.), PAX, 2001. Reporter Ⲇ2, A Colder Kind of Death (also known as Criminal Instinct: A Colder Kind of Death), Lifetime, 2001. (As Jonathan Whitaker) Senator Granville, The Brady Bunch in the White House, Fox, 2002. Detective McDonough, The Interrogation of Michael Crowe, Court TV, 2002.

WHITTAKER, Jonathon (Jonathan Whitaker, Jonathan Whittaker) PERSONAL Married Shelley Hanson, July 1998. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Adam, Three Men and a Baby, Buena Vista, 1987. Officer Ⲇ2, Replikator, 1994. Lawyer, Expect No Mercy, Imperial Entertainment Corp., 1995. (As Jonathan Whittaker) Pilot voice, Pushing Tin (also known as Turbulenzen—und andere Katastrophen), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1999. Mr. Buell, The Virgin Suicides (also known as Sofia Coppola’s the Virgin Suicides), Paramount Classics, 1999. (As Jonathan Whittaker) Detective Gautreaux, Dracula (also known as Dracula 2001 and Wes Craven Presents Dracula 2000), Miramax, 2000. (As Jonathan Whittaker) Coach Hibble, Get Over It (also known as Get Over It!), Miramax, 2001. (As Jonathan Whittaker) Dr. Craig, Interstate 60 (also known as Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road), Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2002. (As Jonathan Whittaker) Bailiff, Chicago, Miramax, 2002.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Attorney Garrison, ⬙Dragon’s Daughter,⬙ Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, syndicated, 1994. Attorney Garrison, ⬙Laurie’s Friend,⬙ Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, syndicated, 1994. RCMP sergeant, Due South, CTV and CBS, 1994. Dreyfus, ⬙Killer Instinct,⬙ Forever Knight, syndicated, 1994. ⬙Requiem,⬙ Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, syndicated, 1996. Andrus, ⬙Ties That Bind,⬙ Xena: Warrior Princess, 1996. Curt Brunjes, ⬙Kaddish,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 1997. (As Jonathan Whittaker) Fred Angeloni, ⬙Private Eyes,⬙ The Sentinel, UPN, 1997. Greg, ⬙The Capture: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Animorphs, Nickelodeon, 1999. Peter Bellamy, ⬙Between Heaven and Hell,⬙ Earth: Final Conflict, syndicated, 1999. Greg, ⬙Not My Problem,⬙ Animorphs, Nickelodeon, 1999. ⬙The Gift of Life,⬙ Twice in a Lifetime, PAX and CTV, 1999. Samuel Priest, ⬙Apparition,⬙ Earth: Final Conflict, syndicated, 2000.

Television Appearances; Series: Roger Blundell, Alienated, 2003. Television Appearances; Miniseries: CTV reporter, Conspiracy of Silence, CBC and CBS, 1991. (As Jonathan Whittaker) Fred Smye, The Arrow (also known as Projet arrow), CBC, 1997. Congressman Steve Buyer, Thanks of a Grateful Nation (also known as The Gulf War), Showtime, 1998. (As Jonathan Whittaker) Army colonel, Haven, CBS, 2001. (As Jonathan Whittaker) Kevin Freel, And Never Let Her Go, CBS, 2001. Lem Billings, Jackie, Ethel, Joan: Women of Camelot, NBC, 2001. Television Appearances; Movies: Dr. James Power, Power Pack, 1991. Dan Rowan, Sugartime, HBO, 1995. 325


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⬙Then Love Came Along,⬙ Twice in a Lifetime, PAX and CTV, 2001. Dr. Garver, ⬙The Journey,⬙ Earth: Final Conflict, syndicated, 2002. Jed Foley, ⬙Saviors,⬙ Body & Soul, PAX, 2002.

Young James Van Praagh, Living with the Dead (also known as Talking to Heaven), CBS, 2002. Boxey, Battlestar Galactica, Sci–Fi Channel, 2003. Television Appearances; Movies: Dylan Nicholson, First Target, TBS, 2000. Brian Foley, The Hostage Negotiator, USA Network, 2001. Bryan Peeno, Damaged Care, Showtime, 2002.

Also appeared as Colonel Bowe, ⬙Music of the Spheres,⬙ The Outer Limits; Kyle Markson, Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, syndicated; Ryan, Leap Years, Showtime; lawyer Ⲇ2, Monk, USA Network.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Calvin Scranton, ⬙Saturn Dreaming of Mercury,⬙ Millennium, Fox, 1999. Danny, ⬙Nightmare,⬙ So Weird, The Disney Channel, 1999. Younger Cabot son, ⬙Leviathan,⬙ Harsh Realm, Fox, 1999. Patrick and the fourth Francis Jeffries, ⬙The Flight of Francis Jeffries,⬙ First Wave, Sci–Fi Channel, 2000. Bugler, ⬙Bag ’Em,⬙ Dark Angel (also known as James Cameron’s Dark Angel), Fox, 2001. John, ⬙A Town without Pity,⬙ Peacemakers, USA Network, 2003.

WIDDOWS, Connor PERSONAL Born in Canada. Addresses: Agent—Russ Mortenson, Pacific Arts Management, Inc., 1404–510 West Hastings St., Vancouver, British Columbia V4B 4V8, Canada. Career: Actor.

Television Appearances; Other: Emile Hewitt, The Warden (pilot), TNT, 2001. Kendall Ross, The Funkhousers (series), ABC, beginning 2002.

Awards, Honors: Leo Award nomination, Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Foundation of British Columbia, best feature length drama: supporting performance—male, 2002, for Mile Zero. CREDITS


Film Appearances: Little shirtless boy, A Feeling Called Glory (short film), 1999. Anthony, Beautiful Joe, Columbia/TriStar Home Video, 2000. Andy Malloy, Freddy Got Fingered, Twentieth Century– Fox, 2001. Boy, Say It Isn’t So, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Robbie Tyson, Liberty Stands Still (also known as Liberty stands still—Im Visier des Moerders), Lions Gate Films, 2002. Will Ridley, Mile Zero, Cinemavault Releasing, 2002. Young Aaron Fitz, Go–Go Boy (Prelude) (short film), 2000, 2002. Alex Banks, Agent Cody Banks, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 2003. Brandon, La La Wood, Gold Circle Productions, 2003. Jones, X2 (also known as X–Men 2, X–Men 2: X–Men United, and X2: X–Men United), Twentieth Century–Fox, 2003.

PERSONAL Born January 30. Career: Actor. Henny Penny (a production company), Thomasville, GA, producer and director. CREDITS Film Appearances: Black hit man, Gordon’s War, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1973. Sam, Crazy Joe, Columbia, 1974. John Hayes, The Super Cops, United Artists, 1974. Young brother, Claudine, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1974. Al, The River Niger, Cine Artists Pictures, 1976. Uncle Henry, Crow, Field Mouse, and Lord High Underling, The Wiz, 1978. Felix, More American Graffiti (also known as Purple Haze), MCA/Universal, 1979. Zac, Megaforce, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1982.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Jesse Keys as a child, Taken (also known as Steven Spielberg Presents Taken), Sci–Fi Channel, 2002. 326

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Johnny Hammer, Off the Wall, Jensen Farley Pictures, 1983. McPhail, Cop & 1/2 (also known as Cop and a Half), Universal, 1993. Ballistic technician, China Moon, Orion, 1994. Cooter man, Once upon a Time ... When We Were Colored, Republic Pictures Corp., 1995. Warden Rice, Last Dance, Buena Vista, 1996. Judge, Palmetto (also known as Dumme sterben nicht aus), Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1998. Lukowski, The Last Marshal, Big Picture Entertainment Group, 1999.

WILCOX Television Appearances; Pilots: Phil Jenkins, Shaughnessy, NBC, 1976. Oakley, The Buffalo Soldiers, NBC, 1979. Tarzan’s Return, syndicated, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: Hinkley, ⬙The Runaway,⬙ Maude, CBS, 1974. Allan, ⬙Shirley’s Date,⬙ What’s Happening!!, ABC, 1976. Director, ⬙Big Brother,⬙ The Six Million Dollar Man, 1976. Robert, ⬙A Friend in Need,⬙ Good Times, CBS, 1977. Jason Davis, ⬙Fonzie for the Defense,⬙ Happy Days, ABC, 1978. Danny Domino, ⬙Disco Dollar Disaster,⬙ What’s Happening!!, ABC, 1978. Mr. Thomas, ⬙Murder,⬙ Lou Grant, CBS, 1978. Jackie, ⬙On the Line,⬙ The White Shadow, CBS, 1979. Gate M.P., ⬙The Bugatti Treasure,⬙ Salvage 1, 1979. Lionel Collins, ⬙Little Baby Cunningham,⬙ Happy Days, ABC, 1981. Earl Davis, ⬙Custody: Part 1,⬙ Archie Bunker’s Place, 1981. Director, ⬙Poor Jill,⬙ Knots Landing, 1989. Chief, ⬙Columbo Cries Wolf,⬙ Columbo, 1990. Sentry hunter, ⬙Touch of Death,⬙ Swamp Thing, 1991. Sergeant Barker, ⬙Standoff,⬙ The Adventures of Superboy, 1991. Reverend Kincaid, ⬙Odessa,⬙ In the Heat of the Night, NBC, 1992. President Savimbe, ⬙The Aquarius Intercept,⬙ Fortune Hunter, Fox, 1994. Detective, ⬙Deadly Dose,⬙ Matlock, ABC, 1995. Detective, ⬙The Heist,⬙ Matlock, ABC, 1995. ⬙Silent Auction,⬙ Pointman, 1995. Freeman, ⬙In the Company of Ice and Profit,⬙ SeaQuest DSV, NBC, 1995. Freeman, ⬙Destination Terminal,⬙ SeaQuest DSV, NBC, 1995. Freeman, ⬙Brainlock,⬙ SeaQuest DSV, NBC, 1995. Freeman, ⬙Reunion,⬙ SeaQuest DSV, NBC, 1995. Principal McCall, ⬙The Rendezvous,⬙ Second Noah, ABC, 1996. Mugambi, ⬙Tarzan’s Returns: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Tarzan: The Epic Adventures, 1996. ⬙Sanctuary,⬙ Sheena, syndicated, 2001.

Television Appearances; Series: Raymond McKay, Big Eddie, CBS, 1975. Raymond St. Williams, Busting Loose, CBS, 1977. Duke, One in a Million, ABC, 1980. James ⬙Jammin’ Jim⬙ Jenkins, Emerald Cove, 1994. Television Appearances; Miniseries: In the Best of Families: Marriage, Pride & Madness (also known as Bitter Blood), CBS, 1994. VIP, From the Earth to the Moon, HBO, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Len Madison, Sr., White Lie, USA Network, 1991. Herman, Stompin’ at the Savoy, CBS, 1992. Simple Justice, PBS, 1993. A Family Torn Apart (also known as Sudden Fury: A Family Torn Apart), NBC, 1993. C. Ray, Silent Victim (also known as Hothouse), 1993. Sam, A Passion for Justice: The Hazel Brannon Smith Story (also known as Quest for Justice), ABC, 1994. (Uncredited) Perry, Matlock: The Idol, 1994. Trial judge, Death in Small Doses, ABC, 1995. With Hostile Intent (also known as With Hostile Intent: Sisters in Black and Blue), CBS, 1995. Dr. Granger, The Sister–In–Law (also known as Bloodknot), USA Network, 1995. Her Deadly Rival, CBS, 1995. Tad, The Family Channel, 1995. Dr. Thomasson, Saved by the Light, Fox, 1995. Detective Barnes, To Love, Honor, and Deceive (also known as The Protected Wife), ABC, 1996. Hotel manager, Deadly Pursuits, NBC, 1996. Reardon, Summer of Fear (also known as Father’s Day and Simon Says), CBS, 1996. Hospital security guard, All She Ever Wanted, ABC, 1996. Doctor Nichols, A Different Kind of Christmas (also known as Santa & Me), Lifetime, 1996. Detective Reynolds, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, CBS, 1997. Minister, Perfect Crime, USA Network, 1997. Pastor, Ruby Bridges, ABC, 1998.

Also appeared as Lucien Van Ness, I’ll Fly Away, NBC; Maryland state police officer, The Monroes, ABC. Stage Appearances: Ain’t Supposed to Die a Natural Death Tunes from Blackness, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1971–1972, then Ambassador Theatre, New York City, 1971–1972. Uncle Henry and Lord High Underling, The Wiz, Majestic Theatre, New York City, 1975–1979. 327


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Pearlman), Mystery Writers of America, 2000, for Murder in a Small Town; Emmy Award, outstanding guest actor in a comedy series, 2003, for Will & Grace; Lifetime Achievement Award, Las Vegas Film Critics Society, 2003.

WILDER, Gene 1935– PERSONAL Original name, Jerome ⬙Jerry⬙ Silberman; born June 11, 1935, in Milwaukee, WI; son of William J. (an importer and bottle manufacturer) and Jeanne (maiden name, Baer) Silberman; married Mary Mercier (a playwright), July 22, 1960 (divorced); married Mary Joan Schutz, October 27, 1967 (divorced, 1974); married Gilda Radner (an actress and comedienne), 1982 (died, May 20, 1989); married Karen Boyer (some sources cite Karen Webb; a speech and hearing specialist and actress), September 8, 1991; adopted children: (first marriage) Katharine Anastasia. Education: University of Iowa, B.A., 1955; studied acting with Herman Gottlieb, 1946–51, at Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, 1955–56, at Herbert Berghof Studio (now HB Studio), 1957–59, and at Actors Studio, New York City. Avocational Interests: Tennis, fencing, bridge, water–color painting.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Eugene Grizzard, Bonnie and Clyde (also known as Bonnie and Clyde ... Were Killers!), Warner Bros., 1967. Leo Bloom, The Producers, Embassy, 1967. Quackser Fortune, Quackser Fortune Has a Cousin in the Bronx (also known as Fun Loving), UMC, 1970. Claude Coupe and Philippe DeSisi, Start the Revolution without Me (also known as Two Times Two), Warner Bros., 1970. Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Paramount, 1971. Dr. Ross, Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex* (*but Were Afraid to Ask) (also known as Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex), United Artists, 1972. Jim (the Waco Kid), Blazing Saddles, Warner Bros., 1974. The fox, The Little Prince, Paramount, 1974. Stanley, Rhinoceros, American Film Theatre, 1974. Dr. Frederick Frankenstein, Young Frankenstein (also known as Frankenstein, Jr.), Twentieth Century– Fox, 1974. Sigerson Holmes, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother (also known as Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1975. George Caldwell, Silver Streak, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1976. Rudy Valentine, The World’s Greatest Lover, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1977. Avram Belinsky, The Frisco Kid (also known as No Knife), Warner Bros., 1979. Skip Donahue, Stir Crazy, Columbia, 1980. Title role, ⬙Skippy,⬙ a segment of Sunday Lovers (also known as An Englishman’s Home, Les seducteurs, and I seduttori della domenica), United Artists, 1980. Michael Jordon, Hanky Panky, Columbia, 1982. Theodore Pierce, The Woman in Red, Orion, 1984. Larry Abbot, Haunted Honeymoon, Orion, 1986. Hello Actors Studio (documentary), Actors Studio, 1987. Dave Lyons, See No Evil, Hear No Evil, TriStar, 1989. Duffy Bergman, Funny about Love, Paramount, 1990. George/Abe Fielding, Another You, TriStar, 1991. Voice of Snowbell, Stuart Little, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1999.

Addresses: Agent—Nevin Dolcefino, Innovative Artists, 1505 10th St., Santa Monica, CA 90401. Manager— Andrew Hersh, Howard Entertainment, 10850 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1260, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Career: Actor, director, producer, and writer. Actors Studio, New York City, member, beginning 1961; appeared in commercials, including one for Gillette razors, 1965. Cedars–Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, cofounder of Gilda Radner Ovarian Detection Center, c. 1990; Gilda’s Club (support group), founding member. Worked as a chauffeur, toy salesperson, and fencing instructor. Military service: U.S. Army, 1956–58. Member: Actors’ Equity Association, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Directors Guild of America, Writers Guild of America, Alpha Epsilon Pi (life member). Awards, Honors: Clarence Derwent Award, Clarence Derwent Award Trust, 1962, for The Complaisant Lover; Academy Award nomination, best supporting actor, 1969, for The Producers; Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture actor in a musical or comedy, 1972, for Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Academy Award nomination and Writers Guild of America Award nomination, both best screenplay adapted from other material (with Mel Brooks), 1975, and Nebula Award, best dramatic presentation, Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, 1976, all for Young Frankenstein; Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture actor in a musical or comedy, 1977, for Silver Streak; Edgar Allan Poe Award nomination, best television feature or miniseries (with Gilbert 328

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Film Director: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother (also known as Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1975. (And producer) The World’s Greatest Lover, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1977. ⬙Skippy,⬙ a segment of Sunday Lovers (also known as An Englishman’s Home, Les seducteurs, and I seduttori della domenica), United Artists, 1980. The Woman in Red, Orion, 1984. (And producer) Haunted Honeymoon, Orion, 1986.

WILDER Home for Passover, NBC, 1973. Annie and the Hoods, ABC, 1974. Baryshnikov in Hollywood, CBS, 1982. The Making of ⬙The Woman in Red,⬙ 1984. Face to Face with Connie Chung, CBS, 1990. A Party for Richard Pryor, CBS, 1991. Laughing Matters (also known as Funny Business), Showtime, 1993. Gilda Radner: In Her Own Words, Arts and Entertainment, 1993. Countdown to Christmas (also known as Santa’s Journey), NBC, 1994. Interviewee, Gilda Radner: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 1997. Interviewee, 20th Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years, AMC, 2000.

Television Appearances; Series: Voice of Letterman, The Electric Company, 1972–1977. Gene Bergman, Something Wilder (also known as Young at Heart), NBC, 1994–1995.

Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Balthazar, Romeo and Juliet, Milwaukee Playhouse, Milwaukee, WI, 1948. Rosen, The Late Christopher Bean, Reginald Goode Theatre, Poughkeepsie, NY, 1949. The Cat and the Canary, Reginald Goode Theatre, 1949. Vernon, Summer and Smoke, Tower Ranch Tenthouse Theatre, Eagle River, WI, 1951. The Drunkard, Tower Ranch Tenthouse Theatre, 1951. Mansky, The Play’s the Thing, Tower Ranch Tenthouse Theatre, 1951. Mr. Weatherbee, Arsenic and Old Lace, Tower Ranch Tenthouse Theatre, 1951. Howard, Death of a Salesman, Tower Ranch Tenthouse Theatre, 1952. Ed, Come Back, Little Sheba, Tower Ranch Tenthouse Theatre, 1952. The principal, The Happy Time, Tower Ranch Tenthouse Theatre, 1952. Twelfth Night, Cambridge Drama Festival, Cambridge, MA, 1959. Macbeth, Cambridge Drama Festival, 1959. (Off–Broadway debut) Frankie Bryant, Roots, Mayfair Theatre, 1961. Andrew, All the Way Home, Playhouse in the Park, Philadelphia, PA, 1961. Hotel valet, The Complaisant Lover, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1961. The captain, Mother Courage and Her Children, Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, 1963. Billie Bibbit, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Cort Theatre, New York City, 1963. Smiley, Dynamite Tonight, York Theatre, New York City, 1964. Multiple roles, The White House, Henry Miller’s Theatre, New York City, 1964. Harry Berlin, Luv, Royal Poinciana Playhouse, Palm Beach, FL, then Booth Theatre, New York City, both 1966. Max Prince, Laughter on the 23rd Floor, Queens Theatre, London, 1996.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Happy Penny, ⬙Wingless Victory,⬙ Play of the Week, WNTA, 1961. Muller, ⬙The Sound of Hunting,⬙ Dupont Show of the Week, NBC, 1962. The reporter, ⬙Windfall,⬙ Dupont Show of the Week, NBC, 1962. Wilson, ⬙The Interrogators,⬙ Dupont Show of the Week, NBC, 1962. German voice, The Twentieth Century, CBS, 1962. Head waiter, ⬙Reunion with Death,⬙ The Defenders, CBS, 1962. Armstrong Circle Theatre, CBS, 1962. Yonkel, ⬙Home for Passover,⬙ Eternal Light, NBC, 1966. Interviewee, Inside the Actors Studio, 1995. Himself, The Frank Skinner Show, 1997. Mr. Stein, ⬙Boardroom and a Parked Place,⬙ Will & Grace, NBC, 2002. Mr. Stein, ⬙Sex, Losers, and Videotape,⬙ Will & Grace, NBC, 2003. Appeared as himself in an episode of Sesame Street. Television Appearances; Movies: Lord Ravensbane/The Scarecrow, ⬙The Scarecrow,⬙ Hollywood Television Theatre, PBS, 1972. Harry Evers, Thursday’s Game (also known as The Berk), ABC, 1974. Larry ⬙Cash⬙ Carter, Murder in a Small Town, NBC, 1999. Mock Turtle, Alice in Wonderland, NBC, 1999. Larry ⬙Cash⬙ Carter, The Lady in Question, Arts and Entertainment, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Bernard, Death of a Salesman, CBS, 1966. Ernie, ⬙The Office Sharers,⬙ The Trouble with People, NBC, 1972. Marlo Thomas in Acts of Love—and Other Comedies, ABC, 1973. 329


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Major Tours: Hotel valet, The Complaisant Lover, U.S. cities, 1962. Julius Sagamore, The Millionairess, Theatre Guild, U.S. cities, 1963. Various roles, The White House, U.S. cities, 1964.

Periodicals: People Weekly, February 21, 2000, p. 60. TV Guide, November 18, 2000, pp. 34–38. Us, May 29, 1989, pp. 30–37.

Stage Work; Fencing Choreographer: Twelfth Night, Cambridge Drama Festival, Cambridge, MA, 1959. Macbeth, Cambridge Drama Festival, 1959.



Born in Texas. Education: Studied acting with Chris Wilson in Texas.

Screenplays: (With Mel Brooks) Young Frankenstein (also known as Frankenstein, Jr.), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1974. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother (also known as Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1975. (And songwriter, ⬙Ain’t It Kinda Wonderful⬙) The World’s Greatest Lover, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1977. ⬙Skippy,⬙ s segment of Sunday Lovers (also known as An Englishman’s Home, Les seducteurs, and I seduttori della domenica), United Artists, 1980. (And songwriter) The Woman in Red, Orion, 1984. (With Terence Marsh) Haunted Honeymoon, Orion, 1986. (With Earl Barret, Arne Sultan, Eliot Wald, and Andrew Kurtzman) See No Evil, Hear No Evil, TriStar, 1989.

Addresses: Agent—Leavitt Talent Group, 6300 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1470, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Contact— c/o 1875 Century Park East, Ⲇ2250, Los Angeles, CA 90067–2563. Career: Actress. Appeared in many television and radio commercials. Awards, Honors: Caixa de Catalunya, Catalonian International Film Festival, best actress, 1986, for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. CREDITS Film Appearances: Helga, Smile, United Artists, 1975. Diane, Alamo Bay, TriStar, 1985. Woman in pickup, The Legend of Billie Jean, TriStar, 1985. Pray for Death, 1985. Vantia ⬙Stretch⬙ Block, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (also known as TCM 2 and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Part 2), Anchor Bay Entertainment, 1986. Molly, Getting Even (also known as Hostage: Dallas), Vestron Video, 1986. Matty Crimmins, Stepfather II (also known as The Stepfather 2: Make Room for Daddy), Miramax, 1989. (Uncredited) Woman in cemetery, Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (also known as Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, TCM 3, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3), New Line Cinema, 1990. Jennie Burns, Days of Thunder, Paramount, 1990. Loretta, Leprechaun 3, Trimark Pictures, 1995. Drifting School, 1995. B–girl at the elephant, Rage, 1999. Tiny Who woman, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (also known as The Grinch and Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas), MCA/Universal, 2000. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Shocking Truth, 2000.

Television Writing; Movies: (With Gilbert Pearlman) Murder in a Small Town, NBC, 1999. The Lady in Question, Arts and Entertainment, 1999. Books: (With M. Steven Piver) Gilda’s Disease: Sharing Personal Experience with a Medical Perspective on Ovarian Cancer, Prometheus Books, 1996. ADAPTATIONS Wilder’s screenplay Young Frankenstein was adapted as a novel by Gilbert Pearlman and published by Ballantine Books in 1974. OTHER SOURCES Books: International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, Volume 3: Actors and Actresses, St. James Press, 1996. 330

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Waitress, All over the Guy, Lions Gate Films, 2001. Delta Nu sister, Legally Blonde 2: Red, White and Blonde, 2003.


Television Appearances; Movies: Hooker, Thompson’s Last Run, CBS, 1986. Big Red, Police Story: Monster Manor (also known as Monster Manor), ABC, 1988. Sammi, Love and Lies (also known as True Betrayal), ABC, 1990. Jennifer Coe, Sins of the Mother, CBS, 1991. Ann, Flashfire (also known as August Fires), HBO, 1993. Dottie, Deconstructing Sarah, USA Network, 1994. Jason’s mom, Recipe for Disaster, PAX, 2003.

Born November 15, 1941, in Helsby, Cheshire, England; son of Heathcote Williams (a lawyer). Education: Studied law at Christ Church, Oxford. Addresses: Office—c/o Curtis Brown, 168 Regent St., London W1R 5TB, England. Agent—Judy Daish Associates, 83 Eastbourne Mews, London W2 6LQ, England. Career: Actor and writer. Transatlantic Review, London, associate editor, 1963–72; founding editor of the periodical Fanatic and (with Germaine Greer and others) of the Dutch periodical Suck. Member of the performing group the Magic Circle; worked as a magician and fire eater. Also ran a squatting agency in the Notting Hill area of London.

Television Appearances; Specials: Window on the War, PBS, 1988. Television Appearances; Episodic: Mrs. Talbot, ⬙The Wizard of Odds,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1987. Mrs. Talbot, ⬙Cannon of Ethics,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1987. Roberta, ⬙Do No Harm,⬙ Equal Justice, 1991. Christy Lawton, ⬙A Pirate Story,⬙ The 100 Lives of Black Jack Savage, 1991. Vivian, ⬙Greed,⬙ Shannon’s Deal, 1991. Janet Kelso, ⬙Not in a Million Years,⬙ Sisters, NBC, 1992. Amanda North, ⬙Murder on Madison Avenue,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1992. Janet Weymouth, ⬙Family Secrets,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, 1992. Caitlin Walsh, ⬙Love–15,⬙ Silk Stalkings, 1992. Leslie Newcomb, ⬙By Crook or by Hook,⬙ Models Inc., 1995. Leslie Newcomb, ⬙Exposure,⬙ Models Inc., 1995. Scrub nurse, ⬙Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,⬙ ER, NBC, 1996. Ms. Turner, ⬙Golden Girl Friday,⬙ Suddenly Susan, NBC, 1996. ⬙Body Odor,⬙ Mike Hammer, Private Eye, syndicated, 1997. Gwendolyn, ⬙To Tell a Mortal,⬙ Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, 1997. ⬙The Hit,⬙ Air America, syndicated, 1998. ⬙A Candidate for Murder,⬙ Mike Hammer, Private Eye, syndicated, 1998. Maren, ⬙The Roast,⬙ Diagnosis Murder, 1999. Ms. Morton, ⬙Moving On,⬙ Family Law, CBS, 2001. Trish Braswell, ⬙Meet the Grandparents,⬙ NYPD Blue, 2003.

Awards, Honors: Evening Standard Drama Award and Obie Award, Village Voice, both 1970, for AC/DC; George Devine Award, 1970; John Whiting Award, 1971. CREDITS Film Appearances: Prospero, The Tempest, World Northal, 1980. Night Shift, 1982. Dr. Holroyd, Wish You Were Here (also known as Too Much), Atlantic Releasing, 1987. Peter Reed, Stormy Monday, Atlantic Releasing, 1988. Dr. Haggage, Little Dorrit (also known as Little Dorrit’s Story and Nobody’s Fault), Cannon Screen Entertainment, 1988. Man on the stairs, Slipstream, Atlantic Releasing, 1989. Nick Greene and a publisher, Orlando, Adventure Pictures, 1993. Jeremiah, The Steal, Poseidon Pictures, 1994. Stephan Nuslauer, In the Cold Light of Day (also known as The Cold Light of Day), Meteor Film Productions, 1994. Dr. Lake, The Browning Version, Paramount, 1994. Shaper, Blue Juice, Skreba Films, 1995. Looking for Richard, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996. Jeff, Bring Me the Head of Mavis Davis, Goldcrest Films, 1997. Builder, The Tango Lesson (also known as La leccion de tango, La lecon de tango, and Tango–Fieber), Sony Pictures Classics, 1997. ⬙Uncle⬙ Drosselmeier, The IMAX Nutcracker, IMAX Corp./Sands Films, 1997.

Also appeared as Phoebe, Life Goes On, ABC; Trish Broswell, NYPD Blue, ABC; Maren, Diagonsis Murder, CBS. 331


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Nucingen, Cousin Bette, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1998. La leggenda del pianista sull’oceano (also known as The Legend of 1900, The Legend of the Pianist on the Ocean, and A Pianist on the Ocean), 1998, dubbed version, Fine Line, 1999. A servant, Miss Julie, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/United Artists, 1999. Ann’s father, Mauvaise passe (also known as The Escort and The Wrong Blonde), Gloria/Pathe, 1999. Professor, Honest, Winchester Films, 2000. Dr. Loeshin, All Forgotten (also known as Lover’s Prayer), Seven Hills Productions, 2000. Bosola, Hotel, 2001, Innovation Film Group, 2003. The tourist, Revelation, First Look Home Entertainment, 2001. Bekai Basu, The Love Doctor, British Broadcasting Corp., 2001. Roger Stark, Dream (also known as Nightmare: A Fraction of a Dream), Finalcut Entertainment, 2002.

WRITINGS Plays: The Local Stigmatic, produced at Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, Scotland, then London, 1966, later Boston, MA, 1967, and Actors Playhouse, New York City, 1969, published in Traverse Plays, edited by Jim Haynes, Penguin, 1966, published with AC/DC as AC/DC and The Local Stigmatic: Two Plays, Viking, 1973. AC/DC, produced at Royal Court Theatre, London, 1970, then Chelsea Theatre Center, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, NY, 1971, published by Calder & Boyars, 1972, published with The Local Stigmatic as AC/DC and The Local Stigmatic: Two Plays, Viking, 1973. (With W. Gaskill and M. Stafford–Clark) The Speakers (based on Williams’s novel of the same title), produced in Birmingham, England, 1974, published with Remember the Truth Dentist, Calder & Boyars, 1980. (With B. Flagg) Remember the Truth Dentist, produced at Royal Court Theatre, 1974, published with The Speakers, Calder & Boyars, 1980. A Christmas Pantomine Play, produced in London, England, 1975. (With T. Allen) Very Tasty—A Pantomime, produced in London, 1975. An Invitation to the Official Lynching of Michael Abdul Malik, produced in Newcastle–upon–Tyne, England, 1975. Anatomy of a Space Rat, produced in 1976. Playpen, produced at Royal Court Theatre, 1977. The Immortalist, produced in London, 1977, published by J. Calder, 1978. Hancock’s Last Half–Hour, produced in London, 1977, then PAF Playhouse, Huntington Station, NY, 1978, published in Ten of the Best British Short Plays, edited by Ed Berman, Interaction, 1977. Severe Joy, published by Calder & Boyars, 1979. ⬙At It,⬙ in Breach of the Peace, produced at Bush Theatre, London, 1982, then produced alone, Edinburgh, Scotland, and London, both 1983. Whales, produced in Liverpool, England, and London, both 1986.

Film Work; Director: Wet Dreams, 1974. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Laocoon, The Odyssey (also known as Homer’s Odyssey, Die Abenteuer des Odysseus, and Odissea), NBC, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Marcello, Alegria, CTV (Canada), 1998. Mr. Eaglet, Alice in Wonderland, NBC, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Josef Solokow, Malatesta, BBC (England), 1969. W.S.H. (also known as Weird Shit Happens), BBC, 1994. Television Appearances; Episodic: Older guest, ⬙The One with Ross’s Wedding: Part 2,⬙ Friends, NBC, 1998. Rizouli, ⬙Contact,⬙ Dinotopia, ABC, 2002.

Screenplays: (With Eddie Constantine and Vladimir Pucholt) Crash, 1980. The Local Stigmatic, Chal Productions, 1986.

RECORDINGS Albums: The Poetry Olympics, Volume 1, All Round Records, 1982.

Also wrote The Extraordinary Episodes of William Beckford.

Audio Books: Narrator (with others) The New Testament: Selections from the Bible, Naxos AudioBooks, 1997.

Teleplays; Specials: (With Eddie Constantine and Vladimir Pucholt) Malatesta, BBC (England), 1969. 332

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

WILLIAMS Rancher Sid, Alien Avengers II (also known as Aliens among Us, Roger Corman Presents ⬙Alien Avengers II,⬙ and Welcome to Planet Earth II), The Movie Channel, 1997. Wyatt, Los Locos (also known as Los Locos: Posse Rides Again), The Movie Channel, 1997.

(With others) What the Dickens!, Channel Four (England), 1984. Autogeddon, 1991. Also wrote The Caliph of Fonthill, BBC. Novels: The Speakers, Hutchinson, 1964, Grove, 1967.


Television Appearances; Episodic: Otis, ⬙Fall from Grace,⬙ The Young Riders, ABC, 1990. Calib, ⬙Judgment Day,⬙ The Young Riders, ABC, 1991. ⬙A Tiger’s Tale,⬙ The Young Riders, ABC, 1991. Murph, ⬙Moody River,⬙ Renegade, USA Network and syndicated, 1993. First biker, ⬙The Houseguest,⬙ Ellen (also known as These Friends of Mine), ABC, 1994. Roy, ⬙The Psychic and the C–Cup,⬙ Bakersfield P.D., Fox, 1994. ⬙Freudian Slip,⬙ Silk Stalkings, USA Network, 1994. First thug, ⬙Ceremonies of Light and Dark,⬙ Babylon 5, syndicated, 1996. Grease monkey, ⬙Stand by Your Man,⬙ California Dreams, NBC, 1996. Hippie bus rider, ⬙Nobody Walks in El Camino,⬙ High Incident, ABC, 1996. Biker, ⬙The Last Ride,⬙ Pacific Blue, USA Network, 1997. Burly man, ⬙The Church Supper,⬙ The Simple Life, CBS, 1998. Contractor, ⬙The Remodeling Show,⬙ The Simple Life, CBS, 1998. Contractor, ⬙Sara’s Ex,⬙ The Simple Life, CBS, 1998. Farmer, ⬙One Day out West,⬙ The Magnificent Seven, CBS, 1998. Mr. Partridge, ⬙Green Justice,⬙ L.A. Heat, TNT, 1999. Cal Jeppy, ⬙Invocation,⬙ The X–Files, Fox, 2000. Gosny, ⬙Games of Chance,⬙ 18 Wheels of Justice, TNN, 2000. Boudreau, ⬙One Can Only Hope⬙ (also known as ⬙The Lottery⬙), ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 2002. Ed, ⬙O Brother, Who Art Thou?,⬙ The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 2002. Man, ⬙Shades of Gray,⬙ The District, CBS, 2002. Roy Peters, ⬙Wild Ride⬙ (also known as ⬙Zero Disrespect⬙), Robbery Homicide Division, CBS, 2002.

Television Appearances; Movies: Lou Ormsby, Desert Rats, NBC, 1988. Earl (some sources cite Merle), Desperado: Badlands Justice, NBC, 1989. (Uncredited) Undercover police officer, Overkill: The Aileen Wuornos Story, ABC, 1992. Hillbilly, Knight Rider 2010, syndicated, 1994. Billy Ray, The Cherokee Kid, HBO, 1996. First drinker, Black Out (also known as A.K.A. and Midnight Heat), HBO, 1996. Hippie store clerk, On the Edge of Innocence, NBC, 1997.

Film Appearances: Bearded cowboy, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Orion, 1989. Charlie Bacchas, Steel Frontier, PM Entertainment Group, 1995. Heavy lowlife, Trial and Error, New Line Cinema, 1997. (Uncredited) ⬙FBI Two,⬙ Traffic (also known as Traffic—Die Macht des Kartells), USA Films, 2000. Redneck, Face to Face, Giants Entertainment, 2001. Billy Floydd, Bloodhead, Plaster City Productions, 2003. Earl, Torque, Warner Bros., 2003.

Poetry: Autogeddon, Zweitausendeins, 1985, Arcade, 1991. Whale Nation, Crown, 1988. Falling for a Dolphin, J. Cape, 1988, Crown, 1989. Sacred Elephant, Crown, 1989. Other: Manifestoes, Manifesten (nonfiction), Cold Turkey Press, 1975. Elephants (comic book), Knockabout Comics, 1981. Contributor to periodicals, including Beast, Guardian, New Statesman, and Whole Earth Review. OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Dramatists, 6th edition, St. James Press, 1999.

WILLIAMS, Jim Cody PERSONAL Career: Actor and stunt performer.



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Blade Sisters, 1999. The Education of a Vampire, 2001. You Can’t Buy Love, 2001. Alicia, 2002. American Lottery, Sunshine Pictures, 2002. Jumper, 2002. Hitman City,, 2003.

Suspect, Dark Blue, United Artists, 2003. Truck driver, Grand Theft Parsons, Helkon SK, 2003. Film Work: (Uncredited) Stunt performer, Independence Day (also known as ID4), Twentieth Century–Fox, 1996.

Film Art Director: (With others) Dikij veter (also known as Wild Wind and Divlji vetar), Moldova Film, 1986. (With others) Dark Tower, International Spectrafilm, 1987. (With others) Prettykill, International Spectrafilm, 1987. Takin’ It All Off, Vestron Video, 1987. Ricky 1, 1988. Crime of Crimes (also known as Corredores de drogas and Crimen de crimenes), Trident Releasing, 1989. (With others) Street Justice, Warner Bros., 1989. Shadow of the Dragon, 1992. (With others) The Last Kill, Cheetah Productions, 1996. Misfit Patrol, 1998. Frozen Hot, 1999. Alicia, 2002. Las Vegas Psycho, 2003.

WILLIAMS, Jimmy (Jon Chaney, James Williams, James K. Williams) PERSONAL Born April 6, in West Orange, NJ. Career: Director, producer, cinematographer, art director, film editor, writer, and actor. Also known as Jim Williams. CREDITS Film Director: Shadow of the Dragon, 1992. Manosaurus, 1994. The Education of a Vampire, 2001. Jumper, 2002.

Film Editor: Shadow of the Dragon, 1992. Manosaurus, 1994. The Education of a Vampire, 2001. American Lottery, Sunshine Pictures, 2002.

Film Producer: Killing American Style, 1990. Shadow of the Dragon, 1992. Manosaurus, 1994. (With others) Frozen Hot, 1999. The Education of a Vampire, 2001. Jumper, 2002. Manfish, J.K.W. Productions, 2002. Las Vegas Psycho, 2003.

Film Work; Other: Carpenter, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Paramount, 1979, later released as Star Trek: The Motion Picture—The Director’s Edition, 2001. Construction crew member, Deep Space, TWE Home Video, 1987. Production designer, Killing American Style, 1990. Wardrobe worker, Road to Revenge, Grant Enterprises, 1993. Second unit camera operator, Bitterland, 1997. Set designer, Ride with the Devil, 1999. Construction crew member and jimmy jib operator, Last Mountain, 2000. Postproduction supervisor and special photographic effects master, Alicia, 2002.

Film Associate Producer: Island of Blood (also known as Whodunit?), Applause Video, 1982. Ricky 1, 1988. Pit Bull, 1989. Road to Revenge, Grant Enterprises, 1993. Misfit Patrol, 1998. Film Cinematographer: Pit Bull, 1989. Cybernator, Vista Video, 1991. Legend of Skull Canyon, 1992. Shadow of the Dragon, 1992. Manosaurus, 1994. (With others) The Last Kill, Cheetah Productions, 1996. (With others) Guns of El Chupacabra, 1997.

Film Appearances: (Uncredited) Physique photographer at Mr. Olympia, Pumping Iron (documentary), Cinema 5 Distributing, 1977. (Uncredited) Red ambassador, Cinderella (also known as The Other Cinderella), Group 1 Film Distributors, 1977. 334

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 (Uncredited) Union member with broken leg, Blue Collar, Universal, 1978. (Uncredited) Dancer in nightclub, Love at First Bite, American International Pictures, 1979. (Uncredited) Father in dojo, A Force of One, American Cinema Releasing, 1979. Frankie, Bitter Heritage (also known as Naked in My Grave), Pacific National Films, 1979. (Uncredited) Bar regular, Inside Moves, Associated Film Distribution, 1980. (Uncredited) Reporter, Raging Bull, United Artists, 1980. (Uncredited) Student, The Hollywood Knights, Columbia, 1980. Police officer, Island of Blood (also known as Whodunit?), Applause Video, 1982. (Uncredited) Central Intelligence Agency agent, The Osterman Weekend, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1983. (Uncredited) Prisoner, Doin’ Time, Warner Bros., 1985. First soldier, Armed Response (also known as Jade Jungle), Cinetel, 1986. First workman, Deep Space, TWE Home Video, 1987. Bo, Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers (also known as Hollywood Hookers), Camp Motion Pictures, 1988. Lecherous guard, Necromancer (also known as Necromancer: Satan’s Servant), Forum Home Video, 1988. (As Jon Chaney) Ricky 1, 1988. The mad doctor, Crime of Crimes (also known as Corredores de drogas and Crimen de crimines), Trident Releasing, 1989. Police captain, Samurai Cop, Hollywood Royal Pictures, 1989. Harry Gale, Terminal Force, Prism Pictures, 1990. Loony, Killing American Style, 1990. (Uncredited) Patient in agony, Surgikill, Media Arts Productions, 1990. (Uncredited) Police officer having lunch, Down the Drain, Ascot Video, 1990. (Uncredited) Bo Hansen, Scream Queen Hot Tub Party (also known as Hollywood Scream Queen Hot Tub Party), WynRay Video, 1991. (As James K. Williams) Major Wright, Cybernator, Vista Video, 1991. Larry, Dark Secrets, e–m–s the DVD Company, 1992. Tony Baker, Shadow of the Dragon, 1992. Scar, Road to Revenge, Grant Enterprises, 1993. First officer, Dreamrider, 1993, KOAN Inc., 1999. G. W. Mitchell, Mission of Mercy, Dirty Squirrel Productions/Silver Lake International Pictures/Two Bit Picture Show Company, 1994. (As James Williams) Second guard, Attack of the 60 Foot Centerfold, New Horizons Home Video, 1995. D’Angel, D’Angel among Us, 1996. John Andruzzi, Misfit Patrol, 1998. The judge, The Howling Leopard (also known as Uncommon Friends), 1998. Reverend McGee, Frozen Hot, 1999. Mitch Davies, The Education of a Vampire, 2001.

WILLIAMS Narrator, Andmicht (documentary short film; also known as Forever), 2001. Convent gate guard, Alicia, 2002. First poker player, Manfish, J.K.W. Productions, 2002. Grandpa, Got Papers?, Laguna Productions, 2002. Harry Kincaid, Jumper, 2002. Sergeant Paisley, Attack of the B–Movie Monster, Heidelberg Films, 2002. Voice of contractor on the telephone, String Theory, 2002. Snuffing Cinderella, 2002. Alex, Las Vegas Psycho, 2003. Music store owner, Rivals, Laguna Productions, 2003. Television Appearances; Movies: (Uncredited) Member of congress, ⬙Tail Gunner Joe,⬙ The Big Event, NBC, 1977. (Uncredited) Singer waiting in wings, Deadman’s Curve, CBS, 1978. (Uncredited) Corporal in hofbrau, Elvis, ABC, 1979. (Uncredited) Bill Parker’s buddy, Confessions of a Married Man, ABC, 1983. (Uncredited) Police officer at coffee counter, Policewoman Centerfold, NBC, 1983. (Uncredited) Detective Dudley Varney, Supersleuth (also known as The Hillside Stranglers), The Learning Channel, 2001. Television Appearances; Other: Firefighter at crash site, The Amazing Howard Hughes (miniseries), CBS, 1977. (Uncredited) Masher at airport, Flying High (pilot), CBS, 1978. (Uncredited) Piano player in the Hunt Club, Rituals (series), syndicated, 1984–1985. Detective, final episode, Santa Barbara (episode), NBC, 1993. Television Work: Stunt driver, The President’s Mistress (movie), CBS, 1978. Additional voices, Palmerstown, U.S.A. (series; also known as Palmerstown), CBS, 1980–1981.

WRITINGS Screenplays: Shadow of the Dragon, 1992. The Last Kill, Cheetah Productions, 1996. The Education of a Vampire, 2001. Jumper, 2002. Las Vegas Psycho, 2003. 335


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Hearst Castle: Building the Dream (also known as The Enchanted Castle), Destination Cinema/Vineyard Productions, 1996. Just in Time, Leucadia Film Corporation, 1997. Both Sides of the Law (also known as Pete ⬘n Jake), 1999. Children of the Holocaust, 2000. ’N Sync: Bigger Than Live (concert documentary), Really Big Film Corporation, 2001. Hiding in Walls (short film), Out of Pocket Productions, 2002. India: Kingdom of the Tiger (documentary short film), National Wildlife Federation, 2002. Crime Spree, DEJ Productions/Viacom, 2003. Hidden Things—Children of the Holocaust (documentary), 2003. The Mexican Kiss (short film), 2003. Wanted (short film), c. 2003.

WILLIAMS, Matthew PERSONAL Born in Los Angeles, CA. Education: Academy of Photographic Arts, North Hollywood, CA, graduated; studied film at University of California, Los Angeles. Addresses: Agent—Working Artists Agency, 13525 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks, CA 91423. Contact—Susan Wright, Criterion Group, 8335 Winnetka Ave., Suite 410, Los Angeles, CA 91306–1630. Career: Director of photography. Sundance Institute, staff director of photography at Director’s Lab, 1993; director of photography for commercials, film trailers, fund–raising films, other promotions, and public service announcements. Worked as a camera operator, film camera assistant, and on–line editor; also worked for a commercial film development laboratory.

Film Work; Other: Production designer, Beach Birds for Camera, Cunningham Dance Foundation, 1992. Producer, Chloe’s Blanket (short film), Epicenter Films, 1996. Gaffer, Long Time Since, Creative Light Worldwide, 1998. (With others) Camera operator, Harvest, Artisan Entertainment, 1998.

Awards, Honors: International awards for documentary films. CREDITS

Television Director of Photography; Series: Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective (also known as Encyclopedia Brown), HBO, beginning 1989. Hollywood Detective, Arts and Entertainment, beginning 1991. (With others) The Boys of Twilight, CBS, 1992. Promised Land (also known as Home of the Brave), CBS, 1996–1999.

Film Director of Photography: (With others) Promised Land (also known as Young Hearts), Vestron, 1987. Changing Steps (documentary), Cunningham Dance Foundation, 1989. Goofy’s Field Trips: Planes (educational film), Walt Disney, 1989. Goofy’s Field Trips: Ships (educational film), Walt Disney, 1989. Goofy’s Field Trips: Trains (educational film), Walt Disney, 1989. Cage/Cunningham (documentary), Cunningham Dance Foundation, 1991. Hey Mike (short film), Third Wheel Productions, 1991. Beach Birds for Camera, Cunningham Dance Foundation, 1992. Stealing Secrets, c. 1992. The Goodbye Bird, Leucadia Film Corporation, 1993. I Think I Know What You Mean, c. 1993. A Pretty Close 2nd, c. 1993. Fate of the Universe (documentary), 1994. Plan 10 from Outer Space, 1994. Three Things I’ve Learned (short film), Epicenter Films, 1994. Behind the Waterfall, Feature Films for Families, 1995. Friendship’s Field, Feature Films for Families, 1995. Chloe’s Blanket (short film), Epicenter Films, 1996.

Television Director of Photography; Movies: (With others) The Witching of Ben Wagner, 1987. (With others) Deliver Them from Evil: The Taking of Alta View (also known as Take Down), CBS, 1992. Natural Enemies, Fox, 1994. Waiting to Die, Hoping to Live (documentary), PBS, 1994. Deadly Invasion: The Killer Bee Nightmare, Fox, 1995. (With others) In the Shadow of Evil, CBS, 1995. (With others) Windrunner, The Disney Channel, 1995. A Mother’s Instinct, CBS, 1996. Television Director of Photography; Specials: Redford/Klimov (documentary), 1988. Colorado River Project, The Discovery Channel, 2003. Salt Lake 2002: Bud Greenspan’s Stories of Olympic Glory (documentary), Showtime, 2003. 336

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WILSON Award nomination, best on–screen team (with Ben Stiller), 2002, for Zoolander; MTV Movie Award nomination, best on–screen team (with Chan), 2003, for Shanghai Knights.

Television Director of Photography; Episodic: ⬙Amazing Grace: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1997. ⬙Saving Grace,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1998. ⬙Finger of God,⬙ Touched by an Angel, CBS, 2000.


Television Director of Photography; Pilots: Home of the Brave, CBS, 1996.

Film Appearances: Dignan, Bottle Rocket (short film), 1994. (As Owen C. Wilson) Dignan, Bottle Rocket, Columbia, 1996. Robin’s date, The Cable Guy, Columbia/TriStar, 1996. Gary Dixon, Anaconda, Columbia, 1997. Nicky, Permanent Midnight, Artisan Entertainment/Live Film and Mediaworks, 1998. Oscar Choi, Armageddon, Buena Vista, 1998. (Uncredited) Edward Applebee, Rushmore, Buena Vista, 1998. Vann Siegert, The Minus Man, Artisan Entertainment, 1999. Monte Rapid, Breakfast of Champions, Buena Vista/ Walt Disney, 1999. Luke Sanderson, The Haunting (also known as La maldicion), DreamWorks, 1999. Roy O’Bannon, Shanghai Noon, Buena Vista, 2000. Kevin Rawley, Meet the Parents, Universal, 2000. Hansel McDonald, Zoolander, Paramount, 2001. Eli Cash, The Royal Tenenbaums, Buena Vista, 2001. Lieutenant Chris Burnett, Behind Enemy Lines, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001. Alex Scott, I Spy, Columbia, 2002. Roy O’Bannon, Shanghai Knights, Buena Vista, 2003. Wilbur Wright, Around the World in 80 Days, Summit Entertainment, 2003. Ken ⬙Hutch⬙ Hutchinson, Starsky & Hutch, Dimension Films/Warner Bros., 2004. Jack Ryan, The Big Bounce, Warner Bros., 2004.

WILSON, Owen 1968– (Owen C. Wilson) PERSONAL Full name, Owen Cunningham Wilson; born November 18, 1968, in Dallas, TX; son of Robert (an advertising executive and operator of a public television station) and Laura (a photographer) Wilson; brother of Andrew Wilson (an actor) and Luke Wilson (an actor). Education: Attended University of Texas at Austin and University of Southern California. Addresses: Office—American Empirical Pictures, 225 Lafayette St., Suite 209, New York, NY 10012. Agent— United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Publicist—Ina Treciokas, I/D Public Relations, 155 Spring St., 6th Floor, New York, NY 10012. Career: Actor, producer, and writer. American Empirical Pictures, New York City, partner. Awards, Honors: Special Award, debut of the year (with Wes Anderson and Luke Wilson), Lone Star Film and Television Awards, 1996, for Bottle Rocket; Lone Star Film and Television Award, best screenplay (with Anderson), 1999, for Rushmore; Blockbuster Entertainment Award nomination, favorite supporting actor in a horror film, 2000, for The Haunting; Blockbuster Entertainment Award nomination, favorite supporting actor in a comedy, 2001, for Meet the Parents; Golden Satellite Award nomination, best supporting actor in a comedy or musical role, International Press Academy, 2001, and Blockbuster Entertainment Award nomination, favorite action team (Internet poll only; with Jackie Chan), both 2001, for Shanghai Noon; Academy Award nomination, Film Award nomination, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Writers Guild of America Award nomination, Chicago Film Critics Association Award nomination, and Online Film Critics Society Award nomination, all best original screenplay (with Anderson), 2002, and Golden Satellite Award nomination, best supporting actor in a comedy or musical, 2002, all for The Royal Tenenbaums; MTV Movie

Film Work: Associate producer, As Good As It Gets (also known as Old Friends), 1997. Executive producer (with Wes Anderson), Rushmore, Buena Vista, 1998. Executive producer, The Royal Tenenbaums, Buena Vista, 2001. Television Appearances; Pilots: Voices of Heat Vision and Doug, Heat Vision and Jack, Fox, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Guest, Late Show with David Letterman, 2000, 2001. Voice of Rhett, ⬙Luanne Virgin 2.0,⬙ King of the Hill (animated), Fox, 2001. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, 2002, 2003. Guest, TRL, 2003. 337


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 manager; maiden name, Felder) Winger; married Timothy Hutton (an actor, producer, and director), March 16, 1986 (divorced, 1990); married Arliss Howard (an actor and director), November, 1996; children: (first marriage) Emmanuel Noah; (second marriage) Gideon Babe. Education: Attended California State University, Northridge.

Television Appearances; Specials: The 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, Fox, 2000. Presenter, The 74th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2002. Himself, Reel Comedy: I Spy, Comedy Central, 2002. Presenter, Brit Awards 2003, 2003. RECORDINGS

Addresses: Agent—Rick Nicita, Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212–1804. Manager—Johnnie Planco, Parseghian & Planco, 23 East 22nd St., 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10010.

Videos: The Making of ⬙The Haunting,⬙ 1999. Yeah Right!, Girl Skateboard Co., 2003.

Career: Actress. Worked on a collective farm in Israel as a teenager; worked at Magic Mountain Amusement Park, 1973. Appeared in commercials. Military service: Israel Defense Forces, 1972–73.

WRITINGS Screenplays: Bottle Rocket (short film), 1994. (As Owen C. Wilson; with Wes Anderson) Bottle Rocket, Columbia, 1996. (With Anderson) Rushmore, Buena Vista, 1998. (With Anderson) The Royal Tenenbaums, Buena Vista, 2001. (With Anderson) Behind Enemy Lines, Twentieth Century–Fox, 2001.

Awards, Honors: Golden Globe Award nominations, best supporting actress in a motion picture and female new star of the year in a motion picture, and Film Award nomination, best newcomer, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, all 1981, for Urban Cowboy; Academy Award nomination, best actress, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best actress in a motion picture drama, both 1983, for An Officer and a Gentleman; ShoWest Award, female star of the year, National Association of Theatre Owners, 1983; Academy Award nomination, best actress, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a motion picture drama, and National Society of Film Critics Award, best actress, all 1984, for Terms of Endearment; Academy Award nomination, best actress, and Film Award nomination, best actress, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, both 1994, for Shadowlands; Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a motion picture drama, and Best Actress Award, Tokyo International Film Festival, both 1994, for A Dangerous Woman.

OTHER SOURCES Books: Newsmakers, Issue 3, Gale, 2002. Periodicals: Details, March, 1999. Empire, September, 2000. Entertainment Weekly, June 16, 2000, pp. 36–37. Interview, May, 2000, p. 112. Los Angeles, July, 1998; December, 2001, p. 90. Los Angeles Times, December 2, 2001. Newsweek, December 7, 1998, p. 72. New York Post, November 25, 2001. New York Times, January 31, 1999. Parade, February, 2003, p. 8. Premiere, December, 2002, pp. 54–60, 128. Texas Monthly, June, 2003. Time, December 3, 2001, p. 68. USA Today, May 26, 2000. Us Weekly, June 19, 2000.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Debbie, Slumber Party ’57 (also known as Teenage Slumber Party), Cannon, 1977. Jennifer, Thank God It’s Friday, Columbia, 1978. Melanie, French Postcards, Paramount, 1979. Sissy Davis, Urban Cowboy, Paramount, 1980. Suzy DeSoto, Cannery Row (also known as John Steinbeck’s Cannery Row), Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer/ United Artists, 1982. Paula Pokrifki, An Officer and a Gentleman, Paramount, 1982. Once of the voices of E. T., E. T. the Extra–Terrestrial (also known as A Boy’s Life, E. T., E. T. and Me, and Night Skies), Universal, 1982, longer version

WINGER, Debra 1955(?)– PERSONAL Full name, Mary Debra Winger; born May 16, 1955 (some sources cite May 1 or 1953), in Cleveland, OH; daughter of Robert (a meat packer) and Ruth (an office 338

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released as E. T. the Extra–Terrestrial: The 20th Anniversary, 2002. Emma Greenway Horton, Terms of Endearment, Paramount, 1983. Betty Parrish, Mike’s Murder, Warner Bros., 1984. Laura Kelly, Legal Eagles, Universal, 1986. Alexandra ⬙Alex⬙ Barnes, Black Widow, Twentieth Century–Fox, 1987. (Uncredited) Emmett Humbird, Made in Heaven, Lorimar, 1987. Katie Phillips/Cathy Weaver, Betrayed, United Artists, 1988. Angela Crispini, Everybody Wins, Orion, 1990. Kit Moresby, The Sheltering Sky (also known as Il te nel deserto), Warner Bros., 1990. Jane, Leap of Faith, Paramount, 1992. Vida Foudroyant, Wilder Napalm, TriStar, 1993. Martha Horgan, A Dangerous Woman (also known as Dangerous Women), Gramercy, 1993. Joy Gresham, Shadowlands, Savoy Pictures, 1993. Guest, George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker, Warner Bros., 1993. Ellen Andrews, Forget Paris, Columbia, 1995. Marilyn Barlow, Big Bad Love, IFC Films, 2002. Linda Jones, Radio, Columbia, 2003. Alice Collins, Eulogy, Artisan Entertainment, 2004.

Television Appearances; Specials: The Best of Farm Aid: An American Event, HBO, 1986. The Barbara Walters Special, ABC, 1987. What Is This Thing Called Love? The Barbara Walters Special, ABC, 1993. Narrator, In Search of Angels, PBS, 1994. The Wicked Witch of the West, The Wizard of Oz in Concert: Dreams Come True (also known as The Wizard of Oz in Concert), TNT, 1995. In the Wild: Pandas, PBS, 1995. Narrator, Rumi: Poet of the Heart, PBS, 1998.

Film Work: Executive producer, Big Bad Love, IFC Films, 2002.

Albums: The Boy Who Made Dragonfly, 1992. The Brothers Karamazov, 1993.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 54th Annual Academy Awards, 1982. Presenter, The 63rd Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1991. Stage Appearances: Li’l Bit, How I Learned to Drive, American Repertory Theatre, Loeb Drama Center, Cambridge, MA, 1998. Anna, Ivanov, American Repertory Theatre, Loeb Drama Center, 1999–2000. Also appeared in a production of The Exonerated. RECORDINGS

Television Appearances; Movies: Sherrie Hensley, Special Olympics (also known as A Special Kind of Love), CBS, 1978. Herself, Searching for Debra Winger, Showtime, 2003.

OTHER SOURCES Books: Cahill, M. J., Debra Winger: Hollywood’s Wild Child, 1984. International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, Volume 3: Actors and Actresses, St. James Press, 1996.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Drusilla Prince/Wonder Girl, ⬙The Feminum Mystique: Parts 1 & 2,⬙ The New, Original Wonder Woman (also known as Wonder Woman), ABC, 1976. Drusilla Prince/Wonder Girl, ⬙Wonder Woman in Hollywood,⬙ The New, Original Wonder Woman (also known as Wonder Woman), ABC, 1977. ⬙The Runaway,⬙ Szysznyk, CBS, 1977. James at 16, NBC, 1978. ⬙Battered Teachers,⬙ Police Woman, NBC, 1978. Host, Saturday Night Live (also known as NBC’s Saturday Night, Saturday Night, and SNL), NBC, 1990. Guest, Late Night with David Letterman, 1990. Guest, Late Show with David Letterman, 1993. Guest, The View, 2002.

Periodicals: American Film, July–August, 1988, pp. 20–25. Esquire, February, 1993, p. 70. People Weekly, March 18, 2002, p. 132. Premiere, February, 2002, pp. 54–57, 95.

WRIGHT, Teresa 1918– PERSONAL Full name, Muriel Teresa Wright; born October 27, 1918, in New York, NY; daughter of Arthur (an insurance agent) and Martha (maiden name, Espy) Wright;

Also interviewee in an episode of Inside the Actors Studio. 339


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married Niven Busch (a writer), May 23, 1942 (divorced November 25, 1952); married Robert Woodruff Anderson (a playwright), December 11, 1959 (divorced); married Carlos Pierre (divorced); remarried Robert Woodruff Anderson (divorced); children: (first marriage) Niven Terrence, Mary Kelly. Education: Attended Columbia High School, Maplewood, NJ; studied acting at Wharf Theatre, Provincetown, MA, 1937–38.

Cora Flood, The Dark at the Top of the Stairs, Music Box Theatre, New York City, 1957–1959. Mary, Mary, New York City, 1962. Alice, I Never Sang for My Father, Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1968. Mary Hallen, Who’s Happy Now?, Village South Theatre, New York City, 1969. A Passage to E. M. Forster (concert reading), Theatre de Lys (now Lucille Lortel Theatre), New York City, 1970. Mary Tyrone, Long Day’s Journey into Night, Hartford Stage Company Theatre, Hartford, CT, 1971. Death of a Salesman, Philadelphia Drama Guild, Philadelphia, PA, 1973–1974. Linda Loman, Death of a Salesman, Walnut Theatre, Philadelphia, 1974, then Circle in the Square, New York City, 1975. The Soldier’s Tale and The Knight of the Burning Pestle (double bill), Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1974–1975. Lily Miller, Ah, Wilderness!, Circle in the Square, 1975. Suite in Two Keys, Arlington Park Theatre, Arlington Heights, IL, 1976–1977. The Master Builder, Eisenhower Theatre, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, 1977. All the Way Home, Hartford Stage Company Theatre, 1977–1978. Threads, Cleveland Playhouse, Cleveland, OH, 1978–1979. Cora Swanson, Morning’s at Seven, Lyceum Theatre, New York City, 1980–1981, then Center Theatre Group, Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles, 1981–1982, then London. Emily, Wings, Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA, 1983. All’s Well That Ends Well, Folger Shakespeare Theatre, Washington, DC, 1987–1988. Nellie and Grannie, On Borrowed Time, Circle in the Square, 1991–1992.

Addresses: Agent—Artists Agency, 230 West 55th St., New York, NY 10019–5206. Career: Actress. Performed with Tanworth Barnstormers, Tanworth, NH, 1939, Hartford Stage Company, Hartford, CT, 1970–71, and Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1971–72; Cleveland Playhouse, Cleveland, OH, guest artist, 1978–79. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best supporting actress, 1942, for The Little Foxes; National Board of Review Award, best acting (with others), 1942, and Academy Award, best supporting actress, 1943, both for Mrs. Miniver; Academy Award nomination, best actress, 1943, for The Pride of the Yankees; Emmy Award nomination, best actress in a single performance, 1958, for ⬙The Miracle Worker,⬙ Playhouse 90; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding actress in a single performance, 1960, for ⬙The Margaret Bourke–White Story,⬙ Sunday Showcase; Drama Desk Special Award, outstanding ensemble performance (with Nancy Marchand, Maureen O’Sullivan, and Elizabeth Wilson), 1979, for Morning’s at Seven; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding guest actress in a drama series, 1989, for Dolphin Cove; inducted into Theatre Hall of Fame, 1999; received two stars on Hollywood Walk of Fame. CREDITS Stage Appearances: Daughter, The Vinegar Tree, 1938. Understudy for Emily Webb, Our Town, Henry Miller’s Theatre, New York City, 1938. Blossom Trexel, Susan and God, Wharf Theatre, Provincetown, MA, 1938. Mary Skinner, Life with Father, Empire Theatre, New York City, 1939–1941. The King’s Maid, Boston, MA, 1941. Linnea Ecklund, Salt of the Earth, Shubert Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1952. Georgia Elgin, The Country Girl, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1953. Bell, Book, and Candle, Sombrero Playhouse, Phoenix, AZ, 1953. The Heiress, Palm Springs, CA, 1954. Lizzy Curry, The Rainmaker, La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla, CA, 1954.

Also appeared You Can’t Take It with You. Major Tours: Rebecca, then Emily Webb, Our Town, eastern U.S. cities, 1938–1939. The little girl, What a Life, U.S. cities, 1939. Pheasant, White Oaks, U.S. cities, 1939. Mary McKellaway, Mary, Mary, U.S. cities, 1962. Pamela Pew–Picket, Tchin–Tchin, U.S. cities, 1963. Katherine Butler Hathaway, The Locksmith, U.S. cities, 1965. Beatrice, The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man–in–the– Moon Marigolds, U.S. cities, 1972–1973. Film Appearances: Alexandra Giddens, The Little Foxes, RKO Radio Pictures, 1941. 340

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Carol Beldon, Mrs. Miniver, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1942. Eleanor Twitchell Gehrig, The Pride of the Yankees, RKO Radio Pictures, 1942. Young Charlie Newton, Shadow of a Doubt, Universal, 1943. Isabel Drury, Casanova Brown, RKO Pictures, 1944. Peggy Stephenson, The Best Years of Our Lives, RKO Pictures, 1946. Millicent Hopkins, The Imperfect Lady (also known as Mrs. Loring’s Secret and They Met at Midnight), Paramount, 1947. Thorley Callum, Pursued, Warner Bros., 1947. Kate Farrell, The Trouble with Women, Paramount, 1947. Lark Ingoldsby, Enchantment, RKO Radio Pictures, 1948. Ellen Tevlin Vanner, The Capture, RKO Radio Pictures, 1950. Ellen Wilozek, The Men (also known as Battle Stripe), United Artists, 1950. Julia Lawrence, California Conquest, Columbia, 1952. Edna Miller, Something to Live For, Paramount, 1952. Laurie Osborne, The Steel Trap, Twentieth Century– Fox, 1952. Annie Jones, The Actress, Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 1953. Ellen Braden, Count the Hours (also known as Every Minute Counts), RKO Radio Pictures, 1953. Grace Bridges, Track of the Cat, Warner Bros., 1954. Ruth Simmons, The Search for Bridey Murphy, Paramount, 1956. Mary Saunders, Escapade in Japan, Universal/RKO Radio Pictures, 1957. Elizabeth Grant, The Restless Years (also known as The Wonderful Years), Universal, 1958. Santha Dixon, Hail, Hero!, National General, 1969. Mrs. Spencer, The Happy Ending, United Artists, 1969. May, Roseland, Cinema Shares International, 1977. Laura Roberts, Somewhere in Time, Universal, 1980. Grandmother, The Good Mother (also known as The Price of Passion), Buena Vista, 1988. The Red Coat, 1993. Clarice Birdsong (Miss Birdie), The Rainmaker (also known as John Grisham’s The Rainmaker), Paramount, 1997.

WRIGHT Your Show of Shows, 1952. Steve Wentworth, ⬙And Suddenly You Knew,⬙ The Ford Television Theater, NBC, 1953. ⬙The Happiest Day,⬙ The Ford Television Theater, NBC, 1954. Margaret Swift, ⬙The End of Paul Dane,⬙ The United States Steel Hour, ABC, 1954. ⬙The Long Goodbye,⬙ Climax!, CBS, 1954. ⬙The White Carnation,⬙ Climax!, CBS, 1954. Henry Fonda Presents the Star and the Story, syndicated, 1955. ⬙The Stars Don’t Shine,⬙ The Ford Television Theater, NBC, 1955. Sister Mary Winifred, ⬙The Good Sister,⬙ The Four Star Playhouse, CBS, 1955. Mary Todd Lincoln, ⬙Love Is Eternal,⬙ General Electric Theater, CBS, 1955. ⬙Her Crowning Glory,⬙ Rheingold Theater (also known as Henry Fonda Presents the Star and the Story), NBC, 1955. Marianne Merrick, ⬙Driftwood,⬙ The Elgin TV Hour, ABC, 1955. Miss Mary, ⬙The Red Gulch,⬙ The United States Steel Hour, ABC, 1955. ⬙Intolerable Portrait 3,⬙ Your Play Time, NBC, 1955. ⬙My Uncle O’Moore,⬙ The Loretta Young Show (also known as Letter to Loretta), NBC, 1955. Laura Pennington, ⬙The Enchanted Cottage,⬙ Lux Video Theater, NBC, 1955. Julie Forrester, ⬙The Lady in the Wind,⬙ The Ford Television Theater, NBC, 1955. ⬙Undertow,⬙ The Alcoa Hour, NBC, 1955. Mary, ⬙Number Five Checked Out,⬙ Screen Directors Playhouse, NBC, 1956. Carol Stuart, ⬙Once to Every Woman,⬙ Four Star Playhouse, CBS, 1956. Title role, ⬙The Louella Parsons Story,⬙ Climax!, CBS, 1956. ⬙The Secret Place,⬙ Star Stage, NBC, 1956. ⬙The Lonely Ones,⬙ Rheingold Theater (also known as Henry Fonda Presents the Star and the Story), NBC, 1956. ⬙The Faithful Heart,⬙ Studio 57, syndicated, 1956. ⬙Witness to Condemn,⬙ Schlitz Playhouse of Stars, CBS, 1956. Annie Sullivan, ⬙The Miracle Worker,⬙ Playhouse 90, CBS, 1957. Title role, ⬙Sister Louise Goes to Town,⬙ Schlitz Playhouse of Stars, CBS, 1957. ⬙The Edge of Innocence,⬙ Playhouse 90, CBS, 1957. Alison Stevens, ⬙Desperation,⬙ The Ford Television Theater, NBC, 1957. ⬙No Escape,⬙ Undercurrent, 1957. Allie Gulliver, ⬙Trap for a Stranger,⬙ The United States Steel Hour, CBS, 1959. Louise Henderson, ⬙The Hours before Dawn,⬙ The United States Steel Hour, CBS, 1959. ⬙The Pit of Silence,⬙ Adventures in Paradise, ABC, 1959. The Kate Smith Show, CBS, 1960.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Emily, ⬙Manhattan Pastorale,⬙ Lux Video Theater, CBS, 1951. Emily Lawrence, ⬙The Sound of Waves Breaking,⬙ Lux Video Theater, CBS, 1952. ⬙And Never Come Back,⬙ Robert Montgomery Presents Your Lucky Strike Theater (also known as Robert Montgomery Presents), NBC, 1952. Terry Hagen, ⬙Dress in the Window,⬙ Schlitz Playhouse of Stars, CBS, 1952. ⬙Alicia,⬙ Hollywood Opening Night, NBC, 1952. Guest, The Kate Smith Evening Hour, 1952. 341


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

Title role, ⬙The Margaret Bourke–White Story,⬙ Sunday Showcase (also known as Breck Sunday Showcase), NBC, 1960. ⬙Our American Heritage: Shadow of a Soldier,⬙ Sunday Showcase, NBC, 1960. Margit Brandt, ⬙Intermezzo,⬙ Theater ’62, NBC, 1961. ⬙The Big Laugh,⬙ The United States Steel Hour, CBS, 1962. Mary, ⬙Big Deal in Laredo,⬙ The DuPont Show of the Week, NBC, 1962. Marion Brown, ⬙Three Wives Too Many,⬙ The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, CBS, 1964. Katherine Saunders, ⬙My Son, My Son,⬙ Bonanza, NBC, 1964. ⬙The Pill Man,⬙ The Defenders, CBS, 1964. Stella, ⬙Lonely Place,⬙ The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, NBC, 1964. ⬙The Prosecutor,⬙ The Defenders, CBS, 1965. Ellen Haney, ⬙Yesterday’s Vengeance⬙ (some sources cite ⬙Yesterday’s Vendetta⬙), Lancer, CBS, 1969. Virgie, ⬙Appalachian Autumn,⬙ CBS Playhouse, CBS, 1969. Ruthanne Cameron, ⬙The Camerons Are a Special Clan,⬙ Owen Marshall, Counselor at Law, ABC, 1973. ⬙Murder on the 13th Floor,⬙ Hawkins, CBS, 1974. ⬙Terror in the Night,⬙ Wide World of Mystery, ABC, 1976. Grandpa Goes to Washington, NBC, 1978. ⬙The Golden Honeymoon,⬙ American Short Story, PBS, 1980. ⬙A Christmas Presence,⬙ The Love Boat, ABC, 1982. Mothers by Daughters, PBS, 1985. Alice Blair, ⬙The Firebird,⬙ Morningstar/Eveningstar, CBS, 1986. Alice Blair, ⬙A Rose for Alice,⬙ Morningstar/Eveningstar, CBS, 1986. Helen Appletree, ⬙Mr. Penroy’s Vacation,⬙ Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1988. Nina Rothman, Dolphin Cove, CBS, 1989. Emily Ridgefield, ⬙My Romance,⬙ Picket Fences, CBS, 1996.

Doris Walker, ⬙Miracle on 34th Street,⬙ The 20th Century–Fox Hour, CBS, 1955. Janice Walner, ⬙Child of the Regiment,⬙ The 20th Century–Fox Hour, CBS, 1956. Eleanor Hilliard, The Desperate Hours, ABC, 1967. Sophia Jane, ⬙The Fig Tree,⬙ WonderWorks, PBS, 1987. Myra Holcombe, ⬙Lethal Innocence⬙ (also known as ⬙Vermont/Cambodia Story⬙), American Playhouse, PBS, 1991. Herself, Diamonds on the Silver Screen, AMC, 1992. Interviewee, Spencer Tracy: Triumph and Turmoil, Arts and Entertainment, 1999. Herself, Hitchcock: Shadow of a Genius (also known as Dial H for Hitchcock and Dial H Hitchcock: The Genius behind the Showman), TCM, 1999. Interviewee, Goldwyn, PBS, 2001. Television Appearances; Movies: Alice Graves, Crawlspace, CBS, 1972. Edith Reynolds, The Elevator, ABC, 1974. Alice Cutler, Flood!, NBC, 1976. Mae Driscoll, Bill: On His Own, CBS, 1983. Helene Berman, Perry Mason: The Case of the Desperate Deception (also known as The Case of the Paris Paradox), NBC, 1990. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 25th Annual Academy Awards, 1953. The 70th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1998. The 75th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 2003. Television Appearances; Other: Grace Cummings, The Guiding Light (series), CBS, 1986. Family member, A Century of Women (miniseries; also known as A Family of Women), TBS, 1994. OTHER SOURCES Books: International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, Volume 3: Actors and Actresses, St. James Press, 1992.

Television Appearances; Specials: Judith Anderson, ⬙The Devil’s Disciple,⬙ Hallmark Hall of Fame, NBC, 1955.


Y–Z (And producer) Short Eyes (also known as Slammer), Paramount Film League, 1977. (And cinematographer) Deal, 1978. Rich Kids, United Artists, 1979. The World Is Full of Married Men, 1979. One–Trick Pony, Warner Bros., 1980. The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez, Embassy Pictures, 1983. (And cinematographer) Extremities, Atlantic, 1986. Saving Grace, Columbia, 1986. (And cinematographer) Dominick and Eugene (also known as Nicky and Gino), Orion, 1988. (And cinematographer) Triumph of the Spirit, Triumph, 1989. Talent for the Game, Paramount, 1991. Executive director (and executive producer, cinematographer, and editor), Children of Fate: Life and Death in a Sicilian Family (documentary), First Run Features, 1993. Roosters, IRS Releasing, 1995. Caught (also known as Atrapados), Sony Pictures Classics, 1996. Below the Belt, 2002.

YOUNG, Robert M. 1924– PERSONAL Full name, Robert Milton Young; born November 22, 1924, in New York, NY; father, the founder of Du Art Film Laboratories; children: Andrew (a documentary filmmaker). Education: Attended Harvard University. Career: Director, producer, writer, and cinematographer. Military service: Served during World War II. Awards, Honors: San Giorgio Prize (with others), Venice Film Festival, 1964, for Nothing But a Man; Golden Seashell Award and International Catholic Organization for Cinema and Audiovisual Award, both San Sebastian International Film Festival, Golden Camera Award, Cannes Film Festival, and Interfilm Award, International Filmfest Mannheim–Heidelberg, all 1978, for Alambrista!; Independent Spirit Award nominations, best cinematography and best picture (with Michael Roemer), both 1991, for The Plot against Harry; Grand Jury Prize, best documentary (with others), Sundance Film Festival, 1993, for Children of Fate: Life and Death in a Sicilian Family; Cineaste Award, Taos Talking Picture Festival, 1996; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best director, and Silver Rosa Camuna, Bergamo Film Meeting, both 1997, for Caught; Maverick Tribute Award, Cinequest San Jose Film Festival, 2000; Peabody Award (with Roemer), for an unaired television documentary, ⬙Cortile Cascino.⬙

Film Producer: (With Michael Roemer and Robert Rubin; and cinematographer) Nothing But a Man, Cinema 5, 1964. (And cinematographer) The Plot against Harry, New Yorker Films, 1989. (With others) American Me, Universal, 1992. Television Director: J. T. (special), CBS, 1969. Slave of Dreams (movie), Showtime, 1995. Solomon & Sheba (movie), Showtime, 1995.



Film Director: Keep It Up Downstairs, 1976. (And cinematographer) Alambrista! (also known as The Illegal), Filmhaus, 1977.

Screenplays: (With Michael Roemer) Nothing But a Man, Cinema 5, 1964. 343


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 The older Ming in Montreal, Le violon rouge (also known as The Red Violin and Il violino rosso), Lions Gate Films, 1999. Bodyguard Yan, The Tracker, Remstar Distribution, 2000. First federal agent, Eye of the Beholder, Destination Film Distribution, 2000. Police officer, Possible Worlds (also known as Mondes possibles), Alliance Atlantis Communications, 2000. Speaking bandit, Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 (also known as Battlefield Earth), Warner Bros., 2000. Young man, Lost & Found (short film), M & M Productions, 2000. Stardom, Alliance Atlantis Communications, 2000. First police officer, Chasing Holden, Lions Gate Films, 2001. Tony–Lee, Between the Moon and Montevideo, Cinema Libre, 2001. Xiang, Century Hotel, Velocity Home Entertainment, 2001. The Heist, Warner Bros., 2001. (As Russel Yuen) Oliver, The Adventures of Pluto Nash (also known as Pluto Nash), Warner Bros., 2002. Brother Tenzin, Bulletproof Monk, Metro–Goldwyn– Mayer, 2003. Chinese waiter, The Human Stain, Miramax, 2003. Emmit Rich, Shattered Glass, Lions Gate Films, 2003. Owning Mahowny, Alliance Atlantis Communications, 2003.

Alambrista! (also known as The Illegal), Filmhaus, 1977. The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez, Embassy Pictures, 1983. (With others) Triumph of the Spirit, Triumph, 1989. (With Roemer) The Plot against Harry, New Yorker Films, 1989. Television Specials: (With Michael Roemer) Faces of Israel, PBS, 1967.

YUEN, Russell (Russel Yuen) PERSONAL Born in Canada. Education: Vanier College, F.A.D. (with honors); Concordia University, B.F.A. (theatre). Addresses: Agent—Edna Talent Management, Ltd., 318 Dundas St. West, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1G5, Canada. Career: Actor. Member: Canadian Actors’ Equity Association, Union des artistes, Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television, and Radio Artists.

Also appeared in Best Revenge, Allegro Films. CREDITS Film Work: Stunt performer, The Art of War (also known as L’art de la guerre), Warner Bros., 2000.

Film Appearances: Champagne for Two, 1987. Dr. Tom Luk, Mindfield, Allegro Films Distribution, 1989. Convenience store thug, Scanners II: The New Order, Triton Pictures, 1991. Chinese bodyguard, Hollow Point (also known as Rysk Roulette and Arsenal de pointe), October Films, 1995. Sonjai, Snowboard Academy, Columbia/TriStar, 1996. Dr. Yoshida, Twist of Fate (also known as Psychopath), Allegro Films, 1997. First Chinese gangster, Strip Search, A–Pix Entertainment, 1997. First bodyguard, Provocateur (also known as Agent provocateur), Via Appia Communications, 1998. Forensic investigator, Dead End (also known as False Pretense), Allegro Films, 1998. Myar, The Lost World (also known as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Lost World), Trimark Pictures, 1998. Referee in game three, Home Team, Monarch Home Video, 1998. Forensic worker, The Bone Collector, Universal, 1999.

Television Appearances; Series: Kevin Sung, Diva, [Canada], beginning 1997. Voice of the reader, Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat (animated), PBS, 2001–2002. Television Appearances; Movies: Dennis Kye, Conundrum (also known as Frame by Frame), Showtime, 1996. Japanese presenter, Bob Million, 1997. Mark, Airspeed, HBO, 1998. Everything That Rises, TNT, 1998. Abrams, Fatal Affair (also known as The Stalker), Cinemax, 1999. Jon Tan, A Touch of Hope, NBC, 1999. Oshina, The Witness Files, Cinemax, 1999. Police officer, The Patty Duke Show: Still Rockin’ in Brooklyn Heights, CBS, 1999. Second police officer, Sublet, Cinemax, 1999. Fourth police officer, X Change, HBO, 2000. 344

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Gordon Chan, Die Abzocker—Eine eiskalte Affaere (also known as The Hustle and A Sordid Affair), [Canada and Germany], 2000. Officer Qwan, Someone Is Watching, Lifetime, 2000. Photographer, Taken, The Movie Channel, 2000. Runner, Race against Time, TNT, 2000. Lieutenant Neil Ryan, Danger beneath the Sea, 2001. Roger Lee, Rough Air: Danger on Flight 534, 2001. Director, Deception, 2003.

ZABEL Television Appearances; Other: Security guard, Blind Terror, [Canada], 2001. Cliff, Guilty Hearts (miniseries), CBS, 2002. Appeared in Violent Crime (pilot), CBS. Also appeared in Ballade des Dangereux and Jack Carter. OTHER SOURCES Electronic: Empire,, October 18, 2003. Gate,, October, 2002.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Lo Chi, ⬙Deadly Fashion,⬙ Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, syndicated, 1995. Zoomie, ⬙Redemption,⬙ Sirens, syndicated, 1995. Dr. Steven Lin, Side Effects, CBC, 1996. Chung, ⬙Kiss of the Tiger,⬙ Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, syndicated, 1998. Mr. Yamamoto, ⬙Tanya,⬙ Student Bodies, syndicated, 1998. Agent Hoye, ⬙Death and Taxes,⬙ Twice in a Lifetime, PAX, 1999. Mr. Chin, ⬙The Tale of the Misfortune Cookie,⬙ Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Nickelodeon, 1999. Mr. Yamamoto, ⬙Goodbye Grace,⬙ Student Bodies, syndicated, 1999. ⬙The Game Show,⬙ Student Bodies, syndicated, 1999. First Asian fighter guard, ⬙The Black Glove of Melchizedek,⬙ The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, Sci–Fi Channel, 2000. First Asian fighter guard, ⬙The Inquisitor,⬙ The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, Sci–Fi Channel, 2000. Tae kwon do teacher, ⬙The Tale of the Laser Maze,⬙ Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Nickelodeon, 2000. Tran Van Lin, ⬙Sympathy for the Devil,⬙ La Femme Nikita (also known as Nikita), USA Network, 2000. Elder monk, ⬙Hunting with the Enemy,⬙ Relic Hunter, syndicated, 2002. Kenzo, ⬙Play It Again, Samurai,⬙ Big Wolf on Campus, YTV, 2002. Donny Wong, ⬙Missing,⬙ Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye, PAX, 2003. Michael Yu, ⬙Sex, Lies, and a Truckload of Dates,⬙ Street Time, Showtime, 2003. Doctor, Wild Card, Lifetime, 2003.

ZABEL, Bryce PERSONAL Born in Oregon; Zabel; married; producer), 1984; Jared. Education: journalism).

son of Harvey (a teacher) and Lucile wife’s name, Jackie (a writer and children: Jonathan (an actor), Lauren, University of Oregon, B.A. (broadcast

Addresses: Agent—Marc Pariser, Agency for the Performing Arts, 9000 Sunset Blvd., Suite 900, Los Angeles, CA 90069; Paradigm, 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., 25th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Manager— Johnnie Planco, Parseghian/Planco Management, 23 East 22nd St., Suite 3, New York, NY 10010; Geoff Silverman, Flutie Entertainment, 9300 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 333, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Writer, producer, and executive. Worked as a broadcast journalist in Arizona, including positions as a general assignment reporter, anchor, and host; Cable News Network (CNN), Los Angeles, worked as correspondent until 1981; Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), worked as investigative reporter; Bryce Zabel Productions, principal and producer. Member: Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (chairperson and chief executive officer, 2001—), Writers Guild of America West (member of board of directors, 2000—).

Appeared as Terry Wu, Earth: Final Conflict (also known as EFC, Gene Roddenberry’s Battleground Earth, Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict, Invasion planete Terre, and Mission Erde: Sie sind unter uns), syndicated; and as a paramedic, Tales from the Neverending Story, CBC and Hallmark Channel. Also appeared in The Associates; Body and Soul, PAX; Counterstrike; Jinnah on Crime, CBC; Once a Thief (also known as John Woo’s Once a Thief), CTV; Scoop, [Canada]; Urban Angel, CBC; and Veritas: The Quest (also known as Veritas), ABC.

Awards, Honors: Writers Guild of America Award nomination (with David E. Kelley), episodic drama category, and Edgar Allan Poe Award nomination (with David E. Kelley), Mystery Writers of America, best television episode, both 1991, for ⬙Justice Swerved,⬙ L.A. Law; Writers Guild of America Award nomination 345


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54

(with Brent V. Friedman), original long form category, 1998, for ⬙The Awakening,⬙ Dark Skies; award nominations from California Associated Press Television–Radio Association, Environmental Media Association, Golden Mike Awards, Greater Los Angeles Press Club, Los Angeles Emmy awards, and Radio–Television News Association of Southern California.

Presenter, The 29th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, CBS, 2002. The 55th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 2003. The 30th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, ABC, 2003. Television Appearances; Episodic: Appeared in Leeza, syndicated; Politically Incorrect, Comedy Central and ABC; and Today (also known as The Today Show), NBC.

CREDITS Television Creator; Series: Kay O’Brien, CBS, 1986. E.N.G., Lifetime, 1989. M.A.N.T.I.S., Fox, 1994–1995. Dark Skies, NBC, 1996–1997. The Crow: Stairway to Heaven, syndicated, 1998–1999.

Film Work: Coproducer, Official Denial, 1994. Radio Appearances: Guest on radio programs, including programs hosted by Art Bell.

Television Executive Producer; Series: (With others) M.A.N.T.I.S., Fox, 1994–1995. Dark Skies, NBC, 1996–1997. The Crow: Stairway to Heaven, syndicated, 1998–1999.

WRITINGS Teleplays; Series: M.A.N.T.I.S., Fox, multiple episodes, 1994–1995. Dark Skies (including ⬙The Awakening⬙), NBC, multiple episodes, 1996–1997. The Crow: Stairway to Heaven, syndicated, multiple episodes, 1998–1999.

Television Work; Other; Series: (With others) Producer, Kay O’Brien, CBS, 1986. Executive story editor, Studio 5–B, ABC, 1988–1989. Executive story consultant, E.N.G., Lifetime, 1989. Executive story consultant, Life Goes On, ABC, 1989–1993. Supervising producer, The Fifth Corner, NBC, 1991–1992. Consulting producer, The Round Table, NBC, 1992. Supervising producer, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (also known as Lois & Clark and The New Adventures of Superman), ABC, 1993–1994.

Teleplays; Movies: Victim of Love: The Shannon Mohr Story, NBC, 1993. Teleplays; Episodic: ⬙Don’t Bother, Kayo, It’s Chinatown,⬙ Kay O’Brien, CBS, 1986. ⬙A Foreign Concept,⬙ Kay O’Brien, CBS, 1986. (With Peter Lefcourt, Karren Harris, and Norma Vela) ⬙Life’s Too Short,⬙ Studio 5–B, ABC, 1989. ⬙Watts a Matter?,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1990. (With David E. Kelley) ⬙Justice Swerved,⬙ L.A. Law, NBC, 1990. (With Jackie Zabel) ⬙Unchain My Heart,⬙ Dallas, CBS, 1990. ⬙Do No Harm,⬙ Equal Justice, ABC, 1991. ⬙Do the Wrong Thing,⬙ Equal Justice, ABC, 1991. ⬙Hello, Goodbye,⬙ Life Goes On, ABC, 1991. ⬙All Shook Up,⬙ Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (also known as Lois & Clark and The New Adventures of Superman), ABC, 1993. ⬙The Green, Green Glow of Home,⬙ Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (also known as Lois & Clark and The New Adventures of Superman), ABC, 1993. ⬙Strange Visitor (from Another Planet),⬙ Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (also known as Lois & Clark and The New Adventures of Superman), ABC, 1993.

Director of Eye on L.A. Television Executive Producer; Pilots: Halls of Power, Fox, 1992. Total Blue, NBC, 1992. Broken Mirror, Fox, 1997. Crime Channel, HBO, 1998. Eternity Smith, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Missing Link, NBC, 1998. The Power, Fox, 1999. Futuresport, Showtime, 2000. The Calling, 2002. Black River Falls, CBS, 2003. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 53rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, CBS, 2001. Presenter, The 54th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, NBC, 2002. 346

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 Also wrote episodes of other series, including ⬙Do Me!,⬙ an unaired episode of The Round Table, NBC; ⬙Surro– gate,⬙ an unaired episode of Studio 5–B, ABC; and ⬙Wreck the Halls,⬙ an unaired episode of Kay O’Brien, CBS.

ZAENTZ Awards, Honors: Academy Award, best picture (with Michael Douglas), and producer of the year award (with Douglas), National Association of Theatre Owners, both 1976, for One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest; Academy Award, best picture, 1985, and Film Award nomination, best film, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1986, both for Amadeus; Lifetime Achievement Award in Motion Pictures, Producers Guild of America, 1994; Academy Award, best picture, Film Award, best film, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Vision Award in theatrical motion picture category and Motion Picture Producer of the Year Award, both Producers Guild of America, European Film Award nomination, best film, Golden Satellite Award nomination, best motion picture drama, International Press Academy, and Australian Film Institute Award nomination, best foreign film, all 1997, for The English Patient; Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 1997; Golden Eddie Filmmaker of the Year Award, American Cinema Editors, 1998; Special Prize for outstanding contribution to world cinema, Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, 1998.

Teleplays; Pilots: ⬙Kayo on Call,⬙ Kay O’Brien, CBS, 1986. ⬙Friend in Need,⬙ E.N.G., Lifetime, 1989. No Limits, 1991. Halls of Power, Fox, 1992. Total Blue, NBC, 1992. (With Brent V. Friedman) ⬙The Awakening,⬙ Dark Skies, NBC, 1996. Broken Mirror, Fox, 1997. Crime Channel, HBO, 1998. Eternity Smith, Sci–Fi Channel, 1998. Missing Link, NBC, 1998. The Power, Fox, 1999. Futuresport, Showtime, 2000. The Calling, 2002. Black River Falls, CBS, 2003. Screenplays: Official Denial, 1994. (With Brent V. Friedman) Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (also known as Mortal Kombat 2), New Line Cinema, 1997. (Story) Atlantis: The Lost Empire (animated), Buena Vista, 2001.

CREDITS Film Producer: (With Michael Douglas) One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, United Artists, 1975. (With Sy Gomberg) Three Warriors, Fantasy Films, 1977. The Lord of the Rings (animated; also known as J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings), United Artists, 1978. Amadeus (also known as Peter Shaffer’s Amadeus), Orion, 1984, released as Amadeus: The Director’s Cut, 2002. The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Orion, 1988. At Play in the Fields of the Lord, Universal, 1991. The English Patient, Miramax, 1996.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Los Angeles Times, May 2, 2001, p. 1. Hollywood Scriptwriter, October, 1992, pp. 1–10. Starlog, November, 1996.


Film Executive Producer: Payday, Cinerama, 1972. The Mosquito Coast, Warner Bros., 1986.

Born February 28, 1921, in Passaic, NJ. Education: Rutgers University, degree (animal husbandry); attended a business college in St. Louis, MO.

Film Appearances: Captain on shore when boat returns, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, United Artists, 1975.

Addresses: Office—Saul Zaentz Co., 2600 10th St., Berkeley, CA 94710.

Television Appearances; Specials: Milos Forman: Portrait, PBS, 1989. Interviewee, Saul Zaentz, Bravo, 1999. (Uncredited; in archive footage) Hello, He Lied & Other Truths from the Hollywood Trenches (also known as Hello, He Lied), AMC, 2002.

Career: Film producer. Saul Zaentz Film Co., Berkeley, CA, founder and principal; Fantasy Records, Berkeley, founder and music producer, beginning 1967. Military service: U.S. Army, served during World War II; served in Atlantic and Pacific theaters; became sergeant major. 347


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 James Keeshan, Whitewash: The Clarence Brandley Story, Showtime, 2002.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 48th Annual Academy Awards, 1976. The 69th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1997.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ⬙Hootch,⬙ Hitchhiker, HBO and USA Network, 1989. Pat, ⬙Dust to Dust,⬙ War of the Worlds, syndicated, 1989. Dr. Hendricks, ⬙In the Name of Science,⬙ Alfred Hitchcock Presents, NBC and USA Network, 1989. Delehanty, ⬙The Code,⬙ Forever Knight, CBS and syndicated, 1994. Jack Burke, ⬙Crime and Punishment,⬙ E.N.G., Lifetime, 1994. Inspector Moffat, ⬙An Invitation to Romance,⬙ Due South, CBS, 1995. Dean Wormer, ⬙Run Sydney Run,⬙ Relic Hunter, syndicated, 2001. Leap Years, Showtime, 2001. ⬙Out–of–Towners: Part 2,⬙ Blue Murder, ABC (Australia), 2002. John Willock, ⬙Deal,⬙ Tom Stone, 2002.

RECORDINGS Videos: Himself, The Making of ⬙One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest,⬙ Warner Home Video, 2002. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Variety, January 13, 1997, p. 66. Other: Saul Zaentz (television special), Bravo, 1999.


Also appeared in Street Legal, CBC (Canada). PERSONAL

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Larry, Empire, Inc., 1985.

Married Nancy Palk (an actress); children: three sons. Education: Studied at National Theatre School, Montreal, Quebec, and for several seasons at the Stratford Festival, Stratford, Ontario, and the Shaw Festival, Niagara–on–the–Lake, Ontario.

Film Appearances: Vern Rawlins, Oh, What a Night, 1992. Calvin Canboro, Tribulation, Anchor Film Distributors/ Artist View Entertainment, 2000. Gargan, Focus, Paramount Classics, 2001.

Career: Actor and director. Stratford Festival, Stratford, Ontario, actor, 1985, 1987–88; Soulpepper Theatre Company, Toronto, Ontario, founder (with Albert Schultz, Susan Coyne, Martha Burns, and Ted Dykstra), c. 1998.

Stage Appearances: Spokesong, Manitoba Theatre Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1979–1980. Berowne, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Stratford Festival, Stratford, Ontario, 1984. Hotspur, Henry IV, Stratford Festival, 1984. George, Duke of Clarence, The Tragedy of King Richard III, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, Public Theatre, New York City, 1990. Scrooge, A Christmas Carol, Soulpepper Theatre Company, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2001. Arnolphe, The School for Wives, Soulpepper Theatre Company, Premiere Dance Theatre, Toronto, 2001.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Dr. Jim Barker, Side Effects, CBC (Canada), 1994. Len Hubbard, Black Harbour, CBC, beginning 1996. Television Appearances; Movies: Ray Sharp, Dick Francis: In the Frame, RTE, 1989. C. Churchill Mann, Dieppe, CBC (Canada), 1993. Inspector Moffat, Due South, CBS, 1994. Mr. Wilson, Race To Freedom: The Underground Railroad, The Family Channel, 1994. Matt Eckhardt, To Save the Children, CBS, 1994. Philip (the host), Twists of Terror (also known as Primal Scream), The Movie Channel, 1998. Cal Rerucha, The Matthew Shepard Story, NBC, 2002.

Appeared as the title role in Hamlet, Citadel Theatre, Edmonton, Alberta. Stage Director: The Two Mrs. Carrolls, Shaw Festival, Niagara–on–the– Lake, Ontario, 1997. The Shop At Sly Corner, Shaw Festival, 1998. 348

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 54 OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Maclean’s, August 29, 1994, p. 54; December 2, 1996, p. 88; June 9, 1997, p. 82; June 8, 1998, p. 51; August 3, 1998, p. 58.