Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television, Volume 28

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television, Volume 28

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television ISSN 0749-064X Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television A Biographical Gui

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television

ISSN 0749-064X

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television A Biographical Guide Featuring Performers, Directors, Writers, Producers, Designers, Managers, Choreographers, Technicians, Composers, Executives, Dancers, and Critics in the United States, Canada, Great Britain and the World

Michael J. Tyrkus, Editor

Volume 28 Includes Cumulative Index Containing References to Who's Who in the Theatre and Who Was Who in the Theatre



O*troit Htw York Son Francisco London

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Michael J. Tyrkus, Editor Jamie C. FitzGerald, Associate Editor Michelle Banks, Laura Standley Berger, Joann Cerrito, Jim Craddock, Steve Cusack, Nicolet V. Elert, Miranda H. Ferrara, Kristin Hart, Laura S. Kryhoski, Margaret Mazurkiewicz, Carol Schwartz, and Christine Tomassini, St. James Press Staff

Peter M. Gareffa, Managing Editor Victoria B. Cariappa, Research Manager Andrew Guy Malonis, Research Specialist Barbara McNeil, Gary Oudersluys, Maureen Richards, and Cheryl L. Warnock, Research Specialists Corrine A. Boland, Tamara C. Nott, Tracie A. Richardson, and Robert Whaley, Research Associates Phyllis Blackman, Tim Lehnerer, and Patricia Love, Research Assistants

While every effort has been made to ensure the reliability of the information presented in this publication, Gale Group Inc. does not guarantee the accuracy of the data contained herein. Gale accepts no payment for listing, and inclusion in the publication of any organization, agency, institution, publication, service, or individual does not imply endorsement of the editors or publisher. Errors brought to the attention of the publisher and verified to the satisfaction of the publisher will be corrected in future editions.

This publication is a creative work fully protected by all applicable copyright laws, as well as by misappropriation, trade secret, unfair competition, and other applicable laws. The authors and editors of this work have added value to the underlying factual material herein through one or more of the following: unique and original selection, coordination, expression, arrangement, and classification of the information. All rights to this publication will be vigorously defended. Copyright ® 2000 Gale Group 27500 Drake Rd. Farmington Hills, Ml 48331-3535

All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 84-649371 ISBN 0-7876-3187-6 ISSN 0749-064X Printed in the United States of America

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Contents Preface Biographies Cumulative Index (Including references to Who's Who in the Theatre and Who Was Who in the Theatre)

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Preface Provides Broad, Single-Source Coverage in the Entertainment Field Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television (CTFT) is a biographical reference series designed to provide students, educators, researchers, librarians, and general readers with information on a wide range of entertainment figures. Unlike single-volume reference works that focus on a limited number of artists or on a specific segment of the entertainment field, CTFT is an ongoing publication that includes entries on individuals active in the theatre, film, and television industries. Before the publication of CTFT, information-seekers had no choice but to consult several different sources in order to locate the in-depth biographical and credit data that makes CTFT's one-stop coverage the most comprehensive available about the lives and work of performing arts professionals.

Scope CTFT covers not only performers, directors, writers, and producers, but also behind-the-scenes specialists such as designers, managers, choreographers, technicians, composers, executives, dancers, and critics from the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and the world. With over 400 entries in CTFT 28, the series now provides biographies on approximately 10,500 people involved in all aspects of theatre, film, and television. CTFT gives primary emphasis to people who are currently active. New entries are prepared on major stars as well as those who are just beginning to win acclaim for their work. CTFT also includes entries on personalities who have died but whose work commands lasting interest.

Compilation Methods CTFT editors identify candidates for inclusion in the series by consulting biographical dictionaries, industry directories, entertainment annuals, trade and general interest periodicals, newspapers, and online databases. Additionally, the editors of CTFT maintain regular contact with industry advisors and professionals who routinely suggest new candidates for inclusion in the series. Entries are compiled from published biographical sources and then mailed to the listees or their agents for review and verification.

Revised Entries To ensure CTFT's timeliness and comprehensiveness, entries from previous volumes, as well as from Gale's Who's Who in the Theatre, are updated for individuals who have been active enough to require revision of their earlier biographies. Such individuals will merit revised entries as often as there is substantial new information to provide. Obituary notices for deceased entertainment personalities already listed in CTFT are also published.

Accessible Format Makes Data Easy to Locate CTFT entries, modeled after those in Gale's highly regarded Contemporary Authors series, are written in a clear, readable style designed to help users focus quickly on specific facts. The following is a summary of the information found in CTFT sketches: ENTRY HEADING: the form of the name by which the listee is best known. PERSONAL: full or original name; dates and places of birth and death; family data; colleges attended, degrees earned, and professional training; political and religious affiliations when known; avocational interests.


ADDRESSES: home, office, agent, publicist and/or manager addresses. CAREER: tagline indicating principal areas of entertainment work; resume of career positions and other vocational achievements; military service. MEMBER: memberships and offices held in professional, union, civic, and social organizations. AWARDS, HONORS: theatre, film, and television awards and nominations; literary and civic awards; honorary degrees. CREDITS: comprehensive title-by-title listings of theatre, film, and television appearance and work credits, including roles and production data as well as debut and genre information. RECORDINGS: album, single song, video, and taped reading releases; recording labels and dates when available. WRITINGS: title-by-title listing of plays, screenplays, scripts, and musical compositions along with production information; books, including autobiographies, and other publications. ADAPTATIONS: a list of films, plays, and other media which have been adapted from the listee's work. SIDELIGHTS: favorite roles; portions of agent-prepared biographies or personal statements from the listee when available. OTHER SOURCES: books, periodicals, and internet sites where interviews or feature stories can be found.

Aqcess Thousands of Entries Using CTFT's Cumulative Index Each volume of CTFT contains a cumulative index to the entire series. As an added feature, this index also includes references to all seventeen editions of Who's Who in the Theatre and to the four-volume compilation Who Was Who in the Theatre.

Available in Electronic Format Online. Recent volumes of CTFT are available online as part of the Gale Biographies (GALBIO) database accessible through LEXIS-NEXIS. For more information, contact LEXIS-NEXIS, P.O. Box 933, Dayton, OH 45401-0933; phone (937) 865-6800, toll-free: 800-543-6862.

Suggestions Are Welcome Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television is intended to serve as a useful reference tool for a wide audience, so comments about any aspect of this work are encouraged. Suggestions of entertainment professionals to include in future volumes are also welcome. Send comments and suggestions to: The Editor, Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television, Gale Group, 27500 Drake Rd., Farmington Hills, Ml 48331-3535; or feel free to call toll-free at1-800-877-GALE.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television * Indicates that a listing has been compiled from secondary sources believed to be reliable, but has not been personally verified for this edition by the listee.

ADDIE, Robert 1960PERSONAL Born February 10,1960, in Gloucestershire, England. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Cawley, Absolution, 1979. Mordred, Excalibur, Warner Bros., 1981. Delahay, Another Country, Orion Classics, 1984. Television Appearances; Movies: Guy of Gisburne, Robin Hood and the Sorcerer, Showtime, 1983. Gillingham, A Hazard of Hearts, CBS, 1987. The Endless Came, Showtime, 1990. Sir Sagramour Le Desirious, A Knight in Camelot, ABC, 1998. Pontius Pilate, Mary, Mother of Jesus, NBC, 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: The First Olympics: Athens 1896, NBC, 1984. Eddie, /'// Take Manhattan, CBS, 1987. Sir Gilbert, Merlin, NBC, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Mr. Murray, "The Empty House/' The Return of Sherlock Holmes, Series I, PBS, 1987.*

ADJANI, Isabelle 1955PERSONAL Born June 27, 1955, in Paris, France; children: Barnabe Nuytten (with Bruno Nuytten, a director and

cinematographer), Gabriel-Kane (with Daniel DayLewis, an actor). Addresses: Office—c/o Secretariat de la Commission d'avances sur recettes, 11 rue Galilee, Paris 75116, France. Agent—Jeff Berg, International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211; Marjorie Israel, 56 rue de Passy, Paris 75016, France. Career: Actress and producer. Cannes Film Festival, jury president, 1997. Awards, Honors: Prix Suzanne Biandetti, 1974; New York Film Critics Award and Academy Award nomination, both best actress, 1975, for L'Histoire d'Adele H.; Cannes Film Festival Award, best actress, 1981, for Quartet and Possession; Cesar Award, best actress, 1982, for Possession; Cesar Award, best actress, 1984, for LEte meurtrier; Cesar Award and Academy Award nomination, both best actress, both 1989, for Camille Claudel. CREDITS Film Appearances: Camille, Faustine et le bel ete (also known as Faustine and the Beautiful Summer), CIC, 1971. Isabelle, La Gifle (also known as The Slap), Gaumont International, 1974. Adele Hugo, L'Histoire d'Adele H. (also known as The Story of Adele H.), Les Films du Carrosse/ Artistes Associates/New World, 1975. Laure, Barocco, Films la Boetie, 1976. Stella, Le Locataire (also known as The Tenant), CIC/ Paramount, 1976. The Player, The Driver, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1978. Emily Bronte, Les Soeurs Bronte (also known as The Bronte Sisters), Gaumont International/Roissy, 1979.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


Lucy Marker, Nosferatu, Phantom der Nacht (also known as Nosferatu, The Vampire and Nosferatu, The Vampyre), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1979. Anna and Helen, Possession, Oliane-Soma-Marianne/ Limelight International, 1981. MaryaZelli, Quartet, Lyric International/New World, 1981. Pauline Valance, Tout feu, tout flamme (also known as All Fired Up), Gaumont International, 1981. Eliane/Elle, L'Ete meurtrier (also known as One Deadly Summer), Societe Nouvelle de Cinema/ Universal, 1982. /Anton/eta, Gaumont International/Conacine/Nuevo Cinema, 1982. Mortelle randonnee (also known as Deadly Circuit), GEF/CCFC/Ofer-Omnifilms, 1982. Helena, Subway, Gaumont International/Films du Loup/TSF-TFI/lsland Alive, 1985. Shirra Assel, Ishtar, Columbia, 1987. Title role, Camille Claudel, Gaumont International/ Roissy/Orion Classics, 1989. Henry and June, Universal, 1990. Marguerite de Valois, Queen Margot, Miramax, 1994. Mia Baran, Diabolique, Warner Bros., 1996. Paparazzi, AMLF (fr), 1998. Appeared as narrator, Lung Ta: Les cavaliers du vent, 1990, and as Penelope, Toxic Affair, 1993. Also appeared in Violette et Francois, 1977; Clara et les chics types, 1980; L'Annee prochaine si tout va bien (also known as Next Year If All Goes Well), 1981. Film Work: Co-producer, Camille Claudel, Gaumont International/Roissy/Orion Classics, 1989. Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) The House of Bernarda Alba, Maison de la Culture, Reims, France, 1972. Also appeared in title role, Ondine, France. Appeared in L'Ecole des femmes, Comedie Francaise, Paris. Appeared in productions for the Comedie Francaise, 1972-74. Television Appearances: Appeared in Le Secret des Flamands (television debut; also known as The Secret of the Flemish), 1972. Also appeared in Le Petit Bougnat (movie), 1969; L'Ecole des femmes, 1973; and Top a Sacha Distel, 1974. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Interview, March, 1976. New York Times, January 6, 1990.

People Weekly, December 12, 1994. Time, January 17, 1994.*

ALCOTT, John 1931-1986 PERSONAL Born in 1931, in London, England; immigrated to the United States, 1981, naturalized American citizen; died of a heart attack, July 22, 1986, in Cannes, France; son of Arthur Alcott (a film production controller at Gainsborough Studios, England); married Sue; children: Gavin. Career: Cinematographer. Began career as clapper boy at Gainsborough Studios, 1940s; also worked as a director and cinematographer for commercials. Awards, Honors: Berlin Film Festival Silver Bear Award, 1974, for Little Malcolm; Academy Award, British Society of Cinematographers, National Society of Film Critics, Los Angeles Society of Film Critics, best cinematography, 1975, all for Barry Lyndon. CREDITS Film Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated: Focus puller, The Singer Not the Song, 1960. Focus puller, Whistle Down the Wind, Pathe-America, 1961. Additional photography, 2001: A Space Odyssey (also known as Journey Beyond the Stars), MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1968. Fang/o, 1971. A Clockwork Orange, Warner Bros., 1971. David Niven, 1973. Little Malcolm (also known as Little Malcolm and His Struggle Against the Eunuch), Multicetera, 1974. Barry Lyndon, Warner Bros., 1975. Overlord, Jowsend, 1975. The Fiesta Story, 1977. March or Die, Columbia, 1977. The Disappearance, World Northal, 1977. Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe? (also known as Too Many Chefs and Someone is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe), Warner Bros., 1978. Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, Warner Bros., 1980. Fort Apache, the Bronx, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1980. Terror Train (also known as Train of Terror), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1980. The Beastmaster, United Artists, 1982.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 El triunfo de un hombre ilamado caballo (also known as Triumphs of a Man Called Horse), 1982. Vice Squad, 1982. Under Fire, Orion, 1983. Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes, Warner Bros., 1984. Miracles, Orion, 1984 Baby... Secret of the Lost Legend (also known as Dinosaur ... Secret of the Lost Legend), Buena Vista, 1985. No Way Out, Orion, 1987. White Water Summer (also known as The Rites of Summer), Columbia, 1987. WRITINGS Contributer to American Cinematographer. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: American Cinematographer, March 1976; March 1987. The New York Times, August 3, 1986. Variety, August 6, 1986.*

ANCHIA, Juan Ruiz 1949PERSONAL Born in 1949, in Spain. Education: Graduated from the Escuela Oficial de Cinematografia, 1972, and the American Film Institute, 1981.

ANN-MARGRET * 3 Tin Soldiers, 1983. The Stone Boy, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1984. Maria's Lovers, 1984. That Was Then ... This Is Now, Paramount, 1985. George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey, Rosebud Communications Releasing, 1985. In 'n'Out, 1985. At Close Range, Orion, 1986. Where the River Runs Black, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1986. Surrender, Warner Bros., 1987. House of Games, Orion, 1987. Things Change, Columbia, 1988. The Seventh Sign, TriStar, 1988. Lost Angels (also known as The Road Home), 1989. Naked Tan go, 1990. The Last of the Finest (also known as Blue Heat and Street Legal), Orion, 1990. Liebestraum, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Pathe, 1991. Dying Young, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1991. Glengarry Glen Ross, New Line Cinema, 1992. Mr. Jones, TriStar, 1993. A Far Off Place, Buena Vista, 1993. Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book, Buena Vista, 1994. Two Bits (also known as A Day to Remember), Miramax, 1995. The Adventures of Pinocchio (also known as Carlo Collodi's Pinocchio and Pinocchio), 1996. Lorca (also known as Death in Granada and The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca), Sony, 1997. Mararia, 1998. The Corrupter, New Line Cinema, 1999. Television Cinematographer; Movies: Single Bars, Single Women, ABC, 1984.

Career: Cinematographer. Member: American Society of Cinematographers, AEC

Television Cinematographer; Specials: Miss Lonelyhearts, PBS, 1983. Noon Wine, PBS, 1985.

Awards, Honors: Goya Award, best cinematography, 1991, for Mararia. CREDITS Film Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated: El Desencanto, 1976. Reborn (also known as Renacer), 1978. Renacida, 1981. Valentina/1919, 1982. The Woman in the Room, 1983. 79/9, cronica del alba, 1983. Pares y Nones, 1983.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: American Cinematographer, March 1999, pp. 78-86.*



Full name, Ann-MargretOlsson; born April 28,1941, in Valsobyn, Sweden; daughter of Gustaav and Anna

4 • ANN-MARGRET (Aronson) Olsson; married Roger Smith (an actor, director, and producer), 1967. Education: Attended Northwestern University. Addresses: Office—435 North Bedford Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. /Agent—Nicole David, Triad Agency, 10100 St. Monica, 16th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Actress and entertainer. Early in career performed on radio shows and toured with a band; performer at nightclubs such as Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, and in Lake Tahoe; performed with George Burns at the Sahara Hotel, Las Vegas, 1960. Awards, Honors: Golden Globe Award, most promising newcomer, 1962; Gold Medal Awards, most popular actress, Photoplay magazine, 1971 and 1972; Golden Globe Award and Academy Award nomination, both best supporting actress, both 1972, for Carnal Knowledge; Golden Globe Award, best motion picture actress—musical/comedy, and Academy Award nomination, best actress, both 1975, for Tommy; Golden Apple Award, Star of the Year, Hollywood Women's Press Club, 1983; Golden Globe Award, best performance by an actress in a miniseries or motion picture made for television, 1984, for Who Will Love My Children?; Golden Globe Award, best performance by an actress in a miniseries or motion picture made for television, 1985, for A Streetcar Named Desire; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actress, 1987, for The Two Mrs. Grenvilles; Emmy Award nomination, best supporting actress in a miniseries or special, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actress in a series, miniseries or telefilm, both 1993, both for Alex Haley's Queen; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actress in a miniseries or a movie, 1999, for Life of the Party: The Pamela Harriman Story; Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a miniseries or motion picture made for television, 1999, for Life of the Party: The Pamela Harriman Story; SAG Award nomination, outstanding performance by a female actor in a tv movie or miniseries, 1999, for Life of the Party: The Pamela Harriman Story; three-time recipient of Female Star of the Year Award, United Motion Pictures Association; twice named Outstanding Box-Office Star of the Year, Theatre Owners of America; citation for outstanding performances (tours of Vietnam and Far East) from President Lyndon B. Johnson; Royal Command Performance for Queen Elizabeth II of England; Italian Motion Picture Industry Award.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Louise, Pocketful of Miracles, United Artists, 1961. Emily Porter, State Fair, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1962. Kim McAfee, Bye Bye Birdie, Columbia, 1963. Jody Dvorak, Kitten with a Whip, Universal, 1964. Fran Hobson, The Pleasure Seekers, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1964. Rusty Martin, Viva Las Vegas (also known as Love in Las Vegas), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1964. Laurel, Bus Riley's Back in Town, Universal, 1965. Melba, The Cincinnati Kid, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1965. Kristine Pedak, Once a Thief, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1965. Maggie Scott, Made in Paris, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1966. Suzie Solaris, Murderer's Row, Columbia, 1966. Dallas, Stagecoach, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1966. Kelly Ollson, The Swinger, Paramount, 1966. Carolina, The Tiger and the Pussycat, Embassy, 1967. Rhoda, R.P.M. (also known as R.P.M. [Revolutions Per Minute], Columbia, 1970. Ann McCalley, C C. and Company, Avco-Embassy, 1971. Bobbie Templeton, Carnal Knowledge, Avco-Embassy, 1971. Nancy, The Outside Man, United Artists, 1973. Mrs. Lowe, The Train Robbers, Warner Bros., 1973. Nora Walker Hobbs, Tommy, Columbia, 1975. Charley, The Twist (also known as Follies Bourgeoisie), UGC/Parafrance, 1976. Lady Booby, Joseph Andrews, Paramount, 1977. Lady Flavia Geste, The Last Remake of Beau Geste, Universal, 1977. Jezebel Dezire, The Cheap Detective, Columbia, 1978. Peggy Ann Snow, Magic, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1978. Charming Jones, The Villain (also known as Cactus /ac/c), Columbia, 1979. Sue Ann, Middle Age Crazy, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1980. Stephanie, / Ought to Be in Pictures, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1982. Patti Warner, Lookin' to Get Out, Paramount, 1982. Jenny, The Return of the Soldier, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1983. Audrey Minelli, Twice in a Lifetime, Yorkin, 1985. Barbara Mitchell, 52 Pick-Up, Cannon, 1986. Rose, A Tiger's Tale, Atlantic Entertainment, 1988. Jackie Giardino, A New Life, Paramount, 1988.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Medda Larkson, Newsies, Buena Vista, 1992. Ariel Truax, Grumpy Old Men, Warner Bros., 1993. Ariel Gustafson, Grumpier Old Men, Warner Bros., 1995. Song performer, Get Bruce!, Miramax, 1999. Also appeared in Rebus, 1969; The Prophet, 1976. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Ann Arden, The Two Mrs. Grenvilles, NBC, 1987. Sally Jackson, Alex Haley's Queen, CBS, 1993. Belle Watling, Scarlett, CBS, 1994. Television Appearances; Movies: Lucille Fray, Who Will Love My Children?, ABC, 1983. Blanche DuBois, A Streetcar Named Desire, ABC, 1984. Ingalill Lundquist, Following Her Heart (also known as Sing Me the Blues, Lena), NBC, 1994. Carol Stephens, Nobody's Children (also known as A Race against Time), USA, 1994. Maggie Yearwood, Blue Rodeo, CBS, 1996. Pamela Harriman, Life of the Party: The Pamela Harriman Story, Lifetime, 1998. Appeared in title role, Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story, 1996; also appeared as Ruby, Dames at Sea. Television Appearances; Specials: The Jack Benny Show, CBS, 1961. The Andy Williams Special, NBC, 1962. Host, The Ann-Margret Show, CBS, 1968. Host, Ann-Margret: From Hollywood with Love, CBS, 1969. lack Benny's Birthday Special, NBC, 1969. The Bob Hope Show, NBC, 1969, 1970, 1973. Swing Out, Sweet Land, NBC, 1971. Host, Ann-Margret-When You're Smiling, NBC, 1973. Host, Ann-Margret Smith, NBC, 1975. Host, Ann-Margret Olsson, NBC, 1975. Perry Como in Las Vegas, NBC, 1975. Host, Memories of Elvis, NBC, 1977. Host, Ann-Margret . . . Rhinestone Cowgirl, NBC, 1977. Las Vegas Entertainment Awards, NBC, 1977. The George Burns One-Man Show, CBS, 1977. Bob Hope's All-Star Comedy Spectacular from Lake Tahoe, NBC, 1977. Happy Birthday, Bob, NBC, 1978. Las Vegas Palace of Stars, CBS, 1979. Host, Ann-Margret's Hollywood Movie Girls, ABC, 1980.

ANN-MARGRET « 5 The Way They Were, syndicated, 1981. George Burns' Early, Early, Early Christmas Show, NBC, 1981. Bob Hope's 30th Anniversary TV Special, NBC, 1981. Hollywood's Private Home Movies, ABC, 1983. Perry Como's Christmas in England, ABC, 1984. America's Tribute to Bob Hope, NBC, 1988. George Bums' 95th Birthday, CBS, 1991. Our Sons, ABC, 1991. lack Benny: Comedy in Bloom, HBO, 1992. What about Me? I'm Only 31, CBS, 1992. Tina Turner: Going Home, The Disney Channel, 1993. Host, Golden Globe's 50th Anniversary Celebration, 1994. Bob Hope . . . Laughing With the Presidents, NBC, 1996. ]ackLemmon, PBS, 1996. A Conversation With Burt Reynolds, TNN, 1997. MDA ]erry Lewis Telethon, syndicated, 1997. Appeared as presenter, Essence Awards, 1993; presenter, Screen Actors Guild Awards, 1995; appeared in Peter Allen: The Boy from Oz, 1995, and The Barbara Walters Special, ABC. Television Appearances; Series: Amanda Wyatt, Four Corners, CBS, 1997-98. Television Appearances; Episodic: Made television debut as a contestant on Ted Mack's Amateur Hour; appeared as the voice of AnnMargrock, The Flintstones (animated), ABC. RECORDINGS Albums: Bye, Bye Birdie (original soundtrack), Victor; /AnnMargret, Victor; Vivacious One, Victor; Love Rush, MCA. WRITINGS Books: (With Todd Gold) Ann-Margret: My Story, Putnam, 1994. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, November 26, 1993. Interview, April, 1993; January, 1996. New Yorker, February 3, 1992. TV Guide, February 24, 1996.*

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CREDITS

ARMSTRONG, Su PERSONAL Career: Producer, production executive, production, wardrobe, production assistant, production coordinator, set dresser, and art director. CREDITS Film Work: Art director, The Singer and the Dancer, Columbia, 1976. Set dresser, My Brilliant Career, 1978. Production coordinator, The Odd Angry Shot, Vestron Video, 1979. Production manager, Fatty Finn, Hoyts, 1980. Production manager and production assistant, The Earthlings, Earthlings, 1980. Production manager, Fighting Back, 1981. Production manager, Callipoli, Paramount, 1981. Wardrobe, Puberty Blues, Universal Classics, 1981. Production manager, The Best of Friends, 1981. Production executive, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, Warner Bros., 1985. Line producer, Outback, 1989. Co-producer, The Punisher, LIVE Home Video, 1989. Line producer, Struck By Lightening, 1990. Line producer, Until the End of the World, Warner Bros., 1991. Executive producer, Good Will Hunting, Miramax, 1997. Television Producer; Movies: Shot Through the Heart, HBO, 1998. RKO281, HBO, 1999. *

ARMSTRONG, Vic 1948PERSONAL Born in 1948. Career: Stunt coordinator, stuntman, stunt arranger, stunt supervisor, actor, and director. Trained horses as a teenager. Member: Professional Driver's Association.

Film Stunt Coordinator, Except Where Indicated: Arabesque, 1966. You Only Live Twice, 1967. On Her Majesty's Secret Service, 1969. Figure's in a Landscape, 1970. Ryan's Daughter, 1970. Young Winston, 1972. Live & Let Die, 1973. Stuntman, Side By Side, 1975. A Bridge Too Far, 1977. Superman, Warner Bros., 1978. Escape to Athena, Associated Film, 1978. Stunt arranger, The Unidentified Flying Oddball, Buena Vista, 1979. Second unitdirector, Bear Island, United Artists, 1979. Superman II, Warner Bros., 1980. Stuntman, The Long Good Friday, Paragon, 1980. Stunt supervisor, The Watcher in the Woods, Buena Vista, 1981. Green Ice, 1981. Stuntman, An American Werewolf in London, Universal, 1981. Stuntman, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Paramount, 1981. Blade Runner, 1982. Stuntman and stunt arranger, Invitation to the Wedding, 1983. Krull, Columbia Pictures, 1983. Never Say Never Again, Warner Bros., 1983. Superman 3, 1983. Stunt manager (United Kingdom), Slayground, Universal, 1984. Conan the Destroyer, Universal, 1984. Stuntman and stunt arranger (studio), Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom, Paramount, 1984. Action unit supervisor, Red Sonja, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1985. Stuntman, Brazil, Universal, 1985. And stunt double, stuntman, and unicorn master, Legend, Universal, 1985. The Mission, Warner Bros., 1986. Tai-Pan, 1986. Empire of the Sun, Warner Bros., 1987. And second unit director, Million Dollar Mystery, 1987. The Sicilian, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Stunt double, Frantic, Warner Bros., 1988. Rambo III, TriStar, 1988. We're No Angels, Paramount, 1989. Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade, Paramount, 1989. And second unit director, Henry V, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1989. And second unit director, Total Recall, TriStar, 1990.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 And third unit director, Air America, TriStar, 1990. And second unit director, Cover Up, LIVE Home Video, 1990. (USA only) and second unit director, Double Impact, Columbia, 1991. And second unit director, FX-2, Orion, 1991. Terminator 2, 1991. And second unit director, Universal Soldier, TriStar, 1992. The Last Action Hero, Columbia, 1993. And second unit director, Black Beauty, Warner Bros., 1993. Director, Army of One, Live Entertainment, 1994. Second unit director, Radioland Murders, Universal, 1994. And second unit director, Rob Roy, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1995. johnny Mnemonic, 1995. Cutthroat Island, 1995. Second unit director, Shadow Conspiracy, Buena Vista, 1997. And second unit director, Starship Troopers, TriStar/ Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. And second unit director, Tomorrow Never Dies, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1997. And stuntman and second unit director, Black Dog, Universal, 1998. Second unit director, The Avengers, Warner Bros., 1998. And second unit director, Entrapment, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Second unit director, The World Is Not Enough, United Artists, 1999. Film Appearances: Big Youth, Expose, 1975. Nicky Baker, The 'Copter Kids, 1976. Drunken soldier, Tai-Pan, 1986. Television Work: Stuntman, Ivanhoe (movie), CBS, 1982. Stunt coordinator, Lace // (miniseries), ABC, 1985. Director, Young Indiana Jones (episodic), ABC, 1992.*


ARQUETTE • 7 CREDITS Film Work: Song remixer and United Kingdom music consultant, Playing Cod, Buena Vista, 1997. Song performer, Tomorrow Never Dies, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1997. Song producer, Godzilla, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1998. WRITINGS Film Scores, Except Where Indicated: The Young Americans, LIVE Home Video, 1993. Stargate, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1994. Last of the Dogmen, Savoy Pictures, 1995. Independence Day, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1996. A Life Less Ordinary, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. And song, Tomorrow Never Dies, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1997. Godzilla, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1998. The World Is Not Enough, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1999. (Theme only) Wing Commander, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1999.*

ARQUETTE, Lewis 1935PERSONAL Born December 14, 1935, in Chicago, IL; son of Cliff Arquette and Mildred (maiden name, Le May) Nesbitt; married Mardiningsih Nowack, February 1, 1963; children: Rosanna (an actress), Richmond (an actor), Patricia (an actress), Alexis (an actor), David (an actor). Education: Graduated from high school in Hollywood, CA, 1953. Avocational interests: Sailing, camping, graphic art. Career: Actor, writer, producer, and musician. Columbia University, director of radio, 1959; Skymont, Ft. Royal, CA, chair, 1969-74; Sills and Co., Westwood, CA, actor and writer, 1984-87; Spokesong Pasadena Playhouse, director, Pasadena, CA, 1986.

Addresses: Contact—16030 Ventura Blvd. #235, Encino, CA 91436-2780.

Member: Screen Actors Guild, AFTRA, Writers Guild of America, American Federation of Musicians, ASCAP, Society to Preserve and Encourage Radio Drama, Variety and Comedy.

Career: Composer, song performer, song producer, song remixer, and music consultant.

Awards, Honors: Dramalogue Award, best ensemble, 1985, 1987.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CREDITS

Film Appearances: Johnny Cot His Gun, 1969. Hatcher, The China Syndrome, Columbia, 1979. Warden, Loose Shoes (also known as Coming Attractions and Quackers), Atlantic, 1980. Prison chaplain, Off the Wall, Jensen Farley, 1983. Mr. Fry, Nobody's Fool, Island, 1986. TV station guard, Just Between Friends, Orion, 1986. Man at the pool, The Check is in the Mail.. ., Ascot, 1986. Herm, The Great Outdoors, Universal, 1988. Mr. Stokes, Big Business, Buena Vista, 1988. Wyler, Tango and Cash, Warner Bros., 1989. Lt. Miller, The Horror Show (also known as Horror House and House III), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1989. Dad, Universal, 1989. Voice (USA version), Kiki's Home Delivery Service, Buena Vista Home Video, 1989. Sheriff Bugiere, Chopper Chicks in Zombietown, 1989. Ethan, Syngenor, South Gate, 1990. Mr. Cheese, Rock 'n' Roll High School Forever, 1990. Mr. Malloy, Book of Love, New Line, 1990. Texas Joe, The Linguini Incident, Academy, 1991. Tarlow, Double Trouble, 1992. Minister, Sleep with Me, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1994. Cemetery Official, Stuart Saves His Family, Paramount, 1995. Old Man Wooley (Clifford Wooley), Waiting for Guffman, Sony Pictures Classics, 1996. Detective Furbal, Kiss & Tell, 1996. Charlie, Mojave Moon, 1996. Mayor Cosgrove, Kid Cop, 1996. Cardinal, Meet Wally Sparks, 1997. Bruce Hudler, Life During Wartime (also known as The Alarmist), Lions Gates Films, 1997. Chief Louis Hartley, Scream 2, Dimension., 1997. Water pistol man, Twilight, Paramount, 1998. Merchant, Almost Heroes, Warner Bros., 1998. Kid Cop, Brainstorm Media, 1998. Television Appearances; Series: J.D. Pickett, The Waltons, CBS, 1976-81. Challenge of the CoBots, 1984. Rocky Road, 1987. Voice, Rick Moranis in Gravedale High, NBC, 1990. Voice of Horten, Hypernauts, 1996. Television Appearances; Movies: Ruby and Oswald (also known as Four Days in Dallas), CBS, 1978. Judge, Rescue from Gilligan's Island, NBC, 1978.

Publicity man, The Jayne Mansfield Story (also known as Jayne Mansfield: A Symbol of the '50s), CBS, 1980. First foreman, Badge of the Assassin, CBS, 1985. Pawnbroker, Dance Til Dawn, 1988. Mark Grossman, My First Love, ABC, 1988. Sam/Santa, A Very Brady Christmas, CBS, 1988. Walter Vinton, A Child Lost Forever, NBC, 1992. Mr. Ingersol, Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman, HBO, 1993. Artie, Tainted Blood, USA, 1993. The chief, The Wild Side (also known as Wildside), HBO, 1996. Otis Amber, The Westing Game, Showtime, 1997. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Lyle's jury: juror number three, Menendez: A Killing in Beverly Hills, CBS, 1994. Murder One: Diary of a Serial Killer, ABC, 1997. Television Appearances; Specials: The New Lorenzo Music Show, ABC, 1976. Sal, Dribble, NBC, 1980. It Only Hurts When I Laugh, NBC, 1983. Prime Times, NBC, 1985. Dr. Kolovson, Just a Regular Kid: An AIDS Story, ABC, 1987. George, Ponce De Leon and the Search for the Fountain of Youth, Showtime, 1987. Mr. Schulter, Sons of Cunz, CBS, 1987. Mysterious stranger, Lower Berth, HBO, 1990. Voice, The Wild West, syndicated, 1993. Voice, Daisy-Head Mayzie, TNT, 1995. Television Appearances; Episodic: The Waltons, CBS, 1972. The Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr. Show, CBS, 1977. "The Sixteen Byte Data Chip and the Brown-eyed Fox/' Tenspeed and Brown Shoe, 1980. Lyle P. Oliver, president of Angel Glow Cosmetics, Harper Valley PTA, CBS, 1980. "Red Holt Steele," Remington Steele, 1983. Ghost, "October the 32nd/' The Fall Guy, 1985. Voice of Superfly Snuka, Hulk Hogan's Rock 'N' Wresting, CBS, 1985. First customer, Perfect Stranger, ABC, 1986. Grand Viper, "Fangs A Lot, Mama/' Mama's Family, 1987. Ed, "Where's the Boss," Married. . . With Children, Fox, 1987. Camp Candy, NBC, 1989. Father Muldooney, Quantum Leap, NBC, 1989. Commissioner, "The Narc," Matlock, 1990. Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1991. LA. Law, NBC, 1991. Voice, Yo/Yog/7, NBC, 1991.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Kearny, SeaQuest DSV, NBC, 1994. Uncle Lester, "Back at the Ranch/' Saved by the Bell: The New Class, 1994. Leapin' Larry, "The Secret Code/' Seinfeld, NBC,

1995. General Smits, "Point of No Return/' Babylon 5,1996. Sleepwalkers, NBC, 1997.

ATTANASIO • 9 Armie. Education: Graduated from Harvard University. Addresses: /Agent—David O'Connor, Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 902121825.

Also appeared as voice, The]etsons (animated); voice, Captain Planet and the Planeteers (animated).

Career: Screenwriter and television series creator. Cravath, Swaine & Moore, lawyer, 1984-?; Washington Post, journalist and film critic. Military service: Served in the armed forces.

Television Work: Executive producer, The Lorenzo and Henrietta Music Show, syndicated, 1976.

Member: Writers Guild of America East.

Stage Appearances: The Automobile Graveyard, New York City, 1961. Generation, New York City, 1965. Alternate, Paul Sills Story Theatre, New York City, Ambassador Theatre, New York City, 1971. Ovid's Metamorphoses, Ambassador Theatre, New York City, 1971.

Awards, Honors: ShoWest Award, ShoWest Conventions, screenwriter of the year, 1995; Academy Award nomination, best screenplay based on material from another medium, Golden Globe Award nomination, best screenplay, 1995, for Quiz Show; Academy Award nomination, best screenplay based on material from another medium, 1997, for Donnie Brasco.



Albums: jr. Scholastic (children's record), 1975.

Television Appearances; Series: Host, The Movie Show, Cinemax, 1986-87.

Also recorded H.H. Camp and the Skymonters.

Television Work; Series: Creator, Homicide: Life on the Streets (also known as H:LOTS and Homicide), NBC, 1993-99.

Video Games: Voice, /Adventures with Barbie: Ocean Discovery, 1997.

WRITINGS WRITINGS Television Specials: Prime Times, NBC, 1985. Television Series: Executive producer, The Lorenzo and Henrietta Music Show, syndicated, 1976.*

Screenplays: (With Cindy Cirile and Alan B. McElroy) Rapid Fire, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Disclosure, Warner Bros., 1994. Quiz Show, Buena Vista, 1994. Donnie Brasco, Col urnbia/TriStar, 1995. Sphere, Warner Bros., 1997. (Uncredited) Armageddon, Buena Vista, 1998.

ASHE, Eve Brent See BRENT, Eve

Television Episodes: Homicide: Life on the Streets (also known as H:LOTS and Homicide), NBC, 1993.


Other: Contributer to periodicals, including Esquire.



Born in 1959; son of Joseph Attanasio (a businessman); married Katie Jacobs (a producer); children:

Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, December 16, 1994, p. 43.*

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ATWOOD, Colleen PERSONAL Education: Attended New York University's film school. Addresses: Contact—I ATS E, 13949 Ventura Blvd., Suite 309, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423-3570. Career: Costume designer, costume consultant, and production manager. Awards, Honors: British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best costume designer, c. 1990, for Edward Scissorhands; Academy Award nomination, best costume design, 1994, for Little Women; Academy Award nomination, best costume design, 1998, for Beloved. CREDITS Film Costume Designer, Except Where Indicated: Costumes, Firstborn, Paramount, 1984. Bring on the Night, 1985. Manhunter, 1986. Costumes, Critical Condition, Paramount, 1987. Someone to Watch Over Me, Columbia, 1987. The Pick-Up Artist, Twentieth Century-Fox Corp., 1987. For Keeps, TriStar, 1988. Fresh Horses, Columbia, 1988. Married to the Mob, Orion, 1988. Torch Song Trilogy, New Line Cinema, 1988. Hider in the House, LIVE Home Video, 1989. The Handmaid's Tale, Cinecom, 1989. Edward Scissorhands, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1990. Costumes, Joe Versus the Volcano, Warner Bros., 1990.

Rush, 1991. The Silence of the Lambs, Orion, 1991. Lorenzo's Oil, Universal, 1992. Michelle Pfeiffer's costume designer, Love Field, Orion, 1992. Bom Yesterday, Buena Vista, 1993. Philadelphia, TriStar, 1993. Cabin Boy, Buena Vista, 1994. Ed Wood, Buena Vista, 1994. Little Women, Columbia TriStar, 1994. Wyatt Earp, Warner Bros., 1994. Gentlemen Don't Eat Poets, Live Entertainment, 1995. Mars Attacks!, Warner Bros., 1996. That Thing You Do!, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1996. The]uror, 1996. Buddy, Columbia, 1997. Cattaca, Columbia, 1997. Beloved, Buena Vista, 1998. Fallen, Warner Bros., 1998. Mumford, Buena Vista, 1999. Sleepy Hollow, Paramount, 1999. Also worked as a production assistant, Ragtime. Television Work; Movies: Costumes, Out of the Darkness, CBS, 1985. Costume designer, Head Above Water, HBO, 1997. Television Work; Specials: Costume consultant, A Table at Ciro's, PBS, 1987. Production manager, Natica Jackson, PBS, 1987. Costume consultant, Pat Hobby Teamed with Genius, PBS, 1987. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Harper's Bazaar, November 1994, p. 66. TCI, November 1994, p. 38.*


BAAF, Mohsen Makhmal See MAKHMALBAF, Mohsen

BACHMAN, Richard See KING, Stephen

BADALUCCO, Michael (Mike Badalucco) PERSONAL Father, a movie set carpenter; married to Brenda. Education: State University of New York—New Paltz, B.A. (theater arts). Avocational interests: Storytelling. Career: Actor, set dresser assistant, and props. Appeared in more than 20 plays with the New Paltz Theatre Company. Awards, Honors: Q Award nomination, Viewers for Quality Television, best supporting actor in a quality drama series, 1998, Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by an ensemble in a drama series (with others), 1999, both for The Practice. CREDITS Film Appearances: Soda fountain clerk, Raging Bull, United Artists, 1980. Money ripper, Broadway Danny Rose, Orion, 1984. Guy from Brooklyn, Desperately Seeking Susan, Orion, 1985. Caspar's driver, Miller's Crossing, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1990.

Sal, Men of Respect, 1991. Frankie Botz, ]ungle Fever, Universal, 1991. Hard hat, Switch, Warner Bros., 1991. Pizza man, The Hard Way, Universal, 1991. Elaine's bartender, Night and the City, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Vico Vitelli, Mac, Samuel Goldwyn, 1992. Detective Kelly, juice, Paramount, 1992. Bridge cop number two, The Saint of Fort Washington, Warner Bros., 1993. (As Mike Badalucco) New York taxi dispatcher, Sleepless in Seattle, TriStar, 1993. AAA driver, Mixed Nuts (also known as Lifesavers), TriStar, 1994. Men Lie, 1994. Mathilda's father, Leon (also known as The Cleaner and The Professional), Columbia, 1994. Statistician, Blue in the Face, 1995. Cop number one, Clockers, Universal, 1995. Quinn, Two if by Sea (also known as Stolen Hearts), Warner Bros., 1996. Joe Head, The Search for One-Eye Jimmy, Cabin Fever Entertainment, 1996. Counterman at Deli, Basquiat (also known as Build a Fort, Set It On Fire), Miramax, 1996. Officer Bonomo, One Fine Day, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1996. Charlie, Lesser Prophets, 1997. Detective, Commandments, Gramercy Pictures, 1997. Eric the soda man, The Deli, 1997. Eddie Bianco, Love Walked In, Sony, 1998. Elevator man, You've Got Mail, 1998. David Berkowitz, Summer of Sam, 1999. Film Work: Set dresser assistant, Slow Dancing in the Big City, United Artists, 1978. Props assistant, Bright Lights, Big City, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1988.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Props, She-Devil, Orion, 1989. Prop buyer (New York), The Godfather, Part III, Paramount, 1990. Property assistant, The Hard Way, Universal, 1991. Second prop, Used People, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Assistant property master, Mixed Nuts (also known as Lifesavers), TriStar, 1994.

Addresses: Office—The Drew Carey Show, Warner Bros. TV, 4000 Warner Blvd., Burbank, CA 91522. Contact—I Michael Bloom & Associates, 9200 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Television Appearances; Series: Jimmy Berluti, The Practice, ABC, 1997—.

Stage Appearances: Appeared in the stage play, The Perfect Wedding, at the Westport Country Playhouse.

Television Appearances; Movies: Sound man, The Sunshine Boys, CBS, 1997. State trooper, Path to Paradise: The Untold Story of the World Trade Center Bombing, HBO, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: David Ziffren, "Jurisdiction," Law & Order, NBC, 1992. Tyler Keane, South Beach, NBC, 1993. Salesman, CPW (also known as Central Park West), CBS, 1995. Stage Appearances: Vico "Vic" Vitelli, Steel on Steel, West Side Y, New York City, 1983. Ralph, Chaos and Hard Times, West Side Y Arts Center, New York City, 1985. Also appeared in Waiting for the Dough; The Tooth of Crime; Of Mice and Men; The Love of Don PerlimpUn for Bella in His Garden. Stage Work: Props, Marathon '33, Lion Theatre Company, New York City, 1976.*


BADER, Diedrich 1968(Dietrich Bader) PERSONAL Has also worked as Dietrich Bader; born December 24, 1968, in Alexandria, VA; son of William (a foundation executive) and Gretta (a sculptor) Bader; married Dulcy Rogers in 1998. Education: Attended North Carolina School of the Arts.

Career: Actor. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Series: Title role, "The Searcher/' Danger Theatre, Fox, 1993. Brad, Frasier, NBC, 1994. Spenser, All-American Girl, ABC, 1995. Oswald Harvey, The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 1995—. The Searcher, Danger Theatre, 1993. Voice of Adonis, Hercules (also known as Disney's Hercu/es)(animated), ABC/syndicated, 1998. Also will be appearing as Voice of Kenny in upcoming Baby Blues. Television Appearances; Episodic: Tactical crewman, "The Emissary," Star Trek: The Next Generation, Syndicated, 1989. "Last Chance High," 21 Jump Street, Fox, 1990. Chucky, "Chucky," Broken Badges, 1990. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, NBC, 1990. Waiter, "Sammy and the Professor," Cheers, NBC, 1990. Dillon, "Rebel without a Clue," Quantum Leap, NBC, 1991. Matthew, "Smiles of a Summer Night," Flying Blind, 1992. Lincoln Cutter, "The New Healers," Diagnosis Murder, 1995. Brad, "The Innkeepers," Frasier, 1995. Jason Canmore (voice), "Hunter's Moon," Gargoyles, 1996. Jason Conover/Jason Canmore (voice), "Hunter's Moon: Part One," Gargoyles, 1996. Jason Conover/Jason Canmore (voice), "Hunter's Moon: Part Two," Gargoyles, 1996. Jason Conover/Jason Canmore/Charles Canmore (voice), "Hunter's Moon: Part Three," Gargoyles, 1996. Life with Roger (also known as Roger and Me), syndicated, 1996. Reporter, Leaving LA., ABC, 1997. Acolyte Monk #1, "Desperate Times," Murphy Brown, 1997. Himself, Happy Hour, 1999.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Movies: Mort, Desert Rats, NBC, 1988. Peter, The Preppie Murder, ABC, 1989. Scotty McDonough, The Assassination File (also known as Out in the Cold), syndicated, 1996. Television Appearances; Specials: Oswald, Drew's Dance Party Special, ABC, 1998. Other Television Appearances: Shep, In the House (pilot; also known as Homeboy), NBC, 1991. Also appeared in television commercials for Xerox Document Center, 1997-98; and Crispy M&M's, 1999. Film Appearances: Jethro and Jethrine, The Beverly Hillbillies, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1993. Higgins, Teresa's Tattoo (also known as Natural Selection), Trimark, 1994. Lawrence, Office Space, Twentieth Century Fox, 1999.*

BADER, Dietrich See Bader, Diedrich

BAILEY, G. W. 1945PERSONAL Born August 27, 1945, in Port Arthur, TX; son of an oil refinery worker. Education: Attended Texas Technological University, Lubbock, TX, ending in 1968; Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, B.F.A. (theater), 1996. Avocational interests: Golf, snowskiing, Cajun food. Addresses: Home—Tarzana, CA. Contact—c/o Dan Spradlin, Writers and Artists, 924 Westwood Blvd., Suite 900, Los Angeles, CA 90024. /Agent—Writers & Artists Agency, 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 550, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actor. Lubbock Theater Center, Lubbock, TX, artistic director, 1968-1971. Sunshine Kids, national spokesperson, 1986—; Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, artist-in-residence, 1996—. Member: EQUITY.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Movies: Corporal, Summer of My German Soldier, NBC, 1978. Jim Lazlo, Bitter Harvest, NBC, 1981. lust Another Missing Kid, 1982. Tom Quigley, The Capture of Grizzly Adams, NBC, 1982. Tatum, A Winner Never Quits, ABC, 1986. Kyle, Downpayment on Murder, NBC, 1987. Doctor Winslow, The Gifted One (also known as Blessed), NBC, 1989. Grossman, Danielle Steel's Fine Things (also known as Fine Things), NBC, 1990. Sergeant Halsey, Love and Lies (also known as True Betrayal and The Kim Paris Story), ABC, 1990. Joe Comminger, A Mother's Justice (also known as Vengeance Is Mine), NBC, 1991. Director Waugh, 5py Games (episodes "Close to Home" and "The Wall" of the series Undercover, which aired together as a movie), ABC, 1991. Director Waugh, Before the Storm (episodes "Sacrifices, Part I" and "Sacrifices, Part II" of the series Undercover, which aired together as a movie), ABC, 1991. Emille Camp, Doublecrossed (also known as The True Story of Barry Seal), HBO, 1991. Brother, Held Hostage: The Sis and ]erry Levin Story (also known as Forgotten: The Sis and Jerry Levin Story and Beirut), ABC, 1991. Mayor Tom Cantrel I, An American Story (also known as After the Glory and War in Athens), CBS, 1992. Zeke Zbranek, Bed of Lies (also known as Deadly Blessing), ABC, 1992. Masterson, Dead Before Dawn, ABC, 1993. Lamar Jenkins, No Child of Mine (also known as The Fight for Babylesse and The Fight for Jesse), CBS, 1993. Harvest of Lies (also known as Seduction in a Small Town), 1997. Azarel, Solomon (also known as Die Bibel-Salomon and Sa/omone), 1997. Television Appearances; Series: Private (later sergeant) Luther Rizzo, MM*S*H, CBS, 1979-83. Dr. Hugh Beale, St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1982-83. Albert Addelson, Goodnight, Beantown, CBS, 1983-84. Big Jim Foxworthy, The Jeff Foxworthy Show, NBC,

1996-97. Television Appearances; Episodic: Happy Days, 1974. Remsen, "Mortal Sin," Harry O, 1974. Slade, "The Vampire," Starsky and Hutch, 1976.

14 • BAKER Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

"Consenting Adults/' Charlie's Angels, 1976. Ivle, Tart II," How the West Was Won, 1977. "Steele in the Chips," Remington Steele, NBC, 1984. Dr. Kyle Stepney, "Under the Knife," Simon & Simon, 1984. Chief Don Potter, "Out-of-Town Brown," Simon & Simon, 1985. Lt. Faraday, "Murder She Spoke," Murder, She Wrote, 1987. Lt. Alex Tibideaux, "Big Easy Murder," Murder, She Wrote, 1995. Ulysses S. Grant, Legend, 1995. Appeared on Starsky and Hutch, ABC. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Holfeld, Alcatraz: The Whole Shocking Story, NBC, 1980. "Racehorse" Haynes, Murder in Texas, NBC, 1981. Sheriff, North Beach and Rawhide, CBS, 1985. Commander Jim Grigg, War and Remembrance, ABC, 1988-89. Ralph Coulter, Ruby Ridge: An American Tragedy (also known as Every Knee Shall Bow: The Siege at Ruby Ridge)f CBS, 1996. Television Appearances; Specials: Mayor Tom Beckwith, On Our Way, CBS, 1985. Rick Macklin, The Doctors Wilde (also known as Zoovets and CBS Summer Playhouse), CBS, 1987. Memories of MM*S*H, CBS, 1991. Voiceover, U.S.-Mexican War, PBS, 1998. Television Appearances; Pilots: Booker, The Runaway Barge (movie length), NBC, 1975. Mr. Carrion (the chief engineer), Fog, CBS, 1981. Captain Paul Morgan (Case's superior), Hardcase, NBC, 1981. Barney; his friend, There Goes the Neighborhood, NBC, 1983. Howard, Second Edition, CBS, 1984. Voice of Bobbo (Jaza's superior), The Earthlings, ABC, 1984. Host, True Stones, Fox, 1993.

Tom Schmidt, Warning Sign, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1985. Skroeder, Short Circuit, TriStar, 1986. Ray Kirschman, Burglar, Warner Bros., 1987. Felix (nightwatchman), Mannequin, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Captain Harris, Po//ce Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol, Warner Bros., 1987. Captain Harris, Po//ce Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach, Warner Bros., 1988. Captain Harris, Po//ce Academy 6: City Under Siege, Warner Bros., 1989. Dean Sutton, Write to Kill, RCA/Columbia, 1991. Captain Harris, Po//ce Academy 7: Mission to Moscow, Warner Bros., 1994. Stage Appearances: The Duchess of Malfi, Center Theatre Group, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, CA, 1975-76. Member of Actors Theatre of Louisville, Louisville, KY, 1972-75; and National Shakespeare Festival, Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA, 1974, 1976, 1981, including roles in Much Ado about Nothing and King Lear. Also appeared in roles at Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles, CA. Stage Work; Director: The Odd Couple, California Actors Theatre, Los Gatos, CA, 1976-77. Wild Air, Los Angeles Actors Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, 1979-80. Apewatch, Mark Taper Forum Laboratory Productions, Los Angeles, CA, 1979-80. Apewatch, Center Theatre Group, Forum Laboratory, Los Angeles, CA. 1980-81. Guest director at California Actors Theatre, Los Gatos, 1977-78, 1979-80. RECORDINGS Videos: Appeared in an early music video with Richard Marx.*

Other Television Work: Appeared in a television commercial forJ.D. Byryder Car Sales, 1998. BAKER, Dylan Film Appearances: Erwin,/4 Force of One, Media Home Entertainment, 1979. Lieutenant Harris, Pol ice Academy, Warner Bros., 1984. Chief, Runaway, TriStar, 1984. Peter, Rustler's Rhapsody, Paramount, 1985.

PERSONAL Born in Syracuse, NY (some sources say Lackey, VA); married Becky Ann Baker. Education: Southern Meth-

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


odist University, BFA; Yale University, MFA; some sources say he also graduated from William & Mary.

Forbidden Territory: Stanley's Search for Livingston, ABC, 1997.

Career: Actor and director. Colorado Shakespeare Festival, Boulder, CO, company member, 1980; Camden Shakespeare Company, Camden, NJ, company member, 1982-83.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: The Murder of Mary Phagan, NBC, 1988. Nigel, Return to Lonesome Dove, CBS, 1993. Curtis Pinger, Love, Honor & Obey: The Last Mafia Marriage, NBC, 1993. Bruce McCory, From the Earth to the Moon, HBO, 1998.

Awards, Honors: Obie Award, The Village Voice, 1986, for Not /About Heroes; Theatre World Award, 1989, for Eastern Standard; Critic's Choice Award, Ft. Lauderdale International Film Festival, best film, 1998, Independent Spirit Award nomination, best male lead, 1999, both for Happiness.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Law & Order, NBC, 1991. Jeffy, "Grosse Pointe 48230," Northern Exposure, 1993. Joseph, The Cosby Mysteries, NBC, 1994. Aaron Downing, "Flight," Law & Order, NBC, 1998.

CREDITS Also appeared in Spenser for Hire; Miami Vice. Film Appearances: (Film debut) Ishtar, 1987. Owen, Planes, Trains & Automobiles, Paramount, 1987. Duffy Kahler, The Wizard of Loneliness, Skouras, 1988. Tunker Thompson, The Long Walk Home, Miramax, 1990. Prince Geoffrey, Love Potion No. 9, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1991. Blake Hedison, Delirious, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ Pathe, 1991. Unsworth, Passed Away, Buena Vista, 1992. Bougainville, The Last of the Mohicans, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Mr. Burns, Life with Mikey (also known as Give Me a Break), Buena Vista, 1993. Jasper, Radioland Murders, Universal, 1994. Philip Blackburn, Disclosure, Warner Bros., 1994. Alex Wilde, The Stars Fell on Henrietta, Warner Bros., 1995. Michael Suarez, True Blue, Manuel Salvador, 1996. Bill Maplewood, Happiness, Good Machine, 1998. Priest at Catholic retreat, Celebrity, Miramax, 1998. Oxygen, 1999. Committed, 1999. Jonathon Bendel, Simply Irresistible, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Richard Judd, Random Hearts, 1999. Also appeared in Talk Radio. Television Appearances; Series: Detective Poison, Murder One, ABC, 1995-96. Jack Gaffney, Feds, CBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Kevin O'Donnell, A Case of Deadly Force, CBS, 1986. Father Delambre, Judgement, HBO, 1990.

Television Appearances; Specials: Jig Cook, Journey into Genius, PBS, 1988. Voice, Innocence Lost: The Plea, PBS, 1997. Stage Appearances: Julius Caesar, Folger Theatre Group, Washington, D.C, 1981. /About Face, Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1982-83. (Off-Broadway debut) Wilfred Owen, Not About Heroes, Lucille Lortel Theatre, New York City, 1985. Priest, To Whom It May Concern, St. Stephen's Church, New York City, 1985-86. Peter Whetworth, The Common Pursuit, Promenade Theatre, New York City, 1986-87. Borachio, Much Ado About Nothing, New York Shakespeare Festival, New York City, 1988. (Broadway debut) Stephen Wheeler, Eastern Standard, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1988, then John Golden Theatre, New York City, 1989. Soldier, Reassurance, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1991. Prince Conti, La Bete, Eugene O'Neill Theatre, New York City, 1991. Junior, Dearly Departed, Second Stage Theatre, New York City, 1991-92. Our Town, New Jersey Shakespeare Festival, Drew University, Madison, NJ, 1996. Also appeared in Two Gentlemen of Verona; Pride's Crossing. Stage Director: A Midsummer Night's Dream, New Jersey Shakespeare Festival, Drew University, Madison, NJ, 1991.

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The Taming of the Shrew, New J e r s e y S h a k e s p e a r e Festival, Drew University, Madison, NJ, 1993. Our Town, New Jersey Shakespeare Festival, Drew University, Madison, NJ, 1996.*

BALLHAUS, Michael 1935PERSONAL Born Augusts, 1935, in Berlin, Germany; immigrated to the United States, 1982; son of Oscar Ballhaus (an actor) and Lenna (Huhev) Heinz (an actress); married Helga Mavia Betten, August 23, 1958; children: Florian, Sebastian. Education: Studied photography for. two years. Addresses: Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90212-1825. Career: Cinematographer. Directed photography for first film, 1960; worked with German filmmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1970-C.1982. Member: American Society of Cinematographers, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Akademie der Kuente Berlin. Awards, Honors: Film Strip in Gold, German film Awards, outstanding individual achievement: cinematography, 1973, for Die Bitteren Tranen der Petra von Kant; Film Strip in Gold, German Film Awards, outstanding individual achievement, 1978, for Despair; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best cinematographer, 1986, for After Hours; Academy Award nomination, best achievement in cinematography, 1988, for Broadcast News; Academy Award nomination, best achievement in cinematography, Achievement Award for best cinematography, Los Angeles Film Critics Association, and National Society of Film Critics Award, all 1989, for The Fabulous Baker Boys; Academy Award nomination, best cinematography, 1989, for Fabulous Baker Boys; Los Angeles Critics Award, 1990, for Goodfellas; BAFTA Film Award nomination, British Academy Awards, best cinematography, 1991, for Coodfellas; BAFTA Film Award nomination, British Academy Awards, best cinematography, 1994, for The Age of Innocence; Honorary Award, German Camera Awards, 1996.

CREDITS Film Work; Cinematographer: Deine Zaertlichkeiten, 1969. Whity, Atlantis Film/Antiteater-X-Film, 1970. Warnung vor einer heiligen Nutte, Antiteater-X-Film/ Nova International, 1970, released in the United States as Beware of a Holy Whore (also known as Beware the Holy Whore), New Yorker, 1971. Sand, 1971. The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (also known as Die bitteren Traenen der Petra von /Cant), New Yorker, 1972. Tschetan, der Indianerjunge (also known as Tschetan, the Indian Boy)f 1973. Aus der Familie der Panzereschen, 1974. Das Faustrecht der Freiheit, Fox (also known as FistFight of Freedom), Tango Film, 1975, released in the United States as Fox and His Friends (also known as Survival of the Fittest), New Yorker, 1976. Mutter Kuesters faehrt zum Himmel, Tango Film, 1975, released in the United States as Mother Kusters Goes to Heaven, New Yorker, 1976. Satansbraten (also known as Satan's Brew), New Yorker, 1976. Summer Guests (also known as Sommergaeste, 1975), Constantin, 1976. Also es war so. . ., 1976. Chinesisches Roulette (also known as Chinese Roulette), New Yorker, 1977. Spiel der Verlierer, 1977. Adolf und Marlene (also known as Adolph andMarlene and Der Mann vom Obersalzberg), 1977. Despair (also known as Eine Reise ins Licht), Swan Diffusion, 1978. (With Juergen Juerges, Bodo Kessler, Dietrich Lohmann, Colin Mounier, and Joerg SchmidtReitwein) Germany in Autumn (also known as Deutschland im Herbst), Projekt-Filmverlag der Autoren-Hallelujah-Kairos Film, 1978. Die Ehe der Maria Braun Albatros-Film, 1978, released in the United States as The Marriage of Maria Braun, New Yorker, 1979. Die erste Polka, 1978. Kaleidoskop: Valeska Gert, nur zum Spass-nur zum Spiel (documentary), 1979. Trilogie des Wiedersehens, 1979. Der Aufstand (also known as The Uprising and Le Insurreccion), 1979. Gross und Klein (also known as Big and Little), 1980. La Insurreccion (also known as DeMufstandand The Uprising), 1980. Looping, 1981.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 /_/// Mar/een, 1981 Heute sp/e/en wir den Boss, 1981. Oye Ralmundo, adonde vas? (also known as Kindheit in Amacueca), 1981. Malou, 1981. Der Zauberberg (also known as The Magic Mountain), 1982. Baby, It's You, Paramount, 1983. Dear Mr. Wonderful, Lilienthal, 1983. Malou, Quartet, 1983. Sheer Madness (also known as L'Amie and Heller Wahn), R5/S8, 1983. Friends and Husbands, Miracle, 1983. Edith's Tagebuch (also known as Edith's Diary), 1983. Reckless, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1984. The Autograph (also known as Das Autogramm and L'Autographe), Cine-International, 1984. Old Enough, Orion Classics, 1984. Heartbreakers, Orion, 1984. After Hours, Geffen/Warner Bros., 1985. The Color of Money, Buena Vista, 1986. Under the Cherry Moon, Warner Bros., 1986. The Class Menagerie, Cineplex Odeon, 1987. Broadcast News, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. The House on Carroll Street, Orion, 1988. The Last Temptation of Christ, Universal, 1988. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Orion, 1988. Working Girl, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1988. The Fabulous Baker Boys, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. Postcards from the Edge, Columbia, 1990. Goodfellas, Warner Bros., 1990. Guilty by Suspicion, Warner Bros., 1991. What about Bob?, Buena Vista, 1991. The Mambo Kings, Warner Bros., 1992. Bram Stoker's Dracula, Columbia, 1992. The Age of Innocence, Columbia, 1993. /'// Do Anything (also known as Make Believe It's Only a Movie), Columbia, 1994. Quiz Show, Buena Vista, 1994. Outbreak, Warner Bros., 1995. Sleepers, Warner Bros., 1996. Der Tote vom anderen Ufer, 1996. Air Force One (also known as AFO), Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Primary Colors, Universal, 1997. Wild Wild West, Warner Bros., 1999. What Planet Are You From?, 2000. Worked as cinematographer for other films, including Two of Us. Film Work; Producer: The Thirteenth Floor (also known as The /3th Floor), Columbia TriStar, 1999.

BARTKOWIAK • 1 7 Film Appearances: Anwalt, Die Ehe der Maria Braun, Albatros-Film, 1978, released in the United States as The Marriage of Maria Braun, New Yorker, 1979. Interviewee, Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography (documentary), American Film Institute/ NHK Japan Broadcasting Corp., 1992. Himself, Ich will nichtnur, dass ihrmich liebt (documentary; also known as / Don't Just Want You to Love Me), Pro-ject Filmproduktion im Filmverlag der Autoren, 1993. Also appeared as the second film director's cameraman in Der Kleine Codard, 1978. Television Work; Cinematographer: Adele Spitzeder, 1972. Welt am Draht (also known as World on Wires and World on a Wire), 1973. Tatort— Tote brauchen keine Wohnung, 1973. Martha, 1973. Ein Haus fuer uns (miniseries), 1974. Ich will doch nur, dass ihr mich liebt (also known as / Only Want You to Love Me), 1976. Frauen in New York (also known as Women in New York), 1977. DerCehilfe, 1978. Alpensaga - Tell 5: Der Deutsche Fruehling, 1979. Trilogie des Wieder e/'/ens, 1979. Der Ausloeser, 1982. The Stationmaster's Wife (also known as Bo/w/eser), 1983. Death of a Salesman (movie), CBS, 1985. Landscape with Waitress (special), PBS, 1986. Baja Oklahoma (movie), HBO, 1988. Television Work; Director: Fassbinder Produces Film No.8, 1970. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Private Conversations: On the Set of'Death of a Salesman, '" American Masters, PBS, 1986. "Martin Scorsese Directs," American Masters, PBS, 1990.*

BARTKOWIAK, Andrzej 1950PERSONAL Born in 1950, in Lodz, Poland; immigrated to United States, 1972. Education: Attended film school in Poland.

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Addresses: Agent— International Creative Management, 40 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019. Career: Cinematographer. CREDITS Film Work; Cinematographer: Deadly Hero, Avco Embassy, 1976. Prince of the City, Warner Bros., 1981. The Verdict, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1982. Deathtrap, Warner Bros., 1982. Terms of Endearment, Paramount, 1983. Daniel, Paramount, 1983. Garfao Talks, United Artists, 1984. Prizzi's Honor, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1985. Power, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. The Morning After, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. Nuts, Warner Bros., 1987. Twins, Universal, 1988. Family Business, Tri-Star, 1989. Q & A, Tri-Star, 1990. A Stranger Among Us, Buena Vista, 1992. Hard Promises, Columbia, 1992. Guilty As Sin, Buena Vista, 1993. Falling Down, Warner Bros., 1993. Speed, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1994. Species, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1995. Losing Isaiah, Paramount, 1995. Jade, Paramount, 1995. The Mirror Has Two Faces, Tri-Star, 1996. Dante's Peak, Universal, 1997. Dev/7's Advocate, Warner Bros., 1997. US. Marshals, Warner Bros., 1998.*

BATES, Kathy 1948(Kathy D. Bates) PERSONAL Full name, Kathleen Doyle Bates; born June 28,1948, in Memphis, TN; daughter of Langdon Doyle (a mechanical engineer) and Bertye Kathleen (Talbot) Bates; married Anthony Campisi (an actor), 1991 (divorced, 1997). Education: Southern Methodist University, B.F.A. (theatre), 1969. Addresses: Agent—Susan Smith and Associates, 121 North San Vincente Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211-2303. Career: Actress and director. Actors Theatre of Louisville, Louisville, KY, member of company, 1978-79,

1980-81, and 1984-85; member of Circle Repertory Company, Playwrights Horizons, City Center Young People's Company, and Lion Theatre Company, all New York City. Actors Fund of America, life member. Member: Women in Film, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers. Awards, Honors: Antoinette Perry Award nomination, outstanding performance by an actress in a play, and Outer Critics Circle Award, both 1983, Los Angeles Drama Critics Award and Dramalogue Award, both 1986, all for 'night, Mother; Obie Award, Village Voice, Dramalogue Award, and Drama Desk Award nomination, all 1988, for f rankle and johnny in the Clair de Lune; Academy Award, best performance by an actress in a leading role, 1990, and Golden Globe Award, best actress in a dramatic film, 1990, for Misery; British Academy Award, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Distinguished Artists Award, Club 100 of the Music Center, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best actress in a film comedy, all 1991, for Fried Green Tomatoes; Golden Globe Award, Emmy Award nomination, American Comedy Award, and Screen Actors Guild Award, all best supporting actress in a miniseries or special, 1996, for The Late Shift; Screen Actors Guild Award nomination (with others), outstanding performance by a cast, and Blockbuster Entertainment Award, best supporting actress in a drama, both 1997, for Titanic; Blockbuster Entertainment Award, best supporting actress in a comedy, 1998, for The Waterboy; Academy Award and British Academy Award nomination, both best supporting actress, Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actress in a motion picture, Screen Actors Guild Award, best supporting actress, American Comedy Award, funniest supporting actress in a motion picture, Broadcast Film Critics Association Award and Chicago Film Critics Association Award, both best supporting actress, Golden Satellite Award nomination, best supporting actress in a comedy or musical motion picture, Online Film Critics Society Award nomination, best supporting actress, and Blockbuster Entertainment Award, favorite supporting actress in a drama, all 1998, for Primary Colors; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding guest actress in a comedy series, 1999, for Third Rock from the Sun. CREDITS Film Appearances: BoBo, Taking Off, 1971.

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Selma Darin, Straight Time, Warner Bros., 1978. Stella May, Come Back to the 5 & Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean, Viacom, 1982. Furniture man's wife, Two of a Kind, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1983. Woman on Mateo Street, The Morning After, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. Ruth Stanton, Summer Heat, Atlantic Releasing, 1987. Mrs. Canby, Arthur 2 on the Rocks, Warner Bros., 1988. Jill, High Stakes (also known as Melanie Rose), Vidmark, 1989. Mary Beth Alder, Signs of Life (also known as One for Sorrow, Two for Joy), Avenue, 1989. Lisa Coleman, Men Don't Leave, Warner Bros., 1990. Mrs. Green, Dick Tracy, Touchstone/Buena Vista, 1990. Rosemary Powers, White Palace, Universal, 1990. Annie Wilkes, Misery, Columbia, 1990. Evelyn Couch, Fried Green Tomatoes (also known as Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe), Universal, 1991. Hazel Quarrier, At Play in the Fields of the Lord (also known as Brincando nos Campos do Senhor), Universal, 1991. Elsa Barlow, The Road to Mecca, L & O, 1991. Bibby, Used People, Largo, 1992. Prostitute, Shadows and Fog, Orion, 1992. Leah Blier, Prelude to a Kiss, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Frances Lacey, A Home of Our Own, Gramercy Pictures, 1993. Alaskan Mom, North, Columbia, 1994. Meg, /Angus (also known as Angus Bethune and A Brief Moment in the Life of Angus Bethune), New Line Cinema, 1995. Title role, Dolores Claiborne, Columbia, 1995. Shirley Vogel, Diabolique, Warner Bros., 1996. Maurine Collier, The War at Home, Buena Vista, 1996. The Unsinkable Molly Brown, Titanic, Twentieth Century-Fox/Paramount, 1997. Libby Holden, Primary Colors (also known as Perfect Couple), Universal, 1997. Amy Foster, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Miss Swaffer, Swept from the Sea, TriStar, 1997. Judge, A Civil Action, Buena Vista, 1998. Mama Boucher, The Waterboy, Buena Vista, 1998. Rosy Bindi, // Potere della Speranza, 1999. Mother Superior, Bruno, 1999.

Stage Appearances: Duck and others, Virginia Folk Tales, Wayside Children's Theatre, Middletown, VA, 1973. Casserole, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, New York City, 1975. A Quality of Mercy, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, 1975. Joanne, Vanities, Chelsea Westside Theater, New York City, 1976, then Westwood Theatre, Los Angeles, and Drury Lane Theatre, Chicago, IL, both 1977. Semmelweiss, Studio Arena Theatre, Buffalo, NY, 1977, then Hartman Theatre, Stamford, CT, 1981. Colette, Music-Hall Sidelights, Lion Theatre, New York City, 1978. Lenny MaGrath, Crimes of the Heart, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Louisville, KY, 1978. Herrick Simmons, The Art of Dining, Public/Newman Theatre, New York City, 1979, then Eisenhower Theatre, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, 1979-80. Chocolate Cake, Actors Theatre of Louisville, c. 1980. Final Placement, Actors Theatre of Louisville, c. 1980. Isabel, Goodbye Fidel, New Ambassador Theatre, New York City, 1980. Extremities, Actors Theatre of Louisville, 1981, then International Theatre Festival, Baltimore, MD, 1981. Stella May, Come Back to the 5 & Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean, Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, 1982. Jessie Gates,'n/ght, Mother, American Repertory Theatre, Cambridge, MA, then Golden Theatre, New York City, 1983, later Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, CA, 1983. Ella, Curse of the Starving Class, INTAR Theatre, 1985, then Promenade Theatre, New York City, 1985. Two Masters: The Rain of Terror, 1985. Aunt Dan, Aunt Dan and Lemon, Taper Too Theatre, Los Angeles, c. 1986. Frankie, Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de iune, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1987, then Mark Taper Forum, 1988. Elsa Barlow, The Road to Mecca, Promenade Theatre, 1988, then Eisenhower Theatre, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 1989.

Film Work: Song performer, "We Gather Together/' "When the Roll i; Called Up Yonder/' and "The Old Rugged Cross/' The War at Home, Buena Vista, 1996.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Bobbi Burk, Murder Ordained (also known as Broken Commandments and Kansas Gothic), CBS, 1987.

Also appeared in 5th of July, and The Shadow Box, New York City; appeared with Folger Theatre Group, Washington, DC; spent two summers with O'Neill Playwrights Conference, Waterford, CT; spent three summers with Sundance Playwrights Lab.

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Rae Flowers, Stephen King's "The Stand" (also known as The Stand), ABC, 1994. Television Appearances; Movies: Romanian judge, Nadia, 1984. Katrine Kovacs, johnny Bull, ABC, 1986. (As Kathy D. Bates) Helen Blake, My Best Friend Is a Vampire (also known as / Was a Teenage Vampire), HBO, 1988. Jessie, Roe vs. Wade, NBC, 1989. Bonnie Cooper, No Place Like Home (also known as Homeless), CBS, 1989. Peggy Say, "Hostages," HBO Showcase, HBO, 1993. Ella Tate, Curse of the Starving Class, Showtime, 1995. Mrs. Goo, "The West Side Waltz/' CBS Playhouse 905,065,1995. Helen Kushnick, The Late Shift, HBO, 1996. Mrs. Margaret Brown, Titanic: Breaking New Ground, 1998. Miss Agatha "Aggie" Hannigan, Annie, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: In a New Light, ABC, 1992. Laughing Back: Comedy Takes a Stand, Lifetime, 1992. Narrator, "Amelia Earhart," The American Experience, PBS, 1993. Lunar mom, Living and Working in Space: The Countdown Has Begun, PBS, 1993. The National Memorial Day Concert, PBS, 1993. The American Film Institute Salute to Elizabeth Taylor, ABC, 1993. Together for Our Children—M.U.S.I.C., syndicated, 1993. Inside the Academy Awards, TNT, 1995. Big Eight, "Rodeo," Talking With (also known as Great Performances), PBS, 1995. The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful (also known as Popcorn Venus), TBS, 1996. Happy Birthday Elizabeth—A Celebration of Life, ABC, 1997. To Life! America Celebrates Israel's 50th, CBS, 1998. Intimate Portrait-Jessica Tandy, Lifetime, 1999. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 49th Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1992. Presenter, The 64th Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1992. Presenter, The 50th Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1993. Presenter, The 65th Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1993.

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Presenter, The 53rd Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 1996. Presenter, The 55th Annual Golden Globe Awards, 1998. The 70th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1998. The 5th Annual Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, 1999. Presenter, The 5th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic:

(Television debut) The Love Boat, ABC, 1977. Polly, "Visiting Daze/' St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1986. Polly, "Up and Down," St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1986. "The World: Part 1," China Beach, ABC, 1988. "The World: Part 2," China Beach, ABC, 1988. Charlotte Haley, "One Rat-One Ranger/' LA. Law, NBC, 1989. Narrator, "Aunt Ippy's Museum of Junk/' Shelley Duvall's Bedtime Stories, 1992. Charlotte Everly, Third Rock from the Sun, NBC, 1998. Also appeared in Cagney and Lacey, CBS. Other Television Appearances: Belle Bodeker, All My Children (series), ABC, 1984. Appeared in the pilot Fargo. Television Work; Movies: Song performer, "Little Girls" and "Easy Street," Annie, 1999. Director, Dash and Lilly, 1999. Television Director; Specials:

"Rodeo," Talking With (also known as Great Performances), PBS, 1995. Television Director; Episodic: "Scene of the Crime," Homicide: Life on the Street (also known as H:LOTS and Homicide), NBC, 1993. NYPD Blue, ABC, 1996. "Family Bizness," Oz, HBO, 1997. WRITINGS Author of the song "And Even the Horses Had Wings/' 1971. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, February 23, 1998, p. 52.*

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

BATES, Kathy D. See BATES, Kathy

BAXTER, Meredith 1947(Meredith Baxter-Birney) PERSONAL Born June 21, 1947, in Los Angeles, CA; daughter of Tom (a radio announcer) and Whitney (an actress; professional name, Whitney Blake) Baxter; married David Birney (an actor), April 10,1974 (divorced, 1989); married Michael Blodgett, October 19,1995; children: Ted, Eva, Kate, Peter and Mollie (twins). Education: Studied acting at the Interlochen Arts Academy. Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Contact—Jody Frisch, c/o Craig Anderson Productions, 10202 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232. Career: Actress and producer. Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nominations, best supporting actress in a drama series, 1976 and 1977, for Family; and best actress in a motion picture for television, 1992, for A Woman Scorned: The Betty Broderick Story. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: The Interns, CBS, 1971. The Young Lawyers, ABC, 1971. Bridget Fitzgerald Steinberg, Bridget Loves Bernie, CBS, 1972-73. (As Meredith Baxter-Birney) Nancy Lawrence Maitland, Family, ABC, 1976-80. (As Baxter-Birney) Elyse Keaton, Family Ties, NBC, 1982-89. Flynn Sullivan, The Faculty (also known as Teachers Only), ABC, 1995-96. Macy Flaherty, Spin City, CBS, 1997-98. Also appeared in The Streets of San Francisco, ABC; Po//ce Woman, Medical Story, McMillan and Wife, City of Angels, and What Really Happened to the Class of'65?, all NBC. Television Appearances; Miniseries: (As Baxter-Birney) Meg March, Little Women, NBC, 1978.

BAXTER » 2 1 Television Appearances; Movies: Rena Carter, The Cat Creature, ABC, 1973. Joanne Denver, The Stranger Who Looks Like Me, ABC, 1974. Linda Flayly, Target Risk, NBC, 1975. Linda Davis, The Night That Panicked America, ABC, 1975. Julie Watson, The Imposter, NBC, 1975. (As Baxter-Birney) Mercedes Cole, The Family Man, CBS, 1979. (As Baxter-Birney) Lauretta Pennington, Beulah Land, NBC, 1980. (As Baxter-Birney) Title role, The Two Lives of Carol Letner, CBS, 1981. (As Baxter-Birney) Carol Marriner, Take Your Best Shot, CBS, 1982. (As Baxter-Birney) Barbara McKee, The Rape of Richard Beck, ABC, 1985. (As Baxter-Birney) Elyse Keaton, Family Ties Vacation, NBC, 1985. (As Baxter-Birney) Kate Stark, Kate's Secret, NBC, 1986. (As Baxter-Birney) Maura Wells, The Long Journey Home, CBS, 1987. (As Baxter-Birney) Title role, Winnie, NBC, 1988. (As Baxter-Birney) Samantha White, She Knows Too Much, NBC, 1989. Florence Tulane, The Kissing Place, USA, 1990. Lynn Hollinger, Burning Bridges, ABC, 1990. Red Tierney, Bump in the Night, CBS, 1991. Lilah Comminger, A Mother's Justice, NBC, 1991. Title role, A Woman Scorned: The Betty Broderick Story (also known as Till Murder Do Us Part), CBS, 1992. Title role, Her Final Fury: Betty Broderick—The Last Chapter (also known as Woman without a Prayer: The Betty Broderick Story Part //), CBS, 1992. Mary Ann Grand, Darkness before Dawn, NBC, 1993. Margaret Gibson, For the Love of Aaron (also known as The Creature, the Kid & Margaret), CBS, 1994. Margaret Reed, One More Mountain, ABC, 1994. Joyce Wadler, My Breast, CBS, 1994. Amanda Nelson, Betrayed: A Story of Three Women, ABC, 1995. Maggie Stapp, After Jimmy, CBS, 1996. Beatrice Hamilton, Louisa MayAlcott's "The Inheritance", CBS, 1997. Voice, Dog's Best Friend, Family Channel, 1997. Kerry McGrath, Mary Higgins Clark's "Let Me Call You Sweetheart", Family Channel, 1997. Sarah, Miracle in the Woods, CBS, 1997. Leah Garr, Down Will Come Baby, CBS, 1999. Anne Cass, Holy Joe, CBS, 1999.

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Television Appearances; Specials: (As Baxter-Birney) Joanne, Vanities, HBO, 1981. (As Baxter-Birney) Battle of the Network Stars, ABC, 1983. (As Baxter-Birney) Night of 100 Stars II, ABC, 1985. (As Baxter-Birney) Missing . . . Have You Seen This Person?, NBC, 1985. (As Baxter-Birney) Inside "Family Ties'": Behind the Scenes of a Hit, PBS, 1988. (As Baxter-Birney) The Valvoline National Driving Test, CBS, 1989. Heart Attack: The Silent Killer, syndicated, 1991. Presenter, 45th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, 1993. Paula Hensen, Other Mothers, CBS, 1993. TV's Funniest Families, NBC, 1994. Co-host, Newsweek American /4ch/evement Awards, CBS, 1995. An All Star Party for Aaron Spelling, ABC, 1998. Schoolteacher, Chicken Soup for the Soul, PAX TV, 1998. Also host, Diabetes Update '86, 1986. Television Work: Executive producer (with David Birney), The Long Journey Home, CBS, 1987. Production executive, The Diaries of Adam and Eve, PBS, 1989. Co-executive producer, Darkness before Dawn, NBC, 1993. Co-executive producer, My Breast, CBS, 1994. Co-executive producer, Betrayed: A Story of Three Women, ABC, 1995. Executive producer, The Faculty, ABC, 1995-96. Film Appearances: Eve Garrison, Ben, Cinerama, 1972. Tracy, Stand Up and Be Counted, Columbia, 1972. Debbie Sloan, All the President's Men, Warner Bros., 1976. (As Baxter-Birney) Patricia, Bittersweet Love, AVCOEmbassy, 1976. (As Baxter-Birney) Amanda Faberson, Jezebel's Kiss, Shapiro Glickenhaus, 1990. Stage Appearances: Appeared as Eve, The Diaries of Adam and Eve, Los Angeles, 1988; Sally Talley, Talley's Folly; Joanne, Vanities; Melissa, Love Letters; appeared in productions of Guys and Dolls, Butterflies Are Free, and The Country Wife. *

BAXTER-BIRNEY, Meredith See BAXTER, Meredith

BEAN, Orson 1928PERSONAL Born Dallas Frederick Burrows, July 22, 1928, in Burlington, VT; son of George F. and Marian Ainsworth (Pollard) Burrows; married Jacqueline de Sibour (stage name, Rain Winslow), July 2, 1956 (divorced, 1962); married Carolyn Maxwell (a custom-order fashion designer), October 3, 1965 (divorced, 1979); married Alley Mills (an actress), April 18, 1993; children: (first marriage) one daughter; (second marriage) two sons, one daughter named Michelle. Education: Attended Cambridge Latin School. Addresses: /Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor and comedian. Founder and administrative director, 15th Street School, NY. Appeared in cabaret at the Blue Angel nightclub, 1952. Military service: U.S. Army, 1946-47. Member: Actors' Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. Awards, Honors: Theatre World Award, 1953-54; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best supporting or featured actor in a musical, 1962, for Subways Are for Sleeping; Grammy Award nomination (with John Huston and Hans Conreid), best recording for children, 1978, for The Hobbit. CREDITS Stage Appearances: (Debut) The Spider, Cambridge Summer Theatre, MA, 1945. (New York debut) Edgar Grasthal, Men of Distinction, 48th Street Theatre, 1953. Careless, The School for Scandal, Theatre de Lys, NY, 1953. John Murray Anderson's Almanac Review, Imperial Theatre, NY, 1953. George MacCauley, Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?, Belasco Theatre, NY, 1955.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Ensign Pulver, Mr. Roberts, City Center Theatre, NY, 1956. Billy Turk, Nature's Way, Coronet Theatre, NY, 1957. Jack Jordan, Say Darling, City Center Theatre, NY, 1959. Charlie Smith, Subways Are for Sleeping, St. James Theatre, NY, 1961. Charlie, Never Too Late, Playhouse Theatre, NY, 1962. Rather Shenanigan, Home Movies, Provincetown Playhouse, NY, 1964. Tom Considine, / Was Dancing, Lyceum Theatre, NY, 1964. Cocky, The Roar of the Crease Paint, the Smell of the Crowd, Shubert Theatre, NY, 1965. Homer Thrace, llya Darling, Mark Hellinger Theatre, NY, 1967. A Round with Ring Revue, Theatre de Lys, NY, 1969. Make Someone Happy, St. Regis Hotel, NY, 1980. John Caroon, Rockaway, Vineyard Theatre, NY, 1982. Scrooge, A Christmas Carol, Perry Street Theatre, NY, 1982-83. Title roles, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Apple Corps Theatre, NY, 1983. Also appeared in Goodbye Again, 1948; Josephine, 1953; The Scarecrow, 1953; Men of Distinction, 1953; (summer stock) Arthur, Warm Heart, Cold Feet, 1964; and I'm Getting My Act Together and Taking It on the Road. Major Tours: Sonny Dorrance, Josephine, U.S. cities, 1953. Chuck Baxter, Promises, Promises, Australian cities, 1970-71. Film Appearances: Anatomy of a Murder, Columbia, 1959. Mr. Roper, Forty Deuce, 1982. Arthur Fitzgerald, Smart Alec, 1986. Lydia's editor, Innerspace, Warner Bros., 1987. Doctor Berlin, Instant Karma, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1990. Monsignor Corelli, Final Judgement, 1992. Neighbor, One of Those Nights, 1997. Dr. Lester, Being John Malkovich, USA Films, 1999. Unbowed, 2000. Made film debut in How to Be Very, Very Popular, 1955; also appeared in Lola (also known as Twinky)f 1969; and Skateboard, 1977. Television Appearances; Series: Panelist, I've Cot a Secret, CBS, 1952. Host, The Blue Angel, CBS, 1954. Pantomime Quiz, CBS, 1959-60. Keep Talking, CBS, 1959-60. Panelist, To Tell the Truth, CBS, 1964-67.

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Reverend Brim, Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman (also known as Forever Fernwood), syndicated, 1977-78. Loren Bray, Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman, CBS, 1993-98. Lewis Sweeney, Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1997-98. Himself, Ellen, ABC, 1997-98. Appeared as host, The Melting Pot, 1978; narrator, Reading Rainbow, 1983; on One Life to Live, ABC. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Three Men on a Horse/' Broadway Television Theater, syndicated, 1952. "Nothing But the Truth/' Broadway Television Theater, syndicated, 1952. "The Square Peg," Studio One, CBS, 1952. "It Happened in Paris/' Robert Montgomery Presents, NBC, 1954. "Joyce," Studio One, CBS, 1954. "The Fifth Wheel," U.S. Steel Hour, ABC, 1954. "Arsenic and Old Lace," Best of Broadway, CBS, 1955. "San Francisco Fracas," Elgin Hour, ABC, 1955. "A Christmas Surprise," Studio One, CBS, 1956. "A Traveler from Brussels," Kraft Theater, NBC, 1957. "Charley's Aunt," Playhouse 90, CBS, 1957. "Bilko's Insurance Company," Phil Silvers Show, CBS, 1958. "The Newman Johnson Story," The Millionaire, CBS, 1958. "Mr. Bevis," Twilight Zone, CBS, 1960. "Once around the Block," Play of the Week, syndicated, 1960. "The Secret Life of James Thurber," JuneAllyson Show, CBS, 1961. "To Walk Like a Lion," Naked City, ABC, 1962. "Don't Shake the Family Tree," U.S. Steel Hour, CBS, 1963. "The Star Wagon," NET Playhouse, 1967. "Love and the Teacher," Love, American Style, ABC, 1970. "The Adventure of the Chinese Dog," Ellery Queen, NBC, 1975. Love Boat, ABC, 1978. "October the 31st," Fall Guy, ABC, 1984. "Keep the Home Fires Burning," Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1986. "Love and the Beagles," New Love, American Style, ABC, 1986. Also appeared on Philco Playhouse, Celebrity Time, Nothing But the Truth, The Arthur Murray Show, The Mel Torme Show, Omnibus, Ed Sullivan Show, Steve Allen Show, Jack Parr Show, Laugh Line, Password, and Match Game.

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Television Appearances; Specials: The Man in the Dog Suit, NBC, 1960. Miracle on 34th Street, NBC, 1960. Ghostbreaker, NBC, 1967. Voice of Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit (cartoon), ABC, 1977. Father Sean, NBC Presents the API Comedy Special, NBC, 1987. A Salute to Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, CBS, 1998. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Jane Seymour, Lifetime, 1998. Appeared as voice of Billy Rabbit, Garfield in the Rough (animated), 1984; host, New Year's in New York; host, The Golden Age of Movie Serials; host, The Bean Show. Television Appearances; Movies: Just My Imagination (also known as The Girl in the Song Title), NBC, 1992. Loren Bray, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman: The Movie, CBS, 1999. Also appeared in Chance of a Lifetime, 1993. RECORDINGS Provided voice work on The Hobbit, 1978. WRITINGS Author of Me and the Orgone, 1971; adaptor of A Christmas Carol. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, February 22, 1993. Variety, December 21, 1992.*


Career: Actress. Awards, Honors: Gemini Award nomination, best performance in a children's or youth series, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 1993, for Madison. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Jennifer "Jenny" Kelley, Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, ABC, 1996-97. Television Appearances; Movies: Young Sue, A Family of Strangers (also known as/oc/y), CBS, 1993. Jane, Danielle Steel's "Mixed Blessings" (also known as Mixed Blessings), NBC, 1995. Tawney, She Stood Alone: The Tail hook Scandal (also known as Tailhook), ABC, 1995. Marnie, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Showtime, 1996. Rita Spiridakis as a young woman, Sweetwater: A True Rock Story (also known as Sweetwater), 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Penny, "Last Pick/' Madison, [Canada], 1993. Penny, "The Firefighter/' Madison, [Canada], 1993. Jessie Wells, "White Light Fever," The Outer Limits, Showtime, 1995. Wendy Barton, "Ghost in the Road," Poltergeist: The Legacy, 1996. Melody Oats, "Retribution," Michael Hayes, CBS, 1997. Film Appearances: Wanda, Bad Company (also known as The Tool Shed), Buena Vista, 1995. Celia Watson, Live Bait, 1995. Ronnie, Escape Velocity, 1998. Stage Appearances: Appeared in stage plays, including The Attempted Murder of Peggy S., The Haunting of Hathaway House, Pyramus and Thisby, The Rehearsal, The Sheep That Saved the Day, The Taming of the Shrew, Three Bags Full, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, and You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.*

BEAUDOIN, Michelle PERSONAL Born August 25, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Education: Trained for the stage at Circle in the Square Theatre School. Avocational interests: Writing, painting, dancing, playing the guitar.

BEDARD, Irene 1967PERSONAL Born July 22, 1967, in Anchorage, AK; daughter of an Inupiat Eskimo and a Cree/French Canadian;

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 married Denny Wilson (a musician), 1993. Ethnicity: Native American. Education: Studied physics and philosophy at college in Pennsylvania; received degree from University of the Arts (Philadelphia, PA). Addresses: Home—Los Angeles, CA. Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress. Worked variously as a librarian, bartender, waiter, and baker, and at an oil refinery and a honey farm. Awards, Honors: Golden Globe nomination, best actress in a miniseries or movie made for television, 1995, for Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee. CREDITS Film Appearances: Nakooma, Squanto: A Warrior's Tale, Buena Vista, 1994. Voice of Pocahontas, Pocahontas (animated), Buena Vista, 1995. Navajo Blues, A-Dix Entertainment, 1997. Voice of Pocahontas, Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World, Buena Vista Home Video, 1998. Suzy Wong, Smoke Signals, Miramax, 1998. Also appeared in High Horse, 1994. Television Appearances; Movies: Black Buffalo Woman, Crazy Horse, TNT, 1996. Reyna, Grand Avenue, HBO, 1996. Sana, Two for Texas, TNT, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Mary Crow Dog, Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee, TNT, 1994. Tobe, True Women, CBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Specials: The Making of Pocahontas: A Legend Comes to Life, The Disney Channel, 1995. Big Guns Talk: The Story of the Western, TNT, 1997. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, June 28/July 5, 1996, p. 91. Parade Magazine, June 30, 1996, p. 14. People, May 8, 1995, p. 100.*


BEDELIA, Bonnie 1952(?)PERSONAL Full name, Bonnie Bedelia Culkin; born March 25, 1952 (some sources cite 1946 or 1948), in New York, NY; daughter of Philip (a journalist) and Marian (a writer and editor; maiden name, Wagner) Culkin; married Kenneth Luber, April 15,1969; children: Yuri, Jonah; aunt of Macaulay Culkin and Rory Culkin (actors). Education: Attended Professional Children's School, New York City; attended Hunter College of the City University of New York; studied ballet at George Balanchine's School of American Ballet; studied for the theatre at Herbert Berghof Studios with Uta Hagen and at the Actors Studio with Lee Strasberg Addresses: Agent—Michael Black, International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1934. Career: Actress. Inner City Repertory Company, Los Angeles, CA, original member; Los Angeles Classics Theatreworks, cofounder. Member: Actors' Equity Association, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Screen Actors Guild, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. Awards, Honors: Scholarship, New York City Ballet, 1959-63; Theatre World Award, 1967, for My Sweet Charlie; Golden Globe Award nomination, 1983, for Heart Like a Wheel; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best supporting female, 1988, for The Prince of Pennsylvania; Emmy Award nomination, best guest actress in a drama, 1993, for Fallen Angels. CREDITS Film Appearances: Annie Burke, The Gypsy Moths, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1969. Ruby, They 5hoot Horses, Don't They?, Cinerama, 1969. Susan Henderson, Lovers and Other Strangers, Cinerama, 1970. Rosalie, The Strange Vengeance of Rosalie (also known as Rosalie and The Strange Vengeance), Cinecrest Films, 1971, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1972. El lie, Between Friends (also known as Get Back), Clearwater, 1973.

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Suzanne, The Big Fix, Universal, 1978. Shirley Muldowney, Heart like a Wheel, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1983. Grace, Death of an Angel, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1985. Charlene Michaelson, The Boy Who Could Fly, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. Ruth Squires, Violets Are Blue, Columbia, 1986. A l i c e Kildee, The Stranger (also known as Cudzoziemka), Columbia, 1987. Holly Gennaro McClane, Die Hard, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1988. Pam Marshetta, The Prince of Pennsylvania, New Line Cinema, 1988. Kitty Oppenheimer, Fat Man and Little Boy (also known as Shadowmakers), Paramount, 1989. Holly Gennaro McClane, Die Hard 2: Die Harder, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1990. Barbara Sabich, Presumed Innocent, Warner Bros., 1990. Polly Chambers, Needful Things, Columbia, 1993. Annette, Speechless, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1994. Nancy Westlund, Bad Manners, Phaedra Cinema, 1997. Brenda, Gloria, Columbia/TriStar, 1998. Carol, Anywhere But Here, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Sandy Porter, Love of Life, CBS, 1961-66. Anna Larsen, The New Land, ABC, 1974. EllieBoone, Partners, 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Susan Norton, Salem's Lot (also known as Blood Thirst, Salem's Lot: The Miniseries, and Salem's Lot: The Movie), CBS, 1979. Regina Twigg, Switched at Birth, NBC, 1991. Suzanne Morgan, The Fire Next Time, CBS, 1993. Valerie Sabbath, A Season in Purgatory, CBS, 1996. Television Appearances; Movies: Temple Brooks, Then Came Bronson, NBC, 1969. Jenna Hampshire, Sandcastles, CBS, 1972. Janet Thatcher, A Message to My Daughter, ABC, 1973. A Time for Love (also known as A New Kind of Love), NBC, 1973. Laura Taylor, Heatwave!, ABC, 1974. Joan Saltzman, A Question of Love (also known as A Purely Legal Matter), NBC, 1978. Forever, 1978. Dr. Rand, Walking through the Fire, CBS, 1979. Aleta, Fighting Back (also known as The Story of Rocky Blier)f ABC, 1980. Mandy, Tourist, 1980.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Marcia Miller, Million Dollar Infield, CBS, 1982. Cass, Memorial Day, CBS, 1983. Janet Weston, The Lady from Yesterday, CBS, 1985. Carol Deford, Alex: The Life of a Child, ABC, 1986. Lydie Travis, When the Time Comes, ABC, 1987. Hannah McGrath, Somebody Has to Shoot the Picture, HBO, 1990. Dr. Elizabeth Morgan, A Mother's Right: The Elizabeth Morgan Story (also known as Shattered Silence and With Reason to Suspect), ABC, 1992. Gwen Warwick, Judicial Consent (also known as My Love, Your Honor), HBO, 1994. Jill Coit, Legacy of Sin: The William Coit Story, Fox, 1995. Robin Harwell, Shadow of a Doubt, NBC, 1995. Aunt Eunice, Homecoming, Showtime, 1996. Dr. Diane Weston, Her Costly Affair (also known as Consensual Relations), NBC, 1996. Dorothy Hajdys, Any Mother's Son, Lifetime, 1997. Iris Sayer, To Live Again, 1998. Lydia Cline, Locked in Silence, 1999. Rose, Flowers for Algernon, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: "The Death Farm," Judd for the Defense, ABC, 1968. "My Father and My Mother/' CBS Playhouse, CBS, 1968. Tina Granger, "The Deceivers," High Chaparral, NBC, 1968. Laurie Mansfield, "The Unwanted," Bonanza, NBC, 1969. "Forever," Bonanza, NBC, 1972. Alice Hartman, "Love Came Laughing," Love Story, NBC, 1973. Edith Dayton-Thomas, "Death and the Maiden," Hawkins on Murder, CBS, 1973. Mandy Burke, Tourist, 1980. Sally Creighton, "The Quiet Room," Fallen Angels, Showtime, 1993. Chairman Nancy McDonald, "Remittance Man" (also known as "World's Apart"), The Outer Limits, Showtime, 1995. Also appeared in episodes of The Defenders, CBS, Doogie Howser, M.D. East-Side, West-Side, CBS, and Naked City, ABC. Other Television Appearances: Mrs. Wells, "No Means No," CBS Schoolbreak Specials, CBS, 1988. Noreen, "The Gift" (special), Directed By, Showtime, 1994. Appeared in special live presentations of Armstrong Circle Theatre, The Hallmark Hall of Fame, Playhouse 90, and U.S. Steel Hour.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Jackie, Dr. Praetor/us, North Jersey Playhouse, 1957. Clara, The Nutcracker, New York City Ballet, 1961-62 and 1962-63. (Broadway debut) Kathy Lanen, Isle of Children, Cort Theatre, New York City, 1962. Wanda, Enter Laughing, Henry Miller's Theatre, New York City, 1964. Pauline, The Playroom, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1965. Sarah Mills, Happily Never After, Eugene O'Neill Theatre, New York City, 1966. Marlene Chambers, My Sweet Charlie, Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1966. Laura, The Class Menagerie, Inner City Repertory Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, 1967. Nina, The Seagull, Inner City Repertory Theatre, 1968. Helena, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Inner City Repertory Theatre, 1968. As You Like It, 1970. Performed with MEDEA New York City Ballet, 1960. Performed in a national tour with New York City Opera, 1960-61; also performed in summer stock tours.

BELL • 27

Special effects key, 5et It Off, New Line Cinema, 1996. Special effects coordinator (second photography unit), Tales from the Crypt Presents: Bordello of Blood, 1996. Special effects, American History X, New Line Cinema, 1998. Television Work; Movies: Special effects technician, Full Eclipse, HBO, 1993. Special effects, If These Walls Could Talk, HBO, 1996. Special effects coordinator, Double Tap, HBO, 1997. Television Special Effects; Series: Deadly Games, UPN, 1995.*

BELL, Catherine 1968PERSONAL Born August 14, 1968, in London, England; daughter of Peter (an architect) and Mina (a nurse) Bell; married Adam Beason (an actor), May 8,1994. Education: Attended University of California, Los Angeles. Religion: Scientologist. Avocational interests: Skydiving, kickboxing, bungee-jumping, snow-boarding, motocross racing, water skiing, painting.

RECORDINGS Songs: "The Best Things in Life Are Free/' from They Shoot Horses, Don't They?, original soundtrack recording, ABC Records. Other: Recorded Are You Now or Have You Ever Been?, Babbit, An Evening with Raymond Carver, and Once in a Lifetime, for Los Angeles Classics Theatreworks.*

BELARDINELLI, Charlie PERSONAL Career: Special effects coordinator, technician, and artist. CREDITS Film Work: Effects coordinator, Mad Dog Time, United Artists, 1996.

Addresses: Home—Los Angeles, CA. Office—c/o JAG, Paramount Pictures, 5555 MelroseAve., Hollywood, CA 90038. Career: Actress. Began her career as a model and in commercials. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Lieutenant Colonel Sarah "Mac" MacKenzie, JAG, CBS, 1997-. Television Appearances; Episodic: Kay, "Those Who Can't, Edit," Dream On, HBO, 1994. "Comet Nails Star and Vice Versa," The Naked Truth, ABC, 1995. Robin, "The One with the Baby on the Bus," Friends, NBC, 1995. Dianne, "Those Who Can't Edit," Dream On, HBO, 1995. Lieutenant Dianne Schonke, "Skeleton Crew," JAG, NBC, 1996. Cynea, "The Lady and the Dragon," Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, syndicated, 1996.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


"The Brunch Club/' Hotline, 1996. Lieutenant Dianne Schonke, "Death Watch/' JAG, NBC, 1998. Jenny Lake, "Ghosts of Christmas Past/' JAG, NBC,

Addresses: Contact—6763 Chama River Ct. NE, Rio Rancho, NM87124. Career: Director, producer, writer, and set decorator.

1999. Also appeared in Misery Loves Company.

Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nomination, best director-comedy, 1967, for / Spy.

Television Appearances; Movies: Chastity, Mother of the Bride, CBS, 1993. Cop, Alien Nation: Body and Soul, Fox, 1995. Lisa Stark, Crash Dive: The Chase Is On, HBO,

1997. Lisa, Black Thunder, 1997. Sandy, Cab to Canada, 1998. Elizabeth Wintern, The Timeshifters, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Host, The 108th Annual Tournament of Roses Parade, CBS, 1997. Host of JAG segment, CBS: 50 Years of Funny Flubs and Screw Ups, CBS, 1998. Funny Flubs and Screw-Ups, CBS, 1998. New York City host, TheAll-American Thanksgiving Parade, 1998. Host, The Tournament of Roses Parade, 1998. E! Rack-n-Roll: Behind the Scenes, E! Entertainment Television, 1999. Host, Thirteenth Annual Genesis Awards, 1999. Film Appearances: Body double for Lisle, Death Becomes Her, Universal, 1992. Grace, Men of War (also known as Paid to Kill and A Safe Place), Dimension Films, 1995. RECORDINGS Videos:

Hot//ne Volume 3, 1996. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, February 8, 1999, p. 87.*

BELLAMY, Earl 1917(Earl j. Bellamy; Earl J. Bellamy, Jr.) PERSONAL Born March 11, 1917, in Minneapolis, MN.

CREDITS Film Work: Assistant director, Mr. Winkle Coes to War (also known as Arms and the Woman), 1944. Assistant director, The Return of the Vampire, 1944. Assistant director, ]am Session, 1944. Assistant director, Shockproof, 1949. Assistant director, The Reckless Moment, 1949. Assistant director, The Crime Doctor's Diary, 1949. Assistant director, The Fuller Brush Girl (also known as Affairs of Sally), 1950. Assistant director, A Woman of Distinction, 1950. Assistant director, In a Lonely Place, 1950. Assistant director, Born Yesterday, 1950. Assistant director, Sirocco, 1951. Assistant director, The Marrying Kind, 1952. Assistant director, From Here to Eternity, 1953. Set decorator, Salome, 1953. Assistant director, It Should Happen to You, Columbia, 1954. Assistant director, A Star Is Born, 1954. Director, Sem/no/e Uprising, Columbia, 1955. Assistant director, Three for the Show, Columbia, 1955. Director, Blackjack Ketchum, Desperado, Columbia, 1956. Director, Toughest Cun in Tombstone, United Artists, 1958. Producer and director, Stagecoach to Dancers' Rock, Universal, 1962. Director, Gunpoint, Universal, 1965. Director, Fluffy, Universal, 1965. Director, MunsterCo Home, Universal, 1966. Director, Incident at Phantom Hill, Universal, 1966. Director (with David Lowell Rich and Paul Stanley), Three Guns for Texas, 1968. Assistant director, y/gsaw, Universal, 1968. Director, Backtrack!, Universal, 1969. (As Earl J. Bellamy, Jr.) Assistant director, Winning, Universal, 1969. Assistant director, A Man Called Gannon, Universal,

1969. Director, Sidecar Racers, Universal, 1975. Director, Seven Alone (also known as The House Without Windows), Doty-Dayton, 1975.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


Director, Against a Crooked Sky, Doty-Dayton,

1975. Director, Walking Tall Part II (also known as Part 2, Walking Tall), American International,1975. Director, Sidewinder 1, Avco Embassy, 1977. Director, Speedtrap, First Artists, 1977. Director, Magnum Thrust, Shenandoah Films, 1981. Television Director; Episodic: The Partners, NBC, 1971.

MM*S*H,CBS, 1972. The Sixth Sense, ABC, 1972. Isis (also known as The Secret oflsis), CBS, 1975. Matt Helm, ABC, 1975. S.WAI, ABC, 1975. Starsky and Hutch, ABC, 1975. The Quest, NBC, 1976. CHlPs, NBC, 1977. Future Cop, ABC, 1977. The San Pedro Beach Bums, ABC, 1977. Fantasy Island, ABC, 1978.

Hart to Hart, ABC, 1979. Trapper John, M.D., CBS, 1979. Code Red, ABC, 1981. Also directed episodes of The Lone Ranger; The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin (also known as Rin Tin Tin)', Bachelor Father; Wagon Train (also known as Major Adams, Trail Master)', The Andy Griffith Show (also known as Andy of May berry); The Munsters; Daniel Boone; I Spy; Get Smart; The Partridge Family; The Six Million Dollar Man; The Love Boat; V. Television Director; Specials: A Knight in Shining Armor, ABC, 1971. Stranded, CBS, 1976.

Young Dan'l Boone, CBS, 1977. Television Director, Except Where Indicated; Movies: Masquerade, 1955. Assistant director, Stranger on the Run (also known as Lonesome Gun), 1967. The Pigeon, 1969. The Desperate Mission, NBC, 1971. The Trackers (also known as No Trumpets, No Drums), ABC, 1971. Flood!, NBC, 1976. Fire!, NBC, 1977. Desperate Women, NBC, 1978. The Castaways on Gilligan's Island, NBC, 1979. Valentine Magic on Love Island (also known as Magic on Love Island), NBC, 1980.

WRITINGS Television Writing:

Hart to Hart, ABC, 1979.*


BELLAMY, Earl J., Jr. See BELLAMY, Earl

BELTRAN, Robert 1953PERSONAL Full name, Robert Adame Beltran; born November 19, 1953, in Bakersfield, CA; son of Louis Perez Beltran and Aurelia (Adame) Olgin. Education: Attended California State University, Fresno, CA, 1975-79. Addresses: Contact—c/o 1930 Century Park West #303, Los Angeles, CA 90067; Fan Club—c/o Barbara O'Leary, P.O. Box 183, Reading, PA 19603. Career: Actor. Founding member and co-artistic director, East Los Angeles Classic Theater Group. CREDITS Film Appearances: Lowrider, Zoot Su/X Universal, 1981. Raoul, Eating Raoul, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1982. Kayo, Lone Wolf McQuade, Orion, 1983. Hector, Night of the Comet, Atlantic 9000, 1984. Eddie Guerrero, Latino, Cinecom, 1985. Luis, Gaby—A True Story, TriStar, 1987. Frank, Slam Dance, Island/Zenith, 1987. Jack, Coach, Forbidden Sun, Filmscreen, 1989. Juan, Scenes from the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills, Cinecom, 1989. Alejandro, Bugsy, TriStar, 1991. Juan Delgado, Crackdown, 1991. Tony Montero, Kiss Me a Killer, Califilm, 1992. Sheriff, Shadowhunter, Republic, 1993. Frank Sturgis, Nixon, 1995. Ramon, Managua, Cabin Fever Entertainment, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Mooney, Calendar Girl, ABC, 1984. El Diablo, El Diablo, HBO, 1990.

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Mike Silva, The Chase, NBC, 1991. Lorenzo "Gio" Giovani de Zaccagnini, Stormy Weathers, ABC, 1992. Shadowhunter, Showtime, 1993. Tito Carson, Rio Shannon, ABC, 1993. Raoul Hernandez, State of Emergency, HBO, 1994. Television Appearances; Series: Duke Rado, Veronica Clare, Lifetime, 1991. Frank Garcia, Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1993-94. Lieutenant Louis Soto, Models, Inc., Fox, 1994-95. First Officer Chakotay, Star Trek: Voyager, UPN, 1994—. Television Appearances; Episodic: Mike Perez, Sisters, CBS, 1990. Appeared in Midnight Caller, NBC and Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, ABC. Television Appearances; Specials: Hector Martinez, The Family Martinez, CBS, 1986. Howard Thunder, "Barrington," CBS Summer Playhouse, CBS, 1987. Luzbel, "La Pastorela," Masterpiece Theatre, PBS, 1991. Inside the New Adventure—Star Trek Voyager, UPN, 1995. Voiceover, 500 Nations, CBS, 1995. It's Hot in Here: UPN Fall Preview, UPN, 1996. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Ahbleza, The Mystic Warrior, ABC, 1984. Stage Appearances: A Midsummer's Night Dream, California Shakespearean Festival, Visalia, CA, 1980. Hamlet, California Shakespearean Festival, Visalia, CA, 1980. Henry IV, California Shakespearean Festival, Visalia, CA, 1980. Stars in the Morning Sky, Los Angeles Theatre Center, Los Angeles, CA, 1988-89. Also appeared with the El Teatro Campesino company in Corridos, Rose of the Rancho, and La Pastorela; I Don't Have to Show You No Stinkin' Badges, Los Angeles Theater Center; A Burning Beach, Los Angeles Theater Center; and Macbeth, Lajolla Playhouse. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Hispanic, April, 1995, pp. 14-16.*

BENDIX, Simone PERSONAL Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Helle, Den Kroniske Uskyld, 1985. Television Appearances; Movies: Samantha, The Informant, Showtime, 1998. Mary Magdalene, Mary, Mother of Jesus, NBC, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Officer Jane Castle, Space Precinct, syndicated, 1994.*

BENDIX, William 1906-1994 PERSONAL Born January 4, 1906, in New York, New York; died December 14, 1964, in Encino, California; father, a conductor at New York City's Metropolitan Opera; married Therese Stefan otti, 1928; children: Lorraine, Stephanie, Anne. Career: Actor. Began career as a child actor for Vitagraph in 1911; appeared with the New Jersey Federal Theater, c. early 1930s; appeared on stage in New York City, c. 1935-41; returned to stage, c. early 1960s; also worked as a minor league baseball player and grocery store manager in Newark, NJ, c. 1920s-30s. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Brooklyn Orchid, 1942. The Glass Key, Paramount, 1942. Star Spangled Rhythm, 1942. Wake Island, 1942. Who Done It?, 1942. Woman of the Year, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1942. The McGuerins from Brooklyn, 1942. China, Paramount, 1943. The Crystal Ball, 1943. Cuadacanal Diary, 1943. Hostages, 1943.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Tax/, Mister, 1943. Lifeboat, 1944. Greenwich Village, 1944. The Hairy Ape, 1944. Skirmish on the Home Front, 1944. Abroad with Two Yanks, 1944. /A Bell for Adano, 1945. Don Juan Quilligan, 1945. /t's /n t/?e Bag (also known as The F/fth Chair), 1945. The B/ue Dah//a, 1946. The Dar/c Corner, 1946. Sentimental ]ourney, 1946. Two Years Before the Mast, 1946. White Tie and Tails, 1946. I'll Be Yours, 1947. Blaze of Noon, 1947. Calcutta, 1947.

The Web, 1947. Where There's Life, 1947. Variety Girl, 1947. The Babe Ruth Story, 1948. Race Street, RKO, 1948. The Time of Your Life, 1948. The Big Steal, RKO, 1949. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (also known as A Connecticut Yankee and A Yankee in King Arthur's Court), 1949. Cover-Up, 1949. johnny Holiday, 1949. The Life of Riley, 1949. Streets of Laredo, 1949. Two Knights from Brooklyn (also known as Two Mugs from Brooklyn), 1949. Gambling House, 1950. Kill the Umpire, 1950. Detective Story, 1951. Submarine Command, 1951. Blackbeard the Pirate, 1952. /A G//7 /n Every Port, 1952. Macao, 1952. Joe Parker, Dangerous Mission, RKO Radio Pictures, 1954. Hollywood Shower of Stars, 1955. Van Duff, Crashout, Republic Pictures, 1955. Battle Stations, 1956. Frenchy Shapiro, The Deep Six, Warner Bros., 1957. Idle on Parade (also known as Idol on Parade), 1959. The Rough and the Smooth (also known as Portrait of a Sinner), 1959. Johnny Nobody, 1961. To//er hecht auf krummer tour (also known as The Phony American and It's a Great Life), 1962. Slatterly, Boys'Night Out, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1962. Cash on the Barrel Head, 1962.

BENING » 3 1 Joe Fogel, For Love or Money, Universal, 1963. The Young and the Brave, 1963. Law of the Lawless, 1963. Young Fury, 1965. Theater Appearances: (Broadway debut) The Time of Your Life, 1939. Radio Appearances: Title role, Life of Riley, 1944-?. Television Appearances; Series: Title role, Life of Riley, 1953-58. Television Appearances; Episodic: Appeared in The Overland Trail. OTHER SOURCES Books: Current Biography 1948, 1948. Periodicals: C/ne Revue, June 11, 1981.*

BEN ING, Annette 1958PERSONAL Born May 29, 1958, in Topeka, KS; father, an insurance salesman; married Steven White (a university administrator; marriage ended); married Warren Beatty (an actor), 1992; children: Kathlyn, Ben, Isabel, and a fourth. Education: Attended Mesa College; received a degree in theatre from San Francisco State University; also studied at American Conservatory Theatre. Avocational interests: Scuba diving. Addresses: /Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress. Performed with Colorado Shakespeare Festival, 1980, American Conservatory Theatre, 1983-85, and Denver Center Theatre Company, 1985-86. Also worked as cook on a charter boat. Awards, Honors: Antoinette Perry Award nomination, 1986, Clarence Derwin Award, 1987, and Theatre World Award, 1987, all for Coastal Disturbances; Academy Award nomination, best supporting actress, 1990, for The Grifters.

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CREDITS Film Appearances: Kate Craig, The Great Outdoors, Universal, 1988. Marquise DeMerteuil, Valmont, Orion, 1989. Myra Langtry, The Grifters, Miramax/Cineplex Odeon, 1990. Evelyn Ames, Postcards from the Edge, Columbia, 1990. Ruth Merrill, Guilty by Suspicion, Warner Bros., 1991. Sarah Turner, Regarding Henry, Paramount, 1991. Virginia Hill, Bugsy, TriStar, 1991. Terry McKay, Love Affair, Warner Bros., 1994. Sidney Ellen Wade, The American President, Columbia, 1995. Queen Elizabeth, Richard III, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1995. Mars Attacks!, Warner Bros., 1996. Sharon Bridger and Elise Kraft, The Siege, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998. Claire Cooper, In Dreams, DreamWorks, 1999. Carolyn Burnham, American Beauty, DreamWorks, 1999. What Planet Are You From?, Columbia/Sony Pictures, 2000. Stage Appearances: Holly Dancer, Coastal Disturbances, Second Stage, New York City, 1986, then (Broadway debut) Circle in the Square, New York City, 1987. Zookeeper, 5po/7s of War, Second Stage, 1988.

Appeared as presenter, 64th Annual Academy Awards, 1992; presenter, 67th Annual Academy Awards, 1995; appeared in 49th Annual Golden Globe Awards, 1992; presenter, 52nd Annual Tony Awards, 1998; presenter, 56th Annual Golden Globe Awards, 1999; also appeared as presenter, 71st Annual Academy Awards Presentation, 1999. Other Television Appearances: Barbara Walters Special, ABC, 1996. Appeared in the pilot It Had to Be You, ABC. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Interview, November, 1989. New York, January 14, 1991. Premiere, July, 1991. Rolling Stone, May 16, 1991. Vanity Fair, September, 1994.*

BEN-ZALI, Daniel See BENZALI, Daniel

BENZALI, Daniel 1949(?)(Daniel Ben-Zali) PERSONAL

Also appeared as Juliet, Romeo and Juliet; Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, American Conservatory Theatre, San Francisco, CA; Emily, Our Town; Eliza Doolittle, Pygmalion; Tatania, A Midsummer Night's Dream; showgirl, The Sleeping Prince; Helena, All's Well; Blanche, King]ohn; Anya, The Cherry Orchard; and the Virgin Mary, The Christmas Miracles. Television Appearances; Movies: Ann Tillman, Manhunt for Claude Dallas, CBS, 1986. Jill, Hostage, CBS, 1988. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Milos Forman: Portrait,"/American Masters, PBS, 1989.

Borne. 1949, in RiodeJaneiro, Brazil; raised in Brooklyn, NY; immigrated to the United States, c. 1953; son of an actor; married (divorced); engaged to Kim Cattrall (an actress). Ethnicity: Jewish. Avocational interests: Playing piano, jazz. Addresses: Home—Malibu, CA. Agent—-International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actor. Actor in London, England, for nine years. CREDITS

Also appeared in Miami Vice, NBC; Wiseguy, CBS. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: 41st Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1987. An American Reunion: The 52nd Presidential Inaugural Gala, CBS, 1993.

Television Appearances; Series: Theodore "Teddy" Hoffman, Murder One, ABC,

1995-96. Remember WENN, AMC, 1995-99. James Sinclair, NYPD Blue, ABC, 1998-99.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Episodic: Appeared in LA. Law, NBC, and NYPD Blue, ABC. Television Appearances; Miniseries: The Murder of Mary Phagan (also known as The Ballad of Mary Phagan), NBC, 1988. Television Appearances; Movies: Seth, Arthur Hailey's "Strong Medicine/' syndicated, 1986. Colonel Glen Spurling, The Last Days ofPatton, CBS, 1986. Charles Ross, The Return of Sherlock Holmes, CBS, 1987. Peter Schaefer, 'Tack of Lies/' Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1987. Roe vs. Wade, NBC, 1989. Bascombe, By Dawn's Early Light (also known as The Grand Tour), HBO, 1990. Cardinal Spellman, Citizen Cohn (also known as Rules of Misconduct: The Roy Cohn Story), HBO, 1992. Afterburn (also known as The Janet Harduval Story), HBO, 1992. The Last of His Tribe (also known as The Last Free Indian and Ishi), HBO, 1992. Dr. Everett Morris, A Child's Cry for Help (also known as Intensive Care), NBC, 1994. Dr. Ezso, The Rockford Files: I Still Love LA., CBS, 1994. Television Appearances; Specials: Comic Relief VII, HBO, 1995. Host, Television's Greatest Performances II, ABC, 1996. Star Trek: 30 Years and Beyond, UPN, 1996. Ira Cershwin: A Centenary Celebration—Who Could Ask for Anything More?, PBS, 1997.


Chief Barney Doyle, Messenger of Death, Cannon, 1988. Solomon Kublitz, A Day in October, Castle Hills, 1992. "Skeeter" Warburton, The Distinguished Gentleman, Buena Vista, 1992. Spikings, Murder at 1600, Warner Bros., 1997. Phelps, The End of Violence, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1997. De Winter, All the Little Animals, Nirvana (es)(Spain), 1998. Also appeared as William Kubert, Whoops Apocalypse, 1986. Stage Appearances: (As Daniel Ben-Zali) William Shakespeare, Music Is, St. James Theatre, New York City, 1976. Love's Labour's Lost, Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1982. Robert Walpole, The Art of Success, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1989-90. Also appeared at the Arena Stage, Washington, DC, 1982-83; with the Royal Shakespeare Company; and in a production of Sunset Boulevard. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Newsweek, October 2, 1995, p. 98. TV Guide, January 27, 1996, pp. 44-8. USA Today, November 9, 1995, p. 3D.*


Also appeared as CIA Boss, "Dirty Work/' Vietnam War Story: The Last Days, 1989. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 22nd Annual People's Choice Awards, CBS, 1996. Film Appearances: Therapist, Home Free All, Almi, 1984. Lieutenant Colonel Lehane, Defence of the Realm, Warner Bros./Rank, 1985. Theatrical agent, Insignificance, Island Alive, 1985. Howe, A View to a Kill, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1985. Dr. Asher, White Nights, Columbia, 1985.

Full name, Thomas Michael Moore; born May 31, 1950, in Chicago, IL; first wife's name, Barbara (divorced); married present wife Lisa, July 29, 1986; children: (first marriage) Allison, Patrick; (second marriage) Chelsea, Chloe. Education: Attended University of Missouri; studied acting at H.B. Studios. Addresses: /Agent—Paula Wagner, Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best supporting actor, 1986, and Golden Globe Award,

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

best supporting actor, 1987, both for Platoon; Emmy Award nomination, best guest actor in a comedy series, 1993, for Cheers. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Matthew Jackson, Beyond the Door (also known as Oltre la Porta), Premier Releasing/ Gaumont, 1975. Gary Cooper White, Looking for Mr. Goodbar, Paramount, 1977. Man at end, The Sentinel, Universal, 1977. Andras Vayda, In Praise of Older Women, AVCO-Embassy, 1978. Butch Cassidy, Butch and Sundance: The Early Days, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1979. Drew, The Dogs of War, United Artists, 1980. Sam, The Big Chill, Columbia, 1983. Frank Ridgeway, Eddie and the Cruisers, Embassy, 1983. Matt Rossi, Fear City, Chevy Chase Distribution, 1984. Rex O'Herlihan, Rustler's Rhapsody, Paramount, 1985. Sergeant Barnes, Platoon, Orion, 1986. Mike Keegan, Someone to Watch over Me, Columbia, 1987. Jonathan Knox, Shoot to Kill, Buena Vista, 1988. Gary Simmons, Betrayed, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1988. Father Michael Pace, Last Rites, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1988. Jake Taylor, Major League, Paramount, 1989. Recruiting sergeant, Born on the Fourth of July, Universal, 1989. Harry Dobbs, Love at Large (also known as I!Amour poursu/te), Orion, 1990. American, The Field, Avenue Pictures, 1990. Lewis Moon, At Play in the Fields of the Lord, 1991. Dan Merrick, Shattered, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1991. Lieutenant General James Longstreet, Gettysburg, Turner Pictures, 1993. Jack Lansford, Sliver, Paramount, 1993. Thomas Beckett, Sniper, TriStar, 1993. Rock Reilly, Chasers, Warner Bros., 1994. Jake Taylor, Major League II, Warner Bros., 1994. Louis Gates, Last of the Dogmen, Savoy Pictures, 1995. Shale, The Substitute, Orion, 1996. Pete Randle, The Gingerbread Man, Orion, 1998. A Murder of Crows, Trademark Films/New City Releasing, 1999.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Tim Siegel, One Life to Live, ABC, 1975-76. Nick, "The Second Greatest Story Ever Told/' Dream On, HBO, 1990. "One for the Road/' Cheers, NBC, 1993. Television Appearances; Movies: Billy Sutton, ]ohnny, We Hardly Knew Ye, NBC, 1977. Bobby Fallen, Flesh and Blood, CBS, 1979. Jeff Stevens, If Tomorrow Comes, CBS, 1986. Miles Utley, The Avenging Angel, TNT, 1995. Gavin St. Clair, Body Language (also known as Pro Bono), HBO, 1995. Ernest Devalt, An Occasional Hell, HBO, 1996. Theodore Roosevelt, Rough Riders, TNT, 1997. Clifford Dubose, A Murder of Crows, Cinemax, 1999. Jack Campion!, Shadow of Doubt, Cinemax, 1999. Other Television Appearances: Narrator, Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam (special), HBO, 1987. Gettysburg Journal, TNT, 1994. Narrator, American Heritage Presents: The Lincoln Assassination, History Channel, 1995. Television Work: Co-producer, The Avenging Angel, TNT, 1995. Executive producer, An Occasional Hell, HBO, 1996. Producer, Rough Riders, TNT, 1997. Stage Appearances: Soldier, Tybalt, and a Montague, Death Story, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1975. The Country Club, Playwrights Horizons, New York City, 1976. Jack, The Rose Tattoo, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1977. Stanley Kowalski, A Streetcar Named Desire, Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, Milwaukee, Wl, 1981. National Anthems, Long Wharf Theatre, 1988. Also appeared as Jocko, End as a Man, Circle Repertory Theatre, New York City; as Orestes, Electra; and in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? at the University of Missouri. Appeared as Stanley Kowalski in Japanese touring production of A Streetcar Named Desire. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, May 13, 1996.*

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

BERGEN, Candice 1946(Olga Mallsnerd) PERSONAL Full name, Candice Patricia Bergen; born May 9, 1946, in Beverly Hills, CA; daughter of Edgar (a ventriloquist, comedian, and actor) and Frances (a fashion model under the name Frances Westcott; maiden name, Westerman) Bergen; married Louis Malle (a film director), September 27, 1980 (died, November 1995); children: Chloe. Education: Attended University of Pennsylvania, 1963-65. Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress, producer, photographer, and writer. Formerly a model; freelance photographer and writer in the late 1960s; spokesperson for Sprint long distance telephone service. Awards, Honors: Golden Globe Award nomination, most promising female newcomer, 1966, for The Sand Pebbles; Academy Award nomination, best supporting actress, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actress in a motion picture, both 1979, for Starting Over; named woman of the year, Hasty Pudding Theatricals, 1979; British Academy Award nomination, best supporting actress, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1982, for Gandhi; Emmy Awards, outstanding lead actress in a comedy series, 1988,1989, 1992, 1994, and 1995, Golden Apple Award, star of the year, Hollywood Women's Press Association, 1989, Q Awards, best actress in a comedy series, Viewers for Quality Television, 1989, 1990, and 1991, Golden Globe Award, best actress in a comedy series, 1989 and 1992, Golden Globe Award nominations, best actress in a comedy series, 1990,1991,1993,1994,1995, and 1996, Emmy Award nominations, outstanding lead actress in a comedy series, 1990, 1991, and 1993, People's Choice Award, best female television performe 1992 and 1996, Screen Actors Guild Award nominations, outstanding performance by an actress in a comedy series, 1995 and 1996, and American Comedy Award, funniest actress in a television series, all for Murphy Brown. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Title role, Murphy Brown, CBS, 1988-98. Narrator, Understanding, 1994.

BERGEN • 35 Television Appearances; Specials: The Woody Allen Special, NBC, 1969. The Way They Were, syndicated, 1981. Bugs Bunny/Looney Tunes All-Star 50th Anniversary, CBS, 1986. Barbara, Moving Day (also known as Trying Times), PBS, 1987. Memories Then and Now, CBS, 1988. Herself, It's Up to Us: The Giraffe Project, PBS, 1988. Guest, The Barbara Walters Special, ABC, 1989. CBS Premiere Review Spectacular, CBS, 1989. Host, Paris '89, TBS, 1989. CBS Comedy Bloopers, CBS, 1990. CBS Comedy Bloopers II, CBS, 1990. Comic Relief IV, HBO, 1990. Time Warner Presents the Earth Day Special, ABC, 1990. Big Bird's Birthday or Let Me Eat Cake, PBS, 1991. Funny Women of Television: A Museum of Television and Radio Tribute, NBC, 1991. A User's Guide to Planet Earth: The American Environment Test, ABC, 1991. Aretha Franklin: Duets, Fox, 1993. Bob Hope: The First Ninety Years, NBC, 1993. Host, Great Television Moments: What We Watched, ABC, 1993. Laughing Matters (also known as Funny Business), Showtime, 1993. Voice of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, A Century of Women (also known as A Family of Women), TBS, 1994. CBS Sneak Peek II, CBS, 1994. Comic Relief VI, HBO, 1994. The American Film Institute Salute to Jack Nicholson, CBS, 1994. The First 100 Years: A Celebration of American Movies, HBO, 1995. The Murphy Brown Special, CBS, 1995. Host, Images of Life: Photographs That Changed the World, CBS, 1996. Night of about 14 CBS Stars (also known as CBS Fall Preview), Comedy Central, 1996. The 53rd Presidential Inaugural Gala (also known as An American Ga/a), CBS, 1997. AFI's 100 Years ...100 Movies, CBS, 1998. Artists and Entertainers: People of the Century; CBS News/Time 100, CBS, 1998. CBS: The First 50 Years, CBS, 1998. The American Film Institute Salute to Robert Wise, NBC, 1998. Host, Influences: From Yesterday to Today, 1999. Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary Primetime Special, NBC, 1999.

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Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 41st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Presentation, Fox, 1989. The 61st Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1989. The 42nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Presentation, Fox, 1990. Presenter, The 62nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1990. The 43rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Presentation, Fox, 1991. The 49th Annual Colden Globe Awards, TBS, 1992. Presenter, The 44th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 1992. The 6th Annual American Comedy Awards, ABC, 1992. Presenter, The 45th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, ABC, 1993. Presenter, The 46th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, ABC, 1994. Presenter, The 8th Annual American Comedy Awards, ABC, 1994. Presenter, The 47th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 1995. Presenter, The 1996 Emmy Awards (also known as The 48th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards), ABC, 1996. American Comedy Honors, Fox, 1997. Presenter, The 49th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, 1997. Presenter, The Walt Disney Company Presents the 8th American Teacher Awards, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: You Bet Your Life, NBC, 1957. Mystery guest, What's My Line?, 1965. Enid, "The Rebel/' Coronet Blue, CBS, 1967. Commentator, Today Show, NBC, 1975. Host, Saturday Night Live, NBC, 1975. The Muppet Show, syndicated, 1976. Host, Saturday Night Live, NBC, 1986. Barbara, "Moving Day/' Trying Times, PBS, 1987. Tonight Show, NBC, 1988. Late Night with David Letterman, NBC, 1988. CBS This Morning, CBS, 1988. Entertainment Tonight, syndicated, 1988 and 1989. Good Morning America, ABC, 1988 and 1989. The Pat Sajak Show, CBS, 1989. The Phil Donahue Show, syndicated, 1989. "TV's 50th Anniversary Special/' Today Show, NBC, 1989. Murphy Brown, "The Keys," Seinfeld, NBC, 1992. Narrator, "Little Penguin's Tale," Shelley Duvall's Bedtime Stones, 1992.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Interviewee, "Edgar Bergen: His Many Voices," Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 1995. Murphy Brown, "Murphy's Law," Ink, CBS, 1996. 60 Minutes, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Elaine Conti, Hollywood Wives, ABC, 1985. Television Appearances; Movies: Morgan Le Fey, Arthur the King (also known as Merlin and the Sword), CBS, 1985. Ewa Berwid, Murder: By Reason of Insanity (also known as My Sweet Victim), CBS, 1985. Sydney Biddle Barrows, Mayflower Madam, CBS, 1987. Mary Horton, Mary and Tim (also known as Tim), CBS, 1996. Television Work; Series: Coexecutive producer, Murphy Brown, CBS, 1996-98. Television Work; Movies: Coexecutive producer, Mary and Tim (also known as Tim), CBS, 1996. Television Work; Episodic: Song performer, "The Tennessee Waltz," for "Edgar Bergen: His Many Voices," Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 1995. Film Appearances: Herself (uncredited infant role), Unusual Occupations, 1947. Lakey Eastlake, The Group, United Artists, 1966. Shirley Eckert, The Sand Pebbles, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1966. Electra Brown, The Day the Fish Came Out (also known as Otan ta Psaria Vgikan Sti Steria), International Classics, 1967. Candice, Live for Life (also known as Vivere pour Vivere and Vivre pour Vivre), United Artists/ Lopert, 1967. Herself, Flash 02, 1967. Lily/Julie, The Magus, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1968. Sue Ann Daley, The Adventurers, Paramount, 1970. Jan, Getting Straight, Columbia, 1970. Kathy "Cresta" Marybelle Lee, Soldier Blue, Avco Embassy, 1970. Susan, Carnal Knowledge, Avco Embassy, 1971. T. R. Baskin, T. R. Baskin (also known as Date with a Lonely Girl), Paramount, 1971. Maren, 11 Harrowhouse (also known as Anything for Love and Fast Fortune), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1974.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Miss Jones, Bite the Bullet, Columbia, 1975. Eden Pedecaris, The Wind and the Lion, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1975. The Cassandra Crossing, Avco Embassy, 1976. Melissa Ruger, The Hunting Party, United Artists, 1977. Ellie Tucker, The Domino Principle (also known as The Domino Killings), Avco Embassy, 1977. Lizzy, The End of the World (in Our Usual Bed in a Night Full of Rain) (also known as A Night Full of Rain, La Fine del Mondo nel Nostro Solito Letto in una Notte Plena di Pioggia, and La Fine del Mundo in una Notte Plena di Pioggia), Warner Bros., 1978. Marcie Bonwit, Oliver's Story, Paramount, 1978. Jessica Potter, Starting Over, Paramount, 1979. Merry Noel Blake, Rich and Famous, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1981. Margaret Bourke-White, Gandhi, Columbia, 1982. (As Olga Mallsnerd) SAL 9000, 20/0 (also known as 20/0: The Year We Make Contact), 1984. Kyle McLaren, Stick, Universal, 1985. Herself, Who Is Henry Jaglom? (documentary), Calliope Films, 1995. Interviewee, Belly Talkers, 1996. Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Sabrina Fair, Westbury Music Fair, Westbury, NY, 1967. (Broadway debut) Darlene, Hurlyburly, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 1985. Radio Appearances: (Radio debut) The Chase and Sanborn Show Starring Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, 1952.


Newsmakers 90, Issue 1, Gale, 1990, pp. 22-25. Reed, Rex, Travolta to Keaton, Morrow (New York City), 1979, pp. 134-38. Periodicals: American Film, October, 1981, pp. 67-70. Chicago Tribune, April 5, 1984, pp. 1,17. Cosmopolitan, October, 1993, p. 182. Good Housekeeping, January, 1996, p. 80; May, 1997, p. 122. New York Times, April 13, 1984. People Weekly, April 9, 1984, p. 97; May 11, 1992, p. 14; December 11, 1995, pp. 73-75; May 25, 1998, p. 54; October 4, 1999, p. 116. Rolling Stone, January 26, 1989. Time, May 11, 1992, pp. 59-60. TV Guide, May 18, 1996, p. 18.*

BERKLEY, Elizabeth 1973(?)PERSONAL Born c. 1973, in Farmington Hills, Ml; daughter of Fred (a lawyer) and Jere (an owner of a gift basket business) Berkley. Education: Attended Calabasas High School in California. Addresses: Agent—United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA. Career: Actress. CREDITS

WRITINGS Books: Knock Wood (autobiography), Linden Press (New York City), 1984. Author of the play The Freezer, published in Best Short Plays of 1968, 1968. Contributor of articles and photographs to periodicals, including Cosmopolitan, Esquire, Interview, Life, National Geographic, Playboy, and Vogue.

Film Appearances: Nomi Malone, Showgirls, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1995. Phoebe LaVelle, The First Wives Club, Paramount, 1996. Tina, The Real Blonde, Paramount, 1997.


Television Appearances; Series: Jessie, Saved by the Bell: The New Class (also known as Good Morning, Miss Bliss), NBC, 1988-93. Perversions of Science, HBO, 1996-97. Amy, Brother's Keeper, ABC, 1998-99.

Books: Contemporary Authors, Volume 142, Gale (Detroit, Ml), 1994. Gruen, John, Close Up, Viking (New York City), 1968, pp. 32-35.

Television Appearances; Movies: Jessie, Saved by the Bell—Hawaiian Style, NBC, 1992. Jessie, Saved by the Bell—Wedding in Las Vegas, NBC, 1994.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


Beth, "Bandit: Bandit Goes Country/' Action Pack, syndicated, 1994. Crystal, White Wolves II: Legend of the Wild, The Disney Channel, 1996. Alicia Brayman, Random Encounter, HBO, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: "Frog/' WoncferWorks, PBS, 1988. International Swimsuit '91 with Elle Macpherson, NBC, 1991. Jessie, Saved by the Bell Graduation Special (also known as Saved by the Bell: The College Years and Saved by the Bell Goes to College), NBC, 1993. The Late Show with David Letterman Video Special 2, CBS, 1996. The 1998 VH1 Fashion Awards, VH1, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Courtney Bremmer, Baywatch, syndicated, 1992. Guest, Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, Comedy Central, 1996. Also appeared in Gimme a Break, 1981; The Hogan Family, 1990; Married People, 1990; Life Goes On, 1990; and Burke's Law, 1994. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People, October 9, 1995, p. 110. Premiere, October, 1995, p. 80. Teen, January, 1990, pp. 72-3.*

BERNARD, Crystal 1959PERSONAL Born September 30, 1959, in Garland (some sources say Dallas), TX; daughter of Jerry Wayne (a Southern Baptist evangelist) and Gaylon Bernard; sister of Robyn Bernard (an actress and singer). Education: Attended Baylor University. Avocational interests: Car racing. Addresses: Contact—10866 Wilshire Blvd., No. 1200, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Career: Actress, singer, and songwriter. Bernard's songs have been recorded by singers such as Debbie Winans, Angie Winans, Paula Abdul, and Tracy Spencer. Participated in Long Beach Toyota Grand Prix, 1993. Appeared in commercials.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Julie, Young Doctors in Love, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1982. Courtney, Slumber Party Massacre II, Embassy, 1987. Kaitlin Mullane, Siringo, WarnerVision Films, 1995. Television Appearances; Series: K. C. Cunningham, Happy Days, ABC, 1982-83. Amy Tompkins, It's a Living, syndicated, 1985-89. Helen Chappel, Wings, NBC, 1990-97. Just Shoot Me, NBC, 1996-97. Television Appearances; Movies: Anne Marie Conklin, High School U.S.A., NBC, 1983. Shelly, Chameleons (also known as Best Kept Secrets and Strange Bedfellows), NBC, 1989. Marty, Without Her Consent (also known as A Matter of Trust), NBC, 1990. Julie Weston, When Will I Be Loved?, NBC, 1990. Dol Bonner, Lady Against the Odds (also known as Do/ Bonner and Hand in the Glove), NBC, 1992. Lisa Porter, Miracle Child (also known as Miracle at Clements Pond), NBC, 1993. Susan Warfield, As Good as Dead, USA, 1995. Title role, Dying to Be Perfect: The Ellen Hart Pena Story, ABC, 1996. Terry Allison, A Face to Kill For, USA, 1999. Marie Foley, The Secret Path, CBS, 1999. Melissa Brennan, To Love, Honor, and Betray, ABC, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Co-host, Do It Yourself TV, NBC, 1990. Bob Hope Presents the Ladies of Laughter, NBC, 1992. Fantasies of the Stars, NBC, 1994. Bob Hope's Young Comedians Making America Laugh, NBC, 1994. All-Star TV Censored Mega Bloopers, NBC, 1996. Host, CMT Labor Day Top 100, CMT, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Hot Muffins/' Gimme a Break, NBC, 1982. "Tell Tale Tart/' Happy Days, ABC, 1982. "The Two Princes/' Dynasty, ABC, 1982. "Episode 35: Season Finale," Dynasty, ABC, 1982. "The Devil Stick," Fantasy Island, ABC, 1983. "The Bear Essence," The Love Boat, ABC, 1983. "State of the Union," The Master, NBC, 1984. "The Odd Triple," The Love Boat, ABC, 1985. Guest, Win, Lose, or Draw, NBC, 1988. "The Courtship of Nicole's Father," My Two Dads, NBC, 1989.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Pilots: Anne Marie Conklin, High School U.S.A., NBC, 1983, (with different cast), NBC, 1984. Lorelei, Hot Prospects, CBS, 1989. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 43rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Presentation, Fox, 1991. Co-host, A Word from Our Sponsor (also known as The International Andy Awards), NBC, 1992. The Jim Thorpe Pro Sports Awards, ABC, 1994. Presenter, The 1994 Billboard Music Awards, Fox, 1994. The Golden Globe's 50th Anniversary Celebration, NBC, 1994. The 29th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards, NBC, 1994. Co-host, The Jim Thorpe Pro Sports Awards, ABC, 1995. Presenter, The 31st Annual Academy of Country Music Awards, NBC, 1996. The 23rd Annual American Music Awards, ABC, 1996. Also appeared as host, 32nd Annual Academy of Country Music Awards, 1997; and presenter, 34th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards, 1999. RECORDINGS Albums: Recorded country music albums The Girl Next Door, River North, 1996 and Don't Touch Me There, River North, 1999. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People, November 22, 1993, p. 69. TV Guide, May 11-17, 1991, p. 10; November 23, 1996, p. 8.*

BERNHARD, Sandra 1955PERSONAL Born June 6, 1955, in Flint, Ml; daughter of Jerome (a proctologist) and Jeanette (a painter) Bernhard; children: Cicely Yasin. Education: Attended high school in Scottsdale, AZ. Religion: Jewish. Addresses: /Agent-—Gold, Marshak, Liedtke and Associates, 3500 West Olive Ave., Burbank, CA 915054628.

Career: Actress, comedienne, music producer, and singer. Standup comedienne at nightclubs in and around Beverly Hills, 1974-78. Also worked on a kibbutz in Israel and as a manicurist-pedicurist at a beauty salon in Beverly Hills, CA. Member: Screen Actors Guild. Awards, Honors: National Society of Film Critics Award, c. 1983, for The King of Comedy; Charlie Local and National Comedy Award, funniest show off- Broadway, Association of Comedy Artists, 1988, for Without You I'm Nothing. CREDITS Film Appearances: Voice, Shogun Assassin, Universal, 1980. Angie, Cheech and Chong's Nice Dreams (also known as Nice Dreams), Columbia, 1981. Marsha, The King of Comedy, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1983. The Muppets Take Manhattan, TriStar, 1984. Angel Dutton, The House of God, 1984. Grouch waitress, Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird (also known as Follow That Bird), Warner Bros., 1985. Perfect, Columbia, 1985. The Whoopee Boys, Paramount, 1986. Nurse Stein, Track 29, Island, 1988. Actress/comedienne, Heavy Petting, Academy Entertainment, 1988. Casual Sex?, Universal, 1988. Without You I'm Nothing, Management Company Entertainment Group, 1990. Minerva Mayflower, Hudson Hawk, TriStar, 1991. Madonna: Truth or Dare (also known as In Bed with Madonna and Truth or Dare), Miramax, 1991. Imogene, Inside Monkey Zetterland, IRS Releasing, 1992. Herself, Sandra Bernhard: Confessions of a Pretty Lady (documentary), BBC Enterprises, 1993. Dallas Adair, Da//as Doll, Artistic License Films, 1994. Herself, Catwalk (documentary), Arrow Releasing, 1995. The Reggae Movie (documentary), United Artists Theatre/Trimedia, 1995. Herself, Unzipped, Miramax, 1995. Betty, Somewhere In the City, 1996. Bunny Roberts, Plump Fiction, Rhino, 1996. Marci, Lover Girl (also known as Lover Girls), Peninsula Films/Dream Entertainment, 1997. Ann Glover, Burn, Hollywood, Bum: An Alan Smithee Film, Hollywood Pictures/Cinergi Pictures Entertainment, 1997.

40 • BERNHARD Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Sandy Sands, / Woke Up Early the Day I Died (also known as Ecf Wood's / Woke Up Early the Day I Died), Muse Productions, 1998. Dr. Frldley, Wrong/i///y/4ccusec/(also known as Les//e Nielsen 1st Sehr Verdaechtig, Sehr Verdaechtig, and Unter Falschem V), Warner Bros., 1998. Expose, 1998. Film Work; Music Producer: Without You I'm Nothing, Management Company Entertainment Group, 1990. Stage Appearances: Sandra Bernhard: Without You I'm Nothing (solo show), Orpheum Theatre, New York City, 1988. Giving Till It Hurts, 1992. I'm Still Here . . . Damn It! (solo show), Broadway production, 1998. Television Appearances; Series: Nancy, Roseanne, ABC, 1991-96. Cohost, TheA-List, Comedy Central, 1992-93. Host, Reel Wild Cinema with Sarah Bernhard (also known as Film-Zilla with Sarah Bernhard and Reel Wild Sinema with Sarah Bernhard), USA, 1996. Voice of Cassandra, Disney's Hercules (animated; also known as Hercules), ABC and syndicated, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Frieda Debny, "Freaky Friday/7 The ABC Family Movie (also known as Disney Family Films), ABC, 1995. Herself, The Late Shift, HBO, 1996. J. T. Wayne, Apocalypse, Sci-Fi Channel, 1997. Television Appearances; Specials: "Just for Laughs'' (also known as "Juste pour Rire"), Showtime Comedy Spotlight, Showtime, 1987. The Prince's Trust Gala, TBS, 1989. Decade (also known as MTV's Decade), MTV, 1989. Save the Planet: A CBS/Hard Rock Cafe Special (also known as The Hard Rock Cafe Presents Save the Planet), CBS, 1990. Host, Living in America, VH1, 1990. First Person with Maria Shriver, NBC, 1990. Host, "Women of the Night III/7 HBO Comedy Hour, HBO, 1991. Host, Sandra after Dark, with Your Hostess, Sandra Bernhard, HBO, 1992. The Comedy Store's 20th Birthday, NBC, 1992. Tom Arnold: The Naked Truth 2, HBO, 1992. Freaks, Nerds, and Weirdos: An MTV News Special Report, MTV, 1994. Extreme Comedy, ABC, 1996.

Kitty Price, "Museum of Love" (also known as "Anything for Love"), Directed By, Showtime, 1996. "Rodney Dangerfield's 75th Birthday Toast," HBO Comedy Hour, HBO, 1997. Host, Comedy Central's Hi-Fi Party, Comedy Central, 1998. Sandra Bernhard: I'm Still Here . . . Damn It!, 1998. Comedy Central Presents the New York Friars Club Roast of Jerry Stiller, Comedy Central, 1999. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 16th Annual CableACE Awards, TNT, 1995. The 23rd Annual American Music Awards, ABC, 1996. Host, The 9th Annual Gotham Awards, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Rat, "O.D. Feel in'/ The Hitchhiker, 1986. Herself, The Full Wax, 1991. Sheila, "Top Billing," Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1991. Arsenio Hall Show, syndicated, 1991. Carolyn Marsh, "Dramatic License," Highlander, syndicated, 1992. Cleopatra, A. J.'s Time Travelers, 1994. Herself, "Arthur after Hours," The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1995. Herself, "Larry's on Vacation," The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1995. Herself, "Jerk," Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Cartoon Network, 1995. Voice, Dr. Katz: Professional Therapist, Comedy Central, 1995. Sheila Truitt, "Right to Life," Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. Celebrity contestant, Jeopardy!, syndicated, 1996. Ms. Sorenson, Clueless, ABC, 1996. Park cop, Clueless, ABC, 1996. Caroline Poop, "Drawing the Lines," Ally McBeal, Fox, 1997. Caroline Poop, "The Dirty Joke," Ally McBeal, Fox, 1997. Voice of Gsptlsnz, "Msyzpixilated," Superman, 1997. Voice of warden, "Aged Heat 2: Women in Heat," Duckman, 1997. Herself, Instant Comedy with the Groundlings, four episodes, 1998. Herself, Roseanne, ABC, 1998. Appeared as a beauty contestant in an episode of Fernwood 2-Night; performed as voice of Sarah Baker in "Partners," an episode of Spider-Man; regular guest on Late Night with David Letterman, NBC, The Richard Pryor Show, and The Tonight Show, NBC.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Work; Specials: Coexecutive producer, Sandra after Dark, with Your Hostess, Sandra Bernhard, HBO, 1992. Creator and executive producer, Sandra Bernhard: I'm Still Here. . . Damn It!, 1998. RECORDINGS Albums: I'm Your Woman, Mercury, 1985. Without You I'm Nothing, Enigma, 1989. Excuses for Bad Behavior, Part I, 1994. Videos: Voice of Cassandra, Hercules: Zero to Hero, 1999. WRITINGS Scripts: Sarah Bernhard: Without You I'm Nothing (solo stage show), Orpheum Theatre, 1988. (With John Boskovich) Without You I'm Nothing (feature film; based on her solo stage show), Management Company Entertainment Group, 1990. Sandra Bernhard: I'm Still Here . . . Damn It! (television special), 1998. Other: Confessions of a Pretty Lady, Harper (New York City), 1988. Love, Love, and Love, HarperCollins (New York City), 1993. May I Kiss You on the Lips, Miss Sandra?, 1998. Coauthor of eight songs for the record album I'm Your Woman, Mercury, 1985. Contributor to magazines, including Interview, Spin, and Vanity Fair. OTHER SOURCES Books:

Contemporary Authors, Volume 137, Gale (Detroit, Ml), 1992. Newsmakers 89, Gale, 1989, p. 32-3. Periodicals: Daily News (New York City), March 27, 1988; May 29,1988. Harper's Bazaar, October, 1998, p. 278. Interview, August, 1989, p. 130; March, 1990, p. 136; August, 1994, p. 96. New York, February 21, 1983, p. 36. People Weekly, September 10, 1990, p. 67. Rolling Stone, November 3, 1988, p. 76.*


BERNSTEIN, Armyan PERSONAL Addresses: Office—Beacon Pictures, 1041 North Formosa Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90046. Career: Producer, director, and screenwriter. CREDITS Film Producer, Except Where Indicated: Co-producer, One From the Heart, Columbia, 1982. The Road to Wellville, Columbia, 1994. Air Force One, Buena Vista, 1997. Disturbing Behavior, Columbia TriStar, 1998. End of Days, Buena Vista, 1999. For Love of the Came, Universal, 1999. Film Executive Producer: Satisfaction, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1988. The Commitments, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1991. A Midnight Clear, Sovereign Pictures, 1992. Princess Caraboo, TriStar, 1994. Sugar Hill, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1994. The Baby-sitter's Club, Columbia TriStar, 1995. A Thousand Acres, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, 1997. Girly Magazine Party, 1997. Playing God, Buena Vista, 1997. Film Director: Windy City, Warner Bros., 1984. Cross My Heart, Universal, 1987. Television Executive Producer; Specials: Time Warner Presents the Earth Day Special, ABC, 1990. WRITINGS Screenplays: Thank God It's Friday, Columbia, 1978. One From the Heart, Columbia, 1982. Windy City, Warner Bros., 1984. Cross My Heart, Universal, 1987. Television Specials: Time Warner Presents the Earth Day Special, ABC, 1990. Television Episodes: Family, ABC, 1976.*

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28



]udge Dredd, Buena Vista, 1995. 101 Dalmatians, Buena Vista, 1996. Event Horizon, Paramount, 1997. Fierce Creatures, Universal, 1997. The Butcher Boy, Warner Bros., 1997. Holy Man, Buena Vista, 1998. The Mummy, Universal, 1999. The World Is Not Enough, United Artists, 1999.'

Film Appearances: Porter, Carrington, Gramercy, 1995. Television Appearances; Movies: Francis Stilton, The Canterville Ghost, ABC, 1996. Serbian soldier, Shot Through the Heart, HBO, 1998.

BLACK, Claudia PERSONAL Born October 11, in Sydney, Australia.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Mickey Muldoon, The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns, NBC, 1999.

Career: Actress. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Specials: Janyn, Cadfael 2, PBS, 1997. Viscount Guy "Boy" Cameron, "Private Lives/' Heat of the Sun, PBS, 1999.*

Film Appearances: Shazza, Pitch Black, 2000.

BIDDLE, Adrian

Television Appearances: Drug Free Kids: A Parent's Guide (special), PBS, 1988. G.P., 1988. Police Rescue, 1990. Seven Deadly Sins, (mini-series), 1993. Water Rats, 1996. Cassandra, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys,

PERSONAL Addresses: Contact—British Film Institute, 127 Charing Cross Rd., London WC2 England; Home Farm, Ripley Rd., East Claudon, Surrey GU4 756 England.


Cassandra, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, 1998. Officer Aeryn Sun, Farscape (series), 1999—.*

Career: Cinematographer. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best cinematography, 1991, for Thelma & Louise.

BLAKE, Geoffrey 1962(Geoffrey Ferrell)



Film Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated: Camera focus, Alien, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1979. Aliens, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. The Princess Bride, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. The Dawning, LIVE Home Video, 1988. Willow, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1988. The Tall Guy, Virgin Vision, 1990. Thelma and Louise, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1991. 7492; Conquest of Paradise, Paramount, 1992. City Slickers II: The Legend ofCurley's Gold, Columbia, 1994.

Full name, Geoffrey Lewis Blake; born August 20, 1962, in Baltimore, MD; son of Avery Felton Blake and Marjorie (maiden name, Lewis) Myers; married Marcia Christie, August 10, 1985. Education: University of Southern California, BFA, 1984; studied acting with Peggy Feury. Politics: Democrat. Avocational interests: Writing, bicycling, tennis, horseback riding, and travel. Addresses: /Agent—Innovative Artists, 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Career: Actor and producer. Symphony Pictures, Culver City, CA, producer, 1989-90. Member: Screen Actors Guild. Awards, Honors: Cleo Award, 1987; Screen Actors Guild Award, for Apollo 13; Emmy Award nomination, for My Past is My Own; Emmy Award nomination, for Words Up. CREDITS Film Appearances: Gary, The Last Star fighter, Universal, 1984. Ricardo, Secret Admirer, Orion, 1985. J. McCloskey, Young Guns, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1988. Frost, Men at Work, Triumph Releasing, 1990. Tall Egg, The Walter Ego, 1991. Frank, Critters 3, New Line Home Video, 1991. Voice of Ralph, FernGully: The Last Rainforest (animated), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Clem, The Pickle, Columbia, 1993. Logan, Philadelphia Experiment, 1993. Wesley, Forrest Gump, Paramount, 1994. Joel, Dominion, Turner Home Entertainment, 1995. GUIDOGold, Apollo 13, Universal, 1995. David, The War at Home, Buena Vista, 1996. Floyd Dell, Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story, Warner Bros., 1996. Billy, Heaven or Vegas, Storm Entertainment, 1997. Media guy number one, Wag the Dog, 1997. Fisher, Contact, Warner Bros., 1997. Vern, Mighty ]oe Young (also known as Mighty Joe), Buena Vista, 1998. Kilmer, Getting Personal, Lakeshore Entertainment, 1999. Keith, EDtv, Universal, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Steve, Paper Dolls, 1984. Hound Adams, Renegade, 1992. Television Appearances; Movies: Mark Johnson, One Terr/fie Guy, CBS, 1986. Paul Swenson, The Abduction of Kari Swenson, NBC, 1987. Miller, The Tracker (also known as Dead or Alive), HBO, 1988. Python, Nightbreaker (also known as Advance to Ground Zero), TNT, 1989. Randy, The Keys, NBC, 1990. Scott, Fatal Exposure, USA, 1991. Jerry the Locksmith, Maid for Each Other, NBC, 1992.

BLAKE • 43

Carl, Marilyn & Bobby: Her Final Affair, USA, 1993. Ted McKenna, One Woman's Courage, NBC, 1994. Gilbert Rawlins, Shame II: The Secret, Lifetime, 1995. Sgt. Harriman, Fast Company, NBC, 1995. Realtor number one, Marshal Law, Showtime, 1996. Jonah Randall, Max Q: Emergency Landing, ABC, 1998. Jimmy Mark, Brink!, Disney Channel, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Tepper, North Beach and Rawhide, CBS, 1985. Television Appearances; Specials: Ron, But It's Not My Fault, ABC, 1983. Lon, All the Kids Do It, CBS, 1984. Dexter Lee Smith, My Past Is My Own, CBS, 1989. Television Appearances; Episodic: Dennis, Off the Rack, ABC, 1984. Jeffrey Stone, "Don't Pet the Teacher/' 21 Jump Street, Fox, 1987. Larry Hanson, Life Goes On, ABC, 1989. "Son and Heir/' Hunter, 1990. Sam Spelvin, "The Critic," Matlock, 1991. Lawrence Randall, Civil Wars, ABC, 1991. Jay Tweed, Homefront, ABC, 1991. LA. Law, NBC, 1991. Jake Mel Ion, The Hat Squad, CBS, 1992. Beck, "Steel Horses," The Adventures of Brisco County jr., Fox, 1993. Arjin, "Playing God," Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, syndicated, 1994. "Last Chance," Strange Luck, Fox, 1995. Johnny Reed, "An Eye for an Eye," Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, CBS, 1996. Eric Gilchrist, Murder One, ABC, 1996. Jack Goodman, "You Don't Know Jack/' Fired Up, NBC, 1997. Dr. Richard Jones, "Lost Israel: Part 2," NYPD Blue, ABC, 1997. Dennis, Temporarily Yours, CBS, 1997. Toby Cole, "Redemption," Brimstone, Fox, 1998. Any Day Now, Lifetime, 1998. Also appeared in It's Garry Shandling's Show; My Sister Sam; Alien Nation. Television Work; Specials: Executive producer, Words Up!, CBS, 1992. Stage Appearances: Appeared in Eminent Domain; Working; Runaways; Album; Romeo and Juliet; Christmas Carol.*

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


BLEETH, Yasmine 1972(?)PERSONAL First name pronounced "Yes-MEEN"; born June 14, 1972 (some sources say 1968), in New York, NY; daughter of Philip (a business proprietor) and Carina (a model) Bleeth. Education: Attended United Nations International School (Manhattan, NY). Addresses: Contact—do Baywatch Productions, 5433 Beethoven St., Los Angeles, CA 90066.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 14th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, ABC, 1987. Film Appearances: Theresa, Hey, Babe! (musical), Rafal, 1984. Jenna Reed, BASEketball, Universal, 1998. Coming Soon, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Rachel, Heaven or Vegas, Storm Entertainment, 1999. Other Work: Appears in CD-ROM game Maximum Surge, Digital Pictures, 1996. OTHER SOURCES

Career: Model and actress. Appeared in commercials as a child for Johnson and Johnson and Downy Fabric Softener.

Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, February 9, 1996, p. 57. People, August 24, 1992, p. .87.*

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Ryan Fenelli, Ryan's Hope, ABC, 1985-89. Lee Ann Demerest, One Life to Live, ABC, 1991-93. Caroline Holden, Baywatch, syndicated, 1994—. Natalie, The Naked Truth, ABC, 1996-97.

BLOMMAERT, Susan (Susan J. Blommaert)

Television Appearances; Episodic: Good Morning America, ABC, 1989.

Addresses: Contact—8383 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 550, Beverly Hills, CA 90211.

Appeared on Politically Incorrect, Comedy Central.

Career: Actress.

Television Appearances; Specials: Philadelphia's Thanksgiving Day Parade, Lifetime, 1988. The Ultimate TV Trivia Challenge, ABC, 1995. Hollywood Host, Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve '96, ABC, 1995. The Late Show with David Letterman Primetime Video Special 2, CBS, 1996. Team "Baywatch" USA, syndicated, 1996. Guest, Politically Incorrect's Greatest Hits, ABC, 1997. Art Mann's 10th Anniversary Winter Special, E! Entertainment Television, 1997. Candid Camera Looks at Love, CBS, 1997. Presenter, 4th Annual VH1 Honors, VH1, 1997. Canned Ham: Basketball, Comedy Central, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Emily/Adrian, A Face to Die For, NBC, 1996. Diane Shepherd, Talk to Me, ABC, 1996. Danielle, Crowned and Dangerous, ABC, 1997. Jackie Ivers, The Lake, NBC, 1998. Pepper, It Came From the Sky, Romance Classics, 1999. Terry Cuff, Ultimate Deception, USA, 1999.


CREDITS Film Appearances: Jackie Coles, Forever, Lulu, Columbia Pictures, 1987. Leslie, Crossing Delancy, Warner Bros., 1988. Miss Dandridge, Pet Sematary, Paramount, 1989. (As Susan J Blommaert) Bill, Edward Scissorhands, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1990. Charlotte, For Love or Money, Universal, 1993. Kimberly Cannon, Guarding Tess, TriStar, 1994. Sister May, The Jerky Boys, Buena Vista, 1995. Ms. Park Avenue, Mouse Hunt, DreamWorks Distribution L.L.C., 1997. (As Susan J Blommaert) Gertrude Cox Hill, Henry Hill, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Umbrella lady, Terror on Track 9, CBS, 1992. Dottie, Murder, She Wrote: South by Southwest, CBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Series: Beverly Shippel, The Brian Benben Show, CBS, 1998.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Susan J Blommaert) 44th secretary, Murphy Brown, CBS, 1990. (As Susan J Blommaert) LA. Law, NBC, 1992. Judge Steinman, Law & Order, NBC, 1991, 1993. Katherine Fleiss, Grace Under Fire, ABC, 1993. Cabby, Mad About You, NBC, 1993. Hannah, Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1994. Phyllis Paddock, The X-Files, Fox, 1994. New York Undercover, Fox, 1995. Judge Rebecca Stein, Law & Order, NBC, 1997. Judge Oberman, The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 1997. AllyMcBeal, Fox, 1998. Judge Fox, The Practice, ABC, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: (As Susan J Blommaert) Farmer's wife, Four-Sided Triangle, HBO, 1990.*


BOATMAN, Michael 1964(Michael P. Boatman, Michael Patrick Boatman) PERSONAL Born October 25, 1964, in Colorado Springs, CO; married Myrna Forney (a lawyer), 1992; children: Jordan. Education: Western Illinois University, graduated (theater). Avocational interests: Collecting comic books, reading. Addresses: Home—Los Angeles, CA. Office—Spin City, c/o Mountie Productions, LLC, W. 23rd St. and Hudson River, Pier 62, Suite 204, New York, NY 10011.

BOATMAN • 45 Garnet Hines, Muscle, syndicated, 1995. Stanley, Arli$$ (also known as Ar//ss), HBO, 1996—. Carter, Spin City (also known as Spin), ABC, 1996—. Television Appearances; Movies: Arnold, Donor, CBS, 1990. Sergeant Teal, Fourth Story, Showtime, 1991. Robert Dayton, In the Line of Duty: Street War (also known as In the Line of Duty: The Two Tonys), NBC, 1992. Sergeant Joe DuBois, House of Secrets (also known as Conspiracy of Terror), 1993. Television Appearances; Specials: (As Michael P. Boatman) Troy Canty, "The Trial of Bernhard Goetz," American Playhouse, PBS, 1988. Host, The Vanishing Civil War, PBS, 1993. Television Appearances; Episodic: Appeared on The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, and Living Single. Film Appearances: Motown (3rd Squad, 1st Platoon), Hamburger Hill, Paramount, 1987. Spaulding, Running on Empty, Warner Bros., 1988. Un-becomingAge, 1992. J. J. Johnson, The Glass Shield, 1994. Urban Crossfire, New Horizons Home Video, 1994. CPN Beach, The Peacemaker, DreamWorks, 1997. Stage Appearances: (As Michael Patrick Boatman) Joe, Tiny Mommy, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, New York City, 1987-88. Appeared in a San Francisco production of The Class Menagerie. While at Western Illinois University, Boatman appeared in productions of A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Seagull, and Purlie Victorious.

Career: Actor. OTHER SOURCES Awards, Honors: Best Supporting Actor Award in Irene Ryan National Competition at Kennedy Center; Image Award nomination, outstanding supporting actor in a comedy series, 1998 and 1999, for Spin City. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Private Sam Beckett, China Beach, ABC, 1988-91. Grant Watson, The Jackie Thomas Show, ABC, 1992-93.

Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, April 4, 1997, p. 73. Essence, December, 1990, p. 36. People Weekly, April 27, 1998, p. 139. People Weekly, November 2, 1998, p. 160.*

BOATMAN, Michael P. See BOATMAN, Michael

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

BOATMAN, Michael Patrick See BOATMAN, Michael

BOLGER, John 1954(John Michael Bolger) PERSONAL Born February 26, 1954, in Jamaica, NY; married Christine Radman; children: two daughters, one son; great-nephew of Ray Bolger (an actor). Education: Bucknell University, B.F.A.; attended Circle in the Square Professional Theatre Workshop. Career: Actor. Willow Cabin Theatre Company, founding member. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Philip Spaulding, Guiding Light, CBS, 1985-86. Scott Beeby, Everything's Relative, CBS, 1987. Officer Bobby Traverso, True Blue, NBC, 1989-90. Dr. Alton Spader, Another World (also known as Another World: Bay City), NBC, 1994. Captain Gabe McNamara, Another World (also known as Another World: Bay C/ty), NBC, 1995-96. John Sykes, One Life to Live, 1998—. Appeared as Malcolm, Loving. Television Appearances; Episodic: William Pratt, "Master of Disguise/' Friday the 13th, 1988. "This Is My Gun/' Hunter, 1990. Kevin Sullivan, "Emission Accomplished/' NYPD Blue, ABC, 1993. (As John Michael Bolger) Robert Enright, "Black Peart," Pacific Blue, 1997. Art Boyd, "Alice Doesn't Fit Here Anymore," NYPD Blue, ABC, 1997. "The Solomon Papers," New York Undercover, 1997. "Tribes," ER, 1997. (As John Michael Bolger) Robert Enright, "Sandman," Pacific Blue, 1997. Detective Wesley Simpson, "Justice," Law and Order, 1999. Also appeared in Secret Service and Top Cops.

Other Television Appearances: Judge, The 1986 Miss U.S.A. Pageant (special), 1986. Martin Fishbein, Almost Golden: The Jessica Savitch Story (movie; also known as Almost Golden), Lifetime, 1995. Film Appearances: Robert, Parting Glances, Cinecom, 1986. Security guard, Twins, Universal, 1988. Young Von Metz, Loose Cannons, TriStar, 1990. Len, Delirious, 1991. Cop, Carlito's Way, 1993. Cook, Vibrations (also known as Cyberstorm), 1995. Dean, C/oser to Home, 1995. Music awards technician, Private Parts (also known as Howard Stern's Private Parts), 1997. Dr. Flynn, Just Looking, 1999. Stage Appearances: Philinte, The Misanthrope, Theatre at Space 603, New York City, 1986. Mead, Safe Sex, La Mama Experimental Theatre Club, New York City, 1987. /Antony and Cleopatra, Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA, 1987-88. The Comedy of Errors, Old Globe Theatre, 1987-88. The Lady from Maxim's, Huntington Theatre Company, Boston, MA, 1989-90. Peter Sloan, Light up the Sky, Roundabout Theatre, New York City, 1990-91. Title role, Macbeth, One Dream Theatre, New York City, 1991-92. Smitty, 5.5. Glencairn—Four Plays of the Sea, Willow Cabin Theatre Company, Harold Clurman Theatre, New York City, 1993. Orlando, As You Like It, Judith Anderson Theatre, New York City, 1994. Also appeared in Richard ///.*

BOLGER, John Michael See BOLGER, John

BOLOTIN, Craig PERSONAL Addresses: /Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


Career: Director, executive producer, and writer. CREDITS


Film Director, Except Where Indicated: Executive producer, Black Rain, Paramount, 1989. That Night, Warner Bros., 1993. Light It Up, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Television Director; Specials: Sapphire Man, Showtime, 1991.

Addresses: Contact—First Street Films Inc., 1861 South Bundy Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90025. Career: Producer, film executive, director, production supervisor, and location manager. CREDITS

WRITINGS Screenplays: Black Rain, Paramount, 1989. Straight Talk, Buena Vista, 1992. That Night, Warner Bros., 1993. Light It Up, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Television Specials: Sapphire Man, Showtime, 1991 .*

BOND, Samantha PERSONAL Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Helga, Erik the Viking, Orion, 1989. Miss Moneypenny, ColdenEye, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1995. Miss Moneypenny, Tomorrow Never Dies, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1997. Miss Moneypenny, The World Is Not Enough, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Julia Simmons, Agatha Christie's Miss Marple, Series II, PBS, 1986. Mary Mackenzie, The Ginger Tree, PBS, 1990. Helen Marriat, Inspector Morse, Series VII: Dead on Time, PBS, 1994.

Film Producer, Except Where Indicated: Location manager (Arizona), National Lampoon's Vacation, Warner Bros., 1983. Associate producer, White Nights, Columbia, 1985. La Bamba, Columbia Pictures, 1987. Executive in charge of production, Alien Nation, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1988. Production supervisor (New Zealand), Midnight Run, Universal, 1988. A Midnight Clear, Sovereign Pictures, 1992. A Home of Our Own, Gramercy Pictures, 1993. Desperado, Columbia TriStar, 1995. Executive producer and second unit director, The Cure, Universal, 1995. Get on the Bus, Columbia/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1996. Excess Baggage, Columbia/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. And line producer, End of Days, Buena Vista, 1999. Television Work; Movies:

Location manager, Grace Kelly, ABC, 1983. Producer and second unit director, Backfield in Motion, ABC, 1991. Producer, Body Language, HBO, 1995. Executive producer, Blackout Effect, NBC, 1998.*


Television Appearances; Movies: Mrs. Weston, jane Austen's Emma, A&E, 1997. Mary Spencer, The Ruby Ring, Showtime, 1997.

Born December 21, 1952, in Newark, NJ; married Deborah Hedwall (an actress); children: two. Ethnicity: Greek and Jewish. Education: Graduated from Hampshire College.

Television Appearances; Series: Liz Probert, Rumpole of the Bailey, Series IV, PBS, 1988.*

Addresses: /Agent—The Gersh Agency, 232 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

48 • BOWEN Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Two Obie Awards, The Village Voice: One for The Nest of the Wood Grouse, 1985. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Joseph Calvo, Nurse, CBS, 1981-82. Dr. Tony Menzies, Stat, ABC, 1991. Jerry Harper, The Jackie Thomas Show, ABC, 1992-93. Joe, Misery Loves Company, 1995. Dr. Stephen Rydell, The Burning Zone, UPN, 1996-97. District Attorney Neil Burnside, Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1997-98. Dr. Kotlowitz, ER, NBC, 1997—. Pressman, Law & Order, NBC, 1997-98. Trinity, NBC, 1998-99. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Detective Jerry Renfrew, Internal Affairs, CBS, 1988. Joel Baruch, Love, Lies and Murder, NBC, 1991. Woody Allen, Love and Betrayal: The Mia Farrow Story (also known as Mia: Child of Hollywood), Fox, 1995. Skippy Deere, The Last Don, CBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Tom Rampy, Thunder Boat Row, ABC, 1989. Roger Woods, The Hit Man, ABC, 1991. Leeson, The Keys, NBC, 1992. Jack Mandel, Victim of Love: The Shannon Mohr Story, NBC, 1993. Sam Neaman, Beyond Betrayal, CBS, 1994. Screenwriter, Tonya and Nancy: The Inside Story (also known as The Tonya and Nancy Story), NBC, 1994. Steven Hoffman, The Yarn Princess, ABC, 1994. Vinnie Ventola, And Then There Was One, Lifetime, 1994. Frank Caldwell, Sudden Terror: The Hijacking of School Bus #17 (also known as The Miami School Bus Hijacking), ABC, 1996. Nat, Chasing the Dragon, Lifetime, 1996. Survival on the Mountain, NBC, 1997. Paul Riggs, The Three Lives of Karen, USA, 1997.

Film Appearances: Frankie, The Exterminator, Avco Embassy, 1980. Marek, War and Love, Cannon, 1985. Alex, Very Close Quarters, Cable Star, 1986. Mason Baylor, * batteries not included, Universal, 1987. Bob Tanner, Crocodile Dundee II, Paramount, 1988. Dr. Weitzman, The Dream Team, Universal, 1989. Orin Fell, The Boy Who Cried Bitch, Pilgrims 3 Corporation, 1991. Rossi, Talent for the Game, Paramount, 1991. Massarelli, Boys on the Side, Warner Bros., 1994. Kootz, Surviving Picasso, Warner Bros., 1996. Doctor Stevens, In Dreams, DreamWorks, 1999. Stage Appearances: Jerry Hallam, Another Language, Equity Library Theatre, New York City, 1975. All's Well That Ends Well, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, New York City, 1978. Galileo, Hartford Stage Company, Hartford, CT, 1979. Umberto, Filumena, St. James Theatre, New York City, 1980. The Woolgatherer, Center Stage, Baltimore, MD, 1981. Robert Ross, Jitters, Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, PA, 1981. Romeo and Juliet, Dallas Shakespeare Festival, Dallas, TX, 1981. Title role (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart), Amadeus, Broadhurst Theatre, New York City, 1982. GeorgySamsonovich Yasyunin, The Nest of the Wood Grouse, Public Theatre, New York City, 1984. Christopher Marlowe, Cheapside, Roundabout Theatre, New York City, 1986. Jack, The Boys Next Door, Lamb's Theatre, New York City, 1987-88. Also appeared as Jonathan Waxman, Sight Unseen, 1991; Funeral March for a One-Man Band; A Day in the Life of the Czar; Rum and Coke; and Bent. Guest artist with the Actors Theatre of Louisville, Louisville, KY, c. 1983. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: New York, January 4, 1993, p. 14.*

Television Appearances; Specials: Christopher Boucher, "The Trial of Bernhard Goetz," American Playhouse, PBS, 1988. Michael, "Big Time, Mmer/can Playhouse, PBS, 1989. Fox Fall Preview Party, Fox, 1995.

BOWEN, Michael

Also appeared as Keith Warfield, In the Lion's Den, 1987.

Addresses: /Agent—Premiere Artists Agency, 8899 Beverly Blvd., Suite 201, Los Angeles, CA 90048.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Jimmy Swift, Forbidden World, New World Pictures, 1982. Tommy, Valley Girl, Atlantic Pictures, 1983. Larry, Night of the Comet, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1984. Vince, The Wild Life, Universal, 1984. August Reizenstein, Echo Park, Atlantic, 1985. Private Resort, Unity Pictures Corp., 1985. Knotcher, Iron Eagle, 1986. Gary Jackson, The Check Is in the Mail, Ascot, 1986. Hot Dog, Amazing Grace and Chuck, TriStar, 1987. Hop, Less Than Zero, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Berke, Mortal Passions, Fox Video, 1989. Mick Drummond, Season of Fear, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1989. Harlan, Kid, LIVE Home Video, 1990. Second Mask, The Godfather, Part III, Paramount, 1990. LA Cop at roadblock, The Taking of Beverly Hills, Columbia, 1991. Himself, The Player, Fine Line, 1992. Fletch, Beverly Hills Cop III, Paramount, 1994. Ranger X, Love and .45, Trimark Pictures, 1994. Himself, Timothy Leary's Dead, 1996. True Crime, Trimark Pictures, 1996. Cupid, Live Film & Mediaworks, 1997. Gus, Excess Baggage, Columbia/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Mark Dargus, ]ackie Brown, Buena Vista, 1997. Rick Spector, Magnolia, New Line Cinema, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Joe, Jr., On Fire, ABC, 1987. Dan Nichols, The Abduction of Kari Swenson, NBC, 1987. Scotty, Shannon's Deal, NBC, 1989. Bob, The Ryan White Story, ABC, 1989. Shoot First: A Cop's Vengeance, NBC, 1991. Buck Barrow, Bonnie & Clyde: The True Story, Fox, 1992. Paul Makely, Casualties of Love: The "Long Island Lolita" Story, CBS, 1993. Detective Culbertson, Poisoned by Love: The Kern County Murders, CBS, 1993. Visions of Murder, NBC, 1993. Kyne, New Eden, Sci-Fi Channel, 1995. Roger Gill, Trial By Fire, ABC, 1995. Boxing spectator, Don King: Only in America, HBO, 1997.


Billy Ray, Gideon, Starz!, 1999. Parker, Letters From a Killer, HBO, 1999. George, Me & Will, Sundance Channel, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Bishop Brackman, The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr., Fox, 1993. Roy Dolan, Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1993. Jarvis Tatum, Christy, CBS, 1994. Valario, ER, NBC, 1994. Nick Carlton, Marker, UPN, 1995. David Tierney, NYPD Blue, ABC, 1995. Detective Paul Taglia, Brooklyn South, CBS, 1997. Denny,/AC, CBS, 1997. Alex Munson, Nash Bridges, CBS, 1997. Varner, Brimstone, Fox, 1998. JC Beal, Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: Chris Brannigan, Roughhouse, CBS, 1988. Troy Cavendish, Bar Girls, CBS, 1990. Jack O'Neil, "Murder in Triplicate/' Perfect Crimes, CBS, 1991. Nostradamus, Mysteries of the Ancient World, CBS, 1994. "The Headless Ghost/' Real Ghosts, UPN, 1995.*

BRADBURY, Ray 1920(Douglas Spaulding) PERSONAL Full name, Ray Douglas Bradbury; born August 22, 1920, in Waukegan, IL; son of Leonard Spaulding and Esther Marie (Moberg) Bradbury; married Marguerite Susan McClure, September 27, 1947; children: Susan Marguerite, Ramona, Bettina, Alexandra. Education: Attended public schools in Waukegan, IL, and Los Angeles, CA. Politics: Independent. Religion: UnitarianUniversalist. Avocational interests: Swimming, oil painting, walking, collecting masks, ceramics. Addresses: Agent—Don Congdon, Harold Matson Co., 276 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010. Career: Writer and producer. Pandemonium Theatre Company, founder, producer, and director, 1963. Pacific Art Foundation, vice-president. Worked as a newsboy in Los Angeles, CA, 1940-43. Member: Writers Guild of America, Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (president, 1951 -53),


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Screenwriters Guild of America (member of board of directors, 1957-61). Awards, Honors: O'Henry Short Story Prize, 1947 and 1948; Benjamin Franklin Award, best short story of 1953-54 in an American magazine, for "Sun and Shadow" in Reporter; award for contribution to American literature, National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1954; Gold Medal, Commonwealth Club of California, 1954, for Fahrenheit 451; Junior Book Award, Boys' Clubs of America, 1956, for Switch on the Night; CINE Golden Eagle Award, screenwriting, Council on International Nontheatrical Events, 1957; Academy Award nomination, best short fi Im, 1963, for Icarus Montgolfier Wright; Mrs. Ann Radcliffe Awards, Count Dracula Society, 1965 and 1971; Valentine Davies Award, Writers Guild of America, West, 1974; World Fantasy Award, life achievement, 1977; D.Litt., Whittier College, 1979; Balrog Award, best poet, 1979; Aviation and Space Writers Award, 1979, for a television documentary; award from PEN, 1985, for body of work; Gandalf Award (Grand Master), Science Fiction Achievement, 1989; the play version of The Martian Chronicles won five Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle Awards; Annual Cable Excellence (ACE) Award nomination, best dramatic series, National Cable Television Association, 1991, for The Ray Bradbury Theatre; George Pal Memorial Award, Academy of Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantasy Films, 1999.

In Search of Oz, A&E, 1994. "Outer Space: Can We afford to Go?," The Cronkite Report, Discovery Channel, 1994. Corwin, PBS, 1996. Interviewee, "Moby Dick," Great Books, The Learning Channel, 1996. Interviewee, Ray Bradbury: An American Icon (also known as Masters of Fantasy: Ray Bradbury, an American Icon), Sci-Fi Channel, 1996. Future Fantastic, The Learning Channel, 1997. Masters of Fantasy: Arthur C Clarke, Sci-Fi Channel, 1997. Universal Horror, TCM, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Guest, Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, Comedy Central, 1996. Appeared on Today, NBC; also interviewed on numerous Larry King shows, as well as other talk shows. Film Appearances: Narrator, King of Kings, 1961. Literary party guest, Rich and Famous, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1981. The Fantasy Film World of George Pal, 1986. Stage Work:

Producer (with S. L. Stebel and Charles Rome Smith), Next in Line, Pandemonium Theatre Company, New Ivar Theatre, 1992.

CREDITS RECORDINGS Television Work; Series: Creator, editor, and executive producer (with Peter Sussman and Larry Wilcox), The Ray Bradbury Theatre (also known as Ray Bradbury Presents; includes adaptations of Bradbury's stories, such as "The Playground/' "The Crowd," "Banshee," "The Screaming Woman," "The Town Where No One Got Off," "The Lake," "The Pedestrian," "The Chicago Abyss," and "The Veldt"), HBO, 1985-87, then USA, beginning in 1987. Television Appearances; Series: Host, The Ray Bradbury Theatre, HBO, 1985-87, then USA, beginning in 1987. Television Appearances; Specials: Voice of Ralph as Man, Any Friend of Nicholas Nickleby Is a Friend of Mine, 1982. The Whimsical World of Oz, 1985. Neptune All Night, PBS, 1989. Voice, The Halloween Tree (animated), syndicated, 1993.

Videos: Himself, "Brace New Prune," The Stan Freberg Commercials, 1999. WRITINGS Stage Plays: The Meadow, Huntington Hartford Theatre, Hollywood, CA, 1960. Way in the Middle of the Air, Desilu Cower Studios, Hollywood, 1962. The Anthem Sprinters, and Other Antics (four oneacts), Beverly Hills Playhouse, Beverly Hills, CA, 1967, published by Dial (New York City), 1963. The World of Ray Bradbury (three one-acts: The Pedestrian, The Veldt, and To the Chicago /Abyss), Coronet Theatre, Los Angeles, 1964, then Orpheum Theatre, New York City, 1965. The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, Coronet Theater, 1965, later Bouwerie Lane Theatre, New York City, 1981, published by Dramatic Publishing, 1986.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 The Day It Rained Forever (one-act), published by Samuel French (New York City), 1966. The Pedestrian (one-act), published by Samuel French, 1966. Dandelion Wine (based on his novel of the same title; music composed by Billy Goldenberg), Forum Theatre, New York City, 1967, later Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL, 1976, then Arena Stage, Washington, DC, 1982-83, published by Dramatic Publishing, 1988. Any Friend of Nicholas Nickleby Is a Friend of Mine, 1968. Christus Apollo (music by Jerry Goldsmith), Royce Hall, University of California, Los Angeles, 1969. Leviathan 99, Stage 9 Theatre, 1972. The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit and Other Plays (contains The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, The Veldt, and To the Chicago /Abyss), published by Bantam (New York City), 1972, published in England as The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit and Other Plays for Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond Tomorrow, Hart-Davis, 1973. Madrigals for the Space Age (for chorus and narrator; music composed by Lalo Schifrin) Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Los Angeles, 1973, published by Music Publishers, 1972. Pillar of Fire, Little Theatre, California State College, Fullerton,. CA, 1973. Pillar of Fire and Other Plays for Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond Tomorrow (contains Pillar of Fire, Kaleidoscope, and The Foghorn [based on his story of same title]), published by Bantam, 1975. That Ghost, That Bride of Time: Excerpts from a Playin-Progress, published by Roy A. Squires Press, 1976. The Martian Chronicles (based on his novel of same title), Colony Theatre, Los Angeles, 1977, published by Dramatic Publishing, 1986. Fahrenheit 451 (musical; based on his story of same title), Colony Theatre, 1979, published by Dramatic Publishing, 1986. The Veldt (based on his story of the same title), first produced in London, 1980, published by Dramatic Publishing, 1989. A Device Out of Time, published by Dramatic Publishing, 1986. The Flying Machine, published by Dramatic Publishing, 1986. Kaleidoscope, published by Dramatic Publishing, 1986. Falling Upward, Melrose Theatre, Los Angeles, 1988, published by Dramatic Publishing, 1989. To the Chicago /Abyss, published by Dramatic Publishing, 1989.


Ray Bradbury on Stage: A Chrestomathy of His Plays, 1991. Plays have also been produced at Royal Shakespeare Festival Theatre, London. Screenplays:

The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (based on his story 'The Foghorn"), Warner Bros., 1953. It Came from Outer Space (based on a story by Bradbury), 1953. (With John Huston) Moby Dick, Warner Bros., 1956. (With George C. Johnson) Icarus Montgolfier Wright, Format Films, 1962. (Author of narration and creative consultant) An American Journey, U.S. Government for United States Pavilion at New York World's Fair, 1964. (As Douglas Spaulding; with Ed Weinberger) Picasso Summer, Warner Bros./Seven Arts, 1972. Something Wicked This Way Comes (based on his novel of same title), Buena Vista, 1983. The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit (based on his stage play of the same title and the short story "The Magic White Suit"), Buena Vista, 1998. Television Episodes:

The Fox and the Forest (also known as Out of the Unknown: Fox and the Forest), 1965. "The Burning Man/' Twilight Zone, CBS, 1985. The Ray Bradbury Theatre, HBO, 1985-87, then USA, beginning in 1987. "The Elevator/' Twilight Zone, CBS, 1986. Author during the 1950s of the episode "The Jail/' Alcoa Premiere. Also author of scripts for episodes of Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Curiosity Shop, Jane Wyman's Fireside Theatre, Steve Canyon, Suspense, and Trouble Shooters. Other Television Writings: Any Friend of Nicholas Nickleby Is a Friend of Mine (special), 1982. "The Invisible Boy," Robbers, Rooftops and Witches (special), 1982. Savannen, 1983. "Walking on Air," WbnderWbrks (special), PBS, 1987. The Halloween Tree (animated special; based on his juvenile novel of the same title), syndicated,

1993. Radio Plays:

Leviathan 99, BBC, 1966. "Bradbury 13," NPR Playhouse, National Public Radio, 1984.

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Forever and the Earth (limited edition), published by Croissant and Co., 1984.

The Toynbee Convector, Knopf, 1988. Kaleidoscope, 1994.

Also contributed to CBS Radio Playhouse, c. 1940s.

Poetry: Old Ahab's Friend, and Friend to Noah, Speaks His Piece: A Celebration, Roy A. Squires Press, 1971. When Elephants Last in the Dooryard Bloomed: Celebrations for Almost Any Day in the Year, Knopf, 1973. That Son of Richard III: A Birth Announcement, Roy A. Squires Press, 1974. Where Robot Mice and Robot Men Run Round in Robot Towns: New Poems, Both Light and Dark, Knopf, 1977. Twin Hieroglyphs That Swim the River Dust, Lord John, 1978. The Bike Repairman, Lord John, 1978. The Author Considers His Resources, Lord John, 1979. The Attic Where the Meadow Greens, Lord John, 1979. The Haunted Computer and the Android Pope, Knopf, 1981. The Complete Poems of Ray Bradbury (contains Where Robot Mice and Robot Men Run Round in Robot Towns, The Haunted Computer and the Android Pope, and When Elephants Last in the Dooryard Bloomed), Ballantine, 1982. The Last Good Kiss: A Poem, illustrated by Hans Burkhardt, Santa Susana Press, 1984. Forever and the Earth, 1984. Death Has Lost Its Charm for Me, Lord John, 1987. With Cat for Comforter, Gibbs Smith, 1997. Dogs Think that Everyday Is Christmas, Gibbs Smith, 1997.

Novels: The Martian Chronicles, Doubleday (New York City), 1950, revised edition published as The Silver Locusts, Hart-Davis, 1951. Dandelion Wine, Doubleday, 1957. Sun and Shadow, Quenian Press, 1957. Something Wicked This Way Comes, Simon & Schuster (New York City), 1962. Death Is a Lonely Business, Knopf (New York City), 1985. A Graveyard for Lunatics, Knopf, 1990. The Dead Ride Fast, Knopf, 1990. Green Shadows, White Whale, 1992. Quicker than the Eye, Avon, 1996. Short Story Collections: Dark Carnival, Arkham, 1947, revised edition, Hamish Hamilton, 1948. The Illustrated Man, Doubleday, 1951, revised edition, Hart-Davis, 1952. The Golden Apples of the Sun, Doubleday, 1953, revised edition, Hart-Davis, 1953. The October Country, Ballantine (New York City), 1955. A Medicine for Melancholy, Doubleday, 1959, revised edition published in England as The Day It Rained Forever, Hart-Davis, 1959. The Small Assassin, Ace Books (New York City), 1962. The Machineries of]oy, Simon & Schuster, 1964. The Vintage Bradbury, Vintage (New York City), 1965. Twice Twenty-Two (contains The Golden Apples of the Sun and A Medicine for Melancholy), Doubleday, 1966. (With Robert Bloch) Bloch and Bradbury: Ten Masterpieces of Science Fiction, Tower, 1969, published in England as Fever Dreams and Other Fantasies, Sphere, 1970, published as Whispers from Beyond, Peacock Press, 1972. / 5/ng the Body Electric!, Knopf, 1969. Ray Bradbury, Harrap, 1975. Long after Midnight, Knopf, 1976. (And author of introduction) To 5/ng Strange Songs, Wheaton, 1979. (And author of introduction) The Last Circus, Lord John, 1980. The 5tor/es of Ray Bradbury, Knopf, 1980. (And author of introduction) A Memory for Murder, Dell (New York City), 1984.

juvenile Story Collections: R Is for Rocket, Doubleday, 1962. S Is for Space, Doubleday, 1966. The April Witch, Creative Education, Inc., 1987. The Other Foot, Creative Education, Inc., 1987. The Foghorn, Creative Education, Inc., 1987. The Veldt, Creative Education, Inc., 1987. Fever Dream, St. Martin's (New York City), 1987. The Smile, Creative Education, Inc., 1991. Other Juveniles: Switch on the Night, Pantheon (New York City), 1955, reprinted with illustrations by Leo Dillon and Diane Dillon, Knopf, 1993. The Halloween Tree (novel), Knopf, 1972. The Dragon, illustrated by Ken Snyder, B. Munster, 1988.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Other: (Editor and contributor) Timeless Stories for Today and Tomorrow, Bantam, 1952. Fahrenheit 451 (collection; contains "Fahrenheit 451," "The Playground," and "And the Rock Cried Out"), Ballantine, 1953, reprinted with foreword by Bradbury, Simon & Schuster, 1993. Fahrenheit 451 (previously published as part of collection), Hart-Davis, 1954. (Editor) The Circus of Dr. Lao and Other Improbable Stories, Bantam, 1956. (With Lewy Olfson) Teachers Guide: Science Fiction (essay), Bantam, 1968. (With Bruce Murray, Arthur C. Clarke, Walter Sullivan, and Carl Sagan) Mars and the Mind of Man (verse and essays), Harper, 1973. Zen and the Art of Writing (essays), Capra Press, 1973. The Best of Bradbury, Bantam, 1976. The Mummies of Guanajuato (short story), Abrams, 1978. The Aqueduct (short story), Roy A. Squires Press, 1979. Beyond 1984: Remembrance of Things Future (articles and poems), Targ, 1979. About Norman Corwin (essay), California State University, Northridge, 1980. The Ghosts of Forever (five poems, a story, and an essay), Rizzoli, c. 1981. Dinosaur Tales (verse and short story collection), Bantam, 1983. The Love Affair (a short story and two poems), Lord John, 1983. (Author of text) Los Angeles, Skyline Press, 1984. (Author of text) Orange County, Skyline Press, 1985. (Author of text) The Art of "Playboy/' Alfred Van der Mack, 1985. Fo/on's Folons, 1990. Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991. (Editor) A Day in the Life of Hollywood, 1992. Journey to Far Metaphor: Further Essays on Creativity, Writing, Literature, and the Arts, 1994. The First Book of Dichotomy, the Second Book of Symbiosis, 1995. Ahmed and the Oblivion Machines: A Fable, 1998. Author of forewords and prologues for other publications and authors. Bradbury's work is represented in seven hundred anthologies (many of which are school texts), including Best American Short Stories, 1946, 1948, 1952, and 1958, and The Ghoul Keepers, Pyramid Books, 1961. Contributor of short stories and articles, sometimes under pseudonyms, to Life, Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Omni,


Reporter, Playboy, Saturday Review, Weird Tales,ar\d other periodicals. Adaptations: The motion picture El Marciano, released in 1965, was based on a Bradbury story. Fahrenheit 451 was adapted into a screenplay, released by Universal, 1966, and it was adapted as an opera, by Georgia Holof and David Mettere, first produced at the Indiana Civic Theater, Fort Wayne, IN, 1988. The Illustrated Man was adapted into a screenplay, released by Warner Bros., 1969. The film Melodrama Infernal, released in 1969, was based on stories by Bradbury. The story "The Screaming Woman" was filmed for television in 1972; and the story "Murderer" was filmed for television by WGBH-TV, Boston, MA, 1976. The Martian Chronicles was filmed as a television miniseries, c. 1980; it also served as the basis for the screenplay Trinadtsaty Apostol (also known as The 13th Apostle), released in 1988. The story "Frost and Fire" was adapted as the screenplay Quest, released in 1983. The film All Summer in a Day, released in 1982, is based on a story by Bradbury. "The Electric Grandmother" has been adapted into a television play, by Jeffrey Kindley, Peacock Theatre, NBC, 1983. The 1986 television special, Banshee, was based on a Bradbury story, as was the film Veld, 1987. The story "Next in Line" was adapted as a play by S. L. Stebel and Charles Rome Smith, and produced by the Pandemonium Theatre Company, at the New Ivar Theatre, 1992. The television movie It Came from Outer Space II, released on the Sci-Fi Channel in 1996, was based on a story by Bradbury. The 1996 television miniseries Vino iz Oduvanchikov (also known as Dandelion Wine) was also based on Bradbury's books. Other Bradbury works have been adapted into other media, including sound recordings. The Autumn People, Ballantine, 1965, and Tomorrow Midnight, Ballantine, 1966, are comic adaptations of some of Bradbury's stories. The television special Walking on Air (also known as Wonderworks), which aired on PBS, was adapted from one of his short stories. OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series, Volume 30, Gale (Detroit, Ml), 1990. Contemporary Literary Criticism, Gale, Volume 1, 1973, Volume 3, 1975, Volume 10, 1979, Volume 15, 1980, Volume 42, 1987. Dictionary of Literary Biography, Gale, Volume 2: American Novelists since World War II, 1978, Volume 8, Twentieth Century American Science Fiction Writers, 1981.

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Greenberg, Martin H., and Joseph D. Olander, editors, Ray Bradbury, Taplinger, 1980. Johnson, Wayne L, Ray Bradbury, Ungar, 1980. Nolan, William R, The Ray Bradbury Companion, Gale, 1974. Periodicals: Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service, October 22, 1997, p. 1022K1380; March 15, 1999, p. K5648. Starlog, April, 1990, p. 29.*

BRADY, Orla PERSONAL Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Herself, / Dreamt I Woke Up, 1991. Hester van Horn right—Vanessa, Words Upon the Window Pane, 1994. A Love Divided, 1999. Television Appearances: Nurse Mary, Absolutely Fabulous (episodic), Comedy Central, 1994. The Rector's Wife (special), PBS, 1994. Cathy, Wuthering Heights (special), PBS, 1998. Kathleen Fitzpatrick, The Magic Legend of the Leprechauns (miniseries), NBC, 1999.*

Shattuck Military Academy, 1939-41; attended Dramatic Workshop, New School for Social Research, 1943; studied acting with Elia Kazan and Stella Adler. Addresses: /Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor. Member: Screen Actors Guild. Awards, Honors: Theatre World Promising Personalities Award, 1945; Academy Award nomination, best actor, 1951, for A Streetcar Named Desire; British Academy Award, best foreign actor, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Cannes International Film Festival Award, best actor, and Academy Award nomination, best actor, all 1952, for Viva Zapata!; British Academy Award, best foreign actor, and Academy Award nomination, best actor, both 1953, for Julius Caesar; Academy Award, best actor, 1954, British Academy Award, best foreign actor, 1954, and Golden Globe Award, best actor, Hollywood Foreign Press Association, 1955, all for On The Waterfront; Golden Globe Award, world film favorite, 1956, 1973, and 1974; Academy Award nomination, best actor, 1957, for Sayonara; Academy Award, best actor, 1972, and Golden Globe Award, best actor, 1973, both for The Godfather; Academy Award nomination, best actor, 1973, for Last Tango in Paris; Emmy Award, outstanding supporting actor in a miniseries, 1979, for Roots: The Next Generations; Tokyo International Film Festival Award, best actor, and Academy Award nomination, best supporting actor, both 1989, for A Dry White Season. CREDITS

BRAN DO, Marlon 1924PERSONAL Born April 3, 1924, in Omaha, NE; son of Marlon (a chemical feed and pesticide manufacturer) and Dorothy Pennebaker (an actress; maiden name, Myers) Brando; married Anna Kashfi, October, 1957 (divorced, 1959); married Motiva Castenada, 1960 (divorced); married TaritaTeriipaia (an actress; divorced); children: (first marriage) Christian Devi (also known as Gary Brown); (second marriage) Miko, Rebecca; (third marriage) Simon (Teihotu), Cheyenne (deceased); (additional children) Ninna Priscilla, Stefano (also known as Stephen Blackehart); brother of Jocelyn Brando (an actress). Education: Attended

Film Appearances: (Debut) Ken Wilozek, The Men (also known as Battle Stripe), United Artists, 1950. Stanley Kowalski, A Streetcar Named Desire, Warner Bros./Twentieth Century-Fox, 1951. EmilianoZapata, Viva Zapata!, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1952. Marc Antony, Julius Caesar (also known as William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar), Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1953. Johnny, The Wild One, Columbia, 1953. Napoleon Bonaparte, Desiree, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1954. Terry Malloy, On The Waterfront, Columbia, 1954. Guy Masterson, Guys and Dolls, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1955.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Sakini, The Teahouse of the August Moon, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1956. Major Lloyd Gruver, Sayonara, Warner Bros., 1957. Christian Diestl, The Young Lions, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1958. Val "Snakeskin" Xavier, The Fugitive Kind, United Artists, 1960. Rio, One-Eyed Jacks, Paramount, 1961. Fletcher Christian, Mutiny on the Bounty, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1962. Harrison Carter MacWhite, The Ugly American, Universal, 1963. Freddy Benson, Bedtime Story, Universal, 1964. Robert Crain, Morituri (also known as Code Name Morituri and The Saboteur), Twentieth CenturyFox, 1965. Matt Fletcher, The Appaloosa (also known as Southwest to Sonora), Universal, 1966. Sheriff Calder, The Chase, Columbia, 1966. Meet Marlon Brando (documentary), Maysles Films, 1966. Ogden Mears, A Countess from Hong Kong, Universal, 1967. Major Weldon Pendelton, Reflections in a Golden Eye, Warner Bros., 1967. Grind I, Candy (also known as Candy e il Suo Pazzo Mondo), Cinerama, 1968. Bud the chauffeur, The Night of the Following Day, United Artists, 1969. Sir William Walker, Burn! (also known as Queimada! and Quemadal), United Artists, 1970. Peter Quint, The Nightcomers, Avco Embassy, 1971. Don Vito Corleone, The Godfather (also known as Mario Puzo's The Godfather), Paramount, 1972. Paul, Last Tango in Paris (also known as Le Dernier Tango a Paris and Ultimo Tango a Parigi), United Artists, 1973. Robert E. Lee Clayton, The Missouri Breaks, United Artists, 1976. Jor-EI, Superman (also known as Superman: The Movie), Warner Bros., 1978. Colonel Walter E. Kurtz, Apocalypse Now, United Artists, 1979. Narrator, Raoni: The Fight for the Amazon, Interama, Inc., 1979. Adam Steiffel, The Formula, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1980. Ian McKenzie, A Dry White Season, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1989. Carmine Sabatini, The Freshman, TriStar, 1990. Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse, Paramount, 1991. Tomas de Torquemada, Christopher Columbus: The Discovery, Warner Bros., 1992.

BRANDO • 55 Dr. Jack Luchsinger, Don Juan DeMarco (also known as Don Juan and the Centerfold and Don Juan DeMarco and the Centerfold), New Line Cinema, 1995. Title role, The Island of Dr. Moreau, New Line Cinema, 1996. McCarthy, The Brave, Acappella Pictures/Brave Pictures/Majestic Films, 1997. Film Director: One-Eyed Jacks, Paramount, 1961. Television Appearances; Episodic: "I'm No Hero," Actor's Studio, CBS, 1949. Larry King Live, syndicated, 1994. Television Appearances; Specials: Person to Person, CBS, 1955. "Miracle on 44th Street: A Portrait of the Actors Studio/' American Masters, PBS, 1991. Other Television Appearances: George Lincoln Rockwell, Roots: The Next Generations (miniseries), CBS, 1979. Jericho, 1992. Sven the Swede, free Money (movie), Starz!, 1999. Television Director; Miniseries: (With others) Roots: The Next Generations, CBS, 1979. Stage Appearances: Bobino, Adelphi Theatre, New York City, 1944. Nels, / Remember Mama, Music Box Theatre, New York City, 1944. Truckline Cafe, New York City, 1946. Candida, New York City, 1946. A Flag Is Bom, New York City, 1947. Stanley Kowalski, A Streetcar Named Desire, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1947. WRITINGS (Author of introduction) Christopher Davis, North American Indian, Hamlyn Feltham, 1969. (Author of foreword) Stella Adler, The Technique of Acting, Bantam (New York City), 1989. (Author of epilogue) Tennessee Williams, Five O'clock Angel: Letters of Tennessee Williams to Maria St. Just, 1948-1982, with commentary by Maria St. Just and preface by Elia Kazan, Penguin (New York City), 1991. (With Robert Lindsey) Brando: Songs My Mother Taught Me (autobiography), Random House (New York City), 1994.

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Books: Bly, Nellie, Marlon Brando: Larger Than Life, Pinnacle Books (New York City), 1994. Brathwaite, Bruce, The Films of Marlon Brando, BCW Publishing (Bembridge), 1977. Carey, Gary, Marlon Brando: The Only Contender, St. Martin's (New York City), 1985. Downing, David, Marlon Brando, Stein & Day (New York City), 1984. Jordon, Rene, Marlon Brando, Pyramid, 1973. Manso, Peter, Brando: The Biography, Hyperion (New York City), 1994. McCann, Graham, Rebel Males: Clift, Brando, and Dean, Rutgers University Press (New Brunswick, NJ), 1993. Morella, Joe, and Edward Z. Epstein, Marlon Brando: The Unauthorized Biography, Crown (New York City), 1973. Offen, Ron, Brando, Regnery (Chicago, IL), 1973. Paige, David, Marlon Brando, Creative Education (Mankato, MN), 1977. Ryan, Paul, Marlon Brando: A Portrait, Carroll & Graf (New York City), 1994. Schirmer, Lothar, editor, Marlon Brando: Portraits and Film Stills, 1946-1995, with an essay by Truman Capote, Stewart, Tabori and Chang (New York City), 1996. Thomas, Bob, Marlon: Portrait of the Rebel as an Artist, Random House (New York City), 1974. Thomas, Tony, The Films of Marlon Brando, Citadel (Secaucus, NJ), 1973.

Film Work: Directing animator, Toy Story (animated), Buena Vista, 1995. Story artist, A Bug's Life (animated), Buena Vista, 1998. Animator, co-director, and new character designs, Toy Story 2 (animated), Buena Vista, 1999.

Periodicals: Esquire, November, 1989, p. 156. Film Comment, July/August, 1991, p. 30. GQ, April, 1996, p. 73. Jet, October 31, 1994, p. 60. Life, Autumn, 1990, p. 64. Los Angeles Magazine, March, 1989, p. 208; September, 1990, p. 183. Newsweek, May 28, 1990, p. 25. New Yorker, October 24, 1994, pp. 78, 80-5. Premiere, October, 1994, pp. 78-89.*

BRANNON, Ash PERSONAL Career: Animator, artist, character design, and story writer.

WRITINGS Film Stories: Toy Story 2 (animated), Buena Vista, 1999.*

BRENT, Eve 1930(Eve Brent Ashe) PERSONAL Born in 1930. Addresses: Contact—Cunningham, Escott, Dipini, 10635 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025. Career: Actress. CREDITS

Film Appearances: Jane, Tarzan's Fight for Life, 1955. Jane, Tarzan and the Trappers, 1957. Louvenia, Forty Guns, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1957. Joe X's blowsy blonde, A Guide for the Married Man, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1967. Ethel, The Happy Ending, United Artists, 1969. Mrs. Crampton, The Barefoot Executive, Buena Vista, 1970. Dr. Sisters' sister, How to Seduce a Woman, Cinerama, 1973. Timber Tramps, Howco International Pictures, 1973. Frieda, The White Buffalo, United Artists, 1977. (As Eve Brent Ashe) Aunt Stella, Fade to Black, 1980. (As Eve Brent Ashe) Miss Simpson, BrainWaves, Motion Picture Marketing, Inc., 1982. (As Eve Brent Ashe) Mrs. Reese, Going Berserk, Universal, 1983. (As Eve Brent Ashe) Mrs. Kaiser, Racing With the Moon, Paramount, 1984. AuntThelma, The Experts, Paramount, 1989. Elaine Connelly, The Green Mile, Warner Bros., 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Saved by the Bell—Hawaiian Style, NBC, 1992.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Specials: Judge, The Man Who Was Death, HBO, 1989. Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Eve Brent Ashe) Lily Devereaux, Best of the West, ABC, 1981. Third mourner, Homefront, ABC, 1991. iris, Bodies of Evidence, CBS, 1993. Hostess, Frasier, NBC, 1993. Older woman, Grace Under Fire, ABC, 1994. Old woman, These Friends of Mine, ABC, 1994.*



Original name, Lloyd Vernet Bridges III; born December 9, 1941, in Los Angeles, CA; son of Lloyd Vernet (an actor) and Dorothy (Simpson) Bridges; married Julie Landifield, 1964 (divorced, 1984); married Wendy Peerce, 1984; children: (first marriage) Casey (adopted), Jordan; (second marriage) Dylan, Emily, Ezekiel Jeffrey; brother of Jeff Bridges (an actor). Education: Attended University of California, Los Angeles and University of Hawaii at Manoa. Avocational interests: Playing the guitar, collecting Native American percussion instruments, swimming and surfing in the ocean. Addresses: /Agent—Steve Tellez, Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 902121804. Career: Actor, director, and producer. Venice Theatre of the Performing Arts, sponsor and director. Active in environmental causes and handgun control initiatives. Awards, Honors: Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actor, 1968, for For Love of Ivy; National Society of Film Critics Award, 1989, for The Fabulous Baker Boys; Golden Globe Award, Emmy Award, outstanding lead actor in a miniseries or special, and Annual Cable Excellence (ACE) Award, best actor in a miniseries or motion picture made for television, National Cable Television Association, all 1991, for Without Warning: The James Brady Story; ACE Award nomination, best actor in a dramatic series, 1991, for Tales from the Crypt; Emmy Award, outstanding supporting actor in a miniseries or special, and Golden Globe Award, best supporting ac-

BRIDGES • 57 tor in a series, miniseries, or television film, both 1993, for The Positively True Adventures of the Alleged Texas Cheerleader-Murdering Mom; Emmy Award, outstanding guest actor in a drama series, 1995, for The Outer Limits; shared Emmy Award nomination, best informational special, 1995, for "Five American Kids, Five American Handguns/' America Undercover; Golden Globe Award nomination, best actor in a television miniseries or movie, 1996, for Losing Chase; Emmy Award nomination, best lead actor in a miniseries or special, 1996, for Kissinger and Nixon; Emmy Award nomination, best lead actor in a miniseries or special, and Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, best actor in a television movie or miniseries, both 1996, for Hidden in America; Emmy Award, best supporting actor in a miniseries or special, 1997, for The Second Civil War; Emmy Award nomination, best supporting actor in a miniseries or movie, 1999, for Inherit the Wind. CREDITS Film Appearances: Frankie Tucker, Force of Evil, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1948. Bertram, No Minor Vices, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1948. Beau, The Red Pony, Republic, 1949. Tommy, Zamba (also known as Zamba the Gorilla), Eagle Lion, 1949. Mark, The Explosive Generation, United Artists, 1961. A Pair of Boots, 1962. Fred, Village of the Giants, Embassy, 1965. Private First Class Felix Teflinger, The Incident, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1967. Tim Austin, For Love of Ivy, Cinerama, 1968. Ben Harvey, Gaily, Gaily (also known as Chicago, Chicago), United Artists, 1969. Elgar Enders, The Landlord, United Artists, 1970. Franklin Cane, The Christian Licorice Store, National General, 1971. Adam, Adam's Woman (also known as Return of the Boomerang), Warner Bros., 1972. Paul Reis, Child's Play, Paramount, 1972. Billy Breedlove, Hammersmith Is Out, Cinerama, 1972. Charlie, Your Three Minutes Are Up, Cinerama, 1973. Johnny, iovln' Molly (also known as The Wild and the Sweet), Columbia, 1974. Mutual Respect, Academy Entertainment, 1974. Dick Buek, The Other Side of the Mountain (also known as A Window to the Sky), Universal, 1975. Jesse Arlington, One Summer Love (also known as Dragonfly), American International Pictures, 1976.

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Major Folly, Swashbuckler (also known as The Scarlet Buccaneer), Universal, 1976. Mike Ramsay, Two-Minute Warning, Universal, 1976. King Louis XIV and Philippe, Behind the Iron Mask (also known as The Fifth Musketeer), Columbia, 1977. Hutch, Greased Lightning, Warner Bros., 1977. Sonny Webster, Norma Rae, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1979. Toby, The Runner Stumbles, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1979. Duane Hansen, Honky Tonk Freeway, Universal/Anchor, 1981. Jack Hansen, Love Child, Warner Bros., 1982. Gunter Wetzel, Night Crossing, Buena Vista, 1982. Bruce McBride, Silver Dream Racer, Almi, 1982. Connie Kalitta, Heart like a Wheel, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1983. Win Berry/Father, The Hotel New Hampshire, Orion, 1984. Sheriff Sam Wayburn, The Killing Time, New World, 1987. Joe Jennings, The Wild Pair (also known as Devil's Odds), Trans World Entertainment, 1987. Judge John Eden, Seven Hours to Judgment, Trans World, 1988. Frank Baker, The Fabulous Baker Boys, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. Captain Keene, The Iron Triangle, Scotti Brothers, 1989. John Alder, Signs of Life (also known as One for Sorrow, Two for ]oy), Avenue, 1989. Sam Woods, The Wizard, Universal, 1989. Orville, Daddy's Dyin'.. .Who's Cot the Will?, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1990. John Morden, Married to It, Orion, 1991. Jerry Gabrewski, Sidekicks, Triumph Releasing, 1993. Matt Cushman, Jerry Maguire (also known as The Agent), Columbia TriStar, 1996. Bud Nesbit, Rocket Man, Buena Vista, 1997. Daddy Weed, The White River Kid, 1999. Film Director: The Wild Pair (also known as Devil's Odds), Trans World Entertainment, 1987. Seven Hours to Judgment, Trans World, 1988. Television Appearances; Movies: Frederick Ingham, The Man without a Country, ABC, 1973. Chris Schroeder, The Stranger Who Looks like Me, ABC, 1974. Dr. Steve Drucker, Medical Story, NBC, 1975. Harry Feversham, The Four Feathers, NBC, 1978.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Ben Morton, The President's Mistress, CBS, 1978. David Rodman, The Child Stealer, ABC, 1979. Ray Johnson, Dangerous Company, CBS, 1982. Bud Herren, The Kid from Nowhere, NBC, 1982. Leonard Vole, Witness for the Prosecution, CBS, 1982. Frank Powell, The Red-Light Sting, CBS, 1984. Unicorn, Alice in Wonderland (also known as Alice through the Looking Class), CBS, 1985. Thad Taylor, A Fighting Choice, ABC, 1986. Brad Gordon, Outrage!, CBS, 1986. Hank Tilby, The Thanksgiving Promise, ABC, 1986. Police Chief Richard Czech, Everybody's Baby: The Rescue of ]essica McClure (also known as The Jessica McClure Story), ABC, 1989. Arnold Zimmerman, Guess Who's Coming for Christmas? (also known as George Walters Will Be Away for the Holidays and UFO Cafe), NBC, 1990. Jack Perkins, Wildflower, Lifetime, 1991. Title role, Without Warning: The James Brady Story (also known as Thumbs Up), HBO, 1991. Colonel Tom Parker, Elvis and the Colonel: The Untold Story (also known as Dark Music: The Story of Elvis and the Colonel and Parker and Presley), NBC, 1993. Dr. Norman Grayson, The Man with Three Wives, CBS, 1993. Terry Harper, The Positively True Adventures of the Alleged Texas Cheerleader-Murdering Mom, HBO, 1993. Tom Thielman, Secret Sins of the Father (also known as My Father's Son), NBC, 1994. Richard M. Nixon, Kissinger and Nixon, TNT, 1995. Allan Grant, A Stranger to Love (also known as Journey Home), CBS, 1996. Bill Januson, Hidden in America, Showtime, 1996. Richard Philips, Losing Chase, Showtime, 1996. Clel Waller, N/ght/ohn, The Disney Channel, 1996. Charles Johnson, The Uninvited (also known as The Haunting of Patricia Johnson and The House at the End of the Street), CBS, 1996. Idaho Governor Jim Farley, The Second Civil War, HBO, 1997. Don Preston, The Defenders: Payback, Showtime, 1997. Don Preston, The Defenders: Choice of Evils (also known as The Defenders), Showtime, 1998. Don Preston, The Defenders: Taking the First, Showtime, 1998. Larry Brandon, Meeting Daddy, 1998. E. K. Hornbeck, Inherit the Wind, Showtime, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Seaman Howard Spicer, Ensign O'Toole, NBC, 1962-63.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Pat Knowland, Mr. Novak, NBC, 1963-65. Richard Chapin, United States, NBC, then A&E, 1980. Dave Hart, Harts of the West, CBS, 1993-94. Judge "Maximum" Bob Gibbs, Maximum Bob, ABC, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Randy Claggett, James A. Michener's "Space" (also known as Space), CBS, 1985. Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe, Million Dollar Babies, CBS, 1994. Title role, P. I Barnum, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Guest, Robert Young and the Family, CBS, 1973. Joe Grant, "My Dad Lives in a Downtown Hotel," ABC Afterschool Specials, ABC, 1973. Young Benjamin Franklin, The Whirlwind, CBS, 1974. The Dorothy Ham/7/ W/nter Carnival Special, ABC, 1977. Stubby Pringle, "Stubby Pringle's Christmas," Hallmark Hall of Fame, NBC, 1978. Mom, I Want to Come Home Now, syndicated, 1981. Mr. Tauscher, "Can a Guy Say No?," ABC Afterschool Specials, ABC, 1986. Night of One Hundred Stars III, NBC, 1990. The Meaning of Life, CBS, 1991. HEO's 20th Anniversary—We Hardly Believe It Ourselves (also known as HBO's 20th Anniversary Special—We Don't Believe It Ourselves), HBO and CBS, 1992. The Hollywood Christmas Parade, syndicated, 1993. Countdown to Christmas (also known as Santa's journey], NBC, 1994. Narrator, "Five American Handguns, Five American Kids," America Undercover, HBO, 1995. Narrator, "Memphis PD: War on the Streets," America Undercover, HBO, 1996. Lloyd Bridges, A&E, 1998. Quincy Jones—The First 50 Years, 1998. An American Celebration at Ford's Theatre, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Russ, "Brotherly Love," My Three Sons, ABC, 1960. Sea Hunt, CBS, 1960. "Image of a Drawn Sword," Zane Grey Theater, CBS, 1961. Sea Hunt, CBS, 1961. "A Lesson in Any Language," My Three Sons, ABC, 1961. Russ Burton, "Deadline/7 My Three Sons, ABC, 1961. "The Rich Boy," The Real McCoys, ABC, 1962. "A Pair of Boots," The Lloyd Bridges Show, CBS, 1962. "The John Bernard Story," Wagon Train, 1962.


"The Skippy Maddox Story," The Lloyd Bridges Show, CBS, 1963. "The Echo of a Si lent Cheer," Ben Casey, ABC, 1963. "Incident at Paradise," Rawhide, CBS, 1963. "Pay the Two Dollars," Mr. Novak, NBC, 1963. "Sparrow on the Wire," Mr. Novak, NBC, 1964. "Marriage by Proxy," My Three Sons, ABC, 1964. "Cannibal Plants, They Eat You Alive," The Eleventh Hour, NBC, 1964. "The Child Between," Dr. Kildare, NBC, 1964. Private Putnam, "The Short Day of Private Putnam," Combat, ABC, 1964. "Mike Wears the Pants," My Three Sons, ABC, 1964. "Honor-and All That," Mr. Novak, NBC, 1965. Corporal Steven Corbett, "Then Came the Mighty Hunter," Twelve O'clock High, ABC, 1965. "An Elephant Is like a Rope," The FBI, ABC, 1965. Gary Keller, "Stroke of Genius," The Fugitive, ABC 1966. "The Mourners for Johnny Sharp," The Loner, CBS, 1966. "Nice Day for a Hanging," Branded, NBC, 1966. Jason, "My Father's Guitar," Cunsmoke, CBS, 1966. Horace, "Justice," Bonanza, NBC, 1967. Larry Corby, "The Other Side of the Coin," The Fugitive, ABC, 1967. Billy Joe Snow, "The Legend of Jud Star," Cimarron Strip, CBS, 1967. "Ordeal by Terror," Felony Squad, ABC, 1967. "The Poker Game," Insight, syndicated, 1969. "The Last of My Brothers," Insight, syndicated, 1969. "Incident on Danker Street," Insight, syndicated, 1970. "A Picture in Sobel's Window," Insight, syndicated, 1976. "Vanessa in the Garden," Amazing Stories, NBC, 1985. Jack Grant, "Just Another Secret," Frederick Forsyth Presents, USA, 1989. Gerry Green, "The Man in the Brooks Brothers Suit," in "Women and Men: Stories of Seduction," HBO Showcase, HBO, 1990. "To Be Free: The National Literacy Honors from the White House," Bell Atlantic Showcase, ABC, 1990 Martin, "Abra Cadaver," Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1991. Dr. Simon Kress, "Sandkings," The Outer Limits, Showtime, 1995. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 61st Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1989. America's All-Star Tribute to Elizabeth Taylor (also known as The 2nd Annual America's Hope Award), ABC, 1989.

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Presenter, The 11th Annual ACE Awards (also known as The Golden ACE Awards), syndicated, 1990.

Presenter, The 62nd Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1990. The 4th Annual American Comedy Awards, ABC, 1990. Presenter, The 48th Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1991. Presenter, The 44th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 1992. Presenter, The 50th Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1993. Presenter, The 14th Annual CableACE Awards (also known as The Ace Awards), Lifetime, 1993. Host, The 15th Annual CableACE Awards (also known as The Ace Awards), TNT, 1994. Host, The Golden Globe's 50th Anniversary Celebration, NBC, 1994. Presenter, The 52nd Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1995. Host, Family Film Awards, CBS, 1996. Presenter, The 2nd Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, NBC, 1996. The 49th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, CBS, 1997. Presenter, The 19th Annual CableACE Awards, 1997. Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, 1998. Other Television Appearances: Brandon Drood, Frank Marshall (pilot), CBS, 1966. Kevin Pearse, A Shimmering Light, 1978. Charlie Gordon, Three of a Kind (pilot), ABC, 1989. Television Work; Movies: Director, The Kid from Nowhere, NBC, 1982. Coproducer and director, The Thanksgiving Promise, ABC, 1986. Director, Secret Sins of the Father (also known as My Father's Son), NBC, 1994. Producer, The Defenders: Payback, Showtime, 1997. Coexecutive producer, The Defenders: Choice of Evils (also known as The Defenders), Showtime, 1998. Executive producer, The Defenders: Taking the First, Showtime, 1998. Other Television Work: Director, "Don't Touch/' ABC Afterschool Specials, ABC, 1985. Coexecutive producer, Harts of the West (series), CBS,

1993-94. Stage Appearances: (Broadway debut) Tom, Where's Daddy?, Billy Rose Theatre, New York City, 1966.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 The Trial of the Catonsville Nine, Center Theatre Group, New Theatre for Now, New York City, 1970-71. Arlo Forrest Buffy, Who's Who in Hell, Lunt-Fontanne Theatre, New York City, 1974. Andrew Makepeace Ladd III, Love Letters, Canon Theatre, Los Angeles, 1990. Night of One Hundred Stars III, Radio City Music Hall, New York City, 1990. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Parade, August 9, 1998. p. 18.*

BRIDGES, Jeff 1949PERSONAL Full name, Jeffrey Leon Bridges; born December 4, 1949, in Los Angeles, CA; son of Lloyd Vernet (an actor) and Dorothy (Simpson) Bridges; married Susan Geston (a photographer), c. 1977; children: Isabel le, Jessica, Hay ley; brother of Beau Bridges (an actor). Education: Studied acting with Uta Hagen at Hagen-Berghof Studio. Avocational interests: Composing songs, painting, writing, ceramics, photography. Addresses: Home—Santa Monica, CA, and Montana. /Agent—Rick Nicita, Creative Artists Agency, Inc., 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212-1825. Career: Actor and producer. End Hunger Network, cofounder, 1983. Military service: Served in U.S. Coast Guard Reserve. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nominations, best supporting actor, 1971, for The Last Picture Show, and 1974, for Thunderbolt and Lightfoot; named Discovery of the Year, Hollywood Women's Press Club, 1975; Academy Award nomination, best actor, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best actor in a motion picture drama, both 1984, for Starman; Presidential End Hunger Award, celebrity category, U.S. Agency for International Development, 1988; named NATO/ShoWest Male Star of the Year, National Association of Theatre Owners, 1990; Golden Globe Award nomination, best actor in a musical or comedy, 1991, for The Fisher King; Independent Spirit Award, best actor, Independent Film Project, and shared Independent Spirit Award nomination, best

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 first feature, both 1992, for American Heart; received star on Hollywood Walk of Fame, 1994; Golden Satellite Award nomination, best actor in a comedy or musical motion picture, 1998, for The BigLebowski. CREDITS Film Appearances: Infant, The Company She Keeps, RKO Radio Pictures, 1950. Douglas, Halls of Anger, United Artists, 1970. Duane Jackson, The Last Picture Show, Columbia, 1971. Jake Rumsey, Bad Company, Paramount, 1972. Ernie, Fat City, Columbia, 1972. Nero Finnighan, The Yin and Yang of Dr. Go (also known as The Third Eye), 1972. Don Parritt, The Iceman Cometh, American Film Theatre, 1973. Elroy Jackson, Jr., The Last American Hero (also known as Hard Driver), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1973. Zack Feather, Lolly-Madonna XXX (also known as The Lolly-Madonna War), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1973. Lightfoot, Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, United Artists, 1974. Lewis Tater, Hearts of the West (also known as Hollywood Cowboy), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1975. Jack McKee, Rancho Deluxe, United Artists, 1975. Jack Prescott, King Kong, Paramount, 1976. Craig Blake, Stay Hungry, United Artists, 1976. Jerry Green, Somebody Killed Her Husband, Columbia, 1978. Nick Kegan, Winter Kills, Avco Embassy, 1979. Harry, The American Success Company (also known as American Success, The Ringer, and Success), Columbia, 1980. John H. Bridges, Heaven's Gate (also known as Johnson County Wars), United Artists, 1980. Richard Bone, Cutter and Bone (also known as Cutter's Way), United Artists, 1981. Rupert Baines, Kiss Me Coodbye, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1982. Voice of Prince Lir, The Last Unicorn (animated), Jensen Farley Pictures, 1982. Kevin Flynn/Clu, Iron, Buena Vista, 1982. Terry Brogan, Against All Odds, Columbia, 1984. Title role, Starman (also known as John Carpenter's "Starman"), Columbia, 1984. Matthew Scudder, Eight Million Ways to Die, TriStar, 1985. Jack Forrester, The Jagged Edge, Columbia, 1985.

BRIDGES • 61 Turner Kendall, The Morning After, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986: Vernon Hightower, Nadine, TriStar, 1987. Preston Tucker, Tucker: The Man and His Dream, Paramount, 1988. Jack Baker, The Fabulous Baker Boys, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. Larry Livingston, See You in the Morning, Warner Bros., 1989. Duane Jackson, Texasville, Columbia, 1990. Bartender, Cold Feet, Avenue, 1990. Jack Lucas, The Fisher King, TriStar, 1991. Picture This—The Life and Times of Peter Bogdanovich in Archer City, Texas, 1991. Jack Keely, American Heart, Triton Pictures, 1993. Max Klein, Fearless (also known as Joy Ride), Warner Bros., 1993. Barney, The Vanishing, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1993. Jimmy Dove/Liam McGivney, Blown Away, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1994. James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickok, Wild Bill (also known as Deadwood and Wild Bill Hickok), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1995. Gregory Larkin, The Mirror Has Two Faces, TriStar, 1996. Skipper Christopher Sheldon, White Squall, Buena Vista, 1996. Jeff "the Dude" Lebowski, The Big Lebowski, Gramercy Pictures, 1998. Michael Faraday, Arlington Road, Screen Gems, 1999. Lyle Carter, Simpatico, Fine Line Features, 1999. Jack Warrick, The Muse, October Films, 1999. Himself, Forever Hollywood, 1999. Film Work: Coproducer, American Heart, Triton Pictures, 1993. Television Appearances; Movies: Young John, Silent Night, Lonely Night, NBC, 1969. Mike Olson, In Search of America, ABC, 1971. Neighbor, The Thanksgiving Promise (also known as The Thanksgiving Story), ABC, 1986. Vincent, Hidden in America, Showtime, 1996. Television Appearances; Specials:

Girls in White Dresses and Other Stories by Irwin Shaw, 1981. The American Film Institute Salute to John Huston, 1983. Superstars and Their Moms, TBS, 1989. A User's Guide to Planet Earth: The American Environment Test, ABC, 1991. Naked Hollywood (documentary), A&E, 1991. Lloyd Bridges, A&E, 1998.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 59th Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1987. The 61st Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1989. Presenter, The 62nd Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1990. Presenter, The 63rd Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1991. Presenter, The 66th Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1994. Presenter, The 54th Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: (Television debut) Sea Hunt, syndicated, c. 1957. "Gentlemen in Blue/' The Lloyd Bridges Show, CBS, 1962. "To Walk with the Stars/' The Lloyd Bridges Show, CBS, 1963. "The Ordeal of Bud Windom," The Loner, ABC, 1965. "Boomerang," The FBI, ABC, 1969. "Nightbirds," The Most Deadly Game, ABC, 1970. "Rapunzel," Faerie Tale Theatre, Showtime, 1983. Guest, The Tonight Show with ]ay Leno, NBC, 1996. Television Work; Movies: Executive producer, Hidden in America, Showtime, 1996. Stage Appearances: Toured with father, Lloyd Bridges, in Anniversary Waltz, New England cities.

BRILL, Steven PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—Richard Feldman, ICM, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actor, director, producer, and screenwriter. CREDITS Film Appearances: Barfly, sex, lies, and videotape, Miramax, 1989. Dishwasher man, Edward Scissorhands, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1990. Jimmy, Genuine Risk, I.R.S. Entertainment, 1990. Gothamite 1, Batman Returns, Warner Bros., 1992. Frank Huddy, The Mighty Ducks, Buena Vista, 1992. Waiter, Aspen Extreme, Buena Vista, 1993. Brill, Don't Do It!, Triboro Entertainment Group, Inc., 1994. Madras tie guy, When a Man Loves a Woman, Buena Vista, 1994. French Exit, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1995. Going Overboard, 1995. Glenn's buddy, The Wedding Singer, New Line Cinema, 1998. Film Work: Co-producer, D2: The Mighty Ducks, Buena Vista, 1994. Director, Heavyweights, Buena Vista, 1995. Executive producer, D3: The Mighty Ducks, Buena Vista, 1996.

WRITINGS Composed a song for the film John and Mary. Has also issued twelve books of photography, limited editions. OTHER SOURCES Books: Celebrity Register, 5th edition, Gale (Detroit, Ml), 1990, p. 52. Periodicals: American Film, October, 1990, p. 26. Entertainment Weekly, July 15, 1994, p. 16. Esquire, July, 1994, pp. 106, 110. New York Times, November 2, 1975; October 17, 1993. People Weekly, October 27, 1986, p. 112; July 26, 1999, p. 117.*

Television Appearances; Movies: Tommy, Dead Silence, Fox, 1991. WRITINGS Screenplays: The Mighty Ducks, Buena Vista, 1992. D2: The Mighty Ducks, Buena Vista, 1994. Heavyweights, Buena Vista, 1995. D3: The Mighty Ducks, Buena Vista, 1996.*



PERSONAL Born in 1960(?); daughter of Albert "Cubby" Broccoli (a film producer).

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


Addresses: Contact—Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Plaza, 2401 Colorado Ave., Suite 330, Santa Monica, CA 90404.

Films, founder, 1984, and owner. Stanford University, guest lecturer at Graduate School of Communications.

Career: Producer and director.

Member: Directors Guild of America, Writers Guild of America, Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Screen Actors Guild, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

CREDITS Film Work: Additional assistant director, A View to a Kill, United Artists, 1985. Associate producer, The Living Daylights, United Artists, 1987. Associate producer, Licence to Kill, United Artists, 1989. Producer, GoldenEye, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1995. Producer, Tomorrow Never Dies, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1997. Producer, The World Is Not Enough, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1999. Television Executive Producer: Crime of the Century, H BO, 1996. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Variety, November 15, 1999, p. 16.*

BROOKS, James L 1940PERSONAL Born May 9, 1940, in Brooklyn, NY (one source cites North Bergen, NJ); son of Edward M. and Dorothy Helen (Sheinheit) Brooks; married Marianne Catherine Morrissey, July 7, 1964 (divorced); married Holly Beth Holmberg (a television writer), July 23,1978; children: (first marriage) Amy Lorraine; (second marriage) Chloe, Cooper. Education: Attended New York University, 1958-60. Addresses: Office—Gracie Films/Columbia Pictures, Poitier Building, 10202 Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232-3119. Career: Director, screenwriter, and producer. CBS News, began as copy boy, became news writer and reporter, 1964-66; Wolper Productions, Los Angeles, CA, writer and producer of documentaries, 1966-67; ABC-TV, Los Angeles, executive story editor; Gracie

Awards, Honors: Emmy Award, outstanding new series, 1969, for Room 222; Emmy Awards, outstanding writing in a comedy series, 1971, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, and outstanding comedy series, 1975, 1976, 1977, Emmy Award nominations, outstanding comedy series, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, and outstanding writing in a comedy series, 1973, Writers Guild of America Award nomination, best comic episode, 1972, Peabody Award, Writers Guild of America Award nomination, best television play, TV Critics Achievement in Comedy Award, TV Critics Achievement in Series Award, and Humanitas Prize, Human Family Educational and Cultural Institute, all 1977, for The Mary Tyler Moore Show; Golden Globe Award, 1974, Emmy Award nominations, outstanding writing in a comedy series and outstanding comedy series, both 1975, and Humanitas Prize, 1977 and 1982, all for Rhoda; Emmy Award, outstanding writing in drama, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, Emmy Award nomination, outstanding drama series, 1978, and Peabody Awards, 1977 and 1978, all for Lou Grant; Emmy Awards, outstanding comedy series, 1979, 1980, 1981, Emmy Award nominations, outstanding comedy series, 1982 and 1983, TV Film Critics Circle Awards, achievement in comedy and achievement in a series, 1977, Golden Globe Awards, best comedy series, 1978, 1979, 1980, and Humanitas Prize, 1979, all for Taxi; Writers Guild of America Award nomination, outstanding script, 1978, for Cindy; Writers Guild of America Award nomination, best screen comedy adaptation, 1979, for Starting Over; Golden Globe Awards, best screenplay and best picture, Academy Awards, best film, best direction, and best screenplay, Directors Guild of America Award, best director, best picture awards, National Board of Review and New York Film Critics, all 1983, for Terms of Endearment; Academy Award nominations, best screenplay and best picture, New Yor Film Critics Awards, best picture, best direction, and best screenplay, and Directors Guild of America Award nomination, best director, all 1987, for Broadcast News; Emmy Award nominations, outstanding variety or comedy program, 1987,1988,1990, outstanding writing in a variety or music show, 1987, 1988, 1989, and outstanding variety, music, or comedy spe-


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

cial, 1990, and Emmy Awards, outstanding variety, music, or comedy program, 1989, and outstanding writing in a variety or music program (with others), 1990, all for The Tracey Ullman Show; People's Choice Award, favorite comedy motion picture, 1988, for Big; NATO/S ho West Award, producer of the year, National Association of Theatre Owners, 1989; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding animated program (for Christmas special), 1990, and Emmy Awards, outstanding animated program (for series), 1990, 1991, and 1995, all for The Simpsons; Academy Award, best picture, 1996, for jerry Maguire; shared Emmy Award nomination, outstanding animated program of one hour or less, 1996, for The Simpsons; shared Emmy Awards, outstanding animated program- of one hour or less, 1997, for "Homer's Phobia/' and 1998, for "Trash of the Titans/' both episodes of The Simpsons; Academy Awards, best picture and best original screenplay, both 1997, for As Good as It Gets; inducted into Hall of Fame, Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, 1998. CREDITS Film Work: Producer (with Alan J. Pakula) and director, Starting Over, Paramount, 1979. Producer (with Penney Finkelman and Martin Jurow) and director, Terms of Endearment, Paramount, 1983. Producer, Between Friends, Orion, 1986. Producer (with Penney Finkelman Cox) and director, Broadcast News, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Producer (with Robert Green hut), Big, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1988. Executive producer, Say Anything..., Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. Producer, War of the Roses, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. Producer and director, I'll Do Anything (also known as Make Believe It's Only a Movie), Columbia, 1994. Executive producer, Bottle Rocket, Columbia, 1996. Producer, Jerry Maguire (also known as The Agent), TriStar, 1996. Producer and director, As Good as It Gets (also known as Old Friends), TriStar, 1997. Film Appearances: Driving evaluator, Real Life, Paramount, 1979. David, Modem Romance, Columbia, 1981. Television Work; Series: Creator, Room 222, ABC, 1969. Creator (with Allan Burns) and executive producer, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, CBS, 1970-77.

Creator (with Burns) and executive producer, Paul Sands in Friends and Lovers, CBS, 1974-75. Executive producer (with Charlotte Brown and Burns), Rhoda, CBS, 1974-78. Executive producer (with Burns and Gene Reynolds), Lou Grant, CBS, 1977-82. Creator, executive producer (with Stan Daniels, Ed Weinberger, and David Davis), and executive consultant, Taxi, ABC, 1978-82, NBC, 1982-83. Creator (with Daniels, Weinberger, and Charlie Hauck) and executive producer (with Daniels and Weinberger), The Associates, ABC, 1979-80, syndicated, 1982. Creator (with Burns, Jerry Belson, Heidi Perlman, and Ken Estin), executive producer, and creative consultant, The Tracey Ullman Show, Fox, 1986-90. Executive producer (with Matt Groening and Sam Simon) and creative consultant, The Simpsons, Fox, 1990-. Executive producer and creative consultant, 5/fas (also known as Grown-Ups), ABC, 1991. Executive producer, Phenom, ABC, 1993-94. Executive producer, The Critic, ABC, 1994. Television Work; Specials: Executive producer, Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire (also known as The Simpsons Christmas Special), Fox, 1989. Executive producer, Mary Tyler Moore: The 20th Anniversary Show, CBS, 1991. Executive producer and executive consultant, Related by Birth, ABC, 1993. Executive producer, The Best of Taxi (also known as Hey, Taxi), CBS, 1994. Other Television Work: Producer (with Burns), Friends and Lovers (pilot), CBS, 1974. Producer, Thursday's Game (movie), ABC, 1974. Producer (with Daniels, Davis, and Weinberger) and creative consultant, Cindy (movie), ABC, 1978. Television Appearances; Specials: The 41st Annual Emmy Awards, Fox, 1989. Naked Hollywood, Arts and Entertainment, 1991. Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (ATAS) 13th Annual Hall of Fame, 1998. The Director's Vision: Hollywood's Best Discuss Their Craft, 1998. Influences: From Yesterday to Today, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: American Cinema, PBS, 1995.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Stage Work: Director of Brooklyn Laundry, a Los Angeles production.


BROOKS, Richard (Richard L. Brooks)

WRITINGS Screenplays: Starting Over, Paramount, 1979. Terms of Endearment, Paramount, 1983. Broadcast News, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. /'// Do Anything (also known as Make Believe Its Only a Movie), Columbia, 1994. As Good as It Gets (also known as Old Friends), TriStar, 1997.

PERSONAL Born December 9, in Cleveland, OH. Addresses: Agent—c/o Don Buchwald and Associates, 9229 Sunset Blvd., Suite 710, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Career: Actor. CREDITS

Television Movies: Thursday's Game, ABC, 1974. (With Daniels and Davis) Cindy, ABC, 1978. (With others) The Munsters' Revenge, NBC, 1981. Television Series: (With Ernie Frankel and Robert Hamner) My Friend Tony, NBC, 1969. (With others) The Mary Tyler Moore Show, CBS, 1970-77. (With Burns) Paul Sands in Friends and Lovers, CBS, 1974. (With others) Rhoda, CBS, 1974-78. (With Burns) Lou Grant, CBS, 1977-82. (With Burns) The Associates, ABC, 1979-80, syndicated, 1982. (With Burns) Duck Factory, NBC, 1984. (With Burns) The Tracey Ullman Show, Fox, 1986-90. (With Burns) The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd, NBC, 1987-88, Lifetime, 1989. (With Burns) Eisenhower and Lutz, CBS, 1988. Television Pilots: (With Michael Zagor) Going Places, NBC, 1973. (With Lorenzo Music, Carl Gottlieb, Jerry Davis, and Burns) The New Lorenzo Music Show, ABC, 1976. OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series, Volume 32, Gale (Detroit, Ml), 1991. Periodicals: Advocate, December 23, 1997, p. 32. New York Times, April 8, 1984; January 7, 1988, p. C19. Premiere, February, 1988, pp. 84, 86.*

Film Appearances: Lemonade, Teen Wolf, Atlantic, 1985. 50 Years of Action!, 1986. Chemist, Good To Go (also known as Short Fuse), Island, 1986. Sanchez, The Hidden, New Line Cinema, 1987. Preacher, Off Limits (also known as Saigon), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1988. Joe Bennett, Saxo, 1988. Michael Jones, Shakedown (also known as Blue lean Cop), Universal, 1988. OD, 84 Charlie Mopic (also known as 84 C MoPic), New Century/Vista, 1989. Rhino, Shocker, Universal, 1989. Babe brother, To Sleep with Anger, Samuel Goldwyn, 1990. Himself, Listen Up: The Lives of Quincy Jones (also known as Listen Up), 1990. Stunt kid, Ernest Goes to School, 1994. Tom Wilson, Chameleon, Facets Multimedia, 1995. Yancey, Black Rose of Harlem (also known as Machine Gun Blues and Pistol Blues), ConcordeNew Horizons, 1995. Judah, The Crow: City of Angels (also known as The Crow //), Dimension Films, 1996. Wellman, The Substitute, Orion, 1996. Johnny B Good, 1998. Acid Rain, 1998. Wesley, In Too Deep, Miramax, 1999. Wings against the Wind, 1999. Film Director: (As Richard L. Brooks) Johnny B Good, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Eddie Cox, With Intent to Kill, CBS, 1984. Anthony Bottom, Badge of the Assassin, CBS, 1985. Booker T. Douglas, Resting Place, CBS, 1986.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Matt Bowser, A Special Friendship, CBS, 1987. Lester Mitchell, Terror on Highway 91, CBS, 1989. Memphis, TNT, 1992. John Baines, Code Name: Wolverine, Fox, 1996. Television Appearances; Series: Assistant District Attorney Paul Robinette, Law and Order, NBC, 1990-93. Henry McNeil, GvsE, USA, 1999-. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Tampa, The Neon Empire, Showtime, 1989. Lincoln Otis, The Wedding (also known as Oprah Winfrey Presents: The Wedding), ABC, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Tyrone Crane, "The Russians Are Coming/' Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1983. Robert, "The Siege/7 Spenser: For Hire, 1988. Henry Lavelle, "Shut Down/' Chicago Hope, CBS, 1994. Freeman, "Chicago Heat/' ER, NBC, 1994. Paul Robinette, "Custody," Law and Order, NBC, 1996. Everett McRae, "Hammer Time," NYPD Blue, ABC, 1997. Max Moore, Nash Bridges, CBS, 1997. Hasdrabul Skaras, "Slayer," Brimstone, Fox, 1998.*

BROOKS, Richard L. See BROOKS, Richard

BROWDER, Ben PERSONAL Addresses: /Agent—Gersh Agency, PO Box 5617, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Rookie captain, Memphis Belle, Warner Bros., 1990. Tommy Roussell, A Kiss Before Dying, Universal, 1991. Shelby, Nevada, Storm Entertainment, 1997. Televison Appearances; Series: John Crichton, Farscape, Sci-Fi Channel, 1999—.

Television Appearances; Movies: Randy, Daughters of Privilege, NBC, 1991. Bill Warwick, Danielle Steel's "Secrets," NBC, 1992. Al Winters, Big Dreams & Broken Hearts: The Dottle West Story, CBS, 1995. Brent Rohrbach, Bad to the Bone, ABC, 1997. DJ Tucker, Steel Chariots, Fox, 1997. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Innocent Victims, ABC, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: Tyler Clare, The Boys of Twilight, 1992. Eric, Grace Under Fire, ABC, 1993. Adam Travel I, Me/rose Place, Fox, 1993. Ollie Rudman, Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1994. Marcus, Thunder Alley, ABC, 1994. Sam, Party of Five, Fox, 1996. "My Ward, My Keeper/' Strangers, HBO, 1996.*

BRUCE, Christopher


PERSONAL Born October 3, 1945, in Leicester, England; married Marian Meadowcroft, 1967; children: two sons, one daughter. Education: Studied in Scarborough and at the Rambert School, London, England. Addresses: Office—Rambert Dance Company, 94 Chiswick High Road, London W4 1SH, England; Houston Ballet, 1916 West Gray, P.O. Box 13150, Houston, TX 77219-3150. Career: Dancer, choreographer, and producer. Debut with Walter Gore's London Ballet, 1963; Ballet Rambert (now Rambert Dance Company), dancer, 1963-79, leading dancer in modern roles, 1966-79, choreographer, 1969—, associate choreographer, 1979-87, associate director, 1975-79, artistic director, 1994—; London Festival Ballet (now English National Ballet), associate choreographer, 1986-91; Houston Ballet, resident choreographer, 1989. Awards, Honors: Evening Standard Inaugural Dance Award, 1974. CREDITS Stage Appearances: Principal dancer, The Realms of Choice, Ballet Rambert, London, England, 1965.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Principal dancer, Diversities, Ballet Rambert, 1966. Pierrot, Pierrot Lunaire, Ballet Rambert, 1967. Principal dancer, Hazard, Ballet Rambert, 1967. Faune, LApres-midi d'un faune, Ballet Rambert, 1967. Principal dancer, Ziggurat, Ballet Rambert, 1967. Principal dancer, Ricercare, Ballet Rambert, 1967. Principal dancer, Embrace Tiger and Return to Mountain, Ballet Rambert, 1968. Principal dancer, The Act, Ballet Rambert, 1968. Principal dancer, Blind Sight, Ballet Rambert, 1969. Principal dancer, That Is the Show, Ballet Rambert, 1971. Principal dancer, Stop-Over, Ballet Rambert, 1972. Principal dancer, Table, Ballet Rambert, 1975. The Poet, Cruel Garden, Ballet Rambert, 1977. Principal dancer, Praeluduem, Ballet Rambert, 1978. Prospero, The Tempest, Ballet Rambert, Swetzingen, Germany, 1979. Principal dancer, Celebration, Ballet Rambert, 1979. Tchaikovsky/Drosselmeyer, The Nutcracker, London Festival Ballet, London, England, 1986. Title role, Petrushka, London Festival Ballet, 1988. Also appeared as Espada, Don Quixote, 1965; Wilfred, Giselle, 1965; and Principal dancer, tuttifruiti, Ballet Rambert. Stage Choreographer: George Frideric, Ballet Rambert, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1969. Living Space, Ballet Rambert, Guildford, England, 1969. Wings, Tanz Forum, Cologne, Germany, 1970. for these who die as cattle, Ballet Rambert, London, England, 1972. There Was a Time, Ballet Rambert, London, 1973. Duets, Ballet Rambert, London, 1973. Weekend, Ballet Rambert, London, 1974. Unfamiliar Playground, Royal Ballet, Sadler's Wells, London, England, 1974. Ancient Voices of Children, Ballet Rambert, London, 1975. Black Angels, Ballet Rambert, Horsham, England, 1976. Promenade, Ballet Rambert, London, 1976. Echoes of a Night Sky, Batsheva Dance Company, Israel, 1976. Voices, Batsheva Dance Company, 1976. (With Lindsay Kemp) Cruel Garden, Ballet Rambert, London, 1977. Responses, EMMA Dance Company, 1977. labyrinth, Australian Dance Theatre, Melbourne, Australia, 1979. Night with Waning Moon, Ballet Rambert, London, 1979.


Sidewalk, Ballet Rambert, Oxford, England, 1979. Interactions, Springplank, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1980. Preludes and Songs, Ballet Rambert, Cheltenham, England, 1980. Dancing Day, Rambert Academy, London, England, 1981. Cantata, Tanz Forum (of Cologne), London, England, 1981. Ghost Dances, Ballet Rambert, Bristol, England, 1981. Holiday Sketches, London Contemporary Dance School, London, England, 1981. Village Songs, Nederlands Dans Theater, Scheveningen, The Netherlands, 1981. Berlin Requiem, Ballet Rambert, London, 1982. In Alium, Nederlands Dans Theater, The Hague, 1982. Concertino, Ballet Rambert, Norwich, England, 1983. Curses and Blessings, Nederlands Dans Theater, Scheveningen, The Netherlands, 1983. Intimate Pages, Ballet Rambert, Birmingham, England, 1984. Sergeant Early's Dream, Ballet Rambert, Canterbury, England, 1984. Remembered Dances, Scottish Ballet, Glasgow, Scotland, 1985. Land, London Festival Ballet, London, 1985. Mutiny, Piccadilly, London, England, 1985. Ceremonies, Ballet Rambert, London, 1986. The World Again, London Festival Ballet, London, 1986. The Dream Is Over, Cullberg Ballet, 1986. Swansong, London Festival Ballet, Bilbao, 1987. Les Noces, Gulbenkian Ballet, Lisbon, Portugal, 1989. Gautama Buddha, Houston Ballet, Houston, Texas, 1989. Symphony in Three Movements, English National Ballet, Bristol, England, 1989. Journey, Houston Ballet, Houston, 1990. Rooster, Grand Theatre, Geneva, Switzerland, 1991. Nature Dances, Houston Ballet, Houston, 1992. Kingdom, Grand Theatre, Geneva, Switzerland, 1993. Moonshine, Nederlands Dans 3, 1993. Waiting, London Contemporary Dance Theatre, Nottingham, 1993. Crossing, Rambert Dance Company, 1994. Meeting Point, Rambert Dance Company, San Francisco, CA, 1995. Also worked as choreographer of dances in the operas // Ballo Del Ingrate, II Contattimento di Trancredi e Clorinda, and Venus and Adonis, all Kent Opera; choreographer of movement and dance, A Winter's Tale, 1987; choreographer of movement and dance,

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Changeling, 1988; choreographer of dances, Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Other Stage Work: Coproducer, Agrippina, Kent Opera. Television Choreographer: Ancient Voices of Children, BBC, 1977. Cruel Garden, BBC, 1981-82. Chost Dances, Channel 4, 1982, Danmarks Radio, 1990. Silence Is the End of Our Song, Royal Danish Ballet, Danish television commission, 1985. The Dream Is Over, Cullberg Ballet, London Weekend Television, 1986. Swansong, Danmarks Radio, 1989. Journey, Danmarks Radio, 1990. Requiem, Danish-German coproduction, 1982; The Dream Is Over, Danish-German coproduction, 1985; Moonshine, Danmarks Radio. Film Work: Choreographer, Salome, Cannon, 1986. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Plays and Players, July, 1995, pp. 718-19.

BRYDEN, Bill 1942PERSONAL Full name, William Campbell Rough Bryden; born April 12,1942, in Greenock, Scotland; son of George (an engineer) and Catherine (Rough) Bryden; married Deborah Morris (a potter), July 24, 1970; children: Dillon Michael George, Mary Kate. Addresses: Agent— Kenneth Ewing, Fraser and Dunlop Scripts, 91 Regent St., London W1R 8RU, England. Career: Director, producer, playwright, and screenwriter. Royal Court Theatre, London, England, assistant to William Gaskill, 1966-68; Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh, Scotland, associate director, 1971—; National Theatre, London, associate director, 1975—; Cottesloe Theatre, London, director, 1978—. BBCScotland, head of drama, 1984-93; director, researcher, and scriptwriter for Scottish television.

Awards, Honors: Laurence Olivier Award, director of the year, Society of West End Theatre, 1985, for The Mysteries. CREDITS Stage Director: Misalliance, Belgrade Theatre, Coventry, England, 1965. Journey of the Fifth Horse, Royal Court Theatre, London, 1967. Backbone, Royal Court Theatre, 1968. Passion, Royal Court Theatre, then Alexandra Park Theatre, London, both 1971. Corunna, Royal Court Theatre, 1971. The Baby Elephant, Royal Court Theatre, 1971. Willie Rough, Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1972. The Bevellers, Lyceum Theatre, 1973. The Three Estates, Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh, 1973. Benny Lynch: Scenes from a Short Life, Lyceum Theatre, 1974. The Iceman Cometh, Lyceum Theatre, 1974. Spring Awakening, National Theatre, London, 1974. Romeo and Juliet, National Theatre, 1974. The Flowers of Edinburgh, Lyceum Theatre, 1975. How Mad Tulloch Was Taken Away, Lyceum Theatre, 1975. The Playboy of the Western World, National Theatre, 1975. Watch It Come Down, National Theatre, 1976. // Campiello, National Theatre, 1976. Counting the Ways, National Theatre, 1976. Old Movies, National Theatre, 1977. The Plough and the Stars, National Theatre, 1977. Codirector, Passion, National Theatre, 1977. American Buffalo, Cottesloe Theatre, London, 1978. Codirector, Lark Rise, Cottesloe Theatre, 1978. Codirector, The World Turned Upside Down, Cottesloe Theatre, 1978. Despatches, Cottesloe Theatre, 1979. The Long Voyage Home, Cottesloe Theatre, 1979. Codirector, Candleford, Cottesloe Theatre, 1979. Hughie, Cottesloe Theatre, 1980. The Iceman Cometh, Cottesloe Theatre, 1980. The Crucible, Cottesloe Theatre, then Comedy Theatre, London, both 1980. Civilians, Scottish Theatre Company, Theatre Royale, Glasgow, 1980. California Dog Fight, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1985. Parsifal (opera), Covent Garden Theatre, London, 1988. Janacek: Cunning Little Vixen, Royal Opera House, London, 1990. A Month in the Country, Albery Theatre, London, 1994.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


Director of the plays Don Quixote, 1982, The Mysteries, 1985, and Glengarry Clenross.

Addresses: Contact—Steeplechase Films, 2095 Broadway, Room 503, New York, NY 10023.

Television Work; Specials: Director, /// Faces the Land, Channel 4 (Scotland), 1981. Executive producer, Separation, BBC, 1990.

Career: Producer, director, and writer.

Television Work; Episodic: Executive producer, "Separation" (also known as "Don't Hang Up"), American Playhouse, PBS, 1990. Film Work: Director of "I Pagliacci" and "Segment Linking Scenario/' Aria, Academy, 1987. WRITINGS Plays: Willie Rough, Lyceum Theatre, 1972, published by Southside (Edinburgh), 1972. Benny Lynch: Scenes from a Short Life, Lyceum Theatre, 1974, published by Southside, 1975. Librettist, Hermiston, Scottish Opera, King's Theatre (Edinburgh), 1975. // Campiello, National Theatre, 1976, published by Heinemann (London), 1977. Old Movies, National Theatre, 1977, published by Heinemann, 1977. Civilians, Scottish Theatre Company, Theatre Royale, 1980. The Ship, Harland and Wolff Shipyard (Glasgow), 1990. Author of the play The Mysteries, 1985. Screenplays: (With Steven Phillip Smith, Stacy Keach, and James Keach) The Long Riders, United Artists, 1980, published by Futura, 1980. "I Pagliacci" and "Segment Linking Scenario," Aria, Academy, 1987.

Awards, Honors: Christopher Award, best film script, 1987, for The Statue of Liberty; Emmy Awards, outstanding informational series and outstanding individual achievement—informational programming, 1991, both for The Civil War. CREDITS Television Producer, Except Where Indicated; Specials: The Civil War (documentary), PBS, 1990. And director, Coney Island (documentary), PBS, 1991. And director, The Donner Party (documentary), PBS, 1992. And director and executive producer, The Way West (documentary), PBS, 1995. And director and executive producer, New York: A Documentary Film (documentary), PBS, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: Media Matters, PBS, 1995. WRITINGS Television Specials: (With others) The Statue of Liberty (documentary), PBS, 1985. (With Ken Burns and Geoffrey C. Ward) The Civil War (documentary), 1990. The Donner Party (documentary), PBS, 1992. (With L. Ades) The Way West (documentary), PBS, 1995. (With L. Ades) New York (documentary), PBS, 1998. Nonfiction: (With Ken Burns and Geoffrey C. Ward) The Civil War: An Illustrated History, Knopf, 1990.*

Television Specials: /// Faces the Land, Channel 4 (Scotland), 1981 .* BURNS, Tex See LfAMOUR, Louis BURNS, Ric 1955(?)PERSONAL Born c. 1955; son of Robert Kyle (an anthropology professor) and Lyla (a homemaker; maiden name, Tupper) Burns; brother of Ken Burns (a documentary filmmaker).

BURWELL, Carter 1955PERSONAL Born November 18, 1955, in New York, NY.

70 BURWELL Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Addresses: /Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Composer, orchestrator, computer graphic artist, and actor. Awards, Honors: Chicago Film Critics Association Award, best original score, 1997, for Fargo; ASCAP Award, Top Box Office Films, 1998, for Conspiracy Theory; Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award, best music, 1998, for Cods and Monsters; Composer Award, Gotham Awards, 1999. CREDITS Film Work: Computer graphics artist (NYIT), Lensman, 1984. Piano, Bad Company, Buena Vista, 1995. Conductor, Rob Roy, United Artists, 1995. Conductor and orchestrator, The Chamber, Universal, 1996. Conductor and orchestrator, Fargo, 1996. Featured musician, Mr. Jealousy, 1997. Conductor, Conspiracy Theory, 1997. Orchestra conductor and orchestrations, Picture Perfect, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Music orchestrations, The Spanish Prisoner, Sony Pictures Classics, 1997. Orchestrator: original music, The Big Lebowski, Gramercy Pictures, 1998. Conductor, The Hl-lo Country, Gramercy Pictures, 1998. Film Appearances: Composer "Death or Kid/7 Funny, Original Cinema, 1988. Piano player, Scorchers, 1991. The roach chorus, Joe's Apartment, Warner Bros., 1996. WRITINGS Film Scores, Except Where Indicated: Blood Simple, 1984. A Hero of Our Time, 1985. And songs, Psycho 3, Universal, 1986. Raising Arizona, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Pass the Ammo, New Century, 1988. It Takes Two, Warner Bros., 1988. The Beat (also known as The Conjurer), Vestron Video, 1988. Checking Out, Warner Bros., 1989. Miller's Crossing, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1990. Scorchers, Fox Video, 1991. And song, Doc Hollywood, Warner Bros., 1991. Barton Fink, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1991.

Water/and, Fine Line, 1992. Buffythe Vampire Slayer, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Storyville, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. A Dangerous Woman, Gramercy, 1993. Kalifornia, 1993. This Boy's Life, Warner Bros., 1993. Wayne's World 2, Paramount, 1993. The Hudsucker Proxy, Warner Bros., 1994. Airheads, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1994. It Could Happen to You (also known as Cop Tips Waitress $2 Million), TriStar, 1994. XXXTasy: Two Days in the Life of a Saint, 1994. The Celluloid Closet, Sony Pictures Classics, 1995. Bad Company, Buena Vista, 1995. Rob Roy, United Artists, 1995. Original score, A Goofy Movie, Buena Vista, 1995. Two Bits (also known as A Day to Remember), Miramax, 1995. The Chamber, Universal, 1996. Fargo, Gramercy Pictures, 1996. Fear (also known as No Fear and Obsession mortelle), Universal, 1996. Original score, Joe's Apartment, Warner Bros., 1996. The Spanish Prisoner, Sony Pictures Classics, 1997. Picture Perfect, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. The Locusts, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1997. Girls Night Out, 1997. Assassin(s), Warner Bros., 1997. Conspiracy Theory, Warner Bros., 1997. The Jackal, Universal, 1997. Velvet Goldmine, Miramax, 1998. (Uncredited; some scenes only) Mercury Rising, 1998. The Hi-Lo Country, Gramercy Pictures, 1998. Gods and Monsters, Lions Gate Films, 1998. The Big Lebowski, Gramercy Pictures, 1998. The Corrupter, New Line, 1999. The General's Daughter, Paramount, 1999. Mystery, Alaska, 1999. Being John Malkovich, 1999. Television Scores, Except Where Indicated; Movies: Additional music, Framed, HBO, 1990. And the Band Played On, HBO, 1993. Television Scores; Specials: Children Remember the Holocaust (also known as Nothing But Sun), CBS, 1995. Televison Opening Themes; Series: Dilbert (animated), UPN, 1998-99.

Stage Scores: Celestial Alphabet Event, One Dream Theatre, New York City, 1991.*

c CADEAU, Lally


Film Appearances: Anita, Threshold, 1981. Rena King, Videodrome, 1982. Shelley, Separate Vacations, 1986. Lady Chaos, Silver Surfer, 1999.

Born January 10, 1948, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; children: Sara, Christopher, and Bennett. Education: Havergal College, Toronto. Avocational Interests: Swimming, walking, reading, cooking, decorating, and gardening.

Television Appearances; Movies: Lolly James, Between Friends (also known as Nobody Makes Me Cry), 1983. Janet King, Happy Christmas, Miss King, 1998.

Addresses: Office—Oscars & Abrams, 59 Berkeley St., Toronto, Ontario MSA 2W5.

Television Appearances; Series: Kate Brown, Hangin' In, CBC, 1986. Janet King, Road to Avonlea (also known as Avonlea), CBC, 1990.

Career: Actress, director, and writer. Member: Canadian Council Theatre Department. Awards, Honors: ACTRA Du Maurier Award, best newcomer Canadian television, 1981, for Harvest; Bijou Award, best actress, 1981, for You Ve Come a Long Way Katie; ACTRA Earle Grey Award, best acting performance television leading role, 1982, for YouVe Come a Long Way Katie; Dora Mavor Moore Award, outstanding performance by female in leading role, 1986-87, for Saturday, Sunday, Monday; Gemini Award, best actress, 1995, for Road to Avonlea. CREDITS Stage Appearances: Appeared as Marie-Louise in the French production of Forever Yours Marie-Lou, and Of the Fields Latey; and Saturday, Sunday, Monday, at Canadian Stage; Taming of the Shrew, at Theatre New Brunswick; Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, at Vancouver Arts Club; Bom Yesterday, at the Bastion Theatre; The Woman, at the Shaw Festival; A Doll's House, at the Globe Theatre; also appeared in Tamara, in 1987-88, in the Park Avenue Armory.

Television Appearances; Specials: Elder Martina, Rossini's Chost, 1996. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Maisie, Kane & Abel, 1985. Hannah, Deadly Matrimony (also known as Shattered Promises), 1992. Television Appearances; Episodic: Nurse, "Counter Attack/' King of Kensington, 1980. Bizarre, 1980. Rebecca Robb, "Something in the Walls/' The Twilight Zone, 1988. Voice, X-Men, 1992. Lady Chaos (voice), The Silver Surfer, 1998. Also appeared in Adderly, and Street Legal.*

CALE, Paula 1970(?)(Paula Korologos) PERSONAL Born c. 1970; married Bennett Cale (a musician), 1995.

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Addresses: Agent—Gersh Agency, PO Box 5617, Beverly Mil Is, CA 90210. Career: Actress. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: (As Paula Korologos) McGovern, Murphy Brown, CBS, 1994. Lorraine Butler, Buddies, ABC, 1996. Gloria, Local Heroes, Fox, 1996. Joanie Hansen, Providence, NBC, 1999—. Television Appearances; Episodic: (As Paula Korologos) Amy, Madman of the People, NBC, 1994. Claire, Cybill, CBS, 1997. Lizzie, The Naked Truth, ABC, 1997. Bennett Edwards, Union Square, NBC, 1997. Televison Appearances; Movies: Mrs. Klurfeld, Winchell, HBO, 1998. Film Appearances: Paula, Officer Killer, Miramax, 1997. Stage Appearances: Gilda Radner, Bunny Bunny—Cilda Radner: A Sort of Romantic Comedy, Philadelphia Theater Company, c. 1996, then Lucille Lortel Theatre, New York City, c. 1997. Also appeared in Picasso, Lapin Agile; Picasso, Chicago production. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, March 28, 1997, p. S9.*


CREDITS Film Appearances: Duty Sergeant, 48 Mrs. (also known as 48 Hours), 1982 Courtroom guard, Brewster's Millions, Universal, 1985 Dickie Whitewood, At Close Range, Orion, 1986. Frank Martin, No Man's Land, 1987. Rusty Bains, Colors, Orion, 1988. Stephen N. Rabourn, Judgement in Berlin, New Line Cinema, 1988. 1st Posse member, War Party, 1988. Chaplain, Bom on the Fourth of July, Universal, 1989. Nicholson, State of Grace, Orion, 1990. Arthur, Other People's Money, Warner Bros., 1991. Enforcer, VYaterwor/cf, Universal, 1995. JackMcCool, Last Man Standing, New Line Cinema, 1996. Television Appearances; Movies: The Children of Times Square, ABC, 1986. Bart, Timestalkers, CBS, 1987. Harry Dieter, LA. Takedown (also known as LA. Crimewave and Made in LA.), A&E, 1989. Floyd Petrie, Unconquered, CBS, 1989. Lt. Lloyd Butler, Jack Reed: Badge of Honor, NBC, 1993. Al Talgorno, Logan's War: Bound by Honor, CBS, 1998. Malaika, 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Mitchell Norton, Cruel Doubt, 1992. Television Appearances; Series: Michael "Fivers" Dugan, EZ Streets, CBS, 1996—. Television Appearances; Episodic:

Jude Andrews, Stephen Kings "Golden Years/' CBS, 1991. Dave Kilmer, "Crime Wave Dave/' Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1993. Joseph Kempinsky, "Deadly Assets/' Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1994. Sheriff Maurice Daniels, "Miracle Man/' The X-Files, Fox, 1994. Det. Allan Morrison, The Practice, ABC, 1997. Eddie Wallace, "Murder at the Finish Line/' Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1998. Stan Gorman, "The Soul of Winter," Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1998.*

PERSONAL Born February 16, (?), in Ogden, Utah. Avocational interests: writing plays, horseback riding, painting. Addresses: Agent— Premiere Artist's Agency, 8899 Beverly Blvd. #510, Los Angeles, CA. Career: Actor.

CALLAWAY, Liz 1961PERSONAL Born April 13, 1961, in Chicago, IL; married Dan Foster (an actor and director); children: Nicholas.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Addresses: /Agent—Gage Group, Inc., 9255 West Sunset Blvd. #515, Los Angeles, CA. Career: Actress and singer. Previously worked as a waitress. Awards, Honors: Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actress in a featured role (musical), 1984, for Baby; Emmy Award, for Ready to Co. CREDITS Stage Appearances: (Off-Broadway debut) Godspell, 1980. Chrissy, The Matinee Kids, BTA Theatre, New York City, 1981. Nightclub waitress, Merrily We Roll Along, Alvin Theatre, New York City, 1981-82. More ofLoesser, St. Regis-Sheraton/King Cole Room, New York City, 1982. Lizzie Fields, Baby, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1983-84. Lady Constance Bonacieux, The Three Musketeers, New York City, 1984. Lizzie Fields, Baby, Marriott's Lincolnshire Theatre, Lincolnshire, IL, 1986. Claudia, Brownstone, Roundabout Theatre, New York City, 1986. Petra, A Little Night Music, Studio Arena Theatre, Buffalo, NY, 1986-87. Woman, Marry Me a Little, York Theatre Company, New York City, 1987. One Two Three Four Five, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1987. Ellen, Miss Saigon, Broadway Theatre, New York City, 1991-92. Say It With Music.. . The Irving Berlin Revue, 1992. Grizabella, Cats, Winter Garden Theatre, New York City, 1993-96. Dora, Fiorellol, City Center, New York City, 1994. Unsung Musicals, Sylvia & Danny Kaye Playhouse, New York City, 1994. Also appeared in Sibling Rivalry, U.S. cities; No Way to Treat a Lady. Film Appearances: Additional voice, Beauty and the Beast (animated), Buena Vista, 1991. Singing voice of Jasmine, The Return of ]afar (animated), Buena Vista Home Video, 1993. Singing voice of Odette, The Swan Princess (animated), New Line, 1994. Chorus, Pocahontas (animated), Buena Vista, 1995. Singing voice of Jasmine, Aladdin and the King of Thieves (animated), 1996.


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Singing voice of Anastasia, Anastasia (animated), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Singing voice of adult Kiara, The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (animated), 1998. Voice of Singer, The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars (also known as Brave Little Toast 2), 1998. Film Song Performer: The Return of /afar (animated), Buena Vista Home Video, 1994. Aladdin and the King of Thieves (animated), Walt Disney Home Video, 1996. Anastasia (animated), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Television Appearances: Judy Matheson, Senior Trip! (movie), CBS, 1981. Follies in Concert (special), PBS, 1986. Voice, Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile—The Musical: "The House on East 88th Street" (special), HBO, 1987. Also appeared in Ready to Co, CBS. RECORDINGS Albums: Recorded A Stephen Sondheim Evening; Follies in Concert; Sibling Rivalry; Anywhere I Wander; The Story Goes On.*

CAMPBELL, Bill 1959(William Campbell) PERSONAL Sometimes credited as William Campbell, Born July 7, 1959, in Charlottesville, VA. Education: studied illustration at the American Academy of Arts in Chicago; later trained at the Tedd Liss Studio for Performing Arts; the Players Workshop of Second City in Chicago; and with Howard Fine in Los Angeles. Avocational interests: running, biking. Addresses: Contact—219 Southeast Bedford St., Minneapolis, MN 55414. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Young man, Call From Space, 1989. Tommy Trehearn, Checkered Flag, 1990.

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Cliff Secord, The Rocketeer, Buena Vista/Walt Disney, 1991. Quincey P. Morris, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Columbia, 1992. Shep, The Night We Never Met, 1993. Lieut. Pitzer, Gettysburg, New Line Cinema, 1993. Chet, Dickwad, 1994. Marvin, Under the Hula Moon, Trident Releasing, 1995. Himself, Past Into Present, 1996. Menno, Menno's Mind, Showtime, 1996. Steve Hunter, /.over's Knot, Astra, 1996. Harrison, Second Jungle Book: Mowgli & Baloo (also known as Jungle Book 2: Mowgli and Baloo)f Sony/TriStar, 1997. Robert, Last Chance Love, Lau Film International, 1998. Streete Wilder, The Rising Place, 1999. Miles Keogh, The Brylcreem Boys, BMG Video, 1999.

Stage Appearances: Appeared in Titus Andronicus, 1977-78, at Globe Playhouse, in Los Angeles; Chantecleer, 1981, at the 47th Street Theatre; appeared as Laertes in Hamlet, at the Criterion Center Stage Right, 1992.

Other Film Work: Additional wardrobe, The Last Days of Disco, Gramercy, 1998.


Television Appearances; Movies: Dwayne, First Steps, 1985. Delbert Mosley, Out There, 1995. Lt. John Barton, The Cold Equations, 1996. Automatic Avenue, 1997. John Macy, Monday After the Miracle, 1998. Clayjarvis, Max Q, 1998. Television Appearances; Series: Luke Fuller, Dynasty, ABC, 1984-85. Walter Tatum, Moon Over Miami, ABC, 1993. Rick Sammler, Once and Again, ABC, 1999—. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Lt. Gaines, Dream West, 1986. (As William Campbell) Dr. Jon Fielding, Tales of the C/ty,1993. (As William Campbell) Dr. Jon Fielding, More Tales of the City, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Lyle, "Best Man/' Family Ties, NBC, 1982. Joey Indeli, Crime Story, 1986. Capt. Thaduin Okona, "The Outrageous Okona," Star Trek: The Next Generation, UPN, 1988. Luke, "A Year in the Life/' The Naked Truth, NBC, 1997. Dr. Clint Webber, "The Perfect Guy/' Frasier, NBC, 1998. John Slattery, "The Regulator," Dead Man's Gun, Showtime, 1999.

Stage Work: Worked in costumes in Les Poupees de Paris (also known as The Dolls of Paris), in 1962, at York Playhouse; also worked in wardrobe in Corey Stories, 1978, at the Booth Theatre; Knockout, at Helen Hayes Theatre, in 1979; The Roast, in Winter Garden Theatre, in 1980. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, July 15, 1991, p.47.*

CONNERY, Sean 1930(Sir Sean Connery) PERSONAL Full name, Thomas Sean Connery; born August 25, 1930, in Edinburgh, Scotland; son of Joseph (a factory worker and truck driver) and Euphamia C. (a cleaning woman) Connery; married Diane Cilento, 1962 (divorced, 1974); married Micheline Boglio Roquebrune, 1979; children: (first marriage) Jason (an actor); (second marriage) one stepdaughter. Education: Studied dance with Yat Malmgrem (some sources cite Malmgeren). Avocational interests: Golf, cooking, oil painting, reading. Addresses: Home—Marbella, Spain, the Bahamas, and Los Angeles, CA. /Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212-1804. Career: Actor, director, and producer. Tantallon Films Ltd., director, 1972—. Scottish International Education Trust (to help gifted, impoverished children), founder. Worked as a milk delivery person and wood polisher; Edinburgh Art College, worked as nude model. Placed third in Mr. Universe Contest, 1953. Military Service: Served with Royal Navy. Member: Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (fellow).

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Awards, Honors: Shared Golden Globe Award, male world film favorite, 1972; D.Litt., Heriot-Watt University, 1981; named Hasty Pudding Man of the Year, Hasty Pudding Theatricals, 1984; named star of the year, National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO), 1987; commander, Order of Arts and Literature of France; British Academy Award, best actor in a leading role, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1987, for The Name of the Rose; Film Strip in Gold, outstanding achievement as an actor, German Film Awards, 1987; National Board of Review Award, best supporting actor, 1987; Academy Award, best supporting actor, 1987, and Golden Globe Award, best actor in a supporting role, 1988, both for The Untouchables; British Academy Award nomination, best supporting actor, 1988; Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actor, for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; named "the sexiest man alive/' People Weekly, 1989; named NATO/ShoWest Worldwide Star of the Year, 1990; Tribute Award, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1990; British Academy Award, best actor, 1990, for Russia House; British Academy Award nomination, best supporting actor, 1990; National Board of Review Award; named Freeman of City of Edinburgh, 1991; American Cinematheque Award, 1992; Rudolph Valentino Award, 1992; Saturn Award, lifetime achievement, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Films, 1995; Cecil B. DeMille Award, Hollywood Foreign Press Association, 1996; shared (with Nicolas Cage) MTV Movie Award, best onscreen duo, 1997, for The Rock; body of work honored by Film Society of Lincoln Center, 1997; Blockbuster Entertainment Award, best supporting actor in an action or adventure film, 1997; Audience Award, best actor, European Film Awards, 1999; Kennedy Center Honor Award, 1999; Received knighthood from Britain's Queen Elizabeth, 1999. CREDITS Film Appearances: Let's Make Up (also known as Lilacs in the Spring), United Artists, 1955. Spike, No Roacf Back, RKO Radio Pictures, 1957. Mike, Art/on of the Tiger, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1957. Mark Trevor, Another Time, Another Place, Paramount, 1958. Johnny, Hell Drivers (also known as Hard Drivers), Rank, 1958. A Night to Remember, Rank, 1958. Welder, Time Lock, Romulus-Beaconsfield, 1959. O'Bannion, Tarzan's Greatest Adventure, Paramount, 1959.


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Michael McBride, Darby O'Gill and the Little People, Buena Vista, 1959. Private Flanagan, The Longest Day, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1962. Paddy Dam ion, The Frightened City, Allied Artists, 1962. James Bond, Doctor No, United Artists, 1963. James Bond, From Russia with Love, United Artists, 1964. James Bond, Goldfinger (also known as Ian Fleming's Goldfinger), United Artists, 1964. Anthony Richmond, Woman of Straw, United Artists, 1964. Mark Rutland, Marnie, Universal, 1964. James Bond, Thunderball, United Artists, 1965. Joe Roberts, The Hill, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1965. Pedlar Pascoe, Operation Snafu (also known as On the Fiddle and Operation War Head), American International Pictures, 1965. Samson Shillitoe, A Fine Madness, Warner Bros., 1966. A New World (also known as A Young World, Un Monde jeune, Un Monde Nouveau, and Un Mondo Nuovo), 1966. James Bond, You Only Live Twice, United Artists, 1967. Title role, Shalako (also known as Man Nennt Mich Shalako), Cinerama, 1968. Jack Kehoe, The Molly Maguires, Paramount, 1970. Roald Amundson, The Red Tent (also known as Krasnaya Palatka and La Tenda Rossa), Paramount, 1971. John Anderson, The Anderson Tapes, Columbia, 1971. James Bond, Diamonds Are Forever, United Artists, 1971. Himself, Espana Campo de Golf, 1972. Detective Sergeant Johnson, The Offence (also known as The Offense and Something like the Truth), United Artists, 1973. Zed, Zardoz, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1974. Colonel Arbuthnott, Murder on the Orient Express, Paramount, 1974. Mulay el-Raisuli, The Wind and the Lion, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1975. Daniel Dravot, The Man Who Would Be King (also known as Rudyard Kipling's The Man Who Would Be King), Allied Artists/Columbia, 1975. Nils Tahlvik, The Terrorists (also known as Ransom), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1975. Robin Hood, Robin and Marian, Columbia, 1976. Kahlil Abdul-Muhsen, The Next Man (also known as The Arab Conspiracy and Double Hit), Allied Artists, 1976.

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Major General Roy Urquhart, A Bridge Too Far, United Artists, 1977. Edward Pierce, The Great Train Robbery (also known as The First Great Train Robbery), United Artists, 1979. Dr. Paul Bradley, Meteor, American International Pictures, 1979. Major Robert Dapes, Cuba, United Artists, 1979. O'Neil, Outland, Warner Bros., 1981. King Agamemnon, Time Bandits, Embassy, 1981. Patrick Hale, Wrong Is Right (also known as The Man with the Deadly Lens), Columbia, 1982. Narrator, G'Ole, 1982. Green Knight, Sword of the Valiant (also known as Sword of the Valiant: The Legend of Gawain and the Green Knight), Cannon, 1982. Douglas, Five Days One Summer, Warner Bros., 1982. James Bond, Never Say Never Again (also known as Warhead), Warner Bros., 1983. Juan Ramirez, Highlander, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. William of Baskerville, The Name of the Rose (also known as Der Name der Rose, Le Norn de la Rose, and // Nome delta Rosa), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. James Malone, The Untouchables, Paramount, 1987. Lieutenant Colonel Alan Caldwell, The Presidio, Paramount, 1988. Himself, Memories of Me, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1988. Dr. Henry Jones, Indiana ]ones and the Last Crusade, Paramount, 1989. Jessie McMullen, Family Business, TriStar, 1989. Captain Marko Alexandrovich Ramius, The Hunt for Red October, Paramount, 1990. Bartholomew "Barley" Scott Blair, Russia House, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1990. Juan Villa-Lobos Ramirez, Highlander 2 (also known as Highlander 2: The Quickening, Highlander II: The Renegade Version, and Highlander—Le Retour), Interstar, 1991. King Richard (uncredited), Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Warner Bros., 1991. Dr. Robert Campbell, Medicine Man (also known as The Last Days of Eden), Buena Vista, 1992. John Connor, Rising Sun, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1993. Dr. Alex Murray, A Good Man in Africa, 1994. Paul Armstrong, ]ust Cause, Warner Bros., 1995. King Arthur, First Knight, Columbia, 1995. John Patrick Mason, The Rock, Buena Vista, 1996. Voice of Draco, Dragon Heart (also known as Dragonheart), Universal, 1996.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Sir August de Wynter, The Avengers, Warner Bros., 1997. God (uncredited), A Life Less Ordinary, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Paul, Playing by Heart, Miramax, 1998. Robert "Mac" MacDougal, Entrapment, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Film Work: Song performer, "Pretty Irish Girl," Darby O'Clll and the Little People, Buena Vista, 1959. Coexecutive producer, Medicine Man (also known as The Last Days of Eden), Buena Vista, 1992. Executive producer, Rising Sun, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1993. Executive Producer, ]ust Cause, Warner Bros., 1995. Executive Producer, The Rock, Buena Vista, 1996. Producer, Entrapment, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Executive producer, Finding Forrester, 1999. Producer and director of The Bowler and the Bonnet (documentary). Television Appearances; Specials: Happy Anniversary 007: Twenty-Five Years of James Bond, 1987. 100% Bonded, 1987. The Barbara Walters Special, ABC, 1987. Rich and Famous: 1988 World's Best, 1988. Host, The Prince's Trust Gala, TBS, 1989. Premiere: Inside the Summer Blockbusters, Fox, 1989. Sinatra 75: The Best Is Yet to Come (also known as Frank Sinatra: 75th Birthday Celebration), CBS, 1990. Michael Caine: Breaking the Mold (also known as Crazy about the Movies), Cinemax, 1991. November 22, 1993: Where Were You? A Larry King Special Live from Washington, TNT, 1993. Intimate Portrait: Sean Connery, Lifetime, 1997. Interviewee, The Secrets of 007: The James Bond Files, CBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Mountain McClintock, Requiem for a Heavyweight, BBC, 1957. Count Vronsky, Anna Karenina, BBC, 1964. Also appeared in Adventure Story, Anna Christie, Boy with the Meataxe, The Crucible, a Canadian production of Macbeth, Riders to the Sea, and Women in Love.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Episodic: "Jack in Rome/' The Jack Benny Program, CBS, 1957. "The Hollow Crown/' Age of Kings, syndicated, 1961. "The Road to Shrewsbury/' Age of Kings, syndicated, 1961. "Mademoiselle Colombe," Festival of the Arts, syndicated, 1962. "The Deposing of a King," Age of Kings, syndicated, 1963. "Male of the Species," On Stage, NBC, 1969. The Dream Factory, 1975. Also appeared as guest host of Sammy and Company. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 60th Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1988. The 61st Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1989. The 53rd Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 1996. Presenter, The 70th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1998. Presenter, The 56th Annual Golden Globe Awards,


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Andrews, Emma, The Films of Sean Connery, BCW Publishing, 1977. Callan, Michael Feeney, Sean Connery, Stein & Day (Briarcliff Manor, NY), 1983. Parker, John, Sean Connery, Contemporary Books (Chicago, IL), 1993. Passingham, Kenneth, Sean Connery: A Biography, St. Martin's (New York City), 1983. Pfeiffer, Lee, The Films of Sean Connery, Carol Publishing Group, 1993. Rissik, Andrew, The James Bond Man: The Films of Sean Connery, Elm Tree Books, 1983. Yule, Andrew, Sean Connery: From 007 to Hollywood Icon, 1992. Periodicals: Economist, U.S. edition, February 28, 1998, p. 61. Entertainment Weekly, May 10, 1992, p. 4. Hollywood Reporter, April, 1988, p. 42. New York Times, June 7, 1987. Sunday Times, April 22, 1990, p. E1. Vanity Fair, June, 1993, p. 102.*

1999. Stage Appearances: (Debut) Chorus dancer, later Buzz Adams, South Pacific (tour), British cities, 1953-54.


Also appeared in Judith and MacBeth. Stage Work: Producer and director of I've Seen You Cut Lemons, London production. RECORDINGS Videos: Himself and James Bond, Behind the Scenes with Goldfinger, 1995. Himself and James Bond, Behind the Scenes with Thunderball, 1995.


COOK, Douglas S. PERSONAL Addresses: Contact—8383 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 550, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Screenwriter and producer.

Albums: Recited "In My Life" for the album In My Life (Beatles covers). WRITINGS Books: Neither Shaken nor Stirred, 1994.

CREDITS Film Work: Executive producer, Heaven Is a Playground, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1991. Co-executive producer, Holy Matrimony, Buena Vista, 1994.

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Television Executive Producer; Movies: Payoff, Showtime, 1991. WRITINGS Screenplays: Holy Matrimony, Buena Vista, 1994. The Rock, Buena Vista, 1996. Double Jeopardy, Paramount, 1999. Television Movies: Payoff, Showtime, 1991.*

CORBOULD, Chris PERSONAL Career: Special effects supervisor, coordinator, and technician.

Special effects supervisor, ColdenEye, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1995. Special effects supervisor, The Chost and the Darkness, Paramount, 1996. Special effects supervisor, Tomorrow Never Dies, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1997. Special effects coordinator, Firestorm, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998. Special effects supervisor, The Mummy, Universal, 1999. Special effects supervisor, The World Is Not Enough, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1999. Television Work; Movies: Senior special effects technician, Treasure Island, TNT, 1990. Special effects, The Young Indiana Jones: Treasure of the Peacock's Eye, Family Channel, 1995. Special effects floor supervisor, 5now White: Tale of Terror, Showtime, 1997.*

CREDITS Film Work: Special effects technician, Krull, Columbia, 1983. Special effects technician, Supergirl, TriStar, 1984. Special effects crew, Lifeforce, TriStar, 1985. Senior special effects technician, Link, Cannon, 1986. Special effects, The Delta Force, Cannon, 1986. Special effects, The Living Daylights, United Artists, 1987. Senior special effects technician, Willow, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1988. Special effects supervisor second unit, License to Kill, United Artists, 1989. Special effects supervisor, Nightbreed, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1990. Floor supervisor (special effects), Highlander 2: The Quickening, Republic Entertainment, 1991. Senior effects technician, Hudson Hawk, TriStar, 1991. Senior special effects technician, Alien3, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Special effects technician, Chaplin, TriStar, 1992. Special effects senior technician (Ireland crew), Far and Away, Universal, 1992. Senior special effects technician, Blake Edwards' Son of the Pink Panther, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1993. Special effects supervisor, Shadowlands, Savoy Pictures, 1993. Special effects floor supervisor, Interview with the Vampire, Warner Bros., 1994.


CORDUNER, Allan (Alan Corduner) PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—Susan Smith & Associates, 121 N. San Vicente Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA. Career: Actor. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Minotti, Paris, 1994. Various, The Last Machine, 1995. Television Appearances; Movies: Benny, Mandela, HBO, 1987. Ion, Nobody's Children, USA, 1994. Verme, Heart of Darkness, 1994. Billy Wilder, Norma Jean and Marilyn, HBO, 1996. Professor Neil, Cadgetman, 1996. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Hirsch, Joseph Conrad's Nostromo, 1996.

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Television Appearances; Specials: Gentile Bellocchio, Twilight of the Gods, 1996.

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CREDITS Film Appearances:

Television Appearances; Episodic: Benny, "Hark/' Girls on Top, 1985. Dennis, "Whispering Grass/' Boon, 1992. Dr. Lime, Teenage Health Freak, 1993. Gentile Bellocchio, "Twilight of the Gods," Inspector Morse, 1993. Chip Rafferty, Birdland, ABC, 1994. Art critic, Drop the Dead Donkey, 1998. Also appeared in Mad About You, NBC. Film Appearances: Shimmele, Yentl, 1983. Dr. Diaz, Bad Medicine, 1985. Voice of Loke (English version), Valhalla, 1987. Music executive, Hearts of Fire, Lorimar, 1987. Vince and voice of Morris, Talk Radio, Universal, 1988. (As Alan Corduner) Franz Goethe, Fat Man and Little Boy (also known as Shadow makers], 1989. Stephen Carlinsky, ^Anton/aand/ane, Miramax, 1991. Poet, Edward II, Fine Line, 1991. Sam, Carry On Columbus, 1992. D inner guest, A Bus /ness Affair, Skouras Pictures, 1994. Oscar Butterworth, Voices, Voices Productions, 1995. Therapist at party, Indian Summer (also known as Alive and Kicking and All Over Me), Alliance/ Fine Line Features, 1997. Captain, The Imposters, 1998. Sir Arthur Sullivan, Topsy-Turvy, 1999. Stage Appearances: Durkfeld, Freville Todd, Duckett, Soat, and Gleason, Serious Money, Public/Newman Theater, New York City, 1987. Serious Money, Royale Theatre, New York City, 1988. Also appeared as First Class Steward Henry Etches, Titanic: The Musical, 1997-99.*

CORRI, Adrienne 1933PERSONAL Real name, A. Riccoboni; born November 13, 1933, in Glasgow, Scotland; married Daniel Massey, 1961 (divorced 1967). Education: Attended the Royal Academy. Avocational interests: Art. Career: Actress.

Nora, The Romantic Age (also known as Naughty Arlette), 1949. Valerie, The River, 1951. (Uncredited) Quo Vadis?, 1951. Kirsty, The Little Kidnappers (also known as The Kidnappers), United Artists, 1953. Mayolo, Meet Mr. Callaghan, 1954. Susan Thorne, Lease of Life, 1954. Doris, Devil Girl from Mars, 1954. Make Mean Offer, 1955. Clara Willis, Three Men in a Boat, 1956. Pam Barnes, Behind the Headlines, 1956. The Surgeon's Knife, 1957. Diana Maxwell, The Big Chance, 1957. Maureen O'Brien, The Feminine Touch (also known as The Centle Touch), 1957. Rachel, Doctor from Seven Dials (also known as Corridors of Blood), 1958. The Rough and the Smooth (also known as Portrait of a Sinner), 1959. Isobel, The He//f/re Club, 1960. Pegeen, Dynamite Jack, 1961. The Anatomist, 1961. Betty Clare, The Tell-Tale Heart (also known as The Hidden Room of 1000 Horrors, The Horror Man, and Panic), 1962. Lady Vivian, Sword of Lancelot (also known as Lancelot and Guinevere), 1963. Angela, A Study in Terror (also known as Fog), Columbia, 1965. Amelia, Doctor Zhivago, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1965. Dorothy, Bunny Lake is Missing, Columbia, 1965. Beatrice, The Viking Queen, 1967. Fay Carter, Africa, Texas Style (also known as Cowboy in Africa), Paramount, 1967. Mme. Lisiere, Woman Times Seven (also known as Sept fois femme), 1967. Angela Richmond, The File of the Golden Goose, United Artists, 1969. Elizabeth Murphy, Moon Zero Two, 1969. Mrs. Alexander, A Clockwork Orange, Warner Bros., 1971. Gypsy woman, Vampire, Circus, 1972. Faye, Madhouse (also known as Deathday, The Madhouse of Fear, and The Revenge of Dr. Death), AIP, 1974. Lady Carter, Rosebud, United Artists, 1975. Therese Douvier, Revenge of the Pink Panther, United Artists, 1978. Sylvia, The Human Factor, United Artists, 1980.

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Television Appearances; Series: Angelica, Sword of Freedom, 1957. You're Only Young Twice, 1971. Television Appearances; Specials: Mistress Overdone, BBC Television Shakespeare: Measure for Measure, PBS, 1979. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Kean, 1978. Television Appearances; Episodic: Edith, "3 Days to Worcester," Ivanhoe, 1958. Shani Mathieson, 'The Sweet Smell of Success/' Adam Adamant Lives!, 1966. Elinor Gray, "The Naked Emperor/' Mr. Rose, 1967. Monique, "Man Who Got a New Face/' Department 5,1969. Mrs. Trennick, "The Night People," The Champions, 1969. Nita, "The Good Book," The Adventurer, 1972. Mena, "The Leisure Hive," Doctor Who, 1980.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Dana, "Nip and Tuck," High Society, CBS, 1995. New girl No. 2, Step by Step, ABC, 1995. Chante, "Blood Covenant," The Burning Zone, UPN, 1996. Barbara, "Future Bride," Weird Science, 1997. Allison Porter, Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1997. Nora, "Working Girls," The Magnificent Seven, CBS, 1998. Film Appearances: Jo Lynn Jordan, Teaching Mrs. Tingle, 1999. Gossip, 1999. RECORDINGS Music Videos: Appeared in Eve 6's "Tongue Tied."*

COUTARD, Raoul 1924-1993 Also appeared as Yolanda, "Crisis in the," The Invisible Man; Pauline, "Whatever Happened to George," Secret Agent. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: WWD, January 8, 1985, p. 21.*

COUGHLAN, Marisa 1973PERSONAL Born March 17, 1973, in Minneapolis, MN. Education: Attended the University of Southern California. Career: Actress. Appeared in commercials. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: The Guilt, 1996. Dawnie Parker, Wasteland, ABC, 1999.

PERSONAL Born September 16, 1924, in France; died September 5, 1993, in Troyes, France; married. Career: Cinematographer, director, screenwriter, and actor. Worked in photographic laboratories and as photographer for French Ministry of Information; freelance still photographer and combat photographer, 1951-56; film cinematographer, 1956-93; film director, 1967-93; also made television advertisements. Military service: Served with the French forces in Indochina, 1945-50. Awards, Honors: British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best British Cinematography—black and white, 1968, for The Sailor from Gibraltar; Jean Vigo Prize, best feature film 1969, Cannes Film Festival Prize, best first work, 1970, both for Hoa-Binh; Cesar Award, 1978, for Le Crabe-Tambour; Technical Grand Prize, Cannes Film Festival, 1982, for Passion; Venice Festival Prize, 1983, for Prenom Carmen; International Award, American Society of Cinematographers, 1997. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Movies: Jenny, Fist of the North Star, HBO, 1995. Young Julie, Our Son, the Matchmaker, CBS, 1996. Tanya Lane, The Sleepwalker Killing (also known as From the Files of Unsolved Mysteries: The Sleepwalker Killing), NBC, 1997.

Film Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated: (With others) Paradiso terrestre, 1956. Thau le pecheru (short), 1957. La Passe du diable, 1957. Ramuntcho, 1958.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Pecheur d'lslande, 1959. Nicky et Kitty, 1959. A bout de souffle (also known as Breathless), New Yorker Films, 1959. Tirez sur le pianiste (also known as Shoot the Pianist and Shoot the Piano Player), Astor, 1960. Le petit soldat (also known as The Little Soldier), West End, 1960. Lola (also known as Donna di vita), Films-Aroundthe-World, 1961. Jules etjim (also known as Jules and Jim), Janus, 1961. Les Grandes personnes (also known as Desideri proibiti and Time Out for Love), 1961. Chronique d'un ete (also known as Chronicle of a Summer; Paris, 1960), 1961. Une femme est une femme (also known as A Woman Is a Woman), 1961. The Army Game, SEDIF, 1961. Et satan conduit le bal (also known as 5atan Leads the Dance), 1962. "Antoine et Colette/7 L'amoura vingtans (also known as Love at Twenty), Embassy, 1962. Vivre sa vie (also known as My Life to Live), Union/ Pathe, 1962. Vacances portugaises (also known as Les sourires de la destinee and Les Egarements), 1963. Les Baisers, 1963. Als twee druppels water (also known as The Spitting Image), 1963. Les Carabiniers (also known as The Soldiers), New Yorker, 1963. Le Mepris (also known as Contempt), Avco Embassy Pictures, 1963. Bande a part (also known as Band of Outsiders and The Outsiders), Royal, 1964. "Le grand escroc," Les plus belles escroqueries du monde (also known as The Beautiful Swindlers, World's Greatest Swindles and The World's Most Beautiful Swindlers), Lux, 1964. La peau douce (also known as Silken Skin and The 5oft Skin), Cinema V, 1964. Une femme mariee (also known as A Married Woman), Royal, 1964. Un monsieur de compagnie (also known as Male Companion), 1965. Scruggs (also known as A Game Gal led Scruggs), 1965. ]e vous salue mafia (also known as Hail, Mafia), 1965. La317e section (also known as 317th Platoon), 1965. Alphaville, une etrange aventure de Lemmy Caution (also known as/\gente Lemmy Caution, missione Alphaville, Alphaville, Alphaville, a Strange Adventure of Lemmy Caution, Alphaville, a Strange Case of Lemmy Caution, and Tarzan vs. IBM), Pathe, 1965.


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Pierrot le fou, Pathe/Corinth, 1965. Deux or trois choses que je sais d'elle (also known as Two or Three Things I Know About Her), New Yorker Films, 1966. The Defector (also known as Lespion and Lautlose Waffen), Warner Bros., 1966. Made in the U.S.A., Athos, 1966. La mariee etait en noir (also known as The Bride Wore Black), United Artists, 1967. The 5a/7or from Gibraltar, Lopert, 1967. La Chinoise (also known as La chinoise, ou plutot a la chinoise: un film en train de se /a/re and The Chinese Girl), 1967. Wee/ce-Encf (also known as Weekend and Le WeekEnd), Grove Press, 1967. Z, Cinema V, 1969. The Southern Star, 1969. L'Aveu, 1970. And director, Jolly Green, 1970. Director, Hoa-Binh, 1970. Etes-vous fiancee a un marin grec ou a un pilote de ligne?, 1970. La liberte en croupe, 1970. L'Explosion, 1971. Les Aveuex les plus doux, 1971. Le trefle a cinq feu i I les, 1972. The Jerusalem File (also known as Jerusalem, Jerusalem), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1972. Le gang des otages (also known as The Hostage Gang and The Hostages), 1972. Embassy (also known as Target: Embassy), 1972. L'Emmerdeur (also known as A Pain in the A...), 1973. Comme un pot des fraises!, 1974. Le Crabe-tambour, Interama, 1977. Director, La Legion saute sur Kolwezi, 1979. Passion, United Artists Classics, 1982. Director, S.A.S. a San Salvador (also known as S.A5. San Salvador), 1982. Prenom Carmen (also known as First Name: Carmen), International Spectrafilm, 1983. La diagonale du fou (also known as Dangerous Moves), Spectrafilm, 1984. La Garce, 1984. Du set sur la peau, 1984. The Bitch, 1984. Parachute, 1985. Max, mon amour (also known as Max My Love), Connoisseur Video, 1986. Fuego, 1987. (Uncredited) Peaux de vaches (also known as Thick Skinned), 1988. Brennende Betten, 1988. Ne reveillez pas un flic qui dort, 1988.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Blanc de chine, 1988. Les enfants volants (also known as Flying Children), 1990. Bethune: The Making of a Hero (also known as Dr. Bethune), Tara Releasing, 1990. La femme fardee, 1990. // ge/e en enfer, 1990. La vie crevee (also known as Punctured Life), 1992. La naissance de l'amour (also known as The Birth of Love), 1993. Faut pas rire du bonheur (also known as Happiness is No Joke), 1994. Le coeur fantome, 1996. Film Appearances: Cameraman, Le Mepris (also known as Contempt), Avco Embassy Pictures, 1963. Z, Cinema V, 1969. Commentator, Jolly Green, 1970. L'Aveu, 1970. Television Cinematographer; Movies: Maigret et les plaisirs de la nuit, 1991.

Awards, Honors: Greene Award, Queen's University, 1977; Best actress award, 1985, for Keep the Home Fires Burning. CREDITS Film Appearances: Sophie Ware, Getting Married in Buffalo Jump, Academy, 1988. Leslie Abbott, The Doctor, Buena Vista, 1990. Audrey Aldrich, Folks!, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Susan Evans, The Good Son, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1993. Jenny Davis, Corrina, Corrina, New Line Cinema, 1994. Laura, The Santa Clause, Buena Vista, 1994. Kevin Dollof, To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday, Triumph Films/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1996. Grace Marshall, Air Force One, Buena Vista, 1997. Helen Eden, Gang Related, Metro-Goldywn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1997. Norah Stanton, The Eighteenth Angel, Rysher Entertainment, 1998. Lila, Better than Chocolate, Trimark Pictures, 1999. Ma'am, The Bicentennial Man, Buena Vista, 1999.

WRITINGS Television Appearances; Series: Keep the Home Fires Burning, 1981-85. Blake Calisher, Hard Copy, CBS, 1986-87. Gail Browning, Studio 5B, ABC, 1988.

Screenwriter: Hoa-Binh, 1970. Jolly Green, 1970. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: New York Times, September 12, 1971 .*



Full name, Wendy Jane Crewson; born May 9,1959, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; daughter of Robert Binnie and June Doreen (maiden name, Thomas) Crewson; married Michael George Murphy (an actor), March 7, 1988; children: Margaret Mary, one other child. Education: Queen's University, BA, 1977; post-graduate training at Weber-Douglas Academy of Drama, London, England, 1979. Addresses: /Agent—International Creative Management 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actress.

Television Appearances; Movies: Kate Finch, Rona Jaffe's "Mazes and Monsters/' CBS, 1982. Judy, Heartsounds, ABC, 1984. Irene Tremayne, Murder in Space, Showtime, 1985. Michelle Benti, Perry Mason: The Case of the Shooting Star, NBC, 1986. Laurie Michaels, A Hobo's Christmas, CBS, 1987. Evelyn Fallen, Spies, Lies & Naked Thighs, CBS, 1988. Virginia, Frostfire, Lifetime, 1994. Dorsie Young, To 5ave the Children, CBS, 1994. Roberta Crachit, Efafa/e, Lifetime, 1995. Sue Rodriguez, At the End of the Day: The Sue Rodriguez, Lifetime, 1999. Billie, Escape Velocity, Sci-Fi Channel, 1999. Gail Sterling, Question of Privilege, Lifetime, 1999. Virginia Baldwin, Summer's End, Showtime, 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Faye Stafford, From the Earth to the Moon, HBO, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: Dana Woodrow, In the Lion's Den, CBS, 1987. Joanna, Tanner '88, HBO, 1988.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Other: Appeared in Lives of Girls and Women. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Maclean's, August 18, 1997, p. 63.*



Full name, Hume Blake Cronyn; born July 18, 1911, in London, Ontario, Canada; immigrated to the United States, c. 1931; son of Hume Blake (a financier and member of Canadian Parliament) and Frances Amelia (Labatt) Cronyn; married second wife, Jessica Tandy (an actress), September 27, 1942 (died September 11, 1994); married Susan Cooper, July, 1996; children: Susan Cronyn Tettemer, Christopher Hume, Tandy (an actor). Education: Graduated from Ridley College, 1930; attended McGill University, 1930-31; American Academy of Dramatic Arts, graduated, 1934; also trained for the stage with Harold Kreutzberg at the Mozarteum, Salzburg, Austria, 1932-33, and at the New York School of the Theatre. Avocational interests: Skin diving and fishing. Addresses: Office—63-23 Carlton St., Rego Park, NY 11374-2826. /Agent—Sam Cohn, International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1934. Career: Actor, director, producer, and writer. Barter Theatre Company, Abingdon, VA, production director, 1934; American Academy of Dramatic Arts, lecturer in drama, 1938-39, later member of board of trustees; Actors Lab, Los Angeles, CA, lecturer in drama, 1945-46; Stratford Shakespearean Festival, Stratford, Ontario, Canada, member of board of governors; Tyrone Guthrie Theatre, Minneapolis, MN, member of board of directors; Theatre Development Fund, member. The papers of Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy (1934-85) are housed at the Library of Congress Manuscript Division. Member: Actors' Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Writers Guild of America, Dramatists Guild, Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers, Screen Writers Guild.


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Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best supporting actor, 1944, for The Seventh Cross; Comoedia Matinee Club Award, 1952, for The Fourposter; Barter Theatre Award, 1961, for outstanding contribution to the theater; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actor in a play, and New York Drama League Delia Austria Medal, both 1961, for Big Fish, Little Fish; Distinguished Performance Award, Drama League, 1961; Antoinette Perry Award, best supporting or featured actor in a play, and Variety New York Drama Critics Poll Award, both 1964, for Hamlet; award for achievement by alumni, American Academy of Dramatic Arts, 1964; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best producer of a play, 1965, for 5/ow Dance on the Killing Ground; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actor in a play, and Herald Theatre Award, both 1967, for A Delicate Balance; Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle Award, best actor, 1972, for The Caine Mutiny Court Martial; Straw Hat Award, best director, 1972, for Promenade, All!; Obie Award, distinguished performance, Village Voice, 1973, for Krapp's Last Tape; inducted into the Theatre Hall of Fame, 1974; Creative Arts Award for Distinguished Achievement, Brandeis University, 1978; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actor in a play, and Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best play, both 1978, and Los Angeles Critics Circle Award, 1979, all for The Gin Game; National Press Club Award, 1979; Commonwealth Award of Distinguished Service in Dramatic Arts, 1983; Humanitas Prize, Human Family Educational and Cultural Institute, Emmy Award nomination, best television script one hour or longer, Christopher Award, and Writers Guild Award, all 1985, for The Dollmaker; Kennedy Center Honors, 1986; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actor in a play, 1986, for The Petition; shared Drama Desk Award (with Jessica Tandy), 1986, for their inspiring continuation of the tradition of theatrical partnership; Alley Theatre Award in Recognition of Significant Contributions to the Theatre Arts, 1987; Emmy Award nomination, best actor in a miniseries or special, Christopher Award, and Writers Guild Award, all 1988, for "Foxfire," Hallmark Hall of Fame; Franklin Haven Sargent Award, American Academy of Dramatic Arts, as distinguished alumnus for quality of acting, 1988; National Medal of Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, 1990; Emmy Award, best supporting actor, 1992, for Neil Simon's Broadway Bound; Emmy Award, best actor in a special, 1993, for "To Dance with the White Dog/ Hallmark Hall of Fame; Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actor in a series, miniseries, or motion picture made for television, 1993; shared Antoinette

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Perry Lifetime Achievement Award (with Jessica Tandy), 1994; Emmy Award nomination, best supporting actor in a miniseries or movie, 1998, for Twelve Angry Men; decorated member, Order of Canada; honorary degrees include LL.D., University of Western Ontario, 1974, and L.H.D., Fordham University, 1985. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Herbie Hawkins, Shadow of a Doubt, Universal, 1943. Duval, The Cross of Lorraine, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1943. Gerard, The Phantom of the Opera, Universal, 1943. Stanley Garrett, Lifeboat, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1944. Keller, Main Street after Dark, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1944. Paul Roeder, The Seventh Cross (also known as The Seven Crosses), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1944. Blonde Fever, 1944. John Phineas McPherson, A Letter for Evie, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1945. Monty, "The Sweepstakes Ticket," in Ziegfield Follies, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1945. Papa Leckie, The Green Years, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1946. Arthur Keats, The Postman Always Rings Twice, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1946. Freddie, The Sailor Takes a Wife, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1946. Man's voice, The Secret Heart, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1946. Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, The Beginning or the End, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1947. Captain Munsey, Brute Force, Universal, 1947. John McGrath, The Bride Goes Wild, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1948. Hughie Devine, Top o' the Morning, Paramount, 1949. Professor Rooney El well, People Will Talk, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1951. George Heath, Crowded Paradise, Tudor, 1956. Louis McHenry Howe, Sunrise at Campobello, Warner Bros., 1960. Sosigenes, Cleopatra, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1963. Polonius, Hamlet, Warner Bros., 1964. Arthur, The Arrangement, Warner Bros., 1969. "Honest" Tim Grogan, Gaily, Gaily (also known as Chicago, Chicago), United Artists, 1969. Dudley Whinner, There Was a Crooked Man, Warner Bros., 1970.

Skeffington, Conrack, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1974. Editor Edgar Rintels, The Parallax View, Paramount, 1974. Sherm Schaefler, Honky Tonk Freeway, Universal/Associated Film Distributors, 1981. Maxwell Emery, Rollover, Warner Bros., 1981. Mr. Fields, The World according to Carp, Warner Bros., 1982. Dr. Carr, Impulse, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1984. Rupert Horn, Brewster's Millions, Universal, 1985. Joe Finley, Cocoon, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1985. Frank Riley,*batter/es not included, Universal, 1987. Joe Finley, Cocoon: The Return, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1988. Justice Abraham Rosenberg, The Pelican Brief, Warner Bros., 1993. Ewald, Camilla, Miramax Films, 1994. Title role, Marvin's Room, Miramax, 1996. Angel Passing, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Ned Farrar, Her Master's Voice, NBC, 1939. Nils Krogstad, "A Doll's House," The Hallmark Hall of Fame, NBC, 1959; rebroadcast as "A Doll's House," The Golden Age of Television, PBS, 1981. Dirk Stroeve, The Moon and Sixpence, NBC, 1959. Polonius, Hamlet, Electronovision, 1964. The Gin Game, Showtime, 1981. Hector Nations, "Foxfire," Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1987. James F. Byrnes, Day One, CBS, 1989. John Cooper, Age-Old Friends (also known as A Month of Sundays), HBO, 1989. Cleveland Meriwether, Christmas on Division Street, CBS, 1991. Ben, Neil Simon's Broadway Bound (also known as Broadway Bound), ABC, 1992. Sam Peek, "To Dance with the White Dog," Hallmark Hal I of Fame, CBS, 1993. Narrator/himself, An African Love Story (documentary), The Disney Channel, 1996. Ninth juror, Twelve Angry Men, Showtime, 1997. John Webb, Alone (also known as Horton Foote's A/one), Showtime, 1997. John McRae, Sea People, 1999. St. Nick, Santa and Pete, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: "One Sunday Afternoon," Ford Theater Hour, NBC, 1949. "The Uncertain Hour," Chevrolet Tele-Theater, NBC, 1949. "Boy Meets Girl," Studio One, CBS, 1949. "Doctor Violet," Suspense, CBS, 1949.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 "Murder at the Mardi Gras," Suspense, CBS, 1950. "Red Wine/' Suspense, CBS, 1950. "The Reluctant Landlord/' Philco Television Playhouse, NBC, 1950. "Strike Me Dead/' Suspense, CBS, 1950. "The Poni Story/' Pulitzer Prize Playhouse, ABC, 1950. "Public Servant," Studio One, CBS, 1951. Ben Hecht's Tales of the City, CBS, 1953. "Glory in the Flower," Omnibus, CBS, 1953. "Children's Books," Omnibus, CBS, 1954. "The Family Man," Motorola TV Hour, ABC, 1954. "John Quincy Adams," Omnibus, CBS, 1955. Michael, "The Fourposter," Producers Showcase, NBC, 1955. "Christmas 'til Closing," Philco Playhouse, NBC, 1955. "Courtship—Pride and Prejudice, Morning's at Seven, Streetcar Named Desire," Omnibus, CBS, 1955. "The Great Adventure," U.S. Steel Hour, CBS, 1956. "Minds over Manners," Omnibus, CBS, 1956. "The Fifth Wheel," Climax, CBS, 1956. "The Better Half," Omnibus, CBS, 1956. "The Confidence Man," Alcoa Hour, NBC, 1956. "The Big Wave," Alcoa Hour, NBC, 1956. C.E. Theater, CBS, 1956. Fritz Oldham, "Kill with Kindness," Alfred Hitchcock Presents, CBS, 1956. "The Five Dollar Bill," Studio One, CBS, 1957. "No License to Kill," Alcoa Hour, NBC, 1957. "A Member of the Family," Studio One, CBS, 1957. "Clothes Make the Man," Schlitz Playhouse of Stars, CBS, 1957. "Little Miss Bedford," Studio '57, syndicated, 1957. Person to Person, CBS, 1958. "The Bridge of San Luis Rey," DuPont Show of the Month, CBS, 1958. "War against War," Telephone Time, ABC, 1958. "Windfall," Loretta Young Show, NBC, 1958. "Thanks to You," Loretta Young Show, NBC, 1958. "Ah There, Beau Brummel," G.E. Theater, CBS, 1958. Henry Daw, "The Impromptu Murder," Alfred Hitchcock Presents, CBS, 1958. "Juno and the Peacock," Play of the Week, syndicated, 1960. "Good Citizen," Barbara Stanwyck Theater, NBC, 1960. "C3H5(N03)3," Naked City, ABC, 1961. Lewis Avery Filer, "Over 50? Steal," Hawaii Five-0, CBS, 1970. Lewis Avery Filer, "Odd Man In," Hawaii Five-0, CBS, 1971. Weller Martin, "The Gin Game," American Playhouse, PBS, 1984.


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Narrator, "The Wilderness Idea," The American Experience, PBS, 1989. Guest, Reflections on the Silver Screen with Professor Richard Brown, American Movie Classics, 1990. Also appeared in The Ed Sullivan Show, CBS, and Kaiser Aluminum Hour, NBC. Television Appearances; Specials: The John F. Kennedy Memorial Broadcast, NBC, 1963. The Many Faces of Love, CBC, 1977; PBS, 1979. Himself, Hitchcock, II Brivido del Cenio (also known as The Thrill of Genius), RAI-TV Channel 1 (Italy), 1985. Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1986 and 1987. "Everybody's Doing It" (documentary), Summer Showcase, NBC, 1988. Onstage: Twenty-Five Years at the Guthrie, syndicated, 1988. Night of 100 Stars III, NBC, 1990. Voice of Grandpa, People, 1995. Alfred Hitchcock: The El True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment Television, 1999. Intimate Portrait: Jessica Tandy, Lifetime, 1999. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 40th Annual Tony Awards, 1986. The 41st Annual Tony Awards, 1987. The 48th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1994. The 50th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1996. Other Television Appearances: Ben Marriott, The Marriage (series), NBC, 1954. Dr. Paul Jaffe, The Oath: 33 Hours in the Life of God (pilot), ABC, 1976. Lonzo Brewster, Seasons of Love (miniseries), CBS, 1998. Television Work; Movies: Program consultant, "To Dance with the White Dog," Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1993. Television Work; Series: Producer (with Donald Davis) and director (with Fred Carr and Ralph Warren), Actors Studio, ABC, 1948-49, then CBS, 1949-50. Producer, The Marriage, NBC, 1954. Television Work; Episodic: Producer and director, "Portrait of a Madonna," Actors Studio, ABC, 1948.

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Stager, "Courtship—Pride and Prejudice, Morning's at Seven, Streetcar Named Desire/' Omnibus, CBS, 1955. Producer, "The Fourposter," Producers Showcase, NBC, 1955. Stage Appearances: The Adding Machine, Montreal Repertory Theatre and McGill University Players Club, Montreal, Quebec, 1930-31. Alice in Wonderland, Montreal Repertory Theatre and McGill University Players Club, 1930-31. Dr. Faustus, Montreal Repertory Theatre and McGill University Players Club, 1930-31. From Morn to Midnight, Montreal Repertory Theatre and McGill University Players Club, 1930-31. Red and White Revue, Montreal Repertory Theatre and McGill University Players Club, 1930-31. The Road to Rome, Montreal Repertory Theatre and McGill University Players Club, 1930-31. Paper boy, Up Pops the Devil, Cochran's Stock Company, National Theatre, Washington, DC, 1931. (Broadway debut) Janitor, Hipper's Holiday, Maxine Elliot's Theatre, New York City, 1934. Austin Lowe, The Second Man, Barter Theatre, Abingdon, VA, 1934. Dr. Haggett, The Late Christopher Bean, Barter Theatre, 1934. Jim Hipper, He Knew Dillinger (also known as Hipper's Holiday), Barter Theatre, 1934. Doke Odum, Mountain Ivy, Barter Theatre, 1934. Green, Boy Meets Girl, Cort Theatre, New York City, 1936. Erwin Trowbridge, Three Men on a Horse, Cort Theatre, 1936. Elkus, High Tor, Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, 1937. Leo Davis, Room Service, Cort Theatre, 1937. Abe Sherman, There's Always a Breeze, Windsor Theatre, New York City, 1938. Steve, Escape This Night, 44th Street Theatre, New York City, 1938. Harry Quill, Off to Buffalo, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1939. Andrei Prozoroff, The Three 5/sters, Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1939. Hutchens Stubbs, Susan and God, Lakewood Theatre, Skowhegan, ME, 1939. Toby Cartwright, Ways and Means, Lakewood Theatre, 1939. George Davies, "We Were Dancing/' Tonight at 8:30, Lakewood Theatre, 1939. Francis O'Connor, Shadow and Substance, Lakewood Theatre, 1939.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Christy Dudgeon, The Devil's Disciple, Lakewood Theatre, 1939. Lloyd Lloyd, Kiss the Boys Goodbye, Lakewood Theatre, 1940. Judas, Family Portrait, Lakewood Theatre, 1940. Stage Manager, Our Town, Lakewood Theatre, 1940. Denis Dillon, The White Steed, Lakewood Theatre, 1940. Karl Baumer, Margin for Error, Lakewood Theatre, 1940. Joe Bonaparte, Golden Boy, Lakewood Theatre, 1940. Peter Mason, The Weak Link, John Golden Theatre, New York City, 1940. Lee Tatnall, Retreat to Pleasure, Group Theatre Company, Belasco Theatre, New York City, 1940. Joe Bonaparte, Golden Boy, Bucks County Playhouse, New Hope, PA, 1941. Harley L. Miller, Mr. Big, Lyceum Theatre, New York City, 1941. Jodine Decker, The Survivors, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1948. Gandersheim, The Little Blue Light, Brattle Theatre, Cambridge, MA, 1950. Michael, The Fourposter, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 1951. Dr. Brightlee, Madam, Will You Walk?, Phoenix Theatre, New York City, 1953. Michael, The Fourposter, City Center Theatre, New York City, 1955. Curtis and Bennett Honey, The Honeys, Longacre Theatre, 1955. Julian Anson, A Day by the Sea, American National Theatre and Academy (ANTA) Theatre, New York City, 1955. Oliver Walling, The Man in the Dog Suit, Coronet Theatre, New York City, 1958. Professor Ivan Ivanovitch Nyukhin, "Some Comments on the Harmful Effects of Tobacco" (monologue), Doctor, "Portrait of a Madonna," Jerry, "A Pound on Demand," and John Jo Mulligan, "Bedtime Story," all in Triple Play, Playhouse Theatre, New York City, 1959. Jimmy Luton, Big Fish, Little Fish, American National Theatre and Academy (ANTA) Theatre, New York City, 1961. (London debut) Jimmy Luton, Big Fish, Little Fish, Duke of York's Theatre, London, England, 1962. Harpagon, The Miser, Tyrone Guthrie Theatre, Minneapolis, MN, 1963. Tchebutkin, The Three Sisters, Tyrone Guthrie Theatre, 1963. Willie Loman, Death of a Salesman, Tyrone Guthrie Theatre, 1963. Polonius, Hamlet, The Lunt-Fontanne Theatre, New York City, 1964.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CRONYN • 87 Newton, The Physicists, Martin Beck Theatre, 1964. Title role, Richard III, Tyrone Guthrie Theatre, 1965. Yephlkodov, The Cherry Orchard, Tyrone Guthrie Theatre, 1965. Harpagon, The Miser, Tyrone Guthrie Theatre, 1965. Hear America Speaking (revue with Jessica Tandy), special performance at the White House, Washington, DC, 1965. Tobias, A Delicate Balance, Martin Beck Theatre, 1966. Harpagon, The Miser, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, CA, 1968. Frederick William Rolfe, Hadrian VII, Stratford Shakespearean Festival, Stratford, Ontario, 1969. Captain Queeg, The Caine Mutiny Court Martial, Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles, 1971. Grandfather and Willie, Promenade, All!, Alvin Theatre, New York City, 1972. Title role, "Krapp's Last Tape/' Willie, "Happy Days/' and Player, "An Act Without Words I/' all in Samuel Beckett Festival, Forum Theatre, New York City, 1972. Verner Conklin and Sir Hugo Latymer, In Two Keys, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 1973. Shylock, The Merchant of Venice, Stratford Shakespearean Festival, 1976. Bottom, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Stratford Shakespearean Festival, 1976. Weller Martin, The Gin Game, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, then John Golden Theatre, both 1977. Hector Nations, Foxfire, Stratford Shakespearean Festival, 1980, then Tyrone Guthrie Theatre, 1981, later Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 1982, then Center Theatre Group, Ahmanson Theatre, 1986. Traveler in the Dark, American Repertory Theatre, Loeb Drama Center, Cambridge, MA, 1984. General Sir Edmund Milne, The Petition, John Golden Theatre, 1986. Ghost of Christmas Past, A Christmas Carol, Hudson Theatre, New York City, 1990. Night of 100 Stars III, Radio City Music Hall, New York City, 1990. Major Tours: Stingo and Sir Charles Marlowe, She Stoops to Conquer, Jitney Players, U.S. cities, 1935. Gideon Bloodgood, The Streets of New York, Jitney Players, U.S. cities, 1935. Erwin Trowbridge, Three Men on a Horse, U.S. cities, 1935-36. Green, Boy Meets Girl, U.S. cities, 1936. Leo Davis, Room Service, U.S. cities, 1937. It's All Yours (revue), United Service Organizations (USO)tour, 1942.

Tommy Turner, The Male Animal, Actors Laboratory Theatre, U.S. military bases in California, 1944. Title role, Hamlet, American National Theatre and Academy, U.S. cities, 1949. Face to Face (concert reading), U.S. cities, 1954. Oliver Walling, The Man in the Dog Suit, U.S. cities, 1957. Professor Ivan Ivanovitch Nyukhin, "Some Comments on the Harmful Effects of Tobacco" (monologue), Doctor, "Portrait of a Madonna," Jerry, "A Pound on Demand," and John Jo Mulligan, "Bedtime Story," all in Triple Play, U.S. cities, 1958. Tobias, A Delicate Balance, U.S. cities, 1967. Frederick William Rolfe, Hadrian VII, U.S. cities, 1970. Grandfather and Willie, Promenade, All!, U.S. cities, 1972 and 1973. Title role, Krapp's Last Tape, U.S. and Canadian cities, 1973. Verner Conklin and Sir Hugo Latymer, In Two Keys, U.S. cities, 1974. The Many Faces of Love (dramatic reading), U.S. cities, 1974-75. Weller Martin, The G/'n Game, U.S., Canadian, U.K. and Soviet cities, 1978-79. Also appeared with Canadian Active Service Canteen, 1941; appeared in vaudeville sketch for Victory Loan, Canadian cities, 1944. Stage Work:

Coproducer, It's All Yours (revue), United Service Organizations (USO) tour, 1942. Producer, Junior Miss (revue), United Service Organizations (USO) tour, 1942. Director, Portrait of a Madonna, Actors Laboratory Theatre, Las Palmas Theatre, Los Angeles, 1946. Director, Now / Lay Me Down to Sleep, Stanford Theatre, Stanford, CA, 1949, then Broadhurst Theatre, New York City, 1950. Director, Hilda Crane, Coronet Theatre, 1950. Director (with Norman Lloyd), Madam, Will You Walk?, Phoenix Theatre, 1953. Director, The Egghead, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 1957. Director, "Some Comments on the Harmful Effects of Tobacco," "Portrait of a Madonna," "A Pound on Demand," and "Bedtime Story/' all in Triple Play (major tour), U.S. cities, 1958, then Playhouse Theatre, 1959. Producer, Slow Dance on the Killing Ground, Plymouth Theatre, 1964. Director, Promenade, All!, U.S. cities, 1972 and 1973. Producer (with Mike Nichols), The Gin Game, John Golden Theatre, 1977.

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Producer (with Nichols), The Gin Came (major tour), U.S., Canadian, British, and Soviet cities, 1978-79. Producer, Salonika, New York Shakespeare Festival, Public Theatre, New York City, 1985. Also producer and director with Canadian Active Service Canteen, 1941.

CROSS, Rebecca PERSONAL Addresses: Contact—145 South Fairfax Ave., third floor, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Career: Actress.

Radio Appearances; Series: Ben Marriott, The Marriage, NBC, 1953. RECORDINGS Reader (with Jessica Tandy) Face to Face, 1954.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Chess Chemical tour guide, / Love Trouble, Touchstone Pictures, 1994. Stacey, The Bachelor, New Line Cinema, 1999.

WRITINGS Stage: (With Susan Cooper) Foxfire (two-act play), Stratford Shakespearean Festival, 1980, then Tyrone Guthrie Theatre, 1981, later Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 1982, then Center Theatre Group, Ahmanson Theatre, 1986, published by Samuel French, Inc. (New York City), 1983. Film: (With Arthur Laurents) Rope (also known as Alfred Hitchcock's Rope), Warner Bros., 1948. (With James Bridie) Under Capricorn, Warner Bros., 1949. Also wrote (with Cooper) Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant (unproduced). Television: (With Cooper) The Dollmaker, ABC, 1985. (With Cooper) Foxfire (from the play Foxfire by Cooper and Cronyn; includes Cronyn's song lyrics for "Dear Lord/7 "Sweet Talker/' and "My Feet Tookt'Walking"), CBS, 1987. Books: A Terrible Liar: A Memoir (autobiography), 1991.

Television Appearances; Movies: Sarah, Easy, Come, Easy Co, ABC, 1989. Sarah, Things That Go Bump in the Night, ABC, 1989. When We Were Young, NBC, 1989. Stacy, A Quiet Little Neighborhood, A Perfect Little Murder, NBC, 1990. Sarah, In Vino Veritas, ABC, 1990. Sarah, Only the Good Die Young, ABC, 1990. Roxy, For the Very First Time, NBC, 1991. Gina, Midnight Run-Around, syndicated, 1994. Television Appearances; Episodic:

Tyler Cameron, Married... With Children, Fox, 1990. Melissa Denton, Murphy Brown, CBS, 1990. Mrs. Halper, Laurie Hill, ABC, 1992. Sydney Huff, Likely Suspects, Fox, 1992. Libby Terhune, Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1993. Donna Fletcher, Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1995. Medicine Ball, Fox, 1995. University Hospital, syndicated, 1995. Seventh Heaven, WB, 1996. Lisa, Caroline in the City, NBC, 1996. Nurse Madeline Jake, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, CBS, 1996. Blind woman, Love Boat: The Next Wave, UPN, 1998. Linnea, The Strip, UPN, 1999.*

Contributor of articles and short stories to periodicals. OTHER SOURCES CRUDUP, Billy 1968Periodicals: Insight on the News, October 21, 1991, p. 34. Life, April, 1990, p. 76. Modem Maturity, July/August, 1994, p. 64. Saturday Night, October, 1991, p. 42. Time, April 2,1990, p.62.*

PERSONAL Surname is pronounced Crew-dup; born July 8,1968, in Long Island, NY. Attended University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Addresses: /Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212.


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Solyoni, Three Sisters, Broadway production, 1997.

Career: Actor.


Awards, Honors: Outer Critics Circle Award, outstanding newcomer, c. 1995, for Arcadia and Bus Stop; National Board of Review Award, breakthrough performance by an actor, 1998, for The Hi-Lo Country and Pre.

Periodicals: Interview, May, 1998, p. 108. People Weekly, November 18, 1996, p. 95. Teen, May, 1997, p. 46.*

CREDITS Film Appearances: Eddie Dolan, Grind, Kodiak Productions, 1995. Ken, Everyone Says / Love You, Miramax, 1996. Tommy Marcano, Sleepers, Warner Bros., 1996. Steve Prefontaine, Pre (also known as Without Limits), Warner Bros., 1997. John Charles "Jacey" Holt, Inventing the Abbotts, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Voice of Ashitaka (English-language version), Mononoke Hime (also known as Princess Mononoke), 1997. Teddy Timmons, Snitch (also known as Monument Ave.)f 1998. Pete Calder, The Hi-Lo Country, Gramercy Pictures, 1998. Fielding Pierce, Waking the Dead, 1999. F. H.,;esus'5on, 1999. Stage Appearances: Septimus Hodge, the tutor, Arcadia, Broadway production, 1995. Be, Bus Stop, Broadway production, 1996.

CUCINOTTA, Maria Grazia PERSONAL Addresses: Contact—United Artists Entertainment, 9560 Wilshire Ave., Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Beatrice Russo, // Post/no (also known as The Postman), Miramax, 1994. Letizia, / Laureati, 1995. Susana, The Day of the Beast, Trimark, 1995. Rita, // Sindaco, 1996. Maria and Donatella, Italians, 1996. Gabriel la, A Brooklyn State of Mind, Miramax, 1997. Maddaelena, Camere da Letto, Kidmark, 1997. Anna, The Second Wife, 1998. Cigar girl, The World Is Not Enough, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1999.*


DAEMER, Will See WADE, Robert (Allison)

DAFOE, Willem 1955PERSONAL Original name, William Dafoe; born July 22, 1955, in Appleton, Wl; son of William Dafoe (a surgeon); mother, a nurse; companion of Elizabeth LeCompte (a stage director for Wooster Group); children: (with LeCompte) Jack. Education: Attended University of Wisconsin. Addresses: Manager—Phyllis Carlyle, Carlyle Management, 639 North Larchmont, Suite 207, Los Angeles, CA 90004. Career: Actor. Theatre X (experimental theatre group), Milwaukee, Wl, performed on the road in United States and Europe, 1975-76; Performance Group, New York City, member of company; built sets and debuted with Wooster Group, New York City, built sets as early as 1977, currently member of company. Appeared in print ads for Prada. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best supporting actor, 1987, for Platoon. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Heaven's Gate (also known as Johnson County Wars), United Artists, 1981. Vance, The Loveless (also known as Breakdown), Mainline, 1982.

Youth in phone booth, The Hunger, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1983. Punk boyfriend, New York Nights, Bedford Entertainment, 1984. Johnny Harte, Roadhouse 66, Atlantic, 1984. Raven, Streets of Fire, Universal/RKO Radio Pictures, 1984. The Communists Are Comfortable (and Three Other Stories), 1984. Eric Masters, To Live and Die in L.A., MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1985. O Panama, 1985. Sergeant Elias, Platoon, Orion, 1986. Narrator (with others), Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam (also known as Dear America), HBO Productions, 1987. Buck McGriff, Off Limits (also known as Saigon), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1988. Jesus Christ, The Last Temptation of Christ, Universal, 1988. Ward, Mississippi Burning, Orion, 1988. Salamo Arouch, Triumph of the Spirit, Triumph, 1989. Charlie, Born on the Fourth of July, Universal, 1989. Bobby Peru, Wild at Heart, Samuel Goldwyn, 1990. Hateful guard, Cry-Baby, Universal, 1990. Lieutenant Commander Virgil "Tiger" Cole, Flight of the Intruder, Paramount, 1991. Ray Dolezal, White Sands, Warner Bros., 1992. John LeTour, Light Sleeper, Fine Line Features, 1992. Emit Flesti, Faraway, So Close (also known as In Weiter Feme, So Nah!), Sony Pictures Classics, 1993. Frank Dulaney, Body of Evidence (also known as Deadly Evidence), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1993. CIA field contractor Mr. Clark, Clear and Present Danger, Paramount, 1994. T. S. "Tom" Eliot, Tom and Viv, Miramax, 1994. Le Chevalier, the writer, The Night and the Moment (also known as La Notte e il Momento and La Nuit et le Moment), 1994.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Axel Heyst, Victory, Miramax, 1995. The Electrician, Basquiat (also known as Build a Fort and Set It on Fire and Build a Fort, Set It on Fire), Miramax, 1996. Caravaggio, The English Patient, Miramax, 1996. John Geiger, Speed 2: Cruise Control, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Rolfe Whitehouse, Affliction, Largo Entertainment, 1997. Narrator, What Is Yoga?, 1998. Dr. Van Horn, Lulu on the Bridge, Trimark, 1998. X, New Rose Hotel, Rose Releasing, 1998. Father Ramirez, Bullfighter, 1999. Gas, eXistenZ, Miramax/Dimension Films, 1999. FBI agent Paul Smecker, The Boondock Saints, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Ghostwriter/' The Hitchhiker, USA, 1985. Inside the Actors Studio, 1994. Voice of the Commandant, "The Secret War of Lisa Simpson," The Simpsons (animated), Fox, 1997. Television Appearances; Series:

Fishing with John, Independent Film Channel, 1991. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 61st Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1989. Presenter, GQ Men of the Year Awards, 1998. Stage Appearances: Lieutenant Buchevski and first customer, Cop, Performance Group, Envelope Theatre, New York City, 1978. Arthur, The Balcony, Performing Garage, New York City, 1979. Colonel Lloyd Lud, North Atlantic, Wooster Group, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, 1985. Miss Universal Happiness, Wooster Group, Performing Garage, 1985. Yank, The Hairy Ape, Wooster Group, Performing Garage, 1996. With Theatre X, appeared in Offending the Audience, Phaedra, and Razor Blades; with Wooster Group, appeared in Brace Up!, Hula, Just the High Points, L.S.D., Nayatt School, Point Judith, and The Road to Immortality. Tours: Yank, The Hairy Ape, Wooster Group, Performing Garage, 1996.


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RECORDINGS Taped Readings: Performed a reading of One Past Midnight: The Langoliers, by Stephen King. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Advocate, August 13, 1992, p. 66. American Film, October 1988, p. 50. Esquire, January 1989, p. 78. Interview, June 1988, p. 38; May, 1990, p. 98; January, 1993, p. 82. Mademoiselle, January 1989, p. 42. New York, August 27, 1990, p. 46. Utne Reader, September-October 1996, pp. 94-5.*

DAHL, John 1956PERSONAL Born in 1956, in Billings, MT; son of Leonard (a manager of an insurance office) and Margeurite Dahl; married Beth-Jana Friedberg (a cinematographer); brother of Rick Dahl (a producer and screenwriter). Education: Studied art at University of Montana and filmmaking at Montana State University; also attended American Film Institute. Addresses: Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Director and writer. Director of music videos and storyboard artist. CREDITS Film Work: Director, The Death Mutants, 1980. Assistant director, The Dungeonmaster, Empire, 1983. Unit director, Private Investigations, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1987. Director, Kill Me Again, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1990. Director, The Last Seduction, October Films, 1994. Director, Red Rock West, Roxie Releasing, 1994. Director, Unforgettable, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1996. Producer and director, Striking Back: A Jewish Commando's War against the Nazis, Miramax, 1998.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Director, Rounders, Miramax, 1998. Director, Blackout, Miramax, 1998. Television Work; Episodic: Director, "Tomorrow I Die/' Fallen Angels, Showtime, 1995. RECORDINGS Videos: Coproducer of the rock musical Here Come the Pugs. WRITINGS Screenplays: The Death Mutants, 1980. Private Investigations, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1987. (With brother, Rick Dahl) Kill Me Again, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1990. (With R. Dahl) Red Rock West, Roxie Releasing, 1994. (With R. Dahl) Blackout, Miramax, 1998. Meltdown, 1999. OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Authors, Volume 164, Gale (Detroit, Ml), 1998, pp. 91-93. Periodicals: Premiere, March, 1996, pp. 49-52.*

Daniel William Arthur Price, Breaking Class, Paramount, 1980. Mark, Meantime, 1983. Terry the boxer, Number One, Stageforum, 1984. Billy the Kidd, Billy the Kid and the Green Baize Vampire, 1985. Bela, The Bride, Columbia, 1985. Narrator, The Wanderer, 1991. The Nunn Brothers, Bad Behavior, October Films, 1993. John, After Miss Julie, 1995. Neil Gaydon, St/7/ Crazy, Columbia, 1998. Chapman, Nasty Neighbours, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Raymond Sunnyside, Sunnyside Farm, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: First boy, The Naked Civil Servant: The Autobiography of Quentin Crisp, PBS, 1975. Puck, A Midsummer Night's Dream (also known as BBC Television Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream), BBC, 1981. Ian Bodger, Sex and Chocolate, 1997. Alun Leach, Stand and Deliver, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Gary Rickey, Holding On, 1997. Larry Valentine, Sex, Chips, and Rock fn' Roll, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Joe, "Undercover/' Boon, 1990.


Stage Appearances: Jimmy, the narrator, Quadrophenia, Madison Square Garden, New York City, 1996.*

Born October 25, 1958, in England. Addresses: Contact—Hope & Lyne, 5 Milner PL, London N1, England.


Career: Actor. Appeared in live performances of the song "Parklife" with the musical group Blur.

Addresses: /Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Stewart, The Class of Miss MacMichael, Brut, 1978. Jimmy, Quadrophenia, World Northal, 1979. Richards, Scum, World Northal, 1979. Boy soldier Pullen, Zulu Dawn, Warner Bros., 1979.

Career: Screenwriter, director, producer, actor, set dresser, and production assistant. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best screenplay based on material previously produced or published, 1994, for The Shawshank Redemption.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 DEBNEY 93 CREDITS Film Director, Except Where Indicated: Production assistant, Hell Night, Compass International Pictures, 1981. Set dresser, Crimes of Passion, New World Pictures, 1984. The Shawshank Redemption, Columbia, 1994. (And producer) The Green Mile, Warner Bros., 1999. Film Appearances: Man with Buick, John Carpenter's Vampires, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1998. Television Director, Except Where Indicated; Movies: Till Death Do Us Part, 1990. Buried Alive, USA, 1990. Executive producer, Black Cat Run, HBO, 1998.



Career: Composer, conductor, and orchestrator. Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nomination, outstanding achievement in main title theme music, 1990, Emmy Award, outstanding achievement in music composition for a series, 1991, both for The Young Riders; Emmy Award, outstanding individual achievement in main title theme music, 1994, for SeaQuest DSV; Emmy Award, outstanding music composition for a series (dramatic underscore) and Emmy Award nomination, outstanding main title theme music, 1997, both for The Cape. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Stephen King's The Shining, NBC, 1997. Television Appearances; Specials: Stephen King: Master of Macabre, TLC, 1999. WRITINGS Screenplays: (With Wes Craven, Chuck Russell, and Bruce Wagner) A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, New Line Cinema, 1987. (With Chuck Russell) The Blob, TriStar, 1988. (With Mark Garris, Jim Wheat, and Ken Wheat) The Fly II, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. (With Steph Lady) Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, TriStar, 1994. The Shawshank Redemption, Columbia, 1994. The Green Mile, Warner Bros., 1999. Television Movies: Young Indiana Jones: Travels with Father, Family Channel, 1996. Black Cat Run, HBO, 1998. Television Specials: The Ventriloquists Dummy, HBO, 1990. Showdown, HBO, 1992. Two-Fisted Tales, Fox, 1992. Television Episodes:

The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, ABC, 1992.*

Film Music Conductor, Except Where Indicated: Runaway Brain, Buena Vista, 1995. Sudden Death, 1995. And synthesizer programming, Carpool, Warner Bros., 1996. Orchestrator, Getting Away With Murder, Savoy Pictures, 1996. Liar Liar, Universal, 1997. The Relic, Paramount, 1997. /'// Be Home for Christmas, Buena Vista, 1998. Television Work: Conductor, Rose-Petal Place (special), syndicated, 1985. Music performer, The Edge . . . and Beyond (series), A&E, 1988. WRITINGS Film Scores: The Curse, 1987. The Wild Pair, Trans World, 1987. Not Since Casanova, 1988. Seven Hours to Judgement, Trans World, 1988. The Housekeeper, Castle Hill, 1989. Jetsons: The Movie, Universal, 1990. Hocus Pocus, Buena Vista, 1993. Gunmen, Dimension Films, 1994. Little Giants, Warner Bros., 1994. White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf, Buena Vista, 1994. Cutthroat Island, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1995.

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Houseguest, Buena Vista, 1995. Runaway Brain, Buena Vista, 1995. Sudden Death, 1995. Carpool, Warner Bros., 1996. Getting Away With Murder, Savoy Pictures, 1996. / Know What You Did Last Summer, Columbia/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Liar Liar, Universal, 1997. The Relic, Paramount, 1997. /'// Be Home for Christmas, Buena Vista, 1998. Paulie, DreamWorks Distribution L.L.C., 1998. Dick, Columbia/TriStar/Sony Pictures Entertainment,

1999. End of Days, Universal, 1999. Inspector Gadget, Buena Vista, 1999. Lost and Found, Warner Bros., 1999. My Favorite Martian, Buena Vista, 1999. The Adventures of Elmo in Crouchland, Columbia/ Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1999. The Hands Behind the Mouse: The Ub Iwerks Story, Buena Vista, 1999. Television Music; Series: Cagney & Lacey, CBS, 1982. Fame, NBC, 1982. Dragon's Lair, ABC, 1984. Fortune Dance, ABC, 1986. Dink, the Little Dinosaur, CBS, 1989. And theme, The Young Riders, ABC, 1989. Freshman Dorm, CBS, 1992. And theme, Sisters, NBC, 1992-95. Against the Grain, NBC, 1993. Harts of the West, CBS, 1993. jack's Place, ABC, 1993. And theme, SeaQuest DSV, NBC, 1993-95. The Cape, syndicated, 1996. Theme, The Lazarus Man, syndicated/TNT, 1996. Theme, The Pretender, NBC, 1996. The Pretender, NBC, 1997. Television Music; Movies: Trenchcoat in Paradise, CBS, 1989. The Face of Fear, CBS, 1990. A Seduction in Travis County, CBS, 1991. Into the Badlands, USA, 1991. St/7/ Not Quite Human, 1992. Sunstroke, USA, 1992. Class of'61, ABC, 1993. For Love and Glory, CBS, 1993. And song, Hollyrock-a-Bye Baby, ABC, 1993. And songs, / Yabba-Dabba Doo!, ABC, 1993. Jonny's Golden Quest, USA, 1993. Praying Mantis, USA, 1993. In Pursuit of Honor, HBO, 1995.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Doctor Who, Fox, 1996. Chameleon, HBO, 1997. Television Music; Specials:

Rose-Petal Place, syndicated, 1985. Disneyland's Summer Vacation Party, NBC, 1986. Changing Patterns, CBS, 1987. The Day My Kid Went Punk, ABC, 1987. Camilla, Showtime, 1989. The Eyes of the Panther, Showtime, 1989. The Turn of the Screw, Showtime, 1989. Vidiots, CBS, 1991. The Halloween Tree, syndicated, 1993. The Town 5anta Forgot, NBC, 1993.*

DeGENERES, Ellen 1958PERSONAL Surname pronounced "duh-gen-er-es"; born January 26, 1958, in Jefferson Parish (some sources cite Metairie or New Orleans), LA; raised in Louisiana and Texas; daughter of Elliott (an insurance agent) and Betty (a speech therapist) DeGeneres; sister of Vance DeGeneres (a screenwriter); companion of Anne Heche (an actress). Education: Attended University of New Orleans. Religion: Raised in Christian Scientist faith. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Comedienne and actress. Clyde's Comedy Club, New Orleans, LA, mistress of ceremonies, 1981; performed standup comedy throughout the 1980s; Walt Disney World, appeared in "Ellen's Energy Crisis" (exhibit on energy) at Universe of Energy Pavilion, Epcot Center. Also worked as a bartender, legal secretary, oyster shucker, clothing salesperson, house painter, waitress, and vacuum salesperson. Awards, Honors: Named funniest person in America by Showtime cable television network, 1982; Annual Cable Excellence (ACE) Award nomination, National Cable Television Association, 1989, for Command Performance: One Night Stand; American Comedy Award, best female comedy club standup, 1991; American Comedy Award, 1995, for The 46th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards; ACE Award, c. 1994, for VH1 Honors; Golden Apple, female discovery of the year, Hollywood Women's Press Club, 1995; shared Emmy Award, outstanding writing for a comedy series, 1997, and Television Award, episodic

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


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comedy category, Writers Guild of America, 1998, both for 'The Puppy Episode/' Ellen; People's Choice Award, favorite female in a new television series, 1995, Emmy Award nominations, outstanding lead actress in a comedy series, 1995, 1996, and 1997, Golden Globe Award nominations, best actress in a comedy or musical television series, 1995, 1996, and 1998, Screen Actors Guild Award nominations, outstanding performance by an actress in a comedy series, 1995, 1997, and 1998, Q Award nomination, best actress in a quality comedy series, Viewers for Quality Television, 1998, and American Comedy Award nomination, funniest lead actress in a television series, 1999, all for Ellen; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding individual performance in a variety or music program, 1996, for The 38th Annual Grammy Awards; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding guest actress in a comedy series, 1997, for The Larry Sanders Show; American Comedy Award nomination, funniest female guest appearance on a television series, 1999, for The Larry Sanders Show; award nomination from Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).

The Comedy Club Special (also known as The Best of the Comedy Clubs), ABC, 1988. Command Performance: One Night Stand (also known as One Night Stand), HBO, 1989. Comics Only, 1991. Appearance, ABC in Concert, ABC, 1991. Laughing Back: Comedy Takes a Stand, Lifetime, 1992. 5/x Comics in Search of a Generation, Lifetime, 1992. Host, Before They Were Stars, ABC, 1994. Music in Movies '96, ABC, 1996. All-Star Moms, CBS, 1997. Barbara Walters Presents the 10 Most Fascinating People of 1997, ABC, 1997. Interviewee, The Real Ellen Story, 1998. Interviewee, Women of the Net, E! Entertainment Television, 1998. Influences: From Yesterday to Today, 1999. Interviewee, Intimate Portrait: Melissa Etheridge, Lifetime, 1999. Host, Paul McCartney and Friends Live: PETA's Millennium Concert, 1999. If These Walls Could Talk 2, 1999.


Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Host, VH1 Honors, VH1, 1994. Cohost, The 46th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, ABC, 1994. Cohost, Ninth Annual Cenesis Awards, The Discovery Channel, 1995. The 9th Annual American Comedy Awards, ABC, 1995. Presenter, The 47th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 1995. Presenter, The 48th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, ABC, 1996. Host, The 38th Annual Grammy Awards, CBS, 1996. Host, The 39th Annual Grammy Awards, CBS, 1997. Presenter, The 49th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards,

Television Appearances; Series: Duet, Fox, 1988-89. Margo Van Meter, Open House, Fox, 1989-90. Nancy Maclntyre, Laurie Hill, ABC, 1992. Ellen Morgan, Ellen (also known as These Friends of Mine), ABC, 1994-98. Television Appearances; Episodic: Comedy performer, The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, NBC, 1986. Herself, Storytime, PBS, 1994. Marriage counselor, "The Blaming of the Shrew," Roseanne, ABC, 1995. "Ellen, or Isn't She?" The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1996. Nancy Bloom, "The Finale," Mad about You, NBC, 1998. The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, c. 1999. Also appeared in episodes of TheArsenio Hall Show, syndicated; Good Morning America, ABC; The Late Show with David Letterman, CBS; The Oprah Winfrey Show, syndicated; and The Tonight Show with ]ay Leno, NBC Television Appearances; Specials: The Young Comedian's Reunion, HBO, 1986. Women of the Night, HBO, 1987.


Host, The 1998 VH1 Fashion Awards, VH1, 1998. The 5th Annual Blockbuster Entertainment Awards,

1999. Television Work; Series: Producer and executive consultant, E//en (also known as These Friends of Mine), ABC, 1994-98. Film Appearances: Herself, Wisecracks (documentary), Alliance Releasing, 1992. Coach, Coneheads, Paramount, 1993. Martha Alston, Mr. Wrong, Buena Vista, 1996. Ellen's Energy Adventure, 1996.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Goodbye Lover, Warner Bros., 1997. Voice of Prologue Dog, Doctor Doolittle, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998. Cynthia Topping, EDtv, Universal, 1999. Sergeant Rita Pompano, Goodbye Lover, Warner Bros., 1999. Janet Hall, The Love Letter, DreamWorks, 1999. RECORDINGS Albums: Taste This (comedy), Atlantic, 1996. Videos: Appeared in the music video A Change (Would Do You Good) by Sheryl Crow. WRITINGS Television Series: Ellen (also known as These Friends of Mine), ABC, between 1994 and 1998. Books: DeGeneres, Ellen, My Point... And I Do Have One, Bantam (New York City), 1995. OTHER SOURCES Books: Tracy, Kathy, Ellen DeGeneres Up Close: The Unauthorized Biography of the Hot New Star of ABC's Ellen, Pocket Books (New York City), 1994. Periodicals: Advocate, January 20, 1998, p. 92. Entertainment Weekly, December 26, 1997, p. 16. Los Angeles, January, 1998, p. 72. Newsweek, October 19, 1998, p. 61; January 18, 1999, p. 59. People Weekly, May 5, 1997, p. 129; December 29, 1997, p. 56; January 25, 1999, p. 10. Playboy, September, 1997, p. 34. Time, April 14, 1997; December 14, 1998, p. 123. V/ar/etyJuly26, 1999, p. 2.*

DELLI COLLI, Tonino 1923PERSONAL Full name, Antonio Delli Colli, born November 20, 1923, in Rome, Italy.

Career: Cinematographer, camera assistant, and actor. Began career as camera assistant; cinematographer, 1943-. Awards, Honors: British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best cinematography, 1985, for Once Upon a Time in America; David di Donatello Award, best cinematography, 1997, for Marianna Ucria. CREDITS Film Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated: Camera assistant, La fanciulla di portici, 1940. Finalemente si, 1943. // paese senza pace (also known as Le Baruffe Chiozzotte, 1943. OSoleMio, 1945. Trepidazione, 1946. Felicita perduta, 1946. La lunga manica (short), 1947. // quirinale (short), 1947. ///so/a di Montecristo, 1948. La Citta Days/and, 1948. L'esperienza del cubismo (short), 1949. La Strada (also known as Fugitive Lady), 1949. Nerone e Messalina, 1949. (Uncredited) Camera operator, Black Magic (also known as Cagliostro and Cli spadaccini della serenissima), 1949. Artee reala (short), 1950. Alma, 1950. // voto, 1950. // sono // Capataz!, 1950. Milano Miliardaria, 1951. Toto a colon, 1951. Cli undid moschettieri, 1951. Jolanda la figlia del corsaro nero, 1951. / tre corsari, 1951. Fratelli d'italia, 1951. Gioventu alia sbarra, 1951. Toto terzo uomo, 1951. Era Lull... Si! Si! (also known as It's Him... Yes! Yes!), 1951. City of Pain, 1951. Dov'e la liberta (also known as Where Is Freedom?), 1953. Toto e le donne, 1953. // sacco di Roma, 1953. Ti ho sempre amato, 1953. Amori di mezzo secolo, 1953. Rosso e nero, 1954. Tradita (also known as La notte delle nozze), 1954. L'ombra, 1954.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Le signorine delta 04, 1954. Angelo bianco, 1955. L'intrusa, 1955. Piccola posta, 1955. Accadde al penitenziario, 1955. Donatella, 1956. Una voce, una chitarra, un po' di luna, 1956. Poven ma belli (also known as Poor But Beautiful), 1956. Buon appetito (short), 1956. Vecchie amicizie (short), 1956. // Nilo di pietra (short), 1956. Femmine tre volte, 1957. La nonna Sabella (also known as Grandmother Sabella)f 1957. Susanna tutta panna, 1957. Seven H///S of Rome (also known as Arrivederci Roma), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1957. Belle ma povere (also known as Beautiful But Poor, Poven ma belli, and Poor, But Handsome), 1957. Adorabili e bugiarde (also known as Assassinio col botto, Le Magnifiche tre, and Ragazze brivido), 1957. Venezia, la luna e tu (also kown as Venice, the Moon and You), 1958. Marinai, donne e guai, 1958. Pr/mo amore, 1958. Poven milionari (also known as Poor Millionaires), 1958. L'amico del giaguaro, 1958. Le cameriere, 1959. // Mondo di notte (also known as World by Night), 1959. // ladro di Bagdad (also known as The Thief of Bagdad), 1960. Morgan il pirata (also known as Morgan the Pirate), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1961. Le meraviglie di Aladino (also known as The Wonders of Aladdin), 1961. Accattone, Continental Distributing, 1961. // nuovi angeli (also known as The New Angels), 1961. Le spadoaccino di Siena (also known as La congiura del died and The Swordsman of Siena), 1961. Mamma Roma, Cineriz, 1962. La monaca di Monza, 1962. La bell a di Lodi, 1962. "La ricotta," Laviamoci il cervello (also known as Let's Have a Brainwash and RoGoPaG), 1962. El verdugo (also known as Not On Your Life and La Ballata del boia), Pathe, 1963. "Naples," Les Plus Belles Escroqueries du monde (also known as The Beautiful Swindlers, Le piu belle truffe del mondo, World's Most Beautiful Swindles and The World's Most Beautiful Swindlers), Lux, 1963.


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"Amore e alfabeto" and "Amore e morte," /Amore in quattro dimension'!, 1963. Liola (also known as A Very Handy Man), 1964. "II generate/'Amore per/co/os/, 1964. // vangelo secondo Mattero (also known as The Cospel According to St. Matthew), Continental Distributing, 1964. "La doccia," Extraconiugale, 1964. Love Meetings, 1964. Comizi d'amore, 1964. La soldatesse (also known as Camp Followers), 1965. Les Sultans (also known as L'Amante italiana), 1965. La mandragola (also known as The Love Root, The Mandrake, and Mandragola: The Love Root), 1965. "Le Monstre" and "Mourir pour vivre," Le Lit a deux places, 1965. Andremo in Citta, 1966. Uccellacci e uccellini (also known as The Hawks and the Sparrows), Brandon, 1966. // buono, il brutto, il cattivo (also known as The Good, the Bad and the Ugly), United Artists, 1966. La Cina e vicina (also known as China is Near), Royal 1967. Quest/ fantasmi (also known as Ghosts—Italian Style), 1967. "Che cosa sono le nuvole?," Capriccio all'italiana (also known as Caprice Italian Style), 1967. "William Wilson/' Histoires extraordinaries (also known as Spirits of the Dead, Tre pass/ net delrio, Tales of Mystery, and Tales of Mystery and Imagination), 1968. // giorno della civetta (also known as The Day of the Owl and Mafia), 1968. Niente rose per OSS 177 (also known as OSS 717 Murder for Sale), 1968. Cera una vo/ta // west (also known as Once Upon a Time in the West), Paramount, 1968. Metti, una sera a cena, 1968. Porcile (also known as Pigpen and Pigsty), 1969. Rosolino Paterno, soldato ... (also known as Operation Snafu, Situation Normal: All Fouled Up, and Situation Normal: A.F.U.), 1969. The Love Circle, 1969. Le Mura di Sana'a, 1970. Pussycat, Pussycat, / Love You, United Artists, 1970. // Decamerone (also known as The Decameron), 1971. Cometogether, Allied Artists, 1971. Homo eroticus, 1971. / racconti di Cantebury (also known as The Canterbury Tales), 1972. Los amigos (also known as Deaf Smith and johnny Ears), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1972.

98 •


Pi Igram i age, 1972. Un uomo da rispettare (also known as A Man to Respect, The Master Touch, and Hearts and Minds), 1972. Stone scellarate, 1973. Paolo il caldo, Peppercorn-Wormser, 1973. Peccato veniale, 1973. Lacombe Lucien (also known as Cognome e nome: Lacombe Lucien), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1973. Mio Dio, come sono caduta in basso! (also known as How Long Can You Fall? and Till Marriage Do Us Part), 1974. /.overs and Other Relatives, 1974. Sa/o o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (also known as The 720 Days of Sodom), United Artists Europa, 1975. Pasqualino Settebellezza (also known as Seven Beauties and Pasqualino: Seven Beauties), 1975. Caro Michele (also known as Dear Michael), 1976. Anima persa (also known as Lost Soul and The Forbidden Room), 1976. / nuovi mostri (also known as Viva Italia), 1977. Un taxi mauve (also known as The Purple Taxi), 1977. Casotto (also known as The Beach Hut and In the Beach House), 1977. Primo amore (also known as First Love), 1978. Viaggio con Anita (also known as Travels with Anita, Lovers and Liars, and A Trip with Anita), 1978. Caro Papa (also known as Dear Father and Dear Papa), 1979. Revenge, 1979. Temporale Rosy, 1979. Fatto di sangue fra due uomini per causa di una vedova—si soospettano moventi politici (also known as Blood Feud and Revenge), 1979. Macabro (also known as Macabre), 1980. Les Seducteurs (also known as An Englishman's Home, I seduttori della domenica, and Sunday Lovers), United Artists, 1980. Sono fotogenico, 1980. "Armando's Notebook/' Sunday Lovers, 1981. Stor/'e di ordinaria follia (also known as Stories of Ordinary Madness and Tale of Ordinary Madness), Fred Baker, 1981. Fantasma d'amore (also known as Ghost of k>ve), 1981. Camera d'albergo, 1981. Till Marriage Do Us Part, Franklin Media, 1982. Zecfer: Voices from Darkness, 1983. Trenchcoat, Buena Vista, 1983. Once Upon a Time in America, Warner Bros., 1984. // ft/tore e donna (also known as The Future is a Woman), 1984. C/nger e Fred (also known as Ginger and Fred), MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1986.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 The Name of the Rose (also known as Der Name der Rose and // nome de//a rosa), Twentieth CenturyFox, 1986. Federico Fellini's Intervista (also known as Fellini's Intervista), 1987. Stadivari, 1989. Die Ruckkehr (also known as LAfricana, The African Woman, and The Woman from Africa), 1990. Le voce della luna (also known as The Voice of the Moon), 1990. Una storia semplice (also known as A Simple Story), 1991. (Rome only) F/X2: The Deadly Art of Illusion, Orion, 1991. "The Blue Dog/' Especially on Sunday, Miramax, 1991. Bitter Moon (also known as Lunes de fie/), Fine Line, 1992. La soifde /'or (also known as The Thirst for Cold), 1992. Death and the Maiden, Fine Line, 1994. Facciamo paradiso, 1995. Mar/anna Ucna (also known as La vie silencieuse de Marianna Ucria), 1996. La vita e bella (also known as Life Is Beautiful), Miramax, 1997. Film Appearances: Himself, Federico Fell'mi's Intervista (also known as Fellini's Intervista), 1987. WRITINGS Periodicals: Published articles in R/v/sta del Cinematografo and Bianco e Nero. OTHER SOURCES Books: International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers 4: Writers and Production Artists, St. James Press, 1993, pp. 209-10. Periodicals: Focus on Film, 1973. Les metiers du cinema, 1986.*

DESPLECHIN, Arnaud 1960PERSONAL Born October 31, 1960, in Roubaix, France. Career: Director, cinematographer, and screenwriter.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Awards, Honors: Cesar Award nomination, best new director of a feature film, 1990, for La Sentinelle; Bronze Rose Camuna, Begamo Film Meeting, Prix Jean Vigo, best short film, 1991, both for La Vie des Morts; Golden Palm Award nomination, Cannes Film Festival, 1996, for Comment je me suis dispute... (ma vie sexuelle). CREDITS Film Director, Except Where Indicated: Cinematographer, / Photographia (also known as La Photo), 1987. Cinematographer, Presence Femnine, 1987. La vie des morts, 1991. La Sentinelle (also known as The Sent/na/), Strand Releasing, 1992. Comment je me suis dispute... (ma vie sexuelle) (also known as My Sex Life ...or How I Got into an Argument), Zeitgeist Films, 1996. Esther Kahn, 1999. WRITINGS Screenplays: Collaboration, Un Monde sans pitie, 1989. La vie des morts, 1991. La Sentinelle (also known as The Sent/na/), Strand Releasing, 1992. Comment je me suis dispute... (ma vie sexuelle) (also known as My Sex Life ...or How I Cot into an Argument), Zeitgeist Films, 1996. Esther Kahn, 1999.*

DIAZ, Cameron 1972(?)PERSONAL Born August 30, 1972 (some sources cite c. 1973), in Long Beach (some sources cite San Diego), CA; daughter of Emilio Diaz (an oil company foreman); mother, an import-export agent. Education: Attended Long Beach Polytechnic High School; studied acting with John Kirby. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actress. Elite Modeling Agency, worked as a model. Awards, Honors: Shared MTV Movie Award nomination, best dance sequence (with Jim Carrey), 1994,


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and named female star of tomorrow, National Theatre Owners Association, 1996, both for The Mask; Golden Satellite Award nomination, best supporting actress in a comedy or musical motion picture, and Blockbuster Entertainment Award, favorite supporting actress in a comedy, both 1997, for My Best Friend's Wedding; shared MTV Movie Award nomination, best dance sequence (with Ewan McGregor), 1997, for A Life Less Ordinary; Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a comedy or musical motion picture, American Comedy Award, funniest lead actress in a motion picture, ALMA Award, outstanding actress in a feature film in a crossover role, New York Film Critics Circle Award, best actress, Blockbuster Entertainment Award, favorite actress in a comedy, MTV Movie Award, best female performance, and MTV Movie Award nominations, best comedic performance, best kiss (shared with Ben Stiller) and best onscreen duo (shared with Stiller), all 1998, for There's Something about Mary; selected one of the fifty most beautiful people in the world, People Weekly, 1998; Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actress in a motion picture, 1999, for Being John Malkovich. CREDITS Film Appearances: Tina Carlyle, The Mask, New Line Cinema, 1994. Freddie, Feeling Minnesota, Fine Line Features, 1996. Heather Davis, She's the One, Fox Searchlight, 1996. Jude, The Last Supper, Sony Pictures Releasing, 1996. Trudy, Keys to Tulsa, Gramercy Pictures, 1996. Nathalie, Head above Water, Fine Line Features, 1996. Kimberly "Kimmy" Wallace, My Best Friend's Wedding, TriStar, 1997. Celine, A Life Less Ordinary, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Blonde television reporter, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Rhino Films, 1998. Mary Jensen Matthews, There's Something about Mary, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998. Laura Garrety, Very Bad Things, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, 1998. Carol, Things You Can Tell just by Looking at Her, 1999. Faith O'Connor, Invisible Circus, 1999. Lotte Schwartz, Being John Malkovich, USA Films, 1999. Christina Pagniacci, Any Given Sunday, 1999. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 1995 NCLR Bravo Awards (also known as National Council of La Raza Bravo Awards), Fox, 1995.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Presenter, The 1995 MTV Movie Awards (also known as The 4th Annual MTV Movie Awards), MTV, 1995. The 1996 ShoWest Awards, TNT, 1996. Presenter, The 1997 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 1997. Presenter, The 1998 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 1998. ALMA Awards, 1998. Presenter, The 70th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1998. The 1999 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 1999.

Kee, Internal Affairs, 1990. Alice, Ricochet, Warner Bros., 1991. Betty McCutcheon, Deep Cover, New Line Cinema, 1992. Barbara, The Glass Shield, 1994. Killing Obsession, 1994. Monica Collins, Out of Sync, LIVE Entertainment, 1995. Anita, The Best Man, Universal, 1999. Also appeared in Albert.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Herself, ''Surprise!/' Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Cartoon Network, 1994. The Entertainment Business, Bravo, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: Tony Bennett: An All-Star Tribute—Live by Request, A&E, 1998. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Cosmopolitan, November, 1997, p. 217. Entertainment Weekly, June 26, 1998, p. 24. Interview, August, 1994, p. 74. People Weekly, August 22, 1994, pp. 51-52; May 11, 1998, p. 167; December 28, 1998, p. 52. Premiere, August, 1994, pp. 58-59. Rolling Stone, August 22, 1996, p. 50. Teen, June, 1997, p. 54. Time, November 16, 1998, p. 133.*

DILLARD, Victoria

Television Appearances; Series: Janelle Cooper, Spin City, ABC, 1996—. Television Appearances; Movies: Tass Thornton, The Ditchdigger's Daughters, The Family Channel, 1997. Also appeared in Murder in Mississippi. Television Appearances; Episodic: (Television debut) Ballerina ensign, Star Trek: The Next Generation, syndicated, 1987. Agency representative, "The Old Man," Seinfeld, NBC, 1992. Olivia, "The Box/' Tribeca, 1993. Dr. Nadine Winslow, "Over the Rainbow/' Chicago Hope, CBS, 1994. Dr. Nadine Winslow, "With the Greatest Ease/' Chicago Hope, CBS, 1994. "Silence Is Golden," LA. Law, NBC, 1994. Beverly, Moesha, UPN, 1996. Amanda Pound, Michael Hayes, CBS, 1997. Also appeared in Martin and Roc, both Fox.

PERSONAL Born September 20, in New York, NY. Avocational interests: Dancing, writing screenplays and stage plays. Addresses: Office—c/o Spin City, Mountie Productions, L.L.C., West 23rd St. and Hudson River, Pier 62, Suite 204, New York, NY 10011. Career: Actress. Worked as a dancer for thirteen years with Dance Theatre of Harlem.

Television Appearances; Specials: The 19th Annual Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame, syndicated, 1992. The 14th Annual Stellar Awards, 1999. Stage Appearances: Zubbediya, Kismet, California Music Theatre, 1988-89.


Appeared in Porgy and Bess, Dance Theatre of Harlem, Metropolitan Opera House, New York City.

Film Appearances: Bather and Dancer, Coming to America, Paramount, 1988.

Major Tours: Vibrata, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, U.S. cities, 1987.*

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

DMYTRYK, Edward 1908-1999 PERSONAL Born September 4, 1908, in Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada; died of heart and kidney failure, July 1, 1999, in Encino, CA; married second wife, Jean Porter (an actress); children: (first marriage) Michael; (second marriage) Rebecca, Victoria. Career: Director, editor, producer, and screenwriter. Film editor, 1930-40; taught film at the University of Southern California; previously worked as a newspaper seller and messenger at Paramount studios. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best director, 1947, Edgar Allan Poe Award (with others), best movie, 1948, both for Crossfire; Golden Seashell Award, San Sebastian International Film Festival, 1965, for Mirage. CREDITS Film Director, Except Where Indicated: The Hawk (also known as Trail of the Hawk), 1935. Television Spy, 1939. (Uncredited) Million Dollar Legs, 1939. Co/den Gloves, 1939. Mystery Sea Raider, 1940. Emergency Squad, 1940. Her First Romance (also known as The Right Man), 1940. Under Age, 1941. Sweetheart of the Campus, 1941. Secrets of the Lone Wolf, 1941. The Devil Commands (also known as The Devil Said No and When the Dev/7 Commands), 1941. Confessions of Boston Blackie, 1941. The Blonde from Singapore, 1941. Seven Miles from Alcatraz, 1942. Hitler's Children, 1942. Counter-Espionage, 1942. Tender Comrade, 1943. The Fa/con Strikes Back, 1943. Captive Wild Woman, 1943. Behind the Rising Sun, 1943. Murder, My Sweet (also known as Farewell My Lovely), 1944. Cornered, 1945. Back to Bataan (also known as The Invisible Army), 1945. Till the End of Time, 1946. So Well Remembered, 1947.

DMYTRYK • 101 Crossfire, 1947. C/Ve Us This Day (also known as Christ in Concrete, Salt and the Devil, and Salt to the Devil), 1949. The Hidden Room (also known as Obsession), 1949. The Sniper, 1952. Eight Iron Men, 1952. Mutiny, 1952. The Juggler, Columbia, 1953. The Caine Mutiny, Columbia, 1954. Broken Lance, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1954. The Left Hand of God, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1955. The End of the Affair, Columbia, 1955. Soldier of Fortune, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1955. And producer, The Mountain, Paramount, 1956. Raintree County, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1957. The Young Lions, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1958. And producer, Warlock, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1959. The Blue Angel, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1959. And producer, The Reluctant Saint, Davis/Royal, 1962. Walk on the Wild Side, Columbia, 1962. The Carpetbaggers, Paramount, 1964. Where Love Has Cone, Paramount, 1964. Mirage, Universal, 1965. Alvarez Kelly, Columbia, 1966. (English version only) Anzio (also known as The Battle for Anzio), Columbia, 1968. Shalako, Cinerama, 1968. Bluebeard, Vulcano, 1972. He Is My Brother, Magnum Entertainment, 1974. The Human Factor, 1975. Film Editor: (Uncredited) The Royal Family of Broadway (also known as Theatre Royal), 1930. Only Saps Work, 1930. (Uncredited) Ruggles of Red Gap, 1935. Too Many Parents, 1936. Three Cheers for Love, 1936. Easy to Take, 1936. Turn Off the Moon, 1937. Hold'Em Navy, 1937. Murder Goes to College, 1937. Prison Farm, 1938. Bulldog Drummond's Peril, 1938. Some Like It Hot (also known as Rhythm Romance), 1939. Love Affair, 1939. Zaza, 1939. Film Appearances: Hollywood on Trial, Cornith Films, 1976. 50 Years of/Act/on/, 1986.

102 • DOMAN

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Television Appearances; Episodic: Hollywood: The Golden Years, A&E, 1988. American Cinema, PBS, 1995. Television Appearances; Specials: Montgomery Clift: His Place in the Sun, Cinemax, 1989. Robert Mitchum: The Reluctant Star, Cinemax, 1991. Marlon Brando: The Wild One, BBC, 1994. When America Trembled... Murrow/McCarthy, CBS, 1994. Inside the Dream Factory, TCM, 1995. Anthony Quinn, A&E, 1998. Gary Cooper: The Face of a Hero, A&E, 1998. Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies, and the American Dream, A&E, 1998. Montgomery Clift: The Hidden Star, A&E, 1998. WRITINGS Screenplays: Bluebeard, Vulcano, 1972. Autobiography: Wrote It's a Hell of Life but Not a Bad Living; Odd Man Out: A Memoir of the Hollywood Ten. Other: Wrote manuals on filmmaking. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Back Stage, July 16, 1999, p. 58. National Review, October 27, 1989, p. 42. Var/etyjuly12, 1999, p. 51.*

Lassaro's aide, Cop Land, Buena Vista, 1997. Robert, Fool's Paradise, Trident Releasing, 1997. Andy Berg, Little Boy Blue, Jazz Pictures, 1997. Cain's friend, Claire Do/an, 1998. Supervisor Hartley, Mercury Rising, Universal, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Mr. Lee, Empty Cradle, ABC, 1993. Dr. Bochman, Donor Unknown, USA, 1995. Loving Jezebel, Starz!, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Ira, Leslie's Folly, Showtime, 1994. Television Appearances; Episodic: Bailiff, Law & Order, NBC, 1990. Mr. Riggs, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, CBS, 1995. Richard Coats, New York Undercover, Fox, 1996. ER, NBC, 1998. Mr. Stephens, Law & Order, NBC, 1998. Frank DiNovi, NYPD Blue, ABC, 1998.*

DOURIF, Brad 1950PERSONAL Full name, Bradford C Dourif; born March 18, 1950, in Huntington, WV; son of Jean (an art collector) and Joan (Bradford) Dourif; married; wife's name, Jonina (an addictions counselor); children: Kristina, Fiona. Education: Attended Marshall University; trained for the stage with Sanford Meisner. Addresses: Contact—c/o 170 North L.A. Peer, Beverly Hills, CA 90211.

DOMAN, John PERSONAL Addresses: Contact—Peter Strain & Associates, 8271 Melrose Ave., Suite 268, Los Angeles, CA 90046. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Manhattan Confidential, 1994. Foreman, Die Hard with a Vengeance, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1995. Bolton, The Journey of August King, Miramax, 1995.

Career: Actor. Performed with Circle Repertory Company, New York City, for three years. Columbia University, New York City, teacher of acting and directing, 1981-86. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, ish Academy Award, British Academy of Film Television Arts, and Golden Globe Award, all supporting actor, 1975, for One Flew over Cuckoo's Nest.

Britand best the

CREDITS Film Appearances: Billy Bibb it, One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, United Artists, 1975.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 W. W. and the Dixie Dancekings, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1975. Boris Koltowski, Cruppenbild mit Dame (also known as Croup Portrait with Lady and Portrait de Croupe avec Dame), United Artists, 1977. Tommy Ludlow, Eyes of Laura Mars, Columbia, 1978. Hazel Motes, Wise Blood (also known as John Huston's Wise Blood), New Line Cinema, 1979. Mr. Eggleston, Heaven's Gate (also known as Johnson County Wars), United Artists, 1980. Younger brother, Ragtime, Paramount, 1981. Piter De Vries, Dune, DeLaurentiis/Universal, 1984. Martin Klamski, Istanbul, 1985. Raymond, Blue Velvet, DeLaurentiis Entertainment Group, 1986. Kevin Harrington, Impure Thoughts, ASA Communications, 1986. Leo Nova, Fatal Beauty, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1987. Charles Lee Ray/voice of Chucky, Child's Play, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1988. Deputy Clinton Pell, Mississippi Burning, Orion, 1988. Split, 1988. Medium Rare, 1989. David (some sources cite Sam), Spontaneous Combustion, Taurus Entertainment, 1989. John Barnes, Murder Blues (also known as Dead Certain), 1989. Voice of Chucky, Child's Play 2, Universal, 1990. Weasel, Sonny Boy, Triumph, 1990. Tucker Cleveland, the exterminator, Graveyard Shift (also known as Stephen King's The Graveyard Shift), Paramount, 1990. James Venamon, the Gemini Killer, The Exorcist III: Legion (also known as The Exorcist III and William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist III), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1990. Paul Sullivan, Hidden Agenda, Hemdale, 1990. Farley, Grim Prairie Tales, Coe Hahn, 1990. Voice of Chucky, Child's Play 3 (also known as Child's Play 3: Look Who's Stalking), MCA Home Video, 1990. Remo Lacey, Body Parts, Paramount, 1991. Bud Cowan, The Horseplayer, Greycat Films, 1991. Leslie, Jungle Fever, Universal, 1991. "Fingerless," Schrei aus Stein (also known as Cerro Torre Scream of Stone, Scream of Stone, Cerro Torre: Schrei aus Stein, and Cerro Torre, le Crie de la Roche), 1991. John Barnes, Dead Certain, Hemdale Home Video, 1992. Al Bert, Critters 4, New Line Home Video, 1992. Hemingway, London Kills Me, Fine Line Features, 1992.

DOURIF • 103 Johnny Reynolds, Common Bonds (also known as Chaindance), Academy Entertainment, 1992. Father Tyrone, Final judgment, 1993. Dr. Lloyd, Trauma (also known as Dario Argento's Trauma), 1993. Officer Donnie Donaldson, Amos & Andrew, Columbia, 1993. Clark, Color of Night, Buena Vista, 1994. Jack Dante, Death Machine, Trimark Pictures, 1995. Byron Stamphill, Murder in the First, Warner Bros., 1995. Teddy, Sworn to justice (also known as Blonde justice), 1996. The duty doctor, Nightwatch, Miramax/Dimension, 1997. Dr. Gedimen, Alien: Resurrection (also known as Alien 4), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Lieutenant John G. "Gonzo" Coleman, Best Men, Orion, 1997. Wilson Edwards, Brown's Requiem, 1998. Dr. Wheedon, Senseless, Miramax, 1998. 40 Large, 1998. Gas station attendant, Urban Legend (also known as Mixed Culture and Urban Legends), 1998. Voice of Chucky, Bride of Chucky (also known as Chucky), Universal, 1998. Farley Deeds, Grim Prairie Tales II: Rescue Party, 1998. Diary of the Hurdy Curdy Man (also known as The Hurdy Curdy Man), 1999. The Prophecy III: The Ascent, 1999. Weber, Interceptors, 1999. Dr. Bert Clavell, The Progeny, Sterling Home Entertainment/Fries Film Group, 1999. Silicon Towers, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Sgt. Leonard Matlovich, Sergeant Matlovich vs. the U.S. Air Force, NBC, 1978. Paul, /, Desire (also known as Desire, the Vampire), ABC, 1982. Lamar Sands, Vengeance: The Story of Tony Cimo (also known as Vengeance), CBS, 1986. Keith Evans, Terror on Highway 91, CBS, 1989. Camillus Fly, Desperado: The Outlaw Wars, NBC, 1989. Sheriff Bill Douglas, Escape from Terror: The Teresa Stamper Story (also known as Crimes of Passion: Escape from Terror), NBC, 1995. Luther and Bruno the Hermit, Escape to Witch Mountain, 1995. Kirby, A Step toward Tomorrow (also known as Snakes and Ladders), CBS, 1996. Thomas Payne, Blackout (also known as A.K.A. and Midnight Heat), HBO, 1996.

104 • DREYFUS M. Eugene "Gene" Hanson, If Looks Could Kill: From the Files of "America's Most Wanted" (also known as America's Most Wanted: If Looks Could Kill and America's Most Wanted: The John Hawkins Story), Fox, 1996. Reiger, Phoenix, HBO and Sci-Fi Channel, 1997. Also appeared in Class of '61. Television Appearances; Episodic: Chad Jasker, "The Mound Builders," Great Performances, PBS, 1976. Joey Wyatt, "Theresa," Miami Vice, NBC, 1984. Fenn, "Out of the Past," The Equalizer, CBS, 1985. Max Lyons, "Rage," Spenser: For Hire, ABC, 1986. Father McDonovan, "All Creatures Great... and Not So Great," Moonlighting, ABC/1986. "The Legendary Billy B.," The Hitchhiker, HBO, 1987. Dr. Overman, "Fire Burn, Cauldron Bubble," Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1989. Virgil, "People Who Live in Brass Hearses," Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1993. Luther Lee Boggs, "Beyond the Sea," The X-Files, Fox, 1994. Brother Edward, "Passing through Gethsemane," Babylon 5, syndicated, 1995. Jimmy, "The Postman Always Moves Twice," Bless This House, 1995. Ensign Lon Suder, "Basics," Parts l-ll," Star Trek: Voyager, UPN, 1996. Ensign Lon Suder, "Meld," Star Trek: Voyager, UPN, 1996. Dennis Hoffman, "Force Majeure," Millennium, Fox, 1997. Rupert Brauner, "Chinatown," The Magnificent Seven, CBS, 1999.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Also appeared in productions of The Doctor in Spite of Himself, Future Is the Eggs, The Ghost Sonata, Three Sisters, and Time Shadows. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Film Comment, November/December 1989, pp. 44-5.*

DREYFUS, James PERSONAL Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Greg, Thin Ice, 1994. Paul, Boyfriends, 1995. First subaltern, Richard III, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1995. Martin, Hotting Hill, Universal, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Christopher, Absolutely Fabulous: The Last Shout, Comedy Central, 1997.*


Also appeared in 7a/es of the Unexpected, syndicated. Television Appearances; Specials: Robert McEvoy, The Gardner's Son, PBS, 1977. The Horror Hall of Fame II, syndicated, 1991. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Danny O'Neill, Studs Lonigan, NBC, 1979. David Langtree, Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim /ones (also known as The Mad Messiah), CBS, 1980. Seymour Bourne, Rage of Angels: The Story Continues, NBC, 1986. Television Appearances; Series: Chickie Levitt, Wild Palms, ABC, 1993. Stage Appearances: Stephen, When You Comin' Back, Red Ryder?, Eastside Playhouse, New York City, 1973.

Full name, John Lawless Duigan; born June 19,1949, in Hartley Wintney, Hampshire, England. Education: University of Melbourne, M.A., philosophy. Addresses: Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Director, producer, and writer. Teacher at University of Melbourne and Latrobe University. Member: Directors Guild of America. Awards, Honors: Australian Academy Award nominations, best director and best film, Australian Film Institute, both 1978, for Mouth to Mouth; Australian Writers Guild Award, 1981, for Winter of Our Dreams; Australian Academy Awards, best director and best screenplay, and Australian Workers Guild

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Award, all 1987, for The Year My Voice Broke; Penguin TV Awards, best director, for Vietnam; Raymond Longford Award, outstanding contributions to Australian Film, 1990; Golden Raven Award and Grand Prize of European Fantasy Film in Silver, both Brussels International Festival of Fantasy Film, Audience Choice Award, Stockholm Film Festival, Best Film Award nomination, Catalonian International Film Festival, and nomination for Grand Prix des Ameriques, Montreal World Film Festival, all 1997, for Lawn Dogs. CREDITS Film Work; Director, Except Where Indicated: And producer, The Firm Man (short film), Australian Film Institute, 1975. And producer, The Trespassers, Vega, 1975. And producer, Mouth to Mouth, Vega, 1978. Dimboola, Greater Union, 1979. Winter of Our Dreams, Enterprises/Satori, 1981. Far East, Filmco Australia, 1982. One Night Stand, Astra Film Productions, 1983. The Year My Voice Broke, Avenue, 1987. Romero, Four Seasons, 1989. Flirting, Samuel Goldwyn, 1990. Wide Sargasso Sea, Fine Line Features, 1993. Sirens, Miramax, 1994. The journey of August King, Miramax, 1995. The Leading Man, J & M Entertainment, 1996. Lawn Dogs, Strand Releasing, 1997. Molly, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1999. Film Appearances: Bonjour Balwyn, 1972. Da/m3S,1985.

Earnest minister, Sirens, Miramax, 1994. Television Work; Specials: Director, "Room to Move/' WoncferWor/cs, PBS, 1987. Other Television Work: Director (with Chris Noonan), Vietnam (miniseries), 1987. Director of the movie Fragments ofWar: The Story of Damien Rarer. WRITINGS Screenplays: Bonjour Balwyn, 1972. The Firm Man (short film), Australian Film Institute, 1975.

DUNAWAY • 105 The Trespassers, Vega, 1975. Mouth to Mouth, Vega, 1978. Winter of Our Dreams, Enterprises/Satori, 1981. Far East, Filmco Australia, 1982. One Night Stand, Astra Film Productions, 1983. The Year My Voice Broke, Avenue, 1987. Flirting, Samuel Goldwyn, 1990. (Coauthor) Wide Sargasso Sea, Fine Line Features, 1993. Sirens, Miramax, 1994. Teleplays: "Room to Move" (special), WoncferVVorks, PBS, 1987. (Coauthor) Vietnam (miniseries), 1987. Also writer of the television movie Fragments of War: The Story of Dam/en Parer. Other: Author of the novels Badge, Players, and Room to Move. *

DUNAWAY, FAYE 1941PERSONAL Full name, Dorothy Faye Dunaway; born January 14, 1941, in Bascom, FL; daughter of John (a career U.S. Army officer) and Grace (a homemaker) Dunaway; married Peter Wolf (a singer with the J. Ceils Band), August 7, 1974 (divorced, 1978); married Terrence O'Neill (a celebrity photographer), 1983 (divorced, c. 1987); children: (second marriage) Liam. Education: Boston University of Fine Applied Arts, graduated, 1962; attended Florida State University and University of Florida. Religion: Roman Catholic. Avocational interests: Reading. Addresses: /Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1934. Career: Actress. Lincoln Center Repertory Company, New York City, original member. Ford Agency, worked as a model. Awards, Honors: Theatre World Award, 1966, for Hogan's Coat; named discovery of the year, Hollywood Women's Press Club, 1967; Academy Award nomination, best actress, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best actress in a motion picture drama, both 1967, for Bonnie and Clyde; British Academy

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

106 • DUNAWAY Award, most promising newcomer to film, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1968, tor Bonnie and Clyde and Hurry Sundown; Golden Globe Award nomination, most promising female newcomer, 1967, for Hurry Sundown; named woman of the year, Hasty Pudding Theatricals, 1974; Academy Award nomination, Golden Globe Award nomination, and British Academy Award nomination, all best actress, 1975, for Chinatown; Golden Globe Award nomination, best actress in a motion picture drama, 1975, for Three Days of the Condor; Academy Award and British Academy Award, both best actress, 1976, and Golden Globe Award, 1977, all for Network; Golden Globe Award, best actress in a supporting role in a series, miniseries, or motion picture made for television, for E///S Island; Golden Globe Award nomination, best actress in a dramatic film, 1988, for Barfly; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding guest actress in a drama, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best actress in a television miniseries or movie, both 1994, for Columbo: It's All in the Came; Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by an actress in a television movie or miniseries, 1997, for The Twilight of the Golds; Golden Globe Award, best supporting actress in a television series, miniseries, or movie, 1998, for G/a; Fulbright scholar. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Sandy, The Happening, Columbia, 1967. Lou McDowell, Hurry Sundown, Paramount, 1967. Bonnie Parker, Bonnie and Clyde, Warner Bros., 1967. Vicky Anderson, The Thomas Crown Affair (also known as The Crown Caper and Thomas Crown and Company), United Artists, 1968. Gwen, The Arrangement, Warner Bros., 1969. Jennifer Winslow, The Extraordinary Seaman, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1969. Julia, A Place for Lovers (also known as Amanti and Le Temps des Amants), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1969. Mrs. Pendrake/Lulu Kane, Little Big Man, National General, 1970. Lou Andrews Sand, Puzzle of a Downfall Child, Universal, 1970. Katie Elder, Doc, United Artists, 1971. Jill, The Deadly Trap (also known as Death Scream, The House under the Trees, La Maison sous les Arbes, and Unico Indizio: Una Sciarpa Gialla), National General, 1972. Lena Doyle, Oklahoma Crude, Columbia, 1973. Milady de Winter, The Three Musketeers (also known as Los Tres Mosqueteros), 1973.

Evelyn Cross Mulwray, Chinatown, Paramount, 1974. Susan Franklin, The Towering Inferno, Twentieth Century-Fox/Warner Bros., 1974. Lady de Winter, The Four Musketeers (also known as The Revenge of Milady), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1975. Kathy Hale, Three Days of the Condor, Paramount, 1975. Diana Christensen, Network, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1976. Denise Kreisler, The Voyage of the Damned, AvcoEmbassy, 1976. Title role, Eyes of Laura Mars, Columbia, 1978. Annie, The Champ, Metro-Go Id wyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1979. Herself, Arthur Miller: On Home Ground (documentary), 1979. Barbara Delany, First Deadly Sin, Filmways, 1980. Joan Crawford, Mommie Dearest, Paramount, 1981. Lady Barbara Skelton, The Wicked Lady, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1983. Rachel Calgary (some sources cite Rachel Argyle), Ordeal by Innocence, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1984. Selena, Supergirl (also known as Supergirl: The Mov/e), TriStar, 1984. Wanda Wilcox, Barfly, Cannon, 1987. Helen Barton, Midnight Crossing, Vestron, 1988. The Countess, La Partita (also known as The Gamble), 1988. Mrs. Colber (some sources cite Joan Colbert), In una Notte di Chiaro di Luna (also known as As Long as It's Love; Clair; Crystal or Ash, Fire or Wind, as Long as It's Love; and On a Moonlit Night), 1989. Helmut Newton: Frames from the Edge (documentary), 1989. Sonya Tuchman, Burning Secret, 1989. Up to Date, 1989. Serena Joy, The Handmaid's Tale (also known as Die Geschichte der Dienerin), Cinecom, 1990. Voice of Evelyn Mulwray, The Two Jakes, 1990. Elaine Stalker, The Arrowtooth Waltz (also known as Arizona Dream), 1991. Faithful, 1991. Mrs. Effie Hildegarde, Wait Until Spring, Bandini (also known as Bandini, John Fante's Wait Until Spring, Bandini, Aspetta Primavera Bandini, and La Ragioni del Q/ore), Warner Home Video, 1991. Thais, Scorchers, FoxVideo, 1992. Faye Milano, Double Edge (also known as Three Weeks in Jerusalem, Lahav Hatzui, and Shlosha Shavuot B'Yerushalaim), Castle Hill, 1992. Charlene Towne, The Temp, Paramount, 1993. Point of No Return, Warner Bros., 1993.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, 1994. Marilyn Mickler, Don Juan DeMarco (also known as Don /i/an DeMarco and the Centerfold), New Line Cinema, 1995. The Centerfold, 1995. Mrs. Dubrow, Dunstan Checks In, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1996. Lee Bowen, The Chamber, Universal, 1996. Janet Boudreaux, Albino Alligator, Miramax, 1996. The countess, In Praise of Older Women (also known as En Brazos cfe la Mujer Madura), 1997. Eanny Hill, Bolin Motion Pictures, 1998. Love Lies Bleeding, 1999. The psychiatrist, The Thomas Crown Affair, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Wallis Warfield Simpson, The Woman / Love, 1971. Sister Aimee Semple McPherson, The Disappearance ofAimee, NBC, 1976. Jan Wilkinson (Lady Edgeware) and Carlotta Adams, Agatha Christie's "Thirteen at Dinner" (also known as Thirteen at Dinner), CBS, 1985. Lil Mutton, Beverly Hills Madam, NBC, 1986. Madame D'Urfe, Casanova (also known as // Veneziano, Vita, eAmori di Ciacomo Casanova), CBS, 1987. Raspberry Ripple, A & E, 1987. Miss Love Simpson Blakeslee, Cold Sassy Tree, TNT, 1989. Samantha Kimball, Silhouette, USA Network, 1990. Lauren Black (some sources cite Laura Staton), Columbo: It's All in the Game (also known as Two Women and a Dead Man), ABC, 1993. Karen Billingsley, A Family Divided, NBC, 1995. Mother Love, 1995. Becky, Drunks, 1996. Ellen Morse, The People Next Door, 1996. Phyllis Gold, The Twilight of the Colds, Showtime, 1997. Wilhelmina Cooper, Gia, HBO, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: Maggie, After the Fall, 1974. The Sensational, Shocking, Wonderful, Wacky 70s, 1980. The Country Girl, Showtime, 1982. Host, Supergirl—The Making of the Movie, ABC, 1985. The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, 1988. The American Film Institute Salute to Elizabeth Taylor, ABC, 1993. The American Film Institute Salute to jack Nicholson, CBS, 1994.

DUNAWAY • 107 Host, Inside the Dream Factory, 1995. The American Film Institute Salute to Steven Spielberg, 1995. Mrs. Van Hopper, Rebecca, PBS, 1997. Yolande d'Aragon, The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (also known as Jeanne d'Arc), 1999. A Salute to Dustin Hoffman (also known as The 27th American Film Institute Life Achievement Award: A Salute to Dustin Hoffman), 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: "The Ten-Foot, Six-Inch Pole/' The Trials of O'Brien, CBS, 1966. "The 34th Man," Seaway, syndicated, 1967. Kathleen Stanton, "Hogan's Goat/' N.E.T Playhouse, PBS, 1971. CHIPs, NBC, 1982. Good Morning America, ABC, 1988. Inside the Actors Studio, 1994. Countess Polenska, "What a Tangled Web We Weave/' Avonlea (also known as The Road to Avonlea), CBC (Canada), 1995. Voice, Tekwar, syndicated, 1995. The Entertainment Business, Bravo, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Eva "Evita" Peron, Evita Peron, NBC, 1981. Maud Chartiers, Ellis Island, CBS, 1984. Queen Isabella, Christopher Columbus, CBS, 1985. Margaret Sanger, A Will of Their Own, 1998. Television Appearances; Series: Voice of Gaia, Voice of the Planet, TBS, 1991. Laura Scofield, It Had to Be You (also known as Marry Me Any way), CBS, 1993. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 47th Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1990. The 17th Annual ACE Awards, Bravo, 1990. Presenter, The 48th Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1991. The 65th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1993. Presenter, The 48th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1994. Host, The 51st Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1994. Presenter, The 53rd Annual Golden Globe Awards, 1996. Presenter, The 54th Annual Golden Globe Awards, 1997. Presenter, The 55th Golden Globe Awards, 1998. Screen Actors Guild 4th Annual Awards, 1998. The 70th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1998. Television Work; Movies: Executive Producer, Cold Sassy Tree, TNT, 1989. Coexecutive producer, Silhouette, USA Network, 1990.

108 • DUNCAN

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Stage Appearances: (Broadway debut) Margaret More, A Man for All Seasons, American National Theatre and Academy Theatre, New York City, 1962. Nurse, then Elsie, After the Fall, American National Theatre and Academy Washington Square Theatre, New York City, 1964. But for Whom, Charlie, 1964. Beatrice's maid, The Changeling American National Theatre and Academy Washington Square Theatre, 1965. Tartuffe, American National Theatre and Academy Washington Square Theatre, 1965. Kathleen Stanton, Hogan's Coat, American Place Theatre, New York City, 1965. Candida, summer theatre production, 1971. Old Times, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, CA, 1972. Blanche du Bois, A Streetcar Named Desire, Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles, 1973. Frances Anna Duffy Walsh, The Curse of an Aching Heart, Little Theatre, New York City, 1982. Maria Callas, Master Class, Boston, MA, 1996. Major Tours: Maria Callas, Master Class, U.S. cities, 1996-97. RECORDINGS Videos: Appeared in Tom Petty's music video 'Into the Great Wide Open/' WRITINGS Books: (With Betsy Sharkey), Looking for Catsby (autobiography), Simon & Schuster (New York City), 1995. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, October 8, 1993. Harper's Bazaar, September, 1989. Hollywood Reporter, October 28-30, 1994, pp. 1, 38. Interview, February, 1993. Ladies Home Journal, March, 1990. People Weekly, May 8, 1995, p. 227. Premiere, October, 1996, p. 34. TV Guide, October 14, 1989. Variety, June 27, 1994. Vogue, March, 1988.*

DUNCAN, Big Mike See DUNCAN, Michael

DUNCAN, Michael (Michael Clarke Duncan; Michael Clark Duncan; Mike Duncan; Big Mike Duncan; Michael C. Duncan) PERSONAL Addresses: Contact—10643 Riverside Dr., Toluca Lake, CA 91602. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Michael "Big Mike" Duncan) Roxbury bouncer, A Night at the Roxbury, Paramount, 1998. (As "Big Mike" Duncan) Bouncer, Bulworth, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998. (As Michael Clarke Duncan) Gay virgin, The Underground Comedy Movie, Phaedra Cinema, 1998. (As "Big" Mike Duncan) Bodyguard, The Players Club, New Line Cinema, 1998. (As Michael Clark Duncan) Jayotis "Bear" Kurleenbear, Armageddon, Buena Vista, 1998. (As Michael Clarke Duncan) John Coffey, The Green Mile, Warner Bros., 1999. Eli, Breakfast of Champions, Buena Vista, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Bouncer, Married... With Children, Fox, 1995. Tiny, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, NBC, 1995. (As Michael C. Duncan) Inmate number one, The Jamie Foxx Show, The WB, 1996. Big Mike, The Wayans Brothers, The WB, 1996. Security guard, Living Single, Fox, 1997. Big Earl, Sister, Sister, The WB, 1998.*

DUNCAN, Michael C. See DUNCAN, Michael

DUNCAN, Michael Clark See DUNCAN, Michael

DUNCAN, Michael Clarke See DUNCAN, Michael


EDELSTEIN, Lisa 1967PERSONAL Born May 21, 1967, in Boston, MA. Education: Attended New York University. Addresses: Agent— IFA Talent Agency, 8730 Sunset Blvd., Suite 490, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Career: Actress, composer, and playwright. New Jersey Shakespeare Festival, member of company, 1982.

Nikki Fanaro, Conrad Bloom, NBC, 1998. Donna Bascher, LA. Doctors, CBS, 1998. Bobbi Bernstein, "Small Town," Sports Night, ABC, 1999. Bobbi Bernstein, "Eli's Coming," Sports Night, ABC,

1999. Lori, "Bartlet," The West Wing, NBC, 1999. Lori, "The State Dinner," The West Wing, NBC, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Penny Byers, Susan's Plan, 1998. Beth Sussman, Indiscreet, HBO, 1998. Voice of Mercy Graves, The Batman/Superman Movie (animated), 1998.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: (Television debut) host, Awake on the Wild Side, MTV, 1990. Patty Karp, /A/most Perfect, CBS, 1995-97. Voice of Mercy Graves, Superman (also known as Superman: The Animated Movie), 1996. Rhonda Roth, Relativity, ABC, 1996-97. Voice of Mercy Graves, The New Batman/Superman Adventures (animated), 1997. In the Loop, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Lynne, "Out of the Past/' Mad About You, NBC, 1992. Karen, "The Mango/' Seinfeld, NBC, 1993. Diane French, "The Mr. Sharon Stone Show/' The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1994. Cindy Wolfe, "Who's Afraid of Ron and Cindy Wolfe?" Partners, 1995. Patty Karp, "The Ex-Files," A/most Perfect, 1995. Kristen Clark, Cybill, CBS, 1997. Agi, "Ambush," ER, NBC, 1997. Erin Simon, "Sewer," Just Shoot Me, NBC, 1998. Caitlin, "Frasier Gotta Have It," Frasier, NBC, 1998.

Television Appearances; Pilots: The West Wing, NBC, 1999. Film Appearances: Touching, 1988. Makeup artist, The Doors, TriStar, 1991. Assistant at studio, Love Affair, 1994. Woman at table, As Good as It Gets (also known as Old Friends), Columbia/TriStar, 1997. Sandra, LA. without a Map (also known as / Love LA. and Los Angeles without a Map), United Media, 1998. Danielle, 30 Days, 1999. Stage Appearances: Positive Me, La Mama Experimental Theatre Club, New York City, 1989. Appeared in productions of the New Jersey Shakespeare Festival Company. RECORDINGS Video Games: Crystal Steele, Blade Runner, 1997.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 WRITINGS

Stage: Script and music, Positive Me, La Mama Experimental Theatre Club, 1989. OTHER SOURCES

ELLIOTT • 111 Television Appearances; Series: Shauni McClain, Baywatch, syndicated, 1991-92. Christine Bannon, Brooklyn South, CBS, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Shauni McLain, Baywatch, NBC, 1989. Carrie Fowler, Full House, ABC, 1990. Sybil Hammonds, Fantasy Island, ABC, 1998.*

Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, December 13, 1996, p. 36.* ELENIAK-GOGLIA, Erika See ELENIAK, Erika ELENIAK, Erika (Erika Eleniak-Goglia) PERSONAL Career: Actress.

ELLIOTT, David See ELLIOTT, David James

CREDITS Film Appearances: Pretty girl—Elliot's girlfriend, E.I The Extra-Terrestrial, Universal, 1982. Vicki DeSoto, The Blob, TriStar, 1988. Jordan Tate, Under Siege, Warner Bros., 1992. Elly May, The Beverly Hillbillies, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1993. Toni Johnson, Chasers, Warner Bros., 1994. Stephanie, A Pyromaniac's Love Story, Buena Vista, 1995. Amanda Baker, Girl in the Cadillac, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1995. Katherine Verdoux, Tales from the Crypt Presents: Bordello of Blood, 1996. Wendy Lane, The Pandora Project, Cintel Films, 1998. Sam Hoffman, Captive, Blackwatch, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Jaime Coburn, Broken Angel, ABC, 1988. Shauni McLain, Baywatch: Panic at Malibu Pier, NBC, 1989. Jennifer, Daughter of the Streets, ABC, 1990. Detective Eileen Burke, Ed McBain's 87th Precinct: Heatwave, NBC, 1997. Kelly Brooks, One Hot Summer Night: A Crimes of Passion Movie, ABC, 1998. (As Erika Eleniak-Goglia) Erin Mitchell, Stealth Fighter, HBO, 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: (As Erika Eleniak-Goglia) Jillian Parks, Aftershock: Earthquake in New York, CBS, 1999.

ELLIOTT, David James (David Elliott)


PERSONAL Born September 21, 1960, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada; married Nanci Chambers (an actress), 1992; children: Stephanie. Education: Graduate of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute. Addresses: Office—Bellisarius Productions, 5555 Melrose Ave., Clara Bow Bldg., Room 204, Los Angeles, CA 90038. /Agent—United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor. Performed with Stratford Shakespeare Festival, Stratford, Ontario. Performed in a rock band as a teenager. Awards, Honors: Jean A. Chalmers Award, most promising actor (Canadian award), 1979; named one of the fifty most beautiful people in the world, People Weekly, 1996. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Nick Del Gado, Street Legal, CBC, 1987. Mack Sheppard, Fly by Night (also known asAttachez vos Ce/ntures), CBS, 1991, 1993-95. Bill Nolan, Knots Landing, CBS, 1992. Agent Paul Robbins, The Untouchables, syndicated, 1992-94.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

112 • ERBE

Terry Parsons, Me/rose Place, Fox, 1994-95. Lieutenant Commander Harmon RabbJr.,//\G, NBC, 1995-96, CBS, 1996—. Voice of Thor, Disney's Hercules (animated), ABC and syndicated, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Amityville: The Evil Escapes (also known as Amityville IV: The Evil Escapes and The Amityville Horror: The Evil Escapes, Part 4), NBC, 1989. Andrew O'Brien, Her Wicked Ways (also known as Dangerous Woman, Lethal Charm, Naked Ambition, and Potomac Fever), CBS, 1991. Byron Metcalf, Big Dreams and Broken Hearts: The Dottle West Story, 1995. Holiday Affair, USA Network, 1996. Television Appearances; Specials: Interviewee, JAG: Behind the Scenes, syndicated, 1995. Presenter, The 22nd Annual People's Choice Awards, CBS, 1996. Host, The Microage Fiesta Bowl Parade, CBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: Commando, "Year of the Tiger/' Adderly, 1987. Carl, "The Couch/' Seinfeld, NBC, 1994. Jack, "Girls Night Out," Maggie Winters, 1999. Other Television Appearances: Tony Gennera, Golden Gate (pilot), NBC, 1995. Christopher Paget, Degree of Cu/7t(mmiseries), NBC, 1995. Film Appearances: (As David Elliott) Cadet Baxter #2, Po//ce Academy 3: Back in Training, Warner Bros., 1986. Cool guy, The Big Town, Albacore Productions, 1987. Cab driver, Night Friend, [Canada], 1987. MacNamee, Clockwatchers, Goldcrest Films International, 1997. Stage Appearances: B-Movie: The Play, Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1986.

ERBE, Kathryn 1966PERSONAL Born July 2, 1966, in Newton, MA; married Terry Kinney (an actor); children: Maeve. Education: Graduated from New York University. Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress. Member of The Steppenwolf Theatre Company and The Atlantic Theatre Company. CREDITS Film Appearances: Denise Donaldson, Runaway Dreams, 1989. Anna Marvin, What About Bob?, 1991. Lucille Odom, Rich in Love, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1992. Michele, D2: The Mighty Ducks (also known as The Mighty Ducks 2), Buena Vista, 1994. Rosie Kilmartin, Kiss of Death, 1995. College student, The Addiction, October Films, 1995. Liz, Dream with the Fishes, 1997. Maggie Witzky, Stir of Echoes, 1999. Alex, Love from Ground Zero, 1999. Also appeared in Entropy. Television Appearances; Series: Patricia Reece, Chicken Soup, 1989. Prisoner #97B642 Shirley Bellinger, Oz, HBO, 1997—. Television Appearances; Movies: Fiona, Breathing Lessons, 1994. Sarah Tubbs, Naked City: Justice with a Bullet, Showtime, 1998. Television Appearance; Miniseries: Mrs. Folsom, George Wallace, TNT, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: Rita Hale, "All is Bright," Homicide: Life on the Street, NBC, 1997.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, May 6, 1996, p. 176. TV Guide, December 16, 1995, p. 26. USA Today, May 1, 1996, p. D3.*

Stage Appearances: The My House Play, WPA Theatre, New York City, 1991. The Speed of Darkness, Belasco Theatre, New York City, 1991.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Luke, The Dadshuttle, Atlantic Theatre, New York City, 1993. Verochka, A Month in the Country, Criterion Center Stage Right, New York City, 1995. Made Broadway debut in The Crapes of Wrath, c. 1990; also appeared in Down the Shore.*

ERBE • 113


Harold and Ted, Under Wraps, 1997. Frank Wagner, Hayley Wagner, Star, 1999.

FAGERBAKKE, Bill PERSONAL Full name, William Fagerbakke; born October 4, in Fontana, CA; married Catherine McClenahan (an actress), 1989; children: Hannah, Carson. Education: University of Idaho, B.A. (theatre arts); Southern Methodist University, M.A. Avocational interests: Bicycling, scuba diving, skiing, backpacking, softball, golf. Addresses: Agent—Writers and Artists Agency, 924 Westwood Blvd., Suite 900, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Career: Actor. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Michael "Dauber" Dybinski, Coach, ABC, 1989-97. Voice of Caesar, Beethoven (animated series), UPN, beginning in 1994. Voice of Broadway, Gargoyles, syndicated, beginning in 1994. Voice of Harry, Dumb and Dumber, 1995. Voice of Broadway, Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles, ABC, beginning in 1996. Voice of Alan Parish,/uman// (animated series), UPN, beginning in 1996. Voice of Cyclops, Hercules (also known as Disney's Hercules), 1998. Voice of Patrick Starfish, SpongeBob SquarePants, 1999. Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Thor, Double Your Pleasure (also known as Double Trouble, The Reluctant Agent, The Reluctant Agent Inc., and The Reluctant Spy), NBC, 1989.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Tom Cullen, Stephen King's "The Stand" (also known as The Stand), ABC, 1994. Television Appearances; Episodic: Ranger, Stir Crazy, CBS, 1985. Offsides, 1994. "Who Killed the Boy Maker?" Burke's Law, 1995. Voice of troop leader and Tiny, "Ickis! You'll Be Snorched!" Aaahh! Real Monsters, 1995. Dirk, "Cat Showdown/' Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, ABC, 1996. Voice of Hollywood, "Genesis Undone/' Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles, 1996. Voice of Hollywood, "The Reckoning," Gargoyles,

1996. Karl Metzger, Oz, HBO, 1997. Phil, "It Takes Two to Tango," The Love Boat: The Next Wave, UPN, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: "Almost Partners," WonderWorks, PBS, 1987. Michael "Dauber" Dybinski, The Coach Retrospective: Mary Hart Goes One-on-One with "Coach," ABC, 1994. Voice, Night of the Headless Horseman, 1999. Television Director; Episodic: Directed "Bye Bye Burleigh: Part 1," an episode of Coach, ABC. Film Appearances: Carl, Perfect Strangers (also known as Blind Alley), New Line Cinema, 1983. Ron, The Secret of My Success, Universal, 1987. Lon Criterion, Funny Farm, Warner Bros., 1988. Giant, Loose Cannons, TriStar, 1990.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Voice of Broadway, Gargoyles: The Heroes Awaken, Buena Vista, 1994. Voice of oafish guard, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (animated; also known as Hunchback), Buena Vista, 1996. Voice for the animated film Romeo and the Rock Hopper. Stage Appearances: Carl, The Last of The Knucklemen, American Theatre of Actors, New York City, 1983. A Backer's Audition, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1983-84. Ohio Tip-Off, Center Stage, Baltimore, MD, 1983-84. Cheyenne, The Tooth of Crime, Hartford Stage Company, Hartford, CT, 1985-86. Patrick O'Reilly, The Musical Comedy of Murders of 1940, Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1987.*


name, Landsman) Feirstein; married Madeline Ruth Warren, December 27, 1987. Education: Boston University, B.A. (magna cum laude), 1975. Addresses: /Agent—Agency for the Performing Arts, Inc., 9000 Sunset Blvd., 12th floor, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Career: Screenwriter and producer. Carl Ally, Inc., New York City, advertising copywriter, 1975-76; Scali, McCabe Sloves, Inc., New York City, advertising copywriter, 1976-78, Ammirati & Puris, Inc., New York City, advertising copywriter, 1978-79; 5py magazine, contributing editor, 1988-91; Vanity Fair magazine, contributing editor, 1993—; New York Times editorial page, contributing writer, 1993-94. Awards, Honors: Clio Awards, 1976-78, for advertising creativity; Playboy Best Humor Award, 1982, for "What Do You Wear for a Nuclear Meltdown"; U.S. Film Festival Award, best short film, for Home, c. 1990; CableACE Award nomination, for The Best Legs in the Eighth Grade; three Golden Pencils.

FARMIGA, Vera CREDITS PERSONAL Addresses: Agent— Richie Jackson, Innovative Artists, 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 2850, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Kerrie, Return to Paradise, Warner Bros., 1998. Television Appearances; Series: Catlin, Roar, Fox, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Emily, Rose Hill, CBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: Trinity, NBC, 1998.*

FEIRSTEIN, Bruce 1953PERSONAL Born April 24, 1953, in Newark, NJ; son of George (a textile executive) and Helen (a teacher; maiden

Television Story Editor; Series: Mr. President, 1987-88. Television Director; Series: Monsters, 1990. Home, 1990. Television Producer; Movies: The Best Legs in the Eighth Grade, HBO, 1984. Television Appearances; Series: Day's End Show, ABC, 1989. WRITINGS Screenplays: GoldenEye, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1995. Tomorrow Never Dies, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1997. (Rewrite only) The World Is Not Enough, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1999. Television Series: Saturday Night Live, NBC, 1985. Monsters, 1990. Home, 1990. Television Movies: The Best Legs in the Eighth Grade, HBO, 1984.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Nonfiction: Real Men Don't Eat Quiche: A Guidebook to All That Is Truly Masculine, Pocket Books, 1982. Nice Guys Sleep Alone: Dating in the Difficult Eighties, 1986. Real Men Don't Bond, 1992. Other: Columnist for the New York Observer, 1991—; also contributor of articles to New York, Playboy, Glamour, Newsweek, New Republic, Washington Post, and New York Times Magazine.

Colonel William Sharp, Armageddon, Buena Vista, 1998. The Settlement, 1999. Passion of Mind, 1999. Burke, Go, Sony, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Josh Snyder/Rod Landry, As the World Turns, 1987-93. Ryan Sparks, Grace Under Fire, ABC, 1993-94. Television Appearances; Movies: Sheriff, A Father for Charlie (also known as High Lonesome), CBS, 1995.

Adaptations: Nice Guys Sleep Alone: Dating in the Difficult Eighties was adapted for film as Nice Guys Sleep Alone, 1999.*

FERRELL, Geoffrey See BLAKE, Geoffrey

FICHTNER, William PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—Joe Rice, Abrams Artists Agency, 9200 Sunset Blvd., Suite 1130, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Howard Ganza, "Rookie School/7 Baywatch, 1989. Stage Appearances: Robert, "Unoccupied Territory/' Class I Acts: Evening B, Manhattan Class Company, Nat Home Theatre, 1988. Lover, Machinal, New York Shakespeare Company, Public/LuEsther Theatre, New York City, 1990. Paul, The Balcony Scene, Circle Repertory Company, New York City, 1991. Alec, Raft of the Medusa, Minetta Lane Theatre, New York City, 1991-92. Jeffrey, The Years, Manhattan Theatre Club, Stage 1, 1992-93. Jerry, The Fiery Furnace, Circle Repertory Company, New York City, 1993. Also appeared in Clothes for a Summer Hotel, Williamstown Theatre Festival.*

Career: Actor. CREDITS FLEMYNG Jason 1966Film Appearances: Bartender, Ramona, 1990. Cop at Harlem Station, Malcolm X, Warner Bros., 1992. Stage manager, Quiz Show, 1994. Rachel's father, Reckless, 1995. Tommy Dundee, The Underneath, 1995. Wallace, Virtuosity, United International Pictures, 1995. Dwayne Engelman, Strange Days, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1995. Van Zant, Heat, Warner Bros., 1995. Law, Albino Alligator, Miramax, 1996. Kent, Contact, Warner Bros., 1997. Police Chief Jack McGinnis, Switchback, Paramount, 1997.

PERSONAL Born September 25, 1966, in the United Kingdom. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Wilkins, Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book, Buena Vista, 1994. Joachim Avignon, Diamond Swords, 1995. Gregor, Rob Roy, 1995. Tonio, Indian Summer (also known as Alive and Kicking), 1997.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Gregory, Stealing Beauty, 1996. Frank Donally, The Hollow Reed, 1996. Brad, Spice World (also known as Five, Five Girls, It's Been a Hard 15 Minutes, Spice Girls, Spice Girls: The Movie, Spice Up Your Life!, and 5p/ce: The Movie), 1997. The Life of Stuff, 1997. Frank James, The James Gang, 1997. Frederick Pope, The Reef Violin (also known as Le violon rouge), 1998. Tom, Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels (also known as Two Smoking Barrels), 1998. Mulligan, Deep Rising (also known as Tentacle), 1998. Television Appearances; Series: Laurie Quinn, Beck, 1997. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Dr. David Neil, Doctor Finlay, PBS, 1993. Alec D'Uberville, Tess of the D'Ubervilles, A&E, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Bye Bye Baby, 1992. Alice in Wonderland, NBC, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Danny, "God Helps Those/' Lovejoy, 1993. Young man, "Menage a Trois," The Hunger, Showtime, 1997. Television Appearances; Specials: Col I in, A Question of Attribution, PBS, 1992.*


FORSYTHE, William (Bill Forsythe)


PERSONAL Born June 7, 1955, in Brooklyn, NY. Studied acting at Beverly Hills Playhouse. Addresses: Agent— United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., 5th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Contact—c/o 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 2850, Los Angeles, CA 90067.


Career: Actor and producer. Awards, Honors: Independent Spirit Award nomination, best supporting actor, 1992, for The Waterdance. CREDITS Film Appearances: Bille, Long Shot, 1978. Kenny, Smokey Bites the Dust, New World, 1981. (As Bill Forsythe) Big Tom, King of the Mountain, Universal, 1981. Sector 13, 1982. Pug face crusher, The Man Who Wasn't There, Paramount, 1983. (As Bill Forsythe) Morris, Cloak and Dagger, Universal, 1984. Cockeye, Once upon a Time in America (also known as Cera una Volta in America), Warner Bros., 1984. Pigiron, Savage Dawn, 1985. Eugene "Gene" Waxier, The Lightship (also known as Killers at Sea), Castle Hill, 1985. Sergeant Buck Atwater, Extreme Prejudice, TriStar, 1987. Evelle, Raising Arizona, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Burt, Weeds, DeLaurentiis Entertainment Group, 1987. Teko, Patty Hearst (also known as Patty), Atlantic, 1988. Arthur Kressler, Dead Bang, Warner Bros., 1989. Mikey, Sons, 1989. Polozov, Torrents of Spring (also known as Acque of/ Primavera), Millimeter, 1989. Flattop, Dick Tracy, Buena Vista, 1990. Custodian, Career Opportunities (also known as One Wild Night), Universal, 1991. Richie Madano, Out for Justice, Warner Bros., 1991. Ice, Stone Cold, Columbia, 1991. J. D., American Me, Universal, 1992. Beaudeen, The Gun in Betty Lou's Handbag, Buena Vista, 1992. Bloss, The Waterdance, Samuel Goldwyn, 1992. Walter Hilderman, Relentless 3, New Line Cinema, 1993. John Hatch, Direct Hit, Republic Pictures, 1994. Sid Dunleavy, Palookaville (also known as One for the Money), Samuel Goldwyn/Orion, 1995. Franchise, Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead (also known as What to Do in Denver When You're Dead), Miramax, 1995. William Cochran, Virtuosity, Paramount, 1995. Ray "Elvis" Patterson, Beyond Desire, LIVE Home Video, 1996.

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Eddie Paxton, The Rock, Buena Vista, 1996. Hollan, The Substitute, Orion, 1996. Mitch, Rule of Three (also known as Testing Sam), 1996. For Which He Stands, 1996. Randall Alexander Shaye (some sources cite Randy Earl Shaye), Firestorm, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Episodic: Thrasher, "Battle of the Bands," CHiPs, 1982. Richard Brady, "Moon over Uranus/' Hill Street Blues, 1983. Richard Brady, "Moon over Uranus: The Sequel/' Hill Street Blues, 1983. Wounded assailant, "A Child Is Missing," TJ. Hooker, 1983. Bruce, Cybill, CBS, 1997.

Row Your Boat, 1998. Charles Dupray, The Pass, 1998. Lou, Hell's Kitchen, 1998. Paradise Lost, 1999. DeClerc, The Last Marshal, 1999. Andrew, The Day October Died, 1999. Alton Owens, Camouflage, 1999. Hudson, Big City Blues, Avalanch Home Entertainment, 1999. 18 Shades of Dust, 1999. Frank Rosenfeld, Soundman, 1999. Milt, Four Days, Behavior Entertainment, 1999. Hardcastle, Blue Streak, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1999. Detective Fowler, Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo, 1999. Himself, Just Dancing Around, 1999. Also appeared in The Brotherhood. Film Work: Executive producer, Beyond Desire, LIVE Home Video, 1996. Coproducer, Big City Blues, Avalanch Home Entertainment, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: (As Bill Forsythe) Mark, The Miracle of Kathy Miller, 1981. Tommy Earl Browner, Baja Oklahoma, HBO, 1988. Terry Harper, Waiting to Kill: The Texas Cheerleader Story (also known as Pom Pom Mom), ABC, 1992. Detective Mike Stoller, A Kiss to Die For (also known as Bedroom Eyes and Those Bedroom Eyes), NBC, 1993. Tim James, The Immortals, HBO, 1995. Sammy Gravano, Cotti (also known as John Cotti: The Rise and Fall and King of the Volcano), HBO, 1996. Sorley, First-Time Felon, HBO, 1997. Dooley, Dollar for the Dead, 1998. Mike Organski, Ambushed, HBO, 1998.

Appeared in Fame. Other Television Appearances: Hawk, Command 5 (pilot), ABC, 1985. Al Capone, The Untouchables (series), syndicated, 1993-94.*

FOSTER, Ben 1980PERSONAL Born October 29, 1980, in Boston, Massachusetts. Addresses: Contact—3500 West Olive Dr., Suite1400, Burbank, CA91505. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Kounterfeit, LIVE Entertainment, 1997. Ben Kurtzman, Liberty Heights, Warner Bros., 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Tucker James, Flash Forward, ABC/Disney Channel, 1996. Television Appearances; Specials: The ABC Saturday Morning Preview Party, ABC, 1996. Television Appearances; Movies: I've Been Waiting for You, NBC, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Earl Pitzer, You Wish, ABC, 1997.*

FOXX, Jamie 1967Television Appearances; Miniseries: Isaac, The Long Hot Summer, NBC, 1985. (As Bill Forsythe) Ferlin L'Heureux, Blind Faith (also known as The Toms River Case), NBC, 1990. John Crone, Cruel Doubt, NBC, 1992.

PERSONAL Real name, Eric Bishop; born December 13, 1967, in Terrell, Texas; son of Shaheed Abdullah (a stock-

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 broker) and Louise Annette Talley; adopted by maternal grandparents, Mark (a yardman) and Estelle (a maid and nursery operator) Talley, c. 1968. Education: Attended U.S. International University on a music scholarship. Addresses: /Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Comedian, actor, singer, writer, television show creator, and producer. Won the Black Bay Area Comedy Competition, 1991. Previously worked as a shoe salesman. Awards, Honors: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Image Award, best television comedy actor, 1998, for The]amie Foxx Show.

FRANCIS-BRUCE • 119 Bunz, Booty Call, Columbia/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Blue, The Player's Club, New Line Cinema, 1998. Willie Beaman, Any Given Sunday, Warner Bros., 1999. Film Song Performer: Home Alone 3, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Wbo, New Line Cinema, 1998. RECORDINGS Albums: Peep This, 1994. WRITINGS Television Writing; Series: Special material, In Living Color, Fox, 1992.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: In Living Color, Fox, 1991-94. Crazy George Stevens, Roc, Fox, 1993-94. Jamie King, The Jamie Foxx Show, WB, 1996—. Television Appearances; Specials: Paul Rodriguez: Crossing Gang Lines, Fox, 1991. Jamie Foxx: Straight from the Foxxhole, HBO, 1993. Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: Willie, Roc, Fox, 1991. Russell Simmons' Def Comedy Jam, HBO, 1992. Woody, Moesha, UPN, 1996. Reverend Alize, The Jamie Foxx Show, WB, 1996. Tyrone Koppel, The Jamie Foxx Show, WB, 1996.

Television Theme Songs: The Jamie Foxx Show, WB, 1996—. Film Songs: Home Alone 3, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Woo, New Line Cinema, 1998. OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Black Biography, volume 15, Gale Group, 1997. Periodicals: Jet, March 24, 1997, p. 32. People Weekly, January 13, 1997, p. 81. Texas Monthly, November, 1998, p. 88.*

Also appeared as voice, C Bear andjamal (animated). Television Work; Series: Creator and producer, The Jamie Foxx Show, WB, 1996-98, then creator, producer, and executive producer, 1998-99, then creator and executive producer, 1999—. Television Executive Producer; Specials: Jamie Foxx: Straight from the Foxxhole, Fox, 1993.

FRANCIS-BRUCE, Richard PERSONAL Addresses: /Agent—Smith-Gosnell-Nicholson & Associates, PO Box 1166, 1515 Palisades Dr., Suite N, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272-2168. Career: Editor.

Film Appearances: Baker, Toys, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Ed, The Truth About Cats and Dogs, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1996. Hassan El Ruk'n, The Great White Hype, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1996.

Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best film editing, 1994, for The Shawshank Redemption; Academy Award nomination, best film editing, 1995, for Seven; Academy Award nomination, best film editing, 1997, for Air Force One.

120 • FRANCO

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CREDITS

Film Editor:

Goodbye Paradise, 1982. Careful, He Might Hear You, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1983. Voyage of Bounty's Child, 1983. Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, Warner Bros., 1985. Bullseye, 1986. Short Changed, 1986. The Mosquito Coast, Warner Bros., 1986. (With Hubert de la Bouillerie) The Witches of Eastwick, Warner Bros., 1987. Dead Calm, Warner Bros., 1989. The Blood of Heroes, Kings Road Entertainment, 1989. Cadillac Man, Orion, 1990. Crooked Hearts, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1991. Lorenzo's Oil, Universal, 1992. Sliver, Paramount, 1993. Speechless, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1994. The Shawshank Redemption, Columbia, 1994. Seven, New Line Cinema, 1995. The Rock, Buena Vista, 1996. Air Force One, Columbia, 1997. Instinct, Buena Vista, 1999. The Green Mile, Warner Bros., 1999. Television Editor; Movies: The Dismissal, 1984. The Cowra Breakout, 1985. The Nightman, NBC, 1992. Television Editor; Miniseries: (Part one only) A Dangerous Life, HBO, 1988.*

Foul Play, Paramount, 1978. Straight Time, Warner Bros., 1978. Second assistant director, Apocalypse Now, United Artists, 1979. The Rose, 1979. The Fog, AVCO Embassy Pictures, 1980. First assistant director, Cutter's Way, United Artists, 1981. First assistant director, Escape from New York, AVCO Embassy Pictures, 1981. First assistant director, The Thing, 1982. First assistant director, Christine, Columbia, 1983. Starman, Columbia, 1984. First assistant director, Big Trouble in Little China, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. First assistant director, Prince of Darkness, 1987. First assistant director, They Live, Universal, 1988. Film Producer, Except Where Indicated: Associate producer, Cutter's Way, United Artists, 1981. Escape from New York, AVCO Embassy Pictures, 1981. Associate producer, The Thing, Universal, 1982. Christine, Columbia, 1983. Starman, Columbia, 1986. (As Larry J. Franco) Big Trouble in Little China, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. Prince of Darkness, Universal, 1987. They Live, Universal, 1988. Co-producer, Tango & Cash, Warner Bros., 1989. Executive producer, The Rocketeer, Buena Vista, 1991. Co-producer, Batman Returns, Warner Bros., 1992. Line producer, Two Bits, Miramax, 1995. (As Larry J. Franco) Executive producer, Jumanji, Columbia/TriStar, 1995. Mars Attacks!, Warner Bros., 1996. October Sky, Universal, 1999. Executive producer, Sleepy Hollow, Paramount,


FRANCO, Larry (Larry J. Franco) PERSONAL

Film Appearances: Norwegian passenger with rifle, The Thing, Universal, 1982.

Career: Producer, director, and actor. CREDITS Film Assistant Director, Except Where Indicated: Second assistant director, Harry and Walter Co to New York, Columbia, 1976. Black Sunday, Paramount, 1977. March or Die, Columbia, 1977.

Television Assistant Director; Movies: Elvis, ABC, 1979.*

FRANCO, Larry J. See FRANCO, Larry

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

FRASER, Brendan 1968PERSONAL Full name, Brendan James Fraser; born December 3, 1968, In Indianapolis, IN; son of Peter (a Canadian tourism official) and Carol (a sales counselor) Fraser; married Afton Smith (an actress), September 27, 1998. Education: Attended Upper Canada College, Toronto, Canada, and Cornish College of the Arts, Seattle, WA. Avocational Interest: Photography. Addresses: /Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor; member of Laughing Horse Summer Theatre Company, Ellensburg, WA. Awards, Honors: Golden Space Needle Award, Seattle International Film Festival, best actor, 1997, St/7/ Breathing; Blockbuster Entertainment Award nomination, favorite actor/actress, 1998, for George of the jungle. CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Brendon Fraser) Sailor 1, Dogfight, 1991. Link, Encino Man (also known as California Man), Buena Vista, 1992. David Greene, School Ties, Paramount, 1992. Sam Mastrewski, Twenty Bucks, Triton Pictures, 1993. Winston Younger, Younger and Younger, 1993. (Uncredited) Link, Son-in-law, Buena Vista, 1993. Steve Nebraska, The Scout, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1994. Monty Kessler, With Honors (also known as With Highest Honors and Damon), Warner Bros., 1994. Chazz, Airheads, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1994. Link, In the Army Now, Buena Vista, 1994. Darkly Noon, The Passion of Darkly Noon (also known as Darkly Noon), 1995. (Uncredited) Vietnam veteran, Now and Then, 1995. Hugh Winterbourne/Bill Winterbourne, Mrs. Winterbourne, TriStar, 1996. Doug, Glory Daze, 1996. (Uncredited) Placebo patient, Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy (also known as Brain Candy and The Drug), Paramount, 1996. Title role, George of the Jungle, Buena Vista, 1997. Fletcher McBracken,5t/7/Breath/ng October Films, 1998. Clayton Boone, Gods and Monsters, Lions Gate Films, 1998. Voice, Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists, 1999.


Ringside, 1999. Adam Weber, Blast from the Past, New Line, 1999. Rick O'Connell, The Mummy, Universal, 1999. Title role, Dudley Do-Right, 1999. Stu Mi ley, Monkeybone, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Voice, Duckman (animated), USA, 1994. Johnny Lamb, "Professional Man/' Fallen Angels, Showtime, 1995. Voice of Brad, "King of the Hill/' The Simpsons (animated), Fox, 1998. Voice, "Dammit Hollywood/' Duckman (animated), USA, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Johns Friend, Child of Darkness, Child of Light, 1991. Bobby McLaughlin, Cuilty Until Proven Innocent (also known as Presumed Guilty), NBC, 1991. David Gold, Twilight of the Colds, Showtime, 1997. Television Appearances; Specials: Presenter, The 1994 MTV Music Video Awards (special), MTV, 1994. Narrator, Mummies: The Real Story, Discovery Channel, 1999. Presenter, The 1999 MTV Movie Awards, 1999. Presenter, The 56th Annual Golden Globe Awards, 1999. Stage Appearances: Appeared in productions of A Midsummer Night's Dream; Arms and the Man; Romeo and Juliet; Waiting for Godot; Moonchildren. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Cosmopolitan, April 1998, p. 206. Entertainment Weekly, October 7, 1994, pp. 50-51. Interview, August, 1994, p. 108. People Weekly, August 11, 1997, p. 146; May 11, 1998, p. 100; May 31,1999, p. 69. Premiere, June, 1994, p. 60. Vanity Fair, September, 1992, p. 187.*

FRIEDLE, Will 1976(William A. Friedle) PERSONAL Full name, William Alan Friedle; born August 11, 1976, in Hartford, CT. Education: Attended college.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Avocational interests: Writing scripts and short stories, visiting natural history museums. Addresses: Home—Connecticut. Office—c/o Boy Meets World, Michael Jacobs Productions, KTLA Studios, 5842 Sunset Blvd., Producers Bldg. 11, Los Angeles, CA 90028. Career: Actor.

FRIEDLE, William A. See FRIEDLE, Will


CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: True Blue, NBC, 1989-90. Eric Matthews, Boy Meets World, ABC, 1993—. Voice of Terry McGinnis/Batman, Batman Beyond, WB, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Jimmy Armstrong, 'Tale of the Long Ago Locket, "Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Nickelodeon, 1994. Jeremy, Zoe, Duncan, Jack, and Jane, 1999. Philip Evans, "Punch Line/' Odd Man Out, 1999. Also appeared in episodes of Don't Just Sit There, Home Video Bloopers, Law and Order, NBC, and Totally Kids' Sports. Television Appearances; Movies: Luke, The Gift of Love (also known as 5et for Life), CBS, 1994. Duncan, My Date with the President's Daughter, ABC, 1998. Griffelkin, H-E Double Hockey Sticks, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: ABC Saturday Morning Preview Special, ABC, 1994. James (some sources cite Jason) Gallagher, Educating Mom, ABC, 1996. Host, Walt Disney World's 25th Anniversary Party, ABC, 1997. Disney's Animal Kingdom: The First Adventure, ABC, 1998. Film Appearances: Brad, Trojan War (also known as Rescue Me), Warner Bros., 1997. Stage Appearances: (As William A. Friedle) A Doll's House, Hartford Stage Company, Hartford, CT, 1986-87. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Teen, March, 1998, p. 54.*

Born Steven Feuerstein, May 8, 1955, in Norfolk, VA; son of Nathan (a salesman) and Lillian (a teacher; maiden name Gish) Feuerstein; married Lorraine Wright, June 13, 1976; children: Nathan, Griffith. Education: Virginia Commonwealth University, B.F.A.; trained for the stage with Richard Newdick. Addresses: Agent—Gold-Marshak-Liedtke, 3500 West Olive Ave., Suite 1400, Burbank, CA91505. Career: Actor, director, and writer. Member: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. Awards, Honors: Named Honorary Sheriff, Chatsworth, CA, 1986; Directors Gold Award, Santa Clarita International Film Festival, 1999, for Baby Huey's Great Easter Adventure. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Kent "Flounder" Dorfman, National Lampoon's Animal House, Universal, 1978. Randy Jensen, Take Down, Buena Vista, 1979. Bear, Swim Team, 1979. Merle, Scavenger Hunt, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1979. 5oft Explosion, 1980. Getting Wasted, 1980. Harold, Midnight Madness, Buena Vista, 1980. Fat gin player, American Raspberry (also known as Prime Time), 1980. "Junior" Keller, The Unseen, Triune Films, 1981. Charlie, 5//ent Rage, Columbia, 1982. Hubert Downs, National Lampoon's Class Reunion, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1982. Gonzer, Up the Creek, Orion, 1984. Albert lanuzzi, The Dream Team, Universal, 1989. Uncle Bob Ryan, The Magic Kid (also known as N/n/'a Dragon), PM Home Video, 1994. Uncle Bob Ryan, Magic Kid 2, PM Home Video, 1994.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Santa Monica Pictures, 1995. Copsn Roberts, 1995. Saving Grace, 1996. Derby Ferris, Little Bigfoot 2: The]ourney Home, PM Entertainment, 1998. Everything's ]ake, 1999. Reverend Crane, Deadly Delusions, 1999. Film Director: Magic Kid 2, PM Home Video, 1994. Baby Huey's Great Easter Adventure, 1998. Television Appearances; Series: Kent ^Flounder" Dorfman, Delta House, ABC, 1979. Dr. Eliot Axelrod, St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1982-88. Father Gabriel "Gabe" Podmaninski, Have Faith, ABC, 1989. Attache/Centauri Ambassador Vir Cotto, Babylon 5, syndicated, 1994—. Lewis, Misery Loves Company, Fox, 1995. Voice of Sport, Road Rovers (animated), 1996. Voice of Hathi, Disney's Jungle Cubs (animated), ABC, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: Chi Ps, 1977. Delivery man, Family, ABC, 1979. "Sprained Dreams," Newhart, 1982. Faerie Tale Theatre, Showtime, 1982. Dirtball, "Fun House/7 CHiPs, NBC, 1983. Dr. Kozby, "Renegade/' MacGyver, 1989. "The Blues of the Birth/' Night Court, NBC, 1990. George, "No Free Lunch/' Doctor Doctor, 1990. Sergeant Paulsen, Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1990. Leon Karp, "The Second Greatest Story Ever Told/' Dream On, HBO, 1991. Marty Lendle, Davis Rules, 1991. Chet "Poofie" McGuire, Nurses, 1991. Roger, Cood Advice, 1993. Skyler, "With This Ball and Chain," Me/rose Place, Fox, 1994. Dr. Elliot Feldstein, "Christmas Truce," Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. Vic Slovak, "35 Millimeter Murder," Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1995. Howie Mandel's Sunny Skies, Showtime, 1995. Voice of fan boy, Steven Spielberg Presents Freakazoid! (animated), syndicated, 1995. Dr. Elliot Feldstein, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1996. Also appeared in episodes of Movin' On, NBC; Family, ABC; The Bob Newhart Show, CBS; Lottery!, ABC; The Jeffersons, CBS; and Faerie Tale Theatre, Showtime.

FURST • 123

Television Appearances; Movies: Aldo, The Day After, ABC, 1983. Steamboat, Off Sides (also known as Pigs vs. Freaks), NBC, 1984. Leo Fletch, If It's Tuesday, It Still Must Be Belgium, NBC, 1987. Frank, Shake, Rattle, and Rock (also known as Rebel Highway), Showtime, 1994. Jimmy, Back to Back (also known as Back to Back: American Yakuza 2), HBO, 1996. Attache Vir Cotto, Babylon 5: Thirdspace (also known as Thirdspace and Thirdspace: A Babylon 5 Adventure), syndicated, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: (Television debut) Bertrand, The Bastard (also known as The Kent Chronicles), Operation Prime Time, 1978. Television Appearances; Pilots: Stephen, National Lampoon's Two Reelers, NBC, 1981. Fats, The Revenge of the Cray Gang, NBC, 1981. Gilbert Kovacs, a caddy, For Members Only, CBS, 1983. Lawrence Fine, Howie and Rose, ABC, 1991. Also appeared in the pilot Bizarre, ABC. Television Appearances; Specials: Mole, Alt Loves a Mystery, NBC, 1987. Stand-Up Comics Take a Stand!, syndicated, 1989. Judge, National Lampoon's Comedy Playoffs, 1990. Lawrence Fine, Howie and Rose, 1991. Host, Payback, Fox, 1992. Fox Fall Preview Party (also known as Fox Fall Preview Special), Fox, 1995. Also appeared in Disneyland 25th Anniversary Show, NBC. Television Director; Episodic: "The Illusion of Truth," Babylon 5, 1997. "The Destruction of Falling Stars," Babylon 5, 1997. "The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father," Babylon 5, 1998. "Each Night I Dream of Home," Crusade, TNT, 1999. Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Pseudelous, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Cavalier Theatre, Norfolk, VA, 1972.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 WRITINGS

Screenplays: (With Nick Stone) Magic Kid 2, PM Home Video, 1994. Periodicals: People Weekly, June 5, 1989, p. 95.*


GABRIEL, Peter 1950PERSONAL Full name, Peter Brian Gabriel; born February 13, 1950, in Cobham, Surrey, England; father, an electrical engineer; mother, a musician; married Jill Moore 1971 (a marriage counselor; divorced 1988); children: Melanie, Anna-Marie. Education: Attended Charterhouse. Addresses: Office—Real World/Geffen, 9130 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90069; Real World Studios, Box Mill Box, Wiltshire SN 13 8 PL England. Career: Musician, composer, and producer. Genesis (rock band), founder and member, 1968-75; solo artist, 1975—; WOMAD (World of Music, Arts and Dance; an annual tour), founder, 1982; Real World (record label), founder, 1989; interactive theme park, co-designer, 1993-94; Witness (a human rights program), founder with Reebok, 1991. Awards, Honors: Rolling Stone Magazine Music Award, critics' pick—best artist, 1977; Ivor Novello Awards, 1983, 1987; Grammy Award nomination, best original score—motion picture or television special, 1984, for Against All Odds (with others); Grammy Award nominations, record of the year, song of the year and rock vocal-male, 1986, for "Sledgehammer" (with others); Grammy Award nomination, album of the year, 1986, for So (with others); Rolling Stone Magazine Music Awards, critics' pick—best artist and critics' pick—bets singer, 1986; Rolling Stone Magazine Music Award, critics' pick—best video, 1986, for "Sledgehammer"; Two Brit Awards, 1987; Golden Nica, Prix Ars Electronica, best computer music 1987; 12 MTV Music Video Awards, 1987-93; Golden Globe Award nomination, best

original score-motion picture, 1989, for The Last Temptation of Christ; Grammy Award, best new age performance, 1990, for Passion—Music for The Last Temptation of Christ; Down Beat Awards, world beat—album of the year and world beat-musician of the year, 1990; Grammy Awards, best music video, 1992-93; MTV Music Video Award, best special effects in a video, 1994, for "Kiss That Frog"; Grammy Award, best rock vocal—male, 1994, for "Steam." CREDITS Film Work: Music performer, All This and World War II, 1976. Song performer, Against All Odds, Columbia, 1984. Song performer, Gremlins, Warner Bros., 1984. Song performer, Lorca and the Outlaws, 1985. Project X, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Song performer, The Secret Policeman's Third Ball, 1987. Additional sound recordist and musician, The Last Temptation of Christ, 1988. Song producer and performer, Say Anything, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. Song producer and performer, Philadelphia, TriStar, 1993. Song performer, Natural Born Killers, Warner Bros., 1994. Still photographer, Royal Deceit, Miramax, 1994. Music producer, Peter Gabriel Secret World Live (also known as Peter Gabriel's Secret World), 1994. Song producer and performer, ]ungle2]ungle, Buena Vista, 1997. Song performer, Babe: Pig in the City, Universal, 1998. Song performer, City of Angels, Warner Bros., 1998. Film Appearances: Himself, Starship (also known as Lorca and the Outlaws), 1985.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Himself, Greenpeace Non-Toxic Video Hits, 1985. Himself, Sledgehammer, 1986. Cv, 1987. The Secret Policeman's Third Ball, 1987. Himself, "Life Lessons/' New York Stories, Buena Vista, 1989. PoV, 1990. All About Us, 1993. Peter Gabriel Secret World Live (also known as Peter Gabriel's Secret World), 1994. La Constellation Jodorowsky, 1994. Recon, 1996. Himself, Nusrat: A Voice from Heaven, 1998. Television Song Performer; Specials: ABC Back to School Concert: Virgin Records' 21st Anniversary, ABC, 1994. Jacqui's Dilemma, ABC, 1994. Peter Gabriel's Secret World, Disney Channel, 1994. The 71st Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC,

1999. Television Song Performer; Movies: Daddy, ABC, 1987. Television Appearances; Specials: American Video Awards, syndicated, 1987. MTV's 1988 Video Music Awards, MTV, 1988. The Human Rights Now Tour, HBO, 1988. The Prince's Trust All-Star Rock Concert, Disney Channel, 1988. The 1992 MTV Video Music Awards, MTV, 1992. Presenter, The 1993 MTV Music Video Awards, MTV, 1993. The 35th Annual Grammy Awards, CBS, 1993. ABC Back to School Concert: Virgin Records' 21st Anniversary, ABC, 1994. Host, Rhythms of the World, PBS, 1994. The 7995 Billboard Music Awards, Fox, 1995. The 71st Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC,


Genesis: Live, 1973. Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, 1974. Albums (as a solo artist): Peter Gabriel, Atlantic, 1977. Peter Gabriel, Atlantic, 1978. Peter Gabriel, Geffen, 1980. Security, Geffen, 1982. Plays Live, Geffen, 1983. So, Geffen, 1986. Shaking the Tree Greatest Hits Collection, 1990. Revisited, 1992. Us, Geffen, 1992. Secret World Live, Geffen, 1994. Albums (soundtracks): All This and World War II, 1976. Birdy, Geffen, 1985. Passion, Geffen, 1989. Albums (as producer): Laurie Anderson, Mister Heartbreak, 1984. Rick Springfield, Hard to Hold, 1984. Against All Odds, 1984. Gremlins, 1984. Robbie Robertson, Robbie Robertson, 1987. Secret Policeman's Third Ball, 1987. Green Peace: Rainbow Warriors, 1989. Say/Anyth/ng, 1989. Youssou N'Dour, Lion, 1989. Sinead O'Connor, S/7ent Night, 1991. Passion Sources, Passion Sources, 1993. Philadelphia, 1993. Strange Days, 1995. Phenomenon, 1996. Jungle2]ungle, 1997. Bliss, 1998. CD-ROMs: Xplora 1: Peter Gabriel's Secret World, 1994. WRITINGS

Television Appearances; Episodic: New Visions, VH1, 1989. RECORDINGS Albums (with Genesis): From Genesis to Revelation, 1969. Trespass, 1970. Nursery Cry me, 1971. Foxtrot, 1972. Selling England by the Pound, 1973.

Film Scores: Birdy, 1984. Cv, 1987. The Last Temptation of Christ, 1988. PoV; 1990. Until the End of the World, Warner Bros., 1991. All About Us, 1993. Peter Gabriel Secret World Live (also known as Peter Gabriel's Secret World), 1994. Strange Days, 1995. The Mighty, 1997.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Blind Light, 1998. Nusrat: A Voice from Heaven, 1998. Film Songs: Against All Odds, Columbia, 1984. Lorca and the Outlaws, 1985. Home of the Brave, 1986. Project X, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. The Secret Policeman's Third Ball, 1987. Behave, 1988. Say Anything, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. Philadelphia, TriStar, 1993. Natural Born Killers, Warner Bros., 1994. ]ungle2]ungle, Buena Vista, 1997. City of Angels, Warner Bros., 1998. Television Scores: Guns: A Day in the Death of America (special), HBO, 1991. (Theme song only) Brimstone (series), 1998. Additional music, Defending Our Daughters: The Rights of Women in the World, Lifetime, 1998. OTHER SOURCES Books: The 1990 Current Biography Yearbook, pp. 253-56. Periodicals: New York Times, July 13, 1984. Time, February 2, 1987, p. 80. Billboard, September 21, 1991, p. 41; January 8, 1994, p. 72. MacUser, March 1994, p. 43. People Weekly, November 2, 1992, p. 25.*

GALLAGHER, Peter 1955(?)PERSONAL Born August 19, 1955 (some sources say 1956), in Yonkers, NY; married Paula Harwood (a music video producer), 1983; children: James, Kathryn. Education: Received degree in economics from Tufts University in 1977; studied at Actor's Studio with Robert Lewis. Addresses: /Agent—-Steve Alexander, Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

GALLAGHER • 127 Real Thing; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actor in a featured dramatic role, 1986, for Long Day's journey into Night; Volpi Cup, Venice Film Festival, 1993, for Short Cuts (with others). CREDITS Film Appearances: Caesare, The Idolmaker, United Artists, 1980. Michael Pappas, Summer Lovers, Filmways/Orion, 1982. Jack Dolan, Dreamchild, Universal, 1983. Kai, My Little Girl, Hemdale, 1987. Brother Tony, High Spirits, TriStar, 1988. John Milaney, sex, lies, and videotape, Outlaw, 1989. Richard Quince, Tune in Tomorrow... (also known as Aunt Julia and the Screenwriter), Cinecom Entertainment, 1990. Matt, The Cabinet of Dr. Ramirez, MediaScope, 1991. Bob Freeman, Late for Dinner, Castle Rock, 1991. Pollak, Milena (also known as The Lover), 1991. News anchor Dan Riley (Philadelphia), Bob Roberts, Paramount/Miramax, 1992. Larry Levy, The Player, Fine Line, 1992. Dennis Riley, Malice, Columbia, 1993. Stormy Weathers, Short Cuts, Fine Line, 1993. John, Watch It, Skouras, 1993. Vic Tenetta, The Hudsucker Proxy, Warner Bros., 1994. Robert, Mother's Boys, Dimension, 1994. Alan Campbell, Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (also known as Mrs. Parker and the Round Table), Fine Line, 1994. Peter Callaghan, While You Were Sleeping (also known as Coma Guy), Buena Vista, 1995. Michael Chambers, The Underneath (also known as Present Tense), Gramercy Pictures, 1995. Jack Kale, Cafe Society, 1995. David Lewis, To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday, Triumph, 1996. John Hayes, Last Dance, Buena Vista, 1996. Cannes Man, Rocket Pictures Home Video, 1996. James Ritchie, The Man Who Knew Too Little, Warner Bros., 1997. Buddy Kane, American Beauty, 1999. The House on Haunted Hill, 1999. Voice, The /Adventures of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina (animated), 2000. Film Music Performer: The Idolmaker, United Artists, 1980. The Hudsucker Proxy, Warner Bros., 1994.

Career: Actor and music performer. Awards, Honors: Theatre World Award, 1982, for A Doll's Life; Clarence Derwent Award, 1985, for The

Television Appearances; Series: John Skagska, Skag, NBC, 1980. Michael, The Secret Lives of Men, ABC, 1998-99.

128 • GALLO Television Appearances; Episodic: Tommy Baron, Private Eye, NBC, 1987. Charlie Castle, "The Big Knife/' American Playhouse, PBS, 1988. Mitch, "Frightening Frammis," Fallen Angels, 1993. Yorgrau, "The Quiet Room/' Fallen Angels, 1993. The West, PBS, 1996. Voice of Kurt, "Where There's Smoke .../' The New Batman/Superman Adventures (animated), The WB, 1997. Chris Rawls, "Closet Cases," Homicide: Life on the Street, NBC, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: John Skagska, Skag, NBC, 1980. Nick, Terrible Joe Moran, CBS, 1984. Lieutenant Commander John Challee, The Caine Mutiny Court Martial, CBS, 1988. Aaron Copier, I'll Be Home for Christmas, NBC, 1988. David West, Love and Lies (also known as True Betrayal), ABC, 1990. Jack Robbins, White Mile, HBO, 1994. Jack Kale, Cafe 5oc/ety, Showtime, 1996. John Anticev, Path to Paradise: The Untold Story of the World Trade Center Bombing, HBO, 1997. Joe, Virtual Obsession, ABC, 1998. Bernard Marx, Brave New World, NBC, 1998. Johnny Scardino, Johnny Skidmarks, HBO, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Leo Frank, The Murder of Mary Phagan, NBC, 1988. Philip Quennell, An Inconvenient Woman, 1991. Wynn Park, Titanic, CBS, 1996. Television Appearances; Specials: Private Contentment, 1982. Phil Gray, A Different Twist, 1984. Edmund Tyrone, Long Day's Journey Into Night, 1987. Charlie Castle, The Big Knife, 1988. "Guys and Dolls Off the Record," Great Performances, PBS, 1992. Luck, Trust, and Ketchup: Robert Altman in Carver Country, 1994. The 50th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1996. The Screen Actors Guild Awards, NBC, 1997. Voice of Gideon Hausner, The Trial of Adolf Eichmann, PBS, 1997. Television Work; Series: Main title performer, The Secret Lives of Men, ABC, 1998-99. Stage Appearances: Danny Zuko, Grease, Eden Theatre, then Broadhurst Theatre, then Royale Theatre, New York City, 1972.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Danny Zuko, Crease, Paper Mill Playhouse, Milburn, NJ, 1977. Hair, Biltmore Theatre, New York City, 1977. Caligula, Robert Lewis Acting Company, New York City, 1978. Romeo and Juliet, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1980. Another Country, Long Wharf Theatre, 1982, then Boston Shakespeare Company, Boston, MA. Otto, A Doll's Life, Mark Hellinger Theatre, New York City, 1982. Morgan Evans, The Corn Is Green, Lunt-Fontanne Theatre, New York City, 1983. Billy, The Real Thing, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1984. Mr. Darcy, Pride and Prejudice, Long Wharf Theatre, 1985. Edmund Tyrone, Long Day's Journey into Night, Broadhurst Theatre, 1986. Sky Masterson, Guys and Dolls, Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, 1992. Also appeared in Pal Joey, 1995. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, May 17, 1996, p. 14. People Weekly, November 11, 1996, p. 174. Premiere, October, 1990.*

GALLO, Vincent 1961PERSONAL Born in 1961, in Buffalo, NY. Politics: Republican. Avocational interests: Collecting old movies, painting. Addresses: Agent— International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actor, director, musician, and screenwriter. Has a band, Bunny; appeared in television commercials for Calvin Klein. CREDITS Film Appearances: The Way It Is or Eurydice in the Avenues, 1984. Jimmy—Doc's Son, Doc's Kingdom, Garance Films, 1988. Henry's 70s crew member, GoodFellas, Warner Bros. 1990.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Mario, A Idade Major, 1991. Paul Leger, Arizona Dream, Warner Bros., 1992. Esteban Garcia, The House of the Spirits, Miramax, 1993. Gl, U.S. Go Home, 1994. Preacher, Angela, 1995. Russ, Palookaville, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1995. Orlando, The Perez Family, 1995. The Baker, Nenette et Boni, 1996. Johnny, The Funeral, October Films, 1996. Raymond Lembecke, Truth or Consequences, N.M., Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Billy Brown, Buffalo 66, Lions Gate Films, 1998. Mike, Goodbye Lover, Warner Bros., 1998. Sister Gomez, Freeway 2, Trick Productions, 1999. Moss, LA. Without a Map, United Media, 1999. Film Work: Director and music performer, Buffalo 66, Lions Gate Films, 1998. WRITINGS Film Music: The Way It Is or Eurydice in the Avenues, 1984. Buffalo 66, Lions Gate Films, 1998. Screenplays: Buffalo 66, Lions Gate Films, 1998.

GERMANN • 129 Stacy Sampanahoditra, Mr. Magoo, Buena Vista, 1997. Marian Almond, Washington Square, Buena Vista, 1997. Television Appearances; Series: Nell, Significant Others, Fox, 1998. Romy, The Time of Your Life, Fox, 1999—. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Sasha, Danielle Steel's "Zoya," NBC, 1995. Clara Forsythe, Larry McMurtry's Dead Man's Walk, ABC, 1996. Diane Agostini, Aftershock: Earthquake in New York, CBS, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Sarah Troyer, Harvest of Fire, CBS, 1996. Mary Rose, Rose Hill, CBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: Becky, Spin City, ABC, 1996. Allison, Swift Justice, UPN, 1996. Sally, Fantasy Island, ABC, 1998. Hanna, Felicity, WB, 1998. Billie Vaughn, The Pretender, NBC, 1998.*





Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, July 24, 1998, p. 52; January 22, 1999, p. 108. Insight on the News, April 21, 1997, p. 39. Interview, March 1994, p. 30.*

Born February 26, 1958, in Houston, TX; raised in Colorado; father, a playwright; mother, a homemaker; married Christine Mourad (an actress); children: Asa. Education: University of Northern Colorado, graduate in theatre. Addresses: Home—New York and Los Angeles. /Agent—Writers and Artists Agency, 924 Westwood Blvd., Suite 900, Los Angeles, CA 90024.

GARNER, Jennifer

Career: Actor and director. PERSONAL

Addresses: /Agent—Endeavor, 9701 Wilshire, tenth floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Awards, Honors: Shared Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, 1998, and Screen Actors Guild Award, 1999, both outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series, for Ally McBeal.

Career: Actress. CREDITS CREDITS Film Appearances: Annabell, 1999, R.A.M.M. Entertainment, 1997. Woman in elevator, Deconstructing Harry, Fine Line Features, 1997.

Film Appearances: Creepy, Streetwalkin' (also known as City Streets and Cookie), Concorde-Cinema Group, 1985. Tipper, The Whoopee Boys, Paramount, 1986. Ronnie Wayne, Miss Firecracker, Corsair, 1989.

130 • GISH Mattson, Child's Play 2, Universal, 1990. Jim Redstone, Once Around, Universal, 1991. Big and Mean, 1991. Desk clerk at Poet's Corner, 5o / Married an Axe Murderer, TriStar, 1993. Eddie, The Night We Never Met, Miramax, 1993. Petey, Clear and Present Danger, Paramount, 1994. Mr. Drew, Imaginary Crimes, Warner Bros., 1994. Reporter, I.Q., 1994. Tim Stevens, Culture, 1998. The Last Producer, 1999. Dr. Shan is, Jesus' Son, 1999. Film Director: Pete's Garden, 1997. Television Appearances; Series: Equal Justice, ABC, 1990. Andy Del Sarto, Sweet Justice, NBC, 1994-95. Eric Moyer, Ned and Stacey, Fox, 1995-97. Richard Fish, Ally McBeal, Fox, 1997—. Television Appearances; Movies: Assistant District Attorney Kennedy, Taking the Heat, Showtime, 1993. Bailey, Assault at West Point (also known as Assault at West Point: The Court-Martial of Johnson Whittaker and Conduct Unbecoming: The CourtMartial of Johnson Whittaker), Showtime, 1994. Television Appearances; Pilots: Buddy Shapiro, Rewrite for Murder (also known as Love and Bullets), CBS, 1991. Dennis, Yesterday/Today, NBC, 1992.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Night Is Mother to the Day, Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1983-84. Scott 12, Found a Peanut, Anspacher Theatre, New York City, 1984. Standby for Eugene Morris Jerome, Biloxi Blues, Neil Simon Theatre, New York City, 1985. Frank Mitchell, Alice and Fred, Cherry Lane Theatre, New York City, 1985. The Foreigner, Paper Mill Playhouse, Millburn, NJ, 1985-86. Vincent, Remedial English, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, New York City, 1986. Carl, Bless, Alliance Theatre Company, Atlanta, GA, 1986-87. The Seagull, Whole Theatre, Montclair, NJ, 1986-87. Leo, Only You, Circle Repertory Theatre, 1987-88. Bill Howell, Principia Scriptoriae, Hartford Stage Company, Hartford, CT, 1987-88. Hank, Apocalyptic Butterflies, INTAR Theatre, New York City, 1989. John Hinckley, Assassins, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, 1990-91. Royce, Dearly Departed, Second Stage Theatre, New York City, 1991-92. Dieter, Johannes, and Egon, Born Guilty, American Jewish Theatre, New York City, 1993. New York Actor, Ensemble Studio Theatre, New York City, 1994. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, January 11, 1999, p. 27.*

Television Appearances; Specials: Billy, High School Narc, 1985. GISH, Annabeth Television Appearances; Episodic: Lieutenant Seller, "A Bodyguard of Lies/' Tour of Duty, 1989. Lieutenant Beller, "Cloud Nine/' Tour of Duty, 1989. Lieutenant Beller, "Three Cheers for the Orange, White, and Blue/' Tour of Duty, 1990. Lawyer, "Come Rain or Come Schein," LA. Law, NBC,

1993. Rick, "The Anchor," Ellen, ABC, 1994. Rick, "Class Reunion," Ellen, ABC, 1994. Rick, "The Mugging," Ellen, ABC, 1996. Arden Sage, "Work Shift," Remember WENN, 1998.


Born March 13, 1971, in Albuquerque, NM. Education: Graduated from Duke University in 1993. Avocational interests: Writing poetry. Addresses: /Agent—Eddi Yablans and Nikki Pfeffer, International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actress.

Stage Appearances: Page, Hamlet, Circle Repertory Theatre, New York City, 1979-80. Alvin, A New Approach to Human Sacrifice, Circle Repertory Theatre, 1983.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Rose, Desert Bloom, Columbia, 1986.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


Ryan Campbell, Hiding Out, Delaurentiis Entertainment, 1987. Kat Araujo, Mystic Pizza, 1988. Caroline "Pudge" Carmichael, Shag: The Movie, TriStar, 1988. Tammy, Coupe De Ville, Universal, 1990. Urilla Sutherland, Wyatt Earp, Warner Bros., 1994. Julie Nixon, Nixon, Buena Vista, 1995. Tracy Stover, Beautiful Girls, Miramax, 1996. Paulie, The Last Supper, Columbia, 1996. Sparks, Steel, Warner Bros., 1997. Trish, SLC Punk!, Sony Pictures Classics, 1998. Angie, Double Jeopardy, Paramount, 1999.

Addresses: /Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211.

Also appeared in The Red Coat.

Screenplays: S/7ent Fall, Warner Bros., 1994. (With Robert Getchell) The Client (based on the novel by John Grisham), Warner Bros., 1994. (With Lee Batchler and Janet Scott) Batman Forever (also known as Forever) Warner Bros., 1995. A Time to Kill (based on the novel by Grisham), Warner Bros., 1996. Batman and Robin, Warner Bros., 1997. Lost in Space, New Line Cinema, 1998. Practical Magic, Warner Bros., 1998. The Sum of All Fears, 2000.*

Television Appearances; Series: Lenore Laderman, Courthouse, CBS, 1995. Television Appearances; Movies: Jessie, Hero in the Family, ABC, 1986. Lyn McKenna, When He's Not a Stranger, CBS, 1989. Lydia, The Last to Go, ABC, 1991. Sylvia Raffray, Lady Against the Odds, NBC, 1992. Hazel Hampton, Silent Cries, NBC, 1993. Michelle, Don't Look Back, HBO, 1996. Jean Treadway Holly, What Love Sees, CBS, 1996. Karen Holmes, To Live Again, CBS, 1998. HopeGoodell, Different, Lifetime, 1999. Claire Hutton, Goof's New Plan, CBS, 1999. Robbie, Sealed with a Kiss, CBS, 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Anne Hampton, Scarlett, CBS, 1994. Euphemia Ashby King (as an adult), True Women, CBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: Amy Peletier, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, February 19, 1996, p. 20.*

Career: Screenwriter and producer. Previously worked with autistic and schizophrenic children. CREDITS Film Producer: Lost in Space, New Line Cinema, 1998. Deep Blue Sea, 1999. WRITINGS

GOODMAN, John 1952(Karl Mundt) PERSONAL Born June 20, 1952, in St. Louis (some sources say Afton), MO; married Annabeth Hartzog, 1989; children: Molly. Education: Southwest Missouri State University, B.F.A. (theater arts), 1975; also attended Meramac Community College. Addresses: /Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212-1804. Career: Actor, producer, and song performer. Also appeared in television commercials; performed in the Blues Brothers with Dan Aykroyd and Jim Belushi; previously worked as a bouncer.

GOLDSMAN, Akiva PERSONAL Born in Brooklyn, NY; son of two child psychologists. Education: Wesleyan University, B.A.; New York University, M.A. (creative writing).

Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nominations, outstanding lead actor in a comedy series, 1989-95, Golden Globe Award nominations, best actor in a musical or comedy series, 1989-91, Golden Globe Award, best actor in a musical or comedy series, 1993, Q Award, Viewers for Quality Television, best

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

actor in a quality comedy series, 1992, Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by a male actor in a comedy series, 1995, all for Roseanne; Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actor in a film, 1991, for Barton Fink; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actor in aminiseries or special, 1995, for Kingfish: A Story of Huey P. Long; Golden Satellite Award nomination, best actor in a supporting role in a motion picturecomedy or musical, 1999, for The Big Lebowski. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Dan Conner, Roseanne, ABC, 1988-97. Television Appearances; Movies: Fred, The Face of Rage, ABC, 1983. Raymond, Heart of Steel, ABC, 1983. Mitch, "Tennessee Williams's Streetcar Named Desire/' CBS Playhouse 90s, CBS, 1995. Huey P. Long, Jr., Kingfish: A Story of Huey P. Long, TNT, 1995. Judge Tolliver, The Jack Bull, HBO, 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Newt "Tub" Murray, Chiefs, CBS, 1983. Hugh Rayburn, Murder Ordained (also known as Broken Commandments and Kansas Gothic), CBS, 1987. Television Appearances; Episodic: Harold Winter, "Re-Entry," The Equalizer, CBS, 1987. Donald Chase, "Come Back Little Shiksa," Moonlighting, ABC, 1987. Storytime, PBS, 1994. Skipper, Roseanne, ABC, 1994. Sammy the Tuna, Roseanne, ABC, 1995. Saturday Night Special, 1996. Himself, Muppets Tonight!, ABC, 1996. The Ruby Wax Show (also known as Ruby Wax Meets), Fox, 1997. Himself, Clive Anderson All Talk, 1997. Captain Stan Hamel, "Lost Sheep Squadron," Soul Man, ABC, 1997. Captain Stan Hamel, "The Stan Plan," Soul Man, ABC, 1998. Himself, "The Connor Family Reunion," The Roseanne Show, 1998.

Happy Birthday, Bugs: 50 Looney Years, CBS, 1990. Host, Tom & Jerry's 50th Birthday Bash, TBS, 1990. 2 Years... Later, 1990. Face to Face with Connie Chung, 1990. The Barbara Walters Special, 1991. Roseanne and Tom: Getting Away with It (also known as Roseanne: Between the Lines), HBO, 1992. First Person with Maria Shriver, NBC, 1992. Tough guy helpline operator, Sesame Streets All-Star 25th Birthday: Stars and Street Forever!, ABC, 1994. The First 100 Years: A Celebration of American Movies, HBO, 1995. Voice of Frosty the snowman, Frosty Returns (animated), CBS, 1995. The American Film Institute Salute to Steven Spielberg (also known as The American Film Institute Life Achievement Award), NBC, 1995. The Late Show with David Letterman Video Special 2 (also known as The Late Show with David Letterman Primetime Video Special 2), CBS, 1996. Comic Relief American Comedy Festival, ABC, 1996. Roger Miller Remembered, TNN, 1998. The Late Show with David Letterman 5th Anniversary Special, CBS, 1998. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 3rd Annual American Comedy Awards, ABC, 1989. The 41st Annual Emmy Awards, 1989. The 4th American Comedy Awards, ABC, 1990. The 16th Annual People's Choice Awards, CBS, 1990. The 62nd Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1990. The 43rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Presentation, 1991. The 49th Annual Co/den Globe Awards, TBS, 1992. The 50th Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1993. Host, The ESPY Awards, syndicated, 1995. Television Appearances; Pilots: Joe, After Midnight, ABC, 1988. Television Appearances; Other: Also appeared in Mystery of Moro Castle, HBO; The Paper Chase.

Also appeared in Saturday Night Live, NBC.

Television Work: Producer, Kingfish: A Story of Huey P. Long (movie), TNT, 1995. Song performer, Comic Relief American Comedy Fest/Va/(special), HBO, 1996.

Television Appearances; Specials: ABC's Comedy Sneak Peek, ABC, 1989.

Film Appearances: Jailbait Babysitter, 1978.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

COYER • 133

Herbert, Eddie Macon's Run, Universal, 1983. Commando, The Survivors, Columbia, 1983. Cop in diner, C.H.U.D., New World, 1984. Coach Harris, Revenge of the Nerds, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1984. Frank, Maria's Lovers, Cannon, 1985. Otis, Sweet Dreams, TriStar, 1985. Louis Fyne—"The Dancing Bear/' True Stories, Warner Bros., 1986. Detective Andre De Soto, The Big Easy, Columbia, 1987. Detective Nyswander, Burglar, Warner Bros., 1987. Gale, Raising Arizona, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Duke Earl, The Wrong Cuys, New World, 1988. John Krytsick, Punchline, Columbia, 1988. Edward Lawrence, Everybody's All-American (also known as When / Fall in Love), Warner Bros., 1988. Al Yackey, Always, Universal, 1989. Sherman, Sea of Love, Universal, 1989. Ed Munn, Ste//a (also known as Ste//a Dallas), Buena Vista, 1990. Delbert McClintock, Arachnophobia (also known as Along Came a Sp/c/er), Buena Vista, 1990. Title role, King Ralph, Universal, 1990. Charlie Meadows, Barton Fink, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1991. George Herman "Babe" Ruth, The Babe, Universal, 1992. Voice of Rex, We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (animated), Universal, 1993. Harry Brock, Born Yesterday, Hollywood Pictures, 1993. Lawrence Woolsey, Matinee, Universal, 1993. Fred Flintstone, The Flintstones, Universal, 1994. (As Karl Mundt) Newsreel announcer, The Hudsucker Proxy, 1994. Alan Davenport, Pie in the Sky, Fine Line, 1995. Frank Wirtanen, Mother Night, Fine Line, 1996. Ocious P. Potter, The Borrowers, PolyGram, 1997. Walter Sobchak, The Big Lebowski, Gramercy, 1998. Jonesy, Fallen, Warner Bros., 1998. Mighty Mack McTeer, Blues Brothers 2000, 1998. (Uncredited) The Mayor, Dirty Work, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1998. Voice of Santa Claus, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie (animated), Legacy Releasing, 1998. Deep Throat, The Runner, 1999. Larry, Bringing Out the Dead, 1999. What Planet Are You From?, 2000. Big Dan Teague, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, 2000.

Stage Appearances: (Off-Broadway debut) A Midsummer Night's Dream, Equity Library Theatre, 1978. The Robber Bridegroom, Ford's Theatre Society, Washington, DC, 1978. Private Wars and Lone Star, Center Stage, Baltimore, MD, 1979. Lady of the Diamond, Studio Arena Theatre, Buffalo, NY, 1980. Jack, The Chisholm Trail Went through Here, Manhattan Theatre Club In-the-Works, New York City, 1981. Sir Walter Blunt, Henry IV, Part One, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, New York City, 1981. Davis, Ghosts of the Loyal Oaks, WPA Theatre, New York City, 1981. Winninger, "Haifa Lifetime," Triple Feature, Manhattan Theatre Club, 1983. The Pa/ace of Amateurs, Plaza Theatre, Dallas, TX, 1983. Ted, "At Home," One-Act Play Marathon '84, Ensemble Studio Theatre, New York City, 1984. Pap Finn and Sheriff Bell, Big River, Eugene O'Neill Theatre, 1985. Enobarbus, Antony and Cleopatra, Los Angeles Theatre Center, Los Angeles, CA, 1987.

Film Song Performer: Blues Brothers 2000, Universal, 1998.

Born c. 1966. Education: Attended University of Southern California.

Also appeared on Broadway in Loose Ends, 1979. RECORDINGS Video Games: KingMattruss, Pyst, 1996. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, May 1, 1992, p. 14. Life, April, 1992, p. 40. Maclean's, February 16, 1998, p. 58. People Weekly, February 9, 1998, p. 154; March 2, 1998, p. 22. Premiere, May, 1992, p. 29. Time, February 2, 1998, p. 79.*

COYER, David S. 1966(?)PERSONAL

134 • GRODIN

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Addresses: Agent—Phil Raskind, Endeavor, 9701 Wilshire Blvd., 10th floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Screenwriter, producer, and television series creator. CREDITS

dren: (first marriage) Marion (a screenwriter); (second marriage) one child. Education: Attended University of Miami, 1953; graduated from Pittsburgh Playhouse School, c. 1956; studied acting with Lee Strasberg and Uta Hagen in New York City. Addresses: Office—United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., 5th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Film Work: Associate Producer, Kickboxer 2, Trimark, 1991.

Career: Actor, director, producer, and writer.

Television Work; Series: Creator and executive producer, Sleepwalkers, NBC, 1997.

Member: American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Actors' Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild.


Awards, Honors: Golden Globe Award, 1973, for The Heartbreak Kid; Outer Critics Circle Award, 1975, for Same Time Next Year; Actors Fund Award of Merit, 1975; Emmy Award, outstanding writing in a comedy-variety or music special, 1977, for The Paul Simon Special.

Screenplays: Death Warrant, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1990. Kickboxer 2: The Road Back, Trimark, 1991. Demonic Toys, Paramount, 1992. Arcade, Full Moon Entertainment, 1993. (With Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio) Robert A. Heinlein's The Puppet Masters, Buena Vista, 1994. The Crow: City of Angels (also known as The Crow II), Miramax, 1996. Blade, New Line Cinema, 1998. Dark City, New Line Cinema, 1998. Story writer, Mission to Mars, 2000. Blade 2, 2000. Television Writing; Episodic:

Sleepwalkers, NBC, 1997. "Dream of Doom/' Perversions of Science, HBO, 1997. Television Writing; Movies: Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD, 1998. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Premiere, April, 1991, p. 35.*

GRODIN, Charles


Real name, Charles Crodinsky; born April 21,1935, in Pittsburgh, PA; son of Ted (in sales) and Lana (a volunteer for disabled veterans) Grodinsky; married Julia (divorced); married Elissa, March, 1985; chil-

CREDITS Film Appearances: Bob, Sex and the College Girl (also known as The Fun Lovers), Entertainment Enterprises, 1964. Dr. C.C. Hill, Rosemary's Baby, Paramount, 1968. Aarfy Aardvark, Catch-22, Paramount, 1970. Lenny Cantrow, The Heartbreak Kid, Palomar/Twentieth Century-Fox, 1972. Chesser, 7 / Harrowhouse (also known as Anything for Love and Fast Fortune), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1974. Fred Wilson, King Kong, Paramount, 1976. Martin Cramer, Thieves, Brut/Paramount, 1977. Tony Abbott, Heaven Can Wait, Paramount, 1978. Warren Yeager, Real Life, Paramount, 1979. Jake Dekker, Sunburn, Tuesday/Paramount, 1979. Homer, It's My Turn, Rastar-Martin Elfand/Columbia, 1980. Homer, A Perfect Circle, 1980. District Attorney Ira J. Parks, Neil Simon's Seems Like Old Times, Columbia, 1980. Nicky Holiday, The Great Muppet Caper, Universal, 1981. Vance Kramer, The Incredible Shrinking Woman, Lija/ Universal, 1981. Allot Me, Universal, 1984. Warren Evans, The Lonely Cuy, Universal, 1984. Buddy, The Woman in Red, Woman in Red Productions/Orion, 1984. Herb Derman, Movers and Shakers, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1985.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 George Lollar, The Last Resort (also known as She Knew No Other Way), Concorde-Cinema GroupTrinity, 1986. Club Sandwich, 1986. Greetings from LA, 1987. Jim Harrison, CIA agent, Ishtar, Columbia/Delphi V, 1987. Jonathan Mardukas, Midnight Run, Universal, 1988. George Maitlin, The Couch Trip, Orion, 1988. Mr. Glerman, You Can't Hurry Love (also known as Greetings from LA. and Lovestruck), Lightning Pictures, 1988. Left Brain, Cranium Command, 1989. Spencer Barnes, Taking Care of Business (also known as F/'/ofax), Disney, 1990. George Newton, Beethoven, Universal, 1992. George Newton, Beethoven's 2nd, Universal, 1993. Murray Blum, Dave, Warner Bros., 1993. Harrison Winslow, Heart and Souls, Universal, 1993. Commandeered car driver, 5o / Married an Axe Murderer, TriStar, 1993. Martin Daniels, Clifford, Orion, 1994. Old man, It Runs in the Family (also known as My Summer Story), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1994.

GRODIN • 135

What's Up Dr. Ruth, 1989. The 3rd Annual American Comedy Awards, 1989. The Muppets at Walt Disney World, 1990. The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson: 28th Anniversary Special, 1990. Jessica Lange: Its Only Make-Believe, 1991. Donahue: The 25th Anniversary, NBC, 1992. Lassie Unleashed: 280 Dog Years in TV (also known as Lassie: A Dog Star—40 Years in Television), ABC, 1994. Chaz, Sesame Street's All-Star 25th Birthday: Stars and Street Forever!, ABC, 1994. Talk Back America III, syndicated, 1995. 50 Years of Television: A Celebration of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Golden Anniversary, HBO, 1997.

Television Appearances; Episodic: "Black Monday/' Play of the Week, syndicated, 1961. "Autumn Garden/' Sunday Showcase, CBS, 1966. Mark Dunigan, "The Good Thieves/' The Big \fclley, 1968. What's Up, Dr. Ruth?, 1989. Narrator, "Rotten Island," Shelley Duvall's Bedtime Stories (animated), Showtime, 1992.

Film Work; Producer: Sorceress, New World Pictures, 1983. (With William Asher, Richard Carrothers, and Dennis D. Hennessey), Movers and Shakers, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1985.

Also appeared in The Defenders, CBS; Camera Three, CBS; Armstrong Circle Theatre, NBC; The Nurses, CBS; My True Story, CBS; Love of Life, CBS; Trials of O'Brien, CBS; My Mother the Car; The FBI; Guns of Will Sonnett.

Television Appearances; Series: Matt Crane Stevens, The Young Marrieds, ABC, 1964-66. Host, Charles Grodin, CNBC, 1994-97, then MSNBC,

Television Work; Episodic: Producer and director of episodes of Candid Camera.

1998-. Television Appearances; Movies: Michael, Just Me and You, NBC, 1978. Jim Benson, The Grass Is Always Greener over the Septic Tank, CBS, 1978.

Television Work; Specials: Director, Songs of America, 1969. Producer and director, Acts of Love and Other Comedies, ABC, 1973. Producer and director, Paradise, CBS, 1974. Also directed and produced a television special for Mario Thomas.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Cane Kensington, Fresno, CBS, 1986.

Television Appearances; Specials: Bill Foster, Paradise, CBS, 1974. The Paul Simon Special, NBC, 1977. Night of 100 Stars, 1982. Him, Love, Sex ... and Marriage, ABC, 1983. Jake, Grown Ups, 1985. King Kong: The Living Legend, 1986. Lord Fancourt Babberly, Char/e/sAunt, syndicated, 1988. The American Comedy Awards, 1989.

Stage Appearances: (Broadway debut) Robert Pickett, Tchin-Tchin, Plymouth Theatre, 1962. Perry Littlewood, Absence of a Cello, Ambassador Theatre, New York City, 1964. Tandy, Steambath, Truck and Warehouse Theatre, New York City, 1970. George, Same Time Next Year, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1975. Night of 100 Stars, Radio City Music Hall, New York City, 1982.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Toured as George, Same Time Next Year, U.S. cities. Stage Director, Except Where Indicated: Hooray! It's a Glorious Day... and All That, Theatre Four, New York City, 1966. /.overs and Other Strangers, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, 1968. And producer, Thieves, Broad hurst Theatre, New York City, 1974. And producer, Unexpected Guests, Little Theatre, New York City, 1977.

People Weekly, February 17, 1997, p. 45. Time, June 29, 1998, p. 78.*

GUFFEY, Burnett 1905-1983 PERSONAL Born May 26, 1905, in Del Rio, TN; died May 29, 1983, in Goleta, CA; married; children: two daughters.

WRITINGS Plays: Author of book and lyrics (with Maurice Teitelbaum), Hooray! It's a Glorious Day . . . and All That, Theatre Four, 1966. One of the All Time Greats, Nyack, NY, 1972, then Vineyard Theatre, New York City, 1992. Price of Fame, 1990. Screenplays: (With Jeffrey Bloom) / / Harrowhouse (adapted from the novel of the same title; also known as Anything for Love and Fast Fortune), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1974. Movers and Shakers, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1985. Television Specials: (With others) The Paul Simon Special, NBC, 1977. Love, Sex . . . and Marriage, ABC, 1983. Also wrote a television special for Mario Thomas. Television Episodes: Writer for episodes of Candid Camera. Autobiography: It Would Be So Nice If You Weren't Here, 1989. Children's Books: Freddie the Fly, 1993. Nonfiction: How Can I Get through Life: A Wise and Witty Guide, 1992. We're Ready for You, Mr. Grodin, 1994. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Esquire, January, 1994, p. 76.

Career: Cinematographer and camera operator. Camera assistant, Fox, c. mid-1920s, then Famous-Players-Lasky, late 1920s; cinematographer, 1944-71. Awards, Honors: Academy Award, best cinematography—black & white, 1953, for From Here to Eternity; Academy Award nomination, best cinematography—black & white, 1956, for The Harder They Fall; Academy Award nomination, best cinematography—black & white, 1962, for Bird Man ofAlcatraz; Academy Award nomination, best cinematography—black & white, 1965, for King Rat; Academy Award, best cinematography, 1967, for Bonnie & Clyde. CREDITS Film Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated: Additional photographer, The Iron Horse, 1924. (Uncredited) Camera operator, The Conquerors (also known as Pioneer Builders), 1932. Cameraman, Clive of India, 1935. Cameraman, The Informer, 1935. Cameraman, Framed, 1939. Camera operator, Foreign Correspondent, 1940. Cameraman, That Hamilton Woman, 1941. Cameraman, Cover Girl, 1944. Sailor's Holiday, 1944. The Soul of a Monster, 1944. U Boat Prisoner, 1944. Kansas City Kitty, 1944. The Unwritten Code, 1944. Tahiti Nights, 1944. EadieWasa Lady, 1945. / Love a Mystery, 1945. Eve Knew Her Apples, 1945. The Fighting Guardsman, 1945. Blonde from Brooklyn, 1945. The Gay Senorita, 1945. The Girl of the Limberlost, 1945. My Name is ]ulia Ross, 1945. Meet Me on Broadway, 1946.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 The Notorious Lone Wolf, 1946. A Close Call for Boston Blackie, 1946. Night Editor (also known as The Trespasser), 1946. Gallant Journey, 1946. So Dark the Night, 1946. Johnny O'Clock, 1947. Framed (also known as Paula), 1947. To the Ends of the Earth, 1948. The Sign of the Ram, 1948. The Gallant Blade, 1948. Knock on Any Door, 1949. The Undercover Man, 1949. The Reckless Moment, 1949. And Baby Makes Three, 1949. All the King's Men, Columbia, 1950. Father Is a Bachelor, 1950. Convicted, 1950. In a Lonely Place, 1950. Emergency Wedding (also known as Jealousy), 1950. Sirocco, 1951. Two of a Kind, 1951. The Family Secret, 1951. Scandal Sheet (also known as The Dark Page), 1951. Second unit cinematographer, Boots Malone, 1951. The Sniper, 1952. Assignment: Paris, 1952. From Here to Eternity, Columbia, 1953. The Last Posse, Columbia, 1953. Human Desire, Columbia, 1954. Private Hell 36, 1954. The Bamboo Prison, 1954. The Violent Men (also known as Rough Company), Columbia, 1954. Tight Spot, Columbia, 1955. Count Three and Pray, Columbia, 1955. Three Stripes in the Sun (also known as The Gentleman Sergeant), 1955. Battle Stations, 1955. The Harder They Fall, Columbia, 1956. Storm Center, Columbia, 1956. Nightfall, Columbia, 1956. The Strange One (also known as End as a Man), Columbia, 1957. The Brothers Rico, Columbia, 1957. Decision at Sundown, Columbia, 1957. The True Story of Lynn Stuart, Columbia, 1958. Screaming Mimi, 1958. Me and the Colonel, Columbia, 1958. Cidget, Columbia, 1959. They Came to Cordura, Columbia, 1959. Edge of Eternity, Columbia, 1959. Let No Man Write My Epitaph, Columbia, 1959. Hell to Eternity, Allied Artists, 1960. The Mountain Road, Columbia, 1960.

GUTTENBERG • 137 Cry for Happy, Columbia, 1961. Homicidal, Columbia, 1961. Mr. Sardonicus (also known as Sardonicus), 1961. Birdman of Alcatraz, United Artists, 1962. Kid Galahad, United Artists, 1962. Second unit photographer, Four for Texas, 1963. Flight from Ashiya, United Artists, 1964. Good Neighbor Sam, Columbia, 1964. King Rat, Columbia, 1965. The Silencers, Columbia, 1966. How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (also known as How to Succeed in Business...), United Artists, 1966. Bonnie and Clyde, Warner Bros., 1967. The Ambushers, Columbia, 1967. The Split, 1968. Where It's At, United Artists, 1969. The Learning Tree, Warner Bros., 1969. Some Kind of a Nut, United Artists, 1969. The Madwoman of Chaillot, Warner Bros., 1969. Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came? (also known as War Games), Cinerama, 1969. Halls of Anger, United Artists, 1970. TheSteagle, 1970. The Great White Hope, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1970. Television Cinematographer; Movies: Not One Shall Die, 1957. WRITINGS Peridoicals: Contributor to American Cinematography.*

GUTTENBERG, Steve 1958PERSONAL Full name, Steven Guttenberg; born August 24,1958, in Brooklyn (some sources say Massapequa), NY; son of Jerome Stanley (an electrical engineer) and Ann Iris (a surgical assistant; maiden name, Newman) Guttenberg; married Denise Bixler, 1988 (divorced 1992). Education: Graduated from High School for the Performing Arts, New York City; attended State University of New York at Albany and Albany State University; graduate of University of California, Los Angeles; studied acting with John Houseman at Juilliard School, and with Uta Hagen and Lee Strasberg. Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212-2704.

138 •


Career: Actor, director, and producer. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) David Kessler, The Chicken Chronicles, Avco Embassy, 1977. (Uncredited) Federal agent number three, Rollercoaster, Universal, 1977. (As Steven Guttenberg) Barry Kohler, The Boys from Brazil, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1978. Rusty, Players, Paramount, 1979. Jack Morel I, Can't 5top the Music, Associated Film Distribution, 1980. Eddie Simmons, Diner, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1982. Sam Cooper, The Man Who Wasn't There, Paramount, 1983. Cadet Carey Mahoney, Po//ce Academy, Warner Bros., 1984. Carey Mahoney, Po//ce /Academy 2: Their First Assignment, Warner Bros., 1985. Jack Bonner, Cocoon, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1985. Jeff Marx, Bad Medicine, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1985. Newton Crosby, Short Circuit, TriStar, 1985. Sgt. Carey Mahoney, Police Academy 3: Back in Training, Warner Bros., 1986. Marty Caesar, Surrender, Cannon, 1987. Terry Lambert, The Bedroom Window, De Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1987. Sgt. Carey Mahoney, Po//ce /Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol, Warner Bros., 1987. Michael Kellam, Three Men and a Baby, Buena Vista, 1987. Jerry, Amazon Women on the Moon (also known as Cheeseburger Film Sandwich), Universal, 1987. Jack Bonner, Cocoon: The Return, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1988. Jack, High Spirits, TriStar, 1988. Michael Kellam, Three Men and a Little Lady, Buena Vista, 1990. Gus Kubicek, Don't Tell Her It's Me (also known as The Boyfriend School), Hemdale, 1990. Himself, The Magical World of Chuck Jones (documentary), Warner Bros., 1992. Walter Wedman, Home for the Holidays, Paramount, 1995. Sheriff, The Big Green, Buena Vista, 1995. Roger Callaway, It Takes Two (also known as Me and My Shadow, Double Trouble, and Tradezees), Warner Bros., 1995. Terry, Zeus and Roxanne, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1997.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Matt Strieker, Overdrive, Concorde Pictures, 1997. Tim Carson, Casper: The Beginning, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Bill McNeil, Airborne, 1998. Love and Fear, 1999. Film Work: Production associate, Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol, Warner Bros., 1987. Television Appearances; Series: Billy Fisher, Billy, CBS, 1979. Roger, No Soap, Radio, ABC, 1982. Television Appearances; Movies: (Television debut) Mike Cappelletti, Something for joey, CBS, 1977. Harold Krents, To Race the Wind, CBS, 1980. Jim Craig, Miracle on Ice, ABC, 1981. Stephen Klein, The Day After, ABC, 1983. Buzzy, Tower of Terror, ABC, 1997. Television Appearances; Specials:

Title role, Pecos Bill: King of the Cowboys, Showtime, 1986. The 58th Annual Academy Awards Presentation, 1986. A Star Spangled Celebration, 1987. A User's Guide to Planet Earth: The American Environment Test, ABC, 1991. The 45th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1991. Host, The 48th Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1991. Tom Hardgrove, "Love Off Limits'' (also known as "Off Limits"), CBS Schoolbreak Special, CBS, 1993. Earth Day at Walt Disney World, Disney Channel, 1996. Family Film Awards, CBS, 1996. The 1997 ESPY Awards, ABC, 1997. The Walt Disney Company Presents the 8th American Teacher Awards, Disney Channel, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Storytime, PBS, 1994. Also appeared in episodes of Doc, CBS; Po//ce Story, NBC. Television Work; Specials: Executive producer, "Gangs," CBS Schoolbreak Special, CBS, 1988. Director, "Love Off Limits" (also known as "Off Limits"), CBS Schoolbreak Special, CBS, 1993.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Stage Appearances: (Broadway debut) Peter, Prelude to a Kiss, Helen Hayes Theatre, New York City, 1991. Also appeared in The Boys Next Door, Camelot Theatre, London, England. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, March 27,1994, p. 80. Movieline, November, 1995, pp. 59, 61-2, 84, 95.*



HAAS, Lukas 1976PERSONAL Born April 16, 1976, in Los Angeles (some sources say West Hollywood), CA; son of Berthold Haas (an artist) and Emily Tracy (a television writer). Career: Actor and musician. The Rogues (band), drummer and pianist; Bunny (band), musician.

Russell, In Quiet Night, 1998. Kiss & Jell, 1999. Bunny Hoover, Breakfast of Champions, Buena Vista, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Bobby Loeb, Love Thy Neighbor, ABC, 1984. Brian Mollencamp, Shattered Spirits, ABC, 1986. Title role, The Ryan White Story, ABC, 1989. Ben Blair, The Perfect Tribute, ABC, 1991. David, Oprah Winfrey Presents: David and Lisa, ABC, 1998.

CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Scottie Wetherly, Testament, Paramount, 1983. Samuel Lapp, Witness, Paramount, 1985. Daniel, Solarbabies (also known as Solar Warriors), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1986. Frankie Scarlatti, Lady in White, New Century/Vista, 1988. Wendall Oler, The Wizard of Loneliness, Skouras, 1988. Petey Goodwin, See You in the Morning, Warner Bros., 1989. Mikey Talbot, Music Box, TriStar, 1990. Horace Robedaux, Convicts, Management Company Entertainment Group, 1990. Buddy Hillyer, Rambling Rose, Seven Arts, 1991. Boyd, Leap of Faith, Paramount, 1992. Alan DruckerSilverman, Alan and Naomi, Triton Pictures, 1992. Rod Elliot, Warrior Spirit, Vidmark, 1994. John Baker, Jr., Boys, Buena Vista, 1996. Scott, Everyone Says / Love You, Miramax, 1996. Donner, Johns, First Look Pictures, 1996. Richie Morris, Mars Attacks!, Warner Bros., 1996. (Scenes deleted) Newcomer, The Thin Red Line, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Brian Globe, "Ghosttrain," Amazing Stories, NBC, 1985. Mike, "What Are Friends For?/' Twilight Zone, CBS, 1986. "The Doctor/' Shortstories, 1988. Also appeared in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. Television Appearances; Pilots: Luke, Brothers-in-law, ABC, 1985. Television Appearances; Specials: Mike Sanders, My Dissident Mom, CBS, 1987. Charlie Williams, A Place at the Table, NBC, 1988. Davy Cooper, "Peacemaker" (also known as "Triple Play II"), American Playhouse, PBS, 1991. Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Boy, Waiting for Godot, Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre, New York City, 1988. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Movieline, March, 1995. Texas Monthly, April 1996, p. 66.*

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

HANNAN • 141 Max, Never Too Late, Allegro Distribution, 1997. Fever Lake, Showcase Entertainment, 1997.

HAIM, Corey 1971PERSONAL Born December 23, 1971, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada; son of Judy and Bernie Haim. Addresses: Agent—McLennan Schur Entertainment, Ltd., P.O. Box 383, 1195 Davie St., Vancouver, BC V6E 1N2 Canada. Career: Actor and producer. Appeared in television commercials, beginning at the age of ten.

Film Work: Associate producer, Fast Getaway, RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video, 1991. Associate producer, Life 101, 1995. Executive producer, Demolition High, Astra Cinema, 1996. Television Appearances; Series: Matthew Wiggins, Roomies, NBC, 1987. Television Appearances; Episodic: Larry, The Edison Twins, 1982.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Brian Livingston, Firstborn, Paramount, 1984. Jake Moriarty, Murphy's Romance, Columbia, 1985. Jeff, Secret Admirer, Orion, 1985. Marty Coslaw, Stephen King's Silver Bullet, Paramount, 1985. Title role (Lucas Blye), Lucas, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. Sam Emerson, The Lost Boys, Warner Bros., 1987. Les, License to Drive, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1988. Travis, Watchers, Universal, 1988. Dinger, Dream a Little Dream, Vestron, 1989. Nelson Potter, Fast Getaway, RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video, 1991. Chris Griffin, Prayer of the Rollerboys, Academy, 1991. Barry Davis, The Dream Machine, Live Home Video, 1991. Eric, Oh, What a Night, New Line Home Video, 1992. Rich, Blown Away, 1992. Chris Calder/Chrissy Calder, Anything for Love (also known as just One of the Girls), 1992. Lance Elliot, The Double O Kid, Prism Entertainment, 1993. Nelson Potter, Fast Getaway II, Live Home Video, 1994. Dave, National Lampoon's Last Resort (also known as National Lampoon's Scuba School), Rose & Ruby, 1994. Dinger Holfield, Dream a Little Dream 2, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1995. Ramsey Blake, Life 101, 1995. Chris Barry, Snowboard Academy, Columbia, 1996. Shooter on the Side, 1996. Albert, Fever Lake, 1996. Clifford, Busted, P.M. Entertainment, 1996. Lenny Slater, Demolition High, Astra Cinema, 1996. Tales from the Crypt: Bordello of Blood, 1996.

Also appeared as research project intern, "The Egress/' Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal. Television Appearances; Movies: Peter Weisman, A Time to Live, NBC, 1985. Rich, Blown Away, HBO, 1993. Chris/Chrissy Calder, Just One of the Girls (also known as Boys Will Be Girls), Fox, 1993. Lenny, Demolition University, Showtime, 1997. Television Work; Movies: Executive producer, Demolition University, Showtime, 1997. RECORDINGS Videos: Corey Haim: Me, Myself, and I, Twin Tower, 1989. Video Games: Double Switch, Sega Genesis, 1993. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People, August 8, 1988, p. 105. Premiere, September, 1994, pp. 47-48, 51. Teen Magazine, February, 1990, p. 33.*

HANNAN, Mary Claire PERSONAL Born in San Francisco, CA. Education: Graduated from The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising; studied French at the Universite de la Sorbonne.

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Career: Costume designer, wardrobe assistant, and set costumer. Also worked on commercials.

ducer); married Clint Black (a country singer), October 20, 1991. Education: Graduated from High School of Performing Arts.

CREDITS Film Costume Designer, Except Where Indicated: (Unknown position) Heart Condition, 1990. (Unknown position) Darkman, 1990. Costume supervisor and assistant costume designer, Reservoir Dogs, Miramax, 1992. Set costumer, The Adventures of Huck Finn, Buena Vista, 1992. Wardrobe assistant, Gunmen, 1994. Assistant costume designer, Pulp Fiction, 1994. Killing Zoe, October Films, 1994. "The Wrong Man" and "The Man from Hollywood/' Four Rooms, Miramax, 1995. Bio-Dome, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1996. Celtic Pride, Buena Vista, 1996. Beverly Hills Ninja, Columbia TriStar, 1997. Jackie Brown, Miramax, 1997. Hurlyburly, Fine Line Features, 1998. Urban Legend (also known as Mixed Culture and Urban Legends), Columbia TriStar, 1998. Music from Another Room, 1998. Shiny New Enemies, 2000. Television Costume Designer; Movies: Full Eclipse, HBO, 1993. A Friend to Die For (also known as Death of a Cheerleader), NBC, 1994. Also worked ascostumerto Lauren Bacall, Dinner at Eight. RECORDINGS Music Videos: Worked as costume designer for music videos such as Michael Jackson's "Who Is It?"*


HARTMAN BLACK, Lisa (Lisa Hartman)


Addresses: /Agent—Nevin Dolcefino, Innovative Artists, 1999 Avenue of the Stars #2850, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Actress, singer, and producer. Previously a nightclub performer. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Tabitha Stevens, Tabitha, ABC, 1977-78. Ciji Dunne, Knots Landing, CBS, 1982-83. Kate Flannery, High Performance, ABC, 1983. Cathy Geary, Knots Landing, CBS, 1983-86. Jade O'Keefe, 2000 Malibu Road, CBS, 1992. Television Appearances; Movies: Stewardess, Murder at the World Series (also known as The Woman in Box 359), ABC, 1977. Crystal, Where the Ladies Go, ABC, 1980. Nikki, Gridlock (also known as The Great American Traffic Jam), NBC, 1980. Crystal Kramer, Valentine Magic on Love Island (also known as Magic on Love Island), NBC, 1980. Amanda Rider, Beverly Hills Cowgirl Blues, CBS, 1985. Peggy, "Student Exchange/' Disney Sunday Movie, ABC, 1987. Sarah Dutton, Full Exposure: The Sex Tapes Scandal, ABC, 1989. Laura Parks, The Operation (also known as Bodily Harm), CBS, 1990. Sally Delaney, The Take, USA, 1990. Susan, Fire! Trapped on the 37th Floor, ABC, 1991. Linda Fletcher, Not of This World, CBS, 1991. Madeline Whitfield, The Return of Eliot Ness, 1991. Kristine Morrow, Red Wind, 1991. Sydney, Bare Essentials, CBS, 1991. Laurie Samuels, Without a Kiss Goodbye (also known as Fa/se/yA:cusedand The Laurie Samuels Story), 1993. Ivy and Grace, Search for Grace, 1994. Cory Maddox, Someone Else's Child (also known as Lost and Found), 1994. Lael Pritcher, Have You Seen My Son, ABC, 1996. Lauren Carlton, Out of Nowhere, ABC, 1997. Ponder Favor, Still Holding On: The Legend of Cadi I lac Jack, CBS, 1998.

PERSONAL Born June 1, 1956, in Houston, TX; father, an actor and singer; mother's name Jonni (a television pro-

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Neeley O'Hara, Jacqueline Susann's "Valley of the Do//s,"CBS, 1981.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Autumn McAvan Norton, Roses Are for the Rich, CBS, 1987. Juanita "jazz" Kilkullen, Judith Krantz's "Dazzle," CBS, 1995. Television Appearances; Pilots: Tabltha Stevens, Tabitha, ABC, 1977. Host, The Lisa Hartman Show, ABC, 1979. Darcy Winfield/Marie Winfield, Scared Silly, ABC, 1982. Television Appearances; Specials: Hollywood Foreign Press Association's 35th Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 1978. Night of 100 Stars II, ABC, 1985. Host, Miss Teen USA, CBS, 1985. American Video Awards, ABC, 1985. The 12th Annual People's Choice Awards, CBS, 1986. Hollywood Women, syndicated, 1988. The Magic of David Copperfield X: The Bermuda Triangle, CBS, 1988. The 9th Annual Emmy Awards for Sports, syndicated, 1988. The 24th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards, NBC, 1989. Dr. Lori Forman, "Double Identity/' Perfect Crimes, 1991. The 26th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards, 1991. Presenter, The 19th Annual American Music Awards, ABC, 1992. Presenter, The 27th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards, NBC, 1992. The Andy Griffith Show Reunion, CBS, 1993. Host, America Comes to Grace/and, 1993. Host, Elvis: His Life and Times, 1993. In a New Light '93, 1993. Knots Landing Block Party, 1993. The 28th Academy of Country Music Awards, 1993. People's 20th Birthday, ABC, 1994. The 29th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards, 1994. The American Music Awards, 1994. Host, Universal Studios Summer Blast, 1994. The Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, 1995. Exclusively Lseza: Straight from the Heart, TNN, 1996. The 32nd Annual Academy of Country Music Awards, 1997. The 33rd Annual Academy of Country Music Awards, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Toni Hazelton, The Waltons, CBS, 1972. Diana Payne, "Shadow On a Star/' Vega$, 1979.

HEADLY • 143

Kate Flannery, a martial-arts expert, High Performance, 1983. On Stage America, syndicated, 1984. "Her Finest Hour/' The Hitchhiker, 1987. Shelby Russell, "The Ambassador: Parts 1 and 2," Matlock, NBC, 1988. Dr. Lori Forman, "Double Identity/' Perfect Crimes, 1991. Guest, Regis and Kathie Lee, syndicated, 1997. Also appeared in "Night Of," Police Woman; The Love Boat Television Work: Theme song performer, Tabitha (series), ABC, 1977-78. Theme song performer, Tabitha (pilot), ABC, 1977. Theme song performer, The Lisa Hartman Show (special), ABC, 1979. Producer, Have You Seen My Son? (movies), 1996. Executive producer, Still Holding On: The Legend of Cadillac Jack, CBS, 1998. Film Appearances: Just Tell Me You Love Me, Maui Productions, 1979. Faith, Deadly Blessing, United Artists, 1981. Julie, Tell Me That You Love Me, 1983. Jennie, Where the Boys Are (also known as Where the Boys Are '84), TriStar, 1984. Liza, Seventeenth Bride (also known as The Bride), 1985. Navy Sea/s, 1990. Film Work: Song performer, Where the Boys Are, 1984. Song performer, Navy 5ea/s, 1990. RECORDINGS Albums: Lisa Hartman, CBS/Kirshner, 1977. Hold On, I'm Comin' 1979. Letterock, RCA, 1982. Til My Heart Stops, 1988.

HEADLY, Glenne1955(?)PERSONAL Full name, Glenne Aimee Headly; born March 13, 1955 (some sources say 1957), in New London, CT; married John Malkovich (an actor and director), August 2, 1982 (divorced); married Byron McCulloch

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

144 • HEADLY (a musican and metal worker; divorced); children: (second marriage) one. Education: Graduated from High School of the Performing Arts, New York City, and from American College of Switzerland; trained for the stage at Herbert Berghof Studios. Avocational interests: Shopping. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actress and playwright. Steppenwolf Theatre Company and St. Nicholas New Works Ensemble, both Chicago, IL, member of company. Worked as waitress at TriBeCa. Participant in wildlife causes and studies. Member: Greenpeace, American Farmland Trust, Defenders of Wildlife, Save-the-Redwoods League. Awards, Honors: Theatre World Award, 1984, for The Philanthropist; shared Drama Desk Award, best ensemble acting, 1984, for Balm in Cilead; Emmy Award nomination, 1989, for Lonesome Dove; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding supporting actress in a miniseries or special, 1997, for Bastard Out of Carolina; four Joseph Jefferson Awards, for the Steppenwolf Theatre Company productions Say Goodnight Cracie, Balm in Cilead, The Miss Firecracker Contest, and Coyote Ugly. CREDITS Stage Appearances: Emma, Curse of the Starving Class, Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL, 1979. Laura Wingfield, The Class Menagerie, North Light Repertory Theatre, Evanston, IL, 1982. (Off-Broadway debut) Terry, Extremities, Westside Arts Center, Cheryl Crawford Theatre, New York City, 1983. Celia, The Philanthropist, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1983. Ann, Balm in Cilead, Steppenwolf Theatre Company, Chicago, then Circle Repertory Theatre, New York City, both 1984, later Minetta Lane Theatre, New York City, 1984-85. Raina Petkoff, Arms and the Man, Circle in the Square, New York City, 1985. Billie Dawn, Born Yesterday, Steppenwolf Theatre Company, 1988. Appeared in Say Goodnight Grade, The Miss Firecracker Contest, Coyote Ugly, and Loose Ends, all with Steppenwolf Theatre Company; also appeared in The Diary of Anne Frank and Charley's Aunt.

Stage Work: Director of Canadian Gothic. Film Appearances: Lola, Four Friends (also known as Georgia's Friends), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1981. Miss Debbylike, Doctor Detroit, Universal, 1983. Joan, Eleni, Warner Bros., 1985. Treil (The Wedding), Fandango, Warner Bros., 1985. Hooker, The Purple Rose of Cairo, Orion, 1985. Olive, Seize the Day, 1986. Trish, Making Mr. Right, Orion, 1987. Renee Lomax, Nadine, TriStar, 1987. Kate—Mother, Paperhouse, Vestron, 1988. Janet Colgate, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Orion, 1988. Cora Gage, 5tars and Bars, Columbia, 1988. Tess Trueheart, Dick Tracy, Touchstone, 1990. Joyce Urbanski, Mortal Thoughts, Columbia, 1991. Adele Ratignolle, Grand Isle, 1991. Charlotte, Ordinary Magic (also known as Ganesh), 1993. Theresa, Getting Even with Dad, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1994. Iris Holland, Mr. Holland's Opus, Buena Vista, 1995. Susan Parish, 2 Days in the Valley, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1996. Rita Robbins, 5gt. Bilko (also known as Sergeant Bilko), Universal, 1996. (Uncredited) Barmaid, The X-Files (also known as The X-Files: The Movie), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998. Voice of Zootie, Babe: Pig in the City, Universal, 1998. Francine Pefko, Breakfast of Champions, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Dr. Abby Keaton, ER, NBC, 1996-97. Francesca Pinoni, Encore/ Encore!, NBC, 1998-99. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Elmira Johnson, Lonesome Dove, CBS, 1989. Television Appearances; Movies: Say Goodnight, Grade, 1983. Adele Ratignolle, Grand Isle (also known as The Awakening), TNT, 1992. Dr.MaryGuina^/AndtheEandP/ayedOn, HBO, 1993. Ruth, Bastard Out of Carolina, Showtime, 1996. Doris Patton, Pronto, 1997. Dallas Wayne, Winchell, HBO, 1998. Vickie Talley, My Own Country, Showtime, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: Olive, "Seize the Day/' Great Performances, PBS, 1987.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Voice, Santabear's Highflying Adventure (animated), CBS, 1987. Labor of Love: The Making of "Bastard Out of Carolina," Lifetime, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: Darlene, "Tricks," Hotel Room, HBO, 1993. Gretchen (guest caller), "An Affair to Forget," Frasier, NBC, 1993.

HERSHEY • 1 4 5

Television Appearances; Specials: Host, Hollywood Clamour Girls, E! Entertainment Television, 1998.*

HERSHEY, Barbara 1948(Barbara Seagull) PERSONAL

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: New York, February 20, 1989, pp. 46, 48, 50, 53, 54. New York Times, November 4, 1998. People Weekly, November 11, 1996, p. 1 74.*



PERSONAL Born August 15,1974, in Springfield, Newfoundland, Canada.

Born Barbara Herzstein, February 5, 1948, in Hollywood, CA; daughter of William H. (a horse racing columnist) Herzstein; lived with David Carradine (an actor), 1969-75; married Stephen Douglas (an artist), 1992 (divorced, 1995); children: (with Carradine) Tom (name legally changed from Free). Education: Attended public high school in Hollywood, CA. Avocational interests: Gardening, drawing, cooking, playing flute and piano. Addresses: /Agent— Kevin Huvane, Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA902121804. Career: Actress.

Addresses: /Agent—William Morris Agency, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019. Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Sil, Species, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1995. Delon, Adrenaline: Fear the Rush, Dimension/ Miramax, 1996. Alex, Maximum Risk, Columbia/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1996. Bella Donna, 1998. Eve, Species II, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1998. StandOff, Trimark, 1998. Lorna, Dog Park, 1999. Mimi, Bounce, Miramax, 2000. Cynthia, The Whole Nine Yards, Warner Bros., 2000. A Better Way to Die, 2000. Television Appearances; Episodic: Emma, "Bits of Love," The Outer Limits, Showtime and syndicated, 1995. Zima, Homeboys in Outer Space, UPN, 1996. Voice of Ms. Ellen, South Park (animated), Comedy Central, 1997.

Awards, Honors: Golden Palm Award, Cannes International Film Festival, best actress in a full-length film, 1987, for Shy People; Golden Palm Award, Cannes International Film Festival, best actress in a full-length film, 1988, for A World Apart; Emmy Award, outstanding lead actress in a miniseries or special, 1990, Golden Globe Award, best actress in a miniseries or motion picture made for television, 1991, both for A Killing in a Small Town; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actress in a miniseries or special, 1991, for Paris Trout; Academy Award nomination and Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actress, 1996, both for Portrait of a Lady. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut; as Barbara Seagull) Stacey Iverson, With Six You Get Eggroll (also known as A Man in Mommy's Bed), National General Pictures, 1968. Leloopa, Heaven with a Gun, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1969. Sandy, Last Summer, Allied Artists, 1969. Tish Gray, The Baby Maker, National General, 1970. Nella Mundine, The Liberation ofL. B. Jones, Columbia, 1970.


Susan, Dealing; or, The Berkeley-to-Boston Forty-Brick Lost-Bag Blues, Warner Bros., 1971. Jane Kauffman, The Pursuit of Happiness, Columbia, 1971. Title role, Boxcar Bertha, American International, 1972. (As Barbara Seagull) Zanni, The Crazy World of Julius Vrooder (also known as Vrooder's Hooch), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1974. (As Barbara Seagull) Angela, Angela: Love Comes Quietly, 1974. (As Barbara Seagull) You and Me, 1975. (As Barbara Seagull) Sally, Diamonds, Avco Embassy, 1975. Marion, Dirty Knights Work (also known as Trial by Combat and Choice of /Arms), Warner Bros., 1976. Susan Burgade, The Last Hard Men, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1976. Nina Franklin, The Stunt Man, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1980. Girl, Americana, Sherwood, 1981. J. M. Halstead, Take This Job and Shove It, Avco Embassy, 1981. Carla Moran, The Entity, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1982. Glennis Yeager, The Right Stuff, Warner Bros., 1983. Harriet Bird, The Natural, TriStar, 1984. Lee, Hannah and Her Sisters, Orion, 1986. Myra Fleener, Hoosiers, Orion, 1986. Ruth Sullivan, Shy People, Cannon, 1987. Nora Tilley, Tin Men, Buena Vista, 1987. Mary Magdalene, The Last Temptation of Christ, Universal, 1988. Hillary Whitney Essex, Beaches, Touchstone, 1988. Diana Roth, A World Apart, Atlantic, 1988. Aunt Julia, Tune In Tomorrow, Cinecom, 1990. T. K. Katwuller, Defenseless, Seven Arts, 1991. Kay Levitz, The Public Eye, 1992. Frances, A Dangerous Woman, Gramercy, 1993. Beth, Falling Down, Warner Bros., 1993. Duchess Lucinda, Splitting Heirs, Universal, 1993. Frau Miller, Swing Kids, Buena Vista, 1993. Professor Lillian Sloan, Last of the Dogmen, Savoy Pictures, 1995. Ruth Abernathy, The Pallbearer, Miramax, 1996. Madame Serena Merle, The Portrait of a Lady, Gramercy, 1996. Macella Willis, A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries, October Films, 1998. Eva, Frogs for Snakes, The Shooting Gallery International, 1998. Celia Hoover, Breakfast of Champions, Buena Vista, 1999. Rose, Passion, 1999.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Movies: Mary Cutler, Flood, NBC, 1976. Ellen Lange, In the Glitter Palace, NBC, 1977. Nikki Klausing, Just a Little Inconvenience, NBC, 1977. Cody, Sunshine Christmas, NBC, 1977. Madelaine, A Man Called Intrepid, NBC, 1979. Julie, Angel on My Shoulder, ABC, 1980. Lili Damita, My Wicked Ways .. . The Legend of Errol Flynn, CBS, 1985. Julia Maitland, Passion Flower, CBS, 1986. Candy Morrison, A Killing in a Small Town (also known as Evidence of Love), CBS, 1990. Hanna Trout, Paris Trout (also known as Rage), Showtime, 1991. Jimmie Sue Finger, Stay the Night, ABC, 1992. Mother Madalyn, The Staircase, 1998. Television Appearances; Series: Kathleen Monroe, The Monroes, ABC, 1966-67. Karen Holmes, From Here to Eternity, NBC, 1980. Dr. Francesca Alberghetti, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1999-. Television Appearances; Episodic: Betty, "Chivalry Is Not Dead/' Gidget, ABC, 1965. "The Rise and Fall of Steven Morley," The Farmer's Daughter, ABC, 1966. Betty, "Love and the Single Gidget/' Cidget, ABC, 1966. Betty, "Ask Helpful Hannah/' Gidget, ABC, 1966. Martha's daughter, "Holloway's Daughters," Bob Hope Chrysler Theater, NBC, 1966. "The King's Shilling," Daniel Boone, NBC, 1967. "Sara Jane, You Never Whispered Again," Run for Your Life, NBC, 1968. "The Miracle," The Invaders, ABC, 1968. "The Peace Maker," High Chaparral, NBC, 1968. "Secrets," CBS Playhouse, CBS, 1968. Love Story, 1973. "Besieged: Death on Cold Mountain," KungFu, ABC, 1974. "Besieged: Cannon at the Gate," KungFu, ABC, 1974. "Three Blonde Mice," Switch, CBS, 1978. "Weekend," American Playhouse, PBS, 1982. "The Nightingale," Faerie Tale Theater, Showtime, 1983. "Wake Me When I'm Dead" (also known as "Murder Me Twice"), Alfred Hitchcock Presents, NBC, 1985. The Today Show, NBC, 1988. Entertainment Tonight, syndicated, 1988. "Martin Scorsese Directs" (documentary), American Masters, PBS, 1990.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Specials: Working, Showtime, 1981. Lenore, Weekend, 1982. Chaplin on Film, Bravo, 1989. Larry King TNT Extra (also known as The Larry King Special. . . Inside Hollywood), TNT, 1991. Narrator, Lost Kingdoms of the Maya, PBS, 1993. Narrator, Intimate Portrait: Bette Midler, Lifetime, 1997.

MINGLE • 147 Television Appearances; Series: Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan, Farscape, Sci-Fi Channel, 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Young woman, Mussolini: The Untold Story, NBC, 1985. Television Appearances; Episodic: Alison Mitchell, Dolphin Cove, CBS, 1989. Queen Una, Roar, Fox, 1997.*

Television Appearances; Pilots: Guest, Twilight Theater II, NBC, 1982. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 61st Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1989. Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, UPN, 1997. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Clara Allen, Return to Lonesome Dove, CBS, 1993. Sarah, Abraham, TNT, 1994. Stage Appearances: Appeared in Einstein and the Polar Bear, Broadway production, 1981. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Week/y, March 14, 1997, p. 51. New York Times, March 29, 1987.*

HEY, Virginia PERSONAL Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Warrior woman, The Road Warrior, Warner Bros., 1981. Girlfriend, Norman Loves Rose, Atlantic, 1982. Beautician, The Return of Captain Invincible, Jensen Farley Pictures, 1983. Janice, Castaway, Cannon Screen Entertainment, 1986. Diane, Pathos, Duet Entertainment, 1987. Rubavitch, The Living Daylights, United Artists, 1987. Bullets Down Under, 1995.

HINGLE, Pat 1923(?)PERSONAL Full name, Martin Patterson Mingle; born July 19, 1923 (some sources say 1924), in Miami, FL (some sources say Denver, CO); son of Clarence Martin (a building contractor) and Marvin Louise (a schoolteacher and musician; maiden name, Patterson) Mingle; married Alyce Faye Dorsey, June 3, 1947 (divorced); married Julia Wright, October 25, 1979; children: (first marriage) Jody, Billy, Molly. Education: University of Texas, B.F.A., 1949; trained for the stage at American Theatre Wing, 1949-50, with Uta Hagen at Herbert Berghof Studios, and at Actors' Studio; studied voice with Albert Malver. Addresses: /Agent—The Blake Agency, 1333 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90401. Career: Actor and producer. Actors' Studio, New York City, member, beginning in 1952; performed at the White House, 1965, and Library of Congress, 1984; McCarter Theatre Company, Princeton, NJ, stage director, 1977-78; appeared as Thomas Edison in television commercials for General Electric. Also worked as a waiter, laborer, and construction worker. Military service: U.S. Naval Reserve, active duty, 1941-46, 1951-52; served in Pacific theatre and Korea. Member: Actors' Equity Association, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Screen Actors Guild. Awards, Honors: Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best supporting or featured actor, 1958, for The Dark at the Top of the Stairs; honorary D. Humanities degree, Otterbein College, 1974; Clio Award for his portrayal of Thomas Edison in General Electric television commercials.

148 • MINGLE

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CREDITS

Film Appearances: (Film debut; uncredited) Bartender, On the Waterfront, Columbia, 1954. The Long Cray Line, Paramount (some sources say Columbia), 1955. Herman Kreitzer, No Down Payment, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1957. Harold Knoble, The Strange One (also known as End as a Man), Columbia, 1957. Narrator, Wild River, 1960. Ace Stamper, Splendor in the Grass, Warner Bros., 1961. Ralph, All the Way Home, Paramount, 1963. Homer Atkins, The Ugly American, Universal, 1963. Sam Brewster, Invitation to a Gunfighter, United Artists, 1964. Narrator, A Texas Romance, 1909 (short), Janus, 1965. Big Foot, Nevada Smith, Paramount, 1966. Judge Adam Fenton, Hang 'em High, United Artists, 1968. Lew Haley, Jigsaw, Universal, 1968. Harry Mitchell, Sol Madrid (also known as The Heroin Gang), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1968. Sam Pendlebury, Bloody Mama, American International, 1970. Grady Fring, Norwood, Paramount, 1970. Bingamon, WUSA, Paramount, 1970. Captain Pearson, The Carey Treatment (also known as Emergency Ward), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1972. Eli, Happy as the Grass Was Green (also known as The Grass was Green, Hazel's People and A People's Place), Martin, 1973. Captain Stewart, One Little Indian, Buena Vista, 1973. Henry Binghamton, Nightmare Honeymoon (also known as Deadly Honeymoon), Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1973. Quentin Hogue, RunningWild, Golden Circle, 1973. Lieutenant Novik, The Super Cops, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1974. John Adams, Independence, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1975. Deliver Us from Evil, Dimension, 1975. Josephson, The Gauntlet, Warner Bros., 1977. Vernon, Norma Rae, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1979. Narrator, America Lost and Found (documentary), American Portrait Unit, Media Study/Buffalo, 1979. Lyle Striker, When You Com in' Back, Red Ryder?, Columbia, 1979. Ed Reese, Going Berserk, Universal, 1983. Coach Easton, Running Brave, Buena Vista, 1983.

Chief Jannings, Sudden Impact, Warner Bros., 1983. Frank Boda, The Act (also known as Bless 'em All), Film Ventures, 1984. Edward Roundfield, Brewster's Millions, Universal, 1985. Mr. Boyce, The Falcon and the Snowman, Orion, 1985. Oscar Milstone, In 'n' Out (also known as Gringo Mo/ado), New World, 1986. Hendershot, Maximum Overdrive, De Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1986. Hughes Larrabee, Baby Boom, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1987. Voice of Rooster and narrator, The Land Before Time (animated), Universal, 1988. Police Commissioner James Gordon, Batman, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. Bobo Justus, The Grifters, Miramax, 1990. Police Commissioner Gordon, Batman Returns, Warner Bros., 1992. Marshall Kurtz, Lightning Jack (also known as To Be an Outlaw), Savoy, 1994. Police Commissioner Gordon, Batman Forever (also known as Batman III and Forever), Warner Bros., 1995. Horace the bartender, The Quick and the Dead, TriStar, 1995. Vernon, Larger Than Life, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1996. Police Commissioner James Gordon, Batman and Robin, Warner Bros., 1997. Harold Clark, A Thousand Acres, Buena Vista, 1997. General Luft, Muppets from Space, Warner Bros.,

1999. Film Work: Associate producer, Running Wild, Golden Circle, 1973. Television Appearances; Series: Dr. John Chapman, Gunsmoke (also known as Marshall Dillon), CBS, 1971. Chief Gene Paulton, 5tone, ABC, 1980. Henry Cobb, Blue Skies, CBS, 1988. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Bob Halburton, Wild Times, syndicated, 1980. Admiral William F. "Bull" Halsey, War and Remembrance, ABC, 1988. P. J. Kennedy, The Kennedys of Massachusetts (also known as The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys), ABC, 1990. The Shining (also known as Stephen King's The Shining, NBC, 1997.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Movies: Certain Honorable Men, 1968. Earl Crocker, The Ballad of Andy Crocker, ABC, 1969. Sheriff, If Tomorrow Comes (also known as The Glass Hammer), ABC, 1971. Cecil Tabor, Trouble Comes to Town, ABC, 1973. De//Ver Us from Evil, 1973. Gus Reed, The Secret Life of )ohn Chapman, CBS, 1976. Judge Henry Martin, Escape from Bogen County, CBS, 1977. Joe Hayden, Sunshine Christmas, NBC, 1977. Doc Hodgins, Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo, CBS, 1977. John Marsh, Disaster on the Coastliner, ABC, 1979. Colonel Tom Parker, Elvis, ABC, 1979. When Hell Was in Session, 1979. Colonel Rails, Private History of a Campaign That Failed, 1980. Off the Minnesota Strip, 1980. Jackson, Of Mice and Men, NBC, 1981. Senator Ross Clayton, Washington Mistress, CBS, 1982. Henry Banks, The Fighter, CBS, 1983. Jim Bartlett, The Lady from Yesterday, CBS, 1985. Chappy Beck, The Rape of Richard Beck (also known as The Broken Badge), ABC, 1985. George Nielsen, Manhunt for Claude Dallas, CBS, 1986. Sam Rayburn, LBJ: The Early Years, NBC, 1987. George Keeler, Kojak: The Price of Justice, CBS, 1987. Charlie King, The Town Bully, ABC, 1988. Judge Munson, Stranger on My Land, ABC, 1988. Fire Chief James Roberts, Everybody's Baby: The Rescue of Jessica McClure, ABC, 1989. Doc Avery, Not of This World, CBS, 1991. J. Edgar Hoover, Citizen Cohn (also known as Rules of Misconduct: The Roy Cohn Story), HBO, 1992. Virgil Tolliver, "The Habitation of Dragons/' TNT 5creenworks, TNT, 1992. Colonel Tucker, Gunsmoke: To the Last Man (also known as Gunsmoke III: To the Last Man), CBS, 1992. Chief Justice Earl Warren, Simple Justice (also known as The American Experience), PBS, 1993. Bus driver, One Christmas (also known as Truman Capote's One Christmas), NBC, 1994. Against Her Will: The Carrie Buck Story, 1994. Thomas Joseph "T. J." Pendergast, Truman, HBO, 1995. Mr. Waddell, Bastard Out of Carolina, Showtime, 1996. Officer Wylie, The Member of the Wedding, USA, 1997.

MINGLE • 149 Television Appearances; Specials: Ghost of Christmas Past (some sources say Ghost of Christmas Present), Carol for Another Christmas, ABC, 1964. Jim O'Conner, The Glass Menagerie, CBS, 1966. Ralph, "All the Way Home/' Hallmark Hall of Fame, NBC, 1971. Lou, Twigs, CBS, 1975. General Electric's All-Star Anniversary, ABC, 1978. Dr. Gerald Lyman, Bus Stop, HBO, 1982. Homer T. Hatch, Noon Wine, 1985. Sam Donahue and narrator, Casebusters, 1986. Parnell Jones, "Blues for Mister Charlie/' James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket, 1989. The 6th Annual Television Academy Hall of Fame, Fox, 1990. Joe Gates, Beanpole, ABC, 1990. Also appeared as narrator The Victims, National Educational Television (now PBS); narrator, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (documentary). Television Appearances; Episodic: "The Last Stand/' Suspense, CBS, 1954. "Do It Yourself/' Goodyear Television Playhouse, 1955. "Black Frost/' The Ph/7co Television Playhouse, 1955. "The Expendable House," Goodyear Television Playhouse, 1951. "The Trees," The Ph/7co Television Playhouse, 1955. "This Land Is Mine," The Philco Television Playhouse, 1956. Red, "The Archangel Harrigan," The Alcoa Hour, 1956. "Inspired Alibi," U.S. Steel Hour, CBS, 1957. "A Matter of Pride," The United States Steel Hour, 1957. Warren Selvy, "Night of Execution," Alfred Hitchcock Presents, 1957. "Last Autumn," U.S. Steel Hour, CBS, 1959. "Black Monday," Play of the Week, syndicated, 1961. Horace Ford, "The Incredible World of Horace Ford," Twilight Zone, CBS, 1963. Barney Howe, aka Barney Retsick, "Junk Man," The Untouchables, 1963. Decker, "Search in a Windy City," The Fugitive, ABC, 1964. Pop Starke, "The Book," Rawhide, 1965. Marshal Joe BobSimms, "Nicest Fella You'd Ever Have to Meet," The Fugitive, 1965. Fred Gibson, "Wyatt Earp Rides Again," The Andy Griffith Show, CBS, 1966. R.J. McMillan, "The Confession," Mission: Impossible, CBS, 1966.

150 • MINGLE Mike McQueen, "Broken Wing/' Cimarron Strip, 1967. 'Threshold of Courage/' The High Chaparral, NBC,

1968. The Invaders, ABC, 1968. Grant Ormsbee, "Man on Fire/' Hawaii Five-O, CBS,

1968. Sheriff, "The Silence at Stillwater," Bonanza, NBC, 1969. "The Outspoken Silence," The Young Lawyers, 1971. "The Soul Is the Warrior," Kung Fu, ABC, 1972. "Memory of a Legend," The F.B.I., 1973. Burt Morris, "Web of Lies," The Streets of San Francisco, 1975. "Funny Money," Barbary Coast, ABC, 1975. Grant Ormsbee, "The Defector," Hawaii Five-O, 1975. Alfred C. "Al" Mossman, "Castle of Fear," The Streets of San Francisco, 1976. Grant Ormsbee, "Man on Fire," Hawaii Five-O, 1976. Colonel Daniel Webster Tucker, "April Fools," MM*S*H, CBS, 1980. "Brothers," St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1982. Garwood Huddle, "The Legacy of Garwood Huddle," Magnum, P.I., 1984. Sheriff Smivey, Amazing Stories, NBC, 1985. "Noon Wine," American Playhouse, PBS, 1985. Narrator and Sam Donohue, "Casebusters," Disney Sunday Movie, ABC, 1986. Barney Kale, "Unfinished Business," Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1986. Tom McCabe, "Santa Claus," Mattock, NBC, 1986. Waldo, "Prisoners of Conscience," The Equalizer, CBS,

1989. Jack Thacher, Life Goes On, 1989. Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1989. Zach Franklin, Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1991. Roy Eversole, In the Heat of the Night, 1992. Gus O'Malley, "The Last Picture Show," Cheers, NBC,

1993. Daddy Roy, In the Heat of the Night, 1993. Jack Hackett, "Grandpa," Wings, NBC, 1995. Father Tilden, "Inhumanitas," American Gothic, CBS, 1995. Wally Flynn, "Red, Red Wine," Homicide: Life on the Streets, NBC, 1998. Ben, Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1998. Also appeared in Studio One, CBS; Alcoa/Goodyear Theatre, NBC; Suspicion, CBS; Play of the Week, PBS; Danger, CBS; The Phil Silvers Show, NBC; Doctor Kildare, NBC; The Untouchables, ABC; Route 66, CBS; Kraft Television Theatre, NBC; Armstrong Circle Theatre, NBC; The Eleventh Hour, NBC; Alfred Hitchcock Presents, CBS; The Defenders, CBS; Lamp Unto My Feet, CBS; Look Up and Live, CBS; Kraft

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Suspense Theatre, NBC; Eternal Light, NBC; Rawhide, CBS; Daniel Boone, NBC; The Loner, CBS; Shenandoah, ABC; Judd for the Defense, ABC; The Bob Hope Chrysler Theatre, NBC; Felony Squad, ABC; The Bold Ones, NBC; Lancer, CBS; Medical Center, CBS; The Young Lawyers, ABC; Ironside, NBC; Owen Marshall, Counselor at Law, ABC; Trapper John, M.D., CBS; Hart to Hart. Television Appearances; Pilots: Salem Chase, A Clear and Present Danger, NBC, 1970. Ira Groom, The City, ABC, 1971. Arthur Piper, Sweet, Sweet Rachel, ABC, 1971. Dr. Sam Abelman, The Last Angry Man, ABC, 1974. Deputy Chief Gene Paulton, Stone, ABC, 1979. Television Appearances; Other: (Television debut) Cockney panhandler, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 1950. Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Lachie, Johnny Belinda, Center Playhouse, Rockville Center, NY, 1950. Fritz, Claudia, Center Playhouse, 1950. Lexy, Candida, Center Playhouse, 1950. Prosecutor, Redemption, Center Playhouse, 1950. Gentleman caller, The Class Menagerie, Center Playhouse, 1950. Sergeant Rough, Angel Street, Center Playhouse, 1950. (Off-Broadway debut) Harold Koble, End as a Man, Theatre de Lys and Vanderbi It Theatre, New York City, both 1953. Dowdy, Mister Roberts, Cecilwood Theatre, Fishkill, NY, 1953. Joe Foster, Festival, Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1955. Cooper, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Morosco Theatre, New York City, 1955. Jules Taggert, Girls of Summer, Longacre Theatre, 1956. Rubin Flood, The Dark at the Top of the Stairs, Music Box Theatre, New York City, 1957. Title role, J.B., American National Theatre and Academy Theatre, New York City, 1958. Howard Trapp, The Deadly Game, Longacre Theatre, 1960. Title role, Macbeth, American Shakespeare Festival, Stratford, CT, 1961. Hector, Tro/7us and Cressida, American Shakespeare Festival, 1961. Sam Evans, Strange Interlude, Hudson Theatre, New York City, 1963. Parnell, Blues for Mr. Charlie, American National Theatre and Academy Theatre, 1964.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Andy Wi I lard, A Girl Could Get Lucky, Cort Theatre, New York City, 1964. Gentleman caller, The Glass Menagerie, Paper Mill Playhouse, Millburn, NJ, then Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, both 1965. Oscar Madison, The Odd Couple, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1966. Harry Armstrong, johnny No-Trump, Cort Theatre, 1967. Victor Franz, The Price, Morosco Theatre, 1968. Joseph Dobbs, Child's Play, Royale Theatre, New York City, 1970. Senator George W. Mason, The Selling of the President, Schubert Theatre, New York City, 1972. Coach, That Championship Season, Booth Theatre, New York City, 1973. Hermann Starr, A Crave Undertaking, McCarter Theatre, Princeton, NJ, 1975. Dr. Wangel, The Lady from the Sea, Circle in the Square, New York City, 1976. Willy Loman, Death of a Salesman, Studio Arena Theatre, Buffalo, NY, 1976. Kearns, A Life, Morosco Theatre, 1980. Big Daddy, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Center Theatre Group, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 1983. The Will and Bart Show, Williamstown Theatre, Williamstown, MA, 1992. Big Daddy, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, McCarter Theatre, 1992-93. Also appeared at Burt Reynolds's Jupiter Theatre, Jupiter, FL, 1985-86; as Ben Franklin, 1776, Broadway production, 1997. Major Tours: Title role, Thomas A. Edison: Reflections of a Genius (solo show), U.S. cities, beginning in 1978. Radio Appearances: Performed for \/o/ce of America.*

HOAG Judith 1963(Judith W. Hoag) PERSONAL Born 1963, in Newburyport, MA.

HOAG • 151 CREDITS Film Appearances: Kate Blum, A Matter of Degrees, Prism Pictures/Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp., 1990. Molly, Cadillac Man, Orion Pictures Corp., 1990. April O'Neil, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, New Line Cinema, 1990. Denise, Armageddon, Buena Vista, 1998. Rose, Suicide: The Comedy, 1998. Callilou Carter, Bad City Blues, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Molly, Danielle Steel's "Fine Things/ NBC, 1990. Meg Fairthorn, Murder in High Places, NBC, 1991. Gail Black, Acting on Impulse, Showtime, 1993. Sarah Lutz, A Mother's Gift, CBS, 1995. Gwen Piper, Halloweentown, The Disney Channel, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Lotty Bates, Loving, ABC, 1983. Dream On, HBO, 1990. Gretchen Price, Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1991. Joyce, Jack's Place, ABC, 1992. Sarah Goldstein, Me/rose Place, Fox, 1992. Quantum Leap, NBC, 1992. Carrie, Roseanne, ABC, 1992. Iphinegia Poole, The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr., Fox, 1993. Lainie Flanders, Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1993. Barbara Winston, Hardball, Fox, 1994. Doris, Mad about You, NBC, 1994. Nancy Godfrey, Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1994. Cory Shaw, Sweet Justice, NBC, 1994. Katherine Porter, The Nanny, CBS, 1994. Dr. Meredith Shrager, The Burning Zone, UPN, 1996. Dr. Gabriele, Nash Bridges, CBS, 1997. Judy, Nothing Sacred, ABC, 1997. Surviving pilot, The Pretender, NBC, 1997. Tina Hofmeister, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1998. Providence, NBC, 1999. Other Television Appearances: (As Judith W. Hoag) Gwen, Elysian Fields (special), CBS, 1989. (As Judith W. Hoag) Annie, The Knife and Cun Club (special), ABC, 1990. Barbara Mays, Switched at Birth (miniseries), NBC, 1991 .*

Addresses:/Agent—HWA Talent Representatives, 9601 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 620, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Actress.

HOAG, Judith W. See HOAG, Judith


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

HOLDRIDGE, Lee 1944PERSONAL Born March 3, 1944, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Education: Attended Manhattan School of Music. Addresses: Office—Mi lander Schleussner Kaufman, 4146 Lankershim Blvd., Suite 401, North Hollywood, CA 91602-2832. Career: Composer, conductor, and music arranger. Music arranger for performer Neil Diamond, 196973, including arrangements for the album Prologue/ Crunchy Granola Suite, MCA, 1973; session guitarist for John Mayall, 1979; composer of orchestral works. Member: ASCAP. Awards, Honors: Circle of Friends of Music Award, Arenzano, Italy, 1972; Grammy Award nomination, best instrumental arrangement, 1973, for Prologue/ Crunchy Cranola Suite; Emmy Award, individual achievement in music, 1983-84, for Woman to Woman; Emmy Award nomination, best music in a single episode of a series, 1984-85, for Moonlighting; Grammy Award nomination, best song written specifically for a motion picture or for television, 1987, for the theme song to Moonlighting; Emmy Awards, outstanding dramatic underscoring, 1988, and outstanding music and lyrics, 1989, both for Beauty and the Beast; Emmy Award, outstanding underscoring of a documentary, 1989, for The Explorers; Emmy Award nomination, best main title theme music, 1991, for ABC's World of Discovery; Emmy Award nomination, best main title theme music, 1993, for Bob; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding dramatic underscoring, 1995, for Buffalo Girls; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding individual achievement in music composition for a miniseries or a special, 1996, for The Tuskegee Airmen; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding music composition for a miniseries or movie (dramatic underscore), 1999, for Mutiny.

Music director, Winterhawk, Howco International, 1976. Music adapter and song arranger, American Pop, Columbia, 1981. Music director, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (also known as Dead Men Wear No Plaid), Universal, 1982. Orchestrator, The Beastmaster, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1982. Orchestrator, Mr. Mom (also known as Mr. Mum), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1983. Music arranger and conductor, Flashdance, Paramount, 1983. Orchestrator, Transylvania 6-5000, New World, 1985. Orchestrator, Sylvester, 1985. Orchestrator, The Men's Club, Atlantic Releasing, 1986. Orchestrator, Born in East LA., Universal, 1987. Music arranger, A Tiger's Tale, Atlantic Entertainment, 1988. Television Work; Movies: Music conductor, Sunshine, CBS, 1973. Star Command, UPN, 1996. Soul of the Game, HBO, 1996. She Cried No, NBC, 1996. Neil Simon's "London Suite/' NBC, 1996. Jack Reed: A Killer Amongst Us, NBC, 1996. Holiday Affair, USA, 1996. "Harvest of Fire/' Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1996. Danielle Steel's "Remembrance," NBC, 1996. Danielle Steel's "Full Circle," NBC, 1996. Dalva, ABC, 1996. An Unfinished Affair, ABC, 1996. The Little Riders, The Disney Channel, 1996. Television Work; Specials: Music conductor (with Eddie Karam), The John Denver Special, ABC, 1976. Music director and arranger, The 78th Annual Miss American Pageant, ABC, 1998. Stage Work: Dance arranger, By Jupiter, Theatre Four, New York City, 1967. Orchestrator, The Harold Arlen Songbook, Stage 73, New York City, 1967. Conductor, Neil Diamond One Man Show, Winter Garden Theatre, New York City, 1972.



Film Work: Music director and arranger, Mahogany, Paramount, 1975. Music director, E'Lollipop, ColumbiaAVarner Distributors, 1975.

Film Scores: (With Pat Williams, Edd Kaleroff, Chris Dedrick, and Warren Marley) The Sidelong Clances of a Pigeon Kicker (also known as Pigeons), MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/Plaza, 1970.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 (With Joseph Brook) Jeremy, United Artists, 1973. (With Neil Diamond) Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Paramount, 1973. Nothing by Chance (documentary), R. C. Riddel I and Associates, 1974. Sunshine Part II (also known as My Sweet Lady), CIC, 1975. And songwriter, E'Lollipop, Columbia/Warner Distributors, 1975. (With Michael Masser and Gil Askey), Mahogany, 1975. Forever Young, Forever Free (also known as E Lollipop, Lollipop), Universal, 1976. Coin' Home, Prentis, 1976. And songwriter, Mustang Country, Universal, 1976. And title songwriter, Winterhawk, Howco International, 1976. The Pack (also known as The Long Dark Night and The Long Hard Night), Warner Bros., 1977. And song, Moment by Moment, Universal, 1978. (With Francis Lai) Oliver's Story, Paramount, 1978. The Other Side of the Mountain, Part II, Universal, 1978. French Postcards, Paramount, 1979. And songwriter, Tilt, Warner'Bros., 1979. American Pop, Columbia, 1981. The Beastmaster, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1982. Mr. Mom (also known as Mr. Mum), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1983. El Pueblo del Sol, 1983. Micki and Maude, Columbia, 1984. Splash, Buena Vista, 1984. Sylvester, Columbia, 1985. (With Alfie Kabiljo) Transylvania 6-5000, New World, 1985. And songwriter, The Men's Club, Atlantic Releasing, 1986. Sixteen Days of Glory (documentary), Paramount, 1986. Born in East LA., Universal, 1987. Walk Like a Man (also known as Bobo and Bobo the Dog Boy), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists/ United International, 1987. Big Business, Buena Vista, 1988. A Tiger's Tale, Atlantic Entertainment, 1988. Old Gringo, Columbia, 1989. Pastime (also known as One Cup of Coffee), Miramax, 1991. Freefall (also known as The Naked Edge), October Films/Vidmark, 1994. The Yearling, RHI Entertainment, 1994. Gunfighter's Moon, 1995.

HOLDRIDGE • 153 The Adventures of Pinocchio (also known as Carro Collodi's Pinocchio and Pinocchio), New Line Cinema, 1996. Family Plan, Initial Entertainment Group, 1997. The Long Way Home, Seventh Art Releasing, 1997. And songwriter, The Secret of NIMH II: Timmy to the Rescue, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists Home Entertainment, Inc., 1998. Television Scores, Except Where Indicated; Series: Theme music, McCloud, NBC, 1970-77. Theme music, Hec Ramsey, NBC, 1972-74. Sierra, NBC, 1974. (With Dick De Benedictis) The Family Holvak, NBC, 1975. Theme music, Sara, CBS, 1976. (With Mark Snow) The Gemini Man, NBC, 1976. Code R, CBS, 1977. (With George Aliceson Tipton) Julie Farr, M.D., ABC, 1978-79. (With Lex DeAvezedo) Young Maverick, CBS, 1979-80. Wizards and Warriors, CBS, 1983. The Mississippi, CBS, 1983-84. And theme music, Lime Street, ABC, 1985. And theme song, Moonlighting, ABC, 1985-89. And theme music, Beauty and the Beast, CBS, 1987-90. Just in Time, ABC, 1988. Christine Cromwell, 1989. Over My Dead Body, CBS, 1990. My Life and Times, ABC, 1991. And theme song, Bob, CBS, 1992. Also composed score for One Life to Live, ABC. Television Scores; Miniseries: To Kill a Cop, NBC, 1978. John Steinbeck's "East of Eden," ABC, 1981. /'// Take Manhattan, CBS, 1987. Deadly Matrimony (also known as Shattered Vows), NBC, 1992. Heidi, The Disney Channel, 1993. Danielle Steel's "Family Album/' NBC, 1994. Sidney Sheldon's "Nothing Lasts Forever/' CBS, 1995. James A. Michener's "Texas," ABC, 1995. Buffalo Girls, CBS, 1995. Atomic Train, NBC, 1999. Television Scores; Movies: Skyway to Death, ABC, 1974. Like Mom, Like Me, CBS, 1978. And songwriter, Valentine, ABC, 1979. Mother and Daughter: The Loving War, ABC, 1980. If Things Were Different, CBS, 1980.

154 • HOLDRIDGE Ron Howard's Skyward, NBC, 1980. Three Hundred Miles for Stephanie, NBC, 1981. Freedom, ABC, 1981. The Day the Loving Stopped, ABC, 1981. And songwriter, For Ladies Only, NBC, 1981. Thou Shalt Not Kill, NBC, 1982. In Love with an Older Woman, CBS, 1982. Running Out, CBS, 1983. First Affair, CBS, 1983. Agatha Christie's "A Caribbean Mystery/' CBS, 1983. Thursday's Child, CBS, 1983. Title song, Love Is Forever, NBC, 1983. Legs, ABC, 1983. / Want to Live, ABC, 1983. He's Fired, She's Hired, CBS, 1984. Shattered Vows, NBC, 1984. The Other Love, CBS, 1985. Letting Co, ABC, 1985. The Eagle and the Bear, 1985. Moonlighting, 1985. Pleasures, ABC, 1986. Miracle of the Heart: A Boystown Story, syndicated, 1986. Mafia Princess, NBC, 1986. Eight Is Enough: A Family Reunion, NBC, 1987. "Young Harry Houdini," Disney Sunday Movie, ABC, 1987. "Fourteen Going on Thirty" (also known as "Fassst Forward"), Disney Sunday Movie, ABC, 1988. "A Mother's Courage: The Mary Thomas Story" (also known as "The Mary Thomas Story" and "Long Shot"), The Magical World of Disney, NBC, 1989. Fatal Judgment, CBS, 1988. "Graham Greene's 'The Tenth Man/" Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1988. A Friendship in Vienna, The Disney Channel, 1988. Do You Know the Muffin Man?, CBS, 1989. Incident at Dark River (also known as The Smell of

Money), TNT, 1989. Theme music, Easy Come, Easy Go, 1989. Joshua's Heart, NBC, 1990. The Dreamer of Oz: The L Frank Baum Story, NBC, 1990. Daughter of the Streets (also known as My Daughter of the Streets), ABC, 1990. Over My Dead Body, 1990. Danielle Steel's "Fine Things/' NBC, 1990. Original music, Lucy and Desi: Before the Laughter, CBS, 1991. The Summer My Father Grew Up, NBC, 1991. The Story Lady, NBC, 1991. The Return of Elliot Ness, NBC, 1991. The Perfect Tribute, ABC, 1991.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 One Against the Wind (also known as The Story of Mary Lindell)f broadcast as an episode of Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1991. Mrs. Lambert Remembers Love (also known as Runn/ng Out), CBS, 1991. Finding the Way Home (also known as Finding My Way Home and Mittelman's Hardware), ABC, 1991. Danielle Steel's "Changes," 1991. Face of a Stranger (also known as My Shadow), CBS, 1991. Indestructible People, 1991. Obsessed (also known as Obsession), ABC, 1992. In the Arms of a Killer (also known as Kiss of Death and The Tangled Web), NBC, 1992. Dayo, NBC, 1992. Robin Cook's "Harmful Intent/ CBS, 1993. Killer Rules, NBC, 1993. Judith Krantz's "Torch Song," ABC, 1993. Jack Reed: Badge of Honor (also known as Jack Reed: An Honest Cop), NBC, 1993. Dan/e//e Steel's "Star," NBC, 1993. Call of the Wild, CBS, 1993. Barcelona '92: Sixteen Days of Glory, The Disney Channel, 1993. The Year//ng, CBS, 1994.

Spring Awakening, 1994. The Whipping Boy (also known as Prince Brat and the Whipping Boy), The Disney Channel, 1994. Roommates, NBC, 1994. Jack Reed: A Search for Justice, NBC, 1994. Incident in a Small Town (also known as Family Secret: The Incident in a Small Town), CBS, 1994. Danielle Steel's "A Perfect Stranger/' NBC, 1994. Running Delilah, 1994. Jack Reed: One of Our Own, 1995. The Tuskegee Airmen, HBO, 1995. "A Mother's Gift" (also known as "A Lantern in Her Hand"), /Craft Premiere Movie, CBS, 1995. Neil Simon's London Suite, NBC, 1996. Star Command, 1996. The Little Riders, 1996. Baseball in Black and White (also known as Field of Honor and Soul of the Game), HBO, 1996. An Unfinished Affair, ABC, 1996. Danielle Steel's "Full Circle/' NBC, 1996. Danielle Steel's "Remembrance," NBC, 1996. Jack Reed: A Killer Amongst Us, NBC, 1996. Dalva, ABC, 1996. Harvest of Fire, CBS, 1996. Holiday Affair, USA, 1996. She Cried No, NBC, 1996. Star Command, UPN, 1996. The Litter Riders, Disney Channel, 1996.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Truman Capote's "A Christmas Memory/' CBS, 1997. A Call to Remember, Encore/Starz!, 1997. The Long Way Home, 1997. The Twilight of the Golds, Showtime, 1997. Into Thin Air: Death on Everest, ABC, 1997. Replacing Dad, 1998. Two for Texas, TNT, 1998. Barbara Taylor Bradford's "Her Own Rules," CBS, 1998. Mutiny, NBC, 1999. Blue Moon, CBS, 1999. Love Letters, ABC, 1999. Replacing Dad, CBS, 1999. Television Scores; Specials: The General, CBS, 1974. "Power and the Presidency/' American Parade, CBS, 1974. We the Women, CBS, 1974. F. D. R.; The Man Who Changed America, CBS, 1975. Sojourner, CBS, 1975. Song of Myself, CBS, 1976. The John Denver Special, 1976. "Stop, Thief!/' American Parade, CBS, 1976. With All Deliberate Speed, CBS, 1976. (With Karam) John Denver—Thank God I'm a Country Boy, ABC, 1977. (With Glen D. Hardin and DougGilmore)/ohn Denver in Australia, ABC, 1978. John Denver: Music and the Mountains, ABC, 1981. "The Sharks" (documentary), National Geographic Special, PBS, 1982. The Best Legs in the Eighth Grade, HBO, 1984. "The Explorers: A Century of Discovery" (documentary), National Geographic Special, PBS, 1988. Sixteen Days of Glory: Seoul '88, 1989. A Mother's Courage: The Mary Thomas Story, 1989. The Brotherhood, ABC, 1991. Calgary '88: Sixteen Days of Glory, PBS, 1992. Lillehammer '94: Sixteen Days of Glory, The Disney Channel, 1994. A Capitol Fourth (1994), PBS, 1994. America's Greatest Olympians, TBS/CNN, 1996. 100 Years of Olympic Glory, TBS, 1996. Theme music, The Last Charge of the Rhino, ABC, 1996. Theme music, Tiger: Lord of the Wild, ABC, 1996. Theme music, Polar Bears: Arctic Terrors, ABC, 1997. Atlanta's Olympic Glory, PBS, 1998. Nagano '98 Olympics: Bud Greenspan's Stories of Honor and Glory, Showtime, 1998. Television Scores; Pilots: The Rangers, NBC, 1974. (With Jerry Fielding) Fools, Females, and Fun: Is There a Doctor in the House?, NBC, 1974.

HOLDRIDGE • 155 (With Fielding) Fools, Females, and Fun: I've Gotta Be Me, NBC, 1974. (With Fielding) Fools, Females, and Fun: What about That One?, NBC, 1974. Pine Canyon Is Burning, NBC, 1977. And songwriter, Having Babies III, ABC, 1978. Skyward Christmas, NBC, 1981. Two the Hard Way, CBS, 1981. Fly Away Home, ABC, 1981. This Is Kate Bennett, ABC, 1982. The Boys in Blue, CBS, 1984. Adams Apple, CBS, 1986. Desperate, ABC, 1987. "My Africa," CBS Summer Playhouse, CBS, 1988. (With John Denver) Higher Ground, CBS, 1988. Television Scores, Except Where Indicated; Episodic: "Things That Go Bump in the Night," Christine Cromwell, ABC, 1989. And theme music, "Only the Good Die Young," Christine Cromwell, broadcast as an episode of The ABC Saturday Mystery, ABC, 1990. And theme music, "In Vino Veritas," Christine Cromwell, broadcast as an episode of The ABC Saturday Mystery, ABC, 1990. Theme music, "Cougar: Ghost of the Rockies" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1990. Theme music, "The Secret Life of 118 Green Street" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1990. And theme music, "Beautiful Killers" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1991. Theme music, "Shark Chronicles" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1991. Theme music, "Red Express: The Trans-Siberian Railroad" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1991. Theme music, "The Crocodile's Revenge" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1991. Theme music, "Indestructible People" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1991. (And theme music) "Tall Ship: High Sea Adventure" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1992. Theme music, "Survive Siberia" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1992. Theme music, "Secrets of the Golden River" (documentary; also known as "White Sand, Black Water: The Rio Negro"), ABC's World of D/'scovery, ABC, 1992. Theme music, "Realm of the Serpent" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1992. Theme music, "Wolf: Return of a Legend" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1993.

156 • HOLLAND Theme music, 'Towers of the Russian Psychics" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1993. Theme music, "Race for Life: Africa's Great Migration" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1993. Theme music, "The Last African Flying Boat" (documentary; also known as "Africa: Flying the Imperial Way"), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1993. Theme music, "Bikini: Forbidden Paradise" (documentary; also known as "Bikini's Nuclear Graveyard"), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1993. Theme music, "Lion: Africa's King of the Beasts" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1994. Theme music, "Earthquakes: The Terrifying Truth" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1994. Theme music, "Chasing India's Monsoon" (documentary; also known as "Monsoon"), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1994. "Spring Awakening," The CBS Sunday Afternoon Showcase, CBS, 1994. Theme music, "Orangutans: Children of the Forest" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1995. Theme music, "Australia's Outback: The Vanishing Frontier" (documentary), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1995. Theme music, "Blue Whale: Largest Animal on Earth" (documentary; also known as "Blue Whales: Giants of the Deep" and "The Blue Whale: Ocean Monarch"), ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1995. Theme music, "Creatures of Africa's Hidden World," ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1996. Theme music, "The Last Charge of the Rhino/' ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1996. Theme music, "Tiger: Lord of the Wild," ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1996. Theme music, "Creatures of Africa's Hidden World," ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1996. Television Score; Other: Woman to Woman, syndicated, 1983-84. Stage Composer, Except Where Indicated: Composer of dance music, A Joyful Noise, Mark Hellinger Theatre, New York City, 1966. Composer of dance music, The Education of H*Y*MM*N K*A*P*L*A*N, Alvin Theatre, New York City, 1968. Into the Light, Neil Simon Theatre, New York City, 1986.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Composer (with Alan Ralph) of Trinity, for the Joffrey Ballet. RECORDINGS Albums: One against the Wind, 1993. Recordings include (with London Symphony) Concerto No. 2 for Violin and Orchestra/Lazarus and His Beloved and Music of Holdridge, both Varese/ Sarabande; original soundtracks Beauty and the Beast, Capitol, Moonlighting, MCA, and Old Gringo, GNP/Crescendo. *

HOLLAND, Richard


Addresses: Agent—Mirisch Agency, 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 700-A, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Production designer, producer, and drafter. CREDITS Film Work; Production Designer: The Princess Bride, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Chicago Joe and the Showgirl, New Line Cinema, 1990. Shadow of the Wolf, Arala Films/Triumph Releasing, 1992. The Last of the Mohicans, TriStar/Twentieth CenturyFox, 1992. Congo, Paramount, 1995. Higher Learning, Izaro Films, 1995. End of Days, Universal, 1999. Film Work; Drafter: Drafter, The Dark Crystal, Universal, 1982. Drafter, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Paramount/Cinema International, 1984. Drafter, Return to Oz, Buena Vista, 1985. Drafter, Labyrinth, TriStar, 1986. Drafter, Lionheart, Warner Bros./Orion, 1987. Drafter, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Buena Vista, 1988. Other Film Work: Art direction assistant, Licence to Kill, United Artists, 1989. Art direction assistant, The Russia House, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1990.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Creator of production stills, Hoop Dreams, 1993. Supervising art director, The Three Musketeers, C.B. Films, 1993. Supervising art director in Los Angeles, The Phantom, Paramount, 1996. Supervising art director, Batman and Robin, Warner Bros., 1997. Television Work; Movies: Associate producer, My Name Is Kate, ABC, 1994. Coproducer, An Element of Truth, CBS, 1995. Television Appearances: Interviewee, Intimate Portrait: Donna Mills (special), Lifetime, 1998.*

HOLTZMAN, Robert (Robert "Ratface" Holtzman) PERSONAL Career: Production designer. CREDITS Film Work; Production Designer: (As Robert "Ratface" Holtzman) The Watermelon Woman, First Run Features, 1996. Fallout, 1996. Chasing Amy, Miramax, 1997. Edge City, 1997. Dogma, Lions Gate Films, 1999. Other Film Work: Set dresser, Philadelphia, TriStar, 1993. (As Robert "Ratface" Holtzman) Set buyer, Twelve Monkeys, Universal, 1995. Set dresser, Beloved, Buena Vista, 1998. Assistant set decorator and buyer, The Sixth Sense, Buena Vista, 1999. Film Appearances: (As Robert "Ratface" Holtzman) Officer McGee, Dogma, Lions Gate Films, 1999. Television Work; Episodic: Art director, Bloopy's Buddies, syndicated, 1998.*

HOLTZMAN, Robert "Ratface" See HOLTZMAN, Robert

HONG • 157

HONG, James


Born c. 1929, in Minneapolis, MN. Education: Attended University of Minnesota—Twin Cities; University of Southern California, B.S.; trained for the stage at Jeff Corey's School of Acting; studied acting at the Professional Theatre Workshop. Addresses: Contact—James Hong, PO Box 16250, Encino, CA91416. Career: Actor, writer, director, producer, and vocalist. North Star Entertainment, Inc. (film production company), president, 1989—; East West Players (Asian American repertory company), Los Angeles, CA, cofounder. Worked as a comedian; appeared in television commercials for several companies and products, including American Express, Safeway, Crest, and Pacific Telephone. State of California Motion Picture Council, member of advisory commission. Los Angeles Road Department, road engineer. Military service: Served in the armed forces; head of live entertainment at Camp Rucker, AL, and at Ft. McClellan. Member: Screen Actors' Guild (member of board of directors), Association of Asian/Pacific American Artists (charter member; past president). CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut; uncredited) Fifth brother, love Is a ManySplendored Thing, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1955. Communist soldier, Soldier of Fortune, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1955. Young communist guard, Blood Alley, Batjac, 1955. Policeman, Flight to Hong Kong, United Artists, 1956. Hep Cat, Hell on Frisco Bay, Warner Bros., 1956. Charlie, China Gate, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1957. Nationalist officer, Seventh Sin, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1957. (Uncredited) ROC Major Chong, Battle Hymn, 1957. Japanese draftsman, Blood and Steel, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1959. General, Never So Few, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1959. Narrator and voice of Mizuno, Gasu ningen daiichigo (also known as The First Gas Human and The Human Vapor), 1960. Headwaiter, Flower Drum Song, Universal, 1961. The Hour of the Bath, 1961. In a Foreign Quarter, 1962.

158 • HONG Dr. Yang, The Satan Bug, United Artists, 1965. Ho Lee, Destination Inner Space (also known as Terror of the Deep), Magna, 1966. Price Phanong, One Spy Too Many, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1966. Victor Shu, The Sand Pebbles, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1966. Sam Archibald, The Bamboo Saucer (also known as Collision Course), NTA, 1966. Computer scientist, Colossus: The Forbin Project (also known as The Forbin Project, Colossus, 1980, and The Day the World Changed Hands), Universal, 1969. Ti Chong, The Hawaiians (also known as Master of the Islands), United Artists, 1970. David Tao, The Carey Treatment (also known as Emergency Ward) Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1972. The Two-Headed Man, 1972. Black-Belt Brother, 1973. Dynamite Brothers (also known as Stud Brown), 1973. Khan, Chinatown, Paramount, 1974. China Girl, 1974. Double Trouble (also known as No Deposit, No Return), 1975. Wong, Bound for Clory, United Artists, 1976. Swens, The World's Greatest Lover, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1977. Captain Oldman, Co Tell the Spartans, Avco Embassy, 1978. Bing Wong, The In-Laws, Warner Bros., 1979. Japanese General, Airplane! (also known as Flying High), Paramount, 1980. Oriental man number one, So Fine, Warner Bros., 1981. Coroner Wong, True Confessions, United Artists, 1981. Chew, Blade Runner, Warner Bros., 1982. Kwan, Yes, Giorgio, United Artists, 1982. Cook, Goodbye Paradise, 1982. Grocer, Breathless (also known as A Bout de Souffle Made in USA), Orion, 1983. General Tran, Missing in Action, Cannon, 1984. Miyashima, Ninja III—The Domination, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer-United Artists-Cannon, 1984. David Lo Pan, Big Trouble in Little China, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. Dr. Hong, The Golden Child, Paramount, 1986. Snotty, Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Shin, Black Widow, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. GungTu, China Girl, Great American Vestron, 1987. Kwo, Vice Versa, Columbia, 1988. Boss, Hot to Trot, 1988.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Deadlock, 1988. Quan, Tango and Cash, Warner Bros., 1989. Tony Yang, Sr., The Jitters, Gaga Communications, 1989. Mr. Tagaski, Tax Season, Prism, 1989. Dr. Po, The Vineyard, New World, 1989. Detective Stoner, Caged Fury, 21st Century, 1990. Shadowzone, Full Moon/Paramount, 1990. Khan, The Two Jakes, Paramount, 1990. Joker's Wild, 1990. Asawa, Dragonfight, 1990. Ling, Crime Lords, 1990. Dr. Bethune, Bethune: Making of a Hero, 1990. The Vineyard, 1990. Fortune teller, Mystery Date, Orion, 1991. Yung, The Perfect Weapon, Paramount, 1991. Cook, Moon Over Paradise, 1991. Frank, Sr., Too Much Sun, RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video, 1991. Loong Tao, Merlin (also known as Merlin: The True Story of Magic and October 32nd), Hemdale Home Video, 1992. Mr. Li, Talons of the Eagle, MCA/Universal Home Video, 1992. Chang, Missing Pieces, 1992. Body Trouble (also known as Joker's Wild), 1992. Edward, LA. Goddess, 1993. Asawa, Dragonfight, Warner Home Video, 1993. Mr. Jeff Wong, Wayne's World 2, Paramount, 1993. Chang, Operation Golden Phoenix, MCA/Universal Home Video, 1994. Li Peng, The Shadow, Universal, 1994. Master Sun, Femme Fontaine: Killer Babe for the C/.A,Troma, 1994. Johnny Staccato, South Beach Academy, 1994. Silent Fury, 1994. Parmenion, Gladiator Gop, 1994. Y B'Ham, Operation Dumbo Drop (also known as Dumbo Drop), Buena Vista, 1995. Che'tsai, Tank Girl, United Artists, 1995. Bobby Birdsong, Bad Company (also known as The Tool Shed), Buena Vista, 1995. Parmenian, Gladiator Cop II: The Swordsman, 1995. Tojo Yokohama, Cyber Bandits, 1995. Abacus Adder, Infinity, First Look Pictures, 1996. Sun, Bloodsport II: The Next Kumite, FM Entertainment Home Video, 1996. Mr. Yamata, The Secret Club (also known as The Secret /Agent Club), Cabin Fever Entertainment, 1996. Paper Dragons, 1996. South Beach Academy, Live Home Video, 1996. McHale's Navy, Universal, 1997. Lin Shou, Red Corner, 1997.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Catherine's Grove, PM Entertainment, 1997. Adam Chance, Singapore Sling, 1998. Voice of Chi Fu, Mulan (animated), Buena Vista, 1998. G2, 1998. Mr. Chen, Broken Vessels, Zeitgeist Films, 1998. Breakout, S. Entertainment, 1998. Also appeared in Miriam's Baby. Film Work: Director, The Girls Next Door (also known as Teen Lust and Police Academy G/r/s), 1977. Director (with Bill Rice), The Vineyard, New World, 1989. Associate producer, Caged Fury, 1990. Executive producer, Catherine's Grove, PM Entertainment, 1997. Producer and director, Singapore Sling, 1998. Vocalist, Mulan (animated), 1998. Television Appearances; Series: Barry Chan, The New Adventures of Charlie Chan (also known as Charlie Chan), syndicated, 1957-58. Colonel Chengsu, Days of Our Lives, 1967-68. Wang, Switch, CBS, 1977-78. Sung Cho Lee, General Hospital, ABC, 1983. Duck Ho Cho, Mickey Spi I lane's Mike Hammer, CBS, 1984-85. Baba Soo Lan, Days of Our Lives, 1985. Lew Poo, The Adventures of Brisco County, ]r. (also known as Brisco County Jr.), 1993. Television Appearances; Movies: Earth II, 1970. Major Thon, The Forgotten Man, ABC, 1971. Police surgeon, A Tattered Web, CBS, 1971. Supervisor, Pueblo, CBS, 1973. Dr. Wilde, Sunshine, CBS, 1973. U Thant, The Missiles of October, ABC, 1974. Larry Lee, Panic in Echo Park, NBC, 1977. Quan Dong, My Husband Is Missing (also known as The Reach of Love)f NBC, 1978. Japanese man, Last of the Good Cuys, CBS, 1978. Ho Chin, Dr. Scorpion, ABC, 1978. Nguyen, When Hell Was in Session, NBC, 1979. Old man, The Letter, ABC, 1982. Professor Chen, China Rose, CBS, 1983. Mr. Yu, Harry's Hong Kong (also known as China Hand), 1987. (Uncredited) Vietnamese Ambassador, In Love and War, 1987. Mr. Li, Leap of Faith (also known as Question of Faith), CBS, 1988.

HONG • 159 Dr. Dentworth, The Karen Carpenter Story, CBS, 1989. Li Chou, Tongs, 1989. Inspector Quang, Last F//ght Out, NBC, 1990. Mr. Chew, Framed, 1990. Ling, Crime Lords, 1991. Nathan, Come Die with Me: A Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer Mystery (also known as Deader Than Ever: A Mike Hammer Mystery), CBS, 1994. Old Chinese man, Triplecross, Showtime, 1995. Master Sun, Bloodsport II, CBS, 1998. Also appeared in Caring. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Vanished, NBC, 1971. Phags-Pa, Marco Polo, NBC, 1982. Colonel Chan, The Brotherhood of the Rose, NBC, 1989. Television Appearances; Specials: CBS Playhouse, CBS, 1966. Switch, 1975. Father, ]ade Snow, PBS, 1976. Paper Angels, 1985. Reverend Sung and Reverend Jimmy Tuin, Camp California, 1989. M C, Partners in Life, 1990. Also appeared as Kim, "The Lighted Window/' NBC Matinee; Indonesian rebel,"Daughter of Mata Hari," NBC Matinee. Television Appearances; Pilots: Hsiang, Kung Fu, ABC, 1972. Prior, ]udge Dee and the Monastery Murders (also known as The Haunted Monastery), ABC, 1974. Clarence Woo, Winner Take All, CBS, 1977. WangTheron, Mandrake, NBC, 1979. Desk clerk, The Hustler of Muscle Beach, ABC, 1980. Lee On Wong, Brothers, CBS, 1980. Yutong, Cannon: The Return of Frank Cannon, CBS, 1980. Benson Liu, Inspector Perez, NBC, 1983. Rocket Boy, 1984. Mr. Key, Blade in Hong Kong, CBS, 1985. The reverend, Club Fed, 1989. Tequila and Bonner, 1991. Television Appearances; Episodic: Lum Chen, Tombstone Territory, ABC, 1957. "The Ming Vase/' The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin, 1959. "East of Danger/' Richard Diamond, Private Detective, 1960. Have Gun—Will Travel, CBS, 1961.

160 • HONG Dean Change, "The Case of the Weary Watchdog/' Perry Mason, CBS, 1962. The Lloyd Bridges Show, CBS, 1962. Ensign O'Toole, NBC, 1962. Square Cop, 1962. Wagon Train, 1962. This Is the Life, 1963. Day in Court, ABC, 1963. Li Kwan, The Outer Limits, ABC, 1963. Seventy-Seven Sunset Strip, ABC, 1963. Louis Kew, "The Case of the Floating Stones/' Perry Mason, CBS, 1963. Kentucky /ones, NBC, 1964. 5/attery's People, CBS, 1964. The Mickey Rooney Show, 1964. I Spy, NBC, 1965. Ben Casey, ABC, 1965. The Man From U.N.C.L.E., NBC, 1965. The FBI, ABC, 1965. Edward Hee, "End of the Line/' The Fugitive, ABC, 1965. The Donna Reed Show, ABC, 1965. "Shakedown," The Wackiest Ship in the Army, NBC, 1965. Chan, "Jeannie and the Kidnap Caper," / Dream of ]eannie, NBC, 1965. "The Lamb Who Hunted Wolves: Part 1 & 2," The Wackiest Ship in the Army, NBC, 1966. "The Dynamite Driver," The Iron Horse, 1966. Mr. Chung, "The Baby Sitters," Family Affair, 1968. James Watanu, "A Thousand Pardons—You're Dead," Hawaii Five-0, 1969. Phil Lee, "Number One Boy," Family Affair, 1969. Tot Kee, "The Devil and Mr. Frog," Hawaii Five-O, 1969. Mr. Wong, "The Lucy Laundress," Here's Lucy, 1970. Doctor, "Archie Gives Blood," All in the Family, 1971. Yin, "The Merchant," Mission: Impossible, 1971. "Air Cargo—Dial for Murder," Hawaii Five-O, 1971. Man, "Bob and Emily and Howard and Carol and Jerry," The Bob Newhart Show, 1972. Anna and the King, CBS, 1972. Lin, "The Squawman," Kung Fu, 1973. "The Arrogant Dragon," Kung Fu, 1974. "The Valley of Terror," Kung Fu, 1974. "A Small Beheading," Kung Fu, 1974. "The Garments of Rage," Kung Fu, 1975. "The Thief of Chendo," Kung Fu, 1975. Chinese waiter, "Edith Breaks Out," All in the Family, CBS, 1975. Lan Wuyen, "Forbidden City," Harry O, 1975. Quan Lee, "The Melted Man," Cannon, 1975. Frank Chen, Jigsaw]ohn, NBC, 1976. "Presumed Dead," Baa Baa Black Sheep, 1976.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Robert Lee, "The Thrill Killers," The Streets of San Francisco, 1976. "The Chinese Connection," S.W.A.T., 1976. Kumangi, "The Oracle Wore a Cashmere Suit," The Rockford Files, 1976. Su Long, "The Psychic," Starsky and Hutch, 1977. Professor Perkins, "Angels in Vegas: Parts 1 & 2," Charlie's Angels, 1978. Businessman, "The Great Race," Tax/, ABC, 1979. Holy man, "Man with Jade Eyes," Hart to Hart, 1979. Ambassador, "Ewing-Gate," Dallas, CBS, 1981. "The Hostage," Bring 'em Back Alive, CBS, 1982. Billy Joe Fong, "Miz Tisdale on the Lam," The Dukes ofHazzard, 1982. "Graveyard," St. Elsewhere, 1983. Mr. Hong, "The Trial," TJ. Hooker, 1983. Wan Chu, "The Maltese Cow," The A-Jeam, 1983. Chen Ying, "Always Say Always," The Fall Cuy, 1984. Chang, "Night of the Dragons," Hunter, NBC, 1985. General Chow, "Mind Games," The A-Team, NBC, 1985. Mr. Nguyen, Cagney and Lacey, CBS, 1985. Ralph Lee, Crazy Like a Fox, CBS, 1986. Thomas Ping, "Monas Limo," Who's the Boss?, ABC, 1986. Lee Wenying, "The Wish Child," MacGyver, ABC, 1986. Commissioner Chu, "Lost Love: Parts 1 & 2," MacGyver, ABC, 1987. Han Quing, Magnum P./., CBS, 1987. Quang, Tour of Duty, CBS, 1987. Tanaka, Miami Vice, NBC, 1987. Vin Mong, "Anytime, Anywhere," Stingray, NBC, 1987. Mr. Luc, Outlaws, CBS, 1987. "Honorable Profession," Hunter, 1988. Chang Shin Li, Beauty and the Beast, CBS, 1988. Colonel Trang, Tour of Duty, CBS, 1988. Sirit Bansari, The Equalizer, CBS, 1988. Hiram, Jake and the Fatman, CBS, 1989. JimmieTwan, Tour of Duty, CBS, 1989. "The Last Supper," War of the Worlds, 1989. Mr. Chieko, "Love Life," Booker, Fox, 1990. Nasty Boys, NBC, 1990. Mr. Quian, Doog/e Howser, M.D., 1990. Bruce, "The Chinese Restaurant," Seinfeld, NBC, 1991. Kuang, "The Coltons/' MacGyver, 1991. Mr. Quian, Doog/e Howser, M.D., 1991. Naked Hollywood, 1991. Bruce, Seinfeld, NBC, 1991. Dr. Chung, "Cherry Blossoms," Forever Knight, 1992. Madi, "Prey," Raven, 1992. Mr. Quian, Doog/e Howser, M.D., 1992.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

HOOKS • 161

Dalai Lama, "Dragonswing II," KungFu: The Legend Continues, 1994. Grandfather Chow, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, 1994. Dr. Dennis Tsu, "The Ethics of Hope/' Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. Qwan Lok, "Murder in the Courthouse/' Diagnosis Murder, 1995. Voice, "Aladdin," Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (animated), HBO, 1995. Chai, Legend, 1995. Mr. Wong, Muscle, 1995. Mr. Lon, Sisters, 1995. Dave, "Games, Flames & Automobiles," Home Improvement, ABC, 1995. Hard-faced man, "Hell Money," The X-Files, 1996. The waiter, "Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah," Ellen, ABC, 1996. Milton Tyler, Malcolm & Eddie, UPN, 1996. Terrence Wong, Nash Bridges, CBS, 1996. Stan the Diamond Man, Hang/7/ With Mr. Cooper, ABC, 1997. Mr. Lee, Head Over Heels, UPN, 1997. Supervisor monk, "Desperate Times," Murphy Brown, CBS, 1997. Hoshi, "The One with the Ultimate Fighting Champion," Friends, NBC, 1997. Min Wong, "In Deep," The Practice, ABC, 1998. Government worker, The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 1998. Cheng Yin "Painted Faces," Martial Law, CBS, 1999. Mr. Lee, "Mr. Lee," The Pretender, NBC, 1999. Monk, "Bardo Thodol," Millennium, Fox, 1999.

Stage Appearances: Wigmaker and Bandit, Rashomon, East West Players, Los Angeles, 1965. Year of the Dragon, East West Players, 1975.

Also appeared in Dragnet; Bonanza; Sky King; Hardy Boys; Maude; The Bionic Woman; Wonder Woman; The Rookies; Baretta; Khan; McMillan and Wife; Rhoda; Barnaby Jones; The Young Lawyers; Ironside; SFX; The Bill Cosby Show; Fantasy Island; Lou Grant; Soap; D iff rent Strokes; Code Red; Airwolf; It's a Living; Double Dare; Dynasty; Falcon Crest; Gideon Oliver.

Addresses: /Agent—United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Television Appearances; Other: Also appeared as Mark Chu, Bamboo Cross; Shimako, CBS Playhouse 90; Hyashi, Navy Log; Kilo, Man Called "X"; Tuen, faith Till Death; Sammy and Lin Quon, Crusaders; restaurant owner, Millionaire Series; Kim, The First 100 Days; soldier, Cavalry in China; Lee, Cavalcade Theatre; Corporal Ikura, Yellow Bellow; The Cold Touch. Television Work; Specials: Director, Year of the Dog, NBC, 1970.

Stage Work: Producer, Rashomon, East West Players, 1965. RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Dr. Chew, Blade Runner, 1997. WRITINGS Screenplays (With others): Perfect Match, 1968. Connections, 1972. The Cirls Next Door, 1977. The Vineyard, New World Pictures, 1989. Television Specials: Year of the Dog, NBC, 1970.*

HOOKS, Kevin 1958PERSONAL Born September 19, 1958, in Philadelphia, PA; son of Robert Hooks (an actor and director); married; children: three.

Career: Actor and director. Awards, Honors: Golden Globe Award nomination, most promising newcomer—male, 1973, for Sounder; Emmy Award nominations, best individual direction in children's programming, 1986 and 1987, both for ABC Afterschool Special. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Morris Thorpe, The White Shadow, CBS, 1978-81. Mayor Carl Burke, He's the Mayor, ABC, 1986. Television Appearances; Pilots: Junior, Just an Old Sweet Song (also known as Down Home), CBS, 1976.

162 • HORNER Nate Simmons, Jr., Down Home, CBS, 1978. Eddie Holmes, a caddy, For Members Only, CBS, 1983. Television Appearances; Movies: Hoover Sissle, The Greatest Thing That Almost Happened, CBS, 1977. Nat Blake, Can You Hear the Laughter? The Story of Freddie Prinze, CBS, 1979. Friendly Fire, ABC, 1979. Sam June, Glory & Honor, TNT, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Emmett Rogers, Jr., Backstairs at the White House, NBC, 1979. Television Appearances; Specials: Himself, Celebrity Challenge of the Sexes 5, CBS, 1980. Television Appearances; Episodic: Title role, "J.T.," CBS Children's Hour, CBS, 1969. Television Director; Movies: Roots: The Gift, ABC, 1988. Heat Wave, 1990. Murder Without Motive: The Edmund Perry Story, 1992. Irresistible Force, 1993. To My Daughter With Love, 1994. Glory & Honor, TNT, 1998. Mutiny, NBC, 1999. Television Director; Specials: "Teen Father/' ABC Afterschool Special, ABC, 1986. "Class Act: A Teacher's Story," ABC Afterschool Special, ABC, 1987. "The Pass," Vietnam War Story, 1987. Home Sweet Homeless, 1988. Two for the Show, 1993. Television Director; Episodic: St. Elsewhere, NBC, 1982. Cutter to Houston, 1983. Heart of the City, 1986. Mar/ah, 1987. Once a Hero, 1987. A Year in the Life, NBC, 1987. 21 Jump Street, Fox, 1988. China Beach, ABC, 1988. Probe, 1988. Fine Romance, 1989. Nightingales, 1989. Almost Grown, CBS, 1989.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Midnight Caller, NBC, 1989. Doog/e Howser, MD, ABC, 1989. Young Riders, ABC, 1989-90. Equal Justice, ABC, 1990. /'// Fly Away, 1992. "Learning from the Masters," Profiler, NBC, 1996. "Gestalt," Profiler, NBC, 1996. Rescue 77, WB, 1999. The Hoop Life, Showtime, 1999. Also directed "Untouched by Human Hands," Probe; "Blood Wedding," Homicide: Life on the Streets (also known as H:LOTS), NBC; and episodes of Fame; V; Tales from the Crypt, HBO. Film Appearances: David Lee Morgan, Sounder, Twentieth Century-Fox, 197a2. Aaron, /Aaron Loves Angela, Paramount, 1975. Tiger, A Hero Ain't Nothm' but a Sandwich, New World, 1977. Jasper MacGruder, Take Down, Buena Vista, 1979. Duane, Innerspace, Warner Bros., 1987. Married man, Strictly Business, Warner Bros., 1991. Film Director: Strictly Business, Warner Bros., 1991. Passenger 57, Warner Bros., 1992. Fled, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1996. Black Dog, Universal, 1998. Lie Detector, 1999. Stage Appearances: Lance Corporal Prom us, The Hooch, Louis Abrons Arts for Living Center, 1984. Nick, yonah and the Wonder Dog, Negro Ensemble Company, 1986. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: American Visions, June-July 1998, p. 36.*

HORNER, James 1953PERSONAL Born in 1953 in Los Angeles, CA; married Sarah; chil dren: two daughters. Education: University of Southern California, B.A.; University of California, Los Angeles, master's degree; also attended Royal College of Music, London, England.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Addresses: Agent—Gorfaine-Schwartz Agency, 3301 Barham Blvd., Suite 201, Los Angeles, CA 90068. Career: Music director, composer, arranger, and producer.

HORNER • 163 Music conductor and Orchestrator, Mighty Joe Young, Buena Vista, 1998. Orchestrator, The Mask ofZorro, TriStar/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1998. WRITINGS

Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best original score, and Grammy Award nomination, best instrumental composition, both 1986, for Aliens; Academy Award nomination, best song (with Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil), 1986, and Grammy Awards, song of the year (with Mann and Weil), and best song written for motion picture or television (with Mann and Weil), 1987, all for "Somewhere Out There/7 from An American Tail; Grammy Award nomination, best album of original instrumental background score for motion picture or television, 1987, for An American Tail; Academy Award nomination, best original score, 1989, for Field of Dreams; Grammy Award, best album or original instrumental score for a motion picture or for television, 1990, for Glory; Golden Globe Award nomination, best original score, 1995, for Legends of the Fall; Academy Awards, best original dramatic score and best original song, 1997, for Titanic. CREDITS Film Work: Music adaptor, The Lady in Red (also known as Guns, Sin and Bathtub Gin), New World, 1979. Music conductor, The Dresser, Columbia, 1983. Music designer, Krull, Columbia, 1983. Music director, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, Paramount, 1984. Music producer, Commando, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1985. Music conductor and arranger, Aliens, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. Music conductor, Swing Kids, Buena Vista, 1993. Orchestra conductor, The Pelican Brief, Warner Bros., 1993. Music conductor, We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story, Universal, 1993. Legends of the Fall, TriStar, 1994. Orchestrator, Apollo 13, Universal, 1995. Orchestrator and soloist (keyboards), Braveheart, Paramount, 1995. Orchestrator, Casper, Universal, 1995. Music conductor, Ransom, Buena Vista, 1996. Orchestrator, The Spitfire Grill, Columbia, 1996. Song producer, score Orchestrator, and instrumental soloist, Titanic, Paramount, 1997. Orchestrator, Deep Impact, Paramount, 1998.

Film Scores: The Lady in Red (also known as Guns, Sin and Bathtub G/n), New World, 1979. Battle beyond the Stars, New World, 1980. Humanoids from the Deep (also known as Monster), New World, 1980. Deadly Blessing, United Artists, 1981. The Hand, Warner Bros., 1981. The Pursuit of D. B. Cooper, Universal, 1981. Wolfen, Warner Bros., 1981. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Paramount, 1982. 48 Hours, Paramount, 1982. Brainstorm, United Artists, 1983. The Dresser, Columbia, 1983. Gorky Park, J. Arthur Rank, 1983. Krull, Columbia, 1983. Something Wicked This Way Comes, Buena Vista, 1983. Space Raiders (also known as Star Child), New World, 1983. Testament, Paramount, 1983. Uncommon Valor, Paramount, 1983. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, Paramount, 1984. The Stone Boy, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1984. (With Chris Young) Barbarian Queen, Concorde-Cinema Group, 1985. Cocoon, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1985. Commando, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1985. Heaven Help Us (also known as Catholic Boys), TriStar, 1985. The Journey of Natty Gann, Buena Vista, 1985. Volunteers, TriStar, 1985. Wizards of the Lost Kingdom, New HorizonsConcorde-Cinema Group, 1985. In Her Own Time, 1985. Aliens, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. An American Tail, Universal, 1986. The Name of the Rose, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. Off Beat, Touchstone Films-Silver Screen Partners II, 1986. Where the River Runs Black, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1986. ^batteries not included, Universal, 1987. P. K. & the Kid, Lorimar Home Video, 1987. Project X, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Cocoon: The Return, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1988. Red Heat, TriStar, 1988.

164 • HORNER

Vibes, Columbia, 1988. Willow, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1988. The Land before Time, Universal, 1988. Dad, Universal, 1989. Field of Dreams, Universal, 1989. Clory, TriStar, 1989. Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, Buena Vista, 1989. Tummy Trouble (animated short), Buena Vista, 1989. In Country, Warner Bros., 1989. / Love You to Death, TriStar, 1990. Another 48 Hours, Paramount, 1990. (With Ernest Troost) Andy Colby's Incredibly Awesome Adventure (also known as Andy and the Airwave Rangers), Concorde, 1990. Class Action, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1991. My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys, Samuel Goldwyn, 1991. Once Around, Universal, 1991. The Rocketeer, Buena Vista, 1991. An American Tale: Fievel Goes West, Universal, 1991. Patriot Carries, Paramount, 1992. Sneakers, 1992. Thunderheart, 1992. Unlawful Entry, 1992. A Far Off Place, Buena Vista, 1993. Bopha!, Paramount, 1993. House of Cards, Miramax, 1993. Jack the Bear, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1993. Once upon a Forest, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1993. Searching for Bobby Fischer, Paramount, 1993. Swing Kids, Buena Vista, 1993. The Man Without a Face, Warner Bros., 1993. The Pelican Brief, Warner Bros., 1993. We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (animated), Universal, 1993. Clear and Present Danger, Paramount, 1994. The Pagemaster, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1994. Legends of the Fall, TriStar, 1994. Balto, Universal, 1995. Apollo 13, Universal, 1995. Braveheart, Paramount, 1995. Casper, Universal, 1995. lade, Paramount, 1995. Jumanji, TriStar, 1995. Courage Under Fire, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1996. Ransom, Buena Vista, 1996. The Spitfire Grill, Columbia, 1996. To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday, Triumph Releasing, 1996. The Land Before Time IV: Journey through the Mists (animated feature), MCA/Universal Home Video, 1996. The Devil's Own, Columbia, 1997.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Titanic, Paramount, 1997. Deep Impact, Paramount, 1998. Mighty Joe Young, Buena Vista, 1998. The Mask of Zorro, TriStar/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1998. Film Songs: (With Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil) "Somewhere Out There/' An American Tail (animated), Universal, 1986. (With Will Jennings) "If We Hold on Together/' The Land before Time (animated), Universal, 1988. "Way Out West," "Dreams to Dream/' "Dreams to Dream (finale version)," and "The Girl I Left Behind," An American Tale: Fievel Goes West (animated), Universal, 1991. "Sarah's Theme," Hocus Focus, Buena Vista, 1993. "Please Wake Up," "He's Gone Back," and "Once upon a Time with Me," Once upon a Forest, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1993. "Roll Back the Rock," We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (animated), Universal, 1993. "Reach for the Light," Balto, Universal, 1995. "Land Before Time" and "If We Hold On Together," The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island (animated), Universal Cartoon Studios, 1997. "My Heart Will Go On," Titanic, Paramount, 1997. "Windsong," Mighty joe Young, Buena Vista, 1998. "I Want to Spend my Lifetime Loving You," The Mask of Zorro, TriStar/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1998. Television Scores; Movies: Angel Dusted, NBC, 1981. A Few Days in Weasel Creek, CBS, 1981. A Piano for Mrs. Cimino, CBS, 1982. Rascals and Robbers—The Secret Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, 1982. Between Friends, HBO, 1983. Surviving, ABC, 1985. Extreme Close-Up (also known as Home Video), NBC, 1990. Other Television Music: "Cutting Cards" (also known as "Dead Right" and "The Switch"), Tales from the Crypt (episodic), HBO, 1990. Theme song, Crossroads (series), 1992. Fish Police (series), 1992. Orchestral Compositions: Spectral Shimmer, 1978.*

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

HORSE, Michael 1949(?)-

HOSKINS • 165 Television Appearances; Movies: Dennis Banks, Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee, TNT, 1994.

PERSONAL Born c. 1949, in a Yaqui Native American reserve near Tuscon, AZ; raised in Los Angeles, CA. Addresses: Office—North of 60, Bay 3, Bragg Creek, Alberta, Canada TOK OKO. E-mail—francomp® horse). Career: Actor, stunt coordinator, and artist. CREDITS Film Appearances: Tonto, The Legend of the Lone Ranger, Associated Film, 1981. Josiah Anderson, The Avenging, First National Telecommunications, 1982. Pool attendant, The Check Is in the Mail, Ascot, 1986. Medicine man, Love at Stake, 1987. Buckeye and Blue, 1988. Bobby Leaping Mouse, Rented Lips, Cineworld, 1988. Indian Joe, Deadly Weapon, 1989. Dandy Jim, Border Shootout, 1990. Forget, Passenger 57, Warner Bros., 1992. Stoker, House of Cards, Miramax, 1993. Skeeter, New Line Home Video, 1994. Dirty Bob, Riders in the Storm, FilmHaus Releasing, 1995. Lead cop, American Strays, A-pix Entertainment, 1996. Navajo Blues, A-pix Entertainment, 1997. Player, Smoke Signals, Miramax, 1998. Film Work: Stunt coordinator, American Strays, A-pix Entertainment, 1996. Television Appearances; Series: Deputy Tommy "The Hawk" Hill, Twin Peaks (also known as Northwest Passage), ABC, 1990-91. Voice of J. R., Wild West C. O. W. Boys of Moo Mesa (also known as C O. W. Boys of Moo Mesa), ABC, 1992-94. Andrew One Sky, North of 60, CBC, 1993-?. Agent George Steel man, The Untouchables, syndicated, 1993. Voice of Sergeant Peter Maza, Gargoyles (animated), syndicated, 1994-?. Voice, What-A-Mess (also known as What a Mess), ABC, 1995-96.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Billy Night Eyes, Hollywood Beat, ABC, 1985. Storytime, PBS, 1994. Voice, Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego?, Fox, 1994. Voice, "Snow White/' Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child, HBO, 1995. Voice of Jefferson Whitedeer, "And the Wind Cries .. . Wendigo," The Incredible Hulk (animated), syndicated, 1996. Voice of Chaynah Walker, The Legend of Calamity Jane (animated), 1997. Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1998. Deputy, Roswell, The WB, 1999. Squanto, Thanks, CBS, 1999. Also appeared in The X-Files, Fox. Television Appearances; Specials: / Love Liberty, 1982. Voice, The Wild West, syndicated, 1993. Voice, 500 Nations (also known as Five Hundred Nations), CBS, 1995.*

HOSKINS, Bob 1942PERSONAL Full name, Robert William Hoskins, born October 26, 1942, in Bury St. Edmonds, Suffolk, England; son of Robert (a bookkeeper) and Elsie (a cook; maiden name Hopkins) Hoskins; married Jane Livesey (divorced); married Linda Banwell (a former schoolteacher), 1984; children: (first marriage) Alex, Sarah; (second marriage) Rosa, Jack. Education: Attended Stroud Green School, Finsbury Park; studied commercial art; studied accounting for three years. Avocational interests: Photography, listening to music, writing, gardening, playgoing. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, Ltd., Oxford House, 76 Oxford St., London W1NOAX England. Career: Actor, director, producer, and screenwriter. Previously worked as a laborer, porter, window cleaner, merchant seaman, circus fire-eater, agricultural worker on a kibbutz in Israel, and truck driver.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Awards, Honors: British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best actor, 1978, for Pennies from Heaven; British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination and Evening Standard Best Actor Award, 1982, both for The Long Good Friday; Academy Award nomination, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, Cannes International Film Festival award, New York Drama Critics Circle Award, and Golden Globe Award, best actor, 1986, all forMona Lisa. CREDITS Film Appearances: Foster, The National Health; or, Nurse Norton's Affair, Columbia, 1973. Policeman, Royal Flash, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1975. Big Mac, Inserts, United Artists, 1976. Sergeant Major Williams, Zulu Dawn, Warner Bros., 1980. Harold, The Long Good Friday, Embassy, 1982. Rock and Roll Manager, Pink Floyd—The Wall, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1982. Colonel Perez, Beyond the Limit (released in England as The Honorary Consul), Paramount, 1983. Owney Madden, The Cotton Club, Orion, 1984. Becker, Lassiter, Warner Bros., 1984. Morrie Mendelsohn, The Dunero Boys, Jethro Films, 1985. George, The Woman Who Married Clark Gable, Set 2 Films, 1985. Spoor, Brazil, Universal, 1985. George, Mona Lisa, Island/Handmade, 1986. Stanley Gould, Sweet Liberty, Universal, 1986. James Madden, The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne, Island, 1987. Father Da Costa, A Prayer for the Dying, Samuel Goldwyn, 1987. Eddie Valiant, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Buena Vista, 1988. Darky, The Raggedy Rawney, Island, 1988. Jack Moony, Heart Condition, New Line Cinema, 1990. Lou Landsky, Mermaids, Orion, 1990. Smee, Hook, TriStar, 1991. Gus Klein, Shattered (also known as Troubles), MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/Pathe, 1991. Beria, The Inner Circle, Columbia, 1991. Louis Aubinard, The Favor, the Watch and the Very Big Fish, Trimark, 1992. Sam Garcia, Blue Ice, 1992. Johnny Scanlan, Passed Away, Buena Vista, 1992. Mario Mario, Super Mario Bros., Buena Vista, 1993. The Big Freeze, Cine Electra, 1993.

Voice of Boris, Balto (animated), Universal, 1995. J. Edgar Hoover, Nixon, Buena Vista, 1995. Himself, Ding Dong, 1995. Vartan Malt, Michael, New Line Cinema, 1996. Frank Bailey, Rainbow, Vine International Pictures, 1996. Verloc, The Secret Agent, Cabin Fever Entertainment, 1996. Alan Darcy, TwentyFourSeven, October Films, 1997. Title role, Captain jack, 1998. Mayor Cesar Crevel, Cousin Bette, Fox Searchlight Films, 1998. Himself, Spice World, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1998. Joseph Ambrose Hilditch, Felicia's Journey, Artisan Entertainment, 1999. Gerd Layton, Parting Shots, 1999. Also appeared as Secret Policeman's voice, The Secret Policeman's Third Ball; in That All Men Should Be Brothers. Film Director: The Raggedy Rawney, Island, 1988. Rainbow, Vine International Pictures, 1996. Tube Tales, 1999. Film Executive Producer: The Secret Agent, Cabin Fever Entertainment, 1996. Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Peter, Romeo and Juliet, Victoria Theatre, Stoke on Trent, England, 1969. Pinchwife, The Country Wife, Century Theatre, London, 1970. The Baby Elephant, Theatre Upstairs, London, 1971. Uriah Shelley, Man Is Man, Royal Court Theatre, London, 1971. Lenny, The Homecoming, Hull Arts Center Theatre, 1971. Title role, Richard 111, Hull Arts Center Theatre, 1971. Bernie the Volt, Veterans, Royal Court Theatre, 1971. Butcher Brunt, Cato Street, Young Vic Theatre, London, 1971. Azdak, The Caucasian Chalk Circle, Northcott Theatre, Exeter, England, 1971. Soldier, Lear, Royal Court Theatre, 1971. Title role, King Lear, Dartington Hall Theatre, 1972. Sextus Pompeius, /Antony and Cleopatra, Bankside Globe Theatre, London, 1973. Geography of a Horse Dreamer, Royal Court Theatre, 1974. Doolittle, Pygmalion, Albert Theatre, London, 1974. Touchstone, As You Like It, Oxford Playhouse, 1974.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Bill Cracker, Happy End, Oxford Playhouse, then Lyric Theatre, London, 1974-75. Rocky, The Iceman Cometh, Royal Shakespeare Company, Aldwych Theatre, London, 1976. Borkov, Ivanov, Royal Shakespeare Company, Aldwych Theatre, 1976. Sergeant, The Devil's Disciple, Royal Shakespeare Company, Aldwych Theatre, 1976. Jake, England, England, Jeannetta Cochrane Theatre, London, 1977. The World Turned Upside Down, Cottesloe Theatre, London, 1978. Joe Veriatio, Has Washington Legs?, Cottesloe Theatre, 1978. Bosola, The Duchess of Malfi, Manchester Royal Exchange, The Roundhouse Theatre, London, 1981. Lee, True West, National Theatre, London, 1981. Nathan Detroit, Guys and Dolls, National Theatre, 1982. Also appeared as Hiring, The Anniversary, Century Theatre; Menelaus, The Trojan Woman, Hull Arts Center Theatre; Common Man, A Man for All Seasons, Manchester 69 Company; Marker, A View from the Bridge; Old Wicked Songs, 1996-97; Stage, 1996-97. Television Appearances; Movies: Woodbine, Her Majesty's Pleasure, BBC, 1972. Sexton, If There Weren't Any Blacks . . ., LWT, 1973. Dobbs, Thick as Thieves, LWT, 1973. Schmoedipus, BBC, 1974. Title role, Sheppey, BBC, 1980. lago, Othello, BBC, 1981. Eddie Reed, You Don't Have to Walk to Fly, LWT, 1982. Benito Mussolini, Mussolini: The Decline and Fall of II Duce (also known as Mussolini and /), HBO, 1985. Sam Garcia, Blue Ice, HBO, 1993. DeFlores, The Changeling, Bravo, 1994. Television Appearances; Series: Arthur Parker, Pennies from Heaven, BBC, 1977-78. Arnie Cole, Flickers, ATV, 1980. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Cry Terror" (also known as "Kill Two Birds"), Thriller, ABC, 1975. "A Fatal Caper," Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1996. Television Appearances; Specials: Roger Rabbit and the Secrets of Toontown (also known as In Search of Toontown), CBS, 1988. Michael Caine: Breaking the Mold (also known as Crazy about the Movies), Cinemax, 1991.

HOWARD • 167 Masters of Illusion: The Wizards of Special Effects, NBC, 1994. The 69th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1997. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Winston Churchill, World War II: When Lions Roared (also known as World War II... Then There Were Giants), NBC, 1994. Television Appearances; Other: (Television debut) Villains on the High Road, 1972. Softly, Softly, 1973. The Gentle Rebellion, 1974. On the Move, 1975. Also appeared in And All Who Sail in Her, BBC; On the Road, BBC; Crown Court, Granada; New Scotland Yard, LWT; Shoulder to Shoulder, BBC; "On Brecht," Omnibus, BBC; Three Piece Suit, BBC; In the Looking Glass, BBC; The Beggars Opera, BBC; and Rock Fo///es. Appeared as Joe Grimaldi, "It Must Be Something in the Water," Omnibus, BBC; Knocker, The Villains, LWT; Napoleon, Penninsular, BBC; Chorus, Mycenae and Men, BBC; and Mussolini, Mussolini and I, RAI, Italy. Television Director; Episodic: "A Fatal Caper/' Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1996. WRITINGS Screenplays: (With Nicole De Wilde) The Raggedy Rawney, Island, 1988. OTHER SOURCES Books: Newsmakers 89, Gale, 1990, pp. 206-209. Periodicals: New York Times, April 16, 1982; June 20, 1982; June 8, 1986. New York Times Magazine, December 6, 1987.*

HOWARD, Jean Speegle 1928PERSONAL Married Ranee Howard (an actor and writer); children: Ron Howard (an actor, director, and producer) and Clint Howard (an actor and writer). Career: Actress.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CREDITS

Film Appearances: Woman, Cocoon, 1985. Lady in market, Gung Ho (also known as Working Class Man), 1986. Mrs. Claus, Scrooged, Paramount, 1988. Elderly woman, / Don't Buy Kisses Anymore, Skouras, 1992. Hospital volunteer, The Paper, Universal, 1994. Blanch Lovell, Apollo 13, 1995. Dr. Richman, The Power Within (also known as Power Man), 1995. Elderly woman, Black Sheep, Paramount, 1996. Miss Phelps, Roald Dahl's Matilda (also known as Mathilda), TriStar, 1996. Mrs. Gloria Smith, Where Truth Lies, 1996. Asthmatic woman on tour, My Fellow Americans, Warner Bros., 1996. Jennifer, Spoiler, 1997. Olivia, The Night Caller, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Widow Douglas, Huckleberry Finn, ABC, 1975. Leola Boyle, Fall from Grace, NBC, 1990. Search and Rescue, NBC, 1994. Mother Superior, Los Locos: Posse Rides Again, TMC, 1997. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Woman on the street, The Big One: The Great Los Angeles Earthquake (also known as Earthquake Los Angeles: The Big One), NBC, 1990. . Elaine, Dean Koontz's "Mr. Murder/ ABC, 1999. Television Appearances; Pilots: Mrs. Feinberg, We'll Take Manhattan (also known as / Love New York and The Jackee Show), NBC, 1990. Grandma, Guys Like Us, ABC, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: Mrs. Wilson, "The Doctors/' Matlock, 1987. Miss Pith, Life Goes On, 1989. Dolly, "Frightening Frammis," Fallen Angels, 1993. Mildred, Empty Nest, 1993. Elderly woman, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, 1993. Old lady, "Assault and Batteries/' Married ... With Children, Fox, 1993. Sylvia, "Business Sucks: Part 1," Married ... With Children, Fox, 1994. Mrs. Boudreau, "The Holidays/' Grace Under Fire, ABC, 1994.

Mrs. Coulson, Good Advice, 1994. Mrs. Kornelly, Roseanne, 1994. Ceil, "And Bingo Was herGame-O," Married... With Children, Fox, 1995. Olive Fox, "The Divorce Lawyer/' Deadly Games, 1995. Grandma Fitzgerald, Pig Sty, 1995. Claire, "Enemies," Married ... With Children, Fox, 1996. Ernestine, Homeboys in Outer Space, UPN, 1996. Dorothy Dunleevy, "Mothers Behind Bars," Land's End, 1996. Mrs. Boudreau, "The Ghost and Mrs. Kelly," Grace Under Fire, ABC, 1996. Mrs. Gillicuddy, "Hair Stalker," Unhappily Ever After, WB, 1996. Mrs. Lewcowitz, "High and Dry," Unhappily Ever After, WB, 1996. Bernadette, "Reversal of Misfortune," Ellen, ABC, 1996. Bertha Avery, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, ABC, 1996. The wife, The Louie Show, CBS, 1996. Real Natalie French, "Teacher's Pet," Buffythe Vampire Slayer, WB, 1997. Neighbor lady, "Dental Men Prefer Blondes," Total Security, ABC, 1997. Mrs. Morton, "Beat the Clock," Fired Up, ABC, 1997. Mrs. Morton, "Where There's Smoke," Fired Up, ABC, 1997. Mrs. Neezballs, "The Fencing Show," Unhappily Ever After, WB, 1998. Mrs. Baker, Two of a Kind, ABC, 1998. Mrs. Wexler, Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place, ABC, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: "The Promise of Steve Wilkins," Rock the Vote, 1992.*

HURD, Michelle PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Dana Kramer, DA (number two and number four), Another World (also known as Another World: Bay City), NBC, 1991-94, 1995-97.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Simone Lewis, Malcolm & Eddie, UPN, 1997-98. Monique Jeffries, Law& Order: Special Victims Unit, NBC, 1999-. Television Appearances; Movies: Anita, Vanishing Son II, syndicated, 1994. Fire (Bebe DiCosta), Justice League of America, 1997.

HUTCHISON • 169 "A.M.L," Class 1 Acts: '91-'92, Manhattan Class Company, 1992.*


Television Appearances; Episodic: A.D.A. Reynolds, New York Undercover, Fox, 1994. The jogger, "The Comic Book Murder/' The Cosby Mysteries, NBC, 1994. A.D.A. Reynolds, "Private Enemy No. 1," New York Undercover, Fox, 1995. Asia, "Good-bye Gator/' New York News, CBS, 1995. Angela Rooney, "Entrapment," Law & Order, NBC, 1996. A.D.A. Renee Williams, "Part V," The Practice, ABC, 1997. "Dog Bite/' The Practice, ABC, 1997. Laura Jenkins, "Con Amore," Players, NBC, 1997. Television Appearances; Pilots: Gina,/Act/on, Fox, 1999. Film Appearances: Student on street, Rude Awakening, Orion, 1989. Hooker, Wolf, 1994. Lorraine, Personals, Fanlight Productions, 1998. State police woman number two, Wilbur Falls, 1998. Susan, Random Hearts, Columbia Pictures/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1999. Also appeared in King of New York. Stage Appearances: Oak and Ivy, Crossroads Theatre Company, New Brunswick, NJ, 1991-92.

Born May 26, 1960, in Dover, DE. Addresses: Contact—Pop Art Films, 915 South Manfield, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Sproles, Fresh Horses, Columbia, 1988. Obie, The Chocolate War, MCEG, 1988. Security technician, The Lawnmower Man, Filmayer Video, 1992. James, Love Always, Legacy Releasing, 1995. Pete Willard, A Time to Kill, Warner Bros., 1996. Golem, Batman and Robin, Warner Bros., 1997. Donald, Con Air, Buena Vista, 1997. Percy Wetmore, The Green Mile, Warner Bros., 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Arthur Berkus, Love and War, CBS, 1992. Eugene Tooms, The X-Files, Fox, 1993. Baseline, Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1994. Loren, Party of Five, Fox, 1994. Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1995. Elroy El, Space: /Above and Beyond, Fox, 1995. Polaroid man, Millennium, Fox, 1997.*




PERSONAL Born in 1966, in New York, NY; married; children: Isabella, Vadim. Addresses: /Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor, producer, director, and writer. Machine Full (a theater company), New York City, co-founder. CREDITS Film Appearances: Acid head, Alexa, 1988. George, Lean on Me, Warner Bros., 1989. Spider, GoodFellas, Warner Bros., 1990. James Tucci, Jungle Fever, Universal, 1991. Johnny, Fathers & Sons, 1992. Reporter at fire bombing, Malcolm X, Warner Bros., 1992. Cleaning customer No.1, The Night We Never Met, 1993. Larry Metz, Joey Breaker, Skouras, 1993. Leonard Villanova, Household Saints, Fine Line, 1993. Billy, Scenes from the New World, 1994. The hustler, Postcards from America, 1994. Men Lie, 1994. Benny, Handgun, 1994. Doorman at club, Amateur, 1994. Michael, Flirt, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1995. Jojo, Bad Boys, Columbia Pictures, 1995. Bobby, The Basketball Diaries, 1995. Jo-Jo, Clockers, Universal, 1995. Blixa Bargeld Stole My Cowboy Boots, 1995. D'Ambrosio, Dead Presidents, Buena Vista, 1995. Missionary, The Addiction, October Films, 1995.

Troi/fa/e, 1995. Rube the cameraman, Under the Bridge, 1996. George, Trees Lounge, Live Entertainment, 1996. Ondine, I Shot Andy Warhol, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1996. Scary Caller #30, G/r/6, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1996. Anthony, G/r/s Town, October Films, 1996. Angel, 5weet Nothing, Warner Bros., 1996. Giorgio, Last Man Standing, New Line Cinema, 1996. Allen Hayden, River Made to Drown In, 1997. Daniel Birch, Office Killer, Miramax, 1997. Firehouse, 1997. Matty, The Deli, 1997. Fabrizio, Too Tired to Die, 1998. Albert DeSantis, On the Run (also known as Em Fuga), 1998. Midnight, Summer of Sam, 1999. Film Work: Executive producer, Summer of Sam, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Christopher Moltisanti, The Sopranos, HBO, 1999—. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Louie Milito, Witness to the Mob, NBC, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Duane Rollins, "Dead and Gone/' NYPD Blue, ABC, 1994. Alex Genet, Under Suspicion, CBS, 1994. Johnny Stivers, "Atonement/' Law & Order, NBC, 1996. Miles Gordon, New York Undercover, Fox, 1996. Stage Appearances: Charlie, Avert U Boys, John Houseman Theatre, New York City, 1993. Also appeared in Displaced Persons; Half Deserted Street; The Writing on the Wall; Little Blood Brother.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Stage Director: A Candle in the Window, One Dream, New York City, 1995.

IRWIN • 171 Susan Nunsuch, The Return of the Native, CBS, 1994. Nadine Cunningham, Into the Blue, 1997. Sister Muriel, Hospital!, 1997. Victoria Madison, Mr. White Goes to Westminster, 1997.

WRITINGS Film Screenplays: (With others) Summer of Sam, 1999. Television Episodes: The Sopranos, HBO, 1999—.*

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Fiona Patterson, The Nightmare Man, 1981. Julia Vernon, "The Foot of Love/' Stay Lucky, 1991. Mrs. Miller, The History of Tom ]ones, a Foundling, A&E, 1997. Television Appearances; Specials: Michael Caine on Acting in Film, A&E, 1991. Vera, "A Dark Adapted Eye/7 Mystery!, PBS, 1995.

IMRIE, Celia


Born July 15, 1952. Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: House of Whipcord (also known as Photographer's Models), 1974. Servant at Inn, The Wicked Lady, United Artists, 1983. Kate, Highlander, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. Davina Wright/Hopjoy, Old Flames, 1989. Barbara Thorburn, Blue Black Permanent, 1992. Mrs. Moritz, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, TriStar, 1994. Fadge, In the Bleak Midwinter (also known as A Midwinter's Tale), Sony Pictures Classics, 1995. Homily Clark, The Borrowers, PolyGram, 1997. Iris Du Pre, Hilary and Jackie, October Films, 1998. Fighter Pilot Bravo 5, Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Televison Appearances; Series: Marianne Bellshade, Bergerac, 1981. Herself, Victoria Wood: As Seen on TV, 1986. June Bonney, Wokenwall, 1998. Phillipa, Dinner Ladies, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Patsy Diehl, Murder by Moonlight, CBS, 1989. Miss Jewsbury, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, A&E, 1990. Mademoiselle Massis, 102 Boulevard Haussmann, A&E, 1991. Kirsty, The Writing on the Wall, 1994. Claire, Pat and Margaret, 1994.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Polly, To the Manor Born, 1979. Receptionist, To the Manor Born, 1980. Hilary, "Alan B'stard Closes Down the BBC/' The New Statesman, 1988. Lovejoy, A&E, 1991. Mrs. Botney, "Red Card/' Bonjour la Classe, 1993. Claudia Bing, "Jealous," Absolutely Fabulous, 1995. Mrs. Galloway, "River Rage/7 Duck Patrol, 1998.*

IRWIN, Tom 1956PERSONAL Born June 1, 1956, in Peoria, IL. Education: Attended Illinois State University. Addresses: /Agent—Gersh Agency, 232 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Actor and director. Steppenwolf Theater Company, member. CREDITS Film Appearances: Reverend Ansley, Light of Day, TriStar, 1987. FBI Agent Perry, Midnight Run, Universal, 1988. Gary, Men Don't Leave, 1990. Harvey, Deceived, Buena Vista, 1991. Patrick, Mr. Jones, TriStar, 1993. In Quiet Night, 1998. Mr. Lou Fredericks, The Haunting, DreamWorks, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Ben Miller, My Life and Times, ABC, 1991. Graham Chase, My So-Called Life, ABC, 1994-95.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Television Appearances; Movies: Second doctor, Vital Signs, CBS, 1986. Frank, In the Best Interest of the Child, CBS, 1990. Mark Sheridan, To My Daughter, NBC, 1990. Vinnie, Ladykiller, USA, 1992. Eddie, Nurses on the Line: The Crash of Flight 7, CBS, 1993. Robert Mills, Without Consent (also known as Tell Laura I Love Her and Trapped and Deceived), ABC, 1994. Alex, My Very Best Friend, CBS, 1996. Dr. David Decker, A Step Toward Tomorrow, CBS, 1996. Paul, Holiday Affair, USA, 1996. Aaron Schiffren, The Sky's On Fire, 1998. Craig, When Husbands Cheat, Lifetime, 1998. Craig Mitchell, The Girl Next Door, CBS, 1998. Brian Young, Cod's New Plan, CBS, 1999. Televison Appearances; Miniseries: Jerry Beaver, Innocent Victims, ABC, 1996. Televison Appearances; Specials: Sam Reed, Country Estates, ABC, 1993. Television Appearances; Episodic: Appeared in Crime Story; Jack and Mike. Stage Appearances: The Glass Menagerie, North Light Repertory, Evanston, IL, 1981-82. (Off-Broadway debut) Stranger, Balm in Gilead, Circle Repertory Theater, New York City, 1984. Jack, My Thing of Love, Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, 1995. Tom Berry, New England, Manhattan Theatre Club, Stage I, New York City, 1995. Also appeared in The Grapes of Wrath. Stage Work: Directed productions at Steppenwolf Theater.*

ISCOVE, Robert PERSONAL Born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Director, producer, and choreographer.

Awards, Honors: Emmy Award, best choreography, 1976, for Bell System Family Theatre; Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television Award, best writervariety, 1979; Emmy Award, best individual achievement in performing arts—directing, 1984, for Dorothy Ham/// in Romeo & Juliet on Ice; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding directing for a variety or music program, 1998, for Cinderella. CREDITS Television Director, Except Where Indicated; Movies: Chautauqua, CBC, 1983. Love & Larceny, CBC, 1985. The Prodigious Mr. Hickey (also known as The Prodigious Mr. William Hicks), 1987. The Lawrenceville Stories, 1988. Murder in Black and White, CBS, 1990. The Flash, CBS, 1990. Shattered Dreams, CBS, 1990. Mission of the Shark: The Saga of the U.S.S. Indianapolis, CBS, 1991. Breaking the Silence, CBS, 1992. Terror on Track 9, CBS, 1992. And co-producer, Miracle on Interstate 880 (also known as Miracle on 1-880), NBC, 1993. And co-producer, Dying to Love You (also known as Lethal White Female), CBS, 1993. And producer, River of Rage: The Taking of Maggie Keene (also known as Murder on the Rio Grande), CBS, 1993. And producer, The Forget-Me-Not Murders (also known asjanek: Forget-Me-Not Murders), CBS, 1994. And producer, Without Consent (also known as Tell Laura I Love Her and Trapped and Deceived), ABC, 1994. And producer, Without Warning, CBS, 1994. And producer, Janek: The Silent Betrayal, CBS, 1994. And producer, It Was Him or Us, CBS, 1995. And producer, Dark Angel, Fox, 1996. Murder in my Mind, CBS, 1997. Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella, ABC, 1997. Television Director; Specials: Dorothy Hamill in Romeo & Juliet on Ice, CBS, 1983. Pajama Tops, Showtime, 1983. The Incredible Ida Early, NBC, 1987. Faerie Tale Theatre: The Little Mermaid, Showtime, 1987. "The Prodigious Mickey/' American Playhouse, PBS, 1987. Television Director; Episodic: Mary, CBS, 1978. Philip Marlowe, Private Eye, HBO, 1983.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

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Wiseguy, 1987. Profit, Fox, 1996.

Television Choreographer; Specials: Choreographed Bell System Family Theatre, NBC.

Also directed episodes of Miami Vice; Alfred Hitchcock Presents; 21 Jump Street; Tour of Duty; Star Trek: The Next Generation (also known as Star Trek: TNG); My Secret Identity; High Mountain Rangers; Probe; The Flash.

Film Director: She's All That, Miramax, 1999. Boys and Girls, 2000.

Television Work; Series: Producer and co-executive producer, Profit, Fox, 1996.

Film Choreographer: Jesus Christ Superstar, 1973. Silent Movie, 1976.*

J JACKMAN, Hugh 1968PERSONAL Born October 10, 1968, in Sydney, Australia; married Deborra-Lee Furness, February 1996. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Wace, Erskineville Kings, Southern Star/Palace Films, 1999. Jack Willis, Paperback Hero, Polygram Filmed Entertainment, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Kevin Jones, Core///, 1995. Television Appearances; Episodic: Eric Ringer, Halifax: Afraid of the Dark, 1998. Oklahoma, 1999. Television Appearances; Special: Hey, Mr. Producer! The Musical World of Cameron Mackintosh, PBS, 1998.*

JACKSON Jonathan 1982PERSONAL Full name, Jonathan Stevens Jackson; born May 11, 1982, in Orlando, FL; son of Richard Lee, Sr. (a doctor), and Janine (a medical office manager) Jackson. Avocational interests: Sports, including basketball, baseball, and rollerblading.

Addresses: Contact—Tony Monziotti, Jackmon Entertainment, 1445 N. Frederic St., Burbank, CA 91505. Career: Actor. Scarlet Road (rock band), member; also appeared in commercials. Awards, Honors: Hollywood Young Star Award, outstanding younger actor in a drama series, 1993-94, Daytime Emmy Awards, outstanding younger actor in a drama series, 1995, 1998-99, Daytime Emmy Award nomination, outstanding younger actor in a drama series, Young Artist Award nomination, best performance in a daytime serial—younger performer, 1999, two Soap Opera Digest Awards, all for Genera/ Hospital. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Lukas Lorenzo "Lucky" Spencer, Jr., Genera/ Hospital, ABC, 1993-99. Television Appearances; Movies: Rudy/Oliver, Prisoner ofZenda, Inc. (also known as Double Play), Showtime, 1996. Matt Rainie, The Legend of the Ruby Silver, ABC, 1996. Purple Haze, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Co-host, Wild Things: An Earth Day Special, ABC, 1995. Lucky Spencer, General Hospital: Twist of Fate, ABC, 1996. ABC Soaps' Most Unforgettable Love Stories, ABC, 1998. The General Hospital 35th Anniversary Show, ABC, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Ricky Ferris, "Starry Night/' Boy Meets World, ABC, 1997.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Ricky Ferris, "Honesty Night/' Boy Meets World, ABC, 1997. Film Appearances: Morris "Mud" Himmel, Camp Nowhere, Buena Vista, 1994. True Rights, 1999. Vincent (age 16), The Deep End of the Ocean, Columbia, 1999. RECORDINGS CD-ROMS: Appeared in TJ's Reel Extreme CD-ROM!

JACKSON • 1 75

Awards, Honors: Special Jury Prize, best supporting actor in a full-length film, Cannes International Film Festival, New York Film Critics Award, best supporting actor, 1991, both for Jungle Fever; CableACE nomination, best supporting actor in a movie or miniseries, Golden Globe nomination, best actor in a television miniseries or motion picture, 1995, both tor Against the Wall; Academy Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a supporting role, Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actor—drama, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, best supporting actor, and Independent Spirit Award, 1995, all for Pulp Fiction; Golden Globe nomination, best supporting actor, and NAACP Image Award, 1997, both for A Time to Kill.

OTHER SOURCES CREDITS Periodicals: Los Angeles Times Weekend, March 11,1999, pp. 12-16. People Weekly, May 10, 1999, p. 130. Teen Magazine, September 1996, p. 34.*


JACKSON, Samuel L. 1949(?)(Sam Jackson) PERSONAL Full name, Samuel Leroy Jackson; born c. 1949 (one source says December 21,1948), in Washington, DC; raised in Chattanooga, TN; son of Elizabeth Jackson (a domestic worker and supply buyer); married LaTanya Richardson (an actress), 1980; children: Zoe. Education: Morehouse College, B.A. (drama), 1972. Avocational interests: Golf, watching films. Addresses: Agent—Toni Howard, International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actor and producer. Founder, Just Us Theatre Co., Atlanta, GA. Former member of Negro Ensemble Company and affiliated with Black Image Theatre; host of fund raising event, Samuel L. Jackson Celebrity Golf Classic; worked in street theater, repertory theater, and developmental theater; appeared in television commercials; previously worked as a social worker and a security officer.

Film Appearances: (As Sam Jackson) Stan, Together for Days (also known as Black Cream), Olas, 1972. Second gang member, Ragtime, Paramount, 1981. Eddie's uncle, Eddie Murphy Raw, 1987. Trip, Juice, Paramount, 1992. Holdup man, Coming to America, Paramount, 1988. Leeds, School Daze, Columbia, 1988. (As Sam Jackson) Mister Senor Love Daddy, Do the Right Thing, Universal, 1989. Voiceover, Mystery Train, Orion, 1989. Black guy, Sea of Love, Universal, 1989. Ulysses, A Shock to the System, Corsair, 1990. Minister Garth, Def by Temptation, Troma, 1990. Mickey, Betsy's Wedding, Buena Vista, 1990. Madlock, Mo' Better Blues, Universal, 1990. Dream blind man, The Exorcist III (also known as Exorcist III: The Legion and William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist III), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1990. Stacks Edwards, Goodfellas (also known as GoodFellas), Warner Bros., 1990. (As Sam Jackson) Nate Cabot, The Return ofSuperfly, Triton, 1990. Gator Purify, Jungle Fever, Universal, 1991. Monroe, Strictly Business (also known as Go Natalie, Co Beverly), Warner Bros., 1991. Greg Meeker, White Sands, Warner Bros., 1992. Robby, Patriot Games, Paramount, 1992. Marshall, Fathers and Sons, Pacific Pictures, 1992. B-Bop, Johnny Suede, Miramax, 1992. Mr. Simpson, Jumping at the Boneyard, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Andrew Sterling, Amos & Andrew, Columbia, 1993. Arnold, Jurassic Park, Universal, 1993. Tat Lawson, Menace II Society, New Line Cinema, 1993.


Wes Luger, National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1, New Line Cinema, 1993. (As Sam Jackson) Dre, The Meteor Man, MetroGo Idwyn-Mayer, 1993. Big Don, True Romance, Warner Bros., 1993. Sam, Fresh, Miramax, 1994. Mailman, Hail Caesar, Trimark Pictures, 1994. Jules Winnfield, Pulp Fiction, Miramax, 1994. Dale Deveaux, The New Age, Warner Bros., 1994. Zeus Carver, Die Hard with a Vengeance (also known as Die Hard 3 and Simon Says), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1995. Calvin, Kiss of Death, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1995. Kadar Lewis, Losing Isaiah, Paramount, 1995. (As Sam Jackson) Narrator, To Be a Black Man (short documentary), NDG Ideas, 1995. Voice of Rumbo, Fluke, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1995. Mob Justice, Concorde-New Horizons, 1995. Carl Lee Hailey, A Time to Kill, Warner Bros., 1996. Jimmy, Hard Eight, Samuel Goldwyn, 1996. Reverend Fred Sultan, The Great White Hype, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1996. Mitch Hennessey, The Long Kiss Goodnight, New Line Cinema, 1996. Colonel Ron, The Search For One-Eye Jimmy, Northern Arts Entertainment, 1996. Wendell, Trees Lounge, Orion Classics, 1996. Dr. Louis Batiste, Eve's Bayou, Trimark Pictures, 1997. Ordell Robbie, Jackie Brown (also known as Rum Punch), Miramax, 1997. Trevor Garfield, 187 (also known as One Eight Seven), Warner Bros., 1997. Harry Adams, Sphere, Warner Bros., 1997. (Uncredited) Out of Sight, 1998. Danny Roman, The Negotiator, Warner Bros., 1998. Charles Morritz, The Reef Violin (also known as Le violon rouge), New Line Cinema, 1998. Russell Franklin, Deep Blue Sea, Warner Bros., 1999. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (also known as Star Wars: Episode I, Star Wars: The Balance of the Force, Star Wars: The Beginning, and Star Wars: Genesis), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Also appeared in Ray. Film Producer: Eve's Bayou, Trimark Pictures, 1997. Also produced Training Day, 2000. Stage Appearances: Lucky, Mobile Theater: The Mighty Cents, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre/Central Park, New York City, 1979.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Sergeant/Kiowa man/soldier/Klansman, Mother Courage and Her Children, New York Shakespeare Festival, Public/Newman Theatre, New York City, 1980. Cephus, Home, Negro Ensemble Company, Theatre Four, New York City, 1981. Private Louis Henson, A Soldier's Play, Negro Ensemble Company, Theatre Four, 1981. Oh/o Tip-Off, Center Stage Theatre, Baltimore, MD, 1983. Actor 7, The District Line, Negro Ensemble Company, Theatre Four, 1984. Native Speech, Center Stage Theatre, 1984. Lyons, Fences, Seattle Repertory Theatre, Seattle, WA, 1985. Boy Willie, The Piano Lesson, Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1987. Sergeant Prince Logan, We: Part l-Sally/Part Il-Prince, Negro Ensemble Company, Theatre Four, 1988. Wolf, Two Trains Running, Yale Repertory Theatre, 1989. Distant Fires, Coast Playhouse, Los Angeles, CA, 1993. Also appeared in Spell #7, New York Shakespeare Festival, New York City. Television Appearances; Movies: George Harris, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Showtime, 1987. Calvin Fredericks, Dead Man Out (also known as Dead Man Walking), HBO, 1989. Reverend Bob McClain, Common Ground, CBS, 1990. Hatcher, Dead and Alive: The Race for Cus Farace (also known as Mob Justice), ABC, 1991. Steward, Simple Justice (also known as The American Experience), PBS, 1993. Jamaal, Against the Wall (also known as Attica: Line of Fire and Attica! Attica!), HBO, 1994. Richard Greener, Assault at West Point (also known as Conduct Unbecoming: The Court-Martial of Johnson Wh/tta/cer), Showtime, 1994. Television Appearances; Specials: The Janitor, Spike & Co: Do It A Cappella, 1990. Inside the Academy Awards, TNT, 1995. The American Film Institute Salute to Steven Spielberg (also known as The American Film Institute Life Achievement Award), NBC, 1995. Narrator, The Journey of the African-American Athlete, HBO, 1996. API's 100 Years ... 100 Movies, 1998. Host, The 1999 ESPY Awards, 1999. Panelist, 9 Movie Moments That Made the '90s, 1999.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 An Evening of Stars: A Celebration of Educational Excellence Benefiting The United Negro College Fund, 1999. Host, From Star Wars to Star Wars, 1999. Intimate Portrait: Pam Crier, Lifetime, 1999. Voice of Turner, Our Friend, Martin, Starz, 1999. The Fine Art of Separating People from Their Money, Bravo, 1999. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 16th Annual CableACE Awards, TNT, 1995. Presenter, The 67th Annual Academy Awards, ABC,

1995. The 1997 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 1997. Host, The 1998 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 1998. The 70th Annual Academy Awards, 1998. The 1999 MTV Movie Awards, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Movin'On, NBC, 1974. "The Trial of the Moke/' Great Performances, PBS, 1978. "The Violence of Summer/' Law & Order, NBC, 1991. Reggie Jenkins, Ghostwriter, 1992. "Since Walter/' I'll Fly Away, NBC, 1992. Guest, Dennis Miller Live, HBO, 1994. Voice of the Mayor, "The Pied Piper/' Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (animated), HBO, 1995. Guest, Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, ABC,

1997. Golf 2000 with Peter Jacobsen, 1998. The Entertainment Business, Bravo, 1998.

JEWEL • 177

Addresses: Contact—3310 West End Ave., 5th Floor, Nashville, TN 37203. Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Kyle, Fathers and Sons, SVS Video, 1992. Relentless IV, 1994. Xenia Onatopp, GoldenEye, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1995. Dorothea Swan n, Lord of Illusions, United Artists, 1995. Treasure, Dead Girl, 1996. Rachel, City of Industry, Orion, 1997. R.P.M., 1997. Bonnie, Celebrity, Miramax, 1998. Trillian, Deep Rising, Buena Vista, 1998. Katy, Monument Ave., 1998. Petra, Rounders, Miramax, 1998. Fiona, The Adventures of Sebastian Cole, Paramount,

1998. Miss Burke, The Faculty, Miramax/Dimension, 1998. Leeanne, The Gingerbread Man, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, 1998. Evelyn Price, The House on Haunted Hill, Warner Bros., 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Lex, Model by Day, Fox, 1994. Television Appearances; Episodic: Diane Adamson, Me/rose Place, Fox, 1993. OTHER SOURCES

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Empire, issue 75, 1995, pp. 54-56. Golf Magazine, November 1998, p. 96. New York Times, June 9, 1991, p. H16. People Weekly, August 17, 1998, p. 110. Playboy, June 1999, p. 55. Premiere, June 1995, pp. 92-96. Sight and Sound, vol. 6, issue 12, 1996, pp. 7-8.*

Periodicals: Time, January 26, 1998, p. 77.*

JEWEL 1974(Jewel Kilcher) PERSONAL


Born May 23, 1974, in Homer, Alaska (some sources say Payson, Utah); daughter of Atz Kilcher (a social worker and folksinger) and Nedra Carroll (an artist). Education: Graduated from Interlochen Arts Academy in 1992. Avocational interests: Horses.

Born January 1, 1964, in the Netherlands; married Todd Williams.

Addresses: Contact—Atlantic Records, 75 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10314.

JANSSEN, Famke 1964-


Contemporary Theatre, Fi!m and Television • Volume 28

Career: Actress, musician, and singer. Previously worked as a waitress and other odd jobs. Awards, Honors: American Music Award, best new artist, 1995. CREDITS Film Appearances: Sue Lee Shelley, Ride with the Devil, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz in Concert: Dreams Come True, 1995. Herself, Farm Aid '96, 1996. The 1996 Billboard Music Awards, 1996. The 1997 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 1997. The 1997 MTV Video Music Awards, 1997. The 39th Grammy Awards, 1997. Crammy Countdown, 1997. Christmas in Rockefeller Center, 1998. The 25th Annual American Music Awards, 1998. The 40th Annual Crammy Awards, 1998. Where It's At: The Rolling Stone State of the Union, ABC, 1998. Merle Haggard for the Record, 1999. NetAid, VH1, 1999. The 33rd Annual Country Music Association Awards, 1999. Woodstock 99, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Storytellers, VH1, 1996. Hard Rock /./Ve, VH1, 1997. Making the Video, MTV, 1999. Herself, Holmes, 1999. Television Song Performer; Specials: The Wizard of OZ in Concert: Dreams Come True, 1995. The 1997 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 1997. Christmas in Rockefeller Center, 1998. Where It's At: The Rolling Stone State of the Union, ABC, 1998. Merle Haggard for the Record, 1999. The 33rd Annual Country Music Association Awards, 1999. Television Song Performer; Episodic: Dawson's Creek, The WB, 1998. Making the Video, MTV, 1999. RECORDINGS Albums: Pieces of You, Atlantic, 1995. Spirit, Atlantic, 1998.

WRITINGS Poetry: A Night Without Armor, 1998. Film Songs: The Other Sister, 1999. Television Songs: Dawson's Creek, The WB, 1998. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Billboard, December 12, 1998, p. 6; February 6, 1999, p. 1. Cosmopolitan, December 1996, p. 186. Entertainment Weekly, November 27, 1998, p. 73. Interview, July 1997, p. 88. Maclean's December 28, 1998, p. 107. Newsweek, November 23, 1998, p. 72. People Weekly, May 6, 1996, p. 221; December 29, 1997, p. 105. Publishers Weekly, November 3, 1997, p. 17; June 22, 1998, p. 24. Teen Magazine, April 1999, p. 62. T/meJuly21, 1997, p. 66.*

JOHNSON, Clark PERSONAL Married Heather Salmon, 1995; children: two daughters. Education: Attended Eastern Michigan University and Loyola Film School, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; trained for the stage at Actor's Laboratory, New York City. Addresses: Agent— United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire, Blvd #500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor and director. Member of the Second City comedy troupe in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Director of music videos for rock music recording artists; also worked as a television camera assistant and a special effects technician for feature films. Awards, Honors: Image Award nomination, outstanding supporting actor in a drama series, 1999, for Homicide: Life on the Street.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Detective Dave Jefferson, Night Heat, CBS, 1985-91. Al Pendleton, Hot Shots, CBS, 1986-87. E.N.G., 1990. Voice, Hammerman, 1991. Detective Meldrick Lewis, Homicide: Life on the Street, NBC, 1993—. Television Appearances; Movies: Perry, Ronajaffe's "Mazes and Monsters," CBS, 1982. Technician, Murder in Space, Showtime, 1985. Messenger, Seduced, CBS, 1985. Ralph, Starcrossed, ABC, 1985. Technician, Murder: By Reason of Insanity (also known as My Sweet Victim), 1985. Second agent, Courage (also known as Mother Courage), CBS, 1986. Television reporter, Doing Life, NBC, 1986. Medical examiner, Rockabye, CBS, 1986. Richard Bradley, Heart and Soul, 1988. Hostage, 1988. Butch, The Women of Brewster Place, 1989. Ron Pauley, Personals, 1990. Young Doctor, Polly—Comin' Home!, 1990. Sergeant Mike Delaney, Coopersmith, 1992. Master Chang, Model by Day, 1994. Glenn James, SilentWitness: What a Child Saw, 1994. Michael Hall, The Prosecutors, NBC, 1996. The Planet of Junior Brown, Showtime, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: Jason Davis, "East Side Angels/' The Littlest Hobo, 1981. Mr. Turner, "Arrivederci Roma/' The Littlest Hobo, 1984. Officer Stoker, "Man on the Edge/' Alfred Hitchcock Presents, 1987. Lennie, "Hostages," Katts and Dog, 1988. "The Track Star," My Secret Identity, 1988. Young, "Unto Us A Child Is Born," War of the Worlds, 1989. Clarke Roberts, "All Things Betray Thee," E.N.G., 1990. "Hard Choice," Katts and Dog, 1990. Chaffey, "The Mariah Connection," Sweating Bullets, 1991. Rick, Secret Service, 1992. "Bang, Bang You're Dead," Katts and Dog, 1992. Clarke Roberts, "Cutting Edge," E.N.C., 1994. "Silence is Golden," LA. Law, 1994. Casey Brooks, "Can't Run Can't Hide," Forever Knight, 1994.

JOHNSON • 179 Det. Derrick Clark, "Jane Doe: Part 1," Cold Squad, 1998. Appeared in episodes of SCTV, Gabriel's Fire. Television Appearances; Specials: Second Fireman, Pippi Longstocking, 1985. Television Director; Series: Fast Track, 1997. We/come to Paradox, Sci-Fi Channel, 1998. Television Work; Other: Stunts, Nightstick (also known as Calhoun), 1987. Television Work; Episodic: Director of episodes, Homicide: Life on the Street, NBC, 1996-. Director of episodes of the syndicated series Under African Skies, Family Channel. Film Appearances: Michael, Killing 'em Softly, 1981. Dave, Skullduggery (also known as Warlock), 1983. Terminal Choice, Almi, 1985. Moriarty, Blindside, 1986. Winston, Wild Thing, Atlantic, 1987. Black gang leader, Adventures in Babysitting, 1987. Mark Halstead, Nowhere to Hide, 1987. Mr. Nice Guy, 1987. Graves, Iron Eagle II, TriStar, 1988. Lee, Colors, Orion, 1988. J. J., Renegades, Universal, 1989. Psychic, Vidmark Entertainment, 1992. Detective Gilliam, The Finishing Touch, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1992. Blood Brothers (also known as Native Strangers), 1993. Bush, Soul Survivor, 1994. Trevor/"Mad Dog," Final Round, Worldvision Home Video, 1994. Bob Covington, Drop Zone, Paramount, 1994. Cab driver, Nick of Time, 1995. Reese, Rude, 1995. Clive, Lulu, 1996. Mr. Pool, The Planet of Junior Brown (also known as Junior's Groove), Showtime, 1997. Film Work; Director: Director of independent film starring Homicide: Life on the Street co-stars Richard Belzer, Ned Beatty, and Jon Polito.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Film Work; Other: Stunts, Renegades, Universal, 1989. Special effects technician on films such as Three Men and a Baby, The Dead Zone, The Fly, The Rocketeer, and Videodrome. Stage Appearances: Appeared as a child actor on Broadway and on tour, including roles in Finnian's Rainbow, South Pacific, The Me Nobody Knows, and Porgy and Bess.

JONES, Deacon 1938PERSONAL Real name, David Jones; born December 9, 1938, in Eatonville, FL; married Elizabeth. Education: Attended South Carolina State and Mississippi Vocational. Addresses: Contact—Deacon Jones Foundation, PMB 186, 446 S. Anaheim Hills Rd., Anaheim Hills, CA 92807.

WRITINGS Other: Contributed two short stories to an anthology, Waiting in the Wings, edited by Lynn Green, and published by Oxford University Press. OTHER SOURCES Entertainment Weekly, January 10, 1997, p. 46. TV Guide, December 28, 1996, p. 39.*

JOHNSON, Mark Steven 1966(?)-

Career: Actor, singer, and professional football player. Los Angeles Rams, football player, 1961-72, then San Diego Chargers, 1972-74, then Washington Redskins, 1974; XTRA Sports Radio, Los Angeles, CA, host; The Deacon Jones Foundation, founder; also worked in marketing, corporate imaging, and public relations. Military service: Served in the military, 1957-58. Awards, Honors: All-Pro, National Football League, 1965-70; George Halas Trophy, National Football League, defensive player of the year, 1967-68; Pro Football Hall of Fame, inductee. CREDITS

PERSONAL Born c. 1966, in Hastings, MN. Education: Graduated from California State University at Long Beach; also attended Winona State University.

Film Appearances: Himself, Black Gunn, Columbia, 1972. Thrual, The Norseman, 1978. Gorman, Heaven Can Wait, Paramount, 1978.

Addresses: /Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Television Appearances; Series: Corps Narrator/Himself, G vs. E, USA, 1999—.

Career: Director and screenwriter.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Guard, "Sam and the Beanstalk/' Bewitched, 1964. Himself, "The Drummer Boy/' The Brady Bunch, 1971. Himself, "Felix's First Commercial," The Odd Couple, 1972. "The Deadly Sting," Wonder Woman, 1978. "Win One for the Gipper," The Fall Guy, 1981.

CREDITS Film Director: Simon Birch (also known as Angels and Armadillos), Buena Vista, 1998. WRITINGS Screenplays: Grumpy Old Men, Warner Bros., 1993. Grumpier Old Men (also known as Grumpy Old Men 2), Warner Bros., 1995. Big Bully, Warner Bros., 1996. Simon Birch (also known as Angels and Armadillos), Buena Vista, 1998. Jack Frost (also known as Frost), Warner Bros., 1998. *

Television Appearances; Specials: Super Night at the Super Bowl, CBS, 1987. Secrets Revealed, ABC, 1994. The NFL at 75: An All-Star Celebration, ABC, 1995. NFL All-Star Comedy Blitz, CBS, 1999. Television Work; Specials: Song performer, Super Night at the Super Bowl, CBS, 1987.

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JOST • 181

WRITINGS Nonfiction: Wrote (with others) Life in the Pit; Headslap; The Life and Times of Deacon Jones; Why I Hate the Dallas Cowboys; also contributed articles to Tuff Stuff magazine.*

JONZE, Spike 1969PERSONAL Original name, Adam Spiegel; born in 1969, in Rockville, MD; married Sofia Coppola, c. 1999. Addresses: /Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

JONES, Orlando PERSONAL Addresses: /Agent—William Morris Agency, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019.

Career: Cinematographer, producer, director, and writer. Also worked as photographer and video director, including videos for the Beastie Boys and the band Weezer, skate-boarding videos, commercials, and short films. Dirt magazine, cofounder, 1992.

Career: Actor, producer, writer, and editor. CREDITS CREDITS Film Appearances: Digby, Sour Crapes, Columbia/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1998. Sticky Fingas, Woo, New Line Cinema, 1998. Little Melvin, Liberty Heights, Warner Bros., 1999. Worm, Magnolia, New Line Cinema, 1999. Steve, Office Space, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Host, Sound ft, FX, 1994. Mad TV, Fox, 1995. Television Appearances; Specials: Mad TV Goes to the Movies, Fox, 1996. The Best of Mad TV, Fox, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: A Different World, NBC, 1991. Cop, Herman's Head, Fox, 1991. Comics on Delivery (C.O.D.), Comedy Central, 1997. Voice of Kidd Mookie, King of the Hill, Fox, 1997. Television Work; Series: Story editor, A Different World, NBC, 1991. Executive story editor, Roc, Fox, 1992. Coproducer and executive story editor, The Sinbad Show, Fox, 1993.

Film Work: Director, Hi-Octane, 1994. Producer and director, Las Nueve Vidas de Paco - The Chocolate Movie, 1995. Cinematographer, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, 1996. Director, Amarillo by Morning, 1997. Cinematographer, Free Tibet, Shooting Gallery, 1998. Director, Being John Malkovich, USA Films, 1999. Film Appearances: Airbag EMT Beltran, The Game, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, 1997. Conrad Vig, Three Kings, Warner Bros., 1999. WRITINGS Las Nueve Vidas de Paco - The Chocolate Movie (film), 1995. Contributor to magazines. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Harper's Bazaar, November 1999, p. 146. Interview, October 1999, p. 210.*

JOST, Jon 1943WRITINGS PERSONAL Television Episodes: A Different World, NBC, between 1990 and 1991. Roc, Fox, 1992. The Sinbad Show, Fox, 1993. Mad TV, fox, 1995.*

Born in 1943, in Chicago, IL. Addresses: Contact-c/o Hansen, 115 East 92nd St., New York, NY 10128.

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Career: Director, cinematographer, editor, producer, soundman, designer, art director, musician, song writer, song performer, screenwriter, and actor. Newsreel (a film production and distribution group), cofounder. Awards, Honors: Bronze Rosa Camuna, Bergamo Film Meeting, 1988, for Bell Diamond; Independent Spirit Award, best cinematographer, 1993, for All the Vermeers in New York; John Cassavetes Award, Independent Features Project.

And editor, cinematographer, and designer, The Bed You Sleep In, FilmHaus, 1993. Albrechts Flugel (also known as Albrechts Wings), 1994. And cinematographer, Uno a te, uno a me ed uno a Raffaele (also known as One for You, One for Me, and One for Raphael), 1994. Film Appearances: Nightshift, Warner Bros., 1982. Drummer, Mod Fuck Explosion, 1994. WRITINGS

CREDITS Film Director, Except Where Indicated: And producer, cinematographer, sound recorder, photographer, and editor, Speaking Directly: Some American Notes, Jon Jost Films, 1974. And producer, editor, and photographer, Angel City, Jon Jost Films, 1977. And song performer, editor, producer, cinematographer, and photographer, Last Chants for a Slow Dance, Jon Jost Films, 1977. And executive producer and photographer, Chameleon, Jon Jost Films, 1978. Stage Fright, Jon Jost Films, 1981. Psalm, 1982. Photographer, Nightshift, Warner Bros., 1982. Slow Moves, Jon Jost Films, 1983. And cinematographer, editor, and producer, Bell Diamond, Jon Jost Films, 1986. Plain Talk and Common Sense (also known as Uncommon Senses), Jon Jost Films, 1987. And art director, cinematographer, editor, producer, and soundman, Laughing Rembrandt (also known as Rembrandt Laughing), Jon Jost Films, 1988. Associate producer, Blood Orgy of the Leather Girls, 1988. And editor, cinematographer, and art director, All the Vermeers in New York, Strand Releasing, 1990. And editor and cinematographer, Sure Fire, Strand Releasing, 1990. Executive producer, The Living End, 1992. And editor and cinematographer, ]on Jost's Frame Up, Republic Pictures, 1993.

Screenplays: Speaking Directly: Some American Notes, Jon Jost Films, 1974. Angel City, Jon Jost Films, 1977. Last Chants for a Slow Dance, Jon Jost Films, 1977. Chameleon, Jon Jost Films, 1978. Stage Fright, Jon Jost Films, 1981. Psalm, 1982. Slow Moves, Jon Jost Films, 1983. Bell Diamond, Jon Jost Films, 1986. Plain Talk and Common Sense (also known as (Uncommon Senses), Jon Jost Films, 1987. Laughing Rembrandt (also known as Rembrandt Laughing), Jon Jost Films, 1988. Blood Orgy of the Leather Girls, 1988. All the Vermeers in New York, Strand Releasing, 1990. Sure Fire, Strand Releasing, 1990. The Living End, 1992. /on /ost's Frame Up, Republic Pictures, 1993. The Bed You Sleep In, 1993. Albrechts Flugel (also known as Albrechts Wings), 1994. Uno a te, uno a me ed uno a Raffaele (also known as One for You, One for Me, and One for Raphael), 1994. Film Music: Slow Dance, Jon Jost Films, 1977. Film Songs:

Speaking Directly: Some American Notes, Jon Jost Films, 1974. Last Chants for a Slow Dance, Jon Jost Films, 1977.*


OTHER SOURCES KATZENBERG, Jeffrey 1950PERSONAL Born in 1950; raised in New York City; son of a stockbroker and an artist; married Marilyn Siegel (a kindergarten teacher); children: Laura, David. Education: Attended Fieldston School; attended New York University, 1972. Avocational interests: Watching movies, attending baseball games and rock concerts. Addresses: Office—DreamWorks SKG, 100 Universal Plaza, Bungalow 477, Universal City, CA 91608. Career: Motion picture company executive and producer. Paramount Pictures, New York City, assistant to the chairman and chief executive officer, 1975-77, executive director of marketing, 1977; Paramount Pictures, Los Angeles, CA, vice-president for television programming, 1977-78, vice-president for feature production, 1978-80, senior vice-president for production, Motion Picture Division, 1980-82, president of production for motion pictures and television, 1982-84; Walt Disney Studios, Burbank, CA, chairman, 1984-94; DreamWorks SKG, Universal City, CA, founder with David Geffen and Steven Spielberg, 1994, chair, 1994—. Also worked as a talent agent and for political campaigns. Started one restaurant, Jimmy's, and owner (with Steven Spielberg) of another, Dive. CREDITS Film Executive Producer: The Prince of Egypt (animated), DreamWorks, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: The American Film Institute Salute to Steven Spielberg (also known as The American Film Institute Life Achievement Award), NBC, 1995. Steven Spielberg, A&E, 1998.

Periodicals: Brandweek, May 24, 1999, p. 4. New York Times, February 7, 1988, p. 29. Time, May 31, 1999, p. 29. U.S. News & World Report, July 19, 1999, p. 45. Variety, September 2, 1996, pp. 2-4; August 2, 1999, p. 7.*

KELLEY, David E. 1956PERSONAL Born in 1956 in Waterville, ME; father, a hockey coach; married Michelle Pfeiffer (an actress), November 13, 1993; children: Claudia Rose, John Henry. Education: Princeton University, B.A.; Boston University, J.D. Avocational interests: Cribbage. Addresses: Office—David E. Kelley Productions, Twentieth-Century Fox, 10201 West Pico Blvd., Bldg. 80, Los Angeles, CA 90064. Career: Producer, writer, story editor, and television series creator. Previously worked as a lawyer at Boston's Fine & Ambrogne. Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nomination, outstanding drama series (with others), 1988, Emmy Award nomination, outstanding writing in a drama series (with others), 1988-90, Emmy Award, outstanding drama series (with others), 1989-90, Emmy Award, outstanding writing in a drama series, 1989-90, all for LA. Law; Emmy Award, outstanding drama series, 1993-94, Humanitas Prize, Human Family Educational & Cultural Institute, 60 minute category, 1996, all for Picket Fences (with others); Emmy Award nomination, outstanding drama

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series, 1995-96, for Chicago Hope (with others); International Monitor Award, best achievement in film originated television series, 1998, Emmy Award nominations, outstanding comedy series (with others) and outstanding writing for a comedy series, 1998-99, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best international (program or series), 1999, all for Ally McBeal; Emmy Award, outstanding drama series (with other), Emmy Award nomination, outstanding writing for a drama series, 1998, Writers Guild of America Award nomination, best episodic drama, 1999, all for The Practice; Television Critics Association Award, outstanding individual achievement in drama, 1999; Astral Award of Excellence, Banff Television Festival, 1999. CREDITS Film Producer: To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday, 1996. Lake Placid, 1999. Mystery, Alaska, 1999. Televison Executive Producer, Except Where Indicated; Series: And story editor, executive story editor, co-producer, and supervising producer, L.A. Law, NBC, 1987-91. Creator, supervising producer, and creative consultant, Doog/'e Howser, M.D., ABC, 1989-93. And creator and executive consultant, Picket Fences, CBS, 1992-96. And creator, executive consultant, and consulting producer, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1994—. And creator, The Practice, ABC, 1997—. And creator, Ally McBeal, Fox, 1997—. And creator, Ally, Fox, 1999—. And creator, Snoops, ABC, 1999—. Television Appearances; Specials: The LA. Law 100th Episode Special, NBC, 1991. Today at Night, NBC, 1994. Thirteenth Annual Genesis Awards, 1999. WRITINGS Screenplays: From the Hip, DEC, 1987.

To Gillian on her 37th Birthday, 1996. Lake Placid, 1999. Mystery, Alaska, 1999. Television Series: Ally McBeal, Fox, 1997—.

Television Episodes: LA. Law, NBC, 1986-91. Doog/e Howser, M.D., ABC, 1989-90. Picket Fences, CBS, 1992-96. Chicago Hope, CBS, 1994-96, 1998-99. The Practice, ABC, 1997—. Ally, Fox, 1999—. Snoops, ABC, 1999. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Broadcasting & Cable, May 1, 1995, p. 10; June 12, 1995, p. 16; February 1, 1999, p. 32; April 26, 1999, p. 29. Entertainment Weekly, June 13, 1997, p. 13; September 25, 1998, p. 32. Mediaweek, October 23, 1995, p. 5. People Weekly, October 19, 1998, p. 180. US. News & World Report, May 31, 1999, p. 14. Variety, June 14, 1999, p. 25; September 20, 1999, p. 36.*

KELLY, Jean See KELLY, Jean Louisa

KELLY, Jean Louisa 1972(Jean Kelly) PERSONAL Born March 9, 1972; married James Pitaro, 1997. Education: Graduated from Columbia University, 1994. Avocational interests: Dancing. Addresses: Agent—Paradigm, 200 West 57th #900, New York, NY. Career: Actress and singer. Appeared in television commercials for MCI (1994), Ogilvie Shampoo (1996), and Neutrogena (1996). CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Jean Kelly) Tia Russell, Uncle Buck, 1989. Rowena Morgan, Mr. Holland's Opus, Buena Vista/ Hollywood Pictures, 1995. Luisa, The Fantasticks, 1995. Athena Allen, Stranger in the Kingdom, 1998.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Laura, Origin of the Species, 1998. Landfill, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Voice, Prince Cwenevere and the Jewel Riders, 1995. Shelley Sullivan, Cold Feet, NBC, 1999-. Television Appearances; Movies: Maria, American Shaolin, 1991. Daisy, Breathing Lessons, 1994. Mary Graves, One More Mountain, 1994. Julia Taft, Tad, syndicated, 1995. Rachel, Harvest of Fire, CBS, 1996. Sarah White, Stolen Women, Captured Hearts, CBS, 1997. Lucy Hale, The Day Lincoln Was Shot, TNT, 1998. Jane Coles, Ruby Bridges, ABC, 1998. Holly Moon, The Cyberstalking, UPN, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Late Night with David Letterman, CBS, 1996. Sarah Langdon, "Kaddish," Homicide: Life on the Street, NBC, 1997. Good Morning, America, ABC, 1997. Diane—the nurse, "A Pain in the Neck/' Mad About You, NBC, 1998. Coral Galvins, "Scrambled," Law & Order, NBC, 1998. Diane—the nurse, "The Honeymoon," Mad About You, NBC, 1999.

KERR • 1 8 5

KEMPER, Steve PERSONAL Career: Editor. CREDITS Film Work; Editor, Except Where Indicated: Assistant editor, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Columbia, 1979. Assistant editor, Twilight Zone—The Movie, Warner Bros., 1983. Assistant editor, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Paramount/Cinema International, 1984. 3:15, 1986. Showdown in Little Tokyo, Warner Bros., 1991. New jack City, Warner Bros., 1991. Aspen Extreme, 1993. Timecop, Universal Pictures, 1994. Sudden Death, Universal Pictures, 1995. Fair Came, Warner Bros., 1995. The Relic, Paramount, 1997. Face/Off, Buena Vista, 1997. End of Days, Buena Vista, 1999. Television Work; Series: Editor, Amazing Stories, NBC, 1985.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Immediate Family, ABC, 1998.

Also affiliated with the series Sea Quest DSV, NBC, 1993-94; and Star Trek: Voyager, UPN, 1995.

Stage Appearances: Title role, Annie, Theater by the Sea, Rhode Island, c. 1983. (Broadway debut) Snow White, understudy Little Red Riding Hood, and understudy Rapunzel, Into the Woods, Broadway production, c. 1987.

Television Work; Movies: Assistant editor, Child Bride of Short Creek, NBC, 1981. Assistant editor, /./cense to Kill, CBS, 1984.

Also appeared as Gloria, Wait Until Dark, Nickerson Theatre, MA; Fredrika, A Little Night Music, Public Theatre, Boston, MA; Emily, Our Town, Columbia Players, New York City; Luisa, The Fantastiks, Columbia Musical Theatre Society; title role, Cigi, Northshore Music Theatre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Betty Bounce, RSVP Broadway, Winter Garden Theatre, New York City; Ruby Keeler, The Jazz Singer; Jo, Little Women; in JukeBox Review, Hershey Park; Remember Me. RECORDINGS Singles: Appeared on Top Goes the Fourth/' 1996.*

Television Work; Miniseries: Assistant editor, The Executioner's Song, NBC, 1982.*

KERR, Ed See KERR, Edward

KERR, Edward 1966(Ed Kerr) PERSONAL Born October 14, 1966, in Kansas City, MO. Education: Graduated from Vanderbilt University.

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Avocational interests: Playing billiards, reading, and play sports. Addresses:/Agent—Endeavor Agency, 9701 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA. Career: Actor. Appeared in television commercials for Toyota, Chevrolet, Miller Light, and Old Spice. CREDITS Film Appearances: Jack Westmore, Confessions of a Sexist Pig, 1998. Pilot, The Astronaut's Wife, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Lt. James Brody, SeaQuest DSV (also known as SeaQuest 2032), NBC, 1994-95. Detective Greg McCormack, Snoops, ABC, 1999—. Television Appearances; Movies: Nick, /AboveSuspicion (also known as The Rhinehart Theory), HBO, 1995. Prince Morgan, Magic Island, Disney, 1995. Roy Guyton, Legalese, TNT, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Tony Parrish, The Secrets of Lake Success, NBC, 1993. Television Appearances; Episodic: Kevin Abernathy, "Something Blue/' Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1996.*

KIDMAN, Nicole 1967PERSONAL Born June 20, 1967, in Honolulu, HI; raised in Sydney, Australia; daughter of Antony (a biochemist and clinical psychologist) and Janelle (a teacher of nursing) Kidman; married Tom Cruise (an actor), December 24,1990; children: Isabella Jane, Connor Anthony. Education: Studied at St. Martin's Youth Theatre, Melbourne, Australia, Australian Theatre for Young People, Sydney, Australia, and Philip Street Theatre. Avocational interests: Traveling, gambling, skydiving, rock climbing. Addresses: /Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212-1825; Ann Churchill-Brown, Shanahan's Management, P.O. Box 478, Kings Cross, New South Wales 2011, Australia.

Office—do Catherine Olin, PMK Public Relations, 955 South Carrillo Dr., Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Career: Actress. Goodwill ambassador for UNICEF Australia. Member: Screen Actors Guild, Advisory Board for University of California-Los Angeles Women's Reproductive Cancer Research and Treatment Program (chairperson). Awards, Honors: Best Actress in a Miniseries, Australian Film Institute, 1990, for Bangkok Hilton; named Female Star of Tomorrow by National Association of Theatre Owners/ShoWest, 1991; Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actress, 1992, for Billy Bathgate; Golden Globe Award, best actress in a musical or comedy, 1996, for To Die For; Best Actress in a Miniseries, Australian Film Institute, for Vietnam. CREDITS Film Appearances: Judy, BMX Bandits, Nilsen Premiere, 1983. Helen, Bush Christmas (also known as Prince and the Great Race), Hoyts Release, 1983. Julia Matthews, W/7/s and Burke—The Untold Story (also known as W/7/s and Burke), Greater Union, 1985. Catherine, Archer's Adventure (also known as Archer), 1985. Jade, Windrider, Hoyts Release, 1986. Mary McAllister, The Bit Part, Comedia, 1987. Night Master, 1987. The Year My Voice Broke, Avenue, 1987. Breaking Loose, 1988. Watch the Shadows Dance, 1988. Helen Davey, Emerald City, Greater Union, 1989. Rae Ingram, Dead Calm, Warner Bros., 1989. Dr. Claire Lewicki, Days of Thunder, Paramount, 1990. Nicola Radcliffe, Flirting, Warner Bros., 1991. Drew Preston, Billy Bathgate, Buena Vista, 1991. Shannon Christie, Far and Away, Universal, 1992. Tracy Safian, Malice (also known as Bodily Harm and Damage), Columbia, 1993. Gail Jones, My Life, Columbia, 1993. Dr. Chase Meridian, Batman Forever (also known as Batman 3 and Batman ///), Warner Bros., 1995. Suzanne Stone Maretto, To Die For (also known as 2 D/e4), Columbia, 1995. The Leading Man, J & M Entertainment, 1996.

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Isabel Archer, The Portrait of a Lady (also known as Portrait of a Lady), Gramercy Pictures, 1996. Julia Kelly, The Peacemaker, DreamWorks, 1997. Gillian Owens, Practical Magic, Warner Bros., 1998. Alice Harford, Eyes Wide Shut, Warner Bros., 1999. Berlin Diaries, 1940-45, Good Machine, 2000.

Rolling Stone, July 12, 1990, p. 56. Time, October 9, 1995, p. 89; July 5, 1999, p. 72. Vanity Fair, July, 1995, pp. 62-65, 68, 128. Variety, April 26, 1999, p. 4.*

Television Appearances; Movies: Petra, Chase through the Night, 1983. Bridget Elliot, Matthew and Son, 1984.

KILBRIDE, Percy 1888-1964

Television Appearances; Specials: Carol Trig, "Room to Move," WoncterWorks, PBS, 1987. Hollywood Hotshots, 1992. Interviewee, People Yearbook '95, CBS, 1995. Riddle Me This: Why Is Batman Forever?, ABC, 1995. Fire & Ice Ball'97, 1997. Ron Howard: Hollywood's Favorite Son, 1999.

Born July 16, 1888, in San Francisco, CA; died of arteriosclerosis and pneumonia, December 11,1964, in Hollywood, California.


Career: Actor. Appeared in 800 roles on Broadway and in film, including stock productions through 1933. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 64th Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1992. The 66th Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1994. The 68th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1996. The Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (also known as Second Annual Blockbuster Entertainment Awards), UPN, 1996. The 54th Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 1997. The 69th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1997. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Katrina Stanton, Bangkok Hilton, TBS, 1990. Also appeared in Vietnam, Australian television. Television Appearances; Series: Five Mile Creek, 1984. Stage Appearances: The Blue Room, London, England, and Broadway production, New York City, c. 1999. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, June 9,1995, pp. 18-20,22,25; March 6, 1998, p. 14; October 9, 1998, p. 52. Good Housekeeping, July 1999, p. 92. Newsweek, December 14, 1998, p. 70. People Weekly, Spring 1991, p. 66; February 23, 1998, p. 45; November 16, 1998, p. 11; August 16, 1999, p. 101.

Film Appearances: Jakey, White Woman, 1933. Lem Jordan, Annie Oakley, 1935. Soak the Rich, 1936. Mr. Kimber, George Washington Slept Here, 1942. Orion Peabody, Keeper of the Flame, 1942. Col. Merriweather, Crazy House, 1943. Rev. Samuel Small, The Woman of the Town, 1944. She's a Soldier Too, 1944. Schermerhorn the jailer, Knickerbocker Holiday, 1944. John, the butler, Guest in the House, 1944. Billings, The Adventures of Mark Twain, 1944. Harmie, The Southerner, 1945. Judge Whittaker, She Wouldn't Say Yes, 1945. Miller, State Fair (also known as It Happened One Summer), 1945. Pop, Fallen Angel, 1945. Mr. Dawson, The Well-Groomed Bride, 1946. Nat Dorkas, We/come Stranger, 1947. Pop, Riffraff, 1947. Pa Kettle, The Egg and I, 1947. Mr. Andrew Mayhew, You Were Meant for Me, 1948. Mr. Racknell, You Gotta Stay Happy, 1948. Mr. Willie B. Williegood, The Sun Comes Up, 1948. Billy Caswell, Feud'm', Fussin', and A-Fightin', 1948. Jersey Brady, Black Bart (also known as Black Bart, Highwayman), 1948. Rickle, Mr. Soft Touch (also known as House of Settlement), 1949. Pa Kettle, Ma and Pa Kettle (also known as The Further/Adventures of Ma and Pa Kettle), 1949. Mr. Abbott, Free for All, 1949.

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Pop Jones, Riding High, 1950. Pa Kettle, Ma and Pa Kettle Go to Town, 1950. Pa Kettle, Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farm, 1951. Pa Kettle, Ma and Pa Kettle at the Fair, 1952. Pa Kettle, Ma and Pa Kettle on Vacation (also known as Ma and Pa Kettle Co to Paris and Ma and Pa Kettle Hit the Road), Universal International Pictures, 1953. Pa Kettle, Ma and Pa Kettle at Home, Universal International Pictures, 1954. Pa Kettle, Ma and Pa Kettle At Waikiki, Universal International Pictures, 1955. Stage Appearances: Appeared in Lily Turner, Broadway production; Post Road, Broadway production; Three Men on a Horse, Broadway production; Cuckoos on the Hearth, Broadway production; Little Brown Jug, Broadway production; George Washington Slept Here, Broadway production.*

Kenny, Blue Skies, ABC, 1994. Dwight Kling, A Whole New Ballgame, ABC, 1995. Paul Lassiter, Spin City, ABC, 1996—. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Just the Facts, Ma'am/' Anything But Love, ABC, 1989. Neurotic director, The Building, Worldwide Pants, 1993. Max Webb, "The Spider Web/' Nowhere Man, Fox, 1995. Colonel Matthew Burke, "Level of Necessity," Space: Above and Beyond, UPN, 1996. Dr. Mark David Devanow, Mad About You, NBC, 1998. Paul Lassiter, Something So Right, 1998. Dentist, Strangers with Candy, Comedy Central, 1999. Also appeared in The Commish, ABC; The Nanny, CBS. Television Appearances; Movies: Turpin, Two Fathers' justice, NBC, 1985. Television Appearances; Specials: Richard Bennett, Bennett Brothers, NBC, 1987. Host, Walt Disney World Very Merry Christmas Parade, 1998. Frank DeCaro's "Out at the Movies" Fabulous Big "O" Buffet, Comedy Central, 1999.


KIND, Richard 1956(?)PERSONAL Born November 22, 1956 (one source says November 23), in Trenton, NJ. Education: Graduated from Northwestern University. Avocational interests: Golfing. Addresses: Office—c/o The Gersh Agency, 232 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Actor. Performed with Practical Theatre Company, Chicago, IL, Second City, Chicago, and Second City, Los Angeles; appeared in commercials; previously worked as a waiter. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Jimmy Bello, UNSUB (also known as Unknown Sub/ect), NBC, 1989. Carol and Company, NBC, 1990-91. The Carol Burnett Show, CBS, 1991. Dr. Mark David Devanow, Mad About You, NBC, 1992-93.

Film Appearances: Nothing in Common, TriStar, 1986. Floyd, Vice Versa, Columbia, 1988. Actor, Queen's Logic, Seven Arts, 1991. Peter's psychiatrist, The Joke, 1992. Voice of Tom, Tom and Jerry: The Movie, Miramax, 1992. Reporter, Mr. Saturday Night, Columbia, 1992. Lou Alonzo, All-American Murder, Prism Entertainment, 1992. Wamthool, Quest of the Delta Knights, Hemdale Home Video, 1993. Gary Meyers, Stargate, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1994. Angry driver, Jimmy Hollywood, Paramount, 1994. Julien Daniels, Clifford, Orion, 1994. Florist, Shooting Lily, 1996. Paul Truman, Johns, First Look Pictures, 1996. Habbish, Cold Heart, 1997. Benny, Sink or Swim, 1997. Voice of Molt, A Bug's Life (animated), Buena Vista, 1998. Stage Appearances: Orwell That Ends Well, Chicago Second City Company, Village Gate Downstairs, Chicago, 1984.*

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

KING, Larry 1933PERSONAL Born Lawrence Harvey Zeiger, November 19, 1933, in Brooklyn, NY; son of Eddie (a restaurant owner and defense plant worker) and Jennie (a restaurant owner and garment worker; maiden name, Gitlitz) Zeiger; married Alene Akins (a Playboy bunny), 1961 (divorced, 1963); married Mickey Sutphin, 1964 (divorced, 1966); remarried Akins, 1967 (divorced, 1971); married Sharon Lepore (a math teacher), September 25, 1976 (divorced, 1982); married Julia Alexander, October 7, 1989 (marriage ended); married Shawn Southwick (a country singer and actress), September, 5, 1997; children: (with Akins) Chaia (daughter); (with Alexander) Andy; (with Southwick) Chance Armstrong; two other children. Addresses: Office—Larry King Live, Cable News Network, 820 First St. N.E., Washington, DC 20002; The Larry King Show, Mutual Broadcasting System Inc., 1755 South Jefferson Davis Hwy., Arlington, VA 22202. Career: Talk show host, actor, and writer. Worked at various jobs, including delivery boy and mail clerk, in Brooklyn, NY, during 1950s; WAHR-AM Radio (now WMBM Radio), Miami, FL, janitor, 1957, morning disc jockey, 1957-58; WKAT-AM Radio, Miami, FL, drive-time disc jockey, 1958, host of interview show from Pumpernik's Restaurant (Miami, FL), 195862; WIOD-AM Radio, Miami, FL, host of interview show from Pumpernik's Restaurant, 1962, host of interview show broadcast from a houseboat, 1963-71; WLBW-TV, Miami, FL, television talk show host, 1963-64; freelance writer and broadcaster, 1972-75; WIOD-AM Radio, Miami, FL, interview show host, 1975-78; Mutual Broadcasting System, Arlington, VA, host of The Larry King Show, 1978—; USA Today, Arlington, VA, weekly newspaper columnist, 1983—; WJLA-TV, Washington, DC, host of Larry King: Lets Talk, 1985; Cable News Network (CNN), Atlanta, GA, host of Larry King Live, 1985—; anchor for telecast of the Goodwill Games, 1990. Worked in public relations for a horse-racing track in Shreveport, LA, 1974-75. Color commentator for baseball, football, and hockey teams on radio and television, including commentator for Miami Dolphins and Shreveport Steamers. Former newspaper columnist for the Miami Beach Sun-Reporter, Miami Herald, Miami News, and the Sporting News. Member: American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, American Women in Radio and Televi-

KING • 189 sion Communications (honorary trustee), Friars Club, Heart Assistance Foundation (member of board of directors), Larry King Cardiac Foundation (chairperson), Read-America (member of advisory board), Washington Center for Politics and Journalism. Awards, Honors: Man of the year, City of Hope, 1977; Peabody Award, University of Georgia School of Journalism, 1982 (some sources say 1987), Jack Anderson Investigative Reporting Award, 1985, Radio Award, National Association of Broadcasters, 1985, Best Radio Talk Show Host, Washington journalism Review, 1986, all for The Larry King Show; Annual Cable Excellence Awards, 1987, 1988, 1989, for Larry King Live, 1990, for excellence in cable television; Father of the Year, National Father's Day Council, 1988; Broadcaster of the Year, International Radio and Television Society, 1989; Annual Cable Excellence Award nomination, 1991, for Larry King Live; named to Emerson Hall of Fame and Broadcasters Hall of Fame, 1992; Man of the Year, American Heart Association, 1992. CREDITS Radio Appearances: Host, The Larry King Show, Mutual Broadcasting System, 1978—. Interviewer for Talk to America, Voice of America. Television Appearances; Series: Host, Larry King: Let's Talk, 1985. Host, Larry King Live, CNN, 1985—. Also appeared as host, Let's Talk Washington, WJ LATV. Television Appearances; Specials: Anchor, The 1990 Goodwill Carries, syndicated, 1990. Larry King Extra, TNT, 1991. Host, November 22, 1963: Where Were You? A Larry King Special Live from Washington, TNT, 1993. Host, The UFO Cover-Up: Live from Area 51, TNT, 1994. "O.J. in Black and White/7 Larry King Live, CNN, 1996. Very Personal with Naomi Judd, The Family Channel, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Rootless People/' Murphy Brown, CBS, 1990. Voice, "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish," The Simpsons (animated), Fox, 1991. "Larry King," Biography, A&E, 1995.

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"The P. A.," The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1995. "Better Offer/' The Bonnie Hunt Show (also known as Bonnie), CBS, 1996. Muppets Tonight!, ABC, 1996. "Phil's Dead—Long Live Phil's," Murphy Brown, CBS,

1996. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 1995 Billboard Music Awards, Fox, 1995. The /6th Annual CableACE Awards, TNT, 1995. Host, 7996 ShoWest Awards, TNT, 1996. The 71th Annual Academy of Television Arts and Sciences' Hall of Fame (also known as Television Academy Hall of Fame), CBS, 1996. Film Appearances: Ghostbusters, Columbia, 1984. Lost in America, Warner Bros., 1985. Jeff, Pink Nights, New World Pictures, 1987. Television talk show host, Eddie and the Cruisers II: Eddie Lives!, Scotti, 1989. William Peter Blatty's "The Exorcist III" (also known as The Exorcist III and Exorcist III: The Legion), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1990. Crazy People, Paramount, 1990. Voice, We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (animated), Universal, 1993. Dave, Warner Bros., 1993. Open City, 1995. The Cable Guy, Columbia, 1996. The Long Kiss Goodnight, New Line Cinema, 1996. An Alan Smithee Film . . . Burn, Hollywood, Bum (also known as An Alan Smithee Film), Buena Vista, 1997. Contact, Warner Bros., 1997. Mad City, Warner Bros., 1997. WRITINGS Books: (With Emily Yoffe) Larry King by Larry King (autobiography), Simon & Schuster (New York City), 1982. (With Peter Occhiogrosso) Tell It to the King, Putnam (New York City), 1988. (With B. D. Colen)"Mr. King, You're Having a Heart Attack": How a Heart Attack and Bypass Surgery Changed My Life, Delacorte (New York City), 1989. (With Peter Occhiogrosso) Tell Me More (companion book to Tell It to the King), Putnam, 1990. (With Marty Appel) When You're from Brooklyn, the Rest of the World Is Tokyo (also published as When You're from Brooklyn, Everything Else Is Tokyo), Little, Brown (Boston, MA), 1992.

(With Mark Stencel) On the Line: The New Road to the White House, Harcourt Brace (New York City), 1993. (With Bill Gilbert) How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere: The Secrets ofCood Communication, Crown (New York City), 1994. The Best of Larry King Live: The Greatest Interviews, Turner Publishing (Atlanta, GA), 1995. (With Chaia King) Daddy Day, Daughter Day, Dove Kids (Los Angeles, CA), 1997. Weekly columnist, USA Today, 1983—; also author of columns for Miami Beach Sun-Reporter, Miami Herald, Miami News, and Sporting News. Writer for entertainment sections of the Miami Herald. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Advertising Age, October 18, 1982; July 11, 1983, p. M18. Baltimore Evening Sun, February 19, 1989. Entertainment Weekly, September 19, 1997, p. 13; May 22, 1998, p. 54. Good Housekeeping, October 1989, pp. 131, 215-216. In Style, February 1998, p. 1 71. Los Angeles Times, April 21, 1988. New York Times Magazine, May 26, 1991. People Weekly, March 10, 1980, pp. 49-56; May 11, 1987; October 23, 1989, pp. 115-117; August 1, 1994, p. 69; April 5, 1999, p. 185. Rolling Stone, November 14, 1996, pp. 74-82. Saturday Evening Post, July-August 1997, p. 36. Sports Illustrated, July 29, 1985, p. 58. T/meJuly22, 1985, p. 71; June 1, 1998, p. 88. US. News and World Report, January 16, 1984, pp. 55-56; January 15, 1990, pp. 54-55. Washington Post, September 14, 1982, p. B11; May 17, 1988.*

KING, Stephen 1947(Richard Bachman, Steve King, Steven King, John Swithen) PERSONAL Full name, Stephen Edwin King; born September 21, 1947, in Portland, ME; son of Donald (a merchant sailor) and Nellie Ruth (maiden name, Pillsbury) King; married Tabitha Jane Spruce (a writer), January 2, 1971; children: Naomi Rachel, Joseph Hill, Owen

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KING • 191

Phillip. Education: University of Maine at Orono, B.S., 1970. Politics: Democrat. Avocational interests: Reading (mostly fiction), playing the guitar, bowling, movies, jigsaw puzzles.

World Fantasy Award, short story, 1995, for "The Man in the Black Suit"; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding miniseries, 1997, for The Shining.

Addresses: Office—P.O. Box 1186, Bangor, ME 04001. /Agent—Arthur Greene & Company, 101 Park Ave., New York, NY 10178.


Career: Writer, actor, producer, and director. Hampden Academy, Hampden, ME, high school English teacher, 1971-73; World Fantasy Awards, judge, 1978; University of Maine at Orono, writerin-residence, 1978-79; Philtrum Press, Bangor, ME, owner; WZON-AM Radio, Bangor, ME, owner; creative consultant for films; appeared in television commercials for American Express credit cards; previously worked as a janitor, mill worker, and laundry worker.

Film Appearances: (As Steven King) Knightriders, United Film Distribution, 1981. Jordy, Creepshow, Warner Bros., 1982. Man at Cashpoint, Maximum Overdrive, Dino de Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1986. Driver, Creepshow 2, New World Pictures, 1987. Priest, PetSematary, Paramount, 1989. Cemetery caretaker, Stephen King's Sleepwalkers, Columbia, 1992. Mr. Bangor, the pharmacist, Thinner (also known as Stephen King's Thinner), Paramount, 1996.

Member: Authors Guild, Authors League of America, Screen Writers of America, Writers Guild of America, Screen Actors Guild.

Film Director: Maximum Overdrive, Dino de Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1986.

Awards, Honors: Carrie: A Novel of a Girl with a Frightening Power was named to School Library Journal's Book List, 1975; World Fantasy Award nominations, 1976, for 'Salem's Lot, 1979, for The Stand and Night Shift, 1980, for The Dead Zone, 1981, for "The Mist/' 1983, for "The Breathing Method: A Winter's Tale"; Hugo Award nomination, World Science Fiction Society, 1978, for The Shining; Nebula Award nomination, Science Fiction Writers of America, 1978, for The Shining, 1981, for "The Way Station"; The Long Walk was named to the American Library Association list of best books for young adults, 1979; Balrog Award, second place in novel category, 1979, for The Stand; Balrog Award, second place in best collection category, 1979, for Night Shift; World Fantasy Awards, 1980, for contributions to the field, 1982, for the story "Do the Dead Sing?"; Career Alumni Award, University of Maine at Orono, 1981; Firestarter was named to the American Library Association list of best books for young adults, 1981; Nebula Award nomination, Science Fiction Writers of America, 1981, for "The Way Station"; special British Fantasy Award, outstanding contribution to the genre, British Fantasy Society, 1982, for Cujo; Hugo Award, World Science Fiction Convention, 1982, for Stephen King's Danse Macabre; named fiction writer of the year, Us magazine, 1982; Locus Award for best collection, Locus Publications, 1986, for Stephen King's Skeleton Crew;

Television Appearances; Series: Voice, Baseball (also known as The History of Baseball), PBS, 1994. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Bus driver, Golden Years (also known as Stephen King's Golden Years), CBS, 1991. Teddy Weizak, The Stand (also known as Stephen King's The Stand), ABC, 1994. Tom Holby, The Langoliers (also known as Stephen King's The Langoliers), ABC, 1995. Gage Creed, The Shining (also known as Stephen King's The Shining), ABC, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: Tear in the Dark/' A&E Stage, A&E, 1991. Television Appearances; Specials: The X-F/7es Movie Special, Fox, 1998. Television Work; Miniseries: Creator and executive producer, Golden Years (also known as Stephen King's Golden Years), CBS, 1991. Executive producer, The Stand (also known as Stephen King's The Stand), ABC, 1994. Executive producer, The Shining (also known as Stephen King's The Shining), ABC, 1997. Executive producer, Stephen King's Storm of the Century, ABC, 1999.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

192 • KING RECORDINGS Taped Readings: "The Mist/' ZBS Foundation (Fort Edward, NY), 1984. The Author Talks: Stephen King, Recorded Books (Charlotte Hal I, MD), 1987. The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, New American Library, 1988. The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three, New American Library, 1989. "The Langoliers," One Past Midnight, PenguinHighBridge Audio (St. Paul, MN), 1990. The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands, PenguinHighBridge Audio, 1991. Needful Things, Penguin-HighBridge Audio, 1991. "Secret Window, Secret Garden/' Two Past Midnight, Penguin-HighBridge Audio, 1991. "The Library Policeman/' Three Past Midnight, Penguin-HighBridge Audio, 1991. "The Sun Dog," Four Past Midnight, PenguinHighBridge Audio, 1991.

Golden Years (also known as Stephen King's Golden Years), CBS, 1991. (With Lawrence D. Cohen) The Tommyknockers (also known as Stephen King's The Tommyknockers), ABC, 1993. (And the song "Baby Can U Dig Your Man"), Stephen King's The Stand (also known as The Stand), ABC, 1994. The Langoliers (also known as Stephen King's The Langoliers), ABC, 1995. The Shining (also known as Stephen King's The Shining), NBC, 1997. Stephen King's Storm of the Century, ABC, 1999. Television Movies: (With Clive Barker and Mick Garris) Quicksilver Highway, 1997. Television Episodes:

"Sorry, Right Number," 7a/es from the Darkside, syndicated, 1987. (With Chris Carter) "Chinga," The X-Files, Fox, 1998.

WRITINGS Screenplays: Creepshow (based on King's stories), Warner Bros., 1982, published as Stephen King's Creep Show: A George A. Romero Film, illustrated by Bern! Wrightson and Michele Wrightson, New American Library (New York City), 1982. Cat's Eye (based on King's stories), Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1984. Stephen King's Silver Bullet (based on King's novella Cycle of the Werewolf), Paramount, 1985, published with illustrations by Berni Wrightson, New American Library, 1985. Maximum Overdrive (based on King's stories), Dino de Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1986, published by New American Library, 1986. Pet Sematary (based on King's novel), Paramount, 1989. Sleepwalkers (also known as Stephen King's Sleepwalkers), Columbia, 1992. (With Jack O'Donnell and Mark Pavia) Night Flier (also known as Stephen King's The Night Flier), Night Flier Productions, Inc., 1997. (With Stan Winston, Mick Garris, and Michael Jackson) Ghosts, M.J.J. Productions/Heliopolis, 1997. (With Brandon Boyce) Apt Pupil, Paramount, 1997. (With Frank Darabont) The Green Mile, Castle Rock Entertainment, 1999. Television Miniseries: (With Lawrence D. Cohen and Tommy Lee Wallace) It (also known as Stephen King's It), ABC, 1990.

Novels: Carrie: A Novel of a Girl with a Frightening Power, Doubleday (New York City), 1974, movie edition published as Carrie, New American Library/ Times Mirror, 1975. 'Salem's Lot, Doubleday, 1975, television edition, New American Library, 1979. The Shining (Literary Guild selection), Doubleday, 1977, movie edition, New American Library, 1980. The Stand, Doubleday, 1978, revised edition, illustrated by Berni Wrightson, 1990. The Dead Zone (Literary Guild selection), Viking, 1979, movie edition published as The Dead Zone: Movie Tie-In, New American Library, 1980. Firestarter (Literary Guild selection), Viking/1980. Cujo, Viking, 1981. Creepshow (graphic novel), New American Library, 1982. Pet Sematary (Literary Guild selection), Doubleday, 1983. Christine (Literary Guild selection), Viking, 1983, also published in a limited edition illustrated by Stephen Gervais, Donald M. Grant (Hampton Falls, NH), 1983. (With Peter Straub) The Talisman, Viking Press/Putnam (New York City), 1984, also published in a limited two-volume edition, Donald M. Grant, 1984. The Eyes of the Dragon (young adult), illustrated by Kenneth R. Linkhauser, Philtrum Press (Bangor, ME), 1984, new edition, illustrated by David Palladini, Viking, 1987.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 The Plant, Philtrum Press, Part I, 1982, Part II, 1983, Part III, 1985. It (Book-of-the-Month Club selection), Viking, 1986. Misery (Book-of-the-Month Club selection), Viking, 1987. The Tommyknockers (Book-of-the-Month Club selection), Putnam, 1987. The Dark Half (Book-of-the-Month Club selection), Viking, 1989. Do/an's Cadillac, Lord John Press (Northridge, CA), 1989. Needful Things, Viking, 1991. Gerald's Came, Viking, 1992. Dolores Claiborne, Viking, 1993. Insomnia, Viking, 1994. Rose Madder, Viking, 1995. The Green Mile (serialized novel), Signet (New York City), Chapter 1, "The Two Dead Girls/' Chapter 2, "The Mouse on the Mile/' Chapter 3, "Coffey's Hands/' Chapter 4, " The Bad Death of Eduard Delacroix/' Chapter 5, "Nightjourney," Chapter 6, "Coffey on the Mile," March-August, 1996. Desperation, Viking, 1996. The Green Mile: A Novel in Six Parts (consisting of all six chapters of The Green Mile), Plume, 1997. The Two Dead Girls, Signet, 1996. Bag of Bones, Viking, 1998. Author of early unpublished novels, including Sworcf in the Darkness (also known as Babylon Here), The Cannibals, and Blaze, based on John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. Novels; "The Dark Tower" Series: The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, Amereon, Ltd. (Mattituck, NY), published as The Gunslinger, New American Library, 1988, published in limited edition illustrated by Michael Whelan, Donald M. Grant, 1982. The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three, illustrated by Phil Hale, New American Library, 1989. The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands, illustrated by Ned Dameron, Donald M. Grant, 1991. The Dark Tower Trilogy: The Gunslinger; The Drawing of the Three; The Waste Lands (box set), New American Library, 1993. The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass, Plume, 1997. Novels, Under Pseudonym Richard Bachman: Rage, New American Library/Signet, 1977. The Long Walk, New American Library/Signet, 1979. Roadwork: A Novel of the First Energy Crisis, New American Library/Signet, 1981. The Running Man, New American Library/Signet, 1982.

KING • 193 Thinner, New American Library, 1985. The Bachman Books: Four Early Novels (contains Rage, The Long Walk, Roadwork, and The Running Man), with introduction "Why I Was Richard Bachman," New American Library, 1985. The Regulators, Dutton (New York City), 1996. Short Fiction: (Under name Steve King) The Star Invaders (story collection), privately published, Triad, Inc., and Gaslight Books (Durham, ME), 1964. Night Shift (story collection), introduction by John D. MacDonald, Doubleday, 1978, published as Night Shift: Excursions into Horror, New American Library/Signet, 1979. Different Seasons (novellas; Book-of-the-Month selection; contains Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Re demption: Hope Springs Eternal, [published i a large-type edition as Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption: A Story from "Different Seasons,"Thorndike (Thorndike, ME), 1983]; Apt Pupil: Summer of Corruption; The Body: Fall from Innocence; and The Breathing Method: A Winter's Tale, [published in a large-type edition as The Breathing Method, Chivers Press (Hampton, NH), 1984]), Viking, 1982. Cycleof the Werewolf (nove\\a), illustrated by Berni Wrightson, limited portfolio edition published with "Berni Wrightson: An Appreciation," Land of Enchantment (Westland, Ml), 1983, enlarged edition including Stephen King's screenplay adaptation published as Stephen King's Silver Bullet, New American Library/Signet, 1985. Stephen King's Skeleton Crew (story collection), illustrated byj. K. Potter, Viking, 1985. My Pretty Pony, illustrated by Barbara Kruger, Knopf (New York City), 1989. Four Past Midnight (story collection; contains "The Langoliers," "Secret Window, Secret Garden," "The Library Policeman," and "The Sun Dog"), Viking, 1990. Nightmares and Dreamscapes (story collection; also known as Nightmares & Dreamscapes), Viking, 1993. Author of the story "Slade," a western, and (under the pseudonym John Swithen) the story "The Fifth Quarter." Omnibus Editions: Stephen King (contains The Shining/Salem's Lot, Night Shift, and Carrie), W.S. Heinemann/Octopus Books (London), 1981.

194 • KING Nonfiction: A Novelist's Perspective on Bangor, Bangor Historical Society (Bangor, ME), 1983. Stephen King's Danse Macabre (criticism), Everest House (New York City), 1981. Nightmares in the Sky: Gargoyles and Grotesques, photographs by f-Stop Fitzgerald, Viking, 1988. Poetry: Another Quarter Mile: Poetry, Dorrance (Bryn Mawr, PA), 1979. Other: Stephen King's Year of Fear 1986 Calendar (color illustrations from novels and drawings from King's short stories published in horror magazines with accompanying text), New American Library, 1985. (Interviewee) Bare Bones: Conversations on Terror with Stephen King, edited by Tim Underwood and Chuck Miller, McGraw-Hill (New York City), 1988. (Interviewee) Feast of Fear: Conversations with Stephen King, edited by Tim Underwood and Chuck Miller, McGraw-Hill, 1989. Contributor to books, including The Year's Finest Fantasy, edited by Terry Carr, Putnam, 1978; Shadows, edited by Charles L. Grant, Doubleday, Volume 1, 1978, Volume 4, 1981; New Terrors, edited by Ramsey Campbell, Pocket Books (New York City), 1982; Shadowings: The Reader's Guide to Horror Fiction, 1981-82, edited by Douglas E. Winter, Starmont House (Mercer Island, WA), 1983; World Fantasy Convention 1983, edited by Robert Weinberg, Weird Tales Ltd., 1983; The Writer's Handbook, edited by Sylvia K. Burack, Writer, Inc. (Boston, MA), 1984; The Dark Descent, edited by David G. Hartwell, Doherty Associates, 1987; Joe Bob Goes to the Drive-In, Delacorte Press (New York City), 1987; The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Original Stories by Eminent Mystery Writers, edited by Martin Harry Greenberg and Carol-Lynn Roessel Waugh, Carroll & Graf (New York City), 1987; Stephen King Goes to Hollywood, New American Library, 1987; Prime Evil: New Stories by the Masters of Modern Horror, edited by Douglas E. Winter, New American Library, 1988; Dark Visions, Gollancz (London), 1989; / Shudder at Your Touch: Twenty-two Tales of Sex and Horror, edited by Michele Slung, New American Library, 1991; Midnight Graffiti, edited by Jessica Horsting and James Van Hise, Warner Books (New York City), 1992; and Fear Itself: The Early

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Works of Stephen King, edited by Tim Underwood and Chuck Miller, Underwood Miller (San Francisco, CA), 1993. Contributor to periodicals, including Art, Castle Rock: The Stephen King Newsletter, Cavalier, Comics Review, Cosmopolitan, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, Heavy Metal, Ladies' Home ]ournal, Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Maine, Maine Review, Marshroots, Marvel Comics, Moth, Omni, Onan, Playboy, Redbook, Reflections, Rolling Stone, Science Fiction Digest, Startling Mystery Stories, Terrors, Twilight Zone Magazine, Ubris, Whisper, and Yankee. Author of "King's Garbage Truck" (newspaper column), Maine Campus, 1969-70; author of monthly book review column, Adelina, 1980. Adaptations: Carrie, adapted for film by Lawrence D. Cohen, United Artists, 1976, adapted for stage by Lawrence D. Cohen and Michael Gore, developed by Royal Shakespeare Company, London, 1988; 'Salem's Lot (also known as Blood Thirst, Salem's Lot: The Miniseries, and Salem's Lot: The Movie), adapted for television by Paul Monash, Warner Bros., 1979; The Shining, adapted for film by Stanley Kubrick and Diane Johnson, Warner Bros., 1980; Cujo, adapted for film for by Don Carlos Dunaway and Lauren Currier, Warner Bros., 1983; The Dead Zone, adapted for film by Jeffrey Boam, Paramount, 1983; Christine, adapted for film by Bill Phillips, Columbia, 1983; The Woman in the Room, adapted for film by Frank Darabont, Darkwoods, 1983, broadcast on public television in Los Angeles, CA, 1985; Firestarter, adapted for film by Stanley Mann, Universal, 1984; Children of the Corn, adapted for film by George Goldsmith from the story "Children of the Corn," New World Pictures, 1984; The Word Processor, adapted for television by Michael Dowell from the story "The Word Processor of the Gods," Tales from the Darkside, syndicated, 1985, released on video by Laurel Entertainment, Inc., 1985; The Boogeyman (also known as Stephen King's The Boogeyman and Wer Hat Angst Vtorm Schwarzen Mann), adapted for film by Jeffrey C. Schiro, Tantalus, 1984; Two Mini-Features from Stephen King's Nightshift Collection (consists of The Boogeyman and The Woman in the Room), Granite Entertainment Group, 1985; Gramma, adapted for television by Harlan Ellison from a story of the same name, The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1986; Stand by Me, adapted for film by Raynold Gideon and Bruce A. Evans from the novella The Body, Columbia, 1986; Creepshow 2, adapted for film by George A. Romero from the stories "The Raft," "Old Chief Wood'nhead," and

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 "The Hitchhiker/' New World Pictures, 1987; A Return to 'Salem's Lot, adapted for film by Lawrence D. Cohen and James Dixon from 'Salem's Lot, Warner Bros., 1987; The Running Man, adapted for film by Steven E. de Souza, TriStar, 1987; Somet/'mes They Come Back (also known as Stephen King's Sometimes They Come Back), adapted for television, CBS, 1987; segment of Tales from the Darkside: The Movie, adapted for film by George A. Romero from the story "The Cat from Hell/' Paramount, 1990; Graveyard Shift (also known as Stephen King's Graveyard Shift), adapted for film by John Esposito, Paramount, 1990; It (also known as Stephen King's It), adapted for television from novel It, ABC Novel for Television, ABC, 1990; Misery, adapted for film by William Goldman, Columbia, 1990; The Lawnmower Man, adapted for film by Brett Leonard and Gimel Everett, New Line Cinema, 1992; Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice, adapted for film by A. L. Katz and Gilbert Adler, Miramax/Dimension, 1993; The Dark Half, adapted for film by George A. Romero, Orion, 1993; Needful Things, adapted for film by W. D. Richter and Lawrence D. Cohen, Columbia/ Castle Rock, 1993; Children of the Corn III (also known as Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest), adapted for film by Dode B. Levenson, Dimension, 1994; The Shawshank Redemption, adapted for film by Frank Darabont from the novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption: Hope Springs Eternal, Columbia, 1994; Dolores Claiborne, adapted for film by Tony Gilroy, Columbia, 1995; The Langoliers, adapted for television by Tom Holland, ABC, 1995; The Mangier, adapted for film by Tobe Hooper, Stephen Brooks, and Peter Welbeck, New Line Cinema, 1995; Children of the Corn: The Gathering, adapted for film by Stephen Berger and Greg Spence, Dimension Home Video, 1996; and Thinner (also known as Stephen King's Thinner), adapted for film by Michael McDowell, Paramount, 1996; Night Flier adapted for film, Amsterdam Entertainment/ Stardust Entertainment/Medusa Film, 1997; Quicksilver Highway, adapted for telvision from short story "Chatter Teeth/' Fox, 1997; Trucks was based on a short story by King, USA, 1 997; Stephen King's The Night Flier, adapted for television from short story "The Night Flier," 1 997; Apt Pupil was adapted for film, TriStar/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1998; Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror adapted for film from "Children of the Corn," Dimension Films, 1998; Sometimes They Come Back...For More adapted for film, Trimark Pictures, 1998; The Rage: Car-

KITANO • 195 rie 2 was based on characters from Carrie, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1999. OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Authors New Revision Series, Volume 52, Gale, 1996. Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, February 23, 1996, pp. 60-2; October 18, 1996, p. 75; December 15, 1996, p. 21; December 27, 1996, pp. 28-9; November 21, 1997, p. 41; September 25, 1998, p. 97. People Weekly, April 1, 1996, p. 38; October 7, 1996, p. 32; October 21, 1996, p. 37; July 5, 1999, p. 166. Publishers Weekly, November 20, 1995, p. 15; April 1, 1996, p. 22; May 13, 1996, p. 26; August 5, 1996, pp. 292-94; August 26, 1996, p. 34; September 9, 1996, p. 27; October 7, 1996, p. 20; November 10, 1997, p. 10. Time, September 2, 1996, pp. 60-1. U.S. News and World Report, September 23, 1996, p. 31.*

KING, Steve See KIN G.Stephen

KING, Steven See KING, Stephen

KITANO, Takeshi 1948("Beat Takeshi"; Kitano Takeshi; Takeshi) PERSONAL Born January 18, 1948, in Tokyo, Japan; children: Shoko. Career: Director, screenwriter, editor, novelist, artist and actor. Comedian, 1972; film director, 1978—; previously worked as an elevator boy. Awards, Honors: Five Continents Award, European Film Award, Golden Lion, Venice Film Festival, 1997, Cesar Award nomination, best foreign film, 1998, Independent Spirit Award nomination and Chicago

196 • KNIGHT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Film Critics Association Award nomination, best foreign film, 1999, for Hana-b/; Golden Palm Award nomination, Cannes Film Festival, 1999, for Kikujiro no natsu.

RECORDINGS Music Videos: Directed music video for Shoko Kitano.



Film Director, Except Where Indicated: 5ono otofo, kyobo ni tsuki (also known as Violent Cop and Warning, This Man Is Wild), ShochikuFuji, 1989. 3-4x jugatsu (also known as Boiling Point and San tai Yonxjujatsu), Warner Bros., 1990. And editor, Ano natsu, ichiban shizukana umi (also known as A Scene at the Sea), 1991. And editor, Sonatine (also known as Sonachine), Rolling Thunder, 1993. And editor, Minna Yatteruka (also known as Getting Any?), 1993. And editor, Kids Return, 1996. And editor, paintings and drawings, Hana-b/ (also known as Fireworks), Milestone Films, 1997. Kikujiro no natsu (also known as Kikujiru), 1999.

Screenplays: 3-4x jugatsu (also known as Boiling Point and 5an tai Yonxjujatsu), Warner Bros., 1990. Ano natsu, ichiban shizukana umi (also known as A Scene at the Sea), 1991. Sonatine (also known as Sonachine), Rolling Thunder, 1993. Minna Yatteruka (also known as Cett/ng/Any?), 1993. Kyoso tanjo (also known as Many Happy Returns), 1993. Kids Return, 1996. Hana-b/ (also known as Fireworks), 1997. Kikujiro no natsu (also known as Kikujiru), 1999.

Film Appearances: (As Takeshi) Sergeant Gengo Hara, Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (also known as Senjou no Merii Kurisumasu), Universal, 1983. Yajima, Yasha (also known as Demon), Toho, 1985. Yakuza killer, Komikku zasshi nanka iranai! (also known as Comic Magazine), 1986. (As "Beat" Takeshi) Detective Azuma, Sono otoko, kyobo ni tsuki (also known as Violent Cop and Warning, This Man Is Wild), 1989. (As "Beat" Takeshi) Uehara, 3-4x jugatsu (also known as Boiling Point and 5an tai Yon x ]ujatsu), 1990. (As "Beat" Takeshi) Murakawa, Sonatine (also known as Sonachine), Rolling Thunder, 1993. Daisuke Shiba, Kyoso tanjo (also known as Many Happy Returns), 1993. Scientist, Minna Yatteruka (also known as Getting Any?), 1993. (As Takeshi) Takahashi, johnny Mnemonic, TriStar, 1995. (As Takeshi "Beat" Kitano) Kyoya, Gon/'n (also known as The Five), Phaedra Cinema, 1998. (As "Beat" Takeshi) Yoshitaka Nishi, Hana-b/ (also known as Fireworks), Milestone Films, 1997. The Yakusa, Tokyo Eyes, 1998. Kikujiro no natsu (also known as Kikujiru), 1999. Televison Appearances; Series: Had several shows on Japanese television.

Other: Also wrote several novels; contributed columns and articles to periodicals. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Film Comment, January-February 1995, p. 31. Interview, March 1998, p. 92.*

KNIGHT, Chris See KNIGHT, Christopher

KNIGHT, Christopher 1957(Chris Knight) PERSONAL Born November 7, 1957. Addresses: Contact—7738 Chandelle Place, Los Angeles, CA 90046. Career: Actor and song performer. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Peter Brady, The Brady Bunch, 1969-74.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Voice of Peter Brady, The Brady Kids (animated), ABC, 1972. Peter Brady, The Brady Bunch Hour, ABC, 1977. Steve, yoe's World, NBC, 1979. Peter Brady, The Bradys, CBS, 1990. Television Appearances; Movies: Nick, Diary of a Teenage Hitchhiker, ABC, 1979. Jimmy, Valentine Magic on Love Island, NBC, 1980. Peter Brady, A Very Brady Christmas, CBS, 1988. Television Appearances; Episodic: Arthur, "Two Petes in a Pod/' The Brady Bunch, 1974. Max, The Bionic Woman, 1978. Wes Miller, "Family Crisis/' CHIPS, NBC, 1978. Peter Brady, The Brady Girls Get Married (also known as The Brady Brides), NBC, 1981. James, "Private Enemy No. 1," New York Undercover, 1995. Television Appearances; Specials: (As Chris Knight) The Summer of the Swans (also known as Sara's Summer of the Swans), ABC, 1974. Host, A 70's Celebration: The Beat is Back, NBC, 1993. TV's Funniest Families, NBC, 1994. Brady Bunch Home Movies, CBS, 1995. The Brady Bunch: The El True Hollywood Story, E!, 1999. Film Appearances: Roy, Just You and Me, Kid, Columbia, 1979. Curfew, New World, 1989. Montana, Good Girls Don't, 1993. Coach, The Brady Bunch Movie, Paramount, 1995. Male news anchor, The Doom Generation, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1995. Mr. Sigvatssohn, Nowhere, Fine Line, 1997. Film Song Performer: The Brady Bunch Movie, Paramount, 1995.*


CREDITS Film Producer, Except Where Indicated: Production assistant, Suspect, 1987. Assistant production co-ordinator, Zellyand Me (also known as Phoebe), 1988. Assistant to Kathleen Kennedy,/\rac/?nop/7ob/a, Buena Vista, 1990. Assistant to Mr. Kidney, Other People's Money, Miramax, 1991. Co-producer, Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead, 1995. Co-producer, Kids, Shining Excalibur Pictures, 1995. Executive producer, Beautiful Girls, Miramax, 1996. Citizen Ruth (also known as Meet Ruth Stoops), Miramax, 1996. Scream, Dimension, 1996. Cop Land, Miramax, 1997, Scream 2, Dimension, 1997. Wide Awake, Miramax, 1998. Bad Moon Rising, 1999. Teaching Mrs. Tingle, Dimension, 1999. Girl, Interrupted, 1999. Scream 3, 1999. Also worked as production assistant and locations coordinator for Hamburger Hill.*

KOPELSON, Arnold 1935PERSONAL Born February 14, 1935, in New York, NY; married Anne (a producer). Education: New York University, B.S., 1956; New York Law School, J.D., 1959. Addresses: Office—Kopelson Entertainment, 2121 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1400, Los Angeles, CA 90067-5010. Career: Producer, financier, and distributor of films. Film Packages International, chairperson; Inter-Ocean Film Sales, Ltd., co-chairperson; Arnold Kopelson Productions, chairperson.

KONRAD, Cathy PERSONAL Married James Mangold (a filmmaker). Career: Producer, production co-ordinator, and assistant. Amblin Entertainment, assistant; Yorktown Productions, vice president; Woods Entertainment, president; Konrad Pictures, founder.

Awards, Honors: Academy Award, best picture, 1986, for Platoon; Academy Award nomination, best picture, 1994, for The Fugitive. CREDITS Film Producer: Foolin' Around, Columbia, 1980.

198 • KRAKOWSKI Jungle Warriors, Aquarius Films, 1984. RoteHitze, 1985. Platoon, Orion, 1986. Hot Pursuit, Paramount, 1987. (With Shimon Arama) Triumph of the Spirit, Triumph, 1989. Out for Justice, Warner Bros., 1991. Falling Down, Warner Bros., 1993. The Fugitive, Warner Bros., 1993. Outbreak, Warner Bros., 1995. Seven (also known as Se/en), New Line Cinema, 1995. Eraser, Warner Bros., 1996. Devil's Advocate, Warner Bros., 1997. Mad City, Warner Bros., 1997. Murder at 1600 (also known as Executive Privilege and Murder at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue), Warner Bros., 1997. U.S. Marshals, Warner Bros., 1998. A Perfect Murder, Warner Bros., 1998. Film Executive Producer: The Legacy (also known as The Legacy of Maggie Walsh), Universal, 1979. Lost and Found, Columbia, 1979. Final Assignment, Inter-Ocean, 1980. Night of the Juggler, Columbia, 1980. Dirty Tricks, Avco Embassy, 1981. Gimme an "F," Twentieth Century-Fox, 1984. Model Behavior, 1984. Warlock, Trimark, 1989. Fire Birds, (also known as Wings of the Apache], Touchstone, 1990. Film Distributor: Twice in a Lifetime, Bud Yorkin Productions, 1985. Salvador, Hemdale, 1986. Triumph of the Spirit, Triumph, 1989. Warlock, Trimark, 1989. Television Work; Movies: Executive producer, Past Tense, Showtime, 1994. Television Appearances; Specials: Judge, The 1987 Miss Universe Pageant, CBS, 1987. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, October 20, 1995, p. 19.*

KOROLOGOS, Paula See CALE, Paula

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

KRAKOWSKI, Jane 1968PERSONAL Born Jane Krajkowski, October 11, 1968, in Parsippany; daughter of Ed (a chemical engineer) and Barbara (a college theater instructor) Krajkowski. Education: Attended Professional Children's School. Addresses: /Agent—Gerth Agency, 130 West 42nd St., Suite 2400, New York, NY 10036. Career: Actress and singer. Awards, Honors: Daytime Emmy Award nomination, best ingenue in a daytime drama series, 1986-87, for Search for Tomorrow; Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series (with others), 1998, Screen Actors Guild Award, outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series (with others), 1999, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a supporting role in a series, miniseries or motion picture, 1999, all for Ally McBeal; Antoinette Perry Award, Drama Desk Award, both for Grand Hotel; Los Angeles Drama Critic Award, best actress, Drama-Logue Award, both for Henceforward. CREDITS Televison Appearances; Series: Rebecca "T.R." Kendall, Search for Tomorrow, NBC, 1984-86. Elaine Vassal, Ally McBeal, Fox, 1997—. Televison Appearances; Movies: Linda, When We Were That Young (also known as That Magic Moment), NBC, 1989. Melba, Women & Men 2: In Love There Are No Rules, 1991. The Rodgers & Hart Story: Thou Swell, Thou Witty,

1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Jane, Alex Haley's Queen, CBS, 1993. Television Appearances; Episodic: Katherine Burns, "An Invitation to Romance/' Due South, CBS, 1996. Amy, Early Edition, CBS, 1996. Also appeared in Young Indiana Jones.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Specials: Lizzie Dodge, Horatio Alger Updated: Frank and Fearless, ABC, 1983. The singer, "A Simple Melody," Great Performances 20th Anniversary, PBS, 1992. The Fifth Annual Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, 1999. The Rodgers & Hart Story: Thou Swell, Thou Witty, PBS, 1999.

KRAUSE • 199 1993; Lady Larkin, Once Upon a Mattress, New York City, 1996; in Encores! One Touch of Venus. RECORDINGS Albums: Recorded Lost in Boston IV; Sondheim at the Movies; Hudson River Blues; The Burt Bachrach Album.

Television Appearances; Other: Appeared in The High Life; Return to Kansas City. Television Work; Specials: Song performer, The Rodgers & Hart Story: Thou Swell, Thou Witty, PBS, 1999. Film Appearances: No Big Deal, 1983. Cousin Vicki, National Lampoon's Vacation, Warner Bros., 1983. Babysitter, Fatal Attraction, Paramount, 1987. Lynne, Stepping Out, Paramount, 1991. Christine, Mrs. W/nterbourne, TriStar, 1996. Diane, Hudson River Blues, 1997. Patricia, Dance with Me, Columbia, 1998. Irene, Co, Columbia, 1999. Betty Rubble, The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas, 1999. Also appeared in Shut Up and Dance. Stage Appearances: The Magnificent Christmas Spectacular, Radio City Music Hall, 1979. Fredrika, A Little Night Music, York Players Company, Church of the Heavenly Rest, 1981. Denise Fine, Miami, Playwrights Horizons, New York City, 1986. Perfect for Blue, Westbeth Theatre Center, New York City, 1986. (Broadway debut) Dinah, Starlight Express, Gershwin Theatre, New York City, 1987-89. Flaemmchem the typist, Grand Hotel, Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, 1989. Zoe, Henceforward, Center Theatre Group/Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, CA 1991-92. April, Company, Criterion Center Stage Right, New York City, 1995. Gloria Kramer, One Touch of Venus, City Center, New York City, 1996. Maryann, Tartuffe: Bom Again, Circle in the Square Uptown, New York City, 1996. Made Off Broadway debut in American Passion, 1984; as Jessica Ryan, Face Value, New York City,

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, July 26, 1999, p. 128; July 20, 1998, p. 87.*

KRAUSE, Peter PERSONAL Born in Minneapolis, MN. Education: Attended Gustavus Adolphus College and New York University. Career: Actor. Acted in and directed productions with Freeplay and Hidden Theater Company, both based in Los Angeles, CA; previously worked as a bartender. CREDITS Film Appearances: Blood Harvest, 1987. Melting Pot, 1997. Tim, Mad City, Warner Bros., 1997. Tim, Lovelife, 1997. David Salsburg, My Engagement Party, 1998. Truman's World: Lawrence, The Truman Show, Paramount, 1998. Television Appearances; Series: Skit characters, Carol & Company, 1990. Kevin, Cybill, CBS, 1995-97. Crosby Caufield III, The Great Defender, Fox, 1995. Elliot, If Not for You, 1995. Casey McCall, Sports Night, ABC, 1998—. Television Appearances; Movies: Entrance guard, Double Edge, CBS, 1992. Television Appearances; Specials: The 7999 Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards, 1999.

200 • KUDOH Television Appearances; Episodic: Tim, "The Limo," Seinfeld, NBC, 1991. Jay Thurman, "Misery Loves Company/' Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1992. Jay Thurman, "The Twins, the Trustee, and the Very Big Trip," Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1992. Jay Thurman, "Too Little Too Late/Paris 75001," Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1992. Tim, "The Hand that Robs the Cradle/' These Friends of Mine (also known as Ellen), ABC, 1994. Tom, Brotherly Love, NBC, 1995. Peter Weimerling, "Caroline and the Opera/' Caroline in the City, NBC, 1995. Tom, "Drew Gets Motivated," The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 1996. Caroline's old boyfriend, Caroline in the City, NBC, 1996. Peter Connelly, 3rd Rock from the Sun, NBC, 1997. Daniel Musser, Party of Five, Fox, 1997. Casey McCall, "Internal Affairs," 5p/n City, ABC, 1999. The List, 1999. Television Appearances; Pilots: Steve, Style and Substance, CBS, 1998. Stage Appearances: Adam, Time of My Life, Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA, 1994-95. Also appeared in Macbeth; Uncle Vanya.*

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

KUDOH, Youki 1971PERSONAL Born January 1 7, 1971, in Tokyo, Japan. Addresses: Contact—Hirata Office Co. Ltd., 404 Orient New Akasaka 404, 2-8-15 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Career: Actress. Awards, Honors: Independent Spirit Award nomination, best female lead, 1990, for Mystery Train. CREDITS Film Appearances: Rie, Taifu Club (also known as Typhoon Club), 1984. Erika Kobayashi, Cyakufunsha kazoku (also known as The Crazy Family), 1984. Labyrinth of Flower Garden, 1987. Mitsuko, Mystery Train, Orion, 1989. 5enso to seishin (also known as War and Youth), 1991. Riyo, Picture Bride, Miramax, 1995. Midori Takada, Heaven's Burning, 1997. Hatsue, Snow Falling on Cedars, 1999. RECORDINGS Albums: Recorded at least seven albums.*




Born November 12, 1929 in England. Addresses: /Agent— Lyons/Sheldon Agency, 800 South Robertson Blvd., Suite 6, Los Angeles, CA 900351606. Career: Production designer and set decorator. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nominations, best set decoration, 1971, for Fiddler on the Roof, best art direction, 1977, for The Spy Who Loved Me, and best art direction, 1986, for Aliens; Academy Award, best art direction, 1997, for Titanic. CREDITS Film Work; Production Designer: For Your Eyes Only, United Artists, 1981. Octopussy, United Artists, 1983. Top Secret!, Paramount, 1984. A View to a Kill, Metro-Go Idwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1985. Aliens, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. The Living Daylights, United Artists, 1987. Consuming Passions, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1988. Licence to Kill, United Artists, 1989. Eve of Destruction, 1991. The Taking of Beverly Hills, 1991. True Lies, Twentieth Century-Fox/Universal, 1994. ColdenEye, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1995. Titanic, Paramount, 1997. The World Is Not Enough, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1999. Wing Commander, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999.

Film Work; Art Director: Sleuth, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1972.

The Dove, 1974. Inside Out, Warner Bros., 1975. The Seven Per-Cent Solution, 1976. The 5py Who Loved Me, United Artists, 1977. The Boys from Brazil, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1978. Sphinx, Warner Bros., 1980. Other Film Work: Set decorator, Bum, Witch, Bum, 1962. Drafter, Waltz of the Toreadors, Continental Distributing, 1962. Set decorator, This Sporting Life, Continental Distributing, 1963. Set decorator, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, United Artists, 1969. Set decorator, Fiddler on the Roof, United Artists, 1971. Co-art director, Live and Let Die, United Artists, 1973 Co-art director, The Man with the Golden Cun, United Artists, 1974. Visual effects art director, Moonraker, United Artists, 1979.*

L'AMOUR, Louis 1908-1988 (Tex Burns; Jim Mayo) PERSONAL Born Louis Dearborn LaMoore; born March 22,1908, in Jamestown, NY; died June 10, 1988, in Los Angeles, CA; buried in Forest Lawn, Glendale, CA; son of Louis Charles (a veterinarian and farm-machinery salesman) and Emily (maiden name, Dearborn) Moore; married Katherine Elizabeth Adams, February 19, 1956; children: Beau Dearborn, Angelique Gabrielle.

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Career: Writer. Lecturer at man universities including University of Oklahoma, Baylor University, University of Southern California, and University of Redlands; previously worked as a longshoreman, lumberjack, miner, elephant handler, hay shocker, boxer, flume builder, sailor, and fruit packer. Military service: U.S. Army, lieutenant, 1942-46. Member: Writers Guild of America-West, Western Writers of America, Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, American Siam Society, California Writers Guild, California Academy of Sciences. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best writing—motion picture story, 1954, for Hondo; Western Writers of America Award, best novel, 1969, for Down the Long Hills; LL.D., Jamestown College, 1972; Theodore Roosevelt Rough Rider Award, North Dakota, 1972; American Book Award, 1980, for Bendigo Shatter; Buffalo Bill Award, 1981; LL.D., University of LaVerne, 1981; LL.D., North Dakota State University, 1981; National Genealogical Society Award, 1981 Congressional Gold Medal, 1983; Presidential Medal of Freedom, 1984; LL.D., Pepperdine University, 1984. RECORDINGS Taped Readings (based on stories by L'Amour): Riding for the Brand, Bantam, 1987. Bowdrie Passes Through, Bantam, 1988. Keep Travelin' Rider, Bantam, 1988. One for the Mojave Kid, Bantam, 1988. WRITINGS Screenplays: (With Frank J. Gill, Jr., and Jack Natteford) East of Sumatra, 1953. (With George Van Marter and Franklin Coen) Four Guns to the Border, 1954. (With Tom Hubbard and Fred Eggers) Treasure of the Ruby Hills, 1955. (With Herb Meadow and Don Martin) Stranger on Horseback, 1955. (With Jack Natteford) Kid Rodelo, 1966. Novels: Westward the Tide, World's Work, 1950, reprinted Bantam, 1984. Hondo, Gold Medal, 1953, reprinted Gregg, 1978, Bantam, 1985. Crossfire Trail, Ace Books, 1954, reprinted Gregg, 1980, Bantam, 1985.

Kilkenny, Ace Books, 1954, reprinted Gregg, 1980, Bantam, 1984. He//er with a Gun, Gold Medal, 1954, reprinted Bantam, 1985. To Tame a Land, Fawcett, 1955, reprinted Bantam, 1985. Guns ofthe Timberlands, Jason, 1955, reprinted Bantam, 1985. The Burning Hills, Jason, 1956, reprinted Bantam, 1985. S/7ver Canyon, Avalon, 1956, reprinted Bantam, 1981. Last Stand at Papago Wells, Gold Medal, 1957, reprinted Bantam, 1986. The Tall Stranger, Fawcett, 1957, reprinted Bantam, 1986. Sitka, Appleton, 1957, reprinted Bantam, 1986. Radigan, Bantam, 1958, reprinted 1986. The First Fast Draw, Bantam, 1959, reprinted G.K. Hall, 1989. Taggart, Bantam, 1959, reprinted, 1982. Flint, Bantam, 1960, reprinted 1985. The Daybreakers, Bantam, 1960, reprinted 1984. Sackett, Bantam, 1961, reprinted 1984. Lando, Bantam, 1962, reprinted 1985. Shalako, Bantam, 1962, reprinted 1985. Killoe, Bantam, 1962, reprinted 1986. High Lonesome, Bantam, 1962, reprinted 1982. How the West Was Won, Bantam, 1963, reprinted Thorndike, 1988. Fa//on, Bantam, 1963, reprinted, 1982. Catlow, Bantam, 1963, reprinted 1984. Dark Canyon, Bantam, 1963, reprinted 1985. Hanging Woman Creek, Bantam, 1964, reprinted 1984. Mojave Crossing, Bantam, 1964, reprinted 1985. The Sackett Brand, Bantam, 1965, reprinted 1985. Kiowa Trail, Bantam, 1965. The High Graders, Bantam, 1965, reprinted 1989. The Key-Lock Man, Bantam, 1965, reprinted 1986. Kid Rodelo, Bantam, 1966, reprinted 1986. Kilrone, Bantam, 1966, reprinted 1981. The Broken Gun, Bantam, 1966, reprinted, 1984. Mustang Man, Bantam, 1966, reprinted 1986. The Sky-Liners, Bantam, 1967, reprinted Thorndike, 1986. Matagorda, Bantam, 1967, reprinted 1985. Down the Long Hills, Bantam, 1968, reprinted 1984. Chancy, Bantam, 1968, reprinted 1984. Conagher, Bantam, 1969, reprinted 1982. The Empty Land, Bantam, 1969, reprinted 1985. The Lonely Men, Bantam, 1969, reprinted Bantam, 1984. Galloway, Bantam, 1970. The Man Called Noon, Bantam, 1970, reprinted 1985.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Reilly's Luck, Bantam, 1970, reprinted 1985. Brionne, Bantam, 1971, reprinted 1989. Under the Sweetwater Rim, Bantam, 1971. Tucker, Bantam, 1971. North to the Rails, Bantam, 1971. Ride the Dark Trail, Bantam, 1972, reprinted 1986. Treasure Mountain, Bantam, 1972. Callaghen, Bantam, 1972. The Ferguson Rifle, Bantam, 1973. The Quick and the Dead, Bantam, 1973, revised edition, 1979. The Man from Skibbereen, G.K. Hall, 1973. Rivers West, Saturday Review Press, 1974, reprinted Dutton, 1989. Sackett's Land, Saturday Review press, 1974. The Californios, Saturday Review Press, 1974. The Man from the Broken Hills, Bantam, 1975. Over on the Dry Side, Saturday Review Press, 1975. The Rider of Lost Creek, Bantam 1976. Where the Long Class Blows, Bantam, 1976. To the Far Blue Mountains, Dutton, 1976. Sackett's Gold, Bantam, 1977. Borden Chantry, Bantam, 1977. Fair Blows the Wind, Bantam, 1978. The Mountain Valley War, Bantam, 1978. Bendigo Shatter, Dutton, 1978. The Iron Marshall, Bantam, 1979. The Proving Trail, Bantam, 1979. The Warrior's Path, Bantam, 1980. Lonely on the Mountain, Bantam, 1980. M/'/o Talon, Bantam, 1981. Comstock Lode, Bantam, 1981. The Cherokee Trail, Bantam, 1982. The Shadow Riders, Bantam, 1982. The Lonesome Cods, Bantam, 1983. Ride the River, Bantam, 1983. 5on of a Wanted Man, Bantam, 1984. The Walking Drum, Bantam, 1984. Passin' Through, Bantam, 1985. Jubal Sackett, Bantam, 1985. Last of the Breed, Bantam, 1986. West of the P/7ot Range, Bantam, 1986. A Trail to the West, Bantam, 1986. The Haunted Mesa, Bantam, 1987. Also wrote Man Riding West, Carroll & Graf. Novels (As Tex Burns): Hopalong Cassidy and the Riders of the High Rock, Doubleday, 1951, reprinted Aeonian, 1974. Hopalong Cassidy and the Rustlers of West Fork, Doubleday, 1951, reprinted Aeonian, 1976. Hopalong Cassidy and the Trail to Seven Pines, Doubleday, 1951, reprinted Aeonian, 1976.

L'AMOUR • 203 Hopalong Cassidy: Trouble Shooter, Doubleday, 1952, Aeonian, 1976. Novels (As Jim Mayo): Showdown at Yellow Butte, Ace Books, 1954, reprinted Gregg, 1980, Bantam, 1983. Utah Blaine, Ace Books, 1954, reprinted Gregg, 1980, Bantam, 1984. Short Stories: War Party, Bantam, 1975. Yondering, Bantam, 1980. The Strong Shall Live, Bantam, 1980. Buckskin Run, Bantam, 1981. Law of the Desert Bom, Bantam, 1983. Bowdrie, Bantam, 1983. The Hills of Homicide, Bantam, 1984. Bowdrie's Law, Bantam, 1984. Riding for the Brand, Bantam, 1986. Dutchman's Flat, Bantam, 1986. The Trail to Crazy Man, Bantam, 1986. The Rider of the Ruby Hills, Bantam, 1986. Night Over the Solomons, Bantam, 1986. West from Singapore, Bantam, 1987. Longian, Bantam, 1988. Long Ride Home, Bantam, 1989. The Outlaws of Mesquite, Bantam, 1991. Va//ey of the Sun: Frontier Stories, Bantam, 1995. West of Dodge: Frontier Stories, 1996. End of the Drive, Bantam, 1997. Other: The Education of a Wandering Man (autobiography), Bantam, 1989. Frontier (essays), Bantam 1984. The Sackett Companion: A Personal Guide to the Sackett Novels (nonfiction), Bantam, 1988. Smoke from this Altar (poetry), Lusk, 1939. Contributed over 400 short stories and articles to 80 magazines in the United States and abroad, including /Argosy, Collier's, and Saturday Evening Post. Adaptations: "The Gift of Chochise" was adapted as a film as Hondo by Warner Bros, in 1953; East of Sumatra was adapted as a film by Universal in 1953; Four Guns to the Border was adapted as a film by Universal in 1954; Treasure of the Ruby Hills was adapted as a film by Allied Artists in 1955; Stranger on Horseback was adapted as a film by United Artists in 1956; Kilkenny was adapted by Columbia in 1956; The Burning Hills was adapted as a film by Warner Bros, in 1956; Blackjack Ketchum, Desperado was adapted in 1956; Utah Blaine was adapted as a

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film by Columbia in 1956; Walk Tall was adapted as a film by Allied Artists in 1957; The Tall Stranger was adapted in 1957; Burning Hills was adapted as Apache Territory in 1958; Last Stand at Papago Wells was adapted by Columbia in 1958; He//er with a Cun was adapted as Heller with Pink Tights by Paramount, 1960; Cuns of the Timberlands was adapted by Warner Bros, in 1960; Taggart was adapted by Universal in 1964; Kid Rodelo was adapted by Paramount in 1966; Hondo and the Apaches was adapted as a film in 1967; Shalako was adapted as a film by Cinerama Releasing Corp. in 1968; Callow was adapted as a film byMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer in 1971; The Broken Cun was adapted as a film Cancel My Reservation by Warner Bros, in 1972; The Man Called Noon was adapted by National General in 1973; "The Sackett Family" series was adapted into a miniseries, The Sacketts in 1979; The Shadow Riders was adapted for television in 1982; Down the Long Hills was adapted for television's Disney Channel in 1986; The Quick and the Dead was adapted for television's HBO in 1987; Conagher was adapted for television in 1991. OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series, volume 25, Gale, pp. 261-67. Current Biography: 1980, H.W. Wilson, 1981, pp. 203-06. Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook: 1980, Gale Research, 1981, pp. 241-45. Periodicals: Smithsonian, May 1987, p. 154. Time, June 27, 1988, p. 54. U.S. News & World Report, July 18, 1983, p. 67.*

LANG, Fritz 1890-1976 PERSONAL Born December 5, 1890, in Vienna, Austria; immigrated to the United States, c. 1934; naturalized citizen, 1935 (some sources say 1939); died August 2, 1976, in Beverly Hills, CA; buried in Forest Lawn, Los Angeles, CA; son of Anton (an architect) and Pauline (maiden name, Schlesinger) Lang; married second wife, Thea von Harbou (an actress, screenwriter and director) c. 1922 (divorced 1933). Education: Studied at the College of Technical Services of

Vienna's Academy of Graphic Arts. Avocational interests: Art. Career: Director, producer, writer, and actor. Cannes Film Festival, president of jury, 1964. Military service: Austrian army, lieutenant, c. 1914-16. Awards, Honors: Honorary Award, German Film Awards, 1963, for lifetime contributions to industry; French Officier d'Art et des Lettres. CREDITS Film Director, Except Where Indicated: Die Spinnen, 1. Teil: Der Go/dene 5ee (also known as The Spiders, Part 1: The Golden Lake), 1919. Der Her der Liebe (also known as Master of Love), 1919. Harakiri (also known as Madame Butterfly), 1919. Halbblut (also known as The Half-Caste), 1919. Das Wandernde Bild (also known as The Moving Image and The Wandering Image), 1920. Die Spinnen, 2. Teil: Das Brillantenschiff (also known as The Spiders, Part 2: The Diamond Ship), 1920. Vier urn die Frau (also known as Four Around a Woman and Struggling Hearts), 1921. Der Mude Tod (also known as Between Two Worlds, Beyond the Wall, and Destiny), 1921. Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler (also known as Dr. Mabuse, King of Crime and Dr. Mabuse: The Cambler), 1922. Die Nibelungen: Siegfried (also known as Siegfried and Siegfried's Death), 1924. Die Nibelungen: Kriemhilds Rache (also known as Kriemhild's Revenge and Die Nibelungen: Kriemhild's Revenge), 1924. Metropolis, 1927. Spione (also known as Spies), 1928. And producer, Frau im Mond (also known as By Rocket to the Moon, Girl in the Moon, and Woman in the Moon), 1929. M (also known as M—E'me Stadt sucht einen Morder and M.—Morder unter uns), Paramount, 1931. Le Testament du Dr. Mabuse (also known as The Last Will of Dr. Mabuse, The Crimes of Dr. Mabuse, Dr. Mabuses Testament, Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse, and The Testament of Dr. Mabuse), 1933. LHiom, 1934. Fury, 1936. You Only Live Once, 1937. And producer, You and Me, 1938. The Return of Frank James, 1940.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Man Hunt, 1941. (Uncredited) Confirm or Deny, 1941. Western Union, 1941. (Uncredited) Moontide, 1942. And producer, Hangmen Also Die (also known as Lest We Forget), 1943. The Woman in the Window, 1944. Ministry of Fear, 1944. And producer, Scarlet Street, 1945. Cloak and Dagger, 1946. And producer, Secret Beyond the Door, 1948. House by the River, 1950. An American Guerilla in the Philippines (also known as / Shall Return), 1950. Clash by Night, 1952. Rancho Notorious, 1952. The Blue Gardenia, 1953. The Big Heat, Columbia, 1953. Human Desire, Colmbia, 1954. Moonfleet, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1955. While the City Sleeps, RKO, 1956. Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, RKO, 1956. Journey to the Lost City, 1959. Der Tiger von Eschnapur (also known as The Tiger of Bengel and The Tiger of Eschnapur), 1959. Das Indische Grabmal (also known as The Indian Tomb and Journey to the Lost City), 1959. And producer, Die Tausend Augen des Dr. Mabuse (also known as Die 1000 Augen des Dr. Mabuse, Diabolical Dr. Mabuse, Eyes of Evil, The Shadow versus the Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse, and The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse), Ajay, 1960. Film Appearances: Death, Hilde Warren und der Tod (also known as Hilde Warren and Death), 1917. Himself, Le Mepris (also known as Contempt), Embassy, 1963. Himself, 75 Years of Cinema Museum, 1972. Himself, The Exiles, Connoisseur Video, 1989. Himself, A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies, 1995. WRITINGS Screenplays: Hilde Warren and der Tod (also known as Hilde Warren and Death), 1917. Wolkenblau und Flimmerstein, 1919. Totentanz (also known as Dance of Death), 1919. Die Spinnen, 1. Tell: Der Go/dene See (also known as The Spiders, Part 1: The Golden Lake), 1919. Die Pest in Florenz (also known as The Plague in Florence), 1919.

LANG '205 Lilith und Ly, 1919. Halbblut (also known as The Half-Caste), 1919. Die Spinnen, 2. Tell: Das £r///antensch/ff (also known as The Spiders, Part 2: The Diamond Ship), 1920. Der Mude Tod (also known as Between Two Worlds, Beyond the Wall, and Destiny), 1921. Das Indische Grabmal: Die Sendung des Yoghi, 1921. Das Indische Grabmal: Der Tiger von Eschnapur, 1921. (With Thea von Harbou) Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler (also known as Dr. Mabuse, King of Crime and Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler), 1922. (With Thea von Harbou) Die Nibelungen: Siegfried (also known as Siegfried and Siegfried's Death), 1924. (With Thea von Harbou) Metropolis, 1927. Sp/'one (also known as Spies), 1928. Frau im Mond (also known as By Rocket to the Moon, Girl in the Moon, and Woman in the Moon), 1929. M (also known as M—E'me Stadt sucht einen Morder and M.—Morder unter uns), Paramount, 1931. Le Testament du Dr. Mabuse (also known as The Last Will of Dr. Mabuse, The Crimes of Dr. Mabuse, Dr. Mabuses Testament, Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse, and The Testament of Dr. Mabuse), 1933. Liliom, 1934. Fury, 1936. Hangmen Also Die (also known as Lest We Forget), 1943. Der Tiger von Eschnapur (also known as The Tiger of Bengel and The Tiger of Eschnapur), 1959. Das Indische Grabmal (also known as The Indian Tomb), 1959. Die Tausend Augen des Dr. Mabuse (also known as Die 1000 Augen des Dr. Mabuse, Diabolical Dr. Mabuse, Eyes of Evil, The Shadow Versus the Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse, and The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse), Ajay, 1960. Other: Contributed to various film magazines. OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series, volume 30, Gale Research, 1990, p. 231-35. Current Biography 1943, H.W. Wilson Company, 1944, pp. 424-28. Encyclopedia of World Biography, second edition, volume 9, 1998, pp. 190-92. Periodicals: The Atlantic, March 1985, p. 77. The New York Times, August 3, 1976, p. 32.*

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LANCE, Artie PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Sam, Dirty Work, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1998. Wally, Lost and Found, Warner Bros., 1999. Big Red, Mystery Men, Universal, 1999. Marco, The Bachelor, New Line Cinema, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Mad TV, Pox, 1995. Artie Henderson, Norm, ABC, 1999—. Television Appearances; Specials: Mad TV Goes to the Movies, Fox, 1996. The Best of Mad TV, Fox, 1996. Interviewee, Canned Ham: Dirty Work, Comedy Central, 1998.*

Henry, Slaves of New York, TriStar, 1989. Vito, Mortal Sins, Academy Entertainment, 1989. Stevie Dee, Betsy's Wedding, Buena Vista, 1990. Mark, He Said, She Said, Paramount, 1991. Stevie Diroma, One Good Cop, Buena Vista, 1991. Frank Pesce Jr., 29th Street, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1991. Joe Gennaro, Innocent Blood (also known as A French Vampire in America), Warner Bros., 1992. Detective Morgenstern, Whispers in the Dark, Paramount, 1992. Quinlan, The Custodian, Beyond Films, 1993. Tony Giardino, So / Married an Axe Murderer, TriStar,

1993. Mick, Bulletproof Heart (also known as Killer), Keystone Pictures, 1994. Felix, Mixed Nuts (also known as Lifesavers, The Night before Christmas, and The Night before Xmas), TriStar, 1994. Eddie, Paperback Romance (also known as Lucky Break), Samuel Goldwyn, 1994. Barry "The Blade" Muldano, The Client, Warner Bros., 1994. Joe, Empire Records (also known as A Day in the Life, Empire, and Rock and Fun), Warner Bros., 1995. Gary Fitzgerald, Brilliant Lies, Beyond Films, 1996. Rob, Trees Lounge (also known as Tree's Lounge), Orion, 1996. Harry Luce, Commandments, Gramercy Pictures,

1997. LaPAGLIA, Anthony 1959PERSONAL

Phoenix, 1997. Detective Lou Petrocelli, Summer of Sam, Buena Vista,


Full name, Anthony M. LaPaglia; born in 1959, in Adelaide, Australia; immigrated to the United States, 1984; brother of Jonathan LaPaglia (an actor).

Television Appearances; Series: Nicholas Gennaro, The Brotherhood, ABC, 1991. James "Jimmy" Wyler, Murder One, ABC, 1996-97.

Addresses: /Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: James "Jimmy" Wyler, Murder One: Diary of a Serial Killer, ABC, 1997.

Career: Actor. Worked variously as a teacher, production assistant, furniture restorer, shoe salesperson, and sprinkler installer. Member: Screen Actors Guild. Awards, Honors: Antoinette Perry Award, best actor in a play, 1998. CREDITS Film Appearances: Spooky, Cold Steel, Cinetel, 1987.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Punk number one, "The Last Defender of Camelot," The Twilight Zone, CBS, 1986. "The Silver Scream," Hardball, NBC, 1989. Abel, the cable television installer, "Spoiled," 7a/es from the Crypt, HBO, 1991. Television Appearances; Movies: (As Anthony M. LaPaglia) Officer Petrel I i, Gladiator School (also known as Po//ce Story), ABC, 1988. Title role, Frank Nitti: The Enforcer (also known as The Frank Nitti Story and Nitti), ABC, 1988.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Raskin, Sleep Well, Professor Oliver (also known as Gideon Oliver and Gideon Oliver: Sleep Well, Professor Gideon), ABC, 1988. David Ringel, Criminal Justice, HBO, 1990. Vince Benedetto, Keeper of the City, Showtime, 1991. Ross Gage, Black Magic, 1992. Larry Talbert, Past Tense, Showtime, 1994. Jim Valvano, Never Give Up: The jimmy V Story (also known as The Jim Valvano Story), CBS, 1996. Willie Serling, Chameleon (also known as Nowhere Man), HBO, 1997. Don Paolo Montale, The Garden of Redemption (also known as War Stones), Showtime, 1997. Mike Hershaw, Phoenix, HBO, 1998. Charles "Lucky" Luciano, Lansky, HBO, 1999. Stage Appearances: (As Anthony M. LaPaglia) Les, Bouncers, Minetta Lane Theatre, New York City, 1987. Angel, On the Open Road, Public Theatre/Martinson Hall, New York City, 1993. Eddie, A View from the Bridge, Roundabout Theatre, New York City, c. 1997-98. Also appeared in The Rose Tattoo, Circle in the Square, New York City. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Back Stage, December 19, 1997, p. 6. Entertainment Weekly, October 11,1996, p. 81. Premiere, May 1991, p. 45. TV Guide, May 24, 1997, p. 50.*

LAUSTSEN «207 Darcy, Varsity Blues, Paramount, 1999. Casanova Falling, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Girl, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1997. Angela, Chicago Sons, NBC, 1997. Karey Burke, ]ust Shoot Me, NBC, 1997. Dawson's Creek, WB, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: Model in photo-mural, The 68th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1996.*

LAUSTSEN, Dan PERSONAL Born in Denmark. Education: Graduated from National Film School of Denmark in 1979. Career: Cinematographer and camera operator. Previously worked as stillsman, 1972-?; also worked as a cinematographer on commercials. Awards, Honors: Bodil Award, Bodil Festival, best photography, 1982, for Gummi-Tarzan; Danish Academy Award, best cinematography, Robert Award, Robert Festival, best photography, 1984, for Isfugle; Danish Academy Award, both cinematography, Robert Award, Robert Festival, best photography, 1989, for Skyggen af Emma; Danish Academy Award, best cinematography, Robert Award, Robert Festival, best photography, 1990, for Miraklet i Valby. CREDITS

LARTER,Ali 1976PERSONAL Born February 28, 1976, in Cherry Hill, NJ. Addresses: /Agent—Endeavor, 9701 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Dulcie, Drive Me Crazy, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Sara Wolfe, The House on Haunted Hill, Warner Bros., 1999.

Film Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated: Woden rokker, 1978. Camera operator, Skal vi danse forst? (also known as Shall We Dance?), 1979. Danmark er lukket, 1980. Har du set Alice?, 1981. Gummi-Tarzan (also known as Rubber Tarzan), 1981. Camera operator, Den Ubetaenksommeelsker, 1982. Otto er et Naesehorn, 1982. Isfugle, 1983. Camera operator, My Farmers Hus, 1984. E//se, 1985. Johannes' hemmelighed, 1985. Skyggen afEmma (also know as Emma's Shadow), 1988. Guldregn, 1988. David or Goliath, 1988.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Second unit cinematographer, Himmel og Helvede, 1988. Second unit cinematographer, Lykeen er en underlig fisk, 1989. Miraklet i Valby (also known as The Miracle in Valby),


Larry, Russia House, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1990. Martins, Run, Buena Vista, 1991. New York j o u r n a l i s t , The Doors, Unirecord Internacional, 1991. Vince Buccini, Jack the Bear, Twentieth Century-Fox,


Giselle, 1991. Drengene Fra Sankt Petri (also known as The Boys from St. Petri), 1991. Soren Kiekegaard, 1994. Nattevagten (also known as Nightwatch), 1994. Carmen & Babyface, 1995. Lysets hjerte (also known as Heart of Light), 1997. Mimic, Dimension, 1997. Nightwatch, Dimension, 1998. Hoofbeats, 1999. Also worked as cinematographer on Otto is a Rhino. Television Cinematographer; Movies: Dybt vand, 1999. Television Cinematographer; Miniseries:

Chariot og Charlotte, 1996. Television Cinematographer; Series: Worked on The Corsican Bishop.*

LAWFORD, Christopher 1955-

Mayor Marvin Harris, Blankman, Columbia, 1994. Senator Brill, Fool's Paradise, Trident Releasing, 1997. Dakota, Kiss Me, Cuido, Paramount, 1997. Dead Broke, 1998. Film Work: Executive producer, Kiss Me, Guido, Paramount, 1997. Television Appearances; Series: Charlie Brent, All My Children, ABC, 1992-97. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Prosecutor John Gleeson, Witness to the Mob, NBC, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Exile, NBC, 1990. Rich, Drunks, Showtime, 1996. Dan, The Abduction, NBC, 1996. Reuben, Mary, Mother of Jesus, NBC, 1999. Dave, The Sex Monster, Cinemax, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Manager, The Switch, HBO, 1990. Interviewee, The Young Kennedys, The Learning Channel, 1998.

PERSONAL Born March 29, 1955, in Santa Monica, CA; son of Peter (an actor) and Patricia (Kennedy) Lawford; nephew of John F. Kennedy (a U.S. president); married Jeannie Olsson (an advertising sales assistant); children: David, Savannah Rose. Education: Tufts University, graduated, 1977; attended Fordham University; Boston College, law degree, 1983. Addresses: Contact—TGI, 6300 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2110, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Career: Actor and producer. Appeared in television commercials in Boston, MA. CREDITS Film Appearances: Catherine's boyfriend, The Suicide Club, Angelika Films, 1987. Michael Patrick Ennis III, Mr. North, Goldwyn, 1988.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Steve Carter, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1999. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, March 11, 1991, p. 99.*

LAWLESS, Lucy 1968PERSONAL Born March 28, 1968, in Auckland, New Zealand; first marriage ended in 1995; married Rob Tapert (a producer), 1998; children: (first marriage) Daisy. Education: Attended Auckland University; studied drama at the William Davis Center for Actors Study, Vancouver, Canada; trained with martial arts master Douglas Wong.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Addresses: Contact—P.O. Box 49859, Los Angeles, CA 90049-0859. Career: Actress. Appeared in television commercials; previously worked as a miner in a gold mine in Kalgoorlie, Australia. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Funny Business (also known as Funny Bunny), Australian television, c. 1987. Co-host, Air New Zealand Holiday, Australian television, 1992-93. Title role, Xena: Warrior Princess, syndicated, 1995—. Television Appearances; Episodic: Lydia, Hercules and the Amazon Women, syndicated, 1994. Film Appearances: Peach, 1994. Voice of Xena, Hercules and Xena—The Animated Movie: The Battle for Mount Olympus (animated), Universal Home Video, 1997. T// Make You Happy, Universal Pictures Home Video, 1999. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: The Advocate, March 2, 1999, p. 24. Entertainment Weekly, November 24, 1995, p. 86. People Weekly, April 8, 1996, pp. 93-94. Playboy, May 1997, p. 144. Time, April 13,1998, p. 43.*

LAZAR •209 Needle Nose Nipton, 29th Street, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1991. Pilcher, The Silence of the Lambs, Orion, 1991. Rain Without Thunder, 1992. Professor Duncan, Lorenzo's Oil, Universal, 1992. Dr. Klenstiein, Philadelphia, TriStar, 1993. The salesman, The Debt, 1993. Harry, Speechless, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1994. Deputy Timmy Burnell, Trapped in Paradise, Fox Video, 1994. Seymour, The Stars Fell on Henrietta, 1995. Six Ways to Sunday, Stratosphere Entertainment, 1997. Doctor, Henry Fool, Sony Pictures Classics, 1997. Uncle John, Arresting Cena, Fuel Films, 1997. Cabbie, On the Run (also known as Em Fuga), 1998. General store proprietor, Beloved, Buena Vista, 1998. Weathers, The Substitute 2: School's Out (also known as The Substitute II and The Substitute: Out of Siberia), 1998. Restaurant Man number two, Lulu on the Bridge, 1998. Mitchell Mitnick, Suits, 1999. Ritchie Vitale, Mickey Blue Eyes, Warner Bros., 1999. Cabbie, On the Run, 1999. Televison Appearances; Series: Tommy Kessel, The City, 1996. Television Appearances; Movies: Wooten, Tongs, ABC, 1989. Ad man, Women & Men 2: In Love There Are No Rules, 1991. Chunky, Taking the Heat, Showtime, 1993. Mr. Nervous, "Subway Car from Hell," Subway Stories: Tales from the Underground, HBO, 1997. Buck, IDS Locos: Posse Rides Again, TMC, 1997. Rocky, Vig (also known as Money Kings), Cinemax, 1998. Televison Appearances; Miniseries: Doc Rames, Buffalo Girls, CBS, 1995.

LAZAR, Paul PERSONAL Addresses: /Agent—Gage Group, Inc., 315 West 57th #4H, New York, NY 10019. Career: Actor. Big Dance Theater Company, co-director. CREDITS Film Appearances: MP Lieutenant, Streamers, 1983. Tommy, Married to the Mob, Orion, 1988.

Stage Appearances: Working, Theatre Three, Dallas, TX, 1981-82. The Gondoliers, Theatre Three, Dallas, TX, 1981-82. Splendid Rebels, Theatre Three, Dallas, TX, 1981-82. Design for Living, Theatre Three, Dallas, TX, 1981-82. She Stoops to Conquer, Theatre Three, Dallas, TX, 1982-83. Jason and the Argonauts, Irondale Ensemble Project, Off Center Theatre, New York City, 1984. Three Gods, The Good Woman of Setzuan, Nameless Theatre, New York City, 1984. The Hairy Ape, Wooster Group, Performing Garage, New York City, 1995.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Also appeared in Brace Up!, Wooster Group; The Inspector General, Irondale Ensemble Project; Happy End, Irondale Ensemble Project; Galileo, Irondale Ensemble Project; The Good Woman of Setzuan, Irondale Ensemble Project; Grimm's Fairy Tales, New York Shakespeare Festival.*

LAZZARINI, Rick PERSONAL Married; children: two sons. Education: Graduated from Loyola Marymount University.

Puppeteer, Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken, 1991. Animatronics, puppets creator, and puppeteer, Hook, TriStar, 1991. Big buffalo creature effects, Radio Flyer, Columbia, 1992. Reindeer puppet creator, The Santa Clause, Buena Vista, 1994. Animatronic monkey creator, Outbreak, Warner Bros., 1995. Animatronic elephant creator, Operation Dumbo Drop (also known as Dumbo Drop), Buena Vista, 1995. Creatures creator and puppeteer, Mimic, Dimension, 1997. Also worked on Casper; Ghostbuster II.

Addresses: Contact—The Character Shop, 9033 Owensmouth Ave., Canoga Park, CA 91304. Career: Creature creator, puppeteer, special effects make-up artist, and actor. The Character Shop, head; taught classes at University of California at Los Angeles, University of Southern California, and American Film Institute. Awards, Honors: Saturn Award, Academy of Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Films, best make-up, 1998, for Mimic (with Gordon J. Smith). CREDITS Film Work: Special effects, The Slumber Party Massacre, PFC, 1981. Special mechanics, Forbidden Wbr/d(also known as Mutant), 1982. Special puppet effects, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Part 2: Freddy's Revenge, New Line, 1985. Special mechanical effects coordinator and creature effects crew member, Aliens, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1986. Mechanical department coordinator, Invaders from Mars, Cannon, 1986. Special effects makeup, Spaceballs, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1987. Chicken animatronics, Dead Heat, New World, 1988. Special effects prosthetics, The Unholy, Vestron, 1988. Special makeup, Young Guns //, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1990. Special effects (robot design), And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird, Trimark Pictures, 1991. Special makeup, Barton Fink, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1991.

Television Work; Movies: Puppeteer, journey to the Center of the Earth, ABC, 1993. Makeup supervisor and animatronics, The Shaggy Dog, ABC, 1994. Television Work; Specials: Caterpillar operator, The Astronomer, PBS, 1991. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Back Stage, May 18, 1990, p. 7.*

LEA, Nicholas 1963PERSONAL Born in 1963, in Vancouver, Canada. Addresses: /Agent—Metropolitan Talent Agency, 4526 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010. Career: Actor. Beau Monde (alternative rock band), lead singer. CREDITS Film Appearances: Baines, Xtro 2: The Second Encounter, New Line Home Video, 1991. The Raffle, 1994. Jake, Bad Company, Buena Vista Distribution Company, 1995.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Series: Officer Enrico "Ricky" Caruso, The Commish, ABC, 1991-94. Agent Krycek, The X-Files, Fox, 1993-99. Television Appearances; Movies: Victor Mansfield, John Woo's Once a Thief (also known as Once a Thief} Fox, 1996. Roy, Their Second Chance, Lifetime, 1997. Victor "Vic" Mansfield, John Woo's Once a Thief: Brother Against Brother, TMC, 1998. Victor "Vic" Mansfield, John Woo's Once a Thief: Family Business, TMC, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Highlander, 1996. Maloney, 1997. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, February 9, 1996, pp. 24-5; May 15, 1998, p. 83.*

LEDGER, Heath 1979PERSONAL Born April 4, 1979, in Perth, Australia. Addresses: Contact—c/o 3310 West End Ave., 5th Floor, Nashville, TN 37203. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: TobyAckland, Blackrock, 1997. Jimmy, Two Hands, REP Distribution/Motion International, 1998. Patrick Verona, Ten Things I Hate about You, Buena Vista, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Snowy Bowles, Sweat, Barron, 1996. Conor, Roar, Fox, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Oberon, Paws, HBO, 1999.*

LEONARD » 2 1 1

LEONARD, Elmore 1925PERSONAL Full name, Elmore John Leonard, Jr.; born October 11 (one source says October 29), 1925, in New Orleans, LA; raised in Detroit, Ml; son of Elmore John (in sales) and Flora Amelia (maiden name, Rive) Leonard; married Beverly Claire Cline, July (one source says August) 30, 1949 (divorced May 24, 1977); married Joan Shephard (some sources cite the name Joan Leanne Lancaster), September 15, 1979 (died, 1993); married Christine Kent, 1993; children: (first marriage) Jane Jones, Peter, Christopher, William, Katherine. Education: University of Detroit, Ph.D. (English and philosophy), 1950. Religion: Roman Catholic. Addresses: Home—Bloomfield Hills, Ml. ContactMichael Siegel and Associates, 8929 Rosewood Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90048. Career: Writer, television program creator, executive consultant, and producer. Campbell-Ewald Advertising Agency, Detroit, Ml, copywriter, 1950-61; freelance copywriter and author of educational and industrial films, 1961-63; affiliated with Elmore Leonard Advertising Company, 1963-66. Military service: U.S. Naval Reserve, 1943-46. Member: Writers' Guild of America, Mystery Writers of America, Western Writers of America, Authors League of America, Authors' Guild. Awards, Honors: Hombre was named one of the twenty-five best western novels of all time, Western Writers of America, 1977; Edgar Allan Poe Award nomination, Mystery Writers of America, best original paperback novel, 1978, for The Switch; Edgar Allan Poe Award nomination, Mystery Writers of America, best novel, 1981, for Split Images; Edgar Allan Poe Award, Mystery Writers of America, best novel, 1983, for LaBrava; Literary Lions Award, New York Public Library, 1989; North American Hammett Prize for best crime, International Association of Crime Writers, book of the year, 1991, for Maximum Bob; Grand Master Award, Mystery Writers of America, 1992, for "individuals who, by a lifetime of achievement, have proved themselves preeminent in the craft of the mystery and dedicated to the advancement of the genre"; Doctor of Human Letters, Florida Atlantic University, 1996.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

212 • LEONARD CREDITS Television Work; Movies: Creator, Desperado: Badlands Justice, NBC, 1989. Creator, Desperado: The Outlaw Wars, 1989. Television Work; Series: Executive consultant, Maximum Bob, ABC, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: American Cinema, PBS, 1995. Film Work: Executive producer, Jackie Brown, 1997. WRITINGS Screenplays: The Moonshine War (based on the novel by Leonard), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1970. JoeKidd, Universal, 1972. Mr. Majestyk (based on the novel by Leonard), United Artists, 1974. (With Joseph C. Stinson) Stick (based on the novel by Leonard), Universal, 1985. (With John Steppling) Fifty-Two Pick-Up (based on the novel by Leonard), Cannon, 1986. (With Fred Walton) The Rosary Murders (based on the novel by William X. Kienzle), New Line Cinema, 1987. (With Joe Borrelli) Cat Chaser (based on the novel by Leonard), Viacom, 1989. Cuba Libre, 1998. Also wrote film scripts for Encyclopedia Britannica Films, including5ett/ementofthe/W/5s/ss/pp/ Valley, Boy of Spain, Frontier Boy, and Julius Caesar; author of a recruiting film for the Franciscans. Television Movies: High Noon, Part Two: The Return of Will Kane, CBS, 1980. Desperado, NBC, 1987. Western Novels: The Bounty Hunters, Houghton (Boston, MA), 1953. The Law at Randado, Houghton, 1955. Escape from Five Shadows, Houghton, 1956. Last Stand at Saber River, Dell (New York City), 1957, published in England as Law/ess River, R. Hale, 1959, and as Stand on the Saber, Corgi, 1960. Hombre, Ballantine (New York City), 1961. Valdez Is Coming, Gold Medal, 1970. Forty Lashes Less One, Bantam, 1972. Gunsights, Bantam, 1979.

Crime Novels: The Big Bounce, Gold Medal, 1969, revised edition, Armchair Detective, 1989. The Moonshine War, Doubleday, 1969. Mr. Majestyk, Dell, 1974. Fifty-Two Pick-Up, Delacorte, 1974. Swag, Delacorte, 1976, published as Ryan's Rules, Dell, 1976. Unknown Man, No. 89, Delacorte, 1977. The Hunted, Dell, 1977. The Switch, Bantam, 1978. City Primeval: High Noon in Detroit, Arbor House, 1980. Gold Coast, Bantam, 1980, revised edition, 1985. Split Images, Arbor House, 1981. Cat Chaser, Arbor House, 1982. Stick, Arbor House, 1983. LaBrava, Arbor House, 1983. Glitz, Arbor House, 1985. Bandits, Arbor House, 1987. Touch, Arbor House, 1987. Freaky Deaky, Morrow, 1988. Killshot, Morrow, 1989. Get Shorty, Delacorte, 1990. Maximum Bob, Delacorte, 1991. Rum Punch, Delacorte, 1992. Pronto, Delacorte, 1993. Riding the Rap, Delacorte, 1995. Out of Sight, Delacorte, 1996. Cuba Libre, Delacorte, 1998. Be Cool, Delacorte, 1999. Omnibus Volumes: Elmore Leonard's Dutch Treat: Three Novels (contains The Hunted, Swag, and Mr. Majestyk), introduction by George F. Will, Arbor House, 1985. Elmore Leonard's Double Dutch Treat: Three Novels (contains City Primeval: High Noon in Detroit, The Moonshine War, and Cold Coast), introduction by Bob Greene, Arbor House, 1986. Elmore Leonard: Three Complete Novels (contains LaBrava, Cat Chaser, and Split Images), Wings Books, 1992. The Tonto Woman and Other Western Stories, Delacorte, 1998. Other: (Contributor) Dennis Wholey, editor, The Courage to Change: Personal Conversations about Alcoholism, Houghton, 1984. Notebooks, Lord John, 1990. (Contributor) Carl Hiaasen, editor, Naked Came the Manatee: A Novel, G.P. Putnam, 1996.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Also author of Eight Black Horses, Mysterious Press. Contributor of short stories and novelettes (including "3:10 to Yuma" and "The Tall T") to periodicals, including Dime Western, Argosy, Saturday Evening Post, and Zane Grey's Western Magazine. Adaptations: "3:10 to Yuma" was adapted for film by Halsted Welles and released by Columbia, 1957; "The Tall T" was adapted for film by Burt Kennedy and released by Columbia, 1957; Hombre was adapted for film by Irving Ravetch and Harriet Frank and released by Twentieth Century-Fox, 1967; The Big Bounce was adapted for film by Robert Dozier and released by Warner Bros., 1969; Valdez Is Coming was adapted for film by Roland Kibbee and David Rayfiel and released by United Artists, 1971; FiftyTwo Pick-Up was adapted for film by Max Jack and released as The Ambassador (also known as The Peacemaker) by Cannon, 1984; Glitz was filmed for television by NBC, 1988; Cat Chaser was adapted for film by Alan Sharp and James Borrelli, 1989, and released by LIVE Home Video, 1991; The Law at Randado was adapted for film and released as Border Shootout by Turner Home Entertainment, 1990; Split Images was adapted as a television movie, 1992; Get Shorty was adapted for film by Scott Frank and released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists in 1995; Pronto was adapted for a television movie and broadcast by Showtime, 1996; Touch was adapted for film by Paul Schrader and released by MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists in 1997; Last Stand at Saber River was adapted for a television movie and broadcast by TNT, 1997; Rum Punch was adapted for film by Quentin Tarantino and released as Jackie Brown, Miramax, 1997; Gold Coast was adapted as a television movie, Showtime, 1997; Out of Sight was adapted as a film, Universal, 1998; Maximum Bob was adapted as a television series by ABC in 1998. OTHER SOURCES Books: Bestsellers '89, Issue 1, Gale, 1989, p. 42. Contemporary Authors New Revision Series, Volume 28, Gale, 1990, p. 282. Contemporary Literary Criticism, Gale, Volume 28, 1984, p. 233; Volume 34, 1985, p. 212. Geherin, David, Elmore Leonard, Continuum, 1989. Periodicals: Film Comment, March-April 1998, p. 43. New Yorker, September 30, 1996, pp. 43-47. New York Times, December 30, 1984.

LEWIS * 2 1 3

People Weekly, March 24, 1997, p. 35. The Writer, November 1997, p. 22.*

LeTREK, Peter See PAXTON, Bill

LEWIS, Richard 1947PERSONAL Born June 29, 1947, in Brooklyn, NY (one source says New Jersey); son of Bill (a caterer) and Blanche (an actress) Lewis. Education: Ohio State University, degree in marketing, 1970. Addresses: Contact—9200 Sunset Blvd., Suite 900, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Comedian, actor, and writer. Copywriter in a New Jersey advertising agency, c. 1970-71; stand-up comedian at nightclubs in New York City, Las Vegas, NV, Atlantic City, NJ, and elsewhere, 1971—. Appeared in commercials for BoKu beverages. Awards, Honors: Cited in GQ's list of the Twentieth Century's Most Influential Humorists. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Richard Breskin, Harry, ABC, 1987. Marty Gold, Anything but Love, ABC, 1989-92. Co-host, TheA-List, Comedy Central, 1992-?. Dr. Steven Mitchell, Daddy Dearest, Fox, 1993. Neil Oilier, Hitler and Diller, ABC, 1997-98. Harve Schwartz, Rude Awakening, Showtime, 1998-99. Television Appearances; Specials: Richard Lewis: I'm in Pain, Showtime, 1985. Comic Relief I, HBO, 1987. Richard Lewis: I'm Exhausted, HBO, 1988. Life's Most Embarrassing Moments, 1988. An All-Star Toast to the Improv, HBO, 1988. Comic Relief III, HBO, 1989. Montreal International Comedy Festival, HBO, 1989. Two Years . . . Later (interview), NBC, 1990. The World of Jewish Humor (documentary), PBS, 1990. Comic Relief IV, HBO, 1990.

214 • LI

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Richard Lewis: I'm Doomed, HBO, 1990. Host, The 14th Annual Young Comedians Show, HBO, 1991. Host, An American Saturday Night, ABC, 1991. George Burn's 95th Birthday Party, CBS, 1991. Here He /s ... the One, the Only . . . Groucho (documentary), HBO, 1991. Host, Living against the Odds, PBS, 1991. Who Makes You Laugh? 2, ABC, 1997. Larry David: Curb Your Enthusiasm, HBO, 1999.

Phil Taylor, Wagons East, TriStar, 1994. The Borrowers, Malofilm, 1994. Peter, Leaving Las Vegas, United Artists, 1995. Edward Sanders, The Danger of Love, Vidmark Entertainment, 1995. Jim, Drunks, BMG Video, 1995. The Elevator, 1996. Bobby Stein, A Weekend in the Country, Evergreen Entertainment, 1996. The Maze, 1997.

Also appeared in Salute to the Improv, HBO; No Life to Live, HBO; The Annual People's Choice Awards; The Primetime Emmy Awards Presentation; The Annual ACE Awards.


Television Appearances; Movies: Chick Chicalini, Hugo Pool, TMC, 1997. Phil Milkowski, The Elevator, 1999.

Teleplays: The Steve Landesberg Television Show, NBC, 1983. (Coauthor) Living against the Odds, PBS, 1991. Screenplays: (Coauthor) Diary of a Young Comic, 1979. OTHER SOURCES

Television Appearances; Pilots: Joey, King of the Building, CBS, 1987. Television Appearances; Episodic: Late Night with David Letterman, NBC, 1982-93. Vern, "Whirlpool/' Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1989. Himself, "Life behind Larry/' The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1992. "Stepping Back/' Tribeca, Fox, 1993. The Late Show with David Letterman, CBS, 1993—. Guest, Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, ABC, 1997. School guidance counselor, Candid Camera, CBS, 1998. Voice, Disney's Hercules (animated), ABC and syndicated, 1998. Himself, V.I.P., syndicated, 1998. Film Appearances: Diary of a Young Comic, 1979. History of the World, Part 1, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1981. Richard, The Wrong Guys, New World, 1988. Pimples, That's Adequate, South Gate Entertainment, 1989. Julian Peters, Once upon a Crime, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1992. Cameo, The Return of Spinal Tap, MPI Home Video, 1992. Prince John, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1993. National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 7, New Line, 1993. The Last Party, LIVE Entertainment, 1993.

Periodicals: GQ, July, 1990, p. 148. People Weekly, June 20, 1988, p. 103.*

LI, Jet 1963(Si-kit Jet Li)

PERSONAL Born April 26, 1963, in Bejing, China; married Qiuyan Huang (divorced, 1992); married Nina Li Chi, September 1999. Addresses: Agent—Steve Chasman, International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actor and producer. CREDITS Film Appearances: Martial Arts of Shaolin, 1985. Wong Fei-hung, Once Upon a Time in China, Golden Harvest/Singel Films, 1991. Wong Fei-hung, Once Upon a Time in China II, Rim Film Distributors, 1992. Swordsman Ling, Swordsman II, 1992. Fong Sai-yuk, Fong Sai-yuk II, 1993. Fong Sai-yuk, The Legend of Fong Sai-yuk, 1993.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Fist of Legend (also known as Jing Wu Ying Xiong), Miramax, 1994. New Chinese Connection, 1994. Wong Fei-hung, Once Upon a Time in China III, 1994. Tai Chi Master, 1994. Hong Xiguan, The New Legend of Shaolin, 1994. (As Si-kit Jet Li) Dr. Wai and clown, Mouhim Wong, 1996. TsuiChik, Black Mask, 1997. Wong Fei-hung, Once Upon a Time in China and America, 1997. Wah Sing Ku, Lethal Weapon 4, Warner Bros., 1998. Fu, Satsau Chi Wong, 1998. Film Producer: The Legend of Fong Sai-yuk, 1993. New Chinese Connection, 1994.*

LINDLEYJohn 1952PERSONAL Born in 1952; mother, a literary agent. Education: New York University, B.A., film, 1973. Addresses: Contact—c/o Spyros, Skouras, Sanford, Skouras, Gross & Associates, 1015 Galyey Ave., Fl. 3, Los Angeles, CA 90024-3424. Career: Cinematographer and camera operator. Perritti Productions, director of television commercials, 1999; also cinematographer for some television commercials.

UNDO »215 Vital Signs, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1990. Father of the Bride, Buena Vista, 1991. Sleeping with the Enemy, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1991. Sneakers, Universal, 1992. (With Ken Zunder) The Good Son, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1993. / Love Trouble, Buena Vista, 1994. Michael, New Line Cinema, 1996. Pleasantville, New Line Cinema, 1998. You've Cot Mail, Warner Bros., 1998. Television Cinematographer; Movies: The Gentleman Bandit, 1981. An Invasion of Privacy, 1983. Girls of the White Orchid, 1983. The Demon Murder Case, 1983. The Baron and the Kid, 1984. Badge of the Assassin, 1985. Rockabye, CBS, 1986. LBJ: The Early Years, NBC, 1987. A Stranger Waits, CBS, 1987. Television Cinematographer; Miniseries: Poor Little Rich Girl: The Barbara Hutton Story, NBC, 1987. Television Cinematographer; Series: Nurse, 1981. Television Camera Operator; Specials: Einstein on the Beach: The Changing Image of Opera, 1986. Television Production Assistant: American Short Story, PBS, 1973-74. OTHER SOURCES

CREDITS Film Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated: Production assistant, Frank Perry's Doc, 1968. The Coodbye People, Embassy, 1984. Lilly in Love, New Line Cinema, 1985. Killer Party, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1986. Home of the Brave, 1986. In the Mood, Lorimar, 1987. The Stepfather, New Century/Vista, 1987. The Serpent and the Rainbow, Universal, 1988. Shakedown (also known as Blue Jean Cop), Universal, 1988. Field of Dreams, Universal, 1989. Immediate Family, Columbia, 1989. True Believer, Columbia, 1989.

Periodicals: Premiere, April, 1991, pp. 50-51. Shoot, February 12, 1999, p. 7.*

UNDO, Delroy 1952PERSONAL Born November 18, 1952, in Lewisham, England; immigrated to Canada, c. 1967; son of Jamaican parents, father worked various jobs, mother, a nurse; married Neshormeh (an educator and program director). Education: Attended American Conservatory Theatre, San Francisco, CA, 1977-79.

216 • UNDO

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Addresses: /Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 902111934. Publicist—Alan Nierob, Rogers & Cowan, 1888 Century Park East, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Actor. Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, Milwaukee, Wl, member of company, 1981-82; Actors Theatre of Louisville, Louisville, KY, member of company, 1984-85; Arena Stage, Washington, DC, guest artist, 1987-88; previously worked as a cab driver, telemarketer of pesticides, and busboy. Awards, Honors: Helen Hayes Award, 1986, NAACP Image Award, 1987, both for A Raisin in the Sun; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actor in a featured dramatic role, 1988, for/oe Turner's Come and Cone; Image Awards for Malcolm X, Crooklyn, and Soul of the Came. CREDITS Film Appearances: Army sergeant, More American Graffiti, Universal, 1979. Mbulu, The Blood of Heroes (also known as The Salute of the lugger), Filmpac, 1990. Mabruki, Mountains of the Moon, TriStar, 1990. Harley, Bright Angel, Hemdale Releasing, 1991. Captain Brix, The Hard Way, Universal, 1991. West Indian Archie, Malcolm X, Warner Bros., 1992. Bonafide, Bound by Honor (also known as Blood In, Blood Out), Buena Vista, 1993. Howard, Mr. Jones, TriStar, 1993. Woody Carmichael, Crooklyn, Universal, 1994. Rodney Little, dockers, Universal, 1995. BoCatlett, Get Shorty, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1995. Colonel Wilkins, Broken Arrow, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1996. Red, Feeling Minnesota, Fine Line Features, 1996. Agent Lonnie Hawkins, Ransom, Buena Vista, 1996. L'exil du roi Behanzin, 1996. Devil's Advocate, Warner Bros., 1997. Jackson, A Life Less Ordinary, Twentieth-Century Fox, 1997. Stage Appearances: Of Mice and Men, Manitoba Theatre Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1975-76. Macbeth, Cincinnati Playhouse, Cincinnati, OH, 1981-82. (New York debut) Spell Number 7, off-Broadway production, New York City, 1979. Sam, Master Harold . . . and the boys, Broadway, 1983.

Walter Lee Younger, A Raisin in the Sun, Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1983-84. A Lesson from Aloes, Virginia Stage Company, Norfolk, 1983-84. Home, Hartford Stage Company, Hartford, CT, 1983-84. Friar Francis, Much Ado about Nothing, Shakespeare and Company, Lenox, MA, 1985. Union Boys, Yale Repertory Theatre, 1985-86. Herald Loom is, Joe Turner's Come and Cone, Huntington Theatre Company, Boston, MA, 1986-87; Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA, 1987-88; Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1988. Cobb, Yale Repertory Theatre, 1988-89. Caleb Humphries, M/S5 Evers' Boys, Center Stage, Baltimore, MD, 1989-90. Caius Cassius, Julius Caesar, Center Theatre Group, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 1990-91. Title role, Othello, Great Lakes Theatre Festival, Cleveland, OH, 1992-93. Joplin, The Heliotrope Bouquet by Scott Joplin and Louis Chauvin, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, New York City, 1993. Appeared off-Broadway in Les Blancs. Major Tours: Willie, Master Harold . . . and the boys, U.S. cities, 1983. Walter Lee Younger, A Raisin in the Sun, U.S. cities, including Eisenhower Theater, Kennedy Center, Washington, DC, 1986-87; Wilshire Theatre, Los Angeles, 1986-87. Television Appearances; Movies: Assistant District Attorney Berger, Perfect Witness, HBO, 1989. Satchel Paige, Soul of the Came (also known as Baseball in Black and White and Field of Honour), HBO, 1996. Prison guard, First Time Felon, HBO, 1997. Kingman, The Winner, TMC, 1996. Matthew Henson, Glory and Honor, TNT, 1998. Clarence Thomas, Strange Justice, 1999. Also appeared in Subway Stories. Television Appearances; Episodic: Beauty and the Beast, CBS, 1987. Going to Extremes, ABC, 1992-93. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Voice, Baseball (also known as The History of Baseball), PBS, 1994.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Specials: Delroy Undo on Spike Lee, 1999. Television Appearances; Other: Baseball in Black and White, 1996. OTHER SOURCES

LIPPMAN « 2 1 7

Other Television Appearances: Mary Bong, Nobody's Girls (special), PBS, 1994. Amelia A., Dead Weekend (movie), Showtime, 1995. Stage Appearances: Anju, Sansho the Bailiff, Broadway production,

1994. Periodicals: Boston Globe, May 8, 1994, p. B11. Entertainment Weekly, September 15, 1995, p. 85. New York Times, May 8, 1994, section 2, p. 19. Prem/ere, June, 1994.*

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Interview, February 1994, p. 102.*



Born October 10, 1970, in China; father, a music teacher; mother, a dancer, stage actress, and professor of literature. Addresses: /Agent—Agency for the Performing Arts, 9000 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90067.

Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 40 West 57th St., New York, NY 10019. Career: Producer and writer. CREDITS

Career: Actress. Military service: Chinese Army; served in Tibet. CREDITS Film Appearances: Ha/tan, 1986. Jing Huan, Huguan, 1989. Sharice, Pen Pals, 1992. Little Buddha, Lauren Film/VCL Communications, 1993. Myca, The Crow, Miramax/Dimension/Buena Vista, 1994. Norriko, Dead Funny, A-Pix Entertainment, 1995. Chinese interpreter, Nixon, Buena Vista, 1995. Lulu, Somewhere in the City, First Run Features, 1996. Shen Yuelin, Red Corner, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1997. Tuptim, Anna and the King, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Miss East, Wild Wild West, Warner Bros., 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Homicide: Life on the Street, NBC, 1993. The Cosby Mysteries, NBC, 1994. Jean Chung, Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1997.

Television Work; Series:

Executive story editor, Eddie Dodd, ABC, 1991. Executive script consultant, Sisters, NBC, 1991, supervising producer, 1992, coexecutive producer, 1993. Creator and executive producer, Party of Five, Fox, 1994-. Creator and executive producer, Significant Others, Fox, 1998. Creator and executive producer, The Time of Your Life, Fox, 1999. WRITINGS Television Series: LA. Law, NBC, 1989. Sisters, NBC, 1991-93. Party of Five, Fox, 1994—. Significant Others, Fox, 1998. The Time of Your Life, Fox, 1999. Other Television Scripts: Only the Good Die Young (movie), ABC, 1990. Adaptations: The television series Sisters and Party of Five are based on stories by Lippman.*

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

218 • LLOYD

WRITINGS LLOYD, Sabrina PERSONAL Born November 20, in the United States. Education: Trained with Brisbane Royal Theatre Company, Brisbane, Australia, as an exchange student. Career: Actress. Has performed in community theater productions in Mt. Dora, Florida.

Screenplays: Any Given Sunday (based on a story by Logan), Warner Bros., 1999. Bats, Destination Films, 1999. Television Movies: Tornado!, Fox, 1996. RKO281, HBO, 1999.*

CREDITS LOOKINLAND, Mike 1960Television Appearances; Series: Wade Wells, Sliders, Fox, 1995-98. Natalie Hurley, Sports Night, ABC, 1998—. Television Appearances; Specials: Sarah Thompson, "Love Off Limits'' (also known as "Off Limits"), CBS Schoolbreak Specials, CBS, 1993. Title role, "More Than Friends: The Coming Out of Heidi Leiter," Lifestories: Families in Crisis, HBO, 1994. Television Appearances; Episodic: Law and Order, NBC, 1992. Film Appearances: Jeanette, That Night (also known as One Hot Summer), Warner Bros., 1992. Diana's friend in gallery, Chain of Desire, October Films, 1993. Kelly Charles, Father Hood (also known as Desperado, Honor Among Thieves, and Mike Hardy), Buena Vista, 1993. Live Free and Die, 1998.*

LOGAN, John PERSONAL Addresses: Contact—c/o 3310 West End Ave., 5th Floor, Nashville, TN 37203. Career: Producer and writer. CREDITS Film Work: Executive producer, Bats, Destination Films, 1999.

PERSONAL Full name, Michael Paul Lookinland; born December 19, 1960. Addresses: Contact—2839 East 2960 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84109. Career: Actor, camera operator, and song performer. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Bobby Brady, The Brady Bunch, 1969-74. Voice of Bobby Brady, The Brady Kids (animated), ABC, 1972. Bobby Brady, The Brady Bunch Hour, ABC, 1977. Bobby Brady, The Brady Girls Get Married, NBC, 1981. Bobby Brady, The Bradys, CBS, 1990. Television Appearances; Movies: Voice of Oblio, The Point, 1971. Bud Riley, Dead Men Tell No Tales, ABC, 1971. Bobby Brady, The Brady Girls Get Married (also known as The Brady Brides), 1981. Bobby Brady, A Very Brady Christmas, CBS, 1988. Bobby Brady, The Bradys, 1990. Bosun, Gambler V: Playing for Keeps, CBS, 1994. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Sentry number one, Stephen King's The Stand, ABC, 1994. Television Appearances; Episodic: Boy on train, "Times of Change/' Little House on the Prairie, 1977. Television Appearances; Specials: Segment host, A 70's Celebration: The Beat is Back, NBC, 1993. Brady Bunch Home Movies, CBS, 1995.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Work: First assistant camera operator, Ancient Secrets of the Bible (special), CBS, 1992. Second assistant camera operator, Parallel Lives (movies), Showtime, 1994. Second assistant camera operator, Stephen King's The Stand (miniseries), ABC, 1994. Second assistant camera operator, Roswell, Showtime, 1994. First assistant camera operator, Cambler V: Playing for Keeps, CBS, 1994. First assistant camera operator, Deadly Invasion: The Killer Bee Nightmare (movies), Fox, 1995. First assistant camera operator, Promised Land (also known Home of the Brave; series), CBS, 1996-97. Film Appearances: Phillip Allbright, The Towering Inferno, 1974. (Scenes deleted) Cop number three, The Brady Bunch Movie, 1995. Film Work: Production assistant, Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers, CBS/Fox, 1988. First assistant camera operator second unit, Fast Getaway, New Line, 1991. Second assistant camera operator, A Midnight Clear, Sovereign Pictures, 1992. Song performer, The Brady Bunch Movie, UIP, 1995. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, November 28, 1997, p. 18. People Weekly, December 1, 1997, p. 133. Time, November 24, 1997, p. 138.*

LOVE, Courtney 1965(Courtney Love-Cobain) PERSONAL Born Love Michelle Harrison (later changed to Courtney Michelle Harrison), July 9, 1965, in San Francisco, CA; raised in Eugene, OR and New Zealand; daughter of Hank Harrison (a publisher) and Linda Carroll (a therapist); stepdaughter of Frank Rodriguez (a teacher) and later David Man ley; declared an emancipated minor, 1980; married James Moreland (a musician), 1989 (divorced, 1990); married Kurt Cobain (a singer and musician), February 24, 1992 (committed suicide, April 1994); children:

LOVE * 2 1 9

(second marriage) Frances Bean Cobain. Education: Attended Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. Religion: Tibetan Buddhist. Addresses: Office—c/o DGC, 9130 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90069-6197; fax: 310-938-8962. Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Singer, songwriter, musician, actress, producer, and music consultant. Co-founder of the band Sugar Baby Doll; founder and lead singer of the band Hole, 1989—; previously singer with Faith No More and Babes in Toyland; toured with Lollapalooza '95; previously worked as a stripper. Awards, Honors: Gold record, 1994, for Live Through This; winner of the critics' poll, Village Voice, and best album of the year, Rolling Stone and Spin, 1995, all for Live Through This; Boston Society of Film Critics Award, Golden Satellite Award, and New York Film Critics Circle Award, best supporting actress, 1996, Golden Globe Award nomination, best actress in a drama, 1997, all for The People vs. Larry Flynt. CREDITS Film Appearances: Gretchen, Sid and Nancy (also known as Sid and Nancy: Love Kills), Goldwyn, 1986. Velma, Straight to Hell, Island, 1987. Tape/leads, Avenue, 1988. Member of the rock band Hole, Not Bad for a Cirl (documentary), 1995. Big Pink, Basquiat (also known as Build a Fort, Set It on Fire), Miramax, 1996. Waitress, Feeling Minnesota, Fine Line Features, 1996. Althea Leasure Flynt, The People vs. Larry Flynt (also known as Larry Flynt: The Naked Truth), Columbia, 1996. Life, 1997. Herself, Kurt and Courtney, 1998. Lucy, 200 Cigarettes, Paramount, 1999. Lynn Margulies, Man on the Moon, 1999. Film Work: Producer (with Kyle C. Kyle), Not Bad for a Girl (documentary), 1995. Executive music coordinator, Tank Cirl, United Artists, 1995. Television Appearances; Specials: 24 Hours in Rock and Roll, syndicated, 1994.

220 • LOWELL

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Barbara Walters Presents "The 10 Most Fascinating People of1995, "ABC, 1995. Presenter, The 69th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1997. Hollywood Glamour Girls, E! Entertainment Television, 1998. Where It's At: The Rolling Stone State of the Union, 1998. Narrator, Clara Bow: Discovering the It Girl, TCM, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: MTV Unplugged, MTV, 1995.

(With "The Holez") "Circle 1," A Small Circle of Friends, Gasatanka, 1996. "Gold Dust Woman," The Crow: City of Angels Soundtrack, Hollywood Records, 1996. WRITINGS Film Songs: American Pie, Universal, 1999. Never Been Kissed, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999.


Sidelights: The play Love in the Void (, based loosely on Love's various postings on the Internet, was performed at the New Georges spring benefit at Here in New York City.

Albums; with the band Hole, Except Where Indicated:


LPs: Pretty on the Inside, Caroline, 1991. Live Through This, David Geffen Company, 1994. MTV Unplugged, 1995. Celebrity Skin, David Geffen Company, 1997.

Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, August 12, 1994, p. 18; January 30, 1998, p. 63; May 28, 1999, p. 106. Interview, March 1994, p. 88; October 1998, p. 134. Los Angeles Times, "Calendar," December 15, 1996, pp. 8-9, 40-1. Newsweek, Apri I 11, 1994, p. 72; October 21,1996, pp. 92-3. New York, February 20, 1995, p. 64. Rolling Stone, December 15, 1994, p. 56. Spin, February 1995. Us, October, 1996, pp. 73-4. Van/tyFa/'rJune, 1995.*


Rat Bastard, Sympathy for the Record Industry, 1990. Retard Girl, Sympathy for the Record Industry/City Slang, 1990. Dicknail, Sub Pop, 1991. Teenage Whore, City Slang, 1991. Beautiful Son, City Slang, 1993. Cut/ess, 1993. Ask for It, Caroline, 1995. Softer, Softest, Geffen Australia, 1996. Singles: "Dicknail/' Revolution Come and Gone, Sub Pop, 1992. "Teenage Whore/' S.F.W. (film soundtrack), A&M, 1994. "Beautiful Son/' City Slang, 1993, Independent Top 20, Vol. 17, Independent 20, 1993, and DGC Rarities, Vol. I, DGC, 1994. "Over the Edge," Slanged, City Slang, 1992; also appears on Eight Songs for Greg Sage and the Wipers, Tim/Kerr, 1993, and Fourteen Songs for Greg Sage and the Wipers, Tim/Kerr, 1993. "Plump," Swag, Geffen Records/DGC, 1994. "Rock Star (Alternate version)," )abberjaw No. 5: Good to the Last Drop and Jabberjaw No. 2, Mammoth, 1994. "Credit in the Straight World (Live)," The Incredible Son of Swag, David Geffen Company, 1995. "Drown Soda," Tank Girl Soundtrack, Elektra, 1995.

LOVE-COBAIN, Courtney See LOVE, Courtney



Born February 11, 1961, in New York, NY; daughter of a geologist; married Griff in Dunne (an actor), 1989 (divorced, 1994); children: (first marriage) Hannah; (with Richard Gere) one child. Education: Attended college in Boulder, CO, and studied Russian literature at New York University. Religion: Buddhist. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actress and former model; signed by the Ford Modeling Agency in 1979.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

LUBEZKI « 2 2 1



Film Appearances: Julie, Dangerously Close, Cannon, 1986. Let's Get Lost (documentary), Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1988. Maxine, Down Twisted, Cannon, 1989. Pam Bouvier, License to Kill, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1989. Kate, The Guard/an, Universal, 1990. Janet Landerson, Me and Him, Columbia, 1990. Jessie Taylor, Road to Ruin, LIVE Home Video, 1992. Maggie Baldwin, Sleepless in Seattle, TriStar, 1993. Martha, Love Affair, Warner Bros., 1994. Shannon, The Duke of Groove, Chanticleer Films/ Ma & Pa Pictures, 1995. Bank Teller, Leaving Las Vegas, United Artists, 1995. Cub Felines, Fierce Creatures (also known as Death Fish and Death Fish II) Universal, 1997.

Television Appearances; Series: Udell Corey III, The Trials of Rosie O'Neill, CBS, 1990-92. Reverend Timothy Johnson, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, CBS, 1993-98. Alan, Friends, NBC, 1994.

Television Appearances; Series: Dorothy "Dottie" Hinson, A League of Their Own, CBS, 1993. Assistant District Attorney Jamie Ross, Law and Order, NBC, 1996-98. Television Appearances; Episodic: Assistant District Attorney Jamie Ross, Homicide: Life on the Street, NBC, 1997. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, April 16, 1993, p. 42; November 8, 1996, pp. 40-2. People Weekly, July 26, 1999, p. 69.*

Television Appearances; Movies: Dr. David Simpson, Andthe Band Played On, HBO, 1993. Woody Washawski, johnny Skidmarks, HBO, 1998. Reverend Johnson, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman: The Movie, CBS, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Jeffrey Campbell, Silverfox (also known as Our Man James and Double Old 7), ABC, 1991. Circus of the Stars Gives Kids the World, CBS, 1993. Television Appearances; Episodic: Confederate Army lieutenant, "The Leap between the States/' Quantum Leap, NBC, 1993. Gene Crane, Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1997. Film Appearances: (As Geoff Lower) Brad, Hook, TriStar, 1991. Heaven Sent, Sunset Hill Partners, 1995. Heaven Before I Die, P.M. Entertainment Group, 1997. Stage Appearances: Osric, Hamlet, Hartford Stage Company, Hartford, CT, 1987-88. King Richard II, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre/Central Park, New York City, 1987-88. The Merchant of Venice, Folger Shakespeare Theatre, Washington, DC, 1987-88. Also appeared in Happy Ending, Broadway production, New York City; Love's Labour's Lost, Colorado Shakespeare Festival; The Taming of the Shrew, Los Angeles Shakespeare Festival.*

LOWER, Geoffrey PERSONAL Born March 19, in Casper, WY; married a classical pianist; children: one. Education: Attended University of Nebraska; studied at the Juilliard School.

LUBEZKI, Emmanuel

Career: Actor.

Born in Mexico City, Mexico.

Awards, Honors: Drama Critics Award for Happy Ending.

Addresses: /Agent—Skouras Agency, 725 Arizona Ave., Suite 406, Santa Monica, CA 90401.


222 • LUMET

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Career: Cinematographer. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best cinematography, 1995, for A Little Princess. CREDITS Film Work; Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated: Unit director of photography, Gaby—A True Story, TriStar, 1987. Producer, El Cam/no Largo a Tijuana, 1989. Bandits, Buena Vista, 1991. Love in the Time of Hysteria, 1991. Like Water for Chocolate, Miramax, 1992. Miroslava, 1992. The Harvest, Arrow Releasing, 1992. Ambar, Institute MexicanodeCinematografia, 1993. Twenty Bucks, Triton Pictures, 1993. Reality Bites, Universal, 1994. A Little Princess, Warner Bros., 1995. A Walk in the Clouds, Hispano Foxfilm, 1995. The Birdcage, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1996. Great Expectations, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998. Meet]oe Black, Universal, 1998. Sleepy Hollow, Paramount, 1999. Television Cinematographer; Episodic: Til Be Waiting/' Fa//en Angels, Showtime, 1993. "Murder, Obliquely/' Fallen Angels, Showtime, 1993.*

LUMET, Sidney 1924PERSONAL Born June 25, 1924, in Philadelphia, PA; son of Baruch and Eugenia (maiden name, Wermus) Lumet; married Rita Gam (an actress; divorced); married Gloria Vanderbilt, August 27,1956 (divorced, 1963); married Gail Jones, November 23, 1963 (divorced, 1978); married Mary Gimbel, October, 1980; children: Amy, Jenny. Education: Attended Columbia University, Addresses: Office—LAH Film Corporation, 1775 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. /Agent—Jeff Berg, International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Director, producer, screenwriter, and actor. Associate director, CBS, 1950. Military service: U.S. Army Signal Corps, 1942-46.

Member: Directors Guild of America, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers. Awards, Honors: Directors Guild Award, Academy Award nomination, best director, 1958, both for Twelve Angry Men; Emmy Award, best director, 1961, for "The Iceman Cometh," Play of the Week; Emmy Award nomination, best director, 1961, for The Sacco and V^nzett/ Story; Directors Guild of America Award, 1962, for Long Day's Journey into Night; British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nominations, best British film and best film from any source, 1966, for The Hill; Bodil Fes tival Film Award, best American film, 1966, UN Award nomination, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 1967, both for The Pawnbroker; British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best British film, 1968, for The Deadly Affair; British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best director, 1975, for Serpico; British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best director, 1975, for Murder on the Orient Express; Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award, best director, 1975, Academy Award nomination, best director, Golden Globe Award nomination, best director-motion picture, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best direction, 1976, all for Dog Day Afternoon; Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award, best director, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best direction, 1976, Academy Award nomination, Golden Globe Award, best director, 1977, all for Network; Academy Award nomination, best writing, screen play based on material from another medium (with Jay Presson Allen), New York Film Critics Circle Award, best director, 1981, Golden Globe Award nomination, best director-motion picture, Edgar Allan Poe Award nomination, best movie (with Jay Presson Allen), 1982, all for Prince of the City; National Board of Review Award, best director, 1982, Academy Award nomination, best director, Golden Globe Award nomination, best director-motion picture, 1983, all for The Verdict; Golden Globe Award nomination, best director-motion picture, 1989, for Running on Empty; Directors Guild of America Honorary Live Member Award, 1989; D.W. Griffith Award, Directors Guild of America, 1993; Lifetime Achievement Award, Gotham Awards, 1998. CREDITS Film Director, Except Where Indicated: (Directorial debut) Twelve Angry Men, United Artists, 1957. Stage Struck, Buena Vista, 1958.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 That Kind of Woman, Paramount, 1959. The Fugitive Kind, United Artists, 1960. A View from the Bridge, Continental, 1962. Long Day's Journey into Night, Embassy, 1962. And co-executive producer, Fail Safe, Columbia, 1964. The Pawnbroker, American International, 1965. Up from the Beach, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1965. The Hill, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1965. The Croup, United Artists, 1966. And producer, The Deadly Affair, Columbia, 1967. And producer, Bye Bye Braverman, Warner Bros., 1968. And producer, The Seagull, Warner Bros., 1968. Blood Kin, 1969. And producer (with Joseph Mankiewicz), King: A Filmed Record . . . Montgomery to Memphis, 1970. The Appointment, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1970. And producer, The Last of the Mobile Hot Shots (also known as Blood Kin and The Seven Descents of Myrtle), Warner Bros., 1970. The Anderson Tapes, Columbia, 1971. Child's Play, Paramount, 1972. The Offense (also known as Something Like the Truth), United Artists, 1973. Serpico, Paramount, 1973. Lovin' Molly, Columbia, 1974. Murder on the Orient Express, Paramount, 1974. Dog Day Afternoon, Warner Bros., 1975. Equus, United Artists, 1977. Network, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1977. TheWiz, Universal, 1978. And producer, ]ust Tell Me What You Want, Warner Bros., 1980. Prince of the City, Warner Bros., 1981. Deathtrap, Warner Bros., 1982. The Verdict, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1982. (And executive producer) Daniel, Paramount, 1983. Garfao Talks, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1984. Power, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. The Morning After, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. Running on Empty, Lorimar, 1988. Family Business, TriStar, 1989. Q&A, TriStar, 1990. A Stranger among Us (also known as Close to Eden), Buena Vista, 1992. Gu/7ty As Sin, Buena Vista, 1993. Night Falls on Manhattan, Paramount, 1997. And producer, Critical Care, Live Film & Mediaworks, 1997. Gloria, Columbia, 1999.

LUMET • 223 Film Appearances: Joey Rogers, One Third of a Nation, Paramount, 1939. 50 Years of Action!, 1986. Director, "White Fish," Funny, 1988. Himself, Listen Up, 1990. Television Director; Series: Danger, CBS, 1951-53. You Are There, CBS, 1952-53. Serpico, 1976. Television Director; Episodic: "Antigone/' Omnibus III, CBS, 1954. "Stage Door/7 The Best of Broadway, CBS, 1955. "Mooney's Kid Don't Cry/7 Kraft Television Theatre, NBC, 1958. "The Last of My Gold Watches/7 Kraft Television Theatre, NBC, 1958. "This Property Is Condemned/7 Kraft Television Theatre, NBC, 1958. "All the King's Men/7 Kraft Television Theatre, NBC, 1958. "The Hiding Place/7 Playhouse 90, CBS, 1960. "The Dybbuk/7 Play of the Week, NTA, 1960. "Rashomon/7 Play of the Week, NTA, 1960. "The Iceman Cometh/7 Play of the Week, NTA, 1960. "The Dybbuk/7 Play of the Week, NTA, 1966. Also directed episodes of Omnibus, CBS; Mama, CBS; The Best of Broadway, CBS; Goodyear Playhouse, NBC; Studio One, CBS; Alcoa Theatre, NBC; The Alcoa Hour. Television Director; Specials: TheShowoff, CBS, 1955. And producer, Mr. Broadway, NBC, 1957. The Sacco and Vanzetti Story, NBC, 1960. yohn Brown's Raid, NBC, 1960. Cry Vengeance, NBC, 1961. Television Appearances; Specials: Unauthorized Biography: Jane Fonda, syndicated, 1988. William Holden: The Golden Boy (also known as Crazy about the Movies, Cinemax, 1989. Night of 100 Stars III, NBC, 1990. Listen Up: The Lives of Quincy Jones, 1991. Fonda on Fonda, TNT, 1992. Interviewee, "Rod Serling: Submitted for Your Approval/7 American Masters, PBS, 1995. Intimate Portrait: Sean Connery, Lifetime, 1997. API's 100 Years ... 100 Movies, CBS, 1998. NYTV: By the People Who Made It, PBS, 1998. Anthony Perkins: A Life in the Shadows, A&E, 1999.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


Television Appearances; Episodic: American Cinema, PBS, 1995. Inside the Actors Studio, Bravo, 1995. Stage Director: The Doctor's Dilemma, Phoenix Theatre, New York City, 1955. Picnic (summer theatre production), 1955. The Night of the Auk, Playhouse Theatre, New York City, 1956. Caligula, 54th Street Theatre, New York City, 1960. Nowhere to Co but Up, Winter Garden Theatre, New York City, 1962. The Shawl, Jewish Repertory Theater at Playhouse, New York City, 1996. Directed summer theatre productions, 1947-49. Stage Appearances: (Broadway debut) Dead End kid, Dead End, Belasco Theatre, New York City, 1935. Estranged One's Son, The Eternal Road, Manhattan Opera House, New York City, 1937. Stanley, Sunup to Sundown, Hudson Theatre, New York City, 1938. Mickey, Schoolhouse on the Lot, Ritz Theatre, New York City, 1938. Leo, Christmas Eve, Henry Miller's Theatre, New York City, 1939. Johnny, My Heart's in the Highlands, Guild Theatre, New York City, 1939. Joshua, Journey to Jerusalem, National Theatre, New York City, 1940. Hymie Tashman, Morning Star, Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1940. George Washington Slept Here, Lyceum Theatre, New York City, 1940. Willie Berg, Brooklyn, USA, Forrest Theatre, New York City, 1941. David, A Flag Is Bom, Alvin Theatre, New York City, 1946. Tonya, Seeds in the Wind, Empire Theatre, New York City, 1948. Stage debut at Yiddish Theatre, New York City, 1928. WRITINGS Screenplays: (With Jay Presson Allen) Prince of the City, Warner Bros., 1981.

Q&A, Tri Star, 1990. Night Falls on Manhattan, Paramount, 1997. Books: Making Movies, Knopf, 1995. OTHER SOURCES Books: Bowles, Stephen E., Sidney Lumet: A Guide to References and Resources, G. K. Hall, 1979. Boyer, Jay, Sidney Lumet, Twayne, 1993. Cunningham, Frank R., Sidney Lumet: Film and Literary Vision, University Press of Kentucky, 1991. Periodicals: Film Comment, July-August 1997, p. 50.*

LYNSKEY, Melanie 1977PERSONAL Born May 16,1977, in New Plymouth, New Zealand. Addresses: Agent—Susan Smith & Associates, 121 North San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90211. Career: Actress. Awards, Honors: New Zealand Film and Television Award, best actress, for Heavenly Creatures. CREDITS Film Appearances: Pauline Parker, Heavenly Creatures, Miramax, 1994. Deputy, Robert Zemeckis Presents: The Frighteners, Universal, 1996. Jacqueline de Ghent, Ever After (also known as Ever After: A Cinderella Story), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998. Dunyasha, Varya, 1999. Measure to Mars, 1999. Melody, Foreign Correspondents, 1999. Beth, Detroit Rock City, New Line, 1999. Hillary, But I'm a Cheerleader (also known as Make Me Over), 1999. Also appeared in Cherry Orchard.*


MacDOWELL, Andie 1958-



Addresses: Agent— Henderson-Hogan Agency, 247 South Beverly, Suite 102, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Full name, Rosalie Anderson MacDowell; born April 21, 1958, in Gaffney, SC; daughter of Paula MacDowell (a schoolteacher); married Paul Qualley (a model and rancher; separated c. 1999); children: Justin, Rainey, Sarah Margaret. Education: Attended Winthrop College; studied acting with Shakespeare and Company.

Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Skater in Second Nationals pair, The Cutting Edge, United International Pictures, 1992. Dan Walton, Fire in the Sky, Paramount, 1993. Eddy, Three Ninjas Knuckle Up, TriStar, 1995. Jack Frost, Warner Bros., 1997. Voice of Rudi Rake-Rat, A Rat's Tale (also known as Die Story von Monty Sp/nnerratz), Warner Bros., 1998. Mack, Bad City Blues, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Mary Silliman's War, Lifetime, 1994. Tourist, The Rat Pack, HBO, 1998. First officer, A Call to Arms, TNT, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Brown, Law and Order, NBC, 1993. Henry, Frasier, NBC, 1995. Space: /Above and Beyond, Fox, 1995. Rollins, Star Trek: Voyager, UPN, 1995. Paulie Boyle, Kindred: The Embraced, Fox, 1996. Donald Carter, NYPD Blue, ABC, 1996. Large drunk, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1997. Dave Shauger, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1997. Conan: The Adventurer, syndicated, 1997. Officer Balkings, JAG, CBS, 1997.*

Addresses: /Agent—International Creative Management, 321 Westminster Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90020-4652. Career: Actress and producer. Model with Elite Modeling Agency, New York City; appeared in commercials for such companies as L'Oreal and Calvin Klein; previously worked at McDonald's and as a model for newspaper advertisements, Columbia SC. Awards, Honors: Female Star of Tomorrow Award, Motion Picture Bookers Club, 1989, Achievement Award, best actress, Los Angeles Film Critics Association, 1989, and Independent Spirit Award, best actress, Independent Feature Project/West, 1990, all for sex, lies, and videotape; Golden Globe Award nomination, best actress in a musical or comedy, Hollywood Foreign Press Association, 1990, for Green Card. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Jane Porter, Creystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes, Warner Bros., 1984. Dale Biberman, St. Elmo's Fire, Columbia, 1985. Ann Milaney, sex, lies, and videotape, Miramax, 1989.

226 • MACPHERSON Bronte Parish, Green Card, Touchstone, 1990. Tina, The Object of Beauty, Avenue Pictures, 1991. Anna Baragli, Hudson Hawk, TriStar, 1991. Herself, The Player, Fine Line, 1992. Ann Finnigan, Shortcuts, Fine Line, 1993. Bessie Faro, Deception (also known as Ruby Cairo and The Missing Link: Ruby Cairo), Miramax, 1993. Rita, Groundhog Day, Columbia, 1993. Eileen Spenser, Bad Girls, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1994. Carrie, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Gramercy Pictures, 1994. Selma Lidz, Unstrung Heroes, Buena Vista, 1995. Laura Kinney, Multiplicity, Columbia, 1996. Dorothy Winters, Michael, Turner Pictures, 1996. Paige Stockard, End of Violence, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1997. Piece a'Cake, 1997. Trixie, Shadrach, Tidewater Pictures, Inc., 1998. Linda Paliski,/ustt/7e Ticket, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1999. Shelley Snipes, Muppets from Space, Columbia/Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1999. Laura Phillips, The Muse, October Films, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: First Person with Maria Shriver, NBC, 1990. Rich and Famous: 1990 World's Best, syndicated, 1990. Host, "Sex, Lives, and Holes in the Skies," World of Audubon Specials, TBS, 1992. Luck, Trust, and Ketchup: Robert Altman in Carver Country, syndicated, 1994. Interviewee, Canned Ham: Michael Keaton, syndicated, 1996. Intimate Portrait: Andie MacDowell, Lifetime, 1999. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 65th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1993. Presenter, The 67th Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1995. Presenter, The 69th Annual Academy Awards, 1997. The 55th Golden Globe Awards, 1998. The 14th Independent Spirit Awards, 1999. The 71st Annual Academy Awards Presentation, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: The Entertainment Business, Bravo, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Emily Meadows, "A Domestic Dilemma/' Women and Men II: In Love There Are No Rules, 1991.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Miniseries: Anthea, Sahara's Secret (also known as The Secret of the Sahara), RAI (Italy), 1988. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: /nSty/eJuly 1998, p. 172. New York, July 17, 1989. People Weekly, November 9, 1998, p. 13; July 19, 1999, p. 69; September 13, 1999, p. 104. Vanity Fair, March, 1993, pp. 176, 178, 180, 204, 206. Vogue, April, 1994, p. 364.*

MACPHERSON, Elle 1964PERSONAL Born March 29, 1964, in Sydney, Australia; married Gilles Bensimon (a fashion photographer), May 24, 1986 (divorced); children: (with Arpad "Arki" Busson) Aprad Flynn Busson. Education: Attended Killara High School. Addresses: Office—Women Model Management, 107 Greene St., Fl. 2, New York, NY 10012-3803. Career: Actress and model. Appeared on Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue covers, 1986-88, 1994; coowner (with Claudia Schiffer and Naomi Campbell) of the Fashion Cafe restaurant in Manhattan; CREDITS Film Appearances: Model, Alice, Orion, 1990. Husbands and Wives, 1992. Sheela, Sirens, Miramax, 1994. Blanche Ingram, Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre (also known as/ane Eyre), Miramax, 1996. Jane Linguist, If Lucy Fell, TriStar, 1996. Candy, The Mirror Has Two Faces, TriStar, 1996. Julie Madison (Bruce Wayne's girlfriend), Batman and Robin, Warner Bros., 1997. Mickey Morse, The Edge, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Beautopia, 1998. Samantha Mastandrea, With Friends Like These..., Mom's Roof, Inc., 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Friends, NBC, 1999.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Also appeared in episodes of Late Night with Letterman; The Tonight Show, NBC; The Oprah Winfrey Show, syndicated; Good Morning America, ABC Television Appearances; Specials: The Making of a Model, ABC, 1988. Sports Illustrated: The Making of the Swimsuit Issue, HBO, 1989. Supermodel of the World, syndicated, 1989. Dolphins, Whales, and Us, CBS, 1990. Host, International Swimsuit '91 with Elle Macpherson, NBC, 1991. MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 1994. People's 20th Birthday, ABC, 1994. Sports Illustrated Swimsuit '94: The 30th Anniversary, ABC, 1994. A Day With, 1995. RECORDINGS Videos: Appeared in Your Personal Best Workout with Elle Macpherson, Buena Vista Home Video.

MACY • 227 licity Huffman (an actress), September 6, 1997. Ecfucation: Attended Bethany College; graduate of Goddard College; studied with David Mamet. Addresses: Writers and Artists Agency, 5740 Wilshire Blvd., #640, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Career: Actor, director, and writer. Member of the Guthrie Theater Company, 1978-79; member of the Goodman Theatre Company, Chicago, IL, 1984-85; founding member of St. Nicholas Theater, Chicago, IL, with Steven Schachter and David Mamet. Director-in-residence at the Atlantic Theatre Company in New York City; assistant scout master of Boy Scout Troop 184, Los Angeles; performed voiceover work in commercials for products, including Secret; appeared in commercials for Levi's and Gap Jeans. Awards, Honors: Outer Critics Circle Award nomination for best actor, 1993, for O/eanna; Academy Award nomination, best supporting actor, 1996, for Fargo; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding guest actor in a drama series, 1997, for ER. CREDITS

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Cosmopolitan, December, 1987, pp. 224-27. Entertainment Weekly, August 2, 1996, p. 11. Los Angeles Magazine, April, 1994, pp. 80-81. New York Times, October 13, 1996, p. 29. People Weekly, June 9,1986, pp. 44-46; May 8,1995, pp. 66, 95; August 12, 1996, p. 39; August 11, 1997, p. 123. Playboy, August 1999, p. 19. Shape, January, 1995, pp. 74-77. Time, March 28, 1994, p. 75; March 18, 1996, p. 101; March 2, 1998, p. 25.*

MACY, W. H. See MACY, William H.

MACY, William H. 1950(W. H. Macy) PERSONAL Full name, William Hall Macy; born March 13,1950, in Miami FL; son of an insurance agent; married Fe-

Film Appearances: (As W. H. Macy) Bronski, Foolin' Around, Columbia, 1979. (As W. H. Macy) Critic (1972), Somewhere in Time, Universal, 1980. (As W. H. Macy) Reporter, Without a Trace, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1983. (As W. H. Macy) J. J., The Last Dragon (also known as Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon), TriStar, 1985. (As W. H. Macy) Radio Voice, Radio Days, Orion, 1987. (As W. H. Macy) Sergeant Moran, House of Games, Orion, 1987. (As W. H. Macy) Billy Drake, Things Change, Columbia, 1988. (As W. H. Macy) Cop with Spiro, Shadows and Fog, Orion, 1991. (As W. H. Macy) Tim Sullivan, Homicide, Columbia/ TriStar, 1991. Randy Burch, Benny & ]oon (also known as Benny and June and Along Came Sam), MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1993. Tunafish Father, Searching for Bobby Fischer (also known as Innocent Moves), Paramount Pictures, 1993. Property Clerk, Twenty Bucks, Triton Pictures, 1993. Boris, Being Human, Warner Bros., 1994. Dr. Greenway, The Client, Warner Bros., 1994. Stephen Meeker, Dead on Sight, Summa Video, 1994.

228 • MACY John, Oleanna, Samuel Goldwyn, 1994. (As W. H. Macy) Vice Principal Welters, Mr. Holland's Opus (also known as Mr. Herrick's Opus and Herrick's Opus), Buena Vista, 1995. Voice of Evolver, Evolver, Trimark, 1995. Captain Knox, Down Periscope, 20th Century-Fox, 1996. Jerry Lundegaard, Fargo, Gramercy Pictures, 1996. Charlie Crisco, Ghosts of Mississippi (also known as Medgar Evers, The Murder ofMedgar Evers, Free at Last, and The Chost of Mississippi), Columbia, 1996. The Cop, Hit Me (also known as Ice Cream Dimension), Trident Releasing, 1996. Major Caldwell, Air Force One, Columbia/Sony, 1997. Mr. O'Day, Colin Fitz, Baby Shark Inc./River One Films, 1997. Little Bill, Boogie Nights, New Line Cinema, 1997. Mr. Young, Wag the Dog, New Line Cinema, 1997. James Gordon, A Civil Action, Buena Vista, 1998. George, Pleasantville, New Line Cinema, 1998. Milton Arbogast, Psycho, Universal, 1998. The Secret of NIMH II: Timmy to the Rescue, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists Home Entertainment, 1998. Sheriff Chappy Dent, Happy, Texas, Miramax, 1999. The shovler, Mystery Men, Universal, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Dr. David Morgenstern, ER, NBC, 1994—. Television Appearances; Episodic: Dr. Spalding, "Hand and Glove/' The Equalizer, CBS, 1986. "Season's Greetings from Al Floss/' The Famous Teddy Z, CBS, 1989. "Sister of Mercy/' Law & Order, NBC, 1992. Voice of Norse Ghosts, Disney's Hercules (animated), ABC and syndicated, 1998. Guest caller Ralph, Frasier, NBC, 1998. Voice of Dr. Rubin, King of the Hill (animated), Fox, 1998. Voice of Leo the Lion, The Lionhearts (animated), 1998. Voice of director, The New Batman/Superman Adventures (animated), The WB, 1998.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Ray Daniels, In the Line of Duty: Siege at Marion (also known as In the Line of Duty: Standoff at Marion and In the Line of Duty: The Hostage Murders), NBC, 1992. A Private Matter, HBO, 1992. Sean Hammel, A Murderous Affair: The Carolyn Warmus Story (also known as /.overs of Deceit), ABC, 1992. Charles Lang, The Water Engine, TNT, 1992. Booth, The Heart of Justice, TNT, 1993. Petrocelli, The Writing on the Wall, Channel Four (United Kingdom), 1994. Dr. Frank Teague, In the Shadow of Evil, CBS, 1995. /Above Suspicion (also known as The Rhinehart Theory), HBO, 1995. Bobby Sommerdinger, Pascagoula, USA Network, 1997. Bobby Sommerdinger, The Con, 1998. Terry Thorpe, A Slight Case of Murder, 1999. Karl, Jerry and Tom, 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: (As W. H. Macy) Will Beagle, The Awakening Land, NBC, 1978. The Murder of Mary Phagan (also known as The Ballad of Mary Phagan), NBC, 1988. Colonel Chandler, Andersonville, TNT, 1996. Television Appearances; Pilots: (As W. H. Macy) Chip Gooseberry, Sitcom, HBO, 1983. Bob Wilson, Mystery Dance, ABC, 1995. Also appeared in Law and Order, NBC. Television Appearances; Specials: "The Dining Room," Great Performances, PBS, c. 1982. Doctor, Texan, Showtime, 1994. Inside the Academy Awards, 1997. Comic Relief VIII, HBO, 1998. Screen Actors Guild 4th Annual Awards, 1998. Presenter, The National Hate Test, USA, 1998. Canned Ham: Mystery Man, Comedy Central, 1999. Voice of Ichabod Crane, Night of the Headless Horseman (animated), 1999. Politically Incorrect After Party Presented by Pepsi, ABC, 1999.

Also appeared on LA Law, NBC; Bakersfield, P.O., Fox; Civil Wars, ABC; Nick and Hillary (also known as Tattingers), CBS.

Television Director; Movies: Lip Service, HBO, 1988.

Television Appearances; Movies: (As W. H. Macy) Ben Duffy, The Cradle Will Fall, CBS, 1983.

Stage Appearances: (As W. H. Macy) American Buffalo, Goodman Theatre Center, Chicago, IL, 1975-76.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 (As W. H. Macy) The Show-Off, Goodman Theatre Center, Chicago, IL, 1976-77. (As W. H. Macy; Off-Broadway debut) Jerry Green, The Man in 605, Theatre DeLYS, New York City, 1979-80. (As W. H. Macy) Sebastian, Twelfth Night, Circle Repertory Theatre, New York City, 1980-81. (As W. H. Macy) Leopold, A Call From the East, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1981. (As W. H. Macy) The Dining Room, Playwrights Horizons Theatre and Astor Place Theatre, 1982. (As W. H. Macy) The Front Page, Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL, 1981-82. (As W. H. Macy) Arthur Pitler, "I'm Good To My Doggies/' Wild Life, Vandam Theatre, 1983. (As W. H. Macy) Peter, "Charades," Wild Life, Vandam Theatre, 1983. (As W. H. Macy) He, Flirtations, T.O.M.I. Terrace Theatre, 1983. (As W. H. Macy) John, Baby with the Bathwater, Playwrights Horizon's Theatre, 1983-84. (As W. H. Macy) Gin Player, Prairie Du Chien (in double bill with The Shawl), Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre, Lincoln Center, New York City, 198586. (As W. H. Macy) Peter Cope, Paris Bound, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1985-86. (As W. H. Macy) Junius Upsey, The Nice and The Nasty, 1986. (As W. H. Macy) Nick, Bodies, Rest, and Motion, Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre, Lincoln Center, New York City, 1986-87. (As W. H. Macy; Broadway debut) Howie Newsome, Our Town, Henry Miller Theatre, 1988. (As W. H. Macy) Interrogator, Bobby Gould in Hell (part of Oh, Hell double bill, with The Devil and Billy Markham), Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre, Lincoln Center, 1989. (As W. H. Macy) Heinrich, Life During Wartime, Manhattan Theatre Club, 1991. (As W. H. Macy) John, Oleanna, Orpheum Theatre, 1994. Also appeared in The Beaver Coat, Circle Repertory Theatre; Sittin'; Sunshine; Speakeasy; Marathon '90; Mr. Gogol and Mr. Preen, Lincoln Center; Vermont Sketches, Shoeshine, and Cross Patch, all at Ensemble Studio Theatre. Major Tours: John, Oleanna, U.S. Cities, 1993. Stage Director: (As W. H. Macy) Fun, Manhattan Punch Line, 1987.

MADDEN « 2 2 9 (As W. H. Macy) Boy's Life, Mitzi E. Newhouse Theater, 1988. (As W. H. Macy) Three Sisters, Atlantic Theatre, 1991. Down the Shore/The Dadshuttle, Atlantic Theatre, 1993. Also directed Oleanna, Tiffany Theater, Los Angeles, CA. WRITINGS Television Movies: (With Steven Schachter) /Above Suspicion (also known as The Rhinehart Theory), HBO, 1995. (With Steven Schachter and Martin Davidson) Every Woman's Dream, CBS, 1996. (With Steven Schachter) Pascagoula, USA Network, 1997. The Con, 1998. Terry Thorpe, A Slight Case of Murder, 1999. Television Episodes:

Wrote an episode of thirtysomething, ABC, with Steven Schachter. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, September 26, 1997, p. 14. Esquire, August 1997, p. 24. Maclean's, October 26, 1998, p. 93. New York, October 14, 1991, p. 26. People Weekly, November 10, 1997, p. 166; February 22, 1999, p. 49. *

MADDEN, David 1955PERSONAL Born July 25, 1955, in Chicago, IL. Education: Attended Harvard University, 1976; University of California, Los Angeles, M.A., 1978. Addresses: Office— Interscope Communications, 10900 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1400, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Career: Producer, director, and executive. Twentieth Century-Fox, Hollywood, CA, story analyst, 1978-80, story editor, 1980-82, executive story editor, 1982-83; Twentieth Century-Fox Productions, vice president of production, then vice president of creative affairs, beginning 1983; Paramount Pictures, Hollywood, CA, vice

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president of production; Interscope Communications, Los Angeles, CA, producer, 1987-95; Cort/Madden Productions, Paramount Pictures, partner and producer, 1996--. CREDITS Film Producer, Except Where Indicated: Renegades, 1989. Relentless, Universal, 1989. (With Robert W. Cort) Executive producer, Blind Fury, TriStar, 1989. The First Power (also known as Pentagram and Transit), Orion, 1990. Eve of Destruction, Orion, 1991. The Hand That Rocks the Cradle, Buena Vista, 1992. Jersey Girl, 1992. Holy Matrimony, Buena Vista, 1994. Director, Separate Lives, Trimark Pictures, 1995. The Tie That Binds, Buena Vista, 1995. Operation Dumbo Drop (also known as The Dumbo Drop), Buena Vista, 1995. Executive producer, The Associate, Hollywood Pictures, 1996. The Odd Couple II (also known as Ne/7 Simon's The Odd Couple //), Paramount, 1998. The Out-of-Towners, 1999. Runaway Bride, 1999. Television Work; Movies: Director, A Part of the Family, Lifetime, 1994. Executive producer, Body Language (also known as Pro Bono), HBO, 1995. Producer, In the Company of Spies, 1999. WRITINGS

Career: Director, screenwriter, editor, cinematographer, sound editor, production designer, art director, and actor. Previously worked as a bank teller and house painter. Awards, Honors: Telluride Festival Award, lifetime achievement, 1995 CREDITS Film Director, Except Where Indicated: The Dead Father, 1986. And editor, cinematographer, and producer, Tales from the Cimli Hospital (also known as Pestilence and Gimli Saga), Circle Releasing/Cinephile, 1988. And cinematographer, soundman, art director, and editor, Archangel, 1991. And cinematographer, production designer, sound editor, and editor, Careful, Cinephile, 1992. Ocf/'/on Redon, 1995. Twilight of the Ice Nymphs, Zeitgeist Films/Alliance,

1997. Film Appearances: Vinyl, 1997. Guy Maddin: Waiting for Twilight, 1997. WRITINGS Screenplays: The Dead Father, 1986. Tales from the Cimli Hospital (also known as Pestilence and Cimli Saga), Circle Releasing/ Cinephile, 1988. Archangel, 1991. Careful, Cinephile, 1992. Odilon Redon, 1995. OTHER SOURCES

Television Movies: A Part of the Family, Lifetime, 1994.*

Periodicals: Knight Rider/Tribune News Service, December 3, 1993.* MADDIN, Guy 1956PERSONAL Born February 28, 1956, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; son of Charlie Maddin (a hockey team business manager); married Elise Moore, August 19, 1995. Education: Attended the University of Winnipeg. Addresses: Contact—Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, 753 Yonge ST. St., second floor, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1Z9 Canada.

MADIGAN,Amy 1957PERSONAL Born September 11, 1957 (some sources say 195 and 1951), in Chicago, IL; married Ed Harris (an actor), 1982; children: Lily Dolordes. Education: Marquette University, degree in philosophy; studied at Lee Strasberg Institute, Los Angeles.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Addresses: /Agent—Will lam Morris Agency, 1325 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019. Career: Actress and producer. Has worked as a performer with a band in bars and nightclubs. Awards, Honors: Golden Globe Award nomination, new star of the year in a motion picture-female, 1983, for Love Child; Academy Award nomination, best supporting actress, 1985, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a supporting role in a motion picture, 1986, both for Twice in a Lifetime; Theatre World Award, 1987, for The Lucky Spot; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actress in a miniseries or special, and Golden Globe Award, best supporting actress in a series, miniseries, or television movie, 1989, both for Roe vs. Wade; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best supporting female, 1989, for The Prince of Pennsylvania; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best supporting female, 1998, for Loved. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Terry Jean Moore, Love Child, Warner Bros., 1982. Wendy, Love Letters (also known as My Love Letters and Pass/on P/ay), 1983. McCoy, Streets of Fire, Universal, 1984. Viola Kelsey, Places in the Heart, TriStar, 1984. Glory Scheer, Alamo Bay, TriStar, 1985. Sunny, Twice in a Lifetime, Bud Yorkin Productions, 1985. Crossroads, 1986. Barbara Cutter, Nowhere to Hide (also known as Fatal Chase), New Century, 1987. Carla Headlee, The Prince of Pennsylvania, 1988. Chanice Kobolowski, Uncle Buck, 1989. Annie Kinsella, Field of Dreams, Universal, 1989. Liz Beaumont, The Dark Half, 1993. Madelyn Stevens, Female Perversions, 1996. Brett, Loved, 1997. Hannah DiMartino, With Friends Like These, 1998. Pollock, 2000. Film Song Performer: Alamo Bay, TriStar, 1985. Crossroads, 1986. Television Appearances; Movies: Marilyn, Crazy Times, ABC, 1981. Molly Slavin, The Ambush Murders, CBS, 1982. Chloe Brill, Victims, NBC, 1982.

MADIGAN « 2 3 1 Billy Jean Bailey, Travis McCee (also known as Travis McCee: The Empty Copper Sea), ABC, 1983. Alison Ransom, The Day After, ABC, 1983. Sarah Jamieson, Eureka Stockade, 1984. Sarah Weddington, Roe vs. Wade, NBC, 1989. Kari Campbell, "Lucky Day/' ABC Theatre, ABC, 1991. Roxy Ventola, And Then There Was One, Lifetime, 1994. Jane Withersteen, Riders of the Purple Sage, TNT, 1996. Mary Jane Vann, A Bright Shining Lie, HBO, 1998. Amy Hill Heath, Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years, 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries Carmel Cantrell, Crocodile Shoes, 1994. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Slow Boat to Murder/' Hart to Hart, ABC, 1981. "Finders Keepers/' CHiPs, NBC, 1981. Voice of Maggie, "Flour Child," Frasier, NBC, 1994. Voice, Baseball (documentary; also known as The Hi story of Baseball), PBS, 1994. The West, PBS, 1996. Television Appearances; Specials: Dee Dee Johnson, The Laundromat, HBO, 1985. Sarah Penn, "The Revolt of Mother," Pigeon Feathers, PBS, 1988. Voice, "The Donner Party" (documentary), The American Experience, PBS, 1992. Voice, 500 Nations (documentary), CBS, 1995. Voice, "The Way West" (documentary), The American Experience, PBS, 1995. Big Guns Talk: The Story of the Western, TNT, 1997. Voice of Patsy Jefferson, Thomas ]efferson, PBS, 1997. Margaret Sanger, PBS, 1998. Television Work: Executive producer, Riders of the Purple Sage, TNT, 1996. Stage Appearances: A Lie of the Mind, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 1988. Stevie Wants to Play the Blues, Los Angeles Theatre Center, Los Angeles, 1989-90. Stella Kowalski, A Streetcar Named Desire, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1992. Appeared in Prairie Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, 1981; The Lucky Spot, New York City, 1986-87.*

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MADONNA 1958(?)PERSONAL Full name, Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone; born August 16, 1958 (some sources say 1959, 1960, or 1961), in Bay City, Ml; daughter of Silvio (an engineer) and Madonna Ciccone; married Sean Penn (an actor), August 16, 1985 (divorced, 1989); children: (with Carlos Leon) Lourdes Maria. Education: Attended University of Michigan, 1976-78; studied dance with Alvin Ailey, American Dance Theater, 1979, and with Pearl Lang. Addresses: Office—c/o Sire Records, 75 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10019. /Agent—Bryan Lourd, ICM, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 902111934 Career: Singer, actress, dancer, and musician. Dancer with Alvin Ailey Dance Company, New York City, 1979; performer with various popular music groups during early 1980s, including Breakfast Club, Millionaires, Modern Dance, Emmy, and Madonna; owner of Maverick Records (a recording label). Awards, Honors: Grammy Award nomination, best female pop performance, 1986, for "Crazy for You"; Grammy Award nomination, best female pop vocal, 1986, for "Papa Don't Preach''; Grammy Award nomination, best song written specifically for a motion picture or television, 1987, for "Who's That Girl?"; Pop/ Rock Video Award, favorite female video artist, American Music Awards, 1987; Critics Pick Awards, best video, Rolling Stone Magazine Music Awards, 1989, for Like a Prayer, Critics Pick Awards, best video, Rolling Stone Magazine Music Awards, 1990, for Justify My Love; Grammy Award, best music video (long form), 1991, for Blond Ambition World Tour Life; Golden Globe Award nominations, best original song, 1992, for "This Used to Be My Playground" from A League of Their Own (with others); Golden Globe Award nominations, best original song, 1995, for "I'll Remember," from With Honors; Golden Globe Award, best actress in a comedy/musical, 1997, MTV Movie Award nomination, best female performer, and MTV Movie Award nomination, best movie song ("Don't Cry for Me Argentina"), 1997, all for Evita. CREDITS Film Appearances: Bruna, A Certain Sacrifice, Commtron, 1980.

Nightclub performer, Vision Quest (also known as Crazy For You), Warner Bros., 1985. Title role, Desperately Seeking Susan, Orion, 1985. Gloria Tatlock, Shanghai Surprise, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1986. Nikki Finn, Who's That Girl, Warner Bros., 1987. Hortense Hathaway, Bloodhounds of Broadway, Columbia, 1989. Breathless Mahoney, Dick Tracy, Buena Vista, 1990. Truth or Dare (documentary; also known as Madonna: Truth or Dare and In Bed with Madonna), Miramax, 1991. Mae Mordabito, A League of Their Own, Columbia, 1992. Marie, Shadows and Fog, Orion, 1992. Rebecca Carlson, Body of Evidence, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1993. Sarah Jennings, Dangerous Game (also known as Snake Eyes), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1993. Singing telegram girl, Blue in the Face, Miramax, 1995. Elspeth, "Strange Brew," Four Rooms, Miramax, 1995. Boss Number 3, Girl 6, Fox Searchlight Pictures, 1996. Eva (Duarte) Peron, Evita, Buena Vista/Hollywood Pictures, 1996. Abbie, The Next Best Thing, Lakeshore Entertainment/ Paramount Pictures, 2000. Film Work: Executive producer, Truth or Dare (documentary; also known as Madonna: Truth or Dare and In Bed With Madonna), Miramax, 1991. Producer and song performer, A League of Their Own, Columbia, 1992. Producer and song performer, With Honors, 1994. Song performer, Gummo, Fine Line Features, 1997. Song performer, The Real Blonde, Paramount, 1997. Video clip, Reef Corner, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1997. Song performer, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, New Line Cinema, 1999. Song performer, Karaoke Verite, 1999. Song performer, Never Been Kissed, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Behind the Music, VH1, 1997. Television Appearances; Specials: American Bandstands 33 1/3 Celebration, 1985. Disney's D-TV Valentine, 1986. MTV Rewind, MTV, 1989.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Madonna—Live! Blond Ambition World Tour, HBO, 1990. Sex in the '90s, CBS, 1990. Rock the Vote, Fox, 1992. HBO's 20th Anniversary—We Hardly Believe It Ourselves, HBO, 1992. Madonna—Live Down Under: "The Girlie Show/' HBO, 1993. Madonna: Exposed, syndicated, 1993. "Madonna," Biography, Arts and Entertainment, 1993. Song performer, Fox on Ice, Fox, 1994. Happy Birthday Elizabeth: A Celebration of Life, 1997. Madonna Rising, 1998. Narrator, "The Camel Dances/' Rosie O'Donnell's Kids Are Punny, 1998. Tony Bennett: An All-Star Tribute—Live by Request, 1998. Madonna, 1999. Paris Fashion Collections, 1999. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 13th Annual American Music Awards, ABC, 1986. MTV's 1989 Video Music Awards, MTV, 1989. MTV's 1990 Video Music Awards, MTV, 1990. The 63rd Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1991. The 1993 MTV Music Video Awards, MTV, 1993. The 66th Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1994. Presenter, The 1995 MTV Music Video Awards, MTV, 1995. The 69th Annual Academy Awards, 1997. The 1998 MTV Video Music Awards, 1998. Presenter, The 55th Golden Globe Awards, 1998. Presenter, CQ Men of the Year Award, 1998. Presenter, The 11th Annual Kids' Choice Awards, 1998. Performer, The 1998 VH1 Fashion Awards, 1998. The 5th Annual MTV Europe Music Video Awards, 1998. Presenter, The 70th Annual Academy Awards, 1998. Presenter, The 1999 MTV Music Video Awards, . 1999. The 41st Annual Grammy Awards, 1999. Television Song Performer; Awards Presentations: The 1995 BRIT Awards, ABC, 1995. The American Music Awards, ABC, 1995. The 68th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1997. The 69th Annual Academy Awards, 1997.

MADONNA • 233 The 1998 MTV Video Music Awards, 1998. The 5th Annual MTV Europe Music Video Awards, 1998. The 41st Annual Grammy Awards, 1999. Stage Appearances: (Broadway debut) Karen, Speed-the-Plow, Royale Theatre, New York City, 1988. RECORDINGS Albums: Madonna, Sire, 1983. Like a Virgin, Sire, 1984. True Blue, Sire, 1986. Who's That Girl?, Sire, 1987. You Can Dance, Sire, 1987. Like a Prayer, Sire, 1989. Vogue, Warner Bros., 1990. I'm Breathless: Music from and Inspired by the Film "D/c/cTracy/'Sire, 1990. The Immaculate Collection, 1990. Erotica, Maverick, 1992. In the Beginning, Import, 1994. Bedtime Stories, Maverick, 1994. Early Years, Receiver, 1995. Evita, Warner Bros., 1996. Something to Remember, Warner Bros., 1997. Frozen, 1998. Author or co-author of numerous songs, including "This Used to Be My Playground" and 'Til Remember." Videos: Madonna, WEA, 1984. Madonna Live: The Virgin Tour, WEA, 1985. Madonna Ciao Italia: Live from Italy, WEA, 1988. Like a Prayer, 1989. Blond Ambition World Tour (also known as Blond Ambition), 1990. Justify My Love, 1990. Also appeared in numerous shorter videos. WRITINGS Film Songs: Desperately Seeking Susan, Orion, 1985. Vision Quest, Warner Bros., 1985. Cummo, Fine Line Features, 1997. The Real Blonde, Paramount, 1997. Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, New Line Cinema, 1999.

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Books: Sex, Warner Books, 1992. OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Musicians, Volume 4, Gale Research, 1991. Contemporary Newsmakers, Volume 2, Gale Research, 1985. Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, May 11,1990; May 25, 1990. Marketing, April 29, 1999, p. 14. People Weekly, March 2, 1998, p. 51. Redbook, January 1997, p. 58. Rolling Stone, June 13, 1991.*

MAHER, Bill 1956PERSONAL Surname is pronounced "mar"; born January 20, 1956, in New York, NY; son of Bill (a radio announcer and NBC news editor) and Julie (a nurse; maiden name, Berman) Maher. Education: Cornell University, BA (English), 1978. Addresses: Contact—HBO Politically Incorrect, 7800 Beverly Blvd., Suite D, Los Angeles, CA 90036-2188; Politically Incorrect, ABC Television 2040 Avenue of the Stars, Century City, CA 90067. Career: Actor and comedian. Appeared in comedy clubs, 1978—. Awards, Honors: CableACE Award, best cable talk show host, and Emmy Award nomination, outstanding variety, music or comedy series, 1995, both for Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding variety, music or comedy series (with others), 1995-98, Emmy Award nomination, outstanding individual achievement in writing for a variety or music program (with others), 199697, Emmy Award nomination, outstanding individual performance in a variety or music program, 1997, all for Politically Incorrect. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Marty Lang, Sara, NBC, 1985.

Host, The Midnight Hour, CBS, 1990. Elliot, Charlie Hoover, 1991. Host, Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, Comedy Central, 1993-97, then ABC, 1997—. Television Appearances; Episodic: Norm Murphy, ''The Buck Stops Here," Newhart, 1988. Frank Albertson, "Good-by Charlie/7 Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1990. One Night Stand, HBO, 1990. London Underground, Comedy Central, 1991. The A-List, Comedy Central, 1992. Adam, "You Can't Miss," Married ... With Children, Fox, 1993. Mr. Lorre, "Strike," The Jackie Thomas Show, 1993. Bob, "It Was Twenty Years Ago Today," Roseanne, ABC, 1993. Voice, Dr. Katz: Professional Therapist (animated), Comedy Central, 1995. Himself, "The Roast," The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1997. Himself, "Mr. Montegomery Goes to Washington," Dharma & Greg, ABC, 1997. Himself, "One Wedding and Val's Funeral," V.I.P., syndicated, 1998. Celebrity square, Hollywood Squares, syndicated, 1998. The View, ABC, 1999. Also appeared The Bob Monkhouse Show; Late Night with David Letterman; has appeared on The Tonight Show, NBC, 25 times since 1982. Television Appearances; Movies: Rick, Club Med, ABC, 1986. Freddie, Rags to Riches (also known as Foleyandthe Girls from St. Mags), 1986. Max Taylor, Out of Time, NBC, 1988. Television Appearances; Specials: Funny, You Don't Look 200, ABC, 1987. Cower Rhodes, Hard Knocks (also known as Play "Mr. Tambourine Man" for Me), Showtime, 1987. Host, Say What?, CBS, 1992. Indecision '92, Comedy Central, 1992. "We're Mad as Hell Hosted by Dennis Miller," HBO Comedy Hour, HBO, 1992. Comic Relief VI, HBO, 1994. State of the Union Undressed '94, Comedy Central, 1994. But. . . Seriously, Showtime, 1994. "Bill Maher: Stuff That Struck Me Funny," HBO Comedy Hour, HBO, 1995.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, HBO, 1995. State of the Union Undressed '96, Comedy Central, 1996. Catch a Rising Star 50th Anniversary—Give or Take 26 Years, CBS, 1996. Comedy Club Superstars, ABC, 1996. Anchor, Indecision '96: The Democratic National Convention, Comedy Central, 1996. Anchor, Indecision '96: The Republican National Convention, Comedy Central, 1996. Host, Setting the Agenda: Indecision '96, Comedy Central, 1996. A Gala for the President at Ford's Theatre, ABC, 1997. Bill Maher: The Golden Goose Special, HBO, 1997. Host, Politically Incorrect's Greatest Hits, ABC, 1997. Host, Steve Allen's 75th Birthday Celebration, PBS, 1997. Host, MM*S*H, Tootsie & God: A Tribute to Larry Gelbart, PBS, 1998. Sex with Cindy Crawford, ABC, 1998. NFL All-Star Blitz, CBS, 1999. Mediator/Host, Politically Incorrect After Party Presented by Pepsi, ABC, 1999. The Great American History Quiz, History Channel,

1999. Also appeared on The Tonight Show Anniversary Show, NBC. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 7 7 t h Annual CableACE Awards, syndicated, 1990. Host, The 16th Annual CableACE Awards, TNT, 1995. The 77th Annual CableACE Awards, TNT, 1995. The 70th Annual American Comedy Awards, ABC, 1996. Host, The 7996 Clio Awards, 1996. The 7996 Em my Awards, ABC, 1996. The 7 7th Annual American Comedy Awards, 1997. The 79th Annual CableACE Awards, 1997. The 23rd Annual People's Choice Awards, 1997. Host, The 7998 Genesis Awards, 1998. TV Guide Awards, 1999. The 26th Annual American Music Awards, 1999.

MAHER • 235 Executive producer, Bill Maher: The Golden Goose Special, HBO, 1997. Executive producer and creator, Politically Incorrect's Greatest Hits, ABC, 1997. Executive producer and creator, Politically Incorrect After Party Presented by Pepsi, ABC, 1999. Film Appearances: Baba, D.C. Cab (also known as Street Fleet), Universal, 1983. Party guest, Ratboy, Warner Bros., 1986. John, House II: The Second Story, New World, 1987. Jim, Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death (also known as Jungle Heat), Guacamole, 1989. Elmo Bunn, Pizza Man, Jonathan F. Lawton, 1991. Bimbo Movie Bash, Amazing Fantasy Entertainment, 1997. Himself, Primary Colors, Universal, 1998. Host, EDtv, Universal 1999. WRITINGS Television Series: (With others) Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (series), Comedy Central, 1993-97, then ABC, 1997-. Television Specials: "Bill Maher: Stuff That Struck Me Funny/' HBO Comedy Hour (special), HBO, 1995. Bill Maher: The Golden Goose Special, HBO, 1997. Politically Incorrect After Party Presented by Pepsi, ABC, 1999. Novels: True Story; A Comedy Novel, 1994. Nonfiction: Does Anybody Have a Problem with That? Politically Incorrect's Greatest Hits, 1996. OTHER SOURCES

Television Work; Series: Editor, Fame, Fortune, and Romance, ABC, 1986. Executive producer (with Scott Carter) and creator, Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, Comedy Central, 1993-97, then ABC, 1997—. Television Work; Specials: Executive producer, "Bill Maher: Stuff That Struck Me Funny/' HBO Comedy Hour, HBO, 1995.

Books: Current Biography Yearbook 1997, pp. 344-47. Periodicals: Los Angeles Magazine, February 1996, p. 60. Mother Jones, January-February 1998, p. 67. Playboy, August 1997, p. 51. U.S. News & World Report, January 20,1997, p. 59.*


MAKHMALBAF, Mohsen 1951(Mohsen Makhmal Baaf) PERSONAL Born in 1951, in Tehran, Iran; children: Samira. Addresses: Contact—Green Film House, 98, Mirdamad Blvd., PO Box 19395/4866, Tehran, Iran. Career: Director, screenwriter, editor, production designer, sound designer, art director, and actor. Special Prize of the Jury, Istanbul International Film Festival, 1993, for Nassereddin Shah, Actor-e Cinema; Prize of the Screenwriter's Critic and Writer's Catalan Association, Cataloion International Film Festival, Catalonian International Film Festival Award, best director, Catalonian International Film Festival Award nomination, best film, Tokyo International Film Festival Award, best artistic contribution, 1996, all for Cabbeh; Special Mention, Locarno International Film Festival, 1996, for Nun va Goldoon; CinemAvvenire Award, Sergio Trasatti Award—Special Mention, and Golden Lion Award nomination, Venice Film Festival, 1998, forSo/chout; Golden Palm Award nomination, Cannes Film Festival, 1999, for Chesse haye kish (with others). CREDITS Film Director and Editor, Except Where Indicated: (Director only) Tobeh Nosuh, 1983. Este'aze (also known as Fleeing from Evil to God), 1984. (Director only) Do Cheshman Beesu (also known as Two Blind Eyes and Two Sightless Eyes), 1984. Boycott, 1985. Dastforoush (also known as The Peddler and The Pedlar), 1987. Production designer, Bicycleran (also known as The Cyc//stand Docharkheh Savar), 1987. Arousi-ye Khouban (also known as Marriage of the Blessed), 1989. Nofat e asheghi (also known as Time of Love), 1990. (Director only) Deedeh-Ban, 1990. And art director, Der Radfahrer, 1991. Shabhaye Zayendeh-Rood (also known as The Nights ofZayandeh-Rood), 1991. (Director only) Nassereddin Shah, Actor-e Cinema (also known as Once Upon a Time, Cinema, Once Upon a Time, the Movies, and Ruzi,

Ruzagari, Cinema), 1992.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Honarpisheh (also known as The Actor), 1993. (Director only) Images from the Ghajar Dynasty,

1993. Salaam Cinema, 1995. Nun va Goldoon (also known as Bread and Flower and A Moment of Innocence), 1996. And sound design and art director, Gabbeh, 1996. Sokhout (also known as Le Silence and The Silence), 1998. (Editor only) Sib (also known as The Apple and La Pomme), 1998. (Director only) "The Door," Ghesse haye kish (also known as The Tales of Kish), 1999. Film Appearances: Do Cheshman Beesu (also known as Two Blind Eyes and Two Sightless Eyes), 1984. Himself, Nema-ye Nazdik (also known as Close Up), BFI, 1990. Himself, Salaam Cinema, 1995. Mohsen, Nun va Goldoon (also known as Bread and Flower and A Moment of Innocence), 1996. WRITINGS Screenplays: Towjeeh, 1981. Marg Deegari, 1982. Hesar dar Hesar, 1982. Tobeh Nosuh, 1983. Este'aze (also known as Fleeing from Evil to God), 1984. Do Cheshman Beesu (also known as Two Blind Eyes), 1984. Boycott, 1985. Zangha, 1985. The Telephone Calls, 1996. Dastforoush (also known as The Peddler and The Pedlar), 1987. Bicycleran (also known as The Cyclist and Docharkheh Savar), 1987. Arousi-ye Khouban (also known as Marriage of the Blessed), 1989. Nofat e asheghi (also known as Time of Love), 1990. Der Radfahrer, 1991. Shabhaye Zayendeh-Rood (also known as The Nights ofZayandeh-Rood), 1991. Nassereddin Shah, Actor-e Cinema (also known as Once Upon a Time, Cinema, Once Upon a Time, the Movies, and Ruzi, Ruzagari, Cinema), 1992. Honarpisheh (also known as The Actor), 1993. Images from the Chajar Dynasty, 1993. Salaam Cinema, 1995. Nun va Coldoon (also known as Bread and Flower and A Moment of Innocence), 1996.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Gabbeh, 1996. Sokhout (also known as Le Silence and The Silence), 1998. Sib (also known as The Apple and La Pomme), 1998. "The Door/' Ghesse haye kish (also known as The Tales of Kish), 1999. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Film Comment, July-August 1997, p. 62.*


MANNIX, Bobbie PERSONAL Career: Costume designer.

MANTEGNA • 237 Christine. Education: Attended Morton Junior College; trained for the stage at Goodman School of Drama, 1967-69. Addresses: Agent—Peter Strain & Associates, 1501 Broadway, Suite 2900, New York, NY 10036-5601. Career: Actor, playwright, producer, and director. Apocryphals (a band), member, c. late 1960s; Organic Theatre, Chicago, IL, member of company, 1973-78; Columbia College, Chicago, teacher, 197677. Member: Actors Equity, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. Awards, Honors: Joseph Jefferson Award, 1979, New York Dramatists Guild Award, 1979, Emmy Award, 1980, all for Bleacher Bums; Antoinette Perry Award, featured actor in a play, Drama Desk Award, and Joseph Jefferson Award, 1984, all for Clengarry Glen Ross; Venice Film Festival Award, best actor, 1988, for Things Change; Emmy Award nomination, best supporting actor in a miniseries or special, 1997, for The Last Don.

CREDITS CREDITS Film Work; Costume Designer: At Long Last Love, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1975. Uncle Joe Shannon, United Artists, 1978. The Warriors, Paramount, 1979. The Long Riders, United Artists, 1980. Xanadu, Universal, 1980. End of Days, Universal, 1999. Television Costume Designer; Movies: Sidney Shorr: A Girl's Best Friend, NBC, 1981. Baby of the Bride, N BC, 1991. Christmas in Connecticut, TNT, 1992. Television Costume Designer; Specials: Power and the Presidency, CBS, 1974.*

MANTEGNA, Joe 1947PERSONAL Full name, Joseph Anthony Mantegna; born November 13, 1947, in Chicago, IL; son of Joe Anthony (an insurance salesman) and Mary Ann (a shipping clerk; maiden name, Novell!) Mantegna; married Arlene Urhel, December 3,1975; children: Mia Marie, Gina

Film Appearances: The nephew, Medusa Challenge, 1977. Chris, Towing (also known as Fun Girls and Who Stole My Wheels?), United International/Condor, 1978. Orderly, Second Thoughts, Universal, 1983. Bruce Fleckstein, Compromising Positions, Paramount, 1985. Art Shirk, The Money Pit, Universal, 1986. Pete Peterson, Off Beat, Touchstone Films/Silver Screen Partners II, 1986. Harry Flugleman, Three Amigosl, Orion, 1986. Chambers, Critical Condition, Paramount, 1987. Mike, House of Games, Orion, 1987. Assistant U.S. Attorney Charlie Stella, Suspect, TriStar, 1987. Carmine, Weeds, De Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1987. Jerry, Things Change, Columbia, 1988. Svevo Bandini, Wait until Spring, Bandini (also known as Bandini and John Fante's "Wait until Spring, Bandini"), Warner Home Video, 1989. Joe, Alice, Orion, 1990. Joey Zasa, The Godfather Part III, Paramount, 1990. George Raft, Bugsy, TriStar, 1991. Bobby Gold, Homicide, Triumph Releasing, 1991. Al, Queen's Logic, Seven Arts, 1991.

238 • MANTEGNA Robert Garrett, Body of Evidence, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1993. Martin Jacobs, Family Prayers, Arrow Releasing, 1993. Fred Waitzkin, Searching for Bobby Fischer (also known as Innocent Moves), Paramount, 1993. Ian, Airheads, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1994. Eddie, Baby's Day Out, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1994. Joey Franelli, Captain Nuke and the Bomber Boys (also known as Demolition Day), New Horizons Home Video, 1995. Stone, For Better or Worse, Columbia, 1995. Andy, Forget Paris, Columbia, 1995. G. D. Browning, Albino Alligator, Miramax, 1996. Detective Sergeant DeniHo, Eye for an Eye, Paramount, 1996. Richie Ginelli, Stephen King's "Thinner" (also known as Thinner), Paramount, 1996. Frank Galivan and Richard Essex, Underworld, Legacy Releasing, 1996. Bucky Terranova, Up Close and Personal: The Jessica Savitch Story (also known as Up Close and Personal), Buena Vista, 1996. Boy Meets Girl, 1998. Conundrum, 1998. Tony Gardella, Celebrity, Miramax, 1998. Gomez, The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, Buena Vista, 1998. Narrator, Vietnam Long Time Coming, 1998.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Eric, Error in judgement, 1999. Alan Webber, For Hire, 1999. Angelo, Hoods, Starz, 1999. Tom,/erry& Tom, 1999. Fidel Castro, My Little Assassin, 1999. Spenser, Small Vices, A&E,'1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Jovan "Joey" Shagula, Big Shots in America, NBC, 1985. The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1988. The 42nd Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1988. Voice, When It Was a Game II, 1992. Wax Cracks Hollywood, HBO, 1993. Presenter, Screen Actors Guild Awards, 1995. Presenter, The Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, 1995. Narrator, The People's Plague: Tuberculosis in America, PBS, 1995. Voice, Blacklist: Hollywood on Trial, AMC, 1996. Voice, How Do You Spell God?, HBO, 1996. Nick and Joseph, Merry Christmas, George Bailey, PBS, 1997. The /ta//an Americans, PBS, 1997. Narrator, TheACLU: A History, 1998. Host and narrator, The Great Empire: Rome, 1998. Also appeared in Bleacher Bums, PBS.

Television Appearances; Series: The Comedy Zone, CBS, 1984. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Pippi DeLena, Mario Puzo's The Last Don (also known as The Last Don), CBS, 1997. Pippi DeLena, Mario Puzo's The Last Don II, CBS, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Joe Esposito, Elvis, ABC, 1979. Sparky Smith, The Comrades of Summer, 1992. Lawrence Oberman, The Water Engine, 1992. Rhinehart, /Above Suspicion (also known as The Rhinehart Theory), HBO, 1994. Dr. John Novelli, "State of Emergency" (also known as "Slow Bleed"), HBO Showcase, HBO, 1994. Frank Musso, National Lampoon's Favorite Deadly Sins, Showtime, 1995. Jim Holland, Persons Unknown, HBO, 1996. David Tobias, A Call to Remember, Encore/Starz, 1997. Bob Signorelli, Face Down, 1997. Dean Martin, The Rat Pack, HBO, 1998. Alex Dumas, Body and Soul, 1999.

Television Appearances; Episodic: "Now You See It," Greatest American Hero, CBS, 1981. Juan One, Soap, ABC, 1982. Narrator, "Crack U.S.A./'America Undercover, HBO, 1989. Narrator, "Death on the Job," America Undercover, HBO, 1991. Carl Streeter, "The Quiet Room," Fa//en Angels, 1993. Derek Mann, "I Hate Frasier Crane," Frasier, NBC, 1993. Narrator, Sex and the Silver Screen, Showtime, 1996 Voice of Fat Tony, "Much Apu about Nothing," The Simpsons (animated), Fox, 1996. Voice of Fat Tony, The Simpsons (animated), Fox, 1998. Also appeared in Making a Living, ABC; Bosom Buddies, ABC; Archie Bunker's Place, CBS; Simon and Simon, CBS; Magnum, P.I., CBS. Television Appearances; Pilots: Ernie, Now We're Cookin, CBS, 1983. Yuri, The Outlaws, ABC, 1984. Also appeared in the pilot Open All Night, ABC.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Executive Producer; Movies: Angelo, Hoods, Starz, 1999. Tom, Jerry & Tom, 1999. Stage Appearances: A Life in the Theatre, Goodman Theatre, Chicago, 11,1976-77. Decker, Bleacher Bums, Organic Theatre, Chicago, IL, 1977. Migrant worker and interstate trucker, Working, Goodman Theatre, 1977-78, then 46th Street Theatre, New York City, 1978. The Disappearance of the Jews, Goodman Theatre, 1982-83. Richard Roma, Clengarry Glen Ross, Goodman Theatre, 1983-84, then John Golden Theatre, New York City, 1984. Bobby Gould, Speed-the-Plow, Royale Theatre, New York City, 1988. Also appeared as Michael, Mattress, LaMama Theatre, Los Angeles, CA; Gomez, The Wonderful Ice Cream Shirt, Organic Theatre; Corvino, Volpone, Organic Theatre; Jack Rolf, Cops, Organic Theatre; in Sirens of Titan. Major Tours: Berger, Hair, Chicago, 1969-70. Judas, Godspell, Chicago, 1972-73. Understudy, Lenny, Chicago, 1974. Richard Roma, Glengarry Glen Ross, U.S. cities, 1985-86. Also appeared as Duke, Huckleberry Finn, and Jack Rackam, Bloody Bess, on a tour of European cities. Stage Work: Director, Bleacher Bums, Organic Theatre, 1977. WRITINGS Plays: (Coauthor) Bleacher Bums, Organic Theatre, Chicago, IL, then American Place Theatre, New York City, 1977, published by Samuel French (New York City), 1977. Co-author of Leonardo, Lee Strasberg Institute, Los Angeles, CA. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: American Theatre, September, 1991, pp. 18-25, 69.

MARGULIES • 239 New York Times, May 18,1984; November 15,1987; May 16, 1988. People Weekly, May 19, 1997, p. 193. Premiere, October, 1991, pp. 68-72.*

MARGULIES, David 1937PERSONAL Surname is pronounced "mar-gyoo-lies"; full name, David Joseph Margulies; born February 19, 1937, in New York, NY; son of Harry David (a lawyer) and Runya (a nurse and museum worker; maiden name, Zeltzer) Margulies; married Carol Grant, March 17, 1969 (marriage ended); married Lois Smith (an actress); children: (first marriage) Jonathan. Education: Attended School of Performing Arts and DeWitt Clinton High School, New York City; City College (now of the City University of New York), B.A., 1958; studied with Morris Carnovsky and Phoebe Brand at American Shakespeare Festival Academy; also studied with William Hickey. Addresses: Off/ce-320 West 88th St., New York, NY 10024. /Agent—Bret Adams Ltd., 449 West 44th St., New York, NY 10036. Career: Actor and director. Loft Theatre, New York City, artistic director, 1967; Theatre of the Living Arts, Southwark Theatre School, Philadelphia, PA, acting teacher, 1967-68; Circle in the Square Theatre School, New York City, acting teacher, 1969-72; Lincoln Center Student Program, New York City, artist in the schools, 1969-75; Johnson State College, Johnson, VT, artist in residence, 1973; gave private acting lessons in New York City, 1973; Ensemble Studio Theatre, New York City, member of executive board, 1973—. Military service: U.S. Army, 1961-62. Member: Actors Equity Association, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers, Screen Actors Guild, Actors Studio. CREDITS Stage Appearances: Postumus, The Golden Six, York Theatre, New York City, 1958. Grimaldi/T/s Pity She's a Whore, Orpheum Theatre, then Players Theatre, New York City, 1958.

240 • MARGULIES Romeo and Juliet, American Shakespeare Festival, Stratford, CT, 1959. A Midsummer Night's Dream, American Shakespeare Festival, 1959. All's Well That Ends Well, American Shakespeare Festival, 1959. The gaoler, the old shepherd, the mariner, and the servant, The Winter's Tale, American Shakespeare Festival, 1960. Freddie, The Disenchanted, Tenthouse Theatre, Highland Park, IL, 1960. Orlov, Who Was That Lady I Saw You With?, Tenthouse Theatre, 1960. Understudy, Under Milk Wood, Circle in the Square, New York City, 1961. Member of company, The Second City (revue), Second City, Chicago, IL, 1962. David, Six Characters in Search of an Author, Martinique Theatre, New York City, 1963. Benjamin, Thistle in My Bed, Grammercy Arts Theatre, New York City, 1963. Clarin, Life Is a Dream, Astor Place Playhouse, New York City, 1964. The pope and second scholar, The Tragical Historie of Dr. Faustus, Phoenix Theatre, New York City, 1964. Title role, Lorenzaccio, Equity Library Theatre, New York City, 1965. The director, Six Characters in Search of an Author, American Conservatory Theatre, Pittsburgh Playhouse, Pittsburgh, PA, 1965. Truffaldino, The Servant of Two Masters, American Conservatory Theatre, Pittsburgh Playhouse, 1965. Apollo, Apollo of Bel lac, American Conservatory Theatre, Pittsburgh Playhouse, 1965. Bernard, Death of a Salesman, American Conservatory Theatre, Pittsburgh Playhouse, 1965. Eisenring, The Firebugs, Studio Arena Theatre, Buffalo, NY, 1966. Elbow, Measure for Measure, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, New York City, 1966. Cristoforu, The Public Eye, Academy Playhouse, Wilmette, IL, 1967. Berenger, The Rhinoceros, Academy Playhouse, 1967. Davies, The Caretaker, Theatre of the Living Arts, Philadelphia, PA, 1967. Arthur, Tango, Pocket Theatre, New York City, 1969. Rosario Chiarchiaro, The Man with the Flower in His Mouth, Sheridan Square Playhouse, New York City, 1969. Reverend Dupas, Little Murders, Circle in the Square, 1969.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Feivel Leishik, Seven Days of Mourning, Circle in the Square, 1969-70. Bertram, The Last Analysis, Circle in the Square, 1971. Dr. Ranee, What the Butler Saw, Academy Playhouse, Lake Forest, I L, 1971. Fermin Asia Polo, alias Ismael de Lugo, The Interrogation of Havana, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, NY, 1971-72. Norman, The Opening, Tappan Zee Playhouse, Nyack, NY, 1972. Liphitz, Happy Days Are Here Again, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1972. Member of company, The Revue, Moon Theatre, East Hampton, NY, 1972. Aaron Silver, An Evening with the Poet-Senator, Playhouse Two, New York City, 1973. Hugo Kalmar, The Iceman Cometh, Circle in the Square, 1973-74. Harvey Appleman, Kid Champion, Public/Anspacher Theatre, New York City, 1975. The director, Rehearsal, American Place Theatre, New York City, 1975. The doctor, Zalmen; or, The Madness of Cod, Lyceum Theatre, New York City, 1976. Sammy Samuels, The Comedians, Music Box Theatre, New York City, 1976-77. Hold Me, Chelsea Westside Theatre, New York City, 1977. Teddy, Every Place Is Newark, First Aspen Playwrights Conference, Aspen, CO, 1978. 'The Man with the Flower in His Mouth/' A Special Evening (double bill), Ensemble Studio Theatre, New York City, 1979. Imre Laszlo, Break a Leg, Palace Theatre, New York City, 1979. First player and player king, Hamlet, Sanctuary Theatre, New York City, 1979. Norbe and Gregory, Walter and the Flatulist, Sanctuary Theatre, 1980. Moe and the farmer, The American Clock, Harold Clurman Theatre, New York City, 1980. Serge Barrescu, The West Side Waltz, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1981-82. David Ben-Gurion, David and Paula, American Jewish Theatre, New York City, 1982. Title role, King Lear, Shakespeare in Delaware Park, Buffalo, NY, 1983. Wes, The Perfect Party, Playwrights Horizon Theatre, New York City, 1986. Foppy Schwartz, Just Say No, WPA Theatre, New York City, 1988. Mendel Polan, Cafe Crown, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1989.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Zaretsky, Conversations with My Father, Royale Theatre, New York City, 1992, then Center Theatre Group, Ahmanson/James A. Doolittle Theatre, Los Angeles. Roy Cohn, Angels in America: A Millennium Approaches, Walter Kerr Theatre, New York City, 1993. Cliffors, The Treatment, New York Shakespeare Festival, Public/Newman Theatre, New York City, 1993. Roy Cohn, Angels in America: Perestroika, Walter Kerr Theatre, 1994. Sam Margolis, "I'm with Ya, Duke/' Marathon '94: Series A, Ensemble Studio Theatre, New York City, 1994. Also appeared in Brighton Beach Memoirs, Broadway production; George Washington Dances, offBroadway production; The Old Tune; Cabal of Hypocrites. Major Tours: (Stage debut) Soldier in Cassio's army, Othello, New York Shakespeare Festival, Playhouse in the Park, Philadelphia, PA, and Belvedere Lake Theatre, New York, 1958. Philostrate, A Midsummer Nights Dream, American Shakespeare Festival, Colonial Theatre, Boston, MA, then in Baltimore, MD, and Cleveland, OH, 1960. Sol Stern, The Tender Trap, Paper Mill Playhouse, Millburn, NJ, and Mineola Playhouse, Mineola, NY, 1964. The girl's father, The Fantasticks, U.S. cities, 1964. Harry Metzger, The Prince of Grand Street, Forrest Theatre, Philadelphia, PA, and Shubert Theatre, Boston, MA, 1978. Serge Barrescu, The West Side Waltz, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego, CA, Denver, CO, Philadelphia, PA, Seattle, WA, Washington, DC, Boston, MA, and Chicago, IL, 1980-82. Jack, Broadway Bound, Shubert Theatre, New Haven, CT, and Ahmanson Theatre, 1987. Stage Director, Except Where Indicated: Stage manager, Under Milk Wood, Circle in the Square, 1961. The Oresteia, Theatre of the Living Arts, 1968. Next, Berkshire Theatre Festival, Stockbridge, MA, 1968. The Christmas Dinner, Berkshire Theatre Festival, 1970. The Complete Works of Studs Edsel, Folger Theatre Group, Folger Museum, Washington, DC, 1972. Where Do We Co from Here?, Johnson State College, Johnson, VT, 1973, then Public/Newman Theatre, 1974.

MARGULIES • 241 /Actors, Ensemble Studio Theatre, Johnson, VT, 1973. The Merry Wives of Windsor, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, 1974. (With Jack Gelber) Rehearsal, American Place Theatre, 1975. End of the War, Ensemble Studio Theatre, 1978. "Bite the Hand/' One-Act Play Marathon 84, Ensemble Studio Theatre, 1984. "Fore!" Marathon '93: Series B, Ensemble Studio Theatre, 1993. Film Appearances: (Film debut) Doorman, A New Leaf, Paramount, 1971. Sunday Breakfast (short subject), shown at New York Film Festival, 1971. Walter Mitty, Scarecrow in a Garden of Cucumbers, Maron-New Line, 1972. Bill Phelps, The Front, Columbia, 1976. Larry Goldie, All That Jazz, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1979. Rabbi Joshua Drexel, Last Embrace, United Artists, 1979. Dr. Levy, Dressed to Kill, Filmways, 1980. Dr. Jack Zymansky, Times Square, Anchor, 1980. Detective Reilly, Hide in Plain Sight, United Artists, 1980. Dr. Duberstein, Daniel, Paramount, 1983. Mayor, Ghostbusters, Columbia, 1984. Mr. Farber, Brighton Beach Memoirs, Universal, 1986. Harvey, 9-1/2 Weeks, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1986. Goldfarb, Magic Sticks, Tale Film, 1987. Mr. Clarke, Ishtar, Columbia, 1987. Lawyer, Candy Mountain, Les Films Vision, 1988. Dr. Jonah Reiff, Running on Empty, Warner Bros., 1988. The mayor of New York, Ghostbusters II, Columbia, 1989. Coast guard officer, Caged in Paradiso, Vidmark, 1989. Dr. Benjamin, Funny about Love (also known as New York Times), Paramount, 1989. Lieutenant Oliver, A Stranger among Us (also known as Close to Eden), Buena Vista, 1992. Mr. Buchenwald, Out on a Limb (also known as We/come to Buzzsaw), Universal, 1992. Uncle Sam, Family Prayers, Arrow, 1993. Doctor, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Warner Bros., 1994. Lifebreath, Overseas Film Group, 1997. Stan, Hudson River Blues, Romance Classics, 1997. Last Breath, 1997. Mr. Meyerscholtz, Man of the Century, Fine Line Features, 1998. Television Appearances; Series: Wistoski, NYPD Blue, ABC, 1996.

242 • MARIE

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Television Appearances; Movies: Chubby, My Old Man, CBS, 1979. Russell, A Doctor's Story, NBC, 1984. Rabbi Hier, Never Forget (also known as The Promise), 1"NT, 1991. Manning, An Inconvenient Woman, ABC, 1991. Carl Lemmle, Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies, syndicated, 1994. Television Appearances; Episodic: Kojak, CBS, 1977. Justin, "Divorced Kids Blues/' ABC Afterschool Special, ABC, 1987. Lou De Franco, "Gone FishinV' Spenser: For Hire, ABC, 1987. Bernard Yudwitz, "The Trial of Bernhard Goetz," American Playhouse, PBS, 1988. Weyland Payne, "Ariana," Kojak (also known as The ABC Saturday Night Movie), ABC, 1989. First visitor, "Vaclav Havel's 'Largo Desolato/" Great Performances, PBS, 1990. "A Death in the Family/' Law and Order, NBC, 1991. "Securitate," Law and Order, NBC, 1993. Walter Rohr, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1994. "Seed," Law and Order, NBC, 1995. Mr. Lewis, "Heartbreak," Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. Also appeared in Ryan's Hope, ABC; One Life to Live, ABC; All My Children, ABC. Television Appearances; Specials: Moe Moskowitz, Buddies, ABC, 1993. Chop Kleinfeld, "Same Difference," CBS Schoolbreak Specials, CBS, 1994. Voice, Porgy and Bess: An American Voice, 1998. Television Appearances; Other: David, Six Characters in Search of an Author, 1964. Pete, A Mother for Janek, PBS, 1965. The brother-in-law, The Death of Ivan llyich, 1978. Rudnick, Perfect Witness, 1989. Gideon Oliver: Sleep Well, Professor Gideon (also known as 5/eep Well, Professor Oliver), 1989. Leonard Sorkin, STAT, NBC, 1991.*

MARIE, Lisa (Lisa Marie Smith) PERSONAL Engaged to director Tim Burton (1992-present). Education: Studied dance with New Jersey Ballet for eight years; also studied classical piano.

Addresses: Contact—Untitled Entertainment, 122-124 East 25th St., New York, NY 10010. Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Susan, Strangers, 1972. Hitchhiker, Dead and Buried, 1981. Ro//er Blade, New World Pictures, 1986. What's Love, 1987. Film Appearances; As Lisa Marie Smith: Let's Get Lost, Zeitgeist, 1988. Guest at office Christmas party, A//ce, Orion, 1990. Vampira, Ed Wood, Buena Vista, 1994. Martian girl, Mars Attacks!, Warner Bros., 1996. Myrna, Frogs for Snakes, Shooting Gallery International, 1998. Lady Crane, Sleepy Hollow, Paramount, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Vanessa, Breast Men, HBO, 1997. Judy, If. . .Dog. . .Rabbit, Cinemax, 1999. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Interview, December, 1996, p. 118.*

MARLOWE, Andrew W. PERSONAL Career: Writer and producer. CREDITS Film Work: Coproducer, End of Days, Universal, 1999. WRITINGS Screenplays: Air Force One, Columbia, 1997. End of Days, Universal, 1999. Television Episodes: Viper (based on a story by Marlowe), NBC, 1994.*

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

MARS, Ken See MARS, Kenneth

MARS, Kenneth (Ken Mars)


PERSONAL Born April 4, 1935 (some sources say 1936), in Chicago, IL; married Barbara Newborn; children: two daughters. Addresses: Agent—House of Representatives Talent Agency, 9911 Pico, Suite 1060, Los Angeles, CA 90035. Career: Actor. Has appeared in commercials. Member: Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. Awards, Honors: Clio Award, Clio Enterprises, Inc., best on-camera spokesperson, 1967, for Ocean Spray Cranberry commercial. CREDITS Film Appearances: Franz Liebkind, The Producers, Embassy, 1967. Don Hopkins, The April Fools, National General, 1969. Marshall, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1969. Dr. Sam Gillison, Viva Max!, Commonwealth United, 1969. Otto, Desperate Characters, Paramount, 1971. Hugh Simon, What's Up, Doc?, Warner Bros., 1972. Broker, Steambath, 1972. Will Turner, The Parallax View, Paramount, 1974. Inspector Kemp, Young Frankenstein (also known as Frankenstein /r.), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1974. Nick, Night Moves, Warner Bros., 1975. Kruse, Coin' Coconuts, Osmond, 1978. Marshall Wooly Bill Hitchcock, The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again, Buena Vista, 1979. Coach, Full Moon High, Filmways, 1982. Mr. Crisp and Vertigo, Yellowbeard, Orion, 1983. Himself, Group Madness, 1983. Stanton Boyd, Fletch, Universal, 1984. Lou, Protocol, Warner Bros., 1984. Lyndon B.Johnson, Prince Jack, Castle Hill, 1985.

MARS • 243 Voice of Vultor and Buzzard, The Adventures of the American Rabbit (animated), Atlantic Releasing, 1985. A. J. Norbecker, Beer (also known as The Selling of America), Orion, 1986. Rabbi Baumel, Radio Days, Orion, 1987. Mr. Bobrucz, For Keeps, TriStar, 1988. Reverend Farrell, Rented Lips, Cineworld, 1988. Hal Keeler, Illegally Yours (also known as Double Duty), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1988. Mayor, Po//ce /Academy 6: City under Siege, Warner Bros., 1989. Voice of Triton, The Little Mermaid (animated), Buena Vista, 1989. Magician, Shadows and Fog, Orion, 1992. Voice of Professor ScrewEyes, We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (animated), Universal, 1993. Voice of King Colbert, Hans Christian Andersen's Thumbelina, Warner Bros., 1994. Voice of Grandpa, The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure (animated), 1994. Voice, The Land Before Time III: The Time of the Great Giving (animated), 1995. Magician, Rough Magic, 1995. Voice of Grandpa, The Land Before Time IV: journey Through the Mists (animated), 1996. Dr. Charlie, Citizen Ruth (also known as Meet Ruth Stoops), Miramax, 1996. Voice of Grandpa, The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island (animated), Universal Home Video, Inc., 1997. Voice of Grandpa, The Land Before Time VI: The Secret ofSaurus Rock (animated), 1998. Television Appearances; Series: Harry Zarakardos, He and She, CBS, 1967-68. Regular, The Don Knotts Show, NBC, 1970-71. William W.D. "Bud" Prize, Fernwood2-Night, 1977. (As Ken Mars) Regular, Sha Na Na, syndicated, 1977-78. (As Ken Mars) Regular, Carol Burnett and Company, CBS, 1979. (As Ken Mars) Voice of Lou Granite, Flintstone Family Adventures (animated), NBC, 1981. (As Ken Mars) Voice of Sergeant Turnbuckle, Laverne and Shirley in the Army (animated), ABC, 1981-82. (As Ken Mars) Voice of Sergeant Turnbuckle, Laverne and Shirley with the Fonz (animated), ABC, 1982-83. Voice characterization, Saturday Supercade (animated), CBS, 1983-85. Voice characterization, The Biskitts (animated), CBS, 1983-85.

244 • MARS Voice characterization, The New]etsons (animated), ABC, 1985. Voice characterization, The Thirteen Chosts of Scooby-Doo (animated), ABC, 1985-86. Voice characterization and narration, The Flintstone Kids (animated; also known as Captain Caveman and Son), ABC, 1986. Voice characterization, My Little Pony and Friends (animated), syndicated, 1986. Voice characterization, Foofur (animated), NBC, 1986-88. Uncle Louie, Shades of LA., syndicated, 1990. Voice characterization, The Adventures of Don Coyote and Sancho Panda (animated), syndicated, 1990. Voice of Tuskerninni, Darkwing Duck (animated), 1991. Voice of King Triton, Disney's The Little Mermaid, CBS, 1992. Bruno the Kid (animated), 1996. Television Appearances; Movies: Dr. Julius Roth, Second Chance, ABC, 1972. Mitchell Bernard, Guess Who's Sleeping in My Bed (also known as Guess Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed), ABC, 1973. Paul Wrightwood, Someone / Touched, ABC, 1975. Colonel Von Balasko, The New Original Wonder Woman, 1975. Ben Fryer, Before and After, ABC, 1979. The Rules of Marriage, 1982. Commander Douglas Drury, Cet Smart, Again!, ABC, 1989. Smokey, She'll Take Romance, 1990. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Red Hewitt, The Rules of Marriage, CBS, 1982. Television Appearances; Episodic: Book publisher, 'The Loves of Sylvia Schnauzer," Car 54, Where Are You?, NBC, 1963. "Never Bet on Anything That Talks/7 Trials of O'Brien, CBS, 1965. "Fandango/' Gunsmoke, CBS, 1967. "A Man Called Smart—Part 3," Get Smart, NBC, 1967. Clyde Hayes, "The Returning," Gunsmoke, 1967. "Captain Gregg's Whiz-Bang," The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, NBC, 1968. "The Paper Butterfly," Debbie Reynolds Show, NBC, 1969. "Clothes Make the Boy," Room 222, ABC, 1969. "Tourist Go Home," The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, ABC, 1970.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 That Girl, ABC, 1970. "Murder by the Barrel," McMillan and Wife, NBC, 1971. "Love and the Good Samaritan," Love, American Style, ABC, 1971. "A Box for Mr. Lipton," Insight, syndicated, 1972. Love, American Style, ABC, 1972. "Cop of the Year," McMillan and Wife, NBC, 1972. "Ollinger's Last Case," Ironside, NBC, 1973. "Love and the Patrol Person," Love, American Style, ABC, 1973. "Murder in Hollywood," Hawkins, CBS, 1973. "Steambath," Hollywood Television Theater, PBS, 1974. Don Yorkfield, "Coinage of the Realm," Harry O, 1974. Bob Crane Show, NBC, 1975. "Double Vengeance," Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1975. "Cold Wind," Police Woman, NBC, 1975. Dr. Mangram, "Tender Killing Care," Harry O, ABC, 1975. Good Heavens, ABC, 1976. "Evacuation," Barney Miller, ABC, 1976. "Blind Man's Bluff," Insight, syndicated, 1976. Family, ABC, 1976. "Five the Hard Way," Black Sheep Squadron, NBC, 1977. "The Roommates," Alice, CBS, 1977. "Bondage," Police Woman, NBC, 1977. "The Bye-Bye High I.Q. Murder Case," Columbo, NBC, 1977. (As Ken Mars) William W. B. "Bud" Prize, America 2Night, syndicated, 1978. "Sighting 4005: The Medicine Bow Incident," Project UFO, NBC, 1978. "Queen's the Impossible Knight," Supertrain, NBC, 1979. Sweepsta/ces, NBC, 1979. (As Ken Mars) William Tarkington IV, "Killin' Cousin," Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1980. "Murder Is Man's Best Friend," Hart to Hart, ABC, 1980. (As Ken Mars) Mr. Harris, headmaster, The Facts of Life, NBC, 1980. "The Woman on the Beach," Magnum, P.I., CBS, 1981. "A Bath for Benjamin," Private Benjamin, CBS, 1981. "The Dead Letter File," Simon and Simon, CBS, 1982. "Mel Wins by a Nose," Alice, CBS, 1982. Mark Wyndham, "Terminal Case," Tucker's Witch, CBS, 1982. Small and Frye, CBS, 1983. The Mississippi, CBS, 1983. Elwood Sellers, "The Lollipop Gang Strikes Back," The Whiz Kids, CBS, 1984.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 "I Do, I Don't," Trapper John, M.D., CBS, 1984. "A Wind from the East/' Call to Glory, ABC, 1984. Magnum, P.I., CBS, 1984. "Too Rich and Too Thin/' Hardcastle and McCormick, ABC, 1985. Hemsley Post, "Footnote to Murder," Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1985. "You Always Love the One You Hurt," The Duck Factory, NBC, 1985. "Steele Blushing," Remington Steele, NBC, 1985. Donner, Misfits of Science, NBC, 1985. Photographer, Remington Steele, NBC, 1985. Paul Brubaker, The Last Precinct, NBC, 1986. "I Want My Mummy," The Last Precinct, NBC, 1986. Tooth Fairy, "Tooth or Consequences," Twilight Zone, CBS, 1986. Gerald Hardcastle, "Brother, Can You Spare a Crime," Hardcastle and McCormick, ABC, 1986. Fritz Markham, Simon and Simon, CBS, 1986. "A Date from Heck," Charles in Charge, syndicated, 1987. "More than You Know," Head of the Class, ABC, 1988. "Astrocat," Garfield and Friends (animated), 1990. "Hound of the Arbuckles," Garfield and Friends (animated), 1990. Judge Mankiewicz, "The Triumph of De Ville," Civil Wars, 1992. "Drone of Arc," Civil Wars, 1992. Mayor Ogden, Evening Shade, 1993. LA. Law, 1993. Don, "Mike's Excellent Adventure," Tom, 1994. Colyus, "Shadowplay," Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, 1994. Paul Reiss, MANTIS, 1994. Wallace Carstairs, "How to Murder You Lawyer," Diagnosis Murder, 1995. Hucklebuck, Hangin' with Mr. Cooper, 1995. Voice, Life with Louie (animated), Fox, 1995. Grant Gendell, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, ABC, 1996. Earl, Party of Five, Fox, 1996. Clown, "A Triage Grows in Boston," Boston Common, NBC, 1996. Mr. Tinsley, "Hello/Goodbye," The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 1997. Kommandant, "Stalag 16," Weird Science, 1997. Dr. Otis P Quackenbush, Police Academy: The Series, syndicated, 1997. Santa Claus, You Wish, ABC, 1997. Also appeared as Dr. Cobb, Hart to Hart, ABC; voice of Richard, Batman: The Animated Series (animated); voice of Dr. Gunther Hunterhanker, Freakazoid! (animated).

MARS • 245 Television Appearances; Specials: Comedy Is King, N BC, 1968. The Alan King Show, NBC, 1968. (As Ken Mars) Max Mencken, It's a Bird, Its a Plane, It's Superman, ABC, 1975. (As Ken Mars) Kolenkov, You Can't Take It with You, CBS, 1979. Voice of the bald man, "Hugh Pine" (animated), CBS Storybook, CBS, 1985. Voice of Sugar Cane, "Chocolate Fever" (animated), CBS Storybook, CBS, 1985. Voice of Vulcan, "A DuckTales Valentine," The Magical World of Disney, NBC, 1990. Uncle Al, Mimi and Me, CBS, 1991. Voice of King Triton, A Whale of a Tale (also known as Disney's The Little Mermaid), CBS, 1992. Reverend Pete, 5ex, Shock and Censorship in the 90s, Showtime, 1993. Santa Claus, Countdown to Christmas (also known as Santa's Journey), NBC, 1994. Television Appearances; Pilots: Jack Shepherd, Shepherd's Flock, CBS, 1971. Reporter, Comedy News, ABC, 1972. Reporter, Comedy News II, ABC, 1973. Eddie, The Karen Valentine Show, ABC, 1973. If I Had a Million, NBC, 1973. Hello, Mother, Goodbye, NBC, 1974. (As Ken Mars) Colonel Von Balasko, The New, Original Wonder Woman, ABC, 1975. (As Ken Mars) Van Dyke and Company, NBC, 1975. (As Ken Mars) Frank Campbell, Full House, NBC, 1976. (As Ken Mars) Bank manager, Bunco, NBC, 1977. (As Ken Mars) Colonel H. Jonas Boyette, The Fighting Nightingales, CBS, 1978. (As Ken Mars) Arthur Krantz, Full House, CBS, 1983. Stage Appearances: Martin Eliot, The Affair, Henry Miller's Theatre, New York City, 1962. Baron Stockmar, The Crown, the Ring, and the Roses, American National Theatre and Academy, Theatre De Lys, New York City, 1963. Cass Henderson, Any Wednesday, Music Box Theatre, New York City, 1965. Dr. Ralph Brodie, The Best Laid Plans, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1966. Help, Center Theatre Group, New Theatre for Now, Los Angeles Music Center, Los Angeles, CA, 1972 Flint, Studio Arena Theatre, Buffalo, NY, 1974. Major Tours: Baron Elberfield, The Sound of Music, U.S. cities, 1961.*

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

246 • MASSEE

MASSEE, Michael (Michael Massey)

MASTERSON, Whit See WADE, Robert (Allison)

PERSONAL Addresses: Manager—Melanie Green Management, 7821 Sunset Blvd., Penthouse 1, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

MATURE, Victor 1915(?)-1999

Career: Actor.

Full name, Victor John Mature; born January 29,1915 (some sources say 1913 and 1916), in Louisville, KY; died of cancer, August 23, 1999, in Rancho Santa Fe, CA; son of M.G. (a businessman) and Clara Mature; married Frances Evans (an actress), January 30, 1938 (divorced 1941); born Martha Stephenson, June 17, 1941 (divorced 1943); married Dorothy Stanford Berry, February 28, 1948 (divorced 1955); married Adriannejoy Urwick (marriage ended); married Lorey (an opera singer), 1974; children: (fifth marriage) Victoria. Education: Studied acting at Pasadena Community Playhouse, 1937; also attended Kentucky Military Institute and Spenserian Business School. Avocational interests: Golf.

CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Michael Massey) Funboy, The Crow, Buena Vista, 1994. Man in booth at massage parlor, Seven (also known as 5e7en), New Line Cinema, 1995. Newton, Tales from the Hood, Savoy Pictures, 1995. Bartender, The Low Life, 1995. Mark, Guy, Gramercy Pictures, 1996. Eddie, One Fine Day, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1996. Prison guard, Amistad, DreamWorks Distribution, 1997. Andy, Lost Highway, October Films, 1997. Gage, Playing Cod, Buena Vista, 1997. Airbag EMT Galliano, The Game, Propaganda Films, 1997. Dr. Eugene Grimes, Bad City Blues, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Corporal Leroux, Sahara, Showtime, 1995. Dwight Bennett, An Unfinished Affair, ABC, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: Loren Neubauer, Picket Fences, CBS, 1995. Stanley Quill, The Marshal, ABC, 1995. Donny McKee, Murder One, ABC, 1996. Vernon Ephesian, The X-Files, Fox, 1996. Gerard Marquette, Nash Bridges, CBS, 1997. Howard, LA. Doctors, CBS, 1998. Other Television Appearances: Purdue, Millennium (series), Fox, 1996-97. Jim Losey, Mario Puzo's The Last Don (miniseries), CBS, 1997. Borg, Ultimate Trek: Star Trek's Greatest Moments (special), UPN, 1999.*

MASSEY, Michael See MASSEE, Michael


Career: Actor and producer. Previously worked as scissors grinder, a wholesale candy salesman, restauranteur, babysitter, dog walker, dishwasher, and other odd jobs. Military service: United States Coast Guard, chief boatswain's mate, 1942-45. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Lefty, The Housekeeper's Daughter, 1939. Tumak, One Million B.C. (also known as Man and His Mate, Battle of the Giants, The Cave Dwellers, and Cave Man), 1940. Dan Marvin, Captain Caution, 1940. William, No No Nanette, RKO, 1940. Frankie Christopher/Botticelli, / Wake Up Screaming (also known as Hot Spot), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1941. Dr. Omar, The Shanghai Gesture, United Artists, 1941. Jefferson Harper, Song of the Islands, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1942. Paul Dreiser, My Gal Sal, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1942. Tommy Lundy, Footlight Serenade, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1942. Johnny Grey, Seven Days' Leave, RKO, 1942. Himself, Show Business at War (also known as The March of Time Volume IX, Issue 10), 1943. Doc John Holliday, My Darling Clementine, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1946.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Michael Drego, Moss Rose, 1947. Nick Bianco, Kiss of Death, 1947. Cash, Fury at Furnace Creek, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1948. Lt. Candella, Cry of the City, 1948. Pete Wilson, Easy Living, RKO, 1949. Danny James, Red Hot and Blue, 1949. Samson, Samson and Delilah, 1949. Andy Clark, Wabash Avenue, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1950. I'll Get By, 1950. Jeff DeMarco, Stella, 1950. Marc Fury, Gambling House, RKO, 1951. Lt. Dave Andrews, The Las Vegas Story, RKO, 1952. Steve Bennett, Something for the Birds, 1952. James Sullivan, Million Dollar Mermaid (a\so known as The One Piece Bathing Suit), 1952. Captain, Androcles and the Lion, 1953. Bill Blakeley, Affair with a Stranger, RKO, 1953. Lt. Sam Pryor, The Glory Brigade, 1953. Demetrius, The Robe, 1953. Antar, The Veils of Baghdad, 1953. Matt Hallett, Dangerous Mission, RKO, 1954. Demetrius, Demetrius and the Gladiators, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1954. Horemheb, The Egyptian, 1954. "The Scarf/' Betrayed (also known as The True and the Brave), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1954. Title role, Chief Crazy Horse (also known as Valley of Fury), Universal, 1955. Shelley Martin, Violent Saturday, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1955. Jed Cooper, The Last Frontier (also known as Savage Wilderness), 1955. Ken Duffield, Safari, Columbia, 1956. Lt. Cmdr. Ben Staves, The Sharkfighters, 1956. Zarak Khan, Zarak, 1956. Charles Sturgis, Interpol (also known as Pickup Alley), Columbia, 1957. Harry Miller, The Long Haul, 1957. Cliff Brandon, China Doll, United Artists, 1958. Sgt. David H. Thatcher, No Time to Die (also known as Tank Force), Alma-Kino-Filmverleih, 1958. Be Lassiter, Escort West, United Artists, 1959. Kasim Khan, The Bandit of Zhobe, Columbia, 1959. Hank Whirling, The Big Circus, 1959. Mike Conway, Timbuktu, United Artists, 1959. Title role, Annibale (also known as Hannibal), Warner Bros., 1960. Oleg, / tartar/ (also known as The Tartars), 1961. Tony Powell, Caccia alia volpe (also known as After the Fox), United Artists, 1966. The Big Victor, Head, 1968. Carmine Ganucci, Every Little Crook and Nanny, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1972.

McCONAUGHEY • 247 Nick, Won Ton Ton—The Dog Who Saved Hollywood, Paramount, 1976. Harold Everett, Firepower, 1979. Oscar, 1990. Film Work: Producer, China Doll, United Artists, 1958. Television Appearances; Movies: Father of Samson, Samson and Delilah, ABC, 1984. Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Paths of Glory, Pasadena Community Playhouse, Pasadena, CA, 1936. Autumn Crocus, Pasadena Community Playhouse, Pasadena, CA, 1937. To Quito and Back, Pasadena Community Playhouse, Pasadena, CA, 1939. Made Broadway debut as Randy Curtis, Lady in the Dark, 1941; also appeared in Tars and Spars, U.S. cities, 1944; appeared in more than 60 productions at the Pasadena Community Playhouse, Pasadena, CA. OTHER SOURCES Books: Current Biography 1951,1951, pp. 416-19. International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers 3: Actors and Actresses, St. James Press, 1992, pp. 650-52. Periodicals: Back Stage, August 13, 1999, p. 50. Maclean's, August 23, 1999. People Weekly, August 23, 1999, p. 137. Time, August 23, 1999, p. 23. TV Times, February 11,1982. Variety, August 16, 1999, p. 40.*

MAYO, Jim See L'AMOUR, Louis

McCONAUGHEY, Matthew 1969PERSONAL Born November 4,1969, in Uvalde, TX; son of Jim (a pipeyard owner and ex-professional football player with the Green Bay Packers) and Kay (a substitute teacher) McConaughey. Education: Graduated from

248 • McCORMACK the University of Texas, Austin, with a degree in radio-television-film. Avocational interests: Golf.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Hollywood Salutes ]odie Foster: An American Cinematheque Tribute, 1999. The 7999 Teen Choice Awards, 1999.

Addresses: Contact—Warner Bros., Inc., 4000 Warner Blvd., Suite 1101, Burbank, CA 91522-0001. Career: Actor, producer, director, and writer, j. k. livin' (just keep livin', a production company), founder and owner.

RECORDINGS Music Videos: John Mellencamp, "Key West/' 1997. WRITINGS

CREDITS Film Appearances: Guy #2, My Boyfriend's Back, MCA/Universal, 1993. Wooderson, Dazed and Confused, Gramercy, 1993. Vilmer, The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Genre Pictures, 1994. Ben Williams, Angels in the Outfield, Buena Vista, 1994. El Rojo, Scorpion Spring, New Line Home Video, 1995. Abe, Boys on the Side, Warner Bros., 1995. Jake Brigance, A Time to Kill, Warner Bros., 1996. Buddy Deeds, Lone Star, Columbia, 1996. Tip Tucker, Larger Than Life, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1996. Rental Truck Guy, Clory Daze, Seventh Art Releasing, 1996. Bud Hoagie, Making Sandwiches (short), Fortis Films, 1997. Palmer Joss, Contact, Warner Bros., 1997. Baldwin, Amistad, DreamWorks Distribution, 1997. Willis Newton, Newton Boys, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998. The Rebel, 1998. Ed, EDtv, Universal, 1999. Also appeared in Last Flight of the Raven, Warner Bros.; South Beach. Film Work: Producer, Bud Hoagie, Making Sandwiches (short), Fortis Films, 1997. Producer and director, The Rebel, 1998.

Screenplays: The Rebel, 1998. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Interview, April 1998, p. 48. Newsweek, July 8, 1996, p. 62; November 8, 1999, p. 57. New York Times, July 21, 1996. Rolling Stone, August, 22, 1996, pp. 44-47, 108.*

McCORMACK, Dan PERSONAL Career: Director and writer. CREDITS Film Work: Executive producer, Pink Motel, Warner Bros., 1983. Second assistant director, Samantha, 1991. First assistant director, Halfway House, 1992. Director and producer, Minotaur, 1993. WRITINGS Screenplays: Minotaur, 1993.*

Also produced The Last Flight of the Raven, Warner Bros. Television Appearances; Episodic: Crime victim, Unsolved Mysteries, NBC, 1988. Voice of Rad Thibodeaux, King of the Hill (animated), Fox, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: Warner Bros. Story: Not Guts, No Clory: 75 Years of Stars, TNT, 1998.

McCORMICK, Carolyn 1959PERSONAL Born September 19, 1959, in Midland, TX. Education: Williams College, B.F.A. (with honors); American Conservatory Theatre, M.F.A.; attended Centre d'Etudes Francais, in Avignon, France.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Addresses: Contact—Bresler Kelly & Associates, 15760 Ventura Blvd., Suite 1 730, Encino, CA 91436. Career: Actress. Member of the American Conservatory Theatre Company, 1983-85; member of the Denver Center Theatre Company, 1989-90; previously worked as newscaster for Channel 39 News, Houston, TX. CREDITS Film Appearances: Morse, Enemy Mine, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1985. Reporter, Rain without Thunder, Orion Classics, 1993. Elaine McCann, A Simple Twist of Fate, Buena Vista, 1994. Burnzey's Last Call, Rockville Pictures, Inc., 1997. Television Appearances; Series: Assistant District Attorney Rita Fiori, Spenser: For Hire, ABC, 1986-87. Dr. Elizabeth Olivet, Law & Order, NBC, 1991-97. Cracker (also known as F/'tz), ABC, 1997-98. Television Appearances; Movies: Susie, Cries Unheard: The Donna Yaklich Story (also known as Victim of Rage), CBS, 1994. Rula, The Warlord: Battle for the Galaxy, 1998. Employee number one, Wishbone's Dog Days of the West, 1998. Zoe, You Know My Name, 1999. Also appeared in The Osiris Chronicles, CBS. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Tyler's doctor, To Serve and Protect, NBC, 1999. Television Appearances; Pilots: Deborah Matheson, D.C Cop, CBS, 1986. Also appeared in High. Television Appearances; Episodic: Minuet, "11001001," Star Trek: The Next Generation, syndicated, 1988. Minuet, "Future Imperfect/' Star Trek: The Next Generation, syndicated, 1990. Linda Mariner, "Sniper: Part 1," Homicide: Life on the Street, NBC, 1996. Linda Mariner, "Sniper: Part 2," Homicide: Life on the Street, NBC, 1996. Dr. Katherine Nesbit, The Practice, ABC, 1997. Dr. Elizabeth Olivet, Law & Order, NBC, 1998. Also appeared in LA. Law, NBC.

McGIBBON »249 Television Appearances; Specials: Voice, Not for Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony, PBS, 1999. Stage Appearances: (Broadway debut) Christine Penderecki, In Perpetuity throughout the Universe, Center Stage, Baltimore, MD and Hudson Guild Theatre, New York City, 1988-89. Ulla, There's One in Every Marriage, Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA, 1988. Gwendolyn, The Importance of Being Earnest, Center Stage, 1988-89. Title role, Saint Joan, Denver Center Theatre Company, Denver, CO, 1989-90. Yelena, Uncle Vanya, Old Globe Theatre, 1989-90. Beatrice, Much Ado about Nothing, Seattle Repertory Theatre, Seattle, WA, 1990-91. Sally Truman, Lips Together Teeth Apart, New York City, 1991-92. Ramona, Zara Spook and Other Lures, George Street Playhouse, New Brunswick, NJ, 1991-1992. Sharon, Laureen's Whereabouts, WPA Theatre, 1993. Also appeared as Rosalind, As You Like It, Valley Shakespeare Festival; Helena, A Midsummer Night's Dream, American Conservatory Theatre Company, San Francisco, CA; Hermoine, The Creeks, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Williamstown, MA; Louka, Arms and the Man, American Conservatory Theatre Company; Tracy Lord, Philadelphia Story, Callboard Theatre, Los Angeles, CA; Cora, Counselor at Law, Williamstown Theatre Festival; Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, Hudson Valley Shakespeare Fes tival; Joanna, Present Laughter, Williamstown Theatre Festival; Countess, Figaro/Figaro, Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT; Millimant, The Way of the World, Old Globe Theatre; Stephanie, The Time of My Life, Williamstown Theatre Festival; and Dunya, The Donahue Sisters, Irish Arts Center, New York City. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, September 11, 1992, p. 32. TVCuide, March 7, 1987, pp. 41-43.*

McGIBBON, Josann PERSONAL Addresses: Agent— Daniel Ostroff Agency, 9200 Sunset Blvd., Suite 402, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

250 • McGRADY

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Career: Producer and writer. CREDITS Film Work: Coproducer, The Favor, Orion, 1994. WRITINGS Screenplays: Worth Winning, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. The Favor, Orion, 1994. Runaway Bride, Paramount, 1999. Television Specials: Sirens, CBS, 1987. Adaptations: The film Three Men and a Little Lady, released in 1990, was based on a story by McGibbon.*

McGRADY, Michael PERSONAL Addresses: Agent— Innovative Artists Talent, 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Gene Stall ings, The Bear, Embassy, 1984. Larry, Creator, Universal, 1985. First player, Back to School, Orion, 1986. Second marine, Invaders from Mars, Connor Pictures, 1986. Wilson, Project X, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Walt, Born to Race, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1988. Freeman's aide, Ministry of Vengeance, Concorde, 1989. Frank Mangrum, Diggstown, United International Pictures, 1992. Duane, Mr. Baseball, Universal, 1992. Lou Gehrig, The Babe, Universal, 1992. Cop, Hocus Focus, Walt Disney Productions, 1993. John Shanssey, Wyatt Earp, Warner Bros., 1994. Policeman, Volcano, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Private Floyd, The Thin Red Line, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1998.

Clarence Jefferson, Bad City Blues, 1999. Malevolence, 1999. Jimmy Daugherty, The Deep End of the Ocean, Columbia, 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Larry Fortensky, Liz: The Elizabeth Taylor Story, NBC, 1995. Television Appearances; Movies: Scott, /'// Take Romance, ABC, 1990. A Child Lost Forever, NBC, 1992. Marvin, Coopersmith, CBS, 1992. Dave Tynan, Perry Mason: The Case of the Heartbroken Bride, NBC, 1992. Mark Sheridan, The Women of Spring Break, CBS, 1995. Lieutenant Strake, White Dwarf, Fox, 1995. Captain Skip Long, Operation Delta Force II: Mayday, HBO, 1998. Sean Haggerty, Five Aces, Cinemax, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Sean, Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1986. Leon Schnable, Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1988. Oscar, Quantum Leap, NBC, 1989. Richard, Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1990. Bo Wilder, Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1991. Hockey player, Reasonable Doubts, NBC, 1992. Rick Hughes, Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1993. Kenneth Gallagher, Picket Fences, CBS, 1993. Harry, Second Chances, CBS, 1993. Duggin Morrison, Christy, CBS, 1994. Father Dennis, Under Suspicion, CBS, 1994. JAG, NBC, 1995. Brent Cochrane, The Faculty, ABC, 1996. Dave Becker, The Sentinel, UPN, 1996. Jerry Ramsey, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1997. Lieutenant Creighton, Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1998. Jack Keeter, ]AG, CBS, 1998.*

MEARS, Michael PERSONAL Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Ambulance man, Car Trouble, 1985. William's valet and clerk with quill, Little Dorrit, Cannon, 1988.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Father Anthony, Queen of Hearts, Malofilm Distribution, 1989. Chevalier, A Man Called Sarge, Cannon, 1990. The Boatman waiter, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Ufilms, 1994. Television Appearances; Specials: Wine merchant, M:sonic Mysteries, PBS, 1992. Cooper, Sharpe, PBS, 1993. Cooper, Sharpe II, PBS, 1995. Other Television Appearances: Skinflete, The Old Curiosity Shop (miniseries), The Disney Channel, 1995. John, Mary, Mother of Jesus (movie), NBC, 1999.*

MERCURIC • 251 Film Appearances: Rita, Vamping, Atlantic, 1984. Pretty girl with dog, K-9, Universal, 1989. Gatou Vardebedian, Why Me?, Triumph Releasing, 1989. Jessie Bucke, Beautiful Dreamers, Hemdale Releasing, 1990. Kim Dades, Diplomatic Immunity, Fries Distribution, 1991. Linda Ryan, The Divine Ryans, Red Sky Entertainment, 1998.*


MELDRUM, Wende! PERSONAL Career: Actress.

Addresses: /Agent—Innovative Artists Agency, 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 2850, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Actress.



Television Appearances; Movies: Laura Stark, Stark, CBS, 1985. Honey, Dallas: The Early Years, CBS, 1986. Olivia Pollard, City Boy, PBS, 1994. Lee Anne, Due Sout/7, CBS, 1994. Susan Nolan, Hush Little Baby, USA Network, 1994. Lilac Gentry, Sodbusters, Showtime, 1994. Emily Daniels, The Commish: Father Image, ABC, 1995. Mona, The Song Spinner, Showtime, 1995. Diane Abbott, Melanie Darrow, USA Network, 1997. National Lampoon's Dad's Week Off, The Movie Channel, 1997. Pat Todson, Murder at 75 Birch, CBS, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Janet Farrell, / Married Dora, ABC, 1987. Margaret Callahan, The Pursuit of Happiness, ABC, 1987. Wendy Hill, Picket Fences, CBS, 1992. Leslie, Seinfeld, NBC, 1993. Veronika Cole, The Marshal, ABC, 1995. Ellen, Promised Land, CBS, 1996. Colleague, The Pretender, NBC, 1996.

Film Appearances: Mrs. Gordon, Mystique, 1981. Rosemary Szabo, Flashdance, Paramount, 1983. Babe, Mask, Universal, 1985. Betty, Twice in a Lifetime, Bud Yorkin Co., 1985. We/come to 18, American Distribution, 1986. Joan Hodges, Colors, Orion, 1988. Mrs. Kelly, Gleaming the Cube, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1988. Jay's wife, War Party, TriStar, 1988. Betty Kailo, How I Cot into College, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. Waitress, TheGrifters, Miramax/CineplexOdeon, 1990. Louise Garweski, Welcome Home, RoxyCarmichael, 1990. Mary, The Thing Called Love, Orofilms, 1993. Kate, Warlock: The Armageddon, Vidmark Entertainment, 1993. Bern ice, Wrestling Ernest Hemingway, Warner Bros., 1993. Momma Love, The Client, Warner Bros., 1994. Midge, While You Were Sleeping, Buena Vista, 1995. Older woman, Two Days in the Valley, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1996.

Television Appearances; Specials: Breakfast with Les and Bess, PBS, 1985. Blythe Pickney, Morning Clory, ABC, 1989.

Television Appearances; Movies: Donna Pallizzano, Money on the Side, ABC, 1982. Vee Valentine, Blue de Ville, NBC, 1986.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Stacey's mother, Daddy, ABC, 1987. Greta, Deadly Care, CBS, 1987. Destination: America, ABC, 1987. Shelly Raskin, Broken Angel, ABC, 1988. Ida Russell, Roe vs. Wade, NBC, 1989. Mrs. McKenna, When He's Not a Stranger, CBS, 1989. The Chase, NBC, 1991. Mrs. Calder, Somebody's Daughter, ABC, 1992. Lorraine Kilcoin, What She Doesn't Know, NBC, 1992. Gladys, Elvis and the Colonel: The Untold Story, NBC, 1993. Wanda, judgment Day: The ]ohn List Story, CBS, 1993. Mozelle Hyde, Normajean and Marilyn, HBO, 1996. Pearl Koster, Tell Me No Secrets, ABC, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: Mrs. Ferguson, LA. Law, NBC, 1988. Saleswoman, Empty Nest, NBC, 1990. Rae Nitschke, Davis Rules, CBS, 1991. Doris Stollmark, Life Goes On, HBO, 1991. Sheila Sorenson, The Commish, ABC, 1991. Bettina Battaglia, Angel Street, CBS, 1992. Mrs. McBride, NYPD Blue, ABC, 1993. Mrs. Stodie, The X-Files, Fox, 1993. Grace under Fire, ABC, 1994. Mrs. Harrod, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. Naomi, John Grisham's The Client, CBS, 1995. Murder One, ABC, 1996. Eileen Bernhart, Promised Land, CBS, 1996. Pacific Palisades, Fox, 1997. Gracie Kramer, The Practice, ABC, 1997. Mom, That's Life, ABC, 1998. Mother-in-law, Safe Harbor, The WB, 1999. Other Television Appearances: Judy, The Last Frontier (miniseries), CBS, 1986. Mrs. Grose, The Turn of the Screw (special), Showtime, 1989.*

METZLER, Jim 1951PERSONAL Born June 23, 1951, in Oneonta, NY. Education: fatended Dartmouth College. Addresses: Agent— HWA Talent Representatives, 220 East 23rd St., Suite 400, New York, NY. Career: Actor.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Tom Donaldson, Four Friends, Orion, 1981. Mason McCormick, Tex, Buena Vista, 1982. Burkewaite, River's Edge, Island Pictures, 1987. Marty Palmer, 976-EVIL, TriStar, 1988. Boyd Osborne, Hot to Trot, Warner Bros., 1988. David Harrison, Sundown (also known as Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat), 1989. Danner, Circuitry Man, RCA Home Video, 1990. George O'Brien, Delusion, IRS Releasing, 1991. Danny Shaffer, A Weekend with Barbara und Ingrid, Angelika Films, 1992. Dud Cole, One False Move, IRS Media, 1992. Waxwork II: Lost in Time, LIVE Home Video, 1992. Gypsy Eyes, 1993. Danner, Plughead Rewired: Circuitry Man II, 1994. Children of the Corn III (also known as Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest), Buena Vista/Dimension, 1995. Ricard "Rick" Stone, A Gun, a Car, a Blonde, Showcase Entertainment, 1997. City councilman, LA. Confidential, Warner Bros., 1997. Luther Logan, Bad City Blues, 1999. Adam, St. Patrick's Day, 1999. Also appeared in the films C.I.A. Trackdown and Old Gringo. Television Appearances; Miniseries: John, Princess Daisy, NBC, 1983. James Huntoon, North and South, ABC, 1985. James Huntoon, North and South: Book II, ABC, 1986. Bill Gaylord, On Wings of Eagles, NBC, 1986. Television Appearances; Movies: Tom Hollis, Do You Remember Love, CBS, 1985. Stuart Jameson, The Christmas Star, ABC, 1986. James Bonham, The Alamo: Thirteen Days to Glory, 1987. Joe Dutton, The Little Match Girl, HBO, 1987. Murder by Night, USA Network, 1989. Johnny Whitcomb, Perry Mason: The Case of the Musical Murder, NBC, 1989. Spense Zolman, Crash: The Mystery of Flight 1501, NBC, 1990. Drew Bishop, Love Kills, USA Network, 1991. Congressman Alister Petrie, French Silk, ABC, 1994. Mike Collins, Apollo 11, The Family Channel, 1996. Milton, Don't Look Back, HBO, 1996. David Klein, Little Girls in Pretty Boxes, Lifetime, 1997.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Will, A Wing and a Prayer, USA Network, 1998. District Attorney Jim Thompson, Hefner: Unauthorized, USA Network, 1999. Dad, Phantom Town, Showtime, 1999. Pacxy Barragan, The Big Brass Ring, Showtime, 1999. Witness Protection, HBO, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Dr. Andy Fenton, Cutter to Houston, CBS, 1983. Tom Benzinger, Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1990. Thomas Harvey, Diagnosis Murder, CBS, 1993. Steven Hayes, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. Nikki's father, The Single Guy, NBC, 1995. Dr. Arnovitz, Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1995. Tom Sullivan, High Incident, ABC, 1996. Ben Wilmarth, Moloney, CBS, 1996. "Anatomy Lesson/' Perversions of Science, HBO, 1997. Charlie, Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1998. Also appeared in an episode of The Best of Times.*

MEWESJason 1974PERSONAL Born June 12, 1974. Career: Actor.

MILLER • 253 Marlon. Education: Point Park College, Pittsburgh, B.A. (journalism). Addresses: Agent— International Creative Management, 8899 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048. Career: Comedian, talk show host, actor, writer, and producer. Performed comedy routines at clubs from late 1970s through 1980s, including Comic Strip, The Comedy Store, and Catch a Rising Star; owns production company, Happy Family Productions; appeared in M & M candy commercial, 1997, as well as commercials for Acura, T.G.I. Friday's Restaurants, and Miller Lite; spokesperson for Microsoft Network (MSN); previously worked in a dairy and a grocery store; sold storm windows; and drove a delivery truck. Awards, Honors: Emmy Award, outstanding individual achievement in writing in a variety or music program, 1995-96, 1998, Emmy Award nominations, outstanding variety, music or comedy series, 199598, Emmy Award nomination, best writing in a variety or music program, all for Dennis Miller Live, HBO; Emmy Award, outstanding variety, music or comedy special, 1996, for Dennis Miller: Citizen Arcane, HBO; Grammy Award nomination, spoken word, 1997, for The Rants; CableACE nomination for State of the Union: Undressed. CREDITS

CREDITS Film Appearances: Jay, Clerks, Miramax, 1993. Jay, Mallrats, Gramercy Pictures, 1995. Az, Drawing Flies, 1996. Jay, Chasing Amy, Miramax, 1997. Jay Phat Buds, Lucy You Love It, 1999. Jay, Dogma, Lions Gate Films, 1999. Witness #3, The Blair Clown Project, 1999. Jay, Scream 3, 2000. Television Appearances: Jay, Clerks: The Animated Series, 2000.*

MILLER, Dennis 1953PERSONAL Born November 3, 1953, in Pittsburgh, PA; married AM Epsley (a former model), 1988; children: Holden,

Television Appearances; Series: PM Magazine (Pittsburgh), syndicated, 1980-85. Saturday Night Live, NBC, 1985-91. The Dennis Miller Show, syndicated, 1992. Dennis Miller Live, HBO, 1994—. Also hosted Punchline in Pittsburgh, a weekend series for teens. Television Appearances; Specials: Comic Relief II, HBO, 1987. Dennis Miller: Mr. Miller Goes to Washington, HBO, 1988. Host, Freedomfest: Nelson Mandela's 70th Birthday Celebration, Fox, 1988. Host, A Rock 'n' Roll Christmas, Fox, 1988. Saturday Night Live 15th Anniversary, NBC, 1989. Host, The 10th Annual CableACE Awards, 1989. Host, The 13th Annual Young Comedians Show, HBO, 1989. Host, The America's Choice Awards, TBS, 1990. Comic Relief IV, HBO, 1990. Dennis Miller: Black and White, HBO, 1990.

254 • MILLER

Time Warner Presents the Earth Day Special, ABC, 1990. Two Years . . . Later, NBC, 1990. Host, Entertainers '91: The Top Twenty of the Year, ABC, 1991. Host, The 43rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Presentation, Fox, 1991. Saturday Night Live Goes Commercial, NBC, 1991. Comic Relief V, HBO, 1992. A New York Night—Live!, HBO, 1993. They Shoot HBO Specials, Don't They?, HBO, 1993. But. . . Seriously, Showtime, 1994. Comic Relief VI, HBO, 1994. State of the Union: Undressed, Comedy Central, 1994. Billboard Music Awards, Fox, 1994. Host, ESPN's Second Annual ESPY Awards, ESPN, 1994. MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 1994. Dennis Miller: Citizen Arcane, HBO, 1996. Host, 13th Annual MTV Video Music Awards, MTV, 1996. Comic Reliefs 10th Anniversary, HBO, 1997. Comic Relief VIII, HBO, 1998. Host, CQ Men of the Year Awards, 1998. The 7999 Emmy Awards Pre-Show, 1999. Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary Primetime Special, NBC, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Himself, "And Bimbo Was His Name-O," Dream On, HBO, 1992. Himself, The Ben St/7/er Show, MTV, 1992. Himself, "Fame Show," Night Stand, syndicated, 1995. Obsessed fan, "Goofy Ball," NewsRadio, NBC, 1995. Himself, "A Moveable Feast," The John Larroquette Show, NBC, 1995. Guest, The Tonight Show with jay Leno, NBC, 1997. Vic, Norm, ABC, 1999. Also appeared on Star Search, syndicated; Late Night with David Letterman, NBC; Bing: His Legendary Years; Girls' Night Out: The Young Comedians; Late Show with David Letterman, CBS; Late Late Show with Tom Snyder, CBS; The Arsenio Hall Show, syndicated; The Whoop/ Goldberg Show, syndicated; Later with Bob Costas, NBC; Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, Comedy Central; Larry King Live, CNN. Television Work; Series: Segment producer, PM Magazine (Pittsburgh), syndicated, 1980-85. Executive producer, Dennis Miller Live, HBO, 1994—.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Film Appearances: Joe Kazzirak, / Live with Me Dad, 1985. The Quest, New Line Home Video, 1986. Wes, Madhouse, Orion, 1990. Plead Guilty, Get a Bond, 1990. Max O'Donnell, Broken Highway, Black Ray Films, 1993. Mark Lewyn, Disclosure, Warner Bros., 1994. Dr. Alan Champion, The Net, Columbia, 1995. Cliff Raddonson, Never Talk to Strangers, TriStar, 1995. Rafe Guttman, Tales from the Crypt Presents: Bordello of Blood, Universal, 1996. Detective Stengel, Murder at 1600 (also known as Murder at 1600 Pennsylvania), Warner Bros., 1997. RECORDINGS Comedy Albums: The Off-White Album, Warner Bros., 1988. Taped Readings: The Rants, Bantam Books-Audio, 1996. WRITINGS Television Series: PM Magazine (Pittsburgh), syndicated, 1980-85. The Dennis Miller Show, syndicated, 1992. (With others) Dennis Miller Live, HBO, 1994—. Television Specials: Dennis Miller: Black and White, HBO, 1990. Books:

The Rants, Doubleday (New York City), 1996. CD-ROM: Dennis Miller, That's Geek to Me, Sanctuary Woods (San Mateo, CA), 1994. Dennis Miller, That's News to Me, Sanctuary Woods, 1994. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, December 13,1996, pp. 85-86. Gentleman's Quarterly, August, 1989. p. 65. People, December 16, 1996, p. 41.*

MILLER, Wade See WADE, Robert (Allison)

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

MILLS, Alley 1951PERSONAL Born May 9, 1951, in Chicago, IL; daughter of Ted Mills (a television executive) and an art editor at American Heritage magazine; married Orson Bean (an actor), April 18, 1993. Education: Yale University, B.A. (drama and art history; magna cum laude), 1973; London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, M.A.; also studied art history at Bennington College; Addresses: Agent—Shapiro and Associates, 15301 Ventura Blvd., Suite 345, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403. Career: Actress, director, and producer. Appeared at Williamstown Theatre Festival, Williamstown, MA, 1968-73; Member of Pacific Resident Theatre, Venice, CA. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Leslie Dunn, The Associates, NBC, 1979-80. Sara Conover, Making the Grade, CBS, 1982. Norma Arnold, The Wonder Years, ABC, 1988-93. Storytime, PBS, 1993-97. Marjorie Fitzhughe, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, CBS, 1993-98. Television Appearances; Movies: Wanda, Rape and Marriage: The Rideout Case, CBS, 1981. Allison Cross, A Matter of Life and Death, CBS, 1981. Young Lust, 1982. Amy Vitelli, The Other Woman, CBS, 1983. Dr. Rebecca Bishop, Prototype, CBS, 1983. Amy Kennear, The Atlanta Child Murders, CBS, 1985. To Heal a Nation, 1988. / Love You Perfect, 1989. Carol Willis, Jonathan: The Boy Nobody Wanted, NBC, 1992. Mrs. Jane Patterson, Tainted Blood, USA, 1993. Royce Payne, Moment of Truth: Caught in the Crossfire (also known as Caught in the Crossfire), NBC, 1994. Portia, Family Reunion: A Relative Nightmare, ABC, 1995. Julie Cresta, Deadline for Murder: From the Files of Edna Buchanan, CBS, 1995. Also appeared in Drug Busters; Unmarried Woman.

MILLS • 255 Television Appearances; Pilots: Terry Robinson, Poor Richard, CBS, 1984. Denise, Second Edition, CBS, 1984. Charlotte Farnsworth, Maggie, CBS, 1986. Pat, Mr. President, Fox, 1987. Gloria, / Love You Perfect, ABC, 1989. Television Appearances; Episodic: "They've Taken Our Daughter/' Kaz, CBS, 1979. "Search," Lou Grant, CBS, 1981. Tracy Renko, "Zen and the Art of Law Enforcement," Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1982. Tracy Renko, "Personal Foul," Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1982. Tracy Renko, "Hill Shooter," Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1982. Tracy Renko, "Invasion of the Third World Mutant Body Snatchers," Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1982. Tracy Renko, "Hill of Beans," Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1983. "Sprained Dreams," Newhart, CBS, 1983. "The Man Who Cried Wife," Moonlighting, ABC, 1986. "Where There's a Will, There's a Way," / Married Dora, ABC, 1987. "West Coast Story," / Married Dora, ABC, 1987. "To Heal a Nation," General Electric Theater, NBC, 1988. Co-host, Home, ABC, 1989. Linda Hatch, "Testing Dirty" (also known as "Drug Busters"), ABC Afterschool Special, ABC, 1990. Guest host, Vikki, 1992. TV Mom #4, "All about Rosey," Roseanne, ABC, 1995. Liz, Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1997. Amber Wiley, Profiler, NBC, 1998. Also appeared in The Patti Page Show; The Joan Rivers Show; Tonight Show with johnny Carson, NBC; Vikki; Rick Dees; Regis and Kathy Lee. Television Appearances; Specials: The 41st Annual Emmy Awards, Fox, 1989. Carol Oliver, Love in the Dark Ages, CBS, 1994. The 67th Annual Hollywood Christmas Parade, 1998. Film Appearances: Diary of a Mad Housewife, Universal, 1970. Nancy Reese, Going Berserk, Universal, 1983. Stage Appearances: A Colliers Friday Night, New York Shakespeare Festival, New York City, 1976. The Little Foxes, Stage West, West Springfield, MA, 1977-78.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Rosalinde, Voices, Los Angeles Actors' Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, 1978-79. The Idol Makers, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, CA, 1978-79. Bella Phelan, Says /, Says He, Center Theatre Group, Mark Taper Forum, 1979-80. Almost Perfect, Santa Monica Playhouse, Santa Monica, CA, 1986. Help!, Coast Playhouse, Los Angeles, CA, 1996. Widow Quinn, Playboy of the Western World, Pacific Resident Theatre, Venice, CA, 1996. Marya, Quick-Change Room (Scenes for a Revolution), Pacific Resident Theatre, 1997. Also appeared as Ulla, There's One in Every Marriage; Era Brown, Summit Conference, Odyssey Theatre Ensemble, Los Angeles, CA. Stage Work: Associate director, Hey, Rube, Women's Interart Center, New York City, 1978. Also worked as producer, Golden Boy, Pacific Resident Theatre; producer, Awake and Sing, Odyssey Theatre Ensemble.*



PERSONAL Born January 6, 1954, in Ryde, Isle of Wight, England; son of Italian immigrant parents (former owners of an ice cream factory); married Carolyn Choa (a choreographer); children: Max. Education: University of Hull, Yorkshire, B.A. (honors), 1975. Addresses:/Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 South El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Playwright and director. University of Hull, lecturer in drama, 1976-81. Awards, Honors: Reckitt Travel Award; Plays and Players Award, most promising new playwright, 1984, for A Little Like Drowning; Plays and Players Award, best new play, 1986, for Made in Bangkok; British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, best original screenplay, 1991, for Truly, Madly, Deeply; Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards, best director and best screenplay, Golden Globe nominations, best director and best screenplay, Directors Guild of America Award, outstanding directorial

achievement, Academy Award nomination, best screenplay based on material previously produced or published, Academy Award, best achievement in directing, 1996, all for The English Patient. CREDITS Stage Director: Mob/us the Stripper, produced in Hull, England, 1975. Child's Play, produced in Hull, 1978. Whale Music, Haymarket Studio, Leicester, England, 1981, then New End Theatre, London, 1981. Film Director: Truly, Madly, Deeply, Samuel Goldwyn, 1991. Mr. Wonderful, Warner Bros., 1993. The English Patient, Miramax, 1996. Television Work; Specials: Script editor and series creator, "Daedalus & Icarus/' The Storyteller, HBO, 1997. Script editor and series creator, "Orpheus & Eurydice," The Storyteller, HBO 1997. Script editor and series creator, "Perseus & the Gorgon/' The Storyteller, HBO, 1997. Series creator, "The Three Ravens/' The Storyteller, HBO, 1997. Script editor and series creator, "Theseus & the Minotaur/' The Storyteller, HBO, 1997. Television Appearances; Specials: Himself, Inside the Academy Awards, TNT, 1997. WRITINGS Plays: Mobius the Stripper (adaptation of story by Gabriel Josipovici), produced in Hull, England, 1975. Child's Play, produced in Hull, 1978. Whale Music, produced at Haymarket Studio, Leicester, England, 1981, then New End Theatre, London, 1981, published by S. French (New York City), c. 1983, also published in Whale Music and Other Plays, Methuen, 1987, and Plays 1, Methuen, 1992. A Little Like Drowning, produced at Hempstead Theatre, Hertfordshire, England, 1982, then London, 1984, published in Whale Music and Other Plays, Methuen, 1987, and Plays 1, Methuen, 1992. Two Planks and a Passion, produced in Exeter, England, 1983, then Greenwich Theatre, London, 1984, published by S. French, 1985, also published in Whale Music and Other Plays, Methuen, 1987, and Plays 1, Methuen, 1992.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Love Bites, produced in Derby, England, 1984. (West End debut) Made in Bangkok, produced at Aldwych Theatre, London, 1986, then Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, CA, 1988, published by Methuen (New York City), 1987, also published in Plays 1, Methuen, 1992. Whale Music and Other Plays (contains Whale Music, A Little Like Drowning, and Two Planks and a Passion), published by Methuen, 1987. Interior: Room, Exterior: City (includes Cigarettes and Chocolate, Hang Up, and What if it's Raining?), Methuen (London), 1989. Living with Dinosaurs and One-Act Plays and Sketches, Methuen, 1991. Plays 1 (includes Made in Bangkok, Whale Music, A Little Like Drowning, and Two Planks and a Passion), Methuen, 1992. Television Writing: What If It's Raining, 1986, published in Interior: Room, Exterior: City, 1989. "Hans My Hedgehog" (also known as "The Grovelhog"), The Storyteller, NBC, 1987. "Fearnot," The Storyteller, NBC, 1987. "A Short Story/' The Storyteller, NBC, 1988. "The Luck Child/' The Storyteller, NBC, 1988. "Dead of Jericho/' Mystery (also known as Inspector Morse), PBS, 1988. Signals (opera), music by John Lunn and Orlando Cough, 1989. "The Heartless Giant," The Jim Henson Hour (also known as Jim Henson Presents), NBC, 1989. "Deceived by Flight," Mystery, PBS, 1991, originally broadcast on BBC-England series of Inspector Morse. "Driven to Distraction," Mystery, PBS, 1992, originally broadcast on BBC-England series of Inspector Morse. "The Three Ravens," The Storyteller, HBO, 1997. Also wrote television plays for Studio series, 1983. Screenplays: Truly, Madly, Deeply, Samuel Goldwyn, 1991, published by Methuen (London), 1992. Mr. Wonderful, Warner Bros., 1993. The English Patient (adapted from Michael Ondaatje's novel of the same title), Miramax, 1996, published by Hyperion Miramax Books (New York City), 1996. Also adapted Made in Bangkok for film.

Radio Plays: Hang Up, broadcast in 1987, published in Interior: Room, Exterior: City, Methuen, 1989. Cigarettes and Chocolate, broadcast in 1988, published in Interior: Room, Exterior: City, Methuen, 1989. Novels: On the Line (novel ization of television series), Severn House (London), 1982. The Storyteller (novelization of television series), Boxtree (London), 1988. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: DCA Magazine, May-June, 1997. People Weekly, December 22, 1997, p. 18.*

MINKOFF, Rob (Robert Minkoff) PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA. Career: Director, producer, and animator. CREDITS Film Work; Director, Except Where Indicated: "In-between" artist, The Black Cauldron, Buena Vista, 1985. Supervising animator, The Great Mouse Detective, Buena Vista, 1986. (With Frank Marshall), Tummy Trouble, Walt Disney Pictures, 1989. (With Frank Marshall), Ro//er Coaster Rabbitt, Walt Disney Pictures, 1990. (With Roger Allers), The Lion King, Walt Disney Pictures, 1994. Stuart Little, Columbia, 1999. Television Work; Series:

Coordinating producer, Pointman, syndicated, 1995.*


258 • MIRREN

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

MIRREN, Helen 1946PERSONAL Born In 1946 in London, England; father, a viola player and cab driver; married Taylor Hackford (a film director), December 31, 1997. Education: Attended convent school and teacher-training college. Addresses: Contact—2003 La Brea Ter, Los Angeles, CA 90046-2313. Career: Actress and producer. Performed at National Youth Theatre, 1963-64; Royal Shakespeare Theatre Company, 1967-?; and Peter Brook's International Center for Theater Research, United States and Africa, 1972-73. Awards, Honors: Cannes International Film Festival Award, best actress, 1984, for Ca/; British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, best actress in a television program, 1991, for "Prime Suspect/' Mystery!; British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, best actress in a television program, 1992, Emmy Award nomination, best actress in a miniseries or special, 1993, for "Prime Suspect II," Mystery!; British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, best actress in a television program, Emmy Award, best lead actress in a miniseries, 1994, for "Prime Suspect III," Mystery!; Emmy Award, best lead actress in a miniseries, 1995, for Prime Suspect: Scent of Darkness; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best actress in a play, 1995, for A Month in the Country; Cannes International Film Festival Award, best actress, Academy Award nomination, best supporting actress, 1995, both for The Madness of King George; Golden Globe Award, 1995, for Losing Chase; Emmy Award nomination, best lead actress in a miniseries, 1997, for "Prime Suspect 5: Errors of Judgement/' Mystery/ CREDITS Stage Appearances: Cleopatra, Anthony and Cleopatra, Old Vic Theatre, London, 1965. Kitty, Charley's Aunt, Manchester Theatre, Manchester, England, 1967. Nerissa, The Merchant of Venice, Manchester Theatre, 1967. Castiza, The Revenger's Tragedy, Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford-on-Avon, England, 1967. Diana, All's Well That Ends Well, Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford-on-Avon, 1967.

Cressida, Troilus and Cressida, Royal Shakespeare Company, Aldwych Theatre, London, 1968. Hero, Much Ado about Nothing, Aldwych Theatre, 1968-69. Win-the-Fight Littlewit, Bartholomew Fair, Aldwych Theatre, 1969. Lady Anne, Richard III, Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford-on-Avon, 1970. Ophelia, Hamlet, Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford-on-Avon, 1970. Julia, The Two Centlemen of Verona, Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford-on-Avon, 1970. Tatyana, Enemies, Royal Shakespeare Company, Aldwych Theatre, 1971. Harriet, The Man of Mode, Royal Shakespeare Company, Aldwych Theatre, 1971. Title role, M/ss Julie, Royal Shakespeare Company, Aldwych Theatre, 1971. Elayne, The Balcony, Royal Shakespeare Company, Aldwych Theatre, 1971. Isabella, Measure for Measure, Riverside Studios Theatre, London, 1974. Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford-on-Avon, 1974, then Aldwych Theatre, 1975. Maggie, Teeth 'n' Smiles, Royal Court Theatre, London, 1975, then Wyndham's Theatre, London, 1976. Nina, The Seagull, Lyric Theatre, London, 1975. Ella, The Bed before Yesterday, Lyric Theatre, 1975. Queen Margaret, Henry VI, Parts I, II and III, Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford-on-Avon, 1977, then Aldwych Theatre, 1978. Title role, The Duchess ofMalfi, Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester, England, 1980, then Mound House Theatre, London, 1981. Grace, Faith Healer, Royal Court Theatre, 1981. Cleopatra, Antony and Cleopatra, Pit Theatre, London, 1983. Moll Cutpurse, The Roaring Cirl, Barbican Theatre, London, 1983. Marjorie, Extremities, Duchess Theatre, London, 1984. Angela, "Some Kind of Love Story," and dying woman, "Elegy for a Lady," in Two-Way Mirror (doublebill), Young Vic Theatre, London, 1989. Also appeared as Susie Monmican, The Silver Lassie; in Woman in Mind, Los Angeles; Madame Bovary, 1987; Sex Please We're Italian, 1991; A Month in the Country, London and New York City, 1994. Film Appearances: Herostradus, BBC, 1967. Hermia, A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1969.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Cora, Age of Consent, Columbia, 1969. Gosh Smith-Boyde, Savage Messiah, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1972. Patricia Burgess, O Lucky Man!, Warner Bros., 1973. Gertrude and Ophelia, Hamlet, Royal College of Art, 1976. Caesonia, Caligula, Penthouse Films, 1979. Victoria, The Long Good Friday, Embassy, 1979. Beaty Simons, Hussy, 1979. Alice Rage, The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu, Orion, 1980. Morgana, Excalibur, Warner Bros., 1981. Priest of Love, Filmways, 1981. Hermia, A Midsummernight's Dream, Eagle, 1982. Marcella Morton, Cal, Warner Bros., 1984. Tanya Kirbuk, 20/0 (also known as 20/0: The Year We Make Contact), United Artists, 1984. Galina Ivanova, White Nights, Columbia, 1985. Mother, The Mosquito Coast, Warner Bros., 1986. Ruth Chancellor, The Gospel According to Vic (also known as Heavenly Pursuits), Skouras, 1986. Narrator, Invocation Maya Deren (documentary), Arts Council of Great Britain, 1987. Narrator, People of the Forest: The Chimps of Combe (documentary), National Geographic Society, 1988. Lydia Neuman, Pascali's Island, Avenue, 1988. Clemmie Jenkins, When the Whales Came, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. Frances Penny Bethune, Bethune: The Making of a Hero (also known as The Making of a Hero: The Story of Dr. Norman Bethune and Dr. Bethune), Filmstar, 1990. Georgina Spica, the Wife, The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, Miramax, 1990. Caroline, The Comfort of Strangers, Skouras, 1990. Lilia Herriton, Where Angels Fear to Tread, Fine Line, 1991. The Gift, 1991. Annie Marsh, The Hawk, Castle Hill, 1993. Queen Charlotte, The Madness of King George (also known as The Madness of King George III), Samuel Goldwyn Co., 1994. Queen Geruth, The Prince of Jutland (also known as Amled: Prince of Jutland, Am led, and Prince of Denmark), Miramax, 1994. Kathleen Quigley, Some Mother's Son (also known as Sons and Warriors and Somebody's Son), Castle Rock, 1996. Stella, Critical Care, Live Entertainment, 1997. Voice of the Queen, Prince of Egypt (animated), DreamWorks, 1998. Title role, Teaching Mrs. Tingle, Dimension/Miramax,


MIRREN » 2 5 9 Film Work: Associate producer, Some Mother's Son (also known as Sons and Warriors and Somebody's Son), Castle Rock, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Cousin Bette/' Great Performances, PBS, 1972. Rosalind, "As You Like It/' The Shakespeare Plays, PBS, 1979. Princess Emilia, "The Little Mermaid/' Faerie Tale Theatre, Showtime, 1987. Alma Rattenbury, "Cause Celebre," Mystery!, PBS, 1988. "Love Crimes," The Hidden Room, 1991. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Detective Chief Inspector Jane Tennison, "Prime Suspect," Mystery!, PBS, 1992. Detective Chief Inspector Jane Tennison, "Prime Suspect II," Mystery!, PBS, 1993. Detective Chief Inspector Jane Tennison, "Prime Suspect III," Mystery!, PBS, 1993. Voice of Margaret Rhonnda/Princess Evelyn Blucher, The Great War and the Shaping of the Twentieth Century, PBS, 1996. Television Appearances; Movies: Title role, Miss Julie, 1972. Stella MacKenzie, Kiss Kiss, Kill Kill (also known as A Coffin for the Bride), ABC, 1974. The Little Minister, 1975. Stella, The Collection, 1976. Behind the Scene, 1978. A Midsummernight's Dream, 1978. Stewardess May Sloan, S.O.S. Titanic, ABC, 1979. Angela, Blue Remembered Hills, 1979. Imogen, Cymbeline, 1982. Celia, Soft Targets, 1982. Frieda von Richtofen Weekley, Coming Through, 1985. Anna, Red King, White Night, HBO, 1989. Jane Tennison, Prime Suspect: The Lost Child (also known as Prime Suspect IV and Mobil Masterpiece Theatre), PBS, 1995. Losing Chase, 1995. Title role (Chase Philips) LosingChase, Showtime, 1996. Jane Tennison, Prime Suspect: Inner Circles (also known as Prime Suspect IV and Mobil Masterpiece Theatre), PBS, 1996. Superintendent Jane Tennison, Prime Suspect: The Scent of Darkness (also known as Prime Suspect IV and Mobil Masterpiece Theatre), PBS, 1996. Jane Tennison, Prime Suspect V: Errors of Judgment (also known as Mob/7 Masterpiece Theatre), PBS, 1997. Title role, The Passion ofAyn Rand, Showtime, 1999.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Also appeared in The Applecart; The Changeling; Mrs. Reinhardt; After the Party; Mussolini and Claretta Petacci; The Country Wife; Quiz Kids; The Serpent Son; Jackanory; Bellamira, The Philanthropist. Television Appearances; Specials: The Siskel and Ebert Special, CBS, 1990. D-Day Remembered: A Musical Tribute from the QE2, PBS, 1994. Inside the Academy Awards, TNT, 1995. Star Trek: 30 Years and Beyond, UPN, 1996. The /9th Annual CableACE Awards, 1997. The 49th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, 1997. Maggie Sheridan, Painted Lady, 1997. Television Associate Producer; Specials: Painted Lady, 1997. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Harper's Bazaar, February, 1993, p. 66. Maclean's, January 20, 1997, p. 70. New Orleans Magazine, April, 1994, p. 83. People Weekly, November 3, 1980, p. 99; February 15,1993, p. 14; November 3,1997, p. 153; January 19, 1998, p. 102. US, May, 1996, p. 76. Variety, August 29, 1984, p. 6.*


MITCHELL, Jim (James D. Mitchell) PERSONAL Career: Special effects artist. Affiliated with Industrial Light and Magic. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best visual effects, 1998, for Mighty joe Young. CREDITS Film Work; Visual Effects Supervisor: (As James Mitchell), Mars Attacks!, Warner Bros., 1996. Mighty Joe Young, Buena Vista, 1998.

October Sky, Universal, 1999. Sleepy Hollow, Paramount, 1999. Television Work; Specials: Storyboard designer, A DuckTales Valentine, NBC, 1990.*

MOREAU, Jeanne 1928PERSONAL Born January 23, 1928, in Paris, France; daughter of Anatole-Desire (a restauranteur) and Katherine (a dancer; maiden name, Buckley) Moreau; married Jean-Louis Richard (an actor), 1949 (divorced, 1951); married Teodoro Rubanis (divorced, 1977); married William Friedkin (a director), 1977 (divorced, 1980); children: (first marriage) Jerome. Education: Attended Lycee EdgarQuinet and Conservatoire National d'Art Dramatique. Addresses: /Agent—William Morris Agency, 1325 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019; c/oGuy Bonnet, Agents Associes, 201 rue du Faubourg SaintHonore, 75008 Paris, France; SPICA Productions, 3 ruedu bois de'Boulougne, 75116, Paris, France. Career: Actress, director, producer, and screenwriter. Comedie Francaise, Paris, France, member, 1948-52; Theatre Nationale Populaire, Paris, member, 1953; Cannes Film Festival, Cannes, France, president, 1975 and 1995; Moreau Productions, co-founder, 1982; Equinoxe president. Awards, Honors: Best Actress Award, Cannes Film Festival, 1960, for Moderato cantabile; British Academy Award nomination, best foreign actress, 1962, for Jules et Jim; British Academy Awards, best foreign actress, 1965, for Compartiment tuers; British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, 1966, best foreign actress, for Viva Maria; Chevalier, Legion d'honneur; Ordre Nationale du Merite et des Arts et Lettres; Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres, 1985; Academy des Arts et Techneques du Cinema, preside, 1986-88; Officier Ordre National du Merite, 1988; Commandeur des Arts et Lettres, Moliere Award, 1988; Officier de la Legion d'honneur, 1991; Cesar Awards, best actress, 1991, for La vieille qui marchait dans la mer; Venice Film Festival, Golden Lion, 1992; Commandeur des avances sur recettes, president, 1993-94; Women in Film Crystal Awards, Crystal Award, 1994; Cesar Awards, honorary award, 1995; British Academy Awards, Academy Fellowship, 1996;

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 European Film Awards, Lifetime Achievement Award, 1997; San Sebastian International Film Festival, Donostia Lifetime Achievement Award, 1997; Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences tribute for her 50 years as an actress, 1998. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Dernier amour, 1948. Martine Annequin, Meurtes (also known as Three Sinners), 1950. Paquerette, Pigalle Sa/nte-Germa/n-des-Pres, 1950. Suzanne Dubreuil, L'Homme de ma vie (also known as L'Uomo della mia vita), 1951. Marie Winter, // est minuit, Docteur Schweitzer (also known as Schweitzer: jungle Doctor), 1952. Dortoir des grandes (also known as Inside a Girls' Dormitory and Girl's Dormitory), 1953. Josy, Touchez pas au grisbi (also known as Don't Touch the Loot, Grisbi, Hands Off the Loot and Honour Among Thieves), 1953, released in the United States as Grisbi, 1960. Rosie Facibey, ]ulietta, 1953, released in the United States by Kingsley International, 1957. Mother, Secrets d'alcove, Pathe, 1954. Mona Remi, Les Intriguantes (also known as The Plotters), 1954. Marguerite de Valois—Queen Margot, La Reine Margot (also known as La Regina Margot), 1954. Jeanne Plisson, La Billet de logement (also known as The Bed and Secrets d'alcove), II Letto, 1954. Fernande, M'sleur la caille, 1955. Alice, Gas-Oil, 1955. Marianne, Les Hommes en blanc (also known as The Doctors), 1955, released in the United States by Kingsley International, 1956. Gina, Jusqu-au dernier, 1956. Angele Ribot, Le Salaire du peche, 1956. Agnes Vanaux, Demon/ague (also known as Les Louves, La Lupa, The She-Wolf, and The She Wolves), 1956, released in the United States by Fernard Rivers S.A., 1958. L'Etrange Mr. Steve, 1957. Jeanne Fortin, Trois jours a vivre, 1957. Jacqueline Tourieu, Echec a porteur (also known as Not Delivered), 1957. Gloria Decret, Le Dos au mur (also known as Back to the Wall), 1958, released in the United States byChavane, 1959. Lesamants, 1959. Jeanne Tournier, Les Amants (also known as The Lovers), 1958, released in the United States by Zenith, 1959.

MOREAU » 2 6 1 Florence Carala, Ascenseur pour I'echafaud (also known as Frantic, Elevator to the Gallows, Lift to the Scaffold, and Elevator to the Scaffold), 1958, released in the United States by Times, 1961. Le Dialogue des Carmelites, 1959. Woman with dog, Les Quatres cents coups (also known as The Four Hundred Blows and Les 400 Coups), Janus, 1959. Juliette de Merteuil, Les Liaisons dangereuses (also known as Relazioni pericolose and Dangerous Love Affairs), 1959, released in the United States byAstor, 1961. Mere Marie de ['Incarnation, Le Dialogue des Carmelites (also known as / Dialoghi delle Carmelitane), 1960. Ljuba, Five Branded Women (also known as/ovan/ca e le altre), Paramount, 1960. Anne Desbaredes, Moderate cantabile, 1960, released in the United States by Royal, 1964. Lidia and Pontano, La notte (also known as The Night and La Nu/'t), Dino De Laurentiis, 1961, released in the United States by Lopert, 1962. Woman in bar, Une femme est une femme (also known as A Woman Is a Woman and La donna e donna), 1961, released in the United States by Pathe Contemporary, 1964. Catherine, Jules etjim (also known as Jules and Jim), Janus, 1962. Miss Burstner, Le Proces (also known as The Trial, Der Prozess, and //processo), 1962, released in the United States by Astor, 1963. Title role, Eva (also known as Eva, the Devil's Woman), Paris Film/lnteropa, 1962, released in the United States by Times, 1964. Frenchwoman, The Victors, Columbia, 1963. Jeanne, Le Feu fo//et (also known as The Fire Within, Fuoco fatuo, Will o' the Wisp, and A Time to Live and a Time to Die), 1963, released in the United States by Governor/Gibralter, 1964. Jackie Demaistre, La Bale des anges (also known as Bay of Angels and Bay of the Angels), Pathe Contemporary, 1964. Celestine, Le Journal d'une femme de chambre (also known as Diary of a Chambermaid and // d/ar/o di una earner/era), Cocinor, 1964, released in the United States by International Classics, 1965. Compartimenttueurs, 1965. Cathy, Peau de banane (also known as Banana Peel), 1964, released in the United States by Pathe, 1965. Christine, Le Train (also known as The Train and // treno), 1964, released in the United States by United Artists (UA), 1965. Title role, Mata Hari Agent H-21 (also known as Mata Hari and Mata Hari, agente segreto H 21), Magna, 1965.

262 • MOREAU Maria I, Viva Maria, UA, 1965. Marchioness Eloise of Frinton, The Yellow RollsRoyce, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), 1965. Title role, Mademoiselle, Lopert, 1966. Doll Tearsheet, Chimes at Midnight (also known as Campanadas a medianoche and Falstaff), Peppercorn-Wormser/U-M Film Distributors, 1967. L'Amour a travers les ages, 1967. Anna, The Sailor from Gibraltar, Lopert, 1967. Title role, "Mademoiselle Mimi" in Le Plus vieux metier du monde (also known as The Oldest Profession, L'amore attraverso i secoli, Love through the Centuries, L'Amour a travers les ages, and Das alteste gewerbe der welt), 1967, released in the United States by Goldstone/VIP, 1968. Julie Kohler, La Mariee etait en noir (also known as The Bride Wore Black and La Sposa in nero), Artistes Associes, 1968. Catherine the Great, Great Catherine, Warner Bros., 1968. Virginie Ducrot, Une Histoire immortelle (also known as The Immortal Story), 1968, released in the United States by Fleetwood/Altura, 1969. Le Petit Theatre de Jean Renoir (also known as The Little Theatre of Jean Renoir), 1969. Le Corps de Diane (also known as Diane's Body), 1969. As herself, Alex in Wonderland, MGM, 1970. Langlois (short documentary film), 1970. The Heirs (also known as The Inheritors), Os Herdeiros, 1970. Martine Bernard, Monte Walsh, National General, 1970. Madeleine, Comptes a rebours (also known as Reckonings Against the Grain and Conto alia revescia), CCFC, 1971. Myriam, L'Humeur vagabonde (also known as Vagabond Humor), Sodor Films, 1971. L'Aimie, the Other Woman, Nathalie Granger, French Consulate/Moullet et Compagnie, 1972. Louise, Chere Louise (also known as Dear Louise and La Lunga notte di Louisa), Columbia-Warner Distributors, 1972. Renee, La Race des "Seigneurs" (also known as The "Elite" Croup and L'Arrivista), Films la Boetie, 1973. Jeanne Pirolle, Les Valseuses (also known as Going Places, Getting It Up, and Making It), Cinema V, 1974. Elisa Boussac, Je t'alme (also known as / Love You), Films Mutuels, 1974. Pleurs, 1974. Maria, Lejardin qui bascule (also known as The Garden That T//ts), Coline Distribution, 1975.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Berthe, Souvenirs d'en France (also known as French Provincial and Inside Memories of France), AMLF, 1975. Sylvana, Hu-Man, Romantique/ORTF/Camera One, 1975. Sarah Dedieu, Lumiere (also known as Light), Gaumont, 1975, released in the United States by New World, 1976. Didi, The Last Tycoon, Paramount, 1976. Florence, Mr. Klein (also known as M. Klein and Monsieur Klein), Fox-Lira/Quartet, 1976. Madame Rosa, 1978. Helene, Plein sud (also known as Heat of Desire), Triumph, 1980. Huida al sur, 1980. L'lntoxe, 1980. Luc/en chez les barbares, 1981. Title role, Joanna Francesa (also known as Jeanne the Frenchwoman and Jeanne, la Francaise), Unifilm/ New Yorker, 1981. Les Uns et les autres (also known as Within Memory), 1981. Lou, La Truite (also known as The Trout), Gaumont/ TF1/Triumph, 1982. Lysiane, Querelly—ein pakt mit dem teufel (also known as Querelle and Querelle—A Pact with the Devil), Palace, 1982, released in the United States by Triumph, 1983. Mille milliards de dollars, 1982. Au-dela de cette limite votre billet n'est pas valable (also known as Your Ticket Is No Longer Valid, Finishing Touch, Slow Descent into Hell, and L'Ultime passion), 1982. As herself, The Wizard of Babylon, New Yorker, 1983. L'Arbre, 1983. As herself, Jean-Louis Barrault—A Man of the Theatre (documentary), Beta Film, 1984. Lady with little dog, Cote Coeur, Cote Jardin, 1984. As herself, Lillian Cish (documentary), Acapella Films, 1984. The hostess, Le Paltoquet (also known as The Nonentity), AAA/Roissy/Artificial Eye, 1986. Marie-Aude, Sauve-toi Lola, Onyx/AAA Classics, 1986. Sabine, Le Miracule (also known as The Miracle Healing), Films du Volcan, 1986, released in the United States by Cannon Releasing, 1987. Francois Simon—La Presence (documentary), CSS Geneva, 1986. Narrator, Hotel Terminus: Klaus Barbie, His Life and Times (also known as Hotel Terminus: Klaus Barbie et son temps; documentary), Samuel Goldwyn/Orion International, 1988. As herself, Calling the Shots (documentary), World Artists Releasing/CineplexOdeon/Films Transit, 1988.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 La Nuit de /'ocean (also known as The Night of the Ocean), Forum Distribution/World Marketing, 1988. Jour apres jour, 1988. La Doria, La femme fardee, 1990. Baronness, Alberto Express, 1990. Anna Karamazoff, 1991. The wife, The Suspended Step of the Stork (also known as Le Pas suspendu de la cigogne and To Meteoro vima tou pelargou), 1991. Narrator, The Architecture of Doom, 1991. Lady M, The Old Lady Who Walked in the Sea (also known as The Old Lady Who Wades in the Sea and The Old Woman Who Walked in the Sea), 1991. Edith Farber, Until the End of the World (also known as Bis ans Ende der Welt and Jusqu'au bout du monde), Warner Bros., 1991. Amande, La Femme Nikita (also known as Nikita), Samuel Goldwyn, 1991. Tete, A demain (also known as See You Tomorrow), 1992. Voice of Marguerite Duras, The Lover (also known as LAmant), MGM, 1992. The baroness, Alberto Express, MK2, 1992. Sister Banville, Map of the Human Heart (also known as La carte du tendre), Miramax, 1993. Lili, The Summer House (also known as Clothes in the Wardrobe), Samuel Goldwyn, 1993. The wife of the old man, The /Absence (also known as L'Absence, D/e/Abwesenhe/tand LaAusencia), 1993. Angelique, A Foreign Field (also known as We Shall Meet Again), 1993. Rose, My Name Is Victor (also known as ]e m'appelle Victor), 1993. Friend, Beyond the Clouds (also known as Chronicle of a Love That Never Was, The Girl, the Crime, Don't Try to See Me Again, This Body of Mud, Par-dela les Nuages, Lies, Nothing But Lies, The Antonioni Project, Mediations, Five Stories, /ense/ts der Wolken, Al di la delle nuvole, and /Above the Clouds), Mercure Distribution, 1995. As herself, The Universe of Jacques Demy, 1995. Actor for a day, A Hundred and One Nights (also known as A Hundred and One Nights of Simon Cinema and Les cent et une nuits), Mercure Distribution, 1995. Adrienne Mark, The Proprietor, Warner Bros., 1996. Nana, / Love You, I Love You Not, Avalanche Releasing, 1996. Mme Libra, Love and Confusions (also known as Amour et confusions), NTV-Profit, 1997.

Eglantine, Witch Way Love (also known as Un amour de sore/ere), NTV-Profit, 1997. Grande Dame, Ever After, Twentieth Century Fox, 1998. LadyTomasi di Lampedusa, Manoscrittodelprincipe, II, 1999. Also appeared in The Deep (also known as Dead Reckon/ng and Direction Towards Death), filmed in 1967, but never released. Film Work: Director, Lumiere (also known as Light), Gaumont, 1975, released in the United States by New World, 1976. Director, L'Adolescente (also known as The Adolescent), Parafrance, 1978. Producer and director, L/7//an G/sh (documentary), Acapella Films, 1984. Stage Appearances: Sarah Bernhardt, Parade of Stars Playing the Palace, Palace Theatre, New York City, 1983. Hannah Jelkes, The Night of the Iguana, Morris Mechanic Theatre, Baltimore, MD, 1985. Made stage debut in A Month in the Country, Comedie Francaise, Paris, France. Also appeared in French productions of La Terrasse du midi, Avignon Theatre Festival, 1947; L'Heure eblouissante (also known as The Dazzling Hour), 1953; La Chatte sur un toit brulant (also known as Cat on a Hot Tin Roof), 1956; La bonne soupe, 1958; La Chevauchee sur le lac de Constance (also known as The Ride Across Lake Constance), 1974; La Machine infernale, 1954; Pygmalion, 1955; La Bonne Soupe; Lulu, 1976; and L'lntoxe, 1980; La recit de la servante Zerline, 1986; La Celestine, 1989. Television Appearances; Movies: As Herself and Catherine, Vivement Truffaut, 1985. Angelique, A Foreign Field, BBC, then Masterpiece Theatre, PBS, 1994. Elizabeth, Catherine the Great (also known as Katharina die Grosse), 1995. Mother, Balzac, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: The American Film Institute Salute to Lillian G/sh, CBS, 1984. With Orson Welles: Stories from a Life in Film, TNT,

1990. Angelique, A Foreign Field, 1994. The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful, 1996.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Television Appearances; Episodic: HuisClos, BBC, 1984. The Lase Seance, Granada, 1984. LeTiroir Secret, 1985. We Shall Meet Again, BBC, 1992. The Clothes in the Wardrobe, BBC, 1993. Also appeared as herself, "The Full Wax," 1993; and as herself, "Ruby," 1998. RECORDINGS Albums: Narrator, Babar the Elephant, Deutsche Gramophon, c. 1995. Jeanne Moreau, pour vous. . . mes plus belles chansons, Musidisc, 1998. WRITINGS Screenplays: Lumiere (also known as Light), Gaumont, 1975, released in the United States by New World, 1976. (With Henriette Jelinek) L'Adolescente (also known as The Adolescent), Parafrance, 1978. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Film Comment, March-April, 1990, p. 20. New York Times, June 30, 1976.*

MORETTI, Nanni 1953PERSONAL Full name, Giovanni Moretti; born August 19, 1953, in Brunico, Bolzano, Italy; children: (with Silvia Nono) Pietro. Avocational interests: Water Polo. Addresses: Home—Rome, Italy. Career: Actor, comedian, producer, screenwriter, and director. Awards, Honors: Grand Special Jury Prize, Venice Film Festival, 1981, for Sognid'Oro; Silver Bear, Berlin Film Festival, 1986, for La Messa e Finita; Critics Award, Sao Paolo International Film Festival, 1990, for Palombella Rossa; Best Director Award, Cannes International Film Festival, and FIPRESCA Award, European Film Awards, both 1994, for Caro Diario;

Golden Palm Award nomination, Cannes International Film Festival, 1998, and Goya Award nomination, best European film, 1999, both for Aprile. CREDITS Film Appearances: Boy with camera, Pate de Bourgeois, 1973. Luciano, La Sconfitta, 1973. Don Rodrigo, Come Parli, Frate?, 1974. Michele, /o 5ono un Autarchico (also known as / Am Self-Sufficient), 1977. Cesare, Padre Padrone (also known as Father and Master and My Father, My Master), Cinema V, 1977. Michele, Ecce Bombo, 1978. Michele Apicella, Sogni d'Oro (also known as Sweet Dreams), 1981. Michele Apicella, Bianca (also known as Sweet Body ofBianca), 1983. Don Guilio, La Messa e Finita (also known as The Mass Is Ended), Titanus, 1985. Matteo, the coalman, Domani Accadra, 1987. Michele Apicella, Palombella Rossa (also known as The Red Dove and Red Wood Pigeon), 1989. Himself, Nanni Moretti, 1990. Cesare Botero, // Portaborse (also known as The Yes Man and Le Porteur de Serviette), 1991. Himself, Caro Diario (also known as Dear Diary and ]ournal Intime), Fine Line Features, 1994. Alberto Sajevo, La Seconda Volta (also known as The Second Time), 1995. Trois Vies et une Seule Mort (also known as Three Lives and Only One Death, Tre Vite una Sola Morte, and Tres Vidas e uma So Morte), 1996. Himself, // Giorno della Prima di Close-Up (also known as Opening Day of Close-Up), 1996. Nanni, Aprile, Le Studio Canal Plus, 1997. Film Work; Director: La Sconfitta, 1973. Come Parli, Frate?, 1974. /o Sono un Autarchico (also known as / Am Self-Sufficient), 1977. Ecce Bombo, 1978. Sogni d'Oro (also known as Sweet Dreams), 1981. Bianca (also known as Sweet Body of Bianca), 1983. La Messa e Finita (also known as The Mass Is Ended), Titanus, 1988. Palombella Rossa (also known as The Red Dove and Red Wood Pigeon), 1989. La Cosa (also known as The Thing), 1990. Caro Diario (also known as Dear Diary and Journal Intime), Fine Line Features, 1994.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 L'Unico Paese al Mondo, 1994. // Giorno delta Prima di Close-Up (also known as Opening Day of Close-Up), 1996. Aprile, Le Studio Canal Plus, 1997. Film Work; Producer: Pate de Bourgeois, 1973. LaSconfitta, 1973. Come Par//, Frate?, 1974. /o Sono un Autarchico (also known as / Am Self-Sufficient), 1976. Notte Italiana, 1987. Domani Accadra, 1988. Palombella Rossa (also known as The Red Dove and Reef Wood Pigeon), 1989. La Cosa (also known as The Thing), 1990. // Portaborse (also known as The Yes Man and Le Porteur de Serviette), 1991. Caro Diario (also known as Dear Diary and Journal Intime), Fine Line Features, 1994. (With Nella Banfi and Angelo Barbagallo) La Seconda Volta (also known as The Second Time), 1995. Aprile, Le Studio Canal Plus, 1997. Other Film Work: Editor, lo Sono un Autarchico (also known as / Am Self-Sufficient), 1976. Editor, La Cosa (also known as The Thing), 1990.


MORI ARTY, Cathy 1960PERSONAL Born November 29, 1960, in Bronx, NY; raised in Yonkers, NY; daughter of John (a warehouse worker) and Catherine (a homemaker) Moriarty; married Car mine D'Anna (a former foreign car salesperson and her business manager), 1981 (divorced). Education: Attended Lincoln High School, Yonkers, NY. Addresses: /Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 902111934. Career: Actress and producer. Mulberry Street Cafe (pizzerias), three locations including Beverly Hills, CA, owner (with Richie Palmer), 1990—. Hey Pizza Lady Productions, founder. Worked as a waitress, sales clerk, fabric buyer, telephone solicitor, and receptionist. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best supporting actress, Golden Globe Award nominations, best supporting actress in a motion picture and new female star of the year in a motion picture, and British Academy Award nomination, most outstanding newcomer to a leading film role, all 1980, for Raging Bull.

WRITINGS CREDITS Screenplays: Pate cfe Bourgeois, 1973. LaSconfitta, 1973. Come Par//, Frate?, 1974. lo Sono un Autarchico (also known as / Am Self-Sufficient), 1976. Ecce Bombo, 1978. Sogni d'Oro (also known as 5weet Dreams), 1981. Bianca (also known asSweetBoc/yofB/anca), 1983. (With Sandro Petraglia) La Messa e Finita (also known as The Mass Is Ended), Titanus, 1985. Palombella Rossa (also known as The Red Dove and Red Wood Pigeon), 1989. Caro Diario (also known as Dear Diary and ]ournal Intime), Fine Line Features, 1994. Aprile, Le Studio Canal Plus, 1997. OTHER SOURCES Books: De Bernardinis, Flavio, Nanni Moretti, La Nuova Italiano (Florence, Italy), 1987, 3rd edition, II Castora (Rome), 1993.*

Film Appearances: Vickie LaMotta, Raging Bull, United Artists, 1980. Ramona, Neighbors, Columbia, 1981. Joan White, White of the Eye, Cannon, 1987. Patti Smart, Burndown, Virgin, 1990. Sylvester's mother, Kindergarten Cop, Universal, 1990. Montana Moorehead/Nurse Nan, Soapdish, Paramount, 1991. Reba, The Gun in Betty Lou's Handbag, Buena Vista, 1992. Lanna Lake, The Mambo Kings, Warner Bros., 1992. Ruth Corday/Carol, Matinee, Universal, 1993. Lu Delano, Another Stakeout (also known as House of Cops, The Lookout, and Stakeout II), Buena Vista, 1993. Rose, Me and the Kid (also known as Coin' to Mexico, Taking Gary Feldman, and The Taking of Gary Feldman), Orion, 1993. Lorraine, Pontiac Moon, Paramount, 1994. Carrigan Crittenden, Casper (also known as Casper, the Friendly Ghost), Universal, 1995. Lois, Forget Paris, Columbia, 1995.

266 • MORISSETTE Opposite Comers, Metropolitan Pictures/Opposite Corners Productions, 1995. Doreen, A Brother's Kiss, First Look Pictures, 1996. Martha Wirtz, Foxfire, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1996. Aunt Elise, Dream with the Fishes, Lakeshore International, 1997. Rose Donlan, Copland, Miramax/Buena Vista, 1997. Mrs. Frankovitz, Digging to China, Ministry of Film, Inc., 1997. Mrs. Utley, P.U.N.K.S. (also known as Rebels), A-Pix Entertainment, 1998. Herself, Donald Cammell: The Ultimate Performance, Total Performance Ltd., 1998. Red Team, 1999. Prince of Central Park, 1999. Diane, Gloria, Columbia, 1999. Earlene, Crazy in Alabama, Columbia, 1999. Midge, New Waterford Girl, 1999. Mary Brown, But I'm a Cheerleader (also known as Make Me Over), 1999. Film Work; Producer: Producer of a documentary with Gabriel Byrne about Ireland.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 "The Golden Rooster," Stories from My Childhood (also known as Mikhail Baryshnikov's Stories from My Childhood), PBS, 1996. Narrator, as voice of Mrs. Billy Wilder, Sex and the Silver Screen, Showtime, between 1996 and 1997. Guest, The Arthel and Fred Show, syndicated, 1997. Voice of Dr. Quilty, "Kids in the Mist," Recess, 1997. Voice, "Aged Heat 2: Women in Heat," Duckman, 1997. Appeared in "Seance," an episode of Tales from the Crypt. WRITINGS Author of several unpublished books for young readers. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: New York Times, November 15, 1980; December 13, 1981. People Weekly, March 23, 1981, p. 99; October 25, 1993, p. 183.*

Television Appearances; Series: Alice Clayton, Bless This House, CBS, 1995-96. MORISSETTE, Alanis 1974Television Appearances; Movies: Helen Bishop, Another Midnight Run, syndicated, 1994. Marie, Runaway Daughters (also known as Rebel Highway), Showtime, 1994. Voice of Alumina, The Adventures of Captain Zoom in Outer Space, Starz!, 1995. Voice, "Twas the Night before Bumpy" (also known as "The Twelve Days of Bumpy"), ABC Kids Movie Matinee, ABC, 1995. Minerva, Hugo Pool (also known as Quirky Gate), The Movie Channel, 1997. Casper Meets Wendy, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: The Hollywood Christmas Parade, syndicated, 1990. Presenter, The ESPY Awards, 1995. Host, The 107th Tournament of Roses Parade, 1996. Claire, Women without Implants, Lifetime, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Reunion," Wlseguy, 1989. "The Wild Swans," Stories from My Childhood (also known as Mikhail Baryshnikov's Stories from My Childhood), PBS, 1996.

PERSONAL Given name is pronounced Uh-/an-is;full nameAlanis Nadine Morissette; born June 1, 1974, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; daughter of Alan (a high school principal) and Georgia (a teacher; maiden name, Feuerstein) Morissette. Addresses: Office—do Maverick Music Co., 8000 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048-4504. /AgentCreative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Singer, songwriter, and actress. Awards, Honors: Juno Award, most promising female artist, 1992, for Alanis; Grammy Awards, album of the year and best rock album, and Grammy Award nomination, best new artist, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, all 1996, for Jagged Little Pill; Grammy Awards, best rock song and best female rock vocal performance, and Grammy Award nomination, song of the year, all 1996, for "You Oughta Know."

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28




Television Appearances; Specials: The Mastercard Masters of Music Concert for the Prince's Trust, HBO, 1996. MTV Presents: Alanis Morissette, MTV, 1998. The Nobel Peace Concert, Fox Family Channel, 1998. Wbocfstodc 99, Fox, 1999.

Books: Contemporary Musicians, Volume 19, Gale (Detroit, Ml), 1997, pp. 130-32.

Television Appearances; Episodic: ABC in Concert, ABC, 1991. Storytellers, VH-1, 1996. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 1995 MTV Video Music Awards, MTV, 1995. The 7996 World Music Awards, 1996. The 38th Annual Grammy Awards, 1996. The BRIT Awards '96, 1996. The 41st Annual Grammy Awards, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: You Can't Do That on Television, N ickelodeon, c. 1984.

Periodicals: Billboard, May 13, 1995, p. 7; March 9, 1996, p. 1. Chicago Sun-Times, March 1, 1996, p. 14; March 4, 1996, p. 29. People Weekly, December 30, 1996, p. 86. Rolling Stone, November 2, 1995, p. 40. Time, February 26, 1996, p. 66.*


Film Work: Song performer, "Uninvited," City of Angels, Warner Bros., 1998. Song performer, "One Hand in My Pocket," Karaoke Verite, 1999. Film Appearances: God, Dogma, Lions Gate Films, 1999. RECORDINGS Albums: Alanis, MCA Canada, 1991. Now Is the Time, MCA Canada, 1992. Jagged Little Pill (includes "You Oughta Know"), Maverick Records, 1995. Singles include "Fate Stay with Me," Lamor Records, 1987, "Hand in My Pocket," "Ironic," "Uninvited," and "You Learn." WRITINGS Songwriter: Alanis, MCA Canada, 1991. Now /s the Time, MCA Canada, 1992. Jagged Little Pill, music by Glen Ballard, Maverick Records, 1995. Lyricist for individual songs, including "Fate Stay with Me," Lamor Records, 1987, and "Hand in My Pocket."

Film Appearances: Bellamy, Drowning by Numbers, Miramax, 1988. Live the Life You Love, 1992. Dick Crick, Water/and, Lauren Films, 1992. Cyprian's man, Being Human, Warner Bros., 1994. Kiffer Finzi, Hilary and Jackie, October Films, 1998. Murray Lomax, The Commissioner, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Rob, The Widow Maker, 1990. Little John, Robin Hood, 1991. D. C. Norman Mills, Black and Blue, 1992. Sergeant Larry Jackson, Framed, 1993. Matthew Salt, Dev/7's /Advocate, 1995. Sergeant Andy McNab, The One That Got Away, 1996. Leo, Big Cat, 1998. Also appeared in Between the Lines. Television Appearances; Series: Gerry Birch, The Knock, 1994. Title role, Finney, 1994. D. S. Jim "Lew" Llewyh, Out of the Blue, 1996. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Ride, Into the Fire, 1995. Shaun Southerns, Holding On, 1997. Bradley Headstone, Our Mutual Friend (also known as Our Mutual Friend—by Charles Dickens)/BBC and PBS, 1998.

268 • MOSLEY

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Television Appearances; Episodic: Theseus, "Theseus and the Minotaur/' The Storyteller: Creek Myths (also known as Jim Henson's The Storyteller: The Greek Myths), HBO, 1990.

Television Appearances: Barry Levinson on the Future in the Twentieth Century: Yesterday's Tomorrows (special), Showtime, 1998. WRITINGS

Television Appearances; Specials: George Bowman, Cause Celebre, PBS, 1987. Stage Appearances: Pip/Theo, Three Days of Rain, Donmar Warehouse Theatre, London, 1999. Appeared in PeerCynt, National Theatre, London; and in Much Ado about Nothing, London production.*

MOSLEY, Walter 1952PERSONAL Born in 1952, in Los Angeles, CA; son of Leroy (a school librarian) and Ella (a personnel clerk) Mosley; married Joy Kellman (a dancer and choreographer), 1987. Education: Attended Goddard College; Johnson State College, B.A. (political theory), 1977; attended City College of the City University of New York, beginning in 1985; also attended University of Minnesota. Addresses: Contact—c/o W. W. Norton and Co., Inc., 500 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10110. Career: Writer. Worked as a computer programmer for fifteen years, including work for Mobil Oil, New York. City College of the City University of New York, affiliated with founding of Publishing Certificate Program, 1997; PEN Open Book Program, cofounder and chairperson until 1997; TransAfrica Forum, cochairperson of Capital Campaign, 1999. Awards, Honors: Shamus Award, Private Eye Writers of America, and Edgar Award nomination, best new mystery, Mystery Writers of America, both 1990, for the novel Dev/7 in a Blue Dress.

For Television: Always Outnumbered (movie; based on his book Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned: The Socrates Fortlow Stories), HBO, 1998. Other: Devil in a Blue Dress (novel), Norton (New York City), 1990. A Red Death (novel), Norton, 1991. White Butterfly (novel), Norton, 1992. Black Betty (novel), Norton, 1994. R. L's Dream (novel), Norton, 1995. Gone Fishin' (novella), Black Classic Press, 1996. Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned: The Socrates Fortlow Stories, Norton, 1997. Blue Light (science fiction novel), Little, Brown (Boston, MA), 1999. Also author of A Yellow Dog. Adaptations: The screen adaptation of the novel Devil in a Blue Dress was re leased as a feature film by TriStar in 1995. The television series Fa//en Angels, broadcast by Showtime in 1995, was based on his short story "Fearless/' OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series, Volume 57, Gale (Detroit, Ml), 1997, pp. 373-6. Periodicals: let, March 23, 1998, p. 32. Los Angeles, November, 1998, p. 32.*

MOSTEL, Josh 1946CREDITS PERSONAL Film Work: Associate producer, Dev/7 in a Blue Dress (also known as Le Diable en Robe Bleue) f TriStar, 1995. Television Work: Executive producer, Always Outnumbered (movie), HBO, 1998.

Full name, Joshua Mostel; born December 21,1946, in New York, NY; son of Zero (an actor) and Kathryn Celia (an actress, dancer, and writer; maiden name, Harken) Mostel; married Peggy Rajski (a producer and director), June 24, 1983. Education: Brandeis University, B.A., 1970.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Addresses: /Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor and director. The Proposition (improvisational comedy group), Boston, MA, member of company. Operatic soprano as a child. Awards, Honors: Outer Critics' Circle Award nomination, best actor, 1987, for The Boys Next Door CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Borrelli, Going Home, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1971. Frank, The King of Marvin Gardens, Columbia, 1972. King Herod, Jesus Christ, Superstar, Universal, 1973. Norman, Harry and Tonto, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1974. The Money, 1975. Victor, Deadly Hero, Avco-Embassy, 1976. Morris Fink, Sophie's Choice, Universal, 1982. Duster, Fighting Back (also known as Death Vengeance), Paramount, 1982. Russell, Dead Ringer, 1982. Private detective, Star 80, Warner Bros., 1983. David, Almost You, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1984. Casio vendor, Brother from Another Planet, Cinecom, 1984. Sol, Windy City, Warner Bros., 1984. Dicky Dunck, Compromising Positions, Paramount, 1985. Jack Schnittman, The Money Pit, Universal, 1986. Howard F. Howard, Stoogemania, Atlantic, 1986. Mayor Cabell Testerman, Matewan, Cinecom, 1987. Uncle Abe, Radio Days, Orion, 1987. Ollie, Wall Street, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Himself, Heavy Petting (documentary), Skouras, 1988. Mel Gorsky, Animal Behavior, Cinestar, 1989. Bertoni the Jeweler, Naked Tango, 1990. Mad Anthony, City of Hope, Samuel Goldwyn, 1991. Barry Shalowitz, City Slickers, Columbia, 1991. Physics professor, Little Man Tate, Orion, 1991. Sol Warshow, Nervous Ticks, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1993. Chess club regular, Searching for Bobby Fischer (also known as Innocent Moves), Paramount, 1993. Officer Figus, The Chase, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1994. Barry Shalowitz, City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold (also known as City Slickers II and City Slickers: The Legend of Curly's Gold), Columbia, 1994.

MOSTEL • 269 Bye Bye America (also known as Goodbye America, The Way of the World, and Auf Wiedersehen Amerika), Pyramide International, 1994. Max Anderson, Billy Madison, Universal, 1995. Jordan, Let It Be Me, Starz, 1995. Counterman, The Basketball Diaries, New Line Cinema, 1995. Chicky Ross, The Maddening, Vidmark, 1996. Zagosh, Rounders, Miramax, 1998. Jerry Ragno, Great Expectations, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1998. Mr. Brooks, Big Daddy, Columbia, 1999. Dr. Faber, The Out-of-Towners, Paramount, 1999. Also appeared in Hannah and Her Sisters. Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Joey, The Homecoming, Provincetown Theatre, Provincetown, MA, 1968. The Hostage, Provincetown Theatre, 1968. Lysistrata, Provincetown Theatre, 1968. (Off-Broadway debut) Ensemble, The Proposition (revue), Gramercy Arts Theatre, then Mercer-Shaw Theatre, both 1971. (Broadway debut) Private Larry Fishbein, "Defender of the Faith," folk singer, "Epstein/' and first intern, "Eli, the Fanatic/' in Unlikely Heroes, Plymouth Theatre, 1971. Curse You, Spread Eagle, Washington Theatre Club, Washington, DC, 1971. Harvey and Frank Likk, 5oft Touch, Wilbur Theatre, Boston, MA, 1973. More Than You Deserve, New York Shakespeare Festival (NYSF), Public Theatre, 1974. Messenger, An American Millionaire, Circle in the Square, New York City, 1975. Ensemble, Straws in the Wind (revue), American Place Theatre, New York City, 1975. Milo Crawford, "Lu Ann Hampton Laverty Oberlander" and "The Last Meeting of the Knights of the White Magnolia" in A Texas Trilogy, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, then Broadhurst Theatre, New York City, both 1976. Dubois, The Misanthrope, New York Shakespeare Festival (NYSF), Public Theatre, 1977. Hirschel, Gemini, Arena Stage, Washington, DC, 1978. Louie, Every Place Is Newark, Aspen Playwrights Conference, Aspen, CO, 1978. Orville, The Wright Brothers, Aspen Playwrights Conference, 1978. Bottom, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Kenyon Theatre Festival, Warren, OH, 1980.

270 • MURPHY Norman Bulansky, The Boys Next Door, Lambs Theatre, New York City, 1987. Charlie Langman, The Road to Urga, Lincoln Center Theatre, New York City, 1987. Matt of the Mint, Threepenny Opera, Lunt-Fontanne Theatre, New York City, 1989. Dollar Bill Brunowski, A Perfect Diamond, Apple Corps Theatre, New York City, 1990. Sy Benson, My Favorite Year, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, New York City, 1992-93. The Flowering Peach, Lyceum Theatre, New York City, 1994. Appeared in ensemble, The Proposition (revue), in Massachusetts, 1969; appeared as C. K., Men in the Kitchen, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT; appeared off-Broadway in Rocky Road; also appeared in The Dog Play. Stage Work; Director: Ferocious Kisses, Manhattan Punchline Theatre, New York City, 1981. Love As We Know It, Manhattan Punchline Theatre, 1986. Red Diaper Baby, Actors' Playhouse, then Second Stage Theatre, both New York City, 1992. Director of the play Misconceptions. Television Appearances; Series: Jim "Blotto" Blutarski, Delta House, ABC, 1979. Private Maxwell, At Ease, ABC, 1983. Wesley Harden, Murphy's Law, ABC, 1988. Passenger, Wings, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: Leonard, Spenser: For Hire, ABC, 1986. Taurus, The Equalizer, CBS, 1986. Winston Erdlow, The Equalizer, CBS, 1987. Ridley, "Class of Beverly Hills/' Beverly Hills, 90210,1990. "Heeeere's. . . Cliffy!/' Cheers, 1992. Mr. Dumaurier, Phenom, 1993. Winnetka Road, 1994. Also appeared in an episode of The Boy Who Loved Trolls, PBS. Television Appearances; Pilots: Nathan, Hereafter, NBC, 1975. Steve and a student, Off Campus, CBS, 1977. Kirby Taylor, Passion, CBS, 1991. Other Television Appearances: Zero Hour (special), ABC, 1967.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Barney Green, Seventh Avenue (miniseries), NBC, 1977. Tracey Ullman Takes On New York (special), HBO, 1993. Kendall, Thicker Than Blood (movie), TNT, 1998. WRITINGS Author (with Mickey Lemle) of the television special Media Probes: The Language Show.*


MURPHY, Brittany 1977PERSONAL Born in November 10, 1977, in Atlanta, GA; daughter of Sharon Murphy. Addresses:/Agent—Tracy Brennan, International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actress. Appeared in television commercials for Pizza Hut and Skittles candy in the 1980s. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Brenda Drexell, Drexell's Class, Fox, 1991. Molly Morgan, Almost Home, ABC, 1993. Voice of Luanne Platter, King of the Hill (animated), Fox, 1997-. Television Appearances; Movies: Julia Marie Neuland, Double Jeopardy, CBS, 1996. Rhonda, Freeway, HBO, 1996. Deliverance, Drive, HBO, 1997. Lisa, David and Lisa, ABC, 1998. Veronica, Phoenix, HBO, 1998. Rivkah, The Devil's Arithmetic, Showtime, 1999. Dorothy Nelson, Common Ground, 2000. Television Appearances; Episodic: Frank's sister, Murphy Brown, CBS, 1990. Angie, Parker Lewis, Fox, 1992. Party of Five, Fox, 1994. Sarah, Sister, Sister, The WB, 1994.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Trini, Boy Meets World, ABC, 1995. Christine, SeaQuest 2032, NBC, 1995. Lizzie Roth, The Marshal, ABC, 1995. Jasmine, Clueless, ABC, 1996. Carrie, Nash Bridges, CBS, 1996. Voice of Joseph, Debbie, Melinda, Tipper, and Charisse, King of the Hill (animated), Fox, between 1997 and 1998. Film Appearances: Tai, Clueless, United International Pictures, 1995. Prophecy II: Ashtown, Dimension, 1997. Lisa Swenson, Drop Dead Gorgeous, New Line Cinema, 1998. Zackand Reba, 1998. Daisy, Girl, Interrupted, Columbia, 1999.

Stage Appearances: A View from the Bridge, Broadway production, c. 1998.

MURPHY • 271 The Ghost Dance, 1980. Martha Clarke, Light and Dark, 1981. Der Stand der Dinge (also known as The State of Things), Pacific Arts, 1982. Q (also known as Q: The Winged Serpent, Serpent, and The Winged Serpent), United Film Distribution Co., 1982. Eddie and the Cruisers, 1983. Touched, 1983. The Trip to Bountiful, 1985. Key Exchange, 1985. Death of an Angel, 1985. Winners Take All, 1986. Hoosiers (also known as Best Shot), 1986. The Dead, 1987. Bestseller, Orion, 1987. Five Comers, 1987. Steadicam operator, Three O'C/oc/c High, 1987. Cross My Heart, 1987. Full Moon in Blue Water, 1988.

Fresh Horses, 1988. OTHER SOURCES

Periodicals: People Weekly, November 2, 1998, p. 127.*

Night Came, Viacom, 1989. Enemies: A Love Story, 1989. Steadicam operator, Dead Bang, 1989. Funny About Love (also known as New York Times), 1990. Scenes from a Mall, Buena Vista, 1991. The Pickle, Columbia, 1993.

lack the Bear, 1993. MURPHY, Fred (Fred V. Murphy II; Frederick V. Murphy II) PERSONAL Born in New York. Education: Studied architecture at the Rhode Island School of Design. Addresses: /Agent—Gersh Agency, Inc., 232 North Cannon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210-5302. Career: Cinematographer and steadicam operator. Awards, Honors: Independent Spirit Award nomination, best Cinematographer, 1988, for The Dead. CREDITS Film Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated: Not a Pretty Picture, 1975. Local Color, 1977. The Scenic Route, Planet Pictures, 1978. Girlfriends, 1978. Imposters, 1979. Tell Me a Riddle, 1980. Heartland, 1980.

Steadicam operator, Point of Seduction: Body Chemistry III, 1994. The Fantasticks, 1995. Murder in the First, Warner Bros., 1995. A Family Thing, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1996. Faithful, New Line, 1996. Metro, Buena Vista, 1997. Dance with Me (also known as Shut Up and Dance), Columbia, 1998. Television Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated; Movies: Camera operator, The Million Dollar Face, NBC, 1981. Trackdown: Finding the Goodbar Killer, CBS, 1983. Sessions, ABC, 1983. Camera operator, White Water Rebels, CBS, 1983. A Matter of Sex, NBC, 1984. The G//tter Dome, HBO, 1984. A Time to Live, NBC, 1985. Mirrors, 1985. LagunaHeat, HBO, 1987. The Final Days, ABC, 1989. Greyhounds, CBS, 1994. Columbo: Ashes to Ashes, 1998. (As Frederick V. Murphy II) Babylon 5: The River of Souls, 1998.

272 • MURPHY

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Television Cinematographer; Series: (As Frederick V. Murphy II and Fred V. Murphy II) Hunter, 1984. Nothing Sacred (also known as Priesthood), ABC, 1997-98. Crusade: The Babylon Project, 1999. Television Cinematographer; Episodic: Babylon 5 (also known as B5; episodic), 1994. Television Cinematographer; Special: The Seven Wishes of]oanna Peabody, ABC, 1978. Until She Talks, PBS, 1983. (Opening hospital sequence) Rod Serling: Submitted for Your Approval, PBS, 1995. OTHER SOURCES

Doreen, "1996," If These Walls Could Talk, HBO, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: Polly, Flying Blind, Fox, 1992. Allison Hook, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1994. Jenny, Bedtime, Showtime, 1996. Debbie Cooper, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1997. Other Television Appearances: Rose of Sharon, The Crapes of Wrath (special), PBS, 1991. Susan Keeton, DeadfaySunset (miniseries), NBC, 1995.*

MURRAY, Abigail

Periodicals: American Cinematographer, May 1995, pp. 36-44.*

PERSONAL Born in Philadelphia, PA. Career: Costume designer.

MURPHY, Fred V., II See MURPHY, Fred

MURPHY, Frederick V., II See MURPHY, Fred

MURPHY, Sally PERSONAL Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Biology girl, Teen Wolf Too, Atlantic Releasing, 1987. Hooker, Next of Kin, Warner Bros., 1989. First bridesmaid, Prelude to a Kiss, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Karen Rossi, Scent of a Woman, United International Pictures, 1992. Jackie, Fearless, Warner Bros., 1993.

CREDITS Film Work; Costume Designer, Except Where Indicated: Costume assistant, The Believers, Orion, 1987. Bloodhounds of Broadway, Columbia, 1989. Associate costume designer, Look Who's Talking, TriStar, 1989. True Identity, Buena Vista, 1991. Airborne, Warner Bros., 1993. Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead, Miramax, 1995. For Richer or Poorer, 1997. Kiss the Girls, Paramount, 1997. Dogma, Lions Gate Films, 1999. Television Work; Movies: Costume designer, Scam, Showcase, 1993.*

MURTAUGH, James (James F. Murtaugh) PERSONAL

Television Appearances; Movies: Shannon Mohr Davis, Victim of Love: The Shannon Mohr Story, NBC, 1993. Jenny Swift, If Looks Could Kill: From the Files of "America's Most Wanted/' Fox, 1996.

Addresses: Contact—Ambrosio, Mortimer and Associates, 165 West 46th St., New York, NY 10036. Career: Actor.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CREDITS Television Appearances; Movies: Dave Steel, Dr. Scorpion, ABC, 1978. Leone, Someone's Watching Me!, NBC, 1978. Henry Sinclair, Pleasure Cove, NBC, 1979. Andrews, Casino, ABC, 1980. Bruce McGrath, Off the Minnesota Strip, ABC, 1980. Dr. Stuart Sherwood, / Take These Men, CBS, 1983. Simple Justice, PBS, 1993. Darryl Barnes, Letter to My Killer, USA Network, 1995. Television Appearances; Specials: Garrett Lloyd, In Security, CBS, 1982. Eugene, Full House, CBS, 1983. Television Appearances; Episodic: Howard Divine, The Rollergirls, NBC, 1978. Roger Busky, Number 96, NBC, 1980. (As James F. Murtaugh) Mr. Benjamin, Cosby, CBS, 1996. Christianson, Law and Order, NBC, 1990. Law and Order, NBC, 1992 and 1995. Karl, Aliens in the Family, ABC, 1996. Owen, Spin City, ABC, 1996.

MURTAUGH • 273 Fred Quincy, Feds, CBS, 1997. Law and Order, NBC, 1997. Isaac Bangs/anti-federalist, Liberty! The American Revolution, PBS, 1997. NYPD Blue, ABC, 1997. Third Watch, NBC, 1999. Film Appearances: Library clerk, All the President's Men, Warner Bros., 1976. Jerry Warren, The Howling, Avco Embassy, 1980. Alf Hewitt, Blue Thunder, Columbia, 1983. Javison, The Rosary Murders, New Line Cinema, 1987. (As James F. Murtaugh) Voice of Mission Control, Making Mr. Right, Orion, 1987. Cop at Harlem station, Malcolm X, Warner Bros., 1992. Payton, Private Parts, Paramount, 1997. Chief Bascomb, River Red, Castle Hill, 1997. Marshall, The Last Days of Disco, Gramercy Pictures, 1998.*



NAVARRO, Guillermo PERSONAL Education: Universidad Nacional Autonomade Mexico, degree (sociology); studied film in Paris and London. Addresses: Agent— Lyons-Sheldon Agency, 800 South Robertson, Suite 6, Los Angeles, CA 90035. Career: Cinematographer. Documentary cinematographer for Unicef, Indiginist National Institute, and Mexican government; photographer for television commercials, including work for Mountain Dew, PepsiCola, and Molson beer.

]ackie Brown, Buena Vista International/Miramax, 1997. Spawn, New Line Cinema, 1997. Mimic, 1997. Stuart Little, Columbia, 1999. Television Cinematographer; Movies: The Cover Girl Murders, USA, 1993. The Cisco Kid, TNT, 1994. Television Cinematographer; Specials: The Hit List, PBS, 1989. The Lost Kingdoms of the Maya, PBS, 1993. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: 5hoot, October 30, 1998.*

Awards, Honors: Mexican Academy Award nomination, c. 1990, for Cabeza cfe Vaca. CREDITS Film Work; Cinematographer, Unless Otherwise Noted: "Pulgarcito," El Salvador: Another Vietnam, 1981. Amor a la Vuelta de la Esquina, 1986. Morir en el Golfo, 1989. Cabeza de Vaca, New Horizons, 1990. Intimidades en un Cuarto de Bano, 1990. Una Moneda en el Aire, 1990. Cronos (also known as Chronos and La Invencion de Cronos), Prime Films, 1992. Dollar Mambo, 1993. V/naya, 1993. Desperado, Columbia TriStar, 1995. "The Misbehavers," Four Rooms, Miramax, 1995. Dream for an Insomniac, Avalanche Releasing, 1996. (And camera operator) From Dusk till Dawn, Dimension, 1996. The Long Kiss Goodnight, New Line Cinema, 1996.


1946-1999 PERSONAL

Born September 27, 1946, in Birmingham, England; died of heart attack, February 2, 1999, in Southampton, England; married Heather Inglis (public relations agent); children: Amie. Education: Studied drama in 1969. Career: British actor well known for playing Dr. Duncan Waring on British television. Appeared with Royal Shakespeare Company, 1994-96. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Dr. Duncan Waring, Doctor in the House (also known as Doctor in Charge, Doctor at Sea and Doctor on the Go), ITV, 1969-77.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 The Upchat Connection, 1978. Dr. Duncan Waring, Doctors Down Under, 1979. Peter Higgins, The Shillingbury Tales, 1980. Fiddler, West End Tales, 1981. The Climber, 1983. Cluedo, ITV, 1990. Dr. Duncan Waring, Doctor at the Top, BBC One, 1991. Television Appearances; Movies: Will Scarlett, The Zany Adventures of Robin Hood, CBS, 1984. Film Appearances: Tom, "Bargain in Death," The Vault of Horror (also known as Further Tales from the Crypt and Tales from the Crypt, Part //), Cinerama, 1973. Lieutenant Grainger, Stand Up, Virgin Soldiers, Warner Bros., 1977. Peter Higgins, The Shillingbury Blowers, Inner Circle, 1980. Toby, A Slice of Life, 1983.*

NERI « 2 7 5 Sarah Cosgrove, Sincerely Yours, 1955. Helen Dobson, Revenge of the Creature, Universal, 1955. Rosie Kettle, Ma and Pa Kettle at Waikiki, 1955. Velma, / Died a Thousand Times, 1955. Mohawk, 1956. Lisa Vernon, Hot Rod Girl, 1956. Louise Maddison, The Day the World Ended, American Releasing Corp., 1956. Carol Kingsley, Pardners, Paramount, 1956. Jane Lowe, Untamed Youth, 1957. Television Appearances; Specials: Mara, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, 1957. Television Appearances; Series: Greta, How to Marry a Millionaire, 1957-58. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Bounty for a Bride/' Wanted: Dead or Alive, 1959. "The Steele Family/7 Wagon Train, 1959. Venetia Molloy, "Double Edge/7 Whispering Smith, 1961. Dr. Joan Blanton, "Goodbye, Mrs. Beasley/' Family Affair, 1970.


Also appeared in Laramie; The Texan; Climax; The Millionaire; Wells Fargo.

Real name, Dixie Kay Nelson; born August 15, 1933, in Santa Fe, NM; married Johnny Mann, 1961 (divorced 1971); married Joe Reiner, 1983. Education: Attended Canoga Park High School.

Stage Appearances: Appeared in The Pleasure of His Company; Who Was That Lady I Saw You With; Affairs of Mildred Wilde; Sweet Bird of Youth; Picnic; 'night Mother.*

Addresses: Contact—10643 Riverside Dr., Toluca Lake, CA 91602. Career: Actress. Worked as child actress, child model, and photographer's model before film career. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Rosie Kettle, Ma and Pa Kettle at the Fair, 1952. Barbara, Francis Goes to West Point, 1952. Marjie Baile, Bend of the River (also known as Where the River Bends), 1952. Laura, Tumbleweed, 1953. Lily Murdoch, All I Desire, 1953. Sharon Wallace, The All American (also known as The Winning Way), 1953. Martha Phillips, Destry, 1954. Gloria, Underwater!, 1955.

NERI, Francesca 1964PERSONAL Born February 10, 1964, in Trento, Italy; daughter of Sara Bay. Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Laura, // Grande Blek, 1987. La Donna Spezzata, 1988. Maria, Bankomatt, 1989. Lulu, Las Edades de Lulu (also known as The Ages of Lulu), 1990. Valentina de Santis, Captain America, 1990.

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Marina, Sabato Itallano (also known as Italian Saturday), 1992. Cecilia, Pensavo fosse amore invece ear un calesse (also known as / Thought I Was in Love), 1992. Marta Rienzi, La Corsa dell'innocente (also known as The Flight of the Innocent), Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1992. Lucia, Sud (also known as South), 1993. Livia, Al lupo al lupo (also known as Wolf! Wolf!), 1993. Ana,/D/spara/ (also known as Outrage and Shoot!), A-pix Entertainment, 1993. Ivo il tardivo (also known as Ivo the Cenius), 1995. // c/e/o e sempre piu blu, 1995. Giulia, La mia generazione (also known as My Generation), 1996. Bits and Pieces, 1996. Claudia, Le man/ forti, 1997. Elena, Carne tremula (also known as Live Flesh), Metro-Go I dwyn-Mayer, 1997. Giulia, Matrimoni (also known as Marriages), 1998. // dolce rumore della vita, 1999. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Vanity Fair, March 1998, p. 191.*

Paradise, Buena Vista, 1991. Talent for the Game, Paramount Home Video, 1991. The Marrying Man, Buena Vista, 1991. Honeymoon in Vegas, United International Pictures, 1992. The Mighty Ducks, Buena Vista, 1992. And music conductor, Coneheads, Paramount, 1993. And vocal arranger, My Father, the Hero, Buena Vista, 1994. The Air Up There, Buena Vista, 1994. The Cowboy Way, 1994. Operation Dumbo Drop, Buena Vista, 1995. And music conductor, Tommy Boy, Paramount, 1995. Boys on the Side, Warner Bros., 1995. Music conductor, Big Bully, Warner Bros., 1996. And music conductor, Jingle All the Way, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1996. The Nutty Professor, 1996. The Phantom, 1996. And music conductor, Anastasia, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1997. Out to Sea, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Music conductor, Brokedown Palace, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Music conductor, Never Been Kissed, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Film Appearances: Graves, The Runestone, LIVE Home Video, 1992. RECORDINGS

NEWMAN, David 1933(David "Fathead" Newman) PERSONAL Born February 24, 1933, in Dallas, TX. Addresses:/Agent—Paradigm, 200 West 57th St., Suite 900, New York, NY 10019. Career: Musician, recording artist, and composer. Began career with local bands in Dallas, TX; saxophonist with the Ray Charles band in the 1950s and 1960s; toured with Lowell Fulson and T-Bone Walker; also performed with King Curtis, Blue Mitchell, Roy Ayers, Dr. John, and Ron Carter. Sometimes appears as David "Fathead" Newman. CREDITS Film Work; Orchestrator, Except Where Indicated: Wise Guys, United Artists, 1986. Dragnet, MCA/Universal, 1987. Music director, The Brave Little Toaster (animated), Hyperion, 1987. Mr. Destiny, Buena Vista, 1990.

Albums: House of David Newman: David "Fathead" Anthology, Rhino, 1952. Fathead: Ray Charles Presents David Newman, Atlantic, 1958. Straight Ahead, Atlantic, 1960. Bigger and Better (The Many Facets of David Newman), Rhino, 1968. Captain Buckles, Atlantic, 1970. Lonely Avenue, Atlantic, 1971. Back to Basics, Milestone, 1977. Concrete Jungle, Prestige, 1977. Resurgence, Muse, 1980. Still Hard Times, Muse, 1982. Fire! Live at the Village Vanguard, Atlantic, 1988. Blue Head, Candid, 1989. Return to the Wide Open Spaces, Amazing, 1990. Mr. Gentle Mr. Cool, Kokopelli, 1994. WRITINGS Film Music: Song, "You'll End up Eating Worms/' The Worm Eaters, New American, 1977.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Critters, New Line Cinema, 1986. The Kindred, Vestron Video, 1986. Vendetta, Concorde, 1986. Additional music, Dragnet, MCA/Universal, 1987. Malone, Orion, 1987. My Demon Lover, New Line Cinema, 1987. "You're in Paradise Now" and "Samson and Delilah/' Pass the Ammo, New Century/Vista, 1987. The Brave Little Toaster (animated), Hyperion, 1987. Throw Momma from the Train, Orion, 1987. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Orion, 1989. Disorganized Crime, Buena Vista, 1989. Cross /Anatomy, Buena Vista, 1989. Heathers, New World Pictures, 1989. Little Monsters, 1989. The Wars of the Roses, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. DuckTales: The Movie, Buena Vista, 1990. Fire Birds, Buena Vista, 1990. Madhouse, Orion, 1990. Meet the Applegates, Triton, 1990. Mr. Destiny, Buena Vista, 1990. The Freshman, TriStar, 1990. Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey, Orion, 1991. Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead, Warner Bros., 1991. Other People's Money, Warner Bros., 1991. Paradise, Buena Vista, 1991. Rover Dangerfield, Warner Home Video, 1991. 7a/ent for the Came, Paramount Home Video, 1991. The Marrying Man, Buena Vista, 1991. Hoffa, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Honeymoon in Vegas, United International Pictures, 1992. The Mighty Ducks, Buena Vista, 1992. The Runestone, LIVE Home Video, 1992. Coneheads, Paramount, 1993. That Night, Warner Bros., 1993. The Sandlot, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1993. Undercover Blues, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1993. Original theme, D2: The Mighty Ducks, Buena Vista, 1994. / Love Trouble, Touchstone, 1994. My Father, the Hero, Buena Vista, 1994. The Air Up There, Buena Vista, 1994. The Cowboy Way, 1994. The Flintstones, 1994. Boys on the Side, Warner Bros., 1995. Operation Dumbo Drop, Buena Vista, 1995. Tommy Boy, Paramount, 1995. Big Bully, Warner Bros., 1996. Original theme, D3: The Mighty Ducks, Buena Vista, 1996. And theme, "Turbo Man/' Jingle All the Way, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1996.

NEWMAN «277 Matilda, Columbia, 1996. The Nutty Professor, 1996. The Phantom, 1996. Anastasia, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Out to Sea, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Bowfinger, MCA/Universal, 1999. Brokedown Palace, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Never Been Kissed, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Galaxy Quest, Dream Works Distribution, 1999. Television Music; Series: R/p/ey's Believe It or Not, ABC, 1982-86. SOURCES Periodicals: Down Beat, June 1998, p. 34.*

NEWMAN, David "Fathead" See NEWMAN, David

NEWMAN, Randy 1943PERSONAL Born November 28, 1943, in Los Angeles, CA; son of Irving (an internist) and Adele Newman; married Roswitha Schmale (a boutique owner), 1967 (divorced); married Gretchen Preece (a receptionist), 1990; children: (first marriage) Amos, Eric, John; (second marriage) Patrick, Alice. Education: University of California, Los Angeles, B.A., music composition. Addresses: Manager—Renaissance Management, 21241 Ventura Blvd., Suite 251, Woodland Hills, CA 91364. Contact—Reprise Records, 3300 Warner Blvd., Burbank, CA91505. Career: Singer, songwriter, composer, and musician. Awards, Honors: Grammy Award nomination, best arrangement, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, 1969, for "Is That All There Is"; Grammy Award nomination, best film score, Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award, best music, Academy Award nomination, best score, Academy Award nomination, best song, British Academy Award nomination, BAFTA Film Award, best original song, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best original song for a motion picture, all 1981, all for "One More

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

278 • NEWMAN Hour/' for Ragtime; Academy Award nomination, best original score, Grammy Award, best instrumental composition, and Grammy Award nominations, best pop instrumental and best soundtrack album, all 1984, for The Natural; Academy Award nomination, best music, song, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best original song in a motion picture, both 1989, both for "I Love to See You Smile," for Parenthood; Academy Award nomination, best score, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best original score in a motion picture, both 1990, both for/Va/on; Academy Award nomination, achievement in music, 1995, for "Make Up Your Mind/' The Paper; Academy Award nomination, best music, original musical or comedy score, and Academy Award nomination, best music, song, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best original song in a motion picture, both for "You've Got a Friend/' Annie Award, best individual achievement: music, all 1995, all for Toy Story; ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards, Henry Mancini Award, and Academy Award nomination, best music, original musical or comedy score, both 1996, both for James and the Ciant Peach; Annie Award, best individual achievement: music in a feature/home video production, 1997, for Cats Don't Dance; Academy Award nomination, best music, original dramatic score, and Golden Satellite Award nomination, best motion picture score, and Online Film Critics Society Award, best original score, all 1998, all for Pleasantville; Academy Award nomination, best music, original musical or comedy score, Chicago Film Critics Association Award nomination, best original score, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best original score for a motion picture, all 1998, all for A Bug's Life; Academy Award nomination, best music, song, and Golden Satellite Award nomination, best original song in a motion picture, both 1998, both for "That'll Do," for Babe: Pig in the City.

Television Appearances; Specials: Host, Randy Newman at the Odeon, Showtime, 1983. Half-Nelson, 1985. Funny, You Don't Look 200, 1987. Rolling Stone Magazine's 20 Years of Rock 'n' Roll, 1987. Darlin' Clementine, 1987. The 62nd Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1990. Louisiana Boys: Raised on Politics (also known as P.O.V.), PBS, 1992. For Our Children: The Concert, The Disney Channel, 1993. Music in Movies '95, ABC, 1995. The 67th Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1995. Host and narrator, The Hollywood Soundtrack Story, syndicated, 1995. Brian Wilson: I just Wasn't Made for These Times, The Disney Channel, 1995. The 68th Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1996. VH1 Presents the 70s, VH1, 1996. The 1997 Miss USA Pageant, 1997. Disney's Scott Hamilton: Upside Down, CBS, 1997. The 71st Annual Academy Awards Presentation, 1999. Inside Hollywood: The Pictures, the People, the Academy Awards, ABC, 1999. Other Television Appearances: Evening at Pops, 1970. As himself, 3rd Rock from the Sun (episodic), 1996. The Life and Assassination of the Kingfish (movie), 1977. Sessions at West 54th (episodic), PBS, 1997. RECORDINGS

CREDITS Film Appearances: Performance, Warner Bros., 1970. Singing bush, The Three Amlgos, Orion, 1986. Shag, 1988. Film Work: Music director, Performance, Warner Bros., 1970. Music arranger, "Is That AlI There Is?," After Hours, 1985. Orchestrator, Toy Story (animated), Buena Vista, 1995. Orchestrator, James and the Ciant Peach (animated), Buena Vista, 1996. Orchestrator and conductor, Michael, Sony Pictures, 1996.

Albums: Peyton Place (soundtrack), Epic, 1965. Randy Newman, Reprise, 1968. Twelve Songs, Reprise, 1970. Randy Newman Live, Reprise, 1972. Sail Away, Reprise, 1972. Good Old Boys, Reprise, 1974. Little Criminals, Reprise, 1977. Born Again, Reprise, 1979. Ragtime, Elektra, 1981. Trouble in Paradise, Reprise, 1983. Retrospect, WE A, 1983. The Natural (soundtrack recording), Warner Bros., 1984.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Land of Dreams, Reprise, 1988. Parenthood, Reprise, 1989. Paper, Reprise, 1994. Maverick, Reprise, 1994. With others, Randy Newman's Faust, Reprise, 1995. Guilty: 30 Years of Randy Newman, Rhino, 1998. Lonely at the Top, WEA, 1998. Bad Love, Dream Works, 1999. It's Money That Matters, Reprise, 1999. Other albums include Something New Under the Sun. Composer or arranger for recordings by others, including "Is That All There Is/' for Peggy Lee, c. 1969, and "Mama Told Me Not to Come/' for Three Dog Night. WRITINGS Films; Music Composer, Except Where Indicated: Cold Turkey, United Artists, 1971. And lyricist, The Pursuit of Happiness, Columbia, 1971. And lyricist, including the song "One More Hour/7 Ragtime, Paramount, 1981. Herbstkatzen, 1981. The Natural, TriStar, 1984. And lyricist (with Charles Bernstein), April Fool's Day, Paramount, 1986. And lyricist and screenwriter (with Steve Martin and Lome Michaels), The Three Amigos, Orion, 1986. Parenthood, Universal, 1989. Avalon, TriStar, 1990. Awakenings, Columbia, 1990. Maverick, Warner Bros., 1994. And songwriter, "Make Up Your Mind/' The Paper, Universal, 1994. And songwriter, "You've Got a Friend," Toy Story (animated), Buena Vista, 1995. James and the Giant Peach (animated), Buena Vista, 1996. And songwriter, "Feels Like Home," Michael, Sony Pictures, 1996. (With Steve Goldstein) Cats Don't Dance, Warner Bros., 1996. Air Force One, 1997. Pleasantville (also known as Color of Heart), New Line Cinema, 1998. A Bug's Life (animated), Buena Vista, 1998. Toy Story 2 (animated), Buena Vista, 1999. Searching for Dorothy, 1999. Also author of songs for The Lively Set, 1964; composer of additional music, Huey Long, 1985; songwriter, "Guilty," Singing the Blues in Red, 1986.

NEWMAN • 279 Films; Song Composer: "Something Here Inside of Me," Tony Rome, 1967. "I Don't Want to Hear It Anymore," Love & Money, 1980. "Naked Man," Mr. Love, Warner Bros., 1985. "You Can Leave Your Hat On," 9 1/2 Weeks, 1986. "Mama Told Me Not to Come," April Fool's Day, Paramount, 1986. "I Love LA," Down and Out in Beverly Hills, Buena Vista, 1986. "Guilty," Fatherland, 1986. "Short People/' Harry and the Hendersons, Universal, 1987. "Something Special," Overboard, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1987. "It's Money That I Love," Surrender, Warner Bros., 1987. "I Think It's Going To Rain," Beaches, Buena Vista, 1988. "I'm in Love Again," Shag: The Movie, Tri-Star, 1988. "I Love LA," The Naked Gun—From the Files of Police Squad!, Paramount, 1988. "Falling in Love," Her Alibi, Warner Bros., 1989. "Mama Told Me Not To Come," Malice, Columbia, 1993. "Mr. President (Have Pity on the Working Man)," Forrest Cump, Paramount, 1994. "Short People," The Little Rascals, 1994. "I Love Ya," Bean, Gramercy Pictures, 1997. "Mama Told Me Not To Come," C.I. Jane, Buena Vista, 1997. "I Love LA," Volcano, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. "That'll Do," Babe: Pig in the City, Universal, 1998. "Mama Told Me Not To Come," Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Universal, 1998. "Marie," Paulie, Dreamworks SKG, 1998. "Political Science," Blast from the Past, New Line Cinema, 1999. "Mama Told Me Not To Come," EDtv, Universal, 1999. Film Screenplays: Three Amigos!, Orion, 1986. Television; Music Composer, Series: Theme song, "Under the Gun," Cop Rock, ABC, 1990. Title song, Parenthood, 1990. Theme song, "Fallin' in Love," The Marshall Chronicles, ABC, 1990. Television; Music Composer, Specials: "Follow that Flag," Funny, You Don't Look 200, 1987. "I Love To See You Smile," The 62nd Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1990.

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"The Natural/' Diamonds on the Silver Screen, syndicated, 1992. Other Television; Music Composer: Composer, Whatever Happened to Dobie Cillis (pilot), CBS, 1977. Composer, "Leave Your Hat On," Tricks of the Trade (movie), 1988. Stage Productions: Songwriter, Rosenbloom, Center Theatre Group, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, CA, 1970. Composer and lyricist, Randy Newman's Maybe I'm Doing It Wrong, Production Company Theatre, 1981, then Astor Place Theatre, New York City, 1982. Playwright and composer, Faust, La Jolla Playhouse, Lajolla, CA, 1995. Other: Author of more than a hundred songs, including "Sail Away," "Rednecks," "I Think It's Gonna Rain Today," and "Simon Smith and His Amazing Dancing Bear." OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, October 13, 1995, p. 42. People, October 30, 1995, p. 79-80. Interview, August, 1999, p. 72.*

NEWMAN, Thomas 1955PERSONAL Born October 20,1955; son of Alfred Newman (composer); married Ann Marie Zirbes. Former keyboard player for the rock group "The Innocents." Education: Yale University, M.A. (music composition). Addresses: /Agent—Gorfaine/Schwartz Agency, 3301 Barham Blvd., Suite 201, Los Angeles, CA 900681477. Career: Composer. Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nomination, outstanding achievement in main title theme music, 1991, for Against the Law; Academy Award nominations, best musical score, 1994, for The Shawshank Redemption and Little Women, and best original musical or comedy score, 1995, for Unstrung Heroes.

CREDITS Film Work: Music performer, "Suite Streets from 'Quicksilver,'" Quicksilver, Columbia, 1986. Orchestra conductor, Whispers in the Dark, 1992. WRITINGS Film Music: Grandview, U.S.A., Warner Bros., 1984. (And song, "Understanding Gravity") Reckless, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1984. (And song, "It's So Incredible"), Revenge of the Nerds, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1984. Desperately Seeking Susan, Orion, 1985. Girls ]ust Want to Have Fun, New World Pictures, 1985. Real Genius, RCA Video, 1985. The Man with One Red Shoe, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1985. Gung Ho, Paramount, 1986. Jumpin' Jack Flash, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. Quicksilver, Columbia, 1986. Less Than Zero, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Light of Day, Vestron Video, 1987. The Lost Boys, Warner Bros., 1987. The Great Outdoors, Universal, 1988. The Prince of Pennsylvania, 1988. Cookie, Warner Bros., 1989. Men Don't Leave, Warner Bros., 1990. Naked Tango, 1990. We/come Home, Roxy Carmichael, 1990. Career Opportunities, Universal, 1991. Deceived, Buena Vista, 1991. Fried Green Tomatoes, Ivex Films, 1991. The Linguini Incident, Academy, 1991. The Rapture, Fromeline, 1991. Scent of a Woman, United International Pictures, 1992. The Player, Fine Line Features, 1992. Whispers in the Dark, Paramount, 1992. Flesh and Bone, Paramount, 1993. ]osh and S.A.M., Columbia, 1993. Song, "Liar's Polka," Grumpy Old Men, Warner Bros., 1993. Corrina, Corrina, New Line Cinema, 1994. Little Women, Columbia, 1994. The Favor, Orion, 1994. The Shawshank Redemption, Columbia, 1994. The War, Universal, 1994. Threesome, Izaro Films, 1994. How to Make an American Quilt, United International Pictures, 1995.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Unstrung Heroes, Buena Vista, 1995. American Buffalo, Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1996. Phenomenon, Buena Vista, 1996. The People vs. Larry Flynt, Columbia, 1996. Up Close and Personal, Buena Vista, 1996. Mad City, Warner Bros., 1997. Oscar and Lucinda, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Red Corner, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1997. Meet Joe Black, Universal, 1998. The Horse Whisperer, Buena Vista, 1998. American Beauty, DreamWorks Distribution, 1999. The Green Mile, Warner Bros., 1999. Television Music; Series: Alfred Hitchcock Presents, NBC, 1985. Against the Law, Fox, 1990. Television Music; Movies: The Seduction of Gina, CBS, 1984. Heat Wave, TNT, 1990. Citizen Cohn, HBO, 1992. Those Secrets, ABC, 1992. Television Music; Specials: Summer's End, Showtime, 1986. "Horse Whisperer/' Visions of Grace: Robert Redford and "The Horse Whisperer/' Lifetime, 1998.*

NICHOLS, Mike 1931PERSONAL Original name, Michael Igor Peschkowsky; surname legally changed, 1939; born November 6, 1931, in Berlin, Germany; naturalized U.S. citizen, 1944; son of Nicholaievitch (a physician) and Brigitte (Landauer) Peschkowsky; married Patricia Scott (a singer), 1957 (divorced, 1960); married Margot Callas, 1963 (divorced, 1974); married Annabel Davis-Goff (a screenwriter; divorced); married Diane Sawyer (a television journalist), April 19, 1988; children: (first marriage) Daisy; (third marriage) Max, Jenny. Education: Attended University of Chicago, 1950-53; trained for the stage with Lee Strasberg, 1954. Avocational interests: Breeding Arabian horses. Addresses: Office—Icarus Productions. /Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor, director, producer, and writer. Playwrights Theatre Club (improvisational theatrical com-

NICHOLS • 281 pany, which later became Compass Players and then Second City), Chicago, IL, founder and member, 195557; performer (with Elaine May) in an improvisational comedy act, appearing in nightclubs and cabarets throughout the United States, 1957-61; performer at the Inaugural Gala for President Lyndon B. Johnson Washington, DC, 1965; recorded albums with Elaine May. Acting teacher in New York City. Member: Actors' Equity Association, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers, Screen Actors Guild American Guild of Variety Artists, Writers Guild of America. Awards, Honors: Grammy Award, best comedy recording, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, 1961, for An Evening with Mike Nichols and Elaine May; Emmy Award, Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, c. 1962, for Julie and Carol at Carnagie Hall; Antoinette Perry Award, best director, 1964, for Barefoot in the Park; Antoinette Perry Award, and Var/ety-New York Critics' Poll Award, both best director, 1965, for The Odd Couple and Luv; Outer Critics' Circle Award, "for directing four current hits," 1965; Sam S. Shubert Foundation Award, "for outstanding contributions to the New York legitimate theatre for the 1964-65 season/' 1965; Cue magazine award, entertainer of the year "for directorial achievements," 1965; Famous Fives Poll, outstanding director, Academy Award nomination, best director, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, best film from any source, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture director, all 1966, all for Who's Afraid of Virginia Woo//?; Academy Award, best director, 1967, New York Film Critics' Award, best director, 1967, Directors Guild of America Award, outstanding directorial achievement, 1967, Golden Globe Award, best motion picture director, Hollywood Foreign Press Association, 1968, and British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, best film director, 1968, all for The Graduate; Antoinette Perry Award, best director, 1968, for Plaza Suite; Antoinette Perry Award, best director, 1972, for The Prisoner of Second Avenue; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best director of a drama, 1974, for Uncle Vanya; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best director of a play, 1977, for Comedians and Streamers; Antoinette Perry Award (shared), best musical, 1977, for Annie; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best director of a play, 1978, for The Gin Game; Academy Award nomination, best director, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best director of a motion picture, both 1983, both for Silkwood;


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Antoinette Perry Award, best director of a play, 1984, for The Real Thing; Ellis Island Medal of Honor, National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations, 1986; Academy Award nomination, best director, and Golden Globe Award nomination, best director of a motion picture, both 1988, both for Working Girl; Academy Award nomination, best picture, 1993, and British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best film, 1994, both for The Remains of the Day; Film Society of Lincoln Center, Lifetime Achievement Award, 1999. CREDITS Stage Director, Except Where Indicated: Barefoot in the Park, Biltmore Theatre, New York City, 1963. The Knack, New Theatre, New York City, 1964. luv, Booth Theatre, New York City, 1964. The Odd Couple, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1965. The Apple Tree, Shubert Theatre, New York City, 1966. The Little Foxes, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, New York City, 1967. Plaza Suite, Plymouth Theatre, 1968. The Prisoner of Second Avenue, Eugene O'Neill Theatre, New York City, 1971. Uncle Vanya, Circle in the Square/Joseph E. Levine Theatre, New York City, 1973. Comedians, Music Box Theatre, New York City, 1976. Streamers, New York Shakespeare Festival (NYSF), Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre, New York City, 1976. Also producer (with Hume Cronyn), The G/n Game, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, then John Golden Theatre, New York City, both 1977, later Lyric Theatre, London, 1979. Drinks before Dinner, New York Shakespeare Festival (NYSF), Public Theatre, New York City, 1978. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woo//?, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1980. Lunch Hour, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1980. Fools, Eugene O'Neill Theatre, 1981. The Real Thing, Plymouth Theatre, 1984. Hurlyburly, Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL, then Promenade Theatre, New York City, later Ethel Barrymore Theatre, all 1984. Social Security, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 1986. Standup Shakespeare, Theatre 890, New York City, 1987. Waiting for Codot, Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre, 1988. Elliot Loves, Goodman Theatre, then Promenade Theatre, both 1990.

Death and the Maiden, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1992. Director of The Importance of Being Earnest, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Stage Producer: (With Lewis Allen, Irwin Meyer, and Stephen R. Friedman) Annie, Alvin Theatre, New York City, 1977. (With Allen) Billy Bishop Goes to War, Theatre de Lys, then Morosco Theatre, both New York City, 1980. (With Emanuel Azenberg) Grownups, Lyceum Theatre, New York City, 1981. (With Azenberg) And production supervisor, Whoop/ Goldberg, Lyceum Theatre, 1984. Major Tours: Director, Barefoot in the Park, U.S. cities, 1964. Director, The Prisoner of Second Avenue, U.S. cities, 1972-73. Director and (with Hume Cronyn) producer, The G/n Game, U.S. cities, 1978. Producer (with others), Annie, U.S. and Canadian cities, 1978-81. Stage Appearances: (Broadway debut) An Evening with Mike Nichols and Elaine May, John Golden Theatre, 1960. Howard Miller, A Matter of Position, Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, PA, 1962. George, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1980. Jack, The Designated Mourner, National Theatre, London, 1996. Made stage debut with Playwrights Theatre Club, Chicago, IL; appeared in Saint Joan, produced in Vancouver, British Columbia. Film Work; Director, Except Where Indicated: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Warner Bros., 1966. Also producer, The Graduate, Embassy, 1967. Catch-22, Filmways, 1970. Also producer, Carnal Knowledge, Avco-Embassy, 1971. The Day of the Dolphin, Avco-Embassy, 1973. Also producer (with Don Devlin), The Fortune (also known as Spite and Malice), Columbia, 1975. Cilda Live, Warner Bros., 1980. Also producer (with Michael Hausman), Silkwood, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1983. Also producer (with Robert Greenhut), Heartburn, Paramount, 1986.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Executive producer, The Longshot, Orion, 1986. Biloxi Blues (also known as Ne/7 Simon's Biloxi Blues), Universal, 1988. Working Girl, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1988. Also producer (with John Calley), Postcards from the Edge, Columbia, 1990. Also producer (with Scott Rudin), Regarding Henry, Paramount, 1991. Producer (with Calley and Ismail Merchant), The Remains of the Day, Columbia, 1993. Wolf, Columbia, 1994. Also producer, The Birdcage (also known as Birds of a Feather and La Cage Aux Folles), MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1996. Also producer, Primary Colors (also known as Perfect Couple), Universal, 1997. Producer, The Designated Mourner, First Look Pictures, 1997. Also producer, What Planet Are You From?, 2000. Producer, All the Pretty Horses, 2000. Other Film Work: Also worked on Bonnie and Clyde. Film Appearances: (Debut) The Designated Mourner, 1997. Television Work; Series: Executive producer (with Aaron Spelling and Leonard Goldberg), Family, ABC, 1976-80. Executive producer, The Thorns, ABC, 1988. Working Girl, 1990. Television Work; Specials: Executive producer, The "Annie" Christmas Show, NBC, 1977. Also executive producer of Broadway: An Evening with Mike Nichols and Elaine May, c. 1960. Television Work; Movies: Director, The Gin Game, 1981. Television Appearances; Specials: /Accent on Love, NBC, 1959. The Fabulous '50s, CBS, 1960. Jack Paar Presents, NBC, 1960. The Jack Paar Special, NBC, 1960. A Last Laugh at the '60s, ABC, 1970. The 39th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1985. Bugs Bunny/Looney Tunes All-Star 50th Anniversary, 1986. "Richard Burton: In from the Cold/7 Great Performances, PBS, 1989.

NICHOLS • 283 "Neil Simon: Not Just for Laughs" (also known as "Simply Simon: A Neil Simon Retrospective"), American Masters, PBS, 1989. The /4th Annual Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1991. "Paul Simon: Born at the Right Time," American Masters, PBS, 1993. The American Film Institute Salute to Jack Nicholson, CBS, 1994. Presenter, The 8th Annual American Comedy Awards, ABC, 1994. Himself, Richard Avedon: Darkness and Light, 1995. Interviewee, Nichols and May—Take Two, PBS, 1996. Interviewee, Catch-22, 1996. /Academy of Television Arts & Sciences 13th Annual Hall of Fame, Showtime, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: The Jack Paar Show, NBC, 1957. "The Red Mill/ The DuPont Show of the Month, 1958. Laugh Line, NBC, 1959. That Was the Week that Was, 1964. Inside the Actors Studio, 1995. Also appeared in episodes of The Today Show, The Perry Como Show, and The Dinah Shore Show, all NBC, and in Playhouse 90. RECORDINGS Albums: An Evening with Mike Nichols and Elaine May, 1961. WRITINGS For Stage: Special material, The Carol Burnett Show, Greek Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, 1966. Adapter (with Albert Todd), Uncle Vanya, Circle in the Square/Joseph E. Levine Theatre, 1973. For Television: (With Ken Welch) Julie and Carol at Carnegie Hall (special), CBS, 1962. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Film Comment, May-June, 1991, p. 27. Newsweek, May 6, 1996, pp. 84-85. Interview, April, 1998, p. 102. Variety, May 10, 1999, p. 4. Film Comment, May, 1999, p. 10.*

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284 • MORRIS

MORRIS, Dean PERSONAL Education: Graduate of Harvard University; studied acting at Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, London. Addresses: Contact—Deana Barone and Co., 342 South Cochrine, Suite 409, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Deputy Joe, Disorganized Crime, Buena Vista, 1989. Tim Cavanaugh, Lethal Weapon 2, Warner Bros., 1989. Maddox, Desperate Hours, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1990. SWAT team leader, Gremlins 2: The New Batch, Warner Bros., 1990. Detective Sergeant Goodhart, Hard to Kill (also known as Seven Year Storm), Warner Bros., 1990. Tony, Total Recall, TriStar, 1990. SWAT team leader, Terminator 2: Judgment Day (also known as 72 and 72—Terminator 2: Judgment Day), TriStar, 1991. The director, The Lawnmower Man (also known as Stephen King's Lawnmower Man), Filmayer Video S.A., 1992. Squat man, The Firm, United International Pictures, 1993. Hershiner, Jailbait (also known as Streetwise), 1994. Detective Marconi, Playmaker, Odyssey Entertainment, 1995. Mover, Safe, Sony Pictures Classics, 1995. Graham Chandler, Number One Fan, 1995. Cop on the beat, Cattaca, Columbia, 1997. Commanding officer, Starship Troopers, TriStar, 1997. Scott, The Negotiator, Warner Bros., 1998. Bill Dellinger, Without Limits, Warner Bros., 1998. Hodge, Liars' Dice, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Ralph Thomas, Gladiator School, ABC, 1988. Richard, Leap of Faith, CBS, 1988. Foreman, Montana, TNT, 1990. Bill, When You Remember Me, ABC, 1990. Mike, Locked Up: A Mother's Rage (also known as The Other Side of Love), CBS, 1991. Lieutenant Martin, Murderous Vision, USA, 1991. Henderson, Danielle Steel's "Secrets" (also known as Secrets), NBC, 1992.

Detective Russell Dahl, From the Files of Joseph Wambaugh: A Jury of One, NBC, 1992. Matt Hobart, Till Death Do Us Part (also known as Married for Murder), NBC, 1992. First scientist, Barbarians at the Gate, HBO, 1993. Fleming, Full Eclipse, HBO, 1993. Michael Dawson, It's Nothing Personal, NBC, 1993. Red Arrow, Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee, TNT, 1994. Shep, The Last Seduction, 1994. Ray Levasseur, In the Line of Duty: Hunt for Justice, NBC, 1995. Kalens, "Empty," Riot, Showtime, 1995. Ray Johnson, After Jimmy, CBS, 1996. Carl Messenger, Forgotten Sins, ABC, 1996. Dave Grant, It Came from Outer Space II, Sci-Fi Channel, 1996. Rod Montgomery, Death Benefit, USA, 1997. Manny Denikolas, On the Line, ABC, 1998. Naval captain, Lansky, HBO, 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Luke Wheeler, Texas Justice, ABC, 1995. Frank Sarazin, Innocent Victims, ABC, 1996. Detective Pike, Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story (also known as Seduced by Madness), NBC, 1996. Vic Delorio, Dean Koontz's "Mr. Murder/' ABC, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Second coworker, Homefront, ABC, 1991. Father Jerry Downey, "Rockin' Robin/' NYPD Blue, ABC, 1993. Father Jerry Downey, "Good Time Charlie/' NYPD Blue, ABC, 1993. Father Jerry Downey, "Personal Foul/' NYPD Blue, ABC, 1993. Rodent, "Dud Bowl," Married... with Children, Fox, 1994. U.S. Marshal Tapia, "F. Emasculata," The X-Files, Fox, 1995. Allen, "Tomorrow I Die," Fa//en Angels, Showtime, 1995. Rusty Arnold, Murder One, ABC, 1995. Tyler Dumas, "Kissing Cousins," The Marshal, ABC, 1995. William Robards, Nash Bridges, CBS, 1996. "We Shall Overcome," Dark Skies, 1996. C-76, ABC, 1997. Pensacola: Wings of Cold, syndicated, 1997. EMT clerk, "They Treat Horses, Don't They?," ER, NBC, 1998. Del Boxer, "Seven and One," Millennium, Fox, 1998. V.I.P., syndicated, 1998. Powell, Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1998.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Specials: Peter Brockway, Blind Alleys, syndicated, 1985. Armed cop, Override, Showtime, 1994. Things That Go Bump, NBC, 1997.*

NORTON • 285 Dr. Billy Royal, Cruel Doubt (miniseries), NBC, 1992. Cassidy, The Eagles and The Trumpets (special), PBS 1992. Translation voice, Cold War (series), CNN, 1998. Also appeared in Father Ted, Channel 4.

NORTON, Jim PERSONAL Born in Ireland. Career: Actor for television, film, and stage. Member of South Coast Repertory, Costa Mesa, CA. Awards, Honors: Olivier Award nomination, best actor, 1999, for The Weir. CREDITS Television Appearances; Episodic: Smokey Haines, "Outcast/' Hunter's Walk, 1973. Harrister, "Contact Breaker/' The Sweeney, 1975. Hanson, "Enemy," Van der Valk, 1977. Arthur Haynes, "Ordeal by Small Brown Envelope," / 990,1978. Mr. Twomey, Nanny, 1981. LA. Law, NBC, 1989. SeanQuinn, "The Sisters of Achill," Stay Lucky, 1990. Albert Einstein, "The Nth Degree," Star Trek: The Next Generation, syndicated, 1991. Henderson, "A Diminished Rebecca with a Suspended Cliff," Cheers, NBC, 1992. Father Xavier, "Irish Stew," Lovejoy, A&E, 1993. Albert Einstein, "Descent: Part 1," Star Trek: The Next Generation, syndicated, 1993. Ombuds Wellington, "Quality of Mercy," Babylon 5, TNT, 1994. Ombuds Wellington, "Grail," Babylon 5, TNT, 1994. Dr. Lazarenn, "Confessions and Lamentations," Babylon 5, TNT, 1995. Wentworth, "The Club," Frasier, NBC, 1995. Narn Image, "Dust to Dust," Babylon 5, TNT, 1996. Television Appearances; Movies: Lake, Quiller: Night of the Father, ABC, 1975. Jasper Tooms, Cry of the Innocent, NBC, 1980. Roy Medvedev, Sakharov, HBO, 1984. Midnights Child, Lifetime, 1992. Other Television Appearances: The Modem World: Ten Great Writers (mmiseries), 1988.

Film Appearances: Matthius and chauffeur, The Face ofFu Manchu, (also known as Ich, Dr. Fu Man Chu and The Mask of Fu Manchu), 1965. Thanet, Alfred the Great, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1969. Cawsey, Straw Dogs, Cinerama, 1971. Pongo, Adolf Hitler—My Part in His Downfall, 1972. Brodie, Hidden Agenda, Hemdale, 1990. MJ-12 Advisor, The Grays (also known as Brain-Sucking Aliens in Your Backyard), 1991. Superintendent O'Mara, Into the West, Miramax, 1992. Even Hitler Had a Girlfriend, 1992. Dr. Bernard Wachs, Memoirs of an Invisible Man, Warner Bros., 1992. Driver, Mouse Hunt, DreamWorks, 1997. Sunset Heights, 1997. Randy, American History X, New Line Cinema, 1998. A Love Divided, 1999. Mad About Mambo, 1999. Theater Appearances: Jack Mullen, The Weir, Royal Court Theater Downstairs at Duke of York's Theater, London, 1997, then Royal Court Theater Upstairs at Duke of York's Theater, London, 1998. RECORDINGS Taped Readings: (With Marcella Riordan) Ulysses, 1995. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: The Guardian, November 18, 1998, p.T13.*

NUNCEY, Miguel A. See NUNEZ, Miguel A., Jr.

NUNEZ, Miguel See NUNEZ, Miguel A., Jr.

286 • NUNEZ

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

NUNEZ, Miguel A., Jr. (Miguel A. Nuncey, Jr.; Miguel Nunez) PERSONAL Born August 11, in Wilson, NC; married to Yulanda; children: Mia. Addresses: Agent—Innovative Artists Talent, 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067-6022. Career: Actor, producer, and writer. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Private Marcus Taylor, Tour of Duty, CBS, 1987. Chandler Trapp, My Wildest Dreams (also known as Something's Cot to C/Ve), Fox, 1995. Luis Jackson, The Faculty, ABC, 1996-97. Maxey Sparks, Sparks (also known as Sparks, Sparks, Spar/cs), UPN, 1997-98. Television Appearances; Episodic: Fury, "Teacher's Aide/7 The Twilight Zone, 1985. "Blood Money/' Stingray, 1987. Henry, Dear John, NBC, 1990. Slick, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, NBC, 1990. Jason, Hang/n' with Mr Cooper, ABC, 1992. Rhythm & Blues, NBC, 1992. Goldie, "Great Expectations/' Living Single, Fox, 1993. Rickey, "How I Got Over/' Thea, ABC, 1993. Jules, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, ABC, 1993. Ricky Fontaine, Martin, Fox, 1993. Goldie, "Hot Fun in the Wintertime," Living Single, 1994. Orwell, "A Distant Star," Babylon 5, 1994. The Watcher, 1995.

Sparks (also known as Sparks, Sparks, Sparks), UPN, 1997-98. Film Appearances: Jock number two, Joy of Sex, 1984. Spider, The Return of the Living Dead, Orion, 1985. Demon, Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning, 1985. Leon Biggs, Dangerously Close, 1986. Street tough, jumpin' jack Plash, 1986. Poolroom thug number one, /Act/on Jackson, Warner Bros. Home Video, 1988. Man with broken nose, Harlem Nights, 1989. Wiley, Shadowzone, 1990. Leon, Round Trip to Heaven, 1992. Squad member number four, Lethal Weapon 3, 1992. (As Miguel Nunez) Rodney, There Goes My Baby, Orion, 1993. Dee Jay, Street Fighter (also known as Street Fighter: The Battle for Shabaloo, Street Fighter: The Movie, and Street Fighter: The Ultimate Battle), Columbia TriStar, 1994. Bugs, Hard Vice (also known as Vegas Vice), 1994. Slam Dunk Ernest, 1995. Ed Moses, Carnosaur 2, 1995. Sticks, Leprechaun 4: In Space, 1996. Reggie, A Thin Line Between Love and Hate, New Line, 1996. Frank Hall, For Richer and Poorer, 1997. Young Little Richard, Why Do Fools Fall in Love, Warner Bros., 1998. Life, 1999. WRITINGS Television Writing; Series: (As Migel A. Nunez) Homeboys in Outer Space, UPN, 1996-97.*

NUTLEY, Colin Television Appearances; Movies: Cus Brown and Midnight Brewster, NBC, 1985. Wickford, Danielle Steel's "Secrets," NBC, 1992. Bob Provost, W.E.I.R.D. World, Fox, 1995. The Faculty, 1995.


Born February 28, 1944, in England, working in Sweden. Married to Helena Bergstrom (actor).

Television Appearances; Specials: Sam, Heart Beat, NBC, 1985. Judge, Miss Teen USA, 1989. The 13th Annual Stellar Awards, 1998.

Addresses: Contact—c/o Swedish Film Institute, P.O. Box 27126, 10252 Stockholm, Sweden.

Television Producer; Series: Homeboys in Outer Space, UPN, 1996-97.

Awards, Honors: Guldbagge Award, best direction, for Anglagard, 1992.

Career: Film director, producer and screenwriter.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CREDITS Film Director, Except Where Indicated: Nionde kompaniet (also known as The Ninth Company), Svensk Filmindustri, 1987. Blackjack, 1990. House of Angels (also known as Anglagard, Angel Farm and Colin Nutley's House of Angels), Sony Pictures Classics, 1992. The Last Dance (also known as Sista dansen), Audible, 1993. And producer, House of Angels: The Second Summer (also known as Anglagard, den andra sommaren, Angel Farm 2, and Angel Farm, the Second Summer), 1994. And producer, Sant ar //Vet (also known as Such Is Life), 1996. And producer, Under Solen, 1998. Television Director, Except Where Indicated: Femte generationen (also known as The Fifth Generation), 1986. Press Gang (series), 1989. And producer, Vagen hem (movie), 1989. Other Television Work: Also appeared in Annika, BBC. WRITINGS Screenplays: Nionde kompaniet (also known as The Ninth Company), Svensk Filmindustri, 1987. Blackjack, 1990. House of Angels (also known as Anglagard, Angel Farm and Co//n Nutley's House of Angels), Sony Pictures Classics, 1992. The Last Dance (also known as Sista dansen), Audible, 1993. House of Angels: The Second Summer (also known as Anglagard, den andra sommaren, Angel Farm 2, and Angel Farm, the Second Summer), 1994. Sant ar //Vet (also known as Such Is Life), 1996.*

NYKVIST, Sven 1922PERSONAL Born December 3, 1922, in Moheda, Sweden; son of Gustaf Nathanael and Cerda Emilia (maiden name, Nilson). Education: Attended Stockholm Municipal

NYKVIST • 287 School for Photographers. Religion: Parents were Lutheran missionaries based in the Belgian Congo. Addresses: Office—c/o Svenska Filminstitutet, Filmhuset Borgvagen 1-5, Box 27126, S-10252 Sotckholm 27, Sweden. Contact—c/o Milton Forman, 10390 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1709, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Career: Swedish cinematographer on more than 100 feature films. Worked on 22 films with Ingmar Bergman, and worked on documentaries. Worked at Sandrew movie studio in Stockholm and Cinecitta studio in Italy. Awards, Honors: National Society of Film Critics Awards, best cinematography, 1972, and Academy Award, cinematography, 1973, Guldbagge Awards, jury specialbagge, 1973, and British Academy Awards nomination, best cinematography, 1974, all for Cries and Whispers. Cesar Awards, best cinematography, 1976, for Black Moon. British Society of Cinematographers, best cinematography award, 1983, Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards, best cinematography, 1983, Academy Award, cinematography, 1984, and British Academy Awards, best cinematography, 1984, all for Fanny and Alexander. Cannes International Film Festival, best artistic contribution, 1986, for Offret/Sacrificatio. Academy Award nomination, best cinematography, 1989, American Society of Cinematographers nomination, outstanding achievement in cinematography in theatrical releases, 1989, Independent Spirit Awards, best cinematographer, 1989, all for The Unbearable Lightness of Being. International Photographers of the Motion Picture Industry, artistic award, 1989; American Society of Cinematographers, lifetime achievement award, 1996. CREDITS Film Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated: / morkaste Smaland, 1943. Comorron Bill! (also known as Cood Morning, Bill), 1945. 13 stolar (also known as 13 Chairs), 1945. Barnen fran Frostmofjallet (also known as The Children and The Children from Frostmo Mountain), 1945. Saltstank och krutgubbar (also known as Salt Water Spray), 1946. Lata Lena och blaogda Per (also known as Lazy Lena and Blue-Eyed Per), 1947. May pa Malo (also known as Ma/ from Ma/o), 1947.


Sjosalavar (also known as Spring at Sjosala), 1949. Bonus bataljon, 1949. Hin och smalanningen (also known as The Devil and the Man from Smaland), 1949. Lang-Lasse i Delsbo (also known as Tall Lasse from Delsbo), 1949. Loffe bllr polis (also known as Loffe Becomes a Policeman), 1950. Ragens rike (also known as The Land of Rye), 1951. And director, Under sodra /corset (also known as Under the Southern Cross), 1952. Nar syrenerna blomma (also known as When Lilacs Blossom), 1952. (Interiors) Gycklarnas afton (also known as Sawdust and Tinsel, The Naked Night and Sunset of a Clown), Sandrew-Baumanfilm, 1953. Vagen till Klockrike (also known as The Road to Klockrike), 1953. Barabbas, 1953. Karin Mansdotter, 1954. Storm over Tjuro (also known as Storm over Tjuro), 1954. Salka Valka, 1954 5/sta ringen, 1955. Den Underbara lognen (also known as The True and the False), 1955. Alsklingpa vagen, 1955. Blanandehav, 1956. Nattbarn (also known as Children of the Night), 1956. Den Tappre soldaten Jonsson (also known as The Brave Soldier Jonsson), 1956. Flickan i track (also known as The Girl in a Dressing Gown), 1956. And director, Gorilla, 1956. Ett Kungligt aventyr (also known as Laughing in the Sunshine), 1956. Synnove Solbakken, 1957. En Drommares vandring, 1957. Cast / eget bus, 1957. Laila (also known as Lila and Make Way for Lila), 1958. Damen / svart (also known as The Lady in Black), 1958. Ear jag /ana din fru? (also known as May I Borrow Your Wife?), 1959. ]ungfrukallan (also known as The Virgin Spring), Janus, 1960. Domaren (also known as The Judge), 1960 Sasom / en spege/ (also known as Through a Glass Darkly), Janus, 1961. Die Ehe des Herrn Mississippi, 1961. A Matter of Morals, 1961. Morderspiel (also known as ]eu de I'assassin), 1961. ilia pa me/, alskling! (also known as Trust Me, Darling) ,1961.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Schneewittchen und die sieben Gaukler, 1962. Tystnaden (also known as The Silence), 1963. Nattvardsgasterna (also known as Winter Light), Svensk, 1963. Prins hatt under jorden, 1963. Alskandepar (also known as Loving Couples), Prominent, 1964. Now to Speak about All These Women (also known as Eor att inte tala om alia dessa kvinnor, All These Women, Now about All These Women and Now about These Women), 1964. Klanningen (also known as The Dress), 1964. Att alska (also known as To Love), Prominent, 1964. And director, Lianbron (also known as The Vine Bridge), 1965. Persona, Lopert, 1966. Roseanna, 1967. Brant barn (also known as The Sinning Urge), 1967. Vargtimmen (also known as Hour of the Wolf), Lopert, 1968. Skammen (also known as Shame), Lopert, 1968. The Passion of Anna (also known as En Passion and A Passion), United Artists, 1969. The Ritual (also known as The Rite and Riten), Janus, 1969. An-Magritt, 1969. First Love (also known as Erste Liebe), UMC, 1970. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (also known as En dag i Ivan Den/sov/ts/' //v), Cinerama, 1970. Beroringen (also known as The Touch), 1971. Lockfageln (also known as The Decoy), 1971. The Last Run, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1971. Siddhartha, Columbia, 1972. Scenes from a Marriage (also known as Scener ur ett aktenskap), Cinema 5, 1973. Cries and Whispers (also known as Viskningar och rop), New World, 1972. Ransom, 1974. The Dove, Paramount, 1974. Black Moon, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1975. The Magic Flute (also known as Trollflojten), 1975. And camera, Monismanien 1995, 1975. The Terrorists (also known as Ransom), 1975. Ansikte mot ansikte (also known as Face to Face), 1976. The Tenant (also known as Le Locataire), Paramount, 1976. The Serpent's Egg (also known as Das Sch/angene/), Paramount, 1977. And director and producer, One Plus One (also known as En och en), Sandrews, 1978. Autumn Sonata (also known as Hostsonaten and Herbstsonate), New World, 1978. King of the Gypsies, Paramount, 1978.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Pretty Baby, Paramount, 1978. Hurricane (also known as Forbidden Paradise), Paramount, 1979. Starting Over, Paramount, 1979. From the Life of the Marionettes (also known as Aus dem Leben der Marionetten), ITC, Associated Film, 1980. And director and producer, Marmeladupproret, Svensk Filmindustri, 1980. Willie & Phil, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1980. The Postman Always Rings Twice, Paramount, 1981. Cannery Row (also known as John Steinbeck's Cannery Row), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1982. Fanny and Alexander (also known as Fanny och Alexander and Fanny und Alexander), Embassy, 1982. La Tragedie de Carmen, British Film Institute, 1983. Star 80, Warner Bros., 1983. After the Rehersal, Triumph Releasing, 1984. Un Amour de Swann (also known as Eine Liebe von Swann, A Love of Swann and 5wann in Love), 1984. /Agnes of Cod, Columbia, 1985. Dream Lover, United Artists, 1986. Offret-Sacrificatio (also known as The Sacrifice and Le Sacrifice), Sandrews, 1986. Another Woman, Orion, 1988. Katinka (also known as Ved vejen and Vid vagen), 1988. The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Orion, 1988. Crimes and Misdemeanors, Orion, 1989. "Oedipus Wrecks," New York Stories, Buena Vista, 1989. Buster's Bedroom, 1990. Chaplin, TriStar, 1992. Sleepless in Seattle, TriStar, 1993. What's Eating Gilbert Crape, Paramount, 1993. Mixed Nuts (also known as Lifesavers), TriStar, 1994. Only You (also known as Love Stinks and Him and Just in Time), Live Home Video, 1994. With Honors, Warner Bros., 1994. Kristin Lavransdatter (also known as Kransen, Kristin Lavrans Touchterand Kristin Lavransdotter), 1995. Something to Talk About (also known as Grace under Pressure), Warner Bros., 1995. Celebrity, Miramax, 1998. Curtain Call, 1999.

NYKVIST • 289 Other Film Work: The Poor Millionaire, Sandrew, 1941. Assistant camera, General von Dobeln, 1942. In the Footsteps of the Witch Doctor (documentary), 1947. Reverence for Life (also known as Vordnad for Livet), (documentary), 1952. Director, Oxen (also known as The Ox), First Run, Castle Hill, 1991. Film Appearances: Himself, A Look at Liv, 1977. Himself, Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography, American Film Institute, 1992. Lumiere et compagnie (also known as Lumiere y compania and Lumiere and Company), 1995. Liv Ullmann scener fra et liv, 1997. Ljuset som haller mig sallskap, 1999. Television Cinematographer: Farodokument (also known as Faro Document), 1969. Strohfeuer (also known as Summer Lightning), 1972. Scenes from a Marriage (also known as Scener ur ett aktenskap), Cinema 5, 1973. Das Blaue Hotel, 1973. Forbidden Paradise (also known as Hurricane), 1979. Ffter repetitionen (also known as After the Rehearsal), 1984. Nobody's Child (movie), CBS, 1986. Private Confessions (also known as Private Conversations and Enskilda samtal), 1998. Curtain Call (movie), Starz, 1998. WRITINGS Screenplays: Under sodra korset, 1952. Oxen (also known as The Ox), First Run, Castle Hill, 1991. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Millimeter, July-August 1976. Variety, October 5, 1988.*

o Next Door, Showtime, 1994. Pa Holsopple, The Cherokee Kid, HBO, 1996.

OCEAN, Ivory PERSONAL Addresses: /Agent—CNA and Associates, 1925 Century Park E., Suite 750, Los Angeles, CA 90057. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Washington, DC police officer, The Package, Orion, 1989. Bartender, Soapdish, United International Pictures, 1991. Teacher, Big Girls Don't Cry... They Get Even, New Line Cinema, 1992. Wrestling coach, Class Act, Warner Bros., 1992. Lou Venable, Play Murder for Me, New Horizons Home Video, 1992. Willie Manchester, South Central, Warner Espanol, 1992. Truck driver, A Walk in the Clouds, Hispano Foxfilm, 1995. Venus Rising, IRS Releasing, 1996. Guard Ivor, Lost Highway, October Films, 1997. Sweetbread, Bad City Blues, 1999. Leprechaun in the Hood, Trimark, 1999.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Ivory, Roseanne, ABC, 1989. Davis Rules, 1991. Joe, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, NBC, 1991. Carl, Blossom, NBC, 1993. Robert E., Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, CBS, 1993. Bartender, Frasier, NBC, 1993. Isaac, Mad about You, NBC, 1993. Policeman, Boy Meets World, ABC, 1994. Martin Sutton, Chicago Hope, CBS, 1994. Officer Morgan, Seinfeld, NBC, 1994. Preston, ER, NBC, 1995. Reverend, NYPD Blue, ABC, 1995. Lenny, Brotherly Love, The WB, 1996. Agent Neuman, Malcolm and Eddie, UPN, 1997. Mr. Harper, NYPD Blue, ABC, 1997. Eldon, Sliders, Sci-Fi Channel, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: Horace, Without a Pass, Showtime, 1992. Sid Franklin, Count on Me, PBS, 1993. WRITINGS Screenplays: Sweet Perfection, 1988.*

Film Work: Assistant director, Sweet Perfection, 1988. Television Appearances; Series: Roosevelt "King" Cole, Key West, Fox, 1993.


Television Appearances; Movies: Concierge, Dream Breakers, CBS, 1989. Jerry Oil lard, Not of This World, CBS, 1991.

Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212-2275.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Career: Screenwriter, director, producer, creator, project consultant, stand-up comedian, and actor. Bald Spots (a comedy radio commercial ad production company), founder, 1979. CREDITS Film Work: Project consultant, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, 1994. Director, Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (also known as Ace Ventura Goes to Africa), Warner Bros., 1995. Director, Nothing to Lose, Buena Vista, 1997. Co-producer, Patch Adams, Universal, 1998. Director, The Incredible Mr. Limpet, 1999. Producer, Disaster Area, 1999.

OLSEN « 2 9 1

O'KEEFE, Jodi Lyn 1978PERSONAL Born October 10, 1978, in Cliffwood Beach, NJ; daughter of Jack (a director of labor relations for a pharmaceutical company) and Noreen (a homemaker) O'Keefe. Addresses: Contact— c/o 6500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2200, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Career: Actress. Worked as a model, beginning at age nine. CREDITS

Film Appearances: Joey, Casual Sex?, 1988. Thane Furrows, High Strung, 1991. Security guard Baxter, Nothing to Lose, Buena Vista, 1997.

Film Appearances: Sarah, Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later (also known as H7 and Halloween: H20), Miramax, 1998. Ashley Grant, /'// Be You, 1999. Taylor Vaughan, She's All That, Miramax, 1999.

Television Appearances; Specials: Jimmie Walker & Friends III, Showtime, 1990. Host,, NBC, 1997.

Television Appearances; Series: Marguerite Cory, Another World (also known as /Another World: Bay C/ty), 1995. Cassidy Bridges, Nash Bridges (also known as Bridges), CBS, 1996—.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Steve, Full House, ABC, 1989. Televison Work; Specials: Creator, executive producer, Santa vs. the Snowman, ABC, 1997. Director, executive producer,, NBC, 1997. WRITINGS

Television Appearance; Episodic: Herself, "Episode 1," Happy Hour, USA, 1999.*

OLSEN, Ashley 1986(?)(Ashley Fuller Olsen) PERSONAL

Screenplays: High Strung, 1991. Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (also known as Ace Ventura Goes to Africa), Warner Bros., 1995. (With Tom Shadyac) The Nutty Professor, Universal, 1996. Nothing to Lose, Buena Vista, 1997. Patch Adams, Universal, 1998. The Incredible Mr. Limpet, 1999. Television Specials:, NBC, 1997. Television Series: In Living Color, Fox, 1992.*

Born c. 1986; twin sister of Mary-Kate Olsen (an actress). Career: Actress. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Michelle Tanner, Full House, ABC, 1987-94. Ashley Burke, Two of a Kind, ABC, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: (As Ashley Fuller Olsen) The Walt Disney World Happy Easter Parade, 1991. What about Me? I'm Only Three!, CBS, 1992.

292 • OLSEN Disney's Young Musicians Symphony Orchestra, The Disney Channel, 1993. Cohost, For Our Children: The Concert, The Disney Channel, 1993. How / Spent My Summer Vacation, ABC, 1993. Cohost, The Olsen Twins Mother's Day Special, ABC, 1993. Christmas at Home with the Stars, ABC, 1994. The Making of "The Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley," ABC, 1994. Sea World/Busch Gardens Party for the Planet, CBS, 1995. Trenchcoat twin, The Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley: Mystery on the High Seas, ABC, 1995. Sea World/Busch Gardens Party for the Planet, CBS, 1996. The 71st Annual Mac/s Thanksgiving Day Parade, 1997.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Time for Kids, October 23, 1998, p. 8.*

OLSEN, Ashley Fuller See OLSEN, Ashley

OLSEN, Mary-Kate 1986(?)PERSONAL Born c. 1986; twin sister of Ashley Olsen (an actress).

Television Appearances; Movies: Sarah Thompson, To Grandmother's House We Go, ABC, 1992. Lynn Farmer, Double, Double, Toil and Trouble, ABC, 1993. Jessica, How the West Was Fun, ABC, 1994. Emma Stanton, Switching Goals, ABC, 1999.

Career: Actress.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Michelle Tanner, Hangirf with Mr. Cooper, ABC, 1992. Sister, Sister, ABC, 1996.

Television Work; Movies: Song performer, How the West Was Fun, ABC, 1994. Coexecutive producer, Switching Goals, ABC, 1999.

Television Appearances; Specials: The Walt Disney World Happy Easter Parade, 1991. What about Me? I'm Only Three!, CBS, 1992. Disney's Young Musicians Symphony Orchestra, The Disney Channel, 1993. Cohost, For Our Children: The Concert, The Disney Channel, 1993. How I Spent My Summer Vacation, ABC, 1993. Cohost, The Olsen Twins Mother's Day Special, ABC, 1993. Walt Disney World Happy Easter Parade, 1993. Christmas at Home with the Stars, ABC, 1994. The Making of "The Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley," ABC, 1994. Sea World/Busch Gardens Party for the Planet, CBS, 1995. Trenchcoat twin, The Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley: Mystery on the High Seas, ABC, 1995. 5ea World/Busch Gardens Party for the Planet, CBS, 1995. The 71st Annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, 1997.

Film Appearances: Twin, The Little Rascals, Universal, 1994. Alyssa Callaway, It Takes Two, Warner Bros., 1995. Emily Taylor, Billboard Dad, Warner Bros. Home Video, 1998.

Television Appearances; Movies: Julie Thompson, To Grandmother's House We Go, ABC, 1992. Kelly Farmer, Double, Double, Toil and Trouble, ABC, 1993.

Television Appearances as Ashley Fuller Olsen; Awards Presentations: The 4th Annual American Comedy Awards, 1990. The 17th Annual People's Choice Awards, 1991. The 43rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Presentation, 1991. Television Work; Specials: Song performer, The Olsen Twins Mother's Day Special, ABC, 1993. Song performer, Christmas at Home with the Stars, ABC, 1994. Song performer, The Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley: Mystery on the High Seas, ABC, 1995.

CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Michelle Tanner, Full House, ABC, 1987-94. Mary-Kate Burke, Two of a Kind, ABC, 1998.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Susie, How the West Was Fun, ABC, 1994. Sam Stanton, Switching Goals, ABC, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Melina, Full House, ABC, 1990. Michelle Tanner, Hangin' with Mr. Cooper, ABC, 1992. Ellen, ABC, 1994. Sister, Sister, ABC, 1996. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 4th Annual American Comedy Awards, 1990. The 17th Annual People's Choice Awards, 1991. The 43rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Presentation, 1991. Television Work; Specials: Song performer, The Olsen Twins Mother's Day Special, ABC, 1993. Song performer, Christmas at Home with the Stars, ABC, 1994. Song performer, The Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley: Mystery on the High Seas, ABC, 1995. Television Work; Movies: Coexecutive producer, Switching Goals, ABC, 1999. Film Appearances: Twin, The Little Rascals, Universal, 1994. Amanda Lemmon, It Takes Two, Warner Bros., 1995. Tess Taylor, Billboard Dad, Warner Bros. Home Video, 1998. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Time for Kids, October 23, 1998, p. 8.*

ONDRICEK, Miroslav 1934PERSONAL Born November 4, 1934, in Prague, Czech Republic; children: David Ondricek. Addresses:/Agent—The Gersh Agency, 232 N. Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210-5302.

ONDRICEK • 293 emy Award, best cinematography, 1984, both for Amadeus. CREDITS Film Cinematographer: Konkurs, 1963. Demanty nod (also known as Diamonds of the Night), 1964. Loves of a Blonde (also known as A Blonde in Love and Lasky jedne plavovlasky), Prominent, 1965. The White Bus, 1966. Intimate Lighting (also known as Intimni osvetleni), Altura, Fleetwood, 1966. Martyrs of Love, New Line Cinema, 1966. The Firemen's Ball (also known as Hori, ma panenko, Al fuoco pompieril, Fuoco, ragazza mia and Like a House on Fire), Cinema V, 1967. If. . ., Paramount, 1968. Slaughterhouse-Five, Universal, 1971. Taking Off, Universal, 1971. O Lucky Man!, Warner Bros., 1973. Drahe tety a ja, 1974. Te/ev/ze v Bublicich aneb Bublice v televizi, 1974. Zaklete rewiry (also known as Dvoji svet Hotelu Pacifik and Hotel Pacific), 1976. Jakub, 1977. Konecne si rozumime, 1978. Hair, United Artists, 1979. Cerne Slunce (also known as The Black Sun), 1979. Boszka Ema, 1980. Temne Slunce, 1980. Ragtime, Paramount, 1981. The World According to Carp, Warner Bros., 1982. Silkwood, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1983. Amadeus, Orion, 1984. Heaven Help Us (also known as Catholic Boys), TriStar, 1985. fIX (also known as FIX—Murder by Illusion and Murder by Illusion), Orion, 1986. Big Shots, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Distant Harmony, 1987. Funny Farm, Warner Bros., 1988. Valmont, Orion, 1989. Awakenings, Columbia, 1990. A League of Their Own, Columbia, 1992. The Preacher's Wife, Buena Vista, 1996.

Career: Cinematographer.

Other Film Work: Consultant to Cinematographer, Gospa, Penland Company, 1995.

Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best cinematography, 1981, for Ragtime. Academy Award nomination, best cinematography, 1984, British Acad-

Television Cinematographer: Milos Forman: Portrait (special), PBS, 1989. Let It Be Me (movie), Starz, 1998.*

294 • O'NEAL

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

O'NEAL, Charles E. 1904-1996 PERSONAL Born January 6, 1904, in Raeford, NC; died August 29, 1996, in Los Angeles (some sources say Beverly Hills), CA; married Patricia O'Callaghan; children: Ryan (an actor), Kevin (a screenwriter); grandfather of Tatum O'Neal (an actress). Career: Writer and actor. Worked as a stage actor in Illinois, California, and New York; Old Globe Shakespearean Repertory Company, San Diego, CA, member of company. Also worked as bank clerk and horse groom. Awards, Honors: Christopher Award, 1949, for The Three Wishes of Jamie McRuin. .

Adaptations: The screenplay The Alligator, released by Twentieth Century-Fox in 1959, is based on a story by O'Neal. The television movie Three Wishes for Jamie, released in syndication in 1987, is based on O'Neal's novel The Three Wishes of Jamie McRuin. OBITUARIES AND OTHER SOURCES Books: Contemporary Authors, Volume 153, Gale (Detroit, Ml), 1997, pp. 285-6. Periodicals: Los Angeles Times, September 4, 1996, p. A14. New York Times, September 5, 1996, p. D21.*

OTTO, Miranda



Screenplays: The Seventh Victim, 1943. The Missing Juror, 1944. Cry of the Werewolf (also known as Daughter of the Werewolf), 1944. / Love a Mystery, 1945. The Devil's Mask, 1946. Return of the Bad Men, 1948. Montana, 1950. Contributor of additional dialogue, Mutiny, 1952. Johnny Trouble, Warner Bros., 1957. Lassie's Great Adventure, 1963.

Daughter of Barry Otto (actor). Education: Graduated from the Australian theatrical school NIDA.

Author of the screenplay Colden Girl. Television: Writer for episodes of the television series Lassie and The Untouchables. Stage: Coauthor of stage version, The Three Wishes of Jamie McRuin (musical; based on his novel), produced on Broadway. Other stage writings include Praise Hoyes. Other: The Three Wishes of Jamie McRuin (novel), 1949. (With Victor Trivas) The Thirty-Second Day (novel), 1964. Author of a column syndicated by Copley newspaper group.

Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Australian Film Institute nomination, best performance by an actress in a supporting role, 1998, for In the Winter Dark. Australian Film Institute nomination, best performance by an actress in a leading role, 1997, for The Well. CREDITS Film Appearances: Emma Grange, Emma's War, Curzon Film Distributors, 1986. Zoomstone, 1987. Stevie, Initiation, Goldfarb, 1987. Rebecca, The /3th Floor, Columbia TriStar, 1988. Nell Tiscowitz, The Girl Who Came Late (also known as Daydream Believer), 1991. Annie, The Last Days of Chez Nous, Fine Line, 1992. Jennie O'Brien, The Nostradamus Kid, Live Entertainment, 1993. Viv, Sex Is a Four Letter Word, 1994. Dimity Hurley, Love Serenade, Miramax, 1996. Patsy, Doing Time for Patsy Cline, 1997. Katherine, The Wei I, 1997. Mimi, True Love and Chaos, 1997. Ronnie, In the Winter Dark, 1998. Alice, Dead Letter Office, Southern Star, 1998.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Marty Bell, The Thin Red Line, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1998. Anna, Kin, 1999. Other Television Appearances: Miss Wlddins, G.P (episodic), 1988. Amanda, "On the Outer/' Po//ce Rescue (episodic), 1990. Roma Page, Heroes II: The Return (movie), 1990. Cora Redding, The Jack Bull (movie), HBO, 1999.*

OTTO • 295

p Career: Producer and writer. PACE, William 1958(William R. Pace) PERSONAL Full name, William Ray Pace; born June 1, 1958; married Loren Bevans February 27, 1994. Education: Received M.F.A. In Film Production at New York University. Career: Producer, director, and writer. CREDITS Film Work: (As William R. Pace) Associate producer, Blades, Troma, 1990. Assistant director, Killers, 1994.

CREDITS Film Work: Coproducer, The Favor, Orion, 1994. WRITINGS Screenplays: Worth Winning, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. The Favor, Orion, 1994. Runaway Bride, Paramount, 1999. Television Episodes: Voyagers, NBC, 1982. Misfits of Science, NBC, 1985. Television Specials: Sirens, CBS, 1987.*

WRITINGS Screenplays: All's Fair, 1989. A Girl's Guide to Sex, 1990. (As William R. Pace) Blades, Troma, 1990.*

PASZTOR, Beatrix Aruna PERSONAL Born in Budapest, Hungary; immigrated to the United States, 1984. Education: Hungarian Academy of Applied Arts, graduated, 1984.

PACE, William R. See PACE, William


Career: Costume designer. Designer of shoes and theatrical costumes in Hungary; hat designer and window dresser for New York City department stores, including Bloomingdale's and Henri Bendel. CREDITS

PERSONAL Addresses: Agent— Daniel Ostroff Agency, 9200 Sunset Blvd., Suite 402, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Film Work; Costume Designer, Unless Otherwise Noted: Second assistant costume designer, Anna, Vestron, 1987.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Bum Rap, Light Age Filmworks, 1988. Costume design supervisor, Bloodhounds of Broadway, Columbia, 1989. Drugstore Cowboy, 1989. Ghoulies III: Ghoulies Go to College, Vestron Video, 1991. My Own Private Idaho, New Line Cinema, 1991. Rock 'n' Roll High School Forever, LIVE Entertainment, 1991. The Fisher King, Columbia TriStar, 1991. American Heart, Lauren Films, 1992. Indecent Proposal, United International Pictures, 1993. Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, Lauren Films, 1994. To Die For, Alma-Kino-Filmverleih, 1995. Excess Baggage, Columbia, 1997. Good Will Hunting, Miramax, 1997. She's So Lovely (also known as Call It Love), Miramax, 1997. UTurn, 1997. Animals, Spectrum Films, 1998. Psycho, Universal, 1998. A Dog of Flanders, Warner Bros., 1999. Television Work; Specials: Wardrobe stylist, Harlow: The Blond Bombshell, TNT, 1993. Stage Work: Costume designer, The House of Bernarda Alba, TOMI Theatre, New York City, 1987.*

PAUL, Adrian 1959PERSONAL Full name, Adrian Paul Hewett; born May 29, 1959, in London, England; came to the United States, 1985; married, wife's name Meilani (a model), 1990 (divorced, 1997). Education: Attended Bromley Theatrical Playhouse; trained in martial arts. Avocational interests: Golf, volleyball, reading. Addresses: /Agent—Gersh Agency, 232 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Publicist— SSA Public Relations, 16027 Ventura Blvd., Suite 206, Encino, CA 91436. Contact—c/o Highlander, Rysher TPE, 3400 Riverside Dr., Suite 600, Burbank, CA 91505. Career: Actor, model, dancer, and choreographer. Played semi-professional soccer.

PAUL • 297

CREDITS Film Appearances: Tony, Last Rites, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1988. Prospero, The Masque of the Red Death, Concorde, 1989. La Nuitdu Serail, 1989. Billy James, Dance to Win (also known as Dance Academy II and War Dancing), 1989. Graveyard Story, 1990. Enrico Pazzoli, Love Potion No. 9, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1992. Shooter, Dead Men Can't Dance (also known as DMZ and Rangers), Live Film/Mediaworks, 1997. Paul, Susan's Plan, 1998. Lancelot, Merlin: The Return, 1999. Convergence, White Rock Film International, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Nikolai "Kolya" Rostov, The Colbys (also known as Dynasty II: The Colbys), ABC, 1986-87. John Kincaid, War of the Worlds (also known as War of the Worlds: The Second Invasion), syndicated, 1988. Jeremiah Collins, Dark Shadows, NBC, 1991. Duncan MacLeod, Highlander: The Series (also known as Highlander), syndicated, 1992—. Television Appearances; Movies: Ian, Shooter, NBC, 1988. Interviewer, In the Nick of Time, NBC, 1991. Patrice Dufour, The Cover Girl Murders, USA, 1993. Television Appearances; Specials: Title role, The Owl, CBS, 1991. Television Appearances; Episodic: Dmitri Benko,"Ashes, Ashes/' Beauty and the Beast, 1988. Edward Hale, "Danse Diabolique/' Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1992. Television Work; Episodic: Director, Highlander: The Series (also known as Highlander), syndicated, beginning in 1995. Stage Appearances: (Off-Broadway debut) Ralph, Bouncers, Minetta Lane Theatre, 1987. Appeared in a British production of The Break.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

298 • PAXTON

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: TV Guide, July 8, 1995, p. 27.*

PAXTON, Bill 1955(Peter LeTrek) PERSONAL Full name, William Paxton; born May 17, 1955, in Fort Worth, TX; son of John Lane (a business executive) and Mary Lou (Gray) Paxton; married second wife, Louise Newbury; children: James, Lydia. Education: Attended New York University; trained for the stage with Stella Adler and Vincent Chase. Addresses: Contact—Banner Entertainment, 8000 West Sunset Blvd., Third Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90046-2439. Career: Actor, producer, director, set decorator, and screenwriter. Performed as a member of the rock band Martini Ranch. Member: Screen Actors Guild. Awards, Honors: Special award, Melbourne Film Festival, 1982, for Fish Heads; honorable mention, U.S.A. Film Festival, 1983, for Scoop; Saturn Award, best supporting actor, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Films, 1986, for Aliens; shared Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by a cast, 1997, for Titanic; Golden Globe Award nomination, best actor in a miniseries or motion picture made for television, 1998, for A Bright Shining Lie. CREDITS Film Appearances: John, Crazy Mama, New World, 1975. Soldier, Stripes, Columbia, 1981. Night Warn/ng(also known as Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker, Momma's Boy, and Nightmare Maker), 1981. Gilbreath, The Lords of Discipline, Paramount, 1982. Clyde, Streets of Fire, Universal, 1983. Eddie, Impulse, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1983. Taking Tiger Mountain, 1983. Barfly in cafe, The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez, Embassy, 1983.

Paul Andrews, Mortuary, Hickmar Productions, 1984. Chet Donnelly, Weird Science, Universal, 1984. Punk leader, Terminator, Orion, 1984. Intercept officer, Commando, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1985. Private W. Hudson, Aliens, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1985. Severen, Near Dark, De Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1987. Jesse Wilkes, Pass the Ammo, New Century/Vista, 1988. The Roommate, 1988. Gerald Gates, Next of Kin, Warner Bros., 1989. Bo Brand, Back to Back, Concorde/Vertex, 1990. Jim Reston, Brain Dead (also known as Paranoia), Concorde, 1990. Howard "Hojo" Jones, The Last of the Finest (also known as Blue Heat and Street Legal), Orion, 1990. Dane, Navy SEALS, Orion, 1990. Jerry Lambert, Predator 2, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1990. Matt Owens, Slipstream, Virgin Home Entertainment, 1990. Gus, The Dark Backward, RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video, 1991. Dale "Hurricane" Dixon, One False Move, IRS Releasing, 1992. Vince, Trespass (also known as Looters), Universal, 1992. Graham Krakowski, The Vagrant, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists Home Video, 1992. Ray O'Malley, Boxing Helena, Orion, 1993. Jack Belston, Indian Summer, Buena Vista, 1993. Morgan Earp, Tombstone, Buena Vista, 1993. Tucker, Monolith, 1993. Simon, True Lies, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1994. Vince, the roommate, Future Shock, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1994. Fred W. Haise, Apollo 13 (also known as Lost Moon 13), Universal, 1995. Zack, The Last Supper, Sony Pictures Releasing, 1996. Bill Harding, Twister, Warner Bros., 1996. Jerry Bruckner, The Evening Star, Paramount, 1996. Brock Lovett, Titanic, 20th Century-Fox/Paramount, 1997. Bokky, Traveller, October Films, 1997. Hank Mitchell, A Simple Plan, Paramount, 1998. Gregg O'Hara, Mighty ]oe Young (also known as Mighty ]oe), Buena Vista, 1998. Film Work: Set dresser, Big Bad Mama, New World, 1974. (As Peter LeTrek) Set dresser, Beach Blanket Bango (also known as Teenage Throat), 1975. Set decorator, Death Came, 1976.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Set decorator, Galaxy of Terror (also known as Mindwarp: The Infinity of Terror, Planet of Horrors, and Quest), 1981. Director, Fish Heads (short film), 1982, also broadcast on the television series Saturday Night Live (also known as NBC's Saturday Night, Saturday Night, andSN/.), NBC Producer, Scoop (short film), 1983. Producer, Traveller, October Films, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Eddie Fox, Deadly Lessons, ABC, 1983. Campbell, The Atlanta Child Murders, CBS, 1985. Bob Maracek, An Early Frost, NBC, 1985. Frank James, Frank and Jesse, HBO, 1995. Lieutenant Colonel John Paul Vann, A Bright Shining Lie, HBO, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: The Making of "True Lies/' Fox, 1994. The Making of "Apollo 13," syndicated, 1995. A Day With, Fox, 1995. Tom Hanks: Hollywood's Col den Boy, Arts and Entertainment, 1997. The Warner Bros. Story: No Guts, No Glory—75 Years of Blockbusters, TNT, 1998. The Warner Bros. Story: No Guts, No Glory—75 Years of Laughter, TNT, 1998. The Warner Bros. Story: No Guts, No Glory—75 Years of5tars,TNT, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Vic Romano, "Streetwise/7 Miami Vice, NBC, 1986. Trout, "Made for Each Other," The Hitchhiker, HBO, 1987. Billy, "People Who Live in Brass Hearses," Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1993. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: Presenter, The 21st Annual People's Choice Awards, CBS, 1995. Presenter, The 22nd Annual People's Choice Awards, CBS, 1996. Other Television Appearances: Rudy, Great Day (pilot), CBS, 1983. Billy Jo Bobb, Fresno (miniseries), CBS, 1986. RECORDINGS Videos: Appeared in the music videos Shadows of the Night, by Pat Benatar, and Touched by the Hand of God, by New Order.

PAYNE «299 WRITINGS Screenplays: (Coauthor) Scoop (short film), 1983. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Interview, January, 1993, p. 94. New York Times, June 2, 1996, p. H-11."

PAYNE, Alexander PERSONAL A native of Omaha, Nebraska. Education: Graduated from Stanford University, BA, history and Spanish literature. Graduated from UCLA, MFA, filmmaking. Addresses: Agent—c/o Endeavor Agency, 9701 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Film director and screenwriter. Awards, Honors: Thessaloniki International Film Festival Jury Prize, best screenplay, 1996, and Thessaloniki International Film Festival Golden Alexander nomination, 1996, both for Citizen Ruth. CREDITS Film Director, Except Where Indicated: And sound, producer, and editor, The Passion of Martin (thesis film), 1989. Citizen Ruth (also known as Meet Ruth Stoops), Miramax, 1996. Election, Paramount, 1999. Television Work: Segment producer, Willie Nelson The Big S/x-O: An All-Star Birthday Celebration (special), CBS, 1993. WRITINGS Screenplays: The Pass/on of Martin, 1989. (Co-screenwriter) Citizen Ruth (also known as Meet Ruth Stoops), Miramax, 1996. Election, Paramount, 1999. Film Music: "The Joyful Song/' Citizen Ruth, 1996.*

300 • PEARCE

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

PEARCE, Richard 1943PERSONAL Full name, Richard Inman Pearce, Jr.; born January 25, 1943, in San Diego, CA; son of Richard Inman and Patricia (Pittman) Pearce; married Lynzee Klingman; children: Remy Elizabeth, John Nicholas Klingman. Education: Yale University, B.A. (English literature), 1965; New School for Social Research, M.A. (political economics), 1974. Addresses: Agent— United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Director, cinematographer, and producer. Camera operator for documentaries by Don Pennebaker and Richard Leacock. Member: Directors Guild of America. Awards, Honors: Fellow, Alicia Patterson Foundation, 1974-75; Golden Bear Award, Berlin International Film Festival, 1980, for Heartland; Christopher Awards, 1981, 1984.

Film Work; Director, Unless Otherwise Noted: (And editor) Campamento (documentary), 1970. Heartland, Filmhaus, 1980. Threshold, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1983. Country, Buena Vista, 1984. No Mercy, TriStar, 1986. The Long Walk Home, Miramax, 1991. Leap of Faith, Paramount, 1992. A Family Thing, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1996. Television Director; Movies: Siege, CBS, 1978. No Other Love, CBS, 1979. Sessions, ABC, 1983. "Dead Man Out" (also known as "Dead Man" and "Dead Man Walking"), HBO Showcase, HBO, 1989. "The Final Days," AT&T Presents, ABC, 1989. Thicker Than Blood, TNT, 1998. Television Work; Episodic: Producer (with Michael Hausman) and director, "The Gardener's Son," Visions, PBS, 1977. Director, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, NBC, 1985. Director, "The Last of the Watermen," Homicide: Life on the Street (also known as H: LOTS), 1993. Director, Nothing Sacred, 1997.

CREDITS Film Work; Cinematographer, Unless Otherwise Noted: Interviews with My Lai Veterans (documentary), Laser, 1969. Woodstock (documentary; also known as Woodstock—Three Days of Love and Music), Warner Bros., 1970. Campamento (documentary), 1970. Marjoe (documentary), Cinema V, 1972. Let the Good Times Roll (documentary), Columbia, 1973. (And associate producer) Hearts and Minds (documentary), Warner Bros., 1975. Camera assistant, Running Fence, 1978. Baby Snakes, Intercontinental Absurdities, 1979. Contributor of additional photography, Hair, United Artists, 1979. Rust Never Sleeps (documentary), International Harmony, 1979. Umbrellas, 1992. (With others) Woodstock: The Director's Cut (also known as Woodstock: Three Days of Peace and Music), Warner Bros., 1994. Also cinematographer for Emile de Antonio's America Is Hard to See (documentary); credited with providing assistance for 84 Charlie Mopic, 1989.

Other Television Work: Director, Party of Five (pilot), Fox, 1994. Cinematographer, Woodstock: The Lost Performance (special), Showtime, 1994. Camera operator, Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" (special), A&E, 1996. Director, Witness Protection, 1999.*

PERLMAN, Rhea 1948PERSONAL Born March 31,1948, in Brooklyn, NY; father's name, Phil; married Danny De Vito (an actor), 1981 (some sources say January 8 or 28, 1982); children: Lucy Chet, Gracie Fan, Jake Daniel Sebastian. Education: Hunter College of the City University of New York, degree in drama. Addresses: /Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212-1804. Career: Actress. Colonnades Theatre Lab, New York City, founder; New Street (production company), founder (with Danny De Vito).

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Awards: Emmy Award nominations, outstanding supporting actress in a comedy, variety, or music series, 1983,1987,1988,1990,1991,1993, Emmy Awards, outstanding supporting actress in a comedy, variety, or music series, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1989, Golden Globe Award nominations, best supporting actress in a television series, miniseries, or telefilm, 1985, 1987,1988,1989, 1990,1991,1992, Q Award, best supporting actress in a quality comedy series, Viewers for Quality Television, and American Comedy Award, George Schlatter Productions, funniest supporting female on television, 1989, all for Cheers. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Carla (Maria Victoria Angelina Teresa Apollonia Lozupone) Tortelli LeBec, Cheers, NBC, 1982-93. Title role (Pearl Caraldo), Pear/, CBS, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: Zena Sherman, "Louie and the Nice Girl/' Taxi, ABC, 1979. Zena Sherman, "Louis Meets the Folks/' Taxi, ABC, 1979. Zena Sherman, "Louie's Rival/' Taxi, ABC, 1980. Zena Sherman, "Louie's Fling," Taxi, ABC, 1981. Zena Sherman, "Zena's Honeymoon," Taxi, NBC, 1982. Annette Lozupone, "Little Sister, Dontcha," Cheers, NBC, 1983. Carla, "Cheers," St. Elsewhere, 1985. "The Wedding Ring," Amazing Stories, NBC, 1986. Carla Tortelli, The Tortellis, NBC, 1987. "The Network," Matlock, NBC, 1987. The godmother, "Dad's Girlfriend," Blossom, 1991. Connie Mason, Roc, 1991. Narrator, "Bootsie Barker Bites," Shelley Duvall's Bedtime Stories, Showtime, 1992. Voice of Carla Tortelli LeBec, "Fear of Flying," The Simpsons (animated), Fox, 1994. Voice, "Sherman, Woman, and Child," The Critic (animated), 1995. Voice of Ardeth, "From Chunk to Hunk," The Critic (animated), 1995. Mrs. Eileen Mulrooney, "Harassed," Union Square, NBC, 1997. Herself, "Dating for Ratings," Almost Perfect, 1997. Mrs. Ramona Dichristophoro, "Valentine's Day," Mad about You, NBC, 1999. Appeared as woman in counseling session, Angle. Television Appearances; Movies: Rae Finer, / Want to Keep My Baby!, CBS, 1976.

PERLMAN « 3 0 1 Jean, Stalk the Wild Child, NBC, 1976. Cheryl, Having Babies II, ABC, 1977. Judy, Mary ]ane Harper Cried Last Night, CBS, 1977. Intimate Strangers (also known as Battered!), ABC, 1977. Jan, Like Normal People, ABC, 1979. Tawney Shapiro, Drop-Out Father, CBS, 1982. Francine Kester, The Ratings Came (also known as The Mogul), The Movie Channel, 1984. Claudia, Dangerous Affection, NBC, 1987. Stamp of a Killer, 1987. Shirley, To Grandmother's House We Co, ABC, 1992. Jerri Blair, A Place To Be Loved (also known as A Place To Be and Shattered Family), CBS, 1993. Emma, Spoils of War, ABC, 1994. Esther, Houdini, TNT, 1998. Phyllis Markowitz, In the Doghouse, Showtime, 1998. Appeared in the movie Death of a Sibling. Television Appearances; Specials: The NBC All-Star Hour, NBC, 1985. Voice of Rose Johnson, "Happily Ever After," WonderWor/cs (animated), PBS, 1985. NBC's 60th Anniversary Celebration, NBC, 1986. Mickey's 60th Birthday Special, 1988. Candid Camera: The First Forty Years, CBS, 1987. Funny, You Don't Look 200, ABC, 1987. Sesame Street Special, PBS, 1988. Host, Who Cares for the Children?, PBS, 1988. Aunt Dee, A Family Again, 1988. Voice of Rose Johnson, "Two Daddies?," WoncferWorks, PBS, 1989. Time Warner Presents the Earth Day Special, ABC, 1990. Super Bloopers and New Practical jokes, NBC, 1990. Sinatra 75: The Best Is Yet to Come (also known as Frank Sinatra: 75th Birthday Celebration), CBS, 1990. "Disneyland's 35th Anniversary Celebration," The Magical World of Disney, NBC, 1990. Cheers: Special 200th Episode Celebration, NBC, 1990. Miss Gizborne, The Last Halloween, CBS, 1991. The Selling ofVince D'Angelo, Showtime, 1992. Back to School '92 (also known as Education First!), CBS, 1992. Last Call! A Cheers' Celebration, NBC, 1993. Best of Taxi (also known as Hey Tax/), CBS, 1994. "Worm TV" disc jockey, Sesame Street's All-Star 25th Birthday: Stars and Street Forever, ABC, 1994. Earth Day at Walt Disney World, The Disney Channel, 1996. Night of about 14 CBS Stars, CBS, 1996.


Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 41st Annual Emmy Awards, Fox, 1989. The 3rd Annual American Comedy Awards, ABC, 1989. "The Walt Disney Company Presents the American Teacher Awards/7 The Magical World of Disney, The Disney Channel, 1990. The 10th Annual American Comedy Awards, ABC, 1996.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

PETERSON, Seth 1970PERSONAL Born August 16, 1970, in The Bronx, NY. Addresses: /Agent—Innovative Artists Talent, 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA.

Television Work; Executive Producer: (With Tony Thomas and Paul Junger Witt) Pearl, CBS, 1996.

Career: Actor.

Film Appearances: Mother, Swap Meet, 1979. Little Jewish prostitute, National Lampoon Coes to the Movies (also known as National Lampoon's Movie Madness), 1981. June Burns, Love Child, Warner Bros., 1982. Voice of Reeka, My Little Pony: The Movie (animated), De Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1986. Mavis, Over Her Dead Body (also known as Enid Is Sleeping), Vestron Video, 1990. Grace, Ted and Venus, Double Helix Films, 1991. Miss Joanne Simpson, Class Act, Warner Bros., 1992. Voice of 9-Eye, From Time to Time (also known as Timekeeper and Le Visionarium), 1992. Lydia Nunn, There Goes the Neighborhood (also known as Paydirt), Paramount, 1992. Voice of Mother Bird, We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (animated), Universal, 1993. Deputy Honey, Canadian Bacon, Gramercy Pictures, 1995. Zinnia Wormwood, Matilda (also known as Mathilda and Roald Dahl's Matilda), TriStar, 1996. Phyllis Saroka, Sunset Park (also known as Coach), TriStar, 1996. Martha, Carpool, Warner Bros., 1996. Ms. Beezlebub, H-E Double Hockey Sticks, 1999.

Television Appearances; Series: Robbie Hansen, Providence, NBC, 1999—.

Appeared in the films Final Analysis, Love in Venice, and Radio Flyer; also appeared in the short films Minestrone and The Sound Sleeper. Stage Appearances: Lorna, "Ellis Takes His Life Again/' in What! And Leave Bloomingdale's?, Theatre of the Little Church around the Corner, New York City, 1973. Columbine, A Phantasmagoria Historia of D. Johann Fausten Magister, PHD, MD, DD, DL, Etc., Truck and Warehouse Theatre, New York City, 1973. Also appeared in Vinyl Visits an FM Station.*


Television Appearances; Episodic: Beverly Hills, 90210, Fox, 1996. David, Clueless, ABC, 1996. Kevin Monk, Profiler, NBC, 1996. Customer, Arsenio, ABC, 1997. Sophia's boyfriend, Nick Freno: Licensed Teacher, The WB, 1997. Scott, Profiler, NBC, 1997. Television Appearances; Specials: El Rack'n'Roll: Behind the Scenes, E! Entertainment Television, 1999. Film Appearances: Keg guy, Can't Hardly Wait, Columbia, 1998. Apache pilot, Godzilla, TriStar, 1998. Captured, Back Seat Productions, 1999.*

PHILLIPS, Erica See PHILLIPS, Erica Edell

PHILLIPS, Erica Edell (Erica Phillips) PERSONAL Born in New York, NY. Education: Attended Hunter College of the City University of New York; studied film at New School for Social Research. Addresses: Manager—Sandra Marsh Management, 9150 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 220, Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Career: Costume designer. WOR-Radio, producer of a talk show. Awards, Honors: Saturn Award nomination, Academy of Science Fiction and Fantasy, 1987, for Rofaocop; Saturn Award, 1990, for Total Recall. CREDITS Film Work; Costume Designer, Except Where Indicated: (As Erica Phillips) How to Beat the High Cost of Living, American International Pictures, 1980. (As Erica Phillips) Costume supervisor, Dead and Buried, 1981. (As Erica Phillips) Hadley's Rebellion, ADI, 1984. (As Erica Phillips) Twice in a Lifetime, 1985. (As Erica Phillips) Tough Guys, Buena Vista, 1986. (As Erica Phillips) Robocop, Orion, 1987. (As Erica Phillips) Alien Nation, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1988. Major League, Paramount, 1989. True Believer (also known as Fighting justice), Columbia, 1989. Total Recall, TriStar, 1990. Shattered, Union Films S.A./Tobis Filmkunst, 1991. Talent for the Came, Paramount Home Video, 1991. Rapid Fire, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. A Perfect World, Warner Bros., 1993. Calendar Girl, Columbia TriStar, 1993. In the Line of Fire, Columbia TriStar, 1993. Little Big League, Izcaro Films, 1994. Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home (also known as Free Willy 2), Warner Bros., 1995. Outbreak, Warner Bros., 1995. The Cable Guy, Columbia TriStar, 1996. Amanda, 1996. Air Force One (also known as AFO), Columbia, 1997. Soldier, Warner Bros., 1998. The General's Daughter, Paramount, 1999. Television Work; Movies: (As Erica Phillips) Women's wardrobe mistress, Topper, ABC, 1979. (As Erica Phillips) Costume designer, A Long Way Home, CBS, 1981. (As Erica Phillips) Ladies' costume designer, Pray TV, ABC, 1982. (As Erica Phillips) Costume supervisor, M.A.D.D.: Mothers against Drunk Drivers, NBC, 1983. (As Erica Phillips) Costume designer, A Letter to Three Wives, NBC, 1985. (As Erica Phillips) Costume supervisor, Peyton Place: The Next Generation, NBC, 1985.

PILEGGI «303 (As Erica Phillips) Costume supervisor, Under the Influence, CBS, 1986. Costume designer, Daughters of Privilege (also known as Keys to the Kingdom), NBC, 1991. Costume designer, Keeper of the City, Showtime, 1992. Television Work, Costume Designer; Episodic: Charlie's Angels, between 1976 and 1981. Emerald Point, N.A.S., between 1983 and 1984. Other Television Work; Costume Designer: One Cooks, the Other Doesn't, 1983. Princess Daisy, 1983. Cocaine and Blue Eyes, 1983.*



Born April 5, 1952, in Portland, OR; son of Vito (a defense contractor) and Maxine (a homemaker) Pileggi; married Debbie Andrews, 1978 (divorced, 1983); married Arlene Rempel, 1996. Education: Attended Fullerton College and University of Maryland, Munich, Germany; University of Texas, degree in business. Avocational interests: Playing guitar, golfing, skating. Addresses: Agent— Peculia King and Associates, 9229 Sunset Blvd., Suite 315, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Career: Actor. Worked as a housing accounting specialist in Iran. Awards, Honors: Shared Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by an ensemble in a drama series, 1998, for The X-Files. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Assistant Director Walter Sergei Skinner, The X-Files, Fox, 1994—. Television Appearances; Episodic: Paul Winkle, "The Road to Hope/' TheA-Team, 1985. "Baby Talk/' Hooperman, 1987. "With a Little Help from My Friends/' China Beach, 1989. John Paul Sartre, "The Night of the Screams/' Alien Nation, 1989.


Morrisey, 'Three-Three-Three: Part 1," Dallas, 1990. Chuck Danko, 'The Incident," Hunter, 1990. Morrisey, "April in Paris," Dallas, 1990. Morrisey, "Charade," Dallas, 1990. Coach, "Ice Follies," Doctor Doctor, 1990. "Bully for Otis," Drexell's Class, 1991. White officer, Roc, 1992. Max, "Chris's Brain," Get a Life!, 1992. Hit man, Models Inc., 1994. Jake Morgan, "Contact Sport," Players, NBC, 1997. Paul Grady, "Money Talks," Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1998. Bull, "The Good Son," That '70s Show, FOX, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Jerry Morrow, The Sky's No Limit (also known as The Sky's the Limit), CBS, 1984. Verbeck, Da/ton: Code of Vengeance //, NBC, 1986. Bull Tully, Three on a Match, NBC, 1987. Gate AP, U.S. Marshals: Waco & Rhinehart, ABC, 1987. Captain Keller, Night Visions (also known as The Nightmare Cafe), NBC, 1990. Thomas J. Watts, Knightrider 2000, NBC, 1991. Thompson, Trouble Shooters: Trapped beneath the Earth (also known as Trapped and Troubleshooters), NBC, 1993. Benny, Pointman, syndicated, 1994. Carl Rikker, Raven Hawk, HBO, 1996. Police Chief Jeff Croy, Legion of Fire: Killer Ants! (also known as Marabunta), Fox, 1998. Also appeared in Absolute Strangers. Television Appearances; Specials: Narrator, More Secrets of the X-Files, Fox, 1996. Host and narrator, Breaking the Magician's Code: Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed, Fox, 1997. Host and narrator, Breaking the Magician's Code: Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 2, Fox, 1998. Host, Breaking the Magician's Code: Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 3, Fox, 1998. Host, Breaking the Magician's Code: Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 4—Unmasking the Magician: The Final Reveal, Fox, 1998. Inside the X-Files, Fox, 1998. Film Appearances: Woody, Mongrel, Rondo, Sutherland & Jenkins, 1982. Stephens, On the Line (also known as RioAbajo), El Iman/Amber, 1984.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Duke Herman, Three O'Clock High, 1987. Cannery lab foreman, Death Wish 4: The Crackdown, 1987. Sarge, Return of the Living Dead Part II, Lorimar, 1988. Horace Pinker, Shocker, Universal, 1989. Caleb, Brothers in Arms, 1989. Dominique, Guilty as Charged, 1991. Internal Affairs investigator, Basic Instinct, TriStar, 1992. Concert guard, It's Pat, Buena Vista, 1994. Vince, Dangerous Touch, 1994. Tony, Vampire in Brooklyn, 1995. Assistant director Walter Skinner, The X Files (also known as X-Files: The Movie), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998. Bruce Koball, Takedown, 1999. Dexter, Gun Shy, 1999. Stage Appearances: Appeared as Pontius Pilate, Jesus Christ Superstar, Austin, TX; also appeared in Bent and Lone Star, both Austin. RECORDINGS Video Games: Walter Skinner, The X Files Game, 1998. Taped Readings: Narrator of audio versions of the novels by Kevin J. Anderson, X-Files: Ruins and X-Files: Antibodies. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, February 9, 1996.*

PLESHETTE John 1942PERSONAL Born July 27, 1942, in New York, NY. Education: Attended Brown University and Carnegie-Mellon University; studied acting with Stella Adler and Sanford Meisner. Addresses: Office—Pleshette/Milner Agency, 2700 North Beachwood Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90068-1341. Career: Actor.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Dr. Danvers, Doctors' Hospital, NBC, 1975-76. Richard Avery, Knots Landing, CBS, 1979-83. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Marty Cass, Seventh Avenue, NBC, 1977. Lee Harvey Oswald, The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald, ABC, 1977. Eddie Maltz, Sidney Sheldon's "Windmills of the Gods/' CBS, 1988. Neil Woodman, Bloodlines: Murder in the Family '(also known as The Ninja Murders), NBC, 1993. Gary Blondo, Murder One: Diary of a Serial Killer,


Television Appearances; Movies: Kip Nathan, The Users, ABC, 1978. Willie Hedges, Once upon a Family, CBS, 1980. Jeff McNulty, The Kid with the Broken Halo, NBC, 1982. Frank Vandenberg, Burning Rage, CBS, 1984. Al Singer, Stormin' Home, CBS, 1985. Tommy Gallep, Malice in Wonderland (also known as The Rumor Mill), CBS, 1985. David Elias, Mrs. Delafield Wants to Marry, CBS, 1986. John Hamill, Welcome Home, Bobby, CBS, 1986. Mel Erman, Shattered Innocence (also known as Images of Eileen, Mourning Song, and Shattered /mage), CBS, 1988. Wagner Thorne, Murder in Paradise, NBC, 1990. Gary, Lies of the Twins, USA, 1991. Charley Sloan, Deadly Game, USA, 1991. Kramer, Calendar Girl, Cop Killer? The Bambi Bembenek Story (also known as The Heart of the Lie), ABC, 1992. Bill Slocum, "Percy and Thunder/' TNTScreenworks, TNT, 1993. Mr. Wizzard, The Curse of Inferno (also known as The Stick Up)f 1995. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Dwarf in a Helium Hat/' The Rockford Files, 1977. Carl Fry, "The Flickering Torch Mystery/' The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries, 1977. "Black Mirror/' Parts 1-2, The Rockford Files, 1978. "Robin Tucker's Roseland Roof and Ballroom Murders," Tenspeed and Brown Shoe, 1980. Richard Chapman, "Red Star Rising," Whiz Kids, 1983. "Compulsion," Magnum P.I., 1984. LA. Law, 1986.

PLESHETTE • 305 Dr. Ashfield, Simon and Simon, CBS, 1986. Nicky Saperstein, Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1986. Charley, Highway to Heaven, NBC, 1987. Dr. Slevin, Hard Copy, CBS, 1987. Lancer, Benjamin, and Jonathan, "D.O.A.: MacGyver," MacGyver, ABC, 1987. Stanley, Highway to Heaven, NBC, 1988. Al Noonan, Civil Wars, 1991 and 1992. "Larry's Agent," The Larry Sanders Show, 1993. Dr. Emil Hamilton, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, ABC, 1994. Detective Simpson, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, 1994. Gary Blondo, Murder One, 1995. Dr. John Foster, "Murder in the Dark," Diagnosis Murder, 1996. "Vow of Silence," The Sentinel, 1996.

Arli$$, 1996. Mr. Schoenberger, "Ambush," ER, NBC, 1997. Roger Quinn, Michael Hayes, CBS, 1997. Sean Flanagan, "A Stand-up Guy," The Pretender, NBC, 1998. Nick Jamison, attorney, "Trees in the Forest," The Practice, ABC, 1998. Other Television Appearances: Zero Hour (special), ABC, 1967. Nicky Holroyd, Bell, Book, and Candle (pilot), NBC, 1976. Secretary of State Seward, The Day Lincoln Was Shot, TNT, 1998. Television Work; Episodic: Director, Knots Landing, CBS, 1979. Film Appearances: Finkle, End of the Road, Allied Artists, 1970. Murray, Parades (also known as Break Loose), Cinerama, 1972. Won Ton Ton—The Dog Who Saved Hollywood, Paramount, 1976. Slap Shot, Universal, 1977. Theatrical agent, House Calls, Universal, 1978. Director, Rocky II, United Artists, 1979. Capitol Studios vice-president, S.O.B., Paramount, 1981. Hap Ludlow, Micki and Maude, Columbia, 1984. Dr. Lido, Paramedics, Vestron, 1988. Harold, Vietnam, Texas, 1990. Joe, The Eye of the Stranger, Silver Lake International Pictures, 1993. Donald Carr, Katie (also known as Born To Be Wild), Warner Bros., 1995. Network executive, The Truman Show, Paramount, 1998.

306 • POLLAK

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Stage Appearances: Moth, Love's Labour's Lost, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, New York City, 1965. (Broadway debut) David Grossman, The Zulu and theZayda, Cort Theatre, 1965-66. Marquess of Dorset, Richard III, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, 1966. Boy, Measure for Measure, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, 1966. Ted Ken O'Dunc, MacBird!, Village Gate Theatre, New York City, 1967. Boy, Jimmy Shine, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1968. Michael Fisch, The Shrinking Bride, Mercury Theatre, New York City, 1971. Jacob "Carruthers" Perew, Green Julia, Sheridan Square Playhouse, New York City, 1972. Jim, Allergy, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1974. Jigger Hannafin, Says I, Says He, Center Theatre Group, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 1979-80. Also appeared in productions of It's Called the Sugar Plum and Sound of Silence. Stage Director: The Pornographer's Daughter, Manhattan Theatre Club, 1975. WRITINGS Television Episodes: Knots Landing, CBS, 1979. Ryan's Four, ABC, 1983. Adaptations: The Million Dollar Rip-Off, a movie made for television, is based on a screenplay by Pleshette.*


CREDITS Film Appearances: Officer Quinn, Million Dollar Mystery (also known as Money Mania), 1987. Rool, Willow, 1988. Izzy Kirk, Avalon, 1990. Phil, Another You, 1991. Detective Larry Doyle, Ricochet, 1991. Frank Swan, LA. Story, 1991. Eli, The Opposite Sex and How to Live with Them, 1992. Lieutenant Sam Weinberg, A Pew Good Men, Columbia, 1992. Jerry Segel, Wayne's World 2, 1993. Jacob Goldman, Grumpy Old Men, Warner Bros., 1993. Brad Berman, Indian Summer, Buena Vista, 1993. Stand-up comic, Reality Bites, Universal, 1994. Rosenheim, Clean Slate, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1994. Todd Hockney, The Usual Suspects, Gramercy Pictures, 1995. Stuart Smiley, Canadian Bacon, Gramercy Pictures, 1995. Phillip Green, Casino, Universal, 1995. Jordan Marcus, Miami Rhapsody, Buena Vista, 1995. Jacob Goldman, Grumpier Old Men (also known as Grumpy Old Men 2), Warner Bros., 1995. Matt Gianni, Chameleon, Samuel Goldwyn Co., 1995. Boss Vic Koss, That Thing You Do!, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1996. Himself, Cannes Man, Vine International, 1996. Ned Beindorf, House Arrest, Rysher Entertainment, 1996. Gordon Jacobson, Truth or Consequences N.M., Triumph Releasing, 1997. President Emerson, Deterrence, Paramount Classics, 1998. Television sportscaster, Buffalo '66, Lions Gate Films, 1998. Rudy, Hoods, Pioneer North America, 1998. Wit Roy, Outside Ozona, Columbia TriStar, 1998. Walking across Egypt, 1999. Gerald Lefcourt, Steal This Movie, 1999. Dr. Berman, The Sex Monster, 1999. Wayne Boggs, She's All That, Miramax, 1999. Chicago, End of Days, 1999.

Born October 30, 1958, in San Francisco, CA. Addresses: Agent— International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 902111934. Career: Stand-up comedian; actor.

Television Appearances; Series: Brian Binker, Coming of Age, CBS, 1988. Chick Morton, Morton & Hayes, CBS, 1991. Narrator (with others), Sex and the Silver Screen, Showtime, 1996. Jordan Better, Work with Me, CBS, 1999.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Specials: Paul Reiser: Out on a Whim, HBO, 1987. Eddie Hayes, Partners in Life, CBS, 1990. Straw, The World According to Straw, Fox, 1990. Kevin Pollak: Stop with the Kicking, HBO, 1991. Children's Miracle Network Telethon, syndicated, 1991. Comic Relief VI, HBO, 1994. The Real Deal, Comedy Central, 1995. Host, A Salute to the American Red Cross, The Nashville Network, 1995. Color commentator, State of the Union Undressed '95, Comedy Central, 1995. Star Trek: 30 Years and Beyond, UPN, 1996. Correspondent, Not Necessarily the Elections, HBO, 1996. Catch a Rising Star 50th Anniversay—Give or Take 26 Years, CBS, 1996. A Salute to Martin Scorsese (also known as The 25th American Film Institute Life Achievement Award: A Salute to Martin Scorsese), CBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: Barry Gold, National Lampoon's Hot Flashes, syndicated, 1984. Voice of Mr. Bell, "Buzz Beer," The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 1996. Pilot, "Boxed In/' Perversions of Science, HBO, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Julian Riceputo, The Don's Analyst (also known as National Lampoon's The Don's Analyst), The Movie Channel, 1997. Chameleon, HBO, 1997. Dr. Robert Coles, Ruby Bridges, ABC, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Joe Shea, From the Earth to the Moon, HBO, 1998. Television Work; Producer: One-Night Stand, HBO, 1989. Kevin Pollak: Stop with the Kicking, HBO, 1991. Work with Me, CBS, 1999. Also produced The Seven Deadly Sins. RECORDINGS Videos: Appeared in the Muppets music video She Drives Me Crazy.

POUNDER • 307 Also wrote The Seven Deadly Sins. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, September 30, 1994, p. 12. People Weekly, January 11,1993, p. 49. Premiere, June, 1994, p. 22.*

POUNDER, CC. H. 1952PERSONAL Full name, Carol Christine Hilaria Pounder; born December 25,1952, in Georgetown, Guyana; daughter of Ronald Urlington and Betsy Enid Amelia Games) Pounder; married Boubacar Kone. Education: Ithaca College, B.F.A., 1975. Addresses: Contact—Smith and Associates, 121 North San Vincente, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actress. Appeared with Actors Theatre of Louisville, Louisville, KY, 1975-77; Arena Stage, Washington, DC, 1977-78; and Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, Milwaukee, Wl, 1980-81. Member: Artists for a Free South Africa. Awards, Honors: Image Award nomination, best actress in a television drama, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1986,1987,1988,1989, and 1990; French Cesar Award, best foreign film, Academie des Arts et Techniques du Cinema, 1987, for Bagdad Cafe; Image Award nominations, outstanding supporting actress in a drama series, 1994 and 1996, both for ER; Image Award nomination, outstanding actress in a television movie, miniseries, or drama special, 1996, for Zooman; Emmy Award nominations, outstanding guest actress in a drama series, 1995, for The X-Files episode "Duane Barry," and outstanding supporting actress in a drama series, 1997, for The X-Files; Grammy Award nomination, best spoken word category, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences; award from Senegal's Museum of Contemporary and Traditional Art; award for contributions to the arts, Institute for Caribbean Studies.

WRITINGS CREDITS Television Specials: One-Night Stand, HBO, 1989. Kevin Pollak: Stop with the Kicking, HBO, 1991.

Television Appearances; Series: Dawn Murphy, Women in Prison, Fox, 1987-88.

308 • POUNDER Nurse Lucy, Birdland, ABC, 1994. Dr. Angela Hicks, ER (also known as Emergency Room), NBC, 1994-97. Voice of Anchor woman, Batman Beyond, 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Venus Taylor, The Atlanta Child Murders, CBS, 1985-. Ernestine Littlechap, If Tomorrow Comes, CBS, 1986. Sara Pickett, Return to Lonesome Dove, CBS, 1993. Dr. Shauna Kendall, House of Frankenstein 1997, NBC, 1997. Sandra Knight, Netforce (also known as Tom Clancy's Netforce), ABC, 1999. To Serve and Protect, NBC, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Priscilla, As Summers Die, HBO, 1986. Ada Johnson, Resting Place, CBS, 1986. Roberta, Leap of Faith (also known as Question of Faith), CBS, 1988. Janice, Run till You Fall, CBS, 1988. Julie, Third Degree Bum, HBO, 1989. Prue, No Place like Home (also known as Homeless), CBS, 1989. Rachel Twymon, Common Ground, CBS, 1990. Fran Ambrose, Psycho IV: The Beginning, Showtime, 1990. Fannie Lee Chaney, Murder in Mississippi (also known as Mississippi Summer), NBC, 1990. Naomi Brinker, For Their Own Good, ABC, 1993. Lieutenant Janna Mayvene, Lifepod, Fox, 1993. Daisy Bates, The Ernest Green Story, The Disney Channel, 1993. Detective Nora Davis, The Disappearance of Christina, USA, 1994. Ash, Zooman (also known as Zooman and the Sign), Showtime, 1995. Nurse Shabana, White Dwarf, Fox, 1995. Mrs. Harris, Jack Reed: A Killer Amongst Us (also known as Jack Reed: One of Our Own and Jack Reed: The Ridges Case), NBC, 1996. Dr. Marilyn Tower, All She Ever Wanted (also known as Mother's Day and The Ties That Bind), ABC, 1996. Jenny Ford, "1952," If These Walls Could Talk, HBO, 1996. Danielle Kline, Final Justice, Lifetime, 1998. Dr. Geddes, Little Girl Fly Away, CBS, 1998. Ethel B., Funny Valentines, Starz!, 1999. Television Appearances; Pilots: Anna Mae Demsey, The Line, NBC, 1987. On the Edge, NBC, 1987.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Specials: Renee Cook, "My Past Is My Own/' CBS Schoolbreak Specials, CBS, 1989. RoxanneTevis, "Darryl Tevis," Lifestories, NBC, 1991. Eudora Kellogg, New Year (also known as New Year's and New Year's 7999), ABC, 1993. Harriet "Harry" Napoleon, Things That Go Bump, NBC, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Little Boil Blue," Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1982. Vonette Timmons, Cagney and Lacey, CBS, 1986. LucindaMerkle, 227, NBC, 1989. "Amazing Grace," Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1986. Anne, LA. Law, NBC, 1986. Mama Harper, Quantum Leap, NBC, 1990. The Cosby Show, NBC, 1992. Full House, ABC, 1992. Zora, Sisters, NBC, 1993. Dr. LeBrook, "Co-op," South Central, 1994. Voice of Desdemona, "City of Stone," Gargoyles (animated), 1994. Voice of Captain Maria Chavez, Cargoyles (animated), 1994. Judge Addison, Sweet Justice, 1994. Agent Lucy Kazdin, The X-Files, Fox, 1995. Nina Shaw, "Mommy Not Dearest," Living Single, 1995. Cheryl Andrews, "The Hands of Saint Sebastian," Millennium, Fox, 1997. Cheryl Andrews, "Skull and Bones," Millennium, Fox, 1998. Appeared as Yvonne, Miami Vice, NBC. Film Appearances: Nurse Gibbons (some sources cite Nurse Blake), All That Jazz, Columbia/Twentieth Century-Fox, 1979. Mother, Union City, Kinesis/Mainline, 1980. Anne, I'm Dancing As Fast As I Can, Paramount, 1982. Deborah, Co Tell It on the Mountain, Learning in Focus, 1984. Peaches Altamont, Pr/zz/'s Honor, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1985. Brenda, Bagdad Cafe (also known as Out of Rosenheim), Island Pictures, 1987. Julie Marsden, Postcards from the Edge, Columbia, 1990. Miss Prism, The Importance of Being Earnest, Eclectic Concepts/Paco Global, 1992. Dr. Garvey, Benny and Joon, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1993.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Bertha, Robocop 3, Orion, 1993. Lieutenant Victoria Hendrix, Sliver (also known as Sliver— Gier der Augen), Paramount, 1993. Irene, Tales from the Crypt Presents Demon Knight (also known as Demon Keeper and Demon Knight), Universal, 1995. Voice of the oracle, Aladdin and the King of Thieves, Buena Vista, 1996. Dr. Hollis Miller, Face/Off, Paramount, 1997. Lucinda Davis, Melting Pot (also known as Race), APix Entertainment, 1998. Stage Appearances: S.S. Glencairn, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1978. Rita, The Mighty Gents, Mobile Theatre, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, New York City, 1979. Valeria, Coriolanus, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, then Public Theatre, New York City, both 1979. Mrs. Brewster, Open Admissions, Music Box Theatre, New York City, 1984. RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Vree, Fallout, 1997. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, September 4, 1995, p. 101 .*

PRATT, Susan May PERSONAL Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Annie, No Looking Back, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998. Mandella, Ten Things I Hate about You, Buena Vista, 1999. Alicia, Drive Me Crazy, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Anya, The Substitute 2: School's Out, HBO, 1998.

PRINZE • 309 Television Appearances; Episodic: Leslie Crowell, Law and Order, NBC, 1997."

PRINZE, FreddieJr. 1976PERSONAL Born March 8, 1976, in Albuquerque, NM; son of Freddie Prinze (an actor) and Kathy Cochran (a real estate agent). Education: Attended high school in Eldorado, Sandia, and La Cueva, NM. Addresses: Contact—c/o Twentieth Century-Fox, 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036. Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Blockbuster Entertainment Award nomination, favorite horror actor, 1997, for / Know What You Did Last Summer; Blockbuster Entertainment Award, favorite horror supporting actor, 1998, for / St/7/ Know What You Did Last Summer; shared MTV Movie Award nomination, best onscreen duo (with Rachael Leigh Cook), 1999, for She's All That CREDITS Film Appearances: Joey Bost, To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1996. Ray Bronson, / Know What You Did Last Summer (also known as Last Summer), Columbia, 1997. Brad, Sparkler, Strand Releasing, 1997. Anthony, The House of Yes, Miramax, 1997. Ray Bronson, / Still Know What You Did Last Summer (also known as Last Summer 2), Columbia, 1998. Zack Siler, She's All That, Miramax, 1999. Christopher "Maverick" Blair, Wing Commander, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Al Connelly, Down to You, 1999. Ryan, Boys and Girls, Miramax, 2000 Jim Winston, Head Over Heels, Universal, 2000 Television Appearances; Movies: Aaron Sullivan, Detention: Siege at Johnson High (also known as Target for Rage), ABC, 1997. Tony, Vig (also known as Money Kings), Cinemax, 1998. Also appeared in The Watcher. Television Appearances; Episodic: Tough guy, "The Gun/' Family Matters, ABC, 1994.

310 • PRINZE Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Specials: The 1996 NCLR Bravo Awards, 1996. Jeff, "Too Soon for Jeff/' ABC After School Specials, ABC, 1996. The 1999 Teen Choice Awards, 1999. RECORDINGS Videos: Appeared in Kiss Me, a music video by Sixpence None the Richer. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, November 30, 1998, p. 33; February 15, 1999, p. 118.*


RABIN, Trevor 1954(?)PERSONAL Born January 13, 1954 (some sources cite 1955), in Johannesburg, South Africa. Career: Composer and musician. Rabbit, band leader during the 1970s; Yes (progressive art/rock music group), performed as guitarist, keyboard player, singer, songwriter, producer, and recording engineer in the 1980s and 1990s. Awards, Honors: Grammy Award nomination, best arrangement for voices, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, 1984, for "Leave It." CREDITS Film Work: Music producer and orchestrator, Con Air, Buena Vista, 1997. Music producer, Enemy of the State, Buena Vista, 1998. Music producer, engineer, and mixer, Armageddon, Buena Vista, 1998. Music arranger, producer, engineer, and mixer, Jack Frost (also known as Frost), Warner Bros., 1998.

Trevor Rabin, Chrysalis, 1978. Face to Face, One Way, 1979. Wolf, One Way, 1981. (With Yes) 90/25, Atlantic, 1983. (With Yes) Big Generator, Atlantic, 1987. Can't Look Away, One Way, 1989. Union, Arista, 1991. Yesyears, Atlantic, 1991. Talk, Victory, 1994. Tw/ster (film score), 1996. Performed on recordings with other artists, including Manfred Mann, John Miles, Marc Jordan, Bonham, Michael Jackson, and Tina Turner. WRITINGS Film Music: Additional music, Fair Game, Warner Bros., 1995. Additional music, Twister, c. 1996. The Glimmer Man, Warner Bros., 1996. Con Air, Buena Vista, 1997. Armageddon, Buena Vista, 1998. Fnemy of the State, Buena Vista, 1998. Homegrown, TriStar, 1998. Jack Frost (also known as Frost), Warner Bros., 1998. Deep Blue Sea, Warner Bros., 1999. Whispers, 1999. Songwriter for the film Fraser.

Film Appearances: Jack Frost (also known as Frost), Warner Bros., 1998.

Television Music; Series: Theme, 5.O.F. Special Operations Force, syndicated, 1997.

RECORDINGS OTHER SOURCES Albums: (With Rabbit) Boys Will Be Boys, 1976. (With Rabbit) Croak and Grunt in the Night, 1977.

Periodicals: Guitar Player, July, 1994, p. 15.*

312 • RAGGIO

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Little Toaster; Academy Award nomination, best screenplay written directly for the screen, 1995, for Toy Story.


CREDITS Born May 12, 19??, in New York City, NY. Addresses:/Agent—Paul Kohner, 9300 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 555, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Band girl at party, Cheech and Chong's Nice Dreams, Columbia, 1981. Reporter, The Man with One Red Shoe, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1985. Bad singer, The Fabulous Baker Boys, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. Voice, An American Tail: Fievel Coes West, United International Pictures, 1991.

Film Work: Storyboard artist, animator, and cinematographer, The Brave Little Toaster, Hyperion Pictures, 1987. Storyboard artist, The Little Mermaid, Buena Vista, 1989. Story supervisor, The Rescuers Down Under, Buena Vista, 1990. Titles designer, Drop Dead Fred, New Line Cinema, 1991. Storyboard supervisor, Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas, Lauren Films, 1993. Story supervisor, Toy Story, Buena Vista, 1995. Storyboard supervisor, James and the Ciant Peach, Buena Vista, 1996. Story supervisor and post-production voice, A Bug's Life, Buena Vista, 1998. Story supervisor and sculptor, Toy Story 2, Buena Vista,

1999. Film Work; Song Performer: "My Baby Anyway/' Kinjite, Cannon, 1989. "My Way/' The Fabulous Baker Boys, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. Television Appearances; Episodic: Private Maria Gianelli, Private Benjamin, CBS, 1981. Paula Silver, Perfect Strangers, ABC, 1989. Fifty-first secretary, Murphy Brown, CBS, 1992. Voice, Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego?, PBS,

1994. Phyllis, Coach, ABC, 1996. Troop leader, Sister, Sister, The WB, 1997. Other Television Appearances: Lorraine, You Ruined My Life (movie), ABC, 1987. Receptionist, Baby M (miniseries), ABC, 1988.*

Film Appearances: Voice of Elmo St. Peters, The Brave Little Toaster, Hyperion Pictures, 1987. Additional voice, Toy Story Buena Vista, 1995. Voice of Heimlich, A Bug's Life, Buena Vista, 1998. Voice of Wheezy, Toy Story 2, Buena Vista, 1999. Television Work; Movies: Creator of additional character, The Brave Little Toaster Coes to Mars, The Disney Channel, 1999. Television Work; Episodic: Storyboard artist, Back to the Future, CBS, 1991. WRITINGS Screenplays: The Brave Little Toaster (based on his own story), Hyperion Pictures, 1987. The Rescuers Down Under, Buena Vista, 1990.

RAN FT, Joe PERSONAL Born in Pasadena, CA. Career: Writer and artist. Awards, Honors: Shared Emmy Award nomination, outstanding animated program, 1988, for The Brave

Television Specials: An All New Adventure of Disney's Sport Goofy, The Disney Channel, 1987. Adaptations: Films based on stories by Ranft include Oliver and Company, released by Buena Vista in 1988; Beauty and the Beast, released by Buena Vista in 1991; The Lion King, released by Lauren Films in

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 1994; Toy Story, released by Buena Vista in 1995; A Bug's Life, released by Buena Vista in 1998; and Toy 5tory 2, released by Buena Vista in 1999.*

RAWLINGS, Richard L, Jr. PERSONAL Son of Richard L. Rawlings, Sr., (cinematographer). Education: Studied film at University of Southern California. Career: Television and film cinematographer. Learned cinematography from his father. Member: American Society of Cinematographers. Awards, Honors: American Society of Cinematographers Award, 1988, for Paradise; American Society of Cinematographers Award nomination, outstanding achievement in cinematography in a regular series, 1983, for Scarecrow and Mrs. King; American Society of Cinematographers Award nomination, outstanding achievement in cinematography in movies of the week/pi lots, 1992, for When No One Would Listen; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding individual achievement in cinematography for a miniseries or a special, 1995, for Big Dreams & Broken Hearts: The Dottle West Story; Emmy Award nominations for O'Hara and Reasonable Doubts. CREDITS

REDGRAVE » 3 1 3

Television Cinematographer; Movies: Hawaii Five-O, 1968. KungFu, ABC, 1972. Returning Home, ABC, 1975. The Blue Knight, CBS, 1975. Widow, NBC, 1976. The Users, ABC, 1978. Love's Savage Fury, ABC, 1979. If Things Were Different, CBS, 1980. Mother and Daughter: The Loving War, ABC, 1980. The Seduction of Miss Leona, CBS, 1980. Computercide (also known as The Final Eye), NBC, 1982. Fantasies, ABC, 1982. The Wild Women of Chastity Gulch, ABC, 1982. Making of a Male Model, ABC, 1983. When No One Would Listen, 1992. Big Dreams & Broken Hearts: The Dottle West Story, 1995. Television Cinematographer; Specials: The Home Front, CBS, 1980. "Doris Day interview/' Don's Day: A Sentimental journey, PBS, 1991. Film Cinematographer: The Killers (also known as Ernest Hemingway's The Killers), Universal, 1964. The Cockeyed Cowboys of Calico County (also known as A Woman for Charley), Universal, 1970. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: AC, October, 1995, pp. 86-7.*

Television Cinematographer; Series: The Blue Knight, CK, 1975. Three for the Road, CBS, 1975. Charlie's Angels, ABC, 1976. Dynasty, ABC, 1981. Strike Force, ABC, 1981. Matt Houston, ABC, 1982. T.I. Hooker, ABC, 1982. Scarecrow and Mrs. King, CBS, 1983. Glitter, ABC, 1984. MacCruder and Loud, ABC, 1985. The Co/fays, ABC, 1985. Tough Cookies, 1986. Paradise, 1988. Seven Days (also known as 7 Days and Seven Days: The Series), USA Network, 1998.

Born January 30, 1937, in London, England; daughter of Sir Michael Scudemore (an actor) and Rachel (an actress; maiden name, Kempson) Redgrave; sister of Lynn Redgrave (an actress) and Corin Redgrave (an actor); married Tony Richardson (a director), April 29, 1962 (divorced, 1967); children: (with Richardson) Natasha Jane (an actress), Joely Kim (an actress); (with Franco Nero) Carlo Gabriel. Education: Trained for the stage at Central School of Speech and Drama, London, 1955-57.

Also cinematographer for Stingray, LA. Law, O'Hara and Reasonable Doubts.

Addresses: Manager-Marina Martin Management, Ltd., 8 Windmill St., London W1P 1HF England.



Agent-Agency for the Performing Arts, 9000 Sunset Blvd., Suite 1200, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Career: Actress, director, producer, writer, and music performer. Central School of Speech and Drama, member of board of governors, 1963—. Member: Workers' Revolutionary Party. Awards, Honors: Evening Standard Drama Award, actress of the year, and Variety Club of Great Britain Award, best actress, both 1961; Cannes Film Festival Award, Academy Award nomination, best actress, 1966, Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture actress in a musical/comedy, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best British actress, 1967, all for Morgan!; British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, best television actress, Variety Club of Great Britain Award, best actress, and British Guild of Television Producers and Directors Award, all 1966; Commander, Order of the British Empire, 1967; Evening Standard Drama Award, actress of the year, 1967; Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture actress-musical/comedy, 1968, for Camelot; Academy Award nomination and Cannes Film Festival Award, both best actress, 1968, National Society of Film Critics Award, best leading actress, 1969, British Film Critics' Guild Award, best actress, Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture actressdrama, 1969, all for Isadora; Academy Award nomination, best actress, 1971, Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture actress-drama, 1972, both for Mary, Queen of Scots; Academy Award, best supporting actress, Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award, 1977, Golden Globe Award, best supporting actress in a film, 1978, all for Julia; Emmy Award, best actress in a limited series or special, 1981, for Playing for Time; Academy Award nomination, National Society of Film Critics Award, best actress, 1984, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a motion picture-drama, 1985, New Delhi International Film Festival Award, best actress, all for The Bostonians; Laurence Olivier Award, actress of the year, Society of West End Theatre, 1984, for The Aspern Papers; National Society of Film Critics Award, best actress, 1985, for Wetherby; Emmy Award nomination, best supporting actress in a miniseries or special, 1986, for Peter the Great; Emmy Award nomination, best actress in a miniseries or special, 1986, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a miniseries or motion picture made for TV, 1987, both for Second Serve;

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 New York Film Critics Circle Award, best supporting actress, 1987, Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture actress in a supporting role, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nominations, best actress in a supporting role, 1988, all for Prick Up Your Ears; fellow, British Film Institute, 1988; Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a miniseries or motion picture made for TV, 1989, for A Man for All Seasons; Evening Standard Award, best actress, 1991, for When She Danced; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding supporting actress in a miniseries or special, 1991, CableACE Award, best supporting actress in a television movie or miniseries, 1992, both for Young Catherine; Variety Club of Great Britain Award, 1992; Academy Award nomination, best supporting actress, 1993, for Howards End; Volpi Cup, Venice Film Festival, best supporting actress, 1994, Independent Spirit Award nomination, 1996, both for Little Odessa; Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a motion picture-comedy/musical, 1996, for A Month by the Lake; Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a miniseries or motion picture made for TV, 1998, for Bella Mafia; Blockbuster Entertainment Award nomination, favorite supporting actress-action/adventure, 1999, for Deep Impact. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Pamela Gray, Behind the Mask, GW, 1958. Anne-Marie, La Musica, 1965. Jane, Blow-Up, Premier, 1966. Anne Boleyn,/\ Man for All Seasons, Columbia, 1966. Leonie Delt, Morgan! (also known as Morgan: A Suitable Case for Treatment and A Suitable Case for Treatment), Cinema V, 1966. Guinevere, Camelot, Warner Bros./Seven Arts, 1967. Jacky, Red and Blue, 1967. Sheila, The Sailor from Gibraltar, Lopert, 1967. Clarissa, The Charge of the Light Brigade, United Artists, 1968. Isadora Duncan, Isadora (also known as The Loves of Isadora), Universal, 1968. Nina, The Sea Gull, Warner Bros., 1968. Guest, Let's All Make Love in London (also known as Tonite Let's All Make Love in London and The London Scene), 1968. Sylvia Pankhurst, Oh! What a Lovely War, Paramount,

1969. Daniel Deronda, 1969. Mary, Dropout, 1969.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Flavia, A Quiet Place in the Country (also known as Un tranquillo posto di campagna and Un coin tranquille a la campagne), Lopert, 1970. Narrator, The Body, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1970. Title role, Mary, Queen of Scots, Universal, 1971. Andromache, The Trojan Women, Cinerama, 1971. Immacolata, La Vacanza (also known as The Vacation and Vacation Dropout), Lion, 1971. Sister Jeanne, The Devils (also known as The Devils of London), Warner Bros., 1971. The Holiday, 1971. Mary Debenham, Murder on the Orient Express, Paramount, 1974. Winter Rates, 1974. Ann, Out of Season (also known as Winter Rates), Athenaeum/EMI, 1975. Title role, Julia, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1977. Lola Deveraux, The Seven Percent Solution, Universal, 1977. Narrator, The Palestinians, Battersby, 1977. Agatha Christie, Agatha, Warner Bros., 1979. Helen, Yanks, Universal, 1979. Heddi Lindquist, Alistair Maclean's Bear Island, Columbia, 1980. Cosima Wagner, Wagner, Alan Landsburg, 1983. Sing Sing, 1983. Olive Chancellor, The Bostonians, Almi, 1984. Nancy, Steaming, Columbia, 1985. Jean Travers, Wetherby, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists Classics, 1985. Mrs. Carlyle, Comrades, Curzon, 1987. Peggy Ramsay, Prick Up Your Ears, Samuel Goldwyn, 1987. Mrs. Garza, Consuming Passions, Samuel Goldwyn, 1988. D/cer/a dell'Untore, 1989. Mother Capulet, Romeo-]uliet, 1990. Sister Crocifissa, A Breath of Life (also known as D/cer/a dell'untore), 1990. Miss Amelia, The Ballad of the Sad Cafe, Angelika, 1991. Stalin's Funeral (also known as Pokhorony Stalina), 1991. Ruth Wilcox, Howards End, Sony Pictures Classics, 1992. Sister Agata, Sparrow (also known as 5tor/a di una capinera), 1993. Mrs. Raskolnikov, Crime and Punishment, 1993. Kate Benson, A Wall of Silence (also known as Black Flowers and Un Muro de silencio), 1993. Great Moments in Aviation, 1993. Irina Shapira, Little Odessa, 1994. Lydia, Mother's Boys, Dimension, 1994. Nivea, The House of the Spirits, Miramax, 1994.

REDGRAVE « 3 1 5

Dr. Angela Bead, Shades of Fear, 1994. Narrator, The Wind in the Willows, 1995. Miss Bentley, A Month by the Lake, Miramax, 1995. Max, Mission: Impossible, Paramount, 1996. Herself, Looking for Richard, Fox Searchlight, 1996. Speranza, Wilde's mother, Wilde (also known as Oscar Wilde), Sony Pictures Classics, 1997. Skelly (London), Deja Vu, Rainbow Releasing, 1997. Elsa Lubing, Smilla's Sense of Snow (also known as Smilla's Feeling for Snow), Fox Searchlight, 1997. Clarissa Dalloway, Virginia Woolfs Mrs. Dalloway, First Look Pictures, 1997. Robin Lerner, Deep Impact, Paramount, 1998. Celebrity, Miramax, 1998. Catherine Moore, Lulu on the Bridge, Trimark Pictures, 1998. Uninvited, 1999. Toscano, 1999. Maddy, A Rumour of Angels, 1999. Kalsan, Mirka, 1999. An Interesting State, 1999. Countess LaGrange, The Cradle Will Rock, 1999. Dr. Wick, Girl, Interrupted, 1999. Film Work: Producer, The Palestinians, Battersby, 1977. Music performer, Agatha, Warner Bros., 1979. Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Clarissa, The Reluctant Debutante, Frinton Summer Theatre, Frinton, England, 1957. Mrs. Spottsworth, Come On, Jeeves, Arts Theatre, Cambridge, England, 1957. (London debut) Caroline Lester, A Touch of the Sun, Savilie Theatre, 1958. Sarah Undershaft, Major Barbara, Royal Court Theatre, London, 1958. Principal boy, Mother Goose, Leatherhead Theatre, Surrey, U.K., 1958. Helena, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespearean Memorial Theatre Company, Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-onAvon, England, 1959. Valeria, Coriolanus, Shakespearean Memorial Theatre Company, Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, 1959. Rose Sinclair, Look on Tempests, Comedy Theatre, London, 1960. Stella Dean, The Tiger and the Horse, Queen's Theatre, London, 1960. Boletta, The Lady from the Sea, Queen's Theatre, 1961. Rosalind, As You Like It, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-on-Avon, 1961, then Aldwych Theatre, London, 1962.


Katharina, The Taming of the Shrew, Royal Shakespeare Company, Aldwych Theatre, 1961, then Royal Shakespeare Theatre, 1962. Imogen, Cymbeline, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, 1962. Nina, The Seagull, Queen's Theatre, 1964. Title role, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, Wyndham's Theatre, London, 1966. Gwendolen Harleth, Daniel Deronda, University Theatre, Manchester, England, 1969. Susan Thistlewood, Cato Street, Young Vic Theatre, London, 1971. Polly Peachum, The Threepenny Opera, Prince of Wales Theatre, London, 1972. Viola, Twelfth Night, Shaw Theatre, London, 1972. Cleopatra, Antony and Cleopatra, Bankside Globe Theatre, London, 1973. Gilda, Design for Living, Phoenix Theatre, London, 1973. Ellida, The Lady from the Sea, Circle in the Square, New York City, 1976, then Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester, 1978, later Round House Theatre, London, 1979. The Aspern Papers, Royal Hay market Theatre, London, 1984. The Seagull, Queen's Theatre, 1985. Chekhov's Women, Lyric Theatre, New York City, 1985. Chosts, Young Vic Theatre, then Wyndham's Theatre, both 1986. Antony and Cleopatra, Royal Haymarket Theatre, 1986. The Taming of the Shrew, Royal Haymarket Theatre, 1986. Nora, A Touch of the Poet, Young Vic Theatre, then Royal Haymarket Theatre, 1988. Lady Torrance, Orpheus Descending, Royal Haymarket Theatre, 1988, then Neil Simon Theatre, New York City, 1989. A Madhouse in Goa, Lyric Hammersmith Theatre, London, 1989. Beside Herself, Circle Repertory Theatre, New York City, 1989. Three Sisters, Queen's Theatre, 1990. Collateral Damage: The Private Life of the New World Order, La Mama Experimental Theatre Club, New York City, 1991. When She Danced, Globe Theatre, 1991. Heartbreak House, Royal Haymarket Theatre, 1992. Vita and Virginia, Union Square Theatre, New York City, 1994. Brecht in Exile, Bridge Lane Theatre, Battersea, England, 1994. John Gabriel Borkman, Royal National Theatre, London, England, 1997.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Cleopatra, Antony and Cleopatra, Joseph Papp Public Theater, New York City, 1997. Also appeared in Macbeth, produced in Los Angeles, 1974, then 1975; and Maybe, 1993. Stage Director: Antony and Cleopatra, Joseph Papp Public Theater, New York City, 1997. Television Appearances; Series: Title role, Katherine Mansfield, BBC, 1973. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Sophia, Peter the Great, NBC, 1986. Empress Elizabeth, Young Catherine, TNT, 1991. Graziella Luciano, Bella Mafia, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Fania Fenelon, Playing for Time, CBS, 1980. Leenie Cabrezi, My Body, My Child, ABC, 1982. Richard Radley/Renee Richards, Second Serve (also known as / Change My Life), CBS, 1986. Lady Alice More, A Man for All Seasons, TNT, 1988. Lady Torrance, Orpheus Descending (also known as Tennessee Williams's "Orpheus Descending"), TNT, 1990. Blanche Hudson, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?, ABC, 1991. Florence Latimer, They (also known as They Watch and Children of the Mist), Showtime, 1993. Dr. Angela Bead, Great Moments in Aviation (also known as Shades of Fear), 1993. Anna Lenke, Down Came a Blackbird (also known as Ramirez), Showtime, 1995. Nancy Shaffell, Two Mothers for Zachary, ABC, 1996. If These Walls Could Talk 2, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Wicked queen, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," Faerie Tale Theatre, Showtime, 1984. Inside the Actors Studio, 1995. Also appeared in Morecambe & Wise; as Vicky's mother, "London, May," The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. Television Appearances; Specials: Helena, A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1962. Rosalind, As You Like It, 1962. Maggie, Sally, 1964. Sarah Cloyce, "Three Sovereigns for Sarah," American Playhouse, PBS, 1985.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 The 11th Annual ACE Awards, 1990. The 70th Annual Academy Awards, 1998. Also appeared in A Farewell to Arms. RECORDINGS Albums: Mary, Queen of Scots (original soundtrack), Decca, c. 1971. WRITINGS Books: Vanessa Redgrave: An Autobiography, Hutchinson (London), 1991, Random House (New York), 1994. Editor of Pussies and Tigers (writings by children), 1964. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Interview, February, 1991, p. 120; April 1997, p. 118. New York Times, September 17, 1989. New York Times Magazine, February 16, 1997. Theater Week, July 31-August 6, 1989, p. 14.*

REED, Pamela 1949(?)-

REED • S I 7 CREDITS Stage Appearances: Merry Sue Tinglehoff, Getting through the Night, Ensemble Studio Theatre, New York City, 1976. (Broadway debut) Kathleen, The November People, Billy Rose Theatre, 1978. Emma, Curse of the Starving Glass, New York Shakespeare Festival, Public Theatre, New York City, 1978. Helena, All's Well That Ends Well, New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacorte Theatre, New York City, 1978. Arlie, Getting Out, Phoenix Theatre, Marymount Manhattan Theatre, New York City, 1978. Luna, Seduced, American Place Theatre, New York City, 1979. Christine, Sorrows of Stephen, New York Shakespeare Festival, Public Theatre, 1979. SophiaZubritsky, Fools, Eugene O'Neill Theatre, New York City, 1981. Billy Marie, Criminal Minds, The Production Company, Theatre Guinevere, New York City, 1984. Boy, Angela, Deb, and Mrs. Finch, Fen, New York Shakespeare Festival, Public Theatre, 1984. Aunt Dan, Aunt Dan and Lemon, New York Shakespeare Festival, Public Theatre, 1985. Vivie Warren, Mrs. Warren's Profession, Roundabout Theatre, New York City, 1985, then Haft Theatre, New York City, 1986. Elektra, Classic Stage Company, London, 1988. Melissa Gardner, Love Letters, Promenade Theatre, New York City, 1989.

PERSONAL Born April 2, 1949 (some sources say 1953), in Tacoma, WA; daughter of Vernie Reed; married Sandy Smolar (a director). Education: University of Washington, Seattle (some sources say Washington State University), B.A. (drama). Addresses: /Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actress. Once operated a day care center; worked with children in Head Start programs; also worked on the Trans-Alaska pipeline. Awards, Honors: Drama Desk Award, outstanding featured actress in a play, 1979, for Getting Out; Obie Award Special Citation, sustained excellence of performance, V///age Voice, 1983-84; CableACE Award, best actress in a dramatic role, 1989, for Tanner '88.

Also appeared in Standing on My Knees and The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. Film Appearances: Belle Starr, The Long Riders, United Artists, 1980. Bonnie Dummar, Melvin and Howard, Universal, 1980. Linda Mercer, Eyewitness (also known as The Janitor), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1981. Nurse Norine Sprockett, Young Doctors in Love, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1982. Trudy Cooper, The Right Stuff, Warner Bros., 1983. Nancie "Shirley" Scot, The Goodbye People, Embassy, 1984. Gigi Hightower, The Best of Times, Universal, 1986. Iza, The C/an of the Cave Bear, Warner Bros., 1986. Mary Graving, Rachel River, Taurus Entertainment, 1989. Phoebe, Kindergarten Cop, Universal, 1990. Earlene, Chattahoochee, Hemdale, 1990.

318 • REES

Tina O'Brien, Cadillac Man, Orion, 1990. Terry Scanlan, Passed Away, Buena Vista, 1992. News anchor Carol Cruise, Bob Roberts, Paramount, 1992. Angela, Junior, Universal, 1994. Nancy Thomas, Santa Fe, Absolute Unequivocal Productions, 1997. Alison Langley, Bean, Gramercy Pictures, 1997. Judge Lambrey, Why Do Fools Fall in Love, Warner Bros., 1998. Janice, Standing on Fishes, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: T. J. Cavanaugh, Tanner '88 (also known as Tanner: A Political Fable), HBO, 1988. Janice Pasetti, Grand (also known as Crosse Po/nte), NBC, 1990. Denise Lerner, Family Album, CBS, 1993. Judge Sydney J. Solomon, The Home Court (also known as Solomon's Mind), NBC, 1995-96. Television Appearances; Movies: Sunny, Inmates: A Love Story, ABC, 1981. Edie Bannister, / Want to Live, ABC, 1983. Valerie Driscoll, Heart of Steel, ABC, 1983. Helen Grant, Scandal Sheet, ABC, 1985. Grace Carmichael, "Caroline?" (also known as "Father's Arcane Daughter"), Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1990. Dee Johnson, Woman with a Past, NBC, 1992. Elizabeth Mehren, Born Too Soon, NBC, 1993. Carol Acton, Deadly Whispers, CBS, 1995. Wanda, The Man Next Door, ABC, 1995. Arlene, Critical Choices, Showtime, 1996. Holly Parker, Carriers, CBS, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Mary Welsh, Hemingway, syndicated, 1988. Voice, The Civil War (also known as The American C/V//War), PBS, 1990. Voice, The West, PBS, 1996. Television Appearances; Specials: Sandi Farrell, The Andros Targets, CBS, 1977. Helena, All's Well That Ends Well, 1978. Until She Talks, PBS, 1983. TJ Cavanaugh, Tanner '88: Bagels with Bruce, 1998. TJ Cavanaugh, Tanner '88: Child's Play, 1988. TJ Cavanaugh, Tanner '88: For Real, 1988. TJ Cavanaugh, Tanner '88: Moonwalker and Bookbag, 1988. TJ Cavanaugh, Tanner '88: Night of the Twinkles, 1988. TJ Cavanaugh, Tanner '88: The Boiler Room, 1988.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 TJ Cavanaugh, Tanner '88: The Dark Horse, 1988. TJ Cavanaugh, Tanner '88: The Great Escape, 1988. TJ Cavanaugh, Tanner '88: The Reality Check, 1988. The Hollywood Christmas Parade, syndicated, 1990. Television Appearances; Episodic: Norma Heisler, "Romancing the Drone/' LA. Law, NBC, 1988. Voice of Ruth Powers, "Marge on the Lam," The Simpsons (animated), Fox, 1993. Voice of projectionist, "Miserable," The Critics (animated), 1994. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Premiere, February, 1991, p. 64.*

REES, Jed PERSONAL Career: Actor. CREDITS Television Appearances; Movies:

Frank, Moment of Truth: Broken Pledges, NBC, 1994. Second boy, Sin and Redemption, CBS, 1994. Morrisey, Final Cut, HBO, 1996. Buddy, Prisoner of Zenda Inc., Showtime, 1996. Doug Lamoreaux, Contagious, USA Network, 1997. Sailor, Goldrush: A Real Life Alaskan Adventure, ABC, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Sausage man, The Marshal, ABC, 1995. "Heart's Desire," The Outer Limits, Showtime, 1995. Hipster, Sliders, Fox, 1996. Lucas Menand, The X-Files, Fox, 1996. Police Academy: The Series, syndicated, 1997. Film Appearances: Knobby, Fear, United International Pictures, 1996. Vic, DayDrift, 1999. Lavar, Dudley Do-Right, MCA/Universal, 1999. Teb, Galaxy Quest, Dream Works Distribution, 1999.*

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

REMAR James 1953PERSONAL Born December 31, 1953, in Boston, MA; married Atsuko; children: Jason Kenji, Lisa Mary. Education: Studied acting at the Neighborhood Playhouse and with Stella Adler. Addresses:/Agent—Karen Sellars, International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211.

REMAR « 3 1 9 Donnie Lonigan, Wild Bill, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1995. (Uncredited) Block Warlord, Judge Dredd, 1995. Simon Jury, One Good Turn, BMC Video, 1996. Maxie, The Quest, Universal, 1996. Quill, The Phantom, Paramount, 1996. Rayden, Mortal /Combat: Annihilation (also known as Mortal /Combat 2), New Line, 1997. Patrolman, Psycho, Universal, 1998. Born Bad, Concorde Pictures, 1998. Robo Warriors, Republic Entertainment, 1998. Frank Dabbo, Rites of Passage, 1999. Blowback, 1999. What Lies Beneath, 2000.

Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Larsen, On the Yard, Midwest Films, 1978. Ajax, The Warriors, Paramount, 1979. Gregory, Cruising, United Artists, 1980. Sam Starr, The Long Riders, United Artists, 1980. Windwalker as a young man, Windwalker, Pacific International, 1980. Edward K. Peterson, Partners, Paramount, 1982. Albert Ganz, 48 Hours, Paramount, 1982. Arthur "Dutch Schultz" Flegenheimer, The Cotton Club, Orion, 1984. Nestor, Band of the Hand, TriStar, 1986. Creb, The Clan of the Cave Bear, Warner Bros., 1986. Joe Dillon, Quiet Cool, New Line Cinema, 1986. Dancer, Rent-a-Cop, Kings Road Entertainment, 1988. Gianelli, The Dream Team, Universal, 1989. Gentry, Drugstore Cowboy, Avenue Entertainment/ Samuel Goldwyn, 1989. Charley, Zwei Frauen (also known as Silence Like Class), Majestic Films International, 1989. Preston, "Lover's Vow," Tales from the Darkside: The Movie, Paramount, 1990. Beauty, White Fang, Buena Vista, 1991. Max Shady, Fatal Instinct, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1993. Andrei, Tigress, Vidmark, 1993. Rattlesnake Jim, /Across the Moon, Hemdale, 1994. Thomas Ridgely, Blink, New Line Cinema, 1994. Bruno Sarrano, Confessions of a Hit Man, Hemdale, 1994. Jack Duff, Miracle on 34th Street, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1994. Captain Murdoch, Renaissance Man (also known as Army Intelligence and By the Book), Buena Vista, 1994. Alex, Boys on the Side, Warner Bros., 1995. Dr. Benjamin Hendricks, Exquisite Tenderness (also known as Surgeon), Capella International, 1995.

Television Appearances; Series: Frank Cisco, Total Security, ABC, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: John Sikes, Desperado: The Outlaw Wars, NBC, 1989. Detective Tom Mackey, Night Visions (also known as The Nightmare Cafe), NBC, 1990. Wolfgang Reiger, Kojak: None So Blind, 1990. Frank Weir, Brotherhood of the Gun (also known as Spanish Gulch and Knucklebuster), CBS, 1991. Sam, Deadlock (also known as Wedlock), HBO, 1991. Mick, Indecency (also known as It Had To Be Steve), USA, 1992. Louis, Fatal Charm, Showtime, 1992. Dr. Coleman West, Inferno, UPN, 1998. D.R.E.A.M. Team, 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Pesla, The Mystic Warrior, ABC, 1984. Television Appearances; Specials: Husband, "The Last Game," Strangers, HBO, 1992. McQueen, "Session Man/ Showtime 30-Minute Movie, Showtime, 1992. Television Appearances; Episodic: Beau Gregory, "Rites of Spring: Parts 1 & 2," Hill Street Blues, 1981. Robbie Cann, "Buddies," Miami Vice, NBC, 1985. Douglas Tremaine, "High Performance," The Equalizer, CBS, 1987. "Homebodies," The Hitchhiker, 1987. Red Buckley, "Dead Wait," Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1991. Bolt, Walker, Texas Ranger, CBS, 1998. Stage Appearances: Grease, Paper Mill Playhouse, Millburn, NJ, 1977. Wesley, Early Dark, WPA Theatre, New York City, 1978.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

(Broadway debut) Wolf, Bent, New Apollo Theatre, New York City, 1979. Pete, California Dog Fight, Manhattan Theatre Club, Space at City Center Theatre, New York City, 1985. Also appeared in (off-Broadway debut) Yo-Yo, New York City, 1977.*

REUTHER, Steven D. See REUTHER, Steven

REYNOLDS, Stephen PERSONAL Career: Director.

REUTHER, Steven (Steven D. Reuther) PERSONAL Career: Producer. CREDITS Film Work; Executive Producer, Except Where Indicated: (As Steven D. Reuther) Associate producer, 9 1/2 Weeks, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1986. China Girl, Vestron Pictures, 1987. Dirty Dancing, LIVE, 1987. Production executive, Promised Land, Vestron Pictures, 1987. And God Created Woman, Vestron Pictures, 1988. Call Me, Vestron Pictures, 1988. Paramedics, Vestron Pictures, 1988. Big Man on Campus, Vestron Video, 1989. (As Steven D. Reuther) Hider in the House, Vestron Video, 1989. Parents, Vestron Pictures, 1989. (As Steven D. Reuther) Backtrack, Vestron Video, 1990. Producer, Pretty Woman, Buena Vista, 1990. Guilt by Suspicion, Warner Bros. Home Video, 1991. The Mambo Kings, Warner Bros., 1992. The Power of One, Warner Espanola, 1992. Producer, Under Siege, Warner Bros., 1992. Coexecutive producer, Made in America, Warner Bros., 1993. Producer, Sommersby, Warner Bros., 1993. Striking Distance, Columbia TriStar, 1993. Producer, That Night, Warner Bros., 1993. Producer, The Client, Warner Bros., 1994. Producer, Boys on the Side, Warner Bros., 1995. The Ghost and the Darkness, Paramount, 1996. Face/Off, Paramount, 1997. Producer, John Grisham's The Rainmaker, Paramount, 1997.*

CREDITS Film Work: Producer, Buying Time, 1988. First assistant director, Sticky Fingers, 1988. Second assistant director, City of Shadows, 1989. First assistant director, Buried on Sunday, Salter Street Films, 1992. First assistant director, North of Pittsburgh, Second Canoe Productions, 1992. First assistant director, A Man in Uniform, Alta Films, 1993. First assistant director, Margaret's Museum, Astra Cinema, 1995. First assistant director, When Night Is Falling, October Films, 1995. Director, The Divine Ryans, Red Sky Entertainment, 1998. Television Work; Movies: Production manager, Mary Silliman's War, Lifetime, 1994. First assistant director, Calm at Sunset, CBS, 1996. Television Work; Episodic: First assistant director, TekWar, USA Network, 1995.*



Birth name, Trevor Smith, Jr.; born May 20, 1972, in Brooklyn, NY. Addresses: /Agent—William Morris Agency, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019. Career: Actor, singer, and songwriter. CREDITS Film Appearances: Jawaan, Who's the Man?, New Line Cinema, 1993. Dreads, Higher Learning, Izaro Films, 1995.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Participating artist, Rhyme and Reason, Miramax, 1997. Voice of Reptar Wagon, The Rugrats Movie, Paramount, 1998.

RHYS-DAVIES • 321 The 5th Annual MTV Europe Music Video Awards, MTV, 1998. The Source Hip-Hop Music Awards, 1999. WRITINGS

Film Work: Song performer, "Live to Regret," Set It Off, New Line Cinema, 1996. Song performer, "Hit 'em High (The Monstars' Anthem)/' Space jam, Warner Bros., 1996. Song performer, "Rumble in the Jungle/' When We Were Kings, Gramercy Pictures, 1996. Song producer and performer, "Turn It Up (Remix)/ Fire It Up/' Can't Hardly Wait, Columbia, 1998. Song performer, "On Your Marks, Get Set, Ready, Go!," The Rugrats Movie, Paramount, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Buster, Strapped, HBO, 1993. Television Appearances; Specials: It Just Takes One, USA Network, 1997. NetAid, 1999. One Love: The Bob Marley All-Star Tribute, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: ABC in Concert, ABC, 1991. New York Undercover, Fox, 1996. Philip, Cosby, CBS, 1997. On Tour, PBS, 1997. The Wayans Bros, The WB, 1997. The Steve Harvey Show, The WB, 1998. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 1997 MTV Video Music Awards, MTV, 1997. The 28th NAACP Image Awards, 1997. Soul Train Music Awards: 11th Anniversary, 1997. The 1997 Billboard Music Awards, 1997. The 12th Annual Soul Train Music Awards, 1998. The 5th Annual MTV Europe Music Video Awards, MTV, 1998. (With Flipmode Squad) The 1998 MTV Video Music Awards, MTV, 1998. The 13th Annual Soul Train Music Awards, 1999. The 18th Annual American Fashion Awards, 1999. Cohost, The 5th Annual Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards, 1999. (With Flipmode Squad) The Source Hip-Hop Music Awards, 1999. Television Work; Song Performer; Awards Presentations: The 28th NAACP Image Awards, 1997.

Film Music: Songwriter, The Rugrats Movie, Paramount, 1998. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Time, March 2, 1998, p. 87.*

RHYS-DAVIES, John 1944(Jonathon Rhys-Davies) PERSONAL Born May 5, 1944, in Salisbury (some sources say Salford), England; son of Rhys Davies (a mechanical engineer) and Mary Margretta Phyllis Jones (a nurse); married Suzanne A. D. Wilkinson (a translator), 1966; children: Ben, Tom. Education: University of East Anglia, B.A., English and history, 1966; Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, 1968. Addresses: Contact—Don Buchwald and Associates, 9229 Sunset Blvd., Suite 710, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Career: Actor and screenwriter. Teacher at a secondary school in Norfolk, England, 1967; Talisman Productions, president, 1988-. Hardy Research Laboratories, Whitefish, MT, director, 1988-. Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nomination, best supporting actor in a limited series or special, 1980, for Shogun. CREDITS Film Appearances: Special policeman, The Black Windmill, Universal, 1974. Solicitor, A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square (also known as The Big Scam, The Biggest Bank Robbery, and The Mayfair Bank Caper), 1979. Sallah, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Paramount, 1981. Stephanos Markoulis, Sphinx, Warner Bros., 1981. Andre Cassell, Victor/Victoria, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1982. Rasoul, Sahara, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1984.

322 • RHYS-DAVIES Baron Fortinbras, Sword of the Valiant (also known as Sword of the Valiant: The Legend of Cawain and the Green Knight), Cannon, 1984. Mustapha, Best Revenge, Black Cat/RKR Releasing, 1984. Dogati, King Solomon's Mines, Cannon Group, 1985. Corky Taylor, Firewalker, Cannon, 1986. Chris Tucker, In the Shadow of Kilimanjaro, Scotti Brothers, 1986. General Leonid Pushkin, The Living Daylights, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1987. Claudio Rossi, // Ciovane Toscanini (also known as The Young Toscanini), Carthogo/Canal Plus, 1988. Anton Weber, Waxwork, Vestron, 1988. Sallah, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Paramount, 1989. Donwaldo, Rising Storm (also known as Rebel Waves), 1989. Roger Singh, Tusks (also known as Fire in Eden), Magnum, 1990. El Zaidan, Journey of Honor (also known as Shogun Mayeda), MCA/Universal Home Video, 1992. Nick, Canvas (also known as Canvas: The Fine Art of Crime), LIVE Home Video, 1992. Challenger, The Lost World, 1992. Night Caller, 1992. Professor Harley Warren, The Unnamable II (also known as H. P. Lovecraft's "The Unnamable II" and The Statement of Randolph Carter), Prism Entertainment, 1993. Stockton, Sunset Grill, Famed Entertainment/New Line, 1993. Captain Galil, The Seventh Coin (also known as Worlds Apart), Hemdale Releasing, 1993. John, The Double O Kid, Prism Entertainment, 1993. Frame by Frame, 1993. Joachim Kessel, Cyborg Cop, 1994. Eli Taki, Robot in the Family, 1994. Brother Parvus, The High Crusade, 1994. Maurice Treville, Ring of the Musketeers, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1994. Challenger, Return to the Lost World, Worldvision Home Video, 1994. Wing Commander III: The Heart of the Tiger, 1995. Speaking voice of Cassim, Aladdin and the King of T/7/eves(animated), Walt Disney Home Video, 1996. Johnny Windsor, The Great White Hype, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1996. Luther, Glory Daze, 1996. Rasheed, The Protector (also known as Body Armor and Conway), A-pix Entertainment, 1997. Voice of Woolie Mammoth, Cats Don't Dance (animated), Warner Bros., 1997.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Father Claver, Secret of the Andres, 1998. Voice, Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists (animated), 1999. Rodrigues, The Gold Cross, 1999. Also appeared in Predator. Television Appearances; Series: Laughing Spam Fritter, Budgie, 1972. Sir Edward Vallier, The Quest, ABC, 1982. Voice of Hugo, The Legend of Prince Valiant, syndicated, 1991. Host and narrator, Archaeology (documentary), syndicated, 1992-96. Mike Malone, The Untouchables, syndicated, 1993. Voice of Macbeth, Gargoyles (animated), syndicated, 1994. Voice of Thor, The Fantastic Four (also known as The Marvel Action Hour: The Fantastic Four; animated), 1994. Professor Maximillian Arturo, Sliders, Fox, 1995-97. Mustapha, You Wish, ABC, 1997-98. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Marco, I, Claudius, BBC, 1976, then Masterpiece Theatre, PBS, 1977. Vasco Rodriguez, James Clavell's Shogun, NBC, 1980. Silas, Peter and Paul, CBS, 1981. "Reilly, Ace of Spies/' Mystery, PBS, 1983. Gamal Abdel Nasser, Sadat, syndicated, 1983. Quillant Gornt, James Clavell's Noble House, NBC, 1988. Sammy Mutterperl, War and Remembrance, ABC, 1988. Joe Gargery, Great Expectations, The Disney Channel, 1989. The Mysteries of the Dark Jungle, 1990. Sidney Sheldon's "The Sands of Time," syndicated, 1992. Black Silence, 1994. Television Appearances; Movies: Barndoor, The Naked Civil Servant: The Autobiography of Quentin Crisp, 1975. Nestor, The Nativity, ABC, 1978. Salerio, The Merchant of Venice (also known as BBC Television Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice), BBC, 1980. Reginald Front de Boeuf, Ivanhoe, CBS, 1982. Babu, Kim, CBS, 1984. Simon, Nairobi Affair, CBS, 1984. Police Chief Murphy, The Little Match Girl, NBC, 1987. Edward Tremayne, Perry Mason: The Case of the Murdered Madam, NBC, 1987.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Zeus, The Goddess of Love, NBC, 1988. Lieutenant Smight, Higher Ground, CBS, 1988. Wilson Fisk, The Trial of the Incredible Hulk, NBC, 1989. Richard Marriott, Desperado: Badlands Justice, NBC, 1989. Dr. Carl Boardman, The Gifted One (also known as Blessed), NBC, 1989. Mossad chief, Secret Weapon, TNT, 1990. Gribov, The Strauss Dynasty, 1991. Flynn, "Before the Storm" (also known as "Sacrifices"), Under Cover, ABC, 1991. Flynn, "Spy Games/' Under Cover, ABC, 1991. Phillip Graff, Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Framing (also known as Perry Mason: The Case of the Posthumous Painter and Perry Mason: The Case of the Pernicious Painter), NBC, 1992. Zmuda, Angel of Death (also known as Blood of the Innocent), Showtime, 1994. Voice of Charles Brickens, A Flintstones Christmas Carol (animated), 1994. Pugachev, Catherine the Great, 1995. Inspector Marais, Marquis de Sade (also known as Dark Prince), Showtime, 1996. Duvalier, Bloodsport III, 1996. Captain Barrett, Britannic, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Host, The Making of "Aladdin," The Disney Channel, 1992. Narrator, "Powers of the Russian Psychics," ABC's World of Discovery, ABC, 1993. Host, The Making of the Indiana Jones Adventure, The Disney Channel, 1995. Host, Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye, CBS, 1995. Narrator, Boo! To You Too, Winnie-the-Pooh, CBS, 1996.

RHYS-DAVIES • 323 "Dead Wait," Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1991. Voice of Baron Waclaw Jozek, "The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy," Batman: The Animated Series (animated), 1992. Voice of Zagal, "The Magic Paintbrush," McDonald's Family Theatre, CBS, 1993. Voice of Tympannini, "Piano Rag," Animaniacs (animated), 1993. Mike Malone, The Untouchables, 1993. Harry Mordecai, "Dear Deadly," Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1994. Voice of Thor, The Incredible Hulk & Friends (animated), Fox, 1996. Voice of Dr. Morwood-Smyth, "Sentinel," Gargoyles, 1996. Voice of Thor, "Mortal Bounds," The Incredible Hulk (animated), 1996. Voice, "The Road to Dendron," Duckman (animated), USA, 1996. Leonardo Da Vinci, "Scorpion: Part 1," Star Trek: Voyager, UPN and syndicated, 1997. Leonardo Da Vinci, "Concerning Flight," Star Trek: Voyager, UPN and syndicated, 1997. Porthos, "Cardinal's Revenge," The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, 1999. Also appeared in "School for Scandal," Play of the Week, BBC; voice of Dr. Morwood-Smyth, "A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time," Gargoyles (animated); voice of Professor Beasthead, Freakazoid! (animated); voice of MacBeth, "The Journey," Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles (animated).

Also appeared in Henry VII, BBC; Robin Hood.

Television Appearances; Pilots: John Grimshaw, No Man's Land, NBC, 1984. Dr. Paul Boardman, Blessed, NBC, 1989. Flynn, Under Cover (also known as The Company), ABC, 1991. Sh'ders, Fox, 1995.

Television Appearances; Episodic: First guardian, "This is Quarmby," The Guardians, 1971. Brett, "Poppy," The Sweeney, 1975. Roger Jenkins, "Intent," Hunte's Walk, 1976. Hecht, "Fringe Banking," Target, 1978. Graves, "Hazell Settles the Accounts," Haze//, 1978. Nakura, "Force Seven," CH/Ps, 1982. Lord Bromfield, "Affair in Bromfield Hall," Scarecrow and Mrs. King, 1984. Lancaster, "J.B. as in Jailbird," Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1988. Harry Waverly, "Night of the Tarantula," Murder, She Wrote, CBS, 1989.

Stage Appearances: Sebastian, The Tempest, Mermaid Theatre, London, 1970. Under Milk Wood, Dolphin Theatre Company, Shaw Theatre, London, 1974. Duke Frederick, As You Like It, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford on-Avon, 1977. Monatond, The Sons of Light, Royal Shakespeare Company, Other Place Theatre, 1977. Captain Vitelli, The Lorenzaccio Story, Royal Shakespeare Company, Other Place Theatre, Stratford-on-Avon, England, 1977, then Warehouse Theatre, London, 1978.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Henry Beaufort, Henry IV, Part One, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, 1977, then Aldwych Theatre, London, 1978. Cardinal Beaufort, Henry IV, Part Two, Royal Shakespeare Company, Aldwych Theatre, 1978. Also appeared as Falstaff, The Merry Wives of Windsor, England; in The Misanthrope; A Servant of Two Masters; It Happened in Venice; Hedda Cabler; Desire Caught by the Tail; Love on the Dole; How the Other Half Loves; Royal Hunt of the Sun; Macbeth; Hamlet; The Shop at Sly Corner; A Month in the Country; The Revenger's Tragedy; Women Beware Women; Murder at the Vicarage; The Cherry Orchard; Troilus and Cress/da; Volpone; Othello. RECORDINGS Video Games: Voice of Major James "Paladin" Taggart and Thrakhath, Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger, 1994. Vigo Haman, Ripper, 1996. Noree Moneo, Dune 2000, 1998. WRITINGS Screenplays: (With Tara Hawkins Moore) Tusks (also known as Fire in Eden), Magnum, 1990. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Starlog, August, 1989, p. 45.*


RIBEIRO, Alfonso 1971(?)PERSONAL Born September 21, 1971 (some sources say 1968), in New York, NY; son of Michael (a manager) and Joy Ribeiro. Education: Attended Valley Professional School, Los Angeles. Avocational Interest: Motorcycles, car racing. Career: Actor, dancer, singer, and director. Appeared in a Michael Jackson Pepsi commercial, 1983.

Awards, Honors: Rising Star Award, Hollywood Press Club, 1985; Image Award, outstanding supporting actor in a comedy series, 1996, for The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air; Image Award, outstanding supporting actor in a comedy series, 1998, Image Award nomination, outstanding supporting actor in a comedy series, 1999, both for In the House; Outer Critics Circle Award, for The Tap Dance Kid. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Oye Willow, PBS, c. 1979. Alfonso Spears, Silver Spoons, NBC, 1984-87. Carlton Banks, The Fresh PrinceofBelAir, NBC, 1990-96. Dr. Maxwell Stanton, In the House, UPN, 1996-98. Voice of Roland Jackson, Extreme Ghostbusters (animated), 1997. Television Appearances; Specials: Andy Williams and the NBC Kids Search for Santa, NBC, 1985. 10th Annual Circus of the Stars, CBS, 1985. Co/ofen Globe Awards, 1985. NBC 60th Anniversary Celebration, NBC, 1986. The Wildest Wild West Show of the Stars, CBS, 1986. 11th Annual Circus of the Stars, CBS, 1986. Rocky, John Grim's Christmas, ABC, 1986. The 40th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1986. Happy Birthday, Hollywood!, ABC, 1987. Super Bloopers and New Practical jokes, NBC, 1991. Celebrate the Soul of American Music, syndicated, 1991. The All New Circus of the Stars and Side Show, CBS, 1991. Star-athon '92: A Weekend with the Stars, syndicated, 1992. The All New Circus of the Stars and Side Show XVII, CBS, 1992. The 4th Annual Desi Awards, syndicated, 1992. A Sea World/Busch Gardens Summer Celebration, CBS, 1993. Circus of the Stars Gives Kids the World, CBS, 1993. Circus of the Stars Goes to Disneyland, 1994. 7995 NBA All-Star Stay in School Celebration, NBC, 1995. TV's Funniest Families 2: The Kids, NBC, 1995. It's Hot in Here: UPN Fall Preview, UPN, 1996. Also appeared in NBC Fall Preview Special, NBC; Variety Telethon, KHQ-TV; Night of 100 Stars II. Television Appearances; Movies: Jesse, Out on the Edge (also known as Committed), CBS, 1989. Morgan, Kidz in the Wood, NBC, 1996.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Episodic: Magnum, P./v CBS, 1994. Frank Robinson, "Mighty Pawns/7 WonderWorks, PBS, 1987. Buddy, "Home Sweet Homeless/' CBS Schoolbreak Special, CBS, 1988. A Different World, NBC, 1989. Carlton Banks, In the House, UPN, 1995. Also appeared as voice of Randy Robertson, Spider-Man (animated); Star Cruise; Puttin' on the Kids. Television Director; Episodic: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, NBC, 1995. In the House, UPN, 1996-97. Stage Appearances: (Broadway debut) Willie, The Tap Dance Kid, Broadhurst Theatre, then Minskoff Theatre, 1983-84. Film Appearances: Ticks (also known as Infested), (Belgium), 1994. RECORDINGS Albums: Recorded the singles Dance Baby, Not Too Young, Time Bomb, and Sneak Away with Me, all Prism. Music Videos: Appeared in Will Smith's "Wild Wild West/' *

RICCI, Christina 1980PERSONAL Nickname is "Squant"; born February 12, 1980, in Santa Monica, CA; raised in Long Island, NY, and Montclair, NJ; daughter of Ralph (a lawyer) and Sarah (a former model) Ricci. Addresses: Home—Manhattan, NY. Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly HilIs, CA 90211. Career: Actress. Has modeled for Vogue (Italy). Began career acting in commercials. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Debut) Kate Flax, Mermaids, Orion, 1990.

RICCI » 3 2 5 Bonnie, The Hard Way, Universal, 1991. Wednesday Addams, The Addams Family, Paramount, 1991. Jessica, The Cemetery Club, Buena Vista, 1993. Wednesday Addams, Addams Family Values, Paramount, 1993. Young Roberta, Now and Then (also known as Gaslight Addition), New Line Cinema, 1995. Kat Harvey, Casper (also known as Casper, the Friendly Ghost) Universal, 1995. Beth Easton, Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain (also known as Golddiggers), Universal, 1995. Erin, Last of the High Kings, First Independent Films/ Miramax, 1996. Patti, That Darn Cat, Buena Vista, 1997. Wendy Hood, The Ice Storm, Fox Searchlight/Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood, 1997. Layla, Buffalo 66, Lions Gate Films, 1998. Ely, Desert Blue, Samuel Goldwyn, 1998. Lucy, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Universal, 1998. Teenage hooker, / Woke Up Early the Day I Died, Cinequanon Pictures International, 1998. Shelley, Pecker, Fine Line, 1998. Voice of Gwendy Doll, Small Soldiers, DreamWorks, 1998. Voice of young Orlando, Souvenir, 1998. Dedee Truitt, The Opposite of Sex, Sony Pictures Classics, 1998. Val, 200 Cigarettes, Paramount, 1999. No Vacancy, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Host, Saturday Night Live, NBC, 1993. Voice of Erin, "Summer of '42," The Simpsons, Fox, 1996. Television Appearances; Movies: Dee Dee, Bastard Out of Carolina, Showtime, 1996. Television Appearances; Music Videos: Appeared in the music video for "The Shoop Shoop Song (It's in His Kiss)" with Cher; appeared as Wednesday in M.C. Hammer's "Addams Groove" music video; appeared in Tag Team's "Addams Family (Whoomp)" music video. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Interview, October 1997. New York Times, November 14, 1993, section 2, p. 27; May 17, 1998, pp. 17-24.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

People Weekly, November 18, 1995. Premiere, June, 1995, p. 102-6. Rolling Stone, December 9, 1999.*

RICHARDS, Michael 1949(?)PERSONAL Born July 24, 1949 (some sources say 1948), in Los Angeles, CA (some sources say Culver City, CA); son of William (an electrical engineer) and Phyllis (a medical librarian) Richards; married Cathleen, 1974 (divorced, 1992); children: Sophia. Education: Studied drama at Los Angeles Valley College. Addresses: Agent—Tony Howard, ICM, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actor and comedian. Awards, Honors: Emmy Awards, best supporting actor in a comedy series, 1993-94, 1997, Emmy Award nominations, best supporting actor in a comedy series, 1995-96, Screen Actors Guild Award nominations, outstanding performance by a male actor in a comedy series, 1996-98, Screen Actors Guild Award, outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series (with others), 1998, American Comedy Award nomination, funniest supporting male performer in a TV series, 1999, all for Sniffled. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Fridays, ABC, 1980-82. Rick, Marblehead Manor, syndicated, 1987. Cosmo Kramer, Seinfeld, NBC, 1989-98. Television Appearances; Specials: Mike Blade, Slickers, NBC, 1987.

The 46th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, 1994. Host, /Aspen Comedy Festival, 1994. The Wonderful World of Disney: 40 Years of Television Magic, 1994. A Comedy Salute to Andy Kaufman, NBC, 1995. The 1997 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 1997. Canned Ham: Trial and Error, Comedy Central, 1997. The 12th Annual American Comedy Awards, 1998. Kramer, Seinfeld: The Chronicle, NBC, 1998. Television Appearances; Pilots: Dr. Herndon Pool, Herndon and Me, ABC, 1983. Rick the gardener, At Your Service, NBC, 1984. Kessler, The Seinfeld Chronicles, NBC, 1989. Television Appearances; Episodic: The Dating Game, 1968. A kidnapper, "Brunettes Are In," Scarecrow and Mrs. King, 1984. Mr. Sleighbough, "Take My Wife, Please/' Night Court, NBC, 1985. Eddie Gordon, "Bar Bet," Cheers, NBC, 1985. Special Agent Dupre, "An Oy for an Oy," Hill Street Blues, 1985. Pagone, Miami Vice, 1986. "Jonathan Winters: On the Ledge," Showtime Comedy Spotlight, Showtime, 1987. Sneaky Pete, "Darlin' Clementine," Shelley Duvall's Tall Tales and Legends, Showtime, 1987. Voice of director, Dinosaurs, 1991. Himself, "The Flirt Episode," The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1992. Kramer, "TheApartment," MadAboutYou, NBC, 1992. Himself, "End of the Season," The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1994. Television Appearances; Movies: Sal, The Ratings Came (also known as The Mogul), The Movie Channel, 1984. Mark Ferris, Neil Simon's "London Suite/' NBC, 1996.

Montreal International Comedy Festival '93,

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Second henchman, Fresno, CBS, 1986.

Showtime, 1993. Bob Hope: The First Ninety Years, NBC, 1993. Baseball Relief: An All-Star Comedy Salute, Fox, 1993. The First Annual Comedy Hall of Fame, NBC, 1993. The American Television Awards, ABC, 1993. 7993 MTV Music Video Awards, MTV, 1993. Montreal International Comedy Festival '93, 1993. MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 1994. The Golden Globe's 50th Anniversary Celebration, NBC, 1994.

Film Appearances: Malamud, Young Doctors in Love, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1982. Mario's friend, Faerie Tale Theatre: Pinocchio, 1983. Dr. Pinkus, The House of Cod, 1984. Fejos, Transylvania 6-5000, New World, 1985. Lacrobat, Whoops Apocalypse, ITC Entertainment, 1987. Stanley Spadowski, UHF (also known as The Vidiot from UHF), Orion, 1989.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Martin Beck, Problem Child, Universal, 1990. Motel clerk, Coneheads, Paramount, 1993. Obituary employee, So / Married an Axe Murderer, TriStar, 1993. Doug Beech, Airheads, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1994. Danny Lidz, Unstrung Heroes, Hollywood Pictures, 1995. (Uncredited) Caveman discovering fire, Ellen's Energy Adventure, 1996. Voice of the Wolf, Redux Riding Hood, 1997. Richard Rietti, Trial and Error, New Line, 1997. Stage Appearances: Appeared at the Montreal International Comedy Festival, 1993. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, September 24, 1993, pp. 2224, 26.*

RICHARDSON * 327 1993, for The Crying Game; Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a supporting role in a motion picture, 1992, Academy Award nomination, best supporting actress, and British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, both 1993, New York Critics Circle Award, Film Critics Circle Award, best actress, and Royal Variety Club of Great Britain Award, best film actress, all 1994, all for Damage; Golden Globe Award, best comedy actress, 1993, for Enchanted April; Academy Award nomination, best leading actress, Golden Globe Award nomination, best actress in a drama, 1995, both for Tom and Viv; Golden Globe Award, best supporting actress in a series, miniseries, or motion picture made for television, 1995, for Fatherland; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best supporting female, 1998, for The Apostle; Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a miniseries or motion picture mad for television, 1999, for Merlin. CREDITS

RICHARDSON, Miranda 1958PERSONAL Born March 3, 1958, in Lancashire, England; daughter of William Alan (a marketing executive) and Marian Georgina (a homemaker; maiden name, Townsend) Richardson. Education: Trained for the stage at Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, 1977-79. Addresses: Manager—Kerry Gardner Management, 15 Kensington High St., London W8 5NP, England. Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA90212. Career: Actress. Manchester Library Theatre, Manchester, England, member of repertory company and assistant stage manager, 1979-80; worked in repertory at Derby Playhouse, Duke's Playhouse, Lancaster, England, Bristol Old Vic Theatre, and Leicester Haymarket Theatre, 1982-83. Awards, Honors: Evening Standard Award, best actress, Variety Club Award, most promising artiste, and City Limits Award, best film actress, all 1985, all for Dance with a Stranger; RTS Award, Royal Television Society, 1987-88, for Sweet As You Are; New York Film Critics Circle Award, best supporting actress, 1992, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nominations, best actress in a supporting role,

Film Appearances: Mary Turner, The Innocent, TVS/Curzon, 1984. Ruth Ellis, Dance with a Stranger, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1985. Oriel, Underworld (also known as Transmutations and RawHeadRex), Limehouse/Green Man, 1985. Penny, After Pilkington, 1986. Daphne, The Death of the Heart, 1986. DHSS blond, Eat the Rich, New Line Cinema, 1987. Mrs. Victor, Empire of the Sun, Warner Bros., 1987. Marilyn, The Mad Monkey (also known as Twisted Obsession), IVE, 1989. Frederica/Widow, The Bachelor, 1990. Columbine, Rosalind, and Ophelia, The Fool, 1990. Broken Skin, 1990. Redemption, 1991. Rose Arbuthnot, Enchanted April, Miramax, 1992. Ingrid, Damage (also known as Fatale) New Line Cinema, 1992. Jude, The Crying Game, Miramax, 1992. Mr. Wakefield's Crusade, 1992. Clara, Century, 1993. Mysterious woman, The Line, the Cross, the Curve, 1994. Julie, La Nuit et le Moment (also known as The Night and the Moment), 1994. Vivienne Haigh-Wood, Tom and Viv, Miramax, 1994. Carolyn Stilton, Kansas City, Fine Line, 1995. Sarah, Swann, Norstar Releasing, 1995. Patsy, Evening Star, Paramount, 1996.

328 • RIFKIN Consuelo de Saint-Exupery, Saint-Ex, Bonneville Worldwide Entertainment, 1997. Toosie, The Apostle, October Films, 1997. Judy, The Designated Mourner, First Look Pictures, 1997. Miss Gilchrist, St. Ives (also known as All for Love), 1998. johnny Hit and Run Pauline, 1999. Miss Fowl, Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang, 1999. Dinah Pellarin, The Big Brass Ring, 1999. Voice of Anna Leonowens, The King and I (animated), Warner Bros., 1999. Lady Van Tassel, 5/eepy Hollow, 1999. Voice of Mrs. Tweedy, Chicken Run, 2000. Television Appearances; Series: Queen Elizabeth I, The Blackadder II, BBC, then A&E, 1986. The True Adventures of Christopher Columbus, 1992. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Paula Amory, A Woman of Substance, Operation Prime Time, 1984. Pamela Flitton, A Dance to the Music of Time, 1997. Mab and the Lady of the Lake, Merlin, NBC, 1998. Also appeared in "Sorrel and Son/' Masterpiece Theatre, PBS; "Three Ravens" The Storyteller. Television Appearances; Movies: Daphne Heccomb, The Death of the Heart, Granada, 1986, then broadcast on Masterpiece Theatre, PBS, 1987. Penny Newhouse, After Pilkington, BBC, 1986, then A&E, 1988. Julia Perry, Sweet As You Are, 1988. Early Bird, Ball-Trap on the Cote Sauvage, 1989. Sandra, Mr. Wakefield's Crusade, 1991. Anna, Old Times, syndicated, 1993. Charlie Maguire, Fatherland, HBO, 1994. The Three Ravens, HBO, 1997. Dr. Sarah Blakeney, The Scold's Bridle, BBC America, 1998. Henrietta Blough-Pendleton, Ted & Ralph, 1998. Queen of Hearts and Society Woman, Alice in Wonderland, NBC, 1999.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Episodic: Gudrun, "From Here to Maternity," Agony, 1981. Amy Hardwood, "Amy and Amiability," Blackadder III, 1987. "The Untouchable Version," Alas Smith & Jones, 1989. "The Unprepared Version," Alas Smith & Jones, 1989. "The Undiscovered Version," Alas Smith & Jones, 1989. Nurse Mary, "Plan E: General Hospital," Blackadder Goes Forth, 1989. Bride's mother, "Les Dogs," The Comic Strip Presents, 1990. Sidonie Reiger, "Die Kinder," Mystery!, PBS, 1991. Miss Straughheim, "Space Virgins from Planet Sex," The Comic Strip Presents, 1993. Mario Antoinette, "Demonella," The Comic Strip Presents, 1993. Stella Elsbeth, "Jealousy," The Comic Strip Presents, 1993. Bettina, "New Best Friend," Absolutely Fabulous, 1994. Stage Appearances: Jane Gladwin, Moving, Queen's Theatre, London, 1980-81. Edmund, Royal Court Theatre, London, 1985. A Lie of the Mind, Royal Court Theatre, 1987. The Changeling, National Theatre, London, 1988. Mountain Language, National Theatre, 1988. Ettajenks, Royal Court Theatre, 1990. The Designated Mourner, Royal National Theater, 1996. Also appeared in All My Sons; Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?; The Life of Einstein; Educating Rita.*

RIFKIN, Adam 1966(?)(Rif Coogan) PERSONAL Born in 1966 (some sources say 1972). Addresses: Agent—Alan Gasmer, William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Also appeared in The Demon Lover; The Hard Word. Career: Actor, director, screenwriter, and producer. Television Appearances; Specials: Queen Elizabeth and Asphyxia, Blackadder's Christmas Carol, A&E, 1989. Hilde Wangel, The Master Builder, A&E, 1990. The 50th Annual Golden Clobe Awards, TBS, 1993.

CREDITS Film Director, Except Where Indicated: Tale of Two Sisters, Vista Street Entertainment, 1989.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Never on Tuesday, Cinema Group, 1989. (As Rif Coogan) The Invisible Maniac, 1990. The Dark Backward, RCA, 1991. The Nutt House (also known as The Nutty Nut), Connexion American Media, 1992. (As Rif Coogan) Psycho Cop Returns (also known as Psycho Cop 2), Columbia/TriStar, 1993. The Chase, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1994. Producer and second unit director, Going Overboard, 1995. We/come to Hollywood, 1998. Detroit Rock City, 1999. Film Appearances: Gaary, Disturbed, 1990.

Going Overboard, 1990. Desk clerk, Bikini Island, 1990. Last Dance, 1991. Rufus Bing, The Dark Backward, RCA, 1991. Disturbed, LIVE Home Video, 1991. Psycho Cop Returns (also known as Psycho Cop 2), Columbia/TriStar, 1994. (As Rif Coogan) Bikini Squad, 1994. Adam Rifkin, We/come to Hollywood, 1998. Gambler number one, Susan's Plan, 1998. Television Work; Series: Supervising producer, The Swamp Thing, USA, 1990. Creator and coexecutive producer, Bone Chillers, ABC and The Disney Channel, 1996. Television Director; Episodic: Director, Bone Chillers, ABC and The Disney Channel, 1996. Television Director; Movies; Denial (also known as Something About Sex), Cinemax, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Reuben, Denial (also known as Something About Sex), Cinemax, 1998.

RITTER • 3 2 9 Rea//y Big Bugs, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1995. Mouse Hunt, DreamWorks SKG, 1997. Small Soldiers, DreamWorks SKG, 1998. Also wrote Pickle on My Tongue. Television Work: Bone Chillers (episodic) ABC and The Disney Channel, 1996. Denial (also known as Something About Sex; movie), Cinemax, 1998.*

RITTER, John 1948PERSONAL Full name, Johnathan Southworth Ritter; born September 17, 1948, in Burbank, CA; son of Tex (a country and western singer) and Dorothy Fay (an actress; maiden name, Southworth) Ritter; married Nancy Karen Morgan (an actress), October 16, 1977 (divorced); married Amy Yasbeck (an actress), on September 18, 1999; children: Jason, Tyler, Carly (first marriage). Education: University of Southern California, B.A., 1971; studied with Stella Adler and Nina Foch; spent four years at Harvey Lembeck Comedy Workshop; also studied at Mary Carver Studio. Addresses: Office—c/o Robert Myman, 11777 San Vicente Blvd., No. 880, Los Angeles, CA 90049-5011. Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Contact— 15030 Ventura Blvd., Suite 806, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403. Career: Actor. Adam Productions, partner with Robert Myman, 1984—.


Member: Actors Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, United Cerebral Palsy Association (member of board of directors).

Screenplays: Tale of Two Sisters, Vista Street Entertainment, 1989. Never on Tuesday, Cinema Group, 1989. (As Rif Coogan) The Invisible Maniac, 1990. The Dark Backward, RCA, 1991. The Chase, Twentieth-Century Fox, 1994. Body Count, Silver Pictures, 1994. Roman Blood, United Artists, 1995. All Shook Up, United Artists, 1995.

Awards, Honors: Honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the 1768th, next to his father's; Emmy Award nominations, best actor in a comedy series, 1977 and 1980, Emmy Award, best actor in a comedy series, and Golden Globe Award, best actor in a television comedy series, both 1984, all for Three's Company; Los Angeles Area Emmy Award, best co-host, 1986, for Superfest: A Celebration of Ability; Emmy Award nomination, best actor in a

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330 • RITTER

comedy series, 1987, and People's Choice Award, best male performer in a new television program, Proctor & Gamble Productions, 1988, both for Hooperman. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Reverend Matthew Fordwicke, The Waltons, CBS, 1972-76. Jack Tripper, Three's Company, ABC, 1977-84. Jack Tripper, Three's a Crowd (also known as Three's Company, Too), ABC, 1984-85. Detective Harry Hooperman, Hooperman, ABC, 1987-89. Voice of Inspector Gil, Fish Police (animated), CBS, 1992. John Hartman, Hearts Afire, CBS, 1992-95. Narrator (with others), Sex and the Silver Screen, Showtime, 1996. Television Appearances; Pilots: What's Up, America? (also known as What's Up?), NBC, 1971. Minister, Evil Roy Slade, NBC, 1972. Ben Sikes, Bachelor at Law, CBS, 1973. Host, Completely Off the Wall, ABC, 1979. Television Appearances; Movies: Walter Wingate, The Night That Panicked America, ABC, 1975. Paul Stallings, Leave Yesterday Behind, ABC, 1978. Bubba Newman, The Comeback Kid, ABC, 1980. Robert Christenberry, In Love with an Older Woman, CBS, 1982. Tom McPherson, Pray TV (also known as Mixed Blessings), ABC, 1982. Alan O'Black, 5unset Limousine, CBS, 1983. Danny Loeb, Love Thy Neighbor, ABC, 1984. Alex Schuster, Letting Go, ABC, 1985. Judge Harold Benton, A Smoky Mountain Christmas, ABC, 1986. Frank Coleman, Unnatural Causes, NBC, 1986. Voice, Flight of the Dragons, ABC, 1986. Phil Reed, The Last Fling, ABC, 1987. David Royce, Prison for Children, CBS, 1987. Donald Todsen, Tricks of the Trade, CBS, 1988. Barney Rusher, My Brother's Wife (also known as The Middle /Ages), ABC, 1989. L. Frank Baum, Dreamer of Oz: The L. Frank Baum Story, NBC, 1990. Dr. Paul Saunders, The Summer My Father Crew Up, NBC, 1991. Jeremy Carlisle, The Only Way Out, ABC, 1993.

Clarke MacGruder, Cramps (also known as Lethal Intent), 1995. Paul Hegstrom, Unforgivable, 1996. Jonas Ambler, Mercenary, 1997. A Child's Wish, CBS, 1997. Harry McDonacle, "The- Great McDonacle," Dead Man's Gun, Showtime, 1997. Tom Maquire, Chance of a Lifetime, CBS, 1998. Dr. Carter Elson, Dead Husbands, 1998. Dr. Wexler, Montana, HBO, 1998. Rev. Joe Cass, Holy ]oe, CBS, 1999. Daniel Bridges, It Came From the Sky, Romance Classics, 1999. David Farris, Lethal Vows, 1999. Steven Mayers, Shadow of Doubt, Cinemax, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: General Electric's All-Star Anniversary, ABC, 1978. The Goldie Hawn Special, CBS, 1978. Marty, R/ngo, NBC, 1978. That Thing on ABC, ABC, 1978. How to Survive the Seventies and Maybe Even Bump into Happiness, CBS, 1978. Host, Weekend with the Stars Telethon for Cerebral Palsy, 1978, 1979, and 1980. The Celebrity Football Classic, NBC, 1979. Co-host, Echoes of the Sixties, NBC, 1979. Host, ]ohn Ritter: Being of Sound Mind and Body, ABC, 1980. Host, The Singing Cowboys Ride Again, syndicated, 1982. The Fantastic Miss Piggy Show, ABC, 1982. Host, Life's Most Embarrassing Moments, ABC, 1983. The Bob Hope Special: Bob Hope's Super Birthday Special, NBC, 1984. Host, The Secret World of the Very Young, CBS, 1984. All-Star Party for Lucille Ball, 1984. Donald Duck's 50th Birthday, 1984. Host, Disney's Living Seas, 1986. Host, Teenage America—Glory Years, 1986. Host, Superfest: A Celebration of Ability, 1986-88. Welcome Home, 1987. Superstars and Their Moms (also known as Superstars & Their Moms), ABC, 1987. The Special Olympics Opening Ceremonies, 1987. It's Howdy Doody Time: A 40-Year Celebration, 1987. Happy Birthday, Hollywood!, 1987. Memories Then and Now, CBS, 1988. Host, ABC Presents a Royal Gala, ABC, 1988. Host, United Cerebral Palsy's Starathon, syndicated, 1988-91. The Valvoline National Driving Test, CBS, 1989. Stand-Up Comics Take a Stand!, Family Channel, 1989 and 1990.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Host, The American Red Cross Emergency Test, ABC, 1990. Host, A Celebration of Country, ABC, 1991. A User's Guide to Planet Earth: The American Environment Test, ABC, 1991. Host, The Greatest Commercials Ever Made, CBS, 1995. Host, The World's Greatest Magic, NBC, 1996. Host, Totally Animals II, CBS, 1996. Host, Ordinary Extraordinary, CBS, 1997. Interviewee, Behind the Laughs: The Untold Stories of Television's Favorite Comedies, Fox, 1998. Host and narration, The History of Toys and Games, 1998. Host, The World's Greatest Magic V, 1998. Interviewee, Three's Company: The E! True Hollywood Story, E! Entertainment, 1998. Interviewee, TV Guide's Truth Behind the Sitcom Scandals, 1999. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 21st Annual Academy of Country Music Awards, 1986. The 38th Annual Emmy Awards (also known as The Emmy Awards), 1986. Presenter, The /3th Annual People's Choice Awards (also known as The People's Choice Awards), 1987. The /5th Annual People's Choice Awards (also known as The People's Choice Awards), CBS, 1989. Presenter, The 44th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (also known as The 44th Emmy Awards and The Em my Awards), 1992. Host, The /9th Annual People's Choice Awards (also known as The People's Choice Awards), 1993. Presenter, The / 1th Annual Academy of Television Arts and Sciences' Hall of Fame, 1996. Presenter, The Screen Actors Guild Awards, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: Contestant, The Dating Game, ABC, 1967. A campus revolutionary, Dan August, ABC, 1971. "Two Doves and Mr. Heron/' Hawaii Five-O, CBS, 1972. Medical Center, CBS, 1973. A soldier, "Deal Me Out/' MM*S*H, CBS, 1973. "Deliver Us Some Evil/7 Kojak, CBS, 1974. "Sorry, Wrong Mother/' The Bob Newhart Show, CBS, 1974. "The Hostages/' Starsky and Hutch, ABC, 1975. "Landslide," Movin' On, NBC, 1975. "Hardball," Mannix, CBS, 1975. "Who's Happy Now?," Theater in America, PBS, 1975.

RITTER « 3 3 1 "Chain of Command," Petrocelli, NBC, 1975. "The Price of Terror," Barnaby Jones, CBS, 1975. John "Johnny" Steiner, "Murder by Proxy," The Streets of San Francisco, ABC, 1975. "Ted's Wedding," The Mary Tyler Moore Show, CBS, 1975. The Rookies, ABC, 1975. Doc, CBS, 1976. "How to Land a Man," Rhoda, CBS, 1976. Phyllis, CBS, 1976. "Dealer's Choice—Blackmail," Hawaii Five-O, CBS, 1977. Loves Me, Loves Me Not, CBS, 1977. "Phyllis's Career Change," Phyllis, CBS, 1977. "Oh, Dale," The Love Boat, ABC, 1977. Jack Tripper, "The Party," The Ropers, ABC, 1979. The Associates, ABC, 1980. "Little Miseries," Insight, syndicated, 1981. "The Emperor's Fortune," The Love Boat, ABC, 1983. Pryor's Place, CBS, 1984. "Lucy Makes a Hit with John Ritter," Life with Lucy, ABC, 1986. Mr. Loud, "Mickey's 60th Birthday Special," The Magical World of Disney, NBC, 1989. "Disney-MGM Studios Theme Park Grand Opening," The Magical World of Disney, NBC, 1989. Patrick Serreau, Anything but Love, ABC, 1991 and 1992. The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1992. "Off Camera," The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1993. "The Fourteenth Floor," The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1994. Dr. Frank Westford, NewsRadio (also known as News Radio), NBC, 1995. Mike O'Connor, Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1996. Stuart, Casey's husband, Wings, NBC, 1996. Justin Talbot, Over the Top, 1997. Boyfriend, Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, WB, 1997. "The Great McDonacle", Dead Man's Gun, Showtime, 1997. Voice of Eugene Grandy, King of the Hill, Fox, 1997. George Madison, Ally McBeal, Fox, 1998. Sheriff Tom McKinsley, Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1998. Photographer, Veronica's Closet, NBC, 1998. Also appeared on Playhouse 90, CBS. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Ben Hanscom, It (also known as Stephen King's "/t"), ABC Novel for Television, ABC, 1990. Bill Grant, Heartbeat (also known as Danielle Steel's "Heartbeat"), NBC, 1993.

332 • ROACHE Other Television Appearances: Appeared in The Lie, also appeared in informercials promoting Where There's a Will, There's an "A" educational tapes. Television Work; Executive Producer; Series: (With others) Have Faith, ABC, 1989. (With Robert Myman) Anything but Love, ABC, 1989-92. Television Work; Executive Producer; Pilots: (With others) Poochinski, NBC, 1990. Film Appearances: Roger, The Barefoot Executive, Buena Vista, 1971. Wendell, Scandalous John, Buena Vista, 1971. Rider, The Other (also known as L'Autre), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1972. Hart, The Stone Killer, Columbia, 1973. Franklin Frank, Nickelodeon, Columbia, 1976. Paul, Breakfast in Bed, William Haugse Productions, 1978. Chet Roosevelt, Americathon, United Artists, 1979. Steve Nichols, Hero at Large, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1980. The devil, Wholly Moses!, Columbia, 1980. Charles Rutledge, They All Laughed, Twentieth Century-Fox/United Artists, 1981. Peter Dickinson, The Flight of Dragons (also known as Flight of the Dragon), Warner Home Video, 1982. Bob Wilson, Real Men, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1987. Zach Hutton, Skin Deep, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1989. Ben Healy, Problem Child, Universal, 1990. Ben Healy, Problem Child 2, Universal, 1991. Garry Lejeune and Roger Tramplemain, Noises Off, Touchstone/Amblin Entertainment, 1992. Roy Knable, Stay Tuned, Warner Bros., 1992. Ward Nelson, North, Columbia, 1994. Rick Knowlton, The Colony, MCA/Universal Home Video, 1996. Vaughan Cunningham, Sling Blade (also known as Reckoning), Miramax, 1996. Moses Helper, Nowhere, Fine Line Features, 1997. Reasonable Doubt, Reasonable Doubt Productions, 1997. Dr. Wexler, Montana, Zeta Entertainment Ltd./No Bones Productions, 1997. Hacks, 1997. Duncan—bartender, A Cun, a Car, a Blonde, Showcase Entertainment, 1997. Hank, Sink or Swim, 1997. Chief Warren Kincaid, Bride ofChucky, Universal, 1998. Robert Forrest, / Woke Up Early the Day I Died, Cinequanon Pictures International, 1998.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Stage Appearances: Cafeteria Style Lunch and Momsie and the Midnight Bride (double bill), Center Theatre Group, New Theatre for Now, 1970. A Meeting by the River, Center Theatre Group, New Theatre for Now, 1971. Desire under the Elms, Berkshire Theatre Festival, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, 1974. Battle of Angels, Westport Country Playhouse, Westport, CT, then Fallmouth Theatre, Fallmouth, MA, later Cape Playhouse, Dennis, MA, 1981. Tom Bryce, The Unvarnished Truth, Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, 1985. A Place to Stay, Westport Country Playhouse, then Cape Playhouse, 1985. Andrew Makepeace Ladd III, Love Letters, Canon Theatre, Beverly Hills, CA, 1990. Made stage debut at Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1968; appeared in The Class Menagerie, Totem Pole Playhouse, Maryland; Butterflies Are Free, Totem Pole Playhouse; As You Like It, First Los Angeles Free Shakespeare Festival; Nevada, Mark Taper Forum Laboratory, Los Angeles; and Feiffer's People. OTHER SOURCES People Weekly, December 5, 1994, p. 45.*

ROACHE, Linus 1964(?)PERSONAL Born c. 1964, in Manchester, England; son of William Roache (an actor) and Anna Cropper (an actress); companion of Rosalind Bennett (an actress), beginning in 1989. Education: Graduated from a London drama school in 1985. Addresses: Contact—c/o Miramax Films, 7920 Sunset Blvd., Suite 230, West Hollywood, CA 90046. Career: Actor. Has been a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre, both London, England. CREDITS Film Appearances: Ulster Boy, No Surrender, Norstar, 1986. Father Greg Pilkington, Priest, Miramax, 1994.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Merton Densher, The Wings of the Dove, Miramax, 1997. Also appeared in Link. Television Appearances; Movies: Vlado Sarzinsky, Shot through the Heart, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Boy with Bubonic Plague, The Onedin Line, BBC, 1976. Voice of Romeo, "Romeo and Juliet," Shakespeare: The Animated Tales, HBO, 1993. Also appeared as a young Barlow, Coronation Street, BBC. Television Appearances; Series: Seaforth, BBC, 1994. Stage Appearances: Appeared in Juno and the Paycock, National Theatre, London, England; The Deep Blue Sea, Almeida Theatre, London, England, 1993. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Interview, October 1998, p. 76. People Weekly, May 1, 1995, pp. 57-8.*

ROBERTS, Eric 1956PERSONAL Full name, Eric Anthony Roberts; born April 18,1956, in Biloxi, MS; son of Walter (a founder of the Actor's and Writer's Workshop) and Betty Lou Roberts; brother of Julia Roberts (an actress) and Lisa Roberts (an actress); married Eliza, 1992; children: (with Kelly Cunningham) Emma. Education: Trained for the stage at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, 1973-74, and the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, 1974-75. Addresses: Agent—United Artists Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., floor five, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor. Appeared in television commercial for H&M. Awards, Honors: Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture acting debut—male, 1979, for


King of the Gypsies; Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a motion picture-drama, 1984, for Star 80; Academy Award nomination, best supporting actor, 1985, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actor in a supporting role in a motion picture, both for Runaway Train; Theatre World Award, 1988, for Bum This. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film Debut) Dave Stepanowitz, King of the Gypsies, Paramount, 1978. Judge, The Alternative Miss World (documentary), Tigon, 1980. Teddy, Raggedy Man, Universal, 1981. Paul Snider, Star 80, Warner Bros., 1983. Paulie, The Pope of Greenwich Village, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1984. Buck, Runaway Train, Cannon, 1985. Becker, The Coca-Cola Kid, Cinecom/Film Gallery, 1985. Riley, Nobody's Fool, Island, 1986. Narrator, Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam, HBO Productions, 1988. Musician—Tchukon, The Revolving Doors, 1988. Fred, Rude Awakening, Orion, 1989. Options, Vestron, 1989. Alex Grady, Best of the Best, Taurus, 1989. Marco Collogero, Blood Red, Hemdale, 1990. Alexander Villard, By the Sword, 1991. Frank, Lonely Hearts, LIVE Home video, 1992. Jimmy Evans, Final Analysis, Warner Bros., 1992. Josh Baker, The Ambulance, Triumph Releasing, 1993. Alex Grady, Best of the Best //, 1993. Tomas Leon, The Specialist, Warner Bros., 1994. Jack Hart, Love is a Gun, Trimark, 1994. Grant Orion, Freefall (also known as Firefall), October Films/Vidmark, 1994. Man number 11, Conversat/ons, 1994. Anthony, Babyfever, Rainbow Film Company, 1994. Adrian (Dusty), The Nature of the Beast (also known as The Hatchet Man), New Line Home Video, 1995. Nick Stark, It's My Party, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1996. Montrachet, The Glass Cage, Orion Home Video, 1996. Bubba Rocque, Heaven's Prisoners, New Line, 1996. Karl in, Power 98, HBO, 1996. Himself, The Cable Guy, Columbia, 1996. Martin, American Strays, Unapix, 1996. Assistant Deputy Director Spencer, Most Wanted, New Line, 1997.

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Two Shades of Blue, 1998. Michael, The Prophecy II: Ashtown, Dimension Home Video, 1998. Julia, Making Sandwiches, 1998. Walter, La Cucaracha, 1998. Death Valley, 1998. Henry Smovinsky, Dead End, Libra Pictures, 1998. Venti, Bittersweet, 1998. Mr. Eddie, TripFall, 1999. Title role, The Alternate or The Replacement, 1999. The King's Guard, 1999. A Better Way to Die, 1999. Robert Woodfield, Extreme Duress, 1999. Carlo, Quicksand, 2000.

John Olansky, C-/6: FBI, ABC, 1997.

Television Appearances; Movies: Jacob Asch, Slow Burn, Showtime, 1986. Jan Scruggs, To Heal a Nation, NBC, 1988. Michael Rossi, Descending Angel, HBO, 1990. Al Capone, The Lost Capone, TNT, 1990. Cal Harper, Fugitive Among Us, CBS, 1992. Reno Adams, Love, Cheat and Steal, Showtime, 1993. Gil Freeland, Voyage (also known as Cruise of Fear), USA, 1993. Dr. Ian Burton, Sensation, HBO, 1994. Dr. Chandler Etheridge, The Hard Truth, 1994. Jack, The Immortals, HBO, 1995. Dannion Brinkley, Saved by the Light, 1995. The Master (Bruce), Doctor Who (also known as Doctor Who: Enemy Within), Fox, 1996. Detective Walter D'Arcangelo, Dark Angel, Fox, 1996. Arthur Dunlop, Public Enemies (also known as Public Enemy #1), HBO, 1996. Cass, The Grave, HBO, 1996.

Television Appearances; Specials: The Little Pioneers, c. 1961. "Paul's Case," American Short Story, PBS, 1980. Adam White, "Miss Lonelyhearts," American Playhouse, PBS, 1983. Night of 100 Stars III, NBC, 1990. The 15th Annual CableACE Awards, 1994. "Hot New Trends," The 1998 VH1 Fashion Awards, VH1, 1998.

Also appeared in How to Survive a Marriage. Television Appearances; Episodic: Major Marcos, "The Thargon Menace/' The Tomorrow People, 1977. Steven, "Drew's the Other Guy/' The Drew Carey Show, ABC, 1996. Voice of Chet, "Roz's Krantz & Gouldenstern Are Dead," Frasier, NBC, 1997. Richard L'ltalien, "Capital P," Oz, HBO, 1997. Voice, Tocfcf McFarlane's Spawn (animated), HBO, 1997. Nick Stratton, Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1999.

Stage Appearances: First Soldier, Rebel Women, New York Shakespeare Festival, Public Theatre, New York City, 1976. A Streetcar Named Desire, McCarter Theatre Company, Princeton, NJ, 1976. Mark Dolson, Mass Appeal, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1980. The Class Menagerie, Hartford Stage Company, Hartford, CT, 1983. Pale, Burn This, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1988.

RUSSO, TNT; HBO, 1997. Bob Wilson, The Shadow Men, HBO, 1997. Dylan Cooper, Past Perfect, HBO, 1998. Dean McConnell, Heaven's Fire, 1999. Blackjack Britton, Purgatory, TNT, 1999. Ben Siegel (age 40), Lansky, HBO, 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Sean MacGinnis, Vendetta: Secrets of a Mafia Bride (also known as Bride of Violence, Donna d'onore and A Family Matter), syndicated, 1991. Bill Bonnano, Love, Honor, and Obey: The Last Mafia Marriage, CBS, 1993. Perry Smith, In Cold Blood, CBS, 1996. Eurymachus, The Odyssey, NBC, 1997. Television Appearances; Series: Ted Bancroft, Another World (also known as Another World: Bay City), NBC, 1976-77.

Also appeared in (as a child) The Member of the Wedding, Charley's Aunt, and The Taming of the Shrew, all Actor's and Writer's Workshop, Atlanta, GA; Alms for the Middle Class, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, November 22, 1996, p. 85.*

ROSS, Benjamin PERSONAL Career: Writer and director.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CREDITS Film Work: Production apprentice, The Toxic Avenger, Troma Films, 1985. Director, Three Believers, 1990. Director, My Little Eye, 1992. Director, The Young Poisoner's Handbook, Astra Cinema, 1995. Television Work; Movies: Director, RKO 281, HBO, 1999.

RUDOLPH • 335 Third assistant director, The Fly, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1986. Coproducer, director, and editor, I've Heard the Mermaids Singing, Miramax, 1987. Executive producer, director, and editor, The White Room, Alliance Releasing, 1990. Director, "Desperanto or Let Sleeping Girls Lie/' Montreal Vu Par. . ., Cinema Plus Distribution, 1991. Executive producer, Curtis's Charm, Rabid Dog Films, 1995. Director, When Night Is Falling, October Films, 1995. Director, Mansfield Park, Miramax, 1999.

WRITINGS Screenplays: Three Believers, 1990. My Little Eye, 1992. The Young Poisoner's Handbook, Astra Cinema, 1995.*

Television Work; Series: Associate producer, The Journal, CBC (Canada), 1981-83. Television Work; Episodic: Director, "But at My Back I Always Hear/' The Hunger, Showtime, 1997. Director, "Six Gestures/' Yo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach, PBS, 1998.

ROZEMA, Patricia 1958-


PERSONAL Born August 20,1958, in Kingston, Ontario, Canada; daughter of Jan and Jacoba Berandina (Vos) Rozema. Education: Calvin College, B.A. (philosophy), 1981. Addresses: Office—108 Bellevue Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5T 2N9. Career: Producer, director, and writer. Vos Productions Ltd., filmmaker, 1983—; Crucial Pictures, Inc., co-owner. Awards, Honors: Twenty international awards, including Prix de la Jeunesse, Directors Fortnight, Cannes, France, 1987, for /Ve Heard the Mermaids Singing; four international awards, 1990, for The White Room; Achievement Award, Women in Film and Television, 1997; shared Emmy Award, outstanding classical music-dance program, 1998, for "Six Gestures/' in Yo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach.

Screenplays: Passion: A Letter in 16mm, 1985. I've Heard the Mermaids Singing, Miramax, 1987. The White Room, Alliance Releasing/1990. "Desperanto or Let Sleeping Girls Lie/' Montreal Vu Par. . ., Cinema Plus Distribution, 1991. When Night Is Falling, October Films, 1995. Mansfield Park, Miramax, 1999. Television Episodes: "The Shape, I Think/' Symposium, 1995. "Six Gestures," Yo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach, PBS, 1998.*

RUDOLPH, Claude-Oliver PERSONAL Career: Actor.

CREDITS CREDITS Film Work: Director, Urban Menace, Sterling Home Entertainment, 1984. Producer, director, and editor, Passion: A Letter in 16mm, 1985.

Film Appearances: Ario, Das Boot, Columbia, 1981. Willy, Operation Leo, Sandrews, 1981. Schroder, Die Reise, 1986.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Jakob Winkler, Der Angriff, 1987. The Voice, 1989. District manager, Herbstmilch, Perathon Film und Fernsch Produktions, 1989. Colonel Akakievich, The World Is Not Enough, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1999.*

RUFFALO, Mark 1968PERSONAL Born in 1968, in Wisconsin.

Television Appearances; Specials: Michael Dunne, American Nuclear, CBS, 1989. Stage Appearances: Warren Straub, This Is Our Youth, INTAR Theatre for the New Group, 1997. Appeared in /Avenue A, Still Life with Vacuum Salesman, and Tent Show, all at Cast Theatre, and in Betrayed by Love (one-act), Met Theatre, Los Angeles. WRITINGS Screenplays: The Destiny of Marty Fine, Alpine Releasing, 1995.*

Addresses: /Agent—Gold Marshak and Associates, 3500 West Olive Ave., Burbank, CA 91505. Career: Actor and writer. Awards, Honors: Theatre World Award, 1997, for This Is Our Youth. CREDITS Film Appearances: A Gift from Heaven, 1994. Mirror, Mirror 2: Raven Dance, Orphan Entertainment, 1994. J. D., There Goes My Baby, Orion, 1994. Brett, The Destiny of Marty Fine, Alpine Releasing, 1995. Mirror, Mirror III, 1996. Brent, The Last BigThing, Stratosphere Entertainment, 1996. Ricko, 54, Miramax, 1998. A Fish in a Bathtub, Northern Arts Entertainment, 1998. Frank, Safe Men, October Films, 1998. Alex, Life/Drawing, 1999. Committed, 1999. Film Work: Coproducer, The Destiny of Marty Fine, Alpine Releasing, 1995. Television Appearances; Movies: Attorney, Blood Money, Cinemax, 1996. Steve Landers, The Dentist, HBO, 1996. Bert, On the Second Day of Christmas, Lifetime, 1997. Theo, Houdini (also known as Believe and Believe: The Houdini Story), TNT, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Vinnie, "A Cop, a Mountie, and a Baby/' Due South, CBS, 1994.

RUTTAN, Susan 1948(?)PERSONAL Born Susan Dunrud, September 16, 1948 (some sources say 1950), in Oregon City, OR; father, a logger; mother, a nurse; married Mel Ruttan (deceased); married Randy MacDonald (a boom microphone operator), c. 1990 (divorced, c. 1993); children: Jackson (adopted). Education: Attended University of Oregon and University of California, Santa Cruz. Addresses: /Agent—Peter Young, The Gersh Agency, 232 N. Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210-5302. Career: Actress. Member, Staircase Theatre, Santa Cruz, CA, 1976-77; also worked in University Studios Casting's productions department, a secretary, and bar manager. Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nominations, best supporting actress, 1987-90, Q Award, best supporting actress in a quality drama series, 1988, Golden Globe Award nominations, best performance by an actress in a supporting role in a series, miniseries, or motion picture made for TV, 1989-90, all for LA. Law. CREDITS Film Appearances: Nurse number two, Independence Day (also known as FO//OVY Your Dreams), Warner Bros., 1983. Biker, Bad Manners (also known as Crowing Pains), New World, 1984. Actress, Tut It on My Bill/ Funny, 1988. Miriam, Bad Dreams, 1988.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Woman in Bookstore, Chances Are, TriStar, 1989. Claire Raskin, Funny about Love, Paramount, 1990. Lela, Love Kills, 1998. Mrs. O'Brien, Krippendorf's Tribe, Buena Vista, 1998. Television Appearances; Series: Marge, Empire, CBS, 1984. Roxanne Melman, LA. Law, NBC, 1986-93. Television Appearances; Pilots: Marge, After George, CBS, 1983. Television Appearances; Movies: Prudish woman, Dropout Father, CBS, 1982. Hostess, The Fighter, CBS, 1983. Mrs. Estep, Packin' It In, CBS, 1983. Portsmouth Nurse, Thursday's Child, CBS, 1983. Robin, Second Sight: A Love Story, CBS, 1984. Margie, Scorned and Swindled, CBS, 1984. Judge M. Tyson, Murder: By Reason of Insanity (also known as My Sweet Victim), CBS, 1985. Rosemary, Kicks, ABC, 1985. Julie Meyers, Do You Remember Love?, CBS, 1985. Ms. Morgan, Under the Influence, CBS, 1986. LA. Law, 1986. Mrs. McGwin, Bay Coven (also known as The Devils of Bay Cove, Eye of the Demon, and Strangers in Town), NBC, 1987. Courtney Page, Take My Daughters, Please, NBC, 1988. Sandra Thompson, Fire and Rain, USA, 1989. Judy Hecker, A Quiet Little Neighborhood, A Perfect Little Murder (also known as Darling, Let's Kill the Neighbors, Honey, Let's Kill the Neighbors, and A Perfect Little Murder), NBC, 1990. Genene Jones, Deadly Medicine, NBC, 1991. Carol Blankenship, A Triumph of the Heart: The Ricky Bell Story, CBS, 1991. Arlene Reed, Jack Reed: Badge of Honor, NBC, 1993. Anne Marie Tesoriero, Without Warning: Terror in the Towers, NBC, 1993. Arlene Reed, Jack Reed: A Search for Justice, NBC, 1994. Arlene Reed, Jack Reed: One of Our Own, 1995. Helen Preston, Justice for Annie: A Moment of Truth Movie, NBC, 1996. Arlene Reed, Jack Reed: Death and Vengeance, NBQ1996. Arlene Reed, Jack Reed: A Killer Amongst Us, NBC, 1996. Madge, Touched by Evil, ABC, 1997. Janet, Life of the Party: The Pamela Harriman Story (also known as Life of the Party: Pamela Harriman), Lifetime, 1998.

RUTTAN « 3 3 7 Television Appearances; Miniseries: Arlene Reed, Deadly Matrimony (also known as Shattered Promises), NBC, 1992. Television Appearances; Specials: Marian, "Gwendolyn," NBC Presents the API Comedy Special, NBC, 1987. ]ay Leno's Family Comedy Special, NBC, 1987. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, 1988. 55th Annual King Orange Jamboree Parade, 1988. Judge, The Miss Universe Pageant 1988, 1988. Host, All-American Sports Nuts, 1988. The Valvoline National Driving Test, CBS, 1989. Cohost, Thanks for Giving, USA, 1989. The Test Tube, ABC, 1990. Sweet 15, PBS, 1990. Rich and Famous: 1990 World's Best, syndicated, 1990. Ms. Morales, Malcolm Takes a Shot, 1990. The "LA. Law" 100th Episode Special, NBC, 1991. Soap Opera Digest Awards, NBC, 1992. Melody Huck, Family Values, 1995. In Search of the Oregon Trail, PBS, 1996. Story First: Behind the Unabomber, Lifetime, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: Ester, "What Price Glory?/' Bosom Buddies, 1981. "The New Jail/' Best of the West, ABC, 1981. "Jackal/' The Powers of Matthew Star, NBC, 1982. "Where's My Paycheck," Night Court, NBC, 1984. "The Scandal," Benson, ABC, 1984. "Adventure in Hong Kong," Benson, ABC, 1984. Katherine Shrub, "Have Yourself a Very Degrading Christmas," Katherine Zawicki Shub, "A Hero," Buffalo Bill, NBC, 1984. Georgie's girl, Newhart, CBS, 1984. "Lofty Steele," Remington Steele, NBC, 1984. The Jeffersons, CBS, 1985. Mrs. Blake, "Wheels of Justice: Parts 1 & 2," Night Court, NBC, 1986. "A Day in Mayfield," The New Leave It to Beaver, TBS, 1986. Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, syndicated, 1988. Improv Tonight, 1988. Ms. Morales, "Malcolm Takes a Shot," CBS Schoolbreak Special, CBS, 1990. "Rhyme and Punishment," LA. Law, 1993. Anne, The Mommies, 1993. Joanne Peters, "Cassie's Choice," Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1994. Marilyn Craig, Sweet Justice, 1994. Linda Fortin, "Higher Powers," Chicago Hope, CBS, 1996.

338 • RUTTAN Linda Fortin, "Verdicts/ 7 Chicago Hope, CBS, 1997. Nectarine, "Oh, How They Danced: Parts 1 & 2," Suddenly Susan, NBC, 1998. Doris Warner, "All Aboard/' Love Boat: The Next Wave, UPN, 1998. Cathy, 3rd Rock from the Sun, NBC, 1998. Also appeared in The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo (also known as Lobo), NBC.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Stage Appearances: Appeared in Hot L Baltimore, Staircase Repertory Productions, Santa Cruz, CA. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, November 18, 1991; November 29, 1993, p. 91. Weight Watchers Magazine, May, 1989, p. 41 .*

S SALDANA, Theresa 1955PERSONAL Born in 1955 In Brooklyn, NY; daughter of Tony and Divlna Saldana; married Fred Feliciano (a substance abuse counselor; divorced); married Phil Peters (an actor), March, 1989; children: (second marriage) Tianna. Religion: Roman Catholic. Addresses: Agent—CED, 261 South Robertson, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actress. Victims for Victims, founder. Awards, Honors: Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actress in a series, miniseries, or telefilm, 1993, and Bravo Award, for The Commish. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Mary Ann, Nunzio, Universal, 1978. Grace Corrigan, / Wanna Hold Your Hand, Universal, 1978. Judy, Home Movies, 1979. Lenore, Raging Bull, United Artists, 1980. Marsha Bernstein, Defiance, American International, 1980. Rhiana, The Evil That Men Do, TriStar, 1984. Rhonda, The Night Before, 1988. Maria Montoya, Of Men and Angels, Champion Films, 1989. Angie Corello, Double Revenge, 1989. Maria, Angel Town, Imperial Entertainment, 1990. Laura, Bliss, Triumph Releasing, 1997. Illusion Infinity, 1998. Theresa Brock, Carlo's Wake, 1999.

Television Appearances; Series: Gina Genovese, The Gangster Chronicles, NBC, 1981. Rachel Scali, The Commish, ABC, 1991-95. Christina Vargas and Diane Martinez, All My Children, ABC, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Sophia Loren as a teenager, Sophia Loren: Her Own Story, NBC, 1980. Herself, Victims for Victims: The Theresa Saldana Story, NBC, 1984. Angela Brown, The Highwayman (also known as Terror on the Blacktop), NBC, 1987. Rachel Morales, Shameful Secrets (also known as Going Underground), ABC, 1993. Rachel Scali, The Commish: Father Image, ABC, 1995. Rachel Scali, The Commish: In the Shadow of the Gallows, ABC, 1995. District Attorney Doris Cantore, She Woke Up Pregnant (also known as Crimes of Silence), ABC, 1996. Rachel Scali, The Commish: Redemption, ABC, 1996. The Time Shifters, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Where Do You Go When You Have No Place to Go?/' Kojak, CBS, 1976. "The Applicant/' 240-Robert, ABC, 1979. "The Gift/ Nurse, CBS, 1981. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, CBS, 1983. Maria Santini, "Too Late for Love/' T /. Hooker, ABC, 1983. "Miss Lonelyhearts/ American Playhouse, PBS, 1983. Inez, "Dead Woman's Shoes/' Twilight Zone, CBS, 1985. "Bold Ghosts," Cagneyand Lacey, CBS, 1985. "Gotta Dance," The New Love, American Style, ABC, 1985.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


"Full Moon Blues/' Simon and Simon, CBS, 1986. "Love and the Game Show/' The New Love, American Style, ABC, 1986. Sonia Cardena, "The Affair/' Matlock, NBC, 1986. "Till Death Do Us Part," Tales from the Darkside, syndicated, 1986. Jennifer Hartman, "Any Second Now," Hunter, NBC, 1987. "Black Widows," Tales from the Darkside, syndicated, 1987. "A World of Difference," Werewolf, Fox, 1987. "Lives in the Balance," Buck James, ABC, 1988. Entertainment Tonight, syndicated, 1989. Maria, "The Treasure of Manco," MacGyver, 1990. Storytime, PBS, 1994. Kirsten Foxx, Diagnosis: Murder, CBS, 1996. Paula, Nothing Sacred, ABC, 1997. Maria Hamilton, Martial Law, CBS, 1998. Also appeared as voice of Estella Velasquez, "Mummies of Malenque," The Real Adventures of ]onny Quest (animated), Cartoon Network; voice of Estella Velasquez, "The Robot Spies," The Real Adventures of jonny Quest (animated), Cartoon Network. Television Appearances; Specials: Laura Chacon, "Juvi" (also known as "Juvenile Hall"), CBS Schoolbreak Specials, CBS, 1987. Voice of Rosa, The New Kids on the Block Christmas Special, ABC, 1990. Scott Ross: Fear, Family Channel, 1991. Host, Confessions of Crime, Lifetime, 1991. The 4th Annual Desi Awards, syndicated, 1992. The 1996 NCLR Bravo Awards, 1996. Television Appearances; Other Cohost, The Reporters, Fox, 1989.

OTHER SOURCES Books: Markman, Ronald, and Ron Labreque, Obsessed: The Stalking of Theresa Saldana, William Morrow, 1994. Periodicals: Catholic Digest, November 1997, pp. 18-34. Los Angeles Times, June 2, 1989. Parade, January 24, 1993. People Weekly, June 5, 1989, p. 44.*

SALINGER, Matt 1960PERSONAL Born February 13,1960, in Windsor, VT; son of Jerome David (a writer, known as J. D.) and Alison Claire (a psychologist; maiden name, Douglas) Salinger; married Betsey Jane Becker (a jewelry manufacturer and designer), May 19, 1985; children: Gannon, Avery. Education: Attended Princeton University, 1979-80; Columbia University, B.A., art history, 1983; studied acting with Peggy Feury and at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. Avocational interests: Hiking, skiing, outdoor activities, active in environmental and conservation groups. Addresses: Agent—Bresler-Kelly Agency, 11500 West Olympic Blvd., Suite 510, Los Angeles, CA 90064. Career: Actor and producer. Appeared with the Ensemble Studio Theatre, New York City. Member: Young Artists United (a community service group). CREDITS

Stage Appearances: Member of chorus, A Musical Merchant of Venice, Roundabout Theatre/Stage Two, New York City, 1975. Gina, New York City Street Show, Actors Playhouse, New York City, 1977. Trouble, Ark Theatre Company, New York City, 1981. Lilina Stanislavski, Chekhov in Yalta, Walnut Street Theatre Company, Philadelphia, PA, 1983-84. Mimi, Broken Eggs, Ensemble Studio Theatre, New York City, 1984. WRITINGS Autobiography: Beyond Survival, Bantam Books, 1986.

Stage Appearances: (Off-Broadway debut) Manke, Drums in the Night, Horace Mann Theatre, New York City, 1982. All God's Children Got Wings, Horace Mann Theatre, New York City, 1983. Pete, One Night at Studio, Zephyr Theater, Los Angeles, CA, 1984. (Broadway debut) James Bernard, Dancing in the End Zone, Ritz Theatre, 1985. Charly Bacon, Charly Bacon and His Family, John Drew Theatre, East Hampton, NY, 1988. Ben, The Downside, Pasadena Playhouse, 1989-90. Jeff, The Sum of Us, Cherry Lane Theatre, 1991. Also appeared in No Exit, Theatre East, New York City.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Film Appearances: (Debut) Danny Burke, Revenge of the Nerds, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1984. Philip Aarons, Power, Lorimar, 1985. Donald Anderson, Options, Vestron, 1989. Steve Rogers—Captain America, Captain America, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1992. Tex, Firehawk, Concorde, 1993. Peter Kernan, Fortunes of War, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1994. James, Babyfever, Rainbow Film Company, 1994. Reverend Hanley, What Dreams May Come, PolyGram, 1998. Policeman, Let the Devil Wear Black, 1999. Film Producer, Except Where Indicated: Wild at Heart, Samuel Goldwyn, 1990. Fortunes of War, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1994. Mojave Moon, Trimark, 1996. Executive producer, Hacks (also known as Sink or Swim), Rigorous Productions, Inc., 1997. Executive producer, A Stranger in the Kingdom, 1998. Meeting Daddy, 1998. Executive producer, Little City, Miramax, 1998. Let the Devil Wear Black, 1999. Four Dogs Playing Poker, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: (Debut) Dave Meehan, One Life to Live, ABC, 1983. Mike, Second Chances, 1993. Television Appearances; Movies: Claude Dallas, Jr., Manhunt for Claude Dallas, CBS, 1986. Jack Shoat, Deadly Deception, CBS, 1987. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Lieutenant Bryce Parker, Blood and Orchids, CBS, 1986. Television Appearances; Specials: Young Frederick Remington, "The Wild Riders/' West of the Imagination, PBS, 1985. James Cabot Barrington III, Barrington, CBS, 1987. Television Appearances; Pilots: Andrew Jackson, Davy Crockett: Rainbow in the Thunder, NBC, 1988. Television Appearances; Episodic: Dr. Danny Shreve, "Duty Free Rome/' Picket Fences, CBS, 1993. Dr. Danny Shreve, "Unlawful Entries/' Picket Fences, CBS, 1993. Dr. Danny Shreve, "Under the Influence," Picket Fences, CBS, 1993.*


SALMON, Colin PERSONAL Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Towler, Captives, Miramax, 1994. Bob Maclean, Midnight Movie, British Broadcasting Corp., 1994. Chas, All Men Are Mortal, Warner Bros., 1995. Frantz Fanon, Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask, California Newsreel, 1996. Robinson, Tomorrow Never Dies, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1997. Alan, Fanny and Elvis, United International Pictures, 1999. Robinson, The World Is Not Enough, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Detective Superintendent Oswalde, Prime Suspect 2, PBS, 1993. Cold War, HBO, 1996. Detective Sergeant Charlie Nolan, Deep Secret, PBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Movies: Bird, Silent Witness: Long Days, Short Nights, Arts and Entertainment, 1996.*

SALONGA, Lea 1971PERSONAL Born February 22, 1971, in Manila, Luzon, Philippines; daughter of Feliciano Genuino and Maria Ligaya (maiden name, Imutan) Salonga. Education: Attended Ateneo De Manila University, 1988-89. Religion: Roman Catholic. Avocational interests: Music, reading, collecting raised-trunk elephants, collecting swatches, working on computers. Addresses: Contact—c/o Jeff Hunter, 1325 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019-6026. Member: American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Actor's Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


Awards, Honors: ALIW Award, best child performer, 1980-82; lining Award, one of 10 outstanding singers, 1983, 1992, and 1994; Cecil Award, best recording by a child, 1984; AWIT Award, outstanding performer, Philippines Recording Industry, 1990; President Medal of Merit, 1990; named outstanding Manilan by the government of the city of Manila; Olivier Award, outstanding actress in a musical, 1990, Antoinette Perry Award, Drama Desk Award, Outer Critics Circle Award, best actress in a musical, Theatre World Award, outstanding debut, 1991, all for Miss Saigon; Ten Outstanding Men Award, outstanding debut, 1991; ASEAN Industry award, performing arts, 1992; AWIT Award, outstanding service to Philippines recording industry, 1993. CREDITS

Television Appearances; Others: Appeared as host, Kulit Bulitit; co-host, Patok Na Patok!; in Love Lea; Naku, Ha!; Sunday Special; Iba /to/; That's Entertainment; This Is It!. Television Song Performer: The 65th Annual Academy Awards Presentations,

ABC, 1993. The O/sen Twins Mother's Day Special, ABC, 1993. People, The Disney Channel, 1995. Film Appearances: Herself, The Heat is On (also known as The Making of Miss Saigon), 1989. Singing voice of Jasmine, Aladdin (animated), Buena Vista, 1992. Singing voice of Mulan, Mulan (animated), Buena Vista, 1998.

Stage Appearances: Kim, Miss Saigon, Theatre Royal, London, England, 1989-90, then (Broadway debut) Broadway Theater, New York City, 1991-93. Eponine, Les Miserable*, Imperial Theatre, New York City, 1993, then London, 1996. Also appeared in The King and I, Manila, 1978; Annie, Manila, 1980; The Rose Tattoo, Manila, 1980; The Bad Seed, Manila, 1981; The Goodbye Girl, Manila, 1982; The Paper Moon, Manila, 1983; The Fantasticks, Manila, 1988; My Fair Lady, Manila, 1994; Into the Woods, Singapore, 1994; The 5ouncf of Music, Manila; Fiddler on the Roof, Manila; Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Major Tours: Eponine, Les Miserables, 1996. Television Appearances; Specials: The 45th Annual Tony Awards, CBS, 1991. The O/sen Twins Mother's Day Special, ABC, 1993. A Musical Christmas at Walt Disney World, ABC, 1993. Bob Hope: The First Ninety Years, NBC, 1993. Tuptim, The King and I: Recording a Hollywood Dream, PBS, 1993. The 65th Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1993. People, The Disney Channel, 1995. Eponine, Les Miserables in Concert, PBS, 1996. Hey Mr. Producer (also known as Hey Mr. Producer!: The Musical World of Cameron), PBS, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Geri Riordan, Redwood Curtain, ABC, 1995.

Also appeared in Bakit Labis Kitang Mahal?; Dear Diary; Pik Pak Boom; Captain Barbell; Ninja Kids; Like Father, Like Son; Tropang Bulitit. Film Work: Song performer, Aladdin (animated), Buena Vista, 1992. Song performer, Mulan (animated), Buena Vista, 1998. RECORDINGS Albums: A Small Voice, 1981. Aladdin (motion picture soundtrack), 1992.

LeaSalonga, 1993. Les Miserables 10th Anniversary Concert Album, 1996. Royal Couyabyab: The Silver Album, 1996. Also recorded Happy Children's Club, Christmas Album; We Are the World; Miss Saigon (original London cast record); The King and I; The Little Tramp. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, June 1 7, 1991, pp. 55-56. New York Times, March 17, 1991, pp. 5, 37.*

SANDLER, Adam 1966(?)PERSONAL Born September 9,1966 (some sources say 1964), in Manchester, NH (some sources say Brooklyn, NY);

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 son of Stan (an engineer) and Judy Sandier. Education: Graduated from New York University; studied acting at Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute. Addresses: Contact—Agency for the Performing Arts, 888 7th Ave., Suite 602, New York, NY 10106. Career: Actor, comedian, writer, producer, and composer. Toured with his band, The Goats; performed comedy at the Comic Strip Live, New York City; previously worked in a drugstore and in a restaurant. Awards, Honors: Emmy Award nominations, writing in a variety or music program, 1991 and 1992, both for Saturday Night Live; MTV Movie Award, best fight, 1996, for Happy Gilmore (with Bob Barker); American Comedy Award nomination, funniest actor in a motion picture (leading role), MTV Movie Award, best kiss (with Drew Barrymore), MTV Movie Award nominations, best comedic performance and best onscreen duo (with Drew Barrymore), 1998, all for The Wedding Singer; Blockbuster Entertainment Award, favorite actor/comedy, 1999, for The Wedding Singer and The Waterboy; MTV Movie Award, best comedic performance, and MTV Movie Award nomination, best male performance, 1999, all for The Waterboy; Special Award, ShoWest Convention, comedy star of the year, 1999. CREDITS Film Appearances: Shecky Moskowitz, Going Overboard (also known as Babes Ahoy), 1989. Dink the Clown, Shakes the Clown, IRS Releasing, 1992. Carmine, Coneheads, Paramount, 1993. Louie, Mixed Nuts (also known as Lifesaver), TriStar, 1994. Pip, Airheads, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1994. Title role, Billy Madison, Universal, 1995. Title role, Happy Gilmore, Universal, 1996. Archie Moses, Bulletproof, Universal, 1996. Robbie Hart, The Wedding Singer, New Line, 1998. (Uncredited) Satan, Dirty Work, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1998. Bobby Boucher, The Waterboy, Buena Vista, 1998. Sonny Koufax, Big Daddy, Columbia, 1999. Nicky, Little Nicky, 2000.

SANDLER • 343 Television Appearances; Series: Regular, Saturday Night Live (also known as NBC's Saturday Night, SNL, and Saturday Night), NBC, 1991-95. Also appeared as Stick Pin Quinn and the Stud Boy, Remote Control, MTV. Television Appearances; Episodic: Smitty, "The Prom/' The Cosby Show, NBC, 1987. Usher, "Brightman SATyricon," The Marshall Chronicles, 1990. Himself, "Hank's Wedding/' The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1993. Himself, Today, NBC, 1995. Television Appearances; Specials: "Testing Dirty/' ABC Afterschool Special, ABC, 1990. Regular, Saturday Night Live Mother's Day Special, NBC, 1992. The 2nd Annual Saturday Night Live Mother's Day Special, NBC, 1993. 7994 MTV Music Video Awards, MTV, 1994. Opera man, Saturday Night Live Presents President Bill Clinton's All-Time Favorites, NBC, 1994. The 37th Annual Grammy Awards, CBS, 1995. The ESPY Awards, ESPN, 1996. Adam Sandier: What the Hell Happened to Me, HBO, 1996. The Making of Adam Sandier's Video, Comedy Central, 1996. The 1997 MTV Video Music Awards, MTV, 1997. The 1998 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 1998. Canned Ham: The Waterboy, Comedy Central, 1998. Canned Ham: The Wedding Singer, Comedy Central, 1998. Canned Ham: Big Daddy, Comedy Central, 1999. The 5th Annual Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, 1999. RECORDINGS Albums: They're All Gonna Laugh at You!, Warner Bros., 1993. What the Hell Happened to Me, 1996. What's Your Name, 1997. Stan & Judy's Kid, 1999. WRITINGS

Film Executive Producer, Except Where Indicated: Song performer, The Wedding Singer, New Line, 1998. The Waterboy, Buena Vista, 1998. Big Daddy, Columbia, 1999.

Screenplays: (With others) Billy Madison, Universal, 1995. (With others) Happy Gilmore, Universal, 1996. (With others) The Waterboy, Buena Vista, 1998.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

(With others) Big Daddy, Columbia, 1999. (With others) Little Nicky, 2000.

Television Producer; Series: Clueless, ABC, 1996-98.*

Film Songs: The Wedding Singer, New Line, 1998. Television Series: (With others) Saturday Night Live (also known as NBC's Saturday Night, SNL, and Saturday Night), NBC, 1991-95. Television Specials: The 2nd Annual Saturday Night Live Mother's Day Special, NBC, 1993. Saturday Night Live Remembers Chris Farley, NBC,


OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, December 25, 1998, p. 26; April 2, 1999, p. 64; June 18, 1999, p. 24. People Weekly, November 30, 1998, p. 73; December 28, 1998, p. 97. Playboy, February 1999, p. 93.*

SCHROEDER, Adam PERSONAL Career: Producer. CREDITS Film Producer, Except Where Indicated: Co-producer, Clueless, United International Pictures, 1995. Co-producer, Marvin's Room, Miramax, 1996. Co-producer, Mother, Mother Production Limited Partnership, 1996. Co-producer, Ransom, Buena Vista, 1996. Executive producer, The First Wives Club, United International Pictures y Cia, 1996. Executive producer, In & Out, Paramount, 1997. A Simple Plan, Paramount, 1998. The Truman Show, Paramount, 1998. Executive producer, Angela's Ashes, Paramount, 1999. Executive producer, Bringing Out the Dead, Paramount, 1999. Sleepy Hollow, Paramount, 1999. Executive producer, South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, Paramount, 1999.

SEAGULL, Barbara See HERSHEY, Barbara

SHAFFER, Paul 1949PERSONAL Born November 28, 1949, in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada; son of Bernard (an attorney) and Shirley Shaffer; married Cathy Vasapoli (a booking agent), 1990; children: Victoria Lily, William Wood Lee. Education: University of Toronto, B.A., sociology. Addresses: Office—c/o The Late Show with David Letterman, CBS-TV, 530 West 57th St., New York, NY 10019. Career: Musician, composer, bandleader, actor, and producer. The Fabulous Fugitives (rock band), Thunder Bay, Ontario, musician, 1964-68; The Blues Brothers (musical group featuring John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd), bandleader and music director, 1978-79; Howard Shore Band, keyboardist; studio musician for recording artists. Paul Shaffer Celebrity Seder, New York City, organizer. Awards, Honors: Honorary D.F.A. degree, Lakehead University, 1988; two Grammy Award nominations, 1989, for Coast to Coast; Emmy Award nomination, best music direction, 1992, for Late Night with David Letterman: Wth Anniversary; honorary Doctor of Music, 1993. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Paul, A Year at the Top, CBS, 1977. Saturday Night Live (also known as SNL and NBC's Saturday Night), NBC, 1978-80. Leader of The World's Most Dangerous Band, Late Night with David Letterman, NBC, 1982-93. Leader of CBS Orchestra, The Late Show with David Letterman, CBS, 1993—. Voice of Hermes, Hercules (animated), ABC and syndicated, 1998—. Television Appearances; Specials: Steve Martin's Best Show Ever, NBC, 1981.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


Late Night Film Festival, NBC, 1985. David Letterman's 2nd Annual Holiday Film Festival, NBC, 1986. NBC's 60th Anniversary Celebration, NBC, 1986. Don Johnson's Music Video Feature Heartbeat, HBO, 1987. The Late Night with David Letterman 5th Anniversary Show, NBC, 1987. ComJc Relief II, HBO, 1987. David Letterman's Old-Fashioned Christmas, NBC, 1987. The Beach Boys: 25 Years Together, ABC, 1987. The Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award Show, CBS, 1987. The Late Night with David Letterman 6th Anniversary Show, NBC, 1988. Ashford and Simpson: Going Home, The Disney Channel, 1988. The Late Night with David Letterman 7th Anniversary Show, NBC, 1989. Jacksonville Jazz IX, PBS, 1989. Host, Rate the '80s, syndicated, 1989. The Late Night with David Letterman 8th Anniversary Special, NBC, 1990. The 2nd International Rock Awards, ABC, 1990. Host, The Best of Cinemax Sessions, Cinemax, 1990. Host, The 1990 Billboard Music Awards, Fox, 1990. Night of 100 Stars HI, 1990. Host, The 1991 Billboard Music Awards, Fox, 1991. Late Night with David Letterman: 10th Anniversary, NBC, 1992. A Spinal Tap Reunion: The 25th Anniversary London Sell-Out (also known as The Return of Spinal Tap). NBC, 1992. The Late Night with David Letterman Video Special, CBS, 1994. Host from New York, Happy New Year America— 1994, CBS, 1994. The Show Formerly Known as The Martin Short Show, 1995. Host, Grammy Countdown, CBS, 1997. The 1997 ESPY Awards, 1997. Farm Aid'98, HBO, 1998. The Goodwill Games Opening Celebration, TBS, 1998.

"A New York Night—Live!," HBO Comedy Hour, HBO, 1993.

Television Appearances; Episodic: "Martin Short Concert for the North Americas/' Showtime Comedy Spotlight, Showtime, 1985. "Fats Domino and Friends: Immortal Keyboards of Rock and Roll/' Cinemax Sessions, Cinemax, 1986. "Viva Shaf Vegas/' Cinemax Comedy Experiment, Cinemax, 1987. "The Bob Dylan 30th Anniversary Celebration," In the Spotlight, PBS, 1993.

Television Appearances; Pilots: Lionel, Hereafter, NBC, 1975. Television Work; Series: Music supervisor, music director, keyboardist, and musician, Late Night with David Letterman, NBC, 1981-93. Music supervisor and director, The Late Show with David Letterman, CBS, 1993—. Television Music Director, Except Where Indicated; Specials: David Letterman's 2nd Annual Holiday Film Festival, NBC, 1986. And conductor and keyboardist, The Late Night with David Letterman 5th Anniversary Show, NBC, 1987. David Letterman's Old-Fashioned Christmas, NBC, 1987. Organist, The Beach Boys: 25 Years Together, ABC, 1987. And conductor and keyboardist, The Late Night with David Letterman 6th Anniversary Show, NBC, 1988. And conductor and keyboardist, The Late Night with David Letterman 7th Anniversary Show, NBC, 1989. Music performer, Jacksonville Jazz IX, PBS, 1989. The Late Night with David Letterman 8th Anniversary Special, NBC, 1990. Song performer, The Best of Cinemax Sessions, Cinemax, 1990. And conductor, Late Night with David Letterman: 10th Anniversary, NBC, 1992. Band member, The Best of the Blues Brothers, The Disney Channel, 1993. And musician, The Late Night with David Letterman Video Special, CBS, 1994. And band member, The Late Show with David Letterman Video Special 2, CBS, 1996. The Late 5how with David Letterman Video Special 3, CBS, 1997. Music consultant, The /2th Annual Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, VH1, 1997. And musician, The Late 5how with David Letterman 5th Anniversary Special, CBS, 1998. Keyboardist, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: Class of'99, VH1, 1999. Television Work; Episodic: Music director, "Fats Domino and Friends: Immortal Keyboards of Rock and Roll," Cinemax Sessions, Cinemax, 1986.


Executive producer, "Viva Shaf Vegas/' Cinemax Comedy Experiment, Cinemax, 1987. Music director, "A New York Night—Live!/' HBO Comedy Hour, HBO, 1993. Song performer, "The Bob Dylan 30th Anniversary Celebration/' In the Spotlight, PBS, 1993.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Radio Appearances; Series: Host, Live from the Hard Rock Cafe, NBC, 1985-86. Radio Work; Series: Musician for The National Lampoon Radio Hour. RECORDINGS

Film Appearances: Mr. Mike's Mondo Video, 1979. Don Kirshner, Cilda Live, 1980. Artie Fufkin, This Is Spinal Tap, Embassy, 1984. Filmmaker's assistant, Heartbeat, 1987. Voice of Optilow, Light Years (animated; also known as Gandahar), Miramax, 1988. Street musician, Scrooged, Paramount, 1988. Taxi businessman, Look Who's Talking Too, TriStar, 1990. Paul "The Shiv" Shaffer, The Best of the Blues Brothers, 1993. Voice of Hermes, Hercules (animated), Buena Vista, 1997. Marco, Blues Brothers 2000, Universal, 1998. Himself, Man on the Moon, 1999. Film Work: Keyboardist, Godspell, 1973. Music supervisor, Mr. Mike's Mondo Video, 1979. Song arranger, The Karate Kid Part II, 1986. Song performer, Scrooged, Paramount, 1988. Music supervisor, music director, music arranger, and vocalist, The Lemon Sisters, Miramax, 1990. Song producer and performer, Beethoven, 1992. Song producer and performer, Beethoven's 2nd, 1993. Music producer and song performer, Blues Brothers 2000, Universal, 1998.

Albums: (With Barry Manilow) This One's for You, 1976. (With National Lampoon) Good-Bye Pop, 1976. (With the Jeff Healy Band) Feel This, 1977. (With The Blues Brothers) Briefcase Full of Blues, 1978. (With The Blues Brothers) Made in America, 1980. (With Joan Armitrading) Me Myself, 1980. (With Nina Hagen) Nunsexmonkrock, 1980. (With Diana Ross) Silk Electric, 1981. (With Yoko Ono) It's Alright, 1982. (With The Honey Drippers) The Honey Drippers, 1985. (With Billy Crystal and Christopher Guest) Mahvelousl, A&M, 1985. (With Crystal) You Look Mahvelous!, A&M, 1985. The Karate Kid II (original soundtrack recording), 1986. Coast to Coast, Capitol, 1989. (With Dion, Ben E. King, Bobby Womack, and Wilson Pickett) Coast to Coast, 1991. The Blues Masters, Monsoon, 1992. (With the Party Boys of Rock 'n Roll) The World's Most Dangerous Party, 1993. (With Blues Traveler) Save His Soul, 1993. Singles: Appeared with Northern Lights on "Tears Are Not Enough/' We Are the World. WRITINGS

Stage Appearances: Don Kirshner, Gilda: Live from New York, Winter Garden Theatre, New York City, 1979. Phil Spector, Leader of the Pack, Bottom Line Theatre, New York City, 1984.

Television Score Composer, Except Where Indicated; Series: Special music material, Square Pegs, 1982-83. (Main title theme song only) The Martin Short Show, NBC, 1994.

Stage Work: Pianist, The Magic Show, Cort Theatre, New York City, 1974. Conductor, Godspell, Broadhurst Theatre, c. 1976. Keyboardist, Gilda: Live in New York, Winter Garden Theatre, 1979. Keyboardist and music consultant, Leader of the Pack, Bottom Line Theatre, 1984.

Television Score Composer; Except Where Indicated: (Song "Bermuda" only) The Late Night with David Letterman 8th Anniversary Special, NBC, 1990. The Show Formerly Known as The Martin Short Show, NBC, 1995.

Also worked as music director, Godspell, Toronto, Ontario, 1972.

Television Score Composer; Episodic: (Theme song only), "Viva Shaf Vegas," Cinemax Comedy Experiment, Cinemax, 1987. (Theme song only) "Late for Dinner," Cinemax Comedy Experiment, Cinemax, 1988.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Writer; Episodic: "Viva Shaf Vegas/' Cinemax Comedy Cinemax, 1987.


Film Scores, Except Where Indicated: Mr. Mike's Mondo Video, 1979. Cilda Live, 1980. Contributor of music, Postcards from the Edge, Columbia, 1990. Blues Brothers 2000, Universal, 1998. Film Screenplays: (With Gilda Radner) Cilda Live, 1980. Stage Scores: (With Gilda Radner) Gilda: Live in New York, Winter Garden Theatre, 1979. Other: Songwriter, including (with Radner) "Gimme Mick" and "Honey (Touch Me with My Clothes On)," both 1979; (with Paul Jabara) "It's Raining Men," 1981; and (with Billy Crystal) "You LookMahvelous," 1985.

SILVERMAN • 347 Tricia Nixon, Nixon, Buena Vista, 1995. Brooke, Trojan War, Warner Bros., 1997. Warriors of Virtue, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1997. Bimbo, Hairshirt, 1998. Margaret, Pleasantville, New Line Cinema, 1998. Elsie Townsend, Lured Innocence, Filmwave, 1999. Kristin, Never Been Kissed, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Paige Turner, Protect-O-Man, 1999. Natalie, The Bachelor, New Line Cinema, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: (Credited as Marlee Shelton) Laura, In the Line of Duty: Ambush in Waco, NBC, 1993. (Credited as Marlee Shelton) Jamie Hill, A Friend to Die For, NBC, 1994. (Credited as Marlee Shelton) lole, Hercules in the Underworld, sydicated, 1994. Lisa, Take Me Home Again, NBC, 1994. Jennifer Harnsberger, A Secret Between Friends: A Moment of Truth Movie, NBC, 1996. Television Appearances; Specials: (Credited as Marlee Shelton) Denise Harmon, Up to No Good, ABC, 1992.

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Billboard, February 21, 1998, p. 46 Down Beat, October, 1989, p. 16. New Yorker, January 16, 1989, p. 36. People Weekly, September 13, 1994.*

SHELTON, Marley 1974PERSONAL Sometimes credited as Marlee Shelton; born April 12, 1974, in Los Angeles, CA.

Television Appearances; Series: (Credited as Marlee Shelton) Brand! Dare, Angel Falls, CBS, 1993. Television Appearances; Episodic: (Credited as Marlee Shelton) Becky Sue, Family Matters, ABC, 1991. (Credited as Marlee Shelton) Julie Belmont, Bodies of Evidence, CBS, 1992. (Credited as Marlee Shelton) Camp Wilder, ABC, 1992. (Credited as Marlee Shelton) Katie Stahl, Crossroads, ABC, 1992. (Credited as Marlee Shelton) Heather, McKenna, ABC, 1994. Jan, Cybill, CBS, 1995. Jackie, Fantasy Island, ABC, 1998.*

Addresses: /Agent—Kami Putman and Adam Levine. Contact—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. SI-KIT Jet Li See LI, Jet

Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Credited as Marlee Shelton) Amanda, Grand Canyon, M. Salvador, 1991. (Credited as Marlee Shelton) Wendy, The Sandlot, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1993.

SILVERMAN, Sarah PERSONAL Born in Bedford, NH.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Addresses: Agent—Writers & Artists Agency, 924 Westwood Blvd., Suite 339, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Susan, Who's the Caboose?, Pilot Season Productions, 1997. American Politics Asst. No. 2, Bulworth, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998. Brenda, There's Something About Mary, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998. Carolyn, The Bachelor, 1999. Other Film Work: Co-producer, Who's the Caboose?, Pilot Season Productions, 1997. Television Appearances; Specials: Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary Primetime Special, NBC, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: Saturday Night Live, NBC, 1975. Wendy Traston, The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1992. Mr. Show With Bob & David, HBO, 1995. Emily, Seinfeld, NBC, 1996. Rain Robinson, Star Trek: Voyager, UPN, 1996. Lieutenant Tina Schiparelli,//AC, CBS, 1997. AM Walters, The Naked Truth, NBC, 1997. WRITINGS Television Series: Saturday Night Live, NBC, 1975. Television Specials: 39th Grammy Awards, 1997.*

SIMON, Paul 1941PERSONAL Full name, Paul Frederick Simon; born October 13, 1941, in Newark, NJ; son of Louis (a bass player and dance band leader, under the name Lee Sims, and a college professor) and Belle (a schoolteacher) Simon; married Peggy Harper, 1970 (divorced, 1975); married Carrie Fisher (an actress), 1983 (divorced, 1983); married Edie Brickell (a singer and songwriter), 1992;

children: (first marriage) Harper; (second marriage) Adrian Edward and Lulu. Education: Queens College of the City University of New York, B.A. (English); also attended Brooklyn Law School. Addresses: Office—110 West 57th St., Suite 300, New York, NY 10023. Career: Singer, songwriter, composer, record producer, actor, and writer. Performer in the 1950s as Jerry Landis and with Tico and the Triumphs; performer with Art Garfunkel as Tom and Jerry, 195759, and as Simon and Garfunkel, 1964-70 and 1993; solo performer, beginning in 1965. Awards, Honors: Grammy Award, record of the year, and Grammy Award nomination, song of the year, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, both 1968, for "Mrs. Robinson/7 Grammy Award, best original score for a motion picture, 1968, for The Graduate; Grammy Award nomination, album of the year, 1968, for Bookends; Grammy Awards, record of the year, song of the year, and best contemporary song, all 1970, for "Bridge over Troubled Water;" Grammy Awards, album of the year and best arrangement accompanying vocalists, both 1970, for Bridge over Troubled Water; Grammy Award nomination, best male pop vocal, 1973, for "There Goes Rhymin' Simon"; Grammy Award nomination, album of the year, 1973, for There Goes Rhymin' Simon; Grammy Award, best male pop vocal, 1975, for "Still Crazy after All These Years"; Grammy Award, album of the year, 1975, for Still Crazy after All These Years; Grammy Award nomination, record of the year, 1976, for "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover"; shared Emmy Award, best writing for a comedy-variety or music special, 1977, for The Paul Simon Special; Grammy Award nomination, best male pop vocal, 1980, for "Late in the Evening"; Grammy Award nomination, best original score for a motion picture, 1980, for One Trick Pony; Grammy Award nomination, video of the year, 1981, for Paul Simon; Grammy Award, record of the year, Grammy Award nominations, song of the year and best male pop vocal, 1986, and American Music Award, pop/rock favorite male vocalist, 1988, all for "Graceland"; Grammy Award, album of the year, and Critics' Pick Award, best album, Rolling Stone, both 1986, and American Music Award, pop/ rock favorite album, 1988, all for Graceland; Grammy Award nomination, non-classical producer of the yea 1986; Critics' Pick Awards, best songwriter and best comeback, 1987; inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 1990; Ellis Island Medal of Honor, National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations, 1990.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CREDITS Film Work, Song Performer: With Art Garfunkel, "Sounds of Silence," "Scarborough Fair (Canticle)/7 "Mrs. Robinson/7 "The Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine/' and "April Come She Will/' The Graduate, Embassy, 1967. "Late in the Evening/' "One-Trick Pony," "How the Heart Approaches What It Yearns," "God Bless the Absentee," "Nobody," "Long, Long Day," "Ace in the Hole," "Jonah," "Oh Marion," "Soft Parachutes," and "That's Why God Made the Movies," One Trick Pony, Warner Bros., 1980. "Kodachrome," Coneheads, Paramount, 1993. "Kodachrome," Cops and Robbersons, TriStar, 1994.

SIMON • 349 Paul Simon: Bom at the Right Time, PBS, 1993. Rhythm and ]am, ABC, 1993. Willie Nelson the Big Six-O: An All-Star Birthday Celebration, CBS, 1993. Song performer/We Are the World'/' A 10th Anniversary Tribute, The Disney Channel, 1995. Television Appearances; Episodic: (With Art Garfunkel, as Tom and Jerry) American Bandstand, 1958. Himself, The Rutles (also known as All You Need Is Cash), 1978. The Muppet Show, 1980. Song performer, MTV Unplugged, MTV, 1989. Storytellers, VH1, 1996.

Film Appearances: Monterey Pop, 1969. Tony Lacey, Annie Hall, United Artists, 1977. Jonah, One Trick Pony, Warner Bros., 1980. Himself, Why Havel?, 1991. Himself, Dave, Warner Bros., 1993. Man in precinct, Die Hard with a Vengeance, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1995. Car salesman, Nine Months, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1995.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 28th Annual Grammy Awards, 1986. The 19th Annual NAACP Image Awards, 1987. Song performer, "Diamonds. . .Shoes," The 29th Annual Grammy Awards, 1987. The 34th Annual Grammy Awards, CBS, 1992.

Television Appearances; Specials: Host, The Paul Simon Special, NBC, 1977. 700 Years of America's Popular Music, NBC, 1981. Music Central, syndicated, 1981. Host, Simon and Garfunkel in Concert, HBO, 1983. 1987 Power Hits New Year's Eve Countdown, syndicated, 1987. Host and song performer, A Gospel Session: Everybody Say Yeah!, Cinemax, 1987. Song performer, Grace/and: The African Concert, Showtime, 1987. Coca-Cola Presents Live: The Hard Rock, NBC, 1988. Sesame Street, Special, PBS, 1988. Saturday Night Live 15th Anniversary, NBC, 1989. American Tribute to Vaclav Havel and a Celebration of Democracy in Czechoslovakia, PBS, 1990. Late Night with Dave Letterman 8th Anniversary Special, NBC, 1990. Song performer, Paul Simon: Solo, The Disney Channel, 1990. Song performer, Paul Simon Live in Central Park: Born at the Right Time Tour: One Night Only, HBO, 1991. Living in America, VH1, 1991. Racism: Points of View, MTV, 1991. Farm Aid V,JtW, 1992. Hurricane Relief, Showtime, 1992. FamM/cfV7, TNN, 1993.

Television Work; Series: Song performer, theme song, The Oprah Winfrey Show, syndicated, 1986.

Other Television Appearances: Simple Simon, Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme (movie), The Disney Channel, 1990.

Stage Work: Co-producer, Asinamali!, Jack Lawrence Theatre, New York City, 1987. Producer, The Capeman (musical), Broadway production, 1998. RECORDINGS Albums, with Art Garfunkel; As Simon and Garfunkel, Except Where Indicated: Wednesday Morning 3 A.M., 1964. I Am a Rock, 1966. Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme, 1966. Sounds of Silence, 1966. The Graduate (original soundtrack recording), 1968. Bookends, Columbia, 1968. Bridge over Troubled Water, Columbia, 1970. Simon and Garfunkel, 1972. Greatest Hits, 1972. Concert in Central Park, Warner Bros., 1981. Singles include "Mrs. Robinson/' Columbia, 1968; and "Bridge over Troubled Water," 1970. Singles as

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Tom and Jerry Include "Hey Schoolgirl/' Big, 1958; "Don't Say Goodbye/ Big, 1958; and "Our Song/' Big, 1958. Other Albums: The Paul Simon Songbook, CBS, 1965. The Early Songs of Paul Simon, Crest, 1972. Paul Simon, Warner Bros., 1973. There Goes Rhymln' Simon, Columbia, 1973. Live Rhymln': Paul Simon in Concert, Columbia, 1974. Still Crazy after All These Years, Columbia, 1975. Greatest Hits Etc., Columbia, 1977. One Trick Pony (original soundtrack recording), Warner Bros., 1980. Collected Works, Columbia, 1981. Hearts and Bones, Warner Bros., 1983. Grace/and, Warner Bros., 1986. Greatest Hits, CBS, 1987. Negotiations and Love Songs, 1971-1986, Warner Bros., 1988. Rhythm of the Saints, Warner Bros., 1990. Born at the Right Time, Alex, 1991. Collection, Alex, 1991. Paul Simon and Friends, Royal Collection, 1993. Paul Simon, 1964-1993, Warner Bros., 1993. 5ongs from the Capeman, Warner Bros., 1997. In Concert/Live Rhymin', DCC, 1998.

Score, Shampoo, Columbia, 1975. Song, "Bookends Theme," Coming Home, United Artists, 1977. Song, "The Sounds of Silence," More American Graffiti, Universal, 1979. Screenplay, score, and songs, One Trick Pony, Warner Bros., 1980. Songs, "A Hazy Shade of Winter" and "At the Zoo," Baby, It's You, Paramount, 1983. Song, "Bridge over Troubled Water," Ishtar, Columbia, 1987. Song, "A Hazy Shade of Winter," Less Than Zero, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Song, "Mrs. Robinson," Used People, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Song, "Kodachrome," Coneheads, Paramount, 1993. Song, "Kodachrome," Cops and Robbersons, TriStar, 1994. Song, "Mrs. Robinson," Forrest Gump, Paramount, 1994. Song, "Scarborough Fair," Kitchen (also known as Wo ai Chu Fang), Golden Harvest, 1996. Song, "Mrs. Robinson," Mother, Mother Production, 1996. Song, "Mrs. Robinson," The Other Sister, Buena Vista, 1999.

Singles include "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover/' Columbia, 1976; "Late in the Evening," Warner Bros., 1980; "Graceland," BMI, 1986; and "You Can Call Me Al," 1986. Singles as Jerry Landis include "Anna Belle," Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1959; "I Want to Be the Lipstick on Your Collar," Warwick, 1961; "Play Me a Sad Song," Warwick, 1961; and "The Lone Teen Ranger," Amy, 1963; singles with Rico and the Triumphs include "Motorcycle," Amy, 1952. Also performed on albums by Al Kooper, David Sanborn, Libby Titus, Randy Newman, Ladysmith BlackMambazo, Dion, Joan Baez, The Seekers, Ray Charles, Carl Perkins, and others.

Television Specials: Songs, The Paul Simon Special, NBC, 1977. Title music, "American Tune," The Statue of Liberty, PBS, 1985. Songs, A Gospel Session: Everybody Say Yeah!, Cinemax, 1987. Song, "Hazy Shade of Winter," Top of the Pops: A Very Special Christmas, CBS, 1987. Song, "Bridge over Troubled Water," The House / Live In, PBS, 1990. Song, "Mrs. Robinson," Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio?, HBO, 1997.

Videos: In Concert, Warner Reprise, 1972. Paul Simon, Pioneer Artists, 1981. Grace/and: The African Tour, Warner Bros., 1991. Paul Simon's Concert in the Park, Warner Bros., 1991. Born at the Right Time, Warner Reprise, 1993.

Television Series: Theme song, The Oprah Winfrey Show, syndicated, 1986. Song, "American Tune," Providence, NBC, 1999.

WRITINGS Films: Score (with Dave Grusin) and songs "Sounds of Silence," "Scarborough Fair (Canticle)," "Mrs. Robinson," "The Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine," and "April Come She Will," The Graduate, Embassy, 1967.

Stage Plays: (With Derek Walcott; also composer) The Capeman (musical), Broadway production, 1998. Other: At the Zoo (book), 1991. Songwriter, including the song "Graceland;" coauthor of the song "Red Rubber Ball."

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, October 3, 1997, p. 28; November 21, 1997, p. 131. Independent, November 3, 1993, p. 21. Life, November 1993, p. 86. Musician, January 1994. Newsweek, January 14, 1991; October 11, 1993. Progressive, June 1998, p. 36. Time, November 12, 1990; June 12, 1995.*

SMART • 351 Television Appearances; Specials: Hitchcock: Shadow of a Genius, 1999. WRITINGS Screenplays: (With others) Public Access, 1993. (Story only) Way of the Gun, 2000.*



SINGER, Bryan 1966(?)-

Born 1962, in Manchester, England.

PERSONAL Born c. 1966. Education: Attended School of Visual Arts, New York; graduated from University of Southern California cinema school. Addresses: /Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Director, producer, and screenwriter. Bad Hat Harry Productions (a production company), founder. Awards, Honors: Grand Jury Prize, Sundance Film Festival, 1993, for Public Access; Golden Space Needle Award, Seattle Film Festival, best director, Best Director Award, Texas Society of Film Critics, Silver Award, Tokyo International Film Festival, Golden Palm Award nomination, Cannes Film Festival, 1995, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, best film (with Michael McDonnell), Cesar Award nomination, best foreign film, 1996, all for The Usual Suspects. CREDITS Film Work: Director and producer, Lion's Den (short), 1991. Director and executive producer, Public Access, 1993. Director and producer, The Usual Suspects, Gramercy Pictures, 1995. Director and producer, Apt Pupil (also known as Golden Boy), TriStar, 1997. Executive producer, Burn, 1998. Director, X-Men, 2000. Film Appearances: Himself, Cannes Man, 1996.

Addresses: Contact—c/o Steven R. Pines, 520 Broadway, # 600, Santa Monica, CA. Career: Director, producer, writer. CREDITS Film Director: Leon the Pig Farmer, Civite, SA, 1992. Solitaire for Two, New Circle Entertainment, 1994. Stiff Upper Lips, MetroDome, 1997. The Bachelor, New Line Cinema, 1999. Film Producer, Except Where Indicated: Leon the Pig Farmer, Civite, SA, 1992. Co-producer, Solitaire for Two, New Circle Entertainment, 1994. Stiff Upper Lips, MetroDome, 1997. WRITINGS Screenplays: Leon the Pig Farmer, Civite, SA, 1992. Solitaire for Two, New Circle Entertainment, 1994. Stiff Upper Lips, MetroDome, 1997.*

SMART, Jean 1952(?)PERSONAL Born September 13, c. 1952 (some sources say 1959), in Seattle, WA; married Richard Gilliand (an actor), 1987; children: Connor. Education: University of Washington, Seattle, B.F.A. (theater).

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Addresses: Agent—Michael Blake, International Creative Management, 8899 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048.

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Sally Brewton, Scarlett, CBS, 1994. Dana Colby, Steve Martini's Undue Influence, 1996.

Career: Actress and producer. Oregon Shakespeare Festival Company, member, 1975-77; also member of Hartford Stage Company, Pittsburgh Public Theatre Company, and Intiman Theatre Company.

Television Appearances; Specials: Marlene, Piaf, Entertainment Channel, 1982. Princess Katerina, Royal Match, CBS, 1985. Susan Singer, A Place at the Table (also known as The Best Kept Secret, No Children Shall Go Hungry, and A Million Children), NBC, 1988. The 4/st Annual Emmy Awards, Fox, 1989. US Magazine—Live at the Emmys, Fox, 1989. Charlene Frazier, The Designing Women Special: Their Finest Hour, CBS, 1990. The 43rd Annual Emmy Awards, 1991. Intimate Portrait: Delta Burke, Lifetime, 1998. The 24th Annual People's Choice Awards, 1998.

Awards, Honors: New York Drama Desk Award nomination for the Off-Broadway production of Last Summer at Bluefish Cove; Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle Award, Dramalogue Award, and Los Angeles Drama Desk Award for the Los Angeles production of the same play; Hollywood Women's Press Club Award, Discovery of the Year. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Joan Reynolds, Reggie, ABC, 1983. Shari, Teachers Only, ABC, 1983. Charlene Frazier Stillfield, Designing Women, CBS, 1986-91. Elinore "Elie" Walker, High Society, CBS, 1995. Chelsea Stevens, Style and Substance, CBS, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Virge, Single Bars, Single Women, ABC, 1984. Valerie Thomas, A Fight for Jenny, NBC, 1986. Karen Macguire, A Seduction in Travis County (also known as Blind Judgement), CBS, 1991. Cathy, Locked Up: A Mother's Rage (also known as Other Side of Love), 1991. Pally Thompson, Just My Imagination, NBC, 1992. Aileen Wuornos, Overkill: TheAileen Wuornos Story, CBS, 1992. Ora Baxter, The Yearling, CBS, 1994. Margaret Thomas, The Yarn Princess (also known as More Than a Miracle), ABC, 1994. Kay Tarses, A Stranger in Town, CBS, 1995. Wendy the waitress, Ecf/e & Pen, HBO, 1996. Elaine Marshall, A Change of Heart, Lifetime, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Deputy Warden Allison Brody, Maximum Security, HBO, 1985. Lime Street, ABC, 1985. Facts of Life, NBC, 1979-88. Goodnight, Beantown, CBS, 1983-84. "Steele in the Chips/' Remington Steele, NBC, 1984. Voice of Helen Ventris, "See No Evil/' Batman: The Animated Series (animated), 1993. Voice, Disney's Hercules, ABC and syndicated, 1998.

Television Co-Producer: A Stranger in Town, CBS, 1995. Film Appearances: Doris, Flashpoint, TriStar, 1984. Ella, Protocol, Warner Bros., 1984. Sister Marie, Fire with Fire (also known as Captive Hearts), Paramount, 1986. Dr. Criswell, Project X, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Patricia Riley, Mistress, Rainbow Releasing/Tribeca Productions, 1992. Kate, Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey, Disney, 1993. Mrs. Dittmeyer, The Brady Bunch Movie, Paramount, 1995. Holly, Neil Simon's The Odd Couple II, Paramount, 1998. Deborah Sloane, Guinevere, 1999. Stage Appearances: Equus, Seattle Repertory Theatre, Seattle, WA, 1976-77. Much Ado about Nothing, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Ashland, OR, 1976. A Moon for the Misbegotten, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, 1977. A Christmas Carol, ACT: A Contemporary Theatre, Seattle, WA, 1977-78 and 1978-79. Terra Nova, Alaska Repertory Theatre, Anchorage/ Fairbanks, AL, 1978-79. Cat's Play, Seattle Repertory Theatre, 1978-79. Saint loan, Seattle Repertory Theatre, 1979-80. Eve, A History of the American Film, Seattle Repertory Theatre, 1979-80. Li I, Last Summer at Bluefish Cove, Actors Playhouse, New York City, 1980-81. A History of the American Film, Alliance Theatre Company, Atlanta, GA, 1980-81.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 SMITH • 353 (Broadway debut) Marlene, Plaf, Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1981. Babs, Mrs. California, Mark Taper Forum and Los Angeles Public/Coronet Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, 1985-86. Helen Lasker-Masssey/Lady Hammersmith Urbaine Supton Stoat, The End of the Day, 1992. Marvin's Room, Tiffany Theater, Los Angeles, 1994. Also appeared as Li I in Last Summer at Bluefish Cove, Fountain Theatre, Los Angeles, CA; Strange Snow, Coast Playhouse. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, November 14, 1994, pp. 97-98. TV Guide, March 11, 1989.*

SMITH, Kevin


Born August 2,1970, in Red Bank, NJ; son of Donald (a postal worker) and Grace Smith; married Jennifer Schwalbach, April 1999; children: Harley Quinn. Education: Attended Vancouver Film School, 1992, and Eugene Lang College, New York City. Addresses: /Agent—Creative Artists Agency, Inc., 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212-1825. Career: Writer, director, producer, editor, and actor. Quick Stop, Leonardo, NJ, store clerk, 1992—; View Askew (production company), founder; Jay & Silent Bob's Secrets Stash, Red Bank, NJ, owner; directed commercials for Diet Coke; appeared in commercials for MTV; also worked in delis and community centers. Awards, Honors: Filmmakers Trophy, Sundance Film Festival, Young Cinema Award, Cannes International Film Festival, 1994, Independent Spirit Award nominations, best first feature (with Scott Mosier) and best first screenplay, 1995, all for Clerks; Runner-up, Boston Society of Film Critics Award, best screenplay, 1997, Independent Spirit Award, best screenplay, 1998, both for Chasing Amy.

Silent Bob, Clerks, Miramax, 1994. Silent Bob, Mall rats, Gramercy, 1995. Drawing Flies, 1996. Silent Bob, Chasing Amy, Miramax, 1997. Martan Ingram, Vulgar, 1998. Silent Bob, Dogma, 1999. Film Work: Director and producer, Mae Day: The Crumbling of a Documentary, 1992. Director (with Scott Mosier), producer and editor, Clerks, Miramax, 1994. Director, Mallrats, Gramercy, 1995. Executive producer (with Mosier), Drawing Flies, View Askew/Good Load Productions, 1996. Producer, A Better Place, 1997. Co-executive producer, Good Will Hunting, 1997. Director and editor, Chasing Amy, Miramax, 1997. Executive producer, Vulgar, 1998. Executive producer, Preacher, 1999. Executive producer, Big Helium Dog, 1999. Director and editor, Dogma, 1999. Executive consultant, Tail Lights Fade, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Rio Ghosto," Space Chost Coast to Coast, Cartoon Network, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: Himself, Independent's Day, 1998. Also appeared in Jay & Silent Bob's Video Stash, MTV. RECORDINGS Music Video: Directed a music video for 5ou/ Asylum. WRITINGS Screenplays: Mae Day: The Crumbling of a Documentary, 1992. Clerks, Miramax, 1994. Mallrats, Gramercy, 1995. Chasing Amy, Miramax, 1997. Fletch 3, Universal, 1998. (Uncredited) Overnight Delivery, 1998. Dogma, View Askew, 1999. Coyote Ugly, 2000.

CREDITS Also wrote the rejected script for Superman Lives. Film Appearances: Himself, Mae Day: The Crumbling of a Documentary 1992.

Comic Books: Daredevil (issues 1-6), Marvel Knights, c. 1998-99.

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Also wrote issues of Bluntman & Chronic, Oni Press, and Green Arrow. Nonfiction: (With John Pierson) Spike, Mike, Slackers and Dykes: A Guided Tour Across a Decade of American Independent Cinema, Hyperion, 1996. Other: Wrote forward to the "Preacher" collection, Until the End of the World; wrote "Walt Flanagan's Dog," for Oni Double Feature #1. Adaptations: Characters from Clerks were adapted into comic books, Clerks (The Comic Book) and ]ay & Silent Bob. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Advertising Age, October 19, 1998, p. 24. Entertainment Weekly, June 23, 1995, p. 26; April 11, 1997, p. 25; November 28, 1997, p. 87; November-December 1997, p. 65; February 20, 1998, p. 12. Interview, April 1997, p. 42. Playboy, December 1, 1998, p. 150. Variety, February 23, 1998, p. A14.*

Member: Actors Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. Awards, Honors: Imagen Award, Hispanic Media Image Task Force, 1987; Emmy Award nominations, outstanding supporting actor in a drama series, 198788, 1991-92, Emmy Award, outstanding supporting actor in a drama series, 1990, for LA. Law, Q Award, Viewers for Quality Television, best supporting actor in a quality drama series, 1990; Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actor in a series, miniseries, or motion picture, 1991, all for LA. Law; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actor in a drama series, 1995-99, Golden G lobe Award, best performance by an actor in a TV series—drama, 1996, Golden Globe Award nominations, best performance by an actor in a TV series-drama, 1997, 1999, Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by a male actor in a drama series, 1996-97, 1999, Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, best ensemble in a drama series (with others), 1998-99, TV Guide Award nomination, favorite actor in a drama, 1999, all for NYPD Blue; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best male lead, 1996, for My Family; Golden Apple Award nomination, male star of the year, 1996. CREDITS

SMITH, Lisa Marie See MARIE, Lisa

SMITS, Jimmy 1955(?)PERSONAL Born July 9,1955 (some sources say 1958), in Brooklyn, NY; married Barbara, 1981 (divorced, 1987); companion of Wanda De Jesus since c. 1986; children: (first marriage) Taina, Joaquin. Education: Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, B.A.; Cornell University, M.F.A., 1982. Addresses: Manager—Sherman Management, 1516 South Beverly Dr., Apt. 304, Los Angeles, CA 90035. Career: Actor. Appeared in print ads for milk, 1998; co-owner of restaurant The Conga Room, Los Angeles, CA, partner (with others); also worked as community organizer.

Film Appearances: Julio Gonzales, Running Scared, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1986. Stars team member, Hot Shot, 1986. Detective Joe Lopez, The Believers, Orion, 1987. General Tomas Arroyo, Old Gringo, Columbia, 1989. Dr. David Redding, Vital Signs, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1990. Walter Stone, Switch, Warner Bros., 1991. Nestor, Fires Within (also known as Little Havana), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists Home Video, 1991. Justin Thorne, Gross Misconduct (also known as Gross Indecency), 1993. Actor, The Last Word (also known as Cosa Nostra: The Last Word), Trimark Pictures, 1994. Jimmy Sanchez, My Family (also known as Mi Familia, Cafe con leche, East L.A., and My Family, Mi Familia), New Line, 1995. Mike, Lesser Prophets, 1997. Geronimo, The Million Dollar Hotel, 1999. Bless the Child, Paramount Pictures, 1999. Arturo Ortega, Price of Glory, New Line Cinema, 2000.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

SMITS • 355

Television Appearances; Series: Victor Sifuentes, LA. Law, NBC, 1986-91. Detective Bobby Simone, NYPD Blue, ABC, 1993-98.

Second Annual Latino Laugh Festival, Showtime, 1998. The Puerto Ricans: Our American Story, PBS, 1999.

Also appeared in Pee Wee's Playhouse.

Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The Golden Eagle Awards, syndicated, 1987. The 41st Annual Emmy Awards, Fox, 1989. The 47th Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1990. The 43rd Annual Prime-time Emmy Awards, Fox, 1991. The /6th Annual CableACE Awards, TNT, 1995. The 47th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Fox, 1995. Host, The NCLR Bravo Awards (also known as National Council of La Raza Bravo Awards), Fox, 1995. Co-host, The Newsweek American Achievement Awards, CBS, 1995. The Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, UPN, 1996 The Second Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, NBC, 1996. The 1996 NCLR Bravo Awards, 1996. The 7 997 Hispanic Heritage Awards, 1997. The 24th Annual American Music Awards, 1997. The 49th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, 1997. The 51st Annual Tony Awards, 1997. VH1 97 Fashion Awards, VH1, 1997. Host, ALMA Awards, 1998. The 1999 ALMA Awards, 1999. The 41st Annual Grammy Awards, 1999.

Television Appearances; Movies: Second policeman, Rockabye, CBS, 1986. Bo Ziker, The Highwayman (also known as Terror on the Blacktop), NBC, 1987. Richard Braden, Dangerous Affection (also known as Hit and Run), NBC, 1987. Stamp of a Killer, 1987. Vincent Mora, Glitz, NBC, 1988. David Norwell, The Broken Cord, ABC, 1992. Cisco, The Cisco Kid, TNT, 1994. King Solomon, Solomon and Sheba, Showtime, 1995. The Last Word, Showtime, 1995. Jack Coleman, Marshal Law (also known as Aftershock, Block Party, and Marshal Law), Showtime, 1996. Peter, Murder in Mind, HBO, 1997. Television Appearances; Miniseries: James "Card" Gardener, Stephen King's "The Tommyknockers" (miniseries), ABC, 1993. Television Appearances; Specials: Narrator, The Other Side of the Border (documentary), PBS, 1987. Mickey's 60th Birthday Special, 1988. The American Film Institute Salute to Gregory Peck (also known as The /7th Annual American Film Institute Life Achievement Award: A Salute to Gregory Peck), NBC, 1989. Face to Face with Connie Chung, CBS, 1990. The "LA. Law" 100th Episode Special, NBC, 1991. Host, All-Star Fiesta at Ford's, ABC, 1992. Concert of the Americas (also known as The Kennedy Center Presents), PBS, 1994. Host, Television's Greatest Performances, ABC, 1995. Latin Nights: An All-Star Celebration, ABC, 1995. Up for the Golden Globes, NBC, 1996. CityKids All Star Celebration, ABC, 1996. Big Guns Talk: The Story of the Western, TNT, 1997. 50 Years of Television: A Celebration of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Golden Anniversary, HBO, 1997. The 53rd Presidential Inaugural Gala, CBS, 1997. Narrator, Keeping America's Promise, Fox, 1997. Latino Laugh Festival, 1997. Voice of Old King Cole, Mother Goose: A Rapp/'n' and Rhymin' Special, HBO, 1997. Narrator, Clemente, Fox Sports Network, 1998.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Hector Valdes, "In a Safe Place/' Spenser for Hire, 1986. "Mickey's 60th Birthday Special," The Magical World of Disney, NBC, 1988. Voice, "Cinderella," Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child, HBO, 1995. The West, PBS, 1996. Also appeared in All My Children, ABC; Another World; Guiding Light; One Life to Live, ABC. Television Appearances; Pilots: Eddie Rivera, "Brother's Keeper," Miami Vice, NBC, 1984. Stage Appearances: Switzer and messenger, Hamlet, New York Shakespeare Festival, Public Theatre, New York City, 1982. Captain Lavour and Ben Caleb, Little Victories, American Place Theatre, New York City, 1983. Vincent and Vendor, Buck, American Place Theatre, 1983.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Frenchie Villiers, The Ballad of Soapy Smith, New York Shakespeare Festival, Public Theatre, 1984. Title role, Othello, Colorado Shakespeare Festival, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 1984. Native Speech, Center Stage Theatre, Baltimore, MD, 1985. Death and the Maiden, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 1994. Appeared as Lennie, Of Mice and Men; in Arlano. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, October 23, 1998, p. 56. People Weekly, September 2, 1996, p. 43; November 16, 1998, p. 124. Playboy, October 1996, p. 128.*

SORVINO, Mira 1968(?)PERSONAL Born September 28, 1968 (some sources say 1967), in Tenafly, NJ; daughter of Paul Sorvino (an actor) and Lorraine Davis (an actress). Education: Harvard University, B.A. (Chinese studies), 1990. Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, Inc., 1350 6th Ave., New York, NY 10019. Career: Actress and producer. Directed a documentary on Russia; also worked as a script reader and production assistant for Robert DeNiro, a waitress, a bartender, and showroom model. Awards, Honors: National Board of Review, New York Film Critics Circle Award, best supporting actress, 1995, Academy Award, best supporting actress, Golden Globe Award, best performance by an actress in a supporting role in a motion picture, Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by a female actor in a supporting role, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a supporting role, 1996, all for Mighty Aphrodite; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding lead actress in a miniseries or a special, 1996, Golden Globe Award nomination, best performance by an actress in a miniseries or motion picture made for TV, 1997, for Norma Jean and Marilyn; MTV Movie Award nomination, best dance sequence, 1998, for Romy and Michele's High

School Reunion (with Lisa Kudrow and Alan Gumming). CREDITS Film Appearances: Laura, /Amongst Friends, Fine Line, 1993. Teresa, The Dutch Master, 1993. Mary Weinstein, The Second Greatest Story Ever Told, 1993. Gemma, The Obit Writer, 1993. Marta Ferrer, Barcelona, Fine Line, 1994. Sandra Goodwin, Quiz Show, Buena Vista, 1994. Blonde woman, Blue in the Face, Miramax, 1995. Diane, Tarantella, IVTS/LaVoo, 1995. Linda Ash, Mighty Aphrodite, Miramax, 1995. Monika, Sweet Nothing (also known as 5weet Nothing: A Story of Drugs and the People They Use), Warner Bros., 1995. Maria, New York Cop (also known as New York Undercover Cop), Columbia/TriStar Home Video, 1995. Teresa, Tales of Erotica (also known as £rot/c Tales), 1996. Sharon Cassidy, Beautiful Girls, Miramax, 1996. Romy White, Romy and Michele's High School Reunion, Buena Vista, 1997. Susan Tyler, Mimic, Dimension, 1997. Death and Jean, Too Tired to Die (also known as New York Daydream), 1998. Meg Coburn, The Replacement Killers, Columbia TriStar, 1998. Celia Burns, Lulu on the Bridge, Trimark Pictures, 1998. Dionna, Summer of Sam, Buena Vista, 1999. Title role, loan of Arc: The Virgin Warrior, 1999. Amy Benic, At First Sight, Metro-Go Id wyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1999. Film Work: (With Andrew Landis and Jeff Sternhell) Associate producer, /Amongst Friends, Fine Line, 1993. Television Appearances; Series: Sophia Eva McCormick DeCastro, Swans Crossing, syndicated, 1992. Television Appearances; Episodic: Julie Camalletti, The Guiding Light, 1992. Television Appearances; Movies: Matty DeRosa, Parallel Lives, Showtime, 1994. Julie, Neil Simon's "Jake's Women/ CBS, 1996. Marilyn Monroe, Norma Jean and Marilyn, HBO, 1996.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Agent Karen Polarski, Free Money, Starz!, 1998. Daisy Buchanan, The Great Gatsby, 2000. Television Appearances; Specials: Conchita Closson, "The Buccaneers/' Masterpiece Theatre, PBS, 1995. Movies in Time Special: Summer of Sam, History Channel, 1999. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The Second Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, NBC, 1996. The 48th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, ABC, 1996. The 54th Annual Golden Globe Awards, N BC, 1997. The 1997 MTV Movie Awards, MTV, 1997. The 69th Annual Academy Awards, NBC, 1997. The 70th Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1998. Television Work; Movies: Song performer, Norma Jean and Marilyn, HBO, 1996.

SPADER • 357 Paperhouse, Vestron Pictures, 1988. Queen of Hearts, Malofilm Distribution, 1989. Chicago ]oe and the Showgirl, PolyGram Filed Entertainment, 1990. A Kiss Before Dying, United International Pictures, 1991. Little Man Tate, Filmayer, 1991. Code Name: Chaos, 1992. Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights, Escarlata Films, 1992. Roommates, Buena Vista, 1995. The Run of the Country, Filmayer-Castle Rock-Turner, 1995. Air Bud 2: Co/den Receiver, Walt Disney Pictures, 1998. Television Work; Cinematographer: The Secret Life of Ian Fleming, TNT, 1990. Prisoner of Honor, HBO, 1991. Final Cut, HBO, 1996. Snow White: A Tale of Terror, Showtime, 1997. RKO281, HBO, 1999.*

OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, May 17, 1996, p. 19. Interview, November, 1995, p. 76. Los Angeles Times, August 24, 1993, p. F1. Los Angeles Times Magazine, April 1997, p. 46. New York Times, August 28, 1994, section 2, p. 20. People Weekly, November 18, 1996, p. 95; July 28, 1997, p. 114; March 23, 1998, p. 130. Redbook, June 1997, p. 100. Time, May 25, 1998, p. 89. Variety, August 18, 1997, p. 5.*

SOUTHON, Mike PERSONAL Career: Cinematographer.

SPADER, James 1960PERSONAL Born February 7, 1960 in Boston, MA; son of Todd (a teacher) and Jean (a teacher) Spader; married; married Victoria Kheel, 1979; children: Sebastian, Elijah. Education: Attended Phillips Academy; trained for the stage at Michael Chekov Studio. Addresses: Agent—Toni Howard, International Creative Management, 8899 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048. Career: Actor. Also appeared with Actor's Studio, New York City; previously worked as a truck driver, stable boy, yoga teacher, table busser, and manure shovler. Awards, Honors: Cannes Film Festival Award, best actor, 1989, for sex, lies, and videotape.

CREDITS CREDITS Film Work; Cinematographer: Dallas the Big Store, 1981. Burroughs, Citifilm Works, 1983. Sunset People, 1984. Captive, Virgin Films, 1986. Gothic, Vestron Video, 1986. Ana, Academy Video, 1987.

Film Appearances: Kid at party, Team-Mates (also known as Young Gangs ofWildwood High and Youth Gangs), 1978. Keith Butterfield, End/ess Love, Universal, 1981. Dutra, The New Kids (also known as Striking Back), Columbia, 1985.


Morgan Miller, Tuff Turf, New World, 1985. Steff McKee, Pretty in Pink, Paramount, 1986. Ken Arrenberg, Baby Boom, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1987. Rip, Less Than Zero, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Richards, Mannequin, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. Roger Barnes, Wall Street, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1987. John and Rick Wesford, Jack's Back, Palisades, 1988. DeForest, The Rachel Papers, United Artists, 1989. Graham Dalton, sex, lies, and videotape, Outlaw, 1989. Max Baron, White Palace, Universal, 1990. Michael Boll, Bad Influence, Emerald Films International, 1990. Tim Garrity, True Colors, Paramount, 1991. Anchorman Chuck Marin, Bob Roberts, Paramount/ Miramax, 1992. Cray Fowler, Storyville, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Jack Pozzi, The Music of Chance, IRS Releasing, 1993. Ray Reardon, Dream Lover, Gramercy Pictures, 1994. Dr. Daniel Jackson, Stargate, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1994. Stewart Swinton, Wolf, Columbia, 1994. The man, Driftwood, 1995. Lee Woods, Two Days in the Valley, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1996. Keys ToTulsa, 1997. James Ballard, Crash, Fine Line Features, 1997. Dr. Werner Ernst, Critical Care, LIVE Entertainment, 1997. Ronnie Stover, Keys to Tulsa, Gramercy Pictures, 1997. Marcus, Slow Burn, 1999. Nick Vanzant, Supernova, 2000. Television Appearances; Movies: Buddy Cant, Cocaine: One Man's Seduction, NBC, 1983. Donny Tison, A Killer in the Family, ABC, 1983. Lowell Everall, Family Secrets, NBC, 1984. Stevenson Lowe, Curtain Call, Starz!, 1998. Also appeared in The Cladiola Girls, NBC. Television Appearances; Pilots: Fenwick, Diner, CBS, 1983. Joey, Starcrossed, ABC, 1985. Television Appearances; Series: Jake Nichols, The Family Tree, NBC, 1983.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Episodic: Voice of Steven, "Slow Tango in South Seattle/' Frasier, NBC, 1994. Jason "Stanky" Hankey, 'The Apology/' Seinfeld, NBC, 1997. Stage Appearances: Appeared in Equus, A Streetcar Named Desire; Veronica's Room. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, June 25, 1993, pp. 32-33; November 11, 1994, pp. 44-45. Interview, April, 1993, pp. 82-85. Premiere, November, 1987.*


SPENCER, John 1946PERSONAL Born in 1946, in New Jersey; son of John (a dump truck driver) and Mildred (a truck stop waitress) Spencer; married, c. 1968 (divorced, c. 1975). Addresses: Agent—Abrams Artists, 9200 Sunset Blvd., Suite 1130, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Career: Actor. Barter Theatre, Abingdon, VA, guest artist, 1975-76, 1977-78; Actors Theatre of Louisville, Louisville, KY, guest artist, 1983-84; Guthrie Theatre Minneapolis, MN, member of company, 1985-86. CREDITS Film Appearances: Weapons master, The Sword and the Sorcerer, Group I, 1982. Jerry, WarCames, United Artists, 1983. Stephen, Echoes, Continental, 1983. Record executive, Key Exchange, TCL, 1985. Ko's pilot, The Protector, Warner Bros., 1985. Bakey, Hiding Out (also known as Adult Education), DeLaurentiis Entertainment Group, 1987. George Sally, Verne Miller (also known as Gangland), Alive, 1988.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Lieutenant, Sea of Love, Universal, 1989. Oliver, Black Rain, Paramount, 1989. TV preacher, Far from Home, 1989. Inspector Sullivan, Simple Justice, J2 Communications, 1989. Detective Lipranzer, Presumed Innocent, Warner Bros., 1990. Harry, Green Card, Buena Vista, 1990. Rosemarie's son, We're Talkin' Serious Money, Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1992. Jack, Forget Paris, Columbia, 1995. FBI Director Womack, The Rock, Buena Vista, 1996. Jack, Albino Alligator, 1996. Ed, Lesser Prophets, 1997. Leo Crasky, Cop Land, 1997. Uncle Mike, Cold Around the Heart (also known as Cold Heart), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. O.K. Garage, 1998. Phil Egan, Twilight, Paramount, 1998. Chief Al Travis, The Negotiator, Warner Bros., 1998. General Slauson, Ravenous (also known as Vbraz), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Tommy Mullaney, LA. Law, NBC, 1990-94. Simon McCallister, Trinity, NBC, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Joey Crawford, Cocaine and Blue Eyes, NBC, 1983. Walter Wheeler, When No One Would Listen (also known as My Husband Is Going to Kill Me), CBS,

1992. Vincent Cusack, In the Arms of a Killer, CBS, 1992. Detective Mike Mulick, From the Files of Joseph Wambaugh: A Jury of One, NBC, 1992. Al Rhinehart, A Perry Mason Mystery: The Case of the Grimacing Governor, NBC, 1994. Ray Davioni, Cafe Society, Showtime, 1996. Tangled Web (also known as Deadly Seduction), 1996. Chief of Staff Leo Jacobi, The West Wing, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Tommy Mullaney, The L.A. Law 100th Episode Special, NBC, 1991. Presenter, The 8th Annual Soap Opera Digest Awards, NBC, 1992. The Golden Globe's 50th Anniversary Celebration, NBC, 1994. On Jupiter, syndicated, 1995. Television Appearances; Episodic: Joe Morgan, "Home is the Hero/' Spenser: For Hire, 1986.


Howard Morton, "Prescription for Death/' Law & Order, NBC, 1990. Voice of Agent Dennehy, "Not So Easy Riders/' Duckman (animated), USA, 1994. Leo, Touched by an Angel, 1995. Hank Landry/Mr. Gadget, "Lethal Weapon/' Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, ABC,

1996. Tracey Takes On..., HBO, 1996. Howard Banner, Early Edition, CBS, 1997. Dr. Edmund Church, "The Life Lost in Living," L.A. Doctors, CBS, 1998. Also appeared on The Patty Duke Show. Stage Appearances: Understudy, Boom Boom Room, New York Shakespeare Festival, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, New York City, 1973. Japhy, Visions of Kerouac, Lion Theatre Company, New York City, 1976. The Shadow Box, Studio Arena Theatre, Buffalo, NY, 1977-78. Loose Ends, Cincinnati Playhouse, Cincinnati, OH, 1980-81. Mark, Still Life, American Place Theatre, New York City, 1981. Rory, Fishing, Second Stage Theatre, New York City, 1981. Kenneth Baxter, This Story of Yours, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1981-82. Red River, Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL, 1982-83. True West, Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, 1983-84. Burke Gallagher and Commissioner Shelbrede, The Ballad of Soapy Smith, New York Shakespeare Festival, Public/Newman Theatre, New York City, 1984. A Walk Out of Water, Pennsylvania Stage Company, Allentown, PA, 1984-85. Joseph Wallace, Sonata, Young Playwrights Festival, Playwrights Horizons, New York City, 1985. Dan White, Execution of Justice, Virginia Theatre, New York City, 1986. Jigger, Carousel, Opera House, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC, 1986-87. Roger, Division Street, Second Stage Theatre, 1987. Fletcher, El Salvador, Circle Repertory Theatre, New York City, 1987. Grass and Freddie, The Day Room, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1987. Amulets against the Dragon Forces, Circle Repertory Theatre, 1989.

360 • SPINER

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 RECORDINGS

Video Games: Captain Hugh Paulsen, Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom, 1995. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People, April 29, 1991, pp. 115-16.*

SPINER, Brent 1949-

Gil Godwyn, Out to Sea, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Data and himself, Trekkies, Paramount, 1997. Lieutenant Commander Data, Star Trek: Insurrection (also known as Star Trek 9), Paramount, 1998. Voice of Conan O'Brien, South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut (animated), Paramount, 1999. Stromboli, Geppetto, 2000. Television Appearances; Series: Lieutenant Commander Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation, syndicated, 1987-94. Voice of Puck, Gargoyles, syndicated, 1994. "The Deprogrammers," The Outer Limits, Showtime, 1995.

PERSONAL Born February 2, 1949, in Houston, TX; son of Jack (a furniture store owner) and Sylvia (a corporate vice president) Spiner; married Loree McBride. Education: Attended University of Houston. Addresses: Agent—The Gersh Agency, 232 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Actor. Awards, Honors: Saturn Award, Academy of Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Films, best supporting actor, 1997, for Star Trek: First Contact. CREDITS Film Appearances: Fan in lobby, Stardust Memories, 1980. Leonard, Rent Control, Group S, 1981. (Uncredited) Corinne Burns' boss, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains, 1981. Preacher Mann, Miss Firecracker (also known as Miss Firecracker Contest), Corsair/Rank Film Distributors, 1989. (Uncredited) Talk show guest, Shocker, 1989. Brent Witherspoon, Corrina, Corrina, New Line Cinema, 1994. Lieutenant Commander Data, Star Trek: Generations (also known as Star Trek 7), Paramount, 1994. Dr. Brakish Okun, Independence Day (also known as /D4), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1996. Dr. Bob Niedorf, Phenomenon, Buena Vista Distribution Company, 1996. Lieutenant Commander Data, Star Trek: First Contact (also known as Star Trek 8), Paramount, 1996. Upscale guy, Pie in the Sky, 1996.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Preacher, Monsters, 1984. Tales from the Darkside, 1984. Larry Stein, "The Life and Times of Dominic Florio, Jr./' Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1985. Vaughn, "The Contract," Hunter, NBC, 1986. Bob Wheeler, "Hurricane: Parts 1 & 2," Night Court, NBC, 1986. Billy Bob Conroy, "Farewell, Frannie," Mama's Family, 1986. Bob Wheeler, "Wheels of Justice: Parts 1 & 2," Night Court, NBC, 1986. Draft dodger, "Dead Run," The Twilight Zone, 1986. Bob Wheeler, "Her Honour: Parts 1 & 2," Night Court, NBC, 1987. Billy Bob Conroy, "Fangs Alot, Mama," Mama's Family, 1987. Bill Grand, "Never Love a Goalie: Part 2," Cheers, NBC, 1987. Computer system repair man, "Spirit of 76th and Park," Dream On, HBO, 1990. Bob, the dog agent, "Just My Dog," Mad About You, NBC, 1995. Voice of Puck, "The Mirror," Gargoyles, 1995. Danny Schlecht, "The Practical Joker," Deadly Games, 1995. Voice of Puck, "Future Tense," Gargoyles, 1996. Professor Davis, "The Deprogrammers," The Outer Limits, 1996. Voice of Puck, "The Gathering: Part Two," Gargoyles, 1996. Television Appearances; Movies: (Uncredited) My Sweet Charlie, 1970. Hinnerman, Crime of Innocence, NBC, 1985. Jim Stevens, Manhunt for Claude Dallas, CBS, 1986. McMahon, Family Sins, CBS, 1987.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 STANTON • 361 Lieutenant Commander Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation—Encounter at Farpoint, 1987. Buck Hanshaw, Crazy from the Heart, 1991. Lieutenant Commander Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation—All Good Things, 1994. (Uncredited) Kingfish:AStoryof Huey P. Long, 1995. Earl Mills, Introducing Dorothy Danridge, 1999. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Tom Fink, Dashiell Hammett's The Dain Curse, CBS, 1978. Allard Lowenstein, Robert Kennedy and His Times, CBS, 1985. Television Appearances; Specials: Franz and Dennis, "Sunday in the Park with George/' Broadway on Showtime, Showtime, 1986, then American Playhouse, PBS, 1986. Harry Anderson: The Tricks of His Trade, CBS, 1996. Television Appearances; Pilots: Clinton C Waddle, Sylvan in Paradise, NBC, 1986. Brentwood Carter, What's Alan Watching? (also known as Outrageous), CBS, 1989. Stage Appearances: Kil, The Family, Chelsea Theatre Center of Brooklyn, Westside Theatre, New York City, 1975. Counselor two, Marco Polo, Phoenix Theatre, Marymount Manhattan Theatre, New York City, 1976. Hank, A History of the American Film, ANTA Theatre, New York City, 1978. Luke, Leave It to Beaver Is Dead, New York Shakespeare Festival, Public Theatre, New York City, 1979. AA, Emigres, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Attic Theatre, Brooklyn, NY, 1979. Older son, Table Settings, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, New York City, 1980. Konstantin Treplev, The Sea Gull, New York Shakespeare Festival, Public Theatre, 1980. Electrician, Marvelous Gray, Lion Theatre, New York City, 1982. John, The Philanthropist, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1983. The Cherry Orchard, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1983. Franz, Sunday in the Park with George, Playwrights Horizons Theatre, 1983, then as Franz and Dennis, Booth Theatre, New York City, 1984. Aram is, The Three Musketeers, New York City, 1984. The Duke, Big River, Eugene O'Neill Theatre, New York City, 1985.

Also appeared in Every Good Boy Deserves Favor; as John Adams, 1776, Broadway production, 1997. RECORDINGS Albums: Or Yellow Eyes Is Back (Data from "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Sings) Bay Cities, c. 1991. Video Games: Voice of Operations Manager Lieutenant Commander Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation—A Final Unity, 1995. Voice of Milo, Chronomaster, 1995. Voice of Lieutenant Commander Data, Star Trek: Generations, 1997. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, June 8, 1992, pp. 53-56.*

STANTON, Andrew PERSONAL Career: Writer. CREDITS Film Appearances: Voice of Emperor Zurg, Toy Story 2, Buena Vista, 1999. Other Film Work: Co-director and animation, Luxojr. in "Surprise"and "Light & Heavy," Pixar Animation Studios, 1991. Story artist and original story and character design and additional voice, Toy Story, Buena Vista, 1995. Co-director and story artist and original story and additional voice (post production), A Bug's Life, Buena Vista, 1998. WRITINGS Screenplays: Toy Story, Buena Vista, 1995. A Bug's Life, Buena Vista, 1998. Toy Story 2 (from story), Buena Vista, 1999. Television Series: Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures, CBS, 1987.*

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

362 • STERN

STERN, Isaac 1920PERSONAL Born July 21, 1920, in Kreminiecz, Russia; immigrated to the United States, 1921; son of Solomon and Clara Stern; married Nora Kaye (a ballerina), November 10, 1948 (divorced); married Vera Lindenblit, August 17, 1951 (marriage ended); married Linda Reynolds, November 3, 1996; children: (second marriage) Shira, Michael, David. Education: Attended San Francisco Conservatory, 1930-37; studied violin with Naoum Blinder and, briefly, with Louis Persinger. Addresses: Office—Carnegie Hall Corp., 881 7th Ave., New York, NY 10019-3210. Career: Violinist, actor, and music advisor. Concert violinist, 1934—; first American to perform in the U.S.S.R. after World War II, 1956; Istomin-Rose-Stern Trio, member, 1962-83; invited to perform in China, 1979; performed with major orchestras and participated in numerous festivals throughout the world. Citizens' Committee to Save Carnegie Hall, organizer, 1960; Carnegie Hal I Corp., president, 1960—; American-Israel Cultural Foundation, chairperson of board of directors, beginning in 1964; Jerusalem Music Center, founder, 1973, and chairperson; National Endowment for the Arts, founding member. Awards, Honors: Grammy Awards, best classical performance, instrumental soloist with orchestra, 1961, for Bartok: Concerto No. 1 for Violin and Orchestra, 1962, for Stravinsky: Concerto in D-Major for Violin and Orchestra: A Symphony in Three Movements, and 1964, for Prokofiev: Concerto No. 1 in D-Major for Violin and Orchestra; Grammy Award nomination, best classical performance, instrumental soloist with orchestra, c. 1965, for Barber: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra; Grammy Award nominations, best chamber music performance, c. 1965, for Schubert: Trio No. 1 in B-Flat for Piano, and c. 1966, for Beethoven: Trio for Piano, Violin, and Cello No. 6 in B-Flat Major; Grammy Award nomination, best classical performance, instrumental soloist, c. 1966, for Dvorak: Concerto in A-Minor for Violin and Orchestra; Romance; Grammy Award nominations, best chamber music performance, 1967, for Brahms: The Trios for Piano, Violin, and Cello, and c. 1968, for Beethoven: Trio No. 3 in C-Minor and Mendelssohn: Trio No. 1 in D-Minor; Grammy Award, best chamber music performance, 1970, for Beethoven: The

Complete Piano Trios; Grammy Award nominations, best chamber music performance and best instrumental chamber music performance, both 1971, for Mozart Flute Quartets; honorary degrees from Dalhousie University and University of Hartford, both 1971; named commandeur, French Ordre de la Couronne, 1974; honorary degrees from Bucknell University, 1974, and Yale University, 1975; Albert Schweitzer Award, 1975; Creative Arts Award, notable achievement, Brandeis University, 1976; Grammy Award, best classical album, 1977, for The Concert of the Century; Grammy Award nomination, best chamber music performance, 1977, for Trio for Piano in A-Minor; honorary degree from Columbia University, 1977; Grammy Award nominations, best classical album and best classical performance, instrumental soloist with orchestra, both 1978, for Vivaldi: The Four Seasons; named commander, French Legion of Honor, 1979, 1990; honorary degree from Johns Hopkins University, 1979; Emmy Award nomination, best classical program in the perform ing arts, for a special or series, 1981, for Great Performances; Academy Award, best full-length documentary, and special mention, Cannes International Film Festival, both 1981, for From Mao to Mozart—Isaac Stern in China; Grammy Award, best classical performance, instrumental soloist with orchestra, 1981, for The Isaac Stern 60th Anniversary Celebration; Leonie Sonnings Music Award, Leonie Sonning Music Foundation, 1982; shared Joseph Prize for Human Rights, Anti-Defamation League, B'nai B'rith, 1983; honorary degrees from University of Maryland at College Park and Tel Aviv University, both 1983; named Artist Laureate, CBS Masterworks Records, 1984; Kennedy Center Honors Award, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 1984; Commander's Cross, Danish Order of the Danneborg, 1985; Emmy Award nomination, best classical program in the performing arts, for a special or series, 1986, for Great Performances; named Musician of the Year, Musical America International Dictionary of the Performing Arts, 1986; named Fellow of Jerusalem, 1986; shared Wolf Prize, Wolf Foundation, 1987; Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, 1987; shared Emmy Award, best performer in classical music programming, 1987, for Carnegie Hall: The Grand Reopening; honorary degree from New York University, 1989; National Medal of Honor, 1991; Grammy Award, best vocal or instrumental chamber music performance, 1991, for Brahms: Piano Quartets; Presidential Medal of Honor 1992; honorary degrees from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Harvard University, both 1992; Grammy Award nomination, best classical performance, instrumental soloist with orchestra, for

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Isaac Stem and jean-Pierre Rampal Play Vivaldi and Te/emann; Gold Baton Award, American Symphony Orchestra League. CREDITS Television Appearances; Episodic: "Zubin Mehta, Itzhak Perlman, and Pinchas Zukerman Celebrate Isaac Stern's 60th Birthday/' Live from Lincoln Center (also known as Great Performances), PBS, 1980. "The New York City Philharmonic Celebration with Isaac Stern, Itzhak Perlman, and Montserrat Cavalle/' Live from Lincoln Center (also known as Great Performances), PBS, 1986. "Bernstein at 70," Great Performances, PBS, 1989. The Class of the 20th Century, A&E, 1992. "Isaac Stern . . . A Life," A&E Stage, A&E, 1993. "Sondheim: A Celebration at Carnegie Hall," Great Performances, PBS, 1993. "Passing the Baton," Great Performances, PBS, 1993. "The Maestros of Philadelphia," Great Performances, PBS, 1993. "Leonard Bernstein's 75th," A&E Stage, A&E, 1993. "A Salute to Slava," The Kennedy Center Presents, PBS, 1994. "Carnegie Hall Salutes the Jazz Masters," Great Performances, PBS, 1994. Host, "Carnegie Hall Opening Night 1994," Great Performances, PBS, 1994. "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart," Biography, A&E, 1995. "Legendary Maestros: The Art of Conducting," Great Performances, PBS, 1995. Host, "Carnegie Hall Opening Night 1995," Great Performances, PBS, 1995. Host, "Carnegie Hall Opening Night 1997," Great Performances, PBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Specials: The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1984. Carnegie Hall: The Grand Reopening, CBS, 1987. The Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award Show, 1987. The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1988. JFK—A Time Remembered (also known as JFK— Where Were You in '63?), PBS, 1988. Irving Berlin's 100th Birthday Celebration (also known as Irving Berlin: 100th Birthday Anniversary) , CBS, 1988. Yo-Yo Ma: A Month at Tanglewood, A&E, 1990. Frozen Music: The Making of a Concert Hall, PBS,


STERN • 363 The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1991. Marian Anderson, PBS, 1991. Carnegie Hall: Live at 100! The Cala Celebration, PBS, 1991. Carnegie Hall at 100: A Place of Dreams, PBS, 1991. Memory and Imagination: New Pathways to the Library of Congress, PBS, 1992. /saac Stern Talking with David Frost, PBS, 1992. Jack Benny: Now Cut That Out!, A&E, 1996. The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra 60th Anniversary Gala, PBS, 1997. Beethoven: The Sound and the Fury, A&E, 1998. Leonard Bernstein: Reaching for the Note, PBS, 1998. Skitch Henderson at 80, PBS, 1998. Television Violinist; Episodic: "Isaac Stern . . . A Life," A&E Stage, A&E, 1993. "A Salute to Slava," The Kennedy Center Presents, PBS, 1994. "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart," Biography, A&E, 1995. Television Violinist; Specials: The New York Philharmonic Celebration with Zubin Mehta, 1986. Carnegie Hall: The Grand Reopening, CBS, 1987. The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1988. The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra 60th Anniversary Gala, PBS, 1997. Film Appearances: Eugene Ysaye, Tonight We Sing, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1953. journey to Jerusalem (documentary), Audio Brandon, 1968. From Mao to Mozart—Isaac Stern in China, Lori mar, 1980. Isaac Stern, Itzhak Perlman, Pinchas Zukerman, Paramount Home Video, 1988. Small Wonders, 1995. Himself, Fifty Violins (also known as 50 Violins), 1999. Film Work: Violinist and music advisor, Humoresque, Warner Bros., 1946. Violinist, Fiddler on the Roof, United Artists, 1971. RECORDINGS Albums: Humoresque (original soundtrack), 1946. Tonight We Sing (original soundtrack), 1953.

364 • STERN Tchaikovsky: Concerto in D-Major for Violin and Orchestra, Columbia, 1959. Mendelssohn: Concerto in E-Minor for Violin and Orchestra; Concerto in D-Major for Violin and Orchestra, Columbia, 1959. Debussy: Sonata in G-Minor for Violin and Piano, Columbia, 1960. Beethoven: The Complete Piano Trios, CBS Masterworks, 1960. Franck: Sonata in A-Major for Violin and Piano, Columbia, 1960. Brahms: Trios for Piano, Violin, and Cello, Columbia, 1961. Bartok: Concerto No. 1 for Violin and Orchestra, Columbia, 1961. Bartok: Concerto for Violin, CBS Masterworks, 1962. Bartok: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 2, Rhapsody No. 1, Rhapsody No. 2, CBS Masterworks, 1962. Bartok: Two Rhapsodies for Violin and Orchestra; Berg: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, CBS Masterworks, 1962. Stravinsky: Concerto in D-Major for Violin and Orchestra: A Symphony in Three Movements, Columbia, 1962. Mozart: Concerto No. 1 in B-Flat Major for Violin and Orchestra; Concerto No. 5 in A-Major for Violin and Orchestra, Columbia, 1964. Prokofiev: Concerto No. 1 in D-Major for Violin and Orchestra; Concerto No. 2 in G-Minor for Violin and Orchestra, Columbia, 1964. Barber: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, Columbia, 1965. Bloch: Baal Shem, Three Pictures of Chassidic Life, Columbia, 1965. Hindemith: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, Columbia, 1965. Schubert: Trio No. 1 in B-Flat for Piano, Columbia, c. 1965. Beethoven: Trio for Piano, Violin, and Cello No. 6 in B-Flat Major, Columbia, 1966. Dvorak: Concerto in A-Minor for Violin and Orchestra; Romance, Columbia, 1966. Bach: Violin Concertos, CBS Masterworks, 1967. Brahms: The Trios for Piano, Violin, and Cello, CBS Masterworks, 1967. Bruch: Concerto No. 1 in G-Minor for Violin and Orchestra, Columbia, 1967. Casals: A Living Portrait in His Own Words, CBS Masterworks, 1967. The Classic Melodies of Japan, Columbia, 1967. Lalo: Symphonie espagnole, Columbia, 1967. Mozart: Concerto No. 3 in G-Major for Violin and Orchestra; Sinfonia Concertante in E-Flat Major for Violin, Viola, and Orchestra, CBS Masterworks, 1968.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Beethoven: Trio No. 3 in C-Minor and Mendelssohn: Trio No. 1 in D-Minor, Columbia, c. 1968. Journey to Jerusalem (original soundtrack), 1968. Four Favorite Trios, CBS Masterworks, 1969. Schubert: Trio in E-Flat Major for Piano, Violin, and Cello, Columbia, 1970. Beethoven: The Complete Piano Trios, Columbia, 1970. Sibelius: Concerto in D-Minor for Violin and Orchestra, Columbia, 1970. Fiddler on the Roof, Liberty, 1971. Mozart Flute Quartets, CBS Masterworks, 1971. Brahms Violin Concerto, Columbia, 1972. Beethoven Violin Concerto, Columbia, 1972. Greatest Hits: The Violin, Columbia, 1972. Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante in E-Flat, Columbia, 1972. Favorite Melodies for the Quiet Hours: Romance, Columbia, 1972. Stamitz: Sinfonia Concertante in D-Major, Columbia, 1972. Beethoven: Concerto in D-Major for Violin and Orchestra, Columbia, 1973. Isaac Stern Plays Brahms, Columbia, 1973. Copland Performs and Conducts Copland, Columbia, 1974. Mozart: Concertone in C-Major for Two Violins and Orchestra, Columbia, 1974. Pleyel: Sinfonie Concertante in B-Flat Major, Columbia, 1974. Mozart: Divertimento in E-Flat Major for String Trio, Columbia, 1975. Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D-Major, Columbia, 1976. The Concert of the Century, Columbia, 1976. Isaac Stern Plays Saint-Saens, Chausson, Faure, Columbia, 1976. Brahms: Double Concerto in A-Minor for Violin and Cello, Odyssey, 1977. Trio for Piano in A-Minor, Columbia, 1977. Bartok: Sonata No. 1 for Violin and Piano, Odyssey, 1978. Bernstein: Serenade for Violin Solo, Strings, and Percussion, Odyssey, 1978. Mozart: Concerto No. 2 in D-Major for Violin and Orchestra; Concerto No. 4 in D-Major for Violin and Orchestra, Columbia, 1978. Mozart: Concerto No. 4 for Violin and Orchestra In D-Major; Concerto No. 5 for Violin and Orchestra in A-Major, CBS Masterworks, 1978. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons, Columbia, 1978. Vivaldi: Concerto in D-Minor; Concerto in C-Minor, Columbia, 1978. Beethoven: Sonata No. 7 in C-Minor for Violin and Piano, Odyssey, 1979.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


Brahms: Concerto in D-Major for Violin and Orchestra, Columbia, 1979. Hindemith: Sonata for Violin and Piano, Odyssey, 1979. Penderecki: Violin Concerto, Columbia, 1979. Prokofiev: Sonata in F-Minor for Violin and Piano; Sonata in D-Major for Violin and Piano, Odyssey, 1979. Rochberg: Violin Concerto, Columbia, 1979. Mozart: Concerto in C; Concerto in D; Andante in C, RCA Red Seal, 1979. Sibelius: Concerto in D-Minor for Violin and Orchestra; Four Historic Scenes, Odyssey, 1979. Mozart: Rondo in G-Major; Sonata No. 26 in B-Flat Major for Violin and Piano, Odyssey, 1979. Tchaikovsky: Concerto in D-Major for Violin and Orchestra; Meditation, Columbia, 1979. Viotti: Concerto No. 22 in A-Minor for Violin and Orchestra, Odyssey, 1979. Wieniawski: Concerto No. 2 in D-Minor for Violin and Orchestra, Odyssey, 1979. Dame Myra Hess in Recital, Bruno Walter Society, 1980. Mendelssohn: Concerto in E-Minor for Violin and Orchestra; Beethoven: Two Romances, CBS Masterworks, 1981. Mendelssohn: Trio No. 1 in D-Minor; Trio No. 2 in C-Minor, CBS Masterworks, 1981. The Isaac Stern 60th Anniversary Celebration, CBS Masterworks, 1981. Haydn: London Trios, CBS Masterworks, 1982. Bach: Concerto in D-Minor for Two Violins and Orchestra; Bach: Concerto in C-Minor for Oboe, Violin, and Orchestra; Vivaldi: Concerto in AMinor for Two Violins, and Orchestra, CBS Masterworks, 1982. Jean-Pierre Rampal, Flute, Isaac Stern, Violin, Mstislav Rostropovich, Cello, Play Haydn, CBS Masterworks, 1982. Bach: Trio Sonatas, CBS Masterworks, 1983. Prokofiev: Concerto No. 1 in D-Major; Concerto No. 2 in C-Minor, CBS Masterworks, 1983. Sonatas of J. S. Bach and Sons, CBS Masterworks, 1983. Beethoven: Sonata No. 9 in A-Major for Violin and Piano; Sonata No. 5 in F-Major for Violin and Piano, CBS Masterworks, 1984. Beethoven: The Complete Sonatas for Piano and Violin, four volumes, CBS Masterworks, 1985. The Great Violin Concertos, CBS Masterworks, 1986. Berg: Kammerkonzert; Concerto for Violin and Orchestra; To the Memory of an Angel, CBS Masterworks, 1986.

Beethoven: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, DMajor; Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, GMinor, CBS Masterworks, 1987. Henri Dutilleux: L'arbre des songes, Concerto pour violon et orchestra; Sir Peter Maxwell Davies: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, CBS Masterworks, 1987. Brahms: Double Concerto; Piano Quartet, No. 3, CBS Masterworks, 1988. Brahms: Concerto for Violin, Cello, and Orchestra in A-Minor; Piano Quartet No. 3 in C-Minor, CBS Masterworks, 1988. Shostakovich: Trio No. 2 for Violin, Cello, and Piano; Sonata for Cello and Piano, CBS Masterworks, 1988. Mozart: Three Trios for Flute, Violin, and Cello; Telemann: Quartet for Flute, Violin, Cello, and Lute; Bach: Trio for Flute, Violin, and Cello: Reicha: Eighteen Variations and a Fantasy, Sony Classical, 1990. The Trio Recordings, Sony Classical, 1990. Brahms: Piano Quartets, 1991. Also recorded Isaac Stern and Jean-Pierre Rampal Play Vivaldi and Telemann, Columbia. OTHER SOURCES Books: Campbell, Margaret, The Great Violinists, Doubleday (New York City), 1980. Schwarz, Boris, Great Masters of the Violin: From Core/// and Vivaldi to Stern, Zukerman, and Per/man, Simon & Schuster (New York City), 1983. Periodicals: Newsweek, November 17, 1980, p. 93. Strad, August, 1977, p. 291; November, 1985. Time, July 7, 1980, p. 64. U.S. News & World Report, August 13, 1990, p. 67.*

STORARO, Vittorio


Born June 24, 1940 in Rome, Italy; son of Renato and Teodolinda (maiden name, Laparelli) Storaro; married Antonia LaFolla, December 29, 1966; children: Francesca, Fabrizio, Giovanni. Education: Studied photography at Duca D'Aosta, 1951-56; attended Centro Italiano Addestramento Cinematografico,


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

1956-58; earned a degree in cinematography from Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in 1960. Addresses: Home—Vittorio Storaro, Via Divino Amore 2, 0040 Rome, Italy. Career: Cinematographer. Previously worked as photography studio apprentice and assistant to photographers Aldo Scavarda and Marco Scarpelli. Member: Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, Italian Association of Cinematographers (former president), American Society of Cinematographers. Awards, Honors: National Society of Film Critics Award, best cinematography, 1971, for // Conformista; New York Film Critics Award, best cinematography, 1971; Academy Award, best cinematography, 1979, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best cinematography, 1980, both for Apocalypse Now; Academy Award, Los Angeles Film Critics Award, best cinematography, 1981, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best cinematography, 1983, both for Reds; New York Film Critics Circle Award, Los Angeles Film Critics Award, best cinematography, 1987, Academy Award, British Cinematography Award, best cinematography, American Society of Cinematographers Award nomination, outstanding achievement in cinematography in theatrical releases, 1988, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best cinematography, 1989, all for The Last Emperor; New York Film Critics Circle Award, best cinematography, 1990, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, best cinematography, 1991, both for The Sheltering Sky; Academy Award nomination, best cinematography, American Society of Cinematographers Award, outstanding achievement in cinematography in theatrical releases, 1991, both for Dick Tracy; Art Dir. Club Italiano, career award, 1995; Municipality Marino, career award, 1996; Fantafestival, career award, 1996; Golden Frog Award, 1997; Special Award (with Bernardo Bertolucci), Camerimage, 1997; Technical grand prize, Cannes Film Festival, 1998, Goya Award nomination, best cinematography, 1999, both for Tango. CREDITS Film Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated: Etruscologia (short; also known as Profanatori di tombe), 1961.

L'urlo (short), 1965. Sortilegio (short), 1966. // labirinto (short), 1966. Sirtaki (short), 1966. Rapporto segreto (short), 1967. Secf Lodge (short), 1968. Giovinezza, giovinezza (also known as Youthful, Youthful and Youth March), Daniela, 1969. Delitto al circolo del tennis, 1969. La strategia del ragno (also known as The Spider's Stratagem), RAI-TV Channel 1/Artificial Eye, 1969. L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo (also known as The Bird with the Crystal Plumage, The Bird with the Glass Feathers, The Gallery Murders, and The Phantom of Terror), UM, 1969. L'Eneide, 1970. Giornata nera per I'ariete (also known as Evil Fingers and The Fifth Cord), 1971. // conformista (also known as The Conformist), Paramount, 1971. Addio fratello crudele (also known asT/s a Pity She's a Whore), Euro International, 1971. Orlando furioso, RAI-TV Channel 1/NOC, 1971. Corpo d'amore (also known as Body of Love), Julia Cinematografica/Capricorno/RTR, 1971. Last Tango in Paris (also known as Ultimo tango a Parigi), United Artists, 1972. Bleu gang. . ., 1972. / grand/ naif jugoslavi (short), 1973. Giordano Bruno, Euro International, 1973. Malizia (also known as Malicious and Malice), Paramount, 1974. Le orme (also known as Footprints), 1974. Identikit (also known as The Driver's Seat and Psychotic), AVCO-Embassy, 1975. 1900 (also known as Novecento), Paramount/United Artists/Twentieth Century-Fox, 1976. Scandalo (also known as Submission and Scandal), Joseph Brenner Associates, 1977. Apocalypse Now, United Artists, 1979. Agatha, Warner Bros., 1979. La Luna, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1979. Reefs, Paramount, 1981. (With Ronald V. Garcia) One from the Heart, Columbia, 1982. Wagner, Alan Landsberg, 1983. Ladyhawke, Warner Bros/Twentieth Century-Fox, 1985. And lighting and photographic consultant and visual consultant, Captain Eo (3-D film shown exclusively at Disney World, Orlando, FL, and Disney Land, Anaheim, CA), 1986. Ishtar, Columbia, 1987. The Last Emperor (also known as L'ultimo imperatore), Columbia, 1987.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Tucker: The Man and His Dream, Paramount, 1988. "Life without Zoe," New York Stories, Touchstone, 1989. Dick Tracy, Buena Vista, 1990. The Sheltering Sky, Warner Bros., 1990. Writing with Light: Vittorio Storaro, 1992. Tosca: In the Settings and at the Times of Tosca, 1992. Little Buddha, Miramax, 1994. Flamenco (also known as Flamenco [de Carlos Saura]), Juan Lebron Productions, 1995. Taxi, TF1 International, 1996. Bullworth, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Tango, Sony Pictures Classics, 1998. Picking Up the Pieces, 1999. Mirka, 1999. Film Appearances: Bertolucci secondo II cinema (also known as The Cinema According to Bertolucci and The Making of "1900"), 1975. (Uncredited) TV photographer, Apocalypse Now, United Artists, 1979. Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography (documentary), American Film Institute, 1993. Himself, Kulonbozo helyek (also known as Different Places), 1995. Television Cinematographer: Peter the Great (miniseries), NBC, 1986. "Tosca from Rome/' Great Performances, PBS, 1993. Television Appearances; Specials: Omnibus, ABC, 1988. Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (documentary), Showtime, 1991. Glorious Technicolor, TCM, 1998. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Film Comment, September/October, 1989, p. 46. Film Quarterly, Winter 1994, p. 2.*

STORM, Peter See STORMARE, Peter

STORMARE • 367 Education: Attended Royal Dramatic Theatre, Sweden. Addresses: /Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Actor and director. Royal National Theatre of Sweden, actor, for 11 years; Tokyo Globe Theatre, associate artistic director, 1990-C.1993. Awards, Honors: MTV Movie Award nomination, best on-screen duo, 1997, for Fargo (with Steve Buscemi). CREDITS Film Appearances: Fanny and Alexander, 1983. Jerry, Den Frusna leoparden, 1986. Seppan, 1986. The beekeeper, Malarpirater, 1987. Neurochemist, Awakenings, Columbia, 1990. Riflessi in un Cielo Scum (also known as Reflections in a Dark Sky), 1991. Berra, Freud Leaves Home, 1991. Peter Wetzler, Damage (also known as Fatale), New Line, 1992. Graham, Somewhere in the City, Sideshow, 1996. Christof Haussman, Le Polygraphe (also known as Polygraph), 1996. Gaear Grimsrud, Fargo, PolyGram, 1996. Dieter Stark, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Universal, 1997. Vladimire, Playing God (also known as Playing Hero), Buena Vista, 1997. Petrus Landahl, Larmar och gor sig till (also known as In the Presence of a Clown), 1998. Graham, Somewhere in the City, 1998. Stayes, Mercury Rising, Universal, 1998. Nihilist (Ulee Kunkel), The Big Lebowski, Gramercy Pictures, 1998. Carl Hamilton, Hamilton, Buena Vista, 1998. Lev Andropov, Armageddon, Buena Vista, 1998. The Million Dollar Hotel, 1999. Julius Harvey, Circus, 1999. Giovanni Andreini, Amor nello specchio, 1999. Dino Velvet, 8MM, Columbia, 1999. Jeff, Dancer in the Dark, 2000.

STORMARE, Peter 1953(Peter Storm) PERSONAL

Television Appearances; Episodic: Johnny D., "Stones/' Swift Justice, 1997. Slippery Pete, "The Frogger," Seinfeld, NBC, 1997.

Full name, Peter Rolf Stormare; born August 27,1953, in Arbro, Sweden; married Karen Sillas (divorced).

Television Appearances; Movies: Seppan, 1986.

368 • STRUSS

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Byrd, No Man's Land (also known as Black Easter), 1994. Ulf, ftt Sorts Hades, 1996. Cavin Guthrie, Purgatory, TNT, 1999. Stage Appearances: King Lear, Royal Dramatic Theatre, Stockholm, Sweden, 1984. Miss Julie, Royal Dramatic Theatre, Stockholm, Sweden, 1985. Title role, Hamlet, Royal Dramatic Theatre of Sweden, 1986, then Brooklyn Academy of Music/ Opera House, New York City, 1988. Long Day's ]ourney into Night, Royal Dramatic Theatre, Stockholm, Sweden, 1988. Miss Julie, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Majestic Theatre, New York City, 1991. The Bacchae, Royal Dramatic Theatre, Stockholm, Sweden, 1991. Also appeared Rasputin, New York City. Stage Director: The Dance of Death, Almeida Theatre, 1995. Also directed productions at Tokyo Globe Theatre, including Hamlet.

Music Videos: Appeared in The Wannadies' "Might Be Stars."*

STRUSS, Karl 1886-1981 PERSONAL Full name, Karl Fischer Struss; born November 30, 1886, in New York, NY; died December 16, 1981, in Santa Monica, CA; father an owner of a bonnetwire factory; married Ethel Wall, 1921. Education: Studied photography with Clarence White at Columbia University, 1908-12. Career: Cinematographer. Famous Players-Lasky, Hollywood, CA, began as still photographer, became camera operator, 1919-22; cinematographer, beginning in 1922; Pictorial Photographers of America, cofounder. Still photography exhibited throughout his career, including a show at University of Michigan. Worked in family bonnet-wire factory, 1903-14; studio photographer, New York City, 1914-17. Military service: Served 1917-19.

Awards, Honors: Shared Academy Award, best cinematography (with Charles Rosher), 1927, for Sunrise; Academy Award nominations, best cinematography, 1928, for Drums of Love, 1931, for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and 1932, for The Sign of the Cross; shared Academy Award nomination, best color cinematography (with Wilfred M. Cline and William E. Snyder), 1941, for Aloma of the South Seas. CREDITS Film Work; Cinematographer, Unless Otherwise Noted: Something to Think About, 1920. The Affairs ofAnatol, 1921. (With others) Fool's Paradise, 1921. (With others) Minnie, 1922. The Law and the Woman, 1922. (With others) Saturday Night, 1922. (With others) Fools First, 1922. Rich Men's Wives, 1922. Thorns and Orange Blossoms, 1922. Poor Men's Wives, 1923. The Hero, 1923. Daughters of the Rich, 1923. Mothers-in-Law, 1923. Maytime, 1923. Poisoned Paradise (also known as Poisoned Paradise: The Forbidden Story of Monte Carlo), 1924. Legend of Hollywood, 1924. White Man, 1924. Idle Tongues, 1924. The Winding Stair, 1925. (With others) Sparrows, 1926. Hell's 400, 1926. Meet the Prince, 1926. Forever After, 1926. (With others) Ben-Hur (also known as Ben-Hur: A Tale of Christ), 1926. Babe Comes Home, 1927. (With Charles Rosher) Sunrise (also known as 5unr/se: A Song of Two Humans), 1927. (With others) Drums of Love, United Artists, 1928. Night Watch, 1928. (With others) The Battles of the Sexes, 1928. Lady of the Pavements, 1929. Coquette, 1929. The Taming of the Shrew, 1929. Lummox, 1930. (With others) Be Yourself!, 1930. One Romantic Night, 1930. The Bad One, 1930. (With others) Danger Lights, 1930. Abraham Lincoln, 1930.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Women Love Once, 1931. Up Pops the Devil, 1931. The Road to Reno, 1931. Murder by the Clock, 1931. Kiki, 1931. Skippy, 1931. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 1931. World and the Flesh, 1932. Two Kinds of Women, 1932. The Sign of the Cross, Paramount, 1932. The Man from Yesterday, 1932. Guilty as Hell (also known as Guilty as Charged), 1932. Forgotten Commandments, 1932. Dancers in the Dark, 1932. Woman /Accused, 1933. The Torch Singer (also known as Broadway Singer), 1933. The Story of Temple Drake, 1933. Island of Lost Souls, 1933. Girl Missing, 1933. The Girl in 419 (also known as Identity Unknown), 1933. Disgraced!, 1933. Tonight Is Ours, 1933. The Pursuit of Happiness, 1934. Here Is My Heart, 1934. Four Frightened People, 1934. Belle of the Nineties, 1934. Two for Tonight, 1935. Coin'to Town, 1935. Too Many Parents, 1936. Preview Murder Mystery, 1936. Hollywood Boulevard, 1936. Anything Goes (also known as Tops /s the L/m/'t), 1936. Rhythm on the Range, 1936. Co West Young Man, 1936. Thunder Trail (also known as Thunder Pass), 1937. Mountain Music, 1937. Let's Make a Million, 1937. Double or Nothing, 1937. Waikiki Wedding, 1937. Every Day's a Holiday, 1937. Thanks for the Memory, 1938. 5/ng You Sinners, 1938. Zenofa/a (also known as Elephants Never Forget), 1939. The Star Maker, 1939. Some L/7ce /t Hot (also known as Rhythm Romance), 1939. Par/s Honeymoon, 1939. /s/and of Lost Men, 1939. The Great Dictator, United Artists, 1940.

STRUSS • 369 Caught in the Draft, 1941. (With Wilfred M. Cline and William E. Snyder) /4/oma of the South Seas, Paramount, 1941. Journey into Fear, 1942. (With others) Riding High (also known as Melody Inn), 1943. (With others) Happy Co Lucky, 1943. Rainbow Island, 1944. And the Angels Sing, 1944. Second unit photographer, For Whom the Bell Tolls, 1944. Bring On the Girls, 1945. Tarzan and the Leopard Woman, 1946. Suspense, 1946. Mr. Ace, 1946. (With others) The Macomber Affair, 1947. Heaven Only Knows (also known as Montana Mike), 1947. Siren of Atlantis, 1948. The Dude Goes West, 1948. Call of the Forest, 1949. Bad Boy (also known as The Story of Danny Lester), 1949. Tarzan's Magic Fountain, 1949. Rocketship X-M (also known as Expedition Moon), 1950. The Return of Jesse James, 1950. It's a Small World, 1950. The Texan Meets Calamity Jane, 1950. Father's W/7d Game, 1950. Tarzan's Peril (also known as Tarzan and the Jungle Goddess), 1951. Tarzan's Savage Fury (also known as Tarzan, the Hunted), 1952. Lady Possessed, 1952. Rose of C/marron, 1952. "The Secret Shame/' Face to Face, 1952. Limelight, 1952. (With others) Un Ti/rco Napoletano, 1953. Tarzan and the She-Devil, 1953. (With others) // Piu Comico Spettacolo del Mondo, 1953. (With others) Due Notti con Cleopatra (also known as Two Nights with Cleopatra), 1953. (With others) Cavalleria Rusticana (also known as Fatal Desire), 1953. Mesa of Lost Women (also known as Lost Women and Lost Women ofZarpa), 1953. (Camera operator, with others) Attila (also known as Attila the Hun and Attila, il Flagello di D/o), Embassy Picture Corp., 1955. Mohawk, 1956. She Devil, 1957. /Cronos (also known as /Cronos, Destroyer of the Universe), Twentieth Century- Fox, 1957.

370 • STUDI

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

The Deerslayer, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1957. The Rawhide Trail, 1958. Machete, 1958. The Hot Angel, 1958. The Fly, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1958. The Sad Horse, 1959. The Rebel Set (also known as Beatsville), 1959. Counterplot, 1959. The Alligator People, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1959. Here Come the Jets, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1959.

Career: Actor. Joined American Indian Theater Company, 1983; author and translator of books and plays; has worked as a reporter and a rancher; activist. Military service: U.S. Army infantry, 1967; served in Vietnam. CREDITS


Film Appearances: Bull, Powwow Highway, 1988. Toughest Pawnee, Dances with Wolves, 1990. Indian in desert, The Doors, TriStar, 1991. Magua, The Last of the Mohicans, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1992. Title role, Geronimo: An American Legend, Columbia, 1993. Sagat, Street Fighter (also known as Street Fighter: The Battle for Shadaloo, Street Fighter: The Movie, and Street Fighter: The Ultimate Battle), Universal, 1994. Casals, Heat, Warner Bros., 1995. One Horse, Lone Justice 2, 1995. Cameron, The Killing Jar, Curb Entertainment, 1996. Pocatello, Wind River, 1998. Hanover, Deep Rising, Buena Vista, 1998. Terry Leonard, Soundman, 1999. The Sphinx, Mystery Men, 1999.

Books: International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, Volume 4: Writers and Production Artists, St. James*Press (Detroit, Ml), 1993, pp. 724-26.

Television Appearances; Series: One Horse, Ned Blessing: The Story of My Life and Times (also known as Return to Plum Creek and Lone Justice 11)f CBS, 1993.

Periodicals: Afterimage, November-December, 1996, p. 7.*

Television Appearances; Miniseries: Famous Shoes, Larry McMurtry's "Streets of Laredo/' CBS, 1995.

Television Work; Cinematographer: Broken Arrow, 1950. My Friend Flicka, 1957. WRITINGS Author of the catalog Pictured with the Struss Pictorial Lens, [New York City], 1915. Contributor to books, including Sources of Light, edited by Charles Higham, [London], 1970. Contributor of articles and photographs to periodicals, including American Cinematographer, American Photography, and Journal of Popular Film.

STUDI, Wes 1947PERSONAL Real name, Wesley Studie; born December 17, 1947, in Nofire Hollow, OK; son of Andy (a ranch hand) and Maggie (a housekeeper) Studie; married second wife, Rebecca Graves, 1974 (divorced, 1982); married third wife, Maura Dhu (a singer); children: (second marriage) Daniel, Leah; (third marriage) Kholan Garret. Education: Attended Tulsa Junior College. Avocational interests: Sculpture, tennis, jazz guitar. Addresses: Manager—Michael Mann Management, 8380 Melrose Ave., Suite 207, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Television Appearances; Movies: Seth/Chief/Speaker for the Tribes, The Broken Chain, TNT, 1993. Red Cloud, Crazy Horse, TNT, 1996. Television Appearances; Episodic: Sheriff Benson, "Mountain Men/' Highlander, 1992. Storytime, PBS, 1994. Jesse Rainbird, "Outrage," Promised Land, CBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Specials: Voice, "In the White Man's Image/' The American Experience, PBS, 1992. Voice of Crazy Horse, The Wild West (documentary), syndicated, 1993. An American Reunion: New Beginnings, Renewed Hope (also known as An American Reunion: The People's Inaugural Celebration), HBO, 1993.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Narrator, Indian America: A Gift from the Past, PBS, 1994. Voice, 500 Nations, CBS, 1995. Voice, "The Way West/' The American Experience, PBS, 1995. Voiceover, In Search of the Oregon Trail, PBS, 1996. Big Guns Talk: The Story of the Western, TNT, 1997. Voice of Payakan, The Amazon Warrior, TBS and syndicated, 1998. Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 51st Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1994. Television Work; Specials: Song performer, An American Reunion: New Beginnings, Renewed Hope (also known as An American Reunion: The People's Inaugural Celebration), HBO, 1993. RECORDINGS Taped Readings: People of the Wolf, 1991. People of the River, 1993. Albums: Wrote songs on and played bass on Firecat of Discord, 1999. WRITINGS Wrote two children's books. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, December 20, 1993, pp. 109-11 .*



Surname is pronounced "Soo-shay"; born May 2, 1946, in London, England; son of Jack (a doctor) and Joan (maiden name, Jarche) Suchet; brother of John Suchet (a British newscaster); married Sheila Ferris (an actress), June 31, 1976; children: Robert, Katherine. Education: Trained for the stage at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, 1966-69. Religion: Christian. Avocational interests: Playing the clarinet and drums, horseback riding, photography, theology, ornithology, narrow boating.

SUCHET • 371 Addresses: Agent—c/o International Creative Management Ltd., Oxford House, 76 Oxford Street, London W1NOAX, England. Career: Actor. Visiting professor of theatre, University of Nebraska, 1975; council member, London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, 1985—; lectured at other universities in the United States. Member: British Actors' Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, Savile Club. Awards, Honors: Evening Standard Award nomination, best actor, 1978, and Society of West End Theatre Award, both for The Merchant of Venice; Best Radio Actor Award, Pye Radio Awards, 1979, for The Kreutzer Sonata; Society of West End Theatre Award nomination, best supporting actor, 1980, for Once in a Lifetime; Marseilles Film Festival Award, best actor, 1983, for Red Monarch; Craft Award, British Industry and Scientific Film Association, 1986, for Stress; Royal Television Society Performance Awards, best actor, 1986, for The Life of Freud, Blott on the Landscape, and The Song for Europe; British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best actor in a supporting role, 1989, for/\ World Apart; Variety Club Award, best actor, 1994, for Oleanna; Special Prize of the Jury, Istanbul International Film Festival, 1998, for Sunday; Best Actor Award, Critics' Circle Award and South Bank Award, for Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? CREDITS Stage Appearances: Tybalt, Romeo and Juliet, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-onAvon, England, 1973. Messenger, Richard II, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, 1973. Orlando, As You Like It, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, 1973. Tranio, The Taming of the Shrew, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, 1973. Zamislov, Summerfolk, Royal Shakespeare Company, Aldwych Theatre, London, 1974. Wilma, Comrades, Royal Shakespeare Company, Palace Theatre, London, 1974. The Fool, Lear, Royal Shakespeare Company, Palace Theatre, 1974. Pisanio, Cymbeline, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, then Aldwych Theatre, both 1974. Hubert, King John, Royal Shakespeare Company, Aldwych Theatre, 1975.

372 • SUCHET Ferdinand, King of Navarre, Love's Labour's Lost, Royal Shakespeare Company, Aldwych Theatre, 1975. The Fool, Lear, Royal Shakespeare Company, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, NY, 1975. Zamislov, Summerfolk, Royal Shakespeare Company, Brooklyn Academy of Music, 1975. Ferdinand, King of Navarre, Love's Labour's Lost, Royal Shakespeare Company, Brooklyn Academy of Music, 1975. Lucio, Measure for Measure, Birmingham Repertory Theatre, Birmingham, England, then Lyttleton Theatre, London, 1977. Thomas Gilthead, The Devil Is an Ass, Birmingham Repertory Theatre, then Lyttleton Theatre, 1977. Grigory Stephanovich Smirnov, "The Bear/' and Posdnyshev, "The Kreutzer Sonata/' in The Kreutzer Sonata, Theatre Upstairs, London, 1977, then Royal Court Theatre, London, 1978. Tsaravitch and Georg Wochner, Laughter!, English Stage Company, Royal Court Theatre, 1978. Herman Glogauer, Once in a Lifetime, Royal Shakespeare Company, Piccadilly Theatre, London, 1978. Caliban, The Tempest, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, 1978. Shylock, The Merchant of Venice, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, 1978. Grumio, The Taming of the Shrew, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, 1978, then Aldwych Theatre, 1979. Sir Nathaniel, Love's Labour's Lost, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, 1978, then Aldwych Theatre, 1979. Sextus Pompey, Antony and Cleopatra, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, 1978, then Aldwych Theatre, 1979. Angelo, Measure for Measure, Royal Shakespeare Company, Aldwych Theatre, 1979. £very Good Boy Deserves Favour, Barbican Concert Hall, London, 1983. Joe Green, Separation, Hampstead Theatre Club, then Comedy Theatre, both London, 1987. Oleanna, Royal Court Theatre, London, 1993. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woo//?, Aldwych Theater, London, 1996. Also appeared in This Story of Yours, Hampstead Theatre Club; as Achilles, Tro/7us and Cressida, Royal Shakespeare Company; Bolingbroke, Richard II; lago, Othello, 1986; title role, Timon of Athens, 1991. Major Tours: Appeared with the Royal Shakespeare Company, U.S. cities, 1975, and Israeli and European cities.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Film Appearances: (Film debut) Barsad, A Tale of Two Cities, Norman Rosemont, 1978. Gustav Klimt, Schiele in Prison, Concord Films Council, 1980. Corbett, The Missionary, Columbia, 1982. Laurent! P. Beria, Red Monarch, Goldcrest, 1983. Inspector Stagnos, Trenchcoat, Buena Vista, 1983. Buller/Prince Max Von Hesse, Creystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes, Warner Bros., 1984. Mesterbein, The Little Drummer Girl, Warner Bros., 1984. Steven Dyer, The Song for Europe, 1985. Alex Okana, The Falcon and the Snowman, Orion, 1985. Stress, 1986. Defense minister, Iron Eagle, TriStar, 1986. Stephen Dyer, Crime of Honor, Academy Home Entertainment, 1987. Jacques Lafleur, Harry and the Hendersons (also known as Bigfoot and the Hendersons), Universal, 1987. Muller, A World Apart, Atlantic, 1988. The Bishop, Popielusko (also known as To Kill a Priest), Columbia, 1988. Will, When the Whales Came (also known as Why the Whales Came), Signet Films, 1989. Rudi Waltz, Der Fall Lucona (also known as The Lucona Affair), 1993. Cruel Train, 1995. Nagi, Executive Decision (also known as Critical Decision), Warner Bros., 1996. Oliver and Matthew, Sunday, CFP Distribution, 1997. Mohamed Karamn, A Perfect Murder, Warner Bros., 1998. Louis B. Mayer, RKO 281, 1999. Captain Jason Sansky, Wing Commander, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Tsientsin, Reilly—Ace of Spies, Euston, then broadcast as segments of Mystery, PBS, 1984. Blott, Blotton the Landscape, BBC, then A&E, 1986. Television Appearances; Miniseries: (Debut) Edward Teller, Oppenheimer, BBC, 1978, then broadcast as a segment of American Playhouse, PBS, 1982. Himself, Playing Shakespeare, London Weekend Television, then PBS, 1983. D'Usseau, Master of the Game, CBS, 1984. Dino Grandi, Mussolini: The Untold Story, NBC, 1985. Inspector Poirot, Hercule Poirot's Casebook, ITV, 1989.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Aaron, Moses (also known as The Bible: Moses), TNT, 1996. Voice of the Phoenix, The Phoenix and the Carpet, 1997. Morris Price, Seesaw, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Barsad, A Tale of Two Cities, CBS, 1980. Trouillefou, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (also known as Hunchback), CBS, 1982. Beria, Red Monarch, 1983. Inspector Japp, Agatha Christie's "Thirteen at Dinner/' CBS, 1985. Matvei, Gulag, HBO, 1985. Steven Dyer, The Song for Europe (also known as Cry for Justice), Channel Four, 1985. William L. Shirer, Murrow, HBO, 1986. JonathonGault, The Last Innocent Man, HBO, 1987. Hercule Poirot, Peril at End House, 1990. Hercule Poirot, One, Two, Buckle My Shoe, 1992. Hercule Poirot, Hercule Poirot's Christmas, PBS, 1994. Hercule Poirot, Murder on the Links, 1995. Hercule Poirot, Hickory Dickory Dock, 1995. Ruben Roberts, Cruel Train, 1995. Vlachos, Deadly Voyage, HBO, 1996. Hercule Poirot, Dumb Witness, PBS, 1996. Joab, Solomon, 1997. Television Appearances; Specials: Freud, The Life of Freud (also known as Freud), BBC, 1984. Herman Glogauer, Once in a Lifetime, BBC, then broadcast as a segment of Great Performances, PBS, 1988. T.J. O'Connor, Cause Celebre, Anglia TV, then broadcast as a segment of Mystery, PBS, 1988. The Modern World: Ten Great Writers, 1988. Carver, "More Than a Touch of Zen/' 4 Play: Nobody Here But Us Chickens, 1989. The Life of Agatha Christie, A&E, 1990. Joe Green, Separation, PBS, 1990. Adolf Veloc, 'The Secret Agent," Masterpiece Theatre, PBS, 1992. Leopold Bloom, James Joyce's Ulysses, PBS, 1993. Narrator, Days of Majesty, PBS, 1994. Also appeared as Howard Bollsover, Saigon—The Last Days, BBC; Yves Drouard, Time to Die, Anglia TV; in Being Normal, BBC; Kings and Castles, Thames. Television Appearances; Episodic: Krivas, "Where the Jungle Ends," The Professionals, 1978.

SUCHET • 373 Devas, "Partners," King & Castle, 1986. Colin, "The Muse," Oxbridge Blues, BBC, then A&E, 1986, then PBS, 1988. Narrator, "The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship," Long Ago and Far Away, PBS, 1989. Hercule Poirot, "Triangle at Rhodes," Mystery, PBS, 1990. Hercule Poirot, "The Third Floor Flat," Mystery, PBS, 1990. Hercule Poirot, "Problem at Sea," Mystery, PBS, 1990 Hercule Poirot, "Murder in the Mews," Mystery, PBS, 1990. Hercule Poirot, "The King of Clubs," Mystery, PBS, 1990. Hercule Poirot, "Four and Twenty Blackbirds," Mystery, PBS, 1990. Hercule Poirot, "The Dream," Mystery, PBS, 1990. Hercule Poirot, "The Adventure of Clapham Cook," Mystery, PBS, 1990. Hercule Poirot, "The Adventure of Johnnie Waverly," Mystery, PBS, 1990. Hercule Poirot, "The Mysterious Affair at Styles," Mystery, PBS, 1991. Hercule Poirot, "Agatha Christie's Poirot Series II," Mystery, PBS, 1991. Hercule Poirot, "Wasp's Nest," Mystery, PBS, 1992. Hercule Poirot, "The Tragedy at Marsdon Manor," Mystery, PBS, 1992. Hercule Poirot, "Plymouth Express," Mystery, PBS, 1992. Hercule Poirot, "The Million Dollar Bond Mystery," Mystery, PBS, 1992. Hercule Poirot, "The Kidnapped Prime Minister," Mystery PBS, 1992. Hercule Poirot, "The How Does Your Garden Grow," Mystery, PBS, 1992. Hercule Poirot, "The Double Clue," Mystery, PBS, 1992. Hercule Poirot, "The Adventure of the Western Star," Mystery, PBS, 1992. Hercule Poirot, "Agatha Christie's Poirot Series IV," Mystery, PBS, 1992. Hercule Poirot, "Poirot, Series V," Mystery, PBS, 1993. Hercule Poirot, "Poirot VI," Mystery, PBS, 1994. Hercule Poirot, "Poirot VII," Mystery, 1995.

WRITINGS (With others) Players of Shakespeare (2 volumes) 1985, 1988. Also wrote essays on interpretations of roles.*

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28




Born July 23, 1937, In Los Angeles, CA; son of Robert L. (a cinematographer) and Maydell Surtees. Addresses: /Agent—The Gersh Agency, 232 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Cinematographer. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best cinematography, 1974, for Lenny; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding cinematography for a miniseries or movie, 1999, for Dash and Lilly. CREDITS Film Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated: The Beguiled, Universal, 1971. Dirty Harry, Warner Bros., 1971. Play Misty for Me, Universal, 1971. Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1972. The Great Northfield, Minnesota Raid, Universal, 1972. JoeKidd, Universal, 1972. Cameraman, Lost Horizon, Columbia, 1973. Blume in Love, Samuel Bronston, 1973. High Plains Drifter, Universal, 1973. The Outfit (also known as The Good Guys Always Win), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1973. Lenny, United Artists, 1974. Night Moves, Warner Bros., 1975. Leadbelly, Paramount, 1976. The Outlaw Josey Wales, Warner Bros., 1976. The Shootist, Paramount, 1976. Sparkle, Warner Bros., 1976. Three Warriors, Fantasy, 1977. Big Wednesday (also known as Summer of Innocence), Warner Bros., 1978. Additional cinematographer, "Baxter's Beauties of 1933," Movie Movie, Warner Bros., 1978. Dreamer, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1979. Escape from Alcatraz, Paramount, 1979. Inchon, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1981. Firefox, Warner Bros., 1982. Honkytonk Man, Warner Bros., 1982. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains (also known as All Washed Up), Paramount, 1982. White Dog (also known as Trained to Kill), Paramount, 1982.

(With Donald Thorin) Bad Boys, Universal, 1983. Sudden Impact, Warner Bros., 1983. (With Reynaldo Villalobos) Risky Business, Warner Bros., 1983. Beverly Hills Cop, Paramount, 1984. Tightrope, Warner Bros., 1984. Pale Rider, Warner Bros., 1985. Out of Bounds, Columbia, 1986. Psycho III, Universal, 1986. Ratboy, Warner Bros., 1986. Back to the Beach, Paramount, 1987. License to Drive, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1988. Men Don't Leave, Warner Bros., 1990. (With Brenton Spencer) Run, Buena Vista, 1991. The Super, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1991. (With Dariusz Wolski) Chains of Gold, Academy, 1992. The Crush, Warner Bros., 1993. That Night (also known as One Hot Summer), Warner Bros., 1993. Corrina, Corrina, New Line, 1994. The Stars Fell on Henrietta, Warner Bros., 1995. The Substitute, Orion, 1996. Just a Little Harmless Sex, Phaedra Cinema, 1999. Television Cinematographer; Movies: The Birds II: Land's End, Showtime, 1994. Murder in a Small Town, A&E, 1999. That Championship Season, Showtime, 1999. Dash and Lilly, A&E, 1999.*

SUTHERLAND, Kiefer 1966PERSONAL Full name, Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland; born December 21, 1966, in London, England; son of Donald Sutherland (an actor) and Shirley Douglas (an actress); married Camelia Kath, September 12, 1986 (divorced 1990); married Kelly Winn, June 29, 1996; children: (first marriage) Sarah Jude, Michelle Kath. Education: Attended a Canadian boarding school. Avocational Interests: Team roping. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1934. Career: Actor, director, and producer. Awards, Honors: Genie award nomination, 1984, for performance in Bay Boy; MTV Movie Award nomination, best villain, 1997, for A Time to Kill.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CREDITS

Film Appearances: (Film debut) Bill, Max Dugan Returns, Disney, 1983. Donald Campbell, The Bay Boy, Orion, 1984. Tim, At Close Range, Orion, 1986. Brooks, Crazy Moon (also known as Muggers), Cinegem, 1986. Ace Merrill, Stand by Me, Columbia, 1986. Brian Mars, deputy, The Killing Time, New World, 1987. Danny Rivers, Promised Land (also known as Young Hearts), Vestron, 1987. David, The Lost Boys, Warner Bros., 1987. Josiah "Doc" Sculock, Young Cuns, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1988. Scott, 7969, Atlantic, 1988. Tad Allagash, Bright Lights, Big City, Metro Goldwyn Mayer/United Artists, 1988. Buster McHenry, Renegades, Universal, 1989. Josiah "Doc" Sculock, Young Guns II, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1990. John Buckner, Flashback, Paramount, 1990. Karl Hulten, Ricky Allen, Chicago Joe and the Showgirl (also known as Chicago Joe), New Line Cinema, 1990. Nelson Wright, Flatliners, Columbia, 1990. Voice of Nutcracker and Hans, The Nutcracker Prince, Warner Bros., 1990. Dr. Peter Morgan, Article 99, Orion, 1992. Lieutenant Jonathan Kendrick, A Few Good Men, Columbia, 1992. Sam Stanley, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, New Line Cinema, 1992. Athos, The Three Musketeers, Buena Vista, 1993. Jeff, The Vanishing, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1993. Sonny, The Cowboy Way, Universal, 1994. (Uncredited) Roadblock officer, Teresa's Tattoo, Trimark Pictures, 1994. Voice of Ross Sylibus, Armitage III (also known as Armitage III: Polymatrix), 1994. Hugo, The Duke of Groove, Chanticleer Films/Ma & Pa Pictures, 1995. (Uncredited) Hourglass (also known as The Hitcher '95), 1995. Robert Doob, Eye for an Eye, Paramount Pictures, 1996. Freddie Cobb, A Time to Kill, 1996. Bob Wolverton, Freeway, 196. Curtis Freley, Truth or Consequences N.M., Triumph Films, 1997. Dr. Daniel Poe Schreber, Dark City, New Line, 1997. Ground Control, 1999. Wendell Goddard, Woman Wanted, 1999.


Bobo, Picking Up the Pieces, 1999. Hearts and Bones, 1999. The Royal Way, 2000. Roy, The Red Door, 2000. Voice, Dinosaur, 2000. Film Director: Truth or Consequences N.M., Triumph Films, 1997. Woman Wanted, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: (Television debut), Kevin Richter, Trapped in Silence, CBS, 1986. Victor, Brotherhood of Justice, ABC, 1986. Denver Bayliss, Last Light, Showtime, 1993. Bob Wolverton, Freeway, HBO, 1996. Joey, The Last Days of Frankle the Fly, 1996. Rat, A Soldier's Sweetheart, Showtime, 1998. John Box, The Break Up, Cinemax, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: 61st Annual Academy Awards, ABC, 1989. Intimate Portrait: Sally Field, Lifetime, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Matt Cordell, "Love and Blood/' Fallen Angels, Showtime, 1995. Television Appearances; Pilot: "The Mission," Amazing Stories, NBC, 1986. Television Work; Movies: Director, Last Light, Showtime, 1993. Executive producer, Dark Reflection (also known as Natural Selection), Fox, 1994. Television Director; Episodic: "Love and Blood/' Fa//en Angels, Showtime, 1995. Stage Appearances: (Stage debut), Throne of Straw, Los Angeles Odyssey Theatre, 1977. Also appeared in The Glass Menagerie, 1997; Minnesota Moon; America Modern. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Cable Guide, August, 1988. Hollywood Reporter, January 11, 1988. New York Post, August 18, 1986. People Weekly, April 9, 1984: June 13, 1994, p. 37; November 16, 1998, p. 236.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


Philadelphia Magazine, April, 1992, pp. 35-41. Rolling Stone, February 25, 1988.*



Born in 1960, in Spokane, WA; daughter of Bob (an attorney and federal prosecuter) and Jeri (a homemaker) Sweeney; married Steven Hibbert (a television writer), divorced, 1994. Education: University of Washington, graduated. Religion: Catholic. Addresses: /Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. CREDITS Film Appearances: Lab receptionist, Gremlins 2: The New Batch, Warner Bros., 1990. Nosey neighbor, Honey, I Blew Up the Kid, Buena Vista, 1992. Principal, Coneheads, Paramount, 1993.

Toonces, the Cat Who Could Drive a Car, NBC, 1992. Why Bother Voting?, PBS, 1992. A New York Night-Live!, HBO,,1993. The 2nd Annual Saturday Night Live Mother's Day Special, NBC, 1993. /Aspen Comedy Festival, Comedy Central, 1994. Pat, Saturday Night Live Presents President Bill Clinton's All-Time Favorites, NBC, 1994. Lifetime Applauds: The Fight Against Breast Cancer, Lifetime, 1995. Kicking Aspen: Extreme Comedy, Comedy Central, 1996. Un-Cabaret, Comedy Central, 1997. Pulp Comic: Julia Sweeney, Comedy Central, 1998. Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary Primetime Special, NBC, 1999. Television Appearances; Episodic: French professor, Mad About You, NBC, 1993. Comedy Product, Comedy Central, 1995. Charity, Hope & Gloria, NBC, 1995. Patty, 3rd Rock From the Sun, NBC, 1997. Alice (recurring from 1998), George & Leo, CBS, 1997. Random Acts of Comedy, Fox Family Channel, 1999. WRITINGS

Pat, It's Pat, 1994. Raquel, Pulp Fiction, Miramax, 1994. Courting Courtney, Broken Twig Productions, 1995. Mea C, Stuart Saves His Family, Paramount, 1995. (Cameo appearance), Meet Wally Sparks, Trimark Pictures, 1997. Mirage reception person, Vegas Vacation, Warner Bros., 1997. Cod Said, Hal, Oh, Brother Productions Inc., 1998. Mrs. Keeper, Stuart Little, Columbia, 1999. Film Director: Cod Said, Hal, Oh, Brother Productions Inc., 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Miss Wendell, Dinner at Eight, TNT, 1989. Thelma, The Barefoot Executive, ABC, 1995.

Plays: Cod Said, Ha!, produced at Coronet Theatre and Lyceum Theatre, 1996, Bantam Books, 1997. (With Steven Hibbert and Jim Emerson) Mea's Big Apology, performed with the Los Angeles impro visational comedy troupe, The Groundlings, 1988. Screenplays: (With others) It's Pat (from characters), 1994. God Said, Ha! (from play), Oh, Brother Productions, 1998. Books: (With Christine Zander) Its Pat! My Life Exposed, Hyperion, 1992. OTHER SOURCES

Television Appearances; Series: Saturday Night Live, N BC, 1989-9.4. Television Appearances; Specials: Saturday Night Live Goes Commercial, NBC, 1991. Saturday Night Live: All the Best For Mother's Day, NBC, 1992. Presenter, The 44th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, 1992.

Periodicals: People Weekly, August 7, 1995, p. 65. U.S. News & World Report, June 16, 1997, p. 66.*

SWITHEN, John See KING, Stephen



TAKESHI, Kitano See KITANO, Takeshi

TAYLOR, Cannonball See TAYLOR, Dub

TAYLOR, Dub 1907-1994 (Cannonball Taylor) PERSONAL Original name, Walter Clarence Taylor II; born February 26,1907, in Richmond, VA; died of congestive heart failure, October 3, 1994, in Westlake Village, Los Angeles, CA; children: Buck (an actor). Avocational interests: Hunting, fishing. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Ed Carmichael, You Can't Take It with You, 1938. Reporter, Mr. Smith Coes to Washington (also known as Frank Capra's Mr. Smith Coes to Washington), 1939. Cannonball, The Taming of the West, 1939. Cannonball, The Return of Wild Bill, 1940. Cannonball, Prairie Schooners, 1940. Cannonball, Pioneers of the Frontier, 1940.

Nevady, One Man's Law, 1940. Cannonball, The Man from Tumbleweeds, 1940. Cannonball, The Wildcat of Tucson, 1941. Cannonball, The Son of Davy Crockett, 1941. Cannonball, The Return of Daniel Boone, 1941. Cannonball, North from Lone Star, 1941. Cannonball, King of Dodge C/ty, 1941. Hands across the Rockies, 1941. Cannonball, Beyond the Sacramento, 1941. Cannonball, /Across the Sierras (also known as We/come Stranger), 1941. Cannonball, A Tornado in the Saddle, 1942. The Lone Prairie, 1942. Cannonball, S/7ver City Raiders (also known as Legal Larceny), 1943. Cannonball, Saddles and Sagebrush, 1943. Cannonball, Riders of the Northwest Mounted, 1943. Cannonball, Cowboy in the Clouds, 1943. Jed, What's Buzzin', Cousin?, 1943. Cannonball, Sundown Valley, 1944. Sagebrush Heroes, 1944. Saddle Leather Law, 1944. Cannonball, The Last Horseman, 1944. Cannonball, Cyclone Prairie Rangers, 1944. Cowboy from Lonesome River, 1944. Cowboy Canteen, 1944. Cannonball, Both £arre/s Blazing, 1944. Rustlers of the Badlands, 1945. Cannonball, Lawless Empire, 1946. Frontier Gunlaw, 1946. R/'d/'n' down the Trail, 1947. 5ong of the Drifter, 1948. Cannonball, S/7ver Trails, 1948. The Rangers Ride, 1948. Range Renegades, 1948. Oklahoma Blues, 1948. Partners of the Sunset, 1948. Cannonball, Cowboy Cavalier, 1948. Outlaw Brand, 1948. Cannonball, Courtin' Trouble, 1948.

378 • TAYLOR

Cannonball, Roaring Westward, 1949. Gun Law Justice, 1949. Cannonball, Gun Runner, 1949. Cannonball, /Across the Rio Grande, 1949. Brand of Fear, 1949. Lawless Code, 1949. Joe, Riding High, 1950. Actor, The Story of Will Rogers, 1952. Danowicz, The Charge at Feather River, 1953. Eddie, Riding Shotgun, Warner Bros., 1954. Railroad yard watchman, Them!, Warner Bros., 1954. Miller Starkie, Dragnet, 1954. Danvers, The Bounty Hunter, Warner Bros., 1954. Gus Snider, Crime Wave (also known as The City Is Dark), Warner Bros., 1954. Driver, A Star Is Born, Warner Bros., 1954. Ed, / Died a Thousand Times, Warner Bros., 1955. Tall Man Riding, Warner Bros., 1955. Joe, You Can't Run Away from It, Columbia, 1956. The Fastest Cun Alive, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1956. Duffy Tyler, Street of Darkness, 1958. Al Berrywhiff, Hot Rod Gang, 1958. Veterinarian, Auntie Mame, 1958. McKinney, No Time for Sergeants, Warner Bros., 1958. Fred the clerk, A Hole in the Head, United Artists, 1959. Bob Skaggs, Home from the Hill, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1960. Teet Howie, Parrish, Warner Bros., 1961. Mooncussers, 1962. Dan Hatcher, Sweet Bird of Youth, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1962. Doc, Black Gold, 1963. Percy Cook, Spencer's Mountain, Warner Bros., 1963. Card dealer, The Cincinnati Kid, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1965. Benjamin Priam, Major Dundee, Columbia, 1965. Clayton Howell, The Hallelujah Trail, United Artists, 1965. johnny Banco (also known as Johnny Banco— Geliebter Taugenichts), 1967. Ivan Moss, Bonnie and Clyde, Warner Bros., 1967. Electrician, Don't Make Waves, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1967. Timekeeper, The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin, Buena Vista, 1967. Pop McGovern, The Shakiest Gun in the West, Universal, 1968. Sheriff, Three Guns for Texas, 1968. Attendant, Bandolero!, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1968. Dr. Peabody, The Reivers (also known as Ye//ow Winton Flyer), National General, 1969. Spikey, The Learning Tree, Warner Bros., 1969.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Doc Adams, Death of a Gunfighter, Universal, 1969. Mayor Wainscoat, The Wild Bunch, Warner Bros., 1969. McCartney, The Undefeated, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1969. Mayor, The Liberation of L. B. Jones, Columbia, 1970. Joe, white hunter, A Man Called Horse, 1970. Junior, . . .Tick . . .Tick . . .Tick, 1970. Phil, The Wild Country (also known as The Newcomers), Buena Vista, 1971. Turquoise Smith, Eve/ Knievel, 1971. Doctor Schultz, Support Your Local Gunfighter, United Artists, 1971. Officer Roddenberry, Wild in the Sky (also known as Blackjack and God Bless the Bomb), 1972. Atkins, Man and Boy (also known as Ride a Dark Horse), Levitt, Pickman, 1972. Laughlin, The Getaway, National General, 1972. Del, Junior Bonner, Cinerama, 1972. Sheriff Gordon, This Is a Hijack, 1973. Clayton, Tom Sawyer, United Artists, 1973. Floyd, Poor Pretty Eddy (also known as Black Vengeance, Heartbreak Motel, Poor Pretty Eddie, Redneck County, and Redneck County Rape), 1973. Josh, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1973. Gas station attendant, Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, United Artists, 1974. Nevada ticket agent, Hearts of the West (also known as Hollywood Cowboy), United Artists, 1975. Sheriff C. W. Thurston, Flash and the Firecat, 1975. Rattlesnake Tom, The Fortune (also known as Spite and Malice), 1975. Country Blue, 1975. S. Gravely, The Winds of Autumn, 1976. Sheriff Forbes, Treasure of Matecumbe, Buena Vista, 1976. Boomer, Pony Express Rider (also known as Doc Hooker's Bunch), 1976. Harley Davidson, The Great Smo/cey Roadblock (also known as The last of the Cowboys), 1976. Grandpaw Bridges, Creature from Black Lake (also known as Demon of the Lake), 1976. Walker, Burnt Offerings, United Artists, 1976. Mayor Caffrey, Gator, United Artists, 1976. Uncle Bill, Moonshine County Express, New World, 1977. Voice of Digger, The Rescuers, 1977. Warden Warden (some sources cite the role of gunner), They Went That-a-Way and That-a-Way, 1978. Mr. Malcomb, 7947, Universal, 1979. Tucker, Used Cars, Columbia, 1980.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Cottonmouth Gorch, Soggy Bottom, USA (also known as Swamp Rats), 1980. Sheriff, Cannonball Run II, Warner Bros., 1984. Mac, The Best of Times, 1986. Saloon old-timer, Back to the Future Part III, Universal, 1990. Gimme Cap, My Heroes Have /A/ways Been Cowboys, Samuel Goldwyn, 1991. Grandpa Parks, Falling from Grace, Columbia, 1992. Room clerk, Maverick, Warner Bros., 1994. Television Appearances; Series: Wally Sims, Casey Jones, 1958. Ed Hewley, Please Don't Eat the Daisies, 1965-66. HeeHaw, 1983-88. Television Appearances; Movies: Reed, the lawyer, Sam Hill: Who Killed the Mysterious Mr. Foster? (also known as Sam Hill: Who Killed Mr. Foster?), NBC, 1971. Old-timer, The Delphi Bureau, ABC, 1972. Judge Robbins, Brock's Last Case, NBC, 1973. HonkyTonk, NBC, 1974. Halsey, Shootout in a One-Dog Town, ABC, 1974. Bitteroot, The Daughters of]oshua Cabe Return, ABC, 1975. L. D. Sloane, The Outlaws, ABC, 1984. Charlie Lee, Once upon a Texas Train (also known as Texas Guns), CBS, 1988. Station agent, Conagher (also known as Louis LAmour's Conagher), TNT, 1991. Television Appearances; Specials: Angus McClay, The Murdocks and the McClays, ABC, 1970. Doc, Great Day, ABC, 1977. Cool Sam Bennett, The Doo/ey Brothers, CBS, 1979. Ben, Getting There, CBS, 1980. Uncle Bob, Pumpboys and Dinettes on Television, NBC, 1983. Purse, Ride a Northbound Horse, PBS, 1987. The Hee Haw 20th Anniversary Show, syndicated, 1988. Charlie, Road Show, CBS, 1989. Television Appearances; Episodic: Rattlesnake Jones, "Lucy Goes to the Rodeo/' / Love Lucy, 1955. Hud, "The Courtship of Marshal Higgins," The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin, 1957. Billy Ray the postman, "Guitar Player/' The Andy Griffith Show, 1960. "Sidekicks/7 Wichita Town, 1960. "A Gun for Willie/' Zane Grey Theater; 1960.

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"School Days/' The Westerner, 1960. "The Empty Shell," Zane Grey Theater, 1961. Stroller, "The Case of the Grumbling Grandfather," Perry Mason, 1961. Peters, "The Last Rites of Jeff Myrtlebank," The Twilight Zone, 1962. Cliff Willard, "Jubilee," Temple Houston, 1963. "Yahoo," Laredo, 1965. Guard, "The Night of the Casual Killer," The Wild, Wild West, 1965. "Ponderosa Explosion," Bonanza, 1966. "Long Ride to Wind River," The Virginian, 1966. "Limit of the Law Larkin," Laredo, 1966. Sonny Starr, "My Father's Guitar," Gunsmoke, 1966. Bartender, "Lost Treasure," The Big Valley, 1966. "The Gold Detector," Bonanza, 1967. Cook, "Saturday Night," Gunsmoke, 1967. Bartender, "Mad Dog," Gunsmoke, 1967. Preacher, "The Apple a Day Affair," The Man from U.N.C.L.E., 1967. Farnum, "Nitro," Parts 1-2, Gunsmoke, 1967. "The Night of the Running Death," The Wild, Wild West, 196 7. Doc Tully, "Fall of a Hero," The Big Valley, 1968. Oscar Hippie, "Tornado Frances," The High Chaparral, 1968. Noah Riker, "Slocum," Gunsmoke, 1968. Luke Calhoun, "The Horse Traders," Bonanza,


Luke Calhoun, "Meena," Bonanza, 1969. Fargo Smith, "Lady Fair," The High Chaparral, 1969. Otto, "An Earthquake Called Callahan," Bonanza, 1970. Reverend Cox, "Kiowa," Gunsmoke, 1970. Luke Calhoun, "Easy Come, Easy Go," Bonanza, 1971. Johnson, "Journey from San Juan," -Alias Smith and Jones, 1971. Flicker, "Whatever Happened to Moby Dick?," The Partridge Family, 1971. Jim, "The Reformation of Harry Briscoe,"/A//as5m/th and Jones, 1971. "Delegate at Large," Cade's County, 1971. "Syndrome," Emergency!, 1973. "Surprise," Emergency!, 1974. Houston Lamb, "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not," Parts 1-2, Little House on the Prairie, 1980. Houston Lamb, "The Silent Cry," Little House on the Prairie, 1980. Toothless Tim Teal, "The Hidalgo Thing," Bret Maverick, ABC, 1981. Dixie, "Uncle George," Darkroom, 1981. Houston Lamb, "Blind Justice," Little House on the Prairie, 1981.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Daddy Jones, "Nightmare from Hee Haw/' Designing Women, CBS, 1989. Daddy Jones, "Tornado Watch/' Designing Women, CBS, 1990. Hick, Johnny Bago, CBS, 1993. Appeared as Mr. Rhodes in an episode of The Brian Keith Show; appeared as Slim in an episode of The Odd Couple. Television Appearances, Other: Sheriff, Something for a Lonely Man, 1968. Cicero Everhart, Menace on the Mountain, 1970. Luck of the Draw: The Gambler Returns (miniseries), NBC, 1991. OBITUARIES AND OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, October 17, 1994, p. 70.*

Television Director; Series: Parker Lewis Can't Lose, Fox, 1990. (Pilot) Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures, Fox, 1991. Great Scott, Fox, 1992. South of Sunset, CBS, 1993. The Adventures of Brisco County, ]r., Fox, 1993. The Byrds of Paradise, ABC, 1994. Sliders, Fox, 1995. Other Television Works: Co-producer, Moving Target (from story), CBS, 1988. WRITINGS Screenplays: Ever After, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998. Television Movies: Moving Target (from story), CBS, 1988. What She Doesn't Know, NBC, 1992. Television Series: Jack and Mike, ABC, 1986.*

TENNANT, Andy PERSONAL Born in Chicago, IL; married Sharon Johnson-Tennant. Addresses: /Agent— Broder-Kurland-Webb-Uffner Agency, 9242 Beverly Blvd., Suite 200, Beverly Hills, CA90210. Career: Director, actor, and writer.

TERRY, Nigel


Born August 15, 1945, in Bristol, England. Addresses: /Agent—Agency for the Performing Arts, 9000 Sunset Blvd., 12th floor, Los Angeles, CA 90069

Member: Directors Guild of America. Career: Actor. CREDITS CREDITS Film Appearances: Dancer, Crease, United International Pictures, 1978. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1978. Babyface, 1941, 1979. Boy Greaser, Grease 2, Paramount, 1982. Film Director: It Takes Two, Warner Bros., 1995. Fools Rush In, Columbia, 1997. Ever After, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998. Anna and the King, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Television Director; Movies: Desperate Choices: To Save My Child, NBC, 1992. Keep the Change, TNT, 1992. The Amy Fisher Story, ABC, 1993.

Film Appearances: Prince John, The Lion in Winter, AVCO-Embassy, 1968. King Arthur, Excalibur, Warner Bros., 1981. Gregory Thomas and Michael Richardson, Deja Vu, Cannon, 1985. Aden Morris, Sylvia, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists Classics, 1985. Title role, Caravaggio, British Film Institute/Cinevista, 1986. Narrator, The Last of England, Sales Company/International Film Circuit/Blue Dolphin, 1987. Abraham, War Requiem, Anglo International, 1989. Father, The Orchid House, 1991. Roldan, Christopher Columbus: The Discovery, Warner Bros., 1992.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Mortimer, Edward II, Fine Line, 1992. Voice, Blue (documentary), Zeitgeist, 1994.


Television Appearances; Miniseries: Kepler, Resort to Murder, 1995.

George, Look Out. . . . Here Comes Trouble, Royal Shakespeare Company, Warehouse Theatre, London, 1978. Cleon and knight, Pericles, Royal Shakespeare Company, Other Place Theatre, Stratford-on-Avon, 1979. Aristarch Dominikovitch Golaschapov, The Suicide, Royal Shakespeare Company, Other Place Theatre, Stratford-on-Avon, 1979. Ekart, Baal, Royal Shakespeare Company, Other Place Theatre, Stratford-on-Avon, 1979. Casca and Pindarus, ]ulius Caesar, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratfordon-Avon, 1979. Walter Pursar, Operation Bad Apple, Royal Court Theatre, London, 1982. Milton, Victory, Royal Court Theatre, London, 1983. The Possessed, Almeida Theatre, London, 1985. Bosola, The Duchess of Malfi, Royal Shakespeare Company, Swan Theatre, London, 1989.*

Television Appearances; Episodic: Gabriel Piton, "Eye of the Beholder/' Highlander: The Series, syndicated, 1993.


Television Appearances; Series: Sir Thomas Gray, Covington Cross (also known as Charing Cross), ABC, 1992. Television Appearances; Movies: Pistol, BBC Television Shakespeare: The Merry Wives of Windsor, 1982. Up Line, 1987. A Guilty Thing Surprised, 1988. Master, Orchid House, 1991. The Mushroom Picker, 1993. Vittorio Vulliamy, Devil's Advocate, 1995. King Louis, The Hunchback, TNT, 1997. Ellstrom, The Ebb-Tide, A&E, 1998.

Television Appearances; Specials: Mr. Boldwood, Far from the Maddening Crowd, PBS, 1998. Stage Appearances: Private Evans, The Long and the Short and the Tall, Dolphin Theatre Company, Shaw Theatre, London, 1971. Tybalt, Romeo and Juliet, Dolphin Theatre Company, Shaw Theatre, London, 1972. Knife, Big Wolf, Royal Court Theatre, London, 1972. Richard, Rooted, Hampstead Theatre Club, London, 1973. Stuart, Kingdom Coming, Round House Theatre, London, 1973. Darkie, The Fool, Royal Court Theatre, London, 1975. Duke Magnus de la Cardie, Queen Christina, Royal Shakespeare Company, Other Place Theatre, Stratford-on-Avon, U.K., 1977. John, The Sons of Light, Royal Shakespeare Company, Other Place Theatre, Stratford-on-Avon, U.K., 1977. Soranzo/T/s Pity She's a Whore, Royal Shakespeare Company, Other Place Theatre, Stratford-on-Avon, 1977, then Warehouse Theatre, London, 1978. Duke of Exeter, Henry VI, Part Three, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-on-Avon, 1977, then Aldwych Theatre, London, 1978.


Born December 22, 1948, in Joliet, IL. Education: Attended University of Illinois. Addresses: Contact—35 West 20th St., New York, NY 10011-3709. Career: Actress and singer. Awards, Honors: Image Award nomination, outstanding performance in an educational/informational youth or children's series/special, 1996, for Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?; Antoinette Perry Award, 1997, for An American Daughter; Image Award nomination, outstanding actress in a daytime drama series, 1997, for All My Children; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, for Tintypes; Obie Award for Boesman and Lena; Los Angeles Drama Critics Award, for Fences. CREDITS Film Appearances: Lynne, Godspell, Columbia, 1973. D. J., The Warriors, Paramount, 1979. Amazing Graces, 1981. Jo, Tootsie, Columbia, 1982. Telephone operator, Working, 1982.

382 • THIGPEN Motor Woman, Streets of Fire, Universal/RKO; 1984. Claire, Sweet Liberty, Universal, 1986. Reporter No. 2, Hello Again, Buena Vista, 1987. Contact at Eldridge Street, Running on Empty, 1988. Leona Barrett, Lean on Me, Warner Bros., 1989. Dr. Gardner, Impulse, Warner Bros., 1990. Nurse White, Article 99, Orion, 1992. Kelly Noble, Bob Roberts, Paramount/Miramax, 1992. Grandma Walker, Blankman, Columbia, 1994. Helen, Naked in New York, Fine Line, 1994. Janet, The Paper, Universal, 1994. Ida Conklin, Just Cause, Warner Bros., 1995. Phyllis Bonaparte, Random Hearts, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: Nancy, Love, Sidney, NBC, 1982-83. Newscaster, The News Is the News, NBC, 1983. Flora Baxter, All My Children, ABC, 1983. Naomi Sayers, FM, NBC, 1989. The chief and Edwina, Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?, PBS, 1991. District Attorney Ruby Thomas, LA. Law, 1991-92. Grace Keefer, All My Children, ABC, 1993-98. The chief, Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego?, 1996. Voice of Luna, Bear in the Big Blue House, Disney Channel, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Alice Stovall, Separate but Equal, ABC, 1991. Television Appearances; Movies: Gail, The Recovery Room, 1985. Rica Towne, Rockabye, CBS, 1986. Barbara, Fear Stalk, CBS, 1989. Captain Cardenas, Cagney & Lacey: The View Through the Class Ceiling (also known as Cagney & Lacey: Bleeding Blue), CBS, 1995. Mrs. Tracy, "The Boys Next Door/' Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1996. Jane Azenauer, Pretty Poison, Fox, 1996. Myke Wheelwright, A Mother's Instinct, CBS, 1996. Mrs. Wood, Chance of a Lifetime, CBS, 1998. Fran, Night Ride Home, CBS, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Mrs. Meeks, "Private Affairs/' ABC Afterschool Special, ABC, 1989. Jo Delancey, "Girlfriend," ABC Afterschool Special, ABC, 1993. Host and narrator, Listening to Children: A Moral Journey with Robert Coles, 1995. Narrator, A. Philip Randolph: For jobs and Freedom, PBS, 1996.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Narrator, Shattering the Silences, PBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Pilots: Sue, Pottsville, CBS, 1980. Also appeared in For the People; Those Two. Television Appearances; Episodic: Loretta, Gimme a Break, NBC, 1981. Loretta Harper, "Alabamy Bound (Part 1)," Gimme a Break, NBC, 1985. The Equalizer, CBS, 1987. Dr. Bryce, "Language Lessons/' Roseanne, ABC, 1988. Rosie, "Politics," thirtysomething, ABC, 1989. Rosie, "New Baby," thirtysomething, ABC, 1989. "Where Echoes End," Hunter, 1990. Dear John, NBC, 1990. The Cosby Show, NBC, 1991. Herself, "The Salamander Room," Reading Rainbow, 1993. Law & Order, NBC, 1994. Judge, "Savages," Law & Order, NBC, 1995. Judge, "Switch," Law & Order, NBC, 1995. Penelope Preston, Preston Episodes, 1995. Dr. Bea Goldmine, "Take Back the Night," Promised Land, CBS, 1997. Regina Wilson, Homicide: Life on the Street, NBC, 1997. Voice of Melinda, "Hank's Dirty Laundry," King of the Hill (animated), Fox, 1998. Lillian Holmes, Cosby, CBS, 1998. Also appeared in The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd, NBC; LA Law, NBC; Frank's Place, CBS. Stage Appearances: Dina, The Magic Show, Cort Theatre, New York City, 1976. Persona Non Grata, But Never Jam Today, Longacre Theatre, New York City, 1979. Various roles, Tintypes, Theatre at St. Peter's Church, New York City, 1980, then John Golden Theatre, New York City, 1980-81. Ex-slave, Ida B. Wells, Sister Tessie, Gertrude "Ma" Rainey, Hannah Tutson, Jackie "Moms" Mabley, and Fannie Lou Hamer, And I Ain't Finished Yet, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1981. More of Loesser (revue), King Cole Room, St. RegisSheraton, New York City, 1982. Rita, Educating Rita, Alliance Theatre Company, Atlanta, GA, 1983. Joellen, Full Hookup, Circle Repertory Theatre, New York City, 1983-84.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Bonnie, Balm in Gllead, Circle Repertory Theatre, New York City, 1984, then Minetta Lane Theatre, New York City, 1984-85. Cora, "D," Manhattan TheatreClub, New York City, 1985. Mrs. Baker, A Month of Sundays, Ritz Theatre, New York City, 1987. Mrs. Gamadge, The Best Man, Center Theatre Group, Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles, 1987. Rose Maxson, Fences, 46th Street Theatre, New York City, 1988. Lena, Boesman and Lena, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York City, 1992. Made Broadway debut in The Night That Made America Famous; also appeared in Timbuktu!; Working; Codspell, New York City; An American Daughter; Having Our Say. Major Tours: Appeared in St. Mark's Gospels, U.S. cities. OTHER SOURCES

THOMAS • 383 First Man, Down, Out & Dangerous, USA, 1995. Police Officer, Seduced and Betrayed, NBC, 1995. Gas station owner, The Other Woman, CBS, 1995. Sergeant, My Son Is Innocent, ABC, 1996. Team B leader, Robin Cook's "Terminal," NBC, 1996. Lloyd, Buffalo Soldiers, TNT, 1997. Judge, Sleeping With the Devil, CBS, 1997. Old Cop, No Laughing Matter, USA, 1998. First Cop, The Colony, Sci-fi Channel, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: General Jason Jackson, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, ABC, 1994. Angry man, Martin, Fox, 1994. General Alcott/Ensign, Space: Above and Beyond, Fox, 1995. Sparks, UPN, 1996. Captain Stephens, Millennium, Fox, 1997. General Swegert, Pensacola: Wings of Cold, syndicated, 1997. Kitchen worker, S.O.F. Special Ops Force, syndicated, 1997. Mr. Lewis, NYPD Blue, ABC, 1998.*

Periodicals: Essence, June 1992, p. 48.* THOMAS, Serena Scott PERSONAL

THOMAS, David Jean PERSONAL Career: Actor.

Career: Actress. CREDITS

CREDITS Film Appearances: Dr. Elgin, APEX, Republic, 1994. Detective Stone, Dirty Money, Raven Releasing, 1994. Buffalo Soldiers, Turner Pictures, 1995. The Pit: Emergency Room, 1995. (Cameo appearance), Wish Me Luck, CineLogic Entertainment, 1995. Bus driver, The Odd Couple II, Paramount, 1998. Policeman, Turn of the Blade, Northstar Entertainment, 1998. Marvin Green, Bad City Blues, Michael Stevens Production, 1999. Policeman, Fight Club, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Prison Guard, Deadline For Murder: From the Files of Edna Buchanan, CBS, 1995.

Film Appearances: Megan Pillsbury, Relax. . .It's]ust Sex, Hautet Court, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Harnessing Peacocks, A&E, 1993. Kathy Madeira, Bermuda Grace, NBC, 1994. Marian Sherwood, Never Love a Thief, PAX TV, 1998. Television Appearances; Series: Kelly Weld, Nash Bridges, CBS, 1996-. Television Appearances; Specials: Model girl, Wasps' Nest, PBS, 1992. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Princess Diana, Diana: Her True Story, NBC, 1993. Emilia Gould, Joseph Conrad's "Nostromo," PBS, 1997.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Television Appearances; Episodic: Watcher, Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, WB, 1998.*

THOMPSON, Lea 1961PERSONAL Full name, Lea Katherine Thompson; born May 31, 1961, in Rochester, MN; mother, an artist; married Howard Deutch (director); children: Madeline, Zoey. Avocational Interests: Swimming, baseball. Addresses: /Agent—Bob Gersh, The Gersh Agency, 222 North Canon Dr., Suite 202, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Office— NBC, 3000 West Alameda Ave., Burbank, CA 91523-0001. Career: Actress and song performer. Dancer with Pennsylvania Ballet Company, American Ballet Theatre, and San Francisco Ballet; appeared in television commercials for Burger King, 1982, Twix, 1984, Mall of America, 1996, and Chevrolet, 1996. Awards, Honors: People's Choice Award, best female television performer in a new series, 1996, for Caroline in the City; Pennsylvania Ballet scholar; American Ballet Theatre scholar; San Francisco Ballet scholar. CREDITS Film Appearances: Cecily "Sissy" Loper, Mystery Disc: Murder, Anyone?, 1982. Kelly Ann Bukowski, Jaws 3-D (also known as Jaws 3), Universal, 1983. Lisa, All the Right Moves (also known as All Right], Twentieth Century-Fox, 1983. Anita, The Wild Life, Universal, 1984. Erica, Reef Dawn, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1984. Marigold De La Hunt, Going Undercover (also known as Ye//ow Pages), Miramax, 1984. Lorraine Baines/Lorraine McFly, Back to the Future, Universal, 1985. Beverly Switzler, Howard the Duck (also known as Howard: A New Breed of Hero), Universal, 1986. Kathryn, SpaceCamp, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. Amanda Jones, Some Kind of Wonderful, Paramount, 1987. Stacy, Casual Sex?, Universal, 1988. Sybil, The Wizard of Loneliness, Skouras, 1988.

Lorraine McFly, Back to the Future II, Universal, 1989. Maggie and Lorraine McFly, Back to the Future III, Universal, 1990. Dr. Robin Van Dorn, Article 99, Orion, 1992. Laura, The Beverly Hillbillies, Fox, 1993. Alice Mitchell, Dennis the Menace, Family Entertainment, 1993. Ms. Roberts, The Little Rascals, Universal, 1994. Melissa Cavatelli, The Unknown Cyclist, Trident Releasing, 1997. Film Song Performer: Howard the Duck (also known as Howard: A New Breed of Hero), Universal, 1986. Television Appearances; Series: Caroline Duffy, Caroline in the City, NBC, 1995-99. Television Appearances; Movies: Sally Matthews, Nightbreaker(a\so known as Advance to Ground Break Zero), TNT, 1989. Peg Guthrie, Montana, TNT, 1990. Annie Beales, Stolen Babies, Lifetime, 1993. Amy Hightower, The Substitute Wife (also known as The Substitute) NBC, 1994. Brianne Hawkins, The Unspoken Truth (also known as Living the Lie and Breaking the Silence), N BC, 1995. Christine Paley, The Right to Remain Silent, Showtime, 1996. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Amanda Stewart, A Will of Their Own, NBC, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Sylvia Vane, "Only Sin Deep/' Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1989. Dateline NBC, NBC, 1992. The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1992. Caroline Duffy, "The One with Baby on the Bus/' Friends, NBC, 1995. Union Square, NBC, 1997. Herself, "As My Career Lay Dying/' The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: "Robert Wuhl's World Tour/' HBO Comedy Hour, HBO, 1990. A Menace Called Dennis, CBS, 1993. All-New All-Star TV Censored Blooper-Palooza, 1996. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, 1996. Host, TV Guide Looks at Christmas, USA, 1997. Host, Celebrity Weddings InStyle, Lifetime, 1998. Intimate Portrait: Lea Thompson, Lifetime, 1998.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Awards Presentations: The 11th Annual ACE Awards, Bravo, 1990. Presenter, The 53rd Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC, 1996. Presenter, The Second Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, NBC, 1996. The 18th Annual CableACE Awards, 1996. The 7996 Emmy Awards, 1996. The 53rd Annual Golden Globe Awards, 1996. The Second Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards,

1996. The 4th Annual VH1 Honors, VH1, 1997. The 23rd Annual People's Choice Awards, 1997. The 24th Annual People's Choice Awards, CBS, 1998. Television Work; Series: Producer, Caroline in the City, NBC, 1998-99. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, November 10, 1995, pp. 26-9; February 19, 1999, p. 147. /nSty/e, May 1, 1999, p. 310. People Weekly, November 10, 1997, p. 166; October 26, 1998, p. 162. Playboy, September 1999, p. 24. Redbook, April 1999, p. 106. TV Guide, November 11, 1995, pp. 20-3.*



Born June 12, 1959, in North Bay, Ontario, Canada. Education: Attended York University. Addresses: Agent—The Gersh Agency, 232 N. Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Career: Actor, comedian, and writer. Appeared with Kids in the Hall troupe at clubs in Canada and the United States. Awards, Honors: Gemini Awards, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, best performance in a variety or performing arts program or series and best writing in a comedy or variety program or series, 1989, Gemini Award, best writing in a comedy or variety program or series, CableACE Award nomination, best actor in a comedy, 1990, Emmy Award nomination, outstanding individual achievement in

writing in a variety or music program, 1995, all for The Kids in the Hall. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Regular cast member, The Kids in the Hall, CBC, 1989-95, later aired on CBS and HBO. Brian, The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1995-98. Television Appearances; Movies: Hot Point, CBC, 1988. Chemist, One Day (also known as Day One), 1989. Televison Appearances; Miniseries: Arlington Luce, Armistead Maupin's More Tales of the City, 1998. Television Appearances; Specials: Host, HBO New Year, HBO, 1990. Presenter, Gemini Awards, 1992. Presenter, Canadian Music Video Awards, 1994. Host, Comedy Product, Comedy Central, 1995. Also appeared as host, Out There in Hollywood, Comedy Central. Television Appearances; Episodic: Young boy, "Fire Man/' The Greatest American Hero, 1981. Host, "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?/' TNT Movies, TNT, 1995. Guest, Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, Comedy Central, 1996. Guest, Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, Comedy Central, 1997. Guest, Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, ABC, 1997. Scotty, "Veronica's Great Model Search," Veronica's Closet, NBC, 1998. Cecil, "Cecil, The Angry Postman," Jesse, NBC, 1999. Tom in, "Someone to Watch Over Me," Star Trek: Voyager, UPN and syndicated, 1999. Also appeared in Late Night with Conan O'Brien, NBC; Late Show with David Letterman, NBC; Later with Greg Kinnear, NBC; Oddville, MTV, MTV. Film Appearances: Man outside office building, Head Office, 1986. Controller, Millennium, 1989. Buddy Cole, Super 8 1/2, 1993. Out: Stories of Lesbian and Gay Youth in Canada, 1994.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Mrs. Hurdicure, Wally Terzinsky, Big Stummies scientist, Malek, Clemptor, The Queen, and Baxter, Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy (also known as Brain Candy, The Kids in the Hall BRAIN CANDY, and The Drug), Paramount, 1996. Russell, Hijacking Hollywood, Curb Entertainment, 1997. Hayseed, 1997. FBI Agent Lewis, Mickey Blue Eyes, 1999. WRITINGS Television Series: (With others) The Kids in the Hall, CBC, 1989-95, later aired on HBO and CBS. Screenplays: (With others) Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy (also known as Brain Candy, The Kids in the Hall BRAIN CANDY, and The Drug), Paramount, 1996. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Broadcasting & Cable, March 15, 1999, p. 70. Interview, January, 1991, p. 28. Macleans, April 22, 1996, pp. 76-7. US, April, 1996, p. 107.*

Awards, Honors: Shared Emmy Award nomination, outstanding multi-camera picture editing for a miniseries or special, 1997, for Robert Altman's Jazz '34: Remembrances of Kansas City Swing. CREDITS Film Work: Post-production intern, City of Hope, Samuel Goldwyn, 1991. Apprentice editor, The Player, Fine Line Features, 1992. Assistant editor, Short Cuts, Fine Line Features, 1993. Post-production supervisor, Hard Eight, Goldwyn Films, 1996. Technical coordinator, Kansas City, Fine Line Features, 1996. Editor, Boogie Nights, New Line Cinema, 1997. Editor, Hurlyburly, Fine Line Features, 1998. Editor and associate producer, Magnolia, New Line Cinema, 1999. Television Work; Specials: Editor (with Brent Carpenter), Robert Altman's Jazz '34: Remembrances of Kansas City Swing, PBS, 1997.*

TOLAND, Gregg 1904-1948 PERSONAL

THOMSEN, Ulrich PERSONAL Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Lasse, Portland, 1996. Sekten, 1997. Christian Klingenfeldt, The Celebration, October Films, 1998. Thomas Davidov, The World Is Not Enough, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1999.*

TICHENOR, Dylan PERSONAL Career: Editor.

Born May 29, 1904, in Charleston, IL; died of a heart attack, September 28,1948, in West Hollywood, CA; son of Frank and Genieve (Turman) Toland; married Helen Barclay (some sources cite Helene Haskin), 1934 (marriage ended, 1945); married Virginia Thorpe (an actress), 1945; children: (first marriage) Lothian (daughter). Career: Cinematographer. William Fox Studio, began as messenger, became camera assistant; Goldwyn Studio, Cinematographer, beginning in 1926. Military service: U.S. Naval Reserve, active duty as photographer and camera designer for Photographic Unit and Office of Strategic Services, 1941-45; became lieutenant. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nominations, best cinematography, 1934, for Les Miserables, 1937, for Dead End, and 1939, for Intermezzo; Academy Award, best cinematography, 1939, for Wuthering Heights; Academy Award nominations, best cinematography, 1940, for The Long Voyage Home, and 1941, for Citizen Kane; Academy Award, best cinematography, 1943, for December 7th.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CREDITS Film Work; Cinematographer, Unless Otherwise Noted: The Bat, 1926. The Winning of Barbara Worth, 1926. The Loves of Zero, 1927. ]ohann the Coffinmaker, 1927. The Life and Death of 9413: A Hollywood Extra (also known as A Hollywood Extra, Hollywood Rhapsody, and Suicide of a Hollywood Extra), 1928. (With George Barnes) Bulldog Drummond, 1929. The Rescue, 1929. (With Barnes) This Is Heaven, 1929. (With Barnes) Condemned (also known as Condemned to Devil's Island), 1929. (With Barnes) The Trespasser, 1929. The Devil to Pay!, 1930. (With Barnes) Raffles, 1930. (With Barnes) Whoopee/, 1930. The Unholy Garden, 1931. Tonight or Never, 1931. Palmy Days, 1931. (With Barnes) One Heavenly Night, 1931. Indiscreet, 1931. Washington Masquerade (also known as Mad Masquerade), 1932. The Tenderfoot, 1932. Play Girl (also known as Love on a Budget), 1932. Man Wanted, 1932. The Kid from Spain, 1932. Tugboat Annie, 1933. Roman Scandals, 1933. The Nuisance, 1933. The Masquerader, 1933. Jazz River, 1934. Nana (also known as Lady of the Boulevards), 1934. Lazy River, 1934. We Live Again, 1934. (With others) Forsaking All Others, 1934. The Wedding Night, 1935. Splendor (also known as Splendour), 1935. Pufa//c Hero Number One, 1935. (With others) Mad /.ove (also known as The Hands of Orlac), 1935. The Dark Angel, 1935. Les Miserables, 1935. These Three, 1936. The Road to G/ory, 1936. (With others) Come and Get It, 1936. Beloved Enemy, 1936. (Dances and ensembles only) Strike Me Pink, 1936. History Is Made at Night, 1937. Woman Chases Man, 1937.

TOLKAN « 3 8 7 Dead End (also known as Cradle of Crime), 1937. Kidnapped, 1938. The Goldwyn Follies, 1938. The Cowboy and the Lady, 1938. Wuthering Heights, 1939. Intermezzo (also known as Escape to Happiness and Intermezzo: A Love Story), 1939. They Shall Have Music (also known as Melody of Youth and Ragged Angels), 1939. The Westerner, 1940. Raffles, 1940. The Grapes of Wrath, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1940. The Long Voyage Home, 1940. Ball of Fire (also known as The Professor and the Burlesque Queen), 1941. Citizen Kane, RKO Radio Pictures, 1941. The Little Foxes, 1941. The Outlaw, 1943. (And co-director) December 7th (documentary; also known as December 7th: The Movie), 1943. Second unit director of photography, Notorious, 1946. The Kid from Brooklyn, 1946. The Best Years of Our Lives, 1946. Song of the South, 1946. The Bishop's Wife, 1947. A Song Is Born, 1948. Enchantment, 1948. Film Appearances: Interviewer in newsreel, Citizen Kane, RKO Radio Pictures, 1941. Show Business at War (also known as The March of Time, Volume IX, Issue 10), 1943. WRITINGS Contributor to periodicals, including American Cinematographer, Popular Photoplay, Revue du Cinema, Screenwriter, and Theatre Arts. OTHER SOURCES International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, Volume 4: Writers and Production Artists, St. James Press (Detroit, Ml), 1993, pp. 747-49.*



Full name, James S. Tolkan; born June 20, 1931, in Calumet, Ml; son of Ralph M. Tolkan (a cattle dealer);

388 • TOLKAN

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

married Parmalee (a costume designer). Education: University of Iowa, B.A., drama, 1956; trained for the stage with Stella Adler. Avocational interests: Collecting folk art. Addresses: /Agent—Judith Moss, Paradigm Talent, 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 2500, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Actor. Appeared with the Charles Playhouse, Boston, MA, 1967-68, then Stratford Shakespeare Festival, Stratford, Ontario, Canada, 1969, then Center Stage, Baltimore, MD, 1972-73; Barter Theatre, Abingdon, VA, 1976, then Arena Stage, 1981. Military service: U.S. Navy, 1950-51. CREDITS Film Appearances: Edwards, Stiletto, AVCO-Embassy, 1969. Mr. Brown, They Might Be Giants, Universal, 1971. Contact man, The Friends of Eddie Coyle, Paramount, 1973. Napoleon, Love and Death, United Artists, 1975. Coroner, The Amityville Horror, American International, 1979. District Attorney Polito, Prince of the City, Warner Bros., 1981. Baldy, Wolfen, Warner Bros., 1981. St. Glass, Author! Author!, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1982. Conferee, Hanky-Panky, Columbia, 1982. Bishop's voice, "The Bishop of Battle/7 Nightmares, Universal, 1983. Wigan, WarGames, United Artists, 1983. Maynard, Iceman, Universal, 1984. Howard Simpson, The River, Universal, 1984. Hanley, Turk 182!, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1985. Turner, Flanagan (also known as Walls of Glass), United Film Distribution, 1985. Mr. Strickland, Back to the Future, Universal, 1985. Brackman,/\rmed and Dangerous, Columbia, 1986. Stinger, Top Cun, Paramount, 1986. Harry, Off Beat, Buena Vista, 1986. Detective Lubic, Masters of the Universe, Cannon, 1987. Mr. Bjornstead, Made in Heaven, Lorimar, 1987. Colonel William Tanzer, Viper, Fries Distributing, 1988. Benny Pistone, Split Decisions (also known as Kid Cloves), New Century/Vista, 1988. Joe Hanley, True Blood (also known as Edge of Darkness), Fries Entertainment, 1989. Captain Coolidge, Second Sight, 1989.

Judge, Family Business, 1989. Strickland, Back to the Future, Part II, 1989. Colonel Freeman, Ministry of Vengeance (also known as He/den USA 4), 1989. Marshal Strickland, Back to the Future, Part III, Universal, 1990. Numbers, Dick Tracy, Buena Vista, 1990. Sal Nichols, Opportunity Knocks, Universal, 1990. Vince, Driving Me Crazy (also known as Trabbi Goes to Hollywood), Motion Picture Corporation of America, 1992. Patch, Hangfire, Motion Picture Corporation of America, 1991. Mr. Thorn, Problem Child 2, Universal, 1991. Agent Sterling, Bloodfist IV: Die Trying, Horizons Home Video, 1992. Levitt, Boiling Point, Warner Bros., 1993. Dan "Iceberg" Eagen, Underworld, Trimark Pictures, 1996. Agent Price, Love in Ambush (also known as Angkor and Mirabeau), 1997. River of Stone, 1998. Television Appearances; Series: Lester Mintz, Mary, CBS, 1985-86. Captain Ray Parker, Sunset Beat, ABC, 1990. Captain Mike "Rags" Ragland, The Hat Squad, CBS, 1992. Dallas Cassel, Cobra (also known as Viper), syndicated, 1993. Television Appearances; Episodic: Roger Williams, "The Peach Gang," Ourstory, PBS, 1975. Coach Beasley, "Queen for a Day/' Hill Street Blues, NBC, 1985. Norman Keyes, Remington Steele, NBC, 1985,1986, and 1987. Mason Mather, Miami Vice, NBC, 1987. Ruger, The Equalizer, CBS, 1989. //AC, NBC, 1995. Commander Quinn, Nowhere Man, UPN, 1995. Coach Philips, "Hoops/' Early Edition, CBS, 1996. FBI Agent in charge, "The Dragon House: Parts 1 & 2," The Pretender, NBC, 1997. Also appeared in Tales from the Crypt, HBO. Television Appearances; Specials: Billy, "Wings/' American Playhouse, PBS, 1983. Narrator, "Do the Guilty Go Free?," America Undercover, HBO, 1988. Narrator, "Convicts on the Street: One Year on Parole," America Undercover, HBO, 1990.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Narrator, "Guns: A Day in the Death of America/' America Undercover, HBO, 1990. Television Appearances; Movies: Kennel master, Little Spies, ABC, 1986. Dr. Siegel, Leap of Faith (also known as Question of Faith), CBS, 1988. Major Alex Thompson, Weekend War, ABC, 1988. Lieutenant Ed Henderson, The Case of the Hillside Stranglers (also known as Bloodbrothers: The Hillside Stranglers), NBC, 1989. Tenelli, The Sketch Artist (also known as Drawing Fire), Showtime, 1992. Joe Maloney, Beyond Betrayal, CBS, 1994. Tenelli, Sketch Artist II: Hands That See (also known . as A Feel for Murder), Showtime, 1995. Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Improvised council, Between Two Thieves, York Playhouse, New York City, 1960. Frank, The Shoemaker and the Peddler, East 74th Street Theatre, New York City, 1960. Seth Gale, Abe Lincoln in Illinois, Phoenix Theatre Company, Anderson Theatre, New York City, 1963. Herman Glogauer, Once in a Lifetime, York Playhouse, New York City, 1964. Carnival person, The Three Sisters, Morosco Theatre, New York City, 1964. A View from the Bridge, Sheridan Square Playhouse, New York City, 1965. Wait Until Dark, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York City, 1966. Weiss, The Cannibals, American Place Theatre, New York City, 1968. Officer of the Queen's guard, Mary Stuart, Repertory Theatre of Lincoln Center, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, New York City, 1971. Two Ton Tessie (sergeant), Pinkville, St. Clement's Church Theatre, New York City, 1971. Pope, The Silent Partner, Actors' Studio, New York City, 1972. Jury member, Twelve Angry Men, Queens Playhouse, New York City, 1972. Tola, Narrow Road to the Deep North, Repertory Theatre of Lincoln Center, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, New York City, 1972. Dr. Marrow, Forty-Two Seconds from Broadway, Playhouse Theatre, New York City, 1973. Katz, Full Circle, American National Theatre and Academy Theatre, New York City, 1973. Gonzalo, The Tempest, New York Shakespeare Festival, Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre, New York City, 1974.

TORN • 3 8 9 Rosse, Macbeth, New York Shakespeare Festival, Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre, New York City, 1974. Charlie Allman, Dream of a Blacklisted Actor, Ensemble Studio Theatre, New York City, 1975. Dandelion Wine, Arena Stage, Washington, DC, 1976. Allon, Menachem, and D. P., Colda, Morosco Theatre, New York City, 1977. Skinny, jungle of Cities, Colonnades Theatre, New York City, 1979. Billy, Wings, Lyceum Theatre, New York City, 1979. The Life of Galileo, Pittsburgh Public Theatre, Pittsburgh, PA, 1981. The Front Page, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1982. Dave Moss, Glengarry Glen Ross, Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL, then John Golden Theatre, New York City, both 1984. Harvey, One Tennis Shoe, Marathon '85, Ensemble Studio Theatre, New York City, 1985. Detective Lieutenant Fine, "Clara" in Danger: Memory!, Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre, New York City, 1987. Major Tours: Dr. Artinian, then bell boy, The Best Man, U.S. cities, 1961-62.*

TORN, Rip 1931PERSONAL Born Elmore Rual Torn, Jr., February 6, 1931, in Temple, TX; son of Elmore Rual (an economist) and Thelma (maiden name, Spacek) Torn; married Ann Wedgeworth (an actress), January 15,1955 (divorced, June 1961); married Geraldine Page (an actress), 1961 (marriage ended with her death in 1987); children: (first marriage) Danae; (second marriage) Angelica, Anthony, Jonathan. Education: Attended Texas A&M College (now University), 1948-50; University of Texas, B.S.F.A., 1953; trained for the stage with Alice Hermes, Sanford Meisner, Lee Strasberg, and Martha Graham School of the Dance. Addresses: Agent—Gersh Agency, 130 West 42nd St., Suite 1804, New York, NY 10036-7901. Career: Actor and director. Appeared in television commercials for the National Thoroughbred Racing Association; previously worked as an oilfield roustabout and an architectural drafter. Military service: National Guard (some sources say U.S. Army).

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

390 • TORN Member: Actors' Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Directors Guild of America, Actors' Studio (member of board of directors and production board; first chairperson of founding committee), Sigma Chi. Awards, Honors: Theatre World Award, 1959, for Chaparral; Antoinette Perry Award nomination, best supporting or featured actor in a drama, 1960, for Sweet Bird of Youth; Obie Award, Village Voice, 1967, for The Deer Park; Obie Award, best director, 1968, for The Beard; Academy Award nomination, best supporting actor, 1983, for Cross Creek; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding supporting actor in a limited series or special, 1985, for The Atlanta Child Murders; CableACE Award, best supporting actor, 1994, Emmy Award nominations, outstanding supporting actor in a comedy series, 1994-95, 1997-98, Emmy Award, outstanding supporting actor in a comedy series, 1996, American Comedy Award nomination, funniest supporting male performer in a TV series, 1999, all for The Larry Sanders Show; Emmy Award nomination, outstanding guest actor in a drama series, 1996, for Chicago Hope; Golden Satellite Award nomination, best actor in a supporting role in a motion picture—comedy or musical, 1998, for Men in Black. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Brick, Baby Doll, Warner Bros., 1956. Lieutenant George Miller, Time Limit!, United Artists, 1957. (Uncredited) Barry Mills, A Face in the Crowd, Warner Bros., 1957. Lieutenant Russell, Pork Chop Hill, United Artists, 1959. Judas, King of Kings, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1961. Nicholas Gates, Hero's Island (also known as The Land We Love), United Artists, 1962. Tom Finley, Jr., Sweet Bird of Youth, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1962. Dion Kapakos, Critic's Choice, Warner Bros., 1963. Slade, The Cincinnati Kid, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1965. Alexander, One Spy Too Many, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1966. Sergeant Honeywell, Beach Red, United Artists, 1967. I.H. Chanticleer, You're a Big Boy Now, Seven Arts, 1967. Popcorn, Beyond the Law, Grove, 1968. Dano Villanova, 5o/ Madrid (also known as The Heroin Gang), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1968.

Joe, Coming Apart, Independent, 1969. Ray, Maidstone, 1970. Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer, Paramount, 1970. Dominick, Slaughter, American International, 1972. One P.M. (also known as One A.M./One American Movie and One P.M./One Parallel Movie), 1972. Maury Dann, Payday, Cinerama, 1973. Cotter, 1973. Richie, Crazy]oe, Columbia, 1974. Thomas, Birch Interval, Gamma III, 1976. Nathan Bryce, The Man Who Fell to Earth, Columbia, 1976. Narrator, On the Line, 1976. Father Maximilian, Nasty Habits (also known as The /Abbess), Brut, 1977. Doctor George, Coma, United Artists, 1978. Dwight Webb, The Private Files of ]. Edgar Hoover, American International Pictures, 1978. Senator Kittner, The Seduction of Joe Tynan, Universal, 1979. Voice, The Wobblies, 1979. JCS Chairman G.E. Dumpston, First Family, Warner Bros., 1980. Walter Fox, One-Trick Pony, Warner Bros., 1980. Clyde Stewart, Heartland, 1980. Harold Benson, Jinxedl, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ United Artists, 1982. Kruger/President Reagan, Airplane II: The Sequel (also known as Flying High II), Paramount, 1982. Artie Taggart, A Stranger Is Watching, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1982. Maax, The Beastmaster, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1982. Khepera, Scarab (also known as Escarabajos asesinos), 1982. Marsh Turner, Cross Creek, Universal, 1983. Will, Misunderstood, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1984. Dino McLeish, Songwriter, TriStar, 1984. Sheriff Wells, Flashpoint, TriStar, 1984. Primo Pitt, City Heat, Warner Bros., 1984. Scully, Summer Rental, Paramount, 1985. Buzz Beckerman, Beer (also known as The Selling of America), Orion, 1985. Sheriff Hank Pearson, Extreme Prejudice, TriStar, 1987. Buford Pope, Nadine, TriStar, 1987. Frank Maheu, Blind Curve, 1989. Dr. Markowitz, S/7ent Like Class (also known as Zwei Frauen), 1989. Vic Luca, Hit List, New Line, 1990. Sheriff, Cold Feet, Avenue Pictures, 1990. Bob Diamond, Defending Your Life, Warner Bros., 1991. Walt Whitman, Beautiful Dreamers, Hemdale Releasing, 1992.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Dr. Karl Resnick, Dolly Dearest, Trimark Pictures,

1992. Narrator, Fires of Kuwait, 1992. Merritt W. Morton the CEO, Robocop 3, Orion, 1993. Prescott, Beyond the Law (also known as Fixing the Shadow), LIVE Entertainment, 1994. Noel Lord, Where the Rivers Flow North, Caledonia Pictures, 1994. Captain Cole, For Better or Worse (also known as Stranger Things), Columbia, 1995. General Panzer, Canadian Bacon, Gramercy Pictures, 1995. Arthur Cleary, How to Make an American Quilt, Universal, 1995. Admiral Winslow, Down Periscope, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1996. Dub Farley, Death Falls, 1996. Admiral Dean Winslow, Down Periscope, 1996. Voice of Zeus, Hercules (animated), Buena Vista,

1997. Benny Gibbs, Trial and Error, New Line, 1997. Zed, Men in Black (also known as MIB), Columbia TriStar, 1997. Trucker "God," The Mouse, 1997. Randall Tyson, Senseless, Dimension, 1998. Quentin Morewood, Wonder Boys, 1999. The Insider, 1999. Film Director: The Telephone, New World, 1988. Television Appearances; Series: Arthur, The Larry Sanders Show, HBO, 1992-99. Narrator, Ghost Stories, syndicated, 1997-98. Voice of Zeus, Disney's Hercules (animated), ABC and syndicated, 1998—. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Glen Tuttle, Attack on Terror: The FBI versus the Ku Klux Klan, CBS, 1975. Richard M. Nixon, Blind Ambition (also known as The John Dean Story), CBS, 1979. General Ulysses S. Grant, The Blue and the Cray, CBS, 1982. Lewis Slaton, The Atlanta Child Murders, CBS, 1985. Kit Carson, Dream West, CBS, 1986. Adolphus, John Jakes's Heaven and Hell: North and South, Part III, ABC, 1994. Spence Vitt, Seasons of Love, CBS, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: George Oldenberg, The President's Plane Is Missing, ABC, 1973.

TORN * 3 9 1 Dr. Hartogs, Betrayal, NBC, 1978. K. W. Hicks, 5tee/ Cowboy (also known as Fast Lane Fever), NBC, 1978. Jack Baker, A Shining Season, CBS, 1979. Charles Burt, Rape and Marriage: The Rideout Case, CBS, 1980. Carlo Ponti, Sophia Loren: Her Own Story, NBC, 1980. Stuart Blankfort, When She Says No/ABC, 1984. Wilheim Gehbert, The Execution, NBC, 1985. Tim Nettleton, Manhunt for Claude Dallas, CBS, 1986. Lyndon B. Johnson, /. Edgar Hoover (also known as Hoover), Showtime, 1987. Joe Datilla, Laguna Heat, HBO, 1987. J. S. Kraft, The King of Love, ABC, 1987. Corbet St. James IV, Destination: America, ABC, 1987. Solomon Chandler, "April Morning/' Hallmark Hall of Fame, CBS, 1988. Tom "Boss" Fin ley, Tennessee Williams's "Sweet Bird of Youth/' NBC, 1989. Gideon Hogarth, "None So Blind," Kojak (also known as The ABC Saturday Mystery), ABC, 1990. Colonel Fargo, By Dawn's Early Light (also known as The Grand Tour), HBO, 1990. Captain Jack Parsons, Pair of Aces (also known as RIP), CBS, 1990. Leon Lamarr, "Death Hits the Jackpot," Columbo!, ABC, 1991. Jack Parsons, Another Pair of Aces: Three of a Kind, CBS, 1991. Brian Stansbury, My Son Johnny (also known as My Son Frankle and My Brother Frankle), CBS, 1991. Happy Sam, T Bone N Weasel, TNT, 1992. Bill Morgan, A Mother's Right: The Elizabeth Morgan Story (also known as With Reason to Suspect), ABC, 1992. Admiral Paul Yost, "Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster" (also known as "Disaster at Valdez" and "Three Days at Valdez"), HBO Showcase, HBO, 1992. Prescott, Beyond the Law (also known as Fixing the Shadow, The SID, and The Secret Investigation Division), HBO, 1994. Dr. Leonard Bailey, Heart of a Child, NBC, 1994. Russell Vanik, Letter to My Killer, USA, 1995. Rear Admiral Jack Snyder, She Stood Alone: The Tailhook Scandal (also known as Tailhook), ABC,

1995. Harvey T. Potter, Balloon Farm, ABC, 1997. Father Robert Grant, Passing Clory, TNT, 1999. Royce, The A/most Perfect Bank Robbery, CBS,


392 • TORN Television Appearances; Specials: LockyMcCormick, "Johnny Belinda/' Hallmark Hall of Fame, NBC, 1958. Paul Winter, Twenty-Four Hours in a Woman's Life, CBS, 1961. Walt Whitman, Song of Myself, PBS, 1976. Big Daddy Pollitt, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Showtime, 1984. Presenter, The 45th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, ABC, 1993. Presenter, The 52nd Annual Golden Globe Awards, TBS, 1995. Presenter, The 16th Annual CableACE Awards, TNT, 1995. Narrator, ]ames Dean: A Portrait, The Discovery Channel, 1995. The Late Show with David Letterman Video Special 2 (also known as The Late Show with David Letterman Primetime Video Special 2), CBS, 1996. Presenter, The 2nd Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, NBC, 1996. The 18th Annual CableACE Awards, 1996. Canned Ham: Trial and Error, Comedy Central, 1997. Voice of Zeus, Disney's Hercules: From Zero to Hero (animated), ABC, 1997. The 51st Annual Tony Awards, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Murder of a Sandflea," Kraft Television Theatre, NBC, 1956. "The Blue Hotel/' Omnibus, ABC, 1956. "Wetback Run/' U.S. Steel Hour, CBS, 1956. "The Big Wave/' Alcoa Presents, NBC, 1956. "So Short a Season," Kaiser Aluminum Hour, NBC, 1957. Steve Morgan #22, "Number Twenty-Two," Alfred Hitchcock Presents, CBS, 1957. "The Little Bullfighter," U.S. Steel Hour, CBS, 1957. "Hostages to Fortune," Alcoa Hour, NBC, 1957. "The Killer Instinct," Kraft Theatre, NBC, 1957. "Jody," Rest/ess Gun, NBC, 1957. "The Charm," U.S. Steel Hour, CBS, 1958. "Eddie," Kraft Theatre, NBC, 1958. "Bomber's Moon," Playhouse 90, CBS, 1958. "Murder and the Android," Sunday Showcase, NBC, 1959. "Epitaph for a Golden Girl," Pursuit, CBS, 1959. "Face of a Hero," Playhouse 90, CBS, 1959. "The Tunnel," Playhouse 90, CBS, 1959. Duncan, "The Purple Room," Thriller, NBC, 1960. Harry Straus, "The Masterpiece," The Untouchables, ABC, 1961. Ernie Walters, "The Kiss-Off," Alfred Hitchcock Presents, NBC, 1961.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 "The Hunter and the Hunted," Frontier Circus, CBS, 1961. "A Case Study of Two Savages," Naked City, ABC, 1962. "The Chemistry of Anger," Dr. Kildare, NBC, 1962. Johnny Mizo, "The Spoiler," The Untouchables, ABC, 1963. "Who Will Cheer My Bonnie Bride?," Route 66, CBS, 1963. "The Proud and the Angry," The. Lieutenant, NBC, 1963. "A Doll's House with Pompons and Trophies," Channing, ABC, 1963. "Millions of Faces," Breaking Point, ABC, 1963. Ben Casey, ABC, 1964. "The Secret in the Stone," Eleventh Hour, NBC, 1964. "The Pathfinder," The Great Adventure, CBS, 1964. Sgt. Avery, "A Gift of Hope," Combat, ABC, 1964. "An Exchange of Gifts," Dr. Kildare, NBC, 1964. "The Lorelei," Twelve O'clock High, ABC, 1965. "The Alexander the Greater Affair," The Man from U.N.CLE., NBC, 1965. "Escort to Doom," Rawhide, CBS, 1965. "Monserrat," Hollywood Television Theatre, PBS, 1971. "Blind Hunch," Bonanza, NBC, 1971. "A Marriage Proposal," Hollywood Television Theatre, PBS, 1972. "The Open Web," Mannix, CBS, 1972. "A Touch of Madness," Ghost Story, NBC, 1972. "The Dutchman," Most Wanted, ABC, 1977. "The Intimate Friends of Jenny Wilde," Eddie Capra Mysteries, NBC, 1978. /Actors on Acting, PBS, 1984. "Heartland," American Playhouse, PBS, 1984. Agent, Santa Barbara, 1988. Art professor, "You Bet Your Life," The John Larroquette Show, NBC, 1994. Warren Shutt, "Hello Goodbye," Chicago Hope, CBS, 1995. Stage Appearances: (Broadway debut) Brick, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Morosco Theatre, 1956. Val, Orpheus Descending, Coconut Grove Playhouse, Miami, FL, 1958. Bubbajohn, Chaparral, Sheridan Square Playhouse, New York City, 1958. Tom Junior (later Chance Wayne), Sweet Bird of Youth, Martin Beck Theatre, New York City, 1959-60. Carlo, Daughter of Silence, Music Box Theatre, New York City, 1961. Title role, Macbeth, University of Texas, Austin, 1962. Eban Cabot, Desire under the Elms, Circle in the Square, New York City, 1963.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Edmund Darrell, Strange Interlude, Hudson Guild Theatre, New York City, 1963. Lyle, Blues for Mr. Charlie, American National Theatre and Academy Theatre, New York City, 1964. Peter, The Kitchen, 81 st Street Theatre, New York City, 1966. Bernie Dodd, The Country Girl, City Center, New York City, 1966. Marion Faye, The Deer Park, Theatre de Lys, New York City, 1967. Roberto, The Cuban Thing, Henry Miller's Theatre, New York City, 1968. Edward Morris, Dream of a Blacklisted Actor, Theatre de Lys, 1969. Edgar, The Dance of Death, Arena Stage, Washington, DC, 1970, then Ritz Theatre, New York City, 1971. The Marriage Proposal, Playhouse in the Park, Philadelphia, PA, 1971. The Boor, Playhouse in the Park, 1971. William McLeod, Barbary Shore, New York Shakespeare Festival, Anspacher Theatre, New York City, 1974. Richard Nixon, Expletive Deleted, Theatre of the Riverside Church, New York City, 1974. The Little Foxes, Academy Festival Theatre, Lake Forest, IL, then Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, 1974. Captain, The Father, Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1975. Tom, The Class Menagerie, Circle in the Square, New York City, 1975. A Streetcar Named Desire, Academy Festival Theatre, 1976. Gustav, Creditors, Hudson Guild Theatre, 1977. Henry Hackmore, Seduced, American Place Theatre, New York City, 1979. Don, Mixed Couples, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1980. The man in English, The Man and the Fly, Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre, New York City, 1982. Chris Christopherson, Anna Christie, Criterion Theatre Center Stage Right, then Roundabout Theatre, both New York City, 1993. Also appeared in The Honest-to-God Schnozzola, 1969; Marriage and Money, 1971; Fever for Life, 1975; Night Shift, 1977; Terrible Jim Fitch; Village Wooing. Major Tours: Chance Wayne, Sweet Bird of Youth, U.S. cities, 1960. Marriage and Money, U.S. cities, 1971.

TOVOLI «393 Stage Director: The Beard, Evergreen Theatre, New York City, 1967, then Royal Court Theatre, London, 1968. The Honest-to-Cod Schnozzola, Gramercy Arts Theatre, New York City, 1969. Look Away, Playhouse Theatre, New York City, 1973. Creditors, Hudson Guild Theatre, 1977. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Adweek (Eastern Edition), December 21,1998, p. 16. Mediaweek, January 13, 1997, p. 41. People Weekly, September 12, 1994, p. 81. P/ayfaoyJuly, 1993, p. 114. Texas Monthly, August, 1994, p. 94. TV Guide, June 25, 1994, p. 30.*

TOVOLI, Luciano PERSONAL Career: Cinematographer, director, and writer. CREDITS Film Work; Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated: Nous ne Vieillirons pas Ensemble, 1972. More// e Fuggi, 1973. Pane e Cioccolata, 1973. L'Eta del la Pace, 1975. La Faille, 1975. Leonor, New Line Cinema, 1975. The Passenger, Altura, 1975. La Donna della Domenica, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1976. Camera operator, Suspiria, 1976. The Last Woman, 1976. Bye Bye Monkey, 1978. "Saro Tutta per Te," Dove Vai in Vacanza?, 1978. LAdoption, 1978. Camera operator, rinterno di un Convento, 1978. The Mystery of Oberwald, 1980. // Pap'Occhio, 1981. Oltrela Porta, 1982. Sotto Cli Occhi dell'Assassino, 1982. And director, Le General de I'Armee Morte, 1983. Bianca, 1984. Fracchia contra Dracula, 1985. La Cage aux Folles III, Warner Bros., 1985. Po//ce, 1985. Les Fugitifs, 1986.

394 • TOWNE

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

De Grande, 1987. Camera operator, Under Satan's Sun, Connoisseur Video, 1987. Love Dream, 1988. Splendor, United Artists, 1989. Vanille Fraise, 1989. What Time Is It?, Lauren Films, 1989. Reversal of Fortune, Warner Bros., 1990. The Voyage of Captain Fracassa, 1990. Jackpot, 1992. Single White Female, Columbia, 1992. Mario, Maria e Mario, 1993. Monkey Trouble, New Line Cinema, 1994. The Teddy Bear, 1994. Kiss of Death, 1995. Tempo di Viaggio, 1995. Before and After, Buena Vista, 1996. Desperate Measures, TriStar, 1998. The Dinner Game, 1998. Titus, Fox Search light, 1999. WRITINGS

Screenplays: Le General de I'Armee Morte, 1983.*


marriage) Katherine; (second marriage) Chiara. Education: Studied philosophy and literature at Pomona State College; studied acting with Jeff Corey. Addresses: Office—Warner Brothers, Inc., 4000 Warner Blvd., Burbank, CA 91522. Agent—Creative Artists Agency, 9830 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Screenwriter, director, producer, and actor. Has worked as a real estate agent and commercial fisherman. Military service: U.S. Army. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, best screenplay based on material from another medium, 1973, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, best screenplay, 1975, both for The Last Detail; Academy Award, best original screenplay, 1974, Golden Globe Award best screenplay-motion picture, British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, best screenplay, Edgar Allan Poe Award, best movie, 1975, all for Chinatown; Academy Award nomination, best original screenplay, National Society of Film Critics Award, best screenplay, 1975, both for Shampoo (with Warren Beatty); Academy Award nomination, best screenplay based on material from another medium, 1984, for Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (with Michael Austin); Laurel Award for Screenwriting Achievement, Writers Guild of America, 1997. CREDITS

Addresses: /Agent—United Talent Agency, 9560 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Girl, Kushner-Locke International, 1999. Becky, Co, Columbia, 1999. Savannah, She's All That, Miramax, 1999. Monique, The Bachelor, New Line Cinema, 1999.*

TOWNE, Robert 1936(P. H. Vazak; Edward Wain) PERSONAL Born in 1936, in Los Angeles, CA; married Julie Payne (divorced); married Luisa, c. 1985; children: (first

Film Work: Producer and director, Personal Best, Warner Bros., 1982. Executive producer, The Bedroom Window, De Laurentis Entertainment Group, 1987. Director, Tequila Sunrise, Warner Bros., 1988. Story consultant, Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland, 1990. Director and producer, Without Limits, Warner Bros.,

1998. Film Appearances: (As Edward Wain) Martin, The Last Woman on Earth, Filmgroup, 1960. (As Edward Wain) Sparks Moran, The Creature from the Haunted Sea, Filmgroup, 1961. Man in bar number three, The Zodiac Killer, 1971. Richard, Drive, He Said, Columbia, 1971. Stan, The Pick-Up Artist, Twentieth Century-Fox,


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Television Appearances; Episodic: American Cinema, PBS, 1995. Television Appearances; Specials: Cadillac Desert, PBS, 1997. API's 100 Years ... 700 Movies, CBS, 1998. Billy Wilder: The Human Comedy, PBS, 1998. WRITINGS Screenplays: (As Edward Wain) The Last Woman on Earth, Filmgroup, 1960. My Daddy Can Lick Your Daddy, 1962. The Tomb of Ligeia (also known as Tomb of the Cat, Ligeia, and Last Tomb of Ligeia), American International, 1965. (With Sam Peckinpah) Villa Rides, Paramount, 1968. The Last Detail, Columbia, 1973. Chinatown, Paramount, 1974. (With Warren Beatty) Shampoo, Columbia, 1975. (With Paul Schrader) The Yakuza (also known as Brotherhood of Yakuza), Warner Bros./Toei, 1975. Personal Best, Warner Bros., 1982. (As P. H. Vazak; with Michael Austin) Creystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes, Warner Bros., 1984. The Bedroom Window, De Laurentis Entertainment Group, 1987. Tequila Sunrise, Warner Bros., 1988. The Two]akes, Paramount, 1990. Days of Thunder (based on a story by Towne and Tom Cruise), Paramount, 1990. (With David Rabe and David Rayfiel) The Firm, Paramount, 1993. (With Warren Beatty) Love Affair, Warner Bros., 1994. (With David Koepp) Mission Impossible, Paramount, 1996. (With Kenneth Moore) Without Limits, Warner Bros., 1998. Mission: Impossible 2, 2000. Script Doctor (Uncredited): The Creature from the Haunted Sea, Filmgroup, 1961. A Time for Killing, Columbia, 1967. (Credited as "special consultant") Bonnie and Clyde, Warner Bros., 1967. Cisco Pike, Columbia, 1971. Drive, He Said, 1971. Mario Puzo's The Godfather, Paramount, 1972. Cisco Pike, 1972. The New Centurions (also known as Precinct 45: Los Angeles Police), 1972. The Parallax View, 1974.

TURTURRO • 395 Missouri Breaks, 1976. Marathon Man, Paramount, 1977. Orca (also known as The Killer Whale and Orca: The Killer Whale), 1977. Heaven Can Wait, 1978. Reds, 1981. Swing Shift, Warner Bros., 1984. Eight Million Ways to Die, TriStar, 1986. Tough Guys Don't Dance, 1987. Frantic, Warner Bros., 1988. Armageddon, Buena Vista, 1998. Television Episodes: The Lloyd Bridges Show (four episodes), CBS, 1962-63. "The Chameleon," The Outer Limits, ABC, 1964. "The Dove Affair/7 The Man from U.N.C.L.E., NBC, 1964. "So Many Pretty Girls, So Little Time/' Breaking Point, ABC, 1964. The Richard Boone Show, NBC, 1964. Other Writings: "A Screenwriter on Screenwriting," /Anatomy of the Movies, Macmillan, 1981. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: American Film, January/February, 1989. Entertainment Weekly, September 18, 1998, p. 21. Esqu/rejuly, 1991, p. 86.*

TURTURRO, John 1957PERSONAL Born February 28, 1957, in Brooklyn, NY; son of Nicholas and Katherine Turturro; brother of Nicholas Turturro (an actor); married Katherine Borowitz (an actress); children: Amadeo. Education: Graduated from State University of New York at New Paltz, 1978; studied at Yale School of Drama, 1983. Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 40 West 57th St., New York, NY 10019. Contact-16 North Oak St., #2A, Ventura, CA 93001-5620. Career: Actor, screenwriter, producer, and director. Awards, Honors: Theatre World Award, and Obie Award from the Village Voice, both 1985, for Danny and the Deep Blue Sea; Independent Spirit Award


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

nomination, best supporting male, 1989, for Five Corners; Cannes Film Festival Award, best actor, 1991, for Barton Fink; Camera d'Or Award, Cannes Film Festival, 1992, Independent Spirit Award nomination, best director and best first feature (with Brenda Goodman and Nancy Tenenbaum), 1994, all for Mac; Golden Globe Award nomination, best supporting actor—drama, Screen Actors Guild Award nomination, outstanding performance by a male actor in supporting role, 1995, both for Quiz Show; Independent Spirit Award nomination, best male lead, 1998, for Box of Moonlight; Golden Palm nomination, Cannes Film Festival, 1998, for Illuminata. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Man at table, Raging Bull, United Artists, 1980. First Guy, Exterminator \\, Cannon, 1984. Ted from Pinky's, The Flamingo Kid, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1984. Carl Cody, To Live and Die in LA., Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1985. Ray, Desperately Seeking Susan, Orion, 1985. Neil Pepper, Off Beat, Touchstone, 1986. Julian, The Color of Money, Buena Vista, 1986. Willie, CungHo (also known as Working Class Man), Paramount, 1986. Writer, Hannah and Her Sisters, Orion, 1986. Aspanu Pisciotta, The Sicilian, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1987. Heinz Sabatino, Five Comers, Cineplex Odeon, 1987. Pino, Do the Right Thing, Universal, 1989. Himself, The Making of Do the Right Thing (documentary), First Run Features, 1989. Pinella, Backtrack (also known as Do It the Hard Way), 1989. Nick, State of Grace, Orion, 1990. Mike Battaglia, Men of Respect, Sugar Entertainment, 1990. Moe Flatbush, Mo' Better Blues, Universal, 1990. Bernie, Miller's Crossing, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1990. Title role, Barton Fink, United States, 1991. Paulie Carbone, Jungle Fever, Universal, 1991. Pinella, Backtrack, Vestron Video, 1992. Roland T. Flakfizer, Brain Donors (also known as Lame Ducks), Paramount, 1992. Bill Perlman, Fearless, Warner Bros. 1993. Niccolo "Mac" Vittelli, Mac, Samuel Goldwyn, 1993. Lucinnius, Being Human, Warner Bros., 1994. Herb Stempel, Quiz Show, Buena Vista, 1994. Larry Mazilli, dockers, Universal Pictures, 1995.

Ron, Search and Destroy (also known as The Four Rules), October Films, 1995. Sid Lidz, Unstrung Heroes, Buena Vista, 1995. At Sundance, 1995. Murray—The Agent, Girl 6, Fox Searchlight Pictures, 1996. Disco Bean, The Search For One-Eye Jimmy, Northern Arts Entertainment, 1996. Primo Levi, La Tregua (also known as The Truce), 1996. Joel Millner, Grace of My Heart, 1996. Al Fountain, Box of Moonlight, Largo Entertainment, Miramax, 1997. Jesus Quintana, The Big Lebowski, Gramercy Pictures, 1997. Leon, Lesser Prophet, 1997. Tuxedo man, Animals, 1997. Joey Knish, Rounders, Miramax, 1998. Johnny Candellano, O.K. Garage, 1998. Tuccio, Illuminata, 1998. Coach Billy Sunday, He Cot Came, Buena Vista, 1998. The Source, Winstar Cinema, 1998. Voice of Harvey the black dog, Summer of Sam, Buena Vista, 1999. Aldo Silvano, The Cradle Will Rock, 1999. Company Man, 1999. Pete, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, 2000. The Luzhin Defense, 2000. Film Work: Director, Mac, Samuel Goldwyn, 1993. Producer and director, Illuminata, 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Sam Giancana, Sugartime, HBO, 1995. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Larry, Mario Puzo's "The Fortunate Pilgrim/ NBC, 1988. Baseball (also known as The History of Baseball), PBS, 1994. Television Appearances; Episodic: David Traynor, "Rites of Passage," Miami Vice, 1985. American Cinema, PBS, 1995. Television Appearances; Specials: The Italian Americans II: A Beautiful Song, PBS, 1998. Stage Appearances: Astopovo, Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1982. Niccollo "Mac" Vittelli, Steel on Steel, West Side Y Arts Center, New York City, 1983. Title role, Danny and the Deep Blue Sea, Humana Festival of New American Plays, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Louisville, KY, 1983.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 (Off-Broadway debut) Title role, Danny and the Deep Blue Sea, Circle in the Square, New York City, 1984. (Broadway debut) Understudy for Biff, Happy, and Stanley, Death of a Salesman, Broadhurst Theatre, New York City, 1984. Jesse, Chaos and Hard Times, West Side Y Arts Center, 1985. Sal, "Men without Dates/' Marathon '85, Ensemble Studio Theatre, New York City, 1985. Mac, "The Workers Life," Marathon '86, Ensemble Studio Theatre, 1986. Chino, "Nijinsky Choked His Chicken/' and Angelo, "Poppa Dio!," La Puta Vida Trilogy, New York Shakespeare Festival, Public Theatre, New York City, 1987. The Bald Soprano/The Leader, Open Space Theatre, New York City, 1987. Mickey Marcus, The Normal Heart, Criterion Center/Roundabout Theatre, New York City, 1993. Also appeared in Of Mice and Men; Jamie's Gang; The Tooth of Crime; La Puta Vida; The Resistible Rise ofArturo Ui, 1991. WRITINGS (With Brandon Cole) "The Worker's Life" (sketch), produced as Marathon '86, Ensemble Studio Theatre, New York City, 1986. (With Cole) Mac (film) Samuel Goldwyn, 1993. Illuminata, 1998. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, April 2, 1993, p. 35; September 22, 1995, p. 58. Harper's Bazaar, September 1992, pp. 123-25; July 1997, p. 52. Interview, March 1993, pp. 76-79. Premiere, February 1993, p. 31.*

TWOHY, D.T. See TWOHY, David N.

TWOHY, David See TWOHY, David N.

TWOHY • 397

TWOHY, David N. 1956(?)(D.T. Twohy; David Twohy) PERSONAL Born c. 1956. Education: Graduated from California State University, Long Beach. Addresses: Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Screenwriter, director, and producer. Previously worked as a bartender. Awards, Honors: Golden Raven, Brussels International Festival of Fantasy Film, 1992, for Grand Tour: Disaster in Time; Edgar Allan Poe Award nomination, best movie (with Jeb Stuart), Writers Guild Award nomination, best screenplay based on material previously produced or published, 1994, for The Fugitive; Catalonian International Film Festival Award nomination, best film, 1996, for The Arrival. CREDITS Film Work: Director, Timescape, Grand Tour Productions, 1991. (With Ted Field and Robert W. Cort) Executive producer, Terminal Velocity, Buena Vista, 1994. (As David Twohy) Director, The Arrival (also known as Shockwave), LIVE Entertainment, 1996. Director, Pitch Black, Intrepid Pictures, 1999. Television Work; Movies: Director, The Grand Tour: Disaster in Time (also known as Timescape), Showtime, 1992. WRITINGS Screenplays: (As D.T. Twohy; with Mick Garris) Critters 2: The Main Course, New Line, 1988. (As D.T. Twohy) Warlock, Trimark Pictures, 1991. (As David Twohy; with Jeb Stuart) The Fugitive (from a story by Twohy; based on characters by Roy Muggins), Warner Bros., 1993. Terminal Velocity, Buena Vista, 1994. (As David Twohy; with Peter Rader and Marc Norman) Waterworld, Universal, 1995. (Uncredited) The Last Gasp, Castel Films Productions, 1995. (As David Twohy) The Arrival (also known as Shockwave), LIVE Entertainment, 1996.

398 • TYLER

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(As David Twohy; with Danielle Alexandra) G.I. jane, Buena Vista, 1997. Pitch Black, Intrepid Pictures, 1999. Television Movies: The Grand Tour: Disaster in Time (also known as T/mescape), Showtime, 1992.

Periodicals: Writers Digest, July, 1995, pp. 41-42.*

TYLER, Liv 1978(?)PERSONAL Born July 1, 1978 (some sources say 1977), in New York, NY (some sources say Portland, ME); daughter of Steven Tyler (a singer with the rock group Aerosmith) and Bebe Buell (a model and photographer). Education: Attended Stagedoor Manor. Addresses: Contact—Mark Urman, DDA, 1776 Broadway, Suite 1600, New York, NY 10019. Career: Actress and model. Awards, Honors: MTV Movie Award nominations, best female performance and best on-screen duo (with Ben Affleck), Blockbuster Entertainment Award nomination, favorite actress—sci-fi, 1999, all for Armageddon. CREDITS Film Appearances: Sylvie Warden, 5/7ent Fa//, Warner Bros., 1994. Callie, Heavy (also known as Upstate Story), Cinepix Film Properties/CFP Distribution, 1995.

Corey, Empire Records (also known as Empire and Rock & Fun), Warner Bros., 1995. Faye Dolan, That Thing You Do!, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1996. Lucy Harmon, Stealing Beauty, Fox Searchlight Pictures, 1996. Everybody Says I Love You, 1996. Pamela Abbott, Inventing the Abbotts, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Girl in bus station, U Turn, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1997. Grace Stamper, Armageddon, Buena Vista, 1998. Frankie Goes to Hollywood, 1998. Tatiana Larina, Onegin, 1999. Rachael, The Little Black Book, 1999. Emma Duvall, Cookie's Fortune, October Films, 1999. Lady Rebecca, Plunkett & MacCleane, 1999. One Night at McCool's, 2000. Dr. T and the Women, 2000. Queen of the Fairies, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, 2000. Television Appearances; Specials: The 71st Annual Academy Awards Presentation, ABC, 1999. RECORDINGS Music Videos: Appeared in Aerosmith's "Crazy," 1994. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Entertainment Weekly, June 21, 1996, p. 16. Interview, April 1997, p. 88; April 1999, p. 102. Paper, June, 1996. People Weekly, March 31, 1997, p. 116; May 12, 1997, p. 154; February 16, 1998, p. 41. Rolling Stone, November 3, 1994, pp. 62-66.*

u UNKRICH, Lee PERSONAL Career: Film Editor.

ied acting with Michel Saint Denis at the London Theatre Studio, 1937-39. Avocational interests: Reading, collecting prints and drawings, classical music, cars, lawn tennis, squash. Addresses: /Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

CREDITS Film Work: Film editor, Toy Story, Buena Vista, 1995. Supervising film editor and additional voice (postproduction), A Bug's Life, Buena Vista, 1998. Editor, co-director, additional voices, and additional story material, Toy Story 2, Buena Vista, 1999. Television Work; Movies: Production assistant, Prison Stories: Women on the Inside, HBO, 1991. Assistant editor, Betrayed by Love, ABC, 1994. Editor, Separated by Murder, CBS, 1994. Television Work; Series: Assistant editor, Renegade, syndicated, 1992.*



Full name, Peter Alexander Ustinov; born April 16, 1921, in London, England; son of lona (a journalist; professional name, "Klop") and Nadia (a painter and scenic designer; maiden name, Benois) Ustinov; married Isolde Denham, 1940 (divorced, 1950); married Suzanne Cloutier (an actress), 1953 (divorced, 1971); married Helene du Lau d'Allemans, June 17,1972; children: (first marriage) Tamara; (sec ond marriage) Pavla, Igor, Andrea. Education: Stud-

Career: Actor, writer, director, producer, set designer, and costume designer. Joint director, Nottingham Playhouse, Nottingham, U.K., 1963—; worked as a professional impersonator in clubs and traveling revues; also appeared in radio for the BBC (London), in Germany, Belgium, Rome, Italy, Paris, New York City, and Hollywood. University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, rector, 1968-73; UNICEF, goodwill ambassador, 1969—; University of Durham, chancellor, 1992; World Federalist Movement, president, 1992; owner of a vineyard. Military service: British Army, Royal Sussex Regiment, 1942-46; also served with the Royal Army Ordinance Corps, the Kinematograph Service, and the Directorate of Army Psychiatry. Member: British Actors' Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, British Film Academy, Dramatists Guild, British League of Dramatists, British Screenwriters Society, London Society of Authors, Royal Society of Arts (fellow), Societe des Auteurs (France), Arts Theatre, Royal Society of Literature (fellow, 1978), Academy of Fine Arts (Paris, 1988), Garrick Club, Savage Club, Royal Automobile Club, Queen's Club. Awards, Honors: Academy Award nomination, Best Supporting Actor, 1951, Golden Globe, Best Supporting Actor, 1952, both for Quo Vadis; Donaldson Award, Best First Play, New York Drama Critics' Circle Award, Best Foreign Play, 1953, both for The Love of Four Colonels; Evening Standard Award, Best New Play, 1956, Antoinette Perry Award nomination, Best Actor in a Play, 1958, both for Romanoff and Juliet;


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Royal Society of Arts, Benjamin Franklin Medal, 1957; Emmy Award, 1957, for "The Life of Samuel Johnson/7 Omnibus; Academy Award, Best Supporting Actor, 1961, for Spartacus; British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best British screenplay, 1963, for Billy Budd (with DeWitt Bodeen); Academy Award, Best Supporting Actor, 1964, Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture actor—musical/comedy, 1965, both for Top/cap/; Syndicat des journalistes et ecrivains (France), First Prize, 1964, for Photo Finish; Emmy Award, Outstanding Single Performance in a Leading Role, 1966, for "Barefoot in Athens/' Hallmark Hall of Fame; Cleveland Institute of Music, D.Mus., 1967; Academy Award nomination, Best Story and Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (with Ira Wallach), 1968, Writers Guild, British comedy screenplay award, 1969, both for Hot Millions; University of Dundee, L.L.D., 1969; Emmy Award, Outstanding Single Performance in a Leading Role, 1970, for "Storm in Summer/' Hallmark Hall of Fame; La Salle College, D.F.A., 1971; University of Lancaster, Litt.D., 1972; Peabody Award, 1972; Berlin Film Festival, special Silver Bear Award, 1972, for creative work and for direction of Hammersmith Is Out; Order of the Smile (Warsaw, Poland), 1974, for dedication to the idea of international assistance to children; Commander of the British Empire, 1975; Jordanian Independence Medal, 1978; Distinguished Service Award from UNICEF, 1978; Prix de la Butte, 1979; Variety Club of Great Britain Award, Best Actor, 1979; British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award nomination, best actor, 1979, for Death on the Nile; Emmy Award nomination, 1984, for The Well Tempered Bach; University of Toronto, honorary doctorate, 1984, 1995; Commander, Order of Arts and Letters (France), 1985; Grammy Award for Peter and the Wolf; elected to Academy of Fine Arts, Paris, 1988; University of Georgetown, L.H.D., 1988; Knight of the Realm, 1990; Medal of Honor, Charles University, 1991; University of Ottawa, LL.D., 1991; Britannia Award, 1992; Critics Circle Award, 1993; German Cultural Award, 1994; German Bambi, 1994; International Child Survival Award, 1995; Rudolph Valentino Award, 1995; Norman Cousins Global Governance Award, 1995; Free University of Brussels, honorary doctorate, 1995; German Video Prize, 1997, for life-time achievement. CREDITS Film Appearances: (Film debut) Mem Kampf—My Crimes, Associated British, 1940.

Hullo Fame!, 1941. Krauss, The Goose Steps Out, United Artists, 1942. Priest, One of Our Aircraft Is Missing, United Artists, 1942. Let the People Sing, Anglo-American, 1942. The New Lot (documentary), 1943. The True Glory (documentary), 1945. Rispoli, The Way Ahead (also known as The Immortal Battalion), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1945. Title role, Private Angelo, Associated British/Pathe, 1949. Emad, Hotel Sahara, United Artists, 1951. Lt. Alex Rabinovich/Arnaud, Odette, United Artists, 1951. Nero, Quo Vadis, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1951. Film distributor, The Magic Box, British Lion, 1952. Voice (English language version), La bergere et le ramoneur (also known as The Shepherdess and the Chimneysweep), 1952. Prince of Wales/King George IV, Beau Brummel, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1954. Kaptah, The Egyptian, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1954. Narrator, House of Pleasure (also known as Le Plaisir), Meyer-Kingsley, 1954. Circus master, Lola Monies (also known as The Sins of Lola Monies and The Fall of Lola Monies), Brandon, 1955. Jules, We're No Angels, Paramount, 1955. Don Alfonso, The Wanderers (also known as / girovaghi), 1956. Michael Kiminsky, The Spies (also known as Les Espions), 1957. Voice, The Adventures of Mr. Wonderful (also known as Adventures of Mr. Wonderbird), 1959. Lentulus Batiatus, Spartacus, Universal, 1960. Rupert Venneker, The Sundowners, Warner Bros., 1960. Mr. Bossi, The Man Who Wagged His Tail (also known as An Angel Passed Over Brooklyn, Un angelo e sceso a Brooklyn, and Un angel paso por Brooklyn), Continental, 1961. The General, Romanoff and ]uliet (also known as Dig That Juliet), Universal, 1961. Captain Edward Fairfax Vere, Billy Budd, United Artists, 1962. Narrator, Women of the World (also known as La donna del mondo), 1963. Narrator (English), Alleman (also known as Everyman and The Human Dutch), 1963. Narrator, The Peaches, 1964. King Fawz, John Goldfarb, Please Come Home, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1964. Arthur Simpson, Top/cap/, United Artists, 1964. Prince Otto, Lady L., Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1965.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Ambassador Pinada, The Comedians, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1967. Captain Blackbeard, Blackboard's Ghost, Buena Vista, 1968. Marcus Pendleton/Caesar Smith, Hot Millions, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1968. General Maximilian Rodrigues de Santos, Viva Max!, Commonwealth United, 1969. Doctor, Hammersmith Is Out, Cinerama, 1972. Voice of Prince John, Robin Hood (animated), Buena Vista, 1973. Big Truck and Sister Clare, 1973. Hnup Wan, One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing, Buena Vista, 1975. Old Man, Logan's Run, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1976. Dr. Ewing T. Snodgrass, Treasure of Matecumbe, Buena Vista, 1976. Sergeant Markov, The Last Remake of Beau Ceste, Universal, 1977. Voice of Manny, The Mouse and His Child (animated), Sanrio, 1977. Taubelman, The Purple Taxi (also known as Un Taxi Mauve), Quartet, 1977. Narrator, Tarka the Otter, Rank Film Distributors, 1978. Hercule Poirot, Death on the Nile, Paramount, 1978. Harry Hellman, Double Murders (also known as

Doppio delitto and Double Murder on Via Governo Vecch/o), Warner Bros./Prduzione Internationale Cinematografica, 1978. Narrator, Metamorphosis (also known as Winds of Change; animated), Sanrio, 1978. Spectator, Players, Paramount, 1979. Suleiman, Ashanti (also known as Ashanti, Land of No Mercy), Columbia, 1979. Victor, We'll Grow Thin Together (also known as Nous maigrirons ensemble), Silenes, 1979. Charlie Chan, Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen, American Cinema, 1981. Voice of Grendel, Grendel, Grendel, Grendel (animated), Victorian Film Corporation, 1981. Truck driver, The Great Muppet Caper, Universal, 1981. Grandfather, The Search for Santa Claus, 1981. Hercule Poirot, Evil Under the Sun, Universal, 1982. Abdi Aga, Memed My Hawk (also known as The Lion and the Hawk), Focus, 1984. Hercule Poirot, Appointment with Death, Cannon, 1988. Narrator, Peep and the Big Wide World (animated short film), National Film Board of Canada, 1988. Mirabeau, La Revolution Francaise (also known as The French Revolution), 1989.

USTINOV • 401 Cera un castello con 40 cani, 1990. Professor Nikolais, Lorenzo's Oil, Universal, 1992. Grandpa and voice of Phoenix, The Phoenix and the Magic Carpet, ABC Video, 1995. Horace, Stiff Upper Lips, Cowboy Booking, 1998. Voice of Old Major the pig, Animal Farm, 1999. Film Director, Except Where Indicated: And producer (with George H. Brown), School for Secrets (also known as Secret Flight), General Film Distributors, 1946. And producer (with George H. Brown), Vice-Versa, General Film Distributors, 1948. (With Michael Anderson) and producer, Private Angelo, Associated British/Pathe, 1949. And producer, Romanoff and Juliet (also known as Dig That Juliet), Universal, 1961. And producer, Billy Budd, United Artists, 1962. Lady L., Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1965. Hammersmith Is Out, Cinerama, 1972. Memed My Hawk (also known as The Lion and the Hawk), Focus, 1984. Television Appearances; Series: Narrator, Clochmerle, 1972. Host and narrator, Omni: The New Frontier, syndicated, 1981. Host, Peter Ustinov's Russia: A Personal History, BBC, 1986. Himself, Planet Ustinov, 1998. Also appeared as host, In All Directions, BBC. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Host, Nicholas Nickleby, syndicated, 1983. Detective Fix, Around the World in 80 Days, NBC, 1989. Grandfather, The Old Curiosity Shop, Disney Channel, 1995. Television Appearances; Movies: Herod the Great, Jesus of Nazareth, NBC, 1977. Caliph, The Thief of Baghdad, NBC, 1978. Abgehort, 1984. Hercule Poirot, Agatha Christie's "Thirteen at Dinner/' CBS, 1985. Hercule Poirot, Agatha Christie's "Murder in Three Acts/' CBS, 1986. Hercule Poirot, Agatha Christie's "Dead Man's Folly/' CBS, 1986. Walrus, Alice in Wonderland, NBC, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: "The Life of Samuel Johnson/' Omnibus, NBC, 1957.

402 • USTINOV Crescendo, CBS, 1957. Narrator, The Countdown, CBS, 1958. Danton, The Empty Chair, NBC, 1958. Ustinov in Orbit, ATV, 1962. Socrates, "Barefoot in Athens/' Hallmark Hall of Fame, NBC, 1966. Ustinov ad lib, 1969. Herman Washington, "Storm in Summer" (also known as "The Merchant of Scarsdale"), Hallmark Hall of Fame, NBC, 1970. A Storm in Winter, 1970. Conversation with Lord North, 1971. Title role, "G ideon," Hallmark Hall of Fame, N BC, 1971. Burt Bacharach—Opus No. 3, ABC, 1973. Narrator, The Mighty Continent, 1974. Admiral, Love, Life, Liberty, and Lunch, ABC, 1976. A Quiet War, 1976. Narrator, Einstein's Universe, BBC, then PBS, 1979. Host, The Seven Dials Mystery, syndicated, 1981. Host, Why Didn't They Ask Evans?, syndicated, 1981. Various roles, Imaginary Friends, 1982. Host (syndicated), The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, 1983. The Well Tempered Bach, 1984. The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts, CBS, 1986. World Challenge, 1986. Host, The Immortal Beethoven with Peter Ustinov, PBS, 1987. Host, Peter Ustinov in China, Global TV (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1988. Host, The Secret Identity of Jack the Ripper (also known as The Secret of Jack the Ripper), syndicated, 1988. Host, The Mozart Mystique with Peter Ustinov, PBS, 1990. Narrator, "The Wonderful Kangaroo," Survival Specials, PBS, 1990. Voice of Monet, Monet: Legacy of Light, PBS, 1990. Voice of Granpa, Cranpa (animated), Showtime, 1991. Co-host, The Alistair Cooke Salute, PBS, 1992. Ustinov Meets Pavarotti, 1993. Host and narrator, Inside the Vatican, PBS, 1994. Host, Celebrating Haydn with Peter Ustinov (also known as The Seasons of Haydn with Peter Ustinov), PBS, 1994. Haydn Gala, 1995. Russia Now, 1995. Paths of the Gods, 1996. Peter Ustinov Talking with David Frost, PBS, 1996. Host, Peter Ustinov's Mendelssohn, PBS, 1997. Host, The 25th International Emmy Awards, 1998. Following the Equator, 1998.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Also appeared as narrator, History of Europe, BBC; narrator, The Hermitage; and narrator, The Ballerinas; in Peer Gynt, BBC. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Moment of Truth," Omnibus, NBC, 1958. Himself, The Muppet Show, 1976. Voice of title role, Doctor Snuggles (animated), syndicated, 1981. "Ustinov on the Orient Express," Trave/5, PBS, 1989. Television Work; Series:

Producer, In All Directions, BBC. Television Work; Specials: Director, Love, Life, Liberty, and Lunch, ABC, 1976. Stage Appearances: (Stage debut) Waffles, The Wood Demon, Barn Theatre, Shere, U.K., 1938. (London debut) Title role, The Bishop of Limpopoland (sketch), Players' Theatre Club, London, 1939. French Without Tears, Aylesbury Repertory Theatre, Aylesbury, U.K., 1939. Pygmalion, Aylesbury Repertory Theatre, Aylesbury, U.K., 1939. White Cargo, Aylesbury Repertory Theatre, Aylesbury, U.K., 1939. Rookery Nook, Aylesbury Repertory Theatre, Aylesbury, U.K., 1939. Laburnum Grove, Aylesbury Repertory Theatre, Aylesbury, U.K., 1939. Reverend Alroy Whittingstall, First Night, Richmond Theatre, London, 1940. Ensemble, Swinging the Gate (revue), Ambassadors' Theatre, London, 1940. M. Lescure, Fishing for Shadows, Threshold Theatre, London, 1940. Ensemble, Diversion (revue), Wyndham's Theatre, London, 1940. Hermoine Gingold Revue, London, 1940. Ensemble, Diversion 2 (revue), Wyndham's Theatre, London, 1941. Petrovitch, Crime and Punishment, New Theatre, London, 1946. Caligula, Frenzy, St. Martin's Theatre, London, 1948. Sergeant Dohda, Love in Albania, Lyric Hammersmith The atre, then St. James's Theatre, both London, 1949. Carabosse, The Love of Four Colonels, Wyndham's Theatre, London, 1951. The General, Romanoff and Juliet, Piccadilly Theatre, London, 1956-57. (Broadway debut) The General, Romanoff and Juliet, Plymouth Theatre, 1957.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Old Sam, Photo Finish, Savilie Theatre, London, 1962, then Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1963. The Archbishop, The Unknown Soldier and His Wife, Chichester Theatre Festival, Chichester, U.K., 1968, then New London Theatre, London, 1973. Boris Vassilievitch Krivelov, Who's Who in Hell, LuntFontanne Theatre, New York City, 1974. Title role, King Lear, Stratford Shakespeare Festival, Stratford, Ontario, Canada, 1979, then 1980. The Stage Manager, The Marriage (opera), Piccola Scala, Milan, Italy, 1981, then Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1982. Ludwig, Beethoven's Tenth, Paris, France, 1982. Ludwig, Beethoven's Tenth, Birmingham Repertory Theatre, Birmingham, U.K., then Vaudeville Theatre, London, later Center Theatre Group, Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles, all 1983, then Nederlander Theatre, New York City, 1984. An Evening with Peter Ustinov (solo show), Royal Haymarket Theatre, London, 1990. Also appeared in Madame Liselotte Beethoven-Fink, 1939; Squaring the Circle, 1941. Stage Director, Except Where Indicated: Fishing for Shadows, Threshold Theatre, London, 1940. Squaring the Circle, Vaudeville Theatre, London, 1941. The Man in the Raincoat, Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1949. Love in Albania, Lyric Hammersmith Theatre, then St. James's Theatre, both London, 1949. The Love of Four Colonels, Wyndham's Theatre, London, 1951. The Love of Four Colonels, Birmingham, U.K., 1951. A Fiddle at the Wedding, Royal Theatre, Brighton, U.K., 1952. No 5/gn of the Dove, Savoy Theatre, London, 1953. No Sign of the Dove, Leeds, U.K., 1953. (With Nicholas Garland) Photo Finish, Saville Theatre, London, 1962, then Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1963. L'Heure Espagnole (opera), Royal Opera, Covent Garden Opera House, London, 1962. Erwartung (opera), Royal Opera, Covent Garden Opera House, London, 1962. Gianni Schicci (opera), Royal Opera, Covent Garden Opera House, London, 1962. (With Nicholas Garland) Photo Finish, Dublin, Ireland, then Paris, 1964. Halfway Up the Tree, London, 1967. Halfway Up the Tree, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1967.

USTINOV «403 The Magic Flute (opera), Hamburg Opera, Hamburg, West Germany, 1968. The Unknown Soldier and His Wife, Chichester Theatre Festival, Chichester, U.K., 1968, then New London Theatre, London, 1973. Also producer, set designer, and costume designer, Don Qu/chotte (opera), Paris Opera, Paris, France, 1973. Also set designer and costume designer, Don Giovanni (opera), Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh, 1973. Les Brigands (opera), Berlin Opera, Berlin, West Germany, 1978. The Marriage (opera), Piccola Scala, Milan, Italy, 1981, then Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh, 1982. Mavra (opera), Piccola Scala, Milan, 1982. The Flood (opera), Piccola Scala, Milan, 1982. /Cat/a Kabanowa (opera), Hamburg Opera, Hamburg, 1985. The Marriage of Figaro (opera), Mozarteum and the Hamburg Opera, 1987. /o/anthe (opera), Dresden Opera, 1993. Francesca da Rimini (opera), 1993. The Love of the Three Oranges (opera), Bolschoi, Moscow, Russia, 1997. Also directed King Lear, Stratford Shakespeare Festival, Stratford, Ontario, Canada. Major Tours: The General, Romanoff and Juliet, U.S. and Canadian cities, 1958-59. Also appeared as the General, Romanoff and Juliet, U.S.S.R. cities. RECORDINGS Recorded Peter and the Wolf; Nutcracker Suite; (with Jean Cocteau) The Soldier's Tale; Haryjanos; The Little Prince; Grandpa, Babar and Father Christmas; The Old Man ofLochnager; Grandpa; Peter Ustinov Reads the Orchestra; Mock Mozart; The Grand Prix of Gibralter. WRITINGS For Film: New Lot (documentary), 1943. (Co-author) The True Glory (documentary), 1944. (With Eric Ambler) The Way Ahead (also known as The Immortal Battalion), Twentieth Century-Fox, 1945. (With Eric Maschwitz, Stanley Haynes, and Guy Green) Carnival, General Film Distributors, 1946.

404 • USTINOV School for Secrets (also known as Secret Flight), General Film Distributors, 1946. Vice-Versa, General Film Distributors, 1948. Private Angelo, Associated British/Pathe, 1949. (With Hal E. Chester and Patricia Moyes) School for Scoundrels, Continental Distributing, 1960. Romanoff and Juliet (also known as Dig That Juliet), Universal, 1961. (With Robert Rossen) Billy Budd, United Artists, 1962. Lady L, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1965. (With Ira Wallach) Hot Millions, Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1968. Memed My Hawk (also known as The Lion and the Hawk), Focus, 1984. For the Stage:

The Bishop of Limpopoland (sketch), Players' Theatre Club, London, 1939. (Contributor) Swinging the Gate (revue), Ambassadors'Theatre, London, 1940. (Translator and adapter) Fishing for Shadows, Threshold Theatre, London, 1940. (Contributor) Diversion (revue), Wyndham's Theatre, London, 1940. (Contributor) Diversion 2 (revue), WyndharrTs Theatre, London, 1941. House of Regrets, Arts Theatre, London, 1942, published by Jonathan Cape, 1943. Beyond, Arts Theatre, London, 1943, published by English Theatre Guild, 1944, then in Five Plays, Little, Brown, 1965. Blow Your Own Trumpet, Playhouse Theatre, London, 1943, published in Plays about People, Jonathan Cape, 1950. The Banbury Nose, Wyndham's Theatre, London, 1944, published by Jonathan Cape, 1945. The Tragedy of Cood Intentions, Liverpool Playhouse, Liverpool, U.K., 1945, published in Plays About People, 1950. The Man Behind the Statue, Opera House, Manchester, U.K., 1946. The Indifferent Shepherd, Criterion Theatre, London, 1948, published in Plays About People, 1950. (Adapter) Frenzy, St. Martin's Theatre, London, 1948. The Man in the Raincoat, Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1949. The Love of Four Colonels, first produced in Birmingham, U.K., then Wyndham's Theatre, London, both 1951, later Shubert Theatre, New York City, 1953, published by English Theatre Guild, 1951, then Dramatists Play Service, 1953, later in Five Plays, Little, Brown, 1965.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 The Moment of Truth, first produced in Nottingham, U.K., then Adelphi Theatre, London, both 1951, published by English Theatre Guild, 1953, then in Five Plays, Little, Brown, 1965. High Balcony, first produced in London, 1952. No Sign of the Dove, first produced in Leeds, U.K., then Savoy Theatre, London, both 1953, published in Five Plays, Little, Brown, 1965. The Empty Chair, Bristol Old Vic Theatre, Bristol, U.K., 1956. Romanoff and Juliet, first produced in Manchester, then Piccadilly Theatre, London, both 1956, later Plymouth Theatre, New York City, 1957, published by English Theatre Guild, 1957, then Random House, 1958, later in Five Plays, Little, Brown, 1965. Paris Not So Gay, Oxford Playhouse, Oxford, U.K., 1958. Photo Finish, first produced in Dublin, Ireland, then Savilie Theatre, London, both 1962, later Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York City, 1963, published by Heinemann, 1962, then Little, Brown, 1963, revised acting edition published by Dramatists Play Service, 1964. The Life in My Hands, Nottingham Playhouse, Nottingham, U.K., 1963. The Unknown Soldier and His Wife: Two Acts of War Separated by a Truce for Refreshment, Vivian Beaumont Theatre, New York City, 1967, then Chichester Theatre Festival, Chichester, U.K., 1968, later New London Theatre, London, 1973, published by Random House, 1967, then Heinemann, 1968. Halfway Up the Tree, first produced in West Germany, then Brooks Atkinson Theatre, later Queen's Theatre, London, all 1967, published by Random House, 1968, then English Theatre Guild, 1970. (Book for musical) R Loves ], Chichester Theatre Fes tival, Chichester, 1973. Who's Who in Hell, Lunt-Fontanne Theatre, New York City, 1974. Overheard, Royal Theatre, Brighton, U.K., then Royal Haymarket Theatre, London, both 1981. (Adapter of libretto) The Marriage (opera), Piccola Scala, Milan, Italy, 1981, then Edinburgh Festival, 1982. Beethoven's Tenth, first produced in Paris, 1982, then Birmingham Repertory Theatre, Birmingham, U.K., later Vaudeville Theatre, London, and Center Theatre Group, Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles, all 1983, then Nederlander Theatre, New York City, 1984. An Evening with Peter Ustinov (solo show), Royal Haymarket Theatre, London, 1990.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 For Television; Series: Wrote for In All Directions, BBC. For Television; Episodic: "Moment of Truth/' Omnibus, N BC, 1958. "Ustinov on the Orient Express/' Travels, PBS, 1989. For Television; Specials: (With Leslie Stevens) Crescendo, CBS, 1957. The Empty Chair, NBC, 1958. Ustinov ad lib, 1969. Love, Life, Liberty, and Lunch, ABC, 1976. Imaginary Friends, 1982. Inside the Vatican, PBS, 1994. Other Writings: Adda Dash of Pity (short stories), Little, Brown, 1959. Peter Ustinov's Diplomats: A Book of Photographs (photographs and commentary), Bernard Geis Associates, 1960. The Loser (novel), Little, Brown, 1961. We Were Only Human (cartoons), Little, Brown, 1961. (Illustrator) Poodlestan: A Poodle's Eye View of History by Paul Marc Henry, Reynal, 1965. The Frontiers of the Sea (short stories), Little, Brown, 1966. The Wit of Peter Ustinov, 1969. Krumnagel (novel), Little, Brown, 1971. Rectorial Address Delivered in the University, 3rd November, 1972 (lecture), University of Dundee Press, 1972.

USTINOV »405 Dear Me (autobiography), Little, Brown, 1977. (Introduction) A Handful of Summers by Gordon Forbes, Paddington, 1979. Happiness (lecture), University of Birmingham, 1980. My Russia (nonfiction), Little, Brown, 1983. (Introduction) N/ven's Hollywood by Tom Hutchinson, Salem House, 1984. Peter Ustinov in Russia (nonfiction), Summit Books, 1988. Ustinov at Large, 1990. The Disinformer: Two Novellas, 1991. The Old Man and Mr. Smith: A Fable, 1991. Ustinov Still at Large, 1995. Quotable Ustinov, 1995. Contributor of articles to such periodicals as Atlantic and Listener. RECORDINGS Albums: Narrator, Baron Munchausen: Eighteen Truly Tall Tales, Caedmon, 1972. (With others) Kodaly: Hary Janos, Psalmus Hungaricus, Peacock Variations, 1995. Also recorded Mock Mozart and Phoney Folk Lore, Parlophone; The Grand Prix of Cibralter, Orpheum; narrator, Peter and the Wolf; narrator, The Nutcracker Suite; narrator, The Soldier's Tale; narrator, Hary]anos; narrator, The Little Prince; narrator, The Old Man of Lochnagar. *


VACANOJost 1940PERSONAL Born March 15, 1940. Addresses: /Agent—Skouras Agency, 725 Arizona Ave., Suite 406, Santa Monica, CA 90401-1736. Career: Cinematographer. Awards, Honors: Film Strip in Gold, outstanding individual achievement in cinematography, German Film Awards, 1975, for The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum; Academy Award nomination, best cinematography, 1981, for Das Boot.

The Neverending Story (also known as Die Unendliche Geschichte), Warner Bros., 1984. 52 Pick-up, 1986. Robocop, 1987. Rocket Gibraltar, Columbia, 1988. Total Recall, TriStar, 1990. Untamed Heart, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1993. Showgirls (also known as HOg/r/s), 1995. Starship Troopers, 1997. Television Cinematographer: 21 Hours at Munich (movie), ABC, 1976. The Switch (special), HBO, 1990.*

VALDES, David 1950-



Film Work; Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated: Schonzeit fuer Fuechse, 1966. Supermarket (also known as Supermarkt), 1974. The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum (also known as Die Verlorene Eh re der Katharina Blum), Cinema International, 1975. Lieb Vaterland Magst Ruhig Sein, 1975. Die Brueder, 1976. Zwei Cegen Tod und Teufel (also known as Potato Fritz), 1976. Camera operator, Tod Oder Freiheit, 1977. Das Fuenfte Cebot (also known as L'Alba del Falsi Dei)f 1979. Soldier of Orange (also known as Survival Run and Soldaat van Oranje), International Picture Show, 1979. Camera operator, Spetters, Embassy, 1980. Das Boot (also known as The Boat), 1981. Die Wilden Fuenfziger (also known as The Wild Fifties), 1983.

Born August 12, 1950, in Los Angeles, CA; son of Armand George deValdes and Joan Rosemary Churchill; married~Susan Margaret Jones, September 14, 1974; children: Summer Diane, Julia Margaret. Education: Orange Coast College, AA, 1970; UCLA, BA magna cum laude, 1976. Politics: Democrat. Avocational Interests: music, tennis, raquetball, swimming, movies. Addresses: Office—c/o Rysher Entertainment, 3400 Riverside Dr., Suite 600, Burbank, CA 91505. Career: Producer. Assistant director, Universal Studios, 1977-78; assistant director, Warner Bros., 197884; associate producer, Warner Bros., 1984-86; producer, Tri-Star Pictures, 1986-87; producer, Warner Bros., 1987-90, 90-94; executive producer, Hollywood Pictures, 1990-91. Member: Directors Guild of America, Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, American Film Institute.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CREDITS Film Appearances: Manes, Tightrope, 1984. Film Producer, Except Where Indicated: Co-executive producer, Gardens of Stone, Tri-Star, 1987. Like Father, Like Son, 1987. Executive producer, Bird, Warner Bros., 1988. The Dead Pool, Warner Bros., 1988. Pink Cadillac, 1989. The Rookie, Warner Bros., 1990. Executive producer, White Hunter, Black Heart, 1990. Executive producer, Unforgiven, Warner Bros., 1992. A Perfect World, Warner Bros., 1993. Executive producer, In the Line of Fire, Columbia/ Tri-Star, 1993. The Stars Fell on Henrietta, Warner Bros., 1995. Turbulence, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1997. The Green Mile, Warner Bros., 1999. Other Film Work: Assistant director, Any Which Way You Can, Warner Bros., 1980. 2nd assistant director, In Cod We Trust, 1980. 2nd assistant director, Oh, God! Book II, 1980. 2nd assistant director, Firefox, Warner Bros., 1982. 2nd assistant director, Partners, 1982. Assistant director, Rumble Fish, Universal, 1983. 1st assistant director, Sudden Impact, Warner Bros., 1983. 1st assistant director, The Outsiders, Warner Bros., 1983. 1st assistant director, City Heat, 1984. 1st assistant director, Tightrope, 1984. 1st assistant director and associate producer, Pale Rider, Warner Bros., 1985. Assistant director and associate producer, Ratboy, 1986. 1 st assistant director, Gardens of Stone, TriStar. 1987. Production manager, Bird, Warner Bros., 1988. Production manager, The Dead Pool, Warner Bros., 1988. Production executive, Thelonius Monk: Straight, No Chaser, Warner Bros., 1988. Production manager, The Rookie, Warner Bros., 1990. Production manager, A Perfect World, Warner Bros., 1993. Television Producer; Series: Sirens, CBS, 1993.

VAN ZANDT • 407 Television Work; Movies: 2nd assistant director, Murder 1, Dance 0, NBC, 1983. Television Work; Specials: Eastwood & Co. Making "Unforgiven," 1992.*

VANE, Richard PERSONAL Career: Producer. CREDITS Film Work; Producer, Except Where Indicated: Coproducer, The Boy Who Could Fly, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. Harry and the Hendersons, Universal, 1987. Co-producer, Always, MCA/Universal, 1989. Tap, TriStar, 1989. Arachnophobia, Buena Vista, 1990. Dutch, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1991. Executive producer, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Dennis the Menace, Warner Bros., 1993. Baby's Day Out, Manuel Salvador, 1994. Executive producer, ]ingle All the Way, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1996. Executive producer, The Phantom, Paramount, 1996. Co-producer, Snow Falling on Cedars, 1999. Television Work; Movies: Associate producer, Escape, CBS, 1980.*

VAN ZANDT, Billy PERSONAL Married Adrienne Barbeau (an actress), January, 1992; children: Walker Steven and William Dalton (twins); brother of Steven Van Zandt (a guitarist and actor). Addresses: /Agent—William Morris Agency, 151 El Camino Dr., Beverly Hills, CA90212. Career: Writer, producer, and actor. Awards, Honors: Shared Emmy Award nomination, outstanding informational special, 1990, for / Love Lucy: The Very First Show.

408 • VARGAS

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CREDITS

Television Work; Series: Story editor, Newhart, CBS, 1982. Executive story consultant, Anything but Love, ABC, 1989. Supervising producer, Nurses, NBC, 1991. Co-executive producer, Martin, Fox, 1992. Creator and executive producer, Daddy Dearest, Fox, 1993. Executive producer, Bless This House, CBS, 1995. Executive producer, The Wayans Bros., WB, 1995. Consulting producer, The Hughleys, ABC, 1998-99. Television Work; Specials: Producer (with Jane Milmore), / Love Lucy: The Very First Show, CBS, 1990. Television Appearances; Episodic: Jeffrey, Martin, Fox, 1992. White man, Martin, Fox, 1992. Film Appearances: Bob, yaws 2, Universal Pictures Home Video, 1978. Alien bey, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Paramount, 1979. Bug, Taps, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1981. WRITINGS Television Series: Nurses, NBC, 1991. Martin, Fox, 1992. Daddy Dearest, Fox, 1993. Bless This House, CBS, 1995. The Wayans Bros., WB, 1995. Suddenly Susan, NBC, 1996. The Hughleys, ABC, 1998. Television Specials: / Love Lucy: The Very First Show, CBS, 1990. Stage: (Co-author) Drop Dead, Los Angeles production, 1991. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: People Weekly, May 12, 1997, p. 38.*

VARGAS, Jacob 1970PERSONAL Born August 18, 1970.

Addresses: /Agent—Writers and Artists Agency, 924 Westwood Blvd., Suite 900, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: Bubba Vargas, Ernest Goes to Camp, Buena Vista, 1987. Arturo Diego, The Principal, TriStar, 1987. Miguel, Little Nikita, Columbia, 1988. Danny, Crack House, 21st Century, 1989. Paulito at age 15, American Me, United International Pictures, 1992. Javier, Gas, Food, Lodging, Cine Company, 1992. Snake, Airborne, Warner Bros., 1993. Flower delivery man, Fatal Instinct, United International Pictures, 1993. Ernesto, Mi Vida Loca—My Crazy Life, Sony Pictures Classics, 1993. Second sonar operator, Crimson Tide, Buena Vista, 1995. Yayo Port!No, Get Shorty, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1995. Young Jose, My Family, Mi Familia, 1995. Ramon, Romy and Michele's High School Reunion, 1997. Santa Fe, 1997. AbieQuintanilla, Selena, 1997. Delfino Mondragon, The Hi-Lo Country, Gramercy Pictures, 1998. Joker, Next Friday, 2000. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Jose Zavala, Drug Wars: The Camarena Story, NBC, 1990. Miguel, The Big One: The Great Los Angeles Earthquake, NBC, 1990. Television Appearances; Movies: Enrique Mendoza, Miracle of the Heart: A Boystown Story, syndicated, 1986. Student, The B.R.A.T. Patrol, ABC, 1986. Alberto, The Children of Times Square, ABC, 1986. Second chain, Seeds of Tragedy, Fox, 1991. Arturo Gomez, Steel Justice, NBC, 1992. Television Appearances; Episodic: Luis, Nurses, NBC, 1991. Enrique, Full House, ABC, 1992. ER, NBC, 1995. Voice of the prince, "Sleeping Beauty," Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child, HBO, 1995.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

JAG, NBC, 1995. Benny, a recurring role, Malibu Shores, NBC, 1996. Javi Padillo, The Pretender, NBC, 1996. Ricardo, Clueless, ABC, 1997.*

VARGO, Mark PERSONAL Career: Special effects artist, cinematographer, and director. CREDITS Film Work: Optical printer operator, Poltergeist, Metro-GoldwynMayer/United Artists, 1982. Optical printer operator, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Paramount, 1982. Optical printer operator, Return ofthejedi, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1983. Optical effects supervisor, 20/0, United Artists, 1984. Optical effects supervisor, Ghostbusters, Columbia, 1984. Optical effects supervisor, Fright Night, Columbia, 1985. Optical effects supervisor, Poltergeist II: The Other Side, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1986. Optical effects supervisor, The Boy Who Could Fly, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. Visual effects supervisor, Moonstruck, United Artists, 1987. Director of effects photography, Ghostbusters II, Columbia, 1989. Special effects supervisor, Flight of the Intruder, Paramount, 1991.

VARGO »409 Blue-screen supervisor, OutonaLimb, Universal, 1992. Unit cinematographer and visual effects supervisor, In the Line of Fire, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1993. Cinematographer and unit special visual effects supervisor, Cobb, Warner Bros., 1994. Cinematographer and camera operator, North, Columbia, 1994. Unit cinematographer and visual effects supervisor, Outbreak, Warner Bros., 1995. Unit cinematographer, The Net, 1995. Cinematographer for visual effects unit, Water wo rid, Universal, 1995. Director and unit cinematographer, Tin Cup, Warner Bros., 1996. Unit cinematographer, Mouse Hunt, Dream Works Distribution, 1997. Unit cinematographer and visual effects supervisor, Turbulence, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1997. Contributor of photography, Another Day in Paradise, Trimark, 1998. Unit director and unit cinematographer, Deep Impact, Paramount, 1998. Cinematographer for miniature unit, Desperate Measures, TriStar, 1998. Unit director and unit cinematographer, Paulie, Dream Works Distribution, 1998. Cinematographer, Play It to the Bone, Buena Vista, 1999. Camera operator, The Green Mile, Warner Bros., 1999. Television Work; Series: Director, Super Force, syndicated, 1990.*

VAZAK, P. H. See TOWN E, Robert

w WRITINGS WADE, Bob See WADE, Robert (Allison)

WADE, Robert (Allison) 1920(Bob Wade; Will Daemer, Whit Masterson, Wade Miller, Dale Wilmer, joint pseudonyms) PERSONAL Born June 8, 1920, in San Diego, CA; son of Wilson R. and Camille A. Wade; married Jeanne Florence Cioe, June 10, 1951; children: Robert, Timothy, Sari, Winke. Education: Attended San Diego State College (now San Diego State University), 1938-42. Addresses: Home—San Diego, CA. Office— 7368 Casper Dr., San Diego, CA 92119. /Agent—Curtis Brown Ltd., 575 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10022. Career: Writer. East San Diego Press, East San Diego, CA, co-editor, 1939-42; script writer for Mutual Broadcasting System, 1940-41 and 1946-48; Mission Beach Californian, San Diego, editor, 1948; San Diego Union, book critic and columnist, 1977—; member of advisory board of San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park. Military Service: U.S. Army Air Forces, 1942-45; served in North Africa and Europe; became sergeant; earned Bronze Star and Croix de Guerre. Awards, Honors: Second prize in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine contest, 1955, for short story"/nv/tat/on to an Accident"; Emmy Award nomination, best art direction in a live television program, 1959, for Count of Monte Cristo; Private Eye Writers of America I ifetime achievement award, 1988.

Screenplays: Let Him Have It, British Screen, 1991. Plunkett & Macleane, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, 1999. The World Is Not Enough (from story), MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, 1999. Novels, As Wade Miller, Except Where Indicated: Deadly Weapon, Farrar, Straus, 1946. Guilty Bystander, Farrar, Straus, 1947. (As Bob Wade) Pop Goes the Queen, Farrar, Straus, 1947 (published as Murder—Queen High, London, 1958). Fatal Step, Farrar, Straus, 1948. Uneasy Street, Farrar, Straus, 1948. Devil on Two Sticks, Farrar, Straus, 1949 (published as Killer's Choice, New American Library, 1950). Calamity Fair, Farrar, Straus, 1950. Devil May Care, Fawcett, 1950. Murder Charge, Farrar, Straus, 1950. Stolen Woman, Fawcett, 1950. The Killer, Fawcett, 1951. Shoot to Kill, Farrar, Straus, 1951. The Tiger's Wife, Fawcett, 1951. (As Dale Wilmer) Memo for Murder, Graphic Publications, 1951. (As Will Daemer, with Bill Miller) The Case of the Lonely Lovers, Farrel, 1951. Branded Woman, Fawcett, 1952. South of the Sun, Fawcett, 1953. The Big Guy, Fawcett, 1953. (As Dale Wilmer) Dead Fall, Bouregy & Curl, 1954. (As Dale Wilmer) jungle Heat, Pyramid, 1954. Mad Baxter, Fawcett, 1955. (With Bill Miller, as Whit Masterson) All Through the Night, Dodd, 1955 (published as A Cry in the Night, Bantam 1956).

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 (With Bill Miller, as WhitMasterson) Dead, She Was Beautiful, Dodd, 1955. (With Bill Miller, as Whit Masterson) Badge of Evil, Dodd, 1956 (published as Touch of Evil, Bantam, 1958). Kiss Her Coodbye, Lion, 1956. (With Bill Miller, as Whit Masterson) A Shadow in the Wild, Dodd, 1957. (With Bill Miller, as Whit Masterson) The Dark Fantastic, Dodd, 1959. Kitten with a Whip, Fawcett, 1959. Sinner Take All, Fawcett, 1960. (With Bill Miller, as Whit Masterson) A Hammer in His Hand, Dodd, 1960. (With Bill Miller, as Whit Masterson) Evil Come, Evil Co, Dodd, 1961. Nightmare Cruise, Ace, 1961 (published in England as The Sargasso People, W.H. Allen, 1961). The Girl from Midnight, Fawcett, 1962. (As Whit Masterson) Man on a Nylon String, Dodd, 1963. (As Robert Wade) The Stroke of Seven, Morrow, 1965. (As Whit Masterson) 711—Officer Needs Help, Dodd, 1965 (published as Killer with a Badge, W. H. Allen, 1966; published as Warning Shot, Popular Library, 1967). (As Whit Masterson) Play Like You're Dead, Dodd, 1967. (As Whit Masterson) The Last One Kills, Dodd, 1969. (As Robert Wade) Knave of Eagles, Random House, 1969. (As Whit Masterson) The Death of Me Yet, Dodd, 1970. (As Whit Masterson) The Gravy Train, Dodd, 1971 (published as The Great Train Hijack, Pinnacle, 1976). (As Whit Masterson) Why She Cries, I Do Not Know, Dodd, 1972. (As Whit Masterson) The Undertaker Wind, Dodd, 1973. (As Whit Masterson) The Man with Two Clocks, Dodd, 1974. (As Whit Masterson) Hunter of the Blood, Dodd, 1977. (As Whit Masterson) The Slow Gallows, Dodd, 1979. Also author, with Bill Miller under joint pseudonym Wade Miller, of two screenplays, two hundred radio scripts, several novelettes, and numerous short stories.

WADSWORTH « 4 1 1 "A Bad Time of Day/' in E//ery Queen's Awards, 11th Series, Simon and Schuster, 1956. "Midnight Caller/' in Manhunt, January 1958. (As Whit Masterson) "The Women in His Life," in f//ery Queen's /3th Annual, Random House, 1958. (As Whit Masterson) "Dark Fantastic," in Cosmopolitan, February 1959. "We Were Picked as the Odd Ones," in The Saint, July 1960. "The Memorial Hour," in Ellery Queen's 15th Annual, Random House, 1960. "The Morning After," in The Playboy Book of Crime and Suspense, Playboy Press, 1966. (As Whit Masterson) "Suddenly It's Midnight," in Anthology 1970 Mid-Year, Davis, 1970. (As Whit Masterson) "Seek Him in Shadows," in f//ery Queen's Mystery Magazine, March 10, 1980.*


PERSONAL Born Gilbert Alexander Wadsworth III. Career: Producer, director, and writer. CREDITS Film Work: Assistant director, Guardian Angel, Imperial Entertainment, 1994. Associate producer, Bigfoot: The Unforgettable Encounter, Republic, 1995. Line producer, T-Force, 1995. Executive producer and director, The Glass Jar, 1999. Television Producer; Movies: The Apartment Complex, Showtime, 1999. The Last Man on Planet Earth, UPN, 1999. Television Work; Series: Producer and director, Team Knight Rider, syndicated, 1997. WRITINGS

Short Stories: "Invitation to an Accident/' in E//ery Queen's Awards, 10th Series, Little Brown, 1955.

Screenplays: The Glass Jar, 1999."

412 • WAGNER

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


1986-94. Music producer for music videos, including The Marky Mark Workout, 1993; made television commercials for CocaCola soft drinks and McDonald's restaurants.

PERSONAL Career: Costume designer. CREDITS Film Appearances: Cheering Section, 1977. Costume Designer, Except Where Indicated: Costume supervisor, Army of Darkness, Universal, 1993. Costume supervisor (United States), Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story, Universal, 1993. Hard Target, United International Pictures, 1993. The Underneath, United International Pictures, 1995. Craft service (additional photography unit), Flirting With Disaster, Miramax, 1996. Hit Me, Castle HiII, 1996. Eve's Bayou, Trimark Pictures, 1997. Wes Craven Presents Wishmaster, Imperial Entertainment, 1997. Meet the Deedles, Buena Vista, 1998. The Green Mile, Warner Bros., 1999. Television Work; Movies: Costume designer, Black Cat Run, HBO, 1998. Television Work; Specials: Science effects unit (WQED), Unseen Worlds, PBS, 1987. Science effects unit (WQED), To the Edge of the Earth, PBS, 1988. Wardrobe assistant, Interceptor, syndicated, 1989. Costume designer, Things That Co Bump, NBC, 1997.*



PERSONAL Full name, Donald Edmond Wahlberg; born August 17, 1969, in Boston, MA; children: Xavier; brother of Mark Wahlberg (a performer under name Marky Mark). Addresses: Agent—Paradigm, 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 2500, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Actor, singer, and music producer and arranger. New Kids on the Block, band member,

CREDITS Film Appearances: Big Balls, Bu//et, 1995. Cubby Barnes, Ransom, 1996. Greggo, Black Circle Boys, 1997. Danny Quinn, Southie, 1998. Rick Damon, Butter (also known as Never 2 Big), 1998. Vincent Gray, Sixth Sense, 1999. Chollo, Bullfighter, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Booker, The Split (also known as Body Count), The Movie Channel, 1998. Mr. Grey, The Taking of Pel ham One Two Three, ABC, 1998. Deputy Glen/Billy the Kid, Purgatory, TNT, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Host, Dance Party New Year's Eve Blast, USA Network, 1990. Host, New Kids on the Block: Hangin' Tough Live in Concert!, The Disney Channel, 1990. Idols, Fox, 1991. New Kids on the Block at Walt Disney World, ABC, 1991. Television Appearances; Episodic: The New Kids on the Block, ABC, 1990. RECORDINGS Albums: New Kids on the Block, Columbia, 1986. Hangin' Tough, Columbia, 1988. Step by Step, Columbia, 1990. No More Games, Columbia, 1991. Face the Music, Columbia, 1994. Performed for albums by other artists, including Paintings in My Mind by Tommy Page, 1989, and Music for the People by Marky Mark, 1991. Singles include "I'll Be Loving You/' Sony, 1990; "Please Don't Go/' Sony, 1990; "You Got It," Sony, 1990; "Baby I Believe," Alex, 1991; "Games," Alex, 1991; "Call It What You Want," Alex, 1991; "Megamix," Alex, 1991; "Dirty Dawg," Sony, 1993; and "Step by Step," CBS.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Music Videos: Hang/n' Tough, Sony, 1989. Merry, Merry Christmas, Columbia, 1989. Step by Step, Sony, 1990. Teen Vid I, 1991. Other music videos include Hang/n': Live, CBS; In Step . . . Out Of, Sony; In the Class, Sony; Kissed, Missed, Sony; New Heroes on the Block, CBS; Overnight Success, Sony; and Sheik of My Dreams, Sony. WRITINGS Film Music: Composer of song, "Good Vibrations/' The Mighty Ducks, Buena Vista, 1992.*


Water/and, Fine Line Features, 1992. Born Yesterday, Savoy Pictures, 1993. Jack and Sarah, Gramercy Pictures, 1995. Emma, Miramax, 1996. In Love and War, New Line Cinema/Warner Bros., 1996. Mary Reilly, TriStar, 1996. Editorial adviser, The Woodlanders, Miramax, 1997. Grey Owl, Remstar Distribution, 1999. Television Work; Movies: Assistant editor, The Class Menagerie, ABC, 1973. Editor, Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years, 1983. Editor, The Secret Life of Ian Fleming, TNT, 1990.*

WALKER, Paul 1973(Paul W. Walker) WAIN, Edward See TOWN E, Robert

WALKER, Lesley PERSONAL Addresses: Manager—Sandra Marsh Management, 9150 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 220, Beverly Hills, CA 90212-3429.

PERSONAL Born September 12, 1973, in Glendale, CA; mother, a model. Education: Attended community colleges in southern California. Avocational interests: Surfing, snow-boarding, skiing, snorkeling, sail-boarding, sailing, shooting, soccer. Addresses: Contact—c/o BWR, 9100 Wilshire Blvd., 6th Floor, West Tower, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Career: Actor. Worked as a child model.

Career: Editor. CREDITS CREDITS Film Appearances:

Film Work; Editor, Except Where Indicated: Assistant editor, The Lion in Winter, Avco Embassy, 1968. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Howard Mahler, 1977. Eagle's Wing, Rank Organization, 1978. Love and Bullets, Associated Film, 1979. The Tern pest, 1979. Richard's Things, New World Pictures, 1980. Ill Fares the Land, 1982. Meantime, 1983. Winter Flight, Cinecom International, 1984. A Letter to Brezhnev, Circle, 1985. Mona Lisa, Island Pictures, 1986. Cry Freedom, Universal, 1987. Buster, TriStar, 1988. Shirley Valentine, Paramount, 1989. The Fisher King, TriStar, 1991.

"Professor Bennett, Monster in the Closet, 1986. (As Paul W. Walker) Jason, Programmed to Kill, Trans World, 1987. Michael, Tammy and the T-Rex (also known as Teenage T-Rex), 1994. Phil Deedle, Meet the Deedles (also known as The Deed/es), 1998. Skip Martin, Pleasantville (also known as Color of Heart), 1998. Dean Sampson, She's All That, 1999. Lance Harbor, Varsity Blues, 1999. Brokedown Palace, 1999. Television Appearances; Series: (As Paul W. Walker) Jeremy Beatty, Throb, syndicated, 1986-87. Jesse Hansen, The Boys Are Back, CBS, 1994. Brandon Collins, The Young and the Restless, 1993.

414 • WALSH

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Television Appearances; Episodic: Michael Haynes, "You Can Go Home Again/' Who's the Boss?, 1991. Jonathan, Touched by an Angel, CBS, 1995. Appeared in episodes of Charles in Charge, Diff'rent Strokes, and Highway to Heaven. Television Appearances; Specials: Dill, Love in the Dark Ages, CBS, 1994.*

WALKER, Paul W. See WALKER, Paul

WALSH, Martin PERSONAL Career: Film editor. CREDITS Film Editor: Sacred Hearts, 1984. The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, 1988. Courage Mountain, Triumph Releasing, 1989. The Krays, Miramax, 1990. Hear My Song, Miramax, 1991. Wild West, Warner Bros., 1992. Bad Behaviour, October Films, 1993. Backbeat, Polydor Music Video, 1994. Funny Bones, Buena Vista, 1995. Hackers, M-G-M/United Artists/Warner Bros., 1995. Feeling Minnesota, Fine Line Features, 1996. For Roseanna, Fine Line Features, 1997. We/come to Woop VYoop, Goldwyn, 1997. Hilary and]ackie, October Films, 1998. The Mighty, 1998. Mansfield Park, Miramax, 1999.*

CREDITS Film Editor, Except Where Indicated: Assistant editor, Uncle Joe Shannon, 1978. Assistant director, Being There, United Artists, 1979. Associate editor, Raging Bull, United Artists, 1980. 48Hrs.,1982. Rocky 111, 1982. Staying Alive, Paramount, 1983. A Soldier's Story, 1984. Weird Science, 1985. Big Trouble in Little China, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. The Running Man, TriStar, 1987. Cocoon: The Return, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1988. Driving Miss Daisy, 1989. Pacific Heights, 1990. Rush, United International Pictures, 1991. Leap of Faith, 1992. Rich in Love, 1993. Intersection, United International Pictures, 1994. Dolores Claiborne, Columbia, 1995. A Family Thing, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1996. The Chamber, Universal City Studios, 1996. Dev/7's Advocate, Warner Bros., 1997. Double Jeopardy, Paramount, 1999. Television Work; Movies: Editor, Thicker Than Blood, TNT, 1998. Television Work; Specials: Segment director (cycling), 1988 Summer Olympic Games, 1988. Segment director (cycling), 1990 Goodwill Games, 1990. Accountant, Wayfinders: A Pacific Odyssey, PBS, 1999.*

WASCO, David PERSONAL Born in New Jersey; married Sandy Reynolds (a set decorator). Career: Production designer and set decorator. Worked as industrial designer in New York City, c. 1972. Expert on Los Angeles architecture.



Addresses: Home—20567 Paradise Ln., Topanga, CA 90290-3735.

Film Work; Production Designer, Unless Otherwise Noted: Set designer and set dresser, El Norte, Cinecom/lsland Alive, 1983.

Career: Film editor.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Set decorator, Night of the Comet, Atlantic Releasing, 1984. Go/c'y: The Last of the Golden Bears, 1984. Smooth Talk, Spectrafilm, 1985. Coldy 2: The Saga of the Golden Bear, 1986. Rachel River, Taurus, 1987. Stacking (also known as Season of Dreams), Spectrafilm, 1987. Student Confidential, Troma, 1987. In a Shallow Grave, Skouras Pictures, 1988. The Wash, Skouras Pictures, 1988. Twister, Vestron, 1989. Healing Hurts, 1991. Reservoir Dogs, Miramax, 1992. Where the Rivers Flow North, Caledonia Pictures, 1993. Killing Zoe, October Films, 1994. Oleanna, Samuel Goldwyn, 1994. Pulp Fiction, Miramax, 1994. Bottle Rocket, 1996. Jackie Brown, Miramax, 1997. She's So Lovely (also known as Call It Love), Miramax, 1997. Touch, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1997. Rushmore, Buena Vista, 1998. Film Appearances: Deputy, Goldy: The Last of the Golden Bears, 1984. Goldy 2: The Saga of the Golden Bear, 1986. Television Production Designer; Movies: Traveling Man, CBS, 1989. A Life in the Theatre, TNT, 1993.*

WASHINGTON, Isaiah (Isaiah Washington IV)

WASHINGTON » 4 1 5 Victor Dunham, dockers, 1995. Uniformed cop, Stonewall, 1995. Kyle, Get on the Bus, 1996. Shoplifter, Girl 6, 1996. Savon Garrison, Love Jones, 1997. Darnell, Bulworth, 1998. Lewis, Mixing Nia, 1998. Kenneth, Out of Sight, 1998. Frank Beachum, True Crime, 1999. Walter, Texas Funeral, 1999. Mac, Romeo Must Die, 1999. Stone, Kin, 1999. Also appeared in Dead Presidents. Television Appearances; Movies: Willie, Strapped, HBO, 1993. Blue, Mr. and Mrs. Loving, Showtime, 1996. Adult Willie Mays, Soul of the Game (also known as Field of Honour), HBO, 1996. Dwight Gooden, ]oe Torre: Curveballs along the Way, Showtime, 1997. Wilfred, /A/ways Outnumbered, HBO, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Derek Hardy, "Out of Control/' Law and Order, NBC, 1991. Lane Staily, "Black and Blue/7 Homicide: Life on the Street (also known as H: LOTS and Homicide), NBC, 1994. Antonio Boston, "E.R.," NYPD Blue, ABC, 1995. Andre Morgan, New York Undercover, Fox, 1995. Rulon Douglas, High Incident, ABC, 1996. Dr. Charles Roberts, Living Single, Fox, 1996. Michael Rivers, "The Inmates/' Ally McBeal, Fox, 1998. Michael Rivers, "Being There/' Ally McBeal, Fox, 1998.

PERSONAL Born in Houston, TX. Education: Attended Howard University.

Other Television Appearances: O. G.,, P.O.W.E.R.: The Eddie Matos Story (special), HBO, 1994. Wendal, Rituals (special), Lifetime, 1998.

Addresses: /Agent—International Creative Management, 3921 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 303, Los Angeles, CA 92011.

Appeared in Socrates, HBO.

Career: Actor. CREDITS Film Appearances: (As Isaiah Washington IV) Miles, Alma's Rainbow, 1993. Vic, Crooklyn, Universal, 1994.

Stage Appearances: Reed, Generations of the Dead in the Abyss of Coney Island Madness, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, CT, 1990-91. Foos, Distant Fires, Atlantic Theatre, New York City, 1991. Henry, The Skin of Our Teeth, Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL, 1992-93.


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Appeared in Fences, Police Boys, Raisin in the Sun, Song of the Sad Young Men, Soulful Scream. . ., Spell 7.*

CREDITS Film Appearances: Liberty Heights, Warner Bros., 1999.


Television Appearances; Movies: Chris Theodorakis, The Westing Game, Showtime, 1997. Television Appearances; Series: Eli Sammler, Once and Again, ABC, 1999—.

WEISBERG, David PERSONAL Addresses: Agent— Rick Berg. Contact—Writers & Artists Agency, 924 Westwood Blvd., Suite 900, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Career: Writer.

Television Appearances; Episodic: Nick, Boy Meets World, ABC, 1995. Dave Lattimore, Picket Fences, CBS, 1995. Joel, The Crew, Fox, 1995. Sean, Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, The WB, 1997. Kirk, Sliders, Sci-fi Channel, 1998. Tad, The Closer, CBS, 1998. Mitch Maloney, To Have & To Hold, CBS, 1998.*

CREDITS Television Work; Movies: Sound effects editor, Father and Scout, ABC, 1994.

WEST, Simon


Television Work; Series: Sound editorial, Great 5cott, Fox, 1992. Born in 1961. Television Work; Specials: Associate producer, The Kennedy Assassinations: Coincidence or Conspiracy, syndicated, 1992.

Career: Director. CREDITS

WRITINGS Screenplays: Holy Matrimony, 1994. The Rock (from story), Buena Vista, 1996. Double Jeopardy, Paramount, 1999.

Film Director: Con Air, Buena Vista, 1997. The Deceivers, 1999. The General's Daughter, United International Pictures, 1999.*

Television Movies: Payoff, Showtime, 1991.* WESTON, Celia PERSONAL WEST, Shane 1978PERSONAL Born June 10, 1978, in Baton Rouge, LA. Addresses: Contact—3310 West End Ave., 5th Floor, Nashville, TN 37203. Career: Actor.

Addresses: Agent—Innovative Artists, 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 2850, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Grace, Honky Tonk Freeway, Universal, 1981.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Eleanor, A New Life Stinks, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/ Pathe/Paramount, 1988. Monika, Stars and Bars, Columbia, 1988. Felicia Marks, Lost Angels, Orion, 1989. Miss Nimvel, Little Man Tate, Orion, 1991. Mary Beth Percy, Dead Man Walking, Paramount, 1995. Amelia, Unstrung Heroes, Buena Vista, 1995. Valerie Swaney, Flirting with Disaster, Miramax, 1996. Bottle lady, Getting to Know You, Cineville International, 1998. Mrs. Clark, Ride with the Devil, Universal, 1999. Etta Heine, Snow Falling on Cedars, Universal, 1999. Aunt Joan, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Paramount, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Stephanie, The Single Life, NBC, 1980. Sherri Crockett, A Rock and a Hard Place, CBS, 1981. CBS team member, Battle of the Network Stars XVI, ABC, 1984. Host from Toronto, The CBS All-American Thanksgiving Day Parade, CBS, 1984. Television Appearances; Episodic: Jolene Hunnicutt, Alice, CBS, 1976. ER, NBC, 1998.*

WILLIAMS »417 Television Appearances; Specials: Mojo, Divided We Stand, ABC, 1988. Film Appearances: Todd, The Night We Never Met, 1993. Stephen Saint, The Object of My Affection, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1998.*

WICK, Douglas PERSONAL Career: Producer. CREDITS Film Producer: Working Girl, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1988. Wolf, Columbia, 1994. The Craft, 1996. Hush, TriStar, 1998. Girl, Interrupted, Columbia, 1999. Stuart Little, Columbia, 1999. Gladiator, DreamWorks, 2000.*


PERSONAL Career: Special Effects Artist. Born in Augusta, GA. CREDITS Addresses: /Agent—Silver, Massetti and Associates, 145 West 45th St., Suite 1204, New York, NY 10036. Career: Actor. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Thomas Riley III, House Rules, NBC, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: Obsessive fan, Law and Order, NBC, 1991. Brad Schimmel, Flying Blind, Fox, 1992. Doug Berkus, Mad About You, NBC, 1995. Law and Order, NBC, 1996. Stephen, Spin City, ABC, 1997. Michael Allen, Fantasy Island, ABC, 1998.

Other Film Work: Special effects assistant, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Paramount, 1984. Special effects, A View to a Kill, United Artists, 1985. Senior special effects technician, Aliens, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1986. Special effects technician, Labyrinth, 1986. Special effects, The Living Daylights, United Artists, 1987. Senior special effects technician, Willow, 1988. Special effects supervisor assistant, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Paramount, 1989. Special effects supervisor, Air America, YCL Communications, 1990. Assistant special effects supervisor, Alien 3, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1992. Special effects technician (UK), Patriot Games, United International Pictures, 1992.

418 • WILSON

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Special effects technician, Year of the Comet, 1992. Special effects supervisor, Blake Edwards' Son of the Pink Panther, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1993. Special effects supervisor, In the Name of the Father, United International Pictures, 1993. Special effects supervisor, Black Beauty, 1994. Special effects supervisor and ABC robot supervisor, judge Dredd, Buena Vista, 1995. Special effects supervisor, Hamlet, Columbia,

1996. Special effects, White Squall, Buena Vista, 1996. Special effects supervisor, Mortal /Combat: The Annihilation, New Line Cinema, 1997. Special effects coordinator (UK), Oscar and Lucinda, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Special effects supervisor, The Butcher Boy, Warner Bros., 1997. Special effects supervisor, The Avengers, Warner Bros., 1998. Sound effects supervisor, The Revengers' Comedies, Miramax, 1998. Special effects supervisor (UK), Plunkett & Macleane, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, 1999. Special effects supervisor, Sleepy Hollow, Paramount,

1999. Television Work: Special effects, Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea, NBC, 1990.*

WILMER, Dale See WADE, Robert (Allison)

WILSON, Dick 1916PERSONAL Born July 30,1916, in England; married, wife's name Meg. Career: Actor. Spokesperson (as George Whipple) for Charmin bathroom tissue, 1965-85, and 1999—. Also worked in vaudeville. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Himself, The Better Home Show, 1951. Dino Baroni, McHale's Navy, 1965-66. Presenting Susan Anton, NBC, 1979. Regular at bar, Small and Frye, CBS, 1983.

Television Appearances; Episodic: "The Doctor WiIloughby Story/' Wagon Train, 1958. Adjuster, "Escape Clause/' The Twilight Zone, 1959. "The Man from the Sea/' The Virginian, 1962. Prisoner, "The Case of Constant Doyle/' Perry Mason, 1963. Mover, "Ninety Years without Slumbering," The Twilight Zone, 1963. "The Testing of Sam Houston," The Great Adventure, 1964. Man in bar, "A Change in Face," Bewitched, 1965. Berger, "Conspiracy of Silence," The Fugitive, 1965. Montague, "The Very Informal Dress," Bewitched, 1965. "A Man for Marilyn," The Munsters, 1965. Drunk, "Fastest Gun on Madison Avenue," Bewitched, 1966. Mr. Wimple, "What's New, Poodle Dog?," / Dream of]eannie, 1966. Captain Fritz Gruber, "Don't Forget to Write," Hogan's Heroes, 1966. Solow, "Hoho the Clown," Bewitched, 1967. Harry, "No More Mr. Nice Guy," Bewitched, 1967. Customer, "Toys in Babeland," Bewitched, 1967. Drunk, "No Zip in My Zap," Bewitched, 1967. Airline clerk, "Kate's Birthday," Petticoat Junction, 1967. Drunk, "I Confess," Bewitched, 1968. Frank O'Hara, "Samantha's Wedding Present," Bewitched, 1968. Drunk, "It's So Nice to Have a Spouse around the House," Bewitched, 1968. Kraft, "Man's Best Friend Is Not His Dog," Hogan's Heroes, 1968. Man in bar, "Is It Magic or Imagination?," Bewitched, 1968. Captain Gruber, "The Missing Klink," Hogan's Heroes, 1969. Customer, "Samantha the Bard," Bewitched, 1969. Dockweiler, "Djinn Djinn, the Pied Piper," / Dream ofjeannie, 1969. Drunk, "A Bunny for Tabitha," Bewitched, 1969. "Gowns by Yvette," Hogan's Heroes, 1970. Old-timer, "The Salem Saga," Bewitched, 1970. Old-timer, "Samantha's Hot Bed Warmer," Bewitched, 1970. Old-timer, "Darrin on a Pedestal," Bewitched, 1970. Karl, "Operation Tiger," Hogan's Heroes, 1970. Second underground man, "Hogan's Double Life," Hogan's Heroes, 1971. Neighbor, "George Washington Zapped Here," Part 1, Bewitched, 1972. Milt, "My Wife Belongs to Daddy," The Bob Newhart Show, 1973.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Man with hat, "By the Way . . . You're Fired/7 The Bob Newhart Show, 1973. Mr. Berry, "A Pound of Flesh/' The Bob Newhart Show, 1974. Host, Camp Midnight, USA, 1989. Television Appearances; Specials: Barney and Me, NBC, 1973. Get out of My Room (also known as Cheech and Chong: Get out of My Room), Showtime, 1985. Other Television Appearances: Kirk Lecount, Getting Away from It All (movie), ABC, 1972. Drunk, Harold Robbins' "The Pirate" (miniseries), CBS, 1978. Better Late Than Never (movie), NBC, 1979. Film Appearances: First jury foreman, The Tattered Dress, 1957. Martin, Diary of a Madman, United Artists, 1963. Driscoll, What a Way to Co!, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1964. Bandmaster, The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, 1965. Indian chief, The Shakiest Gun in the West, Universal, 1968. Drunk in bar, The World's Greatest Athlete, 1972. Store manager, The Incredible Shrinking Woman, Universal, 1981. Periodicals: People Weekly, April 20, 1998, p. 15.*

WISE « 4 1 9 Executive producer, Octopussy, United Artists, 1983. A View to a Kill, United Artists, 1985. The Living Daylights, United Artists, 1987. Licence to Kill, United Artists, 1989. ColdenEye, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1995. Tomorrow Never Dies, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1997. The World Is Not Enough, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1999. Television Work; Series: Development, James Bond, ]r., syndicated, 1991. WRITINGS Screenplays: A Place in the Sun, Paramount, 1951. Five Fingers, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1952. Friendly Persuasion, Allied Artists, 1956. The Bridge on the River Kwai (based on material from another medium), Columbia, 1957. Lawrence of Arabia (based on material from another medium), Columbia, 1962. For Your Eyes Only, United Artists, 1981. Octopussy (from story), United Artists, 1983. A View to a Kill, United Artists, 1985. The Living Daylights, United Artists, 1987. Licence to Kill (from story), United Artists, 1989.*

WISE, Greg 1966PERSONAL Born in May 15, 1966; children: Gaia Romilly Wise (with Emma Thompson, an actress).

WILSON, Michael G. 1942-

Addresses: Business Contact:!!0/273-6700.

PERSONAL Career: Actor. Born January 21, 1942, in New York City; son of Lewis Gilbert Wilson and Dana (Natol) Broccoli; married Coila Jane Hurley; children: David, Gregg. Education: Harvey Mudd College, BS, 1963; Stanford University, JD, 1966. Avocational Interests: 19th and 20th century photograph collecting. Career: Producer, writer. CREDITS Film Producer; Except Where Indicated: Executive producer, Moonraker, United Artists, 1979. Executive producer, For Your Eyes Only, United Artists, 1981.

CREDITS Film Appearances: Arch Wilson, Feast of July, Buena Vista, 1995. John Willoughby, Sense and Sensibility, Sony Pictures Classics, 1995. Alex, Mad Cows, Entertainment Film Distributors, 1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Ben Dyson, The Judas Kiss, Cinemax, 1999. Television Appearances; Specials: Guy Thwaite, The Buccaneers, PBS, 1995. A Fatal Caper, HBO, 1996.

420 • WOOD

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Franklin Blake, The Moonstone, PBS, 1997. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Crispian Grimes, House of Frankenstein, TNT, 1997. Television Appearances; Episodic: Henry of Gault, Covington Cross, ABC, 1992. Television Work; Series: Production assistant, Austin City Limits, PBS, 1975.*

CREDITS Film Appearances: Small Man, Heaven's Gate, 1980. Blackeyes, 1989. Niki Landau, The Russia House, 1990. Stump, The Pelican Brief, Warner Bros., 1993. Mr. Collyns, Shooting Fish, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1997. Sergei, The Man Who Knew Too Little, Warner Bros.,


WOOD, Evan Rachel 1987PERSONAL Born September 7, 1987, in Raleigh, NC; daughter of Ira David III and Sara Lynn (Moore) Wood. Addresses: Agent—Agency for the Performing Arts, 9000 Sunset Blvd., Suite 1200, Los Angeles, CA 91403. Career: Actress. CREDITS Film Appearances: Harriet Frankovitz, Digging to China, The Ministry of Film Inc., 1997. Kylie, Practical Magic, Warner Bros., 1998. Television Appearances; Movies: Tessa, A Father for Charlie, CBS, 1995. Jamie (age 8), Get to the Heart: The Barbara Mandrel I Story, CBS, 1997. Robin Carr, Down Will Come Baby, CBS, 1999.

Doctor Darling, The Avengers, Warner Bros., 1998. Immonger, Titanic Town, Lauren Film, 1998. Mr. Seymour, Topsy-Turvy, October Films, 1999. Mr. Dian, Dreaming of Joseph Lees, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1999. Slynne, Mad Cows, Entertainment Film Distributors,

1999. Television Appearances; Movies: Martin Greenbaum, Max and Helen, TNT, 1990. Cracker: The Mad Woman in the Attic, A&E, 1994. Television Appearances; Specials: Emil, Piaf, Entertainment Channel, 1982. Jorgen Tesman, Hedda Gabler, PBS, 1993. The Blackheath Poisonings, PBS, 1993. Asylum Proprietor, The Woman in White, PBS, 1998. Television Appearances; Miniseries: Corporal Kazmarak, A Rumor of War, CBS, 1980.*



Born October 5, 1966. Television Appearances; Series: Jesse Sammler, Once and Again, ABC, 1999—. Television Appearances; Episodic: Rose Russell, American Gothic, CBS, 1995. Profiler, NBC, 1998. Profiler, NBC, 1999.*

WOODESON, Nicholas PERSONAL Career: Actor.

Career: Composer. WRITINGS Film Music: The Crew, 1994. French Exit, Columbia TriStar, 1995. (Original music) Running Wild, 1995. No Vacancy, No Vacancy, 1999. Play It to the Bone, Buena Vista, 1999. Television Music; Movies: The Grave, HBO, 1996. Dangerous Waters, Fox, 1999.*


YAGHER, Kevin 1963(?)PERSONAL Born c. 1963, in Illinois. Career: Makeup artist and director. CREDITS Film Work; Director: Hellraiser: Bloodline, Miramax, 1996. Other Film Work: Special makeup effects, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Part 2: Freddy's Revenge, Media Home Entertainment, 1985. Creature effects crew, Cocoon, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1985. Art department, Invaders from Mars, Cannon Pictures, 1986. Makeup effects (Freddy), A Nightmare on Elm Street Part III: Dream Warriors, New Line Cinema, 1987. Special makeup effects, Retribution, 1987. Special makeup effects, The Hidden, AssoFilm, 1987. Special makeup effects supervisor, 976-EVIL, TriStar, 1988. Design and execution (Chucky doll), Child's Play, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1988. Special makeup effects, A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master, Media Home Entertainment, 1988. Makeup, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, 1989. Makeup effects creation, Glory, 1989. Special makeup effects designer and creator, The Phantom of the Opera, 1989. Engineer (Chucky dolI), Child's Play 2, Universal, 1990. Makeup and special effects designer, Meet the Applegates, Media Home Entertainment, 1990.

Designer and engineer (Chucky doll), Child's Play 3, 1991. Makeup effects creator, Defenseless, New Line Cinema, 1991. Makeup effects creator, The Borrower, Warner Bros., 1991. Creature and makeup effects creator and designer, Bill & Ted's Bogus ]ourney, 1991. Makeup effects creator and designer, Article 99, Orion, 1992. Special makeup effects, Honey, I Blew Up the Kid, Buena Vista, 1992. Creature effects, Radio Flyer, Columbia TriStar, 1992. Special makeup effects creator, Man's Best Friend, New Line Cinema, 1993. Makeup effects creator and designer, Getting Even with Dad, United International Picture, 1994. Makeup effects creator, Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde, Savoy Pictures, 1995. Makeup and effects, Rumplestiltskin, Spelling Film International, 1995. Designer (crypt keeper), Tales from the Crypt Presents Demon Knight, Universal, 1995. Additional makeup effects creator (credited as Alan Smithee), Hellraiser: Bloodline, Miramax, 1996. Designer (crypt keeper), Tales from the Crypt Presents: Bordello of Blood, 1996. Makeup effects, The Fan, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 1996. Human visual effects creator, Starship Troopers, Sony Pictures, 1997. Special makeup effects creator, Face/Off, Buena Vista, 1997. Special effects creator, Volcano, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1997. Puppet effects creator and coordinator, Bride of Chucky, Universal, 1998. Makeup effects, Enemy of the State, Buena Vista, 1998. Special makeup, In Dreams, DreamWorks, 1999.

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Co-producer and creature effects consultant and human/creature special effects, Sleepy Hollow (from screen story), Paramount, 1999. Special effects creator, The Astronaut's Wife, New Line Cinema, 1999. Television Work; Series: Creator (fuzzbuckets), Fuzzbucket, ABC, 1986. Makeup, Freddy's Nightmares, syndicated, 1988. Production design, segment production, segment director, puppet creator, makeup effects designer/ creator, and special effects and crypt keeper designer, Tales from the Crypt, HBO, 1989-96.*

YELLAND, David PERSONAL Career: Actor. CREDITS Television Appearances; Series: Edwin Brett, The Bretts II, PBS, 1987-89. Television Appearances; Specials: Tony Orford, Star Quality, PBS, 1987. Captain Crewe, The Little Princess, PBS, 1987. Laverton West, Murder in the Mews, PBS, 1990. Television Appearances; Movies: Major Kassell, Dalziel and Pascoe: Exit Lines, A&E, 1998. Television Appearances; Episodic: "Rumpole and the Age for Retirement/7 Rumpole of the Bailey, Series II, PBS, 1981. Edmund Burke, Liberty! The American Revolution, PBS, 1997.

Career: Cinematographer. CREDITS Film Cinematographer, Except Where Indicated: Production crew, Ferestedah, 1983. To Live and Die in L.A., Vestron Video, 1985. Additional camera operator, Wanted Dead or Alive, 1986. And camera operator, Rampage, Miramax, 1987. Dead Heat, New World, 1988. Johnny Be Good, Orion, 1988. Rented Lips, 1988. Additional photography, Cold Feet, 1989. Drugstore Cowboy, 1989. Additional photography, Tap, 1989. The Wizard, Universal, 1989. Kid, 1990. Camera operator, The Dark Backward, 1991. The Linguini Incident, 1991. Too Much Sun, 1991. Painted Heart, Astra, 1992. Somebody to Love, Legacy Releasing, 1994. Coldblooded, 1995. Bottle Rocket, Alma-Kino-Filmverleih, 1996. The Substance of Fire, Miramax, 1996. White Lies, Buena Vista, 1996. Permanent Midnight, Live Film & Mediaworks, 1998. Rushmore, Buena Vista, 1998. Television Work; Cinematographer: C.A.T. Squad, NBC, 1986. Perfect Harmony, Disney, 1991. Past Midnight, USA, 1992. Double Deception, NBC, 1993. Dogwatch, HBO, 1997. The Pentagon Wars, HBO, 1998.*

YOSHIZAKI, Michiyo Film Appearances: Prince of Wales, Chariots of Fire, Twentieth CenturyFox, 1981.*

PERSONAL Addresses: Agent—International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Career: Producer.

YEOMAN, Robert PERSONAL Addresses: /Agent—Smith-Gosnell-Nicholson & Associates, P. O. Box 116, 1515 Palisades Dr., Suite N, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272-2168.

CREDITS Film Work; Executive Producer, Except Where Indicated: Basquiat, Miramax, 1996.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love, Trimark, 1996. Chinese Box, Trimark, 1997. The Break, NFD International, 1997. Wilde, Sony Pictures Classics, 1997. Coproducer, Titus, Fox Searchlight Pictures, 1999."

ZHANG YIMOU 1950PERSONAL Born in 1950, in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China; father, an army officer; mother, a dermatologist; married HuaXie, 1982 (divorced); children: Zhang Mo (daughter). Education: Beijing Film Academy, graduated, 1982. Addresses: Contact—Norman Wang, 279 Mott St., Suite 5F, New York, NY 10012; and China Film Import and Export Office, 2500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1028, Los Angeles, CA 90057-4313. Career: Director, cinematographer, actor, writer, and producer. Worked as a custodian at a textile factory, Xianyang, China, between 1966 and 1976. Awards, Honors: China's Golden Rooster Award, best cinematography, c. 1984, for Huang Tu Di; Best Actor Award, Tokyo International Film Festival, and Golden Rooster Award, best actor, both 1986, for Lao Jing; Golden Rooster Awards, c. 1987, for Hong Gao Liang; Academy Award nomination, best foreign-language film, and Luis Bunuel Award, Cannes Film Festival, both c. 1990, for Ju Dou; Silver Lion Award, Venice Film Festival, 1991, shared (with Fu-Sheng Chiu) Academy Award nomination, best foreign-language film, 1992, Independent Spirit Award nomination, best foreign film, and British Academy Award, best film not in the English language, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, both 1993, all for Da Hong Deng Long Gao Gao Cua; Golden Lion Award, Venice Film Festival, 1992, and Independent Spirit Award nomination, best foreign film, 1994, both for Qiu Ju Da Cuan Si; shared (with Chiu) Grand Prize of the Jury, Cannes Film Festival, 1994, and British Academy Award, best film not in the English language, 1995, both for Huozhe; Golden Palm Award nomination, Cannes Film Festival, 1995, for Yao a Yao Yao Dao Waipo Qiao; Golden Palm Award nomination, Grand Jury Prize nomination, Los Angeles International Film Festival, and Golden Lion Award nomination, all 1997, for You Hua Hao Hao Shuo; Golden Lion Award nomination, 1999, for Not One Less.

ZHANG YIMOU • 423 CREDITS Film Work; Director, Unless Otherwise Noted: Cinematographer, Yi Ce He Be Ce (also known as One and Eight), 1983. Cinematographer, HongXiang, 1983. Cinematographer, Huang Tu Di (also known as Yellow Earth), 1984. Cinematographer, Da Yue Bing (also known as The Big Parade), 1986. Cinematographer, Lao]ing(a\so known as Old Wei I), 1986. Hong Gao Liang (also known as Red Sorghum), 1987. Daihao Meizhoubao (also known as Codename Cougar, Operation Cougar, and The Puma Action), 1989. Coproducer, Qin Yong (also known as A Terracotta Warrior, Gujin Da Zhan, and Qin Yon Qing), 1989. Moans in the Dark, 1989. ]u Dou, Miramax, 1990. (With Fu-Sheng Chiu) Da Hong Deng Long Gao Gao Cua (also known as Raise the Red Lantern), Orion Classics, 1991. Qiu )u Da Cuan Si (also known as Qiu ]u Goes to Court and The Story of Qiu Ju), Sony Pictures Classics, 1992. Supervising director, Hua Hun (also known as Pan Yu Liang, a Woman Painter, Soul of a Painter, and La Peintre), 1993. Associate producer, Mary from Beijing, 1993. (With Chiu) Huozhe (also known as Lifetimes, Living, To Live, and Wootjeuk), Samuel Goldwyn, 1994. Executive producer, The Great Conqueror's Concubine, 1994. Codirector, Lumiere et Compagnie (also known as Lumiere and Company and Lumiere y Compania), 1995. Yao a Yao Yao Dao Waipo Qiao (also known as Shanghai Triad), Sony Pictures Classics, 1995. You Hua Hao Hao Shuo (also known as Keep Cool), 1997. Executive producer, Lung Singling Yuet (also known as Dragon Town Story), 1997. Not One Less, 1999. Film Appearances: Shun, Wangquan, Lao]ing (also known as Old Well), 1986. Hong Gao Liang (also known as Red Sorghum), 1987. Tian Fong, Qin Yong (also known as A Terracotta Warrior, Gu Jin Da Zhan, and Qin Yon Qing), 1989. Junk peddler, You Hua Hao Hao Shuo (also known as Keep Coo/), 1997.

424 • ZHANG YUAN Television Appearances; Specials: The Making of "Turandot at the Forbidden City," PBS, 1999. Television Work; Specials: Stage director, Turandot at the Forbidden City, PBS, 1999. WRITINGS Films: Composer of songs "Jiushen Qu" and "Meimei Ni Dadan Wangqian Zou," Hong Cao Liang (also known as Red Sorghum), 1987. Hua Hun (also known as Pan Yu Liang, a Woman Painter, Soul of a Painter, and La Pe/ntre), 1993. OTHER SOURCES Periodicals: Economist, February 11, 1989, p. 84. Economist, U.S. edition, November 12,1994, p. 115. Film Comment, September-October, 1995, p. 10. Newsweek, October 9, 1995, p. 74. New York Times, March 1, 1992.*

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 (And producer) Beijing Za Zhong (also known as Beijing Bastards), 1993. (And producer and cinematographer) Cuang Chang (also known as The Square), 1994. (And producer) Erzi (also known as 5ons), 1996. Danske Piger Viser Alt (also known as Danish Girls Show Everything), 1996. (And producer) Dong Cong Xi Cong (also known as Behind the Forbidden City and East Palace West Palace), 1997. (And cinematographer) Fengkuang Yingyu, 1999. WRITINGS Screenplays: Beijing Za Zhong (also known as Beijing Bastards), 1993. (With Wang Xiaobo) Dong Cong Xi Cong (also known as Behind the Forbidden City and East Palace West Palace), 1997. (And producer and editor) Seventeen Years, 1999.*



Addresses:/Agent—Gersh Agency, 232 North Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210-5302.

PERSONAL Career: Editor. Born in October, 1963, in Nanjing, China. Education: Attended Beijing Film Academy. Addresses: Office—c/o Beijing Film Academy. Career: Producer, director, writer, and cinematographer. Director of music videos for Chinese rock singer Chui Jian. Awards, Honors: Golden Leopard Award nomination and special mention, Locarno International Film Festival, both 1993, for Beijing Za Zhong; Silver Ombu Awards, best director and (shared with Wang Xiaobo), best screenplay, Mar del Plata Film Festival, both 1997, for Dong Gong Xi Cong; Special Jury Prize, Nantes Film Festival, 1999, for Mama. CREDITS Film Work; Director, Unless Otherwise Noted: White Line, 1989. (And producer) Mama (also known as Mum), 1992.

CREDITS Film Work; Editor, Except Where Indicated: Assistant editor, Shampoo, Columbia, 1975. Coming Home, United Artists, 1977. Heaven Can Wait, Paramount, 1978. Uncle ]oe Shannon, United Artists, 1978. Being There, United Artists/Warner Bros., 1979. A Change of Seasons, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1980. Barbarosa, Universal, 1982. Best Friends, Warner Bros., 1982. Rocky III, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1982. Staying Alive, Paramount, 1983. Teachers, United Artists, 1984. My Man Adam, 1985. Rocky IV, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1985. Cobra, Warner Bros., 1986. Fatal Beauty, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1987. Over the Top, Warner Bros., 1987. Everybody's All-American, Warner Bros., 1988.

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 The Package, Warner Bros., 1989. Navy Seals, Orion, 1990. The Prince of Tides, Columbia, 1991. Diggstown, United International Pictures, 1992. Leap of Faith, Paramount, 1992. Indecent Proposal, United International Pictures, 1993. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Warner Bros., 1994. The Scout, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1994. A Walk in the Clouds, Twentieth Century-Fox, 1995. The Nutty Professor, Universal, 1996. Liar Liar, Universal, 1997. Half-Baked, MCA/Universal, 1998. Patch Adams, Universal, 1998. Galaxy Quest, Dream Works Distribution, 1999.*


Cumulative Index To provide continuity with Who's Who in the Theatre, this index interfiles references to Who's Who in the Theatre, 1st-17th Editions, and Who Was Who in the Theatre (Gale, 1978) with references to Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television, Volumes 1-28. References in the index are identified as follows: CTFT and volume number—Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television, Volumes 1-28 WWT and edition number—Who's Who in the Theatre, 1st-17th Editions WWasWT—Who Was Who in the Theatre

Aames, Willie 1960CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Aaron, Caroline 1954CTFT-22 Aaron, Paul CTFT-15 Aarons, Alexander A. ?-1943 WWasWT Aarons, Alfred E. ?-1936 WWasWT Abady, Josephine R. 1949CTFT-4 Abarbanell, Una 1880-1963 WWasWT Abba, Marta 1907-1988 WWasWT Abbas, Hector 1884-1942 WWasWT Abbensetts, Michael 1938CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; WWT-1 7 Abbot, Rick See Sharkey, Jack CTFT-1 Abbott, Bud 1895(?)-1974 CTFT-16 Abbott, George 1887-1995 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Abbott, John 1905WWasWT Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem 1947CTFT-13 Abel, Lionel 1910CTFT-1 Abel, Walter 1898-1987 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Abeles, Edward S. 1869-1919 WWasWT Abercrombie, Lascelles 1881-1938 WWasWT Abingdon, W L. 1859-1918 WWasWT Abingdon, William 1888-1959 WWasWT Ableman, Paul 1927CTFT-11 Aborn, Milton 1864-? WWasWT Abraham, F. Murray 1939(?)CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4 Abraham, Frank Murray See Abraham, F. Murray CTFT-22 Abraham, Paul ?-1960 WWasWT Abrahams, A. E. 1873-1966 WWasWT Abrahams, Doris Cole 1925CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Abrahams, Jim 1944CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 15 Abrahamsen, Daniel Charles 1952CTFT-1 Abrams, J. J. See Abrams, Jeffrey CTFT-23 Abrams, Jeffrey 1964CTFT-23 Abravanel, Maurice 1903-1993 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-12 Abuba, Ernest 1947CTFT-1 Achard, Marcel 1900-1974 WWasWT

Acheson, James Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Achilles, Peter See Jarrico, Paul Achurch, Janet 1864-1916 Ackerman, Bettye 1928Ackerman, Harry S. 1912-1991 Obituary in CTFT-10 Ackerman, Leslie Ackerman, Robert Allan 1945Ackland, Joss 1928Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ackland, Rodney 1908, Earlier sketch in WWasWT Ackles, Kenneth V. 1916-1986 Acklom, Rauff de Ryther Duan See Manners, David Ackroyd, David 1940Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Aco, Lucas See Lucas, Jonathan Acovone, Jay 1955Acton-Bond, Acton Adair, Jean ?-1953 Adam, Ken 1921Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Adam, Ronald 1896-1979 Ada-May See May, Ada Adams, Brooke 1949Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Adams, Casey See Showalter, Max Adams, Dick 1889Adams, Don 1926Adams, Edie 1929(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; Adams, Ida ?-1960 Adams, Jane 1965Adams, Joey See Adams, Joey Lauren Adams, Joey Lauren 1971Adams, Julie Adams, Mason 1919Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Adams, Maud 1945Adams, Maude 1872-1953 Adams, Miriam 1907-




Adams, Molly CTFT-2 Adams, Polly CTFT-7 Adams, Robert WWasWT Adams, Tony 1953CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Adams, W. Bridges See Bridges-Adams, W. WWasWT Adams, Wayne 1930.....CTFT-1 Adato, Perry Miller CTFT-11 Aday, Marvin Lee See Meat Loaf CTFT-24 Addams, Dawn 1930-1985 CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Addie, Robert 1960CTFT-28 Addinsell, Richard Stewart 1904-1977 WWT-16 Addison, Carlotta 1849-1914 WWasWT Addison, John 1920-1998 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-24 Addy, Wesley 1913-1996 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ade, George 1866-1944 WWasWT Adelman, Sybil 1942CTFT-3 Adelson, Gary 1954CTFT-12 Aderer, Adolphe 1855-? WWasWT Adjani, Isabelle 1955CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 9, 16 Adler, Jacob 1855-1962 WWasWT Adler, Jerry 1929CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Adler, Larry 1914CTFT-4 Adler, Luther 1903-1984 CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Adler, Richard 1921CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Adler, Stella 1902CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Adlon, Percy 1935CTFT-8 Adrian, Max 1903WWasWT Adrienne, Jean 1905WWasWT Adye, Oscar WWasWT Affleck, Ben 1972CTFT-20 Affleck, Casey 1975CTFT-26 Agar, Dan 1881-1947 WWasWT Agar, John 1921CTFT-8 Agate, May 1892WWasWT Aghayan, Ray 1934CTFT-11

428 •


Agutter, Jenny 1952CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Aherne, Brian 1902-1986 WWasWT Ahlander, Thecla Ottilia 1855-? WWasWT Ahlers, Anny 1906-1933 WWasWT Aidem, Betsy 1957CTFT-3 Aidman, Betty Linton CTFT-1 Aidman, Charles 1925-1993 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-12 Aiello, Danny 1933CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Ailey, Alvin 1931-1989 CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Aimee, Anouk 1932(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 9 Ainley, Henry 1879-1967 WWasWT Aitken, Maria 1945CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Akalaitis, JoAnne 1937CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12; WWT-17 Aked, Muriel 1887-1955 WWasWT Akerman, Chantal 1950CTFT-23 Akers, Karen 1945CTFT-4 Akins, Claude 1926-1994 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Alba, Jessica 1981CTFT-26 Albanesi, Meggie (Margherita) 1899-1923 WWasWT Albee, Edward 1928CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Alberghetti, Anna Maria 1936CTFT-20 Albert, Allan 1945WWT-17 Albert, Ben 1876-? WWasWT Albert, Eddie 1908CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8; WWT-17 Albert, Edward 1951CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7 Albert, Edward, Jr. See Albert, Edward CTFT-18 Albert, William 1863-? WWasWT Albert-Lambert, Raphael 1865-? ....WWasWT Albertson, Jack ?-1981 WWT-17 Albery, Bronson 1881-1971 WWasWT Albery, Donald 1914-1988 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Albery, Ian Bronson 1936WWT-17 Albright, Hardie 1903WWasWT Alcivar, Bob CTFT-12 Alcott, John 1931-1986 CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-23 Alda, Alan 1936CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3, 10; WWT-17 Alda, Robert 1914-1986 CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Alda, Rutanya 1942CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Alda, Ruth See Alda, Rutanya CTFT-18 Alden, Hortense 1903WWasWT Alderson, Clifton 1864-1930 WWasWT Alderton, John 1940CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Aldin, Arthur 1872-? WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Aldredge, Theoni V. 1932CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4; WWT-17 Aldredge, Thomas See Aldredge, Tom CTFT-9 Aldredge, Tom 1928CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Aldrich, Charles T. 1872-? WWasWT Aldrich, Janet 1956CTFT-7 Aldrich, Richard 1902-1986 CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Aldrich, Robert 1918-1983 CTFT-2 Aldridge, Michael 1920-1994 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Aleandri, Emelise CTFT-2 Aleandro, Norma 1941CTFT-9 Alea, Tomas Gutierrez 1928-1996 CTFT-25 Alekan, Henri 1909CTFT-13 Aletter, Frank 1926CTFT-1 Alexander, Bill 1948CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Alexander, C. K. 1923WWT-17 Alexander, Erika 1969CTFT-27 Earlier entry in CTFT-17 Alexander, George 1858-1918 WWasWT Alexander, Jane 1939CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4; WWT-17 Alexander, Janet ?-1961 WWasWT Alexander, Jason 1959CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8, 15 Alexander, John 1897WWT-16 Alexander, Katherine 1901WWasWT Alexander, Kathleen WWT-13 Alexander, Khandi 1957(?)CTFT-23 Alexander, Lawrence 1939CTFT-12 Alexander, Muriel 1898WWasWT Alexander, Robert A. 1929CTFT-2 Alexander, Terence 1923CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Alexandre, Rene 1885-1946 WWasWT Alice, Mary CTFT-6 Alison, Dorothy 1925CTFT-1 Allan, Elizabeth 1910-1990 WWT-14 Allan, John B. See Westlake, Donald E CTFT-13 Allan, Maud WWasWT Allandale, Fred 1872-? WWasWT Allen, A. Hylton 1879-? WWasWT Allen, Adrienne WWT-14 Allen, Billie CTFT-1 Allen, Bob 1906CTFT-4 Allen, Byron 1961CTFT-11 Allen, Chad 1974CTFT-27 Earlier entry in CTFT-17 Allen, Charles Leslie 1830-1917 WWasWT Allen, Chesney 1896WWasWT Allen, Corey 1934CTFT-8 Allen, Debbie 1950CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Allen, Dede 1924(?)CTFT-9 Allen, Elizabeth 1934CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Allen, Frank 1851-? WWasWT

Allen, Fred 1894-1956 CTFT-21 Allen, H. Marsh WWT-6 Allen, Irwin 1916-1991 CTFT-12 Allen, Jack 1907WWT-17 Allen, Jay Presson 1922CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Allen, Joan 1956CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Allen, John Piers 1912WWT-17 Allen, Jonelle 1944CTFT-7 Allen, Karen 1951CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4 Allen, Kelcey 1875-1951 WWasWT Allen, Mel 1913CTFT-15 Allen, Nancy 1950CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 5 Allen, Patrick 1927CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Allen, Penelope CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Allen, Penny See Allen, Penelope CTFT-20 Allen, Peter 1944-1992 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-11 Allen, Phillip R. 1939CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Allen, Phylicia See Rashad, Phylicia CTFT-26 Allen, Rae 1926WWT-17 Allen, Ralph G. 1934CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Allen, Roland See Ayckbourn, Alan CTFT-21 Allen, Sheila 1932WWT-17 Allen, Steve 1921CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 15 Allen, Tim 1953CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Allen, Vera 1897CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Allen, Viola 1869-1948 WWasWT Allen, Woody 1935CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8, 15; WWT-17 Allenby, Frank 1898-1953 WWasWT Allenby, Peggy 1905-1967 WWasWT Allensworth, Carl 1908CTFT-6 Allers, Franz 1906-1995 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-14 Alley, Kirstie 1955CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Alleyne, John CTFT-15 Allgood, Sara 1883-1950 WWasWT Allik, Vera Viiu CTFT-6 Allinson, Michael WWT-17 Allison, Nancy 1954CTFT-4 Allister, Claud 1891-1967 WWasWT Allmon, Clinton 1941CTFT-1 Almberg, John 1940CTFT-2 Almendros, Nestor 1930-1992 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-10 Almodovar, Pedro 1951CTFT-10 Almquist, Gregg 1948CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Alonso, Maria Conchita 1957CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Alonzo, John A. 1934CTFT-10 Alpar, Gitta 1900WWasWT Alper, Jonathan 1950CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Alswang, Ralph 1916-1979 WWT-17 Alt, Carol 1960CTFT-14 Alt, Natalie WWasWT Altman, Bruce CTFT-20 Altman, Jeff 1951CTFT-14 Altman, Robert 1925CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7, 14 Altman, Ruth WwasWT Alton, John 1901-1996 CTFT-26 Alvarado, Trini 1967CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Alvin, John 1917CTFT-9 Alzado, Lyle 1949CTFT-8 Ambient, Mark 1860-1937 WWasWT Ambrose, David 1943CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Ameche, Don 1908-1993 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-12 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Amelio, Gianni 1945CTFT-15 Ames, E. Preston See Ames, Preston CTFT-10 Ames, Florenz 1884-? WWasWT Ames, Gerald 1881-1933 WWasWT Ames, Leon 1901WWasWT Ames, Preston 1905-1983 CTFT-10 Ames, Robert 1893-1931 WWasWT Ames, Rosemary 1906WWasWT Ames, Winthrop 1871-1937 WWasWT Amic, Henri 1853-? WWasWT Amick, Madchen 1970CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Amiel, Denys 1884-? WWasWT Amiel, Jon 1948CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Amis, Suzy 1962(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Amkraut, Alynne 1953CTFT-11 Amos, John 1941CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Amram, David 1930CTFT-1 Amsterdam, Morey 1914(?)-1996 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-16 Ana-Alicia 1956(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Anchia, Juan Ruiz 1949CTFT-28 Ancier, Garth 1958(?)CTFT-14 Anders, Allison 1955(?)CTFT-16 Anders, Glenn 1890WWasWT Anderson, Craig CTFT-1 Anderson, Daphne 1922WWT-1 7 Anderson, Donna 1925CTFT-11 Anderson, Eddie ''Rochester" 1905-1977 CTFT-22 Anderson, Gillian 1968-., CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Anderson, Gillian Bunshaft 1943-... CTFT-13 Anderson, Harry 1952(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13

Anstey • 429

Anderson, Haskell V. Ill 1942CTFT-4 Anderson, J. Grant 1897WWT-1 7 Anderson, John (Hargis) 1896-1943 WWasWT Anderson, John 1922, CTFT-9 Anderson, John Murray 1886-1954 WWasWT Anderson, Judith 1898-1992 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Anderson, Kevin 1960CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Anderson, Kevin C. See Anderson, Kevin CTFT-21 Anderson, Laurie 1947CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Anderson, Lawrence 1893-1939 WWasWT Anderson, Lindsay 1923-1994 CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6 Anderson, Loni 1945(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 9 Anderson, Louie 1953(?)CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Anderson, Mary 1859-1940 WWasWT Anderson, Maxwell 1888-1959 WWasWT Anderson, Melissa Sue 1962CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Anderson, Melody CTFT-4 Anderson, Michael 1920CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Anderson, Michael, Jr. 1943CTFT-6 Anderson, Pamela See Lee, Pamela Anderson CTFT-20 Anderson, Pamela Denise See Lee, Pamela Anderson CTFT-20 Anderson, Paul See Anderson, Paul Thomas... CTFT-21 Anderson, Paul Thomas 1970CTFT-21 Anderson, Peter 1942CTFT-11 Anderson, Richard 1926CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Anderson, Richard Dean 1950CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Anderson, Robert Woodruff 1917WWT-17 Anderson, Rona 1928WWT-17 Anderson, Sam CTFT-21 Anderson, Sarah Pia 1952CTFT-12 Anderson, William See West, Adam CTFT-27 Andersson, Bibi 1935CTFT-7 Andersson, Harriet 1932CTFT-8 Andreeva-Babakhan, Anna Misaakovna 1923WWasWT Andress, Ursula 1936Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Andreva, Stella See Browne, Stella Andrew, Leo 1957Andrews, Ann 1895Andrews, Anthony 1948Earlier sketch in CTFT-7



Andrews, Dana 1909-1992 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Andrews, David 1952CTFT-10 Andrews, Eamonn 1922-1987 CTFT-2 Andrews, George Lee 1942CTFT-1 Andrews, Harry 1911-1989 CTFT-7 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Andrews, Julie 1935CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7; WWasWT Andrews, Maidie WWasWT Andrews, Nancy 1924-1989 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Andrews, Naveen 1971(?)CTFT-19 Andrews, Real 1963CTFT-23 Andrews, Robert 1895WWasWT Andrews, Tige CTFT-3 Andrews, Tod 1920WWasWT Andros, Douglas 1931CTFT-1 Angel, Heather 1909-1986 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Angela, June 1959CTFT-11 Angelopoulos, Theo 1936(?)CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Angelopoulos, Theodores See Angelopoulos, Theo CTFT-22 Angelou, Maya 1928CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Angelus, Muriel 1909WWasWT Angers, Avril 1922CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Anglim, Philip 1953CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in WWT-17, CTFT-4 Anglin, Margaret 1876-1958 WWasWT Anhalt, Edward 1914CTFT-10 Aniston, Jennifer 1969CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Aniston, John CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Annabella 1912WWasWT Annakin, Ken 1914CTFT-11 Annals, Michael 1938WWT-17 Annaud, Jean-Jacques 1943CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Annis, Francesca 1944(?)CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Ann-Margret 1941CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 9, 16 Annunzio, Gabriele d' 1863-1938 WWasWT Anouilh, Jean 1910-1987 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ansara, Michael 1927-.. CTFT-3 Ansell, John 1874-1948 WWasWT Ansen, David 1945CTFT-10 Anson, A. E. 1879-1936 WWasWT Anson, George William 1847-1920 WWasWT Anspach, Susan 1939(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Anspacher, Louis K. 1878-1947 WWasWT Anspaugh, David 1946CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Anstey, Edgar 1907-1987 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-5

430 •


Anstey, F. 1856-1934 WWasWT Anstruther, Harold WWasWT Ant, Adam 1954CTFT-14 Anthony, Joseph 1912WWT-1 7 Anthony, Lysette CTFT-10 Anthony, Michael 1920CTFT-5 Antille, Lisa CTFT-3 Antoine, Andre 1857-1943 WWasWT Anton, Susan 1950(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Antona-Traversi, Camillo 1857-1926 WWasWT Antona-Traversi, Giannino 1860-1934 WWasWT Antonio, Lou 1934CTFT-8 Antonioni, Michelangelo 1912CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Antony, Hilda 1886-? WWasWT Antoon, A. J. 1944-1992 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Antrobus, John 1933WWT-1 7 Anwar, Gabrielle 1971CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Aoki, Brenda Jean 1953CTFT-20 Appel, Richard 1964CTFT-25 Apple, Gary 1955CTFT-3 Applebaum, Gertrude H CTFT-1 Appleby, Dorothy 1908-1990 WWasWT Applegate, Christina 1971CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Apted, Michael 1941CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 5, 12 Araki, Gregg 1959CTFT-25 Aranha, Ray CTFT-3 Arbeit, Herman O. 1925CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Arbenina, Stella 1887WWasWT Arbuckle, Maclyn 1866-1931 WWasWT Arbus, Allan 1918CTFT-6 Ealier sketch in CTFT-1 Arcand, Denys 1941CTFT-10 Arcenas, Loy 1953(?)CTFT-9 Archer, Anne 1949(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Archer, Joe WWasWT Archer, John 1915WWasWT Archer, John 1953CTFT-2 Archer, William 1856-1924 WWasWT Archibald, Douglas 1919CTFT-11 Ardant, Fanny 1949CTFT-23 Arden, Edwin Hunter Pendleton 1864-1918 WWasWT Arden, Eve 1912-1990 CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Arden, John 1930WWT-17 Ardolino, Emile 1943-1993 CTFT-10 Obituary in CTFT-12 Ardrey, Robert 1908...WWasWT Arell, Sherry H. 1950CTFT-3 Arenal, Julie CTFT-2 Argent, Edward 1931WWT-17 Argentina WWasWT Argento, Dario 1940CTFT-8

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Argenziano, Carmen 1943CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Argenziano, Carmine See Argenziano, Carmen CTFT-25 Argyle, Pearl 1910WWasWT Aris, Ben 1937CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Arkell, Elizabeth WWasWT Arkell, Reginald 1882-1959 WWasWT Arkin, Adam 1956CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7, 14 Arkin, Alan 1934CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 11; WWT-17 Arkoff, Samuel Z. 1918CTFT-3 Arkush, Allan 1948CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Arledge, Roone 1931CTFT-4 Arlen, Harold 1905-1986 WWT-17 Arlen, Michael 1895-1956 WWasWT Arlen, Stephen 1913WWasWT Arling, Joyce 1911WWasWT Arlington, Billy 1873-? WWasWT Arliss, George 1868-1946 WWasWT Armen, Rebecca 1957CTFT-2 Armitage, Frank See Carpenter, John CTFT-25 Armitage, Richard ?-1986 CTFT-4 Armstrong, Anthony 1897WWasWT Armstrong, Barney 1870-? WWasWT Armstrong, Bess 1953CTFT-6 Armstrong, Curtis 1953CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Armstrong, Gillian 1950CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Armstrong, Paul 1869-1915 WWasWT Armstrong, R.G. 1917CTFT-8 Armstrong, Robert 1896WWasWT Armstrong, Su CTFT-28 Armstrong, Vic CTFT-28 Armstrong, Will Steven 1930-1969 WWasWT Armstrong, William 1882-1952 WWasWT Arnatt, John 1917WWT-17 Arnaud, Yvonne 1892-1958 WWasWT Arnaz, Desi 1917-1986 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Arnaz, Desi, Jr. 1953CTFT-1 Arnaz, Lucie 1951CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Arness, James 1923CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Arnett, Peter 1934CTFT-11 Arnold, Danny 1925-1995 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-15 Arnold, David CTFT-28 Arnold, Edward 1890-1956 *.. WWasWT Arnold, Franz 1878-1960 WWasWT Arnold, Jeanne 1931CTFT-8 Arnold, Phyl ?-1941 WWasWT Arnold, Roseanne See Roseanne CTFT-26 Arnold, Tichina 1971(?)CTFT-1 7 Arnold, Tom ?-1969 WWasWT Arnold, Tom 1947CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17

Arnold, Tom 1959CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Arnott, James Fullarton 1914-1982 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Arnott, Mark 1950CTFT-5 Arnott, Peter 1936CTFT-3 Aronofsky, Darren 1969CTFT-27 Aronson, Boris 1900-1980 WWT-17 Aronstein, Martin 1936CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Arquette, Alexis 1969CTFT-23 Arquette, David 1971CTFT-23 Arquette, Lewis 1935CTFT-28 Arquette, Patricia 1968CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Arquette, Rosanna 1959CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6, 14 Arrabal, Fernando 1932WWT-17 Arrambide, Mario 1953CTFT-3 Arrley, Richmond See Noonan, Tom CTFT-25 Arrowsmith, William 1924CTFT-1 Arthur, Bea See Arthur, Beatrice CTFT-20 Arthur, Beatrice 1926(?)CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Arthur, Carol 1935CTFT-1 Arthur, Daphne 1925WWasWT Arthur, Jean 1905(?)-1991 CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Arthur, Julia 1869-1950 WWasWT Arthur, Karen 1941CTFT-10 Arthur, Paul 1859-1928 WWasWT Arthur, Robert ?-1929 WWasWT Arthur, Robert 1909-1986 CTFT-4 Arthur-Jones, Winifred WWT-6 Arthurs, George 1875-1944 WWasWT Artus, Louis 1870-? WWasWT Arundale, Grace (Kelly) WWasWT Arundale, Sybil 1882-1965 WWasWT Arundell, Dennis 1898-1936 WWasWT Asade, Jim 1936CTFT-2 Ash, Gordon ?-1929 WWasWT Ash, Maie 1888-? WWasWT Ashby, Hal 1936-1988 CTFT-6 Ashby, Harvey CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Ashby, Linden 1960CTFT-19 Ashcroft, Peggy 1907-1991 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ashe, Eve Brent See Brent, Eve CTFT-28 Asher, Jane 1946CTFT-8 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Asher, William 1919CTFT-9 Asherson, Renee WWT-17 Ashley, Elizabeth 1939CTFT-8 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Ashley, Iris 1909WWasWT Ashman, Howard 1950-1991 CTFT-12 Obituary in CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Ashmore, Basil 1951WWT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Ashmore, Peter 1916WWasWT Ashton, Ellis 1919CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ashton, Frederick 1906WWasWT Ashton, John 1948CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Ashton, John Carven See Ashton, John CTFT-27 Ashton, John David See Ashton, John CTFT-27 Ashwell, Lena 1872-1957 WwasWT Askew, Luke 1937CTFT-26 Askey, Arthur Bowden 1900WWT-17 Askin, Leon 1907CTFT-2 Askin, Peter 1946CTFT-5 Asner, Edward 1929CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Asquith, Anthony 1902-1968 WWasWT Asquith, Ward CTFT-3 Assante, Armand 1949CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11 Asseyev, Tamara CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Astaire, Adele 1898-1981 WWasWT Astaire, Fred 1899-1987 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Astin, John 1930CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Astin, MacKenzie 1973CTFT-22 Astin, Sean 1971CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Astley, John WWasWT Astredo, Humbert Allen CTFT-1 Atherton, William 1947CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Athis, Alfred 1873-? WWasWT Atienza, Edward 1924WWT-1 7 Atkin, Nancy 1904WWasWT Atkins, Christopher 1961CTFT-5 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Atkins, Eileen 1934CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11; WWT-17 Atkins, Robert 1886-1972 WWasWT Atkinson, (Justin) Brooks 1894-1984 WWT-1 7 Atkinson, Barbara 1926CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Atkinson, Don 1940CTFT-7 Atkinson, Harry 1866-? WWasWT Atkinson, Rosalind 1900-1977 WWT-16 Atkinson, Rowan 1955CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Atlas (William Hedley Roberts) 1864-? WWasWT Atlee, Howard 1926CTFT-1 Attanasio, Paul 1959CTFT-28 Attenborough, Richard 1923CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8, 15; WWT-17 Atteridge, Harold R. 1886-1938 WWasWT Attles, Joseph 1903CTFT-1 Atwater, Edith 1911-1986 WWasWT Atwill, Lionel 1885-1946 WWasWT

Atwood, Colleen CTFT-28 Auberjonois, Rene 1940CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8; WWT-17 Aubrey, James 1947CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Aubrey, Madge 1902-1970 WWasWT Auden, W. H. 1907-1973 WWasWT Audley, Maxine 1923CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Audran, Stephane 1932CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Augarde, Adrienne ?-1913 WWasWT Augarde, Amy 1868-1959 WWasWT August, Bille 1948CTFT-14 August, Pernilla 1958CTFT-23 Aukin, David 1942WWT-1 7 Auletta, Robert 1940CTFT-1 Aulisi, Joseph G CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8; WWT-1 7 Ault, Marie 1870-1951 WWasWT Aumont, Jean-Pierre 1913(?)CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-1 7 Aurness, James See Arness, James CTFT-18 Auster, Paul 1947CTFT-23 Austin, Charles 1878-1944 WWasWT Austin, Lyn 1922CTFT-1 Austin, Ray 1932CTFT-11 Austrian, Marjorie 1934CTFT-4 Auteuil, Daniel 1950CTFT-8 Autry, Alan 1952CTFT-26 Autry, Gene 1907-1998 CTFT-21 Obituary in CTFT-24 Avalon, Frankie 1940CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Avalos, Luis 1946CTFT-5 Avedis, Howard CTFT-1 Averback, Hy 1920-1997 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-19 Avery, Margaret CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Avery, Tex 1909-1980 CTFT-13 Avian, Bob 1937CTFT-13 Avian, Robert See Avian, Bob CTFT-13 Avildsen, John G. 1935CTFT-10 Aviles, Rick 1954-1995 CTFT-27 Avital, Mill 1972CTFT-20 Avnet, Jon 1949CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 11 Avni, Ran 1941CTFT-1 Avril, Suzanne WWasWT Axelrod, George 1922CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Axton, Hoyt 1938CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Axworthy, Geoffrey 1923WWT-17 Ayckbourn, Alan 1939CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 12; WWT-17 Ayer, Nat. D. ?-1952 WWasWT Ayers, David H. 1924..CTFT-1 Ayers-Allen, Phylicia See Rashad, Phylicia CTFT-26 Aykroyd, Dan 1952CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13

Bade • 431 Ayliff, Henry Kiell ?-1949 Aylmer, Felix 1889-1964 Aynesworth, Allan 1865-1959 Ayr, Michael 1953Ayres, Lew 1908-1996 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Ayrton, Norman 1924Ayrton, Randle 1869-1940 Azaria, Hank 1964Azenberg, Emanuel 1934Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Aznavour, Charles 1924Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Aznavurian, Charles See Aznavour, Charles Azzara, Candy 1947-




B Baaf, Mohsen Makhmal See Makhmalbaf, Mohsen CTFT-28 Babatunde, Obba CTFT-21 Babcock, Barbara 1937CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Babcock, Debra Lee 1956CTFT-5 Babe, Thomas 1941CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Babenco, Hector CTFT-6 Bacall, Lauren 1924CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 14 Baccus, Stephen 1969CTFT-1 Bach, Barbara CTFT-2 Bach, Catherine 1954CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Bach, Reginald 1886-1941 WWasWT Bacharach, Burt 1929(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Bachchan, Amitabh 1942CTFT-27 Bachman, Richard See King, Stephen CTFT-28 Backus, Jim 1913-1989CTFT-6 Backus, Richard 1945CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-1 7 Baclanova, Olga 1899WWasWT Bacon, Frank 1864-1922 WWasWT Bacon, Jane 1895WWasWT Bacon, Kevin 1958CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Bacon, Mai 1898WWasWT Badalamenti, Angelo CTFT-10 Badale, Andy See Badalamenti, Angelo CTFT-10 Badalucco, Michael CTFT-28 Badalucco, Mike See Badalucco, Michael CTFT-28 Baddeley, Angela 1904-1976 WWT-16 Baddeley, Hermione 1906-1986 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bade, Tom 1946CTFT-1

432 • Badel

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Badel, Alan 1923WWT-1 7 Badel, Sarah 1943CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bader, Diedrich 1968CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Bader, Dietrich See Bader, Diedrich CTFT-28 Badham, John 1939CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8 Badiyi, Reza S. 1930(?)CTFT-11 Badland, Annette CTFT-27 Baer, Hanania CTFT-19 Baer, Marian 1924CTFT-1 Baer, Max, Jr. 1937CTFT-6 Bagden, Ronald 1953CTFT-1 Bagley, Ben 1933WWT-1 7 Bagneris, Vernel 1949CTFT-9 Bagnold, Enid 1889-1981 WWT-1 7 Bahns, Maxine CTFT-23 Bailey, Frederick 1946CTFT-1 Bailey, G. W 1945CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Bailey, Gordon 1875-? WWasWT Bailey, H. C. 1878-1961 WWasWT Bailey, John 1942CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Bailey, Pearl 1918-1990 CTFT-9 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-1 7 Bailey, Robin 1919-1999 CTFT-11 Obituary in CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bain, Barbara 1931CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Bain, Conrad 1923CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-1 7 Baines, Florence 1877-1918 WWasWT Bainter, Fay 1891-1968 WWasWT Baio, Scott 196K?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Brief entry in CTFT-2 Baio, Scott Vincent See Baio, Scott Baird, Bil 1904-1987 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Baird, Dorothea 1875-1933 Baird, Ethel Baird, Mary E. 1947Bairstow, Scott 1970Baitz, Jon Robin 1961Bakay, Nicholas See Bakay, Nick Bakay, Nick Earlier entry in CTFT-1 7 Baker, Becky Anne 1953Baker, Benny 1907Baker, Blanche 1956Baker, Carroll 1931Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Baker, Diane 1938Baker, Dylan Baker, Elizabeth ?-1962 Baker, George 1885-? Baker, George 1931Earlier sketch in WWT-17



Baker, George Pierce 1866-1935 Baker, Iris 1901Baker, Joe Don 1936Baker, Josephine 1906-1975 Baker, Kathy 1950Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Baker, Kathy Whitton See Baker, Kathy Baker, Kenny 1934Baker, Lee ?-1948 Baker, Mark 1946Baker, Mark See Linn-Baker, Mark Baker, Norma Jean See Monroe, Marilyn Baker, Paul 1911-. Baker, Raymond 1948Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Baker, Rick 1950Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, Baker, Rod 1945Baker, Roy See Baker, Roy Ward Baker, Roy Ward 1916Baker, Word 1923-1995 Obituary in CTFT-15 Bakshi, Ralph 1938Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Bakula, Scott 1955(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Balaban, Bob 1945Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Balanchine, George 1904-1980 Balcer, Rene 1954Balch, Marston 1901Balderston, John L. 1889-1954 Baldwin, Adam 1962Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Baldwin, Alec 1958Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, Baldwin, Daniel 1960Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Baldwin, James 1924-1987 Baldwin, Peter Baldwin, Stephen 1966Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Baldwin, William Bale, Christian 1974Balfour, Katharine 1920-1990 Balin, Ina 1937-1990 Balk, Fairuza 1974Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Ball, Lucille 1911-1989 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Ball, William 1931-1991 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Ballantyne, Paul 1909Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Ballard, Carroll 1937Ballard, Kaye 1926Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Ballard, Lucien 1908-1988 Ballet, Arthur H. 1924-


CTFT-15 CTFT-8 WWasWT WWT-1 7 CTFT-19 CTFT-19 CTFT-1 CTFT-6 CTFT-24 15 CTFT-4 CTFT-11 CTFT-11 CTFT-1 CTFT-15 CTFT-27 14 CTFT-6 WWT-1 7 CTFT-13 CTFT-2 WWasWT CTFT-27 14 CTFT-21 12 CTFT-23 CTFT-3 CTFT-11 CTFT-23 CTFT-10 CTFT-19 CTFT-4 CTFT-9 CTFT-22 CTFT-8 CTFT-5

CTFT-3 CTFT-8 CTFT-19 3 CTFT-7 WWT-1 7

Ballhaus, Michael 1935CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Balodis, Janis 1950CTFT-11 Balsam, Martin 1919-1996 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Balsam, Talia CTFT-7 Bamman, Gerry 1941CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Banbury, Frith 1912CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bancroft, Anne 1931CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7; WWT-17 Bancroft, George Pleydell 1868-1956 WWasWT Bancroft, Lady 1839-1921 WWasWT Bancroft, Squire 1841-1926 WWasWT Banderas, Antonio 1960CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Banerjee, Victor 1946CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Banes, Lisa 1955CTFT-21 Bangs, John Kendrick 1862-1922 WWasWT Bankhead, Tallulah 1903-1968 WWasWT Banks, Dennis J. 1937CTFT-16 Banks, Jonathan CTFT-7 Banks, Leslie J. 1890-1952 WWasWT Bannen, Ian 1928CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Banner, Bob 1921CTFT-3 Bannerman, Celia 1946CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bannerman, Kay 1919-1991 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bannerman, Margaret 1896WWasWT Bannister, Harry 1893-1961 WWasWT Bannon, Jack 1940CTFT-6 Bantry, Bryan 1956CTFT-1 Bara, Theda 1890(?)-1955 CTFT-20 Baraka, Amiri 1934CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Baraka, Imamu Amiri See Baraka, Amiri CTFT-7 Baranski, Christine 1952CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11; WWT-17 Barbara, Joe CTFT-17 Barbeau, Adrienne 1945(?)CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Barbee, Richard 1887WWasWT Barber, Frances 1957CTFT-9 Barber, Glynis 1955CTFT-27 Barber, John CTFT-1 Barbera, Joseph 1911CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8 Barbor, H. R. 1893-1933 WWasWT Barbour, Eleanor See Barbour, Elly CTFT-19 Barbour, Elly 1945CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Barbour, Joyce 1901WWasWT Barbour, Thomas 1921CTFT-2 Barcelo, Randy 1946CTFT-4 Barclay, Paris 1957(?)CTFT-27

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Barcroft, Roy 1902-1969 CTFT-21 Bard, Wilkie 1874-? WWasWT Bardon, Henry 1923WWT-17 Bardot, Brigitte 1934CTFT-3 Barge, Gillian 1940WWT-17 Baring, Maurice 1874-1945 WWasWT Barish, Keith CTFT-10 Barker, Bob 1923CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Barker, Clive 1931WWT-17 Barker, Clive 1952CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Barker, Felix WWT-17 Barker, H. Granville See Granvilie-Barker, Harley WWasWT Barker, Helen Granville See Granville-Barker, Helen WWasWT Barker, Howard 1946CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Barker, Ronnie 1929CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7; WWT-17 Barkin, Ellen 1955(?)CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Barkley, Deanne 1931CTFT-10 Barkworth, Peter 1929WWT-17 Barlog, Boleslaw 1906WWasWT Barlow, Billie 1862-1937 WWasWT Barlow, H. J. 1892-1970 WWasWT Barnabe, Bruno 1905WWT-17 Barnard, Ivor 1887-1953 WWasWT Barner, Barry K. 1906-1965 WWasWT Barnes, Binnie 1905WWasWT Barnes, Clive 1927CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Barnes, Fran 1931CTFT-1 Barnes, Fred 1884-? WWasWT Barnes, Howard 1904-1968 WWasWT Barnes,]. H. 1850-1925 WWasWT Barnes, Joanna 1934CTFT-6 Barnes, Kenneth (Ralph) 1878-1957 WWasWT Barnes, Peter 1931CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 Barnes, Priscilla 1955CTFT-9 Barnes, Wade 1917CTFT-4 Barnes, Winifred 1894-1935 WWasWT Barnett, Ken See Francis, Freddie CTFT-15 Barney, Jay 1913-1985 CTFT-1 Baron, Alec CTFT-5 Baron, David See Pinter, Harold CTFT-20 Baron, Evalyn 1948...... CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Baronova, Irina 1919WWasWT Barr, Patrick 1908-1985 WWT-17 Ban; Richard 1917-1989 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Barr, Roseanne See Roseanne CTFT-26 Barranger, Millie S. 1937WWT-17 Barratt, Augustus WWasWT Barratt, Watson 1884-1962 WWasWT Barrault, Jean-Louis 1910WWasWT Barre, Gabriel 1957CTFT-4

Barrett, Edith 1906Barrett, George 1869-1935 Barrett, Leslie 1919Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Barrett, Lester Barrett, Oscar 1875-1941 Barrett, Rona 1936Barrett, Wilson 1900Barrie, Amanda 1939Barrie, Barbara 1931Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; Barrie, Frank 1939Barrie, James Matthew 1860-1937 Barrington, Rutland 1853-1922 Barris, Chuck 1929Barron, Marcus 1925-1944 Barron, Muriel 1906Barrow, Bernard 1927-1993 Obituary in CTFT-12 Barrs, Norman 1917Barry, B. Constance 1913Barry, B. H. 1940Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Barry, Christine 1911Barry, Gene 1919Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Barry, Jack 1918-1984 Barry, Joan 1901-1989 Barry, John 1933Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, Barry, Lynda 1956Barry, Michael 1910-1988 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Barry, Miranda Robbins 1951Barry, Paul 1931Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Barry, Philip 1896-1949 Barry, Ray See Barry, Raymond J Barry, Raymond See Barry, Raymond J Barry, Raymond J. 1939Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Barry, Shiel 1882-1937 Barrymore, Diana 1921-1960 Barrymore, Drew 1975Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Barrymore, Ethel 1879-1959 Barrymore, John 1882-1942 Barrymore, Lionel 1878-1954 Bart, Lionel 1930Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bart, Peter 1932Bart, Roger 1962Bartel, Paul 1938Bartenieff, George 1935Bartet, Jeanne Julia 1854Barth, Cecil ?-1949 Bartholomae, Phillip H. ?-1947 Bartkowiak, Andrzej 1950Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Bartlett, Basil 1905-


Bartlett, Bonnie CTFT-6 Bartlett, Clifford 1903-1936 WWasWT Bartlett, D'Jamin 1948CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bartlett, Elise WWasWT Bartlett, Hall 1925(?)-1993 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-12 Bartlett, Michael 1901WWasWT Barton, Dora ?-1966 WWasWT Barton, James 1890-1962 WWasWT Barton, John 1928CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Barton, Margaret 1926WWasWT Barton, Mary ?-1970 WWasWT Barton, Mischa CTFT-27 Barton, Peter CTFT-9 Barty, Billy 1924CTFT-6 Barty, Jack 1888-1942 WWasWT Baryshnikov, Mikhail 1948CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Basehart, Richard 1914-1984 CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Basinger, Kim 1953CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Baskcomb, A. W. 1880-1939 WWasWT Baskcomb, Lawrence 1883-1962 WWasWT Baskette, Lena See Basquette, Lina CTFT-14 Basquette, Lina 1907-1994 CTFT-14 Bass, Alfie 1921-1987 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bass, George Houston 1938CTFT-1 Bass, Kingsley B., Jr. See Bullins, Ed CTFT-7 Bass, Ron 1942(?)CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Bass, Ronald See Bass, Ron CTFT-24 Bassett, Alfred Leon 1870-? WWasWT Bassett, Angela 1958CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Bassett, Linda CTFT-8 ; Bassey, Jennifer CTFT-27 Bataille, Henry 1872-1940 WWasWT Bate, Anthony WWT-17 Bateman, Jason 1969CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Bateman, Justine 1966CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 5 Bateman, Leah 1892WWasWT Bateman, Miss 1842-1917 WWasWT Bateman, Virginia Frances See Compton, Mrs. Edward WWasWT Bateman, Zitlah 1900-1970 WWasWT Bates, Alan 1934CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7; WWT-17 Bates, Blanche 1873-1941 WWasWT Bates, Jane See Bates, Jeanne CTFT-27 Bates, Jeanne 1918CTFT-27 Bates, Jeanne R. See Bates, Jeanne CTFT-27

434 • Bates Bates, Kathy 1948CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 10, 17 Bates, Kathy D. See Bates, Kathy CTFT-28 Bates, Michael 1920WWT-16 Bates, Ralph 1940-1991 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-16 Bates, Sally 1907WWasWT Bates, Thorpe 1883-1958 WWasWT Bateson, Timothy 1926WWT-17 Bath, Hubert 1883WWasWT Batley, Dorothy 1902WWasWT Battle, Hinton 1956CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Battle, Hinton G. See Battle, Hinton CTFT-23 Battles, John 1921: WWasWT Batty, Archibald 1884-1961 WWasWT Baty, Gaston 1885-1952 WWasWT Bauer, Jamie Lyn 1949(?)CTFT-17 Bauer, Rocky See Bauer, Steven CTFT-15 Bauer, Steven 1956CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Bauersmith, Paula 1909-1987 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Baughan, Edward Algernon 1865-1938 WWasWT Baughman, Renee CTFT-2 Baumann, K. T CTFT-1 Baumgarten, Craig 1949CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Bausch, Pina 1940CTFT-11 Bava, Mario 1914CTFT-8 Bawn, Harry 1872-? WWasWT Bax, Clifford 1886-1962 WWasWT Baxley, Barbara 1927-1990 CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Baxter, Alan 1908WWasWT Baxter, Anne 1923-1985 CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Baxter, Barry 1894-1922 WWasWT Baxter, Beryl 1926WWasWT Baxter, Beverly 1891WWasWT Baxter, Cash 1937CTFT-5 Baxter, Jane 1909WWT-17 Baxter, Keith 1935CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Baxter, Meredith 1947CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9, 16 Baxter, Stanley 1926WWT-17 Baxter, Trevor 1932WWT-17 Baxter-Birney, Meredith See Baxter, Meredith CTFT-28 Bay, Howard 1912-1986 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bay, Michael 1964CTFT-23 Baye, Nathalie 1948CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Bayes, Nora 1880-1928 WWasWT Bayler, Terence 1930CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Bayley, Caroline 1890WWasWT Bayley, Hilda ?-1971 WWasWT Baylis, Lilian 1874-1937 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Bayliss, Peter WWT-17 Bayly, Caroline WWasWT Baynton, Henry 1892-1951 WWasWT Beach, Ann 1938WWT-17 Beach, Gary 1947CTFT-1 Beach, Michael 1963(?)CTFT-21 Beach, Mike See Beach, Michael CTFT-21 Beacham, Stephanie 1947(?)CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Beaird, Betty 1939CTFT-11 Beal, John 1909-1997 CTFT-11 Obituary in CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bealby, George 1877-1931 WWasWT Beale, Simon Russell 1961CTFT-25 Beals, Jennifer 1963CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 14 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Bean, Henry 1945CTFT-16 Bean, Normal Burroughs, Edgar Rice CTFT-27 Bean, Orson 1928CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 16; WWT-17 Bean, Sean 1958CTFT-13 Beard, Winston See Goldman, James CTFT-8 Beardsley, Alice 1925CTFT-1 Bearse, Amanda 1958CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Beart, Emmanuelle 1965CTFT-22 Beasley, Allyce 1954CTFT-7 Beasley, Bill See Beasley, William S CTFT-22 Beasley, William See Beasley, William S CTFT-22 Beasley, William S , CTFT-22 Beat Takeshi See Kitano, Takeshi CTFT-28 Beaton, Cecil 1904-1980 WWT-16 Beatty, Harcourt WWasWT Beatty, John Lee 1948CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6; WWT-17 Beatty, May ?-1945 WWasWT Beatty, Ned 1937CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Beatty, Robert 1909WWT-17 Beatty, Roberta 1891WWasWT Beatty, Warren 1937CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 11 Beauchamp, John ?-1921 WWasWT Beaudoin, Michelle CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Beaufort, John 1912WWT-17 Beaumont, Cyril William 1891WWasWT Beaumont, Diana 1909-1964 WWasWT Beaumont, Gabrielle 1942CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 12 Beaumont, Hugh 1908-1982 WWasWT Beaumont, John 1902WWasWT Beaumont, Muriel 1881-1957 WWasWT Beaumont, Ralph 1926CTFT-10 Beaumont, Roma 1914WWasWT Beaven, Jenny CTFT-23

Beaver, James See Beaver, Jim CTFT-23 Beaver, James N., Jr. See Beaver, Jim CTFT-23 Beaver, Jim 1950CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Becher, John C. 1915-1986 WWT-17 Beck, Frances Patricia 1937CTFT-11 Beck, John 1943(?)CTFT-9 Beck, Julian 1925-1985 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Beck, Kimberly 1956CTFT-9 Beck, Michael CTFT-3 Beckel, Graham CTFT-9 Beacker, Harold CTFT-13 Beckerman, Bernard 1921WWT-17 Beckett, Samuel 1906-1989 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Beckhard, Arthur J WWasWT Beckley, Beatrice Mary 1885-? WWasWT Beckman, John c.1898-1989 CTFT-8 Beckwith, Reginald 1908-1965 WWasWT Bedard, Irene 1967CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Bedelia, Bonnie 1952CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10, 17 Bedells, Phyllis 1893-1985 WWasWT Bedford, Brian 1935CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 11; WWT-17 Beecher, Janet 1884-1955 WWasWT Beerbohm, Clarence Evelyn ?-1917 WWasWT Beerbohm, Max 1872-1956 WWasWT Beere, Bernard (Mrs.) 1856-? WWasWT Beers, Francine CTFT-1 Beery, Noah, Jr. 1913(?)-1994 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-15 Beet, Alice ?-1931 WWasWT Beggs, Richard 1942CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Beghe, Jason 1960CTFT-25 Begley, Ed 1901-1970 WWasWT Begley, Ed, Jr. 1949CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11 Behan, Brendan 1923-1964 WWasWT Behrman, Samuel Nathaniel 1893-1973 WWasWT Beim, Norman 1923CTFT-1 Bejart, Maurice 1927CTFT-11 Belafonte, Harry 1927CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Belafonte-Harper, Shari 1954CTFT-6 Belardinelli, Charlie CTFT-28 Belasco, David 1853-1931 WWasWT Beldon, Eileen 1901WWT-17 Belfrage, Bruce 1901WWasWT Bel Geddes, Barbara 1922CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Belgrader, Andre See Belgrader, Andrei CTFT-19 Belgrader, Andrei 1946CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Belkin, Jeanna 1924CTFT-1

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Belknap, Allen R. 1941CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Bell, Ann 1939(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bell, Catherine 1968CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Bell, Digby Valentine ?-1917 WWasWT Bell, Enid 1888WWasWT Bell, James (Harliee) 1891WWasWT Bell, John 1940WWT-17 Bell, Lynne 1944CTFT-1 Bell, Marshall CTFT-27 Bell, Mary Hayley 1914WWasWT Bell, Stanley 1881-1952 WWasWT Bell, Tom 1932(?)CTFT-9 Bella, Joseph F. 1940CTFT-1 Bellamy, Bill 1965CTFT-23 Bellamy, Earl 1917CTFT-28 Bellamy, Earl J. Se Bellamy, Earl CTFT-28 Bellamy, Earl J., Jr. See Bellamy, Earl CTFT-28 Bellamy, Franklyn 1886WWasWT Bellamy, Ralph 1904-1991 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWasWT Bellaver, Harry 1905-1993 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-12 Belleville, Frederic de 1857WWasWT Bellew, Kyrie 1887WWasWT Bellisario, Donald P. 1935CTFT-10 Bello, Maria 1967CTFT-22 Bellonini, Edna 1903WWasWT Bellows, Gil 1968(?)CTFT-20 Bellwood, Pamela 1951CTFT-21 Belmondo, Jean-Paul 1933CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Belmore, Bertha 1882-1953 WWasWT Belson, Jerry CTFT-7 Beltrami, Marco CTFT-21 Beltran, Robert 1953CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Belushi, James See Belushi, Jim CTFT-23 Belushi, Jim 1954CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 13 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Belushi, John 1949-1982 CTFT-16 Belzer, Richard 1944CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Ben-Ami, Jacob 1890WWasWT Ben-Ari, Neal 1952CTFT-9 Benaventa, Jacinto 1866-1954 WWasWT Benben, Brian 1956CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Benchley, Peter 1940CTFT-5 Benchley, Robert C. 1889WWasWT Bendall, Ernest Alfred 1846-1924 WWasWT Bender, Lawrence 1958CTFT-21 Benedetti, Robert L. 1939CTFT-11 Benedict, Dirk 1945CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Benedict, Paul 1938CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3

Benedict, Stewart Hurd 1924CTFT-21 Benedictus, David 1938WWT-17 Bendix, Simone CTFT-28 Bendix, William 1906-1994 CTFT-28 Benelli, Sem 1877-1949 WWasWT Benigni, Roberto 1952CTFT-21 Bening, Annette 1958CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Benini, Ferruccio 1854-1925 WWasWT Benjamin, Allan 1949CTFT-3 Benjamin, Louis 1922WWT-17 Benjamin, Morris Edgar 1881-? WWasWT Benjamin, P. J. 1951CTFT-1 Benjamin, Richard 1938CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Bennett, Alan 1934CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8; WWT-17 Bennett, Arnold 1867-1931 WWasWT Bennett, Charles 1899WWasWT Bennett, Faith WWasWT Bennett, Fran 1937CTFT-1 Bennett, Harve 1930CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Bennett, Hywel 1944CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bennett, Jill 1931WWT-17 Bennett, Joan 1910-1990 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bennett, Lelia WWasWT Bennett, Meg 1948CTFT-7 Bennett, Michael 1943-1987 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bennett, Peter 1917-1990(?) CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bennett, Richard 1873-1944 WWasWT Bennett, Richard Rodney 1936CTFT-12 Bennett, Ruth CTFT-7 Bennett, Tony 1926CTFT-6 Bennett, Vivienne 1905-1978 WWT-16 Bennett, Wilda 1894-1967 WWasWT Bennett-Gordon, Eve See Gordon, Eve CTFT-19 Benny, Jack 1894-1974 CTFT-20 Benrimo, J. Harry 1874-1942 WWasWT Benrubi, Abraham 1969CTFT-27 Benson, Bobby See Benson, Robby CTFT-18 Benson, Frank R. 1858-1939 WWasWT Benson, George 1911-1983 CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Benson, Jodi 1961CTFT-21 Benson, Lady ?-1946 WWasWT Benson, Robby 1956CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Benson, Robin See Benson, Robby CTFT-18 Benson, Ruth 1873-1948 WWasWT Bent, Buena ?-1957 WWasWT Benthall, Michael 1919-1956 WWasWT Bentham, Frederick 1911WWT-17 Bentley, Eric 1916WWT-17 Bentley, Irene ?-1940 WWasWT Bentley, Will 1873-?.. WWasWT Benton, Barbi 1950CTFT-9

Berkeley • 435 Benton, Robert 1932CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Ben-Zali, Daniel See Benzali, Daniel CTFT-28 Benzali, Daniel 1949(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Berendt, Rachel ?-1957 WWasWT Berenger, Tom 1950...CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 9, 16 Berenson, Marisa 1948CTFT-7 Berenson, Stephen 1953CTFT-3 Beresford, Bruce 1940CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Beresford, Harry 1867-1944 WWasWT Berg, Barry 1942CTFT-1 Berg, Gertrude 1899-1941 WWasWT Berg, Greg See Berger, Gregg CTFT-21 Berg, Jeff 1947CTFT-10 Berg, Peter 1962CTFT-14 Bergen, Candice 1946CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10, 17 Bergen, Nella 1873-1919 WWasWT Bergen, Polly 1930CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Berger, Anna CTFT-7 Berger, Gregg CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Berger, Henning 1872WWasWT Berger, Keith 1952CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Berger, Robert 1914CTFT-1 Berger, Senta 1947CTFT-1 Berger, Sidney L. 1936CTFT-1 Berger, Stephen 1954-.. CTFT-1 Bergerat, Emile 1845-? WWasWT Bergere, Lee CTFT-8 Bergere, Valerie 1872-1938 WWasWT Bergeron, Philippe 1959CTFT-23 Bergeron, Phillip See Bergeron, Philippe CTFT-23 Bergese, Micha 1945CTFT-4 Berghof, Herbert 1909-1990 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bergin, Patrick 1954CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Bergman, Alan 1925CTFT-10 Bergman, Andrew 1945(?)CTFT-11 Bergman, Daniel 1962CTFT-21 Bergman, Ingmar 1918CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Bergman, Ingrid 1915-1982 CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bergman, J. Peter 1946CTFT-1 Bergman, Marilyn 1929CTFT-10 Bergman, Sandahl CTFT-7 Bergner, Elisabeth 1900-1986 WWT-17 Bergstrom, Hilda WWasWT Beringer, Esme 1875-1936 WWasWT Beringer, Mrs. Oscar 1856-1936 WWasWT Beringer, Vera 1879-1964 WWasWT Berk, Tony ?-1988 CTFT-2 Berkeley, Ballard 1904-1988 WWasWT Berkeley, Busby 1859-1976 WWT-16

436 •


Berkeley, Reginald Cheyne 1890-1935 WWasWT Berkeley, Wilma WWasWT Berkley, Elizabeth 1973(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Berkoff, Stephen See Berkoff, Steven CTFT-10 Berkoff, Steven 1937CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Berkson, Susan CTFT-3 Berle, Milton 1908CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Berlin, Irving 1888-1989 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Berlind, Roger 1930CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Berliner, Ron 1958CTFT-3 Berlinger, Warren 1937CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Berlyn, Alfred 1860-1936 WWasWT Berman, Ed 1941CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Berman, Pan See Berman, Pandro S CTFT-21 Berman, Pandro S. 1905-1996 CTFT-21 Berman, Rick 1945CTFT-23 Berman, Shelley 1926CTFT-6 Bermange, Barry 1933CTFT-11 Bermel, Albert 1927CTFT-1 Bern, Art See Brauner, Artur CTFT-21 Bernard, Barney 1877-1924 WWasWT Bernard, Crystal 1959CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Bernard, Jason 1938-1996 CTFT-15 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Bernard, Jean Jacques 1888.....WWasWT Bernard, Kenneth 1930CTFT-1 Bernard, Sam 1863-1927 WWasWT Bernard, Tristan 1866-1947 WWasWT Bernd, Art See Brauner, Artur CTFT-21 Bernede, Arthur WWasWT Bernette, Sheila WWT-17 Bernhard, Harvey 1924CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Bernhard, Sandra 1955CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Brief Entry in CTFT-6 Bernhardt, Melvin CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bernhardt, Sarah 1845-1923 WWasWT Bernsen, Corbin 1954CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Bernstein, Aline 1882-1955 WWasWT Bernstein, Armyan CTFT-28 Bernstein, Charles 1943CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Bernstein, Elmer 1922CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11 Bernstein, Henry 1875-1953 WWasWT Bernstein, Jay 1937CTFT-5 Bernstein, Leonard 1918-1990 CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Bernstein, Walter 1919CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Beroza, Janet CTFT-2 Berr, Georges 1867-1942 WWasWT Berr De Turique, Julien 1863-1923 WWasWT Berri, Claude 1934CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Berridge, Elizabeth 1962CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Berry, David 1943CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Berry, Eric 1913WWT-17 Berry, Halle 1968CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Berry, James 1883-? WWasWT Berry, John 1917CTFT-11 Berry, Ken 1933CTFT-8 Berry, William Henry 1870-1951 WWasWT Bertinelli, Valerie 1960CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Bertolazzi, Carlo 1870-? WWasWT Bertolucci, Bernardo 1940CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 12 Bertram, Arthur 1860-1955 WWasWT Bertram, Eugene 1872-1941 WWasWT Bertrand, Sandra 1943CTFT-1 Beruh, Joseph 1924-1989 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Besch, Bibi 1940-1996 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Besier, Rudolf 1878-1942 WWasWT Bessell, Ted 1942-1996 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-16 Bessette, Denise 1954CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Best, Edna 1900-1974 WWasWT Best, James 1926CTFT-21 Best, James K. See Best, James CTFT-21 Bethencourt, Francis 1926WWT-17 Bethune, Zina 1950(?)CTFT-9 Bettelheim, Edwin 1865-1938 WWasWT Bettger, Lyle 1915CTFT-1 Betti, Laura 1934CTFT-8 Bettis, John 1946CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Bettis, Valerie ?-1982 WWT-17 Belts, Daniel CTFT-28 Belts, Edward William 1881-? WWasWT Belts, Ernest WWT-11 Bevan, Faith 1896WWasWT Bevan, Isla 1910WWasWT Beveridge, J. D. 1844-1926 WWasWT Beverley, Trazana 1945CTFT-15 Earlier skelch in CTFT-8 Bewes, Rodney 1937WWT-17 Beyer, Elsie WWT-13 Beymer, Richard 1939CTFT-9 Bialik, Mayim 1976(?)CTFT-13 Bibby, Charles 1878-1917 WWasWT Bicat, Tony 1945WWT-17 Bickford, Charles A. 1891-1933 WWasWT

Bickford, David 1953CTFT-4 Biddle, Adrian CTFT-28 Biehn, Michael 1956CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Biel, Jessica 1982CTFT-26 Bierko, Craig 1966CTFT-21 Bigelow, Kathryn CTFT-10 Biggs, Richard 1961CTFT-23 Biggs, Roxann CTFT-16 Earlier skelch in CTFT-5 Biggs-Dawson, Roxann See Biggs, Roxann CTFT-16 Bikel, Theodore 1924CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bilbrooke, Lydia 1888-1990 WWasWT Bilhaud, Paul 1854-1933 WWasWT Bill, Tony 1940CTFT-6 Billig, Robert 1947CTFT-1 Billing, H. Chiswell 1881-1934 WWasWT Billings, Josh 1947CTFT-5 Billingsley, Barbara 1922CTFT-21 Billingsley, Peter 1972CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Billington, Adeline 1825-? WWasWT Billington, Ken 1946CTFT-21 Earlier skelches in CTFT-1, 4 Billington, Kevin 1934WWT-17 Billinglon, Michael 1939WWT-17 Bilowit, Ira J. 1925CTFT-1 Bilson, Bruce 1928CTFT-11 Biname, Charles 1949CTFT-15 Binder, Steve CTFT-1 Bingham, Amelia 1869-1927 WWasWT Bingham, Jeffrey 1946CTFT-6 Bingham, Sallie 1937CTFT-1 Binner, Margery 1908WWasWT Binney, Conslance 1900WWasWT Binoche, Juliette 1964CTFT-20 Earlier skelch in CTFT-12 Binus, Judilh 1944CTFT-2 Binyon, Laurence 1869-1943 WWasWT Birch, Frank 1889-1956 WWasWT Birch, Palricia 1934(?)CTFT-10 Earlier skelch in WWT-17 Bird, Brad : CTFT-27 Bird, David 1907WWT-17 Bird, John 1936WWT-17 Bird, Richard 1894-1986 WWasWT Birkell, Bernadelle CTFT-20 Birkell, Viva 1887-1934 WWasWT Birmingham, George A. 1865-1950 WWasWT Birnbaum, Roger CTFT-11 Birney, David CTFT-5 Earlier skelches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Birney, Reed 1954CTFT-1 Biroc, Joe See Biroc, Joseph CTFT-17 Biroc, Joseph 1903(?)-1996 CTFT-17 Obiluary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Biroc, Joseph F. See Biroc, Joseph CTFT-17 Bishop, Alfred 1848-1928 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Bishop, Andre 1948CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Bishop, Carole See Bishop, Kelly CTFT-5 Bishop, Conrad J. 1941CTFT-1 Bishop, George Walter 1886-1965 WWasWT Bishop, Joey 1918CTFT-7 Bishop, John See Willis, Ted CTFT-7 Bishop, Kate 1847-1923 WWasWT Bishop, Kelly 1944CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Bishop, Will 1867-1944 WWasWT Bisno, Leslie 1953CTFT-6 Bisoglio, Val 1926CTFT-8 Bissell, James D. 1951CTFT-11 Bisset, Jacqueline 1944CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6, 13 Bisset, Josie 1970CTFT-23 Bivens, Diane E CTFT-1 Bixby, Bill 1934-1993 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Bjoernstrand, Gunnar 1909-1986 CTFT-22 Bjornson, Maria CTFT-12 Bjornstrand, Gunnar See Bjoernstrand, Gunnar CTFT-22 Black, Alfred 1913WWasWT Black, Claudia CTFT-28 Black, David 1931WWT-17 Black, Dorothy 1899WWasWT Black, Dorothy 1913-1985 CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Black, George 1890-1945 WWasWT Black, George 1911-1970 WWasWT Black, James CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 7 Black, Karen 1942(?)CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Black, Lucas 1982CTFT-23 Black, Malcolm 1928CTFT-1 Black, Noel 1937CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Black, Shane 1962(?)CTFT-11 Blackler, Betty 1929WWasWT Blackman, Eugene Joseph 1922CTFT-1 Blackman, Fred J. 1879-1951 WWasWT Blackman, Honor 1926CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Blackmer, Sidney 1895WWasWT Blackmore, Peter 1909WWasWT Blackwood, Christian 1942CTFT-11 Blacque, Taurean CTFT-8 Blades, Ruben 1948CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Blaine, Vivian 1921(?)-1995 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Blair, Isla 1944WWT-17 Blair, Joyce 1932WWT-17 Blair, Linda 1959CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Blair, Lionel 1931WWT-17

Blair, Pam See Blair, Pamela Blair, Pamela 1949Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Blair, Selma 1972Blaisdell, Nesbitt 1928Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Blake, Betty 1920Blake, Bobby See Blake, Robert Blake, Charles H. 1916Blake, Geoffrey 1962Blake, Harry 1866-? Blake, Josh 1975Blake, Robby See Blake, Robert Blake, Robert 1933(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Blake, Yvonne Blakeley, James 1873-1915 Blakelock, Denys 1901-1970 Blakely, Colin 1930-1987 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Blakely, Susan 1948Blakemore, Michael 1928Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; Blakley, Ronee 1946Blakiston, Clarence 1864-1943 Blanc, Mel 1908-1989 Blanchard, Rachel 1976Blanche, Ada 1862-1953 Blanche, Marie 1893Blanchett, Cate 1970(?)Bland, Alan 1897-1946 Bland, Joyce 1906-1963 Blaney, Charles E. ?-1944 Blaney, Norah Blank, Les 1935Blatty, William Peter 1928Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Blavet, Emile 1838-? Blaxill, Peter 1931Blayney, May 1875-1953 Bleasdale, Alan 1946Bleckner, Jeff 1943Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; Bledsoe, Tempestt 1973Bleeth, Yasmine 1972(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Blessed, Brian 1937Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, Blethyn, Brenda 1946Bley, Maurice G. 1910Blick, Newton 1899-1965 Blier, Bernard 1916-1989 Blier, Bertrand 1939Blinn, Holbrook 1872-1928 Blinn, William 1937Bliss, Helena 1917Bloch, Robert 1917-1994 Obituary in CTFT-13 Bloch, Scotty Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Block, Larry 1942Earlier sketches in CTFT-2,

Bobs « 4 3 7


Blomfield, Derek 1920-1964 WwasWT Blommaert, Susan CTFT-28 Blommaert, Susan J. See Blommaert, Susan CTFT-28 Blomquist, Alan See Blomquist, Alan C CTFT-26 Blomquist, Alan C. 1953CTFT-26 Blondell, Joan 1909-1979 WWT-16 Bloodworth, Linda See Bloodworth-Thomason, Linda CTFT-10 Bloodworth-Thomason, Linda 1947(?)CTFT-10 Bloom, Brian 1970CTFT-21 Bloom, Claire 1931CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11; WWT-17 Bloom, John 1935CTFT-11 Bloom, Lindsay 1955CTFT-3 Bloom, Michael 1950CTFT-4 Bloom, Verna CTFT-7 Bloomgarden, Kermit 1904-1976 WWT-16 Blore, Eric 1887-1959 WWasWT Blossom, Henry Martyn Jr. 1866-1919 WWasWT Blount, Helon 1929CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Blount, Lisa 1957CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Blow, Sydney 1878-1961 WWasWT Blum, Mark 1950CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Blumenfeld, Robert 1943CTFT-3 Blumenkrantz, Jeff 1965CTFT-8 Blundell, Graeme 1945WWT-17 Bluteau, Lothaire CTFT-20 Bluth, Don CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 15 Bluthal, John 1929CTFT-20 Blutig, Eduard See Corey, Edward CTFT-22 Blyden, Larry 1925-1975 WWT-16 Blyth-Pratt, Charles Edward 1869-? WWasWT Blyth-Pratt, Violet WWasWT Blythe, Bobby 1894WWasWT Blythe, Coralie 1880-1928 WWasWT Blythe, John 1921-. WWT-17 Blythe, Violet WWasWT Boam, Jeffrey 1949CTFT-10 Boardman, Chris 1954CTFT-27 Boardman, Christopher See Boardman, Chris CTFT-27 Boatman, Michael CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Boatman, Michael P. See Boatman, Michael Boatman, Michael Patrick See Boatman, Michael Bobadilla, Pepita Bobbie, Walter 1945Bobby, Anne 1967Bobby, Anne Marie See Bobby, Anne Bobs, The Two


438 •


Bochco, Steven 1943Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, Bochner, Hart 1956(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Bochner, Lloyd 1924Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Bock, Jerry 1928Bockstael, Robert Bocquet, Gavin Bode, Milton 1860-1938 Bode, Ralf D Bodie, Dr. Walford 1870-? Bodom, Borgchild Bodrov, Sergei 1948Boen, Earl 1941Boers, Frank, Jr. See Bonner, Frank Boetticher, Budd 1916Bofshever, Michael 1950Boganny, Joe 1874-? Bogard, Travis 1918Bogarde, Dirk 1921(?)Earlier sketch in WWasWT Bogardus, Stephen 1954Bogart, Humphrey 1899-1957 Bogart, Paul 1919Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Bogdanov, Michael 1938Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bogdanovich, Peter 1939Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Boggetti, Victor 1895Bogin, Abba 1925Bogle, Warren See Bergman, Andrew Bogosian, Eric 1953Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Bohannon, Judy Bohay, Heidi Bohnen, Roman ?-1949 Bohrman, David 1954Boht, Jean 1936Bolam, James 1938Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; Boland, Mary 1885-1965 Bolasni, Saul Boles, John 1900-1969 Boleslawski, Richard 1889-1937 Bolger, John 1954Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Bolger, John Michael See Bolger, John Bolger, Ray 1904-1987 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bolm, Adolph 1887-1951 Bologna, Joseph 1938Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Bolotin, Craig Bolt, Jonathan 1935Bolt, Robert 1924-1995 Obituary in CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; Bolton, Guy Reginald 1884-1979

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 CTFT-23 13 CTFT-18 CTFT-18 WWT-17 CTFT-17 CTFT-23 WWasWT CTFT-11 WWasWT WWT-7 CTFT-20 CTFT-20 CTFT-7 CTFT-12 CTFT-6 WWasWT CTFT-3 CTFT-9 CTFT-22 WWasWT CTFT-12 CTFT-10 CTFT-23 4, 12 WWasWT CTFT-1 CTFT-11 CTFT-24 14 CTFT-2 CTFT-3 WWasWT CTFT-13 CTFT-8 CTFT-20 WWT-1 7 WWasWT CTFT-1 WWasWT WWasWT CTFT-28


Bonaduce, Danny 1959CTFT-15 Bond, Acton ?-1941 WWasWT Bond, C. G. 1945WWT-17 Bond, Derek 1920CTFT-1 Bond, Edward 1934CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-1 7 Bond, Frederic 1861-1914 WWasWT Bond, Gary 1940-1995 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Bond, Jessie 1853-1942 WWasWT Bond, Lilian 1910WWasWT Bond, Samantha CTFT-28 Bond, Sheila 1928CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Bond, Sudie 1928-1984 CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bondi, Beulah 1892-1981 WWasWT Bonder, Rebecca CTFT-1 Bonerz, Peter 1938CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Bonet, Lisa 1967CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-4 Bonfils, Helen 1889-1972 WWasWT Bonham Carter, Helena 1966CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Bonifant, Evan See Bonifant, J. Evan CTFT-22 Bonifant, J. Evan 1985CTFT-22 Bon Jovi, Jon 1962CTFT-21 Bonnaire, Henri 1869-? WWasWT Bonner, Frank 1942CTFT-7 Bonneville, Hugh CTFT-26 Bonneville, Richard See Bonneville, Hugh CTFT-26 Bono, Sonny 1935-1998 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-22 Bonsall, Brian 1981CTFT-14 Bonus, Ben ?-1984 WWT-17 Boockvor, Steve 1945CTFT-1 Booke, Sorrell 1930-1994 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Boone, Debby 1956CTFT-1 Boor, Frank ?-1938 WWasWT Boorman, John 1933CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Boorstin, Jon CTFT-10 Boosler, Elayne 1952(?)CTFT-11 Boot, Gladys ?-1964 WWasWT Booth, James 1933WWT-17 Booth, Judas See Lynch, David CTFT-21 Booth, Shirley 1898-1992 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Booth, Webster 1902WWasWT Boothby, Victoria CTFT-1 Boothe, Clare 1903-1987 WWasWT Boothe, Power 1945CTFT-1 Boothe, Powers 1949CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Borden, Bill CTFT-28 Borden, Lizzie 1955CTFT-12 Bordoni, Irene ?-1953 WWasWT

Boreanaz, David 1971CTFT-27 Borell, Louis 1906WWasWT Borgnine, Ernest 1917(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7 Boris, Robert M. 1945CTFT-5 Berlin, Jean WWasWT Borman, M. See Skerritt, Tom CTFT-25 Borrego, Jesse CTFT-5 Bosco, Philip 1930CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 11; WWT-17 Bosley, Tom 1927CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Bosse-Vingard, Harriet Sofie 1878-? WWasWT Bosson, Barbara 1939(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Bostock, Thomas H. 1899WWasWT Bostwick, Barry 1945(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 5, 12 Bott, Alan 1894WWasWT Bottin, Rob 1959(?)CTFT-9 Bottomley, Gordon 1874-1948 WWasWT Bottoms, Joseph 1954CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Bottoms, Sam 1955CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Bottoms, Timothy 1951CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Boucher, Victor 1879-1942 WWasWT Bouchier, Chili 1909CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bouchier, Dorothy See Bouchier, Chili CTFT-6 Boucicault, Aubrey 1869-1913 WWasWT Boucicault, Dion G. 1859-1929 .... WWasWT Boucicault, Mrs. Dion 1833-1916 WWasWT Boucicault, Nina 1867-1950 WWasWT Boughton, Rutland 1878-1960 WWasWT Bould, Beckett 1880-? WWasWT Boule, Kathryn 1949CTFT-1 Boulter, Rosalyn 1916WWasWT Boulting, Sydney Arthur Rembrandt See Cotes, Peter CTFT-24 Boulton, Guy Pelham 1890WWasWT Bourchier, Arthur 1863-1927 WWasWT Bourne, Adeline WWasWT Bourne, Mel 1923CTFT-10 Bourneuf, Philip 1912-1979 WWT-16 Boutsikaris, Dennis 1952CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Bouwmeester, Louis 1842-? WWasWT Bova, Joseph 1924CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bovasso, Julie 1930-1991 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bovill, C. H. 1878-1918 WWasWT Bovy, Berthe 1887WWasWT Bow, Clara 1905-1965 CTFT-20 Bowab, John 1933CTFT-11 Bowden, Charles WWT-17 Bowen, John 1924WWT-17 Bowen, John Pearson 1953CTFT-13

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Bowen, Michael CTFT-28 Bowen, Roger 1932-1996 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-16 Bower, Marian ?-1945 WWasWT Bowers, Faubion 1917CTFT-2 Bowers, Lally 1917-1984 WWT-1 7 Bowers, Robert Hood 1877-1941 WWasWT Bowes, Alice ?-1969 WWasWT Bowes, Janet Elizabeth 1944CTFT-1 Bowie, David 1947CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Bowles, Anthony 1931WWT-17 Bowles, Paul 1910CTFT-1 Bowles, Peter 1936CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; WWT-17 Bowman, Nellie 1878-? WWasWT Bowman, Rob 1960(?)CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Box, Edgar See Vidal, Gore CTFT-20 Box, John 1920CTFT-10 Boxer, (Cyril) John 1909WWT-17 Boxleitner, Bruce 1950CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Boyd, Frank M. 1863-? WWasWT Boyer, Charles 1899WWasWT Boyett, Robert L. 1942(?)CTFT-13 Boyle, Billy 1945WWT-17 Boyle, Katie 1926CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Boyle, Lara Flynn 1970CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Boyle, Peter 1933(?)CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 9 Boyle, William 1853-1923 WWasWT Boyne, Clifton 1874-1945 WWasWT Boyne, Leonard 1853-1920 WWasWT Braban, Harvey 1883-? WWasWT Bracco, Lorraine 1955(?)CTFT-10 Bracco, Roberto 1863-1943 WWasWT Brach, Gerard 1927CTFT-6 Bracken, Eddie 1920CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Bradbury, James H. 1857-1940 WWasWT Bradbury, Malcolm 1932CTFT-10 Bradbury, Ray 1920CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Braddock, Mickey See Dolenz, Micky CTFT-21 Braden, Bernard 1916WWasWT Braden, William 1939CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Bradfield, W. Louis 1866-1919 WWasWT Bradley, Buddy 1908WWasWT Bradley, Ed 1941CTFT-23 Bradley, Lillian Trimble 1875-1939 WWasWT Brady, Leo 1917CTFT-1 Brady, Orla CTFT-28 Brady, Scott 1924-1985 CTFT-2 Brady, Terence 1939WWT-17 Brady, Veronica 1890-1964 WWasWT Brady, William A. 1863-1950 WWasWT Brady, William A. 1900-1935 WWasWT

Brae, June 1918WWasWT Braeden, Eric 1941CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Braga, Sonia 1950CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Bragaglia, Marinella WWasWT Bragg, Bernard CTFT-3 Bragg, Melvyn 1939CTFT-11 Braham, Horace 1893-1955 WWasWT Braham, Leonora 1853-1931 WWasWT Braham, Lionel WWasWT Braham, Philip 1881-1934 WWasWT Brahms, Caryl WWT-1 7 Braidwood, Tom 1948CTFT-23 Braine, John 1922-1986 CTFT-4 Braithwaite, Lilian 1873-1948 WWasWT Brakhage, Stan 1933CTFT-20 Brambell, Wilfrid 1912-1985 WWT-17 Bramon, Risa See Garcia, Risa Bramon CTFT-26 Branagh, Kenneth 1960CTFT-9 Branch, Eileen 1911WWasWT Branch, William B. 1927CTFT-13 Brand, Joshua 1952(?)CTFT-11 Brand, Oscar 1920CTFT-1 Brandauer, Klaus Maria 1944CTFT-6 Brandes, Marthe (Brunschwig) 1862-1930 WWasWT Brando, Marlon 1924CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10, 17 Brandon, Dorothy 1899?-1977 WWasWT Brandon, Johnny CTFT-1 Brandon, Michael 1945CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Brandon-Thomas, Amy Marguerite 1890WWasWT Brandon-Thomas, Jevan 1898WWasWT Brandt, Ivan 1903WWasWT Brandt, Yanna Kroyt 1933CTFT-3 Brandy See Norwood, Brandy CTFT-22 Brannon, Ash CTFT-28 Braschi, Nicoletta 1960CTFT-27 Brasseur, Albert Jules 1862-? WWasWT Bratt, Benjamin 1964(?)CTFT-16 Braugher, Andre 1962CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Brauner, Arthur See Brauner, Artur CTFT-21 Brauner, Artur 1918CTFT-21 Braxton, Toni 1968(?)CTFT-26 Bray, Yvonne de 1889WWasWT Brayton, Lily 1876-1953 WWasWT Brazzi, Rossano 1916-1994 CTFT-10 Obituary in CTFT-15 Brecher, Egon 1885-1946 WWasWT Breen, Helen 1902WWasWT Breen, Robert 1914-1990 CTFT-2 Breese, Edmund 1871-1936 WWasWT Bregman, Martin 1931CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 5 Brennan, Eileen 1935CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8, 15 Brenneman, Amy 1965(?)CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15

Brillstein • 439 Brenner, Albert 1926Brenner, David 1945Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Brenner, Dori Brenner, Randy 1955Brent, Eve 1930Brent, Romney 1902-1976 Brenton, Howard 1942Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Brereton, Austin 1862-1923 Bressack, Celia 1956Bresson, Robert 1907Brest, Martin 1951Brett, Jeremy 1935(?)-1995 Obituary in CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; Brett, Stanley 1879-1923 Breuer, Lee 1937Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Brewster, Jordana 1980Brewster, Towsend Tyler 1924Brialy, Jean-Claude 1933Brian, Donald 1877-1948 Brice, Fanny 1891-1951 Brickman, Marshall 1941Bricusse, Leslie 1931Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bridge, Andrew Bridge, Peter 1925Bridges, Beau 1941Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, Bridges, James 1936-1993 Obituary in CTFT-12 Bridges, Jeff 1949Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, Bridges, Lloyd 1913-1998 Obituary in CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Bridges, Robert 1937Bridges, Todd 1965Bridges-Adams, W. 1889-1965 Bridgewater, Leslie 1893Bridie, James 1888-1951 Brien, Alan 1925Briercliffe, Nellie ?-1966 Brierley, David 1936Briers, Richard 1934Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Brieux, Eugene 1858-1932 Briggs, Hedley 1907-1968 Briggs, Joe Bob 1959(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Brighouse, Harold 1882-1958 Bright, Richard Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Brightman, Sarah 1960(?)Brightman, Stanley 1888-1961 Brighton, Pam 1946Briley, John 1925Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Brill, Fran Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Brill, Steven Brillstein, Bernie



440 •


Brimley, Wilford A. See Brimley, Wilford CTFT-13 Brimley, Wilford 1934CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Brinckerhoff, Burt 1936CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Brinckerhoff, Burton See Brinckerhoff, Burt CTFT-22 Brisbane, Katharine 1932CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Brisson, Carl 1895-1965 WWasWT Brisson, Frederick 1913-1984 WWT-17 Bristow, Charles 1928WWT-17 Brittany, Morgan 1951CTFT-7 Britton, Connie CTFT-16 Britton, Tony 1924CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Broad, Jay 1930CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Broadbent, Jim 1949(?)CTFT-26 Broadhurst, George H. 1866-1952 WWasWT Broadhurst, Kent 1940CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Broccoli, Albert R. 1909-1996 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-16 Broccoli, Barbara 1960(?)CTFT-28 Brockett, Oscar G. 1923WWT-17 Brocksmith, Roy 1945CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Brockway, Amie 1938CTFT-2 Broderick, Beth 1959CTFT-13 Broderick, Helen 1891-1959 ....WWasWT Broderick, Matthew 1962CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11 Brodkin, Herbert 1912-1990(?) CTFT-10 Brody, Adrien 1972(?)CTFT-26 Brodziak, Kenn 1913WWT-17 Brogden, Gwendoline 1891WWasWT Brogger, Ivar 1947CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Brokaw, Cary 1951CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Brokaw, Tom 1940CTFT-6 Brolin, James 1940CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Brolin, Josh 1968CTFT-22 Bromberg, J. 1904-1951 WWasWT Bromka, Elaine 1950CTFT-1 Bromley-Davenport, Arthur 1867-1946 WWasWT Bron, Eleanor WWT-17 Bronson, Charles 1921(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 12 Brook, Clive 1887-1974 WWasWT Brook, Faith 1922CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Brook, Lesley 1917WWasWT Brook, Peter 1925CTFT-10 Earlier entry in WWT-1 7 Brook, Sara WWT-17 Brooke, Cynthia 1875-1949 WWasWT Brooke, Mrs. E. H. ?-1915 WWasWT Brooke, Emily ?-1953 WWasWT Brooke, Harold 1910WWT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Brooke, Paul 1944Brooke, Sarah


Brookes, Jacqueline 1930CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Brookfield, Charles Hallam Elton 1857-1913 WWasWT Brook-Jones, Elwyn 1911-1962 WWasWT Brooks, A. See Brooks, Albert CTFT-14 Brooks, Albert 1947CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Brooks, Avery 1949CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Brooks, Charles David III 1939CTFT-3 Brooks, David 1920CTFT-1 Brooks, James L. 1940CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10, 17 Brooks, Jeff 1950CTFT-1 Brooks, Joel CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Brooks, Louis 1906-1985 CTFT-27 Brooks, Mel 1926CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 13 Brooks, Norman G. 1926CTFT-4 Brooks, Richard 1912-1992 CTFT-10 Brooks, Richard CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 7 Brooks, Richard L. See Brooks, Richard CTFT-28 Brooks, Virginia Fox See Vernon, Virginia WWasWT Broones, Martin 1892WWasWT Brosnan, Pierce 1952(?)CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Brosten, Harve 1943CTFT-2 Brothers, Joyce 1929CTFT-1 7 Brotherson, Eric 1911-1989 CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Brouett, Albert WWasWT Brough, Colin 1945CTFT-1 Brough, Fanny Whiteside 1854-1914 WWasWT Brough, Mary 1863-1934 WWasWT Brough, Mrs. Robert ?-1932 WWasWT Broughton, Bruce 1945CTFT-7 Broughton, Jessie 1885-? WWasWT Broughton, Phyllis 1862?-1926 WWasWT Broun, Heywood 1888-1939 WWasWT Broun, Heywood Hale 1918CTFT-1 Browder, Ben CTFT-28 Brown, Arvin 1940CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8, 15; WWT-17 Brown, Barry M. 1942CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Brown, Blair 1948(?)CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Brown, Bryan 1947(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Brown, Chelsea 1947(?)CTFT-20 Brown, Clancy CTFT-16 Brown, David 1916CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Brown, Georg Stanford 1943CTFT-7

Brown, Georgia 1933-1992 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Brown, Graham 1924CTFT-9 Brown, Harry J. See Brown, Harry Joe CTFT-26 Brown, Harry Joe 1892(?)-1972 CTFT-26 Brown, Ivor 1891-1974 WWasWT Brown, Jim 1936CTFT-9 Brown, Joe E. 1892-1973 WWasWT Brown, John Mason 1 900-1 969 WWasWT Brown, John Russell 1923WWT-17 Brown, Julie 1958CTFT-9 Brown, Kenneth H. 1936CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Brown, Kermit 1939(?)CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Brown, Lew 1899-1958 WWasWT Brown, Lionel 1888-1964 WWasWT Brown, Louise WWasWT Brown, Pamela 1917-1975 WWasWT Brown, Robert N CTFT-11 Brown, Roscoe See Browne, Roscoe Lee CTFT-22 Brown, Ruth 1928CTFT-11 Brown, Sam O. See Edwards, Blake CTFT-15 Brown, William F. 1928CTFT-1 Brown, Zack 1949CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Browne, Coral 1913-1991 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Browne, E. Martin 1900-1980 WWT-17 Browne, Irene 1896-1965 WWasWT Browne, Kale CTFT-17 Browne, Laidman 1896-1961 WWasWT Browne, Louise WWasWT Browne, Marjorie 1913WWasWT Browne, Maurice 1881-1955 WWasWT Browne, Pattie 1869-1934 WWasWT Browne, Roscoe Lee 1925CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11; WWT-17 Browne, Stella 1906WWasWT Browne, W. Graham 1870-1937 WWasWT Browne, Wynyard (Barry) 1911-1964 WWasWT Browning, Susan 1941CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Brownlow, Kevin 1938CTFT-5 Brown-Potter, Mrs. See Potter, Cora Urquhart WWasWT Brubaker, James D. 1937.CTFT-27 Bruce, Brenda 1922(?)-1996 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bruce, Carol 1919CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bruce, Christopher 1945CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Bruce, Edgar K. 1893WWasWT Bruce, Nigel 1895-1953 WWasWT Bruce, Shelley 1965CTFT-1

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Bruce, Susan 1957CTFT-3 Bruce, Tonie Edgar 1892-1966 WWasWT Bruce-Potter, Hilda 1888WWasWT Bruckheimer, Jerry CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Bruford, Rose Elizabeth 1904WWT-1 7 Brule, Andre WWasWT Brune, Adrienne 1892WWasWT Brune, Clarence M. 1870-? ...WWasWT Brune, Gabrielle 1912WWasWT Brune, Minnie Tittell 1883-? WWasWT Bruning, Francesca 1907WWasWT Bruno, Albert 1873-1927 WWasWT Bruns, George 1914(?)-1983 CTFT-22 Brunton, Dorothy 1893WWasWT Brustein, Robert 1927WWT-1 7 Bruton, Margo CTFT-6 Bryan, Dora 1924CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bryan, Hal 1891-1948 WWasWT Bryan, Herbert George ?-1948 WWasWT Bryan, Kenneth 1953-1986 CTFT-2 Bryan, Peggy 1916WWasWT Bryan, Robert 1934CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bryan, Zachary Ty 1981CTFT-27 Bryant, Charles 1879-1948 WWasWT Bryant, J. V. 1889-1924 WWasWT Bryant, Michael 1928CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bryantsev, Alexandr Alexandrovich 1883-1961 WwasWT Bryce, Ian CTFT-26 Bryceland, Yvonne 1925-1992 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Bryden, Bill 1942CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 15; WWT-17 Bryden, Ronald 1927WWT-17 Brydone, Alfred 1863-1920 WWasWT Bryer, Vera 1905WWasWT Bryggman, Larry 1938CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Bryning, John 1913WWasWT Brynner, Yul 1920-1985 CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Brynolfsson, Reine 1953CTFT-23 Buchanan, Ian 1957CTFT-26 Buchanan, Jack 1891-1957 WWasWT Buchanan, Maud WWasWT Buchanan, Thompson 1877-1937 WWasWT Buchholz, Horst 1933CTFT-1 Buchinski, Charles See Bronson, Charles CTFT-23 Buchinsky, Charles See Bronson, Charles CTFT-23 Buck, David 1936-1989 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Buckham, Bernard 1882-1963 WWasWT Bucklaw, Alfred WWasWT Buckler, Hugh C 1870-1936 WWasWT Buckley, Betty 1947CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4 Buckley, May 1875-? WWasWT

Buckmaster, John 1915WWasWT Buckner, Robert 1906CTFT-23 Buckner, Robert Henry See Buckner, Robert CTFT-23 Buckstone, J. C. 1858-1924 WWasWT Buckstone, Rowland 1860-1922 ....WWasWT Buckton, Florence 1893WWasWT Budries, David 1953CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Buell, Bill 1952CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Bufman, Zev 1930CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Buist, Walter Scott 1860-? WWasWT Bujold, Genevieve 1942CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 11 Bulgakov, Leo 1889-1948 WWasWT Bull, Peter 1912-1984 CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Bullard, Thomas 1944CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Bullins, Ed 1935CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Bulloch, Jeremy CTFT-23 Bullock, Christopher 1934WWT-17 Bullock, Donna 1955CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Bullock, Eldon 1952CTFT-4 Bullock, John Malcolm 1867-1938 WWasWT Bullock, Sandra 1964CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Buloff, Joseph 1899-1985 WWT-17 Bumstead, Henry 1915CTFT-10 Bunce, Alan 1903-1965 WWasWT Bundy, William 1924WWT-17 Bunnage, Avis WWT-17 Bunston, Herbert 1870-1935 WWasWT Buono, Victor 1938-1981 CTFT-2 Burbidge, Douglas 1895-1959 WWasWT Burbridge, Edward CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Burch, Shelly 1959(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Burchill, William ?-1930 WWasWT Burden, Hugh 1913-1985 WWT-17 Burden, Albert 1900WwasWT Bure, Candace Cameron 1976CTFT-26 Burfield, Joan See Fontaine, Joan CTFT-24 Burge, Gregg 1957(?)-1998 CTFT-23 Burge, Stuart 1918CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Burgess, Muriel 1926CTFT-4 Burghoff, Gary 1943'. CTFT-8 Burgis, Kathleen 1907WWasWT Burgon, Geoffrey 1941CTFT-12 Burke, Alfred 1918WWT-17 Burke, Billie 1885-1970 WWasWT Burke, Chris 1965CTFT-8 Burke, David 1934WWT-17 Burke, Delta 1956CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Burke, Kathy 1965CTFT-23 Burke, Marie 1894WWasWT

Burstyn • 441 Burke, Patricia 1917WWT-17 Burke, Tom 1890-1969 ...WWasWT Burks, L. Robert See Burks, Robert CTFT-27 Burks, Robert 1910-68 CTFT-27 Burley, Mark 1951CTFT-13 Burlingame, Lloyd WWT-17 Burmester, Leo 1944CTFT-20 Burnaby, G. Davy 1881-1949 WWasWT Burnand, Francis Cowley 1836-191 7 WWasWT Burne, Arthur 1873-1945 WWasWT Burne, Nancy 1912-1954 WWasWT Burnett, Carol 1933CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8, 16; WWT-1 7 Burnett, Frances Hodgson 1849-1924 WWasWT Burnett, John F CTFT-11 Burnham, Barbara 1900WWasWT Burns, David 1902-1971 WWasWT Burns, Edward J. 1968CTFT-22 Burns, Eileen CTFT-6 Burns, Francis See Gelbart, Larry CTFT-10 Burns, George 1896-1996 CTFT-1 7 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 9 Burns, George N. See Burns, George CTFT-17 Burns, Jere 1954CTFT-13 Burns, Ken 1953CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Burns, Ralph 1922CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Burns, Ric 1955(?)CTFT-28 Burns, Tex See L'Amour, Louis CTFT-28 Burns-Bisogno, Louisa 1936CTFT-1 Burnside, R. H. 1870-1952 WWasWT Burr, Anne 1920WWasWT Burr, Raymond 1917-1993 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Burr, Robert WWT-17 Burrell, Daisy 1893WWasWT Burrell, John 1910WWasWT Burrell, Pamela 1945CTFT-4 Burrell, Sheila 1922CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Burress, Hedy CTFT-23 Burrill, Ena 1908WWasWT Burroughs, Edgar Rice 1875-1950 CTFT-27 Burroughs, Robert C. 1923CTFT-3 Burroughs, William S. 1914-1997 CTFT-1 7 Obituary in CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Burrows, Abe 1910-1984 CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Burrows, James 1940CTFT-10 Burrows, Saffron 1973(?)CTFT-27 Burstyn, Ellen 1932CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 13

442 •


Burt, Laura 1872-1952 Burton, Donald 1934Burton, Frederick 1871-1975 Burton, Kate 1957Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Burton, Langhorne 1880-1949 Burton, LeVar 1957Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Burton, Margaret 1924-1984 Burton, Percy 1878-1948 Burton, Richard 1925-1984 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Burton, Richard P. 1878-? Burton, Tim 1958(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, Burtt, Ben 1948Burum, Stephen H. 1939Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Burwell, Carter 1955Bury, John 1925Buscemi, Steve 1957Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Busch, Charles 1954Brief Sketch in CTFT-6 Busey, Gary 1944Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Busey, Jake 1972Busfield, Timothy 1957Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, Bush, Norman 1933Bushell, Anthony 1904Buskirk, June Van See Van Buskirk* June Busley, Jessie 1869-1950 Busse, Margaret Bussell, Darcey 1969Bussert, Meg 1949Butcher, Ernest 1885-1965 Butkus, Dick 1942Butler, Bill 1931Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Butler, Brett 1958Butler, Dan 1954Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Butler, Dan E. See Butler, Dan Butler, Richard William 1844-1928 Butler, Robert 1927Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Butler, Yancy 1970Butler, Yancy Victoria See Butler, Yancy Butleroff, Helen 1950Butlin, Jan 1940Butt, Alfred Bart 1878-1962 Butterworth, Charles 1896-1946 Butterworth, Clara Butti, Enrico Annibale 1868-1912 Button, Jeanne 1930Buttons, Red 1919Earlier sketch in CTFT-6

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 WWasWT CTFT-11 WWasWT CTFT-18


CTFT-27 WWasWT CTFT-23 12 CTFT-20


Buttram, Pat 1916-1994 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-12 Buzas, Jason 1952CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Buzas, Jason McConnell See Buzas, Jason CTFT-19 Buzo, Alexander 1944WWT-17 Buzzell, Edward 1897WWasWT Buzzi, Ruth 1939CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Byerley, Vivienne WWT-17 Byers, (Bobbie) Catherine CTFT-1 Byford, Roy 1873-1939 WWasWT Byington, Spring 1893-1971 WWasWT Byner, John CTFT-7 Byng, Douglas 1893WWT-16 Byng, George W. WWasWT Byrd, David CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Byrd, Sam 1908-1955 WWasWT Byrne, Cecily WWasWT Byrne, David 1952CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 15 Byrne, Gabriel 1950CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Byrne, John 1940WWT-17 Byrne, Patsy 1933WWT-17 Byrne, Peter 1928WWT-17 Byrnes, Jim 1948CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Byron, Arthur 1872-1943 WWasWT Byron, John 1912WWasWT

C Caan, James 1940(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Caan, Jimmy See Caan, James Cabalero, Roxann See Biggs, Roxann Cabot, Eliot 1899-1938 Cabot, Sebastian 1918-1977 Cabot, Susan 1937-1986 Cacaci, Joe Cacoyannis, Michael 1922Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Cadeau, tally 1948Cadell, Jean 1884-1967 Cadell, Simon 1950-1996 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Cadman, Ethel 1886Cadorette, Mary Cady, Frank 1915Caesar, Adolph 1934-1986 Caesar, Irving 1895Caesar, Sid 1922Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; Cage, Nicolas 1964(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, Brief Entry in CTFT-2

CTFT-26 16 CTFT-26 CTFT-16 WWasWT CTFT-23 CTFT-4 CTFT-6 CTFT-11 CTFT-28 WWasWT CTFT-18 9 WWasWT CTFT-5 CTFT-9 CTFT-3 WWT-17 CTFT-9 WWT-17 CTFT-21 12

Cagney, James 1899-1986 CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-10 Cagney, Jeanne 1919WWasWT Cahill, Lily 1886-1955 WWasWT Cahill, Marie 1870-1933 WWasWT Cahn, Sammy 1913-1993 CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cain, Christopher 1943CTFT-15 Cain, Henri 1857-? WWasWT Cain, William 1931CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Caine, Derwent Hall 1892WWasWT Caine, Hall 1853-1931 WWasWT Caine, Henry 1888-1914 WWasWT Caine, Michael 1933CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Caird, John 1948CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Caird, John Newport See Caird, John CTFT-23 Cairncross, James 1915WWT-17 Cairney, John 1930WWT-17 Cairns, Tom 1952CTFT-9 Calabresi, Oreste 1857-? WWasWT Calabro, Thomas 1959CTFT-21 Calderisi, David 1940WWT-17 Calder-Marshall, Anna 1947WWT-17 Caldicot, Richard 1908WWT-17 Caldwell, Anne 1876-1936 WWasWT Caldwell, L. Scott CTFT-8 Caldwell, Marianne ?-1933 WWasWT Caldwell, Zoe 1933CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 10; WWT-17 Cale, Paula 1970(?)CTFT-28 Calhern, Louis 1895-1956 WWasWT Calhoun, Rory 1922CTFT-9 Call, R. D CTFT-28 Callahan, Eva LaRue 1966CTFT-21 Callahan, Gene 1923(?)-1990 .; CTFT-10 Callahan, James T. 1930CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Callahn, John 1953CTFT-21 Callan, K. CTFT-1 Callaway, Liz 1961CTFT-28 Calleia, Joseph 1897-1975 WWasWT Callow, Simon 1949CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15; WWT-17 Calloway, Cab 1907WWT-17 Calmour, Alfred C. 1857?-1912 WWasWT Calthrop, Dion Clayton 1878-1937 WWasWT Calthrop, Donald 1888-1940 WWasWT Calthrop, Gladys E WWasWT Calvert, Catherine 1890-1971 WWasWT Calvert, Cecil G. 1871-? WWasWT Calvert, Mrs. Charles 1837-1921 WWasWT Calvert, Louis 1859-1923 WWasWT Calvert, Patricia 1908WWasWT Calvert, Phyllis 1915WWT-17 Cambern, Donn CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Cameron, Candace See Bure, Candace Cameron ....CTFT-26 Cameron, Donald 1889-1955 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Cameron, James 1954CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Cameron, John 1944CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-23 Cameron, Kirk 1970(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Cameron, Violet 1862-1919 WWasWT Camp, Colleen 1953CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Camp, Hamilton 1934CTFT-6 Camp, Joe 1939CTFT-7 Campanella, Joseph 1927CTFT-6 Campbell, Alan 1957CTFT-11 Campbell, Bill 1959CTFT-28 Campbell, Bruce 1958CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Campbell, Cheryl 1951CTFT-8 Campbell, Douglas 1922CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Campbell, Glen 1938CTFT-1 Campbell, Judy 1916WWT-17 Campbell, Ken 1941WWT-17 Campbell, Margaret 1894WWasWT Campbell, Martin CTFT-16 Campbell, Mrs. Patrick 1865-1940 WWasWT Campbell, Naomi 1970CTFT-20 Campbell, Neve 1973CTFT-26 Earlier sketch on CTFT-16 Campbell, Ration 1926WWT-17 Campbell, Scott M. See Campbell, Scott Michael ....CTFT-27 Campbell, Scott Michael CTFT-27 Campbell, Stella Patrick 1886-1940 WWasWT Campbell, Tisha 1968CTFT-17 Campbell, Violet 1892-1970 WWasWT Campbell, William See Campbell, Bill CTFT-28 Campion, Clifford 1949CTFT-4 Campion, Cyril 1894-1961 WWasWT Campion, Jane 1954(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Campton, David 1924WWT-17 Canary, David 1938CTFT-25 Canby, Vincent 1924CTFT-4 Candler, Peter 1926CTFT-1 Candy, John 1950-1994 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-12 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Canerday, Natalie CTFT-27 Canfield, Mark See Zanuck, Darryl F CTFT-22 Caniparoli, Val 1951CTFT-13 Cannan, Denis 1919WWT-17 Cannan, Gilbert 1884-1955 WWasWT Cannell, Stephen J. 1941CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Cannon, Diane See Cannon, Dyan CTFT-22 Cannon, Dyan 1937CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 12 Canonero, Milena CTFT-9

Canova, Diana 1952(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Canton, Mark 1949Cantor, Arthur 1920Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cantor, Eddie 1892-1964 Capalbo, Carmen 1925Capecce, Victor Capek, Karel 1890-1938 Capers, Virginia 1925Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Caplin, Jeremy O. 1955Capra, Frank 1897-1991 Capra, Frank, Jr Capri, Mark 1951Capshaw, Kate 1953Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Captain Kangaroo See Keeshan, Robert J Capucine 1935(?)-1990 Capus, Alfred 1858-1922 Cara, Irene 1959Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Carambo, Cristobal 1950Carbonell, Nestor Carden, William 1947Cardiff, Jack 1914Cardinal, Tantoo 1950Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Cardinale, Claudia 1938Carew, James 1876-1938 Carew, Topper 1943Carey, Denis 1909-1986 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Carey, Drew 1958(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Carey, Harry Jr. 1921Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Carey, Joyce 1898Carey, MacDonald 1913-1994 Obituary in CTFT-13 Carey, Ron 1935Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Carfax, Bruce 1905-1970 Cargill, Patrick 1918Carides, Gia 1964Cariou, Len 1939Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Carle, Cynthia Carle, Richard 1871-1941 Carleton, Claire 1913Carlier, Madeleine Carlin, George 1937Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Carlin, Lynn 1938Carlisle, Alexandra 1886-1936 Carlisle, Kevin 1935Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Carlisle, Kitty 1914Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Carlisle, Margaret 1905Carlisle, Sybil 1871-? Carlos, Walter See Carlos, Wendy

Carradine • 443 CTFT-22 12 CTFT-12 CTFT-7 WWasWT CTFT-1 CTFT-3 WWasWT CTFT-20 CTFT-3 CTFT-9 CTFT-3 CTFT-4 CTFT-20 12


Carlos, Wendy 1939Carlyle, Robert 1961(?)Carlsen, John A. 1915Carlton (Arthur Carlton Philps) 1880-? Carlton, Bob 1950Carme, Pamela 1902Carmel, Roger C. 1932-1986 Carmello, Carolee Carmichael, Ian 1920Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Carminati, Tullio 1894-1971 Carmines, Al 1936Came, Judy 1939Carney, Art 1918Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Carney, George 1887-1947 Carney, Kate 1870-1950 Carney, Kay 1933Carnovsky, Morris 1897Caro, Warren 1907Caron, Cecile Caron, Glenn Gordon Caron, Leslie 1931Earlier sketch in WWasWT Caron, Marguerite Carpenter, Carleton 1926Carpenter, Charisma 1970Carpenter, Constance 1906Carpenter, Edward Childs 1872-1950 Carpenter, Freddie 1908-1989 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Carpenter, John 1948Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Carpenter, Johnny See Carpenter, John Carpenter, Maud ?-1967 Carpenter, Russ See Carpenter, Russell Carpenter, Russell Carr, Alexander 1878-1946 Carr, Allan 1941Carr, Darleen 1950Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Carr, F. Osmond 1858-1916 Carr, George ?-1962 Carr, Georgia See Carides, Gia Carr, Howard 1880-1960 Carr, Jane 1909-1957 Carr, Jane Carr, Joseph W. Comyns 1849-1916 Carr, Lawrence 1916-1969 Carr, Martin 1932Carr, Philip 1874-1957 Carradine, David 1936Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, Carradine, John 1906-1988 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; Carradine, Keith 1949Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Carradine, Robert 1954Earlier sketch in CTFT-3


444 • Carr-Cook Carr-Cook, Madge 1856-1933 WWasWT Carre, Fabrice 1855-? WWasWT Carre, Michel 1865-? WWasWT Carrera, Barbara 1945CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Carrere, Tia 1965(?)CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Carrey, James See Carrey, Jim CTFT-22 Carrey, Jim 1962CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Carrick, Edward 1905WWasWT Carrick, Hartley 1881-1929 WWasWT Carriere, Jean-Claude 1931CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Carrillo, Leo 1880-1961 WWasWT Carrington, Ethel 1889-1962 WWasWT Carrington, Murray 1885-1941 WWasWT Carroll, David-James 1950-1992 CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Carroll, Diahann 1935CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Carroll, Earl 1893-1948 WWasWT Carroll, Helena CTFT-1 Carroll, Janet 1940CTFT-23 Carroll, Leo G. 1892-1972 WWasWT Carroll, Leo M WWT-14 Carroll, Madeleine 1906-1987 WWasWT Carroll, Nancy 1906-1965 WWasWT Carroll, Pat 1927CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Carroll, Paul Vincent 1900-1968 WWasWT Carroll, Sydney W. 1877-1958 WWasWT Carroll, Vinnette CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Carsey, Marcy 1944CTFT-13 Carson, Charles 1885-1977 WWT-16 Carson, Mrs. Charles L. ?-1919 WWasWT Carson, Doris 1910WWasWT Carson, Frances 1895WWasWT Carson, Jeannie 1929WWT-17 Carson, John David CTFT-8 Carson, Johnny 1925CTFT-3 Carson, Kris See Kristofferson, Kris CTFT-24 Carson, Lionel 1873-1937 WWasWT Carson, Lisa See Carson, Lisa Nicole CTFT-23 Carson, Lisa Nicole 1969CTFT-23 Carson, Murray 1865-1917 WWasWT Carson, T(errence) C CTFT-17 Carte, Mrs. D'Oyly ?-1948 WWasWT Carte, Rupert D'Oyly See D'Oyly Carte, Rupert WWasWT Carten, Audrey 1900WWasWT Carter, Chris 1957(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Carter, Desmond ?-1939 WWasWT Carter, Dixie 1939CTFT-5 Carter, Frederick 1900-1970 WWasWT Carter, Helena Bonham See Bonham Carter, Helena CTFT-23 Carter, Hubert ?-1934.... WWasWT Carter, Jack 1923CTFT-11

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Carter, June See Cash, June Carter Carter, Mrs. Leslie 1862-1937 Carter, Lonnie 1942Carter, Lynda 1951Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Carter, Margaret Carter, Mell 1894-1965 Carter, Nell 1948Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Carter, Nell-Ruth See Carter, Nell Carter, T. K. 1956Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Carter, Thomas Carter-Edwards, James 1840-1930 Carteret, Anna 1942Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cartlidge, Katrin 1961Carton, R. C. 1853-1938 Cartwright, Charles 1855-1916 Cartwright, Jim 1958Cartwright, Nancy 1960(?)Cartwright, Peggy 1912Cartwright, Veronica 1950Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Cams, Emma 1879-1927 Caruso, David 1956Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Carver, Brent 1951Carver, James C. 1932Carver, Mary Carver, Steven 1945Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Carvey, Dana 1955Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Cary, Falkland 1897-1989 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Caryll, Ivan 1861-1921 Casady, Cort 1947Casartelli, Gabrielle 1910Casey, Bernie 1939Cash, Jim Cash, Johnny 1932Cash, June Carter 1929Cash, Morny Cash, Rosalind 1938-1995 Obituary in CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cason, Barbara 1933Cass, Henry 1902-1989 Cass, Peggy 1926Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cass, Ronald 1923Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cassavetes, John 1929-1989 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Cassavetes, Nick 1959Cassel, Seymour 1937Cassel, Vincent 1967Cassidy, David 1950Cassidy, Jack 1927-1976






Cassidy, Joanna 1944CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Cassidy, Patrick 1961CTFT-8 Cassidy, Shaun 1958CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Casson, Ann 1915-1990 WWasWT Casson, Christopher 1912WWasWT Casson, John 1909WWasWT Casson, Lewis T. 1875-1969 WWasWT Casson, Mary 1914WWasWT Cassutt, Michael (Joseph) 1954CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Castang, Veronica CTFT-1 Castellaneta, Dan CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Castellano, Richard 1933-1988 CTFT-7 Castillo, Helen 1955CTFT-4 Castle, John 1940WWT-17 Castle, Nick 1947CTFT-12 Cates, Gilbert 1934CTFT-10 Cates, Joe 1924CTFT-12 Cates, Joseph See Cates, Joe CTFT-12 Cates, Madelyn CTFT-8 Cates, Phoebe 1963(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Catlett, Mary Jo 1938CTFT-2 Catlett, Walter 1889-1960 WWasWT Catling, Thomas 1838-1920 WWasWT Caton-Jones, Michael 1958CTFT-10 Cattley, Cyril 1876-1937 WWasWT Cattrall, Kim 1956CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Cauble, Lisa See Whelchel, Lisa CTFT-21 Caulfield, Maxwell 1959CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Caute, David 1936CTFT-12 Cavanaugh, Christina See Cavanaugh, Christine CTFT-26 Cavanaugh, Christine CTFT-26 Cavanagh, Lilian ?-1932 WWasWT Cavanagh, Paul 1895-1960 WWasWT Cavanaugh, Michael CTFT-9 Cavani, Liliana 1936CTFT-8 Cavett, Dick 1936CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8 Cawthorn, Joseph 1867-1949 WWasWT Cayer, D. M. See Duffy, Maureen CTFT-12 Cazale, John 1936-1978 CTFT-26 Cazenove, Christopher 1945CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cecchetti, Enrico 1847-1928 WWasWT Cecil, Henry 1902-1976 WWT-16 Cecil, Jonathan 1939WWT-17 Cecil, Sylvia 1906WWasWT Ceder, Elayne See Ceder, Elayne Barbara CTFT-23 Ceder, Elayne Barbara 1946CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Celestin, Jack 1894WWasWT Celli, Faith 1888-1942 WWasWT Cellier, Antoinette 1913WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Cellier, Frank 1884-1948 Cerito, Ada Cerny, Berthe Cerveris, Michael 1960Chaback, J. J. See Jenkins, Jane Chabert, Lacey 1982Chabrol, Claude 1930Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, Chacksfield, Frank Chadbon, Tom 1946Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Chaffey, Don 1917Chagrin, Julian 1940Chaikin, Joseph 1935Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Chaikin, Shami 1931Chaine, Pierre Chakiris, George 1934Chalfant, Kathleen 1945Challenor, (James) Bromley 1884-1935 Chalzel, Leo 1901-1953 Chamberlain, George 1891Chamberlain, Richard 1935Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; Chamberlin, Lee Chambers, Charles Haddon 1860-1921 Chambers, Emma Earlier sketch in WWasWT Chambers, H. Kellett 1867-1935 Champion, Cower 1920-1980 Champion, Harry 1866-1942 Champion, Marge 1919Chan, Jackie 1954{?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, Chan, Yuen-Lung See Chan, Jackie Chance, James T. See Carpenter, John Chance, John T. See Carpenter, John Chancellor, Betty Chancellor, John 1927Chancellor, Joyce 1906Chandler, Helen 1909-1965 Chandler, Jeffrey Alan Chandler, Kyle 1966Chaney, Stewart 1910-1969 Chang, Gary 1953Chang, Tisa 1941Changwei, Gu 1957Channing, Carol 1921Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; Channing, Marvin 1944Channing, Stockard 1944Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Chansky, Dorothy 1951Chao, Rosalind Chapin, Harold 1886-1915 Chapin, Louis Le Bourgeois 1918Chapin, Miles 1954-



Chaplin, Ben 1969(?) CTFT-26 Chaplin, Charles Spencer 1889-1977 WWasWT Chaplin, Geraldine 1944CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 9 Chapman, Constance 1912WWT-17 Chapman, David 1938CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Chapman, Edward 1901-1986 WWasWT Chapman, Graham 1941-1989 CTFT-8 Chapman, John R. 1927CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Chapman, Lonny 1920CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Chapman, Michael 1935CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Chappell, William 1908WWT-17 Chappelle, Dave 1973CTFT-27 Chappelle, Frederick W. 1895WwasWT Charback, J. J. See Jenkins, Jane CTFT-26 Charbonneau, Patricia 1958CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Charell, Erik 1895WWasWT Charisse, Cyd 1921(?)CTFT-12 Charles, Josh 1971(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Charles, Josh A. See Charles, Josh CTFT-23 Charles, Maria 1929CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Charles, Pamela 1932WWT-17 Charles, Walter 1945CTFT-1 Charleson, Ian 1949-1990 CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4; WWT-17 Charnin, Martin 1934CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 10; WWT-17 Chart, Henry Nye 1868-1934 WWasWT Chartoff, Melanie CTFT-1 Chartoff, Robert 1933CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 12 Charts, Adele See Loring, Lisa CTFT-21 Charvay, Robert 1858-? WWasWT Chase, Chevy 1943CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 9, 16 Chase, Ilka 1905-1978 WWT-16 Chase, Mary 1907-1981 WWT-17 Chase, Pauline 1885-1962 WWasWT Chasen, Heather 1927CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Chater, Geoffrey 1921WWT-17 Chatterton, Ruth 1893-1961 WWasWT Chatwin, Margaret ?-1937 WWasWT Chaves, Richard 1951CTFT-8 Chayefsky, Paddy 1923-1981 CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Chaykin, Maury CTFT-7 Cheadle, Don 1964CTFT-22 Cheek, Molly CTFT-20 Cheeseman, Peter 1932WWT-17 Chekhov, Michael 1891-1955 WWasWT Chelsom, Peter 1956CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3

Chong »445 Chelton, Nick 1946CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Chen, Joan 1961(?)CTFT-13 Chen Chong See Chen, Joan CTFT-13 Cheng, Long See Chan, Jackie CTFT-26 Cheney, Sheldon 1886-1980 WWasWT Chenoweth, Kristin 1968CTFT-27 Chenoweth, Kristin D. See Chenoweth, Kristin CTFT-27 Cher 1946CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 9 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Chereau, Patrice 1944CTFT-26 Cherkasov, Nikolai 1903-1966 WWasWT Cherrell, Gwen 1926WWT-17 Cherry, Charles 1872-1931 WWasWT Cherry, Helen 1915WWasWT Cherry, Wai 1932-1986 WWT-17 Cheskin, Irving W. 1915...WWT-17 Chesne, Steven 1960CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Chesney, Arthur 1882-1949 WWasWT Chester, Betty 1895-1943 WWasWT Chester, Nora CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Chetham-Strode, Warren 1897WWasWT Chetwyn, Robert 1933WWT-17 Chetwynd, Lionel 1940CTFT-14 Cheung, Leslie 1956CTFT-19 Cheung, Maggie 1964CTFT-24 Cheung, Man-Yuk See Cheung, Maggie CTFT-24 Chevalier, Albert 1861-1923 WWasWT Chevalier, Marcelle WWasWT Chevalier, Maurice 1888-1972 WWasWT Chew, Lee CTFT-3 Chew, Richard CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Chiang, Doug 1962CTFT-23 Child, Harold Hannyngton 1869-1945 WWasWT Childress, Alice 1920(?)-1994 CTFT-10 Obituary in CTFT-13 Childs, Gilbert ?-1931 WWasWT Chiles, Linden CTFT-9 Chiles, Lois CTFT-7 Chin, Tsai 1937CTFT-24 Chinoy, Helen Krich 1922CTFT-1 Chirgwin, George H. 1854-1922 WWasWT Chisholm, Robert 1898-1960 WWasWT Chlumsky, Anna 1980(?)CTFT-15 Cho, Margaret 1968CTFT-17 Choate, Tim 1954CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Chodorov, Edward 1914-1988 CTFT-7 Earlier sketches in WWT-17; WWasWT Chodorov, Jerome 1911WWT-17 Chomsky, Marvin J. 1929CTFT-6 Chong, Rae Dawn 1962CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Chong, Thomas See Chong, Tommy CTFT-18

446 •


Chong, Tommy 1938CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Chorpenning, Ruth 1905WWasWT Choudhury, Sarita 1966CTFT-20 Chou Jun-fa See Chow Yun-fat CTFT-19 Chow Yun-fat 1955CTFT-19 Christian, Claudia 1965CTFT-23 Christians, Mady 1900-1951 WWasWT Christiansen, Catherine 1957CTFT-5 Christie, Agatha 1890-1976 WWT-16 Christie, Audrey 1912-1989 WWT-1 7 Christie, Campbell 1893-1963 WWasWT Christie, Dorothy 1896WWasWT Christie, George 1873-1949 WWasWT Christie, Julie 1940(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 9 Christine, Virginia 1920-1996 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-16 Christmas, Eric 1916CTFT-20 Christopher, Dennis 1955CTFT-3 Christopher, Roy CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Christopher, Thorn 1940CTFT-22 Christy, Donald CTFT-2 Chudleigh, Arthur 1858-1932 WWasWT Chung, Connie 1946CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Chung Ling Soo WWasWT Church, Esme 1893-1972 WWasWT Church, Thomas Haden 1960CTFT-22 Church, Tony 1930CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Churchill, Berton 1876-1940 WWasWT Churchill, Caryl 1938.-. CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10; WWT-17 Churchill, Diana (Josephine) 1913WWasWT Churchill, Marguerite 1910WWasWT Churchill, Sarah 1914-1982 WWT-17 Churchill, Winston 1871-1947 WWasWT Churikova, Inna 1943CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Ciani, Suzanne 1946CTFT-12 Cilento, Diane 1933CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cimino, Michael 1952CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6 Cinquevalli, Paul 1859-1918 WWasWT Cizmar, Paula 1949CTFT-1 Clair, Mavis 1916WWasWT Claire, Helen 1911-1974 WWasWT Claire, Ina 1895-1985 WWasWT Claire, Ludi 1927CTFT-1 Claman, Barbara S. 1939CTFT-1 Clancy, Deidre 1943CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Clancy, Tom 1947CTFT-25 Clanton, Ralph 1914WWT-17 Clapp, Gordon 1948CTFT-20 Clapton, Eric 1945CTFT-16 Clare, Mary 1894-1970 WWasWT Clare, Tom 1876-? WWasWT Clarence, O. B. 1870-1955 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Claridge, Norman 1903WWT-17 Clark, Alfred WWasWT Clark, Anthony 1964CTFT-1 7 Clark, B. D. 1945CTFT-3 Clark, Barrett H. 1890-1953 WWasWT Clark, Bob 1941CTFT-7 Clark, Bobby 1888-1960 WWasWT Clark, Brian 1932CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Clark, Candy CTFT-1 Clark, China CTFT-2 Clark, Dick 1929CTFT-3 Clark, E. Holman 1864-1925 WWasWT Clark, Ernest 1912WWT-17 Clark, Fred 1914-1968 WWasWT Clark, James See Clark, Jim CTFT-10 Clark, Jim 1931CTFT-10 Clark, John Pepper 1935WWT-17 Clark, John Richard 1932WWT-17 Clark, Mara 1930CTFT-5 Clark, Marguerite 1887-1940 WWasWT Clark, Marjory 1900WWasWT Clark, Matt 1936CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Clark, Peggy 1915WWT-17 Clark, Perceval See Perceval-Clark, P. WWasWT Clark, Roy 1933CTFT-7 Clark, Susan 1944CTFT-3 Clark, Wallis 1888-1961 WWasWT Clarke, Caitlin 1952CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Clarke, Cuthbert 1869-1953 WWasWT Clarke, David 1908CTFT-1 Clarke, George 1886-1946 WWasWT Clarke, John CTFT-17 Clarke, Lenny CTFT-17 Clarke, Mae 1907WWasWT Clarke, Nigel 1895WWasWT Clarke, Richard 1930CTFT-5 Clarke, Rupert 1865-1926 WWasWT Clarke, Stanley 1951CTFT-11 Clarke-Smith, Douglas A. 1888-1959 WWasWT Clarkson, Joan 1903WWasWT Clarkson, Patricia CTFT-27 Clarkson, Paul CTFT-25 Clarkson, Willie 1861-1934... WWasWT Clary, Robert 1926CTFT-1 Claudel, Paul 1868-1955 WWasWT Claughton, Susan WWasWT Clausen, Alf 1941CTFT-12 Clavell, James 1925-1994 CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Claver, Bob 1928CTFT-2 Clay, Andrew Dice 1958CTFT-11 Claybourne, Doug 1947CTFT-23 Clayburgh, Jill 1944CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 5 Clayton, Herbert 1876-1931 WWasWT Clayton, Jack 1921-1995 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-14 Clayton, Tony 1935CTFT-4 Cleage, Pearl 1948CTFT-13

Cleather, Gordon 1872-? Cleave, Arthur 1884-? Cleese, John 1939Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, Clemens, Le Roy 1889-? Clemenson, Christian 1959Clement, Clay 1888-1956 Clement, Elfrida Clement-Scott, Joan 1907-1969 Clement-Scott, Margaret See Scott, Margaret Clement Clements, John 1910-1988 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Clements, Miriam Clements, Ronald 1953Clendenin, Bob 1964Clendenin, Robert See Clendenin, Bob Clennon, David 1943Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, Cliff, Laddie 1891-1937 Cliffe, H. Cooper 1862-1939 Clifford, Camille Clifford, Kathleen 1887-1962 Clift, Ernest Paul 1881-1963 Gift, Montgomery 1920-1966 Clifton, Bernard 1902-1970 Climenhaga, Joel 1922Clinger, Bijou 1955dive, Colin 1900-1937 Give, Vincent ?-1943 Clokey, Art 1921Clooney, George 1961Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Clore, Leon 1919(?)-1992 Close, Eric Close, Glenn 1947Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, Closser, Louise 1872-? Clowes, Richard 1900Clunes, Alec S. 1912Clurman, Harold 1901-1980 Clyde, Jeremy 1941Coakley, Marion Coates, Anne V. 1925Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Coates, Carolyn Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cobb, LeeJ. 1911-1976 Cobb, Randall "Tex" Cobbs, Bill 1935Cobert, Bob 1924Coborn, Charles 1852-1945 Coburn, Charles (Douville) 1877-1961 Coburn, D(onald) L. 1938Coburn, James 1928Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, Coca, Imogene 1908Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Cocea, Alice 1899Cochran, Charles (Blake) 1872-1951 Cochrane, Frank 1882-1962


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Coco, James 1929-1987 CTFT-3 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Cocteau, Jean 1889-1963 WWasWT Codrington, Ann 1895WWasWT Codron, Michael 1930CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Cody, Iron Eyes 1904(?)-1999 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-24 Coe, Fred H. 1914-1979 WWT-16 Coe, Peter 1929-1987 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Coe, Richard L. 1914-1995 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-15 Coe, Tucker See Westlake, Donald E CTFT-13 Coen, Ethan 1958CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Coen, Joel 1955CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Coffey, Denise 1936WWT-17 Coffin, C. Hayden 1862-1935 WWasWT Coffin, Frederick (D.) 1943CTFT-1 Cogan, David J. 1923CTFT-1 Coghill, Nevill 1899-1980 WWT-17 Coghlan, Gertrude 1879-1952 WWasWT Coghlan, Rose 1850-1932 WWasWT Cohan, Charles 1886WWasWT Cohan, George M. 1878-1942 WWasWT Cohan, Georgette 1900WWasWT Cohen, Alexander H. 1920CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 15; WWT-17 Cohen, Edward M. 1936CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Cohen, Harry I. 1891-1987 WWasWT Cohen, Larry 1947CTFT-7 Cohen, Rob 1949CTFT-23 Cohenour, Patti 1952CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Cohn, Mindy 1966CTFT-22 Coke, Peter (John) 1913WWasWT Colantoni, Enrico CTFT-19 Colbert, Claudette 1905(?)-1996 CTFT-2 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch WWT-17 Colbin, Rod 1923CTFT-2 Colbourne, Maurice 1894-1965 ....WWasWT Colbron, Grace Isabel ?-1943 WWasWT Cole, Dennis CTFT-4 Cole, Edith 1870-1927 WWasWT Cole, Elizabeth See Ashley, Elizabeth CTFT-8 Cole, Gary CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Cole, George 1925CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cole, Kay 1948CTFT-4 Cole, Nora 1953CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Cole, Olivia 1942CTFT-8 Coleby, Wilfred T. 1865-? WWasWT Coleman, Cy 1929CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT 3; WWT-17 Coleman, Dabney 1932CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10

Coleman, Fanny 1840-1919 WWasWT Coleman, Gary 1968CTFT-3 Coleman, Jack 1958CTFT-8 Coleman, Nancy 1917CTFT-1 Coleman, Robert 1900WWasWT Coleridge, Ethel 1883-? WWasWT Coleridge, Sylvia 1909WWT-17 Coles, Kim 1966CTFT-17 Colicos, John 1928CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-16 Colin, Georges WWasWT Colin, Jean 1905-1989 WWasWT Colin, Margaret 1957(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Collamore, Jerome 1891CTFT-1 Colleano, Bonar 1923-1958 WWasWT Collet, Richard 1885-1946 WWasWT Collette, Charles 1842-1924 WWasWT Collette, Toni 1972CTFT-17 Colley, Kenneth 1937CTFT-9 Collier, Constance 1878-1955 WWasWT Collier, Gaylan Jane 1924CTFT-2 Collier, Patience 1910-1987 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Collier, William 1866-1944 WWasWT Collinge, Patricia 1894-1974 WWasWT Collins, A. Greville 1896WWasWT Collins, Arthur 1863-1932 WWasWT Collins, Barry 1941CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Collins, Charles 1904-1964 WWasWT Collins, Frank 1878-1957 WWasWT Collins, Gary 1938CTFT-6 Collins, Horace 1875-1964 WWasWT Collins, Joan 1933(?)CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8, 15 Collins, Jose 1887-1958 WWasWT Collins, Pauline 1940CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Collins, Phil 1951CTFT-27 Collins, Philip See Collins, Phil CTFT-27 Collins, Robert 1930CTFT-1 Collins, Russell 1897-1965 WWasWT Collins, Sewell 1876-1934 WWasWT Collins, Stephen CTFT-3 Collins, Winnie 1896WWasWT Collison, David 1937CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Collison, Wilson 1892-1941 WWasWT Colman, Henry CTFT-8 Colman, Ronald 1891-1958 WWasWT Colomby, Scott 1952CTFT-24 Colon, Miriam 1945CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Colonna, Jerry 1904-1986 CTFT-4 Colt, Alvin 1916CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Colton, John B. 1889-1946 WWasWT Coltrane, Robbie 1950CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Columbu, Franco CTFT-4 Columbus, Chris 1959CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Comber, Bobbie 1886-1942 WWasWT


• 447

Combermere, Edward 1888WWasWT Comden, Betty 1919CTFT-10 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Comenici, Luigi 1916CTFT-9 Commire, Anne CTFT-1 Como, Perry 1913CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Company of Four WWasWT Compton, Edward 1854-1918 WWasWT Compton, Mrs. Edward 1853-1940 WWasWT Compton, Fay 1894-1978 WWasWT Compton, Katherine 1858-1928 ....WWasWT Compton, Madge ?-1970 WWasWT Compton, Viola 1886-1971 WWasWT Comstock, F. Ray 1880-1949 WWasWT Comstock, Nanette 1873-1942 WWasWT Conaway, Jeff 1950CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 16 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Concannon, John N. 1946CTFT-1 Conde, Nicholas See Nathan, Robert Stuart CTFT-13 Condon, Bill CTFT-23 Condon, William See Condon, Bill CTFT-23 Conklin, Peggy 1912WWasWT Conley, Darlene CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Conn, Didi 1951CTFT-9 Connell, F. Norreys 1874-1948 WWasWT Connell, Jane 1925CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Connelly, Christopher 1941-1988 CTFT-7 Connelly, Edward J. 1855-1928 WWasWT Connelly, Jennifer 1970CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Connelly, Marc 1890-1980 WWT-17 Conners, Barry 1883-1933 WWasWT Connery, Sean 1930CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10, 17 Connery, Sir Sean See Connery, Sean CTFT-28 Connick, Harry, Jr. 1967CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Connolly, Billy 1942CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Connolly, Michael 1947CTFT-1 Connolly, Walter 1887-1940 WWasWT Connor, Whitfield 1916-1988 CTFT-1 Connors, Chuck 1921-1992 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-11 Connors, Michael See Connors, Mike CTFT-9 Connors, Mike 1925CTFT-9 Connors, Touch See Connors, Mike CTFT-9 Conquest, Arthur 1875-1945 WWasWT Conquest, Fred 1870-1941 WWasWT Conquest, George 1858-1926 WWasWT Conquest, Ida 1876-1937 WWasWT Conrad, Con 1891-1938 WWasWT Conrad, David 1967(?)CTFT-17 Conrad, Michael 1925-1983 CTFT-2

448 • Conrad Conrad, Robert 1935CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 15 Conrad, William 1920-1994 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Conreid, Hans 1917-1980 CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Conroy, Frances 1953CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Conroy, Frank 1890-1964 WWasWT Conroy, Kevin 1955CTFT-1 Conroy, Pat 1945CTFT-12 Conroy, Ruaidhri 1979(?)CTFT-24 Considine, John CTFT-8 Constanduros, Mabel ?-1957 WWasWT Constantine, Michael 1927CTFT-1 7 Conte, John 1915WWasWT Conti, Bill 1942CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 12 Conti, Italia 1874-1946 WWasWT Conti, Tom 1941CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10; WWT-17 Converse, Frank 1938CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 9 Converse-Roberts, William CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Conville, David 1929WWT-1 7 Convy, Bert 1934-1991 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Conway, Blade Stanhope See Cummings, Bob CTFT-1 7 Conway, Gary CTFT-2 Conway, Harold 1906WWasWT Conway, Jackie 1922CTFT-2 Conway, Kevin 1942CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6; WWT-1 7 Conway, Tim 1933CTFT-3 Conyngham, Fred 1909WWasWT Cooder, Ry 1947.....CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Coogan, Jackie 1914-1984 CTFT-1 Coogan, Keith 1970CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Coogan, Rif See Rifkin, Adam CTFT-28 Cook, Barbara 1927CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cook, Donald 1901-1961 WWasWT Cook, Douglas S CTFT-28 Cook, Elisha Jr. 1906(?)-1995 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Cook, James 1937CTFT-3 Cook, Joe 1890-1959 WWasWT Cook, Linda CTFT-3 Cook, Peter 1937-1995 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cook, Rachel Leigh 1979CTFT-24 Cook, Roderick 1932-1990 CTFT-1 Cook, T. S. 1947CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Cook, Tracey CTFT-17 Cooke, Alistair 1908CTFT-8

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Cooke, Stanley 1869-1931 WWasWT Cookman, Anthony Victor 1894-1962 WWasWT Cookson, Georgina WWasWT Cookson, Peter 1913-1990 CTFT-9 Coolidge, Martha 1946CTFT-8 Coolio 1963CTFT-19 Coolus, Remain 1868-1952 WWasWT Coombe, Carol 1911-1966 WWasWT Cooney, Dennis 1938CTFT-4 Cooney, Ray 1932CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Cooper, Anthony Kemble 1908-.... WWasWT Cooper, Chris 1951CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Cooper, Chuck 1954CTFT-20 Cooper, Daley 1872-? WWasWT Cooper, Enid 1902WWasWT Cooper, Frank Kemble 1857-1918 WWasWT Cooper, Frederick 1890-1945 WWasWT Cooper, Gary 1901-1961 CTFT-19 Cooper, Giles 1918-1966 WWasWT Cooper, Gladys 1888-1971 WWasWT Cooper, Greta Kemble WWasWT Cooper, Hal 1923CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Cooper, Jackie 1922(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8 Cooper, Lillian Kemble 1891WWasWT Cooper, Margaret Gernon WWasWT Cooper, Melville 1896-1973 WWasWT Cooper, Richard 1893-1947 WWasWT Cooper, Susan 1935CTFT-2 Cooper, T. G. 1939CTFT-3 Cooper, Violet Kemble 1889-1961 WWasWT Coote, Bert 1868-1938 WWasWT Coote, Robert 1909-1982 WWT-1 7 Copeau, Jacques 1878-1949 WWasWT Copeland, Joan 1922CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Copeland, Maurice 1911CTFT-1 Copeland, Stewart 1952CTFT-5 Copley, Paul 1944WWT-1 7 Copley, Peter 1915WWT-1 7 Coppel, Alec 1910-1972 WWasWT Copperfield, David 1956(?)CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Coppola, Carmine 1910-1991 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-10 Coppola, Francis Ford 1939CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 13 Coppola, Nicolas See Cage, Nicolas CTFT-21 Coquelin, Jean 1865-1944 WWasWT Coram 1883-? WWasWT Corbett, Glenn 1930(?)-1993 CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Corbett, Gretchen 1947CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Corbett, Harry H. 1925-? WWT-1 7 Corbett, John CTFT-22 Corbett, Leonora 1908-1960 WWasWT Corbett, Thalberg 1864-? WWasWT

Corbin, Barry 1940CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Corbin, John 1870-1959 WWasWT Corbould, Chris CTFT-28 Corby, Ellen 1913CTFT-9 Corcoran, Jane WWasWT Cord, Alex 1933(?)CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Cordell, Cathleen 1916WWasWT Cordes, Jim 1932CTFT-4 Cordier, Gilbert See Rohmer, Eric CTFT-12 Corduner, Alan See Corduner, Allan CTFT-28 Corduner, Allan CTFT-28 Corenblith, Michael CTFT-25 Corey, Jeff 1914CTFT-8 Corey, Wendell 1914-1968 WWasWT Corfman, Caris 1955CTFT-1 Corigliano, John 1938CTFT-12 Corlett, William 1938CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Corley, Pat 1930CTFT-13 Corliss, Richard Nelson 1944CTFT-15 Corman, Gene 1927CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Corman, Roger 1926CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7, 15 Cornell, Katharine 1898-1974 WWasWT Cornthwaite, Robert 1917CTFT-1 Cornwell, Judy 1942CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Correia, Don 1951CTFT-7 Corri, Adrienne 1933CTFT-28 Corri, Charles Montague 1861-? WWasWT Corrigan, Emmett 1871-1932 WWasWT Corrigan, Kevin 1969CTFT-23 Corsaro, Frank 1924CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Corson, Richard WWT-1 7 Cort, Bud 1950CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Cortese, Dan 1967CTFT-21 Cortez, Stanley 1908-1997 CTFT-13 Obituary in CTFT-19 Corwin, Betty 1920CTFT-2 Corwin, Norman 1910CTFT-1 Corzatte, Clayton CTFT-4 Cosby, Bill 1937CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Cosell, Howard 1920CTFT-6 Cosgrave, Peggy CTFT-8 Cossart, Ernest 1876-1951 WWasWT Cossart, Valerie 1910WWasWT Cossette, Pierre CTFT-20 Cossins, James 1933WWT-17 Costabile, Richard 1947CTFT-3 Costa-Gavras 1933CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Costas, Bob 1952CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Costello, Elvis 1954CTFT-26 Costello, Lou 1906-1959 CTFT-16 Costello, Tom 1863-1945 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Costigan, Ken 1934CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Costner, Kevin 1955CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9, 16 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Cotes, Peter 1912-1998 WWT-1 7 Obituary in CTFT-24 Cotsirilos, Stephanie 1947CTFT-1 Cotsworth, Staats 1908-1979 WWT-16 Gotten, Joseph 1905-1994 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Cottens, Victor de 1862-? WWasWT Cotton, Oliver 1944CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cotton, Wilfred 1873-? WWasWT Cottrell, Cherry 1909WWasWT[ Cottrell, Richard 1936CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Coughlan, Marisa 1973CTFT-28 Coullet, Rhonda 1945CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Coulouris, George 1903-1989 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Coulter, Michael CTFT-26 Counsell, John 1905-1987 WWT-1 7 Countryman, Michael 1955CTFT-9 Couper, Barbara 1903WWasWT Courage, Alexander 1938CTFT-10 Couric, Katie 1957CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Court, Dorothy WWasWT Courteline, Georges 1860-1929 ....WWasWT Courtenay, Margaret 1923WWT-1 7 Courtenay, Tom 1937CTFT-5 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Courtenay, William 1875-1933 WWasWT Courtleigh, William 1869-1930 WWasWT Courtneidge, Cicely 1893-1980 WWT-1 7 Courtneidge, Robert 1859-1939 ....WWasWT Courtneidge, Rosaline 1903-1926 WWasWT Courtney, Gordon 1895-1964 WWasWT Courtney, Maud 1884-? WWasWT Courtney, Richard 1927CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Courtney, William Leonard 1850-1928 WWasWT Cousin Bubba See Emmons, Wayne CTFT-4 Cousteau, Jacques-Yves 1910-1997 CTFT-18 Coutard, Raoul 1924-1993 CTFT-28 Cover, Franklin 1928CTFT-8 Covington, Julie CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cowan, Edie CTFT-1 Cowan, Maurice A. 1891WWasWT Coward, Noel 1899-1973 WWasWT Cowen, Laurence 1865-1942 WWasWT Cowen, Ron 1944CTFT-1 7 Cowie, Laura 1892-1969 WWasWT Cowl, Jane 1890-1950 WWasWT Cowles, Matthew 1944CTFT-27 Cowley, Eric 1886-1948 WWasWT

Cox, Alan 1970CTFT-6 Cox, Alex 1954CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Cox, Brian 1946CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16; WWT-17 Cox, Constance 1915WWT-17 Cox, Courteney 1964CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Cox, Paul 1940CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Cox, Ronny 1938CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 13 Coyle, J. J. 1928CTFT-1 Coyne, Joseph 1867-1941 WWasWT Coyote, Peter 1941(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 15 Crabe, James 1931-1989 CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Cracknell, Ruth 1925WWT-1 7 Craggs, The WWasWT Craig, Carl 1954CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Craig, Daniel 1968CTFT-23 Craig, Edith 1869-1947 WWasWT Craig, Edward Gordon 1872-1966 WWasWT Craig, Helen 1912-1986 WWT-1 7 Craig, Michael 1928WWT-17 Craig, Stuart 1942CTFT-12 Craig, Wendy 1934WWT-17 Crane, Richard 1944CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Crane, W. H. 1845-1928 WWasWT Cranham, Kenneth 1944CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-11; WWT-17 Crauford, J. R. 1847-1930 WWasWT Craven, Arthur Scott 1875-1971 ....WWasWT Craven, Elise 1898WWasWT Craven, Frank 1880-1945 WWasWT Craven, Gemma 1950CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Craven, Matt 1956CTFT-23 Craven, Tom 1868-1919 WWasWT Craven, Wes 1939CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 15 Crawford, Alice 1882WWasWT Crawford, Anne 1920-1956 WWasWT Crawford, Cheryl 1902-1986 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Crawford, Cindy 1966CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Crawford, Joanna 1942CTFT-4 Crawford, Michael 1942CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT 3; WWT-17 Crawford, Mimi ?-1966 WWasWT Crawley, Tom 1940CTFT-2 Creedon, Dennis 1880-? WWasWT Cregan, David 1931CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Crenna, Richard 1927CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 16 Cressall, Maud 1886-1962 WWasWT Cresswell, Helen 1934CTFT-15 Crews, Laura Hope 1880-1942 WWasWT Crewson, Wendy 1959CTFT-28

Cross • 449 Cribbins, Bernard 1928CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Crichton, Charles 1910CTFT-8 Crichton, Madge 1881-? WWasWT Crichton, Michael 1942CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 13 Crinkley, Richmond 1940-1989 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Crisham, Walter WWasWT Crisp, Quentin 1908CTFT-6 Crispi, Ida WWasWT Crist, Judith 1922CTFT-1 Cristina, Ines 1875-? WWasWT Cristofer, Michael 1945CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Critchlow, Roark CTFT-1 7 Critt, C. J. 1954CTFT-1 Croce, Arlene 1934CTFT-15 Crofoot, Leonard J CTFT-1 Croft, Anne 1896-1959 WWasWT Croft, Michael 1922-1986 WWT-17 Croft, Nita 1902WWasWT Croft, Paddy CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Croisset, Francis de 1877-1937 WWasWT Croke, Wentworth 1871-1930 WWasWT Croker, T. F. Dillon 1831-1912 WWasWT Croker-King, C. H. 1873-1951 WWasWT Crommelynck, Fernand 1885-1970 WWasWT Cromwell, James 1940CTFT-1 7 Cromwell, John 1887-1979 WWT-17 Cronenberg, David 1943CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 14 Cronenberg, Denise CTFT-25 Cronenweth, Jordan 1935-1996 CTFT-22 Cronenweth, Jordan S. See Cronenweth, Jordan CTFT-22 Cronin, Jane 1936CTFT-3 Cronkite, Walter 1916CTFT-6 Cronyn, Hume 1911CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 17; WWT-1 7 Cronyn, Tandy 1945CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Crook, John ?-1922 WWasWT Cropper, Anna 1938WWT-17 Cropper, Roy 1898-1954 WwasWT Crosby, Bing 1901-1977 CTFT-26 Crosby, Cathy Lee 1948(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Crosby, Denise CTFT-8 Crosby, Gary 1933-1995 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-15 Crosby, Joan 1934CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Crosby, Mary 1959CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Crosman, Henrietta 1865-1944 WWasWT Cross, Ben 1947CTFT-6 Cross, Beverley 1931-1998 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cross, Julian 1851-1925 WWasWT

450* Cross Cross, Marcia 1961CTFT-19 Cross, Rebecca CTFT-28 Crossman, Melville See Zanuck, Darryl F CTFT-22 Croswell, Anne CTFT-1 Crothers, Rachel 1878-1958 WWasWT Crothers, Scatman 1910-1986 CTFT-3 Crouch, J. H. 1918CTFT-1 Crouse, Lindsay 1948CTFT-4 Crouse, Russel 1893-1966 WWasWT Crow, Laura 1945CTFT-5 Crowden, Graham 1922CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Crowder, Jack See Rasulala, Thalmus CTFT-10 Crowe, Cameron 1957CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Crowe, Christopher 1948CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 14 Crowe, Russell 1964CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Crowley, Mart 1935WWT-17 Crowley, Pat CTFT-8 Crowley, Patricia See Crowley, Pat CTFT-8 Crowther, Leslie 1933WWT-17 Croxton, Arthur 1868-? WWasWT Crudup, Billy 1968CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Cruickshank, Andrew 1907-1988 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cruickshank, Gladys 1902WWasWT Cruikshank, A. Stewart 1877-1949 WWasWT Cruikshank, Stewart 1908-1966 ....WWasWT Cruikshanks, Charles 1844-1928 WWasWT Cruise, Tom 1962CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 9, 16 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Crust, Arnold See Winner, Michael CTFT-11 Crutchley, Rosalie 1921-1997 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Cruttwell, Hugh 1918WWT-17 Cruz, Penelope 1974CTFT-24 Cruz, Wilson 1973CTFT-20 Cryer, David 1936WWT-17 Cryer, Gretchen 1935CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cryer, Jon 1965CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 16 Crystal, Billy 1947CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10 Cuccioli, Bob See Cuccioli, Robert Cuccioli, Robert 1958CTFT-24 Cucinotta, Maria Grazia CTFT-28 Cuka, Frances 1936CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cukor, George 1899-1983 CTFT-1 Culhane, Shamus 1908CTFT-10 Culkin, Kieran 1982CTFT-24 Culkin, Macaulay 1980(?)CTFT-10

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Cullen, David 1942CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 14 Culley, Frederick 1879-1942 WWasWT Culliton, Joseph 1948CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Culliton, Pat See Culliton, Patrick Culliton, Patrick CTFT-24 Culliver, Karen 1959CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Cullum, John 1930CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Culp, Robert 1930CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Culver, Roland 1900-1984 WWT-17 Cumberland, Gerald 1879-1926.... WWasWT Cumberland, John 1880-? WWasWT Cumming, Alan 1965(?)CTFT-23 Cummings, Bob 1910(?)-1990 CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Cummings, Constance 1910CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Cummings, Robert See Cummings, Bob CTFT-1 7 Cummings, Vicki 1913-1969 WWasWT Cummins, Peggy 1925WWasWT Cumpsty, Michael CTFT-24 Cunati, Edwige Caroline See Feuillere, Edwige CTFT-24 Cundey, Dean 1945CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Cundey, Dean A. See Cundey, Dean CTFT-23 Cundieff, Rusty 1965(?)CTFT-23 Cuningham, Philip 1865-? WWasWT Cunliffe, Whit WWasWT Cunningham, John 1932CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Cunningham, Merce 1919CTFT-20 Cunningham, Robert 1866-? WWasWT Cunningham, Sarah 1919-1986 CTFT-3 Cupito, Suzanne See Brittany, Morgan CTFT-7 Curel, Viscomte Francois de 1854-1928 WWasWT Currah, Brian Mason 1929WWT-17 Curran, Leigh 1943CTFT-5 Currie, Give 1877-1935 WWasWT Currie, Finlay 1878-1968 ...WWasWT Currie, Glenne 1926CTFT-1 Curry, Julian 1937CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Curry, Tim 1946CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 17 Curteis, Ian 1935CTFT-10 Curtin, Jane 1947CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 16 Curtin, Valerie 1945(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Curtis, Dan 1928CTFT-10 Curtis, Jamie Lee 1958CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Curtis, Keene 1923CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-1 7 Curtis, Ken 1916-1991 CTFT-10

Curtis, Richard 1956CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Curtis, Tony 1925CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Curtis-Hall, Vondie 1956CTFT-17 Curwen, Patric 1884-1949 WWasWT Curzon, Frank 1868-1927 WWasWT Curzon, George 1898WWasWT Cusack, Ann 1961CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Cusack, Cyril 1910CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cusack, Joan 1962CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Cusack, John 1966CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Cusack, Sinead 1948CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Cushing, Catherine Chisholm 1874-1952 WWasWT Cushing, Peter 1913-1994 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cushing, Tom 1879-1941 WWasWT Cushman, Robert 1943WWT-17 Cuthbert, Neil 1951CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Cuthbertson, Allan 1920-1988 CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cuthbertson, lain 1930CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cutler, Kate 1870-1955 WWasWT Cutter, Lise CTFT-4 Cuvillier, Charles 1879-1955 WWasWT Cypher, Jon 1932CTFT-9 Czerny, Henry 1959CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16

D Dabdoub, Jack 1925CTFT-2 Dabney, Augusta CTFT-1 D'Abo, Maryam 1961CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 D'Abo, Olivia 1969(?)CTFT-17 da Costa, Liz 1955CTFT-6 Da Costa, Morton 1914-1989 CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Daemer, Will See Wade, Robert (Allison) CTFT-28 Dafoe, Willem 1955CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 17 Dagnall, Ells 1868-1935 WWasWT Dagnall, Thomas C. ?-1926 WWasWT Dahl, Arlene 1928CTFT-2 Dahl, John 1956CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Dahl, Roald 1916CTFT-6 Dailey, Dan 1915-1978 WWT-16 Dailey, Irene 1920CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Daily, Bill 1928Daily, E.G. See Daily, Elizabeth Daily, Elizabeth 1962Daindridge, Dorothy See Dandridge, Dorothy Dainton, Marie 1881-1938 Dajani, Nadia D'Albert, George 1870-1949 Daldry, Stephen 1961Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Dale, Alan 1861-1928 Dale, Grover 1935Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Dale, James Littlewood 1886Dale, Jim 1935Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; Dale, Margaret 1880-1972 Dale, Margaret 1922Dallas, J. J. 1853-1915 Dallas, Meredith Eugene 1916Dalmatoff, B. 1862-? D'Alroy, Evelyn ?-1915 Dalrymple, Jean 1910Dalton, Abby 1935Dalton, Charles 1864-1942 Dalton, Doris 1910Dalton, Dorothy 1893-1972 Dalton, Timothy 1944Daltrey, Roger 1944Dalva, Robert 1942Daly, Arnold 1875-1927 Daly, Blyth 1902Daly, Bob 1936Daly, Dutch 1848-? Daly, James 1918-1978 Daly, John 1937Daly, John Charles 1914-1991 Daly, Mark 1887-1957 Daly, Tim See Daly, Timothy Daly, Timothy 1956Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, Daly, Tyne 1946(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, D'Amboise, Charlotte 1965(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Dames, Rob 1944Damon, Mark 1933Damon, Matt 1970Damon, Stuart 1937Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Damski, Mel 1946Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Dana, Bill 1924Dana, F. Mitchell 1942Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; Dana, Henry 1855-1921 Dana, Leora 1923Dance, Charles 1946Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Dance, George 1865-1932 Dandridge, Dorothy 1922-1965 Dane, Clemence 1888-1965 Dane, Ethel


Davies • 451

Dane, Marjorie 1898WWasWT Daneman, Paul 1925WWT-17 Danes, Claire 1979CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Danforth, William 1867-1941 WWasWT Dang, Tim CTFT-20 D'Angelo, Beverly 1953(?)-....: CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 5 Dangerfield, Rodney 1922(?)CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 14 Daniel, T. 1945CTFT-1 Daniele, Graciela 1939CTFT-10 Danielewski, Tad CTFT-3 Daniell, Henry 1894-1963 WWasWT Daniels, Bebe 1901-1971 WWasWT Daniels, Danny See Giagni, D. j CTFT-4 Daniels, Danny 1924CTFT-3 Daniels, Faith 1958(?)CTFT-14 Daniels, Frank 1860-1935 WWasWT Daniels, Jeff 1955CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11 Daniels, Marc c.1912-1989 CTFT-8 Daniels, Phil 1958CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Daniels, Ron 1942CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Daniels, William 1927CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Danilova, Alexandra 1907WWasWT Danner, Blythe 1944(?)CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 5, 12; WWT-1 7 Danning, Sybil CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Dano, Linda 1943CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Dano, Royal 1922-1994 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-13 Dansey, Herbert 1870-1917 WWasWT Danson, Ted 1947CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 11 Dante, Joe CTFT-7 Dante, Nicholas 1941-1991 CTFT-11 Dantes, Edmond See Hughes, John CTFT-23 Danton, Ray 1931-1992 CTFT-11 Danvers, Johnny 1870-1939 WWasWT Danza, Tony 1951CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Dapkunaite, Ingeborga CTFT-26 Darabont, Frank CTFT-28 D'Arbanville, Patti 1952(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Darby, Ken 1909-1992 Darby, Kim 1948Darbyshire, Iris 1905Darden, Severn 1929-1995 Obituary in CTFT-14 Dare, Daphne Dare, Phyllis 1890-1975 Dare, Zena 1887-1975 DaRe, Aldo See Ray, Aldo


Darewski, Herman 1883-1929 WWasWT Dark, Sidney 1874-1947 WWasWT Darke, Nick 1948CTFT-12 Darley, Herbert WWasWT Darling, T. H. See Harris, Thomas Walter CTFT-16 Darlington, William Aubrey 1890-1979 WWT-16 Darlow, Cynthia 1949CTFT-1 Darragh, Miss ?-1917 WWasWT Darrell, Maisie 1901WWasWT Darren, James 1936CTFT-3 Darthy, Gilda WWasWT Darvas, Lili 1906-1974 WWasWT D'Arville, Camille 1863-1932 WWasWT Da Silva, Howard 1909-1986 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Dassanowsky, Elfi See Von Dassanowsky, Elfi CTFT-24 Datas 1876-? WWasWT Daubeny, Peter 1921-1975 WWasWT Daunt, William 1893-1938 WWasWT Dauphin, Claude 1903-1978 WWT-17 Davenport, Harry 1866-1949 WWasWT Davenport, Nigel 1928CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Davey, Nuna 1902WWasWT Davey, Peter 1857-1946 WWasWT Davi, Robert 1952(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Daviau, Allen 1942CTFT-10 David, Hal 1921CTFT-12 David, Joanna 1947CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 David, Keith 1954(?)CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 David, Larry 1948(?)CTFT-23 David, Lolita See Davidovich, Lolita CTFT-18 David, Worton ?-1940 WWasWT Davidovich, Lolita 1961(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Davidson, Eileen 1959CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Davidson, Gordon 1933WWT-17 Davidson, John 1941CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Davidson, Martin 1939CTFT-10 Davidson, Richard M. 1940CTFT-2 Davidson, Tommy 1964(?)CTFT-23 Davidtz, Embeth 1966(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Davies, Acton 1870-1916 WWasWT Davies, Ben 1858-1943 WWasWT Davies, Betty-Ann 1910-1955 WWasWT Davies, Edna 1905WWasWT Davies, Gary See Davies, Geraint Wyn CTFT-21 Davies, Geraint Wyn 1957CTFT-21 Davies, Harry Parr 1914-1955 WWasWT Davies, Howard 1945(?)CTFT-9 Davies, Hubert Henry 1869-1932 WWasWT Davies, Jeremy 1969CTFT-23 Davies, Marion 1897-1961 WWasWT

452 •


Davies, Robertson 1913CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Davies, Siobhan 1950CTFT-11 Davies, Terence 1945CTFT-15 Davies, Valentine 1905-1961 CTFT-21 Daviot, Gordon 1897-1952 WWasWT Davis, Allan 1913WWT-17 Davis, Allen III 1929CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Davis, Ann B. 1926CTFT-3 Davis, Ariel 1912CTFT-1 Davis, Bette 1908-1989 CTFT-8 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Davis, Boyd 1885-1963 WWasWT Davis, Brad 1949-1991 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-10 Davis, Carl 1936CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Davis, Clayton 1948CTFT-3 Davis, Clifton 1945CTFT-6 Davis, Daniel CTFT-1 7 Davis, Don 1957CTFT-25 Davis, Donald 1928-1998 CTFT-10 Obituary in CTFT-22 Davis, Fay 1872-1945 WWasWT Davis, Geena 1957CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Davis, Gilbert 1899WWasWT Davis, Hal 1950CTFT-6 Davis, Hope 1964CTFT-15 Davis, Jeff 1950CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Davis, Joan 1906-1961 WWasWT Davis, Joe 1912-1984 WWT-17 Davis, Judy 1956(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Davis, Kevin 1945CTFT-4 Davis, Luther 1921CTFT-3 Davis, Mac 1942CTFT-3 Davis, Martin Sandford 1927CTFT-12 Davis, Michael 1936CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Davis, Newnham-N. See Newnham-Davis WWasWT Davis, Ossie 1917CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 9; WWT-17 Davis, Owen 1874-1956 WWasWT Davis, Owen 1907-1949 WWasWT Davis, Phoebe 1865-? WWasWT Davis, R. G. 1933CTFT-2 Davis, Ray C CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Davis, Richard Harding 1864-1916 WWasWT Davis, Sammi See Davis-Voss, Sammi CTFT-15 Davis, Sammy, Jr. 1925-1990 CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Davis, Tom Buffen 1867-1931 WWasWT Davis, Wendy CTFT-17 Davis, William B. 1938CTFT-18 Davis, William Boyd 1885-? WWasWT Davison, Bruce 1946CTFT-4 Davison, Jon 1949CTFT-10

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Davison, Peter Davis-Voss, Sammi 1964Davys, Edmund 1947Dawber, Pam 1954Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Dawe, Thomas F. 1881-1928 Dawn, Hazel 1891-1988 Dawson, Anna Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Dawson, Beatrice 1908-1976 Dawson, Forbes 1860-? Dawson, Richard 1932Day, Doris 1924Day, Edith 1896-1971 Day, Frances 1908Day, Laraine 1920Day, Linda 1938Day, Lynda See George, Lynda Day Day, Marjorie 1889Day, Matt 1973(?)See Day, Matthew Day, Richard Digby 1940Day, Robert 1922Day-Lewis, Daniel 1957Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Brief Entry in CTFT-6 Dazey, Charles Turner 1853-1938 Dazie, Mdlle. 1882-1952 Deacon, Brian 1949Deacon, Richard 1923-1984 Dean, Basil 1888-1978 Dean, Erica See Burstyn, Ellen Dean, Isabel Dean, James 1931-1955 Dean, Julia 1880-1952 Dean, Laura 1963Dean, Loren 1969Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Deane, Barbara 1886-? Deane, Tessa De Angelis, Jefferson 1859-1933 De Angelis, Rosemary 1933Deans, F. Harris 1886-1961 Dearden, Harold 1882-1962 Dearden, James 1949Dearing, Peter 1912Dearly, Max 1875-1943 Dearth, Harry 1876-1933 de Banzi, Lois De Banzie, Brenda 1915De Basil, Wassily ?-1951 De Bear, Archibald 1889-1970 De Belleville, Frederic 1857-1923 Debenham, Cicely 1891-1955 Debney, John De Bont, Jan De Bray, Henry 1889-1965 De Burgh, Aimee ?-1946 Debuskey, Merle 1923-



DeCarlo, Yvonne 1924CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 De Casalis, Jeanne 1897-1966 WWasWT de Coppet, Theodosia See Bara, Theda CTFT-20 De Cordoba, Pedro 1881-1950 WWasWT De Cordova, Frederick 1910CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 De Cordova, Rudolph 1860-1941 WWasWT Decourcelle, Pierre 1856-1926 WWasWT De Courville, Albert P. 1887-1960 WWasWT DeDomenico, Richard 1936CTFT-2 Dee, Ruby 1924(?)CTFT-9 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Dee, Sandra 1942CTFT-21 Deeley, Michael 1932CTFT-12 Deering, Olive 1919-1986 CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 De Foe, Louis Vincent 1869-1922 WWasWT De Fontenoy, Diane 1878-? WWasWT De Fore, Don 1919-1993 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-13 De Frece, Lauri 1880-1921 WWasWT De Frece, Walter 1870-? WWasWT DeGeneres, Ellen 1958CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 De Groot, Walter 1896WWasWT De Hartog, Jan 1914CTFT-2 de Havilland, Olivia 1916CTFT-6 Dehelly, Emile 1871-? WWasWT Dehn, Paul 1912-1976 WWT-16 Dehner, John 1915-1992 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-10 Dekker, Albert 1905-1962 WWasWT DeKoven, Reginald 1859-1920 WWasWT Delafield, E.M. 1890-1943 WWasWT de la Giroday, Francois See Giroday, Francois CTFT-19 de la Haye, Ina 1906WWasWT Delaney, Kim 1961CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 16 Delaney, Shelagh 1939CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 DeLange, Herman 1851-1929 WWasWT Delany, Dana 1956CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 de la Pasture, Mrs. Henry 1866-1945 WWasWT DeLappe, Gemze 1922CTFT-3 De Laria, Lea See Delaria, Lea CTFT-26 Delaria, Lea 1959(?) CTFT-26 de la Roche, Elisa 1949CTFT-4 De La Tour, Frances 1944CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-11; WWT-17 Delaunay, Louis 1854-? WWasWT De Laurentiis, Dino 1919CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7 Delderfield, R. F. 1912-1972 WWasWT De Legh, Kitty 1887-? WWasWT De Leon, Jack 1897-1956 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Delerue, Georges 1924-1992 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-11 Delevines WWasWT Delfont, Bernard 1909WWT-17 de Liagre, Alfred 1904-1987 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Dell, Floyd 1887-1969 WWasWT Dell, Gabriel 1919-1988 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Dell, Jeffrey 1899WwasWT Dellems, Erik See Dellums, Erik Todd CTFT-26 Delli Colli, Tonino 1923CTFT-28 Dellums, Erik See Dellums, Erik Todd CTFT-26 Dellums, Erik Todd 1964CTFT-26 Delon, Alain 1935CTFT-14 Delorenzo, Michael CTFT-14 Delorme, Hugues WWasWT Deloy, George 1953CTFT-4 Delpy, Julie 1969CTFT-15 del Rio, Dolores 1905-1983 CTFT-20 Delroy, Irene 1898WWasWT Del Ruth, Thomas 1943CTFT-15 Del Ruth, Tom See Del Ruth, Thomas CTFT-15 del Toro, Benicio 1967CTFT-18 Del Toro, Guillermo 1964CTFT-27 DeLuise, David 1971CTFT-27 DeLuise, Dom 1933CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 9 De Lungo, Tony 1892WWasWT Delysia, Alice 1889WWasWT Demarest, William 1892-1983 CTFT-2 De Marney, Derrick 1906-1971 ....WWasWT De Marney, Terence 1909-1971 ....WWasWT de Mille, Agnes 1905-1993 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 de Mille, Cecil B. 1881-1959 WWasWT de Mille, William C. 1878-1955 WWasWT Demme, Jonathan 1944CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 De Montherlant, Henry 1896WWasWT De Mornay, Rebecca 1961CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 11 Brief Entry in CTFT2 Dempsey, Patrick 1966CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Dempster, Hugh 1900-1987 WWasWT De Munn, Jeffrey 1947CTFT-7 Demy, Jacques 1931-1990 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-10 Dench, Judi 1934CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11; WWT-17 Denes, Oscar 1893WWasWT Deneuve, Catherine 1943CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 4, 14 Denham, Isolde 1920-.., WWasWT Denham, Maurice 1909CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Denham, Reginald 1894WWT-17 De Niro, Robert 1943CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 10

Denis, Claire 1948CTFT-20 Denison, Michael 1915-1998 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Denker, Henry 1912CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Dennehy, Brian 1938CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11 Dennis, Sandy 1937-1992 CTFT-10 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Dennison, Sally 1941CTFT-3 Denny, Ernest 1862-1943 WWasWT Denny, Reginald 1891-1967 WWasWT Denny, William Henry 1853-1915 WWasWT Denoff, Sam 1928CTFT-4 Densham, Pen 1947CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Dent, Alan 1905-1978 WWT-16 Dent-Cox, Tom CTFT-1 7 Denton, Frank 1878-1945 WWasWT Denver, Bob 1935CTFT-7 Denver, John 1943-1997 CTFT-15 Obituary in CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Denville, Alfred J. P. 1876-1955 WWasWT de Oliveira, Manoel 1908CTFT-26 De Palma, Brian 1940CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 13 Depardieu, Gerard 1948CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 DePatie, David H. 1930CTFT-10 Depp, Johnny 1963CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Depre, Ernest 1854-? WWasWT Derek, Bo 1956CTFT-3 Derek, John 1926-1998 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-21 De Reyes, Consuelo 1893-1948 ....WWasWT Dern, Bruce 1936CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Dern, Laura 1967CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 de Rossi, Portia 1973CTFT-26 Derr, Richard 1917WWasWT Derricks, Cleavant 1953CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Derwent, Clarence 1884-1959 WWasWT De Sanctis, Alfredo WWasWT De Santis, Joe 1909-1989 CTFT-1 Desborough, Philip 1883-? WWasWT Descaves, Lucien 1861-1949 WWasWT DeScenna, Linda 1949CTFT-10 Deschanel, Caleb 1944CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 De Selincourt, Hugh 1878-1951 WwasWT Desert, Alex CTFT-26 Desfontaines, Henri 1876-? WWasWT De Shields, Andre 1946CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 De Sica, Vittorio 1902(?)-1974 CTFT-24 Desiderio, Robert CTFT-6

Dexter • 453 De Silva, N. 1868-1949 WWasWT Desjardins, Maxime WWasWT Deslys, Gaby 1884-1920 WWasWT Desmond, Dan 1944CTFT-5 Desmond, Florence 1905WWasWT DeSoto, Rosana CTFT-7 De Sousa, May 1887-1948 WWasWT Desplechin, Arnaud 1960CTFT-28 Despres, Loraine CTFT-6 Despres, Suzanne 1875-1951 WWasWT Desprez, Frank 1853-1916 WWasWT Desvallieres, Maurice 1857-1926 WWasWT De Sylva B. G. 1895-1950 WWasWT Detmers, Maruschka 1962CTFT-27 De Toth, Andre 1913CTFT-15 Deutch, Howard CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Deutsch, Benoit-Leon 1892WWasWT Deutsch, Helen 1906CTFT-4 Deutsch, Stephen See Simon, Stephen CTFT-26 De Vahl, Anders 1869-? WWasWT Deval, Jacques 1895-1972 WWasWT De Valentina, Rudolpho See Valentino, Rudolph CTFT-22 De Valois, Ninette 1898WWasWT Devane, William 1937CTFT-3 Devant, David 1863-? WWasWT de Varona, Joanna See Kerns, Joanna CTFT-18 Deveau, Marie-Sylvie 1963(?)CTFT-27 Deverell, John W. 1880-1965 WWasWT Devereux, William ?-1945 WWasWT Devine, Andy 1905-1977 CTFT-21 Devine, George 1910-1966 WWasWT Devine, Loretta CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 DeVine, Lawrence 1935CTFT-1 DeVito, Danny 1944CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Devlin, Dean 1962CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 18 Devlin, Jay 1929CTFT-1 Devlin, William 1911-1987 WWasWT Devore, Gaston 1859-? WWasWT DeVore, Cain 1960CTFT-6 De Vries, Henry WWasWT De Vries, Peter 1910CTFT-1 De Warfaz, George 1889-1966 WWasWT Dewell, Michael 1931CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Dewhurst, Colleen 1924-1991 CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Dewhurst, Keith 1931CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 De Winton, Alice WWasWT De Witt, Joyce 1949CTFT-9 De Wolfe, Billy 1907-1974 WWasWT De Wolfe, Elsie 1865-1950 WWasWT Dews, Peter 1929-1997 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Dexter, Aubrey 1898-1958 WWasWT

454 •


Dexter, John 1925(?)-1990 CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Dey, Susan 1952CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Brief Entry in CTFT2 De Young, Cliff 1946(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 12 Diaghileff, Serge 1872-1929 WWasWT Diamond, Dustin 1977CTFT-17 Diamond, Elizabeth See Diamond, Liz CTFT-26 Diamond, I. A. L. 1920-1988 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Diamond, Liz CTFT-26 Diamond, Margaret 1916WWT-1 7 Diamond, Neil 1941CTFT-25 Diamond, Reed 1964CTFT-24 Diamond, Reed Edward See Diamond, Reed CTFT-24 Diamond, Selma 1921-1985 CTFT-2 Diaz, Arnold 1949CTFT-17 Diaz, Cameron 1972(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 DiCaprio, Leonardo 1974(?)CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Dicenta, Joaquin 1860-? WWasWT DiCenzo, George CTFT-8 Dick, Andy 1965CTFT-20 Dick, Philip K. 1928-1982 CTFT-23 Dickens, C. Stafford 1896-1967 WWasWT Dickerson, Ernest 1952CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Dickerson, George CTFT-6 Dickey, Paul 1884-1933 WWasWT Dickinson, Angie 1931CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6, 13 Dickson, Barbara 1948CTFT-25 Dickson, Dorothy 1896WWasWT Didrmg, Ernst 1868-1931 WWasWT Diener, Joan 1934CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Diesel, Vin 1967(?)CTFT-25 Dietrich, Dena CTFT-1 Dietrich, Marlene 1901(?)-1992 CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Dietz, Howard 1896-1983 WWT-1 7 Digges, Dudley 1879-1947 WWasWT Diggs, Elizabeth 1939CTFT-3 Diggs, Taye 1971(?)CTFT-25 Dighton, John 1909WWT-16 Dignam, Mark 1909-1989 CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 DiLauro, Stephen 1950CTFT-11 Dillane, Stephen CTFT-26 Dillard, Victoria CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Diller, Barry 1942CTFT-3 Diller, Phyllis 1917CTFT-1 Dilley, Les See Dilley, Leslie CTFT-22 Dilley, Leslie CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Dillingham, Charles B. 1868-1934 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Dillman, Bradford 1930CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10 Dillon, Denny 1951CTFT-25 Dillon, Frances ?-1947 WWasWT Dillon, John 1945CTFT-1 Dillon, Kevin 1965(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Dillon, Matt 1964CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 15 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Dillon, Melinda 1939CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10 Dillon, Mia CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Dillon, Stephen See Dillane, Stephen CTFT-26 Dinallo, Gregory S. 1941CTFT-8 Dinehart, Alan 1890-1944 WWasWT Dinner, William CTFT-4 Dinsdale, Reece CTFT-9 Dion, Peter See Chetwynd, Lionel CTFT-14 Diphusa, Patty See Almodovar, Pedro CTFT-10 Disher, Maurice Willson 1893-1969 WWasWT Dishy, Bob CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Disney, Roy 1930CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Disney, Walt 1901-1966 CTFT-20 Dispenza, Joe 1961CTFT-7 Diss, Eileen 1931CTFT-14 Ditrichstein, Leo 1865-1928 WWasWT Divine 1945-1988 CTFT-7 DiVito, Joanne 1941CTFT-3 Dix, Beulah Marie 1876-1970 WWasWT Dix, Dorothy 1892-1970 WWasWT Dixey, Henry E. 1859-1943 WWasWT Dixon, Adele 1908WWasWT Dixon, Campbell 1895-1960 WWasWT Dixon, Donna 1957CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Dixon, George See Willis, Ted CTFT-11 Dixon, Ivan 1931CTFT-8 Dixon, Jean 1896-1981 WWasWT Dixon, Maclntyre 1931CTFT-8 Djimon S Hounsou, Djimon CTFT-21 Djola, BadjaCTFT-10 D'Lugoff, Art 1924CTFT-2 D'Lyn, Shae 1963CTFT-24 Dmytryk, Edward 1908-1999 CTFT-28 Dobie, Alan 1932CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Doble, Frances 1902-1967 WWasWT Dobson, Kevin 1943CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 12 Dobson, Kevin James See Dobson, Kevin CTFT-22 Dobtcheff, Alexandre Vernon See Dobtcheff, Vernon CTFT-27 Dobtcheff, Vernon CTFT-27

Dobtchev, Vernon See Dobtcheff, Vernon CTFT-27 Dodd, Ken 1929WWT-1 7 Dodd, Lee Wilson 1879-1933 WWasWT Dodds, Jamieson 1884-1942 WWasWT Dodds, William CTFT-1 Dodge, Henry Irving 1861-1934 WWasWT Dodimead, David 1919WWT-1 7 Dodson, Jack 1931-1994 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Dodson, John E. 1857-1931 WWasWT Doe, John 1954CTFT-25 Doherty, Shannen 1971CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Dolenz, Michael See Dolenz, Micky CTFT-21 Dolenz, Mickey See Dolenz, Micky CTFT-21 Dolenz, Micky 1945CTFT-21 Dolin, Anton 1904-1983 WWasWT Dolly, Jennie 1892-1941 WWasWT Dolly, Rosie 1892-1970 WWasWT Dolman, Richard 1895WWasWT Doman, John CTFT-28 Dombasle, Arielle 1957CTFT-6 Domingo, Placido 1941CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Donahue, Elinor 1937CTFT-7 Donahue, Jack 1892?-1930 WWasWT Donahue, Phil 1935CTFT-6 Donahue, Troy 1936CTFT-8 Donald, James 1917WWasWT Donaldson, Roger 1945CTFT-10 Donaldson, Sam 1934CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Donat, Peter 1928CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Donat, Robert 1905-1958 WWasWT Donath, Ludwig 1907-1967 WWasWT Donehue, Vincent J. 1920-1966 .... WWasWT Donen, Stanley 1924CTFT-24 Donenberg, Benjamin 1957CTFT-2 Donfeld CTFT-11 Doniger, Walter CTFT-2 Donisthorpe, G. Sheila 1898-1946 WWasWT Donlan, Yolande WWT-17 Donleavy, J. P. 1926WWT-17 Donlevy, Brian 1903-1972 WWasWT Donnay, Maurice 1859-? WWasWT Donnell, Jeff 1921-1988 CTFT-1 Donnell, Patrick 1916WWT-17 Donnellan, Declan 1953CTFT-23 Donnelly, Candice 1954CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Donnelly, Donal 1931CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Donnelly, Dorothy Agnes 1880-1928 WWasWT Donner, Clive 1926CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Donner, Richard 1939(?)CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 D'Onofrio, Vincent 1960(?)CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 D'Onofrio, Vincent Phillip See D'Onofrio, Vincent CTFT-22 Donohoe, Amanda 1962CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Donohue, Jack 1912-1984 CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Donovan, Arlene CTFT-5 Donovan, Martin 1957CTFT-26 Doohan, James 1920CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Dooley, Paul 1928CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Dooley, Rae 1896-1984 WWasWT Dooley, Ray 1952-1984 CTFT-1 Doran, Charles 1877-1964 WWasWT Doran, Takayo See Fischer, Takayo CTFT-22 Dore, Alexander 1923WWT-17 Dorena, Elfi See Von Dassanowsky, Elfi CTFT-24 Dorff, Stephen 1973CTFT-22 Dorgere, Arlette WWasWT Dorleac, Catherine See Deneuve, Catherine CTFT-24 Dorleac, Jean-Pierre CTFT-11 D'Orme, Aileen 1877-1939 WWasWT Dormer, Daisy 1889WWasWT Dorn, Dolores CTFT-1 Dorn, Harding 1923-1987 CTFT-3 Dorn, Michael 1952CTFT-20 Dornay, Jules WWasWT Doro, Marie 1882-1956 WWasWT Dorr, Dorothy 1867-? WWasWT D'Orsay, Lawrance 1853-1931 WWasWT Dorwart, David A. 1948CTFT-2 Dorziat, Gabrielle WWasWT Dossor, Alan 1941WWT-17 Dotrice, Roy 1925CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Doucet, Catherine Calhoun 1875-1958 WWasWT Douglas, Diana 1923CTFT-1 Douglas, Eric 1962CTFT-6 Douglas, Felicity WWT-17 Douglas, Gordon 1907-1993 CTFT-2 Obituary in CTFT-12 Douglas, Illeana 1965CTFT-20 Douglas, Juliet 1962CTFT-8 Douglas, Kenneth ?-1923 WWasWT Douglas, Kirk 1916CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7 Douglas, Melvyn 1901-1980 CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Douglas, Michael See Crichton, Michael CTFT-22 Douglas, Michael 1944CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 11 Douglas, Mike 1925CTFT-6 Douglas, Robert 1909-1999 WWasWT Obituary in CTFT-24 Douglas, Sarah CTFT-4 Douglas, Suzzanne 1957CTFT-23 Douglas, Tom 1903WWasWT

Douglas, Torrington ?-1986 WWT-17 Douglas, Wallace 1911WWT-17 Douglass, Albert 1864-1940 WWasWT Douglass, R. H WWasWT Douglass, Stephen 1921WWT-17 Douglass, Vincent 1900-1926 WwasWT Dourdan, Gary CTFT-26 Dourif, Brad 1950CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 17 Dovey, Alice 1885-1969 WWasWT Dow, Clara 1883-1969 WWasWT Dow, Ellen Albertini 1918CTFT-25 Dow, Tony 1945CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Dowd, Ann CTFT-27 Dowd, M'el CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Dowdy, Mrs. Regera See Corey, Edward CTFT-22 Dowling, Eddie 1894-1976 WWasWT Dowling, Joan 1928-1954 WWasWT Dowling, Vincent 1929CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Down, Angela 1943WWT-17 Down, Lesley-Anne 1954CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 15 Downey, Robert CTFT-8 Downey, Robert Jr. 1965CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Downey, Roma 1963CTFT-1 7 Downie, Penny CTFT-9 Downs, Hugh 1921CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Downs, Jane WWT-17 Doyle, Arthur Conan 1859-1930 WWasWT Doyle, Chris See Doyle, Christopher CTFT-25 Doyle, David 1925-1997 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-1 7 Doyle, Jill 1965CTFT-4 Doyle-Murray, Brian 1945CTFT-23 D'Oyly Carte, Rupert 1876-? WWasWT Dozier, William 1908-1991 CTFT-10 Dragoti, Stan(ley G.) 1932CTFT-1 Drake, Alfred 1914WWT-17 Drake, Fabia 1904-1990 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Drake, Larry 1949(?)CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Drake, William A. 1899-1965 WWasWT Draper, Polly 1956CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Draper, Ruth 1889-1956 WWasWT Draycott, Wilfred 1848-? WWasWT Drayton, Alfred 1881-1949 WWasWT Dreiser, Theodore 1871-1945 WWasWT Drescher, Fran 1957CTFT-20 Dresdal, Sonia 1909-1976 WWT-16 Dresser, Louise 1882-1965 WWasWT Dressier, Eric 1900-... WWasWT Dressier, Marie 1869-1934 WWasWT Drever, Constance ?-1948 WWasWT Drew, John 1853-1927 WWasWT Drewitt, Stanley 1878-? WWasWT

Duigan • 455 Drexler, Rosalyn CTFT-1 Dreyfuss, Henry 1904-1972 WWasWT Dreyfus, James CTFT-28 Dreyfuss, Richard 1947CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 5, 12; WWT-1 7 Drinkwater, Albert Edwin ?-1923 WWasWT Drinkwater, John 1882-1937 WWasWT Drivas, Robert 1938-1986 CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Driver, Donald 1923?-1988 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Driver, John 1947CTFT-6 Driver, Minnie 1972(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Droomgoole, Patrick 1930WWT-17 Drouet, Robert 1870-1914 WWasWT Druce, Hubert 1870-1931 WWasWT Drulie, Sylvia CTFT-1 Drummond, Alice 1928CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Drummond, Dolores 1834-1926 WWasWT Dairy, Alan 1949CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Drury, James 1934CTFT-26 Drury, William Price 1861-1949 WWasWT Dryburgh, Stuart CTFT-27 Dryden, Vaughan 1875-? WWasWT Dryer, Fred 1946CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Du, Kefeng See Doyle, Christopher CTFT-25 Duberman, Martin Bauml 1930CTFT-1 Duberstein, Helen 1926CTFT-4 Dubin, Charles S. 1919CTFT-11 Du Bois, Raoul Pene 1914WWT-17 Duchin, Peter 1937CTFT-1 Duchovny, David 1960CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Duclow, Geraldine 1946CTFT-4 Dudikoff, Michael CTFT-13 Dudley, Anne 1956CTFT-20 Dudley, Bide 1877-1944 WWasWT Dudley, Carol L. 1949CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Dudley, William 1947CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Duell, William CTFT-3 Duff, Howard 1917-1990 CTFT-6 Duffield, Kenneth 1885-? WWasWT Duffy, Julia 1951CTFT-4 Duffy, Karen 1962CTFT-26 Duffy, Maureen 1933CTFT-12 Duffy, Patrick 1949CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Duflos, Raphael?-! 946 WWasWT Dufour, Val 1927CTFT-1 Dugan, Dennis 1946CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Duggan, Andrew 1923-1988 CTFT-7 Duigan, John 1949CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17

456 • Dukakis Dukakis, Olympia 1931CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 15 Duke, Bill CTFT-10 Duke, Daryl CTFT-12 Duke, Ivy 1896WWasWT Duke, Patty 1946CTFT-3 Duke, Vernon 1903-1969 WWasWT Dukes, Ashley 1885-1959 WWasWT Dukes, David 1945CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7 Du Kore, Lawrence 1933CTFT-5 Dullea, Keir 1936CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Dullin, Charles 1885-1949 WWasWT Dullzell, Paul 1879-1961 WWasWT Du Maurier, Daphne 1907-1989 ... WWasWT du Maurier, Gerald 1873-1934 WWasWT Dunaway, Faye 1941CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 17; WWT-1 7 Duncan, Augustin 1873-1954 WWasWT Duncan, Big Mike See Duncan, Michael CTFT-28 Duncan, Fiona CTFT-4 Duncan, Isadora 1880-1927 WWasWT Duncan, Lindsay 1950CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Duncan, Malcolm 1881-1942 WWasWT Duncan, Mary 1903WWasWT Duncan, Michael CTFT-28 Duncan, Michael C. See Duncan, Michael CTFT-28 Duncan, Michael Clark See Duncan, Michael CTFT-28 Duncan, Michael Clarke See Duncan, Michael CTFT-28 Duncan, Mike See Duncan, Michael CTFT-28 Duncan, Patrick Sheane 1947(?)- .... CTFT-16 Duncan, Ronald 1914WWT-1 7 Duncan, Rosetta 1900-1959 WWasWT Duncan, Sandy 1946CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7; WWT-1 7 Duncan, Todd 1900WWasWT Duncan, Vivian 1899-1986 WWasWT Duncan, William Cary 1874-1945 WWasWT Duncan-Petley, Stella 1975CTFT-4 Dunfee, Jack 1901WWasWT Dunham, Joanna 1936CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Dunham, Katherine 1910WWT-17 Dunkels, Dorothy 1907WWasWT Dunkels, Marjorie 1916WWasWT Dunlap, Robert 1942CTFT-11 Dunlop, Frank 1927CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-12; WWT-17 Dunlop, Vic Jr. CTFT-4 Dunn, Emma 1875-1966 WWasWT Dunn, Geoffrey 1903WWT-17 Dunn, Kevin 1956CTFT-20 Dunn, Linwood G. 1904-1998 CTFT-25 Dunn, Nora 1952CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Dunn, Thomas G. 1950CTFT-1

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Dunne, Dominick 1925(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Dunne, Griffin 1955CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Dunne, Irene 1901(?)-1990 CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Dunne, Philip 1908-1992 CTFT-23 Dunning, Philip 1890-1957 WWasWT Dunning, Ruth 1911WWT-17 Dunnock, Mildred 1900(?)-1991 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Dunsany, Lord 1878-1957 WWasWT Dunst, Kirsten 1982CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Dupree, Minnie 1875-1947 WWasWT Duprez, Fred 1884-1938 WWasWT Duprez, June 1918WWasWT Dupuis, Roy 1963CTFT-20 Duquesne, Edmond 1855-? WWasWT du Rand, le Clanche 1941CTFT-1 Durand, Charles 1912CTFT-1 Durang, Christopher 1949CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3; WWT-17 Durante, Jimmy 1893-1980 WWasWT Duras, Marguerite 1914CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Durnham, Charles See Durning, Charles CTFT-14 Durning, Charles 1923CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Durrell, Jane See Wyman, Jane CTFT-20 Durrenmatt, Friedrich 1921WWT-17 Dury, Ian 1942CTFT-9 Du Sautoy, Carmen 1950CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Duse, Eleonora 1858-1924 WWasWT Dusenberry, Ann CTFT-8 Du Souchet, H. A. 1852-1922 WWasWT Dussault, Nancy 1936CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 d'Usseau, Arnaud 1916-1990 CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Outline, John 1949CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Dutton, Charles See Dutton, Charles S CTFT-16 Dutton, Charles S. 1951CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 9, 16 Duval, Georges 1847-1919 WWasWT Duval, James 1973(?)CTFT-23 Duvall, Clea 1977CTFT-27 Duvall, Robert 1931CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 15 Duvall, Shelley 1949CtFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Dux, Emilienne 1874-? WWasWT Duxbury, Elspeth 1909-1967 WWasWT Dwyer, Ada ?-1952 WWasWT Dwyer, Leslie 1906-1986 WWasWT Dyall, Frank 1874-1950 WWasWT Dyall, Valentine 1908-1985 WWT-17 Dyer, C. See Dyer, Charles CTFT-6

Dyer, Charles 1928CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Dyer, Christopher 1947WWT-17 Dyer, Raymond See Dyer, Charles CTFT-6 Dykstra, John 1947CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Dykstra, John C. See Dykstra, John CTFT-18 Dylan, Bob 1941CTFT-20 Dyrenforth, James WWasWT Dysart, Richard A. 1929CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Dzundza, George 1945CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 16

E Eadie, Dennis 1869-1928 WWasWT Eagels, Jeanne 1894-1929 WWasWT Eaker, Ira 1922CTFT-1 Eames, Clare 1896-1930 WWasWT Earle, Virginia 1875-1937 WWasWT Eason, Mules 1915-1977 WWT-16 Easterbrook, Leslie CTFT-7 Eastman, Frederick 1859-1920 WWasWT Easton, Richard 1933CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Easton, Sheena 1959CTFT-21 Eastwood, Clint 1930CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 13 Eaton, Mary 1902-1948 WWasWT Eaton, Wallas 1917WWT-17 Eaton, Walter Prichard 1878-1957 WWasWT Eaves, Hilary 1914WWasWT Ebb, Fred 1933CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 Ebersol, Dick CTFT-14 Ebersole, Christine 1953CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 5 Ebert, Joyce 1933-1997 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ebert, Roger 1942CTFT-9 Ebsen, Buddy 1908CTFT-3 Eccles, Donald 1908-1986 WWT-17 Eccles, Janet 1895-1966 WWasWT Echegaray, Miguel 1848-1927 WWasWT Echevarria, Rocky See Bauer, Steven CTFT-15 Eck, Scott 1957CTFT-6 Eckart, Jean 1921CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Eckart, William J. 1920CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Eckhouse, James 1955CTFT-27 Eckhouse, Jim See Eckhouse, James CTFT-27 Eckstein, George 1928CTFT-2

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 eda-Young, Barbara 1945CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Edelstein, Lisa 1967CTFT-28 Edeson, Arthur 1891-1970 CTFT-26 Eddinger, Wallace 1881-1929 WWasWT Eddington, Paul 1927-1995 CTFT-14 Obituary in CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; WWT17 Eddison, Robert 1908WWT-17 Eddy, Nelson 1901-1967 WWasWT Eddy, Teddy Jack See Busey, Gary CTFT-14 Ede, George 1931CTFT-1 Edelman, Gregg 1958CTFT-9 Edelman, Herbert 1933-1996 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Edelman, Randy 1947(?)CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Edelstein, Lisa 1967CTFT-17 Eden, Barbara 1934CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Eden, Sidney 1936CTFT-2 Edeson, Robert 1868-1931 WWasWT Edgar, David 1948CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Edgar, Marriott 1880-1951 WWasWT Edgar-Bruce, Tonie See Bruce, Tonie Edgar WWasWT Edgett, Edwin Francis 1867-1946 WWasWT Edgeworth, Jane 1922WWT-1 7 Edginton, May ?-1957 WWasWT Edgley, Michael 1943CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ediss, Connie 1871-1934 WWasWT Edlin, Tubby (Henry) 1882-? WWasWT Edlund, Richard 1940CTFT-9 Edmead, Wendy CTFT-1 Edmondson, Adrian 1957CTFT-27 Edney, Florence 1879-1950 WWasWT Edouin, Rose 1844-1925 WWasWT Edwardes, Felix ?-1954 WWasWT Edwardes, George 1852-1915 WWasWT Edwardes, Olga 1917WWasWT Edwardes, Paula WWasWT Edwards, Anthony 1962CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 14 Edwards, Ben 1916CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Edwards, Blake 1922CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Edwards, Burt 1928CTFT-2 Edwards, Eric See Edwards, Eric Alan CTFT-26 Edwards, Eric Alan 1953CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Edwards, G. Spencer ?-1916 WWasWT Edwards, Henry 1883-1952 WWasWT Edwards, Hilton 1903WWT-17 Edwards, Julie See Andrews, Julie CTFT-14 Edwards, Maurice 1922CTFT-1 Edwards, Osman 1864-1936 WWasWT Edwards, Ralph CTFT-3

Edwards, Rob 1963Edwards, Sherman 1919-1981 Edwards, Stacy 1965Edwards, Tom 1880-? Edwards, Vince 1928-1996 Obituary in CTFT-16 Egan, Michael 1895-1956 Egan, Michael 1926Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Egan, Peter 1946Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Egan, Susan 1970Egbert, Brothers (Seth and Albert) Egerton, George 1860-1945 Eggar, Jack 1904Eggar, Samantha 1939Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Eggert, Nicole 1972Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, Eggerth, Marta 1916Earlier sketch in WWasWT Egoyan, Atom 1960Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Ehle, Jennifer 1969Ehrlich, Ken Eichelberger, Ethyl 1945-1990 Eichhorn, Lisa 1952Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, Eidelman, Cliff 1964Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Eigeman, Chris See Eigeman, Christopher Eigeman, Christopher Eigsti, Karl 1938Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Eikenberry, Jill 1947(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, Eilbacher, Lisa Einstein, Albert See Brooks, Albert Eisele, Robert 1948Eisinger, Irene 1906Eisner, Michael D. 1942Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Ekberg, Anita 1931Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Ekland, Britt 1942Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Elam, Jack 1916Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Elcar, Dana 1927Eldard, Ron 1964Elder, Eldon 1924Elder, Lonne III 1931Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Eldred, Arthur ?-1942 Eldridge, Florence 1901-1988 Elen, Gus 1862-1940 Eleniak, Erika Eleniak-Goglia, Erika See Eleniak, Erika Elfman, Danny 1953Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Elfman, Jenna 1971Elg, Taina 1930-

Elston « 4 5 7 CTFT-11 WWT-17 CTFT-20 WWasWT CTFT-7 WWasWT CTFT-19 CTFT-5 CTFT-20 WWasWT WWasWT WWasWT CTFT-8 CTFT-23 14 CTFT-1 CTFT-24 CTFT-22 CTFT-11 CTFT-9 CTFT-23 13 CTFT-22


Elgar, Avril 1932CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Elias, Hector WWT-17 Elias, Michael 1940CTFT-4 Eliasberg, Jan 1954CTFT-1 Elikann, Larry 1923CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 12 Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns) 1888-1965 WWasWT Eliscu, Fernanda 1882-1968 WWasWT Elise, Christine 1965CTFT-27 Elizondo, Hector 1936CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7, 14; WWT-1 7 Elkins, Hillard 1929WWT-1 7 Ellenshaw, Peter 1913CTFT-9 Ellenstein, Robert 1923CTFT-1 Ellerbe, Harry 1906CTFT-1 Ellerbee, Linda 1944CTFT-6 Ellinger, Desiree 1893-1951 WWasWT Elliott, Alice 1946CTFT-4 Elliott, Alison 1970(?)CTFT-1 7 Elliott, Chris 1960CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Elliott, David See Elliott, David James CTFT-28 Elliott, David James 1960CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 7 Elliott, Denholm 1922-1992 CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Elliott, George 1899WWasWT Elliott, George H. 1884-? WWasWT Elliott, Gertrude 1874-1950 WWasWT Elliott, Madge 1898-1955 WWasWT Elliott, Maxine 1871-1932 WWasWT Elliott, Michael (Allwyn) 1936CTFT-1 Elliott, Michael 1931-1984... WWT-1 7 Elliott, Patricia 1942WWT-1 7 Elliott, Paul 1941WWT-17 Elliott, Sam 1944CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 11 Elliott, Stephen 1945WWT-1 7 Elliott, Sumner Locke 1917-1991 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-10 Elliott, William 1885-1932 WWasWT Ellis, Anita 1920CTFT-3 Ellis, Anthony L. ?-1944 WWasWT Ellis, Edith 1876-1960 WWasWT Ellis, Edward 1872-1952 WWasWT Ellis, Leslie 1962CTFT-5 Ellis, Mary 1900WWT-1 7 Ellis, Scott 1957CTFT-23 Ellis, Vivian WWT-17 Ellis, Walter 1874-1956 WWasWT Elliston, Daisy 1894WWasWT Elliston, Grace 1881-1950 WWasWT Ellroy, James 1948CTFT-22 Elmes, Fred See Elmes, Frederick CTFT-19 Elmes, Frederick CTFT-19 Elsie, Lily 1886-1962 WWasWT Elsom, Isobel 1893WWasWT Elsom, John 1934WWT-17 Elson, Anita 1898WWasWT Elston, Robert 1934-1987 CTFT-1

458 • Eltinge Eltinge, Julian 1883-1941 WWasWT Elton, George 1875-1942 WWasWT Elvey, Maurice 1887-1967 WWasWT Elvin, Joe 1862-1935 WWasWT Elvin, Violetta 1925WWasWT Elwes, Gary 1962CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Ely, Ron 1938CTFT-27 Emerald, Connie ?-1959 WWasWT Emerson, Faye 1917-1983 WWasWT Emerson, John 1874-1956 WWasWT Emerton, Roy 1892-1944 WWasWT Emery, Gilbert 1875-1945 WWasWT Emery, John 1905-1964 WWasWT Emery, Katherine 1908WWasWT Emery, Lisa CTFT-27 Emery, Pollie 1875-1958 WWasWT Emery, Winifred 1862-1924 WWasWT Emhardt, Robert 1901?WWasWT Emick, Jarrod 1969CTFT-22 Emmerich, Roland 1955CTFT-19 Emmet, Alfred 1908WWT-1 7 Emmett, Robert 1921CTFT-11 Emmons, Beverly 1943CTFT-2 Emmons, Wayne CTFT-4 Emney, Fred 1865-1917 WWasWT Emney, Fred 1900WWT-17 Emney, Joan Fred WWasWT Emonts, Ann 1952CTFT-1 Enberg, Dick 1935CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 End re, Toth See De Toth, Andre CTFT-15 Engar, Keith M. 1923WWT-1 7 Engel, Georgia 1948CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Engel, Lehman 1910-1982 CTFT-2 Engel, Susan 1935CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Engelbach, David CTFT-4 England, Paul 1893-1968 WWasWT Englander, Ludwig 1853-1914 WWasWT Engle, Debra 1953CTFT-7 English, Diane 1949(?)CTFT-11 English Stage Company Ltd, The WWasWT Englund, Robert 1949CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Eno, Terry 1948CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Enriquez, Rene 1933-1990 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Enthoven, Gabrielle 1868-1950 WWasWT Ephraim, Lee 1877-1953 WWasWT Ephron, Nora 1941CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Eplin, Tom 1960CTFT-17 Epps, Jack, Jr. 1949CTFT-16 Epps, Sheldon 1952CTFT-3 Epstein, Alvin 1925CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Epstein, Pierre 1930CTFT-4 Earlier sketch,in WWT-17 Erbe, Kathryn 1966CTFT-28 Erdman, Jean 1916CTFT-4 Eric, Fred 1874-1935 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Erickson, Mitchell 1927CTFT-2 Erlanger, Abraham L. 1860-1930 WWasWT Erman, John 1935CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 10 Ermey, R. Lee 1944CTFT-19 Erne, Vincent 1884-? WWasWT Ernotte, Andre 1943CTFT-1 Errico, Melissa 1970CTFT-22 Errol, Leon, 1881-1951 WWasWT Erskine, Chester 1903-1986 WWasWT Erskine, Howard (Weir) 1926CTFT-1 Ervine, St. John Greer 1883-1971 WWasWT Escoffier, Jean Yves See Escoffier, Jean-Yves CTFT-27 Escoffier, Jean-Yves CTFT-27 Esmond, Annie 1873-1945 WWasWT Esmond, Carl 1905WWasWT Esmond, Henry V. 1869-1922 WWasWT Esmond, Jill 1908-1990 WWasWT Espinosa, Edouard 1872-1950 WWasWT Esposito, Giancarlo 1958CTFT-21 Esposito, Jennifer 1972CTFT-25 Essex, David 1947CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-1 7 Esslin, Martin 1918WWT-17 Estabrook, Christine CTFT-6 Estabrook, Howard 1884-? WWasWT Esterman, Laura 1945CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Estes, Rob 1963CTFT-19 Estevez, Emilio 1962CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10 Brief Entry in CTFT2 Estevez, Ramon G. See Sheen, Martin CTFT-22 Estrada, Erik 1949CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Eszterhas, Joe 1946CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Etherington, James 1902-1948 WWasWT Ett, Alan 1952CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Etting, Ruth 1907-1978 WWasWT Eustrel, Antony 1904WWasWT Evans, Bruce A. 1946CTFT-10 Evans, Caradoc 1878-1945 WWasWT Evans, Clifford 1912WWasWT Evans, Damon 1950CTFT-10 Evans, David See Evans, Dillon CTFT-6 Evans, Dillon 1921CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Evans, Don 1938CTFT-1 Evans, Edith 1888-1976 WWT-16 Evans, Jessie 1918WWT-17 Evans, Judi See Luciano, Judi Evans CTFT-17 Evans, Linda 1942CTFT-3 Evans, Madge 1909-1981 .. WWasWT Evans, Maurice 1901-1989 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Evans, Michael 1922WWasWT

Evans, Michael Jonas 1949CTFT-3 Evans, Nancy 1915WWasWT Evans, Ray 1915CTFT-1 Evans, Robert 1930CTFT-6 Evans, Tenniel 1926WWT-17 Evans, Will 1873-1931 WWasWT Evans, Winifred 1890WWasWT Eve, Trevor 1951CTFT-9 Eveling, (Harry) Stanley 1925WWT-17 Evelyn, Clara 1886-? WWasWT Evelyn, Judith 1913-1967 WWasWT Evennett, Wallace 1888-? WWasWT Everest, Barbara 1890-1968 WWasWT Everett, Chad 1937CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Everett, Rupert 1959CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Everhart, Angie 1969CTFT-19 Everhart, Rex 1920WWT-17 Everson, William K. 1929CTFT-17 Evett, Robert 1874-1949 WWasWT Evigan, Greg 1953CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Ewart, Stephen T. 1869-? WWasWT Ewell, Tom 1909-1994 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Eyen, Jerome See Eyen, Tom CTFT-10 Eyen, Tom 1941-1991 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT1 7 Eyre, Laurence 1881-1959 WWasWT Eyre, Peter 1942WWT-17 Eyre, Richard 1943CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-12; WWT-17 Eyre, Ronald 1929CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Eysselinck, Walter 1931WWT-17 Eythe, William 1918-1957 WWasWT Eyton, Frank 1894WWasWT

F Fabares, Shelley 1944(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 14 Faber, Beryl ?-1912 WWasWT Faber, Leslie 1879-1929 WWasWT Faber, Mrs. Leslie 1880-? WWasWT Faber, Ron 1933CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Fabian, Madge 1880-? WWasWT Fabiani, Joel 1936CTFT-22 Fabio 1961CTFT-20 Fabray, Nanette CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Fabre, Emile 1870-1955 WWasWT Fagan, James Bernard 1873-1933 WWasWT Fagan, Myron C WWasWT Fagerbakke, Bill CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Fahey, Jeff 1956Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Fain, Sammy 1902-1989 Fair, Adrah 1897Fairbanks, Douglas 1883-1939 Fairbanks, Douglas Jr. 1909Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Fairbrother, Sydney 1872-1941 Fairchild, Morgan 1950Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Fairfax, Lance 1899Fairfax, Lettice 1876-1948 Fairfax, Marion 1879-? Fairman, Austin 1892-1964 Fairservis, Elfie 1957Fairweather, David C. 1899Fairweather, Virginia 1922Faison, Frankie 1949Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, Faison, Frankie R. See Faison, Frankie Faison, Frankie Russell See Faison, Frankie Faison, George 1947Faison, Matthew Faison, Sandy Faith, Rosemary Faithfull, Marianne 1946Faix, Anna 1930Falabella, John Falck, Lionel 1889-1971 Falcon, Ellen Falconi, Armando Falk, Peter 1927Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Fallon, Richard G. 1923Fallon, Siobhan Falls, Gregory A. 1922Falls, Robert 1954Falsey, John 1951Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Faltermeyer, Harold 1952Fancourt, Darrell 1888-1953 Faracy, Stephanie Faraday, Philip Michael 1875-1969 Farah, Jameel See Farr, Jamie Farentino, Debrah 1961Farentino, James 1938Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Farer, Ronnie 1951Fargas, Antonio 1946Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Farina, Dennis 1944Farjeon, Herbert 1887-1945 Farjeon, Joseph Jefferson 1883-1955 Farkoa, Maurice 1867-1916 Farleigh, Lynn 1942Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; Farley, Chris 1964-1997 Farley, Morgan 1898-1988 Earlier sketch in WWasWT



Farmer, Gary 1953CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Farmiga, Vera CTFT-28 Farnsworth, Richard 1920CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Farnum, Dustin 1874-1929 WWasWT Farnum, William 1876-1953 WWasWT Farone, Felicia 1961CTFT-7 Farquhar, Malcolm 1924CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Farquhar-Bennett, Nigel See Cleese, John CTFT-27 Farquharson, Robert 1877-1966 WWasWT Farr, Derek 1912-1986 CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Farr, Florence 1860-1917 WWasWT Farr, Jamie 1934CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Farrah 1926CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Farrand, Jan 1925WWT-1 7 Farrar, Gwen 1899-1944 WWasWT Farrell, Charles 1900(?)-1990 CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Farrell, Glenda 1904-1971 WWasWT Farrell, M. J. 1905WWasWT Farrell, Marty CTFT-11 Farrell, Mike 1939CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4 Farrell, Paul 1893WWasWT Farrell, Shea 1957CTFT-5 Farrell, Terry 1963CTFT-26 Farrelly, Bobby 1957CTFT-22 Farrelly, Peter 1956CTFT-23 Farren, Babs 1904WWasWT Farren, Fred ?-1956 WWasWT Farren, William 1853-1937 WWasWT Farrer, Ann 1916WWasWT Farrow, Mia 1945CTFT-7 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Farwell, Jonathan 1932CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1946-1982 CTFT-1 Fauchois, Rene 1882-1962 WWasWT Faustino, David 1974CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Favart, Edmee ?-1941 WWasWT Faversham, William 1868-1940 WWasWT Favre, Gina WWasWT Favreau, Jon 1966CTFT-23 Fawcett, Charles S. 1855-1922 WWasWT Fawcett, Eric 1904WWasWT Fawcett, Farrah 1947CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Fawcett, George 1860-1939 WWasWT Fawcett, L'Estrange WWasWT Fawcett, Marion 1886-1957 WWasWT Fawn, James 1850-1961 WWasWT Fay, William George 1872-1949 WWasWT Faye, Alice 1915-1998 CTFT-27 Faye, Joey 1910WWT-17 Fayne, Greta WWasWT

Ferrare • 459 Fayre, Eleanor 1910WWasWT Fazan, Eleanor 1930WWT-17 Fealy, Maude 1883-1971 WWasWT Fearl, Clifford CTFT-1 Fearnley, John 1914CTFT-1 Fearon, George Edward 1901WWasWT Feast, Michael 1946CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Feast, Mickey See Feast, Michael CTFT-22 Featherston, Vane 1864-1948 WWasWT Featherstone, Angela CTFT-20 Feder, A. H. 1909-1997 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Federkiewicz, Stefania See Powers, Stefanie CTFT-19 Feely, Terence 1928CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Feiffer, Jules 1929CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Feingold, Michael 1945CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Feinstein, Michael 1956CTFT-11 Feirstein, Bruce 1953CTFT-28 Feist, Gene 1930CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Feldman, Corey 1971CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8, 15 Feldman, Edward S. 1929CTFT-10 Feldman, Marty 1934-1982 CTFT-1 Feldon, Barbara 1941CTFT-6 Feldshuh, Tovah 1952CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 11; WWT-17 Felgate, Peter 1919WWasWT Felix, Hugo 1866-1934 WWasWT Fell, Norman 1924-1998 CTFT-19 Obituary in CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Fellini, Federico 1920-1993 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Fellowes-Robinson, Dora ?-1946 WWasWT Fenn, Frederick 1868-1924 WWasWT Fenn, Sherilyn 1965CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Fenton, George 1950CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Fenwick, Irene 1887-1936 WWasWT Feraudy, Jacques de WWasWT Feraudy, Maurice de 1859WWasWT Ferber, Edna 1887-1968 WWasWT Ferguson, Catherine 1895WWasWT Ferguson, Elsie 1885-1961 WWasWT Ferguson, J. Don CTFT-22 Fern, Sable 1876-? WWasWT Fernald, Chester Bailey 1869-1938 WWasWT Fernald, John 1905WWT-17 Fernandez, Bijou 1877-1961 WWasWT Fernandez, James 1835-1915 WWasWT Ferrar, Beatrice ?-1958 WWasWT Ferrara, Abel 1952(?)CTFT-13 Ferrare, Cristina 1950CTFT-20

460 • Ferrell Ferrell, Conchata 1943CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Ferrell, Geoffrey See Blake, Geoffrey CTFT-28 Ferrell, Will 1968CTFT-25 Ferrer, Jose 1912(?)-1992 CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Ferrer, Mel 1917CTFT-6 Ferrer, Miguel CTFT-9 Ferrero, Martin CTFT-21 Ferrero, Marty See Ferrero, Martin CTFT-21 Ferrers, Helen ?-1943 WWasWT Ferretti, Dante 1943CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Ferrier, Noel 1930WWT-17 Ferrigno, Lou 1952CTFT-8 Ferris, Barbara 1943CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ferris, Monk See Sharkey, Jack CTFT-1 Feuer, Cy WWT-17 Feuillere, Edwige 1907-1998 WWasWT Obituary in CTFT-24 Ffolkes, David 1912WWasWT Ffolliott, Gladys ?-1928 WWasWT Ffrangcon-Davies, Gwen 1896WWT-17 Fiander, Lewis 1938CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Fibich, Felix 1917CTFT-4 Fichandler, Zelda 1924WWT-17 Fichtner, William CTFT-28 Fiedler, John 1925CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Field, Alexander 1892-1939 WWasWT Field, Arabella 1970CTFT-21 Field, Barbara 1935CTFT-1 Field, Betty 1918-1973 WWT-16 Field, Crystal 1940CTFT-1 Field, Edward Salisbury 1878-1936 WWasWT Field, Fern 1934CTFT-4 Field, Jonathan 1912WWasWT Field, Jules 1919CTFT-5 Field, Leonard S. 1908CTFT-4 Field, Ron ?-1989 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Field, Sally 1946CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10 Field, Sid 1904-1950 WWasWT Field, Sylvia 1901(?)-1998 CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Field, Ted 1952(?)CTFT-10 Field, Virginia 1917WWasWT Fielding, Fenella 1934CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Fielding, Harold WWT-17 Fielding, Marjorie 1892-1956 WWasWT Fields, Dorothy 1905-1974 WWasWT Fields, Freddie 1923CTFT-5 Fields, Grade 1898-1979 WWasWT Fields, Herbert 1897-1958 WWasWT Fields, Joseph 1895-1966 WWasWT Fields, Judy CTFT-2

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Fields, Kim 1969CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Fields, Lew 1867-1941 WWasWT Fields, W. C. 1879-1946 WWasWT Fiennes, Joseph 1970CTFT-23 Fiennes, Ralph 1962CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Fierstein, Harvey 1954CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Fifield, Elaine 1930WWasWT Figman, Max 1868-1952 WwasWT Figueroa, Gabriel 1907-1997 CTFT-26 Filippi, Rosina 1866-1930 WWasWT Filkins, Grace ?-1962 WwasWT Fillion, Nathan CTFT-26 Filmer, A. E WWasWT Filpi, Carmen CTFT-24 Finch, Peter 1916-1977 WWasWT Fincher, David 1963CTFT-20 Finck, Herman 1872-? WWasWT Findon, B. W. 1859-1943 WWasWT Finerman, Wendy CTFT-25 Finestra, Carmen CTFT-11 Fingerhut, Arden CTFT-6 Finlay, Frank 1926CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Finn, Arthur WWasWT Finn, William 1952(?)CTFT-11 Finnegan, Bill 1928CTFT-1 Finney, Albert 1936CTFT-5 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Fiorentino, Linda 1958CTFT-14 Firth, Anne 1918WWasWT Firth, Colin 1960CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Firth, David 1945CTFT-4 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Firth, Elizabeth 1884-? WWasWT Firth, Peter 1953CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Firth, Tazeena 1935WWT-17 Fischer, Alice 1869-1947 WWasWT Fischer, Takayo CTFT-22 Fishburne, Larry See Fishburne, Laurence CTFT-24 Fishburne, Laurence 1961....CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Fishburne, Lawrence, III See Fishburne, Laurence CTFT-24 Fisher, Carrie 1956CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7, 14 Fisher, Dan CTFT-6 Fisher, Douglas 1934CTFT-1 Fisher, Frances 1952CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Fisher, Joely 1965CTFT-22 Fisher, Jules 1937CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Fisher, Linda 1943CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Fisher, Lola 1896-1926 WWasWT Fisher, Robert CTFT-4 Fisher, Terry Louise 1946(?)CTFT-11 Fisk, Jack 1934CTFT-8 Fiske, Harrison Grey 1861-1942 WWasWT

Fiske, Minnie Maddern 1865-1932 WWasWT Fiske, Stephen 1840-1916 WWasWT Fiske, Tarleton See Bloch, Robert CTFT-2 Fitelson, William H. 1905CTFT-5 Fitz, Paddy See McGoohan, Patrick CTFT-5 Fitzgerald, Aubrey Whitestone 1876-? WWasWT Fitzgerald, Barry 1888-1961 WWasWT Fitzgerald, Edward 1876-? WWasWT Fitzgerald, Geraldine 1914CTFT-8 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Fitzgerald, Neil 1893WWT-17 Fitzgerald, Percy Hetherington 1834-1925 WWasWT Fitzgerald, S. J. Adair 1859-1925 WWasWT Fitzgerald, Walter 1896WWasWT FitzGerald, Tara 1968(?)CTFT-17 Fitzsimmons, Maureen See O'Hara, Maureen CTFT-8 Fjelde, Rolf 1926CTFT-1 Flagg, Fannie 1941(?)CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Flaherty, Lanny 1942CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Flanagan, Bud 1896-1968 WWasWT Flanagan, Fionnula 1941CTFT-8 Flanagan, Hallie 1890-1969 WWasWT Flanagan, Pauline 1925CTFT-1 Flanagan, Richard ?-1917 WWasWT Flanders, Ed 1934-1995 CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Flanders, Michael 1922-1975 WWasWT Flanery, Sean Patrick 1965CTFT-20 Flannery, Peter 1951CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Flatley, Michael 1958CTFT-21 Flatt, Ernest O. 1918-1995 CTFT-2 Obituary in CTFT-14 Flavin, Martin 1883-1967 WWasWT Flea 1962CTFT-24 Fleetwood, Susan 1944-1995 CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; WWT-17 Fleischer, Charles 1950CTFT-9 Fleischer, Max 1883(?)-1972 CTFT-20 Fleischer, Richard O. 1916CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Fleming, Brandon 1889-? WWasWT Fleming, George 1858-1938 WWasWT Fleming, Ian 1888-1969 WWasWT Fleming, Lucy 1947CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Fleming, Tom 1927WWT-17 Flemming, Claude 1884-1952 WWasWT Flemyng, Jason 1966CTFT-28 Flemyng, Robert 1912WWT-17 Fleo, Groucho L. See Priestley, Jason CTFT-27 Flers, P. L. 1867-? WWasWT Flers, Robert de 1872-1932 WWasWT Fletcher, Allen 1922WWT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Fletcher, Bramwell 1904-1988


Fletcher, Duane 1953Fletcher, Louise 1934(?)-


Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6, 16 Fletcher, Robert 1923-


Flexner, Anne Crawford 1874-1955

Foote, Hallie


Foote, Horton 1916-

Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7

Fletcher, Percy 1879-1932

Fox »461


Flick, Stephen Hunter 1949-


Flicker, Ted 1930-



Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-1 7 Foray, June


Forster, Robert 1941Forster, Wilfred 1872-1924 Forster-Bovill, W. B. 1871-?

WWT-1 7

Forsyth, Bill 1948-


Forbes, Bryan


Forsyth, Bruce 1928-


Forbes, Freddie 1895-1952


Forbes, James 1871-1938


Forsyth, Matthew 1896-1954


Forbes, Mary 1880-1964


Forsyth, Neil 1866-1915


Forbes, Meriel 1913-

WWT-1 7

Forsythe, Bill

Forbes, Michelle 1967-


Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7

See Forsythe, William


Forbes, Norman 1858-1932


Forsythe, Charles

Flockhart, Calista 1964-


Forbes, Ralph 1905-1951


Forsythe, Colin 1961-


Florek, Dann 1950-


Flory, Regine 1894-1926


Flowers, Wayland 1939-1988 Floyd, Gwendolen ?-1950


Fluellen, Joel 1908-1990


Flynn, Barbara


Forbes-Robertson, Beatrice 1883-1967 1885-1947

Flynn, Don 1928-


Flynn, Errol 1909-1959

Ford, Audrey Ford, Constance 1923(?)-1993



Ford, Ed E

See Flynn, Errol


Fo, Dario 1926-


See Bava, Mario Foch, Nina 1924-



Fosse, Bob 1927-1987


Ford, Harriet 1868-1949 Ford, Harrison 1942-

Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Fodor, Ladislaus (Lazlo) 1898-


Fogarty, Jack 1923-


Fogerty, Elsie 1866-1945


Fokine, Michel 1880-1942


Ford, Helen


Ford, Jack


Ford, Nancy 1935-

Foley, David 1963-


Ford, Paul 1901-1976

Foley, Ellen 1951-


Ford, John 1895-1973

Foley, James


Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Folke, Will See Bloch, Robert Follows, Megan 1968-


Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Folsey, George Jr. 1939-


Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 CTFT-1 CTFT-27 in CTFT-1,

7, 14;


FordDavies, Oliver



WWT-16 CTFT-10

Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7



Foster, Jodie 1962-

Forlow, Ted 1931-


Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6

Foster, Julia 1942-



Foster, Norman 1900-1976 Foster, Paul 1931-


Foster, Phoebe 1896Fowlds, Derek 1937-


Fowler, Keith 1939-


Fox, Charles 1940-


Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 WWasWT

Fox, Edward 1937-


Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 WWasWT

Fornes, Maria Irene 1930-


Earlier sketch in CTFT-1

Forrest, Steve 1925-


Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7

Fox, Delia 1871-1913

Formby, George 1904-1961

Forrest, Sam 1870-1944


Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7, 14

Fox, Bernard CTFT-20

Forrest, George 1915-


Earlier sketch in WWT-17

Earlier sketch in CTFT-7

Fox, Frederick 1910-


Fox, James 1939-


Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 WWasWT CTFT-18

Earlier sketch in CTFT-7

Fonteyn, Margot 1919-1991


Obituary in CTFT-18

Foster, Meg 1948-

Forlani, Claire 1972(?)-

Forrest, Frederic 1936-

Fontanne, Lynn 1892-1983

Foster, Frances 1924-1997

Fowler, Clement 1924Earlier sketch in CTFT-1

Forrest, Anne 1897-


Fowler, Beth 1940-



Foster, Edward 1876-1927




Foster, David 1929-


Forman, Milos 1932-

CTFT-8 WWT-1 7

Foster, Ben 1980-

Foreman, Carl 1914-1984 Foreman, John

Fontana, Tom 1951Earlier sketch in CTFT-2

Foster, Basil S. 1882-1959

Fordin, Hugh 1935-

Fontaine, Joan 1917-

Earlier sketch in WWasWT


Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4

Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Foner, Naomi


Earlier sketch in CTFT-6

Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Fonda, Jane 1937-

1919-1991 Ford, Wallace 1898-1966

Foreman, Richard 1937-

Brief Entry in CTFT-8 Fonda, Henry 1905-1982


Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7

Forde, Florrie 1876-1940 CTFT-7

Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Fonda, Bridget 1964-

Ford, Ruth 1915-

Foster, Barry

Foster, Gloria 1936-

Ford, Tennessee Ernie CTFT-2

Fonda, Peter 1940(?)-


Foley, Dave See Foley, David



Ford, Harry 1877-?

See Ford, John

Fossey, Brigitte 1946-

Foster, Claiborne 1896-

Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 WWasWT


Obituary in CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17


Ford, Glenn 1916-



Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Foss, George R. 1859-1938

Ford, Frances 1939-



Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7

Fortescus, Miss 1862-1950

Earlier sketch in CTFT-3

Foan, John

Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17


Ford, Faith 1964-

Flynn, Leslie


Forsythe, William 1955WWasWT

Obituary in CTFT-11

See Burstyn, Ellen


Forsythe, John 1918-

Forbes-Robertson, Johnstone


Flynn, Keri



Forbes-Robertson, Jean 1905-1 962


Forsythe, Henderson 1917-

Forbes-Robertson, Frank


Earlier sketch in CTFT-9


Forbes, Brenda 1909-

Flint-Shipman, Veronica 1931Flood, Ann


Earlier sketch in CTFT-2

Fox, Kerry 1966-


Fox, Matthew 1966-


Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 CTFT-10 WWasWT CTFT-7

Fox, Michael J. 1961Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Brief Entry in CTFT-2


462 • Fox Fox, Fox, Fox, Fox, Fox, Fox,

Robin 1913-1971 Sidney 1910-1942 Terry Curtis 1948Vivica A. 1964Will H. 1858-? William See Fox, James Fox, William 1911Foxworth, Robert 1941Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Foxworthy, Jeff 1958Foxx, Jamie 1967Foxx, Redd 1922-1991 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Foy, Eddie 1854-1928 Foyt, Victoria Frain, James Fraker, Bill See Fraker, William A Fraker, William See Fraker, William A Fraker, William A. 1923Frakes, Jonathan France, Alexis 1906France, Anatole 1868-1949 France, Richard 1938France-Ellys Francine, Anne 1917Franciosa, Anthony 1928Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Franciosa, Tony See Franciosa, Anthony Francis, Alfred 1909-1985 Francis, Anne 1932Francis, Arlene 1908Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Francis, Clive 1946Francis, Doris 1903Francis, Freddie 1917Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Francis, Genie 1962Francis, Ivor 1917-1986 Francis, Kay 1905-1968 Francis, M. E. 1855-1930 Francis-Bruce, Richard Franciscus, James 1934-1991 Obituary in CTFT-10 Francks, Cree Summer See Summer, Cree Franco, Larry Franco, Larry J. See Franco, Larry Frank, A. Scott See Frank, Scott Frank, Bruno 1887-1945 Frank, Harriet, Jr. Frank, Judy 1936Frank, Mary K. ?-1988 Frank, Melvin 1913-1988 Frank, Richard 1953Frank, Scott 1960Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Frankau, Ronald 1894-1951 Franke, Christopher 1953-

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 WWasWT WWasWT CTFT-1 CTFT-22 WWasWT CTFT-19 WWT-1 7 CTFT-4 CTFT-20 CTFT-28 CTFT-10 WwasWT CTFT-26 CTFT-26 CTFT-9 CTFT-9 CTFT-9 CTFT-14 WWasWT WWasWT CTFT-4 WWasWT CTFT-4 CTFT-20




Frankel, Gene 1923CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Frankel, Kenneth 1941-1998 CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-21 Frankel, Mark 1962-1996 CTFT-24 Franken, Al 1951(?)CTFT-21 Franken, Rose 1895-1988 WWasWT Frankenheimer, John 1930CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Frankiss, Betty 1912WWasWT Franklin, Bonnie 1944CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Franklin, Carl 1930CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Franklin, Harold B. 1890-1941 WWasWT Franklin, Irene 1876-1941 WWasWT Franklin, Kim Fields See Fields, Kim CTFT-24 Franklin, Pamela 1950CTFT-8 Franklin, Richard 1948CTFT-10 Franklyn, Leo 1897-1975 WWasWT Franks, Laurie 1929CTFT-1 Frann, Mary 1943-1998 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-24 Franz, Dennis 1944CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Franz, Eduard 1902-1983 WWT-16 Franz, Elizabeth 1941CTFT-6 Franz, Joy 1945CTFT-1 Eraser, Agnes WWasWT Eraser, Alec 1884-? WWasWT Fraser, Alison 1955CTFT-5 Fraser, Bill 1908-1987 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Fraser, Brendan 1968CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Fraser, John 1931WWT-1 7 Fraser, Lovat 1903WWasWT Fraser, Moyra 1923WWT-1 7 Fraser, Shelagh WWT-1 7 Fraser, Winifred 1872-? WWasWT Fraser-Simon, Harold 1878-1944 WWasWT Fratti, Mario 1927CTFT-2 Frawley, James CTFT-11 Frawley, William 1893(?)-1966 CTFT-16 Frayn, Michael 1933CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Frazee, Harry Herbert 1880-1929 WWasWT Frazer, Rupert 1947CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Frazier, Ronald 1942CTFT-1 Frears, Stephen 1941CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 15 Frechette, Peter 1956CTFT-27 Frederick, Pauline 1885-1938 WWasWT Fredrick, Burry 1925WWT-1 7 Freear, Louie 1871-1939 WWasWT Freedley, George 1904-1967 WWasWT Freedley, Vinton 1891-1969 WWasWT Freedman, Bill 1929WWT-1 7

Freedman, Gerald 1927CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Freek, George 1945CTFT-1 Freeman, Al, Jr. 1934CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7; WWT-17 Freeman, Arny 1908WWT-17 Freeman, Frank 1892-1962 WWasWT Freeman, Harry WWasWT Freeman, J. E CTFT-27 Freeman, Kim Fields See Fields, Kim CTFT-24 Freeman, Morgan 1937CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 15; WWT-17 Freeman, Stella 1910-1936 WWasWT Frees, Paul 1919-1986 CTFT-4 Freleng, Friz 1906-1995 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-14 Freleng, I. See Freleng, Friz CTFT-8 Frelich, Phyllis 1944CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 French, Antonia See Kureishi, Hanif CTFT-17 French, Elise WWasWT French, Elizabeth WWasWT French, Harold 1900WWT-17 French, Hermene 1924WWasWT French, Hugh 1910WWasWT French, Leslie 1904-1999 WWT-17 Obituary in CTFT-24 French, Stanley J. 1908-1964 WWasWT French, Valerie 1932CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 French, Victor 1934-1989 CTFT-6 Fresh Prince, The See Smith, Will CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Fresnay, Pierre 1897-1973 WWasWT Freudenberger, Daniel 1945WWT-17 Frewer, Matt 1958CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Frey, Leonard 1938-1988 WWT-17 Frey, Nathaniel 1913-1970 WWasWT Fricker, Brenda 1945CTFT-22 Fridell, Squire 1943CTFT-1 Fried, Martin 1937WWT-17 Friedkin, William 1939CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 15 Friedlander, W B. ?-1968 WWasWT Friedle, Will 1976CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Friedle, William A. See Friedle, Will CTFT-28 Friedman, Bruce Jay 1930CTFT-3 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Friedman, Jake 1867-? WWasWT Friedman, Lewis 1948CTFT-4 Friedman, Peter 1949CTFT-23 Friedman, Phil 1921-1988 CTFT-1 Friedman, Stephen 1937-1996 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-16 Friel, Anna 1976CTFT-26 Friel, Brian 1929CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28


Friels, Colin CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Friendly, Ed 1922CTFT-8 Friendly, Fred 1915-1998 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-21 Frierson, Monte L. 1930CTFT-4 Fries, Charles CTFT-2 Friesen, Rick 1943CTFT-1 Friganzi, Trixie 1870-1955 WWasWT Friml, Charles Rudolf 1881-1972 WWasWT Frisby, Terence 1932WWT-17 Frisch, Max 1911WWT-17 Frith, J. Leslie 1889-1961 WWasWT Frohman, Charles 1860-1915 WWasWT Frohman, Daniel 1851-1940 WWasWT Frost, David 1939CTFT-3 Frost, Mark C CTFT-11 Froyez, Maurice WWasWT Fruchtman, Milton Allen CTFT-1 Fry, Christopher 1907WWT-17 Fry, Stephen 1957CTFT-27 Frye, Soleil Moon 1976CTFT-25 Fryer, Robert 1920CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Fuchs, Michael J. 1946CTFT-12 Fudge, Alan 1944CTFT-20 Fuentes, Daisy 1966CTFT-26 Fugard, Athol 1932CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3, 15; WWT-17 Fujimoto, Tak CTFT-27 Fulks, Sarah Jane See Wyman, Jane CTFT-20 Fuller, Benjamin John 1875-? WWasWT Fuller, Charles 1939CTFT-7 Fuller, Frances 1908WWasWT Fuller, Janice 1942CTFT-2 Fuller, John G. 1913CTFT-1 Fuller, Loie 1862-1928 WWasWT Fuller, Rosalinde WWT-17 Fuller, Sam See Fuller, Samuel CTFT-8 Fuller, Samuel 1912-1997 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-18 Fullerton, Fiona 1956CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Fulton, Charles J. 1857-1938 WWasWT Fulton, Maude 1881-1950 WWasWT Funt, Allen 1914CTFT-9 Furber, Douglas 1885-1961 WWasWT Furguson, Wesley See Link, William CTFT-6 Furie, Sidney J. 1933CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Furlong, Edward 1977CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Furniss, Grace Livingston 1864-1938 WWasWT Furse, Judith 1912WWasWT Furse, Roger 1903-1972 WWasWT Furst, Anton 1944(?)-1991 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-10 Furst, Stephen 1955CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 16

Garrett • 463

Furth, George 1932Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Fyfe, H. Hamilton 1869-1951


G Gabel, Martin 1912-1986 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gaberman, Alexander CTFT-17 Gable, Clark 1901-1960 WWasWT Gable, June 1945CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Gabor, Eva 1921(?)-1995 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-15 Gabor, Zsa Zsa 1919CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Gabor, Zsa-Zsa See Gabor, Zsa Zsa CTFT-20 Gabriel, Gilbert W. 1890-1952 WWasWT Gabriel, Peter 1950CTFT-28 Gadd, Renee 1908WWasWT Gaffney, Liam 1911WWasWT Gagliano, Frank CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gahagan, Helen 1900WWasWT Gaige, Crosby 1882-1949 WWasWT Gail, Max 1943CTFT-2 Gail, Zoe WWasWT Gaines, Boyd 1953CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Gaines, Charles L. 1942CTFT-3 Gainsbourg, Charlotte 1971CTFT-25 Galarno, Bill 1938CTFT-7 Galati, Frank 1943CTFT-21 Gale, Bob See Gale, Michael Robert CTFT-13 Gale, John 1929CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gale, Michael Robert 1951CTFT-13 Earlier sketch (as Bob Gale) in CTFT-7 Gale, Zona 1874-1938 WWasWT Galipaux, Felix 1860-1931 WWasWT Gallacher, Tom 1934CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gallagher, Helen 1926CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gallagher, Mary 1947CTFT-1 Gallagher, Meg See Gallagher, Megan CTFT-18 Gallagher, Megan 1960CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Gallagher, Peter 1955(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Gallagher, Richard 1900-1955 WWasWT Galland, Bertha 1876-1932 WWasWT Gallant, Felicia See Dano, Linda CTFT-27 Galligan, Zach 1964CTFT-13 Gallimore, Florrie 1867-? WWasWT Gallo, Paul CTFT-7 Gallo, Vincent 1961CTFT-28

Galloway, Don 1937Galloway, Jane 1950Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Galsworthy, John 1867-1933 Galvina, Dino 1890-1960 Gam, Rita 1928Gamble, Mason 1986Gamble, Tom 1898Gambon, Michael 1940Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; Gammon, James 1940Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, Gance, Abel 1889-1981 Gandolfini, James Ganz, Bruno 1941Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, Ganz, Lowell 1948Ganz, Tony Garber, Victor 1949Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Garbo, Greta 1905-1990 Garcia, Andy 1956Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, Garcia, Risa Bramon 1957 Garcia Marquez, Gabriel 1928Garde, Betty 1905-1989 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Garden, E. M. 1845-1939 Garden, Graeme 1943Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gardenia, Vincent 1922-1992 Obituary in CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; Gardiner, Cyril 1897Gardiner, Reginald 1903-1 980 Gardner, Ava 1922-1990 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Gardner, Herb 1934Gardner, Shayle 1890-1945 Gardner, Will 1879-? Garfein, Jack 1930Garfield, Allen 1939Garfield, John 1913-1952 Garfield, Julie Gargan, William (Dennis) 1905-1979 Garland, Beverly Garland, Geoff 1926Garland, Judy 1922-1969 Garland, Patrick 1935Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Garland, Robert 1895-1955 Garner, James 1928Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Garner, Jennifer


Garnett, Edward 1868-1937 WWasWT Garnett, Gale CTFT-1 Garofalo, Janeane 1964CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Garr, Teri 1949(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10 Garr, Terry See Garr, Teri CTFT-18 Garrett, Arthur 1869-1941 WWasWT

464 • Garrett Garrett, Betty 1919CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Garrett, Brad 1960CTFT-22 Garrett, Joy CTFT-1 Garrick, Gus WWasWT Garrick, John 1902WWasWT Garrison, David 1952CTFT-4 Garside, John 1887-1958 WWasWT Carson, Barbara 1941CTFT-1 Carson, Greer 1903-1996 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Carson, Willie 1964CTFT-27 Garth, Jennie 1972CTFT-20 Carver, Kathy 1948CTFT-22 Gary, Lorraine CTFT-7 Gascoigne, Bamber 1935WWT-17 Gascon, Jean 1921-1988 WWT-17 Gaskill, William 1930CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gaspard, Ray See Gaspard, Raymond L CTFT-9 Gaspard, Raymond L. 1949CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Gassman, Alessandro 1965CTFT-25 Gassman, Vittorio 1922CTFT-8 Gassner, Dennis CTFT-11 Gassner, John 1903-1967 WWasWT Cast, Leon 1937(?)CTFT-20 Gates, Eleanor 1875-1951 WWasWT Gates, Jesse Stuart See McFadden, Gates CTFT-27 Gates, Larry 1915WWT-17 Gateson, Marjorie 1897-1977 WWasWT Gatti, John M. 1872-1929 WWasWT Gaudet, Christie 1957CTFT-4 Gaul, George 1885-1939 WWasWT Gaunt, William 1937WWT-17 Gavault, Paul 1867-? WWasWT Gavin, John 1932CTFT-2 Gawthorne, Peter A. 1884-1962 WWasWT Gaxton, William 1893-1963 WWasWT Gay, John 1924CTFT-9 Gay, Maisie 1883-1945 WWasWT Gay, Noel 1898-1954 WWasWT Gaye, Freda 1907-1986 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Gayheart, Rebecca 1972CTFT-20 Gaynes, George 1917CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gaythorne, Pamela 1882-? WWasWT Gazzara, Ben 1930CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Gazzo, Michael V. 1923-1995 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Gear, Luella 1899WWasWT Geary, Anthony 1947CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Gedrick, Jason 1965CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Gee, George 1895-1959 WWasWT Gee, Shirley 1932CTFT-12

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Geer, Ellen 1941CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Geer, Will 1902-1978 WWT-16 Geeson, Judy 1948CTFT-8 Geffen, David 1943CTFT-5 Gelb, Arthur 1924CTFT-1 Gelb, Barbara CTFT-1 Gelbart, Larry 1928CTFT-10 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3; WWT-17 Gelber, Jack 1932CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Geldof, Bob 1954(?)CTFT-23 Gelke, Becky See Baker, Becky Anne CTFT-27 Cellar, Sarah See Cellar, Sarah Michelle CTFT-20 Cellar, Sarah Michelle 1977CTFT-20 Geller, Marc 1959CTFT-1 Cellner, Julius 1899WWT-17 Gelman-Waxer, Libby See Rudnick, Paul CTFT-27 Gemier, Firmin 1865-1933 WWasWT Gemmell, Don 1903WWT-17 Gems, Pam 1925CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Genee, Dame Adeline 1878-1970 WWasWT Genet, Jean 1910-1986 CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Genial, Marchell ?-1959 WWasWT Genn, Leo 1905-1978 WWT-16 Gennaro, Peter 1919CTFT-4 George, A. E. 1869-1920 WWasWT George, Chief Dan 1899-1981 CTFT-1 7 George, Chris See George, Christopher CTFT-21 George, Christopher 1929-1983 CTFT-21 George, Colin 1929CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 George, Dan See George, Chief Dan CTFT-1 7 George, Gladys 1904-1954 WWasWT George, Grace 1879-1961 WWasWT George, Lynda Day 1946CTFT-8 George, Marie 1879-1955 WWasWT George, Muriel 1883-1965 WWasWT Gerald, Ara 1900-1957 WWasWT Geraldy, Paul 1885-? WWasWT Gerard, Gil 1943CTFT-6 Gerard, Teddie 1892-1942 WWasWT Geray, Steve 1904-1973 WWasWT Gerber, Ella 1916CTFT-1 Gerdes, George 1948CTFT-4 Gere, Richard 1949CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6, 13 German, Edward 1862-1936 WWasWT Germann, Greg 1958CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Gerrard, Gene 1892-1971 WWasWT Gerringer, Robert 1926-1989 CTFT-2 Gerrity, Dan 1958CTFT-7 Gerroll, Daniel 1951CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 5 Gershon, Gina 1962CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15

Gershwin, George 1898-1937 WWasWT Gershwin, Ira 1896-1983 WWasWT Gerson, Betty Lou 1914-1999 CTFT-25 Gerson, Carlotta See Mazursky, Paul CTFT-26 Gerstad, John 1924WWT-17 Gersten, Bernard 1923CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gertz, Jami 1965CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Gerussi, Bruno WWasWT Gesner, Zen 1970CTFT-23 Gest, Morris 1881-1942 WWasWT Gets, Malcolm CTFT-17 Getty, Estelle 1923CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Getzman, Gary See Goetzman, Gary CTFT-27 Geva, Tamara 1907WWasWT Gewe, Raddory See Corey, Edward CTFT-22 Gheusi, Pierre B. 1867-? WWasWT Ghostley, Alice 1928(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Giagni, D. J. 1950CTFT-4 Giannini, Giancarlo 1942CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Giannini, Olga WWasWT Giamatti, Paul 1967CTFT-25 Gibb, Lee See Waterhouse, Keith Spencer CTFT-5 Gibbons, Arthur 1871-1935 WWasWT Gibbons, Leeza 1957CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Gibbs, Maria 1931(?)CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Gibbs, Nancy ?-1956 WWasWT Gibbs, Timothy 1967CTFT-5 Gibson, Brenda 1870-? WWasWT Gibson, Chloe 1899WWasWT Gibson, Debbie See Gibson, Deborah CTFT-24 Gibson, Deborah 1970CTFT-24 Gibson, Henry 1935CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Gibson, Mel 1956CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Gibson, Michael 1944CTFT-5 Gibson, Thomas 1963(?)CTFT-17 Gibson, William 1914CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gibson, William 1948CTFT-15 Gibson, Wynne 1905-1987 WWasWT Giddens, George 1845-1920 WWasWT Gideon, Melville J. 1884-1933 WWasWT Gielgud, John 1904CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 14; WWT-17 Gielgud, Val 1900-1981 WWasWT Gierasch, Stefan 1926CTFT-10 Gifford, Frank 1930CTFT-22 Gifford, Kathie Lee 1953CTFT-22 Gignoux, Regis 1878-? WWasWT Gilbert, Bruce 1947CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Gilbert, Jean 1879-1943 Gilbert, Lewis 1920Gilbert, Lou 1909-1978 Gilbert, Melissa 1964Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Gilbert, Olive Gilbert, Ronnie 1926Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Gilbert, Sara 1975(?)Gilbert-Brinkman, Melissa See Gilbert, Melissa Gilder, Rosamond de Kay 1891-1986 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gilford, Jack 1907(?)-1990 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; Gilhooley, Jack 1940Gill, Basil 1877-1955 Gill, Brendan 1914Gill, Paul ?-1934 Gill, Peter 1939Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; Gill, Tom 1916-1971 Gillespie, Dana 1949Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gillespie, Richard 1878-1952 Gillespie, Robert 1933Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Gillet, Aden 1958Gillett, Eric 1893Gillette, Anita 1936Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gillette, William 1855-1937 Gilliam, Terry 1940Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, Gillian, Jerry See Gilliam, Terry Gilliatt, Penelope Ann Douglass Gillie, Jean 1915-1949 Gilliland, Helen 1897-1942 Gilliland, Richard 1950Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Gillman, Mabelle 1880-? Gillmore, Frank 1867-1943 Gillmore, Margalo 1897-1986 Gilmore, Janette 1905Gilmore, Peter 1931Gilmore, Virginia 1919-1986 Gilmore, W. H Gilmour, Brian 1894-1954 Gilpin, Charles 1878-1930 Gilpin, Jack 1951Gilpin, Peri Gilroy, Frank D. 1925Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; Gilyard, Clarence, Jr. 1957Gimbel, Roger 1925Gingold, Hermione 1897-1987 Obituary in CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ginisty, Paul 1858-1932 Ginner, Ruby 1886-? Ginsbury, Norman 1903-




Ginty, Robert 1948CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Giordano, Tony 1939CTFT-5 Giovanni, Paul 1940-1990 CTFT-9 Girard, Francois 1963CTFT-27 Giraudeau, Philippe 1955CTFT-4 Giraudoux, Jean 1882-1944 WWasWT Giroday, Francois 1952CTFT-19 Earlier sketch (as Francois de la Giroday) in CTFT-2 Gish, Annabeth 1971CTFT-28 Gish, Dorothy 1898-1968 WWasWT Gish, Lillian 1893-1993 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-11 Earlier sketch WWT-17 Gisondi, John 1949CTFT-4 Gitana, Gertie 1887-1957 WWasWT Givens, Robin 1964(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Glasco, Kimberly CTFT-12 Glaser, Lulu 1874-1958 WWasWT Glaser, Michael See Glaser, Paul Michael CTFT-20 Glaser, Paul M. See Glaser, Paul Michael CTFT-20 Glaser, Paul Michael CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Glaspell, Susan 1882-1948 WWasWT Glass, Dee Dee 1948CTFT-16 Glass, Dudley 1899WWasWT Glass, Joanna McClelland 1936CTFT-1 Glass, Montague 1877-1934 WWasWT Glass, Ned 1906-1984 CTFT-2 Glass, Philip 1937CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Glass, Ron 1945CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Glassco, Bill 1935CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Glassford, David 1866-1935 WWasWT Clave, Matthew CTFT-23 Glaze, Susan 1956CTFT-4 Glazer, Mitch 1953(?)CTFT-20 Glazer, Mitchell See Glazer, Mitch CTFT-20 Gleason, Jackie 1916-1987 CTFT-5 Gleason, James 1886-1959 WWasWT Gleason, Joanna 1950CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Gleason, John 1941CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gleason, Paul 1944CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Gleason, Paul X. See Gleason, Paul CTFT-14 Glen, lain 1961CTFT-25 Glendinning, Ernest 1884-1936 WWasWT Glendinning, Ethel 1910WWasWT Glendinning, John 1857-1916 WWasWT Glenister, Frank 1860-1945 WWasWT Glenn, Scott 1942(?)CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11 Glennie, Brian 1912WWasWT Glenny, Charles H. 1857-1922 WWasWT Glenville, Peter 1913WWT-17

Goldemberg • 465 Glenville, Shaun 1884-1968 WWasWT Gless, Sharon 1943CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Glines, John 1933CTFT-1 Globus, Yoram CTFT-6 Glossop-Harris, Florence See Harris, Florence Glossop ....WWasWT Glover, Crispin CTFT-6 Glover, Danny 1947CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Glover, Halcott 1877-1949 WWasWT Glover, James Mackey 1861-? WWasWT Glover, John 1944CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Glover, Julian 1935CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Glover, William 1911CTFT-3 Glowacki, Janusz 1938CTFT-15 Gluckman, Leon 1922-1978 WWT-16 Glynn, Carlin 1940CTFT-1 Glynne, Angela 1933WWasWT Glynne, Mary 1898-1954 WWasWT Gobel, George 1919CTFT-7 Godard, Jean-Luc 1930CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Godber, John 1956CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Goddard, Charles W. 1879-1951 WWasWT Goddard, Paulette 1911(?)-1990 CTFT-9 Goddard, Willoughby 1926WWT-17 Godden, Jimmy 1879-1955 WWasWT Godfrey, Derek 1924WWT-17 Godfrey, Lynnie CTFT-5 Godfrey, Patrick CTFT-22 Godfrey, Peter 1899-1970 WWasWT Godfrey-Turner, L WwasWT Godreche, Judith 1972CTFT-26 Godunov, Alexander 1949-1995 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-14 Goethals, Angela 1977CTFT-13 Goetz, Peter Michael 1941CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Goetz, Ruth Goodman 1912WWT-17 Goetzman, Gary CTFT-27 Coffin, Cora 1902WWasWT Coffin, Peter 1906WWasWT Goggin, Dan 1943CTFT-3 Going, John 1936CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Golan, Menahem 1931CTFT-6 Golchan, Frederic 1953CTFT-12 Gold, Ernest 1921CTFT-12 Gold, Jack 1930CTFT-10 Gold, Tracey 1969CTFT-23 Goldberg, Adam 1970CTFT-27 Goldberg, Gary David 1944CTFT-10 Goldberg, Leonard 1934CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Goldberg, Whoopi 1955CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Goldblum, Jeff 1952CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 16 Goldemberg, Rose Leiman CTFT-1

466 • Golden Golden, Annie 1951CTFT-7 Golden, John 1874-1955 WWasWT Golden, Michael 1913WWT-17 Goldenberg, Billy 1936CTFT-15 Goldenblatt, Stephen CTFT-27 Goldenthal, Elliot 1954(?) CTFT-24 Goldie, F. Wyndham 1897-1957 WWasWT Goldie, Hugh 1919WWT-17 Goldin, Horace WWasWT Goldman, Bo 1932CTFT-8 Goldman, James A. 1927-1998 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Goldman, William 1931CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Goldner, Charles 1900-1955 WWasWT Goldsman, Akiva CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Goldsmith, Jerry 1929CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Goldsmith, Merwin 1937CTFT-4 Goldstein, Jeffrey L. 1950CTFT-11 Goldstone, James 1931CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Goldthwait, Bob 1962CTFT-27 .Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Brief Entry in CTFT-6 Goldthwait, Bobcat See Goldthwait, Bob CTFT-27 Goldwyn, Samuel 1882(?)-1974 CTFT-25 Goldwyn, Samuel, Jr. 1926CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Goldwyn, Tony 1960CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Gombell, Minna 1893-1973 WWasWT Gomez, Ian CTFT-25 Gomez, Nick 1963CTFT-27 Gooch, Steve 1945CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Goodall, Edyth 1886-1929 WWasWT Gooden, Jack Kelly 1949CTFT-6 Gooding, Cuba Jr. 1968CTFT-13 Goodliff, Michael 1914-1976 WWT-16 Goodman, Dody CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Goodman, John 1952CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Goodman, Jules Eckert 1876-1962 WWasWT Goodman, Philip ?-1940 WWasWT Goodner, Carol 1904WWasWT Goodrich, Arthur 1878-1941 WWasWT Goodrich, Edna 1883-1974 WwasWT Goodrich, Frances 1890-1984 CTFT-26 Goodrich, Louis 1865-1945 WWasWT Goodson, Mark 1915-1992 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-11 Goodwin, J. Cheever 1850-1912 WWasWT Goodwin, John 1921WWT-17 Goodwin, Nat C. 1857-1920 WWasWT Goodwin, Ron 1925CTFT-12 Goolden, Richard 1895WWT-17 Gopal, Ram 1917WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Gorcey, Elizabeth 1965CTFT-5 Gordon, Burt I. 1922CTFT-8 Gordon, Charles CTFT-10 Gordon, Charles Kilbourn 1888-? WWasWT Gordon, Colin 1911-1972 WWasWT Gordon, Douglas 1871-1935 WWasWT Gordon, Eve CTFT-19 Earlier sketch (as Eve Bennett-Gordon) in CTFT-2 Gordon, Gale 1906-1995 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Gordon, Gavin 1901-1970 WWasWT Gordon, Hannah 1941CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Gordon, Hayes 1920WWT-17 Gordon, Keith 1961CTFT-7 Gordon, Kitty 1878-1974 WWasWT Gordon, Lawrence 1936CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Gordon, Lawrence A. See Gordon, Lawrence CTFT-26 Gordon, Leon 1884-1960 WWasWT Gordon, Marjorie 1893WwasWT Gordon, Mark 1956CTFT-26 Gordon, Max 1892-1978 WWasWT Gordon, Michael 1909-1993 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-12 Gordon, Noele 1923WWasWT Gordon, Ruth 1895-1985 CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gordon, Serena 1963CTFT-9 Gordon, Stuart 1947CTFT-11 Gordone, Charles Edward 1927WWT-17 Gordon-Lee, Kathleen WWasWT Gordon-Lennox, Cosmo 1869-1921 WWasWT Gordon-Levitt, Joey See Gordon-Levitt, Joseph CTFT-27 Gordon-Levitt, Joseph 1982(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 7 Gordy, Berry Jr. 1929CTFT-5 Gore, Aedwyrd See Corey, Edward CTFT-22 Gore, Michael 1951CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Gore-Browne, Robert 1893WWasWT Gorelik, Mordecai 1899-1990 CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Corey, Edward 1925CTFT-22 Goring, Marius 1912-1998 CTFT-11 Obituary in CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gorman, Cliff 1936CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7; WWT-17 Gorme, Eydie 1932CTFT-11 Gorney, Karen Lynn CTFT-1 Gorshin, Frank 1934CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Gorsse, Henry de 1868-? WWasWT Gosling, Harold 1897WWasWT Goss, Bick 1942CTFT-4 Gosselaar, Mark-Paul 1974CTFT-23

Gossett, Lou See Gossett, Louis, Jr. CTFT-23 Gossett, Louis, Jr. 1936CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Gotlieb, Ben 1954CTFT-1 Goto, Yukihiro 1954CTFT-22 Gott, Barbara ?-1944 WWasWT Gottfried, Gilbert 1955CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Gottfried, Martin 1933WWT-17 Gottlieb, Carl 1938CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Gottlieb, Morton 1921CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gottschalk, Ferdinand 1858-1944 WWasWT Cough, Michael 1916(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; WWT-17 Gould, Diana 1913WWasWT Gould, Elliott 1938CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6, 13; WWT-17 Gould, Harold 1923CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8 Gould, John See Gold, Jack CTFT-10 Gould, John 1940CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gould, Morton 1913-1996 CTFT-12 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Goulding, Edmund 1891-1959 WWasWT Goulet, Robert 1933CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Cow, James 1907-1952 WWasWT Cow, Ronald 1897WWT-17 Coyer, David S. 1966(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Grable, Betty 1916-1973 WWasWT Grace, Nickolas 1949CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gracen, Elizabeth 1960CTFT-21 Grade, Lew, Lord 1906-1998 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Grady, Don 1944CTFT-2 Graff, llene CTFT-9 Graff, Randy 1955CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Graff, Todd 1959CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Graham, Charlotte Akwyoe 1959CTFT-4 Graham, Harry 1874-1936 WWasWT Graham, Heather 1970CTFT-20 Graham, Lauren 1967(?)CTFT-25 Graham, Martha 1894-1991 CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Graham, Morland 1891-1949 WWasWT Graham, Ronny 1919CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Graham, Violet 1890-1967 WWasWT Graham, William A. 1930(?)CTFT-10 Graham Browne, W. See Browne, W Graham WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Grahame, Margot 1911Grainer, Ron 1922Grainger, Gawn 1937Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gramatica, Emma 1874-1965 Gramatica, Irma 1873-1962 Crammer, Kelsey 1955Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Granger, Farley 1925(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Granger, Percy 1945Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Granger, Stewart 1913-1993 Obituary in CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Granick, Harry 1898Granier, Jeanne ?-1939 Grant, Bob 1932Grant, Cary 1904-1986 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Grant, David See Grant, David Marshall Grant, David Marshall 1955Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Grant, Hugh 1960Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, Grant, Hughie See Grant, Hugh Grant, Joyce 1924Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Grant, Lee 1931Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Grant, Micki Grant, Neil 1882-? Grant, Pauline Grant, Richard E. 1957Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Grantham, Wilfrid 1898Granville, Bernard 1886-1936 Granville, Charlotte 1863-1942 Granville, Sydney ?-1959 Granville-Barker, Harley 1877-1946 Granville-Barker, Helen ?-1950 Grassle, Karen 1944Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Grasso, Giovanni 1875-1930 Grattan, Harry 1867-1951 Gratton, Fred 1894-1966 Graves, Clotilde Inez Mary 1863-1932 Graves, George 1876-1949 Graves, Peter 1911-1994 Obituary in CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Graves, Peter 1926Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Graves, Rupert 1963Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, Gray, Amlin 1946Gray, Barry 1916-1996 Obituary in CTFT-16 Gray, Charles 1928Earlier sketch in WWT-17





Gray, Dolores 1924CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gray, Dulcie 1919CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 Gray, Elspet 1929WWT-17 Gray, Eve 1904WwasWT Gray, F. Gary 1969CTFT-26 Gray, Jennifer 1916-1962 WWasWT Gray, Linda CTFT-2 Gray, Linda 1910WWT-17 Gray, Nicholas Stuart 1919WWT-17 Gray, Oliver See Gray, Charles CTFT-8 Gray, Richard 1896WWasWT Gray, Sam 1923CTFT-1 Gray, Simon 1936CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6; WWT-17 Gray, Spalding 1941CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Gray, Terence 1895WWasWT Graydon, J. L. 1844-? WWasWT Graysmark, John CTFT-11 Grayson, Kathryn 1924CTFT-1 Grayson, Richard 1925CTFT-4 Grazer, Brian 1951CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Great, Don 1951CTFT-21 Earlier sketchin CTFT-12 Greaza, Walter N. 1900-1973 WWasWT Green, Abel 1900-1973 WWasWT Green, Adolph 1915CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Green, Benny 1927-1998 CTFT-12 Obituary in CTFT-22 Green, Bernard See Green, Benny CTFT-12 Green, Brian Austin 1973CTFT-20 Green, Dorothy 1886-1961 WWasWT Green, Guy 1913 CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Green, Harry 1892-1958 WWasWT Green, Hilton 1929CTFT-1 Green, Jack See Green, Jack N CTFT-20 Green, Jack N CTFT-20 Green, Janet 1914WWasWT Green, Jenna Leigh CTFT-17 Green, Joann 1955CTFT-1 Green, Johnny 1908-1989 CTFT-3 Green, Mabel 1890WWasWT Green, Marion 1890-1956 WWasWT Green, Martyn 1899-1975 WWT-16 Green, Mitzi 1920-1968 WWasWT Green, Patricia CTFT-10 Green, Paul 1894-1981 WWT-17 Green, Seth 1974CTFT-26 Green, Stanley 1923CTFT-1 Green, Tom 1971CTFT-27 Green, William 1926CTFT-1 Greenaway, Peter 1942CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Greenbaum, Hyam 1910WWasWT Greenberg, Adam CTFT-23 Greenberg, Edward M. 1924CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1

Gregory • 467 Greenberg, Jerry CTFT-11 Greenberg, Richard 1958(?)CTFT-25 Greenblatt, William R. 1944CTFT-7 Greene, Clay M. 1850-1933 WWasWT Greene, David 1921CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Greene, Ellen 1952(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-4 Greene, Evie 1876-1917 WWasWT Greene, Graham 1904WWT-17 Greene, Graham 1950CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Greene, James 1926CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Greene, Lome 1915-1987 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-5 Greene, Lyn 1954(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Greene, Lynnie See Greene, Lyn CTFT-18 Greene, Michele 1962CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Greene, Peter CTFT-27 Greene, Richard 1946CTFT-1 Greener, Dorothy 1917-1971 WWasWT Greenfeld, Josh 1928CTFT-2 Greenhut, Robert CTFT-8 Greenlee, David CTFT-21 Greenough, Beverly Sills See Sills, Beverly CTFT-22 Greenstreet, Sydney 1879-1954 ....WWasWT Greenwald, Joseph ?-1938 WWasWT Greenwald, Robert Mark 1943CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Greenwalt, David CTFT-13 Greenwood, Bruce CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Greenwood, Charlotte 1893-1978 WWasWT Greenwood, Jane 1934CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Greenwood, Joan 1921-1987 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Greenwood, Walter 1903-1974 WWasWT Greer, Bettejane See Greer, Jane CTFT-8 Greer, Dabbs 1917CTFT-8 Greer, Jane 1924CTFT-8 Greet, Clare 1871-1939 WWasWT Greet, Philip (Ben) 1857-1936 WWasWT Gregg, Everley 1903-1959 WWasWT Gregg, Hubert 1916WWT-17 Gregg, Virginia 1916-1986 CTFT-2 Gregori, Mercia 1901WWasWT Gregory, Andre CTFT-6 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Gregory, Cynthia 1946CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Gregory, Don 1934CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Gregory, Dora 1872-1954 WWasWT Gregory, Frank 1884-? WWasWT Gregory, James 1911CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3

468 •


Gregory, Lady 1859-1932 WWasWT Gregory, Sara 1921WWasWT Gregson, James R. 1889WWasWT Grein, J. T. 1862-1935 WWasWT Grein, Mrs. J. T. See Orme, Michael WWasWT Greist, Kim CTFT-5 Grenfell, Joyce 1910-1979 WWT-16 Grenier, Zach 1959CTFT-5 Gresac, Madame Fred WWasWT Gresham, Gloria 1946(?)CTFT-10 Cress, Googy CTFT-27 Greth, Roma 1935CTFT-1 Grew, Mary 1902-1971 WWasWT Grey, Anne 1907WWasWT Grey, Beryl 1927WWasWT Grey, Clifford 1887-1941 WWasWT Grey, Eve WWasWT Grey, Jane 1883-1944 WWasWT Grey, Jennifer 1960CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Grey, Joel 1932:. CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Grey, Katherine 1873-1950 WWasWT Grey, Mary WwasWT Greyeyes, Michael 1967CTFT-26 Greyson, John 1950CTFT-27 Cribble, George Dunning 1882-1956 WWasWT Cribble, Harry Wagstaff 1896-1981 ..WWasWT Gribov, Alexel Nikolaevich 1902WWasWT Grieco, Richard 1965(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Crier, David Alan 1956(?)CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-21 Grrer, Pam 1949CTFT-20 Grifasi, Joe 1944CTFT-1 Griffies, Ethel 1878-1975 WWasWT Griffin, Hayden 1943WWT-17 Griffin, Kathy 1966CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Griffin, Lynne CTFT-7 Griffin, Merv 1925CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Griffin, Norman 1887-? WWasWT Griffin, Tom 1946CTFT-1 Griffith, Andy 1926CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10, 17 Griffith, David Wark 1880-1948 WWasWT Griffith, Hubert 1896-1953 WWasWT Griffith, Hugh 1912-1980 WWT-17 Griffith, Melanie 1957CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Griffiths, Derek 1946WWT-17 Griffiths, Jane 1930-1975 WWasWT Griffiths, Rachel 1968(?)CTFT-23 Griffiths, Richard 1947CTFT-22 Griffiths, Trevor 1935CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Grille, John 1942CTFT-12 Grimaldi, Alberto 1927CTFT-8 Grimaldi, Marion 1926WWT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Grimes, Scott 1971CTFT-26 Grimes, Stephen 1927-1988 CTFT-7 Grimes, Tammy 1934CTFT-9 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Grimston, Dorothy May WWasWT Grimwood, Herbert 1875-1929 WWasWT Grisman, Sam H WWasWT Grismer, Joseph Rhode 1849-1922 WWasWT Griswold, Grace ?-1927 WWasWT Grizzard, George 1928CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Grodin, Charles 1935CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 9, 16; WWT-1 7 Groenendaal, Cris 1948CTFT-1 Groener, Harry 1951CTFT-8 Groening, Matt 1954CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Grogg, Sam CTFT-5 Groh, David 1941CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Groody, Louise 1897-1961 WWasWT Cropper, Milton Herbert 1896-1955 WWasWT Grosbard, Ulu 1929CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Gross, Ayre CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Gross, Michael 1947CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Gross, Paul CTFT-16 Gross, Shelley 1921CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Grossbart, Jack 1948CTFT-13 Grossmith, Ena 1896-1944 WWasWT Grossmith, George 1874-1912 WWasWT Grossmith, Lawrence 1877-1944 WWasWT Grossmith, Weedon 1852-1919 WWasWT Grossvogel, David I. 1925CTFT-1 Grout, James 1927CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Grout, Philip 1930WWT-17 Grove, Barry 1951CTFT-4 Grove, Fred 1851-1927 WWasWT Grover, Stanley 1926-1997 CTFT-10 Obituary in CTFT-18 Groves, Charles 1875-1955 WWasWT Groves, Fred 1880-1955 WWasWT Gruenwald, Thomas 1935CTFT-1 Gruffudd, loan 1973CTFT-27 Grun, Bernard 1901-1972 WWasWT Grundy, Lily WWasWT Grundy, Sydney 1848-1914 WWasWT Grusin, Dave 1934CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Grusin, David See Grusin, Dave CTFT-27 Guardino, Harry 1925-1995 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-15 Guare, John 1938CTFT-8 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Guber, Lee 1920-1988 CTFT-6 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17

Guber, Peter 1942CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT 2 Gudegast, Hans See Braeden, Eric CTFT-18 Guerra, Castulo 1945CTFT-5 Guerra, Tonio 1920CTFT-8 Guerrero, (Maria) 1868-1928 WWasWT Guest, Christopher 1948CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Guest, Jean H. 1941CTFT-5 Guest, Lance 1960CTFT-23 Guetary, Georges 1915CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Guettel, Henry A. 1928CTFT-1 Guffy, Burnett 1905-1983 CTFT-28 Gugino, Carla CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Guiches, Gustave I860-? WWasWT Guilbert, Yvette 1868-1944 WWasWT Guilfoyle, Paul CTFT-22 Guillaume, Robert 1937CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Guillem, Sylvie 1965CTFT-10 Guillemaud, Marcel 1867-? WWasWT Guimera, Angel 1845-1924 WWasWT Guinness, Alec 1914CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8, 15; WWT-1 7 Guinness, Matthew 1942CTFT-8 Guinon, Albert 1863-1923, WWasWT Guion, Raymond See Raymond, Gene CTFT-21 Guitry, Lucien 1860-1925 WWasWT Guitry, Sacha 1885-1957 WWasWT Gulager, Clu 1928CTFT-7 Gullan, Campbell ?-1939 WWasWT Gulliver, Charles 1882-1961 WWasWT Gumbel, Bryant 1948CTFT-20 Gummersall, Devon 1978CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Gunn, Bill 1934-1989 CTFT-8 Gunn, Haidee 1882-1961 WWasWT Gunn, Judy 1914WWasWT Gunn, Moses 1929-1993 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gunning, Louise 1879-1960 WWasWT Gunter, John 1938CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gunton, Bob 1945CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Gurnee, Hal 1935CTFT-15 Gurney, A. R. Jr. 1930CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Gurney, Claud 1897-1946 WWasWT Gurney, Peter See Gurney, A. R. Jr. CTFT-13 Gurney, Rachel CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gussow, Mel 1933CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gustafson, Carol 1925CTFT-1 Gustafson, Karin 1959CTFT-3 Guthrie, Tyrone 1900-1971 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Gutierrez, Gerald 1952CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 15 Guttenberg, Steve 1958CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6, 16 Guy, Jasmine 1964(?)CTFT-9 Guzman, Claudio 1927CTFT-9 Guzman, Luis CTFT-26 Guzman, Pato 1933(?)-1991 CTFT-10 Gwenn, Edmund 1877-1959 WWasWT Gwilym, Mike 1949CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Gwynn, Michael 1916-1976 WWT-16 Gwynne, Fred 1926-1993 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-12 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Gwyther, Geoffrey Matheson 1890-1944 WWasWT Gynt, Greta 1916-....! WWasWT

H Haas, Charlie 1952CTFT-2 Haas, Lukas 1976CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Hack, Keith 1948WWT-17 Hack, Shelley 1952CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Hackett, Albert 1900-1995 CTFT-23 Hackett, Albert M. See Hackett, Albert CTFT-23 Hackett, Buddy 1924CTFT-8 Hackett, James K. 1869-1926 WWasWT Hackett, Joan 1942-1983 CTFT-1 Hackett, Norman Honore 1874-? WWasWT Hackett, Raymond 1902-1958 WWasWT Hackett, Walter 1876-1944 WWasWT Hackford, Taylor 1944CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Hackman, Gene 1930CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 5, 12 Hackney, Mabel ?-1914 WWasWT Hadary, Jonathan 1948CTFT-10 Haddon, Archibald 1871-1942 WWasWT Haddon, Peter 1898-1962 WWasWT Haddrick, Ron 1929CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hading, Jane 1859-1933 WwasWT Hagan, Molly 1961CTFT-26 Hagen, Uta 1919CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hagerty, Julie 1955CTFT-6 Haggard, Piers 1939CTFT-11 Haggard, Stephen 1911-1943 WWasWT Haggerty, Dan 1941CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Haggis, Paul 1953CTFT-13 Haglund, Dean 1966(?)CTFT-17 Hagman, Larry 1931CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Hague, Albert 1920CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17

Haid, Charles 1943CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Haig, Emma 1898-1939 WWasWT Haigh, Kenneth 1931CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Haight, George 1905WWasWT Haight, Rip See Carpenter, John CTFT-25 Hailey, Arthur 1920CTFT-6 Hailey, Oliver 1932-1993 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Haim, Corey 1971CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Haines, Herbert E. 1880-1923 WWasWT Haines, Larry CTFT-1 Haines, Randa 1945CTFT-10 Haines, Robert Terrel 1870-1943 WWasWT Haire, Wilson John 1932CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hairston, William Jr. 1928CTFT-1 Hajos, Mitzi 1891WWasWT Hakansson, Julia Mathilda 1853-? WWasWT Hale, Alan, Jr. 1918-1990 CTFT-9 Hale, Barbara 1922(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Hale, Billy 1934CTFT-10 Hale, Binnie 1899WWasWT Hale, Fiona 1926CTFT-1 Hale, Georgina 1943CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hale, J. Robert 1874-1940 WWasWT Hale, John 1926CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hale, Lionel 1909-1977 WWT-16 Hale, Louise Closser 1872-1933 WWasWT Hale, S. T. 1899WWasWT Hale, Sonnie 1902-1959 WWasWT Hales, Jonathan 1937CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Haley, Brian CTFT-26 Haley, Jack 1902-1979 WWasWT Haley, Jack Jr. 1933CTFT-2 Halfpenny, Tony 1913WWasWT Hall, Adrian 1927CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hall, Anmer 1863-1953 WWasWT Hall, Anthony Michael 1968CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Hall, Arsenio 1955CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Hall, Bettina 1906WWasWT Hall, Conrad 1926CTFT-13 Hall, David 1929-1953 WWasWT Hall, Davis 1946CTFT-1 Hall, Deidre 1947CTFT-17 Hall, Delores CTFT-1 Hall, Ed 1931-1991 CTFT-2 Obituary in CTFT-10 Hall, Grayson WWT-17 Hall, Irma P. 1936CTFT-20 Hall, J. W. WWasWT

Hamilton Hall, Hall, Hall, Hall, Hall, Hall, Hall, Hall,

• 469

Jerry 1956CTFT-20 Kevin Peter 1955(?)-1991 CTFT-10 Laura Nelson 1876-? WWasWT Lois 1926CTFT-4 Monte 1924CTFT-4 Natalie 1904WWasWT Pauline 1860-1919 WWasWT Peter 1930CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 11; WWT-17 Hall, Peter J. See Hall, Peter CTFT-18 Hall, Phil 1952CTFT-2 Hall, Philip Baker 1931CTFT-25 Hall, Sir Peter See Hall, Peter CTFT-18 Hall, Thurston 1882-1958 WWasWT Hall, Vondie Curtis See Curtis-Hall, Vondie CTFT-17 Hall, Willis 1929CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hallahan, Charles 1943-1997 CTFT-25 Hallam, Basil 1889-1916 WWasWT Hallard, Charles Maitland 1865-1942 WWasWT Hallatt, Henry 1888-1952 WWasWT Hallett, Jack 1948CTFT-4 Halliday, John 1880-1947 WWasWT Halliday, Lena ?-1937 WWasWT Halliday, Lynne 1958CTFT-6 Halliday, Robert 1893WWasWT Halliwell, David 1936CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hallstrom, Lars See Hallstrom, Lasse CTFT-23 Hallstrom, Lasse 1946CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Halmi, Robert 1924CTFT-12 Halstan, Margaret 1879-? WWasWT Halston, Julie 1954CTFT-8 Halstrom, Lasse See Hallstrom, Lasse CTFT-23 Hambleton, T. Edward 1911WWT-17 Hambling, Arthur 1888-1952 WWasWT Hambling, Gerry CTFT-11 Hamel, Veronica 1945(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Hamer, Joseph 1932CTFT-7 Hamill, Mark 1951CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Hamilton, Carrie 1963CTFT-6 Hamilton, Cicely 1872-1952 WWasWT Hamilton, Clayton 1881-1946 WWasWT Hamilton, Cosmo 1872?-1942 WWasWT Hamilton, Diana 1898-1951 WWasWT Hamilton, Dorothy 1897WWasWT Hamilton, George 1939CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Hamilton, Guy 1922CTFT-8 Hamilton, Hale 1880-1942 WWasWT Hamilton, Henry ?-1911 WWasWT Hamilton, Joe 1929-1991 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-10 Hamilton, Josh CTFT-23Hamilton, Kelly 1945CTFT-1

470 • Hamilton Hamilton, Linda 1956CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Hamilton, Lindisfarne 1910WWasWT Hamilton, Lisa Gay 1964CTFT-27 Hamilton, Lynn 1930CTFT-1 Hamilton, Margaret 1902-1985 CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hamilton, Neil 1899-1984 CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Hamilton, Patrick 1904-1962 WWasWT Hamilton, Rose 1874-1955 WWasWT Hamlett, Dilys 1928CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Hamlin, Harry 1951CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 16 Hamlisch, Marvin 1944CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Hammer, Ben CTFT-4 Hammer, Jan 1948CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Hammerstein, Arthur 1876-1955... WWasWT Hammerstein, James 1931-1999 WWT-1 7 Obituary in CTFT-24 Hammerstein, Oscar 1847-1919 WWasWT Hammerstein, Oscar II 1895-1960 WWasWT Hammond, Aubrey 1893-1940 WWasWT Hammond, Bert E. 1880-? WWasWT Hammond, Darrell CTFT-25 Hammond, David 1948CTFT-1 Hammond, Dorothy ?-1950 WWasWT Hammond, Kay 1909WWasWT Hammond, Nicholas CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Hammond, Percy 1873-1936 WWasWT Hammond, Peter 1923CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Hamner, Earl 1923CTFT-6 Hamori, Andras CTFT-25 Hampden, Walter 1879-1955 WWasWT Hampshire, Susan 1942CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-1 7 Hampton, Christopher 1946CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7; WWT-17 Hampton, James 1936CTFT-7 Hampton, Louise 1881-1954 WWasWT Hanado, Ohta 1882-? WWasWT Hancock, Christopher 1928WWT-17 Hancock, Herbert See Hancock, Herbie CTFT-18 Hancock, Herbie 1940CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Hancock, John 1939CTFT-1 Hancock, Sheila 1933CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hancox, Daisy 1898WWasWT Handl, Irene 1901-1987 CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Handler, Evan 1961CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 16 Handman, Wynn 1922CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hands, Terry 1941CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Haneke, Michael 1942CTFT-27 Haney, Anne CTFT-26 Haney, Anne T. See Haney, Anne CTFT-26 Hanket, Arthur 1954CTFT-2 Hankin, Larry CTFT-22 Hanks, Tom 1956CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Hanley, William 1931CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Hann, Walter 1838-1922 WWasWT Hanna, William 1910CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Hannafin, Daniel 1933CTFT-5 Hannah, Daryl 1960CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Hannah, John 1962CTFT-26 Hannan, Mary Claire CTFT-28 Hannen, Hermione 1913WWasWT Hannen, Nicholas James 1881-1972 WwasWT Hannigan, Alyson 1974CTFT-26 Hanning, Geraldine 1923CTFT-1 Hanray, Lawrence 1874-1947 WWasWT Hansberry, Lorraine 1930-1965 ..CTFT-22 Hansen, Nina CTFT-4 Hanson, Curtis 1945CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Hanson, Gladys 1887-1973 WWasWT Hanson, Harry 1895WWasWT Hanson, John 1922-1998 WWT-1 7 Obituary in CTFT-24 Hansson, Sigrid Valborg 1874-? ....WWasWT Harbach, Otto 1873-1963 WWasWT Harben, Hubert 1878-1941 WWasWT Harben, Joan 1909-1953 WWasWT Harbord, Carl WWasWT Harbord, Gordon 1901WWasWT Harbottle, G. Laurence 1924WWT-1 7 Harburg, Edgar Y. 1898-1981 WWT-1 7 Harcourt, Cyril ?-1924 ...: WWasWT Harcourt, James 1873-1951 WWasWT Harcourt, Leslie 1890WWasWT Hardacred, John Pitt 1855-1933 WwasWT Harden, Marcia Gay 1959CTFT-26 Hardie, Russell 1906-1973 WWasWT Hardiman, Terrence 1937CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Harding, Ann 1902-1981 WWasWT Harding, D. Lyn 1867-1952 WWasWT Harding, John 1948CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Harding, Rudge WWasWT Hardinge, H. C. M WWasWT Hardison, Kadeem 1965CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Hards, Ira 1872-1938 WWasWT Hardwick, Paul 1918WWT-1 7 Hardwicke, Cedric 1893-1964 WWasWT Hardwicke, Clarice 1900WWasWT Hardwicke, Edward 1932CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hardy, Arthur F. 1870-? WWasWT

Hardy, Betty 1904WWasWT Hardy, Joseph 1929-1990 WWT-1 7 Hardy, Oliver 1892-1957 CTFT-16 Hardy, Robert 1925CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hare, (John) Gilbert 1869-1951 ....WWasWT Hare, Betty 1900WWasWT Hare, David 1947CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-1 7 Hare, Doris 1905WWT-1 7 Hare, Ernest Dudley 1900WWT-17 Hare, J. Robertson 1891-1979 WWT-16 Hare, John 1844-1921 WWasWT Hare, Will 1919-1997 CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hare, Winifred 1875-? WWasWT Harewood, Dorian 1950CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Harford, W WWasWT Hargitay, Mariska 1964CTFT-20 Margrave, Roy 1908WWasWT Hargrove, Dean CTFT-11 Harjo, Joy 1951CTFT-16 Harker, Gordon 1885-1967 WWasWT Harker, Joseph C. 1855-1927 WWasWT Harker, Susannah 1966(?)CTFT-22 Harlan, Otis 1865-1940 WWasWT Harlin, Renny 1959(?)CTFT-10 Harlow, Jean 1911-1937 CTFT-22 Harman, Barry 1950CTFT-6 Harman, Hugh 1903(?)-1982 CTFT-21 Harmon, Charlotte CTFT-1 Harmon, Lewis 1911CTFT-1 Harmon, Mark 1951CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7, 15 Harned, Virginia 1872-1946 WWasWT Harnick, Sheldon 1924CTFT-1 Harper, Gerald 1929WWT-17 Harper, Hill CTFT-23 Harper, Jessica 1954CTFT-6 Harper, Tess 1950(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Harper, Valerie 1940CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 17 Harrell, Gordon Lowry 1940CTFT-1 Harrelson, Woody 1961CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Harrigan, Nedda See Logan, Nedda Harrigan CTFT-8 Harrigan, William 1894-1966 WWasWT Harrington, J. P. 1865-? WWasWT Harrington, Pat See Harrington, Pat, Jr. CTFT-20 Harrington, Pat, Jr. 1929CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Harris, Audrey Sophia 1901-1966 WWasWT Harris, Barbara 1937CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Harris, Clare ?-1949 WWasWT Harris, Cynthia CTFT-5 Harris, Ed 1950CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6, 14 Harris, Elmer Blaney ?-1966 WWasWT Harris, Estelle 1932CTFT-22

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Harris, Florence Glossop 1883-1931 WWasWT Harris, Henry B. 1866-1912 WWasWT Harris, Hyde See Harris, Timothy CTFT-10 Harris, Jared 1961CTFT-25 Harris, Jed 1900-1979 WWasWT Harris, Jonathon 1914(?)CTFT-24 Harris, Julie 1925CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8; WWT-1 7 Harris, Margaret F. 1904WWT-1 7 Harris, Mel 1957CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Harris, Michael CTFT-17 Harris, Neil Patrick 1973CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Harris, Phil 1904-1995 CTFT-24 Harris, Richard 1933(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16; WWasWT Harris, Robert 1900WWT-17 Harris, Rosemary 1930CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Harris, Sam H. 1872-1941 WWasWT Harris, Steve 1966(?)CTFT-22 Harris, Susan CTFT-13 Harris, Thomas 1940CTFT-25 Harris, Thomas Walter 1930CTFT-16 Harris, Tim See Harris, Timothy CTFT-10 Harris, Timothy 1946CTFT-10 Harris, Tom See Harris, Thomas Walter CTFT-16 Harris, William 1884-1946 WWasWT Harrison, Austin 1873-1928 WWasWT Harrison, Frederick ?-1926 WWasWT Harrison, George 1943CTFT-8 Harrison, Gregory 1950CTFT-3 Harrison, James See Harrison, Jim CTFT-13 Harrison, Jim 1937CTFT-13 Harrison, John 1924CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Harrison, Kathleen 1898WWT-1 7 Harrison, Mona ?-1957 WWasWT Harrison, Noel CTFT-27 Harrison, Rex 1908-1990 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Harrison, T. W See Harrison, Tony CTFT-13 Harrison, Tony 1937CTFT-13 Harrold, Kathryn 1950CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Harrow, Lisa CTFT-8 Harry, Debby See Harry, Deborah CTFT-18 Harry, Deborah 1945CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Harry, Jackee CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Harry, Jacqueline See Harry, Jackee CTFT-17 Harryhausen, Ray 1920CTFT-8

Hart, Hart, Hart, Hart, Hart,

Bernard 1911-1964 WWasWT Charles 1961CTFT-4 Diane 1926WWT-1 7 Harvey 1928-1989 CTFT-1 Ian 1965(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Hart, Lorenz 1895-1945 WWasWT Hart, Mary 195K?)CTFT-11 Hart, Melissa Joan 1976CTFT-18 Hart, Moss 1904-1961 WWasWT Hart, Teddy 1897-1971 WWasWT Hart, Vivian WWasWT Hart, William S. 1870-1946 WWasWT Hartley, Hal 1959CTFT-22 Hartley, Mariette 1940CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Hartley-Milburn, Julie 1904-1949 WWasWT Hartman, David See Hartman, David D CTFT-20 Hartman, David D. 1935CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Hartman, Jan 1938CTFT-3 Hartman, Lisa See Hartman Black, Lisa CTFT-28 Hartman, Phil 1948CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Hartman, Philip See Hartman, Phil CTFT-14 Hartman Black, Lisa 1956CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Hartmann, Philip E. See Hartman, Phil CTFT-14 Hartnell, William 1908-1975 WWasWT Harvey, Anthony 1931CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Harvey, Frank 1885-1965 WWasWT Harvey, Frank 1912WWT-1 7 Harvey, John Martin 1863-1944 ....WWasWT Harvey, Laurence 1928-1973 WWasWT Harvey, Morris 1877-1944 WWasWT Harvey, Peter 1933CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Harvey, Rupert 1887-1954 WWasWT Harvey, Steve 1957CTFT-21 Harwood, H. M. 1874-1959 WWasWT Harwood, John 1876-1944 WWasWT Harwood, Ronald 1934CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Haskell, Peter 1934CTFT-1 Haskins, Dennis CTFT-18 Hassall, Christopher 1912-1963 WWasWT Hasselhoff, David 1952CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Hasselquist, Jenny WWasWT Hasso, Signe 1918WWT-1 7 Hastings, Basil Macdonald 1881-1928 WWasWT Hastings, Edward W. 1931CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Hastings, Fred WWasWT Hastings, Hugh 1917CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17

Hayek • 471 Hastings, Michael 1938CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Hastings, Patrick 1880-1952 WWasWT Haswell, Percy 1871-1945 WWasWT Hatcher, Teri 1965(?)CTFT-14 Hatfield, Hurd 1920(?)-1998 CTFT-10 Obituary in CTFT-24 Hatherton, Arthur ?-1924 WWasWT Hatton, Fanny 1870-1939 WWasWT Hatton, Frederick 1879-1946 WWasWT Hauer, Rutger 1944CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Hauptman, William 1942CTFT-4 Hauptmann, Gerhart 1862-1946 WWasWT Hauser, Cole CTFT-18 Hauser, Frank 1922CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Hauser, Wings CTFT-8 Havard, Lezley 1944CTFT-3 Havel, Vaclav 1936CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Havergal, Giles 1938CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Havers, Nigel 1949CTFT-6 Haviland, William 1860-1917 WWasWT Havinga, Nick CTFT-11 Havoc, June 1916WWT-17 Hawk, Jeremy 1918WWT-17 Hawke, Ethan 1970CTFT-12 Hawkesworth, John 1920CTFT-8 Hawkins, Iris 1893WWasWT Hawkins, Jack 1910-1973 WWasWT Hawkins, Stockwell 1874-1927 WWasWT Hawkins, Trish 1945CTFT-1 Hawks, Howard 1896-1977 CTFT-16 Hawn, Goldie 1945CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 5, 12 Hawn, Goldy Jeanne See Hawn, Goldie CTFT-21 Hawthorne, David ?-1942 WWasWT Hawthorne, Lil WWasWT Hawthorne, Nigel 1929CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 10, 17; WWT-1 7 Hawtrey, Anthony 1909-1954 WWasWT Hawtrey, Charles 1858-1923 WWasWT Hawtrey, Charles 1914-1988 WWasWT Hawtrey, Marjory 1900-1952 WWasWT Hay, Ian 1876-1952 WWasWT Hay, Joan 1894WWasWT Hay, Mary 1901-1957 WWasWT Hay, Valerie 1910WWasWT Hayden, Larry 1950CTFT-5 Hayden, Michael 1963CTFT-18 Hayden, Sophie CTFT-5 Hayden, Terese 1921WWT-17 Haydon, Ethel 1878-1954 WWasWT Haydon, Florence ?-1918 WWasWT Haydon, Julie 1910-1994 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Haydu, Peter 1948CTFT-4 Haye, Helen 1874-1957 WWasWT Hayek, Salma 1968CTFT-20

472 • Mayers Mayers, Sidney 1922CTFT-1 Hayes, AI See Altman, Robert CTFT-23 Hayes, Catherine Anne 1958CTFT-4 Hayes, George 1888-1967 WWasWT Hayes, Helen 1900-1993 CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Hayes, Isaac 1942CTFT-20 Hayes, J. Milton 1884-1940 WWasWT Hayes, John Michael 1919CTFT-23 Hayes, Joseph 1918CTFT-1 Hayes, Lorraine See Day, Laraine CTFT-27 Hayes, Patricia 1909-1998 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Hayes, Peter Lind 1915-1998 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-21 Hayes, Sean P. 1970CTFT-27 Hayman, Al ?-1917 WWasWT Hayman, Lillian 1922WWT-1 7 Hayman, Ronald 1932WWT-17 Haymer, John See Haymer, Johnny CTFT-9 Haymer, Johnny 1920-1989 CTFT-9 Haynes, Tiger 1914WWT-1 7 Haynes, Todd 1961CTFT-12 Hays, Bill 1938WWT-1 7 Hays, David 1930WWT-1 7 Hays, Robert 1947CTFT-6 Haysbert, Dennis 1955CTFT-26 Hayter, James 1907WWT-1 7 Haythorne, Joan 1915WWT-1 7 Hayward, Leland 1902-1971 WWasWT Hazell, Hy 1922-1970 WWasWT Hazzard, John E. 1881-1935 WWasWT Head, Anthony 1954CTFT-21 Head, Anthony Stewart See Head, Anthony CTFT-21 Head, Edith 1897-1981 CTFT-16 Head, Helaine CTFT-12 Headly, Glenne 1955(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Heal, Joan 1922WWT-1 7 Heald, Anthony 1944CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Healy, David 1932-1995 CTFT-25 Healy, Mary 1920CTFT-1 Heap, Douglas 1934CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Heard, John 1947CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5, 12 Hearn, George 1934CTFT-6 Hearn, Lew 1882-? WWasWT Hearne, Richard 1909WWasWT Heath, Eira 1940WWT-16 Heatherley, Clifford 1888-1937 WWasWT Heaton, Patricia 1959(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Heaton, Patty See Heaton, Patricia CTFT-27 Heche, Anne 1969CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Hecht, Ben 1894-1964 WWasWT Hecht, Jessica 1966(?)CTFT-20

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Hecht, Paul 1941CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8 Heckart, Eileen 1919CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Heckerling, Amy 1954CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 10 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Hedaya, Dan CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Hedaya, Daniel See Hedaya, Dan CTFT-27 Hedison, Al See Hedison, David CTFT-18 Hedison, David 1928(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Hedley, H. B. ?-1931 WWasWT Hedley, Philip 1938CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Hedman, Martha 1888-? WWasWT Hedren, Tippi 1935CTFT-7 Heeley, Desmond WWT-1 7 Heffernan, John 1934CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Heflin, Frances 1924CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Heggie, O. P. 1879-1936 WWasWT Heifner, Jack 1946CTFT-1 Heijermans, Herman 1864-1924 WWasWT Heikin, Nancy 1948CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Heikin-Pepin, Nancy See Heikin, Nancy CTFT-18 Heilbronn, William 1879-? WWasWT Hein, Silvio 1879-1928 WWasWT Heinsohn, Elisa 1962CTFT-6 Heinz, Gerard 1904-1972 WWasWT Helburn, Theresa 1887-1959 WWasWT Held, Anna 1873-1918 WWasWT Held, Dan 1948CTFT-3 Helfgott, Daniel 1952CTFT-13 Helgeland, Brian 1961CTFT-20 Helgenberger, Marg 1958(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Heller, Buck CTFT-2 Heller, Paul 1927CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Heller, Paul M. See Heller, Paul CTFT-9 Hellman, Lillian 1905-1984 WWT-1 7 Hellman, Monte 1932CTFT-27 Helm, Levon 1943CTFT-7 Helmond, Katherine 1934CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 15 Helmore, Arthur 1859-1941 WWasWT Helmsley, Charles Thomas Hunt 1865-1940 WWasWT Helper, Stephen Lloyd 1957CTFT-2 Helpmann, Robert 1909-1986 WWT-1 7 Heming, Percy 1885WWasWT Heming, Violet 1895WWasWT Hemingway, Alan 1951CTFT-4 Hemingway, Margaux 1955-1996.... CTFT-13 Obituary in CTFT-16 Hemingway, Marie 1893-1939 WWasWT

Hemingway, Mariel 1961CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 12 f Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Hemion, Dwight 1926CTFT-8 Hemmerde, Edward George 1871-1948 WWasWT Hemming, Lindy 1948CTFT-9 Hemmings, David 1941CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Hemsley, Harry May 1877-1951 ...WWasWT Hemsley, Sherman 1938CTFT-3 Hemsley, W. T. 1850-1918 WWasWT Henderson, Alex F. 1866-1933 WWasWT Henderson, Dickie 1922WWT-1 7 Henderson, Elvira 1903WWasWT Henderson, Florence 1934CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Henderson, May 1884WWasWT Henderson, Ray 1896-1970 WWasWT Henderson, Robert 1904WWT-1 7 Henderson, Roy WWT-11 Hendricksen, Lance See Henriksen, Lance CTFT-27 Hendrie, Ernest 1859-1929 WWasWT Heneker, David 1906WWT-1 7 Henig, Andi CTFT-2 Henley, Beth 1952CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 12 Henley, Herbert James 1882-1937 WWasWT Henley, Joan 1904WWasWT Hennequin, Maurice ?-1926 WWasWT Henner, Marilu 1952CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7, 14 Hennessy, Jill See Hennessy, Jillian CTFT-18 Hennessy, Jillian 1969CTFT-18 Hennessy, Roland Burke 1870-1939 WWasWT Henniger, Rolf 1925WWasWT Henning, Linda Kaye 1944CTFT-3 Hennings, Betty 1850-1939 WWasWT Henreid, Paul 1908-1992 CTFT-12 Henriksen, Lance 1943(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 17 Henritze, Bette CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 10; WWT-17 Henry, (Alexander) Victor 1943- ...WWasWT Henry, Buck 1930CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Henry, Charles 1890-1968 WwasWT Henry, Gregg 1952CTFT-26 Henry, Justin 1971CTFT-26 Henry, Lenny 1958CTFT-26 Henry, Martha 1938CTFT-26 Henry, Martin 1872-1942 WWasWT Henshall, Ruthie CTFT-27 Henson, Brian 1963CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Henson, Gladys 1897WWT-16 Henson, Jim 1936-1990 CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Henson, Leslie 1891-1957 WWasWT Henson, Nicky 1945CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Henstridge, Natasha 1974CTFT-28 Henton, John 1960CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Hentschel, Irene 1891WWasWT Hepburn, Audrey 1929-1993 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-11 Hepburn, Katharine 1909CTFT-5 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Hepple, Jeanne 1936WWT-17 Hepple, Peter 1927CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Heppner, Rosa ?-1979 WWT-16 Hepton, Bernard 1925WWT-17 Herbert, Alan Patrick 1890-1971 WWasWT Herbert, Evelyn 1898WWasWT Herbert, F. Hugh 1897-1958 WWasWT Herbert, Henry 1879-1947 WWasWT Herbert, Jocelyn 1917CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Herbert, Rich 1956CTFT-3 Herbert, Victor 1859-1924 WWasWT Heredia, Wilson Jermaine 1971(?)CTFT-27 Herlie, Eileen 1920WWT-17 Herlihy, James Leo 1927-1993 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-12 Herman, Danny 1960CTFT-2 Herman, Jerry 1933CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3; WWT-17 Herman, Mark CTFT-27 Herman, Pee-Wee See Reubens, Paul CTFT-27 Hermant, Abel 1862-1950 WWasWT Herndon, Richard G. ?-1958 WWasWT Herne, (Katherine) Chrystal 1883-1950 WWasWT Heron, Joyce 1916-1980 WWT-17 Heros, Eugene WWasWT Herrera, Anthony 1944CTFT-5 Herrmann, Edward 1943CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Herrmann, Keith 1952CTFT-1 Hersey, David 1939CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Hershey, Barbara 1948CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10, 17 Herskovitz, Marshall 1952CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Hertz, Carl 1859WWasWT Hervey, Grizelda 1901WWasWT Hervey, Jason 1972CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Hervieu, Paul 1857-1915 WWasWT Herz, Ralph C. 1878-1921 WWasWT Herzfeld, John CTFT-21 Herzog, Werner 1942CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Heslewood, Tom 1868-1959 WWasWT Heslop, Charles 1883-1966 WWasWT Hesseman, Howard 1940CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Hessler, Gordon 1930CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12

Heston, Charlton 1923CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3, 15; WWT-1 7 Hestor, George 1877-1925 WWasWT Heuer, John Michael 1941CTFT-6 Hewes, Henry 1917WWT-17 Hewett, Christopher CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hewett, Dorothy 1923WWT-17 Hewitt, Agnes ?-1924 WWasWT Hewitt, Alan 1915-1986 CTFT-4 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Hewitt, Don 1922CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Hewitt, Frankie 1931CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Hewitt, Henry 1885-1968 WWasWT Hewitt, Jennifer Love 1979CTFT-20 Hewlett, Maurice 1861-1923 WWasWT Hexum, Jon-Eric 1957-1984 CTFT-2 Hey, Virginia CTFT-28 Heydt, Louis Jean 1905-1960 WWasWT Heyman, Barton 1937-1996 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-16 Heyward, Dorothy 1890-1961 WWasWT Heyward, Du Bose 1885-1940 WWasWT Hibbard, Edna 1895?-1942 WWasWT Hibbert, Henry George 1862-1924 WWasWT Hichens, Robert Smythe 1864-1950 WWasWT Hickey, William 1928-1997 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-17 Hicklin, Margery 1904WWasWT Hickman, Charles WWT-17 Hickman, Darryl 1933CTFT-5 Hickman, Dwayne 1934CTFT-26 Hicks, (Edward) Seymour 1871-1949 WWasWT Hicks, Barbara CTFT-9 Hicks, Betty Seymour 1905WWasWT Hicks, Catherine 1951CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Hicks, Cathy See Hicks, Catherine CTFT-18 Hicks, Julian 1858-1941 WWasWT Hicks, Scott 1953CTFT-25 Hickson, Joan 1906WWT-17 Higgins, Anthony CTFT-7 Higgins, Clare CTFT-8 Higgins, Colin 1941-1988 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Higgins, David 1961CTFT-22 Higgins, David Anthony See Higgins, David CTFT-22 Higgins, James 1932CTFT-1 Higgins, Michael 1925CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Higgins, Norman 1898WWasWT Highley, Reginald 1884-? WWasWT Hightower, Marilyn 1923WWasWT Hightower, Rosella 1920CTFT-16 Highway, Thomson 1951CTFT-16 Hignell, Rose 1896WWasWT Hignett, H. R. 1870-1959 WWasWT

Hirsch • 473 Hiken, Gerald 1927CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hilary, Jennifer 1942CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hilferty, Susan CTFT-9 Hill, Amy 1953CTFT-22 Hill, Ann Stahlman 1921CTFT-4 Hill, Arthur 1922CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hill, Benny 1925-1992 ...CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-11 Hill, Bernard 1944CTFT-20 Hill, Billie WWasWT Hill, Dana 1964CTFT-7 Hill, Debra CTFT-5 Hill, George Roy 1922CTFT-6 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Hill, Ken 1937-1995 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hill, Lauryn 1975CTFT-23 Hill, Leonard F. 1947CTFT-1 Hill, Lucienne WWT-17 Hill, Mars Andrew III 1927CTFT-1 Hill, Peter Murray 1908WWasWT Hill, Ronnie 1911WWT-17 Hill, Rose 1914WWT-17 Hill, Sinclair 1896-1945 WWasWT Hill, Steven 1922CTFT-8 Hill, Walter 1942CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Hillary, Ann 1930CTFT-4 Hiller, Arthur 1923CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Hiller, Wendy 1912CTFT-6 Earler sketches in WWT-1 7 Hillerman, John 1932CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 8 Hilliard, Harriet See Nelson, Harriet CTFT-3 Hilliard, Kathlyn 1896-1933 WWasWT Hilliard, Patricia 1916WWasWT Hilliard, Robert C. 1857-1927 WWasWT Hillman, Michael 1902-1941 WWasWT Hinden, Nathan See Bloch, Robert CTFT-2 Hindman, Earl 1942CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Hinds, Ciaran 1953(?)CTFT-20 Hines, Elizabeth 1899-1971 WWasWT Hines, Gregory 1946CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 11 Hines, Patrick 1930WWT-17 Hingle, Pat 1923(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8, 16; WWT-1 7 Hinkle, Marin CTFT-23 Hinkle, Vernon 1935CTFT-1 Hinton, Mary 1896WWasWT Hipp, Paul CTFT-10 Hird, Thora 1913WWT-17 Hirsch, Charles Henry 1870-? WWasWT Hirsch, Janis 1950CTFT-11 Hirsch, John Stephan 1930-1989 CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17

474 •


Hirsch, Judd 1935CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 11; WWT-17 Hirsch, Louis Achille 1881-1924 WWasWT Hirschfeld, Al 1903CTFT-1 Hirschhorn, Clive 1940WWT-1 7 Hirschhorn, Joel 1937CTFT-13 Hirschmann, Henri 1872-? WWasWT Hislop, Joseph 1887-? WWasWT Hitchcock, Alfred 1899-1980 CTFT-1 Hitchcock, Raymond 1865-1929 WWasWT Ho, Don 1930CTFT-1 7 Hoag, Judith 1963CTFT-28 Hoag, Judith W. See Hoag, Judith CTFT-28 Hoare, Douglas 1875-? WWasWT Hobart, George V. 1867-1926 WWasWT Hobart, Rose 1906WWasWT Hobbes, Herbert Halliwell 1877-1962 WWasWT Hobbs, Carleton 1898WWasWT Hobbs, Frederick 1880-1942 WWasWT Hobbs, Jack 1893-1968 WWasWT Hobbs, William 1939WWT-17 Hobgood, Burnet M. 1922WWT-17 Hoblit, Gregory CTFT-25 Hobson, Harold 1904WWT-17 Hobson, May 1889-? WWasWT Hoch, Danny 1970CTFT-25 Hochhuth, Rolf 1931WWT-17 Hochman, Larry 1953CTFT-6 Hochwaelder, Fritz 1911-1986 CTFT-4 Hockney, David 1937CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Hockridge, Edmund 1919WWasWT Hoctor, Harriet 1907-1977 WWasWT Hodge, Merton 1904-1958 WWasWT Hodge, Patricia 1946CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Hodge, William T. 1874-1932 WWasWT Hodgeman, Edwin 1935WWT-17 Hodges, Horace 1865-1951 WWasWT Hodges, Patricia CTFT-8 Hoenig, Michael 1952CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Hoey, Dennis 1893-1960 WWasWT Hoey, Iris 1885-? WWasWT Hofert, Earl See Letterman, David CTFT-24 Hoffe, Barbara WWasWT Hoffe, Monckton 1880-1951 WWasWT Hoffman, Aaron 1880-1924 WWasWT Hoffman, Avi 1958CTFT-11 Hoffman, Basil 1938-. CTFT-5 Hoffman, Dustin 1937CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 14; WWT-17 Hoffman, Jane 1911CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hoffman, Maud WWasWT Hoffman, Phil See Hoffman, Philip Seymour CTFT-25

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Hoffman, Philip See Hoffman, Philip Seymour CTFT-25 Hoffman, Philip S. See Hoffman, Philip Seymour CTFT-25 Hoffman, Philip Seymour 1968CTFT-25 Hoffman, William M. 1939CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hoffmann, Gaby 1982CTFT-26 Hoffmann, Gabriella See Hoffmann, Gaby CTFT-26 Hofmann, Isabella 1957CTFT-16 Hofsiss, Jack 1950WWT-17 Hogan, Hulk 1953CTFT-13 Hogan, Michael 1898WWasWT Hogan, P. J. 1964(?)CTFT-23 Hogan, Paul 1939(?)CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Hogan, Terry "Hulk" See Hogan, Hulk CTFT-13 Hogarth, Emmett See Polonsky, Abraham (Lincoln) CTFT-10 Hogestyn, Drake CTFT-18 Hogg, Ian 1937WWT-17 Holbrook, Anna (Kathryn) CTFT-18 Holbrook, Hal 1925CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 1, 15; WWT-1 7 Holbrook, Louise WWasWT Holcomb, Rod CTFT-12 Hold, John See Bava, Mario CTFT-8 Holden, Jan 1931WWT-17 Holden, William 1918-1981 CTFT-16 Holder, Geoffrey 1930(?)CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Holder, Owen 1921WWT-17 Holdgrive, David 1958CTFT-4 Holdridge, Lee 1944CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Hole, John 1939WWT-17 Holgate, Ron 1937WWT-17 Holland, Agnieszka 1948CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Holland, Anthony 1912-1988 WWT-17 Holland, Edmund Milton 1848-1913 WWasWT Holland, Endesha Ida Mae 1944- ... CTFT-11 ^Holland, Jeffrey 1946CTFT-8 Holland, Mildred 1869-1944 WWasWT Holland, Reece 1956CTFT-11 Holland, Richard CTFT-28 Holland, Tom 1943CTFT-4 Holies, Antony 1901-1950 WWasWT Holies, William 1867-1947 WWasWT Holliday, Jennifer 1960CTFT-6 Holliday, Judy 1923-1965 WWasWT Holliday, Kene 1949CTFT-12 Holliday, Polly 1937CTFT-7 Holliman, Earl 1928CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Holliman, Henry Earl See Holliman, Earl ' CTFT-19 Hollis, Stephen 1941WWT-17 Holloway, Baliol 1883-1967 WWasWT

Holloway, Julian 1944WWT-17 Holloway, Stanley 1890-1982 WWT-17 Holloway, Sterling 1904CTFT-5 Holloway, W. E. 1885-1952 WWasWT Holly, Ellen 1931CTFT-10 Holly, Lauren 1963CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Holm, Celeste 1919CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Holm, Hanya WWT-17 Holm, Ian 1931CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 9; WWT-17 Holm, John Cecil 1904-1981 WWT-17 Holman, Libby 1906-1971 WWasWT Holme, Stanford 1904WWasWT Holme, Thea 1907WWT-17 Holmes, Helen ?-1950 WWasWT Holmes, Katie 1978CTFT-25 Holmes, Robert 1899-1945 WWasWT Holmes, Rupert 1947CTFT-13 Holmes, Taylor 1878-1959 WWasWT Holmes-Gore, Dorothy 1896-1915 WWasWT Holt, Andrew See Anhalt, Edward.. CTFT-10 Holt, Fritz 1940-1987 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-5 Holt, Thelma 1933WWT-17 Holt, Will 1929WWT-17 Holtz, Lou 1898WWasWT Holtzman, Robert CTFT-28 Holtzman, Robert "Ratface" See Holtzman, Robert CTFT-28 Holzer, Adela WWT-17 Homan, David 1907WWasWT Home, William Douglas 1912WWT-17 Homeier, Skip 1930CTFT-8 Homfrey, Gladys ?-1932 WWasWT Homolka, Oscar 1898-1978 WWasWT Hone, Mary 1904WWasWT Honer, Mary 1914WWasWT Hong, James 1929CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Hong, Wilson S. 1934CTFT-5 Honri, Percy 1874-1953 WWasWT Hood, Basil 1864-1917 WWasWT Hood, Morag 1942CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hooks, Kevin 1958CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Hooks, Robert 1937CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hool, Lance CTFT-6 Hooper, Ewan 1935WWT-17 Hooper, Tobe 1943CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Hope, Anthony 1863-1933 WWasWT Hope, Bob 1903CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWasWT Hope, Evelyn ?-1966 WWasWT Hope, Maidie 1881-1937 WWasWT Hope, Robert See Hope, Bob CTFT-20 Hope, Vida 1918-1963 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Hope-Wallace, Philip A. 1911-1979 WWT-16 Hopkins, Anthony 1937CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8; WWT-1 7 Hopkins, Arthur 1878-1950 WWasWT Hopkins, Bo 1942CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Hopkins, Charles 1884-1953 WWasWT Hopkins, Joan 1915WWasWT Hopkins, John 1931-1998 WWT-1 7 Obituary in CTFT-24 Hopkins, Miriam 1902-1972 WWasWT Hopkins, Shirley Knight See Knight, Shirley CTFT-19 Hopkins, Stephen CTFT-24 Hopkins, Telma 1948CTFT-6 Hopper, De Wolf 1858-1935 WWasWT Hopper, Dennis 1936CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 13 Hopper, Edna Wallace 1864-1959 WWasWT Hopper, Victoria 1909WWasWT Hopwood, Avery 1882-1928 WWasWT Horan, Edward 1898WWasWT Hordern, Michael 1911-1995 CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; WWT-17 Horn, Mary 1916WWasWT Home, A. P. WWasWT Home, David 1893-1970 WWasWT Home, Kenneth 1900WWasWT Home, Lena 1917CTFT-6 Horner, James 1953CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Horner, Richard 1920CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Horniman, Annie Elizabeth Fredericka 1860-1937 WWasWT Horniman, Roy 1872-1930 WWasWT Hornsby, Nancy 1910-1958 WWasWT Horovitch, David 1945CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Horovitz, Israel 1939CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Horrocks, Jane 1964CTFT-22 Horse, Michael 1949(?)'. CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Horsford, Anna Maria 1947CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Horsley, Lee 1955CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Horsnell, Horace 1883-1949 WWasWT Horton, Edward Everett 1886-1970 WWasWT Horton, Peter 1953CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Horton, Robert 1870-? WWasWT Horwitz, Murray 1949CTFT-3 Hoskins, Bob 1942...... CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10, 17; WWT-17 Hotchkis, Joan 1927CTFT-7 Hoty, Dee 1952CTFT-10 Hou, Hsiao-hsien 1947CTFT-27 Houdini, Harry 1873-1926 WWasWT Hough, John 1941CTFT-2

Houghton, Katharine CTFT-1 Houghton, Morris 1909WWT-1 7 Hounsou, Djimon 1964CTFT-21 House, Dakota 1977(?)CTFT-17 House, Eric WWT-1 7 Houseman, John 1902-1988 CTFT-2 Obituary in CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Housman, Laurence 1865-1959 ....WWasWT Houston, Donald 1923WWT-17 Houston, Jane WWasWT Houston, Josephine 1911WWasWT Houston, Renee 1902-1980 WWT-17 Houston, Whitney 1963CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Howard, Alan 1937CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; WWT-17 Howard, Andree 1910-1968 WWasWT Howard, Bart 1915CTFT-3 Howard, Clint 1959CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Howard, Eugene 1880-1965 WWasWT Howard, J. Bannister 1867-1946 WWasWT Howard, James Newton 1951CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Howard, Jean Speegle 1928CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Howard, Joseph See Rudnick, Paul CTFT-27 Howard, Keble 1875-1928 WWasWT Howard, Ken 1944CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Howard, Leslie 1893-1943 WWasWT Howard, Norah 1901-1968 WWasWT Howard, Pamela 1939CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Howard, Ranee CTFT-24 Howard, Roger 1938WWT-17 Howard, Ron 1954CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 11 Howard, Ronny See Howard, Ron CTFT-22 Howard, Shawn Michael CTFT-18 Howard, Sidney 1891-1939 WWasWT Howard, Sydney 1885-1946 WwasWT Howard, Traylor 1966CTFT-26 Howard, Trevor 1916-1988 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Howard, Walter 1866-1922 WWasWT Howard, Willie 1883-1949 WWasWT Howarth, Donald 1931WWT-17 Howe, Bette See Henritze, Bette CTFT-18 Howe, George 1900WWT-17 Howe, James See Howe, James Wong CTFT-26 Howe, James Wong 1899-1976 CTFT-26 Howe, Jimmy See Howe, James Wong CTFT-26 Howe, Tina 1937CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Howell, C. Thomas 1966CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Howell, Jane WWT-17

Hughes «475 Howell, John 1888-1928 WWasWT Howell, Tom See Howell, C. Thomas CTFT-27 Howells, Ursula 1922CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Howerd, Frankie 1921CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Howes, Basil 1901WWasWT Howes, Bobby 1895-1972 WWasWT Howes, Sally Ann CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Howland, Beth CTFT-3 Howland, Jobyna 1880-1936 WWasWT Howlett, Noel 1901-1984 WWT-17 Hoy, Maysie CTFT-26 Hoyt, John 1905-1991 CTFT-27 Hry See Havel, Vaclav CTFT-16 Hsiung, Shih I. 1902WWasWT Hu, Kelly 1967CTFT-27 Hu, Kelly Ann See Hu, Kelly CTFT-27 Huban, Eileen 1895-1935 WWasWT Hubbard, Lorna 1910-1954 WWasWT Hubbell, Raymond 1879-1954 WWasWT Huber, Gusti 1914WWasWT Huber, Kathleen 1947CTFT-7 Hubert, Janet See Hubert-Whitten, Janet CTFT-18 Hubert-Whitten, Janet CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Hubley, Season CTFT-4 Huby, Roberta WWasWT Hudd, Roy 1936WWT-17 Hudd, Walter 1898-1963 WWasWT Huddleston, David 1930CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Hudis, Norman 1922CTFT-4 Hudlin, Reginald 1961CTFT-11 Hudlin, Warrington 1953CTFT-11 Hudson, Bill 1949CTFT-8 Hudson, Ernie 1945CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Hudson, Hugh CTFT-10 Hudson, Jeffery See Crichton, Michael CTFT-22 Hudson, Rock 1925-1985 CTFT-2 Hudson, Verity 1923-1988 WWT-17 Huffman, Felicity CTFT-7 Huggins, Erica CTFT-25 Hughes, Albert 1972CTFT-24 Hughes, Allen 1972CTFT-24 Hughes, Allen Lee CTFT-11 Hughes, Annie 1869-1954 WWasWT Hughes, Barnard 1915CTFT-7 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Hughes, Del 1909-1985 CTFT-1 Hughes, Dusty 1947WWT-17 Hughes, Hatcher 1883-1945 WWasWT Hughes, Hazel 1913WWasWT Hughes, John 1950CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Hughes, Langston 1902-1967 CTFT-21 Hughes, Laura 1959CTFT-1 Hughes, Mick 1938WWT-17

476 •


Hughes, Roddy 1891WWasWT Hughes, Rupert 1872-1956 WWasWT Hughes, Terry. CTFT-11 Hughes, Tom E WWasWT Hughes, Wendy CTFT-7 Hugh-Kelly, Daniel 1953(?)CTFT-27 See Kelly, Daniel Hugh CTFT-25 Hughley, D. L. 1963(?)CTFT-26 Hugo, Laurence 1927-1994 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-13 Huguenet, Felix 1858-1926 WWasWT Hulbert, Claude 1900-1964 WWasWT Hulbert, Jack 1892-1978 WWT-16 Hulce, Thomas 1953CTFT-9 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Hulce, Tom See Hulce, Thomas CTFT-9 Hull, Henry 1890-1977 WWasWT Hull, Josephine 1886-1957 WWasWT Hulsey, James G. 1927CTFT-12 Hume, Benita 1906-1968 WWasWT Humphrey, Cavada WWT-17 Humphreys, Cecil 1883-1947 WWasWT Humphries, Barry 1934WWT-17 Humphries, John 1895-1927 WWasWT Humphris, Gordon 1921WWasWT Hung, Kam-bo See Hung, Sammo CTFT-23 Hung, Sammo 1952CTFT-23 Hunkins, Lee 1930CTFT-1 Hunnicutt, Gayle 1943(?)CTFT-16 Hunt, Bonnie 1964CTFT-20 Hunt, Charles W. 1943-1989 CTFT-5 Hunt, Helen 1963CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Hunt, Hugh 1911WWT-17 Hunt, Linda 1945CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 9 Hunt, Marsha 1917CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Hunt, Marsha A. See Hunt, Marsha CTFT-9 Hunt, Martita 1900-1969 WWasWT Hunt, Peter 1938CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hunter, George W. 1851-? WWasWT Hunter, Glenn 1896-1945 WWasWT Hunter, Holly 1958CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Hunter, Ian 1900-1975 WWasWT Hunter, Jeffrey 1926-1969 CTFT-16 Hunter, Kenneth 1882-? WWasWT Hunter, Kim 1922CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Hunter, Marian 1944CTFT-5 Hunter, Norman C. 1908-1971 .WWasWT Hunter, Ross 1926-1996 CTFT-12 Obituary in CTFT-16 Hunter, Victor William 1910WWT-17 Huntley, G. P. 1904WWasWT Huntley, G. P. 1868-1927 WWasWT Huntley, Raymond 1904-1990 CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Huntley, Tim 1904WWasWT Huntley-Wright, Betty 1911WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Huntley-Wright, Jose 1918WWasWT Huppert, Isabelle 1955CTFT-7 Hurd, Gale Anne 1955CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Hurd, Michelle CTFT-28 Hurgon, Austen A. ?-1942 WWasWT Hurlbut, W J. 1883-? WWasWT Hurley, Elizabeth 1965CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-15 Hurley, Kathy 1947CTFT-1 Hurndall, Richard 1910WWT-17 Hurok, Sol 1888-1974 WWasWT Hurran, Dick 1911WWT-17 Hurry, Leslie 1909-1978 WWT-16 Hursey, Sherry CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Hurst, Fannie 1889-1968 WWasWT Hurst, Gregory S. 1947CTFT-2 Hurst, Michael 1957CTFT-26 Hurt, John 1940CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3, 11; WWT-17 Hurt, Mary Beth 1946CTFT-1 3 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4; WWT-17 Hurt, William 1950CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 5, 12 Husain, Jory CTFT-4 Husmann, Ron 1937WWT-17 Hussein, Waris 1938CTFT-11 Hussey, Jimmy 1891-1930 WWasWT Hussey, Olivia 1951CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Hussey, Ruth 1914WWasWT Huston, Anjelica 1951CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11 Huston, John 1909-1987 CTFT-2 Obituary in CTFT-5 Huston, Walter 1884-1950 WWasWT Hutchens, Brice See Cummings, Bob CTFT-1 7 Hutcheson, David 1905-1976 WWT-16 Hutchinson, Harry 1892-1980 WWT-16 Hutchinson, Josephine 1904WWasWT Hutchinson Scott, Jay 1924WWasWT Hutchison, Doug 1960CTFT-28 Hutchison, Emma ?-1965 WWasWT Hutchison, Muriel 1915-1975 WWasWT Hutchison, Percy 1875-1945 WWasWT Huth, Harold 1892-1967 WWasWT Hutt, William 1920WWT-17 Hutton, Geoffrey 1909WWT-17 Hutton, Lauren 1944(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Hutton, Robert 1920-1994 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-13 Hutton, Timothy 1960CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6, 13 Hwang, David Henry 1957CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Hyams, Peter 1943CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Hyde-White, Alex 1959CTFT-5 Hyde-White, Wilfrid 1903-1991 CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Hyem, Constance Ethel ?-1928 WWasWT

Hyland, Frances 1927WWT-17 Hylands, Scott 1943CTFT-16 Hylton, Jack 1892-1965 WWasWT Hylton, Millie 1868-1920 WWasWT Hylton, Richard 1920-1962 WWasWT Hyman, Dick 1927CTFT-10 Hyman, Earle 1926CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Hyman, Joseph M. 1901 -1977 WWasWT Hyman, Prudence WWasWT Hymer, John B. ?-1953 WWasWT Hyson, Dorothy 1915WWasWT Hytner, Nicholas 1956CTFT-9

I Ibbetson, Arthur 1922Ice Cube 1969Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Ice-T 1958Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Ide, Patrick 1916Iden, Rosalind 1911Idle, Eric 1943Idziak, Slawomir Andrzej 1945Idzikowski, Stanislas ?-1977 Ifans, Rhys 1968(?)Iger, Robert 1951Illing, Peter 1905-1966 Illington, Margaret 1881-1934 Illington, Marie ?-1927 Imi, Tony 1937Immerman, William J. 1937Imperato, Carlo 1963Imperioli, Michael 1966Imrie, Celia 1952Inescort, Elaine ?-1964 Inescort, Frieda 1901-1976 Inge, William 1913-1973 Ingels, Marty 1936Ingham, Barrie Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ingham, Robert E. 1934Inglesby, Mona 1918Ingram, Rex 1895-1969 Innaurato, Albert 1948Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Innes, Laura 1957(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Innocent, Harold 1935(?)-1993 Obituary in CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 lonesco, Eugene 1912(?)-1994 Obituary in CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ireland, Anthony 1902-1957 Ireland, Jill 1941-1990 Obituary in CTFT-9 Ireland, John 1916Earlier sketch in CTFT-1





Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Ireland, Kenneth 1920Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Irish, Annie 1865-1947 Irizarry, Vincent 1959Irons, Jeremy 1948Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Ironside, Michael 1950Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Irvin, John 1940Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Irvine, Robin 1901-1933 Irving, Amy 1953Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Irving, Daisy ?-1938 Irving, Elizabeth 1904Irving, Ellis 1902Irving, Ethel 1869-1963 Irving, George S. 1922Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Irving, H. B. 1870-1919 Irving, Isabel 1871-1944 Irving, Jules 1925Irving, K. Ernest 1878-1953 Irving, Laurence Henry Forster 1897-1914 Irving, Laurence Sidney 1871-1914 Irwin, Bill 1950Irwin, Edward 1867-1937 Irwin, May 1862-1938 Irwin, Steve 1962(?)Irwin, Tom 1956Isaacs, Edith J. R. 1878-1956 Isaacs, Jason Isaak, Chris 1956Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Iscove, Robert Isham, Gyles (Bart) 1903-1976 Isham, Mark 1951Isherwood, Christopher 1904-1986 Israel, Neal 1945(?)Istomina, Maria See Charisse, Cyd Italiano, Anne See Bancroft, Anne Itami, Ichizo See Itami, Juzo Itami, Juzo 1933-1997 Ito, Robert 1931Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Ivanek, Zeljko 1957Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Ives, Burl 1909-1995 Obituary in CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ivey, Dana 1942Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Ivey, Judith 1951Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Ivor, Frances Ivory, James 1928Earlier sketches in CTFT-1,


CTFT-18 5 CTFT-27 8, 16 WWasWT CTFT-13 6

Jarman • 477

Izenour, George C. 1912Izzard, Eddie 1962-

WWT-1 7 CTFT-25

J Jablonski, Carl 1937CTFT-3 Jack and Evelyn 1886?, 1888-? WWasWT Jackee S Harry, Jackee CTFT-17 Jacker, Corinne 1933WWT-17 Jackman, Hugh 1968CTFT-28 Jackness, Andrew 1952CTFT-4 Jackson, Anne 1926CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7; WWT-17 Jackson, Barry Vincent 1879-1961 WWasWT Jackson, Douglas 1940CTFT-13 Jackson, Ernestine CTFT-10 Jackson, Ethel 1877-1957 WWasWT Jackson, Freda 1909WWT-1 7 Jackson, Frederic 1886-1953 WWasWT Jackson, Glenda 1936CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Jackson, Gordon 1923-1990 CTFT-9 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 Jackson, Janet 1966CTFT-20 Jackson, John See Jackson, John M CTFT-1 7 Jackson, John M CTFT-17 Jackson, Jonathan 1982CTFT-28 Jackson, Joshua 1978CTFT-25 Jackson, Kate 1949(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Jackson, Michael 1958CTFT-20 Jackson, Nagle 1936CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Jackson, Nelson 1870-? WWasWT Jackson, Peter 1961CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Jackson, Sam See Jackson, Samuel L CTFT-28 Jackson, Samuel L. 1949(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Jackson, Sherry 1942CTFT-8 Jackson, Tom 1948(?)CTFT-17 Jacob, Abe J. 1944CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Jacob, Irene 1966CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Jacob, Naomi 1889-1964 WWasWT Jacobi, Derek 1938CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 14; WWT-17 Jacobi, Lou 1913CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Jacobs, David 1939CTFT-10 Jacobs, Jim 1942CTFT-1 Jacobs, Rusty 1967CTFT-1 Jacobs, Sally 1932CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Jacobs, William Wymark 1863-1943 WWasWT

Jacques, Hattie 1924-1980 WWT-17 Jaeckel, Richard 1926-1997 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-18 Jaffe, Herb 1921(?)-1991 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-10 Jaffe, Michael 1945CTFT-4 Jaffe, Sam 1893-1984 CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Jaffe, Stanley R. 1940CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Jaffe, Susan CTFT-13 Jaffrey, Saeed 1929CTFT-8 Jagger, Dean 1903(?)-1991 CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Jagger, Mick 1943CTFT-20 Jaglom, Henry 1943CTFT-1 Jago, Raphael Bryan 1931WWT-17 Jalland, Henry 1861-1928 WWasWT James, Bob 1939CTFT-12 James, Brian 1920WWT-17 James, Brion 1945CTFT-25 James, Clifton 1923(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3 James, Daisy WWasWT James, Dorothy Dorian 1930CTFT-7 James, Emrys 1930-1989 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 James, Francis 1907WWasWT James, Fred See Allen, Fred CTFT-21 James, Gerald 1917WWT-17 James, Geraldine 1950CTFT-8 James, Jesse 1989CTFT-21 James, Jessica 1931(?)-1990 CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 James, John 1956CTFT-8 James, Julia 1890-1964 WWasWT James, Peter 1940CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 James, Polly 1941CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 James, Sid 1913-1976 CTFT-25 James, Sidney See James, Sid CTFT-25 James, Sydney See James, Sid CTFT-25 James, Steve CTFT-20 James, Wilson 1872-? WWasWT Jameson, Jerry CTFT-11 Jameson, Pauline 1920WWT-17 Jampolis, Neil Peter 1943CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Jan, Tomas See Forman, Milos CTFT-21 Janis, Conrad 1928CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Janis, Elsie (Bierbower) 1889-1956 WWasWT Janney, Allison CTFT-22 Janney, Russell 1884-1963 WWasWT Janssen, Famke 1964CTFT-28 Jao, Radmar Agana 1966CTFT-20 Jardine, Betty ?-1945 WWasWT Jarman, Derek 1942-1994 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-13

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Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Jarman, Herbert 1871-1919 WWasWT Jarmusch, Jim 1953CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Jarre, Kevin CTFT-26 Jarre, Maurice 1924CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Jarrico, Paul 1915-1997 CTFT-24 Jarriel, Tom 1934CTFT-13 Jarrott, Charles 1927CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Jarvis, E. K. See Bloch, Robert CTFT-2 Jarvis, Graham 1930CTFT-1 Jarvis, Martin 1941CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Jason, David 1940CTFT-1 Jau Yun Faat See Chow Yun-fat CTFT-19 Jay, Dorothy 1897WWasWT Jay, Ernest 1893-1957 WWasWT Jay, Harriett 1863-1932 WWasWT Jay, Isabel 1879-1927 WWasWT Jay, John Herbert 1871-1942 WWasWT Jay, Ricky 1949(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Jay, Tony 1933(?)CTFT-25 Jaynes, Roderick See Coen, Ethan and Coen, Joel CTFT-25 Jayston, Michael 1936CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Jbara, Gregory 1961CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Jeakins, Dorothy 1914-1995 CTFT-10 Obituary in CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Jean-Baptiste, Marianne 1968(?)CTFT-20 Jeans, Isabel 1891WWT-1 7 Jeans, Michael CTFT-4 Jeans, Ronald 1887-? WWasWT Jeans, Ursula 1906WWasWT Jeayes, Allan 1885-1963 WWasWT Jecko, Timothy 1938CTFT-4 Jecks, Clara ?-1951 WWasWT Jefferies, Douglas 1884-1959 WWasWT Jefferson, Arthur Stanley See Laurel, Stan CTFT-17 Jefford, Barbara 1930CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Jeffrey, Carl See Jablonski, Carl Jeffrey, Peter 1929Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Jeffreys, Anne 1923Jeffreys, Ellis 1872-1943 Jeffries, Lionel 1926Jeffries, Maud 1869-1946 Jellicoe, Ann 1927Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Jenkins, David 1937Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Jenkins, George 1908Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Jenkins, Hugh 1908-


Jenkins, Jane 1943CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Jenkins, Megs 1917WWT-17 Jenkins, R. Claud 1878-1967 WWasWT Jenkins, Rebecca 1960CTFT-20 Jenkins, Tamara 1963(?)CTFT-25 Jenkins, Warren WWT-17 Jenn, Myvanwy 1928WWT-17 Jenner, Caryl 1917WWasWT Jennings, Alex 1957(?)CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Jennings, Gertrude E. 1877(?)-1958 WWasWT Jennings, Ken CTFT-1 Jennings, Peter 1938CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Jenoure, Aida WWasWT Jenrette, Rita CTFT-4 Jens, Salome 1935CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Jensen, John 1933CTFT-1 Jerome, Daisy 1881-? WWasWT Jerome, Helen 1883-? WWasWT Jerome, Jerome Klapka 1859-1927 WWasWT Jerome, Rowena 1890WWasWT Jerome, Sadie 1876-1950 WWasWT Jerome, Timothy 1943CTFT-10 Jerrold, Mary 1877-1955 WWasWT Jesmer, Chalane See Newmar, Julie CTFT-19 Jesse, F. Tennyson 1889-1958 WWasWT Jesse, Stella 1897WWasWT Jessel, George 1898-1981 WWT-17 Jessel, Patricia 1920-1968 WWasWT Jeter, Michael 1952CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Jett, Joan CTFT-4 Jetton, Lisbeth 1962CTFT-4 Jeung Gwok Wing See Cheung, Leslie CTFT-19 Jewel 1974CTFT-28 Jewel, Jimmy 1912WWT-17 Jewell, Izetta 1883-? WWasWT Jewison, Norman 1926CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer 1927CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Jiawei, Wang See Wong, Kar-Wai CTFT-25 Jiler, John 1946CTFT-14 Jillette, Penn 1955CTFT-25 Jillian, Ann 1951CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Jimenez, Neal 1960CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Joanou, Phil 1961CTFT-13 Job, Thomas 1900-1947 WWasWT Joel, Clara 1890WWasWT Joffe, Charles H. 1929CTFT-9 Joffe, Roland 1945CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Johann, Zita 1904WWasWT Johansen, Aud 1930WWasWT Johansen, David 1950(?)CTFT-14

Johansson, Scarlett 1984CTFT-21 John, Elton 1947CTFT-24 John, Evan 1901-1953 WWasWT John, Graham 1887-? WWasWT John, Rosamund 1913-1998 WWasWT Obituary in CTFT-24 Johns, Andrew 1935CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Johns, Eric 1907WWasWT Johns, Glynis 1923CTFT-12 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 Johns, Mervyn 1899WWT-17 Johns, Stratford 1925CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Johnson, Alan CTFT-9 Johnson, Amy Jo 1970CTFT-26 Johnson, Anne-Marie 1960CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Johnson, Arte 1934(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Johnson, Ben 1918-1996 CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Johnson, Bill 1918-1957 WWasWT Johnson, Bjorn 1957CTFT-6 Johnson, Celia 1908-1982 WWT-17 Johnson, Chas. Floyd CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Johnson, Chic 1891-1962 WWasWT Johnson, Clark CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Johnson, Don 1949CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Johnson, Gary 1945CTFT-12 Johnson, Janet 1915WWasWT Johnson, Kathie Lee See Gifford, Kathie Lee CTFT-22 Johnson, Kay 1904-1975 WWasWT Johnson, Kenneth 1942CTFT-11 Johnson, Lament 1922CTFT-10 Johnson, Laraine See Day, Laraine CTFT-27 Johnson, Linda Lee CTFT-1 Johnson, Mark 1945CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Johnson, Mark Steven 1966(?)CTFT-28 Johnson, Mary Lea 1926CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Johnson, Mike See Sharkey, Jack CTFT-1 Johnson, Molly 1903WWasWT Johnson, Orrin 1865-1943 WWasWT Johnson, Philip 1900WWasWT Johnson, Richard 1927CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 Johnson, Terry 1955CTFT-12 Johnson, Van 1917CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Johnston, Denis 1901-1984 WWT-17 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Johnston, Justine CTFT-1 Johnston, Kristen 1967CTFT-18 Johnston, Margaret 1918WWT-17 Johnston, Moffat 1886-1935 WWasWT Johnstone, Anna Hill 1913CTFT-1 Johnstone, lain 1943CTFT-10

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Johnstone, Justine 1899WWasWT Johnstone, Keith CTFT-12 Jokovic, Mirjana 1967CTFT-24 Jokovic, Mirjana Penezic See Jokovic, Mirjana CTFT-24 Jolie, Angelina 1975(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Jolivet, Rita 1894WWasWT Jolly, Peter 1951CTFT-1 Jolson, Al 1886-1950 WWasWT Jones, Allan 1907-1992 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-11 Jones, Barry 1893WWasWT Jones, Brooks 1934CTFT-1 Jones, Carolyn 1929-1983 CTFT-26 Jones, Cherry 1956CTFT-10 Jones, Chuck 1912CTFT-6 Jones, David 1934CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Jones, Davy 1946CTFT-9 Jones, Deacon 1938CTFT-28 Jones, Dean 1933(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Jones, Disley 1926WWT-17 Jones, Dudley 1914WWT-17 Jones, Eddie CTFT-7 Jones, Edward ?-1917 WWasWT Jones, Emrys 1915-1972 WWasWT Jones, Freddie 1927CTFT-7 Jones, Gemma 1942CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-15; WWT-17 Jones, Grace 1952CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Jones, Griffith 1910WWT-17 Jones, Hazel 1896-1974 WWasWT Jones, Henry 1912CTFT-6 Jones, Henry Arthur 1851-1929 ....WWasWT Jones, James Earl 1931CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11; WWT-17 Jones, Janet 1961CTFT-13 Jones, Jeffrey 1947CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8, 15 Jones, Jeffrey Duncan See Jones, Jeffrey CTFT-15 Jones, John 1917CTFT-2 Jones, L. Q. 1927CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Jones, Leslie Julian 1910WWasWT Jones, Margo 1913-1955 WWasWT Jones, Mary WWT-17 Jopes, Nora Rosamund See John, Rosamund WWasWT Jones, Orlando CTFT-28 Jones, Paul 1942CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Jones, Peter 1920WWT-17 Jones, Quincy 1933CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Jones, Renee CTFT-18 Jones, Richard CTFT-23 Jones, Richard T. 1972CTFT-20 Jones, Richard Timothy See Jones, Richard T CTFT-20 Jones, Robert Edmond 1887-1954 WWasWT

Jones, Sam 1954CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Jones, Sam J. See Jones, Sam CTFT-26 Jones, Samuel Major ?-1952 WWasWT Jones, Shirley 1934CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Jones, Sidney 1869-1946 WWasWT Jones, Tamala CTFT-18 Jones, Terry 1942CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Jones, Tom 1928CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Jones, Tommy Lee 1946CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 13 Jones, Trefor 1902-1965 WWasWT Jones, Trevor 1949CTFT-23 Jones, Volcano See Mitchell, Adrian CTFT-12 Jones, Whitworth 1873-? WWasWT Jones, William James CTFT-18 Jongejans, George See Gaynes, George CTFT-8 Jonze, Spike 1969CTFT-28 Jooss, Kurt 1901-1979 WWasWT Jordan, Dorothy 1908WWasWT Jordan, Glenn 1936CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Jordan, Michael 1963CTFT-20 Jordan, Neil 1950CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 15 Jordan, Richard 1937(?)-1993 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-12 Jorgensen, Robert 1903WWasWT Jory, Victor 1902-1982 CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Joselovitz, Ernest A. 1942CTFT-1 Josephs, Wilfred 1927CTFT-8 Josephson, Erland 1923CTFT-8 Joslyn, Allyn 1905-1981 WWasWT Joslyn, Betsy 1954CTFT-1 Jost, Jon 1943CTFT-28 Joubert, Beverly 1957(?)CTFT-15 Joubert, Dereck 1956CTFT-15 Joudry, Patricia 1921CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Jourdan, Louis 1920CTFT-6 Jouvet, Louis 1887-1951 WWasWT Jovovich, Milla 1975CTFT-20 Joy, Nicholas 1889-1964 WWasWT Joy, Robert 1951CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Joyce, Ella CTFT-15 Joyce, Kiya Ann 1956CTFT-6 Joyce, Stephen 1931CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Judd, Ashley 1968CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Judge, Ian 1946CTFT-15 Judge, Mike 1962CTFT-26 Jue, Francis 1963CTFT-20 Julia, Raul 1940-1994 CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3; WWT-17 Julian, Pat 1947CTFT-5 Jullien, Jean 1854-1919 WWasWT

Kanin • 479 Jump, Gordon 1932Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 June 1901Jurasas, Jonas R. 1936Jurasik, Peter Justin, John 1917-


K Kaczmarek, Jane 1955CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Kael, Pauline 1919CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Kaelred, Katharine 1882-? WWasWT Kagan, Diane 1943CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Kagan, Elaine CTFT-15 Kagan, Jeremy 1945CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Kagan, Jeremy Paul See Kagan, Jeremy CTFT-25 Kahn, Florence 1878-1951 WWasWT Kahn, Madeline 1942CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 8, 15 Kahn, Michael CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 12; WWT-17 Kahn, Michael CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Kaige, Chen 1952CTFT-13 Kaikkonen, Gus 1951CTFT-1 Kain, Amber 1975CTFT-7 Kain, Karen 1951CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Kaiser, Georg 1878-1945 WWasWT Kalcheim, Lee 1938CTFT-1 Kalember, Patricia 1956(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 16 Kalfin, Robert 1933CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kalich, Bertha 1874-1939 WWasWT Kalman, Emmerich 1882-1953 WWasWT Kalmar, Bert 1884-1947 WWasWT Kam-bo, Sammo Hung See Hung, Sammo CTFT-23 Kamen, Michael 1948CTFT-23 Kaminska, Ida 1899-1980 WWT-16 Kaminski, Janusz 1959CTFT-22 Kanakaredes, Melina 1967CTFT-25 Kanaly, Steve 1946CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Kander, John 1927CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 Kane, Carol 1952CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6, 14 Kane, Gail 1887-1966 WWasWT Kane, Richard 1938CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kane, Whitford 1881-1956 WWasWT Kane, Wilson See Bloch, Robert CTFT-2 Kanin, Fay CTFT-4

480 •


Kanin, Carson 1912CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Kanin, Michael 1910-1993 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Kann, Lilly 1898WWasWT Kanner, Alexis 1942WWT-17 Kanter, Hal 1918CTFT-2 Kanter, Marin 1960CTFT-5 Kaplan, Gabe 1945CTFT-3 Kaplan, Jonathan 1947CTFT-5 Kaplan, Martin 1950CTFT-11 Kaplan, Mike 1943CTFT-14 Kaplan, Richard 1925CTFT-12 Kapoor, Shashi 1938CTFT-7 Kapoor, Shekar See Kapur, Shekhar CTFT-25 Kapur, Shekhar 1954(?)CTFT-25 Karen, James 1923CTFT-8 Karina, Anna 1940CTFT-8 Karkalits, Patti See Karr, Patti .' CTFT-10 Karlen, John 1933CTFT-9 Karlin, Fred 1936CTFT-9 Karlin, Miriam 1925CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Karloff, Boris 1887-1969 WWasWT Karlweis, Oscar 1859-1956 WWasWT Karn, Richard 1956CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Karnilova, Maria 1920WWT-17 Karno, Fred 1866-1941 WWasWT Karpf, Merrill H. 1940CTFT-4 Karr, Patti 1932CTFT-10 Karras, Alex 1935CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Karsavina, Tamara 1885-1978 WWasWT Kar Wei Wong See Wong, Kar-Wai CTFT-25 Karyo, Tcheky 1953CTFT-26 Kasanoff, Lawrence 1959CTFT-12 Kasarda, John 1943CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Kasdan, Lawrence 1949CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Kasem, Casey 1933CTFT-6 Kasha, Al 1937CTFT-12 Kasha, Lawrence N. 1933CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kass, Jerome 1937CTFT-1 Kassar, Mario 1951CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Kassin, Michael B. 1947CTFT-1 Kasznar, Kurt S. 1913-1979 WWT-1 7 Katims, Robert 1927CTFT-18 Katselas, Milton 1933WWT-17 Katt, William 1951(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Kattan, Chris 1970CTFT-26 Katz, Marty 1947CTFT-12 Katzenberg, Jeffrey 1950CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Katzin, Lee H. 1935CTFT-12 Katzka, Grabriel 1931-1990 CTFT-9

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Katzman, Leonard (S.) 1927(?)-1996 CTFT-17 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Katzman, Sam 1901-1973 CTFT-21 Kaufman, Andy 1949-1984 CTFT-2 Kaufman, Boris 1906-1980 CTFT-26 Kaufman, George S. 1889-1961 WWasWT Kaufman, Lloyd 1945CTFT-7 Kaufman, Philip 1936CTFT-6 Kaufman, Robert 1931-1991 CTFT-11 Kaufman, Victor 1943CTFT-8 Kavner, Julie 1951CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Kavovit, Andrew 1971CTFT-26 Kavovit, Andy See Kavovit, Andrew CTFT-26 Kawalek, Nancy CTFT-4 Kay, Beatrice 1907-1986 CTFT-4 Kay, Charles 1930CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Kay, Richard 1937WWT-17 Kayden, William 1929-1987 CTFT-1 Kaye, Albert Patrick 1878-1946 WWasWT Kaye, Danny 1913-1987 CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kaye, Frederick WWasWT Kaye, Judy 1948CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Kaye, Stubby 1918WWT-17 Kazan, Elia 1909CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Kazan, Lainie 1942CTFT-4 Kazan, Nicholas CTFT-10 Kazurinsky, Tim 1950CTFT-6 Keach, James CTFT-6 Keach, Stacy 1941CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 14; WWT-17 Keagy, Grace CTFT-1 Keal, Anita CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Kealy, Thomas J. 1874-1949 WWasWT Kean, Jane 1928CTFT-1 Kean, Marie 1922CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Kean, Norman 1934-1988 CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Keanan, Staci 1975CTFT-13 Keane, Doris 1881-1945 WWasWT Keane, John B. 1928WWT-17 Keane, Robert Emmett 1883-? WWasWT Kearns, Allen 1893-1956 WWasWT Keating, Charles 1941CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Keaton, Buster 1895-1966 CTFT-20 Keaton, Diane 1946CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 13 Keaton, Michael 1951CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Keats, Viola 1911WWT-17 Keck, Michael 1946CTFT-8

Keeffe, Barrie 1945CTFT-12 Keegan, Donna CTFT-4 Keel, Howard 1919WWT-17 Keeler, Ruby 1909WWT-17 Keen, Geoffrey 1916WWT-17 Keen, Malcolm 1887-1970 WwasWT Keena, Monica 1980CTFT-26 Keenan, Frank 1858-1929 WwasWT Keener, Catherine 1959(?)CTFT-26 Keeper, Tina CTFT-17 Keeshan, Robert J. 1927CTFT-4 Kehler, Jack CTFT-22 Keiber, Robert John 1946CTFT-6 Keightley, Cyril 1875-1929 WWasWT Keim, Adelaide 1880-? WWasWT Keitel, Harvey 1939CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Keith, Brian 1921-1997 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Keith, David 1954CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Keith, Ian 1899-1960 WWasWT Keith, Larry 1931CTFT-23 Keith, Lawrence See Keith, Larry CTFT-23 Keith, Marilyn See Bergman, Marilyn CTFT-10 Keith, Paul 1944CTFT-1 Keith, Penelope 1939(?)CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-1 7 Keith, Robert 1898-1966 WWasWT Keith-Johnston, Colin 1896WWasWT Kelcey, Herbert 1856-1917 WWasWT Kelham, Avice 1892WWasWT Kelker-Kelly, Robert 1965(?)CTFT-18 Keller, Marthe 1945CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Keller, Max A. 1943CTFT-2 Keller, Micheline 1948CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Keller, Micheline H. See Keller, Micheline CTFT-18 Kellerman, Sally 1936CTFT-5 Kellermann, Annette 1888-1975 WWasWT Kelley, David E. 1956CTFT-28 Kelley, DeForest 1920CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Kelley, William 1929CTFT-7 Kellin, Mike 1922WWT-17 Kellman, Barnet 1947CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Kellner, Catherine 1970CTFT-26 Kellogg, Shirley 1888-? WWasWT Kelly, Andrew See Walker, Andrew Kevin CTFT-25 Kelly, Brian 1956-. CTFT-1 Kelly, Daniel Hugh 1954CTFT-25 Kelly, E. H WWasWT Kelly, Eva 1880-1948 WWasWT Kelly, Gene 1912-1996 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Kelly, George 1890-1974 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Kelly, Jean See Kelly, Jean Louisa Kelly, Jean Louisa 1972Kelly, Judy 1913Kelly, Kevin 1934Kelly, Marguerite 1959Kelly, Moira 1968Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Kelly, Nancy 1921Kelly, Patsy 1910-1981 Kelly, Paul 1899-1956 Kelly, Renee 1888-1965 Kelly, Tim 1937Kelly, Vivian 1922Kelly, W. W. 1853-1933 Kelly, Walter C. 1873-1939 Kelsey, Linda 1946Kelso, Vernon 1893Kemp, Barry 1949Kemp, Elizabeth 1957Kemp, Jeremy 1935Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; Kemp, T. C. 1891-1955 Kemper, Collin 1870-1955 Kemper, Steve Kemper, Victor J. 1927Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Kempinski, Tom 1938Kempson, Rachel 1910Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kemp-Welch, Joan Kendal, Doris Kendal, Felicity 1946Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; Kendal, Madge (Margaret) 1848-1935 Kendal, William Hunter 1843-1917 Kendall, Henry 1897-1962 Kendall, John 1869-? Kendall, William 1903Kendrick, Alfred 1869-? Kennedy, Adrienne 1931Kennedy, Arthur 1914-1990 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; Kennedy, Bill 1908-1997 Kennedy, Burt 1922Kennedy, Charles Rann 1871-1950 Kennedy, Cheryl 1947Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kennedy, Edmund 1873-? Kennedy, George 1926Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Kennedy, Harold J. 1914-1988 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kennedy, J. Arthur See Kennedy, Arthur Kennedy, Jamie 1970Kennedy, John See Kennedy, Arthur Kennedy, Joyce 1898-1943 Kennedy, Kathleen 1954Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, Kennedy, Laurie


CTFT-10 CTFT-21 CTFT-10 WWasWT CTFT-24 12 CTFT-1

Kennedy, Madge 1892-1987 WWasWT Kennedy, Margaret 1896-1967 WWasWT Kennedy, Mary 1908WWasWT Kennedy, Mimi 1948(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Kennedy, Patrica 1917WWT-17 Kenney, James 1930WWT-16 Kenny, Jack 1958CTFT-7 Kenny, Sean 1932-1973 WWasWT Kensit, Patsy 1968CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Kent, Barry 1932WWT-17 Kent, Jean 1921WWT-17 Kent, John B. 1939CTFT-5 Kent, Keneth 1892-1963 WWasWT Kent, William 1886-1945 WWasWT Kentish, Agatha 1897WWasWT Kenton, Godfrey 1902WWT-17 Kenton, Maxwell See Southern, Terry CTFT-15 Kenworthy, Duncan CTFT-26 Kenwright, Bill 1945CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kenyon, Charles 1878-1961 WWasWT Kenyon, Doris 1897WWasWT Kenyon, Neil ?-1946 WWasWT Kenzle, Leila 1961CTFT-18 Keown, Eric 1904-1963 WWasWT Kepros, Nicholas 1932CTFT-1 Kerbosch, Roeland 1940CTFT-3 Kercheval, Ken 1935CTFT-1 Kerin, Nora 1883-? WWasWT Kerker, Gustave Adolph 1857-1923 WWasWT Kerman, Sheppard 1928CTFT-4 Kern, Jerome David 1885-1945 WWasWT Kern, Richard See Karn, Richard CTFT-27 Kernan, David 1939WWT-17 Kernochan, Sarah M. 1947CTFT-12 Kerns, Joanna 1953CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Kerr, Bill WWT-1 7 Kerr, Deborah 1921CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kerr, E. Katherine 1942CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Kerr, Ed See Kerr, Edward CTFT-28 Kerr, Edward 1966CTFT-28 Kerr, Elaine See Kerr, E. Katherine CTFT-6 Kerr, Frederick 1858-1933 WWasWT Kerr, Geoffrey 1895WWasWT Kerr, Jean 1923CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kerr, Molly 1904WWasWT Kerr, Walter 1913-1996 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kerridge, Mary 1914WWT-17 Kerrigan, J. M. 1885-1964 WWasWT Kerry, Anne 1958CTFT-1 Kershaw, Willette 1890-1960 WWasWT

Kimmins • 481 Kershner, Irvin 1923CTFT-10 Kert, Larry 1930(?)-1991 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kerwin, Brian 1949CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Kesdekian, Mesrop 1920CTFT-2 Kesselring, Joseph O. 1902-1967 WWasWT Kestelman, Sara 1944CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kester, Paul 1870-1933 WWasWT Ketron, Larry 1947CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Keyloun, Mark Anthony 1960CTFT-1 Keymah, T'Keyah Crystal 1962CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Keys, Nelson 1886-1939 WWasWT Keysar, Franklin 1939-1999 CTFT-20 Obituary in CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Khali, Simbi CTFT-18 Khan, Michelle See Yeoh, Michelle CTFT-22 Kheel, Lee 1918CTFT-4 Khondji, Darius CTFT-24 Khouri, Callie 1958(?)CTFT-11 Kiarostami, Abbas 1940CTFT-20 Kidd, Michael 1919CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kidd, Robert 1943-1980 WWT-17 . Kidder, Kathryn 1867-1939 WWasWT Kidder, Margot 1948CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Kidman, Nicole 1967CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Kiel, Richard 1939CTFT-9 Kiepura, Jan 1902-1966 WWasWT Kier, Udo 1944CTFT-23 Kieser, Ellwood E. 1929CTFT-10 Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1941-1996 CTFT-11 Obituary in CTFT-16 Kihlstedt, Rya CTFT-21 Kilbride, Percy 1888-1964 CTFT-28 Kilcher, Jewel See Jewel CTFT-28 Kiley, Richard 1922CTFT-6 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Killeen, Sheelagh 1940WWT-17 Killick, C. Egerton 1891-1967 WWasWT Kilmer, Val 1959CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Kilner, Kevin 1958CTFT-21 Kilpatrick, Patrick CTFT-27 Kilroy, Thomas 1934CTFT-12 KilroySilk, Robert 1942CTFT-13 Kilty, Jerome 1922CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Kim, Willa CTFT-9 Kimball, Grace 1870-? WWasWT Kimball, Jeffrey L. 1943CTFT-13 Kimball, Louis 1889-1936 WWasWT Kimbrough, Charles 1936CTFT-13 Kimmins, Anthony 1901-1964 WWasWT Kimmins, Kenneth 1941CTFT-5

482 •


Kinberg, Judy 1948CTFT-7 Kind, Richard 1956(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Kindley, Jeffrey 1945CTFT-1 King, Ada ?-1940 WWasWT King, Alan 1927CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 King, Cecil ?-1958 WWasWT King, Charles 1889-1944 WWasWT King, Claude 1876-1941 WWasWT King, Dennis 1897-1971 WWasWT King, Edith 1896WWasWT King, John Michael 1926WWT-17 King, Kenneth See King, Perry CTFT-27 King, Larry 1933CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 King, Larry L. 1929CTFT-10 King, Mabel CTFT-9 King, Perry 1948CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 9, 16 King, Philip 1904-1979 WWT-16 King, Regina 1971CTFT-22 King, Stephen 1947CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 17 King, Steve See King, Stephen CTFT-28 King, Steven See King, Stephen CTFT-28 King, Walter Woolf 1899WWasWT King, Woodie Jr. 1937CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 King, Zalman 1941CTFT-11 King-Hall, Stephen 1893-1966 WWasWT Kingsley, Ben 1943CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 11; WWT-17 Kingsley, Sidney 1906WWT-17 Kingston, Gertrude 1866-1937 WWasWT Kingston, Mark 1934WWT-17 Kinison, Sam 1953-1992 CTFT-14 Kinnear, Greg 1963CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Kinnear, Roy 1934-1988 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kinney, Kathy 1954CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Kinney, Terry 1954CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 15 Kinsey, Lance CTFT-11 Kinski, Klaus 1926(?)-1991 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-10 Kinski, Nastassja 1961CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Kinzer, Craig 1953CTFT-3 Kipness, Joseph WWT-17 Kippax, H. G. 1920WWT-17 Kipphardt, Heinar 1922WWT-17 Kirby, B. Jr. See Kirby, Bruno CTFT-13 Kirby, Bruce Jr. See Kirby, Bruno CTFT-13 Kirby, Bruno 1949CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Kirby, John 1894WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Kirchenbauer, Bill 1953CTFT-8 Kirk, Lisa WWT-17 Kirkland, Alexander WWasWT Kirkland, Jack 1902-1969 WWasWT Kirkland, James R. Ill 1947CTFT-1 Kirkland, Muriel 1903-1971 WWasWT Kirkland, Patricia 1925WWasWT Kirkland, Sally 1944CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7; WWT-1 7 Kirkpatrick, David CTFT-26 Kirkwood, James 1930-1989 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kirkwood, Pat 1921WWT-17 Kirshner, Mia 1976CTFT-22 Kirtland, Lousie 1910WWT-17 Kirwan, Patrick ?-1929 WWasWT Kistemaeckers, Henry 1872-1938 WWasWT Kistler, Darci 1964CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Kitano, Takeshi 1948CTFT-28 Kitchen, Michael 1948CTFT-8 Kitchin, Laurence 1913WWT-17 Kitt, Eartha 1927CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Klapisch, Cedric 1962(?)CTFT-26 Klar, Gary 1947CTFT-1 Klaris, Harvey J. 1939CTFT-1 Klauber, Adolph 1879-1933 WWasWT Klausen, Ray 1939CTFT-10 Klaw, Marc 1858-1936 WWasWT Klein, Charles 1867-1915 WwasWT Klein, David CTFT-26 Klein, Robert 1942CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-1 7 Kleiner, Harry 1916CTFT-4 Kleiser, Randal 1946CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Klemperer, Werner 1920CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Kleyla, Brandon CTFT-23 Kliban, Ken 1943CTFT-1 Kliewer, Warren 1931CTFT-1 Kline, Kevin 1947CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3, 10, 17; WWT-17 Klotz, Florence 1920CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-1 7 Klugman, Jack 1922(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3; WWT-17 Klunis, Tom 1930Kmeck, George 1949Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Knapp, Eleanore Kneale, Nigel 1922Kneale, Patricia 1925Kneece, Dan 1956Knight, Arthur 1916-1991 Knight, Chris See Knight, Christopher Knight, Christopher 1957Knight, David 1927Knight, Esmond 1906-1987 Knight, Joan 1924Knight, Julius 1863-1941


Knight, June 1911-1987 WWasWT Knight, Michael E. 1959CTFT-21 Knight, Shirley 1936(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Knight, Ted 1923-1986 CTFT-1 Knight, Wayne 1955CTFT-20 Knighton, Nan CTFT-20 Knobeloch, Jim 1950CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Knoblock, Edward 1874-1945 WWasWT Knopfler, Mark 1949CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Knott, Frederick 1916CTFT-1 Knott, Roselle 1870-1948 WWasWT Knotts, Don 1924CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Knowles, Alex 1850-1917 WWasWT Knox, Alexander 1907WWT-17 Knox, Terence 1951CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Kobart, Ruth 1924WWT-17 Koch, Douglas CTFT-26 Koch, Howard W. 1916CTFT-1 Koch, Howard W(inchel), Jr. 1945CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Koenekamp, Fred See Koenekamp, Fred J CTFT-26 Koenekamp, Fred J. 1922CTFT-26 Koenig, Walter 1936CTFT-5 Koepp, David 1963CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Kohan, (Alan) Buz 1933CTFT-11 Kohler, Estelle WWT-17 Kolb, Therese 1856-1935 WWasWT Kolber, Lynne See Halliday, Lynne CTFT-6 Kolker, Henry 1874-1947 WWasWT Kollmar, Richard 1910-1971 WWasWT Koltai, Ralph 1924CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Komack, James 1930-1997 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-19 Komarov, Shelley 1949CTFT-4 Komisarjevsky, Theodore 1882-1954 WWasWT Konchalovsky, Andrei 1937CTFT-8 Kondazian, Karen CTFT-4 Konigsberg, Frank 1933CTFT-2 Konrad, Cathy CTFT-28 Konstam, Anna 1914WWasWT Konstam, Phyllis 1907WWasWT Konwicki, Tadeusz 1926CTFT-13 Kopache, Thomas 1945CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Kopelson, Arnold 1935CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Kopit, Arthur 1937CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Koplovitz, Kay 1945CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Koppel, Ted 1940CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Koppell, Bernie 1933CTFT-6 Kopple, Barbara 1946CTFT-27

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Kops, Bernard 1926WWT-17 Kopyc, Frank 1948CTFT-1 Korine, Harmony 1974CTFT-27 Korman, Harvey 1927CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Kornfeld, Robert 1919CTFT-4 Kornman, Cam 1949CTFT-5 Korologos, Paula See Cale, Paula CTFT-28 Korsmo, Charlie 1978CTFT-24 Korty, John Van Cleave 1936CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Korvin, Charles 1907-1998 CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Korvin, Geza See Korvin, Charles CTFT-24 Kosinski, Jerzy 1933CTFT-1 Kossoff, David 1919WWT-17 Kosta, Tessa 1893WWasWT Kotcheff, Ted 1931CTFT-10 Kotcheff, William T. See Kotcheff, Ted CTFT-10 Koteas, Elias 1961CTFT-20 Kotlowitz, Dan 1957CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Kotto, Yaphet 1944CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Koun, Karolos 1908-1987 WWasWT Kovacs, Ernie 1919-1962 CTFT-20 Kovacs, Laszlo 1933CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 13 Kovacs, Leslie See Kovacs, Laszlo CTFT-26 Kove, Kenneth 1893-...." WWasWT Kove, Martin 1946CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Kovens, Ed 1934CTFT-2 Kowalski, Bernard See Kowalski, Bernard L CTFT-26 Kowalski, Bernard L. 1929CTFT-26 Kowalski, Barnard Louis See Kowalski, Bernard L CTFT-26 Kowalski, Bernie See Kowalski, Bernard L CTFT-26 Kozak, Harley See Kozak, Harley Jane CTFT-22 Kozak, Harley Jane 1957CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Kozlowski, Linda 1958CTFT-14 Krabbe, Jeroen 1944CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11 Krakowski, Jane 1968CTFT-28 Kramer, Bert CTFT-4 Kramer, Eric Allan CTFT-26 Kramer, Larry 1935CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Kramer, Marsha CTFT-4 Kramer, Stanley E. 1913CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Kramm, Joseph 1907WWT-16 Krane, Jonathan See Krane, Jonathan D CTFT-24 Krane, Jonathan D. 1952CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Krantz, Judith 1928CTFT-14

Krantz, Steve 1923CTFT-11 Kraselchik, R. See Dyer, Charles CTFT-6 Krasna, Norman 1909-1984 WWT-17 Krasner, Milton 1904-1988 CTFT-7 Krasny, Paul 1935CTFT-11 Krause, Peter CTFT-28 Krauss, Marvin A. 1928CTFT-1 Krauss, Werner 1884-1959 WWasWT Kremer, Theodore 1873-? WWasWT Kretzmer, Herbert 1925WWT-17 Krieger, Henry 1945CTFT-23 Krige, Alice 1954CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Kristel, Sylvia 1952CTFT-8 Kristofferson, Kris 1936CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 14 Kroeger, Gary 1957CTFT-5 Kroft, Steve 1945CTFT-27 Kronenberger, Louis 1904-1980 WWT-16 Kroopf, Scott CTFT-27 Kruger, Alma 1871-1960 WWasWT Kruger, Otto 1885-1974 WWasWT Krumholtz, David 1978CTFT-22 Krupa, Olek CTFT-21 Krupska, Danya 1923WWT-17 Kruschen, Jack 1922CTFT-6 Krutch, Joseph Wood 1893-1970 WWasWT Kubik, Alex CTFT-4 Kubrick, Stanley 1928CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7 Kudoh, Youki 1971CTFT-28 Kudrow, Lisa 1963CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Kulik, Buzz 1923-1999 CTFT-12 Obituary in CTFT-24 Kulp, Nancy 1921-1991 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-10 Kulukundis, Eddie 1932WWT-17 Kumchachi, Madame 1843-? WWasWT Kummer, Clare 1888-1958 WWasWT Kummer, Frederic Arnold 1873-1943 WWasWT Kun, Magda 1912-1945 WWasWT Kunneke, Eduard 1885-1953 WWasWT Kuralt, Charles 1934-1997 CTFT-15 Obituary in CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Kureishi, Hanif 1954(?)CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Kurnitz, Julie 1942CTFT-4 Kuroda, Emily 1952CTFT-20 Kuroda, Emily K. See Kuroda, Emily CTFT-20 Kurosawa, Akira 1910-1998 CTFT-13 Obituary in CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Kurth, Juliette 1960CTFT-4 Kurtis, Bill 1940CTFT-26 Kurton, Peggy WWasWT Kurty, Hella ?-1954 WWasWT Kurtz, Gary 1940CTFT-6

Laird • 483 Kurtz, Swoosie 1944CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 15 Kiirup, Shishir 1961CTFT-20 Kurys, Diane 1949CTFT-8 Kusatsu, Clyde 1948CTFT-14 Kushner, Tony 1956(?)CTFT-13 Kustow, Michael 1939CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Kusturica, Emir 1955CTFT-15 Kwan, Nancy 1939CTFT-7 Kyasht, Lydia 1886-? WWasWT Kyle, Barry 1947CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17

L LaBelle, Patti 1944CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Lablache, Luigi ?-1914 WWasWT Laborteaux, Patrick See Labyorteaux, Patrick CTFT-1 7 LaBute, Neil 1963CTFT-23 Labyorteaux, Patrick 1965(?)CTFT-1 7 Lacey, Catherine 1904-1979 WWT-16 Lacey, William J. 1931CTFT-2 Lachman, Edward 1946CTFT-13 Lachman, Morton 1918CTFT-1 Lack, Simon 1917WWT-17 Lackaye, Wilton 1862-1932 WWasWT Lacy, Frank 1867-1937 WWasWT Lacy, George 1904WWasWT Lacy-Thompson, Charles Robert 1922WWT-17 Ladd, Alan, Jr. 1937CTFT-12 Ladd, Cheryl 1951CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6 Ladd, David Alan 1947CTFT-2 Ladd, Diane 1939CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7 Laffan, Patricia 1919WWasWT Laffran, Kevin Barry 1922WWT-17 LaFosse, Robert 1959CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 La Frenais, Ian 1937CTFT-12 Lagerfelt, Caroline CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Lahr, Bert 1895-1967 WWasWT Lahr, John 1941WWT-17 Lahti, Christine 1950CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 11 Lai, Francis 1932CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Laidler, Francis 1870-1955 WWasWT Laine, Cleo 1927CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Laine, Jimmy See Ferrara, Abel CTFT-13 Laing, Peggie 1899WWasWT Laird, Jack 1923-1991 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-10 Laird, Jenny 1917WWT-17

484 •


Lake, Harriette See Sothern, Ann CTFT-8 Lake, Lew ?-1939 WWasWT Lake, Ricki 1968CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 17 Lally, Gwen ?-1963 WWasWT LaLoggia, Frank CTFT-4 Lalor, Frank 1869-1932 WWasWT Lam, Ling-Tung See Lam, Ringo CTFT-27 Lam, Ringo 1954CTFT-27 Lamas, Lorenzo 1958CTFT-5 Lamb, Beatrice 1866-? WWasWT Lambelet, Napoleon 1864-1932 WWasWT Lambert, Christopher 1957CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Lambert, Constant 1905-1951 WWasWT Lambert, J. W. 1917WWT-1 7 Lambert, Jack 1899-1976 WWT-16 Lambert, Lawson 1870-1944 WWasWT Lambert, Robert 1960CTFT-11 La Milo WWasWT Lament, Peter 1929CTFT-28 Lamos, Mark 1946CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Lamour, Dorothy 1914-1996 CTFT-11 Obituary in CTFT-16 L'Amour, Louis 1908-1988 CTFT-28 Lampert, Zohra 1937CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Lampkin, Charles 1913-1989 CTFT-8 Lan, David 1952CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Lancaster, Burt 1913-1994 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Lancaster, Nora 1882-? WWasWT Lanchester, Elsa 1902-1986 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Lanchester, Robert 1941CTFT-2 Land, David 1920WWT-17 Landau, David 1878-1935 WWasWT Landau, Jon .' CTFT-21 Landau, Martin 1934CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 14 Landau, Vivien CTFT-3 Landeau, Cecil 1906WWasWT Landeck, Ben 1864-1928 WWasWT Landen, Dinsdale 1932CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Landers, Audrey CTFT-4 Landers, Hal 1928-1991 CTFT-11 Landers, Harry 1921CTFT-9 Landers, Judy CTFT-4 Landes, William-Alan 1945CTFT-2 Landesberg, Steve 1945CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Landesman, Heidi CTFT-9 Landi, Elisa 1904-1948 WWasWT Landis, Jessie Royce 1904-1972 WWasWT Landis, John 1950CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 14

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Landis, William 1921CTFT-3 Lando, Joe 1962(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 7 Landon, Avice 1908-1976 WWT-16 Landon, Michael 1936-1991 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-10 Landsburg, Alan 1933CTFT-10 Landsburg, Valerie 1958CTFT-4 Landstone, Charles 1891WWasWT Lane, Burton 1912WWT-1 7 Lane, Charles 1905CTFT-9 Lane, Diane 1965(?)CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Lane, Dorothy 1890WWasWT Lane, Genette 1940CTFT-4 Lane, Grace 1876-1956 WWasWT Lane, Horace 1880-? WWasWT Lane Lupino 1892-1959 WWasWT Lane, Nathan 1956CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Lane, Stewart F. 1951CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Laneuville, Eric 1952CTFT-6 Lang, Andre 1893-1986 CTFT-4 Lang, Belinda 1953CTFT-8 Lang, Charles 1902-1998 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-21 Lang, Charles B. See Lang, Charles CTFT-9 Lang, Charles B., Jr. See Lang, Charles CTFT-9 Lang, Charles, Jr. See Lang, Charles CTFT-9 Lang, Charley 1955CTFT-1 Lang, Fritz 1890-1976 CTFT-28 Lang, Harold WWT-1 7 Lang, Howard 1876-1941 WWasWT Lang, Matheson 1879-1948 WWasWT Lang, Pearl 1922CTFT-1 Lang, Philip J. 1911-1986 CTFT-1 Lang, Robert 1934CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Lang, Stephen 1952CTFT-5 Langdon, Sue Ann 1936CTFT-6 Lange, Artie CTFT-28 Lange, Hope 1933CTFT-5 Lange, Jessica 1949CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6, 13 Lange, John See Crichton, Michael CTFT-22 Lange, Ted 1947CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Langella, Frank 1940(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 9, 17; WWT-17 Langer, A. J. 1974CTFT-20 Langham, Michael 1919CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Langham, Wallace 1965CTFT-20 Langley, Noel 1911WWasWT Langner, Lawrence 1890-1962 WWasWT Langner, Philip 1926WWT-17 Langton, Basil 1912CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWasWT

Langtry, Lillie 1852-1929 WWasWT Langtry, Lillie 1877-? WWasWT Lansbury, Angela 1925CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 14; WWT-17 Lansbury, Bruce 1930CTFT-13 Lansbury, Edgar 1930WWT-17 Lansing, Robert 1928-1994 CTFT-10 Obituary in CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Lansing, Sherry 1944CTFT-1 Lantos, Robert 1949CTFT-26 Lantz, Robert 1914CTFT-1 Lantz, Walter 1900-1994 CTFT-12 Lanyer, Charles 1942CTFT-12 Lanzmann, Claude 1925CTFT-13 Lanzoni, Fabio See Fabio CTFT-20 LaPaglia, Anthony 1959CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Laparcerie, Cora WWasWT Lapine, James 1949CTFT-7 Lapis, Peter CTFT-4 La Plante, Laura 1904WWasWT Lapotaire, Jane 1944CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Lara, Madame 1876-? WWasWT Lardner, Ring Jr. 1915CTFT-5 Larimore, Earle 1899-1974 WWasWT Larkin, Peter 1926WWT-17 Larra, Mariano WWasWT Larrimore, Francine 1898-1975 WWasWT Larroquette, John 1947CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 14 Larson, Glen A. 1937(?)CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Larson, Jack 1933CTFT-9 Larson, Jonathan 1960-1996 CTFT-21 Larter, AM 1976CTFT-28 La Rue, Danny CTFT-2 LaRue, Eva See Callahan, Eva LaRue CTFT-21 La Rue, Grace 1882-1956 WWasWT LaRusso, Louis II 1935WWT-1 7 La Salle, Eric See La Salle, Eriq CTFT-26 LaSalle, Eriq See La Salle, Eriq CTFT-26 La Salle, Eriq 1962CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Lashwood, George ?-1942 WWasWT Lasker, Lawrence 1949CTFT-11 Laskus, Jacek 1951CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Lassally, Walter 1926CTFT-10 Lasser, Louise 1941(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Lasseter, John 1957CTFT-25 Lassick, Sydney 1922CTFT-1 Laszlo, Andrew 1926CTFT-1 Laszlo, Ernest 1905(?)-1984 CTFT-26 Latham, Frederick G. ?-1943 WWasWT Lathan, Bobbi Jo 1951CTFT-8 Lathan, Stanley 1945CTFT-6 Lathbury, Stanley 1873-? WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Lathom, Earl of See Wilbraham, Edward WWasWT Lathrop, Philip 1916CTFT-12 Latimer, Edyth WWasWT Latimer, Hugh 1913WWT-17 Latimer, Sally 1910WWasWT Latona, Jen 1881-? WWasWT La Trobe, Charles 1879-1967 WWasWT Lauchlan, Agnes 1905WWT-17 Lauder, Harry 1870-1950 WWasWT Lauer, Andy CTFT-18 Laughlin, Sharon 1949CTFT-1 Laughlin, Tom 1938CTFT-5 Laughton, Charles 1899-1962 WWasWT Laurance, Matthew CTFT-8 Laurel, Stan 1890-1965 CTFT-17 Laurence, Paula WWT-17 Laurents, Arthur 1918CTFT-9 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Lauria, Dan 1947CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Laurie, Hugh 1959CTFT-23 Laurie, John 1897-1980 WWT-17 Laurie, Piper 1932CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10 Laurier, Jay 1879-1969 WWasWT Laurillard, Edward 1870-1936 WWasWT Lauro, Shirley 1933CTFT-1 Lausten, Dan CTFT-28 Lauter, Ed 1940CTFT-5 Lauterman, Peter CTFT-17 Lavalliere, Eve 1866-1929 WWasWT Lavedan, Henri 1859-1940 WWasWT Laver, James 1899-1975 WWasWT Laverick, Beryl 1919WWasWT La Verne, Lucille 1872-1945 WWasWT Lavery, Bryony 1947CTFT-12 Lavin, Linda 1937CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Law, Arthur 1844-1913 WWasWT Law, John Philip 1937CTFT-7 Law, Jude 1972CTFT-23 Law, Mary 1891WWasWT Law, Moulon 1922CTFT-2 Law, Phyllida 1932CTFT-21 Lawford, Betty 1910-1960 WWasWT Lawford, Christopher 1955CTFT-28 Lawford, Ernest ?-1940 WWasWT Lawford, Peter 1923-1984 CTFT-2 Lawless, Lucy 1968CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Lawlor, Mary WWasWT Lawrence, Boyle 1869-1951 WWasWT Lawrence, Carol 1935CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Lawrence, Charles 1896WWasWT Lawrence, D. H. 1885-1930 WWasWT Lawrence, Darrie CTFT-4 Lawrence, Eddie 1921CTFT-1 Lawrence, Gerald 1873-1957 WWasWT Lawrence, Gertrude 1898-1952 WWasWT Lawrence, Jerome 1915CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Lawrence, Joey 1976CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13

Lawrence, Lawrence Shubert Jr. 1916CTFT-4 Lawrence, Marc 1910CTFT-9 Lawrence, Margaret 1889-1929 WWasWT Lawrence, Martin 1965CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Lawrence, Matthew 1980CTFT-20 Lawrence, Sharon 1961(?)CTFT-18 Lawrence, Steve 1935CTFT-11 Lawrence, Vicki 1949CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Lawrence, Vincent 1896WWasWT Lawrence, Vincent S. 1890-1946 WWasWT Lawrence, William John 1862-1940 WWasWT Lawson, Denis 1947CTFT-9 Lawson, John 1865-1920 WWasWT Lawson, John Howard 1895-1977 WWasWT Lawson, Leigh 1943CTFT-9 Lawson, Mary 1910-1941 WWasWT Lawson, Richard CTFT-9 Lawson, Wilfrid 1900-1966 WWasWT Lawson, Winifred 1894-1961 WWasWT Lawton, Frank 1904-1969 WWasWT Lawton, Leslie 1942WWT-17 Lawton, Thais 1881-1956 WWasWT Laye, Dilys 1934CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Laye, Evelyn 1900'. WWT-17 Layton, Joe 1931-1994 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Lazar, Paul CTFT-28 Lazaridis, Stefanos 1944CTFT-4 Lazarus, Paul 1954CTFT-4 Lazenby, George 1939CTFT-2 Lazzarini, Rick CTFT-28 Lazzaro, Sofia See Loren, Sophia CTFT-20 Lea, Nicholas 1963CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Leabo, Loi 1935CTFT-3 Leach, Robin 1941CTFT-5 Leach, Rosemary 1935CTFT-8 Leach, Wilford 1929-1988 CTFT-6 Leachman, Cloris 1930CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4 Leacock, Philip 1917-1990 CTFT-10 Leadlay, Edward O. ?-1951 WWasWT Leahy, Eugene 1883-1967 WWasWT Leamore, Tom 1865-1939 WWasWT Lean, Cecil 1878-1935 WWasWT Lean, David 1908-1991 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-10 Lear, Norman 1922CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8 Learned, Michael 1939CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Leary, David 1939CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Leary, Denis 1957CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Leaver, Philip 1904WWasWT

Lee • 485 Le Bargy, Charles Gustave Auguste 1858-1936 WWasWT Le Baron, William 1883-1958 WWasWT Leblanc, Georgette 1876-1941 WWasWT LeBlanc, Matt CTFT-18 LeBlanc, Tina 1967(?)CTFT-12 Lebowsky, Stanley 1926-1986 CTFT-4 Le Breton, Flora 1898WWasWT Le Brock, Kelly 1960CTFT-15 Leconte, Marie WWasWT Lecoq, Jacques 1921-1999 CTFT-24 Leder, Mimi 1952CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Lederer, Francis 1899CTFT-1 Lederer, George W. 1861-1938 WWasWT Ledger, Heath 1979CTFT-28 Ledoyen, Virginie 1976CTFT-24 Lee, Ang 1954CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Lee, Anna 1913CTFT-1 Lee, Auriol 1880-1941 WWasWT Lee, Bernard 1908-1981 WWT-17 Lee, Bert 1880-1946 WWasWT Lee, Bill 1928CTFT-11 Lee, Brandon 1965-1993 CTFT-13 Lee, Bruce 1940-1973 CTFT-15 Lee, Canada 1907-1952 WWasWT Lee, Christopher 1922CTFT-6 Lee, Eugene 1939CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Lee, Fran 1910CTFT-5 Lee, Franne 1941CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Lee, Gypsy Rose 1913-1970 WWasWT Lee, Irving Allen 1948CTFT-3 Lee, Jack 1929CTFT-1 Lee, Jason 1971(?)CTFT-20 Lee, Jason Scott 1966CTFT-20 Lee, Jennie ?-1930 WWasWT Lee, Joie 1968CTFT-13 Lee, Joie Susannah See Lee, Joie CTFT-13 Lee, Joy See Lee, Joie CTFT-13 Lee, Lance 1942CTFT-1 Lee, Leslie, 1935CTFT-10 Lee, Michele 1942CTFT-1 Lee, Miko 1965CTFT-21 Lee, Ming Cho 1930CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Lee, Pamela See Lee, Pamela Anderson CTFT-20 Lee, Pamela Anderson 1967CTFT-20 Lee, Robert E. 1918CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Lee, Robert Terry 1957CTFT-21 Lee, Sheryl 1967(?)CTFT-19 Lee, Spike 1956(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Lee, Vanessa 1920WWT-17 Lee, William See Burroughs, William S CTFT-17 Lee, Willy See Burroughs, William S CTFT-17

486 • Leech Leech, Richard 1922CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Leeds, Phil CTFT-9 Leeves, Jane 1962CTFT-18 Lefeaux, Charles 1909WWasWT Le Feuvre, Guy 1883-1950 WWasWT LeFevre, Adam 1950CTFT-1 Lefevre, Maurice WWasWT LeFrak, Francine 1950CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Le Fre, Albert 1870-? WWasWT Leftwich, Alexander 1884-1947 WWasWT Le Gallienne, Eva 1899-1991 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Legarde, Millie WWasWT LeGault, Lance CTFT-7 Leggatt, Alison (Joy) 1904-1990 WWT-1 7 Leggs, Johnny See Leguizamo, John CTFT-22 Legrand, Michel 1932 CTFT-9 Le Grand, Phyllis WWasWT Leguizamo, John 1965CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Lehar, Franz 1870-1948 WWasWT Le Hay, Daisy 1883-? WWasWT Le Hay, John 1854-1926 WWasWT Lehman, Ernest 1915(?)CTFT-22 Lehmann, Beatrix 1903-1979 WWT-1 7 Lehmann, Carla 1917WWasWT Lehrer, James See Lehrer, Jim CTFT-15 Lehrer, Jim 1934CTFT-15 Leiber, Fritz 1883-1949 WWasWT Leibman, Ron 1937CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7; WWT-1 7 Leicester, Ernest 1866-1939 WWasWT Leick, Hudson 1969CTFT-24' Leider, Jerry 1931CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Leifer, Carol 1956CTFT-21 Leigh, Andrew George 1887-1957 WWasWT Leigh, Charlotte 1907WWasWT Leigh, Dorma 1893WWasWT Leigh, Gracie ?-1950 WWasWT Leigh, Janet 1927CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Leigh, Jenna See Green, Jenna Leigh CTFT-1 7 Leigh, Jenna J. See Green, Jenna Leigh CTFT-17 Leigh, Jennifer Jason 1962CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Leigh, Mary 1904-1943 WWasWT Leigh, Mike 1943CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 14; WWT-17 Leigh, Mitch 1928CTFT-1 Leigh, Rowland 1902-1963 WWasWT Leigh, Vivien 1913-1967 WWasWT Leigh, Walter 1905WWasWT Leigheb, Claudio 1848-? WWasWT Leigh-Hunt, Barbara 1935CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10; WWT-17 Leighton, Frank 1908-1962 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Leighton, Margaret 1922-1976 WWT-16 Leighton, Queenie 1872-1943 WWasWT Leister, Frederick 1885-1970 WWasWT Leisure, David 1950(?)CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-7 Leitch, lone Skye See Skye, lone CTFT-18 Leland, David 1947CTFT-17 Lelouch, Claude 1937CTFT-8 Lely, Madeline WWasWT Lemaitre, Jules 1853-1914 WWasWT Le Massena, William 1916WWT-1 7 Le Mat, Paul CTFT-7 Lemay, Harding 1922CTFT-1 Lembeck, Michael 1948CTFT-23 Lemmon, Chris 1954CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Lemmon, Jack 1925CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 1, 14 Lemmons, Kasi 1961CTFT-21 Le Moyne, Sarah Cowell 1859-1915 WWasWT Lemper, Ute 1963CTFT-24 Lena, Lily 1879-? WWasWT Lenard, Mark 1927-1996 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-16 Lender, Marcelle WwasWT Leng, Cheng See Chan, Jackie CTFT-26 Lenihan, Winifred 1898-1964 WWasWT Lennard, Arthur 1867-1954 WWasWT Lennix, Harry See Lennix, Harry J CTFT-24 Lennix, Harry J. 1965(?)CTFT-24 Lennon, John 1940-1980 CTFT-21 Lennon, Thomas F CTFT-21 Lennox, Vera 1904WWasWT Leno, Jay 1950CTFT-6 LeNoire, Rosetta 1911CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Lenormand, Henri-Rene 1882-1951 WWasWT Lenthall, Franklyn 1919CTFT-1 Lenya, Lotte 1900-1981 WWT-1 7 Lenz, Kay 1953CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Leo, Frank 1874-? WWasWT Leo, Melissa 1960CTFT-23 Leo, Melissa Chessington See Leo, Melissa CTFT-23 Leon, Anne 1925WWasWT Leonard, Billy 1892WWasWT Leonard, Elmore 1925CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Leonard, Hugh 1926CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Leonard, Lu 1932CTFT-1 Leonard, Patricia 1916WWasWT Leonard, Robert ?-1948 WWasWT Leonard, Robert Sean 1969CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 13 Leonard, Sheldon 1907-1997 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-17 Leonard-Boyne, Eva 1885-1960 WWasWT Leone, Sergio 1929-1989 CTFT-5

Leoni, Tea 1966CTFT-19 Leontovich, Eugenie 1900WWT-17 Lepage, Robert 1957CTFT-13 Lerner, Alan Jay 1918-1986 CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Lerner, Michael 1943(?)CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Le Roux, Hugues 1860-? WWasWT Leroy, Mervyn 1900-1987 CTFT-24 Le Roy, Servais WWasWT Le Sage, Stanley 1880-1932 WWasWT Leslie, Don 1948CTFT-1 Leslie, Enid 1888-? WWasWT Leslie, Fred 1881-1945 WWasWT Leslie, Joan 1925CTFT-5 Leslie, Lew 1886-1963 WWasWT Leslie, Marguerite 1884-1958 WWasWT Leslie, Sylvia 1900WWasWT Leslie-Stuart, May WWasWT Lesser, Len 1922-1998 CTFT-21 Lessing, Madge WWasWT Lester, Adrian 1969(?)CTFT-21 Lester, Alfred 1874-1925 WWasWT Lester, Mark 1876-? WWasWT Lester, Mark L. 1946CTFT-1 Lester, Richard 1932CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Lester, Terry CTFT-4 Lestocq, William ?-1920 WWasWT L'Estrange, Julian 1878-1918 WWasWT Lethbridge, J. W WWasWT Leto, Jared 1971CTFT-23 LeTrek, Peter See Paxton, Bill CTFT-28 Letscher, Matt See Letscher, Matthew CTFT-25 Letscher, Matthew 1970CTFT-25 Letterman, David 1947CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Letts, Pauline 1917WWT-17 Leveaux, David 1958CTFT-26 Leveaux, Montagu V. 1875-? WWasWT Leven>Boris 1908-1986 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Levene, Sam 1905-1980 WWT-17 Leventon, Annabel 1942CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Leverick, Beryl WWT-9 Levey, Adele WWasWT Levey, Carlotta WWasWT Levey, Ethel 1881-1955 WWasWT Le Vien, Jack 1918CTFT-1 Levin, Gerald M. 1939CTFT-11 Levin, Herman 1907WWT-17 Levin, Ira 1929CTFT-9 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Levin, Peter CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 LeVine, David 1933CTFT-5 Levine, liana 1963CTFT-26 Levine, James 1943CTFT-13 Levine, Joseph E. 1905-1987 CTFT-5 Levine, Michael 1952CTFT-4 Levine, Ted CTFT-20 Levinsohn, Gary 1960(?)CTFT-26

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Levinson, Barry 1942CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Levinson, Richard 1934-1987 CTFT-5 Levison, Charles See Lane, Charles CTFT-9 Levit, Ben 1949CTFT-4 Leviton, Stewart 1939WWT-17 Levitt, Ruby R. 1907-1992 CTFT-11 Levy, Benn W. 1900-1973 WWasWT Levy, David 1913CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Levy, Eugene 1946CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Levy, Jacques 1935WWT-17 Levy, Jonathan 1935CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Levy, Jose G. 1884-1936 WWasWT Lewenstein, Oscar 1917WWT-17 Lewes, Miriam WWasWT Lewey, Todd 1958CTFT-2 Lewine, Richard 1910CTFT-1 Lewis, Ada 1875-1925 WwasWT Lewis, Al 1910CTFT-26 Lewis, Al 1923CTFT-8 Lewis, Arthur 1846-1930 WWasWT Lewis, Arthur 1916WWT-17 Lewis, Bertha 1887-1931 WWasWT Lewis, Clea CTFT-25 Lewis, Curigwen WWasWT Lewis, Daniel E. 1944CTFT-3 Lewis, Edmund 1959CTFT-8 Lewis, Emmanuel 1971CTFT-7 Lewis, Eric 1855-1935 WWasWT Lewis, Fred 1850-1927 WWasWT Lewis, Frederick G. 1873-1946 WWasWT Lewis, Geoffrey 1935CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Lewis, Jenny 1976CTFT-4 Lewis, Jerry 1926CTFT-5 Lewis, Joseph H. 1900(?)CTFT-10 Lewis, Juliette 1973CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Lewis, Mabel TerrySee Terry-Lewis, Mabel WWasWT Lewis, Marcia 1938CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 5 Lewis, Martin 1888-1970 WWasWT Lewis, Mary Rio 1922CTFT-4 Lewis, Richard 1947CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Lewis, Robert 1909WWT-17 Lewis, Robert Michael 1934CTFT-11 Lewis, Shari 1934-1998 CTFT-19 Obituary in CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Lewis, Vicki 1960CTFT-26 Lewisohn, Victor Max 1897-1934 WWasWT Lewman, Lance 1960CTFT-2 Lexy, Edward 1897WWasWT Leyden, Leo 1929CTFT-4 Leyel, Carl F. 1875-1925 WWasWT Leyton, George 1864-? WWasWTLi, Gong 1965CTFT-17

Li, Jet 1963CTFT-28 Liberace 1919-1987 CTFT-3 Liberatore, Lou 1959CTFT-5 Libertini, Richard CTFT-6 Libin, Paul 1930CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Lichine, David 1909-1972 WWasWT Licht, Jeremy 1971CTFT-8 Lichterman, Victoria 1940CTFT-4 Lieberman, Robert 1947CTFT-13 Liebman, Marvin 1923WWT-16 Lien, Jennifer 1974CTFT-26 Lieven, Albert 1906-1971 WWasWT Lieven, Tatiana 1910WWasWT Lifar, Serge 1905-1986 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Light, Judith 1949CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Lightner, Winnie 1901-1971 WwasWT Lillard, Matthew 1970CTFT-26 Lillie, Beatrice 1898-1989 WWT-16 Lillies, Leonard 1860-1923 WWasWT Lim, Kwan Hi 1931CTFT-23 Lim, Paul Stephen 1944CTFT-1 Liman, Doug CTFT-24 Limbert, Roy 1893-1954 WWasWT Limerick, Mona WWasWT Limpus, Alban Brownlow 1878-1941 WWasWT Linares-Rivas, Manuel 1867-1938 WWasWT Lincoln, Geoffrey See Mortimer, John CTFT-16 Lind, Gillian 1904WWT-16 Lind, Letty 1862-1923 WWasWT Lindberg, August 1846-1916 WWasWT Linden, Eric 1909WWasWT Linden, Hal 1931CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Linden, Marie 1862-? WWasWT Lindfors, Viveca 1920-1995 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Lindley, Audra 1918-1997 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Lindley, John 1952CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Lindo, Delroy 1952CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Lindo, Olga 1898-1968 WWasWT Lindon, Millie 1878-? WWasWT Lindsay, Howard 1889-1968 WWasWT Lindsay, James 1869-1928 WWasWT Lindsay, Robert 1949(?)CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Lindsay, Vera 1911WWasWT Lindsay-Hogg, Michael 1940CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Lindstrom, Jon Robert 1957CTFT-15 Ling, Bai 1970CTFT-28 Link, Peter 1944CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17

Little • 487 Link, Ron 1944Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Link, William 1933Linklater, Richard 1962(?)Linkletter, Art 1912Linley, Betty 1890-1951 Linn, Bambi 1926Earlier sketch in WWasWT Linn-Baker, Mark 1954Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Linnea See Quigley, Linnea Linnet & Dunfree Ltd Linney, Laura 1964Linney, Romulus 1930Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Linnit, S. E. ?-1956 Linson, Art Linville, Joanne Linville, Larry 1939Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Linville, Lawrence See Linville, Larry Linz, Alex D. 1989Lion, John 1944Lion, Leon M. 1879-1947 Liotta, Ray 1955Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Lipman, Clara 1869-1952 Lipman, Daniel 1950Lipman, Maureen 1946Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; Lipnicki, Jonathan William 1990Lippman, Amy Lipps, Roslyn 1925Lipscomb, Dennis 1942Lipscomb, William Percy 1887-1958 Lipton, Celia 1923Lipton, Peggy 1947(?)Lisle, Lucille Lister, Eve 1918Lister, Francis 1899-1951 Lister, Frank 1868-1917 Lister, Lance 1901Lister, Laurier 1907Lister, Moira 1923Lister, Tiny See Lister, Tom "Tiny" Lister, Tiny "Zeus" See Lister, Tom "Tiny" Lister, Tommy, Jr. See Lister, Tom "Tiny" Lister, Tom "Tiny" Lister, Tom "Tiny", Jr. See Lister, Tom "Tiny" Lithgow, John 1945Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Littell, Robert 1896-1963 Little, Cleavon 1939Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Little, Rich 1938Earlier sketch in CTFT-3




488 • Little Little, Stuart W. 1921, CTFT-4 Littlefield, Catherine 1904-1951 WWasWT Littler, Blanche 1899WWasWT Littler, Emile 1903WWT-17 Littler, Prince 1901WWasWT Littlewood, Joan CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Littlewood, Samuel Robinson 1875-1963 WwasWT Liu, Lucy See, Liu, Lucy Alexis CTFT-26 Liu, Lucy Alexis, 1968CTFT-26 Liveright, Horace B. 1886-1933 ....WWasWT Livesay, Roger 1906-1976 WWT-16 Livesey, Barrie 1904WWasWT Livesey, E. Carter WWasWT Livesey, Jack 1901-1961 WWasWT Livesey, Sam 1873-1936 WWasWT Livings, Henry 1929WWT-17 Livingston, Harold 1924CTFT-1 Livingston, Jay 1915CTFT-1 Livingston, Mary 1906-1983 CTFT-21 Livingston, Robert H. 1934CTFT-2 Livingston, Ruth 1927CTFT-4 Llewellyn, Fewlass 1866-1941 WWasWT Llewelyn, Desmond 1914CTFT-22 Lloyd, Alice 1873-1949 WWasWT Lloyd, Christopher 1938CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 11 Lloyd, David CTFT-11 Lloyd, Doris 1900-1968 WWasWT Lloyd, Emily 1970CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Brief Entry in CTFT-7 Lloyd, Florence 1876-? WWasWT Lloyd, Frederick William 1880-1949 WWasWT Lloyd, Harold 1893-1971 CTFT-20 Lloyd, Jake 1989CTFT-24 Lloyd, Marie 1870-1922 WWasWT Lloyd, Michael 1948CTFT-10 Lloyd, Norman 1914CTFT-6 Lloyd, Rosie 1879-1944 WWasWT Lloyd, Sabrina CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 7 Lloyd, Sharon CTFT-4 Lloyd, Violet 1879-? WWasWT Lloyd Pack, Roger 1944CTFT-4 Lloyd Webber, Andrew 1948CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 13; WWT-17 Loach, Kenneth 1936CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Loader, A. Mcleod 1869-? WWasWT Loader, Rosa WWasWT Lobel, Adrianne CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 LoBianco, Tony 1936CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 11 Lochhead, Liz 1947CTFT-11 Locke, Edward 1869-1945 WWasWT Locke, Katherine 1910WWasWT Locke, Philip 1928CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Locke, Sam 1917-1998 CTFT-2 Obituary in CTFT-24 Locke, Sondra 1947CTFT-5 Locke, William John 1863-1930 WWasWT Lockhart, Gene 1891-1957 WWasWT Lockhart, June 1925CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Locklear, Heather 1961CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Lockridge, Richard 1898-1982 WWasWT Lockton, Joan 1901WWasWT Lockwood, Gary 1937CTFT-7 Lockwood, Margaret 1916-1990 WWT-17 Loder, Basil 1885-? WWasWT Loeb, Lisa 1968CTFT-23 Loeb, Philip 1894-1955 WWasWT Loesser, Frank 1910-1969 WWasWT Loewe, Frederick 1901-1988 CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Loewenstern, Tara CTFT-1 Loftus, (Marie) Cecilia 1876-1943 WWasWT Loftus, Kitty 1867-1927 WWasWT Loftus, Marie 1857-1940 WWasWT Logan, Ella 1910-1969 WWasWT Logan, John CTFT-28 Logan, Joshua 1908-1988 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Logan, Nedda Harrigan 1900-1989 CTFT-8 Logan, Stanley 1885-1953 WWasWT Loggia, Robert 1930CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 11 Logue, Donal 1965CTFT-23 Logue, Donal F. See Logue, Donal CTFT-23 Lohr, Marie 1890-1975 WWasWT Lollobrigida, Gina CTFT-5 Lorn, Herbert 1917CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8; WWasWT Lomas, Herbert 1887-1961 WWasWT Lomax, Pearl Cleage See Cleage, Pearl CTFT-13 Lombard, Karina 1969CTFT-19 London, Chuck 1946CTFT-4 London, Jason 1972(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 London, Jeremy 1972CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 London, Jerry 1937CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 London, Roy 1943-1993 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-12 Lone, John 1952CTFT-6 Loney, Glenn 1928CTFT-1 Long, Avon 1910-1984 WWT-17 Long, Jodi 1958(?)CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Long, John Luther 1861-1927 WWasWT Long, Shelley 1949CTFT-5 Long, William Ivey CTFT-8 Longbaugh, Harry See Goldman, William CTFT-14

Longden, John 1900WWasWT Longdon, Terence 1922WWT-17 Longenecker, John 1947CTFT-1 Longford, Earl of (Edward Arthur Henry Pakenham) 1902-1961 WWasWT Lonnen, Jessie 1886-? WWasWT Lonnen, Nellie 1887-? WWasWT Lonnon, Alice 1872-? WWasWT Lonsdale, Frederick 1881-1954 WWasWT Lonsdale, Michael See Lonsdale, Michel CTFT-8 Lonsdale, Michel 1931CTFT-8 Lookinland, Mike 1960CTFT-28 Loonin, Larry 1941CTFT-2 Loos, Anita 1893-1981 WWT-17 Lopez, Jennifer 1970CTFT-19 Lopez, Mario 1973CTFT-19 Lopez, Priscilla 1948CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Lopokova, Lydia 1892-1981 WWasWT Loquasto, Santo 1944CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13; WWT-17 Loraine, Robert 1876-1935 WWasWT Loraine, Violet 1886-1956 WWasWT Lord, Basil 1913-1979 WWT-17 Lord, Jack 1920-1998 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-21 Lord, Jean-Claude 1943CTFT-11 Lord, Pauline 1890-1950 WWasWT Lord, Robert 1945CTFT-4 Lorde, Andre de 1871-? WWasWT Loren, Bernice 1951CTFT-1 Loren, Sophia 1934CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Lorenzo, Tina di 1872-1930 WWasWT Lorimer, Jack 1883-? WWasWT Loring, Gloria 1946CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Loring, Lisa 1958CTFT-21 Loring, Lisa K. See Loring, Lisa CTFT-21 Loring, Norman 1888-1967 WWasWT Lome, Constance 1914WWT-16 Lome, Marion 1888-1968 WWasWT Lorraine, Irma 1885-? WWasWT Lorraine, Lilian 1892-1955 WWasWT Lortel, Lucille 1905CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Losch, Tilly 1907-1975 WWasWT Lotinga, Ernest 1876-1951 WWasWT Lotta 1847-1924 WWasWT Loudon, Dorothy 1933CTFT-4 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Loughlin, Lori 1965(?)-.... CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Louis, Barbara CTFT-4 Louis, Tobi CTFT-3 Louis-Dreyfus, Julia 1961CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Louise, Tina 1938(?)CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Lou Tellegen 1881-1934 WWasWT Lovat, Nancie 1900-1946 WWasWT Love, Bessie ?-1986 WWT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Love, Courtney 1965Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Love, Edward Love, Mabel 1874-1953 Love, Montagu 1877-1943 Love-Cobain, Courtney See Love, Courtney Lovejoy, Robin 1923Lovell, Dyson 1940Lovell, Raymond 1900-1953 Lovell, W. T. 1884-? Lovett, Lyle 1957(?)Lovitz, Jon 1957Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Lowe, Arthur 1915Lowe, Chad 1968Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Lowe, Douglas 1882-? Lowe, Edmund 1892-1971 Lowe, Enid 1908Lowe, Rachel 1876-? Lowe, Rob 1964Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Lowe, Stephen 1947Lowell, Carey 1961Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 7 Lowell, Helen 1866-1937 Lowell, Mollie Lower, Geoffrey Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Lowne, Charles Macready ?-1941 Lowry, Dick M Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Lowry, Jane 1937Lowry, W. McNeil 1913-1993 Obituary in CTFT-12 Loxley, Violet 1914Loy, Myrna 1905-1993 Obituary in CTFT-12 Lubezki, Emmanuel Lubliner, Sheldon R. 1950Lucas, Craig 1951Lucas, George 1944Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Lucas, Hans See Godard, Jean-Luc Lucas, J. Frank 1920Lucas, Jonathan 1936Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Lucas, Phil 1942Lucchesi, Gary 1955Lucci, Susan 1948(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Luce, Clare Boothe 1903-1987 Luce, Polly 1905Luciano, Judi Evans Lucie, Doug 1953Luck, Coleman Luckham, Cyril 1907-1989 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Luckinbill, Laurence 1934(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-1,


WWasWT CTFT-22 CTFT-1 CTFT-1 WWasWT CTFT-3 CTFT-28 CTFT-2 CTFT-10 CTFT-22 4, 11 CTFT-19 CTFT-7 CTFT-20 CTFT-1 7 CTFT-1 7 CTFT-27 15 WWT-1 7 WWasWT CTFT-17 CTFT-12 CTFT-17 CTFT-8 CTFT-19 8; WWT-17

Luders, Gustav 1866-1913 WWasWT Ludlam, Charles 1943-1987 CTFT-5 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-1 7 Ludlow, Patrick 1903WWT-1 7 Ludwig, Salem 1915WWT-1 7 Luecke, Mary See Frann, Mary CTFT-4 Luedtke, Kurt 1939CTFT-5 Luft, Lorna 1952CTFT-9 Lugg, Alfred 1889WWasWT Lugg, William 1852-1940 WWasWT Lugne-Poe, A. E. 1870-1940 WWasWT Lugosi, Bela 1888-1956 WWasWT Luguet, Andre 1892WWasWT Luhrmann, Baz 1963(?)CTFT-21 Lukas, Paul 1895-1971 WWasWT Luke, Keye 1904-1991 CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Luke, Peter 1919WWT-1 7 Lukyanov, Sergei Vladimirovich 1910WWasWT Lumbly, Carl CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Lumet, Sidney 1924CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 15 Lumley, Joanna 1946CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Lund, Art 1920WWT-1 7 Lundel, Kert Fritjof 1936WWT-1 7 Lunden, Joan 1950(?)CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Lundgren, Dolph 1959CTFT-9 Luner, Jamie 1971CTFT-24 Lung, Sing See Chan, Jackie CTFT-26 Lunghi, Cherie 1953CTFT-8 Lunt, Alfred 1892-1977 WWT-16 Lupino, Stanley 1894-1942 WWasWT Lupino, Wallace 1897-1961 WWasWT LuPone, Patti 1949CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 5, 12; WWT-1 7 LuPone, Robert 1946....CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Lupus, Peter 1943CTFT-1 Luscombe, Tim 1960CTFT-8 Lutes, Eric 1962CTFT-1 7 Lyel, Viola 1900-1972 WWasWT Lyle, Lyston ?-1920 WWasWT Lyman, Dorothy 1947CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Lyman, Will 1948CTFT-7 Lynch, Brian 1954CTFT-4 Lynch, David 1946CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Lynch, John 1961CTFT-24 Lynch, Kelly 1959CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Lynch, Richard 1936CTFT-5 Lynd, Rosa 1884-1922 WWasWT Lynde, Paul 1926-1982... CTFT-2 Lyndeck, Edmund CTFT-1 Lyndon, Barre 1896WWasWT Lyne, Adrian CTFT-7 Lynley, Carol 1942CTFT-5

Macfarlane • 489 Lynn, Jonathan 1943CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Lynn, Matthew See Lillard, Matthew CTFT-26 Lynn, Ralph 1882-1962 WWasWT Lynne, Carole 1918WWasWT Lynne, Gillian 1926CTFT-7 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-1 7 Lynskey, Melanie 1977CTFT-28 Lynton, Mayne 1885-? WWasWT Lyon, Ben 1901-1979 WWasWT Lyon, Milton 1923-1995 CTFT-2 Obituary in CTFT-15 Lyon, Wanda 1897WWasWT Lyonne, Natasha 1979(?)CTFT-23 Lyons, A. Neil 1880-1940 WWasWT Lyons, Stuart 1928CTFT-5 Lytell, Bert 1885-1954 WWasWT Lyttelton, Edith 1870-1948 WWasWT Lytton, Doris 1893-1953 WWasWT Lytton, Henry 1904-1965 WWasWT Lytton, Henry A. 1867-1936 WWasWT Lytton, Ruth WWasWT

M Mabley, Edward 1906CTFT-1 MacAdam, Will 1943CTFT-2 MacArthur, Charles 1895-1956 WWasWT MacArthur, James 1937CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Macaulay, Joseph ?-1967 WWasWT Macaulay, Pauline CTFT-4 Macbeth, Helen WWasWT MacBridge, Aeneas See Mackay, Fulton CTFT-5 MacCaffrey, George 1870-1939 WWasWT MacCarthy, Desmond 1877-1952 WWasWT Macchio, Ralph 1962CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 MacCorkindale, Simon 1952CTFT-4 MacDermot, Gait WWT-1 7 MacDermot, Robert 1910-1964 WWasWT Macdermott, Norman 1889-? WWasWT MacDevitt, Brian 1956CTFT-5 Macdona, ChaYles ?-1946 WWasWT Macdonald, Donald 1898-1959 ....WWasWT MacDonald, Jeanette 1907-1965 WWasWT MacDonald, Murray 1899WWT-17 Macdonald, Norm 1963CTFT-26 MacDonald, Scott CTFT-28 Macdonald, Wallace 1891-1978 CTFT-21 MacDonell, Kathlene 1890-? WWasWT Macdonnell, Leslie A. 1903WWasWT Macdonough, Glen 1870-1924 WWasWT MacDougall, Roger 1910WWT-17 MacDowell, Andie 1958CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 17 Macfarlane, Bruce 1910-1967 WWasWT Macfarlane, Elsa 1899WWasWT

490 •


MacGill, Moyna 1895-1975 WWasWT MacGinnis, Niall 1913WWasWT Macgowan, Kenneth 1888-1963 .... WWasWT MacGowran, Jack 1918-1973 WWasWT MacGrath, Leueen 1914WWT-17 MacGraw, All 1939CTFT-5 Machiz, Herbert 1923-1976 WWT-16 MacHugh, Augustin 1887-1928 WWasWT Macintosh, Joan 1945CTFT-8 Mack, Andrew 1863-1931 WWasWT Mack, Carol K CTFT-1 Mack, Willard 1878-1934 WWasWT Mackay, Barry 1906WWasWT Mackay, Elsie 1894WWasWT Mackay, Fulton 1922-1987 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Mackay, J. L. 1867-? WWasWT Mackay, John 1924CTFT-5 Mackay, Lizbeth 1951CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Mackay, Ruth WWasWT Mackaye, Percy 1875-1956 WWasWT Mackeller, Helen 1895WWasWT Mackenna, Kenneth 1899-1962 WWasWT Mackenzie, John 1932CTFT-15 Mackenzie, Mary 1922-1966 WWasWT MacKenzie, Philip Charles CTFT-8 MacKenzie, Will 1938CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Mackinder, Lionel ?-1915 WWasWT Mackinlay, Jean Sterling 1882-1958 WWasWT Mackintosh, Cameron 1946CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 9 Mackintosh, Steven 1967(?)CTFT-19 Mackintosh, William 1855-1929 ... WWasWT Macklin, Albert 1958CTFT-1 MacLachlan, Kyle 1959(?)CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 MacLaine, Shirley 1934CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 11 Maclaren, Ian 1879-? WWasWT Maclean, R. D. 1859-1948 WWasWT MacLeish, Archibald 1892-1982 WWT-17 MacLeod, Doug CTFT-1 7 MacLeod, Gavin 1931(?)CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 10 Macleod, W. Angus 1874-1962 WWasWT Macliammoir, Michael 1899-1978 . WWT-16 MacMahon, Aline 1899-1991 CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 MacManus, Clive ?-1953 WWasWT MacMillan, Kenneth 1929-1992 CTFT-13 MacMurray, Fred 1908-1991 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-10 MacNaughton, Alan 1920WWT-17 Macnee, Patrick 1922CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7 MacNeil, Robert 1931CTFT-14 MacNicol, Peter 1954(?)CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 MacOwan, Michael 1906WWT-17 MacOwan, Norman 1877-1961 WWasWT Macpherson, Elle 1964CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Macqueen-Pope, W. J. 1888-1960 WWasWT Macquoid, Percy 1852-1925 WWasWT Macrae, Arthur 1908-1962 WWasWT Macrae, Duncan 1905-1967 WWasWT MacRae, Gordon 1921-1986 CTFT-3 Macy, Bill 1922CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Macy, W. H. See Macy, William H CTFT-28 Macy, William H. 1950CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Madden, Cecil (Charles) 1902-1987 WWasWT Madden, Ciaran 1945CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Madden, David 1955CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Madden, Donald 1933WWT-17 Maddin, Guy 1956CTFT-28 Madeira, Marcia 1945CTFT-1 Madigan, Amy 1957CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 15 Madonna 1958(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 17 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Madsen, Michael 1959CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Madsen, Virginia 1961(?)CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Maeterlinck, Maurice 1862-1949 WWasWT Maffett, Debbie CTFT-3 Maffia, Roma CTFT-26 Magee, Patrick ?-1982 WWT-17 Maggart, Brandon CTFT-8 Maggio, Michael 1951CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Magnier, Pierre 1869-? WWasWT Magnuson, Ann 1956CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Maguire, Mickey See Rooney, Mickey CTFT-20 Maguire, Tobey 1975CTFT-19 Mahaffey, Valerie CTFT-1 Maharis, George 1938CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Maher, Bill 1956CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Maher, Joseph 1933CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8 Mahoney, John 1940CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 14 Mahoney, Will 1896-1967 WWasWT Maibaum, Richard 1909-1991 CTFT-16 Mailer, Stephen 1966CTFT-15 Main, Marjorie 1890-1975 CTFT-25 Mainwaring, Ernest 1876-1941 WWasWT Mair, George Herbert 1887-1926 WWasWT Mais, Stuart Petre Brodie 1885-? WWasWT Maitland, Lauderdale ?-1929 WWasWT Maitland, Ruth 1880-1961 WWasWT Major, Bessie WWasWT

Major, Leon 1933CTFT-13 Majorino, Tina 1985(?)CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Majors, Lee 1940(?)CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Makarova, Natalia 1940CTFT-9 Makavejev, Dusan 1932CTFT-8 Makeham, Eliot 1882-1956 WWasWT Makepeace, Chris 1964CTFT-4 Makhnalbaf, Mohsen 1951CTFT-28 Makkena, Wendy CTFT-21 Mako 1932(?)CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Malahide, Patrick 1945CTFT-4 Malanowski, Tony 1957CTFT-12 Malas, Spiro 1935CTFT-11 Maiden, Herbert John 1882-1966 WWasWT Maiden, Karl 1914CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Malick, Terrence 1943CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Malick, Wendie 1950CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Malik, Art 1952CTFT-7 Malina, Judith 1926WWT-17 Malkovich, John 1953CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Mallalieu, Aubrey 1873-1948 WWasWT Malle, Louis 1932-1995 CTFT-13 Obituary in CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Malleson, Miles 1888-1969 WWasWT Malloy, Matt CTFT-20 Mallsnerd, Olga See Bergen, Candice CTFT-28 Malm, Mia 1962CTFT-4 Malmuth, Bruce 1934CTFT-2 Malo, Gina 1909-1963 WWasWT Malone, Dorothy 1925CTFT-5 Malone, J. A. E. ?-1929 WWasWT Malone, Jena 1984CTFT-20 Malone, Patricia 1899WWasWT Malone, Victor See Cameron, John CTFT-23 Maloney, Peter CTFT-8 Maltby, Henry Francis 1880-1963 WWasWT Maltby, Richard, Jr. 1937CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11; WWT-17 Maltin, Leonard 1950CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Maltz, Albert 1908-1985 CTFT-1 Mamet, David 1947CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8, 16; WWT-17 Mamoulian, Rouben 1897-1987 CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Manahan, Anna CTFT-22 Manchester, Joe 1932CTFT-3 Mancini, Henry 1924-1994 CTFT-10 Obituary in CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Mancuso, Frank G. 1933CTFT-11

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Mancuso, Nick 1956Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Mandel, Babaloo 1949(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Mandel, Frank 1884-1958 Mandel, Howie 1955Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Mandelker, Philip ?-1984 Mander, Raymond Josiah Gale 1917Mandylor, Costas 1965(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Manetti, Larry 1947Manfredi, Nino 1921Mangano, Silvana 1930-1989 Manheim, Camryn 1961Manheim, Michael 1928Mankiewicz, Don 1922-..; Mankiewicz, Herman J. 1897-1953 Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1909-1993 Obituary in CTFT-11 Mankiewicz, Tom 1942Mankofsky, Isidore 1931Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Mankowitz, Wolf 1924-1998 Obituary in CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Mann, Abby 1927Mann, Charlton 1876-1958 Mann, Christopher 1903Mann, Daniel 1912-1991 Mann, Delbert 1920Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Mann, Emily 1952Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Mann, Louis 1865-1931 Mann, Michael 1943Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, Mann, Stanley Mann, Terrence Mann, Theodore 1924Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; Mannering, Dore Lewin 1879-1932 Mannering, Mary 1876-1953 Mannering, Moya 1888-? Manners, David 1905-1998 Obituary in CTFT-24 Manners, John Hartley 1870-1928 Mannheim, Lucie 1905Manning, Ambrose ?-1940 Manning, Hugh Gardner 1920Manning, Irene 1917Mannix, Bobbie Mannock, Patrick L. 1887-? Manoff, Dinah 1958Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Mansfield, Alice ?-1938 Mansfield, Jayne 1933-1967 Mantegna, Joe 1947Earlier sketches in CTFT-3,



WWasWT WWasWT WWasWT WWT-17 WWasWT CTFT-28 WWasWT CTFT-14 WWasWT CTFT-20 CTFT-28 10, 17

Mantell, Robert Bruce 1854-1928 WWasWT Mantello, Joe 1962CTFT-25 Mantello, Joseph See Mantello, Joe CTFT-25 Mantle, Burns 1873-1948 WwasWT Mantle, Give 1957CTFT-26 Manulis, John Bard 1956CTFT-1 Manulis, Martin 1915CTFT-1 Manus, Willard 1930CTFT-1 Manyu, Zhang See Cheung, Maggie CTFT-24 Mapes, Victor 1870-1943 WWasWT Marasco, Robert 1936-1998 WWT-17 Obituary in CTFT-24 Maravan, Lila ?-1950 WWasWT Marceau, Marcel 1923CTFT-23 Marceau, Sophie 1966CTFT-25 March, Elspeth CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 March, Frederic 1897-1975 WWasWT March, Nadine 1898-1944 WWasWT Marchand, Nancy 1928CTFT-7 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Marchant, Tony 1959CTFT-12 Marcin, Max 1879-1948 WWasWT Marcovicci, Andrea 1948(?)CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Marcum, Kevin 1955-1987 CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Marcus, Donald 1946CTFT-2 Marcus, Frank 1928WWT-17 Marcus, Jeffrey 1960CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Marcus, Lawrence 1925CTFT-4 Marcus, Louis 1936CTFT-5 Mardirosian, Tom 1947CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Mardsen, James 1973CTFT-27 Margetson, Arthur 1897-1951 WWasWT Margo 1918WWasWT Margolin, Janet 1943-1993 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-13 Margolin, Stuart 1940CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Margolis, Jeff CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Margolis, Mark 1939CTFT-1 Margolyes, Miriam 1941CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 14 Margueritte, Victor 1866-1942 WWasWT Margulies, David 1937CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 10, 17 Margulies, Julianna 1968CTFT-19 Margulies, Stan 1920CTFT-7 Mariani-Zampieri, Terseina 1871-? WWasWT Marie, Lisa Mannix, Bobbie CTFT-28 Marin, Cheech 1946CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Marin, Richard "Cheech" See Marin, Cheech CTFT-23


• 491

Marinaro, Ed 1951(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Marinoff, Fania 1890-1971 WWasWT Mario, Emilio WWasWT Marion, George Jr. ?-1968 WWasWT Marion, Joan 1908-1945 WWasWT Mark, Judy CTFT-4 Mark, Laurence CTFT-23 Markey, Enid WWT-16 Markham, Daisy WWT-5 Markham, David 1913WWT-17 Markham, Monte 1935CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Markinson, Martin 1931CTFT-1 Markle, Christopher 1954CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Markoe, Gerald Jay 1941CTFT-2 Markova, Alicia 1910WWasWT Markowitz, Robert 1935CTFT-12 Marks, Alfred 1921WWT-17 Marks, Arthur 1927CTFT-7 Marks, Jack R. 1935CTFT-3 Marks, Richard 1943CTFT-10 Marky Mark See Wahlberg, Mark CTFT-21 Marlett, Maysie Hoy See Hoy, Maysie CTFT-26 Marley, John ?-1984 CTFT-1 Marlowe, Andrew W. CTFT-28 Marlowe, Anthony 1913WWT-16 Marlowe, Charles See Jay, Harriet WWasWT Marlowe, Hugh 1911-1982 WWT-17 Marlowe, Joan 1920CTFT-1 Marlowe, Julia 1866-1950 WWasWT Marlowe, Theresa 1957CTFT-8 Marmont, Percy 1883-? WWasWT Marnac, Jane WWasWT Marno, Anne See Bancroft, Anne CTFT-18 Marot, Gaston ?-1916 WWasWT Marowitz, Charles 1934CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Marquand, Richard 1937-1987 CTFT-2 Marquet, Mary 1895WWasWT Marquez, Gabriel Garcia See Garcia Marquez, Gabriel CTFT-15 Marquis, Don 1878-1937 WWasWT Marr, Paula WWasWT Marre, Albert 1925WWT-17 Marriott, Anthony 1931CTFT-1 Marriott, B. Rodney 1938-1990 CTFT-1 Marriott, Raymond Bowler 1911WWT-17 Marriott-Watson, Nan 1899WWasWT Mars, Ken See Mars, Kenneth CTFT-28 Mars, Kenneth 1935(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Mars, Marjorie 1903-1915 WWasWT Marsalis, Branford 1960CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Marsden, Betty 1919CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-17

492 • Marsden Marsden, James See Mardsen, James CTFT-27 Marsden, Jimmy See Mardsen, James CTFT-27 Marsden, Les 1957CTFT-4 Marsden, Roy 1941CTFT-7 Marsh, Garry 1902WWasWT Marsh, Jean 1934CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 11 Marsh, Terence CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Marsh, Terry See Marsh, Terence CTFT-22 Marshall, Alan Peter 1938CTFT-5 Marshall, Armina 1900WWT-17 Marshall, E. G. 1910CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Marshall, Everett 1901WWasWT Marshall, Frank 1946CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Marshall, Garry 1934CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Marshall, Herbert 1890-1966 WWasWT Marshall, Norman 1901WWT-17 Marshall, Paula 1964CTFT-25 Marshall, Penny 1943CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 13 Marshall, Rob 1960CTFT-23 Marshall, Tully 1864-1943 WWasWT Marshall, William 1924CTFT-8 Marson, Aileen, 1912-1939 WWasWT Martell, Gillian 1936WWT-17 Marthold, Jules de 1842-1927 WWasWT Martin, Andrea 1947CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Martin, Barney CTFT-10 Martin, Christopher 1942CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Martin, Dean 1917-1995 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-15 Martin, Duane 1969(?)CTFT-20 Martin, Edie 1880-1964 WWasWT Martin, Elliot 1924CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Martin, Ernest H. 1919WWT-17 Martin, George 1926CTFT-8 Martin, Helen CTFT-8 Martin, Kellie 1975CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Martin, Kiel 1945CTFT-7 Martin, Leila 1936CTFT-10 Martin, Mary 1913(?)-1990 CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Martin, Millicent 1934CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Martin, Pamela Sue 1953CTFT-6 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Martin, Quinn 1922-1987 CTFT-5 Martin, Steve 1945CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Martin, Strother 1919-1980 CTFT-16 Martin, Tantoo See Cardinal, Tantoo CTFT-26 Martin, Vivian 1893-1987 WWasWT Martin, Vivienne 1936-1987 WWT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Martin, William 1937CTFT-4 Martin-Cardinal, Tantoo See Cardinal, Tantoo CTFT-26 Martin-Harvey, John See Harvey, John Martin WWasWT Martin-Harvey, Muriel 1891-1988 WWasWT Martinetti, Paul 1851-? WWasWT Martinez, A 1949CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 12 Martinet, Sadie 1861-1923 WWasWT Martlew, Mary 1919WWasWT Marton, Andrew 1904-1992 CTFT-16 Marton, Pierre See Stone, Peter H CTFT-23 Marvenga, Use WWasWT Marvin, Lee 1924-1987 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-5 Marvin, Mel 1941CTFT-4 Marx, Arthur 1921CTFT-1 Marx, Chico 1891-1961 CTFT-19 Marx, Groucho 1890(?)-1977 CTFT-19 Marx, Gummo 1892(?)-1977 CTFT-19 Marx, Harpo 1893(?)-1964 CTFT-19 Marx, Zeppo 1901-1979 CTFT-19 Mary, Jules 1851-1922 WWasWT Maryan, Charles 1934CTFT-2 Masak, Ron 1936CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Maschwitz, Eric 1901-1969 WWasWT Masefield, John 1878-1967 WWasWT Masina, Giulietta 1921-1994 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-13 Maskelyne, John Nevil 1839-? WWasWT Maslansky, Paul 1933CTFT-13 Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley 1865-1948 WWasWT Mason, Beryl 1921WWT-17 Mason, Brewster 1922-1987 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Mason, Elliot C. 1897-1949 WWasWT Mason, Ethelmae CTFT-3 Mason, Gladys 1886-? WWasWT Mason, Herbert 1891-1960 WWasWT Mason, Jackie 1931CTFT-6 Mason, James 1909-1984 CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Mason, John B. 1857-1919 WWasWT Mason, Kitty 1882-? WWasWT Mason, Marsha 1942CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7, 14 Mason, Marshall See Mason, Marshall W. CTFT-20 Mason, Marshall W. 1940CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3; WWT-17 Mason, Pamela 1918-1996 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-16 Mason, Reginald 1882-1962 WWasWT Massary, Fritzi 1882-1969 WWasWT Massee, Michael CTFT-28 Massey, Anna 1937CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 14; WWT-17 Massey, Daniel 1933-1998 CTFT-14 Obituary in CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; WWT-17

Massey, Michael See Massee, Michael CTFT-28 Massey, Raymond 1896-1983 WWT-17 Massi, Bernice WWT-17 Massine, Leonide 1896-1979 WWasWT Massingham, Dorothy 1889-1933 WWasWT Masters, Ben 1947CTFT-9 Masterson, Danny 1976CTFT-23 Masterson, Mary Stuart 1966CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Masterson, Peter 1934CTFT-1 Masterson, Whit See Wade, Robert (Allison) CTFT-28 Mastrantonio, Mary Elizabeth 1958CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 11 Mastroianni, Chiara 1972CTFT-25 Mastroianni, Marcello 1924-1996 CTFT-12 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Mastrosimone, William 1947CTFT-8 Masur, Richard 1948CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Matalon, Vivian 1929CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Matarazzo, Heather 1982CTFT-27 Mather, Aubrey 1885-1958 WWasWT Mather, Donald 1900WWasWT Mathers, Jerry 1948CTFT-9 Matheson, Hans 1975CTFT-24 Matheson, Murray 1912-1985 CTFT-1 Matheson, Richard 1926CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Matheson, Tim 1947(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 16 Mathews, Carmen 1914WWT-17 Mathews, Frances Aymar 1865?-1925 WWasWT Mathews, George 1911WWT-16 Mathews, James W ?-1920 WWasWT Mathias, Sean 1956CTFT-15 Mathieson, Tim See Matheson, Tim CTFT-27 Mathison, Melissa 1950(?)CTFT-16 Matlin, Marlee 1965CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 17 Brief Entry in CTFT-6 Matsusaka, Tom CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Matteson, Ruth 1909-1975 WWasWT Matthau, Walter 1920CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14; WWT-17 Matthews, A. E. 1869-1960 WWasWT Matthews, Adelaide 1886-1948 WWasWT Matthews, Brander 1852-1929 WWasWT Matthews, DeLane 1961CTFT-17 Matthews, Ethel 1870-? WWasWT Matthews, Francis 1927CTFT-1 Matthews, Jessie 1907-1981 WWT-17 Matthews, Lester 1900-1975 WWasWT Matthieson, Tim See Matheson, Tim CTFT-27

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Matthison, Edith Wynne 1875-1955 Mattson, Robin 1956Matuschanskavasky, Walter See Matthau, Walter Matura, Mustapha 1939Mature, Victor 1915(?)-1999 Maturin, Eric 1883-1957 Matz, Peter 1928Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Mauceri, John 1945Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Maude, Charles Raymond ?-1943 Maude, Cyril 1862-1951 Maude, Elizabeth (Betty) 1912Maude, Gillian Maude, Joan 1908Maude, Margery 1889-1979 Maude-Roxbury, Roddy 1930Maugham, W. Somerset 1874-1965 Maule, Annabel 1922Maule, Donovan 1899Maule, Robin 1924-1942 Maurey, Max ?-1947 Maurice, Edmund ?-1928 Max, Edouard Alexandre de 1869-1925 Maxfield, James 1939Maxwell, Daphne See Maxwell-Reid, Daphne Maxwell, Gerald 1862-1930 Maxwell, Lois 1927Maxwell, Ronald F. 1947Maxwell, Walter 1877-? Maxwell, Wayne F. Jr. Maxwell Reid, Daphne See Maxwell-Reid, Daphne Maxwell-Reid, Daphne 1948May, Ada 1900May, Akerman 1869-1933 May, Beverly 1927May, Edna 1878-1948 May, Elaine 1932Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; May, Hans 1891-1959 May, Jack 1922May, Jane May, Mathilda 1965May, Pamela 1917May, Val 1927May, Winston 1937Mayall, Rik 1958Mayer, Daniel 1856-1928 Mayer, Edwin Justus 1896-1960 Mayer, Gaston 1869-1923 Mayer, Henry ?-1941 Mayer, Michael 1961(?)Mayer, Renee 1900Mayerl, Billy 1902-1959 Mayes, Wendell 1919-1992 Mayeur, E. F. 1866-? Mayfield, Cleo 1897-1954



Mayhew, Charles 1908WWasWT Mayne, Ernie WWasWT Mayne, Ferdy 1920WWT-1 7 Mayo, Jim See L'Amour, Louis CTFT-28 Mayo, Margaret 1882-1951 WWasWT Mayo, Sam 1881-1938 WWasWT Mayo, Virginia 1920CTFT-1 Mayron, Melanie 1952CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 10 Maysles, Albert 1926CTFT-1 7 Maysles, David 1933-1987 CTFT-4 Mazar, Debi 1964CTFT-23 Mazurki, Mike 1909CTFT-9 Mazursky, Paul 1930CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 14 Mazzello, Joe See Mazzello, Joseph CTFT-23 Mazzello, Joseph 1983CTFT-23 Mazzie, Marin 1960CTFT-22 Mazzola, John W. 1928CTFT-1 McAnally, Ray 1926-1989 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 McAnuff, Des CTFT-6 McArdle, Andrea 1963CTFT-6 McArdle, J. F WWasWT McArthur, Molly 1900WWasWT McAssey, Michael 1955CTFT-2 McBain, Diane 1941CTFT-1 McBride, Jim 1941CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 McBurney, Simon CTFT-22 McCabe, Eugene 1930CTFT-15 McCall, Kathleen CTFT-4 McCall, Nancy 1948CTFT-1 McCallin, Clement 1913-1977 WWT-1 7 McCallum, David 1933CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 14 McCallum, Joanna CTFT-8 McCallum, John 1918CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 McCallum, Rick CTFT-24 McCambridge, Mercedes 1918CTFT-5 McCann, Donal CTFT-7 McCarthy, Andrew 1962CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 McCarthy, Daniel 1869-? WWasWT McCarthy, Frank 1912-1986 CTFT-4 McCarthy, Jenny 1972CTFT-19 McCarthy, Justin Huntly 1860-1936 WWasWT McCarthy, Kevin 1914CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 McCarthy, Lillah 1875-1960 WWasWT McCarthy, Mary 1910-1989 CTFT-1 McCarthy, Nobu 1934CTFT-20 McCartney, Linda 1941-1998 CTFT-27 McCartney, Paul 1942CTFT-1 7 McCarty, Mary 1923-1980 WWT-17 McClanahan, Rue 1934(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 16; WWT-17 McClelland, Allan 1917-1989 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 McClintic, Guthrie 1893-1961 WWasWT McClory, Sean 1924CTFT-4

McDonough • 493 McCloskey, Leigh 1955CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 McCloskey, Leigh J. See McCloskey, Leigh CTFT-25 McClure, Doug 1935-95 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-14 McClure, Michael 1932CTFT-1 McClurg, Edie 1951CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 McComas, Carroll 1891-1962 WwasWT McComb, Heather 1977CTFT-26 McConaughey, Matthew 1969CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 McConnell, Jean 1928(?)CTFT-16 McCook, John CTFT-5 McCord, Nancy WWasWT McCormack, Catherine 1964CTFT-27 McCormack, Dan CTFT-28 McCormack, Eric 1963CTFT-23 McCormack, Mary 1969CTFT-27 McCormack, Patricia See McCormack, Patty CTFT-19 McCormack, Patty 1945CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 McCormick, Arthur Langdon ?-1954 WWasWT McCormick, Carolyn 1959CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 7 McCormick, Myron 1907-1962 WWasWT McCowen, Alec 1925CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8 McCoy, Cathy Rigby See Rigby, Cathy CTFT-27 McCracken, Esther (Helen) 1902WWasWT McCracken, Jeff CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 McCracken, Joan 1922-1961 WWasWT McCrane, Paul 1961CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 McCulloch, John Tyler See Burroughs, Edgar Rice CTFT-27 McCullough, Paul 1883-1936 WWasWT McCutcheon, Bill CTFT-7 McDaniel, James 1958CTFT-19 McDermott, Dylan 1962(?)CTFT-19 McDermott, Hugh (Patrick) 1908-1972 WWasWT McDermott, Keith 1953CTFT-4 McDermott, Tom 1912-1996 CTFT-2 Obituary in CTFT-16 McDevitt, Ruth 1895-1976 WWT-16 McDiarmid, Ian CTFT-9 McDonald, Audra 1971(?)CTFT-24 McDonald, Audra Ann See McDonald, Audra CTFT-24 McDonald, Chris See McDonald, Christopher... CTFT-27 McDonald, Christie 1875-1962 WWasWT McDonald, Christopher 1955CTFT-27 McDonald, Daniel CTFT-21 McDonald, Tanny 1940CTFT-1 McDonnell, Mary 1953(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 McDonough, Jerome 1946CTFT-1

494 •


McDonough, Neal 1966CTFT-26 McDormand, Fran See McDormand, Frances CTFT-26 McDormand, Frances 1957CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 McDougall, Gordon 1941CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 McDowall, Roddy 1928CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8; WWT-1 7 McDowell, Malcolm 1943CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 McEachin, James 1930CTFT-25 McElhone, Natascha 1971CTFT-25 McElwee, Ross 1947(?)CTFT-15 McEnery, John 1945CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 McEnery, Peter 1940CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 McEveety, Vincent CTFT-12 McEvoy, Charles 1879-1929 WWasWT McEvoy, J. P. 1897-1958 WWasWT McEwan, Geraldine 1932CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; WWT-1 7 McEwan, Ian 1948CTFT-14 McFadden, Cheryl See McFadden, Gates CTFT-27 McFadden, Gates CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 McFarland, Robert 1931CTFT-2 McFerrin, Bobby 1950CTFT-12 McGavin, Darren 1922CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 McGee, Vonetta CTFT-12 McGibbon, Josann , CTFT-28 McGill, Bruce 1950CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 McGill, Everett Charles III 1945CTFT-1 McGillin, Howard 1953CTFT-6 McGillis, Kelly 1958CTFT-9 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 McG in ley, John C. 1959CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 McGinley, Ted 1958CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 McGinnis, Scott 1958CTFT-7 McGiver, John 1913-1975 WWT-16 McGlone, Mike 1972(?)CTFT-25 McGlynn, Frank 1866-1951 WWasWT McGoohan, Patrick 1928CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWasWT McGough, Roger 1937CTFT-15 McGovern, Elizabeth 1961CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 6, 13 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 McGovern, Maureen 1949CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 McGowan, John W. WwasWT McGowan, Rose 1975CTFT-26 McGrady, Michael CTFT-28 McGrath, Douglas CTFT-25 McGrath, John 1935WWT-17 McGrath, Paul 1904-1978 WWT-16 McGrath, Tom 1940CTFT-12 McGregor, Ewan 1971CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 McGuane, Thomas 1939CTFT-8 McGuinness, Frank 1953CTFT-12 McGuire, Biff 1926WWT-1 7 McGuire, Don 1919-1979 CTFT-26 McGuire, Dorothy 1918CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-1 7 McGuire, Mitch 1936CTFT-1 McGuire, William Anthony 1885-1940 WWasWT McHale, Rosemary 1944CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 McHattie, Stephen CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 McHattie, Steve See McHattie, Stephen CTFT-13 McHenry, Don 1908CTFT-1 McHenry, Doug CTFT-14 McHugh, Florence 1906WWasWT McHugh, Therese WWasWT Mclnerney, Bernie 1936CTFT-1 Mclntire, John 1907-1991 CTFT-15 Mclntosh, Madge 1875-1950 WWasWT Mclntosh, Marcia CTFT-4 Mclntyre, Dennis 1943(?)-1990 CTFT-9 Mclntyre, Frank 1879-1949 WWasWT Mclntyre, Marilyn CTFT-2 McKay, Scott 1915-1987 WWT-1 7 McKayle, Donald 1930CTFT-1 McKean, Michael 1947CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 14 McKechnie, Donna 1940CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 McKee, Clive R. 1883-? WWasWT McKee, Lonette 1954CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 14 McKellar, Danica 1975CTFT-24 McKellar, Don 1963CTFT-26 McKellen, Ian 1939CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 11; WWT-17 McKellen, Sir Ian See McKellen, Ian CTFT-22 McKenna, David, 1949CTFT-4 McKenna, Siobhan 1923-1986 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 McKenna, T. P. 1929WWT-1 7 McKenna, Virginia 1931CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 McKenzie, James B. 1926WWT-1 7 McKenzie, Julia 1941CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 McKenzie, Kevin Patrick 1954CTFT-12 McKeon, Doug 1966CTFT-4 McKeon, Nancy 1966(?)CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 McKeown, Allan 1946CTFT-12 McKeown, Charles CTFT-24 McKern, Abigail CTFT-26 McKern, Leo 1920CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8; WWT-17 McKinnel, Norman 1870-1932 WWasWT McKinney, Bill CTFT-8 McKinney, Mark 1963CTFT-25 McLain, John CTFT-2

Mclaughlin, Emily 1928-1991 Obituary in CTFT-10 McLellan, C. M. S. 1865-1916 McLerie, Allyn Ann 1926Earlier sketch in WWT-17 McMahon, Ed 1923Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 McMahon, Julian 1968McMartin, John Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; McMaster, Anew 1894-1962 McMillan, Kenneth 1932-1989 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 McMillan, Roddy 1923-1979 McMurray, Sam Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, McMurtry, Larry 1936Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 McNabb, Barry 1960McNally, Terence 1939Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; McNamara, Brooks 1937McNamara, Dermot 1925McNamara, William 1965McNaughton, Gus 1884-1969 McNaughton, Stephen McNaughton, Tom 1867-1923 McNaughtons, The McNeil, Claudia 1917McNeill, Robert Duncan 1964McNichol, James McNichol, Kristy 1962Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 McPherson, Conor 1971(?)McPherson, Mervyn 1892McQueen, Butterfly 1911McQueen, Justice Ellis See Jones, L. Q McQueen, Steve 1930-1980 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 McQuiggan, John A. 1935McRae, Bruce 1867-1927 McRae, Ellen See Burstyn, Ellen McRae, Glory McRaney, Gerald 1948Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, McRobbie, Peter 1943McShane, Ian 1942Earlier sketch in WWT-17 McTeer, Janet 1961McTiernan, John 1951Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 McWade, Robert 1882-1938 McWhinnie, Donald 1920-1987 Meacham, Anne 1925Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Meacham, Paul 1939Meade, Julia 1928Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Meader, George 1888-1963 Meadow, Lynne 1946Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Meadows, Audrey 1925-1996 Obituary in CTFT-16


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Meadows, Tim CTFT-26 Meaney, Colm 1953CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Means, Russell 1939CTFT-15 Meara, Anne 1929CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 14 Mears, Michael CTFT-28 Measor, Adela 1860-1933 WWasWT Measor, Beryl 1908-1965 WWasWT Meat Loaf 195K?)CTFT-24 Medak, Peter 1937CTFT-2 Medavoy, Mike 1941CTFT-10 Medford, Kay 1920-1980 WWT-1 7 Medoff, Mark 1940CTFT-12 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Medwin, Michael 1923CTFT-14 Mee, Charles L. Jr. 1938CTFT-13 Meek, Barbara CTFT-5 Meek, Donald 1880-1946 WWasWT Meeker, Ralph 1920-1988 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Megahey, Leslie 1944CTFT-14 Megard, Andree 1869-? WWasWT Megrue, Roi Cooper 1883-1927 WWasWT Meighan, Thomas 1879-1936 WWasWT Meiser, Edith 1898WWT-1 7 Meister, Brian 1948CTFT-2 Mekka, Eddie 1952CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Meldrum, Wendel CTFT-28 Melendez, Bill CTFT-6 Melfi, Leonard 1935WWT-1 7 Melford, Austin 1884-? WWasWT Melford, Jack 1899WWasWT Melford, Jill 1934WWT-1 7 Melia, Joe CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Mellish, Fuller 1865-1936 WWasWT Mellor, William See Mellor, William C CTFT-27 Mellor, William C. 1904-1963 CTFT-27 Melly, Andree 1932WWT-1 7 Melnick, Daniel 1932(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Melnotte, Violet 1852-1935 WWasWT Meloni, Chris See Meloni, Christopher CTFT-27 Meloni, Christopher 1961(?)CTFT-27 Meltzer, Charles Henry 1852-1936 WWasWT Melville, Alan 1910-1984 WWT-17 Melville, Andrew 1912WWasWT Melville, Frederick 1876-1938 WWasWT Melville, June 1915-1970 WWasWT Melville, Rose 1873-1946 WWasWT Melville, Walter 1875-1937 WWasWT Melville, Winnie ?-1937 WWasWT Melvin, Duncan 1913WWasWT Melvin, Murray CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Mendel WWasWT Mendelson, Lee 1933CTFT-12 Mendes, Sam 1965CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14

Mendillo, Stephen W. 1943CTFT-1 Menges, Chris 1941CTFT-7 Menges, Herbert 1902-1972 WWasWT Menke, Sally CTFT-27 Menke, Sally Jo See Menke, Sally CTFT-27 Menken, Alan 1949CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Menken, Helen 1901-1966 WWasWT Menzel, Jiri 1938CTFT-12 Menzies, Archie 1904WWasWT Menzies, Peter, Jr CTFT-27 Meppen, Adrian Joseph 1940CTFT-3 Merande, Doro 1935WWasWT Mercer, Beryl 1882-1939 WWasWT Mercer, David 1928-1980 WWT-17 Mercer, Johnny 1909-1976 WWT-16 Mercer, Marian 1935CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Merchant, Ismail 1936CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Merchant, Vivien 1929-1982 WWT-17 Mercouri, Melina 1925-1994 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-13 Mercure, Monique 1930CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Mercuric, Micole CTFT-28 Mere, Charles 1883-? WWasWT Meredith, Burgess 1909(?)-1997 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Meredith, Don 1938CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Merivale 1882-1939 WWasWT Merivale, Philip 1886-1946 WWasWT Meriwether, Lee 1935CTFT-2 Merkel, Una 1903-1986 WWasWT Merkerson, S. Epatha 1952CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Merlin, Joanna 1931CTFT-10 Merman, Ethel 1909-1984 CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Merrall, Mary 1890-1973 WWasWT Merriam, Eve 1916CTFT-1 Merrick, David 1912CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Merrick, Leonard 1864-1939 WWasWT Merrill, Beth WWasWT Merrill, Bob 1920WWT-17 Merrill, Dina 1925CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8 Merrill, Gary 1915-1990 CTFT-1 Merritt, Grace 1881-? WWasWT Merritt, Theresa 1922CTFT-8 Merson, Billy 1881-1947 WWasWT Mery, Andree WWasWT Messager, Andre 1853-1929 WWasWT Messick, Don 1926CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Messing, Debra CTFT-20 Meszaros, Marta 1931CTFT-12 Metaxa, Georges 1899-1950 WWasWT Metcalf, Laurie 1955CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7

Miles »495 Metcalf, Mark 1946CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Metcalfe, James Stetson 1858-1927 WWasWT Metcalfe, Stephen 1953CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Metenier, Oscar 1859-1913 WWasWT Metheny, Pat 1954CTFT-12 Metrano, Art 1937CTFT-5 Metzler, Jim 1951CTFT-28 Mewes, Jason 1974CTFT-28 Meyer, Bertie Alexander 1877-1967 WWasWT Meyer, Breckin 1974CTFT-25 Meyer, Dina 1969CTFT-22 Meyer, Louis 1871-1915 WWasWT Meyer, Nicholas 1945CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 14 Meyers, Ari 1969CTFT-4 Meyers, Jonathan Rhys See Rhys-Meyers, Jonathan CTFT-23 Meyers, Nancy 1949CTFT-24 Meyers, Timothy 1945-1989 CTFT-1 Meynell, Clyde 1867-1934 WWasWT Michael, Gertrude 1910-1965 WWasWT Michael, Kathleen 1917WWT-17 Michael, Ralph 1907WWT-17 Michaelis, Robert 1884-1965 WWasWT Michaels, Lome 1944CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 9 Michaels, Marilyn 1943CTFT-8 Michaels, Richard 1936CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Michaelson, Knut 1846WWasWT Michell, Keith 1928(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8; WWT-17 Michell, Roger CTFT-27 Middlemass, Frank 1919CTFT-8 Middleton, Edgar 1894-1939 WWasWT Middleton, George 1880-1967 WWasWT Middleton, Guy 1907-1973 WWasWT Middleton, Josephine 1883-1971 ..WWasWT Middleton, Ray 1907-1984 WWT-17 Midgley, Robin 1934WWT-17 Midler, Bette 1945CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 11; WWT-17 Mifune, Toshiro 1920-1997 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-19 Migden, Chester L. 1921CTFT-11 Mignot, Flore WWasWT Mihok, Dash CTFT-20 Milano, Alyssa 1972CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 14 Milchan, Arnon 1944CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Milch, David CTFT-24 Miler, Claude See Miller, Claude CTFT-26 Miles, Bernard 1907WWT-17 Miles, Joanna 1940CTFT-1 Miles, Julia CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Miles, Sarah 1941CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17

496 • Miles Miles, Sylvia 1932CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Miles, Vera 1930CTFT-5 Milford, Gene 1903-1992 CTFT-11 Milgrim, Lynn 1940CTFT-1 Militello, Anne E. 1957CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Milius, John 1944(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Milkis, Edward Kenneth 1931-1996 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-16 Milland, Ray 1905-1986 CTFT-3 Millar, Douglas 1875-1943 WWasWT Millar, Gertie 1879-1952 WWasWT Millar, Mary WWT-17 Millar, Robins 1889-1968 WWasWT Millar, Ronald 1919WWT-17 Millard, Evelyn 1869-1941 WWasWT Millard, Ursula 1901WWasWT Miller, Agnes WWasWT Miller, Ann 1919CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Miller, Arthur 1915CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 11; WWT-17 Miller, Barry 1958CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 10 Miller, Buzz 1923CTFT-1 Miller, Christa 1964CTFT-24 Miller, Claude 1942CTFT-26 Miller, David 1871-1933 WWasWT Miller, David 1909CTFT-2 Miller, Dennis 1953CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Miller, Dick 1928CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Miller, George 1945CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Miller, Gilbert Heron 1884-1969 WWasWT Miller, Harry M. 1934WWT-17 Miller, Henry 1860-1926 WWasWT Miller, Hugh (Lorimer) 1889-? WWasWT Miller, J.P. 1919CTFT-7 Miller, Jason 1939CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Miller, Joan 1910-1988 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Miller, Jonny Lee 1972CTFT-24 Miller, Jonathan 1934CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12; WWT-17 Miller, June 1934CTFT-4 Miller, Marilynn 1898-1936 WWasWT Miller, Martin (Rudolf) 1899-1969 WWasWT Miller, Nolan 1935CTFT-8 Miller, Penelope See Miller, Penelope Ann CTFT-27 Miller, Penelope Ann 1964CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 10, 17 Miller, Richard 1930CTFT-3 Miller, Robert Ellis 1932CTFT-12 Miller, Ruby 1889-1976 WWasWT Miller, Susan 1944CTFT-1 Miller, Thomas L. 1940CTFT-3

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Miller, Wade See Wade, Robert (Allison) CTFT-28 Millett, Maude 1867-1920 WWasWT Millett, Tim 1954CTFT-2 Millian, Andra CTFT-5 Millican, Jane 1902WWasWT Milliet, Paul 1858-? WWasWT Milligan, Spike 1918CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Milligan, Tuck CTFT-1 Millington, Rodney 1905-1990 WWT-17 Millo, Aprile 1958CTFT-13 Mills, A. J. 1872-? WWasWT Mills, Alley 1951CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Mills, Mrs. Clifford ?-1933 WWasWT Mills, Donna 1945(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Mills, Florence 1901WWasWT Mills, Frank 1870-1921 WWasWT Mills, Hayley 1946CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Mills, Horace 1864-1941 WWasWT Mills, John 1908CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-11; WWT-17 Mills, Juliet 1941CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Millward 1861-1932 WWasWT Milne, Alan Alexander 1882-1956 WWasWT Milner, Martin 1931CTFT-7 Milner, Ron 1938CTFT-10 Milstead, Harris Glenn See Divine CTFT-7 Miltern, John E. 1870-1937 WWasWT Milton, Billy 1905-1989 WWasWT Milton, David Scott 1934CTFT-1 Milton, Ernest 1890-1974 WWasWT Milton, Harry 1900-1965 WWasWT Milton, Maud 1859-1945 WWasWT Milton, Robert ?-1956 WWasWT Milward, Dawson 1870-1926 WWasWT Milward, Kristin CTFT-5 Mimieux, Yvette 1944CTFT-5 Miner, Jan 1917CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Miner, Stephen See Miner, Steve CTFT-9 Miner, Steve 1951CTFT-9 Miner, Worthington C. 1900-1982 WWasWT Minetti, Maria WWasWT Minghella, Anthony 1954CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Minkoff, Rob CTFT-28 Minkoff, Robert See Minkoff, Rob CTFT-28 Minkus, Barbara 1943CTFT-1 Mineo, John 1942CTFT-2 Mineo, Sal 1939-1976 CTFT-2 Minghella, Anthony 1954CTFT-10 Minil, du 1868-? WWasWT Minnelli, Liza 1946CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8, 16; WWT-17

Minnelli, Vincente 1903-1986 CTFT-1 Minney, Rubeigh James 1895WWasWT Minster, Jack 1901-1966 WWasWT Minter, Kristin 1967(?)CTFT-25 Minter, Mary Miles 1902WWasWT Minto, Dorothy 1891WWasWT Miou-Miou 1950CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Miramova, Elena WWasWT Mirande, Yves WWasWT Mirbeau, Octave 1848-1917 WWasWT Mirisch, Walter 1921CTFT-8 Mirojnick, Ellen 1949CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Mirren, Helen 1946CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 10, 17; WWT-17 Mischer, Don CTFT-1 Mr. T. 1952CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Mistinguett 1875-1956 WWasWT Mitchelhill, J. P. 1879-1966 WWasWT Mitchell, Adrian 1932CTFT-12 Mitchell, Arthur 1934CTFT-12 Mitchell, Brian Stokes 1957CTFT-22 Mitchell, Cameron 1918-1994 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-13 Mitchell, Daryl See Mitchell, Daryl "Chill" .... CTFT-19 Mitchell, Daryl "Chill" .CTFT-19 Mitchell, Daryl M. See Mitchell, Daryl "Chill" .... CTFT-19 Mitchell, David 1932CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Mitchell, Dodson 1868-1939 WWasWT Mitchell, Grant 1874-1957 WWasWT Mitchell, Gregory 1951CTFT-8 Mitchell, James 1920CTFT-1 Mitchell, James D. See Mitchell, Jim CTFT-28 Mitchell, Jim CTFT-28 Mitchell, John H. 1918-1988 CTFT-4 Mitchell, Julian 1935CTFT-1 Mitchell, Julien 1888-1954 WWasWT Mitchell, Katie 1964CTFT-15 Mitchell, Keith See Coogan, Keith CTFT-18 Mitchell, Kel 1971(?)CTFT-24 Mitchell, Kel Johari Rice See Mitchell, Kel CTFT-24 Mitchell, Langdon Elwyn 1862-1935 WWasWT Mitchell, Lauren 1957CTFT-1 Mitchell, Pat 1943CTFT-24 Mitchell, Ruth 1919WWT-17 Mitchell, Sasha 1967(?)CTFT-15 Mitchell, Stephen 1907WWT-17 Mitchell, Thomas 1895-1962 WWasWT Mitchell, Warren 1926CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Mitchell, Yvonne 1925-1979 WWT-16 Mitchenson, Joe WWT-17 Mitchum, Robert 1917-1997 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-18 Mitzi-Dalty, Mdlle WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Miyori, Kim CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Mobley, Mary Ann 1939(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Modine, Matthew 1959CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Moeller, Philip 1880-1958 WWasWT Moffat, Donald 1930CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 14; WWT-17 Moffat, Graham 1866-1951 WWasWT Moffat, Mrs. Graham 1873-1943 WWasWT Moffat, Kate WWasWT Moffat, Margaret 1882-1942 WWasWT Moffat, Winifred 1899WWasWT Moffatt, Alice 1890WWasWT Moffatt, John 1922CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Moffatt, Joyce Anne 1936CTFT-12 Moffet, Harold 1892-1938 WWasWT Moffett, D. W 1954CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Moffett, Don W. See Moffett, D. W. CTFT-24 Mohr, Jay 1971CTFT-20 Mohyeddin, Zia 1933WWT-17 Moiseiwitsch, Tanya 1914WWT-17 Mokae, Zakes 1935CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Mokri, Amir 1956(?)CTFT-15 Mokri, Amir M. See Mokri, Amir CTFT-15 Mol, Gretchen 1973(?)CTFT-24 Molesworth, Ida ?-1951 WWasWT Molina, Alfred 1953(?)CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Molinaro, Al 1919CTFT-8 Molinaro, Edouard 1928CTFT-8 Moll, Richard 1943CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Mollison, Clifford 1897-1986 WWT-17 Mollison, Henry 1905WWasWT Mollison, William 1893-1955 WWasWT Mollo, John 1931CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Molnar, Ferencz 1878-1952 WWasWT Molnar, Robert 1927CTFT-1 Moloney, Paddy 1938CTFT-20 Molyneux, Eileen 1893-1962 WWasWT Monash, Paul CTFT-5 Monck, Nugent 1877-1958 WWasWT Monckton, Lionel 1862-1924 WWasWT Moncrieff, Gladys 1893WWasWT Monette, Richard 1944CTFT-21 Monger, Christopher 1950CTFT-15 Monk, Debra 1949CTFT-21 Monk, Isabell 1952CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Monk, Meredith 1942CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Monkhouse, Allan 1858-1936 WWasWT Monkman, Phyllis 1892WWasWT Monna-Delza, Mdlle. ?-1921 WWasWT Monroe, Marilyn 1926-1962 CTFT-19

Montagu, Elizabeth 1909WWasWT Montague, Bertram 1892WWasWT Montague, Charles Edward 1867-1928 WWasWT Montague, Harold 1874-? WWasWT Montague, Lee 1927CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Montalban, Ricardo 1920CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Montand, Yves 1921-1991 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-10 Montefiore, David 1944CTFT-3 Montefiore, Eade 1866-1944 WWasWT Montevecchi, Liliane 1933CTFT-11 Montgomery, Belinda J. 1950CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Montgomery, Douglass 1909-1966 WWasWT Montgomery, Earl 1921-1987 WWT-17 Montgomery, Elizabeth 1902WWT-17 Montgomery, Elizabeth 1933-1995 CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Montgomery, James 1882-1966 WWasWT Montgomery, Robert 1903-1981 ....WWasWT Montgomery, Robert 1946CTFT-1 Montgommery, David Craig 1870-1917 WWasWT Monticello, Roberto 1954CTFT-5 Montrose, Muriel WWasWT Monty, Gloria 1921(?)CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Moody, Ron 1924CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8; WWT-17 Moonblood, Q. See Stallone, Sylvester CTFT-16 Mooney, Debra CTFT-4 Mooney, William 1936CTFT-1 Moor, Bill 1931CTFT-1 Moore, Brian 1921-1999 CTFT-25 Moore, A. P. 1906WWasWT Moore, Alvy 1925-1997 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-17 Moore, Carrie 1883-1956 WWasWT Moore, Cherie See Ladd, Cheryl CTFT-18 Moore, Christopher 1952CTFT-1 Moore, Decima 1871-1964 WWasWT Moore, Demi 1962CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Moore, Dudley 1935CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8, 16; WWT-1 7 Moore, Edward James 1935CTFT-10 Moore, Eva 1870-1955 WWasWT Moore, Florence 1886-1935 WWasWT Moore, George 1852-1933 WWasWT Moore, Grace 1901-1947 WWasWT Moore, Hilda ?-1926 WWasWT Moore, Judith 1944CTFT-1 Moore, Julianne 1961CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Moore, Kim 1956CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2

Morgan • 497 Moore, Mary 1861-1931 WWasWT Moore, Mary Tyler 1937(?)CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6, 14 Moore, Maureen 1952CTFT-1 Moore, Melba 1945CTFT-4 Moore, Michael 1954(?)CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Moore, Robert 1927-1984 CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Moore, Roger 1927CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 17 Moore, Sonia 1902CTFT-2 Moore, Stephen 1937CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; WWT-17 Moore, Tom 1943CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Moore, Victor Frederick 1876-1962 WWasWT Moorehead, Agnes 1906-1974 WWT-16 Moorhouse, Jocelyn 1961(?)-.... CTFT-16 Morahan, Christopher Thomas 1929CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6; WWT-17 Morales, Esai 1962CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Moran, Lois 1907-1990 WWasWT Morand, Eugene 1855-1930 WWasWT Morand, Marcellue Raymond 1860-1922 WWasWT Moranis, Rick CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 More, Julian 1928CTFT-6 More, Kenneth 1914-1982 WWT-17 More, Unity 1894WWasWT Moreau, Emile 1852-? WWasWT Moreau, Jeanne 1928CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Morehart, Deborah 1962CTFT-21 Morehouse, Ward 1899-1966 WWasWT Morell, Andre 1909-1978 WWT-16 Moreno, Rita 1931CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3, 14; WWT-1 7 Moreno, Rosita See Moreno, Rita CTFT-24 Moreton, Ursula 1903WWasWT Moretti, Nanni 1953CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Morey, Charles 1947CTFT-1 Morgan, Charles Langbridge 1894-1958 WWasWT Morgan, Claudia 1912-1974 WWasWT Morgan, Diana 1910WWT-17 Morgan, Donald M. 1942CTFT-11 Morgan, Frank 1890-1949 WWasWT Morgan, Gareth 1940CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Morgan, Harry 1915CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Morgan, Helen 1900-1941 WWasWT Morgan, Henry See Morgan, Harry CTFT-20 Morgan, Joan 1905WWT-17 Morgan, Ralph 1888-1956 WWasWT

498 •


Morgan, Roger 1938WWT-17 Morgan, Sydney 1885-1931 WWasWT Morgan, Trevor 1986CTFT-27 Morgenstern, S. See Goldman, William CTFT-14 Morgenstern, Susan 1954CTFT-5 Moriarty, Cathy 1960CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Moriarty, Michael 1941CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4, 13; WWT-1 7 Morison, Patricia 1915WWasWT Morita, Noriyuki "Pat" CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Moritz, Neal H CTFT-22 Moriyasu, Atsushi 1956CTFT-1 Morlay, Gaby 1896-1964 WWasWT Morley, Christopher CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Morley, Malcolm 1890-1966 WWasWT Morley, Robert 1908-1992 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Morley, Ruth 1926(?)-1991 CTFT-11 Morley, Sheridan 1941WWT-17 Mornel, Ted 1936CTFT-2 Moroder, Giorgio 1941(?)CTFT-10 Morosco, Oliver 1876-1945 WWasWT Morricone, Ennio 1928CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 16 Morris, Aldyth 1901CTFT-1 Morris, Anita 1943-1994 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-13 Morris, Chester 1901-1970 WWasWT Morris, Clara 1846-1925 WWasWT Morris, Edmund 1912-1998 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-24 Morris, Garrett 1937CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Morris, Greg 1933-1996 CTFT-25 Morris, Haviland CTFT-20 Morris, Jane CTFT-27 Morris, Joan 1943CTFT-1 Morris, John 1926CTFT-1 Morris, Margaret 1891WWasWT Morris, Mary 1895-1970 WWasWT Morris, Mary 1915-1988 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch WWT-17 Morris, McKay 1891-1955 WWasWT Morris, Michael See Wayne, John CTFT-19 Morris, Oswald 1915CTFT-10 Morris, Phyllis 1894WWT-17 Morris, William 1861-1936 WWasWT Morrison, Ann 1956CTFT-2 Morrison, Bill 1940CTFT-12 Morrison, Duke See Wayne, John CTFT-19 Morrison, George E. 1860-1938 WWasWT Morrison, Hobe 1904WWT-17 Morrison, Jack 1887-1948 WWasWT Morrison, Jack 1912WWT-17 Morrison, Steve 1947CTFT-10 Morrissette, Alanis 1974CTFT-28

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Morrissey, David CTFT-28 Morrissey, Paul 1939CTFT-8 Morritt, Charles 1860-? WWasWT : Morrow, Barry 1948CTFT-11 Morrow, Doretta 1928-1968 WWasWT Morrow, Karen 1936CTFT-20 Morrow, Rob 1962CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Morrow, Vic 1931-1982 CTFT-2 Morse, Barry 1919WWasWT Morse, David 1953CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Morse, Robert 1931CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7; WWT-17 Mortensen, Viggo 1958CTFT-21 Mortimer, Charles 1885-1964 WWasWT Mortimer, John 1923CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9; WWT-17 Mortlock, Charles Bernard 1888-1967 WWasWT Morton, Arthur 1908CTFT-5 Morton, Clive 1904-1975 WWasWT Morton, Edward ?-1922 WWasWT Morton, Hugh See McLellan, C. M. S WWasWT Morton, Joe 1947CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Morton, Leon 1912WWasWT Morton, Martha 1870-1925 WWasWT Morton, Michael ?-1931 WWasWT Morton, Rob See Demme, Jonathan CTFT-14 Moscovitch, Maurice 1871-1940 WWasWT Moses, Charles Alexander 1923CTFT-3 Moses, Gilbert III 1942-1995 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Moses, Montrose J. 1878-1934 WWasWT Moses, William R. 1959CTFT-24 Mosheim, Crete 1907WWasWT Mosher, Gregory 1949CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Moshinsky, Elijah 1946CTFT-1 3 Mosier, Scott CTFT-22 Mosley, Walter 1952CTFT-28 Moss, Arnold 1910-1989 CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Moss, Carrie-Ann 1970CTFT-26 Moss, (Horace) Edward 1854-? WWasWT Moss, Jeffrey B. 1945CTFT-4 Moss, W Keith 1892-1935 WWasWT Mosse, Spencer 1945CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Mossetti, Carlotta 1890-? WWasWT Most, Donald 1953CTFT-7 Mostel, Josh 1946CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8, 16 Mostel, Joshua See Mostel, Josh CTFT-16 Mostel, Zero 1915-1977 WWT-17 Mothersbaugh, Mark CTFT-14 Motley WWT-1 7 Motta, Bess CTFT-4 Mouezy-Eon, Andre 1880-? WWasWT

Mouillot, Gertrude ?-1961 WWasWT Moulan, Frank 1875-1939 WWasWT Mould, Raymond Wesley 1905WWasWT Moulton, Robert 1922CTFT-1 Mounet, Jean Paul 1847-1922 WWasWT Mounet-Sully, Jean 1841-1916 WWasWT Mount, Peggy 1916WWT-17 Mount, Thorn 1948CTFT-10 Mowat, David 1943CTFT-11 Moya, Natalie 1900WWasWT Moyers, Bill 1934CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Mozart, George 1864-1947 WWasWT Mrozek, Slawomir 1930WWT-17 Mudd, Roger 1928CTFT-5 Mudgeon, Apeman See Mitchell, Adrian CTFT-12 Mudie, Leonard 1884-1965 WWasWT Muellerleile, Marianne 1948CTFT-7 Mueller-Stahl, Armin 1930CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Muir, Jean 1911WWasWT Mukhamedov, Irek 1960CTFT-15 Mula, Frank CTFT-15 Mulcaster, G. H. 1891-1964 WWasWT Muldaur, Diana 1938CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Muldoon, Richard See Beaver, Jim CTFT-23 Muldoon, Roland 1941WWT-17 Muldowney, Dominic 1952CTFT-13 Mulgrew, Kate 1955CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 10 Mulhare, Edward 1923-1997 CTFT-10 Obituary in CTFT-17 Mulhern, Matt 1960CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Mulholland, J. B. 1858-1925 WWasWT Mull, Martin 1943CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 15 Mullally, Megan 1958CTFT-24 Mullavey, Greg 1939CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Mullen, Barbara 1914-1979 WWT-17 Mulligan, Richard 1932CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Mulligan, Robert 1925CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Mulroney, Dermot 1963CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Mumy, Bill 1954CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Mundin, Herbert 1898-1939 WWasWT Mundy, Meg CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Mundt, Karl See Goodman, John CTFT-28 Muni, Paul 1895-1967 WWasWT Munro, C. K. 1889WWasWT Munro, Lochlyn CTFT-25 Munro, Locklyn See Munro, Lochlyn CTFT-25 Munro, Nan 1905WWT-17 Munson, Ona 1906-1955 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Murcell, George 1925-1998 Obituary in CTFT-24 Murch, Walter Murdoch, Iris 1919Murdoch, Richard 1907Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Murdoch, Rupert 1931Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Murdock, Ann 1890Muren, Dennis 1946Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Murfin, Jane ?-1955 Murin, David Murphy, Audie 1924-1971 Murphy, Ben 1942(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Murphy, Bri See Murphy, Brianne Murphy, Brianne 1938Murphy, Brittany 1977Murphy, Donn B. 1930Murphy, Donna 1958Murphy, Eddie 1961Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Murphy, Fred Murphy, Fred V., II See Murphy, Fred Murphy, Frederick V., II See Murphy, Fred Murphy, Michael 1938Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Murphy, Rosemary 1927Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Murphy, Sally Murphy, Thomas 1935Murray, Abigail Murray, Alma 1854-1945 Murray, Barbara 1929Murray, Bill 1950Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Murray, Braham 1943Murray, Brian 1937Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Murray, Don 1929Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Murray, Douglas ?-1936 Murray, George Gilbert Aime 1866-1957 Murray, J. Harold 1891-1940 Murray, Joel Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Murray, Mary Gordon 1953Murray, Paul 1885-1949 Murray, Peg Murray, Peter 1925Murray, Sharon Murray, Stephen 1912Murray, T. C. 1973-1959 Murtaugh, James Murtaugh, James F. See Murtaugh, James Musante, Anthony See Musante, Tony Musante, Tony 1936Earlier sketches in CTFT-1,


CTFT-13 CTFT-13 CTFT-28 CTFT-4 CTFT-25 CTFT-22 6, 13 CTFT-28

Nelligan • 499

Musaphia, Joseph 1935CTFT-15 Musberger, Brent See Musburger, Brent CTFT-20 Musburger, Brent 1939CTFT-20 Musgrove, Gertrude 1912WWasWT Music, Lorenzo 1937CTFT-8 Musker, John CTFT-21 Musky, Jane 1954CTFT-4 Musser, Tharon 1925CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 "My Fancy" WWasWT Myers, Mike 1963(?)CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Myers, Paul 1917WWT-17 Myers, Peter 1923-1978 WWT-16 Myers, Richard 1901WWasWT Myers, Ruth CTFT-10 Myers, Stanley 1933(?)-1993 CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Myles, Lynda CTFT-1 Myrtil, Odette 1898-1978 WWasWT


CTFT-28 CTFT-28 CTFT-19 7 CTFT-7 CTFT-28 CTFT-12 CTFT-28 WWasWT WWT-17 CTFT-23 6, 13 WWT-1 7 CTFT-4 CTFT-15 WWasWT WWasWT WWasWT CTFT-25 CTFT-1 WWasWT WWT-1 7 WWasWT CTFT-2 WWT-17 WWasWT CTFT-28 CTFT-28 CTFT-19 CTFT-19 7

Nabors, Jim 1933CTFT-3 Nadel, Norman 1915WWT-17 Nadell, Carol L. 1944CTFT-1 Nader, Michael 1945CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Nader, Mike See Nader, Michael CTFT-19 Nagel, Conrad 1897-1970 WWasWT Nagy, Phyllis 1960CTFT-14 Nainby, Robert 1869-1948 WWasWT Nair, Mira 1957CTFT-12 Naish, Archie 1878-? WWasWT Naismith, Laurence 1908WWT-17 Najimy, Kathy 1957(?)CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Nallon, Steve 1960CTFT-4 Namath, Joe 1943CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Namath, Joe Willie See Namath, Joe CTFT-19 Nance, Jack 1943-1996 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-16 Napier, Alan 1903-1988 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Napier, Charles CTFT-6 Napier, John 1944CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 Napierkowska, Stanislawa (Stasia) WWasWT Napoli, Tony 1948CTFT-2 Nardino, Gary 1935-1998 CTFT-20 Obituary in CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Nares, Geoffrey 1917-1942 WWasWT Nares, Owen 1888-1943 WWasWT Narita, Hiro 1941CTFT-13 Nasatir, Marcia CTFT-15 Nash, Florence 1888-1950 WWasWT

Nash, George Frederick 1873-1 944 Nash, Mary 1885-? Nash, N. Richard 1913Nassau, Paul 1930Nassivera, John 1950Nathan, Ben 1857-1965 Nathan, George Jean 1882-1958 Nathan, Robert Stuart 1948Nathan, Vivian 1921Nathanson, Michael G Nation, W. H. C. 1843-1914 NationalTheatr Company, The Natwick, Mildred 1908-1994 Obituary in CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Naughton, Bill 1910Naughton, David 1951Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Naughton, James 1945Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Navarro, Guillermo Naylor, Robert 1899Nazimova, Alia 1879-1945 Neagle, Anna 1904-1986 Earlier sketch in'WWT-1 7 Neal, Elise 1970Neal, Patricia 1926Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; Nealon, Kevin 1953Neame, Christopher 1942Neame, Ronald 1911Near, Holly 1949Near, Timothy 1945Nedell, Bernard 1899-1972 Nederlander, James 1922Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Nedwell, Robin 1946-1999 Needham, Hal 1931Neely, Ted 1943Neeson, Liam 1953(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Negro, Mary-Joan Neil, Julian 1952Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Neill, Henry See Corman, Roger Neill, Jeffery K. 1938Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Neill, Sam 1947Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, Neilson, Francis 1867-1961 Neilson, Harold V. 1874-1956 Neilson, Julia 1868-1957 Neilson, Perlita 1933Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Neilson-Terry, Dennis 1895-1932 Neilson-Terry, Phyllis 1892Neiman, John M. 1935Neipris, Wille Janet 1936Nelligan, Kate 1951Earlier sketches in CTFT-1,


WWT-17 CTFT-13




500 • Nelson Nelson, Barry 1925CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Nelson, Craig T. 1946CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10, 17 Nelson, David 1936CTFT-5 Nelson, Gary CTFT-12 Nelson, Gene 1920-1996 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Nelson, Harriet 1914-1994 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-13 Nelson, Judd 1959CTFT-9 Brief Entry in CTFT-4 Nelson, Kenneth 1930WWT-1 7 Nelson, Lori 1933CTFT-28 Nelson, Novella 1938CTFT-1 Nelson, Ralph 1916-1987 CTFT-1 Nelson, Richard 1938-1996 CTFT-14 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Nelson, Richard 1950CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Nelson, Rick 1940-1985 CTFT-3 Nelson, Ruth 1905WWT-1 7 Nelson, Tracy 1963CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Nelson, Willie 1933CTFT-5 Nemchinova, Vera WWasWT Nemes, Scott 1974.CTFT-25 Neri, Francesca 1964CTFT-28 Nero, Franco 1941CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Nesbitt, Cathleen 1888-1982 WWT-17 Nesbitt, Miriam Anne 1879-1954 WWasWT Nesbitt, Robert 1906WWT-1 7 Nesmith, Michael 1942CTFT-5 Nesmith, Ottola 1893-1972 WWasWT Nethersole, Olga Isabel 1866-1951 WWasWT Netter, Douglas 1921CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 7 Nettlefold, Archibald 1870-1944 WWasWT Nettlefold, Frederick John 1867-1949 WWasWT Nettleton, John 1929CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Nettleton, Lois CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Neuberger, Jan 1953CTFT-5 Neufeld, Mace 1928CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Neufeld, Peter 1936CTFT-1 Neufeld, Sigmund Jr. 1931CTFT-1 Neufeld, Victor CTFT-12 Neuman, Joan 1926CTFT-1 Neuwirth, Bebe CTFT-10 Neville, John 1925CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Nevins, Claudette CTFT-1 New, Babette 1913CTFT-4 Newall, Guy 1885-1937 WWasWT Neway, Patricia 1919WWT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Newberry, Barbara 1910WWasWT Newcomb, Mary 1897-1966 WWasWT Newell, Mike 1942CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Newell, Patrick CTFT-8 Newell, Raymond 1894WWasWT Newhart, Bob 1929CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Newirth, Charles CTFT-25 Newland, Mary WWT-8 Newley, Anthony 1931CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-1 7 Newman, Barry 1938CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Newman, Claude 1903WWasWT Newman, David 1933CTFT-28 Newman, David 1937CTFT-5 Newman, David "Fathead" See Newman, David CTFT-28 Newman, Edwin 1919CTFT-5 Newman, Emil ?-1984 CTFT-2 Newman, G. F. 1945CTFT-10 Newman, Greatrex 1892WWasWT Newman, Laraine 1952CTFT-6 Newman, Lionel 1916-1989 CTFT-8 Newman, Paul 1925CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3; WWasWT Newman, Phyllis 1933CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Newman, Randy 1943CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Newman, Thomas 1955CTFT-28 Newmar, Julie 1933(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Newmeyer, Julia See Newmar, Julie CTFT-19 Newmeyer, Julie See Newmar, Julie CTFT-19 NewnhamDavis, Nathaniel 1854-1917 WWasWT Newton, Christopher 1936CTFT-12 Newton, Henry Chance 1854-1931 WWasWT Newton, John 1925CTFT-1 Newton, Robert 1905-1956 WWasWT Newton, Wayne 1942CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Newton-John, Olivia 1948CTFT-5 Ney, Marie 1895WWasWT Ngema, Mbongeni 1955CTFT-9 Ngor, Haing S. 1941 (?)-1996 CTFT-11 Obituary in CTFT-16 Nicander, Edwin 1876-1951 WWasWT Nicastro, Michelle 1960CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Niccol, Andrew 1964(?)CTFT-24 Nicholas, Anna Nicholas, Denise 1945Nicholas, Fayard 1914Nicholas, Paul 1945Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Nicholls, Anthony 1907-1977 Nicholls, Harry 1852-1926 Nichols, Anne 1891-1966 Nichols, Beverly 1898-1983


Nichols, Dudley 1895-1960 CTFT-26 Nichols, Leo See Morricone, Ennio CTFT-27 Nichols, Lewis 1903WWasWT Nichols, Mike 1931CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8, 16; WWT-1 7 Nichols, Nichelle 1936CTFT-8 Nichols, Peter 1927CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Nichols, Robert 1924CTFT-4 Nicholson, Bruce CTFT-13 Nicholson, H. O. 1868-? WWasWT Nicholson, Jack 1937CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3, 11 Nicholson, Kenyon 1894WWasWT Nicholson, Nora 1889-1973 WWasWT Nichtern, Claire CTFT-2 Nicodemi, Dario ?-1934 WWasWT Nicoll, Allardyce 1894-1976 WWT-16 Nielsen, Alice 1876-1943 WWasWT Nielsen, Brigitte 1963(?)CTFT-11 Nielsen, Leslie 1926CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 11 Niesen, Gertrude 1910WWasWT Nightingale, Joe WWasWT Nijinska, Bronislava 1891-1972 WWasWT Nijinsky, Vaslav 1890-1950 WWasWT Nikitna, Alice WWasWT Nillson, Carlotta 1878?-1951 WWasWT Nilsson, Harry 1941-1994 CTFT-21 Nimmo, Derek 1932WWT-17 Nimoy, Leonard 1931CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 14 Nishioka, Hayward H. 1942CTFT-20 Nissen, Brian 1927WWasWT Nissen, Greta 1906-1988 WWasWT Nitzsche, Jack CTFT-8 Niven, David 1910-1983 CTFT-1 Nivola, Alessandro 1973CTFT-25 Nixon, Agnes 1927. CTFT-6 Nixon, Cynthia 1966CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Noble, Adrian 1950CTFT-11 Noble, Chelsea 1964CTFT-14 Noble, Dennis 1898-1966 WWasWT Noble, James 1922CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Noble, JoMarie Payton CTFT-17 Noble, Terry Thorn See Noble, Thom CTFT-21 Noble, Thom CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Noiret, Philippe 1930CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 15 Nolan, Doris 1916WWasWT Nolan, Jeanette 1911-1998 CTFT-21 Nolan, Lloyd 1902-1985 CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Nolte, Nick 1941CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 13 Noonan, Tom 1951CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Noonan, Tommy See Noonan, Tom CTFT-25

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Norden, Christine 1924-1988 Nordstrom, Frances Norfolk, Edgar 1893Norgate, Matthew 1901Norman, Maidie 1912-1998 Obituary in CTFT-21 Norman, Marsha 1947Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Norman, Norman J. 1870-1941 Norman, Norman V. 1864-1943 Norman, Thyrza 1884-? Normington, John 1937Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; Norris, Chuck 1940Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, Norris, Dean Norris, Patricia Norris, William 1872-1929 North, Alex 1910-1991 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 North, Edmund H. 1911-1990 North, Sheree 1933Northam, Jeremy 1961(?)Northcott, Richard 1871-1931 Northen, Michael 1921Norton, Edward 1969Norton, Elliot 1903Norton, Frederic ?-1946 Norton, Jim Norton, Judy See Norton-Taylor, Judy Norton-Taylor, Judy Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Norville, Deborah 1958Norwood, Brandy 1979Norwood, Eille 1861-1948 Norwood, Lily See Charisse, Cyd Norworth, Jack 1879-1959 Noth, Christopher 1957(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Noto, Lore Nouri, Michael 1945Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Novak, Kim 1933Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Novak, Marilyn See Novak, Kim Novello, Don 1943Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Novello, Ivor 1893-1951 Nowak, Christopher Noyce, Phillip 1950Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Noyes, Thomas 1922-1989 Noziere, Fernand 1874-1931 Nucci, Danny 1968Nugent, Elliott 1899-1980 Nugent, John Charles 1878-1947 Nugent, Moya 1901-1954



O'Herlihy • 501

Nugent, Nelle 1939CTFT-1 Nuncey, Miguel A. See Nunez, Miguel A., Jr. CTFT-28 Nunez, Miguel See Nunez, Miguel A., Jr. CTFT-28 Nunez, Miguel A., Jr. CTFT-28 Nunn, Bill CTFT-21 Nunn, Trevor 1940CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 11; WWT-17 Nunn, William See Nunn, Bill CTFT-21 Nureyev, Rudolf 1938-1993 CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Nutley, Colin 1944CTFT-28 Nuyen, France 1939CTFT-1 Nuytten, Bruno 1945CTFT-9 Nye, Carrie CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Nye, Pat 1908WWT-17 Nykvist, Sven 1924CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 16 Nyman, Michael Lawrence 1944CTFT-11 Nype, Russell 1924WWT-17

O Oaker, Jane 1880-? WWasWT Oakland, Simon 1922-1983 CTFT-1 Gates, Warren 1928-1982 CTFT-1 O'Bannon, Dan 1946CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Ober, Philip 1902-1982 WWasWT Obey, Andre 1892-1975 WWasWT Obomsawin, Alanis 1932CTFT-21 Obraztsov, Sergei Vladimirovich 1901WWasWT O'Brian, Hugh 1930CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 O'Brien, Barry 1893-1961 WWasWT O'Brien, Conan 1963CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 O'Brien, David 1930WWasWT O'Brien, Edmond 1915-1985 CTFT-2 O'Brien, Jack 1939CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8 O'Brien, Kate 1897-1974 WWasWT O'Brien, Margaret 1937CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 O'Brien, Maureen 1943CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 O'Brien, Maxine See O'Brien, Margaret CTFT-20 O'Brien, Richard 1942CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 O'Brien, Terence 1887-1970 WWasWT O'Brien, Timothy 1929CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 O'Brien, Virginia 1896-1987 WWasWT O'Brien-Moore, Erin 1908-1979 WWasWT O'Bryen, W J. 1898WWasWT

Obst, Lynda 1950CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 O'Callaghan, Richard 1940CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 O'Casey, Sean 1880-1964 WWasWT Ocean, Ivory CTFT-28 O'Connell, Arthur 1908-1981 WWT-17 O'Connell, Hugh 1898-1943 WWasWT O'Connell, Jerry 1974CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 O'Connor, Bill 1919WWasWT O'Connor, Carroll 1924(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 9, 17 O'Connor, Charles Wm. 1878-1955 WWasWT O'Connor, Donald 1925CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 O'Connor, Glynnis 1955CTFT-6 O'Connor, John J. 1933WWasWT O'Connor, Kevin 1938-1991 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 O'Connor, Kevin J. 1964CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 7 O'Connor, Pat CTFT-7 O'Connor, Renee 1971CTFT-19 O'Connor, Sinead 1966CTFT-12 O'Connor, Una 1893-1959 WWasWT O'Conor, Joseph 1916WWT-17 O'Dea, Denis 1905WWasWT Odell, George C. D. 1866-1949 WWasWT Odets, Clifford 1906-1963 WWasWT Odette, Mary 1901WWasWT Oditz, Carl 1946CTFT-2 O'Doherty, Eileen 1891WWasWT O'Doherty, Mignon 1890-1961 WWasWT O'Donnell, Chris 1970CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 O'Donnell, Mark 1954CTFT-1 O'Donnell, Mary Eileen 1948CTFT-5 O'Donnell, Rosie 1962CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 O'Donoghue, Michael 1940-1994 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-15 O'Donovan, Desmond 1933CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 O'Donovan, Fred 1889-1952 WWasWT Oedekerk, Steve CTFT-28 Oenslager, Donald 1902-1975 WWasWT O'Farrell, Mary 1892-1968 WWasWT Ogilvie, George 1931WWT-17 Ogilvie, Glencairn Stuart 1858-1932 WWasWT O'Grady, Gail 1963CTFT-19 O'Hara, Catherine 1954CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 O'Hara, David 1965CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 O'Hara, Jenny CTFT-8 O'Hara, Maureen 1921CTFT-8 O'Hearn, Robert 1921CTFT-5 O'Herlihy, Dan 1919CTFT-6

502 • O'Higgins O'Higgins, Harvey J. 1876-1929 Ohlmeyer, Don Jr. 1945Ohnet, Georges 1848-1918 O'Horgan, Tom 1926O'Hurley, John 1956(?)O'Keefe, Jodi Lyn 1978O'Keefe, Michael 1955Brief Entry in CTFT-2 O'Keefe, Miles See O'Keeffe, Miles O'Keeffe, Miles 1955(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Okhlopkov, Nikolai Pavlovich 1900-1967 Olaf, Pierre 1928Oland, Warner 1880-1938 Olcott, Chauncey 1860-1932 Old, John M. See Bava, Mario Oldham, Derek 1892-1968 Oldland, Lillian 1905Oldman, Gary 1958Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, O'Leary, William Oleynik, Larisa 1981Oliansky, Joel 1935Oliffe, Geraldine Glim, Dorothy 1934Olin, Ken 1954Olin, Lena 1956(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Oliphant, Jack 1895Olive, Edyth ?-1956 Oliver, Anthony 1923Oliver, Barrie 1900Oliver, Edith 1912Oliver, Edna May 1885-1942 Oliver, Rochelle 1937Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Oliver, Susan 1937-1990 Oliver, Vic ?-1964 Olivier, Laurence 1907-1989 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; Olkewicz, Walter Olmi, Ermanno 1931Olmos, Edward James 1947Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, O'Loughlin, Gerald S. 1921Olsen, Ashley 1986(?)Olsen, Ashley Fuller See Olsen, Ashley Olsen, Mary-Kate 1986(?)Olsen, Merlin 1940Olsen, Ole 1892-1963 Olson, Glen 1945Olson, James 1930Olson, Nancy 1928Olyphant, Timothy 1968Om See Corey, Edward O'Malley, Ellen ?-1961 O'Malley, Rex 1901Oman, Julia Terelyan 1930-

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28



O'Mara, Kate 1939CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ombra, Carlo See Schenkel, Carl CTFT-27 O'Morrison, Kevin CTFT-1 Ondricek, Miroslav 1934CTFT-28 O'Neal, Charles E. 1904-1996 CTFT-28 O'Neal, Frederick 1905WWT-17 O'Neal, Patrick 1927-1994 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 O'Neal, Ron 1937CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 O'Neal, Ryan 1941CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 O'Neal, Shaquille 1972CTFT-22 O'Neal, Tatum 1963CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 O'Neal, Zelma 1907WWasWT O'Neil, Colette CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 O'Neil, Nancy 1911WWasWT O'Neil, Peggy 1898-1960 WWasWT O'Neill, Dick 1928-1998 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-24 O'Neill, Ed 1946CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 13 O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone 1888-1953 WWasWT O'Neill, Frank B. 1869-1959 WWasWT O'Neill, Henry 1891-1961 WWasWT O'Neill, James 1849-1920 WWasWT O'Neill, Jennifer 1949CTFT-6 O'Neill, Marie 1887-1952 WWasWT O'Neill, Nance 1874-1965 WWasWT O'Neill, Norman 1875-1934 WWasWT O'Neill, Sheila 1930CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ono, Yoko 1933CTFT-22 Ontkean, Michael 1946(?)CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10 Opatoshu, David 1918CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Openshaw, Charles Elton WWasWT Ophuls, Marcel 1927CTFT-8 Opp, Julie 1871-1921 WWasWT Oppenheimer, Alan 1930CTFT-7 Oppenheimer, Jess 1913-1988 CTFT-8 O'Ramey, Georgia 1886-1928 WWasWT Orbach, Jerry 1935CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 14; WWT-17 Orchard, Julian 1930-1979 WWT-16 Orczy, Emmuska 1865-1947 WWasWT Ord, Robert WWasWT Ord, Simon 1874-1944 WWasWT Ordonneau, Maurice 1854-1916 WWasWT Ordway, Sally CTFT-1 O'Regan, Kathleen 1903WWasWT O'Reilly, Bill 1949(?)CTFT-20 Oreskes, Daniel CTFT-23 Orlando, Tony 1944CTFT-6 Orme, Denise 1884-1960 WWasWT

Orme, Michael 1894-1944 WWasWT Ormond, Julia 1965(?)CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Ornbo, Robert 1931CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 O'Rorke, Brefni 1889-1946 WWasWT O'Rourke, Robert 1947CTFT-1 Orr, Mary 1918WWT-17 Orth, Zak 1970CTFT-19 Osborn, E. W. 1860-1930 WWasWT Osborn, Paul 1901-1988 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Osborne, John 1929-1994 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Osborne, Kipp 1944CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Osborne, Vivienne 1905WWasWT Oscar, Henry 1891-1969 WWasWT Oscarsson, Per 1927CTFT-15 Osgood, Charles 1933CTFT-16 O'Shea, Milo 1926CTFT-6 Osmond, Cliff CTFT-6 Osmond, Donny 1957CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Osmond, Marie 1959CTFT-6 Osmun, Betsy 1954CTFT-4 O'Steen, Michael 1962CTFT-8 Ostergren, Pernilla See August, Pernilla CTFT-23 Osterhage, Jeffrey 1953CTFT-5 Osterman, Lester 1914CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Osterwald, Bibi 1920CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ostrow, Stuart 1931WWT-17 O'Sullivan, Maureen 1911-1998 CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Osuna, Jess 1928CTFT-1 Oswald, Geneviere 1923CTFT-2 Oteri, Cheri CTFT-26 O'Toole, Annette 1953CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 16 O'Toole, Peter 1932CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 15; WWT-17 Ottaway, James 1908WWT-17 Otto, Miranda CTFT-28 Oughton, Winifred 1890-1964 WWasWT Ouimette, Stephen CTFT-24 Quid, Hermon 1885-1951 WWasWT Oulton, Brian 1908WWT-17 Ouspenskaya, Maria 1876-1949 WWasWT Overall, Park 1957(?)CTFT-11 Overend, Dorothy WWasWT Overman, Lynne 1887-1943 WWasWT Overmyer, Eric 1951CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Overton, Rick 1954CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Ovitz, Michael 1946CTFT-10 Owen, Alun 1925-1994 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in WWT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Owen, Bill 1914CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Owen, Catherine Dale 1900-1965 WWasWT Owen, Harold 1872-1930 WWasWT Owen, Harrison 1890WWasWT Owen, Reginald 1887-1972 WWasWT Owens, Dana See Queen Latifah CTFT-24 Owens, Gary 1936CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Owens, Rochelle 1936CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Oxenberg, Catherine 1961...CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Oyra, Jan 1888-? WWasWT Oz, Frank 1944CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15

P Paar, Jack 1918CTFT-6 Pace, William 1958CTFT-28 Pace, William R. See Pace, William CTFT-28 Pacey, Steven 1957CTFT-8 Pacino, Al 1940CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 13; WWT-1 7 Packer, David CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Pacula, Joanna 1957CTFT-22 Pagano, Giulia 1949CTFT-1 Page, Anthony 1935CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 12; WWT-17 Page, Ashley 1956CTFT-12 Page, Austin WWasWT Page, Geraldine 1924-1987 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-5 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Page, Harrison CTFT-7 Page, Louise 1955CTFT-12 Page, Norman ?-1935 WWasWT Page, Philip P. 1889WWasWT Page, Rita 1906-1954 WWasWT Page, Tilsa 1926WWasWT Paget, Cecil ?-1955 WWasWT Paget-Bowman, Cicely 1910WWT-17 Pagett, Nicola 1945CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Pagnol, Marcel 1895-1974 WWasWT Paige, Elaine CTFT-6 Paige, Janis 1924CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Painter, Eleanor 1890-1947 WWasWT Paisner, Dina CTFT-2 Pakula, Alan 1928CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Pal, George 1908-1980 CTFT-19 Paladini, Ettore 1849-? WWasWT Paladini-Ando, Celestina WWasWT

Palance, Jack 1920(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Palance, Walter Jack See Palance, Jack CTFT-23 Palcy, Euzhan 1957CTFT-16 Palerme, Gina WWasWT Paley, William S. 1901-1990 CTFT-5 Palfrey, May Lever 1867-1929 WWasWT Palin, Michael 1943CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 16 Palma, Loretta 1946CTFT-2 Palmer, Barbara 1911WWasWT Palmer, Betsy 1929CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Palmer, Charles 1869-1920 WWasWT Palmer, Geoffrey 1927CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8 Palmer, Gregg 1927CTFT-7 Palmer, John 1885-1944 WWasWT Palmer, Lilli 1914-1986 CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Palmer, Minnie 1857-1936 WwasWT Palmer, Patrick See Palmer, Patrick J CTFT-26 Palmer, Patrick J CTFT-26 Palmer, Vera Jane See Mansfield, Jayne CTFT-20 Palmieri, Joe 1939CTFT-1 Palminteri, Chazz 1951(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Paltrow, Bruce 1943CTFT-9 Paltrow, Gwyneth 1972(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Palzis, Kelly See Preston, Kelly CTFT-27 Pan, Hermes 1910(?)-1990 CTFT-9 Panama, Norman 1920(?)CTFT-22 Panettiere, Hayden 1989CTFT-23 Pankin, Stuart 1946CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Pankow, John 1955CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Panter, Joan 1909WWasWT Pantoliano, Joe 1951CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Papamichael, Phedon, Sr. See Papmichael, Phedon CTFT-27 Papamichael, Thedon See Papmichael, Phedon CTFT-27 Papas, Irene 1926CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8 Papathanassiou, Vangelis See Vangelis CTFT-21 Pape, Joan CTFT-1 Papmichael, Phedon CTFT-27 Papp, Joseph 1921-1991 CTFT-12 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Paquin, Anna 1982CTFT-27 Paragon, John CTFT-8 Pare, Michael 1959CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Parent, Gail 1940CTFT-8 Parfitt, Judy CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17

Paskaljevic • 503 Parichy, Dennis Paris, Jerry 1925-1986 Parish, James Parisot, Dean Parisys, Marcelle Parker, Alan 1944Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Parker, Andrea 1969Parker, Anthony 1912Parker, Cecil 1897-1971 Parker, Corey 1965Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, Parker, Eleanor 1922Parker, Ellen 1949Parker, Frank 1864-1926 Parker, Jameson 1947Parker, John 1875-1952 Parker, Joy 1924Parker, Lew 1906-1972 Parker, Lottie Blair 1858?-1 937 Parker, Louis Napoleon 1852-1944 Parker, Mary-Louise 1964Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Parker, Sarah Jessica 1965Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Parker, Thane 1907Parker, Trey 1969Parker, Ursula See Andress, Ursula Parkes, Walter F. 1952(?)Parkinson, Dian „ Parks, Bert 1914-1992 Obituary in CTFT-10 Parks, Gordon 1912Parks, Hildy 1926Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Parks, Larry 1914-1975 Parks, Michael 1938Parlakian, Nishan 1925Parnell, Peter 1953Parnell, Val 1894Parriott, James D. 1950Parriott, Sara Parrish, Robert 1916-1995 Obituary in CTFT-15 Parry, Chris 1952Parry, Edward Abbott 1863-1943 Parsons, Alan 1888-1933 Parsons, Donovan 1888-? Parsons, Estelle 1927Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; Parsons, Nancie 1904Parsons, Percy 1878-1944 Parton, Dolly 1946Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, Pasco, Richard Edward 1926Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; Pasdar, Adrian 1965Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, Pasekoff, Marilyn 1949Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Paskaljevic, Goran 1947-


504 •


Passer, Ivan 1933CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Passeur, Steve 1899-1966 WWasWT Passmore, Walter 1867-1946 WWasWT Pasternak, Joe 1901-1991 CTFT-11 Paston, George ?-1936 WWasWT Pastorelli, Robert 1954CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Pasztor, Beatrix Aruna CTFT-28 Patacano, Martino See Chacksfield, Frank CTFT-2 Pataki, Michael 1938CTFT-9 Pataki, Mike See Pataki, Michael CTFT-9 Patch, Wally 1888-1970 WWasWT Pate, Jonas 1970CTFT-22 Pate, Josh 1970CTFT-22 Pateman, Robert 1840-1924 WWasWT Patinkin, Mandy 1952CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Patric, Jason 1966CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Patrice, Teryn 1956CTFT-4 Patrick, John 1907WWT-1 7 Patrick, Nigel 1913WWT-1 7 Patrick, Q. See Wheeler, Hugh CTFT-5 Patrick, Robert 1937CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Patricola, Tom 1891-1950 WWasWT Patterson, Dick 1929CTFT-8 Patterson, Jay 1954CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Patterson, Neva 1922WWasWT Patterson, Raymond 1955CTFT-1 Patterson, Richard See Patterson, Dick CTFT-8 Patterson, Tom 1920WWT-1 7 Patton, Will 1954CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Paul, Adrian 1959CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Paul, Alexandra 1963CTFT-27 Paul, Betty 1921WWasWT Paul, Kent 1936CTFT-3 Paul, Steven 1958CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Paul, Taffy See Powers, Stefanie CTFT-19 Pauley, Jane 1950CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Pauline, Princess 1873-? WWasWT Paull, Harry Major 1854-1934 WWasWT Paull, Lawrence G. 1946CTFT-11 Paulsen, Albert 1929CTFT-6 Paulsen, Pat 1927-1997 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-17 Paulton, Harry 1842-1917 WWasWT Paumier, Alfred 1870-1951 WWasWT Pavarotti, Luciano 1935CTFT-23 Pavlova, Anna 1885-1931 WWasWT Pavlow, Muriel 1921WWT-17 Pawle, J. Lennox 1872-1936 WWasWT Pawley, Nancy 1901WWasWT Pawson, Hargrave 1902-1945 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Paxinou, Katina 1900-1974 WWasWT Paxton, Bill 1955CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 16 Paxton, Sydney 1860-1930 WWasWT Paymer, David 1954-.. CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Payn, Grahm 1918WWT-17 Payne, Alexander CTFT-28 Payne, Ben Iden 1888-1976 WWasWT Payne, Edmund 1865-1914 WWasWT Payne, John 1912-1989 CTFT-8 Payne, Laurence 1919WWasWT Payne, Millie WWasWT Payne, Walter ?-1949 WWasWT Payne-Jennings, Victor 1900-1962 WWasWT Pays, Amanda 1959CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Payton-Wright, Pamela 1941CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Paz, Jennifer CTFT-22 Peacock, Kim 1901-1966 WWasWT Peacock, Trevor 1931CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Pearce, Alice 1917-1966 WwasWT Pearce, Guy 1967CTFT-26 Pearce, Richard 1943CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Pearce, Vera 1896-1966 WWasWT Pearthree, Pippa 1956CTFT-21 Pearl, Jack 1895-1982 WWasWT Pearlman, Stephen 1935-1998 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-24 Pearson, Beatrice 1920WWasWT Pearson, Lloyd 1897-1966 WWasWT Pearson, Molly 1876-1959 WWasWT Pearson, Richard 1918WWT-17 Pearson, Sybille 1937CTFT-3 Peaslee, Richard 1930CTFT-1 Peck, Bob 1945CTFT-9 Peck, Gregory 1916CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6; WWasWT Peckinpah, Sam 1925-1984 CTFT-1 Pedgrift, Frederic Henchman WWasWT Pedrick, Gale 1905-1970 WWasWT Peek, Brent CTFT-4 Peel, David 1920WWasWT Peel, Eileen WWT-16 Peeples, Nia 1967CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Peerce, Larry 1935(?)CTFT-9 Peet, Amanda 1973(?)CTFT-27 Peile, Frederick 1862-1934 WWasWT Peisley, Frederick 1904-1976 WWT-16 Pelikan, Lisa CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Pelissier, Harry Gabriel 1874-1913 WWasWT Peluce, Meeno 1970CTFT-5 Pember, Ron 1934CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Pemberton, Brock 1885-1950 WWasWT Pemberton, John Wyndham 1883-1947 WWasWT Pemberton, Max 1863-1950 WWasWT

Pemberton, Reece 1914-1977 WWT-16 Pemberton-Billing, Robin 1929WWT-17 Pena, Elizabeth 1960CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Pendleton, Austin 1940CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Pendleton, Wyman 1916WWT-17 Penghlis, Thaao CTFT-8 Penley, Arthur 1881-1954 WWasWT Penley, W. S. 1851-1912 WWasWT Penn, Arthur 1922CTFT-12 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Penn, Bill 1931WWasWT Penn, Chris See Penn, Christopher CTFT-27 Penn, Christopher 1966CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Penn, Leo 1921-1998 CTFT-22 Penn, Robin Wright See Wright, Robin CTFT-24 Penn, Sean 1960CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10, 17 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Pennebaker, D. A. 1925CTFT-15 Pennebaker, Donn Alan See Pennebaker, D. A CTFT-15 Pennington,. Ann 1892-1971 WWasWT Pennington, Janice CTFT-4 Pennington, Michael 1943CTFT-11 Penny, Joe 1956(?)CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Penrose, John 1917WWasWT Penzner, Seymour 1915CTFT-2 Peoples, David See Peoples, David Webb CTFT-21 Peoples, David Webb CTFT-21 Peple, Edward H. 1867-1924 WWasWT Peppard, George 1928-1994 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-13 Pepper, Barry 1970CTFT-27 Perceval-Clark, Perceval 1881-1938 WWasWT Percy, Edward 1891-1968 WWasWT Percy, S. Esme 1887-1957 WWasWT Percy, William Stratford 1872-1946 WWasWT Percyval, T. Wigney 1865-? WWasWT Perenchio, Jerry 1930CTFT-12 Perez, Lazaro 1945CTFT-5 Perez, Rosie 1964CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Perez, Vincent 1965CTFT-19 Perido, Nick See Como, Perry CTFT-12 Perkins, Anthony 1932-1992 CTFT-13 Obituary in CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6; WWT-17 Perkins, Don 1928CTFT-2 Perkins, Elizabeth 1960(?)CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Perkins, Osgood 1892-1937 WWasWT Perkins, Tony See Perkins, Anthony CTFT-13 Perlich, Max 1968CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Perlman, Rhea 1948CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 16 Perlman, Ron 1950CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Perloff, Carey CTFT-7 Permut, David A. 1954CTFT-14 Perrey, Mireille WWasWT Perrin, Vic See Pen-in, Victor CTFT-9 Perrin, Victor 1916-1989 CTFT-9 Perrine, Valerie 1943CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Perrineau, Harold See Perrineau, Harold, Jr. CTFT-26 Perrineau, Harold, Jr. CTFT-26 Perrins, Leslie 1902-1962 WWasWT Perry, Antoinette 1888-1946 WWasWT Perry, (Arthur) John 1906WWasWT Perry, Elizabeth 1933CTFT-2 Perry, Felton CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Perry, Frank 1930-1995 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-15 Perry, Keith 1931CTFT-8 Perry, Luke 1966(?)CTFT-11 Perry, Matthew 1969CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Perry, Matthew L. See Perry, Matthew CTFT-27 Perry, Margaret 1913WWasWT Perry, Roger 1933CTFT-1 Perryman, Dwayne B. Ill 1963CTFT-8 Perryman, Jill 1933CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Persky, Lester 1927CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Persky, Lisa Jane CTFT-4 Persoff, Nehemiah 1920CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7; WWT-1 7 Pertwee, John See Pertwee, Jon CTFT-26 Pertwee, Jon 1919-1996 CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in WWT-17 Pertwee, Michael 1916WWT-17 Pertwee, Roland 1885-1963 WWasWT Pertwee, Sean 1964CTFT-21 Pesci, Joe 1943CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Pesci, Joey See Pesci, Joe CTFT-16 Pescow, Donna 1954CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Pesola, Robert 1949CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Peters, Bernadette 1948CTFT-10 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3; WWT-17 Peters, Brock 1927CTFT-6 Peters, Jon 1945(?)CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Peters, Roberta 1930CTFT-4 Peters, Rollo 1892-1967 WWasWT Peters, William 1921CTFT-2 Petersen, Erika 1949CTFT-4 Petersen, William 1953CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3

Petersen, William L. See Petersen, William CTFT-19 Petersen, Wolfgang 1941CTFT-8 Peterson, Cassandra 1951CTFT-9 Peterson, Lenka 1925CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Peterson, Roger 1928CTFT-5 Peterson, Seth 1970CTFT-28 Petherbridge, Edward 1936CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Petit, Roland 1924WWasWT Petley, Frank E. 1872-1945 WWasWT Petrarca, David 1962CTFT-13 Petrass, Sari 1890-1930 WWasWT Petrides, Avra CTFT-2 Petrie, Daniel 1920CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Petrie, David Hay 1895-1948 WWasWT Petrie, George O. 1912-1997 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-22 Petrova, Olga 1886-1977 WWasWT Pettet, Joanna 1944CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Pettingell, Frank 1891-1968 WWasWT Petty, Lori 1963(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Petty, Tom 1950(?)CTFT-26 Peyser, Penny CTFT-7 Pezzullo, Ralph 1951CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Pfeiffer, Dedee 1964CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Pfeiffer, Michelle 1957CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Phethean, David 1918WWT-17 Philbin, Regis 1933(?)CTFT-21 Philips, F. C. 1849-1921 WWasWT Philips, Mary 1901WWasWT Philips, Richard See Dick, Philip K CTFT-23 Phillippe, Ryan 1974CTFT-21 Phillips, Arlene 1943CTFT-4 Phillips, Bob 1953CTFT-4 Phillips, Cyril L. 1894WWasWT Phillips, Erica See Phillips, erica Edell CTFT-28 Phillips, Erica Edell CTFT-28 Phillips, Julianne 1960CTFT-16 Phillips, Kate 1856-1931 WWasWT Phillips, Leslie 1924CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Phillips, Lou Diamond 1962CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Phillips, Lloyd CTFT-8 Phillips, Mackenzie 1959CTFT-7 Phillips, Margaret 1923-1984 WWT-17 Phillips, Michael 1943CTFT-7 Phillips, Michelle 1944CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Phillips, Peter 1949CTFT-2 Phillips, Robin 1942CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Phillips, Sian 1934CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8; WWT-17

Pimlott • 505 Phillips, Stephen 1866-1915 WWasWT Phillips, Stone 1954CTFT-24 Phillips, Wendy 1952CTFT-1 7 Phillpotts, Adelaide 1896WWasWT Phillpotts, Ambrosine 1912WWT-17 Phillpotts, Eden 1862-1960 WWasWT Phipps, Nicholas 1913-1980 WWT-16 Phoenix, Joaquin 1974CTFT-22 Phoenix, Leaf See Phoenix, Joaquin CTFT-22 Phoenix, River 1970-1993 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-12 Brief Entry in CTFT-6 Pialat, Maurice 1925CTFT-8 Piazza, Ben 1934-1991 CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 Picard, Andre 1874-1926 WWasWT Picardo, Robert 1953CTFT-1 7 Pickard, Helena 1900-1959 WWasWT Pickard, Margery 1911WWasWT Pickens, Slim 1919-1983 CTFT-2 Picker, David V. 1931CTFT-12 Pickering, Edward A. 1871-? WWasWT Pickering, Edward W. WWT-17 Pickett, Cindy 1947CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Pickford, Mary 1893-1979 WWasWT Pickles, Christina 1940CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Pickrell, Piper 1950CTFT-4 Pickup, Ronald 1940CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Picon, Molly 1898-1992 CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Piddock, James See Piddock, Jim CTFT-19 Piddock, Jim 1956CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Pidgeon, Rebecca 1965CTFT-24 Pidgeon, Walter 1897-1984 CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Pielmeier, John 1949CTFT-1 Pierat, Marie Therese ?-1934 WWasWT Pierce, David See Pierce, David Hyde CTFT-19 Pierce, David Hyde 1959CTFT-19 Pierce, Paula Kay 1942CTFT-3 Pierson, Frank 1925CTFT-12 Pierson, Geoffrey 1949CTFT-4 Pietz, Amy 1969CTFT-26 Pifer, Drury CTFT-6 Piffard, Frederic 1902WWasWT Pig, Edward See Corey, Edward CTFT-22 Pigott, A. S WWasWT Pigott-Smith, Tim 1946CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Pilbeam, Nova 1919WWasWT Pilbrow, Richard 1933CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Pilcer, Harry 1885-1961 WWasWT Pileggi, Mitch 1952CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Pillsbury, Sarah CTFT-12 Pimlott, Steven CTFT-9

506 • Pinchot Pinchot, Bronson 1959CTFT-9 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Pine, Robert 1928CTFT-4 Pinero, Arthur Wing 1855-1934 WWasWT Pink, Wai ?-1922 WWasWT Pinkett, Jada 1971(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Pinner, David 1940CTFT-12 Pino, Rosario ?-1933 WWasWT Pinta, Harold See Pinter, Harold CTFT-20 Pintauro, Danny 1976CTFT-15 Pintauro, Joseph T. 1930CTFT-1 Pinter, Harold 1930CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 11; WWT-17 Pintilie, Lucian 1933CTFT-26 Pintoff, Ernest 1931CTFT-12 Piper, Franco WWasWT Pippin, Donald 1931CTFT-1 Pirandello, Luigi 1867-1936 WWasWT Piscopo, Joe 1951CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Pisier, Marie-France 1944CTFT-8 Pithey, Wensley 1914WWT-17 Pitillo, Maria 1965CTFT-19 Pitkin, William 1925WWT-17 Pitoeff, Georges 1886-1939 WWasWT Pitoeff, Ludmilla 1896-1951 WWasWT Pitoniak, Anne 1922CTFT-1 Pitou, Augustus 1843-1915 WWasWT Pitt, Archie 1885-1924 WWasWT Pitt, Brad 1963(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Pittman, Bob 1953CTFT-12 Pitts, ZaSu 1900-1963 WWasWT Piven, Jeremy 1965CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Pixley, Frank 1867-1919 WWasWT Place, Mary Kay 1947CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Plachy, William J. 1948CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Plana, Tony 1953CTFT-9 Planchon, Roger 1931WWasWT Planer, Nigel 1955CTFT-25 Plater, Alan 1935WWT-17 Plato, Dana 1964CTFT-22 Platt, Agnes WWasWT Platt, Livingston 1885-1968 WWasWT Platt, Oliver 1963CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Playfair, Arthur 1869-1918 WWasWT Playfair, Nigel 1874-1934 WWasWT Playten, Alice 1947CTFT-8 Pleasants, Jack 1874-? WWasWT Pleasence, Angela CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Pleasence, Donald 1919-1995 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Pleshette, John 1942CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Pleshette, Suzanne 1937CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Pleydell, George 1868-? WWasWT Plimpton, Martha 1970CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Plinge, Walter WWasWT Plotnick, Jack CTFT-25 Plouviez, Peter 1931WWT-17 Plowright, Joan 1929CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-1 7 Plumb, Eve 1958CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Plumley, Don 1934CTFT-1 Plummer, Amanda 1957CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 15 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Plummer, Christopher 1927(?)CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-1 7 Plunkett, Maryann 1953CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Plunkett, Patricia 1926WWasWT Plymale, Trip 1949CTFT-2 Plymptom, Eben 1853-1915 WWasWT Poel, William 1852-1934 WWasWT Poggi, Gregory 1946CTFT-1 Poggi, Jack 1928CTFT-4 Pogue, Chuck 1950CTFT-12 Poindexter, Buster See Johansen, David CTFT-14 Pointer, Priscilla 1924CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Poiret, Jean 1926-1992 CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Poitier, Sidney 1927CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7, 14 Polaire, Mdlle. 1879-1939 WWasWT Polan, Lou 1904-1976 WWT-16 Poland, Albert 1941CTFT-4 Polanski, Roman 1933CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 13 Poledouris, Basil CTFT-11 Poliakoff, Stephen 1952CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 Poliakoff, Vera See Lindsay, Vera WWasWT Polic, Henry CTFT-7 Polini, Marie ?-1960 WWasWT Polito, Jon 1950CTFT-22 Pollack, Sydney 1934CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7, 15 Pollak, Kevin 1958CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Pollan, Tracy CTFT-7 Pollard, Daphne 1890WWasWT Pollard, Michael J. 1939:.... CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Policy, Sarah 1979CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Pollock, Arthur 1886-? WWasWT Pollock, Channing 1880-1946 WWasWT Pollock, Dale 1950CTFT-12 Pollock, Elizabeth 1898-1970 WWasWT Pollock, Ellen 1903WWT-17 Pollock, John 1878-1963 WWasWT Pollock, Nancy R. 1905-1979 WWT-16 Pollock, William 1881-1944 WWasWT Polonsky, Abraham 1910CTFT-10

Poluskis, The WWasWT Pomerantz, Earl CTFT-12 Pomeroy, Jay 1895-1955 WWasWT Pompian, Paul 1944CTFT-1 Pond, Helen 1924CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ponicsan, Darryl 1942CTFT-2 Ponti, Carlo 1913CTFT-3 Poole, Roy 1924-1986 CTFT-1 Pooley, Olaf WwasWT Pope, Bill 1952(?) CTFT-26 Pope, Muriel WWasWT Pope, Peter 1955CTFT-1 Poppenger, Carol 1937CTFT-4 Popplewell, Jack 1911WWT-17 Porel, Paul 1843-1917 WWasWT Porteous, Gilbert 1868-1928 WWasWT Porter, Caleb 1867-1940 WWasWT Porter, Cole 1893-1964 WWasWT Porter, Don 1912WWT-17 Porter, Eric 1928-1995 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Porter, Neil 1895-1944 WWasWT Porter, Stephen 1925CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Porterfield, Robert (Huffard) 1905-1971 WWasWT Portman, Eric 1903-1969 WWasWT Portman, Natalie 1981CTFT-25 Portman, Rachel 1960CTFt-25 Porto-Riche, Georges de 1849-1930 WWasWT Posey, Parker 1968CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Posford, George 1906WWasWT Possart, Ernst Ritter von 1841-1921 WWasWT Post, Guy Bates 1875-1968 WWasWT Post, Markie 1950CTFT-9 Post, Mike CTFT-6 Poster, Steven 1944CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Postlethwaite, Pete 1946(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Poston, Tom 1921CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Potter, Cora 1857-1936 WWasWT Potter, Dennis 1935-1994 CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Potter, H. C. 1904-1977 WWasWT Potter, Madeleine CTFT-12 Potter, Monica 1971CTFT-25 Potter, Paul 1853-1921 WWasWT Potts, Annie 1952CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Potts, David 1949CTFT-1 Potts, Nancy CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Poul, Alan Mark 1954CTFT-3 Poulton, A. G. 1867-? WWasWT Pounder, C. C. H. 1952CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Pounds, Charles Courtice 1862-1927 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Pounds, Louie WWasWT Pountney, David 1947CTFT-17 Povah, Phyllis 1920WWasWT Povich, Maury 1939CTFT-11 Powell, Addison 1921CTFT-6 Powell, Anthony CTFT-11 Powell, Eleanor 1912-1982 WWasWT Powell, Jane 1929CTFT-7 Powell, Michael 1905-1990 CTFT-11 Powell, Peter 1908WWasWT Powell, Robert 1944CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Powell, William 1892-1984 WWasWT Power, Hartley 1894-1966 WWasWT Power, Tyrone 1869-1931 WWasWT Power, Tyrone 1914-1958 WWasWT Powers, Eugene 1872-? WWasWT Powers, James T. 1862-1942 WWasWT Powers, John 1935,... WWT-1 7 Powers, Leona 1898-1967 ....WWasWT Powers, Stefanie 1942CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6 Powers, Tom 1890-1955 WWasWT Pownall, David 1938CTFT-11 Pownall, Leon CTFT-24 Powys, Stephen 1907WWasWT Praga, Marco 1862-1929. WWasWT Pratt, Muriel ?-1945 WWasWT Pratt, Susan May CTFT-28 Preece, Tim 1938WWT-1 7 Preedy, George R. 1888-1952 WWasWT Preminger, Otto 1906-1986 CTFT-3 Prentice, Charles W. 1898WWasWT Prentice, Herbert M. 1890WWasWT Prentiss, Paula 1939CTFT-7 Presbrey, Eugene Wyley 1853-1931 WWasWT Prescott, Ken 1948CTFT-3 Presley, Elvis 1935-1977 CTFT-17 Presley, Priscilla 1945CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Presnell, Harve 1933CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Pressburger, Emeric 1902-1988 CTFT-7 Pressman, Edward R. 1943CTFT-9 Pressman, Lawrence 1939CTFT-5 Pressman, Michael 1950CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Preston, Kelly 1962CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Preston, Robert 1918-1987 CTFT-2 Obituary in CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Preston, William 1921CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Previn, Andre 1930(?) CTFT-26 Prevost, Marcel 1862-1941 WWasWT Price, Dennis 1915-1973 WWasWT Price, Don 1933CTFT-2 Price, Evadne 1896WWasWT Price, Frank 1930CTFT-10 Price, Lindsay 1976CTFT-27 Price, Lonny 1959CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Price, Michael P. 1938CTFT-1

Price, Nancy 1880-1970 WWasWT Price, Richard 1949CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Price, Vincent 1911-1993 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Pride, Malcolm 1930WWT-1 7 Priestley, J. B. 1894-1984 WWT-1 7 Priestley, Jason 1969CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-12, 15 Prie%tly, Jason See Priestley, Jason CTFT-27 Primrose, Dorothy 1916WWT-1 7 Primus, Barry 1938CTFT-2 Prince 1958CTFT-12 Prince, Adelaide 1866-1941 WWasWT Prince, Arthur 1881-? WWasWT Prince, Elsie 1902WWasWT Prince, Faith CTFT-8 Prince, Hal See Prince, Harold CTFT-26 Prince, Harold 1928CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8, 16; WWT-1 7 Prince, Harold S. See Prince, Harold CTFT-26 Prince, Jonathan 1958(?)CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Prince, William 1913-1996 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Principal, Victoria 1945CTFT-5 Prine, Andrew 1936CTFT-6 Prinsep, Anthony Leyland 1888-1942 WWasWT Printemps, Yvonne 1895-1977 WWasWT Prinz, Rosemary CTFT-1 Prinze, Freddie, Jr. 1976CTFT-28 Prior, Allan WWasWT Probst, Nicholas See Pryor Nicholas CTFT-25 Prochnow, Juergen 1941CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Prochnow, Jurgen See Prochnow, Juergen CTFT-27 Proett, Daniel (M.) 1953CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Proft, Pat 1947CTFT-11 Prosky, Robert 1930(?)CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Prosky, Robert J. See Prosky, Robert CTFT-20 Provenza, Paul 1957CTFT-15 Provost, Jeanne WWasWT Prowse, Juliet 1936-1996 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-16 Proyas, Alex 1965CTFT-22 Proyas, Alexander See Proyas, Alex CTFT-22 Prussing, Louise 1897WWasWT Pryce, Jonathan 1947CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Pryce, Richard 1864-1942 WWasWT Pryde, Peggy 1869-? WWasWT

Quick • 507 Pryor, Nicholas 1935CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Pryor, Richard 1940CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Pryor, Roger 1901-1974 WWasWT Pryse, Hugh 1910-1955 WWasWT Psacharopoulos, Nikos 1928-1989 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Pudenz, Steve 1947CTFT-2 Pullman, Bill 1954CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Pullman, William See Pullman, Bill CTFT-25 Purcell, Charles 1883-1962 WWasWT Purcell, Harold 1907WWasWT Purcell, Irene 1903-1972 WWasWT Purcell, Lee 1953CTFT-4 Purdell, Reginald 1896-1953 WWasWT Purdham, David 1951CTFT-1 Purdom, C.B. 1883-1965 WWasWT Purl, Linda CTFT-5 Purnell, Louise 1942CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Pusey, Arthur WWasWT Puttnam, David 1941CTFT-10 Puzo, Mario 1920CTFT-10 Pyant, Paul 1953CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Pyle, Denver 1920-1997 CTFT-20 Obituary in CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Pyne, Daniel 1955CTFT-10

Q Quaid, Dennis 1954CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Quaid, Randy 1950CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Quarry, Robert 1924CTFT-7 Quarshie, Hugh CTFT-23 Quartermaine, Charles 1877-1958 WWasWT Quartermaine, Leon 1876-1967 WWasWT Quartermass, Martin See Carpenter, John CTFT-15 Quayle, Anna 1937CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Quayle, Anthony 1913-1989 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 QueenLatifah 1970CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Quentin, Patrick See Wheeler, Hugh CTFT-5 Quesenbery, Whitney 1954CTFT-3 Questel, Mae 1908-1998 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-21 Quick, Diana 1946CTFT-8

508 •


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Quigley, Linnea CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Quigley, William J. 1951CTFT-9 Quillan, Eddie 1907-1990 CTFT-9 Quilley, Denis 1927CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 Quine, Richard 1920-1989 CTFT-8 Quinlan, Gertrude 1875-1963 WWasWT Quinlan, Kathleen 1954CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Quinlan, Kathy See Quinlan, Kathleen CTFT-23 Quinn, Aidan 1959CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Quinn, Anthony 1915CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 15; WWT-17 Quinn, Glenn 1970CTFT-27 Quinn, Henry J. 1928CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Quinn, J.C CTFT-8 Quinn, Martha 1959CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Quinn, Martha C. See Quinn, Martha CTFT-24 Quinn, Patrick 1950CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 14 Quinn, Tony 1899-1967 WwasWT Quinones, Lela Rochon See Rochon, Lela CTFT-26 Quintero, Jose 1924CTFT-8 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-1 7 Quinteros, Joaquin 1873-1944 WWasWT Quinteros, Serafin 1871-1938 WWasWT

R Rabb, Ellis 1930-1998 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Rabe, David 1940CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3, 14; WWT-17 Rabin, Trevor 1954(?)CTFT-28 Rachins, Alan 1947CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Rademakers, Fons 1920CTFT-8 Radford, Basil 1897-1952 WWasWT Radford, Michael 1950(?)CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Radner, Gilda 1946-1989 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Radnitz, Robert B CTFT-1 Radosh, Stephen 1951CTFT-2 Rae, Charlotte 1926CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Rae, Edna See Burstyn, Ellen CTFT-22 Rae, Eric 1899WWasWT Rae, Kenneth 1901-.. WWasWT Raeburn, Henzie 1900-1973 WWasWT

Raedler, Dorothy 1917WWT-17 Raevsky, losif Moiseevich 1900WWasWT Rafelson, Bob 1933CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Rafferty, Pat 1861-1952 WWasWT Raffin, Deborah 1953CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Rafkin, Alan 1928CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Raggio, Lisa 19??CTFT-:28 Raglan, James 1901-1961 WWasWT Ragland, Robert O. 1931CTFT-12 Ragni, Gerome 1942-1991 CTFT-10 Ragno, Joe See Ragno, Joseph CTFT-21 Ragno, Joseph CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Railsback, Steve CTFT-6 Raimi, Sam 1959CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-10, 17 Raimi, Sam M. See Raimi, Sam CTFT-27 Raimu, M. 1883-1946 WWasWT Rain, Douglas CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Rainbow, Frank 1913WWT-17 Raine, Jack 1897WWasWT Rainer, Luise 1912WWasWT Rainey, Ford 1908CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Rains, Claude 1889-1967 WWasWT Raitt, John 1917...... CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Rakoff, Alvin 1927CTFT-8 Raksin, David 1912CTFT-12 Raleigh, Cecil 1856-1914 WWasWT Raleigh, Mrs. Saba ?-1923 WWasWT Ralph, Sheryl Lee 1956CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Ralston, Ken CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Ramage, Cecil B. 1895WWasWT Rambeau, Marjorie 1889-1970 WWasWT Rambert, Marie WWasWT Rambo, Dack 1941-1994 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-13 Ramey, Samuel 1942CTFT-13 Ramin, Sid 1924CTFT-8 Ramis, Harold 1944CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 10, 17 Ramont, Mark S. 1956CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Rampling, Charlotte 1946CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Ramsay, Remak 1937CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ramsden, Dennis 1918WWT-17 Ramsey, Alicia ?-1933 WWasWT Ramsey, David CTFT-22 Ramsey, Logan 1921CTFT-10 Ranalow, Frederick Baring 1873-1953 WWasWT Randall, Carl ?-1965 WWasWT Randall, Harry 1860-1932 WWasWT

Randall, Leslie 1924WWT-17 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Randall, Tony 1920CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7; WWT-17 Randel, Melissa CTFT-2 Randell, Ron 1923WWT-17 Randle, Betsy CTFT-17 Randle, Theresa 1967CTFT-27 Randolph, Elsie 1904WWT-17 Randolph, John 1915CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8 Randolph, Robert 1926CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ranevsky, Boris 1891WWasWT Ranft, Albert Adam 1858-? WWasWT Ranft, Joe CTFT-28 Rankin, Arthur McKee 1841-1914 WWasWT Rankin, Molly WWasWT Rankin, Phyllis 1874-1934 WWasWT Ransley, Peter 1931CTFT-5 Ranson, Herbert 1889WWasWT Rapaport, Michael 1970CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Rapf, Matthew 1920-1991 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-10 Raphael, Frederic See Raphael, Frederic Michael .... CTFT-21 Raphael, Frederic Michael 1931-.... CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Raphael, Gerriane 1939CTFT-5 Raphael, John N. 1868-1917 WWasWT Raphael, Sally Jessy 1943CTFT-11 Raphael, William 1858-? WWasWT Raphaelson, Samson 1896-1983 WWasWT Rapp, Anthony 1971CTFT-25 Rappaport, David 1951-1990 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-9 Rappeneau, Jean-Paul 1932CTFT-14 Rappoport, David Steven 1957CTFT-4 Rasch, Albertina 1891-1967 WWasWT Rascoe, Burton 1892-1957 WWasWT Rashad, Phylicia 1948CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 16 Rashovich, Gordana CTFT-2 Rasulala, Thalmus 1939-1991 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-10 Rathbone, Basil 1892-1967 WWasWT Rathbone, Guy B. 1884-1916 WWasWT Rather, Dan 1931CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Ratoff, Gregory 1893-1960 WWasWT Rattigan, Terence 1911-1977 WWT-17 Ratzenberger, John 1947CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Raucher, Herman 1928CTFT-1 Raver, Kim CTFT-23 Ravetch, Irving 1920CTFT-11 Ravin, Linda 1956CTFT-2 Rawlings, Margaret 1906WWT-17 Rawlings, Richard L., Jr. CTFT-28 Rawlins, Adrian CTFT-9 Rawlins, Lester 1924-1988 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Rawlinson, A. R. (Arthur Richard) 1894WWasWT Rawls, Eugenia 1916CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Rawson, Graham 1890-1955 WWasWT Rawson, Tristan 1888-? WWasWT Ray, Aldo 1926-1991 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Ray, Gabrielle 1883-? WWasWT Ray, James 1932CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Ray, Phil 1872-? WWasWT Ray, Rene WWasWT Ray, Satyajit 1921-1992 CTFT-11 Rayburn, Gene 1917CTFT-3 Raye, Carol 1923WWasWT Raye, Martha 1916-1994 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Raymond, Cyril 1897?-1973 WWasWT Raymond, Gene 1908-1998 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Raymond, Helen 1885?-1965 WWasWT Raymond, Paul WWT-17 Raymond, Usher 1978CTFT-27 Raynal, Paul 1885?-1971 WWasWT Rayne, Leonard 1869-1925 WWasWT Rayner, Minnie 1869-1941 WWasWT Rea, Alec L. 1878-1953 WWasWT Rea, Stephen 1943(?)CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Rea, William J. 1884-1932 WWasWT Read, James 1952(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Reade, Hamish See Gray, Simon CTFT-18 Reader, Ralph 1903WWT-17 Reams, Lee Roy CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Reardon, Dennis J. 1944CTFT-1 Reardon, John ?-1988 CTFT-2 Reasoner, Harry 1923-1991 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-10 Reaves-Phillips, Sandra CTFT-9 Recht, Ray 1947CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Red, Eric 1961CTFT-15 Reddy, Helen 1942CTFT-5 Redeker, Quinn K. 1936CTFT-1 Redfield, Adam 1959CTFT-2 Redfield, William 1926-1976 WWT-16 Redford, Robert 1937CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3 Redgrave, Corin 1939CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 14; WWT-17 Redgrave, Lynn 1943CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 15; WWT-17 Redgrave, Michael 1908-1985 WWT-17 Redgrave, Vanessa 1937CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 15; WWT-17

Redington, Michael 1927Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Redman, Joyce 1918Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Redmond, Liam 1913Redmond, Moira Redstone, Sumner 1923Reece, Brian 1913-1962 Reed, Carol 1906-1976 Reed, Donna 1921-1986 Reed, Edward Diamond See Diamond, Reed Reed, Florence 1883-1967 Reed, Jerry 1937Reed, Joseph Verner Sr. 1902-1973 Reed, Mark 1893Reed, Oliver 1938Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Reed, Pamela 1949(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Reed, Rex 1938Reed, Robert 1932-1992 Obituary in CTFT-11 Reed, Sheila Reedy, Pat 1940Rees, Angharad 1949Rees, Jed Rees, Llewellyn 1901Rees, Roger 1944Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Reese, Delia 1931Reeve, Ada 1874-1966 Reeve, Christopher 1952Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Reeves, (Philip) Kynaston 1893-1971 Reeves, Geoffrey 1939Reeves, K. C. See Reeves, Keanu Reeves, Keanu 1964(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, Reeves, Matt 1966Reeves Smith, H. 1862-1938 Regalbuto, Joe Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Regan, Sylvia 1908Regina, Paul 1956Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Regnier, Marthe 1880-? Rehan, Ada 1860-1916 Rehme, Bob See Rehme, Robert Rehme, Robert 1935Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Rehme, Robert G. See Rehme, Robert Reich, John 1906-1988 Reich, Richard Reich, Steve 1936Reicher, Frank 1875-1965 Reid, Beryl 1920-1996 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in WWT-17

Renouardt • 509 CTFT-7 CTFT-5 WWT-17 WWT-17 CTFT-12 WWasWT WWasWT CTFT-3 CTFT-24 WWasWT CTFT-23 WWasWT WWasWT CTFT-20 CTFT-28 15 CTFT-8 CTFT-6 CTFT-7 CTFT-5 CTFT-8 CTFT-28 WWT-1 7 CTFT-23 4; WWT-17 CTFT-25 WWasWT CTFT-6 3 WWasWT WWT-17 CTFT-26 CTFT-26 16 CTFT-25 WWasWT CTFT-15 CTFT-2 CTFT-20 WWasWT WWasWT CTFT-21 CTFT-21


Reid, Daphne See Maxwell-Reid, Daphne Reid, Daphne Maxwell See Maxwell-Reid, Daphne Reid, Frances 1918Earlier sketch in WWasWT Reid, Hal ?-1920 Reid, Kate 1930Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; Reid, Tara 1975Reid, Tim 1944Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Reid, Wallace 1891-1923 Reidy, Kitty 1902Reilly, Charles Nelson 1931Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; Reilly, John 1936Reilly, John C. 1965Reinach, Enrico 1850-? Reiner, Carl 1922Reiner, Rob 1947Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, Reinglas, Fred 1936(?)-1994 Obituary in CTFT-13 Reinhardt, Max 1873-1943 Reinhold, Judge 1956(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, Reinking, Ann 1949Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; Reiser, Paul 1957Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, Reisman, Jane Reisner, Allen Reiss, Alvin H. 1930Reiss, Stuart 1921Reisz, Karel 1926Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Reiter, Virginia Reitherman, Wolfgang 1910(?)-1985 Reitherman, Woolie See Reitherman, Wolfgang Reitman, Ivan 1946Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Rejane, Gabrielle 1857-1920 Relph, George 1888-1960 Relph, Michael 1815-? Relph, Phyllis 1888-? Remar, James 1953Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, Remick, Lee 1935-1991 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Remini, Leah 1970Remme, John 1935-1992 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Renaud, Madeleine Rendle, Thomas McDonald 1856-1926 Rene, Ida Rennahan, Ray 1896-1980 Rennie, Callum Keith 1960Rennie, James 1890-1965 Reno, Jean 1948Renouardt, Jeanne

.... CTFT-13 .... CTFT-13 CTFT-4 WWasWT CTFT-5 WWT-17 CTFT-25 CTFT-24 7, 14 WWasWT WWasWT CTFT-20 WWT-17 CTFT-24 CTFT-21 WWasWT CTFT-5 CTFT-21 12 CTFT-4 WWasWT CTFT-21 12 CTFT-23 WWT-17 CTFT-21 12 CTFT-5 CTFT-1 CTFT-5 CTFT-5 CTFT-13 WWasWT CTFT-21 CTFT-21 CTFT-24 14 WWasWT WWasWT WWasWT WWasWT CTFT-28 15 CTFT-7


5 1 0 » Renshaw Renshaw, Christopher CTFT-24 Repole, Charles CTFT-1 Resnais, Alain 1922CTFT-5 Resnick, Patricia 1953CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Retford, Ella ?-1962 WWasWT Rettura, Joseph 1953CTFT-2 Reubens, Paul 1952CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 1 7 Reuther, Steven CTFT-28 Reuther, Steven D. See Reuther, Steven CTFT-28 Revelle, Arthur Hamilton 1872-1958 WWasWT Revere, Anne 1906-1972 WWasWT Revill, Clive 1930CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Rey, Antonia 1927CTFT-2 Rey, Fernando 1917-1994 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-13 Reynolds, Alfred 1884-1969 WWasWT Reynolds, Bill See Reynolds, William CTFT-10 Reynolds, Buddy See Reynolds, Burt CTFT-23 Reynolds, Burt 1936CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 13 Reynolds, Debbie 1932CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Reynolds, Dorothy 1913-1977 WWT-16 Reynolds, E. Vivian 1866-1952 WWasWT Reynolds, Gene 1925CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Reynolds, George Francis 1880-? WWasWT Reynolds, Jonathan 1942CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Reynolds, Kevin 1952CTFT-15 Reynolds, Ryan 1976CTFT-25 Reynolds, Thomas ?-1947 WWasWT Reynolds, Tom 1866-1942 WWasWT Reynolds, William 1910-1997 CTFT-10 Obituary in CTFT-18 Reynolds, William H. See Reynolds, William CTFT-10 Rhames, Ving 1961CTFT-25 Rhea, Caroline CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Rhee, Phillip 1960(?)CTFT-15 Rho, Stella 1886-? WWasWT Rhoades, Barbara 1947CTFT-8 Rhodes, Harrison 1871-1929 WWasWT Rhodes, Leah 1902-1986 CTFT-4 Rhodes, Marjorie 1903-1979 WWT-16 Rhodes, Michael 1945CTFT-14 Rhodes, Nancy 1946CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Rhodes, Raymond Crompton 1887-1935 WWasWT Rhue, Madlyn 1934CTFT-8 Rhymes, Busta 1972CTFT-28 Rhys-Davies, John 1944CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Rhys-Davies, Jonathon See Rhys-Davies, John CTFT-28

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Rhys Jones, Griffith 1953CTFT-13 Rhys-Meyers, Jonathan 1977CTFT-23 Riabouchinska, Tatiana 1916WWasWT Ribeiro, Alfonso 1971(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 15 Ribisi, Giovanni 1976CTFT-22 Ribisi, Vonni See Ribisi, Giovanni CTFT-22 Ribman, Ronald 1932WWT-1 7 Ricci, Christina 1980CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Rice, Edward Everett 1848-1924 WWasWT Rice, Elmer 1892-1967 WWasWT Rice, Peter 1928CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Rice, Roy 1909WWasWT Rice, Tim 1944CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 13; WWT-17 Rich, David Lowell 1920CTFT-12 Rich, Frank 1949CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Rich, John 1925CTFT-4 Rich, Lee CTFT-6 Richard, Cliff 1940CTFT-5 Richards, Angela 1944CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Richards, Beah CTFT-7 Richards, Cicely ?-1933 WWasWT Richards, Denise 1972CTFT-21 Richards, Denise Lee See Richards, Denise CTFT-21 Richards, Evan 1970CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Richards, Jess 1943CTFT-4 Richards, Lloyd CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Richards, Martin 1932CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Richards, Michael 1949(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Richards, Paul David 1934CTFT-2 Richards, Susan 1898WWasWT Richardson, Bob See Richardson, Robert CTFT-21 Richardson, Claibe 1929CTFT-1 Richardson, Frank 1871-1917 WWasWT Richardson, Ian 1934CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 14; WWT-17 Richardson, Joely 1965CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Richardson, Latanya 1949CTFT-24 Richardson, Leander 1856-1918 WWasWT Richardson, Lee 1926CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Richardson, Miranda 1958CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Richardson, Myrtle WWasWT Richardson, Natasha 1963CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Richardson, Patricia 1951CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Richardson, Ralph 1902-1983 WWT-17

Richardson, Rob See Richardson, Robert CTFT-21 Richardson, Robert CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Richardson, Ron 1952-1995 CTFT-2 Obituary in CTFT-15 Richardson, Tony 1928-1991 CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Riche, Robert 1925CTFT-4 Richepin, Jacques 1880-1946 WWasWT Richepin, Jean 1849-1926 WWasWT Richman, Arthur 1886-1944 WWasWT Richman, Charles J. 1870-1940 WWasWT Richman, Harry 1895-1972 WWasWT Richman, Mark See Richman, Peter Mark CTFT-16 Richman, Peter Mark 1927CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Richmond, Gillian 1954CTFT-15 Richmond, John Peter See Carradine, John CTFT-7 Richmond, Peter See Carradine, John CTFT-7 Richmond, Susan 1894-1959 WWasWT Richter, Deborah CTFT-7 Richter, Jason James 1980CTFT-17 Rickaby, J. W. WWasWT Ricketts, Charles 1866-1931 WWasWT Rickles, Don 1926CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Rickman, Alan 1946CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Riddle, Nelson 1921-1985 CTFT-5 Ridgely, Bob See Ridgely, Robert CTFT-21 Ridgely, Robert 1931-1997 CTFT-21 Ridgeway, Lindsay CTFT-17 Ridgeway, Philip 1891-1954 WWasWT Ridgeway, Philip 1920WWasWT Ridler, Anne 1912CTFT-15 Ridley, Arnold 1896-.. WWT-17 Riegert, Peter 1947CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Riehle, Richard 1948CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Rietti, Victor 1888-1963 WWasWT Rietty, Robert 1923WWT-17 Rifkin, Adam 1966(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Rifkin, Harmon "Bud" 1942CTFT-5 Rifkin, Ron 1939CTFT-25 Rifle, Ned See Hartley, Hal CTFT-22 Rigby, Arthur 1870-1944 WWasWT Rigby, Arthur 1900-1971 WWT-16 Rigby, Cathy 1952CTFT-27 Rigby, Edward 1879-1951 WWasWT Rigby, Harry 1925WWT-17 Rigby, Terence 1937CTFT-26 Rigdon, Kevin 1956CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Rigg, Diana 1938CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Riggs, Lynn 1899-1954 Rignold, George ?-1912 Rignold, Lionel ?-1919 Riker, William 1923Riley, Jack 1935Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Riley, Larry 1952-1992 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Rinaldo Rinehart, Elaine 1952Rinehart, Mary 1876-1958 Rinehimer, John 1951Ring, Blanche 1877-1961 Ring, Frances 1882-1951 Ringwald, Molly 1968Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Rinker, Kenneth 1945Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Rintels, David W. 1939Rip, Georges ?-1941 Ripley, Alice 1963Ripley, Patricia T. 1924Ripstein, Arturo 1943Riscoe, Arthur 1896-1954 Risdon, Elizabeth 1887-1958 Rist, Robbie 1964Ritchard, Cyril 1897-1977 Ritchie, Adele 1874-1930 Ritchie, June Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ritchie, Michael 1938Ritman, William ?-1984 Ritt, Martin 1914-1990 Obituary in CTFT-9 Ritter, John 1948Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Rivera, Chita 1933Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; Rivera, Geraldo 1943Rivers, Joan 1933(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Rix, Brian 1924Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Roach, Hal 1892-1992 Roache, Linus 1964(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-17 Roache, Viola 1885-1931 Robards, Jason 1922Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Robards, Sam 1962(?)Robb, David 1947-


Robb, R. D. 1972CTFT-5 Robbe, Scott D. 1955CTFT-4 Robbe-Grillet, Alain 1922CTFT-8 Robbins, Carrie Fishbein 1943CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Robbins, Jana CTFT-1 Robbins, Jane Maria 1949CTFT-2 Robbins, Jerome 1918CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT4; WWT-17 Robbins, Matthew CTFT-6 Robbins, Rex 1935CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2

Robbins, Tim 1958(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Robert, Eugene 1877-? WWasWT Roberti, Lyda 1909-1938 WWasWT Roberts, Anthony See Roberts, Tony CTFT-15 Roberts, Arthur 1852-1933 WWasWT Roberts, Christian 1944CTFT-8 Roberts, Cokie 1944(?)CTFT-26 Roberts, Deborah 1960CTFT-26 Roberts, Doris 1930CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 4; WWT-17 Roberts, Eric 1956CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Roberts, Evelyn 1886-1962 WWasWT Roberts, Ewan 1914WWT-1 7 Roberts, Florence 1871-1927 WWasWT Roberts, J. H. 1884-1961 WWasWT Roberts, Joan 1918WWasWT Roberts, John 1916-1972 WWT-16 Roberts, Jonathan CTFT-27 Roberts, Julia 1967CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Roberts, Julie 1966CTFT-4 Roberts, Lance 1959CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Roberts, Leonard 1972CTFT-26 Roberts, Marilyn CTFT-3 Roberts, Pernell 1928CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Roberts, R. A. 1870-? WWasWT Roberts, Rachel 1927-1980 WWT-17 Roberts, Ralph ?-1944 WwasWT Roberts, Rick 1966CTFT-26 Roberts, Tanya 1955CTFT-7 Roberts, Theodore 1861-1928 WWasWT Roberts, Tony 1939CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7; WWT-17 Robertshaw, Jerrold 1866-1941 WWasWT Robertson, Beatrice ForbesSee Forbes-Robertson, Beatrice WWasWT Robertson, Cliff 1925-.... CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Robertson, Dale 1923CTFT-5 Robertson, Guy 1892WWasWT Robertson, Ian 1858-1936 WWasWT Robertson, Jenny CTFT-23 Robertson, Joel 1950CTFT-3 Robertson, Johnston ForbesSee Forbes-Robertson, Johnston WWasWT Robertson, Lanie CTFT-7 Robertson, Malcolm 1933WWT-17 Robertson, Robbie 1943CTFT-14 Robertson, Scott 1954CTFT-4 Robertson, Toby 1928CTFT-9 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Robertson, W. Graham 1867-1948 WWasWT Robeson, Paul 1898-1976 WWasWT Robey, George 1869-1954 WWasWT

Roebuck • 511 Robin See Ana-Alicia CTFT-18 Robins, Edward H. 1880-1955 WWasWT Robins, Elizabeth 1865-1952 WWasWT Robins, Gertrude L. ?-1917 WWasWT Robins, Laila 1959CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Robinson, Andrew 1942CTFT-7 Robinson, Bill 1878-1949 WWasWT Robinson, Bruce 1946CTFT-12 Robinson, Dar 1948-1986 CTFT-4 Robinson, Edward G. 1893-1972 WWasWT Robinson, Holly 1965CTFT-13 Robinson, Jack T. D. See Robinson, Phil Alden CTFT-21 Robinson, James G. 1935CTFT-17 Robinson, Jane CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Robinson, John 1908-1979 WWT-16 Robinson, Kathleen 1909WWasWT Robinson, Lennox 1886-1958 WWasWT Robinson, Madeleine 1908WWasWT Robinson, Martin P. 1954CTFT-1 Robinson, Norah 1901WWasWT Robinson, Patrick 1963CTFT-4 Robinson, Percy 1889-1967 WWasWT Robinson, Phil Alden 1950CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Robinson, Tony CTFT-11 Robson, E. M. 1855-1932 WWasWT Robson, Eleanor Elise 1879-? WWasWT Robson, Flora 1902-1984 WWT-1 7 Robson, Mary 1893WWasWT Robson, May 1865-1942 WWasWT Rocco, Alex 1936CTFT-9 Rocco, Marc 1965(?)CTFT-17 Roch, Madeleine ?-1930 WWasWT Roche, Eugene 1928CTFT-7 Rocher, Rene 1890WWasWT Rochon, Lela 1966(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Rock, Charles 1866-1919 WWasWT Rock, Chris 1966CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Rockwell, Sam 1969(?)CTFT-23 Rodd, Marcia 1940CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Roddam, Franc 1946CTFT-7 Roddenberry, Gene 1921-1991 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-10 Rodgers, Anton 1933CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; WWT-17 Rodgers, Mark CTFT-7 Rodgers, Mary 1931WWT-17 Rodgers, Richard 1902-1979 WWT-17 Rodriguez, Paul CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Rodriguez, Robert 1968CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Rodway, Norman 1929CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-14; WWT-17 Roe, Bassett 1860-1934 WWasWT Roebling, Paul 1934WWT-17 Roebuck, Daniel 1963CTFT-22

512 • Roeg Roeg, Nicolas 1928CTFT-6 Roelfs, Jan CTFT-22 Roemer, Michael 1928CTFT-12 Roerick, William 1912WWT-17 Rogan, Josh See Matheson, Richard CTFT-6 Rogers, Anne 1933WWT-17 Rogers, Buddy See Rogers, Charles * Buddy" CTFT-25 Rogers, Charles See Rogers, Charles "Buddy" CTFT-25 Rogers, Charles "Buddy" 1904-1999 CTFT-25 Rogers, Fred 1928CTFT-6 Rogers, Gil 1934CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Rogers, Ginger 1911-1995 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Rogers, Gregory See Zanuck, Darryl F CTFT-22 Rogers, Jimmie N. See Rogers, Kenny CTFT-27 Rogers, Kenneth Ray See Rogers, Kenny CTFT-27 Rogers, Kenny 1938CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Rogers, Max ?-1932 WWasWT Rogers, Melody CTFT-4 Rogers, Mimi 1956CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Rogers, Paul 1917CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Rogers, Roy 1912(?)-1998 CTFT-21 Rogers, Timmie See Rogers, Kenny CTFT-27 Rogers, Wayne 1933CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Rogers, Will 1879-1935 WWasWT Rohmer, Eric 1920(?)CTFT-12 Rohmer, Sax 1886-1959 WWasWT Rohner, Clayton CTFT-27 Roizman, Owen 1936CTFT-10 Roker, Roxie 1929-1995 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-15 Rolf, Frederick 1926CTFT-2 Rolin, Judi 1946CTFT-5 Rolle, Esther 1922-1998 CTFT-20 Obituary in CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Rolle, Georges ?-1916 WWasWT Rollins, Henry 1961CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Rollins, Howard E. Jr. 1950-1996 CTFT-15 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Rollins, Jack CTFT-5 Roily, Jeanne ?-1929 WWasWT Rolston, Mark 1956CTFT-5 Rolyat, Dan 1872-1927 WWasWT Romaine, Claire 1873-1964 WWasWT Roman, Arlene 1959CTFT-5 Roman, Lawrence CTFT-1

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Roman, Ruth 1924CTFT-5 Romano, John 1948CTFT-4 Romano, Ray 1957CTFT-1 7 Romberg, Sigmund 1887-1951 WWasWT Rome, Fred 1874-? WWasWT Romero, Cesar 1907-1994 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-12 Romero, George A. 1940CTFT-6 Romney, Edana 1919WWasWT Ronald, Landon 1873-1938 WWasWT Ronstadt, Linda 1946CTFT-9 Rooke, Irene 1878-1958 WWasWT Rooke, Valentine 1912WWasWT Rooker, Michael 1955(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Rooney, Andy 1920CTFT-5 Rooney, Mickey 1920CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Roos, Don 1955CTFT-25 Roos, Donald Paul See Roos, Don CTFT-25 Roos, Fred 1934CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Roos, Joanna 1901-1989 WWasWT Roose, Olwen 1900WWasWT Roose-Evans, James 1927WWT-17 Root, Stephen CTFT-19 Rorie, Yvonne 1907-1959 WWasWT Rorke, Hayden 1910-1987CTFT-5 Rorke, Kate 1866-1945 WWasWT Rorke, Mary 1858-1938 WWasWT Rosay, Francoise 1891-1974 WWasWT Rose, Alex 1946CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Rose, Billy 1899-1966 WWasWT Rose, Charlie 1942CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Rose, Clarkson 1890-1968 WWasWT Rose, Clifford 1929CTFT-14 Rose, Earl 1946CTFT-12 Rose, Edward Everett 1862-1939 WWasWT Rose, George 1920-1988 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Rose, Jack 1911-1995.. CTFT-7 Obituary sketch in CTFT-15 Rose, L. Arthur 1887-1958 WWasWT Rose, Maxine B. 1928CTFT-4 Rose, Philip 1921WWT-17 Rose, Reginald 1920CTFT-10 Roseanne 1952CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Rosebery, Lilian WWasWT Rosemont, Norman 1924CTFT-7 Rosen, Arturo Ripstein See Ripstein, Arturo CTFT-25 Rosen, Martin CTFT-22 Rosenbaum, Michael CTFT-25 Rosenberg, Alan 1950CTFT-1 7 Rosenberg, Paul CTFT-27 Rosenberg, Stuart 1927CTFT-10 Rosenblum, M. Edgar 1932CTFT-8 Rosenfeld, Sydney 1855-1931 WWasWT

Rosenfield, Stephen 1946CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Rosenman, Howard 1945CTFT-15 Rosenman, Leonard 1924CTFT-9 Rosenthal, Rick 1949CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Rosenwald, Richard S. 1943CTFT-1 Rosenzweig, Barney 1937CTFT-14 Rosher, Charles 1885-1974 CTFT-27 Rosher, Charles G. See Rosher, Charles CTFT-27 Rosmer, Milton 1882-1971 WWasWT Rosoff, Barbara 1946CTFT-2 Rosqui, Tom 1928CTFT-10 Ross, Adrian 1859-1933 WWasWT Ross, Annie 1930CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ross, Anthony 1906-1955 WWasWT Ross, Benjamin CTFT-28 Ross, Charles Cowper 1929-1985 WWT-17 Ross, Charlotte 1968CTFT-23 Ross, Chelcie 1942(?)CTFT-27 Ross, Diana 1944CTFT-5 Ross, Donald H. 1928CTFT-15 Ross, Edward See Brazzi, Rossano CTFT-10 Ross, Frank 1904-1990 CTFT-9 Ross, Frederick 1879-1957 WWasWT Ross, Gary 1956CTFT-25 Ross, George I. 1907WWT-17 Ross, Harry 1913WWasWT Ross, Hector 1915WWasWT Ross, Herbert 1865-1934 WWasWT Ross, Herbert 1927CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Ross, Justin 1954CTFT-1 Ross, Katharine 1943CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Ross, Marion 1928CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Ross, Matt CTFT-23 Ross, Matthew See Ross, Matt CTFT-23 Ross, Matthew Brandon See Ross, Matt CTFT-23 Ross, Michael 1923(?)-1985 CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Ross, Oriel 1907WWasWT Ross, Steven J. 1927-1992 CTFT-12 Ross, Stuart 1950CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Ross, Thomas W 1875-1959 WWasWT Ross-Clarke, Betty WWasWT Rossellini, Isabella 1952CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Rossen, Howard 1951CTFT-6 Rossington, Norman 1928-1999 CTFT-25 Rossiter, Leonard 1926-1984 CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Rosson, Hal See Rosson, Harold CTFT-25 Rosson, Harold 1895-1988 CTFT-25 Rossovich, Rick 1957(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Rostand, Edmond 1868-1918 WWasWT Roth, Ann CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 12; WWT-17 Roth, Joe 1948CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Roth, Lillian 1910-1980 WWT-17 Roth, Martin 1924CTFT-15 Roth, Marty See Roth, Martin CTFT-15 Roth, Michael S. 1954CTFT-4 Roth, Stephanie 1963CTFT-11 Roth, Stephen J. 1941CTFT-12 Roth, Steve See Roth, Stephen J CTFT-12 Roth, Tim 1961CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Rotha, Wanda WWT-17 Rothenstein, Albert Daniel 1883-? WWasWT Rothman, John 1949CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Rothschild, Ami 1959CTFT-3 Rotunno, Giuseppe 1923CTFT-8 Roughwood, Owen 1876-1947 WWasWT Roundtree, Richard 1942(?)CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Rounseville, Robert 1914-1974 WWT-16 Rourke, Mickey 1956(?)CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Rous, Helen ?-1934 WWasWT Roussel, Pamela CTFT-5 Rousselot, Philippe CTFT-11 Routledge, Patricia 1929CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 15; WWT-17 Roven, Charles CTFT-23 Roven, Glen 1958CTFT-4 Rovetta, Girolamo 1850-1910 WWasWT Rowbotham, Bill See Owen, Bill CTFT-11 Rowe, Dee Etta 1953CTFT-4 Rowe, Fanny 1913-1988 WWasWT Rowe, Hansford 1924CTFT-4 Rowell, Victoria 1963(?)CTFT-17 Rowland, Margery 1910-1945 WWasWT Rowland, Toby 1916WWT-17 Rowlands, Gena 1934(?)CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Rowlands, Patsy 1935WWT-17 Rowles, Polly 1914CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Rowley, J. W. ?-1925 WWasWT Roy, Jack See Dangerfield, Rodney CTFT-24 Royaards, Wilhem ?-1929 WWasWT Royal Shakespear Company, The ... WWasWT Royce, Edward 1870-1964 WWasWT Royce, Edward William 1841-1926 WWasWT Royce, Julian 1870-1946 WWasWT Royde, Frank 1882-? WWasWT Royde-Smith, Naomi ?-1964 WWasWT Royle, Edwin Milton 1862-1942 WWasWT Royle, Josephine WWasWT Royle, Selena 1904-1955 WWasWT

Royston, Roy 1899WWasWT Rozakis, Gregory 1913-1989 CTFT-4 Roze, Raymond 1875-1920 WWasWT Rozema, Patricia 1958CTFT-28 Rozenberg, Lucien WWasWT Rozovsky, Mark 1937CTFT-15 Rozsa, Miklos 1907-1995 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-15 Ruben, Jose 1888-1969 WWasWT Ruben, Joseph 1951CTFT-9 Rubens, Paul 1876-1917 WWasWT Rubes, Jan 1920CTFT-17 Rubin, Bruce Joel 1943CTFT-22 Rubin, John Gould 1951CTFT-6 Rubin, Mann 1927CTFT-3 Rubini, Michel 1942CTFT-12 Rubinstein, Harold F. 1891WWasWT Rubinstein, Ida ?-1960 WWasWT Rubinstein, John 1946CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Ruby, Harry 1895-1974 WWasWT Ruby, Thelma 1925WWT-17 Ruck, Alan 1956CTFT-17 Rudd, Enid 1934CTFT-1 Rudd, Paul 1940CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Rudd, Paul 1969CTFT-21 Ruddock, John 1897WWT-17 Ruddy, Albert S. 1934CTFT-9 Rudin, Scott 1958CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Rudkin, David 1936CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Rudman, Michael 1939WWT-17 Rudner, Rita 1955(?)CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Rudnick, Paul 1957(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Rudnicki, Stefan 1945-.... CTFT-6 Rudolph, Alan 1948(?)CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Rudolph, Claude-Oliver CTFT-28 Rudolph, Louis 1942CTFT-1 Rudrud, Kristin CTFT-2 Ruehl, Mercedes 1950CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Ruehle, Mercedes See Ruehl, Mercedes CTFT-27 Ruffalo, Mark 1968CTFT-28 Ruffelle, Frances 1966CTFT-9 Ruggles, Charles 1890-1970 WWasWT Ruiz, Raul 1941CTFT-23 Rule, Elton H. 1917-1990 CTFT-10 Rule, Janice 1931WWT-17 Runyon, Jennifer CTFT-7 Rupnik, Kevin 1956CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Rush, Barbara 1950CTFT-5 Rush, Deborah CTFT-17 Rush, Geoffrey 1951CTFT-20 Rush, Philip See Lardner, Ring Jr. CTFT-5 Rush, Richard 1931CTFT-6 Rusler, Robert 1965CTFT-5 Russ, William 195K?)CTFT-9

Ryder • 513 Russell, Annie 1864-1936 WWasWT Russell, Charles 1954(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Russell, Chuck See Russell, Charles CTFT-27 Russell, Clive CTFT-25 Russell, Edward Richard 1834-1920 WWasWT Russell, Fred 1862-1957 WWasWT Russell, H. Scott 1868-1 949 WWasWT Russell, Irene 1901WWasWT Russell, Iris 1922WWT-17 Russell, Jane 1921CTFT-9 Russell, Ken 1927CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Russell, Keri 1976CTFT-23 Russell, Kurt 1951CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Russell, Lillian 1861-1922 WWasWT Russell, Mabel 1887-1951 WWasWT Russell, Mark 1932CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Russell, Nipsey 1924CTFT-6 Russell, Rosaland 1912-1976 WWT-16 Russell, Shirley 1935CTFT-10 Russell, Theresa 1957CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-4 Russell, Willy 1947CTFT-9 Russert, Tim 1950CTFT-26 Russo, James 1953CTFT-25 Russo, Rene 1955(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Rutherford, Kelly 1968(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Rutherford, Margaret 1892-1972 WWasWT Rutherford, Mary 1945CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Rutherston, Albert Daniel 1883-1953 WWasWT Ruttan, Susan 1948(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Ryan, Fran CTFT-9 Ryan, Jeri See Ryan, Jeri Lynn CTFT-25 Ryan, Jeri Lynn 1968CTFT-25 Ryan, John P. 1938CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Ryan, Lata CTFT-24 Ryan, Madge 1919CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ryan, Mary 1885-1948 WWasWT Ryan, Meg 1963CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Brief Entry in CTFT-6 Ryan, Mitchell 1928CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Ryan, Robert 1913-1973 WWasWT Rydell, Chris See Rydell, Christopher CTFT-9 Rydell, Christopher CTFT-9 Rydell, Mark 1934CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Ryder, Alfred 1919WWT-17

514 •


Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28

Ryder, Winona 1971CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Rye, Daphne 1916WWasWT Ryland, Cliff 1856-? WWasWT Rylands, George 1902WWT-17 Ryley, Madeleine Lucette 1865-1934 WWasWT Ryskind, Morrie 1895-1985 WWasWT

S Sabatini, Rafael 1875-1950 WWasWT Sabato, Antonio Jr. 1972CTFT-20 Sabella, Ernie CTFT-8 Sabin, David 1937CTFT-1 Sabine, Martin 1876-? WWasWT Sabinson, Lee 1911WWasWT Sachs, Andrew 1930CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Sachs, Leonard 1909WWT-17 Sackheim, Daniel CTFT-23 Sacks, Joseph Leopold 1881-1952 WWasWT Sadanji, Ichi Kawa 1881-1940 WWasWT Saddler, Donald 1918CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8; WWT-17 Sadler, Bill See Sadler, William CTFT-18 Sadler, William 1950CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Safan, Craig 1948CTFT-8 Safer, Morley 1931CTFT-12 Sagal, Katey CTFT-5 Sagan, Carl 1934-1996 CTFT-22 Sagan, Leontine 1889-1974 WWasWT Sagansky, Jeff 1953CTFT-12 Sagebrecht, Marianne 1945CTFT-10 Sager, Carole Bayer 1947CTFT-13 Saget, Bob 1956CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Sahagen, Nikki CTFT-4 Sahl, Mort 1927CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Saint, Eva Marie 1924CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 St. Clair, F. V. I860-? WWasWT Saint-Denis, Michel 1897-1971 WWasWT St. Denis, Teddie 1909WWasWT St. Helier, Ivy ?-1971 WWasWT St. Jacques, Raymond 1930-1990 CTFT-9 St. James, Fred See Allen, Fred CTFT-21 Saint James, Susan 1946CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8 St. John, Christopher Marie ?-1960 WWasWT St. John, Florence 1854-1912 WWasWT St. John, Howard 1905-1974 WWasWT St. John, Jill 1940CTFT-3 St. John, John See Sale, Richard CTFT-12 St. John, Lily 1895WWasWT

Sainte-Marie, Buffy 1941{?)CTFT-16 Saint Johns, Richard R. 1929CTFT-1 Saintsbury, H. A. 1869-1939 WWasWT Saint-Subber, Arnold 1918WWT-17 Saire, Rebecca 1963CTFT-9 Sajak, Pat 1946(?)CTFT-11 Saker, Annie 1882-1932 WWasWT Saker, Mrs. Edward 1847-1912 WWasWT Saks, Gene 1921CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 9; WWT-17 Salacrou, Armand 1899-1989 WWasWT Salberg, Derek S. 1912WWT-17 Saldana, Theresa 1955CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Sale, Richard 1911-1993 CTFT-12 Salhany, Lucie 1946(?)CTFT-12 Salin, Kari See Wuhrer, Kari CTFT-22 Salinger, Matt 1960CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Salin-Wuhrer, Kari See Wuhrer, Kari CTFT-22 Salisbury, Frank 1930CTFT-4 Salisbury, John See Caute, David CTFT-12 Salkind, Alexander 1921-1997 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-1 7 Salle, Charles (Chic) 1885-1936 WWasWT Sallis, Peter 1921CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Salmi, Albert 1928-1990 CTFT-5 Salmon, Colin CTFT-28 Salomon, Mikael 1945CTFT-10 Salonga, Lea 1971CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Salt, Jennifer 1944CTFT-7 Salt, Waldo 1914-1987 CTFT-6 Saltz, Amy 1946CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Salvini, Tomasso 1829-1915 WWasWT Samms, Emma 1960CTFT-4 Samples, M. David CTFT-4 Sampson, Bill See Erman, John CTFT-18 Sampson, Will 1935-1987 CTFT-1 7 Samson, Ivan 1894-1963 WWasWT Sand, Paul CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Sanda, Dominique 1951(?)CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Sanders, Henry See Sanders, Henry G CTFT-26 Sanders, Henry G CTFT-26 Sanders, Henry Gayle See Sanders, Henry G CTFT-26 Sanders, Jay See Sanders, Jay O CTFT-21 Sanders, Jay O. 1953CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Sanders, Richard 1940CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Sanderson, Julia 1887-1975 WWasWT Sanderson, William 1948CTFT-24

Sanderson, William J. See Sanderson, William CTFT-24 Sandford, Marjorie 1910WWasWT Sandino, Enrique 1951CTFT-5 Sandison, Gordon 1913-1958 WWasWT Sandier, Adam 1966(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Sandier, Barry 1947CTFT-12 Sandrich, Jay 1932CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Sands, Diana 1934WWasWT Sands, Dorothy 1893-1980 WWT-17 Sands, Julian 1958CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Sands, Leslie 1921WWT-17 Sandy, Gary 1946CTFT-6 Sanford, Garwin 1955CTFT-27 Sanford, Isabel 1917(?)CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Sanger, Jonathan 1944CTFT-1 San Giacomo, Laura 1962CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Sangster, Alfred 1880-? WWasWT Santley, Frederic 1887-1953 WWasWT Santley, Joseph 1889-1971 WWasWT Santley, Kate ?-1923 WWasWT Santoni, Reni CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Santos, Joe 1931(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Saphier, Peter 1940CTFT-1 Sara, Mia 1968CTFT-9 Sarafian, Richard C. 1932(?)CTFT-12 Sarandon, Chris 1942CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 15; WWT-17 Sarandon, Susan 1946CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10 Sarde, Philippe 1945CTFT-10 Sarducci, Father Guido See Novello, Don CTFT-20 Sargent, Alvin 1927CTFT-12 Sargent, Dick 1930-1994 CTFT-24 Sargent, Frederic 1879-? WWasWT Sargent, Herb CTFT-15 Sargent, Herbert C. 1873-? WWasWT Sargent, Joseph 1925CTFT-6 Sargent, Richard See Sargent, Dick CTFT-24 Sarment, Jean 1897-1976 WWasWT Sarner, Alexander 1892-1948 WWasWT Sarony, Leslie 1897WWT-17 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Saroyan, William 1908-1981 WWT-17 Sarrazin, Michael 1940CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Sartre, Jean-Paul 1905-1980 WWT-17 Sass, Edward ?-1916 WWasWT Sass, Enid 1889-1959 WWasWT Sato, Isao 1949-1990 CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Saucier, Claude-Albert 1953CTFT-2 Saunders, Derek See Rubin, Bruce Joel CTFT-22 Saunders, Florence ?-1926 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Saunders, James 1925CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Saunders, Madge 1894-1967 WWasWT Saunders, Nicholas 1914CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Saunders, Peter 1911CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Sautet, Claude 1924CTFT-26 Savage, Fred 1976CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Savage, Henry Wilson 1859-1927 WWasWT Savage, John 1949(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Savalas, Telly 1923-1994 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Savant, Doug CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-4 Savini, Tom CTFT-7 Saviola, Camille 1950CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Savo, Jimmy 1895-1960 WWasWT Savory, Gerald 1909WWT-1 7 Sawa, Devon 1978CTFT-20 Sawyer, Diane 1945(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Sawyer, Dorie 1897WWasWT Sawyer, Forrest 1949(?)CTFT-12 Sawyer, Ivy 1896WWasWT Saxon, Edward CTFT-27 Saxon, John 1936CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Sayers, Dorothy L. 1893-1957 WWasWT Sayle, Alexei 1952CTFT-8 Sayler, Oliver Martin 1887-1958 ...WWasWT Sayles, John 1950CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 13 Sayre, Theodore Burt 1874-1954 WWasWT Sbarge, Raphael 1964CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 15 Scacchi, Greta 1960CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Scaife, Gillian WWasWT Scales, Prunella CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Scalia, Jack 195K?)CTFT-18 Earlier CTFT-7 Scalia, Pietro 1960CTFT-27 Scarborough, George 1875-? WWasWT Scardino, Don 1948CTFT-11 Scarfe, Alan 1946CTFT-4 Scarfe, Gerald 1936CTFT-12 Scarwid, Diana CTFT-6 Schaal, Richard 1928CTFT-2 Schachter, Felice 1963CTFT-4 Schaech, Johnathon 1969CTFT-26 Schaefer, George 1920-1997 CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8; WWT-17 Schaeffer, Eric 1962CTFT-26 Schafer, Natalie 1900-1991 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Schaffel, Robert 1944CTFT-1

Schaffner, Franklin J. 1920-1989 CTFT-7 Schallert, William 1922CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Schapiro, Seth L. 1931CTFT-4 Schary, Dore 1905-1980 WWT-17 Schatzberg, Jerry 1927CTFT-4 Schechner, Richard 1934WWT-1 7 Scheeder, Louis W 1946CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Scheff, Fritzi 1879-1954 WWasWT Scheherazade CTFT-2 Scheider, Roy 1935(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 14 Schell, Maria 1926CTFT-6 Schell, Maximilian 1930CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Schellow, Erich 1915WWasWT Schenk, Otto 1930CTFT-13 Schenkar, Joan 1946CTFT-13 Schenkel, Carl CTFT-27 Schenkel, Chris CTFT-11 Schenkkan, Robert 1953CTFT-4 Schepisi, Fred 1939CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Scherick, Edgar J. 1924CTFT-6 Schevill, James 1920CTFT-4 Schiavelli, Vincent CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Schickel, Richard 1933CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Schieffer, Bob 1937CTFT-26 Schiffer, Claudia 1970CTFT-20 Schiffer, Michael 1948CTFT-6 Schifrin, Lalo 1932CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Schildkraut, Joseph 1896-1964 WWasWT Schiller, Bob 1918CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Schiller, Lawrence 1936CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Schimmel, William 1946CTFT-4 Schisgal, Murray 1926CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Schlarth, Sharon CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Schlatter, George CTFT-7 Schlesinger, John 1926CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; WWT-17 Schloendorff, Volker 1939CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Schlondorff, Volker See Schloendorff, Volker CTFT-27 Schlossberg, Julian 1942CTFT-15 Schmidt, Douglas W. 1942CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 11; WWT-17 Schmidt, Harvey 1929WWT-17 Schmidt, Marlene CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Schmoeller, David L. 1947CTFT-1 Schnabel, Stefan 1912CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Schnee, Thelma WWasWT Schneider, Alan 1917-1984 CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWT-17

Scott • S I S Schneider, Helen Schneider, John Schneider, Rob 1965Schneider, Romy 1938-1982 Schoenbaum, Donald 1926Schoenfeld, Gerald 1924Schoonmaker, Thelma 1945Schottenfeld, Barbara Schrader, Frederick Franklin 1859-1943 Schrader, Paul 1946Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, Schreiber, Avery 1935Schrieber, Terry 1937Schroeder, Adam Schroder, Rick 1970Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Schroder, Ricky See Schroder, Rick Schroeder, Barbet 1941Schuck, John 1940Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Schulberg, Budd 1914Schull, Rebecca Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Schulman, Tom 1951(?)Schultz, Armand 1959Schultz, Dwight Schultz, Michael A. 1938Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Schultz, Vicki Lawrence See Lawrence, Vicki Schumacher, Joel 1939Schwab, Laurence 1893-1956 Schwab, Shelly 1936Schwab, Sophie See Hayden, Sophie Schwartz, Archibald See McGoohan, Patrick Schwartz, Arthur 1900-1984 Schwartz, Jean 1878-1956 Schwartz, Maurice 1890-1960 Schwartz, Stephen 1948Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Schwarzenegger, Arnold 1947Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Schweig, Eric 1967Schweiger, Til 1963Schwimmer, David 1966(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Scicolone, Sofia See Loren, Sophia Sciorra, Annabella 1964Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Scofield, Paul 1922Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; Scola, Ettore 1931Scolari, Peter 1954Scorsese, Martin 1942Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Scotland, J. H. 1873-? Scott, Allan 1941Scott, Bennett 1875-?




CTFT-20 CTFT-17 CTFT-13 WWT-17 CTFT-8 CTFT-6 CTFT-22 5, 12 WWasWT CTFT-12 WWasWT



Scott, Campbell CTFT-9 Scott, Cyril 1866-1945 WwasWT Scott, Debbie See Scott, Deborah Lynn CTFT-26 Scott, Deborah See Scott, Deborah Lynn CTFT-26 Scott, Deborah L. See Scott, Deborah Lynn CTFT-26 Scott, Deborah Lynn 1954(?)CTFT-26 Scott, Dougray 1965CTFT-22 Scott, George C. 1927-1999 CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7, 15; WWT-17 Scott, Gertrude ?-1951 WWasWT Scott, Harold 1891-1964 WWasWT Scott, Jan CTFT-12 Scott, Jay Hutchinson 1924-1977 WWT-1 7 Scott, Joan ClementSee Clement-Scott, Joan WWasWT Scott, John 1937CTFT-1 Scott, Maidie WWasWT Scott, Malcolm 1872-1929 WWasWT Scott, Margaret Clement WWasWT Scott, Margaretta 1912WWT-17 Scott, Martha 1914(?)CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Scott, Noel 1889-1956 WWasWT Scott, Peter 1932WwasWT Scott, Randolph 1898-1987 CTFT-26 Scott, Ridley 1939CTFT-9 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Scott, Rosemary 1914WWasWT Scott, Timothy ?-1988 CTFT-2 Scott, Tom 1948CTFT-13 Scott, Tom Everett 1970CTFT-23 Scott, Tony 1944CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Scott, Walter M. 1906-1989 CTFT-8 Scott-Gatty, Alexander 1876-1937 WWasWT Scotti, Nick 1966CTFT-23 Scotti, Vito 1918-1996 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-16 Scourby, Alexander 1913-1985 WWT-17 Scudamore, Margaret 1884-1958 WWasWT Scully, Anthony 1942CTFT-1 Scully, Joe 1926CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Seabrook, Jeremy 1939CTFT-13 Seabrooke, Thomas Q. 1860-1913 WWasWT Seacombe, Dorothy 1905WWasWT Seagal, Steve See Seagal, Steven CTFT-18 Seagal, Steven 1952(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Seagram, Wilfrid 1884-1938.. WWasWT Seagrove, Jenny .'. CTFT-7 Seagull, Barbara See Hershey, Barbara CTFT-28 Seal, Elizabeth 1933CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Sealby, Mabel 1885-? WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Seale, Douglas 1913CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Seale, John 1942CTFT-11 Seale, Kenneth 1916WWT-17 Seale, Petie Trigg 1930CTFT-5 Seaman, Owen 1861-1936 WWasWT Seamon, Edward 1932CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Sears, Austin 1947CTFT-5 Sears, Heather 1935WWT-17 Sears, Joe 1949CTFT-1 Sears, Zelda 1873-1935 WWasWT Seawell, Donald R WWT-17 Secombe, Harry 1921WWT-17 Secor, Kyle 1958(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Secrest, James ?-1987 CTFT-1 Secretan, Lance 1939WwasWT Seda, Jon 1970CTFT-26 Sedgwick, Kyra 1965CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 See, Edmond 1875-1959 WWasWT Seff, Richard 1927CTFT-1 Segal, Erich 1937CTFT-1 Segal, George 1934CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Segal, Vivienne 1897WWasWT Segond-Weber, Eugenie-Caroline 1867-? WWasWT Seidelman, Arthur Allan CTFT-4 Seidelman, Susan 1952CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Seidl, Lea 1902-1987 WWasWT Seinfeld, Jerry 1954(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Selbo, Jule 1954CTFT-11 Selbourne, David 1937CTFT-12 Selby, David CTFT-5 Selby, Nicholas 1925CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-1 7 Selby, Percival M. 1886-1955 WWasWT Selby, Tony 1938CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Seldes, Marian 1928CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 15; WWT-17 Sell, Janie 1941CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Sellars, Elizabeth 1923WWT-17 Sellars, Peter 1957-. CTFT-1 7 Sellecca, Connie 1955CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Selleck, Tom 1945CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3, 12 Sellers, Peter 1925-1980 CTFT-1 Selten, Morton 1860-1939 WWasWT Seltzer, David 1920(?)CTFT-9 Selwart, Tonio 1896WWasWT Selwyn, Archibald ?-1959 WWasWT Selwyn, Edgar 1875-1944 WWasWT Selzer, Julie CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Selznick, Daniel 1936CTFT-1 Semel, Terry 1943CTFT-10 Semler, Dean CTFT-11 Semple, Lorenzo, Jr. CTFT-5

Sendak, Maurice 1928CTFT-11 Seneca, Joe 19(?)-1996 CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Senicourt, Roger See Chacksfield, Frank CTFT-2 Senn, Herbert 1924CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Seppe, Christopher 1955CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Serban, Andrei 1943CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8; WWT-17 Serbedzija, Rade 1946CTFT-27 Serf, Joseph See McGoohan, Patrick CTFT-5 Sergine, Vera WWasWT Serjeantson, Kate ?-1918 WWasWT Serlin, Oscar 1901-1971 WWasWT Serling, Rod 1924-1975 CTFT-14 Serna, Pepe 1944CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Serra, Raymond 1936CTFT-4 Serrano, Vincent 1870-1935 WWasWT Serreau, Coline CTFT-15 Servoss, Mary 1908-1968 WWasWT Setrakian, Ed 1928CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Sevareid, Eric 1912-1992 CTFT-12 Seven, Johnny 1926CTFT-4 Seven, Marilyn CTFT-4 Sevening, Dora 1883-? WWasWT Sevening, Nina WWasWT Severinsen, Doc 1927CTFT-12 Sewell, Rufus 1967CTFT-22 Seyler, Athene 1889-1990 WWT-16 Seymour, Alan 1927WWT-17 Seymour, Anne 1909-1988 CTFT-1 Seymour, Jane 1951CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 13 Seymour, Madeline 1891WWasWT Seymour, William 1855-1933 WWasWT Shackelford, Ted 1946CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Shaffer, Anthony 1926CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Shaffer, Paul 1949CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Shaffer, Peter 1926CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Shagan, Steve 1927CTFT-5 Shaiman, Marc 1959CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Shairp, Alexander Mordaunt 1887-1939 WWasWT Shakey, Bernard See Young, Neil CTFT-21 Shale, T. A. 1867-1953 WWasWT Shales, Tom 1948CTFT-15 Shalhoub, Tony 1953CTFT-22 Shalit, Gene 1932CTFT-26 Shallard, Michael 1951CTFT-8 Shallo, Karen CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Shamberg, Michael 1945(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Shamberg, Michael H. See Shamberg, Michael CTFT-26 Shand, Ernest 1868-? WWasWT Shand, John 1901-1955 WWasWT Shand, Phyllis 1894WWasWT Shandling, Garry 1949CTFT-9 Shange, Ntozake 1948CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Shangold, Joan CTFT-2 Shank, Theodore 1929CTFT-5 Shankar, Ravi 1920CTFT-12 Shanks, Alec WWT-1 7 Shanley, John Patrick 1950CTFT-9 Shannon, Effie 1867-1954 WWasWT Shannon, Frank 1875-1959 WWasWT Shannon, Peggy 1909-1941 WWasWT Shapiro, Debbie 1954CTFT-8 Shapiro, Esther 1934CTFT-8 Shapiro, Ken 1943CTFT-5 Shapiro, Richard 1934CTFT-8 Sharaff, Irene WWT-17 Sharif, Omar 1932CTFT-5 Sharkey, Jack 1931CTFT-1 Sharkey, Ray 1952CTFT-5 Sharland, Reginald 1886-1944 WWasWT Sharp, Anthony 1915WWT-17 Sharp, Eileen 1900WWasWT Sharp, F. B. J. 1874-? WWasWT Sharp, Margery 1905WWasWT Sharpe, Cornelia 1943CTFT-5 Sharpe, Edith 1894WWasWT Shatner, William 1931CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3 Shattuck, Truly 1876-1954 WWasWT Shaud, Grant CTFT-13 Shaughnessy, Charles 1955CTFT-17 Shavelson, Melville 1917CTFT-1 Shaver, Helen 1951CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Shaw, Anthony 1897WWasWT Shaw, Fiona CTFT-9 Shaw, George Bernard 1856-1950 WWasWT Shaw, Glen Byam 1904-1986 WWT-17 Shaw, Irwin 1913-1984 WWT-17 Shaw, Lewis 1910WWasWT Shaw, Mary 1854-1929 WWasWT Shaw, Oscar 1899-1967 WWasWT Shaw, Robert 1927-1978 WWT-16 Shaw, Run Run 1907CTFT-8 Shaw, Scott 1958CTFT-23 Shaw, Sebastian 1905WWT-17 Shaw, Stan 1952CTFT-21 Shawn, Dick 1923-1987 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Shawn, Wallace 1943CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Shaye, Lin 1944(?)CTFT-26 Shaye, Robert 1939CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Shea, Jack 1928CTFT-21 Shea, John 1949CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 13 Shean, Al 1868-1949 WWasWT

Shearer, Harry 1943CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Shearer, Norma 1902-1983 CTFT-26 Sheedy, Ally 1962CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Sheehan, Douglas 1949CTFT-8 Sheely, Nelson 1942CTFT-4 Sheen, Charlie 1965CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-4 Sheen, Martin 1940CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6, 13; WWT-1 7 Sheffer, Craig 1960CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Sheffield, Flora 1902WWasWT Sheffield, Leo 1873-1951 WWasWT Sheffield, Reginald 1901-1957 WWasWT Sheinberg, Sidney 1935CTFT-10 Sheiness, Marsha 1940CTFT-1 Sheldon, Edward 1886-1946 WWasWT Sheldon, H. Sophus ?-1940 WWasWT Sheldon, John See Bloch, Robert CTFT-2 Sheldon, Sidney 1917CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Sheldon, Suzanne 1875-1924 WWasWT Shelley, Carole 1939CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Shelton, George 1852-1932 WWasWT Shelton, Marley 1974CTFT-28 Shelton, Reid 1924-1997 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-18 Shelton, Ron 1945CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Shelton, Sloane 1934CTFT-1 Shelving, Paul ?-1968 WWasWT Shena, Lewis 1948CTFT-3 Shenar, Paul 1936-1989 CTFT-8 Shenburn, Archibald A. 1905-1954 WWasWT Shepard, Jewel CTFT-4 Shepard, Sam 1942(?)CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6; WWT-17 Shepeard, Jean 1904WWasWT Shephard, Firth 1891-1949 WWasWT Shepherd, Cybill 1950CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7 Shepherd, Jack 1940WWT-17 Shepherd, Leonard 1872-? WWasWT Shepley, Michael 1907-1961 WWasWT Shepley, Ruth 1892-1951 WWasWT Sher, Antony 1949CTFT-11 Sher, Stacey CTFT-16 Sherbrooke, Michael 1874-1957 WWasWT Sherek, Henry 1900-1967 WWasWT Sheridan, Dinah 1920CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Sheridan, Jamey 1951CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 10 Sheridan, Jim 1949CTFT-9 Sheridan, Mark ?-1917 WWasWT Sheridan, Mary 1903WWasWT

Shoemaker • 517 Sheridan, Nicollette 1963CTFT-10 Sherin, Edwin 1930CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Sheringham 1885-1937 WWasWT Sherman, Dick See Sherman, Richard M CTFT-10 Sherman, Geoffrey CTFT-21 Sherman, Guy 1958CTFT-2 Sherman, Hiram 1908-1989 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Sherman, Lowell J. 1885-1934 WWasWT Sherman, Martin CTFT-2 Sherman, Richard M. 1928CTFT-10 Sherman, Robert B. 1925CTFT-10 Sherohman, Tom 1945CTFT-1 Sherr, Lynn 1942CTFT-17 Sherriff, Robert Cedric 1896-1975 WWasWT Sherrin, Ned 1931WWT-17 Sherwin, Jeannette ?-1936 WWasWT Sherwin, Manning 1903-1974 WWasWT Sherwin, Mimi CTFT-4 Sherwood, Garrison P. 1902-1963 WWasWT Sherwood, Henry 1931WWT-17 Sherwood, James Peter 1894WWasWT Sherwood, Lydia 1906-1989 WWasWT Sherwood, Madeleine 1922CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Sherwood, Michael See Weathers, Philip CTFT-4 Sherwood, Robert Emmet 1896-1955 WWasWT Shevelove, Burt 1915WWT-17 Shields, Arthur 1900-1970 WWasWT Shields, Brooke 1965CTFT-9 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Shields, Ella 1879-1952 WWasWT Shields, Sammy 1874-? WWasWT Shiels, George 1886-1949 WWasWT Shigeta, James 1933CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Shilling, Ivy WWasWT Shimono, Sab 1943CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Shine, Bill 1911WWT-17 Shine, John L. 1854-1930 WWasWT Shine, Wilfred E. 1864-1939 WwasWT Shiner, David 1954(?) CTFT-26 Shiner, Ronald 1903-1966 WWasWT Shingler, Helen 1919WWasWT Shipley, Joseph T. 1893-1988 WWT-17 Shipley, Sandra 1947CTFT-4 Shipman, Ernest 1871-? WWasWT Shipman, Louis Evan 1869-1933 WWasWT Shipman, Samuel 1883-1937 WWasWT Shipp, John Wesley CTFT-10 Shire, David 1937CTFT-5 Shire, Talia 1946CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Shirley, Arthur 1853-1925 WWasWT Shirvell, James 1902WWasWT Shockley, Ed 1957CTFT-4 Shoemaker, Ann 1891-1978 WWT-16

5 1 8 * Shore Shore, Dinah 1917-1994 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-13 Shore, Howard CTFT-10 Shore, Pauly 1968CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Shores, Del 1957CTFT-8 Short, Hassard 1877-1956 WWasWT Short, Martin 1950(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Short, Robert See Arkin, Alan CTFT-18 Short, Roger, Jr. See Eyen, Tom CTFT-10 Short, Sylvia 1927CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Shotter, Winifred 1904WWasWT Show, Grant 1962(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Showalter, Max 1917CTFT-8 Shrader, Frederick Franklin 1859-? WWasWT Shriner, Kin 1953CTFT-27 Shriver, Maria 1955CTFT-12 Shubert, Jacob J. 1880-1963 WWasWT Shubert, Lee 1875-1953 WWasWT Shue, Andrew 1967(?)CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Shue, Elisabeth 1963CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Shue, Larry 1946-1985 CTFT-3 Shukat, Scott 1937CTFT-5 Shuler, Lauren See Shuler-Donner, Lauren CTFT-24 Shuler-Donner, Lauren CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Shull, Leo 1913WWT-1 7 Shull, Richard B. 1929CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Shulman, Milton 1913WWT-17 Shultz, Tony 1947CTFT-1 Shumlin, Herman E. 1898-1979 WWT-17 Shusett, Ronald CTFT-22 Shust, William CTFT-4 Shuster, Rosie 1950CTFT-4 Shutta, Ethel 1896-1976 WWasWT Shyer, Charles 1941CTFT-8 Shyamalan, M. Night 1970CTFT-27 Shyre, Paul 1929-1989 CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Sidney, Sylvia 1910CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Sidorova, Felia See Charisse, Cyd CTFT-12 Siebert, Charles 1938CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Siegel, Arthur 1923-1994 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-13 Siegel, Don 1912-1991 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-10 Siegel-Tabori, Kristoffer See Tabori, Kristoffer CTFT-17 Siemaszko, Casey 1961CTFT-13 Sierra, Gregory CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Sieveking, Margot WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Siff, Ira 1946CTFT-4 Sighvabson, Sigurjon See Sighvatsson, Sigurjon CTFT-23 Sighvatsson, Joni See Sighvatsson, Sigurjon CTFT-23 Sighvatsson, Sigurjon 1952CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Signoret, Gabriel 1878-1937 WWasWT Signoret, Simone 1921-1985 CTFT-3 Si-kit Jet Li See Li, Jet CTFT-28 Sikking, James B. 1934CTFT-6 Silber, Chic CTFT-4 Sillas, Karen 1965CTFT-26 Silliman, Maureen 1949CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Silliphant, Stirling 1918-1996 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-16 Sillman, Leonard 1908-1982 WWT-17 Sills, Beverly 1929CTFT-22 Sills, Douglas 1961CTFT-22 Sills, Paul CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Silva, Henry 1928CTFT-8 Silva, Trinidad 1950-1988 CTFT-7 Silvain, Eugene 1851-1930 WWasWT Silver, Christine 1884-1960 WWasWT Silver, Joan Micklin 1935CTFT-4 Silver, Joe 1922-1989 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Silver, Joel 1939CTFT-9 Silver, Marisa 1960CTFT-12 Silver, Michael 1967CTFT-26 Silver, Michael Buchman See Silver, Michael CTFT-26 Silver, Ron 1946CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4 Silverheels, Jay 1918(?)-1980 CTFT-17 Silverman, Bubbles See Sills, Beverly CTFT-22 Silverman, Fred 1937CTFT-7 Silverman, Jonathan 1966CTFT-13 Silverman, Sarah CTFT-28 Silvers, Cathy 1961CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Silvers, Phil 1911-1985 WWT-17 Silverstein, Elliot 1927CTFT-1 Silverstone, Alicia 1976CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Silvestri, Alan 1950(?)CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Sim, Alastair 1900-1976 WWT-16 Sim, Millie 1895WWasWT Sim, Sheila 1922WWasWT Simmons, Gene 1949CTFT-8 Simmons, Jean 1929CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Simmons, Jonathan 1955CTFT-5 Simms, Hilda 1920WWT-17 Simon, John 1925CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Simon, Louis M. 1906WWT-17 Simon, Lucy 1944(?)CTFT-13 Simon, Neil 1927CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6; WWT-17

Simon, Paul 1941Simone, Madame 1880-? Simonson, Lee 1888-1967 Simpson, Carole 1940Simpson, Don 1945-1996 Obituary in CTFT-16 Simpson, Harold Simpson, N. F. 1919Simpson, O. J. 1947Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Simpson, Peggy Simpson, Ronald 1896-1957 Sims, George Robert 1847-1922 Sims, Joan 1930Sinatra, Frank 1915Sinatra, Nancy 1940(?)Sinbad 1956Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Sinclair, Arthur 1883-1951 Sinclair, Barry 1911Sinclair, Hugh 1903-1962 Sinclair, Madge 1938-1995 Obituary in CTFT-15 Sinclair, Malcolm Sinden, Donald 1923Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Sinden, Jeremy 1950-1996 Obituary in CTFT-16 Sinden, Topsy 1878-? Singer, Bryan 1966(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Singer, Campbell 1909-1976 Singer, Lori 1962Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Singer, Marc Singer, Maria 1957Singer, Ray 1916-1992 Singleton, John 1968Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Singleton, Ralph See Singleton, Ralph S Singleton, Ralph S. 1940Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Sinise, Gary 1955Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Sinkys, Albert 1940Sinyor, Gary 1962Sirola, Joe 1929Sirtis, Marina 1960(?)Siskel, Gene 1946Sisto, Rocco 1953Sitgreaves, Beverley 1867-1943 Sivero, Frank Sizemore, Tom 1964(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Skala, Lilia 1896(?)-1994 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Skarsgard, Stellan 1951Skelly, Hal 1891-1934 Skelton, Red 1913-1997 Obituary in CTFT-18 Skelton, Richard See Skelton, Red




Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Skelton, Thomas CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Skerritt, Tom 1933CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Skillan, George 1893WWasWT Skinner, Cornelia Otis 1901-1979 WWT-16 Skinner, Emily 1970CTFT-22 Skinner, Otis 1858-1942 WWasWT Skipworth, Alison 1863-1952 WWasWT Skolimowski, Jerzy 1938CTFT-10 Skulnik, Menasha 1894-1970 WWasWT Skye, lone 1971CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Slade, Bernard 1930CTFT-1 Slade, Julian 1930CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-1 7 Slater, Christian 1969CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Slater, Daphne 1928WWasWT Slater, Helen 1963CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Slater, John 1916WWasWT Slaughter, Bessie 1879-? WWasWT Slaughter, N. Carter (Tod) 1885-1956 WWasWT Sleath, Herbert 1870-1921 WWasWT Sleeper, Martha 1911WWasWT Slezak, Erika 1946CTFT-4 Slezak, Walter 1902-1983 WWT-17 Sloane, Alfred Baldwin 1872-1925 WWasWT Sloane, Michael 1946CTFT-5 Sloane, Olive 1896-1963 WWasWT Slocombe, Douglas 1913CTFT-10 Slocum, Frank 1925-1997 CTFT-12 Obituary in CTFT-17 Sloss, John 1956CTFT-24 Slotnik, Joey CTFT-27 Slovo, Shawn 1950(?)CTFT-17 Sloyan, James CTFT-8 Slye, Leonard See Rogers, Roy CTFT-21 Small, Neva CTFT-2 Small, Robert Grahm 1949CTFT-2 Smalley, Stuart See Franken, Al CTFT-21 Smart, Amy 1976CTFT-26 Smart, Jean 1952(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Smiar, Brian 1937CTFT-7 Smight, Jack 1926CTFT-12 Sminkey, Tom CTFT-7 Smith, Alexis 1921-1993 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Smith, Anna Deavere 1950CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Smith, Aubrey 1863-1948 WWasWT Smith, Bill See Smith, William CTFT-22 Smith, Bubba 1945CTFT-7 Smith, Charles Martin 1955CTFT-6 Smith, Clay 1885-? WWasWT

Smith, Cotter 1949CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7 Smith, Cyril 1892-1963 WWasWT Smith, Derek 1927CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Smith, Derek D. See Smith, Derek David CTFT 19 Smith, Derek David 1959CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8 Smith, Dick 1922CTFT-6 Smith, Dodie WWT-1 7 Smith, Edgar McPhail 1857-1938 WWasWT Smith, H. ReevesSee Reeves-Smith, H WWasWT Smith, Harry Bache 1860-1936 WWasWT Smith, Howard I. 1894-1968 WWasWT Smith, J. Sebastian 1869-1948 WWasWT Smith, Jaclyn 1947CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7 Smith, Jada Pinkett See Pinkett, Jada CTFT-27 Smith, Kent 1907-1985 WWT-17 Smith, Kevin 1970CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Smith, Kurtwood 1943(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Smith, Lane 1936(?)CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Smith, Lisa Marie See Marie, Lisa CTFT-28 Smith, Liz 1925CTFT-9 Smith, Lois 1930CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16; WWT-17 Smith, Loring 1895WWasWT Smith, Maggie 1934CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4; WWT-17 Smith, Martha CTFT-7 Smith, Oliver 1918WWT-17 Smith, Paul Girard WWasWT Smith, Queenie 1902WWasWT Smith, Rex 1956CTFT-7 Smith, Robert B. 1875-1951 WWasWT Smith, Sheila 1933CTFT-1 Smith, Sidney 1877-1935 WWasWT Smith, Sukie 1964CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Smith, Surrey See Dinner, William CTFT-4 Smith, Will 1968CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Smith, William 1932(?)CTFT-22 Smith, Winchell 1872-1933 WWasWT Smithers, Florence WWasWT Smithers, Jan 1949CTFT-7 Smithers, William 1927CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Smithson, Florence 1884-1936 WWasWT Smithson, Laura 1885-1963 WWasWT Smitrovich, Bill CTFT-8 Smits, Jimmy 1955(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 15 Smothers, Dick 1939CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3

Sorel *5*\9 Smothers, Tom 1937CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Smuin, Michael 1938CTFT-9 Smythe, Allan See Stern, Steven Hilliard CTFT-16 Snaro See Schwimmer, David CTFT-27 Snell, Peter 1941CTFT-10 Snipes, Wesley 1962CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Snodgress, Carrie 1946CTFT-5 Snoop Doggy Dogg 1972CTFT-27 Snow, Donna CTFT-3 Snow, Mark 1946CTFT-6 Snyder, David L. 1944CTFT-12 Snyder, Tom 1936CTFT-24 Sobel, Bernard 1887-1964 WWasWT Sobieski, Carol 1939-1990 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-9 Sobieski, Leelee 1982CTFT-24 Soble, Ron 1932CTFT-14 Sobol, Joshua 1939CTFT-14 Soboloff, Arnold 1930-1979 WWT-17 Soderbergh, Steven 1963CTFT-11 Sofaer, Abraham 1896-1988 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Sohlke, Gus 1865-1924 WWasWT Sohmer, Steve 1941CTFT-11 Sohmers, Barbara CTFT-1 Sokol, Marilyn CTFT-1 Sokolova, Natasha 1917WWasWT Sokolow, Anna 1910CTFT-1 Soler, Antonio Ruiz 1927WWasWT Solodovnikov, Alexandr Vasilievich 1904WWasWT Soman, Claude 1897-1960 WWasWT Somers, Suzanne 1946CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Somerset, C. W. 1847-1929 WWasWT Somerset, Patrick 1897-1974 WWasWT Somerville, John Baxter 1907-1963 WWasWT Somes, Michael (George) 1917WWasWT Somkin, Steven 1941CTFT-4 Sommars, Julie CTFT-8 Sommer, Elke 1941CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Sommer, Josef 1934CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 10 Sommer, M. Josef See Sommer, Josef CTFT-18 Somner, Pearl 1923CTFT-2 Sonal, Marc 1858-? WWasWT Sondergaard, Gale 1901-1985 WWT-17 Sondheim, Stephen 1930CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Sonnenfeld, Barry 1953(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Sorbo, Kevin 1959(?)CTFT-17 Sorel, Cecil 1873-1966 WWasWT Sorel, Ted See Sorel, Theodore CTFT-19 Sorel, Theodore 1936CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2

520 • Soria Soria, Madeleine WWasWT Sorvino, Mira 1969(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Sorvino, Paul 1939CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4; WWT-1 7 Sothern, Ann 1909CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Sothern, Edward H. 1859-1933 WWasWT Sothern, Janet Evelyn WWasWT Sothern, Sam 1870-1920 WWasWT Sotin, Hans 1939CTFT-14 Soto, Miriam See Soto, Talisa CTFT-14 Soto, Rosana See DeSoto, Rosana CTFT-7 Soto, Talisa 1968CTFT-14 Souchet, H. A. du WWasWT Soul, David 1943CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Soule, Olan 1909-1994 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-13 Sousa, John Philip 1854-1932 WWasWT Soutar, J. Farren 1870-1962 WWasWT Southern, John 1893WWasWT Southern, Terry 1924(?)-1995CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-15 Southgate, Elsie 1890WWasWT Southon, Mike CTFT-28 Sovey, Raymond 1897-1966 WWasWT Sowerby, Katherine Githa WWasWT Soyinka, Wole 1934CTFT-6 Spacek, Sissy 1950(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3, 12 Spacey, Kevin 1959CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Spackman, Tom 1950CTFT-4 Spader, James 1960CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Spain, Elsie WWasWT Spano, Joe 1946CTFT-5 Spano, Vincent 1962CTFT-6 Sparer, Paul CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Spaulding, Douglas See Bradbury, Ray CTFT-28 Speaight, Robert 1904-1976 WWT-16 Speakman, Jeff 1957CTFT-24 Spear, David 1953CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Speechley, Billy 1911WWasWT Speight, Johnny 1921(?)-1998 CTFT-12 Obituary in CTFT-22 Spelling, Aaron 1923(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3, 12 Spelling, Tori 1973CTFT-26 Spelling, Victoria See Spelling, Tori CTFT-26 Spelvin, George Jr. See Douglas, Kirk CTFT-14 Spence, Bruce 1945CTFT-21 Spence, Edward F. 1860-1932 WWasWT Spencer, Helen 1903WWasWT Spencer, Jessica 1919WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Spencer, John 1946Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Spencer, Marian 1905Spewack, Bella 1899-1990 Spewack, Samuel 1899-1971 Spheeris, Penelope 1945Spidena, Chuck See Reeves, Keanu Spielberg, David 1939Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Spielberg, Steven 1947(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Spier, Carol Spigelgass, Leonard 1908-1985 Spiller, Tom 1949Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Spindell, Ahvi Spinell, Joe ?-1989 Spinella, Stephen 1956Spinelli, Andree 1891Spiner, Brent 1949Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, Spinetti, Victor 1933Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Spong, Hilda 1875-1955 Spooner, Cecil Spooner, Edna May ?-1953 Spota, George 1917Spottiswoode, Roger Spriggs, Elizabeth Springer, Ashton Jr. 1930Springer, Jerry 1944Springett, Freddie 1915Springfield, Rick 1949Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Squibb, June 1935Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Squire, Katherine 1903Squire, Ronald 1886-1958 Squire, William 1920-1989 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Stack, Robert 1919Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Stack, William 1882-? Stacy, James 1936Stadlen, Lewis J. 1947StaffordClark, Max 1941Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; Stagge, Jonathan See Wheeler, Hugh Stahl, Lesley 1941Stahl, Richard 1932Stahl, Rose 1870-1955 Stainton, Philip 1908-1961 Stallings, Laurence 1894-1968 Stallone, Sylvester 1946Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Stamos, John 1963Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Stamp, Terence 1938Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Stamper, Dave 1883-1963 Stamper, F. Pope 1880-1950



Stamp Taylor, Enid See Taylor, Enid Stamp Stander, Lionel 1908-1994 Obituary in CTFT-15 Standing, Charles Wyndham 1880-? Standing, Guy 1873-1937 Standing, Herbert 1846-1923 Standing, John 1934Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Standish, Pamela 1920Stanfill, Dennis 1927Stanford, Henry 1872-1921 Stang, Arnold 1925(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Stange, Stanislaus ?-1917 Stanislawski, Constantine 1863-1938 Stanley, Adelaide 1906Stanley, Alma 1854-1931 Stanley, Erie 1884-? Stanley, Florence Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Stanley, Gordon 1951Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Stanley, Kim 1921Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Stanley, Martha 1879-? Stanley, Pamela 1909Stanley, Phyllis 1914Stanley, S. Victor 1892-1939 Stanley, Taylor Stanmore, Frank 1878-1943 Stannard, Heather 1928-.. Stanton, Andrew Stanton, Dean See Stanton, Harry Dean Stanton, Harry Dean 1926Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Stanton, Robert 1963Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Stanwyck, Barbara 1907-1990 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; Stapleton, Jean Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Stapleton, Maureen 1925Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; Starger, Martin 1932Stark, Don Stark, Ray Stark, Richard See Westlake, Donald E Starkie, Martin 1925Starling, Lynn 1891-1955 Starr, Frances Grant 1886-1973 Starr, Muriel 1888-1950 Starr, Ringo 1940Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Stattel, Robert 1932Staunton, Imelda 1956Stayton, Frank 1874-1951 Steadman, Alison 1946Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; Steafel, Sheila 1935-



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Steel, Danielle 1947Steel, Dawn 1946-1997 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Steel, Vernon 1882-1955 Steele, Lezley 1944Steele, Tommy 1936Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Steenburgen, Mary 1953Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Steiger, Rod 1925Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, Steiger, Ueli Stein, Ben 1944Stein, Benjamin See Stein, Ben Stein, Benjamin J. See Stein, Ben Stein, Joseph Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Stein, Ronald 1930-1988 Steinbeck, John (Ernst) 1902-1968 Steinberg, David 1942Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Steinberg, Michael Steinberg, Norman 1939Steinberg, Roy 1951Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Steiner, Sherry 1948Steinkamp, Fredric Stenborg, Helen 1925Stepanek, Karel 1899Stephens, Frances 1906Stephens, Robert 1931-1995 Obituary in CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; Stephens, Stephanie 1900Stephens, Yorke 1862-1937 Stephenson, Henry 1874-1956 Sterling, Clark 1956Sterling, Jan 1923Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Sterling, Jane See Sterling, Jan Sterling, Richard 1880-1959 Stern, Daniel 1957Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Stern, Ernest 1876-1954 Stern, G. B. 1890-1973 Stern, Howard 1954Stern, Isaac 1920Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Stern, Sam 1883-? Stern, Sandor 1936Stern, Steven See Stern, Steven Hilliard Stern, Steven H. See Stern, Steven Hilliard Stern, Steven Hilliard 1937Stern, Stewart 1922Sterndale-Bennett, T. C. 1882-1942



Sternhagen, Frances 1930CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8; WWT-1 7 Sternroyd, Vincent 1857-1948 WWasWT Stevens, Andrew 1955CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Stevens, Ashton 1872-1951 WWasWT Stevens, Connie 1938CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Stevens, Craig 1918CTFT-7 Stevens, Edwin 1860-1923 WWasWT Stevens, Emily 1882-1928 WWasWT Stevens, Emily Favella CTFT-3 Stevens, Fisher 1963CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Stevens, George, Jr. 1932CTFT-4 Stevens, H.C.G. 1892-1967 WWasWT Stevens, K.T. 1919-1994 CTFT-2 Obituary in CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Stevens, Katherine See Stevens, K.T CTFT-2 Stevens, Leslie 1964CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Stevens, Onslow 1906-1977 WWasWT Stevens, Roger L. 1910WWT-17 Stevens, Ronnie 1925CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Stevens, Scooter 1973CTFT-8 Stevens, Shadoe 1947CTFT-18 Stevens, Stella 1938CTFT-7 Stevens, Tony 1948CTFT-4 Stevenson, Cynthia 1963CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Stevenson, Juliet 1956CTFT-11 Stevenson, Margot 1914WWT-1 7 Stevenson, McLean 1929-1996 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-16 Stevenson, Parker 1953CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Stewart, Alexandra 1939CTFT-8 Stewart, Athole 1879-1940 WWasWT Stewart, Catherine Mary CTFT-7 Stewart, Donald Ogden 1894-1980 WWasWT Stewart, Ellen CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Stewart, Fred 1906-1970 WwasWT Stewart, French 1964CTFT-26 Stewart, James See Granger, Stewart CTFT-8 Stewart, James 1908-1997 CTFT-4 Obituary in CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Stewart, Jimmy See Stewart, James CTFT-4 Stewart, Larry J. 1951CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Stewart, Marlene 1949CTFT-11 Stewart, Melissa See Stewart, Missy CTFT-27 Stewart, Michael 1929-1987 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Stewart, Missy CTFT-27 Stewart, Nancye 1893WWasWT

Storaro • 521 Stewart, Nellie 1860-1931 WWasWT Stewart, Patrick 1940CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7; WWT-1 7 Stewart, Paul 1908-1986 CTFT-21 Stewart, Sophie 1908-1977 WWT-16 Stickney, Dorothy 1900WWT-1 7 Stiers, David Ogden 1942CTFT-6 Stigwood, Robert 1934CTFT-5 Stiles, Leslie 1876-? WWasWT Stiles, Ryan CTFT-1 7 Stilgoe, Richard 1943CTFT-14 Stiller, Ben 1965CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Stiller, Jerry 1927CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Stilwell, Diane CTFT-6 Sting 1951CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Stinton, Colin 1947CTFT-1 Stirling, W. Edward 1891-1948 WWasWT Stitt, Don 1956CTFT-5 Stock, Nigel 1919-1986 CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Stockfield, Betty 1905-1966 WWasWT Stockwell, Dean 1936(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Stockwell, John 1961CTFT-7 Stoddard, Haila 1913WWT-17 Stoker, Hew Gordon Dacre 1885-1966 WWasWT Stoker, Willard 1905-1978 WWT-16 Stokes, Sewell 1902WWasWT Stoler, Shirley 1929CTFT-8 Stoll, Oswald 1866-1942 WWasWT Stoltz, Eric 1961CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Stolz, Robert 1886-1975 WWasWT Stone, Alix WWT-17 Stone, Carol 1915WWasWT Stone, Charles WWasWT Stone, Dee Wallace CTFT-6 Stone, Dorothy 1905-1974 WWasWT Stone, Ezra 1917-1994 CTFT-1 Obituary in CTFT-13 Stone, Fred Andrew 1873-1959 WWasWT Stone, Lewis 1878-1953 WWasWT Stone, Matt 1971CTFT-21 Stone, Oliver 1946CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Stone, Paddy 1924WWT-17 Stone, Paula 1916WWasWT Stone, Peter H. 1930CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; WWT-17 Stone, Sharon 1958CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Stoppard, Tom 1937CTFT-12 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4; WWT-17 Stoppelmoor, Cheryl See Ladd, Cheryl CTFT-18 Stoppelmoor, Cheryl Jean See Ladd, Cheryl CTFT-18 Storaro, Vittorio 1940CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16

522 • Storch Storch, Arthur 1925CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Storch, Larry 1923CTFT-6 Storey, David 1933CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Storey, Fred 1861-1917 WWasWT Storm, Lesley 1903-1975 WWasWT Storm, Peter See Stormare, Peter CTFT-28 Stormare, Peter 1953CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Stossel, John 1947CTFT-1 7 Stothart, Herbert P. 1885-1949 WWasWT Stott, Judith 1929WWasWT Stott, Ken CTFT-27 Stott, Mike 1944CTFT-12 Stout, Paul 1972CTFT-4 Stowe, Madeleine 1958CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Strachan, Alan 1946CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Strachey, Jack 1894WWasWT Straczynski, J. Michael 1954CTFT-1 7 Stradling, Harry Jr. 1925CTFT-8 Straiges, Tony CTFT-9 Straight, Beatrice 1918CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Straithairn, David CTFT-8 Stram, Henry 1954CTFT-22 Strange, Robert 1882-1952 WWasWT Strangis, Greg 1951CTFT-1 Strasberg, Lee 1901-1982 WWT-17 Strasberg, Susan 1938CTFT-1 Strasser, Robin 1945CTFT-10 Strassman, Marcia 1948CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Strathairn, David 1949(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Stratton, Eugene 1861-1918 WWasWT Stratton, John 1925WWT-17 Straus, Oscar 1870-1954 WWasWT Strauss, Peter 1947CTFT-5 Streep, Meryl 1949CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8; WWT-17 Street, George Slythe 1867-1936 WWasWT Streisand, Barbra 1942CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7; WWT-17 Stretton, Charles See Dyer, Charles CTFT-6 Strick, Joseph 1923CTFT-1 Strick, Wesley 1954CTFT-20 Strickland, David 1969-1999 CTFT-26 Strickler, Dan 1949CTFT-4 Strickler, Jerry 1939CTFT-2 Stride, John 1936CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Stringer, Howard 1942CTFT-11 Stringfield, Sherry 1967CTFT-26 Stritch, Elaine 1925(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15; WWT-17 Strode, Warren Chetham 1897WWasWT Strode, Woodrow See Strode, Woody CTFT-18

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Strode, Woody 1914-1994 Stroller, Louis A. 1942Strong, Arnold See Schwarzenegger, Arnold Strong, Austin 1881-1952 Strong, Brenda Strong, Rider 1980(?)Stroud, Don 1943Stroud, Gregory 1892Strouse, Charles 1928Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; Strozzi, Kay Strudwick, Shepperd 1907-1983 Struss, Karl 1886-1981 Struthers, Sally 1948Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Struthers, Sally Ann See Struthers, Sally Stuart, Aimee Stuart, C. Douglas 1864-? Stuart, Cosmo 1869-? Stuart, Gloria 1910Stuart, Jeanne 1908Stuart, John 1898-1979 Stuart, Leslie 1864-1928 Stuart, Lynne 1930Stuart, Madge 1897Stuart, Otho 1865-1930 Stuart, Philip 1887-1936 Stuart, Tom 1878-? Stubbs, Imogen 1961Stubbs, Una 1937Stuckey, Phyllis Studholme, Marie 1875-1930 Studi, Wes 1947Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Sturdy, Don See Hesseman, Howard Sturges, Jeff 1946Sturges, Preston 1898-1959 Sturridge, Charles Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Styles, Edwin 1899-1960 Styne, Jule 1905-1994 Obituary in CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Su, Louis See Kaufman, Lloyd Subotsky, Milt See Subotsky, Milton Subotsky, Milton 1921-1991 Suchet, David 1946Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Sudduth, Skipp 1956Sugarman, Burt Sugden, Charles 1850-1921 Sugden, Mrs. Charles Sulka, Elaine 1934(?)-1994 Obituary in CTFT-15 Sullavan, Margaret 1911-1960 Sullivan, Brad 1931Sullivan, Daniel 1940Earlier sketch in CTFT-12





Sullivan, Ed 1902(?)-1974 Sullivan, Francis L. 1903-1956 Sullivan, James E. 1864-1931 Sullivan, Kevin See Sullivan, Kevin Rodney Sullivan, Kevin Rodney Sullivan, Susan 1944Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Sullivan, Thomas See Sullivan, Tom Sullivan, Tom 1947Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Sully, Mariette 1878-? Summerfield, Eleanor 1921Summerhays, Jane Summer, Cree 1970Summers, Montague 1880-1948 Sumner, Geoffrey 1908-1989 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Sumner, Gordon Matthew See Sting Sumner, John 1924Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Sumner, Mary 1888-1956 Sunde, Karen 1942Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Sunderland, Scott" 1883-? Surovy, Nicholas 1946Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Surovy, Nicolas See Surovy, Nicholas Surtees, Bruce 1937Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, Surtees, Robert 1906-1985 Surtees, Robert L. See Surtees, Robert Suschitzky, Peter 1940Susman, Todd 1947Susskind, David 1920-1987 Sussman, Peter 1958Sutherland, Annie 1867-1942 Sutherland, Donald 1934(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Sutherland, Kiefer 1966Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Sutro, Alfred 1863-1933 Sutton-Vane, Vane 1888-1963 Suzman, Janet 1939Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; Svennberg, Tore 1852-? Svenson, Bo 1941Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Svoboda, Josef 1920Swados, Elizabeth A. 1951Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Swaffer, Hannen 1879-1962 Swaim, Bob 1943Swain, Elizabeth 1941Swallow, Margaret 1896-1932





Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Swan, Mark Elbert 1871-1942 WWasWT Swan, William 1928CTFT-4 Swann, Donald 1923WWT-17 Swansen, Larry 1932CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Swanson, Gloria 1899-1983 WWT-17 Swanson, Kristy 1969CTFT-22 Swanson, Logan See Matheson, Richard CTFT-6 Swarm, Sally Ann CTFT-6 Swartzwelder, John 1949CTFT-13 Swash, Bob 1929WWT-17 Swayze, Pat See Swayze, Patrick CTFT-27 Swayze, Patrick 1952(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Sweeney, D. B. 1961CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Sweeney, Julia 1960CTFT-28 Sweet, Dolph 1920-1985 CTFT-1 Swenson, Inga 1934CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Swenson, Swen 1932WWT-17 Swerling, Jo Jr. 1931CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Swete, E. Lyall 1865-1930 WWasWT Swift, Allen 1924CTFT-3 Swift, Clive 1936CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Swinburne, Mercia 1900WWasWT Swinburne, Nora 1902WWT-17 Swindells, John 1931CTFT-1 Swinley, Ion 1891-1937 WWasWT Swinstead, Joan 1903WWasWT Swit, Loretta 1939(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Swithen, John See King, Stephen CTFT-28 Swope, Tracy Brooks 1952CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Sydney, Basil 1894-1968 WWasWT Sydow, Jack 1921CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Sykes, Brenda 1949CTFT-6 Sykes, Eric 1924CTFT-5 Sylbert, Anthea 1939CTFT-9 Sylbert, Dick See Sylbert, Richard CTFT-9 Sylbert, Paul 1928CTFT-9 Sylbert, Richard 1928CTFT-9 Sylva, llena 1916WWasWT Sylva, Vesta 1907WWasWT Sylvaine, Vernon 1897-1957 WWasWT Sylvane, Andre 1850-? WWasWT Sylvester, Harold CTFT-8 Sylvester, William 1922WWasWT Sylvie, Louise 1885-? WWasWT Symonds, Robert 1926CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Sympson, Tony 1906WWT-17 Syms, Sylvia 1934CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Szabo, Istvan 1938CTFT-8


Szarabajka, Keith 1952Szwarc, Jeannot 1939-


T Tabbert, William 1921WWasWT Tabor, Susan 1939CTFT-5 Tabori, George 1914WWT-17 Tabori, Kristoffer 1952CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 10; WWT-17 Tadross, Michael CTFT-27 Tagawa, Cary See Tagawa, Cary-Hiroyuki CTFT-21 Tagawa, Cary-Hiroyuki 1950CTFT-21 Tagg, Alan 1928CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Taggart, Rita CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Taikeff, Stanley 1940CTFT-4 Takei, George 1937CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Takeshi See Kitano, Takeshi CTFT-28 Takeshi, Kitano See Kitano, Takeshi CTFT-28 Talbot, Howard 1865-1928 WWasWT Talbot, Lyle 1902-1996 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-16 Talbot, Nita CTFT-8 Talbott, Michael 1955CTFT-6 Taliaferro, Edith 1893-1958 WWasWT Taliaferro, Mabel 1889-1979 WWasWT Tallchief, Maria 1925WWasWT Talli, Virgilio 1857-1928 WWasWT Tallis, George 1867-1948 WWasWT Tally, Ted 1952CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Talma, Mdlle WWasWT Tamara 1907-1943 WWasWT Tamberelli, Daniel Patrick See Tamberelli, Danny CTFT-24 Tamberelli, Danny 1982CTFT-24 Tamblyn, Russ 1935CTFT-9 Tambor, Jeffrey 1944CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Tamiris, Helen 1905-1966 WWasWT Tandy, Jessica 1909-1994 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Tandy, Valerie 1921-1965 WWasWT Tanguay, Eva 1878-1947 WWasWT Tanner, Alain 1929CTFT-8 Tanner, James T. ?-1951 WWasWT Tanner, Tony 1932CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Taplin, Jonathan Trumbull 1947CTFT-15 Tapping, Alfred B. ?-1928 WWasWT Tapping, Mrs. A. B. 1852-1926 WWasWT Tarantino, Quentin 1963CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Tarasova, Alia Konstantinovna 1898-1973 WWasWT

• 523

Tariol-Bauge, Anna 1872-? WWasWT Tarkington, Booth 1862-1946 WWasWT Tarkovsky, Andrei 1932-1986 CTFT-23 Tarride, Abel 1867-? WWasWT Tarses, Jay 1939CTFT-6 Tartikoff, Brandon 1949-1997 CTFT-17 Obituary in CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Tasca, Jules 1938CTFT-3 Tashman, Lilyan 1899-1934 WWasWT Tate, Beth 1890-? WWasWT Tate, Harry 1872-1940 WWasWT Tate, James W. 1875-1922 WWasWT Tate, Larenz 1975CTFT-22 Tate, Reginald 1896-1955 WWasWT Tatro, Duane L. 1927CTFT-12 Tattersall, David CTFT-24 Tatum, Bill 1947CTFT-4 Tauber, Richard 1891-1948 WWasWT Taubman, Howard 1907WWasWT Tavel, Ronald 1941CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Tavernier, Bertrand 1941CTFT-7 Tavoularis, Dean 1932CTFT-10 Tawde, George 1883-? WWasWT Tayback, Vic 1930(?)-1990 CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Taylor, Buck 1938CTFT-24 Taylor, Cannonball See Taylor, Dub CTFT-28 Taylor, Cecil P. 1929-1981 WWT-17 Taylor, Christine 1971CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Taylor, Christine Joan See Taylor, Christine CTFT-27 Taylor, Clarice 1927CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Taylor, Deems 1885-1966 WWasWT Taylor, Don 1920-1998 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-24 Taylor, Dub 1907-1994 CTFT-28 Taylor, Elizabeth 1932CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7 Taylor, Enid Stamp 1904-1946 WWasWT Taylor, Gilbert 1914CTFT-25 Taylor, Harry See Granick, Harry CTFT-4 Taylor, Hiram 1952CTFT-3 Taylor, Holland 1943CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Taylor, Jeri 1938CTFT-17 Taylor, John Russell 1935CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Taylor, Jud 1940CTFT-12 Taylor, Laurette 1884-1946 WWasWT Taylor, Lili 1967CTFT-17 Taylor, Liz See Taylor, Elizabeth CTFT-18 Taylor, Meshach CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Taylor, Myra Lucretia 1960CTFT-25 Taylor, Nellie 1894-1932 WWasWT Taylor, Noah 1969CTFT-22

524 • Taylor Taylor, Noel 1917WWT-17 Taylor, Pat 1918WWasWT Taylor, Paul 1930CTFT-12 Taylor, Regina CTFT-23 Taylor, Regina CTFT-12 Taylor, Renee 1935(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Taylor, Rip 1934(?)CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Taylor, Robert U. 1941CTFT-10 Taylor, Rod 1930CTFT-6 Taylor, Samuel 1912WWT-17 Taylor, Valerie 1902-1988 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Taylor, William Buchanan 1877-? WWasWT Taylor-Young, Leigh 1945CTFT-6 Taymor, Julie 1952CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Tcherkassky, Marianna 1952CTFT-12 Teague, Lewis 1941CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Tearle, Conway 1878-1938 WWasWT Tearle, Godfrey 1884-? WWasWT Teasdale, Verree 1906-1987 WWasWT Tedrow, Irene 1910(?)-1995 CTFT-2 Obituary in CTFT-15 Teed, John 1911-1921 WWasWT Teer, Barbara Ann 1937CTFT-1 Teichmann, Howard Miles 1916-1987 CTFT-1 Teitel, Carol ?-1986 WWT-17 Teitel, Nathan 1910CTFT-6 Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander Louis 1865-1921 WWasWT Tell, Alma 1892-1937 WWasWT Tell, Olive 1894-1951 WWasWT Tellegen, LouSee Lou-Tellegen WWasWT Teller 1948CTFT-26 Temperley, Stephen 1949CTFT-4 Tempest, Francis Adolphus VaneSee Vane-Tempest WWasWT Tempest, Marie 1864-1942 WWasWT Temple, Helen 1894WWasWT Temple, Joan ?-1965 WWasWT Temple, Julien 1953CTFT-16 Temple, Madge ?-1943 WWasWT Temple, Richard 1847-? WWasWT Templeton, Fay 1865-1939 WWasWT Templeton, W. P. 1913WWasWT Tennant, Andy CTFT-28 Tennant, Victoria 1950(?)CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Tennent, Henry M. 1879-1941 WWasWT TennentLtd, H. M WWT-17 Tenny, Jon 1961CTFT-24 Ter-Arutunian, Rouben 1920CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Terrell, Cedrick CTFT-17 Terris, Norma 1904-1989 WWasWT Terriss, Ellaline 1871-1971 WWasWT Terriss, Tom 1874-1964 WWasWT Terry, Beatrice WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Terry, Edward O'Connor 1844-1912 WWasWT Terry, Ellen Alice 1847-1928 WWasWT Terry, Ethelind 1900WWasWT Terry, Fred 1863-1933 WWasWT Terry, Hazel 1918-1974 WWasWT Terry, J. E. Harold 1885-1939 WWasWT Terry, Kate 1844-1924 WWasWT Terry, Marlon 1856-1930 WWasWT Terry, Megan 1932CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Terry, Minnie 1882-1964 WWasWT Terry, Nigel 1945CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Terry, Olive 1884-1957 WWasWT Terry, Thomas See Terry-Thomas CTFT-10 Terry-Thomas 1911-1990 CTFT-10 Terson, Peter 1932WWT-17 Tesh, John 1953(?)CTFT-11 Tesich, Steve 1942-1996 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-18 Tester, Desmond 1919WWasWT Tetley, Dorothy WWasWT Tetley, Glen 1926CTFT-12 Tetzel, Joan 1921-1977 WWT-16 Tewes, Lauren 1953CTFT-1 Tewkesbury, Joan 1936CTFT-7 Tewson, Josephine CTFT-5 Teyte, Maggie 1889-1976 WWasWT Thacker, David 1950CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Thane, Elswyth WWasWT Tharp, Twyla 1941CTFT-12 Thatcher, Heather ?-1987 WWasWT Thatcher, Torin 1905WWasWT Thaw, John 1942CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Thaxter, Phyllis 1920WWT-17 Theilade, Nini 1915WWasWT Theiss, Bill See Theiss, William Ware CTFT-9 Theiss, William See Theiss, William Ware CTFT-9 Theiss, William Ware CTFT-9 Thelen, Jodi 1962CTFT-8 Theron, Charlize 1975CTFT-22 Thesiger, Ernest 1879-1961 WWasWT Theus, BJ 1947CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Thewlis, David 1963CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Thibeau, Jack CTFT-7 Thicke, Alan 1947CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Thiessen, Tiffani-Amber 1974CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Thigpen, Lynne 1948CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Thimm, Daisy WWasWT Thinnes, Roy 1936CTFT-6 Thomas, A. E. 1872-1947 WWasWT Thomas, Agnes WWasWT Thomas, Augustus 1857-1934 WWasWT

Thomas, Basil 1912-1957 Thomas, Betty 1948(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, Thomas, Brandon 1856-1914 Thomas, Danny 1912(?)-1991 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Thomas, Dave 1949Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Thomas, David Jean Thomas, Derek See Bogdanovich, Peter Thomas, Dorothy 1882-? Thomas, Evan 1891Thomas, Gerald 1921-1993 Obituary in CTFT-12 Thomas, Gerrard See Kempinski, Tom Thomas, Gwyn 1913Thomas, Heather 1957Thomas, Henry 1971Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Thomas, Herbert 1868-? Thomas, Jay 1948Thomas, Jeremy 1949Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Thomas, Jonathan Taylor 1981Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Thomas, Kristin Scott Thomas, Mario 1938(?)Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, Thomas, Paul See Anderson, Paul Thomas Thomas, Philip Michael 1949Thomas, Phyllis 1904Thomas, Richard 1951Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, Thomas, Serena Scott Thomas, Terry See Terry-Thomas Thomas, Thorn 1941Thomas, Tony Thomason, Harry 1940(?)Thomassin, Jeanne Thomerson, Tim Thompson, Alexander M. 1861-1948 Thompson, Andrea 1962Thompson, Brian Thompson, Caroline 1956Thompson, Emma 1959(?)Thompson, Eric 1929-1982 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; Thompson, Evan 1931Thompson, Frank 1920-1977 Thompson, Fred 1884-1949 Thompson, Fred Dalton 1942Thompson, Frederick W. 1872-1919 Thompson, Gerald Marr 1856-1938 Thompson, J. Lee 1914Thompson, Jack 1940Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Thompson, Kenan 1978Thompson, Larry 1944-



Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Thompson, Lea 1961CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Thompson, Robert 1937CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Thompson, Sada 1929CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Thompson, Scott 1959CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Thompson, Sophie 1962CTFT-22 Thompson, Tazewell 1954(?)CTFT-12 Thompson, W. H. 1852-1923 WWasWT Thomsen, Ulrich CTFT-28 Thomson, Alex 1929CTFT-25 Thomson, Beatrix 1900-1986 WWasWT Thomson, Gordon 1951CTFT-8 Thomson, Patricia CTFT-12 Thorburn, H. M. 1884-1924 WWasWT Thorndike, (Arthur) Russell 1885-1972 WWasWT Thorndike, Eileen 1891-1954 WWasWT Thorndike, Sybil 1882-1976 WWT-16 Thorne, Angela 1939CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Thorne, Raymond 1933CTFT-5 Thorne, Thomas 1841-1918 WWasWT Thome-Smith, Courtney 1967CTFT-14 Thornton, Billy Bob 1955CTFT-26 Thornton, David 1955(?)CTFT-22 Thornton, Frank 1921CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Thornton, John 1944CTFT-4 Thornton, Molly See Norden, Christine CTFT-6 Thorp, Joseph Peter 1873-1962 WWasWT Thorpe, George 1891-1961 WWasWT Thorpe, Richard 1896-1991 CTFT-11 Thorpe-Bates, Peggy 1914-1989 CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Thorson, Linda 1947CTFT-9 Threlfall, David 1953CTFT-9 Throckmorton, Cleon 1897-1965 WWasWT Throne, Malachi CTFT-8 Thrush, Michelle 1967CTFT-17 Thuillier, Emilio WWasWT Thulin, Ingrid 1929CTFT-9 Thun, Nancy 1952CTFT-4 Thurburn, Gwynneth 1899WWT-16 Thurm, Joel CTFT-2 Thurman, Uma 1970CTFT-10 Thurston, Ernest Temple 1879-1933 WWasWT Thurston, Todd 1956CTFT-3 Tibbett, Lawrence 1896-1960 WWasWT Tich, Little 1868-? WWasWT Tichenor, Dylan CTFT-28 Tickle, Frank 1893-1955 WWasWT Ticotin, Rachel 1958CTFT-10 Tidmarsh, Vivian 1896-1941 WWasWT Tiercelin, Louis 1849-? WWasWT Tierney, Gene 1920-1991 CTFT-11 Tierney, Harry 1894-1965 WWasWT Tierney, Larry 1919CTFT-6 Tierney, Maura 1965CTFT-21 Tigar, Kenneth 1942CTFT-8

Tighe, Kevin 1944CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Tilbury, Zeffie 1863-1950 WWasWT Till, Eric 1929CTFT-14 Til ley, Vesta 1864-1952 WWasWT Tillinger, John 1939CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Tilly, Jennifer 1961(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Tilly, Meg 1960CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Tilton, Charlene 1958CTFT-8 Tilton, James See Tilton, James F CTFT-19 Tilton, James F. 1937CTFT-19 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-1 7 Timothy, Christopher 1940CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Tinker, Grant 1926CTFT-5 Tinker, Jack 1938WWT-1 7 Tinker, Mark 1951(?)CTFT-11 Tinney, Frank 1878-1940 WWasWT Tipton, Jennifer 1937CTFT-9 Tisch, Lawrence 1923CTFT-5 Tisch, Steve 1949CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Titheradge 1889-1934 WWasWT Titheradge, George S. 1848-1916 WWasWT Titheradge, Madge 1887-1961 WWasWT Titmus, Phyllis 1900-1946 WWasWT Titterton, William Richard 1876-1963 WWasWT Toback, James 1944CTFT-7 Tobin, Genevieve 1902WWasWT Tobin, Vivian 1904WWasWT Tobolowsky, Stephen 1951CTFT-14 Todd, Ann WWT-1 7 Todd, Beverly 1946CTFT-8 Todd, J. Garrett WWasWT Todd, Michael 1907-1958 WWasWT Todd, Richard 1919CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-1 7 Toguri, David CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Tokofsky, Jerry H. 1936CTFT-12 Tolan, Michael 1925CTFT-1 Tolan, Peter 1958CTFT-26 Toland, Gregg 1904-1948 CTFT-28 Toler, Sidney 1874-1947 WWasWT Tolkan, James 1931CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Tolkin, Michael L. 1950CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Toll, John CTFT-24 Toller, Ernst 1893-1939 WWasWT Toller, Rosalie 1885-? WWasWT Tom, Lauren CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Tomei, Concetta 1945CTFT-24 Tomei, Marisa 1964CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Tomita, Tamlyn 1966CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10


• 525

Tomlin, Blanche 1889-? WWasWT Tomlin, Lily 1939(?)CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 6, 13 Tomlinson, David 1917WWT-17 Tompkins, Angel CTFT-8 Toms, Carl 1927CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; WWT-17 Tone, Franchot 1906-1968 WWasWT Toner, Thomas 1928CTFT-4 Tong, Jacqueline 1950CTFT-7 Tonge, Philip 1892-1959 WWasWT Toone, Geoffrey 1910WWT-1 7 Tootoosis, Gordon CTFT-17 Topol 1935CTFT-9 Toporkov, Vasily Osipovich 1889-? WWasWT Tork, Peter 1942CTFT-23 Torme, Mel 1925-1999 CTFT-24 Torn, Rip 1931CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 16; WWT-17 Torrence, David 1870-? WWasWT Torrence, Ernest 1878-1933 WWasWT Torry, Guy CTFT-25 Toser, David CTFT-1 Toth, Lazlo See Novello, Don CTFT-20 Totheroh, Dan 1894WWasWT Toumanova, Tamara 1917WWasWT Tours, Frank E. 1877-1963 WWasWT Toutain, Blanche ?-1932 WWasWT Tovoli, Luciano CTFT-28 Towb, Harry 1925WWT-17 Towers, Constance 1934CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Towers, Harry P. 1873-? WWasWT Towne, Katharine CTFT-28 Towne, Robert 1936CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Towner, John See Williams, John CTFT-17 Townsend, Robert 1957CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Townsend, Sue 1946CTFT-10 Toye, Geoffrey Edward 1889-1942 WWasWT Toye, Wendy 1917WWT-17 Toyne, Gabriel 1905-1963 WWasWT Tracy, John 1938CTFT-7 Tracy, Lee 1898-1968 WWasWT Tracy, Spencer 1900-1967 WWasWT Tracy, Steve 1952-1986 CTFT-4 Traill, Peter 1896-1968 WWasWT Trainor, Mary Ellen CTFT-17 Trammell, Sam CTFT-24 Trarieux, Gabriel 1870-? WWasWT Traube, Shepard 1907-1983 WWT-17 Traux, Sarah WWT-6 Travanti, Daniel J. 1940CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Travanty, Dan See Travanti, Daniel J CTFT-13 Travers, Ben 1886-1980 WWT-17 Travers, Henry 1874-1965 WWasWT Travers, Linden 1913WWasWT

526 •


Travilla See Travilla, William CTFT-11 Travilla, William 1920-1990 CTFT-11 Travis, Nancy 1961CTFT-11 Travolta, John 1954CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 13 Treacher, Bill 1936CTFT-12 Treat, Martin 1950CTFT-4 Treble, Sepha WWasWT Treckman, Emma 1909WWasWT Tree, David 1915WWasWT Tree, Herbert Beerbohm 1853-1917 WWasWT Tree, Lady 1863-1937 WWasWT Tree, Viola 1884-1938 WWasWT Trench, Herbert 1865-1923 WWasWT Trenholme, Helen 1911-1962 WWasWT Trent, Bruce WWT-16 Trentini, Emma 1885?-1959 WWasWT Tresahar, John ?-1936 WWasWT Trese, Adam 1969CTFT-25 Tresmand, Ivy 1898WWasWT Trevelyan, Hilda 1880-1959 WWasWT Treville, Roger 1903WWasWT Trevino, Jesus Salvador 1946CTFT-14 Trevor, Ann 1918-1970 WWasWT Trevor, Austin 1897WWasWT Trevor, Claire 1909CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Trevor, Leo ?-1927 WWasWT Trevor, Norman 1877-1945 WWasWT Trewin, John Courtenay 1908-1990 WWT-17 Treyz, Russell 1940CTFT-1 Trikonis, Gus CTFT-23 Trilling, Ossia 1913WWT-17 Trinder, Tommy 1909WWT-17 Trintignant, Jean-Louis 1930CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Tripp, Paul 1916CTFT-2 Tripplehorn, Jeanne 1963CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-15 Troell, Jan 1931CTFT-8 Troisi, Massimo 1953-1994 CTFT-17 Troll, Kitty 1950CTFT-4 Troobnick, Eugene 1926CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Trott, Karen CTFT-6 Trouncer, Cecil 1898-1953 WWasWT Troutman, Ivy 1883-1979 WWasWT Troy, Louise WWT-17 Truax, Sarah 1877-? WWasWT Trudeau, Garry 1948CTFT-7 Trudell, John CTFT-17 Trueman, Paula 1907WWT-17 Truex, Ernest 1889-1973 WWasWT Truffaut, Francois 1932-1984 CTFT-2 Truffier, Jules 1856-? WWasWT Trumbull, Douglas 1942CTFT-10 Trussell, Fred 1858-1923 WWasWT Trussler, Simon 1942CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Tryon, Thomas 1926-1991 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-10 Tsai Ming-liang 1957CTFT-27

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Tsypin, George 1954Tubau, Maria Tucci, Maria Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Tucci, Michael 1950(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Tucci, Stanley 1960Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Tuchner, Michael 1934Tucker, Chris 1972Tucker, Forrest 1919-1986 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Tucker, Lael See Wertenbaker, Timberlake Tucker, Michael 1944Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Tucker, Sophie 1884-1966 Tudor, Anthony 1909-1987 Tudor, Valerie 1910Tuggle, Richard 1948Tulean, Ingrid See Thulin, Ingrid Tull, Patrick 1941Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Tully, George F. 1876-1930 Tully, Richard Walton 1877-1945 Tumarin, Boris 1910-1979




Tunbridge, Joseph A. 1886-1961 WWasWT Tune, Tommy 1939CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7; WWT-17 Tunney, Robin 1973CTFT-24 Tupou, Manu CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Turco, Paige 1969CTFT-23 Turell, Saul 1920-1986 CTFT-3 Turleigh, Veronica 1903-1971 WWasWT Turman, Glynn 1947CTFT-11 Turman, Lawrence 1926CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Turnbull, John 1880-1956 WWasWT Turnbull, Stanley ?-1924 WWasWT Turner, Alfred 1870-1941 WWasWT Turner, Bridget 1939CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Turner, David 1927WWT-17 Turner, Dorothy 1895-1969 WWasWT Turner, Douglas See Ward, Douglas Turner CTFT-4 Turner, Harold 1909-1962 WWasWT Turner, Janine 1963(?)CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Turner, John Hastings 1892-1956 WWasWT Turner, Kathleen 1954CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Turner, L. GodfreySee Godfrey-Turner, L WWasWT Turner, Michael 1921WWT-17 Turner, Ted 1938CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Turner, Tina 1941(?)CTFT-14 Turrin, Joseph 1947CTFT-11

Turturro, John 1957CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Turturro, Nicholas CTFT-1 7 Turturro, Nick See Turturro, Nicholas CTFT-1 7 Tushingham, Rita 1942CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Tutin, Dorothy 1930CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 15; WWT-17 Twain, Norman 1930CTFT-1 Tweed, Shannon 1957CTFT-24 Twiggy 1949CTFT-3 Twohy, D. T. See Twohy, David N CTFT-28 Twohy, David See Twohy, David N CTFT-28 Twohy, David N. 1956(?)CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Tyars, Frank 1848-1918 WWasWT Tyler, George Crouse 1867-1946 WWasWT Tyler, Liv 1977CTFT-28 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Tyler, Odette 1869-1936 WWasWT Tylo, Hunter See Morehart, Deborah CTFT-21 Tynan, Brandon 1879-1967 WWasWT Tynan, Kenneth 1927-1980 WWT-17 Tyner, Charles 1925CTFT-8 Tyrrell, Susan 1946CTFT-6 Tyson, Cicely 1933CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Tyzack, Margaret 1931CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17

U Uggams, Leslie 1943CTFT-6 Uhry, Alfred 1936CTFT-10 Ullman, Tracey 1959(?)CTFT-9 Brief Entry in CTFT-4 Ullmann, Liv 1939CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3 Ullrick, Sharon 1947CTFT-2 Ulmar, Geraldine 1862-1932 WWasWT Ulric, Lenore 1892-1970 WWasWT Ulrich, Skeet 1969CTFT-17 Underwood, Blair CTFT-9 Underwood, Ron CTFT-27 Unger, Deborah 1953CTFT-3 Unger, Deborah 1966CTFT-20 Unger, Deborah Kara See Unger, Deborah 1966CTFT-20 Unger, Gladys B. 1885-1940 WWasWT Unkrich, Lee CTFT-28 Unsworth, Geoffrey 1914-1978 CTFT-25 Upbin, Shari 1941CTFT-3 Upton, Leonard 1901WWasWT Ure, Mary 1933-1975 WWasWT Urich, Robert 1946CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 12

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Urioste, Frank J CTFT-12 Urquhart, Molly WWasWT Urquhart, Robert 1922CTFT-9 Usher See Raymond, Usher CTFT-27 Ustinov, Peter 1921CTFT-28 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8, 16; WWT-1 7

V Vacano, Jost 1940CTFT-28 Vaccaro, Brenda 1939CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7; WWT-1 7 Vachell, Horace Annesley 1861-1955 WwasWT Vachon, Christine 1962CTFT-26 Vadim, Roger 1928CTFT-5 Vail, Lester 1900-1959 WWasWT Vajda, Ernest 1887-1954 WWasWT Vajna, Andrew 1944CTFT-12 Valabregue, Albin WWasWT Valaida WWasWT Valdes, David 1950CTFT-28 Valdez, Luis 1940CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Valenti, Jack 1921CTFT-12 Valentina, Rudolpho See Valentino, Rudolph CTFT-22 Valentine 1876-? WWasWT Valentine, Grace 1884-1964 WWasWT Valentine, James 1930CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Valentine, Karen 1947CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Valentine, Scott 1958CTFT-5 Valentine, Sydney 1865-1919 WWasWT Valentino, Rudolph 1895-1926 CTFT-22 Valk, Frederick 1901-1956 WWasWT Valli, Valli 1882-1927 WWasWT Vallone, Raf 1916CTFT-1 Valverde, Balbina WWasWT Van, Billy B. 1870-1950 WWasWT Van, Bobby 1930-1980 WWT-17 Van Ark, Joan 1948(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Van Beers, Stanley 1911-1961 WWasWT Van Biene, Auguste 1850-1913 WWasWT Vanbrugh, Irene 1872-1949 WWasWT Vanbrugh, Prudence 1902WWasWT Vanbrugh, Violet 1867-1942 WWasWT Van Buskirk, June 1882-? WWasWT Vance, Charles 1929CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Vance, Courtney See Vance, Courtney B CTFT-16 Vance, Courtney B. 1960(?)CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Vance, Nina ?-1980 WWT-17 Vance, Vivian 1913-1979 CTFT-16 Vance-Straker, Marilyn CTFT-10 Van Cleef, Lee 1925-1989 CTFT-8

Van Damme, Jean-Claude 1961CTFT-11 Van Der Beek, James 1977CTFT-24 Vander Pyl, Jean 1919(?)-1999 CTFT-25 Van Devere, Patricia See Van Devere, Trish CTFT-20 Van Devere, Trish 1943CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Van Dien, Casper 1968CTFT-24 Van Druten, John 1901-1957 WWasWT Van Dyke, Dick 1925CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 13 Van Dyke, Jerry 1931(?)CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Vane, Richard CTFT-28 Vane-Tempest, Francis Adolphus 1863-1932 WWasWT Van Fleet, Jo 1922(?)-1996 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Van Fossen, Diana CTFT-24 Van Gelder, Holtropp WWasWT Vangelis 1943CTFT-21 Van Griethuysen, Ted 1934CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Van Gyseghem, Andre 1906-1979 WWT-1 7 Van Heusen, Jimmy 1913-1990 CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Van Itallie, Jean-Claude 1936CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Van Kamp Merete 1961CTFT-4 Vanloo, Albert ?-1920 WWasWT Vanne, Marda ?-1970 WWasWT Vanocur, Sander 1928CTFT-23 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Vanoff, Nick 1930(?)-1991 CTFT-10 Van Patten, Dick 1928CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Van Patten, Joyce 1934CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Van Peebles, Mario 1957CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Van Peebles, Melvin 1932CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7; WWT-17 Van Runkle, Theadora CTFT-10 Van Sant, Gus 1953CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Van Scoyk, Robert 1928CTFT-12 Vansittart, Robert G. 1881-1957 WWasWT Van Studdiford, Grace 1873-1927 WWasWT Van Thai, Dennis 1909WWasWT Van Volkenburg, Ellen WWasWT Van Zandt, Billy CTFT-28 Varda, Agnes 1928CTFT-8 Varden, Evelyn 1895-1958 WWasWT Varesi, Gilda 1887-? WWasWT Vargas, Jacob 1970CTFT-28 Vargo, Mark CTFT-28 Varnel, Marcel 1894-1947 WWasWT Varney, Jim 1949CTFT-11 Vaucaire, Maurice 1865-1918 WWasWT Vaughan, Hilda 1898-1957 WWasWT Vaughan, Peter 1923CTFT-22



Vaughan, Stuart 1925CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Vaughan, Susie 1853-1950 WwasWT Vaughn, Ned CTFT-26 Vaughn, Robert 1932...... CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 5 Vaughn, Vince 1970CTFT-21 Vaughn, Vincent See Vaughn, Vince CTFT-21 Vazak, P. H. See Towne, Robert CTFT-28 Vaz Dias, Selma 1911WWasWT Veber, Pierre 1869-1942 WWasWT Vedrenne, John E. 1867-1930 WWasWT Vega, Jose 1920CTFT-1 Veiller, Bayard 1869-1943 WWasWT Velez, Eddie 1958CTFT-5 Velez, Lupe 1909-1944 WWasWT Veljohnson, Reggie See Veljohnson, Reginald CTFT-9 Veljohnson, Reginald 1952CTFT-9 Venables, Clare 1943CTFT-6 Venne, Lottie 1852-1928 WWasWT Vennema, John C. 1948CTFT-2 Vennera, Chick 1952CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Venning, Una 1893WWasWT Venora, Diane 1952CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Ventresca, Vincent CTFT-21 Venuta, Benay 1911WWT-1 7 Venza, Jac 1926CTFT-12 Verbinski, Gore 1965(?)CTFT-22 Verchinina, Nina WWasWT Verdon, Gwen 1925CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Vereen, Ben 1946CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8, 16; WWT-1 7 Verga, Giovanni 1840-1922 WWasWT Verheyen, Mariann 1950CTFT-1 Verhoeven, Paul 1938CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Verica, Tom CTFT-21 Verlaque, Robert 1955CTFT-8 Vermilyea, Harold 1889-1958 WWasWT Vernacchio, Dorian 1953CTFT-2 Verneuil, Louis 1893-1952 WWasWT Verno, Jerry 1895WWasWT Vernon, Anne 1924CTFT-1 Vernon, David 1959CTFT-2 Vernon, Frank 1875-1940 WWasWT Vernon, Harriet ?-1923 WWasWT Vernon, Harry M. 1878-? WWasWT Vernon, John 1932CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Vernon, Kate 1962(?)CTFT-17 Vernon, Richard 1925-1997 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Vernon, Virginia 1894WWasWT Verona, Stephen CTFT-4 Vetere, Richard 1952CTFT-12 Vezin, Arthur 1878-? WWasWT Vibart, Henry 1863-1939 WWasWT

528 •


Vickery, John 1951CTFT-7 Victor, Charles 1896-1965 WWasWT Victor, Josephine 1885-? WWasWT Victoria, Vesta 1873-1951 WWasWT Vidal, Gore 1925CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Vidal, Lisa CTFT-17 Vierny, Sacha 1919CTFT-25 Viertel, Thomas 1941CTFT-7 Vigoda, Abe 1921CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Vilar, Jean 1912-1971 WWasWT Villard, Tom 1953-1994 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-15 Villechaize, Herve 1943-1993 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-12 Villiers, James 1933-1998 CTFT-5 Obituary in CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Vince, Pruitt Taylor 1960CTFT-22 Vincent, Jan-Michael 1944CTFT-5 Vincent, Madge 1884-? WWasWT Vincent, Michael See Vincent, Jan-Michael CTFT-5 Vincent, Ruth 1877-1955 WWasWT Vines, Margaret 1910WWasWT Vinovich, Steve 1945CTFT-8 Vinson, Helen 1907WWasWT Vinton, Will 1947CTFT-12 Visitor, Nana 1957CTFT-17 Viterelli, Joe CTFT-26 Vivian, Anthony Crespigny Claud 1906WWasWT Vivian-Rees, Joan WWasWT Voelpel, Fred WWT-17 Vogel, Paula A. 1951CTFT-2 Vogel, Virgil W CTFT-12 Voight, Angelina Jolie See Jolie, Angelina CTFT-27 Voight, Jon 1938CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7; WWT-17 Voigts, Richard 1934CTFT-4 Volage, Charlotte CTFT-2 Voland, Herb CTFT-6 Volantino, Rudolph See Valentino, Rudolph CTFT-22 Vollmer, Lula 1898-1955 WWasWT Volpe, Frederick 1865-1932 WWasWT Volz, Nedra CTFT-8 Von Bargen, Daniel 1950CTFT-21 von Brandenstein, Patrizia CTFT-11 Von Dassanowsky, Elfi 1924CTFT-24 Von Dohlen, Lenny 1959(?)CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Von Furstenberg, Betsy 1931-... CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Von Mayrhauser, Jennifer 1948CTFT-4 Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. 1922CTFT-6 Von Scherler, Sasha 1939CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Von Stroheim, Count See Von Stroheim, Erich CTFT-27 Von Stroheim, Eric O.H. See Von Stroheim, Erich CTFT-27 Von Stroheim, Erich 1885-1957 CTFT-27

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Von Stroheim, Karl See Von Stroheim, Erich CTFT-27 Von Sydow, Max 1929CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Von Trier, Lars 1956CTFT-20 Von Zerneck, Frank 1940CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Voskovic, George 1905-1981 WWT-17 Vosloo, Arnold CTFT-26 Vosper, Frank 1899-1937 WWasWT Voss, Stephanie 1936WWT-17

W Waddington, Patrick 1901-1987 WWT-17 Wade, Adam 1935CTFT-1 Wade, Allan 1881-1955 WWasWT Wade, Bob See Wade, Robert (Allison) CTFT-28 Wade, Robert (Allison) 1920CTFT-28 Wadsworth, Gil CTFT-28 Wagenhals, Lincoln A. 1869-1931 WWasWT Wager, Michael 1925CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Waggoner, Lyle 1935CTFT-7 Wagner, Charles L. ?-1956 WWasWT Wagner, Jack 1959CTFT-21 Wagner, Jane 1935CTFT-6 Wagner, Karyn CTFT-28 Wagner, Lindsay 1949CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 15 Wagner, Robert 1930CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Wagner, Robin 1933CTFT-11 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Wahl, Ken 1953CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Wahlberg, Donnie 1969CTFT-28 Wahlberg, Mark 1971CTFT-21 Wain, Edward See Towne, Robert CTFT-28 Wainwright, Marie 1853-1923 WWasWT Waissman, Kenneth 1940CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Waite, Ralph 1928(?)CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8 Waite, Ric 1933CTFT-13 Waits, Tom 1949CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Wajda, Andrzej 1926CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8 Wakefield, Douglas 1899-1951 WWasWT Wakefield, Gilbert Edward 1892-1963 WWasWT Wakefield, Hugh 1888-1971 WWasWT Wakeman, Keith 1866-1933 WWasWT Walbrook, Anton 1900-1966 WWasWT Walbrook, Henry Mackinnon 1863-1941 WWasWT Walcott, Derek 1930CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6

Waldegrave, Lilias WWasWT Walden, Stanley 1932CTFT-2 Walden, W. G. "Snuffy" 1951(?)- .... CTFT-11 Waldo, Janet 1930CTFT-9 Waldron, Charles D. 1874-1946 WWasWT Wales, William See Ambrose, David CTFT-5 Walford, Ann 1928WWasWT Walken, Christopher 1943CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 12; WWT-17 Walken, Ronnie See Walken, Christopher CTFT-20 Walker, Albertina 1929CTFT-12 Walker, Ally 1962CTFT-20 Walker, Andrew Kevin 1964CTFT-25 Walker, Andy See Walker, Andrew Kevin CTFT-25 Walker, Charlotte 1878-1958 WWasWT Walker, Jimmie 1947CTFT-7 Walker, June 1904-1966 WWasWT Walker, Kathryn CTFT-7 Walker, Lesley CTFT-28 Walker, Martin 1901-1955 WWasWT Walker, Nancy 1921-1992 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Walker, Paul 1973CTFT-28 Walker, Paul W. See Walker, Paul CTFT-28 Walker, Polly 1908WWasWT Walker, Rebecca 1969CTFT-22 Walker, Stuart 1888-1941 WWasWT Walker, Syd 1886-1945 WWasWT Walker, Sydney 1921WWT-17 Walker, Zena 1934CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Walkley, Arthur Bingham 1855-1926 WWasWT Wall, Harry 1886-1966 WWasWT Wall, Max 1908-1990 WWT-17 Wallace, Chris 1947CTFT-22 Wallace, Dee See Stone, Dee Wallace CTFT-6 Wallace, Edgar 1875-1932 WWasWT Wallace, George D. 1917CTFT-1 Wallace, Hazel Vincent 1919WWT-17 Wallace, Lee 1930-1989 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Wallace, Marcia 1942CTFT-8 Wallace, Mike 1918CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Wallace, Myron See Wallace, Mike CTFT-17 Wallace, Nellie 1882-1948 WWasWT Wallace, Ray 1881-? WWasWT Wallace, Tommy Lee CTFT-1 Wallach, Eli 1915CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7; WWT-17 Wallengren, E. F. 1952CTFT-12 Waller, David 1920CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Waller, Edmund Lewis 1884-? WWasWT Waller, Jack 1885-1957 WWasWT Waller, Lewis 1860-1915 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Waller, Mrs. Lewis 1862-1912 WWasWT Wallgren, Pernilla See August, Pernilla CTFT-23 Wallis, Bertram 1874-1952 WWasWT Wallis, Ellen Lancaster 1856-1940 WWasWT Wallis, Hal 1889-1986 CTFT-4 Wallis, Shani 1933WWasWT Walls, Tom 1883-1949 WWasWT Walmer, Cassie 1888-? WWasWT Walpole, Hugh 1884-1941 WWasWT Walsh, Blanche 1873-1915 WWasWT Walsh, David M CTFT-12 Walsh, Dermot 1924CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Walsh, J. T. 1943(?)-1998 CTFT-16 Obituary in CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Walsh, James 1937CTFT-1 Walsh, M. Emmet 1935CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Walsh, Martin CTFT-28 Walsh, Sam 1877-1920 WWasWT Walston, Ray 1918(?)CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10; WWT-17 Walter, Eugene 1874-1941 WWasWT Walter, Jessica 1944(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7 Walter, Olive 1898WWasWT Walter, Wilfrid 1882-1958 WWasWT Walter-Ellis, Desmond 1914WWT-17 Walters, Barbara 1931CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 13 Walters, Ewart James 1950CTFT-8 Walters, Julie 1950CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15 Walters, Polly 1910WWasWT Walters, Thorley 1913-1991 CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Walthers, Gretchen 1938CTFT-5 Walton, Tony 1934CTFT-12 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Walz, Ken 1942CTFT-4 Wanamaker, Sam 1919-1993 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Wanamaker, Zoe 1949CTFT-24 Wandor, Michelene 1940CTFT-12 Wang, Luo Yong See Wang, Luoyong CTFT-22 Wang, Luoyong 1958CTFT-22 Wang, Peter CTFT-5 Wang, Wayne 1949CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Wanshel, Jeff 1947CTFT-2 Waram, Percy 1881-1961 WWasWT Warchus, Matthew 1967(?)CTFT-24 Ward, Betty WWasWT Ward, David S. 1947CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Ward, Dorothy 1890-1987 WWasWT Ward, Douglas Turner 1930CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Ward, E. D. See Corey, Edward CTFT-22

Ward, Elizabeth See Gracen, Elizabeth CTFT-21 Ward, Fannie 1872-1952 WWasWT Ward, Fred 1943CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Ward, Genevieve 1837-1922 WWasWT Ward, Geoffrey 1940CTFT-13 Ward, Hugh J. 1871-1941 WWasWT Ward, Jay 1920-1989 CTFT-8 Ward, Jonathan 1970CTFT-4 Ward, Mackenzie 1903WWasWT Ward, Megan 1969CTFT-24 Ward, Penelope Dudley 1914WWasWT Ward, Polly 1909WWasWT Ward, Rachel 1957CTFT-6 Ward, Ronald 1901WWasWT Ward, Sela 1956(?)CTFT-16 Ward, Simon 1941CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 Ward, Wally See Langham, Wallace CTFT-20 Warde, Frederick B. 1851-1935 WWasWT Warde, Willie 1857-1943 WWasWT Warden, Jack 1920CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8 Wardle, (John) Irving 1929WWT-17 Wardwell, Geoffrey 1900-1955 WWasWT Ware, Helen 1877-1939 WWasWT Ware, John See Mabley, Edward CTFT-1 Wareing, Alfred 1876-1942 WWasWT Wareing, Lesley 1913-. WWasWT Warfield, David 1866-1951 WWasWT Warfield, Joe 1937CTFT-4 Warfield, Marsha 1955CTFT-7 Waring, Barbara 1912WWasWT Waring, Dorothy May Graham 1895WWasWT Waring, Herbert 1857-1932 WWasWT Waring, Richard 1912WWT-16 Warmington, Stanley J. 1884-1941 WWasWT Warner, David 1941CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 Warner, Deborah 1959CTFT-11 Warner, Grace 1873-1925 WWasWT Warner, Henry Byron 1876-1958 WWasWT Warner, Julie CTFT-10 Warner, Malcolm-Jamal 1970CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Warner, Mark CTFT-28 Warre, Michael 1922CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Warren, Betty 1905WWasWT Warren, C. Denier 1889-1971 WWasWT Warren, Jeff 1921WWT-17 Warren, Jennifer CTFT-5 Warren, Jennifer Leigh CTFT-2 Warren, Kenneth J. 1929-1973 WWT-16 Warren, Lesley Ann 1946CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Warren, Marcia CTFT-26

Watson »529 Warren, Michael 1946CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Warren, Mike See Warren, Michael CTFT-18 Warrender, Harold 1903-1953 WWasWT Warrick, Ruth 1916CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Warrilow, David 1934-1995 CTFT-2 Obituary in CTFT-15 Warriner, Frederic 1916WWT-17 Warwick, Ethel 1882-1951 WWasWT Warwick, Robert 1878-1964 WWasWT Wasco, David CTFT-28 Washbourne, Mona 1903-1988 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Washington, Denzel 1954CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Washington, Isaiah CTFT-28 Washington, Isaiah IV See Washington, Isaiah CTFT-28 Wass, Ted 1952CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Wasser, Jane 1957CTFT-7 Wasserman, Dale 1917CTFT-5 Wasserstein, Wendy 1950CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 8 Wasson, Craig 1954CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Wasson, Susanne CTFT-2 Watanabe, Gedde CTFT-5 Waterhouse, Keith Spencer 1929CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Waterlow, Marjorie 1888-1921 WWasWT Waterman, Dennis 1948CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Waters, Ethel 1900-1977 WWT-16 Waters, James ?-1923 WWasWT Waters, Jan 1937CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Waters, John 1946CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Waterston, Sam 1940CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10; WWT-17 Watford, Gwen 1927-1994 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Watkin, David 1925CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 7 Watkins, Linda 1908WWasWT Watkins, Peter 1935CTFT-8 Watkyn, Arthur 1907-1965 WWasWT Watling, Dilys 1946WWT-17 Watling, Jack 1923WWT-17 Watson, Betty Jane 1926 WWasWT Watson, Douglass 1921-1989 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Watson, Elizabeth ?-1931 WWasWT Watson, Emily 1967CTFT-23 Watson, Henrietta 1873-1964 WWasWT Watson, Horace 1867-1934 WWasWT Watson, Lucile 1879-1962 WWasWT Watson, Malcolm 1853-1929 WWasWT Watson, Margaret ?-1940 WWasWT

530 •


Watson, Minor 1889-1965 WWasWT Watson, Moray 1928CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Watson, Muse CTFT-21 Watson, Susan 1938CTFT-10 Watson, Vernon 1885-1949 WWasWT Watson, Wylie 1889-1966 WWasWT Watt, Douglas 1914CTFT-1 Wattis, Richard 1912WWasWT Watts, Dodo 1910WWasWT Watts, John See Hanson, John CTFT-24 Watts, Richard, Jr. 1898WWT-17 Watts, Robert 1938CTFT-1 Watts, Stephen 19110WWT-17 Watts-Phillips, John Edward 1894-1960 WWasWT Waxman, Al 1935CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Wayans, Damon 1960CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Wayans, Keenan Ivory See Wayans, Keenen Ivory CTFT-1 7 Wayans, Keenen Ivory 1958CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Wayans, Marlon 1972CTFT-27 Wayburn, Ned 1874-1942 WWasWT Wayne, David 1914-1995 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Wayne, John 1907-1979 CTFT-19 Wayne, Naunton 1901-1970 WWasWT Wayne, Patrick 1939CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Wayne, Rollo 1899-1954 WWasWT Weakland, Kevin L. 1963CTFT-4 Weary, Ogdred See Corey, Edward CTFT-22 Weathers, Carl 1947{?)CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Weathers, Philip 1908CTFT-4 Weaver, Dennis 1924CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Weaver, Fritz 1926CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8; WWT-17 Weaver, Lee 1930CTFT-6 Weaver, Sigourney 1949CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10 Weaver, William 1917CTFT-1 Weaving, Hugo CTFT-26 Webb, Alan 1906WWT-17 Webb, Chloe CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Webb, Clifton 1893-1966 WWasWT Webb, Jack 1920-1982 CTFT-1 Webb, Jimmy 1946CTFT-11 Webb, Lizbeth 1926WWasWT Webb, Lucy CTFT-4 Webber, Andrew Lloyd See Lloyd-Webber, Andrew CTFT-24 Webber, Robert 1924-1989 CTFT-7 Weber, Carl 1925CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Weber, Joseph 1867-1942 WWasWT Weber, L. Lawrence ?-1940 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Weber, Steven 1961CTFT-21 Webster, Ben 1864-1947 WWasWT Webster, Margaret 1905-1972 WWT-16 Webster-Gleason, Lucile 1888-1947 WWasWT Wedgeworth, Ann 1935CTFT-7 Weeden, Evelyn ?-1961 WWasWT Weege, Reinhold CTFT-6 Weguelin, Thomas N. 1885-? WWasWT Wehlen, Emmy 1887-? WWasWT Weidman, Jerome 1913-1998 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Weidner, Paul 1934CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Weigel, Helene 1900-1971 WWasWT Weight, Michael 1906WWasWT Weil, Samuel See Kaufman, Lloyd CTFT-7 Weill, Claudia CTFT-1 Weill, Kurt 1900-1950 WWasWT Weinberg, Gus 1866-1952 WWasWT Weiner, Robert ?-1989 CTFT-1 Weiner, Zane 1953CTFT-2 Weinger, Scott 1975CTFT-23 Weingrod, Herschel A. 1947CTFT-1 5 Weinstein, Bob 1956(?)CTFT-23 Weinstein, Harvey 1952(?)CTFT-21 Weinstein, Paula H. 1945CTFT-10 Weintraub, Fred 1928CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Weintraub, Jerry 1937CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Weir, Peter 1944CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Weis, Don 1922CTFT-7 Weisbarth, Michael L CTFT-4 Weisberg, David CTFT-28 Weiskopf, Bob CTFT-2 Weiss, Joel 1953CTFT-2 Weiss, Julie CTFT-13 Weiss, Marc B CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Weiss, Michael See Weiss, Michael T CTFT-21 Weiss, Michael T. 1962CTFT-21 Weiss, Peter 1916-1982 WWT-17 Weissmuller, Donald 1922CTFT-6 Weisz, Rachel 1971(?)CTFT-16 Weisz, Richard See Mamet, David CTFT-27 Weitz, Bruce 1943CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Weitzenhoffer, Max 1939CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Welch, Bo CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-11 Welch, Elisabeth 1909WWT-17 Welch, James 1865-1917 WWasWT Welch, Raquel 1940CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Welch, Robert "Bo" See Welch, Bo CTFT-24 Welch, Robert W, III See Welch, Bo CTFT-24

Welch, Tahnee 1962CTFT-16 Welchman, Harry 1886-1966 WWasWT Weld, Tuesday 1943CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Welden, Ben 1901WWasWT Weldon, Duncan Clark 1941CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 Weldon, Harry 1882-? WWasWT Welford, Dallas 1874-1946 WWasWT Welk, Lawrence 1903-1992 CTFT-12 Welker, Frank CTFT-24 Welker, Frank W See Welker, Frank CTFT-24 Welker, Franklin See Welker, Frank CTFT-24 Welland, Colin 1934CTFT-7 Weller, Bernard 1870-1943 WWasWT Weller, Michael 1942CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Weller, Peter 1947CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Welles, Orson 1915-1985 CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWasWT Wellesley, Arthur 1890WWasWT Welling, Sylvia 1901WWasWT Wellman, Wendell 1944CTFT-2 Wells, Deering 1896-1961 WWasWT Wells, John See Wells, John Campbell CTFT-23 Wells, John 1956(?)CTFT-23 Wells, John Campbell 1936-1998 CTFT-23 Wells, Vernon 1945CTFT-16 Wells, Vernon G. See Wells, Vernon CTFT-16 Welsh, Jane 1905WWasWT Welsh, Kenneth CTFT-7 Wen, Ming-Na 1968CTFT-16 Wenders, Wim 1945CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 14 Wendkos, Paul 1922CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Wendt, George 1948CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Wenham, Jane CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Wenman, Henry N. 1875-1953 WWasWT Werner, Tom 1950CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Wertenbaker, Timberlake CTFT-10 Wertmuller, Lina 1928CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Wesker, Arnold 1932CTFT-14 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7; WWT-17 * Wesley, Richard 1945CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Wessler, Charles B CTFT-23 West, Adam 1929CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 West, Algernon 1886-? WWasWT West, Billy 1952(?)CTFT-27 West, Caryn CTFT-8 West, Con 1891WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 West, Henry St. Barbe 1880-1935 WWasWT West, Joan 1936CTFT-4 West, Kevin CTFT-25 West, Lockwood 1905-1989 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 West, Mae 1892-1980 CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 West, Shane 1978CTFT-28 West, Simon 1961CTFT-28 West, Thomas E. 1954CTFT-2 West, Timothy 1934CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4, 15; WWT-17 West, Will 1867-1922 WWasWT Westbrook, John 1922WWT-17 Westcott, Netta ?-1953 WWasWT Westenberg, Robert 1953CTFT-7 Westerman, Floyd See Westerman, Floyd Red Crow CTFT-2 7 Westerman, Floyd Red Crow 1936CTFT-27 Earlier entry in CTFT-16 Westlake, Donald E. 1933CTFT-13 Westley, Helen 1879-1942 WWasWT Westman, Nydia 1907-1970 WWasWT Westmore, Michael See Westmore, Michael G CTFT-9 Westmore, Michael G. 1938CTFT-9 Weston, Celia CTFT-28 Weston, Dick See Rogers, Roy CTFT-21 Weston, Jack 1915(?)-1996 CTFT-8 Obituary in CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Weston, Robert P. 1878-1936 WWasWT Weston, Ruth 1911WWasWT Wetherall, Frances ?-1923 WWasWT Wetmore, Joan 1911-1989 WWasWT Wettig, Patricia 1951CTFT-9 Wexler, Haskell 1922CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, 14 Wexler, Peter 1936CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Wexley, John 1902WWasWT Weyand, Ron 1929CTFT-4 Whale, James 1896-1957 WWasWT Whaley, Frank 1963CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-13 Whalin, Justin 1974CTFT-17 Whalley, Joanne 1964CTFT-17 Whalley, Norma ?-1943 WWasWT Whalley-Kilmer, Joanne See Whalley, Joanne CTFT-17 Wharton, Anthony P. 1877-1943 WWasWT Whatmore, A. R. 1889-1960 WWasWT Wheatley, Alan 1907WWT-17 Wheatley, Jane 1881-1935 WWasWT Wheaton, Wil 1972CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Whedon, Joss 1965(?)CTFT-24 Wheeler, Hugh 1912-1987 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17

Wheeler, Ira 1920CTFT-7 Wheeler, Lois 1922WWasWT Whelan, Albert 1875-1961 WWasWT Whelan, Peter 1931CTFT-24 Whelchel, Lisa 1963CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Whelen, Frederick 1867-? WWasWT Whiffin, Blanche 1845-1936 WWasWT Whiley, Manning 1915WWasWT Whipple, Sidney Beaumont 1888-1975 WWasWT Whistler, Rex 1905-1944 WWasWT Whitaker, Forest 1961CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Whitby, Arthur 1869-1922 WWasWT Whitby, Gwynne 1903WWT-1 7 White, Betty 1922CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 White, Bradley CTFT-28 White, George 1890-1968 WWasWT White, George C. 1935CTFT-1 White, J. Fisher 1865-1945 WWasWT White, Jaleel 1976CTFT-1 7 White, James ?-1927 WWasWT White, Jane 1922WWT-17 White, Jesse 1919-1997 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-17 White, Joan 1909WWT-17 White, Julie 1962CTFT-1 7 White, Lee 1886-1927 WWasWT White, Lillias 1951CTFT-19 White, Lillias D. See White, Lillias CTFT-19 White, Michael 1936CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 White, Miles 1914WWT-17 White, Onna WWT-17 White, Valerie 1915-1975 WWT-16 White, Wilfrid Hyde 1903WWasWT White, Willard 1946CTFT-16 Whiteford, Jock WWasWT Whitehead, Paxton 1937CTFT-4 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1; WWT-17 Whitehead, Robert 1916CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Whitehead, Ted (E. A.) 1933WWT-17 Whitelaw, Arthur 1940CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Whitelaw, Billie CTFT-2 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Whitemore, Hugh 1936CTFT-7 Whitesell, John CTFT-12 Whiteside, Walker 1869-1942 WWasWT Whitfield, Lynn 1954(?)CTFT-11 Whitford, Brad See Whitford, Bradley CTFT-26 Whitford, Bradley 1959CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Whiting, Jack 1901-1961 WWasWT Whiting, John 1917-1963 WWasWT Whitley, Clifford 1894WWasWT Whitling, Townsend 1869-1952 WWasWT Whitlock, Albert 1915CTFT-10

Wilding « 5 3 1 Whitlock, Albert J. See Whitlock, Albert CTFT-10 Whitman, Stuart 1928CTFT-9 Whitmore, James 1921CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7, 1.6; WWT-1 7 Whitmore, James, Jr CTFT-17 Whitney, David See Malick, Terrence CTFT-6 Whitney, Fred C. ?-1930 WWasWT Whitrow, Benjamin 1937WWT-17 Whittaker, Herbert 1911WWT-17 Whittle, Charles R. ?-1947 WWasWT Whitton, Margaret 1950CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Whitton, Peggy See Whitton, Margaret CTFT-10 Whitty, May 1865-1948 WWasWT Whitworth, Geoffrey 1883-1951 WWasWT Whorf, Richard 1906-1966 WWasWT Whytal, Mrs. Russ WWasWT Whytal, Russ 1860-1930 WWasWT Whyte, Robert 1874-1916 WWasWT Whyte, Ron ?-1989 CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Wick, Douglas CTFT-28 Wickes, Mary 1916-1995 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-15 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWasWT Wickham, Glynne 1922WWT-17 Wickham, Tony 1922-1948 WWasWT Wickwire, Nancy 1925-1975 WWT-16 Widdoes, James 1953CTFT-3 Widdoes, Kathleen 1939CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Widmark, Richard 1914CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Wied, Gustav 1858-1914 WWasWT Wiehe, Dagmar WWasWT Wiemer, Robert 1938CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Wiener, Sally Dixon 1926CTFT-1 Wiest, Dianne 1948CTFT-22 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12 Wilbraham, Edward 1895-1930 WWasWT Wilbur, Crane 1889-1973 WWasWT Wilbur, Richard 1921CTFT-3 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Wilby, James 1958CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Wilcox, Barbara 1906WWasWT Wilcox, Larry 1947CTFT-8 Wilcoxon, Henry 1905WWasWT Wildberg, John J. 1902-1959 WWasWT Wilde, Cornel 1915-1989 CTFT-8 Wilder, Billy 1906CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 4 Wilder, Clinton 1920-1986 WWT-17 Wilder, Gene 1935CTFT-25 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 7, 14 Wilder, Thornton N. 1897-1975 WWasWT Wilding, Michael 1912WWasWT

532 • Wiley Wiley, Gerlad See Barker, Ronnie CTFT-27 Wilford, Isabel WWasWT Wilhelm, C. 1858-1925 WWasWT Wilkie, Allan 1878-1970 WWasWT Wilkinson, Colm 1944CTFT-10 Wilkinson, Henry Spenser 1853-? WWasWT Wilkinson, Marc 1929WWT-1 7 Wilkinson, Norman 1882-1934 WWasWT Wilkinson, Tom 1948(?)CTFT-21 Wilkof, Lee 1951CTFT-1 Willard, Catherine ?-1954 WWasWT Willard, Edmund 1884-1956 WWasWT Willard, Edward Smith 1853-1915 WWasWT Willard, Fred 1939CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Willard, John 1885-1942 WWasWT William, David 1926WWT-1 7 William, Warren 1895-1948 WWasWT Williams, Andy 1930(?)CTFT-21 Williams, Ann 1935CTFT-2 Williams, Anson 1949CTFT-9 Williams, Arthur 1844-1915 WWasWT Williams, Barry 1954CTFT-8 Williams, Billy 1929CTFT-12 Williams, Billy Dee 1937CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8, 16; WWT-17 Williams, Bradford Cody 1951CTFT-1 Williams, Bransby 1870-1961 WWasWT Williams, Campbell 1906WWasWT Williams, Cara CTFT-3 Williams, Cindy 1947CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Williams, Clarence III 1939CTFT-26 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 15; WWT-17 Williams, Clifford 1926CTFT-16 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 Williams, Dennis 1944CTFT-4 Williams, Derek 1910WWasWT Williams, Dick Anthony 1938CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Williams, Elmo 1913CTFT-1 Williams, Emlyn 1905-1987 CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Williams, Florence 1912WWasWT Williams, Frances 1903-1959 WWasWT Williams, Fritz 1865-1930 WWasWT Williams, Hal 1938CTFT-6 Williams, Harcourt 1880-1957 WWasWT Williams, Hattie 1872-1942 WWasWT Williams, Heathcote 1941CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Williams, Hope 1901WWasWT Williams, Hugh 1904-1969 WWasWT Williams, Hugh Steadman 1935CTFT-4 Williams, Jessie Lynch 1871-1929 WWasWT Williams, Jo Beth 1953CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6 Williams, John 1903WWT-16 Williams, John 1932CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10 Williams, John D. ?-1941 WWasWT

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Williams, John T. See Williams, John CTFT-1 7 Williams, Johnny See Williams, John CTFT-1 7 Williams, Joss CTFT-28 Williams, Kenneth 1926-1988 CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Williams, Kimberly 1972(?)CTFT-17 Williams, Mason 1938CTFT-16 Williams, Michael 1935CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Williams, Michelle 1980CTFT-23 Williams, Nigel 1948CTFT-12 Williams, Olivia 1968(?)CTFT-26 Williams, Pat See Williams, Patrick CTFT-25 Williams, Patrick 1939CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Williams, Paul 1940CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Williams, Rhys 1897-1969 WWasWT Williams, Richard 1933CTFT-12 Williams, Robin 195K?)CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10 Williams, Russell II 1954(?)CTFT-12 Williams, Samm See Williams, Samm-Art CTFT-8 Williams, Samm-Art 1946CTFT-8 Williams, Sammy 1948CTFT-10 Williams, Simon 1946CTFT-22 Williams, Sonia 1926WWasWT Williams, Stephen 1900-1957 WWasWT Williams, Steven CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Williams, Tennessee 1911-1983 CTFT-1 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Williams, Treat 1951CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8, 16 Williams, Vanessa 1963CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Williams, Walter 1887-1940 WWasWT Williamson, David 1942WWT-1 7 Williamson, Fred 1937(?)CTFT-18 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Williamson, Hugh Ross 1901WWasWT Williamson, James Cassius 1845-1913 WWasWT Williamson, Kevin 1965CTFT-21 Williamson, Nicol 1938CTFT-8 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-1 7 Willingham, Calder 1923-1995 CTFT-25 Willingham, Noble CTFT-1 7 Willis, Bruce 1955CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Willis, Gordon 1931CTFT-14 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Willis, Ted 1918-1992 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-11 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Willison, Walter 1947CTFT-1 Willman, Noel 1918-1988 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Willoughby, Hugh 1891WWasWT Wills, Brember ?-1948 WWasWT

Wills, Drusilla 1884-1951 WWasWT Willson, Meredith 1902-1984 CTFT-21 Willson, Osmund 1896WWasWT Willson, Paul 1945CTFT-21 Willy, M. 1859-1931 WWasWT Wilmer, Dale See Wade, Robert (Allison) CTFT-28 Wilmer, Douglas 1920WWT-17 Wilshin, Sunday 1905WWasWT Wilson, Albert Edward 1885-1960 WWasWT Wilson, August 1945CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Wilson, Beatrice ?-1943 WWasWT Wilson, Clerow See Wilson, Flip CTFT-3' Wilson, Colleen Camp See Camp, Colleen CTFT-18 Wilson, Diana 1897-1937 WWasWT Wilson, Dick 1916CTFT-28 Wilson, Edith WWasWT Wilson, Elizabeth 1921CTFT-8 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Wilson, Flip 1933-1998 CTFT-3 Obituary in CTFT-24 Wilson, Francis 1854-1935 WWasWT Wilson, Frank 1891-1956 WWasWT Wilson, Grace 1903WWasWT Wilson, Harry Leon 1867-1939 WWasWT Wilson, Hugh 1943CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Wilson, Jim CTFT-22 Wilson, John C. 1899-1961 WWasWT Wilson, Joseph 1858-1940 WWasWT Wilson, Julie 1924(?)CTFT-9 Wilson, Katherine 1904WWasWT Wilson, Lambert CTFT-7 Wilson, Lanford 1937CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 3; WWT-17 Wilson, Lucy WWT-6 Wilson, Luke 1971CTFT-23 Wilson, Mara 1988(?)CTFT-16 Wilson, Mary 1944CTFT-4 Wilson, Michael G. 1942CTFT-28 Wilson, Owen 1968(?)CTFT-26 Wilson, Owen C. See Wilson, Owen CTFT-26 Wilson, Perry 1916WWasWT Wilson, Peta 1970CTFT-21 Wilson, Rita 1955(?)CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Wilson, Robert 1941CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Wilson, Sandy 1924WWT-17 Wilson, Scott 1942CTFT-7 Wilson, Snoo 1948CTFT-7 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Wilson, Stuart CTFT-23 Wilson, Trey 1948-1989 CTFT-8 Wilson, W Cronin ?-1934 WWasWT Wilson, William J. ?-1936 WWasWT Wilstach, Paul 1870-1952 WWasWT Wilton, Penelope 1946CTFT-9 Wiltse, David 1940CTFT-6

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Wiman, Anna Deere 1924-1963 Wiman, Dwight Deere 1895-1951 Wimmer, Brian 1960(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Wimperis, Arthur 1874-1953 Winant, Forrest 1888-1928 Wincer, Simon Winchell, Paul 1922Winchell, Walter 1897-1972 Wincott, Jeff 1956Wincott, Michael 1959Windeatt, George (Alan) 1901-1959 Windermere, Charles 1872-1955 Windom, William 1923Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Windsor, Barbara 1937Windsor, Marie 1921Windust, Bretaigne 1906-1960 Windust, Penelope Winer, Harry 1947Winfield, Paul 1941Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, Winfrey, Oprah 1954Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Brief Entry in CTFT-3 Winger, Debra 1955Earlier sketches in CTFT-6, Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Winkler, Henry 1945Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, Winkler, Irwin 1931Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, Winn, Anona Winn, Godfrey 1906-1971 Winn, Kitty 1944Winner, Michael 1935Earlier sketch in CTFT-2 Winninger, Charles 1884-1969 Winningham, Mare 1959Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Brief Entry in CTFT-2 Winogradsky, Louis See Grade, Lord Lew Winslet, Kate 1976(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Winslow, Michael 1958Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Winston, C. Bruce 1879-1946 Winston, Hattie 1945Winston, Stan 1948(?)Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Winter, Alex 1965Winter, Alexander See Winter, Alex Winter, Edward 1937Winter, Jessie Winter, Keith 1906Winter, William 1836-1917 Winters, David 1939Winters, Deborah


CTFT-25 13 CTFT-24 13 CTFT-17 10 WWasWT WWasWT CTFT-8 CTFT-11 WWasWT CTFT-18



Winters, Jonathan 1925CTFT-12 Earlier sketch in CTFT-5 Winters, Marian 1924WWT-17 Winters, Shelley 1922CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-4; WWT-17 Winters, Time 1956CTFT-5 Winters, Warrington 1909CTFT-1 Winther, Michael 1962CTFT-12 Winwood, Estelle 1883-? WWasWT Wirth, Bob 1952CTFT-11 Wisberg, Aubrey 1909(?)-1990 CTFT-9 Wisdom, Norman 1925(?)CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Wisdom, Robert CTFT-19 Wise, Greg 1966CTFT-28 Wise, Herbert 1924WWT-17 Wise, Robert E. 1914CTFT-2 Wise, Scott 1959(?)CTFT-13 Wise, Thomas A. 1865-1928 WWasWT Wiseman, Frederick 1930CTFT-8 Wiseman, Joseph 1918CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Witcover, Walt 1924CTFT-4 Withers, Googie 1917CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Withers, Iva 1917WWT-16 Witherspoon, Cora 1890-1957 WWasWT Witherspoon, John CTFT-27 Witherspoon, Reese 1976CTFT-19 Witt, Alicia 1975CTFT-17 Witt, Alicia Roanne See Witt, Alicia CTFT-17 Witt, Paul Junger 1941CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Wittop, Freddy WWT-17 Wittstein, Ed 1929CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Wlcek, James 1964CTFT-25 Wlcek, Jimmy See Wlcek, James CTFT-25 Wodehouse, Pelham Granville 1881-1975 WWasWT Wohl, David 1953CTFT-7 Woizikovsky, Leon 1897-1922 WWasWT Wojtasik, George 1935CTFT-2 Woldin, Judd 1925CTFT-3 Wolf, Dick 1946CTFT-13 Earlier sketch in CTFT-4 Wolf, Richard See Wolf, Dick CTFT-13 Wolf, Scott 1968CTFT-19 Wolf, Scott Richard See Wolf, Scott CTFT-19 Wolfe, George See Wolfe, George C CTFT-12 Wolfe, George C CTFT-12 Wolfe, Ian 1896-1992 CTFT-9 Obituary in CTFT-10 Wolff, Pierre 1863-1944 WWasWT Wolff, Ruth 1932CTFT-2 Wolfit, Donald 1902-1968 WWasWT Wollheim, Eric 1879-1948 WWasWT Wolper, David 1928CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 4

Woods • 533 Wolsk, Eugene V. 1928WWT-17 Wolsky, Albert CTFT-11 Wolston, Henry 1877-? WWasWT Wolterstorff, Bob 1949CTFT-12 Wolveridge, Carol 1940WWasWT Wonder, Little Stevie See Wonder, Stevie CTFT-21 Wonder, Stevie 1950CTFT-21 Wong, Anna May 1907-1961 WWasWT Wong, B. D. 1962CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Brief Entry in CTFT-7 Wong, Brenda See Aoki, Brenda Jean CTFT-20 Wong, Kar-Wai 1958CTFT-25 Wonsek, Paul 1948CTFT-2 Wontner, Arthur 1875-1960 WWasWT Woo, John 1948(?)CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-14 Wood, Arthur 1875-1953 WWasWT Wood, Charles 1932WWT-17 Wood, Daisy 1877-? WWasWT Wood, David 1944CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Wood, Edna 1918WWasWT Wood, Elijah 1981CTFT-19 Wood, Evan Rachel 1987CTFT-28 Wood, Florence WWasWT Wood, G. 1919CTFT-9 Wood, Haydn 1882-1959 WWasWT Wood, Jane 1886-? WWasWT Wood, John 1931(?)CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5; WWT-17 Wood, Metcalfe WWasWT Wood, Mrs. John 1833-1915 WWasWT Wood, Natalie 1938-1982 CTFT-1 Wood, Peggy 1892-1978 WWT-16 Wood, Peter 1927(?)CTFT-10 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Wood, Wee Georgie 1897WWasWT Woodard, Alfre 1953CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-9, 16 Brief Entry in CTFT-5 Woodard, Charlain See Woodard, Charlayne CTFT-25 Woodard, Charlaine See Woodard, Charlayne CTFT-25 Woodard, Charlayne CTFT-25 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Woodbine, Bokeem CTFT-23 Woodbridge, George 1907WWasWT Woodbridge, Patricia 1946CTFT-2 Woodburn, James 1888-1948 WWasWT Woodeson, Nicholas CTFT-28 Woodhouse, Vernon 1874-1936 WWasWT Woodman, William 1932-1995 CTFT-6 Obituary in CTFT-15 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Woodruff, Henry 1870-1916 WWasWT Woods, Albert Herman 1870-1951 WWasWT Woods, Gary CTFT-27 Woods, James 1947CTFT-23 Earlier sketches in CTFT-5, 12

534 •


Woods, Michael 1957CTFT-27 ' Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Woods, Richard CTFT-2 Woodthorpe, Peter 1931WWT-17 Woodvine, John 1929CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Woodward, Charles Jr. CTFT-5 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Woodward, Edward 1930CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-6; WWT-17 Woodward, Joanne 1930CTFT-13 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-1 7 Wooland, Norman 1905-1989 CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Wooldridge, Susan CTFT-8 Woolf, Edgar Allan ?-1943 WWasWT Woolf, Walter See King, Walter Woolf WWasWT Woolfenden, Guy Anthony 1937WWT-17 Woollcott, Alexander 1887-1943 WWasWT Woolley, Monty 1888-1963 WWasWT Woolsey, Robert 1889-1938 WWasWT Wootwell, Tom 1865-? WWasWT Wopat, Tom 1951CTFT-19 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Wordsworth, Richard 1915WWT-17 Wordsworth, William Derrick 1912-1988 WWasWT Workman, C. Herbert 1873-1923 WWasWT Worley, Jo Anne 1939CTFT-2 Worlock, Frederic G. 1886-1973 WWasWT Worms, Jean 1884-? WWasWT Woronov, Mary 1946CTFT-8 Worrall, Lechmere 1875-? WWasWT Worsley, Bruce 1899WWasWT Worster, Howett 1882-? WWasWT Worth, Irene 1916CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10; WWT-17 Worth, Marvin 1926(?)-1998 CTFT-12 Obituary in CTFT-21 Wouk, Herman 1915CTFT-1 Wray, Fay 1907CTFT-8 Wray, John 1888-1940 WWasWT Wray, Maxwell 1898WWasWT Wright, Amy 1950CTFT-9 Wright, Cowley 1889-1923 WWasWT Wright, David 1941WWT-17 Wright, Fred 1871-1928 WWasWT Wright, Garland CTFT-7 Wright, Haidee 1868-1943 WWasWT Wright, Hugh E. 1879-1940 WWasWT Wright, Huntley 1869-1943..... WWasWT Wright, Max 1943CTFT-8 Wright, Mrs. Theodore ?-1922 WWasWT Wright, N'Bushe 1970CTFT-24 Wright, Nicholas 1940WWT-17 Wright, Robert 1914CTFT-12 Wright, Robin 1966CTFT-24 Earlier sketch in CTFT-12 Wright, Samuel E. 1948CTFT-22 Wright, Steven 1955CTFT-9

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Wright, Teresa 1918CTFT-17 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 10; WWT-17 Wryde, Dogear See Corey, Edward CTFT-22 Wrye, Donald CTFT-12 Wu, Vivian 1966CTFT-22 Wuhl, Robert 1951CTFT-17 Earlier sketch in CTFT-9 Wuhrer, Kari 1967CTFT-22 Wu Jun Mei See Wu, Vivian CTFT-22 Wurman, Alex 1966CTFT-28 Wurtzel, Stuart 1940CTFT-5 Wyatt, Frank Gunning 1851-1926 WWasWT Wyatt, Jane 1910(?)CTFT-21 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWasWT Wycherly, Margaret 1884-1956 WWasWT Wyckham, John 1926CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in WWT-1 7 Wyckoff, Evelyn 1917WWasWT Wyle, Noah 1971CTFT-27 Earlier sketch in CTFT-16 Wyler, Gretchen 1932CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Wyler, William 1902-1981 CTFT-26 Wylie, John 1925CTFT-7 Wylie, Julian 1878-1934 WWasWT Wylie, Lauri 1880-? WWasWT Wyman, Jane 1914(?)CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Wymark, Patrick 1926-1970 WWasWT Wyn, Marjery 1909WWasWT Wyndham, Charles 1837-1919 WWasWT Wyndham, Dennis 1887-? WWasWT Wyndham, Gwen WWasWT Wyndham, Howard 1865-1947 WWasWT Wyndham, Olive 1886-? WWasWT Wyner, George CTFT-7 Wynette, Tammy 1942-1998 CTFT-23 Wyngarde, Peter WWT-17 Wynn, Ed 1886-1966 WWasWT Wynn, Keenan 1916-1986 CTFT-4 Wynn, Tracy Keenan 1945CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Wynne, Wish 1882-1931 WWasWT Wynter, Dana 1930CTFT-7 Wynyard, Diana 1906-1964 WWasWT Wynyard, John 1915WWT-16 Wyse, John 1904WWT-16

X Xanrof, Leon 1867-1953


Y Yablans, Frank 1935Earlier sketch in CTFT-1


Yablans, Irwin 1934CTFT-8 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Yaffe, Alan See Yorinks, Arthur CTFT-13 Yagher, Kevin 1963(?)CTFT-28 Yakin, Boaz 1966CTFT-27 Yakko, Sada ?-1946 WWasWT Yale, Kathleen Betsko 1939CTFT-2 Yalman, Tune 1925CTFT-2 Yanez, Michael CTFT-3 Yang, Ginny CTFT-4 Yankovic, "Weird" Al 1959CTFT-19 Yankowitz, Susan 1941CTFT-1 Yannis, Michael 1922WWasWT Yapp, Cecil .CTFT-8 Yarde, Margaret 1878-1944 WWasWT Yared, Gabriel 1949CTFT-25 Yarrow, Duncan 1884-? WWasWT Yasbeck, Amy 1962CTFT-17 Yates, Peter 1929CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Yavorska, Lydia 1874-1921 WWasWT Yeamans, Annie 1835-1912 WWasWT Yearsley, Claude Blakesley 1885-1961 WWasWT Yeatman, Hoyt CTFT-27 Yeats, William Butler 1865-1939 WWasWT Yelland, David CTFT-28 Yellen, Linda 1949CTFT-20 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Yensid, Retlaw Elias See Disney, Walt CTFT-20 Yeoh, Michelle 1963CTFT-22 Yeoman, Robert CTFT-28 Yeston, Maury 1945CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 10 Yeung, Chi-King See Yeoh, Michelle CTFT-22 Yniguez, Richard CTFT-6 Yoakam, Dwight 1956CTFT-17 Yoba, Malik 1967(?)CTFT-17 Yohe, May 1869-1938 WWasWT Yokel, Alexander 1887-1947 WWasWT Yordan, Philip 1914CTFT-12 Yorinks, Arthur 1953CTFT-13 York, Dick 1928-1992 CTFT-22 York, Kathleen CTFT-24 York, Michael 1942CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-1, 6, 13 York, Susannah 1941CTFT-5 Yorke, Augustus ?-1939 WWasWT Yorke, Oswald ?-1943 WWasWT Yorkin, Bud 1926CTFT-1 Yoshizaki, Michiyo CTFT-28 Yothers, Tina 1973CTFT-21 Youmans, James CTFT-14 Youmans, Vincent 1898-1946 WWasWT Youmans, William CTFT-22 Young, Arthur 1898-1959 WWasWT Young, Bertram Alfred 1912WWT-17 Young, Burt 1940CTFT-5 Young, Chris 1971CTFT-8 Young, Christopher CTFT-23

Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television • Volume 28 Young, Collier See Bloch, Robert CTFT-2 Young, David 1928CTFT-4 Young, Dawn CTFT-4 Young, Freddie 1902-1998 CTFT-13 Obituary in CTFT-24 Young, Freddie A. See Young, Freddie CTFT-13 Young, Frederick See Young, Freddie CTFT-13 Young, Frederick A. See Young, Freddie CTFT-13 Young, Gig 1917-1978 WWT-16 Young, Howard Irving 1893WWasWT Young, Howard L. 1911WWasWT Young, Joan 1903-1984 WWT-1 7 Young, Karen CTFT-8 Young, Loretta 1913CTFT-8 Young, Neil 1945CTFT-21 Young, Rida Johnson 1875-1926 WWasWT Young, Robert 1907CTFT-7 Young, Robert M. 1924CTFT-9 Young, Robert Malcolm See Young, Robert M CTFT-9 Young, Roger 1942CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Young, Roland 1887-1953 WWasWT Young, Sean 1959CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Young, Stark 1881-1963 WWasWT Young, Terence 1915-1994 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-13 Youngman, Henny 1906(?)-1998 CTFT-23 Youngman, Henry See Youngman, Henny CTFT-23 Youngs, Jim CTFT-7 Yule, Joe Jr. See Rooney, Mickey CTFT-20 Yulin, Harris 1937CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-7 Yurka, Blanche 1887-1974 WWasWT

Z Zabelle, Flora 1880-1968 Zabka, Billy See Zabka, William Zabka, William 1965Earlier sketch in CTFT-7


Zabriskie, Grace CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16

Zacconi, Ermete 1857-1948 WWasWT Zadan, Craig CTFT-1 Zadora, Pia 1956CTFT-9 Zaentz, Saul CTFT-9 Zahn, Steve 1969(?)CTFT-24 Zaillian, Steven 1953(?)CTFT-24 Zaks, Jerry 1946CTFT-6 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Zal, Roxana 1969CTFT-4 Zaloom, Paul 1951CTFT-1 Zamacois, Miguel 1866-1939 WWasWT Zampieri, Vittorio 1862-? WWasWT Zane, Billy 1966CTFT-19 Zanetti, Eugenio CTFT-24 Zangwill, Israel 1864-1926 WWasWT Zanuck, Darryl See Zanuck, Darryl F CTFT-22 Zanuck, Darryl F. 1902-1979 CTFT-22 Zanuck, Darryl Francis See Zanuck, Darryl F CTFT-22 Zanuck, Lili Fini 1954CTFT-21 Zanuck, Richard D. 1934CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Zanussi, Krzysztof 1939CTFT-8 Zapata, Carmen 1927CTFT-9 Zappa, Ahmet CTFT-21 Zappa, Dweezil 1969CTFT-21 Zappa, Frank 1940-1993 CTFT-21 Zappa, Moon 1967CTFT-21 Zappa, Moon Unit See Zappa, Moon CTFT-21 Zaslow, Michael 1944-1998 CTFT-23 Zea, Kristi 1948CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Zeffirelli, Franco 1923-.. CTFT-4 Earlier sketch in WWT-17 Zegers, Kevin 1984CTFT-21 Zellweger, Renee 1969CTFT-19 Zeman, Jacklyn CTFT-5 Zemeckis, Robert 1952CTFT-24 Earlier sketches in CTFT-7, 14 Zerbe, Anthony CTFT-6 Zeta-Jones, Catherine 1969CTFT-23 Zetterling, Mai 1925-1994 WWasWT Obituary in CTFT-13 Zhang Yimou 1950CTFT-28 Zhang Yuan 1963CTFT-28 ZhangGuorong Se Cheung, Leslie CTFT-19 Zieff, Howard 1943CTFT-10 Ziegfeld, Florenz 1867-1932 WWasWT Ziegler, Anne 1910WWasWT Ziegler, Karen See Black, Karen CTFT-20

Zwick • 535 Ziegler, Joseph CTFT-25 Zielinski, Jerzy CTFT-23 Ziemba, Karen 1957CTFT-22 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Zien, Chip 1947CTFT-26 Earlier sketch in CTFT-6 Ziering, Ian 1964CTFT-19 Ziff, Irwin 1929CTFT-4 Zimbalist, Efrem Jr. 1923CTFT-21 Earlier sketch in CTFT-3 Zimbalist, Stephanie CTFT-6 Zimmer, Hans 1957CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-10 Zimmerman, Don.: CTFT-28 Zimmerman, Mark 1952CTFT-2 Zimmerman, Paul 1938-1993 CTFT-2 Obituary in CTFT-12 Zinberg, Michael CTFT-11 Zindel, Paul 1936CTFT-20 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3; WWT-17 Zinkeisen, Doris Clare WWasWT Zinnemann, Fred 1907-1997 CTFT-7 Obituary in CTFT-1 7 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Zinnemann, Tim CTFT-10 Zippel, David CTFT-21 Zipprodt, Patricia 1925CTFT-7 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2; WWT-17 Ziskin, Laura CTFT-16 Zito, Joseph 1946(?)CTFT-16 Zmed, Adrian 1954CTFT-8 Zola, Fred WWasWT Zollar, Jawole Willa Jo 1951(?)CTFT-11 Zollo, Frederick M. 1950CTFT-1 Zophres, Mary 1965CTFT-22 Zorich, Louis 1924CTFT-2 Zorina, Vera 1917WWT-17 Zsigmond, Vilmos 1930CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-2, 8, 16 Zsigmond, William See Zsigmond, Vilmos CTFT-27 Zucco, George 1886-1960 WWasWT Zucker, David 1947CTFT-9 Earlier sketch in CTFT-1 Zucker, Jerry 1950CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-8, 16 Zuckmayer, Carl 1896-1977 WWT-16 Zuniga, Daphne 1962CTFT-16 Earlier sketch in CTFT-8 Zuniga, Jose CTFT-21 Zwar, Charles 1914-1989 WWT-17 Zwerdling, Allen 1922CTFT-4 Zwick, Edward 1952CTFT-27 Earlier sketches in CTFT-3, 16 Zwick, Joel 1942CTFT-9